
lucky_but I got linux (me neeb)12:11
lucky_ya see12:11
lucky_I dont get any of this12:11
lucky_im such a noob12:12
Kheldoronhehe.. i hardly do either12:12
lucky_you seem like you know alot12:12
zodiakKheldoron: what do you need?12:12
caraquerHI, somebody has installed the openofiice in kubuntu 64??12:13
lupine_85it works fine12:13
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lupine_85should be installed ootb actually12:13
zodiakIt comes by default with edgy.12:13
lucky_no to be rude or some rapist or somthin but how old r you guys?12:13
Kheldoronzodiak: well.. the networkcard seems to be working fine. but i cant find where to enter wep and where i can choose wich network to connect to12:13
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caraquerI have 6.0612:13
zodiakKHeldoron:  Are you using Gnome or KDE?12:14
zodiakuse knetworkmanager12:14
lucky_any one want to answer my noobish question?12:14
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zodiakIt is AWESOME.  IT will store your WEP/WPA info in kwallet (I use blank password for kwallet, that way I don't get prompted).12:14
Kheldoronok.. ill try it.. be back soon..12:14
zodiaklucky_ what is your question?12:14
lucky_how old r u guys12:15
jobless__Digital_Pioneer .. i got some help there ..! thanks a lot12:15
zodiaklucky_  I hardly see why it matters.  That has nothing to do with the channel topic and/or purpose.12:15
Digital_Pioneerjobless__: Sure, LOL. I didn't do anything. :)12:15
lucky_well exactly its a noobish question....12:15
zodiakSome of the best help I have ever gotten was from 12 year olds who have been plugging away with linux....12:15
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caraquerWhat i need install for run openoffice in kubuntu 64 6.06??12:16
lucky_I just want to know so im not talking to some rapist...12:16
gnomefreakcaraquer: install openoffice.org12:16
lucky_so I just got linux a week ago I think and I want to know if they have a sims 2 for linux.12:17
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zodiakcaraquer: in console type sudo apt-get install openoffice.org12:17
bobbydlucky_: you may need to look at wine or cedega12:17
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bobbydlucky_: and, um, I'm not a rapist12:18
lucky_never said you were12:18
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lucky_but whats Wine or Cedega?12:18
bobbydlucky_: :)12:18
lupine_85lucky_: no sims2 for linux, and neither wine or cedega work. sorry12:19
lupine_85sims 1 works12:19
bobbydlucky_: wine is an API layer to allow linux to run windows apps, cedega is a commercial project that uses the wine code and adds better directX compatibility12:19
lucky_well i heard about this thing....12:19
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lucky_that you can use to run windows kinda on top of linux12:20
steveirelupine_85: How do I use poll to check files?12:20
steveireI don't have any executable called poll12:20
ml2to make the most use of wine, one need a windows license for the device, where wine is running on12:21
lupine_85it's a method, not an executable. You'd write a bash script to implement the principle12:21
ml2most forget this12:21
lucky_ok i dont get a word oyu said12:21
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lupine_85lucky_: wine pretends to be windows12:21
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lucky_oh i geti t12:21
lucky_so can i run the sims on that?12:22
lupine_85VMWare will let you run (real) windows in linux, but there's no 3D hardware support to speak of12:22
lucky_i see...12:22
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lucky_well i just have to run it on a computer that orgianlly has windows12:23
ml2there is limited 3D support for a guest os12:23
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ml2it's coming12:23
lupine_85not enough to get sims 2 running, I bet ;)12:23
ml2cedega should be able to get it running12:24
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lucky_I put this new hardrive in cant remeber what it is but I have 300 GB now um what exactly can I download on linux that could enable me to lets see have a substitute for it12:24
nkRushhow do I get konversation to start minimized to the tray?12:24
steveirelupine_85: Cheers. Looks like I can use this if I can figure it out.12:24
lucky_(the sims 2)12:25
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ubuntu__Hola a to212:25
Chousukeoh no. foreign leetspeak :(12:27
lupine_85lucky_: there isn't really anything AFAIK12:27
Chousukeubuntu__: english only, please.12:27
hollywoodb!es | ubuntu__12:27
ubotuubuntu__: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:27
letalislucky_: there isnt a port of sims 2 for linux12:30
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letalisit doesnt run on cedega primarily because of the way sims 2 probes the video hardware12:31
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letalisuntil transgaming gets cedega to where it can 'trick' sims 2's probing procedure im afraid sims 2 will not function12:32
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ml2letalis: transgaming is working with game developers to make even copy protection work on linux12:35
ml2that means, you need an original sims2 game cd12:35
letalisi have the collectors edition12:36
letalisand i read a post by a developer at cedega12:36
letalisstating why it doesnt work12:36
letalisand it makes sense, sims 2 probes the hardware at startup to find an optimal configuration, since cedega is tricking the system into thinking its something its not sims 2 blows chunks and dies.12:37
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letalisthus you get a garbled screen when it loads up12:37
letalismost copy protections work in cedega sincethe 5.x series12:38
letalisthats not the issue12:38
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ml2ahh, ich seh schon12:41
ml2ist ne komplexeres problem12:41
ml2da hilft nur windows nutzen fr sims 212:41
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ml2und zwar win2k oder xp12:42
ml2zumal die ati treiber unter windows viel schneller sind als unter linux12:42
ml2oops, I forgot, this was an english channel12:42
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:42
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ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl12:43
BluesKajthat should cover it12:44
ml2ahh, I see. it is a more complex problem. only win2k or xp works with sims 2. particularly ati the drivers help to use under windows are many faster than under linux12:44
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ml2more or less well translated12:44
letaliswell the probe is a hardware probe12:45
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ml2BluesKaj: it's that in my memory, there is no flag for the language12:45
letalissince cedega doesnt allow direct access to the card as its a directx to opengl translation layer it doesnt know what to do with what it gets from the hardware probe12:45
BluesKajnot really ml2, the fglrx ati driver works very well12:46
ml2it's woven and the memory changes between german and english, i cannot remember the language spoken or written12:46
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osh_how do I update katapult so it sees newly installed applications?12:48
gnomefreakosh_: restart it?12:50
osh_gnomefreak: unfortunatly not. :-/12:51
gnomefreakthats odd12:51
osh_gnomefreak: I thought so too. Or perhaps it just won't start gnome-apps like workrave. A bit of KDE vs Gnome rivalry there...12:52
gnomefreakosh_: it might only work with qt apps12:52
hollywoodbosh_: katapult isn't very intelligent to begin with... no matter how I try to get it to launch firefox it insists on launching this "Customize Firefox" page12:53
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osh_hollywoodb: yep. use "web" to start firefox... =)12:53
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osh_gnomefreak: Well, I don't think so. Firefox works...12:54
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=== gnomefreak never used it knowingly
osh_gnomefreak: That's pretty tightly knit to gnome I think.12:54
osh_gnomefreak: or the gnome libs anyway.12:54
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osh_hollywoodb: I. That's what I was going to say _I_ use "web" to start firefox.12:55
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=== osh_ goes to bed.
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nkRushwhat's the proper way to install flash on kubuntu, via adept or directly in firefox?01:03
h3sp4wnnkRush: if you want flash9 you need to do it manually01:03
gnomefreakh3sp4wn: nope theres repo01:03
ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html01:03
=== gnomefreak still does it manully
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h3sp4wnI don't like anything from repos other than the 4 official ones01:04
h3sp4wn(pretty easy to do it manually)01:04
h3sp4wn- I suppose w32codecs I have but that is it01:04
nkRushwell, if I do it manually will it be able to update itself?01:04
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=== letalis is old school and doesnt wait for packages usually...
letalissource baby.01:08
hollywoodbanyone having seveas repo working for edgy?  I can search it and such, but when I try to actually *use* it to fetch & install a package I get "403 forbidden"01:09
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nkRushthe flash package just installed fine01:12
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hollywoodbI guess Seveas doesn't like me :)01:13
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nkRushhmm ^^01:14
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weedarMy bar disappeared! The one with the K on it01:18
weedarhow do I get it back? I can alt+tab but that gets old fast01:19
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steveireweedar: alt+f2 and type kicker01:20
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Alter-EgoACPT Compliant - what is this ?01:23
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weedarsteveire: thanks!01:24
hollywoodbAlter-Ego: acpi or acpt ?01:24
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Alter-Egoweedar: odd, i had the same problem with edgy a week ago01:26
Alter-Egothen my installation borked01:26
Jucatowhen was the nvidia-glx update made available?01:26
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Jucatohm.. Hawkwind: ping ?01:28
Jucatohow do I downgrade a package to previous version? the nvidia-glx update kinda messed up01:29
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lucky_so I just downloaded GIMP and have no idea how to use it? can anyone give me quick walk through01:32
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Jucatolucky_: just install it from the repositories (Adept, or apt-get) and once it's installed, you can launch it from the K Menu01:33
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lucky_I went to the add and remove programs is that ok?01:33
Jucatoabattoir: ping01:34
lucky_good so how do I use it now01:34
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Jucatolucky_: launch it from the K Menu -> Graphics sub-menu01:35
lucky_I am allready there I mean really how to work it you know make stuff01:35
nkRushoh boy =D01:36
Jucatoah, well, that's beyond what we cover here. there are lots of onlinu tutorials for the GIMP01:36
JucatoI think there's also a #gimp channel, not exactly sure01:36
coreymon77yes there is01:37
coreymon77but its unofficial01:37
coreymon77the official one is on irc.gimp.org01:37
lucky_i made a horse01:37
=== Jucato doesn't know what the official channel is...
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Jucatocoreymon77: where does that server connect to? I believe it just redirects to some other server01:37
Jucatojust like irc.ubuntu.com redirects to irc.freenode.net01:38
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coreymon77connect to irc.gimp.org01:38
coreymon77i think its gimps own thing01:38
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lucky_im confuzzled01:38
lucky_you cant stay on the same subject for so long well fo you people you can...01:38
hollywoodblucky_: there are lots of GIMP tutorials, just google01:39
coreymon77so go on to #gimp on freenode01:39
coreymon77and they will give you all the instructions01:39
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lucky_ok tried that01:39
lucky_its lagging01:40
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Jucatolucky_: well, this it #kubuntu, a support channel for specific Kubuntu problems, not for how to use the GIMP01:41
lucky_i see...01:41
lucky_so this may be a little of subject but where can i find chatrooms with differents subjects like black history01:42
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HawkwindJucato: Pong :)01:42
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Hawkwindlucky_: /msg chanserv list *search-term*01:43
Hawkwindlucky_: Make sure you use the *'s and replace search-term appropriately01:43
JucatoHawkwind: how do I downgrade to an earlier version of a package?01:43
HawkwindJucato: Hmmmm, probably have to do apt-pinning01:43
lucky_where do i put the text?01:43
Hawkwindlucky_: Between the * *'s01:44
JucatoHawkwind: a security update for nvidia-glx was made available, but I can't run X anymore after updating... :(01:44
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Hawkwindlucky_: /msg chanserv list *black*  <~~~Example01:44
Jucatowb abattoir01:44
HawkwindJucato: Ahhhh, that's why I use the drivers directly from nvidia.com :)01:44
lucky_so confuzzled01:44
HawkwindJucato: You could remove it, and install it manually01:44
JucatoHawkwind: but disable edgy-security repos?01:44
lucky_but I clicked on my user name and I made some kind of tab...01:44
Jucatolinux-restricted-modules was also updated, would that be a problem?01:45
HawkwindJucato: Probably01:45
HawkwindJucato: Possibly so, yes01:45
hollywoodbwhen did google/ask.com/dogpile/yahoo/excite/msn/infoseek/altavista/vivismo/metacrawler/lycos/webcrawler/alltheweb/profusion go down?01:46
JucatoHawkwind: ok this is plain weird...01:46
Jucatohold on...01:46
lucky_any one wanna answer my question?01:46
Hawkwindlucky_: I've missed your question relating to Kubuntu01:47
lucky_well actually it has to do with the chatroom I made i clicked on my name and it made a extra tab01:47
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Jucatolucky_: that extra tab is a private message window. basically you PM'ed yourself01:48
nkRush[01:44:03]  <Jucato> Hawkwind: a security update for nvidia-glx was made available, but I can't run X anymore after updating... :( << check your xorg.conf device section against a backup (if you have ;), it screwed up the busid for me by switching two numbers01:48
lucky_thats just peachy...01:48
lucky_how do i make it dissapear01:48
Jucatolucky_: you can close it. right-click on the tab and select close or press Ctrl+W01:49
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lucky_(Im such a noob)01:49
lucky_well anyway...im gonna go I dont understand this computer talk so I'm going to some chatroom to argue with the locals about amendment 2 or black history bye.01:50
JucatonkRush, Hawkwind: something strange. I removed nvidia-glx and tried to install it again (edgy-security still enabled), now it wants to install linux-image- and linux-restricted-modules- 2.6.17-10-386. It didn't do so earlier during the update/dist-upgrade...01:50
Jucatobesides, I'm using the -generic stuff... let's see what happens...01:51
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Jucatothis is not a great way to start the day :P01:52
nkRushand that's the point where I put on a clean edgy install =P01:52
hollywoodbthe 'nv' driver is significantly less hassle01:52
JucatonkRush: if it doesn't work, all I want to do is to revert to the earlier version of nvidia-glx01:53
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Jucatohollywoodb: no 3D h/w acceleration though...01:53
hollywoodbJucato: nope... clean and simple, like it should be!01:53
hollywoodbJucato: in my day we were happy to have an X server! TWM was just icing on the cake!01:53
Jucatohollywoodb: "like it should be!" - tell that to someone who needs to do graphics and 3D work01:54
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Jucatohollywoodb: believe me, I wouldn't be installing nvidia-glx if I didn't need to. or if nv has 3D h/w acceleration in the first place...01:54
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Jucatohm... brb... quick breakfast... (01:55
simmerzI've just installed edgy on my laptop, and I'm trying to get my netgear wg511t card (ath_pci) working. Its found the card, and loaded the modules, but for some reason, I can't get it to do anything with the wireless assistant. any ideas?01:55
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hollywoodbsimmerz: wireless assistant is kinda broken02:01
simmerzhollywoodb: ok. I've just tried to restart /etc/init.d/networking and it can't find the ath0 device.02:02
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BluesKajcan anyone tell me the procedure to setup a network sharing files with a windos pc ?...already have the network printer setup02:03
win2linI can't mount a CD in my DVD drive in Edgy02:03
hollywoodbsimmerz: madwifi?02:03
robotgeekBluesKaj: which way do you want to go. Connect linux to windows or windows to linux02:04
simmerzhollywoodb: can i install it off the livecd?02:04
BluesKajboth, robotgeek02:04
hollywoodbsimmerz: doubt it02:04
hollywoodbsimmerz: is it madwifi driver?02:04
simmerzhollywoodb: apparently, although ath_pci is loaded.02:04
robotgeekBluesKaj: you can connect to a windows share from linux, or setup a samba (windows) share on linux.02:05
hollywoodbsimmerz: there's a few madwifi howto's on the forums... I haven't dealt with madwifi on debian/ubuntu myself02:05
BluesKajlets start with linux to windows , robotgeek02:05
robotgeekBluesKaj: in Kde, click on the places thing (icon right next to K-Menu)02:06
robotgeekclick samba shares, and if you have sharing enabled, it shoould popup there02:06
BluesKajjust tell me what it;s name is ..places thing?02:07
win2linWhen I try to mount a CD it says "no medium found".  This same CD works in a Windows PC and even in this PC with a WIndows drive.02:07
robotgeekBluesKaj: lemme try to find it somewhere else, second02:07
Jucatohow strange... very strange...02:08
BluesKajI found it , remote places?02:08
hollywoodbwin2lin: grep media /etc/fstab02:08
hollywoodbwin2lin: what's the output of that?02:08
win2linI guess I can always delete Linux and go back to Windows since Windows will read CDs02:09
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BluesKajrobotgeek, remote places ...found it02:09
hollywoodbwin2lin: nevermind then02:09
win2linhollywoodb, OK, I'll try your suggestions first.02:10
Random_TransitDoes anyone here use Nvu?02:10
robotgeekBluesKaj: does it popup?02:10
win2linhollywoodb, where do I post the output?02:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:11
BluesKajrobotgeek, smb:/ ?02:11
hollywoodbwin2lin: at that link ^^02:11
robotgeekyup. it should search and popup something there02:11
win2linhollywoodb:  it's just 3 lines:  line 1:  /dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       002:11
win2linhollywoodb:  line 2  /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       002:11
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BluesKajI have Home Network and MSHome , robotgeek02:11
win2linhollywoodb:  line 3  /dev/           /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       002:12
robotgeekBluesKaj: chekc both, depends on what workgroups you have setup.02:12
hollywoodbwin2lin: so you have two CD/DVD drives and neither of them will read CDs ?02:12
win2linhollywoodb:  BINGO02:12
lucky_OK I am back so how do you get to another chatroom that doesnt talk bout computer stiff02:13
win2linhollywoodb:  one says "no medium found"02:15
hollywoodbwin2lin: are you trying to mount an audio CD ?02:15
win2linhollywoodb:  one says mount point "/media/cdrom does not exist"02:15
win2linhollywoodb:  any CD02:15
BluesKajMshome shows this pc , home network is empty.. robotgeek02:15
robotgeekBluesKaj: do you have some kind of sharing setup on the windows PC?02:16
lucky_anyone gonna answer my queston02:16
hollywoodbwin2lin: well, you shouldn't have to use the 'mount' command, and if you do use it, just use 'mount /dev/hda' for example, the rest of the info it needs is right there in /etc/fstab02:16
robotgeeklucky_: #kubuntu-offtopic02:16
simmerzhollywood: madwifi is already installed. and the module is loaded. but i can't see ath0 anywhere02:17
BluesKajyes , already have the network setup in windows . robotgeek02:17
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robotgeekBluesKaj: hmm, how comfy are you with the command line?02:17
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win2linhollywoodb:  I'm using that and I'm using the GNOME EDGY MOUNTER02:17
BluesKajI've used command line quite a bit02:18
hollywoodbwin2lin: not familiar with Gnome's setup in ubuntu, this is #kubuntu ;)02:18
thill2708anyone know the default version of qt installed with kubuntu edgy?02:18
BluesKajI've used command line quite a bit , robotgeek02:18
win2linhollywoodb: yeah, I tried #UBUNTU but they just ignored me for the most part02:18
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robotgeekBluesKaj: sudo apt-get install smbclient02:19
win2linhollywoodb, anyway, it's not a U vs KU issue, it's a Linux or Edgy problem.02:19
Jucatowin2lin: maybe no one's available to answer at the moment02:19
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win2linjucato, no they asked questions, which I answered, and then they just moved on to help others02:19
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BluesKajsmbclient ia already the newest version... robotgeek02:20
Jucatowin2lin: try asking again. such is the nature of IRC support. it's easy to get distracted02:20
hollywoodbwin2lin: not necessarily, KDE has different mechanisms for mounting media, it gives you a popup dialog as soon as you put a disc in and goes from there based on whether its a blank cd, audio cd, data cd, dvd, etc... but 'mount /dev/hda' should work if the disc is in the right drive02:20
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robotgeekBluesKaj: okay, try this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba?highlight=%28samba%29#head-f6f0613872856cc6151c6ae74ff8c72f70f241a202:21
win2linhollywoodb, I put good known working program CDs in both drives.02:21
win2linhollywoodb, how do I fix the /media/cdrom1 does not exist error?02:22
jerpan Adept Manager entry in Discriptions: "Legacy package for openh323gk that you should remove.  This package exists to smooth the transition from openh323gk to the renamed gnugk package. It can be safely removed."   Question:  How is the removal done if it's not installed?02:22
robotgeekBluesKaj: i followed that guide about 3 hours ago, i dont have windows at home though02:23
Jucatowin2lin: check if it exists. it's a folder in /media02:23
win2linjucato:  nope.  I have CDROM and CDROM002:24
Jucatowin2lin: how many CD/DVD drives do you have?02:24
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=== jerp mutters to himself: "Oh, don't tell me I've stumped the panel."
BluesKajthat's gnome desktop stuff, robotgeek ...not familiar with it02:25
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Jucatojerp: don't worry, I won't...:P02:25
win2linjucato, 202:25
robotgeekBluesKaj: only the part about smbfs02:25
Jucatowin2lin: and the other one mounts normally?02:26
win2linjucato:  do i need to remap it in my /etc/fstab file?02:26
win2linjucato:  neither one works02:26
simmerzwlanconfig doesn't exist anywhere!02:26
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Jucatowin2lin: try making the cdrom1 directory first. "sudo mkdir /media/cdrom1"02:26
win2linjucato:  one says "no medium found" and the other says "mount point /media/cdrom1 does not exist"02:26
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Jucatowin2lin: creating the cdrom1 dir might solve the second error02:27
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christopheris there some way to change the ammount alsamixer changes the speaker volume? My alsamixer only goes to about 30 percent02:27
christophererr, mixer02:28
christopheralsa mixer will go to 10002:28
win2linjucato:  now i get the "no medium found" on both drives02:28
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JucatoQuestion: has anyone experience this: Konqueror is set to open new tabs instead of new windows. clicking on links in Konversation opens new tabs. but clicking on links in Akregator and KMail opens new windows... didn't happen in KDE 3.5.4 afaik02:30
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hollywoodbJucato: Akregator opens a tab inside akregator in my case... I don't use kmail02:34
Jucatohollywoodb: oh sorry, I meant middle-clicking in Akregator (which is supposed to open an external browser)02:34
JucatoIn Dapper (KDE 3.5.4), it opens a new tab in Konqueror instead of a new window... now, it seems that it's not following Konqueror's settings...02:34
hollywoodbJucato: ah, well I have firefox set as KDE default browser, but middle-click opens in a new tab in firefox if a ff window is already open02:36
Jucatohm... strange.. thanks anyway!02:36
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Jucatohollywoodb: ok... Kopete also doesn't seem to follow... only Konversation does...02:38
ubuntu_soy nuevo..02:39
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:39
ubuntu_hi, i am noob02:39
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hollywoodbJucato: maybe its just konqueror settings, perhaps it isn't set to open new links in tabs ?02:40
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dude_hi guys02:40
Jucatoit's set to open new links in tabs, and to open in tabs if called externally (from another app)... like I said, this worked perfectly in KDE 3.5.4 (or in Dapper)...02:40
dude_abattoir !02:40
Jucatoof to find a bug report...02:40
Jucatohi dude_02:40
dude_jucato !02:41
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BluesKajtrying to use komba2 samba browser to access files on my windows network pc..."smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user"02:50
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BluesKajrobotgeek, i have my network showing in komba2  , but it won't allow me to mount any files  ... "smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user"02:55
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rhodrihi, i'm having a "problem" with vi (though it could just be i don't know what i'm doing).  when i am in insert mode and press an arrow key a character gets inserted instead of the cursor moving? it never did this before i used edgy, so is it a problem or is it some kind of config setting?03:00
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|mp|i have an external firewire disk that does not automount (or show up at all), it is connected through a PCMCIA card - what to do?03:01
|mp|the card is recognised: FireWire (IEEE 1394): NEC Corporation IEEE 1394 Host Controller (rev 01)03:02
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Th3_Cr0up13Rheloo everyone03:20
Th3_Cr0up13Rhow has your night been ?03:20
Th3_Cr0up13Rfair enough, why is that Jucato03:22
Jucatocoughing in the middle of the night...03:22
Th3_Cr0up13Rhehe, its alright that is something that goes by quickly03:23
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digivorewhere do themes live in kubuntu?03:45
Jucatodigivore: which kind of themes?03:46
Healotdigivore: somewhere in /usr/share for KDE themes03:46
Jucatowell, depends on what kind of "theme"03:46
digivorei downloaded one from kde-look.org   it comes with 3 folders03:47
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digivorei'm guessing i don't use the theme manager in kcontrol for this kind.03:47
Jucatodigivore: what kind of theme? there are .kth themes, deKorator themes, widget styles (need to be compiled), window decorations (need to be compiled), icon themes03:48
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digivoreit's a kde theme  and there was no obvious file extensions for a bundled theme...03:50
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Jucatodigivore: hm... can you give a link to what you downloaded? kde-look isn't really very clear on what it means by "theme"03:51
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digivorehmm apparently it doesn't exist on there anymore...?  but i have the file!03:53
LamingtonWhat doesn't exist ? A theme ? Is it good ?03:54
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digivoreit was called dark knight    and it was theme number 4843303:55
Jucatodigivore: you can take a peak inside the .tar.gz to get a clue. if it's something that needs to be compiled (widget Style or Window Decoration), it will have instructions03:55
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LamingtonHow do I know its really good and you don't just have shockingly bad taste ? ;)03:55
digivorewhat is s QT curve scheme ?03:55
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digivoreLamington: i never said it was good....  it was the first one on the list lastnight when i downloaded it.03:56
Jucatodigivore: ah that's a scheme/theme for the QtCurve widget style (which you need to compile or install)03:56
Lamingtondigivore: ah k :)03:56
digivoreahhh   screw that..   whats the easiest kind of theme to install03:57
Jucatoicon themes and color schemes03:57
Jucatodigivore: there's a .deb for QtCurve floating around in kde-look.03:57
digivoredo they usually come bundled together ?03:57
Jucatoyou can install that with no problems03:57
digivorewhere is a good place to get themes?03:57
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Jucatoicon themes and color schemes aren't bundled together03:58
JucatoKDE-Look is the best place to get stuff03:58
lucky_I have been banned03:59
Jucato!changethemes | digivore03:59
ubotudigivore: Install gnome-themes (gnome) or go to menu, system settings, appearance (KDE).  For a good KDE guide, see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1255036&postcount=303:59
lucky_by Hybryd03:59
lucky_because some guy knew all my information well my full name04:00
lucky_and could fine me04:00
Jucatolucky_: no one knows *all* your information04:00
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naliothlucky_: can we stick with support roles in here?04:04
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rbillucky_: join me in #luckychat04:08
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Jucatorbil: good luck! :)04:09
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lucahi everyone04:09
lucaBIG problem with swap partition. I am unable to mount it :(04:10
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lucaI wonder if this explains why my RAM is always completely full....04:11
hollywoodbluca: how much RAM do you have?04:12
luca512 mb, and 1 gb of swap04:12
lucawhich apparentely is not mounted04:12
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Jucatoluca: how are you sure it isn't mounted?04:13
lucaqtparted first, then I tried to mount it manually04:13
lucaand there are a pair of funny things about it04:14
hollywoodbluca: try 'sudo swapon -a'04:15
Jucatowhat funny things?04:15
hollywoodbluca: if it says 'device or resource busy', it's probably already mounted... swap doesn't show up via 'mount' command04:15
luca1- it seems that the partition has TWO names04:15
Jucatobtw, RAM will always be almost full, that's how Linux manages memory04:15
luca /dev/hda4/ and /dev/hda5/04:16
Healotif the swap partition is not auto (or not even listed) in the fstab file, that might be one source of the problem04:16
Jucatoluca: I'm guess that /dev/hda4 is the "marker" for an extended partition, and /dev/hda5 is the actual (logical) partition04:16
lucaok, when I tried to run sudo mount /dev/hda4 and 5 I gor these messages...now i will try the other command by the way, thanx :)04:16
Jucatoyou don't mount swap with "mount" command04:17
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lucaehm hollywoodb...when I use your command:04:17
lucaswapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/3d645edb-9b7b-45a3-a078-186d85e53020: Argomento non valido04:18
lucaArgument not valid04:18
lucathe last part04:18
lucaand with mount...04:18
lucamount: unknown filesystem type 'swap'04:18
lucajucato: thanks for the explaination :)04:18
Jucatoluca: are you sure you entered it exactly as "sudo swapon -a" ?04:19
lucayes I am04:19
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gregI had a box that was locking up all the time under 6.06.1.  Is there a credible technical reason to hope that 6.10.1 could offer better?04:19
Jucatogreg: depends on what is causing the lockup (and it's 6.10, not 6.10.1)04:20
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gregWhen I'd leave it alone for >30 mins, coming back, the box was in a stupor, the only remedy was a power-reboot.04:20
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Jucatogreg: do you have monitor power saving or hibernate enabled?04:21
gregWell, actually now I have knoppix on the box, and thinking about coming back to ku.04:21
Th3_Cr0up13Rkaffeine says something about not finding a demux04:21
Th3_Cr0up13Rwhen running avi file04:22
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Shaezsche is there a way to set a folder so only a specific user can view and access it?04:22
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: do you have libxine-extracodecs installed?04:22
Th3_Cr0up13Rit was running them fine 10min ago04:22
JucatoShaezsche: change the owner and group of the folder to that specific user, then change the permissions so that only the user can have read and write access to it04:22
Th3_Cr0up13Ryes i do have them installed04:23
JucatoShaezsche: right-click on the folder -> Properties -> Permissions tab04:23
Th3_Cr0up13RJucato: i got the codecs installed04:23
Th3_Cr0up13Rand the libxine-main104:23
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: that was what the "hm..." was for...04:23
Jucatoyou were able to play the same file earlier?04:24
Th3_Cr0up13Rheheh sorry04:24
lucaany idea for the swap anyone? I have to go in little time :(04:24
hollywoodbgreg: there's the kubuntu 6.10 live/install CD, so if it works well in livecd mode there's a pretty good chance it'll work when installed04:24
Th3_Cr0up13Rdifferent file04:24
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: ah... it could be using a different codec... or something...04:24
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Th3_Cr0up13Rmaybe because the file has a very long name04:24
Alter-Egohow do i install a deb04:25
lucause gdebi04:25
lucaor synaptic if it is in the repos04:25
Jucatoluca: we're in Kubuntu, remember?04:25
abattoirAlter-Ego: 'sudo dpkg -i <file>04:25
abattoirAlter-Ego: 'sudo dpkg -i <file>'04:25
JucatoAlter-Ego: right-click on the deb, select Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package04:26
Alter-Egokubutu package manager has an old version04:26
Alter-Egoi want the newer version of the program i am downloading04:26
JucatoAlter-Ego: what do you mean?04:26
lucatell him to install it anyways04:26
JucatoAlter-Ego: I said right-click on the .deb file, then there will be a service menu that has "Kubuntu Package Menu"04:27
JucatoI'm not saying you install it using Adept04:27
Alter-Egooh, ok04:27
lucaand btw Jucato...I find that gdebi works much better than kubuntu package manager, in kubuntu :(04:27
cpk1how do you make an exact copy of a cd?04:27
Th3_Cr0up13Rwhich bitorrent client is better to use04:27
Jucatoluca: yes. the Kubuntu package menu I'm talking about is just a script04:27
cpk1would cp -rf work?04:27
Jucatothey're planning to port gdebi to Kubuntu04:27
Th3_Cr0up13Rktorrent , azureus,rtorrent,qtorrent  -- i got loads here im confused04:28
Th3_Cr0up13Ri just need one that does the job04:28
JucatoI have ktorrent. works well for me04:28
lucacpk1: k3b should be the one you look for04:28
JucatoKDE integration is a plus04:28
lucaany idea for the swap?04:28
cpk1k3b keeps hanging on a file04:28
lucano idea then.04:28
Th3_Cr0up13RJucato:  to me it says there is some kindof bug04:28
hollywoodbcpk1: if you're against using burning software, dd if=/dev/cdin of=/dev/cdout should work, if you use the correct /dev/ nodes ;)04:28
Th3_Cr0up13Rnot exactly what though04:28
lucaI have to go in 2 minutes...please at least a thought :(04:29
hollywoodbcpk1: and they're UNmounted iirc04:29
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: what says there's some kind of bug?04:29
Th3_Cr0up13Rkde crash manager04:29
Th3_Cr0up13Rsomething just terminates04:29
cpk1i am writing the iso to my hdd so could i do dd if=/dev/cdrom0 of=/home/cpk1/foo.iso?04:29
Jucatoluca: in your fstab, check if the UUID for the swap entry/line matches the UUID of the partition you made for swap (presuming you are on Edgy?)04:29
Th3_Cr0up13Rit and when i rerun it it runs fine04:29
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: that's for KTorrent?04:30
Th3_Cr0up13Rfor a bit04:30
Th3_Cr0up13Rthen same again04:30
Jucatoit must have something to do with what you're downloading04:30
lucaJucato: yes04:31
lucafstab was in etc, right?04:31
Th3_Cr0up13Rthey are just martial arts avi files04:31
Jucatoluca: yes04:31
Jucato!UUID | luca04:31
ubotuluca: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid"04:31
hollywoodbcpk1: other way around... if=input of=output04:31
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: they might be corrupted or KTorrent seems them as corrupted. either way, it might be causing the crashes04:31
hollywoodbcpk1: oh wait, yeah you had it right04:32
Th3_Cr0up13Rill wait until they are finished and ill try again04:32
lucathe swap partition is seen as 'swsuspend'04:32
Th3_Cr0up13Rprobably because not all the packets have arrived yet04:32
Th3_Cr0up13Rand its being stupid04:32
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Jucatoluca: where? in fstab?04:32
lucano blkid04:32
draikHow do I continue my torrents that I had before?04:33
lucaI cannot go to /etc/fstab/ o_O04:33
draikI have the files (partials) in one main folder04:33
Jucatodraik: in KTorrent?04:33
draikHey Jucato04:33
Jucatoluca: why can't you go into /etc ?04:33
Jucatoluca: fstab is a file, not a directory04:33
lucajust done ls, seen it04:33
luca# /dev/hda5 -- converted during upgrade to edgy04:34
lucaUUID=3d645edb-9b7b-45a3-a078-186d85e53020 none swap sw 0 004:34
Jucatodraik: Configure KTorrent,  Plugins, load the "partfileimportplugin", Apply and OK, then File -> Import existing download04:34
lucabut to qtparted /dev/hda5/ is not swap...04:34
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draiksweet, thanks Jucato04:34
Jucatoluca: in blkid, what's the /dev/hda5 line?04:34
lucafirst AND last04:34
Shaezscheis there a way to HIDE a folder so that other users cannot even see the directory?04:35
Jucatono, I mean something like /dev/hdb3: UUID="dc22d891-ecc4-4c44-80ee-90d0c4e8b61d" TYPE="swap"04:35
cpk1ugh i still get an input/output error with dd04:35
lucano TYPE=swap04:35
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Jucatoluca: hm.. that's a problem then...04:35
lucaand I have also to run in 30 secs :(04:35
Jucatoluca: QtParted must have partitioned/formatted it wrong04:35
cpk1all i want is the roller coaster tycoon cd on my har drive so i dont have to put in a 170mB cd to play it!04:35
hollywoodbcpk1: maybe that's why k3b is having trouble as well04:36
draikJucato: I don't have their torrents, just the data04:36
lucaI will check it later I fear, I am late. Thanks a lot!!04:36
Jucatodraik: you need the .torrent04:36
cpk1it is but i dont trust guis if they fail so then i go to the command line04:36
=== draik is screwed
lucasee you all and thanks04:36
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hollywoodbcpk1: is it pretty scratched up?04:36
JucatoCadaverPimp: not really. it might not be hard to locate04:36
CadaverPimpI hope not Jucato04:36
cpk1a little, but it managed to install fine04:37
=== Alter-Ego installing gdebi
hollywoodbcpk1: well, cdparanoia is awesome at getting the data off of damaged CDs, but it takes a long time... iirc cdparanoia is just a library, so you need to find an application that is built with support for and uses cdparanoia04:37
Th3_Cr0up13RJucato: the file im downloading is using xvid codec04:37
Th3_Cr0up13Rit shouldnt be a problem right?04:38
hollywoodbcpk1: and I've only used cdparanoia with audio cds, I don't know if it supports *any* cd or if its designed with ripping audio04:38
JucatoTh3_Cr0up13R: shouldn't be04:38
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cpk1well i cleaned the dust off it and am trying again (yes thats right it was dusty =P)04:39
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:40
cpk1yup it wa the dust lol04:40
cpk1it worked this time04:40
hollywoodbcpk1: heh... doesn't hurt to actually clean your drives once in a while either04:41
=== Jucato wonders how to properly clean a CD drive...
