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mbieblHas anyone used upstart in combination with selinux?01:02
mbieblI don't use selinux myself, I was just wondering.01:02
ajmitchmbiebl: yes, I have a hacked up patch for that to finish cleaning01:16
mbieblajmitch: cool, was it much effort to add selinux support?01:16
mbieblWill you try to push the patch upstream?01:17
ajmitchnot much effort & yes, of course01:18
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frinovhi. trying to figure out where default runlevel is set in edgy. looking thru /etc/event.d03:17
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matteocan upstart handle dependencies?04:41
_ionHe was in a hurry.04:48
AlexExtremeit annoys me when people do that, they don't even give you a chance to answer :/04:58
_ionIt's more amusing than annoying to me. :-)05:01
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Fry-kunookay.. so i got the system booting..06:02
Fry-kunturned out that i didn't change enough in the config files - telinit and shutdown need to point to their /usr/local/sbin/ variants06:03
Fry-kuni see no major problems in /var/log/boot06:03
Fry-kunbut i still don't get gdm greeter :(06:04
AlexExtremehold on, i know why :)06:04
Fry-kunif i log into the text terminal and run startx, it works with no problem06:04
AlexExtremeyou have an rc5 file, right?06:04
Keybukdoes "runlevel" say 5 or 2?06:05
AlexExtremeok, hold on06:05
Fry-kunKeybuk: booted with a standard fc5 method right now - will try next time i boot with upstart06:07
AlexExtremeFry-kun: http://pastebin.com/820508 - put that in a event.d/dm06:08
AlexExtremenext time you boot you should get gdm06:08
Keybukoh, does Fedora start X from inittab?06:09
Fry-kunokay, sounds good06:09
AlexExtremeKeybuk: yes, frugalware does too06:10
AlexExtremeit's to get it to respawn if gdm dies06:10
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wasabi_Keybuk: Your upstart stuff ever going to come up? Want to just pick some time and do it?06:13
wasabi_The scheduler seems to be angry.06:14
Keybukwasabi: I appear to have a free afternoon ;)06:14
Keybukwant to go over the stuff iwj did again06:14
Keybukand then talk about the job state stuff06:14
wasabi_My only booking this afternoon is some java stuff at 15:0006:15
wasabi_Anytime after or before is cool.06:15
wasabi_Does ian have a draft of the syntax anywhere?06:16
Keybukit's complete crack, of course06:16
wasabi_that guy's a nut. but pretty cool.06:16
Keybuksmart, but ... odd06:17
wasabi_like the rest of us.06:17
Fry-kunAlexExtreme: by the way, about that advice from the mailing list (to set PATH to /usr/local/sbin first).. combined with different paths for getty, rc, et.al. in various distros - wouldn't it be easier on the end users if the paths were included from some upstart config file?06:17
AlexExtremethe preferred way would be to have a set of job files that work with different distros (in my opinion, of course)06:18
wasabi_My concern with ian's stuff is it's Very Complicated.06:19
wasabi_Both to implement and for a user to understand.06:20
Keybukand I think we can implements ian's stuff with /bin/sh :)06:20
wasabi_Yeah. Heh.06:20
Keybukon ...06:20
Keybuk ...06:20
Keybukend script06:20
Keybukwould have the same effect06:20
Keybukwe just need an "initctl wait-for"06:20
wasabi_ian: "It must represent any state machine."06:20
wasabi_me: "Why?"06:20
wasabi_I don't think I like the idea of upstart tracking state of things on the system anyways. The idea of a simple event system is appealing.06:21
wasabi_And any knowledge upstart has is out of date.06:21
Fry-kunAlex: but /usr/local vs / will still be there, do you want to maintain a copy for each distro for each install version? or make users change 20 files just to start the system?06:22
AlexExtremeupstart is an init system, it will require some DIY, as with any other init system :)06:23
Fry-kuni thought ubuntu philosophy was above these issues ;)06:24
AlexExtremeupstart is replacing a core system component :P06:24
Fry-kunthat's true06:24
AlexExtremeanyway don't ask me about the ubuntu philosophy, i'm not even a ubuntu user ;)06:25
Fry-kunbut it's not very hard to make it painless06:25
Fry-kunlol ok06:25
Fry-kunanyway i'll go try to boot up with my new init system06:26
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Fry-kunyay, it works106:30
Fry-kuntakes a while after i get the tty login, but it boots up fair and square06:30
