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cbx33how do i install xfce10:28
cbx33can i just install xubuntu-desktop10:28
cbx33so I can boot gdm into either gnome or xfce?10:28
willvdlcbx33, think so10:40
crimsundepends how much of xubuntu-desktop you want.10:43
crimsunI normally use just 'xfce4'10:43
crimsunthat way it doesn't remove some of the gnome-specific things10:43
cbx33ok it didn;'t say it had removed any pacakges10:51
cbx33which is good i suppose10:51
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ulinskiehello there01:58
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stelisIt's a bit empty and echoey in here today03:30
bddebianAye, apparently :-)03:31
stelisI guess that the weather's nice in California03:32
jsgotangcoit'll get chatty next week03:32
jsgotangcoits still pretty early on their side03:33
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highvoltagej to the s to go to the tangco04:46
jsgotangcothis is the UDS that i have no idea what has been happenning04:47
jsgotangcoit seems to be very very productive but i feel isolated lately04:47
juliuxhi all04:52
jsgotangcohighvoltage: are you busy?04:53
highvoltagejsgotangco: hectically so04:53
juliuxthere is a guy in germany who think about to write is master about edubuntu and education software under linux;)04:53
jsgotangcooh ok, i was thinking of calling you up04:53
highvoltagejsgotangco: we're releasing our first public release of tuxlab next week04:53
jsgotangcogimme your number let's talk this weekend04:54
highvoltage078 108 258804:54
highvoltageugh, sorry..04:54
highvoltage+27 78 108 258804:54
jsgotangcois this mobile? does it do sms?04:55
highvoltageyes, it does sms04:56
jsgotangcoalright i'll just sms you first and ask if you're free and then i'll call04:56
highvoltageok, great. I should be free for call most of the weekend, although I want to get to the gym for a change, so that would be the only time i won't be taking calls04:57
=== highvoltage still wonders what jsgotangco posted him
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jsgotangcooh it'll com04:58
willvdljsgotangco is obviously not familiar with the SA postal service :)04:59
SimonAnibalhttp://www.tangent.com/news/hecc2006/ <- A conference I'm going to...Wow...05:02
jsgotangcohecc that's nice ;)05:06
jsgotangcoim gonna sleep05:08
highvoltagewillvdl: tangent.com? :)05:16
willvdlnot me ;)05:16
highvoltagewillvdl: that's quite strange eh?05:16
highvoltageaaah I see05:16
=== highvoltage went a bit cross-eyed there
SimonAnibalis Hoosier Educational Computing Conference or something05:29
SimonAnibalit's a conference for Technology People in Education here in Indiana05:29
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willvdlCan anyone think up a nice blurb/phrase for an Edubuntu poster?06:02
SimonAnibalEducational Computing for Human Beings06:03
steliswillvdl: Is there a target audience?06:03
stelise.g. Primary ed, secondary ed, teachers?06:04
willvdlgoing into a high school, but should be a generic audience06:04
willvdlthe linux for human beings line is good but needs an edubuntu tinge to it06:04
stelisI admit that that the "Linux" part of slogan bothers me slightly...linux is a technical detail06:06
willvdlyeah but the psoter is advertising edubuntu which is an Ubuntu variant06:07
nixternalwillvdl: you know those "don't be a fool, stay in school", well how about "don't be a fool, get edubuntu", it is corny, silly, half way e.tarded, but it does rhyme just a little bit ;)06:08
willvdldon't be a noonoo, get edubuntu06:08
nixternalwhatever a noonoo is, im almost affraid to ask06:09
willvdlthe blurbs we have on "about edubuntu" are too long-winded for a poster06:09
nixternalEdubuntu: Freely control your education06:10
stelis"All that you need"06:10
stelisI like the fact that it gives you basically everything straight out of the box06:10
nixternalwhat is the hot show for highschoolers these days?06:10
nixternalwhat makes them little jerks go "oooh" and "aaaah" besides their inflamed hormones?06:11
SimonAnibalBeryl or Compiz06:11
stelis"Pretty is a Feature"06:11
nixternalSimonAnibal: i hate to admit, but i am seeing that with my loco06:11