hollywoodbJucato: I used to have one of those CDs with a brush on it, then I was told it can leave scratches on the lens.... these days I put a couple blasts out of those compressed air cans into them... which I usually do before bed with the system powered down until morning since every once in a while they'll spray a *little* bit of moisture04:42
hollywoodbseems like the lesser of two evils I guess04:43
JucatoI guess so... doesn't blasting the dust only scatters them?04:43
hollywoodbJucato: well, I keep my systems pretty clean, nothing ever comes out and my cases have filters on them... but my parents' drive hit me in the face with a load of dust... twice... when I was peering into it while spraying04:44
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hollywoodbJucato: I suppose the "proper" way would be to remove the drive and take it out of its "shell", but that's just a lot of work :)04:44
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Jucatoyeah. not to mention taking the risk that it might not work properly when you put it back in :P04:45
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Dark_VampireIve got a problem i guess04:45
dooowweeedoohey guys i got a problem with kubuntu 6.1004:45
hollywoodbJucato: right04:46
dooowweeedooit doesn't recognize my bluetooth keyboard04:46
hollywoodbdooowweeedoo: did it recognize it during the install ?04:46
dooowweeedoono idea, i used the iso on a disk, and then i chose to install04:46
dooowweeedooit went straight to the desktop04:46
dooowweeedooeverything is working except the keyboard04:47
Dark_Vampirethe last time i sometimes got outloged of my system and i have to login again (and all windows are closed then), bevor that most time short the screen is dark or "Out of Range"04:47
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Dark_Vampireuse dapper drake point on04:47
dooowweeedoodoes that come with kubuntu?04:47
dooowweeedooand how do i actually install kubuntu04:47
dooowweeedooi chose install, but it was more like a test04:47
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rbilI suspect it's going to be pretty hard to install if you don't have a working keyboard :-)04:51
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hollywoodbyeah, that's kind of what I was thinking04:54
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smaggardhey everyone05:03
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justin1278is there somebody available who can assist me?05:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:07
justin1278For some reason in Kubuntu when I go to storage medai05:08
justin1278I only see a folder that says CDRom05:08
justin1278none of my usr files or anything else are there.05:09
justin1278just that folder which is empty05:09
justin1278i am running Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft05:09
Hawkwind!hidden-root | justin127805:10
ubotujustin1278: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles05:10
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justin1278ok i see05:11
justin1278thanks a lot guys05:11
rbilSounds like Kubuntu Edgy is trying to be very much like Windoze :-(05:12
=== Jucato wished he had a $ for everytime he heard someone say that
justin1278lol that is what i was thinking rbil05:12
=== Jucato resists the urge to start a discussion
unix_infidelJucato: then go to work and fix it.05:13
Jucatounix_infidel: fix what?05:13
unix_infidelmaybe you will have a US Dollar for everytime someone said that in here.05:13
unix_infidelto where its not "very much like windoze"05:14
Th3_Cr0up13Rhey guys nice talking to you tonight05:14
Th3_Cr0up13Rsee you tomorrow05:14
Th3_Cr0up13Rhave fun ;)05:14
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justin1278kinda slow in here tonight05:15
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smaggard_anyone run an ltsp server in kubuntu?05:19
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hektikhey in the edgy install, if i resize a partition with windows on it, will it erase the partition or just resize it without affecting those fiels ?05:26
fribuntuIs there a way to use encrypted filesystems for the home partition in (k)ubuntu?05:28
fribuntuI did not see any such options during the installation.05:28
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RobNychow can I set Konqueror identification to be IE 6 default on all ?05:32
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RobNycHawkwind, would u know05:33
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IA-Outdoorsadept_manager hung on me so I had to kill it but when I run it again it thinks something else has it locked05:34
IA-Outdoorswhat do I need to do to fix?05:34
HawkwindRobNyc: I don't use KDE, sorry05:34
RobNycHawkwind, i thought you used Kubuntu thats why you're here? cuz you said you cant stand gnome lol05:34
RobNycso you're using Xubuntu?05:34
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HawkwindRobNyc: I use Kubuntu, but I use E17.  I've never used KDE05:35
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jobless_guys i have a problem with my mouse.. the pointer acceleration does not increase though i change the setting..!05:36
jobless_hi abattoir05:36
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murchadhIA-Outdoors: Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get update, and see what output you get.05:39
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pointer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org05:41
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ubotuThe available desktop environments in Ubuntu are Gnome (ubuntu-desktop), KDE (kubuntu-desktop), XCFE (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM  and others.05:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:45
IceKnightI was trying to install MUTE and it asked me to provide "full path to wxWindows wx-config script." My question is, where is that and why won't search commands find that.05:45
jobless_guys i have a problem with my mouse.. the pointer acceleration does not increase though i change the setting..!05:45
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:46
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murchadhIceKnight: Try running your locate as root! eg sudo locate filename05:53
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lunitikAnyone know how I might go about making my system sleep when its not doing anything? Like powersaving for the computer itself, not just the monitor?06:05
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plitskinhi, is it now possible to save a file when you're using kubuntu on VMWAre?06:09
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lunitikplitskin: VMware server... sure... player? no idea06:10
plitskinuhmm... player...06:11
plitskinI'm using Kubuntu on vmware player but when I tried saving a file...06:11
plitskinthe next time I opened vmware it's gone...06:11
unix_infidelwhat's the fastest easiest way to transfer files from a guest to a host06:11
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mainhello all06:22
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felixjetis there anyway to downgrade to dapper? edgy SUCKS hard06:29
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lunitikfelixjet: what sucks about it that is better in Dapper?06:29
unix_infideli'm interested in knowing too, maybe you have a blog entry about it?06:29
=== unix_infidel hopes this one is intelligible and competent.
felixjetlunitik: all sucks, this is worst than windows. its going slowly as windows XP on a 48606:30
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smaggard_edgy sucks?! how so?06:30
Nukedhow do I enable composite?06:30
smaggard_works FINE on my setup06:30
unix_infideli suppose i was wrong on both accounts.06:30
felixjetits always 45%+ of CPU06:30
felixjetwhen im doing nothing06:30
felixjetand even all app's for edgy sucks06:31
smaggard_Nuked> edit xorg.conf, i can pastebin it if you want..06:31
felixjetthe upgrade **cked my configurations06:31
smaggard_hmm all work fine here06:31
smaggard_ooo you did an upgrade.. hmmm06:31
Nukedsmaggard_: sure dude!06:31
smaggard_ok hold on let me pastebin it06:31
lunitikfelixjet: other than reinstalling, no... there is no way06:31
felixjetpf :(06:31
Nukedif your harddrive is 38 c is that bad?06:32
felixjetwhy its going so slowly? its like windows XP on a 48606:32
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smaggard_Nuked> you mean add composite for your video card right? like in xorg.conf06:32
lunitikNuked: thats about normal afaik06:32
Nukedyeah smaggard_06:32
smaggard_aight hold on06:32
Nukedlol thanks06:32
lunitikNuked: its a little hot... but below 40 is generally fine...06:33
Nukedits usually below 4006:33
lunitikNuked: what did you use to see tempreture? I'd like to know how hot my Video Card is....06:33
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Nukedlunitik thats my harddrive temp06:33
lunitikNuked: yes... it spins a lot... causes a lot of friction.... should be ok....06:34
lunitikNuked: but again, what did you use to test temps?06:34
lunitikNuked: :(06:35
Nukedwhy lunatik?06:35
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smaggard_have you tried ktemperature too?06:36
felixjetlunitik: can you help me please :( edgy is using 100% of my cpu! i cant do anything06:37
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lunitikfelixjet: What you want me to do about it?06:37
smaggard_Nuked> did you get my pastebin?06:37
Nukedyes smaggard06:37
NukedSection "Extensions"06:37
Nuked        Option "Composite" "Enable"06:37
smaggard_just wondering.06:38
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lunitikKubuntu enables Composite by default06:38
felixjetlunitik: help me fix it?06:38
Nukedill try it and see smaggard_ brb06:38
Jucatonot in my xorg.conf...06:38
smaggard_i had to enable mine06:38
Jucatolunitik: I think that was only in Dapper. maybe they removed it in Edgy06:39
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lunitikJucato: you don't need it via the config file in Kubuntu... ATI cards don't work with this on, so trust me I know its there....06:39
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smaggard_what does it do to the ati cards? make them slower?06:40
smaggard_yeah on my laptop i have it Disabled and it has a 200M06:40
=== Jucato wonders why his doesn't have one...
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hollywoodbthe composite extension in xorg.conf is not enabled by default in xorg.conf, and by many video cards it isn't even needed for xorg 7.1... 7.1 autodetects about 95% of what it needs.. in fact unless you're using proprietary drivers or special settings X.org will function perfectly with no /etc/X11/xorg.conf at all06:42
=== DsM [n=dsm@cpe-70-115-13-114.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
hollywoodbforgive the redundancy in the first sentence :X06:43
smaggard_lol yeah im using props on the laptop with the ati06:43
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hollywoodband with edgy (X.org 7.1) if you view /var/log/Xorg.0.log you'll notice that every single fontpath in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is completely wrong, and it still picks up all fonts on its own... the same goes for hardware detection06:45
hollywoodb(unless you want to specifiy a proprietary video driver, synaptics touchpad options, etc... it still recognizes what you set in xorg.conf)06:46
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smaggard_yeah :D06:46
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solar_anthey all06:47
solar_anti have fsck.vfat runing in the background and comsuning 92% of cpu usage06:48
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solar_anthow do i turn it off ?06:48
solar_anthey smaggard_ !06:48
solar_antdo u know ho to stop fsck  cleanly ?06:48
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smaggard_hold on06:48
smaggard_why do you need to stop it?06:50
solar_antits running even now06:50
solar_antand its taking 92% of my cpu usage06:50
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hollywoodbsolar_ant: if it decided it needs to run you're really best off just letting it run06:51
smaggard_type ps ax and then see what the process id is and then type sudo kill 32256 or whatever the id is06:51
smaggard_But I would let it run...............06:51
solar_antsmaggard_:  kill or killal in the middle of a check wont it corrupt my data ?06:52
smaggard_just wait it out06:52
solar_antsmaggard_:  its been running for hours06:52
solar_antand also06:52
solar_antevery time i boot fsck.ext2 starts06:52
smaggard_try restarting06:52
solar_antit just stalls06:52
solar_anti have to press ctrl alt del to get over it06:52
solar_antis it a bug ?06:52
felixjetmy problem is the same, but no program consuming CPU, its all, when i open a program it takes ages to load06:53
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lunitikfelixjet: you screwed up somehow... just install edgy in place or reinstall dapper  :/06:54
felixjetbut i will lose my configs? :(06:55
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solar_antgreat i had to use killall06:55
solar_antanyway i mounted my drive06:55
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solar_antthings are fine luckily !06:56
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felixjetdamn it06:57
felixjetbad time when i upgraded to edgy06:57
smaggard_i never did the upgrade.. just full install.06:58
felixjetbut if i reinstall from CD, i will lose all right?06:58
felixjetconfigs, programs...06:58
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=== lunitik did a dist-upgrade... but gradual via tracking it during development
lunitikfelixjet: yes..... unless you were intelligent enough to use a seperate /home .. in which case you'd keep user settings....06:59
=== daftvader [n=huy@60-241-227-110.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
felixjeti was happy with kubuntu and now im so pissed07:00
daftvadercan anyone tell me how to stop shift+backspace from killing my xwindow?07:00
smaggard_im not sure but i woudl think that keyboard settings in kde's config somewhere.07:01
hollywoodbfelixjet: with a seperate /home you're in good shape... the easiest way to go about things is to know your /etc/apt/sources.list, know what programs you need to add right away... if you install from source and you're not keen on building packages try out checkinstall to make packages for you07:01
hollywoodbfelixjet: also, it doesn't hurt to backup /etc/ ... just in case you realize later you had something configured there (which happens to me quite often)07:02
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j_hey guys07:02
=== SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu
j_i need to know how i can access my windows files from ubuntu07:03
unix_infidelis there anyway i can generate a list of all packages installed after date mm.dd.yy and throw them into a file that i can point apt-get at?07:03
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:03
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smaggard_craig ferguson is on :D07:04
nino_what package do i need to install for mp3 playback in amorok??07:05
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felixjetwhat if i modify 'edgy' to 'dapper' in sources.list and make a upgrade & dist-upgrade again?07:06
lunitikfelixjet: nope07:06
lunitiknino_: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs07:07
smaggard_nino> when you try and play an mp3 it should guide you through it.07:07
felixjetthen, whats the best way to go back to dapper and dont lose my configs/apps/packages...07:07
lunitikfelixjet: I told you, you CAN'T07:08
felixjetmust be a way.. since this is suppose to be better than "windows07:08
smaggard_felixjet> OMFG!07:08
lunitikfelixjet: you can't downgrade windows versions either07:08
smaggard_you did not just say that.07:08
nino_lunitik shot thanks!!07:08
felixjet2 months un kubuntu, i upgrade to edgy with the manual, and now all is errors, performance issues, lost configs... and i will lose all? with no way?07:08
smaggard_linux has no room for crybabies.07:09
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smaggard_nor will it tolerate them.07:09
lunitikfelixjet: you fucked up... don't fuck up next time... your whinning is getting annoying though...07:09
felixjetsmaggard_: just room for the one who things this is a panacea?07:09
felixjeteven if they lose ALL07:09
smaggard_how much did you pay for kubuntu and how much is this support ticket costing you? o wait..........07:10
felixjetthey are generating money from each single person who uses the SO07:10
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lunitikfelixjet: Go pay Novell $50 a year to listen to you whine07:11
lunitikfelixjet: no... they're not07:11
nino_felixjet buy WINDOW VISTA!!07:11
smaggard_ubuntu and all variants are the BEST linux distors imho07:11
felixjetyay, and they fuck up ur 2 months jobs while upgrading SO *cough*07:11
smaggard_ever hear of a backup?07:12
lunitikfelixjet: Funny how it went fine for everyone but you?07:12
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smaggard_lunitik> hahaha07:12
smaggard_what pisses me off is ppl coming in hear and threatening/comparing linux to windows07:13
felixjetnaH, windows sucks07:13
lunitiksmaggard_: Thats perfectly fair....07:13
RobNycanyone here uses EasyUbuntu ?07:14
felixjetim just pissed off cause the **cking upgrade is more like a system killer07:14
lunitiksmaggard_: Linux wants to be better than Windows on merits.... not just on religious wars07:14
hollywoodbRobNyc: nope :) why do you ask?07:14
felixjetbut the merit is that now i need to backup all and format07:14
smaggard_linux is better than any M$ product on all fronts.07:14
hollywoodbsmaggard_: pffft... Windows has supported a single partition since 1.0 :P07:15
=== dafart [n=dafart@cust-03-55bf2743.adsl.scarlet.nl] has joined #kubuntu
RobNychollywoodb, im trying to run it and its not even working07:15
RobNycpython: can't open file './easyubuntu.in': [Errno 2]  No such file or directory so I think I'll go back to automatix prob07:15
lunitiksmaggard_: but yet you become defensive when others compare and don't reach the same conclusion?07:15
j_thanks for that link for the windows file access07:15
j_is there one on how to setup my graphics card?07:15
j_i think im using default drivers right now07:15
nino_go linux go linux go linux!!!! weeehooo my amarok is working thnx lunitik!!07:15
j_i can't get it to go up to 1280x102407:15
hollywoodbRobNyc: have you checked out ubuntuguide ? it might require a bit more manual interaction, but it hasn't failed me yet07:16
lunitiknino_: :)07:16
smaggard_lol thats like saying my car is better than yours because i buy my gas at BP07:16
lunitiknino_: Now for some codecs so you can watch pr0n and DVD's  :)07:16
smaggard_install w32codecs :D07:16
RobNychollywoodb, i dont know if i did it right it but it seems it failed on edgy07:16
lunitiknino_: Google for 'w32codecs ubuntu"07:16
smaggard_sudp apt-get install w32codecs :D07:16
felixjetsmaggard_: it is possible to backup a list of packages manually installed, the programs installed, configs of SO, etc????07:17
smaggard_sudo* and take out the :D07:17
lunitiksmaggard_: they're not in the archive07:17
hollywoodbRobNyc: well, if it says it failed on "./easyubuntu.in' that means the the file easyubuntu.in needs to be in the same directory that you're running "Easy Ubuntu" from, if that makes sense (I haven't run it myself)07:17
nino_now this is what i call SUPPORT!!07:17
felixjetor i need reconfigure and reinstall all again07:17
lunitiksmaggard_: if you care to share the correct sources.list line... it'd be helpful for nino_  :)07:17
RobNycwell i dont even know about that hollywoodb i just saved the deb to desktop07:17
smaggard_the correct sources.list for edgy?07:17
RobNycran dpkg -i Desktop/easyubuntu.deb07:18
smaggard_o you mean for the w32codecs?07:18
RobNycand added the url to sources.list07:18
lunitikfelixjet: It takes me about an hour to install and configure everything... I think you'd have been done by now if you'd have just done it instead of complaining07:18
Jucatowiki.kubuntu.org/Jucato <--- default edgy sources.list (no locale, no multiverse)07:18
lunitiksmaggard_: yes07:18
lunitiksmaggard_: w32codecs is _not_ in multiverse07:18
nino_mmm not in my source list07:19
smaggard_ill pastebin my entire list07:19
felixjetlunitik: the problem is that i dont remember all configurations like windows position/sizes, themes and stuff07:19
nino_cool :)07:19
JucatoI'll repeat what lunitik said... w32codecs is *NOT* in multiverse :P07:19
=== lunitik uses Polyester which is in the archive
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lunitikIts not on any Ubuntu mirror eiether...07:20
smaggard_i installed with edgy07:20
smaggard_using apt-get07:20
Jucatow32codecs is not in any "official" Ubuntu/Canonical repos07:20
nino_smaggard many thanks!!!07:21
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smaggard_if you make your sources like that... youll get w32codecs07:21
smaggard_np :D thats edgy btw.........07:21
Jucatoyes, with the PLF repositories07:21
felixjetlunitik: should i format drive or just install in the next boot?07:21
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nino_my distro is a halfbreed i think!!07:21
lunitikfelixjet: format everything but /home (if its seperate)07:22
lunitiknino_: whats your distro?07:22
felixjetbut, if i reinstall without formatting, for example, all the /usr/www/ folder will be deleted?07:22
smaggard_felixjet> im not sure, wondered that myself.07:22
felixjetor i will keep all data, just overwriting the SO needed files07:22
lunitikfelixjet: you have a webserver installed there?07:23
felixjeti have lot of data07:23
nino_im on dapper, but upgraded allot of stuff in between07:23
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smaggard_webserver on a desktop?07:23
felixjetthat i dont wanna lose07:23
lunitikfelixjet: ouch.. I'd back that kinda stuff up....07:23
felixjetis just a webserver for testing07:23
smaggard_you def need that on an nfs server or dvd or something to have backed up..07:23
felixjetits easy to do php stuff in a local server07:24
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smaggard_yeah theres nothing wrong with having apache running on a desktop for the proper intentions.07:24
globeI am trying to install my hp printer, and gnome is asking me where the driver is...where is it?07:24
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jazzrockerwhy won't kate find or replace \n or \r ?07:24
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felixjetwhat about make a fat32 partition, tar all the / directory, and move it there? XD07:25
felixjetand then, format linux partition and reinstall07:25
smaggard_hy fat32? why not ext3?07:25
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smaggard_if you have space i would make a new partition and backup to it07:26
felixjetcause my other HD is ntfs, and i can go windows and make a fat32 partition in that HD, also good to data exchange from Win-Linux07:26
smaggard_sounds like you need another hd :D07:26
nino_he he he just n littlebit of copy n paste then my sources would be ready :)!!07:27
felixjetor maybe, like you say, make a new partition here, move the backup there and reinstall edgy...07:27
smaggard_lol and then your pr0n will be viewable in mplayer!07:27
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felixjetand use the backup partition as a secure data place07:27
felixjeti have 2 x 220GB HD's07:27
felixjetspace is not a problem07:28
smaggard_felixjet> yeah you can tar whatever dirs you want and put them on the new partition07:28
jazzrockerseriously, can anyone successfully do a regex search for \n or \r in kate?07:28
smaggard_i have 4 600GB HDs :D :D :P07:28
nino_smaggard lol!!07:28
Jucatosmaggard_: my eyes just popped out07:28
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jazzrockerand if so why isn't mine working07:28
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smaggard_LOTS OF PR0N!07:28
felixjetwell, here is 2 another problems, how to edit grub menu? i have it full of selection lines that i would like to remove07:28
jazzrockeralso, how do i do non-greedy quantifiers w/kate?07:29
smaggard_thats easy07:29
felixjetand the other, tell me a good partitioner for kubuntu, easy usage please Xd07:29
=== j_ [n=j@cpe-70-95-161-236.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
smaggard_sudo nano /boot/grub.conf i believe.. you may have to mount /boot07:29
Jucatofelixjet: edit menu.lst with kate07:29
Jucatoor nano07:29
j_hey guys07:29
hemantdoes anyone know how to make firefox or konqueror open konversation by defualt for irc links07:29
Jucatosudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst07:29
j_i have an nvidia card, how do i turn on 3d acceleration in X07:29
smaggard_or is that gentooish?07:29
smaggard_j_> download the nvidia driver07:30
j_i downloaded nvidia-glx07:30
smaggard_then install it... then in xorg.conf change the driver from nv to nvidia :D07:30
j_how do i install the driver?07:30
smaggard_hold on07:30
smaggard_ill get you a how-to07:30
Jucatoj_: word of caution, you need to install linux-restricted-modules as well07:31
felixjetdone. and a good/easy partitioner ?07:31
smaggard_i just had to do this yesterday07:31
j_what do you mean linux-restritced modules?07:31
Jucatoj_: are you on Dapper or on Edgy? look for the linux-restricted-modules-xxxxxx package that matches the kernel version you are using07:31
j_i downlaoded kubuntu 6.1007:32
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smaggard_cool ur running edgy like me :D07:32
Jucatoj_: if you are on Edgy, you would most probably be using linux-image-generic, so you need to install linux-restricted-modules-generic07:32
j_so i search for that using adept?07:32
Jucatosmaggard_: did you get the recent nvidia-glx update?07:32
Jucatoj_: yep07:32
smaggard_just follow the part about nvidia setup, not the beryl if you dont want it.07:32
Jucatosmaggard_: no!!!!07:32
j_yea i installed nvidia-glx07:32
=== method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
Jucatothat installs the BETA nvidia driver07:33
smaggard_j_> the link i posted i used it yesterday and it works fine :D07:33
smaggard_just follow "Method 1" and youll be good to go07:33
Jucatowell, since it's beta, there's no guarantee that it will always work, though07:34
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smaggard_if you want, go ahead and install beryl, it works too and is freakin' sweeeeet07:34
j_it says i isntalled the restricted moduees already07:34
smaggard_cool then your that much ahead lol07:34
nino_what is beryl??07:34
Jucatonino_: a fork of compiz...07:35
Jucato!beryl | nino_07:35
ubotunino_: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.07:35
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.07:35
smaggard_did you add the repository to your sources.list?07:35
=== Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host35-17.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu
_arthurbHi, can someone check a bug in kubuntu edgy ?07:35
Jucatosmaggard_: he already installed the default nvidia-glx07:35
_arthurbin kcontrol, try to change the keyboard layout... no layouts are displayed07:35
_arthurbthere are none to choose from07:35
smaggard_ok then all you gotta do is go to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver from nv to nvidia07:35
smaggard_restart the x server and there should be a nvidia logo that pops up and then load up kde07:36
Jucato(me thinks he should backup xorg.conf first, then do "sudo nvidia-xconfig")07:36
j_that link you gave me isn't opening07:36
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smaggard_if you want higher resolutions, add them to your screen section07:36
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_arthurbcan someone confirm ?07:36
j_smaggard that page isn't opening07:36
nino_nino's laptop is now pr0n ready!!07:37
lunitiknino_: :)07:37
smaggard_all you have to do.... is open xorg.conf... go to the driver part, change 'nv" to "nvidia"07:37
nino_And all i wanted was mp3 playback :)07:37
lunitiknino_: you have a dvd drive? and libdvdcss installed?07:37
felixjetgparted is good to use?07:37
lunitikfelixjet: the install will handle that for you07:38
Jucatoj_: anyway, if you already have linux-restricted-modules-generic installed and nvidia-glx, all you need to do is "sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup" then "sudo nvidia-xconfig" and restart X (that's the way I do it...)07:38
lunitikfelixjet: stop over thinking07:38
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nino_yep , ill check on libdvdcss now07:38
felixjetokey xd07:38
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felixjetthats true07:38
j_k lemme try that07:38
lunitikfelixjet: Thats the great thing about Kubuntu... KDE without requiring thought  :)07:39
felixjetlunitik: so, if i make a new partition and tell the installer to install it there, i wont lose any of this right? i dont want lose all while installing lmao07:39
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felixjeti mean, this partition, and the data07:39
lunitikfelixjet: you can do that... sure07:39
smaggard_ummm i wouldnt be lmao if your unbacked data was at risk haha07:39
siliticxanyone knows how to enable ntfs write access?07:40
siliticxor how to re-order the choices in grub07:40
felixjetso if it a risk i even prefer to make the partition now, move the backup, and tell the installer to format/install in this07:40
j_is restart x the third command?07:40
=== lunitik ponders reinstalling for a 32bit environment ... codecs and things don't work on amd64 :/
Jucatoj_: restarting X involves Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (close/save everything you need to save first)07:41
_arthurbDoes anyone know what package contains keyboard layouts ?07:41
j_ahh ok07:41
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nino_lunitik i had the 64 bit installed at home but switched to 32 bit, more flexible!!07:41
felixjetsmaggard_: is better make the partition now and move a backup data there, or make it with the installer and leave this partition as it is now?07:41
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felixjetim annoying i know but i dont want lose anything :(07:42
unix_infidel_arthurb: maybe its best to ask in the channel that identifies with your layout language.07:42
lunitiknino_: I'm definitely going to go with a AMD64 kernel... and libc6-amd64 is around... not sure if I'd lose performance etc...07:42
nino_lunitik dont think it will affect performance !!07:43
=== j_ [n=j@cpe-70-95-161-236.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
j_ok after i did that07:43
j_what do i do?07:43
Jucatoj_: did you see the nvidia logo for a brief moment after restarting X (before the login screen)?07:44
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Jucatook then. you're ok now :)07:44
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siliticxanyone knows how to enable ntfs write access?07:44
siliticxor how to re-order the choices in grub07:44
j_now how would i get my resolution upto 1280x102407:44
nino_lunitik i installed the 32 bit for wine, have to run a windaz base prduction system on it, otherwise 64bit was perfect!!07:44
_arthurbunix_infidel: it has nothing to do with my language07:45
Jucatoj_: System Settings -> Monitor & Display07:45
j_i went there07:45
_arthurbno layout is displayed at all07:45
j_but hte max is 1024x76807:45
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lunitiknino_: I'm thinking of installing vmware server instead for such things... not sure07:45
Jucatosiliticx: for the grub choices, you can just rearrange the choices by cutting and pasting them. just make sure that you follow the "pattern"/blocks of lines07:45
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Jucatoj_: hm....07:46
siliticxhuh but where is the file?07:46
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Jucatosiliticx: /boot/grub/menu.lst07:46
j_someone said i have to add the setting or osmethign07:46
nino_lunitik u know, i did not think about that, so windaz wil be ok on vmware through linux??07:46
unix_infidel_arthurb: man setxkbmap07:46
=== lunitik wishes Vista would be 64bit only... then the industry will all go to 64bit :/
nino_fck Vista!!07:47
lunitiknino_: sure... via vmware server... I'd imagine so?07:47
lunitiknino_: of course it wouldn't be native speed...07:47
Jucatoj_: well, you can do this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" just accept the default answers if you're not sure what to do, then when it comes to the part about asking which resolutions to include, enable the ones that you want. restart X after you're done07:47
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lunitiknino_: VMWare Server is free too! They just want money for VMware ESX Server07:47
_arthurbanyone knows in what package the keyboard layouts are ?07:47
j_k ill try that07:48
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lunitik_arthurb: They should be installed... go to KControl > Regional and Accessability > Keyboard Layout  :/07:49
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_arthurblunitik: yes, nothing is displayed07:49
_arthurbI can't pick because there is no choice at all07:49
lunitik_arthurb: I have like 324563786536 keyboard layouts available in there  :/07:49
nino_mwaha ha ha  Linux is taking over the world (===(evil smile :)=== )07:49
lunitiknino_: I think thats the plan  :P07:50
Jucatosshh!!! there might be spies listening...07:50
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lunitiknino_: Companies get to do what they want, without having to invest in an entire operating system... so it works out for everyone  :)07:50
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_arthurblunitik: I don't ;) that's why I'm asking07:51
nino_lately alot of companies have switched to linux!!07:51
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lunitik_arthurb: I dunno, this is a default install for the most part...07:51
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lunitiknino_: Not really, Oracle made there Linux initiatives more aggressive... they've been in the Linux landscape for a while though07:52
lunitiknino_: They were one of the initial Red Hat investors... them, IBM, Novell etc07:52
siliticxAnyway, beside the look i dont see a point to linux anyway07:52
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lunitikEven Bill Gates invested in Red Hat... although not via Microsoft...07:52
siliticxcant do .net 3.0 or game properly so im out, peace out07:52
Jucatoand that's supposed to be Linux's fault?07:53
nino_lunitik Small bussiness here in South Africa have switched over Production, Accounting firms Even our Tax Offices run linux now!!07:53
siliticxnope, just how the world is done.07:53
lunitikMono and Cegega/Wine are both doing Gaming and .NET things07:53
Jucatoconsidering who owns/made .NET and what technology games use, I'm not surprised.07:53
siliticxyeah mono which has hardly a .net 2.0 version07:54
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siliticxaaaaand my shitty ATI drivers are erally helping.07:54
Jucatoanyway, let's not get carried into an offtopic discussion, shall we?07:54
WerdnumI've noticed a "DCOM" used to control Kaffeine and Konversation and such07:54
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lunitiksiliticx: oh well... you'll be sadly missed in the community?07:54
Werdnumis there a tutorial or something on that?07:54
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hollywoodbnino_: a lot of institutions are starting to realize that they can hire a good linux tech (or techs) with long-term employment goals for cheaper than long-term license agreements with your mainstream commercial OS07:54
siliticxnah, piece, im out, the on;ly reason i came here was for amarok anyway07:54
JucatoWerdnum: DCOP07:54
Werdnumbah, same thing :-P07:55
siliticxtoo baed theres no amarok for windows, heh07:55
Jucatonot it isn't :P07:55
lunitiksiliticx: Virtual PC07:55
lunitiksiliticx: you'll be missed  :/07:55
Jucatotoo bad there's no KDE on Windows, or a good filesystem like ext3 or reiser, etc.07:55
Jucatohe won't :P07:55
siliticxill still try to come and hang out while im bored07:56
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lunitiksiliticx: I was being sarcastic...07:56
nino_hollywoodb and some outsourcing vendors make a killing with windowa support here!!07:56
siliticxjuc, nope it haaas only 1 thing. compatibility, which is the most important ^^07:56
lunitiksiliticx: By the way, god invented game consoles for gaming07:56
siliticxthats why im getting a ps3 ;P07:56
nino_Linux is really starting to step up now!!07:56
felixjeti forgot the tar -XXX to backup a folder... can someone say them please07:56
