
Jimboi installed filesharing samba12:01
ryanakcacafuego: kk, ty12:01
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moonwatchershawarma: when i try : sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade i get soemthign about not being able to open /var/lib/apt/lists/lock (13 permission denied)12:01
shawarmamoonwatcher: You forgot sudo in front of apt-get12:01
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Jimboi can see windows machines, and can see the ubuntu machine from windows but i cant access files on the ubuntu machine12:01
cafuegoJimbo: No, you're blaming Ubuntu for not supporting your hardware, it's up to the manufacturer to either release a driver or release specs.12:01
Kattenubotu i will try the link you gave me if it dosen't work i will return12:01
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Rav|stranglerlullabud, fatal IO error 10412:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i will try the link you gave me if it dosen't work i will return - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:01
pippobrucoi used a tool systhank lullabud12:01
Bogdan_kg`I am having problems with my mouse : only buttons work! cursor wont move!!!12:01
Rav|stranglersays that on the bottom12:01
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Flannelmoonwatcher: close your other package managers (synaptic, apt-get, etc) and try again12:01
cafuegoJimbo: Did you enable file sharing access for the user you're trying to connect as?12:02
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bsb001I'm going nuts.  I'm a noob.  I had installed ubuntu with one drive, then tried to add another.  I had no luck, so I reinstalled ubuntu with both drives installed to see if it would find the second automaticly and mount it.  Again no luck.  I have checked with cfdisk, and the drive is partioned right -- set for all drive space, set as primary ext3.  Now what do I do before I can mount it?12:02
eternalswdhow do I install an X11 mouse theme?12:02
Jimbocafuego...isnt it common practice to write appz to run on commonly used hardware?12:02
TurophileJust wondering if anyone else is being struck down by the graphviz-cairo bug?12:02
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shawarmaaugustin: Are you sure it's not set you "use proxy" but the hostname field of the proxy is empty?12:02
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cafuegoJimbo: Some manufacturers don't bother with anything that's not windows. I make it a point to not buy their hardware.12:02
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Jimbocafuego:im not sure about user enabled..this is second day messing with this12:02
DJ_PM me if anyone can help with network connction issues.12:03
moonwatchershawarma, Flannel: now i get somethign about /var/lib/dpkg/lock being locked and permission denied12:03
Bogdan_kg`ppl, how to enter terminal configuration???12:03
Bogdan_kg`mouse troubles12:03
cafuegoJimbo: If they released specifications someone else might be able to write a driver, but often theyr efuse.. so there's nothing anyone can do about it :-(12:03
Bogdan_kg`cursor wont move12:03
Bogdan_kg`buttons work12:03
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fatejudgergodmachine81: ping12:03
godmachine81fatejudger:: pong12:03
Flannelmoonwatcher: right, close the other package managers you have open12:03
Jimbocafuego: cafuego...if you want a top grade photo printer what would you buy that would work with this os?12:03
fatejudgergodmachine81: remember me?12:03
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godmachine81not really12:03
fatejudgergodmachine81: the one with the broken USB sound card12:03
Clin1APACHE: Is their a package that has all the stuff that the LWP: Simple Perl needs i dont want to download all 50 things besides i cant find them all12:03
cafuegoJimbo: probably an HP.12:03
godmachine81ahh.. i memory is still vague.. too much thc12:04
Bogdan_kg`please PM me anyone who has experience in ubuntu ! I am newbie!!!12:04
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moonwatcherFlannel: i did, it has nothign to do with it12:04
fatejudgergodmachine81: if you have some time today, would you my helping me out?12:04
Jimbohp is crap as far as print quality12:04
cafuegoJimbo: Maybe an epson, I'd avoid canon like the plague at this point.12:04
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Bogdan_kg`please PM me anyone who has experience in ubuntu ! I am newbie!!!12:04
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godmachine81fatejudger:: join #wickedtribe  ill help you there12:04
Jimbocanon has the best photo prints12:04
_`caseyBogdan_kg`, getting help in the channel helps everyone.12:04
bsb001Can anyone help me mount a second harddrive?12:04
eppwhen i run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" it says "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure you have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel"12:04
moonwatcheralso get some GPG error about an unverified signiture12:04
cafuegoJimbo: Canon have either very bad or no drivers.12:05
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Clin1APACHE: Is their a package that has all the stuff that the LWP: Simple Perl needs i dont want to download all 50 things besides i cant find them all12:05
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eternalswdbsb001, external or internal?12:05
Jimbocafuego: drivers for linux you mean12:05
osfameronClin1: something like libwww-perl ?12:05
Bogdan_kg`my mouse cursor wont move, but buttons are working!!! how to make mouse move???12:05
cafuegoOh, avoid HP all-in-one12:05
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Bogdan_kg`my mouse cursor wont move, but buttons are working!!! how to make mouse move???12:05
cafuegoJimbo: Yup12:05
tecloHello, in konqueror, when I look at the root directory, I only can see home media and debootstrap. How can I fix this ?12:05
VeinorBogdan_kg`: Have you tried using a different mouse?12:05
Jimbohp all in one sucks'12:05
Clin1it needs all the requirements in it12:05
cafuegoJimbo: Their MacOS X drivers aren't particularly flash either.12:05
eppwhen i run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" it says "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure you have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel"12:05
Jimboi have a canon mp81012:05
Bogdan_kg`Veinor not yet. I've installed ubuntu 30 mins ago12:05
bsb001I'm going nuts.  I'm a noob.  I had installed ubuntu with one drive, then tried to add another.  I had no luck, so I reinstalled ubuntu with both drives installed to see if it would find the second automaticly and mount it.  Again no luck.  I have checked with cfdisk, and the drive is partioned right -- set for all drive space, set as primary ext3.  Now what do I do before I can mount it?12:05
eternalswdBogdan_kg, restart?12:05
osfameronClin1: surely apt-get install libwww-perl should get all the requirements for you?12:05
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cafuegoJimbo: The funny thing is, MacOS X uses the same printing system as Linux... so it's quite POSSIBLE to write drivers.12:06
Clin1OMG i forgot about that12:06
Bogdan_kg`etarnalswd isnt helping12:06
VeinorBogdan_kg`: Does the mouse work on a different computer?12:06
cafuegoJimbo: They just won't bother.12:06
Bogdan_kg`on windows it works12:06
osfameronosfameron: that or configure CPANPLUS and do it through that :-)12:06
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Jimbothe canon mp810 does exellent quality with xp drivers12:06
guerbyFYI sudo update-alternatives --set x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox12:06
cafuegoJimbo: Anyway, file sharing :-)12:06
Bogdan_kg`veinor on windows it works12:06
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Bogdan_kg`windows xp12:06
VeinorOK, so it's a good mouse.12:06
eppwhen i run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" it says "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure you have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel"12:06
Jimbok file sharing12:06
osfameronClin1: that or configure CPANPLUS and do it through that :-) (as I appear to be talking to myself above :-)12:06
eternalswdBogdan_kg, is it usb or ps2?12:06
cafuegoJimbo: After installing samba, you need to 1) add a user to the samba user list and 2) set the user's password.12:06
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Jimboone sec lemmee look12:07
=== Veinor looks in awe at the relic of Bogdan_kg`'s mouse
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cafuegoJimbo: The first you do with 'sudo smbpasswd -a <username>'12:07
Clin1It seems to be downloading them right now12:07
Bogdan_kg`buttons work, but cursor wont move12:07
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eternalswdbsb001, is your second drive a scsi?12:07
compengii installed nvidia-glx while trying to enable the driver it says Error: your X configuration has been altered.12:07
Jimbohow do i add a user to samba list  cafuego:12:07
compengiThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this12:07
compenginot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following12:07
compengimd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum12:07
compengiotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section12:07
compengifrom nv to nvidia.12:07
Clin1Thank you12:07
bsb001eternalswd: it's a 160gb ide internal hd12:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:07
compengican anyone help me with it?12:07
Kattenwhen i write sudo apt-get install apache2 it installs it12:07
cafuegoJimbo: The second with 'sudo smbpasswd <username>'12:07
Bogdan_kg`veinor how to enter configuration terminal? without using mouse?12:07
FlannelKatten: correct12:07
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Kattenbut when i write sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:07
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Targ Bogdan_kg`: have you checked the ball is clean ??12:07
Bogdan_kg`its optical mouse12:08
Kattenit says the file dose not exist :S12:08
eternalswdbsb001, is your first drive also ide?12:08
cafuegoJimbo: The reason normal system user/pass can't be automagically used because microsoft use a nonstandard way of checking passwords.12:08
Targ Bogdan_kg`: OK well that blows that12:08
Bogdan_kg`yeah :)12:08
Kattenanto@anto-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start12:08
Kattensudo: /etc/init.d/apache2: command not found12:08
anthonykidwould anyone mind providing me with instructions for installing the java runtime environment so i can run FrostWire?12:08
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bsb001yesb1 in cfdisk12:08
Targ Bogdan_kg`: try another mouse12:08
Clin1Whats up with the optical mouse?12:08
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Bogdan_kg`will try tomorrow, but i am impatinet12:08
lullabudKatten:  try sudo apache2ctl12:08
cafuegoJimbo: then again, once users are set up, they can change network passwords from within Windows.12:08
Clin1mines workig fine12:08
Bogdan_kg`clinl buttons work, but cursor wont move!!!12:08
Jimbocafuego: will try sudo smbpasswd12:08
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eternalswdbsb001, what's the device path for your first drive?12:09
compengilullabud, any idea?12:09
anthonykidpianoboy3333: where are you from? optonline is only the tristate area12:09
sky123compengi:  Do you have an entry in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file for "nv"??12:09
compengisky123, yeah12:09
Clin1Did you have it pluged in during installation?12:09
lullabudcompengi:  actually i didn't even read what you were writing, just noticed you were scrolling.12:09
Clin1Is the light on?12:09
compengisky123, Driver"nv"12:09
sky123might be /etc/init.d/httpd12:09
Bogdan_kg`it turned off during instal...12:09
bsb001eternalswd: /dev/hda is my first drive, /dev/hdb1 is my second drive12:09
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Clin1What that the problem?12:09
theveninin /etc/ is dpkg important, what is it for12:09
lullabudcompengi:  ah, that looks like the problem is exactly what it said was the problem.12:10
Clin1Is it defective?12:10
Bogdan_kg`clinl light is off, it turned off during the installation!12:10
cafuegothevenin: package management.12:10
lullabudcompengi:  your xorg.conf file had been modified, and so the app couldn't patch it.12:10
Bogdan_kg`it works on Windows12:10
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cafuegothevenin: are you trashing stuff from /etc ?12:10
[sYn] thevenin, its very needed :P12:10
Clin1Oh bad driver then12:10
sky123compengi: make yourself a copy of the xorg.conf to xorg.conf it blows up first...then change the nc to nvidia.12:10
compengilullabud, so how to make it work?12:10
thevenini just wanted to know12:10
Clin1not enough poere12:10
Bogdan_kg`how to make it work??12:10
sky123nv to nvidia that is..12:10
theveninwhen i try to do an upgrade it says that file returns an error12:10
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Clin1go to your mouses website12:10
lullabudcompengi:  you could try `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`12:10
lullabudcompengi:  then re-try what you were doing.12:11
Clin1and look for drivers12:11
Bogdan_kg`its 7th sense mouse, no drivers12:11
cafuegothevenin: what error, specifically?12:11
Bogdan_kg`no website :(((12:11
theveninthis started happening after i installed apache then removed it12:11
pianoboy3333anthonykid: do you wanna rape me? why do you care?12:11
theveninone sec12:11
Clin1Give me one minute12:11
Clin1whaats the model12:11
Bogdan_kg`doesn't say12:11
Bogdan_kg`not labeled12:11
theveninE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:11
Bogdan_kg`just 7th sense12:11
sky123another "family" oriented comment on a family website...lol12:11
Bogdan_kg`optical mouse12:11
Clin1hm... il look12:11
anthonykidpianoboy3333: lol --> i dont, but i live in NY, so it was nice to see someone else from the tristate here12:11
Bogdan_kg`i think thats the only model they have12:11
anthonykidi do apologize..12:11
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compengilullabud, i didn't get the first command some sort of weird writting12:11
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Bogdan_kg`hey, clinl, thanks man, u r a pal!12:11
pianoboy3333anthonykid: oh12:11
lullabudcompengi:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:12
cafuegothevenin: that's not the error, scroll back up a bit.12:12
anthonykidanyhow, anyone mind giving instructs on installing Java runtime for ubuntu?12:12
theveninError: apache appears not to be installed12:12
theveninError: apache appears not to be installeddpkg: error processing apache (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 112:12
theveninErrors were encountered while processing: apache12:12
thevenini am guessing i need apache for some other stuff eh12:12
porkpie__guy's how do I add a users from a terminal window12:12
compengilullabud, what should i put in the amount of memory?12:12
bsb001eternalswd: did you get that?12:13
compengilullabud, leave it blank?12:13
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lullabudcompengi:  yeah, just leave it blank.12:13
malvanyone know when the nautilus bug will be fixed12:13
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malvits very annoying12:13
compengilullabud, use frame buffer?12:13
eternalswdbsb001, okay, good, it's at least detecting it as a device.  try-> sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /path/to/mount/to -t ext3 -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00012:13
lullabudcompengi:  ....that's not actually what i was expecting to happen.12:14
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Clin1Hey if all else fails Driver Guild is the next best thing12:14
eternalswdbsb001, make sure you make the directory where you want to mount it to first.12:14
compengilullabud, so?12:14
sky123thevenin:  give it some voltage..by....sudo apt-get install apache212:14
theveninshall i reinstall apache or a certain part of apache or what12:14
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WhiteTiger-SShello, what program besides k3b can i use to make an audio cd?12:15
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compengilullabud, it's was set auto on "no"12:15
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theveninError: apache appears not to be installed12:15
theveninError: apache appears not to be installeddpkg: error processing apache (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 112:15
bsb001eternalswd: I think my problem may be pretty basic - I have not idea where to mount it to.  Let's say I wanted to mount it to /media/hdb1  what would I need to do to mount it there?  Don't I need to create /media/hdb1 first?12:15
theveninErrors were encountered while processing: apache12:15
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SierraHi, im trying to satisfy a dependancy glib-2.012:16
sky123so when you go to installl apache it bitches at you??12:16
Sierrawhere can I find a package for it?12:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:16
eternalswdbsb001, yes-> mkdir /media/hdb112:16
sky123and if you use synaptic to install it what happens??12:16
lullabudman, i think the title of this chat should instruct people to announce what version they're using, dapper or edgy.  too much variation between them...12:16
Clin1Im better than netfirms12:16
bsb001eternalswd: ok, let me run with that - I'll be back12:16
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:16
Kattencan somone be so kind and give me there gaim/amsn mail so i can talk to them because i don't realy understand this. and i realy want this to work12:16
Bogdan_kg`Clinl, thx for the site, but no drivers there!12:16
sky123thevenin: Do you have any entires in /etc/httpd or /etc/apache2 ??12:17
Clin1Try Driverguide.com12:17
Bogdan_kg`w8 thx12:17
boabstahya, anyone know how to get Windoze media playing in FF2?12:17
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Clin1Hey NEWS FLASH its Clint12:17
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WhiteTiger-SShello, what program besides k3b can i use to make an audio cd?12:17
sky123boabsta: these will require the win32codecs...and you can find a how to on the ubuntu wiki...i personally use mplayer to get the job done..12:18
Kattencan somone be so kind and give me there gaim/amsn mail so i can talk to them because i don't realy understand this. and i realy want this to work12:18
lullabudWhiteTiger-SS:  apt-cache search audio cd burn12:18
knarf`i've just installed openssh. i can login from an external ip, but not from localhost. anyone?12:18
jordan_hi can i ask a quick question12:18
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sky123knarf`: i guess my question would be why do you want to login on localhost.....12:19
lullabudjordan_:  there are 928 people in here... i think a quick question is reasonable.12:19
lullabudjordan_:  i don't think asking to ask a question is reasonable though.  that makes it two questions. :P12:19
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jordan_whenever i try to delete a program that comes installed on Edgy it tells me to use synaptic12:19
compengilullabud, lol12:19
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:19
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jordan_i open synaptic12:20
jordan_and i mark it for removal12:20
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compengilullabud, help lol12:20
jordan_it wants to remove ubuntu-desktop12:20
lullabudcompengi:  who's lol?  i don't see them in here.12:20
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jordan_for any of them12:20
knarf`sky123: well.. for instance when configuring the setup. how the colors in emacs appear etc..12:20
pianoboy3333crimsun: did you ever look at that file?12:21
compengilullabud, i'm stuck with the xserver config what should i do nexT?12:21
lullabudcompengi:  i've had terrible, terrible luck with 3d acceleration in linux in general.  i don't think i'll be much help.12:21
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Bogdan_kg`Clinl not listed there :(12:21
lullabudcompengi:  just ctrl-c out of it or whatever.12:21
CrescendoHow do I enable a second video card under Edgy?12:21
jordan_is that safe? deleting ubuntu-desktop12:21
lullabudjordan_:  don't worry about keeping stuff too tidy.12:21
cafuegoJimbo: np :-)12:21
lullabudjordan_:  there are dependencies between applications that you may not necessarily see.12:21
=== angryfirelord [n=master@duryeapa-cuda2-24-49-92-248.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengisky123, can you help me with it?12:22
sky123knarf`: I believe the original question was about openssh right? if you want to export x do the following from one of the other boxes that will export X.. ssh -X user@workstation12:22
whtwolfdoea anyone know where the PLF reposistory moved to for Ubuntu?12:22
cafuegoJimbo: www.linuxprinting.org  is a site you mayw ant to keep an eye on, too.12:22
lullabudjordan_:  no, that's not safe.  that'll leave you with no GUI.12:22
jordan_i thought that12:22
jordan_but i wanna delete totem because i use VLC12:22
lullabudjordan_:  looking at the size of your ubuntu install, it's probably about a gig, give or take.12:22
lullabudjordan_:  that's a hell of a lot better than vista's 8gb, so i wouldn't worry about disk space and clutter too much.12:22
Bogdan_kg`clin1 not there either...not listed :(12:22
sky123compengi: sorry Im a little lost with the multiple conversations... re-state your issue again...12:22
Bogdan_kg`clin1 not there either...not listed :(12:22
jordan_ill just remove the shortcuts xD12:23
lullabudjordan_:  good plan12:23
Clin1sworry back, not their?12:23
jordan_saying that12:23
Clin1um, hmmm12:23
jordan_how do i do that in GNOME? xD12:23
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bsb001eternalswd: I think I got it.  Now when I go to Places->Computer  I see "file system" with 136GB free.  I assume this is my 1st 160GB drive, where ubutu is installed.  When I select the "Media" folder I see "hdb1" and it shows 146GB free.  I am assuming this is my second 160gb drive.  Why would it use 14GB to make a empty directy!?!?!?!?12:23
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Clin1Did it come with a Cd?12:23
compengisky123, i installed nvidia-glx when i want to enable it i get Error: your X configuration has been altered.12:23
compengiThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this12:23
compenginot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following12:23
Bogdan_kg`did WHAT come with a cd?12:24
Sierraare there any packagers here that can help me build a .deb for the latest version of gtkpod12:24
compengimd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum12:24
Clin1the mouse12:24
compengiotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section12:24
compengifrom nv to nvidia.12:24
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Bogdan_kg`as far as i remember, no12:24
TargWhat is better about Edgy12:24
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compengisky123, i changed it to nv still get same error12:24
IRChow do i change my sources to update from dapper to edgy?12:24
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Targis it faster12:24
Clin1one sec12:24
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sky123compengi: Id try this..and see what happens....copy xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old then change the nv to nvidia.. in the file and try again..12:24
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Clin1You need to possible get Mouse Ware12:25
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Bogdan_kg`how do I do that?12:25
compengisky123, i've tried it but same error12:25
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Bogdan_kg`searc on net?12:25
Clin1are you on DSL?12:25
sky123compengi: and reloading the X by doing a ctrl-alt-bkspc does nothing??12:25
Bogdan_kg`2 Mbit/s12:25
Clin1they are about the same thing right?12:25
sizzamis there a trick to tile all open windows in gnome?12:25
bsb001eternalswd: You still here?12:25
LabThugOK, my dapper box lost the ability to use my wireless when I changed my router :-(.  I just put Edgy LiveCD on and it works :-D  HOw do I update my HD?  The CD only wants to "install"12:25
eternalswdbsb001, the 160GB that it is sold as is 160Billion Bytes.  What the computer reports is based on powers of 2.  ie 1KB = 1024B, 1MB = 1024KB, 1GB = 1024MB12:26
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Clin1Im on dialup here so im not downloading it12:26
knarf`sky123: yes. i know about ssh -X, and x forwarding.. but when testing my setup, i'd like to do that without going a couple of miles to test my setup. original question was: how do i ssh from localhost to localhost. i guess there's a parameter setup in sshd_config that's "invalid"12:26
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Bogdan_kg`w8 is it a program or something?12:26
Bogdan_kg`or what?12:26
Clin1Yes its a program12:26
knarf`sky123: i only have "one box" at home ;-)12:26
Bogdan_kg`ok, w8 till i find it12:26
Clin1its to update drivers12:26
Bogdan_kg`thanks again12:26
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LabThugI've mounted my HD and chrooted and mounted /proc  under that, so that chroot now has net access.  Should I just change /etc/apt/sources.lst, or is there a "Better" way to do it?12:27
whtwolfwhere can I find the w32 restricted drivers for ubuntu? easy ubuntu uses plf and it seems it does not work for edgy12:27
sky123knarf`: ahh...yes you are correct there is a directive...lemme look for it..12:27
lullabudLabThug:  i think you have to actually do the dist-upgrade....12:27
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bsb001eternalswd: I guess that makes sense.  Ok, I think I've got it now - thanks for the help12:27
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LabThuglullabud: in the chroot?12:27
eternalswdbsb001, no problem12:27
lullabudLabThug:  man, i'm not sure that'll work... sounds dangerous.12:28
Jimbois there a way to install windows printer drivers on ubuntu using "wine"? Ive been tryin to figger it out all day with no luck. second day with this os here.12:28
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cafuegoJimbo: nope12:28
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LabThuglullabud: how do I make the dist-upgrade affect the HD?12:28
eternalswdbsb001, if you want it to mount at boot, you need to edit your /etc/fstab file, otherwise you need to mount it manually whenever you boot.12:28
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flacoJimbo: what printer do you have12:28
Jimboi guess since the network works maybe i can just print from windows machine12:29
Clin1Bogdan | Do you have another mouse, Im using one from Logitech12:29
lullabudLabThug:  you know, i'm really not sure the best way to do that.  i'd imagine you could boot to the hd, then do apt-cdrom to load up the 6.10 repo from the cd.12:29
Jimboflaco: canon mp81012:29
Bogdan_kg`i have 7th sense, as i said12:29
pacmanAnyone know how to overclock my video card?  I've got a Radeon 955012:29
Kattenwhen i write sudo apt-get install apache2 in my terrminal it installs but when i try and start apache by doing sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start it says that the file dose not exist why not?12:29
Jimbonew printer just released last month12:29
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bsb001eternalswd: I was about to split and just saw what you said - holy s__t I have to do more?  Ok how do I modify my /etc/fstab file?12:29
cafuegowhich reminds me12:29
Clin1i know but how are you moving your curser if it dont work?12:29
LabThuglullabud: hadn't thought of that excellent idea.  That's probably the best way to do it :-D  thanks!12:29
lullabudLabThug:  my completely inexperienced opinion is that's the best plan of attack.  however, i've heard terrible things about the 6.06 -> 6.10 migration.12:29
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Bogdan_kg`clin1 the weird thing is that the buttons ARE working...12:30
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cafuegoI have a tiny selphy  40012:30
qubix___anyone around? - when i run glxinfo - im getting this: qubix@qubix-sys:~$ glxinfo  - name of display: :0.0  Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".12:30
jordan_how do i install my Nvidia video card drivers?12:30
Clin1i know, also their may not be enough power to run the optic12:30
Kattenwhen i write sudo apt-get install apache2 in my terrminal it installs but when i try and start apache by doing sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start it says that the file dose not exist why not?12:30
Clin1By Pc is kiken 11512:30
LabThughmm, maybe I should just backup /home and then reinstall12:30
eternalswdbsb001, -> gksudo gedit /etc/fstab12:30
lullabudKatten:  are you on edgy or dapper?12:31
sky123knarf`: so when you do a ssh user@localhost it doesnt work??12:31
Bogdan_kg`clin1 do u know how to run something called "terminal configuration" where I type make menuconfig ...???12:31
Clin1What is your power core set to12:31
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eternalswdbsb001, use the line for your first drive as a template12:31
Werdnumdoes OpenVPN work with edgy?12:31
jonasanhi all: does any one what driver to use for NV20 GeForce312:31
Clin1Ive never even herd of terminal configuration12:31
lullabudKatten:  try `sudo ls /etc/init.d/`12:31
=== porkpie__ doesn't know how to add a user from a terminal window
Bogdan_kg`humgh, thats a rought translation from Serbian :(12:31
lullabudKatten:  do you see the apache2 file in there?12:31
bsb001eternalswd: Ok, let me go try that.12:31
TrixseyI can't install my Radeon X700 Mobility, I've been following all steps of the installation instructions on help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:32
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KattenNo only apache-perl :S12:32
Bogdan_kg`clin1 might it be something at BIOS?12:32
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flacoedgy was a disaster12:32
Clin1No, if it works in windows its not12:32
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Bogdan_kg`yeah u r right12:32
zlackanyone know of a tool to convert avi's to mp4 files ?12:32
Clin1Windows though has plug and play12:32
thevenin_i am back sorry, had a connection problem12:32
Clin1linux dont12:32
ubotuopenvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.7-1 (edgy), package size 317 kB, installed size 948 kB12:32
lullabudzlack:  vlc will do that.12:32
compengisky123, didn't work12:32
Clin1your mouse is plug and play if im correct12:32
Bogdan_kg`so what are we :) gonna do next, clin1 ? :)12:33
compengisky123, i had to reboot to get out of it12:33
thevenin_who was helping me?12:33
shwouchkhow do I cap the amount of space a certain directory can take?12:33
Bogdan_kg`yes it is12:33
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Clin1I wonder if theirs a plug and play thing for linux12:33
CrescendoHow do I enable a second video card under Edgy?12:33
zlacklullabud: thanks12:33
Clin1im seaarching12:33
Bogdan_kg`thanks pal!12:33
thevenin_nm bbl12:33
zlacklullabud: is it in de default reps ?12:33
TrixseyHow do I install my Radeon X700 under Edgy? o_O12:33
Jimboim just full of questions...what do I need to play .avi files on ubuntu?12:33
lullabudzlack:  actually, i'm not sure.  i've never used it in linux.12:33
flacoJimbo: win32 codecs12:33
sky123compengi: that is weird....Id try and work through the entire NV how to step by step again...and see what is going on..without tracing your steps...Im not too sure what is missing.12:34
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flacoJimbo: download automatix.. the easy way12:34
zlacklullabud: ok thanks, i'll look for it - but it is around for linux12:34
lullabudzlack:  www.videlolan.org12:34
eternalswdbsb001, you'll want to make a backup.  If you've already editted your fstab file, remove the line you added and save it to /etc/fstab_backup.  Just a tip, make it standard practice to backup files such as /etc/fstab and /etc/X11/xorg.conf when making changes.12:34
KattenJimbo: sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-* mozilla-plugin-vlc12:34
Trixseymplayer > VLC12:34
lullabudzlack:  yeah, it's available for *everything*12:34
lullabudzlack:  i swear you could install it on a cereal box.12:34
zlacklullabud: sweet cheers mate12:34
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Jimboflaco: can i get win32 codecs usin synaptic?12:34
zlackmilk and cereal :)12:34
eviltuxomg...ubuntu rocks!12:34
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Kattenlulla you got any idea about my problem?12:35
flacoJimbo: if you have e repository multiverse.. yes12:35
lullabudeviltux:  yes it does. :)12:35
Bogdan_kg`anyone else know if there is something like plug and play emulator on linux, such as on windows? my mouse isnt working ....12:35
JimboKatten" trying now12:35
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flacoJimbo: or you can download from mplayer website12:35
lullabudKatten:  if you don't say my whole name it doesn't paint your message yellow on my screen, then i might miss it.12:35
lullabudKatten:  what was your problem?12:35
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eviltuxlullabud ;)12:35
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sky123Bogdan_kg`: a start would be to run dmesg and see what happens when you plug the device in and out..12:36
Kattenlullabud: you asked me to look if i could find the file apache2 if i wrote sudo ls /etc/init.d/ and no i didn't12:36
lullabudKatten:  most IRC clients support tab-completion of SN's, so it's easy to type people's names.12:36
pacmanAnyone know how to overclock my video card?  I've got a Radeon 955012:36
=== ZeeEyes [n=ZeeEyes@unaffiliated/zeeeyes] has joined #ubuntu
lullabudKatten:  oh, damn.  that's weird.12:36
CrescendoHow do I enable a second video card under Edgy?12:36
shwouchkhow do I cap the amount of space a certain directory can take?12:36
lullabudKatten:  i'd remove it and re-install it.12:36
Bogdan_kg`sky123 what is dmesg? i am newbie12:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:36
Kattenlullabud: sudo apt-get remove apache2 ?12:36
Bogdan_kg`a command here in irc?12:37
lullabudKatten:  yeah12:37
Kattendosen't work12:37
shwouchksky123: type dmesg in a console12:37
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  it's a command in linux.  it shows system messages.12:37
Katteni have allready tried12:37
Bogdan_kg`where to type it?12:37
lullabudKatten:  did you install any other versions of apache?12:37
lullabudKatten:  and does it remove apache cleanly?12:37
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Kattenlullabud: i don't think so12:37
lullabudKatten:  edgy or dapper?12:37
sky123swouch: yeah I know how to use it.. Boddan_kg` had the question12:37
Kattenlullabud: edgy12:38
Bogdan_kg`sky123 where do i type linux commands?12:38
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theveninok so should i download some packages to fix my error, i can show it again12:38
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  applications -> terminal12:38
eviltuxim practice my english...so if you guys read some stupid thing on my...so sorry :$12:38
eppanyone good with kernel/nvidia things?12:38
lullabudKatten:  is it an upgrade or a clean install?12:38
TrixseyHow do I install Radeon X700 Mobility on Ubuntu (Edgy). I'm having major problems doing so...12:38
sky123Bogdan_kg`: Accesories, terminal12:38
lullabudKatten:  hmmmmm.... might be a problem with that.  there are a lot of tiny problems with upgrades. =/12:39
Kattenlullabud: yea i know i heard12:39
sky123Bogdan_kg`: then youll need to become familiar with lspci, lsmod, modprobe...all of which can be found on google, wikipedia..12:39
lullabudKatten:  if you don't have too much invested in your system config, you could just back up your home folder, reload, then restore your home folder.12:39
tonyyarussoshwouchk: You could check the quota package - I'm not sure if that sets caps for folders or users, or something else.  Might work12:39
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Bogdan_kg`yeah, i see bunch of text here...like on marsian language :)12:40
Bogdan_kg`clin1 any hope?12:40
Kattenlullabud: yea i was thinking of that... should i just stick to dapper then because i don't have the 6.10 on cd12:40
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Trixseylullabud: Do you know how to install Radeon X700 Mobility drivers on Ubuntu? Doesn't seem to work out all too well for me ^^;12:40
lullabudKatten:  honestly, i'm sticking to dapper because it works fine, and edgy has some significant differences from the more standard linux distros.12:41
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lullabudTrixsey:  my experience with ati on linux is a nightmare.  i don't even bother fooling with that crap anymore.12:41
Targdam so its not a good idea to upgrade?12:41
lullabudTrixsey:  i've had way better luck with nvidia.12:41
Kattenlullabud: i got one last question if i do this how do i remove the old linux when i start my computer because i allready got 2 so a 3 will be anoying12:41
compengisky123, frankly what i did is the following: i installed before nvidia-glx-legancy and it was working fine but i read in how to install nvidia is that nvidia-glx is the driver for my fx 5500 so what i did is that i removed the previous one and installed the new one so the problem occured12:41
=== Mercur1 [n=default@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrixseyAccording to my xorg config I have Radeon X700 Mobility.. but the active driver is ELSA12:42
lullabudKatten:  you'll have to edit the partitions manually during re-install.  re-use the existing partitions, but just have the install format them.12:42
TrixseySomeone help me get through this :(12:42
Targhow can I stop the upgrade manager from doing the upgrade12:42
Targits 842 files completed12:42
Kattenlullabud: cya for like 25 min12:42
TrixseyTarg:  lol :P12:42
Bogdan_kg`pepople, how to enter LINUX KERNEL CONFIGURATION?12:42
TargI've been reading some of the IRC wjhile its going12:42
Targdon't like what I see12:42
TrixseyDoubt it's all that bad? I'm on Edgy and it's about as bad as earlier versions :P12:42
=== Stv- [n=tux@yap-pm02-s45.telecom.fm] has joined #ubuntu
Bogdan_kg`pepople, how to enter LINUX KERNEL CONFIGURATION?12:43
Targyeah but I'm new to this linux stuff12:43
khaije1loutrine: hi, fyi posted some results here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1745308&postcount=10612:43
Targif its got problems I wouldn't knowwhere to start12:43
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  are you sure you want to rebuild your kernel?12:43
tonyyarusso!kernel | Bogdan_kg`12:43
ubotuBogdan_kg`: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:43
TrixseyYou'll probably run into problems sooner or later... on either of them12:43
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lullabudBogdan_kg`:  if so, you'll likely be better off getting help in a different room.  maybe #kernel or #linux12:44
Bogdan_kg`thx all of you12:44
Bogdan_kg`i need to rebuild it because my mouse wont work12:44
azurealis there a command to show me what tty i am in? (sorta like pwd)12:44
Bogdan_kg`and have instructions how to rebuild it to work12:44
lullabudTrixsey:  you're exactly right. =)12:44
shwouchktonyyarusso: thanks12:44
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khaije1does anyone know how to set metric on network interfaces... i'm currently using 'sudo ifmetric' on every start but theres got to be a config file i can add this to...12:44
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shwouchkwhy doesn't ubuntu have man pages for anything?12:44
lullabudTrixsey:  but most of the problems with linux come from desktop type of actions.  it works perfectly fine as a server.12:44
tonyyarussoazureal: 'tty' looks like it might be what you want12:44
Bogdan_kg`where do I type !kernel?12:44
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lullabudshwouchk:  ...i have man pages for everything.12:45
theveninso do i12:45
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  you don't type that.12:45
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shwouchklullabud: weird12:45
Bogdan_kg`then how to enter it?12:45
shwouchkI have for nothing12:45
azurealtonyyarusso, thx =)12:45
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  did you read what that line said??12:45
shwouchkmaybe because its server edition?12:45
whatthedeuceHey.  Could anyone help me get my wireless card working with Ubuntu?  It is a D-Link AirPlus DWL-650+.  lspci prints: "Network controller: Texas Instruments ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface".  I followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/acx100 but it stopped working at the 4th step.  /lib/firmware/2.6.17-10-generic had no acx directory, and running "sudo dmesg | grep acx" gave me a lot of errors.12:45
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:45
lullabudBogdan_kg`:  see what ubotu said.12:45
Bogdan_kg`ok thx12:45
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theveninhow could i fix this error, itreturns it when i try to install something12:46
theveninError: apache appears not to be installed12:46
thevenindpkg: error processing apache (--configure):12:46
thevenin subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 112:46
theveninErrors were encountered while processing:12:46
thevenin apache12:46
theveninE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)12:46
tonyyarusso!paste | thevenin12:46
ubotuthevenin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:46
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Jimbois kmplayer the same as mplayer?12:47
KeyseirI opened up firestarter with 'sudo firestarter' and I can't add rules... icons are greyed out. Help plz?12:47
tonyyarussoJimbo: Different frontend, same thing underneath12:47
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Ravenskykmplayer is just a wrapper I think12:47
theveninwould just doing a wget for apache2 work12:47
Jowishwouchk, "sudo apt-get install manpages" but you should already have them, no?12:47
Bogdan_kg`anyone new have idea? my mouse cursor won't move, but buttons are working!!!12:47
theveninafter compiling it12:47
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Jimbotonyyarusso: so will it enable me to play avi files?12:47
Ravenskywireless mouse out of batteries? :P12:48
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Bogdan_kg`n no :)12:48
tonyyarussoJimbo: I think it can do that, yes.12:48
Bogdan_kg`anyone new have idea? my mouse cursor won't move, but buttons are working!!!12:48
Jimbok thanx12:48
Bogdan_kg`optical, 7th sense mouse12:48
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tonyyarussoBogdan_kg`: What surface are you using it on?12:48
Bogdan_kg`it wont move on any surface12:48
vdepizzolwhat is the name of the process of the cups tray icon?12:48
Bogdan_kg`the light is off!!!12:48
compengi!seen sky12312:49
ubotuI last saw sky123 (n=skys123@pool-71-118-99-131.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net) 8m 36s ago, quiting: "Im sleepy and I need zzzzz's"12:49
Bogdan_kg`it turned off during the installation12:49
tonyyarussoBogdan_kg`: Ah, ok.  (My sister once tried to use her mouse on a glass coffeetable - took a minute to realize what she'd done)12:49
MenZaWhen I try to compile X-Chat 2.6.8 from source, it tells me glib is not installed, though I have installed libglib-2.0-012:49
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MenZaAny ideas what's wrong, and how I fix this?12:49
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TrixseyI can't get the fglrx driver to work on Ubuntu (Edgy), do you guys know what I might be doing wrong? Right now I'm running ELSA; even though I've installed the fglrx driver for my Radeon X700 Mobility12:49
UKMatthey if anyone here knows any Java programming I have a question if you wanna meet me in the offtopic chat12:49
crimsunpianoboy3333: "that file"? No. I have no idea what you're referring to.12:49
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrixseyUKMatt: I do.. I'll help if you help me with Ubuntu :P12:49
Vaske_CarWhat to use to open .CAB files?12:50
KeyseirI opened up firestarter with 'sudo firestarter' and I can't add rules... icons are greyed out. Help plz?12:50
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UKMatttrixsey, sure, whats your prob12:50
tonyyarussoVaske_Car: What are they for?12:50
Bogdan_kg`mouse: optical, normal surface, model: 7th sense ; problem; buttons work, but cursor wont move!!!12:50
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JowiVaske_Car, "cabextract"12:50
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Vaske_Cartonyyarusso, its like ZIP or RAR12:50
Bogdan_kg`Vaske_car where are you from? :P12:50
Vaske_CarSrbin iz Kanade12:50
Bogdan_kg`opa :)))12:50
TrixseyUKMatt: Let's take it in PM12:51
tonyyarussoVaske_Car: I know, I'm trying to figure out why on earth you'd need to, since I've only ever seen cab used for Windows installers.12:51
UKMatttrixsey, pm me, I'm not sure how12:51
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Jowi!info cabextract12:51
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB12:51
Bogdan_kg`mouse: optical, normal surface, model: 7th sense ; problem; buttons work, but cursor wont move!!!12:51
Vaske_Cartonyyarusso, that what i need for. I have to unpack trojan, repack it to ZIP with password and send it to AV company12:51
Jowinever used it myself though12:51
tonyyarussoVaske_Car: Ah, okay.  Then cabextract and your usual zip tools will be fine12:52
lobo_nzI just installed edgy, and need the kernel-headers but there is no package that matched the kernel, uname -r gives 2.6.15-27-386 but only 2.4.* kernel headers are available any ideas where they are or why they arent there?12:52
shwouchkJowi: I dont...12:53
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xenlobo_nz, try linux-source12:53
xenlobo_nz, err, and linux-headers12:53
Bogdan_kg`mouse: optical, normal surface, model: 7th sense ; problem; buttons work, but cursor wont move!!!12:53
xenlobo_nz, (probably the latter, for headers...)12:53
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Jowishwouchk, "sudo apt-get install manpages" will install them12:53
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lobo_nzthats it, thx12:53
shwouchkJowi: thanks12:54
xenOk, so I installed KDE to get the deps for some KDE progs I was compiling from source.  Now Konqueror is trying to take over my system file associations....now I acknowledge that it is only doing what it's name suggests, but regardless, I want to make it stop...help?12:54
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kitchexen: turn it off in knoqueror's options12:54
Jowishwouchk, manpages-posix might also be useful12:54
iCodHow do I change the default GRUB boot option?12:55
shwouchkJowi: thanks12:55
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tonyyarussoiCod: Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, and look for the comment indicating the default option line12:55
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iCodtonyyarusso: thank you12:55
TrixseyJowi: I'm trying to install my ATI Radeon X700 Mobility.. but it keeps using the ELSA driver.. think you can help me out?12:55
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mzliTrixsey: if you are new to linux, You can google easyubuntu, a tool for convinent install some driver.12:56
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JowiTrixsey, I have never used an ATI card so I think I would not be of any _real_ help. I would recommend you to have a look at the ubuntu wiki page for ati though12:56
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:57
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ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.12:57
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JowiTrixsey, I don't even know which driver is the correct one for X70012:57
lullabudgaim rocks =)12:58
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ubotueasyubuntu is easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/  -  For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu12:58
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xenkitche, I've tried....I disabled it in previews and metadata for both internet and local protocols12:58
mzliTrixsey: You can get easyubuntu to install driver for you.12:58
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile12:59
xenbut when I try to open a link from xchat, for example, it opens Konquerer anyways.12:59
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.12:59
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seb--i can't find tcsh (new shell) package on ubuntu?!?01:00
seb--what gives?01:00
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mzliseb--: apt-get it.01:00
crimsun!info tcsh01:00
ubotutcsh: TENEX C Shell, an enhanced version of Berkeley csh. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.14.00-7 (edgy), package size 330 kB, installed size 692 kB01:00
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seb--n/m....looks like my last apt-get update/upgrade put it in databse :)01:00
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seb--mzli: normal for ubuntu install to blank out towards the end before the reboot?01:01
mzliseb--: if you have install it. just put tcsh, You will convert to tcsh.01:02
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xenand uninstalling konqueror seems like its going to take most of KDE with it...01:02
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seb--mzli: i thought install crashed since looked frozen...but after rebooted all was fine!?01:03
lsdmtanybody got a helpful how-to on mounting a sata drive that ubuntu doesn't see?01:03
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knarf`sky123: ssh user@localhost worked, but ssh user@ip don't. strange. anyway, thanks!01:03
mzliseb--: it maybe not so fine as you see. It may contain some problem you will met.01:04
mzliseb--: but maybe You will not even the possiblity is low.01:04
nblraceri have an issue with the package manger, every time i install or update it says this file should be owned by root and in tmp file01:04
Jowilsdmt, does "sudo fdisk -l" list it for you?01:04
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lullabudnblracer:  even after reboot?01:04
seb--ANYONE notice background processes work differently in Ubuntu? killing the xterm 'parent' kills the background child process!?!?01:05
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lullabudnblracer:  try `chown -R root /tmp/*`01:05
nblracerlullabud i also get i cant use the auto update, it says it already running when it is not01:05
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lullabudseb--:  that behavior is pretty standard.01:05
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lullabudseb--:  unless processes are programmed to ignore HUP signals, they should die when the parent dies.01:06
seb--lullabud: on debian i could do 'xmms & ; exit'01:06
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seb--lullabud: thanks btw01:06
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lullabudseb--:  that might be an xmms compile-time option.  or perhaps even a preference.01:06
MarcNseb--: use   (nohup xmms&)01:06
lsdmtJowi, it does not list it01:06
lullabudseb--:  you could do alt-f2 xmms01:07
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seb--MarcN: nice!01:07
lullabudseb--:  or you could do `nohup xmms & ; exit`01:07
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lullabudseb--:  the problem with nohup is you'll end up with a nohup file with all the output.01:07
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seeeking33does anyone know of any IRC clients or IRC websites where I can log unto IRC under a different IP address?01:08
seb--lullabud: what does the Alt-f2 do?01:08
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seb--seeeking: Tor01:08
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lullabudseb--:  honestly, nohup is kinda of deprecated.  anything that needs to ignore hup should have a background or daemon option, and anything you need to interact with should be run within `screen`01:08
seb--seeeking: BitchX01:08
lullabudseb--:  alt-ft, in gnome and kde, opens a run dialog box.01:08
seb--seeek: tell more what your problem is01:08
lullabudseb--:  *alt-f201:08
jordan_how can i check if my graphics card drivers are installed?01:08
nblracerlullabud i still get that the file should be ownd by root.root01:08
seb--jordan: lsmod01:09
lullabudnblracer:  does it say which file?01:09
lullabudnblracer:  have you tried `sudo rm -rf /tmp/*` ?01:09
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nblracershould i try that01:09
lsdmtJowi, you have any idea how to mount it if it doesn't show up in sudo fdisk -l01:09
lullabudnblracer:  i'd do it.01:09
lullabudnblracer:  they're all temp files anyways. :P01:09
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seb--lullabud: k, thanks again01:10
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Jowilsdmt, not really. can you see if it is listed in hal-device-manager? if it does not show up there it means that either A. it is not connected properly or B. the driver is not loaded (how is it connected?)01:10
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jordan_what am i looking for in lsmod?01:11
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bipinu2channel, just installed 6.10 in my HP dv 5000.. sound volume is very very low help !01:12
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nblracerlullabud can you look at this http://pastebin.com/82221101:13
jribnblracer: don't deelte /tmp*01:13
nblracertoo late :(01:13
knarf`Regarding X/ssh forwarding: I've setup sshd_config to forward X, but fail. after "ssh -X user@localhost" i try to run xterm, and it complain about the DISPLAY not set. echo $DISPLAY shows no output. Shouldn't ssh setup this automatically, or do I have to setup this myself?01:13
MarcNbipinu2: open the volume applet and increase pcm01:13
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bipinu2MarcN, all set to maximum.. still low01:14
ompaulbipinu2, double click on the picture of a speaker and add more features, and configure them, including the capture and output01:14
MarcNnblracer: you may want to logout/in again -- /tmp has some stuff needed for gnome/kde session stuff01:14
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lullabudnblracer:  it's a java problem?  oh groan.01:14
ompaulbipinu2, ehh does your external speaker have an external  volume control?01:14
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lullabudnblracer:  it wasn't even a problem with an existing file.  it's telling you to download those files, then chown them to root.01:14
SpaceFroghey guys01:14
bluefox83ok..i am having issues getting a new logitech quickcam express working O.o01:14
SpaceFrogwhere is the fontconfig?01:14
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bipinu2ompaul, i have only volume and in gain properties01:15
nblracerlullabud i get that on anything i install01:15
MarcNbipinu2: look at file -> change device and make sure alsa is selected.01:15
lullabudnblracer:  how are you installing it?01:15
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ompaulbipinu2, try clicking on edit - does it give you more options?01:15
bipinu2MarcN,  yes alsa is selceted01:15
nblracerlullabud through the packedge manger01:16
=== JamesPurser is now known as seeking35
mzli!info ubuntu01:16
ubotuPackage ubuntu does not exist in any distro I know01:16
MarcNbipinu2: add PCM and a bunch of other and turn them up01:16
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ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.01:16
ompaul!nickspam | seeking3501:16
ubotuseeking35: changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu can get you removed - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users, the same goes for using noisy away see (/msg ubotu away) for more details "/away reason" sets your client away silently, thanks01:16
bipinu2MarcN, it has only PCM and volume option..01:16
lullabudnblracer:  can you try doing apt-get install on something, then if you have a problem paste that into the pastebin?01:16
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bipinu2bipinu2, is something wrong with the sound driver? do i need to add any other packages?01:17
seeking35ompaul: ok01:17
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bipinu2MarcN, ompaul  is something wrong with the sound driver? do i need to add any other packages?01:17
PacketScannblracer, bmx for life.01:17
MarcNbipinu2: open the volume applet and look at preferences.  Should let you 'select tracks' -- Master, Headphone, PCM, Line-In, etc.  If not checked, they aren't displayed.01:17
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
nblracerlol thanks PacketScan01:18
lullabudman, remember that movie bmx bandits?01:18
MarcNbipinu2: doubt it.  probably just volume control set too low.01:18
MegaqwertyWhat startup script is (System>Preferences>Sessions>Startup Programs) Altering?01:18
bipinu2MarcN, that's what i am surpsised.. i cannot see those options. insdie prefreces01:18
MarcNbipinu2: I have a hp/compaq nc600001:18
bipinu2MarcN, it's set to max01:18
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bipinu2MarcN, in dell machines it's fine.. in this HP DV 5000 very low sound.. but the hell windows gives  too loud01:19
MarcNbipinu2: right click on the volume applet, select open volume control.   Then select Edit->Preferences and get a listbox.01:19
MajicOkay, I don't know much about Ubuntu.  How do I get it to stop showing the recent documents I've worked on?  Under the Places menu?01:20
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bipinu2MarcN, the list box has only Master, PCM and Capture01:20
bipinu2MarcN, and all set to Max01:20
=== Freddi [n=froyd@bas10-toronto12-1177614979.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertydoes anyone know? ^^01:20
JowiMajic, edit the file /home/yourname/.recently-used and delete everything in it and save it. then in a terminal type "chmod a-w .recently-used"01:21
bipinu2MarcN, my doubt is i need to add some extra packages for my soudn card01:21
JowiMajic, that makes the file write protected01:21
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Freddihi ppl ... i need help with playing DIVX files on Ubuntu 6.0601:21
fatejudgergodmachine81: what was that channel again?01:21
bipinu2MarcN, or the driver is not matched01:21
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Freddii downloaded a bunch of packs like w32codecs01:22
Freddibut still cant play a thing01:22
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Peloanyone else having issues with nautilus NOT refreshing thumbnails properly ?01:22
Megaqwertyhow do I uninstall packages from bash?01:23
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lullabudMegaqwerty:  apt-get remove01:23
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Freddiis there anyone with experience in playin DIVX in ubuntu maybe willing to help ?01:23
Genrl_Zodis fedora core 6 any good?01:23
Freddii should as if its possible to play divx in ubuntu too01:23
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sinisterguyi just installed edgy and i copied over my xorg.conf file from my old archlinux install, and i can no longer get X to use 1152x864 as my resolution01:24
lullabudFreddi:  have you tried vlc?01:24
seeking35has anyone here got tor up and running on Dapper?  pls message me01:24
tonyyarussoIn FSpot, I'd like for it to when I do a slideshow, resize the pictures to fit the screen.  Some are smaller than that originally, but I'd like them zoomed to fill.  How can I do that?01:24
Freddithink so lulla01:25
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Freddibut it says i need libdbus1.xx01:25
lullabudFreddi:  in my experience, vlc plays everything except wm3.01:25
[sYn] Freddi, if you had it would work :D01:25
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Freddiand when i try to install it it says these package is obsolete or broker01:25
Admiral_Buttercrneed help!01:25
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:25
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:26
Freddii just know that it doest not finish installing vlc because of this pack01:26
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[sYn] Freddi, odd, I installed it from the "add/remove" application and it worked fine01:26
[sYn] Freddi, with a base install01:26
PeloAdmiral_Buttercr,  help us help you,  what is your problem ?01:26
paragoncdoes ubuntu have a disk management utility - trying to help a friend mount his ntfs drives, xcpt i dont have ubuntu  - and doing it from terminal might be to much from him01:26
Freddimy friend pelo here suggested me automatix wich im gonna give a try now, ut i strongly thanx all the attention ill be back if i cant with automatix01:27
Peloparagonc,  there is ntfs-3g in synaptic ,  but I wasn't able to get it working,  I can send you diskmounter which works well and easily but no write support01:27
jbroomeyou use automatix, you'll get no support here01:27
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PeloFreddi,  we're not suppose to talk abotu automatix in this channel,  thanks for outing me you idiot01:28
lullabud...unless you don't mention that you used automatix.01:28
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paragoncPelo - whats is diskmounter01:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:28
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:28
nilugethis is a test01:28
Peloparagonc,  just a little app to read a nfts hdd from linux01:28
Admiral_ButtercrIm having a problem with NVIDIA drivers and OpenGL, I installed nvidia settings and ran the command lines as instructed. When i type glxinfo | grep rendering I get a repeating line of Xlib: extention "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". and on message saying Error: couldnt find RGB GLX visual01:28
paragoncPelo - ok01:29
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Peloparadizelost,  I am sending it to you now,  just accept it01:29
lullabudLOL, we need a channel for just nvidia/ati glx problems.01:29
Peloparagonc, izelost,  I am sending it to you now,  just accept it01:29
=== lullabud wonders...oO( is there such a channel already? )
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Admiral_Buttercrdoes no one have a clue?01:30
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paragoncPelo - im not getting it01:30
paragoncwould it be available via apt-get ?01:30
lullabudAdmiral_Buttercr:  i think that means that your driver isn't loading correctly.01:30
Admiral_Buttercrwhat if i copy pasted what my treminal said?01:30
jbroomenope, i rane out of clues01:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:31
Peloparagonc,  not sure , I got it from a site,  let me look for it01:31
lullabudwhat does glxinfo say?01:31
lullabudAdmiral_Buttercr:  if you're going to do that, use pastebin...01:31
TGPObah, I just added KDE for my wife and Konqueror took over as default web browser in fluxbox01:31
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Admiral_Buttercrhere is what my terminal says http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31097/plain/01:32
lullabud...why are you grepping for rendering?01:32
ompaulAdmiral_Buttercr, you are in the wrong channel, please join #ubuntu-xgl01:33
Admiral_Buttercrto turn on open GL01:33
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paragoncanyone uses Storage Device Manager ?01:33
lullabudAdmiral_Buttercr:  right...  grep is unnecessary there.  anyhow, it looks like the driver isn't loaded properly.01:33
JowiTGPO, try "sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser" and selet what you want there01:33
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b33r-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31098/ can u tell me why I'm getting this when I try to compile x-chat?01:33
TGPOJowi 1 se and it shall be done01:33
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Admiral_Buttercrwhat was that cannel again, i left and i failed to copy it01:34
kitchelullabud: it makes it easier to find rendering in glxinfo output01:34
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ompaulAdmiral_Buttercr,  #ubuntu-xgl01:34
Admiral_Buttercrty again01:34
ompaulAdmiral_Buttercr, just click on it01:34
lullabudkitche:  yes, i'm sure it does, but none of those lines even contained the string "rendering"01:34
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ompaul(in most cases)01:34
MegaqwertyWhat startup script is (System>Preferences>Sessions>Startup Programs) Altering?01:34
lullabudkitche:  those lines are probably from stderr, not sdout01:35
dylan_Does anyone know the "cheat code" for safe graphics mode01:35
dylan_when you load the cd?01:35
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TGPOJowi, thanks that fixed it up01:35
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JowiTGPO, no probs01:35
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kattenlullabud: kk now i have reinstalled01:35
lullabudkatten:  re-installed what?01:35
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kattenlullabud: -.- you told me to reinstall ubuntu01:36
=== lullabud wishes xchat would highlight all of my own lines as well as directed messages...
lullabudkatten:  ah, yes.  so you're back up with 6.06 ?01:36
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kattenlullabud: yes :)01:36
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b33r-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31098/ can u tell me why I'm getting this when I try to compile x-chat?? :|01:37
lullabudkatten:  rad.  let's toast to a clean install!01:37
=== lullabud goes to raid his co-workers desk for the liquor stash...