SimonAnibalYou could have the poster be a 3-d cube of the Edubuntu desktop running various apps06:11
nixternalthat would be cool06:12
stelisI thought it was overated until I actually saw it06:12
SimonAnibalnodnod, it is pretty impressive06:12
nixternalit is over rated once you use it06:12
willvdlThe poster layout is already designed etc. by canonical.06:12
willvdlbased on the cd covers06:12
SimonAnibalyeah, but the discovery of it is exciting06:12
willvdlI just have to add current screenshots, some blurbs under the screenshots06:12
SimonAnibalafter using it for a while you go "hum dee dum", but the first few times it's like "Whoah! That's fun!"06:13
willvdland some kind of eye-catching master phrase by the logo which has me stumped :/06:13
stelisI guess the important is that Edubuntu just works, without having to worry about the system falling over, or getting viruses06:13
willvdl"just use it"06:13
stelisYeah :)06:13
highvoltageeish. who knew that lots of hard work can make you this tired? :)06:14
stelisNike wouldn't like it, something along those lines sounds right to me06:14
SimonAnibalhighvoltage: Some mysteries are never to be grokked06:14
SimonAnibal"Freedom in Educational Computing, that works"06:15
willvdlstelis, agreed but I'd like to add an "Education" tinge to it somehow06:15
stelisLearn the New Way06:16
SimonAnibalNew sounds Unstable06:16
willvdlthis is Limpopo...there is no Old Way :)06:16
stelisI was thinking of rows of Win98 desktops06:17
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LaserJockWhat about something along the lines of "Edubuntu: Free your education"06:17
SimonAnibalI like06:18
willvdlOkie, "free" or "freedom" is definatel something to include.06:18
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stelisEdubuntu: the World is Open06:18
SimonAnibalOpen up you Education06:18
willvdlFreedom to learn...06:19
willvdlFreedom in Education06:20
SimonAnibalConnect to a World of Free & Open Education06:20
stelisLearn without Limits06:20
SimonAnibalOooo, I like Learn without Limits, too06:20
stelisThinking about it, I like the word "Learn" more than "Teach", or "Education"06:21
willvdlThe problem is that not all the content/curriculum is provided for free06:21
willvdlbut the platform is06:21
willvdlmoot point06:21
SimonAnibalWell, but the simple act of accepting Edubuntu brings them to a world where there IS free and open content06:22
SimonAnibalAs opposed to where they are right now06:22
SimonAnibalmost of them06:22
SimonAnibalIt's opening a possibility06:22
SimonAnibalIt's showing a "Better Way"(tm)06:22
stelisI guess I was thinking about the freedom to access the Internet, without fear.06:22
SimonAnibal:) Is that cheesy06:22
willvdlstelis, agree with "learn" rather than "education"06:23
willvdlstelis, connectivity is a seperate issue06:23
stelisI suppose so06:23
willvdlwhere these posters are going, there is little BW06:24
willvdlokay, "freedom", "learn"... what else can we throw in the mix?06:24
stelisOK. I guess it would be interesting to know what they hope to gain from using computers06:24
SimonAnibal"Free Your Mind, Neo"06:25
willvdlexposure to ICT06:25
SimonAnibal"And You Will Free Your Learning"06:25
willvdlICT enhanced educational delivery06:25
willvdlwhere there previously was none06:25
highvoltageSimonAnibal: that last one is interesting :)06:25
stelisSo being "modern" is important here?06:26
willvdlstelis, not too sure really06:26
willvdlwant to keep it "generic" if that helps?06:26
SimonAnibal"Free your Learning"? Simple, sweet & memorable06:27
stelisI'm genuinely unsure what the killer app for a computer without connectivity is, if you see what I mean06:27
willvdllimited connectivity06:27
SimonAnibalThat totally depends on the goals of the community06:27
stelisOpen the Door06:27
willvdlwhere we pop loads of offline media onto it06:27
highvoltagestelis: in areas where there is close to no computing at all, even something as simple as a simple word processor is a killer app06:28
SimonAnibalEdubuntu is a base platform upon which to build functionality, it's a means not an end06:28