siliticxleast  ill be stuck with liux on it for a while ;P07:56
felixjetthe parameters07:56
hollywoodbJucato: I was really hoping WinFS would make the grade, if only to offer something new and provide incentive for the competition07:57
Jucatohollywoodb: guess you're hopes were shattered :)07:57
lunitikfelixjet: sudo apt-get install dirvish07:57
siliticxyeah, and ill go code in winFX, cya ;P07:57
=== Jucato notes that trolls come in all shapes, sizes, and tactics
felixjetlunitik: its like keep?07:58
ubotudirvish: Filesystem based backup system using rsync. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.1-1 (edgy), package size 58 kB, installed size 244 kB07:58
lunitikhollywoodb: It did provide incentive...07:58
lunitikhollywoodb: Even if WinFS never produced... KDE folks are working on what WinFS provided07:58
felixjet$ dirvish07:59
felixjetERROR: no master configuration file07:59
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hollywoodblunitik: GnomeFS (File Storage) is under active development as well... I guess I'm all about new products and innovation, even if it isn't coming from the camps I like to support07:59
lunitikhollywoodb: GnomeFS is about to die afaik... and provides nothing like WinFS promised08:00
Werdnumis there a konversation script for amarok integration?08:00
hollywoodblunitik: gimme a minute, i might have that name wrong08:00
lunitikWerdnum: yes08:00
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Werdnumlunitik: where is it?08:00
JucatoWerdnum: what do you mean by "amarok integration"?08:00
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method|Werdnum: theres a built in announce script08:01
WerdnumJucato: NP on request, control it from x-chat08:01
method|i wrote one also08:01
method|amaroK|mp3 [a: mackshit s: Mack Lessons Radio #47.mp3]  [28:51/128] 08:01
lunitikWerdnum: hmm... I don't see it either... but there is such a thing... because folks in #kde do it all the time  :/08:01
Jucatoah, I don't think there is one by default, I mean controlling Amarok from Konvi08:02
Jucato /media shows the current playing song08:02
=== method| is listening to Mack lessons Radio #47 [Amarok]
=== Jucato is listening to Garnet Crow - Timeless Sleep [00:04:30] [Amarok]
=== Werdnum is listening to Seether - Fine Again [Amarok]
nino_whatever you do dont ask for mp3 support in amarok!! LOL!!08:02
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lunitiknino_: #amarok is for the client... they don't support xine/gstreamer/helix there... they just use those backends...08:03
JucatoWerdnum: you might try looking in kde-apps.org if such a script exists (controlling Amarok from Konversation)08:03
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dooowweeedoowho was talking to j_08:03
hollywoodblunitik: Gnome Storage was what I was aiming at: http://www.gnome.org/~seth/storage/08:03
dooowweeedooawhile ago about the resolutions08:03
lunitikhollywoodb: ahh... I haven't heard from that guy in a while....08:04
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Jucatodooowweeedoo: I was, I think08:04
dooowweeedooits me08:04
dooowweeedooit kinda screwed up08:04
dooowweeedooscreen went black08:04
Jucatodooowweeedoo: then?08:04
dooowweeedoowhen i changed it to 1280x102408:04
dooowweeedooand finish the rest of the setup08:04
dooowweeedooi restarted x08:04
dooowweeedooand it went black08:04
dooowweeedoowith some red letters at the top08:05
dooowweeedooand it stayed like that08:05
lunitikhollywoodb: you can tell its old because the gnome pics still only have Applications and Actions or whatever08:05
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hollywoodblunitik: actually from what I see of Gnome 3.0 mockups that's where 3.0 is heading... seems its mostly "task-orientated" ... though I'll admit I haven't bothered to check the last time CVS on Storage was modified08:05
Jucatodooowweeedoo: when happens, press Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in (command line), then "sudo nvidia-xconfig" again. then "startx"08:06
dooowweeedooso should i start in recovery mode08:06
=== lunitik thinks Gnome 3.0 will never happen... too many corporations insisting things stay ABI compatible....
dooowweeedooand run that command?08:06
Jucatodooowweeedoo: not necessary, when you get to that blank screen, just press Ctrl+Alt+F108:07
dooowweeedooahh ok08:07
hollywoodblunitik: I'm thinking it'll be along the lines of putting Gnome 2.x into maintenance mode for a good long time until corporate environments fine it worth their time and upgrade... sort of how CentOS and *buntu LTS work08:07
dooowweeedooill try that08:07
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=== lunitik thinks Ubuntu lost all chances to get into corporations with its X debacle a while back :/
lunitikAlthough, to be fair, no corporation would push those things out without testing... but still08:09
hollywoodblunitik: Ubuntu is still pretty young in the corporate world... from what I've experience the first word that comes up when linux migration gets mentioned is "RedHat"08:11
lunitikhollywoodb: Depends... Whenever I've talked about it with people, they tend to say "SUSE!" ... which is what IBM, and now Microsoft will tell you too...08:14
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rootalright that worked08:14
=== lunitik attended a tech school... they all said SUSE was prefered...
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lunitikDon't IRC as root08:15
j_i don't know i think my settings went to default08:15
hollywoodblunitik: maybe its just me, but SuSE rubs me the wrong way... I *really* don't like popping open any given config file in /etc/ that I *know* how to edit to suit my purposes and there's twelve lines of comments placed inconveniently there by yaST.08:15
lunitikLogout and back in as a normal user....08:15
j_how do i do that?08:15
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MistaEDwhere are the mockups for topaz/gnome3?08:16
method|SuSE sucks for one reason and one reason only08:16
lunitikhollywoodb: Comments are always good.... even if you know what you're doing08:16
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method|the YaST/xen bugs08:16
method|the package management in the newest suse is severely broken and slow08:16
method|its worse than yum08:17
method|that says alot08:17
lunitikmethod|: They were the first to try and put pretty buttons over Xen.... there is going to be issues08:17
hollywoodblunitik: yeah, but not when they consist of "Do Not edit this file manually!" and variants... I also don't like the immense number of cross-dependencies, its as if its a Gentoo system with every possible USE flag enabled, but to each their own I guess.08:17
lunitikmethod|: Everyone knows about the package management issues... they are improving for newest SUSE though08:17
method|i hope they do08:17
=== hollywoodb shuffles this over to #kubuntu-offtopic before people get rattled
method|PCLinuxOS is the best rpm distro imo08:18
method|i love pclos08:18
lunitikPCLinuxOS is Mandriva One with a goofy looking theme  :/08:18
hollywoodbmethod|: cpu scaling and suspend/resume are broken on my laptop... I can get it to work with my own scripts, but neither mandriva nor pclinuxos will let it happen by default08:18
Healotand bad packaging...08:18
method|PCLOS is mandriva one but ten times better08:19
lunitikHealot: They just use Mandriva packages, so you can't blame that on them   :P08:19
method|with better fonts by default, multimedia support, a great community, and a nice package manager (apt-get)08:19
=== Shaddar [n=_DOW_Sha@p54A7D4D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
method|they just have a few major bugs that prevents me from using it (ipw2200 wep bug)08:19
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lunitikmethod|: They'll change the package manager soon... they have to, apt4rpm is dead... and PCLinuxOS folks aren't talented enough to maintain it08:20
hollywoodbPCLinuxOS is "nice", but why do I want to write acpi scripts when I could be here tell you people how I don't want to write acpi scritps?!  *smirk*08:20
hollywoodbman I can't spell tonite08:20
Shaddarhi ... how can i change the device an interface is using ? (my wireless-lan-interface uses the ethernet-controller instead of my wlan-adapter :| )08:20
hollywoodbShaddar: you mean like eth0 or eth1 ?08:21
hollywoodbShaddar: if they're consistent in their device assignments it shouldn't matter, are they erratic?08:21
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method|[01:20]  <lunitik> method|: They'll change the package manager soon... they have to, apt4rpm is dead... and PCLinuxOS folks aren't talented enough to maintain it08:22
method|will be interesting to see what happens08:22
Shaddarwhen i'm looking up with ifconfig eth1 is my wlan-adapter, bzw iwconfig shows my ethernet-controller as eth108:22
Shaddar@ hollywoodb08:22
Shaddarbzw=but oO08:22
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hollywoodbShaddar: does iwconfig say eth1 has wireless extensions?08:23
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Shaddarand the mac-address doesn't fit with the mac-adr. of my wlanadapter08:23
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j_hey jucato08:24
Jucatohi j_. did it work?08:24
j_yea thanks08:24
j_where can i find the xserver config file?08:24
Healotit's /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:24
Shaddarhollywoodb: don't know why wlan don't work automatically ... one week ago i installed kubuntu first time and wlan worked without probs, yesterday is reinstalled and nothing works :(08:24
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hollywoodbShaddar: well, you can set module aliases that say "when I load wlan driver I make it eth1 no matter what"... although it shouldn't be necessary08:26
j_can you send me that windows mounting how to08:27
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:27
Jucatoj_: ^^^^^08:27
Shaddarhollywoodb: yes, but why are there different controllers listed as eth1 ? i thought this must be consistent (so eth1 = wlan and eth0 = ethernet for example)08:27
jobless_guys does anybody know a reader for reading simple captchas?08:28
hollywoodbShaddar: well, depending on the card and driver, you can get multiple /dev/ nodes for a single device... it isn't uncommon for madwifi driver to create /dev/ath0 (with wireless extensions) and /dev/wlan0 or /dev/wifi0 (without wifi extensions, ironically)08:28
hollywoodbShaddar: and they will be listed in iwconfig and ifconfig seperately, but with same MAC address... if your mac addresses aren't matching, something is wrong08:29
Shaddarhollywoodb: yes, the mac's aren't matching ... don't know why, last installation this problem didn't occure ... i reinstalled kubuntu twice yesterday and both times this prob08:30
hollywoodbShaddar: and if that is indeed the case (MAC addresses aren't correct), its relatively trivial to fix...08:30
hollywoodbShaddar: this doc is for RedHat, but the syntax in the first 'code' box is the important part: http://www.linux.com/guides/solrhe/Securing-Optimizing-Linux-RH-Edition-v1.3/chap8sec88.shtml08:30
hollywoodbShaddar: where it says 'alias...' ... on a kubuntu box you can put those lines in /etc/modprobe.d/arch-aliases08:31
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hollywoodbShaddar: so if you know which module is for which card you can force it to eth1 or eth0.. but if one is ath0 you should keep forcing it to ath0, not change it to eth1, for example08:32
Shaddarhollywoodb: hm, what do you mean with "module" ? i can identify my wlan-adapter through mac (don't know if this helps me ^^)08:33
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Shaddar<-- linux-beginner :|08:34
richee_this was unexpected08:35
richee_as in link from ubuntu web site got me here08:35
richee_anywat,  i need some help with wireless and static ip, please08:36
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lunitikmethod|: Interesting? how... they'll likely just adopt smart  :/08:37
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method|yeah i can see that happening08:37
method|smart is pretty good tho08:38
method|thats what half of opensuse 10.1 users are using08:38
richee_wireless staic ip - help -please;)08:38
hollywoodbShaddar: takes a bit of know-how I guess... I know my wlan card is an Intel 2915ABG which is supported by the ipw2200 driver... I know on my desktop my NIC is an nforce3 ethernet card which is supported by 'forcedeth' module08:39
Shaddarthe chipset is intel 2200BG so i guess it needs the ipw2200 driver as well ^^08:40
j_hey jucato08:40
j_do you have any other ideas08:40
j_on how to get 1280 resolution08:40
Shaddarhollywoodb: but it seems that something doesn't work08:40
hollywoodbShaddar: yep... and if you know your NIC it isn't 'terribly' hard to figure out... if its a realtek there's a good chance the module starts with rt, broadcom likely to start with bc.. all viewable via 'lsmod'08:41
richee_would some kind soul please respond to my request.  I've been trying for 2 weeks to get any form of linux server wiv samba and lamp going for two weeks.  I've samba,  I've got lamp.  Now all I need is a static ip over my wireless,  PLEAS EPLEASE b4 I go insane (perhaps it's too l8)08:41
hollywoodbrichee_: got a router?08:41
Shaddarhollywoodb: sry for asking : NIC ? :o08:41
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hollywoodbShaddar: Network Interface Controller == network card ;) generally meaning ethernet, not wifi08:42
richee_I got a wireless connection working,  but only wiv DHCP.  Idealy I'd like wireless wivout the gui but i've given up there08:42
hollywoodbrichee_: got a router?08:42
Shaddarhollywoodb: i guess it's an intelchip as well08:42
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hollywoodbrichee_: set your router to assign IP via MAC address, then you can use dhcp on your system and get the same IP every time08:43
harmentalhye everybody....08:43
richee_thought of that,  my wireless router has no such option.  would ave been ideal08:43
harmentalwhat is the correct ligne for the fstab when mounting a fat32 disk (iocharset, nls and codepage options)08:43
hollywoodbShaddar: it'll probably take a bit of experimentation, but if you can identify which module is for which card you can use alias lines like those in /etc/modprobe.d/arch-aliases08:45
richee_but hey,  you've given me an idea,  possibly there's a firmware update to take care of it.  I'll check it out, unlikelt but worth a try08:45
hollywoodbrichee_: well, it isn't a kde app, but I've used wifi-radar successfully before, it's dead-easy to set up08:45
Shaddarhollywoodb: oh, my ethernetcontroller is a broadcom gigabit ethernet (looked for it with lspci)08:45
hollywoodbShaddar: then there's a good chance the module for that card starts with 'bc'... perhaps 'bc43xx' or something similar08:46
Shaddarhollywoodb: how can i look for the module-name ?08:46
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hollywoodbShaddar: sudo lsmod | less08:47
hollywoodbShaddar: will list modules08:48
richee_Tried that this morning but all it did was loose me my connection.  I think it's cos I gom bcm43xx.  I've had all sorts of problems just getting that working,  especially wiv wpa.08:48
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Shaddarhollywoodb: thx, but neither a module with "bc" starting nor with 2200 or something similar :|08:49
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hollywoodbShaddar: might take a little more research then... I don't pretend to know what every single module represents, although I wouldn't mind having those bragging rights ;)08:50
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richee_anyways,  thnx.   I'm gonna have a look @ stting the router to dish out the ip for me.  I looked at this a couple of weeks ago,  no joy,  but I've a feeling there's a way.  So I'm off googling, and cheers,  I'm slightly more sane than b4 ;)08:51
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Shaddarhollywoodb: so i have no chance of getting my wlan work without detailled search, right ? ^^08:52
richee_holywoodb: anyways,  thnx.   I'm gonna have a look @ stting the router to dish out the ip for me.  I looked at this a couple of weeks ago,  no joy,  but I've a feeling there's a way.  So I'm off googling, and cheers,  I'm slightly more sane than b4 ;)08:54
hollywoodbShaddar: probably, if you search google for what 'lspci' says the chip is you should find out which module pretty quick08:55
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Shaddarhollywoodb: you mena something like this : Broadcom BCM5751M Gigabit-LAN, works, using the tg3 kernel module ?08:59
Shaddarmena=mean oO08:59
hollywoodbShaddar: could be, BCM5751M is the important part, so if 'lsmod' lists the 'tg3' module, there ya go08:59
Shaddarno it doesn't list it :(09:00
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hollywoodbShaddar: you could always post the output of 'lspci' and 'lsmod', as well as 'ifconfig' and 'iwconfig' to the forums and wait a response09:02
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Shaddarhollywoodb: thx (typing all the lines manually sucks -.-)09:04
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reconfigure - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
xsachaany ideas how i can reconfigure my kernel to add something in? or i have to compile?09:05
hollywoodbShaddar: in konsole you can highlight and rightclick->copy also, if you highlight and then middle-click somewhere else it will paste... this works for terminal and *all* things linux09:06
hollywoodbxsacha: read the second link you got from "!kernel"09:07
Shaddarhollywoodb: yes, but without any connection to other pcs or the internet i can't c&p ^^09:07
xsachaso i have to compile it?09:07
hollywoodbxsacha: not necessarily, read that document09:07
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Shaddarhollywoodb : irc is running on dekstop-pc not on laptop09:08
xsachacant i just do something to reconfigure kernel?09:08
hollywoodbShaddar: OK, then: lsmod > lsmod.txt09:08
hollywoodbShaddar: that'll make a file lsmod.txt with the output from lsmod09:08
hollywoodbShaddar: (oh, and sudo first if needed)... you can do that with any command09:08
hollywoodbShaddar: then use a floppy/usb drive/CDR to copy it over09:09
Shaddarhollywoodb: oh, right ^^ usb-stick i... good idea, thx ^^09:09
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Shaddargn8 ^^09:10
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richee_hollywoodb:  Your suggestion has born fruit.  My router does not support if allocation natively,  but I've found a third party firmware provider that will enable this feature.  Looks like this is going to solve my problem,  cheers09:12
richee_hollywoodb:  ip allocation  not if  ;)09:13
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Shaddaranyone an idea why my usbstick always deletes every file/folder i copy to it with linux ? (are there any necessary actions before copying to an usbsstick in linux) ?09:19
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|joe|Shaddar: do you always correctly umount?09:20
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JucatoSafely Remove09:20
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Shaddar|joe|: no ... don't know how because the terminal for examples doesn't work with usb-stick cause of quotes in name (perhaps i'm to stupid to get it work ^^)09:20
|joe|Shaddar: what do you mean terminal doesn't work with usb-stick?09:21
Shaddar|joe|: i was trying to copy the files by terminal (cp)09:22
|joe|Shaddar: and how did you mount the usb stick? via kde?09:22
Shaddar|joe| : but my usb-stick wasn't accepted as a folder to copy in09:22
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Shaddar|joe| : yes ... asked if i want to open usbstick in new window ... clikced ok (so it has to be mounted automatically right ? )09:23
|joe|Shaddar: yes it should09:23
Shaddar|joe|: how do i unmount it manually ? (safely remove didn't work as well :( )09:24
|joe|Shaddar: generally you have to always unmount the usb mass storage devices before detaching them09:24
|joe|Shaddar: you can do it eg then by clicking on the device icon in kde and selecting safely remove as Jucato suggested09:24
|joe|Shaddar: otherwise the data can get only cached in your computer; by "safely remove" they will be flushed to your stick09:25
Shaddar|joe|: didnt work ^^ safely removed devide, put it back in usb-slot and files are deleted :(09:25
|joe|Shaddar: that's the worse cast09:25
Shaddar|joe|: oh oO second time trying to remove safely it worked oO09:26
|joe|not _that_ worse after all :)09:27
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|joe|but i had once a usb card reader for sc cards that worked flawlessly under winxp09:27
Shaddardid exactly the same actions ... first time didn't work, second time it worked ... sometimes i don't understand computers oO09:27
|joe|and on linux i couldn't fill it to more than 50% .... the fs got always corrupted09:28
|joe|but it was no name so i assume it was just standard-unfriendly or similar09:28
Shaddarhm ... the format by copying for example "lsmod > lsmod.txt" is really bad oO no wordwrap -.-09:30
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Jucatomine has09:30
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Shaddarhm ... after c&p there is wordwrap ... in editor not09:35
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harmentalhi everybody....09:54
harmentali have an encoding problem...09:54
harmentali have my box set to UTF...09:55
harmentalhowever i often work with windows files using special chars (  )09:55
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harmentalwhen i open those files with kate (kate is set to utf) strange symbols appear...09:56
harmentalif i set kate to use ISO text is ok again....09:56
harmentalis there a way to let kate (and the rest pieces of software for that matter) set to UTF while preserving compatibility w/ Windows?09:57
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Admiral_Chicagoharmental: not everyone is around or knows the answer10:03
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Schalkenhow can i reset the kmenu?10:14
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JucatoSchalken: "kbuildsycoca --incremental" ? (what do you mean by "reset"?10:15
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SchalkenJucato: im trying to undo some edits i made10:16
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Schalkenwill that undo them all?10:16
JucatoSchalken: ah. no. that command "refreshes" K Menu.. sorry10:16
mat__I got a question: Even though I installed kdmtheme via apt-get I cannot find it in Systemproperties... Why? (got edgy eft)10:16
SchalkenJucato: "refreshes"?10:17
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JucatoSchalken: for example, if you installed a program that doesn't immediately show up in K Menu.you need to refresh it10:17
SchalkenJucato: ah okay10:18
Jucatomat__: it's a bug. you need to use KControl (Alt+F2, "kcontrol")_10:18
mat__Jucato: that's annoying... =S10:18
Jucatomat__: it's a bug. of course it's annoying :P10:19
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JucatoSchalken: not entirely sure, but this would completely undo all. go to ~/.config/menus and delete the applications-menu file there10:19
mat__Jucato: so why it get's not fixed... =P gg10:20
SchalkenJucato: thats the file that contains my manual configuration and if i delete it it goes back to sysdefault?10:20
Jucatomat__: because it's a new bug (only in Edgy)? and might require a bit more fixing than a simple patch10:20
JucatoSchalken: I believe so10:20
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mat__Jucato: it works! Thx a lot! *thumbsup*10:21
mat__Other question: My hardware-monitor is 1280x800 but Xorg uses 12024x768. How can I fix this? (with WinXP Home it does work, have an Acer Aspire 1640ZWLMi)10:23
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mat__of course 1024x768... sorry, typo10:23
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mat__I already tried manualy to fix this, but xorg.conf get's overwritten. (gues by kde)10:24
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mat__tried also sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg but after a xserver restart it overwrites my xorg.conf...10:25
mat__can sb help?10:25
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|joe|mat__: when do you think  it gets overwritten? in kdm?10:27
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mat__joe: i only gues...10:27
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mat__joe: i tried with KDE-Monitor but there also it doesn't work... damned!10:28
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mat__joe: could it be, that i got shared memory?10:28
|joe|mat__: ?10:30
mat__joe: i got 1024mb ram and my graphiccard uses the ram as videoram. you know sharedmemory...10:31
|joe|mat__: i'm not actually sure what is your problem10:31
|joe|mat__: but if you want to you can try the following10:31
|joe|mat__: shut down kde and x, stop kdm10:31
|joe|mat__: fix xorg.conf10:31
|joe|mat__: and run X manually (X in the console)10:32
zoetrope666hi all :) can someone help me > i've been downloading different login window themes and trying them out, however in the process i appear to have lost the 'restart' and 'shutdown' options from both my login window at startup, and from my quit menu at shutdown. is this fixable? im using ubuntu10:32
|joe|mat__: if you don't have the right resolution, you have a problem :)10:32
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mat__joe: will try... brb brb10:33
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|joe|mat__: provided that you're not fiddling with system settings with root privileges in kde10:33
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harmentali have simple question here......10:40
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mat__joe: re10:40
harmentalhow can i share an usb-memory between kubuntu (edgy) and windows (xp) regarding the encoding10:40
harmentalutf for linux10:40
mat__joe: well my xorg.conf file is correct, but it doesn't look like as if my resolution is correct...10:41
harmentalwhen i create text files with special chars (  ) in win they don work in linux10:41
lupine_85harmental: winxp should be able to do utf8 as well10:41
harmentalthe other way round works nicely...10:42
lupine_85really it's a windows support question :/ -- it's probably using iso-8859-110:42
lupine_85maybe try #windows ? :)10:42
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|joe|mat__: can you take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log?10:43
|joe|lupine_85: windows and utf8? i haven't heard of it10:43
harmentallupine_85: well...i dont know what windows does ....but i can assure that i cant modify nor create utf files with xp10:43
rolando_how can i make my sd card reader work again with edgy?10:43
mat__|joe| mean KSystemLog->X.Org-Protocol?10:44
|joe|mat__: maybe, i use less /var/log/Xblabla :)10:44
lupine_85any relatively modern OS "should" be able to...10:44
|joe|harmental: i'd say windows uses its special codepages10:45
lupine_85do the special characters made in windows, appear in windows?10:45
Schalkenwhat do i need to do to get konqueror to detect the java plugin?10:45
|joe|harmental: you should probably play with mount and iocharset, codepage parameters10:45
lupine_85if so, you could force ubuntu to read & write the usb stick with that codepage, but that's a nasty hack10:45
lupine_85personally i'd fix/dump windows :)10:45
|joe|lupine_85: what win do you have? (lang)10:46
lupine_85I don't have Windows at all10:46
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|joe|Schalken: did you look at the java tab in konq settings?10:47
|joe|oh sorry10:47
|joe|harmental:  what win do you have? (lang)10:47
rolando_i get sd card detected in socket 310:47
Schalken|joe|: what needs to be configured?10:47
harmental|joe|: english10:47
|joe|harmental: ehm and what special chars do you mean?10:48
|joe|Schalken: konq settings, java & java script, globally enable java, and the correct binary10:48
|joe|Schalken: i'd suggest sun 1.510:48
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mat__|joe|: well, it says that it loaded it with 1280x800, but I don't trust, because my icons are so stretched...10:48
Trist_anI have uninstalled powernowd and I want to reinstall it. But now, synaptic tells me he will uninstall kubuntu-desktop. How can I just tell him to just reinstall powernowd without uninstalling kubuntu-desktop?10:49
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lunitik|joe|: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-plugin from multiverse and everything will be fine10:49
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lunitikTrist_an: sudo apt-get install --reinstall10:49
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|joe|lunitik: and set alternatives ... right now i forgot how10:49
harmental|joe|: &  *  10:49
Schalken|joe|: i have sun-java5-plugin and dependencies. path is correct ('java') and enabled globally, however, it does not show up when i do 'scan for new plugins' in the plugins side-tab.10:49
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lunitik|joe|: that package automatically handles alternatives via the post-inst script....10:50
|joe|harmental: well i can't read it either :)10:50
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|joe|lunitik: are you sure? i had to change it manually .....10:50
|joe|mat__: so try changing xorg.conf to 1280x768 and see if something changes10:51
ortigosasomebody knows where can i find themes for kubuntu???10:51
harmentali dont understand.....10:51
mat__|joe| again brb... =)10:51
noiesmoortigosa, check out kde-look.org10:52
ortigosathan k you very much10:52
Schalken|joe|: anything else i need to do?10:52
rolando_no1 has a laptop with sd card reader?10:52
rolando_it worked with dappe10:52
|joe|Schalken: i think that should be everything ...btw my binary in konq settings is /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/bin/java10:52
rolando_but now it wont work again10:52
|joe|rolando_: the only thing about built-in card readers in laptops is that they like to crash the comp10:53
|joe|rolando_: the only thing i know, sorry :)10:53
rolando_|joe|: it worked before10:53
Schalken|joe|: is it supposed to show up when i do 'scan for new plugins'?10:54
|joe|Schalken: i'm not sure10:55
|joe|Schalken: i did it maybe half year ago10:55
Schalken|joe|: does it show up on yours? all i have is flash and kaffeine plugins under 'netscape'?10:55
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|joe|Schalken: the java settings are not in the plugins10:56
Schalken|joe|: okay10:56
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mat__|joe| re10:57
mat__|joe|: it looks exactly the same... no difference... that sucks...10:58
mat__|joe|: well, at least it works!=D10:58
|joe|mat__: hm, but that's not good, is it :)10:59
MRMorefield-fthhow to uninstal?11:00
MRMorefield-ftsudo apt-get11:00
|joe|mat__: so your X log says it's in 1280x800, but it's only in 1280x768, right?11:00
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mat__|joe|: on my homecomputer I didn't got my soundcard working, THAT was annoying! In the end a friend of mine got i fixed... =)11:01
mat__|joe| looks like as i had school now... llap! *waves*11:01
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pred2k3how to install rpms under debian?11:07
|joe|pred2k3: if you really need to you can use alien and hope everything works11:08
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lunitikpred2k3: alien --to-deb some.rpm ... sudo dpkg -i some.deb11:11
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adam_I have just installed edgy+kubuntu, and I am tryign to work out how to configure multiple panels in kde. I right click the panel, go to 'Configure Panel...', but tehre is no option to choose the other pannel I added. Anyone know where it has gone? Thanks.11:12
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|joe|adam_: right click on panel and select add new panel11:12
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Admiral_Chicagoadam_: scroll down in the drop down menu?11:13
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lunitikadam_: all configuration should apply to both panels... theres also an option in Kcontrol > Desktop > Panels > Appearance under "Advanced"11:13
adam_thanks. I have done that - I have 2 panels. but on the configure screen i can only change the first one11:13
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lunitikThat option is only applicable if its a menu panel though11:14
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ohmbrhi, i'm having problems to configure abnt2 keyboards... does somebody could help me?11:15
adam_'right click > add new pannel' doesnt seem to have an option for a menu panel11:15
twosouls82good day :)11:15
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ohmbrwhere can i find a good tutorial about that?/11:16
freewillhow shoud the thing look that i have to add like deb url edgy-backports... for libxine extras/win32codecs on edgy?11:16
adam__I have just installed edgy+kubuntu, and I am tryign to work out how to configure multiple panels in kde (I have already added an addition Panel). I right click the panel, go to 'Configure Panel...', but there is no option to choose the other pannel I added. Anyone know where it has gone? Thanks.11:16
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twosouls82!restrictedformats | freewill11:17
ubotufreewill: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
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adam_lunitik: I was sure in pervious versions I could configure different panels independantly. Ie have one small one at the top, and one big on at the bottom11:19
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lunitikadam_: I'm not sure... I have a small menu panel and large regular panel though... perhaps this is what you did before?11:20
twosouls82what is the name of the tool that helps me cleaning up my installation, by asking me which package to keep, again?11:20
Shaddaranyone knows good how-to's for installing and configure kubuntu ?11:20
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twosouls82Shaddar: any specific subjecy?11:20
adam_lunitik: Ok, thanks. can you tell me how to add a menu panel? it doesnt seem to be on the add new panel list11:20
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Trist_anIs there anyway to have a shortcut in konqueror to disply the files in a list?11:21
twosouls82Trist_an: choose the detail view and then save the view in the Filemanager profile11:21
Shaddartwosouls82: not really ... want a stable system to work with11:21
lunitikadam_: KControl > Desktop > Behavior  "Application Bar" or whatever in the middle...11:22
twosouls82Shaddar: you should really check out the wiki of ubuntu; it has (almost) all your answers11:22
Trist_antwosouls82, that will activate this by default for all the time. I just want a shortcut so I can switch to details when I want11:22
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Shaddartwosouls82: the how-to's there work for kde as well as for gnome ?11:23
twosouls82Trist_an: in that case, I guess, the answer is no... hence the shortcut isn't configurable for it the the "Configure Shortcuts" dialogue11:23
adam_lunitik: thanks, but that doesnt seem to be it. it was definatly a seperate panel I could configure11:24
adam_thanks for the help tho11:24
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oswaldosomeone know configure devide on LTSP??11:26
oswaldohow cd-rom,floppy etc all this about client LTSP?11:26
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oswaldoactive cd-rom,floppy,pendrive in client LTSP?11:26
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|joe|lunitik: i think you can't actually change settings for the menu bar, can you?11:48
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|joe|lunitik: now i think this was what adam was looking for11:49
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Shaddaram i connected to a network if wireless assistant says "successfully connected" but the little arrow beside the network is missing ?11:52
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hesperus_hi, how can i burn bin/cue files in linux? i have k3b11:53
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lunitik|joe|: you can change its appearence, but thats about it11:54
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lunitikhesperus_: no idea, I use cdrecord myself... rather than have k3b do it...11:54
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[DOW] Shaddar|AFKam i connected to a network if wireless assistant says "successfully connected" but the little arrow beside the network is missing ? (don't know if question was submitted before disconnect)11:55
