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jendanixternal: pnig10:38
jenda!lart fingers10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lart fingers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:39
BHSPitLappy@lart fingers10:43
jendano ubugtu :)10:45
jendadidn't know we had ubotu here :) cool.10:45
=== tsmithe [n=_t_@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendahello tsmithe10:46
tsmitheyo jenda hows it in prague?10:48
jendabusy :)10:48
jendabut alive.10:48
tsmithewow... busy. where i live (on a farm a mile from the nearest road) its the opposite10:49
BHSPitLappycould anyone suggest why connecting to freenode takes so long for me10:49
BHSPitLappymaybe identd business?10:49
tsmitheit takes a while for me too10:49
BHSPitLappybecause at some houses it comes up in a flash10:49
BHSPitLappy(other routers)10:49
BHSPitLappybut I have to sit and wait10:50
Burgundaviaanybody here have amd64 or ppc machines?10:50
=== BHSPitLappy zzz
tsmithewow this place has suddenly got busy as well!10:50
jendaBurgundavia: nope, sorry.10:52
tsmithei mean why do you want  weird arch users?10:52
jendait just wakes up at times :)10:52
tsmithejenda: :)10:53
Burgundaviatesting a new script to offer the correct arch for downloading Ubuntuy10:53
Burgundaviaanybody got a Windows machine available?10:53
tsmithedoes it offer the correct arch to you?10:53
jendaBurgundavia: if you insist, I could boot up my wink10:53
Burgundaviathat would be stellar if you could10:53
Burgundaviasend me the user agent string10:54
jendaargh... :)10:54
jendaok, I'll have to log off to do dat10:54
jendaso, once I boot up, what do I do?10:54
jendaYou could pastebin me the instructions :)10:54
tsmitheBurgundavia: i have a win xp qemu machine on10:54
Burgundaviawhat does that give you?'10:55
jendaBurgundavia: is tsmithe's good enough?10:55
jendarescued :)10:55
tsmitheBurgundavia: it says "Download now for x86; Download for Other Platforms"10:55
tsmithewhat sould it say?10:55
jendaI really hate booting into the thing. I dunno why I still have it on there.10:55
jendasame here.10:56
tsmitheBurgundavia: sorry; im an idiot. that was in my normal firefox!10:56
tsmitheBurgundavia: it says "Sorry, I have failed \n Download for Other Platforms". This was in IE610:57
Burgundaviaah, hmm10:57
Burgundaviacan you paste your useragent string here?10:57
tsmithehow do i do that?10:59
tsmitheisnt it in the logs10:59
tsmithemy ip is
jenda"U for strong security"11:00
jendahow come?11:00
tsmitheMozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)11:00
jendaI never gave a damn about security... must be the router.11:01
tsmithei have U too (on firefox)11:01
BurgundaviaU is Unix11:01
BurgundaviaI think11:01
jenda    *  N for no security11:01
jenda    * U for strong security11:01
jenda    * I for weak security11:01
jendaI don't think so :)11:01
tsmitheBurgundavia: what is it supposed to do?11:02
Burgundaviatry now?11:03
Burgundaviait sniffs the current platform and then offers the most logical choice for download11:03
tsmitheobviously msie doesnt give out the platform!11:03
jendatsmithe: try ubuntu.ca/test.html now11:04
Burgundaviawhat does useragentstring.com tell you your platform is?11:04
jendaok 11:04
tsmithe Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)11:04
Burgundaviano, in the lower tabel11:04
tsmitheoh... hang on...11:04
tsmitheWindows XP11:05
tsmithenot a platform11:05
tsmithei mean arch11:05
Burgundaviatry now11:05
Burgundaviaexcept you just checked with your firefox browser11:06
Burgundaviatail -f works wonders11:06
tsmithei did also just check with firefox11:06
tsmithebut with ie as well11:06
tsmithealso, why is it an "else if" for amd64? dont you want to display both the x86 and x86_64 options?11:07
Burgundaviajust making it certain I can detect it now11:09
Burgundaviathe eventual plan will be to offer everything, but say "this is what your computer is likely running right now"11:09
Burgundaviatry now11:09
tsmithei think that's the windows string11:10
Burgundaviaok, try that11:10
tsmithegood to go!11:10
Burgundavianow I need an Win64 user11:11
tsmithea little googling never hurt anyone!11:11
tsmitheperhaps Win64?11:11
tsmithehang on11:11
jenda"a little googling never hurt anyone!" <-- curiosity killed the cat, don't forget.11:14
tsmithenot my cat11:15
tsmitheand he's quite curious11:15
tsmitheno win64 people in #ubuntu either!11:18
tsmithei should try a windows channel11:19
Burgundaviagot two in ##windows11:19
tsmitheyou had better initiative!11:19