livingdaylighti don't find my volume control??01:37
kattenlullabud: thanks :) just one notice i would like to install PDO aswell if thats not a problem01:37
lullabudkatten:  pdo?  what's that?01:37
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kattenlullabud: is a extension for php, is a Database layer01:38
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Peloparagonc,   I can'T find the url ,  lt me try and dcc send the file again01:38
lullabudkatten:  huh... never heard of it.01:39
lullabudkatten:  database abstraction?01:39
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kattenlullabud: yea have alook www.php.net/PDO01:39
livingdaylightwhere is the volume control. In ADD /Remove i have volum control ticked but it is not in my applications/sound menu01:39
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Peloparagonc, , are you still around ?01:40
marltub33r-: why are you compiling it?01:40
Jowib33r-, why don't you install xchat from the repos? and if you need to recompile it you can you "apt-get source".01:40
marltuapt-get install x-chat01:40
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kattenlullabud: so step one is sudo apt-get install apache2 ?01:41
b33r-marltu:  I want the newest version01:41
marltuapt-get update01:41
b33r-k thanks soz I'm dumb :(01:41
lullabudkatten:  might as well do them all at once.  apache2 php5 php5-mysql mysql-server-5.001:42
livingdaylightanyone know about volume control in Edgy?01:42
TGPOb33r-, the one in repository is 2.6.6 the build is 2.6.8 your not really going to see any changes to it by going with repo veresion01:43
nodI'm having trouble with my screensaver allowing me to return to my session after the screen has been locked.  I'm using Edgy (fully up-to-date).  I was using gnome-screensaver, but after being informed that gnome-screensaver may be the problem, I switched to xscreensaver, but the problem persists.  Basically, my password is not accepted.  I have changed my password both from the shell using passwd, and by using gnome-tools. ?? Where a01:43
kattenlullabud: aff i ain't got the packages for it01:43
Pelolivingdaylight,   in terminal  type alsamixer01:43
FreddiWow pelo thank u , automatix seems like a realll niceee tool01:43
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lullabudkatten:  what package01:43
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.01:43
kattenlullabud: apache201:43
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lullabudkatten:  it might be in a different repository, like restricted or universe.01:44
PeloFreddi,  I apreciate the gratitude but stop it you'Re gonna get me banned from this channel01:44
Freddiwell, windows always did these to me anyway01:44
lullabudkatten:  i always edit my /etc/apt/sources.list file, then delete all the cdrom lines and uncomment all the other repo's01:44
Freddioic sorry01:44
kattenkk :S01:44
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=== Pelo will never help Freddi again
kattenlullabud: can't you send me a copy of yours?01:44
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lullabudkatten:  copy of my what?01:45
bruenigFreddi, the automatix website says this though,  Is Automatix safe ? Folks in #ubuntu on IRC keep telling me it isn't01:45
bruenig    * Yes it is perfectly safe. Thousands of users worldwide use Automatix every day without any issues.01:45
=== Freddi is feelling stupid
bluefox83can someone help me get my webcam working?01:45
kattenlullabud: your source list01:45
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bluefox83it's a logitech quickcam express01:45
bruenigFreddi, so I guess you make the call01:45
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bluefox83this si the second one i've had..and the last one atleast showed a picture..this one doesn't seem to be running right..01:45
lullabudkatten:  if you want a copy, you could get it by `grep -vi cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list | sed -e 's/^# //'`01:45
Freddi? bruenig ?01:46
livingdaylightPelo: ok01:46
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Pelolivingdaylight, ???01:46
bruenig? Freddi ?01:46
livingdaylightPelo: BUT where is volume control01:46
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livingdaylightPelo: i don't know how to use this01:46
bluefox83where can i go to get help installing my webcam in edgy?01:46
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livingdaylightPelo: how do i put mic on?01:46
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Pelolivingdaylight,  they are all volume controls, lbut you can also access more or less the same thing by rightlich the volum icon in the taskbar01:47
livingdaylightPelo: i can use arrows to go left and right and put the volume up or down, but how to put mic 'on'?01:47
tonyyarusso!webcam | bluefox8301:47
ubotubluefox83: webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras01:47
bluefox83tonyyarusso, already did that..webcam still not working01:47
Pelolivingdaylight, I don'T know01:47
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kattenlullabud: E: Couldn't find package mysql-server5.001:47
tonyyarussobluefox83: Ah, crud.01:47
Pelolivingdaylight,  go further to the right  you probably have a volume for that01:47
bluefox83tonyyarusso, it's agrivating..i didn't have this much trouble with the other one :(01:48
livingdaylightPelo: yea, volume is up but the mic is still off01:48
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Pelolivingdaylight,  best I can do01:48
Gost_3143124hi ppl01:48
kattenlullabud: E: Couldn't find package mysql-server5.001:48
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paragoncPelo - sorry - i was helping this kid01:48
bruenig!hi | simple01:48
ubotusimple: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:48
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TGPOlivingdaylight, is the mute icon still engaged?01:48
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Admiral_Buttercrok, i feel like a thorn now, but i need to go back to that channel, and i had to restart. i forgot it.01:49
Peloparagonc,  I can'T find a url for diskmounter for you, but if you pm me your email I can send it that way01:49
Admiral_Buttercrfor glx problems01:49
bruenigkatten, it is mysql-server-5.001:49
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livingdaylightTGPO: it just says Mic [off] 01:49
kattenoki thanks01:49
=== new is now known as bogdan
TGPOwhich volume control manager are you using?01:49
=== bogdan is now known as bogdan_kg
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qc-usb-tools - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:50
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lullabudkatten:  that's because it's mysql-server-5.001:50
livingdaylightTGPO: i was looking for volume control which i'm familiar with from Dapper, but can't find in Edgy. So, i'm using alsamixer from command line01:50
bluefox83i know that's a package..i just can't figure out how to use whatever is in it01:50
bogdan_kgpeople, I have a strange problem. On ubuntu,my mouse isn't fully working. Buttons work, but i cant move cursor!!!01:50
Admiral_Buttercris there a list of #ubuntu channels?01:50
bruenigbluefox83, qc-usb-utils?01:50
bluefox83bruenig, uh..yeah that01:50
lullabudbogdan_kg:  you could try using one mouse to move the cursor, and another mouse to click the buttons!01:50
ubotuqc-usb-utils: Utility programs for the qc-usb kernel module. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.4-2 (edgy), package size 18 kB, installed size 68 kB01:50
PeloAdmiral_Buttercr,  have you tried looking up your problem in the forum ?01:50
bogdan_kg Umirem Od Smeha!!01:51
bogdan_kghow do I do that?01:51
bluefox83that doesn't help any >.>01:51
Admiral_Buttercrmy problem was solved, i need to go back to that channel and thank that guy01:51
lullabudbogdan_kg:  just plug in another mouse!  it'll instantly be recognized, and it'll work for moving the cursor!01:51
kattenlullabud: Okej greate now that is setup what next?01:51
lullabudbogdan_kg:  you could hold one mouse with your left hand, then move the cursor with your right foot!01:51
lullabudkatten:  have another toast!01:51
lullabudkatten:  i don't know, what are we doing?01:52
TGPOlivingdaylight, one sec while I get the name of the wm app I use for volume control01:52
kattenlullabud: your help me installing lamp01:52
Admiral_ButtercrPelo, what was that chanel, i just need it one last time01:52
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bogdan_kgpeople, I have a strange problem. On ubuntu,my mouse isn't fully working. Buttons work, but i cant move cursor!!!01:52
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TGPOlivingdaylight, duh01:52
dylan_How do I boot the Dapper Live CD on a ThinkPad T22?  It freezes up on me01:52
PeloAdmiral_Buttercr,  I wasn't the one who gave hyou a channel I don'T know01:52
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kattenlullabud: how do set a password for mysql ?01:53
Admiral_Buttercroh, sorry01:53
dylan_ive tried noapci noacpi nolapic01:53
TGPOlivingdaylight, sudo apt-get install wmmixer01:53
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dylan_vga=771, to no avail01:53
PeloAdmiral_Buttercr,   #ubuntu-xgl01:53
Admiral_Buttercri love you!01:53
=== Pelo 's log reached back just far enough
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lullabudkatten:   you mean for your root user?01:54
livingdaylightTGPO: still don't understand why volume control is not there01:54
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kattenlullabud: yes01:54
neobyte420hello room01:54
neobyte420i need help01:54
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neobyte420my network just droped out01:54
TGPOlivingdaylight, your in gnome right?01:54
livingdaylightTGPO: yea01:54
lullabudkatten:  google can do that for you.  http://www.google.com/search?q=mysql+change+password01:54
bruenigwhat is this google you speak of?01:55
neobyte420i was running a DHCP server and its not giving any of my clients there dhcp address01:55
TGPOlivingdaylight, how about tight clicking on the bar and adding volume control to the bar01:55
neobyte420or the clients are not taking them01:55
lullabudbruenig:  it's a candy made out of rice.01:55
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livingdaylightTGPO: and..Applications/ADD/remove ... i have volume control ticked and even installed from Synaptic too, but its no where01:55
lullabudbruenig:  er... no, it's something you do with your eyes!01:55
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bruenigI thought that was ogle?01:55
TGPOlivingdaylight, then wmmixer might be able to cover your needs01:55
neobyte420can someone please help me trouble shoot my networking problem01:55
lullabudbruenig:  well, you can do that too.  eyes can do lot's of things.01:55
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lullabudbruenig:  i was thinking of googly eyes01:56
max_hi, i tried to install mandriva(kde) on my desktop, and after i booted up i cant use my mouse, anyone know how i can fix this problem....i came in here cause i thought maybe someone could help, no one responding to me in #mandriva01:56
=== cornell [n=cornell@c-69-139-78-205.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomax_,  this is the ubuntu channel not the mandriva one01:56
lullabudmax_:  you installed a different OS on top of ubuntu?01:56
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max_lullabud: no, i reformatted01:56
livingdaylightTGPO: volume control from 'add panel' is just a +/- volume setting, nothing like Volume Control01:56
therealbigusdickwhat's wrong with mandriva?01:57
max_Pelo: i just said no one responding in mandriva01:57
lullabudmax_:  so you're in mandriva right now?01:57
=== bruenig checks the name of the channel
max_no, im on my winduhs laptop01:57
=== bruenig notes it is not #mandriva
max_i cant use my moise01:57
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lullabudmax_:  first step is to put in the ubuntu 6.06.1 installer cd, then you reboot and when you get to the desktop double-click "install"01:57
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Pelomax_,  still a problem for the #mandriva ppl ,  go back to their channel and be patient01:57
TGPOlivingdaylight, I cant help with that, I can just tell you what I use01:57
livingdaylightTGPO: ok, so where is wmmixer?01:58
max_lullabud: haha,01:58
brueniglullabud, you mean 6.1001:58
TGPOin repo01:58
lullabudmax_:  seriously though, this is a question for mandirava people.  you're using kde in mandriva.  we all use gnome in ubuntu.  totally different.01:58
TGPOlivingdaylight, in repo, you'll have to install it01:58
lullabudbruenig:  no, 6.06.101:58
bruenigI use xfce in xubuntu01:58
max_you dont all use gnome in ubuntu01:59
livingdaylightTGPO: i did: sudo apt-get install wmmixer01:59
lullabudbruenig:  isn't there an xubuntu channel?01:59
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bruenig6.10 is so much better unless you are incompetent and can't use it and need your safe little dapper to console you01:59
lullabudmax_:  true... i don't use any gui.01:59
therealbigusdickwhat does the second 0 in root            (hd0,0) in grub menu.lst mean?01:59
max_before i installed mandriva i used kubuntu in ubuntu01:59
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lullabudbruenig:  or unless you're running a server farm in a production web hosting environment and need 5 years of no platform changes.01:59
brueniglullabud, yeah, but most of the people in there know what they are doing, the newbs come in here. So I can generally be of more help in here01:59
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TGPOlivingdaylight, you'll have to manually start it, run the app or do it from command line02:00
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therealbigusdickwhat does the second 0 in root            (hd0,0) in grub menu.lst mean?02:00
livingdaylightTGPO: its tiny. like 1sq cm?02:00
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lullabudtherealbigusdick:  that's the partition.02:00
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TGPOlivingdaylight, is it on a panel?02:01
livingdaylightTGPO: no02:01
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therealbigusdicklullabud, so if I do have hda4 and I want to boot a kernel in that partition do I need to specify (hd0,3)?02:01
brueniglullabud, excuses excuses02:01
livingdaylightTGPO: does it cover mic?02:01
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lullabudbruenig:  haha =)02:01
TGPOlivingdaylight, yes02:01
lullabudtherealbigusdick:  yup02:02
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fiveironhas the way of identifying a TV output on a video card changed with edgy?02:02
fiveironin xorg.conf02:02
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therealbigusdicklullabud, ok  thank you02:02
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livingdaylightTGPO: sorry, but that is completely unusable02:02
PDanii have a problem with firefox: when i log out from my xfce (saving the session) with a running firefox, at the next time i log in, everything restore fine except firefox. and when i start it by hand, it complains about some crash, and session recovery... is there a workaround to get these session-related stuff work properly?02:02
livingdaylightTGPO: its tiny and i can't expand it02:02
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vasP_LHi. I get "segmentation fault" whenever I try to see my glxinfo or open a OpenGL app. [Got the newest NVIDIA drivers, card: ti4200. Ubuntu 6.10] . Anyone know whats wrong?02:03
TrixseyHey boys and girls. If I want to uninstall part of a software bundle, and keep the other part... is it possible?02:03
TrixseyI think Ubuntu comes with some unnessecary things :P02:03
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lullabudTrixsey:  if you try to uninstall an app and it says you need to uninstall a whole big list of other things that you want to keep, you're best just keeping the app.02:04
therealbigusdickTrixsey, yes it is possible to uninstall unnecessary things in ubuntu02:04
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PeloTrixsey,  you can easily remove stuff you donT' want after the install02:04
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kattenhow do i change permission of a folder because when i write 'sudo chmod 644 /var/www/ -r' nothing happens02:04
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therealbigusdickkatten, -R02:04
iKsTrixsey: What do you think is useless in Ubuntu ? :p02:04
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lullabudkatten:  you have to use a capital -R in chmod because -r means "take away read privs"02:04
therealbigusdick-R  changes the permissions of the folder and all of its contents02:04
kattenstill dosen't work :S02:04
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livingdaylightanyone know about Volume Control?02:05
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kattenchmod 644 /var/www/ -R02:05
fiveironit controls your volume02:05
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dynamochmod -r /var/www02:05
ivxhey i have flash 7 installed, but when i try to go to somewebsites it says i need a newer version, isn't 7 the newest? that is all i can find on adobe.com02:05
lullabudkatten:  try `sudo chmod -R 644 /var/www`02:05
therealbigusdickchmod -R 644 /var/www doesn't work?02:05
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iKskatten: What permission do you want to put exactly ?02:05
TrixseyiKs: For instance, if you prefer Thunderbird rather than Evolution Mail, you should be able to ditch only Evolution Mail02:05
fiveironivx, 9 is the newest... its beta though02:05
PeloTrixsey,  you can02:05
TrixseyAnd the floppy formatter, heck I don't even have a floppy02:05
kattenlullabud: dosen't work02:05
dynamor is recursive, R is recursive for all dir's under that dir too02:05
ivxfiveiron can i get that for linux?02:05
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TrixseyIf I remove that one, I remove entire ubuntu-desktop02:05
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lullabudkatten:  what does it say?02:05
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kattenlullabud: nothing >.<02:06
iKsTrixsey: apt-get remove evolution && apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird02:06
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lullabudkatten:  also, doing permissions recursively with numerical format is a bad idea.02:06
fiveironivx, yes...02:06
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ivxfiveiron, is it in the repos or what?02:06
fiveironivx, no.  google is your friend02:06
lullabudkatten:  directories need to have execute permissions in order to be listed.02:06
dynamoTrixsey, no not the entire desktop will be gone02:06
TrixseyiKs: The floppy formatter for instance.. if I remove that one it removes the entire ubuntu-desktop package02:06
ivxfiveiron alright thanks02:06
livingdaylightHallo Volume Control?02:06
lullabudkatten:  try `sudo find /var/www -type d -exec sudo chmod a+rwx "{}" \;`02:07
iKsTrixsey: why do you even wqnt to remove it ? xD02:07
TrixseyI don't want useless crap like that :(02:07
lullabudkatten:  then `sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 644 "{}" \;`02:07
crimsunTrixsey: what are you using to remove packages? Synaptic and aptitude handle dependencies intelligently.02:07
TrixseyI have 100% no use of that, since I don't even have a floppy02:07
iKsTrixsey: do you have really little space on your HD ?02:07
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TrixseyI tried add/remove programs and synaptic02:07
crimsunTrixsey: then use apt-get02:07
Pelolivingdaylight,  you problem is not volume control,  go  and search for turning on the microphone in the forum02:07
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TargOk I know this has been asked before today so sorry for repeating it ... but I thought I had it straight how do I install the Nvidia Drivers for my 6600 vid02:07
crimsunlivingdaylight: what's the issue?02:07
TrixseyTry removing the floppy formatter, synaptic will suggest removal of ubuntu-desktop02:07
iKsWell it doesnt really matter02:08
livingdaylightPelo: my problem is i can't get volume control02:08
cornellHi...  Installing ubuntu server, first question, if I take the first option, install on harddrive, does that include LAMP?02:08
therealbigusdickTrixsey, you can remove ubuntu-desktop, it is a virtual package to help upgrades02:08
kattenlullabud: still not02:08
TrixseyI want parts of ubuntu-desktop though :(02:08
iKsTrixsey: it does matter for upgrades but otherwise removing ubuntu-desktop will work just fine ;)02:08
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lullabudkatten:  oops... two syntax problems in those lines.  the first should be "chmod 775"02:08
jominoTrixsey, then remove it with aptitude and without the recommendations02:08
dynamocornell, no02:08
therealbigusdickTrixsey, yes but removing ubuntu-desktop will not remove the other parts02:08
livingdaylightcrimsun: I've installed Volume Control from Synaptic and i've got it ticked in ADD/REmove programs but its not in my menu02:08
ivxfiveiron, do i have to run the windows version of firefox to get it02:08
lullabudkatten:  the second should be "sudo chmod" not simply "chmod"02:08
jnevesanyone knows how to put psql using ssl to communicate with a postgresql server?02:08
iKsTrixsey: ubuntu-desktop is only a meta package, doesnt contain anything itself02:09
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crimsunwhat in the world is "Volume Control"?02:09
lullabudkatten:  what's it saying?  if it's not saying anything it's probably still working.  it won't come back instantaneously if you have lot's of files in there.02:09
cornelldynamo, if I choose the second option, to install a LAMP server, is LAMP the only services installed?02:09
vasP_Lanyone know why I get "segmentation fault" whenever I try to run an OpenGL app or glxinfo? [latest nvidia drivers on 6.10] 02:09
dynamocrimsun, prog to adjust the sound volume02:09
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crimsundynamo: the applet from gnome-media?02:09
fiveironivx, you have to manually install it  ... there is a precompiled binary on one of the nvidia blogs that you put in your firefox plugins directory, I dont know the site you get it from.  google02:09
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dynamofor example yes02:09
livingdaylightcrimsun: huh? volume control is where you control volume of mic, left and right speakers, 'surround' etc02:10
kattenlullabud: i got lost in the constant message can you tell me what to write again?02:10
crimsundynamo: why would that need to be installed separately? It's distributed with Ubuntu.02:10
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DualCortexAnyone know how to turn a PNG image into PNG-16 color in GIMP?02:10
livingdaylightcrimsun: check ADD/remove programs under Sound02:10
crimsunlivingdaylight: I don't use GNOME, hence why I'm asking.02:10
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kattenlullabud: i got lost in the constant message can you tell me what to write again?02:10
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lullabudkatten:  `sudo find /var/www -type d -exec sudo chmod 775 "{}" \;`02:10
dynamoexcept when you installed the server form02:10
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livingdaylightAnyone using GNOME know why i might not be getitng Volume Control?02:10
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madman91WHY cant i boot my old fedora root partition.. i make the dir ... i mount it with ... mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/yes -t ext3 .... and it says its busy or already mounted... so i unmount... "not mounted" ... i try a new dir i just made (no, i'm not in it ..) and nothing02:11
crimsunlivingdaylight: is your sound card detected at all?02:11
livingdaylightcrimsun: great...02:11
kattenlullabud: ffs still nothing02:11
livingdaylightcrimsun: i've got sound02:11
TargOk I know this has been asked before today so sorry for repeating it ... but I thought I had it straight how do I install the Nvidia Drivers for my 6600 vid02:11
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dynamomadman91, you mean boot, or mount?02:11
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madman91dynamo, sorry... mount02:11
lullabudkatten:  `sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 664 "{}" \;`02:12
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madman91dynamo, its my 3rd time typing this today.. no response so far02:12
Pelo!nvidia | Targ02:12
ubotuTarg: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:12
habeebHello, its a thread in board I have to follow, but I also have to sleep. Is there a way to save this thread every, lets say, 10minutes while I'm sleeping?02:12
jvailivingdaylight.. try the hardware sound control 1st, then the software control02:12
kattenlullabud: ffs still nothing02:12
lullabudlullabud:  ffs?02:12
crimsunlivingdaylight: so you're saying you don't have the volume icon in the upper right corner?02:12
dynamolook in /media if it isn't mounted there yet, the command mount gives a view of all mounted thingies02:12
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knixIs there a file that performs the opposite of /etc/modules? Or a way to stop the kernel from loading a certain module at startup?02:12
lullabudlullabud:  what is it saying?  if it's saying nothing then it worked.02:12
madman91dynamo, its not mounted02:12
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livingdaylightjvai: i need volume control so i can set my mic so i can use voip02:13
lullabudoops... i just typed to myself.  i think i need some food...02:13
lullabudkatten:  what's it saying?  if it's saying nothing then it worked.02:13
kattenlullabud: nothing happend if i right click properties permission its till root only -.-02:13
dynamotry sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/adiryoumade02:13
lullabudkatten:  do `find /var/www -ls` and paste the output into a pastebin02:13
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dynamoand try hda2 and so on02:13
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crimsunlivingdaylight: remember you can use other mixer apps like alsamixer, alsamixer-gui, amixer, etc.02:13
kattenlullabud: what is a pastebin?02:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:13
jvailivingdaylight: right clik on the top panel, sellect "add to panel" then place the volume control where ever u want it to be02:13
iKslullabud: Did you do chmod 644 ? oO02:13
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iKslullabud: cause if you did and the owner is root then it absolutely normal to have an only root access...02:14
lullabudiKs:  did i?  i meant 664.02:14
iKsok sorry02:14
livingdaylightjvai: that is a sucky little thing that only does +/- on volume. I need the whole graphical equaliser02:14
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slinky_I want to install the newest version of Rhythmbox Music Player 0.9.6, my current version is but Synaptic will not allow me to do a "Force Version", what Repository entry do I need to add to obtain the newest version?02:14
lullabudi really need some food... too many typos for syntactically specific actions.02:14
iKslullabud: well it's the same ! the group is supposed to be root isn't it ?02:14
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kattenIks: what shall i write if i want my normal user to be able to change stuff inside that folder then?02:15
fiveironanyone have a separate screen defined for TV out?02:15
lullabudiKs:  depends.  i make it apache.02:15
iKsyou shoul, or change the owner, or change the gorup or set the chmod to 77702:15
lullabudiKs:  definitely not 777!02:15
jvailivingdaylight: "SYSTEMS-PREFERENCES-SOUND"  for more fine tuned control02:15
livingdaylightcrimsun: alsamixer-gui doens't install, what else?02:15
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iKslullabud: Well it's defnitely not secure but it's a way...02:15
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lullabudiKs:  using windows is insecure and a way too. :P02:16
iKslullabud: >_<02:16
livingdaylightI wish someone could just explain why volume control don't work in edgy. Always did in Dapper02:16
iKslivingdaylight: are you sure the volume control doesn't work ? is it not your sound card that's not detected ?02:16
jvaioooo u r on edgy02:16
jvaiedgy is still.... edghy02:17
kattenso can somone answere my quest :O?02:17
=== lullabud agrees with jvai.
kattenwhat shall i write02:17
dynamolivingdaylight, try aumix in console02:17
iKsjvai: I didn't have any problem on Edgy since the Beta version I tried ^^02:17
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TGPOedgy works fine02:17
iKskatten : Set the group to yourself (katten I suppose)02:17
slinky_I want to install the newest version of Rhythmbox Music Player 0.9.6, my current version is but Synaptic will not allow me to do a "Force Version", what Repository entry do I need to add to obtain the newest version?02:17
iKskatten : or set the owner to yourself02:18
katteniks: how?02:18
jvaibut edgy will change it's socks too much... it not always the same beast week to week02:18
=== Arokh [n=arokh@c-67-190-202-41.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
katteniks: i'm a real beginner to linux02:18
iKsslinky_: Backports02:18
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lullabudkatten:  chown CHanges OWNer02:18
iKskatten: do you want the grafic version or the console version ?02:18
khafraIf my mouse suddenly stops working, how do I make it un-stop working?02:18
Peloslinky_,  if synaptic does not have the latest verion that means that the package is not available yet, you 'll need to install from source02:18
lullabudkatten:  chgrp CHanges GRoup02:18
khafraIs there a way to reset the mouse driver or something?02:18
lullabudkatten:  each file has an owner:group property.02:18
slinky_iKs: i though backports was for older versions, not for newer versions, please explain02:19
lullabudkatten:  you can set up permissions based on owner, group, or everybody else.02:19
lullabudkatten:  chmod is used to change those permissions.02:19
ArokhI have a really dumb question. If dapper is "long term support", why would I install edgy?02:19
iKsslinky_: Backports or for the newest version available, not implemented on your Ubuntu's version because of stability02:19
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livingdaylightiKs: how do i get system to detect my sound card?02:19
lullabudkatten:  you should probably read up on all of those until you're familiar with how they work.  incorrect permissions is often a huge source of frustration in an otherwise simple problem.02:19
kattenlullabud: i want to setup so that i can access with my normal user in the folder it anying having to use the terminal02:19
slinky_Pelo can't I add a deb entry to the Repository?02:19
PeloArokh,  no one is twising your arm02:19
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kitcheArokh: if you want updated software but there is alot of backports most likely02:19
TGPOArokh because that long term support is for security updates only02:20
sinisterguydoes easy ubuntu work with edgy?02:20
Peloslinky_,  not that I know of02:20
kattenYou don't have permission to access /test.php on this server.02:20
kattenAdditionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.02:20
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lullabudkatten:  you can access everything with your normal user using sudo.02:20
Peloslinky_,   this might prove usefull   http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/02:20
lullabudkatten:  your best bet though is to use the ~/www/ folder to put your web share int.02:20
lullabudkatten:  each user on a *nix system gets his own web folder.  http://server/~user02:20
Arokhwell I'm usually all for the most recent version, but the way they explain it, it sounds like one would be better off sticking to dapper?02:20
slinky_thanks Pelo02:20
lullabudkatten:  so your users web folder would be http://localhost/~katten02:20
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kattenhow on earth do i set that upp?02:20
lullabudkatten:  ...assuming your linux user is "katten"02:20
lullabudkatten:  it should already be set up if you installed apache.02:21
iKsslinky_: what Pelo said is true, but you can also have quite new version with the backports ;)02:21
kitchelullabud that's only if the user option is enabled in httpd.conf02:21
sethkArokh, I always advise against upgrading until a release has been out for several weeks.  I have more agreement about this on edgy than I did with dapper02:21
Arokhsorry, what's backports mean?02:21
lullabudkatten:  this is all standard unix knowledge, not specific to ubuntu.02:21
sethkArokh, using an older version02:21
slinky_iKs: so just turn on backports?02:21
lullabudkitche:  it is by default.02:21
sethkArokh, so using a package that specifies an older version of something02:21
crimsunlivingdaylight: 'alsamixergui'?02:21
crimsunlivingdaylight: it installs fine here02:21
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kattenlullabud: dosen't seam to work :S02:22
wildchildwhat do I have to do in firefox that when I would click on an m3u link amarok will open02:22
wildchildnow kaffeine opens..02:22
iKskatten: set you Apache user to www; put your files into the /home/www directory; set the DocumentRoot directory in Apache to /home/www; put www as the owner of the directory /home/www02:22
livingdaylightcrimsun: you spelt it alsomixer-gui first time02:22
iKsslinky_: exactly, at least try it ;)02:22
MegaqwertyWhere are the desktop wallpapers (the images) located?02:22
=== lullabud thinks katten needs a screen -x guide through setting this up.
khafraSo, my mouse cursor stopped moving around when I move the mouse.  What do I do?02:22
slinky_thank you iKs02:22
cornellI've just installed ubuntu server on a used drive, boot failed "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK..."  Reinstalled and got the same result.  Time to dump the drive?02:22
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sethkwildchild, in the gnome configuration you'll find a section where you specify what program to use for each MIME type02:22
Arokhso edgy is really new? I don't have ubuntu on the main computer but I've been wanting to set up a dual boot for a while to investigate linux alternative to the windows programs i use02:23
kattenlullabud: very funny :P02:23
sethkcornell, possibly not02:23
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lullabudkatten:  screen -x is a fantastic tool!02:23
TGPOcornell, looks like02:23
sethkcornell, that means the boot manager didn't install correctly02:23
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sethkcornell, the rest of the drive is most likely fine02:23
cornellsethk, what can I do?02:23
kattenlullabud: oww i thougt it was some kind of joke?02:23
bruenigArokh, edgy came out october 26 so pretty new02:23
sethkcornell, you can do a scan with badblocks if you want to double check.02:23
wildchildsethk: where is gnome configuration :S02:23
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lullabudkatten:  anyhow, i haven't eaten in like 18 hours.  i'll leave you in the hands of these fine 893 other people.02:23
sethkcornell, you can boot the live cd, and reinstall grub02:23
=== dylan__ [n=ututo@adsl-68-252-105-128.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== oht just finished a permanent install of edgy...bye bye windows forever :D
dylan__What is the boot cheat code for safe graphics mode?02:23
kattenlullabud: are you mad ?02:24
TGPOcongrats oht02:24
cornellsethk, server livecd?02:24
bruenigdylan__, cheat code?02:24
bruenigkatten, lullabud is no more02:24
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dylan__bruenig, yeah, like command.  im using gnewsense but i dont know how to get into safe graphics02:24
=== Pelo envies oht , he's still one app away from ditching xp
sethkcornell, if you are using edgy (or dapper for that matter) the disk you booted to do the desktop install is the "live cd"02:24
iKsArokh: and the next version is being released in may 2007 ^^ so Edgy is really new ;)02:24
sethkcornell, the term "live cd" means it boots up and runs linux without needing anything installed on the hard drive02:24
jnevesiKs: May or April?02:24
charle97arokh, so you can say you have edgy02:24
kitchePelo: what app do you need in windows?02:24
Arokhwell I'll download edgy tonight and think about it while I go drink beer and watch movies ;)02:24
bruenigdylan__, I was just amused by calling it a cheat code02:24
Megaqwertydoes anyone know where the Ubuntu Wallpapers are located?02:24
iKsjneves: April sorry...02:24
dylan__bruenig, do you know it?02:24
sethkcornell, in this case, you are booting up linux from the cd because you can't boot the hard drive yet.02:24
bruenigdylan__, no02:24
Arokhthanks all, ttyl02:25
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slinky_iks: I though i could add an entry something like "deb http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/rhythmbox/0.9/ /" to the Repository?02:25
livingdaylightcrimsun: ok, i got alsamixergui installed now. Not as pretty as Volume Control but its a start02:25
iKsFeisty Fawn 7.0402:25
Pelokitche,   autocad,  If I still had my copy of R14 I could run it on wine but 2006 won'T do02:25
=== dylan__ wants to know the command for safe graphics mode from the livecd boot prompt
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iKsslinky_: You can, if it's a valid apt repos...02:25
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specialbuddyis there a good wiki for setting up wine?02:25
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bruenigMegaQuark_, /usr/share/something probably, for xubuntu it is /usr/share/xfce4, so maybe /usr/share/gnome?02:26
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iKsslinky_: but to had the backports you have to add the correct line ine your sources.list ^^02:26
kitcheMegaqwerty it's in /usr/share/ not sure the exact folder but it's in there someplace but if your adding wallpaper you can just make a ~/.gnome2/background or something like that and use that for your wallpapers02:26
slinky_iKs: i'll give it a try as well as backports, thank you02:26
Pelospecialbuddy,  www.winehq.org02:26
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=== adam_ [n=adam@pool-71-251-227-212.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigMegaqwerty, _, /usr/share/something probably, for xubuntu it is /usr/share/xfce4, so maybe /usr/share/gnome?02:26
livingdaylightin sound preferences do i have it set to autdetect or my soundcard?02:26
TGPOdylan__, its on the pretty little splash screen that comes up02:26
iKsslinky_: You're welcome :)02:26
specialbuddythanks Pelo02:26
Megaqwertythanks guys02:26
dylan__TGPO, i am not using official ubuntu02:26
dylan__TGPO, gnewsense02:26
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sethkdylan__, you are using unofficial ubuntu?02:26
dylan__sethk, yes02:26
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PeloBAN HIM02:26
slinky_iKs: what line would I have to add to sources.list, pretty please02:27
sethkdylan__, not sure what you mean, exactly.... :)02:27
kitchedylan__: why don't you ask in gnewsense channel?02:27
charle97dylan, why?02:27
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dylan__kitche, no one answers02:27
=== TIMo0- [i=PJIRCWeb@cpc3-stkn1-0-0-cust947.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
t3chn0b0ymy pretty litle scren was a spash in 85 when i had to register my  my softway with gov02:27
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
iKsslinky_: I dont know, I have the French line for it ^^ Search the doc ;)02:27
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dylan__sethk, i need to know how to boot into safe graphics from the boot prompt, without selecting it automatically02:27
crimsunlivingdaylight: autodetect if at all possible02:27
cornellsethk, scan for badblocks... that would be e2fsck?02:27
sethkdylan__, the boot command is not likely to be the same with another distro.02:27
sethkcornell, no, the program is called badblocks02:27
slinky_iKs: i will, but what DOC? /usr/share/doc?02:28
dylan__sethk, i just dont know what it is02:28
sethkcornell, e2fsck checks the consistency of the file system, but doesn't check all blocks of the partition02:28
wildchildsethk: where is gnome settings02:28
cornellOh.... learn something new everyday :-)02:28
sethkwildchild, I run kde, so I don't know the menus for gnome, but it should be obvious.02:28
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-153-150-193.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethksomeone tell wildchild where the gnome settings are in the menus?02:28
TIMo0-wildchild: it should be on the start menu/ log on02:28
wildchildsethk: I have KDE02:28
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wildchildbut I have KDE02:28
sethkwildchild, in that case, it's control center from the K menu02:28
wweaselQuestion: I've heard that in Edgy they turned off the whole auto fsck after x mounts.  I upgraded from Dapper, and they've always pissed me off. Should I disable it? Where in fstab do I?02:29
iKsslinky_: Here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports02:29
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-153-150-193.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethkwildchild, it may say "system settings" on the menu instead of control center02:29
slinky_thank you very muck iKs02:29
livingdaylightcrimsun: they are on autodetect except for the last one. but when i click on test it tests for ever02:29
sethkwildchild, usually the last thing on the K menu before the separation bar and the "run command" thing02:29
TGPOwweasel, at the end of the fstab line there are 2 numbers, one of those says to check or not02:30
wildchildsethk; ok and I am searchging for?02:30
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.02:30
iKsslinky_: you are very welcome, try to search the Wiki for other info about Backports ;)02:30
crimsunlivingdaylight: the "last one" referring to... (sink? source?)?02:30
sethkwildchild, I'll get you the exact name, hold on...02:30
cornellUm... sethk, the server install offers installs, and a rescue option, is that what I want for the livecd?02:30
iKsslinky_: I dont know yet that English version of the Wiki ^^02:30
wildchildsystem settings is correct sethk02:30
slinky_iKs: that is great, thanks for the info02:30
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sethkcornell, that's not what I was thinking of, but it is another alternative.  the server install is on a separate cd and I forgot that you did the server install02:30
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sethkcornell, hold on one moment, let me get the MIME type settings for wildchild; that'll take only a second02:31
cornellOk, so use the desktop cd instead of server, thanks sethk02:31
lillpellehttp://hurf.mine.nu/micke/irctex/result-3125.png (700 x 58) 4061 bytes02:31
iKsslinky_: Tell me if you find your version of RhythmBox02:31
livingdaylightcrimsun: sound capture is set for Alsa?02:31
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slinky_iKs: FYI, web site came up translated into english02:31
iKsslinky_: Yeah I know, the French version is here : http://www.ubuntu-fr.org02:32
sethkwildchild, I find it on the konqueror menu, actually, although I think the system settings menu can get you there also02:32
slinky_ok iKs: will do, ttyl02:32
Pelooh come on now,  it's only november  penguins shouldn't be frozen yet02:32
sethkwildchild, anyway, for konq, it's settings, configure konquerur, file associations02:32
iKsslinky_: I searched the English Wiki just to find the article02:32
HipotermiAhi gusy!02:32
HipotermiAhi guys!02:32
sethkwildchild, I _believe_ it's a KDE level thing and setting it there will make it right for FF, but I may be wrong about that.02:32
FrozenPenguinam I posting my url on here?02:32
iKshi HipotermiA02:32
HipotermiAalguien habla espaol ?02:32
iKsHipotermiA: un poco02:33
wildchildsethk: can't find m3u02:33
slinky_iKs: I am very appreciative that you did, cause I am just learning02:33
korba-hipotermia .. dime02:33
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PeloFrozenPenguin,   well saskatshewant is in your whois02:33
=== Versed` [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HipotermiAhay un canal de ubuntu pero en espaol 02:33
iKsslinky_: I first installed Ubuntu 1 month and a half ago ;)02:33
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.02:33
iKsHipotermiA: si02:33
HipotermiAa gracias!02:33
HipotermiAmismo server ?02:33
sethkHipotermiA, si02:33
FrozenPenguinthat's ok - I got booted from another server for a crime I don't understand02:33
wweaselIs it a good idea for me to disable the "auto fsck after x mounts" in fstab?  Like, any reason why it was policy in Dapper and is no longer policy in Edgy?02:33
slinky_iKs: your doing very good, I am in about 2 weeks now02:33
sethkFrozenPenguin, what, specifically?02:34
FrozenPenguinposting urls02:34
sethkwweasel, nothing has changed.  Do you mean that it was set to "never" in dapper?02:34
FrozenPenguinI've been using this software for . . . oh 10 minutes02:34
sethkwweasel, it isn't set in fstab, by the way.02:34
slinky_thank you folks, ttyl02:34
sethkwweasel, it's written to the file system; you can change it with tune2fs02:34
iKsslinky_: If you try different things,you read the Wiki and you keep up asking questions you'll end up as good as me ^^ (wich is not a lot :p)02:34
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wweaselsethk: I head that in edgy it no longer does that02:34
PeloFrozenPenguin,   posting random url will probably get you banned but related links are ok02:34
crimsunlivingdaylight: right, and it will test until you stop it02:34
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slinky_iKs: lol :)02:35
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sethkwweasel, I don't think that's correct, but, if so, I would set it the same way as dapper.  tune2fs can also print the current value for how often to do the fsck02:35
FrozenPenguinI did nothing on purpose02:35
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wweaselsethk: 'Aight, thanks02:35
iKsWell people, I'm going to sleep02:35
iKs2:35 AM here in France xD02:35
FrozenPenguinby the way - ubuntu looks very sharp02:35
FrozenPenguinI just installed it yesterday02:36
pilibeencan somebody help me...my laptop went idle and asleep...and i can't seem to wake it up in dapper...02:36
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iKsSee you.02:36
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MajicWhat would be a really good 3D game for Ubuntu? :p02:36
Majic3D FPS game.02:36
livingdaylightcrimsun: yes, that's right02:36
FrozenPenguinI made a brand-new ms-free machine02:36
PeloMajic,  look under add/remove  there are several games there02:36
wweaselpilibeen: That happens sometimes to my laptop, I normally fix it by changing ttys. Hit Ctrl+Alt+1, then Ctrl+Alt+702:37
paragoncso my friend added me as a user - but when i ssh in - the su pass doesn't work02:37
TGPOwweasel, set the last number in fstab to 0 if you dont want fsck to run02:37
PeloFrozenPenguin,  good for you02:37
wweaselpilibeen: see if it does that anything02:37
livingdaylightcrimsun: is that how it should be?02:37
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crimsunlivingdaylight: yes. Does capture work, though?02:37
FrozenPenguinanyways I shall try to adjust these settings02:37
pilibeenwweasel: ok ill try that, thanks02:37
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TGPOwweasel, if it has any other number it will get checked02:37
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PeloFrozenPenguin, http://revision3.com/forum/showthread.php?t=84 this might be usefull02:37
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TGPOsethk fstab does control if a drive gets checked or not02:38
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livingdaylightcrimsun: how would i know. So far i'm not able to use skype; appears that my mic is not working so i'd say its not 'captureing'02:38
paragoncdo i have to be part of a specific group to su into root ?02:38
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sethkTGPO, The setting for checking is written to the file system.  If you can override that with fstab, that's a very very bad idea02:39
crimsunlivingdaylight: are you using the beta of 3.0?02:39
dulouzhi, i'm trying to set emacs to use a true type font that I have installed (bitstream vera sans mono). shift-left clicking doesn't show the font as an option.  any ideas what i need to do?02:39
Peloparadizelost,  not if you are the installer , your password should do02:39
Admiral_Chicagowhat is the kdesu equivilant in GNOME02:39
TGPOsethk fstab is what turns drive checking on or off, its the only thing that does02:39
sethkTGPO, I just checked, and that's a different thing02:39
sethkTGPO, no, it isn't.  look at man tune2fs, which will tell you02:39
=== Aro{Semi-AFK} [i=OmgAroPw@VDSL-130-13-52-42.PHNX.QWEST.NET] has joined #ubuntu
sethkTGPO, the setting in fstab checks whether, at mount time, a check is made to see if the file system is dirty02:40
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livingdaylightcrimsun: skype version 1.3.053?02:40
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sethkTGPO, the other value triggers a file system check _even if_ the file system is not dirty02:40
AroLots of people here02:40
=== FuzzplugJones [n=mark@cpe-66-24-238-167.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cornellsethk, livecd does that run sshd?  and what's the user id?02:40
pilibeenwweasel: nope....lappy is still asleep02:40
AroGot a question about ubuntu though...02:40
sethkcornell, I'm not sure whether it starts up sshd or not; it assumes you are running it from the console.  you want to log into the box from another machine?02:41
sethkcornell, the user is root, I believe, on the live cd.02:41
FuzzplugJoneshaving a lot of trouble getting the broadcom airforceone54g to come up... can anyone help me?02:41
AroI have WinXP home SP2 on my computer....How can I Install ubuntu without losing it all?02:41
PeloAro,  ask and patiently wait for the answer02:41
TGPOsethk, you got it backwards I think, if fstab says no then it wont bother at all02:41
TGPOsethk, then again I have been wrong before02:41
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Admiral_ChicagoAro: partition the HD02:41
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sethkTGPO, I'm looking at the code, and I'm sure I've got it right.02:42
FuzzplugJonesthe driver i have doesn't work with fwcutter02:42
sethkTGPO, although I've been known to make a mistake occasionally myself ... :)02:42
AroI had it partitioned last time though, and the CD wouldn't let me use it02:42
Admiral_Chicagowhat is the kdesu equivilant in GNOME02:42
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crimsunlivingdaylight: looks like the 3.0 beta is only for windows. Try the 2.5 beta that contains ALSA support.02:42
AroSo it wiped my HD02:42
livingdaylightcrimsun: ?02:42
AroTook me forever to get able to run ANYTHING on it02:42
sethkTGPO, I don't think so, though.  do man tune2fs, see if I'm misinterpreting what it said.02:42
cornellSethk, yes, it's much easier to work from this box than the keyboard over in the corner, with the 15" monitor, six feet off the floor ;-)02:42
livingdaylightcrimsun: beta 3.0 ? what were you referring to?02:42
TGPOsethk either way we both agree that turning it off is a bad idea02:42
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PeloAdmiral_Chicago,  what doesw kdesu do ?02:42
Admiral_ChicagoPelo: run GUI as root02:43
sethkcornell, I've never checked for sshd on the live cd boot.02:43
=== InvisiblePinkUni [n=chatzill@125-236-164-215.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
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sethkTGPO, yes, about that, we absolutely agree.02:43
PeloAdmiral_Chicago,  try gksu02:43
paragoncif i'm in the admin group - is there any reason why i shouldnt be able to use sudo???02:43
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cornellsethk, I can ping but ssh is connection refused02:43
TGPOsethk, I did, it still looks like fstab will have to say yes or no since fstab has to fire first to load it02:43
=== thombone_ [n=thombone@cpe-76-170-57-31.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
pi1lcan anybody please tell me. how do i read 8-th number in 5th line in a file, remember, that it is parameter #1, and multiply it by 2 in cpp?02:43
crimsunlivingdaylight: forget the 2.5 and 3.0 stuff. Just use the 1.3 beta02:43
=== roler [n=chris@adsl-71-156-58-78.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloparagonc,  what are you tring to do ?02:44
crimsunlivingdaylight: is alsa selected in the audio?02:44
Thuggernauthey guys i have an x question, how do i run an application in a different bit depth than my desktop?02:44
MarcNI was running low on space on ~/ and rm .thumbnails -- how do I force f-spot to regenerate them?  Some gnome way?02:44
Admiral_ChicagoPelo: that wors thank a lot02:44
=== |snerge| [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090375.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
paragoncPelo - just testing out his ssh connection - so im trying to write a file to /home running as my user - so im doing sudo touch //home/test.txt02:45
paragonci ented the password and it says sorry try again02:45
sethkTGPO, I'm looking at the code, and it is doing what I said.  It is checking for a clean file system, and doing an automatic fsck if it is dirty.  the flag in fstab turns that off, it doesn't check for the dirty flag.  The check for the fsck count is in a different program, specifically in this case the ext2/3 specific mount binary, which doesn't even look at the fstab entries.02:45
=== Trixsey [n=trixsey@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #ubuntu []
livingdaylightcrimsun: in the audio ?02:45
Peloparagonc,  try  gksu  or su02:45
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sethkTGPO, I'll set up a test with the count set to 2, but I don't think I'm wrong.02:45
crimsunlivingdaylight: audio config/preferences02:45
crimsunlivingdaylight: (I don't use skype)02:45
livingdaylightcrimsun: for sound capture? yes02:45
cornellsethk: mmm  sudo badblocks /dev/hda1   Didn't ask for a password, no outputs at all, does that mean it's working?02:45
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-176-224-81.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TGPOsethk kk it will be good to know atleast :)02:46
sethkcornell, no02:46
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DanaGDo any of you know how to set up an ethernet-to-wifi bridge (AP, not router) in Linux?02:46
sethkcornell, not necessarily.  is the disk activity line on?02:46
ohtQuestion: i'm running an x86_64 system, fresh install, and i want to install the nvidia binary gfx drivers, should i use easy ubuntu for this, or just do it through synaptic? (or some other way)02:46
crimsunlivingdaylight: and no apps are accessing /dev/dsp* or /dev/audio* ?02:46
=== _snerge_ [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168090739.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cornelluh, on solid02:46
livingdaylightcrimsun: no02:46
crimsunlivingdaylight: good. Now pastebin your amixer.02:46
sethkcornell, then it is working02:46
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sethkcornell, there is a flag, -v I think, that will make it print more info as it's working.02:46
Pelo!nvidia | oht02:46
ubotuoht: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:46
livingdaylightcrimsun: i don't have amixer02:46
paragoncive tried su02:47
paragoncto no avail02:47
crimsunlivingdaylight: yes you do.02:47
ohtthank you Pelo  :)02:47
paragonclet me try gksu02:47
crimsunlivingdaylight: if you have Ubuntu, you have amixer.02:47
kitche!root > paragonc02:47
livingdaylightcrimsun: amixergui02:47
crimsunlivingdaylight: no, I want amixer specifically.02:47
livingdaylightcrimsun: where is that, please?02:47
crimsunlivingdaylight: open a terminal and type ``amixer''02:47
paragonci know - root owns home - so my user paragon shouldnt be able to write to it without root privs02:47
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kitcheparagonc: root owns /home but not /home/paragon02:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:48
skelterso, things aren't appearing on my desktop anymore...a little confused about this02:48
skelterthere is still stuff in ~/Desktop though02:48
sethkparagonc, it is possible to set the root password, and use su, but generally it's better to use sudo for a gui program because you don't have to deal with allowing root to display on the X screen.02:48
Thuggernautah i had that problem too02:48
skelterbut it doesn't show up. also, going to Places->Home doesn't do anything...no response02:48
Peloskelter,   restart nautilus02:48
sethkparagonc, by default, only the logged in user can display on the X server.02:49
livingdaylightcrimsun: amixer output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31113/02:49
paragoncim not on x02:49
FuzzplugJonesdoes anyone have a broadcom BCM43xx driver that works in ubuntu?02:49
paragoncim ssh'd in02:49
sethkparagonc, oh, ok.02:49
skelterPelo: how?02:49
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sethkparagonc, what are you trying to do?  I know you said, but I'm not sure.02:49
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cornellBadblocks takes awhile, on 40gig, right?02:49
Cpudan80Hello everyone02:49
Peloskelter,   system > admin > system monitor : select nautilus and kill it02:49
jnevescornell: yes02:49
Cpudan80Any Wake-On-Lan experts here?02:49
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FuzzplugJonesdoes anyone have a broadcom BCM43xx driver that works in ubuntu?02:49
sethkcornell, yes, badblocks is very slow.  in the other modes (you are in non-destructive mode) it's even slower.  :)02:49
Peloskelter,  it will restart automaticaly02:49
cornellThanks jneves02:50
sethkcornell, definitely not built for speed.02:50
skelterfour processes labeled nautilus02:50
skelterkill all of them?02:50
crimsunlivingdaylight: your capture is muted and zeroed as is your mic boost02:50
=== madman91 [n=madman@adsl-68-77-59-248.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUniif an adsl router converts a phone line to broadband ethernet. what kind of router routes an incoming broadband connection(from an ethernet cable) to multiple IP Addressess?02:50
skelter3 sleeping02:50
paragoncim testing the permission on my user - paragon - sudo wont accept the password - xcpt using the same password - i can - su tony - (which was the default account) - with the same password - then run sudo touch //home/test - and it works fine02:50
Peloskelter,  that's the problem,  yes  kill them all02:50
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sethkskelter, killall nautilus will kill them all with one command.   assuming, of course, that you want to kill all of them02:50
slid3rhey folks, question ... when I try to configure kqemu .. I get No Makefile file present in /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/build/ - kqemu cannot be built02:50
slid3rgrep: /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-386/build//Makefile: No such file or directory02:50
slid3ram I missing kernel source files or what?02:51
skelterwell, they're dead in any case02:51
skelternothing has come back yet02:51
paragoncbut sudo touch //home/test.txt wont take the same password i used to escalate into tony  and then esclate tonys privs with sudo02:51
wildchildis in kubuntu repos any similar program like virutal DJ or tractor ?02:51
slid3rI did the dreaded upgrade from dapper to edgy02:51
livingdaylightcrimsun: do you have a solution :)02:51
Cpudan80No Wake-On-Lan experts???02:51
Peloslid3r,  did you install the build-essential ?02:51
=== djbryy [n=djbryy@blk-222-70-41.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
madman91i have a problem.. i accidentaly rm -rf 'ed .. my /home .... how can i restore the basic functionality... basically allow write acess...02:51
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slid3rin dapper I did02:51
crimsunlivingdaylight: amixer set 'Capture' 80%,cap && amixer set 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' on02:51
djbryyum ?02:52
djbryywhat is this?02:52
Pelodjbryy,  read the topic02:52
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-24-13-53-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightcrimsun: how please?02:52
TGPOmadman91, make a new usesr02:52
crimsunlivingdaylight: copy and paste the command I gave you.02:52
slid3rPelo: build-essential is already the newest version.02:52
=== oht is thankful ubuntu is so ridiculously well documented
livingdaylightcrimsun: oh, that s a command02:52
Peloslid3r,  I don't know then02:52
tonyyarussooht: The doc team folks will be flattered :)02:52
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skelterif nautilus is not running, what is the proper way to start it back up?02:52
djbryyanyone know how to get back to windows after installing ubuntu?!?!??!02:52
Cpudan80djbryy: That would depend on how you installed the OS02:53
skelterdid you overwrite windows when installing ubuntu?02:53
Peloskelter,  it should start again , otherwise type nautilus in the  terminal02:53
madman91TGPO, i just copied over my /home from another source... so when i make a new user .. will it over write the /home ?02:53
djbryyno i didn't02:53
TGPOdjbryy, yes, you put a shotun to your head and pull the trigger ... J/K02:53
Thuggernautwhen you boot press esc while grub is loading and select windows02:53
djbryylisten people !!!02:53
Cpudan80djbryy: Where did you put GRUB?02:53
djbryyi cant !!!02:53
sethkdjbryy, you mean boot windows?02:53
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skelterPelo: ok, thanks that worked. i just didn't know if i was supposed to initiate it from a control panel or something02:53
Cpudan80djbryy: Ask ##windows - its less crowded02:53
sethkdjbryy, usually you add it to the grub boot menu.  although normally the install does it02:54
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Cpudan80I can help you there too02:54
=== dulouz [n=dulouz@dsl254-119-219.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkdjbryy, windows doesn't appear on the boot menu?02:54
djbryyONE MINUTE BRB02:54
livingdaylightcrimsun: got this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31115/02:54
TGPOmadman91, if you deleted it and have a copy of it still where is your problem? cp it all back over02:54
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Thuggernautyo guys, how do i run a certain application in a different bit-depth than my desktop?02:54
djbryyok everyone !?!??02:54
djbryyanyone there?!??02:54
djbryyI just installed ubuntu linux!02:54
crimsunlivingdaylight: amixer set 'Capture' 80%,on && amixer set 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' on02:54
sethkdjbryy, not me02:54
skelter!ask | djbryy02:55
ubotudjbryy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:55
=== oht thinks djbryy is a wee bit excited
madman91TGPO, well... its the home from another distro... and now when i logged in it told me that it wouldnt write..02:55
wildchildhello, I am looking for some strong audio program for DJ's if there is any02:55
PeloThuggernaut,  why do you need to do that ?02:55
madman91TGPO, brb.. im going to try something02:55
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Thuggernauti gotta run an app in wine that doesn't like 24 bpp02:55
=== omnid [n=omnid@cpe-72-178-230-2.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cpudan80djbryy: Ask ##windows - less crowded02:55
andreuudjbryy,  i _think_ you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:55
PeloThuggernaut,   I realy have no idea,  have you looked in the forum ?02:55
djbryyhello anyone?02:55
omnidWhy is it the sound mixer for Linux is sooo crappy, yet windows has had one that's worked for many years02:55
Thuggernautrgr i've been searching google for days02:55
sethkdjbryy, andreuu is correct02:55
skelterdjbryy: when i installed ubuntu, it wrote the boot table for me02:55
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sethkdjbryy, as root, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:56
Cpudan80So nobody knows anything about Wake-On-Lan??02:56
crimsunlivingdaylight: otherwise you need: amixer set 'Capture' 80% && amixer set 'Capture' on && amixer set 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' on02:56
djbryyok can someoone tell me how to get back to windows XP?!?!02:56
sethkdjbryy, but, if windows was already installed when you installed ubuntu, it should already be there, and it might be useful to find out why it isn't.02:56
livingdaylightcrimsun: getting same error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31116/02:56
sethkdjbryy, I've told you three times, so far.02:56
djbryyI know02:56
crimsunlivingdaylight: sorry, use  amixer set 'Capture' cap02:56
djbryybut listen02:56
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto02:56
djbryyman I honestly dont know how02:56
djbryyI put the partial on for 75gigs.. .02:57
djbryyjust for ubuntu02:57
sethkdjbryy, you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.02:57
djbryywhere do i do that?02:57
sethkdjbryy, easiest way is from a command line02:57
=== oht felt zen deleting his ntfs partition
Thuggernautgo into a terminal and do sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:57
djbryyok and how do i form a command line?02:57
djbryywhat do i put on it?02:57
=== icaro [n=icaro@85-18-136-109.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelodjbryy,  open the terminal ,  type  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:57
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djbryyok one min02:57
=== Trixsey [n=trixsey@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
sethkdjbryy, there is a "terminal" on the menu somewhere.02:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about HAL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:57
livingdaylightcrimsun: even longer error message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31117/02:58
andreuuits down the bottom, says window i made mine (hd1,01) so now im going to try (hd1,1)02:58
Thuggernauthey pelo any ideas for my bit-depth problem?02:58
djbryyok yeah i am in it02:58
djbryynow what do i write?02:58
PeloThuggernaut,   I realy have no idea,  have you looked in the forum ?02:58
sethkdjbryy, can you paste the current file to the paste web site?02:58
andreuuprobably some way to find out what it really is, but im just doing trial and error :)02:58
Thuggernautyeah i have been searching02:58
djbryyyes i can sethk02:58
ohtfirst step after a fresh install   1) Install Nethack02:58
sethkdjbryy, because odds are that it is already in the file, and, if so, adding it again won't solve your problem.02:58
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sethkdjbryy, ok, tell us the URL when you are done pasting.02:58
djbryypasting what ?02:59
djbryysorry guys omg.02:59
djbryywhat do i paste02:59
sethkdjbryy, the current contents of the menu.lst file02:59
crimsunlivingdaylight: getent passwd $USER |awk -F: '{print $7}'02:59
cornellsethk, what's badblocks gonna tell me?  Will it fix things, mark them bad, or give me a list of things to do?02:59
Pelodjbryy,  you can skip the stuff with # in front of the lines02:59
sethkcornell, in the default mode, it will not fix anything.  it will print a list of bad sectors02:59
dulouzHello, I am trying to get Bitstream Vera Sans Mono working in emacs. It shows up as available in gedit, but doesn't show up with xlsfonts. Any ideas?03:00
sethkcornell, there are modes where you can tell it to automatically mark the sectors, but usually, you wouldn't run badblocks directly to do that.03:00
hfhfdoes anyone here play enemy territory?03:00
livingdaylightcrimsun: /bin/bash03:00
MikeyMikeok so i keep getting an error with vino server.... whenever someone tries to connect to me it crashes and i get this error in the terminal that i launched it from:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31118/03:00
sethkcornell, e2fsck has a mode where it will run badblocks for you and integrate the badblocks output with the file system.03:00
sethkcornell, but, that won't help you03:00
djbryyPelo, Can you help me?03:00
sethkcornell, because your problem is with the boot loader.03:00
MikeyMikeI dont undersatnd whats going on if anyone knows please help03:00
sethkcornell, the boot loader is installed at the very beginning of the hard drive03:00
sethkcornell, wait, I just realized something03:01
Pelodjbryy,  I don'T know anything about editing the menu.lst ,    grub did it on its own fro me03:01
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kaptenguberyl is fantastic03:01
djbryyOK YOU ARE NO HELP!03:01
sethkcornell, you did /dev/hda1 (or hdX1) and that won't do what you need03:01
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cornellok, sethk03:01
ohtchemical formula for beryl = Be3Al2Si2O603:01
MikeyMikeif anyone knows whats up say my name so im notified by xchat03:01
=== _zardoz_ [n=zzzz@89-172-10-165.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
sethkcornell, to check the boot loader part of the disk, you need to do the device (hda), not a partition03:01
djbryySethk, dude !! can u plz help!03:01
dynamowhats that about the grub?03:01
cornell /dev/hda ?03:01
=== mathieu__ [n=mathieu@dsl-10-134-77.b2b2c.ca] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunlivingdaylight: why is fish being used?03:01
dylan__anybody in here have any luck getting their laptop to load the Live CD?03:01
_zardoz_hello. can somebody give me some tips on how to set up my sound card? I have creative labs x-fi03:01
sethkcornell, right.  after a couple of minutes you can stop it, because if there is a problem with the boot loader area it will come up immediately.03:01
livingdaylightcrimsun: whats wrong with fish?03:01
cornellk, thanks II can control C this and try again?03:01
TGPOdylan__, yup03:02
sethkcornell, yes03:02
dylan__TGPO, please help me03:02
TGPOdylan__, whats the system specs of the laptop?03:02
djbryysethk, !!!! help djbryy plz !!!!03:02
andreuui cant mount my cdrom, says use apt-cdrom , but that says e: failed to mount the cdrom03:02
dylan__TGPO, ibm thinkpad t2203:02
livingdaylightcrimsun: i find i'm learning more from using fish, but a console is a console03:02
TGPOdylan__, specs not model03:02
cornellk, if I lose you, thanks sethk, bbiab03:02
dylan__piii, 900mhz 512 ram03:02
crimsunlivingdaylight: it's not accepting valid sh syntax, that's what's wrong03:02
andreuuits really a dvd rom :)03:02
sethkdjbryy, did you paste the file?03:03
TGPOdylan__, add noacpi to the boot line03:03
Pelodjbryy,  do you see how many ppl are in this channel , do you see how many ppl are getting help on how many different problems ?  do you see how few ppl are helping  ?  stop whining , someone will get to you03:03
livingdaylightcrimsun: ok, so i'll just exit fish03:03
djbryysethk, what file do i have to paste?03:03
dylan__TGPO, i have before03:03
dylan__will try again03:03
andreuuwhere is the paste website ?03:03
sethkdjbryy, /boot/grub/menu.lst03:03
dynamodjbryy, what's the prob?03:03
Pelo!pastebin | andreuu03:03
ubotuandreuu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:03
livingdaylight crimsun so what shall we try again, that might work that didn't coz of fish?03:03
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-110-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
djbryysethk, .boot.grub/menu.1st does not work man!03:04
dylan__TGPO, still trying to boot...03:04
dylan__i'll know in a minute03:04
crimsunlivingdaylight: amixer set 'Capture' 80%,cap && amixer set 'Mic Boost (+20dB)' on03:04
omnidHow can I solve this mixer problem03:04
Pelodjbryy,  LST , not oneST03:04
andreuuta Pelo03:04
TGPOdylan are you getting kernel panics?03:04