willvdlstelis, the killer app is learning to use the thing06:28
highvoltageedubuntu is a great base to build on though06:28
willvdlagree with highvoltage06:28
willvdlwe digress :)06:28
highvoltageyeah, I agree with willvdl too :)06:28
SimonAnibalI wouldn't be here otherwise06:28
SimonAnibalerrrrr definItely06:29
SimonAnibalI always do that...06:29
SimonAnibalWhich is strange considering I come from Spanish06:29
SimonAnibaland it would be definitivamente06:29
SimonAnibalso I can't blame that06:29
willvdlsorry, don't mean to drag the context of the poster into it. Just looking for a nice generic blurb06:29
willvdlthe "free your learning" is interesting but sounds funny :)06:30
SimonAnibal"Freedom to Learn"06:30
SimonAnibalWhich is a freedom that proprietary software denies06:30
stelis"Start Here. Learn to Go Anywhere"06:30
stelisDoesn't sound quite right06:30
LaserJock"Freedom to Learn, Freedom to Explore"06:31
SimonAnibal"What do you want to Learn today?" :-P06:31
SimonAnibalI am unilaterally not endorsing what I just said, btw06:31
stelis"A computer on every desktop" :)06:31
SimonAnibalThat's our goal here, with Indiana ACCESS06:32
willvdlhighvoltage, do you think "Freedom to LEarn" might be too _political_ for Limpopo?06:33
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willvdlI gotto run. Thanks folks, I think this is something we can thrash out again in future06:35
willvdlFortunately, this is only for 6 posters06:35
steliswillvdl: If you drop a mail on the list then people could chew on it for a bit06:37
stelis(If time permits)06:37
willvdlbut I'll go with a "freedom to learn" idea or "opening education" 06:37
stelisOpening education sounds very close to it06:38
willvdlseem to be the most popular ideas suggested06:38
willvdlThanks a million people. I'm very late :) chat later.06:39
SimonAnibalwillvdl: l8r06:39
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LoculiHi, I was wondering if there was someone here I could bounce a couple of questions off re: contributing content to EduBuntu09:08
SimonAnibalWhat do you mean by content?09:09
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Loculiwell, educational application(s) or something perhaps like a Flash framegame09:10
SimonAnibal:) Well, to be included directly with Edubuntu it would need to be in a format that could be run out of the box, I'd guess09:11
LoculiI work for a company that creates educational software, and was interested in seeing how we might be able to release something under open source to contribute to EduBuntu09:11
happy-and-lostWhat type of install does the EduEdgy CD provide?09:11
SimonAnibala free format, or something that works with the default edubuntu settings09:11
SimonAnibalBut don't quote me, I'm just stating what I assume09:11
LoculiI see, yeah the bulk of our applications are flash based09:11
SimonAnibalYou'd still be useful to the education community, I'm sure, but reading flash requires non-free stuff right now09:12
LoculiI think I'll jump onto one of the mailing lists, see what I can discover :)09:12
SimonAnibalMaybe if Gnash can play them...09:12
Loculiyeah, was just thinking about how Adobe is finally beginning to open it up09:12
SimonAnibalYou should look up the Gnash project and see how far along they are compared to your content09:13
Loculinot sure if it's premature though to start thinking along these lines but thought I'd check nonetheless09:13
SimonAnibalLast I heard they could do most everything besides the movie content09:13
SimonAnibalBut my advice is to try it out and see for yourself09:13
Loculicool thanks for the tip09:13
ograhappy-and-lost, could you rephrase the question ?09:14
SimonAnibal:) We appreciate your enthusiasm to help out, though09:14
SimonAnibaler, not though, we just do09:14
Loculibasically I was just trying to come up w/ some ideas on how our company might be able to contribute, we've got so many apps :P09:14
Loculithanks again09:14
SimonAnibalMight I suggest running that by RichEd09:14
happy-and-lostIs the EduEdgy CD text or graphical install?09:15
SimonAnibalyou can probably private message him about it, I think he might be interested in what you're proposing09:15
