[12:00] tpc247: documented in the ipx package. [12:00] any ideas how to get xvid to play with mplayer [12:01] ubotu: tell andreasdk about w32codecs [12:01] isnt it supposed to? [12:01] nalioth, oh >< is that what it needs? wouldn't it have to say gtk+-2.0-dev ? [12:01] shwag: chown is the one that 'ch'anges 'own'ership [12:01] i just changed the filesystem to fat, the drive only has one partition hdb1 [12:01] Kingsqueak: duh. but for every new created file automatically. [12:01] you can't [12:01] wtf would you ever want to do that for anyway? [12:01] There is no package called mplayer-plugin and i have all repos enabled === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] jrib, mplayer plays windows files by itself i think === doctormo [n=doctormo@cpc2-reig2-0-0-cust656.hers.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] crimsun: if I understand you correctly, I typed 'man ipx' but got the following: 'No manual entry for ipx' [12:02] andreasdk: mozilla-mplayer in multiverse [12:02] anybody know what I should do when sound recorder tells me my Audio capture settings are invalid. I'm told to correct them in the multimedia settings, but I don't know where that is [12:02] nothlit: maybe, I know the latest version does. But I am not sure if the one in the repos does [12:02] how do I make /etc/login.defs take effect. do I have to restart init ? [12:02] tpc247: apropos ipx [12:02] andreasdk, mozilla-mplayer [12:02] bjorn_: ``gstreamer-properties'' [12:02] help! gnome won't start, it's having problems using dbus, standard install of Dapper, all we did was remove wallpaper-tray and restart computer. [12:02] nothlit: i just changed the filesystem to fat, the drive only has one partition hdb1 [12:02] andreasdk: you may want to try without w32codecs first because of what nothlit said === heikkit_ is now known as heikkit === mikm[laptop] is now known as skry [12:03] if i re install the os again is could it see the hard drive easier? [12:03] crimsun: yeah I tried that, and got 'ipx: nothing appropriate.' :-( === skry is now known as mikm[laptop] === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === johny_ [n=johny@pD9E2F63D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] Kingsqueak: umask does the trick, but the change didnt take effect. [12:04] crimsun: I see you got a lot to do, so please say if I'm bothering you :) I get this message when I try to test the input device: ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: Could not open resource for writing. [12:04] what if i delete the partition then format it again could that help? [12:04] Jimbo, sudo mkdir /media/hdb1 echo /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab [12:04] bjorn_: what source is it set to ? === depon [n=akaladis@athedsl-105087.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] ok [12:05] Jimbo, there are two commands in there [12:05] tpc247: look at dpkg -L ipx, then [12:05] Jimbo, after that sudo mount -a [12:05] Just tried with and without w32codecs and mozilla-player but the darn thing still wont work. Can someone please help me through a remote desktop? === drivera90 [i=deus@wikipedia/Drivera90] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] Input: ALSA - Advanced Linux Sound Architecture. [12:05] its hard to keep up with the room movin so fast [12:05] andreasdk, did you shut down firefox in between? [12:05] hey everyone... can anybody help with the installation of a sagem fast 800 on edgy/dapper? tried some guides, none seem to work :( [12:05] why isn't mod_deflate enabled by default on all apache installations? Does it have any caveats? [12:05] Nope - 2 secs === xd45 [n=xen@71-87-148-011.dhcp.hlrg.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] andreasdk, you could just install the mediaplayerconnectivity extension if you're having trouble, if not theres still a vlc plugin and a gstreamer plugin === abo [n=tfh@88-111-30-17.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === odisseia [n=odisseia@cr-217-129-232-90.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] crimsun: wow, thanks. I never knew about dpkg -L, but you have opened my eyes. Danke. [12:06] oiii === pluma [n=pluma@p5087D0AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === maddler [n=maddler@217-133-171-18.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:06] hey folks, I upgraded to edgy and now firefox 2.0 crashes everytime I open it, anyone have any ideas? [12:06] someone in portugal? [12:07] nothlit: yes, gtk*-dev will do it === patton [n=patton@pc-133-18-86-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] crimsun: Input: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture [12:07] hmmmm vlc would play the xvid but not mplayer or totem wonder why [12:07] anyone know how to configure gnome launch box? [12:07] nothlit> It still doesn`t work. Could i please get you to help through remote desktop? Kinda hard typing with a baby in one arm..... === ViaD [n=lars@084202070071.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu === tnnc [n=tnnc@66-168-80-105.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:07] What calls /etc/login.defs ? === erider [n=erider@unaffiliated/erider] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] has anybody got a sagem fast 800 to work on edgy or dapper? [12:08] nalioth, which do i install gdk-imlib-dev or gdk-imlib11-dev === erider [n=erider@unaffiliated/erider] has left #ubuntu ["I] [12:08] nobody has had any issues with firefox xrashing? === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] shwag: if you told me why you want every file created by a user to be executable, I might have another suggestion to fix that for you === kingrayray [n=kingrayr@c-71-231-183-191.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] crashing rather === infidel [n=ecc@] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] oh, mozilla crashes too [12:08] weird. === urodi [n=asdasd@0x5358c315.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === gaussian88 [n=roger@ool-44c449c2.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] Kingsqueak: you are a nosey one aren't you. ever heard of Ruby on Rails? Well it needs files writable by the group. [12:09] andreasdk, I suppose, but you know that vnc if it isnt done through ssh is not encrypted? === digby [n=matt@cpe-24-95-122-46.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === SonicvanaJr [n=Garrett@unaffiliated/sonicvanajr] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] moved my .mozilla dir and it is still crashing so thats not it [12:09] need help installing fglrx 8.30.3 on a amd64 machine running 32 bit ubuntu [12:09] writeable is not executable [12:09] andreasdk, have you tried installing the mediaplayerconnectivity extension in firefox? [12:09] that's why I asked === [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-192-141.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:09] andreasdk, it should work quite well [12:10] umask 002 would fix group write [12:10] how can I tell what package owns a particular file ? === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === MeTa [n=sajt@53d83e11.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] chmod 775 on the dir parents would too [12:10] and asking, particularly with a web application is being helpful === urodi [n=asdasd@0x5358c315.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === moose5435 [n=turkey@adsl-226-128-40.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === salim [n=ubuntu@pD951F308.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] not understanding permissions with a web accessible app is just begging to be rooted [12:10] shwag: dpkg -S /path/to/file [12:10] shwag, right click properties or go to that directory and ls -l [12:11] Can anyone tell me how (if) I can enable the user sidebar to the right in xchat gnome? === Keyseir [n=andrew@166-82-116-99.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu === urodi [n=asdasd@0x5358c315.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] shwag, oh oops package not user sorry [12:11] Crimsun: Could you look at another pastebin for me? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30904/ === holger [n=hg@84-245-176-154.bpool.celox.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:11] nothlit...i got a directory in filesystem/media named hdb1 but cant make a folder there [12:11] How should I go about mounting an external HD in edgy? [12:11] get it drunk first [12:11] nothlit: It still doesn`t work. I`ll take my chances. [12:11] Keyseir, what happens when you plug it in? [12:12] nothlit: the one that most corresponds to your project will do [12:12] Jimbo, oh then youve already got a folder there === [niceday] _ [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu === aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] Nothing noticeable. === shawarma [n=sh@vega.linux2go.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] no it just appeared after i ran the commands you said [12:12] It's on and fine according to the status lights, I had it connected when I was on breezy === K1765 [n=mike@cpe-075-178-044-119.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] i dont know if i ran them correctly tho [12:12] But on breezy I mounted it through the "Disk" UI under the "System" menu [12:12] Yo. Got a stupid question. [12:12] nalioth, how can i tell? it just says gdk-2.0 doesnt say if its imlib or imlib1 or imlib11 [12:12] How do I turn my pc volume up? [12:12] I can't find a similar "Disk" menu on edgy === micahcowan [n=micah@user-11fa6td.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] lemee check size of folder [12:13] andreasdk: when you play a video does it actually say "mplayer plugin" before the video shows up? === SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] @Jimbo: hi, where is hdb1 mounted? === jsmith88 [n=james@203-214-86-28.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === webben [n=benjamin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] Jimbo, then do echo /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab === tsoler [n=tsoler@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:13] Jimbo, thats one command [12:13] nothlit: well, try one, if it doesnt work, install the other. apt-get won't let you get into a bind with conflicting stuff [12:13] bjorn_: does it work if you set audiosource to oss ? [12:13] k one sec...or two :) [12:13] How do I turn my pc volume up? === tsoler [n=tsoler@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] xd45: yes firefox and swiftfox crash on me, but only when I try to view certain kinds of video through mplayer-plugin === jbroome [n=jbroome@unaffiliated/jbroome] has left #ubuntu [] === diezare [n=diezare@] has joined #ubuntu [12:14] jrib: It asks whether i want to use the standard movie player and when i select yes it says that it needs some more modules to play -wmv [12:14] tpc247 it crashes for me on just about any page === diezare [n=diezare@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:14] andreasdk: what file is this? [12:14] andreasdk, then you can set that up and make sure theres a clear path to port 5900 and gimme your ip, === Kingsqueak [n=who@c-68-38-166-84.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["."] [12:14] i am using 6.06 and i need to upgrade kernell so it will run smp what do i need to install [12:15] guys: how can i see which version of ubuntu im runing? [12:15] xd45: oh that's not good. I'm a new Ubuntu user so I couldn't guess why [12:15] I just did an upgrade to edgy and some fonts don't display: urxvt using xrdb font doesn't, but using that same font descriptor with urxvt -fn does. [12:15] I am about to just remove the ubuntu packages and install from tar === chrisbudden14_ [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-27-22.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu === ruggy [n=someone@001-729-852.area1.spcsdns.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] nothlit: Can`t i send you an invite through email? [12:15] andreasdk, you could also uninstall the mozilla mplayer plugin and then install mozilla-plugin-vlc , you have to remember to restart firefox every time you do one action though [12:15] tnnc: you need to install the smp kernel [12:15] Nobody can tell me how to mount a drive on edgy? =( [12:15] How do I turn my pc volume up? [12:15] andreasdk, wait then i'll run a listening vlc viewer and tell you how to use x11vncserver [12:15] I found a bunch of stuff online about locales that look like its relevent, but nothing appears to be changing my system === hamburger_xie [n=hamburge@mth-fgw.ballarat.edu.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] nothlit..i pasted in that command but no change [12:15] jsmith88 what should i search for? [12:16] tnnc: so do a search in synaptic for smp and install the kernel relevant to your architecture === tpc247 [n=tpc@famrad.familyradio.org] has left #ubuntu [] [12:16] @Jimbo: I think you have to reboot [12:16] Crimsun: there's sound :) Still it's really bad. A lot of background noise, and it's distorted [12:16] How do I turn my mic volume up??? [12:16] tnnc: are you using an x86 processor? like a p4 or core2 duo? === Pluk [n=Pluk@11-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] Jimbo, no then you type sudo mount -a [12:16] the folder has a size of 99.9 gigs but i cant make a subfoler or file ther [12:16] Jimbo, then look in the media folder === Apoll1 [i=wallason@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] ok [12:16] Jimbo, thats not what the mkdir command does === distromonkey [n=chris@spc2-cosh5-0-0-cust113.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:16] HOW DO I CLOSE A PROGRAM FROM TERMINAL? [12:16] K1765: if you have the sound-applet in the gnome panel enabled (assuming you're on gnome) just double-click it, then adjust to your liking === Xaxafrad [i=xax@ip70-191-55-106.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] K1765: do have a speaker icon to click on === GTX [i=charlie@charlie.iph.getpro.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] jsmith88, it is xeon daul 550 x86 [12:17] Jimbo if youre still confused paste the contents of ls /media and ls /media/hdb1 === presto [n=preston@ip70-185-149-252.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:17] K1765: watch the caps, and "depends on the program" try ctrl-q or ctrl-c or /quit [12:17] OOHH === mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] bjorn_: so turn down the mic and capture volumes [12:17] I see it now, thanks! [12:17] K1765: type this: ps -ael |grep === Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-174-213.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] jsmith88, P3 === presto [n=preston@ip70-185-149-252.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] tnnc: you can try installing the following package: linux-686-smp [12:17] nothlit...YOU DID IT!!!! [12:17] K1765: then do: kill === presto [n=preston@ip70-185-149-252.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:18] Jimbo :) [12:18] yer good [12:18] quick question from a relative *nix newb: i think i might be having compatibility issues and was wondering what shell is running when i open a terminal in xubuntu? [12:18] K1765: or use 'top' to get the process ID [12:18] Jimbo, its in ubuntuguide.org if you want to take a longer route next time === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:18] so in linux the hard drives appear as folders ? === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:18] Thanks gauss [12:18] K1765: type 'man top' to get some of the top commands [12:18] K1765: top is your friend [12:19] Yes it is, already love it lol === likwidtek [n=likwidte@ip70-190-145-128.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === likwidtek [n=likwidte@ip70-190-145-128.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:19] Jimbo, what happens is you get to choose where you hard drive gets put in the filesystem === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] Jimbo: All *nix systems sees everything as a "file" [12:19] Jimbo: sorry if that wasn't ehlpful at all === austin_ [n=austin@cpe-76-185-119-137.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] tnnc: have you tried installing it yet? [12:19] Jimbo: er. helpful === compudaze [i=daze@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:5967] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] The gnome power applet thinks I am still connected to my power supply when my laptop is on battery power so when it runsout of battery my computer shuts down from loss of power instead of shutting down correctly. === glimmung [n=will@ip70-170-121-122.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] jsmith88,no not yet === outRider [i=FAH_Q@bas12-toronto63-1088794929.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === bluefox83 [n=bluefox@user-12hclic.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] is there a way to see exactly how much bandwidth each program you are running is using up? [12:21] !ubotu mount [12:21] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks [12:21] andreasdk, im still workiing on ur problem don't worry, but you can try the vlc plugin in the meantime (also extensions also require a restart) === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] is there a simple little command i can spit at a shell to find out what particular shell it is? [12:21] tnnc: ok, if you need any more help with it, just yell out [12:21] Why is there no System -> Administration -> Disks on Edgy Eft? [12:21] Xaxafrad, echo $SHELL === JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Where can I get themes for ubuntu? [12:21] gnome-look.org [12:21] thanx [12:21] K1765: gnome-look.og [12:22] Jordan_U: your quick on the draw === mads- [i=madsravn@0x55517168.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] !tell K1765 about themes [12:22] Thanks gaussian, I'm beginning to love u :P [12:22] Is there a good command line mp3 player? === jono [i=jono@conference/ubuntuconf/x-ebe49549b245f191] has joined #ubuntu === gaussian88 looks around in discomfort [12:22] lol === Raffaello [n=raffaell@] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] oha [12:22] Crimsun: Even with the volume almost turned off in the volume controller it's got background noise. Strange thing is the volume is still in fact pretty high.. [12:22] Keyseir, good question >.> [12:23] i coulda sworn i had it when i installed edgy [12:23] mads-: You can use mplayer from the command line. === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] bjorn_: check the PCM volume level as well as the master volume level [12:23] While I'm here got another question === mariusk [n=mariusk@p54A7DF2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] Hi everything. wanna ask something that install to ubuntu? Are there any person to help me? [12:23] I might help you, Raffaello [12:23] I try to load a .wmv and it says "loading, buffing" and then it just stops and doesn't play === ramza3__ [n=ramza3@c-24-99-72-157.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] Does anyone know about "Disks" on edgy? [12:23] does ubuntu regard the user I created for myself as the 'local administrator'? [12:24] K1765: ready? === holger [n=hg@84-245-176-154.bpool.celox.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [12:24] Raffaello: what language do you speak? [12:24] K1765: find mplayers homepage and download the essential codec pack === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] Ok. [12:24] K1765: unpack it, then put all the contents into the folder /usr/lib/win32 [12:24] K1765: create the win32 folder if you must === Fletcheri [n=john@82-40-9-187.cable.ubr02.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:25] Nalioth ; French, English, Turkish, Spanish [12:25] I get this when I go to youtube... Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest flash player. === tsoler [n=tsoler@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:25] K1765: you can play virtually anything you can throw at it via totem and/or mplayer [12:25] K1765: maybe xine as well === rodrigo [n=rodrigo@201-27-66-248.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] Raffaello: ok, we have #ubuntu-es, #ubuntu-fr, and other language channels available if you find one or the other more comfortable to use === rigidus [n=rigidus@51.175.adsl.brightview.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] I have compiled and installed gnash as well as java 1.5 and 1.4.2 for PPC...I currently have it set to use java 1.5 [12:25] Zarephath: And you have flashplayer installed? [12:25] Zarephath: use synaptic and that the flash-nonfree version [12:25] Cant find essential codec pack [12:25] crimsun: what's up with the hda modules and getting them into ubuntu? === noxxle [n=noxxle@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === lmosher [n=lmosher@128-8-210-97.wireless.umd.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:26] puta merda qta gente [12:26] Zarephath: I don't know the exact name, but it says flash and nonfree in it's name [12:26] Found it lol [12:26] hi all [12:26] pianoboy3333: too vague [12:26] Zarephath: you may need to put / enable some additional repos (see: www.ubuntuguide.org) [12:26] flashplugin-nonfree [12:26] gaussian88: it doesn't work on PowerPC [12:26] K1765: good [12:26] is it possibe to install more than 1 version of some software? i.e. a package version and a version build from source [12:26] tried to install ut2004, didnt work, uninstalled. and now on login i get and error my .dmrc is being ignored because other users shouldnt have access to my home directory. I set permissions on my home to ME only and yet it still keeps saying that on login [12:26] nalioth: oh.... Didn't realize we were talking PowerPC [12:26] nalioth: sorry [12:26] Take that back, Didn't. Link doesn't work >.< [12:26] gaussian88, : Yeah but as I stated this is for PPC not i386...there isn't a flash player other than gnash..well one other but the wiki said this was the better choice [12:27] nalioth: If you are desperate you can try gnash. === rickyfingers [n=rickyfin@p54B1AE45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === gaussian88 is a good ol' ix86 man === damg_ [n=dima2001@p54ADD3C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] !ubotu disks edgy [12:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about disks edgy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:27] !ubotu disks [12:27] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks [12:27] Jordan_U: thanks, i was discussing gnash with gaussian88 because Zarephath mentioned it [12:27] could anybody help me guys? I'm trying to maximize an xfs fs by xfs_growfs, but it's not working at all. === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] K1765, look at where the link is pointing and search for the codec pack via google [12:27] andreasdk, are you behind any firewall or router? im having difficulties finding the default version of vncserver on ubuntu [12:27] I was doing this way: xfs_growfs / -d [12:27] are there any mono 1.2 final debs available already? === jughead [n=jughead@c-68-52-199-17.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] rigidus, i think gparted has support for xfs growing [12:28] Hey nalioth: Compile seemed to go fine...as I stated I have installed both ibm java versions as I suppose you may or may not have done... [12:28] damg_: alas no, fairly trivial to build them into /usr/local from source though [12:28] Zarephath: excellent to hear :) [12:28] nothlit: is it on knoppix? [12:29] nalioth, if i install the 4 dev libraries it wants me to install 39 dependencies [12:29] JosefK: thanks, I'll try to build a deb then (: [12:29] nalioth: The part that perturbs me is it is stating javascript... is there something I missed that I need to enable to get javascript up and running too? [12:29] nothlit (this one is a server) [12:29] Where do I put the themes I downloaded so they will work? [12:29] rigidus, no but its on ubuntu, also you can download the gparted live cd, its also on the ubuntu install disk and kanotix === peterhu [n=peterhu@about/csharp/regular/peterhu] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] nalioth: Are you able to go to youtube and play a video? [12:29] damg_: well, you can build a deb if you're adventurous, I just meant compiling the latest mono into /usr/local though :) === MenZa [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] K1765: System --> Prefs --> Themes [12:30] K1765: you'll see it [12:30] ty [12:30] Zarephath: your browser should support javascript === maddler [n=maddler@217-133-171-18.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === loboson [n=ariel@] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] K1765: you really should look at www.ubuntuguide.org [12:30] nothlit: well, that is the fun part of building your own software, the libs required === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu [12:30] nalioth, : Yeah that was what I thought too...firefox 2 included in edgy [12:30] Jordan_U: which package does it come with? [12:30] nothlit: thanks a lot, i try that one :-) === Xaxafrad [i=xax@ip70-191-55-106.sd.sd.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:30] Zarephath: i don't do audio/video on this box :| [12:31] rigidus, the gparted livecd is small ez to download its about 30mb and runs xfce, not much on it kanotix is a lot more useful in whole but full size [12:31] rigidus, gparted is only on the ubuntu live cd [12:31] well, it's nice: a new piece of version to test and enhance [12:31] Zarephath, beta 2 is included in edgy [12:31] mads-: mplayer [12:31] but I can't still use all my hardware :-S === seb-- [n=ubuntu@h-72-245-12-156.lsanca54.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] lol its quicker here :P [12:32] nalioth, : Ok thanks...I just checked and enable javascript is checked in prefs... [12:32] nothlit, : Ok thank you [12:32] Jordan_U: apt-get install mplayer? [12:32] mads-: sudo apt-get install mplayer [12:32] does anyone know what vncserver the gnome desktop calls? i can't find any server in /usr/bin [12:32] mads-: yes. === tannerld [n=tanner@adsl-068-209-251-067.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:32] I think that's the problem... [12:32] Why does Ubuntu seem do wifi better than Debian? Is it because they spend more time testing? why? more $$$ available? [12:32] doesn't work :( [12:32] Zarephath: please keep in mind, gnash is still very much an in-development project === Paladine [n=Paladine@paladine.org.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] Paladine, pally pally. === Fletcheri [n=john@82-40-9-187.cable.ubr02.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] seb--, ubuntu focuses more on getting everything up and going more easily, and that includes hardware [12:33] Zarephath: Last I checked gnash couldn't play youtube vids. === jcrochford [n=James@pool-71-109-57-71.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] seb--: I think it has more to do with gnome and gnome customization [12:33] yes, some probs with hardware [12:33] nothlit: you mean more *polish*? [12:33] nalioth, : Yes sir..I do know that...I can understand it not working..however I would have assumed I would be able to see something occur..heh === Mantice [n=richard@125-236-172-117.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] anyone know much about realplayer 10? im trying to use it but its acting really jumpy with stream files atm === Bobrobyn [n=robyn@guestlaptop-12.cis.uoguelph.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] Does anyone know how I can mount a secondary HD on edgy? [12:33] seb--: ie., they just made it easier to properly config. the hardware for a wider range of hardware === ryan63 [n=helix@70-41-225-246.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] seb--, no, ubuntu adds things and makes custom tools [12:33] !tell Keyseir about mount === creatix [n=andi@host82-40.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] Jordan_U, : Kewl that helps...what can you tell me about their format they stream? [12:33] How do I restore my system tray ? I think I deleted it. [12:34] One more question [12:34] gaussian: the fact is debian can be 'rough around the edges.....ubuntu is more like os X [12:34] Fletcher, what problems are you having? [12:34] nothlit: really? that's great! [12:34] Fletcheri: the version in dapper-commercial? [12:34] seb--, ubuntu isn't more polished than debian, just differing philosophies [12:34] How do i login as admin to paste something in user/lib/win32 [12:34] nothlit: thanks again :-) === __mikem [n=__mikem@] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] Mantice: right click on your panel and add the "notification area" [12:34] !tell K1765 about sudo [12:34] nalioth: "Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks" this doesn't exist on edgy [12:34] pianoboy3333: did you feel like elaborating, or were you going to leave the question as vague? [12:34] does anyone know what vncserver the gnome desktop calls? i can't find any server in /usr/bin [12:34] nothlit: but *why* / *how* did they get wifi to work better? [12:34] K1765: cd into the directory where the files are === bigusdickus [n=bigusdic@p54A3E112.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:34] jcrochford: when i stream form a video link it palys a few seconds, pauses the prgo and then palys again ect... [12:34] Crimsun: Thank you. Now I at least have some sound. It's still noisy after toggling with the volumes though, but I can live with that for a while. Funny thing now is Skype won't connect my calls. Saying I got a problem with sound device [12:34] Keyseir, what are you trying to do? [12:35] Keyseir: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [12:35] Zarephath: I havn't had my PPC machine for a while but I remember being able to use a page to get the .flv from youtube and play it in ffmpeg. [12:35] It won't work ok with my pda [12:35] K1765: then sudo mkdir /usr/lib/win32;sudo cp * /usr/lib/win32/ [12:35] nothlit: does the founder burn few millions for a room full of testers to polish it better? [12:35] seb--, hardware detection configuration utilites and regular configuration utilities i would assume [12:35] Fletcher: Does it have anything to do with your bandwidth? My first thought is that RP10 is working fine. [12:35] nothlit, I just did a fresh edgy installation and I have a USB external HD I want to connect. I need to mount this external HD. === makaroner [n=spagetti@h-243-11.A182.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] bjorn_: close all audio apps before using skype [12:35] Jordan_U, : Ok I will look into that then..just find the stream and use ffmpeg..maybe..heh [12:35] don't know why [12:35] nothlit: it must have cost big $$$ for ubuntu to improve autodetection [12:35] seb--, i think most of the development it still volunteered [12:35] well, it's a WM5 [12:35] jcrochford: my bandwith is good, im on a 10mb line, it shouldn't make any difference === fugitive_ [n=trojanho@80.069.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] syncCE doesn't work well [12:36] nothlit I was used to System -> disks and that doesn't seem to exist on edgy [12:36] if i want to make a command 'install x' to do apt-get install x where x is whatever I say - how would i do it [12:36] Keyseir, did you plug it in? ubuntu should automount external disks [12:36] nothlit: making debian better isn't a trivial achivement :) [12:36] what is the script [12:36] Zarephath: I think it was keepvid ( the site, google it ) [12:36] fugitive_: make an alias === Lattyware_ [n=Latty@host86-133-36-70.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Magas [n=kara@] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] nalioth: how ? === safejav [n=safejav@201-212-135-209.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [12:36] hi [12:36] nothlit, Yes, it's plugged in and the status lights are fine === devhen [n=devin@] has left #ubuntu ["See] [12:37] seb--, debian isn't supposed to be easy to install, but they stick with what they do and other distros can feel free to add and improve, besides, look at mepis or livecds [12:37] nothlit, if it was automounted where would I find it? [12:37] fugitive_: ask uncle google "bash aliases" or "bash alias" [12:37] !hi | safejav [12:37] safejav: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === capt-rogers [n=tmills@bas14-toronto63-1177973981.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] fugitive_: be beware, aliases are quite addictive === Apollooooooooooo [n=martin@cpe-69-203-28-119.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Crimsun: Still trouble [12:37] nothlit: look in /media [12:37] sorry === Deaigo is now known as BoggsBeer [12:37] how can i use WPA with ubuntu server? [12:37] nothlit: is ubuntu good for debian? how to debianites feel about it? [12:37] Keyseir, did you check /media? it should automatically show on the desktop and other places.. is the account you're logged into the first account created? [12:37] Keyseir: look in /media [12:37] nothlit: is ubuntu a 'win-win' for both? [12:37] syncCE doesn't work well with my WM5 PDA === safejav [n=safejav@201-212-135-209.cab.prima.net.ar] has left #ubuntu [] === Garrett [n=chatzill@cpe-66-74-106-226.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] Fletcher, No specific server problems? Is there a particular site from which you're streaming the video? I have to confess I'm an Ubuntu noob, but I've got no problems with RP10 that I've detected yet. [12:38] seb--, its mostly a win win, both projects contribute to each other but there is the fear that people will stop developing for debian first from what i've read, and only make packages for ubuntu [12:38] nothlit, definitely not on the desktop. Yes, I'm using the first account. [12:38] nothlit, I had the ext hd d/cd when i installed, but I've rebooted sense too... === dandy_m [n=crawler@] has joined #ubuntu === hamburger_xie [n=hamburge@mth-fgw.ballarat.edu.au] has left #ubuntu [] [12:38] Keyseir, check places and computer === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-045-160.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === infidel [n=ecc@] has joined #ubuntu === BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo [12:38] does anybody know why syncCE doesn't work well with my WM5 PDA?? [12:39] bjorn_: well, unless you can give me debug messages for arecord, I can't help you diagnose alsa capture [12:39] Keyseir, try unplugging and replugging, i don't know how well ubuntu does with coldplugging [12:39] nothlit, nope [12:39] nothlit, not under media either [12:39] Keyseir: is this a usb device? [12:39] ~/.bash_profile says "the default umask is set in /etc/login.defs" , but I changed the the UMASK setting in login.defs, and $ umask , still says 022 [12:39] Keyseir, ok because accounts made later may not have the permission for external disks enabled [12:39] I made a mistake an downloaded the desktop iso, can I install ubuntu onto my G4 with this cd iso? And yes I downloaded the PPC version. [12:39] Keyseir, try unplugging and replugging, i don't know how well ubuntu does with coldplugging === Amaranth [i=travis@conference/ubuntuconf/x-4ea42fc38a34a35c] has joined #ubuntu === Deaigo is now known as BoggsBeer [12:39] gaussian88, yes === Raffaello [n=raffaell@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:39] ok i got the latest ati driver to install all right but i hav to load the modules by hand and then restart x is there a way to add this to start at boot/ [12:39] Keyseir: do 'lsusb' [12:40] Keyseir: is it listed? [12:40] Versed: How much ram? [12:40] crimsun: I feel like being vauge... The newest alsa packages I mean, do you know if 1.0.13 is going to get into ubuntu edgy? === mercykiller [n=mercykil@adsl-75-16-158-11.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] Versed: the desktop cd is both the live cd and the install cd [12:40] thanks jrib. === ruggy [n=someone@001-729-852.area1.spcsdns.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === salim [n=ubuntu@pD951F308.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [12:40] I have plenty, like a gig and 200 gig hd. not a problem. [12:40] pianoboy3333: it's already in edgy. === GayNigra [n=vxkudyv@] has joined #ubuntu === Magas [n=kara@] has left #ubuntu [] [12:40] Ubuntu will be fucked up again tonight :D [12:40] gaussian88, I'm not sure. [12:40] crimsun: really? === Xenguy [n=gnu@206-248-151-3.dsl.ncf.ca] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] pianoboy3333: at least my portion of it is [12:40] Keyseir: is anything listed? [12:40] Ubuntu will be fucked up again tonight :D [12:40] -GayNigra:#ubuntu- Ubuntu will be fucked up again tonight :D === GayNigra Ubuntu will be fucked up again tonight :D [12:40] jcrochford: i think it was the site =/ [12:40] <__mikem> !ops [12:40] Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez! [12:40] gaussian88, "Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0c0b:2bcf Dura Micro, Inc. (Acomdata) [12:40] Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 " that might be it [12:41] Keyseir: is that your external usb drive? === ufngcaieoew [n=rtvbwqba@] has joined #ubuntu === requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu === requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu === requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu === requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+RrJ 10,2] by nalioth [12:41] pianoboy3333: you'll have to manually apply my queue, but yes, it all there. See kernel-team@ [12:41] !info alsa-driver [12:41] Package alsa-driver does not exist in any distro I know [12:41] !info alsa-drivers === mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ [12:41] Package alsa-drivers does not exist in any distro I know [12:41] ack, lag [12:41] nalioth, expoit -> ufngcaieoew === mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ [12:41] alsa-driver is the source package name. [12:41] oh [12:41] theCore: got him [12:42] thanks [12:42] crimsun: alsa-base is 10.0.11 [12:42] pianoboy3333: so? === mode/#ubuntu [-o Amaranth] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [-o ompaul] by ChanServ [12:42] jrib, yeah but the live cd is weak as an install cd [12:42] pianoboy3333: the available hda via kernel-team is post-1.0.13 [12:42] alsa-base is scripts and modprobe.d/blacklist files [12:42] crimsun: what's kernel-team? Is it a repository? [12:43] it's a mailing list [12:43] oh [12:43] crimsun: so are there debs of a newer version of the driver with snd-hda-intel ? === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #ubuntu [12:43] what are you saying? [12:43] <[sYn] > Does anyone know where the Beryl settings for changing the screen hot zones are? (the areas that cause all of the windows to move onto the screen for task management..) [12:43] the patches you need to apply to linux-source-2.6.17 are available on kernel-team@ [12:44] oh [12:44] Suddenly my swap isnt activated on boot ... I hate to swapon each time I start my laptop .. whats wrong ? [12:44] [sYn] , that is under scale, last ta === bismark [n=bismark@] has joined #ubuntu [12:44] [sYn] , tab [12:44] have* [12:44] <[sYn] > nothlit, thanks :) === damg_ [n=dima2001@p54ADD3C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:45] crimsun: I have to apply patches? will I have to configure the kernel, or just apply the patches and run, I have had experience with building a kernel... unsuccesful wifi support, but w/e [12:45] s/run/compile/ [12:45] pianoboy3333: if you want nice debs of alsa-modules, just grab upstream's alsa-driver-1.0.13 and generate them using module-assistant === GnarlyBob [n=chris@pdpc/supporter/active/GnarlyBob] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] pianoboy3333: my patches are for our git repos, not for the end user === outlawpoet [n=outlawpo@cpe-76-169-14-246.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Keyseir [n=andrew@166-82-116-99.quickclick.ctc.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:46] crimsun: oh, I see, so where can I learn about making debs with m-a? [12:46] pianoboy3333: the README.Debian shipped with alsa-source [12:46] ok [12:46] ATTENTION PLEASE, if you are getting "cannot send to channel", please register your nick or identify if you are registered. /msg nickserv help register === cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] crimsun: so what should I download off of alsa-project.org? [12:47] alsa-driver-1.0.13 [12:47] ok === gaussian88 [n=roger@ool-44c449c2.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:47] crimsun: will I need the newest libasound for that? === rogue78 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] alsa-lib has nothing to do with it. === funkyHat [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] oh, ok === Heartsbane [n=ne1469@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] has anyone had a a/v sync problem with videos in edgy eft? [12:48] nalioth: Why, is it a glitch or is there a spam problem? [12:48] crimsun: ok, so unpackage the source, and look at the README.debian in debian/ ? [12:49] pianoboy3333: no, there's a README.Debian in alsa-source (binary package) [12:49] Jordan_U: spam. further discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please [12:49] crimsun: wait... you said to download alsa-driver [12:49] do you want me to apt-get source alsa-source? === ircminer [n=lamer0@] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] pianoboy3333: I meant what I typed. Download alsa-driver from upstream; consult the documentation from alsa-source. [12:50] if you want to be lazy, grab Debian Sid's alsa-source [12:50] and just change the changelog, and run a debuild? [12:51] which method are you using? [12:51] has anyone had problems with flash being out of sync with audio? the video is behind the audio for me [12:51] I just installed edgy [12:51] rogue78: remove flashplugin-nonfree and use the flash 9 beta [12:51] crimsun: I'm not sure.... so I can download alsa-driver from upstream, and just compile that, or get debian sid's and debuild that...? === hyperactivecrond [n=chris@adsl-68-253-67-184.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] pianoboy3333: do you want a short answer or a long answer? [12:52] crimsum: thanks [12:52] crimsun: but what is alsa-source? just a package in the repos? === zonum [n=zonum@adsl-2-212-81.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] crimsun: I'm just very confused that's all, knowing what alsa-source is may clear things up [12:52] does anybody know how to take the output from jack and pipe it to the stdin of another program>? === CoolCubix is away: Pouet [12:52] crimsun: I understand alsa-driver is the driver === nothlit [n=nothlit@n218103252109.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === SportChick is now known as LagChick [12:53] for example to lame? [12:53] !tell CoolCubix about guidelines [12:53] pianoboy3333: I use "alsa-driver" to refer to the name of the Debian/Ubuntu source package that generates the alsa-base, linux-sound-base, and alsa-source binary packages. I use "alsa-driver-1.0.13" when referring to upstream (ftp.alsa-project.org) alsa-driver tarball. [12:53] right [12:54] crimsun: but mostly, the easiest thing may be just getting alsa-driver from debian sid, so I'll go with that [12:54] nalioth> sorry, didn't know about that [12:54] pianoboy3333: you mean alsa-source === Limulf [n=turgon@VA1-1E-u-0687.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] it's an information rather for another channel [12:54] crimsun: sure === treat [n=fhe@tvalk.campus.luth.se] has joined #ubuntu === CoolCubix [n=coolcubi@ASte-Genev-Bois-151-1-82-126.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Ben,] [12:55] I can't get my Quickcam pro 3000 working in edgy =( [12:55] crimsun: so just compile the alsa-source package? or that has to be added to my kernel in some way [12:56] pianoboy3333: read /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian [12:56] ok === mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth === mztriz [n=mztriz@FL-ESR1-72-49-159-72.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu === tyseah [n=Asilio@] has joined #ubuntu === phpError [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu === nixternal_ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] I just installed edgy on my laptop, but I'm not getting an internet connection.... any ideas? [12:57] For some reason, when I go to boot from the Live CD, the splash screen comes up. I select 'Install or Run Ubuntu' and it says 'Loading Kernel' and such. Then, it goes to a screen with a blinking underscore. It stayed like that for 20 minutes. I noticed that it wasn't reading the CD-ROM drive. The same thing happens when I go to check the CD contents. [12:57] crimsum: I downloaded the flash 9 beta and untarballed it. now what? === c_lisp [n=codecain@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] rogue78: put the lib in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ === whyvas [n=whyvas@bas3-montrealak-1167883183.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Fletcheri [n=john@82-40-9-187.cable.ubr02.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:57] crimsum: libflashplayer.so ? [12:57] rogue78: make sure you remove the flashplugin-nonfree package, then restart ff [12:58] yes [12:58] crimsun: wait... but the .orig.tar.gz of alsa-source _is_ alsa-driver [12:58] Garrett: did you check the checksums to make sure you have a proper image/disk? [12:58] in windows, I used to use a web spider like application, called Teleport Pro, is there any similar one in ubuntu? === SiCuTDeUx [n=helix@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] pianoboy3333: alsa-source is a binary package. It contains a stripped orig.tar.gz of alsa-driver-1.0.13. [12:59] nalioth: You mean did I select the option for that on the boot screen? [12:59] right [12:59] Garrett, you can switch to a virtual terminal with ctrl+alt+f1 and then less /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what went wrong or use the alternate install cd or use the second boot option, because it sounds like xorg fails to initialise [12:59] crimsun: when I try to play flash in mozilla, it's saying flash ain't installed. [12:59] now use module-assistant with alsa-source [12:59] !tell Garrett about verify === fugitive_ [n=trojanho@80.069.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["fugitive_"] === LKRaider [n=LKRaider@] has joined #ubuntu === mayhem- [i=mayhem@83-131-52-198.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] rogue78: well, did you move the plugin to the correct location? === makaroner [n=spagetti@h-243-11.A182.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] hi. I'm new to linux I'm a bit confused on which ubuntu to get. 6.10 is the latest version but only for 6.06 it says that it's supported for 3 years. does this mean 6.10 isn't? also I suppose 6.06 is probably more stable? [01:00] ~/.mozilla/plugins [01:00] crimsun: but how do I get the source of it... I don't have it installed on my system at all, I'm sorry, I know I sound difficult, just install it, or download sid's deb? [01:00] argh. [01:00] crimsun: sudo cp flash-player-plugin- ~/.mozilla/plugins [01:00] mayhem-: 6.10 is supported with security updates for 18 months [01:00] Could anyone help me get my wifi working on my laptop? [01:00] nothlit: Alternate install CD? [01:00] rogue78: don't use sudo [01:00] oh crap [01:00] duh === umalone [n=emji@81-233-3-66-no16.tbcn.telia.com] has left #ubuntu ["X-Chat"] [01:00] punches self in face [01:00] nothlit: And, err, second boot option? [01:01] Garrett, yeah theres a second install cd that doesn't use a point and click gui, (but it does use the ncurses gui) === knix [n=knix@unaffiliated/knix] has left #ubuntu [] [01:01] nothlit: Point and click..You could use a mouse in that? O.o === infidel [n=ecc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] Garrett: ubotu sent you some info in a PM [01:01] Garrett, yes when you boot the cd theres a variety of options like boot or install , boot legacy or compatibility mode, check disk, and boot from first hard disk [01:01] how do I snag a list of my installed packages? [01:01] this cannot be this difficult. === therealbigusdick [n=bigusdic@p54A3E2B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] pianoboy3333: wget http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/alsa-driver/alsa-source_1.0.13-1ubuntu1_all.deb && sudo dpkg -i alsa-source_1.0.13-1ubuntu1_all.deb [01:02] just the package names, so I can re-install all of the software I need after I reinstall dapper [01:02] ? [01:02] Garrett, yes, most live cds use point and click interfaces === worldplay_RapidF [n=headshot@66-188-54-162.dhcp.bycy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] anyone know why i get a X server problem when trying to install Ubuntu? [01:02] nothlit: Okay, so what's the best thing to do in my current situation? === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] can someone help me with this, i have the working fglrx driver but it won't load when x loads i have to load it like this sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/misc/fglrx.ko then restart X any ideals? i tried sticking it in /etc/modules [01:03] I have burn't 3 cd's with ubuntu server 6.1 and they all test bad. I have even burned at 2x! Is there a way to check the iso? [01:03] crimsun: cp: accessing `/home/shawn/.mozilla/plugins/': Not a directory [01:03] rogue78: so create it. [01:03] caffiend, check the md5 sum === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu [01:04] Garrett, reboot and choose the second option and see if that works, if not go and download the alternate cd and use that to install instead [01:04] caffiend, you probably have a case of shitty cheap cd's though [01:04] so no ones can help me? [01:04] worldplay_RapidF, no [01:04] what!? [01:04] crimsun:mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/shawn/.mozilla/plugins/': File exists [01:04] nothlit: The second option is verify the CD, right? I said that that had given me the same error. [01:04] crimsun: mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/shawn/.mozilla/plugins/': File exists === hou5ton [n=hou5ton@coyote.tranquility.net] has joined #ubuntu === ansivirus [n=ansiviru@adsl-68-88-72-81.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] crimsun: and when I browse there with gnome, there is a plugins file with a padlock icon on it [01:05] nothlit, no the second option should be some sort of legacy/compatibility mode === laervian [n=luca@c-24-10-30-28.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] Garrett, wait, the verification freezes too? [01:05] hi everybody [01:05] nothlit: Yes [01:05] big issue with swap partition [01:05] it is not mounted [01:05] i'm having a problem with artwiz fonts package on 6.10 [01:05] rogue78: sudo chown -R $USER ~/.mozilla [01:06] nothlit: Oh, that...Run with Safe Mode Graphics [01:06] is there anything special i need to do? [01:06] worldplay_RapidF: What kind of xserver problem? === Luci3n [n=chatzill@adsl-ull-35-233.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] blkid and fstab have different entries [01:06] WTF IS X SERVER [01:06] !caps | worldplay_RapidF [01:06] worldplay_RapidF: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. [01:06] crimsun: what does chown do? [01:06] chown = change owner [01:07] X SERVER IS TEH WIN [01:07] ;) === njal [n=njal@host86-139-56-127.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:07] ah [01:07] <__mikem> holly crap whats going on here === mode/#ubuntu [-r] by nalioth [01:07] Garrett, well then your cd might not have burned correctly if the verification freezes, that step is a very simple one [01:07] it does all the drawing on your monitor [01:07] !x | worldplay_RapidF [01:07] worldplay_RapidF: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:07] nothlit: Okay, I'll try to burn on something else. Thank you. [01:07] !x ljl [01:07] Sorry, I don't know anything about x ljl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:07] !x | ljl [01:07] ljl: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:07] Garrett, verify the image, not the disc [01:07] crimsun: should I just try to delete that file? [01:07] !botabuse | worldplay_RapidF [01:07] worldplay_RapidF: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-) [01:08] rogue78: no === Merkidemis [n=michael@68-190-84-193.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] whyvas: they are HP's... what woul be suggested? [01:08] Garrett, and it's going to take a while === anders9034 is now known as battlesquid [01:08] Anyone know what kcryptd/0 is? The CPU-load on kcryptd/0 is over 50%! [01:08] worldplay_RapidF: Are you at a terminal prompt? [01:08] worldplay_RapidF: Or at a blue screen with strange characters around the edges? [01:08] 2nd 1 [01:08] i have core 2 duo CPU, should I get 64 or 32 bit version? === idontknow [n=harshul@c58-107-78-152.blktn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:08] Zambezi: Do you by any chance have an encrypted partition? [01:08] then 1st [01:08] Zambezi, that's probably the kernel crypt daemon. are you doing anything with hashing? [01:08] 64 [01:08] ? [01:08] Could someone assist me with getting my latop's ATI graphics card running right? I can get into xwindows fine, but the redraw is really, really slow === Pluk [n=Pluk@11-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] anybody knows for swap partition? [01:09] its an ATI Mobility X200 [01:09] depends on whether it's a 32-bit or 64-bit CPU [01:09] i'm having a problem with artwiz fonts package on 6.10 [01:09] crimsun: I still can't copy to it, or make the directory [01:09] e.g. Opterons are 64-bit [01:09] caffiend, i have blue hp's that work great [01:09] shawarma, I have. [01:09] crimsun: sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm a total noob for linux [01:09] I have tried reinstalling fglrx, but it doesn't work === teThys [n=jfranji@83-131-68-59.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] worldplay_RapidF: Ok, try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh and choose vesa when asked what driver to use. [01:09] rogue78: did you chown ~/.mozilla/plugins/ ? [01:09] preaction, Yes. [01:10] Merkidemis, do you have Option "NoAccel" "true" in your xorg.conf file? [01:10] Zambezi, sounds like the culprit [01:10] whyvas: are the silver in the top left and blue on the bottom and right side? === eetfunk [n=eetfunk@adsl-69-226-238-130.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] yes [01:10] how do i obtain the version #/name of ubuntu from the command line? [01:10] crimsun: yes and the padlock icon went away, but it is still a file, not a folder === phrizer [n=sdfsdf@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === sys0p7 [n=sysop@adsl-68-73-97-239.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] eetfunk, uname -a ?? [01:10] eeboy: cat /etc/version [01:11] how do i reconfigure my X server to probe a new monitor while saving the XGL options i added? [01:11] thanks! [01:11] whyvas: I have the iso on my old P3 1Ghz linux box, is it possible to put it onto a usb drive to install? I have a 512 oe 2g that will work [01:11] therealbigusdick: no, but I do have composite set to disabled, as on the forums people said that could be an option === Wizardling [i=Durandal@202-154-144-68.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] therealbigusdick: problem, not option [01:11] rogue78: rm ~/.mozilla/plugins && mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins === chrisbudden14 [n=chrisbud@host-87-74-27-22.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:11] ansivirus: this only gives me the kernel version. === battlesquid is now known as battlesquid_ [01:11] eetfunk, yeah sorry cat /etc/version [01:11] preaction, It's soon down. But I might change computer from P2 to P3. That should decrese the load. === superstring [n=mtheory@c-68-82-126-193.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] ansivirus: i don't have a /etc/version file [01:12] therealbigusdick: It was working fine under Dapper, but got messed up when I dist-upgraded to Edgy [01:12] njal, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg is way too invasive for that, and i think it only supports one monitor, have you tried your video driver utility? [01:12] Zambezi, well, hashing (and any cryptography) is very processor intensive. you should anticipate high loads when you're doing it [01:12] crimsun, dont you mean rm -fr? === BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-67-112-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:12] Merkidemis, I also have composite disabled and for 2D my card works pretty fast. I know it works slow in my case if I disable acceleration... but in your case the problem seems to be another issue [01:12] caffiend, maybe but i don't know how [01:12] nothlit: not necessary in this context === procrastinato1 [n=crimper@cpe-76-169-125-150.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] preaction, Then I give it a shot until the hashing is done. === bobjohnson [n=adam@69-176-131-31.cdv.spartan-net.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] Merkidemis, edgy messed a lot of things... fonts in gnome, xservers, etc. :( === dsas [n=dean@cpc2-stok6-0-0-cust395.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === chrisj [i=tortoise@conference/ubuntuconf/x-e9b029def10a5f0e] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] crimsun, then wouldn't rmdir would just as well? [01:13] therealbigusdick: Yeah, and I've been pouring over the forums for days trying to get it working. [01:13] would simple extraction of the ISO to a USB drive work? [01:13] crimsun: thanks a lot man, it works great now! [01:13] therealbigusdick: is there an "easy" way to get back to dapper? [01:13] nothlit: read his statement carefully. He created a file instead of a directory. [01:13] !downgrade | Merkidemis [01:13] Merkidemis: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. === geno__ [n=geno@bas6-montreal02-1096662092.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] crimsun, oh i was just scanning sry [01:13] nothlit: rmdir only works on empty directories [01:14] ubotu: well, upgrading broke my system, so... [01:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about well, upgrading broke my system, so... - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:14] ANyone know if I can extract an ISO to a USB drive and install from that? My CD drive isn't liking 6.10 [01:14] Merkidemis, I don't know probably not easier as reinstalling from scratch everything and install your backup (if any) [01:14] Merkidemis, but probably your problem has a solution. [01:14] can someone reccomend a good e-mail client that has good anti-spam ability? [01:14] caffiend, i don't think it would boot [01:14] anybody knows about how to mount an umnounted swap partition? [01:14] but maybe === battlesquid_ is now known as battlesquid [01:14] therealbigusdick: Possible. I'm not looking forward to fighting with my wi-fi again. That was a simular nightmare === edgabaldi [n=edgar@] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] in my case without 2D acceleration when I did a ls on a directory with many many files, the slowdown was remarkable === edgabaldi [n=edgar@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:15] I guess is can't hurt === micahcowan [n=micah@user-11fa6td.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === ansivirus [n=ansiviru@adsl-68-88-72-81.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ansivirus [n=ansiviru@adsl-68-88-72-81.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:15] rogue78: thunderbird [01:15] can someone help with artwiz fonts on edgy? [01:15] Merkidemis, well I am really dissapointed with that edgy release, I expected more from ubuntu, really. Just a small rant :) [01:15] crimsun: thank you [01:16] sorrt [01:16] sorry, mouse slipped === JohnM555 [n=JohnM555@c-69-250-77-243.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] therealbigusdick: heh, yeah. I remember my other attempts at Debian all getting messed up when updating. [01:16] <__mikem> nalioth sorry about the autorejoin, I forgot I had it turned on [01:16] can i have some opitions here ? http://pastebin.ca/245444 is that a buggered hdd ? [01:16] therealbigusdick: edgy was rolled up in a very short amount of time, compared to previous ubuntu releases === F_roZeN [n=frozen@] has joined #ubuntu === ChimeraHitman [n=Stefano@tdev230-61.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu === BlueParrot [n=jonatan@compsoc.sunion.warwick.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] therealbigusdick: Is there a way to purge all the ATI stuff from the system, go back to VESA, and try installing an older driver? [01:16] afk [01:16] nalioth, yes, I know that, but that should not be a excuse to ship with so many regressions... [01:17] Merkidemis, well now that xorg is modularized it should be easy, I mean just uninstall all packages with dpkg -l | grep ati, but this can be dangerous too === t3m17 [n=tim@24-240-20-230.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-192-141.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:18] could I ask if there is any page with recomended system specs or something along those lines? [01:18] therealbigusdick: right, but if the worst that happens is I reinstall dapper again, then its no big loss and a learning experience === fatsheep [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === Dink [i=Dink@] has joined #ubuntu === PepC [n=pep@cpe-76-185-168-2.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === tnnc [n=tnnc@66-168-80-105.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:19] I'm having problems with artwiz fonts on edgy... i've searched forums but nothing i've found there seems to get me to be able to use the fonts === user-land [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] Merkidemis, if you have your /home or your important files in another partition it should not be any problem too. OTOH in my case the fglrx drivers from ati were also crap and freezed my machine === GhoSt_DoG [i=Ghost@] has joined #ubuntu === dsas [n=dean@cpc2-stok6-0-0-cust395.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:20] anybody knows hot mount a swap partition? [01:20] is it normal that a port i am forwarding only shows up as open when a service is running on it ? http://checksum.org/cso/checkport/ === procrastinato1 [n=crimper@cpe-76-169-125-150.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:21] therealbigusdick: is there another driver I should try? (Backups are easy, I have a 1.27TB server for that) === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu === SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] laervian, the command to mount swap is swapon /dev/hda2 (replacing /dev/hda2 with your swap partition) [01:21] Merkidemis, I've never tried with anything different than ati or fglrx on this machine... so I am not really sure. you could try vesa === battlesquid is now known as battlesquid_ === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Chippy [n=Ch1ppy@S0106000d88a35c46.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] any help on font prob? === CVirus [n=GoD@] has left #ubuntu ["I] === Lurkan [n=agsm@] has joined #ubuntu === MenZaLap_ [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] therealbigusdick: well, I think al I have tried is the one I downloaded from ATI. Is there a second one? === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:22] hey, is there any way to manually disable sound cards? [01:22] crimsun: the readme.debian says cd into the root of the headers or source tree that I have prepared and run make-kpkg, but should that be /usr/src/linux-headers-vers/ or /usr/src/linux-headers-vers-generic/ vers being 2.6.17-10 === caromo [n=carlos@84-18-23-160.usul.arrakis.es] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] don't use make-kpkg [01:23] use module-assistant [01:23] I don't think so just fglrx (the propietary drivers) and ati (the free ones) [01:23] therealbigusdick: well, let me try the free ati ones === coco_ [n=coco@m13.net81-65-90.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] <__mikem> yuck ati [01:23] crimsun: that's not in that readme, what would you do? [01:24] use module-assistant [01:24] mikem: yeah, well, its not like i can rip the chip out [01:24] oh... right, prepare, update, build? [01:24] like module-assistant a-i alsa-source === [47] [n=Snake@adsl-69-149-128-62.dsl.tpkaks.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === sinjar [n=sinjar@24-196-81-126.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] has anyone else had issues with artwiz fonts installation? === sinjar [n=sinjar@24-196-81-126.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] === F_roZeN is now known as Walsen [01:25] ansivirus: it does not function [01:25] crimsun: and that will build the deb of the driver, thank you [01:25] Hello, I am not sure what is the problem, but linux isn't installing, the 6.06 version. === paul_ [n=paul@ip68-13-153-131.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] ansivirus: the blkid and fstab definitions are different === BlueParrot [n=jonatan@compsoc.sunion.warwick.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:26] HELP: need to create a file called freemind.xml that is an .xml file in usr/share/mime/packages - how??? === mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ === mode/#ubuntu [-b lakcaj!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL [01:26] have you tried mkswap /dev/hda2 then swapon /dev/hda2???? (again replace /dev/hda2 with your partition) [01:26] i know how to create folders [01:26] an .xml file? === Gusanita [n=esther@] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] vi freemind.xml [01:26] livingdaylight, what's supposed to be in it? === Gusanita [n=esther@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [01:26] ansivirus, a liitle script [01:26] livingdaylight, touch /usr/share/mime/packages/freemind.xml === mluser-work [n=mluser@] has joined #ubuntu [01:27] livingdaylight, if blank then just touch freemind.xml [01:27] livingdaylight, sudo touch /usr/share/mime/packages/freemind.xml [01:27] therealbigusdick, 'touch' kewl ! [01:27] does any one know how to get the artwiz fonts working? [01:27] yesss indeed === walden2 [n=walden2@] has joined #ubuntu === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:28] It is taking ages to actually do anything, my pc has a 2.4ghz processor, 256 MBs ram, 10Gb partition for nix. I can't find a way to get a successful install. The cd check revealed 0 checksum errors. === tyseah is now known as Tyseah === lakcaj [n=lakcaj@bas3-kingston08-1168066503.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-030-062.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === steve [n=steve@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] ChimeraHitman: where does the install hang? === cocoth [n=coco@m13.net81-65-90.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] hey everyone! is there anyone willing to help me? [01:29] ChimeraHitman: or what error does it give you? [01:29] ChimeraHitman: try installing the i686 kernel [01:29] lullabud, it hangs at the next button on the GUI installer. [01:29] does anyone know how to fix fonts in fluxbox/enlightenment? [01:29] where can i find the md5sum file to check it with my 6.10 iso? === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] ChimeraHitman: try the text mode installer === Tyche [n=Tyche@c-67-182-203-37.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] nalioth, how do i do that with the 6.06 LTS desktop disk? [01:30] he en fait c'est celui la de lien que je doit suivre non ? : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/applications/xgl/gnome [01:30] walden2: it's in the root of all the mirrors. [01:30] !fr | Ekinoks [01:30] Ekinoks: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [01:30] ChimeraHitman: is this an install problem? [01:30] oups, sorry :^/ [01:30] Hello, has anyone installed Ventrilo Server on Ubuntu? I'm having issues, looking for instructions or assistance. === Keyseir_ [n=Keyseir@166-82-116-99.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] ChimeraHitman, your harddisk could be dying. [01:30] Yes, its an install problem. === mode/#ubuntu [-J] by nalioth [01:30] crimsun: I got a: alsa-modules-2.6.17-10-generic depends on alsa-base (>= 1.0.12-1); however: Version of alsa-base on system is 1.0.11-5ubuntu1. [01:31] lullabud: where, exactly? [01:31] pianoboy3333: then grab feisty's alsa-base [01:31] pianoboy3333: and linux-sound-base [01:31] user-land, lol, i haven't even started writing to the disk. I am stuck in the language selection. Apart from it taking around 15 mins to start it, i gave it a whole night last night to see if it would go to the next step. [01:32] Does anyone here know about System < Disks not existing on Edgy Eft? === mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ [01:32] ChimeraHitman: have you considered you may have a hardware issue? === minimec [n=minimec@84-74-190-179.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:32] I'm trying to mount a disk that I had previously used this utility on dapper to do [01:32] walden2: http://mirrors.csumb.edu/ubuntu/edgy/MD5SUMS [01:32] ChimeraHitman: have you considered the alternate install cd ? [01:32] walden2: or more generally http://mirrors.csumb.edu/ubuntu/edgy/ [01:32] nalioth, i got it to install a time ago. [01:32] crimsun: ok [01:33] ChimeraHitman: ok, so is there a problem currently? [01:33] nalioth, about that... Is there some conflicts with RW disks? [01:33] where are the uids? some directory called /something/by-uuid or something like that I forgot though === Doo [n=Doo@bau91-1-82-239-244-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:33] ChimeraHitman: not at all [01:33] nalioth, i mean i got it to install a few months ago, but i reformated. [01:34] I also have windows xp on the other partition that works. If i would have any hw problems then it would show up on windows side too. === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] therealbigusdick, sorry, but i need to add a script to that file that's been created; can you tell me how i open it, please? [01:34] ChimeraHitman, your ram might be defective. [01:34] livingdaylight, vi freemind.xml [01:34] i see. === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by ompaul [01:34] there you go. thanks lullabud [01:34] Ventrilo anyone? [01:34] thx, ansivirus [01:34] !ubotu mount [01:34] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks [01:34] livingdaylight, no prob === mode/#ubuntu [-b braino!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by ompaul === finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === kitche [n=dragon@sourcemage/guru/kitche] has joined #ubuntu === Zehrila [i=THEone@] has joined #Ubuntu [01:35] ansivirus, how do i save and get out of vi, lol [01:35] crimsun: where do I get that? packages.ububntu.com/fiesty doesn't work! is it ei? [01:35] livingdaylight, :wq === halex-ab [n=halex@ppp244-53.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === braino [n=braino@c-24-30-15-7.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] pianoboy3333: what? [01:35] it's ei.... === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] pianoboy3333: there are no feisty pkgs yet [01:35] ansivirus, huh? :wq? [01:35] fiesty is spelt feisty [01:36] No solutions? [01:36] livingdaylight, when you go into vi you hit i to enter insert mode then hit esc when done and :wq to write and quite [01:36] err quite = quit [01:36] nalioth: so why did crimsun tell me to grab a feisty package! [01:36] pianoboy3333: feisty is the correct spelling. [01:36] not sure, perhaps he knows more than he's telling :P [01:36] nalioth: and there are; we've been merging for a week [01:36] how do i probe a monitor with X AND save the XGL settings i entered? [01:37] ansivirus, ooops... i just pasted my script without hitting 'i' first [01:37] so === darian2k [n=darian[2@p54A56FCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] !ubotu gparted [01:37] gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [01:37] hello [01:37] how can I get a list of which packages are currently installed ? [01:37] crimsun: feisty alsa-base is 1.0.11... grab upstream from alsa-project? [01:37] !ubotu fstab [01:37] The /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions [01:37] i had many problems with ubuntu 6.10 and aiglx under hp nx6125 === bismark [n=bismark@] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] livingdaylight, hehe.. ok first do escape then :q! then run vi freemind.xml again and hit i then paste then escape then :wq [01:37] pianoboy3333: no it's not === mike-e [n=mike@c-67-175-153-136.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] tag: with a gui, or cli? [01:37] CLI [01:37] crimsun: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/sound/alsa-base [01:37] I want the real package names of all the things installed [01:37] anyone know the flag to make an xterm in 'large' mode off the top of their head? [01:37] pianoboy3333: I merged it last night and am running it; I know darned well what feisty has. [01:38] Hello, I think I have really messed up my wireless settings(never was working really) Is there a way I can just clear all my interface settings and start again? [01:38] tag: synaptic will tell you that... for cli, try #ubuntu-motu [01:38] (not the versioned package name, just the ... whatever) so when I finish paving this edgy install with dapper I can reinstall everythingI had. [01:38] pianoboy3333: i.e., play "spot the feisty packages" at http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/alsa-driver/ [01:38] Now when I try editing my wireless interface, I constantly get errors I shouldn't be getting [01:38] ansivirus, esc is not doing anything...arrr... === mike-e [n=mike@c-67-175-153-136.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === prestosd [n=prestosd@] has joined #ubuntu === fatsheep [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:38] crimsun: lol === pitti [i=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] livingdaylight, escape won't do anything visually.. it just exits insert mode... === jugUT [n=jennifer@c-71-228-233-240.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === hacksaw [n=paradox@124-168-143-63.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] I have a problem with my 3d graphics drivers [01:38] can anyone help? [01:38] ansivirus, how do i get my command prompt back? === seraphim [n=seraphim@e179140241.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === Flamekebab [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] tag: dpkg -l | grep ^ii [01:39] me again. i have checked the md5sum thing on the iso. its all ok. however, i've burned it and tried to boot without success... whats happening? [01:39] livingdaylight, just hit escape [01:39] ansivirus, thats what i mean, esc istn't doing it === Drace [n=enigma@70-39-204-233.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] argh, I booted into Windows, launched partition magic, closed it and then rebooted, whereupon GRUB just gave me error 17 and refused to boot [01:39] livingdaylight: you hit escape then do :wq === prawnz [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu [01:39] livingdaylight, when you type :q! is it showing up in file or at bottom of vi screen? === Seeker2599 [n=james@pool-71-96-154-131.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === hemal [n=hemal@ool-45729245.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] Can anyone help me with graphics driver problems?? [01:40] Ahh. Navigating vi for the first time. I remember the horror. :( [01:40] dpkg -l | awk '/^ii/ { print $2 }' [01:40] yaay [01:40] Also, When trying to set the key for my interface, I get 'Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : SET failed on device eth2 : Unknown error 524', why is this happening, or how can I get more information on this error. [01:40] livingdaylight, should show up at bottom of the screen... that means escape worked... and the :q! followed by enter will exit without saving === siXy [n=james@88-96-183-185.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] hurm [01:40] When I googled this, most people that got the 8B2A error didn't have the Unknown Error 524 part === tag thinks... [01:40] Drace, yeah tell me about it :P it was a horror :P === IgorLinux [n=Igor@] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] crimsun: so, now that I have those installed, do I need alsa-driver too? or that'll do it === Kae [n=kae@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === theCore_ [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] viol [01:41] I said! Can anyone help me with a graphics driver problem?! === defrex [n=defrex@CPE000f6636a66d-CM0011ae918400.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === hacksaw [n=paradox@124-168-143-63.dyn.iinet.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:41] livingdaylight, try gedit freemind.xml if you don't like vi :) that should bring up a gui [01:41] looks like it worked [01:41] pianoboy3333: have you ignored the past hour or so? :-) === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] ansivirus, lol, yes please [01:41] crimsun: well, I got confused in the middle, and stopped for dinner the past 30 min [01:41] I accidently chownd root. Is there a way to put things back to me not owning everything? [01:41] livingdaylight, yeah just run gedit [01:41] prestosd: don't be so impatient, shoot [01:42] shoot? [01:42] prestosd: shoot = shoot your question... like go [01:42] ansivirus, still haven't escaped [01:42] how do i format my flash drive? i cant seem to figure it out [01:42] oh yah, lol [01:42] any ideas how to fix a GRUB error 17 === scubes13 [n=klanders@pool-70-109-0-32.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] !setuid [01:42] livingdaylight, open another terminal window and run killall vi [01:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about setuid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:42] Seeker2599: install gparted [01:42] I used to be able to play 3d games in ubuntu 6.10 [01:42] prestosd: what distro are you using....? === swaby1 [n=aaron@adsl-68-250-187-9.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] but it was an upgraded version from 6.06 LTS Christian edition [01:42] prestosd: ok [01:43] prestosd: and now...? [01:43] i cant [01:43] prestosd: Christian edition? [01:43] i reinstalled a clean version of ubuntu 6.10 [01:43] non upgrade === felixhcat [n=felixdhc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] prestosd: what gfx card do you have? [01:43] and now when I click on a 3d game it stalls then says that the app quit [01:43] any ideas how to fix a GRUB error 17? [01:43] How do I find out the process, Frostwire is. It will not close on its own so im trying to kill from terminal [01:43] is there any software for ubuntu like dragon naturally speaking? [01:43] hi how can I get my wireless card working if I install xubuntu on my laptop [01:43] Flamekebab: try #grub? [01:44] I have a NVIDIA Riva TNT (16MB) [01:44] thanks, pianoboy3333 [01:44] ansivirus, now gedit was easy and quick === Alethes [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] its a cheap truck stop wireless card [01:44] Flamekebab: not to deter you, just #grub -- if there is one -- may give you the best supporrt [01:44] my drivers are the nvidia-glx-legacy [01:44] How do I find out the process, Frostwire is. It will not close on its own so im trying to kill from terminal [01:44] livingdaylight: don't feel bad. I don't like vi, either. [01:44] is there any software for ubuntu like dragon naturally speaking? even a no would be an answer. [01:44] crimsun: so I'm guessing m-a was an alternative to the drivers package [01:45] Drace, just a matter of knowing and getting used agues, but gedit sure seems simpler if one is adding a simple script to a file === rex_binary [n=rexbinar@unaffiliated/rexbinary] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] hi all - looking for some guidance on getting an atheros wlan nic working under fresh install of edgy (currently displays as "ath0" under ifconfig, but cant scan for a network nor get any connection) [01:45] pianoboy3333: my card is a NVIDIA Riva TNT and my drivers are nvidia-glx-legacy [01:45] K1765: ps aux | grep frostwire may tell you. === YogSothoth [n=john@lns-bzn-55-82-255-190-3.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] crimsun: do you know of any speech recognition software for linux? [01:46] ESC :q! :e A ESC uggh I can stand vi :) [01:46] also if I instal xubuntu desktop can I switch between gnome and xubuntu === case1 [n=x@static-209-63-77-15.dsl1.cok.tn.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] prestosd: I'm not sure... sorry, I'm not good with nvidia cards [01:46] I cannot stand [01:46] drat [01:46] therealbigusdick: so use pico or nano [01:46] pianoboy3333: know anyone that is? [01:46] swaby1: yes. [01:46] can someone pastebin the path of config file of firefox please? [01:46] ok === inu|sleep [n=inureneg@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] prestosd: yes.... but not in right now, and that would be wanting to help, sorry === gbutler69 [n=gbutler@69-168-169-204.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] does it hurt anything and will I still have the same programs === anapivirtua_ [n=anapi@AMarseille-153-1-67-214.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Seeker2599 [n=james@pool-71-96-154-131.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:47] pianoboy3333: k, ttyl === paat [i=p@h111n1fls31o1010.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] === prawnz [n=paul@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:47] sudo /usr/bin/update-menus : command not found. Anyone know the correct command for updating menu? [01:47] swaby1: not a problem, just additional programs are available. You can run gnome apps from the xubuntu desktop. Same with KDE apps [01:48] I have a question. If I download and install the latest Ubuntu Home Edition and then install KDE over it, would that make the system identical to Kubuntu (not considering the extra Gnome, ofcourse)? === mercykiller_ [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-34-235.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] crimsun: what are the binary package names for the source package alsa-library [01:48] Hey ya'll, i was wondering if anybody knew how to setup a VNC repeater on a ubuntu server? I want to make use UltraVNC SC to allow my friends and family to go to my website, download the app and then I can connect from anywhere to their system using VNC so I can help them with helpdesk kinda stuff... anybody in here have any ideas or where to go or how to do that? === jerb_ [n=herb@ACC0AC6B.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === strlen_ is now known as strlen === nickspoon [n=nick@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:48] swaby1: You'll have both sets of programs; some are the same between Gnome and XFCE, some aren't (by default), but you can use programs for either on either. [01:48] Zehrila: it should be the same. Can't think of any differences. === chrisj [i=tortoise@conference/ubuntuconf/x-915f7587bd4e7b6b] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] MarcN: Thanks a lot. =] [01:49] Zehrila: No, if you install kubuntu-desktop it would but your menus would be cluttered with both gnome and kde apps [01:49] crimsun: seems I have to compile those === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu === thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] Zehrila: you can have ubuntu- and kubuntu- and xubunt-desktop all installed at once with no ill effects [01:49] Jordan_U: Oh, I see. Well, that I suppose I can live with. [01:49] I think I have really messed up my wireless settings(never was working really) Is there a way I can just clear all my interface settings and start again? Now when I try editing my wireless interface, I constantly get errors I shouldn't be getting. === noxxle [n=noxxle@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c9421.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] Also, When trying to set the key for my interface, I get 'Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : SET failed on device eth2 : Unknown error 524', why is this happening, or how can I get more information on this error. [01:50] so how does ubuntu stand up as a distrobution [01:50] in a server enviroment? [01:50] nalioth: Well, actually I don't want to download all of them if I can download one and just install the other desktop environments over them. I'm on dialup. =[ === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] as a server .. wow a lil tied up :) [01:50] eltech: Well, I have a server running right next to me here. [01:50] so do i [01:50] :) [01:50] Seems fine [01:51] that wasnt what i asked :P [01:51] im trying to share files with a friend on my network that is using windows XP. i have a single folder shared in my /home directory. He can see my computer on his network places but when he clicks it, it asks for a username and pass. nothing works here, i try to enter my login and pass but no avail [01:51] help [01:51] Zehrila: you can do this procedure with alternate-install CDs of kubuntu, ubuntu and xubuntu if you wish [01:51] ive got a gentoo and a centos box [01:51] i choose samba when i shared my folder [01:51] looking to build a new production box [01:51] i can see HIS shared folder on MY computer [01:51] Jordan_U: BTW if instead of using kubuntu-desktop, I chose kde-core, I won't have to deal with all the KDE apps, right? [01:52] eltech: What do you mean by "stand up" then? It runs and does everything I've asked it to so far..anything in particular you're looking for? [01:52] Zehrila: Yes. === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] nalioth: Yeah, but that would also involve downloading alternate-install CDs for each kubuntu disto, no? [01:52] Jordan_U: Great, thanks. =] [01:52] help me [01:52] where is firefox located if I installed it by apt? [01:52] tonyyarusso you manage everything via yum? [01:52] eltech: No, aptitude. (yum is an rpm thing, no?) === UFO64 [i=me@MURRAYJM8.umeres.maine.edu] has joined #Ubuntu [01:53] Zehrila: your local university or shipit may provide you with ready-made discs [01:53] running mail, dns, web, etc? [01:53] aptget [01:53] Zehrila: also your library may have ways to let you get the discs [01:53] nalioth: I'm in a third world country which isn't too *nix-aware yet, heh. [01:53] eltech: for server, may wanna give Annvix a look over, very nice distro - just my $0.02 [01:53] after 5 years of gentoo break fix.. i need a easy path for a few months :P [01:54] Anyone know how to extract an ISO image to a USB drive to boot and install Linux? I have the UB-serv-6.10.. [01:54] Zehrila: i'm sure there are other folks here that are near you [01:54] scubes13 will do .. im also considering openbsd [01:54] Downloading seems to be the only option, since Shipit doesn't seem to be offering 6.10. [01:54] and completely going the other with postfix rather then qmail [01:54] im just tired .. :) [01:54] caffiend: I think I bookmarked something about that...hold on [01:54] Zehrila: please join me in #ubuntu-offtopic [01:54] nalioth: Sure. [01:55] is it safe to write to a windows system on my network? [01:55] wildchild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30913/ [01:55] wildchild: Ignore that :) [01:55] noxxle: over Samba/Windows File Sharing - yes [01:55] caffiend: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick perhaps [01:55] wildchild: firefox: /usr/bin/firefox /etc/firefox /usr/lib/firefox /usr/X11R6/bin/firefox /usr/bin/X11/firefox /usr/share/firefox /usr/share/man/man1/firefox.1.gz === mnoir [n=mnoir@nwlnnhbas01-pool0-a50.nwlnnh.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl606.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] noxxle how is that safe? i heard writing to NTFS can corrupt things === canute [n=canute@193.81-167-3.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] good evening folks [01:56] wildchild: That is the output of: whereis firefox :) === metalfacedoom [n=dust@c-67-171-208-237.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] eltech: let me know what you think of it when u give it a try, need help, etc check over at #annvix ;) [01:56] noxxle: it isn't NTFS if it's over a network though, you're using SMB - the remote machine handles all the actual I/O to the drive [01:56] noxxle: only if you are using linux to write to an NTFS disk. === Drace [n=enigma@70-39-204-233.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] oh ok great! === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] scubes13 thanks for the offer :) [01:57] any idea why my friend cannot connect to me, but i can connect to him [01:57] eltech: no probs [01:57] tonyyarusso: muchas gracias mi amigo! :) [01:57] noxxle: firewall/router? [01:57] thats not it [01:57] Hi there, because of my ber lameness, my brain switched the mv and rm commands. So basicly i removed a file which i was suppose to move, is there some command to get that file back? [01:57] anyone have experience with ath0 under edgy? [01:57] canute: nope === ktogias [n=ktogias@ppp126-10.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] canute: hard lesson, but well learned (make backups :/) [01:57] heh [01:58] canute, look for a back up file [01:58] or tell us the name of the file and I will dcc it to you [01:58] true, there's a possibility there's a file there as 'Filename~' === [niceday] _ [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] this was a php file i had been working on [01:58] canute: if you were working on it in gedit/vim, there'll be that backup file === webhed [n=john@c-68-42-164-90.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === LagChick is now known as SportChick [01:59] hm, gPHPedit :p [01:59] canute: ls -a in the same path to find it [01:59] is there any software for ubuntu like dragon naturally speaking? [01:59] canute: hmm :/ it's worth a try anyway :) [01:59] Anyone familiar with Musicbrainz or Picard? [01:59] canute, backup file will be filename.exte~ [02:00] bah, no backup [02:00] canute: if you're worried about it in future, edit your ~/.bashrc and add 'alias rm="rm -i"' === pitti [i=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu === kajakas [n=kajakas@kajakas.data.ee] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] canute: that'll at least give you a prompt and a mental jog before you remove anything (you can add -f if you want to override the warning) === bkinman [i=bkinman@kinmantech.org] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] ok [02:01] where is my home directory of firefox? === bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === priich [i=peter@h143n2fls32o965.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === morphir [n=morphir@] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] wildchild, /home/user/.mozilla === BudSmoker [i=ask@24-117-66-91.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] I am trying to install, ubuntu 6.10 under virtual pc 7... anybody tried this? It's giving me graphics ugliness when i try to start the installer. === kajakas [n=kajakas@kajakas.data.ee] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] Pelo: still can't find config file of firefox :S [02:03] wildchild, it is not a confg file per se, it is a config directory === dungodung [n=felix@wikipedia/dungodung] has joined #ubuntu [02:03] wildchild in the firefox adress bar about:config === dungodung [n=felix@wikipedia/dungodung] has left #ubuntu ["Left] [02:04] I upgraded to edgy, and now totem's brightness/contrast controls don't work. I've tried changing my gstreamer output plugin to no avail. === odin [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] Pelo: don't understand :S === BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo [02:05] wildchild, what are you looking for ? === Drace [n=enigma@70-39-204-233.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] === digby [n=matt@cpe-24-95-122-46.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] does anyone know how to fix the fonts when using fluxbox/enlightenment instead of gnome? === kilox [n=lipong@host-87-74-22-156.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] Nobody here has tried to install edgy under virtual pc? It looks like perhaps the installer wants to be 24but, but virtual pc only supports 16 bit. [02:06] config file of firefox, to set up some network for supporting mms protocol.. [02:06] Pelo [02:06] hi can anyone help with the blank screen problems please === fogos [n=marco@] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] wildchild, in the firefox adress bar type this line "about:congif" without the quotes, is that what you need ? [02:07] anyone know how to get the gnome foot icon in the menu bar on the gnome panel instead of the ubuntu logo? [02:07] in edgy [02:07] Pelo [02:07] yes, thx === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-046-102.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:07] ok guys got a question... using new nvidia driver and it segfaults every time i try to run anything that requires graphic acceleration === joshin [n=joshin@unaffiliated/joshin] has left #ubuntu ["Gotta] [02:08] this is on edgy with the new nvidia driver === inuyasharenegade [i=UPP@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === rigidus [n=rigidus@51.175.adsl.brightview.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] anyone knows if and where it drops the core file [02:09] digby, we'Re not ignoring you, we don'T know [02:09] crimsun: I just rebooted, and snd-hda-intel did not automatically load, so I had to not only modprobe that, but all the other snd_* modules, is there a way to get it to start up? [02:09] crimsun: start up with the computer that is [02:10] cool thanks :D [02:10] hi can anyone help with the blank screen problems please === psionic [n=psionic@] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] hola === Cre[a] tiveEmb[a] is now known as CreativeEmbassy [02:10] i appreciate the honesty [02:10] :D [02:10] somebody speak spanish?? === webhed [n=john@c-68-42-164-90.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:11] un pocoquito === snoops [n=blah@203-97-119-118.cable.telstraclear.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] !sp > psionic [02:11] je je [02:11] gracias [02:11] !sp [02:11] sp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB === kenny_ [n=luishhc@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] not what I had in mine [02:11] bueno [02:11] tengo problemas para instalar [02:11] el adobe acrobat reader en mi ubuntu [02:11] hahaha the only thing in spanish i know! yo quiero comer tu hermana :D [02:12] psionic, I was trying to trigger a script with the name of a spanish channel , apparently it doesn'T work === porcho [n=porcho@201-68-4-172.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] digby....please this is serious... === Versed [i=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] oops sorry [02:12] Hello can someone point to where can I find a solution for blank screen problems [02:12] psionic, no abla espanol , pero , esta possible de utilisar automatix para la installation de acrobat reader [02:12] blank screen when, kilox? [02:12] ..no problem man [02:13] #ubuntu-es is a spanish channel [02:13] after boot [02:13] !es [02:13] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. [02:13] !automatix [02:13] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [02:13] thanks.....please give me the url [02:13] http://automatix.org ? === Pelo throws a dirty sock at ubotu [02:13] how do you turn off that annoying slider bar when ubuntu is booting? [02:13] ..ok === u^A [n=allberto@] has joined #ubuntu === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] thanks to everybody [02:14] np [02:14] hello. I have a question about linux swap partition. i've just repartioned my hdd: I freed some space of a ntfs partition and created another swap partition out of it. fact is, linux isn't taking into account this new swap partition I've created, though I've already updated /etc/fstab. Is there anything else I should do? [02:14] i gonna to proof it === eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c9421.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:14] wow nice spanish support === tjb891 [n=trev@cpe-72-224-73-47.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] so long!! === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] any idea? [02:14] on my issue? [02:14] does anyone know when firefox 2.0 is coming out for ubuntu? [02:15] tjb891, two weeks ago === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] Pelo: is it in synaptic === custom163 [n=izzy@cpe-68-201-155-165.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] tjb891, it's part of edgy === [niceday] _ [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] oh [02:15] Pelo:is edgy out of bete yet [02:16] can someone help me with this, i have the working fglrx driver but it won't load when x loads i have to load it like this sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/misc/fglrx.ko then restart X any ideals? i tried sticking it in /etc/modules === redir [n=robrien@pool-70-21-108-47.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] tjb891: since 6th october [02:16] tjb891, I guess there is probably a package on the mozilla site [02:16] how do i upgrade to edgy? [02:16] tjb891, technicaly speaking edgy was out of beta at the end of october when they did the official release === boris55 [n=richards@106.norcross-41-44ev.ga.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] Pelo: so how do I upgrade? [02:17] tjb891, dont, upgrade that bit is buggy, dl the cd and install from scratch, just backup your home folder first === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] !upgrade | tjb891 [02:17] tjb891: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [02:17] i might but i have alot of hardwere specific setting that took me hours, and some i forgot how to do [02:18] the fresh install is always so much better, perhaps that is why I never have issues === Pelo throws another dirty sock at ubotu === CreativeEmbassy is now known as Cre[a] tiveEmb[a] [02:18] if it's buggy why do we have it in the topic? === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] LjL, a bu;nch of ppl , myself included spent days trying to upgrade and then had to dl the cd/dvd and do it from scratch , so ... === Cre[a] tiveEmb[a] is now known as CreativeEmbassy === Pelo had to spend 24hrs in XP waiting to dl the dvd because the upgrade borked his dapper install [02:19] Pelo, did you have any non-official packages installed when you upgraded? [02:19] yeah it the upgrade says not to use update-manager -c [02:19] it was horrible [02:19] (or third-party repositories enabled) === ax7 [n=ANUS@] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] LjL, what do you mean non official ? I use a french install === Martincho [n=Martin@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] LjL; on ubuntu.com it says not use update-manager -c since it will break your system [02:20] Pelo, i mean having things that are not from the Ubuntu repositories [02:20] it does? then really, why do we have that in the topic? === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu === lane [n=lane@c-68-52-252-108.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] kitche: pointer? [02:20] LjL, well, I had the automatix repo and the wine one === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] pianoboy3333: alsa-lib provides lib*asound2 [02:21] Pelo, that's a bit like looking for trouble though === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === infidel [n=ecc@] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] does wpa work with edgy? === sgorilla [n=tlp@cpe-67-10-170-240.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] pianoboy3333: dmesg should provides clues as to why the drivers weren't loaded automagically [02:21] Poromenos: yes [02:21] ... [02:21] crimsun: how? === omV0 [n=sdfgds@rrcs-74-62-60-131.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === steppenwolf [n=mrlobo@120.Red-83-32-77.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] LjL: it's right on edgyUpgrade website [02:21] does X11 normally have wavy/slow scrolling? [02:21] Poromenos: I use wpa supplicant via interfaces(5), not network-manager* [02:21] Pelo, we don't even recommend automatix, much less so recommend to have it installed / have its repository enabled while upgrading... [02:21] sgorilla: in what sense [02:22] crimsun: ah, does it not work with NM? [02:22] hi, i'm trying to install my wireless usb and i followed a simple FAQ but when i try "modprobe ndiswrapper" i get "invalid argument" error [02:22] Poromenos: it does work well for some wifi chipsets [02:22] Poromenos: I just prefer the interfaces(5) syntax [02:22] kitche: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades you mean? === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] crimsun: ah... for me it doesn't show a WPA option, only WEP [02:22] Hello can someone point to where can I find a solution for blank screen problems === NewcomerXb [n=martin@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] crimsun: when i scroll in firefox, its slow to update === youser [n=owner@67-58-203-108.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] when I set an alias using alias whatever='command' where does it store that? [02:23] crimsun: kind of flashes on the screen, as opposed to windows where its just smooth [02:23] sgorilla: not a "wavy/slow scrolling" issue [02:23] kilox, we don'T know what the blank screen problem is , you'll have to elaborate [02:23] hey how do i nautilus to my filesystem folders? === jeux23 [n=carlos@] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] when i do modprobe ndiswrapper it says: "FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Invalid argument" [02:23] you tell me [02:23] How come my computer keeps booting up my external HD as device 0,0 even though the grub looks for device 2,0 for linux?? [02:23] nautilus only takes me to home folder which is dumb cuz i already have permissions there [02:23] i have to chaneg it in grub every time === pinkfloyd [n=pinkfloy@212.Red-88-3-113.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] hey, I've figured out how to set up a second linux swap partition...I'm happy now! :-) [02:24] youser look in the tool bar there is a my computer icon or something [02:24] I plugged in the other two HDs, but it wont recognize them as C:/ and D:/ as they used to. C:/ is where windows xp is [02:24] can anyone help? [02:24] toolbar under places? === LGKeiz [i=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-176-161.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] crimson: well its wavy/flashing and slow === [niceday] [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] crimsun: like its redrawing the movement from top to bottom [02:25] NewcomerXb, in linux c:/ and d:/ don't apply [02:25] this has been in all the linux versions i have used === CreativeEmbassy is now known as Cre[a] tiveEmb[a] [02:25] any idea why network manager doesn't have an WPA option [02:25] ? [02:25] Im talking about the bios at boot === bobbie__4 [n=Bobbie@S01060050046f293e.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] what toolbar? [02:25] NewcomerXb, check the forum for mounting hdd instrustions [02:25] it used to load from the HD where winxp is [02:25] LjL: no on another page it has the update-manager -c scratched out and says don't use this since we have many bug reports on it breaking a system [02:25] ive tried to forum ;_; its not mounting problem. it simply isnt recognizing the drives somehow [02:26] NewcomerXb, maybe it's your booth order [02:26] boot [02:26] aha, how can i change that? [02:26] youser, the toolbar in nautilus [02:26] how to use aptitude in installing mplayer? [02:26] NewcomerXb, your bios, you find out [02:26] it used to see the external as device 2,0 in grub, before i got a new motherboard. Now it doesnt :/ [02:26] oh. i have to edit bios === flashnet [i=flashnet@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-153.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] NewcomerXb, therer should be a boot order options somewhere in your bios [02:27] kitche, i can't find that... if it's true, we need to inform people about it. i'm googling for update-manager at ubuntu.com but can't really find the right page [02:27] ok === slick_nick [n=uzair@] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] it still said i have no permissions === NewcomerXb [n=martin@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-060-096.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] i opened nautilus === profoX` [n=profox@d51A52303.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] went to computer [02:28] went to the folder tried to put the filesin and it said i dont have permissions [02:28] dAndy, just open up aptitude and search for mplayer, then install that package, dependencies if any should be installed right along [02:28] Hello can someone point to where can I find a solution for blank screen problems [02:28] atheros under edgy... anyone? === Hawk||- [n=Hawk@p549CB1AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] scubes13: yes me === regeya [n=shane@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:28] youser, open nautilus using alt+f2 gksu nautilus [02:29] it works, you need to install the restrictet kernel moduls === skelter [n=john@ool-4355b5dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] any idea why network manager doesn't have an WPA option? [02:29] then it will work fine [02:29] SS2: thank goodness :) === wallen [n=wallen@c-68-39-92-174.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] kilox, we don'T know what the blank screen problem is , you'll have to elaborate [02:29] i also have a problem atm with ppp [02:29] SS2: hmm, ok, had them installed to begin with, need to reinstall or something? [02:29] how can i remove all configs again? [02:29] well is a very common problem === Cre[a] tiveEmb[a] is now known as CreativeEmbassy === Ciaus [n=Ciaus@c-24-128-74-3.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] NewcomerXb, it might be under Advance Boot Options === Oompa [i=Oompa@cpe-76-185-186-242.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] kilox, if it is a very commond problem search for it in the forum === _karl_ [n=travis@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] When the live cd installation starts [02:30] how do I copy files from a mounted ntfs drive to my /home dir? [02:30] how do you add apps to startup with xgl? [02:30] hallo -- can anyone help with a termcap/terminfo type problem with gnome terminal? === Amaranth [i=travis@conference/ubuntuconf/x-d3bc9cffa252cb52] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] well obvious I hav but none of the offered solutions as worked for me [02:30] t3m17, system > admin > sessions [02:30] can anyone help me troubleshoot a (lack of) sound problem I'm having? edgy 64bit [02:30] thanks Pelo [02:30] i have gnu screen set up so that (ctrl + left arrow) and (ctrl + right arrow) lt me switch between windows, but in gnome multi-terminal it just prints Cs and Ds [02:30] t3m17, make that systems > prefs >`sessions [02:30] thanks man [02:30] kk [02:31] anyone? [02:31] matyyr, do u know where the ntfs drive is mounted? [02:31] also, I go into xgl when I load and the shutdown and reboot options are taken away from the quit menu [02:31] martyyyr: cp? [02:31] is there a wa to add those back === JoshHendo [n=josh@] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] crimsun: http://piano.juicemedia.tv/junk/alsaprobs <-- I can't make any sense of it, it all seems like mush to me, seems like it can't load/register some important modules? '...' is where I took out parts that didn't seem important, let me know if you want my whole dmesg === shonen [n=shonen@c-68-45-151-133.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === wallen [n=wallen@c-68-39-92-174.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:31] porcho, yes, and I use sudo cp to copy it, but it tells me it omits the directory I want to copy [02:31] cp -r [02:31] slick_nick, check the keyboard shortcuts in system >`prefs > kb shortcuts === guevara [n=henrique@200165097064.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] -r for recursive, when copying directories [02:32] you should use cp -r === M0E-lnx [n=moe@adsl-65-65-25-52.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === windtw [n=wind@59-112-226-119.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === nesha [n=nesha@] has joined #ubuntu [02:32] Friends, I have a Acer TravelMate 2420 notebook... [02:32] aww... I love you guys :) [02:32] thanks [02:32] blah im having an issue with BCM4318 i hate you wifi card [02:32] no love for me, though...this sound issue is frustrating [02:33] Pelo: thanks, checking [02:33] When I use my Ubuntu CD to start the system, it get so slow that I just can't use === Drace [n=enigma@70-39-204-233.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] What can i do? [02:33] I want to migrate to Linux === LGKeiz [i=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-176-161.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === boo [n=boo@dsl54001A0B.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] guevara, open the system monitor and see what is using your memory and cpu [02:34] guevara: how much RAM? [02:34] Hello [02:34] guevara, I'd like to move to another country. what should I do? [02:34] maybe he has a very slow CD drive? === madman91 [n=greg@adsl-68-77-59-248.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === OmniD [n=OmniD@cpe-72-178-230-2.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-34-195.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [02:34] hahaha how funny, not [02:34] regeya, you don'T have to move anyomre , reason has come back to your gov [02:34] some times it happens to me [02:34] regeya If you are a girl, I am looking for a parter in this life =) I live in Brazil [02:34] Pelo: heh [02:35] guevara: i can think of better ways to meet women [02:35] !offtopic [02:35] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! === slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] regeya, well ok maybe not reasy but at least lunacy as left the building [02:35] thre to five times loads normaly and one time load so sloooow [02:35] skelter take it easy, man... [02:35] guevara, do you think you will find a girl in #ubuntu who travels to brazil and marry you lol [02:35] does anyone know how to troubleshoot sound issues? [02:35] Pelo: I work in an office full of Republicans, boss included, who isn't happy about Rumsfeld being thrown to the wolves. I have to keep my politics to myself for a while now. And yes, it's time to be ontopic. :-D [02:35] skelter: lol... crimsun... [02:36] I was just kidding [02:36] off. topic. [02:36] OD is BenQ DD DW-1640 [02:36] same thing happening with LiteOn SHM-165P6S [02:36] skelter: but he's at his computer on and off [02:36] RAM 1 GB === Suspect [n=Suspect@68-113-164-151.dhcp.plt.ny.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] Epox 8RDA+ motherboard [02:36] i'm trying to connect to a wireless network and ndiswrapper says "driver installed, hardware present" but i'm still not sure how to get on... [02:37] Nvidia 7600GS 256MB graphic card [02:37] what's the best direct connect hub for linux? [02:37] Primary HDD WD1600JS [02:37] Hi all ... Can anyone please step me through rewriting a file on my mounted windows NTFS partition from ubuntu? I need to replace hal.dll === equilibrium [n=jmartini@ip72-204-0-127.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] Secondary HDD WD800BD [02:37] !fuse | Suspect [02:37] I tried mv but it said it was a read-only partition [02:37] Suspect: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse [02:37] Alright .. thanks [02:37] BenQ is Primary master [02:38] LiteOn is Secondary master [02:38] HDDs are SATA === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === sandy16 [n=sandy@] has joined #ubuntu === Bicchi [n=albert@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] how do I open directories in the file browser to which I don't normally have permissions to? [02:39] can i get some help with jack here? :) trying to find out how I can route alsa output from a program to jack.. i tried modifying my .asoundrc, but it seems that I miss something in alsa.. in ubuntu 6.06 === DOG-Cerberus [n=cerberus@166-220-065-171.mobile.mymmode.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] Fellas... === DOG-Cerberus [n=cerberus@166-220-065-171.mobile.mymmode.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:39] As I was saying... [02:39] I want to use Linux in my machine [02:39] martyyr, u can't [02:39] I have an Ubuntu CD already === CypherBIOS [n=cypher@ubuntu/member/cypherbios] has left #ubuntu ["Saindo"] [02:40] porcho.... are you serious? [02:40] But it do not recognize my hardware and run so slowly === DOG-Cerberus [n=cerberus@166-220-065-171.mobile.mymmode.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] guevara: the live cd? === DOG-Cerberus [n=cerberus@166-220-065-171.mobile.mymmode.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:40] profoX` just a momment [02:40] guevara: i'm thinking of 3 possible causes of that problem === rickyfingers [n=rickyfin@p54B1AE45.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] martyyyr: you will have to use the root version of your filemanager but be careful sicne it can do damage if you delete something that's not suppose to be [02:41] !sudo | martyyyr [02:41] martyyyr: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [02:41] oh just use sudo... [02:41] LjL: justin@Plutonium:~$ sudo ntfsmount /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 -o umask=0007 [02:41] Couldn't mount device '/dev/hda1': Invalid argument [02:41] Mount failed. [02:41] martyyyr, no [02:41] :x [02:41] guevara: 1. either your cdrom/dvdrom player is broken, or 2. DMA doesn't work/isn't enabled on your cd/dvd player, or 3. you have ACPI problems causing everything to hang and run hella slow [02:41] !paste | Suspect [02:41] Suspect: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [02:41] Version 6.06 for PC [02:41] martyyyr, when u start the file browser, it sticks to your uid, which identifies u as a user...so you are just allowed to list dirs u have permission to... [02:41] i've never tried the NTFS stuff anyway, Suspect [02:41] Alright [02:41] hm.. [02:41] I don't consider 3 lines a flood [02:42] if it was like 5+ I would use a pastebin [02:42] well, I typed sudo nautilus in a terminal [02:42] and now I can access the files [02:42] if you do sudo, then u're running file browser as superuser...so u can access any dir... [02:42] profoX` My notebook is a TravelMate 2420 Celeron 1.5 256 40 [02:42] Suspect: yea, but.. its busy here :p === Suspect sighs [02:42] be careful not to mess with things! :-) [02:42] guevara: ahh.. acer.. very bad things [02:42] Stupid Microsoft [02:42] i have you Broadcom...you are the devil...lalala [02:42] err hate* [02:42] profoX` yes... [02:42] How only a single DLL becomes corrupt is beyond me === cuijinli [n=cuijinli@] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] guevara: have you checked a site like www.linux-laptops.net ? === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] argh remove the s [02:43] profoX` no... === decadre [n=jaidev@124-168-237-42.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] does apt-get always download stuff from the net? [02:44] profoX` what is the command to open the system monitor? === decadre [n=jaidev@124-168-237-42.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] martyyyr: it can use a cdrom as well but pretty much yes [02:44] :S === bigbootay [n=bigboota@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] guevara: gnome-system-monitor [02:44] then why on earth does this "how to get your wireless working" howto tell me to use apt-get to download drivers :S [02:44] martyyyr, apt-get is used to get new applications... what did you expect? :o) [02:44] guevara: or just go to Administrtion -> system monitor [02:45] or something like that [02:45] don't know how it is in english === Drace [n=enigma@70-39-204-233.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] martyyyr: probably on the cd. What exactly do you need? === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] martyyyr, it assumes you can connect temporarily via other means. unfortunately some wireless cards are hard to get to work, thanks to the manufacturers, and you mostly do need to use apt-get to try and get them to work [02:45] how do i see wpa_supplicant's status? === sloucher [i=tkgray@SDF.LONESTAR.ORG] has joined #ubuntu === niroxx [n=niroxx@p5089A44B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] jrib: drivers for my broadcom nic === Renan_s2 [n=Renan@] has joined #Ubuntu === LeoStewart [n=leo@24-117-84-164.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu === Xorlev [n=raven@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu === chrisj [i=tortoise@conference/ubuntuconf/x-330e51a5e7a3b045] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] Does anyone know of a program that I can use to edit songs? Like, to combine two songs, or cut parts out of a song? [02:47] I just install a new SATA drive. It works great but doesn't show up in df ? How do I tell the du or how full the drive is? === dandy_m [n=crawler@] has joined #ubuntu === TD [n=nTD@plan99.net] has joined #ubuntu === TD [n=nTD@plan99.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-004-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] uh there is a program that you can DL on the newest version of ubuntu called Audacity [02:47] Can i ask a question.. If i had a large file that I wanted to tar before i downloaded from the server into like 14 or 20mb chunkcs [02:47] guevara: according to a french ubuntu wiki (I'm not french, but I can read it ;) i read your travelmate should work pretty good with ubuntu.... [02:47] its a cut and paste kinda deal LeoStewart [02:47] what arguments would i need === didymo [n=ashley@] has joined #ubuntu [02:48] shonen: i'll give it a go and report back [02:48] shonen: thanks. [02:48] martyyyr: yeah i don't know about those. What LjL said probably applies here. Are you using the guide on the ubuntu wiki? [02:48] jrib, the guide on the forums === sean [n=sean@c-69-249-136-201.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] !wifi | martyyyr [02:49] martyyyr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs === yama_away is now known as yama [02:49] yeah I've been looking thru the wiki for ages... but no luck [02:49] thanks tho [02:49] !sound | skelter [02:49] skelter: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin [02:50] !msg the bot [02:50] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-) === avogadro [n=avogadro@the67-1-82-231-83-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] gotcha === avogadro [n=avogadro@the67-1-82-231-83-186.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [02:50] I guess I'll just buy another cable [02:50] martyyyr: it's not https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx ? === tuopppi [n=tuomas@ip-81-175-138-79.hollola.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === jacob114 [n=ubuntu@nc-76-0-137-24.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] jrib, it is [02:50] martyyyr, or get a supported card [02:50] unless it's a laptop that is [02:51] it's a laptop [02:51] ok then get a cable :P [02:51] can i get some help with jack here? :) trying to find out how I can route alsa output from a program to jack.. i tried modifying my .asoundrc, but it seems that I miss something in alsa.. in ubuntu 6.06 [02:51] and it's not impossible to get this card working... but it's a pain :) [02:51] how do i get on a wireless network? ndiswrapper says drivers installed, device detected [02:51] seems that we all have the same problem [02:51] and i iwconfigged the network's settings... [02:51] especially since my usb flash devices don't seem to work and I can't use a cd [02:51] but how do i connect? === eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c9421.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === rwoes [n=chatzill@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] martyyyr, if there are drivers for it somewhere, it can't be impossible - but without a working internet connection in the first place, yeah, it can be quite annoying to do. === eltech [i=G00Ds@ool-457c9421.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:52] LjL, yup, that's my problem :) [02:52] martyyyr, that sounds even more annoying. weird though [02:52] i am not able to make a backup using dvdshrink or dvddecrypter of certain DVDS. i have libdvdcss2 installed and when i rip the cd in windows with ANYDVD running with the same two programs i am am able to rip without any problems. does anyone have any suggestions? === lane [n=lane@c-68-52-252-108.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] !wireless | omV0 [02:52] omV0: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [02:52] thanks ubotu! [02:52] !bot [02:52] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:52] omg .... I am such an idiot [02:53] I could download the files on windows.. and then mount the windows partition! === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] ok that's it... 3am is NOT a good time to be installing linux... good night all [02:53] I haven't been able to figure out how to change ALL of my mp3 icons at once in nautilus. I have a very nice icon i want to change them to. can somebody pleease tell me how to proceed? [02:53] nonsense [02:53] it's 4 am here === madness [n=jfranji@83-131-68-59.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] i'm using ubuntu 6.10 i have the latest driver working but the problem i have is it won't load unless i do it manually i have to sudo insmod /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/misc/fglrx.ko and restart x any ideals [02:54] Poromenos, well, I've had a tough week :P [02:54] rwoes, if you find out let me know [02:54] ubotu: i followed those directions and everything seemed to work.. but when it said "At this point I had a functioning wireless network using the Netgear WG111 USB dongle." nothing was happening on my computer... i still can't go online === moose5435 [n=turkey@adsl-12-8-228.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about i followed those directions and everything seemed to work.. but when it said "At this point I had a functioning wireless network using the Netgear WG111 USB dongle." nothing was happening on my computer... i still can't go online - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:54] cool Pelo -- will do === hpnadig [n=hpnadig_@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] oh thanks bruenig =) [02:55] omV0, ubotu is just a bot, don'T ask questions of it [02:55] sorry... [02:55] damn mirc doesnt color code things so i cant see when people type to me... [02:55] i followed those directions and everything seemed to work.. but when it said "At this point I had a functioning wireless network using the Netgear WG111 USB dongle." nothing was happening on my computer... i still can't go online [02:55] rwoes, try to track down the icon, and then replace it, it is probably in /usr/share/pixmaps [02:55] omV0: i think it has an option for that [02:55] omV0, try looking up your problem in the forum [02:56] Pelo: i did.. it says that 'ifup wlan0' should return an ip.. i get 'Interface wlan0 already configured' [02:56] lick rm oriig.png orig.png-bak ? then rm newone.png orig.ng? [02:56] bruenig: it's probably not so drastic as replacing the file. changing a preference is more what i'd go with. [02:56] rwoes: ?! [02:56] rwoes: "rm" deletes files [02:56] mv [02:56] sorry [02:56] long nite [02:56] hahaha [02:56] lullabud, either way [02:56] lol [02:57] omV0, I don'T know anything about wireless connections, I am just pointing you to the usual resources , sorry [02:57] rwoes, that's *not* a mistake you should made. and i speak out of experience :P [02:57] LOL === LeoStewart [n=leo@24-117-84-164.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:57] LjL -- glad i made it here instead of there === anuvis07 [n=anuvis@144-231-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu === khaije1 [n=khaije1@unaffiliated/khaije1] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] actually, i suggest adding an alias that turns "rm" into "rm -i", that's what i do [02:58] HAHAHAHA === BudSmoker [i=ask@24-117-66-91.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:58] ok i am an azz [02:58] thanks bruenig -- that is an excellent idea === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu [02:58] goinna try it :) [02:58] mv mv mv [02:58] ok laters [02:59] i'll let you know, pelo [02:59] does anyone here have any experience with wpa_supplicant? === Homer [n=kvirc@wikipedia/Masterhomer] has joined #ubuntu === slop|top [n=slop@68-184-133-6.