dylan__TGPO, the sys locks up, yes03:04
=== aabb [n=aabb@161.Red-80-33-73.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
dylan__but the screen goes blank03:04
=== Shadow_mil [n=chuck@SilentFlame/Member/pdpc.active.Shadow-mil] has joined #ubuntu
TGPOdylan__, one sec03:05
=== oht thinks this channel is somewhat of a madhouse ;)
djbryyPelo, it says denied03:05
djbryybash: /boot/grub/menu.lst: Permission denied03:05
djbryyPelo, Thats what it said to me03:05
dynamosudo!!! djbryy03:05
Pelodjbryy,  sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:05
=== phreekme [n=seth@adsl-68-78-1-239.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightcrimsun: that looks better: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31119/03:06
dynamodjbryy, what's the prob?03:06
=== drunkpikachu [n=a@cpe-68-203-216-203.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethkdjbryy, you have to edit the file, copy it, and then paste it to the paste web site.  This is pricisely what you would have to do in windows, so I don't know why you are confused.03:06
MikeyMikeok so i keep getting an error with vino server.... whenever someone tries to connect to me it crashes and i get this error in the terminal that i launched it from:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31118/03:06
djbryyPelo, what is sudo?03:06
Pelodjbryy,  allows you root access to a file03:06
dynamosudo vim /boot/grub/menu.lst03:06
sethkdjbryy, did you really think you can see the contents of a file by executing the file?03:06
Pelodjbryy,  you will be asked for your pasword03:06
crimsunlivingdaylight: amixer set 'Capture' 80%,80%03:06
djbryysethk, ok um I am brand new at this man sorry ok ?03:07
TGPOdylan__, I found your problem03:07
drunkpikachudoes anyone know how/where I can get (if they even exist) the non 64 version of the fglrx 8.30.3 drivers?03:07
djbryyPelo, where will they ask my passworD?03:07
dylan__TGPO, :)03:07
TGPOdylan__, its the video driver on the liveCD03:07
dylan__what can i do?03:07
sethkdjbryy, it would be ok if people hadn't told you exactly what command to run four times.  If you want help, you really have to pay attention to the answers you get.03:07
TGPOdylan__, here is a link that will walk you through it03:07
rogue780does anyone know how to convert .tivo files to something like xvid, avi, or mpeg2 under linux?03:07
djbryysethk, ok i am all ears03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpeg2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:08
djbryysethk, start over.03:08
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livingdaylightcrimsun: yep: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31120/ your scripts are flying now :D03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:08
dylan__TGPO, thanks, i'll see if this works03:08
livingdaylightcrimsun: sorry about the fish. I'm really surprised03:08
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sethkdjbryy, ok, just about eight lines ago, you were given, _again_, the command to edit the file.  If that didn't help you, then telling you again isn't going to help you.  however, one last time:   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:08
rogue780crimsun: do you know of any video conversion utilities?03:08
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livingdaylightcrimsun: there was this rave review about the fish console so i thought i'd try it and iked the look of it03:09
crimsunrogue780: no.03:09
MikeyMikethis vnc problem is horribly discouraging03:09
MikeyMikeok so i keep getting an error with vino server.... whenever someone tries to connect to me it crashes and i get this error in the terminal that i launched it from:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31118/03:09
crimsunlivingdaylight: fish is fine. I just cannot believe it mucks up valid sh syntax so badly.03:09
TGPOMikeyMike, I read that, and it tells you to run it with -sync to get the debug info03:09
andreuudjbryy,  you have to copy and paste that to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:09
livingdaylightcrimsun: yea, if it does then it isn't so fine is it?03:10
djbryysethk, so i write the following in the terminal?:  sudogedit/boot.grub/menu.lst?03:10
MikeyMikeTGPO, hmm where?03:10
crimsunlivingdaylight: is captured audio audible now?03:10
andreuuhighlight the entire file03:10
andreuuand copy and paste that to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:10
MikeyMikei missed that part!03:10
bruenigdjbryy, sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst03:10
sethkdjbryy, spaces count.  I didn't say   sudogedit, I said   sudo gedit03:10
MikeyMikethanks for pointing that out TGPO03:10
dylan__TGPO, can i say something like vga=vesa ?03:10
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TGPOMikeyMike, in the error you posted, it says how to run it to get the debug info, read closer03:10
MikeyMikei missed it03:10
LjLdylan__: no but you can say vesa=something IIRC03:10
TGPOdylan__, have you tried safe mode graphics?03:11
dylan__TGPO, i do not know how to get "safe mode graphics"03:11
dylan__is there a command?03:11
dylan__what is the boot:  command03:11
mzuverinkHow do I get XChat to open links in firefox and not konqueror, using the xchat systray i set firefox, but it still uses konq?03:11
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LjLdylan__, it's an option in the live CD03:11
TGPOdylan__, I thought it was one of the boot options ...03:11
djbryysethk, here is what came up when i pasted.... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31122/03:11
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dylan__TGPO, im using gnewsense, remember?  its basically dapper.  i just need the boot:  command03:11
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sethkdjbryy, ok, let me look03:12
djbryysethk, thank you.03:12
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Madpilotdylan__, is there no #gnewsense channel?03:12
ohtif i have a directory, that is set to root permissions, what is the easiest way to change the permissions to normal user read-write?   (i.e should i login to gnome as root and do it, or just use some sudo commands)?03:12
GaiaX11which is the command for me to know if i am using edgy? uname?03:12
ubotugNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu03:12
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livingdaylightcrimsun: i might need to restart X or even reboot03:12
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TGPOdylan__, gah then either your going to have to switch or get help from those folks03:12
andreuui cant mount my cdrom, says use apt-cdrom , but that says e: failed to mount the cdrom03:12
dylan__Madpilot, it includes noobs who can't help me.03:12
bruenigwhat is the new image viewer in edgy called?03:12
dynamosudo chown user:user file03:12
sethkdjbryy, that is the line we asked you to type at a command prompt.  The idea is, that starts an editor, which shows you the contents of the file.  Then you copy the contents, and paste it to the web site.03:12
TGPOdylan__, I dont know anything about using that to set up03:12
crimsunlivingdaylight: not for said audio changes to take effect03:12
ohtand if i were to use the terminal, what would the command be (to change the permissions of the directory and all the files in it to read write)03:12
dynamofor a dir,03:12
dynamosudo chown -r user:user file03:13
dylan__TGPO, its dapper.  you have no spare machine?03:13
dylan__its fine.03:13
dylan__i guess...03:13
livingdaylightcrimsun: skype has a test call thing to check whether voice is being recorded but now i can't even hear the lady introducingn the procedure03:13
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Madpilotoht, stuff owned by root should generally stay owned by root - which directory is it?03:13
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ohtdynamo: ty03:13
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ohtMadpilot: some stuff i copied from an external hard drive03:13
ohtmedia stuff03:13
GaiaX11Am I using edgy? Which is the command? uname?03:13
TGPOdylan__, I'm on my lappy in a hotel room, no spare play boxen handy .. dorry03:13
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LjLGaiaX11: cat /etc/issue03:13
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Madpilotoht, yeah, in that case, what dynamo said03:13
LjLat least that's one way03:13
MikeyMikeTGPO, i did it with--sync03:14
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andreuuanyone help mount cdrom ?  i paste some of my /sys/var/log to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31123/03:14
MikeyMikesame thing.. it even tells me to do it with --sync again03:14
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banditpantherhow are you guys?03:15
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Thuggernautmy brain is about to explode03:15
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qubix__anyone here run Nepenthes or know anything about it????03:15
andreuuim fine, my cd rom refuses to mount but , in fact there seems to be nothing in mnt03:15
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FlatsReal dumb question here.  I just installed the bittorrent-gui for ubuntu.  How do I run it?03:15
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile03:16
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:16
djbryysethk, ok it let me into this wierd thing called menu something!!??03:16
FlatsIt didnt put anything in my applications03:16
mbbanyone run a system limited to 600x800 video?03:16
slinky_Can anyone tell me how to install rhythmbox-0.9.6.tar.gz which i downloaded to the desktop?03:16
sethkandreuu, /mnt is a directory.  the convention in ubuntu is to use /media03:16
ubotuberyl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.03:16
Peloandreuu,   you know the cd/dvd read/burner will only mount if they have a cd/dvd in them03:16
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banditpantherpeople here ask a lot of questions03:16
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andreuuthere is one03:16
andreuuah media03:16
djbryysethk, I did the thing you told me to do it works now what?03:16
Flatsthought thats what this channel as 403:16
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sethkandreuu, however you can certainly create a directory in /mnt and use it as a mount point, just as you can create a directory anywhere to use as a mount point.03:16
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qubix__anyone here run Nepenthes or know anything about it????03:16
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TGPObanditpanther, thats what the channel is for03:17
sethkdjbryy, I told you to copy the contents of the file, and paste the contents into the paste web site.03:17
andreuuwhen i was doing easy linux it said cant mount cdrom, use apt-cdrom03:17
andreuuill have a fiddle with media03:17
banditpanthersorry, I'm new03:17
Peloqubix__, ,  no need to ask every few seconds if someone can help they will try to03:17
djbryysethk, there is nothing in this file!03:17
banditpantherwhat;s a good channel to go to?03:17
slinky_Pelo: I manager to download rhythmbox-0.9.6.tar.gz file to my desktop, now how do I install it?03:17
Flatsbandit for what?03:17
sethkdjbryy, that's unlikely.  the file may not exist.03:18
Flatsdepends what you want to talk about03:18
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Peloslinky_,  http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/03:18
banditpantherI have no idea =/03:18
sethkdjbryy, saying a file does not exist is completely different than saying a file is empty.03:18
slinky_Pelo: site won't open :(, I'll try later03:18
LjLslinky_, problems with the version from the repos?03:18
djbryysethk, ok it is empty then03:18
banditpantherwhat's the worst channel?03:18
Peloslinky_,  you'll probably need to install build-essential from  synaptic first03:18
sethkdjbryy, you can check whether the file exists by doing      su ls /boot/grub/menu.lst03:18
sethkdjbryy, no, I very much doubt that it is empty03:18
MikeyMikemy man file is broken for vino-server ../vino/vino-server:314: warning [p 10, 5.2i] : cannot adjust line03:18
sethkdjbryy, it probably doesn't exist.03:18
MikeyMikeit has tons of those kinds of lines03:18
livingdaylightcrimsun: i got no sound at all now :|03:18
slinky_LjL, not available from repos or back03:18
MikeyMikecan anyone explain why?03:18
Flatsbandit you should try to understand what Internet relay chat is03:18
LjL!info rhythmbox | slinky_, uh?03:19
uboturhythmbox: music player and organizer for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.6-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 2910 kB, installed size 9420 kB03:19
Flatsthere really is no bad or good channels03:19
djbryysethk, ok then so what should i do now?03:19
banditpantherI'm trying03:19
sethkdjbryy, it sounds as if, during the ubuntu install, you either (1) told it not to install the bootloader, or (2) didn't tell it to install the bootloader to the mbr03:19
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Peloslinky_,    ok I will walk you trought it ,  first make sure you ahve the build essential package install from synaptic03:19
Flatsbandit just depends what you want to talk about03:19
djbryysethk, what is the mbr?03:19
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banditpantherthanks flats03:19
niksoronis there a way to suspend to disk from the command line on edgy. i did echo "disk" > /sys/power/state and the system is hung. no cursor, capslock03:19
bruenigslinky_, have you enabled the extra repos, because that version is available?03:19
LjLdjbryy: Master Boot Record03:19
sethkdjbryy, so what you should do is boot the live cd, and install grub.  Or boot a windows rescue disk, put the windows boot loader back on the hard drive, and forget about linux for the moment.03:19
davefanyone know how to get a usb sound card to reconnect after unplugging it and plugging it back in?03:19
Flatsbandit here, It's a help channel for Ubuntu Linux03:19
slinky_LjL: i turn on back ports also and can't get it, any ideas as to how I can?03:19
sethkdjbryy, google will give you thousands of hits that will tell you what an MBR Is.03:20
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LjLniksoron: perhaps /etc/acpi/suspend.sh03:20
FlatsReal dumb question here.  I just installed the bittorrent-gui for ubuntu.  How do I run it?03:20
djbryysethk, ok so put the live disc in and do what?03:20
LjLslinky_: that makes me support you're on dapper...?03:20
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bruenigFlats, double click a torrent file03:20
niksoronLjL, ok, will try that03:20
dynamono don't go back to win03:20
banditpantherflats: what if I want to talk about baseball?03:20
slinky_LjL: yes03:20
p0wHello, have a quick question: how do i boot without starting xserver?03:20
livingdaylightcrimsun: ?03:20
PeloFlats,  look in the menu under internet03:20
Flatsbandit search for a baseball channel03:20
LjLslinky_, if you really need the newer version, perhaps you could get the Edgy *source* package (not the binary package), it might be easier to get it working03:21
dynamojust reinstall it and take most standard answers during install ;)03:21
Tmobanyone know if i can switch modes to enable and disable CRT output on my laptop?03:21
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slinky_do i need to turn on universe and multiverse in LTS normal entries for repos03:21
LjLslinky_, "sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox" should help you, by installing the dependencies that are needed to compile it03:21
Tmobi would like to extend my desktop when i'm home.. but not do that when i'm not hooked up to the CRT03:21
bruenigslinky_, you can get the edgy deb from the online package thing03:21
davefflats: try ktorrent, it's lots more informative.   Anyhow, click on a torrent in your browser and have it run bittorrent or ktorrent on it.03:21
Flatspelo, didnt put it in my applications.  Lemme try clicking a torrent file03:21
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djbryysethk, live is to try the ver. of linux ubuntu not to download it.03:21
Tmobright now i can only clone my desktop onto the CRT by pressing laptops Fn+CRT button03:21
sethkp0w, you can modify your configuration so that X doesn't start at the run level (run level 1 for unbuntu is the default).03:21
crimsunlivingdaylight: pastebin your amixer03:21
antonihey. just installed 6.10 on another computer. however when the box boots up you can barley see the ubuntu logo. ideas?03:21
sethkdjbryy, ok, since you obviously know more about the live cd than I do, I guess I won't be able to help you.03:21
crimsunlivingdaylight: and asoundconf list03:22
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dynamoantoni, i have that prob too with xubuntu03:22
PeloFlats,  you might want to check in enable the link in the alacart menu editor03:22
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bruenigslinky_, here is the deb for the version you are trying to install http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/r/rhythmbox/rhythmbox_0.9.6-0ubuntu4_i386.deb03:22
djbryysethk, oh yeah right... dont get all oh i know everything ... I know you might but why dont you just help me instead of put me down eh?03:22
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removeXi have a problem03:22
bruenigslinky_, what I would do is sudo apt-get build-dep rhythmbox, then do sudo dpkg -i rhythmbox_0.9.6-0ubuntu4_i386.deb03:22
sethkdjbryy, well, apparently you believe what I told you to do isn't correct.  So what can I do?03:23
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antonianybody else have this problem?03:23
TGPOremoveX, all you can do is ask03:23
andreuuI try,   sudo mount iso9660 /media/cdrom /mnt/cdrom  , and putting -t in , it says 'not a block device'03:23
removeXi started out wiht Ubuntu, then installed XFCE and got rid of all the gnome i could, then i just tried to lay some KDE on top of my Xubuntu, but it ran out of space halfway through, so is ther e a way to get back to just the server03:23
LjLdjbryy, you've just said nonsense - the Desktop CD (aka the "live" CD) is the main CD, used for installing Ubuntu as well as for "trying it out". then i don't know where "downloading" enters the picture, but sethk is right in that perhaps if you're looking for help you should not assume you already know what to do03:23
=== Cru [n=Cru@c-69-138-183-226.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slinky_brueing: thank you, how did you find that indformation please03:23
bruenigremoveX, just reinstall03:24
removeXoh yeah i forgot to mention, no CD drive.03:24
cello_raspwhen ubuntu was instaled it shoudl feature the kde, xfce and gnome under different metapackages. removing ubuntu-desktop (for example) in aptitude would remove all the programs of ubuntu-desktop. try aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop03:24
crimsunLjL: I dunno, you can only smack people with bricks so often...03:24
andreuualso tried right clicking in places/computers and mount, but no joy03:24
djbryyLjL, omf I am just really confused alright? can you kust help me? I want help I do nnot know everything.03:24
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LjLslinky_: from http://packages.ubuntu.com i'd guess03:24
removeXok, in a recovery mode cello_rasp?03:24
LjLUbotu, please tell slinky_ about packages03:24
bruenigslinky_, in the firefox that ubuntu comes with, in the search engine box there is an ubuntu package search engine. I used that to find the .deb, the other stuff I already knew03:24
AsheDwhat exactly does RAM being used as cache mean?03:24
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livingdaylightcrimsun: output of amixer; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31125/ Where is asoundconf.list listed?03:25
cello_raspremovex: no, on command line. ctrl+alt+F103:25
crimsunlivingdaylight: ``asoundconf list'' is another command03:25
andreuuAsheD means it reads stuff from the hard drive and keeps it there for quicker future acces03:25
dynamoremovex, there's a way, google it, search for 'pure gnome' there's a instruction to get a clean xubuntu03:25
AsheDandreuu:: ah, that makes sense then03:25
removeXdynamo, followed it, problem runs a bit deeper tho.03:25
cello_raspremovex:  there is also a guide on the forums on how to install ubuntu entirely over the internet using debian floppies to get started.03:26
crimsunlivingdaylight: you can't hear anything because 'PCM' is muted.03:26
LjLdjbryy, honestly i don't even know what the problem is, i was following other discussions03:26
dynamowhat's the error message?03:26
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removeXno floppies...03:26
andreuuthey have ram hardrives now :)03:26
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djbryyLjL: ok w/e tyvm03:26
cello_raspno floppy, no CDrom?!?!03:26
slinky_I have looked and looked trying to find out how to determine what entry to add to the repository but can't find info anywhere, sorry03:26
djbryysethk, are you still available?03:26
crimsunlivingdaylight: as are Surround, Center, LFE, and Mic03:26
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andreuui have no cdrom too :))03:26
crimsunlivingdaylight: you also need to mute 'IEC958'03:26
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livingdaylightcrimsun: lol, i thought it was like a sources.list in etc/apt or somewhere. It is: Names of available sound cards:03:26
TGPOremoveX, how did you get it on there in the first place?03:26
removeXall external and busted this is an old p3 laptop and its all i got for the momemnt03:26
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livingdaylightcrimsun: Names of available sound cards:03:27
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cello_raspremoveX: like I said you can clean up things by using aptitude03:27
djbryysethk, are you still there? you seem to know most about my problem.03:27
removeXcello_rasp by using  aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop xubuntu-desktop kubuntu-desktop?03:27
removeXthank you03:28
slinky_bruenig: do you search for deb rhythmbox or what?03:28
bruenigslinky_, just rhythmbox03:28
removeXthen use aptitude to reinstall whatever such as Xubuntu or ubuntu or Kubuntu03:28
livingdaylightcrimsun: is there a command for doing those things or do i do that from a gui?03:28
antonianybody know why i have a very dark screen @ ubuntu 6.10 bootup? i can barley see the logo & can't see any text underneath the logo.03:28
slinky_ok thank yoou03:28
cello_raspyeah, aptitude install ubuntu-desktop03:28
cello_raspor whatever03:28
removeXthanks cello_rasp03:28
LjLcrimsun, do you have a clue what mixer controls labelled "VIA DXS" would be? i've got four of them, and they clearly control the volume somehow, but i'm not entirely sure precisely how03:29
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djbryycan anyone help me by any chance??03:29
djbryyno one wants to.03:29
slinky_i was on web site for rhythmbox and found the tar file but don't understand how to find the value to put in repository entry03:29
crimsunLjL: on via chipsets, they control which registers receive control over the pcm signal03:29
dynamowell djbryy i asked u what the prob is03:29
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@188.Red-83-36-1.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigantoni, the new usplash doesn't have any text underneath the logo. It is just that bar filling up03:29
dynamolots of times03:29
djbryydynamo, oh sorry.03:29
cornellsethk: badblocks finished, no output03:29
LjLdjbryy, could you restate your problem perhaps? i guess i don't even have the original questions in my history03:29
=== Toph [n=Tripper@h69-31-230-164.cust.platinum.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntu_im trying to install edgy on a HD with dapper already. when the install ask me about partitions, i only can format, delete and properties03:29
ubuntu_so, i cant resize. how can i do it?03:30
cello_raspremoveX: if you run aptitude on its own it will take you to a graphical list of all the software installed, which you can easily remove. it is handy.03:30
crimsunLjL: they're initialised to 80% in the alsa-utils initscript so that people whose hardware supports dxs have audible sound by default03:30
dynamoso djbryy what's up03:30
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djbryyLjL, I am trying to get back to my other operating sys. windows XP and I dont know how any suggestions??03:30
bruenigantoni, should look like this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=usplash.png03:30
LjLdjbryy, can you reach Grub?03:30
djbryydynamo, plz read what i have written to LjL03:30
crimsunLjL: dxs itself is a set of registers that, on newer via chipsets, allow pcm multiplexing (similar to emu10k1 and cs46xx chipsets)03:30
jadacyrus-laptopIs there a list of all the models supported by the nvidia driver?03:30
djbryyLjL, what is grub?03:30
crimsunLjL: unfortunately via's implementation sucks.03:30
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:30
andreuuthe nvidia drivers support everything from tnt onwards03:31
=== Cpudan80 [n=Daniel@unaffiliated/cpudan80] has joined #ubuntu
LjLcrimsun, i.e. multiple PCM streams going to the soundcard concurrently and being mixed in hardware?03:31
Pelog'night folks03:31
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ubuntu_im trying to install edgy on a HD with dapper already. when the install ask me about partitions, i only can format, delete and properties. so i cant resize, how can i do it?03:31
dynamodjbryy, why u want back to the evil windows?03:31
=== jeffreyb [n=jeffreyb@pool-71-113-173-125.frstil.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
cornellsethk, how do I "install" a bootloader, mbr, whatever?03:31
livingdaylightcrimsun: so, am i attempting to resolve theissues you mentioned from alsamixer?03:31
LjLdjbryy, it's the boot loader. do you have a menu when the system starts?03:31
antonibruenig: oh. but i can barley see the logo and the bar. its looks pretty dark, ideas?03:31
crimsunLjL: "mix" is used a bit loose & fast. multiplexed, yes.03:31
crimsunlivingdaylight: you may if you wish03:31
dynamojust mount the partition for the files you could need03:31
livingdaylightcrimsun: sorry, but i was waiting for further instructions03:32
Cpudan80Ok - let me ask this again03:32
bruenigantoni, I don't have any ideas. I would however mention that I wouldn't worry about it too much, but that is just imho03:32
Cpudan80Anybody know about Wake-On-Lan?03:32
Cpudan80How to get it to work specifically03:32
livingdaylightcrimsun: wondered whether you might give me another script/command03:32
=== rowdy [n=rowdy@c-69-140-169-172.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dynamoyou could add an entry in your /boot/grub/menu.lst to get into win03:32
=== MakubeX back again
djbryyLjL, yes i do if i press f2 but that takes me to BIOS but if i press "ESC" at a certain point it takes me into a bunch of ubuntu options...03:32
MakubeXhello all03:32
andreuusethk, when I do sudo mount -t iso9660 /media/cdrom /mnt/cdrom103:32
andreuumount: /media/cdrom is not a block device03:32
crimsunlivingdaylight: amixer set 'PCM' on && amixer set 'Surround' on && amixer set 'Center' on && amixer set 'LFE' on && amixer set 'IEC958' off03:32
livingdaylightcrimsun: in alsamixer then, under each section there is a lock03:32
bruenig!hi | MakubeX03:32
ubotuMakubeX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:32
dynamocopy the lin part, and change the hda number03:32
djbryydynamo, yes i do man just t check something...03:32
andreuuim trying to install quake03:32
andreuuand tried a audio cd jus then03:32
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antonithx. if anyone else has ideas why the logo is dark on my monitor plz let me know03:33
LjLcrimsun, guess you're right, though the term "multiplexing" together with "sound" and "linux" somehow gives me the creeps ;-) must be due to each of the various engines/drivers trying to do it by itself...03:33
ubuntu_im trying to install edgy on a HD with dapper already. when the install ask me about partitions, i only can format, delete and properties. so, i cant resize, how can i do it?03:33
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rowdyjoin #ubuntu-chicago03:33
LjLdjbryy: yes, i mean the "Esc" one. have you no Windows option there?03:33
dynamoubuntu_, i think if you want to resize, you will lose your date03:33
crimsunLjL: it can be confusing at times.03:33
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djbryyLjL, No. there is no windows opt there.03:33
LjLdjbryy: does your Ubuntu boot?03:33
djbryyLjL, yes03:33
livingdaylightcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31129/ should this work now?03:34
dynamodjbryy, you might have overwritten your win partition?03:34
ubuntu_dynamo: what if i install without resize? i will lose data on dapper? what if i use the same name for home ?03:34
LjLdjbryy: do you know which drive, and partition, your Windows installation resides in?03:34
andreuui was just thinking that,03:34
crimsunlivingdaylight: you have to attempt it03:34
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djbryyLjL, no clue. even what you are talking about.03:34
livingdaylightcrimsun: music works again :)03:34
dynamois your /home on a separate partition?03:34
ricardohi! I am trying to install ogre3d in Ubuntu. In Sympatic Manager I found libogre5c2a, can anyone tell me if that will install the ogre3D libraries? THANKS03:34
bruenigandreuu, check your /etc/fstab to see what it calls your cdrom, it is not /media/cdrom, that is a mount point03:34
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryydynamo, I am starting to think that myself!03:34
ubuntu_dynamo: i only have 1 partition.03:34
andreuuomg bruenig thanks, i am stupid and will die !03:35
djbryydynamo, what that last msg for me?03:35
LjLdjbryy: ok, boot ubuntu please, and type "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda", and put the output into the pastebin03:35
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dynamoi don't think you can resize that partition without losing data...03:36
=== kingace [n=kingace@c-68-80-169-161.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLdjbryy: take care to type that command correctly as written, it can be dangerous otherwise03:36
=== KillerDemon [n=hetisnui@h140058.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
dynamonormally you have two, a / and a swap03:36
atarinoxwhat's the best way to update xubuntu?03:36
djbryydo i use quotations?03:36
djbryyno right?03:36
atarinoxthrough dist-upgrade?03:36
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djbryyLjL, I dont use qoutations do i?03:36
livingdaylightcrimsun: you are a very very wicked man. Thanks a bundle - to me that is like magic03:36
Tmobanyone here use a laptop with CRT attached to it?03:36
andreuubruenig, sudo mount -t iso9660 /etc/fstab/hdd /mnt/cdrom1 ?03:36
LjLdjbryy: no, no quotes03:36
dynamoatarinox, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade :-)03:37
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bruenigandreuu, it is probably /dev/hdd not /etc/fstab/hdd03:37
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=== Cru [n=Cru@c-69-138-183-226.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLcrimsun, how's that hardware multiplexing handled by ALSA (if at all)? and is there a reason why the levels are set to 80% rather than 100% by default?03:37
djbryyLjL, I dont know if it worked man.03:37
andreuu/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:37
kingaceare there any viable replacements to fireworks on ubuntu? other than gimp and inkscape?03:38
andreuubut sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdd /mnt/cdrom103:38
LjLdjbryy: if the output is just one line (i.e. an error), paste it here directly03:38
andreuuspecial device does not exist :(03:38
azurealno audio w/ flash9beta on ff2 -- is this normal?03:38
livingdaylightcrimsun: sorry, that was my way of saying thank you :D03:38
djbryyLjL, nothing comes up03:38
bruenigandreuu, does that mount point exist?03:38
bruenigazureal, it is not normal I wouldn't think. I have sound03:38
andreuutried /media/cdrom1 and media/cdrom as well03:38
dynamodjbryy, no was for Ubugtu03:38
niksoronthere is no /etc/acpi/suspend.sh but there is a acpi/suspend.d with many scripts in there03:38
dynamoi mean03:39
dynamowhatever :)03:39
LjLdjbryy: ok, type this and tell me what the output is:   df | grep / | head -103:39
andreuupasted var/sys/log thingy here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31123/ if that helps at all ?03:39
niksoronin edgy, is there a way to suspend to disk from the command line03:39
bruenigandreuu, well that is the device, I don't know why it isn't mounting, is there anything in it. Generally it automounts. If it didn't automount, it likely doesn't recognize whatever you put in it so it won't mount manually03:39
Boelckeazureal, I've got flash9beta on ff1.5, and the audio has never been more synchronized...03:39
dynamobut you can do it too, won't hurt03:39
andreuuits a q3 arena cd but *sob*03:39
andreuulight doesnt even go on03:39
azurealBoelcke, could you tell me what you have in your firefox/plugins?03:40
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bruenigandreuu, those other mountpoints you tried aren't specified in the file either. Not that this would work but the mount point ought to be, according to the fstab, /media/cdrom003:40
djbryyLjL, this is the output...      bash: /: is a directory03:40
crimsunLjL: hardware multiplexing is not alsa's concern. We (each driver) tells the hardware to handle it, and if it can't we propagate the error back up to alsa-lib.03:40
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=== Likwidoxigen [n=none@nj-71-53-31-202.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyLjL, is that good or bad?03:41
andreuubruenig, same thing about special device not existing03:41
LjLdjbryy, it's strange. just type "df" and pastebin the output03:41
crimsunLjL: obviously users don't like staring at errors, so we use a catch-all, alsa-lib's software mixing (dmix+dsnoop), by default03:41
livingdaylightcrimsun: just wondering now how to use alsamixer to mute and un-mute stuff?03:41
bruenigandreuu, yeah I figured. I don't get it. Hardware failure?03:41
niksoronhi, anyone know if a way in edgy to suspend to disk from the command line03:41
andreuufine in windows03:41
crimsunlivingdaylight: the gui or the console app?03:41
andreuuseems to see it in syslog03:41
bruenigandreuu, well I got nothing then03:42
livingdaylightcrimsun: the gui03:42
andreuuits a ricoh one...03:42
crimsunLjL: it's set to 80% because 100% distorts horribly. Some users are complaining that 80% is too loud and want it set to 50% by default. Some people can't hear anything unless it's 80% or higher. As you can see, we can't please everyone.03:42
LjLcrimsun, well, i guess that even when there *is* hardware multiplexing, being limited to at most 4 streams wouldn't be great at any rate, so using software still makes sense...03:42
niksoronlivingdaylight, thanks. i am looking to do it from command line03:42
LikwidoxigenI can't access anything in my system->administration menu and I assume it has something to do with my group file that i though i restored it fully however i'm assuming not. Does anyone have a fix or can they pastebin therir group file?03:42
djbryyLjL, ok you get it my name in it is djbryy03:42
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djbryyLjL, ??03:42
cornellsudo grub-install /dev/hda yields "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"03:42
LjLdjbryy, could you just give me the URL please? i cannot find it by name03:43
andreuui mean i could just copy the files from my windows partition, but a cd/dvd copuld be handy im thinking03:43
cornellShouldn't mke2fs (or whatever it is) do this?03:43
crimsunlivingdaylight: click the speaker icons above each column03:43
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djbryyLjL, here it is as followed- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31132/03:43
niksoronhow to find out what does the suspend icon call. does it call a script?03:43
LjLcrimsun: distorsion at 100% does sound like something's broken in the hardware :-\03:43
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crimsunLjL: integrated sound is very nearly always crap03:44
crimsuncrap dsps, crap codecs.03:44
LjLdjbryy: ok, type (carefully)  "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda"03:44
crimsunbus noise, etc.03:44
thomaslaihi I am using Nautilus 2.16 in Ubuntu 6.10. Is there a way to revert back the menu navigation view back to the version 2.14?03:44
djbryyLjL, alright man u da boss03:44
=== bruenig chuckles at LjL's rising frustration
=== bushblows is now known as thevenin
LjLcrimsun: and horrible DC offset in the microphone, in my case. i'd be very glad to use my ISA SB AWE64, but no ISA slots anymore here ;(03:44
livingdaylightcrimsun: and then there are the white dots under the speaker icons and the grey and red ones?03:44
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cornellWell guys.... gotta go, thanks all, TTFN03:44
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andreuucya i boot too03:45
LjLbruenig, wasn't his fault - i asked him to use /dev/hda earlier instead of /dev/sda03:45
djbryyLjL, are there 2 spaces between eachword?03:45
LjLdjbryy, uhm, no.03:45
=== SeAofSaRo [n=SeAofSaR@64-195-89-5.mod.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyLjL, how many?03:45
LjLsudo[space] fdisk[space] -l[space] /dev/sda03:46
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Apollocan anyone tell me where the gcc app is? i know it's installed cause apt and synaptic tell me it is.03:46
LjL!info gcc | Apollo03:46
ubotugcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.1-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 5 kB, installed size 64 kB03:46
niksoroncan anyone help me to find out what does the suspend icon call. i want to learn how to suspend from command line03:46
MrKeunerhi, when I try to run avahi-discover I get this error: Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files and then a traceback follows. What may be the problem?03:46
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djbryyLjL: nothing happend03:46
djbryyLjL: went back to my user name03:47
livingdaylightcrimsun: what about the locks at the bottom?03:47
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SeAofSaRohey guys, i was walking a friend through beryl setup on his system that has an ATI card03:47
SeAofSaRowhen he boots now, his screen turns black and it takes him back to the login screen, regardless of what session03:47
SeAofSaRohe can access terminal though03:48
Apolloyeah but is there an area in the app drop down list? how do i start it?03:48
LjLdjbryy: uh... that seems weird, try "sudo sfdisk -l /dev/sda"03:48
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crimsunlivingdaylight: the red dots signify which channels of which elements are toggled for Capture03:48
LikwidoxigenI can't access anything in my system->administration menu and I assume it has something to do with my group file that i though i restored it fully however i'm assuming not. Does anyone have a fix or can they pastebin therir group file?03:49
crimsunlivingdaylight: the locks signify whether level adjustment is locked between channels03:49
djbryyLj:, ok that was wiered it worked03:49
djbryyLjL, want me to paste it?!??!03:49
LjLdjbryy: pastebin the output03:49
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livingdaylightcrimsun: Finally, can Edgy handle more than one sound application? like if i was playing music and was on skype?03:49
Apolloi've used dev c++ a little and i would like to try a linux c/c++ enviorment03:49
crimsunLjL: that's why I use usb audio03:49
crimsunlivingdaylight: need more context.03:49
AdamKilichecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!03:50
AdamKiliWhat package do i need? searching for libx gets to many results03:50
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LjLcrimsun: well, right now i'm hoping to get my hands on a PCI SB Live!, hopefully that's not going to be *too* bad03:50
livingdaylightcrimsun: more context? if i'm using voip can i also play music.?03:50
djbryyLjL, ok here is the URL, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31134/03:50
crimsunlivingdaylight: on the same card? that's not alsa's prerogative, as I explained above to LjL03:51
LjLAdamKili: xserver-xorg-dev might do it03:51
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jessmon__gretings!!Is there a way to determine if I have either the "alternate" or desktop" install cd?03:51
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djbryyLjL, did you get that?03:51
livingdaylightcrimsun: in teh past ubuntu wasn't so good at handling several ....ah...just read your reply...so one thing at a time03:51
crimsunlivingdaylight: if your sound hardware can do it, then it does. If it can't, you can only attempt to hack around it. (Your hardware can't.)03:51
djbryyLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31134/03:51
=== andreuu [n=andreuu@d220-238-223-194.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
MrKeunerjessmon__: In the root of the cd there is a file that includes the name of the cd03:51
GenNMXWhat's the default resolution for Ubuntu?03:51
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LjLdjbryy: yes. do you have another hard drive? that drive doesn't appear to have any Windows partitions on it03:51
crimsunGenNMX: depends on the output device's supported modes.03:52
cablesm102I've been using Adobe Flash 9 Beta for a while, but today it started completely crashing Firefox whenever I go to a page that uses Flash. I tried using Flash 7 (stable) but that also crashed. I started the LiveCD, and tried installing Flash on that, but it also had the same problem. This has never happened before. What's going on?03:52
LjLGenNMX: 1280x1024 if it can, i think03:52
jessmon__thanks mrkeuner03:52
crimsuncablesm102: you should only have one Flash version installed.03:52
djbryyLjL, no i do not I have one HD of 250 g's.03:52
cablesm102crimsun, I know.03:52
cablesm102Only one is installed03:52
GenNMXUbuntu is defaulting to a resolution not supported by my monitor. I have proper Modelines for 1920x1200, the optimal resolution.03:52
MrKeunercablesm102: it might be a new firefox extension03:52
GenNMXHmm alright, I'll make a Modeline for 1280x1024.03:52
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djbryyLjL, I only have one Hard Drive.03:52
cablesm102MrKeuner, no changes have been made to Firefox when it started happening03:53
cablesm102Also, it's crashing in the liveCD also03:53
andreuumy dvd didnt appear in bios, so I poked the cable seemed fine, next boot it appeared in bios03:53
LikwidoxigenI can't access anything in my system->administration menu and I assume it has something to do with my group file that i though i restored it fully however i'm assuming not. Does anyone have a fix or can they pastebin therir group file?03:53
andreuustill cant mount special device03:53
dynamocablesm102, type export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 and then firefox03:53
cablesm102dynamo, what will that do?03:53
andreuunoticed a "failed to initialize HAL"  when ubuntu booted this time though03:53
AdamKiliLjL: it didn't work03:53
andreuuuninstalled BUM which is the only thing I changed but no go03:54
dynamoprevent FF from crashing on flash sites03:54
djbryyLjL, dude?03:54
LjLdjbryy: well, the Ubuntu partitions only seem to take about 60Gb indeed. but there still are no Windows partitions mentioned... try "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda", and be very careful with what you touch03:54
LjLdjbryy, calm down. i have ten fingers and one brain.03:54
cello_raspdynamo: its flash that is crashing, not firefox03:54
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niksoronecho "disk" > /sys/power/state03:54
LjLdjbryy: tell me if cfdisk shows anything that looks like a Windows partition, or an "extended" partition03:55
djbryyLjL, sorry man. my mother is getting Fache and wants me in bed03:55
niksoronhangs my system03:55
Likwidoxigencan someone please pastebin their /etc/group file?03:55
dynamooh i thought, flash sites in firefox...03:55
GenNMXdjbryy: Kinky.03:55
cello_raspdynamo: you can program flash to crash in many ways03:55
LjLAdamKili: try xlibs-dev then03:55
=== m1ke_l [n=m1ke_l@c-24-218-117-75.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cello_raspif it's every flash site with the latest plugin, then you probably have a problem on the PC :)03:56
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djbryyGenNHX, I know eh?03:56
djbryyLjL, anyways I wrote it in and now what do i do again?03:57
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LjLdjbryy: pastebin03:57
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LjLdjbryy: and then hit "q"03:57
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cello_raspcablesm102: launch firefox from the terminal and go to a flash site, it will report any errors back to you03:57
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andreuuLikwidoxigen,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31135/03:58
chapiumwhat the hell03:58
djbryyLjL, how do i put this in pastebin?03:58
chapiumubuntu cannot play a dvd03:59
djbryyLjL, it wont let me copy it03:59
andreuugo to  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:59
Likwidoxigenandreuu: thatnk you so much03:59
jrib!dvd | chapium03:59
ubotuchapium: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:59
Likwidoxigenandreuu: thank*03:59
chapiumjrib, thanks03:59
LjLdjbryy, i don't know, it lets me copy it fine here (but i'm in Kubuntu)03:59
djbryyLjL, yes it wont work here03:59
LjLdjbryy: just tell me if there's anything else mentioned other than "sda1" and "sda2" if you can't get it to copy03:59
livingdaylightcrimsun: d'you run Kubuntu?04:00
djbryythere is only SD1 & SD204:00
SeAofSaRohow can i remove something from session startups via terminal04:00
djbryyAnd something else called free space04:00
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andreuuseems most ppls 'cant initialize HAL' problems just mysteriously disappear... ill reboot again04:00
livingdaylightLjL: you too. lots of people helping in #ubuntu from their Kubuntu desktops04:00
LjLdjbryy, i couldn't swear on it, but i'd say that either your partition table is corrupted, or your Windows partition doesn't exist anymore, or both04:00
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djbryyLjL, thats what most peopel say so what do you suggest?04:01
LjLlivingdaylight, is that bad? clearly, i tend to avoid giving Gnome-specific help04:01
djbryyLjL, re-install windows?04:01
AdamKilithanks LjL, it working so far.....04:01
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livingdaylightLjL: lol, of course not... i have kubuntu as my secondary ls :D04:01
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LjLdjbryy: if you had no important data on the previous Windows partition, then yes, reinstalling is what i'd do. if you have important data, well... perhaps try testdisk04:02
MrKeunerWhen I try to run avahi-discover I get this error: Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files. Then a traceback follows. What may be the problem?04:02
LjLdjbryy: to start with, try this - run "sudo fdisk /dev/sda", and then hit "v" and then Enter, and tell me what it says04:02
djbryyLjL, what is the thing called "testdisk04:02
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.1-1 (edgy), package size 459 kB, installed size 1232 kB04:02
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djbryyLjL, it says,,, 351651887 unallocated sectors04:03
niksoroni want to learn how to suspend from command line04:03
LjLdjbryy: hm, and that's all it says?04:04
GenNMXOK, now I forced the VertRefresh to 60 with the HorizSync the appropriate 75, and my monitor still says the resolution is out of range. Ugh.04:04
daniel43058I'm a newbie Hello04:04
jrib!hi | daniel4305804:04
ubotudaniel43058: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:04
djbryyLjL, after i type "v" yes04:04
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djbryyLjL, this is what it says b4 that04:04
=== TIger_IT [n=Tiger_IT@OL65-184.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
LjLdjbryy, type "q" to exit. honestly, i don't know what has happened to your Windows - you could try testdisk as i said, but you're alone there, because i never used it myself04:05
DavidCrafthey i hooked a separate (good) hard drive to the computer.  The hard drive has two partitions.  Ubuntu is giving me an error "cannot mount volume" but it DOES pick up teh two different partitions04:05
=== Pablo [n=Pablo@02.71.d1c4.cidr.airmail.net] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKilichecking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix!04:05
AdamKili just making sure: do i need the package kdebase-dev to solve this?04:05
GenNMXAll resolutions with my monitor support at least 60Hz. I don't know what to try from here.04:05
DavidCraftwhy is it doing this and how do i fix it?04:05
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djbryyLjL, The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 30401.04:05
djbryyThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,04:05
djbryyand could in certain setups cause problems with:04:05
djbryy1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)04:05
djbryy2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs04:05
djbryy   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)04:05
LjLdjbryy, use the pastebin!04:05
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daniel43058genNMX, just got through resolving that resolution problem on my install of 5.04, after about 3 hours I got it to work04:05
djbryyLjL, sorry !!!!!!!04:05
GenNMXdaniel43058: What was your resolution? (the answer, that is)04:06
LjLdjbryy, try "sudo gparted /dev/sda" as a last attempt, see if that shows any Windows partitions04:06
niksoronis the method by which edgy does suspend documented somewhere?04:06
=== RogerBacon [n=RogerBac@bas3-sherbrooke40-1177840301.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
daniel43058edited the xorg.conf file, changed my default depth to 16 instead of 24...04:06
daniel43058sorry that's defaultdepth, all one word04:07
=== Jordan_U [n=jordan@h-68-165-173-230.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyLjL, that was not the right command i dont think...04:07
djbryyLjL, it didn't recognize it.04:07
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GenNMXdaniel43058: I'll try it, but it all seems odd. This is a $1500 monitor, it's not some old crappy one.04:07
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LjLdjbryy: err well admittedly the syntax was horrible. look, just run it from (if i recall correctly) System / Administration / Disk editor or-something-likethat04:08
daniel43058you can say that again, I picked up the monitor and the tower at a second hand store...04:08
djbryyLjL, ok I am in it.04:08
djbryyLjL, now what?04:09
LjLdjbryy: how many partitions do you see graphed?04:09
=== cablesm102 [n=chatzill@65-78-17-184.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethkthe message about the number of cylinders always happens and means nothing04:09
DavidCrafthey i hooked a separate (good) hard drive to the computer.  The hard drive has two partitions.  Ubuntu is giving me an error "cannot mount volume" but it DOES pick up teh two different partitions04:09
DavidCraftwhy is it doing this and how do i fix it?04:09
LjLsethk: i know, though in that case it's quite a big number of cylinders (not surprising since most of the HD seems to be "empty")04:09
djbryyLjL, there is a "SWAP" and a "PARTITION 1"04:09
cablesm102I have the latest version of Beagle installed, but it's not indexing my thunderbird email. The thunderbird index is about 200 k, but when I search for things I know should be  there, it only finds thunderbird newsfeeds.04:10
LjLdjbryy: which take like 1/4 of the drive, the rest being empty?04:10
sethkLjL, he said he had a 70 gig partition for linux, so it doesn't really sound bit to me04:10
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djbryyLjL, what?04:10
LjLdjbryy: the graph.04:10
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djbryyLjL, what about it?04:10
LjLdjbryy: there is a graph with coloured bars. how many do you see, and what are the colors?04:10
djbryyLjL, I dont have a graph on mine.04:11
=== DJ [n=chatzill@c-71-60-126-142.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyLjL I still only have 5.104:11
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djbryyLjL, a friend gave it to me.04:11
LjLsethk: well at any rate he said the drive is 250Gb, so there definitely appears to be a lot of "free" space...04:11
Jordan_Udjbryy: sudo apt-get install gparted04:12
GenNMXdaniel43058: Yeah that worked, but it still doesn't make any sense.04:12
=== doublemike [n=micah@66-207-82-58.dmt.ntelos.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyJordan_U, what will that do for me??04:12
Jordan_Udjbryy: I think you are using a different application than what LjL is thinking of, I think he wants you to use gparted.04:12
LjLdjbryy: install the GParted partition editing program. guess 5.10 doesn't have it by default04:12
djbryyLjL, ok where do i find that?04:13
=== slinky_ [n=twh@hst-dhcp-142-166-156-179.cable.crrstv.net] has joined #ubuntu
AdamKilichecking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. So, check this please and use another prefix!04:13
AdamKili just making sure: do i need the package kdebase-dev to solve this?04:13
LjLJordan_U: well yes, i believed the disk editor in the System menu was GParted04:13
LjLdjbryy: type what Jordan_U said04:13
djbryyLjL, I did.04:13
djbryyLjL, now what?04:14
LjLAdamKili: i'd make it just kdelibs4-dev for starters04:14
LjLdjbryy: now type "gksudo gparted"04:14
Jordan_Udjbryy: Now go to System -> administration -> gnome partition editor04:14
LjLdjbryy: ah, wait. Y.04:14
djbryyLjL, ok it is doing shit.04:14
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jkimball4join ##c04:15
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:15
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LjLdjbryy: it is installing it.04:15
djbryyLjL, sorry i didn;t mean to!!04:15
slinky_LjL: i could not find version 0.9.6 in Dapper but found it in Edgy but after i downloaded it and tried to install with GDebi I got an error "Dependency is not Satisfiable: libatk1.0-0", i checked and that library is installed, any ideas? I have the tarball on the desktop04:15
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djbryyLjL, what is the program called?04:15
djbryyLjL, that i just downloaded?04:15
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LjLslinky_: gparted04:15
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LjLdjbryy: gparted (sorry slinky_, that wasn't meant for you)04:16
b33r-can anyone help me get sound blaster audigy value drivers?04:16
salehhello guys...04:16
daniel43058I know, please google the following: ubuntu fixvideoresoultion - this is an article that led to the correction, not an explanation though, gotta go, bye04:16
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slinky_LjL: lol, i think so04:16
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djbryyLjL, ?!??! what?04:16
Jordan_Udjbryy: gparted or gnome partition editor04:16
slinky_i'll just use VLC instead, thanks for your help04:16
cablesm102I waited for Edgy to use Amarok 1.4 so I could import my AAC library, but it crashes when I try to import ANYTHING. The memory usage starts going up through the roof, and I have to stop it before it hits the top and locks up my machine.04:16
LjLslinky_, actually i don't see a libatk1.0-0 neither in dapper nor in edgy... :-\04:16
=== Clin1 [n=admin@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
slinky_LjL, i have it installed04:17
djbryyJordan_U, do i run that from administration??04:17
Clin1Help, Can some one help me install Blue Fish04:17
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djbryyJordan_U, or command prompt?04:17
Jordan_Udjbryy: I belive so, the menu might be different in 5.104:17
LjLslinky_: true, it's just the bot that says it doesn't exist. well you probably need a newer version for rhythmbox 0.9.604:17
Jordan_Udjbryy: gparted from the terminal will work04:17
djbryyJordan_U yeah i think it is !04:17
slinky_LjL: I do like videoLAN, so i'll use that until I upgrade to Edgy, thanks a million04:18
LjLslinky_: you could get that from Edgy as well, but i wouldn't recommend that.04:18
Clin1Can some one please help me install bluefish04:18
=== GeekZoid [n=floyd@CPE0004e292d909-CM001225dbb244.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
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GeekZoidhi all04:18
slinky_LjL: I KNOW when to surrender after 40 years in the business :)04:18
djbryyJordan_U, it wont let me ... it says i need to be on <root>04:18
Steven_Mis there an ubuntu package for syncrhonet bbs?04:18
GeekZoidi just installed apache2 and i'm looking for the mod_env module04:18
b33r-LjL: do u know where to get drivers for creative sound blaster value sound card?04:18
GeekZoidwhat package is that in i am using dapper04:18
salehfor compiling C++ what should i do???04:18
GeekZoidand tried installign apache2-comon04:18
=== AntiSpamBot [n=supybot@unaffiliated/afterdeath/bot/antispambot] has joined #ubuntu
hfhfeveryone make sure to seed edgy and dapper's torrents04:18
ohtI'm running a 64 bit edgy system, i'm following these instructions to install nvidia-glx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia   , in reference to the part where it says to select the appropriate module for my kernel, i searched for said string, and i'm finding a list of packages, linux-restricted-modules-[kernel version number] -generic, which is installed, and then some various restricted modules below that which the comments claim are o04:19
ohtbseleted by the one that is installed, i downloaded the nivida-glx packages (and the dev packages), and when i tried to run nvidia-glx-config enable from the terminal, it says, Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed04:19
ohtthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.04:19
Jordan_Udjbryy: gksudo gparted04:19
jribsaleh: install build-esential and use g++04:19
LjLb33r-, no, but somehow i feel they're built in04:19
djbryyb33r, you can get good soundblasters from CC04:19
Clin1HFHF | what are you talking about?04:19
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cablesm102oht, have you tried manually editing xorg.conf?04:19
Jordan_Udjbryy: type that in the terminall04:19
slinky_b33r, dapper worked fine on my SB Live04:19
ohtcables: to say 'nvidia' instead of 'nv'?04:19
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-239-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
djbryyJordan_U, ok that worked !!!04:19
b33r-slinky_:  I installed edgy today and it's not auto detecting04:19
cablesm102oht, yep04:19
salehjrib: build-esential is the package name???04:20
Volodyavere download dvd decoder for windows media player??04:20
djbryyLjL, are you still there!?!??04:20
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hfhfdo you know what bittorrent is?04:20
slinky_b33r: thanks for the info04:20
jribsaleh: build-essential, I made a typo04:20
LjLdjbryy, yes. have you started gparted yet?04:20
ohtcables: is that all the ...-config enable command does?04:20
Clin1Can some one please help me install BlueFish it wont instal by apt-get04:20
cablesm102Volodya, I'm not sure what you're asking, but I'm fairly sure you're in the wrong place.04:20
GeekZoidDoes anyone know if dapper has the mod_env module for apache2?04:20
djbryyLjL, lolerskaterz yes i do04:20
=== sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc2-stok5-0-0-cust567.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cablesm102oht, for me the config command didn't work, but editing xorg.conf did the trick04:20
Clin1Im useing the mod04:20
igorwhere i can find the plugins for .wmv videos?04:20
djbryyLjL, now what would you like me to do?04:20
Clin1on 6.0604:20
cablesm102oht, make sure to backup the file first04:20
slinky_good night folks, and thanks again04:20
LjLdjbryy: so how many partitions does it show? (how many names / how many bars / which colors)04:20
campbchhas anyone had any experience getting opengl screensavers to show on full screen on an i810? right now, it's limited to the top third or so, and i've got the drivers and everything installed04:20
GeekZoidOK. Clinl: which package did you install?04:21
ohtright, ok i'll give it a shot04:21
djbryyslinky_, ok peace man04:21
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Clin1I haave Xamp :p04:21
cablesm102oht, to backup type this: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old04:21
derek_um.....sorry to interrupt, i am a noobie with linux and was wondering where can I get g++, my compiler,AdJunta IDE couldn't find it....oh yah I have the Dapper version04:21
GeekZoidClinl: hh?04:21
GeekZoidat-get install lamp?04:21
djbryyLjL, a white one a marronish pink one and a blueish cyan one04:21
salehjrib: thanks...04:21
LjLderek_: sudo apt-get install build-essential04:21
igorwhere i can find the plugins for .wmv videos?04:21
cablesm102oht, then change nv to nvidia, and do a ctrl-alt-backspace.04:21
Clin1i dont thin04:21
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LjLdjbryy: and they take up the whole bar?04:21
Jordan_U!restricted | igor04:22
ubotuigor: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:22
Clin1I did it manual04:22
djbryyLjL, yes why?04:22
GeekZoidso you compiled from scratch?04:22
GeekZoidi dont wanna do that :(04:22
Clin1Try apt-cache search Lampp04:22
LjLdjbryy: because the other partitioning programs seem to imply otherwise - i.e. that your Linux partitions do *not* take up the entire hard drive.04:22
=== Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
GeekZoidoh ok thank you let me see04:22
cablesm102oht, here's a good guide04:22
djbryyLjL, so I still have windows somewhere?04:22
campbchaaannyyybooddyyy? i've checked xorg.conf, and i have the correct package installed, and the screensavers are the only things not working correctly04:23
=== ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
GeekZoidclinl.. nothing came up except python04:23
DavidCrafthmm NEW problem04:23
Clin1They dont have it them04:23
Clin1up google Lampp04:23
ohtcablesm102: eh?04:23
=== dwolin [n=charles@c-68-49-104-112.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DavidCraftwhy is my external drive showing as 'read only'? lol04:23
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Clin1and go to Appachefriends04:23
LjLdjbryy: i doubt it, honestly. anyway, look at the top right, where it says "/dev/sda" - what's the number it mentions?   and what are the numbers mentioned on the two bars?04:23
GeekZoidoh ok04:23
Jordan_Ucampbch: Are you running Edgy?04:23
GeekZoidfor binaries04:23
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for openGL???04:23
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Clin1you going to have to do it mauel04:24
djbryyLjL, !!47693mb04:24
LjLdjbryy: that's the box on the top right?04:24
djbryyLjL, yes04:24
=== doublemike [n=micah@66-207-82-58.dmt.ntelos.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
MarcNcampbch: no screensavers at all?04:24
LjLdjbryy: then your hard drive is 50Gb, not 25004:24
LjLdjbryy: and i don't think you have Windows installed.04:24
campbchim running dapper04:24
djbryyLjL, for linux it is 50!04:24
djbryyLjL, my whole HD is 250!04:25
campbchand it is running very smoothly on the top 1/3 of my screen04:25
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"???04:25
Clin1Can some one help me install BlueFish04:25
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jbroomesudo apt-get install bluefish04:25
=== _zardoz_ [n=zzzz@83-131-51-86.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
LjLdjbryy, that's not what gparted is saying though, apparently. maybe it's wrong, but then if it's wrong, i don't know how to fix that04:25
Clin1IT DONT WORK04:25
Clin1TRY IT04:25
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:25
djbryyLjL, ok well will you be on tomorrow?04:25
Jordan_Udjbryy: This is kind of hard to diagnose through text, can you send a screenshot?04:25
djbryyLjL, I have to go to bed.04:25
LjLdjbryy: probably04:26
djbryyLjL, ok04:26
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"???04:26
Clin1Its not like i havent done that04:26
=== roth-laptop [n=simon@149-135-59-73.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
campbchsaleh: opengl should already be supported, if it works :o04:26
jbroomeClin1: is the universe repo enabled?04:26
LjLdjbryy, we can't access your local files.04:26
djbryyJordan_U, this is the screenshot04:26
Clin1root@cchance:/home/admin# sudo apt-get install bluefish04:26
Clin1Reading package lists... Done04:26
Clin1Building dependency tree... Done04:26
Clin1E: Couldn't find package bluefish04:26
LjLUbotu, please tell Clin1 about paste04:26
jbroome!info bluefish04:26
ubotubluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6-1 (edgy), package size 1568 kB, installed size 6728 kB04:26
_zardoz_"E: Couldn't find package compiz" how do I fix that? I get it when I do sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome04:27
LjLClin1, enable universe04:27
salehcampbch: thanks, i go and try...04:27
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djbryyLjL, what ??? omg I have to go you guys tyvm for the help but i have to log off... come on tomorrow04:27
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Jordan_Udjbryy: Can you send it to me, that is just the file path.04:27
Clin1Thaat was Flooding?04:27
campbchit was annoying.04:27
LjLClin1, yes.04:27
jbroomemore than three lines, yes04:27
Jordan_Udjbryy: Ok, goodnight04:27
LjLjbroome: no04:27
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djbryyJordan_U, how do u send it?04:27
atarinoxwhy is this dist-upgrade taking so very long04:27
Clin1oh, Weell no i know04:27
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LjLthere's no "golden three lines" rule. flood is flood, either use one line or use the pastebin04:28
djbryyJordan_U, HOW DO I SEND IT?04:28
atarinoxi think it wouldve been quicker to do a fresh sintall04:28
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Jordan_Udjbryy: right click on my name in xchat04:28
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:28
LjLdjbryy, i think there's a site called imageshack that allows you to post screenshots04:28
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ohtcablesm102: to pm?04:28
djbryyJordan_U ok I sent it!04:28
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campbchanyways, marcn i've been trying to get them working, so i made sure i had the packages, i checked xorg.conf and it is using the drivers, and i'd worked with someone else on another thing and know that everything that should be enabled is enabled04:29
=== LjL is waiting for the "no you haven't ":P
djbryyJordan_U ok good?04:29
Clin1is their any way of installing Bluefish04:29
campbchdoes anyone know why opengl screensavers are only showing on the top third of the screen?04:29
Clin1It wont comple for me04:29
LjLClin1: yes, enabled Universe.04:29
LjLUbotu, please tell clin1 about universe04:29
Jordan_Udjbryy: I didn't recieve it, I think you may have to register to send files on freenode, let me find out how to enable recieving files from non registered users...04:29
=== Appollo [n=appollo@stjhnbsu84w-156034187251.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
ReWT_AxSmy fans wont shut off >.<04:30
ReWT_AxSthey are annoying as hell04:30
campbchare there FLAMES?! ;p04:30
ReWT_AxSim running edgy04:30
hfhfdoes anyone know how to create a channel?04:30
sethkhfhf, temporarily?  you just /join it04:30
LjLhfhf, ask on #freenode04:30
xplic1tjust join it and it's yours04:30
TGPOhfhf type /j and then the channel name04:30
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ReWT_AxStype /join #channelnameyouwanttocreate04:30
hfhfalright thanks guys04:30
sethkhfhf    if you join a channel that doesn't exist, it will be created, although it won't persisten04:30
Clin1One Sec im enabling Universe04:30
ReWT_AxSsomeone help me to get fans shut off >.<04:31
LjLReWT_AxS: turn the machine off :)04:31
=== casa [n=casa@206.Red-80-39-253.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
salehhow to see the result of compiled code called "a.out"?04:31
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LjLsaleh: "see"? you want to see the binary code?04:31
atarinoxso anyone have a favorite windows manager?...something which looks decent and is relatively easy on resources04:32
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Clin1Ok so i un commented the last 8 lines04:32
Rookie_you asking for someone with the same taste as you ? and within uknown ppl ?04:32
igorwhere can i find the plugins for .wmv videos?04:32
Alethesatarinox:  xfce4 looks nice and is light04:32
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salehdonno... i just compiled c++ and now i have sompiled file named "a.out"04:32
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LjLClin1: perhaps. i don't know what's on your last 8 lines - the website does mention that using the GUI is the recommended method anyway04:32
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Jordan_Udjbryy: Could you post it on imageshack ?04:32
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TGPOatarinox, fluxbox is light and easy04:32
LjLClin1: at any rate, if you have enabled it succesfully, type "sudo apt-get update", and then you should be able to install it04:32
jrib!codecs > igor04:33
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Clin1deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted04:33
Clin1deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe04:33
Clin1deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security universe04:33
atarinoxAlethes: does xfce4 come with xubuntu edgy?04:33
LjLsaleh, you'll want to execute it i guess. it's an executable program file.04:33
Clin1deb http://ee.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse04:33
Clin1deb-src http://ee.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse04:33
Clin1deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted04:33
Jordan_Udjbryy: http://imageshack.us/04:33
ReWT_AxSClin stop04:33
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Clin1Un comment those right?04:33
jrib!paste | Clin104:33
ubotuClin1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:33
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salehi know. my question is what command should i use?04:33
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LjLsaleh:  ./a.out04:34
salehoh... i remeber... sorry and thanks....04:34
salehbest regards04:34
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quik_hey folks04:34
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ohtwhat is XvMC and do i need to enable it in edgy? (just installed the nvidia driver)04:35
Zububwacan someone walk me through installing ndiswrapper on ubuntu04:35
Zububwain pm04:36
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.04:36
crimsunoht: it's enabled by default for chipsets that support it.04:36
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ohtcrimsun: ok, cool, (i'm assuming the 6600 gt supports it?)04:36
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Clin1Sorry, i got it open noe04:36
LjLClin1: and no, you need to enable it for "dapper" and "dapper-updates", not just for "dapper-security"04:36
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Clin1On im updating the pc04:38
b33r-can anyone help me get sound blaster audigy value drivers?04:38
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Clin1I used to have soundblaster04:38
Clin1it sucked04:38
Clin1  ;)04:38
josephoenixhow do04:39
josephoenixkeyboard not loving me :\04:39
