
=== mdke beds
=== mpt [i=mpt@conference/ubuntuconf/x-87243154d2681cb7] has joined #ubuntu-doc
fumbalahLaserJock: You still around?12:41
fumbalahI just wanted to thank you for helping me out earlier12:42
fumbalahI appreciate that12:42
_nixternalif jjesse comes around, and im not here, (trappist as well), i will start working on a ToC for the Feisty KDG that we can start working from...of course, we can change it around and what not, but I was thinking of basing it somewhat off of the book, just Kubuntu style ;)12:46
LaserJockfumbalah: no problem, that's what we do here :-)12:47
fumbalahLaserJock: Do you mind if I ask a few more questions? I dont want to stick myself to you, I guess I'm just kind of looking for a mentor, if that makes sense12:49
LaserJockno problem12:49
LaserJock_nixternal is somebody you'll be working with too so maybe he can help as well12:49
fumbalahalright, anyone that is willing to "take me under their wing" more or less would be appreciated, as I'm new to the Documentation Side of things12:50
fumbalahand you all seem like a friendly bunch to work with already...got good first impressions12:54
LaserJockwell we aim to please ;-)12:54
_nixternalim sitting in the uni cafe waiting for some ubuntu chicago guys to show up for some edgy cds12:55
LaserJockI'm thinking of heading to a RLUG meeting tonight12:56
_nixternalya, i wish we had a lug meeting tonight12:56
fumbalahLaserJock: If I've got suggestions on a certain article, how do I go about suggesting a change?, I read through it but didnt catch on to what I was supposed to do12:56
_nixternali know the chiglug guys want me to work on some docs for their filesystem they wrote12:56
=== _nixternal is not interested though
_nixternalfumbalah: is it an actual doc? if so you can make edits, create a patch, and then send it to the mailing list12:57
fumbalahThat's what I was wanting to know12:57
fumbalahI'll probably be doing a lot of proofreading at first12:57
_nixternalremember though, you should file a bug on launchpad, and if you want to commit a patch, then you can set yourself as the person fixing it as well12:58
_nixternalgood way to get that karma ;)12:58
_nixternalactually fumbalah, if you are comfortable with docbook xml and the operating system, you might be better off hopping right in once we start working on the docs for 7.0412:59
_nixternali jumped in a little on dapper docs, and jumped all the way in on edgy docs, which was very tough, as time was limited there12:59
fumbalahnixternal: I'm comfy with the OS, havent worked too much with Docbook12:59
_nixternaldocbook is super easy01:00
_nixternalas a matter of fact, the actual docbook book is free and online01:00
_nixternali don't have the link here, but you can google it01:00
_nixternalare you familiar with html at all?01:00
_nixternaldocbook rocks a similar structure, but truthfully is much cleaner01:00
fumbalahXML right?01:00
_nixternalthen we use xslt files, which are templates that mold our html and pdf output01:01
_nixternalyes XML01:01
fumbalahnixternal: I think if I work with it I can grasp the general idea.  I'm just seeing tiny grammar things mainly when I'm proofreading, but I'd be glad to wait till you all begin work on a new release01:02
_nixternalya, it is fairly easy to learn, proofreading is very important01:02
_nixternalproofreading was pretty much > /dev/null for edgy sadly01:02
fumbalahI'd like to change that, I think good grammar is important01:03
_nixternalit is very important...and i know that the 7.04 docs will rock, especially now that we have an official book backing the project01:03
fumbalahnixternal: so at this point, what do I need to do to get involved with 7.04?01:04
_nixternalwell, you are lucky, we haven't started, and probably have to schedule a meeting within the next couple of weeks01:04
_nixternalwhich is good since you want to start01:04
_nixternalit allows you to go through the the trunk docs from the svn repo and see how things work01:05
fumbalahSo should, even if I see small things, correct them and then send it to the mailing list01:07
_nixternaltry and find as many as possible, and then send one patch to fix them all, if they are for instance in the Desktop Guide01:12
fumbalahIts more on one page then a section, but i can do multiple pages at a time01:12
crimsunfor instance, replace all instances of "KDE" with "use a real desktop environment"01:13
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fumbalahnixternal: I hate to act really dumb, but once i make the edits, I see how to create the patch, but I didnt think I could checkin/out the svn01:16
crimsunsend the diff to the ml, for instance01:16