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === dgo [n=dgo@201-43-74-47.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu === Alethes_ [n=alethes@unaffiliated/alethes] has joined #ubuntu === imme [n=imme@] has joined #ubuntu === Alethes_ is now known as Alethes [03:02] Poromenos: which wifi chipset do you use? === imme [n=imme@] has left #ubuntu [] === X5-452 [n=kane@michael-66d9fef.dhcp-ripwave.irishbroadband.ie] has joined #ubuntu === imme [n=imme@] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] crimsun: i don't know, it's a netgear WG311v2 [03:03] atheros iirc === bsnider [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu === itcsoft54 [n=itcsoft5@str90-3-88-162-236-89.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] Hey all. What do I need to look for if I want to cahnge the startupscreen, the one that first said ubuntu, but now says kubuntu? The one with the texts underneath... [03:03] crimsun: try `lspci` to make sure. [03:03] what's a good tv app for gnome? === syko21 [n=oaifh@ool-45729245.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] imme: system -> administration -> login screen [03:04] Poromenos: see lullabud's statement [03:04] imme: er... login window. [03:04] !info zapping | bsnider [03:04] lspci | grep anything? [03:04] zapping: television viewer for the GNOME environment. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.9.6-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 955 kB, installed size 2532 kB [03:04] Poromenos: you could grep -i atheros if you want, or you could | less [03:04] how do you edit the startup programs manually? i added beryl manager but it keeps crashing the panels in Gnome so i need to remove it from the startup list [03:05] lullabud: Nope... before that... before X11 even starts [03:05] exit [03:05] Poromenos: or you could just scroll that. === Deaigo [n=biglou@203-206-110-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:05] imme: if it says kde, you're probably using KDE as your default window manager. did you install the KDE package? [03:05] texas instruments [03:05] imme: either way, you can log in and change the preferences of the login window. === GhoSt_DoG [n=bugs@] has joined #Ubuntu [03:05] lullabud, he's talking about usplash i think, not about the display manager === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] lullabud: I'm not talking about the login window. and it doesn't say kde, it says kubuntu, and it's because I have also got kubuntu installed, but I want it to display something else. === Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-75-80-116-205.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] imme: oooh, the splash. [03:07] lullabud: That could be it. [03:07] imme: yeah, i don't know anything about that. i never see that screen anyways. :P [03:07] lullabud: Quick computer or no restarts? === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === kabello [n=kabello@201-1-46-68.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] imme: no restarts. [03:08] imme: and mostly headless anyhow. [03:08] imme: i'm an xdmcp kind of guy. === Caplain [n=matt@94.detroit-11-13rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] imme: honestly, i just access ubuntu from x11 on my mac. [03:08] xnest is the shizz. === madness [n=jfranji@83-131-68-59.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu === burner [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === sean_ [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] can anyone help me configure an external display or multiple displays on a Compaq laptop with an ATI Radeon 7500 Mobility card? === donjuanxxx [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] LjL: ping [03:09] My second display 4:3 won't display on screen [03:09] sean_: pong [03:10] lullabud: 'kay... cool. [03:10] LjL: back to the real world again. Thank you === zenit [n=whocarez@cube.iu.hio.no] has joined #ubuntu === pudland [n=pudland@pool-71-126-69-71.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubuser [n=chatzill@nc-76-0-137-24.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:13] is there an applet to detect wifi access points? [03:13] Lahey, === lane [n=lane@c-68-52-252-108.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] fiveiron, this is freenode you don'T realy expect us to answer that do you ? [03:14] Hmmm @ gnome-look.org the splashscreen folder/section looks like a dump-map for all sorts of splashes, from grub 'til usplash === Mez anyone want to play some UT2004? ping me === ger [n=x@OL31-163.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] bleh fine... i'll look it up... :-P [03:14] Hey everybody [03:15] does anyone know how to get decent fonts running enlightenment in ubuntu? === iker [n=iker@eu85-85-83-31.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] hello all === cge [n=costi@DHCP-159-79.caltech.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] I'm having a fonts problem, I can't readthe ones in my web browser. [03:15] Any help?? === orville [n=orville@68-116-185-75.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === fridge [n=fridge@dsl-220-253-77-54.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:16] ger, what too small ? [03:16] no, un-readable [03:16] ger, which browser ? [03:16] only can read them when I highlight them [03:16] has linux moved on from 'scsi add-single-device 0 0 0 0' > /proc/scsi/scsi -- what is the recommended way of removing and adding scsi devices? [03:16] Forefox [03:16] so, i was talking to a guy from canonical today and he was saying that ubuntu runs faster on the Sun Fire T2000 than solaris does. [03:16] =D [03:16] fiveiron: use network-manager :) [03:16] ger, check the prefs [03:16] i can't install flash. [03:16] in the browser? [03:17] i followed the howto. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager... I get a blue/grey checkered startup screen but no beryl splash === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:17] ger, what do you think ??? [03:17] fiveiron: better yet, sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome [03:17] beryl-man is running as is emerald/Xgl/xorg [03:17] ok,ok [03:17] why can't i install flash in ubuntu? [03:17] i'll try [03:17] burner, how the heck are you man === burner is well :) [03:17] ltns [03:17] orville: add universe repositories? [03:17] !flash [03:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:17] any ideas? [03:18] burner: it wont install. from synaptic [03:18] Hey burner, I installed the network-manager deb by transfering it via usb because I dont have internet access on my machine, how can I launch the program? === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] (I already installed it) [03:18] it's been "Downloading..." for about 5 minutes now [03:18] I also can't install it from within the browser. [03:18] JohnM555: run "nm-applet" ? [03:18] Thanks everybody [03:18] Type that into the terminal? === cpw [n=chris@gentoo/developer/ChrisWhite] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] JohnM555: or via alt+f2 [03:19] Ok === fridge [n=fridge@dsl-220-253-77-54.NSW.netspace.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === burner thinks that'll work JohnM555 === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] does anyone have the flash package available? [03:19] fiveiron: after you get network-manager-gnome or network-manager-kde (your choice) then run nm-applet if it doesn't just show up in the notification area [03:19] !flash | orville [03:19] orville: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === burner is using the flash 9 beta [03:20] orville: i swear it's in the repositories === Ubuntu [n=UbuntuUs@cpc3-rdng6-0-0-cust613.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] burner: I typed nm-applet in the termal but that didn't work, am I doing it wrong? [03:20] terminal* [03:20] did an error come up in the term? [03:20] burner: How is it for you? (Haven't tried it yet) [03:20] JohnM555: do you have a notification area in the taskbar? [03:20] burner: nm-applet: command not found [03:20] Pelo: yes. i'm already at that page. which is how i got to the "Downloading..." part... which doesn't actually download. [03:20] burner: Um...I don't even know :\ [03:20] burner: probably not... [03:21] JohnM555: you didn't get network-manager-gnome then [03:21] JohnM555: you need that as well as network-manager [03:21] alright [03:21] JohnM555, burner: Likely means network-manager was installed, but not network-manager-gnome, which is a "recommends" dependency, meaning synaptic won't get it by default [03:21] what is the command to begin the ubuntu installer from the ubuntu desktop disk? [03:21] orville read the instuctions carefuly === tonyyarusso was beat to it === rsl [n=rsl@c-66-56-52-64.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:21] bkinman: Double-click? [03:21] burner: ohh ok, I'll look that up on the internet. Its a pain not having internet on my ubuntu. I have to transfer everything via usb [03:21] fiveiron: forgot if i answered, but network-manager rocks! still some issues with wpa networks i think, but other than that I love it === tom_ [n=tom@cpe-69-207-131-169.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] JohnM555: it have a wireless? or wired? === ger [n=ger@OL31-163.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] tonyyarusso: x is not working for me. [03:22] burner, i'm having some trouble finding that... its not on the CD is it... [03:22] Pelo: i have. if there is magical reference between the lines which i'm suppsed to be discerning then mayhaps you should just point it out. [03:22] JohnM555: you don't need network-manager to get internet working ;) === pinkfloyd [n=pinkfloy@212.Red-88-3-113.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] fiveiron: it's not... apt-get it [03:22] reading, believe it or not, is something i'm capable of. [03:22] bkinman: Ah. That's a bummer.. [03:22] Anyone else running Amarok? [03:22] burner: I am trying to get wireless to work on it. and I want to use the network-manager because everything else I have tried failed [03:22] rsl: i am [03:23] i use amarok [03:23] bkinman: Might need to use the alternate CD then; I'm not sure if what you want is possible with the desktop. [03:23] I think I messed up my interface, I used to be able to set the wep key but now I can't, is there a way to reset all my wireless settings? [03:23] JohnM555: iwconfig and a dhclient usually work for me, but try network-manager-gnome first, then we'll talk command line wireless config :) [03:23] burner: Ok [03:23] orville, when you run lsof /dev/snd/* from a terminal, do you get like 6 lines with amarokapp? [03:23] I'm trying to figure out if that's normal. === skullmech1 [n=chatzill@nc-76-0-137-24.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] burner, i'm fine with command line... already reading up on iwconfig [03:23] tonyyarusso: I could probably configure x to work on my machine from the desktop cd... how would i go about that though? === orville fires up le ol' terminal [03:24] JohnM555: you can set it via the gnome system->administration->networking [03:24] rsl: yes === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] orville, cool. === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] burner: Oh believe me, I've tried :\ [03:24] lol [03:24] how can i make ubuntu desktop into a LAMP server, is there a list of what I have to install? === La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@bas12-montrealak-1167981457.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] bkinman: Either through 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' or manually editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf if that doesn't work. === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] burner: I tried using wifi-radio...I tried using iwconfig...I always mess something up [03:24] I've been having problems with sound but I think I fixed them by disabling the esd and system sounds in system > preferences > sound. [03:24] Poromenos: apache, mysql and php. ;-) [03:24] i have a question about permissions === infidel [n=ecc@] has joined #ubuntu [03:25] JohnM555: make sure to comment everything out of /etc/network/interfaces before using nm-applet [03:25] lullabud: which packages exactly, i mean :P [03:25] also the p stands for python! [03:25] burner: Ah I can do that? Ok :) === burner happily cruises wireless that is detected automatically... much like a mac [03:25] burner: I comment with a '#' right? [03:25] yep === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has left #ubuntu [] [03:25] !lamp | Poromenos [03:25] Poromenos: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD install menu. [03:25] Dang it! It just went out again! [03:25] great, thanks [03:25] i'd go with apache2, php5, php5-mysql, mysql-server-5.0 === pitti [i=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has left #ubuntu ["bye"] [03:26] lullabud: that's my setup as well [03:26] and mod_python [03:26] i need some help, info please throw me a bone === whatthedeuce [n=j@S010600134606305f.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] !helpme | infidel [03:26] infidel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [03:26] how can i change my DNS server permanently? it pisses me off that it always gets it from the dhcp server even when i change it again [03:26] getting sick of middle click for context menu, anyone know how to change this? [03:27] ati modules i have to load it manually [03:27] Poromenos, do you have access to the DHCP server? [03:27] Poromenos: i had a similar problem that was fixed after a reboot. very strange... [03:27] burner: Eh, I'm always missing dependency's without using apt-get, such a pain :\ [03:27] !helpme | tonyyarusso [03:27] tonyyarusso: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [03:27] fiveiron: i do [03:27] Oni-Dracula, search the forum for mouse buttons === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] JohnM555: plug it in temporarily to get network-manager-gnome all set up :) [03:27] my router is bugged and returns for DNS requests [03:27] Poromenos, then just set up the DNS servers in the dhcpd.conf [03:27] on the DHCP server [03:27] when i change permissions to get HP scanjet 3970 using sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/005/002 it works fine until i reboot and permissions change back to root Anyon know why? [03:27] burner: whats 'it'? [03:28] ah, it's a router, and i have set those up, it's not getting them [03:28] can i just set them up manually on the client? [03:28] like, static ip and all [03:28] burner: I can't plug any ethernet in, this is on a desktop pc, theres a reason why I need wireless :P [03:28] Poromenos, are you talking a LOCAL dhcp server? or your ISP? [03:28] fiveiron: my local dhcp [03:28] modprobe fglrx FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/volatile/fglrx.ko': No such file or directory [03:28] actually, how can i set a static ip? [03:28] good luck JohnM555 [03:28] and you have a line like this in your dhcpd.conf: option domain-name-servers,; [03:29] Poromenos: set your /etc/network/interfaces file... google for examples === Hansin321 [n=chatzill@c-67-190-5-42.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] fiveiron: i configured it through its web interface [03:29] it's a WRT54GL [03:29] Poromenos: update the firmware? [03:29] tom_: it's likely that since it's a usb device that directory is getting created on the fly when the printer is plugged in... [03:29] yeah [03:29] burner: there's none available :/ === Guest36538 [n=foobar@] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] !ubotu === Guest36538 is now known as Samin [03:29] using Dapper. when i change permissions to get HP scanjet 3970 to work using sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/005/002 it works fine until i reboot and permissions change back to root Anyone know why? [03:29] tom_: so... i don't know the fix, but whatever the cmask is for that dir is is wrong. [03:30] Poromenos: set dns in your routers dhcp area to be that of the router [03:30] is there a way to fix it? === Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] this is so weird.... every once in a while one of my pc's will lose its IP address... and I can't get it back... dhclient doesn't get any response back from my server... [03:30] burner: that wouldn't work, i have set them to my ISPs [03:30] Is there a way to record the sound going on on my computer? Not a physical sound but the output that Amarok and any music program is giving me. [03:30] tom_: i could be way off, but you might want to search about hotplug [03:30] tom_, look under system > admin > users and give yourself permission to print there [03:30] it's does get the router [03:30] tom_: Stuff in /dev is auto-configured on boot I believe. You should probably add yourself to a group I would think, but I don't know exactly how your printer is set up. [03:30] it's much simpler for me to set the client with a static ip [03:30] thanks lullabud [03:31] how can i install a .deb from the command line? [03:31] Poromenos: so edit your config file then... /etc/network/interfaces [03:31] burner: will do, thanks :) [03:31] sudo dpkg -i blah.deb [03:31] rsl: Yeah,...I think it's called "capture" in the various inputs (alsamixer, Gnome sound record, etc. settings) [03:31] HP scanjet 3970 is a scanner [03:31] great, thanks :) === derdewey [n=berend@12-214-84-192.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] Poromenos: you can also use the gui... i forget that being old fashioned... system->admin->networking [03:31] tonyyarusso, how would I start it? [03:31] burner: And one I install one dependancy, theres another one missing! yay :) === WC` [n=warchild@CPE000c41ae2219-CM000f212fbf5f.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] rsl: Applications > Sound & Video > Sound Recorder [03:32] Poromenos, http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ [03:32] burner: i removed the screen :p i'm installing FreeNX now to do that [03:32] lol @ JohnM555... never seen anyone so happy about missing dependencies ;) [03:32] burner: Its so exciting :) [03:32] Pelo: ah, nice one, thanks === burner never liked that freenx can't show the remote display [03:32] np [03:32] o_o first time using a linux os on a home machine, ever === burner likes linux on a home machine... for long time now [03:33] burner: you mean VNC style? [03:33] been windows 9x and xp for a good decade :D so i'm very new to this [03:33] having some problems [03:33] Poromenos: i mean that... i hope you'll tell me it's doable now? [03:33] specifically with sleep mode on my laptop [03:33] burner: no, sadly... i don't think it will ever be [03:33] it enters sleep mode just fine [03:33] when i change permissions to get HP scanjet 3970 SCANNER using sudo chmod a+w /dev/bus/usb/005/002 it works fine until i reboot and permissions change back to root Anyon know why? [03:33] because of the way it works [03:33] but i can't recover from it [03:33] WC`, try to explain yourself in one line [03:34] sorry [03:34] yeah, i assumed it wouldn't work like that... bummer too because freenx is faaaaaast [03:34] how do I add restart and shutdown to the quit menu, they aren't there in this XGL session === bronson [n=bronson@] has joined #ubuntu === pastillegirl [n=fran@c-68-35-3-235.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:34] WC`, this is a very busy channel it just makes it easier to follow [03:34] burner: agree [03:34] Understood [03:34] burner: not much of a program for a headless install, though :p [03:34] program = problem [03:34] I enter sleep mode, but when I power back on, all I get is a blank screen. Has anyone heard of this issue? [03:35] Poromenos: do you know if the local machine can do a freenx login from gdm instead of a local X? that might be a solution [03:35] WC`, try searching for it in the forum [03:35] Has anyone in here successfully istalled splashy on ubuntu? [03:35] yeah yeah, you're all set, have fun with freenx Poromenos :) === achjo [n=achjo@] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] hello can anyone recommend a program i can use to import LP's and tapes from my stero into linux? [03:35] burner: no idea about that :/ [03:35] wtf is splashy? /me has custom usplash screens [03:35] tonyyarusso, that just gave me a nasty error about my audio capture settings being invalid. I'm trying to change them but now that's frozen up. [03:35] pastillegirl: audacity [03:35] burner, what's freenx? [03:35] is there an English-Greek dictionary or a wordlist, that I can use with gnome-dictionary or kdict? [03:35] I did, and all I found was using vim to edit a file and uncomment one of the lines regarding the video state being saved [03:36] samin: are you greek? [03:36] I tried implementing their fix to no avail [03:36] burner thanks :) [03:36] Poromenos, no, but learning Greek [03:36] samiam, you may use stardict for an dic. [03:36] Samin: ah === BockBilbo [n=BockBilb@eu85-84-43-70.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu === ramninja [n=ramninja@ppp22-250.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] np pastillegirl.... there's also jokosher, but that might be overkill and it's still very new [03:36] well, i'm greek if you need anything :p [03:36] Poromenos, thanks :), in the meantime I need some dictionary to use on my Linux box... === Bicchi [n=albert@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:36] burner: http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/wiki/doku.php [03:37] Poromenos, please this isn't a pickup channel [03:37] Samin: no idea about that... i have one but it's windows only and in greek [03:37] burner: The dependancies need their own freakin dependancies! [03:37] Pelo: :P === h3htimo [n=brad@cpe-76-188-53-124.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] rsl: Eww..that's beyond my skills [03:37] burner, cool i just installed audacity :) [03:37] burner: Is usplash the same as bootsplash? 'cause I really get confused. [03:38] tonyyarusso, i got it working now. :) I had to set it to a specific setting on the sound card. Weird. === dougfunnie [n=felipe@] has joined #ubuntu === charles [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] mzli, thanks for the suggestion, I am checking stardict === Deaigo is now known as BoggsBeer [03:39] i've got ubuntu 6.06, and installed the flash player, but i can hear no sound. i have usb speakers, does it make a difference? [03:39] how do I add restart and shutdown to the quit menu, they aren't there in this XGL session === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === tim167 [n=tim@d515382C6.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === tux_ubuntu [n=tux_ubun@] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] I've just installed Ubuntu 10 on a Lenovo C100 laptop, but I cannot get it to recover from sleep mode. Upon trying to wake from sleep mode, I get a blank screen. The fix on the forum yielded nothing. Can someone help? [03:39] dougfunnie: depends which flash version you're using === Lubix [n=mlubin@66-189-106-211.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === pickett__ [n=pickett@ppp38-122.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] Do most people use ubuntu on laptops? [03:40] the official version from adobe site [03:40] Can someone help me out with either mounting an ISO file or extracting it's contents to a USB drive? [03:40] WC`, just a thought but try disableing the screen shutdown and the other power saving stuff if you are using sleep mode [03:40] crimsun === vlt [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-223-255.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] JohnM555, anywhere you want. [03:41] actually, i use gentoo, the ubuntu is on my brother's pc [03:41] dougfunnie: flash 9 beta or 7.0.68? === sproingie uses ubuntu on a xen server [03:41] Alright Pelo, I'll give that a shot [03:41] caffiend, sudo mount -o loop foo.iso /mnt/somewhere [03:41] burner, do most people connect the stero ouput to the mic input on the computer to import? someone told me that in #ubuntuforums [03:41] mzli: I know you can use it anywhere, I just see lots of people mention ubuntu+laptops in here [03:41] crimsun 7 [03:41] s/ouput/output [03:41] JohnM555, ofcourse it is. [03:41] JohnM555: laptops is typically where linux generates a lot of support questions [03:41] JohnM555: You could check the ubuntu counter / user surveys and see [03:41] <[erisco] > (OFF TOPIC: how do you get into overflow protected channels?) [03:42] dougfunnie: please remove 7 and use the beta of 9 === novaterata [n=novatera@c-71-56-121-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] JohnM555: largely due to wireless problems [03:42] mzli: And when installing wireless its almost expected you are able to connect up an ethernet cable. If I could use an ethernet cable on my pc I wouldn't need wireless :P [03:42] Samin: Thanks, this is for a Ubuntu_Server_install that I want to copy to a USB drive. Will it include all the hidden files? === Clujo [n=dbrady@pool-70-108-101-125.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] tonyyarusso: Thanks, I'm not that interested though :P [03:42] crimsun ok === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] brb [03:42] JohnM555, ubuntu supports wireless too. [03:43] caffiend, just copy all the files (cp -a) in the directory where you mounted the ISO [03:43] [erisco] : overflow channels are usually capped with a slow rate increase to avoid takeover storms. try joining again in a few minutes === charles is now known as cw === phillipc [n=reformis@c-68-48-50-180.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] mzli: I know that, its just lots of tools for helping with wireless are expected to be downloaded via apt-get and such (That I see anyway) [03:43] <[erisco] > okay thanks sproingie === cw is now known as cw_asmara [03:44] Pelo: no effect. Still get a blank screen when I try to come back from suspend. [03:44] JohnM555, :P [03:44] samin: cp -a /mnt/somewhere /dev/destination ?? [03:44] WC`, it was worth a shot === FlavioTrash [n=FlavioTr@] has joined #ubuntu === h3htimo [n=brad@cpe-76-188-53-124.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] Indeed [03:44] Ugh...I just installed the dependancy, yet the other dependancy says it isn't satisfiable!(Just frustrated) [03:45] alguem pode me ajudar aqui com o no-ip? [03:45] ok, i set my ip to static, but the DNS servers aren't stored in /etc/network/interfaces, where are they? [03:45] no-ip [03:45] !pt | FlavioTrash [03:45] FlavioTrash: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] (Did I get that right?) [03:45] Poromenos: /etc/resolv.conf [03:45] magnet: thanks === IntElf [n=spec@cpe-69-133-54-61.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] so uma pergunta sobre o no-ip [03:46] FlavioTrash, what's your language? === davorb [n=davor@81-236-20-245-no39.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] what is the key command to restart the x server? === JoshHendo [n=josh@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] bkinman: /etc/init.d/?dm restart [03:46] heh, that works. [03:47] or Ctrl-Alt-Backspace [03:47] does cp -a copy all the subdirectories or do I need an R or r in there? [03:47] alguem pode me ajudar aqui com o no-ip? === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] caffiend, yeah add -R [03:47] alguem pode me ajudar aqui com o no-ip? [03:47] thanks! === Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-76-2-11-240.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] !pt | FlavioTrash [03:47] FlavioTrash: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. [03:48] Interesting [03:48] caffiend: you need the -r [03:48] When i go to put it into standby, it activates the screensaver for some reason === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] caffiend: er... -R. dammit, i wish they'd keep the capitalization for common switches consistent. [03:49] WC`: I've noticed that my screensaver kicks in when I close my laptop lid, making the machine heat up. === nexl [n=greg@ts1-12.f1031.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] hi all [03:49] lullabud: POSIX's -r is just a loose -R, but GNU's -r is the same as -R :) [03:49] how could people that use both vi and emacs keep anything consistent [03:49] alguem pode me ajudar aqui com o no-ip? [03:49] novaterata: the same way people use qwerty then dvorak keymaps :) [03:50] tony: i can't recover from going into standby, and I just read the screensaver might have something to do with it. Know of any way to disable it? === slop|top [n=slop@68-184-133-6.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] === mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ === edgarin [n=edgarin@] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by LjL === FlavioTrash [n=FlavioTr@] has left #ubuntu [requested] [03:50] FlavioTrash: Sorry, this is an English-only channel. You may do better elsewhere. === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL [03:50] Hi to all [03:50] portugese or not, repeating the question every few seconds is not cool [03:50] anyone knows why my samba shares won't mount themselves, but a "sudo mount -a" works? === ethercat [n=marty@cpe-72-179-150-215.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === lastnode [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] I mean at boot time [03:51] is anyone here using opendchub? === blameless [n=blameles@pool-72-83-165-223.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has left #ubuntu [] [03:51] Why does god hate me? Seriously, My packages are complaining they are missing dependancies when Synaptic shows them as being installed === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] hey [03:52] JohnM555: 'apt-get -f install' might fix it, maybe [03:52] tonyyarusso: I need to be on the internet for that to work, don't I? [03:53] JohnM555, yeah === rhodri [n=rod@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] tonyyarusso: What if I just have the debs on my computer? [03:53] JohnM555: if god hates you, you should use Ubuntu Christian Edition (http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/about-ubuntu-christian-edition.html) ;) === dartmolx [n=dartmolx@] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] JohnM555: Depends what packages you have installed. If just the originals, could use a CD [03:53] hi, is there a way to just install specific parts of a package? my problem is i need to install the restricted-modules package to make my wifi card work, but when i do it stops my ati driver from working for some reason. so could i just install the wifi driver from this package somehow? thanks [03:53] either i chmodded the worng thing or the dapper to edgy upgrade did it but i can't su or sudo, i can use root terminal though, what do i need to chmod to what? [03:53] magnet: Good idea :P [03:53] JohnM555: Might still work if you have the cache [03:53] magnet, heh [03:53] tonyyarusso I'll try :\ [03:53] if i su or sudo it says incorrect password even though its the one root console uses [03:54] magnet, wow! those links are for real! :D [03:54] Ubuntu Christian Edition actually looks pretty loaded for a distro [03:54] Samin: haha :) [03:54] of course there are [03:54] disabling the screensaver didn't work :( [03:54] jesubuntu [03:54] don't underestimate crazy people on the net :) [03:55] or X-ubuntu.... oh nwm [03:55] magnet ;) [03:55] novaterata: Ubuntu comes with X now? No way! [03:55] nvm i mean [03:55] or go with the greek spelling and call it iesubuntu [03:55] tonyyarusso: mine didn't. :( [03:55] sad [03:55] "Package network-manager-gnome is not availible, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only availible from another source" Yay! :\ [03:55] rhodri: there is no easy way [03:56] so... what's the hard way? :-/ [03:56] (but it *is* possible) === h3htimo [n=brad@cpe-76-188-53-124.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] download the package and look inside myself? [03:56] JohnM555, had the same message a couple of days ago when I tried installing audacious ( or was it something else?) I tried later and it worked [03:56] well, you build your kernel modules and package them :) [03:56] Samin: Well you had internet :P [03:57] i see... no way to just take out what i need from the package? [03:57] JohnM555, yeah, don't you? how come you are online now?:P [03:57] magnet: The whole point of this is to get wireless working, I should probably just be able to get it working via the terminal [03:57] no downloading the package is bad, modules need to configure your /etc/modprobe.d/, /etc/modules and so on [03:57] g'night folks [03:57] I bet Ubuntu C.E. could be turned into Xenobuntu pretty easily just add some samurai swords and talking bunnies [03:57] rhodri, you need to take a specific file from a .deb file? [03:57] samin: I'm on my XP laptop, my ubuntu is on my pc next to me with no internet [03:57] JohnM555, oh I see [03:58] hey guys, im having trouble with fgrlx not working properly, im running edgy and i used this: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide#Method_1:_Installing_Edgy.27s_Included_Driver_. to upgrade but nothing seems to be working... any idea?? [03:58] ideas? [03:58] Samin: Its definately a pain :P [03:58] sooo is beryl a good idea right now? [03:58] Is it normal for Ubuntu not to recognize what processor you have? [03:58] JohnM555: no sneaker net of any sort? or no firewire? [03:58] Samin: yeah, i just want the userspace binary package for the ipw3945 module (i think) [03:58] JohnM555, same thing here believe me, I am on xp now, because I screwed my ubuntu box ( and working on getting it online too) :P [03:58] lullabud: Sneaker net? [03:58] JohnM555: you know. floppy disk, usb disk, thumb drive. === Samin hates speedtouch ! [03:59] lullabud: I have been using a usb drive to transfer some debs [03:59] JohnM555: soooo....? is this .deb too large or what? [03:59] Samin: or if i could just edit the package to not install the fglrx part maybe? somehow? :-/ [03:59] JohnM555: ethernet ? [03:59] is it running slower than it should WC? [03:59] samin: But did you have your ability to add WEP passwords to your interface magically disapear :P [04:00] magnet: No, if I had ethernet I wouldn't need wireless. Its not a laptop(with ubuntu) [04:00] nova: no, it seems to be running just fine === burner_ [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] rhodri, I don't understand you well, can't you just "dpkg -x foo.deb" this will extract the files in a directory, is that what yo want? [04:00] a celeron M 1.5ghz [04:00] JohnM555: you could disable wep, install the stuff, then re-enable it. [04:00] however in device manager, it says "unknown" under everything [04:00] lullabud: No, I even installed it, but the other dependancy doesn't think its installed, I even tried reinstalling it [04:00] JohnM555: desktops may have ethernet too you know :) any decent PC ought to have at least one ethernet plug [04:00] lullabud: Yea but I don't have control of the AP [04:00] yes! that would be a start atleast, can i then edit it and install it as i'd like? === h3htimo [n=brad@cpe-76-188-53-124.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] If the device manager says unknown it can be a good idea to tell the manager what it is [04:01] magnet: My pc has ethernet, but I [04:01] JohnM555: you could do IP over serial, IP over firewire... [04:01] rhodri, yeah [04:01] but im too far from my cable modem for that [04:01] JohnM555: ok [04:01] g'night all [04:01] Rookie: how do I do that? [04:01] well, go on on usinh usb storage devices then [04:01] you know what you have ? [04:01] s/usinh/using [04:01] burner, thanks!! i did it :) [04:01] Samin: ok, thanks for the hple that's excellent, i [04:01] working great :) [04:02] m gonna look into it now, cheers! [04:02] rhodri, you're welcome :) [04:02] JohnM555: you could use the original install cd... [04:02] Rookie: yes === paras [n=paras@] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] magnet: Do you guys have any idea why my ability to set my wep encryption on my interface would go away. Its not even listed in iwconfig [04:02] lullabud: How would I use it, to get packages? I do have it in, I guess I should search on their first === aj__ [n=aj@] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] Oki, sorry but i just saw the last lines ... so if you know what you have and its installed ... what was your problem ? [04:02] JohnM555: no I'm still in the ethernet era :) I don't have any wifi devices anywhere [04:02] JohnM555: apt-cdrom [04:03] magnet: Lucky :P [04:03] JohnM555: my brain is :) [04:03] lullabud: I didn't know that command existed :P. I was using the Synaptic Package Manager [04:04] wifi is like cigarets, D-link and Netgear will be sued in 30 years just like Marlboro and Philip Morris were :)) [04:04] lullabud: Samin: Thanks for the help. I did cp -Rav /source/* to /destination/ and it is moving along GREAT!! [04:04] Rookie: I'm having some problems recovering from standby mode, since the fixes on the forum don't work, I'm trying to see if maybe it's a driver/hardware unrecognized issue === jarrad [n=jarrad@203-173-52-216.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] caffiend, glad it worked :) [04:04] 'night ppl [04:04] caffiend: doesn't it feel great when things work how you want them to? especially at the terminal? God i love that shit. [04:04] lullabud: How do I use apt-cdrom? === hangfire [n=hangfire@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] magnet: Cya, thanks for um, trying to help :P [04:05] JohnM555: `apt-cdrom`. it'll aks you to put in a cd. [04:05] lol :) [04:05] np :) [04:05] lullabud: The cd is already in :P [04:05] JohnM555: you put it in. it scans it. then you just `apt-get install` like normal. [04:05] I see - i heard of this problem ( dont have it my self ) - sorry then, but i dont have a clue, sorry i took up your time [04:05] lullabud: Oh... [04:05] lullabud: yeah, especiall since I've been dealing with one probelm for hours and am on the right path now! === okapi [n=okapi@ool-4354c54a.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === skelter [n=john@ool-4355b5dc.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === TGPO [n=TGPO@wsip-68-15-122-150.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] caffiend: long problems learn you good. today i finally got an ubuntu 6.06 install working on a Dell 2850 with a Perc 5 RAID controller. the shizz you have to go through... wow. [04:06] yeah, i learned a lot... === Intelligitimate [n=justin@adsl-146-230-157.pfn.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] caffiend: was working on that for 2 weeks. === rexbinary [n=rexbinar@unaffiliated/rexbinary] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] lullabud: I'm just going to try wifi again via the command line...I just need to figure out why I can't even see that there is no encryption, the entire option is hidden from view and setting it returns an error === JoshHendo [n=josh@] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] lullabud: Is there a way for me to reset all wireless settings? [04:07] JohnM555: yeah, i've had bad luck with wifi in ubuntu. [04:07] Has anyone ever tried to get Pythonol to work? It is like the only educational Linux software for learning Spanish. [04:07] I found an English-Greek wordlist http://xdxf.revdanica.com/down/, in case anyone needs it :) [04:08] Intelligitimate, I had it installed once [04:08] JohnM555: hmmm... if so, it's probably a cached file in /var/* somewhere. [04:08] lullabud: Yay, fun :) [04:08] Well I tried for hours to get it to install, and it never worked. I even downloaded the rpm thing and converted it to a deb, and it still didn't work. [04:08] JohnM555: you could try doing a dpkg-reconfigure on whatever the wireless packages are too. [04:08] lullabud: Samin: have either of you heard of an error coming up "nobody cared" Disabling IRQ 10, 17 or 169? It is driving me nuts! I hve 3 P4 boxes and not one will load linux cuz of that.. so I'm trying USB.. [04:08] Intelligitimate, dependencies problems? === jman_ [n=justin@monrovll-cuda1-69-164-183-81.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] I used alien too, then apt-get -f install , and it worked :) === sloucher [n=BB@64-121-33-16.c3-0.sfpo-ubr1.sfrn-sfpo.ca.static.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] caffiend: LOL, no, i've never heard of that, but thank God for humorous coders. :) [04:09] I don't know. I am still pretty new to Linux. Been using Ubuntu for about 3 months or so now. [04:09] lullabud: Well I'm using ndiswrapper...I've installed the driver successfully. About the only successful thing I've done besides complete some Mahjongg games on here. [04:09] Hi I am having some problems running OpenOffice, whenever I go to launch it, it does nothing, I tried running through the terminal same results with no output in the terminal any ideas besides reinstalling? [04:10] Dont know if that matters or not :P [04:10] Intelligitimate: Using converted RPMs rarely works. [04:10] JohnM555: oh. i've never used that. [04:10] I am running 6.06 dapper drake === floats [n=chatzill@adsl-69-234-198-140.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === paras [n=paras@] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] exit [04:10] I just got a new SATA drive. It's great but it doesn't show up with df . How do I tell how much diskspace i'm using? [04:10] That was the closest thing I got to running Pythonol, Jordan_U. [04:10] lullabud: long problems are do learn u good! I know a lot I'll never forget! I lauged my arse off after reading that. there are a ton of hit on google for "nobody cared" but they are all different. Is there a way to report them and get help or at least make them known? [04:10] jman_: anything in the syslog? === ger [n=ger@OL31-163.fibertel.com.ar] has left #ubuntu [] === rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] caffiend: check the syslog and see if you see anything relating to it at the same time. or try `dmesg` === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] sloucher: df measures file systems not disks, is there a file system on it? [04:11] crimsun: if you get a moment, can you take a look at http://piano.juicemedia.tv/junk/alsaprobs <-- I can't make any sense of it, it all seems like mush to me, seems like it can't load/register some important modules? '...' is where I took out parts that didn't seem important [04:11] Intelligitimate: There is also kverbos, but that is only for verb forms. [04:11] sloucher: `cfdisk /dev/sdb` or whatever the disk is. [04:11] help === madman91 [n=madman@adsl-68-77-59-248.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] khaije1, yes everything is on one partition [04:12] !helpme | floats [04:12] floats: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [04:12] floats, your cat is on fire ?:P [04:12] lullabud: but it hangs in the install and I have to reboot. would there be a syslog or dmsg if I reboot? [04:12] sloucher: ^^ see lullabud? === burner_ [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:12] hm, i'm getting locale-related error messages: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory === burner_ [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] anyone know how to resolve that? [04:12] ok thank you [04:12] cat ? [04:12] my LANG is en_US.UTF-8 === Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-76-2-11-240.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:12] what's lullabud? [04:12] Anything else you would recommend, Jordan_U? [04:12] sproingie: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 === kingace [n=kingace@c-68-80-169-161.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === fiveiron [n=fiveiron@] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] caffiend: dmesg is cleared on reboot, but the syslog isn't. [04:13] crimsun thanks :) [04:13] sloucher: i'm lullabud. [04:13] oh [04:13] sloucher: and i said to try `cfdisk /dev/sdb` === vlt [n=daniel@dslb-088-073-223-255.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === johnny_ [n=johnny@c-67-173-91-197.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:13] hello, im trying to run a game and it's telling me that I need at least opengl 1.3 (i have 1.2 apparently). how would I go about upgrading it? [04:13] hey guys, I have some wmv files that won't play on my system....any pointers? [04:13] lullabud: where would the syslog be stored? That might help me out ALOT! [04:14] Whats the terminal command to shutdown? === neonak_ [n=chatzill@ip54504680.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] yeah, i did that but i don't want to format the disk - it's up and going and fine. I just want to see how much file space is left [04:14] JohnM555: shutdown :) [04:14] caffiend: /var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages [04:14] ok, shouldn't there be a route configured by default to listen on port 67 for DHCP requests if I've got dhcpd running? [04:14] sloucher: it tells you at the top of that window. [04:14] How to you enable univers and multivers repositories [04:14] Ljl: I tried that, but it says try 'shutdown --help' for more information :\ [04:14] !codec | valehru [04:14] Sorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:14] I try shutdown -h, but that didn't work [04:14] lullabud, it's not showing anything pertaining to OpenOffice === rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has left #ubuntu [] [04:14] !codecs | valehru [04:14] valehru: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:14] !man | JohnM555 [04:14] JohnM555: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [04:14] caffiend: `vi /etc/apt/sources.lst` then :% s/^# //g [04:15] lullabud: It doesn't even get that far :( I might take some digi pics [04:15] sudo shutdown -h now === nOnkeeEe [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] caffiend: at least that's how i do it... but i rarely have a gui. :P [04:15] argh. i wish i could get ssh to switch my terminal background colors or something [04:15] jman_: huh? [04:15] i keep typing stuff into a remote shell thinking it's a local one [04:15] khaijel, sorry if I wasnt clear, it says that the file is encrypted. I already have the wmv codecs on my system. === neonak_ is now known as neonak [04:15] Intelligitimate: I am looking for a .deb now, have you tried compiling from source? [04:16] Unsuccessfully. === bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] JohnM555: did you try halt or shutdown -h now [04:16] kitche: I didn :\ [04:16] lullabud: this is what I was reffering to:Hi I am having some problems running OpenOffice, whenever I go to launch it, it does nothing, I tried running through the terminal same results with no output in the terminal any ideas besides reinstalling? [04:16] JohnM555: i hate the shutdown command. i always use `reboot` or `poweroff` [04:16] actually .. how do i tell gnome-terminal to start up with a different profile? [04:16] their was nothing in syslog pertaining to that [04:16] just DHCP stuff [04:16] from the CLI that is [04:17] i got 6.10 installed and installed beryl and couldnt get themes to load. i restarted the system and not i get the ubuntu load screen then stays on a black screen. no keys do anything [04:17] Ah I got it :P [04:17] jman_: ooooh, right. um.... hmm.... i wonder if there's a verbose switch for OOO. [04:17] jman_: su to it? [04:17] lullabud: pics with my camera of the text mode install on the monitor [04:17] lullabud: how long u been using linux? [04:17] caffiend: um.... [04:17] valehru: not all wmv formats are playable, the newer ones don't have working codecs available iirc, if you can verify the files are good then i would check to see their version info [04:17] tonyyarusso, tried it nothing [04:17] caffiend: i forgot. over 10 years. [04:17] nvm, i read the nice help screen and found the rather verbose --window-with-profile option [04:18] khaijel, k, thx === linuspensacto [n=linuspen@201-68-119-75.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu === blameless [n=blameles@pool-72-83-165-223.washdc.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === kingace [n=kingace@c-68-80-169-161.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === blameless [n=blameles@pool-72-83-165-223.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] Intelligitimate: What erros did you get, you probably just need some dependencies. [04:18] caffiend: i think the first linux i played with was redhat 4 or 5. [04:18] It has been a long time since I tried, Jordan. [04:19] I don't remember. [04:19] Now that there are some more people here, is there a way to reset all my wireless settings? I get errors trying to set my wep key now(on my eth2 interface) It used to work before(the wireless never has though. Doing iwconfig it doesn't even show that there is no key like it used to :\ [04:19] i got 6.10 installed and installed beryl and couldnt get themes to load. i restarted the system and not i get the ubuntu load screen then stays on a black screen. no keys do anything. anyone have any ideas? === Imme [n=imme@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] lullabud: is the etc/apt/sources.list? or .lst? Also, I want to run a virtual server. what's the best setup for that? [04:19] I'm just full of problems [04:19] caffiend: probably .list, whichever file exists there. [04:19] caffiend: i'd go with vmware for its portability. [04:20] I bet Ljl is sick of me, I'm on everyday asking for help :\ [04:20] So is anyone in here using the usplash-switcher.c from Seveas ? [04:20] When I boot, I have GDM set to autolog me in ... when Gnome loads, X dies, after X restarts, I am presented with GDM screen, after logging in, everything works fine (X doesn't die). even if I set GDM to not auto log me in, X still dies the first time it is started ... === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] lullabud: VMware, but what should I use for the base install? Is ubuntu server a good bet, or what would you reccommend. I've used fedora too === Xenguy [n=gnu@206-248-151-3.dsl.ncf.ca] has joined #ubuntu === rhodri [n=rod@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [04:21] QEMU is more portable [04:21] caffiend: i love ubuntu for server shizz. i'd definitely go with it. [04:21] caffiend: my experience with ubuntu and fc5 ... it doesn't matter ... it is all linux in the end ... [04:22] JohnM555: Have you tried using wifi-radar or network-manager? [04:22] lullabud: sorry for all the Q's, but you are the most knowledgeable and helpful person I've found here. I really appreciate it [04:22] TGPO: QEMU is also more overhead. === mypapit [n=manbruta@] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] caffiend: I feel insulted :P [04:22] caffiend: no problemo. questions that are answerable are always nice. [04:22] LOL === dsnyders [n=dsnyders@206-248-137-198.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] lullabud, have you used it with the accelerator patch? [04:22] TGPO: i've used it on non-intel hardware. ;-) === ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] Jordan: I've tried using wifi-radar, it never connects, I've tried using network-manager, but I have missing dependancies installing network-manager-gnome even though the dependancies are installed. Im cursed. [04:23] TGPO: er... non x86 hardware. [04:23] lullabud I understood [04:23] lullabud: slavik: u can tell I'm new to Linux. I havea degree in MIS but want to migrate from MS to Linux. What is a very good distro to learn to find a good paying job? [04:23] does ubuntu server use the same kernel image as desktop? [04:23] If its matters...I', on an amd 64 [04:23] Thanks to everyone who tried to help me fix my botched edgy eft upgrade. [04:24] caffiend: good paying job huh... probably redhat. [04:24] ello everyone [04:24] caffiend: you want to to Linux administration? [04:24] caffiend, for the most part you need to speak RH === segin [n=kvirc@6532231hfc30.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] caffiend: but that could change. it's like slavik said, it's all linux in the end. [04:24] caffiend: redhat. full stop. [04:24] what is the windo manager theme used in kubuntu 6.06LTS? [04:24] JohnM555: Try: "sudo apt-get -f install" [04:25] segin: i assume you mean "the version of the window manager..." ? [04:25] Jordan: No internet :( [04:25] lullabud: No. [04:25] JohnM555: :( [04:25] which codec pack is recommended for mp3 files? [04:25] segin: kubuntu is a KDE version of ubuntu. KDE is the window manager. [04:25] total n00b here [04:25] Jordan_U: Exactly [04:25] lullabud: I mean, what style did they use for the windowmanager (kwin) [04:25] caffiend: download CentOS and you can learn RHEL that way (CentOS is RHEL with the names filed off) [04:25] lullabud: KDE is a desktop environment :P === hhr [n=hhr@0x3e42a191.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === ReYnold_ubaya [n=pc2@] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] !restricted | Jimbo [04:25] Jimbo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:25] segin: ah, that i don't know. [04:25] what command would you use to uninstall a program or app from terminal? [04:25] slavik: is there a difference? [04:26] I'm looking at my file system on edgy eft. There's no /etc/fstab? Where would you guess my sata hard drive is mounted? [04:26] lullabud: I wanted to use that style on my gentoo system. [04:26] johnny_: apt-get remove [04:26] lullabud: a window manager does not have panels ;) [04:26] sproingie: umm oracle is closer to RHEL [04:26] no fstab at all? how do you even have a root filesystem [04:26] johnny_: sudo apt-get remove [04:26] I'm in the middle of compiling a new kernel, and I have to go. How bad would it be if I halted midway through? [04:26] sloucher look again [04:26] slavik: panels huh... i see... [04:26] kk tyty [04:26] Thanks for the distro info!! [04:26] kitche: it's also not free. half price, yes, but not free [04:26] lol, well it's there but empty? let me check again [04:26] whatthedeuce: ^C halted? [04:26] whatthedeuce: just background it [04:26] sproingie: umm you can download oracle unbreakable for free what costs money is the support [04:27] whatthedeuce: ....and don't turn your system off or close the terminal window. [04:27] caffiend: the most important thing to understand about Linux is why there are distributions ... a distribution is like a base package. The differences are what comes installed by default and what tools are created by the distribution developers. Red Hat for example prides itself on creating GUI configuration tools, which make some things easier. [04:27] lullabud: I have to unplug the computer [04:27] yeah, /etc/fstab is 0 size [04:27] whatthedeuce: oh. well that sucks. [04:27] whatthedeuce: if you used ^C to halt, just restart make and it'll pick up where it left off. === lestat [n=lisander@] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] kitche Oracle cant even keep their software patched, and now you want to try their linux? [04:27] LOL === phpError [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu === LoRD_oF_ThE_WaR [i=UHeueHue@200217020156.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] kitche: "support" means downloading updates [04:27] What this menssage means? "Erro 17: Cannon mount selected partition..." === Xenguy stabs oracle... [04:28] TGPO: that's true... i never thought about how awful an oracle distro of linux could be. [04:28] I'm going to reinstall ubuntu and start over. Do I need to uninstall Ubuntu first, or should just doing install from the live cd work? [04:28] segin: If I halt it, can I turn off the computer and pick up where I left off later? [04:28] TGPO: already tried it it's just RHEL with broken icons and such [04:28] Isn't Oracle the company that tried to push the windowslive type of thing? [04:28] kitche: not being able to use up2date makes a RH distribution hard to work with [04:28] by the way df / shows what i originally wanted === Acu [n=acu07@71-215-168-240.roch.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] JohnM555: it'll ask you if you want to format the filesystems. do so. [04:28] ill check those links later [04:28] lullabud: K [04:28] slavik: I'm working through fedora 4 unleashed, Ubuntu Hacks, and Linux Phrasebook. They seem to cover the bases. FC4 was my cherry popper [04:28] JohnM555: what's the problem you are stuck at? [04:28] :) [04:28] slavik: i doubt oracle has ever pushed windows-ANYTHING [04:28] kitche and if RH forks Oracle cant rip off their fixes [04:28] What this menssage means? "Erro 17: Cannon mount selected partition..." [04:29] where would you guess a sata drive is? /dev/sda? /dev/sda1? [04:29] I tried to intall DISKNAME Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft" on my Pentium 2, 128 mb ram, machine but the live [04:29] slavik: I can't get wireless working [04:29] Is FC5 similar at all to RHEL? [04:29] shoucher yes [04:29] slavik: larry ellison hates microsoft with a seething passion [04:29] sproingie: I meant a system similar to what WindowsLive is doing ... the internet type of OS lots of people are talking about [04:29] sloucher: sata would be /dev/sd[a-z] [04:29] TGPO: does that matter a fork that oracle made broke RH certify === hhr [n=hhr@0x3e42a191.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [04:29] slavik: I can't even see the option to set a wep key, I used to be able to. It gives me an error when I do try to set the key [04:29] what you think about suse and microsoft [04:29] JohnM555: what hardware chipset? [04:29] slavik: he was one of the original "network computer" guys. i think he's found sanity now, i haven't heard of him pushing anything like that lately [04:29] JohnM555: go ahead then ... [04:30] oracle is perfectly free to fork redhat, that's their prerogative [04:30] slavik: I thinkg its a P something...Prims64? let me loook it up === thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] they just didn't do a very good job [04:30] I tried to intall DISKNAME Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft" on my Pentium 2, 128 mb ram, machine but the live CD method is too much for my machine, Is there another method or distro that would work bettker [04:30] When I try and bring my computer back from standby, I get a blank screen but ubuntu still running in the background. I can still input keyboard commands but can't see what i'm doing. I see a flicker of an error code before it goes into sleep mode. Any advice? === fire [n=fire@CPE-124-178-75-182.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] kitche I'm just saying, playing with Oracle anything is a recipe for a head ache [04:30] can someone tell me what package to install from synaptic package manager so i can play mp3 files on this thing [04:30] slavik: Its a Netgear WG 121 USB Adapter installed via ndiswrapper === johnny_ [n=johnny@c-67-173-91-197.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] sloucher: It goes /dev/sd[a-z drive letter] [1-whatever partition number] [04:30] JohnM555: that's a nicely supported chipset :) === whatthedeuce [n=j@S010600134606305f.gv.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:30] i got other things to do besides hunt for info [04:30] Jordan_U, here is what the terminal says when I try to install it. [04:30] lestat: I think they should both be boycotted -- now =) [04:30] TGPO: i hear they make a decent databse [04:30] WC` the alternative cd..it's a text based installer === dumbass_ [n=_@cpe-24-93-105-111.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] Jimbo: for what player(s)? [04:30] http://pastebin.com/821624 [04:30] TGPO: so it's just like RH to a point at least FC works good [04:30] slavik: I think I'm just cursed :P [04:30] JohnM555: I would suggest trying to get it working in native mode === sproingie hm, dataBSE, it's mad-cow data [04:31] lullabud: u ever frequent forums or help good guys out in email? I'm a good learner, just get stuck on som undocumented stuff.. [04:31] whatever came with ubuntu [04:31] I would like to connect to a network trough vpn: I know I have to change a file called vpnc.conf - this is my first problem - the file is not in /etc/vpnc.conf - I found it in /usr/share/doc/vpnc/examples which confuses me [04:31] ok thanks I still didn't find it but I have to leave === ethercat [n=marty@cpe-72-179-150-215.satx.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:31] slavik: I don't know if thats the actual chipset, how would I find out? [04:31] snoop: eh? [04:31] i just want to get some tunes goin here while i figure this stuff out [04:31] Jimbo: xmms will play mp3s [04:31] second: how to start vpn ? [04:31] I've installed ubuntu just fine [04:31] can anyone help : where are gnome/gdm startup scripts and how can I debug gnome session errors [04:31] sproingie, their db is full of bugs that havent been patched in the 2 years since they were reported [04:31] ah sorry WC`.. wrong person === tom_ [n=tom@cpe-69-207-131-169.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] JohnM555: in terminal 'lspci' and pastebin the result [04:31] caffiend: nah, i don't participate much in the ubuntu community other than here in irc. [04:31] No problem [04:31] !pastebin [04:31] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) === theCore [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] I tried to intall DISKNAME Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft" on my Pentium 2, 128 mb ram, machine but the live CD method is too much for my machine, Is there another method or distro that would work better? [04:31] floats try the alternative cd. It's a text based installer..so no live cd [04:31] slavik: OK [04:31] TGPO: all databases are. you think mysql is the pinnacle of engineering or something? [04:32] is that already on ubuntu..cus a minute ago i got a message sayin wrong codec or something to that effect === Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] alternative C [04:32] Jimbo: enable universe, and install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly [04:32] What this menssage means? "Erro 17: Cannon mount selected partition..." [04:32] alternative cd is the name? [04:32] ok [04:32] Jimbo: I presume you're using Ubuntu & GNOME? [04:32] sproingie, nope, just that it gets patches and fixes on a more regular basis [04:32] Intelligitimate: You said you are using 64 bit ubuntu right, did you use the 64 bit RPM ? [04:32] yep, alternative is in the name floating [04:32] i think gstreamers are already unstalled but ill double check [04:32] instead of desktop [04:32] Intelligitimate: If there is one that is. [04:32] No. I don't have a 64 bit processor. [04:32] how to debug gnome session errors (or reset to default) ? [04:32] This is an old Pentium 3. [04:33] crimson...where do i enable universe? [04:33] Intelligitimate: Sorry, got you confused with somebody else :) [04:33] Jimbo: in Synaptic [04:33] first day on linux here [04:33] brb [04:33] snoops: That is the name, alternative cd? [04:33] oh that reminds me, what does it take to use gstreamer in kubuntu? [04:33] hello i am using dapper. i want to install program called hotplug but synaptic says it will remove gnome-desktop and other gnome stuff. will i lose my gnome desktop? [04:34] tom_: Don't install it. [04:34] ok thanks === nessmuk [n=nessmuk@170.205-206-70-0.interbaun.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] what's the best dc hub software? [04:34] Jimbo: sudo software-properties -e universe , or You can do it with synaptic === sid [n=unstable@glitchinthe.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] floats, just have a look at the available downloads for edgy.. you'll notice one with alternative in the name [04:34] Nov 10 22:25:01 bluebox kernel: [17213193.692000] usb 4-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2 [04:34] crimson yea im using ubuntu [04:34] Nov 10 22:25:01 bluebox kernel: [17213193.828000] usb 4-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice === [erisco] [n=eribri1@brisco.kent.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === LeanCalPer [n=leancalp@] has joined #ubuntu [04:34] I plug in my Creative Vision w handheld video/audio player to Ubuntu, and ubuntu doesn't do anything. === baltazar9 [n=ioeep@212-200-213-19.adsl.sezampro.yu] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Gnomad2 doesn't work, there is no icon on my desktop. [04:35] slavik: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30932/ [04:35] snoops: thank you for getting back to me. Do you think that an older version of Ubuntu would work better on my old machine? [04:35] crimson: im not sure if im usin gnome or what...universe didntn come up when i searched synaptic [04:35] lullabud: are you on here much? [04:35] I hope slaviks still here :\ [04:35] Jimbo: Settings> Repositories === bigbootay [n=bigboota@CPE0004e28a9289-CM000a73a14ed4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] How can I load a movie from my Ubuntu hdd onto this handheld device? [04:35] JohnM555: your wifi card isn't even listed there === matuck [n=matuck@h174.88.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] lullabud: the copy worked from the iso mount to the USB! except for a symbolic link :( any ideas? [04:36] floating not sure.. I haven't dealt with slow machines much, so I'm not one who can really judge.. don't expect much is on my mind though [04:36] slavik: Yay, Maybe its the thing in line 17? [04:36] sid: does Creative use a database for that? [04:36] caffiend: i'm in here from day to day. in here and in #sugarcrm === LoRD_oF_ThE_WaR [i=UHeueHue@200217020156.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["[CyberScript] "] [04:36] floats: if you have a really old machine, you could try arch linux, it's supposed to be pretty lightweight [04:36] that's a winmodem ... doesn't look like a wifi card to me ... [04:36] I have a Microsoft Ballpoint Mouse which is not recognized in 6.06, and I see nothing in the forums. Now trying a fresh install of 6.06 on a spare hd to see if it's recognized on install. Wondering where to ask for help in the forums [04:36] slavik: I swear its pluged in, its lit up [04:36] caffiend: the guys in #sugarcrm know me, in case you want to get ahold of me. [04:36] JohnM555: do 'lsmod | grep ndiswrapper' and tell me if it gives you anything [04:36] caffiend: anyhow, i'm out man. nice chatting with you. [04:36] JohnM555: Is it USB? [04:36] brb [04:36] slavik: OK [04:37] Jordan: Yes [04:37] lullabud: thanks alot again! u been a gr8 help [04:37] JohnM555: Then lsusb === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:37] Is Edgy Eft just as stable as Dapper Drake ? [04:37] nessmuk: probly gotta twek xorg.conf [04:37] Imme: umm there is a few bugs but seems to work fine on a complete reinstall [04:37] JohnM555: Then lsusb , and pastebin the output. [04:38] spriongie: thanks What about Ubuntu distro aren't some of the older ones more for pentium 2 128 mb machines? [04:38] rickyfinge....thanx === inuyasharenegade [i=UPP@c-68-81-7-199.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] Interesting: in order to get my display to work again, I have to press ctrl alt f1 => ctrl alt f7 [04:38] Jordan/Slavik: It shows up as Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0846:4210 NetGear, Inc. WG121 WiFi (v2) === jrshannon [n=jrshanno@S0106000f3d5cf89d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] (I didn't pastebin it because I have to copy it to a textfile, transfer it to this comp, open it then copy it) [04:38] Imme: it seems to have a few problems. dapper is the LTS version, it's bound to stay more stable [04:39] There is one other thing in the list, which is my mouse/keyboard === tuskernini [n=chris@84-75-88-3.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] what does this mean warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning) [04:39] anyone know how to copy a "symbolic link"? it is on my Iso Mount of a Ubuntu install, all copied perfect except that :( [04:39] Jimbo: nothing relevant [04:39] does anyone know if hddtemp ot lm-sensors conflict with Beta Graphics Driver (NVIDIA)? === telusma [n=telusma@16sdl30m19.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] Imme: freetype in edgy was quite screwy for example. it still isn't perfect === hondje [n=hondje@unaffiliated/hondje] has joined #ubuntu === pc3 [n=pc3@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] caffiend: you probably won't be able to copy that...you will have to recreate it. [04:40] sproingie, kitche: Thanks for the info... So I need not upgrade to Edgy... [04:40] caffiend: you need to create the sym link in the files system before you create the image [04:40] slavik: I don't know anything about setting up USB wireless adapters so you are on your own with John [04:40] k === teenprogrammer [n=teenprog@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Slavik: The lsmod | grep ndiswrapper isn't showing anything, but it did befire, I'll try to do the mod thing to get it to show again [04:40] caffiend: cp -d [04:41] crimson what was that player again...x something or other? [04:41] What is the Ubuntu distro designed for the older pentium 2, 128 mb machines? [04:41] Slavik: Doing ndiswrapper shows netwg121 driver installed, hardare present [04:41] floats: Xubuntu [04:41] xubuntu or fluxbuntu [04:41] John: then just modprobe ndiswrapper [04:41] ricky: Just did that [04:42] how do i set a script to run everytime someone logs in? [04:42] and lsmod doesn't show ndiswrapper? === Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-75-80-116-205.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] ricky: Oh, it does now [04:42] then iwconfig [04:42] to put in ssid wep key , etc. [04:42] teenprogrammer: System, preferences, sessions === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] um [04:43] in console [04:43] ricky: However I don't think it fixed my problem, doing iwconfig I can see the eth2 interface as being the wireless one(Its the only thing without the no wireless extensions) but it doesnt even say that no key exists [04:43] !usplash [04:43] usplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto [04:43] teen: you need to modify .profile for user === bones [n=lly@] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] ricky: Thats my problem, I used to get Encryption key: off, or some variation of that, but now it doesn't even list that === diefenthaler [n=mharward@c-24-16-243-173.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === LazyBee [n=Dedi@ip54-25.cbn.net.id] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] jordan and tonyyarrusso: thank you [04:43] John try iwconfig ethwhatever key 0934875328907t89re === bones [n=lly@] has left #ubuntu [""] [04:44] #freebsd [04:44] oops [04:44] lol [04:44] know what I'm saying, ethwhatever should be what interface your wnic is [04:44] thor: rickyfingers: sproingie: muchas gracias!! [04:44] caffiend: denada [04:44] ok, thanks! adios [04:44] is there a way to monitor a video cards gpu core temp in ubuntu? [04:44] looking for some guidance on getting an atheros wlan nic working under fresh install of edgy (currently displays as "ath0" under ifconfig, but cant scan for a network nor get any connection) [04:44] anyone available that can assist? === teenprogrammer [n=teenprog@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:45] Ricky: I get an error doing that with my key [04:45] what's the error? [04:45] !sensors | Tokenbad [04:45] Tokenbad: You might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto [04:45] Ricky: It says 'Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : SET failed on device eth2 ; Unknown error 524.' === Gusanita [n=esther@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] scubes13: i'm using one at home (at work now) what problem are you having? [04:46] Is there a way to make it so that you have to enter your password after coming out of standby or hibernate mode? === Gusanita [n=esther@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [04:46] oh, try putting sudo in front === roler [n=chris@adsl-71-156-58-78.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] ricky: I did :\ [04:46] rickyfingers: the image was downloaded, mounted on the drive and then copied to a USB drive. I used cp -Rav and it did everything except the symbolic link. Since the files are there, can it still be copied over to it with cp -d? [04:46] thor: how would one re-create it? [04:46] what program can I use to view video from my camcorder / firewire using /dev/raw1394 [04:47] cripes! r u putting in the key with 16/26 hex digits? [04:47] scubes13: also what is the output when you type 'route' into terminal [04:47] ricky: 10 === noxxle [n=noxxle@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] caffiend, don't know for sure but, try cp -rRp [04:47] how can i make qsynaptics startup with my desktop? [04:47] right now i have to type qsynaptics in the terminal every session === Lone [n=taylor@c-24-18-42-118.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Alpha3 is now known as sCsI [04:48] ricky: I think 10 is normal though === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] how can I see how hard a hard drive is working - transfering/copying at etc? [04:48] John, not sure but I think it's got to be 16 or 26 hex digits [04:48] off topic.. anyonw know of a good computer building channel, for tech support or just getting opinions? [04:48] ricky: Making it 16 still gives me the error, I don't think thats the problem [04:48] try padding zeros on beginning or end of key [04:48] noxxle: ln -s /path/to/app ~/.kde/Autostart (create symbolic link in autostart dir, please verfiy the paths first) [04:48] ricky: I wish there was a way to just reset all wireless interfaces and settings [04:49] caffiend: im no expert// but i had a few good answers in #hardware === abisen [n=abisen@66-214-137-5.dhcp.gldl.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] im not using kde [04:49] madman91: thanks! [04:49] caffiend, good luck with that :) [04:49] John - I think you could just rmmod ndiswrapper, then modprobe again === nessmuk [n=nessmuk@170.205-206-70-0.interbaun.com] has left #ubuntu [] [04:49] noxxle: why use qsynaptics then? [04:49] Is there a way to make it so that you have to enter your password after coming out of standby or hibernate mode? === phill [n=phill@201009105059.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] but that's disturbing that it won't let you set a key [04:50] its for gnome [04:50] ksynaptics is kde [04:50] ricky: It really is! [04:50] When I boot, I have GDM set to autolog me in ... when Gnome loads, X dies, after X restarts, I am presented with GDM screen, after logging in, everything works fine (X doesn't die). even if I set GDM to not auto log me in, X still dies the first time it is started ... [04:50] khaije1: sent inf to you via IM/PM === Daro [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] sure you're typing in sudo iwconfig eth2 key 1234567890123456 === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] what's a good bittorrent client? [04:51] last Q 4 the night, to run a Virtual server/virt host what release of ubuntu is best suited for the "base" install? [04:51] substituting that for your real key [04:51] !hcf [04:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about hcf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === skypa [n=skypa@e178206187.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] !conexant [04:51] Sorry, I don't know anything about conexant - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:51] ricky: Yes, I'm sure [04:52] noxxle: oic, i just use synaptic, there should be an option under the admin menu - i'm not sure off the top of my head [04:52] is there a command to see what my peak memory usage was for the day? [04:52] Then I'm out of ideas, unless ndiswrapper isn't really wrapping the windows drivers correctly. [04:52] time to go, have fun everyone [04:52] what's a good linux bittorrent client? === slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has left #ubuntu [] === boris55 [n=richards@188.norcross-41-44ev.ga.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu === Ghost_Printer [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] You can try different versions out of sourceforge [04:52] ricky: Well thanks, I think I'm just going to reinstall ubuntu === Daro [n=chatzill@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:52] anyone use #phpbb? that channel sucks. can't even get an answer about how to add users [04:53] Ricky: Because I used to have the option to set the key [04:53] It jus disapeared [04:53] Nov 10 22:50:28 bluebox kernel: [17214720.860000] usb 4-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3 [04:53] Which /dev/??? is that? [04:53] caffiend: useradd [04:53] Poromenos: If you don't mind the bloat, Azureus [04:53] poromenos, I used to use utorrent, I don't know if it works with ubuntu [04:53] Jordan_U: gah :( [04:53] JohnM555: it doesn't :( [04:53] (or linux) === Jimbo [n=jimbo@] has left #ubuntu [] === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] Poro: Then I'm gonna need a new one when I get my internet working :P [04:53] Poromenos: I have heard that utorrent can be run in wine [04:53] JohnM555: indeed :) === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] Jordan_U: a friend has tried and i don't think it runs very well === skeeter [i=identif@] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] Poromenos: Ubuntu comes with a lightweight one, I believe it is the official bittorrent [04:55] Poro: Isn't there one that comes with ubuntu? [04:55] What he said [04:55] let me check [04:55] anyone here uses slmodemd, with alsa ? [04:55] Can someone tell me the opposite of the killall command? [04:55] no, not that i can find [04:55] WC`: startall? :P [04:55] WC`: what do you want that command to do? === Imme [n=imme@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:55] WC`: What do you mean by that? Can you refrase the question. [04:56] Well [04:56] I was doing some troubleshooting and used the command "sudo killall gnome-screensaver" [04:56] I want to reverse the effect of that command === scubes13 [n=klanders@pool-70-109-0-32.atl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] rickyfingers: thanks, but in my admin panel there is no useradd there. I've gone through the whole admin menus and ther eis nothing about adding. do I have to install a module? It isn't in the "User Admin" section [04:56] WC`: gnome-screensaver === cx_ [n=ed@ewc172.frostburg.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] heh there should be a 'resurrect' command === wombo [n=wombo@mail.rhodeswaterside.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:57] WC`: killall quits an application, so the opposite of: killall application , it simply to start that application again. [04:57] Jordan_U, thanks but still not see my video card temp === Gusanita [n=esther@] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] jordan killall -HUP [04:58] Thanks very much for that, I now have a workaround for my standby problem :D [04:58] restarts in stead of just killing [04:58] where's PKG_CONFIG_PATH located? === Ghost_Printer [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] === fiveiron_ [n=fiveiron@] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] fatlip: what are you trying to compile? [04:58] fatlip sounds like an environment variable === cwill1 [n=cwillu@S01060011d8399444.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] do env | grep PKG [04:58] if i answer that quesiton i'm going to be redirected to another channel ;) [04:58] do see if it's set if not === Gusanita [n=esther@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === Bkrtr [n=a@125-237-21-244.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] nothing returns [04:59] then you need to set it [04:59] I just installed Edgy, but now my Ethernet card doesn't seem to get an IP adres from the router (DHCP). I tried resetting the router, and tried dhclient. But still can't get it to work. Does anyone have a clue? === mistform [n=mist@71-36-14-95.bois.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu [04:59] how do i go about that [04:59] PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/some/directory/on/your/system === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-97-8.uniweb.net.co] has left #ubuntu [] [04:59] =] thanks [04:59] export PKG_CONFIG_PATH [04:59] don't forget about the export [04:59] I'm trying to install dapper/edgy from the livecd or the alternative cd, but it won't resize the ntfs partition. It doesn't give a visible error, it just doesn't do it. Help! === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has joined #ubuntu === fiveiron_ is now known as fiveiron [05:00] Maybe it can't resize NTFS partitions? [05:00] i loaded all the gstreamer stuff from synaptic and i still cant play a freakin mp3 [05:00] what do i need? [05:00] neonak: It can [05:01] jimbl xmms? [05:01] Jordan_U: do I need to defrag under windows first or something? [05:01] ricky: xmms...would that be in synaptic also? === cw_asmara is now known as cewe_alim [05:01] cwill1: I don't think so, but I don't use windows so I don't know for sure. [05:01] jimbl si si === `m0 [i=m0@unaffiliated/m0/x-04351] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] do i need xmms-dev also? [05:02] i found them in synaptic === smash__ [n=smash@p54B2E394.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] !install [05:02] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues [05:02] jimlb, just started installing it myself. depends, r u planning on doing some programming using xmms source code? [05:03] rickyfingers: can you take a look an see if I'm overlooking the addusers? I'll let you login as admin [05:03] no for now just want to be able to play mp3 files [05:03] I'd rather not log in to your system caff [05:03] cwill1: It is kind of strage to say that the installer doesn't resize it but doesn't give any errors, can you give some screenshots from the liveCD or a more detailed account? === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu === MarcN [n=marc@dslv-1-139.mv.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:04] caff I'm finding a web page for you now... === narg [n=narg@] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] how can I see the permissions of a file in terminal? === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] as well as user and owner === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-196-92.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] and group* [05:05] snoops too easy, use chmod [05:05] Jordan_U: after the automated partitioning or a manual partition, it grinds for a couple seconds, and then says it couldn't find enough free space (there's 120 gigs free on the 160 gig drive); the alternate cd just grinds for a second or two and then returns to the partitioning menu, without changing the partition's size. There's a fat32 partition before it that I can resize (it's only a couple gigs) fine though [05:05] got it working....thanx [05:06] caff, just do useradd [05:06] then passwd [05:06] oh and put sudo in front === bbt [i=sam@60-240-196-92.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === wweasel [n=weasel@modemcable178.82-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] i cant mount my /dev/hda2 ... my mount statement looks like this ... (( mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/oldroot -t ext3 )) [05:06] rickyfingers, yes..for changing the permissions, but what about listing the current permissions [05:06] it says its busy or already mounted [05:07] ls -la [05:07] snoops [05:07] snoops: try ls -al [05:07] great, that's what I needed, thanks === rapunzel [n=ws004@] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] rickyfingers: understood. does addusers come default? what is it in under the admin menu? The users only has banning, management, dissallow, etc. Could it be a script I need? === yertman_usa [n=david@12-214-13-43.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:08] caff, yes, adduser does a little more for setting up account === Davo_Dinkum2 [n=david@c58-107-216-113.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] Hello. [05:13] useradd puts line in /etc/passwd === Davo_Dinkum2 [n=david@c58-107-216-113.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu [] [05:13] but then you have to create home dir &c by hand [05:13] is there a gui editor for fstab? plz, i know gedit is a laugh, but i need something a bit more automated === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] cwill1: Try using the gparted liveCD perhaps ( it uses the same application as Ubuntu but is more up to date / focused entirely on gparted so likely more reliable ) [05:13] toma, ever try x-emacs? [05:13] you can automate anything you want [05:13] with that program === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] but it's kind of like a swiss army knife with all the blades sticking out === Lady_Cuddles [n=Lady_Cud@c-67-166-66-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] anyone here use initNG???? [05:13] I tried setting it up but it failed to boot the GUI [05:13] will linux recognise m3u files? === Lady_Cuddles [n=Lady_Cud@c-67-166-66-36.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["E.T.] [05:13] yeh... i re-ordered and resized and deleted a bunch of partition, now ive lost all my drives === rapt501 [n=david@cpe-66-108-59-75.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] jimb1, I had an m3u file, but I never tried to play it or anything [05:13] hi [05:13] jimb1, isn't those just text files with song names in it? [05:13] jimb1: gstreamer will and xmms will [05:13] question [05:13] rickyfingers: xemacs is kind of dead-ended development-wise. fsf emacs is really what you want these days [05:13] mist...m3u is a playlist [05:13] does everybody's google video work [05:13] on their ubuntu [05:13] k [05:13] I just use .p.s [05:13] i got xmms workin [05:13] .pls*** [05:13] Jordan_U: read my mind :); oh well, here's hoping [05:13] jimb1, rename it to .pls and load it in xmms beep-media-player, heck even "mplayer -pls foo.m3u" should do it [05:13] Anyone running ubuntu on older (400Mhz) iMac? Is performance okay with wmaker. Does modem work? [05:13] nope [05:13] not me [05:13] Thanks. [05:13] Samin:i havent transfered any to this box yet [05:13] first day on linux [05:13] last linux i used w/ imac was yellow dog === fowlduck [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] all stuff is still on the windows boxes [05:13] yertman_usa: no, but id say it should all work. [05:13] jimb1, oh I see [05:13] On the ubuntu guide here: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch04s10.html [05:13] it mentions the 'commercial' repository [05:13] what's this? [05:13] kinda confused yet [05:13] rickyfingers: I have experience with Ubuntu on PPC, who is asking about it? [05:13] Me [05:13] can anyone explain why the sound doesn't work with google video? [05:13] yertman_usa [05:13] !commercial [05:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about commercial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:13] rapt501, you have the right flash plugin installed? [05:14] I have an older iMac I want to setup for web browsing and email for grandma. [05:14] yeah [05:14] seriously [05:14] it will show the video but not play the sound [05:14] sometimes [05:14] how do you make playlists for a group of mp3 files in linux? === kmitch87 [n=kyle@] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] sometimes the sound works [05:14] dont spose its easy [05:14] but its like flipping a coin [05:15] yertman_usa: I have a clamshell iMac running XFCE, wmaker should be fine, I couldn't get the modem to work though, all though I didn't try very hard. === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] you find out if the sound works on google video when you turn on the computer [05:15] thanks. I will try it tonight. I will have to get the modem to work thou as she has dial up. === Deep [n=eric@] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] jimb1: make a playlist with xmms and save the playlist...? === thachle [n=thachle@24-50-10-120.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === equilibrium [n=jmartini@ip72-204-0-127.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] Jordan_u How much RAM does your clamshell have? [05:16] it appears you can only load one file at a time in xmms [05:16] yertman_usa: 128 I think. [05:16] u can add a whole dir [05:17] Sweet. I think that is what this one has. === BunnyKitten is now known as _Er1K_ [05:17] you can? [05:17] so can anyone help with the sound problem [05:17] jimb1: hold the button down on the + sign [05:17] yertman_usa: There is a mac specific forum on ubuntuforums FYI, might search there about the modem. [05:17] ubotu: tell rapt501 about flash [05:18] rapt501: either follow the instructions on the wiki for using aoss with flash or try flash beta9 [05:18] time to install nvidia-9629 :> [05:18] jimbl, right click on top of xmms window [05:18] select playlist editor [05:18] hold down + on the key pad while adding files to xmms..? === croppa [i=user101@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] Jordan_U Thanks for the tip. :) [05:19] jimb1: no, the + sign on the playlist editor [05:19] ricky: i see it now [05:19] thanx [05:19] ok so switch the flash [05:19] thank you === [1] wenko [n=wenko@] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] ubotu: tell rapt501 about flash9 [05:20] yertman_usa: np, it has been really hard for me to find help with PPC specific stuff anywhere but on ubuntuforums === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has left #ubuntu [] === boris55 [n=richards@188.norcross-41-44ev.ga.dial-access.att.net] has left #ubuntu [] === mluser-home [n=mluser@ip68-0-79-59.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === capt-rogers [n=tmills@bas14-toronto63-1177973981.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === hpnadig [n=hpnadig_@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has joined #ubuntu === LazyBee [n=Dedi@ip54-25.cbn.net.id] has left #ubuntu [] === Vaun [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vaun_ [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vaun__ [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === TiG4 [n=TiG4@cpe-24-162-123-187.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jayakumar2 [n=jayakuma@] has joined #ubuntu === sid [n=unstable@glitchinthe.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:24] how can I view/save firewire 1394 video ? === skypa [n=skypa@e178206187.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === jperez [n=jperez@cable201-233-64-18.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] roler: Like from a dv camera or a webcam? [05:25] Jordan_U, ; dv camera [05:25] roler: kino [05:26] neither dv camera neither webcam === zonum [n=zonum@adsl-2-212-81.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === [2] wenko [n=wenko@] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] hello, somebody who talk [05:27] hello jperez [05:27] I'm reading about grep and it's blowing my mind :) === dgo [n=dgo@201-43-74-47.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:28] where you come from wweasel? [05:28] Canada [05:28] !offtopic [05:28] #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! [05:28] Yeah, yeah. We know. But it's quiet!!!! :P === boris56 [n=richards@109.norcross-41-44ev.ga.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] :) [05:29] and, so wweasel what you nned about grep? [05:29] Come to think of it I have never seen it this quiet in here before === Kenotic [n=Kenotic@c-68-53-174-175.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === tonyyarusso breaks something so he can ask for help === mluser-home [n=mluser@ip68-0-79-59.tu.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] The gnome power applet thinks I am still connected to my power supply when my laptop is on battery power so when it runsout of battery my computer shuts down from loss of power instead of shutting down correctly. [05:29] Jordan_U: I know, it's odd. === Crusher [n=You@124-254-109-206-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] Jordan_U maybe you can help me.. I sort of have this problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=287026&highlight=via+ethernet [05:29] does any one know why beagled eats 100% of CPU after my machine is up for a day or two? [05:29] How does one go about booting into runstate 3 on ubuntu? [05:30] But even setting a static address won't help [05:30] anybody know the link to that time-lapse video of a model getting her picture made up for a billboard? [05:30] mluser-home: 'sudo init 3' should do it === jngu1 [n=jnguy@mrjack.ucsd.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] tonyyarusso: thanks.. will it come up that way after every boot though? [05:30] jperez: Well, I've been using ubuntu for a while, and I knew that I absolutely should know about cat and grep, but didn't. So I finally decided to look them up. Cat is simple. Grep is mindblowing, what with escaped parentheses and periods and question marks...wow. === rapunzel [n=ws004@] has joined #ubuntu [05:30] mluser-home: no === moose5435 [n=turkey@adsl-157-65-187.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === jngu1 [n=jnguy@mrjack.ucsd.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] mluser-home: you need to set the default run level in /etc/inittab for that [05:31] equilibrium: thanks :) [05:31] how do i delete a user from the commandline? [05:31] hello, rapunzel... where you come from? [05:31] userdel === bighead [n=foo@] has joined #ubuntu === techrush2 [n=techrush@ip72-193-120-38.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === nephish [n=nephish@] has joined #ubuntu === Apoll1 [i=wallason@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:35] jperez: rapunzel is from Indonesia === dks_matt [n=matt@cpc2-lutn1-0-0-cust198.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] hi there is anyone available? === tonyyarusso files new bug: "Not enough bugs in Ubuntu - #ubuntu is eerily quiet" [05:35] i could use some help === cute_girl [n=ws004@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] jperez: and where are you from? [05:36] !ask [05:36] dks_matt: Lots of people [05:36] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [05:36] dks_matt: Just ask your question and see who knows === Telroth_Plushie| [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-98-167.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu === reutersong [n=reuterso@ool-182c5ffb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] ok cool === Tini [i=Tini@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] I'm having a problem with my soudn card [05:36] I am from colombia [05:36] sound* [05:36] I've disabled my onboard sound === Ubootno [n=comcast@c-24-3-161-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] and I have an audigy 2 in there [05:37] Jordan_U, ; thanks! [05:37] hello? [05:39] when the login screen comes up I get the sound, but after that I can't get any sound anywhere === NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] dks_matt: Well, you gotta stop using mute! :P (Just kidding) [05:41] if only === Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu === techrush2 [n=techrush@ip72-193-120-38.lv.lv.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:41] dks_matt: Though I would be sure to check PCM in the volume control [05:41] hello everybody i am new in this chat site [05:41] does anyone know what package has the 'xv' picture viewer in it? === u^A [n=allberto@] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] its odd I had issues with it while the onboard was still enabled, but by changing between card in system-preferences-sound i could get most things to work [05:41] PCM [05:41] in alsamixer or the gui? [05:41] does anyone know how install the totem or any other video server to ubuntu? [05:41] anyone using a Broadcom wireless card (probably in a laptop) ? I'm trying to follow the tuts online, but none of the windows drivers work for me through ndiswrapper === aeread [n=aeread@d198-166-52-110.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Hi all .. looking for a little advice .. Got my this old 450mhz PIIi/128MB ram/Nvidia NV4 AGP machine, It runs "okay" but not well. Would tossing in 256MB more ram help it enough to be worth it? My mom uses this for paperwork, printing, e-mail and the internet. === p0liX [n=polix@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === gr33npho4nix [n=turk@utopia.ccs.neu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] anyone here runnin exaile? im gettin some libatk dependency failure, even tho libatk is installed >.< === ex_ [n=ex@85-210-162-223.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] hang on, I just typed alsa mixed and got this: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device [05:41] " [05:41] NineTeen67Comet, not if you have to buy the ram [05:41] NineTeen67Comet, if you have to buy anything for it, forget it [05:41] NineTeen67Comet: What WM are you using? [05:41] its too old to be worth spending money on === sc4ttrbrain [n=nobody@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu === bsnider [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] NineTeen67Comet, if you already HAVE the ram for it, itll help but you'd still be better off using xubuntu on that thing [05:42] How do I make my mouse hardware acclerated?.. I have an s3 unichrome via card, and when I follow this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenChrome it "works" but the mouse pointer disapears in apps in firefox and Wine. [05:42] having trouble getting a hauppauge remote control to be recognized as an input device [05:42] Jordan_U: I'm in Gnome currently (she's VERY NOT into switching from MS's stuff) .. I thought about KDE but I've always had more resources spend on that WM (desktop manager) than Gnome (I tossed xubuntu on here too, but she hated it)... [05:43] has anybody got a hauppauge remote control working right now? [05:43] NineTeen67Comet: That's a fairly old computer, and that will choke on most things. Adding some RAM will help. [05:43] bsnider: Not me, but I know for sure that people use them, === c0re^ [n=c0re@12-218-177-216.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] NineTeen67Comet, seriously man - you want to be looking at xubuntu [05:44] hey, anyone have a link to ubuntu with the new kernel that supports asus p5b? [05:44] wweasel: I tossed ram in my father in laws box (a 1ghz PIII) and it woke it right up .. I just wasn't sure about a 450 seeing results .. it dips into swap pretty heavy as it is .. [05:44] i desperately want to run it. [05:44] NineTeen67Comet: Well, if it is dipping into swap, RAM will help. Nothing will make that dying bird fly like an eagle though. [05:44] Ubootno: Got it installed .. lol .. I use and can handle it, but she get's a little freeked .. [05:44] Some body here study quantum mechanics? [05:45] NineTeen67Comet, yeah the Gui is too intense for it - you'd be better off on Xubuntu, with a much "lighter weight" gui in place [05:45] wweasel: yeah figured that much .. Just needs to run well enough for her to use it for simple stuff .. === dks_matt [n=matt@cpc2-lutn1-0-0-cust198.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] NineTeen67Comet: You could try enlightemnent gnome, it will look a little different but it will function like gnome ( because it is ) [05:45] NineTeen67Comet: Well, it's a trade off. Gnome will look better, run slower. XFCE would def. run faster. Looks uglier though [05:46] Is there a ubuntu with the 2.6.18 kernel precompiled and ready to install? [05:46] not too much uglier [05:46] is there a config file that determines which sound card things like alsa and gstreamer use? [05:46] c0re^, fedora is [05:46] i know [05:46] i dont want fedora :( [05:46] i want UBUNTU [05:46] I'll work on getting Xubuntu "looking" a little better for her .. toss common stuff places she "knows" to look and such .. [05:46] so bust yourself out a custom kernel [05:46] what about SuSE? [05:46] plus fedora wouldnt install, and it wouldnt let me partition [05:47] suse? ill look into it [05:47] c0re^, thats not good [05:47] it didnt let me resize my ntfs [05:47] so i couldnt make a new one === sc4ttrbrain [n=nobody@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] ahh well ubuntu'll definitely do that [05:47] yeah i know.. === rjgonza [i=rjgonza@c-68-36-228-107.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] sup guys [05:47] but if you want a bleeding edge kernel you're SOL === Akuma_ [n=martin@modemcable228.191-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] thanks all . off to clean up and sleep up .. === NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:48] the kernel is solid and relatively recent though [05:48] hell centos is using 2.6.9 still === nephish [n=nephish@] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] awesome [05:49] suse 10.2 uses === towsonu2003 [n=towsonu2@c-69-251-20-244.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] which is newer than what i wanted [05:49] I hate kernel upgrades [05:49] yeah well i cant boot linux without it [05:49] I have to recompile so much stuff everytime I upgrade my kernel [05:49] itis annoying [05:49] jmicron sata controller [05:50] I have instructions saying to edit /etc/modprobe.conf, which doesn't exist. Should I create it or is there another name for it on Ubuntu? === sphorbis [n=sphorbis@cpe-66-8-149-29.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp81-20.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] anyone here runnin exaile? im gettin some libatk dependency failure, even tho libatk is installed >.< [05:51] you sure it doesn't say edit /etc/modules [05:51] is there a way to find out if the drivers for my sound card are installed? === p0liX [n=polix@dialup-] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === _Er1K_ is now known as SexyTeenGirl [05:51] Paladine: Yep. [05:51] Paladine: for adding aliases === SexyTeenGirl is now known as _Er1K_ [05:52] what's the command to continuously watch dmesg output? [05:52] aliases are in modules.d I think [05:52] let me check [05:52] modprobe.d even [05:52] anyone know where i can find suse mirrors? [05:52] yeah they are in /etc/modprobe.d === jperez [n=jperez@cable201-233-64-18.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu === humblerodent [n=caleb@ip24-251-3-1.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] okay so === [1] wenko [n=wenko@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] I'm trying to get MythTV working properly on Ubuntu [05:53] Paladine: Ah, great [05:53] whatcha installing? [05:53] but the audio mixer seems really weird having just upgraded to Edgy....when I turn on what /seems/ to be the line-in capture, it doesn't seem to work [05:53] can anyone help me? [05:53] is the intel core2duo em64t x86-64 bit capable? [05:53] does anyone how to install correctly kaffeine or totem on ubuntu? [05:53] c0re^, yes it is === feryana [n=feryana@24-148-5-15.snb-bsr1.chi-snb.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #Ubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c58-107-46-71.fernt1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] hi! What "server type" has yahoo.com e-mail for using it with Evolution?? [05:54] probably pop3 [05:54] pop3 more than likeley [05:54] doesn't work [05:54] Paladine: Going to try IrDA [05:54] mail.yahoo.com? [05:54] feryana, I dont think you can do yahoo email with pop3, not unless you're paying for it [05:54] is there a way to quickly disable the flash plugin in firefox? [05:54] tonyyarusso, lirc? [05:54] feryana: None [05:54] or pop3.yahoo.com === teicah [n=teicah@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] Paladine: Some variation of that sort of thing [05:55] yahoo pop3 mail is a pay service [05:55] c0re^, feryana: Yahoo only offers pop access to paying customers [05:55] didnt use to be :( [05:55] does anyone how to install correctly kaffeine or totem on ubuntu? [05:55] I need to plug in my home made IR Blaster now I have finally fitted my serial port :) [05:55] they can go to hell then [05:55] lol [05:56] I just wanted to open an e-mail out from my domain [05:56] ok, i type "sudo iwconfig eth1 esside BSD_AP", and nothing happens [05:56] coz I need ot be in a group lol === sky123 [n=skys123@m810f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] how do i bring a wireless interface up? === Madpilot [n=brian@ubuntu/member/madpilot] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] ifup wlan1 [05:56] i belive [05:56] fiveiron: 'sudo ifup interface#' [05:56] ah [05:56] or if you're really lazy install network-manager [05:57] network-manager sucks [05:57] it doesn't allow you to do ip aliasing :) [05:57] but im kinda against all this "so-called" useful tools... [05:57] lemme finish... [05:58] because they dont teach you how to use linux === Wicked_ is now known as F2D`Wicked [05:58] I would much rather edit interfaces than use network manager [05:58] let alone do something like ethernet bonding or setting mtu's or whatever.. [05:58] at least it affords you full control [05:58] agreed === SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@unaffiliated/surfnkid] has joined #ubuntu === thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] and there is no lack of documentation out there about how to do it as well === mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-37-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:59] but I have yet to meet someone on here that has knowledge abouthow to bond an interface in ubuntu... [05:59] too many gui gods [05:59] ok, the interface was already up apparently, but the light on my laptop isn't on, and I'm not connected to my access point.... shoudn't it connect when i give it an essid? [05:59] guys, if I change my repos for feisty, will I have to download many updates? [06:00] sky123, I have never had to bond interfaces, but I bet I could figure it outin less than 5 minutes if I needed to :) [06:00] fiveiron: the light is a good indicator that the driver is working properly...who makes the interface? === Bade [n=Snake@ppp-70-247-211-240.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] good 4 u [06:00] ;? [06:00] sky123, Broadcom... and the light is not on [06:00] sky123: how to install totem correctly for ubuntu? === ripper [n=ripper@fl-71-55-161-118.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === rob [i=RobertSt@freenode/staff/rob] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] jperez: though its not official on here there is automatix....chek it out on google...some people dont like it here...it should do the job for you. === Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] does anyone what video player is able to ubuntu? === anthonykid [n=anthonyk@ool-44c2244b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] fiveiron: bcm43xx? or ? [06:01] hello === kintaro0e [n=kintaro0@] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] sky123, its like when people rant about how linux is carp because you have to use the cli blah blah blah === cute_girl [n=ws004_@] has joined #ubuntu === LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-184-121.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] jperez: i personally use mplayer...with the mozilla plugin...works awesome. [06:02] using the cli gives you the experience and confidence to actually control your system insteadof it controlling you (aka windows) [06:02] sky123, yeah, bcm43xx [06:02] fiveiron: what kind of laptop?? === snook353 [n=snook353@] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] anyone here runnin exaile? im gettin some libatk dependency failure, even tho libatk is installed >.< [06:02] Dear all (or anyone who's willing to help...), as far as drivers go, and im going to have to install them from my original discs? [06:02] sky123, compaq presario v5000 === concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-253-44-190.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] sky123, if by "do the job", you mean "quite possibly break your Ubuntu system", then yes, automatix will 'do the job'... [06:03] sky123: thank you [06:03] anthonykid, drivers for what? === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] anyone direct me to info on "Trusted Computing"? [06:03] anthonykid, drivers for what? [06:03] my PC === EriK2 [i=erik@re-url.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] im installing [06:03] ubuntu === EriK2 [i=erik@re-url.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:03] obviously it doesn't come with any graphics or audio drivers [06:03] yes..no? [06:03] anthonykid, you're going to have to be a little less vague [06:03] anthonykid, depends on the hardware [06:03] Like i said there are people who will always be against a certain,...going on 4 solid months of use on my ubuntu box with automatix...each to his/her own [06:03] anthonykid, you need to be specific. Drivers for what hardware? Audio & basic graphics don't usually need setting up or extra drivers, they should just work [06:03] anyhow... [06:03] anthonykid, unless you have some really funky hardware sound and graphics willprobably work out of the box [06:04] hmm [06:04] well [06:04] this was originally a Windows machine (obviously) [06:04] !enter [06:04] i clean installed a few times [06:04] Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying. [06:04] and every time, i had to reinstall audio and graphics drivers [06:04] fiveiron: can you find out for certain if it is bcm4318? [06:04] heya MadPilot [06:04] it is... === SpAwN [n=wls@pool-70-22-169-45.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:04] fiveiron: or bcm4311 or 4314? [06:04] anthonykid, but what does that have to do with linux? [06:04] anthonykid, most of that irritation is missing from Ubuntu & Linux, happily. [06:04] nothing [06:05] anthonykid, this isn't windows :) [06:05] yeah.. [06:05] well, actually [06:05] got an iMac in March [06:05] haven't used windows since [06:05] but i wanted to give ubuntu a try with my old pc [06:05] hey my mobo's clock is running a bit too fast [06:05] fiveiron: with a couple of days of fighting it ....i ended up using ndiswrapper [06:05] brb [06:05] sky123, wait a minute... i found a forum post that might work === Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-221-181.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] anthonykid, how old? [06:05] anthonykid, please use one line per sentence - you're hitting Enter way too often [06:05] k [06:05] sorry [06:05] i'm 16 === amdgamer [n=brosta@ool-18bde8db.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] hello? [06:05] hi there! === Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A1B65F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] yes? [06:06] Problems with Ubuntu server (no GUI) 6.10, it won't let me log in. during install it asked for full name (tom jones) then it said username (tom), I said ok. I entered the PW 2x, finished install [06:06] i have a problem === b33r- [i=b33r@] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] anthonykid, no, how old is the PC? [06:06] lmao, sorry --> bout 4 years [06:06] anthonykid: at age 16 the first strep to step out of the "point and click" generation...youll actually learn how to fix things...nice work! :) [06:06] !ask [06:06] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [06:07] Hello will ubuntu run smoothly on a p2 400MHz, 256 SD-RAM and HD 4 GB? [06:07] lol, 4GB? [06:07] b33r: probably without X [06:07] b33r-, itll run slow and smooth === h1st0 [n=histo@adsl-75-36-112-138.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:07] like Karo Syrup [06:07] :o [06:07] anthonykid, Ubuntu should install just fine on a PC that's only 4 years old - what's the system specs? CPU/RAM/etc? [06:07] back [06:07] windows install cannot boot, i need to recover files, running live 5.10, can i share the whole computer and access it from my other windows machine, to recover files? [06:07] so [06:07] my mobo's clock is running a little bit too fast [06:08] amdgamer, yes === mez_ [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] ok... intel pentium 4 2.8ghz, 512 megs of ram, pretty sure 128 vRAM not sure tho [06:08] I know there's a way of setting it to periodically sync with NTP servers [06:08] okay... ive been trying samba [06:08] like every 10 minutes or so; I'm not sure exactly of the interval [06:08] amdgamer: the use of damnsmall linux or knoppix might serve your needs as well [06:08] you shouldn't have any problems with that machine anthonykid === cablesm102 [n=chatzill@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Khalsa [n=Paul@adsl-68-93-75-234.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] hmm... [06:08] ok, thanks [06:08] !ubuntu-desktop [06:08] k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. [06:08] amd get yourself an ssh/scp program [06:08] but how do I do this? I thought it was just the thing in the "adjust time/date" deal but I did that and it is still running fast. === capt-silver [n=tmills@bas14-toronto63-1177973981.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] im going to start installing now... i have an iMac sitting right next to the PC [06:09] easier with damnsmall linux? [06:09] Ubootno: that is good advice :) [06:09] me [06:09] my messages weren't going thru [06:09] thx [06:09] *kisses iMac* [06:09] Is there anything I can do to make Firefox use mplayer-plugin rather than totem without uninstalling totem-mozilla? [06:09] humblerodent, right click on the clock and adjust date time.. There should be an ntp setting in there. === RegalEagle [i=PinkFloy@] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] amdgamer: I had to recover a server that way and scp'd the files... and no issues. [06:09] anyone else here a supposed apple fanboy? [06:09] rickyfingers: u still there? got it working and installed, now I can't log in. did this before too. [06:09] cablesm102, remove the totem plugin form /usr/share/firefox/plguins [06:09] How do I mount my Windows Parition in Ubuntu? [06:09] cablesm102, plugins [06:09] h1st0: yup, I've already done all of that....it doesn't seem to be syncing it periodically [06:09] quite easy to set up? im a noob at linux [06:09] h1st0, thanks [06:09] !ntfs > RegalEagle [06:09] w00t!! network light came on!! [06:10] !anyone [06:10] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [06:10] amdgamer, is what easy to set up? [06:10] so like i said... anyone else here a MAC FANBOY? === windtw [n=wind@59-112-226-119.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] the whole thing? [06:10] sharing the HDD [06:10] Is Ubotu becoming conscious? intelligent? [06:10] !anyone | anthonykid [06:10] anthonykid: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [06:10] amdgamer, what installing ubuntu? [06:10] What made it suggest that? [06:11] cablesm102: I had the same issue... i guess uninstalling the totem-plugin...which on my box, I believe it kept both totem and mplayer...but used the mplayer-plugin [06:11] amdgamer, oh sharing the hdd over a windows network? === snook353 [n=snook353@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:11] cablesm102, people using the !anyone tell [06:11] i currently have ubuntu 5.10 running live... yes over the W network === alistair [n=achjo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] !samba > amdgamer === h1st0 next === sycko [n=sycko@] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] hey there, I'm having massive problems with my sound setup since changing cards, could anyone tell me if there's a way to completely reinstall all of the sound systems? Alsamixer is telling me my card doesn't exist, when the card is present in the device mixer and sound settings dialogue. I installed the new card to play with jack etc. and do recording so it's very important to me I get everything working if anyone could help [06:11] I would really appreciate it. [06:11] one more question --> i just purchased a logitech wireless mouse/keyboard setup... what are the chances ill need drivers for them to work? [06:11] !sound > dks_matt === sycko [n=sycko@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:12] the new sound mixer in edgy seems screwy.... [06:12] DBO, u around? [06:12] anthonykid, I've used wireless kb/mice on a couple of versions of Ubuntu, they 'just work' too [06:12] is there a sound channel? [06:12] I had to go to alsamixer in order to set my line-in as capture properly [06:12] Hello, If I have this card: nvidia Corporation NV18 [Geforce MX 4000 AGP 8x] (rev c1), is the the proper document I should be following to install the drivers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or something else? I tried following that and it killed X, i had to restore the xorg.conf to the default. [06:12] sounds good [06:12] anthonykid, search for your model on www.ubuntuforums.org but I doubt you'll need drivers. [06:12] im starting it up now [06:12] alright [06:12] Khalsa, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [06:13] anthonykid, try the live cd first to see. [06:13] yeah, i'm doing that now [06:13] i just put it in... it's providing testing features [06:13] dks_matt, did you check out sound on the desktop guide at help.ubuntu.com? [06:13] no I'll go check it out thanks [06:14] Who has experience with sun-sparc ubuntu install?? === Traveler [n=traveler@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:14] h1st0: nvidia-glx is already the newest version === Ubootno [n=comcast@c-24-3-161-55.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:14] Khalsa, try glxinfo | grep render what does that output? === morphir [n=morphir@] has joined #ubuntu === lullabud [n=lullabud@c-24-6-170-20.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] Hey boys and hopefully one or two girls. I've recently installed Ubuntu and my screen goes pitch-black! === cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-115.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] I know I've gotten into Ubuntu since I can hear sounds of drums and stuff [06:15] Traveler, did the live cd work? or has the system's display ever worked with ubuntu? [06:15] no [06:15] live CD didn't work [06:15] h1st0: A bunch of lines like: Xlin: extenstion "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". [06:15] Traveler, okay what type of video card? [06:15] I used the alternate [06:15] h1st0: Xlib* [06:15] Radeon X700 Mobility [06:15] live doesnt affect your system correct? [06:15] Khalsa, okay what else have you tried as far as installing nvidia drivers? === j_ack [n=rudi@p508D8726.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] Khalsa, did you use automatix? [06:16] amdgamer, correct unless you mount and format the drive its booting off of the cd. [06:16] !fglrx > Traveler [06:16] trying to get iptables working, in it's conf i should have a line like this "-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable" but then i can't copy the bak back? === E_Presly [n=nonny@c-5c9fe255.211-7-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] automatix...is a bad word around here...lol [06:16] damnet, im installing ubuntu right noww, but it's not detecting the wireless keyboard [06:16] h1st0: nothing, just that document, which, on restart of X, did not restart x and went to command line. I then restred the xorg.conf that was backup === E_Presly [n=nonny@c-5c9fe255.211-7-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Lmnar"] [06:16] Traveler, you can boot into recovery mode and install the proper video drivers. See if that helps you out. [06:16] ahh thanks [06:16] brb === Nuked [n=fluxinat@ool-44c7d376.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === j_ack_ [n=rudi@p508DABD9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] Khalsa, well just make sure in /etc/X11/xorg.conf you have the line Driver "nvidia" under the device section. [06:17] h1st0: i doubt it, I just restored it to the default xorg.conf [06:17] h1st0: maybe a pastebin of his xorg.conf?? [06:17] Khalsa, well thats the problem. What are you trying to get working? [06:17] h1st0: I can't even get into console, how am I supposed to install theese drivers? :P [06:17] anthonykid: is it bluetooth or RF? [06:18] USB reciever [06:18] Traveler, boot to recovery mode. === cablesm102 [n=chatzill@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === stahnma [n=stahnma@] has joined #ubuntu [06:18] reading up on samba shows alot of connecting users, but i want to share my HDD [06:18] h1st0: I haven't tried yet, but I want to get the game "tremulous" working [06:18] anthonykid: usb with RF or bluetooth? [06:18] amdgamer, well you need to share you hdd with samba. [06:18] RF [06:18] Traveler: so when you try a ctrl-alt-f1 or f2 it does nothing?? [06:18] h1st0: how? [06:18] (im assuming, it was cheap and i know bluetooth is expensive) [06:18] anthonykid: what kind of system? [06:18] sky123: ctrl-alt-f1 locks my computer up [06:18] systemax [06:18] i just dont userstand how to set up the permissions [06:18] same with f2 [06:18] Khalsa, well change the deivce section so that it says Driver "nvidia" instead of nv or vesa. [06:19] anthonykid: hmm... yeah, probably a bios problem. [06:19] h1st0, what did you say about disabling the Totem mozilla plugin? My computer crashed, and I have no log of this chat. === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] So how do I get into recovery mode? -_- [06:19] lulla: well, maybe not... this is during installation [06:19] anthonykid: that's one of the best things about newer computers. bios-level usb peripheral recognition. [06:19] cablesm102, you could try moving the totem plugin out of /usr/share/firefox/plugins/ to somewhere else... That will disable it after restarting firefox. === jrshannon [n=jrshanno@S0106000f3d5cf89d.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === boris55 [n=richards@111.norcross-41-44ev.ga.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] oh boy... [06:19] anthonykid: so, does it work, then it quits working? [06:19] cablesm102, but it will remain installed as far as the system is concerned. [06:19] h1st0, thanks [06:19] Traveler, when your system boots up, get into the grub menu by holding ESC. Then choose recovery mode from the menu [06:20] lulla: i've got "Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 114..." === TheLance [n=thelance@c-24-131-177-194.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] anthonykid: actually, here's a test. when you press "esc" or "tab" or "f2" when the system is booting, does anything happen? === John64 [n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1177560169.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] hey does anyone know if there is an mp3 to .aac file converter for linux? [06:20] anthonykid: that sounds bad. [06:20] TheLance, google? [06:20] lulla: actually, i've got an interface now, and the mouse is being detected [06:20] so maybe it's fine [06:20] tried it [06:20] nothing [06:21] (taking forever to boot tho) [06:21] anthonykid: awesome. it's rad when stuff actually works. especially wireless mice and keyboards. === Dev05 [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1168073707.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] sure is... i've got it booted now === Nuked [n=fluxinat@ool-44c7d376.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] h1st0, there is no folder named plugins there. There IS one in /home/.mozilla, but all that's there is the flash plugin [06:21] Linux n00b here [06:21] i hate wireless mice and keyboards [06:21] TheLance, http://aacs.kingdomsports.net/ [06:21] batteries die soo quick [06:21] well thats my experience [06:22] TheLance, nm don't go there spyware wtf. [06:22] dont worry i fell upon that too [06:22] but we don't get spyware [06:22] we're running ubuntu [06:22] Hi. I'm using Edgy here and I was trying to install a theme under Gnome and everything that I get are Windows 95-like controls. What is missing? I tried to compile, for example, the Candido engine and it tells me that I'm missing GTK+-2.8... :/ [06:22] DEv05, I had that same exact problem [06:23] h1st0: oh, I restarted X and the nvidia logo came up for a moment, I assume this means success? (getting tremulous now) [06:23] yep [06:23] that means your NV drivers work [06:23] TheLance, http://blog.i64.pl/PiosBlog/200608/16-convert-mp3-to-aac/ [06:23] clear [06:23] Khalsa, yes [06:23] all: wow, i'm amazed--> ubuntu is partitioning my HDD for me... i never would have expected this [06:23] cablesm102, Have you been able to fix it? I simply have no idea at all... === tonyyarusso [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] i was assuming i'd just clean install, overwrite windows [06:23] im impressed already [06:23] Khalsa, to check for sure just glxinfo | grep render it should return Direct Rendering yes or somethign like that. === John64 [n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1177560169.