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Znuff | Anyone tried installing Ubuntu Server this way: http://marc.herbert.free.fr/linux/win2linstall.html#ubuntu | 06:03 |
Znuff | ? | 06:03 |
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shwag | There seems to be no clear line about whether to use Ruby on Rails from APT, or to use gems as the ruby on rails manager. The ruby on rails community that uses ubuntu all say to use ruby gems, but there is a whole ambiguous set of ruby on rails packages in the repositories that are not spoken for. | 08:00 |
shwag | I would love to just use app as it seems this would simply configuration, but at the same time I dont want to be stuck with unsupported packages that are not in speed with the rest of the community. | 08:01 |
shwag | s/app/apt | 08:02 |
Burgwork | shwag: afaik, there is no clear policy for packaging gems yet | 08:04 |
shwag | is there a Rails Ubuntu Team ? | 08:05 |
techwhore | i never liked debian policy on perl packages myself. | 08:16 |
techwhore | i think creating a gem2deb thing would be awesome. | 08:20 |
techwhore | like creating a repository of gems in .deb format. | 08:21 |
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=== dura waves | ||
dura | I've been googling for a while now and I can't seem to see why the K8 kernel was obsoleted by the generic... ? | 09:42 |
Burgwork | because the win of performance was in question and the testing wasn't worth it | 09:42 |
dura | Makes sense | 09:43 |
Burgwork | there is a thread on -devel about it | 09:43 |
dura | I figured it was a reason similiar to that but wanted to read it from a dev. | 09:43 |
dura | ahh okay... | 09:43 |
=== Burgwork is not a dev | ||
dura | Close enough :) | 09:44 |
Burgwork | heh | 09:44 |
dura | I had Gentoo on my new server but got tired of it really quick. One gentoo install is enough ;) | 09:44 |
Burgwork | never installed Gentoo | 09:45 |
dura | it's not bad really. it's just not what I needed for what I want to do | 09:46 |
dura | It's all I'll use on my laptops though. | 09:46 |
Znuff | is there ANY freakin' way to install ubuntu-server if I ain't got a system that knows how to boot from a usb drive?! | 10:00 |
Znuff | it's really getting on my nerves | 10:01 |
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Znuff | what is the correct md5sum for the ubuntu-6.10-server-i386.iso file? | 10:59 |
Znuff | 'cose I've downloaded it 5 times already and I end up with the same md5sum, but not the one in the MD5SUM file | 11:00 |
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