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Hobbseemorning mpt 12:09
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mptcjwatson, ping12:17
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mpter, retract contentless ping12:18
mptcjwatson, if the text of Ubiquity's navigation buttons will be "move[d]  ... into Ubiquity's own translation infrastructure", does that mean "Forward" can be renamed to "Next"?12:19
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mptafternoon Hobbsee 12:38
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neuralislifeless: i'm around now, can chat12:50
lifelessI'm free next session12:53
lifeless(in 10 minutes)12:53
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uenyiohahey guys 12:57
uenyiohawhat pakages provides the linux header files12:57
popeysurprisingly enough12:57
uenyiohai can't seem to be able to compile anything in edgy12:57
uenyiohadoes linux-headers also provide the socket programming headers?12:58
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uenyiohai recall there's a package that one should install before attemping any c coding in breezy but i've forgotten the name12:59
uenyiohahoary too12:59
uenyioharight on...01:00
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tfheenajmitch: you're aware that the kerberize-* specs won't be scheduled until they have a priority?01:24
ajmitchI thought they had been set to low priority01:26
ajmitchshould they be low or medium?01:27
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tfheenit's discussion, not implementation priority01:30
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jc-dentonhi all10:07
jc-dentonok i know that this is not reall a question for here10:07
jc-dentonbut in #ubuntu nobody ha an idea10:07
jc-dentonhow can i compile this example on edgy: http://tldp.org/LDP/lkmpg/2.6/html/x121.html ?10:08
jc-dentoni also want to use the kernel shipped with edgy and not a custom kernel10:08
lucasby clicking "Next" at the bottom of the page10:13
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danielinuHi, I have a problem installing ubuntu Edgy Eft on a Dell PowerEdge because when I'm at the first reboot during the installation after the "Please stand by while rebooting the system." the computer doesn't do nothing.10:47
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abattoirdanielinu: this is a development channel, please try #ubuntu for support10:49
danielinuabattoir: ok, excuse me but now answer from #ubuntu :(10:50
abattoirdanielinu: be patient, someone who knows might answer :)10:50
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sivanghmm , font's breakup after my last upgrade...11:20
=== sivang examines some fonts changelog
Fujitsusivang: Same.11:21
sivangFujitsu: I guess some naming / font list have changed or were merged from debian without local patches of ours.11:22
FujitsuYou're getting some silly ultra-ugly serif font replacing everything?11:22
sivangFujitsu: indeed, at least suspend to ram is back ;)11:22
sivang(was broken since yesterday's noon upgrade)11:22
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FujitsuI upgraded earlier today, broke upon reboot.11:23
sivangFujitsu: you mean you couldn't boot?11:23
FujitsuNo, the fonts broke on reboot.11:23
sivangFujitsu: ah, I just suspended to ram and when I came back the fonts were "broken"11:25
TheMusoAm I right in guessing from LP that feistyis now open?11:25
FujitsuTheMuso: Has been for some days.11:25
FujitsuGot a new something-or-other to upload?11:26
TheMusoNot yet.11:26
=== Fujitsu gets on with some merges.
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TheMusoI guess I'd better set up a feisty chroot.11:33
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visik7is possible to have a non stripped vmlinux of the ubuntu kernel ?11:43
visik7the one of about 34Mb11:45
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sivanghmm, dbus also seems broken to some extent01:11
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FujitsuHow does that exhibit itself?01:12
Fujitsudbus_bindings.DBusException: Could not get owner of name 'org.freedesktop.Hal': no such name01:12
Fujitsu(starting hal-device-manager)01:13
FujitsuSo, HAL seems to have ceased to exist. Fun.01:13
sivangor any other hal/dbus using program01:13
sivangFujitsu: :)01:13
sivanglet's see if we can fix it01:13
sivangand maybe later try to fix up the fonts problem :)01:13
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Mirvshould a sync request be done also for packages that are in debian, but not yet in ubuntu?04:45
Mirvmartin pitt's script does seem to work only for packages already existing in ubuntu, or perhaps I'm just using it in a wrong way04:46
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Riot777Hello I got development-like question about Ubuntu05:19
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Riot777is /opt directory made by default after new Ubuntu (not Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc.) install 05:20
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_ionIt's a LFS directory, so i guess it should be there.05:21
Riot777I'm not sure about that if it's made in the installation process of ubuntu can I check it somehow ?05:28
Riot777any recommendations05:28
Riot777what scripts should I see etc.05:28
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RiddellRiot777: yes it's made by default05:41
Riot777ok, thank you05:41