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [06:24] Dev05, nope. Every other theme has done the same thing also. [06:24] ok [06:24] thanks h1stwhatever [06:24] h1st0: yes, direct rendering: YES [06:24] anthonykid, very easy to setup.. You definately want to read help.ubuntu.com "the desktop guide" will help you through most of your questions. Also stay away from automatix and easyubuntu [06:24] Khalsa, you're alls et. [06:24] h1st0: Thank you very much for your help. I really appreciate it [06:24] Khalsa, all set === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] np [06:24] cablesm102, It's really weird. It shouldn't complain about Gtk packages being missing. [06:24] h1st0: what are automatix and easyubuntu? [06:25] Is anybody having trouble with themes on Edgy here? [06:25] anthonykid: automatix killed my first attempt at ubuntu i'd advise against it :-( [06:25] Khalsa: is it an auto installer? [06:25] anthonykid, they are programs that make installing most common applications "easy" but however its kind of a hacked way of doing thingks. If your check out the desktop guide for all your questions you will be fine. [06:25] cablesm102, no === squeee [n=squee@ip70-162-71-25.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] alright, thanks [06:26] Dev05, want to file a bug? [06:26] now all i need is for someone to explain to me the science behind a microprocessor, and i'm good to go! [06:26] *heh* [06:26] anthonykid, the more experience you get you will see what a waste automatix is. Because most everything you need can be installed in less clicks than installing autmatix etc... [06:26] cablesm102, Good idea, I hadn't thought about it. === waseem [n=waseem@] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] hi what are good mp4 players? [06:27] waseem, vlc [06:27] VLC [06:27] waseem, totem any thing works [06:27] is the good one [06:27] Dev05, you do it, then email me the bug # please. Put it to confirmed, also. [06:27] How do i tell where a pkg comes from? My wallpaper just turned black saying "USING UNTRUSTED REPOSITORES MAY CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE". Edgy-wallpapers upgraded.... [06:27] h1st0 the sound doesnt seem to be working though [06:27] do you think its the file itself? [06:27] sudo apt-get install vlc [06:27] waseem, witht he proper codecs . VLC doesn't need any codecs installed though. [06:27] waseem, what are you trying to play it with? [06:27] if you search around === umops [n=andrew@c210-49-71-222.rochd2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:27] h1st0 i tried both vlc and totem [06:28] you can get the .wmv codec to work [06:28] and got no sound from both [06:28] cablesm102, Dev05: you need the -dev packages to compile things. BUt I am pretty sure candido is in the repositories [06:28] its probably your sound driver in linux [06:28] h1st0: i know partitioning an HDD is a tideous process, but ubuntu's installer is taking quite awhile... should i be worried? [06:28] waseem, do you have the restricted codecs installed for totem to work? i.e. gstreamer etc... [06:28] im not sure [06:28] how can i check/ [06:28] anthonykid, like how long? [06:28] it's been about 7/8 minutes now [06:28] jrib, Yeah, but if you try to install a theme, you shouldn't need them. Or... Do you? === bismark [n=bismark@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] anthonykid, well did you have it resize the windows partition and create new partitions in the free space? [06:29] h1st0: yeah [06:29] Dev05: some themes use particular gtk engines, so yes depending on the theme [06:29] anthonykid, well the resizing could take a few minutes. Also depends on how much data is on the rive. [06:29] alright, ill give it a bit more [06:30] jrib, this one for example: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=34779 It won't work, however I do have Clearlooks installed. [06:30] im escaping past 20 minutes tho [06:30] h1st0: ya i have gstreamer [06:30] anthonykid, I belive if you hit ctrl+alt+f1 or +f4 you might be able to see the progress of the installer text based. To get back to X windows ctrl+alt+f7 [06:30] its not the sound card, thats fine because i can play other things with sound [06:30] What is the dpkg command to install rpm and tar.gz/tar.ball files? [06:30] Okay, I want to use mplayer plugin rather than totem plugin for mozilla, but I don't want to uninstall the totem plugin because I'd have to uninstall ubuntu-desktop. How can I disable it from Firefox? === t3m17 [n=tim@24-240-20-230.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] waseem, well if vlc can't play it and totem with gstreamer can't. I'd start questioning the file. Or possibly see if ffmpeg detects and audio stream. [06:30] h1st0: hmm... i tried that, nothing [06:30] Dev05: that one should probably work because, like you said, it is using clearlooks. What exactly happens? [06:31] but, my computer is completely responsive in every way [06:31] !rpm === shah02 [n=shirin@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] rpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous). [06:31] how can i check if ffmpeg detects the audio stream? [06:31] samba security = ADS, what does that mean? [06:31] cablesm102, i've told you sudo mv /usr/share/firefox/plugins/tot* /home// [06:31] cablesm102, then restart firefox. === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] !apt [06:31] apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) [06:31] waseem, try converting it. [06:31] h1st0, there is no plugins folder in usr/share/firefox [06:31] amdgamer: Active Directory Server ? [06:31] ah makes sense [06:32] cablesm102, try locate firefox/plugins [06:32] cablesm102: /usr/lib but you can just do: sudo touch /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/*mplayer* and firefox will rpefer mplayer [06:32] Could someone show me how to install a package that Ive downloaded off of a website? [06:32] h1st0: convert it just by renaming it? or is there a special thing i have to do [06:32] jrib, thanks [06:32] cablesm102, if it returns nothing sudo updatedb then locate firefox/plugins it may be in /usr/share/mozilla-firefox/plugins or something around there. [06:32] I'm following a tutorial and this bit is not familiar to me... what does it mean and how do i do it? "I removed the setuid bit from the binary, and made it world-executable." [06:32] jrib, nice didn't realize touch would work. [06:33] h1st0: it's been about 15 minutes now :/ [06:33] eetfunk, it would help if you told us what the hell you where trying ot do? === bsnider [n=brandon@] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] h1st0: install an app [06:33] !synaptic [06:33] synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto === Dev05_ [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1168073397.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] RegalEagle: what is it a package for? [06:34] eetfunk, but that would mostlikley mean that any person could execute it i.e. sudo chmod a+x whateverfile also it may mean you hav eto put the file in yoru path somewhere. [06:34] How do i find out which repository a package came from? [06:34] has anybody got a geforce 6200? [06:34] jrib: VMware tools [06:34] eetfunk, what app? [06:34] RegalEagle: you can double click on .deb's [06:34] jrib, Touch didn't work... trying deleting the file [06:34] squeee, /msg ubotu info [06:34] jrib: There's an rpm and tar.gz package [06:34] cablesm102: you have to close all instances of firefox and open it again [06:34] squeee, also possible apt-cache showpkg packagename may work. === lullabud [n=lullabud@c-24-6-170-20.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] ubotu: tell RegalEagle about vmware [06:35] h1st0: dspam [06:35] jrib, i did... [06:35] !vmware [06:35] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare [06:35] eetfunk, you realize its in the repos right? [06:35] I need the VMware tools [06:35] h1st0: yes but i want to install from source [06:35] eetfunk, could be installed via synaptic or sudo apt-get install dspam would work. [06:35] not player [06:35] h1st0: My Wallpaper now says "USING UNTRUSTED REPOSITORES MAY CAUSE PERMANENT DAMAGE" [06:35] eetfunk, ahh well if you want to install from source. === Ashley` [n=TXtoucia@ppp117-210.lns1.bne4.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:36] RegalEagle: search the wiki for vmware tools, there's a page [06:36] RegalEagle, what are you trying t do... [06:36] the vmware tools? [06:36] yes [06:36] help! i can only get port 22 open with iptables, can't see what im doing wrong!? [06:36] RPM and tar.gz packages [06:36] have you loaded vmware...and your virtual machine? [06:36] Yes [06:36] Running Ubuntu right now [06:36] >_> [06:36] RegalEagle: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VmwareTools [06:36] ok hold a min === Dev05__ [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1168073768.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] you can pick to install vmware from within vmware server [06:37] at the top...think its vmware.... [06:37] Yes [06:37] then under that install vmware tools [06:37] Yes [06:37] It brings up two packages [06:38] An RPM and a tar.gz [06:38] I could use some help with lirc/irda if anyone's done that [06:38] hmm.....weird...mine did a auto install [06:38] has anybody got any geforce 6x series card? [06:38] Double-clicking doesnt work [06:38] well rpm will not work in ubuntu [06:38] Ive got alien installed [06:38] so would have to get tar.gz [06:38] Ive got the tar.gz === kennyd [i=mayhem@89-172-10-165.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] did you untar it? === gunner [n=gunner@c-69-137-129-212.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] How do I do that? === ixian_ [n=jeff@S0106000ea6e07b91.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:39] I normally do gunzip file.tar.gz...then tar -xf file.tar [06:39] all: if i dual boot, will ubuntu automatically add a boot loader? [06:40] yes [06:40] but think there is a step with tar to do it all in one step [06:40] to windows that is === Vaun [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === cari_tmen_ce [n=pc1@] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] yes still === lullabud [n=lullabud@c-24-6-170-20.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] gunzip file.tar.gz [06:40] So I do that? [06:40] squeee, just change your wallpaper? I don't understand? === shah02 [n=shirin@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [06:40] nv [06:40] where file is the full name of the the file...yes [06:40] RegalEagle, tar xvzf file.tar.gz [06:40] then do tar -xf file.tar === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] h1st0, has the command I couldn't remember [06:41] heheh [06:41] RegalEagle, tar -xzvf file.tar.gz === sparkleytone [n=abstephe@stephenscorp.com] has joined #ubuntu === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu === albacker [n=eni@unaffiliated/Albacker] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] Do I do that in a terminal? [06:42] tar xf file.tar.gz will work as well, tar is getting smart [06:42] RegalEagle, yes [06:42] are there less features on the live CD than are there in an actual installation? === OctobersDark [n=October@ip70-177-71-16.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === Digichrome [n=Digichro@] has joined #ubuntu === harisund [n=harisund@ip72-207-196-251.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] anthonykid, live is slow === abhinay [n=abhinay@unaffiliated/abhinay] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] very [06:42] anthonykid, no, same stuff is installed by default on both. === tuko [n=user@ut-dialup-114-125.uniweb.net.co] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] How can I tell if Aiglx is running? [06:43] and yes, live is slow compared to installed === lullabud thinks that the ubuntu livecd needs the knoppix "toram" option. === loaf [n=dave@c-67-184-194-114.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] anthonykid, not really you but you can install any software you want using synaptic You can even install program while booted to the live cd with synaptic. However they will be gone after reboot. [06:43] Hello! When I use iptables to log packets, where do they get logged? In some file? There are some bad packets being dropped, I want to know where they are coming from. [06:43] harisund, perhaps in /var/log somehwere? [06:43] It wont let me tar it [06:44] thank's all [06:44] hello [06:44] tar: Child returned status 2 [06:44] damn, this partitioner is taking quite awhile [06:44] h1st0: yeah.. that's what I thought too.. do you have any idea of that file? [06:44] RegalEagle: try `file foo.tar.gz` [06:44] RegalEagle, tar -zxvf file.tar.gz wille xtract it into a folder [06:44] RegalEagle: "file" is actually the command. === loaftop [n=dave@c-67-184-194-114.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] oh [06:45] harisund, dunno look for a iptables directory in /var/log/ [06:45] So I enter that word for word? [06:45] harisund, most log files get put there. Or possibly in /tmp [06:45] RegalEagle: well, change the foo.tar.gz to whatever the actual filename is. [06:45] h1st0: It just feels like a threat to me and i'd like to find out which repository did it. [06:45] RegalEagle: the child process is probably gunzip, so if it's returning 2 it may not be a valid file. [06:46] It's on cdrom0 [06:46] The package is [06:46] RegalEagle: what is the full filename? [06:46] VMwareTools-1.0.1-29996.tar.gz [06:46] ooooh [06:46] squeee, Well you had to change your wallpaper unless you are running a beta version of ubuntu like fiesty. [06:46] squeee, possibly when the theme updated something got borked. [06:46] RegalEagle: so, if it's on a cdrom, you can't extract it. you'll have to `cp VMwareTools-1.0.1-29996.tar.gz ~/` or something === levander [i=cponder@user-11211lh.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] RegalEagle: then extract it. [06:47] oh [06:47] I'll try [06:47] guys i have a dialup problem, can you help me ? === deff [n=deff@chello089173008198.chello.sk] has left #ubuntu [] [06:47] h1st0: thanks for the help ... I am not able to find it.. I will continue to search :) [06:47] RegalEagle, cp that file to your home folder first [06:47] h1st0: No it's an image with a skull and crossbones with a threatening message about my repositories... i really wanna find out what did this === shiggity [n=fuego@ip72-210-39-68.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] RegalEagle, you can't extract it on the cd. [06:47] It wont cp >_> [06:47] squeee, screenshot? [06:48] Guys, BEAUTIFUL job on the new Ubuntu release. It's incredible. [06:48] squeee, you can upload it to www.imageshack.us dunno if pastebin allows screen shots you could also try there. [06:48] I did: cp VMwareTools-1.0.1-29996.tar.gz ~/ [06:48] harisund, well you could try locate [06:48] harisund, locate iptables [06:48] RegalEagle: then do `cd ; tar -xvzf VMwareTools-1.0.1-29996.tar.gz` [06:48] ok [06:48] cd ~ [06:49] h1st0: `cd` is the same as `cd ~` === boris55 [n=demo@cpe-024-211-139-202.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] lullabud, ahh cool [06:49] hey all [06:49] Is there a keyboard shortcut for that? [06:49] h1st0: http://img168.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ubuntusmoothchocolatezn2.png [06:49] h1st0: yeah, it's C D [06:49] ;-) [06:49] squeee, I have never seen that before. That is definately odd. [06:50] question about using bcm43xx? [06:50] lullabud, lol [06:50] lol [06:50] lullabud, well its still one key press longer than a shortcut. [06:50] squeee, lol,good wallpaper [06:50] Still not working [06:50] lullabud, like ctrl+d type stuff [06:50] h1st0: LOL, only a quake geek would worry about one keystroke [06:50] ya === deadlydeathcone [n=john@] has joined #ubuntu === minghua [n=minghua@ppp-70-246-27-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] anybody know how to find out where this came from? [06:51] h1st0: the quake 1 manual said to use ".rc" instead of ".cfg" because it was one letter shorter. :P [06:51] squeee, welll do you use aptitude or apt-get to install software === Feldegast [n=feldegas@cor8-ppp3825.hay.dsl.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] yes [06:51] there was an upgrade for edgy-wallpapers [06:51] lullabud, lol [06:51] and that's waht happend [06:51] Can edgy desktop i386 install CD handle existent LVM? === lando [n=lando@adsl-10-71-233.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] squeee, Well i'm up to date and I don't have that wallpaper [06:52] squeee: you might try doing a `strings /path/wallpaper.png | more` and see what it says. [06:52] Ok, I extracted the tar.gz to my Desktop [06:52] you dont have to restart samba when you add a user? [06:52] hist0: I used a list of repositories from a friend, so i have alot [06:52] squeee: that wallpaper hints at the problem, what unofficial repos are you using [06:52] lullabud: I ran it through hexedit, nothing [06:53] lullbud: I extracted the tar.gz to the Desktop [06:53] jrib: Too many to list, I'm going to format just in case, but i want to find out what did this [06:53] squeee: apt-cache policy edgy-wallpapers [06:53] lullabud: By righ-click -> Extract to [06:53] RegalEagle: awesome! let's all celebrate with a shot! === screechingcat [n=screechi@] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] RegalEagle, http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ === lullabud goes to get a shot. [06:53] lullabud: So how do I install now? === h1st0 has had too many shots tonight. === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@a160078.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === elljay [i=lj@spamshack.org] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] RegalEagle: ah, it's awesome when people find shortcuts. :) i'm such a terminal nerd i forget that there actually are easy ways to do stuff. [06:54] jrib: gave me this... http://johan.kiviniemi.name [06:54] RegalEagle, take a look at the link I sent you will tell you how to install anything in ubuntu. [06:54] trying to ssh to my other box using ssh user@host and it is refusing me? [06:54] lol [06:54] h1st0, Ive got that link bookmarked ;) === besonen2____ [n=besonen2@dsl-db.pacinfo.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] lullabud, well terminal is a much easier way to tell people how to do stuff on irc. === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host71-165-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [06:54] cpk1: what's the error say, or is it just timing out? [06:54] h1st0: true.dat [06:54] cpk1, is sshd running on the other box? [06:54] squeee: well that's probably it then [06:54] it says connection refused [06:55] cpk1: ssh is probably not installed. [06:55] and i have no idea its completely headless right now [06:55] !ssh > cpk1 [06:55] cpk1: ....on the target host, that is. [06:55] i see, is there any way i can access it then without ssh? [06:55] i would like to turn it off nicely === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] cpk1, not without a head === Khalsa [n=Paul@adsl-68-93-75-234.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] cpk1, unless you exploited it. [06:56] why does Ubuntu say i have two floppy drives even though i have only one ? [06:56] forgive me, dear desktop [06:56] What is the linux filezilla/smartftp equivalent? (I know how to do ftp/etc from command line, just would be nice to have a gui) [06:56] cpk1: sometimes you can press ctrl-alt-del to get it to reboot... then power off when you hear the post beep. [06:56] samba, do i want wins server? [06:56] yes but it doesnt even have a keyboard or mouse atm [06:56] Khalsa: d4x [06:56] h1st0: What are these "compiler tools"? [06:57] my / dir contains "Floppy1 and Floppy Drive" [06:57] cpk1: plug one in? [06:57] how do i get rid of the Floppy1 ? [06:57] i dont have any of those with me right now >< [06:57] RegalEagle, sudo apt-get build-essential thats a meta package of tools for compiling software from source. [06:57] screechingcat: the preferred method is to throw it out the window. [06:57] i will just have to be mean to it [06:57] Toma-: do i want d4x or d4x-common? [06:57] cpk1, do you ahve acpi? === Trixse1 [n=trixsey@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] lullabud: the floppy drive or the icon ? === Keyseir [n=Keyseir@166-82-116-99.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] screechingcat: LOL, good question! [06:58] Ahh, thanks for the help... got in now :) [06:58] cpk1, you could try just tapping the power button not holding it down. See if it powers down that would be a nice way of suspending it. [06:58] screechingcat: you should be able to delete them with root privs. [06:58] h1st0: thx for your help :D [06:58] i tried tapping it and didnt work === hollywood1 [i=ExUser@75-132-45-69.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Trixse1, np [06:58] i powered it off >=( === h1st0 adds another notch on his mouse [06:58] lullabud: i tried. it got deleted and then came back after reboot [06:58] h1st0: Invalid operation build-essential [06:58] screechingcat: do you have a floppy disk drive? [06:59] cpk1, ahh well you have to do what you have to do sometimes === specialbuddy [n=matt@24-236-212-154.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] lullabud: yeah but only 1 [06:59] anyways time to go move it back to its peripherals thanks for the help =) [06:59] RegalEagle, sudo apt-get install build-essential [06:59] k [06:59] lullabud: and ubuntu shows 2 [06:59] screechingcat: and these are in your root directory? [06:59] RegalEagle, sry typo little buzzed here. Was out drinking all night. [06:59] can someone help me out with getting apollon working? [06:59] lullabud: yeah === mykilx [i=1000@pool-71-99-150-2.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] screechingcat: do you have a virtual floppy, like from your bios emulating a usb flash disk as a floppy? [07:00] lullabud: i dont have a USB flash disk [07:00] specialbuddy, you mean installing it? === lullabud high fives h1st0 for drunk IRCing [07:00] What provides the lirc_sir module? [07:00] I'm having a wierd bug with apt-get on edgy. I referenced google but couldn't find an answer. Help please? http://pastebin.com/821697 === minghua [n=minghua@ppp-70-246-27-66.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:00] I have it installed but I can't get any of the networks to connect === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:00] specialbuddy: you need to configure GiFT [07:00] lullabud, my typos are extremely high tonight. Probably cuz I can barely see straight. Gotta live spelll cheking. But i'm to lazy to fix most of it. [07:01] I did but I still can't figure out what I'm doing wrong [07:01] specialbuddy: there's a good guide on it in the ubuntu forums [07:01] specialbuddy, firewall? [07:01] specialbuddy, www.ubuntuforums.org [07:01] I have a router === h1st0 sharted [07:01] h1st0: Is this available in Synaptic? I dont have my Ubuntu disc and it's not recognizing the Ubuntu ISO that VMware is supplying [07:01] specialbuddy: just look up "\GiFT, gnutella, ares, kazza" in the search box [07:01] LOL @ h1st0 spelll checking indeed! [07:01] How do I compile stuff like mplayer in Ubuntu? === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] !info build-essential [07:02] ok [07:02] Keyseir: Try "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and change the remove us.archive to just archive in all of them [07:02] thanks [07:02] build-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB === cwill1 [n=cwillu@S01060011d8399444.ss.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:02] Trixse1: by following guides that greater mortals have posted [07:02] RegalEagle, yes its in synaptic === Konnektion is now known as lunchbox [07:02] thanks [07:02] Trixse1: its better to use synaptic to simple install the pre-compiled versions [07:02] Trixse1: just google "compile mplayer ubuntu" === xiphoid [n=ubuntu@a160078.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] squee: ok [07:02] Sorry for all the work Im causing :p [07:02] ok thanks [07:02] Keyseir: that problem looks like a server issue... [07:03] RegalEagle, any package int he repos is availble to install via synaptic its just easier for me to tell you to apt-get install rather than open synaptic and search and install. blah blah === lunchbox is now known as Konnektion === Konnektion is back from: sleep.. must sleep.. enjoy! (been away for 35s) [07:03] Keyseir: probably referencing a 404 or something. [07:03] Ah ok [07:03] lullabud: did u figure anything out about my mysterious floppy drive ? === Konnektion is now known as lunchbox === lunchbox is now away: sleep.. must sleep.. enjoy! [07:03] Where can I find info about that cool xlg/compiz stuff? I have installed an older ubunto 6.something just now. .And want to give it a go [07:03] !away lunchbox [07:03] away: A terminal locking program. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.5-3 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 124 kB [07:03] xiphoid: !beryl [07:03] !away > lunchbox [07:03] ughh i dont get it, how do i make windows and linux authorize eachother so i can access files? === cari_sohib_ce [n=pc2@] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] xiphoid, /j #ubuntu-xgl [07:04] ive added an acount [07:04] I've seen these tutorials and they still don't work [07:04] Sweet, good stuff guys :) [07:04] and set a pass but it doesnt work [07:04] amdgamer: install ntfs-3g [07:04] !beryl [07:04] beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl. [07:04] its FAT [07:04] #ubuntu-xgl is a good place === rastilin [n=rastilin@adsl-bri-1-130.ozonline.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === jtf0518 [n=jaytee@c-69-137-243-25.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] Thanks :) [07:04] amdgamer: then you should have no problem === carthik [n=carthik@ubuntu/member/pdpc.carthik] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] screechingcat: nope. i don't know much about floppies, haven't had to use one in like 6 years, except to install RAID drivers in @#$% win2k3 server. === xiphoid [n=ubuntu@a160078.upc-a.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:04] Feldegast, #ubuntu+1 is cooler [07:04] ughh [07:04] amdgamer: do u mean windows to linux ? [07:04] yes [07:05] for windows the login box [07:05] squeee: removed the "us" ran apt-get update and no error messages. Thx [07:05] amdgamer: install the e2fs driver for windows === cari_tmen_ce_ [n=pc1@] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] comes up as [computername] /something === wobbler [n=wayne@pdpc/supporter/active/wobbler] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] as the username [07:05] amdgamer: forget all the users and whatever you were doing === cari_sohib_ce is now known as cewekx [07:05] okay... [07:05] Keyseir: No problem :D [07:05] amdgamer: just install this e2fs driver [07:05] on the windows machine? [07:06] amdgamer: yeah [07:06] amdgamer: google it and download the exe [07:06] on it [07:07] screechingcat, why would he do that instead of just getting samba working properly === cari_tmen_ce_ is now known as metta [07:07] I'm trying to make my CD player's remote control work with my Thinkpad laptop via irda/lirc, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I've read stuff on the Thinkwiki, Ubuntu wiki, and lirc site, and I think I have some pieces in place, but it's not all coming together. [07:07] amdgamer: this is a netwrok ? [07:08] tonyyarusso, do you have lircd running and is it seeing your irda port? [07:08] amdgamer: not a dualboot ? === t3m17 [n=tim@24-240-20-230.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] tonyyarusso, if so try irw and see if the remote is being pickedup. [07:08] yes network [07:08] h1st0: I've had it both running and not; I'm supposed to have it not when doing a configuration step. No idea if it sees anything. [07:08] tonyyarusso, and if thats the case then you just mostlikely need a .lircrc in yoru ~ [07:08] amdgamer: oh shit. im sorry. i thought u meant a dualboot === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] tonyyarusso, irw isyour friend [07:08] h1st0: irw gives me an error and won't run [07:08] what happens if you "sudo chown $user / -R"? [07:08] yeah i didnt understand where i was going with that [07:09] amdgamer: im sorry mate [07:09] tonyyarusso, hrm... lsmod | grep lirc [07:09] but im having trouble setting up the usernames, no problem dude [07:09] h1st0: Nothing atm. === cari_sohib_ce [n=pc2@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] amdgamer, there are hundreds of samba howtos on the net. === kro [n=user@pool-72-84-47-44.clrkwv.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] tonyyarusso, ps aux | grep lircx [07:09] tonyyarusso, ps aux | grep lirc [07:09] h1st0: Actually, now I got it to run, but it doesn't do anything. === Crusher [n=You@124-254-125-252-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] another search here i come [07:10] h1st0: nobody 7796 0.0 0.0 1796 432 ? Ss 01:00 0:00 /usr/sbin/inputlircd /dev/input/event0 /dev/input/event1 /dev/input/event2 /dev/input/event3 /dev/input/event4 /dev/input/event5 [07:10] amdgamer: dont just do a google search === rphillips [n=rphillip@gentoo/developer/rphillips] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] tonyyarusso, well if you get irw running try pointing the mote at the sensor and hitting buttons. [07:10] amdgamer: search in the ubuntu document storage facility === cari_sohib_ce is now known as cwk^maniez^ === wobbler [n=wayne@pdpc/supporter/active/wobbler] has left #ubuntu [] === SiliconViper [n=siliconv@d206-116-114-138.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] h1st0: nothing [07:11] tonyyarusso, you need the lirc module loaded though I know that much. outside of that its been awhile since i've messed with lirc. === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] h1st0: Additionally, the ThinkWiki mentioned a lirc_sir module, which I seem not to have. [07:11] haha === NsOmNiAc [n=NsOmNiAc@adsl-75-32-168-33.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] Okay i need to lay down for a bit. === snoops [n=blah@203-97-119-118.cable.telstraclear.net] has left #ubuntu [] === h1st0 meh crap blah. === heineken [n=holepoun@] has joined #ubuntu === rocketranch [n=rocketra@c-69-244-17-79.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] Aw man [07:13] D [07:13] Anyone got any knowledge about pcmcia cards and the freezing that happens during boot??? === rastilin [n=rastilin@adsl-bri-1-130.ozonline.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === sc4ttrbrain [n=nobody@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu === Feldegast doesn't, but does this happen with more than just 1 card? === rastilin [n=rastilin@adsl-bri-1-130.ozonline.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] under HDD partitions what does access path mean? === t3m17_ [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === nrdb [n=neil@] has joined #ubuntu === pgurumur [n=pgurumur@c-67-188-138-32.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === startgame412 [n=Owner@pool-70-107-120-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] hello all hows it going === harisund [n=harisund@ip72-207-196-251.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:19] anyone point me to a better site for setting up a second NIC to pull DHCP from a router === j_ack [n=rudi@p508DABD9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === NsOmNiAc [n=NsOmNiAc@adsl-75-32-168-33.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === sandy16 [n=sandy@] has joined #ubuntu === arjun [n=spectre@] has joined #ubuntu === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] woooot [07:21] anyone here? [07:21] 833 users ... [07:21] does anyone know if Ubuntu will be able to work on the plystation 3? === Silencer[W] [n=Silencer@] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] hm... where's the user list at? [07:22] tamacracker, my left === Silencer[W] [n=Silencer@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === quinnster [i=anon@cpe-72-184-176-203.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] carthik all I see is the Ubuntu servers list :( === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu === Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_ === vega__ [n=vega@c-68-62-133-196.hsd1.ms.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === anderbubble [n=janderso@garfield.olivet.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] Hello people. [07:23] hello hows it going [07:23] What's the most common media player for Ubuntu? [07:23] Totem [07:23] Thanks [07:23] or Amarok :D [07:23] that'd be for Kubuntu [07:24] will ubuntu be able to work on the ps3? [07:24] Guys.... I really really need your help, I've checked the forum board, either I'm horrifically stupid, or I cannot understand what it is I'm doing wrong with I try to install Nicotine === xiphoid [n=ubuntu@a160078.upc-a.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] with = when === dks_matt [n=matt@cpc2-lutn1-0-0-cust198.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] Here I am again :p Sorry :) I know you guys hate nubs [07:25] Nubs are what this channel is for. [07:25] vega__: VLC Player is popular as in MPlayer [07:25] Is there a live cd iso I can download from edgy eft? [07:25] xiphoid, the main installer boots as a live cd [07:25] as IS MPlayer [07:25] you can download a livecd from ubu site === Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-105-41.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] can anyone help me install nicotine on edgy please? === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === halex-ab [n=halex@ppp244-53.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] wtf [07:26] is there was way to have a public share [07:26] can anybody tell me how to reconfigure/reinstall alsa? [07:26] no login?? === B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.47-108.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] dks_matt, alsaconf from the commandline I think === blujay [n=first@adsl-68-95-147-181.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] ok [07:27] I can't seem to delete sources.list, but i need to restore a backup [07:27] Any help? [07:28] dks_matt, if you want to reinstall it, use sudo apt-get install --reinstall [07:28] alsaconf isnt there the only options are alsactl and alsamixer [07:28] vega__, use sudo === Gusanita [n=esther@] has joined #ubuntu === jayakumar2 [n=jayakuma@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Gusanita [n=esther@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === manu__ [n=ravelli@ATuileries-151-1-64-19.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] is it possible to reinstall the whole of alsa? [07:28] So if I do it from console and use sudo it will delete? Thanks. [07:28] its not a package [07:29] ive reinstalled everything in synaptic that has anything to do with alsa and it hasnt solved my problem [07:29] dks_matt, apt-cache search alsa will tell you what packages have "alsa" in their name.... reinstall the one that you think you need. === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] I forgot how to work Terminal. [07:29] Yes I'm a blonde. [07:29] H [07:29] How do you delete things again? === wobbler [n=wayne@pdpc/supporter/active/wobbler] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] vega__, sudo rm whatever.txt [07:29] rm, Thanks. === wobbler [n=wayne@pdpc/supporter/active/wobbler] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === fluxi [n=fluxi@199.133-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] vega__: You can also use Krusader in root mode and overwrite the list that way too by replacing the file if you have a back-up [07:30] vega__: It is a more graphical solution === Anderbubble [n=janderso@garfield.olivet.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] I've already reinstalled everything I could find it didn't help [07:31] maybe if I explain my problem? [07:31] As long as I have the words I need I can use command line style computing. [07:31] !xwinwrap === ayaa [n=fourat@] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about xwinwrap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:31] vega__: didn't mean to say you couldn't :-) no offense [07:31] None taken. === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Anderbubble [n=janderso@garfield.olivet.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === juan [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] I've been trying to sort this for hours now :( [07:32] hey alguien me puede ayudar??? [07:32] I thought it was my sound card [07:32] but I can get some things to play [07:33] hola juan [07:33] it's just anything to do with alsa gives me a message saying my sound card doesnt exist and i dont understand why === youser [n=owner@67-58-203-108.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] ke onda === dorto [n=dorto@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] hey ayone here use icon themes? === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] lo que pasa es que acabo de instalar ubuntu 5.10 [07:33] ademas soy nuevo en la onda de linux [07:34] y no se por donde empezar!!! [07:34] yo tambien [07:34] !es [07:34] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. === arjun [n=spectre@] has left #ubuntu [] === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] What's the syntax to use rename? What does the -v, -n, and -f do? [07:35] icon themes? [07:35] Just sudo rename /etc/apt/sources.list.save /etc/apt/sources.list doesnt work. === Linuturk is now known as Linuturk_zZz [07:35] vega__: use 'mv' instead === eno__ [n=eno@adsl-70-137-170-86.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:35] Okay thanks. [07:35] So rename doesn't do anything helpful? [07:36] Or am I just using it wrong? [07:36] you can read 'man rename' to find out; it's for renaming groups of files in a pattern [07:36] MV worked, thanks. [07:37] What's the best way to intall ubuntu. I have the live cd but would like to mave it on my pc so i don't have ot keep on configuring my setings each time i boot into Ubuntu [07:37] It seems simple enough to me but I am woried about not erasing my windows xp install [07:37] It does not erase windows. === h3htimo [n=brad@cpe-76-188-53-124.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] startgame412- There should be an install icon on the desktop of the livecd [07:37] yes [07:38] And it comes with an easy graphical interface when you start your computer asking which operating system to start. [07:38] hey, can someone help me get fglrx working??? [07:38] startgame412, you can install it on a memory stick if you need.. [07:38] startgame412, if you install ubuntu on a separate partition, you can use both windows and ubuntu at the same time [07:38] I understand what to do but I am being cautious as to not overide my windows xp install and loose all my files [07:38] But that is dangerous, so I've heard. [07:38] Well, not at the *same* time [07:38] You could, but that's bad practice [07:38] How would you do that? [07:38] can i use qpart ot do a partiion? [07:38] Dual boot. [07:39] startgame412, how many partitions do you have on your computer? how many of them store windows os, windows applicatios and windows data? [07:39] vega__- But that's not at the "same" time :p [07:39] startgame412: i think there might be a way to say your settings on a memory stick [07:39] vega__- Dual booting is safe. [07:39] only 1 big 80 GB partion [07:39] dual booting is bad practise *horrors!* [07:39] :-) [07:39] dual booting rocks [07:39] Dual booting is safe? Then I'm misinformed. [07:39] How is it not safe? === mkquist [i=mkquist@h-69-3-211-226.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] except windows shouldnt be ued on a linux computer cuz its inferior [07:40] Lol... [07:40] uh [07:40] and itll make linux thnk you dont love it anymore [07:40] i've been dual-booting for about three years and i haven't had an injury yet [07:40] heh, 'other' than that.. [07:40] youser- :| === daywalker [n=deddly@222-155-218-85.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] I thought dual booting caused some programs to crash. I guess not. [07:40] startgame412, in that case you will have to defragment the entire disk, TAKE A BACKUP OF IMPORTANT DATA, use GParted or something like that to create a new partition and then install ubuntu on it [07:40] vega__- No... [07:40] anybody wanna try to help me with getting my video card driver to work??? [07:40] !ati | h3htimo [07:40] h3htimo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [07:40] I wish WINE worked on 64 bit linux === Minty [n=trevor@cdmail3.pck.nerim.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] Then I could throw windows out. [07:41] tahnks guys [07:41] anyone here use icon themes in ubuntu? [07:41] startgame412: here's how to save your settings on a memory stick: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence [07:41] I don't bother using 64-bit yet; the benefits don't outweigh the extra hassle. [07:41] I'm considering switching to 32 bit linux. [07:41] Even though my processor is 64 bit. [07:41] I just use two 32 bit computers at the same time. [07:42] Lol.. [07:42] youser- I'm a fan of the Snowish theme for Gnome and the Cezaane theme for KDE [07:42] That doesn't help gaming. [07:42] quinnster- heh :) [07:42] i use dapper gnome [07:42] i use glass icons [07:42] theyre sick [07:42] its pain in the nect to maintain 64 bit applications. will give them a try after 1-2 years later [07:42] But then again since WINE doesnt work with 64 bit, I can't game on it anyway. === sandy16 [n=sandy@] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] i have the mozilla snowfox too [07:42] for now, 32 bit applications will do [07:42] but my desktop folders are glass [07:42] mikm[laptop] , already tried that [07:42] but when i browse folders [07:42] theyre regular brown [07:42] can any body help to boot from my grub === keiron [n=keiron@88-107-239-84.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] i was wondering if icon themes only work for desktop and not inside folders? [07:43] hello all, im having problems installing beryl, can anyoune assist? === Xaphoo [n=cgrenier@adsl-75-35-152-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] youser- The icon set might be incomplete [07:43] can someone send me or pastebin me a completely default version of sources.list ? [07:43] sandy16, daywalker just ask your questions with as much info as possible [07:43] so they should work for alll icons inside my comp? === startgame412 [n=Owner@pool-70-107-120-22.ny325.east.verizon.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [07:44] hi. i have a REALLY annoying mount problem. i have this in my fstab: //dawn/Desktop /home/keiron/dawn smbfs dmask=777,fmask=777 0 0 but when i boot my machine i have to sudo mount -a to get the mount to mount [07:44] Can someone please send or pastebin me a completely default version of sources.list? [07:44] Well I have broken the package manager beyond my ability to fix it. [07:44] What's the reinstall program command from terminal? [07:44] !easysource [07:44] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [07:44] when i enter this command "glxinfo | grep rendering" i get no [07:44] does anyone have any idea why it doesn't mount on startup of the os or a good work around [07:44] thanks [07:44] !easysource [07:44] keiron- Try adding ",user" after fmask=777 === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-178-131.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] keiron- (No quotes, of course) [07:44] dorto, i have installed edgy in my primary aprtion by keeping dapper aside .. dunno why, the grub is not loding intel boot agent is coming up === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] ahh [07:44] i do hVE GLASS ICONS IN FOLDERS [07:45] just not with nautilus [07:45] !easysource doesn't do anything [07:45] !easysource [07:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about easysource doesn't do anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:45] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] Xaphoo: go to http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [07:45] lol.. [07:45] thanks [07:45] sandy16, you don't see the grub boot loader during the boot-up? === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === SkyDrifter [n=me@203-59-179-7.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] dorto, i did its was installing on hd0 [07:46] ugh, that website doesn't have edgy === chrismo [n=chris@fsf/member/chrismo] has joined #ubuntu === harisund [n=harisund@ip72-207-196-251.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] sandy16, do you have a live cd? dapper, edgy, knoppix or whatever? [07:46] mikm[laptop] : thanks i'm gonna try that now === zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] What's all the talk about edgy? A new linux distro? [07:46] dorto, ya i do === digivore [n=digivore@S01060011950bc7e3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] vega__- edgy is the codename for the most recent (6,10) release of Ubuntu === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:46] Oh there is a new ubuntu release? [07:46] Joy. [07:47] Yep [07:47] vega__- Dapper (6.06) is the previous one [07:47] whats the file that i can set my netork card settings ? [07:47] But edgy isn't an animan name.. [07:47] sandy16, then boot from it, change to the edgy partition using 'chroot' command, and reinstall grub on MBR [07:47] cmon guys ive been working on this for days now can someone just try to point me in the right direction??? i need help getting fglrx to be my video driver.... it shows up that mesa is my driver now [07:47] but it's a lil more "ugh" compared to dapper drake [07:47] sandy16, man chroot [07:47] dorto, moreover i have even tried to reinstall my grub using grub> root (hd0,0) follwed by setup (hd0) [07:47] when i enter this command "glxinfo | grep rendering" i get no. also when i try this " sudo nvidia-glx-config enable " i get your x configuration has been altered...... === anapivirtua [n=anapi@AMarseille-153-1-67-214.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] can anyone help me please? Whilst experimenting I chose the login window chooser rather than greeting... but I use my system on desktop, not as a server... now I cannot login... is there a solution? [07:48] Hey anyone have nicotine and can help me step by step on installing it? The forum has a step that I cannot get past so I need real time help, please. === teicah [n=teicah@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu === lando [n=lando@adsl-10-71-233.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] What is the command to reinstall a program such as Synaptic? [07:49] SkyDrifter: what do you mean you can't login? What happens when your computer starts? [07:49] sandy16, see if this helps: http://beans.seartipy.com/2005/12/29/system-rescue-act-using-gnulinux-live-cd/ [07:49] vega__: something like 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall synaptic' -- but be careful if you've broken things [07:49] thank you roryy, I am asked via a panel to list my host, but I dont have one [07:49] sandy16, but in summary, you can always reinstall grub on mbr by booting from a live cd [07:49] All I broke was the repositories file. [07:50] When I was a n00b trying to install WINE, before I found out it didn't work on 64 bit. === keiron [n=keiron@88-107-239-84.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] i have glx runing with compiz from a dapper installation.i upgraded to edgy & all went good but now id like to install beryl shou;ld i get rid of compiz first or wjat? === lux` [n=lux@host-84-222-130-200.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] can anyone help me install nicotine please? [07:50] daywalker, just curious. how was xgl? [07:50] damn, that didn't work [07:51] is there any file that i can add commands to that is run at boot? [07:51] quinnster, great i had no problems with it & it was really cool === jokoon [i=JokooN@40.193.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:51] SkyDrifter: sorry, I'm not at all familiar with this panel. How did you choose this behaviour? [07:52] vega__: you can follow the easysource link to regenerate a standard sources.list [07:52] roryy, through the login option in admin [07:52] daywalker, cool thanks. i'm planning to install it tomorrow [07:52] can someone please send me a DEFAULT sources.list? === juan [n=juan@] has joined #ubuntu === Rumpalisti [n=Rumpalis@dsl-083-102-036-37.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] rorry, so I can't put in my user name [07:52] roryy* [07:52] please, it will just take a second === cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp81-20.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] What is 'the easysource link'? [07:53] !easysource | vega__ [07:53] vega__: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [07:53] Thanks. [07:53] Can anyone help me extract my nicotine into my Home... it says I'm not allowed. [07:53] quinnster, i installed it as a session rather than default.I later made it my default set up, but maybe try it as a session just incase [07:53] source-o-matic is no good [07:53] it gives me all these outdated repos [07:54] extract nicotine in one's home? it's illegal in most countries... [07:54] are we not allowed to talk about nicotine anymore? === bronson [n=bronson@c-71-198-75-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] SkyDrifter: hmm. confusing. What version of ubuntu are you running? [07:54] heh.... i need to extract it into my home folder :\ [07:54] daywalker, ok thanks. i'm doing it all on a testing partition but i'm hoping it works well on my laptop [07:54] I am using dapper roryy [07:55] can someone send me an EDGY SOURCES.LIST ? I know about source-o-matic, but it's not good [07:55] SkyDrifter: ah. I think the edgy config for that must be a bit different, because I have `hostname choose' ticked, but it doesn't effect my login === yalla [n=markus@213-229-40-150.static.adsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] SkyDrifter: have you ever edited text config files before? Because you can possibly fix this by editing /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, but I'm not sure what you'd change [07:56] ok... roryy, when I boot, the welcome screen no longer shows, I think dapper wants me to log into a server, but i am using this system direct to our router === nrdb [n=neil@] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] yes, I have, but I dont know how to get my terminal roryy [07:57] SkyDrifter: press Ctrl-Alt-F1 [07:57] is there a way to get apt-get to just download (and not install) a package without also getting all the dependancies? [07:58] :-) thank you roryy, will try it now, am about to get off my windows hdd... Be Back Soon and will let you know [07:58] can someone send me an EDGY SOURCES.LIST ? I know about source-o-matic, but it's not good [07:58] Xaphoo: here's my edgy sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30943/ [07:58] thanks sorry [07:58] for re-posting [07:58] Thanks for the link, I managed to get the package manager working again. === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] Can anyone please help me extract my nicotine files into my home folder? It won't let me access it. [07:59] Xaphoo: if you have an Ubuntu install CD/DVD, and want to save a little bandwidth, you will want to run 'apt-cdrom add' after updating your sources.list [07:59] ok... === eno [n=eno@nslu2-linux/eno] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] Now after all this work fixing the package manager, I've forgotten the name of the package I'm looking for. [08:00] lol [08:00] Xaphoo: then run 'sudo aptitude update' (or 'sudo apt-get update', or use Synaptic to update), and you should be fine [08:00] What is the name of a popular media (music) player again? === JamieBE [n=Jamie@] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] totem [08:00] or amarok [08:00] Thanks. === redecho [n=redecho@88-139-199-130.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:00] :) [08:00] tamacracker: there is a version of nicotine (1.2.4) already available in ubuntu 6.10 [08:00] xmms [08:01] rorry that's the problem... I have that, but I cannot install it for some reason [08:01] I just installed the free-java-sdk program on ubuntu - How do I actually get it to run? Nothing has been added to the apps menu. [08:01] tamacracker: have you tried installing it with synaptic? [08:01] roryy oh wait, i have 1.2.6 [08:01] Jaime sdk is a suite of software [08:01] tamacracker: well, have you tried 1.2.4 ? It will be *much* easier to install [08:01] JamieBE: you probably want eclipse [08:01] and comman d line utilities [08:02] roryy the only one I see a link for is 1.2.6 :\ [08:02] Jame yep - Toma typed it before I could you need an IDE [08:02] Toma - is that a java dev. enviroment? [08:02] JamieBE: yes [08:02] Toma, I will give it a look, thanks. [08:02] np [08:02] tamacracker: are you running Ubuntu 6.10 ? [08:02] roryy yep, edgy :) [08:03] tamacracker: ok, run System -> Admin -> Synaptic [08:03] roryy done [08:03] tamacracker: click on the list of package names and type 'nico' -- do you see the word 'nicotine' appear? [08:04] roryy negative [08:04] roryy wait [08:04] roryy what the heck... [08:04] lol i see it. [08:04] ok, right click on it and choose 'Mark for installation' [08:04] roryy before I was click on the "Sections" then typing nicotine === OctobersDark [n=October@ip70-177-71-16.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] whats up oct? [08:05] tamacracker: now click 'Apply' and follow the prompts [08:05] roryy you're good you!! [08:06] :-) === BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] So now that I've installed totem how do I access it? It isn't in Applications -> sound and video. [08:06] roryy: thanks a lot, I really appreciate it :) [08:06] tamacracker: np. have fun === wasynyt [n=timo@dyn30-167.adsl.mpynet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] roryy thanks! you too :D [08:06] vega_ get a terminal window [08:06] Am I going to have to use terminal every time? [08:06] vega__: Applications -> Sound and Video -> Movie player [08:07] and type "whereis totem" [08:07] I want to be able to open the folder, click on the file, and play it. [08:07] vega__: I recommend vlc as an alternative movie player, fwiw === Bobik [n=bobik@host-84-9-79-83.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] Oh that's why I couldn't find it. I was expecting it to be named totem. [08:07] yeah, i don't know why rhythmbox is named and not totem *shrug* === Android`` [n=Android_@81-178-122-120.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === iarwain [n=iarwain@dD5E00A21.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] Hi, does anybody know about a "chroot error" ? i tried chrooting, and got this: "could not execute the command '/bin/bash': access denied" [08:09] iarwain: I think the place your chroot into needs a /bin/bash (and lots of other things) (but it's been a while since I used chroot) === jme [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mantice [n=richard@125-238-112-27.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === KingOfNowhere [n=user@dynamic-acs-24-154-96-120.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu === redecho [n=redecho@88-139-199-130.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] irawain, sounds like you might need to be root [08:10] @roxy: it has, i'm trying to make a custem live-cd, so in the 'edit' folder(that's where i'm chrooting to) there is a bin folder, with bash etc [08:10] did it as root :) [08:10] iarwain: the only thing shared by your main system and your chroot is the kernel (that is the way is it supposed to be anyway) [08:11] So totem doesn't come with a music decoder? [08:11] iarwain: are you sure permissions are straight on the chrooted /bin/bash? [08:11] Where can I get a decoder for standard music files? [08:11] rickyfingers: how do you mean? [08:11] !restricted | vega__ [08:11] vega__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [08:11] vega: it was somewhat of a mystery to me, so I just added good old xmms [08:12] What's xmms? [08:12] Yet Another Media Player [08:12] it reminds me of winamp [08:12] Winamp is nice and straightforward. [08:12] So I'll try xmms. === Khalsa [n=Paul@adsl-68-93-75-234.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:12] read the restricted formats page pointed to above; that will also tell you how to enable DVD playback [08:13] and there are xmms plugins for just about anything === dedekind [n=smithtg@c-68-53-112-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mantice [n=richard@125-238-112-27.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === legion_nux [n=toto@] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] Could some one help me install cd emu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681706 [08:14] vega__: it stands fo x multimedia system [08:14] vega__: if you change your mind about winamp there are other small music players like zinf (i don't like winamp) [08:14] *err replace winamp with xmms [08:14] :-) [08:14] vega__: whichi s stupid as it was neverinteded to play multi medias, just mp3's :) [08:14] so i just installed the nvidia binary driver, and it doesn't seem to work :) [08:14] What's wrong with xmms? [08:14] at least not opengl [08:14] If you are looking for players like winamp most of them are poo. [08:15] vega__: try amarok, its quite big but very nice, personaly i use cplay a curses based player [08:15] sudo nvidia-glx-config enable returns [08:15] amarok is good. [08:15] Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed [08:15] dedekind: did you ' nvidia-glx-config enable' ? [08:15] the nvidia driver for your running kernel. [08:15] Im using it the moment amarok is the best mp3 player. === Levarnu [n=jed@ip70-189-119-155.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] vega__: amarok is very nice, it has a lot of cool features [08:15] Amarok does not seem to be installing very well. [08:15] Hi !!!! Sorry for my bad English. I am French. I'm looking for a good Soft for eDonkey/eMule network, under Edgy Eft [08:15] When I try to download it with synaptic I get this error: [08:15] dedekind: it needs to be in xorg.conf first (confusing yes, i know) [08:15] Could some one help me install cd emu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1681706 ???? [08:15] Mantice: i wouldnt say best, but out of the big ones with context browsers it is best === raghu206 [n=raghu@] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] so my xorg.conf has my driver listed as nv [08:16] Could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade [08:16] what should it be [08:16] then it shows several depends that say 'not installable' [08:16] i can give you the names if you want === phillipc [n=reformis@c-68-48-50-180.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === SkyDrifter [n=me@203-59-179-7.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] redecho: i'd reccomend apollon ( a kde app ) it has plugins for everything [08:16] dedekind: that means not 3d acceleration === porto88 [n=porto88@pool-151-197-186-138.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === KHatfull [n=keith@c-24-31-22-234.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] dedekind: you are using the free drivers [08:16] khaije1: thanks, i'll try [08:16] I have this route: map.connect '/:words', :controller=>"definitions",:action=>"index", which works fine, except when there's a comma in the url, e.g. /word1,word2 [08:16] why would that not get picked up? [08:17] anyone willing to help a noob with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28374.html === stevr1it [n=stevr1it@host-84-221-201-216.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] so what do I change it to for the 3d-accel :) [08:17] anyone knows about chroot? [08:17] variant: I looked at xmms and beep and I was let down I thought they could have done a better job at trying to imitate winamp they could have done something special. [08:17] Howdy [08:17] dedekind: yes, you'll need to replace nv with nvidia , enable it, then restat the display mgt [08:17] nvidia? [08:17] my istanbul abruptly closes when i am trying to save the video do someone pls solve the problem [08:17] kk [08:17] sorry wrong chan [08:17] Mantice: what like [08:17] :-) === jcaceres [n=josexato@] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] brb [08:17] variant: like Amarok. [08:17] Mantice: there are other winamp clones [08:17] roryy, thank you for your help, I tried from the terminal to start the gdm gui, but /etc/init.d/gdm start was not the correct command [08:17] hi all [08:17] variant: yeah the forks off beep are good. [08:17] what is the easiest way to restart the display without rebooting? [08:18] Any tips for an SMP install other than add the 686 SMP kernel after a desktop install? [08:18] Mantice: the are all filling a nich, not everyone wants somthing like amarok, like i said. i use cplay [08:18] dedekind: ctrl-alt-backspace === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] variant: whats cplay like ? [08:18] brb [08:18] anyone willing to help a noob with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-28374.html [08:18] SkyDrifter: I recommend looking in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and see if you see an option to change this behaviour. Be sure to back it up first [08:18] Mantice: http://mask.tf.hut.fi/~flu/hacks/cplay/ [08:19] I'm trying to install amarok but having problems with the package manager. [08:19] SkyDrifter: is gdm not running at all? === nospam [n=nospam@client-82-2-83-196.manc.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] yes, thank you, can you tell me how to get the shell? [08:19] It says that some of its dependancies are "not installable". [08:19] Mantice: http://static.flickr.com/46/187078277_03f98f502e_m.jpg === dedekind [n=smithtg@c-68-53-112-61.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] wonderful! [08:19] works, thanks [08:19] :) [08:19] SkyDrifter: open gnome-terminal [08:19] variant: is it a command line player [08:19] SkyDrifter: I don't understand that question, sorry [08:19] rorry, it says theat gdm is running, but I can't get the gui [08:19] I think I remember having that same trouble 2-3 years ago when I gave up linux the first time :) [08:19] should have remembered [08:19] Mantice: no, it has a graphical interface using the curses widget library [08:20] lol :) [08:20] Mantice: it just doesnt require x [08:20] variant: Hehe thats cool. [08:20] dedekind: it's not that hard, once you remember =) [08:20] SkyDrifter: You can switch to the graphical (X) screen with Alt-F7 from the terminal, but there you'll see that network chooser [08:20] Mantice: it's not bad === Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-174-213.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === root [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] from the terminal, I don't know how to bring up the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf [08:20] SkyDrifter: oh, i see [08:20] roryy* === phillipc [n=reformis@c-68-48-50-180.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["g'day"] [08:20] SkyDrifter: nano -w /etc/gdm/gdm.conf [08:20] SkyDrifter: something like 'sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf' -- but do back it up first [08:20] glad to see the nvidia drivers have vastly improved [08:21] prv [08:21] How do I check my kernal in the console ? [08:21] Mantice: uname -a [08:21] thank you roryy, back soon === root is now known as mepis [08:21] exit [08:21] by ALL :) [08:21] hi, i have problems with edgy gnome. When form gnome i try to update it say there are some updates waiting but: the repositories are not correct and id does not work. if i do it from apt-get update and upgrade everything is ok. Any suggestion to correct this bug? [08:21] and thank you variant [08:23] variant: Thanks, It seams I cant install cd emu because I have a slightly newer kernal. === Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-17.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] Mantice: cd emu? [08:23] Mantice: to mount an iso or something? [08:23] Mantice: mount -o loop /path/to/image.iso [08:23] variant: Its a program that lets you mount iso's, and mdf's and every type else. [08:24] it's to back your emu up to cd [08:24] variant: I need it to mount mdf files. [08:24] Mantice: never tried with that, what filetype is it? medium density fiber board? ;) === ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu === ce_patah [n=Des@] has joined #ubuntu === sonick [n=sonick@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] roryy: what? [08:25] variant: nm, just a joke [08:25] Hi, does anybody know how to make this work? [08:25] sudo chroot edit [08:25] chroot: cant exec command `/bin/bash':access denied [08:25] hello evryone [08:25] variant: hahaha, its for the alchoal120 % format it gets the physical data off the disk as well for copy protection. [08:25] no tips for SMP installs? [08:25] iarwain: that is not the correct way to use chroot [08:25] Mantice: i see [08:25] variant: how should i do it then? [08:26] iarwain: what are you trying to do exactly? [08:26] richard@richard-ubuntu:~/Desktop/cdemu-0.8$ make [08:26] Makefile:31: *** You'll need sources for your (at least 2.6.16) kernel. Stop. [08:26] varian: trying to customize my live-cd [08:26] could someone please tell me how to install imwheel via apt? === tacopon77 [n=tacopon7@softbank218128109115.bbtec.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] porto88: sudo aptitude install imwheel [08:26] thanks [08:27] np =) [08:27] Mantice: have you installed 'linux-headers-generic' ? [08:27] roryy: just doing that now :) [08:27] variant: how should i do it then? [08:27] iarwain: i see, the best way to do that imo is to install ubunut, set it up the way you like and then run the scripts from www.linux-live.org which will create a live cd of your pre installed system (any distro) the resulting live cd will be much much faster than the official ubuntu ones too [08:27] hi === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] iarwain: install ubuntu i ment to say not ubunut [08:27] :) [08:27] KHatfull: Do you just need to know how to install an SMP kernel? === sugoruyo [n=sug@ppp171-85.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [08:28] variant: but that's not really what i would want. I'd like to just learn how to custumize my live-cd =) [08:28] KHatfull: if your using edgy your already using an SMP kernel [08:28] iarwain: i see, i have never done that but i can explain to you how to use chroot === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] variant: please tell me what i am doing wrong :D [08:29] Jordan: I know to get the SMP kernel via synaptic, but I read in the forums that the generic kernel also covers SMP systems....I'm not quite sure which to beleive === dAndy_ [i=dandy@opal.cat.pdx.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] iarwain: chroot means to change the root directory (/) to be somwhere else in the real filesystem. [08:29] variant: ah, ok, some of the forum posts must be older then... [08:29] my SMP mobo is on the way, juts getting ready for it. [08:29] KHatfull: Just open System monitor, if you see two CPU's you are good :) [08:29] iarwain: you use it like this (as root or with sudo) chroot /mnt/newroot [08:30] iarwain: where newroot is the partition you want to become the fake / (root) of your filesystem [08:30] when beryl won't draw window decoration and in general won't work where do i go to get some help/docs about problems with it? [08:30] variant: could it also be used like this: sudo chroot /home/iarwain/music/livecd/edit ? === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] sugoruyo: #ubuntu-xgl [08:30] sugoruyo: #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl === lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] iarwain: if there is a directory called edit then yes [08:31] Jordan: thanks, came across a deal on eBay, couldn;t pass it up, and I have 2GB of ECC RAM hanging around here...server SMP boards are about the only thing to get to support PC133 ECC chips ;-) [08:31] thx [08:31] variant: there is.. but i just keep getting that error -_-' === charles [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] iarwain: it will use /bin/bash as your default shell iirc and ubuntu uses /bin/dash === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d83e11.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] iarwain: does /home/iarwain/music/livecd/edit/bin/bash have execute permissions ? [08:31] variant: only edgy uses dash by default [08:31] roryy: thats now how it works [08:31] Flannel: ah, ok [08:31] variant: yes === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] Jordan: I have this thing for playing with older hardware ;-) [08:32] variant: you're sure? [08:32] roryy: yuup [08:32] roryy: make an empty directory somwhere and do chroot /mnt/whateverdirhere === max__ [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu === sudharsh [n=sudharsh@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] hi, i run KDE and i put a new motherboard in my computer and everything is going fine except i cant get any sound... i even put in another card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound cards problem but i cant get any sound off ther sound card either [08:33] variant: i get the error iarwain does ;) [08:33] roryy: become root first with sudo -i [08:33] well, not quite: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory [08:33] [08:33] iarwain: become root with sudo -i first [08:33] variant: ok [08:33] roryy: chroot /mnt/newdirhere /bin/bash [08:33] Urh the dgen sega emulater has no gui. [08:33] roryy: the default is to use /bin/bash, your setup must be wrong :) [08:33] hey, has anyone pulled off dual-monitor on ATI using FGLRX on Xgl? [08:34] and don't say #ubuntu-xgl, cuz the room is DEAD === eracc [n=eracc@] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] thanks [08:34] variant: hrm. nope, that doesn't work either === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] paradizelost: maybe at this time it is, i have used it before quite successfuly [08:34] variant: and now? [08:34] hi, i run KDE and i put a new motherboard in my computer and everything is going fine except i cant get any sound... i even put in another card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound cards problem but i cant get any sound off ther sound card either [08:34] it's been dead for the past few days [08:34] paradizelost: Ok then, #beryl ;) [08:34] Hey guys, is it possible to check Hotmail messages through Evolution email program? [08:34] iarwain: chroot /path/to/your/new/root /bin/bash [08:34] it's not a beryl issue, it's an Xgl issue... [08:35] roryy: hmm, what command you using exactly? [08:35] max__: see #kubuntu [08:35] variant: are you trying these commands yourself ? === ce_broken [n=Des@] has joined #ubuntu === eno is now known as eno-zzz [08:35] roryy: no, i just know that they work [08:35] variant: does not work. "not a dir" [08:35] tamacracker: you need a hotmail scraper sort of thing. There's one in the repository, I believe. [08:35] 'chroot /root/tmp /bin/bash' -- and yes, /root/tmp exist [08:35] variant: please try them [08:35] iarwain: you need to specify the directory you want to chroot to [08:35] iarwain: kubuntu is dead [08:35] flannel hotail scraper? hm... ill check it out real quick [08:35] max__: maybe now, but it will be revived =) [08:36] iarwain: chroot /PATH/TO/DIRECTORYHERE [08:36] variant: i did -_-' [08:36] iarwain: i believe variant is incorrect [08:36] I need a friend [08:36] paradizelost: But I would expect that people in #beryl would know how to troubleshoot XGL ( or do they say they only do beryl ? ) [08:36] does anyone know if Beryl will be in Feisty? [08:36] iarwain: chroot /home/iarwain/music/livecd/edid/ /bin/bash === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] tamacracker: Ah, the one I was thinking about is for yahoo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/mail/fetchyahoo I imagine it's possible with hotmail too [08:36] iarwain: as far as I know, one needs to create a self-contained 'root' under the place one chroots too [08:36] Xaphoo: aparantly [08:36] iarwain: including all the libraries bash needs to link to, for example [08:37] good... it will be nice to have it seamlessly integrated [08:37] haven't checked in there, but i've checked in #xgl and it's dead as well... [08:37] flannel is there a site I can look up for the hotmail version? [08:37] roryy: you do not need to copy any files accross if thats what your saying, you will just have to take my word for it on that one [08:37] Can someone help me install amarok? [08:37] I got beryl working well very easily with the nvidia beta, but it's still quite buggy, not ready I think [08:37] variant: i don't need to take your word; I'm trying it and it doesn't work [08:37] Xaphoo: the nvidia beta, yes that sounds buggy [08:37] I mean it used to be beta, now it's not [08:37] variant: please try these commands you are recommending; it won't take a moment [08:37] variant: the command gives me the same error .. [08:37] vega__: apt-cache search amarok [08:37] it's the latest nvidia driver with built in xgl type capability [08:37] roryy: you must be doinng somthing wrong, im not trying to be big headed but i have used gnu/linux for years and know for a cast iron fact that i am right [08:37] so you don't need to worry about xgl.... you just install beryl [08:38] iarwain: what error exactly? [08:38] vega__: if you see the package, install it: sudo apt-get install amarok [08:38] It says some of its depends are not installable. [08:38] variant: chroot:can't exec command '/bin/bash': access denied [08:38] tamacracker: heh, google? Here's one: It's just a perl script, so even though the deb is for debian, it should work... or, well, in theory ;) http://dir.filewatcher.com/d/Debian/all/mail/gotmail_0.6.6-6_all.deb.17386.html [08:38] Xaphoo: aiglx works as well :-) [08:39] thanks flannel :D [08:39] iarwain: you are root? [08:39] it didn't used to, but it does now [08:39] yes but it's not needed with nvidia 1-0.9 drivers (I think that's the number) [08:39] hi, i run KDE and i put a new motherboard in my computer and everything is going fine except i cant get any sound... i even put in another card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound cards problem but i cant get any sound off ther sound card either [08:39] variant: yes === praem [n=praem@c-68-33-59-108.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:39] The depends that cannot be installed are: ruby, python-qt3, and libifp4 [08:39] what the hell, is ubuntu messed up or somthing? [08:39] 1.0-9xx [08:39] it works here on gentoo, slackware and slax === praem [n=praem@c-68-33-59-108.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:40] variant: about chroot? i don't know =( [08:40] roryy: I admit that if ubuntu does somthing different to default then that could be a problem === YokoZar [n=scott@c-71-197-86-67.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] vega__: All of those packages can be installed also. === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #ubuntu === YokoZar [n=scott@c-71-197-86-67.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:41] variant: all i remember about chroot from a year or so ago was lots of pain with ldconfig and other things [08:41] It says they cannot be installed. Thats why I need help. === ivx [n=ivx@host-81-150-107-208.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] vega__: Did you try installing them seperately? [08:41] omg.. roryy sorry, i think you are correct [08:41] Yes I did. === poopotootti [n=poopotoo@c193-229-37-194.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] But I forgot what went wrong, let me do it again. [08:41] vega__: stupid question maybe, but have you enabled multiverse? === variant takes the shame he deserves [08:42] Yes I have enabled multiverse. [08:42] variant: lol :) [08:42] vega__: sorry then :D === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] hey i the 200m in my notebook and my vga and svideo out do now work. does anyone have a link on how to get them working or can tell me how to get them working? [08:42] roryy: hey, its 7am here and i got 4 hours sleep :) === ian__ [n=ian@S010600c049e334b7.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] *ait 200m graphic card [08:42] variant: :-) [08:42] **ati [08:43] variant: here it is 8.42 in the morning =) and i got around 11h sleep (need sleep) === Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-87-151.dsl1.ekgv.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] anyone help me? my vsftpd won't let anonymous write, here's my config and some dirs: http://vsftpd.pastebin.com/821719 [08:43] iarwain: i am at work :( === paran [n=paran@cl-56.sto-01.se.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:43] iarwain: maybe install 'bash-static' and use that to get your chroot going at first === Mikes_ [n=michael@m41.net195-132-219.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === noodles12 [n=ghost@CPE-65-28-12-187.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] Okay when I tried to install libruby here's the error I got: [08:44] god dammit, i have been usurped [08:44] roryy: so install bash-static, and then..? [08:44] W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/ruby1.8/libruby1.8_1.8.4-1ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb [08:44] 404 Not Found [08:44] :) === Gusanita [n=esther@] has joined #ubuntu === Gusanita [n=esther@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:44] iarwain: copy /bin/bash* (bash-static or something) to your chroot directory, and run 'chroot $yourdir /bin/bash-static' === alex__ [n=alex@wnpgmb11dc1-170-225.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] roryy:gonna try that right away =) === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] iarwain: hrm. actually, you might need /dev/* entries too [08:45] roryy: iarwain: you might want to install jailer, it does it for you [08:46] roryy: iarwain: apt-get isntall jailer [08:46] iarwain: ah-ha. I'd go with that 'jailer' idea. Setting up a chroot is a bit of work [08:46] variant: lol, trying that first then :d [08:46] Ug, Nautilus crashes whenever there's a .swf file it's trying to make an icon for. [08:46] Does anyone know of a tool to automatically take the list of added users and adds them to samba with same username and pw? [08:46] variant: and now? [08:46] yeah, i dont know wtf i was talking about before... :( [08:46] iarwain: read the man page ;) [08:46] I get a 404 when I try to install libruby, any help? [08:46] variant::o okay =) === Lukian [i=lukian@] has joined #ubuntu === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] I am on 64 bit architecture. === gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu === hexapus [n=jeffh@netblock-72-25-97-8.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] Anyone know how to stop Nautilus from attempting to preview-icon a .swf file? [08:47] variant: the man page doesn't give me much info :s [08:48] I'm looking for some lirc help if anyone's experienced === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] iarwain: man jailer.conf === ivx [n=ivx@host-81-150-107-208.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] variant: :) [08:49] tonyyarusso: yes, but i would probably end up cooking your family the way i feel right now :( === variant eats humble pie === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] variant: They're in another country from me, so probably safe ;) [08:50] tonyyarusso: don't be too sure [08:50] hey if i have the x86 version of ubuntu but have a 64 bit processor do i have to do a complete reinstall or can i switch or what? [08:50] to get 64 bit version === travkin [n=travkin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] ivx: might be a good idea to reinstall, but back up your data and try migrating instead first === GNeu [n=Greg@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] variant how do i do this migrate? [08:51] ivx: with ubuntu i have no idea === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d83e11.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] variant, alright i'll google it [08:52] jeeze, i am just goin to get some coffe, later all [08:52] variant: i did this => add the 'edit' folder to the .conf, and typed "jailer edit" [08:52] ivx: it's not a specify technique that i was sugesting [08:52] iarwain: what happen? [08:52] variant: output given is this: "Using config file: edit" === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu === ThomasPorter [n=thomas@60-242-82-5.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] variant, i will just try to reinstall, will all the same stuff work with 64 bit version as the x86? === samit [n=sami@a80-186-88-70.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:54] ivx: youw ill ahve issues with codecs and some other stuff but it can all be worked around, sometimes messily [08:54] ivx: it's better to stay with x86, as it is easier to set-up, and not everything will from directly [08:54] iarwain: you need to set the location of your chroot in the config [08:54] Hi, how would I make a script for a chron, that will locate all htdocs directories and if this file doesn't exsist, copy it to that directory? [08:54] variant: and how would i go about that? [08:54] iarwain: Root: /path/to/your/directory/you/want/to/chroot/to [08:54] variant: done that already =) === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu === daschl [n=michi@] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] iarwain or variant, well will there be any advantages, like will it run faster or anything === Targ [n=targ@] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] hi Newbie here [08:55] ivx: not really [08:55] ivx: if your running an very heavy database load or somthing then yes, otherwise no [08:55] found setup very easy as it was done for me LOL [08:56] variant, just my notebook, i think i will just hold, thank you [08:56] iarwain thanks [08:56] coffee time === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu === BelialMkII [n=Dave@] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] Chance of helpingme with mail issue === Key_K [n=dk@] has joined #ubuntu === Ratlord [n=ratlord1@c-71-224-150-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [08:57] Targ: Whats the problem? [08:57] flannel: forgive me for my noobness but what do I do at this page: http://www.filewatcher.com/m/gotmail_0.6.6-6_all.deb.17386.0.0.html === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] Ok the mail prog that comes with ubuntu keep timing out [08:58] hey all, how do i manually start up an X session on a secondary display? [08:58] I.e. PCI 1:0:0:1 [08:58] it receives mail no worries it just can't seem to send them === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] Targ: As in a server? === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] Well the error message is the the SMTP lookup failed or something close to that [08:59] Hmm can someone help me with something if they have time? [08:59] Host lookup failed: smtp@optusnet.com.au: Name or service not known [08:59] Could not connect to optusnet.com.au: Connection refused [08:59] there is the message [08:59] Targ: Are you sure optusnet.com.au is correct? [09:00] Targ: Did you try using a different accout? [09:00] I don't think I have set anything as smtp@otusnet.com.au the smtp settings are mail.optusnet.com.au === mbamford [n=Matt@d207-81-186-112.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] yeah its the same isp I use in windows outlook === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] Targ: Try using mail.optusnet.com.au [09:01] yeah but I only have 2 with optusnet [09:01] Targ: Are you behind a firewall? [09:01] yeah thats what I have in the smtp sending field === arodle [n=arodle@12-219-45-156.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] a router with nat [09:01] Hehe. 811 people, most of them idle...Creepy [09:02] Ratlord: isn't it. === senorprog [n=senorpro@S01060004e28e7cfd.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] Targ: Is your windows box on the same router? [09:02] Anyone have any time to spare to help a poor noob out? [09:02] yeah on the same pc I'm currently using dual boot [09:02] Ratlord: What with? [09:03] till I make the transfer [09:03] Targ: Hmmm [09:03] Just getting the thing installed. I can't even get to the desktop. I'll always get this black screen with some messages, then this screen will pop up saying that X Server or something is broken === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] Targ: Tried using authenticated SMTP? [09:03] Anyone know how to fix that? [09:03] run zonealarm suite on windows for full featured firewall nothing here yet only installed today getting sick on Microcrap virus' [09:04] not sure how to set that up === minimec [n=minimec@84-74-190-179.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu [] === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-13-95.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] Targ: Sorry, I'm not sure try ##Linux [09:04] Well, maybe not broken...More like not setup correctly I think it said [09:04] ratlord: what are the messages you're seeing? i'm having xserver problems too [09:04] Ratlord: Whats the exact message? [09:04] Hmm let me get it... [09:05] Brb [09:05] How can i verify if there are really 'too many open files', as eMule reports ? [09:05] OKies === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] ta anyways [09:05] Np === phpError [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] Xserver question and mythtv: after i log in as my mythtv user, can't launch any apps from the gui. click Terminal, cursor spins for a bit and then nothing happens [09:06] The gnome power applet thinks I am still connected to my power supply when my laptop is actually running on battery power, so when it runs out of battery, my computer shuts down from loss of power instead of gnome suspending my machine. [09:06] seems like it can't launch the app window === Xaphoo [n=cgrenier@adsl-75-35-152-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] anyone know where i'd look to find out which error is occurring? [09:06] Ok. Got it. Do you want the black screen before the X Server error message, or the X Server error message? === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] Or both? [09:06] And it now seems to be magically fixed, thanks guys, you really do work miracles ;) [09:07] Is there anything similar to ZoneAlarm on Windows? Something that can alert you what programs are requesting internet access, that is. [09:07] ratlord: xserver error msg to start [09:07] Ok [09:08] Failed to start the X Server (Your graphical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X Server out put to diagnose the problem? < Yes > < No > [09:08] lol === Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-174-213.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [09:09] did you view the output? [09:09] I told my friend this, and he thought it was either my video driver, or my graphics card. I didn't feel like going in to view the out put incase I screwed something up even more [09:09] So, no. [09:09] Should I have? [09:09] Hmm probably now that I think about it [09:09] yeah, you can't screw it up by looking at its messages [09:10] Hehe. Well, I could put the liveCD back in, get to that screen, write it down, and come back and tell you guys? [09:10] Ratlord, what kind of video card have you got, and which versoin are you using? [09:10] have you googled the problem? === e-type [n=pieter@sourcemage/guru/e-type] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] hi all [09:10] usually when I screw up xserver i can generally just tell it to reconfig and it sorts itself out [09:11] I believe this is the right command for that: [09:11] sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [09:11] but before you run off and try that, someone else want to confirm or deny? [09:12] Well, I'm using a laptop. So, I have: Mobile Intel(R) 945GM Express Chipset Family. :/ And yes, I've tried googling the proglem. Nothing [09:13] hello all.. [09:13] anyone else able to help me with setup of evolution mail accounts .. [09:13] my mail keeps timing out say smtp lookup failed [09:13] i think that was the line i used to fix my xserver.... :\ [09:13] is there a documentation on how to setup the ltsp bundled in ubuntu edgy eft? [09:13] So, could the chipset be the problem? [09:13] senorprog: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' looks right to me [09:14] Please I'm a first timer here and in need of help to make my transition easier [09:14] Ok. So, if I put that in, it should work? [09:14] Same, Targ [09:14] ratlord: maybe but i tend to suspect hardware last [09:14] What can i do when there are 'too many open files' ? === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [09:14] ratlord: if you can log in then try entering that line, following the prompts and see if that helps [09:14] can't make it worse ;) === skmidry [n=skmidry@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] Hehe. Ok. Where would I put that in though? === voltz [n=voltz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] The only chance I see is that black screen... [09:15] one way is to boot into rescue mode === eelmoo [n=user@client-82-2-48-240.brnt.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] boot into rescue mode, log in, enter that line === Unimatrix9 [n=scheelin@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Ok...How do I boot into rescue mode? === darkangel [n=darkange@ip229-179-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Jordan_U_ [n=jordan@h-68-165-173-230.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Ratlord: do you see a menu when your computer boots? === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] The Ubuntu menu? with the "start or install ubuntu" and stuff? === isaac_ [n=isaac@adsl-75-31-57-83.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] Ok, i'm getting somewhhere on the dual-screen on aTI thing, the TV is display 0.1, how do i start a gnome-session there? [09:17] it says there's already a display manager running [09:17] Ratlord: no, when you boot from the hard-drive. Have you installed ubuntu? === Targ [n=targ@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:18] Nope. Can't install it. The X Server thing gets in the way. [09:18] ahh, you don't have it installed yet [09:18] I'd be happy with a standard X display on the TV... all it's for is playing videos... [09:18] bintut: does this help? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP [09:18] Ratlord: grab the alternate CD, it doesn't need to boot a liveCD to install [09:18] My friend said something about installing it from the command line...No clue what he means though === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] alternate CD...? [09:19] Ratlord: although you can install from the Live CD, it would be wise to first find out if your video hardware will work with Ubuntu === Targ [n=targ@] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] *nods* [09:19] Ratlord: yeah, alternate CD. Same place you downloaded the Desktop ISO, grab the Alternate ISO. [09:19] Ratlord: when you use the LiveCD, do you get to the graphical user interface, or not ? [09:20] Nope. [09:20] Intel seems to think that chipset will work: http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/user.html [09:20] The only thing graphic I get is the menu with the "start or install ubuntu" [09:20] but yeah, the advice to try the alternate CD is good indeed [09:20] Ok [09:21] knoppix? === RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-062.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] :) === FantasticFoo [n=dmul@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:21] sorry, incredibly stupid question, but if i've written a simple little c++ program and i want to compile it with g++ blah.cpp, how do i add optimization flags like -ffast-math [09:21] Ratlord : what kind of pc do you have? [09:22] FantasticFoo: 'g++ -ffast-math blah.cpp -o blah' [09:22] FantasticFoo: I'd recommend -O1 or -O2 instead; you can always play with the weirder optimizations later [09:23] Dell Inspiron E1705 [09:23] roryy: well see, i've written a prime number generator just for fun and i'm seeing how fast i can get it to spit out the numbers === RobNyc_ [n=ax@pool-162-83-172-41.ny5030.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] roryy: i figured ffast-math might work [09:23] roryy: well brb === graveson [n=graveson@] has joined #ubuntu === tuopppi [n=tuomas@ip-81-175-138-79.hollola.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] ratlord, did you try to get into the menu by pressing F1 or F2? [09:24] FantasticFoo: i suspect -ffast-math is for floating point, not integers [09:24] Yeah, I pressed all of the F1-6 options === xtr-III [n=01897268@staff-nat.netnation.com] has joined #Ubuntu === saleh [n=saleh@] has joined #ubuntu === dam [n=dam@c220-237-85-232.kelvn1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === grant [n=grant@dxb-as10519.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] ah ok [09:24] i need help to get WOW working under ubuntu [09:24] hi, can someone recomend a good p2p file sharer for ubuntu? thanks === nastt [n=nastjuid@azure.gemnetworks.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] what's the package name for openssh server? [09:25] roryy: i just checked that site but it seems it uses the ltsp-4.x and not the latest one that is bundled with ltsp-5.x [09:25] roryy: i just checked that site but it seems it uses the ltsp-4.x and not the latest one that is bundled with the edgy eft i mean === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu === yakumo [n=yakumo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] hi guys, i'm completely new in linux and ubuntu and need help to install openGL... [09:26] anyone know how to backup my apt-get install? [09:26] hi, can someone recomend a good p2p file sharer for ubuntu? thanks [09:26] Ratlord, try knoppix if you dont hang unto brand names, and just want linux ( or kanotix, wich is nice too ) [09:26] Ok, sorry if this is a bit annoying, but I'm still confused about the alternate CD...I'm at the download section of the site, clicked on the mirror I used before...Don't see anything that says alternate CD...Unless you mean the Other Installation option... === wickedpuppy [n=wicked@cm230.epsilon167.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] for live cd === Turk [n=Emir@] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] how to install openGL in ubuntu??? [09:27] ratlord: you're looking for something like 'ubuntu-6.06-alternate-i386.iso' [09:27] or 6.10 if you're up in there [09:28] bintut: hmm, sorry. that's all i can easily find on the wiki [09:28] Ok [09:28] roryy: it's ok.. thanks anyway.. :) === samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-087-94-048-119.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] hi, can someone recomend a good p2p file sharer for ubuntu? thanks [09:29] ktorrent or azureus === RetLaw2 [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-002.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] wickedpuppy, thanks [09:29] Ratlord: you'll need to go through the "other install option" yeah, I suppose they did add that extra layer of clicks === knix [n=knix@unaffiliated/knix] has joined #ubuntu [09:30] what r the packages for openGL??? [09:31] frostwire - a kind of p2p [09:31] what r the packages for openGL??? [09:31] I like Frostwire. [09:31] Ok, Flannel [09:31] Where can i use "ulimit -a" ? [09:31] saleh: for what? to get it to work? write opengl software? what? [09:31] http://www.frostwire.com/ [09:31] !frostwire | Unimatrix9, drivera90, and... um... grant, I suppose. [09:31] Unimatrix9, drivera90, and... um... grant, I suppose.: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [09:32] knix: i want to install and i'm new in linux [09:32] try the live cd version, before you install [09:32] What kind of graphics card do you have saleh ? [09:32] and see if you like / and can work with it [09:32] Ah. Ok. I found the alternate thing now. Thanks === Xaphoo [n=cgrenier@adsl-75-35-152-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] hmm, how can I get the kernel to recognize my dual-core processor? [09:33] Ratlord, and hopefully it works for you... [09:33] knix: ATI mobility radeon 9200 [09:33] Hehe. I hope so too [09:33] I installed the linux-generic kernel with apt, but I reboot and nothing changes... I don't think that kernel is being used [09:33] saleh: glx isn't working through dri? run glxgears and see if it's smooth === Zdra [n=zdra@7.224-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] saleh: to get glx running i followed these instructions: [09:34] http://nekoder.blogspot.com/ [09:35] make sure to back up your xorg.conf first ;) [09:35] what file should i append commands that shall happen before login prompt? [09:35] hi i install eclipse using apt-get install. is there a way to install it to another pc without using apt-get istall again?? pls help [09:35] SlimG, You can just use System > Pref > Sessions [09:35] My Ubuntu limits 'open files' to 1024. How can i change that ? [09:36] SlimG, you can add commands there. Nice and simple. [09:36] GNeu: It's a ubuntu server with ssh connection [09:36] SlimG, That makes life more interesting [09:36] SlimG: you want stuff to happen when the computer boots up? === Fufy [i=Fufy@] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] I installed the linux-generic kernel with apt, but I reboot and nothing changes... I don't think that kernel is being used... how oI change what kernel gets booted in to? === Fufy [i=Fufy@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:37] Flannel: yes [09:37] i installed 6.10 but ssh daemon isn't installed, and apt-get says openssh-server isn't a valid package [09:37] Anyone know why Nautilus crashes when it sees a shockwave file? === kyaneos [n=kyaneos@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] Flannel: but BEFORE the login prompt === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === msid [n=msid@] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] I have mail problem in evolution it times out sending mail... can somebody please help me with the setup... [09:37] SlimG, Oh before login, sorry i didn't read your first message properly [09:37] nastt: check your repositories [09:38] nastt: since, openssh-server does exist [09:38] nastt: do you have all the usual repositories enabled? [09:38] i'm new to ubuntu, not sure how to do that === fredl_ [n=b@d145072.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] GNeu: np ;) [09:38] HOW do I change it so that it boots into the generic kernel instead of the i386 kernel? [09:38] does anybody know why ubuntu 6.10 is significantly slower on boot ? is it the new upstart system? is there anyway to fix it ? [09:38] hi, my azureus crashes. known problem? [09:38] An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] Targ : first step might be to open a terminal window and type [09:39] senorprog: how would i enable the proper repositories [09:39] this channel is horrible for getting simple questions answered... theyve gotta be complicated questions [09:39] telnet 25 [09:39] Xaphoo: change the default in your grub menu, but Im fairly certain it changed it. [09:39] see if you get a timeout there, [09:39] if you do, your isp is blocking smtp [09:39] Hey guys... I can't see my NTFS Drive in my Computer folder [09:39] a grub menu doesn't even pop up [09:39] msid: in my experience 6.10 is booting significantly faster than 6.06.1 [09:39] How would I be able to get my NTFS mounted? [09:39] nastt: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list === phargle [n=phargle@adsl-68-127-77-94.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] Xaphoo: It's there, just hidden. You can hit... escape, I believe, to show it === spine55 [n=ernesto@24-181-25-108.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] OK but what do I type in the terminal to test it ,.. I'm very knew to this [09:40] ok thanks [09:40] SlimG, So do you want the command executed just before login? once everything has loaded. [09:40] nastt: google "ubuntu extra repositories" for the details. its on a number of sites [09:40] SlimG, and as root? [09:40] GNeu: yes, as root [09:40] targ: do you know the domain name of your mail server, (usually something smtp.....com [09:40] nastt: you don't need extra repositories. [09:40] senorprog: will do [09:41] ubuntuguide.org who'da thunken [09:41] Can anyone help me locate my NTFS drive and then mount it? === desti [n=desti@p50920CD2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] nastt: just pastebin your sources.list, we'll see why you don't have openssh-server [09:41] SlimG: quite the opposite i might say. i removed quit and splash from kernel options to see what is going on during boot. no specific error though, it is simply slower. there is one point that it gets "stuck" for 10" or so, but, rather than that it goes on smoothly. 2' boot time is not acceptable though. === Fufylan [i=Fufy@] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] Targ: lets take a step back. Did you have mail working with a different computer before? [09:41] yeah its mail.optusnet.com.au [09:41] i defer to Flannel [09:41] SlimG, I havn't done this for a while so, if remember, it had something to do with shells, I think [09:41] yeah this puter in windows [09:41] outlook [09:41] OK, then isp is probably not blocking smtp [09:41] Hmm, I take it back, azureus does crash with the old ~/.azureus === tuopppi [n=tuomas@ip-81-175-138-79.hollola.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === arodle [n=arodle@12-219-45-156.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [09:42] the thing that I can't understand is that there doesn't seem to be a place to enter my password [09:42] How d oI restart DNS? === Olathe [n=olathe@12-201-73-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] Targ: anyway, you just click applications, acessories, terminal [09:42] yep === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-198.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] \got it started === charle97 [n=c@udp007163uds.hawaiiantel.net] has joined #ubuntu === radioaktivstorm [n=charles2@BURTON-SEVENTY-SIX.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] targ: and then at the command prompt type telnet mail.optusnet.com.au 25 [09:43] OKies [09:43] How do I permanently set the rows and columns for text consoles (Shift-Alt-F1 and so on) ? === iarwain [n=iarwain@dD5E00A21.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === bsb003 [n=brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:43] variant: hi, sorry i left, i was hungry =) [09:44] u should see something about connecting, just type control ] to escape out [09:44] yep that seemed to work [09:44] I can get mail but not send [09:44] ok, so it's a problem in your mail client settins [09:44] for sure. [09:44] goodmorning all, I have a question: I cant make updates because i apparently have a damaged package that needs to be reinstalled or something, any ideas? === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] I would bet there's an error in your outgoing mail server settings is all === spine55 [n=ernesto@24-181-25-108.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] I have a noob question - I installed ubuntu today, then added another hard drive. How do I get ubunto to see this new drive? [09:45] but I don't know enough about evolution to help you any further [09:45] SlimG, /etc/profiles [09:45] bsb003: you need to mount it === Nox2k3 [n=nox@cpe-65-24-147-107.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] yeah I think its the lack of a password being set but can't findout where to set it === vladslky [n=vlad@] has joined #ubuntu === vladslky [n=vlad@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:45] it gives me the option to remember the password but not set it [09:46] bsb303: but before that, you need to create a file system on the drive === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Yay...An hour left...*dies* [09:46] in order for linux to be able to mount it. === fredl_ [n=b@d145072.upc-d.chello.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:46] Guys after I install: libntfs8, libntfs-gnomevfs and ntfsprogs [09:46] At least it isn't going at .5 KB/sec like with that one mirror... === loutrine [n=lew~@static-203-192-64-14.sa.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] what do I need to do next in order for my NTFS primary master drive to be recognized? === somervil [n=somervil@c-24-23-123-200.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === roryy [n=user@tedo-ip-nas-1-p444.telkom-ipnet.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] !ntfs | tamacracker [09:47] It's not showing in the Computer folder [09:47] tama, mount /dev/hdwhatever -t ntfs doesn't work? [09:47] tamacracker: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse === fijam [n=mpiechoc@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] start will be integrated more extensively in the next major release of Ubuntu, replacing widely-used pieces of traditional infrastructure like cron and inetd. Often compared t [09:48] Hey does anyone know why I'm getting "Failed loading DPMSDisable: /usr/lib/libX11.so.6: undefined symbol: DPMSDisable" when I try to run some SDL apps. [09:48] Flannel: http://pastebin.com/821740 === kraxelhuber [n=frank@p54B0A3AE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] er, ignore the (URL stuff === fijam [n=mpiechoc@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:48] Nox2k3 sounds like you've got shared library conflicts [09:48] that's gaim doing dirty things to addresses === fijam [n=mpiechoc@] has joined #ubuntu === ripper [n=ripper@73-55.34-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === fijam [n=mpiechoc@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:48] GNeu: it's either /etc/rc.d or /etc/profile , maby both, thanx for your help :) === nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2D366.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === ripper is now known as ripp3r [09:49] I'm not sure how to go about fixing them on Ubuntu. [09:49] SlimG, /etc/profile === fijam [n=mpiechoc@] has joined #ubuntu [09:49] hello [09:49] Yeah, that's one of the limitations of using a package manager [09:49] fijam: hey === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:49] nastt: you should have openssh, no problem. [09:50] hrm [09:50] nastt: what do you get with "sudo apt-get install ssh"? === bsb003 [n=brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] === youser [n=owner@67-58-203-108.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] maybe I should be using libX11.so.6.2.0 instead of libX11.so.6? [09:50] After installing Edgy, I get no logo at startup. Why is that and how to fix it? [09:50] how do i open gconf editor [09:50] erm [09:50] they're symlinks and they're all i have [09:50] im trying to install mouse pointer themes [09:50] so I doubt its a shared library conflict [09:50] any help please === FantasticFoo [n=dgm@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu === Blue-Omega [n=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] Can't say, but app is looking for that function in the shared library and it's not there [09:51] GNeu: thanx again [09:51] well, this is interesting [09:51] youser: "gconf-editor" is the command, I believe [09:51] hence the error message [09:51] SlimG, you worked it out yourself [09:51] Yeah, I'm just wondering why it cares about DPMS and how I tell it to not care. === MikeyMike [n=mikeymik@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] so it was compiled against a shared library with the same name as what's on your system, [09:51] Maybe I'll install another SDL version somewhere and link against that one instead. [09:51] but it had different functions in it === fijam| [n=anon@] has joined #ubuntu === fijam| [n=anon@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:52] Flannel: that will isntall the server as well? [09:52] I've run into that problem before, with different apps. it's the same thing as dll hell in windows [09:52] variant: are you still awake? =) [09:52] nastt: yeah, "ssh" installs client and server [09:52] and sftp, scp too [09:52] Yes I'm aware, but I haven't really done enough with this system to encite it. [09:52] that's what I get for not trying the simple things === bun-bun [n=bun@unaffiliated/bun-bun] has joined #ubuntu === fijam is now known as milosz [09:52] youser, you want to install pointer themes? === yaeyo [n=mariusp@yaeyo.gemenii.ro] has joined #ubuntu [09:52] yes [09:52] nastt: eh, you probably capitalized openssh-server or something [09:52] it says i need to change the key [09:52] but i dont see how [09:53] After installing Edgy, I get no logo at startup. Why is that and how to fix it? [09:53] my prime number generator program runs slower with -ffast-math than without [09:53] youser ssh-keygen === app [n=app@cs78156101.pp.htv.fi] has joined #Ubuntu === anne-cecile [n=anne-cec@ACBA9FB1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] actually any optimizations slow down the program [09:53] Flannel: Package ssh is not available, but is referred to by another package === app [n=app@cs78156101.pp.htv.fi] has left #Ubuntu [] [09:53] terminal ssh-keygen? [09:53] if you need to generate new keys [09:53] nastt: sudo apt-cache search ssh [09:53] youser, you should be able to just drag them into you current theme's folder (~/.icons/*) and then refresh the theme [09:53] nastt: hmm. Alright, try "sudo apt-get update" [09:53] if it's complaining about possible main in the middle attack because host key has changed [09:53] holy mother [09:53] this is the quickest way possible: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [09:54] i downloaded separate mouse pointer icons [09:54] updating === Targ [n=targ@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:54] ubotu: Your rock! [09:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about Your rock! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:54] just delete known hosts file [09:54] they are in their own folders? [09:54] ha [09:54] gonna restart :D [09:54] yes [09:55] i was told add them to .icons [09:55] nd then go to gconf editor and edit key cursor theme [09:55] then log off and back on === milosz [n=mpiechoc@] has left #ubuntu [] === internat [n=internat@c210-49-250-210.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-058-186.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] ill be right back thanks guys === spine55 [n=ernesto@24-181-25-108.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === D1G1T89 [n=Numb3rz@] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] nastt: now that it's updated, does the install work? of ssh === arodle [n=arodle@12-219-45-156.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu === Skal [n=skal@] has joined #ubuntu === daywalker [n=deddly@222-155-218-85.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu === XoR_ [n=XoR@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] i'm just wondering, has anyone had difficulty playing flac's using amarok/xine ? [09:57] any complete helppage/FAQ for kubuntu 5.10? === internat [n=internat@c210-49-250-210.ipswc1.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] D1G1T89: 5.10 or 6.10? [09:57] 5.10 [09:57] help!!installing nvidia drivers on edy.Following this how-to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 but when i put in this command sudo nvidia-glx-config-enable i get an error [09:58] D1G1T89: https://help.ubuntu.com/5.10/ [09:58] command not found [09:58] daywalker I didn't have to do anything for nvidia drivers when I installed edgy (yesterday) [09:58] I did server and desktop, and the drivers were already there.. [09:59] daywalker: that howto says it's NOT for anything other than Breezy, NOT edgy. [09:59] !nvidia | daywalker, this is the correct method [09:59] ah does it? [09:59] just had to have the right stuff in xorg.conf [09:59] daywalker: yeah. [09:59] hmm. [09:59] Flannel: yeah, that was it [09:59] !nvidia [09:59] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [09:59] daywalker, read that page. [10:00] thanks flannel [10:00] or maybe I'm using not-the-best drivers for my graphics cards [10:00] rickyfingers, when i upgraded from dapper all was good, but i had to re-install the driver to use beryl === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E127A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:01] moin [10:01] *shrug* i'm in over my head. never heard of beryl [10:01] hwat's it do? [10:02] How do I change the resolution of the console ? [10:02] I'm having FLAC playback problems with Amarok 1.4.4 under Ubuntu Edgy Eft. I don't receive any error, it simply skips to the next song and repeats till it finds one it can play (usually mp3). (#amarok has been of no help so far...) [10:03] loutrine: i've been watching a threead about this problem, it seems like the problem has been found [10:03] khaije1, Oh? Got a link to the thread? === graeme [n=graeme@] has joined #ubuntu === yaeyo [n=mariusp@yaeyo.gemenii.ro] has left #ubuntu [] [10:03] guys, what's the best way to upgrade from breezy ? [10:04] I had this same problem with Amarok 1.4.2 under Ubuntu Dapper Drake however someone made a patch and posted it on the Ubuntu forums which fixed it but the patch doesn't work under Edgy. [10:04] loutrine: ya i'm pulling it up now. by any chance do you use grip to rip your flac's? [10:04] khaije1, I ripped all my FLAC files through CDex under Windows - so no :) === Xaphoo [n=cgrenier@adsl-75-35-152-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === youser [n=owner@67-58-203-108.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === xarq [n=user@unaffiliated/xarq] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] wich package does provide "/usr/bin/cc" ? dpkg -S does not provide anything [10:05] loutrine: crap, this may still apply to you though (link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210683&page=11) [10:05] ayaa: sudo apt-get install build-essential [10:05] graeme, to edgy? [10:05] khaije1, thankyou, i'll have a look :) === kzt [n=katz@] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] alright i have mouse cursor themes in .tar.bz2 files i cant drag them into themes cu theyre invalid folder === ciaron [n=soth@cpc3-broo4-0-0-cust526.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] i needs help [10:05] My dns server isn't functioning heres a report: http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch?domain=tpfree.com === solarflare [n=chatzill@82-35-65-113.cable.ubr01.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] *invalid file format [10:05] loutrine: suggests the problem is with the way the files are tagged... i'm not able to test it currently b/c i'm at work, but could you let me know if you experience success? === render [n=render@213-140-21-234.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === khaije1 pants eagerly === durrie [n=durrie@ACC2F411.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === ChaKy [n=chaky@5-157.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] is there a 2.6.17-10 kernel for amd64 in the repos, or just the generic kernel? [10:06] khaije1, certainly. however I'm not able to change any tags as they're on a read only NTFS partition :( === D1G1T|away [n=Numb3rz@] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] but I'll let you know regardless === n0mak [n=n0mak@213-35-184-138-dsl.kjj.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] How do I change what kernel boots by default? [10:07] charle97: yeah, I guess ... === Akita-Ken [n=me@cm139.gamma147.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] Xaphoo: you edit your menu.lst, the "default" number [10:07] I thought that utorrent had a linux version no ? [10:07] I need some help here, I installed Ubuntu on a fresh harddrive, I want to format that drive now to reinstall it to dual boot with XP but Windows no longer lists the harddrive [10:07] loutrine: thats easy, identify a few that don't normaly play, copy them somewhere writable, try them again (should fail again) then try the fix === rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p54B1B8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:07] anything that helps me connect to the internet on kubuntu 5.10? this windows is being too unstable =\ [10:07] loutrine: cool thanks!!! [10:07] graeme, clean install [10:07] My dns server isn't functioning heres a report: http://www.dnsreport.com/tools/dnsreport.ch?domain=tpfree.com [10:08] xarq: which kernel is which number? === D1G1T|away [n=Numb3rz@] has left #ubuntu ["Connection] [10:08] khaije1, oh, doh! didn't think of that :p [10:08] charle97: ummm ... don't think I'll bother then ... [10:08] xarq: is it the number it is listed in menu.lst ? [10:08] ThomasPorter: sounds simple enough, are they running? [10:09] Anyone? [10:09] Xaphoo: yes [10:09] like, the first one is 0, the second is 1... [10:09] ok [10:09] graeme, if you want to upgrade to dapper you can use apt-get [10:09] fyrestrtr: Yes, i've started bind9 using: /etc/init.d/bind9 === sc0tty [n=yann@ARennes-257-1-159-94.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] when someone has time i need help installing .tar.bz2 mouse cursor themes [10:09] ThomasPorter: is UDP 53 open? === khaije1 does happy dance [10:10] fyrestrtr: Yes === Cyron [n=cyron@203-206-66-2.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] ThomasPorter: you have your zone file setup correctly? [10:10] youser tar -xjf filename.tar.bz2 [10:11] tar? [10:11] fyrestrtr: /etc/vhcs2/bind/parts/db_e.tpl is configured correctly [10:11] then directions should be in a readme === SS3 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-016-192.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] hello all, has anyone had problems with mozilla based browsers on ubuntu 6.10? Firefox 2 crashes on some sites (e.g. www.userfriendly.org and googlemail) so does mozilla shipped with the dist and older firefox Konqueror 3.5.5 works fine. BTW - it's on an IBM ThinkPad T23. [10:11] tar in a terminal window [10:11] ahh [10:11] fyrestrtr: is that what you mean by zones file? I'm new with DNS. [10:12] solarflare: no, I haven't had any trouble with gmail and firefox2 === Ecnassianer [n=ecna@cpe-76-168-247-163.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] ThomasPorter: you need a zone file, something that identifies your domain and its hosts. [10:12] but i don't know how to go any further [10:12] Flannel: thanks [10:12] charle97: apt-get upgrade distro ??? === skypa [n=skypa@e178206187.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] fyrestrtr: Okay, how would I do this?: === RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-037.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] didnt work [10:12] got some errors [10:12] graeme, something like that [10:13] what does tarring in terminal do? [10:13] fyrestrtr: http://pastebin.ca/245695 Thats whats inside the file above. [10:13] solarflare: do you have the appletalk util running? [10:13] solarflare: netatalk? [10:13] ThomasPorter: use this http://pgl.yoyo.org/adservers/bind-zone-file-creator.php [10:13] youser, if you downloaded the mouse themes as a file like yakety-yak-mouse-themse.tar.bz2 [10:13] yep [10:14] solarflare: netatalk was the only thing which gave me trouble with firefox crashing [10:14] solarflare: I don't have that problem, and I'm on T43. [10:14] the way to uncompress the file is tar -xjf yakety-yak-mouse-themes.tar.bz3 [10:14] the way to uncompress the file is tar -xjf yakety-yak-mouse-themes.tar.bz2 === SS3 is now known as SS2 [10:14] Hi , what sort of display are you running? I'll check out the appletalk and netatalk - thanks [10:14] fyrestrtr: Thankyou === NoWhereMan_ [n=nowherem@host-84-221-194-108.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] Hi, I'm new to ubuntu & all linux. That being said - I don't know how to play *.avi files, could anyone help me? private or w/e. [10:14] youser - typo - I meant .bz2 [10:14] i can open them with file manager [10:14] fyrestrtr: Thanks - is that the same display? [10:14] hi guys [10:15] fyrestrtr: "Now either upload a hosts file (max 5 MB):" what does this mean? [10:15] n0mak: go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and read the instructions there :) [10:15] can anybody help with a ralink wireless card and edgy? [10:15] solarflare: hmm... my display was 1400x1050 but that shouldn't matter [10:15] ThomasPorter: you don't have a hosts file, so just ignore that part. [10:15] k, I'll try it out fyrestrtr [10:15] i can extract them i just dont know how to install them [10:15] solarflare: I don't know about that, sorry. [10:15] n0mak - u can also try mplayer, but if you're not comfortable recompiling source code, I wouldn't mess with it. [10:16] NoWhereMan, what stage of the game are you at? [10:16] fyrestrtr: Okay, thanks again ;) [10:16] Do you have a module for the wnic? [10:16] rickyfingers_, more or less I am at the beginning [10:16] solarflare: i had many crashes until i uninstalled flash [10:16] ok first thing, open a terminal window and type iwconfig [10:16] the driver have been compiled but I see and hwaddr 00:00:00:00:00 [10:16] fyrestrtr: Once created, where does the file go? === androxxl [n=kvirc@84-255-238-62.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] see if it says something besides "no wireless extensions" for one of the network interfaces. [10:17] khaije1: where was the flash from? distro? [10:17] rickyfingers_, ra0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:00:00:00:00:00 [10:17] nowhereman: if it says "no wireless extensions" for all the interfaces, you know the module for the wnic is not installed [10:18] installed or loaded. [10:18] Does breezy have a moive player installed ? [10:18] i think it was via easy-ubuntu im using edgy dist-upgraded from dapper [10:18] solarflare: ^^ === travkin [n=travkin@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] nowhereman: ra0 is the interface for your wnic? [10:18] rickyfingers_, yeah: ra0 RT61 Wireless ESSID:"" [10:19] ThomasPorter: /etc/bind/, and then you edit /etc/bind/named.conf.local and add a line there that refers to your file. [10:19] ok the all zeros mac address seems fishy to me [10:19] rickyfingers_, yeah I'm clueless :D [10:19] sure it's bad [10:19] does anyone know how to find out when a graphics card will become supported and if anyone is updating the fglrx driver for it? [10:19] but at this point, you should be able to either go to system->administration->networking [10:20] and put in your essid, wep key all those configuration goodies, and set ip address or dhcp depending on your setup === esion [n=esion@ron34-1-82-224-148-91.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Shoo-Shu [n=shoo@] has joined #ubuntu === marcels [n=marcel@mstoop.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] alternatively, you can use iwconfig/ipconfig to put those settings in manually [10:20] rickyfingers_, I don't have any connection available ATM I just wanted to do a scan to see if it's working [10:20] but then they'll get erased on bootup === zeeo [n=zeeo@firewall.debolt.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] I got this sweet graphics card to develop a game for Ubuntu but it's not supported so I can only develop the game for Windows and Mac for now === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] rickyfingers_, but it says scan it's not supported :/ [10:21] in that case, what happens when you do iwlist ra0 scanning? [10:21] Oh, I see. Maybe try a different driver. [10:21] are you using ndiswrapper? [10:22] ra0 No scan results [10:22] nope, rt61 legacy driver [10:22] Sounds like it could do the scan. are you certain there's a wireless network in your area? [10:23] upgrading breezy to dapper ... what's the best way ? [10:23] (one you could see with windoze or something like that? === tobias_ [n=tobias@dslb-084-063-056-215.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] rickyfingers_, it used to be [10:23] i mean === kzt [n=katz@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:23] it takes no time to do the scan === SilentDis [n=alex@mdsnwikwnas03-pool0-a35.mdsnwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu === nap [n=dartmolx@] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] graeme: you could dist-upgrade or do a clean install, depends on how much backing up you feel like doing [10:24] i guess it doesn't scan at all [10:24] hello :) [10:24] hi! is there any way to make Nautilus have a split screen setup so I can drag/move data easily from one window to another? [10:24] nowhere man, let me ssh to my laptop with wireless, and see what happens. [10:24] graeme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-040-129.