AlexExtremegreat :)06:31
Fry-kunhope there isn't anything else that doesn't start up by itself06:31
Fry-kunnow the main (PITA) task - converting all services to use upstart instead of sysv06:32
Fry-kunis there a set of examples somewhere? maybe even a repository of common services pre-converted06:33
Fry-kunoh well, more fun this way i suppose06:34
Fry-kunoh yeah, it's implied of course.. but to make it explicit: Thank you, Alex!06:36
AlexExtremenp :)06:36
Fry-kunis it just me or did the getting-started doc change from /usr/local to /opt/upstart ?06:39
Fry-kunoh good, i thought i was losing my mind06:41
Fry-kunso what's the reasoning?06:41
AlexExtremeno idea :)06:42
Fry-kunoh yeah.. so let's say I change half of my services to use upstart instead of sysv -- that means i have to remove their sysv versions (..right? or else they'll try to run 2 copies at once) -- so how do i set up the system to be able to boot using either upstart or sysv (in case upstart fails)?06:52
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-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu! Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the FAQ mentioned there08:06
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Fry-kunfound another problem - apparently the limited user can't reboot/shutdown08:51
_ionSounds more like a feature.08:51
Fry-kunit complains: "shutdown: /dev/initctl : No such file or directory"08:51
_ionif you mean a non-root user.08:51
_ionThere's sudo, you know?08:52
KeybukFry-kun: wrong shutdown08:52
Fry-kunin fedora, it uses a symbolic link to consolehelper08:52
AlexExtremeFry-kun: you need to use the upstart shutdown program08:52
Fry-kunwhich in turn runs userhelper, which checks if the user is allowed to run the program08:52
AlexExtremeif you installed it in /usr/local, do sudo /usr/local/sbin/shutdown08:52
Fry-kunthen if so, runs08:53
Fry-kunX doesn't do that :P08:53
Fry-kunit just runs "shutdown" - and then the system says "FU" and X goes "oh well, i'll just restart"08:53
Fry-kunand starts up again08:53
AlexExtremeyou'll have to run it yourself manually ;)08:54
Fry-kunwhich means i have to run shutdown/reboot from a console every time X(08:54
Fry-kungee, thanks :(08:54
Fry-kunthere must be a better way...08:54
Fry-kunman consolehelper:    "[...]  programs like /sbin/shutdown  are paired  with  a  link  from /usr/bin/shutdown to /usr/bin/consolehelper.  Then when non-root users [...]  call  the "shutdown" program, consolehelper will be invoked to authenticate the action and then invoke /sbin/shutdown.  (consolehelper itself has no priviledges; it calls the userhelper(8) program do the real work.)"08:57
Fry-kun"So to make /sbin/foo or /usr/sbin/foo managed, you  need  to  create  a  link  from /usr/bin/foo to /usr/bin/consolehelper and create the file /etc/pam.d/foo, normally using the pam_console(8) PAM module"08:58
Fry-kunwill see if that works08:58
_ionReplace /sbin/shutdown with the upstart version.08:58
AlexExtremebut that'll break if he goes back to sysvinit08:59
_ionThen put the original file back again.08:59
AlexExtremebut he switches between the 2 ;)08:59
Fry-kunwhen it breaks, i won't be able to08:59
_ionHow so?09:00
_ionJust boot with init=/bin/bash09:00
Fry-kunbut.. but... !09:00
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Fry-kuni was thinking to make a copy of rc.* in etc to something like rc_upstart.*, so as to make both methods work09:34
Fry-kunwhat do you think?09:34
phsdvFry-kun, making a copy to rc_upstart.* does not change your shutdown issue, right? It is still /sbin/shutdown in X10:08
Fry-kunbut it's another issue that i'm trying to solve10:15
phsdvok, sorry10:18
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phsdvFry-kun: I went to the logs, you want to be able to boot from either upstart or sysvinit, correct?10:28
phsdvI do not think you have to make copies for being able to boot from both. I did not do it and I can boot from both.10:42
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Fry-kunthe reason i want to use upstart in the first place is to be able to boot faster than i do with sysv - but if there's some problem with upstart, i don't want to lose more time than it takes for upstart to boot11:24
Fry-kunin other words, i can't afford to drop into single user mode just to switch to a working configuration11:25
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