hesperus_lunitik: any one-liner then? :)11:55
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lunitikhesperus_: 'cdrecord dev=/dev/hdwhatever --data some.bin some.cue' should be fine...11:55
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|joe|hesperus_: isn't the .cue just a text file description? i think one can convert somehow11:55
phubeonehello, got a quick question11:56
hesperus_|joe|: yeap11:56
phubeonetrying to install xgl11:56
|joe|and the .bin is actually .iso isnt't it?11:56
phubeoneand i'm running this command11:56
phubeonesudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome11:56
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phubeoneand it says compiz package not found11:56
hesperus_|joe|: i'm not sure what format is bin exactly... it's as big as an iso11:56
phubeonei'm a linux noob and just following a guide at ubuntuguide.org11:56
lunitikphubeone: you need universe at least... although beware that compiz with kde is messy11:56
|joe|lunitik: hm what do you mean by appearance? i coultn't change anything about it (size, position, background etc)11:57
phubeonelunitik: ah i just want to check it out.  and what is universe =D11:57
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lunitikphubeone: read the comments in sources.list and do what it says11:58
phubeoneah gotcha, thanks for the info11:58
phubeonegonna look that up right now11:58
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lunitik|joe|: you can make it transparent etc... although all panels are configured to be the same afaik11:58
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Admiral_Chicagophubeone: did you ask in #ubuntu-xgl?11:59
phubeonecool will do chicago12:00
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phubeonethanks for pointing in the right direction.. just learning this12:00
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Admiral_Chicagophubeone: yea i had a lot of help there, it took me a while to get it installed12:05
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khirrello, what proghram should i use to open rar files12:20
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free12:23
Hobbseekhirr: ^12:23
khirri0m cheking :D12:24
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khirreating tamal :D12:24
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khirrdoent exist this page ;S12:27
khirrwithout pointf :D12:27
poehope they choke ya12:28
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MaterMaravillaehi, do any of you guys have a geforce 6600 gt?12:44
MaterMaravillaeisn't this too much?12:45
MaterMaravillae63098 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12619.496 FPS12:45
MaterMaravillae(with glxgears -printfps)12:45
lunitik ubotu needs a way to link to different wiki pages per channel... the rar factoid should link to something about ark... NOT gnome methods  :/12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about needs a way to link to different wiki pages per channel... the rar factoid should link to something about ark... NOT gnome methods  :/ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:45
gnomefreakMaterMaravillae: first its not a benchmark and most cards get no where near that concider yourself lucky as hell12:46
lunitikstupid bot12:46
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MaterMaravillaethe thing is, gnomefreak, i was trying that because i dont get to change the resolution, i just get 800x60012:46
MaterMaravillaein win it happens the same12:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:47
MaterMaravillaereinstalling drivers didn't help12:47
=== lunitik wonders why gnomefreak is in #kubuntu ... just helping out or something?
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MaterMaravillaedpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg12:47
MaterMaravillaeim afraid its broken12:47
gnomefreakMaterMaravillae: follow the instructions on the link ubotu posted above12:47
MaterMaravillaethats why i dont understand so many fps12:47
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gnomefreakMaterMaravillae: first make sure your monitor specs are the same as you have in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:48
gnomefreakMaterMaravillae: ubuntu doesnt always set the right refresh rates12:49
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MaterMaravillaeyeah i know12:49
MaterMaravillaewhat made me think the video card is broken is that i have the same problem in win12:50
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MaterMaravillaeim gonna take a look at the card12:52
MaterMaravillaethx guys12:52
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ElectrolyteCan anyone tell me why XOrg is using 10% CPU constantly?12:56
ElectrolyteIt never uesd more than 2% in Dapper.12:56
lunitikElectrolyte: no idea... you using compiz/xgl?12:57
ElectrolyteStandard X.12:57
lunitikElectrolyte: fwiw, I think Dapper was the last Xorg maintained by Daniel Stone... he's pretty much an X god... so its hard to compete with his work... although I'm not sure thats the actual issue....12:58
ElectrolyteIt's annoying when playing a game like UT2004, as it causes the game to keep skipping every half a second.12:59
ElectrolyteI have to keep restarting X to fix it :/12:59
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ElectrolyteActually, it causes the whole system to skip every half a second :|01:00
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khaijedoes anyone have an interest in explaining why flac in amarok has been broken for so long?01:03
khaije(or any advice on setting up kubuntu to use gstreamer)01:04
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[GuS] Bonjour...01:13
delighton first right click in konqeuror on desktop i either have konqueror crash or some strange warnings about DCopserver or some thing about snv entry01:13
delightsvn not snv01:13
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delightaanybody got the same problem01:14
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wildchildwhich program is playing files like mediaplayer on the internet: x-mplayer2 maybe?01:20
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e1merhello all01:21
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e1meris there a tool to translate wvdial.conf to kppp arguments?01:21
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ElectrolyteWell there we go.01:22
ElectrolyteCtrl + Alt + Backspace fixed the X problem.01:22
ElectrolyteGetting really cheesed off with it now.01:23
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Borai need some help01:23
Borahow can I set up the source list in kubuntu?01:24
wedgeVmy X resolution gets changed to 640x480 once i log in, in KDM it is a 1680x1050... this never happend before, any ideas?01:24
gnomefreak!repos | Bora01:25
ubotuBora: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu01:25
e1meris there a tool to translate wvdial.conf to kppp arguments?01:25
MaterMaravillaewedgeV take a look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:25
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Borathank you ubotu01:26
MaterMaravillaein modes, make sure the highest resolution is the first one01:26
wedgeVMaterMaravillae: it is01:26
Borahave a nice day01:26
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wedgeVand it always worked fine01:26
wedgeVtill now01:26
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MaterMaravillaethen i cant help you01:27
MaterMaravillaemaybe your card broke up like mine01:27
wedgeVit works fine in KDM01:27
wedgeVeg: the login screen is in 1680x105001:27
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yamalwedgeV: if it has the correct size in kdm but not once logged in, then check the window manager's (kde?) settings01:28
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wedgeVyamal: yea i did, but i can only select 640x480 and 800x600 in kde, and i have never been able to select anything else, but the resolution has always been fine01:29
wedgeVit even worked fine when i booted earlier today01:29
gnomefreak!fixres | wedgeV01:29
ubotuwedgeV: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:29
wedgeVi already read that01:30
wedgeVand my xorg.conf is fine01:30
yamalthe X server isn't the problem since it does work correctly when only kdm is started01:30
wedgeVthe KDE settings didnt have any effect. seems like they do now01:31
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yamalwedgeV: quite some bugs reported on this subject :/01:34
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wedgeVyamal: do you have a url?01:34
yamaldo you have more than one screen in xorg?01:34
wedgeVone, with 1680x1050 as the first mode01:36
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yamalwedgeV: launchpad bug #4687501:39
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yamalseems similar but no solution alas01:39
yamaland other than that changing works for them and doesn't for you01:40
wedgeVyes... i'll take a look at .kde/share/config01:40
yamal#60465 and #61482 are about not being able to change anything01:41
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lolai'm italian01:42
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:42
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dude_hi guys01:51
dude_abattoir !01:51
dude_jucato !01:51
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DaylighterI upgraded to Edgy, and only have one problem. I dont have any sound when I try to view media in firefox02:08
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Daylighterdarn USB soundcards anyway02:12
Daylighterhow do I find out what's blocking the sound card/making it busy?02:15
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|lostbyte|Hi ! Any one owning an ipod here ?02:18
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto02:19
|lostbyte|ubotu, thanks :)02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
alynxis the transaction from dapper drake to edgy eft smooth ?02:20
alynxis it just to change your sources list and then do an dist upgrade ?02:21
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apokryphosalynx: no, that's not enough. Please read the upgrade instructions on kubuntu.org (in the channel topic)02:22
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alynxapokryphos: ah thanks :) did not notice topic ^^02:23
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blackflagcan someone tell me how I can see the boot messages during booting of edgy?02:25
alynxill leave now , making the upgrade , thanks again02:25
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blackflagthere is always the screen is there a keyboard combination?02:26
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dhqwhere can i get help with coppermine02:27
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|joe|blackflag: i'd say ctrl+alt+f102:31
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Jucatodoes anyone know where (or what package installs) the contents of Quanta's documentation panel? (Kubuntu)02:45
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BluesKajHowdy all ! :)03:07
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intelikeywell, i've ask this already but i'll ask it again.   howto set a veriable in a script that will still be set the next time the script is ran ?03:12
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ubuntualguien habla espanol03:13
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malix0hi all03:13
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:13
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malix0I need to install debug simbol for kate, so I ahve installed kdebase-dbg, but there are no way to know package relation. I think that a kate-dbg meta package can be a good solution, what do you think?03:15
BluesKajhey intelikey, gonna try to gigure out how to get permission to mount shared files on the network03:16
intelikeymalix0 kdevelop  ?03:16
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intelikeyBluesKaj smbmount ?03:17
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Meekusquick question... I just added some aliases in a .bash_aliases file.  Is there a service I can stop and restart to get those aliases loaded without having to do a reboot or logout/login?03:17
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malix0intelikey: kdevelop for wath?03:17
BluesKajintelikey, komba03:17
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intelikeyMeekus  . .bash_aliases03:18
|joe|Meekus: afaik the aliases are local to each bash process03:18
|joe|Meekus: so you'd need to load them in every bash you have open03:18
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intelikeyMeekus also they won't affect the gui only the bash shell  (login shells)03:19
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MeekusAhh ok.  That makes sense.  the goal was to save me a bit of typing - IE: alias sai='sudo apt-get install'03:21
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JucatoMeekus: afaik, the .bash_aliases affects all Konsole sessions03:21
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MeekusI'll play around with it and see what I can come up with.  hehe.. now I am trying to convince myself that I am making things more efficient.. rather than just being lazy lol03:23
lupine_85what on earth happened to #ubuntu ?03:23
intelikeyMeekus script.   echo -e "#!/bin/sh \nsudo apt-get install $*" > sai ;chmod 555 sai ;chown root:root sai ;sudo mv sai /usr/local/bin03:23
Jucatolupine_85: why?03:23
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lupine_85from my perspective there are two people in it03:23
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Jucato877 people...03:24
intelikeyMeekus scripts are easier to play with for things like that.   and as soon as you put it in */bin/ it's ready to use...03:24
lupine_85ah, yes - konversation being sillty03:24
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Meekusintelikey: I never thought about doing it like that - good deal!03:24
Jucatointelikey: #!/bin/bash in Edgy03:25
intelikeyJucato are you telling me that edgy totally breaks posix compliance ?03:25
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Jucatointelikey: afaik, DASH requires more POSIX compliant scripts03:26
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intelikey /bin/sh   should be a valid inturpretor on any  *nix  system.03:26
instructorDASH isn't posix?03:26
intelikeyinstructor not haveing /bin/sh isn't posix.03:26
lupine_85dash doesn't work with lots of scripts03:27
Jucatointelikey: hm.. nvm... I think /bin/sh just links to /bin/dash03:27
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=== Jucato is now confused...
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to "#!/bin/bash"03:27
Clarabellayasch yasch03:27
Clarabellahionk doink03:27
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intelikeylupine_85 the one i just wrote ^^ is the one in question and there is nothing in it that would give the most basic of shells any trubble.03:28
dimsuzHi! It seems like I cant find _any_ info on how update to Edgy using alternate CD. It is said everywhere that it is possible but not how to do this...03:28
JucatoClarabella: please don't spam/flood03:28
dimsuzAny hints? :)03:28
dimsuzthat's my first upgrade of kubuntu...03:28
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Clarabellame too!!!03:28
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micke\I'm having problems with fullscreen in VLC, the panels in KDE stays above the picture. If I check the alternating fullscreen box, the fullscreen works for 0.5 seconds and then reverts to a small window03:28
micke\anyone know of a solution?03:29
intelikeyJucato unless i'm totally nuts (please reserve comments on that point) bash isn't required on a system to be posix-able  but sh is.03:29
Jucatointelikey: like I said, I'm confused :)03:29
Jucatointelikey: anyway, /bin/sh is just a symlink to /bin/dash03:30
Jucatoin Edgy at least03:30
intelikeywas in hoary too03:30
dimsuzah. found03:30
Clarabellaabdull ashalad???03:30
Jucatointelikey: hoary had dash by default?03:30
intelikeyand dapper    at least as an option.   default might have been sh > bash03:30
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Jucatointelikey: yeah, I think hoary to dapper had /bin/bash by default03:31
Jucatointelikey: ah now I understand a bit...03:31
JucatoClarabella: stop it03:31
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intelikeyand also  dpkg-reconfigure bash -plow    will let you set it to  sh > bash on edgy too  no?03:31
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Jucatointelikey: some old (pre-Edgy) BASH scripts need to be edited to use /bin/bash in order to work03:32
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keb_can someone help me why my winetools is not running?03:33
intelikeyJucato yeah because they are "bash" scripts  with a false #!/bin/sh  id tag.    there is nothing wrong with using  #!/bin/bash  1. if it's not a production script that needs to be posix compliand   2. it uses bash specific code.03:33
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tobiashi, after updating to edgy i miss some systemsettings apps (display, drives&filesystems). anyone knows something about this?03:34
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nathantobias: those are under advanced03:34
Jucatotobias: try to check if kde-guidance is installed. and Disks & Filesystems is in the Advanced tab03:34
JucatoMonitor and Display is in General03:34
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tobiasnathan: i know that, the icons are there but they are not running.03:35
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Jucatotobias: try installing/reinstalling kde-guidance03:35
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intelikeyLALLY you must be really bored.........   no life outside the box ?03:37
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_tobiasreinstalling did it. thx alot.03:38
LALLYintelikey:where are you from???03:38
intelikeyLALLY i'm an alian.03:39
LALLYme to03:39
=== intelikey knods.
LALLYi'm from mars03:39
=== Jucato puts up the large "Don't Feed the Trolls" sign
keb_hey, can someone help me what should i do to run my winetools?03:39
keb_usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3300: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: Nincs ilyen fjl vagy knyvtr03:39
intelikeyJucato hehhe03:39
keb_Calls to wine are executed as  "wine".03:39
keb_Config is /home/keb/.wine/winetools.log.03:39
keb_/usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3211: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: Nincs ilyen fjl vagy knyvtr03:39
keb_/usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3242: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: Nincs ilyen fjl vagy knyvtr03:39
keb_/usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3026: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: Nincs ilyen fjl vagy knyvtr03:39
keb_it gives this error msg03:39
Jucato!paste | keb_03:39
ubotukeb_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:39
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LALLYintelikey:...i'm not joking...where are you from?03:40
keb_at the end "Nincs ilyen fajl vagy konyvtar"= no such file or directory03:40
intelikeyi am joking  :)03:40
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LALLYi know03:41
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LALLYintelikey: soooooo???where are you from???03:42
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intelikeyoh sorry there was no inflection in that...    i am joking ?   :)03:42
=== Jucato thinks he is being a bit tolerant today...
LALLYi'm italian!!!03:43
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=== intelikey must remember that people can't hear how he punctuates things unless he uses punctuation marking.
=== Jucato lends intelikey some extra punctuation marks..
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intelikey!?.,:;'`"     :)03:44
=== Tm_T rushes in from the frontdoor
Tm_THi kids.03:44
JucatoI should have locked that frontdoor... :)03:45
Jucatohi Tm_T sir :P03:45
icheynehas anyone used Duplicity for backups?03:45
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intelikeyLALLY most people don't like to give out personal information.   asl? asl? asl?   is a yahoo thing frowned upon in irc in general.   the information that they(we) want you do see is easy enough to obtain.   /whois blah03:46
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Jucatointelikey: it's also an IRC (DALnet, Undernet, etc) thing...03:47
ubotuHa magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu03:47
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Jucatoand in some cases, they even go "nasl"...03:47
keb_ha segitene valaki probalnam03:47
BluesKajintelikey, only kids ask for asl ..03:48
intelikeyJucato hmmm yeah prolly so.  on M$ oreinted channels  here maybe too03:48
keb_i would like to try ubuntu-hu but they're still03:48
keb_no one is in the omde to help03:48
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Jucatoif winetools is an official Wine project, you could also try in #wine03:49
BluesKajok, try to stick to english so someone can help you here , keb03:49
intelikeyor #winehq  maybe...03:49
Jucatoer yeah..03:49
Jucatolol sorry for the misdirection03:49
keb_ok, thx03:49
keb_nvm :)03:49
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keb_the hungarian guys seems to be not very helpful03:50
keb_they're really annoying...03:50
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intelikeyalmost like americians....  :)03:50
keb_nah, i got most time help from this channel03:50
keb_or from the german one03:50
keb_tough i never learned english and its hard for me to explain some things03:51
intelikeyyes bable was certianly affective....03:52
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h3sp4wnI know at least one hungarian guy who knows loads of stuff and helps me with some difficult problems03:53
ehirdrunning banshee loads and then just exits03:54
keb_al they do is making fun of me..03:54
BluesKajlooks like samba is a bit beyond my understanding ...tried komba ...it sees my network but there are no permissions03:54
intelikeyanyone know a way to pass a variable from a script to the shell that called it ?03:54
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intelikeyBluesKaj something about adding self to workgroup.... i have no idea.  i'm network illiterate.   and maybe english illiterate also....03:56
polterhow do I format a SD-Card with the FAT-filesystem?03:56
intelikeymkfs.vfat /dev/<blah>03:56
intelikeyas root that ^ of course.03:57
BluesKajwell, I'm not terribly upset about it , intelikey ...someday I'll take the time03:57
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polterintelikey: it says it contains a mounted filesystem.. how do I unmount?03:57
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Shaddaranyone here using konversation / xchat ?03:58
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intelikeypolter sudo umount /dev/<blah>03:58
=== Jucato uses Konvi
intelikeypolter ahhh  usb ?03:58
polterintelikey: its a mamory-card reader03:58
intelikeyyou may have to umount /proc/usbfs   something like that...03:59
polterintelikey: dunno its internal connection03:59
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intelikey mount    will tell you.03:59
ShaddarJucato: are there any possibilities to let koversation perform some commands after connecting to a network ?03:59
polterintelikey: well It worked to unmount using "umount  /dev/sde1"... what now?03:59
intelikey /proc/bus/usbfs   i think that was....03:59
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intelikeysudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sde104:00
intelikeythat doesn't confirm so don't typo04:00
intelikeyand "no error message" means  no error...    ready to mount.04:01
polterit worked! thanks a lot!04:01
polterI THINK it worked, that is :P04:02
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intelikeyas my old grand-dad used to say.   'thanks a million, until you are better paid'04:02
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dude_abattoir !04:02
polterintelikey: that's not a bad way of putting it! :)04:02
JucatoShaddar: I'm not really sure04:02
abattoirhello dude_04:02
dude_jucato !04:02
intelikeypolter you'll prolly have to remount it to use it.04:03
abattoirdude_: are you a bot?04:03
Jucatohi dude_04:03
dude_what is this error everytime i run kiba-dock "eryl: Couldn't bind redirected window 0x3600006 to texture"04:03
Jucatoabattoir: nah, he just has an auto-greet script :P04:03
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dude_no auto greet script04:03
Jucatodude_: I was just kidding04:04
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ShaddarJucato: what i want is, that koversation logs me in (for example performs "/msg nickserv identify <pw>" @ irc.freenode.net) automatically04:04
JucatoShaddar: ah that one is possible :)04:04
Shaddarand especcially in another network, where the syntax is another (/msg chanserv auth <Nick> <pw>)04:05
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intelikeyJucato you might know if konversation does or not.  but bx will automaticly look for a ~/.ircrc   and source it if it exists.04:05
dude_abattoir: what is this error everytime i run kiba-dock "eryl: Couldn't bind redirected window 0x3600006 to texture"04:05
JucatoShaddar: File -> Server list -> Edit -> Identity -> Edit04:05
abattoirdude_: sorry run neither that nor beryl... if it's not causing any problems, i'm pretty sure you can ignore it04:06
JucatoShaddar: put "NickServ" in the service, and your password04:06
BluesKajShaddar, you do the identity and pw  editing in the server list04:06
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ShaddarJucato: this auto-idnetify requies the syntax of freenode-IRC04:07
ShaddarJucato: i mean "/msg nickserv identify pw"04:07
intelikey /msg nickserv identify <pass>04:07
JucatoShaddar: it works on Freenode since I'm using it04:07
ShaddarJucato: what i need is a syntax "/msg chanserv AUTH <nick> <pass>"04:07
Jucatoah chanserv?04:08
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intelikey"runtime configuration" files.....04:08
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BluesKaj /msg nickserv identify "password"04:09
SHRIKEEwhy does the option for the monitor powersave not work?04:09
hemanthow do you make it so that konversation opens up when you click on a link on firefox or konqueror04:09
intelikeyright click ?04:10
abattoirhemant: you mean irc:// or do you mean the opposite?04:10
polterwhere in KDE can I configure autostart of programs?04:10
Jucatopolter: ~/.kde/Autostart04:10
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BluesKajhemant,, WHY? ...just load it into the panel and it's available at all times04:10
polterJucato: thanks04:10
ShaddarBluesKaj the problem is, that i want to register automatically in another irc-network (ogamenet) and the syntax is another (look above)04:10
intelikeyand kcontrol04:10
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hemanti mean like when you click on a link on the web like packetnews.com04:11
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=== abattoir doesn't understand why it should open up konversation
abattoirhemant: you mean an irc channel on that site?04:11
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BluesKajyes , we all encounter those identity probs, Shaddar, it's the way some irc servers protect themselves from evil scripts04:12
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JucatoShaddar: have you tried the "password" field in auto-join channels list?04:12
BluesKajor one of the ways04:12
hemantlike when you search for a file on a browser and some some sites will copy the link when you click on it so that when you open konversation you can just paste i04:13
Shaddarnope ... the auth-command isn't just a password :(04:13
|joe|i think i'll have to give konversation a try as irc client04:13
|joe|when it seems to be so popular :)04:13
ShaddarmIRC for example has an option "autoperform" where you can put all commands in, you want to have performed automatically after connecting04:13
BluesKaji like it better than xchat or kopete04:13
Shaddarsomething similar would be perfect :D04:13
|joe|well i like kvirc at most04:14
JucatoShaddar: well, I'm not really sure.. but maybe it has. you can try asking in #konversation if someone is around04:14
|joe|imho the best kde-ish client04:14
|joe|irc client of course04:14
ShaddarJucato: k, thx :)04:14
BluesKajyeah  perform the id message /msg nickserv etc...04:14
Jucato|joe|: which is slowly dying... (I think...)04:14
intelikeywell i'll just stick with bx.   my .ircrc file can auto connect to what ever and log me in    all i do is add the string i want ran at start....   simple as     irc04:14
|joe|Jucato: may be true, but has all you need incl. scripting :)04:14
abattoirShaddar: there is a 'Commands' field in the 'Edit Servers' window04:15
ShaddarBluesKaj nope ... /msg chanserv auth <nick> <pw> (other syntax than in freenode)04:15
|joe|Jucato: and i think regarding features its far ahead of any other program04:15
BluesKajyes commands dbox in edit04:15
Jucato|joe|: konvi has scripting too :)04:15
abattoirShaddar: File->Server List->Edit04:15
|joe|Jucato: oh, did not know sory :)04:15
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SHRIKEEwhy does the option for the monitor powersave not work?04:15
|joe|Jucato: i tried it maybe year, half-year ago but was rather dissapointed at that time04:15
Jucato|joe|: like all (almost all) FOSS apps, it grows and matures over time04:16
Shaddarabattoir: tried this ^^ doesn't work :(04:16
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|joe|Jucato: ok installing04:16
abattoirShaddar: hmm, works for me :( , ok try asking at #konversation04:17
|joe|Jucato: i hope to be pleasantly suprised :)04:17
Jucato|joe|: well, I can't guarantee that :)04:17
|joe|Jucato: how come :)04:17
Jucatoall I can guarantee is that Konvi is getting better and better04:17
BluesKajShaddar, it's not global, you have to type the command in for each server04:17
Jucato|joe|: YMMV04:17
Shaddarabattoir: after connecting i'm and not logged in user :( don't know why04:17
SHRIKEEi identified myu nick with the password field in the autologin dialog04:18
SHRIKEEworks on multiple servers04:18
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ShaddarBluesKaj yes, have typed it in the server it affects (and it doesn't work)04:18
abattoirShaddar: you mean you are not being identified upon loggin in?04:18
abattoir*logging in04:19
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SHRIKEEmaybe you put in the wrong service name04:19
SHRIKEEwhich should be nickserv04:19
JucatoNickServ, not nickserv04:19
SHRIKEEi use nickserv04:19
ehirdhah, yay, removing kubuntu-desktop just cause i wanna get rid of amarok04:19
Jucatohm...or maybe both works :P04:19
abattoirJucato: nickserv works fine as well04:19
robin_is there a way to make grub look better?04:19
Shaddari should get for example automatically op-rights in one channel ... but only if i'm logged in -> no op -> logging in hasn't worked :(04:19
abattoirJucato: you have that intro to IRC classroom wiki link?04:19
Jucatoabattoir: um.... :P04:20
SHRIKEEpoor you04:20
abattoirJucato: we could show Shaddar that :P04:20
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Jucatoabattoir: but his/her question is probably client specific...04:20
ShaddarSHRIKEE: i'm not talking about NICKSERV ... other network, other bots04:20
Shaddarhis ^^04:20
ShaddarJucato: it's irc-network specific04:21
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Jucatoabattoir: this one? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts04:21
intelikeyShaddar nickserv and chanserv are seperate services.   you have to identify with nickserv before chanserv will listen to you then you have to let chanserv that you are "on-board" so it will op you.04:21
Jucatoabattoir: I might be migrating those to blogger...04:21
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intelikeybasicly you have to hit them both.04:22
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intelikey line one. /msg nickserv identify blah      line two.  /msg chanserv identify channel blah04:23
abattoirJucato: hmm, the pictures have gone04:23
fdovingLALLY: please drop the caps.04:23
Jucato!caps | LALLY04:23
ubotuLALLY: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:23
abattoirLALLY: please don't shout04:23
gflashhow can i set the bitrate in KAudioCreator?04:23
Jucatoabattoir: what pictures?04:23
Dr_willisLALLY,  if they did - i imagine they wouldent tell you :)04:23
BluesKajyes LALLY , i do what's the prob?04:23
gflashi cannot find an option for that04:23
abattoirJucato: the screenshots which nixternal used in the wiki...04:24
Jucatoabattoir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom/Intro2IRC04:24
Dr_willislally use the package managers, search, click install.04:24
Schalkenhow can i do the equivelant of "iprelease" and "iprenew" in linux?04:24
Dr_willis!info amsn04:24
Jucatoabattoir: I never embedded them in my page04:24
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB04:24
LALLYwherw are twhy??04:24
Shaddarintelikey: in ogamenet i haven't registred with nickserv ;) http://www.onlinegamesnet.net/authRegHelp.php?language=en (at the bottom there's an explanation of the log-in-command)04:25
LALLYdr willis where are the package managers?04:25
BluesKajLALLY, have you checked adept sources?04:25
Schalkenhow can i renew my IP in linux???04:25
Dr_willislally now is the time to learn how to use the package manager, and read the kubuntu/ubuntu guides I think.    fire up adept, click the  right options and isntall.04:25
Dr_willisLALLY,  its right there in the menus...04:26
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LALLYsorry but i'm itlaian could you speack  more simle please???04:26
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!04:26
|joe|Jucato: looks really neat; if kvirc dies i'll switch to konv :)04:26
Dr_willisLALLY,  look in the menus.04:26
intelikeyShaddar networks are different...   kinda like people.  this network would work the example given.04:26
Jucato|joe|: I thought kvirc was already dead.hehehe! :)04:27
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Jucato|joe|: I think most distros ship with Konvi by default now instead of kvirc04:27
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intelikeydefault   pfft.04:27
Shaddarintelikey i know that it works this way ... but the auto-identify of konversation doesn't work with it ... so i need a auto-perform-option for commands :)04:27
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|joe|Jucato: well i don't miss anything in kvirc so from my point of view there is not that much to develop :)04:28
Shaddarintelikey: auto-perform-option within konversation04:28
MRMorefield-fthow to watch my other harddisk?04:28
MRMorefield-ftntfs partition04:28
LALLYdr willis??04:28
intelikeyShaddar like i first mentioned   look into a runtime configuration file.04:28
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|joe|Jucato: btw on 11/04 3.2.5 was released, it's probably not that dead04:29
abattoirNov. 2004?04:29
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abattoiror 04 Nov. 2006? :P04:29
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Shaddarintelikey: therefor i'm to unexperienced ... i would crash my hole system (if it's not possible i'll crash it anyway *ggg*)04:29
intelikeyShaddar like click the [help]  button and look for mention of startup files  or konversationrc  or even ircrc04:30
h3sp4wnkvirc has some nice features (you can see multiple channels at once for example)04:30
intelikeyi can do that with bx04:31
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|joe|well the scripting with event system is quite strong as well04:31
hollywoodbShaddar: get your network card sorted out?04:31
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Shaddarhollywoodb: yes ... after reinstalling twice and speaking about 1,5h with an experienced linux-user i've get it working ^^04:32
Dr_willisLALLY,  explore and learn the program. its not that hard to use.04:32
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|joe|abattoir: 4.11.200604:32
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LALLYdr_willis sorry....but...what should i do after that i've opened package menu??04:33
hollywoodbShaddar: figure out what the core problem was?04:33
|joe|abattoir: the best date i saw till now was 06/07/04 .... and now you can wonder ;-)04:33
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=== intelikey thinks """and type in 'Yes, do as I say!' at LALLY..."""