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] does ubuntu i386/amd64 disks install on the intel core based apple computers? if so, are intel core based apple computeres now referred to as pc's ? [10:24] graeme: if your data really matters to you you'll back up in either case though [10:24] I've got a laptop with intel ipw nic [10:25] xarq: don't care about backing anything up ... === warlock[S] [i=w@c80-216-222-145.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] tobias_: i don't believe so, but you can have 2 Nautilus windows open next to each other, and hide the places bar on the right, if that helps. [10:25] rickyfingers_, I don't know what you are going to do, but do it if you think it would help :D === kosmitek [i=marcimon@bfv202.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === DreamThief [n=mathias@p54A823EA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] what's the best way to 'just do it' ... ? [10:25] Is there a way to see what ports all of my processes are using? [10:25] NoWhereman, just got same behavior, No scan results. [10:26] so? [10:26] SilentDis: Thanks! === TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-112-78.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] warlock[S] : 'sudo netstat -tp' is one way [10:26] tobias_: nt :) [10:26] Ah ha, nowhereman: [10:27] you gots to do sudo iwlist ra0 scanning [10:27] I got results when I did that === sioux [n=sioux-mo@adsl-18-117.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] and I see there's a linksys somewhere nearby.... === kosmitek is now known as marcimon [10:27] rickyfingers_, ra0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down [10:27] :'( [10:28] bummer, then you need a different nic [10:28] anyone know how to use compiz? === marcimon [i=marcimon@bfv202.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu [] === linuxmigration [n=jeremy@dsl254-075-124.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] rickyfingers_, please translate in n00b-a-nese [10:29] roryy, that didn't show me much.. === ZondeR [n=ZondeR@] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] NoWhereMan_: your card isn't supported [10:29] It's just that not all wireless network interface cards (wnic's) support all the iw commands [10:29] warlock[S] : then not many TCP ports are in use [10:29] what's more of a pain is they also don't support ethernet bridging [10:29] warlock[S] : err, oops [10:30] . [10:30] xarq, how can you say that? === warlock[S] looks worried [10:30] warlock[S] : sudo netstat -ltp [10:30] however, your original question, of whether or not the card is workign [10:30] is solved [10:30] it's an rt61 drv is for rt61 [10:30] NoWhereMan_: you asked me to translate into noobanese [10:30] hmm [10:30] warlock[S] : maybe you should just read 'man netstat' ;) to avoid anymore mistakes from me [10:30] xarq, thanx then :p [10:30] roryy, mind joining #blalba-talk? so I can shot the output? === shredwheat [n=pete@cpe-76-168-41-58.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] You know you have a driver running, [10:31] NoWhereMan_: "you need a different nic" == "your card isn't supported" [10:31] warlock[S] : i'm there [10:31] Nowhereman: here's how to change your mac address [10:31] xarq, yes, thanx. I understood :) [10:31] nope, don't see you :p === nap [n=dartmolx@] has joined #ubuntu === zaynhamdan [n=zayn@] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] command may or may not work, once again depending on the hardware: === spinz8r [n=spinz8r@] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01 [10:31] ifconfig eth0 up [10:31] roryy #warlocky then, try that :) === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === Volstrup [n=volstrup@0x5552fb8d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] hello all [10:32] rickyfingers_, that's still strange I shouldn't be supposed to change my MAC O.o [10:32] anyone know of a gui front end for the LAME encoder? (not one that does CD ripping, just a 'batch converter' of sorts) [10:32] khaije1, Having some problems applying the patch http://pastebin.com/821750 - I'm relatively new to linux so I'm not sure what to make of this... === MikeyMike [n=mikeymik@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === aaahenaaareee [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] No, you shouldn't but you also don't know if it's going to be problematic or not [10:33] k, we can sort it out [10:33] btw tilda is shweet! [10:33] !tilda [10:33] tilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 32 kB, installed size 148 kB [10:33] I'm thinking mac address 00000000000000 has a special meaning in the ethernet protocal [10:33] like a broadcast address or something. [10:33] yes tilda is sweet but sometimes annoying [10:33] zaynhamdan: y? [10:33] rickyfingers_, I guess it's just wrong and the driver is misconfigured === cafuego [n=cafuego@ppp81-20.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] so you might run into problems connecting to a wireless network [10:34] You might want to try ndiswrapping the windows drivers for that card [10:34] you might have better luck. [10:34] khaije1: yes, sometimes dialog command requires screen larger than X and Y === rizo [n=rizo@spc1-blac3-0-0-cust830.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] Hi [10:34] rickyfingers_, hm. yes, maybe it's worth a try [10:34] hi rizo [10:34] But it's all just trial and error hacking I'm reccomending, no garuntees. [10:34] I need some help with the grub bootloader in ubunutu breezy [10:35] If you don't like to hack... === MakubeX [n=staff@tidak.takut.sama.anggota.cyberpolice.cc] has joined #ubuntu === mike1o [n=silvio@host162-140-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] rizo: what's your problem? [10:35] rizo: what kind of help? [10:35] i recently created an xfs partition, and resized my root partition [10:35] how do i add a headphone jack control to alsa? === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] mike1o: you don't. [10:36] /j SquirrelMail [10:36] now grib won't boot ubuntu [10:36] grub* [10:36] crimsun, but I can't use the headphone jack then.... [10:36] rizo: : well when you resize partition, partition order will be changed === GhoSt_DoG [n=bugs@] has joined #Ubuntu [10:36] anyway i can reconfigure grub [10:36] can one use checkinstall to keep track of things installed with a *.run (executable) installer? [10:36] Hello [10:36] hi, what scripts are executed when I log into a terminal in ubuntu ? ~/.bash_profile apparently not [10:36] mike1o: well, which driver & codec do you have? [10:36] Goof Morning All [10:36] Good* === leggy [n=leggy@dslb-088-072-245-211.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] rizo: you must change grub configuration manually, via grub menu === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] rizo: that sounds like an "erased files" problem [10:37] yes but idon't know the order === thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] crimsun, Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 2006 UTC). === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] loutrine: hmm... [10:37] then when you can boot, you must change /boot/grub/menu.lst [10:37] mike1o: no, driver. cat /proc/asound/modules [10:37] it isn't an erased file as grub does load === leggy [n=leggy@dslb-088-072-245-211.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [10:37] with diff when i use --side-by-side i get lines cut off how can i make it full lines ?? [10:37] khaije1, got any ideas :)? [10:37] it just i can't get ubuntu to load from the menu [10:38] rizo: from the grub menu you can type "e" to change the settings until it works, then write that down andput it into your grub file [10:38] crimsun, 0 snd_intel8x0 1 snd_mpu401s [10:38] I am trying to run Midnight Commander in a terminal within gnome, but the -a switch doesn't work. Has anyone figured out a fix or workaround for this problem? [10:38] mike1o: pastebin your ``lspci -nv'' [10:38] GhoSt_DoG: greetings and salutations, spectral canine entity :D [10:39] loutrine: i think it would be easiest to revert that change for now === rough133 [n=rough133@d213-103-192-38.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu === fooadd [n=fooadd@] has joined #ubuntu === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] loutrine: i'll post you a link, i gotta dig it up... === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30946/ [10:40] khaije1, no changes were made - it couldn't apply the patch === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] nvm found it [10:40] when an interactive shell is started, .bashrc is executed. .bash_profile is for non-interactive logins [10:40] thanks zaynhamdan [10:40] rickyfingers_, ok wiki says rt61 is not supported by ndiswrapper, so it's just a timewaster === ezsquirt [n=bowser@vol21-1-82-224-19-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] i must keep playing with the one I installed :/ [10:41] rizo: you are welcome === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] mike1o: oh right, you have the si7012 === ZondeR [n=ZondeR@fbl77-1-88-163-0-109.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] crimsun, yup :-) [10:41] mike1o: where's your ``amixer'' output? [10:42] !enemyterritory [10:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about enemyterritory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:42] !et [10:42] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org [10:42] anyone know about compiz? === B-Minus [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-118-103.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] loutrine: the thing i wanted to test is if the way the files are tagged causes problems for xine trying to play them [10:42] getting gpg error on apt-get update,NO_PUBKEY 7127E5ABEEF946C8,what should i do? === Latty [n=Latty@host86-137-129-239.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] youser: sorry, only what ubotu knows for me :( [10:42] youser: try #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl or #beryl [10:42] crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30947/ [10:42] ahh thank you [10:43] loutrine: it should be possible to just test a file without installing anything [10:43] Here is a screenshot displaying partition on my harddrive in Qtparted. The root partition is ext3. any ideas on what i should use to boot grub to this partition http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/8686/screenshotlv3.png [10:43] loutrine: by just modifying the file.... i can't think of the best way to do that though [10:43] getting gpg error on apt-get update,NO_PUBKEY 7127E5ABEEF946C8,what should i do? [10:44] loutrine: i don't have any verifiably bad flac' w/ me.... === khaije1 ponders [10:44] guys is there a TUV player for linux ? [10:44] rizo: the volume format shouldn't matter [10:44] one of those tv/bittorrent client thingys ? [10:45] yes but can you tell the order from that [10:45] screenshot [10:45] i know that the disk is hd1 === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] graeme, democracy player? or can't a normal torrent client do what you want? [10:45] khaije1, Oh ok, so I should try removing the tags from a verified non-working flac file and see if it plays? [10:46] anyone know how to install metacity themes? [10:46] crimsun, no hope? [10:46] mike1o: do you get no audible sound in headphones at all? Are you using Edgy? [10:46] mike1o: please be patient :) [10:46] crimsun, no sound at all :-) === ByKeT [n=byket@plb95-2-62-34-84-25.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] rizo: partitions should follow the order of (hd0,0) (hd0,1), etc. === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] crimsun, i just upgraded to edgy in order to get the newer alsa version [10:46] fooadd: watch tv in real time ? espn, hbo that kinda thing ? [10:47] rizo: additional hard disks would be (hd1,0) etc. === CheshireViking [n=Inter@i-195-137-101-182.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] rite ill have a go [10:47] tahnks for your ehlp [10:47] loutrine: thats the idea, but i'm not sure if it needs to be done in a particular way, grip is used as an example here (http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1634089&forum_id=5443) but i think the fix could apply widely [10:47] mike1o: not even across speakers? [10:47] getting gpg error on apt-get update,NO_PUBKEY 7127E5ABEEF946C8,what should i do? === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] I'm building an older computer for a friend, does anyone have any suggestions for any cool apps that I can put on it ? ... he's a non-computer nerd type ... [10:47] Anyone know a GAIM site that has different themes? [10:47] crimsun, yes i'm listening to La Isla Bonita now! [10:47] graeme, not sure if it fits, but try democracyplayer === hpnadig [n=hpnadig_@wikipedia/kn/HPNadig] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] graeme: how old? === ByKeT [n=byket@plb95-2-62-34-84-25.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu === DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D461.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] tamacracker, gnome-look.org (??) [10:48] crimsun, the mic worx also === lokholmi [n=chatzill@bzq-88-155-100-206.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] graeme: the computer, not the friend. ;) [10:48] loutrine: (btw, i'm trying to figure out how to do this here for extra verification) [10:48] hmm... for gaim? really? [10:48] i was just there, ill check it out [10:48] crimsun, I just wanted to get the headphones working for skype :-) [10:48] mike1o: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}' |sort -r) && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x0 [10:49] loutrine: do you have any email-able (small) bad flacs you could send me to test with? [10:49] khaije1, I'll try and find a small one... one sec === sudharsh [n=sudharsh@] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] crimsun, sudo? [10:50] loutrine: cool thanks very much for helping out w/ this! [10:50] tamacracker, check this out http://kdyne.net/projekty/guifications/index.php?section=about === AaSFi [n=AaSFi@eu83-213-214-42.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] khaije1, no probs - I'd like to find a fix too ;) [10:51] SilentDis: 28 ... [10:51] mike1o: that's a precise set of commands [10:51] graeme: lol [10:51] where is the radio thingy ? === cstrippie [n=cstrippi@adsl-69-110-64-29.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] crimsun, OK [10:51] online radio and all that. Also how do i upgrade just to dapper ? [10:51] graeme: a 28 year old computer... and you're giving it away? hmm... i can think of a couple doors I need propped open... *snicker* [10:52] heh [10:52] crimsun, FATAL: Module snd_timer is in use. === LordMetroid [n=lordmetr@h111n5c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] mike1o: pwd [10:52] anyone know, what packages that can be used to call via modem wireless? === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] SilentDis: oh, no the friend is 28, the computer is P3 with 256MB ... [10:52] 28 years old? what is it, a PDP-3? [10:52] hm... looks like GUIfications are not made for Ubuntu? [10:52] crimsun, /home/sprok/film [10:52] or maybe 412 or something ... not sure [10:53] or Gnome in other words. [10:53] mike1o: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] graeme: a P3 isn't too horrible... the memory is a bit low though (linux is ram-hungry, in most cases). what drive size do you have in it? [10:53] SilentDis:40GB [10:53] crimsun, no output === poulap [n=poulap@bas7-ottawa23-1088832413.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === CraHan [n=CraHan@125.229-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] graeme: you probably want to run DSL on it [10:54] xarq: ? === compilerwriter [n=keith@adsl-69-208-133-255.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === pingar [n=saltvik@ti500720a080-8275.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] mike1o: pastebin dmesg. I'm away for 10 minutes. [10:54] graeme: no problems there then (was praying you didn't say 5gb). and I'd agree with xarq, a lower system intensive distro would probably run better than ubuntu === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu === cooL_sby [n=pc4@] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] graeme: damn-small linux [10:54] khaije1, well this is strange... the flac file shows as FLAC audio in the 'Type' column in nautilus. However if i select the file, the type changes to MP3 audio in the 'Type' column... [10:55] xarq: I don't think it's that bad. Dapper should run fine methinks ? [10:55] khaije1, the smallest flac file I have is 22.8MB [10:55] graeme: that box is well-suited to e-mail, browsing, a little MP3 music, basic office work type of thing. === arnducky [n=ordinary@S01060017ee009b87.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === amee2k [n=thomas@cugnet.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] graeme: depends on how much frustration and performance you feel like putting up with [10:55] getting gpg error on apt-get update,NO_PUBKEY 7127E5ABEEF946C8,what should i do? [10:55] graeme - there is always Ubuntu Lite, but it's an early alpha [10:55] I installed w32 codecs but the *.avi file still won't play. Saying that "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins." [10:55] crimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30948/ [10:55] I have about 386MB of mem ... [10:55] loutrine: lol, i don't think the email admin here would appreciate that :-) [10:56] hi all === charles [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] Planning on playing with it myself in VMware [10:56] ;) === Lukian [i=lukian@] has joined #ubuntu === aaahenaaareee [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] where can i get ubuntu packages for seamonkey? [10:56] sc4ttrbrain, google for the error message, I've seen a solution somewhere, but can't remember, it has to do with apt-key or something like that [10:56] loutrine: ya, there is something weird w/ the tags, we may be on to something [10:56] khaije1, I can upload it somewhere... megaupload or similar? === bun-bun [n=bun@unaffiliated/bun-bun] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] loutrine: if it works the way it sounds we can try, corp firewall may say otherwise thoguh, do i need to sign up for an account? [10:57] khaije1, got it compressed down to a 23MB tar.bz2 file [10:57] 386 should be enough to do pretty much about anything. [10:57] fooadd, do you mean this.. http://www.urlfan.com/local/running_net_applications_on_debian_gnulinux_with_mono/3719399.html [10:57] khaije1, Nah, you can download for free. [10:57] graeme: the biggest 'problem', if you can call it that, with ubuntu and kubuntu is gnome and kde are VERY memory intensive. 512 is a low level for most of the stuff, 1gb is probably recommended. I'm doing barely nothing on my box right now and sucking 160mb away. [10:57] graeme: well you have enough hard drive space, but 256 MB of ram and P3 it will run a bit slow [10:57] What's the best way to check what frequency my P3 is running at ? === aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] sc4ttrbrain, yeah [10:58] grame, depends on the bios === khaije1 is game [10:58] xarq: yeah, sorry I checked. It's running with 386MB [10:58] khaije1, is http://megaupload.com accessible from your work network? [10:58] I installed w32 codecs but the *.avi file still won't play. Saying that "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins." What do I have to do now?! [10:58] graeme# dmesg [10:58] i have 384mb memory on a 800mhz system, works fine. === GNeu [n=Greg@static-203-87-39-30.vic.chariot.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Left"] [10:58] some bioses will tell you when you go in, like hitting delete at reboot [10:58] graeme: dropping another 256 stick in there would make it a bit better. little slow on the 'uptake' as it were, but it would be bareable [10:58] fooadd, it only returns>> usage: gpg [options] [filename] === DerD_ [n=derd2@p54B3D9C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] other times, the clock is just set by jumpers on the motherboard [10:58] I've run Xubuntu extensively in VMware with 360mb ram; always worked great. [10:59] and you need to look in the manual to see what jumper setting means what frequency === donjuanxxx [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] graeme: also, you might try a lighter-weight window manager like fluxbox or xubuntu if it feels sluggish [10:59] mike1o: are you using the latest bios for that machine? === donjuanxxx [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] === MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-221-135.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] crimsun, probably not... how do i update a bios? === Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] graeme: you can try it, but I'd work your way through the install first, and see how it handles things post-install. after that, xmms would be a good start. === charles [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] crimsun, i have the 2001 original bios [11:00] loutrine: it works! [11:00] khaije1, ok, uploading now :) [11:00] loutrine: will i actually need flash to use the site though? [11:00] OK, so the P3 is running at 700MHz .. === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-198.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] khaije1, good question... I don't believe so... but I can't confirm [11:00] bun-bun: thanks [11:00] uh [11:00] mike1o: your motherboard manufacturer should provide instructions === khaije1 is game [11:00] how do you install guifications? === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [11:01] tamacracker, what do you mean guifications, [11:01] fooadd, it does not a solution imo [11:01] crimsun, how do i get the motherboard model from the terminal? [11:01] so anyone know how to upgrade to dapper ? [11:01] like gnome-desktop-environment, or is it some kind of software package === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu [11:01] tamacracker, I am on my Debian box, apt-cache search shows "gaim-guifications" isn't it apt-gettable in Ubuntu? [11:01] rickyfingers_: im lookin to change the theme of my GAIM [11:01] graeme I think the easiest way to do it === Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEFD6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] !upgradetodapper [11:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about upgradetodapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:02] mike1o: you need that info in hard copy. [11:02] tama -sorry don't use gaim [11:02] sc4ttrbrain, this is the right way, but I don't know where can you get ubuntu's public key ( or whatever it's called) [11:02] !upgrade [11:02] alright... [11:02] For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [11:02] graeme, best way is just use a second hd in your box [11:02] sc4ttrbrain, what kind of mirrors is in your sources.list, that complains about it? [11:02] crimsun, lshal | grep K7 worked [11:03] loutrine: let me know the descriptor when it's available ? === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] I always have two dists on my box [11:03] fooadd, deb http://debian.meebey.net/pkg-mono/mono/ ./ [11:03] say dist x-1 and dist x [11:03] khaije1, sure thing - it'll take a few minutes (slow upload speeds here in aus :p) [11:03] when I upgrade to dist x+1, acually I do a clean install [11:03] fooadd, its debian mirror,i try to install the latest mono [11:03] I'd be more worried about firefox, from a mem perspective, than I would be about gnome. Although, having said that - I'd be worried about ff from a mem perspective if I had 2GB of mem [11:03] overwriting dist x-1 [11:03] then copy essesntial stuff over from dist x === site [n=site@69-10-206-54.localaccess.com] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] ubuntu installer is good about automatically configuring grub to still enable me to boot dist x [11:04] loutrine: oic, btw i'll need o hop off in a little less than an hour. if this isnt done by then i'll be on the same time tomorrow === fraiddo [n=fred@AAmiens-151-1-78-104.w86-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] in case something's really broken in x+1 [11:04] graeme: i've eaten 2gb ram before, just doing webdev stuff. thank god linux is nice about giving it back as you close stuff... unlike a certain *OTHER* operating system, which I won't mention :P === sharyari [n=jonathan@c83-253-60-136.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] oo, khali is a sweet theme for gnome === sharyari [n=jonathan@c83-253-60-136.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu [] [11:05] crimsun, i found this http://www.ocworkbench.com/2002/ecs/k7s5abios/cheepobios.htm for my K7S5A mb [11:05] khaije1, yup, sure thing [11:05] sc4ttrbrain, there is a gpg file here http://debian.meebey.net/Release.gpg, and maybe this will help you http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/174 === SNOOP [n=ed@Wac9c.w.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === grepper [n=robert@ip216-239-88-118.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] what's the story with the root password on ubuntu ? I never set any ... === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] graeme: you can set it later if you wish [11:06] xarq: it's empty ? [11:07] graeme: no, it's off [11:07] xarq: even in breezy ? [11:07] I have Mplayer & all the players from add/remove applications->sound&video . I installed win32 codecs but Mplayer still wont play *avi. Any guidance please?! [11:07] graeme: in all versions [11:07] graeme: it is a random string, its not "off" === gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] graeme: no root, normally. you can sudo to root from your primary user account, should you need it === pcnate [n=pcnate@] has joined #ubuntu === jatt [n=user@p54A3E2B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] n0mak, other players give the same problem? === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === Crazysk8|Server_ [n=marinus@d76216.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] SilentDis: yeah, but sudo isn't going to work for everything right ? [11:08] graeme: yes, it works for everything [11:08] graeme: if you need an interactive root terminal, type sudo -i :) [11:08] graeme: sudo -s usually does [11:08] hmm, I've only used mplayer, sec. === nipra [n=nipra@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] oi [11:08] graeme: if you new the password you could do su and then enter the random string.. :) === aaahenaaareee [n=don@adsl-69-235-135-156.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] j00buntu [11:08] where did that internet radio thingy go ? ... I thought that came on a vanilla breezy install ? [11:09] graeme: sudo does work for everything, except some inflexibly written 3rd party scripts, but 99% of the time people don't see those. [11:09] variant: it's not a random string. It is off. [11:09] found it... thanks alot for the GUIfication for GAIM :D [11:10] Flannel: there has to be a root password [11:10] Flannel: it doesn't work for everything on RedHat ... [11:10] variant: no there doesnt [11:10] Flannel: please explain [11:10] graeme: right, redhat is not designed for use of sudo [11:10] graeme: Ubuntu is designed to use sudo in everything === Acetylene [n=Acetylen@213-202-131-46.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu === xorix [n=XoR@] has joined #ubuntu === stylus_ [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] variant: the root password's hash is set to a value that will never be produced with the hash alg. [11:10] !truetype [11:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about truetype - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:10] Flannel: i see [11:10] khaije1, 80% ETA 3mins [11:10] !fonts [11:11] Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto [11:11] No fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer [11:11] Flannel: so there is one, just not one that can be guessed [11:11] Flannel: well if sudo can do everything root can do ... then what's the point in having sudo at all ? [11:11] variant: it's equivalent of .. locking the account (with normal -l) === mypapit [n=manbruta@] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] ubotu, you're my hero :) [11:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about you're my hero :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:11] variant: no password can ever match it. Even if someone tried every single combination. [11:11] graeme: the point is it's safer to only elevate privileges when you nede to [11:11] graeme: it is a conveneice [11:11] graeme: convenience [11:11] !sudo | graeme, this page explains the benefits [11:11] graeme, this page explains the benefits: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu === SeAofSaRo [n=SeAofSaR@64-195-89-5.mod.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] variant: it's more convenient to just go to root IMO ... [11:12] graeme: logging, more fine grained rights, etc. [11:12] graeme: read that page, it explains it all [11:12] variant: no, it's convenient to run as root [11:12] graeme: there are reasons not to use it as well, i agree, it most cases it it easyer to have a root shell. some (rightly) consider this to be dangerous. especially for new users [11:12] xarq: it is a convenience for new users [11:13] yeah, I've read the theory behind it, but I still think that unless it shields the user from doing something nasty, like on RH. Then there isn't much point to it ... But then I could be mistaken of course ... [11:13] graeme: i agree [11:13] graeme: mostly === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === Dybber [n=a@0x57345912.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] graeme: It keeps people from kepeing a root prompt open all the time, and as such, reduces the risk of accidentally doing something one shouldnt be doing [11:14] graeme: in some ways it is insecure, remote shell giving exploits only have to work on a user account to get full root privs [11:14] fooadd, none of the programs play's it. I tried Noatun, Kino and Kaffeine. Noatun didn't give any errors it just did not show the picture and there was no sound. [11:14] graeme: on most installs I do for others, I create a new user account for them right away without access to sudo. they have to purposly log in as their 'super user' account in order to mess things up. gives them pause before they do it ;) === highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has joined #ubuntu === Crazysk8|Server_ is now known as Crazysk8|Server [11:15] khaije1, http://www.megaupload.com/?d=C8OZ60QL === Turk [n=Emir@unaffiliated/Turk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:16] fooadd, i am so at lost, what to do with this release.gpg ? [11:16] n0mak, weird, just this avi file? how about apt-get --reinstall install w32codes? [11:16] sc4ttrbrain, have you read the debian-administration howto? === Turk [n=Emir@] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] loutrine: cool === Assassin5 [n=Assassin@mailgate2.bedmod.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === alshurooqi [n=alshuroo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] fooadd, well I only have this one in my computer right now. I just installed linux on and I've never used it before, thought I should mention it. Anyway. I should reinstall w32 codecs? [11:18] n0mak, give it a try [11:18] k [11:19] n0mak, if it's the same, try downloading some avi file and test $your_player again ;) === ally [n=asell@sell.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ally [n=asell@sell.demon.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] fooadd, I don't think the problem's in the avi file. I've watched this movie thousands of times before and worked fine on win xp. === joachim-n [n=joachim@AC8F3BCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === NetHaxor [n=net@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] n0mak, I would reinstall mplayer too, or even install vlc or xine and try them, that's what I would do :) [11:21] fooadd, tried twice, but it does not exist [11:22] fooadd, yup, the same error. k, Ill try to reinstall the players. [11:22] fooadd, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30949/ === morphir [n=morphir@] has joined #ubuntu === IcyT [n=icyt@p3EE3919E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Elischa [n=rassihu@M3657P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] it seems like it is blocked... i'm trying again === hume [n=magnus@h106n4c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === blackwire83 [n=fa@p5085A938.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === idontknow2 [n=harshul@c58-107-78-152.blktn1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] sc4ttrbrain, download that Release.gpg file, then cat Release | gpg --import === Elischa [n=rassihu@M3657P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] sc4ttrbrain, you are following the howto *literally* === Genrl_Zod [i=fishycun@] has joined #ubuntu [11:23] Hi guys im a noob. [11:24] haha [11:24] damn n00bs [11:24] im a virgin to linux [11:24] hey, I've got a problem: after hibernate: my wlan card does not come up and apps just die when trying to start them. does anyone know that? [11:24] and i mean like virgin to the point i aint even stroked my piece [11:24] loutrine: on nm, it was just so fast i thought it skipped ha! [11:24] sc4ttrbrain, you are not supposed to use keyring.debian.org! === IcyT [n=icyt@p3EE3C9A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] khaije1, sorry :S? [11:25] brb... [11:26] I saw a video tutorial on google on how to install Ubuntu via a dos equivalent environement. I knew what i wanted to do as i was going to creeate 2 partitions on my C: one for the bill gates suite and one for the ubuntu. So i rebooted and had my CD in there. Instead of getting a dosish env, i was booted directly into the GUI. So now im kinda stuffed === janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-143-108.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] (btw my wlan card is intel2100) === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === SilentDis [n=alex@mdsnwikwnas03-pool0-a35.mdsnwi.tds.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] sc4ttrbrain, just curious, does that message halts the installation of the mono packages? if not, just ignore that bastard apt :P [11:26] loutrine: i'm gonna try this fix... also saw this http://flac.sourceforge.net/faq.html#general__tagging which seems related === Kaja [n=kaja@bb-81-175-201-136.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === engla [n=ulrik@kr-lun-116-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] Is there liek a vid tutotrial that may be able to help me instaling ubuntu on my secondary partition of my HDD. [11:26] i'm trying an upgrade from dapper to edgy on a laptop, but the update-manager crashes. is it as safe to just exchange "dapper" for "edgy" in the sources and run apt-get dist-upgrade? [11:27] fooadd, it wont let me uninstall mplayer. error is " [11:27] One or more applications depend on 'totem-gstreamer'. To remove 'totem-gstreamer' and the dependent applications, please switch to the advanced software manager." [11:27] hmmm === nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2DC4E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:27] hume you can do that [11:28] fooadd, cant import gpg key :( and it halts the installation,said could not be installed === Jostein [n=kjonigse@host86-141-42-204.range86-141.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] u may have to run apt-get dist-upgrade a few times [11:28] khaije1, I'll check it out [11:28] fooadd, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30950/ === xavi [n=xavi@] has joined #ubuntu === bintut [n=bintut@] has joined #ubuntu === Bombadil [n=none@mnhm-590c1254.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] locate -iqr cupsd$ [11:29] hello all.. [11:29] Genrl_Zod: when you click the 'install' icon from the live CD, it should walk you right through the process. ubuntu is just about the easiest linux distro to install i've ever seen. you can also chat with us while the live CD is going, and we can help with specific questions if you'd like :) [11:29] Does that return anything here for people? [11:29] Hi bintut [11:29] sc4ttrbrain, I know it's stupid, but you are doing all of this as root, right? [11:29] where can i read more about the supported architectures? [11:30] hi MattJ.. :) [11:30] fooadd, yup [11:30] locate -iqr cupsd$ [11:30] /usr/sbin/cupsd [11:30] Feldegast: Thanks [11:30] does ubuntu edgy support sparc 32 bit? [11:30] khaije1, I noticed in the first thread you linked me to (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210683&page=10) someone mentioned libxine1 1.1.2 fixed the problem. However I'm running 1.1.2+repacked1-0ubuntu and I've still got the problem.. [11:30] My cupsd vanished :D [11:30] n0mak, can you post the output of "dpkg -l | grep gstreamer" [11:30] Thats the prob my mate, i only have ther one box to play with so i cant flick between our chats or maybe i can === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] i got to step 5 and then had this migraine === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === _Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] Hey guys, is there such thing as an Eye Candy 4000 Plug in for GIMP 2.2? === darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-249-79.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] in the dos it tells you to set up a swap and a / partition === VisualStation [n=visualst@47.136-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] since upgrading a desktop to edgy, a hp business inkjet just produces gibberish whren printing - i tried reinstalling both the printer and the cups system - anyone got ideas on this? [11:31] when i approcahed stp 5 all i got was 3 field and didnt know ewhat teh hell to do [11:31] fooadd, what's that? :D I'm using linux for the first time :/ === croppa [i=user101@] has joined #ubuntu === _NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === nahkiss [i=nahkiss@dsl-hkigw7-fed8dc00-135.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] n0mak, type dpkg -l | grep gstreamer, and post it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ === blackwire83 [n=fa@p5085A938.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [11:32] loutrine: its a fairly new problem afaik [11:32] khaije1, I've got to head out unfortunately. If you're on tomorrow I'll let you know if i get anywhere with it :) [11:32] Genrl_Zod: when you're booted from the live CD, there should be an irc client you can bring up and talk with us from there. from what i remember, you don't have to worry about ANYTHING till it hits the 'choose partition' [11:32] n0mak, copy and paste the output of that command [11:32] fooadd, any other way ? === puntti [n=puntti@dsl-prvgw1-fe3fdf00-9.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] loutrine: most definitely! take care :-) === Tjoels [n=troels@0x50a06af8.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === victor___ [n=hm@] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] khaije1, you too :) [11:33] how do i write a rom bios into my motherboard in linux? [11:33] can i run the mirc client from my windos file system in the GUI of ubuntu? [11:33] sc4ttrbrain, I am looking for a solution believe me, what bothers me I had a link once but kind find it :/ === TrackZilla [n=chatzill@cpe-67-49-92-134.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === surface [n=mysurfac@] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] Genrl_Zod, use xchat , mirc sucks :P [11:33] Genrl_Zod: and if you've already got your drive partitioned (the windows partition, and some blank space at the end, as example) usually, ubuntu will automatically choose that blank space to install to. [11:33] fooadd, to where I should type it, into terminal? [11:33] Genrl_Zod, yes, with wine, but why not use xchat instead? [11:33] !terminal | n0mak [11:33] n0mak: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [11:33] n0mak, yup [11:33] i cannot use arrow key when editing using vim, any solution? [11:33] #leave === Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-137-129-239.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] fooadd, thanks very much for ur effort :) === solarflare [n=chatzill@82-35-65-113.cable.ubr01.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === Mantice [n=richard@125-236-173-55.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] i cannot enable syntax too in vim 7 ? any solution? [11:34] Can some one help me install the ATI drivers from the ATI website ? [11:34] !ati [11:34] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:34] !vim [11:34] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code === BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo === puntti [n=puntti@dsl-prvgw1-fe3fdf00-9.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Psychobudgie [i=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [11:35] never seen cxchat in my life dudes [11:35] surface: if you're not familiar with how vim works, I'd recommend sticking with either nano or pico, EXTREMELY easy editors, both of them. [11:35] i told ui i am one serious noob to the 3rd power [11:35] surface: :syntax on [11:35] Genrl_Zod, there is windows version of xchat, get used to it from now ;) [11:35] fooadd, I did it. === vindrake [n=vindrake@AMontpellier-257-1-125-169.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] n0mak, where is the link to that output? === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] ok im rebooting brb [11:36] Genrl_Zod: I'm running BitchX myself, been used to it from all the way back in my win95 days ;) [11:36] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30951/ === dj_baggio [n=dj_baggi@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu === _Ekushey is now known as Ekushey [11:36] SilentDis, give me a break! Bitchx! he's still new :P [11:36] fooadd: yeah... good point. lol === Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [11:37] SilentDis, xarq : thanks, i know the solution, i need to install vim-full === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] Can anyone help me get my audio working? === ajax4 [n=ajax@adsl-69-231-28-211.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] SilentDis, by the way nano is not suit by finger [11:38] Anyone know a site that has plug ins for GIMP? [11:38] sc4ttrbrain, found the link http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2006/01/msg00291.html , but the problem is http://meebey.net/ doesn't list any public key :/ [11:39] Hey guys...my sound just stopped working completely. XMMS still plays the song, the visualization bars move...but nothing. Any suggestions? [11:39] sc4ttrbrain, that's what I used last time I wanted to install php-gtk [11:39] Genrl_Zod: i know for a fact that gaim is installed by default on the live CD. it can chat over IRC. very easy to use interface on that :) [11:39] fooadd, yeah,iknow there is no pubkey [11:39] ajax4 restart your machine ;D [11:39] ajax4, sudo fuser -k /dev/dsp === GhoSt_DoG [n=bugs@] has joined #Ubuntu === Feldegast likes konversation [11:39] tamacracker: Tried with no luck [11:39] ajax4 do you happen to have windows on another partition? === gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu === stylus_ is now known as stylus [11:40] ajax4, why reboot, kill that bitchy process who is using your sound card :P [11:40] tamacracker: Yes, sound works ok on XP. [11:40] fooadd: No processes were listed when I used that command. [11:40] Genrl_Zod: when you have the LiveCD in, just choose Applications > Internet > Gaim Internet Messenger, and follow the prompts to create an IRC account. It automatically fills in irc.freenode.net, so you just have to specifiy a screen name [11:40] ajax4: my friend has ubuntu with no windows xp and he never has problems with his sound, I have windows xp and sometimes my sound decides not to work [11:40] ajax4, tried with another player? === paran [n=paran@cl-56.sto-01.se.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] fooadd, thanks anyway,will try later === edulix [n=Edulix@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] hi! [11:41] !turboprint [11:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about turboprint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:41] fooadd: Yeah, mplayer, XMMS, flash movies have no sound...absolutely nothing. [11:41] sc4ttrbrain, I really wanted to help! good luck ;) [11:41] fooadd, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30951/ [11:41] brb... === Zyclop [n=noname@p549C5D2D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === gres [n=gres@ppp83-237-3-90.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] I've added this with visudo: ALL localhost=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/sbin/hibernate-ram . but when I do edulix@mymachine$ sudo hibernate-ram it stil ask me for a password === livingdaylight [n=conrad@82-35-48-222.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === Dink [i=Dink@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] fooadd: When I try to play it looks like it will play...no popups that the card is in use. But just no sound. The mute is not on. Any thoughts of what to check? === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] [11:42] Guys whats the command to get these I need it fast :( You'll need sources for your (at least 2.6.16) kernel. Stop. [11:42] ekiga === GoodSleep [n=GoodSoft@] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] !ru [11:42] Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help [11:42] can someone tell me about keyboard layouts? I've added the german language to keyboard layout in System>Preference; its ticked yet i still have a GB layout? === multichil [i=multichi@nova.brewery.b33r.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] hey how do i downgrade my dapper kernel from 27 to 26? === warlock- [i=w@c80-216-222-145.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] !lv [11:42] Mantice: parsse error [11:43] lv: Powerful Multilingual File Viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.51-2 (edgy), package size 416 kB, installed size 648 kB [11:43] noone knows about sudoers? [11:43] xarq how do I fix it :( [11:43] youser: I don't know...but the older Kernal should still be selectable from the boot menu, no? [11:43] hi ubuntus [11:43] possibly [11:43] hey guys! i use a Cherry keyboard over usb - but everytime i boot up the [space] doesn't work. i always have to select the type of keyboard again. [11:43] ill go see [11:43] !code [11:43] Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs; KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello; GNOME: gvim, gedit, eclipse, pida [11:43] I need to get this CD EMU working http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276743 [11:43] But I get You'll need sources for your (at least 2.6.16) kernel. Stop === timo90 [n=timo901@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust947.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === RiGLEY [n=rigley@amazonas-3488.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] who already had dealing as this post show? It is about wireless USB G-220 on edgy http://www.mail-archive.com/zd1211-devs@lists.sourceforge.net/msg00668.html [11:44] Mantice: what do you mean I need sources? [11:45] n0mak, try to apt-get install gstreamer0.8-misc , and dude you need some apt-get upgrade, those packages are old ;) === what_if [n=z3r0@209-112-136-91-cdsl-rb1.nwc.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] The error message it says when I type make is "You'll need sources for your (at least 2.6.16) kernel. Stop" [11:45] Mantice, error messages when doing ... what... ? [11:45] Mantice: try apt-get install build-essential [11:45] Im trying to install cd emu from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276743 === Kill_X [n=Kill_X@p54A15ABB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === kestaz [n=kestaz@] has joined #ubuntu === aduarte [n=kdesk@red-corp-] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] if a package does not have and init script in /etc/init.d and I write one, how do I tell ubuntu to add it to runlevel X ? [11:46] fooadd, I know it's a stupid question but how do I install that gstreamer and how do I upgrade those packages? :$ === distromonkey [n=chris@spc2-cosh5-0-0-cust113.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === docfu [n=hades@cpc4-nthc4-0-0-cust186.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] n0mak, sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-misc , in the terminal [11:46] How can i fix touchpad to work correctly ? [11:47] kestaz: what is it doing ? [11:47] kestaz: or not [11:47] Mantice, you wanna mount iso images? just use mount ;) [11:47] if a package does not have and init script in /etc/init.d and I write one, how do I tell ubuntu to add it to runlevel X ? === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #ubuntu === xrev [n=xrev@c-056f71d5.044-43-6e6b7011.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] sometimes just clicks automatic.. adn i can't work correct [11:47] fooadd: I want to mount a mdf file. === NetHaxor [i=fulgore@rm-rf.root.ws] has joined #ubuntu === Deaigo is now known as BoggsBeer [11:47] Can anyone help me get my audio working? [11:48] kestaz: can you click by tapping on the pd ? === _Ekushey [n=Russell@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] yes [11:48] kestaz: do you want it to do that ?? [11:48] can someone tell me about keyboard layouts? I've added the german language to keyboard layout in System>Preference; its ticked yet i still have a GB layout? [11:48] fooadd, I installed it, is there anything else I should do? [11:49] what_if: i think 'update-rc.d' is the command you want, though I'm not 100% sure with the new 'upstart' system if that applies === xrev [n=xrev@c-056f71d5.044-43-6e6b7011.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] n0mak, still same problem? [11:49] foaad, Ill check [11:49] kestaz: I'm thinking the click sensitivity is too high, you could turn off clicking or change the sensitivity === Dink [i=Dink@] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] livingdaylight: So you have two layouts listed now? === _Ekushey is now known as Ekushey [11:49] ok [11:49] In Kubuntu there is a simple dialog in the taskbar and i can flip back and forth from my choice of languages [11:49] Mantice, install http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/, then sudo mount -o loop /your/iso /mnt/some/directory === _gpg_ [n=allaoua@lns-bzn-37-82-253-49-80.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === alef0 [n=alef0@M1022P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] ajax4, yes, english, german [11:49] kestaz: usually that means editing xorg.conf === Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-28-95.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === Alakazamz0r [i=Alakazam@cpe-24-160-123-8.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] Can anyone tell how to get Photoshop plugins to work with GIMP? === Alakazamz0r is now known as Firestarter [11:50] i just googled for that ;) [11:50] kestaz: do you have a synaptics touchpad ?? [11:50] livingdaylight: You want it to default to German? === Firestarter is now known as twisted_fiiresta === Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] Hi everyone, I need some help [11:50] fooadd, yes, still the same [11:50] ajax4, i want to if i'm writing an email or document that needs to be in german that i can flip into german layout with umlauts etc [11:50] fooadd: I dont want to convert them as they have copy protection that could be messed up in the process === rizo [n=rizo@spc1-blac3-0-0-cust830.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] kestaz: do you have a synaptics touchpad ?? [11:50] Hello people === Spliffster [n=spliffy@cable-static-232-108.eblcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] ajax4, no, primary is english, but occasionally i want to be able to use german letters [11:51] Mantice, oh I see, then no idea [11:51] I'm deleting some files from my Hard Drive, but I do not recover my Space, Any idea? === basilf [n=basilf@S0106000ea69a575c.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === twisted_fiiresta is now known as twisted_firestar [11:51] what_if: add a symlink to the script in /etc/rcX.d/ (X being the runlevel) and then edit /etc/rc.local === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] yes, i have [11:51] I am having problem with Ubuntu not detecting the linux swap partition === MenZaLap_ [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] fooadd - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=276743&page=3 [11:51] aduarte, how are yo deleting them ? via GUI or using rm? [11:51] livingdaylight: in KDE only? [11:51] how can i get it to detect and use the swap partition [11:51] Anyone here get flash player to work on Ubuntu 6.10 x64 [11:51] i'm trying to install Maple in ubuntu , i run sh maple*.bin , During the process i get an error , grep can't find libc.so.6 . I don't have a readme file , how can i tell him where to find the librarie [11:51] fooadder, it says that I don't have a decoder installed to handle this file and that I might need to install the necessary plugins. [11:51] Mantice, is this cdemu a windows application? [11:51] Do you understand ".so all it had to do is to make it too look at new kernel headers..." === MenZaLap [n=menza@0x535db36f.kd4nxx18.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:52] kestaz: then there are tools for you :) gsynaptics and ksynaptics . they keep you from manually editing files [11:52] fooadd: both methods === SiM07 [n=simon@ARennes-356-1-89-27.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] !geexbox [11:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about geexbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === Xendal [n=alex@ris91-3-82-230-30-131.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === what_if has a synaptics touchpad too [11:52] thanks [11:52] hi room. i am looking for a laser-printer/scanner/copier (all-in-one) thingie that is well supported on ubuntu and might optionally have an ethernet interface ... has anyone well working hardware ? === DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-056-250-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] aduarte, using nautilus? === jordan_ [n=jordan@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] fooadd, Its a linux program, it allows you to mount these special cd images in linux. [11:52] hi [11:52] !geebox [11:52] to who work fine zyxel G-220 usb wireless on edgy? [11:52] Sorry, I don't know anything about geebox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:52] ajax4, I am in Ubuntu, what i said is that in Kubuntu (kde) it is very simple with the language/option dialog in the taskbar, but in Ubuntu (gnome) of course it is not so configurable [11:52] if i wanted to execute a command as root at boot, what should i do? [11:52] fabiim: install build-essential and try it again. [11:52] try the Epson 3800 works great for me [11:53] fyrestrtr: i have that already === what_if seconds Zyclop's question [11:53] fooadd: Yes, (but these are not located on lost+found or .Trash) [11:53] EVERYBODY ! DOES GNOME SUCK WHEN IT COMES TO CONFIGURABILITY? [11:53] Hello I nees some helo with my linux swap partition === eggauah [n=daniel@] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] Zyclop: I use cron [11:53] fyrestrtr: but i can always try to install it again , do you think is worthy ? [11:53] Zyclop: add it to /etc/init.d/rc.local [11:53] fooadd: There is something wrong, even from terminal I do not recover my HD space === Spliffster [n=spliffy@cable-static-232-108.eblcom.ch] has left #ubuntu [] [11:53] Zyclop: sudo crontab -e [11:53] livingdaylight: Have you tried the Gnome Character Palette? === motoplux [n=motoplux@host-84-221-183-153.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] fabiim: no, you would have to read the docs. [11:54] Add a line to the file, starting with @reboot [11:54] fyrestrtr: if i screw up, would i still be able to boot? [11:54] aduarte, is there a specific partition that you are having a problem with? or is it your root partition? [11:54] but the thing is , I have the libc.so.6 , I check it out [11:54] ajax4, no, but what is the point of having a keyboard layout if it doens't work? [11:54] I love Wanda the Fish. [11:54] Zyclop: Then the command you want to run, on the same line, after it [11:54] Zyclop: yes. [11:54] NO GNOME DOES NOT SUCK [11:54] n0mak, I know, that's why I suggested installing gstreamer-misc [11:54] ajax4, where is this gnome character pallete? [11:54] fooadd: Actually is a extra HD [11:54] fyrestrtr: yeah ... but i don't have the doc's , i get it out of emule and it's only the bin [11:54] Is there a way to switch to KDE from Ubuntu Gnome and back again? [11:54] fooadd: But the problem seems to be only on it. [11:55] fabiim: google it :) [11:55] oh! i guess i can find the documentation on the net , [11:55] fyrestrtr: lol yeah :) thanks [11:55] !et [11:55] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org [11:55] basilf: install kde-desktop, then use the login manage and choose the gnome session. [11:55] fyrestrtr: ok, i'll try that out. thanks. [11:55] livingdaylight: Right click any gnome panel and add the applet. Try "Character Pallete" and try "Keyboard Indictator" === kestaz [n=kestaz@] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] How? What is the procedure [11:55] hello [11:55] aduarte, those partition are fat ? nautilus makes a hidden directory sometimes, and moves the deleted files to it [11:55] Could someone here please help me with setting up a LVM? im having trouble reinstalled twice already [11:56] livingdaylight: I think you might be able to change Keyboard Layout with the "Keyboard Indicator" applet, though only speaking one language I've never used it. :) [11:56] ajax4, gnome panel? === CoffeeBreaks [n=jerome@host-81-191-113-145.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu === FurryNemesis [n=laurent@host86-147-31-85.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] can someone help me with gnome/nautilus. I need to know how to modify the open with menu and if exist a config file... something like that [11:57] fooadd: No, its a ext3, and the files are not hidden, since I already look for those, I even delete those by Shift+Del or "rm file.ext" but the problem is the same [11:57] livingdaylight, yeah , right click it, add to panel -> keyboard indicator , that's what I did yesterday for Greek ;) === flydeprutten [n=hans@0x55531c56.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] ajax4, r me her , ja === kling0n [n=kling0n@] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] livingdaylight: It worked? [11:58] aduarte, , df -h , delete some files, df -h again, no space regained? [11:58] ajax4, [11:58] Any one installed CD emu ? http://cdemu.sourceforge.net/ [11:58] livingdaylight: Good deal. See it was there all along, just need to know how to find it :) [11:58] ajax4, that was exactly what i was looking for [11:59] fooadd: No, I already try that [11:59] livingdaylight: Glad to help [11:59] aduarte, weird.... === chrismo [n=chris@fsf/member/chrismo] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] fooadd: Yes, I even fsck.ext3 that partition, and the same [12:00] ajax4, yea... i got frustrated because i went to system/preference and changed keyboard layout from there and it wasn't working. And how was i supposed to know about adding to the panel? so... but that is why people like you in the community on irc make ubuntu what it is [12:00] aduarte, really weird... where does the freaking space go?!? :P === Turk [n=Emir@unaffiliated/Turk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:00] I am searching for guidance on how to add new graphic driver support to Xorg in a stable manner (i.e. I don't want it to break if there are updates from ubuntu). I have a Dell optiplex 745 with an Intel GMA 3000, and intel released the drivers as OSS. Someone knows how to do that ? === _Smash_ [n=smash@p54B2E394.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === tang^ [n=tang@S01060011d849d10f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] ajax4, even The Official Ubuntu Book didn't tell me i should add "keyboard" indicator to panel [12:01] livingdaylight, how do you read this "" in Deutsch ?:P === scamot [n=seb@APlessis-Bouchard-151-1-10-54.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:01] fooadd: I know, is hard to think that the file system is damaged, since I just create it 2 days ago === Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:02] fooadd, i was just demonstrating to ajax4 how it was working. Now i have all the special german letters i was looking for working :D [12:02] livingdaylight, ich weiss das, just kidding you ;) [12:02] Thanks for the help === gimmulf [n=gimmulf@unaffiliated/gimmulf] has joined #ubuntu === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:02] Can anyone help me get my audio working? [12:02] fooadd, hehe... Viel Spa! [12:03] argh help with gnucash, I cannot read my files anymore since fresh install of dapper after having removed breezy [12:03] which is the official ubuntu book? [12:03] Does anybody know how to remove an item from the "open with" nautilus' menu?? [12:03] can anyone tell how to run eclipse in edgy? === ron_ [n=ron@cable-115-196.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:03] gnucash in the dapper repos cannot read my .xml file [12:03] therealbigusdick, The Official Ubuntu Book is the official ubuntu book - There can be only ONE! :D [12:03] how do i train kdevelop? [12:04] fooadd, could we install mdf to iso ? its worth a try if we cant get this cd emu to work === ron_ [n=ron@cable-115-196.zeelandnet.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ik] === Igd [n=Igd__@80-192-82-234.cable.ubr02.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] Mantice, yeah, then mount them ;) === Tjoels [n=troels@0x50a06af8.virnxx9.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] fooadd, Whats the first step :) === mike1o [n=silvio@host230-132-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:04] tried to install gnucash2 from tar.bz unsuccessfully [12:04] therealbigusdick, just came through the post today... by Benjamin Mako Hill and Jono Bacon, Corey Burger, Jonathan Jesse and Ivan Krstic [12:04] !kdevelop [12:05] kdevelop: An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.4-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 7894 kB, installed size 24892 kB === SeAofSaRo [n=SeAofSaR@64-195-89-5.mod.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:05] !anjuta [12:05] anjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1494 kB, installed size 3760 kB [12:05] !lol [12:05] therealbigusdick, great forward by Mark Shuttleworth too [12:05] Sorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:05] mako hill cool... hopefully they wrote in that book how to fix gnome-terminal fonts in edgy :) [12:05] Mantice, install http://mdf2iso.berlios.de/ , then "sudo mount -o loop foo1.iso /mnt/iso === motoplux [n=motoplux@host-84-221-183-153.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === GoodSleep [n=GoodSoft@] has left #ubuntu ["Gone] [12:05] Mantice, just that simple ;) [12:05] LoL is Lisp on Lines [12:05] crimsun, I just discovered my MB doesn't have any headphone jack ! [12:05] therealbigusdick, nah...its all Dapper ;) [12:05] fooadd, Wheres the download ? [12:06] !LoL is Lisp on Lines, similar to Ruby on Rails but in a Lispy way [12:06] !eclipse [12:06] therealbigusdick, but i got it just to support Ubuntu like... [12:06] eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 121 kB, installed size 412 kB [12:06] Mantice, https://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2545 [12:06] fooadd, found it. [12:06] therealbigusdick, not that Mark Shuttleworth needs financial support... :) [12:06] Mantice, there is a .deb file too, spoil yourself ;) [12:06] forget about the eclipse packages in edgy they are so full of crap. Use the official bundle from the eclipse site and be done with it [12:07] fooadd, I love deb files. === TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-112-78.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:08] fooadd, ok done that. [12:08] fooadd, How do I convert ? === Elischa [n=rassihu@M3657P009.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === Tontsu_ [n=ubuntu@a88-114-103-214.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === wankel [n=nobody@] has joined #ubuntu === Tontsu_ [n=ubuntu@a88-114-103-214.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:09] Mantice, md2iso --help, does it come with a manpage? anyway, I'll install it wait... === pecisk [n=pecisk@purvc-44-54.maksinets.lv] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] won't gnome ever change that nautilus? [12:10] It is not the best file browser === Turk [n=Emir@] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] eXistenZ, what's wrong with nautilus [12:10] where should i install a program according to ubuntu's policy? === CoffeeBreaks [n=jerome@host-81-191-113-145.bluecom.no] has left #ubuntu [] === AfterBurner [i=UPP@c9342289.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [12:10] ./usr/share/bin ? [12:10] fabiim, install it where you want, how about /usr/local ? [12:10] therealbigusdick, sometimes it makes my cpu consumption %100, and I have to kill it, to get things back [12:11] Still having problems with no sound. Mute is off, card is detected by lspci, module is detected by lsmod...any suggestions? [12:11] fooadd: : thanks [12:11] eXistenZ,that sucks [12:11] yeah [12:11] eXistenZ, I think it is the best gnome has to offer though [12:11] I'm not sure why I find KDE applications faster [12:11] like KchmViewer is better than gnome's chm viewer [12:12] It just runs faster === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-042-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] eXistenZ, I had a problem with cpu usage too, only when opening a directory with .gif (animated files, and the preview option is on) nautilus hangs :/ [12:12] eXistenZ, xfce4 file manager is pretty cool and very fast === Turk [n=Emir@] has left #ubuntu [] === paat [i=p@h111n1fls31o1010.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === valehru_23 [n=valehru@] has joined #ubuntu === kung [n=kung@p85.212.23.236.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:12] eXistenZ, many "official" components of gnome are crap (e.g. impossible to configure metacity, and yes nautilus which is a memory hog) [12:12] hey guys, I need to change the password on my vncserver via ssh...any clues? [12:13] Does someone know how to remove an item from the "open with" menu in nautilus?? [12:13] that's why I use xfwm4 as window manager in gnome === folki [n=folki@foxik.ynet.sk] has joined #ubuntu [12:13] motoplux, right click the file >-- properties -> open with -> add/remove (??) [12:14] motoplux: right-click->properties->open with->remove [12:14] therealbigusdick, xfwm4 is good? [12:15] is the best window manager I know. sawfish is just to old for current gnome. metacity is unusable (and is in gnome only because the author is friend of gnome founder)... === das-q [n=das-q@p54BFFEE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:15] so xfwm4 is a good choice at least for me === onee [n=nee@p57A67366.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === flydeprutten [n=hans@0x55531c56.adsl.cybercity.dk] has left #ubuntu [] [12:15] you can still use gnome as desktop [12:15] eXistenZ: I lacks alot of features, and the UI is not all that, thunar is better IMHO on the lightweight category [12:15] fooadd, I got it to work [12:15] Mantice, good :) [12:16] don't forget ratpoison, fluxbox, and 100 other window managers [12:16] fooadd, I think I am starting to use the terminal more :) [12:16] ifireball, do you use thunar? [12:16] the button remove is disabled [12:16] Mantice, :) [12:16] I am looking for the package which contains the xfce file manager... [12:16] therealbigusdick, How can I replace both window managers? === Gasten [n=martin@h18n4c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] therealbigusdick, I installed xfwm4 [12:17] eXistenZ: I used to, now I got a machine powerful enough for Nautilus, whic I think no mattar what you say, is the best feature-eise [12:17] ifireball, what are the specs of your machine? === Abst [n=Abst@unaffiliated/abst] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] fooadd, the button remove is disable [12:17] ifireball, mem/cpu === MicrosoftSpy [n=mark@] has joined #ubuntu [12:17] eXistenZ: dual AMD64 + 2G ram [12:17] Is there a way to install a linux ISO (to the HDD) without a cd? [12:17] ifireball, the button remove is disable [12:17] eXistenZ, is pretty easy you need to go to the session System->Preferences->Sessions->Current Session [12:17] If I am already on Linux [12:17] and then remove crap metacity from the list [12:18] ifireball, 2GB is a blast :) [12:18] at this point your windows will look weird because the wm is gone [12:18] motoplux: select the option you want to remove 1st [12:18] hi ubuntus why apt-get install build essential says impossible find... [12:18] ifireball, I have 3Ghz P4 512MB [12:18] I should get another 512MB [12:18] eXistenZ: well, I VMware a lot I need it [12:18] !repos [12:18] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [12:18] then in a terminal you start xfw4 [12:18] ifireball, I selected but the button remove is disabled [12:18] sioux: try 'build-essential', not 'build essential' [12:18] motoplux, no idea then... have you used "nautilus-actions", not sure if it solves your problem though .. [12:18] next time you exit gnome the session will be saved and you will have xfwm4 per default [12:18] fooadd, Your command dident work. [12:18] sioux: Becuase there isn't any package named build or essential. [12:18] therealbigusdick, What is metacity? [12:19] Mantice, which command? [12:19] I've just bought a new PC however it has an IDE CDROM and a SATA HDD but it won't boot ubuntu from the CD....Anyone had similar probs from booting IDE ? [12:19] eXistenZ: actually 512 should be enough, gnome takes up 196M on my machine [12:19] fooadd, sudo mount -o loop Warcraft\ III.iso /mnt/iso === ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] Mantice, does the directort /mnt/iso exist? [12:19] uh? I thought you wanted to replace metacity with xfwm4 === cassidy [n=cassidy@193.200-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [12:19] rory thank you it is as y said! :-) [12:19] directory* [12:19] fooadd: ok tnx, I will try... I also tried to search for a config file, but no lucky [12:19] fooadd, no thats why it dont work :( [12:19] which wm are you using now? [12:19] motoplux: seems you can't remove the default option... [12:19] quick question... if i'm going to resize my partition for a laptop install with an existing XP with 5 gigs free, how come the repartitioner is alotting 65GB? [12:20] fooadd, so I got rid of the /iso and it did somthing but im not sure. [12:20] Mantice, sudo mkdir /mnt/iso , or use and directory you have on your hard drive :) === aespn [n=ae@] has joined #ubuntu === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #ubuntu [12:20] fooadd, how do I unmount ? [12:20] ifireball, there are item added buy some program that are no longer installed. I tried also to run nautilus by root, but still remove button disabled [12:21] therealbigusdick, Do i have to remove metacity and nautilus or only metacity? [12:21] Mantice, sudo umount -lf /where/you/mounted/the/first/time ;) [12:21] I've just bought a new PC however it has an IDE CDROM and a SATA HDD but it won't boot ubuntu from the CD....Anyone had similar probs from booting IDE ? [12:21] huh... i installed an update and now nautilus won't start === timothy-- [n=tim@host86-140-201-203.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] is there a feature for installing ubuntu with an existing OS installation? === jesper [n=jesper@ip11.ds1-abs.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === handir [n=handir@pD9EBB650.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:21] Can anyone tell me where i can find my GIMP 2.2 Folder? [12:22] Not even the search is finding it :( === krompi [n=krompi@e177154137.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] fooadd, all my mounts are gone :( :( [12:22] well I am not sure if you want to get rid of metacity, what's exactly what you need to replace? You can remove metacity with the instruction I gave you. but to replace nautilus you need the xfce4 file manager (I am not sure in which package is this file manager) [12:22] tamacracker: try locate gimp [12:22] tamacracker: its probably hidden im your home dir (its name begins with a dot) use "ls -a" on the command line === d3vlin [n=d3vlin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] in terminal? [12:22] motoplux, I wonder if such options could be configured via gconf-editor, but me thinks gnome is not that good at customizing everything like KDE... === g8m [n=evil@cp82868-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] tamacracker: do you mean '$HOME/.gimp-2.2' ? === netpython [n=petnytho@wikipedia/netpython] has joined #ubuntu [12:22] gconf-editor->crap [12:22] Mantice, huh? what did you type? [12:23] i just need to access the plug in folder lol [12:23] tamacracker: I think it is in /usr/lib/gimp/2.2/ or something. tro locate gimp/2.2 [12:23] therealbigusdick, true === spyke248 [n=spyke@112.Red-88-1-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === jankit [n=ankit@c-24-5-197-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] suppose I have two machines and I want to transfer my gconf settings from one machine to another === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-35-49.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [12:23] I'm having problems with formating/burning a DVD-RW using dvd+rw-tools... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/30955/plain/. Can anyone help? [12:23] gconf design makes this task almost impossible (or at least a huge PITA to deal with) === spyke248 [n=spyke@112.Red-88-1-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === spyke248 [n=spyke@112.Red-88-1-50.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [12:24] therealbigusdick: easy, you just copy your ~/.gconf directory [12:24] ifireball, it does't work [12:24] doesn't === presto [n=preston@ip70-185-149-252.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:24] therealbigusdick: any idea why? [12:24] mmm... pitas, you're making me hungry [12:24] try it it really doesn't work [12:24] fooadd, dont worry I just used that commmand on the mnt folder. === CyberSlug [n=themadha@] has joined #ubuntu === xarq goes to raid the fridge === the-mr-freak_ [n=chris@pD9E0ADCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:25] therealbigusdick: I got it working on roaming NFS home folders, I cantr see how copying would be any different [12:25] gconf has these gconf-merge-tree utilities, etc. all tools to deal with that mess [12:26] oh lol all i had to do was click view, and check view hidden files === grodius [n=grodius@cpe-66-74-169-21.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:26] wooot [12:26] I am having immense difficulties getting hardware sensors working in Edgy (they worked fine in Dapper). I have installed lm-sensors, but they seem simple not to work. Any ideas? === stormy_ [n=stormy@60-241-188-71.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #Ubuntu [12:26] im startin to love linux more than windows by the hours. [12:26] Hey is Flash 9 Available now that Edy is out? [12:26] <_azrael> grodius: I know you can get Flash 9 from the Seveas repos. [12:27] ifireball, here a quote from a gnome developer for you: [12:27] "GConf, with its support for mandatory settings and system defaults, was supposed to be a big improvement for system administrators, but it ended up being something of a boondogle because the features were hard for sysadmins to use. In most cases it actually made things harder as sysadmins struggled through the giant XML files for defaults" [12:27] is crap, and gnome developers know it [12:27] therealbigusdick, why I am not surprised :P [12:27] hopefully it will be replaced, some day [12:27] what shortcut takes the cursor to the first of the sentence in the terminal? === arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-192-136.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-174-136.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:27] nah, big xml files are always fun [12:27] s/first/beginning [12:27] Howdy all === SeAofSaRo [n=SeAofSaR@64-195-89-5.mod.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:28] eXistenZ, Ctrl+E (??) [12:28] _azrael, how would I access said repos [12:28] Hmm... Bluefish in Edgy seems REALLY stable. Dies everytime I try to save a file. :| [12:28] xarq, they aren't XML is inteded to be parsed by machines, not by humans [12:28] fooadd, thank you for the hint, but seems there isn't a list of application to open file with... or maybe I didn't find it :P [12:28] Ctrl+A ** [12:28] Any ideas? [12:28] fooadd, ah, thanks :) [12:28] _azrael, is there a risk in using an outside repository? [12:28] and "machines" in this case are the gconf-* tools which are crap [12:28] therealbigusdick: like I said, that's some fun going on there [12:28] eXistenZ, you're welcome :) [12:28] so the sysadmin needs to parse and understand the mess === FurryNemesis [n=laurent@host86-147-31-85.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has left #ubuntu [] === SeAofSaRo [n=SeAofSaR@64-195-89-5.mod.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu === Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] motoplux, I remember googling for something like, but I gave up .... I'll live with GNOME the way it is :P [12:29] <_azrael> grodius: Yes, there is some risk. Seveas is an ubuntu dev so far as I know, but his repos are explicitly _NOT_ ubuntu main repos--they are unstable. === pluma [n=pluma@p5087CDD0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === jaaay [n=jaaay2@bzq-88-155-47-14.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu === michael__ [n=michael@CPE-60-224-27-73.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] <_azrael> grodius: I just know it's there because I use these repos on a regular basis--they're usualloy fine. [12:29] therealbigusdick: you don't seem to like gnome very much... also since its XML you have tons of tools you can use other then the gconf-* tools, also its quite well ordered into diectories, etc. not so hard to understand imho === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [12:29] <_azrael> grodius: Alternatively, just get it straight from macromedia and follow their instructions. === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:30] /pdcc [12:30] hey guys === Ubuntu-live [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-107-90-185.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] fooadd, I googled too, but he wasn't my best friend this time ;) [12:30] ifireball, I use gnome as my daily desktop. I don't like ALL OF IT. I think some of its components are the biggest crap (e.g. metacity). [12:30] therealbigusdick: I don't get it, why would a sysadmin bother reading a large gnome xml file? he wouldn't === mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-37-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-042-025.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === d3vlin [n=d3vlin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:30] Hey, has anyone here gotten WoW to work on Edgy? I have wine 0.9.24 [12:31] motoplux, and will never be , if you keep googling for such stuff :P, GOD! in KDE you can almost change EVERYTHING === d-E-u-S [n=deus@p54B452F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] xarq, think about a corporate network using gnome as desktop on all computers which should use similar gconf settings [12:31] guys, does anyone have an idea of what market share desktop linux has at the moment? i know it's impossible to tell exactly . . . [12:31] therealbigusdick: every time you say the work "crap" you lose respect points with me, say what you don't like, don't use generic words, do remeber that every piece here is someone's hard work [12:31] #ubuntu-gaming.de | German Ubuntu-Gaming Community === jaaay [n=jaaay2@bzq-88-155-47-14.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:31] What makes WINE Bluefish any better than normal Wine? === Ubuntu-live [n=ubuntu@adsl-69-107-90-185.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:31] <_azrael> michael__: Even though you're using edgy, I'd reccomend going to the wine channel for support on that one. [12:32] yeah where's that? [12:32] Got it [12:32] Thanks guyes [12:32] hi. what's the package called that is installed on the ubuntu install cd that provides the rescue environmen? [12:32] ifireball, I already stated what I don't like, it is just my opinion. And hard work is no excuse for bad quality. [12:32] (if I want to install it on a custom cd, for example) [12:32] <_azrael> #winehq, I'm trying to remember which network === michael__ [n=michael@CPE-60-224-27-73.vic.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Crazysk8|Server is now known as Crazysk8|Eten [12:33] therealbigusdick: its the fine line between cosntructive and destructive (read: stupid) criticisem [12:33] <_azrael> michael__: It is in fact this network. Just type "/join #winehq" (without quotes) to get to them. === peppino_ [n=peppino@host137-98.pool8253.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:33] therealbigusdick: that's odd, my gconf files are all about 3-9 lines long [12:33] Hi ppl. I've installed vmware on edgy and I'm trying to use a webcam in a virtual machine. Edgy very helpfully loads the drivers as soon as I plug the cam in and I'm guessing that is what is stopping vmware from being able to grab the cam... any way of stopping edgy from autoloading the drivers? [12:34] I have some problems running EnemyTerritory. I am running Twinview with 2 screens at a total resolution of 2560x1024 (1280x1024 each), My metamodes are correctly setup in xorg.conf. When I launch the game and set it for 1280x1024 (which should give me full-screen on screen #1) it shows 75% on screen #1 and 25% on screen #2. I have run other games at "full screen 1280x1024" without any problems. Any advice? === d3vlin [n=d3vlin@] has joined #ubuntu === stoned [n=stoned@ip72-192-123-56.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] therealbigusdick: there are tons of window managers to choose from, sysadmins don't *have* to choose gnome, and they certainly don't have to set it up differently from the default [12:35] xarq: hes just being off the mark, I've had the plesure of using gnome in sich a scenarion for a while, its took some work, but it was the same kind of work requiered to integrate any kind of unix desktop === huangzuobin [n=huangzuo@] has joined #ubuntu [12:35] muahahaha i hope i can get eyecandy 4000 to work with gimp on linux now :D [12:35] tamacracker: eyecandy is a photoshop plugin? [12:36] yep [12:36] Eye Candy 4000 [12:36] tamacracker: are you reading a howto on making it work? [12:36] Yep :D === presto [n=preston@ip70-185-149-252.lu.dl.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [12:36] tamacracker: can you paste the url? [12:36] Jes... hold on :) [12:37] http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/pspi.html :) [12:37] woot [12:37] if this works. [12:37] seriously [12:37] ill never see windows ever again. [12:37] EVER. === jaaay [n=jaaay2@bzq-88-155-47-14.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:37] Wait... well there is video games :D [12:37] gimp can never beat Photoshop with me :< === sugoruyo [n=sug@ppp171-85.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [12:38] No? === creatix [n=andi@host82-40.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [12:38] No. [12:38] All I need is Eye Candy and I'll be satisfied :) [12:38] Hmm, is Xfce _much_ nicer on the CPU than Gnome? [12:38] tamacracker: thanks! xD [12:38] MenZaLap: Very [12:38] MenZaLap, yes [12:38] np :) [12:38] tamacracker, have you tested this on Linux ? [12:38] MenZaLap: No. just on memory. [12:38] *shrugs* [12:38] I'll go Xfce then [12:38] Not yet, I gotta find my Plug In CDs [12:38] MenZaLap: not that much in my experiance, I had managed to get the xfpanel to hog the CPU in the past === TMM [n=tmm@60-241-206-242.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] if it works, I'll make sure to spread the word and post it up on ubuntu's forum [12:39] hello [12:39] tamacracker, yeah please do :D [12:39] ifireball, and you reported that bug to malone? [12:39] MenZaLap: it may be easyer on the ram though, but that totally depends on the panel componnents you use === MenZaLap nods === philwhln [n=phil@82-36-175-220.cable.ubr01.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:39] I don't see what the fuss about using xml for configuring is about. xml is the standard - just look at OS X's plist XML format, and Vista's xml formats [12:39] I hate having my music skip and lag [12:40] I never heard of Xfce [12:40] is that similar to gimp/PS? [12:40] I hated Xfce the last two times I used it === XNewbe [n=claudio@host47-41-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip56537407.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] Xfce is a Window Manager [12:40] i love ubuntu [12:40] !xubuntu [12:40] Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop === ubuntu is now known as Newuser [12:40] ubuntu: but not you [12:40] are you talking about laggin music? because flash player is really lagging on ubuntu for me [12:40] i see... === Newuser is now known as destruction [12:40] philwhln: as in mp3 files [12:40] philwhln: flash player can lag in general === sa0 [n=sa0@APlessis-Bouchard-152-1-47-149.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] hi all === cari_sohib_ce [n=pc2@] has joined #ubuntu === Keps [n=Keps@ip51cd7b94.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [12:40] who's able to help a real nooob :p === cyzie [n=cyzie@] has joined #ubuntu === the_Cat [n=jgrund@h16n1fls32o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] therealbigusdick: I didn't feel like analysing it at the time, it had to do with killink X violently and causig 2 panel processes to run at the same time, hardly a common case, but the panel menu is HEAVY [12:41] destruction: depends what it's about:) [12:41] ok brb [12:41] hehe, just installed ubuntu [12:41] why gtk-switch-theme don't modify ugly fonts of firefox ? [12:41] MenZaLap: youtube etc === eXistenZ [n=amerdakk@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu === jankit [n=ankit@c-24-5-197-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [12:41] destruction: yep--what's the issue? [12:41] (and welcome, btw) === cari_sohib_ce is now known as cWe^CaRi [12:41] well, i just wanted to install a program..like firefox === jankit [n=ankit@c-24-5-197-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] Yep? [12:41] so downloaded firefox [12:41] Firefox is installed by default === netG [n=netG@] has joined #ubuntu [12:41] :p and then ^^ [12:41] yea 2.0 [12:41] new release [12:42] hi [12:42] Yes [12:42] Why'd you want anything older? [12:42] I have installed xubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu [12:42] Unless you want Minefield [12:42] j/ #SURABAYA# [12:42] I got an old version of ubuntu..it's with firefox 1.7 or smth === thez [n=thez@atl101.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] destruction: ahh--I suggest you upgrade your Ubuntu [12:42] so downloaded 2.0 but don't know how to install === eXistenZ [n=amerdakk@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu [12:42] ubuntu sucks [12:42] destruction: I'm pretty sure 2.0 is in the repositories, let me check === stoned [n=stoned@ip72-192-123-56.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:42] destruction: you probably mean 1.07? :D [12:42] !ops [12:42] Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez! [12:42] It's great but it has changed something in GDM and bootsplash [12:42] yea :p [12:43] destruction: type "sudo aptitude install firefox" in your terminal. [12:43] MenZaLap: ? === mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [12:43] Hobbsee: troller? [12:43] but that's not the program it's just any program just want to know how to install [12:43] how can I revert all to ubuntu-desktop [12:43] ah thnx [12:43] let me try [12:43] Hobbsee: [12:42:50] < stoned> ubuntu sucks [12:43] netG: sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop? [12:43] ifireball, xfce panels are not huge, in particular compared with gnome panels [12:43] please people [12:43] ChaosFan: he's left [12:43] a gnome panel: [12:43] i switched from gnome to fluxbox === mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [12:43] 5491 bigusdickus 15 0 159m 19m 11m S 0.0 1.9 0:05.22 gnome-panel [12:43] a xfce panel [12:43] sa0, what's the problem ? [12:43] 3238 bigusdickus 15 0 79656 12m 8228 S 0.0 1.2 0:17.02 xfce4-panel [12:43] see? [12:43] every applications fits my wishes except firefox [12:43] hi fooadd [12:44] sa0: oh? [12:44] What's the problem with Firefox? [12:44] ugly big fonts and gui [12:44] CTRL + scroll back, and get a new theme. [12:44] Simple as that. [12:44] http://addons.mozilla.org [12:44] don't think [12:44] Why fluxbox? Try XFCE!!! It's great if you whant speed [12:44] i tried but no results [12:44] therealbigusdick: I'm not comparing gnoem and XFCE here, I know gnome is heavyer, but back when I had I 128M machine, XFCE was heavy on it as well, its not the be all end all solution to everything [12:45] I think there's even a theme that fits the Human theme, sa0 [12:45] and it's GTK [12:45] (And it's in the repos, wait a moment) === apv [n=apv@bb-87-82-0-127.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] therealbigusdick: I use fluxbox because it's lighter-weight and I can remove *ALL* eye candy from the screen [12:45] I'm using my apt === jankit [n=ankit@c-24-5-197-89.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [12:45] therealbigusdick: also, try to compare the RAM usage before and after yuo open up the applications menu === pickett_ [n=pickett@ppp45-128.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu === grodius [n=grodius@cpe-66-74-169-21.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:45] sa0: sudo apt-get install firefox-themes-ubuntu [12:46] It might be in either multi- or universe [12:46] let me try it === Thunderpants [i=thunder@spc1-bagu3-0-0-cust237.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] Can someone help me, I need to get flash 9 [12:46] !flash9 [12:46] Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html === Thunderpants is now known as erin___ [12:46] therealbigusdick: also it seems that if you open the menu from the panel, and then again from the desktop menu you get the same menu in RAM twich === AaKoo [i=AnttiKoo@dsl-158-24-216-83.maxinetti.fi] has joined #ubuntu [12:46] (ubotu is so comprehensive and on-top these days...) === klos [n=biAtch@e180224197.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] hmm === brnld [n=asdasd@0x5358c315.aaanxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [12:47] MenZaLap is the flash9 bets compatable with 64bit? [12:47] sorry MenZaLap [12:48] *beta [12:48] Feldegast: I doubt it [12:48] no result [12:48] grodius : you can also try "automatix" it installs flash9 [12:48] Feldegast, it is not [12:48] Possibly === JamieBE [n=Jamie@] has joined #ubuntu [12:48] sa0: have you enabled multi- and universe? === Feldegast goes back to waiting [12:48] yes [12:48] not the problem [12:48] Feldegast, and it doesn't work properly on amd64 when running it inside a chroot [12:48] it's a GTK problem [12:48] !google automatix [12:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about google automatix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:48] ..eh? [12:48] Using Java Eclipse, where is this mythical, magical "Click to Perform" button located????? [12:48] firefox won't follow gtk theme rules === AaKoo [i=AnttiKoo@dsl-158-24-216-83.maxinetti.fi] has left #ubuntu [] [12:48] No, it won't [12:48] therealbigusdick ty, i wasn't going to go that far :) [12:48] You have to download themes for it [12:49] but themes changes buttons and forms inside pages but not menu font size, bookmarks font size ... === degreseven [n=bryan@c-71-227-220-4.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:49] Nor does mine === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] Anyone, "Click to perform"? === franswa [n=chatzill@p54BE38A8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] who? the monkeys? === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:50] sa0, try to run gnome-theme-manager, and then close it, I had this once with nautilus with ugly fonts, turns is out I need to edit my ~fooadd/.gtkrc-2.0 file [12:51] sa0, what's in your .gtkrc , .gtkrc-2.0? === charles__ [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] whaouh fooadd === Crazysk8|Eten is now known as Crazysk8 [12:52] great === jomino [n=jomi@AC9EFD30.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:52] i opened theme manager now it's ok === deadlyallance034 [n=deadlyal@179.sub-70-209-162.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu === deadlyallance034 is now known as jones20992 [12:52] sa0 , dod gnome-theme-manager solve the problem? then you need to edit/customize .gtkrc ;) === aidanr is now known as aidanr^zzzzzzzzz [12:52] did* === michaels_ [n=michaels@] has joined #ubuntu === DaveHope [n=dave@internal.davehope.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu [12:53] how do I see a Windows shared folder on Xubuntu Dapper? === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-41-160.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [12:53] or you can run gnome-theme-manger, and close it every time you log to fluxbox, like I used to do before knowing about this gtkrc thing :P [12:53] michaels_, start by running smbclient -L $name_of_windows_box (??) [12:53] fooadd: nah, just run gtk-theme-switch2 and it sticks permanently === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] michaels_, then smbmount it === nickthorley [n=becca2@host86-134-57-45.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] michaels_: either go into Places->Network Servers or Places->Connect to Server [12:54] ifireball: xubuntu, not ubuntu [12:54] but when i try install theme in gtk-theme-switch2 i got an error trying to save the theme xarq [12:54] xarq, ohh I never knew that! anyway I am happy with GNOME at that moment, will keep that in mind next time I use fluxbox, thanks ;) [12:54] michaels_: using thunar file manager? === scheuri [n=toomai@bas-flu-adsl-dynip-204-123.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu [12:54] ifireball: so far === der_daniel [n=daniel@pD9E127A4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [12:55] sa0: hmm.. I just copy my themes to ~/.themes [12:55] xarq : gtk-theme-switch2: Sorry, "/home/sa0" does not appear to be a valid theme directory or tarball! [12:55] woohoo, after few hours of f*cking around I finnaly got my videos working :D [12:55] Hello All. I've got an issue with some hardware where when installing, powernow gets installed. The problem with this is that the system locks up when setting the frequency, which occurs when the service is started. So on first boot, the system instantly dies. So, my question is what package should I report the bug under ? debian-installer for installing it on a system which doesn't support it, or powernowd (or whatever) ? [12:55] n0mak, hehe, and what was the solution? [12:56] michaels_: I think it has SMB support somewhere try isgn "go" (or whatever was the command to open a folder by URL) and entering an smb:// URL [12:56] sa0: yeah, /home/sa0 definitely isn't a tarball or theme directory [12:56] anyone knowing of a good c64-emulator? and maybe even of a site to get some games? [12:56] fooadd, how do I smbmount? [12:56] I ininstalled most of the packages from synaptic package manager -> multimedia [12:56] yeah xarq [12:56] but where to point at ? === a16556dw [n=Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] after installing and downloading all the stuff from the forum tutorials. [12:57] michaels_: smbmount //compname/sharename /mount/point === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-021-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] sa0 you need to select a tarball you downloaded from gnome-look.org or whatever, or extract the tarball into ~/.themes === Mia_19 [n=ok@] has joined #ubuntu === linux_fab [n=bJ0pn7Oj@] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] fooadd, thanks for your help too :) [12:57] hi all - has anyone here moved to ubuntu from fedora and wouldnt mind having a chat in private - just wanted to find out what your thoughts were === linux_fab [n=bJ0pn7Oj@] has left #ubuntu ["#ubuntu-ro] === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-021-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === mikl [n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has joined #ubuntu [12:57] DaveHope, I would say powernowd... [12:57] n0mak, I didn't help that much though :) [12:57] ifireball, bash: smbmount: command not found [12:57] hiiii! === Menasim1 [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] michaels_, http://myy.helia.fi/~karte/linux_as_a_client_to_windows_smb_shares.html [12:58] michaels_: you might need to install it, let me check to which package it belongs === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [12:58] therealbigusdick: Thanks. Not actually bothered to report it as it's seems to be specific to this system, but since I'm due a re-install figure I should :) [12:59] fooadd, still, I would be nowhere without any help. Sometimes all what someone needs is a tiny bit of help/information :) === MaratR [n=Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] michaels_, apt-get install smbfs === soccio [n=michelin@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] n0mak, :) === highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has left #ubuntu [] === Menasim1 [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [12:59] Is there a way to install an iso without a spare cd [01:00] what is ubuntus default desktop? === linux_fab [n=bJ0pn7Oj@] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] michaels_: you can also use autofs if you're gonna be mounting and unmounting alot [01:00] nickthorley: Gnome === paran_ [n=paran@cl-56.sto-01.se.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:00] Q: wau matck daz damn smal linux have after instalation? [01:00] ifireball: is xfce on the media? [01:00] hau meni gb have? [01:01] linux_fab, match? [01:01] English? [01:01] nickthorley: you have Xubuntu for that [01:01] is that Dutch?:P === casa [n=casa@206.Red-80-39-253.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:01] :) [01:01] matck? [01:01] I think it's retardtalk [01:01] Q: itz your mama talk === zoetrope [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-217.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:02] nickthorley: note that in ubuntu's world, the madia is pretty much useless once you're installed and online, everything is in the repositories [01:02] linux_fab, huh???! [01:02] ifireball: i just want a quick unbloated desktop that is nice to look at - ideally similar to mac osx but quick also [01:02] it's called "let's switch languages in der middle auf der sprecken" [01:02] lol === serialx_ [n=serialy@] has joined #ubuntu === [Crazysk8] [n=marinus@d76216.upc-d.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] Is upgrading dapper to egdy using apt-get hard? [01:03] ifireball: i am currently a fedora core user and interested in trying ubuntu [01:03] nickthorley: have you used XFCE febore? [01:03] serialx_: it depends on whether you have package conflicts or not [01:03] ifireball: yes on fedora but quite a while ago [01:03] gksu "update-manager -c" <- is this teminal capable? (console) === Kurkoko [i=wdawdwad@47.Red-213-96-8.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:03] I have a dapper server [01:03] Hi! [01:04] And I need python 2.5 and newer versions of tor and so on.. [01:04] Do I have to sudo update-manager -c ? === KillerDemon [n=hetisnui@h140058.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu === [g2] [n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:04] !upgrade [01:04] For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [01:04] nickthorley: if you're a Fedora user, afaik you'll pretty much feel at home on Gnome, I switched over when I reallised Fedora 4 was too broken to be useful, and when I realised they were going the YUM way despite APT being IMHO better [01:04] I dont have any gnome or kde things (its a server) === youser [n=owner@67-58-198-89.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu === youser [n=owner@67-58-198-89.amtelecom.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [01:04] and I think gksu is dependant on gtk? === age1172 [n=mariam@] has joined #Ubuntu === ys76 [i=ys76@linoa.etherkiller.de] has left #ubuntu ["So] === khaije1 [n=khaije1@unaffiliated/khaije1] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] Do someone got able to install ubuntu 6.06.1 or 6.10 on a motherboard based on nforce4chipset? installation doesnt recognise sata HDs,sound card and ethernet. Thanks [01:05] nickthorley: any linux desktop can be made to look like OS-X but it takes some work on all of them === thane [n=guido@host13-73-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] serialx_ yum works fine too [01:05] thanks fooadd and ifireball, the smbmount thing worked === brasko [n=bob@ip70-181-32-198.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:05] hi, I'd like to print over samba [01:05] yum? === cowboylief [n=diane@i229107.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] the print dialog doesn't find the windows computer I want to connect to [01:06] is this a problem? === blastradius [n=eric@host86-130-86-17.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] I thought that was for fedora code? :) [01:06] ifireball: well my prob with fedora is that i have an adaptec sata raid card and they dont seem to support it - ubuntu may not when i try [01:06] nickthorley: I seem to recall seeing an xfce desktop which looked almost identical to OS X === rem__ [n=rem@gve-gix-adsl-dynip-142-042.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu [01:06] #abiword [01:06] it wants an address like 'smb:// ...', what do I put for the address? [01:06] join /abiword [01:06] brasko, you are printing using what? [01:06] serialx_ "and when I realised they were going the YUM way despite APT being IMHO better" [01:06] well, sorry, I'm trying to "setup a printer" [01:07] xarq: yes i think there is - i just like the little touches on osx like the volume gui popping up when you alter the controls etc [01:07] apt is way slower [01:07] Applications->Settings->Printer [01:07] then clicked on "New Printer" [01:07] nickthorley: things at tihs level, are pretty much kernel realted, not that manny differences among distros there, if the kernel supports it its only a matter of time and maybe some tweaking for any distro to support it [01:07] hi [01:07] wt?? sudo: update-manager: command not found [01:07] No update manager in my dapper server. [01:07] nickthorley: after using fluxbox for two weeks, I couldn't stand OS X anymore at work, and I've used a Mac for 20 years [01:07] I knew it [01:07] Is it possible to use different icons in Xfce? [01:07] It's for the gui thigns.. [01:08] I choose Samba printer, which is available, but the dialog can't find the machine that's running it. [01:08] ifireball: well that is what i thought - i was excited when fedora core 6 test 1 came out as it supported my card but the final release doesnt - not sure if its been dropped from the kernel in general [01:08] Do someone got able to install ubuntu 6.06.1 or 6.10 on a motherboard based on nforce4chipset? installation doesnt recognise sata HDs,sound card and ethernet. Thanks [01:08] Why Can't I upgrade to edgy when just using a server edition?? [01:08] xarq: dont you find fluxbox a bit too basic [01:08] I'd really like to be able to print from ubuntu, instead of scp to the windows machine to print [01:08] does anyone hear have any exp booting form flash with ubuntu ? === gerhard [n=gerhard@p3EE239B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] hi! can somebody helps me eith diablo2 and cedega? === saintshakajin_ [n=saintsha@cust-5-140.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:09] nickthorley: no, I run fullscreen emacs and fullscreen firefox, and try to get everything else to disappear, which it does in fluxbox === Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === ntz [i=ilmari@kakkonen.goatse.fi] has joined #ubuntu === enkidu [n=gilles@] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] nickthorley: I'm really unsure what is the nature of support or non-support her, it may just be a switch in some config file somewhere? did you try asking on the Fedora forums? I think such an issue is hardly a basis for a distro switch === arnducky [n=ordinary@S01060017ee009b87.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === zoetrope86 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-217.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-37-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:10] ifireball: i did post on the forum but no responses [01:11] does anyone have any idea why my internet connection is stable on windows, but flimsy on ubuntu? its really temperamental on here :( [01:11] nickthorley: I see, does the ubuntu live-cd suports your card? [01:11] Distribution: Debian testing/unstable Kernel: 2.6.17-10-386 X.org: 7.1.1 KDE: 3.5.5 Qt: 3.3.6 VGA: ATI Technologies Inc RS480 [Radeon Xpress 200G Series] @ 1280x1024/24 bpp/75 Herz [01:11] Soundcard: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10) CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3200+ (1000.000 Mhz) CPU-Cache: 1024 KB RAM: 408 MB are used of whole 440 MB Networkstats: Down: 189.5 MiB Up: 151.8 MiB [01:11] ifireball: well that is what i am trying [01:12] ifireball: downloading now === blithe [n=blithe@raider.djblithe.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] Downloaded: 0.05 MB Uploaded: 0.01 MB === Pensacola [n=pensacol@43.53-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:12] nickthorley: ok. what exatly is the nature of the support/non support? [01:12] all i want is a really quick desktop that looks nice - think gnome is a bit bloated now === F_roZeN [n=frozen@] has joined #ubuntu === GarethMB [n=gareth@user-544433ac.lns2-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] nickthorley why dont you try that xfce 4 [01:13] ifireball: with reference to the sata card you mean [01:13] nickthorley, if you think gnome is bloated wait to see kde ;) [01:13] nickthorley: that depends on your hardware, in my experiance gnome is fine on any machine with more then 196MB of RAM [01:13] gerhard: i will once i get a distro on my machine i think i am taking [01:13] ok === F_roZeN [n=frozen@] has left #ubuntu [] === morphir [n=morphir@] has joined #ubuntu [01:13] gerhard: sorry that is taking forward [01:14] what do you mean? [01:14] nickthorley: I personally find that's a matter of going to gnome-look.org and grabbing pretty themes for fluxbox or any other gtk2 supported themed window manager [01:15] any body hear know much about writeing scripts [01:15] Do someone got able to install ubuntu 6.06.1 or 6.10 on a motherboard based on nforce4chipset? installation doesnt recognise sata HDs,sound card and ethernet. Thanks searching on forums and no luck :( [01:15] does anyone know how to make my internet connection more stable on ubuntu? im getting disconnected a lot more frequently on here than on windows - like sometimes after only a few minutes - and its getting a bit expensive [01:15] nickthorley: I'm using XFCE as we speak, but I think it lacks some featres if you want most things to "just work" === TIger_IT [n=Tiger_IT@OL65-184.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] how to convert files between mpeg and mov ? [01:16] VLC? [01:16] ifireball, thats what i heard about xfce but i never tested it [01:16] GarethMB: vlc can do that ? === Rumpalisti [n=Rumpalis@dsl-083-102-036-37.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu === _deeproot_123 [n=Administ@] has joined #ubuntu [01:16] xarq: sorry I can't agree here, a desktop environment is a whole lot more then a window manager, using something like fluxbox or fvwm does not make for a comelete desktop experiance unless the consloe is your file manager and vi is your editor === jesper [n=jesper@ip11.ds1-abs.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === jois [n=jois@] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] does anyone here know Phase6 ? [01:17] ifireball: yes, and emacs is an OS in and of itself, hence I don't need a desktop environment === ryu [n=chris@unaffiliated/ryu] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] fvwn+mc? === Mia_19 [n=ok@] has joined #ubuntu === Stroganoff [n=strogano@p54B98B81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:17] <_deeproot_123> Hi === seraphim [n=seraphim@e179140241.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === mikewhln [n=mike@82-36-175-220.cable.ubr01.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === FidO-DidO [n=cedricmc@] has joined #ubuntu [01:19] xarq: well, that is one use acse, it doesn't fit for everyone, also EMACS is UGLY IMHO, (I was a user for years, quite when I realised its UTF8 support isn't going to reach any distro any time soon) === _deeproot_123 [n=Administ@] has left #ubuntu [] [01:19] ifireball: would you mind sending me a screenshot of your desktop - would be interested in seeing how it looks [01:19] enkidu, yes i believe so with the streaming/ transcoding wizard === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [01:19] hi, I installed network manager applet. how do I make it appear as an applet? [01:19] ifireball: I wasn't prescribing it to anyone [01:19] nickthorley: the Xfce one? I warn you its not what you'll get when loading Xubuntu for the 1st time === elias_ [n=elias@u-121-071.adsl.univie.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu === sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-111-31.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:20] ifireball: no its ok - just interested in seeing what can be done === jois [n=jois@] has left #ubuntu [] === eXistenZ [n=amerdakk@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu === Fracture [n=cameronb@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === livingdaylight [n=conrad@82-35-48-222.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] does anyone else experience closing Xchat down normally as being detected as a crash by the system? === RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-037.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:21] what do I do when I get the message that one cannot open an image due to not being ISO 9660 ? Is there a converter? [01:21] nickthorley: I seem to recall seeing an xfce desktop which looked [01:21] almost identical to OS X [01:22] ifireball: and that's definitely not my personal preference.. I hate xfce more than almost anything === zoetrope86 is now known as zoetrope666 === thez [n=thez@atl101.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === lastnode [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu === thez [n=thez@atl101.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] xarq: wery well, you just seem to be pushing fluxbox on ppl a tad too eagerly... === lastnode [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu [01:23] ifireball: where did I push fluxbox on anyone? you're out of line === Crazed [n=Crazed@cc242865-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [01:24] !diskimage [01:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about diskimage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:24] I haven't took a screenshot for years... anywant cam make a quick recommandation of a command-line screenshot tool that can save png/jpg? [01:24] does anyone know a linux disk imager that can image any drive? === asanchez [n=asanchez@78.Red-80-35-162.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dybber [n=a@0x57345912.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:25] xarq: sorry if I offended you, have I mistaken you for someone else? === Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3C59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === huangzuobin [n=huangzuo@] has joined #ubuntu === cpk2 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === mike1o [n=silvio@host230-132-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:26] !java [01:26] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository [01:27] snowshoefox: tried partimage ? [01:27] i've recently updated to edgy from dapper, I verify my java installation from java.com and only 1.4 is detected, in dapper it was 1.5.... anybody had the same problem? [01:27] no noet yet [01:28] Do someone got able to install ubuntu 6.06.1 or 6.10 on a motherboard based on nforce4chipset? installation doesnt recognise sata HDs,sound card and ethernet. Thanks searching on forums and no luck :( [01:28] i'm going to contribute to ubuntu by installing it on my laptop, and need to keep an image of the existing OS === angel_of_shadow [n=denver@88-136-56-210.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu === angel_of_shadow [n=denver@88-136-56-210.adslgp.cegetel.net] has left #ubuntu ["salut] === dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@dsl136.netway.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] snowshoefox try image magic === cO_15th [n=pc9@] has joined #ubuntu [01:29] the 64bit versions of ubuntu works both with intel64 and amd64, or only amd64? [01:29] firefox keeps using the gij 1.4 version despite me linking the sun plugin to it [01:29] Kurkoko, let me look hold on [01:30] snowshoefox: dd if=/dev/hdX | gzip > imagefile.img will image any drive (replace X fro the right number), the image may be a tad big though === suavsilk [n=suavsilk@203-196-32-242.static-dsl.qld.aussiewholesale.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] coz_: thanks! === cO_15th is now known as GADIS-IMUUUTZ [01:30] jones20992: I think he means benary drive images, not graphical image files === borndeer [n=daqing@] has joined #ubuntu === sudharsh [n=sudharsh@] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] does anyone else experience closing Xchat down normally as being detected as a crash by the system? === mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-37-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:30] Kurkoko, amd or pentium? === what_if [n=z3r0@209-112-136-91-cdsl-rb1.nwc.acsalaska.net] has left #ubuntu ["So] [01:30] amd64 [01:31] i'll try that [01:31] Kurkoko, hold on === apokryphos [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] i'm constantly told Xchat has crashed and to file a bug report even when i've just shut Xchat down normally === khaije1 [n=khaije1@unaffiliated/khaije1] has joined #ubuntu [01:31] livingdaylight: it was mentioned on #ubuntu-offtopic earlier [01:31] coz_: Asus K8n4-E deluxe am64 socket 754 [01:31] ifireball: I have no idea, who am I supposed to be to you? [01:32] roryy, oh, was it? interesting....so, it has been noticed [01:32] kur ok still looking [01:32] livingdaylight: running Xcaht from the console and watching output may give you a hint, do file a bug report... [01:32] Kurkoko, ok still looking [01:32] :D [01:32] hey,everyone,I installed ubuntu 6.06 on laptop but ,I can only listen to music through headphone ..why? === dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@dsl136.netway.com.cy] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === SCHNUPPI [n=SCHNUPPI@] has joined #ubuntu === jomino [n=jomi@AC9EFD30.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === eXistenZ [n=amerdakk@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #ubuntu === chi-PandanI [n=Chi-pand@] has joined #ubuntu === SCHNUPPI is now known as nickyouwant [01:34] xarq: I though it might have been someone else rather then you who who was recommandong fluxbox, but my buffer solved that mistery for me, then again, appologies for any offence, I do try to keep everything in good spirit [01:34] livingdaylight: https://launchpad.net/bugs/56362 (i think that might be it) === nickyouwant is now known as TESTEST === chi-PandanI is now known as New-Bee === dudanogueira [n=duda@unaffiliated/bitdoidao/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu [01:34] is this a support IRC chan? === TESTEST is now known as holy_vagina [01:35] suavsilk: that's the idea [01:35] hi. i installed diablo2 in cedega and it works fine, but when i went into waypoint gnome is restarting.. can u help me? [01:35] suavsilk yes [01:35] prob a very stupid question but what is edgy - is this the latest beta of ubuntu? [01:35] nickthorley: it's the codename for latest stable release, Ubuntu 6.10 [01:35] nickthorley: yes. You might consider having a look through the FAQ, as listed in the channel topic :) [01:35] !edgy | nickthorley [01:35] nickthorley: Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!) === lewnidas_ [i=user@] has joined #ubuntu [01:35] Kurkoko, i too am finding no problems mentioned with this... tell me how you installed OS [01:36] !script | jones20992 [01:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about script - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:36] !scripts | jones20992 [01:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about scripts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:36] im using XChat, can i hold a private p2p chat session with a support team member? [01:36] is there a program that can go through several folders and remove some ;1 from file names? [01:36] !bash | jones20992 [01:36] jones20992: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [01:36] some kind of renamer [01:37] suavsilk: all the people in this channel are volunteers. Ask your question, and someone may respond :) === Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3C59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] coz_:Downloaded ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso, burned CD, restarted system with cd inside, got menu about install/start ubuntu, start safe,... i choose start/install === Brummkreisel [n=Ircuser@p54AA3F1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] gerhard: krename is good and friendly === dudanogueira is now known as bit_doidao [01:37] you can also apt-get upgrade === klos [i=hans@e180231040.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:37] thx apokryphos [01:37] suavsilk: this is a community support channel, no "offical" support theme here, and we'd rather you ask yuor questions in public, the answers may be useful to everyone === Oni-Dracula [n=oni@68-189-172-052.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === nickspoon [n=nick@] has joined #ubuntu === GarethMB [n=gareth@user-544433ac.lns2-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === pjv [n=pjv@cor8-ppp841.bur.dialup.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [01:38] coz_: Ever problem with x server, installation/start ubuntu then drops me to console, i edit xorg.conf "ati"->"vesa", then startx, when ubuntu started succesfull i double click on install icon on desktop [01:38] can someone help me with a script i am trying to make [01:38] suavsilk: I mean "team" rather then "theme" sorry for my typing... [01:38] is there a way to control the cpu fan on a laptop? [01:38] Kurkoko, ok the live cd.. my suggestion is to download the alternative cd give that a try, I realize it is a pain to do that.. however, I am not finding any problems with nforce4 with either dapper or edgy sorry ic ouldn't be of more help.. === age1172 [n=mariam@] has joined #Ubuntu [01:39] ok. probably a simple answer to my problem: i downloaded a 'package' , java, and ran the file. it installed onto my desktop... now i cant delete the folderm, i dont want it there [01:39] pjv i think so, but probably only via firmware etc [01:39] gr8 success [01:39] i managed to install linux and windows togetehr as one partition [01:39] Problem is thoiugh i know f all about linux, cant play movies, music etc etc [01:39] did you consider the BIOS? maybe there are settings to make [01:39] ohh ok [01:39] coz_: Thanks i will, thanks a lot [01:39] id like to reinstall Java using the synapic package editor [01:39] suavsilk, are you on edgy [01:39] yes [01:39] suavsilk: check the FAQ for installing things such as java (it's in the channel topic). You possibly need root permissions to remove that file === QueenNAHLA [n=nala@] has joined #ubuntu === Oni-Dracula [n=oni@68-189-172-052.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] suavsilk, well jave is availbale in the repositories === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:40] !faq | suavsilk [01:40] suavsilk: faq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage === pjv [n=pjv@cor8-ppp841.bur.dialup.connect.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] [01:41] suavsilk, did you get java installed === sa0 [n=sa0@APlessis-Bouchard-152-1-47-149.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] what does sudo apt-get mean? [01:41] hi all [01:41] yes that is the problem, ive been searching the forums and havnt come up with an answer. thank you ill check the site === federa [n=ffeeddee@host97-40-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:41] someone using "Listen" ? [01:41] coz_ no, but i will installit using the package editor next time and it will probably work [01:41] hi!!!! [01:41] could anyone help me?? [01:42] mine won't work === luanno [n=chatzill@host162-167-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:42] suavsilk, open synaptic and search for sun-java [01:42] sa0, i use it frequently... but now im using amarok :P [01:42] i try to add things to library but nothing never appears [01:42] nickthorley: any perticular place you want me to upload the image to, or shall I just try to DCC it? [01:42] so -a on dpkg --configure means all...thats fun === hanse-atic [n=ddh@c155071.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] suavsilk, just in case that is under System/Adiminstration/Synaptic package manager [01:43] sa0, after importing, you have to click on the library (i dont know the exactly word in english, i use in pt-br) [01:43] coz_, search for 'sun-java' had no resaults [01:43] ifireball: dcc is fine with me [01:43] federa: we won't know that until you actually ask your question [01:43] Genrl_Zod, man apt === ruda [n=ruda@] has joined #ubuntu [01:43] ive given up on the install.. i just want the folder removed from my desktop [01:43] suavsilk, do you have all the repositories enabled? [01:44] sa0, i presume that you already installed the proper codecs for playing mp3 files === gholen [n=gholen@81-229-88-157-no67.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:44] yeah [01:44] nothing in library === ruda [n=ruda@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [01:44] suavsilk, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list [01:44] How can I connect to a windows box (the windows remote desktop control stuff) ?? ?? [01:44] coz_ i dont understan repositories [01:44] How does one remove KDE and install gnome from CD without having to reinstall [01:44] will do === killen [n=killen@h43n3c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === Poromenos [n=poro@ppp25-162.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] Crazed, on a terminal, try: vncviewer ip.from.win.box [01:45] how can i make ubuntu resolve local hostnames? [01:45] gholen: use the synaptic!! === navaladi [n=navaladi@] has joined #ubuntu [01:45] suavsilk, when the list opens look for all repos that have a "#" in front of them.. remove just the # and save [01:45] need some help with the sound? [01:45] =) === SCHNUPPI [n=SCHNUPPI@] has joined #ubuntu === jones20992 [n=deadlyal@179.sub-70-209-162.myvzw.com] has left #ubuntu [] [01:45] gholen, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, after installing gnome, remove the kde: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop [01:45] ifireball: doesnt seem to be connecting - you can always email - nick.thorley@gmail.com [01:45] suavsilk, the repos wil start with deb [01:45] i created a #jews channel for all jews here [01:46] if you want to join [01:46] nickthorley: ok. === stupidnewb [n=deadlyal@179.sub-70-209-162.