Clin1Dag gum these unuverse files are like HUGE04:39
jbroomethey're as big as the universe04:39
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Clin1my Keyboard loves me04:40
Clin1Yeah one of thems hitten 10 MB04:40
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[SUDO] TuxYES04:41
josephoenixanyway, is there an apt-get line to install the tools needed ./configure && make && make install?04:41
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[SUDO] Tuxdoes anyone know if you can run BattleFeild 1942 in ubuntu?04:41
ReWT_AxSwhy the fuck wont these god damn fans stop running in edgy?04:41
Clin1Can some one do me a huge Favor. Test to make sure my site is open to the public     http://cmweb.zapto.org04:41
Jordan_Ujosephoenix: sudo apt-get install build-essentials , what are you trying to install?04:41
[SUDO] Tuxdoes anyone know if you can run BattleFeild 1942 in ubuntu?04:41
TGPO[SUDO] Tux, www.winehq.com look there04:41
Clin1ReWt plese mind you wordage04:42
josephoenixJordan_U, thanks04:42
Xaero_Vincent[SUDO] Tux, WINE or Cadega04:42
Steven_Mhas there been a fix for the sounds problems in flash yet?04:42
[SUDO] TuxTGPO have you ran it?04:42
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crimsunSteven_M: aside from using flash 9 beta?04:42
josephoenixJordan_U, "can't find package"04:42
cosm0z`Clin1, i came up with a login page04:42
Jordan_Ujosephoenix: sudo apt-get install build-essential ( sorry, no "s" on the end )04:42
TGPO[SUDO] Tux, nope, go look there though if its listed you can play it04:42
=== Vaun [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
[SUDO] TuxTGPO, Do you know if you can run GTA?04:43
Xaero_VincentGTA works04:43
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TGPO[SUDO] Tux, go to http://www.winehq.com the games are listed THERE04:43
[SUDO] Tuxokay04:43
josephoenixJordan_U, tanks04:43
josephoenixcan't type today04:43
Clin1Does Ubuntu have a Ps@ Emu?04:43
[SUDO] TuxTGPO where do you find the list? you gotta seaarch?04:44
Jordan_Ujosephoenix: Chances are you won't need to compile most programs manually, have you tried enableing other repositories?04:44
TGPO[SUDO] Tux, one would think the apps database04:44
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josephoenixJordan_U, I'm trying to compile a program I'm writing to graph the mandelbrot set ;] 04:44
Steven_Mcrimsun: can you get flash 9 beta for ubuntu?04:44
Clin1Hey whos got the Cell Phone?04:44
pianoboy3333Steven_M: yes04:44
josephoenixdon't think it's in any repositorys yet04:44
Clin1or is on Verison04:44
pianoboy3333Steven_M: add seveas's repos04:44
Jordan_UClinton__: Yes, search in synaptic for it.04:45
TehKewl1I compile most of my programs, I find it... satisfying04:45
pianoboy3333josephoenix: seveas has it04:45
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josephoenixpianoboy3333, what are ye talking about? o.O04:45
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pianoboy3333josephoenix: you said I don't think it's in any repos....04:45
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salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"???04:45
cablesm102I have the latest version of Beagle, and I want it to index my Thunderbird email. Right now, it's only indexing my Thunderbird newsfeeds.04:45
Jordan_Ujosephoenix: And you'r sure you havn't made an Ubuntu repository for it ;)04:45
josephoenixpianoboy3333, allow me to restate... I -know- it isn't in any repos :P04:46
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Jordan_Usaleh: You should already have openGL installed by default.04:46
pianoboy3333josephoenix: I _know_ it's in seveas's repository04:46
josephoenixpianoboy3333, how? I just started writing it today!04:46
Steven_Mpianoboy3333: would that break dapper04:46
pianoboy3333Steven_M: doubt it04:47
[SUDO] Tuxdoes anyone know what frostwire is?04:47
MrKeunerWhen I try to run avahi-discover I get this error: Introspect error: The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files. Then a traceback follows. What may be the problem?04:47
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pianoboy3333[SUDO] Tux: it's like limewire, no?04:47
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pianoboy3333josephoenix: I thought youw ere talking about flash beta 904:47
josephoenix[SUDO] Tux, its' a cool name, anyway04:47
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Yes, it's a limewire client.04:47
josephoenixpianoboy3333, eh.. already got that04:47
josephoenix;] 04:47
[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u: i seem to have gotten it to download and install04:47
[SUDO] Tuxbut i cant get it to run04:47
[SUDO] Tuxany help?04:48
pianoboy3333Steven_M: add deb http://seveas.imbrandon.com dapper-seveas all to your /etc/apt/sources.list04:48
[SUDO] Tuxsays i need JRE04:48
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Zububwacan anyone walk me through installing ndiswrapper in a pm?04:48
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Jordan_U!java | [SUDO] Tux04:48
ubotu[SUDO] Tux: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository04:48
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Lam_kmplayer didn't purge itself correctly.  how do i remove entries from the "Open with..." drop down?04:49
Steven_Mpianoboy3333:  I've never heard of thoughs repos, is the softwore in them pretty safe04:49
[SUDO] Tuxubotu: i've tried to install that forever, and i can never seem to get it to work04:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i've tried to install that forever, and i can never seem to get it to work - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:50
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cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, Ubotu is a robot04:51
[SUDO] Tuxoh haha04:51
[SUDO] TuxJordan_u: i can't ever get that installed04:51
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Look at the link ubotu gave.04:52
honk_Good gnome-based C IDE?04:52
[SUDO] Tuxi did, i think it may be working...04:52
[SUDO] Tuxwow, nice...04:52
[SUDO] Tuxim getting the free java, anything wrong with dat?04:52
honk_oops, my english professor would not be proud04:52
honk_*What* is a good gnome-based C IDE?04:53
[SUDO] TuxOOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com... anything?04:53
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: I don't think so, frostwire says it works best with sun's though.04:53
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josephoenixisn't blackdown a bit behind sun's?04:53
[SUDO] Tuxis sun free too?04:54
[SUDO] Tuxokay lol04:54
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Free as in beer yes, just not open source.04:54
Xaero_Vincentnot yet anyway04:55
Xaero_Vincenti read J2SE is going GPL04:55
[SUDO] Tuxi got this at package installer "error: dependency is not satasfyable:sun-java5-jre04:55
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[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u i got this at package installer "error: dependency is not satasfyable:sun-java5-jre04:56
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Do you have the multiverse repository enabled?04:56
[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u: umm...04:56
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[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u: i have no clue what that is.. i am a noob at ubuntu04:57
Jordan_U!repository | [SUDO] Tux04:57
ubotu[SUDO] Tux: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:57
[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u: trying to learn04:57
TrixseyDo any of you gentlemen know of a good program to run SSH?04:57
sethkTrixsey, ssh04:57
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Trixseyoh, was that easy04:57
cablesm102Firfeox just started crashing on pages with Flash. I was told to run "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" and then start firefox. It works, but only if I start firefox from the same terminal I typed the command into. Is there any way to make this automatic when starting Firefox?04:58
chloei have no clue what im doing, iwant to be able to use yahoo chat, how do ido that?04:58
Tony_SidawayHi, problem with Sis  630/730  (sis driver) on X after upgrading from 5.10 (Breezy Badger) to 6.06 (LTS/Dapper Drake).04:58
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sethkchloe, install gaim, it supports yahoo04:58
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: i dont get it...04:58
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: is it worth it to get frostwire?04:59
cablesm102sethk, Gaim is preinstalled.04:59
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chloegaim, now can i use gaim to talk for yahhoo?04:59
sethkcablesm102, no such thing as preinstalled.  there are a number of different installation options you can use.04:59
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: If you really like pirating music I guess it is :)04:59
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Tony_SidawayDunno what the problem was, just seemed to decide that the LCD monitor couldn't handle the clocks, or something.04:59
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[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: ha, does it got lotsa music?05:00
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deadhoboIs it possible that an option in xorg.conf could damage a monitor?05:00
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: It uses the same network as limewire05:00
cablesm102chloe, go to the Accounts menu, then go to Add/Edit. This should open automatically if it is the first time using Gaim. Then click Add, then choose Yahoo from the dropdown list. Put in your information, and you should be good to go.05:00
[SUDO] Tuxletsee, what else did i want to know...05:00
ohtdeadhobo: yes, if you try to use refresh rates your monitor could handle05:00
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: I found a howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire05:00
oht*couldn't handle :P05:00
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Sniff... for me? :D05:00
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"??? it seems its not already install05:01
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khermansanyone need help?05:01
deadhobooht, Hm, sounds like that could be my problem05:01
cablesm102khermans, cut it out05:01
Clin1Yeah me05:01
khermanscablesm102, hrm ?!?05:01
Jordan_Usaleh: Why do you think it isn't installed?05:01
Ecko2056does anyone know of an ipod/philips app that will let me upload songs to my player? id really need it to work on a philips gogear,,05:01
deadhobooht, the image on screen is all garbled and it is making a high-pitched whine :/05:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:01
ohtdeadhobo: yeah, you gotta watch out for that :(    it's good to get the exact specs on the resolutions/refresh rates that your monitor can handle05:01
cablesm102Firfeox just started crashing on pages with Flash. I was told to run "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" and then start firefox. It works, but only if I start firefox from the same terminal I typed the command into. Is there any way to make this automatic when starting Firefox?05:02
ohtdeadhobo: hmm, you might have to somehow connect that system to another monitor and reset your xorg file to something your other monitor could handle05:02
pilibeenhappy 11/1105:02
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Jordan_Ucablesm102: Yes, first start alacarte menu editor.05:02
khermanscablesm102, export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 >> sudo tee /etc/bash.bashrc05:02
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:02
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khermansugg nad syntax05:02
cablesm102khermans, thanks05:03
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khermanscablesm102, typo on my end -- just add it to your bashrc file05:03
cablesm102khermans, thanks05:03
deadhobooht: Well, I can switch xorg.conf's driver to nv and it works just fine; I tried hooking up an external monitor the other day anyway and it was blank05:03
cablesm102good timing, I was about to hit enter :)05:03
salehi included <GL\glut.h> but 'GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT was not declared in this scope05:03
dougbIf I want to download torrents in Ubuntu using Bittorrent, what port do I need to have open on my router?05:03
deadhobooht: Through console, that is05:03
ohtanyone know if there is a way to customize the nautilus toolbar? (delete/add icons, don't show text)05:03
jbroomedougb: you can usually set it in the client05:03
Clin1I just pasted something05:03
dougbjbroome, do you know how to using the default bittorrent client you get with ubuntu?05:04
khermansdougb, you should enable UPnP if you can05:04
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: again, it says i dont have jave05:04
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: *java05:04
salehand many other not deslared error05:04
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin05:05
ohtdeadhobo: hmmm...all i can suggest is trying to get your xorg file back to resolutions your monitor can handle (if that is in fact the problem)05:05
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"??? it seems its not already in my liberery05:05
jbroomedougb: no, i use azureus05:05
cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, are you having problems with Java?05:05
Clin1Hello...... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31142/05:05
[SUDO] TuxStarting FrostWire...05:05
[SUDO] TuxJava exec found in PATH. Verifying...05:05
[SUDO] TuxOOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com05:05
[SUDO] TuxOOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/lib/  hierarchy05:05
[SUDO] TuxYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:05
[SUDO] Tuxls: /usr/java/j*: No such file or directory05:05
[SUDO] TuxOOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /usr/java/  hierarchy05:05
[SUDO] TuxYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:05
Clin1Stop Flooding05:05
[SUDO] Tuxls: /opt/j*: No such file or directory05:05
[SUDO] TuxOOPS, unable to locate java exec in  /opt/  hierarchy05:05
[SUDO] TuxYou need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com05:05
[SUDO] Tuxoops05:06
[SUDO] Tuxsorry guys05:06
[SUDO] Tuxim sorry i forgot05:06
deadhobooht: thanks... I'll try messing around with it some more05:06
jbroomeC&P is hard05:06
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, fix your /etc/jvm file05:06
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lonranbuenas noches05:06
salehanyone can help me?05:06
Clin1OK i paasted something is no one going to help05:06
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: where is that? how do i do that? what is that? lol05:06
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salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"??? it seems its not already included in my c++ libereries05:07
TehKewl1yes, I built a debian package for vidalia!05:07
khermans[SUDO] Tux, did you install the package i told you to?05:07
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: yes:sudo aptitude install sun-java5-plugin05:07
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khermansok,  then do the last command i sent you05:07
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khermansat the link05:07
TehKewl1now can someone put the dependancies in and make it ubuntu style05:08
TonrenArrrrrrrgh!  Every music player for Linux sucks!05:08
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"??? it seems its not already included in my c++ libereries05:08
Clin1GRRRRRR...... Come on i was told to use the paste bin and it dont work wtf05:08
Jordan_Usaleh: That is a different story, you have opengl, what you need are the development packages, let me look...05:08
khermanssaleh, are you building something from source?05:08
ohtTonren: i feel your pain05:08
TehKewl1Tonren, Amarok is an exception05:08
TonrenTehKewl1: I just threw myself into using amaroK, and I just uninstalled it05:08
TehKewl1I know people who switched to linux just for Amarok05:08
ohtAmarok is bloated and slow IMO  :/05:08
khermansTry Banshee -- it is nice too05:09
TehKewl1Amarok is pure pwnage05:09
TonrenTehKewl1: It's a little slow, but whatever.  What bugs me is the fricking DYnamic PLaylists.  They are SO BLOODY BUGGY.05:09
TonrenTehKewl1: How is it pure pwnage to have Rammstein start playing in the middle of a Dynamic Playlist called "Chill"?05:09
=== oht just sticks with xmms
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: where is /etc/jvm?05:09
Tonrenoht: I just opened up XMMS for the first time and I had no idea what the hell to do.05:09
ohtTonren: hmm...yeah, it's a bit cryptic i guess05:09
Ecko2056will Amarok let me upload music to my Philips Gogear?05:09
TonrenFor a while I used MPD/GMPC, but I was tired of not having any real playlist support.05:09
TehKewl1it's just like winamp... unfortunately05:09
salehi'm just writing from my lestur notes the simplest exmple but there r many not desleared error05:09
TonrenTehKewl1: Are you serious?05:09
khermans[SUDO] Tux, follow this -- forget /etc/jvm --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java#head-fef9352fb26820bb774df978180c9dd3a60e777b05:09
TonrenTehKewl1: I LOVE WinAmp!!!05:10
Clin1AHHHHHHHHHHH, ok why aam i like on ignore05:10
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lonrani boot the system, but when it tries to check the partitions it takes soooo long. At the end, the gdm appears but after login, it works also veeery slow, any idea?05:10
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: i did, still no frostwire05:10
khermans[SUDO] Tux, if you are asking where is /etc/jvm, then i dont even know how to start helping you05:10
khermans[SUDO] Tux, what is the issue?05:10
deadhoboIf I were to put "Option "IgnoreEDID" " 1"" in my xorg.conf, where does it go?05:10
[SUDO] Tuxdirectory does not exist: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun05:10
salehit means all the functions i used, is not decleard05:10
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, what version of Ubuntu is this?05:10
Clin1please dont make me do it05:11
ohtanybody know the main differences between XMMS and Beep Media Player?05:11
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: breezy badger i thinks05:11
Tonrenoht: tehKewl1: It doesn't have a media library.  :\05:11
Ecko2056TehKewl1, will Amarok let me upload music to my Philips Gogear?05:11
Clin1It will flood this room out05:11
khermans[SUDO] Tux, wtf -- you need something newer dude05:11
ohtTonren: yeah :P05:11
TehKewl1most likely, if you can get it to mount05:11
khermans[SUDO] Tux, get edgy05:11
jbroomeClin1: i see you, i just don't care05:11
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans how?05:11
TonrenMan... every single player...05:11
TonrenQuod Libet was underwhelming, too.05:11
khermans[SUDO] Tux, either upgrade or reinstall05:11
ohtthere was a wincrash audio player i absolutely loved, called foobar200005:11
TehKewl1someone make that ubuntu friendly and put the dependancies in there05:11
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans will it delete everything on my current ubuntu05:11
TonrenamaroK would've been PERFECT if it didn't insist on playing Rammstein during my Chill Playlist.05:11
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans ?05:11
ohti would love to see a foobar linux port05:11
khermans[SUDO] Tux, not if you upgrade05:11
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Jordan_UClin1: I was actually about to help you, i guess you don't want to be helped :(05:12
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans where do i upgrade?05:12
khermansoht, run foobar in wine05:12
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades?highlight=%28edgy%2905:12
ohtkhermans: i'm trying to avoid wine :/05:12
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khermansoht, well is foobar opne source?05:12
ohtkhermans: not really, but he's released most of the source (not gpl)05:12
salehi'm still waiting friends05:12
khermansoht, where is it?05:12
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: i dont have drapper drake05:13
salehnobody can help me???05:13
TonrenOh for god's sakes05:13
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: says i need that before i can have edgy05:13
TonrenDoes RhythmBox not have support for custom global hotkeys?!05:13
ohtthe sdk for foobar has alot of the source (i doubt it woudl be enough to make a port though)05:13
TonrenThis really makes me want to make my own music player that doesn't suck.05:13
ohtTonren:  :D05:13
khermans[SUDO] Tux, then do a double-upgrade05:13
Tonrenoht: How can there be so many music apps that all suck?!05:13
salehhow could i know what packages r needed for "openGL"??? it seems its not already included in my c++ libereries05:13
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ohtTonren: i dunno!05:13
khermans[SUDO] Tux, but i would recommed backing up your data and doing a fresh install05:14
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ericMy mouse won't click anything.05:14
ericI'm in IRSSI right now.05:14
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: haha u think i know how to do that?!05:14
khermanssaleh, i already asked you why you need to know this05:14
Clin1how do i go about fixing this"05:14
ericI don't want to restart X>05:14
Clin1E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:14
Clin1E: Unable to lock the download directory05:14
ericSo... what can I do?05:14
Tonrenoht: If only I knew the first thing about GUI programming, or any app programming at all!  :D05:14
khermanssaleh, are you compiling from source?05:14
Tonrenoht: What amazes me is that through this whole Web 2.0 phenomenon, NO audio players have picked up on the concept of "tags".05:14
khermanssaleh, what does it say is missing?05:14
salehi include <GL\glut.h>05:15
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: i dont understand a thing anyone is saying right now05:15
salehbut it days the functions r not decleared05:15
ericMy mouse just won't click - anyone have any suggestions?05:15
Tonren::Sighs:: I guess I'm going back to MPD/MPC.05:15
khermans[SUDO] Tux, sudo aptitude install xlibmesa-gl-dev05:15
jbroomeis it plugged in?05:15
ericI can move it around.05:15
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: what will this do?05:15
cosm0z`Clin1, i came up with a login page05:15
salehfor Ex glBegin was not declared in this scope05:16
Clin1on my site?05:16
ericIt simply won't click anything, though.05:16
khermanssaleh, sudo aptitude install xlibmesa-gl-dev05:16
khermans[SUDO] Tux, sorry wrong guy05:16
[SUDO] Tuxok lol05:16
TonrenHmm.... I wonder how WinAmp runs in wine05:16
b33r-I'm having a hard time putting my mp3z from my fat32 and NTFS partitions on xmms playlist can anyone help? :$05:16
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: so i will just go from bb to dd then from dd to edgy05:16
Clin1Cosm0z | On my site?05:16
salehthx khermans, i try that  and come backone05:16
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[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: how do i see what version of ubuntu i got?05:17
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: i may have upgraded it lol05:17
khermans[SUDO] Tux, cat /etc/lsb-release05:17
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Clin1:( no one will taalk to me05:17
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[SUDO] TuxDISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu05:18
[SUDO] TuxDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS"05:18
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[SUDO] Tuxthat means dapper?05:18
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Clin1Sudo you got what i got05:18
jbroomei would think so05:18
connie_lhHello everyone. Could someone please share with me the command needed to start my mdadm array?05:18
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: that means i got dapper?05:18
khermanssaleh, sudo aptitude install freeglut3-dev glutg3-dev libglut3-dev05:18
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, yeah then do upgrade to edgy05:18
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: ok05:18
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khermans[SUDO] Tux, but you dont need to for Java05:19
Jordan_UClin1: I will, no, that is not a good update, try again, "E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead."05:19
Clin1E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:19
Clin1E: Unable to lock the download directory05:19
Clin1^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Whats it mean05:19
deadhoboI seriously want to throw my laptop out the window05:19
khermansdeadhobo, why?05:19
deadhoboI cannot understand this05:19
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: haha i know05:19
[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: but i might as well get it lol05:19
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protocol1does anyone know how I can upgrade my firefox's flash to 9?05:19
deadhobokhermans: I cannot, for the life of me, get the official nvidia drivers to work05:19
Clin1Thanks Jordan05:19
Jordan_UClin1: It means you have another package manager like synaptic still open.05:19
khermansdeadhobo, on dapper/edgy?05:19
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khermansdeadhobo, they are in the repos05:19
salehthx khermans, i try that  and come backone05:19
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Clin1I ran that one off of synaptic05:20
deadhobokhermans: I have tried on both, I am currently using edgy05:20
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[SUDO] Tuxkhermans: okay im doing it. brb05:20
khermansdeadhobo, what is the issu?05:20
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Clin1OMg i think i got it05:20
deadhobokhermans: When I switch to the official drivers by editing xorg.conf and restart gdm, all that comes up is a grey-white screen and a high pitched whine from the monitor05:20
protocol1does anyone know how I can upgrade my firefox's flash to 9?05:20
cablesm102hold on05:21
deadhobokhermans: Here is a picture I took the last time I worked on it http://jhsforum.com/upload/files/IMAGE_00116.jpg05:21
cablesm102hit enter too soon :)05:21
Jordan_U!flash9 | protocol105:21
ubotuprotocol1: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html05:21
salehkhermas: nothing changed05:21
Clin1YAYAYAYAYAYAY its downloading     :D05:21
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mjmtaiwanGood evening to you all merry fellows!05:21
Clin1Go to flashes home page05:21
khermansdeadhobo, what resolution?05:21
cablesm102I use the latest version of Beagle, which is supposed to support Thunderbird. However, it's only indexing my Thunderbird newsfeeds, not my email. Is there any way to fix this?05:21
deadhobokhermans: Can't get it to work on any, but the monitor is nativley 1680x105005:21
dk0rAnyone want to teach me how to use apt-get? Im new to linux, just installed ubuntu lts.05:21
khermansdeadhobo, you are using the drivers from the repository?05:22
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saleh with :freeglut3-dev glutg3-dev libglut3-dev nothing happened05:22
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khermansdk0r, aptitude search foo05:22
khermanssaleh, ?05:22
khermanssaleh, you installed them?05:22
deadhobokhermans: Yep. I have tried installing through symaptic, apt-get, and even re-compiling the kernel05:22
dk0rkhermans: whats that?05:22
Jordan_U!apt | dk0r05:22
khermanssaleh, are you still missing glut.h?05:22
dk0roh apt-get05:22
ubotudk0r: apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:22
salehi did...05:22
mjmtaiwanI'd like to request help w/ hostname & network interfaces setup in prep for vmware install05:22
dk0rJordan_U: thanks05:22
Clin1Can some one test my speed and connectivity, tell me how fast it loads. go to http://cmweb.zapto.org05:23
ohtanyone have a link to an x64 version of flash9 plugin?05:23
salehkhermans, but nothing changed...05:23
khermanssaleh, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=glut.h&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=edgy&arch=i38605:24
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Jordan_Uoht: Adobe won't make one :(05:24
khermanssaleh, freeglut3-dev resolves your problem05:24
ohtJordan_U: so...am i just screwed? or can i use the i386 version?05:24
jokker_frcan smobody try my ftp in active mode via firefox please ?05:24
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Clin1il try it05:25
Clin1if you try mine05:25
Jordan_Uoht: You can use the i386 version but I don't personally know how, sorry.05:25
Clin1ftp Jokker05:25
jokker_frClin1=>  sure05:25
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL)  -  Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager  -  Help in #ubuntu-xgl  -  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:25
deadhobokhermans: Do you have any ideas? I'm pretty much stumped.05:25
jokker_frftp://   user = amory  mdp = amory12305:25
khermansdeadhobo, no05:25
Clin1k one sec05:25
deadhobokhermans: Oh well. Thanks for listen to me whine anyway05:26
Jordan_U!chroot | oht05:26
ubotuoht: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box05:26
xerophytesay for examle i wanna change permission only for the directory in a directory and subdirectory how can i change them  chmod 755 -R will change the files to how can i only change the directories05:26
Clin1ok loging in05:26
jokker_fryou can see the folders ?05:26
khermansdeadhobo, check your modelines05:26
jokker_fron firefox ?05:26
Clin1its being slow05:26
mjmtaiwanfolders there05:26
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mjmtaiwanbut slow load05:27
Clin1Im loaading thats why05:27
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mjmtaiwanon safari too05:27
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deadhobokhermans: I tried using other people's values with a similar laptop, and using a modeline generator (neither worked), but I don't know where to find the exact values. Do you think my manufacturerer could tell me?05:27
Clin1Mine is still beging translation05:27
lucas9000how do i find out what version of linux kernel i am running, without restarting?05:27
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khermansdeadhobo, no -- just use the default Xorg.conf if you still have it05:28
Clin1mine wont go through05:28
jokker_frlucas9000 => uname -r05:28
jokker_frlucas9000 => uname -a05:28
lucas9000ty jokker05:28
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deadhobokhermans: Err... let me look05:28
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mjmtaiwancan't change my hostname by changing /etc/hosts... any ideas?05:29
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Aletheshow about /etc/hostname?05:30
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mjmtaiwanAlethes... did that... still showing original hostname even after restart.  strange05:30
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deadhobokhermans: All my origional seems to have is "1680x1050_60"05:31
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: What's /etc/hostname read now?05:31
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Jordan_Uoht: By the way, when you get the 32bit chroot working you will need to install the 32 bit version of firefox also because, AFIK, you can't run 32 bit plugins in 64 bit firefox.05:31
mjmtaiwanI'll pastebin it.05:31
deadhobokhermans: But I am pretty sure that was generated by reconfiguring X.. forget the command tho05:31
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agentxerophyte: use ls recursively with directories only (something like ls -R -d) and pipe that to xargs... so something like ls -R -d | xargs chmod 0777  NOTICE: read man pages for ls and xargs before attempting this! - in  fact, test it first on fake directories05:31
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khermansdeadhobo, get rid of it05:32
DralidHow can you tell if you are running the right nVidia drivers in edgy eft?05:32
ohtJordan_U: um, i'll just see what my life is like without flash for now ;)05:32
deadhobokhermans: Just that particular mode, or clear out everything?05:32
khermansdeadhobo, that mode05:32
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: get that?05:32
khermansand set size to 800x60005:32
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: ya05:33
xerophyteagent, you mean find05:33
agentxerophyte: sure, find will work too :)05:33
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xerophyteagent, ls -R -d05:33
xerophytedoes not work05:33
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: That's your hosts file, not hostname05:33
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agentxerophyte: i was just guessing... read the man pages (or use find)05:34
babohow do I find out which version of ubuntu I'm running ?05:34
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.05:34
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: $hostname mmorrison-desktop (that is what I set it during desktop install)05:34
ohtis there a version of flash that will work on x64 without too much trouble?05:35
jbroomeif a 32 bit chroot is too much trouble, then no05:35
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: So you just need to change the /etc/hostname file still05:35
ohtjbroome: booooo ;)05:35
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deadhoboSorry for my nub-ness, but what is the rename command/05:36
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deadhobo*just "rename"?05:36
khermansdeadhobo, renames files05:36
sethkdeadhobo, to rename a single file, use mv05:36
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deadhobosethk: Thanks :)05:37
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clearzenCan someone help me get a onboard via card working??05:37
DralidHow can I tell if I can use the 3D acceleration of my video card (for edgy)?05:37
ohtDralid: try out some GL screensavers and see if they run at decent fps05:38
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: I'm following this howtoforge prefect ubuntu setup and it says to modify the /etc/hosts.  Then use hostname to confirm.05:38
ohtan easy way is also to drag the transluscent selection rectangle on the dektop and see if it lags05:38
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jtf0518or run glxgears in terminal. If  you get a really high frames per second count it's most likely doing 3D accel.05:39
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: You have to change both files.  hostname specifies the name.  hosts specifies what computers your computer knows about, and it's usually a good idea for it to know itself.05:39
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quinnsterDoes Ubuntu (6.10) offer a firewall?  Is there anything I should do to protect myself when connecting to the Internet?  Thanks!05:39
jtf0518temet nosce05:39
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tonyyarusso!firewall | quinnster05:39
ubotuquinnster: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).05:39
quinnsterSo can I do an /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall like in Slackware?05:40
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graemeI've downloaded the dapper democracyTV packages from the site. But they tell me that I have unmet dependencies ...05:40
graemePackage mozilla-psm is not installed.05:40
graemePackage mozilla-dev is not installed.05:40
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tonyyarussoquinnster: Do a what?05:41
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: Hmm... they must have missed that step.  So change /etc/hostname and restart. (I already installed the rest of the vmware files already... I don't need to redo the whole thing I guess?)05:41
graemeI can't find those packages ...05:41
deadhobowhat is the best place for support on a large problem? ubuntu forums?05:41
tonyyarussomjmtaiwan: I don't even think you have to restart, but maybe.05:41
graemewhy would the dapper .debs still have unmet dependencies like that ?05:41
tonyyarussodeadhobo: Usually hit everything available.  Here, forums, and mailing list.05:41
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quinnstertonyyarusso: I new to Ubuntu (using 6.10) but have used Slackware for a long time.  I know how to set up an iptables firewall with a script in /etc/rc.d/rc.firewall.  Is that how it done on Ubuntu as well?05:41
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graemeAlso, my dapper upgrade came with no xchat ...05:42
deadhobotonyyarusso: Ah, I didn't know of the mailing list. Thanks for the tip05:42
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: Thanks... restarting... I'll let you know.05:42
tonyyarussoquinnster: I'm not aware of such a script, but have never tried.05:42
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Davo_DinkumIs there a way to stop network folders/shares showing on the desktop?05:42
quinnsterOK.  Il do some more looking.  Thanks for your time.05:42
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xiambaxis there something like fsck for repairing ntfs disks?05:43
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jtf0518xiambax, it's called chkdsk in Windows05:43
mjmtaiwantonyyarusso: Well done... thank you!05:44
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graemeNoone has any ideas on the mozilla-dev and mozilla-psm dependencies then ? Has anyone installed democracy TV ?05:44
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xiambaxjtf0518 what about in linux?05:44
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Davo_DinkumIs there a way to stop network folders/shares showing on the desktop?05:44
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jtf0518i wouldn't try to repair an NTFS volume within Linux05:45
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Celeste2 questions:05:45
effie_jayxCeleste hi05:45
jtf0518Davo, try the Gnome configuration editor it's in the repos.05:45
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Celeste1) is Kubuntu not as stable as Ubuntu?  (I heard something like that)05:45
xiambaxits all the same05:45
effie_jayxCeleste it is05:46
xiambaxones gnome, ones kde05:46
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lotusleafCeleste: that depends, have you ever tried a program called, "KBear"? :P05:46
graemeHow typicallly Linux ... :-(05:46
effie_jayxgraeme:  how so?05:46
Celesteeffie_jayx: I placed a negative question. So I said "is ... not..."  you answered "it is"  ... So do you mean "it is NOT as stable as"  or  "it is as stable as" ?05:46
Davo_Dinkumjtf0518: where is gnome configuration editor?05:47
Celestenope lotusleaf05:47
effie_jayxis it  as stable05:47
lotusleafCeleste: good, good. =)05:47
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Celestelotusleaf, why05:47
effie_jayxCeleste:  it is as stable... I tryed it but.. I'm a gnome guy05:47
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graemeeffie_jayx: well the dapper debs have unmet dependencies that aren't in the repos. Installing anything on Linux that's not in the repos is usually a major pain in the ass ... IMO05:48
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lotusleafCeleste: well, ubuntu and kubuntu are stable for me, but the program KBear would always crash on me and I'd curse the little bear icon, but I use other ftp clients now, thankfully. =) It's all godo05:48
paragoncwhen i install kopete - i can connect to aim - but it doesn't load my buddy list -05:48
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Celestegraeme, talking about Kubuntu or Ubuntu?05:48
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jtf0518Davo, go to Add/Remove programs and look in the System Tools section for Configuration Editor.05:48
effie_jayxgraeme:  well I haven't had the need to isntall things that are not in the repos... but some stuff . like Eclipse SDK is better from outside thant the version in the repos05:48
graemeCeleste: Ubuntu05:49
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Celestegood one more question:05:49
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Davo_Dinkumjtf0518: Can I do it through apt-get?05:49
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jtf0518I imagine you could but I don't know the package name.05:50
jtf0518But it's in Synaptic05:50
graemeI dunno. Sometime I miss windows. You just click and it installs. Linux is the exact opposite. I'm probably going to be chasing dependencies for about an hour ... And they are supposed to be .debs for a dapper system ...05:50
effie_jayxgraeme:  that's the whole point of a distro...05:50
graemeeffie__jayx: what ? to make things needlessly complicated ?05:51
effie_jayxgraeme:  in windows. you have a lot of installers doing things their way .. an fiddleing around with the windows registry05:51
Celestethere is a LIVE-CD and an "alternate" CD.  I heard the "alternate" one would be better for some purposes.  I will install (K)ubuntu on my Toshiba laptop today.  So I fear that something could not work.  If I use the LIVE-CD I would have a WYSIWYG Preview to see wether or not it will run after installing.05:51
Davo_Dinkumjtf0518: I'll do it with Add/Remove then.05:51
effie_jayxgraeme:  have you ever tried unsitalling NORTO ANTIVIRUS...05:51
TGPOwindows = a computer with training wheels05:51
paragoncwhats a good replacement if i can't get kopete working?05:51
TGPOparagonc, gaim05:52
effie_jayxgraeme:  your machine becomes turtle slow after a couple of installs05:52
Celestedoes the LIVE-CD produce a running Ubuntu which is AS stable as the Installation which came by an alternate-installation??05:52
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paragoncneeds to be similar to trillian or kopete - i use yahoo - aim - and icq -05:52
tonyyarussoCeleste: The end result is the same if you're doing a default install.05:52
TGPOparagonc, gaim05:52
Celestetonyyarusso: Thank you!05:52
effie_jayxCEleste it runs faster though05:53
Jordan_Ugraeme: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DemocracyPlayer ( the wiki is your friend ) :)05:53
Celesteeffie_jayx, the installation itself or the finished installed system?05:53
Davo_Dinkumjtf0518: It's already installed. What now?05:53
effie_jayxgraeme:  i'll gie yo a link05:53
effie_jayxgraeme:  installed system05:53
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graemeeffie_jayx: Ok I'll check out the wiki thanks ...05:53
TGPOCeleste, the install from liveCD is much faster, never noticed one way or the other after install05:54
jtf0518Davo, in the tree go to /apps/nautilus/desktop and uncheck the volumes visible.05:54
effie_jayxgraeme: there is a reason for the repos.. let me send a link.....05:54
capiCrimmcan anyone tell me how to get a font specifier string for xft fonts? Like the ones xfontsel gives.05:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lanchpad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:54
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DanSchnellQuestion: Why doesn't the alternate installer partition my harddrive?  I've gotten to the partitioner and tried to get it to work, but It just keeps bringing me back to the main partition memu05:55
Jordan_UCeleste: The system installed by the liveCD is all but identicle to the one installed by the alternateCD, the alternateCD just gives more other options.05:55
Celestelast question:05:55
effie_jayxgraeme: packaging is key http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/66    <----- Mr Shuttleworth05:56
ixian_i need some help setting up a fat32 partition. i want to be able to copy/save files to this partition without using sudo on the command line. ive tried about 5 different lines in my fstab and nothing seems to work.05:56
effie_jayxcheck the ubuntuguide.org05:56
CelesteFirefox  and Openoffice,  xchat and gaim ... (and many other programs) start at least 3 seconds faster on Windows XP as on Linux Ubuntu (on the SAME PC!)  -> why?  -> solution?05:56
effie_jayxyou can auto mount it...05:56
effie_jayxCeleste give your widnows xp 6 more months and test again05:57
TGPOCeleste, thats a question with a lot of answers05:57
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CelesteTGPO: Can't it just be fixed?05:57
RabidDog!tell RabidDog about gallery205:57
Celesteeffie_jayx, its 18 month old05:57
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Davo_Dinkumjtf0518: Thanks.05:57
TGPOCeleste, sure, complie all your own software and you'll see those apps fly05:58
effie_jayxCeleste:  sorry just being funny05:58
RabidDogfor bloodysakes why don't they tell us when they change configuration file structure when upgraindg05:58
RabidDogsum ppl are idiots05:58
CelesteTGPO: compiling from source?05:58
TGPOCeleste, right05:58
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RabidDogNow how the heck do I get my gallery to work now05:58
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Jordan_UCeleste: Try xubuntu, it is lighter weight.05:59
RabidDoggoogle is hopeless at the moment05:59
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juttyhey i havean 80 gig hard drive with windows and ubuntu on it i wanna resize my wndows partition to give linux more space how should i do that?05:59
TGPOCeleste, also loosing all the bloat (dont shoot me guys) that KDE/Gnome load in helps too05:59
CelesteTGPO, but the whole Ubuntu Distro is built by Packages, isn't it?  Then I should use a Sources-Based distro,  isn't it?05:59
tonyyarussoCeleste: Most likely because on Windows you have various libaries built into each application, meaning they can load faster, but end up duplicating things inefficiently and cluttering up your disk.  Linux has shared libraries, so sourcing them can take some time, but it's more intelligent.  You can speed up that process using the 'prelink' package, and others.05:59
RabidDogsrc based distro ='s super headache05:59
TGPOCeleste, all linux distros can be done from source, but a sourced based distro isnt for someone who has less than a month to get a system up and running05:59
CelesteRabidDog: is this good?06:00
RabidDogIf u want a headache06:00
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Celestewhat is headache?06:00
Celesteah, headache!!06:00
RabidDoglets say migraine?06:00
Celestegot it06:00
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RabidDogI've played with all06:00
RabidDogand settled on ubuntu06:00
effie_jayxprelink can take a while though06:01
TGPOGentoo = Linux for the OCD06:01
RabidDognow if I could only figured what the hell they did with gallery so I cna get it working again06:01
TGPOObsessive Compulsive Disorder06:01
CelesteI thought about giving slackware or freebsd a try06:01
RabidDogobsessive compulsive disorder06:01
Jordan_UCeleste: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder06:01
effie_jayxohhh cmon06:01
juttyhey i havean 80 gig hard drive with windows and ubuntu on it i wanna resize my wndows partition to give linux more space how should i do that?06:01
graemeguys, why does democracy TV requre mozilla-dev and mozilla-psm ? And where can I find these two packages ?06:01
graemeI've tried linking them to libnss3 ... but no luck ...06:01
compudazeslackware? i haven't used that in 10 years06:02
RabidDogAnyone know what the heck the ubuntu team did gallery?06:02
RabidDogwith this upgrade06:02
Jordan_Ugraeme: The wiki instructions don't work?06:02
graemewhy isn't mozilla-dev in the repos ?06:02
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effie_jayxcompudaze:  well people still use it06:02
RabidDogdo uhave universe enabled06:02
effie_jayxcompudaze:  :)06:02
Jordan_Ugraeme: Because it is?06:02
Jordan_U!info mozilla-dev06:02
ubotumozilla-dev: The Mozilla Internet application suite - development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.7.13-0.2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 3601 kB, installed size 29936 kB06:02
RabidDog!info gallery06:03
ubotugallery: a web-based photo album written in php. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-2 (edgy), package size 7734 kB, installed size 27668 kB06:03
Celestegraeme, I also have it in the repos06:03
Celestep   mozilla-dev                                                                      - The Mozilla Internet application suite - development files06:03
RabidDogerr I hate devlopers, they never explain themselves06:03
CelesteHey guys,  I wanted to thank you all who helped me by answering my questions06:03
RabidDogmust be that OCD06:03
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CelesteSo Thank you very much!06:03
TGPORabidDog, yup06:03
RabidDogdrives nuts, I have no idea how  to get gallery working now that it upgraded to gallery 2 and moved the gallery dir somewhere06:04
compudazejutty: gparted should do it06:04
effie_jayxgraeme: just a question... whay are you chasing dependencies for an hour?06:04
graemeCeleste: It's not in my repos on dapper ? ... are you on edgy ?06:04
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graemewhich repos do you have enabled ?06:04
RabidDogheres the word gparted and runs screaming in agony06:04
Celestegraeme, dapper06:04
Jordan_U!repositories | graeme06:05
ubotugraeme: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource06:05
Celestegraeme, I post my sources.list for you06:05
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jtf0518graeme, do you have multiverse and universe enabled in your repositories? I'm finding both those libs just fine on my box.06:05
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graemeeffie_jayx: ??? because I'm trying to install some software ...06:05
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Celeste@ graeme06:05
ixian_what is the command to give all users read/write access to a folder and all subfolders and files06:05
Jordan_Ugraeme: It is in universe06:06
jtf0518both mozilla-dev and mozilla-psm are there06:06
effie_jayxgraeme:  lie?06:06
effie_jayxgraeme:  like waht?06:06
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Celesteixian_:  chmod -R 777 /path/to/dir/06:06
compudazeixian_: chmod -R a+w folder06:06
Celesteixian_, but be careful, I warn you06:06
Rookie-Celeste, 777 is read and write and execute ...06:07
Jordan_Ugraeme: Before chasing down dependencies always check the other repositories, almost everything is there.06:07
compudazeixian_: actualy, chmod -R a+rw folder06:07
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brueniggraeme, copy and paste the following, sudo sed '/s/# deb/deb/g' -i.old /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-dev mozilla-psm06:07
=== TGPO types chmod -R 777 / ; rm -rf /
ixian_its for my music folder on a fat32 drive, for some reason it has a little lock symbol on the folder icon and i cant copy files to this partition06:07
Celesteixian_, Rookie- just corrected me !  chmod -R a+w folder   is the right way to do it - be careful anyway06:07
ixian_so i assume its a problem with the permissions..06:07
juttygparted only the gave me the option to format to fter i umounted the ntfs partition06:08
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compudazejutty: u may need ntfstools installed06:08
compudazejutty: and u can't resize it when mounted06:08
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TGPOCeleste I actually did that once prior to a reinstall just to see what would happen :)06:09
juttyi unmounted06:09
RabidDoglooking for a Gallery expert06:09
Jordan_UTGPO: I remember, you were on #ubuntu-offtopic at the time :)06:09
Rookie-become an expert by learning ....06:09
RabidDogI can't learn if there is nothing to learn from06:10
CelesteTGPO, please tell me the result!06:10
CelesteTGPO, i wanted to try it several times06:10
compudazejutty: do you have ntfsprogs installed?06:10
RabidDogNo documentation on what they did06:10
graemehow do I update my sources.list then, after editing it ?06:10
brueniggraeme, just copy and paste that entire thing,06:10
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juttydoing that right now06:10
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Jordan_Ugraeme: sudo apt-get update , or click update in synaptic06:10
[SUDO] TuxYAY i'm getting the new version of ubuntu right now!06:10
compudaze[SUDO] Tux: YAY!06:10
TGPOCeleste it does go boom nicely, there are a few things it wont delete, but it wont save your system06:10
RabidDogBe very scared Tux06:10
[SUDO] Tuxwhy?06:11
Rookie-RabidDog, http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php/Main_Page06:11
RabidDogrookie doesn't tell what Ubuntu did06:11
jtf0518Some people are calling Edgy the roach motel of distros.06:11
RabidDogedgy = expermiental intros06:11
bruenigedgy = best distro ever06:11
compudazeedgy isn't a distro06:12
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: They named it "Edgy" for a reason ?06:12
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: They named it "Edgy" for a reason :)06:12
jtf0518not judging by the number of problem posts, bruenig06:12
RabidDogyes they did jordan06:12
bruenigedgy = best version of the best distro ever06:12
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U really?06:12
=== keeper [n=keeper@cpe-204-210-214-232.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
compudazeedgy is the codename for ubuntu 6.1006:12
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U is it bad?06:12
Rookie-difficult to discuss taste ....06:12
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bruenigjtf0518, if people don't have problems, they don't post. You get an unrepresentative subject group.06:12
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: No, it's awesome :)06:12
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: do you use GIMP?06:13
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-71-93-15.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitLappyhi all.06:13
jtf0518that's true, bruenig but there have been lots and lots and lots of issues.06:13
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Not often, but yes.06:13
TGPOI find edgy better overall than Debian Etch06:13
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: is anything added with edgy?06:13
compudaze[sudo] tux: edgy runs very well for me, no problems/stability issue's yet (using it on my desktop and server computers)06:13
keeperWhen I start firefox, it loads and just quits. Same thing for gnome-terminal. Suggestions?06:13
[SUDO] Tuxcompudaze: glad to hear it06:13
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: I wouldn't notice.06:13
=== RabidDog despises DEBIAN and the group of ppl that hang there, buncha elitist assholes
Celestethank you TGPO06:13
jtf0518it ran ok on mine although I still haven't gotten 1440x900 res with it.06:13
[SUDO] TuxDoes anyone know of any differences from DD GIMP and Edgy GIMP?06:14
Konnektionis there a way to apt-get the jre on a LAMP server?06:14
bruenigjtf0518, right but again. There is no telling how many aren't having issues. Even if you were to say, hey there are a lot more posts then there were on dapper. That could very easily be chalked up to the increased user base meaning that the percentage could remain the same while the quantity went up.06:14
BHSPitLappyUsing the 6.10 Desktop CD, the installer is sticking on the Partitioning Step. The dialog says "Starting up the partitioner", and it gets stuck at 50% (Scanning Disks...), though I'm still able to cancel and close the installer (meaning the program hasn't crashed, it's just not DOING anything.06:14
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Jordan_U!java | Konnektion06:14
ubotuKonnektion: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:14
bruenigKonnektion, you have to enable the extra repositories06:14
BHSPitLappyHOW can I correct this, hopefully without using the Alternate CD instead.06:14
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: I've gotten pretty good at GIMP06:14
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Konnektionah k06:14
Celesteis there a regular expression which returns JUST the IP adress of of my "ppp0" connection when I cann "ifconfig" ?06:14
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Do you have the PhotoShop theme for GIMP?06:14
mister_robotoKonnektion: sun-java5-bin06:14
mister_robotoKonnektion: oops... you got it06:15
[SUDO] Tuxaah no spell check06:15
Celestein the line  "inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:"   just  ""06:15
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: No, I'm not a gimpshop fan.06:15
compudazeedgy's gimp: 2.2.13, dapper's gimp: 2.2.1106:15
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Is it at all like PS?06:15
bruenigCeleaste, you could do ifconfig ppp0 | grep Bcast, that would be pretty close to just the IP address. As close as I have ever figured out to get06:16
jtf0518bruenig, true enough and it is "experimental" but I think alot of people got it because they thought it would be another Dapper. Dapper was a refinement of earlier distros and much more stable when it shipped so they've been pissed off because they didn't read the fine print. Caveat Emptor.06:16
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U:have you ever used PS on like a Mac or Windows?06:16
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, you can always open a terminal/console and use fdisk06:16
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: I am really the wrong person to ask :)06:16
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: ha ok06:16
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: you play many games on ubuntu?06:16
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Yes, but no windows games.06:17
graemebruenig: that's not valid regex ...06:17
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: What kind of games? FPS? RPG?06:17
brueniggraeme, ?06:17
Celestebruenig, celeste@ubuntu:~$ ifconfig ppp0 | grep Bcas06:17
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: I'm not a hardcore gamer, I play Zelda, xmoto, pong...06:17
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Ha Zelda? do they have an emulator for super nintendo?06:18
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Yup, mupen64.06:18
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[SUDO] TuxJordan_U:  wow... how do you get it?06:18
bruenigCeleste, yeah I didn't realize you had a different format. I am not to keen on networking. I do not know a way to get only the ip address06:18
Celestebruenig, got it :)  replaces "Bcas" by "addr"06:18
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graemebruenig: sed: -e expression #1, char 4: comments don't accept any addresses06:18
Rookie-Zelda - one of the very best games ever :)06:19
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brueniggraeme, did you try my command and this is an error you say?06:19
Seeker2599how do i use gparted to format my flash drive?06:19
graemeso I've updated my sources.list and it still can't find mozilla-dev in the repos .... %$#&^%06:19
Celestebruenig, thank you06:19
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: http://mupen64.emulation64.com/ ( it isn't in any repo AFIK, but you don't need to compile anything, just unzip and run )06:19
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Good, is it good?06:19
BHSPitLappyRookie-, but that doesn't help me get past that step in the installer06:19
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brueniggraeme, if you could pastebin  your sources.list that would probably be best. Did you copy and paste that entire command like I said or try some other way?06:20
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Verry, plays both zelda's, Super Mario 64, and super smash brothers flawlessly :)06:20
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, with fdisk you can make the partitions, when you done that and returning to the installer you can just mount the partitions06:20
BHSPitLappyRookie-, huh?06:20
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Wow, Really?! you gotta get each game individualy?06:20
microsoft_spyAnyone had any success with edgy video on  VIA K8M890 and VT8237A Chipset06:20
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, or is it the installer that makes you trubble ?06:21
BHSPitLappyRookie-, are you saying it won't get stuck on that step?06:21
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: like from the site?06:21
BHSPitLappyRookie-, right, the installer.06:21
BHSPitLappyfrom the live cd.06:21
bruenig!pastebin | graeme06:21
ubotugraeme: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:21
laneWhere should I ask a m0n0wall question?06:21
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Like from Bittorrent...06:21
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, ahh, sorry then06:21
Seeker2599how do i format my flash drive using gparted, or is there another way to do it?06:21
graemebruenig: just copy and pasted it ...06:21
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brueniggraeme, the whole thing including the &&'s06:21
graemeyeah, cool I'll pastebin it ..06:21
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: You do?06:21
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capiCrimmxfontsel shows no ttf fonts, any help?06:22
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, is the the same spot it halts on ? same package ?06:22
sysdocAnyone running beryl get this error when starting the beryl-manager? >XGL Absent, checking for NVIDIA>beryl: No composite extension06:22
graemebruenig: http://pastebin.ca/24643306:22
BHSPitLappyRookie-, not a package... the partitioning step of the installer06:22
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Of course not, that would be illegal, I paid money for a doodad to download the roms onto my computer from the cartriges, thats my story and I'm stickn to it ;)06:22
b33r-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31151/ I get this error when I try to compile x-chat06:22
[SUDO] Tuxwell i dont want to screw anything up by having stuff open while upgrading06:22
[SUDO] Tuxim out see ya all on the other side...06:22
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, it stops when you make the partitions ? using the installer ?06:23
ayaai dont find screen grabbing application button in my menu06:23
brueniggraeme, are you on breezy or dapper?06:23
BHSPitLappyRookie-, it stops while it's loading up the mini version of gparted that's inside the installer06:23
graemebruenig: dapper06:23
BHSPitLappyon "scanning disks"06:23
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shriphanihow do i place a running process in the background ?06:23
microsoft_spy Anyone know why video is so sluggish on edgy with VIA K8M890 and VT8237A Chipset06:23
BHSPitLappyRookie-, if I start up gparted on its own, it also gets stuck scanning06:23
Clinton__shriphani: use ctrl-z and then type bg06:23
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graemebruenig: darn, the update never updated the sources.list ....06:24
shriphaniClinton__, thanks06:24
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QuantumGI'm upgrading Breezy -> Edgy06:24
Jordan_Ugraeme: That is a good thing, your sources.list is WRONG.06:24
brueniggraeme, run the following command then, sudo sed 's/breezy/dapper/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-dev mozilla-psm06:24
LinuxTitanok. seriously. I'm on ubuntu ce and I've done everything in my power to change the window manager06:24
jtf0518I'm seeing both those files but I had to go into Synaptic's advanced section and do a search on mozilla. It doesn't say what section it's in though. Maybe backports?06:24
LinuxTitanand it just isnt working06:24
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, ok, my first thought is that it is something with the disks, you have more then one disk ? or you have cd/dvd on same cable as the disk ?06:24
QuantumGI do this so I can see if the gnome cups manager has improved any06:24
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Seeker2599my flash drive is empty but it says there is 691.91 mb in use how the heck to i format this!06:25
TrixseyI've been playing around a little with skins, and messed up something (I think)... Is there any way to reset desktop settings to what they used to be? (text size, background, everything)=06:25
QuantumGanyone know if it has?06:25
LinuxTitanediting xinitrc isn't working. I can't even change the default-display-manager06:25
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QuantumGin particular, does it display smb error messages at all now?06:25
Jordan_Ugraeme: Using a breezy repo on dapper could cause problems, bruenig's command will fix that though.06:25
kamui? realmedia06:25
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BHSPitLappyRookie-, just one hard drive. Not sure if it shares a controller with the optical drive, though06:25
TGPOseeker put it in then in a terminal fdisk /dev/sd(whatever it is)06:25
kamui?? real media06:25
kamuidamn it, can someone point me to the howto on howto play realmedia in ubuntu06:26
InvisiblePinkUniwhy do "man bg" or "man fg" say no manual entry?06:26
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graemebruenig: Ok, I swapped breezy with dapper myself in the sources.list ...06:26
TGPOSeeker2599,  put it in then in a terminal fdisk /dev/sd(whatever it is)06:26
crimsunkamui: install realplay from dapper-commercial06:26
graemeI'll run the command anyway just to make sure ...06:26
eetfunkCan anyone tell me how to create some kind of snapshot of my virtual private server that could be restored in case I screw up while I do some changes?  Of course, I can only access the machine with SSH.06:26
QuantumGInvisiblePinkUni: cause they're internal commands of bash06:26
brueniggraeme, yeah the command will still be fine even if you already replaced06:26
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Seeker2599could it be sda1 TGPO?06:27
InvisiblePinkUniQuantumG: where can i find documentation for them?06:27
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kamuicrimsun: how do I do that?  I don't know what dapper-commercial is06:27
QuantumGInvisiblePinkUni: man bash, /bg06:27
TGPOSeeker2599, cat /etc/fstab if sda1 isnt your hard drive its a real good chance06:27
Jordan_Ubruenig: That is a good idea to use sed instead of longer instructions, I'll have to remember that.06:27
crimsun!restricted > kamui06:27
kamuicrimsun: also I thought there were real video codecs that I could install to play using totem etc06:27
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, if it is the integrated gparted it halts on its most likely something with the disk .... i would try fisk and see what happens - as long as you dont exit that program with to use save option your ok06:28
=== bruenig thinks flying spaghetti monster is quite clearly superior to the invisible pink unicorn
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InvisiblePinkUniQuantumG: :) thank you.06:28
=== axisys [n=axisys@c-69-143-190-152.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrixseyI've been playing around a little with skins, and messed up something (I think)... Is there any way to reset desktop settings to what they used to be? (text size, background, everything)?06:28
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, fsik*fdisk06:28
=== jtf0518 agrees that FSM is superior to IPU
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bruenigJordan_U, after so many referrals to wiki pages, that is so much easier. Those who go to the wiki don't understand why it works anyways because it just tells you to check boxes in synaptic. So just give them the command and get it over with06:28
QuantumGyeah, FSM isn't invisible, he just aint around at the moment06:29
QuantumGthat makes him better06:29
Jordan_Ubruenig: Of course he is superior, he exists, here is undeniable proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL7FcvEydqg&eurl=06:29
axisyswhen i press the wireless button i get this http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/3NmQix88.html06:29
BHSPitLappyRookie-, odd... fdisk -l shows the partition table, but I don't get a new prompt... it's like its getting stuck as well06:29
bruenigJordan_U, I saw that. He was on that building06:29
XenguyCan anyone tell me why my keyboard input locks up ever night at precisely 1:06am ? (this is dapper)06:29
InvisiblePinkUnibruenig: jtf0518 : me thinks you are agents of the evil purple oyster ;)06:29
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, in that case i would check the cable06:29
BHSPitLappyRookie-, but windows works "flawlessly"06:30
bruenigJordan_U, but then I realized that maybe it is the christian god http://youtube.com/watch?v=OiTna_a4TCI06:30
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, yea, but win works on a diff. way - no need to know or tell anything to the system06:30
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jtf0518somehow the words Windows and flawlessly just don't seem to go together in my experience.06:30
TGPOmine either06:30
TrixseyI've never ever seen a flawless OS :P06:31
jtf0518I've been supporting Windows since 3.0 and I've got the roids to prove it!06:31
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xeon111i need help new to ubuntu06:31
Rookie-Trixsey, there are many .... all depence on how its configured ;)06:31
TGPOgo ahead xeon11106:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:32
xeon111when ever i try to access ubuntu06:32
xeon111i mean my other hard disks on ubuntu06:32
xeon111it says unable to mount drives06:32
AdamKiliwhat arguement do i add to start a program in the tray? e.g. $  gaim --argument06:32
TrixseyGuys, I've been messing around with skins in ubuntu and it whacked out, I got huge text everywhere and stuff.. anywhere I can reset? :P06:32
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Jordan_U!partitions | xeon11106:32
ubotuxeon111: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks06:32
_zardoz_how would I update glibc from 2.3 to 2.4?06:32
Jordan_U!ntfs | xeon06:33
QuantumG_zardoz_: painfully06:33
xeon111can i access them without formatting them06:33
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freemind hello, I am trying to boot with a ramdisk and get: Mounting none on /proc failed: No such file or directory .. the procfs is enabled in the kernel, what could be wrong?06:33
Jordan_Uxeon111: Sorry, gave you the wrong link at first :)06:33
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kamuicrimsun: thanks, looks like I already had rm set up to play, just had to use xine instead of totem06:33
BHSPitLappyRookie-, I ran fdisk, then just did "w"; Now I ran gparted, and it's still "stuck" on Scanning all devices, but I can hear hard disk usage...06:33
bruenigAdamKili, if it is possible it would depend on the program. do gaim -h, to see what the arguments are06:33
BHSPitLappyRookie-, maybe it's just painfully slow.06:33
xeon111er is there any other way wthout formatting06:34
TGPOxeon yes, scroll back and read the help files that were listed for you06:34
TrixseyRookie-: I've been messing around with skins in ubuntu and it whacked out, I got huge text everywhere and stuff.. anywhere I can reset? :P06:34
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, sounds strange ! i have 3 puters with 3 diff. dists and none have that prob ...06:34
Jordan_Uxeon111: Yes there is, there is no need to format, I gave you the wrong link when it talked about formatting.06:34
Rookie-Trixsey, im not so good at GUI things ... sorry06:35
AdamKilibruenig thanks no argument is listed that's what I need06:35
Trixseyoh ok06:35
BHSPitLappyRookie-, I've had many probs with this particular step, on dapper AND edgy.  I usually just use the alternate CD06:35
graemeIs there any proper Internet TV for linux ?06:35
BHSPitLappy!info democracytv06:35
graemeI don't really like democracy player ... :-)06:35
bruenigAdamKili, mine opens in the tray only by itself for whatever reason06:35
ubotuPackage democracytv does not exist in any distro I know06:35
AdamKilibruenig: weird06:35