tsmithelol: "Replace your 64-bit Windows!"11:20
Burgundaviadoes it work for you?11:21
tsmithenope. i'm just looking at the sources!11:21
tsmithei could set up qemu to emulate a 64-bit box. but that might be a bit slow on my 32-bit machine...11:22
Burgundaviahmm, interesting11:26
Burgundaviahow do we deal with people running 32 browsers on 64 bit OSes?11:27
Burgundaviabecause the user agent string tells us nothing11:27
Burgundaviafor now, if we offer all three, current win64 users are probably savvy enough11:28
tsmithei guess11:30
jendaI wish I had a digital camera.11:31
jendaI have 9 little rolls of posters with a black Ubuntu Logo sticker on them.11:31
jendaI could post it with a 'christmas comes early for some people this year' on the forum :)11:32
tsmithei wish i had a digital camera as well11:34
jendatsmithe, your roll is the biggest :)11:36
tsmitheim gonna put them everywhere!11:38
tsmithelim(x as x->infinity) (15/x) = 011:39
tsmithedamn i dont have enough!11:39
tsmithehow many was i getting again?11:40
Admiral_Chicagoare there any general marketing tacting that Ubuntu is using to do advocatacy11:42
tsmitheso yeah. i dont have enough to put them anywhere11:42
tsmitheAdmiral_Chicago: education11:42
Admiral_Chicagoi'm doing marketing for a fundraiser at school11:42
tsmithetell people about the benefits, the problems, and the differences11:42
tsmithethen give them a cd11:42
Admiral_Chicagotsmithe: that's what i thought!11:42
Admiral_Chicagolike telling people what it's about11:42
tsmitheyou'll use all your cds quite quickly11:43
tsmithemake sure they know it's different11:43
Admiral_Chicagoi do that all the time, gave a few away tonight11:43
tsmitheim still waiting for my next shipment. people seem to prefer the official ones...11:43
Admiral_Chicagotsmithe: edgy or dapper?11:44
Admiral_Chicagoedgy isn't being a part of the shipits11:45
Admiral_Chicagobut i think you knew that11:45
tsmithei know11:45
tsmithethat's why dapper11:45
tsmithe(and edgy is quite edgy)11:46
Admiral_Chicagotsmithe: i trust edgy for clean installs11:46
Admiral_Chicagonot much more11:46
jendaAdmiral_Chicago: show them beryl, and half the job's done :)11:46
Admiral_Chicagobut i have to go to bed11:46
Admiral_Chicagoit's bed time11:46
Admiral_Chicagojenda: that's what i'm doing at my talk on firday11:46
tsmitheyeah. i show them beryl11:46
Admiral_Chicagoi do compiz/XGL, i got compiz to work11:47
Admiral_Chicagono idea how to switch to Beryl11:47
tsmithexglx is evil11:47
jendaI'm giving a lecture about accelerated desktop at the technical university in three weeks...11:47
Admiral_Chicagobut i was asking about general marketing, not OS specific11:47
jenda...I should learn more about it before I go, though :)11:47
jendaAdmiral_Chicago: we're still learning.11:48
Admiral_Chicagojenda: mine is on F/OSS /hacking/ Ubuntu community11:48
Admiral_Chicagojenda: i know, that's why i'm reporting back to the Ubuntu Chicago LoCa11:48
jenda@ hacking - mention the hacking capture-the-flag11:48
jendaChicago :)11:48
jendanix's turf.11:49
tsmitheeurope's better isnt it jenda?11:49
Admiral_Chicagojenda: i'm talking about hacking the Gaim Source Code to fix Beta 4 system tray11:49
jendareminds me... nixternal: ping11:49
Admiral_Chicagothat guy is okay.11:49
tsmitheobviously a dos pong!11:49
Admiral_Chicagobut a jert :P11:49
Admiral_Chicagookay bed time11:49
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Admiral_Chicagothat guy (nixternal) is a jerk11:50
Admiral_Chicagobe back in a few11:50
tsmithejenda: did you have a denial of service pong?11:50
Admiral_Chicagoit's way early for me11:50
Admiral_Chicago5 in the morning11:50
Admiral_Chicagogoing to bed11:50
jendatsmithe: it's better for me, because it's home...11:52
jendaoops :)11:52
jendawhat'd i miss?11:52
jendaplease don't attack people.11:52
jendatsmithe: dunno.11:52
tsmithewell you went "ping", and then left, so i guessed you'd been flooded with pongs11:52
tsmithea denial of service11:52
jendadon't think so :)11:53
jendaBut no idea what happened.11:53
jenda"* You have been kicked from #ubuntu-marketing by -bip (Server disconnected, reconnecting)"11:54
jendaoh well. bip doesn't like me :)11:54
tsmithewhat's "bip"?11:54
tsmithe"* You have been kicked from #ubuntu-marketing by -bip (Server disconnected, reconnecting)"11:55
tsmithewhat's bip?!11:55
tsmithenot even a user!11:55
jendait's my IRC proxy :)11:56
jendamy other PC, in other words :)11:56
tsmithewhy a proxy11:56
jendabecause that way, you never know I log off11:57