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu === xxxxsqdrffsdf [n=sylvain@ANantes-252-1-102-253.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] coz_ so, delete the '#' from items in the list that have only 1 '#' ? [01:46] bit_doidao: thats only when there is a vnc server installed on the windows box right ? [01:46] how i could mount ntfs in read write mode?? === B-Minus_ [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-118-144.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] suavsilk, yes but be sure you only delete the ones that have # deb [01:46] Crazed, thats right [01:46] Its only that, it will take same 10 hours to do that over internet. I'd like to do it from CD, ONLY [01:46] federa, just use "-o rw" (??) , or "rx" in the /etc/exports file? [01:46] coz_:Last question, do you think trying Kubuntu will help? or is same as ubuntu and only changes desktop manager? === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:46] suavsilk, the other # on there you do not have to remove [01:47] hi ..I need help with xine-ui player..I installed it on ubuntu 6.06, when i play any video file it plays with lot of struggling..the frames r hanging and playing and goes on...any fix? [01:47] Crazed, ubuntu comes with a native remote desktop control server. [01:47] fooadd....i'll try... === catalytic [n=catalyti@ppp70-202.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:47] could some one tell me how to install gnome-dock [01:47] any1 plz send PM to me if you can help me with the sound [01:47] Kurkoko, no I don't think that will help [01:47] Also totem is playing good.. [01:47] coz_ for example "# deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe" i would remove this entire line? [01:47] is there a downloadable set of unit tests i can run against a laptop installation available? [01:47] suavsilk, remember only remove the # in from t of the entries that start with # deb [01:47] bit_doidao: on that windows box it's just the windows remote crap that is build in [01:47] coz_:Ok :( downloading anternate cd [01:47] how do i restart the service that uses nsswitch.conf? [01:47] how can I connect to it .. === catalytic [n=catalyti@ppp70-202.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] coz_ ok [01:48] suavsilk, yes that one you can remove the # === mumbles [i=laptop@cpc4-bror5-0-0-cust750.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] I c this fault with xine many times in many distros..any fix for xine?? === powertr [n=baran@] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] suavsilk, tell me when you hve saved that === sudharsh [n=sudharsh@] has joined #ubuntu === manu__ [n=ravelli@ATuileries-151-1-64-19.w83-202.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [01:48] coz_ saved [01:48] suavsilk, ok open a terminal [01:49] bit_doidao: ? [01:49] suavsilk, type sudo apt-get update [01:49] is there any turkish ubuntu user? === Tuxnal [i=Tusnal@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] fooadd: there isn't that file... === GADIS-IMUUUTZ [n=pc9@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] !tr [01:49] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. === crocd [n=crocd@lanwan.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] nickthorley: its on its way, I hopw it won't be spamblocked... === archangelpetro [n=petroleu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:49] whats a good dvd image making app on ubuntu ? [01:49] coz_ its working away [01:49] Crazed, i did not understand the question... [01:49] federa, what are you trying to do? mount a nfs share so you can view it on your box? [01:49] !gnome-dock | stupidnewb [01:49] stupidnewb: gnome-dock is a MacOS X -like dock for the gnome desktop, see www.gnome-dock.org [01:50] coz_ msg u when its complete [01:50] has anyone had the problem where they can't resolve local hostnames? [01:50] suavsilk, ok when it stops type sudo apt-get upgrade [01:50] i'm trying to mount NTFS in read write mode... [01:50] suavsilk, ok [01:50] wow... if that wasn't your nick that would have sounded pretty insulting [01:50] i've recompiled kernel [01:50] I just want to connect to that windows box .. and it is not using VNC but the build in remote control crap from windows it self [01:50] Crazed, you should look for the realvnc server for windows in order to access the windows box with the vncviewer [01:50] no [01:50] pff === mercykiller [n=mercykil@ppp-70-243-37-160.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] federa, ops my bad, I though you wanted to mount "NFS" :P === luanno [n=chatzill@host162-167-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:50] ifireball: brb [01:50] Crazed: select RDP from the terminal client [01:50] Lahey, [01:50] fooadd: not a problem [01:51] hey guys, which kernel should i install for a core 2 duo chip, please? [01:51] federa, http://del.icio.us/goll/linux+ntfs === GrantG [n=GrantG@unaffiliated/GrantG] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] Poromenos: how do I do that ? [01:51] coz_ returned "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [01:51] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [01:51] " [01:51] Crazed: what do you want to do again? [01:51] Crazed, never worked with the windows native remote control [01:51] suavsilk, no problem now open synaptic package manager [01:51] well you said select rdp [01:51] suavsilk, is another processing using it? you have apt-get or synaptic running? [01:51] how do I select rdp ? === mk3y [n=mkey@pD9E35DA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:51] do you want to connect to a windows pc using remote desktop? [01:52] yes [01:52] suavsilk, open? [01:52] coz_ i had it open the whole time, fooadd yes === mk3y [n=mkey@pD9E35DA8.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Though] [01:52] suavsilk, search for sun-java [01:52] Crazed: right click on the gnome top bar and add the terminal server client button === Oni-Dracula|2 [n=oni@68-189-172-052.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mia_19 [n=ok@] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] you can connect with that === zhangsoft [n=kevin@] has joined #ubuntu === thombone_ [n=thombone@cpe-76-170-57-31.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [01:52] suavsilk, I mean if apt-get is running/installing something, you can't use apt-get or synaptic, that's what the error message said [01:52] how do you install a progame that comes in a tar file ? [01:53] Ok ok. Any OP here? BAN AND KICK SCHNUPPI NOW! Hes a friggin SPAMbot. === powertr [n=baran@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [01:53] suavsilk, if you don't find it hit the reload button === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:54] !beer | #ubotu [01:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [01:54] coz_ sun-java is in the list on the left under 'All' but nothing is in the main list 'No Package is selected' === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [01:54] suavsilk, hit the reload button [01:54] coz_ tryed reload, it did something however [01:54] suavsilk, ok search for it again === finalbeta [n=finalbet@d5152A68A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [01:55] coz_ confirm i should be searching for 'sun-java' no spaces [01:55] suavsilk, right [01:55] has noone here tried to ping local hostnames? [01:55] coz_ no resaults [01:55] stupidnewb: that depends on what is exactly in the tar file, if its a binary you just extract the tar file and maybe make some symlinks in your path, if its source you need to compile it and you may be better off getting a precompiled package with synaptic === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-038-175.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] suavsilk, go up undet synaptic settings then repositories === Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === AskHL [n=ask@] has joined #ubuntu [01:56] suavsilk, are the boxes checked there? === ana [n=ana@80-43-4-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [01:57] is there anyone using ubuntu on laptop? I have problem with sounds [01:57] coz_ all but 'community maintained Open...' and 'Software restricted.....' [01:57] check the boxes [01:57] suavsilk, check them [01:57] ok [01:57] suavsilk, then reload [01:57] Does anyone know of an application to monitor I/O ? (i.e. which app is writing to the HDD at the moment) [01:57] suavsilk, then sun-java [01:57] hey guys, which kernel should i install for a core 2 duo chip, please? === toitoine [n=toitoine@pas72-1-88-161-60-199.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === owrflow_ [n=owrflow@0x535b6fd3.esnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] erin___, 686-smp most likely [01:58] erin___: are you using edgy? [01:58] lsof ? [01:58] Jowi: ufser [01:58] !lsof [01:58] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [01:58] yes edgy [01:58] Jowi: fuser === XNewbe [n=claudio@host47-41-dynamic.5-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] erin___: generic [01:58] linux-generic [01:58] ha tehre a vista final out [01:58] alecjw, not smp? [01:58] with a key, that key is gonna get well killed by MS [01:58] that's nice but gnome-terminal fonts are messed up in edgy [01:58] Genrl_Zod: who cares? [01:58] i dunno but its interesting to develop ur technical ability === KAKAKAKA [n=KAKAKAKA@c-66-41-107-174.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:58] i found one thing wicked in vista [01:58] WDS [01:58] erin___: it doesn't exist any more. only 386 and generic exist in edgy [01:58] therealbigusdick, no they aren't soemthing is up on your end [01:59] coz_ ok we got ourselves a list [01:59] Norton Ghost is gonna die [01:59] ah thx === progek [n=erick@67-23-32-16.snbrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] Genrl_Zod: really, nooone wishes to discuss that in here [01:59] Hi room, any tomcat gurus here at the moment? [01:59] * Benutzer in #ubuntu: KAKAKAKA owrflow_ toitoine alecjw ana AskHL Jowi SS2 finalbeta thombone_ zhangsoft Oni-Dracula|2 GrantG luanno mercykiller archangelpetro crocd Tuxnal manu__ sudharsh mumbles catalytic eggzeck B-Minus_ navaladi Poromenos gholen hanse-atic federa |thunder age1172 nickspoon klos Brummkreisel bit_doidao eXistenZ jomino khaije1 apokryphos borndeer suavsilk mike1o cpk1 coz_ asanchez Cr [01:59] azed RetLaw livingdaylight Fracture Bany sharperguy elias_ [01:59] * Benutzer in #ubuntu: FidO-DidO seraphim Stroganoff Rumpalisti TIger_IT morphir Pensacola blithe zoetrope666 enkidu ntz Jonbo gerhard rem__ brasko thane KillerDemon Kurkoko serialx_ paran_ Menasim1 MenZaLap mikl a16556dw der_daniel nickthorley stylus oslo brnld erin___ grodius pickett_ apv netG cyzie ke philwhln sugoruyo peppino_ pluma Griver SeAofSaRo Rug arrai the-mr-freak_ Metal_Militia g8m handir t [01:59] imothy-- aespn cassidy Abst das-q kung paat pecisk TheGateKeeper [01:59] coz_, you are wrong, there is a bug already filled in malone about the fonts issue with gnome-terminal [01:59] * Benutzer in #ubuntu: Igd gimmulf scamot tang^ chrismo kling0n DaftDog SiM07 magical_trevsky alef0 _gpg_ Dink Ekushey NetHaxor distromonkey aduarte Kill_X multichil gilnim GhoSt_DoG dj_baggio vindrake Lattyware surface Hobbsee nahkiss darkmatter Bombadil Jostein nUllSkillZ engla Kaja Ekinoks janbatisuto IcyT Genrl_Zod alshurooqi raphink mypapit xorix aaahenaaareee jatt grepper fraiddo Carnage\ site Ron === cO_15th [n=pc9@] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] suavsilk, ok now you can intall all of it except the -doc and -source === samanta [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] dom Ash-Fox MattJ aidanr^zzzzzzzzz Lukian amee2k pingar poulap === DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D9C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [01:59] * Benutzer in #ubuntu: LordMetroid CheshireViking ezsquirt pielgrzym RobNyc fooadd MakubeX cafuego MikeyMike Volstrup nap linuxmigration DreamThief Shoo-Shu esion androxxl skypa Ecnassianer sc0tty rickyfingers_ Akita-Ken ChaKy render Skal Blue-Omega ripp3r roryy somervil loutrine Nox2k3 charle97 tuopppi desti phargle Zdra knix samitheberber xtr-III didymo eelmoo voltz epinephrine e-type rpedro gnomefrea === SonicChao [n=ubuntu@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu === ^alien [n=alien@] has joined #ubuntu [01:59] KAKAKAKA: bye === mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ === KAKAKAKA [n=KAKAKAKA@c-66-41-107-174.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-66-41-107-174.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] by apokryphos === mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos === mode/#ubuntu [+b KAKAKAKA!*@*] by Hobbsee [01:59] variant, thanks. will look into it === cO_15th is now known as GADIZ^IMUTZ^ [01:59] gah [01:59] when you do "Places" and then click on a "place" on a remote server, it opens a ssh connection (in my case because I st it up for that) - in order to close it, is it enough to close the nautilus window that comes up? [01:59] wqhat? [01:59] Jowi: lsof is what your really looking for [01:59] Fags... [01:59] Jowi: apt-get install it [01:59] argh [01:59] apokryphos: thanks [02:00] Carnage\: mind yer language please [02:00] wtf was KAKAKAKA doing? [02:00] Can someone please help me with daul-booting? :) === bokey [n=bokey@] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] he said my name :( [02:00] alecjw: being a jerk [02:00] variant: I was talking about those stupid highlighters, I hope you agree... === Gonzo [n=gonzo@203-206-119-237.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] #surabaya [02:00] what is KAKAKAKA doing? [02:00] coz_ ty its installing, will msg on completion [02:00] alecjw, advertisement :P [02:00] suavsilk, there will be a windows that have "ok" for you to hit enter except for several of them === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:00] hi ..I need help with xine-ui player..I installed it on ubuntu 6.06, when i play any video file it plays with lot of struggling..the frames r hanging and playing and goes on...any fix? [02:00] Er... [02:00] sua when one of the "ok" s doen't work with the enter button hit ctrl=tab to highoight the "ok" === cpk2 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [02:01] anyone familiar with permissions when utilizing java servlets or JSPs? [02:01] Hi, I'm planning on daul-booting XP and Ubuntu... [02:01] suavsilk, sorry ctrl+tab [02:01] Anyway, my sound stops working now and then? What do I need to restart? [02:01] nalioth: rob: ping [02:01] is there anyway to loose the "blah is joining" "blah has left" spam?" [02:01] suavsilk: What client? [02:01] coz_ ctrl tab .. for..? [02:01] suavsilk: /help ignore [02:01] variant, do you know if lsof has got a "top" mode? I have this annoying issue that something is writing to the HDD every 4-5 seconds at different times and it is doing this regardless if the system is idle or not. [02:02] suavsilk, suring the install process it will show an ":ok" on several windows === co_imut [n=ok@] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] MattJ XChat [02:02] Jowi: you can use grep and tail -f [02:02] suavsilk, most of them will hightlight with the enter button [02:02] Jowi: with lsof [02:02] coz_ oh i see === SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-012-080.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:02] suavsilk, a few you will have to hit ctrl+tab then the enter button [02:02] variant, never thought of that. good catch [02:02] !daul-boot [02:02] Sorry, I don't know anything about daul-boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:02] o.o [02:03] ! dual boot [02:03] !dualboot [02:03] Sorry, I don't know anything about dual boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:03] coz_ ok, this is so i dont accidently cancel the install? === mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [02:03] hi [02:03] Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) [02:03] what process to you need to restart after you change /etc/exports? === co_imut [n=ok@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:03] Ok. [02:03] suavsilk, no it wants you to agree to the licenseing [02:03] bootsplash problem: http://www.cannacola.free.fr/IMG_0011.JPG [02:03] I'll try those. x3 [02:03] coz_ ok [02:03] suavsilk, just take your time if you hit a snag let me know [02:03] sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-server restart [02:03] coz_ will do [02:03] ah, thx [02:04] suavsilk, then we can get rid of that file on your desktop === Subhuman [n=jack@host86-142-54-172.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === jayakumar2 [n=jayakuma@] has joined #ubuntu [02:04] fiveiron, or /etc/init.d/networking (??) not sure.. [02:04] coz_ damn file :/ i would leave it there... but its rly ugly [02:04] #SURABAYA [02:04] coz_ will msg on completion of that step [02:04] ifireball: lunch is ready catch you in a short while [02:04] suavsilk, no need to have anything on the desktop you dont' want [02:04] oslo, press "autoadjust" on your monitor :) if that is no go, change the framebuffer resolution in grub [02:04] !framebuffer [02:04] If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer === imut [n=ok@] has joined #ubuntu [02:05] Ook, I believe I should back-up? [02:05] (for daul-booting? I already have XP, just need Ubuntu on 50% space) [02:05] Jowi> where is the frame buffer resolution for grub ? menu.lst ?? [02:05] oslo, yes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer === spinz8r [n=spinz8r@] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] i nkow this is more of an MS access/wine problwm, but when i try to run ms access in wine, it says "Language pack dll not found" does anyone know why this is or how to fix it? [02:06] nickthorley: sure n/p seems we're in close timezones... === giuseppe [n=giuseppe@host-84-220-210-213.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:06] oslo, check at the bottom of that page for possible resolutions and how to add them to grub [02:06] Xchat '/ignore help' dosnt help lol [02:06] Jowi: just did up an example for you [02:07] variant, cool. gimme gimme :) [02:07] suavsilk, where are you with this? [02:07] coz_ it just completed successfully === SonicChao [n=ubuntu@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has left #ubuntu [] === toitoine [n=toitoine@pas72-1-88-161-60-199.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [02:08] suavsilk, ok === kuja [n=kuja@unaffiliated/kuja] has joined #ubuntu === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [02:08] suavsilk, now what file is on the desktop? [02:08] coz_ now the little update icon at the top right of my screen is on [02:08] Jowi: while true; do lsof /home/variant | grep emerald ; sleep 1; done [02:08] suavsilk, hit it [02:08] Jowi: sorry for delay, think my connection is messed up === giuseppe [n=giuseppe@host-84-220-210-213.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] === GrantG [n=GrantG@unaffiliated/GrantG] has left #ubuntu ["om] [02:08] Jowi: change the sleep to somthing more sensible, like 3 or 5 [02:08] if you want [02:09] My webcam did not work with the drivers supplied with Edgy (spca5xx and pwc) so after some try and error I have managed to make it work, installing another driver (gspcav1 from http://mxhaard.free.fr/download.html ). My question: Is it a good idea to stop the other two drivers from loading? How would I do that? I have tried with modprobe -r (which just runs but does not remove the driver from memory) and rmmod (whi [02:09] coz_ file on desktop is 'jre1.5.0_09' [02:09] variant, cheers [02:09] Jowi: yw [02:09] suavsilk, ok did you hit the update icon? === compengi [n=compengi@] has joined #ubuntu [02:09] coz_ yes im working in a different workspace now [02:09] coz_ while it updates === luser [n=xyz@84-74-187-138.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] suavsilk, ok we will do this my way... open up a terminal [02:10] anyone know how the applet 'finance' works? [02:10] /server mesra.sal.net [02:10] is there a way to get the gnome power manager to dim the LCD on my laptop when it switches to batter power? === erider [n=erider@unaffiliated/erider] has joined #ubuntu [02:10] suavsilk, type sudo passwd root that is not a misspelling [02:10] I just updated my Ubuntu Edgy and now it says that these packages have been kept back: libggi2 mplayer [02:10] /server mesra.dal.net === cO_15th [n=pc9@] has joined #ubuntu [02:11] coz_ enter new unix pswd? [02:11] I tried a dist-upgrade, no luck either. How can I upgrade these packages? Why are they not upgraded? [02:11] suavsilk, yes you can use the same password you have [02:11] YogSothoth: I just searched those packages in synaptic and upgraded them [02:11] variant, yeah, that works brilliant. will be able to track what I want with some trial and error since I'm not really sure what I want to track down yet :) [02:11] coz_ done [02:11] Tokenbad: unmerge tehn remerge === erider [n=erider@unaffiliated/erider] has left #ubuntu ["I] [02:11] Tokenbad: sorry, uninstall then reinstall them [02:11] suavsilk, ok now cd to the desktop .. do you know how to do that/ [02:11] Jowi: cool === cO_15th is now known as GADIZ-^IMUTZ^ [02:11] YogSothoth, echo "mplayer install" > dpkg --set-selections [02:11] coz_ no..? === Lululaglue [n=pikatchu@ARennes-257-1-135-243.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === slappi [n=moto@PPPbf1287.chiba-ip.dti.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu === Lululaglue [n=pikatchu@ARennes-257-1-135-243.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [02:12] suavsilk, ok type this cd /home/yourusername/Desktop make sure the "D" is capitol [02:12] YogSothoth, dpkg --get-selections, will tell you what packages are held === huangzuobin [n=huangzuo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:12] suavsilk, also make sure "yourusername" is your name you use on ubuntu [02:13] coz_ done [02:13] suavsilk, now type ls [02:13] suavsilk, it will show you the file on the desktop [02:13] suavsilk, right? [02:13] Is there any safe way to upgrade dapper server to edgy? I don't want any conflicts.. [02:13] plz someone tell me the /ignore command for XChat for the 'joined' 'left' spam i can hardly keep up === chilli [n=t@82-32-34-75.cable.ubr05.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:13] any songbird users here? [02:14] And I _DONT_ want to install gtk/gnome things just for the upgrade... [02:14] coz_ yes it has [02:14] suavsilk, ok now type su === higi [n=higi@18.Red-213-97-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:14] suavsilk, and enter the password [02:14] coz_ done [02:14] serialx_: read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes [02:14] weiss jemand was das Finanz applet macht? [02:14] suavsilk, now type chown -R your username then the file neame === cellkyborg [i=cellas@] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] what MSN client would you suggest me? [02:15] suavsilk, with spaces between each [02:15] serialx_: if you use 'aptitude -s dist-upgrade' (after updating sources.list) you can get some idea of what will be installed [02:15] roryy / Yes. The doc says apt-get upgrading is dangerous [02:15] higi, gaim, or amsn [02:15] serialx_: it worked for me; i used 'aptitude', but the same idea [02:15] suavsilk, look like chown -R yourusername filename === cellkyborg [i=cellas@] has left #ubuntu [] [02:15] is it possible to add personal massages in gaim? [02:15] roryy / I'll try.. thanks [02:15] higi, what is a personal message? === sioux [n=sioux-mo@adsl-18-117.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:15] serialx_: notice that 'dist-upgrade' is invoked twice [02:15] the "secondary name" [02:16] suavsilk, done? [02:16] higi, yeah sure [02:16] coz_ done [02:16] roryy, Yep. I'll remember that [02:16] could you please tell me where is that? [02:16] suavsilk, ok now on the desktop, right click the file and delete it [02:16] can't find it === anapivirtua [n=anapi@AMarseille-153-1-67-214.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === PeteDude [n=peter@] has joined #ubuntu === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] hi what's this error Could not parse interface statistics from ' eth1'. prx_idx = 1; ptx_idx = 9; brx_idx = 0; btx_idx = 8; [02:16] coz_ your a legend === skold [n=simon@pD951B940.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] serialx_: you probably do need at least ubuntu-minimal installed === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:16] suavsilk, so I take it it worked? [02:16] Holy SHIT!!!! [02:17] coz_ yes [02:17] PHOTOSHOP PLUGINS WORK ON GIMP!!! [02:17] higi, Account-> edit/edit -> modify -> Local Alias <-- set this to any name [02:17] suavsilk, well is there anything else you need [02:17] WOooooooot!!!! === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] tamacracker, for real ? :D [02:17] roryy, Thanks [02:17] dude you rock [02:17] Could not parse interface statistics from ' eth1'. prx_idx = 1; ptx_idx = 9; brx_idx = 0; btx_idx = 8; ??? whi [02:17] Eyecandy looks NIIIIIICE :) === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090064.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] dood [02:17] tamacracker, any chance of documenting this ? ;) [02:17] coz_ im sure ill find something in the future, [02:17] holy mother... i thought it wasn't goin to work :) [02:17] i can give you the site :) [02:17] suavsilk, yes you will lol take care have fun === Xanthomryr [n=User@xdsl-213-196-194-79.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] on how to do it [02:17] coz_ the first part of your walkthrough, did we install java to firefox? === dra [n=dra@p57A507D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:17] it's sooo freakin easy [02:18] tamacracker: url? [02:18] suavsilk, mmm hold on for that [02:18] http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/pspi.html :) [02:18] dood [02:18] Could not parse interface statistics from ' eth1'. prx_idx = 1; ptx_idx = 9; brx_idx = 0; btx_idx = 8; what's this error? [02:18] no more photoshop [02:18] coz_ nvm [02:18] finally i can use all my worthy plug ins :) === PeteDude [n=peter@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:18] suavsilk: suavsilk> Xchat '/ignore help' dosnt help lol - you ignored everything from a user called help (i have done that before so dont worry :) type /help ignore :P) === cO_15th [n=pc9@] has joined #ubuntu [02:18] suavsilk, I want you to go to this page and readi it carefully https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats [02:19] make sure you have WINE installed and follow the directions on that site :) === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089731.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] coz_ 'about:plugins' has listed many many a plug-in installed [02:19] suavsilk, most of what you will need to do is there including the firefox jva thingy === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu === X5-452 [n=kane@] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] brb gonna mess around with gimp :) [02:19] good luck go slow read carefully [02:19] coz_ ok [02:19] Limulf, that did the trick, thanks! [02:19] suavsilk, good luck read slowly [02:19] suavsilk: did you see what i said? === Orange_Bud [n=obdo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:19] Can I hide a file without changing its name? [02:19] fooadd, I did not understand what I should have do [02:19] fooadd thanks, and do you know if its possible to arrange my contacts by their status? (connected/not conencted) === Orange_Bud [n=obdo@] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] === federa [n=ffeeddee@host97-40-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu [] === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === cO_15th [n=pc9@] has left #ubuntu ["vfvff"] === TobiF [n=Kanales@e180046214.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === age1172 [n=mariam@] has joined #Ubuntu [02:20] higi, no option for such thing in gaim, you could check out amsn [02:20] variant oh, thank u vry much === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] hi i need some help with wine [02:20] thanks === DelFerro_ [n=andreas@Madeb.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] YogSothoth, run dpkg --get-selections , to see what I mean [02:20] skold: /join #alchoholics_anonymous :P === rajesh [n=rajesh@] has joined #ubuntu [02:20] variant: ^^ [02:21] btw, is kopete a good choice? [02:21] skold: what is the problem with wine? [02:21] higi, if you like KDE apps ;) === ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A180.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:21] ok [02:21] higi, try ALL of them, and see for yourself :) [02:21] variant: i can not install any programs when i start it it says Warning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible. [02:21] Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible. [02:22] skold: as your normal user, run winecfg === gpastor [n=gpastor@194.Red-88-16-137.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === tom47 [n=tom@203-217-69-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === catalytic [n=catalyti@ppp70-202.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:22] skold: do what fyrestrtr says [02:22] variant: and now? [02:22] skold: did you run winecfg? [02:22] how can I see who is connected to certain wireless? using airodump-ng tends to close my current conection [02:22] well im satisfied now :) [02:23] variant: yes but when i create a C: dive it doesnt seems to save it === eitch0000 [n=eitch@84-74-23-47.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [02:23] see you guys later, and good luck in gettin the photoshop plug ins to work :) [02:23] skold: have you been playing with the permissions on your /home/ directory? [02:24] variant: i dont remember maybe :P [02:24] :P [02:24] brb [02:24] k === a16556dw6589 [n=Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu === rajesh_ [n=rajesh@] has joined #ubuntu === Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu === pc3 [n=pc3@] has joined #ubuntu [02:24] lol sorry coz_ there was one more thing >< regarding EasyUbuntu, i installed it etc etc, but when i click the icon in my 'Applications > System Tools' it does nothing at all === steur [i=steur@] has joined #ubuntu === Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d83e11.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu [02:25] hi [02:25] i recently installed ubuntu [02:25] and got some errors which was unable to fix [02:25] can anybody help [02:25] they're easy as im a newb and many of you may got the answers === Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-240-239.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] what errors? === DelFerro_ [n=andreas@Madeb.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === chinoke [n=ascii@] has joined #ubuntu [02:26] first of all [02:26] i typed my username wrongly [02:26] is it possibile to change it ? === steur shames === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168087983.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] is it possible to have 2 OS's working in one session, and flip ebtween the 2? === Turophile [n=alex@CPE-144-132-249-152.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [02:27] Like Linux and windows or is that never ever gonna happen [02:28] Genrl_Zod using vmware you can achieve that right now [02:28] Genrl_Zod, VMWare, Xen... === relachs [n=dddddd@AC9ED964.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === RxDx [n=RODRIGO@201-74-134-179-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-059-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] also i cant open X === huangzuobin [n=huangzuo@] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] cos of permissions === RxDx [n=RODRIGO@201-74-134-179-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [02:29] in help page of ubuntu [02:29] steur sudo vipw [02:29] there arendt many details [02:29] Genrl_Zod: forget vmware, qemu is at least as fast when using kqemu [02:30] within terminal ? [02:30] sudo vipw === pc3 [n=pc3@] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] kqemu? [02:30] Genrl_Zod: and you can apt-get install qemu, i use it to run windows server 2003 on one side of my aiglx cube :) [02:30] what the f*ck? manga porn? [02:30] here i get crash after a while that i use usb wireless g-220 any ideas? === youser [n=owner@67-58-208-99.amtelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:30] i have a question [02:30] gpastor: yes, a kernel module made by the creator of qemu (qemu is gpl licenced free software, kqemu is proprietry though) [02:30] how to i back up a certain conf file? === steur [i=steur@] has left #ubuntu [] === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-217.prem.tmns.net.au] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [02:31] youser: cp /path/to/conf /path/to/conf.backup [02:31] thank you [02:31] variant thats exactly why i use vmware .... no hoodwinking involved === Turophile [n=alex@CPE-144-132-249-152.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has left #ubuntu [] === diezare [n=diezare@] has joined #ubuntu === DelFerro_ [n=andreas@Madeb.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:31] tom47: hoodwinking? [02:32] variant, oh I see. However, it does speed any OS virtualized? or it only works being LInux the guest? [02:32] bootsplash problem: http://www.cannacola.free.fr/IMG_0011.JPG [02:32] only @ boot not @ shutdown [02:32] gpastor: you can have any guest os, you can also use windows or linux as the host os [02:32] variant yes i am not interested in socalled open projects which lead you up to a point of functionality thenm drop commercialism on you [02:32] tom47: it annoys me too, but i am less interested in totaly closed ones === DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D9C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] gpastor: the guest os will run with approximately 5% slowdown [02:33] honesty is what i look for ... if you are commercial have the guts and honesty to say so [02:33] gpastor: if you have xen and a vt enabled cpu you can run your guest at near natiive speed === New-Bee [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === trukosh [n=trukosh@port-195-158-176-10.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu === lukas [n=lukas@p57A8A7E7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:33] variant, you are kidding? I thought that vmware run 50% slowdown. [02:34] variant, I guess I am wrong :-P [02:34] gpastor: I am talking about qemu, xen i have no idea about vmware === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #ubuntu === DelFerro_ [n=andreas@Madeb.m.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-182.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-33-132.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] gpastor: to run windows as a guest with xen you must have the supporting cpu, most dont yet support it though [02:35] variant, qemu + kqemu, === ketsugi [n=ketsugi@cm158.gamma230.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] gpastor: correct, you can run that on any cpu === gnomeWerkz [n=gnomeWer@pool-72-95-2-30.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:35] i dont actually notice a difference between dapper in vm server and dapper running natively ... there MUST be a difference but i dont perceive it .... this is in a AMD 3500 cpu and a gig of mameory [02:35] variant, I don't pretend to do such a thing, But it is important to be aware of these things === brasko [n=bob@ip70-181-32-198.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] [02:36] gpastor: with qemu you could conceivably run winxp on an ipod :P would take centuries to do anything though :P === marquis_of_night [n=lestat@e178169030.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === marquis_of_night [n=lestat@e178169030.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:36] tom47: yeah, its probably only a couple of percent performance drop [02:36] variant, it would be nice to see what happens when touching the ipod wheel [02:36] gpastor: bsod, of course :) === EdgeT [n=edge@] has joined #ubuntu [02:37] Guys got an important question bout multi-boot [02:37] gpastor: you know you can boot a linux kernel on ipods right? === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168088938.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] gpastor: opens up more functionality, ability to watch movies, different audio formats, doom even [02:38] variant, yes, I do.... but I don't have an ipod [02:38] gpastor: damn, thought i was imparting new information :) === Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [02:38] variant, a friend of mine who has one, told me about (he didn't dare to do it though) [02:38] :) === e-type [n=pieter@sourcemage/guru/e-type] has left #ubuntu [] [02:39] gpastor: tell him it is easy and you can always reset to factory settings with the download from apple website === andy101 [n=andy@62-30-197-196.cable.ubr08.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] gpastor: even if it goes badly wrong [02:39] Can I write to a new fat32 partition hosting WinXP? === grunge [n=grunge@153.138-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [02:39] variant, but he needs to backup the songs ... I don't know if he wants to :-P [02:39] EdgeT: from within ubuntu? === That0neguyyoukno [n=chatzill@pool-72-67-171-88.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:40] Yeah [02:40] EdgeT: yes from within ubuntu you can [02:40] variant: yeah* [02:40] I just replaced apache2 with lighttpd. can someone please test if http://www.burninghands.eu is accessible ? [02:40] variant: Does it automaticaly mount it? === Brummkreisel [n=Ircuser@p54AA3F1A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [02:40] EdgeT: probably under /media/windows === hamdinp [n=Miranda@] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] <^alien> Jowi: nope [02:41] Jowi: nope [02:41] ^alien, damn. [02:41] firefox keeps using the gij 1.4 version despite me linking the sun plugin to it === _snerge3 [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090159.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] variant: Cool thanks [02:41] didnt read the response === fuzzy [n=fuzzy@T638a.t.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:41] variant: And what impact will a fat32 partition have on XP's performances plz? [02:42] EdgeT: i have no idea, probably reduced performance === CharminTheMoose [n=Count_fu@] has joined #ubuntu === vpol [n=vpol@damned.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu [02:42] EdgeT: why dont you use ntfs?? [02:42] !help [02:42] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [02:42] question:is ubuntu able to resize NTFS fses? [02:43] EdgeT must have some but on any normal/recent pc its probably not perceivable either [02:43] EdgeT: it is writeable nowadays from gnu/linux === math_b [n=mathieu@vbo91-2-82-239-207-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090062.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [02:43] EdgeT: fat doesnt support anything like permissions [02:43] variant: That's experimental dude [02:43] EdgeT: you would be better to use ntfs [02:43] variant: Yeah but it's only experimental software dude [02:43] EdgeT: you can have full, safe read write access either will ntfs-ng or captive === kallewirsch [n=joerg@p54A57479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] how can i set up a fix ip for amachine on lan? === rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] EdgeT: i assure you that captive is completely safe, i have not tried ntfs-ng but i hear good things about it [02:44] question:is the ubuntu live cd able to resize NTFS fses? [02:44] CharminTheMoose: yes [02:44] variant: Captive? [02:44] cool === bojicas [n=bojicas@ner-as11069.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu === atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu [02:44] EdgeT: captive-ntfs, it runs the windows ntfs driver inside a wrapper [02:45] is there any disadvantage to running gnome programs under kde and kde programs under gnome? [02:45] rogue780: just hte lack of theme compatibility [02:45] !ntfs | EdgeT [02:45] EdgeT: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse === essenza [n=essenza@unaffiliated/essenza] has joined #ubuntu [02:45] Wow, the cd can resize a file system? Dang, and all this time I thought it was the tools ON the CD. :-p [02:45] !ntfsng | EdgeT [02:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfsng - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === Oni-Dracula|2 is now known as Oni-Dracula [02:45] !ntfs-ng | EdgeT [02:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-ng - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:45] ffs === Lynvingen [n=christia@wlan-gw.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] variant: Yeah but I also wanna be able to write on them === samiam [n=samurai@] has joined #ubuntu [02:46] !fuse | EdgeT [02:46] EdgeT: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse [02:46] EdgeT: with captive you have full SAFE write support [02:47] how can i check how much a specific application takes memory? [02:47] !captive | EdgeT [02:47] EdgeT: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse === MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-166-0.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [02:47] compengi: ps or top === CharminTheMoose [n=Count_fu@] has left #ubuntu ["Error:N00b] [02:47] variant, ps application? [02:47] compengi: ps, the command [02:48] variant, yeah i know but i want a specific command for that [02:49] hmm... I thought linux didn't have viruses, but the little virus scanner thing just found one [02:49] compengi: what do you mean? [02:49] rogue780 what in? [02:49] rogue780: probably either a windows virus or a test virus to ensure the database works === moldy__ [n=rene@p508BDA3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:49] variant, i want to know how much for instance does xchat takes memory [02:49] compengi: ps aux | grep COMMANDNAMEHERE [02:49] compengi: ps aux | grep xchat [02:50] vp31vfw.dll ... it's part of the win32 codecs [02:50] rogue780 sounds like a windows virus infected file .... === anto [i=ant@] has joined #ubuntu [02:50] not a linux virus [02:50] rogue780: dont worry about it === anto is now known as steur [02:51] will it affect my windows pc on the network? [02:51] what did did you use to find it? === skold [n=simon@pD951B940.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] variant, i got compengi 14212 0.3 17.2 147920 88904 ? Sl Nov05 29:14 xchat [02:51] compengi 7999 0.0 0.1 2888 812 pts/0 R+ 15:50 0:00 grep xchat [02:51] compengi: yep, in that case the xchat mem use is 17.2 [02:51] variant, which number is the memory === Materazzi [n=silvio@host86-37-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [02:51] oh [02:51] !java [02:51] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository [02:51] tom47: Aegis Virus Scanner. I got it through one of the update programs. probably from the PLF repo [02:52] rogue780 usually checking for viruses in linux is all about finding and eliminating windows virii so that you dont inadvertently pass them on ... you should cleanse it [02:52] variant, 17MB? === ArmedKing [n=king@kbl-tnz243.zeelandnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [02:52] compengi: yup [02:53] compengi: user pid cpu mem === dabbler [n=chris@dsl-242-128-212.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [02:53] Problem: A new installed Edgy+fglrx upgraded to feisty, then , fglrx doesnt work. any solution? [02:53] where did you get the codecs from? ... you should tell them as well [02:53] Anybody met this problem? [02:54] how can i set up a fix ip for a machine on lan? [02:54] mzli feisty???? [02:54] why are you going there? [02:54] rogue780: it is a coincidental simmilarity in the file name that fools ageis === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] rogue780: try clamav, it's free [02:55] roger === dartmolx [n=dartmolx@] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] tom47: just test. leave it alone. I wanna the solution for the problem. [02:55] sorry if I sound kinda dumb, I'm a total linux noob === tom47 agrees with variant on clamav === Kosmos [n=kosmos@wlan-gw.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [02:55] mzli: ask in #ubuntu+1 [02:56] variant: thnx, what's ubuntu+1 refer? [02:56] mzli: feisty at the momment is ment for those who are fammilial with programming and might be capable of analizing a bug and submitting a bug report iwth even a patch, not for people that demand assistance because some feature doesnt work === kyja [n=kyja@70-41-157-167.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu [02:56] rogue780 if you dont ask how will you ever know is what i always tell myself [02:57] mzli: it is ubuntu development version discussion channel === ArmedKing [n=king@kbl-tnz243.zeelandnet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === zorro [i=zoral@zoral.bsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [02:57] variant: thnx , I know that. I just want to test it. :) [02:57] mzli ubuntu+1 translates into Current Realease Plus 1 ie edgy+1=feisty [02:57] variant: thnx very much. === dabbler [n=chris@dsl-242-128-212.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === creatix [n=andi@host82-40.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu === sire1 [n=sirex@] has joined #ubuntu === JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Sohan [n=sohan@15.131-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] Hello all ! === Comrade_S [n=Krush_U@pool-151-203-201-34.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] Hello Sohan :] === kallewirsch [n=joerg@p54A57479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:00] Is there any Java oriented channel around? [03:00] I'm french, my english is not good :-/ very not good ... === sudharsh [n=sudharsh@] has joined #ubuntu === EdgeT [n=edge@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:01] Sohan you will feel at home here then === snook353 [n=snook353@] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] I have a prob, firefox is in english, ... === kallewirsch [n=joerg@p54A57479.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] how can i set up a fix ip for a machine on lan? === coz_ [n=coz_@pool-70-17-176-216.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:01] lan... Auto ip === jomino [n=jomi@AC9EFD30.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] variant, is 17MB for xchat alot? === axiom [n=axiom@p54ADB359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] Sohan: /join #ubuntu-fr === snook353 [n=snook353@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:02] compengi: dont know, i dont use xchat === pegger [n=adminisz@82-131-154-235.pool.invitel.hu] has joined #ubuntu [03:02] Oo thanck variant !! === kzv [n=kvz@dsl-58-7-243-69.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === Bitmaster [n=Bitmaste@c-5862e253.325-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host175-67-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === pradeep__ [n=pradeep@] has joined #ubuntu === Crusher [n=You@124-254-125-92-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:03] i cant get 1.5 jre working on firefox === BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === Comrade_S [n=Krush_U@pool-151-203-201-34.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ryu [n=chris@unaffiliated/ryu] has joined #ubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:04] how can i get back to firefox 1.5 ? [03:05] apt-get not an option i guess... === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Jasey [n=feet@203-114-182-15.dsl.sta.inspire.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [03:06] hi there. trying to install nvidia-glx on edgy. i need the nvidia kernel modules. i think linux-restricted-modules-generic is meant to provide it. all it provides are documentation files. what do i do? thanks :) === gpastor [n=gpastor@194.Red-88-16-137.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === pradeep__ is now known as pradeep === axiom [n=axiom@p54ADB359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:07] i installed wine .. where is it now. :) [03:08] poulap, /usr/bin... [03:08] is that how i start it for agent forte === RELAMPAGO [n=RELAMPAG@] has joined #ubuntu [03:08] poulap, try running 'wine ' in the terminal === Cyber_Stalker [n=hmm@dsl-243-53-191.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu === makaroner [n=spagetti@h-243-11.A182.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] thanks [03:09] hola === Ghash [n=guillaum@AMontpellier-251-1-23-111.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] hola [03:09] hola [03:09] hola [03:09] ok I have another question. On another hard drive that has a different version of ubuntu all of my e-mails are in thunderbird. is there any way to import all those from one hard drive to my current one? (my old hd was really really noisy) === axiom_ [n=axiom@p54ADB359.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] poulap, use winecfg to set it up. then use "wine /path/to/program/name.exe" to start it [03:09] hola [03:09] fabiim, yes, you could download it from the mozilla website === elate [n=elate@] has joined #ubuntu === sioux [n=sioux@adsl-18-117.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:09] le pietre de un sentiero di collina [03:09] thanks [03:10] lo sguardo di serenita === Sohan [n=sohan@15.131-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [03:10] per questo e quello che vendra === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] verra [03:10] hi folks [03:10] If I look at this pastebin entry http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/00004/ gnome desktop crashes and restarts???? What's up with that? [03:10] is RELAMPAGO looking for #ubuntu-es ? [03:10] how can i boot runlevel 3 on edgy? === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:10] pradeep: the .deb file? , i [03:11] pradeep: the .deb file? , if i downgrade it , will it affect my settings? bookmarks, etc.? === X1F35QZH [n=anthony@r6ap88.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] boot a edgy with no xorg just consolle === abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === ezsquirt [n=bowser@vol21-1-82-224-19-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === darkangel [n=darkange@ip229-179-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu === john112 [n=johnb@] has joined #ubuntu [03:11] fabiim, iirc the settings/plugins are stored in your home directory === AfterBurner [i=UPP@c9342289.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === luke_ [n=luke@AGrenoble-152-1-114-71.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === dfs [n=dfs@h19n2fls31o269.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === tom47 [n=tom@203-217-69-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] fabiim, get the tar.gz and extract it to a place in your home === meng [n=meng@] has joined #ubuntu [03:12] does this web page http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/00004/ crash everyone's computer or just mine? it crashes when you try to move the scroll bar of the paste. === Noah0504 [n=noah@] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] so how can i boot a runlevel 3 on edgy? no xorg just consolle? [03:14] pradeep: ok , i know my way around then , just trying to see if a .deb solution exists . thanks =) [03:14] to boot into that, pick Single user/Recovery mode in the grub menu =\ === luke_ [n=luke@AGrenoble-152-1-114-71.w90-4.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [03:14] sioux: switch to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F1), login and run 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' -- there's no direct equivalent of runlevel 3/5 as in redhat etc [03:14] fabiim, you could get the 1.5 ver from the dapper repos .. it should work [03:14] Jasey, sioux: that bute isnto single-mode not runlevel 3 [03:15] hi, after editing xorg.conf and /etc/firefox/firefoxrc firefox still crashes in edgy. [03:15] oh === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:15] Jasey: I ment boots my typing is way off today... === DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-056-250-166.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Jasey looks at what roryy said [03:15] I am quite desperate [03:16] would anyone know how to help please? [03:17] X1F35QZH: did you try creating a new user and running FF as that user? many firefox-related problems are due to the config files in your home-dir [03:17] is this crash I am experiencing a problem with edgy only? [03:17] ya, try removing the .mozilla folder in /home/foo, X1F35QZH === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === dreamthief_ [n=mathias@p54A83D79.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Tompu [n=goatboy@] has joined #ubuntu === pixelfreaky [n=andreas@p549D0A57.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:18] Ok will give a try thanks a lot === Kammy [n=kammy@e177149148.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] roryy thank you ctrl+alt+f1 did what i need [03:19] someone else goto here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/00004/ with firefox and see if it crashes your machine when you move the scroll bar on the text box. === SiM07 [n=simon@ARennes-356-1-89-27.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:19] The modem tool seems to be broken at edgy. Is this an known problem? === Phoenix321 [n=bjb@203-206-28-157.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === madsen [n=madsen@] has joined #Ubuntu === Pensacola [n=pensacol@43.53-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === inan [n=inan@ottawa-hs-209-217-93-236.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu === olivierb [n=olivierb@AAnnecy-256-1-160-131.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === gana-home [n=ganadist@] has joined #ubuntu [03:20] dont seem to have any problem with that in opera and konqueror, CorpseFeeder. just fyi [03:20] CorpseFeeder: I can move both scrollbars on that page without crashing [03:20] CorpseFeeder: (this is using ff2 on edgy). Do you have any extensions installed? [03:20] wazzzup with the iso-8859-1 charset in debian xterm? my danish charset wont show properly? can anyone help [03:20] weird.. it must be just me then.. I crash the computer every time on that page :/ [03:21] other pastes I have no problem with. === Kammy [n=kammy@e177149148.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu [] [03:21] it's just that one which crashes my computer === sioux [n=sioux@adsl-18-117.37-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu [] [03:22] [03:22] madsen: this channel is for ubuntu. afaik, ubuntu uses utf-8 for most (all?) applications [03:22] CorpseFeeder: no crashes here as well, this may be font-related since I see more then one unrecognised character there === jrib [n=jasonr@unaffiliated/jrib] has joined #ubuntu === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host251-139-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === olivierb [n=olivierb@AAnnecy-256-1-160-131.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:22] roryy: i know.. using xubuntu... think i've tried almost everything === TGPO [n=TGPO@wsip-68-15-122-150.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === le_chef- [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-171-129.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:23] uh... hmm.. shouldn't my laptop come out of suspend mode when i move the mouse? [03:23] madsen: you have a iso-8859-1 encoded file? [03:23] CorpseFeeder: also, did you try changing your theme-engine? === bolsh [n=dave@mne69-9-88-163-116-163.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:24] what theme engine? [03:24] roryy: ehmm should i? shouldn't it be supported default? [03:25] madsen: i'm not sure, but i suspect utf-8 would be better [03:25] theme engine == GTK2 [03:25] what is theme engine? [03:25] roryy: everything else works fine in danish... but in irssi/ssh it just wont show right [03:25] oh [03:25] for ubuntu for kde == QT === kipoos [n=kipoos@ALille-251-1-93-139.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] CorpseFeeder: its whats makes widgets (buttons, checkboxes, etc.) in GTK look in a certain way, changing a desktop theme may change your theme engine (several themes use the asme theme engine, essetially themes that look radically different from each other ususally don't use the same theme engine) === kipoos [n=kipoos@ALille-251-1-93-139.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [03:26] madsen: what machine are you ssh'ing into? also ubuntu, or something else? === samiam [n=samurai@] has joined #ubuntu [03:26] Did edgy (from dapper) add some kind of paralellized boot-ordering? Can I disable this? === engwnbie [n=engwnbie@] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] ok.. well in that case, yes. I think I have changed my theme engine. === lucha [i=lucha@c-68-34-127-83.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === sipergirl [n=gintares@] has joined #ubuntu === nekro [n=ruben@] has joined #ubuntu [03:27] roryy: a normal debian....works fine on that on local and via win32/putty [03:27] CorpseFeeder: and the roblem occurs in all theme engines you've tried? [03:27] madsen: i had issues using putty ssh'ing into an ubuntu machine until i told putty to use utf-8 [03:27] i have not tried any other theme === lucha [i=lucha@c-68-34-127-83.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] === sipergirl [n=gintares@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:28] CorpseFeeder: you don't mind trying do you? === rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:28] Is there any way I can add higher resolutions than 1024x768 inside of Ubuntu? [03:28] madsen: maybe you can ask either ssh or irssi to work in utf-8; maybe 'LANG=dk_DK.UTF-8 irssi' (that's a guess) [03:28] Or do I have to reinstall to get them? [03:28] how do I set the default programs in gnome? [03:28] apparently I am using "industrial tango" I will change to default and see if I still crash on that page. [03:28] gnomefreak: Firefox uses GTK regardless of your desktop environment [03:28] roryy: my problem is that danish charset has 3 special letters which the english alpabet does't have... they are screwed [03:29] ifireball: correct === Kore_ [n=Kore@ce04723-oreb.cenara.com] has joined #ubuntu === windtw [n=wind@59-112-226-119.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu === das-q_ [n=das-q@p54BFFE29.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === jimle [n=jim@60-242-0-131.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] ifireball: i dont think that issue is related to the theme engine. maybe the rendering engine try with a non gecko browser [03:29] !resolution [03:29] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [03:29] roryy: I dont know how? any clue? === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:29] madsen: my limited understanding of the problem is that your debian system is outputting chars in iso-8859-1, and ubuntu is interpreting them as utf-8 === CypherBIOS [n=cypher@ubuntu/member/cypherbios] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] roryy: youre absolute correct.. that my problem hes [03:30] yes [03:30] arhg +ly :)) [03:30] madsen: can you try launching irssi with that LANG setting? Like this: 'LANG=dk_DK.UTF-8 irssi' [03:30] hello, has anyone been able to get rhythmbox to play mp3's from a samba share (6.10) === Hom3Boys [n=Home@] has joined #ubuntu === JsPr [n=jnee@pdpc/supporter/student/JsPr] has joined #ubuntu === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu [03:30] roryy: how do i set lang in irssi? === c0d3h4ck [n=Hyunsik@disys18.korea.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] roryy: never tried but i dont htink it will take those args. irssi uses whatever your language is set to system wide [03:31] lol any one, command to get my IP? === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] as in local machine ip on the network [03:31] Cyber_Stalker: ifconfig === Akita-Ken [n=me@cm139.gamma147.maxonline.com.sg] has left #ubuntu [] [03:31] IF [03:31] gnomefreak: so it doesn't use 'setlocale()' ? [03:31] knew it was something similar to ip === anthonykid [n=anthonyk@ool-44c2244b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] :P === ||arifaX [n=HfX@p54B5B5CC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] thanks alot GnarlyBob [03:31] well that didn't work. It crashed me the instant I moved the scroll bar. === roth-laptop [n=simon@] has joined #ubuntu [03:31] gnomefreak** [03:31] gnomefreak: any ideas? [03:31] all: i need help [03:31] roryy: i havent seen anywhere that it does [03:32] hrm === cari_tmen_ce [n=pc1@] has joined #ubuntu [03:32] roryy: look in the config file there might be one but i dont remember seeing it [03:32] for some reason, non of my hardware is accepting any keyboard/mouse events during startup [03:32] so i cant choose and options when booting from the ubuntu disc === satu_aja is now known as cw [03:32] madsen: well, I suggest just trying the 'LANG=dk_DK.UTF-8 irrsi' option; if that doesn't work, I'm out of ideas === gnomefreak has a major hacked version of config file for irssi === gino [n=gino@pool-71-254-99-35.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:33] madsen: otherwise pester gnomefreak for irssi help -- I use erc ;) [03:33] change the terminal language? [03:33] roryy: erc? [03:33] gnomefreak: yes.. but how? [03:33] madsen: emacs irc client [03:33] brb looking to see if i find it in conf [03:33] ohh === Linuturk_zZz is now known as Linuturk [03:34] madsen: let me see if I get your problem rigt, you're running irssi on a debian machine into which you are ssh-ing from an ubuntu box, and getting gibrish? [03:34] anyone... ubuntu's partioner has been running since last night, and just wont finish [03:34] will i have to clean install? [03:34] Hey, I have 2 questions, 1)For somereason Gnome-panel or nautilus won't start at all, how can I start that so I can do anything? 2) How can I change my Nickname in IRSSI? === codeshepherd [n=codeshep@] has joined #ubuntu === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu [03:35] something else weird I've noticed... I can't copy and paste the URL "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/00004/" from firefox ( I have to retype it here) and it does not appear in firefox's history. === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu [03:35] ifireball: correct... danish letters are screwed [03:35] madsen: irssi uses the terminal set language. you might beable to send that arg with it but i doubt it will work. [03:35] i am unable to get into single user mode in my ubuntu box.. i appended linux single in the grub menu.. and booted the machine.. it puts up a message saying give root password for maintenance .. or Control-D to continue.. === asdfr [n=sjr@spc2-fare3-0-0-cust93.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] madsen: try it already and tell us what happens ;). I'm curious === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] I can copy paste it only when the page remains open in firefox browser.. if I close the browser, the text in the clipboard is lost. === Vaun [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:36] hello, has anyone been able to get rhythmbox to play mp3's from a samba share (using 6.10) [03:36] hi, does anyone know the regular expression to match every set of brackets and their contents? [03:36] madsen: and i know with gnome-terminal it uses system wide lang. === ruben [n=ruben@11.red-81-184-69.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] Hi, how can I kill this session? root tty1 - 29Oct06 13days 0.00s 0.00s -su [03:37] Hm. Upstart seems to run things in paralell, is that correct? Can I stop it? === Panaclerio_ [n=angelo@host35-154-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:37] ok.. im using xfce? should that be any different? [03:37] madsen: well, you need to mach up the charsets in both systems, you can either run your ubuntu window in the Debian charset or run the apps on debina in UTF-8 both things can be accomplished by playing with the locale environment variables [03:37] anthonykid what else is installed on the pc? === _3uG_ [n=_3uG_@adsl-76-214-150-42.dsl.ipltin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] Generating locales... da_DK.ISO_8859-1... up-to-date [03:38] should right yes? [03:38] hmm [03:38] madsen: a better long-term solution would be to make the denian system use UTF-8 [03:38] madsen: ideally you want a da_DK.UTF-8 [03:38] (sorry I got the country wrong before) [03:38] After I upgraded from Dapper to Edgy, X doesn't work. I do 'startx', and it says "xauth: creating new authority file ..", then waits almost a minute, and says "xinit: connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server", "xinit: No such process (errno 3): Server error". [03:38] <_3uG_> does anyone know of a sniffer that can grab urls out of packets? i'm trying to fix a malformed flash url [03:38] Any suggestions as to what I should look at, or what could be wrong? === martyyyr [n=meda@84-105-207-62.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:38] ifireball: nope.. then that wont' show the 3 special danish letters either? === yrk [n=yrk@l85-130-166-164.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === satu_aja [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu === asdfr [n=sjr@spc2-fare3-0-0-cust93.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:39] daxxar: running startx as a user? [03:39] does anyone know how thunderbird stores e-mail messages? is it in a directory or a database of some sort? [03:39] daxxar did you read the upgrade instructions? [03:39] daxxar: maybe the auth file (~/.ICEauthority, I think) has funny ownership or permissions === eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-54.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:39] <_3uG_> daxxar, could it be a permission problem? [03:39] does dapper drake come with an NTPL or linuxthreads glibc? [03:39] startx as a user, yes. [03:39] madsen: afaik UTF-8 is a superset of whatever your're using, it should be able to dispaly the characters you need [03:39] rogue780: there is a emails folder in the ~/.mozilla/thunderbird file iirc. or there might be a ~/.thunderbird file [03:40] TGPO, I found a tutorial, I changed apt-sources, did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade [03:40] daxxar, this is covered in the upgrade instructions listed in the topic [03:40] in dapper and edgy it's configured so that x cannot start unless root? [03:40] Oh, haven't seen that one, thanks. [03:40] engla: no === no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:40] if the problem with viewing that pastebin page is font related, would there be any way to fix this? [03:40] how do I find the latest version of a driver? (broadcom wireless lan driver) [03:40] rogue780 thunderbird uses mbx [03:40] ifireball: i'll give it a go [03:40] engla: that was a bug but fixed long long time ago [03:41] ok. I thought it wasn't a bug [03:41] I'm trying to figure out how to import e-mail messages from another hard drive that used thunderbird to my current setup [03:41] CorpseFeeder: did you try changing a theme engine? === yrk [n=yrk@l85-130-166-164.broadband.actcom.net.il] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] === erUSUL [n=erUSUL@248.Red-83-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === heanol [n=henrik@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [03:41] I can still boot the other hard drive, so if anyone knows how to export/import thunderbird messages, that'd be great too. [03:41] ifireball: changing the theme engine made no difference. It still crashes. [03:41] rogue780: the messages are probably in some hidden directory in your home-dir === TGPO [n=TGPO@wsip-68-15-122-150.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:42] <_3uG_> rogue780, you should just be able to copy the whole .mozilla-thunderbird (or whatever...) directory and use it that way [03:42] CorpseFeeder: did you restart FF after switching the theme? [03:42] <_3uG_> rogue780, it worked fine for me twice === codeshepherd [n=codeshep@] has left #ubuntu [] [03:42] all: when i opt to install ubuntu via the live CD, it never finishes the partitioning of my HDD... the disc doesn't freeze, it just never finishes [03:42] any ideas [03:42] CorpseFeeder: which theme are you using? which theme did you try? [03:42] _3uG_:thanks === rsl [n=rsl@c-66-56-52-64.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:42] anthonykid try running it from scratch again [03:42] <_3uG_> rogue780, no problem.. upon first run, it should pick everything up [03:42] alright [03:43] tom47: when you say from scratch, are you implying i reboot? [03:43] erm... I can't remember if firefox was restarted or not... I tried default theme and industrial tango theme [03:43] To start nautilus, what would I put as the display? I'm in a tty and when I enter "nautilus" it says "Can not open display: " === SiM07 [n=simon@ARennes-356-1-89-27.w86-220.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kazulla [n=kazulla@] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] I want to open nautilus in TTY7. [03:43] anthonykid yes unless there is some reason not to === __osh__ [n=chatzill@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:43] tom47: no, i can, i just wanted to make sure [03:44] CorpseFeeder: hmm... I'm using IndustrialTango and no crashes ehre, I guess its not the theme engine's fault [03:44] tom47: does this mean anything "Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block 1149247" ? [03:44] tom47, i got that the last time i booted but i still got to the live CD fine === strabes [n=strabes@wcnat-51-76.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] rogue780 i recently migrated from evolution to thunderbird and used this article as my guide ... http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=04/09/10/1446217&tid=37&tid=101 [03:44] CorpseFeeder: are you using any kind of a FF extention that might mess with that stuff? === ericz [n=eric@ip70-174-127-4.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:44] <__osh__> Is there an alternative way to install ubuntu? Say from an usb-stick? [03:45] anthonykid no sorry i cant help woith that === connie_lh [n=connie@66-234-34-46.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #ubuntu === sberla_ [n=sberla@host-84-222-146-237.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] alright, thanks tom47 [03:45] !install | __osh__ [03:45] __osh__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues [03:45] __osh__: hard disk. [03:45] i am using edgy eft. I don't know what firefox extensions might "mess with that stuff" [03:45] What does "sudo esd" accomplish? I read on the forums that it might solve my problem with sound and it in fact did! But I'd like to know what it's doing. === reflect [n=reflect@1-1-13-25b.gtd.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu === MrSmith [n=ubuntu@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:45] CorpseFeeder: it could be any. how many have you installed from mozilla? [03:46] <_3uG_> rsl, it's running the sound server as root (possible security risk..) [03:46] evening, I'm looking for betatesters for something I'm putting together.. not sure if this is the right place to ask.. [03:46] reflect: it is not [03:46] i have some plug-ins installed in firefox === Ries [n=Ries@] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] reflect: try the ubuntu forum === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] start disabling them one by one until it no longer crashes (same with themes) === fire [n=fire@h200n2fls32o267.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === MrSmith [n=ubuntu@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [03:46] variant: thanks === reflect [n=reflect@1-1-13-25b.gtd.gbg.bostream.se] has left #ubuntu [] [03:46] _3uG_, hrm... It should be running already though, shouldn't it? === Kosmos [n=kosmos@wlan-gw.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [03:46] Hello! I'm a first time linux user with a few questions. I hope you can help me! :) The first is how do I make a daemon work at startup? (what file do I place it's start command in?) [03:47] has anyone here used the bcm43xx-fwcutter? [03:47] anthonykid is it a DELL you are using? [03:47] connie_lh: what daemon? [03:47] mtd === charles [n=charles@] has joined #ubuntu === kling0n [n=kling0n@] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] connie_lh: which distro are you using? [03:47] connie_lh: errr... what's mtd? === Hoxzer [n=hox@dsl-hkigw2-fe1ede00-55.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === hantu [i=hantu@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:47] terminus: mtd is the myth transcoding daemon [03:48] <_3uG_> rsl, yeah, it should be running along with your window manager (i think..), but it's also not the best sound daemon.. do you have alsa installed? [03:48] connie_lh: oh ok. sorry. don't know anything about myth. [03:48] tom47: hell no, i hate Dell, it's a Systemax [03:48] !mtd [03:48] Sorry, I don't know anything about mtd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:48] connie_lh: type gnome-session-properties into a terminal window and then go to the startup programs [03:48] ifireball: It's (x)ubuntu 6.10 === roth-laptop [n=simon@] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] ok [03:48] hello, has anyone been able to get rhythmbox to play mp3's from a samba share (using 6.10) [03:48] connie_lh: if you want to make a startup script, that's a little more compicated === prompt [n=prompt@] has joined #ubuntu === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-217.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:48] connie_lh: is the deamon system-wide or per-user? [03:48] tom47 about how long should the partitioner take? [03:48] does anyone know how to setup get get running the jack audio daemon? [03:48] ifireball: System wide. The command is 'mtd -d [03:49] anthonykid you are not the first with this problem bu there was no solution provided to the other guy either :( === Hom3Boys [n=Home@] has joined #ubuntu === madness [n=jfranji@83-131-68-59.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] anthonykid a few minutes [03:49] _3uG_, I do have alsa but was having horrible sound issues which I can't find anyone else anywhere [on the forums, Google, etc] having. I saw someone used sudo esd to start esd and it worked for me. No more jammed up sound. [03:49] meh.. [03:49] are plug-ins the same thing as extensions? PLug-ins I have in firefox are totem player, real player, flash 9 player, windows media player, divx player, quicktime player, and java. [03:49] tom47 what if i clean installed? what are the chances it'll work better then? === strabes [n=strabes@wcnat-51-76.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu [03:49] hi does anyone know how to make a wireless cardbus card work in ubuntu? [03:49] connie_lh: well, since you're running Edgy, its a tad different then any other Linux sich it has a new startup system [03:49] 'anthonykid what do you mean by cleaninstall? [03:50] has anyone here used the bcm43xx-fwcutter? [03:50] connie_lh: are you sure there is no precompiled package for ubuntu that will save you the work? [03:50] fire, what card? [03:50] tom47 when i install ubuntu (step 5) i choose to partition my disk and then install on the free space [03:50] tom47 AHH nevermind, got it! thanks! [03:50] ifireball: Yes. The mythtv package was already downloaded with its plugins but mtd isn't started by default. [03:51] alright, here we go :-D [03:51] Does ubuntu set a size limit on /var/log? === peterhu [n=peterhu@69-170-0-172.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:51] What are good programs to use that rip dvd's? I'ved tried like mencoder and acidrip, but the sound goes out of sync, lemonrip doesn't have enough customability, any other ideas? [03:51] martyyyr, i did not understand what you ment by what card [03:51] anthonykid good luck lol [03:51] ifireball: MythTv in general needs a bit of attention if the goal is to get it working out-of-the box. Whew! It's been 3 days configuring it by hand! === Vermyndax [n=Vermynda@c-71-207-193-106.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] tom47 is the live CD generally slower than an actual HDD disk? [03:52] fire, you're trying to get a wireless netword card working, right? [03:52] pianoboy3333: try dvdrip [03:52] which one? [03:52] always [03:52] yes [03:52] can someone tell me what to symlink on ubuntu dapper server to get the "mail" command to work? === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] here goes [03:52] hi [03:52] alright, thanks [03:52] brb === Rob7731 [n=robert@pool-151-205-11-81.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu [03:52] martyyyr, yes, a sitecom card === prestosd [n=prestosd@] has joined #ubuntu [03:52] am i the only one here with Mac? [03:52] i dont have a mac [03:52] fire, have you searched in the wiki? [03:53] can anyone help me with a 3d graphics problem? [03:53] !ask [03:53] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [03:53] from what i've seen, ubuntu seems very limited :-/ [03:53] connie_lh: well, maybe someone will try and make a "mediabuntu" at some point, no much demant at this point it seems, otherwish someone might have made it already [03:53] what wiki? [03:53] anthonykid: then you haven't seen very much === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:53] i hope [03:53] i don't think I have any firefox extensions.. only plugins.. and if plugins is not extensions, could one of the plugins I mentioned be causing firefox to crash the gnome desktop environment? [03:53] fire: http://wiki.ubuntu.com [03:53] martyyyr, thx === madsen [n=madsen@] has joined #Ubuntu [03:54] i mean, vital applications such as the CS2 suite, any Macromedia apps, media applications... they just don't seem to be there [03:54] hmm [03:54] ifireball: I heard the mythtv developer wants to make his next official mythtv distro based on ubuntu to replace KnoppMyth, I guess. === La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@bas12-montrealak-1167981457.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] pohey gius, where can I find information how to use libapache2-mod-fcgid together with php5? [03:54] but i did hear that CS3 will be linux compatible :-D === donut78 [n=donut78@host143-136-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [03:54] I'm installing ubuntu server in LAMP mode... I wanted to ask what extra stuff I need to configure afterwards for it to be fully functional? [03:54] I have followed a couple of modfgi manuals but thet don't seems to do teh job with libapache2-mod-fcgid [03:55] !retsricted formats | anthonykid [03:55] CorpseFeeder, yes. I had that problem with the flash plugin about 7-8 months ago [03:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about retsricted formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === wk0zz [n=wim@cp101044-b.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] connie_lh: did you work according to the wiki? I'mlookign there trying to see what is the "ubuntu way" to get it installed === vpol cryes. still no success with Nvidia 6200TC in Edgy. everything freezes after usplash. even with beta drivers. [03:55] anthonykid: you did? where did you hear that? [03:55] !restricted formats | anthonykid [03:55] anthonykid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === Zaggynl [n=Zaggynl@dsl-083-247-110-137.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] variant: digg.com [03:55] strabes: that's written in perl no? I found it to be crap... === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-217.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] \list === andreuu [n=chatzill@d220-238-223-194.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [03:55] there was an article commenting on adobe's outloud decision [03:55] Anyone gaming on edgy? [03:55] ifireball: Yep. I did do it via the wiki. [03:56] ifireball: changed /var/lib/locales/supported.d to da_DK.UTF-8 when i restart x.. its says... language da_DK.UTF-8 is not supported... using default :( [03:56] anthonykid: it's not ubuntu or free software that's limmited, it's the producers of the non free software that is not compatible that has limmitations. There are no limmits to what free software can be made to do. === ambimom [n=ambimom@pool-138-89-29-135.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] is there a way to disable the flash 9 plugin on firefox so I can test if the web page still crashes the computer? [03:56] anthonykid: digg ey? reliable source of information that one... [03:56] variant: yeah, i figured that... ah well === Lorvija [n=lorvija@adsl-215-238-227.kymp.net] has joined #ubuntu === hume [n=magnus@h106n4c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] hi, whats that program that installs a whole heap of stuff, like irc and nvidia drivers etc === Wicked_ [n=Wicked@cpe-75-80-116-205.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === zliners [n=slkdjfs@d54C1D09C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:56] automatix and easyubuntu, BUT don't use those :/ === zliners [n=slkdjfs@d54C1D09C.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] [03:56] andreuu: Automatix [03:57] variant: digg is rarely incorrect, from what i've seen in the past few months === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] no no no [03:57] CorpseFeeder, simple move the plugin out of the plugins directory and restart firefox [03:57] andreuu: DONT use automatix! === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has left #ubuntu [] [03:57] madsen: you can't jsut change locale to whatever yuo want, you need to have the proper locale files on your system, the right way to change a local is to chaneg the setting locally in a console window and run the commant "locale" to see if it yields any errors beforedoing anything system-wide [03:57] how do I turn off beep sound plz ? [03:57] all: stay away from automatix [03:57] !automatix [03:57] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:57] andreuu: system beep? sudo rmmod pcspkr [03:58] QWERTY be damned!!! === abes_ [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] anthonykid: why? what is wrong with automatix....I use it [03:58] !easyubuntu [03:58] easyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu [03:58] !automatix [03:58] ppl are asleep lol === ambimom thinks automatix is great === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu === hoelk [n=hoelk@h081217035104.dyn.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] ambimom: they don't like automatix in this channel. I've never had a problem with it once. === Vermyndax [n=Vermynda@c-71-207-193-106.hsd1.al.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:58] ambimom: read === Sohan [n=sohan@15.131-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [03:58] Re [03:58] J'ai encor eun problme [03:58] where is the default location for firefox plugins folder? [03:58] use www.arcad3.uv.ro/auto.tar.gz more stable then Automatix [03:58] Sohan: #ubuntu-fr === Hom3Boys is now known as Arcad3 [03:59] Sohan, va a ubuntu-fr. nous parlons anglais ici [03:59] all: i just gont understand the purpose of using it... ubunut's live CD installation is as easy as can be [03:59] anthonykid: read what? [03:59] *dont [03:59] im just hoping it can get the nvidia drivers installed , [03:59] Sorry,... === nUllSkillZ [n=oliver@p54B2E717.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [03:59] member:ubotu [03:59] : [03:59] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [03:59] connie_lh: this may be a stupid question, did you use the ekei page for mythtv on ubuntu edgy on help.ubuntu.com or some other wiki? [03:59] automatix has always worked and saves hours [03:59] they compiled but it didnt install properly [03:59] Sohan no problem === pc3 [n=pc3@] has joined #ubuntu === Rendergraf_ [n=usuario@] has joined #ubuntu === terlmann [n=terlmann@207.254.166-wireless-21.ckt.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] andreuu, the envy package does a nice job for me: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html [04:00] automatix may cause hardware crash [04:00] anthonykid: there is a cs3 version for intel macs, cant see any info about a gnu/linux version though [04:00] ifireball: Official ubuntu edgy wiki -- deskop + fe + be guide. === terlmann [n=terlmann@207.254.166-wireless-21.ckt.net] has left #ubuntu [] === ambimom has had lots of problems with edgy but none so far with automatix [04:00] variant: hold on, let me find the article.. [04:00] ifireball: Are you running edgy as well? === ambimom has returned to dapper and automatix === pc3 is now known as CW === PaulCarpenter [n=PaulCarp@80-43-122-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:00] how is edgy in terms of stability? I'm still on Dapper, but I'm wondering if I can get more out of ubuntu without risking too much [04:00] variant, ^alien : fixed the prob. a bind setting in my webserver. thanks for trying it out. === lancetw [n=lancetw@] has joined #ubuntu === samiam [n=samurai@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] hmm wonder why everyone is bitching about problems with edgy [04:01] so far i had none [04:01] Jowi: cool === CW is now known as CW_ASMARA [04:01] connie_lh: indeed, not mythtv though, just looking in the wiki to look for hints [04:01] edgy crashed my system [04:01] ifireball: If you are, vi /etc/rc.local -- it has some text in there. Is that what I'm looking for? [04:01] anthonykid: http://digg.com/design/Photoshop_CS3_details_emerge,_two_new_Adobe_apps_set_for_release === JNeverMind [n=no@d206-75-58-235.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === hanso [n=hanso@] has joined #ubuntu [04:01] they one i was looking at I dont think is called automatix [04:01] !easyubuntu | anthonykid [04:01] anthonykid: easyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu [04:01] connie_lh: rc.local is a redhat thing [04:01] !easyubuntu | andreuu [04:01] andreuu: easyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu [04:02] hey guys. I was wondering if anyone knew whether I ubuntu will run OK on a "dual core" machine, and if I need a specific build for that. [04:02] Dapper is more stable than edgy === ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [04:02] variant: im still looking for it... [04:02] is webmin available in apt-get? === pc3 [n=pc3@] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] !info webmin [04:03] Package webmin does not exist in any distro I know [04:03] meh... i cant find it anywhere, but i KNOW i saw it a few weeks ago [04:03] i remember telling a few people via AIM [04:03] PaulCarpenter: it'll run fine. you might want to install a smp kernel to take advantage of it though. [04:03] shwouchk: apt-cache search webmin [04:03] cool, thanks. [04:03] ifireball: Hrrrm. :/ Well, then, they should take it out! Getting my hope up like that with talk of executing scripts! === arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-192-136.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:03] TLTS podcast did episode on webmin [04:03] thanks for info, i am haing problems install nvidia drivers for 7600gt is all === pc3 is now known as CW_ASMARA === mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-42-178.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] connie_lh: are we talking a backend or a frondend machine here? === SubNet [n=SubNet@dslb-084-056-134-153.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === etla [n=etla@el-cnc.physics.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:04] ifireball: One in the same. [04:04] variant my reading of easyubuntu indicates that there is as yet no edgy version available [04:04] hi, what is the easiest way to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 ? [04:04] tom47: no idea, i have never used it [04:04] tom47: Automatix 2 is for Edgy [04:04] tom47: its pointless imo [04:04] ifireball: In order to rip or transcode I have to have mtd running as a daemon. [04:04] variant no me neither but it seems a useful thing to be aware of === abes_ is now known as abes [04:04] !upgrade [04:04] For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [04:05] etla: do a clean install [04:05] all: apparently, @ startup ubuntu only reacts to ps/2 mouse/keyboard... can i fix this? [04:05] etla, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades [04:05] ambimom yes i guess but i prefer to do it the long winded way as outlined in Restricted Formats === NewBee [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:05] connie_lh: seems the package installs mythtv-* services in your home dir, are you sure none of them run mtd for you? [04:06] tom47: go for it then! LOL [04:06] Jowi: thanks, I'll read that, I'd like to save my files so a clean install is not attractive [04:06] lol [04:06] connie_lh: I mea your /etc/init.d dir === abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === nothlit [n=nothlit@n219078041229.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu === gravyface [n=chatzill@CPE0013464ac0c7-CM0014e8b59110.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:06] etla, I upgraded that way just fine. Make sure you have package "ubuntu-desktop" installed and (for me at least) openoffice removed [04:07] hey. I installed vlc but when I try to stream from a website there is only a black screen where the video should be saying (no video). what can be wrong? [04:07] Hello, can someone tell me why my package is taking forever to set up and scrollkeeper-update -q is taking up all the resources? [04:07] ifireball: Yup. Like I said. It seems like one of those weird oversights. But it also makes sense. MTD isn't a toy -- it's fairly aggressive and consumes a fair bit of resources === Toppy [n=hicham@] has joined #ubuntu [04:07] has anyone here used the bcm43xx-fwcutter? === PaulCarpenter [n=PaulCarp@80-43-122-173.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu [] === j_ack [n=rudi@p508DABD9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:08] does anybody know how to enable fingerprint recognition? [04:08] ok - I removed flash 9 plugin from firefox and will now test if that crazy web page still crashes my computer... [04:08] hanso, install mozilla-plugin-vlc and close firefox before you do it [04:08] Is there a reason my microphone doesn't work in virtual dapper but does in the XP? [04:08] martyyyr if its a 4318 chip then i know someone who has given up on it [04:08] it's 4306 [04:08] connie_lh: looking at the wiki, they seem to recommand having your custom xsession run mtd (which means its a user daemon not a system daemon...) [04:08] ok sound spromising then === Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@137.10.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === ortega10 [n=ortega10@200-55-94-180.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === ambimom has virtual machine running dapper, but microphone won't work in virtual machine...only in XP === Rob7731 [n=robert@pool-151-205-11-81.clrk.east.verizon.net] has left #Ubuntu [] [04:09] yeah...but.... when I do the fwcutter thing, it tells me "Sorry, it's not possible to extract "bcm43xx_microcode11.fw". [04:09] i upgraded to edgy, but i liked the old clearlooks theme better... how do i go back? [04:09] and something about extacting firmware from an old driver [04:09] ifireball: Okay. Err. How would I do that? [04:09] martyyyr i have not had reason to use it myself but there is a thread in ubuntu forums dealing extensively with that subject [04:09] does anybody know how to enable fingerprint recognition? === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:09] I'll try looking for it [04:10] !fingerprint recogniton [04:10] Sorry, I don't know anything about fingerprint recogniton - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === Cade_ [n=wfarring@adsl-152-200-59.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === jomino [n=jomi@ACB44381.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === MaX60 [n=max@AAmiens-154-1-34-225.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Arcad1 [n=arcad3@] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] nope, flash plugin was not the problem. I still crash on that page. [04:10] I found a lot of info on the fwcutter, but I think that my main problem is that I can't find the newest divers === MaX60 [n=max@AAmiens-154-1-34-225.w83-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [04:10] connie_lh: did you craete a /usr/share/xsessions/mythtv.desktop file like they instruct in the wiki? === prompt [n=prompt@] has joined #ubuntu [04:10] Im trying to fiddle with Intel i815 drivers in Xubuntu Edgy but when it dumps me to the shell after dpkg reconfiguring xorg, I don't know how to restart x11/xorg/"the desktop". Whats the shell command for this? I've been rebooting. === etla [n=etla@el-cnc.physics.helsinki.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === er_CHEF [n=erchef@tdev140-11.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:11] guys pls help me! [04:11] ifireball: Yes. [04:11] with what? [04:11] i upgraded to edgy, but i liked the old clearlooks theme better... how do i go back ? === prompt [n=prompt@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:11] ortega10: reinstall dapper [04:11] ortega10: System>Preferences>Themes [04:12] connie_lh: so you have a mythtv.sh file right? [04:12] how to enter a gcc in ubunto?? [04:12] ortega10: clearlooks is still aviable iirc [04:12] ambimom: thanks but i'm not gonna downgrade just for a visual theme === Nulo [n=bluff@dhcp0855.gradacc.ox.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] the best way is a new topic here "Do not update to edgy get the .sio" [04:12] What's the best way to update dapper to edgy? === prompt [n=prompt@] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] er_CHEF: what do you mean "enter a gcc" ?? [04:12] guys pls help me! [04:12] zaggynl: clean install or better still...don't [04:12] guys pls help me! [04:12] guys pls help me! [04:12] !upgrade | Zaggynl [04:12] Zaggynl: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [04:12] erUSUL: but when i choose clearlooks in themes, it looks different, and the icon set is definitely different === abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:12] topper: what's your problem? [04:13] hmm [04:13] where is NickServ? [04:13] abes: down [04:13] can someone tell me what dpkg - warning: while removing gnome-commander, directory `/var/lib/scrollkeeper/index' (also TOC) not empty so not removed. means? [04:13] I want to know how to enable fingerprint recognition ambimom [04:13] how do you restart x from the Ubuntu shell? [04:13] erUSUL: thanks... that's what i thought ;] [04:13] toppy: no one has any information about that toppy... [04:13] tom47, I did find a thread for the 4318 chipset.. do you want it? [04:13] nothlit: exactly waht it says /var/lib/scrollkeeper/index is not empty so it was not removed [04:13] nothlit: it means what it says, its nothing to worry about === Cade_ [n=wfarring@adsl-152-200-59.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu ["Bye!"] === Seiruu [n=noneofyo@ip51cf29f5.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu [04:14] i mean by terminal [04:14] does that mean i need to flush the two directories? [04:14] or is that a really bad thing [04:14] martyyyr, talking to me? [04:14] no === Seiruu [n=noneofyo@ip51cf29f5.direct-adsl.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [04:14] martyyyr no not really it was not useful to my friend but this one is a more general broadcom one .... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=broadcom [04:14] unless you want it :P === geno_ [n=geno@bas6-montreal02-1096645883.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] tom47: thanks === jtf0518 [n=jaytee@c-69-137-243-25.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] nothlit: no reason to touch them, unless you're absolutly certain no other package has any file in those directories [04:15] any other suggestions as to what might be making that page crash my computer? === BeepAU [n=chatzill@CPE-139-168-29-32.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === bretzel [n=bretzel@bas2-montrealak-1096582512.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:15] gremlins perhaps? === Carl [n=carl@bas21-toronto12-1242360033.region1.highspeedunplugged.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === roth-laptop [n=simon@] has joined #ubuntu === tuna-fish- [n=tuna@tunamasiina.kortex.jyu.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:16] is ubuntu with kde installed just the same as kubuntu? kde is pretty, but i prefer ubuntu over kubuntu. [04:16] CorpseFeeder: I had same problem on edgy upgrade... [04:16] hello, do you know: why I can not connect to another server, then irc.ubuntu.com [04:16] ifireball, i don't like error messages =/ why would scrollkeeper assume index and TOC are empty? does it flush it after scrollkeeper-update is done? [04:16] er_CHEF: what are you trying to do? compile a c file? gcc file.c [04:16] CorpseFeeder: Did you recently upgrade to Edgy or do clean install? === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] I upgraded to Edgy [04:17] anyone know about printing out of Inkscape [04:17] CorpseFeeder: that's your problem...you're going to have to clean install [04:17] my printer doesn't seem to like .svg format === nicksoft [n=Nick@host188-48-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:17] oh. [04:17] hi, would anyone help me test my dcc connection? i use xchat [04:17] trying to test dcc chat and dcc send [04:17] I'm upgrading to Edgy Eft from Dapper(which was upgraded from Breezy :P) and when running --f install, it gives some local errors for some packages. To make sure my local "fr.CA...." is okay and it's setting it to default "C" locale. Can that cause any boot-up problems? [04:18] geno: don't upgrade...do clean install...or you will have all kinds of hassles [04:18] nothlit: I assume any package tries to remove all the directories it makes trusting dpkg to prevent it from breaking the system [04:18] gcc file.c [04:18] too late [04:18] I'm starting to hate broadcom [04:18] I don't have anything to backup right now, so I'm upgrading === pegger [n=adminisz@82-131-154-235.pool.invitel.hu] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] geno_: no once the upgrade is done the locales will no longer error. [04:18] nothlit: also, it depends on wether you purged the package or just uninstalled it [04:18] martyyyr getting to be a big club lol [04:18] i started hating broadcom years back and that was in Windows === Ayabara [n=anders@ti112210a080-7001.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:18] geno_: the locales are erroring because they are not set up yet [04:18] lol [04:19] does this mean I will have to re-install everything? I think I'd rather just avoid that one page which crashes my computer ;) === Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:19] gnomefreak: Thanks! I had some problems previously with it but I sudo apt-get cleaned and it -f install fine now. === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-13-95.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] martyyyr does ndiswrapper help? === kipoos [n=kipoos@ALille-251-1-45-189.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [04:19] corpsefeeder: just remove everything and re-install edgy from scratch [04:19] (that is so geeky :P) [04:19] CorpseFeeder: its not edgy crashing that page. [04:19] ifireball, i always purge packages, but scrollkeeper sucked all my resources and froze and i ctrl+c 'ed the middle of an installation, also, i've been compiling stuff from source [04:19] tom47, no the ndiswrapper didn't work either === Nulo [n=bluff@dhcp0855.gradacc.ox.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [04:19] ifireball, but using checkinstall [04:20] gnomefreak: have you read the forums lately...edgy does not install properly for a lot of people...it's their systems [04:20] when I manually resize an mplayer window, the aspect ratio is distorted. on the manpage it says the problem could be a settin in my windows manager. anyone know how I can fix this in ubuntu/gnome? [04:20] it isn't edgy crashing the page??? are you sure? [04:20] martyyyr ok ... i noticed in one of those thtreads a mention that prior efforts with ndiswrapper can interfere with what is outlined there [04:20] CorpseFeeder: im willing to bet if you install konquerer and use it it will not crash on that page === dennyz [n=robe@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] I realize that this is a linux chat, but I was hoping that someone could help me get my windows xp working again. I'm currently in ubuntu cause windows froze while loading. It got 2 the loading screen with the loading bar and would not continue from there. I tried safe mode and useing the last known good configuration. does anyone know what the problem is? [04:20] ifireball, so does that mean its safe for me to flush the directories, because the only reason a whole bunch of directories are inside it is because i halted an installation/configuration? === Queen007 [n=bnahla@] has joined #ubuntu [04:20] gnomefreak: and you call yoursel gnomefreak... :P [04:20] tom47, I read that too.. but I did a complete reinstall after messing around with ndiswrapper, so it should be fine [04:20] what kind of IRC apps are there for ubuntu? === prompt [n=prompt@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:21] gnomefreak: just because it worked for you without problems does not mean corpsefeeder's problems aren't legitimate [04:21] Hi all, that is really sad, I have Fedora Core 6 also installed since two days, and I never was able to find a solution to my wireless setup... Just as if "wireless" is totally unknown to Fedora ...sad === marcella [n=marcella@host162-200-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] anthonykid: xchat [04:21] nothlit: if you're 100% on that then I guess so [04:21] martyyr sorry i can be of no help other than a sympathetic shoulder === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host134-30-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] ambimom: ive seen the issue [04:21] ambimom: i already went through this === Kosmos [n=kosmos@wlan-gw.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu === cga [n=cga@213-140-6-101.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] Carl, try using a the windows cd and repair function to run a chkdsk [04:21] ok, I'll try that [04:21] tom47, :) it's fine, I'm starting to get used to disappointment ;) === crazy_penguin [n=Unknown@] has joined #ubuntu [04:21] maybe it is caused by a combination of using firefox and edgy updrage version on that page which results in the crash? [04:21] ifireball, the only problem i would have is if there is an installation/updating of man pages in progress, correct? === bcstv [n=bcs@dpc6935190052.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:22] anyone know where the gnome menu config file is [04:22] whats the default root password? [04:22] anyone know where the gnome menu config file is? the menu editor sucks [04:22] martyyyr is it a laptop? [04:22] menu config to do what? [04:22] ok..gotta go...cu all again...bye [04:22] tom47, yes it is === marcella [n=marcella@host162-200-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Oh,] [04:22] shwouchk: there isn't one [04:22] variant: shit man === Crusher [n=You@124-254-125-92-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] nothlit: alos if you have any othe software installed that depends upon those files [04:23] ok ty was just wondering seems to be a problem [04:23] variant: then what is my root password? [04:23] shwouchk: mind your language please, why do you want the root password? run sudo -i to become root === watson540 [n=heehaw@pool-71-171-175-182.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:23] shwouchk: there is no root password [04:23] :) [04:23] variant, look for .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory [04:23] ubotu, tell shwouchk about root [04:23] jtf0518: thanks [04:23] anyway.. it's 1.30am so I am going to sleep and will play with this whacky computer crashing web page later. === CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp220-88.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] [04:23] shwouchk: There is no need for it. If you're set a as admin, you can become root with a command. === CharminTheMoose [n=Count_fu@] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] ifireball, why would they if dpkg --configure would try to flush the directory? [04:24] you can also install the Gnome Configuration Editor from the repositories. [04:24] jtf0518: it does not exist === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] jtf0518: cool === TheJF [n=redfox@mctnnbsa30w-156034052230.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] variant, what are you trying to do? Change the menu font color? [04:24] What happening to NickServ ? unable to register my passwd ... === dom_cyrus [n=cyrus@84-74-83-148.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [04:24] jtf0518: no, add custom entries in places that the menu editor will not allow === Dex-Freudii [n=Dex@r200-125-41-217-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] hi there === firepol [n=reserved@] has joined #ubuntu === bretzel [n=bretzel@bas2-montrealak-1096582512.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === superkirbyartist [n=superkir@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-162.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:25] i have a question [04:25] hi, is ubuntu compatible with an amd k6-2 ? [04:25] variant, Jowi, geno_: sudo wants a password === TheJF [n=redfox@mctnnbsa30w-156034052230.nb.aliant.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:25] so i just got the best mous iun the world [04:25] shwouchk: yes, your user password [04:25] highly reccommend it [04:25] shwouchk, yes, your own one [04:25] ok, I'd go with the Gnome Config Editor. Are you running Edgy or Dapper. [04:25] oh [04:25] ok [04:25] ifireball: AHHH. I see where you are. The BE+FE page instead of the BE+FE+Desktop. [04:25] ifireball: AHHH. I see where you are. The BE+FE page instead of the BE+FE+Desktop. That seems simple enough to follow. === Mnabil [n=Mnabil@] has joined #ubuntu === phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@cpe-74-69-254-51.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] ifireball: Thanks for your help. [04:26] can i just ask when u guys first ever started linux, was it as mind boggling as im interpreting it? [04:26] firepol the most definitive way to tell is to try an ubuntu livecd with it [04:26] connie_lh: n/p good luck! === ahaller [n=haller@] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] jtf0518: I want to move the places menu to be more prominent in the single menu icon [04:26] shwouchk, all the users that is in the /etc/sudoers file can do admin business with sudo. root is not needed [04:26] and dowes it get easir to develop in command line [04:26] Jowi: I know what sudo is === superkirbyartist [n=superkir@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-162.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:26] Jowi: but root shouldn't be blocked [04:26] connie_lh: if you feel like it you might wanna try get someone to update the BE+FE+Desktop page? [04:27] if you're running Dapper you can use the Alacarte Menu Editor. Should be the top choice in Accessories. === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === moose5435 [n=turkey@adsl-18-153-177.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] shwouchk, root is not blocked. just not activated [04:27] shwouchk: it is not blocked, sudo passwd will change the root password to whatever you desire [04:27] I wish to apologize for my Unubuntu behaviour yesterday. [04:27] I think they stopped using Alacarte in Edgy but my Edgy box is turned off at the moment. [04:27] when downloading packages with synaptic: which directory are they stored in? === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:27] jtf0518: i dont know what the menu editor is called.. [04:27] 's cool, superkirbyartist. [04:27] variant: I know [04:27] It seems my Lexmark printer is paperweight. Any suggestion on printers that work good with Ubuntu? === heanol [n=henrik@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:27] I just booted an edgy desktop cd and after X comes up and user ubuntu logs in automatically, it logs out again and starts over with the login... any ideas? [04:28] jtf0518: at least its not smeg any more :)# [04:28] what codename was/is did/does ubuntu 6.06 had/have? === heanol [n=henrik@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] variant: thanks though. [04:28] variant, are you running Dapper or Edgy? [04:28] jtf0518: edgy [04:28] Jowi: thanks. === DreamPlusPlus [n=Kunakorn@] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] np shwouchk [04:28] nothlit: like I said befoer, the package is probably trying to remove the dirs in any case trusting dpkg to stop it if it may damage the system, its easyer to build the packages that way rather then having them check everything === lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === pluto__ [n=Christio@e181051015.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] jtf0518: thought i would give gnome a try for a change instead of fluxbox (and it's nice configurable menu system :)) [04:28] vairant what diod u say about win2003 anon ur box beforee [04:28] i missed it [04:28] hmmm, not sure what they switched to for a menu editor in Edgy. It's Alacarte in Dapper. Anyone else here know? === netantho [n=netantho@ALille-253-1-20-135.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:28] can u flick between a windows and unbuntu session without the need of another monitor? [04:29] Genrl_Zod: i run it in qemu on one side of an aiglx cube === heanol [n=henrik@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:29] Also, I am looking for a dirt cheap (Pentium, 64MB RAM,...). What Ubuntu should I use? [04:29] Genrl_Zod: yes === distromonkey [n=chris@spc2-cosh5-0-0-cust113.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] what codename was/is did/does ubuntu 6.06 had/have? [04:29] variant, yeah Gnome's config options are limited compared to KDE and Flux. [04:29] tom47: the livecd works, but with some errors. (i tried kubuntu livecd) [04:29] so how do u navigate between each of the OS's? === dhuv [n=dhuv@pool-71-250-130-244.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] hello all [04:29] jtf0518: indeed [04:29] shortcut jkey like alt+tab [04:29] firepol what errors? [04:29] jtf0518: they still use alacarte. [04:29] jtf0518: this is why i want to find the raw menu file === Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-93.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [04:29] ifireball, can i remove it and rebuild it with 'scrollkeeper-update' ? [04:29] tom47: some glitching (maybe graphic card problems i dont know, but with knoppix it works without these glitching) === vpol [n=vpol@damned.vpol.org.ru] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === Kosmos [n=kosmos@wlan-gw.hig.no] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] can anybody help with my ipw2100 problem, kubuntu says "ipw2200 eth1: failed to start the card" during bootup [04:30] when downloading packages with synaptic: which directory are they stored in? === Queen007 [n=bnahla@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:30] i just hacked Gnome's config manually last nite to change the font color of my menus. Now I'm trying to write an applet to do it easier than editing config files. [04:30] Greets everyone...I was looking at the prefrerences in firefox and there is an option under feeds to use live bookmarks.or others like yahoo,etc..what exactly does this do? I tried help in firefox and didn't see an explanation.. [04:30] tom47: or i got some kde problems, well i guess i have to retry with ubuntu (instead of kubuntu) === han3 [i=hantu@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:30] How to config WPA in Ubuntu? === ollolol_ [n=ollolol@] has joined #ubuntu === superkirbyartist [n=superkir@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-162.d-ip.magma.ca] has left #ubuntu [] [04:30] firepol i would do that first (next) [04:30] ! tell DreamPlusPlus about wpa_supplicant [04:31] yes wpa_supplicant === grepper [n=robert@ip216-239-88-118.vif.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] Dex-Freudii, /var/cache/apt/archives/ holds a bunch of .deb's [04:31] nothlit: can't help you there, I don't know scrollkeeper all that well === plutoo_o [n=Christio@e181051015.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:31] Genrl_Zod: yes, i am still trying to figure out how to get qemu to not trap the alt tab when running fullscreen, but everything else works [04:31] ericz, thanx [04:31] DreamPlusPlus, : Once that is installed you can go into the network settings to set it up..there should be a wireless tab as I recall [04:32] tom47: i will try directly to install the alternate cd === Nanaki_Yamabushi [n=nanaki@e179181104.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:32] Lots of people including myself have had to use the alternate install cd....especially if you are running Mac... [04:32] How how can I update the distro do edgy without downloading the new distro? === Angelious [n=info@maxradio.lv] has joined #ubuntu [04:33] !update | Nanaki_Yamabushi [04:33] Nanaki_Yamabushi: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade === Renan_s2 [n=Renan@] has joined #Ubuntu [04:33] Nanaki_Yamabushi, : Well you could download the cd and install from there..it will upgrade..otherwise you are stuck with apt-get dist-upgrade [04:33] how did u do it variant? [04:33] vmware? [04:33] i heard taht app is the best for this type of stuff [04:33] is it possible to mount the rest of the drive (where xp) is to show in ubuntu? === dra [n=dra@p57A507D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === jaikobi [n=jaikobi@c-b617e055.317-1-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === Dex-Freudii [n=Dex@r200-125-41-217-dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [04:34] i want to work in windows dfor my common tasks but at the same time when i feelik like sawitiching to linux, i d liek to do that instead rebooting every single time [04:34] ifireball, : Note he stated without downloading..I don't know of a way this is possible other than having a edgy cd do you? === COHO [n=coho@c-68-34-231-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088837094.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] hey guys, how do i freeze a package so that ubuntu doesn't upgrade === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168091012.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Zarephath: sorry, but you're wrong there, you may be better off reading the update wiki too, dist-upgrade is actually not recommanded for Edgy [04:35] it? === AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Hello === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [04:35] Genrl_Zod, : Just download vmware server..it is free and runs windows like a bat out of hell...I think it runs better in vmware under linux than it does on its own partitions..heh [04:35] Zarephath: I think he might ment not d/ling the whole CD [04:35] Vuen, echo "package_name hold " | dpkg --get-selections [04:35] Just loaded Ubuntu to my system. I am familiar with computers but this Ubuntu has me all confused. === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] ifireball, : Ahhh...well there are problems if this distro is being released and dist-upgrade is fsking up things... === _snerge3 [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090760.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] how do I add init.d scripts to default runlevel? [04:36] COHO: a good place to start is the documentation in your help menu. But what are you having trouble with? [04:36] I was reading on the formus about compiling [04:36] COHO: welcome to linux, where you understand you never really knew computers... [04:36] hmmm === GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Pablo_C [n=Pablo@pool-71-96-76-220.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:36] I typed the commands sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and nothing is there? [04:37] Genrl_Zod however if you have xp installed already then i would suggest that you run linux in vmware server/player inside windows until such time as you want to dispense with windows ... why? its hugely more timeconsuming to reinstall windows than ubuntu [04:37] ifireball: I might just do that. I actually already made a wiki edit on the BE+FE+Desktop page. Trying to be all community-like. ;-) [04:37] COHO: what version of ubuntu are you using? [04:37] Zarephath: that's not a new thing for ubuntu, dist-upgrade is rather... violent... little things like not having enough room in /var can hose your system [04:37] I believe it is 6.10 [04:37] I just downloaded it [04:37] I installed on a fresh Harddrive [04:37] Zarephath, I can't connect to internet in ubuntu 6.10, how i can config wpasupplicant without internet connection, and now i am not on ununtu, how do i, [04:37] COHO: k, well try this: gksudo "gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" [04:37] variant: how do I add init.d scripts to default runlevel? [04:38] ok [04:38] brbg [04:38] my laptop have 120 drive. 30% dictated to ubuntu. is it possible to see the rest of my drive in ubuntu? === roth-laptop [n=simon@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:38] poulap: look for parted/gparted/qtparted [04:38] ifireball, : Well I think perhaps you miss the point I am making..there are other distros that use apt-get as the package manager and AFAIK they don't see that many issues with dist-upgrade [04:38] shwouchk: update-rc.d [04:38] Vuen, http://www.debian.org/doc/FAQ/ch-pkg_basics.en.html ( How do I put a package on hold?), just in case I wrote the command wrong === holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-242-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:38] poulap: nm, didn't understand your question :) [04:38] poulap: you can [04:39] i need a good ftp client with gui ...gftp keeps freezing up [04:39] any advice? [04:39] Jrib...I typed it out and got an error [04:39] i need a good ftp client with gui ...gftp keeps freezing up === doopy [n=dope@adsl-70-240-227-247.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] says authentitcvation rejected [04:39] coho try the same command without the " [04:39] COHO: did the editor show up though? === kipoos [n=kipoos@ALille-251-1-45-189.w82-127.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [04:39] phaedrus44, filezilla (??) [04:39] variant: thanks! it's quite funny - here on gentoo its rc-update [04:39] Jrib ...look on top of screen [04:39] ok my drive is 120 gigs. 70% is ntfs for xp. 30% is for unbuntu. can i have acess to tthe partition where xp is? [04:40] I pmed you === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [04:40] Zarephath: having dist-upgraded both ubuntu and debian a few times I can tell you there are ALWAYS problems, broken deps/etc. I always find myslef cealning up things after a dist-upgrade run, ubuntu just makde it a bit nicer with the upgrade tool [04:40] variant: this is (for me) one of the major annoyances of linux [04:40] poulap yes for reading but at this time its unwise to write to it from ubuntu [04:40] DreamPlusPlus, : I am not following you...you do have the edgy cd right? use synaptic or term and install wpa_supplicant..after this go to network settings and you should be able to search for your ssid [04:40] Jrib something opened up [04:40] COHO: you have to be registered to pm on this netword so I didn't get it, but just use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste your erros and give us a link [04:40] but i can read some of the files there like pdf etc? [04:41] not shure if it is the editor or not [04:41] yes === mykrob [n=mykrob@] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] now how do i get acess to it [04:41] variant: packages doing the same thing shouldn't be named differently between distros (not blaming ubuntu) === Milchmann [n=david@DSL01.] has left #ubuntu ["eX-Chat"] [04:41] I have a computer that needs ndiswrapper to talk to the internet and I don't know what repositories ubuntu uses. === paulm [n=paulm@S0106001195027173.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] COHO: ok, how about if you type: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf [04:41] poulap which version of ubuntu are you using? [04:41] does anyone know of a diagnostic utility i can use to test my nic for hardware problems? i am getting random link loss on multiple different networks for no apprant reason [04:41] can someone direct me to them? [04:41] ver 6.10 === cached [n=cached@146-115-65-31.c3-0.bkl-ubr2.sbo-bkl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:41] i'm following this thread on how to install the broadcom wireless: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174&highlight=wireless i don't understand how to install the driver. it's a .o file what is that? [04:41] tom47: whats wrong with writing? it works fine [04:41] to be specific, the link doesnt drop but all network activity is interupted for about 10 seconds [04:41] Jrib...I went to raink and download the file for my USB device. [04:42] this has only happened with dapper/edgy === miseryman [n=raf@d515295DB.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:42] coho: Are you having problems with video? Are you stuck at a command prompt? [04:42] CharminTheMoose, http://del.icio.us/tag/ndiswrapper+ubuntu [04:42] THe issue is this thing does not have plug and play so unsure how to install === |mp| [n=mp@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] I could really use some help with that === lastnode [n=lastnode@] has joined #ubuntu [04:42] Zarephath, ok i will try it [04:42] Sacker...not stuck [04:42] Is it impossible to change one's Thunderbird password if you've entered a wrong one on start? I don't see anything in my accounts. [04:42] tom47 am using ver 6.10 [04:42] what is a .o file [04:42] fooadd: thanks. i simply used: aptitude hold packagename [04:42] how do i install it === andreuu [n=chatzill@d220-238-223-194.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] i think it's supposed to be a driver? [04:43] I installed SuSE but then realized that it won't work for me so I removed it but now it kept the SuSE grub which is messed up and wont let me boot into my Windows partition anymore. How do I restore Ubuntu's grub? [04:43] Your driver is a .inf file [04:43] Vuen, you're welcome :) === spq [i=spq@bouncer.by.my-ct.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:43] how handle img files in ubuntu...or is there a way to handle img files? [04:43] <|mp|> anyhone knows if there is a .deb powerDVD-linux? [04:43] well i'm trying to install my wireless card === spq [i=spq@bouncer.by.my-ct.de] has left #ubuntu [] [04:43] COHO: ok so now this is a different issue? [04:43] and the thread shows a .o file to download [04:43] i don't know what to do with it [04:43] jrib...not different [04:43] Tokenbad, just use mount -o loop [04:44] doopy: doesn't the thread say what to do? [04:44] writing to ntfs i believe is still classified as "experimental" and as such i suggest folk stay away from it especially in a dual boot situaion === mode/#ubuntu [-J] by ChanServ [04:44] ok so same as iso? [04:44] not really [04:44] was wanting to see what devices I have and how to install this USB adapter for wireless [04:44] Tokenbad, yup [04:44] it says use it [04:44] i don't know how to use it === creatix [n=andi@host82-40.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] I installed SuSE but then realized that it won't work for me so I removed it but now it kept the SuSE grub which is messed up and wont let me boot into my Windows partition anymore. How do I restore Ubuntu's grub? [04:44] tom47: i will thanks lol [04:44] COHO: I don't think xorg.conf would be related to that. xorg.conf has to do with your video settings [04:44] wait nm [04:44] sorry [04:44] I went into Add/Remove and do not understand how to install [04:44] cached, just boot from the ubuntu CD, and reinstall grub === icelight [n=astro@] has joined #ubuntu [04:44] or do I copy everything over to a directory? === Joenin [n=nickel@81-178-76-43.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] fooadd: install cd i assume? === New-Bee [n=Chi-pand@] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] coho: What type of package you are trying to install? [04:45] how do i stop the system from beeping permanantly, as I already forget the rmmod command [04:45] confidential === d0uglas [n=asdf@ool-43560abf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] or if someone plz say again ill write it down this time [04:45] COHO: in ubuntu you will usually install from the ubuntu repositories. Add/remove and synaptic are programs that list the available programs and let you install them. To install outside the repositories (you try to avoid doing so) you won't use add/remove or synaptic === mad [n=richard@kong.campus.luth.