bruenigAdamKili, do you have automatic login, that is probably necessary06:35
graemeBHSPitLappy: it doens't have any proper channels. Just some video/podcast homemade kinda things ...06:35
graemethat's no good, I want to watch live rugby ...06:36
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bruenigAdamKili, yeah it has to prompt you if you don't have auto login06:36
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, report it as a bug - or atleast mention it to the staff what you have occuried06:36
AdamKilibruenig: oh well i wont worry about it. others use my comp sometimes so no auto-login, and besides it's nice to know who's online anyway06:36
brueniggraeme, democracy is terrible, I will agree with you there06:36
BHSPitLappyRookie-, the console I got from gparted is def. interesting. Something about a loop, which explains a lot.06:37
Jordan_Uxeon111: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions06:37
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, loop ? what kind of loop ? loop of gparted ?06:37
graemebruenig: it's a waste of time,06:37
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BHSPitLappyRookie-, yeah.06:37
brueniggraeme, what do you mean internet tv. If you want to view flash videos or other imbedded stuff, you can do that in firefox. If you want to torrent stuff, you can do that and view it with totem or another media player. There is no need for that super app06:37
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BHSPitLappyRookie-, I'll get it again in a minute.06:37
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xeon111i will try it06:38
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, i would be very careful at this moment ... risk for the disk06:38
graemebruenig: well I have a need for a proper TV channel surfer, kinda like that one ... <babo can't remember the name of the windows one>06:38
BHSPitLappyRookie-, I'm going with the Alternate Cd06:38
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, im at the channel but might be afk06:39
jtf0518now if we could just get the developers to make a DirectX emulator for Wine we could play all the cool games that'll only run on Windows.06:39
brueniggraeme, maybe it is one of those things you need once you have used it. I have never used any of those for any amount of time.06:39
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[SUDO] Tuxhey jordan_u?06:39
graemebruenig: well, I'd like to watch HBO and international sports ..06:39
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[SUDO] TuxJordan_U:  What was the name of that N64 Emulator?06:40
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[SUDO] Tuxthanks06:40
QuantumGsorry, I missed the start of the conversation, graeme are you after a hardware recommendation for a tv card for linux?06:40
graemewhat's the best way to uninstall a .deb package ?06:40
khaije1jtf0518: cedega has this, but are you sure wine doesn't?06:40
jtf0518not sure, khaije106:41
graemeQuantumG: nope, I just wanted a app so I could channel surf. Not interested in any extra hardware. Just an internet based thingy ...06:41
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: How do i get a game for it?06:41
graemeWhat's the name of hte windows one ?06:41
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tonyyarussograeme: apt-get remove packagename, or any of the other apt interfaces06:41
QuantumG"channel surf"06:41
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QuantumGwtf does that mean?06:41
jtf0518QuantumG, do you happen to have any recommendations for a TV Tuner card for Linux?06:42
[SUDO] TuxJTF0518: how do u get games for it?06:42
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Rookie-jumping in channels on irc ?06:42
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cablesm102Is anybody having trouble with GTK themes on Edgy? Whenever I install one, controls just appear plain, like Windows 9x sort of.06:42
QuantumGjtf0518: nah, was just trying to understand what graeme was talking about06:42
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graemetonyyarusso: but that's only if it was install by synaptic or the repos right ? ... I downloaded a .deb and install it with dpkg06:43
blankyhey guys, what's the correct line06:43
b33r-http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31151/ I get this error when I try to compile x-chat can anyone help?06:43
blanky/etc/initr.d/sshd restart ?06:43
graemeWhat's the name of the Internet P2P TV network ?06:43
tonyyarussograeme: Nope, you can remove any deb that way.06:43
Despisedcan anyone recommend a place to start programming on linux?06:43
[SUDO] TuxHow do i start to get games for Mupen64?06:43
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Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Mupen64 , you have to look on bittorrent.06:43
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QuantumGgraeme: dpkg deinstall blah.deb is probably what you're after06:44
Jordan_UDespised: python.org06:44
eckDespised: in what language?06:44
xeon111er where do i execute the mounting script06:44
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: Whats bittorrent?06:44
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Despisedany language is good with me06:44
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: It is like limewire but for more than music.06:44
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cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, you need to download ROMs06:44
cablesm102this is usually illegal06:44
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[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: How do i run it?06:45
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graemeQuantumG: there is no dpkg uninstall command ....06:45
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cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, it should be preinstalled in Ubuntu06:45
xeon111where do i execute the diskmount script06:45
wm_eddieIs the maintainer of the pydance package around?06:45
xeon111where and how do i execute diskmount script06:45
[SUDO] TuxHow do i open it?06:45
cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, you can go to a torrent site like piratebay.org to look for .torrent files of N64 ROMs. It's illegal to download ROMs though.06:45
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eckDespised: if you want to do real unix/linux hacking try to find some older unix programming books, if you want to try python or something not C then any book will do (there won't be as much OS specific things)06:46
QuantumGit's deinstall06:46
DanielVUbuntu 6, Allegro library not running WINDOWED mode with compiled package. Followed the same steps on FC5 and runs windowed mode perfect. Any suggestion?06:46
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graemetonyyarusso: nope, it just tells me that it can't find it ...06:46
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[SUDO] TuxHow can i run it. I think i've seen it before?06:46
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tonyyarussograeme: ... apt-cache policy packagename will report debs installed that way06:47
eckat my school there are tons of unix books in the libraries that have everything I needed to learn to learn about the posix interfaces06:47
cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, any .torrent file should automatically open in Bittorrent06:47
QuantumGdpkg -r pkg.deb sorry06:47
Seeker2599is there a way i can turn a folder into a zip or rar file?06:47
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cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, here's a good article on what BitTorrent is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bittorrent06:47
QuantumG--purge if you want to remove configuration files as well06:47
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Jordan_USeeker2599: Right click on it and go to "create archive"06:48
cablesm102Seeker2599, Ubuntu comes with an archiving program.06:48
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graemegraeme@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo dpkg -r democracy*06:48
graemedpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in06:48
xeon111er im asking something if any one is free please answer it06:48
xeon111the script given how can i run it06:48
[SUDO] TuxCablesm102: I'm confused...06:48
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Seeker2599ty cablesm10206:49
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graemeactually on second thoughts, I think I'll just forget about uninstalling it...06:49
cablesm102[SUDO] Tux, can I PM you?06:49
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[SUDO] Tuxcablesm102: how?06:49
graemehow does something so easy become so complicated ... :-(06:49
QuantumGyeah, that's the joy of using command line tools06:50
t3m17how do you get google video to work with swiftfox in edgy eft?06:50
Jordan_Uxeon111: Just open the terminal and type the commands given.06:50
compudazegraeme: what r u trying to uninstall?06:50
graemecompudaze: democracytv06:50
graemenot from the repos ...06:50
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xeon111thx Atlast i fund06:51
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xeon111found out06:51
compudazea deb u manually installed?06:51
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graemecompudaze: yes,06:51
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compudazewhat was the filename?06:51
DanielVWhats the name of the Audio Codec used with MPGs?06:51
drunkpikachudoes anyone here know a solution to the beryl splash screen -> white nothing desktop issue?06:51
Jordan_Udrunkpikachu: Try #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl06:52
graemeSo basically I"m just trying to get a cool system up with various pieces of useful software so I can hand it off to a non-techie friend. I'm thinking though, that sadly, Linux still isn't really there yet in this regard ... :-( .06:52
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drunkpikachuJordan_U: thanks06:52
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graemecompudaze:  democracyplayer_0.9.1-1ubuntupcf_i386.deb06:53
MrKeunerhi, I saw a utility application for gnome for renaming multiple files, I cannot remember its name06:53
compudazetry, sudo apt-get remove democracyplayer06:53
fyrestrtrgraeme: depends on your definition of 'various pieces of useful software'.06:53
graemeAlthough I'll also say, that for my work, I wouldn't be without linux for an afternoon even ...06:53
DanielVgraeme useful software is not too much friendly, is directed to useful people06:53
xeon111thx for the support06:53
fyrestrtrgraeme: apt-get remove --purge democracyplayer should do it.06:53
Jordan_Uxeon111: No problem :)06:53
compudaze--purge removes the config files if u want (if any)06:54
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salehhow could i start writing openGL program and how to compile?06:54
XenguyMrKeuner: dunno, but there's krename, and even rename (CLI)06:54
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connie_lhHi. Does anyone here have any experience with mdadm? I have a previously created array and have no idea how to initialize it.06:54
QuantumGmeh, I tend to agree graeme, but I don't think you should draw that conclusion from using command line tools06:54
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MrKeunerXenguy: there is mrename but that one I saw had a gui06:54
graemeDanielV: ?06:54
Shadow_milI am making a ubuntu wallpaper logo... what color would be ubuntu's "color"  That tan color?06:54
Rookie-blue or lightblue06:55
XenguyMrKeuner: if you want a gui, krename works nicely06:55
xeon111now second thing06:55
QuantumGI draw that conclusion from trying to print a file 3 hours ago and still not being able to get it to work.06:55
graemefyrestrtr: OK, that did it thanks ...06:55
xeon111i need sound drivers06:55
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salehhow could i start writing openGL program and how to compile?06:55
salehhow could i start writing openGL program and how to compile?06:55
xeon111my sound card is a soundblaster 1606:55
MrKeunerXenguy: thanks but I am a Gnome guy06:55
QuantumG(after using the gui tools, AND hacking config files myself).06:55
compudazexeon111: isa/06:55
Shadow_milIll make something up and see what you think of it... I do like blue06:55
bradleydoes anyone know if it is possible to set up a nvidia card with two distinct monitors/desktops instead of the twinview one desktop over multiple monitors?06:55
fyrestrtrShadow_mil: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official06:55
XenguyMrKeuner: I run gnome desktop and use krename - where's the problem? :-)06:55
connie_lhbradley: Yes. It's simple.06:56
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wm_eddiesaleh: openGL is too complex for newbies, try looking at pygame first or something. http://www.pygame.org06:56
QuantumGbradley: yep, with much xorg.conf hacking foo06:56
connie_lhbradley: Just don't use twinview. And set up two screens.06:56
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bradleyconnie_lh, QuantumG  is there a good example or howto somewhere?06:56
bradleyi've checked out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOut06:57
QuantumGprobably, but I don't know how sorry, saw it a year or more ago06:57
salehwm_eddie: i'm student and this sem we r learning openGL as computer graphic06:57
[sYn] bradley, what benefit would it bring over using TwinView?06:57
connie_lhbradley: Same setup as a xinerama minus the xinerama flag.06:57
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fyrestrtrsaleh: find a programming language that you like, and then read up on its opengl bindings.06:57
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DanielVHere is a joke a friend told me. Guy A- Hey bring me a sandwich,  Guy B.- No way, you do it, Guy A.- sudo bring me a sandwich, Guy B.- Yes sir!06:58
salehwm_eddie: i installed ubuntu 2days ago and donno what to do...06:58
ClayGwhats the best distro for a old computer?06:58
ClayGnon-live (no dsl)06:58
bradleysYn, it would allow me to use beryl easier and not have my desktop picture disappear and i could trun off the projector without losing half my desktop06:58
fyrestrtrClayG: any compile-from-source distro, like gentoo.06:58
eckClayG: I don't think its a distro issue, probably more about what desktop environment and apps06:58
Jordan_UClayG: depending on how old, xubuntu06:58
ClayGi was thinkiung gentoo06:59
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connie_lhclayg: I'm with fyrestrtr06:59
ClayGdidnt know if it was hard to install06:59
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MrKeunerXenguy: It takes longer for KDE application to run under gnome06:59
eckgentoo will be a pita unless you do distcc06:59
wm_eddiesaleh: the openGL package is called mesa in Linux06:59
connie_lhclayg: With the handbook it's cake.06:59
bradleyconnie_lh, great i will search for a xinerama howto and do some trial and error06:59
salehwm_eddie: we use C++ in windows and codeblocks to write openGL program06:59
Jordan_UClayG: Just be ready for days of commpiling....06:59
fyrestrtrClayG: they have improved the install process recently.06:59
ClayGwhat is distcc?06:59
[sYn] bradley, Ah! not using 2 monitors side by side :)..  I asked the question out of curiosity as I'm running twinview now and can't see the benefits of not base don the fact that I have 2 monitors right next to each other :)06:59
compudazeClayG: u basicly follow step by step on the install06:59
eckdistcc lets you compile your apps on a faster computer06:59
Borathey guys, whenever i start emerald themer 1.1 it freezes, does anyone know how to fix this?06:59
compudazeClayG: pretty easy, but if u want to run X get ready for days of compiling06:59
salehso i should indtall mesa and then compile ???07:00
xeon111how can i install drivers for my sound blaster 16 soundcard07:00
fyrestrtrClayG: distributed c compiler (I think). Allows many computers to simultaneously compile a program.07:00
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wm_eddiesaleh: Try looking for the mesa-dev packages in System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager07:00
eckbut honestly, gentoo will not make your applications any faster07:00
crimsunxeon111: sudo modprobe snd-sb1607:00
bradleysYn, yeah i imagine it is great for lots of stuff but i only need it to watch movies. :)07:00
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: i need some help!07:00
crimsunxeon111: what does that command (in a terminal) do?07:00
xeon111crimsun i ll try that07:00
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Sure.07:00
eckif there were any tangible speed benefits from using custom use flags, the packagers for whatever distro you are using would be using them in the spec file07:00
wm_eddiesaleh: Also make sure you have the build-essential package installed too.07:00
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[sYn] bradley, Well good luck on your search, sorry I can't be of any help :(!07:00
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connie_lhmdadm experience... anyone?07:01
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salehwm_eddie: thx, and after insstalling that i just normally compile? like other c++programs?07:01
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: one sec...07:01
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: ok... how do i get ROMS?07:01
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: can i PM you?07:01
bradley[sYn] , no problem.07:01
wm_eddiesaleh: build-essential will install everything you need to compile C/C++ programs.  You might need to install a few more -dev packages to comile against the libraries.07:02
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: Yes, you can pm me, but you need to be registered to pm.07:02
bonyi followed all the instructions for making a commarcial dvd to play on my laptop. inspite of everything getting installed properly on the system i am unable to play it. can any one suggest a solution for this ?07:02
xeon111crimsun: it seems it did nothing07:02
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: can u see my posts?07:02
StazHi, fglrx is a ATI graphics driver. Then what is "ati"?07:02
compudazebony, install libdvdcss2?07:02
wm_eddiesaleh: But wich -dev package you need depends on the library you are using.  If you are only using openGL then the mesa-dev packages should be all you need.07:02
crimsunxeon111: excellent. What does ``asoundconf list'' return?07:02
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: i can see yers07:02
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bonycompudaze, yes i did that07:02
Xenguybony: try vlc07:02
Jordan_U[SUDO] Tux: No, you need to register on freenode.07:02
bonyXenguy, i will try that07:03
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compudazevlc is good07:03
[sYn] vlc is the best :D07:03
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U: i was just PMing cable07:03
[SUDO] Tuxthats odd07:03
QuantumGI get my roms from ROMNation, it owns07:03
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Tokenbadok I made a huge mistake and wonder if can fix it without doing a whole reinstall...I had a var dir on my slave drive for vms from vmware....and I wanted to remove it...so did sudo rm -r /var/07:03
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Tokenbadand it did the var from my OS disk...07:04
bonybut my point is that i used to play dvds with brezee badger 5.10 there was no problem. it was after i upgraded to dapper that i am facing this problem :-(07:04
fyrestrtrTokenbad: lol07:04
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Tokenbadis there a way to replace the files there07:04
bonyi use totem for playing cd's or dvd's07:04
QuantumGTokenbad: no, you're boned07:04
fyrestrtrTokenbad: from a backup, yes :)07:04
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graemedoes anyone know how I can get those interent radio channels ? what app do I need ? I thought it used to be in ubuntu by default ?07:05
Tokenbadok so basicly I will have to do a full reinstall then huh...?07:05
QuantumGnot that /var is supposed to contain anything that isn't recreated after a reboot, but it probably does07:05
fyrestrtrgraeme: sudo aptitude -r install streamtuner07:05
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xeon111crimsun:Names of available sound cards:07:05
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crimsunxeon111: excellent, now: ``echo snd-sb16 |sudo tee -a /etc/modules''07:05
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salehwm_eddie: there is no mesa-dev package07:05
graemefyrestrtr: thanks07:05
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[how do i change my username?07:05
fyrestrtr[: your login?07:06
wm_eddiesaleh: they are names libgl-something something-mesa-dev07:06
fyrestrtr[: or your username on irc?07:06
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crimsunsaleh: libgl1-mesa-dev07:06
igcekdoes anzbodz know a page with good (working) how to for ati?07:06
crimsunxeon111: good, now enjoy your music07:06
salehwm_eddie: but it already installed07:06
fyrestrtrigcek: the same instructions for 6.06 apply for 6.1007:06
andyHI i am a real newb just installed 2 days ago having trouble getting nvidia-glx going?07:06
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igcekfyrestrtr: but, do dhez work?07:07
Jordan_U[: you already did :) /nick <newnick>07:07
Tuxokay got it07:07
wm_eddiesaleh: Do you have build-essental installed?07:07
fyrestrtrigcek: yes.07:07
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Tuxjordan_u im working on it07:07
freemind hello, I am trying to boot with a ramdisk and get: Mounting none on /proc failed: No such file or directory .. the procfs is enabled in the kernel, what could be wrong?07:07
StazIf I have two "Device" sections in xorg.conf, how do I know which one will be used?07:07
salehwm_eddie: yes i do bc i can compile c++ programs and run07:07
Stazie : choose between em07:07
Jordan_UTux: Try pming me agian, I have set it so I can allow unregistered users.07:08
andy sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:08
andyError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed07:08
andythe nvidia driver for your running kernel.07:08
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xeon111i still cant heard anything :(07:08
Tuxu see it?07:08
supervisorhow used ubuntu server07:08
xeon111and on mp3 files it says07:08
salehwm_eddie: compiling openGL is not different with cpp ???07:08
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eckfreemind: I think you are using the wrong syntax for mount07:08
xeon111you need a plugin or decoder07:08
wm_eddiesaleh: Then you have everything you need.  Follow the instructions on mesa's website on how to write an application.07:09
graemethere's no TVUPlayer for Linux ? ... damn. That was the killer app.07:09
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wm_eddiesaleh: http://www.mesa3d.org/07:09
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freemindeck: I also tried "mount -t proc none /proc" - same effekt -> "proc: file not found"07:09
eetfunkI'm trying to remove mysql-server completely and reinstall, but apt-get doesn't delete the settings file or reinstall them (even if i remove them manually).  What should I do?07:09
salehwm_eddie: thanks07:09
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SUDO_Tuxcan u hear me jordan_u07:09
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james_hey guys07:09
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QuantumGeetfunk: dpkg --purge mysql-server07:09
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eetfunkQuantumG: thnx07:10
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james_is there a specific channel for enabling GLDesktop, etc on Ubuntu? (i'm using edgy eft and I cant get it to work)07:10
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Clubbedhi, when I try to install the nVidia drivers it says I am running server X and that to install them I need to be out of server X, how do i do that?07:10
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andyhi can any one help me Im trying to get nvidia to work properly: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable07:10
andyError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed07:10
andythe nvidia driver for your running kernel.07:10
eckfreemind: shouldn't it be mount -t proc proc /proc07:10
fyrestrtrfreemind: you need to makedev /proc first.07:11
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graemeWhy is bootpc listening on foreign ports over udp ?07:11
techNiKalis there any way to make my ubunt dapper secure and allow only one service samba to be enabled ?07:11
freemindthank you, I will try that now07:11
graemevanilla dapper install ?07:11
xeon111where can i get decoders07:11
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Acurais there an easy way to remove all programs except those that were in installed with the operating system?07:11
Xenguy!codecs > xeon11107:11
xeon111it says i need decoders to pay mp3 files07:11
fyrestrtrtechNiKal: use can use update-rc.d or bum (boot up manager) to control what services start at startup. Some are needed though (like a cron process).07:11
fyrestrtrAcura: re-install the system.07:12
Despiseddoes anyone know how to get input from the user in python?07:12
fyrestrtrxeon111: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:12
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eckDespised: raw_input()07:12
fyrestrtrDespised: folks in #python might :)07:12
Despisedoh alright thanks07:12
techNiKalfyrestrtr do you have any tutorial about ubuntu security or what you just said ?07:12
Acurafyrestrtr, without reinstalling it (because something is crashign when i try to do taht)07:12
eetfunkdpkg --purge doesnt seem to remove the config files and apt-get doesnt create new ones.  Any other ides?07:12
Clubbedhi, when I try to install the nVidia drivers it says I am running server X and that to install them I need to be out of server X, how do i do that?07:12
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eckDespised: if you want to learn python, I recommend the apress book07:13
fyrestrtrtechNiKal: no, I don't know of a tutorial (manage to secure it "manually") but I'm sure there is something at the ubuntu wiki -- have you tried there already?07:13
fyrestrtrAcura: what error message do you get?07:13
cable_guyis there an easy, safe way to install flash player 9 beta on ubuntu edgy?07:13
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fyrestrtrClubbed: ctrl+alt+f1, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop, then type the command to run the installer.07:13
KingOfNowhereyeah flash player 9 is easy to install07:13
Clubbedthank you07:14
fyrestrtrClubbed: oh you must also login first.07:14
fyrestrtrctrl+alt+f1, login, then ....07:14
Acurafyrestrtr, it says Uncompressing Linux, then   [xxxx.xx]  timeout waiting for dma, or something similar to that07:14
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cable_guyKingOfNowhere: where can i get it?07:14
fyrestrtrAcura: you can disable dma.07:14
DanielV /join #electronics07:14
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eckcable_guy: back up the old so file, and replace it with the new one... it is fiarly safe/easy07:14
fyrestrtrAcura: do you already have linux installed?07:15
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bonyits working i just tried to play a dvd and i could play it perfectly even with dvd menus. but now i have a problem regarding brightness and contrast of the video. the video is very bright. i tried to set the settings that are there in totems dislpay option but is there any auto process using which i could set the brightness and contrast fo the video?07:15
Acurafyrestrtr, yea, but i wanted to install a clean version over the top07:15
fyrestrtrwell if you are after a clean version, the easiest way is to reinstall the system. If you install on top, no guarantees of cleanliness.07:16
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KingOfNowherecable_guy: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html - Download link07:17
fyrestrtrAcura: if you have some spare disk space, create another partition, mount it as /home, copy all your user files and then reinstall the base system. This way you won't delete your documents and user settings.07:17
Acuraok will do07:18
KingOfNowherecable_guy: download the player and move the 'libflashplayer.so' file into the approriate directory (for firefox it is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins)07:19
fyrestrtrand as for your dma problem, you can disable dma from either your bios, or by the /nodma (or similar, forgot the exact command) switch at the boot: prompt (you'll need the alternate install cd for it)07:19
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FantasticFoowill this work for getting compiz on dapper? http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Xgl-Compiz-Dapper07:20
FantasticFooor is it going to screw something up07:21
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ManticeHow to I install the ATI.com drivers for edgy ???07:22
james_my titlebars are dissapearing when I enable xgl.... darn you delicious, buggy alpha software :)07:22
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Vichubuntu is too easy to setup07:23
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VichI don't feel a sense of accomplishment having installed ubuntu and gotten everything working07:23
FantasticFooVich: i know what you mean. heheh07:23
VichI mean, even got the extra buttons on my logitech keyboard working07:24
VichAND my digital speakers07:24
eternalswdI just uninstalled fglrx.  I'd like to try the open source alternative.  What is the package name for the ati driver?07:24
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Vichmy only gripe is that my webcam (logitech quickcam im) light comes on at startup and stays on07:24
fyrestrtreternalswd: its already installed, just change 'fglrx' to 'ati' in xorg.conf07:24
sysdocVich, Sucks don't it?? lol07:24
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ManticeCan some one help me install the drivers off ATI.com ????07:24
Vichit's only supposed to come on when I'm using it07:25
Vichso I get paranoid that people are watching me07:25
eternalswdfyrestrtr, thanks07:25
Vichrunning a webcam app then closing said app turns the light off07:25
Vichin fact, the webcam (of course) works great07:25
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Vichbut if there was a way I could stop it starting up, that would be awesome07:25
Vichlike stop it initializing or whatever it's doing07:26
fyrestrtronly plug it in when you are using it.07:26
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Vichthat is one solution07:26
Vichbut alike my current solution of running and closing a webcam program07:26
Vichit's too cumbersome07:26
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FantasticFooVich: i know how to give yourself a sense of accomplishment.07:27
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Vichfigure out how to solve this myself?07:27
james_Get xgl working, that should give you a sense of accomplishment07:27
shrndegruvis there a guide to enabling hibernate on laptops?07:27
Vichxgl eh?07:28
james_lol the 3D graphics, wobbling windows, that sort07:28
FantasticFooVich: nope. get xgl/compiz running without screwing up your entire machine07:28
james_I just uninstalled all the components07:28
james_I'm tired of trying every method imagineable and getting nowhere07:28
FantasticFooyeah, it's ridiculously impossible07:28
VichI'll try that later07:28
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james_I want my wobbly windows :(07:29
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fyrestrtrif that's accomplishment, then I must feel like a king because I have it working on dual screens -- yet, I don't.07:29
FantasticFoojames_: i actually did have it working before07:29
FantasticFoojames_: it's really cool07:29
sysdocFantasticFoo, I just got it installed this evening, wasn't bad at all07:29
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FantasticFoosysdoc: on dapper or what?07:29
james_how'd you do it sysdoc?07:29
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james_i'm on edgy07:29
FantasticFoosysdoc: please tell me what tutorial you followed. :|07:29
VichI am also on edgy07:29
hentaiI'm pretty edgy myself. too much coffee i suppose...07:30
Vichlol hentai07:30
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Vichyou japanese pervert you07:30
fyrestrtrhttp://www.meidomus.com/images/Screenshot.png :)07:30
StazI think I buggered up xorg.conf and it wont load. How can I get back into ubuntu and replace it with the backup I made?07:30
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sysdocFantasticFoo, hang on getting it now07:30
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james_I'm on edgy, using nvidia drivers07:31
hentaioops, left cruise control on07:31
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james_so sysdoc, install xgl first, then follow this?07:32
fyrestrtrStaz: ctrl+alt+f1, login, then sudo cp backup-xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:32
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hentaimy external hdd is mounted as a vfat filesystem, and it says root owns it. but root can't change the permissions so that everyone can write to it. what can i do to fix this problem?07:32
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graemeis videolan in the repos ?07:32
FantasticFoosysdoc: oh, thanks!!07:32
Stazfyrestrtr : I cant get past the progress bar screen07:32
hentaigraeme: vlc media player is, if that's what you're asking.07:32
Stazie : ctrl f1 wont work07:32
bonyi am unable to play a vcd07:32
sysdocjames_, I installed the newest nvidia driver then> this one to get Xgl in the session chooser> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl#head-b9d0ad31fc5a1f8cd66c5d871d27f01cfa27d13707:33
fyrestrtrStaz: sounds like something else is happening. What was the last thing you did?07:33
StazI only edited xorg.conf07:33
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hentaiwhat did you edit in xorg.conf?07:33
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blankyis there a way I can change my local ip address07:33
shrndegruvguys doc for getting hibernate functionality on a laptop?07:34
hentaiblanky, are you behind a router?07:34
sysdocI actually used like 5 different pages, if ya want them pm me07:34
fyrestrtrStaz: reboot the system, activate the grub menu (hit esc quickly). Then, edit the boot entry for your kernel and remove the 'quiet' line, then boot with it and see where its hanging.07:34
StazI had two "Device" sections. I removed one and replace the driver in the other one with "fglrx" (stypid I know)07:34
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blankyhentai, yeah, it's becuase my windows lan address is different from my linux and all my things on my router aren't applying to me07:34
sysdocshrndegruv, you looking for suspend2?07:34
hentaiah, if you use gnome go to System > Administration > Networking and configure your device07:35
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shrndegruvis that how i get the laptop to suspend?07:35
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sysdocshrndegruv, well that is one wy to do it yea07:35
blankyhentai, sorry, im on kde, you know how to do it that way?07:35
shrndegruvyeah where are the docs for the different options?07:36
Stazfyrestrtr : I removed quiet line, but nothing changed when I booted07:36
hentaiblanky, sorry, no clue. other than editing /etc/network/interfaces07:36
fyrestrtrStaz: you need to boot with the change (hit b to boot with the edited line). If you just edit it and reboot, it boots with the default settings.07:36
blankyhentai, I could just edit that?07:36
sysdocshrndegruv, see this forum page and then search around for your laptop http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13507:36
hentaiblanky, i don't see what's stopping you.07:36
Stazfyrestrtr : I did that07:37
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blankyhentai, I'll try thanks07:37
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fyrestrtrStaz: if you still saw the progress bar, then it didn't boot with your change.07:37
fyrestrtrStaz: boot in recovery mode, that should atleast give you a working console.07:37
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hentaisomeone please help me change the permissions of my external drive. it won't let the owner (root) change the permissions so all users can write to it.07:38
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fyrestrtrhentai: remont the drive with umask=077707:38
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graeme_can anyone help me troubleshoot sound for dapper ?07:39
Stazfyrestrtr ; Its very strange I follow your exact instructions but boot does not change at all.07:39
Stazhow can I boot in recovery mode?07:39
blankyhentai, it says # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE07:39
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fyrestrtrStaz: there should be a menu entry in grub for a recovery console.07:39
graemeI can't get the sound to work on my dapper ...07:39
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crimsungraeme: ``asoundconf list'' (in a terminal)07:41
hentaiblanky, that's probably there for a reason >_>07:41
blankyhentai, yeah lol but you said I could edit it, so...can I?07:41
graemecrimsun: Names of available sound cards:07:41
ManticeCan some one help me install the drivers off ATI.com ????07:41
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crimsungraeme: and is any sound audible?07:42
james_well, as you can see07:42
graemecrimsun: nope07:42
james_I did that tutorial, and lost my titlebars07:42
crimsungraeme: pastebin ``amixer''07:42
james_window decorations07:42
blankywhen was 6.06 released? what month?07:42
blankytime flew, it feels like just yesterday when 6.06 was released07:42
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hentaiblanky, probably not. i just used the gnome gui to configure my settings07:42
hentaifyrestrtr: how do i add umask to the mount command?07:43
lastnodeheikki, umask=000 for example07:43
graemecrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/246474 ... cheers for the help dude .... :-)07:43
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pricklyspongeI have a question for anyone out there07:43
hentaisudo mount umask=0777 -t vfat /dev/sdd1 /media/LACIE ?07:44
pricklyspongeusing Xchat, how do I view all the people on the channel I'm on?07:44
bonyi am able to play dvds with menus and plain onces too. but i am unable to play vcd. can any one suggest how to make them play? or what are the packages that have to be installed?07:44
sysdoclol, beryl is just freaking cool!! Everyone should install this lil puppy!07:44
pricklyspongethe list of the right side07:44
pricklyspongei've seen it in pictures07:44
crimsungraeme: amixer set 'IEC958 5V' off && amixer set 'IEC958 In Phase Inverse' off && amixer set 'Line-In Mode' 'Rear Output'07:44
bonytotem says no plugin to play the vcd07:44
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hentaibony, try vlc07:44
=== Staz crosses fingers
fyrestrtrMantice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-26e8b0d4be861a6b7c545dc21c45232f909d8ca207:45
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pricklyspongeusing Xchat, how do I view all the people on the channel I'm on?07:45
graemebony: get vlc instead ... sudo apt-get install vlc07:45
bonyyeah its working in vlc07:45
StazYEAHHAAA! Thankyou so much fyrestrtr07:46
Manticefyrestrty: I have edgy tho07:46
bonybut what i want is when i insert the cd in to cd drive totem should automatically play it the way it plays dvds07:46
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pricklyspongeHow do I see user list in Xchat?07:47
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graemecrimsun: yeah, but still no luck I"m afraid ...07:47
pricklyspongeusing Xchat, how do I view all the people on the channel I'm on?07:47
crimsungraeme: which output jack are you using?07:47
sinanyone know a good samba file browser with a gui that will let me mount shares from my windows box?07:48
Mantice./ati-installer.sh: 991: Syntax error: Bad substitution07:48
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graemecrimsun: the green one07:48
crimsungraeme: umm...07:48
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crimsungraeme: I have no idea what that means. Front? Rear?07:48
AdamKilihelp when following install instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-6c942d1939d97331f96e42b63774003fde7daed5 it hangs on connecting to Connecting to ftp.sunet.se||:80...07:49
graemecrimsun: what do you mean by output jack exactly ?07:49
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srankinsin: Places ... Connect to Server07:49
crimsungraeme: your chipset driver notes 2 output jacks07:49
sinoh wow..07:49
graemeI'm just plugging my headphones into the green socket thing on the sound card...07:49
fyrestrtrMantice: read the link I gave you07:49
sincuz it kept telling me i had no permissions, im like why isnt it asking me for a L/P!! lol07:49
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sinthank you srankin07:50
joe7d6anyone using freedb enabled application? im using easytag and having problem with the freedb services. the problems have persist for quite a while i think.07:50
srankinno prob07:50
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pricklyspongeusing Xchat, how do I view all the people on the channel I'm on?07:50
Stazisnt there a bar on the right displaying nicklist? Mine has07:51
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crimsungraeme: try unmuting 'Exchange DAC'07:51
pricklyspongemine doesnt07:51
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eckpricklysponge: i think in most irc clients it is /who07:51
singod, totem is so stupid, it can't play movies from a windows share? can anything ?07:51
graemecrimsun: how do I do that ?07:51
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crimsungraeme: amixer set 'Exchange DAC' on07:51
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james_yeah, still missing window decorations07:51
crimsunout for a spell.07:51
pricklysponge"/who" didnt do anything07:51
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thorsin: try vlc07:51
pricklyspongeim trying to get the bar on the right side07:52
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c0re^hey, is there a ubuntu with the kernel already compiled and useable?07:52
pricklyspongetat has the users07:52
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hentaiarg, that didn't help at all07:53
thorpricklysponge: the bar is there in xchat...move to the left edge of the scrollbar, hold the mouse left button, and move the cursor to the left. This will make the chat window smaller, but will also enlarge the user list07:53
hentaii mounted /dev/sdd1 with umask=0777 and it told me that not even root can view what's in the folder.07:53
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thorpricklysponge: that should read the 'right' edge of the scrollbar07:53
villr[] yeum... anyone here use a web interface to log on to a wireless network.07:53
graemecrimsun: nope that doens't work either I'm afraid ...07:53
pricklyspongethre got it :D07:53
Rookie-to see what fps is with glxgears - what the option on that ?07:54
capi_xfontsel doesn't show me all the fonts, ttf are mainly missing.07:54
pricklyspongelol thanks a bunch :)07:54
crimsungraeme: pastebin your /proc/asound/card0/codec*/*07:54
AdamKilihelp i'm following instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-6c942d1939d97331f96e42b63774003fde7daed5 i run the first command, it tries to connect, then times out. can anyone help? also the Canonical repository doesn't work when following those instructions07:54
crimsungraeme: back in 1 hr07:54
ohthow do you add a refresh rate to the xorg.conf file?07:54
=== highneko [n=highneko@S0106000d88bbefa2.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
c0re^hey, is there a ubuntu with the kernel already compiled and useable?07:54
crimsunc0re^: if you mean 2.6.18, no.07:54
oht(it's only giving 75 hz for my monitor, but i usually run it at 60hz)07:54
crimsunc0re^: and there is no Ubuntu release with
graemethe sound on my dapper doesn't work ? can anyone help ?07:54
c0re^crimsun: i thought someone said the nightly worked for the jmicron sata controller07:55
c0re^thats why i need it. the current kernel doesnt support my harddrive.07:55
crimsunc0re^: meaning a snap of 2.6.19?07:55
srankinhenta: I thought umaskl used octals07:55
c0re^crimsun: meaning something that will work with my stat controller07:55
c0re^crimsun: sata*07:56
crimsunc0re^: I need specifics.07:56
hentaisrankin: explain07:56
Rookie-to see what fps is with glxgears - what the option on that ?07:56
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bonythor, i am able to play dvds but vcds are not getting played vlc is able to play few of them but i want totem to play the cds. when i had brezee i had no problem playing any thing weather its a dvd or vcd but i am facing lot of problems with the new version07:56
c0re^crimsun: like my sata controller?07:56
graemeI'm really not very happy with my dapper install ...07:56
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crimsunc0re^: no, like the kernel you're referring to07:56
Manticefyrestrty: I still get same message.07:56
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c0re^crimsun: the kernel im referring to is 2.6.18 which has support for my sata controller07:57
graemeIf I'd just installed windows, I'd be outside enjoying the sunshine at this stage ...07:57
crimsunc0re^: we don't -- at all -- ship
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c0re^crimsun: someone said some nightly had it07:57
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crimsunc0re^: then either point me to this mysterious nightly, or give me a reference to whom07:58
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Vichwhat is beryl?07:58
Vichis that like xgl?07:58
=== abes [n=abes@CPE00146c3e212d-CM013020003935.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
hentaiberyl is a window manager that goes with xgl to make it do all the cool stuff it does07:58
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VichI'm installing that now07:59
thoranyone know how to remove the 'on top' property from the toolbars in gnome?07:59
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hentairight click the titlebar07:59
chapiumthor, there might be an option in gnome-conf07:59
c0re^crimsun: im looking for the nightly myself. it was on some random forum i found on google. two other distributions ive tried that has 2.6.18 run, but wont install due to not finding disks or my harddrive isnt seen.07:59
AsheDwhy can't I edit /etc/sudoers ?08:00
abesHey everyone! I have a volume issue. I have function keyes that put the volume up and down and indeed a little bar appears showing it going down and up, but that's "Headphone" volume so the main volume doesnt change at all - how can i change it?08:00
c0re^crimsun: i use the asus p5b deluxe wifi ap ed08:00
thorchapium: I thought gnome-conf was a command...but it doesn't respond08:00
c0re^crimsun: for my mobo08:00
chapiumthor: I cant remember what its called.  I think its gconf or something08:00
graemeThe alsaconf command doens't respond to anything ?08:00
chapiumthor, gconf-editor08:01
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thorchapium: yup...just found it08:01
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crimsunc0re^: there seems to be a communication breakdown. We don't ship a 2.6.18 at all. There's 6.10's 2.6.17 or 7.04's
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hentaii fixed it!08:02
crimsungraeme: we don't ship alsaconf in alsa-utils; it was removed in Hoary.08:02
=== chapium golf claps
c0re^crimsun: oh, i understand, well i just want any kernel that supports my sata controller or allows me to install, im assuming 2.8.19 will?08:02
hentaisudo mount -t vfat -o defaults,uid=hentai,gid=hentai /dev/sdd1 /media/LACIE08:02
wraithsoulI am trying to get pydance to work, and it does not. and I hear that someone already bothered you about it, so are there any DDR type games that are easy to install and are good replacements?08:02
graemecrimsun: so what am I supposed to do then ?08:02
crimsunc0re^: you're free to compile your own 2.6.19-rc08:02
graemepray ?08:02
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp33-231.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
wraithsoulI really do not want to have to compile from source.08:02
Vichjust wow08:02
c0re^crimsun: thats the thing, i cant get linux on my system08:02
Vichberyl is crazy08:02
AdamKilihelp i'm following instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-6c942d1939d97331f96e42b63774003fde7daed5 i run the first command, it tries to connect, then times out. can anyone help? also the Canonical repository doesn't work when following those instructions08:03
Rookie-to see what fps is with glxgears - whats the option on that ?08:03
crimsungraeme: alsaconf isn't going to help you fix your mixer levels. Try using aumix, which uses the much simplified oss api.08:03
unikuserdoes any one know evolution mail client has "Mark Thread as Read" option in edgy?08:03
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c0re^crimsun: thats why i need a linux installer that runs 2.6.18+ so my hardware is detected08:03
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Alex_Palexre all08:03
graemecrimsun: I don't care about my mix levels. I just want sound to work ...08:03
graemecrimsun: flash sound off the internet won't work either ...08:03
crimsungraeme: your issue is a mixer level, and I'm on the phone so I can't concentrate on your issue atm08:04
villr[] ye anyone here use a web interface to log on to a wireless network?08:04
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james_damn, i'm tired08:04
james_screw beryl/emerald/xgl for now08:04
c0re^whaaat, its easy to install08:04
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james_oh, not for me08:04
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c0re^well, get sabayonlinux08:04
james_no matter what I do, i crash X08:04
graemecrimsun: k thanks anyway ...08:05
c0re^it comes preinstalled.08:05
graemeCan someone help me fix my sound on dapper ?08:05
eckor fedora core 6 ;-)08:05
james_or, i get missing window decorations, and THEN I crash X08:05
sysdocjames_, when does X crach?08:05
c0re^yeh or fc608:05
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chapiumAdamKili: look for gstreamer extra plugins under add/remove programs, it might help08:05
crimsungraeme: ask me again in 20 minutes08:05
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AdamKilichapium: will do08:05
AsheDwhy can't I save any changes to /etc/sudoers ?08:05
james_when I try to disable beryl after starting it, or if I restart it after enabling beryl08:06
eckAsheD: you need to edit the file using visudo08:06
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ManticeHas beryl been removed from the repositys ?08:06
abesAny idea on how to change which volume is controlled by the volume function keys?08:06
ohtis 32 bit color not possible with X? or was it just not detected correctly?08:06
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chapiumAdamKili: a less graceful approach is described somewhere on this page: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html08:06
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_zardoz_on ubuntu 6.10 my screen goes black and displays no signal after trying to boot live desktop. same thing happens in normal and safe mode. any pointers on how to fix that?08:07
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eck_zardoz_: on the install cd? the use alternate installer08:08
aditsuhi, how do I tell ubuntu to set the clock to the local time instead of utc?08:08
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kvonbhello, can anyone tell me how to re-install DRI from a term please?  thanks :)08:08
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compwiz18can anyone tell me how i can connect to a wifi network with a hidden essid?08:09
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp33-231.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
_zardoz_yes install cd. I'm not sure how to use alternate installer08:09
VichI feel a great sense of accomplishment08:09
Vichubuntu now looks uber sexy08:09
Vichand has awesome fading, wobbling effects08:09
eck_zardoz_: you download the alternate install iso, and then the cd will install using text mode instead of graphical mode08:10
james_Damn you vich08:10
Vichreminds me of mac osx08:10
james_mine never wants to work08:10
compwiz18no one knows how to connect to a hidden essid?08:10
VichI expanded a window08:10
eckcompwiz18: enter the essid manually?08:10
Vichand it looked like it got thrown to the screen08:10
Vichall bouncy08:10
compwiz18eck; how so?08:10
sysdocjames_, when you start beryl-manager do you get any errors?08:10
eckcompwiz18: you can do it using network manager or iwconfig from the command line08:11
_zardoz_so there is no way to fix this? is it a known issue?08:11
james_no screens sometimes08:11
sysdocVich, ctrl+alt+ left or right arrow08:11
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eck_zardoz_: my roommate had the same problem, and he was able to install using the alternate cd08:12
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soundmaster80does anyone have an idea when the 9629 nvidia drivers will be released to the repos08:12
graemeGod, I'm seriously pissed at linux right now ... :-(08:12
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AsheDI broke my /etc/sudoers08:13
graemeIf i'd install windows instead, I'd be out enjoying the sunshine on my weekend off ... grrrrr....08:13
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mister_robotograeme: why not do it then?08:13
preactiongraeme, but how much enjoyment could you get knowing that half your life will now be spent restarting windows to make it work right?08:13
graemeyeah, I guess I'm just venting ...08:14
sysdocpreaction, lol08:14
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AsheDok, I have a rather serious problem.08:14
eckpreaction: i hope you appreciate the irony08:14
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soundmaster80does anyone have an idea when the 9629 nvidia drivers will be released to the repos08:14
graemeit's gets frustrating when something as simple as sound won't work though ... :-(08:14
cu83hey all08:14
preactioneck, i feel the same as him... xubuntu edgy breaks some very small frustrating things from ubuntu dapper :(08:15
nageshgraeme, even the popup and other stuffs might have added to you enjoyment08:15
AsheDI was editing /etc/sudoers to allow my user to exec fusermount w/o password, and I evidently broke something in the file08:15
AsheDnow I can neither edit the file nor use sudo AT ALL08:15
graemeyeah, yeah, I know ... in the long-term I'm better off ... blah blah :-P08:15
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preactionAsheD, restart, use grub to open the recovery console, and remove the line you fux0red08:15
eckAsheD: did you use visudo?08:15
soundmaster80ashed, can you boot the desktop cd and fix it from CD?08:15
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cu83can someone help me out, i've installed php4 on my box, but it doesn't see to be working08:17
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cu83i'll open up http://localhost/test.php08:17
preactioncu83, when in doubt, blame PHP08:17
cu83hehe  =P08:17
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nageshcu83, do you have apache installed?08:17
preactioncu83, what do you see when you open that up?08:18
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graemecu83: dude what's "doesn't seem to be working" supposed to mean ?08:18
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preaction!doesn't work08:18
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:18
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zdravkoHi there!08:18
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cu83"open up with the default application(gedit)"08:18
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cu83graeme, like it doesn't run it08:19
graemecu83: have you set apache to handle .php files ?08:19
cu83how do i do that?08:19
cu83=] 08:19
OrbordeQuestion about backups: So I'm trying to figure out how to make a decent backup of an entire multibooting system. rdiff-backup seems to be the logical choice for the currently running OS, but what about the other partitions?08:19
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graemecu83: you go to #apache ....08:19
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abesWho knows how to change the functions of Fn+Something keys?08:19
chapiumanyone know what day sunday is in crontabese08:19
chapiumis it 0?08:19
eckcu83: when you run 'php' from the command line it doesn't work?08:19
cu83eck, yep08:20
eckwhat happens?08:20
OrbordeI was thinking that I could run rdiff-backup on the other, unmounted partitions themselves via their /dev/ block file entries.08:20
graemeeck: that's probably because he doesn't have php installed for cli ...08:20
cu83it just idles like it wants input, like running the perl command08:20
eckcu83: then it works08:20
eckit is just reading from standard in08:21
graemecu83: go to #php or #apache. You have to configure apache to run .php files through the php interpreter ...08:21
cu83graeme, k thanks =] 08:21
graemeCan anyone help me with a sound issue ?08:21
=== EdLin [n=vim@as5300-6.216-194-21-203.nyc.ny.metconnect.net] has joined #ubuntu
james_what the hell08:21
eckgraeme: what is the problem?08:22
nageshgraeme, what is the problem?08:22
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james_i'm trying to install a screensaver... ./configure, and them make......... but it says "make" doesnt exist08:22
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graemeeck: I don't get any sound ... not from flash, not from videolan ... nothing08:22
preactionjames_, apt-get install build-essential08:22
nageshjames_, apt-get install make08:22
eckgraeme: is the soundcard recognized?08:22
crimsunyes, it is recognised.08:23
crimsungraeme: did you install aumix and use it as I suggested?08:23
graemeeck: think so yes, asoundconf gives me back CM... something or other ...08:23
graemegraeme@ubuntu:~$ asoundconf list08:23
graemeNames of available sound cards: CMI873808:23
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nageshgraeme, have you installed sound codecs and decodecs?08:24
eetfunkhow do i get the gid and uid of a user from the command line?08:24
crimsunit's not a codec issue; it's a mixer issue.08:24
mabreauxI just purchased a Palm tx and would like to know how hard it will be to sync with ubuntu.08:24
Rookie-eetfunk, id08:24
nagesheetfunk, id username08:24
eetfunkRookie-: couldnt be easier thanks :)08:25
graemenagesh: I figured that vlc would bring all the codecs with it no ?08:25
eetfunknagesh:  thnx108:25
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graemecrimsun: how can you tell that ?08:25
crimsungraeme: because I handle alsa for ubuntu.08:25
nageshgraeme, not really .....u have to install gstreamers08:25
graemecrimsun: ahh .... teach me MASTER ... :-)08:25
chapiummabreaux: download gnome-pilot and find out :D (I doubt you'll find hlep for something that specific here)08:26
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crimsungraeme: did you check w/ aplay that nothing is audible?08:26
graemenagesh: I have streamtuner and xmms ... ( if that's any indication )08:26
crimsungraeme: e.g., aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav08:26
unikusergreame:  speaker-test08:26
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graemecrimsun: yeah, tried it. The speakers should go into the green plug right :-P08:28
crimsungraeme: remember I don't know the physical layout of your particular hardware, only the driver-level specifics08:29
unikuseryes it shuold go in green08:29
crimsune.g., take a digital photo of the connectors08:29
james_my USB sound card is working pretty well, better than it does in XP08:29
graemecrimsun: yeah, the aplay sound isn't working either ...08:30
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crimsungraeme: does it hang, or does it complete with no audible sound?08:30
nageshgraeme, sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd08:30
graemecrimsun: completes with no audible sound08:30
unikusercrimsun: is ur sound card mute?08:31
crimsungraeme: did you pastebin your codec dump? (contents of /proc/asound/card0/codec*/* )08:31
crimsununikuser: misdirected08:31
graemecrimsun: no such file :-(08:31
crimsungraeme: what about /proc/asound/card0/codec* ?08:31
inc-inci have a feeling that my xorg config is not displaying 24 bit colour (i get streaking/"petrol stains" in my images, expecially visible on gradients). Is there a way of checking what colour depth i have?08:31
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crimsuninc-inc: xdpyinfo|grep depths08:32
crimsuninc-inc: the one listed before the first comma is your current depth08:32
graemecrimsun; this is the contents of the card0 dir ...08:33
graemecmipci  id  midi0  oss_mixer  pcm0c  pcm0p  pcm1p  pcm2c  pcm2p08:33
inc-incit says 24... but maybe ill try 3208:33
james_I am glad I finally got sound working, I can listen to my music library on one of my windows partitions08:33
crimsungraeme: is cmipci a directory or a file?08:33
inc-incjames_: sorry to join the pary late, but are u using an ntfs drive?08:33
james_the music is on NTFS08:34
graemecrimsun: regular empty file08:34
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crimsungraeme: pastebin its contents08:34
jazzrockerwhat  should i read to learn how to create a package?08:34
jazzrockere.g. a .deb08:34
inc-incjames_: are u using ntfs-3g08:34
graemecrimsun: it's empty08:34
crimsunjazzrocker: System> Help> System Documentation> Packaging Guide08:34
james_i have no idea08:34
inc-inchave u got it working?08:34
graemecrimsun: oh wait sorry08:34
crimsungraeme: it's located on a pseudofilesystem, it will appear via ls to be empty, but it's not.08:34
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james_I've been up for 17 hours, I need to go to bed08:35
james_I believe I'll be joining this channel more often08:35
graemecrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/24649008:35
james_you guys are actually helpful08:35
james_thanks a lot, and have a good night08:36
crimsungraeme: thanks, now I need ``lspci -nv''08:36
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graemecrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/246491 ... thanks :-)08:37
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eternalswdI just upgraded to edgy from dapper, and anything running gksudo is getting "unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file", what might I do to fix this?08:38
unikusergreame: what does running alsamixer do?08:38
inc-inccrimsun: in the output of xdpyinfo, there are a whole bunch of "visual:" sections. All say significant bits in color specification:  8 bits. Is that incorrect?08:39
graemeunikuser: opens the alsamixer in terminal ...08:39
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[SUDO] Tuxjordan_u?08:39
[SUDO] TuxJordan_U?08:39
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unikusergreame: with master, pcm and all?08:39
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crimsuninc-inc: use what I told you08:39
unikuserand with ur sound card name?08:40
inc-inccrimsun: can u tell me what the out put of "xdpyinfo|grep significant" is08:40
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crimsuninc-inc: it's not relevant, but it's 8 bits08:40
inc-incjust wanted to make sure08:40
crimsungraeme: (sec, I'm crossreferencing the code)08:42
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crimsungraeme: have you created an asoundrc?08:45
graemecrimsun: nope. I figured there'd be one in there already ?08:45
crimsungraeme: not by default.08:45
graemejust a runscript for sound right ?08:45
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp33-231.lns1.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
graemeor maybe I'm misunderstanding ...08:45
paragonchow do i find out what type of integrated video card a box is running?08:46
crimsungraeme: don't worry about it now.08:46
crimsungraeme: amixer set 'Four Channel Mode' off08:46
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crimsungraeme: warning, turn down your speakers/headphones first08:46
eckparagonc: look for something relevant in lspci08:47
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paragonceck - 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. UniChrome Pro IGP (rev 01)08:47
paragoncwould that be it?08:48
eckthat sounds like it08:48
graemecrimsun: it's still as dead as a doornail ... :-(08:48
paragoncdiagnosing a xorg problem from 550 miles away :D08:48
wheelswitchi want to back up my home folder as i am about to do an ubuntu reinstall08:48
=== ClayG [n=Clay@c-66-177-234-251.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsungraeme: ok, amixer set 'Exchange DAC' off08:49
wheelswitchsudo cp /home/myusername/ /myusbdisk/ doesnt seem to be working, what is the easiest way?08:49
=== Sohan [n=sohan@54.168-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
graemecrimsun: yip08:49
ClayGanyone know of a xdmcp/rdp live cd?08:49
eternalswdwheelswitch, are you trying to copy a directory?08:49
eckwheelswitch: cp -a08:49
Tokenbadwell this sucks...tried to mount a iso and says something about requires an operating system that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system specification.08:49
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eckor tar it up08:49
crimsungraeme: "yip"?08:49
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zdravkoi want to ask something...08:50
zdravkoabout Feisty08:50
zdravkoand Dapper08:50
zdravkoad Edgy :)08:50
zdravkoDapper is LTS?08:50
crimsunzdravko: yes08:51
wheelswitcheck:  thankyou sir08:51
zdravkoEdgy and Festy - no LTS?08:51
crimsunzdravko: correct08:51
zdravkothen we should stay by Dapper?08:51
crimsunzdravko: depends on your needs08:51
zdravkofor the next 2 years?08:51
graemecrimsun: sorry. Yes, I've turned the DAC Exchange off but still no sound08:51
zdravkoi don't know my needs08:51
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zdravkobut I prefer mastered works08:51
zdravkonow I use Edgy08:52
zdravkobut I feel like Dapper was better08:52
zdravkomaybe even Feisty won't satisfy me08:52
zdravkoDapper was a stable version08:52
crimsungraeme: and you're outputting to analog speakers, not a digital receiver, correct?08:52
StazDoes anybody know of a good page that contains the ubuntu boot arguments, and what they do. eg splash and quiet.08:52
Tokenbadcan ubuntu handle a iso that uses iso-13346 udf file system? I want to mount the iso..08:53
crimsunzdravko: we spend considerable effort on Dapper on support it for 3 years on the desktop08:53
graemecrimsun: I have a headphone plugged in ... yes08:53
crimsunzdravko: to support, rather08:53
zdravkoDapper was released June 2006?08:53
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crimsunzdravko: yes08:53
zdravkothis means I can use it till June200908:53
crimsungraeme: how many output jacks are there?08:54
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graemecrimsun: output jacks ? blue pink green ...08:54
ivxhello when ever i right click my clock and select adjust date and time, the clock crashes, i rebooted and still crashed, anyone know what the deal?08:54
crimsungraeme: you have _3_?!08:54
graemecrimsun: OK it's working dude :-)08:55
graemeYou're my GOD :-)08:55
graemethe sound card won't work, but the onboard sound will work ...08:55
eternalswdI'm having a problem with gksudo.  sudo works.  when I try gksudo it gives my this error in the terminal: Error copying '/home/myusername/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu-sZhYXt': Permission denied08:55
graemewhat was wrong do you think ?08:55
crimsunwhich onboard sound chipset is it?08:56
eternalswdthe gksudo problem only started after upgrading from dapper to edgy08:56
graemecrimsun: 0000:00:0d.0 Multimedia audio controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10) ... ??08:56
unikusereternalswd: try removing those 2 files and restart x08:57
crimsunthat _is_ your sound card, then08:57
dreffyhello, hello!Problems galore. I can can surf the net, ping addresses in www.hotmail.com but not ping, i cant get any repository updates either. what's up???08:57
ivxhello when ever i right click my clock and select adjust date and time, the clock crashes, i rebooted and still crashed, anyone know what the deal?08:57
zdravkoi can't imagine myself using Dapper until June 2009!08:57
crimsungraeme: how is sound working? did you switch jacks?08:57
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dreffyactually my xchat wasnt working either im using a web irc client08:58
graemecrimsun: yeah, I switched between the soundcard and the onboard sound. But I'd done that before I made your changes and it didnt work back then ...08:58
Shadowpillar_one design flaw in ubuntu I hate is the mandatory need for certain apps08:58
eckzdravko: you can always use dapper, skip a few releases, and then upgrade to something you like before then08:58
unikuserdreffy: even i cannot ping ip u gave me08:58
zdravkoaha, I see08:58
Shadowpillar_try to uninstall totem? it'll try to uninstall gnome08:58
zdravkothanks for the information08:58
crimsungraeme: err, you only have one pci sound chipset listed in lspci -nv08:58
Shadowpillar_or ubuntu-desktop08:58
crimsungraeme: what's the output from ``asoundconf list''08:58
FlannelShadowpillar_: ubuntu-desktop is a meta package, it's safe to uninstall08:59
eternalswdunikuser, wouldn't removing my Xauthority file be problematic?  I guess I can just make a backup in case something goes wrong08:59
Shadowpillar_Flannel: sucks to upgrade without, though08:59
graemecrimsun: Names of available sound cards:08:59
Shadowpillar_tbh, I won't be putting edgy on my main box08:59
FlannelShadowpillar_: thats why update-manager sticks it back in08:59
Shadowpillar_it isnt much of a new upgrade08:59
ivxor if someone could tell me what 4am in pst would equal in mountain time i would be good08:59
crimsungraeme: ok, what did you do to "get sound," then?08:59
crimsunivx: one hour earlier09:00
unikuser eternalswd: that file is generated everytime x starts09:00
Shadowpillar_and dapper will be supported for a long time09:00
dreffyunikuser, that address may be wrong but i still cant get any connections to the repository09:00
Flanneleternalswd: it shouldn't be too problematic.  And, next time use gksudo instead of sudo for graphical apps09:00
crimsunivx: sorry, later09:00
graemecrimsun: just switched to the onboard sound ...09:00
=== ryanpg [n=ryanpg@c-24-12-72-20.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
atrusshouldn't meta-packages like that suggest/recommend the packages they're associated with? that way the software gets installed by default, but you can safely and easilly ignore the dependancies if you really want to?09:00
Flannelcrimsun: 5am mountain time is 4am pst09:00
crimsungraeme: how did you do that? Did you physically switch jacks?09:00
=== Shadowpillar_ wants to get a new vid card so he can install his sblive
graemecrimsun: pci also has a ...09:00
unikuserdreffy: what does ping archive.ubuntu.com do?09:00
graeme0000:00:0d.1 Communication controller: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (rev 10)09:00
crimsunFlannel: see above.09:00
graemecrimsun: yes09:00
unikuserdreffy: using any firewall?09:00
Flannelcrimsun: one hour later. not earlier.09:00
Shadow_milHey check out this sweet new background!