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pittisfllaw: can you please cross-check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugReportingTool ?06:42
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sivanghmm yummy bug reporting tool06:46
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thiagocmartinscHi !08:19
thiagocmartinscI finish rematering Ubuntu Server Edgy following this doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization08:20
thiagocmartinscbut I miss one thing...08:20
thiagocmartinscanyone knows what is ExtraOverride ?08:21
thiagocmartinscI see in: apt-ftparchive-deb.conf the line: ExtraOverride "path/to/indices/override.dapper.extra.main";08:21
thiagocmartinscbut.. I don't run extraoverride.pl < /media/cdrom0/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/Packages > path/to/indices/override.dapper.extra.main08:22
thiagocmartinscthis is a problem ?!08:22
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psusiwhy on earth does the coreutils source package contain the original .tar.bz2 instead of the extracted source?08:50
_ionWhat's the problem with that?08:51
psusisource packages should contain source code?08:51
psusiyou shouldn't have to extract the package, and then extract the source from the tarball in the package08:52
Mithrandirpsusi: tarball in tarball is fine.08:52
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psusiMithrandir: fine in what way?08:53
psusiwhen you extract a source package, don't you expect to have source code?08:53
Mithrandirpsusi: fine in the way that there's nothing wrong with it?08:53
psusiit seems odd to have to go through a second extraction... never seen a source package like that before08:54
psusiand I'm prety sure this package didn't used to do this because I've worked on it before08:54
psusiwhat does it gain?  why make things more complex?08:55
thiagocmartinsc_ion, take a look at the of freetype... there is 3 tarballs inside it.. :-D08:55
Mithrandirhello-dbs does it, apache1 does it, iirc, random other packages do.08:55
Mithrandirpsusi: make clean is trivially simple.08:55
psusiwhat does make clean have to do with it?08:55
_ion.orig.tar.bz2 isn't allowed IIRC. Am i wrong?08:55
Mithrandirpsusi: debian/rules clean should work.08:55
psusishould work for what?08:56
Mithrandirpsusi: it should return the package to a pristine condition.  Tarball in tarball makes that easy.08:56
psusiI'm not trying to clean anything, just look at the source.. .and when I extracted the source package, I got a tarball inside to again extract08:56
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psusihow so?08:56
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psusihow is a clean rule that cleans up first, and then tars up easier?08:57
Mithrandirthe clean target can just be rm -rf build instead of unpatch-handle-failure-cases-make-distclean.08:57
Mithrandiruh, tars up?08:57
psusimake clean isn't supposed to discard any changes you have made08:57
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thiagocmartinscanyone knows if this doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization works with Ubunru server Edgy  ?09:01
thiagocmartinsci trying to rematerizing the server iso with my extra *.debs files on it... but after boot my CD.. there is lot of md5 errors...09:02
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thiagocmartinsccomputer?! hello computer?!09:06
psusihrm... 09:07
psusilooks lie coreutils is not built with 64bit file size support09:07
psusithiagocmartinsc: you need to update the md5sums.txt list like the wiki page says09:08
thiagocmartinscbut as wiki says: To build the repository, sign it, and update the MD5SUM file, you can use a script like this:09:10
thiagocmartinscI'm use this script .. and it doesn't return any error.09:10
thiagocmartinscall goes fine..09:10
thiagocmartinscwell.. I will revise all from the beginning ... but.. I think I need some help here...09:12
thiagocmartinscthanks psusi09:12
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mc44It seems there are a fair few specs that will not get discussed before the end of this conference; Could specs that don't get a chance for discussion at the conference still be approved, or are only specs that are approved at UDS going to be targeted for feisty?09:14
thiagocmartinscpsusi, maybe the variable "BUILD=/opt/firewall-image-dapper" must be "BUILD=/opt/cd-image/"..09:15
Burgworkmc44: any spec that gets approved can be worked on, but most specs require some sort of discussion09:15
thiagocmartinscbecause at this time /opt/firewall-image-dapper doesn't exists...09:15
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pygihey dholbach ogra :)09:17
dholbachheya pygi09:17
LaserJockwell, any spec can be worked on09:18
LaserJocksome are just "official" goals09:18
LaserJockat least that's how I think of it09:19
ogra"Please check the status of this specification in Launchpad before editing it. If it is Approved, contact the Assignee or another knowledgeable person before making changes."09:19
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ograthats the header every spec should have09:19
LaserJockwell sure09:19
mc44ogra: he was talking about implementation I think09:20
ograoh, right09:20
LaserJockbut if somebody wants to write a spec and do it, they don't *have* to have it approved before working on it do they?09:20
ograimplementation is sorted in one of the first distro team meetings after the conference09:20