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:45] are there any good handwriting fonts that randomize anomolies so you don't have repeated letters looking the same? that's really important to me for some reason. === mad [n=richard@kong.campus.luth.se] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:46] COHO: what's the model of this device? === Gasten [n=martin@h18n4c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu === Carl [n=carl@bas21-toronto12-1242360033.region1.highspeedunplugged.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] Linksys WUSB54g Ver 4 === nephish [n=nephish@] has joined #ubuntu [04:46] anyway, i just used easylinux to install nvdia drivers, and want to make sure they work [04:46] !wireless | COHO [04:46] COHO: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:47] yes === Milchmann [n=david@DSL01.] has joined #ubuntu [04:47] but when i try to run tremulous it says there is no permission [04:47] COHO: see if anything on that page has instructions for you [04:47] I went and looked it up. [04:47] and when i try ls /usr/local/games same thing [04:47] It says I need this driver [04:47] I downloaded driver [04:47] andreuu, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=440305 [04:47] now need to know how to install === DreamPlusPlus [n=Kunakorn@] has left #ubuntu [] [04:47] as === nephish [n=nephish@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:48] nas0 [04:48] Anyone knows how to fix the extremely slow burning speeds in Ubuntu (Dapper) ? === dra [n=dra@p57A507D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] UDMA is on, 32 bit too [04:48] Zaggynl: slow burning speeds? that's very strange. maybe it's the burning software, try using K3B === hantu [i=hantu@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:48] Vuen, tried all kinds of stuff [04:48] so my issue is how do I load up a driver? [04:48] COHO: k, I've never tried setting up wireless, but if you link me to what you are reading I may be able to help === DreamPlusPlus [n=Kunakorn@] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] Maybe try verifying the driver version or upgrading to Edgy? === nilsl [n=nilsl@c-b7b8e253.029-138-73766c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] ta for beep, this is real prob but.. Details: Failed to execute child process "/usr/local/games/tremulous//tremulous.x86" (Permission denied) === holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-242-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === siden [n=allan@h49n2fls34o856.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] all I have is the files that the Ubuntu Forms said to download === Paladine [n=Paladine@] has joined #ubuntu === Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] Unsure how to add the files to Ubuntu === kiko [n=kiko@e181199103.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === amaru_ [i=kwyjibo@P24be.p.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu === acuster [n=acuster@62-90-111-50.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [04:49] how do i mount a windows-formatted disc in ubuntu? === mad [n=richard@kong.campus.luth.se] has joined #ubuntu === d0uglas [n=asdf@ool-43560abf.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host134-30-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [04:50] change fstab === mad [n=richard@kong.campus.luth.se] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [04:50] nilsl, doesn't it show up on the desktop? [04:50] arg , did sudo /usr/local/games/tremulous//tremulous.x86 and it worked [04:50] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions [04:50] but the nvidia drivers didnt install [04:50] hume: no [04:51] couldnt openGL subsystem [04:51] jrib? [04:51] nilsl, look at the link Zaggynl posted === TkA [n=nerd@dsl82-163-65-90.as15444.net] has joined #ubuntu === tha1 [n=tha1@89-180-25-162.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] hume: Zaggynl thx, i'll take a look there. :) === robertj_ [n=robertj@24-178-65-92.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] spent about a week trying to get nvidia going a month back , sob === Andre_Re [n=chatzill@p3EE0DCC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:51] You're welcome, I hope it helps :) === sugoruyo [n=sug@ppp171-85.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] COHO: what's the link to the forum thread? [04:52] hold [04:52] hi [04:52] sprecht ihr deutsch? [04:52] deutsch? [04:52] !de [04:52] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [04:52] hi,can someone help me with a wireless question? === jman_ is now known as Oleg___ === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [04:52] !ask | tha1 [04:52] tha1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [04:53] tahnk you [04:53] thank === rajesh [n=rajesh@] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] i'e installed a wireless USB dongle from Alcatel successfully with ndiswrapper === zorro [i=zoral@zoral.bsnet.se] has joined #ubuntu [04:53] but when i try to configure WPA on system with wpa_supplicant === Oleg___ is now known as jman_ === FidO-DidO [n=cedricmc@] has joined #ubuntu === arieler215 [n=ariel@bzq-219-46-202.isdn.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:54] i use wpa_passphrase to configure wpa_supplicant.conf,and when i do this: [04:55] sudo wpa_supplicant -iwlan0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dndiswrapper -w [04:55] he gives me this: [04:55] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=292329&highlight=wusb54g [04:55] hume: it couldn't find the disk... [04:56] there is a /dev/hdc however, which I suspect is the one [04:56] hm, maybe not === ROBOd [n=robod@] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] hello === ana [n=ana@80-43-4-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:56] i have amarok pinned from a previous repository [04:56] i have upgraded to edgy [04:56] now i cannot unpin amarok package [04:56] Trying to associate with 00:11:f5:46:e8:03 (SSID='DevilNetwork' freq=2437 MHz) [04:56] how to do it? [04:57] nilsl, got the right module to read it? is it ntfs? [04:57] to force the unpinning [04:57] hume: I believe its ntfs. [04:57] when I try to do gpg --import key.gpg.asc it wont work unless i sudo it [04:57] you got the kernel module to read it? [04:57] and it does it fine then , doesnt even ask for pw [04:57] everything is permission denied [04:58] hume: that, I'm not sure, how can I see that? [04:58] COHO: ok, are you following these instrucitions: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280176&page=2 in the post by wieman? === shah02 [n=shirin@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] nilsl, search ubuntu forums and wiki, got to go have a shower [04:58] hume: sure === Andre_Re [n=chatzill@p3EE0DCC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu [] === tiptop1985 [n=frank@ACCFD0AC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [04:58] nilsl, search for ntfs and module [04:58] COHO: ie, are you trying to use ndiswrapper? [04:58] hume: thx === ubuntudisc [n=braim@245.6-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === antoninus [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust444.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === fery [n=fery@catv-50637364.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] Hi guys === das-q_ is now known as das-q [04:59] no....I thought the ndiswrapper was not as good as the driver from ralink === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu [04:59] Hi all! [05:00] Does anyone know how can I tweak the popup displayed on right click ? === Tadej [n=universe@infinity.unixrulz.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:00] Jrib...let me read what Wie is saying [05:00] hi [05:00] where do I set on which interface dhcpd runs? [05:00] how do I copy a symbolic link? [05:00] poulap have you used the command line in ubuntu before? === becca2 [n=becca2@host86-134-57-45.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] tom47:what command? === crazy_penguin [n=Unknown@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu === Tusnal [i=Tusnal@] has joined #ubuntu [05:01] using the terminal [05:01] terminal? [05:01] yes [05:01] how do i force a version of a package? [05:01] yes [05:01] ROBOd: apt-get install foo=version === TmWrk_NyQuil [i=TmWrk_Ny@ip70-173-163-168.fv.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] tom47:yes i used terminal before === RaMBoZ [n=cristian@] has joined #ubuntu [05:02] no one? please :) [05:02] Sorry for stupid question...I am in the Home folder...how do I create a folder withing there? [05:02] caffiend: -d [05:03] with in there [05:03] COHO, mkdir foldername === joachim-n [n=joachim@ACC80C3C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:03] type that out in console or under the window pane? === nassy [n=nassy@207-38-197-201.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] in the window pane, it should be something like File-> New Folder === G-net|Gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] I'm not in Ubuntu, can't check :( [05:04] Anybody knows how can I look after how the VGA resolution set works on the Dapper install CD? I have an 1400x1050 laptop, and cannot figure out how to set the console res to 1400x1050, although with the live cd it worked perfectly.... :( [05:04] COHO: if you are in console you can use that command, otherwise just right click and create a directory === revartj [n=revartj@235.pool85-59-85.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu === Volstrup [n=volstrup@0x5552fb8d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === morphir [n=morphir@] has joined #ubuntu [05:04] hello [05:04] the create folder is subdued...can't create [05:04] ok there is a succinct answer to your problem here ..... http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only === darich [n=trickyki@host86-140-148-140.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] i have to problem with grafich configuration [05:05] COHO: are you sure you are in your Home [05:05] somebody help me??? [05:05] tom47: is that link for me lol === agent [n=agent@pool-71-97-200-58.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:05] poulap sorry yes === scamot [n=seb@APlessis-Bouchard-151-1-10-54.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu [] [05:05] don't tell me it's not possible to personalize the popup menu ?? [05:05] tom47: thanks going there === lando [n=lando@adsl-10-71-233.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] Jrib....I am under the File browser in the File System folder [05:06] the file says Home [05:06] that should be /home/yourusename [05:06] !NTFS [05:06] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse === a3 [n=Kopiekat@117.53-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [05:06] jrib: I tried that it it said it wasn't permitted. I'm trying to copy from a mounted iso image (ubuntu server install) to a USB jump drive.. [05:06] COHO: click on the icon that says HOME at the top === dreamthief_ is now known as DreamThief === lg87 [n=asans@adsl-154-97-76.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Slaapkamer [n=Slaapkam@cc710061-a.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@pool-71-104-178-131.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:07] Ok I created it under my name...there was no Home folder...so under my name I created Home [05:07] caffiend: that sounds like a permission problem on the usb device. What does 'ls -l /where/your/device/is/mounted' say? [05:07] nm [05:07] lol [05:07] caffiend: that should be ls -ld [05:07] got it [05:07] anyone have font problems in xchat-gnome? specifically the nick names having ^H characters? === Zgub [n=jpierre@m216.net81-64-153.noos.fr] has joined #ubuntu === eviltux [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === Slaapkamer [n=Slaapkam@cc710061-a.deven1.ov.home.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === matason [n=matason@82-70-148-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === kung [n=kung@dslb-084-059-013-072.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:09] i have 3 gb of free space in my hd and i want to make a partition to storage files from linux, what must i do? [05:09] I've got another question if the right click is not possible... === Renan_s2 [n=Renan@] has joined #Ubuntu [05:09] Does anyone use listen ? (mp3 player) ? [05:09] When I start Ubuntu using live CD, my keyboard (PS/2) doesn't work anymore. When I get to the startup menu, it's still okay, but when I actually get into Ubuntu, it doesn't do a thing when I type. Does anyone here have an idea? [05:09] back later. taking break === tristanmike [n=tristanm@blk-224-253-165.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] jrib: I gotta check, thanks for the info. I think it is the Fat16 filesystem that won't allow it. needs to be ext2 === prestosd [n=prestosd@] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] caffiend: yes, you're probably right about that [05:10] anyone know where to change the main users real name?? (ubuntu 6.10) === corgan [n=corgan@c-68-44-126-10.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:10] not the username [05:10] i am trying to install ubuntu 6.10-desktop on my mac mini. it will be the only os running on the machine. i downloaded the iso and am trying to burn it to a cd as the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto. my problem is the iso file is 698 Mb and disk utility says there is not enough free space on the disk. does it now require a dvd? === rachael_ [n=rachael@adsl-75-34-44-112.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === AfterBurner [i=UPP@c9342289.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [05:11] When I right-click on a MP3 file, I select the option open with Listen, Listen doesn't start. But if I start it using the menu or the terminal, it works. How can I start listen on a right click on a mp3 file ? [05:11] nassy: no [05:11] Hi I have dhcp problem [05:11] prestosd: system > adminstration > users and groups [05:11] jrib: thanks! [05:12] what vo_driver do you use for mplayer in ubuntu? anyone know how to enable postprocessing in ~mplayer/config? [05:12] prestosd: thanks. any idea why i am unable to burn it to a cd? [05:12] I have eth0 and eth1, eth0 is a static IP address for internet and on eth1 I have local network. I would like to run dhcpd on eth1 for my network and I get this error: [05:12] Nov 11 17:10:39 infinity dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0 ( [05:12] Nov 11 17:10:39 infinity dhcpd: Please write a subnet declaration in your dhcpd.conf file for the [05:12] Nov 11 17:10:39 infinity dhcpd: network segment to which interface eth0 is attached. [05:12] Nov 11 17:10:39 infinity dhcpd: exiting. [05:12] can anyone help? [05:12] !paste | Tadej [05:12] Tadej: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [05:12] nassy: probably because your cd is a cheap small one === Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-65-108.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] or you need to erase it, (cdrw) [05:12] prestosd: cheap it is [05:12] !xchat-gnome [05:12] xchat-gnome: a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.13-0ubuntu9 (edgy), package size 296 kB, installed size 780 kB === hilsim [n=hilsim@azn178.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] look on the cd and see if it says 700MB === kiff-aw [n=ozgor@guy78-4-82-243-40-63.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:12] hi [05:12] Hey all. [05:12] nassy: does it? [05:13] Hi [05:13] Wrong place for a question? [05:13] I have eth0 and eth1, eth0 is a static IP address for internet and on eth1 I have local network. I would like to run dhcpd on eth1 for my network and I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31003/ === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === sandy16 [n=sandy@] has joined #ubuntu === w08 [n=w08@gate.informel.pl] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] I can't install my pcmcia wifi card WPCB-104GB === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === timo90 [n=timo901@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust947.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === cached [n=cached@146-115-65-31.c3-0.bkl-ubr2.sbo-bkl.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] I don't see it with lspci but with pccardctl info [05:13] prestosd: no it is too cheap to even have that. i bought it a long time ago though. before the 700's probably were popular. === dra [n=dra@p57A507D4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:13] corgan: you're in the right place, just ask [05:13] oh === Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-65-108.25-151.libero.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] nassy: then thats your problem === Alexc90 [n=alessand@] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] what do I have to do for eth0? [05:14] get a 700MB === Akuma_ [n=martin@modemcable228.191-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:14] prestosd: thanks. i will get one from work [05:14] ok! [05:14] I've installed the right driver and load it well, but I have no wlan0 [05:14] do you have an idea ? === timo90 [n=timo901@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust947.midd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] === schoengeist [i=Doomfisc@L1476P00.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === jwise [n=jwise@] has joined #ubuntu [05:15] Thanks, Jrib. I'm running an Ubuntu PC for family use with a lot of peope using it. I'd like to do a clean Edgy install, but I want to know if there's any specific way I can save the username and passwords that currently exist? [05:16] Some sort of exporting tool or technique. === rooti1 [n=tim@dslb-088-072-234-246.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@] has joined #ubuntu [05:16] got a problem ... cannot copy folder to /opt [05:16] Is there anybody using his/her console other than the default 640x480 (80x25 chars) resolution? [05:16] even with sudo cp folder /opt [05:16] rooti1: what does it say? [05:17] rooti1 > you need to be root to copy to /opt (or change user access) [05:17] cp: Verzeichnis azureus ausgelassen === Ayabara [n=anders@ti112210a080-7001.bb.online.no] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:17] corgan: I would backup /home and /etc, but I don't know if there is an easier way [05:17] corgan: you can save the /home folder and the /etc/passwd file [05:17] ubuntudisc: did su ... same problem [05:17] Hi all .. I need to re-install XP on this fine Ubuntu machine . is there a simple way to re-enstate grub after a windows overtake? === vciaglia [n=vciaglia@host140-1-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === Shadowpillar_ [n=Shadow@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [05:17] Jrib? [05:18] NineTeen67Comet: sure, check the FAQ === han3 [i=hantu@60-241-200-159.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu === vciaglia [n=vciaglia@host140-1-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:18] I tried following those instructions [05:18] apokryphos: n'kay .. thanks .. [05:18] tried to install ndiswrapper and it said [05:18] rooti1: type the exact command you are using [05:18] Excellent, thank you. I heard that you could copy the files...but I was worried that copying it over would cause a conflict. If /etc/passwd file works that would be great. [05:18] Hi! I got a problem with setting up my isdn connection (edgy). i installed all packages needed, but after activating by pon provider, there is no connection. here is my var/log/messages: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31004/ [05:18] "Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils [05:19] root@tim-desktop:/home/tim/Desktop# cp azureus /opt [05:19] COHO: /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow for passwords [05:19] not sure what you mean? === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:19] COHO: /etc/group as well i suppose. You may want to do some more research, but if you backup all of /etc you should be ok [05:19] rooti1: cp -a [05:19] ok [05:19] this is what Ityped sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils [05:20] !info ndiswrapper-utils [05:20] ndiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 48 kB === TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-112-78.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:20] COHO: post your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please [05:20] I have eth0 and eth1, eth0 is a static IP address for internet and on eth1 I have local network. I would like to run dhcpd on eth1 for my network and I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31003/ what do I have to do, that dhcpd will work? [05:20] Also .. when I try to add a new printer, it goes through all the points (three parts) .. it has no errors, but just doesn't add a new printer. So I tried doing it via localhost:631 and it gets a "cant load ppd file" error .. help? [05:20] jrib: thanks a lot [05:20] rooti1: np [05:20] rooti1: you always need to add a switch to cp to tell it to copy recursively (so you get directories) === sharperguy [n=sharp@88-110-111-31.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === p0ok [n=p00k@cpe-66-65-94-217.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === p0ok is now known as salmoe === t3m17 [n=tim@] has joined #ubuntu === salmoe is now known as salome [05:21] okay, sounds good :) === HLM [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:22] :( [05:22] :( [05:22] (newb question warning) what shortcut do i use to access a window's menu? [file | edit | view | ..etc] ? [05:22] wow, someone really doesnt know how to run an irc server. [05:22] bbiam === jayt [n=johnpt@unaffiliated/jayt] has joined #ubuntu === pegger [n=adminisz@82-131-156-247.pool.invitel.hu] has joined #ubuntu === SiCuTDeUx [n=helix@] has joined #ubuntu === warnet [n=warnet@] has joined #ubuntu [05:23] akuma to get to file -f ; to get to edit -e [05:24] Akuma_: in most places its Alt+F [05:24] i also posted my problem at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1728006#post1728006 , does anyone know what went wrong? === nolimitsoya [n=nolimits@] has joined #ubuntu === leonel [n=leonel@] has joined #ubuntu [05:24] !vmware [05:24] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare [05:24] ifireball: hmm... thanks. most places, exept in xchat eh :) [05:25] Akuma alt+e works === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [05:25] Akuma_: that would be Alt+X (the line under the "X" is your hint) === ROBOd [n=robod@] has joined #ubuntu === munsa [n=munsa@] has joined #ubuntu === ROBOd [n=robod@] has joined #ubuntu === CharminTheMoose [n=Count_fu@] has left #ubuntu ["Error:N00b] [05:26] guys [05:26] how do i force a version? [05:26] in synaptic [05:26] the option is grayed out [05:26] ifireball: ohh.. i see.. i'm used to alt only to get there. well thats neeter though. thnaks eh === wolfgang [n=wolfgang@p54A64D0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === FLeiXiuS [n=FLeiXiuS@c-69-143-71-65.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:27] Jrib...when I try to open Apt folder to copy the SOurce List...it pops open and disappears [05:27] Has anyone experienced the problem where Edgy sits at "checking file systems". Nothing happens until you switch terminals and restart gdm. [05:27] apt-cache search searches the repo, how do i search only installed packages? [05:27] This is right after the upgrade. [05:27] Akuma_: F10 seems to work too actually [05:27] has anyone used EasyUnuntu before? === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has left #ubuntu ["rmmod] [05:27] I cant seem to get it to work === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === fraiddo [n=fred@AAmiens-151-1-78-104.w86-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-16-40-236.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] I take it that I do not have ndiswrapper as an application. Can I manually load it? === pradeep [n=pradeep@] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] !EasyUnuntu [05:28] Sorry, I don't know anything about EasyUnuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:28] munsa yes in dapper ... dont believe there is an easyubuntu for edgy yet afaik [05:28] ahh ok === rizo [n=rizo@spc1-blac3-0-0-cust830.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === NineTeen67Comet [n=justin@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:28] hi === choomeengyu [n=choomeen@] has joined #ubuntu === ROBOd [n=robod@] has left #ubuntu ["http://www.robodesign.ro"] [05:28] hello === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:28] I see === kling0n [n=kling0n@] has joined #ubuntu === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] I was having problem with my ubuntu swap parttion === andreuu [n=andreuu@d220-238-223-194.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:29] tom47 what is the apt-get for sound and video codecs? [05:29] rizo, what problem? [05:29] i want to create a partition to storage files from ubuntu , i must create "fat32" ? [05:29] how can i make it so that ubuntu activates the swap partiton at strt up [05:29] ifireball: even better then. both styles. funny how you don't get to see what you're missing in a Windows world eh. [05:29] kenny, no, you can use any filesystem you want [05:29] yaaay, I couldn't an easylinux couldnt, but automatix made the nvidia drivers worked!! [05:29] !restricted formats | munsa [05:29] munsa: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:30] nolimitsoya: i know, but what you recommend ? [05:30] rizo, do you mean its not in you fstab? [05:30] kenny: if its just for ubuntu, you better create an ext3 partition [05:30] it is but it won't work [05:30] i want to ubuntu and windows [05:30] since i resized some partitions yesterday [05:30] anyone know anything about bash scripting? i'm trying to write a bash script inside a bash script. however it won't let me echo #!/bin/bash, it says command not found. anyone know why, and how i can get around it? [05:30] kenny, depends on your needs. id suggest xfs on lvm for scalability, or ext2/3 for windows compatibility [05:30] i have to manually do this [05:30] now === icelight [n=astro@] has joined #ubuntu === mercykiller [n=mercykil@adsl-70-241-20-12.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] rizo, did you format a partition as swap? === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] i want to windows and linux read and write on the partition, so i must create what kind of partition ? [05:31] Akuma_: if you gonna just use linux for a few years you'll have the same experiance coming to windows, I can't tell how many time I tried to "ls" or "grep" in a cmd window [05:31] rizo, if the fstab entry referres to the uuid, change it to the partition mapping (/dev/hd*/) [05:31] kenny: === bariel [n=a@p54BDC3DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === arjun [n=spectre@] has joined #ubuntu [05:31] kenny: FAT32 [05:31] kenny FAT32 is the most acceptable way imho as of today [05:31] ok [05:31] kenny: vfat (fat32) is recommended, however there are good drivers for windows xp for reading and writing to ext3 [05:32] hello, what is afpovertcp service? i see there is one running 548/tcp open afpovertcp [05:32] thats what the problem is .. i got it [05:32] kenny, dont use fat32. fat32 wont allow you to have bigger files than 4gb. use ext3, and a windows driver for ext [05:32] so, i create as "primary" partition or "extended" partition ? [05:32] What's wrong with NTFS? :( [05:32] kenny: i'm dual booting ubuntu and windows xp, and i use ext3 as my shared data partition with the ext2ifs driver for windows [05:32] i put an hda6 instaed of hdb6 [05:32] is there a way to set max UL speed for just one torrent with Ktorrent === DreamPlusPlus [n=Kunakorn@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:32] thanks for the help [05:32] Trixse1: writing to ntfs in linux is experimental. [05:32] !ntfs | Trixsel [05:32] Trixsel: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse [05:32] oops === simsy [n=simsy@CPE0013104c14e4-CM014340002871.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:32] kenny, you only need tobother with extended partitions is you want to have more than 4 partitions on one hardrive [05:32] jion [05:32] ubotu, staff [05:32] i plugged in an orinoco wifi card and iwlist eth1 scan shows a bunch of wifi nets, the gnome network config tool does not show any ap's though in the drop down list for eth1 why is htis? [05:32] Sorry, I don't know anything about staff - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:32] nolimitsoya: is not a problem , because the partition is just 3.5gb =o [05:32] jion #ubuntu-cn [05:33] nolimitsoya: so, i create fat32 as primary ? === tiptop1986 [n=frank@ACC85387.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] Trixsel writing NTFS is still expeerimental in linux and NOT recommended for production situations [05:33] ifireball: what i'm saying though is 'linux' seems to be a lot more flexible and well planned; so things are not only different, they're actually better. although i've been on linux for only a week.. but still === skreet [n=skreet@c-24-128-161-116.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:33] kenny, yes, but i stille recommend ext3 [05:33] *-e [05:33] can anybody help me and figure out why kubuntu cannot boot with my wireless network card in the computer? It says Failed to start card [05:33] nolimitsoya: thx [05:33] ifireball: thx too [05:33] kenny: the best way to partition a drive is to make the primary partition ntfs for windows, then make an extended partition, and in it put a partition for linux, a swap partition, and a shared data (vfat or ext3) partition === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] anyone using openbox on edgy? [05:34] !wireless | dhuv [05:34] dhuv: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:34] anyone here a gtkmm programmer willing to help a newbie programmer out? [05:34] hi can someone gve me a step by step method to correct a nat problem ive gone thru usual testimonials just cant understand them be most gratefull for some help === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has joined #ubuntu [05:34] hello === eviltux [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [05:34] skreet, have you checked in #gtk ? [05:34] Akuma_: welcome then, hope you have a plesent stay ;) [05:35] ubotu: I see nothing there for ipw2100 [05:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about I see nothing there for ipw2100 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:35] ANyone know what to do when you get this message? "Couldn't find package ndiswrapper-utils"???? [05:35] dhuv: ubotu is a robot :) [05:35] new to nix here...what do i use for printer drivers...or where do i find them [05:35] dhuv, that is the channel bot === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] need to use a network printer [05:35] COHO: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list paste that on pastebin please [05:35] ifireball: thank you :) im here to stay. no vista DRM crap for me [05:35] kk [05:35] Akuma_: exactly. vista scares the crap out of me. [05:35] jimb1, so use system administration printing to do the work for you === nick38333 [n=mility@host124-143-dynamic.55-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:35] jayt: oh, I was wondering about the name :) [05:35] Akuma_: i'm glad i got out of windows while i still good [05:35] jimb1, go system, administration, printing [05:36] jimb1 with any luck you wont need special drivers .... [05:36] now is the best time to change to linux. i don't want to ever have to deal with vista [05:36] dhuv: you probably want ipw2200 since it supports ipw2100 fromw hat I remember [05:36] hello, what is afpovertcp service? i see there is one running 548/tcp open afpovertcp [05:36] jayt: what do you mean use system administration printing? === hanso [n=hanso@] has joined #ubuntu [05:36] Vuen: unfortunatly too many people still don't know eh. .. if only dell could come bundled with linux ... oh well [05:36] totaly new to this os [05:36] Akuma_: actually I'm unsure thats a good enough reason, coming to Linux just becasue you don't want windows, might not keep you on Linux long enough to really begin to enjoy it, let me warn you, there is a bumpy road ahead of you [05:36] kitche: really? ok, thats fine, but the problem I am having is that kubuntu wont even boot with the card in the computer === HLM [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:36] k looking for it now [05:36] jimb1 are you using ubuntu? [05:36] jimb1, so it from the menu [05:36] hey. my dvds flicker when run in full screen mode. what can be wrong? [05:36] dhuv: errors? [05:36] Vuen, you will be magically forced to use vista for some insignificant small and simple program in 2008, you will see, you can't run from it === bariel [n=a@p54BDC3DA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #ubuntu [] [05:37] :( === icelight [n=astro@] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] yea ubuntu === Vuen shudders [05:37] one sec [05:37] kitche: during bootup it says "ipw2100 eth1: Failed to start card" === tiptop1986 [n=frank@ACC85387.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu [] [05:37] over and over again === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007EB3.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu === HedzUp [n=GOD@cpe-24-92-239-141.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] jimb1, you klick the system button in the upper left of your screen, then administration, then printintg [05:37] never gets past that === m33rel [n=benny@u44-236.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] jimb1 System>Administration>Printing [05:37] hmm let me look up that === joachim-n [n=joachim@ACC80C3C.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:37] during the kubuntu installation, I had to take the card out because I got that during the detecting network phase [05:38] what letters can you put here c a _ _ e c o n n e c t i o n? [05:38] I saw some bugs posted [05:38] RVman: bl? [05:38] proNoob..already tried adding through system, admin, printing [05:38] needs a driver apparently [05:38] kitche: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/21344 [05:38] Vuen, YES =D [05:38] ifireball: drm is only a drop in the water. the main reason i switched was because i'm a programmer, and linux really seems like a much better environment for this ( i dont do .NET). i've been planning switching for over a year [05:38] this is a brand new printer [05:38] thanks :D [05:38] kitche: but nothing for edgy, I tried irqpoll === lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === richee [n=ashish@] has joined #ubuntu === simsy [n=simsy@CPE0013104c14e4-CM014340002871.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [05:38] driver not listed [05:39] nolimitsoya: fat32 created on /dev/hda4 you know the line so i can add on fstab ? === wbradshaw [n=wbradsha@NW-ESR1-66-161-188-86.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] jimb1 what is the printer/ === kenny_ [n=kenny@] has joined #ubuntu === skreet_ [n=skreet@c-24-128-161-116.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Tonren [n=mcantor@dh113108.bennington.edu] has joined #ubuntu [05:39] ifireball: and over that year i have been using only exclusively open source and linux compatible/equivalent applications, so i actually still feel at home in linux, even though its been just a week [05:39] its a cannon mp810... [05:39] Anyone use NetworkManager in Ubuntu yet? [05:39] Tom47: cannon mp810 [05:40] it show up in network printers as cannon mp8, but the actual model is mp810 [05:40] Jrib...I pasted it under Owena [05:41] Akuma_: if you want a really good book for learning the UNIX way of programming, google for Eric Rymond's "The Art of UNIX Programming" its available for free online, and one of the best programming books I've read [05:41] dhuv: you said you tried to add irqpoll to your menu.lst? [05:41] kitche: yes [05:41] i cant use the same drivers as i used on the windows machines can I/ [05:41] I can try again though === ekimus [n=mmarcher@chello080108248208.1.14.tuwien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu [05:41] Is there a way with ktorrent to set max UL speed just for ONE torrent and not global?? [05:41] the cannon mp810 is a new release printer from cannon [05:42] kenny, try '/dev/hda4 / fat32 defaults 0 2' === sacker [n=sacker@adsl-068-209-216-106.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:42] only available late october [05:42] dhuv: did you upgrade or do a full install of edgy [05:42] I give up on ubuntu. [05:42] thanks anyway guys :-) [05:42] kenny, might have to change fat32 to something else, like vfat or something. mount it by hand first, to se if it complains [05:42] kitche: full install [05:42] ubuntudisc: :( [05:42] with the new cd [05:43] kenny, change the fat32 to vfat [05:43] ifireball: thanks for the tip, i'll certainly get a copy. i'm a web developer though, so the actual system differences only have a minor influence for me (which definatly help the transition). But i'd like to do so desktop apps too, so i'll definatly take a look at the book [05:43] brb === Milchmann [n=david@DSL01.] has left #ubuntu ["eX-Chat"] [05:43] nolimitsoya: yeah, its vfat [05:43] thx [05:43] JRIB? [05:43] I pasted it [05:43] dhuv: according to launchpad they need more information about the problem for edgy === seraphim_ [n=seraphim@e179142249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:43] when installing java [05:43] how do you accept the agreement [05:44] Vuen: why are you sad ? :-) === Giachi [n=gianni@host31-83-dynamic.11-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [05:44] kitche: at the end of the kernel line, I just add irqpoll right? [05:44] ubuntudisc: because i like ubuntu, and i like when people use it :) why are you giving up on it? [05:44] Akuma_: its a whole different way of thinking, I think it'll influence you even as a web developer === Mnabil [n=Mnabil@] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] how do you accept the java install agreement that pops up? === ok67 [n=oddgeir@98.80-202-28.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === mesha [i=waronen@myntti.helsinki.fi] has joined #ubuntu [05:45] Ubuntu is my only os since breezy ;-) [05:45] t3m17: press enter? [05:45] t3m17: you hit spacebar 'till you reach the end of it [05:45] ifireball: then i'll take a look at it soon, before i seriously get started again. how long ago did you switch to linux? [05:45] t3m17: press the left arrow key, then enter? === andy101 [n=andy@62-30-197-196.cable.ubr08.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === tsoler [n=tsoler@athedsl-59666.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [05:46] hi [05:46] I'm giving up this problem. I've a problem I can't fix; and for now, I give up :-) [05:46] dhuv: yeah I believe so or you can put it towards the beginning after the kernel === eno-zzz is now known as eno [05:46] Jrib??? [05:46] thats what I thought but enter doesnt do anything [05:46] Akuma_: when dinasors walked the earth.... j/k but it must have been more then 7 years ago [05:46] ubuntudisc: what's the problem you're having? [05:46] could xgl have anything to do with it === bullium [n=bullium@NW-ESR1-66-161-188-86.fuse.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:47] ifireball: thats about the time i got my first pc :) [05:47] kitche: this sucks, wireless and sound dont work on this computer after 2 weeks of fiddling on and off [05:47] has n e 1 installed 6.10 on a dell laptop yet? === leh [n=leh@sailormoon.luusa.org] has joined #ubuntu === eetfunk [n=eetfunk@adsl-69-226-238-130.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] bullium: I got it on a Thinkpad and it works great [05:48] dhuv: sound might work it might be to low sicne I had to adjust my sound higher [05:48] not dell though [05:48] ifireball: and you're a programmer too? i mean, for a living? [05:48] What is the default root password in Ubuntu? === stojance [n=stojance@] has joined #ubuntu [05:48] I didn't set any, yet I can't access root ^^; [05:48] !root | Trixse1 [05:48] Trixse1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [05:48] kitche: na, I was talking to the guys in #alsa, we installed the latest version but still nogo [05:49] How do I use beryl / emerald themes? === icelight [n=astro@] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] I don't know how to set them [05:49] dhuv: my sound I had to raise up since it was to low that you couldn't hear it === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@dslb-084-056-230-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] Akuma_: I used to be, got tired of it though, nowdays I'm more of a sysadmin [05:49] stojance: go intot he emerald theme manager and they are in there === m1stFu [n=jordan@24-158-13-145.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === vanl [n=chatzill@c-24-17-134-231.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Pockets [n=Pockets@PDN-VBA.Rasmussen.fw.onvoy.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:49] ubotu: thx :D [05:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about thx :D - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === wijnand [n=wijnand@spoon.pkl.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] oops [05:50] JRIB I PASTED the source list [05:50] jimb1 i suspect you will only get griief and little good news with that printer [05:50] a bot, lolz [05:50] kitche: I went through alsamixer and everything [05:50] I'm trying on a Latitude c610 and the install keeps hanging @ 28%? [05:50] kitche, I know but how do I set it as a theme... [05:50] kitche: thx :p [05:50] anyone have an idea as to what to use for drivers for a printer that isnt listed in system/administration/printing setup? [05:50] Vuen > When I right-click on an mp3 file, I have a popup with multiple options. One of these options are "Open with listen..." When I click on it, it doesn't start listen and it's bothering me a lot. === matija [n=matija@83-131-79-108.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu [05:50] stojance: you just select the theme and press apply === psycose [n=psycose@lev92-2-82-228-131-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === klos [i=hans@e180247160.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] jimb1 looks like canon had no intention that it work with linux [05:51] hi [05:51] there is no apply button === John64 [n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1177560169.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] stojance: hang on let me open up my beryl === John64 [n=jhford@bas3-toronto12-1177560169.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu [] === loutrine [n=lew~@static-203-192-64-14.sa.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [05:51] tom47: no way for it to work withlinux? [05:51] ifireball: well i've gotta get going. thanks again for the tips eh [05:51] On Dapper i was using Egnimail for GPG support in Mozilla mail, now i'm in Edgy and i"m wondering where is my GPG information ... any tips ? [05:51] Akuma_: n/p have fun! [05:51] tom47: where you see that? === gilbert_299 [i=dp@] has joined #ubuntu [05:52] jimb1 cannot be definitive but it looks that way from what i have read [05:52] gg [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] is it possible with apache to extract parts of an request url and use it in another directive like "Auth_PG_pwd_whereclause "and group = $URLPART"? (and if so how) [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] dang [05:52] psycose: probably in ~/.gpg [05:52] g [05:52] g [05:52] gg [05:52] !op [05:52] Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez! [05:52] g [05:52] manufacturer says only windows and mac up to a definite cut-off point [05:52] g [05:52] gg [05:52] gg === mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ === gilbert_299 [i=dp@] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by apokryphos === mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos [05:52] It wouldnt have to do the fancey stuff just print text on this machine === xplic1t [n=xplicit3@xlate-2-24.webster.edu] has joined #ubuntu === rachael_ [n=rachael@adsl-75-34-44-112.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] ekimus: maybe with mod_perl or mod_rewrite ans some cleverness [05:53] tom, you got a link to what yer reading? === cliffd [n=cld@cpe-76-171-131-190.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === philwhln [n=phil@82-36-175-220.cable.ubr01.soli.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [05:53] jimb1 since its new yr best bet may be to swap it for something that is compatible [05:53] ekimus: e.g. AND some clevernes... [05:53] ifireball, well i got the .gnupg path ... but when i click o the mozilla security icon i does like i forget my gpg config ... [05:53] Tom...i have windows machines also [05:53] stojance: make sure that beryl is your window manager [05:53] can anyone tell me how to get the ubuntu 6.10 server install to see my nForce 4 "raid" device? thanks. [05:53] i need a good photo printer/scanner === warnet [n=warnet@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [05:54] jimb1 javascript:ToReviews('http://dw.com.com/redir?destUrl=http%3A%2F%2Festore.usa.canon.com%2F&tag=mfg&edId=3&siteid=9&oid=4508-3181-32077664&ontid=3181&channelid=3000&lop=mfg', 'submitWin', '0', '0', 'no', 'yes'); [05:54] oh maybe that wont help [05:54] this is best performer ive found under windows === bobbie__4 [n=Bobbie@S01060050046f293e.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] how do I do that kitche? [05:54] hey guys, in a bash script, how can i run a vi-style search and replace on a file? [05:54] psycose: can't help you there, my gpg config is probably is bit-decayed as they come... === al0cunit [n=al0cunit@] has joined #ubuntu [05:54] jimb1 but canon did not intend it to work with linux ... look at specifications === skreet [n=skreet@c-24-128-161-116.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [05:55] Vuen: use grep or sed === al0cunit [n=al0cunit@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:55] Anyone using NetworkManager? [05:55] tom: where you see the specs [05:55] i dont have them at hand right now [05:55] test [05:55] !test [05:55] Failed. [05:55] Wierd, I didn't see a name next to that comment === mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ === HedzUp [n=GOD@cpe-24-92-239-141.twcny.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [requested] === mode/#ubuntu [+b HedzUp!*@*] by apokryphos [05:56] last call for help with NetworkManager :P === glombool [n=cole@] has joined #ubuntu [05:56] maybe ill have to hook up an old printer to this machine and not use this machine for graphics and photo stuff [05:56] i wonder where are enigmail (0.93-1ubuntu1) config info in Mozilla 1.7.13 on Edgy any tips ? thanks === mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@cpe-24-92-239-141.twcny.res.rr.com] by apokryphos [05:56] !cinelerra [05:56] cinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu === Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === glombool [n=cole@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:57] !mp3 === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has left #ubuntu [] [05:57] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [05:57] What does this mean? uncommenting the "Universe" repository line in sources.list...does it mean just take off the "? === tannerld [n=tanner@adsl-068-209-251-067.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-b hedzup!*@*] by apokryphos === dra [n=dra@p57A50B92.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [05:57] How do I add a specification page to ubuntu wiki? Is the only way to create a wiki link somewhere? If so, where would I add the link for a new specification? [05:57] just try to go to the page [05:57] and wiki will say 'do you want to make this?' [05:57] like /My_Page/ [05:57] where the page would be.. [05:57] COHO: the #, yes. === Pockets [n=Pockets@PDN-VBA.Rasmussen.fw.onvoy.net] has left #ubuntu [] [05:58] that doesn't makes sense....what do you mean the #...erase it or the " === ke- [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === elate [n=elate@] has joined #ubuntu [05:58] COHO: A # indicated a commented line and is generally ignored by most config interpreters. [05:58] COHO: a repository in /etc/apt/sources.list is "commented out" if it has a # prefixd by it. If it doesn't, then it's not commented out. [05:59] so I should delete the # or everything within that area? [05:59] save the writing just erase the #??? [05:59] COHO: just the # [05:59] kk [05:59] anyone have thoughts about this, I want to mirror my boot disks, I have the nForce4 "hardware raid" on my mobo. should I use that or the linux raid (md)? thanks. [05:59] nForce4 isn't hardware raid. [06:00] COHO: if it is still not working, just give us the actual url to your post === eviltux [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] is mozilla-psm in conflict with mozilla-enigmail ? [06:00] skreet: yeah, it just pretends to be. [06:00] so would It just be better to use md raid? [06:00] cliffd: It really doesn't. [06:00] ifireball: thanks [06:00] cliffd: It's entirely software raid. === b3b0p_ [n=frank@ACC85387.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:00] Jrib I will post under owena and post the url here [06:00] cliffd: unless Linux support nf4's software raid, you have to use md [06:00] oh really, 100%? whats the f'ing point of that then? === RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === fatalblu [n=Ryan@pool-72-72-138-130.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === tabman [n=tabman@cpc2-fare1-0-0-cust699.cos2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] cliffd: With driver support software raid is still a huge increase in performance === matason [n=matason@82-70-148-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === bgrupe [n=BGrupe@p5484AAC8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:01] cliffd: I know that Windows's nf4 sata-raid drivers support the software raid and provide a drastic performance boost (using them onn my windows box) [06:01] cliffd: never tried to use nf4-raid on linux, was always afraid of the letdown :) [06:01] hi, when i call a cvs command to login to a server, it asks for a password. the password is just blank. how can i make it skip the prompt? alternatively, how can i feed it a blank line? i tried echo "" | cvs , and it didn't work. [06:01] http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1744265#post1744265 [06:01] Hi everyone, I'm looking for a little help (i'm a newbie to ubuntu!) [06:01] Jrib there is the URL === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu === kikokos [n=jer@xdsl-19888.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] skreet: oh, this is for regular ide. I had it working in gentoo, but im trying to make the switch away from 15 hours a week spent compiling updates :) === flo_ [n=flo@lns-bzn-38-82-253-76-90.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === n1xt3r [n=kevin@cpe-24-93-126-105.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:02] cliffd: I hear you. So you had it working in gentoo? Maybe the nf4 has changed since I last tried? [06:02] dont think i like the new parttioning thing [06:03] cliffd: How did you address the raid? Did it appear as /dev/hd* === warnet [n=warnet@] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] I have downloaded a game for ubuntu but can not get the .sh file to run properly === bsb001 [n=Brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:03] skreet: Ok, and how do I choose the specs template? [06:03] any ideas [06:03] tabman: what game. [06:03] ah, found it [06:03] Head over heels [06:03] COHO: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils [06:03] elias_: I only know the basics of Wiki, not the ubuntu wiki, I'd suggest copying a page that has the layout you want, and using it. [06:03] skreet: no it was /dev/md/somerandomjunkC0 - C4 === flo_ [n=flo@lns-bzn-38-82-253-76-90.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] [06:03] tabman: What error do you get? [06:04] cliffd: So you were definetely using md.. I'd go with md, it's pretty decent anyway :) [06:04] all one line or 2 different lines? [06:04] COHO: all one line is ok [06:04] kk\ === oscar [n=oscar@] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] nop [06:05] nope let me paste my error === oscar [n=oscar@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === tom47 wants to know how you leave a message as you leave [06:05] it seems i can't use enigmail with mozilla on Edgy : mozilla-enigmail: Dpend: mozilla-mailnews (< 2: mais 2:1.7.13-0.2ubuntu1 devra tre install any tips ? [06:05] hi, when i call a cvs command to login to a server, it asks for a password. the password is just blank. how can i make it skip the prompt? alternatively, how can i feed it a blank line? i tried echo "" | cvs , and it didn't work. [06:05] COHO: ok, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , not the forums [06:05] skreet: ok, thanks. I guess i dont know quite what im talking about. thanks for setting me straight. so the next question is how do I mirror my boot disks? after the install? [06:05] It's not so much an error, it seems to run but then the dialogue window disappears === spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] I did that the last time you asked...did you not see it? [06:05] cliffd: I've never actually *set up* an md before, sorry. === zoetrope86 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-119-227.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [06:05] cliffd: I've only used them after the fact :) === M_Fatih [n=mfyz@] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] COHO: you gave me a link to the forums [06:06] hi everybody [06:06] OK, I'm still stuck on this. I've looked in the online help. I installed ubuntu 6.10 with a 160GB drive. All was good. Then I added a second 160GB drive, and used fdisk to set a partion. However, while fdisk does report that I have a 160GB drive it will only allow me to make 1, 32 GB partion. Any ideas? [06:06] I am trying to run it from the GUI, should I be trying thr terminal? [06:06] Anyone using NetworkManager? [06:06] bsb001 try using gparted === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:06] Anyone using Ktorrent ?? [06:06] i'm newly using thunderbird, i have ~6000 messages in my pop server, but thunderbird didn't download my old messages, only new messages :( how can i do this? [06:07] tabman: Are you running it from a GUI terminal, or just from like.. run application.. [06:07] hi. [06:07] if you run it from a terminal you'll be able to see any errors that occur. [06:07] Tom47: Where do I find that? === snowshoefox [n=snowshoe@c-67-168-19-220.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] hello, how do I find my Windows partitions in Edgy? === Metal_Militia [n=ioppo@host-84-222-33-132.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === Lahey [n=chatzill@CPE000d8846b4a2-CM000039050c63.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] hi, how do i mount a remote directory onto the Ubuntu OS running via CD? [06:08] munsa: Sometimes it's already on your desktop :) [06:08] or is there a way to pipe a large output file to a network path? [06:08] yea it was in dapper but they are not there now === abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:08] i-m using a livecd session, how i can save my network configuration (all about eth0 interface)? [06:08] from the GUI I get the option to run it from the terminal, when I chose this it seems to work then clears the screen. Not sure how to try and do it the other way === ubuntu is now known as scimmia === Geocritter [n=geocritt@pool-68-238-16-98.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] how do you install .bin file? it wants to open it with add/remove but nothing happens after... === linuxwolf [n=whitewol@cm-staticIP-85-152-16-9.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] ubuntu: save it where? it's a cd-rom. === snowhead [i=FiNuZu@cpc1-barn5-0-0-cust642.brnt.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] hi === sc4ttrbrain [n=nobody@KHP059138070148.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu [06:09] Sup linuxwolf === Geocritter [n=geocritt@pool-68-238-16-98.rich.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["I'm] [06:09] anyone know where to find your windows partitions in Edgy? [06:09] So no one is using NetworkManager to manage their wireless connection? [06:10] munsa: Are you familiar with a terminal? === niroxx_ [n=niroxx@p50899EB4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] skreet: i am using networkmanager [06:10] !tell munsa about ntfs [06:10] abes: Did you have any problems viewing your wireless network? [06:10] skreet: what kind of problem? [06:10] abes: Mine is showing only Wired Network (disconnected) and I have eth1 installed and working *using it right now* [06:10] eth1 = wifi [06:10] skreet: ive had the same problem :] === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090336.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:10] abes: And you fixed it..? [06:11] !yay! [06:11] Sorry, I don't know anything about yay! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] !sshfs [06:11] oops. [06:11] irc.lv [06:11] sshfs: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6-1 (edgy), package size 29 kB, installed size 116 kB [06:11] skreet: what happened is it stopped showing all wi-fis, right? [06:11] the upgrade give me some problems [06:11] abes: It didn't stop, it never started, just installed it. [06:11] i want to reinstall using the 6.10 cd [06:11] skreet: make sure you have a proper driver for your wi-fi adapter === Crazed_ [n=Crazed@cc242865-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:11] bsb1 yu will need to instal it [06:11] linuxwolf: Me too man, much happier after reinstall [06:11] skreet: most likely it is in restricted-modules [06:12] abes: What do you mean by that, it's working right now. [06:12] abes: I'm using the wireless device to talk to you :) [06:12] bsb001 you will have to install it [06:12] how can I point grub to where my xp is installed ? (its a new HD with XP on it) [06:12] !aqualung [06:12] Sorry, I don't know anything about aqualung - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:12] abes: But NetworkManager doesn't recognise it. [06:12] i have proved it a few weeks , but it did fail in the partition step === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === ploufplouf_ [n=richard@rob92-6-82-231-242-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:12] it didn't recognise the hard disk [06:12] anyone get aqualung working under edgy? [06:12] if i use a alternative cd [06:12] it will work [06:12] ? [06:13] skreet: how about system-administration-networking? does it show it there? [06:13] andreuu: You need an entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst that is catered to the location of Window. === rstanca [n=ada@] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] skreet: and why do you use network manager? is it i cuz of WPA? [06:13] with the 6.06 desktop cd , fail in make the partitions [06:13] !mono [06:13] ta skreet === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089194.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] mono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB [06:13] i have a sony vaio === CypherBIOS [n=cypher@ubuntu/member/cypherbios] has joined #ubuntu [06:13] vgn-A517s [06:13] skreet: Did you follow the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager? [06:13] bougth a year ago === snowhead [i=FiNuZu@cpc1-barn5-0-0-cust642.brnt.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:14] join /debian === Kingsqueak [n=who@c-68-38-166-84.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntunick [n=ubuntu@host86-134-57-45.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu === Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-105-41.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu === cablesm102 [n=chatzill@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu === Murp1 [n=brian@murph.rh.rit.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] I'm having an X problem, what's the command to reconfigure the x server? [06:15] dpkg-reconfigure-xserver I *think* === mcmahonm [n=country@cable-24-139-31-249.newliskeard.dyn.personainc.net] has joined #ubuntu === Kutuzov [n=fabrizio@host105-39-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === L0NE [n=taylor@c-24-18-42-118.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:15] hello, anyone having problems with firefox with flash and java, default edgy install i386, everytime i visit a page that requiers flash or java ff crashes. any tips on what should I do? [06:15] tab complete to get the real answer [06:16] !thunderbird [06:16] a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 [06:16] !x [06:16] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [06:16] dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg === bsb001 [n=Brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:16] rstanca: that shouldnt be happening, did you build it in sudo? === puntti [n=puntti@dsl-prvgw1-fe3fdf00-9.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:16] I just downloaded Thunderbird 1.5 off of www.getthunderbird.com, and extracted the archive... how do I install? === unikuserf [n=teja@dialpool-210-214-52-171.maa.sify.net] has joined #ubuntu === digivore [n=digivore@S01060011950bc7e3.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === skreet_ [n=skreet@c-24-128-161-116.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] LONE: you should be able to apt-get install (assuming you're using ubuntu) [06:17] skreet , so just change hd0 to hd1 in the windows section for my new HD ? === puntti [n=puntti@dsl-prvgw1-fe3fdf00-9.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === avn_ [n=avn@] has joined #ubuntu [06:17] well only one way to find out :) [06:17] abes: Hmm, when i went into system-... it changed my essid lol [06:17] abes: but yes, it shows up there, just fine. [06:18] does enyone know why icant get 3d accelerationg work? [06:18] output: I just downloaded Thunderbird 1.5 off of www.getthunderbird.com, and extracted the archive... how do I install? [06:18] i have tried many quides and tryed search forums [06:18] puntti: Thats a very vague question. [06:18] dusk: I didn`t built anything, just install flashplugin-nonfree with apt, and java with automatix2 [06:18] wtf? [06:18] Does anyone know why I get logged off or no reason? I went to sleep last night, woke up this morning and I was logged off. I would expect that the computer would be locked, but not logged off. When i tried to log back in it just froze. Any ideas? [06:18] ctrl+c doesn't work [06:18] puntti: What card? What problems? Any Errors? [06:18] hi all - joining you from the ubuntu live cd - i am very impressed [06:18] how can i download my old messages (archive) in my pop server to thunderbird? [06:18] skreet , so just change hd0 to hd1 in the windows section for my new HD ? [06:18] ati 1600 pro [06:18] a question --- anyone knows how to get nvidia drivers to work on edgy for an i810 card? [06:18] pci-e [06:19] output "package thunderbird is not available" === Talijan [n=ammar@SE400.PPPoE-5503.sa.bih.net.ba] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] i just re-installed my system [06:19] andreuu: That depends on BIOS boot order, is it the 2nd boot device? [06:19] hello peoples === j_ack [n=rudi@p508DABD9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] LONE: mozilla-thunderbird I think [06:19] try apt-cache search [06:19] any idea how to find a devices UUID for /etc/fstab? === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu === zovirl [n=zovirl@ppp-71-139-17-9.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === goara [n=joni@c164136.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:19] Is there a way to mark thread as read in evolution? === al0cunit [n=al0cunit@] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] LONE, mozilla-thunderbird if i recall [06:20] wath is hadr disk? === deternal [n=deternal@c-485ce353.270-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === goara [n=joni@c164136.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] skreet_: not working === Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-227-159.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:20] L0NE: use synaptic? === TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] rstanca: what bit-depth are you using? [06:21] ok, i have assertained that hte network problem i have is not related to thenetwork card or the network, that leaves only ubuntu to be at fault [06:21] L0NE: it's defentiely mozilla-thunderbird [06:21] anyone know how i can work this out? === Stisho [n=Oliver@lns-bzn-57-82-249-48-196.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] jrib: 16b [06:21] !info mozilla-thunderbird [06:21] mozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 10484 kB, installed size 29544 kB === dreamthief_ [n=mathias@p54A84126.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] variant: Whats the problem. [06:21] e2label ? [06:21] skreet_: sorry... was afk... so its showing it normally in the network properties in the manager right? === pluto__ [n=Christio@e181028086.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] rstanca: that's why, use 24bit and it shouldn't happen. There was a bug somewhere on launchpad but I can't find it atm === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [06:21] abes: Yes, sir. === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu [06:21] skreet_: "sudo apt-get mozilla-thunderbird" "E: Invalid operation mozilla-thunderbird" [06:21] Does anyone know why I get logged off or no reason? I went to sleep last night, woke up this morning and I was logged off. I would expect that the computer would be locked, but not logged off. When i tried to log back in it just froze. Any ideas [06:22] exit [06:22] !gparted [06:22] gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php [06:22] L0NE: "sude apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird" [06:22] skreet_: does it take long after you click on ok? like its working... and working... and working.... and finally closes? [06:22] nvidia + dell700m inspiron on edgy - is that possible? [06:22] abes: Not really, why? [06:22] skreet_: random loss of connectivity, ifconfig shows the link is still up and there are no lost packets. i tried different networks with different internet gateways and dhcp server and also different network cards even a wireless card. the issue is the same on all [06:22] avn_ What card? === al0cunit [n=al0cunit@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [06:22] skreet_: sude? why not sudo? and what's the difference? [06:22] jrib: ok thanks, I`ll check, brb [06:22] anyone: random loss of connectivity, ifconfig shows the link is still up and there are no lost packets. i tried different networks with different internet gateways and dhcp server and also different network cards even a wireless card. the issue is the same on all [06:22] L0NE: typo, sudo === CZi [n=khd@0x5552e9c2.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu [06:22] L0NE: key part is 'install' [06:22] skreet_: just trying to compare with my case... [06:22] hey guys, i'm new to bash programming, how do i write an if statement to check if a command was successful? [06:22] L0NE: you wern't giving it an operation to perform on mozilla-thunderbird [06:23] skreet_: so does wireless work at all or not? [06:23] sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird [06:23] skreet_: and eth1 is your wireless? [06:23] abes: The wireless works 100%, i'm using it right now [06:23] abes: yes, eth1 === the_lord [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] variant: Sorry, not sure I can help you. :( [06:23] in particular, i want to check if "sudo " worked, so i can abort the script if they didn't enter the correct password [06:23] skreet_: hmm... so what is the problem then??? :P :P [06:23] how would i go about doing that? [06:23] hey guys..... i'd need some help.... [06:23] abes: Was hoping you could tell me, lol. === the_lord [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu [06:23] !ask [06:23] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) === linuxwolf [n=whitewol@cm-staticIP-85-152-16-9.telecable.es] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === mathieu_ [n=mathieu@dsl-10-143-211.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Stisho is away:, sweet [06:24] skreet_: lol... im confused :p [06:24] abes: Me too :( [06:24] i'd like to make my comp as a temporary server.... === SysFail [n=CHaiNS@] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] "nautilus --oaf-activate-iid=OAFIID:Nautilus_Factory --oaf-ior-fd=21" is wat? === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090019.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] skreet_: lol [06:24] Talijan: To serve what? [06:24] skreet_: wow... can't believe i forgot that.. thanks, working now [06:24] it means that i'd like to make it as host for web-sites and domains ! [06:24] L0NE: no problem [06:24] can i do it without a static IP ? === Tripped [n=michael@nc-71-0-176-47.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] variant: so the connection is always lost using different: routers and wi-fi adapters? [06:24] Talijan: lol, so a webserver then.. as opposed to the many other kinds of servers that there are [06:24] Talijan: Yes, look into Dynamic DNS === profoX` [n=profox@d51A52303.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu [06:24] Talijan: Check www.no-ip.com. [06:24] http://rgr.ath.cx/ :) [06:25] abes: yes, ethernet cards too === Turk [n=Emir@] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] variant: ethernet? like hard wired? [06:25] abes: i work in a datacenter and the issue is the same at home (laptop) === rstanca [n=ada@] has joined #ubuntu [06:25] abes: correct [06:25] what's the difference betyween the WPA key on my router and the one generated by wpa_passphrase [06:25] variant: does this happen when you're using it, or when it's idle? perhaps it's going into standby? *shrug* [06:25] jrib: same thing, still crashes, grrr curse you Macromedia! [06:25] rstanca: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 [06:25] does anyone know how to make it so you don't log off after you are inactive? [06:26] skreet_: well, i am always using ssh on to and from it, both disconecct as do instant messengers/downloads etc === [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-193-174.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] variant: how do you test the connectivity? what do you mean by lost? === kazulla [n=kazulla@chp53-1-88-163-40-131.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:26] variant: ok nvm... got the answer [06:26] abes: :) [06:26] abes: any ideas? [06:26] variant: anything of use in syslog? [06:27] abes: it leaves me thinking its an ubuntu problem [06:27] jrib: yeahm i think it is the same issue [06:27] skreet_: nope :/ [06:27] can I use sound Jucer to rip to mp3? (really want a player that does vorbis) [06:27] variant: you sure you have proper drivers for everything? [06:27] rstanca: try the other work-around [06:27] abes: certain [06:27] abes: different cards, too [06:27] variant: damn... thats weird considering different cards, networks, etc [06:27] abes: so drivers are an unlikely source. :( [06:27] different cards/technologies/networks/service providers/ you name it [06:27] does anyone have a list of all the different repos? So you can get all the good software? [06:27] skreet_: thats definatelly an error in the software [06:27] variant: Other people on the network don't see the problem, I'm assuming. === scimmia [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] !repos | munsa [06:28] munsa: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [06:28] variant: but then... where exactly... ;] [06:28] skreet_: different networks, and no they certainly dont [06:28] variant: oh.. wierd [06:28] argh need to edit grub [06:28] variant: you'd think syslog would say *Something* [06:28] there is a command to manage your sound does anyone know it? my sound is really low. [06:28] variant: Have you tried disabling acpi? [06:28] jrib thanks [06:28] munsa: alsamixer [06:28] munsa: alsamixer === yan [n=yan@vbo91-2-82-239-207-217.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:28] HAHA I WIN [06:28] :) [06:28] !easysource | munsa [06:28] munsa: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [06:28] not on my screen :) [06:28] anyone [06:28] jrib: damn.. === razzmatazz [n=bob@] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] hi. === maresi [n=privat@] has joined #ubuntu === Ries [n=Ries@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:29] abes: skreet_ :there, it just happened a momment ago [06:29] variant: how long does it last? === Tripped [n=michael@nc-71-0-176-47.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu === _snerge3 [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168091013.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [06:29] variant: you say the if appears UP while it's not working? [06:29] i need to copy this eth0 config on my machine, how i can do it? (this is a live session) [06:29] skreet_: 3 or 4 seconds [06:29] variant: you didnt disconnect from here though [06:29] scimmia: it's at /etc/network/interfaces [06:29] variant: :P [06:29] looking for ailean [06:29] skreet_: yep, i did a while true loop every second on ifconfig eth0 and it was up [06:29] abes: That's a very good point.. === FidO-DidO [n=cedricmc@] has joined #ubuntu === apokryphos- [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] abes: i use irc remotely over ssh, i had to open annother session [06:30] oh [06:30] that'll do it. [06:30] :P [06:30] skreet_: auto eth0 [06:30] iface eth0 inet dhcp [06:30] it's only these two lines... === apokryphos- [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Parted"] [06:30] scimmia: then what are you trying to save? [06:30] and what about driver's parametres? [06:30] that's your network configuration.. === yannick [n=yan@vbo91-2-82-239-207-217.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:30] i am totaly stumped [06:30] Anyone knows how to mark a thread as read in evolution email client? Looked into all menus but could not find anywhere. [06:31] variant: Do you have other O/S on that box that works fine? [06:31] unikuserf: did you right click the thread? [06:31] skreet_: nope [06:31] skreet_: will test it with a live cd tomorrow [06:31] variant: use screen === CzarAlex [i=CzarAlex@c-68-82-214-33.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] unikuserf: i do [06:31] yes [06:31] variant: Was this working before? Or is this a fresh install === icelight [n=astro@] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] but I didnot find any such option === SILVERSALMON [n=coho@c-68-34-231-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:31] skreet_ variant join #ihavenoclue less text sorting there :P === justinl [n=justinl@user-6f30d0.user.msu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] when i SSH in to my box from a remote location, I dont see colors (blue, yellow..etc) at all for the directories or devices. or anything for that matter. how do i turn that on? [06:32] what part of the menu.lst changes the defult boot device? [06:32] skreet_: i had the same issue on edgy which i upgraded from dapper months ago, before that was gentoo with no issues. this is currently a fresh install of edgy [06:32] JRIB...my puter crashed...can you retype the link to paste my sourcelist? === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [06:32] SILVERSALMON: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org , it's in the topic === archie0 [n=archie@cpe-70-116-152-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:33] skreet_: and do you know how i can get all module parameters? [06:33] jrib: thank you! adding "export export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" will fix this issue! I'll definitely check launchpad more often [06:33] is there a way to download like a filedump of the ubuntu wikki so you can read it all offline? [06:33] I just pasted it [06:33] been a while since I used IRC [06:34] errr, that's "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" added to /usr/bin/firefox === blinx [n=blinx@builtin.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:34] mumbles: default [06:34] SILVERSALMON: you need to give us the resulting url [06:34] kk === paras [n=paras@] has joined #ubuntu === sugo [n=sug@ppp171-85.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [06:35] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31018/ === fatalblu [n=Ryan@pool-72-72-138-130.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] [06:35] Anyone know about how to make an Ubuntu backup? Like I want to save all my settings ect? === CraHan [n=CraHan@125.229-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu === hyakuhei [n=rob@gentoo/user/RobC] has joined #ubuntu [06:36] !backup > munsa [06:36] DO you see it JRIB? [06:36] SILVERSALMON: looks like you're not connected. [06:36] SILVERSALMON: yes, do you use a proxy or something? [06:36] is something up with the HAL in edgy? usb stuff isn't automounting, do I need something extra installed? [06:36] SILVERSALMON: and are you running anohter apt application at the same time? [06:36] no [06:37] just mirc === mlpug [n=user@a84-231-238-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:37] I was COHO [06:37] but system crashed ...logged on as Silversalmon [06:37] SILVERSALMON: you're using mirc in ubuntu? [06:37] no === TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] this is on my windows desktop [06:38] another system === Xk2c [n=Thilo@dslb-088-072-194-030.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] SILVERSALMON: do you have internet access on ubuntu? [06:38] no === Ballex [n=RaZeKeN0@] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] that is why I am here [06:38] hello [06:38] ndiswrapper [06:38] tHello guys [06:38] is what I am trying to get going [06:38] SILVERSALMON: ok, do you have the ubuntu cd in the drive? === Xorlev [n=raven@unaffiliated/xorlev] has joined #ubuntu [06:38] I will put it in now === Ballex [n=RaZeKeN0@] has left #ubuntu [] [06:39] it is in === YogSothoth [n=john@lns-bzn-32-82-254-11-30.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === Stisho is back (gone 00:15:07) [06:39] SILVERSALMON: did it prompt you to add it to the repository list? [06:39] Hi [06:39] yes,,,it says a volume w/ software packages has been detected [06:40] but no repository msg [06:40] should I open with package manager? [06:40] sources.list is in the etc. file ? [06:40] munsa: /etc/apt/sources.list [06:40] thanks [06:40] :) [06:40] SILVERSALMON: I don't remember the exact message, but answer affirmatively [06:41] munsa, I've used G4L to backup my entire Ubuntu system before. (http://sourceforge.net/projects/g4l) [06:41] oh cool thank you === Robokop [n=robokop@ip9135169d.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [06:41] it works nicely ah? [06:41] SILVERSALMON: would you like to add a cd to your sources.list? [06:41] Just need an FTP server. === n1xt3r [n=kevin@cpe-24-93-126-105.columbus.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["banzai!"] === mikl [n=mikl@pdpc/supporter/active/mikl] has joined #ubuntu === znull is now known as xnull- === noxxle [n=noxxle@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:42] ok..I am now in the Packaging manager and see in the tray to the right everything from Base system ti graphics, etc. [06:42] not right left [06:42] my bad === NemesisUK [n=nemesis@static-189-187.allcomm.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [06:43] could sb help me with a wine problem [06:43] while starting some program it tells me fatal error virtual memory should be enabled [06:43] how can i set the spindown time of my hd? [06:43] SILVERSALMON: ok, try installing ndiswrapper-utils now, you should be able to use the package managere [06:43] can i set it to turn off after, say 15 minutes? [06:43] ok...I am assuming it is under networking [06:43] I will look [06:43] SILVERSALMON: you can just hit "search" as well === MarcN [n=marc@dslv-1-139.mv.com] has joined #ubuntu === jbu [n=jbu@12-5-52-153.static.bnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu === shah02_ [n=shirin@cbl-sd-54-141.aster.com.do] has joined #ubuntu [06:44] SILVERSALMON: or just type sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils in a terminal [06:44] kk [06:45] could sb help me with a wine problem [06:45] while starting some program it tells me fatal error virtual memory should be enabled [06:45] I see 4 diff utils for ndiswrapper [06:45] reg, 1.1 and 1.8??? === adb [n=adb@p548892A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === factorx [n=asdf@dslb-084-061-060-122.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === skreet [n=skreet@c-24-128-161-116.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] or rather [06:45] 1.1 and 1.8 === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [06:45] Aaargn, they told me this file system check on boot was going to be solved in edgy. I need one file from my laptop, and now I have to wait 5 minutes before the file system check completes. [06:45] can someone help me? my sound card has been working fine until recently. I can't change the volume using ubuntu's volume control or xmms's volume control, or any other application's volume control, for that matter [06:46] I will use the 1.8 version since it is the latest === ThomBrown [n=thom@pool-71-125-199-3.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === adb [n=adb@p548892A6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [06:46] finalbeta: you can ^C the fsck and continue booting === simsimon [n=simsimon@] has joined #ubuntu === simsimon [n=simsimon@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [06:47] jbu: try alsa-mixer === bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:47] Anyone here ever used apt-build for a whole system? [06:47] unikuserf: ok, thanks === xahoz [n=ubik@CPE00508dfb2603-CM001371851808.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:48] could sb help me with a wine problem [06:48] while starting some program it tells me fatal error virtual memory should be enabled [06:48] Crankymonky: rebuild *everything*? Why would you want to do that? [06:48] Robokop: which program is that? do u have vm enabled? === MrBrizzio [n=brizz@c-67-169-245-85.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:49] damn...can't find the link from that wie guy on using the ndiswrapper [06:49] how can i enable vm [06:49] it is titanquest btw [06:49] What was the link to that page where it tells you about installing ATI/Nvidia gfx's? === esion [n=esion@ron34-1-82-224-148-91.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu === holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-242-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu === mcmahonm is now known as mcmahonm[A] === mcmahonm[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes === thane [n=guido@host13-73-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === rickyfingers [n=rickyfin@p54B230A0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === MarcN [n=marc@dslv-1-139.mv.com] has left #ubuntu [] [06:51] SILVERSALMON: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=292329&highlight=wusb54 http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=280176&page=2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper [06:51] can I mirror my boot disk with linux raid after I install? [06:51] how's everyone doing? === xplose [n=xplose@28.34.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu === thane [n=guido@host13-73-dynamic.0-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [06:51] do u have a free partition for vm? [06:51] Trixse1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === alef-null [n=alef0@M929P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [06:52] unikuserf: nope === laurent__ [n=laurent@adsl-fami-1-c17-p005.vtx.ch] has joined #ubuntu === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] i am not robokop i am chubb rock === Crazed [n=Crazed@cc242865-b.deven1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu === ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu === puntti [n=puntti@dsl-prvgw1-fe3fdf00-9.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu [06:53] omg this incredibly difficult [06:53] I have the packaging manager open [06:53] how do I install??? [06:53] i just cant figure out what is wrong whit my system.. i just cant get 3dacceleration work [06:54] then u can make a file as swap and mount it, but I doubt u can run games succesfully under wine. anyway [06:54] dd if=/dev/null of=filenameulike bz=1M count=500 [06:54] SILVERSALMON: its not that difficult [06:54] then how do you install? [06:54] that will create 500M file [06:54] just click on the package u want 2 install [06:54] I see the file it is marked for install [06:54] what next? [06:54] n then klick apply === Xk2c [n=Thilo@dslb-088-072-194-030.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [06:54] all aolbonics aside, correct [06:55] SILVERSALMON: hit apply at the top I think [06:55] silver: just click apply!!!! [06:55] but you would be better off learning apt from the command line === anapivirtua [n=anapi@AMarseille-153-1-67-214.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [06:55] ok so I applied it ...do I still go into terminal and install? [06:55] no [06:55] either one or the other, it wont let you use both at the same time [06:55] silver: nay it should b there [06:56] why in the forums a person is guiding thru the terminal to install? === Murp1 [n=brian@murph.rh.rit.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === mikemcc [n=mikemcc@bb-205-209-85-183.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [06:56] terminal is the real way to do things in linux [06:56] because terminal is the real w.... yeah. :) [06:56] always been there, always will [06:56] ok... [06:56] rickyfingers, you work directly on the console? no X? [06:56] I get it [06:57] right now, I'm at an internet cafe running windoze [06:57] ah ok haha [06:57] but I'm hard at work helping folks [06:57] Can I play any game with Wine? Or do I need like.. Cedega? [06:57] get rid of windoze cuz it's nast [06:57] Trixse1, what game are you trying to play? any in particular? [06:57] World of Warcraft, Counter Strike [06:57] (*looks over shoulder for fbi*) [06:58] Trixse1: some games work better in wine, others better in cedega... [06:58] i run world of warcraft in wine [06:58] ohh ok [06:58] cool [06:58] World of Warcraft works, I know for sure. I've got a friend running it in wine. === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66444.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu === lunchbox [n=FreeNode@cpe-72-184-167-252.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === lunchbox is now known as Konnektion [06:58] Who wants to pay for Cedega anyway, when Wine is free? :P [06:58] I don't exactly know how to do it myself, but I bet there's a guide out there somewhere. === Konnektion [n=FreeNode@cpe-72-184-167-252.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === Konnektion [n=FreeNode@cpe-72-184-167-252.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] over: kewl I didn't know u could do that, now I can tell my mates to... === __mikem [n=__mikem@38-108.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [06:58] Tristan, Drace: go to www.winehq.org click on appdb, search for the game you want, there are howtos there [06:58] No WoW in Linux was a big reason they wouldn't do it. [06:59] overridex - I don't play it. Might read it just for curiousity's sake. :) [06:59] rickyfingers: i run it on a beefy computer with beryl... nothing like running it at 1680x1050 res on one desktop and spinning my cube to another ;) [06:59] O [06:59] makes my wow playing friend gawk [06:59] O [06:59] Anyone here ever used apt-build for a whole system? === waa [n=waa@] has joined #ubuntu [06:59] and drool.. ;) [06:59] I've been hearing about beryl [07:00] what is it and what does it do? [07:00] rickyfingers: it's an opengl accelarated window manager [07:00] allows lots of nifty and useful effects [07:00] Trixse1: because cedega is closed/propreitary company it is able to negociate for stuff a foss project wouldn't, like non-free codecs and cd-protection (basicly drm) technologies that some games require to install [07:00] www.beryl-project.org - or search youtube for some videos... [07:00] Hmm. like an alternative to KDE or gnome? [07:00] I love the concept of network-manager! A daemon in the background which different GUIs in different desktop environments talk to! [07:00] rickyfingers: well, you still use it with gnome [07:01] This is how desktops should share code! [07:01] rickyfingers: more like a replacement for metacity [07:01] I wanna see more of this! === ramza3 [n=ramza3@c-24-99-72-157.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === bgates [n=chris@p5484842B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === flo-_- [n=flo@host83-169-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] over: but the experience is such that one feels like it's a different desktop environment? [07:01] Powermanagement could be the next best candidate! [07:01] What do you thing === verdel [n=javi@] has joined #ubuntu [07:01] think [07:01] rickyfingers: no, it replaces the window manager that kde or gnome use [07:02] rickyfingers: the desktop environment (gnome, kde) are the same === D13GU [n=home@20132163026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] You do still have to install the ndiswrapper in the termianl [07:02] hello [07:02] terminal [07:02] rickyfingers: you use beryl with gnome or kde or xfce [07:02] SILVERSALMON: no you dont [07:02] Trixse1: i used to think it was better than wine, but i'm not sure anymore (wine's directX support used to not be as good)since the wine project seems to be doing very well lately :-) === Bedir [n=Burak@] has joined #ubuntu [07:02] selamlar [07:02] Trke bilen varm [07:02] Yada Trk === Godfather [i=Godfathe@] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] g' evening guys === gurzo [n=gurzo@85-18-201-175.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu === cge [n=costi@ip70-181-253-87.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === krups [n=arthomps@pool-68-239-66-139.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:03] friends, i have one problem, with firefox [07:03] The program 'firefox-bin' received an X Window System error. [07:03] This probably reflects a bug in the program. [07:03] The error was 'BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)'. [07:03] guys i need wifi-radr.deb file [07:03] Trke bilen varm [07:03] *scratches head* still trying to grok - what's the point of using beryl...u can run windoze apps in it...more eye candy... [07:03] Bedir: English only in here please [07:03] got a silly question, i just added a mythtv user. but it won't let me login to kde using that user. i think it's cause the /home/mythtv user persisted from an old installation. [07:04] how do i correct it? [07:04] could anyone tell me where i can find it [07:04] Turkish system a e name is PARDUS [07:04] beryl = pretty === Stish0 [n=Oliver@lns-bzn-52-82-65-103-196.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] hey crups, why don't u just try copy -r [07:04] UBUNTU - PARDUS [07:04] copy -rRp [07:04] hmm [07:04] rickyfingers: it's about usability (not saying it's the best thing ever, but it is a step in a good direction) [07:04] another user's home dir that can log in to KDE [07:04] Anyone here ever used apt-build for a whole system? [07:04] rickyfingers: eyecandy, things like expose, etc. === Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu === rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p54B1B8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:04] Bedir: yes, we know Pardus exists. :) [07:04] true terminal transparency is handy === SurfnKid [n=SurfnKid@unaffiliated/surfnkid] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] *jeezum* so many things I don't know, what's expose? [07:05] you mean cp? [07:05] a very nice zoom feature too [07:05] I'm not understand [07:05] yeah [07:05] good??? PARDUS-UBUNTU === kevloth` [i=kevloth@host121.190-30-4.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu === piratepete [n=piratepe@] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] Krups: sorry I went way way back to my dos roots there === SonicChao [n=SonicCha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] Bedir: no, they're not the same at all. === Kutuzov [n=fabrizio@host105-39-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu === prxq [n=prxq@C517a.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:05] krups: yeah, cp [07:05] Bedir: join #pardus maybe [07:05] rickyfingers: if you touch your cursor to the upper right corner of the screen, all your windows arrange (scaled depending how many there are) on your screen so you can click one to switch to and focus it [07:05] !ext3 [07:05] overridex: i like zooming in and watching my other display from around the corner of the cube :-) [07:05] ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org === leafw [n=Any@cbg-off-client.mpi-cbg.de] has joined #ubuntu === kevloth [i=kevloth@host121.190-30-4.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] any ideas on how can one control firefox opening m3u files, so that they are appended to the current xmms instance instead of replacing it's playlist? [07:06] ricky: thnx. will try. [07:06] khaije1: hehe :) === ploufplouf [n=richard@rob92-6-82-231-242-58.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] guys could anyone give wifi-radr.deb file [07:06] thanks apokryphos [07:06] good chats === gilnim [n=gilnim@unaffiliated/gilnim] has joined #ubuntu [07:06] can't find in the gconf-editor where are file associations controled [07:06] ok...I thought I just installed ndiswrapper....when I typed ndiswrapper -l it said no drivers installed??????? [07:07] Godfather, is that in the repos? === b33r- [n=b33r@] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] rickyfingers: i.e. you have a lot of windows open on different desktops, you want a certain window, but don't know which desktop it's on or what window it's under... you use that, select it, it switches you to the correct desktop and brings that window to the top, and focuses it... much quicker than hunting [07:07] i have a problem [07:07] silver: u got to do ndiswrapper -i first === Caplain [n=matt@185.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:07] i can't connect with linux to my wifinet [07:07] ndiswrapper -i .inf [07:07] Godfather, oh, k. [07:07] ok...after that then what? [07:07] Godfather, if you could hold on, I can boot into ubuntu and help you more [07:07] so i have to download .deb file by windows [07:07] Is there a driver for Sound Card Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value for ubuntu? [07:07] I'm on daul-boot -- currently in windows. [07:07] silver: then u need to do modprobe ndiswrapper [07:07] an then install it on ubuntu [07:08] yes === Subhuman [n=jack@host86-142-54-172.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] silver: then, if the stars and the moons are in alignment, you'll have a driver for your wnic [07:08] I can send you the deb if you wait a few moments (10 minutes or so) === mbb [i=Mike@d44-196.rb.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:08] ok thank you :) === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-87-111.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] variant: Is there a driver for Sound Card Creative Sound Blaster Audigy Value for ubuntu? :0 [07:09] I typed ndiswrapper -i rt2500usb.inf and got unable to create directory' === the_lord [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:09] Ok -- just installing something :) [07:09] silver: try sudo ndiswrapper... [07:09] As soon as it's done I'll get on Linux :) === kevloth is now known as help [07:09] silver: make sure that .inf is in the PATH [07:09] alright, brb Godfather [07:09] b33r-: yes === help is now known as kevloth [07:09] remember to tell me the package name when i get on === ThomBrown [n=thom@pool-71-125-199-3.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:10] file associations in gnome, anyone? Where are they hiddne? [07:10] ok [07:10] for edgy eft [07:10] b33r, are you sure it wasn't autodetected? [07:10] Yes I'm pretty sure [07:10] variant: Can you please tell me how do I install it? [07:10] how do i check the current -S setting with hdparm without changing it [07:11] b33r-: afaik it's part of hte alsa packages === capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-32-251.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === picasso [i=mike@chrondo.com] has joined #ubuntu === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #ubuntu === h2h [i=h2h@74-198-112-64.dialup.tc3net.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] b33r-: i am too busy rightnow, sorry [07:11] hi, i was curious what a good way to stream music from my laptop (ubuntu) to desktop (windows) is [07:11] ok ;< [07:11] hmmm. picasso, maybe you could just run apahce [07:11] *apache === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168091098.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:11] krups: how bout u can u help meh? === kitche [n=dragon@pool-70-16-40-236.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] rickyfingers: i actually want to control it from the laptop === prxq_ [n=prxq@C517a.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] but my speakers are plugged into desktop === TIger_IT [n=Tiger_IT@OL65-184.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu === f_favila [n=f_favila@66-81-17-95.socal.dialup.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:12] picasso: let me think. the desktop is a windoze box or a linux box, same question for laptop. === SonicChao [n=soniccha@dpc67142187100.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] hello Godfather [07:13] laptop is ubuntu, desktop is windows [07:13] What was the name of the package? [07:13] and my music source is actually a remote stream :) [07:13] wifi-radr for kubuntu edgy eft === Alex_Palex [n=alex@adsl-ull-237-167.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:13] Ok. [07:13] picasso: ok just use remote desktop to connect to desktop [07:13] and choose the option to have remote machine play sounds [07:13] I'm on ubuntu -- and just installed (no, not a n00b, I had to reinstall) so it may take a few moments === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@ontario-ca-cuda3-70-36-185-20.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === h2h [i=h2h@74-198-112-64.dialup.tc3net.com] has left #ubuntu [] === bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu === Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-76-2-11-240.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:14] E: Couldn't find package wifi-radr [07:14] b33r: mine was auto detected. what makes u think your isn't? [07:14] I believe it's in a repo I haven't yet inabled. [07:14] i need a program for mounting bin/cue files because i dont want to burn them to discs. anyr ecommendations? [07:14] Possibly you could get someone else to help -- or you could wait for me to enable extra repos. === the_lord [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090280.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:15] krups: I'm right now on ubuntu and it didnt auto detect and the sound icon is disabled [07:15] SonicChao: wifi-radar === nodar [n=nodar@ALyon-253-1-66-233.w86-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Bedir [n=Burak@] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] === gunner [n=gunner@c-69-137-129-212.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] still couldn't find package. [07:16] join #ubuntu-fr [07:16] It's in Multi/Universe, correct? [07:16] SonicChao: didn't think so... i'm checking now [07:16] Ok. [07:16] This is a clean install, I needed to daul-boot === waterpie [n=waterpie@ppp65-237.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [07:16] so whatever ubuntu has for clean install (6.06, NOT 6.06.1) is what I have. === louis323 [n=louis323@70-38-164-36.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] !restrictedformats [07:17] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [07:17] what's up louis? === bwlang__ [n=bwlang@bb-66-55-211-238.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] SonicChao: it's univers [07:17] tienes preguntas? [07:17] hi all [07:17] you wenn tyi ma [07:17] what's up waterpie? === macsim [n=macsim@cpc1-lewi5-0-0-cust467.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:17] khaije1: alright, I'm doing this for someone else, actually. :) [07:18] b33r: this is clean edgy install? and does dmesg show errors? === D13GU [n=home@20132163026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:18] SonicChao: it's good to help :-) === Tonren [n=mcantor@dh113108.bennington.edu] has joined #ubuntu [07:18] rickyfingers: problems :-) [07:19] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" [07:19] Well, what kind of problems? [07:19] rickyfingers: i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" [07:19] I can get you through a lot of the straight linux stuff that you have to do at the command prompt [07:19] file associations in gnome, anyone? Where are they hidden? [07:19] but I don't know a whole lot about ubunut per se [07:19] in kubuntu it's trivial, can't be so different! === Yeruva [n=Yeruva@] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] leafw: file associatons? such as PDF open in XPDF not KPDF? [07:20] waterpie, have u tried just installing k3b from synaptic? === Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3C59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:20] I just did that yesterday. [07:20] hello? how can i mount a bin/cue without burning it to a disc [07:20] SonicChao: such as which apps should open which file types by default, when double-clicked [07:20] noxxle: mount -o loop [07:20] rickyfingers: it is already installed. and it works. but it gives this error [07:20] Yes [07:21] noxxle: open them with mplayer it play them without mounting [07:21] I had the same problem recently -- but I solved it. :) === mholysz [n=mateusz@mateusz1098.net.autocom.pl] has joined #ubuntu [07:21] rickyfingers: it's k3d not k3b [07:21] in konqueror it's rather easy, just settings->file associations (obvious, I would say) [07:21] watepie: my bad. I totally misunderstood your question. [07:21] Guys I just updated to Edgy and I"m trying to mount a bunch of folders with unionfs, but I get this error: mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none, [07:21] missing codepage or other error [07:21] Additionally, dmesg | tail produces: unionfs_read_super: error while parsing options (err = -22) [07:21] in gnome/nautilus there is no friggin' way to reach any such menu [07:21] What's goin' on? [07:22] rickyfingers i dont understand "mount -0 loop /home/noxxle/unreal.bin [07:22] would that work? [07:22] waterpie: when I get into problems with installing something with a package manager, I quit fooling with the package manager, and install from source [07:22] Yes [07:22] yes there is. [07:22] I can help you if you wish [07:22] noxxle: u want to mount an iso image, that's on your hd? [07:22] to set default apps for filetypes, just right click on the file, properties, and set the open with [07:22] SonicChao : sure, thanks. Not the gconf-editor, or is it ? [07:22] rickyfingers: but now whatever package I try to install, it gives this error for k3d [07:22] rickyfingers its a bin/cue i want to mount on my HD === zipzo [n=david@c-67-180-169-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === geno_ [n=geno@bas6-montreal02-1096645883.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [07:22] can anyone help me install a .sh file? [07:23] bruenig : ok, thanks. But that means that files that don't yet exist can't be associated yet. [07:23] no [07:23] zipzo: sudo sh .sh [07:23] whee [07:23] zipzo: sh filename.sh [07:23] thats right bruenig [07:23] thnx [07:23] Sorry, multi-tasking. [07:23] leafw, the filetype of the file whose properties you changed will also be changed even ones you don't yet have [07:23] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" any ideas? [07:23] zipzo: Make sure that it has permission to be executed. Do you know how to do that? === csiga [n=csiga@dsl51B6DD88.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [07:23] does anyone here use amsn? i just wrote a script to add anti-aliasing to it, and i was wondering if anyone wanted to test it out [07:23] noxxle: don't really see eye to eye with you on that one is the bin/cue a file, or a hardware device" [07:23] ? [07:23] noxxle: it has to be iso if you want to mount that [07:24] so, I have to download first an .m3u file, then set it to open with xmms -e %, and then, finally, open them directly from firefox links? === csiga [n=csiga@dsl51B6DD88.pool.t-online.hu] has left #ubuntu ["Tvozom"] [07:24] yes, got iot [07:24] how do i make a bin into an iso [07:24] thnx all === engwnbie [n=engwnbie@] has joined #ubuntu === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] bin/cue is a nero iso thingy === IOException [n=sirius@AAmiens-157-1-110-209.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [07:24] leafw, so if you change an mp3, all other mp3's on your computer and in the future will open how you changed the open with on that one mp3 [07:24] did you upgrade from dapper? [07:24] Yeruva: yes [07:24] bruenig : an .m3u, not an mp3 [07:24] anyone - how to access Ubuntu gstreamer headers from simple C app? #include gives me error [07:24] leafw, same concept [07:24] right [07:24] leafw: For example, we have a PDF [07:24] ok [07:24] noxxle: ok let me think...is it a .bin that is actually just an image of a disk/partition? [07:24] Can anyone help me with a unionfs problem? [07:24] Yeruva: and that's when the problem started [07:24] but again, I need to create one such file first. === siXy [n=james@88-96-183-185.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] noxxie: try this. mount file.bin /media -o loop [07:25] so you have it working? [07:25] some pyton stuff was left out during upgrade.. not sure why it happened though. but it is the reason [07:25] rickyfingers i dont know its a popular format for burning programs [07:25] XD 197 packages to upgrade! [07:25] you load the cue up and it reads the bin === porto88 [n=porto88@pool-151-197-186-138.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:25] Yeruva: thanks. any ideas about what exactly? === mcmahonm[A] is now known as mcmahonm [07:26] seems they dropped support for those pacakges... [07:26] noxxle: I don't know. I was only ever aware of one format for a disk image, and that's iso [07:26] noxxle: you can convert bin/cue using bchunk [07:26] noxxle: to iso === engwnbie [n=engwnbie@] has joined #ubuntu [07:26] noxxle: so I'm thinking that .bin=.iso, but I see I'm mistaken. My bad. [07:26] I think removing those packges manually shouls correct the problem [07:26] noxxle: just apt-get install bchunk and use it in command line [07:26] hum, and firefox manages it's file associations on it's own? I see that m3u files have, in their properties GUI, an association with the Movie Player, but firefox opens them with xmms anyway [07:26] These package names can be found when you open the update manager [07:27] leafw: that's a tricky one, firefox yes does manage things on it's own...I think it would be better to ask that though on #firefox or irc.mozilla.org/firefox === Slim^snief^schu [i=slim@p57A57991.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:27] im reading forums that tell me to use cdemu [07:27] thanks SonicChao. [07:28] Yeruva: what do you mean "manually"? i try to remove k3d manually, ie: "dpkg -P k3d". or do i have to edit files? [07:28] your welcome. :D === usamahashimi [n=tufail@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] noxxle, I mean, if you have the disk available [07:28] i do, but cdemu isnt in the repos [07:28] wtf === anuvis07 [n=anuvis@251-51-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] just do dd if=/dev/yourcdrom of=whateveryouwanttocalltheiso === larsemil [n=larsemil@c-36f1e155.135-6-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] Hi all, I want to play an old strategy game called "Total Annihilation" on Linux, I couldn't manage to successfully install it using wine, anyone knows of such an attempt? === nolimitsoya [n=nolimits@] has joined #ubuntu [07:28] in what package can i find the xlib needed for cedega? [07:28] Can you around 25+ pacakes not upgraded and grayed out in update manager?? [07:28] that'll make a blind copy of the disk for you. [07:28] Hi! My ubuntu install reboots during software installation, is that normal? likely not!? [07:29] anyone - how to access Ubuntu gstreamer headers from simple C app? #include gives me error === kingi89 [n=kingi89@a81-197-2-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu === warkruid [n=onkruid@enneman.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] Slim^snief^schu: which software installation? === cosm0z` [n=encKe`@adsl-65-70-109-221.dsl.mdldtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:29] Slim^snief^schu: During? Like right in the middle of software installation? [07:29] Slim^snief^schu, what do you mean reboots during software installation, if you are talking about it telling you to reboot after uprading the kernel, then that is normal, other than that probably not === lasgarfer [n=lasgarfe@cable223a146.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu === Stish0 is now known as Stisho [07:29] hi all [07:29] !hi | usamahashimi === mode/#ubuntu [-b xe||!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by nalioth [07:29] usamahashimi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [07:29] usamahashimi: hello [07:29] noxxle: then, after you've made an "iso" image of the disk [07:30] how can i enter into rescue mode through live cd [07:30] Yeruva: update manager says that my system is up to date [07:30] noxxle: then u can mount -o loop and do whatever you want to it, [07:30] pecisk: installed dev package for gstreamer? [07:30] bruenig: hi [07:30] larsemil: xlibs-dev [07:30] nope, i missed the exact moment, but at like 80% to 100% of "selecting and installing software" it just reboots === njan [n=james@about/security/staff/njan] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] SonicChao: hi [07:30] ok === xe|| [n=xell@wikipedia/xell] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] Slim^snief^schu: That's not normal. === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has joined #ubuntu === dre| [i=snoop@] has joined #ubuntu [07:30] unikuserf: libgstreamer0.10-dev [07:30] It says upto date, But can you find any packages grayed out during updates?? [07:30] damn, im using the alternate install aready [07:30] usamahashimi: are you having a problem with ubuntu? We can try to help. :) [07:31] Does Ubuntu have Samba installed? [07:31] jimb1, not by default [07:31] jimb1: preinstalled? no. === cyber [n=cyber@CPE00134614e2cd-CM00137186bf52.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === dre| [i=snoop@] has left #ubuntu [] === auhsoj [n=joshua@ip68-228-42-50.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:31] bruenig: Beat me to it. XD [07:31] jimb1, a quick sudo apt-get install samba will do it though [07:31] gnomefreak, well i dont think it is the right version.. === arjun [n=spectre@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:31] yeruva: update manager shows no packeges at all [07:31] SonicChao: i wanna restore my grub, but 1st i wanna know that how i enter in the rescue mode (in dapper) :) [07:31] hey, does anyone know where I can get the latest package release of the ubuntu system panel? [07:31] what's the command that downloads all the needed files to compile a certain program? [07:31] Yeruva: update manager shows no packeges at all [07:32] b33r-, sudo apt-get build-dep package [07:32] thank u === kcfelix [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [07:32] I need samba to be able to see the linux machines from the windows machines on the home network do i not/ [07:32] usamahashimi: are you daul-booting? because it'll bring you right to a screen where you can choose [07:32] SonicChao: yes [07:32] larsemil: that is up to cedega what version they need. DO NOT change your version unless you upgrade everything === phaedra [n=phaedra@69-165-228-12.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === sjoos [n=sjoos@lammers-family.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu === fgeller [n=fgeller@CCC6.WPI.EDU] has joined #ubuntu === Stisho [n=Oliver@lns-bzn-52-82-65-103-196.adsl.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>[] "] [07:33] usamahashimi: Ok, restart, you should get a choice (Linux 2. Recovery mode) === cagdas [n=cagdas@] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] Yeruva: but every time i try to install smth or the notifier tells me about new stuff, it downloads them, seems to install them, but it says there was a problem (which must be that "package has no field Python-Version" of k3d [07:33] Or something along the lines of that. === Acetylene [n=Acetylen@213-202-131-46.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu === sjoos [n=sjoos@lammers-family.demon.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === mirkone [n=mirkone@p57A2571B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === h1st0 [n=histo@adsl-75-36-112-138.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === yeager [n=yeager@84-55-72-6.rev.sth.ownit.se] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] hi, folks === brummygem [n=brummyda@82-36-75-233.cable.ubr02.harb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:33] !hi | kcfelix [07:33] kcfelix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! [07:33] kcfelix: hello === h1st0 [n=histo@adsl-75-36-112-138.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu === mirkone [n=mirkone@p57A2571B.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:34] SonicChao: no no, my grub is lost and i wanna enter in the rescue mode of Live CD === obi_Tux_kenobi [n=c@c-24-11-80-244.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] hi, i'm trying to configure the resolution of xorg manually, but restarting the xserver seems to ignore the modes i added. is there a log file to see what might have happened? === mholysz [n=mateusz@mateusz1098.net.autocom.pl] has left #ubuntu [] === adm [n=adam@unaffiliated/adm] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] I had similar problem.. But It did list that python version package for me.. So I just removed it manually and did sudo apt-get install -f [07:34] fgeller: /var/log/Xorg.0.log === neg [n=1000@] has joined #ubuntu [07:34] anybody tried Dapper and Edgy on acer laptops? [07:34] rofl, no matter if i choose text install or oem install the same layout appears^^ [07:34] usamahashimi: Oh! ^^; [07:34] that took care of it [07:35] !lol [07:35] usamahashimi: I'm afraid I don't know how to do that. D: [07:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:35] dusk: ? [07:35] !anything === brummygem [n=brummyda@82-36-75-233.cable.ubr02.harb.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [07:35] hi all i have a broadcom wireless card and i am running ubuntu, is there a how to for getting the card to work? === kingi89 [n=kingi89@a81-197-2-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] [07:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:35] !msg [07:35] Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. [07:35] !msg the bot [07:35] Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-) [07:35] haha this is funny, I'm in germany right now, and at the internet cafe I'm at there's this guy eating a kepap who's wearing dreadlocks [07:35] !grub [07:35] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [07:35] O.o [07:35] rasta kebab!! [07:35] anyone? ubuntu system panel? [07:35] !flooding [07:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about flooding - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:35] gnomefreak, well the xlibs-dev in repos is 1.7 and cedega needs 4.0 u really think it is the right package? === warnet [n=sp3@] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] auhsoj, that is not much of a question [07:36] dusk: Please stop spamming the bot. === bsb001 [n=Brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:36] dusk: Alternativaly, you can query the bot "/query ubotu" [07:36] bruenig, i didnt want to completely repeat my self... [07:36] !yaboot [07:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about yaboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:36] auhsoj, no copy and paste capabilities? [07:36] !daulboot [07:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about daulboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === bsb001 [n=Brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:36] Hm... [07:36] i'm having some trouble making alsa working on my acer laptop [07:36] !daul boot [07:36] bruenig, didnt want to annoy anyone... but here goes: [07:36] Sorry, I don't know anything about daul boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:36] all of a sudden i got a calender in upper right corner...where the h did that come from [07:36] it's very weird [07:36] hey, does anyone know where I can get the latest package release of the ubuntu system panel? [07:37] o.o === kerwonz [n=neon@] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] cant seem to close it [07:37] !dualboot [07:37] Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) [07:37] :) [07:37] Well I guess it has nothing on daul-boot [07:37] Oh lol [07:37] misspelling. [07:37] You can investigate with the bot in /msg guys :) === bsb001 [n=Brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] auhsoj, well at least it isn't long. I could understand if you didn't want to repeat a paragraph. What is the ubuntu system panel? === Skal [n=skal@] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] leafw sounds like u are trying 2 dualboot linux mac [07:37] what's a good source list for edgy? === Osires [n=pdubla@82-46-14-136.cable.ubr08.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [07:37] larsemil: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev xlibs-data are your choices. ill check version numbering of each give me a sec [07:37] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" any ideas? [07:37] in the first install it works all right [07:37] kitche: mh nothing in there seems wrong [07:37] bruenig, an alternative to SLED [07:37] !easysource [07:37] source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [07:37] auhsoj, oh === mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos [07:37] sorry, in the first boot [07:38] anyone know how to get the broadcom wireless card to work in ubuntu? === TIger_IT [n=Tiger_IT@OL65-184.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] kitche: do you have an idea what i would be looking for? [07:38] then i restart once and alsa don't work anymore [07:38] fgeller: then it accepted your resolutions but which resolution is first? === nickspoon [n=nick@] has joined #ubuntu [07:38] i'm googling about this for some weeks :( [07:38] obi did you try ndiswrapper? [07:38] why dapper live cd can not enter into rescue mode while typing rescue and hitting enter? [07:38] kitche: was looking for something about monitor or screen section [07:38] any idea whats goin on here...got this message Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? [07:38] larsemil: none are 4.0 can you please give me link to cedega [07:38] 'cuz I got a broadcom sometheing working with that. [07:38] fgeller: the Xorg.0.log is a bit crypted you have to look for (EE) [07:38] rickyfingers i am looking for a how-to === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] kitche: i removed all other resolutions, only the one i'd like is there at the moment (1680x1050) [07:39] auhsoj, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229014 [07:39] auhsoj, not sure if this is the latest, but it looks like it could be http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=13754&d=1154654031 === BlackTopBum [n=BlackTop@host-69-145-209-65.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu === jimb1 [n=jimbo@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:39] obi: ok do a google for like sourceforge ndiswrapper list [07:39] kitche: there are some EE entries, but about a /dev/wacom device === Ivo_PANOV_23_SF [n=ip@] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] bruenig, there is at least an 0.40 === SpacePuppy [n=SpacePup@unaffiliated/iidot] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] the module is snd_hda_intel and, on the first boot, when it works, the alsa mixer lists it as ATI HDA SB [07:39] auhsoj, yeah sorry didn't read further down http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=14269&d=1155524787 [07:39] adm, but is that the latest? because there are multiple threads like that === Ivo_PANOV_23_SF [n=ip@] has joined #ubuntu [07:39] I've just just got a quick question: linux-generic installs what version of the kernel 386, 686, K7 .. because it looks like the 386 version which isn't very optimised for AMDs. Is there any way to install the k7 version (as I see its now depricated) [07:39] obi: do lspci or...friggen...cardctl info [07:40] Well I'm still at it. I installed ubuntu, then added another drive. I have used fdisk, cfdisk and others to set up the drive. But it refuses to mount (giving the error "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted." I've tried using mkfs, but this does not seem to help. Any ideas? [07:40] where from do I get a source list? -.- [07:40] larsemil: when does it state it needs xlibs-4.0? === grummel [n=grummel@ulmg-590cb034.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:40] auhsoj, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=14269&d=1155524787 (that version is 0.41-1, i use it) [07:40] anybody got this sound card working? [07:40] thx adm === bruenig notes adm's repeat post [07:40] >_> === bruenig sets out to assassinate adm [07:40] gnomefreak, well it says when i try to install it.it says it is not installed... [07:40] larsemil: xlibs are normally versioned with Xorg [07:41] the second version was a direct download link, actually ;) [07:41] In Soviet Russia, adm assassinates YOU! [07:41] lol [07:41] larsemil: i dont know of an Xorg 4.0 === Xal [n=xal@p54A6CB28.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:41] Hi [07:41] gnomefreak: do u know any good source list for edgy? :o [07:41] larsemil: what install method are you using? [07:41] Is there a good tutorialon isolinux? [07:41] adm do you also have any of the plugins installed? [07:41] tutorial* [07:41] b33r-: as in non official repos? === BlackTopBum [n=BlackTop@host-69-145-209-65.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [07:41] !isolinux [07:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about isolinux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:42] D: === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-153-150-193.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] !alsa [07:42] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin [07:42] gnomefreak, .deb from their homepage.. === RaffoPazzo [n=root@host213-209-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] hi [07:42] auhsoj, i don't actually [07:42] Hmm === fatsheep [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] can anybody help me with my alsa problem? [07:42] larsemil: do have link handy? === B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.47-108.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:42] Wow. There have been a lot of updates since my June Dapper CD [07:42] gnomefreak: I just installed edgy so I need a source list so I can get my packages from repos [07:42] adm not even control panel? [07:42] gnomefreak, u have to be member to be able to download.. [07:42] anyone know of a good how to on setting up a network printer? [07:43] !repos | b33r- [07:43] b33r-: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [07:43] !raffo - haven't had a problem with sound for a long time [07:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about raffo - haven't had a problem with sound for a long time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === obi_Tux_kenobi [n=c@c-24-11-80-244.