ryanpgso I installed some stuff from source, now I can't install a package I want because it provides files from a home made deb, isn't there an apt-get redirect or something?09:00
eternalswdFlannel, yeah that's why I want to get it working09:00
ivxcrimsun i like one hour earlier, but thanks i got it.09:00
crimsunFlannel: note my correction.09:01
=== jokoon [n=tobi@70.193.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreffyresponse from archive.ubuntu.com - no firewall09:01
crimsungraeme: you only have one sound card.09:01
dreffyethernet connection dhcp09:01
crimsungraeme: (that alsa recognizes)09:01
Shadowpillar_Flannel: openoffice is quite useless to me, because abiword is a better word processor than OO writer, and I never use OO, if I were to uninstall it, I'd break my system :(09:01
graemecrimsun: so the CM... is the onboard card then ?09:01
ryanpg"apt-get move" or something... it places the files installed somewhere else while installing the conflicting package?09:01
crimsungraeme: correct.09:01
FlannelShadowpillar_: So, don't use ubuntu, use xubuntu, I believe it uses abiword by default09:02
dreffyunikuser, i got a response from ubuntu archive, i got no firewall09:02
graemecrimsun: i guss that explains it then. Although I did test it with the onboard also ...09:02
Shadow_milPeople downloading it, tell me what you think of it09:02
Shadow_milonce your done09:02
unikusertry installing package and see09:02
Shadowpillar_Flannel: my point is, someone shouldnt have to use a whole different configuration to cut away the bloat09:02
Flannelatrus: the point of meta packages isn't to "get a full desktop", it's really to make requirements  lot easier, for instance, if I needed a program that compiled stuff, I could simply depend on "build-essential" and be assured that everything I needed would be there09:02
crimsungraeme: you don't have two distinct cards recognised by alsa, which is what I've been saying.09:03
graemecrimsun: OK cool thanks. Is there anyway to know from lspci whether the card is onboard or off ?09:03
Tokenbadcan ubuntu handle a iso that uses iso-13346 udf file system? I want to mount the iso but it uses 1334609:03
graemecrimsun: maybe it's in dmesg ?09:03
crimsungraeme: it's _the_ sound card09:04
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unikuserTokenbad: pastebin exact message u got when u tried mounting.09:04
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jokoonHello ! my Gaim just seems to crash and close by himself when log in on my MSN account, (I'm running dapper drake and it is the default ubuntu gaim). I heard about Gajim, but is there any other way to fix that ? Would it be some character one of buddies put in his nickname ?09:04
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Shadowpillar_Flannel: if ubuntu wants to be an alternative to non-free operating systems, it shouldnt try to control what the user can do09:05
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graemecrimsun: thanks dude :-)09:05
crimsungraeme: np09:05
Tokenbadunikuser, it didn't give a msg when mounted...it put a readme.txt in the dir I mounted to saying that requires an operating system that supports the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system09:05
Shadowpillar_nothing should rely on a certain package or delete it09:05
FlannelShadowpillar_: It's hardly forcing you to keep the "ubuntu-desktop" meta package still around, or even to use it to begin with09:06
unikuserTokenbad:what is the command u tried?09:06
|rt|jokoon: i believe that's due to a change in MSN protocal...the newer releases of GAIM correct the problem09:06
Shadowpillar_Flannel: I remember a while ago removing it was a very bad thing09:06
Shadowpillar_but that was with hoary09:06
FlannelShadowpillar_: Removing ubuntu-desktop has NEVER been a bad thing, except with upgrades.  Even in warty.09:06
jokoon|rt| : thank you. some I just have to apt-get update gaim ?09:07
FlannelShadowpillar_: And, if you want something that doesn't have certain stuff require oher certain stuff, what you want is a distro without package management.09:07
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Tokenbadunikuser, the normal mount command...sudo mount file.iso /media/cdemu/ -t iso9660 -o loop09:07
|rt|jokoon: I don't think the versions that correct the problem are in the dapper repositories09:07
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unikuserhmm strange09:08
|rt|jokoon: so you would either need to find a repository or deb file for the newest version or upgrade to edgy09:08
dreffydoing a sudo apt-get update i get []  101 network is unreachable09:08
Tokenbadunikuser, I did try iso13346 also...says unknown format09:08
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jokoon|rt| : Can I upgrade to edgy while I'm with drake ?09:08
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|rt|jokoon: check the urls in the topic for upgrading09:09
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paragonchow do i enable  Universe and Multiverse repositories.09:11
unikuserTokenbad: try -t udf09:11
Flannel!multiverse | paragonc09:12
ubotuparagonc: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource09:12
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atrusFlannel: yeah, i don't buy that. if build-essential is a meta-package, you don't need it. you need the things it depends on. it's trivial to copy the dependancies of it out and depend on those if you really need to. besides that, you don't get any guarantee that the things you use in your package will be in build-essential later on.09:12
paragoncthe guide for 6.06 doesnt seem applicable for 6.109:12
MitzFlannel: yeah, I don't buy that.09:12
Tokenbadunikuser, may I ask where you found that...I was looking on inet for info...09:12
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Tokenbadand it worked09:12
unikuserman mount, is that working?09:12
MitzTokenbad: awesome09:13
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Flannelatrus: yes, you are guarenteed, it's a social contract.09:13
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Mitzatrus: yeah, you're guarenteed09:13
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jokoonWhat is the different between a penguin ?09:14
atrusok, i stand corrected, but, eww. :)09:14
atrusjokoon: one of its legs are both the same.09:14
jokoonYeaah right atrus !09:14
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Flannelparagonc: they should be close enough.  Just software properties, and enable universe, then edit it to also include multiverse.  Or, the easy (as in, I knowwhat Im doing and don't wantto figure out which buttons I need to press to get there) is just edit your sources.list, which is identical in both thse versions.  And, for the record it's 6.10 (six dot ten) (year month) not 6.109:16
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paragoncFlannel - do i replace dapper with edgy ?09:17
splintaxi just did something very stupid09:17
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splintaxsudo rm -r /usr/local/lib09:17
splintaxany idea how i can fix it?09:17
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splintaxfolders that were in there: perl and python2.409:17
paragonc sources.list is what im looking at - but i guess i dont know which animal to put for 6.1 :D09:17
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roryyparagonc: be sure to read the upgrade notes as well, especially if you're going to use apt-get/aptitude and not update-manager09:18
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paragoncim new to ubuntu09:20
paragoncim helping someone new to linux get ubuntu running09:20
Thunderpantsim about to buy a wireless card for my laptop, does anybody have experience of getting a belkin 7010/7011 or a netgear WG511T working under ubuntu?09:20
paragonci've been dealing with slackware and gentoo for 3 or 4 years and BSD before that09:20
paragoncthis is just foreign land to me :D09:20
holycowno worries09:21
holycowjust ask09:21
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holycowand welcome09:21
ohtwhen trying to play a(ny) video in mplayer: "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.09:21
ohtany ideas?09:21
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Flannelparagonc: yeah, it'll all be edgy09:22
holycowoht, select properties and try a different video codec09:22
Handsome_Devilhas anybody ever setup dial up before?09:22
splintaxi just did something very stupid; "sudo rm -r /usr/local/lib". any idea how i can fix it?  folders that were in there: perl and python2.409:22
Flannelparagonc: really, it's just uncommenting the lines in your current sources.list, and then adding "multiverse" after "universe"09:22
paragoncya im reading that now09:22
ohtah, ok, i can right click on the video screen for a menu...hehe :P09:22
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crimsunsplintax: did you install any local perl or python2.4 source?09:22
SurfnKidwhats a good mpg/avi/wmv recorder for linux?09:23
paragoncwhat about deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-security universe multiverse09:23
crimsunsplintax: (e.g., perl/python2.4 modules/apps)09:23
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Mitzsplintax: did you install any local perl or python source?09:23
splintaxcrimsun: no python, maybe some perl stuff09:23
splintaxMitz: see above09:23
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paragoncand deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy-updates universe multiverse09:23
holycowsplintax, lol! damn that brings back memories09:23
crimsunsplintax: did you compile it yourself? you don't remember?09:23
Flannelparagonc: what about them?09:23
Thunderpantsim about to buy a wireless network card, am i better off with belkin of netgear?09:23
ohtholycow: i'm using the nvidia proprietary drivers, which video driver should i use?09:23
paragoncuncomment all 4?09:23
splintaxcrimsun: i've been using ubuntu for about a week. no, i don't remember09:23
crimsunsplintax: if you didn't compile anything yourself, then you have nothing to worry about09:23
Flannelparagonc: sure09:24
holycowsplintax, you have just passed a milestone in your linux use ... hehe :) we all do that09:24
splintaxholycow: yep, after a week :P09:24
bthorntonRight now my monitor is running at 85 Hz refresh but I know it can do up to 120 Hz in this resolution, which means I need a modeline.  There's a program that auto-detects and generates modelines but I don't recall what it is--anybody know?09:24
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crimsunsplintax: (any perl/python2.4 packages installed via a package manager installs into /usr, not /usr/local)09:24
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FlannelThunderpants: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport  there's a wireless network cards section09:24
ohtbthornton: it's actually a website, googling "linux xorg.conf modeline generator" will probably get you to it09:24
=== BHSPitLappy_ [n=steve-o@adsl-65-67-112-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
holycowsplintax, not codec i mean drivers under the video tab ... try one of the ones you see in that list09:24
splintaxholycow: i think it's kind of stupid really. linux is meant to be more "secure" because you don't run as root.. but pretty much every install needs to be run through sudo.. so you inevitably make a mistake like this. and since i made it on the terminal, it's not in garbage09:24
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Mitzholycow: I think it's kinda stupid09:25
splintaxholycow: what? :S09:25
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youserhey whats the newest most reliable version of amsn i could have right now?09:25
holycowsplintax, actually its not stupid, your not compreheding the 5w's of the situation09:25
splintaxcrimsun: all i can remember is installing VMware which was done via a perl script. said script compiled stuff09:25
splintaxholycow: enlighten me?09:25
crimsunsplintax: then you have nothing to worry over09:25
BHSPitLappy_Rookie-, that issue got resolved by the way-  a real forehead slapper09:25
splintaxcrimsun: but it shouldn't have compiled any perl code then09:25
=== _Er1K_ [i=erik@wash-dc.fbi.chatmonitor.org] has joined #ubuntu
holycowsplintax, the general rule of thumb is linux gives you A LOT OF POWER.  what that generally means is people shoot them selves in the foot A LOT09:25
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Mitzcrimsun: but it shouldn't have compiled any perl code09:25
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splintaxcrimsun: so /usr/local is what?09:26
Thunderpantsthe Flannel09:26
splintaxcrimsun: where compiled code goes or what?09:26
Thunderpantsthx Flannel i meant09:26
crimsunsplintax: reserved for admin-specific (manual) installations.09:26
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crimsunsplintax: by default packages use the /usr prefix, not /usr/local09:26
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splintaxcrimsun: i see. so installation of perl/python made those directories? it's kind of worrying that they were there, even though i now know that they were probably empty.09:27
Rookie-BHSPitLappy, how and what was wrong ?09:27
BoglizkWhere did Firefox 2.0 install itself?09:27
crimsunsplintax: they're created for convenience, yes.09:27
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splintaxcrimsun: i was following a tutorial on installing the last.fm player. told me to put the files extracted from the .tar.gz in that folder. any particular reason for that?09:28
Boglizki doubt it, i'm sure you can put them anywhere...09:28
splintaxBoglizk: /usr/lib i think? either way you should be able to run "firefox" on the terminal.09:28
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Boglizksplintax: Yeah, funny thing... firefox 1.5.2 pops up09:29
crimsunsplintax: that seems silly. It's preferable to compile things as an unprivileged user and to only install to system-wide locations upon pain of death09:29
dreffyhey my resolv.conf has nameserver, im having problems connecting to repos, what should this be?09:29
chris___1does anyone know why my gtk theme isn't affecting application like epiphany09:29
splintaxcrimsun: so dodgy tutorial then. well thanks for your help09:29
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chris___1the gtk icons are only matching my theme on the desktop09:30
splintaxBoglizk: can you actually open ff 1.5.2? maybe it installed into the old dir or something?09:30
chris___1but not on applications09:30
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dreffysomeone plz post post abck whats in your /etc/resolv.conf09:30
Boglizksplintax: It works with ./firefox in usr/lib09:30
roryydreffy: you need to find that out from your ISP; my understanding is that usually resolv.conf is automatically setup by bootp or during ppp initialization, or whatever09:30
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BoglizkI seem to have another copy of firefox which "hijacks" the link...09:30
roryydreffy: how are you connected to the internet?09:31
youseramsn anyone?09:31
dreffyroryy, is it your isp dns servers, or what?09:31
_zardoz_should I set bootable flag on my root partition?09:31
lazzarethIm looking for a new torrent client, the stock python bittorrent doesn't support queuing and Azureus is using 100% nonstop09:31
lazzareth100% cpu that is09:31
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dreffyrorry, its strange my internet works but not sudo get-update or irc09:31
Boglizklazzareth: Use Torrent through Wine09:31
roryydreffy: that's a good option, but it could be something else, e.g., your ADSL router09:31
roryydreffy: so you can use firefox?09:32
dreffyi got a dlink broadband modem09:32
dreffyrorry, i use firefox, works ok, had to disable ipv609:32
lazzarethBoglizk I tried that, uTorrent was giving me an error because it 'could not open the ports on the windows firewall' or something of the like09:32
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dreffyrorry,im on this cchannel in a browser irc client09:33
roryydreffy: it didn't work at all if you didn't disable ipv6 ?09:33
BoglizkYou could disable that setting, it has never been any problems with it for me :] 09:33
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lazzarethAnd that it couldnt forward the nat ports ( which by the way i forwarded manually )09:33
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Bommel800good morning :)09:33
dreffyrorry, no didnt work prior ro disabling ipv609:33
lazzarethBut i will try again, Seeing as im running out of options for clients with Transport Encryption09:33
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roryydreffy: what happens if you run 'dig www.google.com' on the command line?09:33
adrenalineHey smb4k will only browse lan if I run as root anybody else run into this?09:34
adrenalinesudo smb4k09:34
adrenalineif I run as user app opens but no browsing09:34
dreffyrorry, i got a reply but i dont know what to look for in it09:34
adrenalineany idea09:35
holycowsmb4k really doesn't work, that package needs to be dropped09:35
holycowwhy aren't you just using nautilus?09:35
Bommel800*** I have an big problem with 6.10! In impress I cant use the menu to change the angle radius for rectangle object. the field is gray/deactivated... I never seen this before. What can I do?09:35
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adrenalineit works awesome if run as root holycow09:35
dreffyroryy, i got a reply, but what ami looking for?09:35
roryydreffy: do you see (among other things) a line with something like 'a.l.google.com.         28627   IN      A'  ?09:35
roryydreffy: the precise numbers and addresses aren't important09:35
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holycowadrenaline, sorry to tell you dude, its a piece of crap.  really.09:36
adrenalinewhat else works then?09:36
holycowwhat do you mean?09:36
adrenalineIt is the only thing I found that browses09:36
dreffyi got a header section, then question section www.google.com IN  A09:36
holycowplaces / network servers09:36
adrenalinenautilus is not working09:36
holycowdoesn't that work for you?09:36
jokoonMh the update manager thing was installing things and I mistakely closed the terminal that started it and it looks like I closed the update manager by doing that ... any idea ?09:36
dreffyroryy, i got a header section, then question section www.google.com IN  A09:36
adrenalineplaces /network servers does not work09:37
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holycow*ummm* so what happens when you select it?09:37
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roryydreffy: no ';; ANSWER SECTION:' ?09:37
michaels_how do I disable Caps Lock so I can rebind it? (Xubuntu Edgy)09:37
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dreffyroryy, answer section has 49664 IN CNAME www.l.google.com09:38
adrenalinesmb///monstertrucks is not a folder holycow09:38
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dreffyroryy, 3 other different lines below too09:38
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holycowadrenaline, are you getting a list of hosts on your network?09:39
adrenalineholycow seems that it uses smbmnt but smbmnt can only be run by sudo09:39
roryydreffy: tell you what, can you paste the result to a pastebin?09:39
Boglizkuhm.. how do i mount a cd? (fluxbox)09:39
adrenalineholycow yes09:39
roryydreffy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/09:39
holycowadrenaline, than it works09:39
adrenalineIt won't open a share09:39
Bommel800*** I have an big problem with 6.10! In impress I cant use the menu to change the angle radius for rectangle object. the field is gray/deactivated... I never seen this before. What can I do? 8-)09:39
holycowadrenaline, so when you open the host ... can you see shares?09:39
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adrenalinewont open the host09:39
holycowthats just weird09:40
michaels_how do I disable Caps Lock so I can rebind it? (Xubuntu Edgy)09:40
adrenalineI know but if I run smb4k as root it works09:40
holycowdo you have any other windows boxes see the shares?09:40
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adrenalineall of them exept ubuntu09:40
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dreffyroryy, then what? soz  >> inoob<<09:41
adrenalineIf I could run places >network servers as root it would work09:41
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roryydreffy: tell me what url you end up at09:41
holycowadrenaline, you can with sudo nautilus09:41
adrenalineya but I don't want to how do I fix that?09:41
holycowadrenaline, however you shouldn't be running anything as root09:41
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dreffyroryy http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31173/09:41
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holycowadrenaline, sounds like there is something else wrong with you system, there is no reason to run nautilus via gksudo09:42
roryydreffy: hrm, that looks ok09:42
=== chalcedny smiles
yousercan anyonehelp me get amsn workig09:42
roryydreffy: that looks ok09:42
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chalcednygreetings holycow :)09:42
adrenalineholycow, can you msg me?09:42
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holycowadrenaline, no msg, channel09:42
roryydreffy: how about 'wget http://www.google.com'09:43
dreffyrorry, strange09:43
roryydreffy: just tell me if it works, i don't need to see the output09:43
adrenalineholycow, can you play music across your network in nautilus?09:43
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Gonzowelcome to samba09:43
holycowadrenaline, you can't09:43
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holycowsmb isn't part of linux like it is in windows09:44
adrenalineunless I run smb4k as root09:44
roryydreffy: the last line will be something say   'index.html' save [2933] 09:44
roryysaved, even09:44
holycowapps haveto know about smb to be able to play music files over that protocol09:44
holycowand most don't really care09:44
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adrenalineholycow, I can in debian09:44
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holycowyou ought to probably  run a streaming server09:45
adrenalineI also can in ubuntu if I run nautilus as root09:45
eckholycow: not if the smb share is mounted09:45
dreffyrorry, connecting to :80 - - but dosent seem to be doing anything else, same as my apt-get update, it says connecting to but never moves past that09:45
adrenalineI don't know how to run a streaming server09:45
BadKitt1Anyone use gdesklets??09:45
dreffyroryy, connecting to :80 - - but dosent seem to be doing anything else, same as my apt-get update, it says connecting to but never moves past that09:45
chalcednyis the dapper shutdown different from breezy? I tried to shutdown to reboot my box, the icons are different, i clicked shutdown but it's hungup somewhere.. what now?09:45
roryydreffy: hmm09:45
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roryydreffy: you say your resolve.conf has 'nameserver' ?09:46
holycoweck, actually thats true lol i forgot , *sigh* its too late09:46
eckchalcedny: i think you can switch to a vt (vt1?) and see what is going on09:46
adrenalineya but I can't mount unless I sudo09:46
chalcednyeck can you tell me how? my son is asleep.. he usually takes care of it09:47
dreffyroryy, nameserver
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feleshello all09:47
roryydreffy: ok, what does 'tracepath -n' do ?09:47
tomaszpwhi all09:48
felesI had a general question... does any player in linux like playing movies/music over the network?09:48
feleslinux being ubuntu... >.>09:48
tomaszpwvlc player09:48
adrenalinefales I am working on that right now09:48
dreffyroryy, 1:          0.456ms pmtu 150009:48
holycowfeles, actually as eck pointed out ... you haveto mount the shared network drive locally09:48
dreffy 1:          3.064ms reached09:48
dreffy     Resume: pmtu 1500 hops 1 back 109:48
alecjwfeles: i reccomend vlc too. it can play loads of cool (?) codecs like windoze media and quicktime too09:48
holycowyou can even do it over sshfs09:48
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felesyeah, I know, I have VLC installed already09:49
holycowand yeah vlc is the best of all the players imho09:49
felesholycow, how do you mount the drive locally?09:49
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roryydreffy: OK. So you are connected via a 'normal' network cable (ethernet) to your broadband router/modem ?09:49
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alecjwfeles: Places>>Connect to server and then you can mount an ssh thing as a drive09:49
dreffyroryy, that is right09:49
chalcednywow.. ok  i guess it just took a long time to shutdown. (i brought the laptop in here)09:50
holycowfeles, depends on the protocol, generally you create a folder then mount /some/share /on/this/folder09:50
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felesthis would be a samba share09:50
roryydreffy: that router probably has address, and is acting as a proxy for internet address lookups09:50
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roryydreffy: either it is doing something wrong, or there's some setup error; anyway, take a look at the router configuration (if you know how). If not, you could try to find out your ISP's nameservers and put those in /etc/resolv.conf instead of
=== kung [n=kung@dslb-084-058-221-171.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dreffyroryy, by nameserver do you mean dns address, or are they 2 things09:52
roryydreffy: a nameserver (or dns server) is a machine that tells you an IP (numerical) address given a 'human-readable' address09:52
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dreffyi ahve the dns addresses from my isp they are, but cant ping it - ill have to ring em again to confirm09:53
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dreffyroryy, or
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compengihey b33r-09:54
b33r-Hi :o09:54
roryydreffy: hrm. you could also try 'tracepath -n'09:54
roryydreffy: or just put them into resolv.conf and see what happens09:55
lastnodecrimsun, ping09:55
crimsunlastnode: pong09:55
lastnodecrimsun, pm?09:55
crimsunif sensitive, sure09:55
compengib33r-, kifak09:56
lastnodecrimsun, you were in #upstream a while back, we released recently, just thought id let you know09:56
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berndgood morning09:56
roryydreffy: i can't ping my nameservers either, but my lookups work fine; maybe ping request are being ignored somehow09:57
eetfunkis there a way to tail -f multiple files at once in just 1 terminal window?09:57
chalcednymy upper bar is crawled almost all the way up into the black.. i just rebooted .. can anyone help?09:57
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crimsunlastnode: (right, I noted before I parted)09:57
chalcednyit's NOT a screen adjustment.. i tried that.09:57
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dreffyroryy, thanks a lot mate, ill ring em n hear what they think09:57
compengiwhen i do sudo nvidia-glx-config enable i get Error: your X configuration has been altered.09:57
compengiThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this09:57
compenginot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following09:57
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roryyeetfunk: just put two files on the command line?09:58
chalcednygood morning bernd09:58
compengimd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum09:58
compengiotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section09:58
compengifrom nv to nvidia.09:58
berndi had a question:09:58
roryyeetfunk: also, take a look at -F instead of -f09:58
lastnodecrimsun, was there any particular reason you hung around? anything you'd like to see get in 0.2? any feature you'd like included?09:58
eetfunkroryy: thnx09:58
berndi use in that moment suse 10.0 and i thinking about a change to kubuntu (ubuntu)09:58
crimsunlastnode: I haven't looked at it yet09:58
lastnodecrimsun, cool, when you, we're in #upstream and #upstream-dev09:59
dreffybernd, i was a suse user too, i like more things in ubuntu than suse10:00
berndcan i mount my /home partitionen during the installation and it is possible to write files to the desktop? i tried kubuntu once and at this i could not write to the desktop10:00
holycowduring installation? or do you mean during startup?10:01
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variantomg, sun to release java under the gpl10:01
dreffybernd, you can mount a home partition at ibstall by selecting manual partition10:01
compengibernd, do you have any clue to my issue?10:01
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berndah, ok10:01
holycowdreffy? really?10:02
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berndmy english is not the best one :-)10:02
dreffybernd, at that point i mounted other partitions n hard drives10:02
holycowi've never seen an option to allow custom mount options10:02
compengibernd, yeah i have a problem10:02
holycowdreffy, where?10:02
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variantholycow: fstab10:02
compengibernd, scroll up10:02
variantholycow: /etc/fstab10:02
noodles12Sup guys. i did the samba thing and i was able to see MSHOME in network servers adn i could see my other computers10:02
InvisiblePinkUniunable to access internet from my 2nd computer... please see this. http://pastebin.com/82237410:02
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compengivariant, morning10:02
noodles12today when using nautilius i don't even see MSHOME anymore10:02
variantcompengi: lo10:02
holycowvariant, what does that haveto do with install except that its not available?10:02
InvisiblePinkUnisome kind of networking problem10:02
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WerdnumNov 12 20:06:47 rumpus-kubuntu ovpn-main[11540] : ACK output sequence broken: [23]  19 20 21 22 --> the hell does this mean?10:02
ubuGavinhello, can anyone answer a question regarding gparted?10:03
noodles12so i thought the connection broke, but i coudl smb://
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berndand than?10:03
compengivariant, i have a problem with my vga driver10:03
noodles12to the ip address and i was connected to the comptuer fine10:03
dreffyholycow, when it asks to overwrite your hd or manually edit the partition table10:03
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variantholycow: nm, wasnt realyy paying attention10:03
holycowdreffy, that doesn't give you any manual options to mount non local partitions10:03
variantcompengi: which is?10:03
noodles12i'm not sure what's going on because apparently the connection is working. but i could smb://ip address10:03
noodles12but using nautilus to connect to network servers shows up blank10:03
noodles12when it used to be fine10:03
BlueEaglecompengi: Have you attempted to alter your /etc/X11/xorg.conf yourself? (as nvidia-glx-config-enable told you to)10:03
variantcompengi: what problems?10:04
noodles12has anyone ever encountered thsi problem or has an idea of the possible problems?10:04
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bernd@compengi: what can i see, when i am scrolling up?10:04
BlueEagle!anyone | noodles1210:04
ubotunoodles12: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:04
BlueEagle!enter | noodles1210:04
ubotunoodles12: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:04
dreffyholycow, sure?? i did it last night.mounted 2 data ntfs partitions & an ntfs partition10:04
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variantBlueEagle: what are you talking about (with the bot)?10:04
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variantBlueEagle: dont botspam10:05
holycowdreffy, neato, i need to pay more attention then ... i swear i've not noticed10:05
noodles12sry guys10:05
noodles12Has anyone encountered a problem where nautilus doesnt' find your windows server, but you can smb://ipaddress and still connect?10:05
compengivariant, i had like one month ago installed nvidia-glx-legacy and it was working fine but i found in how to install nvidia that my driver was wrong and i need to install nvidia-glx for fx 5500 so i did but when enabling the driver i get the error =/10:05
BlueEaglevariant: I'm having it ask noodles12 to not use "anyone" as it is a redundant question and not use enter as punctuation.10:05
noodles12( my apologies)10:05
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variantcompengi: sorry, i dont know anything about proprietry drivers10:06
BlueEaglenoodles12: Are you in the same workgroup as the server you're attempting to connect to?10:06
paragoncwhat does the .dmrc file do?10:06
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compengibernd, do you know anything about that?10:06
noodles12BlueEagle: I should be. I used to be able to see it through nautilus and i havn't changed anything since.10:06
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EdgeTGuys, How do I configure Grub to automaticaly pop the menu?10:07
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ubuGavinIt isn't clear in the GParted documentation that you can't modify the currently booted partition. Long story short, I figured out that you have to "unmount" it first, which is an option, but the command didn't work (because I'm using the partition) and I think it may have changed something, so now I'm afraid to reboot my comp. If the mountpoint were suddenly set to "/" instead of a specific location on the harddrive, would it 10:07
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kestazHow can i make HP Synaptics toucpad make good ? Any configuration is needed ? or what ?10:07
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EdgeTHow do I configure Grub to automaticaly pop the menu?10:08
timephoenixCan you guys still assist me with 5.10? I haven't got around to upgrading yet10:08
BlueEaglenoodles12: If you're runnign a smb server on  your linux box you may want to reduce the os level or set it not to become local master. Not sure if that is the cause, but smb (smbtree in particular) does some weird caching or something that makes for confusion.10:08
dreffyholycow, http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-desktop-installation-with-screenshots.html go down to one that says "hare you need to create mount points"10:08
BlueEagleubugavin: You might want to google for gparted live cd10:08
EdgeTtimephoenix: Switch every repository to dapper and then type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in a terminal10:08
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holycowvariant, will you shut the hell up already?10:09
InvisiblePinkUniunable to access internet from my 2nd computer. some kind of network settings problem ... please see this. http://pastebin.com/82237610:09
paragoncwhats a good ubuntu book to recomend to a n00b who was ubuntu up and running but wants to learn the ins and outs of it?10:09
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holycowvariant, sorry about that!10:09
BlueEagletimephoenix: be sure to update after altering  your sources.list10:09
ubuGavinBlueEagle: Yes, if I still decide to partition after, I will probably use the Live CD, but for now I'm just worried that I won't be able to restart.10:09
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holycowdamnit my bad! appologies dude!10:09
timephoenixk cool10:09
ubuGavinThe mountpoint was some system folder before I ran GParted, and now it's just "/".10:09
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holycowdreffy, i never use the desktop installer its a piece of crap i was thinking d-i ... i need to check that out again closely10:10
dreffybernd, check http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-desktop-installation-with-screenshots.html the one with "here you need to create mount points" mount your home partition there10:10
noodles12BlueEagle: thx i'll try it real quick10:10
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dreffyholycow, it worked though :)10:10
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knixI'm getting an X11 BadAlloc bug when I try to play large videos in mplayer (x264 720p and such), but I know it's not a VideoRam issue, because I'm giving the card 96mb, and 64 was sufficient in Dapper, any ideas?10:10
InvisiblePinkUniparagonc: ubuntu live cd for getting ubuntu up and running. http://www.tldp.org/ to learn the ins and outs of linux :)10:11
holycowyeah that one time :) hehe all cool, i was thinking about d-i anyway will look into it further10:11
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EdgeTInvisiblePinkUni: Are the 2 pcs always running at the same time?10:11
chaoslynxhi i am trying to remove a package but the post removal script returns the error code 127... as far as i know there are no files installed anymore... i dont know why i cant delete it.. any ideas10:11
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InvisiblePinkUniEdgeT: they are running. but i can switch them and off whenever i need them10:12
timephoenixI'm having issues with installing some TTF fonts. I've put them into /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts, ~/.fonts... it appears in Nautilus with fonts:// and all applications but OOo 1.9 (which doesn't have spadmin). Any ideas?10:12
EdgeTInvisiblePinkUni: Hmmm10:12
timephoenixI can't download much on this machine as its only Dial uP10:12
ubuGavinWhat is the default mountpoint for hda1 in Ubuntu?10:12
InvisiblePinkUniEdgeT: do i need to get a router? will it work if i get a router?10:13
EdgeTInvisiblePinkUni: It should already work10:13
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EdgeTubuGavin: /dev/hda1?10:13
noodles12After editing smb.conf, do i need to relogin for it to take affect?10:13
ubuGavinIs that a mountpoint? I thought that was just the address of the device.10:14
variantholycow: what?10:14
EdgeTubuGavin: oh you wanted the mount point?10:14
ubuGavinEdgeT: Yes. I think Gparted screwed it up. It's just set as "/" now.10:14
EdgeTubuGavin: If it's the primary, then it's root (/)10:14
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holycowvariant, appologies dude, nothing, i misinterpreted as a result of a scroll in the wrong place10:14
EdgeTubuGavin: Well, it should be "/"10:14
Manticemy Azureus dont minimize to system tray.10:15
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variantubuGavin: you can't set the mountpoint with gparted..10:15
ubuGavinEdgeT: OK. Any reason why it might be something different? It was completely different before I ran Gparted, which is why I'm worried that it suddenly changed.10:15
EdgeTubuGavin: "/" = root = primary hdd/partition10:15
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EdgeTubuGavin: What was it like before?10:15
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EdgeTI guess you could "roll-back"10:16
ubuGavinEdgeT: Long, so I can't really remember.10:16
variantubuGavin: / is the top of your filesystem tree, ubuntu is installed there10:16
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variantubuGavin: in a terminal type ls /10:16
dreffyroryy, putting in those dns addresses to /etc/resolv.conf worked btw, but apparently on reboot i'll have to re-enter them as resolv.conf is dynamically created10:16
dreffyroryy, thanks again10:17
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ubuGavinvariant: It's normal.10:17
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variantdreffy: change teh permissions on /etc/resolv.conf and stop it from being writable10:17
chaoslynxim trying to upgrade to efty but the upgrade broke because one package couldnt be removed... now i want to remove the package manually... i tried apt-get install -f but it didnt work either... can someone help me?10:17
variantubuGavin: what do you mean it's normal?10:17
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timephoenixIs anyone able to help with my font problem? I have a deadline to meet...10:17
variantchaoslynx: what package?10:17
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varianttimephoenix: what font problem?10:17
chaoslynxits spring-mod-aa10:17
noodles12BlueEagle: how do i reduce my os level? the only thing i found in the smb.conf file was to change domain master10:17
chaoslynxsome game package10:18
timephoenixI'm having issues with installing some TTF fonts. I've put them into /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts, ~/.fonts... it appears in Nautilus with fonts:// and all applications but OOo 1.9 (which doesn't have spadmin). Any ideas?10:18
ubuGavinvariant: Lists all of the regular culprits... etc root serv tmp var, etc.10:18
variantubuGavin: there there is no problem10:18
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variantubuGavin: unless you changed /etc/fstab10:18
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variantubuGavin: to resize your / partition you would have to reboot to the live cd10:18
ubuGavinvariant: Yeah, I figured that at first, but it isn't explicitly stated in the Gparted documentation, so I figured it would be no harm trying.10:19
TheManiacKYCan someone please tell me what I need to do toget my i810_audio card working in my laptop? Its the only thing not working in Ubuntu. I've done a modprobe i810_audio and I'm just sent back to the prompt with still no sound10:19
ManticeI keep hearing this ding dong every 30 min any one know what it is.10:19
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chaoslynxit was not from an official repository and i guess thats the problem because the original repository was removed due the upgrade.. maybe its because of that.. it seems to be that theres no file left but it cant be removed10:19
AsheDyeh, so gnome crashing with 'Uknown Error' is not usually a good thing10:19
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ubuGavinvariant: I'll just have to reboot and hope that Gparted was just being silly when it was telling me my hda wasn't booting from root! Thanks anyways man.10:20
variantTheManiacKY: if it just gives you no reply whenyou modprobe it then the modprobe was successful, you then need to unmute the soundcard with alsamixer (apt-get install alsamixergui)10:21
chaoslynxvariant: is there a way to just delete the package from the list or so ... so that it is ignored...?10:21
variantchaoslynx: don't know sorry10:21
variantchaoslynx: please pastebin the full error message10:21
chaoslynxits in german =)10:22
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chaoslynxso i gonna translate it10:22
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yuky2314 /server irc.hanirc.org10:22
TheManiacKYvariant : Um Okay. I've installed the mixer and it opens. I have levels on everything10:22
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TheManiacKYvariant But I still can't establish a connection to the sound server .10:23
Genrl_Zodany1 use VM ware to flick between ubuntu and xp on master disk?10:23
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variantTheManiacKY: are the channels unmuted? (doesnt matter if the volume is up if its muted)10:23
variantTheManiacKY: what sound server10:24
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chaoslynxvariant: here is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31177/10:24
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AsheDok, how do I change that?10:24
AsheDshift-backspace suddenly restarts X10:24
TheManiacKYYes its all unmuted10:24
TheManiacKYvariant Yes its all unmuted10:24
variantchaoslynx: sorry, that is meaningless to me, is that part of a bigger message? what command were you running? please provide the FULL command and output10:24
variantTheManiacKY: what sound server?10:25
TheManiacKYvariant THats what totem tells me when I Try to play an mp3can't connect to the sound server10:25
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variantTheManiacKY: run this in the terminal: play /path/to/file.mp310:25
variantTheManiacKY: but change the /path/to obviously10:25
TheManiacKYvariant play isn't a valid command10:26
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variantTheManiacKY: aplay sorry10:26
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iKsHi all !10:26
TheManiacKYvariant Well. I got sound but it was all garbage and it sounded like it came out the PC Speaker and not the soundcard10:27
variantTheManiacKY: odd10:27
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ROBOdhello guys10:27
variantTheManiacKY: try playing it with mplayer10:27
variantTheManiacKY: and take a look in totem prefs for the sound device10:27
ROBOdwhy don't we get gaim 2 beta 5 on the repositories? for edgy10:27
ROBOdit should be much more stable10:27
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saxinbeta more stable?10:28
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variantsaxin: beta of what?10:28
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_zardoz_UBUNTU!!!!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA10:28
AsheDsince when does shift-backspace restart X ?10:28
saxinvariant: talking to ROBOd10:28
variantAsheD: ctrl shift backspace10:28
variantAsheD: shift backspace shouldnt do that10:29
ROBOdsaxin: yess.....10:29
AsheDvariant:: well, it does10:29
ROBOdsaxin: what we have in ubuntu edgy is gaim 2 beta 3.110:29
_zardoz_U B U N T U !10:29
_zardoz_U B U N T U !10:29
variantAsheD: no it doesnt, not here anyway, you probably altered the default configuration10:29
_zardoz_U B U N T U !10:29
variant_zardoz_: stop spamming please10:29
_zardoz_variant or WHAT10:29
Genrl_Zodwhich way is advices - running ubuntu under winxp or winx under ubuntu (vmware)?10:29
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ROBOdsaxin: i am quite very much sure that a newer beta, gaim 2 beta 5, which is really close to final release, is more stable10:29
variant_zardoz_: you will quickly be kicked10:30
ROBOdsaxin: am i wrong?10:30
_zardoz_kick me fucker, I dare you to kick me10:30
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saxinROBOd: Ok, I did'nt know that Ubuntu had beta's in their repos anyway :p10:30
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variant_zardoz_: would if i had op..10:30
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!10:30
cTheManiaKYvariant Sorry was disconnected10:30
variantcTheManiaKY: np10:30
cTheManiaKYvariant ANy other idas?10:31
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variantcTheManiaKY: did you see what i mentioned about playing in mplayer?10:31
ompaulvariant, ?10:32
variantompaul: what?10:32
cTheManiaKYvariant No I didn't10:32
chaoslynxvariant: so that is the corrected version some is in german but the most important things i tried to translate http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31179/10:32
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variantompaul: oh, see _zardoz_10:32
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variantthanks :)10:32
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ompaulvariant, that was why the10:32
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cTheManiaKYvariant mplayer works!10:33
variantcTheManiaKY: thought so10:33
cTheManiaKYvariant So it works in the console now but I really need it in gNome of x1110:33
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variantcTheManiaKY: it's not a sound card problem, just an totem problem, the aplay issue can be unrelated10:33
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variantcTheManiaKY: ps aux | grep esd10:34
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cTheManiaKY 6634  0.0  0.1   2876   796 pts/1    R+   04:33   0:00 grep esd10:34
variantcTheManiaKY: ok, so its not running which is generaly a good thing. but it might be what totem is complaining about10:35
variantcTheManiaKY: gimmie two secks10:35
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cTheManiaKYvariant No problem. thanks again for the help10:35
Burgundaviaany PPC or amd64 users here?10:35
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chaoslynxvariant: i found out something new it has a dependencie on a package that doesnt exist anymore... i dont know where to get it either i just want to remove it and forget about it...10:37
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chaoslynxhow can i delete a package from the package list so that it is ignored?10:40
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variantcTheManiaKY: sorry, i am at work. back in 10 minnits10:41
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cTheManiaKYvariant Understood10:41
variantcTheManiaKY: check system > preferences > sound > untick/tick enable software sound mixing in the sound tab10:41
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variantcTheManiaKY: and check the default sound card at bottom of same window10:42
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cTheManiaKYvariant There isn't a card listed10:42
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ohtdoes anyone know why installed skins won't show up in mplayer's skin browser?10:43
cTheManiaKYvariant esd was already checked. I unchecked it applyed, and recheckedit with still no card option10:43
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code10:43
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hastesaver!info emacs10:43
ubotuemacs: The GNU Emacs editor. In component main, is optional. Version 21-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB10:43
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chaoslynxanyone can tell me how to remove a package from the package list so that it is ignored even if it is broken...i need to remove the package to continue the update to efty.. i knwo it is not an important package and it doesnt have any funtionality so it would be enough to just let the package managers ignore it10:44
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hastesaverchaoslynx, just remove (uninstall) that package?10:45
chaoslynxthat doenst work thank you =)10:45
cTheManiaKYvariant Did I lose you?10:45
hastesaverchaoslynx, what does "doesn't work" mean? And how are you trying to upgrade to edgy?10:46
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chaoslynxi did the upgrade with the normal upgrade manager and it dowenloaded the packages over nigtht10:46
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Genrl_Zodhaha woot10:46
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chaoslynxduring the installation it stopped because one package couldnt be removed10:46
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villerhow can I check my IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and name servers?10:47
chaoslynxits a game package from an unsupported repository and contains an addon to ta-spring...10:47
hastesaverviller, /sbin/ifconfig should usually work. Of course, there is probably an entry in one of the menus, called "Networking" or something10:47
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Daverocksviller: ifconfig for IP address and subnet mask, "route -n" for default gateway and "cat /etc/resolv.conf" for nameservers10:48
Genrl_Zodok guys, i need the absolute idiots guide for ubuntu pls. I am no way familair with linux and ive succesfully managed to install ubuntu with winxp and now succesfully installed vmware using ubuntu as the guest OS. Now that i have the guests syystem, are there any advisable like video tutorials to develop my current knowledge (zilch) of ubuntu10:48
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Daverocksviller: you might need to do "route -n" and possibly "ifconfig" as root10:48
hastesaverifconfig doesn't need root... it's just that /sbin is in the default path for root, and not in the default path for normal users10:49
chaoslynxhastesaver: I tried to use apt-get autoremove -f but it didnt work... so i just want to remove it manually from the list so that it is ignored10:49
cTheManiaKYvariant Well I apprecate the help and atleast I know the card works. I'll try to continue to work on it in the morning. Its 4:47am where I'm at and I'm heading to bed. (Like I should have 5 hours ago). THanks again10:49
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Daverockshastesaver: that's why i said _possibly_ :P10:49
Daverockshastesaver: on some distros it's only executable by root, and i wasn't sure about ubuntu10:49
hastesaverchaoslynx, I was about to suggest "apt-get install -f", but if you've already tried that...10:50
hastesaverchaoslynx, then I'm out of my depth there :-)10:50
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villerthanks daverocks and hastesaver10:50
Daverocksviller: yw10:50
chaoslynxhastesaver: ok thanks anyway, do you know anybody who could help me?10:50
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selinuxiumhi all, i and trying to use a cgi script on apache, but it just displays the file and doesn't run it.  the file and folder is set to 0755 +x. any ideas?10:51
anthonycthe problem may be within your apache/httpd.conf file10:52
anthonycsounds like you need to enable the AddType for .php files in it10:52
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selinuxiumanthonyc: ok, cgi but I get what you mean :)10:52
anthonycerr yeah10:53
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villerit seems like i have the same ip for name server and gateway. Is it normal or I made a mistake?10:53
Daverocksviller: no, that's a common configuration10:53
anthonycthats normal10:53
villerok thanks again10:53
Daverocksviller: often the gateway will run a DNS server and route DNS requests to another public DNS server10:54
beastyis that possible ?10:54
boinkbut the gateway doesn't have to be the dns server10:54
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Daverocksboink: no, but it's a "common configuration" ;)10:54
boinkvery common, yes10:55
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boinkand it's nice to keep things simple :)10:55
Daverocksyeah, like when my dns is down, i switch to
boink4.2.2.2 must be the most used dns on the internet :)10:55
Daverocksi know lol10:55
boinknice to them :)10:55
Daverocksthank you level3 ^_^10:55
Mintyhi all10:56
anthonyc4.2.2.2 was the DNS i used10:56
=== Minty is pleased with EDGY
anthonycwhen customers would call for tech support10:56
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boinkwell, athonyc ... you should ideally use the dns you've been assigned to10:56
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boinkusing is a "dirty hack"10:57
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anthonycright.. unless you have no clue what their ISP is and neither do they10:57
anthonycso you use whatever works for them10:57
Daverocksexactly, when they call tech support :P10:57
boinkor you can tell ask them to ask their ISP10:57
Daverocksbut they don't know what an ISP _is_10:57
anthonycI of course use the closest DNS server to me in hops10:57
boinkthat's their problem10:57
anthonycmy isp's lol10:57
boinkone shouldn't be so lazy in life10:58
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mixandgois there a known bug that messes up X ?? until you kill bonobo-activation-server ?10:59
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KenSentMemixandgo: search launchpad for the bug to find out11:00
adrenalineis there a cli command for places network servers?11:01
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selinuxiumanthonyc: the httpd.conf file is there for backward compatability. where do I need to add/edit the code, or do I need to install a new mod?11:04
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:05
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SilentDishello :)11:06
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Genrl_Zodany1 ever tryed booting, get to the splash screen, get the bar all the way to the end only to be stuffed11:13
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Genrl_Zodwhen say stuffed, meaning it just stalls and like a pixelated line shows up and nothing more happens11:14
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SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  hmm... did you recently try switching vid drivers?11:14
tsmitheyo! are there any win64 users in here?11:15
=== Spee_Der heads slowly out of the room toward stukio 'k' for more coffee.....
SilentDistsmithe:  nope, only us real OS users *snicker*11:15
Genrl_Zodsilent dis i am sure u are right that ius is a videodriver prob as i have been googling this up11:15
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Genrl_Zodbasically i am running XP Pro and thru it i have managed to install VM ware.11:15
SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  what vid card?11:15
tsmitheSilentDis: i know; but i have a web page that needs testing (offers the correct ubuntu cd to download)11:16
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Genrl_ZodMy master disk is partioned in 3 partions11:16
tsmithe(and i do run only Ubuntu myself)11:16
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SilentDistsmithe:  ahhhh11:16
Genrl_Zod35gb for XP, 2gb for linux swap file and 32 gig for Ubuntu11:16
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tsmitheso are there any WIN64 USERS?11:16
Genrl_Zodso i set up VMware to use the above credentials and started the virtual machin e using the physicval disk configuration11:16
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SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  you'll probably need to reconfigure x to use the basic vesa driver to get it to work right from such a setup11:17
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tsmithehi MrFlex:11:17
Genrl_ZodHow would i do that mate?11:17
tsmitheMrFlex: do you have Win64?11:17
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SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  after it boots, in the window, hit ctrl-alt-f1.  should bring you to a command prompt window you can log into11:18
Genrl_Zodi am a complete noob but i have come across the VESA u mentioned etc11:18
Genrl_Zodok i have the session open now, let me try11:18
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SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  then, from the prompt, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:18
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techNiKalhi is there any software to create your own cbt in your own languages ? i want to create cbt for my language can anyone guide me about it please ?11:19
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LesleyBhi ... a young kid is having problems using Ubuntu as a dhcp server with an XP and an Ubuntu client .  He has shown me that the DHCPDISCOVER DHCPOFFER steps are occurring in the syslog but has not shown any DHCPREQUEST coming back in from the client machine - in this case the XP box.  I can't fully recall what version he's on but it is 6.x.  Are there any issues with dhcpd on recent versions ?11:19
Gavrilahello, I'm experiencing a frame skipping problem whenever I watch divx in full screen, either with VLC either with Kaffeine.... any hint?11:19
mtyhomehi, does somebody knows how to forward ports on the internal net with dnat on iptables???11:19
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Genrl_ZodSilent, may i just pm you for max 2 mins?11:20
jokoonI just upgraded to edgy eft and my windows entry is not on my grub anymore. I just need some link or ubotu magics to help me :)11:20
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
Genrl_Zoddoesnt work11:21
Genrl_Zodint he window.11:21
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB11:21
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SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  you're running vmware, right?  so the virtual machine should have an IP address... did you, per chance, setup ssh on that box before these problems?11:21
Gavrilano one experiencing problems with full screen divx?11:21
SilentDisGavrila:  what program are you using?11:22
Genrl_Zodyes i am ruinning vmwarer in xp11:22
Genrl_Zodusing uuntu as the guest OS setup within VM.11:22
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GavrilaI tried either VLC either Kaffeine, so I don't think it's player related11:22
Adrossmy mate has a website which is a plain html with links to pages that contain pictures. Without opening every page, i wish to download everything on that site (including the pictures inside the pages it links to). How would I do this?11:22
techNiKalGenrl_Zod can i create CBT in vmware ?11:22
jokoonok that doesnt seems very simple11:22
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jokoonhave to go :-(11:22
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ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 226 kB, installed size 1952 kB11:22
GavrilaSilentDis, I've got problems only with full screen like it is too heavy11:22
SilentDisGavrila not sure, i'd recommend reinstalling the codec, but I'm not versed well enough with kubuntu to help :(11:23
user-landI need more then 1024 open files for a Wine process. How can i achieve this on Ubuntu ?11:23
AdrossSilentDis: which parameters do i use with wget11:23
Genrl_ZodWhen set up vmware it asked me what type of HDD i want, one option was vistual but as i had ubuntu already installed ona partition i just pointed to that (so i chose physical disk as opposed to virtual disk)11:23
LesleyBman wget is your friend11:23
SilentDisLesleyB:  very much agreed hehe11:23
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SilentDisAdross: wget -r -l1 --no-parent -nc <full site address>11:24
SilentDisAdross: that should just download everything on that page, and that page alone, and make no changes.11:25
Genrl_Zodahh when booting up and asking me which OS to selct there is an option to press C11:25
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Genrl_Zodoops caps11:25
GavrilaSilentDis, I don't think that VLC has anything to do with kubuntu, and actually I'm not using kubuntu11:25
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SilentDisGenrl_zod that's grub's prompt, i think.11:25
Genrl_Zodshit ur right11:26
m4steRfirefox crash after opening a page containing a flash object11:26
Genrl_Zodso im stuffed then, i cant do jack squat?11:26
Angela_p00fI just mounted CD from commandline... how do I switch to the CD, so I can navigate it via commandline ? tia :)11:26
SilentDisGavrila:  you can try using synaptic to reinstall the program and it's codec.  not sure what could cause that problem though, to be honest.11:26
DaverocksAngela_p00f: find the directory where it's mounted by typing "mount", and cd to it11:26
blackmambaHey, I'm having some trouble booting into Ubuntu from my install CD. When I boot up with the CD inserted, my computer boots into Linux and gives me the boot menu. When I select the Start or Install Ubuntu option, I get a loading screen, and then a series of random light-blue characters and green dots form a line across my screen. I'm trying to boot with 6.10. If you need more information, please ask me.11:26
Chameleon22i rebooted, not sure what happened before but all of the sda devices went mssing and now none of the USB devices (usb drive, usb flash drive, ipod) are loading - any suggestions?11:27
Genrl_Zodha thats my issue black mamba11:27
SilentDism4steR:  what version of ubuntu, what version of firefox, what version of flash player?11:27
Genrl_Zodbut im not going from live CD11:27
Genrl_Zodim going from VMWare11:27
Genrl_Zodi think silent has teh answwer to ourt problems11:27
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SilentDisblackmamba:  how much memory on the box?11:27
blackmambaum, how much ram?11:28
SilentDisblackmamba: yes, how much ram? :)11:28
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blackmambaSilentDis: lol, i'm pretty sure i've got 1 gig11:28
blackmambayeah, 1 gig.11:28
SilentDisin genral terms, the liveCD doesn't like to work with less than 512, I think 256 is the lowest.11:28
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D1Anyone wanna give me a hand?11:29
SilentDisblackmamba, Genrl_zod:  it really sounds like something is going wrong with the video settings somewhere.  never herd it that bad or that early11:29
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SilentDis!ask > D111:29
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Genrl_Zodur ight silenmt it is a video setting11:30
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Genrl_Zodmy issues is whow i bloddy even get to the command prompt thru vmware11:30
jamendohi there ! Is it possible to upgrade a debian to ubuntu with a dist-upgrade ?11:30
blackmambai have 1024 megs, i just checked. if it's any help, when i change the display option from VGA to 1024 x 768 x 32, the loading process completes, but instead of going to gnome I go to a console11:30
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Genrl_Zodim pretty sure if i physically rebooted my PC, i can get into ubuntu11:30
D1Anyone know anything about steam4linux?11:31
Genrl_Zodlet me try11:31
Genrl_Zodand ill reportt back11:31
SilentDisblackmamba:  try reconfiguring x from the prompt.  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:31
Genrl_Zodif that works then at least we can safely say the issue resides within VMWare sumwhere11:31
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D1Anyone using steam4linux?11:31
CharminTheMoosei've got a Dell Wireless 1450 WLAN (802.11 a/b/g) USB 2.0 Adapter and i'm wondering how do i getting it working under dapper drake?11:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about steam4linux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:31
SilentDisD1:  sorry, i know nothing, and nor does ubotu apparently11:32
blackmambaSilentDis: i'll try that right quick. so you know, i'm still fairly new to linux and i don't really know my way around yet :P be right back with results hopefully11:32
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=== variant is waiting for java to be gpl'd tomorrow :D
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LathiatD1: yeh, im using it with the crossover 6 beta11:33
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JDahlCharminTheMoose, unless it works out of the box, your best bet is probably ndiswrapper11:33
Lathiatd1: works a treat11:33
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: is it hapenning ?11:33
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SilentDisblackmamba:  we're all beginners at something.  I learn new stuff every day :)11:33
CharminTheMooseJDahl:ok i'll try that. And can i see what dependancies ndiswrapper has and then download both ndiswrapper for ubuntu and it's dependancies?i'm on a debian box atm11:34
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jamendoIs it possible to upgrade a debian to ubuntu with a dist-upgrade ?11:35
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ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade11:35
SilentDisjamendo: :)11:35
Spee_DerGood morning everyone. . .11:36
=== Spee_Der is almost awake again.....
jamendoSilentDis, this page doesn't mention Debian11:36
jamendojust ubuntu->ubuntu upgrades11:36
Genrl_Zodok i tryed it silent11:36
Genrl_Zodbooted in fine11:36
Genrl_Zodstr8 past the spalch screen, to logon screen.11:37
Genrl_ZodNot an issues with ubuntu files, system config. Seems like something within VMWARE doesnt liek the graphical interface as it get tot the end of the loading bar11:37
SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  obviously, the VM box uses it's own set of vid drivers.  a fresh install to a fresh VM ware would work, more than likely.  remember, the 'hardware' that ubuntu sees when booting from the VM is totally different than when booting from your computer for real11:38
=== BrightEyes_ [n=it06158@athedsl-29870.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
BrightEyes_hello.how can i add installation sources on kubuntu?11:38
Genrl_Zodu kniow syumthign man, im looking at my vmware config and it lists all the devices i am using and there isnt a grpahics card added in that list11:38
=== tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tamacrackerHey guys.. I have a question!11:38
SilentDis!ask > tamacracker11:38
Genrl_Zodoops my bad, u cant choose one anyways11:39
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tamacrackerIs it possible to tweak your cable modem in order to make the connection faster?11:39
minimecBrightEyes_:  gksudo kedit /etc/apt/sources.list11:39
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Genrl_Zodso u suggest i uninstall vm?11:39
KenSentMejamendo: it's not a good idea to dist-upgrade from debian to ubuntu. Maybe you can save your config files in /etc and /home and use them after a fresh install, but an upgrade is not possible11:39
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SilentDistamacracker:  maybe, but it's not something we'd have much assistance for.  we're here to help with Ubuntu Linux problems and such, not cable modem configs :)11:40
augustinhow can I connect my Ubuntu computer to a Windows notebook?11:40
jamendook KenSentMe ...11:40
compengiKenSentMe, hi, i have a vga driver issue can you help me?11:40
jamendowhat's the technical reason for that ?11:40
tamacrackerOh.... SilentDis, if you don't mind me askin, do you know of a source or even a channel that could help me tweak my connection, please?11:40
SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  installed or uninstalled is up to you... as I said, you can probably do a fresh install to a VM Ware partition of Ubuntu if you care to run that way, and it should work.11:41
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augustinhow can I connect my Ubuntu computer to a Windows notebook?11:41
Spee_Dertamacracker: You might try #hardware channel....11:41
minimecaugustin: Do it the other way ;) Connect your windows notebook to your ubuntu computer... (ubuntu running 'firestarter', a basic firewall with masquerading ;) )11:41
Genrl_Zodsorry mate im a noob is hat ur sayign is that i boot dorect of thr CD via vmware and create and fresh instal of ubuntu right?11:41
SilentDistamacracker:  from the limited info I've gleamed from fieldwork, it's usually dependant on the hardware you're using, and the service you're using.  maybe a google search for the service provider and modem manufactuerer info would help :)11:41
BrightEyes_minimec: which sources i may add for extra software\\?11:42
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tamacrackerThank you Spee_Der and SilentDis!11:42
CharminTheMooseJDahl:ok i'll try that. And can i see what dependancies ndiswrapper has and then download both ndiswrapper for ubuntu and it's dependancies?i'm on a debian box atm11:42
SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  if you wish to use Ubuntu inside VMWare, it'll probably have to be it's OWN install.  if you want to use ubuntu as your main os on your system, you're all set and don't have to do anything11:42
compengiSilentDis, , hi, i have a vga driver issue can you help me?11:42
augustinminimec: bash: firestarter: command not found11:42
variantaugustin: easy way is to install firestarter and enable internet connection shareing (NAT and dhcp) then plug in an ethernet cable between the two11:43
CharminTheMoosehow can i see what dependancies ndiswrapper has and then download both ndiswrapper for ubuntu and it's dependancies?i'm on a debian box atm11:43
Genrl_Zodi was debating that i defo need windows and i defo want ubuntu to learn linux11:43
=== Olathe [n=Olathe@12-201-73-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUniubotu: tell me about NAT11:43
Genrl_Zodso i though win wud be main and use ubuntu via win11:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NAT - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
variantInvisiblePinkUni: what do you want to know about it?11:44
OlatheHow do I change the number of consoles from six ?11:44
Spee_DerCharminTheMoose: If you are using ADEPT, you can search NDISWR and look at the details listing.11:44
SilentDisGenrl_Zod:  that would be a 'perfect world' setup, for sure... but it's doubtful it'll work that great, unfortunatly :(11:44
compengiSilentDis, i know lol but i was just making sure if you're familliar with those issues :)11:44
Ackeeehey i need a network monitor as my broadband seems to go up and down in a bad way. any suggestions?11:44
Genrl_Zodso u #suggets i use ubuntu as main OS and use XP as guest OS?11:44
compengiSilentDis, , i had like one month ago installed nvidia-glx-legacy and it was working fine but i found in how to install nvidia that my driver was wrong and i need to install nvidia-glx for fx 5500 so i did but when enabling the driver i get the error =/11:44
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: i am gettting a single ethernet cable to my room. i want to split it to two computers, so what is the best way?11:44
SilentDiscompengi: just ask to the channel hun, if I can't answer, someone else might chime in and help more :)11:44
augustinminimec: tnx, I am just installing firestarter11:44
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: is putting up a router and creating a NAT the best solution?11:44
minimecBrightEyes_: If you only use the standard repositories, then open synaptic (gksudo synaptic), go to the sources in the menu and activate 'universe' and 'multiverse'. You can also '#' uncomment 'universe' and 'multiverse' in /etc/apt/sources.list.11:45
variantInvisiblePinkUni: either buy a router or another network card for one of the computers11:45
variantInvisiblePinkUni: yes, NAT is the simple way11:45
compengiSilentDis, the error is Error: your X configuration has been altered.11:45
compengiThis script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this11:45
compenginot correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following11:45
minimecaugustin: sudo apt-get install firesarter ;)11:45
compengimd5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum11:45
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compengiotherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section11:45
compengifrom nv to nvidia.11:45
variantInvisiblePinkUni: you can enable NAT with just annother nic card on one computer and conect theother computer to that one11:45
variantInvisiblePinkUni: saves money on buying a router11:45
SilentDis!paste > compengi11:45
Chameleon22i rebooted, not sure what happened before but all of the sda devices went mssing and now none of the USB devices (usb drive, usb flash drive, ipod) are loading - any suggestions?11:46
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: oh will it?11:46
augustinminimec: I already did:)11:46
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SilentDiscompengi:  it sounds like you need to reconfigure X on your machine.11:46
variantInvisiblePinkUni: save money? yes nic cards are cheaper than routers11:46
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SilentDiscompengi:  i assume you used either apt-get or synaptic to get the nvidia-glx driver, right?11:46
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: i have a adsl router... will that work? or do i need another kind of router?11:46
variantInvisiblePinkUni: but to use the computer atthe end of the chain you will need to have the other computer switched on. if thats not an option then a router is the way to go11:46
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compengiSilentDis, yes i used repos11:46
variantInvisiblePinkUni: any kind of router will do11:47
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SilentDiscompengi: ok.  did you enable it?11:47
variantInvisiblePinkUni: as long as it has two spare rj45 sockets11:47
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: oh ok...11:47
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: i want to keep both computers independent... i will go for the router option11:48
SilentDiscompengi:  actually, i hate to refer you away, but the page is AWESOME at getting this setup.  helped me immensely :)11:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:48
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: thanks a lot :)11:48
variantInvisiblePinkUni: yw11:48
InvisiblePinkUnilong live linux11:48
variantInvisiblePinkUni: long live free software*11:48
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Tompu:o linux is free?11:48
SilentDisTompu: as in beer, yes! :D11:49
SpCombya rly11:49
RVmanTompu, lol11:49
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: :)11:49
blackmambaSilentDis: Okay, I'm back. I have an error, too. When I got to the boot select screen, I chose 1024x768x32 for my display instead of VGA. After Ubuntu finished the loading screen, I got a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top-left, and then an error message saying X Server is not configured properly, would you like to see the error report. I looked through the detailed error report and right at the end it says...11:49
robfree as in freedom, yes11:49
minimecaugustin: ok. now you have to configure firestarter. You should have two network connections, one for the WAN, and one for LAN. You have to configure WAN for DHCP and LAN with a local network ip like ...11:49
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=== InvisiblePinkUni just read about novell microsoft deal.... will that affect ubuntu or other distro's in any way?