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abattoir|joe|: heh :P04:34
h3sp4wnintelikey: Is that what apt sometimes asks ? (if you are doing something really dangerous)04:34
|joe|but isn't actually YYYY/MM/DD som iso standard?04:34
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Shaddarhollywoodb: don't know why but my kubuntu doesn't accept the wep-key typed in the wlan-assistant (graphical menu) ... setting it by shell-command it worked -.-04:34
hollywoodbShaddar: kwlanassisstant is currently kinda broken in Kubuntu04:35
LALLYintelikey i cant found aMSN it te window04:35
hollywoodbShaddar: bug 6484104:35
intelikey|joe|  06/07/04  would not be  YYYY/MM/DD   MM/DD/YY04:35
hollywoodb!bug 6484104:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bug 64841 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:35
hollywoodbscrew you ubotu04:35
Shaddarhollywoodb: i've typed the same things as 1 week ago ... now it doesn't work, 1 week ago it worked *shrug*04:36
keb_does someone know how can i get a working port for my frostwire?04:36
intelikey|joe| or possably YY/MM/DD   but not likely.04:36
|joe|intelikey: i know, but there is YYYY/DD/MM as well04:36
intelikeyyes there is04:36
intelikeybut the number of letters is dirrectly reletated to the number of digits04:36
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|joe|intelikey: :) ok i'm not that dumb :)04:37
intelikeyi.e.   YYYY = 2006   YY = 0604:37
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intelikeyand if it's YY  then YY is last.04:37
intelikeyunless someone hacks it.04:37
|joe|intelikey: those messages ie 06/07/04 and YYYY/MM/DD were kinda unrelated04:37
intelikeythen be cohearent so we can tell what you are talking about !04:38
Shaddar|joe|: take a look at qry plz :)04:38
|joe|Shaddar: well i answered already :)04:39
|joe|intelikey: sorry for confusion :)04:39
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Shaddar|joe|: hm oO i've not received your answer oo04:39
intelikeynp   just a momentary diversion....04:39
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ToyMananyone here use karm?04:44
intelikeycolour me stupid,  but is it possable to burn iso9660 on dvd-r media ?04:45
ToyManits refusing to save any of my projects in karm.ics04:45
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|joe|intelikey: i think it should be, but for dvd it's usual to burn udf isn't it04:46
howess02hello, can anyone tell me how to make konquer not hide everything but my home dir and the media dir when browsing / on 6.10 , ta in advanced04:46
intelikey|joe| yeah but i don't have a dvd burner.04:46
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ToyManhowess02: the other dir. show in the side panel that comes up when you press F9, i believe04:49
ToyManfor some reason the media list is more complete there04:49
ToyMannot sure what that change is about in 6.10, I don't really understand how it's more user-friendly04:50
Jucato!hidden-root | ToyMan04:50
ubotuToyMan: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles04:50
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intelikeyJucato what did they do change the perms on /* ???04:51
ToyManah Jucato, thank you..04:52
Jucatointelikey: no04:52
intelikeythen ls /   should still look normal04:52
ToyMani suppose from a user-perspective, it's better that way04:52
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Jucatointelikey: no. but ls -al  / should04:53
ToyMandamn, why won't karm save my tasks anymore??04:53
Jucatojust read the link...04:53
howess02sorry I have done that maybe I was unclear I have the side bar but when I click on the red folder (root or /) it stil lonly shows me /home and /media04:53
howess02is this as new feature as I did not use to have this in 3.5 on suse or gentoo04:53
Jucato!hidden-root | howess0204:53
ubotuhowess02: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles04:53
howess02thank you04:53
intelikeyi don't like to have to use elinks...... and links don't do https ............    ;/04:54
intelikeyh3sp4wn yes links2 ^04:54
h3sp4wnlinks2 does https for me here - just tested it04:55
h3sp4wn!info links2 dapper04:55
ubotulinks2: Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1pre20-2 (dapper), package size 1969 kB, installed size 3184 kB04:55
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intelikeyh3sp4wn doesn't here.   dapper also.04:56
h3sp4wnI am not using it on dapper - try a simple sid backport (its not a complicated package)04:56
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intelikeyno thinks.   i see no reason to start breaking packages today.  that's a monday and tuesday project.04:57
intelikeyand wedensday04:57
intelikeywell only days that end with ay04:58
|joe|intelikey: today04:58
h3sp4wnIts working pretty well for me (alot more stable than it was - I think it got a new maintainer recently)04:58
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h3sp4wnOnly real issue I have with it is that if you use directfb it uses the first line it finds in /etc/fb.modes (so I had to hack that a bit)04:59
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intelikeyso bash reads the /.hidden also ???05:00
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intelikeyif so that stinks worse than i thought...05:01
Jucatointelikey: yes. it doesn't affect paths05:01
Jucato /.hidden only affects displays05:01
delightintelikey simply mv .hidden .hiddenbackup ; touch .hidden  and all is like it used to be05:02
delightso no biggi to begin with05:02
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Jucatonot the proper way to do it, but ti works05:02
h3sp4wnThat is a microsoft like thing to do hide files from the user05:02
intelikeyi know it doesn't affect path/s05:02
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Jucatowow another $1 for me!05:02
delight;) true ... this way u make sure kubuntu - settings is not reenabling the feauture on a update05:03
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davidenikhi guys05:03
intelikeydelight if i had edgy i'd fix bash whether it deleted /.hidden or not.05:03
Jucatoh3sp4wn: have you seen .kde ?05:03
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h3sp4wnFor people who expect a computer to have more common sense than they do05:03
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MRMorefield-fthow do you mount a disk?05:03
h3sp4wnJucato: What is in the folder ? I have changed things in it manually before05:03
delightnot mnt05:03
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MRMorefield-ftand how do i find al the disk on my computer?05:04
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delightfdisk -l05:04
Jucatoh3sp4wn: it's a hidden folder where KDE keeps user settings. omg! it's hidden. it's a microsoft thing! oh, GNOME has some too.05:04
Jucatodarn Linux people hiding .files in /home...05:04
MRMorefield-ftthere are manny hidden folders05:04
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intelikeyh3sp4wn hehhe  "For people who expect a computer to have more common sense than they do"  <---  my fav. was "for people with more dollars than sense"05:05
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xsachadamn kubuntu.. hiding root folders in konqueror05:05
Jucatoomg! there are? Linux must be turning microsoft!05:05
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delightxsacha said it b4 simple mv .hidden .hiddenbackup ; touch .hidden05:05
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Jucato!hidden | delight05:06
ubotudelight: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles05:06
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delightjucato i know that side05:06
Jucatothat works, too, thouhg05:06
Jucatoerr though*05:06
delightI like the hidden folders but ;) i don't like that konquerors tree view won't browse on hidden folders05:06
delightso that was no good for me05:06
intelikey! mv .hidden .hiddenbackup      rm /.hidden05:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mv .hidden .hiddenbackup      rm /.hidden - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:06
Jucatooh, OS X also does this hidden-root thing... omg it's turning microsoft too!05:06
intelikeywhy have a useless symlink there....05:06
Jucatodelight: that's a bug, sasdly05:07
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Jucatointelikey: upgrading kubuntu-default-settings will reinstall /.hidden if you delete it05:07
delightJucato its valid since quite a view versions in kde05:07
delightdid not know that is a bug05:07
BluesKajthat factoids page is about as useful as tits on bull05:07
delightthought its what it should be05:07
delightbesides that the hidden-folder idea is great05:07
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intelikeynot if you : > /.hidden  it wont.   and also there are other ways of keeping it from doing that.05:08
delightBluesKaj maybe the bull would be happy about some tits :-D05:08
hollywoodbthat's actually kind of neat... as long as the don't do it with terminal emulator & console ;)05:08
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BluesKajoops, forgot this is family chat ...my apologies!05:08
Jucatointelikey: basically either break the link or empty the file, but not delete it05:08
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BluesKajyeah a gay bull ,. maybe :)05:08
delightgay bull liking tits ?05:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:09
delightgay bull needs more butts ... lol05:09
delightanyways way to offtopic05:09
BluesKajsome like to play the feminine role05:09
delightmisguided ones05:09
intelikeyJucato i don't think you saw what i said.   in answer to mv /.hidden /.hiddenbackup ;touch /.hidden     i said not mv but rm   no reason to keep a useless symlink lying around in /05:10
delightintelikey i don't like deleting05:10
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delightunless its some core dump file05:10
Jucatointelikey: like I said, if you rm /.hidden, it will be reinstalled if kubuntu-default-settings if updated05:11
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intelikeyJucato no it wont.05:11
intelikeyJucato no it wont.05:11
intelikeyJucato no it wont.05:11
delightjucato thats why i mentioned the touch .hidden05:11
intelikeythat's what the touch /.hidden   prevents.05:11
Jucatointelikey: "Deleting the /.hidden link is not a permanent solution, as it will be restored during the next update of the kubuntu-desktop-setting package."05:11
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h3sp4wnWell that package has a bug then05:11
BluesKajIs there a way for a windows pc to "see" a linux OS and files on a network ?05:11
h3sp4wnstuff like that should not be done if you don't use confmiss05:12
Jucatook, you didn't mention that you'd still touch it05:12
fdovingBluesKaj: samba.05:12
delightso anyone of u got crashing konqueror on first right click on folders / files ?05:12
keb_tough Samba is not easy to configure..05:12
fdovingh3sp4wn: the idea is that you should change everything inside /etc/kubuntu-default-settings/05:12
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delightsomtimes its that sometimes I get a error messsage about Dcopserver ... and others its about an entry in ???spanish??? about kdesvn05:12
fdovingh3sp4wn: messing with the symlink just makes a big mess.05:13
BluesKajsamba is beyond my ability to config atm ...I took a look at the config file and it's mostly gobbledygook to me :(05:13
icheynehow do I get documentation for my kde apps? when I click Help, the documentation usually isn't there.05:13
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fdovingh3sp4wn: in /etc/kubuntu-default-settings, 'mv hidden-root hidden-root.bak;touch hidden-root'05:13
fdovingthat's a proper solution.05:13
h3sp4wnAccording to man dpkg - it should not be changed if a file is deleted05:14
fdovingit wont, it's not a file, it's a symlink.05:14
h3sp4wnSymlinks also05:14
intelikeyJucato it is true that i (purposely) omited reposting the second command the first time.  but i did mention it when you misread me.  remember the   : > /.hidden    <<--- thats better than touch  imo  for that usage.      and the reason i didn't address it.  i though all would see that i was only pointing out that a "useless symlink in /"  was imo not desireable.        can we move on now ?05:14
h3sp4wnthere is no way it should be put back unless explicitly requested05:14
ehirdwhy isn't svn in the repos05:14
h3sp4wnehird: subversion05:15
h3sp4wnehird: (is the name of the package)05:15
delightits in there ii  subversion                                 1.3.2-3ubuntu2                       advanced version control system (aka. svn)05:15
ehirdis that the client05:15
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ehirdthanks :)05:15
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:15
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fdovingh3sp4wn: that is not true for most packages. /.hidden is not threated as a config file. /etc/kubuntu-default-settings/hidden-root is.05:17
intelikeyfdoving do you happen to know what was done to bash to get it to use the /.hidden ?    /etc/bash.bashrc  or something ?05:17
fdovingbbl eat.05:17
guglielfhi, anybody knows if nubuntu has a live cd as (k)ubuntu?05:17
fdovingintelikey: bash doesn't honour .hidden on my system.05:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:17
intelikeyfdoving ok i was told that it did.....05:18
guglielfnubuntu is a security distro based on ubuntu05:18
BluesKaj!info nubuntu05:18
ubotuPackage nubuntu does not exist in any distro I know05:18
guglielfmmm not a package afaik05:18
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BluesKajnever heard of it guglielf05:19
guglielfok, thanx BluesKaj05:19
intelikey"nubuntu is a security distro based on ubuntu" <--- why would there be a package of a distro blueskaj ?05:19
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khirri cant run adept to can install, that show me"other procces runing" how can i kill that process?05:21
BluesKajirc.kaffeinenet.com #nubuntu05:21
h3sp4wnMay be more useful as a live cd - but to make it as secure as for example openbsd - it would be loads of work05:21
guglielfyaeh i saw the channel, anyone there though05:21
BluesKajnow i've heard of it :)05:21
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h3sp4wngrml is a pretty good security based live cd05:22
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intelikeykhirr for Q in dpkg apt-get adept ;do sudo killall $Q ;done05:24
BluesKajyeah, guglielf i see what you mean ...nobody there05:24
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guglielfbtw, what's factoids?05:26
khirrwhat should i write exactly?05:26
intelikeythe stuff that ubotu pukes out.05:26
khirri'm noobie T_T05:26
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intelikeyhmmm net split.05:26
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brosiozhow could i allow my user to write into /var/www ??05:28
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intelikeychown or chmod05:28
intelikeyadd user to group05:28
intelikeymmmmm maybe other ways.05:28
brosiozintelikey: to group www05:29
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brosiozi have alredy try05:29
h3sp4wnI would make a group that needs to write there05:29
h3sp4wn470 permissions05:29
Shaddarhm, requires freenode any options to let me connect to ? with mirc in windows on my desktop-pc no prob, with konv on my laptop the same nick is invalid (according to server-window05:29
intelikeybrosioz ls -ld /var/www   see the owner and group and perms there.05:29
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brosiozdrwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2006-11-08 23:11 /var/www05:30
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intelikeywell we're back again...05:31
Jucatoah there05:31
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Jucatonet blast, technically05:32
hollywoodbI wanna ride it again!05:32
ehirdNET SPLIT!!!!05:32
ehird:D :D :D :D :D05:32
Jucatonet split/net blast05:32
guglielfyeah, what a quantum leap05:32
intelikeyyeah check the server messages they warned about ti.05:32
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intelikeyhollywood    hehhe05:33
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intelikeyone more again !    one more again !05:33
=== yamal [n=yamal@echelon.no-such-agency.net.ru] has joined #kubuntu
h3sp4wnPeople don't ignore join parts quits ?05:33
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: not me05:34
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Jucatonot me05:34
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intelikeyh3sp4wn i don't .....   i blabber so much; i hate to set and talk to a dust trail for thirty minutes and wonder why they stopped answering....  :)05:34
Firetechh3sp4wn: how else would you know when the person you are talking to disappears and doesn't read your message?05:34
guglielfintelikey, you said '!ubotu'... is that an irc cmd?05:34
khirri cant use adept05:34
intelikeystill no bot.05:35
intelikeyguglielf yes05:35
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:35
h3sp4wnFiretech: Someone else probably would tell you (I think talking to youself occasionally is worse the vast decrease in spam to the screen)05:35
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit05:35
intelikeyoh maybe i lost my ident.05:35
h3sp4wnFiretech: plus if they leave the tab completion stops05:35
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Firetechh3sp4wn: I usually type long messagen, and it happens quite often that the person disappears while I'm typing...05:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:36
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intelikeythat's better.05:36
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ubotusbuild: Tool for building Debian binary packages from Debian sources. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.50 (edgy), package size 78 kB, installed size 368 kB05:36
intelikeyh3sp4wn tab completion is ok but some clients can hide from it....  it's not as affective as seeing the part message.05:37
Firetechh3sp4wn: my client also has a split view mode that shows status messages in one box and text messages in another, but I don't use it.05:37
h3sp4wnI don't use the status window at al05:38
Firetechh3sp4wn: status = join, part, quit, and I mean in the same window, just split horizontally05:38
intelikeyhowever dual head systems do have an advantage there.....05:38
h3sp4wnFiretech: status as in the irssi status window05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about systemguard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
khirr!system guard05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about system guard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
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ubotuksysguard: system guard for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 485 kB, installed size 1564 kB05:39
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h3sp4wnFiretech: If I could get it so that only depart messages from people I had been talking to were displayed - I would use that05:40
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intelikeyhehhe nice part "-:- SignOff CVirus: #kubuntu ("I am Somebody Who is No Business of Yours !")"05:41
Firetechyay... kio_http is dead while I'm upgrading to edgy... can't surf with konqueror05:41
guglielfhey this bot entity is quite amazing05:41
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intelikeyanyone else getting ver'd ?05:41
Jack1_hi guys05:42
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intelikey>>> freenode-connect [freenode@freenode/bot/connect]  requested VERSION05:42
guglielfhi jack1_05:42
Jucatointelikey: yep05:42
Firetechintelikey: yup05:42
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intelikeyi guess services were as upset by the ride as some people...05:43
JucatoI'm presuming all of us get ctcp'ed... I'd be insulted if intelikey was the only one who did :P05:43
intelikeyJucato i was thinking maybe only one server load.....  :)05:43
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Jack1_i got a prob I tried to dist upgrad to edgy eft and all went fine, thing was, laptop switched itself off, tried again, now there is no space left on /dev/sda5 (100% use) and i cannot longin any more even in failsafe, tried to delete via console login but i dont really know what to do05:44
Jack1_short: login is not possible as /dev/sda5 is 100% full05:44
Jack1_someone help?05:44
intelikeyJack1_ in the console do a apt-get clean05:45
intelikeyerr sudo apt-get clean05:45
Jack1_intelikey: i did05:45
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Jack1_intelikey: didnt help05:45
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intelikeywhat size partition/file system we talking about sda5 ?05:46
intelikeyalso where is sda5 mounted ?05:46
intelikeymount will answer the later and df -h the former05:46
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Jack1_hmm intelikey A COUPLE OF GBdont know for sure, its mounted on /tmp i think05:47
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brad_Hi  all.  for some unknown reason, my kopete and gaim disconnect from msn and google talk without warning.  All my contacts look like they're online, and the icon shows me as being online, but i am not.  any ideas?05:48
intelikeyJack1_ if it's /tmp do a umount /tmp and format it and remount.     as root.    umount /tmp && mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda5 && mount /tmp             tell me if any of that errors out.05:49
khirrhow can i desactivate the option sesion restaure05:49
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intelikeykhirr run kcontrol and ask Jucato    :)05:50
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Jucatokhirr: Dapper or Edgy?05:50
intelikeyyou that kde guy05:50
Jack1_i'll check it but thereforesry05:50
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Jucatokhirr: hm.. I'm not sure where it is in Dapper. but in System Settings look for Session Manager05:51
khirri'll try05:51
khirri think,m i found05:51
khirri'll try restart05:51
major_stitchI'm sorry to bother with a question but I'm using Kubuntu 6.06 and would like to try Ubuntu 6.06, how can I add my Ubuntu CD as a repository so I can install ubuntu-desktop package?05:52
guglielfkcontrol >> kde components  >> session manager05:52
intelikeymajor_stitch sudo apt-cdrom add05:52
Jucatopresuming that he has the Alternate Install CD05:53
major_stitchI have the live install05:53
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JucatoDesktop CD? that won't work05:53
major_stitchdoesn't it also have the ubuntu-desktop package?05:54
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major_stitchthat's the only thing I actually need05:54
major_stitchso I'll just have to download?05:54
intelikeymajor_stitch dialup ?05:54
h3sp4wnYou can mount the squashfs partition if you want (but getting it clean would be a pain)05:54
Jucatomajor_stitch: ubuntu-desktop will also download and install *everything* that is needed to run Ubuntu/GNOME05:54
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intelikeyslow slow   or limited  connection ?05:55
major_stitchbroadband, but I would like it to be faster...05:55
major_stitchit isn't a real problem to download05:55
h3sp4wnI think ubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop etc include far too many things05:55
Jucatoh3sp4wn: there are no .deb packages on the Desktop CD, so no way you could get ubuntu-desktop05:55
major_stitchbut i figured if i have the cd than why download?05:55
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zeckpor favor. qual o canal de ajuda em portugues?05:55
Jucato!pt | zeck05:55
ubotuzeck: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.05:55
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h3sp4wnJucato: You could look in /var/lib/dpkg/ and put the stuff into your running system05:56
intelikeythen just do a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop    or   sudo apt-get install gnome05:56
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major_stitchi will05:56
major_stitchthanks anyway05:56
major_stitchthe best thing about X/K/Ubuntu is the support, you people really are great...any problem is solved much quicker than with any other distro!05:57
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polterhey everyone! how do I set firefox as preferred webbrowser?05:57
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intelikeynote that both are meta packages (they just have dependancies nothing more)  and will install somewhat different packages05:57
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major_stitchpolter: are you using Ubuntu or Kubuntu?05:58
Jucatopolter: System Settings -> Default Applications (in Edgy)05:58
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h3sp4wnJucato: All expresso does is copy the contents of the squashfs (its not a very intelligent installer) so it is by no means impossible05:58
khirrfollow without can u adept...05:58
intelikeyback adder while maybe.05:59
major_stitchSystem Settings -> KDE Components -> Default Applications in Dapper05:59
Jucatoh3sp4wn: for a fresh install. but he wants to install ubuntu-desktop on an already existing Kubuntu installation05:59
intelikeyoh wait.  maybe i better idle a bit.  that guy with the full disk may need more info.05:59
otaku-sanmajor_stitch: I was just about to post that!  Talk about overkill eh? ;)05:59
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Jucatomajor_stitch: thanks for posting it. I forgot their places on Dapper :)06:00
otaku-sanJucato: Hey how are you?06:00
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h3sp4wnJucato: So ? makes no difference - just work out what it is going to install - copy the relevant files over and the relevant parts of /var/lib/dpkg/info06:00
Jucatoh3sp4wn: try telling him that then.06:01
major_stitchh3sp4wn: I would want it as simple as possible...download is mroe simple than lurking through the cd06:01
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=== h3sp4wn wonders why people never take the interesting option anymore
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major_stitchI'm still mostly a win user06:03
major_stitchi've been using linux for a while but can't really switch...06:03
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Jucatointeresting is interesting only if it works...06:03
otaku-sanh3sp4wn: whats causing all the commotion?06:03
keb_on my windows there is only a directx and a game06:03
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major_stitchJucato: thanks :)06:04
otaku-sanmajor_stitch: what are you married to in windoze?06:04
major_stitchotaku-san: nope :D06:04
h3sp4wnotaku-san: nothing really - I should just dist-upgrade to feisty I think06:04
h3sp4wnubuntu+1 repos are now open06:04
keb_if i can get the game work with wine i'll have another partition to store my stuff xD06:04
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major_stitchall: thnaks for all the info! gotta run!06:05
otaku-sanh3sp4wn: and you would accomplish this how?06:05
otaku-sanmajor_stitch: see ya06:05
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h3sp4wnotaku-san: change all instances of edgy to feisty06:05
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Jack1_hi intelikey06:05
h3sp4wnotaku-san: dist-upgrade06:05
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otaku-sanh3sp4wn: ummmmm ya...but edgy just came out...feisty isn't even able to be used yet...right?  or am I behind06:06
Jack1_it says 21 Gb /dev/sda5 on /  type is ext3  intelikey06:06
intelikeyJack1_ yes06:06
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h3sp4wnotaku-san: I ran edgy pretty much from the beginning06:07
howess02hello I have an odd problem right now totem and kaffine wont play wmv files but mplayer will, yet kaffine points to lib/codecs where the wmv codec is can anyone advise me as I cant find anyhelp in google06:07
intelikeyand you have 21g full ?06:07
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Jack1_intelikey:  on /dev/sda1 is windows06:07
h3sp4wnotaku-san: I have a statically linked version of X 7.2 in /opt and e17 in /opt06:07
Jack1_intelikey:  i dont wanna loose06:07
Jack1_intelikey: apparently i dont get it too06:08
Jack1_intelikey:  i had several times to stop the upgrading maybe cos of that?06:08
intelikeyJack1_  du -Lchx --max-depth=1 /06:08
xsachais 7.2 released or.. still in development?06:08
h3sp4wnIts a release candidate actually06:08
Jack1_intelikey:  shall i enter that in console? what does it do?06:09
otaku-sanh3sp4wn: oh...crazy person....once I get this box into a more test situation I'll beta test like that...but right now I'm to dependent on a stable box to pull off that?06:09
otaku-sanand why did I end that with a question mark....?06:09
intelikeyJack1_ yes enter that     and no no no...  you posted ^ "/dev/sda5 on /  type is ext3"  that means it's not windows it's ext3 and mounted as the root of the system.   so lets see where the space went.06:10
intelikeyJack1_ also it's likely that windows will be on /dev/sda106:10
howess02any ideas I am using 6.10 ubuntu06:10
Jack1_no intelikey win is on dev/sda  /media or so..i wanted to say i dont wanna loose it, otherwise i'd do a fresh new install06:11
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Jack1_intelikey: there is evrytime one space between right in the code?06:12
intelikeyJack1_ /dev/sda is the disk.   if you can get windows to live there you should have no trubble fixing your pinguin.    /dev/sda[1-16]  are parditions06:12
intelikey du -Lchx --max-depth=1 /06:12
intelikeyjust like that ^06:12
Jack1_well i cannot do cut n paste i'm in win, so i need to write it down, thats why i ask06:13
Jack1_ok cu soon06:13
intelikeyeven add    | less     to the end,  if the output is messy.06:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:13
ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html06:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about god - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:14
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lnxkdeI have a em64t pc06:16
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lnxkdedoes edgy has a smp kernel for it?06:16
lnxkdeintelikey: yes? not just a generic one?06:17
lnxkdePentium D here06:17
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trappistlnxkde: the generic kernel supports smp.  it's not a separate kernel anymore.06:17
intelikeylnxkde yes it's generic smp06:18
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lnxkdeintelikey: trappist should I use amd64 version?06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about myself - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
|lostbyte|Does ipod mini support video ?06:18
instructor|lostbyte|: Only mini videos06:18
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lnxkdeI need java and flash...06:19
instructorintelikey: The Generic is for ump and SMP ?06:19
trappistlnxkde: if you haave an amd64 chip and don't need to run 32bit code (like flash, acroread, w32codecs and so on) or you know how to make them work on amd64, sure06:19
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instructor!restricted > lnxkde06:19
trappistinstructor: yes06:19
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KervanSome one help me please i habe epson LX300+ printer but i can not print at kubuntu06:19
intelikeyinstructor that's what i hear.06:19
WulongHow do I disable print screen button for running ksnapshot ?06:19
trappistlnxkde: it takes some work to make those work on amd64.  probably better off with i38606:19
lnxkdeI have done it before.06:20
h3sp4wnlnxkde: There is a 64 bit java now - and if you use swiftfox for amd64 it is actually a 32 bit app so you can use flash06:20
lnxkdebut I am not goingt to have any time for some months06:20
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|lostbyte|instructor, how about ipod nano ?06:20
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trappisth3sp4wn: there's 64 bit java, but last I heard still no 64 bit java *plugin*06:20
lnxkdemaybe I will be able to work on my pc for 4 hrs a day06:20
lnxkdethat is kind of depressing for me06:20
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lnxkdebut well I have to do it.06:20
instructor|lostbyte|: Yeah it does but you have to squint a lot :)06:20
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|lostbyte|oh ok.06:20
KervanSome one help me please i habe epson LX300+ printer but i can not print at kubuntu06:21
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eilkerhi people, i have a hp 5610 printer, how will i add it to system , could anyone tell me the way ?06:22
|lostbyte|instructor, but thats only on the linux version of it ?06:22
eilker!printer >eilker06:23
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h3sp4wntrappist: understood - but if you are using a 32 bit browser anyway (for flash) you can use the ibm 32 bit jdk (its statically linked)06:23
instructorWell you could use ipod vi it's a bit more functional but has no easy wheel :(06:23
trappisth3sp4wn: true06:23
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lnxkdeI need java for programing...06:24
lnxkdenot browsing..06:24
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lnxkdeI need netbeans on my 64 pc06:24
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h3sp4wnWell the sun 64 bit java should work fine for that then06:25
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:25
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intelikeyJack1_ what have we learned there ?06:26
egonw_hi all...06:26
egonw_the upgrade to edgy disabled my swap... how can I enable it again?06:27
intelikeyare you sure ?06:27
egonw_my fstab now says things with UUID which I have never seen before... help please...06:27
egonw_intelikey: yes, got a lockup minutes ago...06:27
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egonw_had to reboot :(06:27
Jucato!UUID | egonw_06:27
ubotuegonw_: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid"06:27
Jack1_intelikey: sry i friend syked me couldnt check06:27
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egonw_ok, that's interesting...06:28
egonw_this line:06:28
egonw_ /dev/evms/hda2: TYPE="swsuspend" UUID="4a277fe5-2dc2-4ce4-a47d-23d5955c357b"06:28
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egonw_seems to indicate that my swap is now used as suspend partition... correct?06:28
Jucatothat should be type swap...06:28
trappistegonw_: swsuspend means software suspend06:29
egonw_trappist: yeah... figured that out... and happy that that is working now...06:29
egonw_trappist: but prefer to have a swap ...06:30