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [07:43] I'm trying to make a DVD with multiple OSes on it. ISOLinuxis an option for booting linux from the CD. I just can't figure out how to use it. === Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu === yeager_ [n=yeager@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] raffo: r u using some kind of isa sound card or something? [07:43] Anybody? linux-generic is 386, 686 or K7? (I'm guessing its 386) and if it is how do I get an optimised kernel as I'm doing some coding were the kernel version makes a big difference [07:43] I can't get the disk to boot all the way. === ajopaul_ [n=ajopaul@] has joined #ubuntu === lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] It simply stops. [07:43] no i have an ac97 sound card [07:43] auhsoj, ubuntu control panel is a separate app === ircminer [n=lamer0@] has joined #ubuntu [07:43] Osires: i suspect you'll need to compile your own [07:44] alsaconf detect it correctly [07:44] how to get the "checkgmail" notifier to start when logging in to ubuntu.... I've already tried by adding it to "System > Preferences > Sessions" then start up apps [07:44] Osires: what sort of coding are you doing? [07:44] larsemil: are you sure it says xlibs? i see XFree 86 4.0 or higher [07:44] Are there any media center like Windows media center in Ubuntu? [07:44] adm ah ok [07:44] gnomefreak: is it the same for edgy and dapper? [07:44] when i plugin my usb disk, its not mounting automatically? [07:44] roryy: Graphics research [07:44] larsemil: glibc 2.2 or higher [07:44] usamahashimi: Mount it manually then? [07:44] Well I'm still at it. I installed ubuntu, then added another drive. I have used fdisk, cfdisk and others to set up the drive. But it refuses to mount (giving the error "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted." I've tried using mkfs, but this does not seem to help. Any ideas for this noob? [07:44] Kim^J: What do you mean 'like'? [07:44] larsemil: im looking at requeirments for it right now === Xal is now known as Xal2 [07:44] Hey everybody. Doea any of you have any idea when EasyUbuntu will be updated for Edgy === Ivo_PANOV_23_SF [n=ip@] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] rorry: Ubuntu used to be fine in 6.06 cause I could install the k7 kernel *sigh* Thats stupid gonna have to go back a version [07:44] b33r-: yes === sacker [n=sacker@adsl-068-209-216-106.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:44] when i include all sound modules needed, i can hear the power-up sound of the speaker.... [07:44] !easyubuntu > TLE [07:45] Kim^J: can u guide me? [07:45] TLE: ask in #easyubuntu [07:45] SonicChao: Have you tried WMC ? === obi_Tux_kenobi [n=c@c-24-11-80-244.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === BlackTopBum [n=BlackTop@host-69-145-209-65.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:45] but i can't here any sound [07:45] TLE well it's not even part of ubuntu it's 3rd party [07:45] Kim^J: yes, lol, I dual-boot. [07:45] gnomefreak, thanks alot [07:45] Osires: in dapper, there -generic kernel is optimised for all arches [07:45] mplayer and gaim don't sound [07:45] usamahashimi: sudo mount /dev/ /where [07:45] is anyone aware of a good guide to setting up xgl and compiz on ubuntu or should i just find a forum topic about it and have at it? [07:45] Osires: *shrug* my understanding is after some testing little difference was found between the versions [07:45] denver: #ubuntu-xgl [07:45] larsemil: debian has a version if i read correctly [07:45] SonicChao: Yes... Is there a program like that to Ubuntu or Linux [07:45] thank you flannel [07:45] ? [07:45] roryy: Depends what your doing there [07:45] Osires: you can still compile *your* code to use whatever magic instructions you want [07:45] kitche: thanks but the info is not there [07:45] Kim^J: how can i find the device for usb-drive? [07:45] gnomefreak, and how do i get the hand on this? [07:45] gnomefreak: will do === fatsheep [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu [] [07:46] usamahashimi: I dunno. [07:46] Kim^J: i mean in dev [07:46] Kim^J: I don't know about exactly the same, but Totem I think is close. [07:46] roryy: Any gentoo person will GREATLY disagree with you there ;-) [07:46] TLE: it should have pointed you to join #easyubuntu [07:46] Osires: *shrug* [07:46] roryy: Ya hopefully the kernel won't have such a big impact on that .. I'm hoping [07:46] usamahashimi: have you already executed lspci? [07:46] Flannel: You can't have optimisations for all arches at the same time .. not possible [07:46] it should detect usb device [07:46] kitche: I know, but i figured that perhaps somebody here knew anyway :: Yeah it did thanks === archie0 [n=archie@cpe-70-116-152-147.houston.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [07:46] SonicChao: Hmm... Like Geekbox or what they call it... A controlpanel or what it's called. When you start that media center program in WMCE. === b_52Free [n=skimo@adsl196-148-38-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu === CheekyBoinc [n=fox@p50922685.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl606.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:47] Kim^J: Geekbox? control panel? ... you've got the wrong guy [07:47] rorry: I know their gonna lose a lot of academic users because of that one (at least the guys that need performance) *shrug* I guess that is the price of going generic [07:47] SonicChao: Ok. [07:47] I have a noob question on adding a hd - will anyone help with this? [07:47] larsemil: i dont see any package in any of the depends directly related to xlibs unless you mean xlibmesa and i think name of that changed a while ago === RaffoPazzo [n=root@host213-209-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu [] [07:48] bsb001 what kinda problems are you having? [07:48] bsb001, aks the question [07:48] bsb: yeah what's your problem? [07:48] I installed ubuntu, then added another drive. I have used fdisk, cfdisk and others to set up the drive. But it refuses to mount (giving the error "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted." I've tried using mkfs, but this does not seem to help. Any ideas? [07:48] larsemil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega try this way === D13GU [n=home@20132163026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [07:48] ok bsb: here's what u gotta do [07:48] gnomefreak, well i just ask what cedega says while dpkg -i ing [07:48] hello how to install flash player on firefox? [07:48] bsb: do you know for sure what node the drive's getting mounted on? [07:49] What is Edgy's scheduled release date? [07:49] Anyway thanks for the help roryy === RaffoPazzo [n=root@host213-209-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] Osires, if you are referring to the new kernel, it has al the capabilities of the old special ones, but as modules that get loaded when the need arise [07:49] so [07:49] SonicChao: umm it's been out for a while now [07:49] SonicChao: Edgy is released. [07:49] np [07:49] kitche: Out? so this update is installing edgy? [07:49] bsb: what kind of a drive is it? is it a usb external, or internal ide, or sata? [07:49] bsb001: i don't know how to help you, but why don't you show the exact commands you used to create the fs, and then to mount them? [07:49] rickeyfingers: you mean as in /dev/hdb1 ? [07:49] I just installed dapper, actually. === novaterata [n=novatera@c-71-56-121-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] SonicChao: It's been out for like three weeks. [07:49] Well, i used it for a while, reinstall problems [07:49] Osires: yes, it loads the optimizations at runtime, hense, only one kernel [07:49] SonicChao: it got released at the end of October [07:49] it's a internal - 160GB [07:49] ok, so updating with synaptic is installing edgy? === edval [n=edval@] has joined #ubuntu [07:49] have anybody any ideas to help me? [07:50] gnomefreak, and this guide was kind of only saying that all i need to do is dpkg -i it [07:50] SonicChao: No. [07:50] so it's an ide? === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] larsemil: i would try asking in #cedega [07:50] what is i2c and i20 devices? === KingOfNowhere [n=user@dynamic-acs-24-239-59-82.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] then what is, Kim^J? [07:50] If I have an athlon xp should i be using the i386 kernel image or the genereic image in Edgy [07:50] generic [07:50] Ahh lovely .. thank you :-D [07:50] always generic [07:50] nolimitsoya: generic [07:50] SonicChao: Just updates prolly. [07:50] thats what I was hoping for [07:50] ok, I've read the DebuggingSoundProblems wiki and I can't solve my problem? :( [07:50] gnomefreak, well i dit but they are sleeping [07:50] :) [07:50] thx anyway [07:50] THanks nolimitsoya [07:50] DI3GU, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree [07:50] oh, the installer choose i386 [07:50] would anybody hear it and try to help [07:50] bsb: I im'd you answer... === tomek_ [n=tomek@] has joined #ubuntu [07:50] Cya [07:50] Then software update is installing it? === Robokop [n=robokop@ip9135169d.speed.planet.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [07:50] I missed you message - yes it's an ide [07:50] Because that's what I chose. [07:51] So I should install generic and use that then [07:51] I've gathered plenty of info about it [07:51] nolimitsoya: final release installer should have installed the generic by default [07:51] some weeks on google... [07:51] bsb: the chanel's too busy now, answer my PM 2 u [07:51] gnomefreak, are you sure you are talking to the right person? [07:51] is this another upgrade from dapper thing [07:51] novaterata: [07:51] but I don't know exactly what to do with it [07:51] Oh, its updating ubuntu-base and ubuntu-docs [07:51] it's an alsa problem [07:51] kcfelix: have you got a sound problem, too ? [07:51] This must be a new release [07:51] sorry nolimitsoya it was auto completion [07:51] yeah === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [07:52] novaterata: ok yes install the generic. upgrade only keeps your version of kernel used [07:52] gnomefreak, perhapslook into tab completion instad off comma completion? === dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-51-11-32.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === sizzam [n=sizzam@c-68-63-136-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === oliver_ [n=oliver@p3EE3A1D2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" any ideas? [07:53] I got a problem with a ati driver installation [07:53] RaffoPazzo: yeah [07:53] gnomefreak, this should do it not: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg/xlibs_6.8.2-77_all.deb [07:53] nolimitsoya: auto completion is tab completion dont have a clue what you mean by off comma [07:53] is the update from dapper to edgy safe? === dudanogueira [n=duda@unaffiliated/bitdoidao/x-000001] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] larsemil: what version of ubuntu? [07:53] the X server seams to start with fglrx, fglrx is loaded, but no 3d acceleration :/ [07:53] NemesisUK: I'll know in a few moments [07:53] I'm updating lol === chantilli [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu === rauble [n=andrew@pool-71-254-252-161.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === kkin [n=kejoki@65-77-252-172.megagate.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:53] RaffoPazzo: I found it a bit weird [07:54] NemesisUK: i have done it, and there are problems [07:54] NameisUK: here's what I do regarding upgrades: [07:54] gnomefreak, edgy [07:54] NemesisUK: according tot he website it safe to upgrade if you don't use gksudo update-manager -c === RaffoPazz1 [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [07:54] hi it seems that my sound system is messed up. i cant hear the sounds from the splash login. I inserterd a USB Plantronics yesterday, and since them the system sounds (System > Preferences > Sounds) doesnt work. how can i fix it?) [07:54] kcfelix: what's your alsa problem? [07:54] larsemil: i might work. but i think your looking at issues installing it. sometime down the road === MrKeuner [n=kudo@pool-141-154-204-19.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:55] it* [07:55] dudanogueira, usb headsets are soundcards of their own, and crappy ones at that. stay away [07:55] gnomefreak, well now cedega installed [07:55] RaffoPazzo: 'cause when I'm install ubuntu, everything works fine, then, on my first system reboot, alsa is gone. Just oss works and alsamixer wil give me a 'alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument' msg [07:55] nolimitsoya, how can i repair the damages? [07:55] dudanogueira, unplug them and get yourself a proper pair of headphones === esel [n=unix@45.80-202-76.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] hi [07:56] How can I send a file (*.txt) over Serial??? [07:56] somone got a nick for me :D ?? im a newbie =) [07:56] please. [07:56] you cannot include oss and alsa modules.... [07:56] RaffoPazz1: some programs work just fine [07:56] nolimitsoya, i unnplugged yesterday, since it didnt worked. but now, the system sounds doesnt work :( === zi99y [n=gez@host-87-74-89-63.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [07:56] hi, can i get good help on getting edgy to work on a Athlon 64 X2 5000, (installed is 386, running at 1000MHz) [07:56] lo all [07:56] btw, what does "preconfigure" a package mean? in contrast to installing it? [07:56] is there a way to reconfigure the sound settings? [07:56] RaffoPazz1: what do you mean? on my first boot, i can choose between alsa and oss [07:56] rickeyfingers: I am so damn new here - I don't see any IM to respond to. I have tried to send you an IM - did you see it? [07:57] anyone know of a prozilla deb for edgy? [07:57] yes but they cannot work together === samu [n=sam@svamppi.sby.abo.fi] has joined #ubuntu [07:57] or similar downloader app [07:57] chantilli: sounds like u are in for some coding check out http://www.ctv.es/pckits/tpserie.html === D13GU [n=home@20132163026.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [07:57] RaffoPazz1: yes, yes. but what happens is that after reboot I can't choose alsa anymore [07:57] zi99y, isn't it in universe? === Dybber [n=a@0x57345912.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] adm, not in my universe.... I'll check === ChaKy [n=chaky@5-157.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [07:58] RaffoPazz1: volume control just won't show alsa as an possible device anymore [07:58] hi, I installed edgy on 26th of October, since then I got only 2 security updates. No other updates. is that normal? === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] !paste [07:59] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-13-95.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] adm, nope not in universe - guess it's a compile job [07:59] how in the hell do I get the software raid for my boot disk working from the install? after it installs it just sits there like it has no /boot ? [07:59] weird.. [07:59] RaffoPazz1: I googled for the error message and find someone with a very similar problem in this page: http://chamine.ru/sha/linux/aspire5112_gentoo.html === sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [07:59] zi99y, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/prozilla/prozilla_1.3.6-9_i386.deb [07:59] !apache [07:59] lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD install menu. [08:00] gnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31030/ check it out is it good? [08:00] he is using gentoo on an acer laptop, so it seems it's an alsa problem and not a ubuntu one [08:00] hello, people! hp dv9008 (pavillion) AMD64 x2 nVidia. sound works on live x86 cd, not with AMD 64 or installed (either). currently have edgy installed & trying to use easyubntu, but that fails with "IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './packagelist-edgy.xml'" I'm thinking that my best bet is add PLF to repositories??? [08:00] !nvidia [08:00] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [08:00] thanks adm, don't know why apt couldn't find it - I have the universe repos, [08:00] hi [08:01] zi99y, or... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/prozilla/prozilla_1.3.7.4-1_i386.deb is newer >_> and... no problem === RaffoPazzo [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] for some reason I can't start the ssh server - I have ubuntu server installed as lamp.. what could cause this? === yeager_ is now known as yeager [08:01] kcfelix: sorry but my connection in the evening is very very instable [08:01] adm, much appreciated :) === calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === Swing3n [n=tsbf@45.80-202-76.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu === Ulixes [n=ulixes@host-84-222-153-125.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu === GaiaX11 [n=vagner@] has joined #ubuntu [08:01] i said you that oss and alsa cannot work together [08:01] kkin: I had to update bios in order for install of edgy 64 to work [08:01] RaffoPazzo: don't worry [08:01] hello [08:02] rickyfingers: I have sent you 2 Im's, have you not gotten them? [08:02] bsb: no [08:02] if i've another hard disk in fat 32 how can i format it to use with ubuntu? [08:02] RaffoPazzo: yeah, I know. I said that volume control won't let me choose alsa device after my first reboot [08:02] nixternal: OK [08:02] didn't see you [08:02] Ulixes, you dont have to reformat it === Spliffster [n=spliffy@cable-static-232-108.eblcom.ch] has joined #ubuntu === Ynot [n=guest@] has joined #ubuntu [08:02] just mount it [08:02] MrKeuner: there haven't been many updates since edgy release === reflect [n=reflect@1-1-13-25b.gtd.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] how? [08:03] bsb: u should just be able to click my handle and so on === ana [n=ana@80-43-4-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === chantilli [n=user@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3A180.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] hoo boy. tx, rickyfingers. unfortunately I don't see an udate for this one yet. ty, beer. [08:03] can you explain me about mounting e smounting [08:03] however, if you were to go into /etc/apt/source.list and look, you probably have a lot of the sources # commented out === engwnbie [n=engwnbie@] has joined #ubuntu [08:03] i'm new in linux [08:03] nixternal: in terms of procejt updates? or repackkaging updates? [08:03] Ulixes, sudo mount /dev/ -t vfat / [08:03] so if i undestanded, you try to execute alsamixer, and this fails [08:03] is there an equivalent to debian's base-config in ubuntu 6.10 ? [08:03] right? [08:03] Ulixes, be welcome :) [08:03] :D [08:03] you could go through and uncomment, remove, the # from lines that start deb http:// === Swing3n [n=tsbf@45.80-202-76.nextgentel.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:03] Rickeyfingers: I highlight your name in the people in room list. It takes me to a new window, with your name at the top. I type, but you don't get it - damn that is strange [08:03] RaffoPazzo: some guy with a similar problem found a workaround: removing /etc/asound.state and then alsaconf again [08:03] RaffoPazzo: but i couldn't find /etc/asound.state :( [08:04] Ulixes: yeah, welcome dude [08:04] !Repositories [08:04] SonicChao, how the updat going? [08:04] The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource [08:04] Ulixes, try searching the forum for "mounting hdd" [08:04] ok but i want to format it in ext3 or like linux main hd file system [08:04] anyone? [08:04] Ulixes, fire up gparted [08:04] ???? [08:04] b33r-: hold on i posted a edgy list somewhere ill get it for you === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] I'm configuring just now my sound card [08:04] bsb u are spelling my name wrong, it's rickyfingers....but I'm using mirc currently === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-87-111.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === Jimbo [n=jimbo@] has joined #ubuntu [08:04] Ulixes, sudo apt-get install gparted && sudo gparted [08:04] and alsamixer failed me too [08:04] what is debian's `base-config`on an edgy server ? [08:04] gnomefreak: okay thanks :) [08:04] RaffoPazzo: same error? invalid argument? [08:05] but my problem was that no sound module was included? [08:05] !! [08:05] bsb: 'f u know much about mirc, may b you can steer me in the right direction. [08:05] *not ? but !! [08:05] anyone have a guide or know how to setup mirrored boot drives during the install. Im stuck. I think im doing it right but it wont boot after the fact. grub wont come up.. [08:05] and then? [08:05] can i run the network setup wizard from xp on ubuntu? [08:05] after i mount it [08:05] really not [08:05] Ulixes, ths will be helpfull to you http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 [08:05] I inserted a plantronics headset yesterday, and sice them, the system sounds doesnt work. does anyone knows how to reconfigure the sound cards? [08:05] how do i run an exe file ? [08:05] Jimbo...rdp is your friend [08:05] RaffoPazzo: my sound module *seems* to be loaded, it's snd_hda_intel === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:05] how can i use it to stock files [08:05] ? [08:05] Ulixes, if you want to reformat you will have to unmount first [08:05] Jimbo, try run it with wine [08:05] rdp???? [08:05] k [08:05] RaffoPazzo: but it just don't works :'( [08:05] me too [08:06] where is wine or rdp? [08:06] :( [08:06] How do I reinstall GRUB? I need to do this because I get error 17 when GRUB tries to start. === elephanthunter [n=Elephant@ip70-162-111-145.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:06] Jimbo: use terminal server client [08:06] have you included by you the module into kernel? [08:06] then do whatever u want in windows, and sftp/ssh it over [08:06] ricky: what do i do in the terminal? [08:06] i'm stiil here...it was my ghost....:D [08:06] adm, I have this line in my sources.list and it doesn't find prozilla? deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy main restricted universe [08:06] Jimbo: windows executables are not supported by any other platform than windows. however there is an windows api emulation layer called wine. it is still work in progress and much compatible with windows 2000. you can instal it with "# apt-get install wine" and give it a try [08:07] Jimbo: wine is usually under ineternet under applications === Chu [n=chubuntu@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] I have treied to boot from the Ubuntu 6.06 LTS cd and then mount my root fs and chroot into it and then run apt-get install --reinstall grub, but that does not fix the problem. [08:07] k ill look there [08:07] tdn: you can use the ubuntu alternate cd to do that. [08:07] b33r-: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31032/ [08:07] adm do I have to add pool somewhere? [08:07] gnomefreak: tyvm [08:07] b33r-: that is a full list [08:07] cany anyone help me ? [08:07] on what? === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] RaffoPazzo: not this time. I tried before with module-assistant but then Dapper won't boot anymore. It interruped the initing to display that invalid argument error forever [08:07] How do I kill a process? === Ynot [n=guest@] has joined #ubuntu [08:07] GaiaX11, why can't I do it from the official cd? I do not have any blank cds :( [08:07] "spliffster, what's your prob? [08:08] i am looking for something like base-config (on debian) in ubuntu [08:08] RaffoPazzo: I had to reinstall it, it was a pain :( [08:08] brb === Smurf` [n=flavio@] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] zi99y, it could simply not be in edgy repos [08:08] tdn: use the rescue mode in the alternate cd. [08:08] why when i try ./configure the system said checking for gcc... gcc [08:08] checking whether the C compiler (gcc ) works... no [08:08] configure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables. [08:08] [08:08] ? === wam [n=w@ACD534EB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] can't help u there...when u really start having problems with the package manager, it's time to go gentoo [08:08] How do I kill a running process in Ubuntu? === nblracer [n=nblracer@] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] hi there, do you know some program like radmin for Ubuntu for remote desktop control on Windows? 10x in advance [08:08] ok thanks adm [08:08] well, i had to re-install all the kernel for an incredible skge module problem [08:08] Pelo: great url! [08:08] rickyfingers: is there a utility (wizard) to configure the base system on a server (no xwindows) ? [08:08] trix: kill -s 9 pid === CheshireViking [n=Inter@i-195-137-101-182.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:08] adm: prozilla is not in the repos [08:09] tomek_, ssh or vnc [08:09] GaiaX11, but I do not have the alternate cd. Whats on the alternate that can do this but not on the official? [08:09] rickyfingers: 9 is the id? [08:09] Trixse1: i always do "ps -A | grep " to find the id and then "kill -s kill pid" [08:09] kkin, I take no credit, I got if rom digg [08:09] kcfelix: what's you lsmod output? [08:09] spliff: I think you are talking about just doing the server install [08:09] how can i get a list of user and group, and what program is being used by a certin user? [08:09] cheers all ;) [08:09] gnomefreak, i know :) === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] tomek_: "Terminal Server Client" should be installed b default [08:09] spliff: i did it yesterday, and it didn't come with no doggone window manager [08:09] nblracer, with the ps program. === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] nblracer: with "who" you can see all the users logged in [08:09] spliff: hence I did the desktop install shortly thereafter === omV0 [n=om@adsl-75-19-29-49.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:09] rickyfingers: nae i am talking about afterboot installation [08:09] tdn: I think it is because in the alternate we have the option to install in text mode [08:10] installing wine [08:10] whats is PS tdn [08:10] tx, all. Asta. === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu === kkin [n=kejoki@65-77-252-172.megagate.com] has left #ubuntu [] [08:10] nolimitsoya, maybe it should be installed on he win machine? [08:10] tdn: And in the official we don't [08:10] for the complete lists of usrs and groups you have to find the file in which "useradd" save its info... [08:10] RaffoPazzo: it's long, I wouldn't paste it in here :) [08:10] so === CarlFK [n=carl@c-24-13-53-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] Jimbo: good luck. make sure to check the website. the wine hq website has an extensive list of compatible binaries === lucien [n=lucien@cpc3-woki2-0-0-cust267.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:10] not the entire [08:10] I just installed a fresh copy of Edgy but when i try to view a .avi or .mp3 file with either totem or mplayer i get errors.. [08:10] tdn: I don't like the official cd either. [08:10] after i mount it how can i access to the secondary hd [08:10] ? [08:10] just the module you need [08:10] ok [08:10] Raffo, just do sudo cat /etc/passwd [08:10] lsmod | grep snd [08:10] how do u install perl? [08:11] GaiaX11, well... What do you want me to do from the text mode? Why does chrooting me into my root fs and then doing an apt-get install --reinstall grub not help? [08:11] that's got all the user's on the sys. === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] snd_hda_intel 20116 2 === sven [n=sven@s5592b114.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] ok [08:11] try this [08:11] lucien, package from synaptic [08:11] Spliffster: whats the website? [08:11] remove module from kernel [08:11] Jimbo: also ... if you want the latest and greatest version add the wine hq sources to your /etc/apt/sources.list. the urls are mentioned somewhere on the wine hq site [08:11] mplayer says "Error opening/initilizing the selected video_out (-vo) device." [08:11] yeh but i cant manage to install === ryan_ [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] RaffoPazzo: i've tried grep snd, but it's long too [08:11] and then reinsert it again [08:11] Jimbo: google.com/search?wine+hq [08:11] ok [08:11] where do i place the files in /tmp? === the_Cat [n=jgrund@h16n1fls32o294.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:11] k [08:11] Jimbo: google is your friend === Vilandil [n=corvus@ARennes-352-1-45-149.w81-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] RaffoPazzo: rmmod and modprobe? [08:12] yes === Rico [n=rjh@rjh29.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] but [08:12] nblracer, ps is a program that is used to list running processes. Type "man ps" to learn more about it. Another quick way to see which processes a specified user is running is by using "top". Just write "top" i a console, and then when it starts up you press "u" followed by the user's username. [08:12] i had a problem on the module [08:12] Spliffster: wine is apparently installed but i dont see it in the applications or system menu [08:12] hey room: is there a ncurses utility for configuring the base ubuntu system ? much like it is done on debian with base-config ? === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:12] hello what's the command from ubuntu to update GRUB? as in .. i've got a new kernel in slackware and i would like to make a new entry in GRUB. ubuntu seems to do that automatically. what is the command? thanks [08:12] nolimitsoya, spliffster: 10x a lot, I'll try [08:12] im new to nix in case u didnt figure that out [08:13] alsamixer don't found any sound device [08:13] Jimbo: search it with "alacarte" the menu editor and activate it [08:13] RaffoPazzo: well, this is weird: ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel is in use === dcordes [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-059-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:13] hey, does anyone know when shipit will be offering edgy cds? [08:13] i dunno you can buy them [08:13] Random_Transit: I don't believe they will be [08:13] tdn: I don't have experience reinstalling grub with the official cd. And I am not sure if it has the rescue option. What i can say to you is that with the alternate it works. But with the official I do not know for sure. [08:13] Random_Transit: probably never since dapper is LTS [08:13] well that sucks. [08:13] sven: sudo update-grub [08:13] Flannel: why do you think so? [08:13] RaffoPazzo: maybe some app is misusing the module? (noob guess) [08:13] base-config on ubuntu ... anyone ? [08:13] try "rm -fr all_my_ghost_logged_in" [08:13] :D [08:14] gnomefreak, really that simple? [08:14] Spliffster: where is this alacart thing? just installed linux yesterday frst time === komposter_ [n=komposte@ppp83-237-189-14.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] sven: if you try to run that in gentoo it might not work. not sure how they have it set up [08:14] so since dapper is LTS, does that mean there'll be more backports of things like firefox 2.0? [08:14] kitche: i think LTS is a very variable term as i see very few updates for my dapper since edgy is out === mumbles is now known as mumbles-out [08:14] hehe why can't slackware have that "auto" [08:14] ahhh i get it [08:14] GaiaX11, you still haven't told me *how* I can reinstall GRUB from the rescue cd. My bet is that I can do mostly the same from the official if you just tell me how to do it. === killown [n=killown@201-68-60-74.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [08:14] i cant figure out do you have a website to lead to tutorial??? [08:14] dcordes: look at the backports [08:14] yes, you right...this is funny [08:14] sven: or slack or whatever distro other than debian based [08:14] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" any ideas? [08:14] anyone know how to install ubuntu on a dmraid device? === mwingle [n=mwingle@cpe-66-87-4-209.ut.sprintbbd.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] wow [08:15] am only I experiancing huge lags? === EvilAngel [n=romain@ram31-2-82-228-88-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] gnomefreak, i have ran gentoo for a while but it seems to work differently in other distro's so it's a customized version :D === harmshi_ [n=harm@cm1037057-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] do you have to do the install for 6.10 from the live CD? My install keeps locking up at 28% anyone else having the same problem? === zelexus [n=zelexus@] has joined #ubuntu === livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@82-35-48-222.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] !grub | tdn, first link here will tell you how to reinstall grub [08:15] tdn, first link here will tell you how to reinstall grub: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:15] Jimbo: ALT+F2 then type "alacarte" without quotes .. and hit enter. if it doesnt start .... open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install alacarte. [08:15] kitche: the backport updates are not tested, right [08:15] ? === epp [n=evan@c-67-182-211-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:15] Flannel, thanks. [08:15] bullium, there is an alternate install cd without nthe graphical stuff [08:15] nolimit [08:16] can you help me?? [08:16] bullium: sounds like a bad burn === ZlamerS [n=ZlamerS@p548C7DFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] dcordes: they are but not as much as regular updates [08:16] has firefox 2 been backported to dapper yet??? === lucien [n=lucien@cpc3-woki2-0-0-cust267.glfd.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [08:16] Spliffster thanx will try that [08:16] nolimitsoya: I used that for the 6.06, but can't seem to find that for 6.10 [08:16] Ulixes, whats your problem? [08:16] i can't belive it ... is there not command line utility to configure the base system of an ubuntu server ? [08:16] Random_Transit: it dont look like it will be [08:16] Random_Transit: I don't believe it will be [08:16] sven: it's auto pretty much in all distros you just have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to point to the new kernel and there you go you have an updated grub :) [08:16] Jimbo: good luck [08:16] after i mount the second disk [08:16] nevermind [08:16] bullium, there is one, forsure :) [08:16] I just found it:) [08:16] how can i use it??? [08:16] wow, so much for long-term support === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE00904bbc8c86-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:16] dcordes: of course they are they are if they were tested then they wouldn't be in backports [08:16] whats the output of "grep snd_hda_intel /lib/modules//modules.dep" === Trixse1 [n=trixsey@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu [] [08:17] Ulixes, please highlight me if you want to say something, its nigh impossible tomake out everything if you dont [08:17] Random_Transit: Support doesn't mean new versions. That's how ubuntu releases have always been, and always will be. [08:17] hi all [08:17] ok [08:17] Random_Transit: long term support means you will get bug fixes and critical update. we can not change versions during stable release [08:17] Random_Transit: well, I suppose maybe not always will be. But, it's policy currently. versions are frozen [08:17] Hello Z [08:17] tdn: In ther alternate cd there are some different options for installing the system. And one of them is called rescue. Choose that one until you reach install grub. So give a click in next an it will be done. [08:17] nolimitsoya: how can i use a secondary disk after that i mount it?? === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-182.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:17] RaffoPazzo: it's empty [08:17] kitche, true but it seems gentoo didn't do the automatic thingy as perfect in ubuntu [08:17] I guess it helps to open your eyes and read :) [08:17] emtpy?!?!!? [08:18] RaffoPazzo: no output [08:18] does it exist? === trainpic [n=edward@oh-71-48-88-63.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] hey, i just installed the ATI drivers for my card and the fonts are bigger. whats wrong? [08:18] ok [08:18] nolimit can we speak in private?? [08:18] kitche: i see. i heard about backports sometimes but did not know what they are === trukosh [n=trukosh@port-195-158-176-10.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:18] but indeed copying and pointing to the newer kernel can to do the trick [08:18] last time i tried to install edgy, it was upgrading from the repos...and it got botched real good...ubu wouldn't start. [08:18] nolimitsoya: thanks for verifing my assumptions [08:18] Ulixes, if you mount a disk in a folder, that folder is the disk. fex, if you mount /dev/hda1 in /home/ulixes/hda, anything you copy there will go on the disk, and anything already on the disk will be accessible in that folder [08:18] nobody for help me about an ati installation how doesn't work ? === trainpic [n=edward@oh-71-48-88-63.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu [] [08:18] RaffoPazzo: it doesn't seem to exist o.o [08:18] sven: gentoo doesn't make it automatic really it makes the user check the menu.lst to make sure it's done right anyways some distros don't add new kernels to grub they jsut overwrite the other one that is already there [08:18] ok do depmod === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] RaffoPazzo: oh, wait [08:19] RaffoPazzo: found it [08:19] sven: i suggest asking in #gentoo if that is what you are using === Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] RaffoPazzo: but the command gives no output, still === leafw [n=Any@cbg-off-client.mpi-cbg.de] has left #ubuntu [] [08:19] i try to: "dpkg -P k3d" and it gives an error: "__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version" any ideas? === lgp [n=lgp@c-0f7f70d5.024-39-6b6c6d1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:19] hello [08:20] it have to exist at least one row with the path of snd_hda_ module [08:20] waterpie: are you on dapper or edgy? [08:20] I'm searching for an alternative for gpsdrive... [08:20] tdn i dont see the proccess im looking for when i did TOp [08:20] why would my fonts get change/get bigger when i install ATI drivers? [08:20] !pastebin > Ulixes === dylan_ [n=dylan@adsl-68-252-105-128.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] nope the grub is from ubuntu === Mnemonicman [n=joe@wnpgmb11dc1-45-170-85.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:20] something with card more "precise" [08:20] What is the cheat code for safe graphics mode? "linux [..] " ? Thans. [08:20] card = map :p [08:20] waterpie: time 2 start learning how 2 install fr/ source === mustafa [n=mustafa@] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] sven: well grub works the same in any distro [08:21] do this instead [08:21] i mean tar =xvfz tarball.gz [08:21] rickyfingers: time to learn how to use the english language correctly [08:21] grep snd /lib/moduel/<...> [08:21] gnomefreak: the problem started after upgrading from dapper to edgy [08:21] hi [08:21] kitche: not really. the commands htemselves change [08:21] i have installed apache2 [08:21] kitche, then ubuntu just issues the update-grub command? [08:21] RaffoPazzo: very weird, I can't find it === kronoman [n=kronoman@151-130-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] then read the readme [08:21] i dont want it start automatically [08:21] what do i do [08:21] rickyfingers: i know that === pussfeller [n=pussfell@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] waterpie: are there any held back python packages after upgrade? [08:21] hi === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu === max_ [n=max@] has joined #ubuntu [08:21] hello I was wondering about getting a new gamepad for my ubuntu computer... should I buy it USB ? will it work without trouble ? [08:21] @ the installation [08:21] i have install apache and doesnt want it to start automatically [08:22] gnomefreak: I have never used grub commands so I wouldn't know but to me they are pretty much all the same besides the patches [08:22] havy executed depmod? [08:22] hi, i replaced the motherboard on my computer and everything is going fine except i have no sound, i even put a sound card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound messing up and i have no sound from that either [08:22] *have you === liri [n=liran@] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] waterpie: pycentral was fixed for that issue before release. it was a major issue for a while in edgy === janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-143-108.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] Is it safe to upgrade now form dapper to edgy. Because I did it 3 days after the release and i was not luck. My system broke and I had a hard time reinstalling and configuring dapper all again. [08:22] is there a boot method for installing into safe graphics mode? [08:22] RaffoPazzo: yeah, i can't find a line on modules.dep with snd_hda_intel [08:22] gnomefreak: update manager says everything up to date, and shows nothing. but the upgrade had problems. it stopped with 8 files not installed [08:22] RaffoPazzo: even after depmod === ryu [n=chris@unaffiliated/ryu] has joined #ubuntu === snooplsm [n=ryan@nat01-quad2-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #ubuntu [08:22] sven: I edit grub by hand sicne I don't trust the automatic tools since I find no use for them anyways [08:22] ok [08:23] waterpie: than you need to fix that before you do anything [08:23] Ok, this all sucks - I am using gaim to get here. I can post messages on the main page - I know, people answer them. When I click on a name to the right side, under xxx people in room, then click the IM button below it, a new window opens. I type stuff there, but no-one sees it. I find this odd, so I do this with my name on the right, click the IM button, and my name opens up. I type at the bottom, and my typing shows up at the top as [08:23] how can I make firefox my default browser? === Cyber66 [n=tiaomeow@213-202-164-209.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] anuvis07: in the prefferences of firefox [08:23] depmod create a file with all dependecies of the moduels that kernel use [08:23] now [08:23] snooplsm: ^^^^ [08:23] hi, i replaced the motherboard on my computer and everything is going fine except i have no sound, i even put a sound card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound messing up and i have no sound from that either === Roconda [n=Roconda@ip5454330e.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:23] why would my fonts get change/get bigger when i install ATI drivers? [08:23] do grep snd_hda_<...> [08:23] is there a fix? [08:23] bsb001: they need to be registered to see your pm's which few here are most likely [08:23] ok [08:23] gnomefreak: i rerun the install script, and rerun it, untill it went down to 3 packages i trink. but then it doesn't do anything more. [08:23] does fglrx ati 8.24.8 supports tv out? [08:24] what's writed after the "/: " ? [08:24] kitche, well maybe it can overwrite it but @ the installation program it gets every ubuntu kernel there is (4 i remember?) so i guess it " searches for different kernel images at the partition and then in the /boot map in them [08:24] waterpie: what are the errors? [08:24] do I need to restart? === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] everytime i try to play a video with mplayer, it says "Error opening/initilizing the selected video_out (-vo) device." === sacker [n=sacker@adsl-068-209-216-106.sip.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:24] gnomefreak: now everytime i install/upgrade smt, it complains about an error (that one) but seems to install the other things ok [08:24] waterpie: but tryin to install anything on a broken system isnt gonna help you [08:24] omV0: your not in the video group [08:24] gnomefreak: yeah. seems to work, but feels like a disaster in waiting. [08:25] kitche: video group? [08:25] Is it safe to upgrade now form dapper to edgy. Because I did it 3 days after the release and i was not luck. My system broke and I had a hard time reinstalling and configuring dapper all again. [08:25] RaffoPazzo: I just type "grep snd_hda_intel"? [08:25] no === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-132-241-67.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] gnomefreak: but i have no idea what to do. [08:25] I'm running a SZ-330P Viao laptop that comes with wireless. The wireless connects fine to begin with, but every other minute the wireless light will start blinking and my computer will temporarily freeze. Does anybody know how to fix this? [08:25] RaffoPazzo: where do I have to grep? [08:25] waterpie: try sudo apt-get -f install or sudo dpkg --configure -a [08:25] grep snd_hda_intel /lib/modules//modules.dep [08:25] omV0: open up a terminal and type groups and see what groups it outputs for your user === prestosd [n=prestosd@] has joined #ubuntu === Vorbote [n=jehoel@unaffiliated/vorbote] has joined #ubuntu [08:25] Could anyone help me to get my sound working? [08:25] see if either fix the issue if not pastebin the errors and commands [08:25] RaffoPazzo: oh, ok [08:25] kitche: are you registered here? [08:26] i will brb i just had family show up [08:26] how do i change the permistion of a usr and group, to let them make a folder [08:26] can anyone help me with a 3d graphics problem === olivierb [n=olivierb@AAnnecy-256-1-134-75.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] bsb001: yes [08:26] i dont want apache to start automatically === fumbalah [i=brett@unaffiliated/fumbalah] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] I sent you a im - did you see it? [08:26] i need a incoming tcp listen port that works please [08:26] RaffoPazzo: still, no output :( === EvilAngel [n=romain@ram31-2-82-228-88-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:26] bsb001: yes forgot to identify [08:26] bsb u talkking to me, no i didn't === therealbigusdick [n=bigusdic@p54A3E2B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:27] can anyone help me with a graphics driver problems [08:27] Could anyone help me to get my sound working? [08:27] im having problems with mine too [08:27] prestosd: wich video card you have? [08:28] NVIDIA Riva TNT [08:28] gnomefreak: dpkg --configure -a returns with no error, no nothing. apt-get -f says: "...1 not fully installed or removed....Setting up k3d ( ...File "/usr/bin/pycentral", line 535, in read_version_info... raise PyCentralError, "package has no field Python-Version"...E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [08:28] prestosd: sorry, I don't know much about these :( mine is ATI [08:28] kcfelix: urg [08:28] Lattyware: Does your volume control move? [08:28] know anyone who does? [08:28] prestosd: what driver are you using? [08:29] im having problems with mine too [08:29] hi, i replaced the motherboard on my computer and everything is going fine except i have no sound, i even put a sound card in a PCI slot to see if it was the onboard sound messing up and i have no sound from that either === steppenwolf [n=mrlobo@120.Red-83-32-77.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:29] nvidia-glx-legacy [08:29] GaiaX11: Yes. [08:29] So I think it is working [08:29] prestosd: awhat's your problem exactly? === Xaero_Vincent [n=Vincent@or-76-2-11-240.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:29] But I have noticed that before, when It worked some of the time, the OSS driver showed, when it doesn't work, the OSS driver option shows blank [08:29] anyone a X11 and font guru? [08:30] and suddenly my audio doesn't work 100% of the time. [08:30] well, my 3d games used to work (e.g. Neverball) but after I did a clean install of ubuntu 6.10, they dont [08:30] rickyfingers: you must not have registered in the "Nickserv" screen. Try going to that tab and typing "/msg nickserv register rickyfingers" with out the quotes, then you can get and send me an IM. === KingOfNowhere [n=user@dynamic-acs-24-239-59-82.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:30] anyone run XGL/BERYL? [08:30] they worked on my upgraded version of ubuntu 6.10 [08:30] anyone know of a good curses bittorrent client? btdownloadcurses works kind of ok, but it really doesnt have a UI or much functionality [08:30] Lattyware: Have you seen your /etc/group? === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168087522.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Naru [i=debian-t@mag.deine.Neugier.vermutlich.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] epp: whats up [08:31] bsb u hear me now [08:31] epp, #ubuntu-xgl [08:31] What is the cheat code for safe graphics mode? "linux [..] " ? Thanks. [08:31] Lattyware: Are you in the audio group? [08:31] prestosd: did you change your xorg.conf so it uses the nvidia driver? === RaffoPazz1 [n=root@] has joined #ubuntu === stylus [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [08:31] RaffoPazzo: I'm going. Have some work to do. Thanks for all advice. I'll try to solve this another time. bye [08:31] I see you on the main screen - not IM [08:31] Allthough it is weird, I have three options in the volume control: C-Media PCI CMI8738-MC6 (Alsa), and two SAA7134 mixers, one OSS mixer, one alsa [08:31] ???? dont think so [08:31] GaiaX11: Urm... dunno. === izmaelis [n=izmaelis@] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] kcfelix: bye [08:32] dusk, when you run it does it change your top bar to a more "plain" one? === [erisco] [n=eribri1@brisco.kent.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:32] Lattyware: I did not get what you said === factorx_ [n=asdf@dslb-084-061-034-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] GaiaX11: (I'm user 'gareth') - audio:x:29:gareth [08:33] prestosd: that's probably what your problem is xorg might not be using nvidia drivers might be using nv which is the open source nvidia drivers === flaco [n=flaco@] has joined #ubuntu [08:33] <[erisco] > My web root, /var/www/ is giving me grief. I have chmodded it to 777, and chowned it to my ubuntu name... however every time I try to open a file it gives me the "executable file" options (and not just opening the text file). Also, PHP is unable to write to /var/www/ [08:33] I have three options in the volume control: C-Media PCI CMI8738-MC6 (Alsa), and two SAA7134 mixers, one OSS mixer, one alsa. I believe the first is my sound card, the other two are my TV card. [08:33] how do i fix it?? [08:33] can someone tell me if there is a web interface admin tool for apache? [08:34] <[erisco] > what else can I do to give that directory the same permissions as /home/eric/ ? [08:34] I have had my audio working on and off for ages. [08:34] Lattyware: Have you already checked the lines behind you machine? === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] but recently it never works. [08:34] [erisco] : make sure that the file that you want to write is owned/writable by www-data [08:34] GaiaX11: Yes, the cabling is right. [08:34] I installed "wine" but it is no where to be found on this machine that i can see. I also installed "alacarte", and "wine" is not visible there either. [08:34] I have tried with sets of headphones and stuff too. [08:34] <[erisco] > alecjw, it is chmodded to 777, anything should be able to write to it no? === dcordes_ [n=dcordes@dslb-084-062-059-189.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:34] This os is a pain in the *** [08:34] prestosd: do this as root sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then close X then run sudo nvidia-xconfig and then startX back up [08:34] Jimbo: it isn't in a menu, just type in wine .exe to run it [08:35] I have noticed that when it works, the OSS mixer has sliders, when it doesn't, the sliders are not there. [08:35] doing that.... [08:35] Jimbo: wine is a console app [08:35] Jimbo: have you tried typing in the console wine file.exe? [08:35] Jimbo: open a terminal. type: # wine /path/to/your/application.exe [08:35] [erisco] : does the folder have the same permissions [08:35] prestosd: that should edit your xorg.conf for you so it will use nvidia [08:35] <[erisco] > alec, all folders and files in /var/www/ have 777 permissions [08:35] what exactly do i type in console? [08:35] GaiaX11: Any ideas? === mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:35] can i just use the terminal? [08:35] wine your/file.exe === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] Jimbo: wine /path/to/the/exe/file/you/want/to/execute/.exe [08:36] Jimbo: terminal is the same thing as console === bullium [n=bullium@NW-ESR1-66-161-188-86.fuse.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Kastang|Away is now known as Kastang === t3m17 [n=tim@66-190-95-176.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] [erisco] : chmod -R 777 /var/www/ [08:36] hi [08:36] Jimbo, wine "whatever.exe" [08:36] Spliffster: tahnx trying now [08:36] brb [08:36] too bad wine doesn't work with quake [08:36] f === tuxtheslacker [n=travis@] has joined #ubuntu === Tonren [n=mcantor@dh113108.bennington.edu] has joined #ubuntu === stylus_ [n=stylus@unaffiliated/stylus] has joined #ubuntu [08:36] erisco don't chmod jack! [08:37] <[erisco] > flaco, yup, but I am still getting the "executable file" prompt, and PHP still cannot write [08:37] <[erisco] > rickyfingers, what is wrong? === rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p54B1B8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === forsaker [n=forsaker@81-208-83-238.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === ROBOd [n=robod@] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] hello === _snerge3 [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089953.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:37] hi :> [08:37] i am trying to install firefox2 extensions [08:37] none work in ubuntu edgy [08:37] i don't know but in case you don't want your box to be totaly owned [08:37] anyone knows why? [08:37] anyone... is there a package for mppenc and mppdec for edgy? [08:37] don't change /var/www to 6777 [08:37] ROBOd: you sure those extensions work in firefox 2 [08:38] *777 [08:38] kitche: dude, i'm positive [08:38] <[erisco] > rickyfingers, why? :) [08:38] Error: installLocation has no properties in file:///usr/lib/firefox/components/nsExtensionManager.js ; Line: 3849 === x001x [n=mattias@c-841fe253.619-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] hey rickyfingers! [08:38] kitche: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/3829/ === hornet123 [n=hornet12@84-73-214-23.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [08:38] Hi ppl [08:38] hey caffiend what's up? [08:39] rickyfingers: got the install to work. Had to disable the onboard audio [08:39] wine /path/to/your/application.exe [08:39] hey. what's the command to change my ip addy? [08:39] <[erisco] > AH! PHP can write to /var/www/ awesome. [08:39] Hello, what application can i use to undelete files from a memory card ? [08:39] Lattyware: I went out for a while [08:39] when i plug in my WPC-0301 my system hangs.. any clue why ?? [08:39] rickyfingers: Ok, the universe is out to get me. You have the answer to my orginial question, but we can't IM cause the stars are out of alignment, or something. Would you email me your solution? I am desperate for an answer. [08:39] <[erisco] > Will I always get the prompt for text files though? [08:39] tuxtheslacker, you can configure eth0 with ifconfig if thats what you are trying to do? [08:39] rickyfingers: is VMware difficult to install? [08:39] h1st0, no, just to get a new IP. [08:39] I was banned from a channel needlessly. [08:39] tuxtheslacker, from dhcp? [08:40] ROBOd: ok does firefox say that the extensions are installed? === Byan [i=nullstri@wmcnair-235-161.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] tuxtheslacker, what type of internet do you have? [08:40] dpcpcd -N doens't exist for me :-( [08:40] kitche: it says error [08:40] h1st0, what do you mean? [08:40] wine: cannot find '/path/to/the/exe/file/you/want/to/execute/.exe' now what? [08:40] caffiend: yes, in my experience a complete pain in the a [08:40] kitche: and tells me to check the error console === COHO [n=coho@c-68-34-231-204.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] tuxtheslacker, dialup dsl cable modem? [08:40] :( [08:40] kitche: the error is copied from the error console [08:40] had to edit lost of source code for the thing to go [08:40] is there an alternative to that program? === Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:40] tuxtheslacker, becaues you'd most likely have to reconnect to your isp to get a new ip. [08:40] h1st0, shouldn't make a difference, but I'm on a university T1, I'm using a 802.11G connection. [08:40] but I was trying to run frigggen vmware on gentoo [08:41] tuxtheslacker, ifdown eth0 ifup eth0 to reconnect. But mostlikely you arent' goign to get a different ip. [08:41] When I try to play a last.fm audio stream in amaroK, it says "No suitable input plugin", and tells me there also might be a network error. I'm using Ubuntu Edgy 6.10 (not Kubuntu). === Sohan [n=sohan@15.131-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] might b easier on a debian or rh install don't know 4 sure [08:41] h1st0, I'll just force a static. [08:41] tuxtheslacker, well then use ifconfig to force a static === EvilAngel [n=romain@ram31-2-82-228-88-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:41] I'm giving it a shot now. might be alittle out of my league now though. can it mess up the install? [08:41] tuxtheslacker, but you public ip is mostlikley different thant the one your interface is getting. [08:42] my linux install? === dylan_ [n=dylan@adsl-68-252-105-128.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:42] caffiend, what are you trying to install? === Linuturk [n=Linuturk@] has joined #ubuntu [08:42] anyone using wpc-0301 pccard for wireless connection ? [08:42] h1st0, yes. [08:42] tuxtheslacker: just so you know usually universities lock an ip to a certain port the outside ip that is they might even do it with internal ips [08:42] gnomefreak: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) [08:42] E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) [08:42] E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? === neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #ubuntu === l4mb4d3 [n=Peter@port-212-202-24-206.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] caffiend, oh vmware yeah there is Xen but I would say vmware is easier to install and get working. [08:43] VMware Server 1.o.1 on Edgy 6.10 [08:43] ANyone using the Liksys WUSB54g Version 4? [08:43] kitche, I'm on a vpn :-). I'm locked into a range of IPs. [08:43] b33r-: are you running it as root? [08:43] marltu: yes [08:43] why don't peeple get it if u cvan't do it in synaptic u ca't do it in ubuntu? [08:43] then you're probably installing some other software [08:43] downloading or smth like that === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:43] I have "ubuntu hacks" book, but it is for dapper, is there much difference between dapper and edgy? [08:44] hi [08:44] caffiend: i don't tink so [08:44] *think [08:44] caffiend: most of it will be very similar [08:44] caffiend, in general, and on a deeper level, no [08:44] caffiend: depending on what you're doing, www.ubuntuguide.org can be a good resource too [08:44] caffiend: the init system is different in edgy [08:44] cosmeicaly, yes [08:44] thanks, the book refers to dapper all the time.. I'm just interested in the shell [08:45] interface [08:45] caffiend, then the difference is none [08:45] thanks [08:45] I have this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31036/ with an ati video card, what's wrong please ? [08:45] Lattyware: Have you checked the volume control? === NineTeen67Comet [n=Justin@] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] how so? === ChaKy [n=chaky@6-21.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu [08:45] anyone some knowledge about version of the areca-raid-ctl driver in Edgy? [08:45] Ok, I'm off to try the install. Thanks for theinput. [08:46] Oh yeah, if I try and play music in rhythmbox, it just sits there, the bar doesn't move. [08:46] caffiend, === whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [08:46] l4mb4d3, do you know if htere is a package name for the driver? [08:46] k yall i'm signing off 4 now c u all l8ter [08:46] Lattyware: right click mouse in the control volume [08:46] caffiend: after you install, you will have to install xchat to get back to us, use sudo apt-get install xchat [08:46] !english [08:46] yes [08:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about english - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:46] h1st0: its implemented in the kernel version [08:46] hmm forgot the text speak switch [08:46] hey, when I will modify my printer with cupsys I can choose some options but after selecting the driver I got a page with "426 Upgrade Required". How can I solve it? [08:46] still no luck with opening 'wine" [08:47] l4mb4d3, hrm... perhaps in the forums someone may be able to fill you in. Or a changelog somehwere. [08:47] I'm trying to compile I get this checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables [08:47] i need a incoming tcp listen port that works === pluto__ [n=Christio@e181028086.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:47] Jimbo, wine is used to open executables [08:47] b33r-, sudo apt-get install build-essential ? [08:47] Jimbo: did you open gnome-terminal and wine filename.exe since you need the .exe at the end of it === NineTeen67Comet [n=Justin@] has left #ubuntu [] [08:47] Jimbo, wine whatever.exe is how you would use it. [08:47] nolimitsoya: i need to somehow open wine to be able to use it dont I? === wharf [n=wharf@contraplan.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Jimbo, no [08:48] wine whatever? === Vaxu [n=vaxaren@adsl-36-5.regionline.fi] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Jimbo, www.winehq.com or appdb.winehq.com for a list of applications that have been tested with wine. [08:48] b33r-: you need to install build-essential === Mehercle [n=pieter@] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] just type wine whatever.exe? [08:48] Lattyware: is this the first time that it happens? Have this sound card worked before under linux? === Shinobi [n=gbliss@e1-1.ns500-1.ts.milt.as9105.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:48] Jimbo, yes [08:48] Jimbo: wine is a console app you won't see a gui for it the only gui you will see is the .exe program that your running === Kastang is now known as Kastang|Away === Dybber [n=a@0x57345912.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu === Renan_s2 [n=Renan@] has joined #Ubuntu [08:48] Jimbo, open a terminal and type in wine nameoffile.exe where nameoffile.exe is the name of the windows program you are trying to execute. [08:48] GaiaX11: I had it working sometimes, the other half of the time I had the same problem (it happens at boot, rebooting fixed) but now, it's like this constantly. === ctx144k_ [n=andre@24-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #ubuntu === relachs [n=dddddd@ACB08710.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] hello all [08:49] trying brb === EdgeT [n=edge@] has joined #ubuntu === mirak [n=mirak@AAubervilliers-152-1-14-112.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] the file is on a floppy [08:49] Lattyware: Is the card on or off board? === kosnick [n=kosnick@athedsl-36384.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu === izm99 [n=steve@S01060013461e8223.vn.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu === Lord [n=sohan@15.131-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [08:49] is here someone who could fix an ubuntu-bug? [08:49] brb [08:49] or whio knows the persons who do? [08:49] ctx144k_, did you report it to launchpad? === atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu [08:50] ctx144k_, not on the fly, no. file a bugreport [08:50] the devs will get to it, in due time [08:50] Guys, can anyone help me with some booting problems? [08:50] hey, when I will modify my printer with cupsys I can choose some options but after selecting the driver I got a page with "426 Upgrade Required". Does someone knows a solution for it? [08:50] !anyone [08:50] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [08:50] /etc/init.d/pureftpd stop <- doesent run in ubunt 6.10 [08:50] !ask > EdgeT [08:50] ctx144k_, what do you mean it doesn't run? === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu === Nikolas__ [n=Nikolas@cs78226015.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu === Shinobi [n=gbliss@e1-1.ns500-1.ts.milt.as9105.net] has joined #ubuntu === matjan [n=matjan@216-154-17-199.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] i search 20minuts error in my cvonfig, until i saw the old server (unconfigurierd) was running [08:51] h1st0: huh? [08:51] ctx144k_, no, edgy uses upstart instead of init === kao01 [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] it doesnt kill the server [08:51] I am getting desprate. Yes, I am a ubuntu noob. But I've done eveything I can to try and work this out on my own. I installed ubuntu onto a 160GB drive. All was good. Then I added another 160gb drive. I went into terminal and issued "sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb1" and made a primary partion. CF disk sees the full 160GB, and that is good. Then I try and mount that drive, by going to Places->Computer. hdb1 shows up but it says, "Unable to m [08:51] nolimitsoya, init should still work. [08:51] !grub [08:51] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:51] I wanna boot windoze but i can't === cello_rasp [n=cello_ra@] has joined #ubuntu === Rendergraf [n=usuario@] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] EdgeT, blessing in disguise [08:51] !grub | EdgeT [08:51] EdgeT: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [08:51] hi all. I followed the instructions here (http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/msg15751.html) admitedly rather blindly, and now my laptop will not boot. === Farm_Fresh [n=darylsty@fl-67-76-10-23.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:51] is eft's nautilus really slow for anyone else? it hits 100% cpu for about 5 seconds before it shows a directory === Ulixes [n=ulixes@host-84-222-153-125.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #ubuntu [] [08:51] lol i know but i needed it [08:52] but the start/stop scripts sgould work issent it? [08:52] EdgeT, check out some of those links === sizzam [n=sizzam@c-68-63-136-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:52] I already did [08:52] hi, when i open an xgl session (in dapper) and do 'fglrxinfo', i get this error: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0"... i have an ati radeon 9200se card and use driver version 8.25.18... does anyone know how to resolve this? or, might this help: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/dri /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri ? [08:52] ctx144k_, yeah start stop init scripts should still work. [08:52] Oki sec I'll recheck [08:52] bsb001: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1 you have to format it before you can use it [08:52] ctx144k_, only for things that are installed and running :) [08:52] cello_rasp, eft gnome was slow, that is why I switched to xfce, and the greatness of thunar [08:52] ok nd it dont... [08:52] yes [08:52] its installed and ruinning [08:52] Lattyware: for you to take away if it is a configuration problem or a hardware one. You should borrows an off board card from someone and insert in a slot and fire ubuntu up to see if it works. If so, then i is a hardware problem and not a config one. [08:52] I think I provided the wrong device for RESUME=XXX/XXX [08:52] ctx144k_, then kill it instead === sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] yes i did [08:53] matjan: might want to ask that in #ubuntu-xgl might get a better anwser === caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-023-250.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] It's not a hardware problem. [08:53] want aonly tell someone here to fix ;) [08:53] Lattyware: to take away your doubts [08:53] It works in Windows. [08:53] and then rebuilt the initramfs image. [08:53] now it won't boot. === kosnick [n=kosnick@athedsl-36384.otenet.gr] has left #ubuntu [] === Tummy [n=Tummy@h56n3fls32o814.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu === Crescendo_ is now known as Crescendo === Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [08:53] I'm on a Dell Inspiron|E1705 do I need the Intel x86 or the 64-bit live CD? [08:53] ctx144k_, you really should file a bug in launchpad so that the devs are aware of the problem. This channel is mainly volunteers who are just hanging around to support ubuntu. [08:54] !bug | ctx144k_ [08:54] ctx144k_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots [08:54] have u a link for that? [08:54] Farm_Fresh: well sicne you did specifiy the processor of that use x86 === Moosebuntu [n=asenn@] has joined #Ubuntu === izm99 is looking for volunteers... [08:54] ok [08:54] ctx144k_, the message from ubotu [08:54] How do I find my IP address if I'm using DHCP ? Is there a command for this? [08:54] izm99, heres one :) [08:54] kitche umm... Intel cintrino Suo [08:54] moose5435, ifconfig [08:54] ipconfig for windows, [08:54] !compiz [08:54] Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [08:54] *Duo [08:54] you know what they should do with this IRC channel? [08:54] hrm [08:54] how to change the irq slot in kernel ?? === matjan [n=matjan@216-154-17-199.dsl.look.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:54] they should break it up into different areas [08:55] Moosebuntu, ifconfig [08:55] moose5435, it will be inet addr "" [08:55] Farm_Fresh: then use the x86_64 === Rendergraf [n=usuario@] has joined #ubuntu [08:55] Lattyware: I think it is a hardware problem because the volume control is working and you are in the audio group as well. And you have said that sometimes it works and other time don't. [08:55] moose5435, whoops wrong person [08:55] forsaker> what does the F stand for? [08:55] COHO: it won't work, if you'd like to discuss that aspect, #ubuntu-offtopic [08:55] COHO: there is multiple ubuntu channels already [08:55] #ubuntu SOund for those with sound issues etc. [08:55] really [08:55] where? [08:55] Moosebuntu, interface config i guess [08:55] Moosebuntu, face === Rendergraf [n=usuario@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] [08:55] x001x: tou can't (unless you are in ancient isa world) [08:55] thanks! [08:55] h1st0, gh :> [08:55] GaiaX11: I can't see how it could possibly be a hardware problem when it works 100% of the time under windows. [08:55] kitche So that is the 64-bit PC (AMD64) ? === Tummy is having problem with Ubuntu. My Screen goes into Sleep Mode when booting up Ubuntu.. Using a ATI-card. Anyone that have any solutions? [08:55] nolimitsoya, thanks! As I was saying, At boot, my Edgy (laptop) decides the filesystem is corrupt and asks for root password for maintenance. but the password doesn't work. I can't boot. === matason [n=matason@82-70-148-150.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [08:56] COHO: there is #ubuntu-xgl this channel #ubuntu-offtopic [08:56] izm99, enter your users passwrod [08:56] izm99, the first user you created. [08:56] erUSUL: ok , my system hangs.. so my guess is that the irq is wrong [08:56] h1st0, I did. [08:56] Farm_Fresh: x86_64 is what you want AMD64 isn't true 64-bit [08:56] izm99, backups are handy, if your filesystem is corrupt... [08:56] kitche Where do I find that image? [08:56] otherwise, boot a live cd and run fsck [08:57] x001x: try booting with noacpi o acpi=off as boot param [08:57] !bootparam === Kastang [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [08:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about bootparam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:57] h1st0, This started happening after I followed These (http://www.mail-archive.com/ilugd@lists.linux-delhi.org/msg15751.html) instructions. I think I provided the wrong dev (home) for Resume... [08:57] erUSUL: sytem hangs when i add my networkcard [08:57] !boot [08:57] Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto [08:57] amd64 optrons are very much 64 bit [08:57] x001x: which is? [08:57] nolimitsoya, I'm currently in a live cd. [08:57] izm99, well most likely if you boot the install cd or livecd you can then fsck the drive and all will be well. [08:57] Kitche: Ok, I did the mkfs as you suggested - now what? I thought I could mount it now, and I tried "sudo mount /dev/hdb1" and got "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1, missing codepage or other error" [08:57] izm99, boot the live cd, and undowhatever you did [08:58] erUSUL: WPC-0301 level one === Harmshi [n=harm@cm1037057-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu [08:58] nolimitsoya, I'm not sure I can do that. depends on the "currently running" kernel, I think. [08:58] bsb001: did you do mkfs.ext3? or just mkfs [08:58] h1st0, fsck... I'll look at that. [08:58] x001x: pcmcia? [08:58] I am getting a FATAL error saying inserting ndiswrapper: invalid argument??? [08:58] Lattyware: have you posted the problem in a forum? Or already googled it? I think I cannot go far with you now. Sorry :-( [08:58] erUSUL: Yes [08:59] !wifi > COHO [08:59] kitche - yes I did mkfs.ext3 [08:59] !ndiswrapper > COHO === jstarcher [n=stealth1@24-50-231-54.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] how can I list the recursive size of a directory? [08:59] jstarcher, right click on the folder and go to properties [08:59] Lattyware: but if you fix the problem tell me that i'd like to learn as well. === ubutom [n=tom@p54A697EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [08:59] bsb001: well you have to make a mount point also so you would do sudo mkdir /media/hdb1 then sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 [09:00] bsb001, mke2fs -j /dev/ is the correct proceedure i think === zavius [n=mike@c-71-196-224-143.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:00] jstarcher, or do a ls -l outside of the directory. === Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] === Harmshi [n=harm@cm1037057-a.maast1.lb.home.nl] has left #ubuntu [] [09:00] h1st0: lol I'm not in windows :P nah I know what you are saying but I want to do it from the cmd [09:00] Anyone wants to help me? Problem booting up Ubuntu. Screen goes into Sleep Mode [09:00] why does apt-get sometimes ask me to insert the CD? [09:00] jstarcher, wait that wont work. [09:00] h1st0: ls -l will only tell the size of the folder [09:00] jstarcher, yeah let me see [09:01] shwouchk: you have the cd in your source.list [09:01] shwouchk: you still have your CD in the repositories, comment it out, and you'll be fine === KamiKasi [n=karsten@p548399EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] shwouchk, becouse you cd is in your sources list [09:01] *r [09:01] thanks everyone [09:01] h1st0: I know there is a command but I can't remember. It doesn't involve ls at all iirc === sc0tty [n=yann@ARennes-257-1-159-94.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === kenny [n=luishhc@] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] x001x: can you see any error in logs ( /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ) ? === tuxtheslacker [n=travis@] has joined #ubuntu [09:01] shwouchk: because it is in the source list when you installed it. And there are some packages still there === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has joined #ubuntu === RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-037.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] !flash9 [09:02] Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html === pitti [n=pitti@ubuntu/member/pitti] has left #ubuntu ["bye"] [09:02] GaiaX11: thanks === Hanna__ [n=Hanna@pc103.host4.trt.starman.ee] has joined #ubuntu [09:02] jstarcher: do you mean du? [09:02] what keeping the flash9 beta out of the repos? [09:02] shwouchk: If you don't like it. Uncomment it in the sources.list === caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log [09:03] kitche: yeah! I think you might have been the one that told me last time too lol [09:03] kitche: thx [09:03] GaiaX11: yeah, I got it [09:03] jstarcher, du [09:03] jstarcher: think you want du -sh to make it easier to read === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] oh someone found it already === zipzo [n=david@c-67-180-169-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:03] thanks === madman91 [n=madman@adsl-68-77-59-248.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090210.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:04] nolimitsoya: i've found flash 9 to be just a little bit buggy yet. no big deal though, i would still recommend using it [09:04] i need help mounting a cd [09:04] ok...how do you know if you have the universal packages loaded on your system? [09:04] sizzam, i am, im just wondering whats keeping it back :) [09:04] shwouchk: you are welcome. We are a community to help each other. :-) [09:04] x001x: also check that you have pcmciautils instaled [09:04] nolimitsoya: its probably just that its so new [09:04] nolimitsoya: probably because it's beta *shrugs* [09:04] kitche: yep :) I just read the man file and I'm running it now! Thanks kitche and h1st0! [09:04] :D [09:05] Is there a simple way to see if you have all the universal packages loaded? [09:05] kitche, yepp, but it seems tobe working a great deal better than flash7, at least for me... [09:05] im trying to install darwinia with the linux patch, and it says to mount the disk in the cdrom, how do i do that? [09:05] COHO, whats that universat package you talk of? === madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] zipzo: put the disc into the cdrom and it should automount === paras [n=paras@deltaalpha.wifi93.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:05] Is it safe to up from dapper to edgy in this development stage? [09:05] zipzo, insert the cd :) [09:06] i cant mount my fedora core 5 root partition... i did the following ... 1 ) ' sudo mkdir /mnt/yes ' 2) ' sudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/yes -t ext3 ' and I received the error ... /dev/hda2 is already mounted or /mnt/yes is busy.... so i tried changing the mount dir.. same thing.. but i can mount the old /boot partition ... whats wrong? [09:06] Flash 9 runs with ALSA, right? [09:06] its inserted [09:06] GaiaX11, edgy isnot in development [09:06] GaiaX11: edgy is now stable === AV1611 [i=debian4a@] has joined #ubuntu === flo-_- [n=flo@host83-169-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete] === ReWT_AxS [n=rewt@71-87-167-171.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] However a lot of people have experienced problems updating === anderbubble_ [n=janderso@garfield.olivet.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:06] madman91, umount first [09:06] So you might want to do a clean install--or take your chances. [09:06] hey my fans wont stop running in edgy? I have acpi enabled> [09:06] maybe I read that wrong...says to make sure you added UNIVERSE to repositories [09:07] does torrentflux happen to be in apt-get? === mirtillo [n=thierry@] has joined #ubuntu === Letherian [n=karl@5.81-167-106.customer.lyse.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] COHO, yes, /etc/apt/source.list [09:07] !info torrentflux | shwouchk, can't you just check? [09:07] shwouchk: you can do a search for it with apt-cache search torrentflux [09:07] torrentflux: web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 410 kB, installed size 2688 kB [09:07] COHO, add 'universe' to the repo link [09:07] Ubotu, please tell shwouchk about packages [09:07] nolimitsoya: MenZaLap I know. But I had bad experience with up three days after stable release. === mirtillo [n=thierry@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:07] nolimitsoya, its not mounted === argh [n=alex@ppp169-100.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [09:07] It's still not in a development stage [09:07] ;) [09:07] GaiaX11, some methods of upgrading are better than others [09:07] thanks === symium [n=cym@host-69-95-49-8.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:08] nolimitsoya: I used the edgy cd itself. [09:08] GaiaX11: I'll tell you what the sites says not to do don't use gksudo update-manager -c :) [09:08] GaiaX11, for what? === elate [n=elate@] has joined #ubuntu === argh [n=alex@ppp169-100.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:08] nolimitsoya: for upgrading [09:09] kitche: So ... [09:09] GaiaX11, why? change the repos from dapper to edgy, and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [09:09] kitche: it has been fixed to upgrade smoothly [09:09] Does anyone have experience with having / on LVM on top of software raid? [09:09] well can any one help? [09:09] GaiaX11, how would one upgrade from the cd? [09:09] hey my fans wont stop running in edgy? I have acpi enabled> === Letherian [n=karl@5.81-167-106.customer.lyse.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [09:09] i have a ppc question any1 here know ppc/ubuntu? [09:09] nolimitsoya, you are suposed to be using update-manager [09:09] gnomefreak: well it's still crossed off on the website === bLaZeD [n=wls@unaffiliated/blazed] has joined #ubuntu [09:09] kitche: no its not [09:09] nolimitsoya, there is a script on the cd [09:09] h1st0, there are problems with it... [09:10] kitche: not on any of "our" sites [09:10] nolimitsoya, no there isn't if the system is up to date. The problems are with third party software. === jbroome [n=jbroome@204-16-138-14.celito.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:10] nolimitsoya: this way gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" [09:10] where can you find extra backgrounds for slides in OO.o? [09:10] how come this doesn't find anything: apt-file search wget [09:10] CarlFK: did you install and update apt-file? [09:10] CarlFK, apt-cache search wget [09:10] CarlFK, do you mean apt-cache search wget [09:10] nolimitsoya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades [09:11] gnomefreak: update apt-file? [09:11] WHen I typed in /etc/apt/sources.list I get an error saying Permission Denied [09:11] CarlFK: before you can use it you have to update it [09:11] !apt-file [09:11] apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" === Pablo [n=Pablo@] has joined #ubuntu === cliffd [n=cld@cpe-76-171-131-190.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:11] COHO, use sudo, and edit with nano [09:11] !apt-file | nolimitsoya, h1st0 [09:11] nolimitsoya, h1st0: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update" [09:11] what do you mean edit with nano? [09:11] is there any way to use a live cd on an imac G5 ppc? [09:11] !nano [09:11] Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code [09:12] symium: get the ppc livecd [09:12] just do nano /path/to/file === M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm142181.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] kitche: the site says that it is the other way round. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades [09:12] ah. no. that would explain. and to others, I am actualy looking for what pacage(s) conain perl.h, but wget seemed like a more easy test [09:12] Ok, I did the "sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1" and then returned to Places->Computer and clicked on hdb1, and got, "Unable to mount the selected volume. " and more details showed, "mount: /dev/hdb1 already mounted or /media/hdb1 busy mount: according to mtab, /dev/hdb1 is already mounted on /media/hdb1" - now what? [09:12] which one, gnomefreak? edgy? dapper defiantely doesn't work [09:12] so type in sudo /etc/apt/sources.list === brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@c-68-46-136-171.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@cs181058233.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:12] kitche: I mean do not use apt-get for upgrading. So ???!!! [09:13] bsb001, the drive will be in /media/hdb1 [09:13] forget the nano..whatever that is [09:13] hello [09:13] symium: for any. to run livecd on mac you need the ppc livecd === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] GaiaX11: that's not the site I m talking about it's ubuntu.com but it was a different part of the site [09:13] !botsnack [09:13] Yum! === novaterata [n=novatera@c-71-56-121-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:13] im having trouble installing ubuntu, the install icon does nothing [09:13] is a 5g partition big enough for /usr? === Tummy [n=Tummy@h56n3fls32o814.telia.com] has left #ubuntu [] [09:13] ubuntu_, use the alternate install cd === noobguy [n=Yaris@ool-182c9eaa.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:13] well breezy & dapper live won't boot from live cd [09:13] jstarcher: depends on what you're going to put on it. [09:13] hey guys [09:14] can someone help me with something? [09:14] !helpme [09:14] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [09:14] lol ok [09:14] kitche: so, have you had a god experience with apt-get for upgrading? Changing the apt repository? [09:14] NOLIMITSOYA..not sure what you meant by nano [09:14] alternate cd? === green_earz [n=admin@213-232-83-67.dsl.prodigynet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === ubuntu_ is now known as julesFielding [09:14] COHO, sudo nano /etc/apt/source.list [09:14] GaiaX11: if your not using or ever have used compiz/xgl and you have your -desktop package installed apt-get should work fairly well. the update-manager installs -desktop package and will downgrade libgl1-mesa-glx for you since the compiz people made the versioning wrong [09:14] COHO, "nano" is a text editor. typing "nano " in a terminal will open a text file for editing in nano. [09:14] jstarcher, it depends on what all you are installing my /usr is 1.9gigs === Kastang|Away is now known as kastang === Sierra [n=sierra@] has joined #ubuntu === kastang is now known as Kastang === Android [n=Android_@81-178-122-120.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] hey [09:15] julesFielding, the alternate cd is availbile for download from the same place you got the desktop cd. === CypherBIOS [n=cypher@ubuntu/member/cypherbios] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] !alternate | julesFielding [09:15] julesFielding: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. === plutoo_o [n=Christio@e181048072.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [09:15] ok..so what does that have to do with the error I am getting when I type /etc/apt/sources.list? === mikm[laptop] is now known as testfingfsdf [09:15] has anyone built a .deb for the new version of gtkpod V0.99.8 [09:15] ? === testfingfsdf is now known as mikm[laptop] [09:15] oki, thanks, ill try that [09:16] if not, would anyone like to help me by building one? [09:16] I have a PowerMac G5 (Dual 2Ghz, 3.5 GB DDR SDRAM, and a ATI Radeon X800XT video card). I'm trying to install Ubuntu Linux on my mac, but after I insert the cd, and boot from it, I get the Linux Boot Screen (which allows for boot options). Now, when I press enter, the screen goes white for a couple of seconds and then goes completely black. Can anyone help me out with this? [09:16] LjL: yeah, I'm using about 3g now and it's on a 80gig partition but I want to move it to another partition I have that's 5g. I think I will do it and if I need more I can cross that bridge when I come to it :p [09:16] !checkinstall | Sierra [09:16] gnomefreak: How can i check if i have compiz? [09:16] COHO: it has to do with the fact that the line "/etc/apt/sources.list" is not a valid command and does not make sense. [09:16] Sierra: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page. - DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! [09:16] COHO, please just use the commands you get [09:16] GaiaX11: apt wont install -desktop for you. but you need that package to upgrade versions of ubuntu. and apt wont downgrade the libgl1-mesa-glx for you. so for people that have to ask how to upgrade use the update-manager :) === AnnaAniston [n=annaanis@d58-106-3-222.mas2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] I've just bought a new iPod nano and I would love to get it working === Akuma_ [n=martin@modemcable228.191-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:16] Sierra, use gtkpod [09:16] Sierra, use checkinstall to create a deb [09:17] GaiaX11: use the update-manager command as its pretty much thinkless. to check if yuou have a package installed use apt-cache policy compiz [09:17] can anyone help with my problem? [09:17] or apt-cache policy packagename === Limulf [n=turgon@VA1-1E-u-0687.mc.onolab.com] has left #ubuntu [] === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] Sierra: tried using amarok yet? if that works you don't need to compile anything etc. [09:17] If i dont set a root password, then there is no way for anyone/anyhow to log in as root, right? (excluding getting root from another user) [09:17] gnomefreak, the breezy live cd boots but hangs at loading desktop. dapper won't boot at all === FidO-DidO [n=cedricmc@] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] I dont want to use KDE apps on gnome === GenNMX [n=generalm@c-68-48-83-98.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:17] and I am using gtkpod nolimitsoya [09:17] noobguy, I don't have any experience with macs but have you tried searching ont he forums. www.ubuntuforums.org i'm sure someone will have a howto on there. [09:17] but -- i need the next version :) [09:17] amarok is worth it anyway :) [09:17] shwouchk: yeah someone will have to break the user account to run sudo [09:18] the repos are old [09:18] COHO, "/etc/apt/sources.list" is a text file (in particular, it's a configuration file for the APT system). your shell expects that you type a *command* on it, possibly followed by a filename - and "/etc/apt/sources.list" is not a command. "nano /etc/apt/sources.list", on the other hand, is, because "nano" is a command (i.e. a file that is executable and contains a program) [09:18] symium: make sure the md5sum is correct and make sure you burn it at a very low speed === quakeglen [n=quakegle@152-42-112.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] Sierra, use checkinstall to create your own deb [09:18] gnomefreak: I have checked and dont't have compiz in. [09:18] Hi, the installer shows "Ubuntu" and has about 7 tiny one-pixel sized white dots underneath of it, and just sits there. The DVDRW drive is being accessed, so I'm guessing its loading...but is this the correct graphic I'm looking at? I've tried regular and "Safe Graphics" modes. After a while, it goes to some refresh rate not supported by my monitor. === icaro [n=icaro@85-18-136-109.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:18] kitche: yeah, obviously.. thanks! [09:18] GaiaX11: so you have your -desktop package installed? [09:18] shwouchk, if they have physical access to the machine, they always can [09:18] the cd is ok i've checked it-actually the breezy cd is from caniocal [09:18] h1st0: I actually have successfully installed Ubuntu on this machine before. It seems that after I installed my new video card, this problem began to occur. I am wondering if there is a way to install Ubuntu without using the GUI (i.e. through terminal) [09:18] LjL: I meant someone from the net [09:19] GaiaX11: if kde kubuntu-desktop if gnome ubuntu-desktop if xfce xubuntu-desktop [09:19] gnomefreak: I am in ubuntu-desktop === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] GaiaX11: make sure the package is installed [09:19] GenNMX, its possible you will have to use the alternate iso to install === Kastang is now known as Kastang|Away === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu [09:19] !alternate | noobguy GenNMX [09:19] noobguy GenNMX: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. [09:19] GaiaX11: just because your using gnome doesnt mean that package is installe [09:19] d [09:19] shwouchk, they won't be able to login as root, no. but then you shouldn't allow SSH to root even if you're on a system where the root account *is* accessible [09:19] noobguy, with the alternate iso you could install in text mode. [09:19] gnomefreak: ubuntu-desktop package? [09:19] !ubuntu-desktop [09:19] k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading. [09:19] where can I get the alternate cd? [09:19] h1st0, ill use check install or ask a mate to build me a .deb [09:19] GaiaX11: now you see why update-manager -c is easier [09:20] does bash store your current working directory in an environment variable? === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009EC1.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] noobguy: same place you get the desktop cd [09:20] h1st0, thanks for your help [09:20] LjL: root can log into a tty w/o a password? [09:20] GaiaX11: apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop [09:20] noobguy, same ftp as you got the desktop one [09:20] shwouchk: uh? no, i never said that === olivierb [n=olivierb@AAnnecy-256-1-134-75.w90-10.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [09:20] shwouchk: in Ubuntu, root cannot login directly at all, by default. in other distributions, it can -- but what i'm saying is that you should *never* have root enabled for remote access anyway === Kastang|Away [n=Kastang@unaffiliated/Kastang] has left #ubuntu [] [09:20] noobguy: you can install ubuntu server w/o a gui [09:20] gnomefreak, do you know wheter the edgy live cd is better than prevous ppc ? [09:21] gnomefreak: Instalado: 0.120 [09:21] ademan: just type pwd and it will show you the working directory [09:21] gnomefreak: installed :-) [09:21] LjL: oh, yeah [09:21] symium: dont know my hardware wont allow me to install with edgy livecd. [09:21] So. with is the command to up now? [09:21] Ah seems it's a bad burn of the CD, getting Buffer I/O errors when I remove the splash screen. [09:22] GaiaX11: did you changes your sources.list file? [09:22] Sierra, What architecture are you using? [09:22] gnomefreak: I will. [09:22] kitche: but is there an environment variable? i need to access it inside a program i'm writing, and i want to avoid calling other programs if at all possible === bit0 [n=bit0@61.Red-80-24-119.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] GaiaX11: after that sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [09:22] ademan: $PWD === EmxBA [n=emx@unaffiliated/emxba] has joined #ubuntu [09:22] LjL: thanks [09:23] an I make very small partition (around 10 MB) and put only grub on it? is there any howto for that? I want to have seperate small boot partition, how can I make it? [09:23] gnomefreak my cds are ok but only breezy boots then hangs at loading desktop dapper no boot-don't know if i shoud try edgy or not [09:23] gnomefreak: great! Thanx. [09:23] !grub > EmxBA [09:23] GaiaX11: *notice* any non official packages installed may give you errors and failt to upgrade without some work [09:23] if I change the profile in Gnome terminal in the middle of executing a command will it freeze? [09:23] Sierra, they have debian packages availible on their site [09:23] hi!, i'm looking for a _good_ ocr for linux, gocr works ... anything better? === Kastang [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] gnomefreak: Ok! [09:23] GaiaX11: comment out the unofficial repos if any [09:23] bit0: i doubt it. well, there are commercial ones === anthonykid [n=anthonyk@ool-44c2244b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:23] h1st0, the debs are out of date [09:24] h1st0: im back [09:24] h1st0, look at the version difference [09:24] gnomefreak: right [09:24] anyone? === ircminer [n=lamer0@] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] Sierra, they are .99.4-1 looks like the current one. unless you are talkinga bout building from svn? [09:24] one question, anyone mind answering... how do you install applications on ubuntu? it's rather strange (and i sort of cant figure it out...) --> is Add/Remove the only way? === FantasticFoo [n=dgm@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:24] Ubotu, please tell anthonykid about apt [09:24] h1st0, The latest stable version is V0.99.8 r [09:24] anthonykid, synaptic is another way [09:25] LjL: and free software? === bun-bun [n=bun@unaffiliated/bun-bun] has joined #ubuntu === pitofdarkness [n=alex@turnpenny.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] bit0: i said - i doubt it. [09:25] anthonykid: add/remove is a simplified version, synaptic is the 'full featured' GUI apt frontend [09:25] hmm [09:25] anthonykid, System > administration > Synaptic Package manager === winwood [n=winwood@85-124-1-194.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] anthonykid: or apt-get install but synaptic is better for people new to the debian world === ROBOd [n=robod@] has left #ubuntu ["http://www.robodesign.ro"] === Abst [n=andy@unaffiliated/abst] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] anthonykid: and of course, you can compile your own/etc, but then you lose the benefits of package management === liri [n=liran@] has left #ubuntu [] === carrotcake [n=metest@wnpgmb06dc1-14-175.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:25] Does anyone know how to solve if I just get a black screen at X and I cant do any keyboard shortcuts to get out [09:25] h1st0, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=67873 [09:25] also, is there any way to make a package manager be aware of what a *.run installer does? (ie create a package that knows where everything went, for say, wolfenstein enemy territory) [09:25] anthonykid, you can also install from source. Check out this link will show you how to install anything in ubuntu http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/ [09:25] EmX3a, have you tried to install grub to your root partition? [09:25] bit0: there's ocrad and tesseract that i can think of, but i'd say gocr is better than either. you could try though === Android`` [n=Android_@81-178-122-120.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:26] Ubotu, please tell ademan about checkinstall [09:26] hallo === Ratlord [n=ratlord1@c-71-224-150-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu [09:26] LjL: will that work for executable installers though? [09:26] Sierra, have you tried the versionin ubuntu yet? [09:26] ademan: in theory it should [09:26] h1st0, its version .4 [09:26] LjL: oh, ok, sweet [09:26] h1st0, I need .8 [09:26] Sierra, does it not work or something? [09:26] symium: i want to have boot partition [09:27] h1st0, it works fine, but i have a gen 2 iPod nano [09:27] instead of having grub on root partition === jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:27] i knew about checkinstall, but i wasn't sure if it worked with executables [09:27] Sierra: yes you will have to make a .deb or compile from source [09:27] LjL, please lol [09:27] ademan: *personally* i wouldn't trust it. but then i wouldn't trust a ".run" or ".bin" installer in the first place [09:27] Hey...Anyone here know how to fix the X Server problem? [09:27] so I am having a problem, when I put in the ubuntu 6.10 dvd, and try to go into the live mode, it just hangs after the load sequence, and nothing happens. Just a blank screen [09:27] kitche, thanks :) do you know someone who will make it for me? [09:27] h1st0, ? [09:27] Sierra, well if it works why do you need a different version? [09:27] all: are there any good p2p apps for ubuntu? [09:27] Sierra: nope not really [09:27] carrotcake: then try the alternate install CD [09:27] Sierra, What architecture are you running? [09:28] LjL: unfortunately that's all i have for a few things, such as enemy territory, and the add on i'd like to try, True Combat: Elite === mostafa_as3ad [n=mostafa@] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] h1st0 the new version of gtkpod is better then the older version in ipod working [09:28] h1st0, when I say works -- i mean that it installs, i dont know if my ipod will work with it [09:28] carrotcake: I have the same problem [09:28] both are closed source :-/ [09:28] anthonykid, frostwire? [09:28] or at least TC:E is [09:28] I had to use the alternate install cd myself [09:28] adm, thanks [09:28] EmxBA, you still need to have something in your MBR to start the boot [09:28] boink: tried the alternate of 6.06 and the same result [09:28] h1st0, i368 [09:28] Hmm I got the Alternate CD, but what option should I select? === inimesekene [n=inimesek@80-235-71-48-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu === ladydoor [i=door@unaffiliated/ladydoor] has joined #ubuntu === jeoz [n=jeo@adsl-75-17-218-179.dsl.euclwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] I am guessing its a video issue === AfterBurner [i=UPP@c9342289.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [09:28] Sierra, I could try building a deb for you if you really want but I don't know if ti will work for you. Checkinstall is fairly easy to use. It wouldn't be that hard for you to build it yourself. [09:28] I used the alternate CD for Xubuntu on an ancient Sony Laptop === Comrade_S [n=Krush_U@pool-151-203-201-34.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:29] 2carrotcake: try the alternate cd of ubuntu [09:29] symium: yes, can i have grub files on seperate partition and then do a "grub-install --root-directory=/dev/grubootpartition /dev/hda" [09:29] ademan, then you don't have many options. another package you might want to keep in mind is [09:29] !cruft [09:29] h1st0, i386 deb [09:29] cruft: Find any cruft built up on your system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-0.15 (edgy), package size 46 kB, installed size 1096 kB [09:29] that will install grub from boot partition to mbr, symium? [09:29] h1st0, would be really nice if you could -- we could put it on ubuntu forums [09:29] LjL: oh cool, thanks [09:29] and which files do i need to have [09:29] h1st0, for all the others that want the new version [09:29] Someone knows how to fix the wrong colors of webcam with camgrab ? [09:29] EmxBA, what you've typed should work [09:30] h1st0, oh -- dw, someone else has offered :) [09:30] Sierra, sudo apt-get build-dep gtkpod then download the source. tar -xvzf gtkpod-0.99.8.tar.gz cd into the gtkpod directory. Then ./config then make then sudo checkinstall [09:30] h1st0, ok thanks! [09:30] symium: just, which files do i need to have on that boot partition? can i copy the /boot folder from my root partition to that boot partition? [09:30] Sierra, ./configure not ./config sorry. === nixbox [n=nixbox@dyna093234.utdallas.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] hi all [09:31] i have a console where some output is displayed as a result of receiving a packet. I have to telnet to the console to see the output. I want to log the output, I know I can use screen, but the problem is I also want to have a timestamp at the start of each line but screen can't do that. Moreover the time is going to be of millisecond granularity. Any ideas how to do that? [09:31] EmxBA, provided hda is your 1st/primary drive it should install to MBR, yes [09:31] EmxBA: if you do that, be sure to use sudo cp -a so as to preserve symlinks, be recursive, etc. [09:31] Sierra, I could give it a try but I don't know much about setting the dependencies or versions up properly with checkinstall. [09:31] all: where are apps located in the HDD [09:31] ok [09:31] (file system) [09:31] thanks to both, symium and ladydoor === kling0n [n=kling0n@] has joined #ubuntu [09:31] are u sure u wanna use telnet? ssh / rlogin are secured [09:31] I tried the alternate CD and I'm not sure what thing I should select on that menu screen... [09:31] anthonykid: /usr/bin usually if you install using a packager manager [09:32] anthonykid: /bin/, then /usr/bin, and /sbin [09:32] ok....getting somewhere!!! My Linksys USB adapter detects networks around the area [09:32] Ratlord: the install option. Regular normal (not expert) install [09:32] question is how do I log onto mine [09:32] Ratlord: well, if ou want a desktop machine [09:32] *** Could not run GLIB test program, checking why... [09:32] *** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the [09:32] *** exact error that occured. This usually means GLIB is incorrectly installed. [09:32] configure: error: "Cannot find glib" [09:32] I just copied a bunch of files using 'cp -rv' My question is if there were any errors would it list them in the last lines of the command so I know? [09:32] !paste | b33r- [09:32] b33r-: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [09:32] text install is what you should try first [09:32] EmxBA, if you are going to create a seperate boot partition you can just have grub install to that i beleieve [09:32] Flannel, I'm on a laptop === Xaphoo [n=cgrenier@adsl-75-35-152-41.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] I guess so === zipzo [n=david@c-67-180-169-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:32] ok [09:33] I really wish gdesklets was better [09:33] And I think I heard someone say do the rescue thing last night...So I tried that, and got confused. === nkayhan [n=nathan@c-67-161-14-72.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] LjL: that's not a large text -.- [09:33] i am trying to drag a file from one folder to another, and im told tht i do not have permission... [09:33] Ratlord: oh, this to reinstall grub? [09:33] xaphoo: adesklets is lightweight compared to gdesklets === pussfell1r [n=pussfell@166-82-183-46.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu === hornet123 [n=peter@84-73-214-23.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu === dakaru [n=dakaru@geek-237.209-193-100.qwest.dsl.vcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] anthonykid: usually you don't have to touch things in /sbin unless your doing some admining of your machine [09:33] b33r-: it's annoying enough on a channel with 950 people on it. anyway, what is your question? [09:33] *shrugs* I never knew I installed grub :/ [09:33] how do i get permission to copy folder in the GUI? [09:33] yes, its lightweight but harder to use and not as many desklets... and of those fewer are good [09:33] kitche: im in /usr/bin, and im not seeing anything === mike1 [n=mike1@c-24-13-138-79.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:33] (as far as apps go)( [09:34] I got like a text install, command line install, and some other install thing. Not sure which one to pick [09:34] Ubotu, please tell zipzo about sudo [09:34] Ratlord: grub is what ubuntu uses to boot with, it also lets you select kernel versions, or betwen ubuntu/windows, etc. === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] i know about sudo [09:34] anthonykid: are you looking for .exe by chance? [09:34] Does anyone know how to solve if I just get a black screen at X and I cant do any keyboard shortcuts to get out [09:34] Any help? [09:34] zipzo: just type (in a terminal) sudo "whatever your file manager is" [09:34] zipzo: that page also explains what you asked. read it [09:34] LjL: why am I getting that error when I try to compile? [09:34] Abst: use kernel magic [09:34] Abst: what happens if you hit ctrl+alt+F! [09:34] kitche: nah.. just trying to install frostwire with synaptic [09:34] *F1 [09:34] nkayhan: not quite, you're not supposed to use sudo for GUI apps [09:34] soooo... how do i upgrade to edgy now? [09:34] and grub is installed at the very end of the installation process [09:34] jikanter, What [09:34] has anyone gotten pandora.jar to work? how did you do it [09:34] anthonykid: well when you install frostwine it should have made a menu item for it [09:34] can't i just do apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade? [09:34] abst: Ctrl+F7 to get the terminal. === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [09:34] LjL: it'l work fine, try it [09:34] b33r-: because you don't have the development package of glib installed perhaps? that's what the error seems to say [09:34] Ratlord: what are the exact choices? Sorry, they change them each Ubuntu version ;) [09:35] GenNMX, Letme try [09:35] ubotu didnt give me any page to read though [09:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about didnt give me any page to read though - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:35] ladydoor, Letme try [09:35] if you find enough adesklets, you just have to press r when running the *.py file to register and maek the adesklets work. gdesklets of course has more :-( [09:35] nkayhan: doesn't mean it's the correct way to do it. and it doesn't work fine with all apps and on all systems. === kevloth [i=kevloth@host121.190-30-4.telecom.net.ar] has left #ubuntu [] [09:35] !works for em [09:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about works for em - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:35] !works for me [09:35] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. [09:35] Flannel, I'll go set it up, then come back and tell you, ok? [09:35] start it up* [09:35] abst: Oh wait sorry, other way around, CTRL+ALT+F1 [09:35] Abst: can you get to a shell of some kind? [09:35] GenNMX: control+alt+F7 takes you to X, actually. [09:35] abst: F7 gets you back to X [09:35] howdy [09:35] GenNMX, I just said they dont work [09:35] nobody knows how to upgrade to edgy? [09:36] b33r-: try installing libglib2.0-dev [09:36] Ubotu, please tell FantasticFoo about upgrade [09:36] BTW, did anybody ever tried to work at UBUNTU at NEC low-end laptops (M500, P520))? What are your impressions? === Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-153-150-193.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] Ratlord: Sounds great [09:36] whatever, then gksudo right? [09:36] jikanter, I can in recovery mode [09:36] Ok [09:36] Fantasticfoo I think its a bad idea to upgrade [09:36] could someone just tell me how i can get root privelege in thre GUI? [09:36] ok, do that [09:36] from what I read [09:36] nkayhan: if you're on gnome, yup === ogra [n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] its a killer [09:36] then, type this [09:36] best to do a fresh install [09:36] Ratlord: wait, is this on the same computer? I can google if youd have to restart twice to do it. [09:36] sudo su [09:36] zipzo: use gksudo if you're in gnome and kdesu if in KDE [09:36] zipzo:; gksudo [09:36] zipzo, read. that. page. === _karl_ [n=vl@] has joined #ubuntu [09:36] is there a key I can push during bootup to remove the splash and see the deatils? [09:36] fantastic: apt-get dist-upgrade [09:36] yea, I'm on xfce, but it still works (don't kill me) [09:36] hey wasnt Edgy supposed to come with XGL installed? [09:36] munsa, No [09:36] how can I list the amount of files in a directory? [09:37] dont do it fantastic [09:37] LjL...WHAT PAGE??? [09:37] 2fantastic: after changing to right sources.list [09:37] izm99: could try alt+f1 or alt+f2 === bognar [n=bognar@caracas-1102.adsl.interware.hu] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] munsa it has aiglx installed === noelferreira [n=noel@10001239831.0000018639.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] or something like xgl? [09:37] LjL, thx [09:37] !sudo | zipzo, *this* page [09:37] ah [09:37] zipzo, *this* page: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089317.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] kitche [09:37] munsa: really? [09:37] kitche basically the same as xgl/ [09:37] munsa: how come? [09:37] yea [09:37] hi people anyone has rt61 wireless driver working on edgy? [09:37] Yes, Flannel, it's on the same computer === Eggo [n=Eggy@cpe-24-209-231-52.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === MenZaLap [n=menza@unaffiliated/menza] has joined #ubuntu [09:37] Well, I could go start it up on my aunt and uncles computer, leaving this one running [09:37] all: i installed frostwire, and it wont open when i click on it via Apps --> internet [09:37] Abst: Then once you're back to the console, login and try X -probeonly [09:37] munsa; it's Xorg's version of it but if you have nvidia you don't really need it [09:37] Ratlord: let me google then, no need for so many restarts [09:37] izm99: or you can remove the splash screen completely by messing with menu.lst, or add some text to the splash in the same manner [09:38] is there a bug in edgys' "sessions" option in Systme > Preferences? as whenever I log out it does not ask me to save changes nor does it remember any app that I add to the Startup Programmes list === nikkolai [n=nikkolai@cpe-24-92-123-117.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] Fantasticfoo google for Edgy upgrade most people have disastrous outcomes. [09:38] Nah, it's ok. I can just go do it on my aunt and uncle's computer. [09:38] Ratlord: this is edgy? or dapper? === nikkolai [n=nikkolai@cpe-24-92-123-117.elp.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:38] jikanter, Im root === avn_ [n=avn@] has joined #ubuntu [09:38] munsa: ok [09:38] Edgy [09:38] if there is anybody who play lineage2 on dragon network pls pm me [09:38] munsa: i'll wait then [09:38] kitch naw i have ATI [09:38] izm99: you could even do that temporarily by pressing "e" while in Grub and setting (or removing) the relevant options (which are "splash" and "quiet") [09:38] ok, or just do a fresh install [09:38] Abst: That'll try to load X, but not actually load X itself, just test out your configuration and allow you to see error messages. [09:38] Paddy_EIRE: there is no checkbox that says save session? [09:38] LjL, no no. I generally like the splash. :) Oh, Grub options are interesting. Thanks. [09:38] ok, now type this: echo 1 /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq [09:38] fantasticfoo apparently it just destorys everything and people like freakout and then you gotta break someting or kick the cat or something [09:38] kitche: there is but it does not work [09:39] hi people anyone has rt61 wireless driver working on edgy? [09:39] anyone using Xen on ubuntu? [09:39] jikanter, ? === feross [n=feross@71-215-80-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] kitche: basically a fresh install with the updates [09:39] then, hold down the right alt-key [09:39] After running fsck, I still can't login with my default (system's first and only) user. === freeomen [n=ad@] has joined #ubuntu [09:39] jikanter, i think that's enabled by default at least in Edgy though [09:39] Abst: Did CTRL+ALT+F1 work to getting back to console? [09:39] oh, ok [09:39] jikanter: and i guess you forgot a > ;) [09:39] oops [09:39] Paddy_EIRE: what Desktop enviroment are you using gnome kde xfce? [09:39] hi people anyone has rt61 wireless driver working on edgy? [09:39] Ratlord: you want to "Install in Text Mode" [09:39] what could be the problem if you install a library package and the other program you're compiling doesn't see it? === Ecko2056 [n=ecko@stargate.teklords.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] kitche: gnome [09:40] Grrr, I'm still getting Buffer I/O errors on my second burn. [09:40] Install in text mode? Ok [09:40] Want me to go try it now? [09:40] Whats the problem if i sign in on ubuntu 6.10, then it loads the desktop, then the destktop image, and then im redirected to the login screen ? [09:40] ok, hold down the right altkey , sysrq, then the number 5 [09:40] Cafe: what s your Irc you are using ? [09:40] kitche: i installed frostwire and it wont launch [09:40] does anyone know what this app is called? its the icon bar at the bottom of this screenshot.. http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/47611-1.jpg === klm- [n=isometsa@a81-197-248-249.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] freeomen: have you tried installing the library-dev package? [09:40] hi people anyone has rt61 wireless driver working on edgy? === |mp| [n=mp@] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] jikanter, Me? === zor0 [n=ian@c-24-22-67-104.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:40] KenSentMe, no.. do i need to? [09:41] anthonykid: do you have the Java runtime environment installed [09:41] !frostwire > anthonykid [09:41] Ratlord: it's up to you, but that's the selection you'll want [09:41] Ok [09:41] Paddy_EIRE: hmm did you add the autostart to gnome-session-properties? [09:41] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/47611-1.jpg , it s a adesklets if I recall well , look in screenshots adesklets [09:41] Ecko2056, i think that might be a gdesklet [09:41] hi! any tips on install of nvidia? checked many help pages - no success so far [09:41] ok, then type alt-sysrq, then h [09:41] Ecko2056: In Linux? [09:41] yes [09:41] nvidia on i810 [09:41] what's a good wireless scanning software on ubuntu? [09:41] freeomen: most of the time you need the -dev packages for compiling program with the library supported [09:41] Paddy_EIRE: i dont believe so [09:41] Ecko2056, I think it might be called engage [09:41] and you should get some output === alkali [n=alkali@cpe-075-176-071-124.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:41] I'll go on mIRC on my aunt and uncle's computer and run it on my laptop now...So that way I can tell you what's going on and ask questions... [09:41] kitche: what is that [09:41] Brb [09:41] Ecko2056: There's a gdesklet like that... as izm99 said. [09:41] http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/47611-1.jpg ; the clock is it adesklets or gdesklets ? [09:41] avn_: you look at the FAQ? [09:41] Paddy_EIRE: it's how you make apps Autostart in gnome === denver [n=denver@] has joined #Ubuntu [09:42] KenSentMe, i'll try installing it and see how it works out [09:42] kitche: where can I find that file === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host134-30-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [09:42] Paddy_EIRE: System -> Settings -> Session -> Start Programs [09:42] Abst, any luck? [09:42] Ecko2056, there's also a "proof-of-concept" experiment using cairo... but it's not very usable, I don't think. === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Mavez-San [n=ryoko@neilmathers.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [09:42] Whats the problem if i sign in on ubuntu 6.10, then it loads the desktop, then the destktop image, and then im redirected to the login screen ? [09:43] kitche: I already told you that way does not work [09:43] Hey guys, bit of a technical question, but how do I make sure iptables is enabled in the kernel I'm compiling? I'm curious what heading it's under. I did copy my original config file but I'd rather be safe than sorry and recompiling [09:43] Paddy_EIRE: links to Java Runtime? === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089060.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [09:43] hah i think i found it .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2qoF72PFic [09:43] Paddy_EIRE: I asked you if you did that and you told me what's that [09:43] anthonykid: 1 sec [09:43] thanks [09:43] boink: here a link that mab be of help with ubuntu and xen > http://www.howtoforge.com/xen_3.0_ubuntu_dapper_drake [09:43] heh .. thanks :) === Dr_Tendresse [n=guest@peakaboo.yi.org] has joined #ubuntu === avn__ [n=avn@] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] kitche: you mentioned a totally different file called "gnome-session-properties" [09:44] hi! any tips on install of nvidia? checked many help pages - no success so far [09:44] anybody know where iptables is under kernel config? [09:44] KenSentMe, i couldn't find a development package for OpenSSL === khaije1 [n=khaije1@unaffiliated/khaije1] has joined #ubuntu [09:44] Paddy_EIRE: that's the same thing [09:44] ok i am having trouble copying file from one folder to another, i am told i do not have permision to do it,. vcan anyone plz help me [09:44] np === liri [n=liran@] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] how can do videolan streaming ? [09:45] i'm trying to install d4x from source [09:45] zipzo, press Alt+F2 and type "gksudo nautilus" [09:45] alkali: just look at the .config file === klm-2 [n=isometsa@a81-197-248-249.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [09:45] kitche: oh, is there a text file I can edit somewhere [09:45] grep for "IPTABLES" [09:45] hi people === Shadowpillar [n=Shadow@ontario-ca-cuda3-70-36-185-20.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu === Shoo-Shu [n=shoo@] has joined #ubuntu === bit0 [n=bit0@61.Red-80-24-119.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:45] does anyone has rt61 wirless driver working with edgy? [09:45] anthonykid: what are you running on "dapper" or "edgy" [09:45] boink, I'm kind of in xconfig right now....can I open .config safely? [09:45] Paddy_EIRE: yes [09:45] kitche: where is it [09:45] alkali: save it, then look at the .config file [09:46] for some reason gaim makes my caps lock key die [09:46] it's reeeally annoying [09:46] ~/.gnome2/session-manual === epp [n=evan@c-67-182-211-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] Paddy_EIRE: i honestly don't know --> just installed ubuntu last night [09:46] LjL...thank you, i was doing gksudo gnome [09:46] Paddy_EIRE: ~/.gnome2/session-manual so your name is highlighted :) [09:46] Sierra, you still there? [09:46] if it makes caps lock stay *disabled*, then i'm sure it's a feature and not a bug :P [09:46] brb === LileDevil [n=marcel@liledevil.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] boink, gotcha. I'll give it a look. Thank you. [09:46] kitche: thx man === SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:46] lo all === Turk [n=Emir@] has joined #ubuntu === EdgeT [n=edge@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:47] just here to say that ubuntu has converted annother human being === ivaldi [n=ivaldi@c-a137e455.126-5-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu === fijam| [n=anon@] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] Paddy_EIRE: got it from gentoo-wiki.org if you want to look it up so you can see the format of it === fijam| is now known as miloszp [09:47] hello [09:47] rt61 working with edgy anybody? [09:47] anthonykid: go to System then about gnome and tell me what version === Ratlord [n=ratlord1@c-71-224-150-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu === clop [n=jared@cpe-24-28-66-79.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:47] kitche: ok [09:47] freeomen: well, i wouldn't know the solution for your program, but most of the time the dev package exists and works [09:47] Paddy_EIRE: well im on 6.1, and i know is dapper, so im assuming this is edy? [09:47] *edgy [09:48] *** === sidny4 [n=sidny@wksta1.i29.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] hi, is it possible to do a dual-head display using a monitor (in 1680x1050) and a tv (at whatever resolution it uses?) [09:48] anthonykid: 6.06 is dapper, 6.10 is edgy [09:48] k [09:48] 6.06 is dapper [09:48] yes, sorry, typo [09:48] LjL: htp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31042/ [09:48] anthonykid: it's 6.10 anyway, not 6.1 - it's a date [09:48] KenSentMe, hmm, i just found it.. [09:48] Ubuntu logo at startup disappeared when I installed Edgy. Do you have any idea? === SpAwN [n=wls@pool-70-22-184-76.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === t3chn0b0y [n=joe@c-67-160-171-11.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:48] so im on edgy [09:48] what hard drive formats does linux use by default that are compatible with Windows without having to install anything on the windows machine, is Ext2 & 3 readable & writeable by a windows machine [09:48] freeomen: what was the solution? [09:48] anthonykid: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_install_J2SE_Runtime_Environment_.28JRE.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox [09:48] h1st0, no, i didnt [09:48] b33r-: paste more of it [09:48] CheshireViking: vfat or fat32 [09:48] KenSentMe, i was saying i just found the libopenssl development package [09:49] h1st0, btw, I cannot PM you -- i'm unregistered [09:49] downloading it now [09:49] freeomen: ah ok [09:49] Sierra, ahh well I guess I can try it if you want. === avn__ [n=avn@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:49] md5sum -c ubuntu-6.10-desktop-amd64.iso.md5 just sits there [09:49] does any one know how to clear or restore the open with i got dub's bad.. im using edgy ubuntu , thanks.. [09:49] b33r-: what program is that anyway? [09:49] Sierra, do you want me to? === twotone [n=twotone@c-24-16-240-191.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] GenNMX: depends on how long it sits there. it's *supposed* to take some time, since it's checking more than 600Mb of data [09:50] anthonykid: you may need to reinstall frostwire after you install the JRE im not sure [09:50] GenNMX: though i'm not sure that's the right syntax === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007EF9.