_nixternalyou can checkout from the svn01:16
_nixternalonce you make changes, goto the root of the svn repo (trunk)01:17
_nixternalthen you can01:17
_nixternalsvn diff > blah.diff01:17
fumbalahnixternal: Nevermind, I didnt read far enough down the page01:17
_nixternalsvn stat first of course to make sure there are adds01:17
_nixternalif you svn stat and see ! or ? then don't do a diff until you get those fixed01:17
_nixternalA, M, D are all fine in a svn stat01:17
fumbalahI think I understand now01:18
fumbalahI believe I will give it a try01:19
_nixternalhehe, no worries, you will get it01:19
_nixternalthe operations are fairly easy to learn, and once you have done them a few times you will get it down01:19
fumbalahI dont want to email something out eventually and look stupid01:19
_nixternalfumbalah: email it to me nixternal@ubuntu.com and i will look at it and help you along with it as well01:20
fumbalahnixternal: Alright, thank you01:21
_nixternali have beend oing this stuff for a while, and i always look stupid doing it ;)01:21
fumbalahIt may be to you tonight, it may be tommorow, it depends on if i get this down or not01:21
fumbalahThanks for your help :)01:24
_nixternalno problem01:26
fumbalahThis is why I like having an offsite shell for IRC01:26
fumbalahcause I can get disconnected, but IRC doesnt01:26
_nixternalheh, im using the uni's wifi01:26
_nixternalya, i use bip which is an irc proxy, and i can connect to it from anywhere w/o ever having to disconnect01:27
fumbalahyea, it's nice...irssi makes things wonderful01:27
_nixternalya, i use irssi when i am mobile, but usually use konversation at home or the office01:28
fumbalahI just have this on the dedicated connection, so I just scrreen it and then use it from wherever01:28
_nixternalya, with bip i don't even have to do that, which is nice, and i can have 20 irc sessions open and connected to the one01:30
fumbalahnixternal: Do I put my name in as contributuing to the article....?01:30
fumbalahnice :)01:30
_nixternalhmm..good question01:31
_nixternali don't know how exactly they manage that section01:31
fumbalahI'm editing the about kbuntu page, so...I'll leave my name out for now01:33
LaserJockI usually lead that to the doc lead to add01:34
fumbalahShould i still submit it even if i only make a couple of changes with commas and maybe adding things here or there?01:35
LaserJocksure, why not :-)01:36
LaserJockactually smaller patches are easier to review and apply, IMO01:36
LaserJockwe don't want to have to look over a 50kb diff01:36
fumbalahCause the document is under review, wasnt sure if i should touch it01:40
LaserJockjust do it :-)01:40
LaserJocknobody wil scream or yell01:40
fumbalahThats what i was worried about01:41
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_nixternalheh, ya, fix the about Kubuntu page and let me know..i have to repackage the kubuntu-docs like asap01:43
_nixternalfumbalah: are you working from trunk or edgy?01:43
_nixternalif you are working from trunk, the About Kubuntu is going to get wiped01:44
_nixternalwe are going to be doing a new type of documentation to work with Ubiquity which will end up being hardcoded in one way or the other01:44
fumbalahLaserJock: What does he mean, I'm editing the about page from svn01:46
LaserJockfumbalah: what happens is we make a svn branch when we have the doc freeze before a release01:46
LaserJockso we created an edgy branch when the edgy docs froze01:47
LaserJockwe continue working in the trunk of the repo continuously01:47
LaserJockI think you got the trunk01:47
fumbalahso I should quit editing?01:48
LaserJockwhich is what you want01:48
LaserJockbut he also said that About Kubuntu is going to be wiped out01:48
LaserJockso if you are working on that then you probably shouldn't bother01:48
fumbalahlol, I would choose that section 01:48
LaserJockof course :-)01:49
LaserJockthe desktop guide is probably a good choice01:49
fumbalahAlright,I'll find some things to proofread in there01:49
fumbalahare the irc cloaks project based or are they for users as well?01:51
fumbalahlike. member/ubuntu/username01:52
LaserJockthe ubuntu/member/ ones?01:52
LaserJockthose are for Ubuntu Members01:52
=== robotgeek [i=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #ubuntu-doc
crimsunjordan needs a special cloak for being supar MOTU01:53
robotgeekhello all01:53
fumbalahLaserJock: Alrighty, nevermind then :)01:54
fumbalahHi robotgeek 01:54
LaserJock /ubuntuholic/motu/laserjock01:54
robotgeekhey fumbalah 01:54
LaserJockfumbalah: well, now you need to become a member, right? ;-)01:54
robotgeekso, LaserJock ... super motu now? i've been away for quite a while now01:54