egonw_well... better both of course06:30
egonw_but at least a swap06:30
egonw_Jucato: how can I make the type 'swap' again?06:30
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Jucatoegonw_: maybe trappist knows... :(06:31
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intelikeycfdisk /dev/evms/hda06:31
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highnekoberyl-vidcap; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7UbHq2rdRs06:31
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intelikeyor cfdisk /dev/hda06:32
egonw_intelikey: ok, have to hack the partition table for that...06:32
nuxhowdy all.. im trying to install samba.. but i get errors all the time.. it like missing 1000 deps-- how can i make apt install the deps too in 1 command with apt?06:32
egonw_well... fdisk and cfdisk actually say it is swap06:32
trappistegonw_: check out the man pages for mkswap and swapon06:32
nuxi tryed apt-get -f install samba06:32
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nuxand i tyed apt-get install samba --fix-missing06:33
nuxbut non of thouse worked06:33
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intelikey" hack the partition table" ???06:33
excitatorynux: apt always installs missing deps.  something is wrong with your system.. are you using non-official binaries?06:33
h3sp4wnsfdisk also an option06:33
excitatorynux: is your system up to date before you install samba?06:33
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egonw_trappist: I get this error:06:34
nuxno.. its a official bin06:34
egonw_wapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid/4a277fe5-2dc2-4ce4-a47d-23d5955c357b: Invalid argument06:34
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egonw_when doing swapon -a06:34
egonw_or via -U06:34
intelikeyi'm wondering what is meant by  " hack the partition table" ???06:34
nuxstupid me06:35
egonw_intelikey: sorry... just meant fdisk the partition table...06:35
nuxapt-get -f install samba didnt work... but now when i just run apt-get -f install it dl the deps :906:35
zerak|joe| you there, i got the sound to work after removing the tv-tuner/card (even though KDE:s sound test is slightly chopy as usual). But i dont want to have to remove and reinstall the tv-tuner when switching between linux - windows06:35
egonw_ok, so because swapon is not working... the fstab entry is not having any meaning...06:35
egonw_and the fstab UUID is the same as reported by blkid06:36
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|joe|zerak: hi06:36
|joe|zerak: that would mean imho that the drivers actually work, but you have problems with the card order06:37
zeraklike some guides indicated but didnt solve06:37
|joe|zerak: ie you'd need to configure all programs to use your alsa soundcard device, not the tv tuner one06:37
|joe|zerak: i have actually the same problem but i managed somehow to get all things working06:38
zerak|joe| i hope there is one singel switch for that...06:38
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|joe|zerak: do you have tv capture card?06:38
zerak|joe| yep06:38
|joe|zerak: well afaik, there is not :)06:38
egonw_trappist, Jucato: thanx for now... need to leave now... will have to figure this out later...06:38
zerak|joe| cant i just switch their orders in alsa...06:38
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|joe|does anybody know how to change the order of soundcards in alsa06:38
|joe|zerak: now you got the tuner in?06:39
jhutchinszerak: Do you have your BIOS set to support non-p&p OS?06:39
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Jack1_hi intelikey06:39
zeraksupport plug & play06:39
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guglielfi checked on wikipedia, according to it nubuntu comes as a live cd and full install: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NUbuntu06:39
zerak|joe| no06:39
zerak|joe| tried it recently06:40
Jack1_intelikey: hmm i got 16 g, music, and photos 4 gb thats it, i thought it was on /home06:40
zerak|joe| after installing a fresh copy of quake4 =)06:40
Jack1_intelikey: what do i do now?06:40
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|joe|zerak: bah that one does not work on my comp :) well works but maybe with 5-10fps :)06:40
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intelikeyJack1_ you'll have to cut her some slack there somehow.  i'd sujest burning about 4g of picies to disks06:41
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|joe|zerak: i'd  now try to boot with tuner card and play some sound via alsa - specifying the soundcard hw device06:41
intelikeyor move them to sda1  which is ntfs most likely06:41
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zerak|joe| why on earth do KMix got options on which soundcard to use if it wont change anything?06:42
|joe|zerak: hm kmix works for me after selecting the correct card06:42
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zerakgoing to reboot, going to need tips on directing to soundcard later on06:43
intelikeyJack1_  there is a e2fsexplorer for windows that should let you copy "something" from your /home to your windows install  then you could reboot to linux  and rm what you have safely copied elsewhere giving enough room to wiggle.06:44
Jack1_hmmm intelikey its on root not on home06:44
Dr_willisI use that ext2 IFS thing for windows. that shows up your linux drives as normal windows drives.06:44
Jack1_intelikey: if i move it from root to homw via windows would that be ok?06:44
Dr_willismoving things under windows - can mess with the ownership. but thats not to hard to fix.06:45
Jack1_intelikey:  i use that already but since last few times it says /home is not formatted, so i cannot use it06:45
intelikeyi'd do it from linux.   not sure how well windows handles ext306:45
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Dr_willisintelikey,  so far its handled it very well for me. :) better then it handles ntfs. heh.06:45
Jack1_how can i move from commandline intelikey06:45
Dr_willisjust a few quirks to watch out for.06:45
intelikeyif you but your journal .....06:45
dennistergood morning everyone06:45
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intelikeyJack1_  mv /dir /someplace06:46
Jack1_intelikey: shall i do mv06:46
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Dr_willisintelikey,  thats whats sort of nifty about ext3, if the kenel or tool (like that ifs driver) cant handle ext3, it falls back to ext2 mode.06:46
Jack1_intelikey: ok so /photos /dev/sda1 ?06:47
intelikeyno not to the device06:47
intelikeyto a mounted fs06:47
h3sp4wnDr_willis: Using some tools without turning off the journal can cause trouble06:47
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Jack1_intelikey: yes media/win i meant it06:47
Jack1_thanks for the help!!!06:47
Jack1_c u guys later06:47
h3sp4wnyou can move files between partitions with dd06:47
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intelikeyk  if that's all you need mo for Jack1_ i'm went.06:48
Jack1_h3sp4wn: is that better than mv?06:48
h3sp4wnJack1_: Not at all06:48
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Jack1_c u06:48
Dr_willistime for some Bash/Linux/101 reading Jack1_  :)06:48
Jack1_Dr_willis: i read quite a lot thing is06:49
intelikeyJack1_ h3sp4wn is being technucklehead  :)   just mv the files.06:49
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Jack1_i just better ask someone else before i mess all up.06:49
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Jack1_intelikey: i know him lol06:49
intelikeyh3sp4wn later technucklehead.06:50
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h3sp4wnIf its something like that squashfs would save a significant amount of space06:51
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zerak|joe| i noticed that i could choose diffrent options in VLC but that only directed the sound to diffrent speakers06:53
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|joe|zerak: hm interesting, my soundcard is now actually #0 and tuner #106:55
|joe|zerak: but i swear it was the other way previously :)06:55
|joe|zerak: does at least alsamixer -c 0 (-c 1) work correctly?06:55
JanKis this line of the sources.list correct, or need i to add 4 seperate lines for each component?06:55
JanKdeb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy universe multiverse main restricted06:55
hollywoodbJanK: that's fine06:56
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hollywoodbJanK: you don't need four seperate lines06:56
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zerak|joe| both gives me a dialog, 0 -> tv (no options to choose), 1 -> sound (with options)06:56
JanKthank you, another question, how is the packege with real-player called?06:56
h3sp4wnJanK: same for edgy-updates , edgy-security06:56
|joe|zerak: so this works06:56
hollywoodb!realplayer | JanK06:57
ubotuJanK: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:57
|joe|zerak: now do you have any .wav?06:57
h3sp4wnJanK: (only need 3 lines)06:57
hollywoodbJanK: i use mplayer or kaffiene to play real-media formats06:57
|joe|zerak: first of all i assume you have no ~/.asoundrc06:57
zerak|joe| hmm there are .wav for kde, i usualy use vlc and a movie06:57
|joe|zerak: just want to try aplay, it plays only wav, no mp3s06:57
zerak|joe| cant answere that since i dont know what that is06:58
JanKthen i need the codec, for real-videos06:58
|joe|zerak: than you don't have it :)06:58
h3sp4wnhollywoodb: Do you use mplayer from in X or just on the console ? (mplayer works great with directfb for me but doesn't work at all well in X)06:58
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: either/or06:58
zerak|joe| not always a correct assumption, some guides might have fooled me06:58
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|joe|zerak: ehm so check if you have .asoundrc in your homedir06:59
h3sp4wnhollywoodb: what -vo do you use in X ?06:59
zerak|joe| but no manual for asoundrc if that is a program06:59
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hollywoodbh3sp4wn: they all work, except dxr3 and xmga06:59
zerak|joe| nothing06:59
zerak|joe| dont got it07:00
h3sp4wnhollywoodb: I need to mess around with it a little more I guess07:00
|joe|zerak: ok mmnt07:00
zerak|joe| ...07:01
|joe|zerak: try something like aplay -D hw:1 /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Window_Maximize.wav07:01
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: I have aiglx enabled as well, and except those two they all still work07:01
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h3sp4wnhollywoodb: alsa-control: unable to find simple control 'PCM',0%  2%  0.7% 171 007:02
|joe|zerak: you could try aplay -l as well07:02
h3sp4wnhollywoodb: I get loads of that stuff all down the screen (but only in X)07:03
zerak|joe| hmm:   channels count not available07:03
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|joe|zerak: and the -l ?07:03
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: but alsa output works @ console?  That's strange... maybe artsd or something needs to be killed... I don't use artsd07:03
odreswhere can I find better drivers for my graph card Intel i810 ?07:03
zerak|joe| lists my sound devices07:03
hollywoodbodres: which one are you using now?07:03
|joe|zerak: this should list pcm streams07:04
zerak|joe| from 0 - 4 for the right ca0106 (correct one)07:04
|joe|zerak: oh sorry, -L07:04
odresthe i810 driver that comes with Xubuntu, but I keep getting crashes07:04
h3sp4wnhollywoodb: I don't either - (I think it is because my soundcard has quite alot of in's and outs and a pretty confusing configuration if you look at it in alsamixer)07:04
hollywoodbodres: that's the right driver, what kind of crashes?07:04
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: that could be, my soundcards are all pretty basic... maybe you need to get creative with asound.conf07:05
zerak|joe| my surround system... lists front, rear, center, surround40 etc07:05
hollywoodbh3sp4wn: or use OSS output, which should basically spit at /dev/dsp, and should work07:06
instructorhow do I restart my sound I think it died07:06
odresweird the screen looks like colored horirzontal stripes and xserver and all my user processes stop07:06
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|joe|zerak: looks actually good you now only have to find out the correct alsa dev number for the playback07:06
hollywoodbodres: are you sure its the video driver? I've never heard of anyone having issues with the i810 driver07:07
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zerak|joe| isnt it just 0 and 1 or do i have to specify the subdevices that is each single speaker07:07
Meherclewhere can i find a package for the amarok moodbar?07:07
hollywoodbodres: but I've seen things like happen from faulty hardware or overclocking07:07
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odreswell I don't know I thought it was memory first, but I used memtest from startup for 12 hours...no errors.the system log files shows ans IO output error with the screen07:08
odresI am thinking of replacing the onboard card07:08
|joe|zerak: take a look ath http://alsa.opensrc.org/DigitalOut07:08
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|joe|zerak: check your /proc/asound/devices and then it should be hw:card,pcm#07:09
hollywoodbodres: maybe the video card has issues?  try the 'intel' driver, I'm not positive that it works with i810 cards, and in my experience it has been a little buggy with suspend/resume, but its worth a shot if your system is suffering that badly07:09
instructorHow do I test my sound?07:10
hollywoodbodres: also, 'man i810' will give you some driver options that may or may not be useful07:10
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hollywoodbinstructor: cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp07:10
TheGateKeeperinstructor: got sound in system settings there is a button there07:10
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TheGateKeepergo to sound*07:11
odresI only have this problem with Xubuntu/Ubuntu/Kubuntu (tried all 3 of them) but not with Mandriva 200607:11
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hollywoodbodres: maybe its a kernel issue... I don't think X.org could be built so differently as to cause what you're describing07:11
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odresCould be I had this problem with 6.10 and 6.06 but not so often with 5.1007:12
instructorTheGateKeeper: Hmm07:13
hollywoodbodres: well you could try a different kernel or two and/or file a bug... sudo apt-cache search linux-image07:13
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instructorOk I clicked the button and nothing. I disabled the sound system and reenabled it and the progress bas has restarted like 5 times now07:13
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ehirdevery time i run an x app from a terminal i get07:14
ehirdX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16607:14
ehirdwith some more stuff repeated a few times07:14
ehirdthe apps work fine tho07:14
hollywoodbehird: yep07:14
ehirdany ideas?07:14
TheGateKeeperinstructor: got things turned on, had a look at kmix?07:14
hollywoodbehird: search forums for 'wacom xorg.conf'07:14
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:14
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ehirdhollywood will in a bit07:15
odresWhich one do you recommend I use 2.6.17-1007:15
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hollywoodbehird: basically for some reason I don't understand default ubuntu xorg.conf has a bunch of wacom tablet devices listed that you don't have, and that's those errors07:15
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hollywoodbodres: I'm not really sure, you're probably using -generic now, so you could try something more specific like -68607:16
hollywoodbodres: whether or not they're built differently enough to make any difference i don't really know07:16
eric_does anyone know what the programs callled that puts the spinning globe o your destop?07:16
TheGateKeeperodres: kubuntu tends to use module drivers so unless you build your own kernel I doubt you will see much improvement07:16
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|joe|eric_: xearth?07:17
|joe|eric_: just a guess07:17
instructoreric_: xearth07:17
eric_cool,ill go check.is it in the repositorys?07:17
instructorGo check :)07:17
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instructor!info xearth07:18
ubotuxearth: Show a rotating earth on your X root window. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1-10.1 (edgy), package size 154 kB, installed size 464 kB07:18
odresyes I have a PIII 667 Mhz so I should look for a i686 kernel ?07:18
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TheGateKeeperodres: yep07:20
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eric_anything else like xearth for nifty visualizations?07:21
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MenZaI'd like to install drivers for my generic 802.11g wireless PCMCIA card, but I have no idea where to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction :\?07:21
odreswhere can I get this ? Do you know a stable version ?07:21
eric_poop,i installed it bu its not showing up on my desktop,do i need to do something special?07:22
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TheGateKeeperodres: there are ready built kernels in the repos, but you might have more luck building your own, info on that is in the forums07:23
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odresallright I wil try that07:24
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odresI dont know if this wil work check "linux-image-686 - Obsoleted by: linux-image-generic" in apt-cache linux-image07:26
MidMarkh3sp4wn: if you have time can you confirm this? http://launchpad.net/bugs/3944407:26
MidMarksee my last comment07:26
MidMarkonly the last one07:26
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h3sp4wnI don't even know what kde-guidance is (so am not a good person to ask about that one)07:28
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MidMarkh3sp4wn: kde-guidance is the gui that let you change user password under K->system settings->user management07:33
MidMarkanyone thanx07:33
MRMorefield-ftwhat is the extended device?07:34
MRMorefield-ftin fdisk?07:34
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zerak|joe| really cant understand this, vlc can play one one chanel (one speaker) but when trying to use aplay on the same (when vlc is off) i get no sound07:36
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eric_wheres a god place to start for learning shell commands,ive got the basic ones down but want to master the more advanced ones07:37
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hollywoodberic_: google for a bash tutorial, or check out http://rute.2038bug.com07:38
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francisbonsoir all :)07:38
francisboouhhhh, a roupille ici !!!! mdr07:39
hollywoodb!fr | francis07:39
ubotufrancis: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:39
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eric_j'adore la glace07:40
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odres<odres> Sorry since edgy eft there is no i686 kernel anymore, just the "generic"07:40
osh_je suis un baguette.07:40
hollywoodbyes I'd love a bagel07:41
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odresDoes anyone know how to increase the allocated memory for the video card in xorg.conf ?07:41
eric_ill have lox on mine07:44
h3sp4wneric_: I would recommend zsh over bash (for interactive use)07:44
h3sp4wneric_: And for scripting it supports most things that are supported by csh / ksh and bash07:44
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eric_huh?whats hat ean sorry first time on irc07:44
eric_that mean*07:44
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h3sp4wnNicer shell to use than bash (I think)07:45
h3sp4wnaptitude install zsh07:45
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MRMorefield-ftmount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:46
h3sp4wneric_: exec zsh07:47
h3sp4wneric_: (it has lot of nice features - such as command completion from external programs)07:47
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wezlohey, is anyone on here using kubuntu and bluetooth?07:49
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dennisterdangitall...I'm timing out again07:50
dennisterrogers is driving me nuts07:50
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dennisterwhat with their traffic-shaping before i get a chance to counteract it with software...07:52
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Jack1h3sp4wn: hi, i cannot scroll up and down in console via page up and shift07:52
|joe|zerak: you should probably try to find a device where you get stereo07:52
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h3sp4wnJack1: In a vt ?07:53
Jack1in console mode h3sp4wn  whats a vt?07:54
h3sp4wnIt works fine for me (unless I am in screen which I am 99% of the time)07:55
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h3sp4wnthen ^a escape puts it into scroll mode07:55
Jack1how can get a file tree for / in console mode?07:55
Jack1i can scroll up and down?07:56
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h3sp4wnI dunno I can (using the method you described above)07:56
eric_any one know ofany progs that will spiffy up my gui?07:56
Jack1i'll try thx07:56
egonwtrappist: thanx again for earlier... re-mkswap-ing the swap partition allowed me swapon it again07:56
major_stitcheric_: what Window manager?07:56
h3sp4wnJack1: Usually I just screen in a vt (just by default makes copy and paste etc easier once you learn the shortcuts)07:57
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zerak|joe| but how come vlc can give me sound when i choose a device but aplay wont07:57
major_stitchh3sp4wn: just downloaded and set up Ubuntu from kubuntu...wasn't so bad at all :)07:57
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|joe|zerak: no idea07:57
h3sp4wnmajor_stitch: Not remotely interesting though07:57
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major_stitchh3sp4wn: i'm not adventurous07:58
trappistegonw: ossum07:58
h3sp4wnmajor_stitch: fair enough07:58
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eric_what are the benifits of ubuntu over kubuntu?08:00
wezlohey folks, I've having difficulties pairing bluetooth devices in edgy, anyone have any inights?08:00
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h3sp4wneric_: It has alot more developers (and hence is more well developed / tested)08:00
eric_ubuntu or k?08:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about k3b-mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto08:01
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odreseric_ go for Xubuntu !08:02
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zerak|joe| located which channels that are what, eg. 1,0 are the two fronts (stereo) :  1,1 rear  :  1,2 middle and one unknown (probably sub)08:02
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zerak|joe| take that back, maybe not sub after all08:03
|joe|zerak: and aplay -D hw:1,0 doesn't work08:03
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zeraklaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/KDE_Window_Maximize.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono08:04
zerakaplay: set_params:906: Channels count not available08:04
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|joe|zerak: hm08:04
zerak|joe| and if i do it while vlc then it is busy08:05
zerak|joe| so it works but not with aplay08:05
|joe|zerak: and did you have stereo without the tuner?08:05
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age1172are .jar files executable in kubuntu?08:06
zerak|joe| had sound as default without it08:06
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|joe|zerak: but stereo08:06
eric_how do i change my settings to allow me to log in as root?08:07
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|joe|age1172: .jar is a .zip containing usually java app08:07
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thingyage1172: yes! They are shot on sight! ummm actually...double clicking on a jar file seems to bring up ark which is the archiving util08:07
zerak|joe| either stereo or surround, didnt check which08:07
|joe|age1172: you can run it somehow with java08:07
age1172how to run it08:07
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thingyage1172: to run jar file --> java -jar filename.jar08:07
|joe|thingy: that's because it's actually a zip08:07
eric_cant you just change the .jar to .zip and open it normaly08:07
|joe|when run with jave it looks then for the Main class08:08
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thingy|joe|: dang it..I had to hunt for the | key joe! :-)08:08
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|joe|thingy: well i can't help but all [_] joe[_]  nicks are reserved :)08:09
|joe|zerak: have you tried now hw:1,1 and 1,2?08:09
ehirdi added the amarok 1.4.4 repos08:09
ehirdbut it's still 1.4.3 according to apt-cache08:09
abattoirthingy: just press j and Tab ;)08:09
ehirdi've updated and dist-upgraded08:09
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zerak|joe| without the tv-card or what do you mean?08:10
|joe|abattoir: me begin with pipe ;-)08:10
|joe|zerak: now08:10
thingy|joe|: try being bob...thats a good name! bet its not registered...or how about MightyJoe08:10
abattoir|joe|: doesn't matter, an intelligent client would help overcome annoyances like that :P08:10
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abattoiran intelligent client, like konversation ;)08:10
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h3sp4wnif you start a nic with ]  then it breaks irssi's tab completion08:11
h3sp4wni.e ] h3sp4wn[08:12
eric_what app would i use to add a second root acount?08:12
mneptoneric_: do you mean another account with sudo access?08:12
abattoireric_: you mean you want to give 'sudo' privs. to another account?08:13
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abattoiroh, sorry :P08:13
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h3sp4wnthere can only be one root (you can have another name like proot or whatever but if it has 0:0 it is root08:13
eric_full acsess so i dont have to keep typeing in my password08:13
age1172thingy;it says Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from ***.jar08:13
|joe|well uid=0 can be only one user08:13
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abattoireric_: for that, you'd have to edit /etc/sudoers08:13
|joe|eric_: you can configure sudo not to require password08:13
h3sp4wnyou can have 2 entries in /etc/passwd with 0:008:13
age1172i replaced file name with stars08:13
|joe|eric_: visudo08:13
h3sp4wn(or more)08:14
eric_um when i installed i used root as my user name and ubuntu wont let me log into it useing that acount08:14
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thingyage1172: What's the app? you may need to pass a class name08:14
|joe|h3sp4wn: hm didn't know about it, thnx08:14
h3sp4wnsamw    ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL08:14
ehirderic_: you fail at understanding how sudo works08:14
mneptoneric_: the root login is disabled by design. a machine that allows a root login is far more likely to be compromised. use sudo, or, if that's really, *reaaly onerous, use "sudo su"08:14
ehirdand why root is a bad idea08:14
h3sp4wn(that is an example sudo entry so sudo doesn't ask for the password all the time)08:14
fdovingmnepton: 'sudo -i' > 'sudo su'08:14
thingyage1172: To find out what class name to pass...I need to know what app you are trying to run08:14
mneptonfdoving: different strokes for different folks. same thing, essentially though.08:15
thingyage1172: but to answer your question --> java -jar filename.jar myJavaClass08:15
|joe|thingy: i think per default Main is run08:15
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thingy|joe|: yep but the error he gets is indicating there is no main clain in the jar...would help to know what app hes trying to use...usually the java devs put a bash script in the distribution to execute the app08:17
fdovingmnepton: you don't read roots environment variables, that can break stuff, as you run stuff as root within a user environment. sudo -i fixes that, safer.08:17
|joe|thingy: ok didn't notice there was already an error :)08:17
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|joe|sometimes it help just to dig into the .jar and find what looks like main class08:18
age1172the app is file named keygen.jar?08:18
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|joe|age1172: .jar is a .zip of compiled .class files08:19
|joe|age1172: each .class file contains compiled bytecode for one java class08:19
eric_it wont let me edit the password file08:19
|joe|age1172: and to start an application you have to define which class of those .class has to be "started"08:19
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age1172how can i do that08:19
|joe|age1172: if you don't define anything java will look for Main (or similar) and if it finds no Main, it does not know how to run the .jar08:20
|joe|age1172: don't you have any doc?08:20
eric_i tried to edit the password file an it saownerys i dont have permission because im not the08:20
age1172i will see08:21
|joe|age1172: is it some public stuff?08:21
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zerak|joe| yes KDE:s test sound gives stereo (only front sides)08:23
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|joe|zerak: maybe you can now try to play with aplay to find out which subdevice is correct08:23
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|joe|zerak: but you'll probably have to stop kde's sound system for it08:24
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Jack1h3sp4wn: i cannot login due to 100%use on /, but i just find system files there..its 20GB08:24
|joe|zerak: if the card and drivers support hw mixing you wouldn't have to :)08:24
Jack1h3sp4wn: my ist-upgrade stopped couple of times i guess its the temporary update files08:25
ehirdsurely it's a simple q08:25
h3sp4wnJack1: make some more space then (or remove some stuff)08:25
Jack1h3sp4wn: how? if i just find system files and dunno which one are ost important?08:25
h3sp4wnJack1: get rid of all of /var/cache/apt/archives08:25
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h3sp4wnJack1: resise some other partitions to make some more space08:26
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h3sp4wnJack1: Unless its only a 20gb drive08:26
zerak|joe| do you remember where the kde:s .wav where?08:26
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|joe|zerak: /usr/share/sounds08:26
jobless_abattoir u there?08:27
abattoirjobless_: yes08:27
Jack1hmm u think i can delete some file from windows via ifs drives08:27
|joe|thingy: hm now i found out the main class can be actually specified via manifest in the .jar08:27
jobless_hey abattoir, i got a question thats out of topic here .. is that ok if i ask u?08:27
abattoirjobless_: hmm, pm me then08:28
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h3sp4wnJack1: I would fix it from recovery mode08:28
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn: Jack1: it's better to use  apt-get clean08:28
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn: Jack1: then apt-get autoremove08:28
sarixeanyone know how to setup samba for sharing a printer?08:28
abattoir!samba | sarixe08:29
thingy|joe|: oh and I was googling as well...and sometimes...if the java -jar filename.jar doesn't work you can try a "java -cp /path/to/file/file.jar className" to get the app to run...can't tell age now as he's left08:29
ubotusarixe: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:29
Jack1JohnFlux id did aptget clean, but not apt get autoremove08:29
h3sp4wnJohnFlux2: why all apt-get clean does is exactly the same thing08:29
abattoirjobless_: not registered?08:29
zerak|joe| "$ aplay -D hw:0,0 /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav" gives same problem (noticed that i use 0,0 instead of 1,0 previously)08:29
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn: right but you're less likely to screw up ;-)08:29
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|joe|thingy: well i found out that the manifests could be eventually incompatible between win and nix because of newlines :) maybe that was the prob08:30
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|joe|zerak: that's really weird08:30
thingyzerak: whats the sound issue you have ?08:30
|joe|zerak: 0,1 or 0,2?08:30
jobless_abattoir: no08:30
h3sp4wnJohnFlux2: Its no better or worse (I usually use aptitude autoclean) but if I want to get rid of them all I just use rm -rf /var/cache/apt/archives08:30
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|joe|zerak: would be really interesting if aplay couldn't play wav files via alsa08:30
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn: until the one day you accidently pressed return while typing  rm -rf /08:31
zerak|joe| none of them gave me anything, i hope there is enough to uncheck the "give me sound" box in kde08:31
|joe|thingy: you have to disable the sound system08:31
zerak|joe| "enable the sound system"08:31
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn: not saying it's a big risk or anything, but just safer to use apt-get clean08:31
JohnFlux2h3sp4wn:  good habits and all that08:31
|joe|thingy: but if you don't aplay should complain that device is already used08:31
zerak|joe| vlc plays default and KDE plays when using test button08:32
|joe|thingy: sorry -> zerak08:32
|joe|zerak: both with stereo08:32
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Jack1h3sp4wn: hmm..i got just 75mb /var files i cannot understand where are the big files08:32
zerak|joe| vlc plays with stereo08:32
zerak|joe| settings08:32
|joe|zerak: what happens if you just say hw:008:32
zerak|joe| same08:33
h3sp4wnJack1: I wouldn't mess around in /var (other than /var/cache/apt/archives)08:33
zerakPlaying WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/pop.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Mono08:33
zerakaplay: set_params:906: Channels count not availabl08:33
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thingyJack1: du -hs /*  <--- will give you a clue as where the disk usage is hiding08:34
Jack1try that again c u08:35
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csillsHey guys08:41
csillsI had my Acer Prisa 620U scanner working with Ubuntu08:41
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csillsand suddely it just quit working08:41