RVmanhowever i still prefer windows :P11:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networkmonitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
user-landdoes Ubuntu use a start-up script like /etc/rc.d/rc.local ?11:49
compengiSilentDis, i installed before nvidia-glx-legancy and it worked but it's not the right driver for my vga (fx 5500) so i removed it and installed nvidia-glx and while enabling the driver i get this error11:50
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blackmambaPCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 has not been detected! PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:1 has not been detected! No devices detected! Fatal Server Error no screens found11:50
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variantuser-land: yes, use update-rc.d to add/remove from it11:50
Daverocksblackmamba: do "sudo lspci" and see which bus your graphics is on11:50
compengiSilentDis, i also tried to change it from nv to nvidia and back words but unfortunatelygot same result11:51
blackmambaDaverocks: i don't have an opportunity to. after i get out of the error window, i am greeted by a black screen. i can still enter text, but it has no effect11:51
Daverocksblackmamba: try pressing ctrl-alt-F111:51
blackmambactrl-alt-f1... okay, i'll be back soon.11:51
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blackmambathanks, by the way :)11:52
oblott1bonjour a tous11:52
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dx-neherset theme ash.theme11:52
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user-landthanks, variant. i need to add 4 lines to it. how could i do that ?11:53
variantuser-land: you want to add a program to boot up? is this a custom prog or somthing you apt-get'd?11:54
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user-landhttp://criten.net/FD.html, step 4, variant.11:55
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ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup11:56
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ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions  -  To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d  -  To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local  -  See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy  -  Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:56
CharminTheMoosewhere is the place on ubuntu.com that i can search the ubuntu repository for a specific package?11:56
rarjim getting this error on totem - "No URI handler implemented for "vcd"11:57
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variantuser-land: there you go, add the lines to /etc/rc.local11:57
rarjI also need to be able to play dvd/vcd/mp311:57
mixandgoI've installed beryl and I now get direct rendering: No ! any idea how fix this ?11:57
variantuser-land: you know that some of that doesnt apply to 2.6 kernels?11:57
Daverocksmixandgo: that's normal11:57
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Daverocksmixandgo: Xgl disables direct rendering because IT uses gl11:58
variantmathieu_: your using proprietry drivers and xgl?11:58
mixandgoDaverocks, oh ! I see...11:58
variantmathieu_: if possible, use aiglx. it doesnt have this problem11:58
variantxgl is dead :)11:58
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user-landvariant, i am trying to write a howto for this for edgy. would you like to have a look at it in half an hour ?11:58
Daverocksyeah but aiglx is a bit fiddly11:58
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crimsuneh? aiglx+i915gm+xfwm4's compositor is straightforward11:59
variantDaverocks: not at all, much simpler than xgl as it works out of the box with 7.1 xorg11:59
variantuser-land: sure thing11:59
Daverocksvariant: oh11:59
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variantDaverocks: all you have to do on aiglx is run beryl-manager and it works12:00
rarjHow do play dvd/vcd and mp3 in Ubuntu Dapper?12:00
variantrarj: ogle is good for dvd's12:00
InvisiblePinkUnirarj: use totem12:00
Daverocksvariant: alright, i'll try it :P12:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html  -  libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:00
CharminTheMoosewhere is the place on ubuntu.com that i can search the ubuntu repository for a specific package?12:00
freacky22527join /ubuntu-fr12:00
rarjyes... ive tried totem but it throws up errors12:00
variantrarj: totem is crappy12:00
rarjogle ?12:01
variantrarj: mplayer will play all formats except broken wmv files12:01
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InvisiblePinkUnitotem with xine plugins is ok12:01
variantrarj: broken with drm that is12:01
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rarjhow do I install mplayer12:01
InvisiblePinkUnitotem with gstreamer doesnt play most things12:01
variantrarj: apt-get install mplayer12:01
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variantInvisiblePinkUni: yeah, whats the install file for xine totem backend?12:01
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villerI want to use a font I downloaded as the titlebar font, but gconf-editor isn't able to change the font. I can use fonts previously installed. And I can use the new fonts in GIMP.12:02
antocan anyone her help me install PDO ?12:02
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CharminTheMoosehow can i manually download a packge from the ubuntu package repository?12:02
variantviller: it's probably the theme you need to edit12:02
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: i went to synaptic and installed it. just a second... let me see12:02
variantCharminTheMoose: get the url and wget it12:02
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villerwhy the theme? I can use the old fonts12:03
CharminTheMooseand where would i find the url variant?12:03
mixandgovariant, so xserver-xgl is not necessary to run beryl ?12:03
variantCharminTheMoose: apt-get install it and when it trys to download the file you will see the url, ctrl c that12:03
variantmixandgo: correct12:03
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: totem-xine12:03
variantmixandgo: if you have aiglx12:03
variantmixandgo: and a supported card12:03
rarjvariant: package mplayer has no installation candidate.12:03
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mixandgovariant, what is aixgl12:03
variantrarj: ok, rather than fixing that why dont you give totem-xine a try12:03
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variantmixandgo: an alternative to xgl (its replacement)12:04
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mixandgovariant, and where do I get it ?12:04
blackmambaDaverocks: okay, i'm back. ctrl-alt-f1 worked, and i tried sudo lspci. that was the command, right? i got a big block of text. what out of that text did you want to know?12:04
variantmixandgo: it is built into edgy12:04
variantmixandgo: you wont be able to use it if you have the propreitry ati drivers12:04
CharminTheMoosei'm running debian and i've got my ubuntu computer upstairs and it connects to my internet via a dell wireless usb adapter and it;'s not natively supported by ubuntu,so i need to install ndiswrappr12:04
rarjvariant: apt-get install totem-xine ?12:04
mixandgovariant, I am using nvidia12:04
variantmixandgo: and if you have an nvidia card you have to use experimental drivers12:04
variantrarj: yep12:05
boink!tell CharminTheMoose about wireless12:05
variantmixandgo: avoid it for now untill the drivers are stableised12:05
Daverocksblackmamba: find where in the text it has the name of your graphics. (if some of it went off the screen, do something like "lspci | less" from a root shell) wherever you see the name, somehow record the PCI bus of that12:05
variantmixandgo: or buy a nice card with full free software support12:05
InvisiblePinkUnii installed ubuntu on a friends computer, and it doesn't play video. it plays flash. but strangely when mplayer is running in the background, and then if you open a video file with totem, it plays normally12:05
mixandgovariant, ok, thanks12:05
villerI want to use a font I downloaded as the titlebar font, but gconf-editor isn't able to change the font. I can use fonts previously installed. And I can use the new fonts in GIMP.12:05
variantblackmamba: lspci | grep agp12:06
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variantblackmamba: lspci | grep VGA i mean12:06
JDahlCharminTheMoose, you can find the package from http://packages.ubuntu.com,  but don't you have an installation CD?12:06
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blackmambavariant: i'll try that.  is it relevant that i have a radeon x700 graphics card?12:06
pjotrhi... i have a problem with the shutdown process of my ubuntu! the machine doesn't go off after the shutdown process! i alway have to use the power button! does anyone have an idea how i can solve the problem?12:06
variantblackmamba: what are ;you trying to do exactly?12:07
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InvisiblePinkUniubotu: screen12:07
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen12:07
blackmambavariant: boot up ubuntu. so far, after it gets done with the loading screen, i'm presented with a "x server is not configured properly" error. then i get a command prompt12:07
InvisiblePinkUnieveryone... GNU_Screen, is a teriffic program. just knew about it a couple of days back.12:08
Toma-im thinking about getting a notebook, and most cheap ones have an ati card in them. is this gonna be a huge problem? or is it really not that bad? i know nvidia is the go, but its gonna cost heaps more.12:08
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variantInvisiblePinkUni: thats what i use for irc + irssi. on a remote server :)12:08
variantInvisiblePinkUni: screen -RRD is nice12:08
DaverocksToma-: yeah, i find the nvidia drivers better than the ati, but the ati ones do work well12:08
compengiToma-, no it's okay you can intall ati drivers12:09
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: i came across it by accident12:09
Toma-so they work + compile and so on?12:09
variantToma-: go for one with an ati card that is either radeon 9250se or less12:09
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: it must be more prominent to new users  like me :)12:09
variantToma-: any other than that you will have to use proprietry drivers12:09
minimecvariant: Do you know a good howto for aiglx+ati? I am runnig xgl on my Laptop but my Desktop has a fglrx incompatible card (saphire 9200).12:09
blackmambavariant: right, i'll go try the command you gave me and write down what it says. you want me to use sudo lspci | grep VGA?12:09
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variantminimec: then you are very lucky12:09
compengi!ati > Toma-12:10
Toma-variant: and the GPL ones are better?12:10
variantToma-: of course, they are free12:10
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Toma-i c:D12:10
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variantToma-: pluss you will be able to use aiglx out of the box with no issues12:10
variantToma-: and you wont have to install any drivers, it will "just work"12:10
lk11mnok here's an easy one for anyone that know the command line - i skrewed up my xorg.conf, and x wont load, how do i use my xorg.conf.backup, how do i rename them, or replace them?12:10
antocan somone tell me how do install the package containing phpize12:11
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variantlk11mn: cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:11
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lk11mnvariant cp means/does?12:11
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variantminimec: just install edgy, you will have 3d acceleration and aiglx automatically by default then install beryl-manager and your set12:11
variantlk11mn: copy12:12
variantlk11mn: copy from to12:12
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: me getting confused with -RRD switch looking at it in the man page. :)12:12
tamacrackerDoes anyone if IPV6 actually slows down internet connection?12:12
variantlk11mn: you will need to be root, or use sudo12:12
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minimecvariant: Does that work with a simple dapper upgrade?12:12
keithhhhhcan anyone tell me how to setup bittorrent thru a router firewall12:12
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lk11mnvariant lol its so simple... thanks :)12:12
variantInvisiblePinkUni: open two terminals (you can do it over ssh on annother computer if you like :)) start screen and run top in one of them12:12
variantInvisiblePinkUni: in the other one do screen -RRD12:12
Daverockskeithhhhh: unblock the bittorrent port you are going to use in the firewall12:13
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variantminimec: should do, i have heard of people having upgrade problems though12:13
rarjvariant: done that... now totem comes up and goes away12:13
variantminimec: run the upgrade twice is reccomended and make sure your system is in a sane state before you start12:13
variantrarj: what do you mean?12:13
lk11mnHow do i rotate my display 180 degrees? (that's the question that got me into this mess in the first place)12:13
minimecvariant: ... and what about the two screens that are plugged on that card. Well I read that aiglx can handle one big framebuffer until 2048x2048 ...12:14
variantlk11mn: no idea12:14
variantminimec: yep12:14
rarjwhen I click on it, it flashes by.. it doesnt stay on the screen, comes up and shuts down12:14
alyssummy 'sans' font got mysteriously changed from the deafault Deja Vu Sans to something really awful looking...anybody know how can I fix it?12:14
variantrarj: hmm, open it from a terminal and see what the output says when you run it12:14
rarjvariant: badalloc()12:15
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: screen -RRD rules :)12:15
minimecvariant: Hmm... So i would have one big cube for the two Desktops?12:15
variantInvisiblePinkUni: yep12:15
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variantminimec: yep, apparantly, i dont have multiple monitors on my laptop though :)12:15
compengivariant, is the firefox still having a bug that won't let you open another one if you had already opened it on edgy?12:15
variantminimec: you can change that to be two seperate desktops etc..12:15
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variantcompengi: I have never had that issue and have been using fx for months12:16
variantcompengi: edgy i mean12:16
rarjvariant: badalloc()12:16
variantrarj: yeah i saw that.. its not good12:16
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minimecvariant: I will think about that. Normally I use E17 on my Desktop. E17 is handling the two Desktops in a quiet nice way...12:16
variantrarj: this is edgy?12:16
rarjno dapper12:16
compengivariant, do you have a good source list for it?12:16
minimecvariant: THX anyway ;)12:17
variantcompengi: just change all your lines from dapper to edgy12:17
variantcompengi: on the official repos12:17
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rarjvariant: I actually wanna get rid of XP from my laptop.. so im setting ubuntu up12:17
variantrarj: ok12:17
compengivariant, you mean the same source.list?12:17
variantrarj: this is a problem12:17
variantcompengi: yep12:18
blackmambavariant: okay, "sudo lspci | grep VGA" gave me this: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV410 [Radeon X700 (PCIE)] 12:18
rarjvariant: looks like it :P. How do we solve it ?12:18
variantrarj: good question12:18
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variantblackmamba: this is the live cd or the installed system?12:19
blackmambavariant: the livecd gave me that. i'm trying to boot into ubuntu from the livecd12:19
variantblackmamba: dpkg-reconfigure xorg12:19
variantblackmamba: did you try booting in safe graphics mode?12:20
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tamacrackercore2duo supposedly boosts up the cable modem connection12:20
compengivariant, where is source list located i forgot :Pp12:20
varianttamacracker: i find that unlikley12:20
variantcompengi: /etc/apt/sources.list12:20
micktmI've got two problems...12:20
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antodownloading PDO-1.0.3.tgz ...12:20
antoStarting to download PDO-1.0.3.tgz (52,613 bytes)12:20
anto.............done: 52,613 bytes12:20
anto12 source files, building12:20
antorunning: phpize12:20
antoConfiguring for:12:20
blackmambavariant: i tried that too. didn't seem to have much effect. i also tried dpkg-reconfigure xorg. it didn't do anything12:20
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antoPHP Api Version:         2004122512:20
antoZend Module Api No:      2005092212:21
antoZend Extension Api No:   22005102512:21
antobuilding in /var/tmp/pear-build-root/PDO-1.0.312:21
antorunning: /tmp/tmpKigpbN/PDO-1.0.3/configure12:21
pippobrucohi all, my symlink in rcX.d directory are lost, how can I restore the default setting?12:21
antochecking for egrep... grep -E12:21
antochecking for a sed that does not truncate output... /bin/sed12:21
antochecking for gcc... gcc12:21
antochecking for C compiler default output file name... a.out12:21
antochecking whether the C compiler works... yes12:21
variantanto: stop spamming12:21
antochecking whether we are cross compiling... no12:21
antochecking for suffix of executables...12:21
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!12:21
antochecking for suffix of object files... o12:21
antochecking whether we are using the GNU C compiler... yes12:21
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
antochecking whether gcc accepts -g... yes12:21
antochecking for gcc option to accept ANSI C... none needed12:21
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blackmambavariant: i went through all the setup stuff and then tried startx but it didn't start.12:21
variantffs anto, be more karefull with that12:21
CharminTheMoosei don't suppose dapper's default kernel would have the ndiswrapper module compiled in?12:21
micktm1. I installed amarok and audacity on my ubuntu6.10... when amarok works, audacity can't open, unable to initalize audio! how to resolve?12:21
Hobbsee!pastebin > anto12:21
blackmambavariant: do you want me to try safe graphics mode again?12:21
compengivariant, sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list location or vise versa12:22
variantblackmamba: ok :/ perhaps you will have to use the alternative cd12:22
variantcompengi: what??12:22
JDahlCharminTheMoose, I believe so12:22
Stazblackmamba I notice you have a x700 card, whats the prob?12:22
variantcompengi: your editing it?12:22
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compengivariant, i want to back it up12:22
variantcompengi: if you wanna back it up ( a good idea )12:22
micktm2. I installed fglrx dirver for my ati graphic board. It should be a control panel of the board, but I don't know the command to open it. Someone knows it?12:22
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variantcompengi: cp sourcefile destinationfile12:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:22
variantrarj: sorry, i am struggleing to think what could help here12:23
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blackmambaStaz: when i boot into ubuntu from the 6.10 livecd/install disk, it goes through the loading screen and then i get an error saying xserver is incorrectly configured.12:23
variantrarj: have you used automatix or any other automating scripts at all?12:23
JDahlCharminTheMoose, on second thought,  there are probably some ndiswrapper packages you need to install manually.  Burning an installation CD (which includes those packages) from Windows or a different computer is that fastest solution12:23
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compengivariant, should i leave it the same http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31190/12:24
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StazYou get a black-screen by any chance?12:24
rarjvariant: nopes12:24
zaynhamdanblackmamba: you can edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:24
rarjvariant: I can try..... how do I install automatix12:24
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CharminTheMooseJDahl yes but i already have ubuntu installinated12:24
variantrarj: I was not reccomending it12:24
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rarjvariant: :)12:24
compengi!automatix > rarj12:24
variantrarj: i was checking to see if it might have borked your system :)12:24
Stazhttp://pastebin.com/822426 <--- I had trouble installing edgy with that same card, I followed this.12:25
rarjcompengi: Thanks12:25
JDahlCharminTheMoose, but you don't the ndiswrapper packages, which I why I suggest a CDROM image with the packages would be nice12:25
variantrarj: I am unable to help you i think, you can try asking others for help but if you wanna give automatix a shot be my guest. i dont recomend it though12:25
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blackmambaStaz: at first, it went from the loading screen to a black screen to a command prompt, but now it goes from the loading screen to a black screen with blinking cursor to an error about xserver. i'll try that, staz, thanks12:25
CharminTheMooseyes,i understand12:25
variantrarj: be aware that it automates the installation of non-free software12:25
netpythonautomatix screws your system12:25
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compengivariant, have you checked my source?12:26
rarjvariant: Ok12:26
variantcompengi: yep, itlooks fine. you might want to comment out the backports repo though12:26
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variantcompengi: change the dapper lines to read edgy instead12:26
variantcompengi: only do that in the official repos though12:27
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InvisiblePinkUniwhere is the apt-get source list located?12:27
variantcompengi: then apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade12:27
variantInvisiblePinkUni: /etc/apt/sources.list12:27
=== Belboz99 [n=dan@adsl-75-21-123-111.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Belboz99Hey all, is Edgy Bi-Arch compatable?12:28
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: :) thanks, i was searching for /etc/sources.list12:28
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ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/12:28
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compengivariant, i won't upgrade i want to install it clean :)12:29
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variantcompengi: ok, then download edgy cd12:29
compengivariant, i have it :)12:29
variantcompengi: do you have /home on a seperate directory?12:29
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variantcompengi: partition*12:29
compengivariant, no12:30
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variantcompengi: shame, you will loose all your data12:30
Belboz99I'm looking at this page, and it seems out of date.  It says that Mark might make Ubuntu BiArch compatable by Edgy Eft, and to "stay tuned".  Edgy has been released for weeks, is it BiArch compatable or not?12:30
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variantcompengi: i recommend that when yo uinstall ubuntu you choose to have /home mounted on a seperate large partition. it will save a lot of headaches12:30
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compengivariant, i'm backing up my data from home, is that what you mean?12:31
variantcompengi: yep12:31
tamacrackerhey guys.. I have a file that I need to install using terminal12:31
tamacrackerand the file is on my desktop12:32
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tamacrackerhow do get into my desktop's directory?12:32
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InvisiblePinkUnivariant: what advantage does having /home on seperate partition have?12:32
JDahltamacracker, cd ~/Desktop12:32
InvisiblePinkUnitamacracker: cd /home/user/Desktop12:32
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=== sc0tt beats variant with happy pills
tamacrackerthank you :D12:32
tamacrackergonna try it12:32
variantInvisiblePinkUni: many, you can move it around at will if you wanna add more space etc. you can reinstall the os without touching the /home partiiton.12:32
InvisiblePinkUnitamacracker: cd ~/Desktop is better :)12:33
Bogdan_kghi everyone, I have a problem: I can access Windows C: drive, but I can't access E:\ - it says "you dont have permission to access this drive". It is visible, but unaccessable.12:33
InvisiblePinkUnivariant: oh ok....12:33
Belboz99E:\?  there's no such thing in linux!12:33
piksn4Can anyone please help me with a problem: sound stopped working after I installed ALSA to get it work in America's Army. Now It doesn't work anywhere :'(12:33
variantsquareyes: you want some help with somthing?12:33
squareyesexperimenting with xubuntu on old machine, is there any way to get xorg to recognize a serial mouse please?12:34
CharminTheMooseBogdan_kg evidently you don't have permission to access it12:34
squareyesHi all12:34
Bogdan_kghow to grant permission?12:34
Bogdan_kgthere is another weird thing12:34
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CharminTheMoosego ask in #windows12:34
Bogdan_kgwhen I go to system>disks I can access E:12:34
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piksn4Can anyone help me with a sound problem (ALSA)? please12:34
variantBogdan_kg: chown username:username /path/to/mountpoint12:34
squareyesplenty of old machines around that could be getting used12:34
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piksn4Can anyone help me with a sound problem (ALSA)? please12:34
Bogdan_kgwill try, thanks12:34
piksn4Can anyone help me with a sound problem (ALSA)? please12:35
zaynhamdanhow can i know what init default where /etc/inittab is missing on edgy?12:35
tamacrackerI installed cross over :D12:35
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nolimitsoya!alsa > piksn412:35
Belboz99Bogdan_kg: be warned, writing to an NTFS partition can lead to disaster12:35
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=== CharminTheMoose is kicking himself for not being arsed to customise his kernel before 'make'ing it
Bogdan_kghmmh I know, I tried now to access via terminal, and still permission denied12:36
Belboz99Bogdan_kg: make sure you keep all NTFS partitions as "read-only"12:36
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Belboz99yea! Oblivion is almost finished installing! :)12:36
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Belboz99anyone want to see a shot or two of Oblivion on Edgy Eft?12:37
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kuja_Anyone here run Ubuntu off a USB harddrive on a daily basis? About 5400 RPM12:38
variantkuja_: its the fact that its usb that makes it slow12:38
KeyseirWhen hit the "close window" button on apps that would normally minimize to the system tray, they actually close... how can I get stuff minimizing to the system tray again, and what happend?12:39
JDahlvariant, isn't USB2.0  many many times faster than a normal HD?12:39
KeyseirI'm refering to progs like gaim and az12:39
waylandbillkuja_, I've ran off a external drive before... hopefully you're using 2.012:39
tamacrackerfinally i can use photoshop 7.0 on my ubuntu :D12:39
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variantJDahl: certainly not12:39
kuja_waylandbill: Yeah, 2.012:39
variantJDahl: your in reverse there :)12:39
waylandbillJDahl, no way... not even close12:39
compengivariant, one more question, what vga are you runnning12:39
Belboz99Here's a shot of Oblivion on Edgy for those interested:12:40
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KeyseirAny ideas folks? Close a window that normally minimizes to tray, and it just closes.12:41
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blackmambawho was it that gave me the tutorial on getting into gnome on a radeon x700 graphics card?12:42
InvisiblePinkUniKeyseir: do you have notification area on your screen?12:42
minimecKeyseir: Have a look at the preferences. Normally you havea12:42
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minimecKeyseir: ... an close to systry option12:43
kuja_waylandbill: Is it pretty okay with 2.0?12:43
KeyseirInvisiblePinkUni: Not sure, how do I check?12:43
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Keyseirminimec: any particular part of prefs?12:43
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minimecKeyseir: nope, but you shout find that... I know this option exists for 'listen' 'gaim' and so on ...12:44
blackmambawell, i'd like to thank whoever gave me the tutorial, because i'm in gnome right now and it is good. :D12:44
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InvisiblePinkUniKeyseir: right click on a panel,click add to panel, and add notification area under utilities section12:44
InvisiblePinkUniKeyseir: i'm assuming you are on gnome :o12:44
cherubielhey has any got any luck with conexant HD audio?12:44
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KeyseirInvisiblePinkUni: Correct12:45
eXSiRhi, how can i start/stop a kernel module without restart?12:45
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keWhat's the name of that app for playing win-games?12:45
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keSomething with "c"12:45
XiXaQI'm doing a clean install of my system. I'd like to keep my users applications configuration and data. What is the best way of doing that?12:45
KeyseirInvisiblePinkUni: Heh, yeah that was it. My notification area somehow got buweeted. Thanks12:45
InvisiblePinkUniKeyseir: add the notification area to a panel12:45
JDahleXSiR, you can load (unload) with insmod (rmmod),  but there12:45
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InvisiblePinkUniKeyseir: :)12:45
cherubieleXSiR: insmod, rmmod?12:46
ZokiBoSSke crosover, or crossover :)12:46
keIt was another name, I think...12:46
variantXiXaQ: if its not on a seperate partition you will have to back it up12:46
chaoslynxhow can i force to remove a package even if dpkg returns some error code?12:46
keOr what12:46
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ZokiBoSSanyone who can help me about this message: usb 1-1: reset full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 812:46
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variantZokiBoSS: what about it?12:47
cherubielchaoslynx: --force-all12:47
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cherubielthere are finer forces, do a man dpkg12:47
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ZokiBoSSvariant, I cant mount my camera, it doesn't find as device12:47
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XiXaQvariant, that's what I'm asking. What's the best way of backing it up?12:48
variantZokiBoSS: and that is what dmesg says?12:48
ZokiBoSSvariant, yes12:48
variantXiXaQ: do have either a spare partition or dvd writer or somthing?12:48
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variantZokiBoSS: odd12:48
XiXaQvariant, yes, I have an external hdd.12:48
variantZokiBoSS: what kind of camera is it?12:48
variantXiXaQ: so cp /home onto it12:49
ZokiBoSScreative pc cam 85012:49
variantXiXaQ: then cp it back when you have installed12:49
marltuhow to close X and everything else but not apache, mysql and so on12:49
XiXaQvariant, but won't that change file permissions?12:49
variantmarltu: /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:49
variantXiXaQ: cp -p12:49
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variantXiXaQ: man cp (-p is preserve permissions)12:49
chaoslynxcherubiel: thx12:50
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variantXiXaQ: apt-get install gphoto212:50
variantXiXaQ: sorry ignore that12:50
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variantZokiBoSS: apt-get install gphoto212:51
adrian_cannot see windows xp machine12:51
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cherubieladrian_: bootloader issue?12:51
variantalecjw: open your eyes or take the junk off the top of it?12:51
marltuvariant: screen becomes messy and nothing is happening12:51
variantadrian_: open your eyes or take the junk off the top of it?12:51
adrian_ok, thanks12:51
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:52
compengivariant, can you remined me of a command that will install all the files needed for a certain program?12:52
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variantmarltu: when you do what?12:52
variantcompengi: what program?12:52
marltusudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:52
compengivariant, any12:52
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variantmarltu: ctrl alt f112:52
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krikkehi, on the live-cd of 6.10, my acx driver for USR5410 pci wifi card worked, but on the alternate installation it seems like he can't find the driver, is this possible12:52
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marltunothing happens12:52
cherubielcompengi: apt-get install <packagename>12:52
variantmarltu: try f212:53
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variantmarltu: does the capslock key work?12:53
variantmarltu: note the light12:53
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adrian_where is says domain in network settings, do I put the windows workgroup in there?12:53
SupremacyGnuHello there! I have problems viewing my page thrue firefox. It ain't on the web yet, I just want to preview it. But it doesn't work! Firefox shows nothing. Thanks12:53
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tylersmithSlow web browsing! I've made the changes to disable ipv6 and the tweeks for firefox, but web browsing is still very, very slow with my 64 AMD with dapper. Is this a fixable problem or is dapper just really slow?12:53
cherubiel!samba | adrian_12:53
ubotuadrian_: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:53
Bogdan_kghey does anyone know why cant I log onto my psyBNC via X-Chat?12:53
marltuvariant: no, and i can't change it12:54
XiXaQvariant, will cp -R copy hidden files and folders?12:54
user-landvariant, i had to struggle, finally reduced the instructions much, do they look right to you ? http://user-land.org/open-files-limit-ubuntu.txt12:54
InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: are you trying ?12:54
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marltubut num and scroll lock is working12:54
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variantmarltu: sounds like it crashed the box. in future switch to a virtual terminal first before stopping gdm12:54
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, no, I just right click on the html file and choose open with firefox12:54
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marltuto ar virtual terimnal?12:54
variantXiXaQ: as far as i can remember yes12:54
yeager7join #ubuntu.se12:54
variantXiXaQ: test it12:54
marltuhow to do that?12:54
krikkehi, on the live-cd of 6.10, my acx driver for USR5410 pci wifi card worked, but on the alternate installation it seems like he can't find the driver, is this possible12:55
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: right click and view source12:55
variantmarltu: ctrl alt f1/f2/f3/f4 etc12:55
Bogdan_kghey does anyone know why cant I log onto my psyBNC via X-Chat?12:55
minimecZokiBoSS: Your cam should work with linux ...12:55
marltuvariant: but my apache is still working12:55
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variantmarltu: normally xserver runs on "f7"12:55
variantmarltu: ok.. can you ssh to the box?12:55
variantmarltu: if so we should be able to recover it12:55
ZokiBoSSminimec, it doesn't :S12:55
marltuno, only ftp access :)12:55
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SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, I am viewing it now, with the program called Bluefish12:55
variantmarltu: sorry, if you can tget the keyboard working you will have to reboot hten12:56
Bogdan_kghey does anyone know why cant I log onto my psyBNC via X-Chat?12:56
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minimecZokiBoSS: Plug it in and give me the last two or three lines of your dmesg.12:56
=== rob looks at ben__
alecjwvariant: wtf are you talking about?12:56
variantalecjw: what?12:56
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, and It does show the right source code thrue firefox, but nothing shows12:56
alecjwyou said open your eyesand take the junk off the top of it12:56
marltuvariant: ok, thanks, trying again...12:56
variantalecjw: it was to the wrong person12:56
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: try epiphany or konqueror if you have them installed.12:57
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ZokiBoSS[4297998.240000]  usb 1-2: reset full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1612:57
ZokiBoSS[4298001.345000]  usb 1-2: device descriptor read/64, error -11012:57
variantZokiBoSS: sounds broken12:57
Bogdan_kghey does anyone know why cant I log onto my psyBNC via X-Chat?12:57
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variantZokiBoSS: have you tried a different usb port?12:57
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ZokiBoSSvariant, yes12:57
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variantZokiBoSS: and usb cable.. and computer12:57
mixandgoI've reinstalled gdm, and now gnome starts in failsafe mode ! also I cannot start gnome-settings-daemon !12:58
ZokiBoSSaaaagrhh .. with same cable I connect it when I had windows.. and it was good12:58
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minimecZokiBoSS: Hmmm ... Strange. I 'googled' around a little bit and found people that got that cam to work.12:58
squareyesdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg has options for 2 ps2 mice, is it possible to setup a serial mouse.? Old machine has no ps2 sockets12:58
variantZokiBoSS: apt-get install gphoto2 and see if that can access it12:59
kuja_ZokiBoSS: Maybe not enough power12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:59
ZokiBoSSminimec, I have looked too, but .. it doesn't recognise like a camera12:59
variantZokiBoSS: you dont mount it with gphoto, it has direct access to the media12:59
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, you really think it's the webbrowsers fault?12:59
marltuthis time i'll install sshd :)12:59
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: no idea.... but just guessing....12:59
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minimecZokiBoSS: Hmmm.... I f you tried that...? mount- t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera12:59
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: can you see anything in epiphany?01:00
ZokiBoSSminimec, yes, but it doesn't recognising as device01:00
variantZokiBoSS: hello!! i am telling you that you use gphoto2 to access that kind of camera01:00
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: can you not view ANY web page on your machine... or only one particular web page you created?01:00
kuja_variant: Does it directly access /dev/sd*?01:00
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, euhm, I downloaded it with apt-get. How do I start it? there's no icons or anything in the program menu01:00
variantkuja_: no idea01:00
ZokiBoSSvariant, I installed it, and.. ?01:00
alecjwdoes anone know why xubuntu freezes on bootup when it gets to Runninmg locval boot scripts: (/etc/rc.local)?01:00
variantkuja_: considering that that kind of camera doesnt create it i doubt it01:01
variantZokiBoSS: open it01:01
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, just the webpage I created. It does work it Windows though01:01
InvisiblePinkUnijust open the terminal window and type epiphany or konqueror01:01
ubotudigikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.8.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 3501 kB, installed size 8832 kB01:01
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variantZokiBoSS: run gphoto201:01
cyziehello, i have an rpm file, can it installed in ubuntu just like deb? if yes, what software i need ?01:02
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SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, hmm, that's very strange. It did work with Epiphany... are there any settings in firefox which I could fix?01:02
alecjwdoes anone know why xubuntu freezes on bootup when it gets to Runninmg locval boot scripts: (/etc/rc.local)?01:02
kuja_cyzie: alien01:02
variantZokiBoSS: actualy, that camera might not yet be supported. looks like gphoto has support for up to pc cam7501:02
variantZokiBoSS: actualy, that camera might not yet be supported. looks like gphoto has support for up to pc cam75001:02
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InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: depends on what was on your webpage01:03
cyziekuja_, ok thanks.01:03
squareyes<cyzie> need to convert it to a .deb with alien first01:03
ZokiBoSSdigikam too01:03
marltuvariant: ctrl alt f1 f2 and so on are not working at all01:03
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SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, just plain HTML and CSS01:03
InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: try out firefox irc channel on irc.moznet.org01:03
variantmarltu: did you reboot?01:03
cyziesquareyes, okay. thanks01:03
SupremacyGnuInvisiblePinkUni, alright, thanks for the help!01:03
marltualecjw: you're probably running something that crashes ubuntu :)01:03
InvisiblePinkUniSupremacyGnu: yw :)01:04
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alecjwmarltu: it's a clean ubuntu commandline installation01:04
alecjwon a pentium with 32mb ram01:04
marltuvariant: yup01:04
mixandgoI've reinstalled gdm, and now gnome starts in failsafe mode ! also I cannot start gnome-settings-daemon !01:04
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variantZokiBoSS: apt-get install usbview if your still having problems and see what that tells you when you run it01:05
ZokiBoSSvariant, I have tried with usbview too, but I can't mount the cam to use that software.. I read at forums that usbview helped some ppl to run it, but .. I can't mount it01:06
ZokiBoSSheh :)01:06
alecjwmarltu: so any ideas?01:06
variantZokiBoSS: you dont have to mount it before using usbview01:06
marltualecjw: nope, i'm almost newbie :)01:06
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variantZokiBoSS: usbview just tells you whats plugged in01:06
alecjwok, thanks anyway, marltu01:06
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ZokiBoSSwell, it don't show nothing01:06
variantZokiBoSS: http://www.kroah.com/linux-usb/01:07
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krikkesomeone can help with the installation of the acx drivers?01:08
variantZokiBoSS: ah, you need this driver01:08
marltuvariant: i've found the problem01:08
variantZokiBoSS: your camera is listed in the supported hardware01:08
variantmarltu: what was it?01:08
marltui mean ctrl alt f1 and so on01:08
marltumy virtual machine was blocking it01:08
variantmarltu: when your not in x its just alt f2/3 etc01:09
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variantmarltu: ffs, you didnt tell me you were running in a vm. i wouldnt have botherd helping you had i known :)01:09
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marltuthat's the point01:09
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highvoltagehi. anyone know if the process of making usplash logos in edgy is different that dapper?01:10
variantmarltu: you should have told me rather than wasting my time. of course ctrl alt f1 etc didnt work, of course there was screen corruption when you killed gdm. Its a VM!!!01:10
highvoltageI end up with a black screen, and on my one computer it says no suitable themes could be found for 1024x768?01:10
marltuvariant: any ideas how to kill X in VM?01:10
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sperry-hello. I'm getting this error when trying to install mplayer: "Error The GUI reuires PNG support, please install libpng and libpng-dev packages". how do I install those?01:11
krikkesomeone can help with the installation of the acx drivers?01:11
atk_Hi. Is there a work around for this: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/51784 It's really giving way too much debugging info for my slow laptop -> has to write disk all the time01:11
variantmarltu: /etc/init.d/gdm stop, if the vm messes it up blame the vm01:11
sperry-I tried with sudo apt-get install libpng but it said no such package01:11
First|Blehsperry-: sudo aptitude install libpng and sudo aptitude install libpng-dev01:11
sperry-FireBlade no good :(01:11
marltudammit :)01:12
kuja_sudo apt-get install libpng libpng-dev01:12
variantsperry-: apt-cache search libpng01:12
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variantkuja_: ther eis no such package01:12
variantkuja_: so its not that simple :)01:12
kuja_sudo apt-get install libpng12-0 libpng12-dev01:12
kuja_There, simple! :)01:12
variantkuja_: apt-cache search libpng01:12
ZokiBoSSvariant, I can't install it :S01:12
ZokiBoSSmake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/ SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules01:12
ZokiBoSSmake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build/: No such file or directory.  Stop.01:12
ZokiBoSSmake: *** [default]  Error 201:12
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sperry-that worked thanks!01:13
variantZokiBoSS: you need to have kernel headers installe01:13
minimecZokiBoSS: You need to install the kernel sources.01:13
variantZokiBoSS: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`01:13
variantyeah -r01:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:13
aimtrainerhi! I need some help with my wireless. I have a dlink 520+ with a acx100 chipset. Im not really sure which file/ driver to use here: http://acx100.erley.org/01:13
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sperry-hmm now I'm getting X11 support required for GUI compilation01:14
jimcooncatq about backports: if I add the backports repositories, I would get a backport for every program available when I install one? Not just ones I only want backports for, correct?01:14
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neppsycheanyone here?01:15
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PriceChildme :)01:15
netpythonnot here01:15
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neopsyche#wireless seems dead01:15
neopsychenobody home01:15
sperry-I have X server working, I'm in it right now. why is it complaining about lack of X11 support01:15
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kuja_sperry-: Why are you compiling mplayer?01:16
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sperry-because I want to use it. there was RedHat package and source.01:17
user-landvariant, does the link for the open files limit increase work for you ?01:17
kuja_sudo apt-get install mplayer01:17
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kuja_Add multiverse and universe repositories, run 'sudo apt-get update', then run 'sudo apt-get install mplayer'01:17
variantuser-land: sorry, i am at work. not had time to check yet01:17
sperry-no such package01:17
kuja_sperry-: Because you haven't added the correct repositories.01:17
netzenhello can anybody help me installing a webcam on my ubuntu?01:18
sperry-where do I get them?01:18
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alecjwdoes anone know why xubuntu freezes on bootup when it gets to Runninmg locval boot scripts: (/etc/rc.local)?01:18
sperry-btw I already did install mplayer, but without GUI support. will that cause problems?01:18
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kuja_sperry-: Go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager01:18
neopsyche_got disconnected01:18
neopsyche_Anyone have any advice on dropout problem?  Using wifi with senao radio 802.11b to connect to ISP, 64kbps, not sure if they are throttling me.01:18
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kuja_sperry-: When you're in Synaptic, go to Settings -> Repositories01:19
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neopsyche_(and #wifi has nobody chatting so here i am)01:19
netzenhello can anybody help me installing a webcam on my ubuntu?01:19
neopsyche_ITZ wierd not wired01:19
sperry-I'm there01:19
krikkewhat is happening with the ACX drivers, ubuntu made a mess of it?01:19
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kuja_sperry-: By the way, are you on Dapper, Edgy, or what?01:20
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sperry-it's called edgy I believe? 6.1001:20
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neopsychecan anyone help with wifi problem?01:20
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minimecsperry-: Did you ever hear about the 'http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/' sources?01:20
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predaeusHello, hast anybody got a working mic with Alsa and an Audigy 4 (non-pro)?01:21
kuja_sperry-: In the "Ubuntu 6.10" tab, check the boxes with (multiverse) and (universe)01:21
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recu edgy does not start OpenGL on my nForce. What should I do?01:21
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BaukeHi all. During an fresh install of Edgy my ps/2 keyboard fails. Is there a boot parameter to fix this?01:21
sperry-kuja_ I did01:21
kuja_sperry-: Then close the settings dialog (click Close), and click the Reload button in Synaptic. Then close synaptic, and from a terminal, type: sudo apt-get install mplayer01:22
felixjetsudo nvidia-glx-config enable01:22
felixjetError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed01:22
felixjetthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.01:22
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marltufelixjet: so, where's the problem? :)01:22
sperry-kuja_ done, now apt-get thing?01:22
felixjetthe error? xD01:23
krikkecan anyone help me with the acx driver please :\01:23
marltuinstall nvidia drivers for your newest kernel01:23
kuja_sperry-: Yep, `sudo apt-get install mplayer`01:23
sperry-btw as I already have mplayer installed and compiled (but without gui support) should I remove it somehow first?01:23
felixjetmarltu: how? :S i did apt-get install nvidia-glx01:23
kuja_sperry-: Well, did you do a make install?01:23
recunvidia doesnt' come with edgy?01:23
sperry-yes, I can run mplayer but I don't see the video01:23
sperry-I only see frame number etc in console01:24
kuja_I wonder if there is a `make uninstall' or just remove the directory where mplayer was installed01:24
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sperry-because I just did ./configure and not ./configure --enable-gui01:24
alecjwdoes anone know why xubuntu freezes on bootup when it gets to Runninmg locval boot scripts: (/etc/rc.local)?01:24
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krikkecan anyone help me with this damned acx drivers!01:25
variantsperry-: try mplayer -vo x1101:25
shawarmaalecjw: Are you sure it does that? Try pressing return or something.01:25
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felixjeti have driver nv, how can i switch to nvidia? editing xorg.conf ?01:25
sperry-I tried apt-get, says there are unmet dependencies. libartsc0 libmpcdec3, libungif4g, libxvmc101:25
variantsperry-: why didint you apt-get install mplayer?01:25
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alecjwshawarma: thanks. i'll try that now01:25
recugrep Driver xorg.conf01:26
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sperry-because I didn't know I could, thought I had to compile it01:26
kuja_sperry-: If there is no uninstall task, I assume you need to remove /usr/lib/mplayer, /usr/bin/mplayer01:26
kuja_Depends where everything was installed.01:26
kuja_variant: He didn't know about multiverse and universe01:26
kuja_sperry-: Most of the "goodies" are in multiverse and universe :)01:26
=== adam_ [n=adam@pool-71-251-229-20.rcmdva.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JuliusSartanyone know why mouse settings dont apply?01:26
variantsperry-: cd to you the directory where you comiled the source and run make uninstall01:26
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adam_i have a question about kde install.01:26
shawarmaalecjw: The thing is that the new upstart system shows the login prompt before the entire startup is done and sometimes the rest of the output from the startup clutters the login prompt, but it's still there somewhere.01:26
sperry--vo x11 gave me "error opening/initalizing the selected video_out"01:26
adam_on the new edgy01:26
variantsperry-: cd to you the directory where you comiled the source and run make uninstall01:27
sperry-variant ok01:27
BaukeHelp pls: During an fresh install of Edgy my ps/2 keyboard fails. Is there a boot parameter to fix this?01:27
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adam_i am installing kde, and a few packages downloading timeout, will it still install the broken packages? or will it retry at the end01:27
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alecjwshawarma: that sounds right. it says xubuntu-lpatop login: and then carrys on saying random stuff01:27
variantadam_: run it again01:27
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variantBauke: at what point does it fail?01:27
hyakuheiwhat package do I need to get the MAN 3 pages?01:28
shawarmaalecjw: Exactly. Don't worry about it. Just log in.01:28
adam_so rerun the sudo apt-get kde?01:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:28
Baukevariant; at the point a username is needed01:28
sperry-I did, I still get the same error when trying to apt-get mplayer. it worked for you guys right out of the box?01:28
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kuja_sperry-: Everything works fine for me.01:28
kuja_sperry-: Run gmplayer01:28
Baukevariant; or any other keystroke01:28
variantBauke: you enter your it wont let you enter the username or the password?01:28
alecjwshawarma: thanks! you're a life saver! (ish)01:28
kuja_Go to the preferences, and see if you can change the video output from there.01:28
sperry-"Depends: libartsc0 but it is not installable" (and same thing for 3 other libraries"01:28
variantBauke: you tried pluggin/unpluggin your keyboar?01:28
ZokiBoSSvariant, now?01:29
ZokiBoSSmake[2] : *** [/home/zoki/Desktop/zr364xx-0.70/zr364xx.o]  Error 101:29
ZokiBoSSmake[1] : *** [_module_/home/zoki/Desktop/zr364xx-0.70]  Error 201:29
ZokiBoSSmake[1] : Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.15-23-386'01:29
ZokiBoSSmake: *** [default]  Error 201:29
adam_variant, do i need to rerun the whole install?01:29
sperry-kuja_ apt-get mplayer worked for you on 6.10 without any tweaking?01:29
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Baukevariant: yes, and a different keyboard also. They both work with dapper01:29
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kuja_sperry-: Correct01:29
variantBauke: so.. that fixed it?01:29
kuja_sperry-: If you're having too many problems, just install VLC, or did you need to be able to play movies without a GUI?01:29
=== bariel [n=a@p54BDBC47.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bariel hello, using apt to install phpmyadmin, it gives me only the older version of 2.6, anyone knows if there is an more update source list?01:29
variantZokiBoSS: paste the actual error not hte bit telling that there was an error01:29
kuja_VLC is the best movie player for Linux, in my honest opinion.01:30
variantZokiBoSS: and put it in pastebin not htis channel01:30
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sperry-ok I'll try VLC01:30
kuja_sudo apt-get install vlc01:30
Baukevariant: plug/unplugging didn't fix it. They both work with dapper01:30
variantkuja_: its not bad at all.01:30
adam_also, what is a good streaming player for ubuntu from the internet? gkstreamer? i want something to play all formats including wmv01:30
ZokiBoSStell me web01:30
variantBauke: thats very odd01:30
minimecsperry-:  mplayer seems to be in the 'multiverse' section. So an installation should work out of the box.01:30
Baukevariant: i was hoping to find a boot prm01:30
variantBauke: are you sure it just doesnt echo the password ? you shouldnt see anything (no ****)  when you type the password01:30
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sperry-for vlc I got "Depends: vlc-0nox (versioin) but it is not going to be installed"01:30
sperry-and "Depends libsdl-image1.2"01:31
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kuja_sperry-: I don't think you enabled the necessary repository.01:31
Baukevariant: any other keystroke fails, numlock hangs and nothing happens01:31
variantBauke: mad..01:31
variantBauke: you might have a dodgey port?01:31
Baukevariant: when i boot back to dapper, everything's allright01:31
sperry-kuja_ just checked, both universe and multiverse are enabled01:31
variantBauke: annoying01:31
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variantBauke: cehck for a bug report.. i havent heard of this before though01:32
adam_also, what is a good streaming player for ubuntu from the internet? gkstreamer? i want something to play all formats including wmv01:32
variantadam_: mplayer01:32
kuja_sperry-: Run sudo apt-get update01:32
Baukevariant: anyway, thanks for your help man. I'll file the bug then01:32
variantadam_: or vlc01:32
variantBauke: np01:32
adam_variant, for some reason mplayer doesnt work on the internet for me, or am i missing a setting?01:32
ZokiBoSSvariant, http://pastebin.com/82245901:32
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variantadam_: mplayer http://host.com/stream.pls01:33
sperry-kuja_ I did smae thing01:33
kuja_sperry-: Do you have 'main' enabled?01:33
adam_thanks variant01:33
sperry-no it's disabled01:34
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kuja_sperry-: Enable it and update again. Also enable restricted, for future stuff01:34
JuliusSartshould the package installer inform if the password is incorrect, it does nothing atm.01:34
kuja_I usually enable everything, so I don't run into problems like these.01:34
variantZokiBoSS: sorry, thats not somthing that i can fix. try different kernel/kernel headers and a different version of that driver (try compiling the older one first then get cvs if that fails)01:34
marios_sHello, I've installed ubuntu on my acer aspire 1640, and then windows XP. I've a 3.90GB partition that I haven't removed at the begin of the hd. It probably contains a backup of drivers. After  installed XP it obviously overwrote grub, and now I can't boot linux, but the live. I tried to run grub-install again from the live but doesn't have work. So I've chrooted on the linux mounted partition but it says that it couldn't gethostbyname().01:34
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sperry-works now :)01:34
variantZokiBoSS: ask in the mailing list for that driver project01:34
kuja_sperry-: =)01:35
manmadhaIs there any tool  to convert video to audio format....?01:35
sperry-thanks a lot, installing vlc now01:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xort - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:35
variantmanmadha: mencoder (if you have mplayer you allready have it01:35
marios_sHowvever, if I copy the grub conf in the live partition and I run grub-install will I be able to boot booth OS?01:35
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:35
variantmanmadha: mplayer actualy01:35
kuja_sperry-: On Ubuntu, there shouldn't be much need for you to compile your favorite applications, they are already compiled for you and packaged in the repositories and can be installed via apt-get01:35
crocdmarios_s: I had a similiar issue on my system give me second to think how i got around it.01:35
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variantmanmadha: just mplayer --dumpaudio /path/to/movie01:36
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variantmanmadha: iirc01:36
manmadhavariant, ohh thank u i will try01:36
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variantmanmadha: readthe man page as it was many years since i did that :)01:36
variantmanmadha: the command i showed you might not be exactly correct but that is certainly the way to do it01:36
manmadhavariant, ohh ok ok01:36
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crocdmarios_s: I remeber booting to the livecd mounting the boot partition then running grub-install on the paritition, mine was (hd0,0) as it was a sata drive but it should be the same for yourrs)01:38
variantuser-land: looks cool to me01:38
kuja_It takes forever to download these Ubuntu ISO's =(01:38
variantcrocd: you dont need to mount the partition to run grub-install01:38
variantkuja_: try a different mirror/bittorrent01:38
kuja_variant: I'm using a local mirror.01:38
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variantkuja_: or get a better connection :)01:38
kuja_Well, it's retarded, My peak for this download is 700kb/s01:39
variantkuja_: i dl at approx 13mb/s when using a local mirror01:39
kuja_I should be getting at least 1MB/s01:39
kuja_variant: I know, it's stupid :(01:39
user-landthanks, variant. aMule is just not up to the task anymore. i'll need to see if 10000 is enough for eMule.01:39
crocdvariant: i did try it without mounting but wasnt successful as it wouldnt detect the partition for some rason01:39
variantcrocd: what command exactly?01:39
variantcrocd: grub-install (hdo)01:39
variantcrocd: grub-install (hd0)01:39
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kuja_I'm going to install Ubuntu on my external USB harddrive through QEMU, because I don't have CD/DVD burner available :(01:40
crocdyep that was it but I had to specify (hd0,0)01:40
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variantcrocd: hd0,0 is the first partiion of the first disk, you want the master boot record which is on hd001:40
marios_sSorry, I couldn't follow.01:40
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higii disconnected my ipod without secure extraction, and now when i connect it to a PC it hangs01:40
higiis it fixable?01:40
crocdvariant: as i have sata drive. I installed vista rc2 on a parition to see what it was like as a direct install01:41
kuja_higi: Send it in to Apple.01:41
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varianthigi: you can rerun the apple installer that will reset it to factory defaults01:41
marios_sI've linux on hda3, on the 0,0 I've the acer partition and hda2 the windows one.01:41
varianthigi: you dont need to send it to anyone01:41
higivariant: but the pc doesnt detect the ipod01:41
varianthigi: it doesnt matter01:41
higihow can i install the defaults?01:41
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varianthigi: just runt he program from the apple website01:41
crocdmarios_s: you need to run grub-install (hd0,0) on your system to get grub to work. I also had to make the partition active/bootable01:42
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varianthigi: i dont rememebr the like exactly01:42
kuja_Well, if all fails and you can't recognize it, it could mean that it's not getting enough power (could be damaged)01:42
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higiok thanks ill try that01:42
kuja_So, if the Apple updater fails, send it in.01:42
varianthigi: it worked last time i installed linux on one that went bad01:42
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kuja_variant: I find that iPL is soooo immature.01:43
crocdmarios_s: hang on I am going to check something01:43
kuja_It always went bad on my nano01:43
variantkuja_: nah, it's cool on some ipods01:43
variantkuja_: yeah, nano is development01:43
marios_scrocd, but it doesn't work from live, nor chrooting on the mounted linux partition.01:43
kuja_variant: Yeah01:43
variantkuja_: enables more audio formats even playing videos and games01:43
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kuja_I would like to play videos (that would give me reason to buy the extended battery thing)01:44
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crocdmarios_s: can you mount the partition that your grub is on?01:44
marios_sIf I copy the linux.bin on the windows partition and use the win bootloader is it going to work ?01:44
kuja_Even though the nano has such a smalls screen, it's cute :)01:44
marios_scrocd, of cours01:44
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marios_sI can also chroot, but I've this error: couldn't gethostbyname()01:44
variantmarios_s: so hda1 is acer partition, hda2 is linux hda3 is windows?01:44
crocdmarios_s: to check on which partition you need to run grub install you need to read the menu.1st entries. that is how i was able to check on which one to run it.01:44
marios_shda2 win, hda3 lin01:44
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variantmarios_s: and what is hda1?01:45
crocdvariant: a driver partiotin01:45
variantmarios_s: some kind of rescue partition?01:45
crocdvariant: apparently01:45
varianthow silly01:45
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soon_Hi folks - WEIRD SHIT GOING ON HERE ! I have an asus laptop - melted my LCD screen (long story), installed a new screen (from a dell, but same size etc). It worked fine for 3-4 days. Now the screen dims repeatedly (like the acpi controlled keyboard dim - function) - I can re-light the screen using the keyboard function, but alas it dims again after 0.1 - 5 seconds or so ...01:46
marios_svariant, yes :)01:46
daywalkerhallo. i got a p4 - should i use the 686, or 386 generic kernel?01:46
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crocddaywalker: 68601:46
crocdi think01:47
crocdcheck it though.01:47
soon_Im not even certain whether this is a software or hardware problem ... any suggestions?01:47
daywalkercrocd, some sites say varying things01:47
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crocdsoon: have you tested a livecd to see what happens01:47
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daywalkerno i got 386 edgy generic running ok tho01:47
soongood idea ... crocd ... Ill try that !01:48
variantdaywalker: edgy doesnt have that distinction01:48
variantdaywalker: use generic01:48
variantdaywalker: there is negligable difference in performance01:48
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daywalkervariant, thanks that exdplains it all01:48
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Poromenosis there a command line bittorrent client i can install?01:48
crocddaywalker: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8591701:48
crocdcheck that01:48
variantPoromenos: btdownloader01:49
Poromenosvariant: thanks01:49
xeon111any one here can help me install real player01:49
variantPoromenos: not sure if thats the package name, thats the command though01:49
daywalker variant but when installing beryl must i specifically use the. 386, not 386 generic kernel01:49
xeon111i have downloaded realplayer10gold.bin01:49
Poromenosvariant: it's not the package name, i'll google it, thanks :P01:49
variant!realplayer | xeon11101:49
ubotuxeon111: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:49
Poromenoserr :)01:49
xeon111but i dont know how to execute it01:49