LaserJockrobotgeek: no, no01:54
LaserJockcrimsun's the only one of those around01:55
fumbalahLaserJock: I guess that would be a good idea01:55
crimsunme? pssht. I'm a nobody. Remember my not having a blog?01:55
crimsunI don't even have a Ubuntu cloak.01:55
crimsunepitome of nobody :)01:55
LaserJockthat's because you are bigger then a cloak01:56
=== fumbalah begins the seventeen year proccess to become a member
crimsunhey now, I think I'm not that fat01:56
LaserJockhaha, no01:56
LaserJockfumbalah: it takes "significant and sustained" contribution to Ubuntu01:56
fumbalahLaserJock: I know, I figured that01:57
LaserJockfumbalah: basically, work on Ubuntu stuff for a couple months and show that you can play nicely01:57
fumbalahThank you all for taking me under your wing01:58
LaserJockno problem01:58
LaserJockthank you very much for being interested in contributing01:58
LaserJockit's what makes Ubuntu work01:58
fumbalahyour welcome :)01:59
fumbalahyou all have one of the most friendly communities i know01:59
LaserJockwe try :-)02:00
fumbalahUbuntu doesnt like my wireless card, but other t hen that, It rocks02:00
robotgeekfumbalah: what wireless card02:01
fumbalahrobotgeek: broadcom 431802:01
fumbalahThere are a ton of issues with it02:01
robotgeekhmm, isn't that the same as in my laptop. sec (ibook)02:02
robotgeeknope, mine is 430602:02
theCoreI starting to wonder when the next CC meeting will be.02:02
theCorefumbalah, Community Council02:04
theCoreit is the group that accept new members02:05
fumbalahsorry, kinda new :)02:05
theCoreit is okay, I was new, before too :)02:05
theCoreI am waiting for next meeting to apply for the membership02:06
theCoreI hope I will "pass"02:06
fumbalahWell, hopefully around the time I graduate i'll be able to apply02:06
fumbalahwhich will be like may02:07
fumbalahWhich would be a good time I think to, cause i'll have gotten a good 6 months experience02:08
theCoreI suggest that you don't think about the membership for now, it not really important until you want commit access02:08
fumbalahtheCore: Advice taken :)02:09
fumbalahI'm new, just trying to learn the ropes02:09
theCorethe best thing to do is simply to help other people02:09
theCorethat includes developers and users02:10
theCorethe rest is really only "politics"02:10
fumbalahIs there anywhere else I should hang out besides in here and in #kubuntu ?02:10
theCoreit really depends of what you want to do02:11
fumbalaha lot of proofreading mostly02:11
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-doc
theCore#ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-bugs are good place to hang out if you want to help developing Ubuntu02:12
theCorefor documentation #ubuntu-doc is the best place02:12
fumbalahI pretty much want to deal with documentation, coding has never been my thing02:12
theCorethere's also the mailing lists   02:13
fumbalahsubscribed to the doc one02:13
theCoreso, you're good to go02:13
fumbalahAwesome :)02:13
fumbalahThank you all again :)02:14
=== robotgeek needs to read up to get back into the loop
fumbalahI guess I'll dig into the desktop guide after I finish a college essay02:14
theCorefumbalah, well, it is me that thank you, new people are always welcome02:15
fumbalahtheCore: I can understand that..To a point, i see people not wanting to sit and just read text02:16
theCorethey certainly want to learn02:17
fumbalahyea, I meant like, proofreading/editing, the endusers i know appreciate it02:18
theCoreoh, yeah. 02:20
fumbalahhmm, how to setup gmail for the mailing list02:20
theCoreto setup?02:21
fumbalahI'm setting up an account for all my mailing list subscriptions02:21
fumbalahGoogle for your domain is nifty02:23
fumbalahI like it02:23
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fumbalahmy wisdom teeth stiches are coming out, and its annoying02:58
Madpilotyou're on IRC while the surgeon is taking your stitches out?03:00
fumbalahlol, no, they disolve03:00
fumbalahthough, if i could be on IRC, that'd be kinda cool03:00
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nixternalactually, everything in trunk fumbalah, is going to be rewritten from scratch04:04
nixternalhttps://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/edgy/ would be the current directory in which to file bugs against04:06
Burgundaviawhy so?04:09
nixternalwhy so what?04:13
nixternalthat made a ton of sense didn't it04:13
fumbalahnixternal: Alright, thanks for letting me know04:14
nixternaleverything Kubuntu in trunk will be rewritten...and for good reason...about and release notes will become a new thing for ubiquity, and then a special thing for the website, but will probably be built in the wiki...the desktop guide will be rewritten to remove all of the old stuff and incorporate the book04:14