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu [09:50] LjL: Yeah, but there's no status indicator, and man md5sum seems to indicate there's no option to get one. [09:50] kitche: Thanks, just got a 320Gb drive for media storage & trying to decide what to format it as & whether to put it in a linux or windows xp machine [09:50] freeomen: is it in the ubuntu repo's? I can't find it there === miloszp [n=anon@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:50] Can someone help me, I am a really new to linux as I just quit the windows habit. === Milos_SD [n=admin@] has joined #ubuntu === dale [n=dale@c-68-56-220-18.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] Hello everybody... === Abst [n=andy@194-247-230-96.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] KenSentMe, i'm on another distro :P [09:51] h1st0, yes please! === nel356 [n=nel356@213-156-52-127.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:51] Sierra, k hold up [09:51] can somebody help me? [09:51] LjL: Scratch that, the use of -status seems to indicate there -should- be verbosity in progress. [09:51] h1st0, if you are confident that it will work [09:51] hi everyone! [09:51] pclinuxos [09:51] twotone: just ask your questions here [09:51] GenNMX, i'm not sure about the -c option, i usually just run "md5sum blah.iso" and then check it against the correct md5 [09:51] LjL: I wanna install x-chat [09:51] freeomen: ah, ok [09:51] Sierra, it will work if you have all the dependencies met [09:51] my dpgk is broken... [09:51] b33r-: and why do you have to compile it? [09:51] help me [09:51] !help me [09:51] KenSentMe, there is no support channel for that [09:51] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [09:52] !helpme [09:52] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [09:52] gnomefreak: which is better to do the up. apt-get or aptitude? [09:52] I watn acess to all my files like music and such that I had when I used windows but now that windows won't even run on my computer all I have is the 20 gigs I set aside when I set up ubuntu. How do I get access to those files through ubuntu [09:52] want* [09:52] h1st0, there is only one dependancy ;p [09:52] question if [09:52] GaiaX11: apt-get during upgrade [09:52] Ubotu, please tell twotone about windowsdrives [09:52] Sierra, no there are many [09:52] LjL: because in repos there's an old version [09:52] b33r-, rofl [09:52] 6.10 === lsdmt [n=lsdmt@host-69-145-124-151.msl-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] LjL: Is it suppose to just sit there without showing any kind of progress indicator? Since that's what it's doing, even if I manually type in the md5sum. === worldwideserve23 [n=webserv@c-24-6-104-82.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] /var/lib/dpgk/available is missing, after I restart my PC with restart button... [09:53] gnomefreak: and this one? sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade ???!! === ROBOd [n=robod@] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] hello folks [09:53] hello guys [09:53] i have ubuntu edgy [09:53] i have a dlink WDA-1320, how can i get it to use WPA? [09:53] hello [09:53] GenNMX: i don't type in anything at all normally. i just type "md5sum blah.iso", wait, and then check the MD5 that it outputs against the correct one by eye. [09:53] !wpa | epp [09:53] epp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [09:53] LjL: Ugh well anyway, I'm re-downloading the iso using direct download this time, I keep getting a failed install and Buffer I/O errors from my torrent download. [09:53] i want to disable the very uninformative dismissing boot splash [09:53] GenNMX, and yes, it sits there. [09:53] how to do it? === BadKitty [n=soulstic@c-67-182-187-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [09:53] Whats the problem if i sign in on ubuntu 6.10, then it loads the desktop, then the destktop image, and then im redirected to the login screen ? [09:53] i want all boot info, just like in dapper [09:54] i am feeling edgy today :D [09:54] no comprise === Cantycrusader [i=cantycru@] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] hey folks [09:54] ROBOd: remove "quiet" from menu.lst to get back the terse status info on the splash screen, or remove "splash" to get the splash screen away completely [09:54] GaiaX11: you dont need to run apt0get upgrade and dist-upgrade only update and dist-upgrade and i would stick with apt-get as aptitude may not fix things as much as it would like. aptitude likes to downgrade items if cant find a way to upgrade [09:54] how do you install thunderbird [09:54] on ubuntu [09:54] ? [09:54] Sierra, what is the one that you are talking of? [09:54] LjL: news flash [09:54] worldwideserve23: apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird [09:54] nel356, could you make a sentence? === Ubunturookie [n=Image@adsl-215-92-9.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:54] LjL: i already did that [09:54] h1st0, libgpod [09:54] !info thunderbird [09:54] LjL: the screen is black [09:54] Package thunderbird does not exist in any distro I know === BadKitty [n=soulstic@c-67-182-187-220.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:55] could someone help me out getting 5.1 surround with amarok on my ATI card with alsa [09:55] h1st0, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=67873 [09:55] !thunderbird > kitche [09:55] ROBOd: paste your menu.lst on the pastebin === EdgeT [n=edge@] has joined #ubuntu === vibe [n=vibe@utdpat241254.utdallas.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:55] Yeah, the package is mozilla-thunderbird === Cantycrusader [i=cantycru@] has left #ubuntu [] [09:55] Guys I can't load windoze xp on grub :( [09:55] Can anyone give me some pointerso on upgrading dapper to edgy? [09:55] can anyone help me with my problem? [09:56] anyone get pandora.jar to work, or know how to rip that stream? === Cygal [n=Cygal@88-139-146-25.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:56] dale: gksudo "update-manager -c" [09:56] /var/lib/dpgk/available file is missing.... [09:56] worldwideserve23: thudnerbird package is called mozilla-thunderbird [09:56] dale: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [09:56] Guys I can't load windoze xp on grub :( Please help me it's URGENT :( [09:56] or not [09:56] and I can't do any installation [09:56] gnomefreak: I've tried installing it before, but it breaks my wireless settings [09:56] Ubotu, please tell dale about upgrade [09:57] EdgeT: what error do you get? === chapium [n=chapium@hawk-c-189.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] It told that to me lol [09:57] and nautilus can't recognise any luncher or package... [09:57] KenSentMe: I don't see it [09:57] so I can't run it... === littlebird [i=rocks@71-212-29-17.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === master_tux [n=will@ool-45770c9b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] EdgeT, yes, i had it tell it to you as well, since your suggestion was wrong [09:57] KenSentMe: I only see Ubuntu [09:57] hello all...is anyone here running ubuntu on an nvidia raid 0 configuration? [09:57] Hey get the word out on chemtrails people. [09:57] The black ops part of the government is trying to poison and slowly kill it's population through the skies with it's chemtrail program. === shwouchk [n=kosta@] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] During clear skies, white spew planes at high altitude silently spew out long white lines of chemtrails. The first type of these trails consist of very fine aluminum particles. These dissapear from sight about as fast as normal plane contrail would. These heat up the atmosphere for better chemtrail dispersal. [09:57] EdgeT: there's no entry for windows in grub? [09:57] but with konqueror I can... === mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ [09:57] The other ones slowly widen and disperse and eventually hit the ground giving people a whole range of respiratory problems and deadly diseases. [09:57] KenSentMe: Yeah === mode/#ubuntu [+b %littlebird!*@*] by LjL === CraHan [n=CraHan@125.229-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [09:57] dale: i think that has more to do with restricted modules package more so than upgrade but you might also need to reinstall your wireless stuff. if you are using ndiswrapper mnore than likely you will have to since i believe its not an official package [09:57] LjL: It worked for me [09:58] Sierra, hrm... the version of libgpod is outdated also it appears [09:58] non riesco a istallare gli aggiornamenti [09:58] lol [09:58] !it | nel356 [09:58] nel356: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! === littlebird [i=rocks@71-212-29-17.tukw.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu [] [09:58] anybody know how to use nvidia-glx? === spanglesontoast [n=edd@eddland.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu [09:58] ok grazie [09:58] EdgeT: without an apt-get update, and without changing "dapper" to "edgy" in the sources.list? i highly doubt it. anyway, [09:58] !works for me [09:58] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. [09:58] Ubotu, please tell bognar about nvidia [09:58] bognar: Yeah, nvidia-config enable === nel356 [n=nel356@213-156-52-127.fastres.net] has left #ubuntu ["Chat"] [09:59] hey kitche === verf [n=action@] has joined #ubuntu [09:59] h1st0, before you go further [09:59] gnomefreak: nope, I wiped windows from the drive. I've got an IBM thinkpad t30 and its a little weird on graphics and wireless networking [09:59] h1st0, im going to try check install === spanglesontoast [n=edd@eddland.plus.com] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL [09:59] LjL: 6.06 to 6.10 it did work [09:59] I am looking at the package right now. [09:59] EdgeT: here are my Windows lines in grub: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31045/ [09:59] can you accept the chat kitche [09:59] KenSentMe: cool yu [09:59] KenSentMe: cool ty* [09:59] kitche [09:59] Sierra, okay cuz i'm getting to the point of installing all this garbage on my system and I don't even own and ipod [09:59] gnomefreak: What is upstart? Does dapper have it? === blinx [n=blinx@unixboard/user/blinx] has left #ubuntu [] [10:00] i am unable to get the live cd to run on my current raid 0 system? ideas? [10:00] lolol [10:00] Ubotu, please tell GaiaX11 about upstart [10:00] worldwideserve23: you never pmed me you need to be registered on here to pm people === RobNyc [n=rob@nylug/member/RobNyc] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] Does apt-get keep a log of packages installed by build-dep === battlesquid [n=anders@] has joined #ubuntu === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-182.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] how do register ? [10:00] if i write invida-glx-elable i get message unable to load nvidia kernel driver [10:00] ubotu, please tell LjL to shut up === mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ [10:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about please tell LjL to shut up - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === freeomen [n=ad@] has left #ubuntu [requested] [10:00] worldwideserve23: /msg nickserv register pass e-mail [10:00] KenSentMe: And where do I add it ? === RVman [n=RVman@IGLD-80-230-241-28.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [10:00] I just installed windows version of firefox using wine. does this actually install on the computer or do I have to install it again with wine everytime I want to run it? [10:01] lsdmt: it's installed [10:01] lsdmt: Nope, ya only need to do it once, if you didn't boot from a live cd === verf [n=action@] has left #ubuntu [] === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL [10:01] lsdmt: This will actually install it on the computer, yes. Out of curiosity, why are you doing this? [10:01] where does it install to? [10:01] I followed the instructions given but It still won't work [10:01] i'm trying to get shockwave [10:02] EdgeT: here's my complete /boot/grub/menu.lst: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31047/ [10:02] i cannot login! my user is not recognized! can anyone help?! [10:02] KenSentMe: thnx [10:02] On my list of Hardrives there is nothing for windows. Is it because windows won't work? === jstarcher [n=stealth1@24-50-231-54.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] gnomefreak: Upon doing an upgrade will upstart be in my system? [10:02] izm99: recovery mode, at the boot screen [10:02] lsdmt: $HOME/.wine/dos_devices/c/Program Files/ I believe [10:02] if windows won't work can I not access anything from it? [10:02] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? === derek_ [n=derek@cm184.delta128.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] GaiaX11: upon an upgrade from dapper to edgy, yes [10:02] LjL, that still requires root password, right? [10:02] GaiaX11: when its done yes you will be using upstart [10:02] gnomefreak, do you know if apt-get keeps a log somehwere? [10:02] what is the prob if i write nvidia-glx-config enable then i get message unable to load nvidia kernel driver? [10:02] can I remove the /home directory while I'm logged on and running fluxbox? [10:02] izm99: no [10:02] twotone: what do you mean [10:02] h1st0: /var/log === Cyber66 [n=tiaomeow@213-202-164-209.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:02] LjL, ok cool [10:02] izm99: try loggin in in recovery mode and check /etc/passwd for the username [10:03] gnomefreak, yeah I don't see anything in there for apt-get [10:03] h1st0: would be a dpkg log [10:03] gnomefreak, ahh poopy [10:03] dusk: I used the automatically mount partitions help page but it didn't work. I still can't access any files from windows. [10:03] How many MB does the Server 6.06 install take? === Cyber66 [n=tiaomeow@213-202-164-209.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has left #ubuntu [] === mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ [10:03] gnomefreak, I just installed the build-dep for gtkpod now I want ot remove allthis garbage trying to sort through it. === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-b drnick_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-b i386!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ip68-231-43-153.ph.ph.cox.net] by LjL [10:03] dusk: recently windows stopped working completely on my computer, I am wondering if it is because of whatever error with windows that I can't make it work. === mode/#ubuntu [-b %littlebird!*@*] by LjL === mode/#ubuntu [-b wk_!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL === calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu === mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL [10:04] h1st0: the dpkg log you would need === Wizardling [i=Durandal@202-154-144-68.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] .. [10:04] is it safe to upgrade the entire system from dapper drake flight 7 to current? [10:04] can I remove the /home directory while I'm logged on and running fluxbox? [10:04] gnomefreak, yeap just have to parse this data now to make it somewhat readable [10:04] liri: I would say that yes. === santyago [n=santyago@104.jungle.hnt.ru] has joined #ubuntu [10:04] jstarcher: doesn't sound like a good idea to me [10:04] jstarcher: Why? === uliss1 [n=ulisse@] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] jstarcher: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? [10:05] How many MB does the Server 6.06 install take? [10:05] is there a list that tells me what chipset my wireless card has? [10:05] dusk: ? [10:05] joing #ubuntu-ru [10:05] "Give root password for maintenance" === novaterata [n=novatera@c-71-56-121-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] hey kitche [10:05] LjL: gnomefreak: in here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades it says that this command - sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade will - not install upstart [10:05] I am sending you a chat offer === novaterata [n=novatera@c-71-56-121-28.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:05] izm99, uhm, i believed it did not ask for one [10:05] liri, but it would be better to install it on a clean hdd [10:05] jstarcher, you could probably if the desktop is not loaded, in command line and not in the home directory .. === poje [n=jpoje@h214.230.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:05] GaiaX11: it will [10:05] im attempting to get my ati x1400 (fglrx 8.24.8) working with tvout but it just wont work [10:05] and the root password didn't work. [10:05] "Login incorrect" [10:06] GaiaX11: run the command i gave you you will be fine [10:06] LjL, Kim^J, chapium, rem_: how can I do it? I moved my files in /home to /store for now and I want to make /store into /home and get rid of the old /home [10:06] compengi: if there's any doubt i'd rather not upgrade since everything is working fine at the moment. === mathieu_ [n=mathieu@dsl-153-177.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] KenSentMe: Brb, gonna test the changes ive made [10:06] GaiaX11, it then proceeds to tell you how to enable it. also, it says that method of upgrading is not recommended === PiPak_ [n=asddas@adsl-84-227-151-100.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? [10:06] I am having some rather specific problems if someone has a few moments to spare I could use the help. [10:06] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? [10:06] worldwideserve23: did you identify with nickserv? [10:06] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? [10:06] can I manipulate users from a liveCD boot? [10:06] jstarcher: recovery mode [10:06] jstarcher: Boot a live cd then and change the things needed to change === FunnyLookinHat [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168088142.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:06] GaiaX11: as i stated before the recommended way is to use update-manager [10:06] (including root) [10:06] LjL, Kim^J, chapium, rem_: okay thanks [10:07] hey ppl [10:07] is there a list that tells me what chipset my wireless card has? [10:07] Kim^J: maybe try the #ubuntu-server channel [10:07] KenSentMe: Is there one? [10:07] epp: the device manager usually will show that [10:07] If I have no xorg.conf, how can I generate oned [10:07] I am having some rather specific problems if someone has a few moments to spare I could use the help. [10:07] k [10:07] liri, no worries you can upgrade but some people got problems after upgrade so clean install would be better === uliss1 is now known as ulisse === lucassamba [n=lucas@201-24-231-159.ctame704.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu === ulisse [n=ulisse@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:07] twotone: ask your questions instead of asking to ask questions, please === fraiddo [n=fred@AAmiens-151-1-83-135.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:08] Abst: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:08] Whats that: Unable to find API [10:08] or sth like that [10:08] Poje: I did earlier but no response [10:08] hello [10:08] ? [10:08] izm99, it's weird, because if you look at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+ticket/2177 , it actually seems to imply that no password should be asked in recovery mode [10:08] twotone: we dont need formal introductions, just dump your problems on us :) [10:08] worldwideserve23: ? [10:08] twotone: then probably no one then knew how to help you :) === rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p54B1B8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] Windows has recently stopped working. it says "we aoikiguze for the invoncienence but windows did not start sucessfully a. A recent hardware or software change may have caused this. === pluto_o_o_o [n=Christio@e181000067.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === adb_ [n=adb@p54889CF2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:09] LjL, so my system's really screwed up. O.o [10:09] we apologize* [10:09] Ubotu, please tell twotone about windows [10:09] :'( === mikm[laptop] [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu === _snerge3 [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090959.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu === Carnage\ [n=CarNagE@p549FF041.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] that is part one of the problem [10:10] twotone: well for the windows part join #windows [10:10] now that windows won't work, (Which is fine by me) I am using ubuntu but I want acess to those files [10:10] twotone: that's not an ubuntu problem, although it sounds like you changed hardware or some other configuration foobarred it [10:10] twotone: didn't the WindowsDrives page answer that one? === khermans [n=khermans@c-65-96-153-89.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:10] twotone: there are a couple NTFS drivers for linux, google for some help [10:11] ok === tmdca [n=chatzill@h-85-24-149-180.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] ntfs-3g [10:11] !ntfs-3g [10:11] ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 === Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-069-134-227-094.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] I wrote a howto on ubuntuforums === cyber [n=cyber@p549ACE05.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:11] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? [10:11] My Problem: I cant get into ubuntu, i enter username and pw, the desktop loads, and then im kicked to login screen again ... ? === Crescendo_ is now known as Crescendo === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] ? ^^ === tuckerm [n=tucker@d32-171.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:12] LjL: gnomefreak: I have started. So wish me good luck :-) [10:12] Hello... Got a problem. Recently installed ubuntu server and tryning to set up pixelpost on it. There seem to be some problem with the database... It takes for ever to load a page... [10:12] Slim^snief^schu: hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a tty. ctrl-alt-f7 will bring you back to X. What does 'ls -l ~/.Xauthority' say? [10:13] Slim^snief^schu: are you running from GDM, and have you tried other window-managers? [10:13] Hey guys i'm trying to burn an audio cd off ubuntu and it says i need codecs, where can i get those? [10:13] can I change root password via liveCD? [10:13] sry but im rather a noob, didnt understand a word^^ === Crescendo_ [n=martinda@adsl-072-151-080-148.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:13] !restrictedformats [10:13] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:13] kubuntu wont even install [10:13] izm99: there is no root password, the root account is locked [10:13] tuckerm: see above [10:13] !codecs|tuckerm [10:13] tuckerm: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:14] jrib, ok.. can i change my default user/password from livecd? === javaJake [n=javaJake@pool-72-70-10-151.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu === j_ack [n=rudi@p508DABD9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] I'm getting this error: ./src/bzflag/bzflag: symbol lookup error: /home/jacob/3DModules/Mesa/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmOpenOnce [10:14] Any ideas? [10:14] izm99: default user? [10:14] oO i pressed crlt+alt+f7 and the system froze === prestosd [n=prestosd@] has joined #ubuntu === blkOPS [n=djohnson@c-68-33-168-182.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:14] hi people does anyone have rt61 wireless driiver working on edgy? [10:14] Flannel, the first user... whose password is used for "sudo" [10:14] Slim^snief^schu, what card are you running? [10:14] can anyone help me with a nvidia graphics problem [10:14] PLEASE [10:14] elsa victory II [10:14] prestosd, I can try [10:14] !ask [10:15] thanx! [10:15] !helpme [10:15] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [10:15] pretty old [10:15] lol [10:15] LjL, it was one of those [10:15] izm99: instead of using the livecd, just choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu === ZondeR [n=ZondeR@] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] thanks guys [10:15] Slim^snief^schu, OK, nvm === tuckerm [n=tucker@d32-171.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu ["problem] [10:15] jrib, from recovery mode, I'm asked for Root password [10:15] Is there a way to hotplug pcmcia devices in Edgy? I could do it in Dapper with "/etc/init.d/pcmciautils restart" but that doesn't work now [10:15] javaJake, hehe both point to the same factoid :) [10:15] well i used to be able to play 3d games (Neverball etc.) but now when i click on them they crash [10:15] jrib, and it seems to be corrupt.... === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #ubuntu === Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [10:15] i have ubuntu 6.10 (i just did a clean install) [10:15] prestosd: nvidia? [10:15] prestosd, any output? [10:15] izm99: Your first user is a member of hte admin group, being 'first' doesn't make him special, he's simply a member of the admin group. And yes, you can change his password, would you like a howto on doing so? [10:15] chapium, yea [10:15] yep, NVIDIA Riva TNT [10:16] does Dapper's kernels come with HFS+ support and Mac partition style support? [10:16] output? === xp_ [n=anonymou@ftp.microvu.com] has joined #ubuntu === maresi [n=privat@] has left #ubuntu [] === Gamer30 [n=gamer30@] has joined #ubuntu === James [n=administ@237-9.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:16] prestosd, if you run the program in the terminal, does it print anything out? [10:16] Flannel, I would love a howto on how to do that from a liveCD! [10:16] Flannel, problem seems to be that even his recovery mode asks for a password [10:16] prestosd: try nvidia-glx-config enable [10:16] k [10:16] I'm getting this error: ./src/bzflag/bzflag: symbol lookup error: /home/jacob/3DModules/Mesa/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmOpenOnce [10:16] Anyone have any ideas? [10:16] nvidia-xorgconfig might hlep too [10:16] I did a manual compile of Mesa, drm, and ati drivers [10:16] From git [10:16] izm99: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword, you'll use "Last Resort 2", and the reason your recovery console has a password is because you set a root password === Cygal [n=Cygal@88-139-146-25.adslgp.cegetel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [10:17] where is the file that controls the startup programs? [10:17] LjL: He mustve set a root password then [10:17] my console errored [10:17] Gamer30, For what? Bootup, or gnome? [10:17] Whats " Unable to locate RDSP" right after grub loader ? [10:17] gnome === LuizArmesto [n=luiz@201-93-199-10.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] Flannel, thx. I'll report back soon. :) [10:17] Gamer30, Do you know about the "Sessions" window in System -> Preferences? === James [n=administ@237-9.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:17] Gamer30, Then select "Startup Programs" tab === Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-227-159.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu [10:17] Gamer30, Or something like that... [10:18] i cant get into linux so i use a software in windows that can browse linux files === jose [n=chatzill@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] javaJake, chapium: the console says "Couldn't find matching glx visual" === AnnaAniston_ [n=annaanis@d58-106-3-222.mas2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] when i try to run neverball === James [n=administ@237-9.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] can someone help me to get the live cd to run === zonum [n=zonum@adsl-2-212-81.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] prestosd, try running "export LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose" before running neverball [10:18] prestosd: nvidia-xconfig [10:18] ????????????????????????// === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === tooled_UP [n=tooled_U@] has joined #ubuntu [10:18] prestosd, LOL... we both have different ideas. :P === bognar [n=bognar@caracas-1102.adsl.interware.hu] has left #ubuntu [] [10:18] prestosd, no need to spam [10:18] Gamer30: there are ext3 drivers for windows, I don't know of one off the top of my head, try googling, but that's what you're looking for (assuming your linux fs is ext3) [10:19] nvidia-xconfig doesnt exist [10:19] prestosd: make sure you have the glx drivers, (i'm assuming you do) [10:19] i have the glx LEGACY drivers [10:19] !ext3 | Flannel, Gamer30 [10:19] Flannel, Gamer30: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org [10:19] where is the file that controls the startup programs? [10:19] I'm completely lost trying to get my monitor/ubuntu to display 1600x1200. It's listed in xorg.conf but not in the drop down under Screen Resolutions. Anyone have an idea of what I can try? [10:19] Gamer30, Ah, I see [10:19] my card is really old [10:19] do i need to use ndiswrapper with ar5005g? or cani use madwifi? === tooled_UP [n=tooled_U@] has joined #ubuntu === tmdca is now known as jenny_j [10:19] Gamer30, OK... one moment... [10:19] prestosd: under add/remove applications look for this: NVidia binary X.Org driver [10:19] k....looking..............brb === cedric30 [n=cedric@host236-37.pool80117.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:19] James: try setting the correct sync ranges for your monitor in xorg.conf === Alazo [n=MrMan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] Someone know how to install madwifi-ng with ubuntu ?? === bojicas_ [n=bojicas@ner-as11069.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu [10:20] I'm getting this error: ./src/bzflag/bzflag: symbol lookup error: /home/jacob/3DModules/Mesa/lib/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmOpenOnce [10:20] hm, i was able to get into gnome (abgesichert). it says some themes or sounds might not work correctly, and that the last failure was "Unable to determine the adress of the message bus ..." whats that? [10:20] my monitor mode does not operate on edgy [10:20] Any ideas? I compiled Mesa, drm, and ati drivers from git [10:20] i've already instaled w32codecs but my video files still dont working. i need to run or install anything to make it works? [10:20] do i need to use ndiswrapper with ar5005g? or cani use madwifi? === Tater [n=root@d199-126-155-29.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu === pluma [n=pluma@p5087CDD0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] but it was operating on drapper!!!!! [10:21] AH HA!!! === Yokanzo [i=Shinjuku@bas10-toronto12-1096625218.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] Hello. I recently installed ubuntu server and trying to set up pixelpost but there seem to be some problem with the mysql-database... It take ages to load a page... Tips/Solutions? [10:21] Alazo: what player are you using? totem? [10:21] i have the nvidia binary x.org ' [10:21] Terminus, xmms [10:21] legacy' driver [10:21] LjL: I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and it reset everything to "generic"...is that going to cause a problem? === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:21] How come I can't run ubuntu [10:21] Alazo: don't anything about getting videos to play in xmms. [10:21] I got an x800XT and the only thing that happens when I boot it up is a black screen [10:21] i dont have the nvidia binary x.org driver [10:21] hey all went to boot up my laptop the other day and startx or KDE is complainging that it can't write to my /tmp dir but if I sudo startx everything fires up and works but I really don't want to runa s root all the time [10:21] Yokanzo: could you be a lot more specific? [10:21] but i have totem here Terminus [10:21] just the legacy [10:21] ctrl alt f1 doesnt even work [10:21] anyone running AR5005G wireless device? [10:21] i need to configure something? [10:21] prestosd: remove that and try the other one [10:21] Something's hogging my FTP socket, but I can't figure out what. My port is open, according to the port scan tool, but how can I find out what program is listening? [10:22] James: nope, those are just names, the system doesn't care about them. the important thing is that you select the correct settings for driver, resolution and sync ranges [10:22] hm, i was able to get into gnome (abgesichert). it says some themes or sounds might not work correctly, and that the last failure was "Unable to determine the adress of the message bus ..." whats that? [10:22] up ! Driver mad wifi [10:22] isnt that kinda dangerous? === honk [n=honk@cpe-24-209-211-93.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:22] Like before I can even use ubuntu i get a black screen [10:22] Oops. Nevermind. I figured it out. [10:22] neither 2 of the start options are useful to me [10:22] op, cant do it [10:22] Alazo: well, if you're gonnna use totem, `sudo aptitude install totem-xine totem-gstreamer_` should get most videos playing. === AlinuxOS [n=AlinuxOS@d83-184-255-72.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] it says that conflicting software must be removed before installing the other driver [10:23] and btw [10:23] !restricted | Alazo === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] Alazo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [10:23] do i need to use ndiswrapper with ar5005g? or cani use madwifi? [10:23] i have tried this before === Heartsbane [n=ne1469@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] Gamer30, Sorry, I have no idea [10:23] and x.org crashed [10:23] ok [10:23] !enter | prestosd [10:23] prestosd: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying. === jocker [n=jocker@] has joined #ubuntu [10:23] Is there a way to restart the vsftpd service without rebooting? [10:23] yah i know [10:23] sorry [10:23] ok i will try Terminus [10:23] prestosd, I have the same annoying problem [10:23] :) [10:23] prestosd, with the enter key [10:23] LOL [10:23] Terminus, i wanna see an wmv video [10:23] anyone know whats wrong / [10:23] LOL [10:24] anyone know why KDE would crash and complain about not being able to write to my /tmp dir but root works fine [10:24] why can't I use ubuntu [10:24] do i need to use ndiswrapper with ar5005g? or cani use madwifi? [10:24] oh well [10:24] Alazo, I'm going to get some flaming when I say this, but Automatix2 can install codecs for you. [10:24] Alazo: AFAIK, wmv9 doesn't work yet. wmv8 should play fine though. [10:24] !automatix [10:24] ill try again later.... Thanks though! :) [10:24] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. === UKMatt [n=UKMatt@] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] javaJake, yeah, i use it === xamox [n=xA@24-236-184-133.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:24] !automatix-isnt-that-bad [10:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about automatix-isnt-that-bad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:24] Hmmm... I should add that. :D [10:24] if I want something to run at boot time I should just have to put it in my rc.local file, correct? [10:24] or not === anuvis07 [n=anuvis@251-51-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] Tater: Sounds like something changed the permissions to /tmp, do chmod -R 777 /tmp from the console. [10:25] LjL, I was kidding. :P [10:25] xamox, if it's not a GUI app, that's a possibility [10:25] this will sound dumb, what what programs would you use to do programming === mann [i=mann@nat/google/x-d9cbb1198f5f9b0f] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] UKMatt: interpreters and compilers mostly [10:25] up ! up ! Driver mad wifi [10:25] LjL: Yeah, it's command line. What's the other option? it has to run as root [10:25] UKMatt: a text editor like vim for writing code and gcc for the interpreter. =) [10:25] Okay, disregard that. I suck cocks. [10:25] GenNMX, will do [10:25] s/interpreter/compiler/ >_< [10:25] xamox: another option is adding a proper script in /etc/init.d and using update-rc.d to register it === MrFatJack [n=MrFatJac@pool-71-240-185-166.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:25] !language [10:25] Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [10:25] pluma, thats from bash.org right? [10:26] Ubotu, please tell xamox about boot [10:26] alright well I've only worked in Java, I know in C++ you can code it and it'll spit out a .exe, what does it do for linux? what does it compile so that you can run === MrFatJack [n=MrFatJac@pool-71-240-185-166.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu [] === James [n=administ@237-9.73-24.tampabay.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] === |mp| [n=mp@] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] UKMatt: an ELF binary. === Shadowpillar_ [n=Shadow@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] terminus, is that executeable? [10:26] Does ubuntu support ATI video cards? [10:26] UKMatt, of course === Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:26] Yokanzo: yes [10:26] UKMatt: yes, it's an executable. [10:26] LjL: thx! [10:26] Then how come when I start it I just get a black screen and can't get into a terminal [10:26] Is there a way to hotplug pcmcia devices in Edgy? I could do it in Dapper with "/etc/init.d/pcmciautils restart" but that doesn't work now [10:27] ljl, is everything you need in synaptic? [10:27] GenNMX, I'll try restarting X as my user and see what happens [10:27] Terminus, but is execute bit set? [10:27] !ati | Yokanzo [10:27] Yokanzo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [10:27] Yokanzo: try checking the xorg logs [10:27] nolimitsoya: i don't think so. you have to set it yourself. === lko [n=chatzill@r4q188.net.upc.cz] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] no, it has nothing to do with drivers [10:27] UKMatt, programs on Linux are just files as they are in Windows. they use a different format though, it's called ELF (at least, that's what's normally used), while the Windows format is called PE [10:27] the live cd gives me a black screen === j0nas` [n=tim@hh-98-216.ibnet.unb.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] i cannot install ubuntu at all === azureal [n=viper@dhcp-192-173.wireless.bowdoin.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Dreamlord [n=kostas@cpc2-colc2-0-0-cust1008.colc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:27] UKMatt, and Linux doesn't use extensions much, so most executable files don't have an extension [10:27] Terminus, sorry, i gotconfused. i thought you where the person with the problem :) [10:27] Hello [10:28] nolimitsoya: lol =) [10:28] Does it come up with an X Server error message, Yokanzo? [10:28] what is the package name for MPI header files?? [10:28] does anyone know? [10:28] rat lord no [10:28] i just have a black screen [10:28] that won't do anything === sugoruyo [n=sug@ppp171-85.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] Yokanzo, run "Check CD" [10:28] I cant do that [10:28] well i'm not advanced, I'm probably not going to be doing any big work for a while, but I kinda do some programming that just like spits out an output, nothing graphical [10:28] Oh [10:28] Yokanzo, run that on the main menu... I had that and it was a CD problem [10:28] I press "start ubuntu [10:28] and all it is is a black screen [10:28] hey Terminus [10:28] worked [10:28] thanks man [10:28] after everything loads and boots its a black screen [10:28] and I need to install all the packages so that I can compile [10:28] Yokanzo, Instead of Start Ubuntu, press Check CD [10:28] Alazo: you're welcome. =) === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [10:28] UKMatt: I suggest programming in C and using GCC to compile binaries [10:29] oh ok [10:29] Yokanzo, It is below that item you are selecting. :P [10:29] and then what? === Alazo [n=MrMan@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:29] Yokanzo, it'll let you know if the check failed or not [10:29] Ubotu, please tell UKMatt about compile [10:29] UKMatt: `aptitude install build-essential` should install most of the stuff you need for C/C++ [10:29] UKMatt: I suggest starting with the build-essential package [10:29] poje, instead of C++> [10:29] and if it indeed failed? === plutoo_o [n=Christio@e181005243.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:29] I have build essential [10:29] UKMatt: definitely, unless you REALLY want to do C++ [10:29] Yokanzo, if it did, 95% chance it NEEDS to get reburned [10:29] UKMatt: then you can compile C and C++ [10:29] well I only know Java, so I'm open to anything [10:29] if not? [10:29] LjL: is it possible to build a deb around a *.run installer using the dpkg tools? [10:29] UKMatt: for java, you can install GCJ if it's not already installed [10:29] UKMatt: I do C and Java on *nix [10:29] actually if I could stay with java that would be cool [10:30] Not big deal === vindrake [n=vindrake@AMontpellier-257-1-118-53.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] ademan: probably. [10:30] *No big deal === Alazo [n=MrMan@] has joined #ubuntu === digitalhav0c [n=digitlah@64-13-64-244.gsb.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:30] UKMatt: just go get the JDK from java.sun.com and you're good to go [10:30] i do C and Java ONLY on *nix [10:30] LjL: because i'm starting to think checkinstall may not be appropriate for *.run installers [10:30] poje, what's *nix, a compiler? [10:30] UKMatt: the sun-java5-jdk package is also available. [10:30] *nix is unix linux whatever [10:30] generally reffers to posix compliant operating systems [10:30] UKMatt: *nix is a family of operating systems like unix/linux/(sorta) solaris === Clin1 [n=admin@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] ie: bsd's and linux (maybe solaris too) [10:31] ademan, as for being possibly, it's most probably possible - as for being easy, i doubt it [10:31] poje, gatcha [10:31] Terminus, hehe another questino.. i wanna put my gDesklets opening automatically with the x.. and wanna put the weather, u know how can i do this? === Veinor [n=Veinor@c-67-173-83-139.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] Oh yeah, and the BSDs [10:31] Oh wow this room is filled [10:31] Alazo: don't use gdesklets. sorry. [10:31] I need some help with captive NTFS === Turk [n=Emir@unaffiliated/Turk] has left #ubuntu [] [10:31] ok [10:31] !captive | Veinor [10:31] terminus, how do I install that, synaptic or compile [10:31] Veinor: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse [10:31] anyone here use gDesklets? :p [10:31] LjL: yeah, i gotta write a *.spec file and crap like that don't i? ugh, but it would be worth it for me, i'd much rather let the package manager handle things [10:31] Hey can some one help me set up the pc to share an internet connection? [10:31] whoops... that used to be a captive doesn't work in ubuntu message. === seraphim [n=seraphim@e179142249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [10:31] Alazo, once you put them in place it should add them automatically so if you restart X i believe they are there if not. You may have to add gdesktets to System > preferences > sessions [10:32] Alazo: just don't use gDesklets, honestly its probably the worst desktop widgets implementation out there [10:32] !ati | Yokanzo [10:32] Yokanzo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [10:32] UKMatt: synaptic. as much as possible, look for the app you want in the repos before trying to install manually. === ricky [n=ricky@d205-250-120-48.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:32] ademan, and you'll need to write install scripts, if that .run files does anything besides copying files [10:32] hey everyone [10:32] anyone running AR5005G wireless device? [10:32] lol widgets... [10:32] ademan, Agreed [10:32] terminus, alright I got that, now I assume I code in just a text editor, but where do I go to compile and to run [10:32] Terminus: Ah. [10:32] can someone tell which one is the librery for play mp3 in the konsole? === Kastang [n=Kastang@c-69-248-25-92.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] [10:33] UKMatt: using the command line. =) [10:33] widgets are the next greatest.......passing trend haha === erUSUL [n=erUSUL@248.Red-83-35-0.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] LjL: hrm, well at least one of them seems to be prepended by a script, firefox tried to open the *.run instead of installing it and i saw a bunch of plain text (looked like a bash script) and then a whole lot of binary... [10:33] UKMatt: write your code in blah.c, then compile with gcc -Wall blah.c -o blah, then run with ./blah [10:33] terminus, any idea of how? [10:33] Hello? Is any one in here good in Networking? [10:33] Can anybody help me with captive NTFS? [10:33] !ask [10:33] Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) === K-I-L-L-E-R-D_F [n=leonardo@] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] Veinor: that's a question for the captive people, not #ubuntu [10:33] :p [10:33] UKMatt: simplest would be `gcc foo.c` === AfterBurner [i=UPP@c9342289.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu [10:33] poje, what do you mean, like create a text doc and save it as blah.c? [10:33] ricky, I belive you could use ffmpeg or possilby vlc [10:33] UKMatt: yes :) [10:34] ademan, u know any other best than gdesklets? [10:34] poje, for java [10:34] can someone tell me which one is the librery for play musica in the konsole? === merhojt [n=Jimmy@h55n4c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:34] Can some one help me set up a internet relay across a wired network? [10:34] ademan: !anyone would have been more appropriate. =) [10:34] UKMatt: for java, just save your stuff as .java files and then use the jdk from sun [10:34] terminus, gcc.foo.c does the same? [10:34] do i need to use ndiswrapper with ar5005g? or cani use madwifi? [10:34] Alazo: personally i just use the GNOME panel widgets for weather [10:34] poje, alright that's what I'm gonna do first since I may remember a bit of the language [10:34] ricky, Are you looking for an application or the library? [10:34] UKMatt: no. if the source is foo.c, you type `gcc foo.c` in the CLI [10:35] poje, any idea how I compile/run from jdk? [10:35] but u get the infos from what site ademan ? === [sYn] [n=syn@host-84-9-193-174.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] UKMatt: cool. if your project grows past a few files you may want to grab the ant build tool === yeager [n=yeager@84-55-72-6.rev.sth.ownit.se] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] UKMatt: really you should use a make system, makefiles are fairly easy, its only when you get into autoconf and automake that it gets ugly, then maybe cmake is a better solution [10:35] ricky, mplayer can play music AND videos in a terminal! === Panzerboy [n=stelian@unaffiliated/panzerboy] has joined #ubuntu [10:35] ademan, personally i wouldn't know how to approach that. and i'm not sure it's worth the effort honestly [10:35] Alazo: what info? [10:35] hello [10:35] UKMatt: if it's java, it's the same as on windows, `javac foo.java` [10:35] K-I-L-L-E-R-D_F, Hey [10:35] Is any one in here able to help me? [10:35] hey all [10:35] UKMatt: you unpack the archive they give you and then add the bin directory to your path [10:35] i know but before i types play name.mp3 [10:35] UKMatt: assuming you're using the sun-java5-jdk package... [10:35] terminus, and then that creates a file and I run that? [10:35] !ask | Clin1 [10:35] Clin1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) === Panzerboy [n=stelian@unaffiliated/panzerboy] has left #ubuntu [] [10:35] terminus, yeah I just got it === eXSiR [n=eXSiR@] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] I did and no one responded [10:36] i wanna use the command play [10:36] Clin1, Oh, sorry. [10:36] ricky, before where? [10:36] from the weather ademan [10:36] UKMatt: you may want to try KDevelop, its the best IDE on linux at the moment (well eclipse is great, but its bloated and slow) === FantasticFoo [n=dgm@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:36] UKMatt: anything java is mostly the same as how you do it in windows. [10:36] Like export HOME=/home/ukmatt/jdk-1.5.0_09/bin:$PATH [10:36] can anyone help me get my caps lock key working in ubuntu? [10:36] ademan: eclipse >>> kdevelop [10:36] It's large but not bloated and only slow on old machines [10:36] ...like my laptop [10:36] Can some one please help me set up my internet connection to be shaared by a windows computer? [10:36] ricky, on what operating system [10:36] before i installed ubuntu again [10:36] Alazo: dunno, when you put the applet in your panel you right click and click preferences and select what location to get weather info from [10:36] it works perfectly fine in other operating systems, but in ubuntu the light doesn't even turn on when i press the key [10:36] poje, ohh crap I remember that [10:37] Clin1, you need to read about iptables [10:37] Clin1, I hate to say it, but this is the worst channel for support. If you don't get an answer here, try a more specialized, less active channel. [10:37] poje: i'm on a 2.0 ghz pentium M and its painfully slow [10:37] ricky, well I dunno possibly you created a script to launch whatever player. [10:37] poje, can you help me do that? I remember it being a pain in windows === Stroganoff [n=strogano@p54B99DDA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Mercur1 [n=default@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] Like? [10:37] ademan: you're definitely doing something wrong then [10:37] Clin1, Well, yea... === hele [n=hele@a84-231-90-108.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:37] :P [10:37] hm, ok ademan ... u can teach me how to put this applet? === Linuturk is now known as Linuturk_afk [10:37] I haven't done any programming in about 4 years so I don't remember much [10:37] i dunno i installed a librery but i dont remember which one [10:37] !away | Linuturk_afk [10:37] Linuturk_afk: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines [10:37] Jake you know how to do this [10:37] Alazo: right click on a panel somewhere and hit add apllet [10:37] hmmm... a nat entry in ubotu would be useful. [10:37] Alazo: then find the weather applet, and hit add [10:37] Clin1, No, unfortunately [10:38] ademan: at work I do java dev on a 1.7ghz machine with ease (2GB RAM though, eclipse does love the RAM) [10:38] Clin1, I just... er... well... learned how to use the bot. :P === MikeyMike [n=mikeymik@ip70-179-218-46.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] poje: its java duh :-p [10:38] darn, the fourms take to long to get an aswer [10:38] So... how experimental is ntfsprogs? Are we talking 50% chance of erasure or what? [10:38] Clin1, LjL just gave you an idea [10:38] poje: which reminds me, it wasnt quite as slow with the sun java runtime [10:38] but it wasnt great either [10:38] ricky, perhaps you where using mplayer but just had a link to play but if you just mplayer file.mp3 should play it. [10:38] passable [10:38] Clin1, LjL said "Clin1, you need to read about iptables" [10:38] Veinor: on amd64 the install ate an XP Pro on me [10:38] ademan: eh, I never said java was the end-all, just that it's effective [10:38] Veinor: on five other machines, no problem [10:38] ok i have a directory full of log files that are text.. i want to search a group of them for a sing word how would i do this? gui or terminal i dotn care.. but gui would be better === CablD_Ubuntu [n=cabldevi@ool-4573d8bb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:38] I read that fourm but but it didnt work [10:39] single word* [10:39] :-/ === mumbles-out is now known as mumbles [10:39] MikeyMike: man grep [10:39] MikeyMike: 'grep word /path/to/directory/*' === hele [n=hele@a84-231-90-108.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [10:39] Veinor: I would advise resizing first, starting Win again to check the filesystem, then do the install [10:39] thank you tonyyarusso [10:39] MikeyMike: grep -in 'foo' * to search all the files for foo [10:39] i dont want to search them all though [10:39] someone know how to find madwifi ng driver on ubuntu?? to make operate monitor mode ............................................... [10:39] poje: i really don't care for java myself, i was using it for a while, SWING is great, but as far as speed and memory, meh, but it does have the portability advantage (but seriously with open source, you just recompile...) [10:39] i want to search a selection of them [10:39] not all of them [10:39] oh well, Thanks yall... [10:39] MikeyMike: oh, the -i is ignore case and -n gives you line numbers. === Clin1 [n=admin@dialup-] has left #ubuntu [] [10:40] Veinor: if you just give it a try, at least backup your data on Win, it didn't eat my disk, but it screwed up the bootloader [10:40] Clin1, i could give you a ready-made recipe possibly (though it's not the best idea, you should really read before trying this sort of thing), but now right now, i'm in a hurry. ping me next time you see me here perhaps [10:40] <[sYn] > Mm.. Anyone ever done any net code in java? === acidjames_ [i=acidjame@ABordeaux-152-1-21-89.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] [sYn] : java sockets? [10:40] Veinor: I can get to my data, but Win won't boot [10:40] Any gentlemen who want to help a woman like me? [10:40] can someone tell me which one is the librery for import screenshot [10:40] Kingsqueak: Ah. [10:40] cedric30: i don't use madwifi myself, but i believe seveas' repos has them. [10:40] Flannel, I think there is a typo in that LostPassword page you sent me. [10:40] !ask > jenny_j [10:40] how do i search a couple of the files ? [10:40] not all [10:40] <[sYn] > ademan, yup, just wondering how easy/usable it is.. [10:40] jenny_j: Prepare to get 1000 messages. [10:40] Lol [10:40] MikeyMike: list the files [10:40] ademan: for general purpose nontrivial apps, java is my favorite. swing is quite nice if not the best ui toolkit ever, but for multiple instance programs it's great since the VM is the source of most of the "bloat" === sproingie [n=chuck@64-121-2-59.c3-0.sfrn-ubr8.sfrn.ca.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:40] Yeah but monitor mode does not operate [10:41] jrib, list them? [10:41] OMFG A WIMMUN UZING LINUX!!!111 [10:41] MikeyMike: grep foo file1 file2 ... [10:41] Haha, Veinor [10:41] Veinor: we probably have a few dozen XP pro on Intel laptops at work that were all succesful Dapper dual-boot installs though [10:41] jenny_j: there aren't just men trying to help on this channel... [10:41] Veinor: I might just have bad luck [10:41] jrib, ohhhhhh ok thanks man [10:41] Flannel, it says to mount proc-filesystem (method2) do: mount -o bind -t proc mnttmp/proc [10:41] [sYn] : well sockets arent the easiest thing to use, well when compared to a few higher level APIs, but its not terrible either === Pluk [n=Pluk@11-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] thank you! [10:41] !ask It takes ages to load a php page on my server. [10:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about ask It takes ages to load a php page on my server. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === ReWT_AxS is a woman. === CraHan [n=CraHan@125.229-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu [10:41] cedric30: well, you should fix your monitor before worrying about wifi. can't help you there though. [10:41] Kingsqueak, whats wrong now? [10:41] Kingsqueak: Yeah, probably. [10:41] h1st0: now? [10:41] Flannel, that gives me an error about usage. I think there should be an extra "proc" [10:41] ReWT_AxS: with a nice nick, too ;d [10:41] ahh crapola have to go to work cya all later [10:42] jenny_j: are you talking about uploading php to your server? or going to a page on your server with firefox? [10:42] This may be a good time to remind some people about http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ [10:42] Pages which don't uses the db is very fast to load... [10:42] MikeyMike: your shell just expands the * to all the files in the directory (except ones that start with .), so you were listing them before too except the shell was doing the hard work [10:42] Thanks poje :) [10:42] can someone tell me which one is the librery for import screenshot in the konsole? [10:42] jrib, ah okay === porto88 [n=porto88@pool-151-197-186-138.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] izm99: well, it's a wiki, go ahead and change it if it's erroneous [10:42] anyone here use bazaar? [10:42] Flannel, but when I do that, it says " special device proc does not exist" [10:42] <[sYn] > ademan, Mm.. I have a net based application to code, need to implement some TLS connections and move information as well as possible.. Trying to figure out if I should use Java (which I have used in the past) or C++ [10:42] sproingie: i'm about to, whats your question? [10:42] izm99: heh, ok, so that's not the fix, at any rate [10:42] jenny_j: sounds like a db perf issue rather than a PHP one === Mercur1 [n=default@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:42] I've also been hearing good things about ntfs-3g... has that ever eaten anybody's hdata here? [10:42] izm99: you don't need that line [10:43] <[sYn] > Veinor, Using it here.. seems to be working fine [10:43] [sYn] : i prefer c++ by far, but thats just personal preference, java sockets aren't any easier to use than BSD sockets or anything [10:43] [sYn] : I'd use the one you're more comfortable/proficient in [10:43] jrib, yeah, just wanted to make the typo known. and I'm curious about how to get it working, as well. :) [10:43] ademan: i'm wondering if it supports a changeset approval workflow where someone commits but an admin actually checks in the changes [10:43] does the default kernel have HFS+ support along with Mac partition style? [10:43] Page loading which involves database takes ages to load. What should I do? [10:43] speaking of, what does linux use for networking? berkely sockets? [10:43] ademan: i have an environment that requires that sort of thing (changesets get voted on and a script checks it in) === apv [n=apv@bb-87-82-0-127.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:43] jenny_j: look into your db's performance - unfortunately this is an ubuntu channel rather than a db one [10:44] (java channels are pretty easy) [10:44] <[sYn] > poje, I don't really have a comfort zone with code, code is code to me.. I can generally code using anything.. lol Just a matter of find out which suits my needs best [10:44] sproingie: well it has commit hooks, so in theory if it doesnt support it you could add that kind of thing yourself [10:44] jenny_j: the first step would be finding out why it's slow. =) [10:44] can someone tell me which one is the librery for import screeshot in the konsole? === jacksongnaedinge [n=jacksong@24-107-101-182.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu === Comrade_S [n=Krush_U@pool-151-203-201-34.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:44] [sYn] : if you need a slimmer app I'd go with C++, otherwise it'd be a tossup [10:44] jenny_j: http://www.rafb.net/paste your php page that's slow === Linuturk_afk is now known as Linuturk === JohnM555 [n=JohnM555@c-69-250-77-243.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] Terminus: There is no problems connecting to it with mysql command and nothing takes a very long time doing there. [10:45] <[sYn] > ademan, I'm going to do some actual research tomorrow, I've been rather lazy about making the choice until now haha.. My thinking right now is the Java would be easier to cross platform, but that's simply my own assumption..? [10:45] i have a question about installing ubuntu using parallels desktop for mac === howefield [n=auchinle@81-178-244-150.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu === gpastor [n=gpastor@194.Red-88-16-137.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] [sYn] : just stick to cross platform libs in c/c++ and you're fine, but that can be kinda limiting [10:45] izm99: it's probably supposed to be --bind instead of -o bind, but I don't know what that program is supposed to do === kingrayray [n=kingrayr@c-71-231-183-191.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === elektron82 [n=elektro@] has joined #ubuntu [10:45] [sYn] : if you're going cross-platform java could definitely be a better choice [10:45] s/program/command [10:45] jenny_j: ok, that narrows it down i guess. SELECT statements don't take too long? === Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] <[sYn] > ademan / poje, Yeah.. but then again, I don't *need* it to be cross platform.. [10:46] how can I know if anyone else is in my wireless? [10:46] Terminius: Nope [10:46] parallels is asking what kind of linux this is, may it be kernal 2.4 or 2.6 or other === Tidus [n=IAN@unaffiliated/tidus] has joined #ubuntu === Gecko- [n=allan@] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] gpastor: lick the eth ports on your router [10:46] jrib, I think it's supposed to be "mount -o bind -t proc /proc mnttmp/proc" <-- that worked for me [10:46] poje: do you happen to be familiar with sockets and linux? what type of sockets are they? berkely sockets? posix sockets? (is there such thing as posix sockets?) or something else? === Gent [n=charles@h-67-103-187-192.cmbrmaor.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:46] I think it may have something to do with the connection between php and mysql. [10:46] <[sYn] > Anyway, just thought I would get some quick thoughts while people where on the topic :).. thanks for the input :D [10:46] And then nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure [10:46] jrib, but I don't have an account to login and fix [10:46] Oh God, Someone please help me! [10:46] :) [10:46] jenny_j: hmmm... probably a php issue then. don't think i can help you there though. [10:46] gnome-settings-daemon keeps crashing at login === markdarb [n=markdarb@210-246-48-39.paradise.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu === Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] !paste [10:47] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) [10:47] jenny ^^ [10:47] it takes about 2 - 3 minutes literally before it finally times out === lisette [n=lisette@h228n1fls33o850.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:47] Why does my wireless signal indicator in the top panel always show either full or none? [10:47] izm99: yeah I guess that does make sense [10:47] I have made a test page which prints a lot of php related stuff and that page is very fast to load. [10:47] ademan: i'm fairly sure commit hooks won't do the trick. i guess it's more like svn than anything else. ah well, my environment's python, so i figured bazaar would be good since it's also python === [sYn] takes a shower [10:47] i'll mayhap take a look at git or darcs [10:47] Hi everyone === Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] jrib, as for what it's doing, it's just binding the proc-filesystem of the livecd to another directory, which should be your main system you've mounted and are trying to recover. :) [10:48] sproingie: hrm, i dunno, i don't think having your version control the same language as your project really helps anything though :-p [10:48] No matter where I check, it always says "signal strength 100%" or "signal strength 0%", never 76% or anything [10:48] i have ubuntu hoary hedgehog running, what is the easiest way to upgrade it to dapper? === Shadow_mil2 [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] jenny_j: maybe it's a weird driver issue? or the code is too slow? [10:48] Terminius: The php app is pixelpost and I have seen it running nicely and fast so i don't think it is the php code itself. [10:48] sproingie: but honestly i haven't touched bazaar yet, but i hear good things, which is why i'm going to be taking a look at it very soon [10:48] ok, back to the problem at hand.... === b_52Centos [n=skimo@] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] could someone please walk me through the installation of ubuntu using parallels desktop for Mac? === rphillips [n=rphillip@gentoo/developer/rphillips] has joined #ubuntu [10:48] ademan: /usr/include/sys/socket.h is an FSF file [10:49] jenny_j: oh ok... weird driver issue i guess. i really don't know what's wrong. =| [10:49] anyone? [10:49] ademan: probably not, but this is a kind of strange and fun project, all python, and i figured i'd do a lot of API-level stuff with the version control in python [10:49] Oh, someone's tried bazaar? [10:49] should i first upgrade to breezy and then dapper? [10:49] poje: i suppose i'll take a look then :-) [10:49] poje: bazaar is supposed to be good, i havent used it personally though [10:49] shit i'm late, gtg all === yeager_ [n=yeager@] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] Laterz === jayt [n=johnpt@unaffiliated/jayt] has joined #ubuntu [10:49] -z+s [10:49] later [10:49] !language|ademan [10:49] ademan: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [10:49] Where to find help getting sound working in 6.06LTS? Seems my onboard Crystal isn't detected/supported... === bradley__ [n=bradley@bas3-montreal02-1096681405.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] i am looking for my bus id, i ran the command lspci but don't know what to look for. what would be on the rest of the line? [10:50] I'm having issues with my wireless card. It works great, it just doesn't give me a reliable meter of the signal strength. === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === apv [n=apv@bb-87-82-0-127.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [10:50] lisette: yes [10:51] !upgrade | lisette [10:51] poje: looks a lot like winsock/berkely sockets to me [10:51] lisette: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic") - See also !downgrade [10:51] poje: happen to know the lib for that as well? [10:51] ademan: I don't, actually === Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === enkidu [n=gilles@lab75-3-82-235-26-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:51] Question: Is there a way to hotplug pcmcia devices in Edgy? I could do it in Dapper with "/etc/init.d/pcmciautils restart" but that doesn't work now [10:52] [Sat Nov 11 23:51:32 2006] [error] VirtualHost *:1386 -- mixing * ports and non-* ports with a NameVirtualHost address is not supported, proceeding with undefined results <- what does this mean? [10:52] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1717100 -- I'm getting this error... I've tried every solution on the web, nothing works === EmxBA [n=emx@unaffiliated/emxba] has left #ubuntu [] === _`casey [n=casey@67-40-244-20.roch.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] what I know for sure is that it is somehow network related. If I disable all interfaces, it will login just fine [10:52] if one is enabled, it fails [10:52] Hi. I want to upgrade to Edgy from Dapper, but I have dialup so downloading anything is a real pain. What's the way of upgrading that uses the least bandwidth? Using a download manager or BitTorrent would be easiest. I've looked at downloading the Alternate Install CD but it's hundreds of megabytes and I don't need everything on it, so I'm hoping I can just download a targ with all the... === godmachine81 [n=ulteo-us@h195.165.140.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:52] ...needed files === Clin1 [n=admin@dialup-] has joined #Ubuntu [10:53] oops, Dapper to Edgy === linopil [n=user@85-250-30-165.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu === pos69sum [n=possum@tangerine.uchicago.edu] has joined #ubuntu === yu5e [n=conrad@dsl-243-51-118.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu [10:53] hey [10:54] NOTICE: If your good in networking IM me. [10:54] sometimes i have no sound in gnome movie player and vlc === Teste [n=Rolando2@a83-132-114-50.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] how can i get sound to work without rebooting === jacksongnaedinge [n=jacksong@24-107-101-182.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has left #ubuntu [] [10:54] jrib: the upgrade instructions doesn't cover how to upgrade from hoary -> dapper directly === rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:54] lisette: you don't want to do that, you have to go to breezy first [10:55] does anyone know how to play .tivo files? [10:55] mark: im kinda new but have u looked into updating using the package manager? === wasynyt_ [n=timo@dyn30-167.adsl.mpynet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === evil_ensky [n=evilensk@] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] Clin1: no one is going to help you that way === Teste [n=Rolando2@a83-132-114-50.cpe.netcabo.pt] has left #ubuntu [] === dutchy [n=dutchy@smeerkaas.student.utwente.nl] has left #ubuntu [] === javaJake [n=javaJake@pool-72-70-10-151.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [10:55] Hello! Does anyone how to setup a live/streaming web camera server? That is I want a webpage that constantly shows the output of my camera to me [10:55] NOTICE: that won't work [10:55] <_`casey> NOTICE: lol [10:55] !tivo [10:55] Sorry, I don't know anything about tivo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === astro73|ubuntu [n=astronou@ppp-69-214-3-76.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu === wasynyt_ [n=timo@dyn30-167.adsl.mpynet.fi] has joined #ubuntu === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has joined #ubuntu [10:55] !mplayer [10:55] mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer To compile it from source see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile [10:55] NOTICE: demanding pm's is lame [10:55] For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips. === mszero [n=ubuntu@c194.187.102.17.interlain.lv] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === MPS [n=MPS@] has joined #ubuntu [10:56] elektron82, that's a possibility but it's not all that easy because I can't download it all at once, but will have to download it slowly whenever I'm on the Internet over a number of weeks [10:56] demanding pm's is too much hand-holding === Arcad3 [n=arcad3@] has joined #ubuntu === evil_ensky [n=evilensk@] has left #ubuntu [] [10:56] irc is enuf hand-holding as it is [10:57] !cidecs [10:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about cidecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:57] !codecs === evil_ensky [n=evilensk@] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:57] How do I change my default browser in gnome-open? === highdruff [n=highdruf@AC9E36A8.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu === Clin1 [n=admin@dialup-] has left #Ubuntu [] [10:57] can someone paste me the windows lines from /boot/grub/menu.lst [10:58] Veinor: system > preferecnes > preferred applications === ck3k_ [n=ck3k@adsl-75-41-48-76.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu === elektron82 [n=elektro@] has left #ubuntu [] === xen [n=nnkx00@] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] <_`casey> mark: where are you? [10:58] <_`casey> ..geographically === t3chn0b0y [n=joe@c-67-160-171-11.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [10:58] is here someone running edgy on a HP nc6120? === holycow [n=a@mail.wjsgroup.com] has joined #ubuntu [10:59] !grub [10:59] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [10:59] I'm trying to install Kmuddy on my Ubuntu install, but since Kmuddy is not in apt, I'm going through source (and finishing with checkinstall). My only problem is, I don't know what deps Kmuddy has. How can I find out? [10:59] but isn't there a way i can ps aux | grep XXX and kill -9 some audio app that is running so i can get sound back in movie player? === Kenotic [n=Kenotic@c-68-53-174-175.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === rkd [n=rday@80-47-89-212.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu === astro73|ubuntu [n=astronou@ppp-69-214-3-76.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu [] === axiom [n=axiom@p54ADC2E2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:00] how can I get xvid installed on edgy [11:00] i just want to say thanks to all those that brought ubuntu to my attention, its the first time gnome installed right for me, im in love with it.. windows is going by by as soon as i get tv audio working.. thanks [11:00] Hey, I have a question about X Server...I'll get an error that says it's not set up correctly, then I found this link: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187177 <-- Where would I put that? === ChaKy [n=chaky@6-21.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu === Pablo [n=Pablo@] has joined #ubuntu === RoboNuggie [n=christop@adsl-213-249-187-223.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu === rexbron [n=rexbron@206-248-161-55.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu === sc0tty_ [n=yann@ARennes-257-1-116-60.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu === waa [n=waa@] has joined #ubuntu [11:02] Ratlord: The commands? [11:02] Yeah === ircminer [n=lamer0@] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] Ratlord: Applications > Accessories > Terminal === highdruff [n=highdruf@AC9E36A8.ipt.aol.com] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:03] Flannel, jrib : I can't seem to change my passwd.... passwd returuns: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. password unchanged. === xyzone [n=px8392@] has joined #ubuntu [11:03] In windows? Because that's what's stopping me from installing Ubuntu on a liveCD [11:03] I need help with a ./configure problem. it says that I dont have GLIB installed, but I do. heres the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31056/ (look at the bottom) [11:03] from a liveCD* [11:03] Ratlord: Ah, then no. [11:03] Flannel, jrib: I checked, and the /etc/passwd,group, and shadow files are present.. [11:04] Ratlord: You should probably use the alternate CD instead. [11:04] !alternate [11:04] The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. === Tmob [n=total@c-24-6-215-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] Ok. I'll go try the alternate CD now. Thanks === justinl [n=justinl@user-6f30d0.user.msu.edu] has left #ubuntu [] === redstarr [n=redstar@client-18-215.fx.reshall.wwu.edu] has joined #ubuntu === Antje [n=zeus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] AdamKili: you have the -dev package of glib installed? === knix [i=knix@unaffiliated/knix] has joined #ubuntu [11:04] izm99: you could just make the root password * in /etc/shadow. That should stop "recovery mode" from asking you for a password === xevox [n=xevox@] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] AdamKili: i.e. libglib1.2-dev libglib2.0-dev === xp_ [n=anonymou@ftp.microvu.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:05] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31058/ I'm getting this error when I try to complie x-chat [11:05] when i installed ubuntu i did'nt get my windows partition information nor did it find my GeeXboX partition but i did copy the info from my GeeXbox over and append to the new grub. === cafiending [n=michael@] has joined #ubuntu === xevox [n=xevox@] has joined #ubuntu [11:06] kingsqueak: no il see if it fixes it [11:06] hey I'm trying to make a simple link script, what tag can I use to include the options and target that's typed in the terminal? [11:06] AdamKili: it will ;-) you need -dev of anything a from-source app is compiling against === Arcad3 [n=arcad3@] has left #ubuntu [] === darehanl [n=darehanl@c-67-191-242-111.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === Jahman [n=okay@] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] jrib, useradd script worked to add a new users and set password... === Raffaello [n=mozole@] has joined #ubuntu [11:07] hi [11:07] jrib, sorry, passwd worked on a newly added user, i should say.. === pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu === ^hot_boy [n=galin@] has joined #ubuntu === Crescendo [n=GWing@cpe-069-134-227-094.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === Antje [n=zeus@] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] does Ubuntu have "Macintosh partition map support"? === GrimWald [n=Telepath@acces1042.res.insa-lyon.fr] has joined #ubuntu === bcstv [n=bcs@dpc6935190052.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:08] lspci returns a device with the following status: "01:08.0 Class ffff: Illegal Vendor ID Unknown device ffff (rev ff)" - what is it? [11:09] nlindblad: yep, but I don't know how to do it, search the wiki, or forums, or wait until someone here gives you an answer, but it is possible [11:09] i have a problem with my backlight in my HP nc6120. If i close the lid, the backlight switches off and after i open the lid the backlight won't go on. anyone know where's the problem? Using edgy, worked fine in dapper === hanse [n=hanse@M743P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu === Antje [n=zeus@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === ruda [n=ruda@] has joined #ubuntu [11:09] pianoboy3333: thanks, it would save a lot of time if there was a config.gz in /proc :( [11:09] jrib, ah.. the shadow file was .. empty [11:09] hi everything, I am using Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, and I try to watch film, I tried to use totem, I installed decoder dll but when i try to watch mpg or avi or all of others, it show a text "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins." [11:10] izm99: interesting... [11:10] kingsqueak: thanks it fixed it. I need -dev when comiling stuff? il remember that === five_laptop [n=fiveiron@] has joined #ubuntu [11:10] heheheh [11:10] gnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31058/ <-- I'm getting this error when I try to compile x-chat [11:10] AdamKili: yup for most any lib dependency === hanse [n=hanse@M743P016.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === roach_ [n=roachiep@netblock-68-183-215-42.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu === adz21c [n=adz21c@client-82-18-254-137.brhm.adsl.ntlworld.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:11] Are there somebody wants to help? [11:11] !anyone [11:11] A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? [11:11] thx everybody [11:11] :P === the-mr-freak_ [n=chris@pD9E0ADCA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] !codecs > Raffaello === Peter_ [n=pih@port593.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu === zOap [n=zOap@] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] I installed jrib === alef0 [n=alef0@M929P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu [11:12] /var/lib/dpkg/available file is missing after reboot with reboot button [11:12] Raffaello: what exactly did you install? [11:12] what can I do? [11:12] Raffaello install vlc [11:12] LjL, you there? [11:12] Raggaello: what was the problem? === mizio [n=mizio@81-208-83-227.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu === Targ [n=targ@] has joined #ubuntu [11:13] xyzone: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/internalvariables.html#ARGLIST [11:13] Milos_SD: 'sudo apt-get update' might fix that I think === jatt [n=user@p54A3E2B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] !nvidia [11:14] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:14] I done that... and nothing happends [11:14] apt rox sometimes [11:14] ;] [11:14] it's still missing :( === cagdas [n=cagdas@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] === ladydoor [i=door@unaffiliated/ladydoor] has left #ubuntu ["ERC] [11:14] Milos_SD: nothing? Or it updates? Maybe you don't have your sources.list file setup === cgysw [n=mel@d205-206-105-25.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:14] I have sources.list === sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] Running Ubuntu 6.10 AMD64 with an ATI X550 256MB PCIE card from Sapphire. Have been reading different howto pages for days, but no luck so far with fglrx.... :( [11:15] I also have available-old [11:15] a whan I rename it in available [11:15] And "dmesg | grep -i fglrx" shows *nothing* [11:15] Milos_SD: just cp available-old available === peppino [n=peppino@host247-108.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] how can I do sudo or smth like that in X? === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:15] How do I enable a second video card under Edgy? [11:15] marltu: just open a terminal [11:15] not with console but with some gedit? [11:16] Hi all [11:16] marltu: F2 I think brings up a Run window, then try 'gnome-terminal' [11:16] now i have another ./configure problem. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31062/ [11:16] KingSqueak? [11:16] I broke my synaptic package manager this morning, typed in an http: without the other stuff. Now it won't quit trying to download from there even after I remove all the repositories. === mheath [n=mheath@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:16] Kingsqueak: yeah, but how can I edit some /etc/conf.conf file [11:17] AdamKili, what are you compiling [11:17] with graphical editor in X? [11:17] AdamKili: libtiff-dev [11:17] Got some upgrades 5 of them this morning but they are not able to be authenticated are they safe to aply?? [11:17] without using a terminal? [11:17] is there any Run as..? [11:17] roach_: does the fglrx kernel module load correctly? === mheath [n=mheath@c-67-182-231-23.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] Kingsqueak, I done that [11:17] !xgl [11:17] and it says [11:17] AdamKili: maybe libtiff4-dev [11:17] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [11:17] dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1: [11:17] field name `#!' must be followed by colon [11:17] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2) [11:17] I'm trying to install Kmuddy on my Ubuntu install, but since Kmuddy is not in apt, I'm going through source (and finishing with checkinstall). My only problem is, I don't know what deps Kmuddy has. How can I find out? === derek_ [n=derek@cm184.delta128.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu === irc-user [n=irc-user@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has joined #ubuntu === ruda [n=ruda@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:17] Does anyone have experience with having / on LVM on top of software raid? [11:17] marltu: oh, from a terminal 'sudo gedit /etc/somefile' === arup [n=arup@] has joined #ubuntu [11:17] compengi: GTK+ [11:18] marltu: or from F2 directly just do that command [11:18] how can I get to know a user GID of some group? [11:18] Kingsqueak: yeah, i know it :) but i have to remember names of graphical programs [11:18] to edit [11:18] !gid [11:18] Sorry, I don't know anything about gid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] irc-user: Are you a member of it? === Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3C59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:18] ubuntu needs that function :/ [11:18] how do i make a startup script in /etc/init.d [11:19] dfgas: where's the problem? [11:19] shawarma: I have a usergroup called ntfs. I need the GID of it [11:19] irc-user: Are you a member of it? [11:19] AdamKili: you sure libtiff*-dev is installed, do 'dpkg -l | grep tiff' [11:19] need some help regaring mplayer, no sound in gmplayer, but mplayer runs happily [11:19] irc-user: get group ntfs [11:19] jatt: I don't think so. I see a lot of fglrx stuff in the Xorg.log.0 file, but it seems to end up failing. [11:19] marltu, i want teamspeak server to start upon boot [11:19] irc-user: getent group ntfs === lando [n=lando@adsl-10-71-233.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:19] irc-user: If you're a member of it, the "id" command is the easiest. [11:19] tnx [11:19] and "modprobe fglrx" gives me a fatal error [11:19] how to check the kernel version [11:19] compengi: uname -r [11:19] how do I set up a vitual host in apache? === jack|ass [i=jack@c-24-20-5-30.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === philis [n=a@adsl-68-124-60-153.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:20] dfgas: 1. pico somefile [11:20] you write there [11:20] #!/bin/sh [11:20] roach_: you can do a [11:20] find /lib/modules -name fglrx* -print [11:20] to check if the module is correctly installed. [11:20] /usr/bin/somecmd [11:20] chmod +x somefile [11:20] roach_: then you can add it to /etc/modules to get it loaded when booting [11:20] and it's done :) [11:21] so I just burned a fresh edgy CD and tried to install off it. Casper fails with a "mount: mounting /cdrom on /root/cdrom failed" and then the entire thing drops to busybox. Anyone seen it pull this? === didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.static.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:21] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31058/ <-- I'm getting this error when I try to compile x-chat [11:21] /cdrom of /root/cdrom? [11:21] any idea why gmplayer refuses to play sound, while mplayer does it fine [11:21] roach_: hm I remember there is another thing you need to take into account [11:21] *on [11:21] shawarma, any clue? [11:21] Grrr, the Ubuntu installer's Gnome still has the wrong monitor settings and gives me a blank screen. === thewayofzen [n=User@mctnnbsa24w-142167040061.pppoe-dynamic.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] what is the realplayer for linux called? [11:22] apt-get install ? [11:22] jatt: It's in /etc/modules already (along with lp, and rtc). [11:22] marltu: *shrug* it's the installer, I figured it knows what it's doing. :) [11:22] apt-cache search realplayer === Raffaello [n=mozole@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] [11:22] phaedrus44, it's called realplayer [11:22] !nvidia [11:22] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:22] realpayer for linux == realplay [11:22] cool thanks [11:22] compengi: nothing before that? [11:22] yeah === eviltux [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [11:22] how do I set up a vitual host in apache? [11:22] Is anyone able to tell me if they have gotten banshee or exaile .. gtkpod.. WHATEVER ..to work with a second generation ipod nano i am having ZERO luck on edgy [11:22] phaedrus44: apt-cache search realplay [11:22] *or googling for that matter [11:22] KingSqueak: thanks it seems to be working [11:23] AdamKili: no problem [11:23] hey guys I was updating from dapper to edgy and I crashed halfway thru and now it boots to an just a blinking cursor === eviltux [n=ubuntu@] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] === Staz [n=staz@IRC-MAFIA.net] has joined #UBUNTU [11:23] !java [11:23] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository [11:23] roach_: if I remember correctly the xorg drivers are installed in a location where ubuntu's xorg cannot find them. In your case do the fglrx xorg driver get loaded? [11:23] !flash [11:23] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [11:23] shawarma, nope it will start getting the errors from there while before it's okay [11:23] hi, what file would ya recommend putting my iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.txt in. So iptables gets loaded on boot? [11:23] videos show overly 'solarized' on dapper. I guess it's a problem with the codecs. anyone know how to make the videos appear in normal colour? [11:23] shwouchk: a2ensite [11:24] I mean the fglrx drivers are installed in a location where ubuntu's xorg cannot find them [11:24] is there a way to have a program startup as a certain user? === Haous [n=PunchThe@pool-72-92-102-164.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] thewayofzen: It's a bug in HAL. [11:24] marltu: whats that? [11:24] Got some upgrades 5 of them this morning but they are not able to be authenticated are they safe to aply?? [11:24] dfgas: 'su' [11:24] xorg expects them in /usr/lib/xorg === grits_is_good [n=SamIAm@cpe-69-133-49-243.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:24] shwouchk: cmd [11:24] dfgas: 'sudo su -c [11:24] How does one change the monitor refresh rate before the Ubuntu Installer starts Gnome? [11:24] thewayofzen: It's got something to do with how the storage is initialized from the factory. [11:24] nevermind, kingsqueak: gnomad2: error while loading shared libraries: libmtp.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [11:24] I'm stick on 1024x768 screen resolution. How do I make it go higher? [11:25] but the fglrx drivers (from the rpm converted from alien for example) installs them in /usr/X11R6/... [11:25] thewayofzen: It's detected as a raid volume, and hence not touched by anything else. [11:25] stuck& [11:25] i have libmtp installed and it works fine === freeze [n=freezey@ool-44c1c1ec.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] marltu: ....ok, but what IS it? it has no man page and no --help [11:25] doers ndiswrapper work with network manager? [11:25] shawarmaarm: ive seen things like that in my search. what are your opinions on the chance it might be blessed with a workaround? [11:25] dfgas: or just sudo -u -c [11:25] epp: Mostly, yes. [11:25] shwouchk: it adds a site into /etc/apache2/sites-enabled [11:25] so I needed to copy them to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ [11:25] check that dir === BaHKoTo [n=BaHKo@UnLiMiTeD.g00net.org] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] dfgas: init scripts need to use 'su' as they are run by root, a user can use sudo [11:25] thewayofzen: I've made a workaround that just needs to be uploaded. === holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-242-238.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:25] hmmm... [11:26] jatt: I did the "ln -s something /usrlib/xorg/modules dri", too... [11:26] shwouchk: cat /etc/apache2/README | less [11:26] Is the ubuntu loader going to spaz if /dev/hda is my cd drive? [11:26] marltu: aah, I see... but I can't figure out the proper configuration [11:26] shawarma: then ill wait patiently for that day :) === eviltux [i=eviltux@spoofed.h0stname.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] and fglrx isn't in linux-restricted-modules-common [11:26] thewayofzen: Excellent. [11:26] marltu: I could as well do 'less /etc/apache2/README' [11:26] shawarma, what about if i have a AR5005g? [11:26] shawarma, so any clue? === snake [n=snake@2.red-81-184-108.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] epp: No idea. [11:26] Are the upgrades to ha, hal-device-manager, libha-storage, libhal, and pmount safe.. I"m new here === Gent [n=charles@h-67-103-187-192.cmbrmaor.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] buenas [11:26] una preguntilla tonta... === guerby [n=guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:26] warning: /usr/share/X11/fonts/truetype does not exist or is not a directory [11:26] compengi: Not really. Is it a CVS checkout or a release? [11:26] como dedito un archivo, en modo consola? [11:27] shwouchk: yeah, you can [11:27] ui dedito no [11:27] K [11:27] is there a way to make it so update-grub will not add savedefault to any entry? [11:27] jejeje [11:27] shawarma, a release === irc-user [n=irc-user@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has left #ubuntu [] [11:27] I'm no geek in ubuntu :_ [11:27] I'm stuck on 1024x768 screen resolution. How do I make it go higher? [11:27] well that's all I remember. I have an ATI Radeon 200M on my laptop and although the fglrx drivers loaded and allowed me to start X, changing to a console (Ctrl+F1 for example) freezed my laptop. [11:27] So I use now the free xorg ati driver :( [11:27] como puedo editar un archivo en la konsola? [11:27] help please: gnomad2: error while loading shared libraries: libmtp.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [11:27] I have libmtp installed and it works fine [11:27] en modo init 3? [11:27] !spanish [11:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about spanish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:27] !beer === BaHKoTo [n=BaHKo@UnLiMiTeD.g00net.org] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:28] you don't? [11:28] snake: 'sudo nano nobmre_de_fichero' [11:28] !es [11:28] Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. === w00t [n=w00t@84-74-81-228.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] !time [11:28] time: The GNU time program for measuring cpu resource usage. In component main, is standard. Version 1.7-21 (edgy), package size 31 kB, installed size 144 kB === eviltux [i=eviltux@ubuntulinux.org.mx] has joined #ubuntu [11:28] Anyone know how to shrink my windows partition? [11:29] format [11:29] How? [11:29] shawarma, i have another issue [11:29] How do I get my screen resolution higher than 1024x768? [11:29] hi, i'm having problems with gconf. Everytime I try to remove options in gconf with gconftools --recursive-unset /apps/compiz for example, the keys get deleted but the empty folders are still visible in gconf-editor === riddlebox [n=james@75-132-205-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] very strange [11:29] Ratlord: you need a Win util like Partition Magic or a linux util like parted gparted kparted === Katten [n=Katten@c-e9c6e155.54-5-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu [11:29] HI [11:29] can somone else me? === Panaclerio [n=angelo@host134-30-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] compengi: shoot [11:30] jatt: I see "modules" in /usr/lib/xorg - what should I be looking for under that === eviltux [i=eviltux@ubuntulinux.org.mx] has joined #ubuntu === bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:30] jrib, so if i only have one user in shadow file, that user will be the "initial" user whose password is used for sudo? [11:30] Ok. Partition Magic it is [11:30] Thanks [11:30] Partition magic is garbage [11:30] can't you use the tool that is used during install of ubuntu [11:30] Can somone help me? [11:30] shawarma, i'm trying to install nvidia-glx-legacy but can't find same version as my kernel it only shows [11:30] izm99: yes sudo prompts for the password of the user invoking it [11:30] izm99: no, any user in the admin group will be able to sudo [11:30] i cant get the edgy amd64 to boot [11:30] anyone else have this problem? [11:30] aSt3raL_: panics ? [11:30] jrib, Kingsqueak ok, thx [11:30] Can somebody help me? I'm having trouble getting my screen resolution higher than 1024x768 and my refresh rate higher than 60hZ. [11:30] Are there known issues with the Intel G965 chipset's IDE and Linux? [11:31] !fixres | Haous [11:31] Haous: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [11:31] /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 84: source: not found [11:31] help please [11:31] Kingsqueak: what? [11:31] roach_: you should have a drivers subdirectory with the fglrx drivers there: [11:31] /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.o [11:31] /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so [11:31] aSt3raL_: try 'noapic' on the boot options === aru [n=aru@67-41-87-194.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu === Mehercle [n=pieter@] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] compengi: No idea about nvidia. [11:31] Kingsqueak: its the install cd [11:31] How do I enable a second video card under Edgy? === Rav|strangler [n=strangle@c-69-137-230-170.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:31] aSt3raL_: oh, hmm didn't have any trouble here, amd X2 [11:32] can someone help me get xstarted. [11:32] jack|ass: which IDE would that be? === amee [n=nunya@ip68-106-65-140.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] Rav|strangler, do startx [11:32] sempron here [11:32] I tried to reconfigure xserver but it didnt work [11:32] startx returns an fatal server error === rowbot [n=rowbot@203-173-141-185.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] aSt3raL_: what actually happens, how far do you get? === rowbot [n=rowbot@203-173-141-185.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:32] shawarma: what do you mean, which IDE? The IDE controller on a G965? [11:32] :could not open default font 'fixed' [11:32] Rav|strangler, you didn't back up your xorg.conf before you reconfigured? [11:32] it says booting the kernel and hangs === Xal2 [n=xal@p54A6CB28.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu === Dybber_ [n=a@0x57345912.hinxx4.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu [11:32] aSt3raL_: do you know GRUB at all? [11:33] jack|ass: Ah.. I thought you meant Integrated Development Environment. :-D [11:33] before I reconfigured i tried start x [11:33] shawarma: it's saying it can't find the cd drive during the boot sequence. === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] shawarma: hehe, nope. :) [11:33] Kingsqueak: yeah a little why? [11:33] have an ati cared [11:33] Can somone help me? [11:33] aSt3raL_: actually no the install doesn't show it to you, on the installer it allows you to pass boot options, add 'noapic' to it [11:33] aSt3raL_: boot: install noapic try that [11:33] I had the same issue on my laptop but can't remember the resolution === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:33] jack|ass: The intel chipsets are pretty well supported. I don't know of any particular issues. [11:33] Kingsqueak can you help me after please? === seekiui [n=truth@idxnew02-224.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] shawarma: yeah, but this is one of their new ones. === Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:34] jrib, Kingsqueak... sorry, so what will the root password be if... say.. I'm deleting all users, and adding one. ^.^ [11:34] Katten: I've never fooled with that LAMP install [11:34] Katten: What is your problem? [11:34] izm99: if the user you are adding is in the admin group, sudo will allow you to run it as that user and the password will be that user's password [11:34] if I want to install the latest xchat, is it better to download the source from the website and compile, or is it better to download and compile using "sudo apt-get build-dep xchat && sudo apt-get -b source xchat" ? === cricht0ff is now known as cricht0n [11:34] Kingsqueak, awesome, thx [11:35] seekiui: Why not just apt-get install xchat? === blrakach [n=blrakach@dynamic-acs-24-239-32-80.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu === roseank [n=roseank@] has joined #ubuntu [11:35] ok i took quiet off the boot by using other options [11:35] jatt: I've got /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/fglrx_drv.so === izm99 reboots *gulp* [11:35] shawarma can you answere in private? [11:35] Katten: done [11:35] its hanging on input:ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse as /class/input/input1 [11:35] seekiui: apt-get source will get you the source for the package not the latest [11:36] how do i check if i am running AiGLX [11:36] aSt3raL_: did you try 'noapic' ? [11:36] roach_: I am now in the dark. You already tried to paste-bin your Xorg.0.log log file? [11:36] no === Oompa [i=Oompa@cpe-76-185-186-242.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === jedediahjohnson [n=jedediah@0-1pool123-160.nas65.chicago3.il.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] i will [11:36] is there a good channel on this server for noobs who need lots of help [11:36] aSt3raL_: give that a shot, mine won't boot after install without that set now [11:36] not yet... pasting in a minute [11:36] ifireball: is that the same as if I was to sudo apt-get install xchat? [11:36] aSt3raL_: I think it installed without it, but the installed kernels need it passed [11:36] seekiui: however, installing the build-deps may indeed save you some time compiling === Veinor [n=Veinor@c-67-173-83-139.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] Hey there guys. :) === furesta [n=furesta@adsl-ull-173-55.42-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-112-78.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:36] seekiui: Why not just apt-get install xchat? <== because i want latest version [11:37] how do i check if i am running AiGLX === CreativeEmbassy [i=cjudy@] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] seekiui: well apt-get source will only give you the same version as apt-get install === roseank [n=roseank@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:37] seekiui: apt-get -b source xchat doesn't build the latest version. [11:37] err sorry, the other guy === B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.47-108.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu === apv [n=apv@bb-87-82-0-127.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu [11:37] seekiui: It fetches the one currently in Ubuntu and builds it from source. [11:37] shawarma: you just need to build it yourself from source then [11:37] Kingsqueak: ok i get it :) cheers! so if I want the latest, i need to go to xchat.org and dl source and install that? [11:37] Kingsqueak: thanks i dont have to reinstall now [11:37] seekiui: yup [11:38] the noapic fixed the install [11:38] aSt3raL_: cool [11:38] seekiui: not neccesarily, depending on you config, compiling locally might yield different results then the officla package, but it will still be the version delivered in ubuntu [11:38] shawarma: ok! ill get the latest from xchat,.org then [11:38] aSt3raL_: don't forget to put that in /boot/grub/menu.lst [11:38] ok === alecjw [n=alec@] has joined #ubuntu [11:38] what does it do.. do you know? [11:38] aSt3raL_: another quick tip, just download firefox and put it in your home dir and run it from there...32bit [11:38] aSt3raL_: it will work better with plugins [11:39] aSt3raL_: honestly, I keep meaning to look it up === grummel [n=grummel@ulmg-590cb034.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] !checkinstall > seekiui [11:39] 32 bit firefox2? === Rolando2424 [n=rolando2@a83-132-114-50.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #ubuntu [11:39] aSt3raL_: yeah, plugins don't much like 64bit yet [11:39] !checkinstall > ifireball [11:39] or 64bit Firefox at least [11:39] yeah there are none heh === Bany [n=banana01@82-41-249-243.cable.ubr01.linl.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #ubuntu [] [11:39] How do I enable a second video card under Edgy? [11:39] Hello [11:39] sha you gonna answere? [11:39] i'm having a problem wiht qemu: when i run it with the paraqmeter -parallel /dev/lp0, it says that it could not open the parallel device /dev/lp0, does anyoneknow why this happens or how i can fix it? [11:39] aSt3raL_: I've got most working now just by running 32bit Firefox2 [11:40] flash? [11:40] i installed nvidia-glx, when i'm trying udo nvidia-glx-config enable [11:40] Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed [11:40] the nvidia driver for your running kernel. [11:40] sudo* === killalby [n=killalby@adsl-ull-192-101.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu [11:40] Is there a way to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy, using the Live cd, without having to format Dapper? === no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu === killalby [n=killalby@adsl-ull-192-101.46-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu ["ciao] [11:40] I mean like an overwrite or something === mamzers555 [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] because I didn't wanted to lose the programs I have and the configs... === marquis_of_night [n=lestat@e178169030.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu === marquis_of_night [n=lestat@e178169030.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #ubuntu ["Verlassend"] [11:41] startx isn't working [11:41] Rolando2424: im no expert but i think you need ot use the alternate cd instead === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] how come [11:41] Rolando: I read somethign about useing the cd here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrade [11:41] Rolando2424: why not use the upgrade tool? === UKMatt [n=UKMatt@] has joined #ubuntu [11:41] ifireball it kind of complicated to explain [11:41] does anyone know a good tutorial site for java programming [11:41] aSt3raL_: seems it is an interrupt control thing [11:42] Because it has to do with the portuguese isp [11:42] that suck... [11:42] connect my linsys wireless-g 2.4 network adapter to my linksys network through ubuntu === rickyfingers_ [n=rickyfin@p54B1B8FD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:42] We have limited international traffic [11:42] UKMatt: sun make their own tutorial. i'll try and find it for you [11:42] how come theres not manpage for anything [11:42] ? === cricht0n i am root! if you see me laughing, you'd better have a backup! === cricht0n is now known as cricht0ff [11:42] I can only make 1 gb of international downloads [11:42] alecjw, I have it, I was just wondering if there was a better one [11:42] If my monitor has a maximum refresh rate of 75Hz at 1024x768, what should my Horizontal and Vertical refresh rates be in xorg.conf? [11:42] alecjw, it's all pdf's so its kind of hard === Rolando2424 [n=rolando2@a83-132-114-50.cpe.netcabo.pt] has left #ubuntu ["Vanishes] [11:43] jatt: Sorry about the wait - Xorg.log.0 posted to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31068/ [11:43] Rolando2424: I see, but the CD you have probably does not contain newer versions to all your packages [11:43] I can't figure out how to add virtual hosts... anyone help please? [11:43] sorry, don't know of any others, UKMatt [11:43] has anyone upgraded from 0.1.1 beryl to 0.1.2 beryl? [11:43] Ah wait, 60Hz IS the Vertical refresh rate. Nevermind. === jack|ass [i=jack@c-24-20-5-30.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] === croppa [i=user101@] has joined #ubuntu [11:43] does anyone know how to convert .tivo files to something like xvid, avi, or mpeg2 under linux? [11:44] alecjw, ty anyways [11:44] shwouchk: Try in #apache [11:44] Edgy upgrade: downloaded, installing them in bundles; how do I eliminate from cache only those which have been installed as updates, while retaining those not yet upgraded for later installation? === _human_blip_ [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] how do i run a windows exe using wine....i cant make it work and im new to nix [11:44] jrib, Flannel, Kingsqueak : THANK YOU. I can now login. I have various other serious issues, but perhaps I can continue working on my school projects now. :) === reZo [n=reZo@] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] shawarma: I can't the ubuntu conf of apache is obfuscated... [11:44] so does anyone know the answer to my qemu probleam? [11:44] jatt: BTW, thanks for helping a total stranger and Linux/Ubuntu n00b. :) === rene24 [n=rene@modemcable193.57-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:44] Shawarma you planing on answereing me? [11:44] alecjw: Do you have full access to your /dev/lp0 ? === sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc2-stok5-0-0-cust567.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] Katten: I already did. You, however, did not reply. [11:45] shwouchk: there is a readme file in /etc/apache that shuold explain to you the ubuntu way of apache... === moonwatcher [n=no@CBL217-132-137-119.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu [11:45] shawarma: i'm not sure. i'll check now [11:45] hello [11:45] Damit i'm a n00b att this how come to you can't see what i wrote you? [11:45] shawarma: it works fine with sudo. thanks [11:45] How does one write to files on the Ubuntu Live CD? I need to change its xorg.conf. [11:45] Katten: Probably because you're not registered. === seraphim_ [n=seraphim@e179142249.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] i am trying to install compiz on a T42 fvu-2378 === augustin [n=augustin@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has joined #ubuntu [11:46] Katten: /msg nickserv register some_password [11:46] Err, how does one write to files after booting from the Ubuntu Live CD? I need to change its xorg.conf. [11:46] running apt-get update and i get a GPG ERROR: ..... no pubkey .... [11:46] I have error while installing libfuse2 [11:46] am i missing something? [11:46] GenNMX: Just change it? [11:46] ifireball: I read it, but it doesn't help [11:46] apparently it can't download some ms fonts:( [11:46] shwouchk: eseentialy you create a config file for your site in /etc/apache2/sites-available and enable it with "sudo a2ensite" === RetLaw2 [n=RetLaw@082-146-105-240.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] roach_: the log file looks pretty good besides the dri failure and the [11:47] 1042. AUDIT: Sat Nov 11 13:40:44 2006: 4581 X: client 4 rejected from local host [11:47] and the end [11:47] shawarma: Gives me permission denied when writing to xorg.conf. [11:47] moonwatcher: Most likely you've added a non-official repository? [11:47] yes [11:47] GenNMX: You need to do it as root, just as in a normal running system. === phobos [n=phobos@84-121-38-95.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:47] Hey guys, i've got a silly newb question. I'm reading a document that explains how to fix a problem with Edgy I'm having. It says I have to recompile i965_dri.so with -fno-strict-aliasing. Could somebody tell me the command to do this? hehehe silly question I know.. [11:47] moonwatcher: It "just" means it cannot verify the integrity of the packages without the proper key. [11:47] roach_: probably you already tried this: comment out the [11:47] Load "dri" [11:47] entry in your xorg.conf? === Martin [n=Martin@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] this: http://www.unpluggable.com/?p=59 [11:48] I added "iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.txt" to /etc/rc.local and now ubuntu crashes on boot. Any ideas how to fix? :) [11:48] shwouchk: what kind of virtual site are you trying to create? name based or IP based? [11:48] ifireball: port based [11:48] suggests usiing: deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ edgy aiglx-edgy main-edgy [11:48] cab can someone help me get xserver started === klm- [n=isometsa@a81-197-248-249.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] please === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] I get this error while running apt-get install libfuse2: Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Neplatn jmno stroje. === SiRuS [n=srs@pal-148-74.resnet.csupomona.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] roach_: and add the option [11:48] Option "NoAccel" "true" [11:48] to the device section of your xorg.conf file... === sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc2-stok5-0-0-cust567.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:48] !ati [11:48] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto [11:48] I get this error while running apt-get install libfuse2: Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Neplatn jmno stroje. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? [11:48] i get this error on running sudo nvidia-glx-config enable [11:48] Error: your X configuration has been altered. [11:48] This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this [11:48] not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following [11:48] command: [11:48] md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum [11:48] otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section [11:48] from nv to nvidia. [11:49] I'm stuck at a login screen after installing dapper [11:49] Can somone tell me how to register ? [11:49] augustin: Go to your GNOME network settings and set it to NOT use a proxy and start a new terminal and work from there. [11:49] shwouchk: I see, well first you have to add a new listen line in the ports.conf file to make apache use your new port === |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168088708.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:49] roach_: no problem... as I said before I fought a lot with ati to get the fglrx drivers working and wasn't nice to try lots of options before it worked. At the end I am using the free drivers. Hopefully ati will fix all this mess some day. [11:49] Katten: /msg nickserv register your_password [11:49] jatt: Really? Comment *out* "Load "dri""? I hadn't tried that, actually. [11:49] shawarma: tnx [11:50] augustin: no problem. [11:50] I'm stuck at a login screen after installing dapper [11:50] roach_: in your log file you are getting: [11:50] 0886. (WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed! * [11:50] x won't start [11:50] ifireball: that might be my problem === cmatheson [n=cmatheso@207-108-179-92.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] shwouchk: then cnaged the sites-availabel/default fiel to only use port 80 (change to ) === Bicchi [n=chatzill@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu === Versed [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:50] so probably it would not harm at least. I do have the same error message in my logs when I used fglrx, and as the message below says: [11:50] 0889. (WW) fglrx(0): * no 3D acceleration available * [11:50] only 2D acceleration worked in my case too. === lullabud [n=lullabud@] has joined #ubuntu === bsb001 [n=brian@user-0c8h62f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] shawarma: I don't see any proxy settings in network-admin.. [11:51] when i try : sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade i get soemthign about not being able to open /var/lib/apt/lists/lock (13 permission denied) === distromonkey [n=chris@spc2-cosh5-0-0-cust113.cosh.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu === gasbag [n=gasbag@68-189-241-88.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:51] shwouchk: I think you'll get along from now. no? [11:51] augustin: System->Settings->Proxy or something like that. [11:51] jatt: so you haven't been able to get 3D acceleration working? [11:51] i tarred up a file system w/ 'tar pvcf - /' (piping it through nc), but for some the symlinks are all broken on the resulting tarball... is there some special way i need to handle those? [11:51] ifireball: yeah, did that already... I guess it was my fault... it works now, thanks! [11:51] roach_: I also have the option [11:51] Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no" [11:51] in the device section. But actually I don't remember if it was activated or not when I tried. But may be you can give it a try [11:52] anyone knows why? [11:52] shwouchk: n/p [11:52] bummer, because I was hoping to try Beryl/XGL... [11:52] roach_: nope, never with this card. === Zububwa is now known as Fossil|afk === m0dY [i=m0dY@] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] am i suppose to get the compiz stuff off an official rep? === Tib [n=jeremy@lbl44-1-88-163-80-59.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] does ubuntu install on sun machines ? [11:52] jatt: what's your card? [11:52] for Ekiga i need a voip phone? [11:52] livingdaylight: just a microphone [11:52] /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 84: source: not found [11:52] compengi: It says right there. You've changed xorg.conf. It even says how to fix it. :-) === guerby_ [n=guerby@gut75-4-82-235-162-148.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:52] /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 334: log_failure_msg: not found [11:52] ATI Radeon Xpress 200M === ruda [n=ruda@] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] shawarma: I am blind...:( [11:53] Katten: What is /opt/lampp ? It's not official Ubuntu stuff. [11:53] shawarma, i changed it to nv === furesta [n=furesta@adsl-ull-173-55.42-151.net24.it] has left #ubuntu [] [11:53] shawarma, but same [11:53] anyide does if ubuntu install on sun machines ???? [11:53] m0dY: it does. [11:53] it panicked on my U10 when I tried it [11:53] it may work on others that are newer === DJ_ [n=chatzill@c-71-60-126-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu === _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168089266.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu [11:53] m0dY: Which sun machine? [11:53] shawarma: which iso to get ? [11:54] no its not [11:54] shawarma: there was no proxy set-up! [11:54] the Sun E250 === Programmer_by_gr [n=Programm@] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] shawarma, should i run md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum? [11:54] shawarma i'm an idiot have you got gaim or somthing ? [11:54] m0dY: it is supposed to work, if not NetBSD works [11:54] can anyone help? === Panzerboy [n=stelian@unaffiliated/panzerboy] has joined #ubuntu [11:54] hello all [11:54] augustin: It might called something different in Chzech. [11:55] my question is!! which iso version to use??? the sparc or what ? [11:55] compengi: It can't hurt. === adz21c [n=adz21c@client-82-18-254-137.brhm.adsl.ntlworld.com] has left #ubuntu ["Konversation] [11:55] m0dY: yeah sparc64 === Programmer_by_gr [n=Programm@] has left #ubuntu [] [11:55] Katten: Just ask here. [11:55] can someone please help me get xserver started [11:55] okay === turgon [n=turgon@VA1-1E-u-0687.mc.onolab.com] has joined #ubuntu === Panzerboy [n=stelian@unaffiliated/panzerboy] has left #ubuntu [] === sysdoc [n=sysdoc@pool-71-119-81-191.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:55] shawarma, md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum [11:55] 7f29f97a502cd85750ff5cb1eaab89e7 /etc/X11/xorg.conf [11:55] ubuntu-6.10-server-sparc.iso ?? [11:55] for Ekiga i need a voip phone? [11:55] m0dY: Easy on the exclamation points. Which Sun machine is it? [11:55] yes [11:55] livingdaylight: nope [11:55] http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?p=88031&sid=58f40458bfa4be32123f0dbf8556edd3 [11:55] I'm going nuts. I'm a noob. I had installed ubuntu with one drive, then tried to add another. I had no luck, so I reinstalled ubuntu with both drives installed to see if it would find the second automaticly and mount it. Again no luck. I have checked with cfdisk, and the drive is partioned right -- set for all drive space, set as primary ext3. Now what do I do before I can mount it? [11:55] it's a SUN E250 [11:56] livingdaylight: Ekida *is* a voip phone [11:56] cafuego: what do i need? [11:56] shawarma: it means "Machine name not valid" [11:56] why wont xserver start after install [11:56] livingdaylight: a voip account (or asterisk box) [11:56] I have a ati card [11:56] hi, I use xchat on Edgy but when I click on a URL the browser that is opened is konqueror whereas my normal browser is firefox, any idea on how to change this? [11:56] http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?p=88031&sid=58f40458bfa4be32123f0dbf8556edd3 . i got this problem but i don't understand what he means because i tried was he said and i still can't fix the problem :S [11:56] augustin: Yesyes, but the Proxy menu option might be called something different in Czech. === pippobruco [n=pippobru@d81-211-162-253.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu === |thunder [n=e@c-68-60-143-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:56] livingdaylight: You can get a free account from ekiga.net I think. I sue mine with a local asterisk install. [11:56] cafuego, so how do 'they' hear my voice? [11:57] shawarma, omg it took it as ati O.o === Turophile [n=alex@CPE-144-132-249-152.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu [11:57] shawarma: I've already found it. There was no proxy set-up as I told before [11:57] jatt: Thanks for the help. With "# Load "dri"", I can at least modprobe fglrx w/o errors. So I know it's not a problem with fglrx per se... And now, for the first time, "lsmod | grep -i fglrx" actually comes back non-empty. [11:57] can someone please help me get xserver started [11:57] can someone please help me get xserver started [11:57] I have a ati card [11:57] livingdaylight: they have a hardware phone or software phone as well (having a microphone helps if you just use Ekiga) [11:57] Katten: It's a xampp problem.. Do they have a support channel? [11:57] why wont xserver start after install [11:57] tar should handle symlinks fine, shouldn't it? i'm not seeing any special options for it in the manpage [11:57] hi all, someone know how to manage services using runlevel symlink? [11:57] jatt: but I *still* want DRI/3D/Beryl-on-XGL, dammit!! [11:57] Yes they do but its totaly dead [11:58] cafuego: so, where does one get the hardware phone [11:58] Rav|strangler: do you get an error message? [11:58] sha its says how to fix the problem but i just don't understand what they mean [11:58] Katten: The easiest (but not very nice fix): sudo mv /bin/sh /bin/sh.orig ; sudo ln -s /bin/bash /bin/sh [11:58] >.> [11:58] Katten: why do you use xampp? ubuntu has everything xampp has [11:58] can somebody help me get my caps lock key working? [11:58] pippobruco: yeah. [11:58] because i'm a beginner of linux att the age of 15 [11:58] livingdaylight: You buy 'em from companies that sell 'em. Note that with a hardware voip phone you will need a voip account. [11:58] Katten: I agree with bgrupe, however, what did you try changing? [11:58] it would be kinda nice if i could use it..... === Bogdan_kg` [n=deusdies@] has joined #ubuntu [11:58] lullabud, yes when I try startx [11:58] cafuego: if i dial another phone line how am i charged? [11:58] can anyone help me please, i am newbie with ubuntu! [11:58] Katten: well you can be guided by us :) [11:58] m0dY: The it's probably the sparc iso. [11:58] can you open my mind? [11:58] pippobruco: /etc/rc#.d/S##service means start, /etc.rc#.d/K##service means don't start [11:58] lullabud, it says could not open defualt font 'fixed' [11:58] livingdaylight: Your voip provider would charge you. [11:58] anyoone here can help me with the apt-get on ubuntu? [11:58] ive spent 2 days with this os and im bout ready to put windoz back on this machine even tho i already got 3 other windoz machines [11:59] i fail to understand what it wants and seem to be going in circles [11:59] Can anyone help out with network connection problems? === eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-51.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] u cant do squat with this os [11:59] Katten: i'm 14 and i've managed to make a LAM server with ssh. it's not that hard. i can help you [11:59] pippobruco: they should by symlinked in numerical order of startup to /etc/inint.d/whatever === jman_ is now known as Aspoid [11:59] cafuego: so how does Ekiga charge me? [11:59] if anyone can help me, i am new to UBUNTU, please private chat me!!! [11:59] *LAMP [11:59] lullabud, this was right after installing dapper === meeka [n=mikey@CPE00032f3a2281-CM0016923fcb1e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] moonwatcher: What are you trying and what does it say? [11:59] Rav|strangler: anything else? [11:59] if anyone can help me, i am new to UBUNTU, please private chat me!!! [11:59] i installed the nvidia drivers. But when i start up it says X failed to start... i have to change the driver back to nv in xorg.conf. whats the problem? [11:59] !lamp | Katten, all you need to know about setting up LAMP [11:59] Katten, all you need to know about setting up LAMP: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD install menu. [11:59] you cant view a movie, print, allow access from another machine ..whats it good for? [11:59] how do you convert a .m4a to a .mp3 using command line? [11:59] livingdaylight: I'm not sure they allow calls to fixed phonelines. [11:59] lullabud, ati card === defcon [i=defcon@dslb-084-056-254-082.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu [11:59] Jimbo: You cna do all of those. [11:59] Rav|strangler: no, i mean any other error messages? [11:59] I'm going nuts. I'm a noob. I had installed ubuntu with one drive, then tried to add another. I had no luck, so I reinstalled ubuntu with both drives installed to see if it would find the second automaticly and mount it. Again no luck. I have checked with cfdisk, and the drive is partioned right -- set for all drive space, set as primary ext3. Now what do I do before I can mount it? [12:00] I am having problems with my mouse : only buttons work! cursor wont move!!! [12:00] <3 ubotu [12:00] ryanakca: ffmpeg or transcode, probably. [12:00] ok there are no drivers for our printer [12:00] no [12:00] it wont run an avi file [12:00] how do you abort apt-get dist-upgrade safely? [12:00] shawarma: trying to install gnome-compiz-manager on edgy on a T42 [12:00] Jimbo: Well, blame the printer manufacturer. [12:00] lullabud, how do I check the log again [12:00] i installed the nvidia drivers. But when i start up it says X failed to start... i have to change the driver back to nv in xorg.conf. whats the problem? [12:00] check the ball is clean [12:00] cant get into if frm windows [12:00] I am having problems with my mouse : only buttons work! cursor wont move!!! === mostafa_as3ad [n=mostafa@] has joined #ubuntu [12:00] i get wired errors about all sorts of locked files [12:00] lullabud, less /etc/somthing right [12:00] Have you tried a different mouse, Bogdan_kg`? [12:00] moonwatcher: And what goes wrong? [12:00] no [12:00] I've just installed ubuntu [12:00] Jimbo: If you need file sharing, you need to install file sharing software (samba). [12:01] catueg0...the reality is that if they want people to use this os it has to be able to do stuff mainstream === knoxx [n=marek@pD9561867.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu === Milos_SD [n=admin@] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:01] jatt: Thanks again!!