SimonAnibalI believe all Edgy CDs besides the Alternative CDs are Live CD installs. I could be wrong.09:15
Loculinice thanks, now to see how GAIM handles private tells ;)09:15
ograhappy-and-lost, the one we ship is the text install ... but you can download the liveCD that has a geaphical install (but only installs a workstation setup)09:15
SimonAnibaltry "/msg Nickname Message"09:15
SimonAnibal:) ogra is the man to trust on this09:16
happy-and-lostSo when it says that Edu live doesn't contain server elements... will it still be able to browse and access Windows shares via samba?09:17
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stgraberhappy-and-lost: the Edgy live cd can't install an Edubuntu LTSP server09:20
stgraberhappy-and-lost: but it installs a classical edubuntu workstation09:20
stgraberwith everything09:20
happy-and-lostThanks, that's what I'm after09:20
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pips1edubuntugirl: tell RichEd I sent you a mail with notes on building a community website10:44
edubuntugirlRighto, pips1!10:44
pips1thanks and bye bye10:44
edubuntugirlRichEd: by the way, pips1 told me to tell you 'I sent you a mail with notes on building a community website' 53 seconds ago (on Fri Nov 10 23:43:30 2006)10:45
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stgraberAnyone around knows a little about packaging ?11:03
stgraberI followed the packaging guide but I have a small problem when finally generating the .deb11:04
stgraberdpkg-deb: building package `pastebinit' in `../pastebinit_0.0.1-1_all.deb'.11:04
stgrabertar: -: file name read contains nul character dpkg-genchanges11:04
LaserJockstgraber: did it error out?11:12
LaserJockI'm not sure that that would be a problem11:13
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stgraberno deb are generated ...11:13
LaserJockdo you know that?11:13
LaserJockhow are you building them? pbuilder?11:13
stgraberoo, I have found them (or I think at least ...)11:14
LaserJockso you looked in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/11:14
stgrabernope, and that was the problem :) I just did a *.deb search on my home directory not on the whole system :)11:15
stgraberbtw, it should be precised in the packaging guide11:15
stgraber(or I didn't read it correctly)11:15
LaserJockI thought I clarified that :/11:16
=== LaserJock goes to check
LaserJockstgraber: where are you reading the packaging guide from?11:16
stgraberthe one installed with Edgy11:17
LaserJockyeah, there is this, "The resulting .debs and source packages can be found in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/ (which can be changed with the --buildresult flag)."11:17
LaserJockmaybe I should put it in a warning box :-)11:18
LaserJockyou certainly aren't the first person to run across that11:18
=== stgraber still didn't find on which page this indication is :)
LaserJockin the Using pbuilder section11:21
stgraberok, maybe writing it once again in the "Packaging with Debhelper" could be useful11:22
LaserJockhmm, good point11:23
LaserJockthey are a bit far removed11:23
=== LaserJock makes a note
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Nixhello! :)11:24
NixI'm searching of software of the crosswords that run web11:25
Nixstgraber, hi! :)11:25
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NixI have a maker crosswords, but this program show error... so, I'm finding a new solution...11:27
Nixsorry... my English isn't very good :(11:28
stgraberAre you looking for a crossword generator that generates a webbased crossword, or a webbased crossword generator ?11:31
Nixstgraber, I looking a crossword generator a webbased :)11:32
stgraberLaserJock: oh, and I forgot thank you :)11:32
Nixstgraber, I found a software, in this site http://www.tesol.net/scripts/11:35
Nixbut the program does not function correctly11:36
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pygihey HedgeMage 11:49
Nixstgraber, thank you... I need to leave now11:49
Nixkisses and hughes for all :*11:49
HedgeMagehi pygi 11:52
RichEdhey pgyi and HedgeMage :)12:10
HedgeMagehi RichEd :)12:15

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