fumbalahnixternal: Will something be sent out over the mailing list or something when I can start helping out?04:15
nixternalwell, im sure we will put out a "meeting minutes" on the list if we have one04:16
nixternalbut if you are hanging out here, you shouldn't miss it ;)04:16
fumbalahso with the edgy thing I'm filing bugs for...What is gonna happen once they are approved?04:17
nixternalthey will hopefully get fixed eventually, but it is hard because of translation stuff...only the english versions will get fixed04:21
fumbalahbut I'm more likely to see changes made once the new documentation is written04:22
nixternalwell, when the new documentation is written, hopefully we will have a chapter breakdown, and people can grab a chapter an run maybe..but we will have to see04:23
nixternalright now is the quiet time for the doc team, where we will do side doc work or wiki work until it picks back up04:23
nixternalright now is the dev summit for ubuntu in california, and after that is complete then we should have a better idea of what is to come04:24
fumbalahWell, I guess I'll just stick around and take whatever is handed to me04:24
fumbalahnixternal: Do you have a name so I can list you in my contacts?04:28
fumbalahthat has got ot be the dumbest question i've asked04:29
nixternalno, my parents just called me nixternal since 197404:29
nixternalRichard Johnson ;)04:29
fumbalah*feels idiotic*04:29
fumbalahA new email account always feels so empty to me04:31
nixternalsign up for bug mail, it won't be empty for long04:32
fumbalahlol, that might get a little bit too crowded04:32
fumbalahAre their any other mailing list you suggest?04:32
nixternali think i have about 30 of them in just ubuntu alone04:33
nixternaldoc list is good, the *-users lists for support04:33
nixternal-devel lists are good04:33
nixternalthen i have debian-docs and kde-docs as well...it is hard to belive, but those 2 lists hardly get email unless someone files a bug04:34
fumbalahhmm, I may subscibe to the debian docs list04:36
fumbalahCause I still have a server here running it04:36
nixternaltheir documentation is very different than ours04:36
nixternalthey use Docbook-SGML04:36
nixternalfun stuff04:36
fumbalahI've never actually even looked at it04:36
fumbalahI pretty much just set debian up out of the box04:37
fumbalahI may switch it to the server version of ubuntu at some point04:37
nixternallike here, with Docbook-XML our entities are &entity; and in Docbook-SGML is would be *entity; which causes a bunch of validation issues when you start confusing them04:39
fumbalahah, I think i prefer xml anyway04:39
fumbalahnixternal: thanks again for taking me on04:51
nixternalno problem04:51
nixternalglad to have you!04:51
fumbalahso I should remove the svn i downloaded from the trunk and download from the more current link yo ugave me04:53
fumbalahsvn has definetley killed my connection twice04:56
nixternalthat is odd04:57
nixternalthere is a lot to download, but they are all relatively small files04:57
fumbalahWho knows...04:57
fumbalahalmost finished though04:58
fumbalahall checked out05:04
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UbugtuNew bug: #71115 in kubuntu-docs (main) "Kubuntu doc wrong , Can't find to setup Thunderbird my default email." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7111507:29
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nixternalfor that bug, 71115, it is Dapper...is it alright to fix that in the repos, do a fix committed, and maybe one day the -docs package will get updated in the release?  at least maybe the h.u.c site?07:48
crimsunif you've committed the fix already, it's ok to mark it Fix Committed07:52
Burgundaviaonce it hits the archives, it is released07:52
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nixternalya i know that, but is it alright for me to make a string fix to the dapper svn?07:57
nixternali guess so, because i have been doing so to the edgy svn07:57
nixternaland im getting ready to do more07:58
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nixternalrobotgeek: i see you lurking in the LP ;)08:45
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crimsunI don't think it's possible to "lurk" in the LP08:49
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=== rob burps
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=== fumbalah looks in
fumbalahHows everyone doing this fine morning(well,at least here morning)01:30
=== dthacker [n=dthacker@ip68-107-232-222.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
