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_nixternalsomeone take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/bzr and think of a name to use for the /community wiki03:01
_nixternalLaunchpadBazaar maybe?03:01
PlugIs it OK to use Tutorial in page names where appropriate?03:02
Plugyou could go with UsingBazaarWithLaunchpad or just BazaarWithLaunchpad I guess03:02
_nixternalnice Plug !03:03
_nixternalthank you for that ;)03:03
Plugno prob03:03
_nixternalhrmm..i just thunk sumpin' ;)  EasyBazaar ;)03:05
_nixternalim a dork, that i know, no need to keep instilling it03:05
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bokyi've done firewall, but my (LAN) computers can't go to the internet with static address. but when they take ip from dhcp (firewall in same time) it's working? does somebody know what is problem?09:15
tonyyarussoboky: #ubuntu would be the proper place for support questions09:15
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UbugtuNew bug: #71082 in kubuntu-docs "Desktop Guide Wrong -- can't setting Thunderbird as my default email" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7108203:01
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fumbalahhi :)10:26
fumbalahI would like to learn about possibly helping out if anyone has a minute10:27
LaserJockfumbalah: what would you like to know? :-)10:28
nixternali would like to know why chicago has to be in the 70's today..thats what i want to know ;)10:29
fumbalahLaserJock: How do I get started? What can I do to help? Where do you need help?10:30
LaserJockwell, we always need proofreaders and writers of course :-010:30
LaserJock:-) rather10:30
LaserJockwe basically have 2 different areas10:31
LaserJock1) docs shipped with the distro itself on the CDs. These are written in docbook XML and reside and a svn repository.10:31
LaserJock2) help wiki at helpl.ubuntu.com/community/10:31
LaserJockman, my typing is bad today10:32
fumbalahlol, all good10:32
fumbalahThe wiki is awesome..Very extensive10:32
LaserJockhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/GettingStarted has some information10:33
LaserJockthe wiki is an easy place to contribute10:33
LaserJockanybody can edit it10:33
LaserJockso you are more then welcome to dig in10:33
fumbalahLaserJock: Awesome, I also wouldnt mind helping with the CD stuff, because more often then not I'm not at a web browser but I have console access10:34
LaserJockinfo on how to get the repo is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Repository10:35
LaserJocksome of the docs we work on are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/Projects10:35
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fumbalahAlright, Awesome10:35
LaserJockalthough the status is not up-to-date10:36
fumbalahI'm definetley interested in becoming a large part of your community :)10:36
LaserJockare you subscribed to our mailing list?10:36
fumbalahI was in the process of doing that as we speak10:36
LaserJockif you have questions just ask here or on the mailing list10:37
LaserJockwe haven't really started writing for Feisty yet10:37
LaserJockbut we should get some plans together sometime in the near future I think10:37
fumbalahAnything you suggest to know or keep in mind?10:38
LaserJockwrite early, proofread often :-)10:39
LaserJockdo you have any particular areas you are interested in?10:39
LaserJockwe have docs for Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu, Xubuntu10:39
LaserJockPackaging Guide, Server Guide, Switching from Windows10:40
fumbalahI run Kubuntu, so I believe that would be a good start10:40
fumbalahLaserJock: I think I'd like to get involved at least in the start with the proofreading type of things10:42
LaserJockeven just reading through the existing docs10:42
LaserJocklooking for mistakes10:42
LaserJockand seeing places that could be developed more10:42
LaserJockthat's all very helpful10:42
fumbalahWow, Google Mail is slow today10:43
fumbalahOr maybe it's just my internet10:45
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mdke_hmm. Epiphany and firefox have stopped working, apparently without any reason. 11:51
mdke_anyone else?11:51
LaserJockin edgy?11:52
mdke_crashes when loading any page11:53
mdke_firefox crashes before it opens11:53
LaserJockhmm, not here11:55
LaserJockboth work fine11:55
mdke_does bug-buddy go to LP?11:55
LaserJockI thought it went to  ubuntu-users ML11:56
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mdkereboot did the trick12:07
Burgworkmdke: bug buddy goes to the user ML12:07
mdkeah. bummer12:08
mdkeanyhow, works now12:10

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