jendaunless the server cuts me off, like just a while ago.11:57
jendaI can grab my lappy, disconnect from IRC, go to school, connect again, and you wont' see a thing - and I won't miss a thing, because of backlogs.11:58
tsmithewhy do i care if you log off?11:58
tsmitheif you do and i dont know its weird trying to talk to you!11:58
jendawell, I'll see all the messages when I come back.12:00
tsmitheby which time ive gone!12:00
jendaIt's no weirder than leaving IRC on overnigth, which most people do anyway.12:01
jendaor - many.12:01
tsmithei dont12:01
jendamost people in this channel definitely do.12:01
tsmithei can tell.12:01
tsmitheive never seen it with less than 26 users12:01
tsmitheand its obviously empty lots of the time12:01
jenda#ubuntu is worse :)12:02
tsmithebut that's always active12:02
jendanever goes under 800, and you hardly see more than 20 people active.12:02
tsmitheyeah... 845 just now12:03
tsmithethat's a hell of a lot12:03
tsmithe(almost as many as at my school!)12:03
jendaanother advantage: I don't need onjoin channels.12:03
jendaWhen I join a channel, I'm in it until I decide to leave.12:03
jendaOr someone decides for me :)12:03
tsmithewell i just have xchat join automagically12:04
jendayes - but I change my mind often :)12:05
jendaand besides, I have too many channels for xchat to manage :/12:05
tsmithei have 712:05
tsmithenow 612:05
jendaI prefer not to count them :)12:06
jendaut it's around 3012:06
tsmithei see12:07
BurgundaviaI love using epiphany for editing html12:12
Burgundaviait uses inotify to pick up local changes and reloads itself12:12
tsmithewow! i should really use epiphany. i just dont like it's tab handling12:13
jendasounds spiffy12:13
Burgundaviawhat don't you like about its tabs?12:13
tsmitheits not ctrl+tab12:14
tsmitheto change12:14
tsmitheplus firefox is used so often on my machine its preloaded...12:15
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jendahaving fun?01:26
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nixternaljenda: pong?05:31
jendaoi :)05:32
lophytemy workshop last night sucked05:32
tsmitheawh diddums05:32
tsmithewhat was it on?05:32
lophyteintro to ubuntu, basicallt05:33
lophyteI tried to improv it too much...05:34
jendawht went wrong?05:34
lophytewell first of all, we had no projector for the first hour05:34
lophytespent too much time on the install05:35
tsmithenormally >30mins here05:35
tsmitheprojector down to X.org was it?05:35
lophyteit didn't work on the livecd05:35
tsmithedear dear05:35
lophytewe should've done a rehearsal05:35
tsmitheyou should've taken an installed machine!05:36
jendaYou never cease to learn :)05:36
lophyteand again, I tried to wing it too much..05:36
lophytenext time I'll have a solid agenda and stick to it05:36
tsmithethats bad?05:36
tsmithewhat went wrong there?05:36
lophytethere were 3 people from Ubuntu Toronto including myself.. all of which were trying to lead the workshop05:36
lophyteso it was really confusing to have people constantly interrupting to add their two cents05:37
lophytenot to mention that their two cents usually included technical jargon that people may or may not be familiar with05:37
tsmithewhat did the audience think?05:37
lophytethere were one of two folks that seems dissatisfied05:38
lophytebut for the most part they seemed to enjoy it, and they wer epolite and thanked me afterward05:38
lophytethere was only about a dozen people05:38
tsmithewell then it wasnt that bad! your always gonna have some humbug whos dissatisfied!05:39
lophytewell I felt it was bad.. mostly because we had 3 people trying to talk05:39
jendaNext time divide your roles clearly. That goes for all of us :)05:40
lophytehehe, yeah05:41
lophytehahaha.. my girlfriend's friend's kid comes in here and asks if he can have a slice of peacock pie05:41
lophyteI was like "uh.. pecan pie? sure.."05:41
jendalol 05:41
lophytepeacock pie... huh... not sure about that one05:42
tsmithemight be a bit stringy...05:43
=== tsmithe is off to go do english essay again
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lophyteLast night's workshop was great! Thanks to everyone for their very06:41
lophytevaluable input regarding all things Ubuntu.06:41
lophyteperhaps it wasn't so bad :P06:41
jendalophyte: huh?06:42
jendaa sudden change of mood? :)06:42
lophytejenda: hehe.. no, that was an email from one of the people who attended07:47
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jendaaha :)07:54
jendabe sure to include quotes next time 07:54
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