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fumbalahgood morning02:36
fumbalahWhats up?02:38
stelisI'm just avoiding work at the moment02:38
fumbalahSame here02:38
stelisA lot of people are currently at the Developer Summit, so the IRC channels may be a bit quiet ATM02:39
fumbalahI figured that02:39
fumbalahI think i'll try and go next year02:40
stelisWhat do you work on?02:40
fumbalahI dont curretly, I'm starting to work on Documentation, but I'd be interested in attending just to learn 02:41
stelisI just started last week myself02:41
fumbalahI'm working on the wiki currently, how bout yourself?02:42
stelisSupposed to be working on the Edubuntu Handbook02:43
stelisThat's what I'm avoiding :)02:43
fumbalahDo you actually work for the project or are you doing what I'm doing and just starting to helpp02:43
stelisLike you, I'm just a volunteer02:43
stelisI've been surprised how many key people aren't Canonical employees02:44
stelisThe Wiki is a really good place to start02:44
fumbalahI starterd proofreading actual docs last night, and then I found out what i was proofreading was being rewritten02:45
fumbalahSo I just decided to start with the wiki02:45
fumbalahFigure i can make a good impression that way02:45
stelisYeah, a lot of people are timid about editing popular pages, so they aren't as good as they could be02:46
stelisI guess you've found the CategoryCleanup?02:49
fumbalahI've looked at it, I'm just working on a tiny page at the moment02:50
fumbalahWorking on the ipod page02:50
stelisI was in an Apple store last week, but I heard that the new iPods broke Linux support, so I passed02:51
fumbalahI havent tried the new ones out yet02:52
fumbalahMy video works fine though02:54
stelisHow good are the images?02:55
stelisI wondered whether the CPU etc. would really be up to it02:56
fumbalahI havent had a problem at all with it02:56
stelisSo it all pretty much Just Works then?02:57
stelisLinux is getting easy these days02:59
fumbalahIt really is03:00
stelisI'm starting a new job next week, and actually not looking forward to building my workstation 03:00
stelisIt'll be XP and I'll have spend all day on it03:01
fumbalahVery nice.  What do you do for a living?03:01
stelisI was an admin, but the new job will be mixed DBA and Web dev work03:01
fumbalahI'm planning on hoping to go into Sysadmin work after college03:02
stelisIt can be hard to get your first job03:02
stelisContacts help a lot03:03
stelisEverybody wants experienced admins :)03:03
dthackerfumbalah: you really want the pager?03:03
fumbalahdthacker: lol, I want to work in the educational sector03:04
fumbalahwhich means at 4, i can turn the pager off03:04
dthackerwise choice, much less 24x7 pressure03:04
stelisDepends on the institution03:05
stelisMy admin job was at a College03:05
=== dthacker thinks it's interesting that admins tend to gravitate to docs help
dthackerstellis: good point,  I'm thinking of a fellow LUG member who works for a school district03:05
stelisYeah, I think it's scratching an itch03:05
fumbalahstelis: High school, I have a  lot of contact within my school district03:06
stelisI used to work at a school and it was better03:06
stelisThe hour between 4 and 5 gives the ability to get stuff done03:07
dthackerspeaking of work, it's high time I got there.  See you around the channel.  03:07
stelisThe College runs 8am-8pm and uni are like that too03:08
stelisfumbalah: Have you looked at Edubuntu?03:09
stelisI was blown away at how good this could be for schools03:10
fumbalahstelis: I plan on it03:20
fumbalahhave a meeting03:20
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fumbalahgood morning again04:19
fumbalahI thought you were going to work04:24
stelisI'm still staring out of the window04:25
stelisThis is just not a very interesting bit of documentation04:25
fumbalahWhat are you working on?Specifically04:26
stelisCustomizing the Edubuntu desktop04:26
stelise.g. changing the theme, language settings etc.04:26
fumbalahI think I may setup a machine with that here04:27
stelisIt's well worth it04:28
stelisIt's a thin client system with basically zero setup04:28
fumbalahDo I have to have a main server setuop>04:29
stelisThe default installation silently configures all the network services needed for TC04:29
stelisThe only odd requirement is that prefers two NICs04:30
stelisOne for main network and one for the TC network04:30
stelisIt automatically provides DHCP to the TC network04:30
stelisI'm using VMware to fake a network ATM 04:30
fumbalahI think I'm going to set it u in a mini-lab situation04:33
stelisShould work pretty well.04:35