mc44I just wanted to know if a spec doesnt get scheduled for discussion by tommorrow whether there was any possibility it would be09:20
LaserJockI'm guessing not09:20
LaserJockbut I don't think that should stop people from working on things09:21
ogranah, it shouldnt09:21
ograit will just not be "official"09:21
mc44sure, I was just hoping someone more qualified would work on it @:)09:21
LaserJockah, well then that's an issue09:21
BurgworkI suggest you talk about any spec before you start into it09:21
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psusithat's nice.... extracting the coreutils source package and attempting to immediately debuild -S it back fails09:28
fabbionehave you considered installing the build-deps first?09:29
psusiyou aren't supposed to need build-deps just to package the source09:31
LaserJockdid you install dbs?09:32
psusiding.. search on the missing file just came up with dbs, yea, looks like it needs that ;)09:32
psusithe clean rule fails09:32
psusilooking for a dbs file09:32
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mjg59"The Build-Depends and Build-Conflicts fields must be satisfied when any of the following targets is invoked: build, clean, binary, binary-arch, build-arch, build-indep and binary-indep."09:33
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LaserJockapt-get install dbs09:33
psusimy.... is there a way to surpress the cleaning with debuild -S?09:33
keescookLaserJock: is that right?  for doing debuild -S for things like l-r-m I needed things from the build-deps...09:33
LaserJockkeescook: it depends09:34
LaserJockyou need stuff for the clean rule09:34
Zdrahi, I'm managing public computer at university running ubuntu dapper. We have a problem: users lock their screen or click on "switch user" which lock the screen too. I'm currently working on a patch to remove all possibilities in the gnome-session gui to let the user only logout/reboot/halt the computer (no more hibernate, etc). I think this kind of work is needed by every one managing public computers, can this kind of think be 09:34
Zdraoptional and integrated into ubuntu ?09:34
mjg59It's acceptable for a package to require the build-deps in order for the clean target to work09:34
LaserJockso the usual things are dpatch, cdbs, etc.09:34
keescookLaserJock: yeah... and there isn't a distinction made.  :(09:34
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LaserJockkeescook: yeah, but the usual suspects are the build helpers so I generally have them around anyway09:35
psusishouldn't things that the makefile itself requires be pre-depends?09:36
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mjg59That's not what pre-depends means09:36
=== psusi shrugs... working now that I installed dbs
psusihopefully this enables 64bit file support...09:36
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psusiholy crap09:41
psusiI crashed gcc09:41
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psusican someone set #ubuntu to only allow registered users?  got some flooders09:45
Burgworkpsusi: -ops09:45
=== psusi wonders how to proceed now that gcc crashed
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Zdrahi, I want to work on a package's patch, but to apply the patch I have to apply previous patches, how can I do it ? and once I modified what I want, how to generate the new patch ?10:14
_ionWhat patch system does the package use?10:15
ZdraI don't know ... I'm not very familiar to package systems10:16
cjwatsonsadly this is all hopelessly non-standard10:16
Zdrait's gnome-session10:16
cjwatsonyou have to figure it out from debian/control and debian/rules10:16
_ionSee the package's build dependencies in debian/control. Is there anything with "patch" in it, or perhaps quilt?10:16
cjwatsonfigure out which patch system is in use, that is - and then 'dpkg -L whatever-the-patch-system-package-is' to look for tools10:16
cjwatsonif it's gnome, it's probably cdbs, in which case cdbs-edit-patch will help you10:17
cjwatsonyes, it's cdbs10:17
Zdrayeah seems to be cdbs10:17
ZdraI'll try that, thanks :)10:17
_ion(If it's cdbs + quilt, you might want to use quilt directly instead of cdbs-edit-patch)10:19
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Zdra_ion: cdbs-edit-patch worked just perfect :)10:24
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raffaelhi. there is very annoing bug in edgy - libgnomevfs2 package, preventing from using samba shares in totem and rhytmbox. it's been already fixed and commited into gnome cvs. i just recompiled it and it works fine. i guess it's worth updating ubuntu package soon since people are still complaining on it. who is responsible for backporting patches?10:34
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fabbioneraffael: you need to file a bug in launchpad and the right people will be notified10:35
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raffaeli see it's already fixed in next package release, but targetted for feisty and marked as low urgency10:46
raffaelstill not backported for edgy10:46
raffaelwhat a pity cause it really harms ubuntu image, my friends are dissapointed after upgrade to edgy10:46
LaserJockit generally needs to be in feisty before it gets backported10:47
raffaelpackage was created 2 days ago so hopefully you are right10:50
raffaeli'll leave it as is10:50
raffaelthank you for information10:50
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