csillsnot recognized anymore08:42
csillsanybody have any suggestions08:42
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csillsI have tried several fixes but none have worked08:42
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eric_whats the shell comand for modifying file permissions08:44
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joblessabattoir: can you pm me?08:45
fannagogannayes sorry08:45
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abattoirjobless: i just did08:47
abattoirjobless: are you getting my messages?08:47
thingycsills: 1. Is the USB device detected? (look at output of lsusb command or cat /proc/bus/usb/devices) 2. It looks like this brand of scanner needs firmware to uploaded to the scanner before the scanner works...look at this url to see if it helps debug things....if you can identify what is not happening we might be able to tell you how to put it right...my guess = firmware not being loaded into scanner http://snapscan.sourceforge.net/08:48
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thingyI thought they took out the priv messages facility in freenode because of spam and abuse...08:48
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thingyah I can priv msg my self...cool!08:49
drakanAnyone have experience with Wireless Belkin PCMIA Adapters?08:49
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drakanIt seems to want to disable itself right after I enable the service08:50
thingydrakan: model number08:50
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thingydrakan: ?08:50
drakanI think08:50
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thingydrakan: and what do you mean by "enable the service"? is the card being detected fine?08:51
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GeckoIf I write locate libgtk-1.2.so* slocate segfaults, but it doesn't if I write locate libgtk-1.2.so. Is this a bug?08:51
csillsThanks Thingy08:52
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drakanDetected yes08:52
drakanbut it won't enable when I hit "enable"08:52
drakanits goes straight back08:53
drakanto disabled08:53
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thingydrakan: any messages in /var/log/messages when you try and enable it? also anything shown in ~/.xsession-errors ?08:53
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drakanI'm completely new to Linux... You might have to explain where to find those files :x08:54
markelhashi ppl08:54
drakanBut I can say, the Wireless card doesn't show any lights when plugged in08:54
drakanI guess that could go with the whole disabled part08:54
markelhascan someone help me config my network/samba?08:55
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thingydrakan: ok can you open the kde menu and select the System\System Logs Viewer app08:55
jhutchins_wkmarkelhas: Possibly #samba?08:55
markelhasjhutchins_wk: oki08:56
drakanI'm there08:56
drakanAnd there are alot of messages here08:56
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drakanIt's mostly saying08:57
drakanDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to 155.08:57
drakan* port 67 interval (xx)08:57
drakanWhere xx is a random number between 3 and 1608:58
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drakanAnd, send_packet: Network is down08:58
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markelhasanyone that is a samba expert!?08:59
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thingydrakan: select the last buncha log entries that appear when you try to enable the device and once selected, click on File/Save and save them as a file. Then dcc the file to me09:00
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drakanErr... The computer i'm talking about is not connected to the internet :x09:01
drakanBecause the wireless won't work09:01
drakanThis is a 2nd computer i'm on now09:01
drakanWhat is says is09:01
drakanMain: error loading '/lib/firmware/bcm43xx_microcode5.fw' for device '/class/firmware/0000:02:00.0' with driver 'bcm43xx'09:02
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drakanAnd the 2nd part, says bcm43xx_microcode5.fw is not available or load failed09:02
drakanSo it has to do with the driver being bad =\09:03
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thingydrakan: no it means that the firmware (bcm43xx_microcode5.fw) file is not being found(most prob.)09:03
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thingydrakan: type in 'find / -iname "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw"' and tell me if that returns a match09:04
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drakanin Konsole09:05
intelikey-iname  ?    hmmm i'll have to revisit the man pages...09:05
thingydrakan:  yes09:05
intelikeydrakan yes that's a cli command.09:05
thingyintelikey: -iname = don't care about the case09:05
drakanI did a sudo09:07
drakanregular doesn't work o_o09:07
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eric__trying to fix a problem with my password file,im trying to give my normal loging name no password and full acsess,any help?09:08
elias_what is the main advantage of kde4's libs over kde3? what justifies this huge portation effort to port all kde3 apps to the new API/toolkit/libs?09:08
eric__eric:$1$YiPqh20t$vvAc.wkSXCMDQCgqO6Szi.:1001:1001:,,,:/home/eric:/bin/bash is my normal usernames line what should i do?09:09
thingyelias: WHY are you cross posting the same question to both channels?09:09
intelikeyeric__  yeah. close the editor  and do   sudo passwd -d 'username'09:09
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thingydrakan: has the search finished?09:09
drakanDont think it will work =\09:10
drakandunno why09:10
intelikeyeric__ "and full acsess" ???   make him root jr. ?09:10
drakanit doesn't respond09:10
drakanwhat about sudo -iname "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw"09:10
drakanit doesnt work either09:10
drakansudo find / -iname*09:10
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thingydrakan: press ctrl + c in the konsole to get back to the prompt and then type in --> find / -iname "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw"09:11
intelikeyeric__ can you define  "and full access" please ?09:11
drakanBunch of Permission Denied messages09:11
drakanthats why I tried sudo09:11
thingydrakan: thats ok...09:11
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thingydrakan: the permission denied messages occur since normal users cant go in some directories09:12
eric__root jr09:12
eric__whats the -d?09:12
intelikeyeric__   man passwd09:12
thingydrakan: ok so you don't have the firmware file then...can i confirm that this card didn't work on edgy at all?09:12
drakanwhat's edgy09:12
drakanSorry for being stupid09:13
intelikeyeric__   if you want passwordless sudoing   visudo   and  add    'username' ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL09:13
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fdoving!edgy | drakan09:13
ubotudrakan: Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)09:13
intelikeyman sudoers    for that one.09:13
drakanWell I used the one off the website09:13
drakanThe CD iso09:13
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eric__what if i just wanta password when my computer starts up?09:14
drakanok yes09:14
drakanIt's edgy*09:14
intelikeyeric__ you do know that you are setting up a very insecure system...09:14
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magicmikeWhat command do I type to edit and save changes in /etc/fstab?09:14
thingydrakan: can you confirm that it never worked in edgy at all?09:14
drakanso far, yes09:14
drakanIt's my first day on Kubuntu ;_;09:15
intelikeyeric__ then set a password on the account and set sudoers to passwordless  as above....   that's not  at all the advice that *buntu team would have me give you tho.09:15
eric__my comp.is in a safe place and has very little sensitive info09:15
adam_Is there anyone here running 6.10 amd64?09:15
JohnFlux_adam_: ask dont ask to ask09:16
adam_Joh: huh? you've lost me on that?09:16
BluesKajtried amd64 ...nothing but probs in dapper, so I switched to x86 32 bit09:16
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adam_dapper worked great for me, but edgy seems a mess09:17
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BluesKajnow at least my hardware works09:17
intelikeyheh i did cat /etc/sudoers  to give you that line ^^ for your sudoers... "ALL ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" <--- my /etc/sudoers file.       what do i care how you set up your boxen.....09:17
magicmikeadam: Just ask and if you get lucky someone will answer.09:17
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BluesKajx86 32bit works well in edgy too on this amd64 pc09:18
intelikeyit should probably be noted that this box is also "NO SUID"   so sudo does nothing anyway.09:18
intelikeytty2 [greg@~]  sudo echo09:18
intelikeysudo: must be setuid root09:18
markelhasppl need help to config samba, anyone!?09:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:18
intelikeymarkelhas sorry  ! i09:19
markelhasintelikey: can u help me with samba configQ?09:19
BluesKajmarkelhas, welcome to the club ...difficult request I'm afraid09:19
intelikeymarkelhas no.   "! i" == "not i"   i've never setup a smb client or server.09:20
markelhasBluesKaj: hummm, i've trying with wiki googling but can't manage to put it working09:20
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BluesKajyeah, it's quite labour intensive09:21
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markelhasTheGateKeeper: are u there?09:21
JohnFlux_markelhas: you havent actually asked a question yet09:21
JohnFlux_markelhas: as far as i can see09:21
zerak|joe| it is plugged in and it gives me sound when doing "$ apart -D plughw:1,0 /usr/share/sound/pop.wav"09:22
BluesKaj<markelhas> intelikey: can u help me with samba configQ?09:22
markelhasJohnFlux_: I need help to config samba, can't "see" my windows machine, neitheir windows machine to see mine09:22
|joe|zerak: ok what do we drink09:22
markelhasJohnFlux_: so i think the kestion is made!09:23
|joe|zerak: now you could try to set up dmix plugin if you'd like to use sw mixing09:23
zerak|joe| not yet, still some stuff to do before it works as intended09:23
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markelhasJohnFlux_: how can i config it?09:23
BluesKajthat's a biggy09:23
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intelikeymarkelhas & blueskaj    i can sujest that other channels might find more help on that....   ##linux  ##linuxhelp  #ubuntu  #debian (maybe)....09:23
zerak|joe| sw mixing?09:23
JohnFlux_markelhas: if you go to smb://   do you see any machines?09:23
hollywoodb#debian is alway super-helpful09:23
|joe|zerak: otherwise you'll end up fighting with artsd flash and stuff09:23
markelhasJohnFlux_: nope09:24
JohnFlux_markelhas: smb://localhost/  rather09:24
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|joe|zerak: your card can play only one sound at once09:24
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|joe|so if you want to eg play kde sounds while using vlc/mplayer/amarok/... you have to mix the sounds09:24
JohnFlux_markelhas: have you installed samba  ?09:24
|joe|zerak: and because your card won't do it, you have to do it in sw .... that's where alsa's dmix helps09:25
LeeJunFananyone know where I'd look to set the increment that volume increases or decreases when using the ACPI volume buttons on the keyboard?09:25
JohnFlux_markelhas: apt-get install samba samba-common smbclient09:25
zerak|joe| sw?09:25
JohnFlux_markelhas: then sudo /etc/init.d/samba start09:25
|joe|zerak: the sw mixes the sound streams into one09:25
markelhasJohnFlux_: i've done that, and config smbusers09:26
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markelhasJohnFlux_: that's a problem there is no samba in that dir09:26
JohnFlux_markelhas: in which dir?09:27
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JohnFlux_markelhas: oh  /etc/init.d/samba  ?09:27
markelhasJohnFlux_: yes09:27
markelhasJohnFlux_: i've follow this http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Samba_Server09:27
JohnFlux_ubotu:  find /etc/init.d/samba09:27
ubotuFile /etc/init.d/samba found in samba09:27
JohnFlux_markelhas: please double check you have installed samba09:28
zerak|joe| For ALSA 1For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix.09:28
JohnFlux_markelhas: apt-get install samba09:28
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JohnFlux_markelhas: if it says it's installed, we'll reinstall09:28
|joe|zerak: where did you find that?09:28
zerak|joe| evil paste (middle mouse)  For ALSA 1.0.9rc2 and higher you don't need to setup dmix.09:28
zerak|joe| http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin09:28
markelhas0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded09:28
markelhasJohnFlux_: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded09:28
|joe|zerak: well ok in that case try it with aplay09:29
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JohnFlux_markelhas: hmm, okay  do   apt-get install --reinstall samba09:29
|joe|zerak: aplay -D plug:dmix09:29
markelhasJohnFlux_: i've kubuntu 6.10, just for remark09:30
|joe|zerak: don't know though if it's configured correctly to use your sc09:30
zerakALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:862:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave09:30
zerakaplay: main:547: audio open error: No such file or directory09:30
zerak|joe| maybe not...09:30
markelhasJohnFlux_: done09:30
JohnFlux_markelhas: does it exist now?09:31
markelhasJohnFlux_: nopes :(09:31
|joe|zerak: maybe it points per default to the first card09:31
zerak|joe| maybe09:31
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zerak|joe| then it should be a simple change if one finds where09:31
JohnFlux_markelhas: ah wait09:32
|joe|zerak: you can try the aplay -v -D plughw:1,0 and note the params at the bottom and try to configure this stuff as described in the howto09:32
markelhasJohnFlux_: i've made a find . -name samba and i thinks it's on etc/samba09:32
|joe|zerak: seems you cannot set the dmix's slave to plughw09:32
JohnFlux_markelhas: nah wait09:33
JohnFlux_markelhas: do   apt-get remove --purge samba09:33
JohnFlux_markelhas: then apt-get install samba09:33
JohnFlux_markelhas: that will recreate the files09:33
JohnFlux_i cant remember the apt-get install   command to reinstall the config files09:33
markelhasJohnFlux_: oki09:33
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markelhasJohnFlux_: nopes :(09:34
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JohnFlux_markelhas: still no?09:35
JohnFlux_markelhas: :/09:35
JohnFlux_markelhas: grr09:35
markelhasJohnFlux_: :(09:35
JohnFlux_markelhas: okay do:  dpkg --force-confmiss /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_*.deb09:36
JohnFlux_markelhas: that should do it09:36
JohnFlux_oh wait09:37
|joe|zerak: you could try the config from here http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=310448&highlight=asoundrc+ca010609:37
|joe|zerak: replace the card 0 with card 1 and remove the pcm.duplicate09:37
JohnFlux_markelhas: dpkg --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_*.deb09:37
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JohnFlux_Setting up samba (3.0.22-1ubuntu4) ...09:38
JohnFlux_Configuration file `/etc/init.d/samba', does not exist on system.09:38
JohnFlux_Installing new config file as you request.09:38
|joe|zerak: then you should be able to aplay -D dout09:38
JohnFlux_i get that when i delete that file then run that command09:38
JohnFlux_markelhas: so try that09:38
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zerak|joe| where? one said ~/.asoundrc but then i must install those packages first but it doesnt sound like i am suppose to do that on you09:38
markelhasJohnFlux_: the command is not working, can u check it for me plz?09:39
|joe|zerak: ~/.asoundrc is correct, what packages do you mean?09:39
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JohnFlux_markelhas: okay one sec09:39
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zerak|joe| wasnt that like the first question you asked, dont got that dir09:40
JohnFlux_markelhas: if you do:   ls  /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_*.deb    do you get several versions?09:40
JohnFlux_markelhas: or one version, or no files09:40
|joe|zerak: you have to create .asoundrc in your home dir09:41
markelhasJohnFlux_: 1 version09:41
zerakmkdri .asoundrc09:41
markelhasJohnFlux_: /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.22-1ubuntu4_i386.deb09:41
|joe|zerak: no it's a file09:41
|joe|zerak: what's your favourite editor? :)09:41
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zerak|joe| got none, use vi mostly though, nano is nice too09:42
JohnFlux_markelhas: dpkg --force-confmiss -i /var/cache/apt/archives/samba_*.deb09:42
JohnFlux_that should work09:42
JohnFlux_markelhas: what error does it give09:42
lipeplease, i need the file called libelf.so.109:42
|joe|zerak: ok si simply vim ~/.asoundrc09:42
JohnFlux_lipe: er09:42
zerak|joe| copy paste his, but if there is no such file then what tells that there should be09:43
JohnFlux_lipe: what did you do?09:43
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markelhasJohnFlux_: this last is ok09:43
|joe|zerak: vi will create a new file09:43
zerak|joe| did, noob but not that noobish even though i thought i wrote in Yakau... (what it is called =P)09:43
lipeJohnFlux_: please, do u have this file??09:43
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markelhasJohnFlux_: but this msg "Configuration file `/etc/init.d/samba', does not exist on system." is there.09:43
markelhasJohnFlux_: samba there now09:44
JohnFlux_markelhas: excellent09:44
JohnFlux_markelhas: now /etc/init.d/samba start09:44
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JohnFlux_lipe: why do you need it?09:45
zerak|joe| should i fill it with their information from the web page? Will it really fit my config09:45
lipei need this library to use libelf...09:45
markelhasJohnFlux_: done that can see mshome and my pc09:45
|joe|zerak: it's the same driver, try it out09:45
JohnFlux_markelhas: :-)09:45
markelhasJohnFlux_: can't see one but also can't see in windows :(, that's another story09:45
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al00g'day -- kubuntu newbie here -- booting up from the Edgy DVD and getting dropped off at /Desktop. Tried in to install in "graphics safe" mode -- same result. Any suggestions?09:46
|joe|zerak: check the output from aplay -D plughw:1,0 it displays some pars (eg rate) at the bottom09:46
markelhasJohnFlux_: can i share a folder/printer from kubuntu to windows pcs!?09:46
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JohnFlux_markelhas: btw if you want to share a folder on your desktop you have to set the read and access permissions for Desktop09:46
al00I guess I should have mentioned that I'm trying to Install Kubuntu :-)09:46
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JohnFlux_markelhas: i fixed that bug but it won't be in till the next update09:47
zerak|joe| worked but forgot to change the card 0 to card 109:47
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JohnFlux_markelhas: hmm yes.  not sure how through the gui.  i think run the system settings and share it from the printer settings thing09:47
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JohnFlux_lipe: I'm not being difficult, but elf is a pretty low level thing!09:48
visitorhey whats going on everyone?09:48
JohnFlux_lipe: you shouldn't be playing with such libraries09:48
|joe|al00: what do you mean by getting dropped off at /Desktop09:48
markelhasJohnFlux_: ok for the printer and one folder in /home?09:48
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al00|joe| -- may I chat in private?09:48
oslomy ipod dont mount !09:48
JohnFlux_markelhas: as long as the folder isn't in /home/markel/Desktop09:48
lipesomebody help me!!!!!! im trying to read the head of a ELF file, so i need this library to work...09:48
|joe|al00: i'm not registered so i can't09:48
|joe|al00: you can try a separate channel09:48
visitori dont think that there is any way you can chat in private in here09:49
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JohnFlux_lipe: edgy comes with 0.809:49
|joe|visitor: if you're registered privmsgs work :)09:49
JohnFlux_lipe: i wouldn't recommend installing a different version09:49
visitoroh well i am not registered so i cant09:49
zerak|joe| ah when you say it i noticed after rate it say mono09:49
JohnFlux_visitor: /msg nickserv register09:50
visitorwhats up joe?09:50
JohnFlux_visitor: ;-)09:50
markelhasJohnFlux_: oki i've shared one, not the desktop, now only search in windows network and that's all?09:50
|joe|zerak: hm09:50
visitori dont want to pay anything for this09:50
|joe|zerak: just try it :)09:50
lipeman, what r u talking about??09:50
JohnFlux_visitor: freenode is free09:50
visitoroh ok09:50
visitorwhats up johnflux?09:51
JohnFlux_lipe: ubuntu comes with libelf.0.8.609:51
al00|joe|: I slap in a freshly burned Edgy DVD. Boot. I am prompted with the Menu. I select install, the status bar looks strange and incomplete. The boot image seems to load... I expect to see a GUI for install of the OS but I end up at a command prompt in the /Desktop folder.09:51
JohnFlux_visitor: at the ubuntu summit in california09:51
JohnFlux_lipe: if you want a later version you'll have to compile it yourself09:51
visitorwhat in the hell are people talking about in here?09:51
|joe|visitor: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#registering09:51
al00|joe|: I initially thought it was a graphics issue (still not convinced that it isn't) and tried to install with option 2 which is graphics safe mode -- same result09:51
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visitorhow old are you guys in here?09:52
JohnFlux_visitor: 25 myself09:52
dimsuzhi! anyone aware of what *-dev package contains Xlib.h?09:52
|joe|al00: what graph card?09:52
markelhasJohnFlux_: okis it's working, doesn't apper in network, but if i do \\ip ask for pass and the share is there09:52
visitoroh, im 1909:52
dimsuzit dissapeared after upgrade to edgy09:52
JohnFlux_ubotu: find xlib.h09:52
ubotuFile xlib.h found in graphviz-dev, kvirc-dev, libax25-dev, libcairo2-dev, libcegui-mk2-dev (and 7 others)09:52
markelhasJohnFlux_: Thnks09:52
JohnFlux_dimsuz: ^^09:52
al00|joe| Ati RAdeon 800XT GTO (PCIe)09:52
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visitorjohn flux do u have a myspace?09:53
JohnFlux_visitor: no09:53
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dimsuzJohnFlux_: Thanks!09:53
visitorwhy not?09:53
JohnFlux_dimsuz: hmm not useful though09:53
JohnFlux_dimsuz: wait09:53
markelhasJohnFlux_: i need now to discover why can't i brower de desktop from any pc09:53
dimsuzubotu: find Xlib.h09:53
|joe|al00: well i'm afraid i can't help .... never had ati :)09:53
ubotuFile xlib.h found in graphviz-dev, kvirc-dev, libax25-dev, libcairo2-dev, libcegui-mk2-dev (and 7 others)09:53
dimsuzJohnFlux_: becase of wrong name ;)09:53
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visitordoes anyone in here have a myspace?09:53
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dimsuzJohnFlux_: hmm. so it's case insensitive09:54
JohnFlux_dimsuz: try xlibs-dev09:54
al00|joe|: Thanks for trying09:54
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JohnFlux_dimsuz: or libx11-dev09:54
zerak|joe| not really sure what you mean by try it out since i dont see/hear any diffrence09:54
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Nukedanyone here know anything about beryl?09:54
lipedo u have this file to send to me??09:54
dimsuzJohnFlux_: ok. I'll try. Thanks!09:54
JohnFlux_Nuked: I'm sitting next to the berly developers09:54
JohnFlux_Nuked: does that cout?09:55
NukedJohnFlux absolutely09:55
|joe|zerak: you have to try now aplay -D dout09:55
lipeJohnFlux_: do u have this file to send to me, please??09:55
NukedI installed beryl from berrokid;s repositories, but when I run beryl, there is no window border09:55
JohnFlux_lipe: i don't have it.  you will have to download and compile it yourself.  but I still don't understand why you want it.09:55
|joe|zerak: if you can hear sound you should be able to run more aplay's with -D dout in parallel09:56
zerak|joe| "$ aplay -D dout /usr/share/sounds/pop.wav"09:56
zerak|joe| ALSA lib pcm.c:2146:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM dout09:56
zerak|joe| aplay: main:547: audio open error: No such file or directory09:56
zerak|joe| justt as before09:56
JohnFlux_Nuked: possibly berly isn't running09:56
JohnFlux_Nuked: it crashed etc09:57
|joe|zerak: are you sure you have the ~/.asoundrc, it's saved09:57
JohnFlux_Nuked: so you don't have borders because you have no window manager09:57
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JohnFlux_Nuked: btw beryl will be included with the next release of ubuntu09:57
NukedI guess. If I stop beryl and run metacity everything goes back to normal09:57
JohnFlux_Nuked: right09:58
Lamingtonhey all09:58
|joe|zerak: hmmm maybe plug:dout ? not sure :)09:58
JohnFlux_Nuked: possibly you just don't have direct rendering09:58
JohnFlux_Nuked: do  glxinfo | grep Direct09:58
LamingtonI installed anon-proxy but I dunno how to get it to work with konqueror09:58
|joe|zerak: you can check aplay -L it should list the dout device09:58
JohnFlux_Nuked: do  glxinfo | grep direct09:58
JohnFlux_Nuked: rather09:58
NukedlibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b09:59
Nukeddirect rendering: Yes09:59
JohnFlux_Nuked: should work then09:59
LamingtonI've got konqueror set to "automatically detecty proxy configuration"09:59
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Nukedso all I do is run beryl and the border should show up?09:59
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JohnFlux_Lamington: not sure that will work10:01
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LamingtonJohnFlux_: yeah I'm kinda learning stuff as I go...10:01
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gnomefreakNuked: in beryl sometimes the window borders dont show up. if you change the theme using emerald it will show the border with new theme.10:02
Nukedgnomefreak ill try it10:03
=== gnomefreak used to beryl all the time. :(
Nukedgnomefreak I just doubleclick on a theme?10:03
gnomefreakNuked: yep should work that way10:03
|joe|anyone has an idea what's the difference between kdDebug and kndDebug?10:03
gnomefreakNuked: i think single click would do it also but i double click just to be sure10:04
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Nukedgnomefreak, I owe you a beer10:04
Nukednow just one more thing10:04
|joe|fyi the diff is that kndDebug does nothing :)10:05
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Nukedhow do I do the whole cube thing?10:05
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gnomefreakNuked: ctrl+alt+arrow10:05
zerak|joe| i am slow but should :       pcm "hw:0"       be pcm "hw:1" ?10:05
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|joe|zerak: yes10:05
lipesome save me... superman... i need libelf.so.110:06
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JohnFlux_lipe: dude10:06
Nukedgnomefreak that switches me to the next desktop. is there a way I can make it pause between both?10:06
gnomefreakNuked: not that i have found10:07
JohnFlux_lipe: If you were a coder then you'd be able to download and compile it10:07
JohnFlux_lipe: If you aren't a coder, then I can't see why you'd want it10:07
gnomefreakNuked: if you use up or down arrows it gives you the beryl cube :)10:07
=== |joe| dumb
NukedLMAO yeah this is pretty cool. Will this beryl work with dr17?10:08
intelikeylipe edgy ?10:08
JohnFlux_lipe: you could try doing  cp /usr/lib/libelf.so.0 /usr/lib/libelf.so.110:08
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JohnFlux_lipe: but i wouldn't recommend it ;-)10:08
trappistlipe: the systemtap package contains /usr/lib/systemtap/libelf.so.110:08
NukedIll be right back10:09
zerak|joe| removed duplicate but i think it is correct, get a message that say that my file is old or corrupt10:09
intelikeyjohnflux a symlink maybe ....   but it does beg trubble10:09
|joe|zerak: try to remove the !default and ctl stuff10:11
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|joe|zerak: but first check if you didn't forget some {}10:11
reagleBRKLNwhat to do to get konq 3.5.5 to work with new dell storefront?10:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:12
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intelikeyis it flash ?10:12
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zerak|joe| what about changing       pcm "hw:1"      to     pcm "hw:1,0"10:13
|joe|zerak: can try10:13
erdballerich habe eine problem: ein paar anwendungen mit synaptics installiert, fehlermeldungen (red-hat-paket??) und jetzt komm ich nicht mehr automatisch in X10:13
erdballerwie kann ich vergangene installationen einfach rckgngig machen?10:14
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knappAnyone know why D4X would complete a 2.3gig file and then write it to disk as 0 bytes. ?10:15
thingyerdballer: /join #kubuntu-de10:15
erdballerthingy - warum kubuntu?10:15
erdballeroh ah10:16
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intelikeyi want to export BLAH='something'   from a script and pick it up in the shell that called the script.    can it be done ?10:16
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erdballerstrange :) but thanks10:16
thingyerdballer: Ich spreche nicht Deutsches. Versuch, der innen bittet #kubuntu-de10:16
thingyooh  dang it!10:16
thingystupid google translate took too long to give me the german equiv of "I don't speak german...try kubuntu-de"10:17
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thingyintelikey: export BLAH=blah blah10:18
thingyintelikey: does that work?10:18
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intelikeythingy not the way you wrote it...  :)10:19
intelikeybut no if it was a simple export i would have alread had it.10:19
thingyintelikey: I thought the export command mean't that it would stick in the running shell and not just in the running exec of the shell10:19
thingyintelikey: ah10:19
thingyintelikey: what about the set command ?10:19
zerak|joe| doesnt like my     "slave { "    since it complaines about the first letter on the next lines pcm "hw:1" and if # it takes the next10:20
intelikeyit seems like the shell starts a new shell to run the script in and then when the script ends the shell exits  thus you loose all settings....10:20
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|joe|zerak: and it says the .asoundrc is wrong??10:21
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intelikeyi suspose i could have the script end with  bash &    .....10:21
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zerak|joe| old or corrupted, (it complains at a certain lina and column as mention before). Sry for my bad language in IRC, too fast for my own brain10:21
trappistintelikey: nohup scriptname10:22
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|joe|zerak: i understand i just don't get it :)10:22
intelikeytrappist looking.10:23
zerak|joe| it feels bad since this isnt suppose to be needed according to alsa10:23
|joe|zerak: well in many cases it unfortunately still is10:24
|joe|zerak: keyword "skype" :)10:24
|joe|zerak: maybe dmix has some params that specify the soundcard10:24
intelikeytrappist no.  that redirects the output and also when the script exits the env is unchanged...10:24
zerak|joe| dont got skype yet (living in the stone age)10:24
zerak|joe| there must be a easy way since this is a very common card10:25
|joe|zerak: well i don't use it that much but i had to set it up10:25
zerak|joe| even though my is integrated10:25
intelikeyit seems you can't even affect a   cd /path   from a script that will stick.10:25
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|joe|zerak: on my sb live no prob but on onelaptopn .. well it wasn't officially supported i had to hack support into alsa for it10:25
zerak|joe| *mine ... =P10:25
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|joe|zerak: but the .asoundrc to get skype working was pure black magic10:26
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zerak|joe| cant one change the order it loads the modules, soundcard first then tv-card but how on earth am i suppose to do if i want to use tv-card too... =)10:27
fannagogannayes, that's the problem with sound on Linux :)10:28
fannagogannait's still voodoo10:28
|joe|zerak: i don't know how to change the order10:28
|joe|zerak: do you see any dmix in aplay -L ?10:28
fannagogannathe ALSA wiki page is horribly out of date10:28
|joe|zerak: or possibly more dmixes10:28
fannagogannaI could give you my dmix, but I couldn't even tell you why it works the way it does10:29
|joe|fannagoganna: you have an idea how the dmix gets configured if the sc is #1 and not #0 ?10:29
fannagogannayeah, you need a capture entry10:29
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fannagogannafor me it is card 1, device 010:29
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|joe|fannagoganna: but they say dmix gets configured automatically10:30
|joe|fannagoganna: i just wonder if that's true even in the case the sc is #110:30
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|joe|zerak: maybe you can give http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc-php/asoundrc.php#softmix a shot, there's already hw:1,0 ;)10:31
fannagogannaso here is what I have -- I have in my asoundrc file the following device,10:31
fannagogannacapture {10:31
fannagoganna  type hw10:31
fannagoganna  card 110:31
fannagoganna  device 010:31
fannagogannasorry, forgot the last bracket10:31
|joe|well we want playback :)10:31
fannagogannado you want my asoundrc file?10:31
|joe|zerak: omg maybe i found it10:32
|joe|zerak: aplay -Dplug:\'dmix:SLAVE=\"hw:1,0\",RATE=44100\' test.wav10:32
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fannagogannathat's a way to test it for sure10:32
|joe|zerak: seems you can tell dmix to use your sc #110:32
zerak|joe| Unknown parameter SLAVE10:33
zerak|joe| answere to the old question why that didnt work10:33
zerak|joe| failed after slave there too10:33
|joe|zerak: honestly i don't know10:34
thingyintelikey: yeah it looks like children cannot affect a parent's environment10:34
zerak|joe| thanks, you did at least took your time, long time10:34
intelikeythingy that's not what i want to hear.....10:34
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|joe|zerak: you're welcome ... just keep trying a little, you'll make it :)10:35
zerak|joe| thank you for everything10:35