stelisIf you use modern PCs they will have PXE network boot support built-in, so you just need to set them to boot from the network in the BIOS.04:35
fumbalahDoes it support ldap/active directory authentication04:37
fumbalahWe have 2200 students so we need to be able to use the existing authentication protocol04:38
stelisYou can do that with any Linux distro via Winbind, but the lead developer wants to add more support in Feisty04:38
stelisHe's very keen to do so, in fact04:38
fumbalahDo you have an email address for him? 04:39
stelisThe edubuntu-devel mailing list is probably the best point of contact04:39
fumbalahI just need to be able to prove proof of concept to our LAN Manager04:40
stelisIf you check the archive there was a brief comment 04:40
stelisI see04:40
fumbalahyea, he'd be willing to try it04:41
stelisA lot of managers I know still pull faces when you say "Linux"04:41
fumbalahOurs is pretty cool04:43
fumbalahWe have a lot of custom educational tools written in ruby and a lot of things hooked in with linux04:43
fumbalahWe're pretty cutting edge 04:45
stelisWhere is this, if you don't mind me asking?04:46
fumbalahA district in kentucky04:46
fumbalahIts more our school then 04:46
fumbalahlike fayette04:46
fumbalahwow, that makes no sense04:46
fumbalahIts the fayette county school disstrict04:47
fumbalahbut it is more our specific school in the district04:47
stelisIt does seem to be down to individuals to push for OSS, ATM04:48
fumbalahMost of us are all about it04:48
stelisGreat. I'm in an area in the UK where the county IT people love it, but my particular employer is lagging behind.04:50
stelisI was stunned to find a department hacking on Moodle two week ago, though.04:50
fumbalahWe;re using moodle04:50
stelisIt seems to everywhere04:51
fumbalahWe like it, as do most of our teachers04:51
stelisThese guys hadn't heard of Ubuntu, and knew basically nothing about Linux, but people at some other institution had tipped them off04:51
stelis(About Moodle)04:52
stelisWe tried to implement a proprietary LMS, but the vendor fluffed it themselves04:52
fumbalahWell, I'm excited to try kubuntu04:52
stelisIt doesn't include Moodle, but there is a school management system built-in04:53
stelisApparently the fact that Moodle uses PHP is a concern04:54
fumbalahI'd love to see it in rails04:54
fumbalahjust cause rails cuts down on some much of the code04:54
stelisThat's what I was thinking04:55
stelisAlso I like the way that Rails makes installing and maintaining apps easier04:55
fumbalahDo you have an email adress in case I have any quesitons?04:55
fumbalahI'll hit the mailing list for most04:56
stelisThis is me: https://launchpad.net/people/stuart-ellis04:57
stelisFeel free to drop by #edubuntu04:57
stelisI'm not a dev, but they hang out there04:58
stelisAnd I'm on whenever I can04:58
fumbalahalright, same here for the most part04:58
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fumbalahstelis: If you ever need me to proofread anything please feel free05:00
fumbalahThat's me05:02
stelisThe Handbook is in svn under edubuntu/handbook/C/05:02
fumbalahI'll grab that when i get home05:03
fumbalahwould be way tpp slow from school05:05
stelisThey block all the ports here05:05
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fumbalahI'd have to wait till i could get on my laptop anyway to svn05:06
fumbalahcuase this is just a permannent connection to iRC05:06
=== fumbalah digs into the proftp page
fumbalahthis page needs aa lot of work05:11
stelisI suggest this revision: "Please stop using FTP. It's broken."05:12
fumbalahWhy do you say that?05:14
stelisBecause SSH and WebDAV do everything that FTP does, but a lot of people just don't don't seem to know it.05:14
fumbalahyea, but ftp is easier for the end user05:15
stelisYou might be surprised: http://www.elsn.org/SSH-HOWTO/ssh-howto.html05:20
stelisThere are free Windows graphical clients, and Linux has graphical support built-in05:20
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fumbalahI'm doing a complete overhaul of this page though05:21
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stelisIt's a bit of a pet cause, sorry :)05:21
fumbalahall good05:21
fumbalahMust call lexmark05:21
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fumbalahAfteroon all07:56
fumbalahhow is everyone doing?07:57
fumbalahnixternal: are you around?08:02
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nixternalhey fumbalah, i am working on a couple of poopy windows boxes setting up a wifi thing for my sister08:39
fumbalahnixternal: Sounds like a blast08:41
nixternali hate having microsoft producs in my house08:41
fumbalahDid you get my email?08:41
fumbalahme too08:41
fumbalahI'm all linux08:42
nixternalhaven't had a chance to look through just ye08:42
fumbalahthat'd be me08:42
nixternalgot it ;)08:43
fumbalahAlright, cool08:43
nixternalya, im on the list of emailed people when it comes to wiki edits..it allows me to follow and make sure people aren't doing stuff they shouldn't be08:43
fumbalahJust started editing some wiki pages of yours so I just wanted you to look at them when you got a chance08:43
fumbalahAh, that's a good thing to do08:43
fumbalahWhy does your sister need windows?08:45
nixternaledit away08:45
nixternalshe doesn't08:46
fumbalahjust thinks she does?08:46
nixternalim not about to set her up with Linux now, that would mean way to many phone calls08:46
nixternali have a few hundred switchers now that i am maintaining08:46
nixternal75% of them are on their own and flying08:46
fumbalahNice :)08:46
nixternalthe other 25% bug the hell out of me ;)08:46
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fumbalahHow would i go about rrequesting a page link be changed?08:47
fumbalahproftp shoud be proftpd08:47
nixternalwell, the application is proftp08:50
nixternalit is only setup as a daemon in /etc/init.d08:50
nixternalinteresting how microsoft does their autoupdates08:51
nixternalif you run snoop on a machine doing it, they use a setup similar to apt-get08:51
fumbalahnixternal: but it is listed as proftpd by the people that make the software08:51
crimsunProFTPD is the app.08:51
nixternalthats what i said08:51
nixternaloh., the d08:51
nixternali thought the app itself was proftp, didn't know the app included teh daemon08:52
nixternallearn something new every day08:52
fumbalahyup :_08:52
crimsunthe daemon _is_ the app :)08:52
fumbalahnixternal: How would i go about changing that in the wiki/08:52
nixternalhrmm...create the page, copy over the info from proftp page to the new page, and then redirect the old page to the new page08:53
fumbalahI'm going to finish all my editing to it first08:53
fumbalahAre they pllaning on dropping docbook with the new releease?08:55
nixternalnot that i know of08:55
fumbalahIt sounds like they are looking to move awayfrom docbook08:56
fumbalahor at least using chapters now08:57
nixternali am reading htat now08:58
fumbalahKind of interesting08:59
nixternalthank god that only applies to Ubuntu docs and not Kubuntu or Xubuntu docs09:00
fumbalahI didnt know that?09:01
nixternalya, Project Mallard is GNOME09:01
nixternali do mainly Kubuntu docs with just a handfull of us09:01
fumbalahI think your pretty well stuck with my then, cause I only use kubuntu09:01
fumbalahand sooner or later edubuntu09:01
nixternali use them all, but I have bene using kde since day one09:02
nixternali have tried to switch at one time, just recently to learn something new, and found myself getting annoyed easily09:02
fumbalahI like kubuntu, and hope to be rolling out edbuntu in our school09:02
nixternalkubuntu docs are getting rewritten, we just haven't come up with how just yet09:04
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fumbalahI wouldnt mind a little bit of input09:04
fumbalahonce the time comes around to decide09:05
nixternalwe will need as much input as possible, so09:05
fumbalahWill that be over the mailing list or in a meeting?09:07
nixternalmeeting more than likely, but there will be acombo of some mailing list as well09:08
nixternalit is usually published at least a week in advance of when a meeting will be09:08
fumbalahAlright, and that will be all the kubuntu doc people and then any volunteers?09:08
nixternali need to get a jump on things though, because starting at the end of january i will be enrolled in over 20 credit hours ;(09:09
=== fumbalah will help pick up some of t he slack hopefully
fumbalahJust let me know09:11
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mdkemeh. this makes no sense.09:28
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nixternalBurgwork: http://www.ubuntu.com/downloads <> is it possible to have the buring the cd rom link go directly to the h.u.c/community location instead of the wiki, so people don't see the nasty redirect?10:09
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mdkenixternal: I'll do it10:55
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Burgworknixternal: mdke and myself have write access to the website. You can also file a bug11:11
mptBurgwork, now would be a good time to raise objections to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/topic-based-help if you have any :-)11:13
Burgworkright, that work thing11:17
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