|joe|zerak: see the sound generally works you just need to set up the dmix10:35
zerak|joe| i like dreams... =)10:35
zerak|joe| going to try changing autoload.d10:35
intelikeyok i'm used to using runtime configuration files anyway...   but i hate to add another one that may get altered regularly......10:36
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thingyintelikey: ok how about this: http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/3591810:36
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zerak|lacerta| works without tv-card wont work with10:36
|joe|zerak: you could use it even wout dmix but then you could always use only one sound app at a time10:36
intelikeyLacerta looking for a script to set a variable that the shell can reuse the next time it calls the script.10:37
thingyintelikey: did you read that url? how about exec your_script from inside your script...10:38
zerak|joe| but then kde sound test should work, it doesnt10:38
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thingyintelikey: sounds scary that!10:38
|joe|zerak: you may need to specify the alsa as output and plughw:1,0 as the device in the config10:38
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thingyumm...did Everyone just get spammed by Lacerta askign what the problem is?10:39
|joe|zerak: it's on the hardware tab10:39
|joe|well i did10:39
intelikeyyeah but sourcing is not really a good idea in this case   errors may cause a   exit 2    which will kill the shell10:39
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|joe|but couldn't answer10:39
thingyI think he did it at the same time to everyone10:39
zerak|joe| dont know how to do that, but i am going to try chaning order, do u know where "autoload.d" is in ubuntu / kubuntu10:39
|joe|zerak: in kde sound system, tab hardware10:40
|joe|zerak: know nothing about autoload10:40
intelikeythingy yes got msg'd10:40
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intelikeywas probably a /msg #kubuntu blah10:41
nrobertshi i need help installing rpm files10:41
intelikeynroberts don't10:41
nrobertsdont what.10:41
intelikeyuse a ubuntu .deb file.10:41
zerak|joe| thanks, some sound at least10:41
thingyintelikey: i thought they don't allow that10:42
intelikeynroberts what .rpm you looking at ?10:42
zerak|joe| but if i start running several mp3 it wont work ? =)10:42
|joe|zerak: exactly, that's where you need dmix :)10:42
|joe|zerak: that was actually the reason i bought sb live10:42
intelikeythingy if not it's a script.  either way  pfft.10:42
ubotulimewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.10:43
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire10:43
intelikeynroberts see the links. ^10:43
=== Krapulamessias is now known as Lacerta
intelikeyk make your life easy if you want.    but don't make ours hard :)10:44
thingyintelikey: well this is just explaining why setting environ vars from a script won't work. http://www.cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2005-05/msg01011.html10:44
zerak|joe| maybe a fix in next release if one is lucky, however i found that menu irritating, sometimes it reloads several times10:44
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intelikeycygwin  heh10:45
|joe|zennix: what menu10:45
|joe|zerak: what menu10:45
|joe|$#@$@ tab10:45
zerak|joe| kde sound  system10:45
zerak|joe| if you apply settings it reloads10:45
|joe|zerak: gotta set once and don't touch for the rest of your life10:46
thingyzerak: are you trying to setup dmix with alsa?10:46
zerak|joe| sometimes it get stuck, sometimes it reloads forever, sometimes it instantly work10:46
|joe|thingy: :)10:46
zerakthingy tried10:46
|joe|thingy: we can play sound via plughw:1,010:46
intelikeythingy yeah...   </grumbles> "i'll find some way"10:46
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thingyzerak: Gentoo has a nice doc on it...its applicable somewhat... http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ALSA_sound_mixer_aka_dmix10:46
|joe|thingy: but setting up dmix for this seems to be not so straightforward :)10:46
thingyzerak: haven't gotten around to doing it on my box yet10:47
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zerakthingy same problem as me then?10:47
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thingyzerak: no...not even started on it.10:47
|joe|zerak: i suggest you're be happy today with plughw and try the dmix tomorrow :)10:47
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Acc\Denyhi anyone with experience of installing on intel 845 board?10:48
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Acc\DenyI am experiencing a small problem even with text-mode install!10:49
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thingywhich is?10:49
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Acc\DenyHi. I m trying to Install Dapper on text mode using alternate install CD. During the final stage(s) of installation... there was nothing on screen so i just pressed enter 2/3 times... after a while the cd tray opens and the system restarted with GRUB menu... I selected Ubuntu but now it has some block size errors on /boot.10:49
zerak|joe| what if i move snd-ca0106 up, below psmouse in loading10:49
|joe|zerak: where is it?10:49
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Acc\DenyI was also hoping i would be prompted some where to configure grub...10:49
zerakvi /etc/modules10:49
zerak|joe| vi /etc/modules10:50
josh__my linux partition doesnt show up in storage media! only my windows one is visible10:50
Acc\Denybut that didn't happen10:50
|joe|zerak: well if you have it there listed, try it10:50
|joe|zerak: i don't have mine10:50
thingyAcc\Deny: boot from the cd again and choose to boot the rescue system. it will ask you all the intial questions and then give you the option to re-install grub10:50
josh__can someone tell me why?10:50
zerak|joe| lp  psmouse  sbp2  sr_mod  snd-ca010610:51
Hawkwind!hidden | josh__10:51
ubotujosh__: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles10:51
Acc\Denythingy: ok... and these block errors i am getting about the /boot?10:51
|joe|zerak: but do you see your tv tuner there as well?10:51
thingyAcc\Deny: am not sure what that is...when do you get the message? Does the kernel boot at all? does it get as far as starting init ?10:51
Acc\Denyi have prepared a separate partition for /boot with the 1024 limit...10:51
Acc\Denyyes it does start init.... stops and tells me to repait it manually with a different block size... as it has detected some corruption...10:52
josh__what the hell10:52
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Acc\Denyrepair*.... tried dmesg but that specific error is somehow not logged into wherever dmesg stores stuff....10:53
intelikeyoooo fs errors...10:53
thingyAcc\Deny: ??? odd. What's your part scheme look like10:53
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zerak|joe|  no you are right, not there10:53
intelikeydoes partition table affect block size ?10:54
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|joe|zerak: i'd go the dmix way, once i was trying to fight with the order and gave up10:54
thingyintelikey: nope...but just want to know how hes partitioned10:54
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|joe|zerak: but if you'll find a way let me know :)10:54
zerak|joe| think i surrender, at least for the moment10:54
thingyintelikey: sounds like hes installed grub somewhere else since he blindly pressed enter during grub install10:54
|joe|zerak: it's not like surrendering, it's just making a pause ;-)10:55
intelikeyyeah possably thingy;  i'll stay out of that, i'm a lilo guy.   can't use grub here.10:55
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trappistintelikey: xfs?10:56
intelikeyno ext210:57
trappistwhy can't you use grub?10:57
intelikeybut on sda10:57
trappist<-- former lilo guy10:57
thingyintelikey: why not ext3?10:57
Acc\Denythingy: sorry was checking it... it is 4G+100M+20G+2G+20G+15G+10G+4.5G10:57
Acc\Deny2nd is for /boot and linux goes on last one... last one being divided into a / and a swap.10:58
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zerak|joe| to bad they dont got as extensive documentation as gentoo, not the same filenames either10:58
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thingyAcc\Deny: so 100mb =/ boot and 4.5gb = / ?10:58
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Acc\Denythingy: yup10:58
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thingyAcc\Deny: just to confirm..this is one hdd right? ide/sata/scsi?10:59
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|joe|zerak: well in gentoo you have to do everything by hand, in kubuntu things are supposed to work i'd say10:59
Acc\Denythingy: ide 80GB10:59
intelikeythingy i've never seen any need for the journal on my system  and ext2 does allow for recovering deleted files.... not that i've done that but one time....   but i'm  a minimalist   why have things you don't need      like partitions and journals...10:59
|joe|zerak: did you use gentoo before?10:59
thingyintelikey: well in that case...you should make sure you have noted down the output from your mke2fs regarding the superblock positions...since you will need those in the future if fs goes borked.11:00
zerak|joe| no but a friend who do (no he wont come within 30 feets from a computer with ubuntu or a fork)11:00
Acc\Deny|joe|: do u know of a distro which does not ask me to compile everything but is also as flexible as gentoo :) ? i mean someway in between?11:00
intelikeythingy yeah.  they are at binarry eqs so it's easy.11:01
|joe|but i used gentoo before and consider personally kubuntu better :)11:01
Acc\Denythingy: what really irritates me is a lost display at the end...11:01
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intelikeythingy one at 16384 another at 32768 ...11:01
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Acc\Deny|joe|: can i ask why?11:01
thingyAcc\Deny: At the end of the install it doesn't do anything other than launch the grub install util...and i don't know why it blanked on you.11:02
thingyintelikey: thats handy11:02
Acc\Denythingy: hmm.... how ironic...11:02
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|joe|Acc\Deny: well more reasons - wanted to try something debian-like (used suse, mdk before)11:02
thingyAcc\Deny: any chance on getting the actual error message you see when you boot...i need the exact message to google around with11:02
trappistintelikey: journals are basically nice for when you lose power and want to have a non-screwed fs afterward11:03
|joe|Acc\Deny: and then the compiling ... i've only 2.4celeron11:03
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|joe|Acc\Deny: you start optimizing things by changing USE flags11:03
trappistmy resierfs journal has saved my butt more than once11:03
Acc\Denythingy: Help me.. I only know of dmesg...11:03
|joe|Acc\Deny: then after 6 months you either buy some hw or want to try something which requires to change USE flags11:03
|joe|Acc\Deny: and you sit there waiting days to get your hw to work because you need to recompile whole bunch of stuff11:04
Acc\Deny|joe|: how much time one needs to learn USE flags?11:04
intelikeytrappist yeah i know the point of the journal  but  i have actually had more trubble with them than without...   some have other experances i know.11:04
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Acc\Deny|joe|: ok ok got u now...11:04
|joe|Acc\Deny: well it's not a problem to know which flags you need, it's the recompile then11:04
cgeomy taskbar just disapeared!!11:04
|joe|Acc\Deny: another prob11:04
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thingyAcc\Deny: Is installing ubuntu again an option...if so then see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235188&highlight=intel+84511:05
Acc\Denythingy: Anything more powerful than dmesg?11:05
|joe|Acc\Deny: you want say some prog you never had before, eg irc client, so you start trying .... till you'll able to run all of them, you lost 2-3 days11:05
Acc\Denythingy: opening link now.11:05
cgeohow can i bring back the taskbar>??11:05
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Acc\Deny|joe|: I have never been able to understand the "(re)compile from scratch philosophy"11:05
thingyAcc\Deny: I assume you have an ATI rage pci card in the server?11:05
zerak|joe| not alone at least:     My system detects the TV card before the sound card as an alsa device. This makes the TV card the default sound card which results in no sound and causes many alsa utilites to fail.11:05
|joe|Acc\Deny: and after you run them, you choose one and throw the rest away, how nice11:05
thingycgeo: kicker11:06
thingycgeo: oh wait you meant taskbar or the panel?11:06
|joe|Acc\Deny: well in comparison to mdk/suse i had the feeling it was a bit faster11:06
trappistzerak: asoundconf list; asoundconf set-default-card [item from list] 11:07
cgeothingy:well not sure. when i type kicker it says kicker is already running11:07
cgeoprobably its the panel11:07
Acc\Denythingy: I have an intel 845 board with the integrated AGP. this board is among the famous-few who give linux users a difficult time when it comes to Xorg...11:07
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intelikeyAcc\Deny iirc there is a dir /var/log/install/  that should have a log of the instalation which might be worth cat'ing    also /var/log/{system,dmesg,klog}11:07
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thingyzerak: you can control which device is sound-device-0 and sound-device-1 via alias commands in the /etc/modutils/alsa file11:08
zeraktrappist THANKS11:08
Acc\Denyintelikey: thankx11:08
thingyzerak: example --> alias snd-card-0 snd-ca010611:08
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Acc\Deny|joe|:  I dunno me and my colleaugue keep fighting over gentoo :) he is a gentoo zealot.11:08
Acc\Denythingy: let me read that link and get back...11:08
zerakthere is no alsa file there, looked after it but i think trappist might resolved the problem11:08
j-swimhey folks, i installed kubuntu-desktop and all it's deps on ubuntu, and would like to now remove kubuntu-desktop and everything that came with it, is there a way I can select all of those deps at once?11:08
|joe|Acc\Deny: well i knew a few as well11:09
zerakthingy there is no alsa file there, looked after it but i think trappist might resolved the problem11:09
|joe|Acc\Deny: he wanted to put that thing on a kinda critical server11:09
richee_hi, trying to get knetwork manager to auto connect using wpa and kwallet,  anyone help please11:09
|joe|Acc\Deny: i just couldn't understand the advantages it'd have e.g against debian11:09
Acc\Deny|joe|:  I wouldn't like to have such a guy on my team :)11:10
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zeraktrappist do i need to save it manually like they say in gentoo manual or will it save auto when issuing that command ?11:10
zeraktrappist thank you again11:10
cgeoanybody has any idea how to bring back the panel???what's the relevant command??11:10
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Acc\Denythingy: I m aware of the 915resolution package... for intel's integrated boards... for xorg...11:10
intelikeyAcc\Deny not advising you to do so  but  if i installed and was getting block size error messages.  i think i would consider doing a "badblocks && mkfs" reinstalling there.....     i hate fs errors...   they don't seem to go away; they just move into areas that really give fits.11:11
|joe|cgeo: tried kicker ?11:11
cgeoyeah it says kicker already running11:11
|joe|i hate to say it but i lost one file today on xfs11:11
|joe|and xfs_check said everything ok11:12
cgeothingy:cannot speak in private.it says i have to register r smth11:12
thingycgeo: ah ok11:12
Acc\Denythingy: intelikey: I guess i should 1. reintall 2. if 1 fails get rid of ubuntu ASAP before it damages something more... ?11:12
thingycgeo: can you see the kde icon on the panel?11:12
cgeothingy:nope nothing11:12
richee_anyone help me getting knetwork manager to auto connect.  trying with kwallet but network manager always asks for a password.  kwallet has no password11:12
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zeraktrappis will it save the info automatic?11:13
thingycgeo: try "killall kicker;kicker"11:13
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intelikeyAcc\Deny if you reinstall (again i'm not telling you to, but if you do)  and it blanks on you.   try switching ttys   [alt] +[f3]    and back.   also an error log should be in either f3 or f4     errr tty3 or tty4 that is.11:13
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Acc\Denythingy: intelikey: does ubuntu have any cheat-codes like Knoppix so that i could force it to use a very generic display driver?11:13
Acc\Denyintelikey: hmmm ok!11:14
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trappistAcc\Deny: you might also try vga=normal as a boot option (I think that's what knoppix calls a cheat code)11:15
intelikeyAcc\Deny also in textmode install  you could boot with    vga=0x0f05    that's a very safe setting.  not frame buffered 80x3011:15
Acc\Denytrappist: yup cheat-codes = extra options at the boot: prompt...11:15
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intelikeyAcc\Deny yes hit f1 at the boot prompt11:15
jhutchins_wkThey're more properly known as kernel options.11:16
Acc\Denyintelikey: ok11:16
Acc\Denyjhutchins_wk: thats what i thought but in Knoppix terminology they become cheat-codes! :/11:16
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trappistI do sorta like the cheat codes nomenclature :)11:17
intelikeyas long as they are not automatic, i'm ok with'em11:17
Acc\Denyit was an amusing+distrubing term for me too in the start11:17
=== trappist looks for the god mode cheat code
trappistoh yeah, 'single' :)11:17
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intelikeynope   init=/bin/sh11:18
trappistintelikey: I think it does pretty much the same thing11:18
intelikeynot really.11:18
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trappistthey should both drop you to a root prompt11:18
intelikeywith single you are root.   with init= you are init.11:18
trappist<3 single11:19
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intelikeyinit     litterally the system controler.11:19
ubuntu_n00b Test pls dnt rlpy11:19
Acc\Denyumm   single   is a cheat-code?11:19
intelikeyit worked.  you're a n00b.11:20
trappistAcc\Deny: yes.  as in 'single user mode'.11:20
Acc\Denyi thought init 1 was for that?!11:20
Acc\Denylike linux 111:20
h3sp4wn1 would be the knoppix cheatcode for that11:20
intelikeyjust 111:20
morlais there any need for lib64stdc++6 on a 32 bit athlon system? aptitude wants to install it, but i don't see why i would need it11:20
trappistmorla: I can't imagine what good it would do.  what wants it?11:20
intelikeybut if     1   == cheatcode    what is     init=/bin/sh  ?11:21
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morlatrappist: well aptitude has these packages with some other dependencies on it's to-be-installed list. I'd get rid of them, but I thought i'd ask first11:22
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trappistmorla: apt-cache rdepends lib64stdc++611:22
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zerakthingy just wondering about Quote "/etc/modutils/alsa file" i dont got any alsa files there11:22
Acc\Denythank you guyz... i gtg and do a reinstall soon based on your help...11:22
trappistmorla: I'd try it here, but all I have are amd64 boxen :)11:22
h3sp4wnintelikey: standard thing to do is init=/bin/sh11:22
intelikeywhich leads me to another Q;   in edgy is it    init=/bin/sh    or  upstart=/bin/sh      ?11:23
h3sp4wnI would expect the first but haven't tried it11:24
morlatrappist: so far it works without, I just don't want to run into obscure compiliong issues someday.. would it hurt if I just installed them?11:24
trappistmorla: nope11:24
intelikeyh3sp4wn you do know that edgy isn't using init ?11:24
h3sp4wnintelikey: Yeah but due to my experiences with it - I doubt they went to that length11:24
morlatrappist: ok then, it's just a few kilobytes.. thanks11:25
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intelikeysed 's/init/upstart/g' edgy11:25
intelikeyprolly right.11:25
h3sp4wnI am using file-rc at the moment (nice and clean)11:25
h3sp4wnor is it rc-file11:25
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thingyzerak: do you want me to priv msg the one i have...its small11:26
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intelikeyi had to look   file-rc - Alternative boot mechanism using a single configuration file   i have used it before  but forgot11:27
|joe|thingy: say you can control the order of the sc?11:27
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|joe|thingy: ie which card is hw:0, hw:1 and so on?11:27
zerakthingy but if it isnt any there then should i really add one? Seems to work the think trappist said in all app but Quake411:27
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thingy|joe|: you can control the order via dictating what order the modules are loaded and you can tell alsa which card should be sound card 0 with the modulutils directory11:28
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intelikeyh3sp4wn and i've writen my own init.... basicly it's anything to start and stop processes.   beginning at inittab  for the sysvinit system11:28
|joe|thingy: but with the modutils do you change actually what? the order of the modules get loaded in or only defines the sc numbers?11:29
thingy|joe|: priv msg ok? need to paste the output of the file to explaimn11:29
|joe|thingy: ok but only one-way :)11:29
h3sp4wnintelikey: I just like it to be simple - written your own init as a replacement for /sbin/init ?11:29
HawkwindPaste it to http://pastebin.ulteo.us instead of flooding someone in pm even11:30
intelikeyh3sp4wn yeah.11:30
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|joe|zerak: is dmix working with the asoundconf ?11:30
superkirbyartistTell the Ubuntu ppl to unban me.11:30
h3sp4wnintelikey: How do you deal with the part of init which inherits zombie processes ?11:31
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zerak|joe| most things work except Quake4 (tried vlc, kde, flash)11:31
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intelikeyheh i didn't.    i never said it was production quality.11:31
thingy|joe|: in the  priv msg...you can see that my snd-card-0 is a ca106 device and I add mode aliases like that telling it what the other sound cards are11:32
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superkirbyartistCan you tell #ubuntu to unban me please?11:32
|joe|thingy: hmmmm kind of dejavu, was it always in /etc/modutils?11:33
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zerakthingy do we need that config file, will dmix work with it11:33
thingy|joe|: yes...it was commentd out however...i had to add my sound card in it and uncomment the lines11:33
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thingyzerak: I havent gotten around to setting up dmix...but i only mentioned the file to answer your question about how to tell alsa which card = 0 and which = 1 etc11:34
|joe|i'm happy persion not having to take care of stuff like that :)11:34
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zerakthink it worked out with asoundconf most apps seems to work but not Quake411:34
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|joe|thingy: when talking about order, something off-alsa-topic - any idea what defines the order of /dev/input devices?11:35
|joe|thingy: i have keyb, mouse, ir and joystick11:35
|joe|thingy: and sometimes the joy and ir get exchanged and my lircd goes crazy11:35
tobreOk, I have a very strange problem.11:35
thingy|joe|: ooh good question...i only ever had 1 input device so never encountered the issue11:35
thingy|joe|: holy cow! :-)11:36
|joe|thingy: it never happened in dapper11:36
intelikeyso what has "superkirbyartist"  done to warent that ?11:36
tobreWav files doesn't work, all sound is working normally.:S11:36
|joe|thingy: the best thing is i have klirc autostart at startup; if occasionaly mouse becomes the "lircd" device, i get 100% cpu and cannot move the mouse, cause lircd eats the events :)11:37
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intelikeytobre you can't play  .wav ???11:37
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intelikeyyes can or can't ?11:37
tobreYes can't.11:38
tobreOgg files and CD-s and so one. Works just fine.11:38
intelikeyinstall sox  ?11:38
tobreI'm running Kubuntu.11:38
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markelhas0hey everyone, what should i do to get normal ddl speed with ktorrent!?11:39
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intelikeytype in a konsole;  play /path/to/file.wav11:39
|joe|markelhas: i didn't do anything and i get normal dl speeds :)11:39
zerakshare? =P11:39
tobreplay: command not found11:39
tobreI have missing something?11:40
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intelikey<intelikey> install sox11:40
intelikey<intelikey> type in a konsole;  play /path/to/file.wav11:40
thingy|joe|: regarding your input devices question...it seems that the order is determined by udev...see http://www.oclug.on.ca/archives/oclug/2005-October/047932.html11:40
markelhas0|joe|: i've installed kubuntu on my desktop but speed on torrent is very slow11:40
tobreOK, I'll try11:40
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thingy|joe|: guess you will need figure out how to refer to the device specificaly and write a udev rule for it...i think11:41
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intelikey.wav format is not restricted.  so i'm thinking it's the file  not the player  but the cli play (sox) will prove/disprove that.11:41
tobreSox is not in my apt-get list.11:41
|joe|markelhas0: only on torrent?11:41
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markelhas0|joe|: ypas11:41
ubotusox: A universal sound sample translator. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.17.9-1 (edgy), package size 285 kB, installed size 656 kB11:42
intelikey In component universe,11:42
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin11:42
intelikeymaybe you should see that  ^11:42
markelhas0|joe|: 0.1 0.5 ddl speed11:42
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tobreOk, thanks...11:42
|joe|markelhas0: have you tried another client eg azureus?11:42
intelikeytobre  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  in particular.11:43
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|joe|thingy: thnx, i'll see .... my devices are btw always plugged11:43
markelhas0|joe|: nop11:43
intelikeyi have to go for a bit.  maybe back in an hour or so.  maybe not till monday.....11:43
|joe|markelhas0: i'd try it out, maybe it's just the torrent that is slow11:44
intelikey!vlc | tobre11:44
ubotutobre: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:44
markelhas0|joe|: humm with windows i had normal ddl speed, i don't know  what's the problem11:44
intelikey!codecs | tobre11:44
|joe|markelhas0: with the same torrent?11:44
ubotutobre: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:44
markelhas0|joe|: i don't think the problem is on the client11:44
markelhas0|joe|: the same one11:45
intelikeytobre that's enough to get ya going... :)11:45
|joe|markelhas0: well i cannot complain i get up to 200kb/s on adsl200011:45
markelhas0|joe|: i've peer's but all of them 0.0 kb/s11:45
|joe|markelhas0: do you use edgy/dapper?11:45
markelhas0|joe|: can u help me out?11:45
markelhas0kubuntu 6,1011:46
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|joe|markelhas0: well i'm not sure i can help here11:46
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|joe|markelhas0: few months ago i heard ktorrent was generally bit slower because of smth (internal algos, whatever)11:46
|joe|markelhas0: but now with the 2.0.x i don't have any probs11:47
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|joe|markelhas0: but you can try azureus, it should be in the repos (use sun java for this), maybe it works better for you11:47
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nagyv_hello! I would like to use my wifi with a hidden access point (of course it is my access point :)), but I can not connect to it only if it is not hidden. I use the Wireless Manager, should I use some more basic program? Something to set up at command line?11:48
malix0nagyv_: yiu can use iwconfig from command line11:49
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yaluwhat is the "right" way to configure a printer in kubuntu? I recently bought a Brother laserprinter (usb) but am wondering is there is some whizbang hardware detection built in the distro for printers11:50
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malix0nagyv_: you can also put your wirless connection parameters into /etc/network/interfaces11:51
nagyv_malix0: this means that theoretically Linux should be able to handle the hidden access point. Cool! :)11:51
steven__can someone please help me before i kill the pc11:51
steven__i'm at my wits end11:51
malix0nagyv_: I don't know but you can try11:51
nagyv_steven__: yes, lean back in your seat,  take some deep breaths, and ask your question11:51
steven__how the hell do i install icon themes in kde 3.511:52
markelhasanyone help me out with ktorrent config!?!?!11:52
malix0try from command line iwconfig your_nic essid your_ssid11:52
steven__been trying for 2 days11:52
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|joe|yalu: what type?11:52
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|joe|yalu: if it's supported you can configure it via kde's system settings -> printers11:53
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malix0nagyv_: and iwconfig interface key s:your_password if you have one11:53
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yalu|joe|: brother hl-2030, most sold inexpensive model at the moment I think (at least where I live)11:53
rabelloalgum sabe como instalar MSN no ubuntu?11:53
nejoderabello: sudo apt-get install amsn11:54
nagyv_steven__: follow these instructions: http://www.kde-artists.org/node/11211:54
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|joe|yalu: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Brother-HL-203011:55
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rabellosomeone knows how to install msn for ubuntu?11:55
rengolinuse gaim11:56
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rengolinsudo apt-get install gaim11:56
nagyv_rabello: or kopete11:56
rengolinyup, or kopete11:56
nejoderabello: sudo apt-get install amsn11:56
markelhas0rabello: usa o gaim mt melhor11:56
yalu|joe|: thanks, it's hard to spot hyperlinks on linuxprinting.org though11:56
steven__Thankyou SOO much11:56
|joe|yalu: mmnt11:56
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steven__will let you know if i manage it!11:57
|joe|yalu: i'm looking into the wizard11:57
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markelhas0ppl need help to config ktorrent plz help me aout11:57
jorge_canal espaol?11:57
nagyv_steven__: you are welcome11:57
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nagyv_jorge_: !es11:57
|joe|yalu: can try it with the hl2060, it's in the wizard11:58
jager|workis there a way to wget like every file on a webserver?11:58
jager|worktotally mirror everything?11:58
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|joe|yalu: or try the brother's drivers, but then you have to follow brother's instructions11:58
enoteehow do i add plugins in K3b 0.12.17(Using KDE 3.5.5)11:58
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tobreOK, sox is installed and now when I run play file.wav I get error: Can't open output file '/dev/dsp': Device or resource busy11:58
yalu|joe|: brother drivers... I guess those won't be open source? or are they just ghostscript filters or something11:59
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|joe|yalu: well i did find this for dapper http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12353911:59
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|joe|yalu: this might be exactly what you need :)11:59
|joe|yalu: i think they're not os11:59
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tobreWhat is wrong when that error appears?12:01
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=== |joe| fixed finally kdetv
|joe|... and started transcode that should take 8hrs :-E12:02
zerakthingy one more thing, looking a bit at alsa, there they tell one to create such a file, did you follow that guide when u did yours or should one rely on ubuntu/kubuntu12:02
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thingyzerak: I think I did look at the alsa website for instructions12:03
enoteeUnable to handle the following files due to an unsupported format: Error when i try to burn a Mp3 cd12:03
thingyzerak: so I might have created the file from there12:03
tobreOk, I look again.12:03
zerakGoodnight everyone and thanks for the help12:03
enotee...using K3b12:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:04
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luciano_hello everyone12:04
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luciano_can anyone tell me how can I test my opengl performance ?12:04
dergringo|afkcan anyone tell me why I get this error on starting kismet? (Kubuntu 6.10 / DLINK DWL-G650): http://pastebin.com/82148712:04
steven__nagyv_ trying that now, however do you know how tho shange the kubuntu menu button icon only12:05
luciano_i've installed neverball, but it's very, very slow, and i have a good card12:05
malix0luciano_: try glxgears12:06
thingyluciano_: ati or nvidia graphics card?12:06
nagyv_steven__: no, but try google, it is a very clever program, I have found the link with to you before :)12:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:06
steven__tried already but no luck12:06
steven__will keep going12:06
steven__thanks again12:06
luciano_i couldn't find glxgears on adept12:06
thingyluciano_: see what ubotu said...and just type in glxgears at the console it should already be there12:07
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luciano_yeap, it is, and the gears are spinning S_L_O_W_L_Y12:08
thingyluciano_: you need to install the nvidia binary drivers so that it uses hardware accleration for opengl/3d12:08
luciano_ok, i'll follow the help link12:08
luciano_thanks a lot !12:08
|joe|use it myself :)12:09
tobreThanks for helping me, guys. I got my .wav's work. ;)12:09
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tobreBut I'm not running out of questions, teherefore I'll come back soon. :) But not today. Thanks again. :)12:10

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