variantxeon111: read that link that ubotu the bot just told you. it tells you how to install realplayer in the proper way01:50
variantxeon111: with apt-get01:50
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xeon111thanks ubotu and variant01:50
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ubuntu__hi everyone ... here's my problem ... i made a mistake by raising my monitor resolution to 1280x1024 ... but my monitor says that the refresh rate is too high .. so i cannot see anything on the screen ... i cannot see the login box ... i know i have to edit the resolution manually by modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... but i cannot get to it (on my ext3 partition) even with the LIVE Kubuntu CD.. help!01:50
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ERIK_LIMAHello, everyone :)01:51
marltuubuntu__: ctrl+alt+f1 f2 f301:51
nolimitsoyaubuntu__, is the partition mounted? youll have to edit and navigate as root01:51
variantubuntu__: ctrl alt f1 will switch yo to a virutal terminal that should allow you to log in via console01:51
daywalkercrocd,  thanks01:51
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ubuntu__how do i mount from a live cd?01:51
crocddaywalker: np01:51
ERIK_LIMACan someone help me with the installation of the ATI driver??01:51
winterp1hi all01:51
variantubuntu__: just reboot to the installed system01:51
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variantubuntu__: once the system has booted then type ctrl alt f101:51
InvisiblePinkUniubuntu__:  ctrl+alt+f1, then do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:51
ubuntu__oh ok01:52
nolimitsoyaubuntu__, man mount01:52
xeon111variant: can u give me the ful command01:52
ERIK_LIMAI hava serious problems with my ATI Radeon 9250. I can't get 3D aceleration01:52
variantxeon111: it tells you on that webpage you were about to go and read01:52
ubuntu__from the live cd >>01:52
ubuntu__sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda10 /mnt/F01:52
ubuntu__error: mount: mount point /mnt/F does not exist01:52
variantxeon111: open the page and type ctrl f, then enter real and it will take you directly there01:52
nolimitsoyaubuntu__, mkdir /mnt/F01:52
variantubuntu__: you DO NOT HAVE TO DO THAT01:53
ERIK_LIMACan someone help me with ATI Radeon 9250 on Ubuntu??01:53
xeon111hey it has a real player in a debian package01:53
ubuntu__variant: mkdir: cannot create directory `mnt/F': No such file or directory01:53
ERIK_LIMAI'm user "Dapper"01:53
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nolimitsoyavariant, i agrre, but he might as well learn now. ittl come in handy later :)01:53
variantubuntu__: reboot to the installed system, take the live cd out01:53
sperry-xgl is amazing :). I have two videos running full screen and I can watch them both by rotating the cube and they still run completely smooth01:53
variantnolimitsoya: lets just fix his problem01:53
nolimitsoyavariant, this is one way of doing so :)01:53
Poromenosdoes anyone know the btdownloader package name?01:53
variantPoromenos: its probably bt01:54
winterp1beryl or  compiz?01:54
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minimecsperry-: I do agree with you. XGL rocks ;)01:54
Poromenosvariant: ah, let me try01:54
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variantPoromenos: its btdownload not btdownloader sorry01:54
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ERIK_LIMAGuys... do you have problems with aTI driver??01:54
ERIK_LIMAI have01:54
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xeon111noo the link there is broken01:54
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Poromenosvariant: there's only gnome-btdownload, are you sure it's not graphical?01:54
variantERIK_LIMA: yeah, they are closed source proprietry drivers. thats my main problem with then01:54
variantPoromenos: positive01:54
minimecERIK_LIMA: the 'ati' or the 'radeon' driver should do for your card in 2d mode.01:54
Poromenosvariant: great, thanks01:54
variantPoromenos: its rtorrent01:55
DrNickhi all, just a quick one. anyone know how to start the 6.10 edgy installation process in text mode?01:55
winterp1i running emule and bittorrent on wine,  works  great01:55
ERIK_LIMAI need to solve this problem to run an Playstation emulator and then compare to Windows version01:55
variantPoromenos: apt-get install rtorrent01:55
Poromenosvariant: ah01:55
ubuntu__variant: so when my monitor goes blank at login .. ctrl+alt+F1 .. then edit xorg.conf .. right? change the first resolution to something like "1024x768" right?01:55
topyliminimec: well, i'm running beryl on aiglx with the free radeon driver01:55
Poromenosvariant: so what's btdownload?01:55
Poromenosa different program?01:55
ERIK_LIMAminimec: Do you know how I solve it?01:55
variantPoromenos: dunno what package it is part of, but i have a bunch of bt stuff installed01:55
Poromenosvariant: ok, i'll try rtorrent, thanks :01:55
variantubuntu__: exactly01:55
ubuntu__variant: cool ty01:56
variantPoromenos: there is also bittornado01:56
kuja_DrNick: I'm doing it right now through "OEM" mode01:56
variantPoromenos: thats curses base01:56
cyziehello. i have a UPS , from ark power . the model is AP800U. there are 3 outlets where 1 outlet label backup outlet and the other 2 is label as surge only outlets. what are their differences?01:56
ERIK_LIMAubuntu_: There's nothing wrong with my screen resolution..01:56
winterp1i think btdownload is a service, i got rid of it  coz it starts with the  system01:56
Poromenosvariant: what's the difference?01:56
DrNickkuja_, and how'd I get into that?01:56
soonGood suggestion crocd .... its a hardware problem ... actually, the screen is dimmed even during bios boot :-(01:56
kuja_DrNick: Boot into it, but you need the Alternate CD I think01:56
variantPoromenos: different developer/interface/sourcecode01:56
variantPoromenos: try them both01:56
ERIK_LIMASome 3D aplications run slowly, specially OpenGL aplications01:56
DrNickkuja_, oh great lol.  ok thanks01:56
Poromenosvariant: i mean lookwise, ncurses versus whatever the other one is01:57
ubuntu__hey btw ... why is it that all my drives are listed .. both fat32 and ext3 .. but they cannot be opened ... and when i try to mount them it gives error .. is it not possible? or am i doing something wrong?01:57
kuja_DrNick: Yeah... I first got the Desktop, then I got the Alternate lol01:57
variantPoromenos: dunno, i havent tried them.01:57
crocdsoon: it might be incompatible check the manufacturer of th screen you might be able to get around it if you can get it detected right from BIOS01:57
Poromenosvariant: ah, great, thanks a lot01:57
variantPoromenos: there is also a deamon that willdownload in the background01:57
ubuntu__Live Cd -- no mount partitions?01:57
Poromenosvariant: oh, those aren't daemons?01:57
DrNickkuja_, the normal CD is fine for most installs, but this is an old laptop with not a great deal or RAM so needs to be installed in text mode01:57
topyliERIK_LIMA: maybe you could start by saying which card and driver you're using01:57
alyssumok, i didn't get any response the first time, it's kinda busy in here.  so i'll ask again:  my 'sans' font got mysteriously changed from the default Deja Vu Sans to some really awful looking font...anybody know how can I fix it?01:58
variantPoromenos: no, they are client applications. the deamon i am talking about runs in the background01:58
crocdubuntu__: you need to manually mount them01:58
kuja_DrNick: Yeah, I'm installing on my USB external HDD via QEMU because I don't have  CD burner, so it's slow in a graphical mode.01:58
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ubuntu__crocd: it fails01:58
variantubuntu__: i told you to reboot and not use the live cd01:58
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: It's an ATI Radeon 925001:58
Poromenosvariant: ah, i thought i could launch them as daemons and close the session (doing it with ssh)01:58
crocdubuntu__: it might detect them but not mount them.01:58
Poromenosvariant: what's the daemon's name?01:58
variantPoromenos: you can if you use screen01:58
DrNickkuja_, QEMU is slow at the best of times ;)01:58
xeon111er the link there is not working if any one there can help me just tell me how to install realplayer10gold.bin01:58
Poromenosvariant: true01:58
crocdubuntu__: what is the rror message01:58
variantPoromenos: dont know, i think its part of "bittorrent"01:58
ERIK_LIMAAnd I'm using the 8.29.6 driver01:58
kuja_DrNick: qemu -cdrom ~/Downloads/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso -boot d /dev/sda01:59
topyliERIK_LIMA: that one might work well with the free radeon driver01:59
ubuntu__yes variant .. i ty for that .. but i need to know how to mount if something else goes wrong .. i am about to reboot now ..01:59
ERIK_LIMAI'm trying to use the newer01:59
winterp1alyssum  did u install a theme lately01:59
kuja_DrNick: I really, really need a CD burner lol01:59
ERIK_LIMABut... don't work :(01:59
ubuntu__sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda10 /mnt/F01:59
ubuntu__mount: mount point /mnt/F does not exist01:59
ubuntu__sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda10 /mnt/F01:59
ubuntu__mount: mount point /mnt/F does not exist01:59
alyssumwinterp1: no, but i think what caused it was enabling scim to be the default IME for all applications (used 'im-switch' command)01:59
ERIK_LIMAWhen I enter "fglrxinfo" on Terminal I get this01:59
topyliERIK_LIMA: what's "newer"? the fglrx driver from ati?01:59
variantubuntu__: ok, i wont bother helping you seeing as you are to ignorant to listen01:59
xeon111the link there is not working if any one there can help me just tell me how to install realplayer10gold.bin01:59
variantubuntu__: stop spamming01:59
DrNickkuja_, the anoying thing is my housemate has a copy of badget somewhere which would be fine for this laptop, but god knows where he's put it02:00
ERIK_LIMAYeah... I tried to use the new driver and don't work :(02:00
kuja_Obtain badger then :)02:00
variantxeon111: that is not he correct way to install realplayer on ubuntu. follow the instructions02:00
crocdubuntu__: normally with ubuntu you need to mkdir /media/name then mount it otherwise it wont work02:00
variant!real | xeon11102:00
DrNickyeah I suppose lol02:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about real - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:00
DrNickeffort lol02:00
variant!realplayer | xeon11102:00
ubotuxeon111: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:00
ubuntu__variant: sorry .. but i only want to learn02:00
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DrNickbut yeah I'm just lazy, so I will :)02:00
variantubuntu__: of course02:00
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topyliERIK_LIMA: nobody knows much about the fglrx driver (except ati engineers). i'm having a good time with the free radeon driver02:00
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ERIK_LIMAThis is what I get when I enter "fglrxinfo" on Terminal02:01
jason3f23fgot some crazy hdd errors in dmesg, anyone willing to help me possibly diagnose the culprit?02:01
variantubuntu__: if you really must run that installer which may break your system then do sh ./path/to/installer.bin02:01
ERIK_LIMAdisplay: :0.0  screen: 002:01
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org02:01
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect02:01
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)02:01
manmadhavariant, can u plz tell me how to decode audio to video i tried in mplayer but no use :(02:01
DrNickanyway thats a job for later I think, off out now, laters all02:01
variantERIK_LIMA: put it in pastebin next time ples02:01
manmadhaerror is comming02:01
crocdubuntu__: mkdir /media/F then mount the parition with the command sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 for example02:01
erUSUL!paste | ERIK_LIMA02:01
ubotuERIK_LIMA: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:01
kuja_Bye DrNick :)02:01
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variantmanmadha: what command did you use with mplayer?02:01
ERIK_LIMASorry about the flood, guys...02:01
topyliERIK_LIMA: seems to me it's not using the fglrx driver at all02:01
ERIK_LIMABut this is one of my problem02:01
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manmadhamplayer -dumpaudio /path of movie02:01
ubuntu__variant: i am about to restart and do as u told me to ... but i just need to know whether mount command works in a Live environment.. thts all .. i know my monitor problem was solved by u02:02
ERIK_LIMAYeah... What can I do??02:02
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ubuntu__crocd:  ty .. but it fails02:02
topyliERIK_LIMA: try the radeon driver? :)02:02
variantubuntu__: yes it does, you just need to create the directory that you intend to mount somthing on first02:02
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ubuntu__mkdir gives an error02:02
variantmount whatever /mnt/A doesnt work because /mnt/A doesnt exist02:02
ERIK_LIMAI'm trying... but I can't solve my problem...02:02
variantubuntu__: mount whatever /mnt/A doesnt work because /mnt/A doesnt exist02:02
nolimitsoyaubuntu__, youll need to mkdir as root02:02
crocdubuntu__: did you create the folder under the /media/ area?02:03
ERIK_LIMAIt passed two weeks since I'm trying to fix it02:03
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variantubuntu__: you need root access to mkdir in /mnt02:03
ERIK_LIMAtwo weeks02:03
topyliERIK_LIMA: what do you have in xorg.conf then? radeon? ati? fglrx?02:03
variantubuntu__: so sudo mkdir /mnt/A02:03
ubuntu__so all i do is sudo mkdir ?02:03
ubuntu__ty so much02:03
jason3f23fwhat would cause this ;   ata1 is slow to respond, please be patient02:03
variantjason3f23f: never seen it before, what program is giving you that?02:03
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ERIK_LIMAI have ati02:03
nolimitsoyajason3f23f, iminent hard drive failure? ;)02:03
jason3f23fnew hard drive02:03
crocdubuntu__: i told you to create the directory under /media/ then you can mount it now do that.02:03
manmadhavariant, is there any other tools for that?02:03
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ERIK_LIMALet me see better...02:04
jason3f23fbeen running freebsd flawlessly for months.02:04
ubuntu__crocd: okay02:04
ubuntu__COOOL .. it worked!!02:04
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ubuntu__TY ALL02:04
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jason3f23fboot into ubuntu, weird errors and hangups, boot into bsd, works ok02:04
ubuntu__crocd: variant: ty for ur patience!02:04
crocdubuntu__: np, you have to learn somehow02:04
ERIK_LIMAO Section "Device" I have this:02:04
topyliERIK_LIMA: well that's what you're using then. the radeon driver could give you 3d. the fglrx driver might do it too, but i don't think the ati one will02:04
ubuntu__variant: btw i am not a spammer .. but i understood wht u must feel02:04
Cookieserver IRC.FREENODE.NET02:04
variantmanmadha: probably, i can give you the exact mplayer command if you like02:05
variantubuntu__: np02:05
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manmadhavariant, plz tell me02:05
jason3f23fit's on a acer aspire 710002:05
variantmanmadha: mplayer -dumpstream /path/to/yourfilm.avi02:05
ERIK_LIMAIdentifier: ATI Technologies, Inc. RV280 [9200 PRO] 02:05
ERIK_LIMADriver "ati"02:05
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variantmanmadha: that will create a file called stream.dump in your home directory, you can rename it to filmname.mp302:05
manmadhavariant, only for *.avi formats?02:05
ERIK_LIMABusID: "PCI:1:0:0"02:06
elTigredo you know a command to limit the download bandwidth?02:06
ERIK_LIMAand then VideoRAM 12800002:06
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variantmanmadha: any format02:06
elTigreI want to do a major update, and I don't want to piss off the other people in my network02:06
variantmanmadha: that was just an example02:06
topyliERIK_LIMA: yeah change "ati" to radeon, restart X and see if you have acceleration then02:06
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variantelTigre: yes, you can set a limmit for wget02:06
manmadhavariant, thank u ....u r rocks man02:06
ERIK_LIMABut... If I can't start Ubuntu normally...02:07
variantmanmadha: i know :)02:07
jason3f23fvariant: any reason why it would see my drive as a scsi device?02:07
ERIK_LIMAMaybe I'll have to reinstall it...02:07
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variantjason3f23f: is it sata?02:07
jason3f23fvariant: no02:07
ERIK_LIMAOk... I'll try02:07
topyliERIK_LIMA: no way you need to reinstall. you don't even need to reboot02:07
variantjason3f23f: dunno then02:07
ERIK_LIMAHow I start X??02:07
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topyliERIK_LIMA: logout, and at the login screen press ctrl-alt-backspace to restart X02:08
elTigrevariant: how?02:08
jason3f23fvariant: apt-get is getting timeouts, but pings work, server busy?02:08
variantelTigre: at work, 2 secs02:08
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KeyseirAnyone here use vmware?02:09
xeon111where can i get the alien programme02:09
xeon111!alien| xeon11102:10
ubotuxeon111: rpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).02:10
alecjwxeon111: sudo aptitude install alien02:10
winterp1sudo apt-get install alien02:10
ERIK_LIMAUh... nothing... my problem is still there!! (.)(.)02:10
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topyliERIK_LIMA: no acceleration, or no X at all?02:10
marltuERIK_LIMA: 8====3 knows how to solve your problem02:10
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL vendor string: Mesa projetc: www.mesa3d.org02:10
VorboteKeyseir: what would be your problem?02:10
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ERIK_LIMAno acceleration...02:11
xeon111why is alien dangerous02:11
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX indirect02:11
KeyseirVorbote: I'm trying to figure out how to get virtual boot floppies for XP pro. Everything I read says that they can be found on some indescernable location on the cd/iso, but I can't find them.02:11
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KeyseirVorbote: I haven't been able to find them anywhere on the internet either02:11
topyliERIK_LIMA: try "glxinfo | grep direct"02:12
pierre__is it a problem to update from 5.10 to 6.10?02:12
ERIK_LIMAOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)02:12
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xeon111where do i know what drivers im using02:12
VorboteKeyseir: no, that would be true for Win2K but for XP you need to obtain them from the MS website or some other place.02:12
ERIK_LIMAdirect rendering: no02:12
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ERIK_LIMAdirect rendering: no :(02:12
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viragomam otazecku dase ulozit nastaveni live CD na hdd ?02:13
ERIK_LIMAWhy ATI refuse to continue it's project to build drivers for Linux?? Why??02:13
xeon111!bin | xeon11102:13
elTigrebtw, is it a good idea to upgrade to edgy?02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:13
elTigreI'm using xubuntu and have heard quite a few rumors...02:13
ERIK_LIMAHow I could buy an Nvidia instead... :(02:13
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KeyseirVorbote: Ah. Any suggestions on how to directly obtain them? I was able to download an executable file from MS but I wasn't able to use it.. Oh, I guess I can use wine heh02:13
sobersabredeleting .beryl* and .emerald didn't help02:13
ERIK_LIMAHow do I upgrade to Edgy??02:13
VorboteKeyseir: The floppy images are out there, you haven't searched for the right terms.. :-)02:13
topyliERIK_LIMA: looks like neither of the free drivers will accelerate your X. now you get fight the fglrx drivers02:13
sobersabreborderless windows..02:13
viragojoin #ubuntu-cz02:14
xeon111!video card | xeon11102:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about video card - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
VorboteKeyseir: You can find them in download.microsoft.com, for example.02:14
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alecjwvirago: /join #ubuntu-cz02:14
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: What are you talking about?? I did not understood02:14
minimecERIK_LIMA: Sorry ... I was on the phone. With your card, you should e able to run aiglx with xgl on 'edgy'. So an update from dapper to edgy could be interesting.02:14
elTigrevariant: Hope you don't forget me =P02:14
VorboteKeyseir: and then use cabextract02:14
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ERIK_LIMAminimec: How I upgrade to Edgy??02:14
sobersabreguys. I am trying to use beryl , I can see the desktop, I can see effects etc., but Windows are frameless.02:15
topyliERIK_LIMA: don't ati still provide their fglrx binary blobs?02:15
sobersabreIs this in the FAQ ?02:15
KeyseirVorbote: If you know of a place to download the disks straight without having to use a MS form of unpacking, please let me know.02:15
ERIK_LIMANo... It's discontinued... :(02:15
virago /join #ubuntu-cz02:15
VorboteKeyseir: There are easier to use images at http://www.bootdisk.com/02:15
topyliERIK_LIMA: ahhh02:15
whishupHowdy all, got a question about a server I just finished putting together. Essentially I want to format 4 of the drives and mount them and am unsure what to do next. mounting I think I have down but formatting trhoughy command line I'm new at.02:15
ERIK_LIMAminimec: How do I upgrade Dapper to Edgy??02:15
alyssumok, let me ask in a different manner: how do i change the definition of the 'sans' font that ubuntu uses?02:15
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ERIK_LIMAIt's strange how the ATI driver work well on Windows XP and slowly on linux...02:16
minimecERIK_LIMA: gksu update-manager -c 02:16
VorboteKeyseir: Even if they may be packages with some weird propietary thingy (e.g., WinISO), you can unpack them with wine.02:16
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elTigreminimec: do you have to upgrade to latest dapper packages before doing that?02:17
topyliERIK_LIMA: it's a different driver of course02:17
whishupOk, I'll ask a simpler question, how do I format a drive trhough ssh?02:18
minimecelTigre: Probably not. The packages will be replaced by the edgy packages02:18
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sobersabrewhishup: you become super user (e.g. by sudo )02:19
elTigremhhh I am a little behind, so that I am downloading 440 mb of patches right now02:19
topylielTigre: better have dapper up to date, and ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-desktop installed02:19
sobersabreand run formatting comand on the device u wish to format.02:19
viragohello i have live CD ubuntu 5.1 can i save options on hdd ?02:19
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sobersabrewhishup: what FS do you wish to format the partition with ?02:19
elTigremaybe it's a good idea to have everything up to date02:19
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whishupsobersabre: formatting command, all righty, well they are just file server type drives so whatever is safer and speediest02:19
ERIK_LIMAI'm upgrading to Edgy now :)02:20
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crauwolfI have problem with my wlan. I can ping the router, but I cant ping a server in the internet. In windows I have no problems with th wlan.02:20
sobersabrewhishup: in unix there is no such thing.02:20
sobersabrethere is 1 command for this.02:20
minimecERIK_LIMA: Good luck. It will take a while ;)02:20
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VorboteKeyseir: But I'm still perplexed. Why do you need the floppy disk installer? THe Installer CD is bootable, and you can install either directly or from an ISO image.02:20
whishupsobersabre: So for example, 2 100gb, 1 160gb sata and a 320gb ide, I just want to share them on the local network.02:20
sobersabrewhishup: you still haven't answered.02:20
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whishupsobersabre: I suppose ext3?02:20
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ERIK_LIMAGuys... maybe my system will restart when the update is finishing... I will be back later...02:21
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sobersabrewhishup: are you mixing "formatting" and "partitioning" ?02:21
ERIK_LIMABye bye02:21
topyliERIK_LIMA: it'll be an hour at least02:21
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whishupsobersabre: No, I want to start with fresh drives, the system has a 36gb scsi boot02:21
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whishupsobersabre: The system has 5 drives02:21
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crauwolfI have problem with my wlan. I can ping the router, but I cant ping a server in the internet. In windows I have no problems with th wlan.02:21
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Keyseirvorbote: Had some connection issues, sec for me to catchup02:21
whishupsobersabre: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31199/02:22
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whishupsobersabre: Maybe there is a way to format all of them at the same time =)02:22
sobersabrewhishup: whatever device you want to format, assuming it is /dev/sdb502:22
sobersabrethe command is:02:22
sobersabremkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb502:22
whishupsobersabre: Ahh ok02:22
sobersabre"make filesystem" on "/dev/sdb5"02:22
Jeeves__I am having difficulty configuring Pine Privacy Guard, is anyone able to help?02:22
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sobersabreisn't it ... ituitive ?02:22
whishupsobersabre: Thank you, that's what I was looking for.02:23
Keyseirvorbote: Everything i've read, and my own experience 5 minutes ago says that you can't properly install windows on vmware without the floppy images02:23
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VorboteKeyseir: hogwash.02:23
Keyseirvorbote: I'm not sure exactly what the reason for it is02:23
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sobersabrewhishup: you maybe want to consult the manpage, nmaybe you need to tune some partition, e.g. for work with small files or any other activity..02:23
KeyseirVorbote: Well, I've tried multiple perfectly good ISO images and booted them up to install on vmware... no go without floppy images02:23
VorboteKeyseir: Else I wouldn't be using a vmware session with IE7 in this very instant.02:24
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whishupsobersabre: Ok, the drives in question will have large binary files mostly02:24
KeyseirVorbote: I'd be interested in Exactly how you went about installing then02:24
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:24
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VorboteKeyseir: Created image in Vmware WKS, Popped in CD and booted. All was downhill from therem.02:25
viragohello i have live CD ubuntu 5.1 can i save options on hdd ?02:25
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KeyseirVorbote: I'm only using player and I'm dealing with ISOs.02:25
sobersabrewhishup: well, RTFM on the FS tuning. OK ?02:25
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KeyseirVorbote, btw, how're you liking IE7 compared to say, FF2.0?02:26
VorboteKeyseir: I've done it before, before I forked over for WKS.02:26
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whishupsobersabre: Yep, I will when I have time, moving 160 accounts as well as building a server is tying me up this weekend02:26
topylivirago: i don't think so02:26
VorboteKeyseir: You may have a problem with the .vmx file, or you didn't create a proper iso.02:26
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VorboteKeyseir: on the iso side, I strongly recommend that you use readcd02:26
VorboteKeyseir: to create your iso image.02:27
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KeyseirVorbote: I don't have resources to create an iso of the version of xp i want02:27
viragotopyli frend say i must save /etc on hdd02:27
Keyseir!ubotu readcd02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about readcd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
VorboteKeyseir: on the vmx side, there is a web site that helps creating a proper vmx. I'll see if I bookmarked it. No 600 Mb to spare? Or no CD reader?02:28
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KeyseirVorbote: I created my .vmx using easyvmx, which may be what you're thinking of.02:28
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KeyseirVorbote: No CD. I downloaded my iso.02:29
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cornellI've installed ubuntu server on a used drive of mine.  When booting, I get "Disk boot failure, insert system disk..."  I've done a badblocks, none found (no output).  I did a grub-install, it couldn't access /boot.  I looked at /dev/hda1/boot/grub, it had one file, device.map.  I mounted /dev/hda1 / and did grub-install, it said it couldn't read /boot/grub/stage1 (which now exists, along with many others).  What next?02:29
VorboteKeyseir: yes, that's the one.02:29
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hektikcornell: install windows02:29
VorboteKeyseir: Hmmm, that may be the problem. the ISO may not have the eltorito bootmark sectors.02:29
nolimitsoyacornell, it the +b flag set for the partition?02:30
VorboteBut I don't see why not.02:30
cornellYes, cfdisk says it's bootable02:30
topylivirago: well you could do that, but i'm not sure how you get the live cd to read it at next boot02:30
hektikYOU FUCKIN NEWB02:30
nolimitsoyahektik, please02:30
VorboteKeyseir: let me check something in tthe player.02:30
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topylivirago: maybe you could copy it back02:30
jattignore hektik02:30
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hektiksuck my dick02:31
hektikcornell is a newb, he doesnt need to be using linux02:31
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:31
hektikhe needs ot use iwindows02:31
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/02:31
hektikyou can suck my dick, thats what i have to say to that02:31
jribcornell: please ignore hektik02:31
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!02:31
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mamzers555jatt; how to ignore in xchat?02:31
cornellHe's ignored02:31
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nolimitsoyamamzers555, /ignore <nick>02:32
viragotopyli yes i must change sam boot parameters ar have boot on hdd ?02:32
jattmamzers555: just type02:32
jatt /ignore <username>02:32
dsoftcan anyone tell me and app like Total commander? i ve seen someones, but they are toooooooooo slow02:32
mamzers555he is gone02:32
timhaughtonAnyone know what package would bring in libssh?02:32
mamzers555jatt; thanks for that info02:32
alecjwAmaranth: did you just ban hektik?02:32
timhaughtonSpecifically the headers02:32
Amaranthalecjw: Yes.02:32
nolimitsoyadsoft, there are lots in the repos. just do a search :)02:32
topylivirago: no such kernel options that i know of. you'd need to modify the CD02:33
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nolimitsoyaAmaranth, thank you :)02:33
AmaranthI try. :)02:33
dsofti ve tryed them (gnome commander, bsc, nautilus) but they are too slow02:33
dsoft50 GB = 3:3002:33
mamzers555Amaranth; is this ignore done by ip or name?02:33
dsoft3 hours and half i mean02:33
kmon_anyone knows how to use the package gfxboot-theme-ubuntu with ubuntu's grub? i.e. without installing a replacement for grub?02:34
Keyseir!ubotu cabextract02:34
ubotucabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1 (edgy), package size 43 kB, installed size 144 kB02:34
Amaranthmamzers555: I think you can do either on02:34
nolimitsoyadsoft, what do you mean by slow? file transer rate is dependant on hdd throughput, not file manager02:34
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Amaranthmamzers555: one*02:34
warkruiddsoft: midnight commander is fast but is it character based02:34
cornellmamzers555: I suspect you can't ignore someone who's not here.02:34
mamzers555Amaranth; i think ip is the better one02:34
Amaranthmamzers555: but you don't need to worry about him anymore02:34
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debby_join #gentoo02:34
dsoftsame hdds in total commander transfer at 45MB/s02:34
Keyseir!ubotu bsd02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bsd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
mamzers555cornell; i know he is still gone02:34
dsoftill try midnight02:34
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VorboteKeyseir: You can jump into the boot menu with vmware player. (THat's what I was checking). Have you triedthat?02:35
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KeyseirVorbote: boot menu?02:35
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KeyseirVorbote: Incidently, I've got my 'img's02:35
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viragotopyli https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence02:35
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joel_Hi everyone02:35
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KeyseirVorbote: Is there a reason I should want to not use the floppies and figure out how to make it boot from the iso?02:35
joel_Got a question02:35
cornellAny other ideas on the boot problem?02:36
VorboteKeyseir: Vmware has a proper boot menu and BIOS configuration.02:36
joel_I'm trying to compile ndiswrapper but I seem to be missing some libraries02:36
joel_loadndisdriver.c:15:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory02:36
joel_How can I fix this ?02:36
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VorboteKeyseir: Using the ISO would be faster, specially if you don't want to pop floppies in and out.02:36
topylivirago: ahh there you go. it's a dapper feature though so you need a new cd02:37
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dsoftthanks :D02:37
KeyseirVorbote: I'm a veteran at booting from virtual floppies =/02:37
dsoftwarkruid: thx :D02:37
sharperguyhow do i use export to set a varable like $cheese ?02:37
warkruiddsoft: your welcome02:37
VorboteKeyseir: The way you access the boot menu is by clicking really fast on the screen to lock in the mount, and hit escape. You'll get the boot menu.02:37
KeyseirVorbote: OK02:38
cello_rasphow do i find out the type of shell i am using02:38
KeyseirVorbote: I appreciate all the reference you've given me.02:38
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VorboteKeyseir: good luck with that.02:39
joel_Anyone can help me with that ?02:39
jribcello_rasp: maybe  'echo $SHELL'  though that can get changed sometimes02:39
warkruidcello_rasp: you could look in /etc/passwd under your account name02:39
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sharperguyjoel_, sudo apt-get install build-essential ?02:39
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KeyseirVorbote: Thanks02:40
cornellI gotta move on, I'll just see if I an find another hd02:40
topylijoel_: you're missing some development libs. libstd-dev or similar02:40
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joel_How come they don't get installed with gcc ?02:40
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topylijoel_: because there are thousands of them02:40
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viragotopyli thx u :)02:41
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topylijoel_: nobody knows what you'll be building at some point02:41
joel_sharperguy: Thanks !  It works02:41
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joel_I guess it makes sense but I would've imagined that stdlib.h would come preinstalled...02:42
sharperguyhow do i use export to set a sting variable like $cheese to "hello"02:42
warkruidsharperguy: export cheese="hello" under bash02:42
topylijoel_: the library does but the header files don't02:42
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joel_Ok, got another question here.02:44
joel_When doing sudo modprobe ndiswrapper02:44
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joel_I get:02:44
joel_FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-amd64-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)02:44
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joel_I looked in the forums but the only solution I found for that was to install the latest ndiswrapper drivers....  which didn't work02:45
warkruidjoel: compiled ndiswrapper apart from kernel?02:45
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joel_warkruid: ?02:46
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joel_warkruid: please use newbie talk :P02:46
warkruidjoel_: version info on module conflicts with kernel02:46
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joel_warkruid: ok, so how can I fix that ?02:47
warkruidjoel_: the version of ndiswrapper is not compatible with the linux kernel your using02:47
raghu206do we have object dock for gnome ?02:47
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joel_warkruid: So, how can I fix that ?  I've tried two different versions already02:48
topyliraghu206: in the osx sense, no02:48
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raghu206topyli, do we have any other02:49
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warkruidjoel_: have you tried to compile the ndiswrapper module?02:49
joel_warkruid: Just did02:49
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Kzar_frIs it the place to ask tips about Beryl configuration ?02:50
topyliraghu206: what do you want it to do? we just have panel applets for window management. window lists, window selectors02:50
warkruidjoel_: sry. missed that.02:50
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Mintyanyone know how in xchat to not show the message so and so has quit or joined02:50
warkruidjoel_: source for ndis_wrapper up to date?02:50
joel_warkruid: It was the question I asked just before the one about ndiswrapper :P02:50
raghu206topyli, not exactly with fuctionality but for appearence02:50
rglwhich package contains the development manual pages like socket(2)?02:50
joel_warkruid: Downloaded the latest from SF02:50
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jribrgl: manpages-dev02:51
joel_warkruid: Unless I do something wrong when compiling...02:51
rgljrib, thx :)02:51
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topyliraghu206: what kind of "objects" does it "dock" anyway? i'm not very familiar with osx :)02:51
AbstIf when I started Ubuntu for the first time, the refresh is out of range and Ctrl Alt F1 doesnt work, what can I do02:51
warkruidjoel_: had the same problem  with a different module. Worked only for older linux versions. :-((((02:51
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cornellI assume that ubuntu server will fit on 3 gig02:52
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warkruidjoel_: Had to manually change the sources. major bummer.02:53
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joel_warkruid: I don't think that will happen02:53
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alecjwcornell: yes, it will. it needs 500mb02:53
topyliraghu206: http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=3990&cat=2&limit=recent02:54
raghu206i am unable to store video captured bu istanbul it abruptly quits with out saving can anyone pls help?02:54
joel_warkruid: Surely, there has to be a way to install a wireless nic in a less painful way.02:54
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warkruidjoel_: what was the error message again02:54
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cornellThanks alecjw02:54
topyliraghu206: something like that? it's essentially just an application launcher02:54
raghu206topyli, yah02:54
bobbbyHi, i have  a x64 with ati card box, and  while starting the live session of 6.10 the x windows doesnt start02:54
bobbbyhow do i solve this02:54
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topyliraghu206: install gdesklets and gdesklets-data and start playing :)02:55
angryfirelorddo a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set driver to vesa02:55
topyliraghu206: they're pretty but utterly useless :)02:55
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joel_warkruid: FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-amd64-generic/misc/ndiswrapper.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)02:55
alecjwbobbby: does ity day anything like the x window sytem failed to start?02:55
Genrl_Zodwhy is it everytime i bootthe bvery first thing that starts to load is Grub stage1.502:55
warkruidjoel_: output of dmesg. type dmesg in command shell02:55
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warkruidjoel_: sry I mean what is the output of the dmesg command?02:56
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angryfirelordbobby: what's happening is that Ubuntu is trying to load a generic ati driver, which never works. Set it to vesa and you should get X.02:56
Genrl_Zodive installed ubuntu in teh same drive as a 2nd partition, how can i completely remove it and Grub and just boot back into windows without Grub being picked up on02:56
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joel_warkruid: hmm...  there is a lot of stuff in there...02:57
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Kzar_frHow comes Beryl Scale plugin doesn"t handdle key modifiers for mouse handling ?02:57
apokryphos!beryl | Kzar_fr02:57
ubotuKzar_fr: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.02:57
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topyliGenrl_Zod: grub is what boots both your systems. removing it would not be smart02:58
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angryfirelordGenrl_Zod: Well, there's no easy way to do that. What you could do is make Windows the only choice in GRUB and set the timer to 0.02:58
joel_warkruid: [25192.385311]  ndiswrapper: disagrees about version of symbol boot_cpu_data02:58
joel_[25192.385433]  ndiswrapper: Unknown symbol boot_cpu_data02:58
bobbbywell im trying , brb02:58
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Kzar_frapokryphos, thank's about the beryl chan :)02:58
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Unimatrix9any one succesfully running an lenovo laptop?02:58
Genrl_Zodhow do i make the onvly choice as Windows?02:58
mmcjimorning all02:59
chaoslynxhi, how can i remove a package without using a package manager... or how can i make the package managers forget that there is a package still installed?02:59
topyliGenrl_Zod: you never want to boot linux again?02:59
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Unimatrix9any one succesfully running an lenovo laptop , and wich series is it running?02:59
warkruidjoel_: ndiswrapper is compiled with a symbol boot_cpu_data, but the kernel does not recognize that.. MMM..02:59
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warkruidjoel_: brb02:59
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:00
joel_warkruid: thanks03:00
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mmcjiim successfully running on a ibm 600e laptop which is 366mhz with 128mb of ram and on this dell 640 witch is a 2ghz laptop03:00
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mmcjithe old ibm is of course allot slower but, it is very useable03:00
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Kzar_frmmcji, Gnome, KDE or XFCe ?03:01
Unimatrix9but a bit old, i was interested in buying an new one that "just works"03:01
compengidoes my source list looks fine http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31209/03:01
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fildohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31207/ < can anyone help03:01
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chaoslynxI need to remove a package to upgrade to edgy... i tried hard to remove it with apt get but it wouldnt work... now i want that the package managers ignore the package i.e. that it doesnt appear in the list anymore can somebody help me to let this happen =)?03:02
Sikonhow to make OOo use subpixel rendering?03:02
compengignomefreak: can you check my source list out ?03:02
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compengignomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31209/03:02
nolimitsoyacompengi, looks fine03:02
gnomefreakcompengi: if you give me a few minutes03:02
Genrl_ZodOk this is my story. My 80gb master disk is partioned in 3 (2gb for linux swap file, 35 gig for WinXP and teh rest for Ubuntu). When i boot up my PC i get a nice window asking me which OS to choose. I can boot in both (ubuntu/winxp) fine. Now in my windows i have installed VMWare. In VMware i have set it up so that it uses the physical installation of ubuntu to boot up in VMWare. The session boots up, gets to the Ubuntu screen, the loader starts03:02
Genrl_ZodReaches the end and stalls03:02
mmcjii use the alt install cd's though as i get hung up with the reg install cd.... i have the 1st ubuntu loaded for about a year on the ibm, then since then i have loaded 6.10 ubuntu, the newest kubuntu and mepis...no problems on any of them03:02
seifhello, i finally got 3d rendering in dapper with fglrx, but there are so many howto out there for beryl, and they are all different, which howto is the definitive one?03:02
Genrl_Zodwith a funny pixelated thin line actoss my screen in a hiorixzontal way03:02
jrib!beryl | seif03:02
ubotuseif: beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/  -  Please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with beryl.03:02
gnomefreakcompengi: looks fine depending on what you are doing03:03
nolimitsoyaGenrl_Zod, booting a physical drive in vmware is knos to cause problems03:03
compengignomefreak: couse on updating i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31211/03:03
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seifthanx jrib03:03
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Unimatrix9Genrl_Zod, why not use an decent vmx?03:04
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sc0ttyhuh nearly done with the upgrade 6.06->6.1003:04
sc0ttyit took time03:04
VorboteSikon: that's a bug in freetype2, bug 54776 in case you want to complain at launchpad.03:04
warkruidjoel_: sry. it seems I cant help you. It is a conflict between the kernel and the module.03:04
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Genrl_Zodwhats a vmx?03:04
chaoslynxi need somebodies help to remove a package without using the package manager because those wouldnt work....03:04
trukoshanybody who knows a time registration software for gnome?03:05
Unimatrix9Genrl_Zod,  a normal vertual machine03:05
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SikonVorbote> is there any workaround?03:05
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gnomefreakcompengi: comment out the plf repo to start with than try again. it maybe because you have main restricted universe and multiverse on wone line (maybe). i have never done that.03:05
joel_warkruid: Just found another HOWTO about broadcom nics...  Will try that03:05
Sikonbecause it also makes text and toolbar icons disappear at random03:05
joel_warkruid: Thanks anyways03:05
Genrl_Zodahh ok so when i get teh option to select virtual disk or Physical disk i should just go with rtual disk?03:05
Kzar_frchaoslynx, what did APT told you when trying to remove it ?03:05
jribchaoslynx: what package?  Can you pastebin the error you get? Have you tried using dpkg?03:05
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mmcjiGenrl_Zod: cool, i did not even know you could not that...most of the time i have my laptop loaded with  with freebsd and ubuntu.  i have xp loaded in vmware, but had no idea you would link to a traditional install of a os...wow03:05
warkruidjoel_: Good Luck!03:05
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ERIK_LIMAI'm back03:06
Unimatrix9Genrl_Zod,  What happens is the ubuntu install that you call is trying to mount the windows partition, wich is the partition you are running and then it locks, since that are two processes trying to do different things...03:06
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Genrl_ZodIf i do that then i have no reason to have Ubuntu physically installed on my HDD as a 2nd partition. I should just remove it right?03:06
ERIK_LIMAWow... the update will take around 6 hours to accomplish03:06
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CheshireVikingare there any limitations on a linux machine writing to an Win XP machine which has a NTFS formatted drive? I was under the impression that linux wasn't supposed to be able to write safely to an NTFS formatted drive, but on this ubuntu machine, I can copy data to the NTFS drive on a XP machine without problems03:07
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Unimatrix9my point is , why donw you do an install on vmware, of your ubuntu disks, and use that one?03:07
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ERIK_LIMAI must be patient to upgrade my Dapper to Edgy03:07
sc0ttyERIK_LIMA: it is slow here too :(03:07
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compengignomefreak: now i got this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31212/03:07
Unimatrix9so to say an virtual mahcine03:07
sc0ttyI started before going to bed, and i'm just finishing it now03:07
infidelwhile i was installing slackware on my usb external hdd i formated my ubuntu /boot partition is there a procedure to rebover the partition?03:07
ERIK_LIMASc0tty: Are you using ADLS connection?? Me too03:07
chaoslynxyes i tried apt and dpkg and both dont want to remove it out of several reasons its a data package of a game called ta spring so it isnt really important, i got it from an third party repository and it has broken dependancies i guess i tried to install severall other packages of the game and then remove them in other order but that wouldnt work either03:07
sc0ttyERIK_LIMA: yes03:07
sc0ttya lot to download03:07
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sc0ttytook like 1h30 to dl all the files03:07
hyperstringsame here - but fine at work03:07
ERIK_LIMASc0tty: When you started? At night??03:07
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hyperstring40g pipe03:08
apple-gunkiesmy edgy upgrade just crashed in the middle with one cryptic message that my system may now be unstable. Is there any way to pick it up again?03:08
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sc0ttyI started yesterday, around 9pm03:08
ERIK_LIMAI started right now03:08
hyperstringyeah one of my servers crashed on upgrade to edgy03:08
jribchaoslynx: can you pastebin the error messages you are getting?03:08
hyperstringwe built another server and ported it accross03:08
sc0ttybut I think it stayed hung on an "accept" box most of the night :)03:08
hyperstringthen reset the first one03:08
Ahmucki have a user who has installed ubuntu in a 1G partition on a 160G drive.  is there a way to resize the partitions from ubuntu?03:08
marios_sHello, I've installed ubuntu and then windows. Now the problem is that I can't dual-boot with windows boot loader. I tried using live ubuntu and then running grub-install but there's no way also after chrooting on the brand-new linux partition.03:08
chaoslynxjrib: I am quite sure it wouldnt help but i can yes...03:08
ERIK_LIMAand so... why are finishing now? Did you turn off your computer?03:08
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sc0ttyI was away most of the day03:09
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sc0ttywell morning03:09
sc0ttyit 3pm here03:09
ERIK_LIMAI hope I can fix my problem with ATI driver with this upgrade03:09
marios_sAhmuck, try qt_parted03:09
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hyperstringmy laptop is perfect with 6.10 with 6.6 the wireless networking didn't work03:09
ERIK_LIMAHere in Bahia, Brazil, is 11 AM03:09
compengignomefreak: ?03:10
chaoslynxjrib: here it is one of several attempshttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31214/03:10
mixandgoany idea how to change the vino-server port ?03:10
ERIK_LIMAin outher cities is 12 PM. Summer Time03:10
Kzar_frHere in Paris it's 3 PM :)03:10
hyperstringLondon 2pm03:10
mmcjianyone know which repository OPERA is in.  I have Ubuntu 6.10 loaded, but am not able to apt-get or use synaptic to install it.  I can do a soure install, but would rather pull it out of a repository03:10
jribchaoslynx: pastebin03:10
gnomefreakcompengi: try a new list for edgy.03:10
jribchaoslynx: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/spring-basedata.postrm03:10
topyliERIK_LIMA: the new X version in edgy broke my matrox driver (free matrox drivers have worked forever), so maybe they compensated it by fixing another brand03:10
DanglyBitshaving problems with openssh-server...anyone else having an issue?03:10
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compengignomefreak: do you have any good one03:10
hyperstringdangly not here what's the problem?03:10
gnomefreakcompengi: give me a few minutes im working on something important atm and i will be glad to post one for you :)03:11
chaoslynxjrib: ok one moment03:11
mmcjissh works fine here03:11
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: After I upgrade to 6.10, what is the next step to fix my ATI Radeon problem??03:11
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DanglyBitsopenssh says its started and running via command line but its not03:11
hyperstringit might be your filre wall dangly blocking port 2203:11
ERIK_LIMADownload the driver again??03:11
compengignomefreak: so by that time i'll install my nvidia-glx driver :)03:11
hyperstringwhy do you think its not running?03:11
ViennaLi1uxHi- i want to dissable root login (ony sudo allowed) - how do revert to this?03:11
gnomefreakcompengi: give me a min working on it now03:11
ERIK_LIMAAnyone else have the same problem as mine?03:11
topyliERIK_LIMA: enable the radeon driver in x.org and pray03:11
DanglyBitstried to ssh in and it wont03:12
marios_sHello, I've installed ubuntu and then windows. Now the problem is that I can't dual-boot with windows boot loader. I tried using live ubuntu and then running grub-install but there's no way also after chrooting on the brand-new linux partition. How can I dual boot?03:12
hyperstringssh ?03:12
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mmcjiport forwarding correctly?03:12
bobbbyit didnt work :(03:12
topyliERIK_LIMA: if the binary driver didn't work in X 7.0 i don't see why it would work now03:12
chaoslynxjrib: damn this folder is full =)03:12
mmcjissh -l "userid" ip or dns ?03:12
hyperstringhmm strange03:12
topyliERIK_LIMA: but no-one can know for sure with binary blobs03:12
hyperstringyou could try03:12
hyperstringssh yourname@servername03:12
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: Did you said to edit xorg and pray for work?? :)03:12
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hyperstringotherwise i'd sudo apt-get remove openssh03:13
hyperstringand then reinstall it03:13
ERIK_LIMAHahaha... You seem funny...03:13
jribchaoslynx: you can also try creating the /usr/share/spring/mods directory yourself and rerunning it.  Since it seems that was your last error03:13
DanglyBitsill try03:13
hyperstringand check i've got no firewalls running03:13
hyperstringeven on the local machine03:13
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bobbbyhi i have  a x64 with ati card box, while starting the live session x windows fails to start, how do i solve this?03:13
ERIK_LIMAI don't know nothing about binary blobs03:13
mmcjianyone know the repository where i can find OPERA?03:13
topyliERIK_LIMA: well yeah, enable the "radeon" driver in xorg.conf, wave a dead chicken on your monitor and see if the moon phase is right03:13
bobbbyim doing 6.1003:13
hyperstringmmcji try sudo apt-cache search opera03:13
hyperstringthat will list the repositories03:13
chaoslynxjrib: the problem is the basedata removing causes spring/mods to be removed...03:13
mmcjik, thanks03:13
SlimGhowto restart/start samba daemon from terminal?03:13
ERIK_LIMAWell, I decide to install Ubuntu Linux for some reasons03:14
rickyfingers_bobby - I had to flash my bios before I could install 6.1003:14
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ViennaLi1uxSlimG: /etc/init.d/samba restart or something03:14
jribchaoslynx: so if you create it, you get back to the postrm error?03:14
ERIK_LIMAFirst, I'm studying System Analysis on university03:14
ViennaLi1uxHow to disable root login again (i want only sudo)03:14
SlimGViennaLi1ux: thanx :)03:14
gnomefreakcompengi: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/24665803:14
chaoslynxthats the problem03:14
ERIK_LIMAand I'm learning about Operating System, including Unix and Linux03:14
jribchaoslynx: k, we can probably edit the postrm script03:15
hyperstringaha ok its not there03:15
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hyperstringotherwise its http://www.opera.com/products/desktop/03:15
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hyperstringyou could use wget to pull it down if you're like us and don't have a graphical interface03:15
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ERIK_LIMASecond: I think it's an absurd to pay cerca US$ to buy an original Windows XP and maintain it up to date03:15
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Otacon22can I use mplayer for seeing TV by a TV card? Actually I use "Tv Zapping" and work good03:16
jribchaoslynx: do you know if you had any package that provided that command?  (spring-modupdate)03:16
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topyliERIK_LIMA: well, that's something you can do without accelerated X :)03:16
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minimecERIK_LIMA: wb! So you are running on edgy now. good. Your ati 9250 card should work on edgy on 3d mode. Verify that you have the 'radeon' driver loaded with xorg and not 'ati' or 'fglrx'.03:16
compengignomefreak: thanks03:16
mmcjiha, i should have piped that to a file .lololol03:16
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ERIK_LIMAThird: I hat viruses, Windows XP has lot of viruses, spyware, etc03:16
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Jameshey i have a question i compiled a .c program and it says a lot of errors but i get an output file of smpd.o  anyideas03:16
bobbbytopyli: how do i set that?03:16
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chaoslynxjrib: i had a package called spring scripts but not spring mod update03:16
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Ahmuckmarios_s: qt_parted will do it from with ubuntu or do we need to boot from qt_parted to do it ?03:17
rickyfingers_James what you got there is an object file03:17
rickyfingers_it's not an executable03:17
Jamesis it compiled03:17
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu11 (edgy), package size 202 kB, installed size 716 kB03:17
ERIK_LIMAFourth: With any Linux distribution, I can have good programs without paying a lot for them03:17
chaoslynxjrib: here is the paste of  /var/lib/dpkg/info/spring-basedata.postrm http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31215/03:17
Clin1Haas any one got bvidinli's EHCP program to work?03:17
topyliminimec: i have a 9100 or 9200 at work and i'm running beryl happily with the radeon driver, but i wasn't sure about ERIK_LIMA's 925003:17
compengignomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31216/ =/03:17
jribchaoslynx: and you are certain that the scripts package didn't provide mod-update?03:17
rickyfingers_james, it's partially compiled03:17
sperry-how can I disable 60fps cap?03:17
Jamesso it wont run03:17
Jamesthanks mate03:17
ERIK_LIMAAnd, if I have problem and a loto of experience with programming language, I can modify it and fix it03:17
chaoslynxno but if i install scripts than there is another error03:17
chaoslynxscripts is installed by the way03:18
topylibobbby: sorry? how do you set what?03:18
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Clin1bvidinli Is he here?03:18
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chaoslynxjrib: scripts is installed at the moment03:18
jribchaoslynx: well you see your postrm?  Just tell it not to run spring-modupdate03:18
gnomefreakcompengi: that looks like a repo issue.03:18
bobbbytopyli: the "xorg,conf" thing03:18
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: worry not. If I can't solve my problem alone, I call for my uncle to help :)03:18
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bobbbytopyli: the "xorg.conf" thing*03:18
compengignomefreak: so what should i do?03:18
gnomefreakcompengi: can i have the full output please in pastebin03:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:19
chaoslynxjrib: ok i have to delete one line and then run it again and it will work?03:19
Clin1Has any one ever heard of EHCP?03:19
gnomefreakjrib: are you on edgy?03:19
compengignomefreak: of the all update?03:19
ERIK_LIMAMy uncle is a system analyser and know things that I don't really know03:19
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bjorn_Skype is telling me there is a problem with sound device. Can anyone help me figure out what that is?03:19
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jribgnomefreak: yes03:19
topylibobbby: ah, just edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf with any text editor and change the "ati" driver to "radeon" in the Device section03:19
gnomefreakcompengi: sudo apt-get update all of the output03:19
topylibobbby: after making a backup of the file of course :)03:19
sperry-how can I disable 60fps cap in xgl?03:19
gnomefreakjrib: can you run apt-get update and see if restricted repo errors out on you03:20
jribchaoslynx: maybe, I'm not sure if bash complains about case statements that are empty.  You could just tell it to run 'true', or find out if it matters taht it is empty03:20
nolimitsoyasperry-, vsync?03:20
jribgnomefreak: no errors03:20
compengignomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31218/03:20
gnomefreakcompengi: it might be as easy as changing the country code03:20
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sperry-nolimitsoyaq it's not related to sync my refresh rate is 8503:20
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: what's your occupation? And where are you from?03:20
gnomefreakcompengi: lets do that. where do you live?03:20
Clin1oh come on no one has? Or is every one still Pissed off at me from last night03:20
fyrestrtrbjorn_: are you running the latest skype beta? It solved a lot of the sound issues.03:20
compengignomefreak: lebanon03:21
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gnomefreakis ther ea country code for there?03:21
fyrestrtrgnomefreak: lb03:21
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fatbrainWhen I start "info" app I get an info: Symbol 'espeed' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking.   (How do I do that?)03:21
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bjorn_fyrestrtr: i'm running
topyliERIK_LIMA: i'm doing research for a developmental work research center in finland03:21
cornellWhy can't it be easy....03:22
topyliERIK_LIMA: in practice, i'm trying to figure out commercial free software03:22
gnomefreakcompengi: make your sources look like this deb http://lb.archive.ubuntu........03:22
popeli have a question: how can i restore the files i moved to trash?03:22
popelthey are in trash but not deletet03:22
gnomefreakjust add the lb. to the repos before archive03:22
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: It's a good thing :)03:22
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gnomefreakcompengi: if that doesnt work use uk03:22
bobbbytopyli: ok but how in hell i do that, while starting the live session it says the x window colund start and then crashes....03:23
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gnomefreakthe uk repos are working fione for me atm03:23
bobbbytopyli:so i juts dont know how to edit that file, its on the cd?03:23
bobbbytopyli: :(03:23
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gnomefreakty jrib03:23
ERIK_LIMAWhy we can't make this world a better place if we can't teach people how to use a computer using free software03:23
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cornellAfter installing ubuntu server, do I need to start the services I want, are any started...by default?03:24
topylibobbby: ah a live cd. no, you don't edit those :)03:24
fyrestrtrcornell: ssh is not installed by default, you probably want that :)03:24
CokeNCodehey , how do i find out my processor speed in ubuntu03:24
jribCokeNCode: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:24
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bobbbytopyli: :S03:24
gnomefreakcat /proc/cpuinfo03:24
LjLtopyli: sure? i was under the impression the CD is mounted with a unionfs or something03:24
CokeNCodei thought it'd show up in 'system monitor'03:24
CokeNCodethanks jrib03:24
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ERIK_LIMAI plan to found an NGO to teach people without resources to learn about computers how to use it03:24
popeli moved 19.6GB mp3-files to trash which were organized in folders... now there are all in trash without folders, only files. the folders are empty, but the files are in trash. how can i restore them?03:24
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nolimitsoyaLjL, its a squashfs03:25
nolimitsoyaand therefore editable; edits go into ram03:25
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topylibobbby: listen to LjL, he seems to have a better idea03:25
mmcjii have searched via apt-cache search opera and do not see opera anywhere.  anyone know what repository i can fine OPERA in?03:25
ERIK_LIMAUbuntu has a beautiful philosophy03:25
Khale1I've got ubuntu drapper running on my machine but it's busted for some reason so I'd like to reinstall everything one more time. No CD on the machine (it's a toshiba r100) however I have an external cd player, but the live disc doesn't work, anyone know how to install ubuntu over the internet only? I've seen the stuff about netboot but it seems you need another machine running linux to do this? Is there a net way?03:25
ERIK_LIMA"Linux for being humans"03:25
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser03:25
LjLpopel, i'm not KDE, but my guess is right click on the trash, and "Restore", or something close. just replying you since nobody else has...03:25
ERIK_LIMAGuys... what's your ages?? I'm 22 years old03:26
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topylibobbby: if he's right you can edit the file like it's a real one. use nano as your editor if you have no X03:26
nolimitsoya!offtopic | ERIK_LIMA03:26
ubotuERIK_LIMA: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:26
LjLtopyli, i don't have an idea, i'm just saying i think the FS *can* be modified even on the CD...03:26
fyrestrtr!installation > Khale103:26
popelLjL: there is no "restore"03:26
cornellfyrestrtr: it seems that http isn't either03:26
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popelLjL: I'm using gnome03:26
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ERIK_LIMAUbotu: sorry... I didn't know03:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry... I didn't know - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
minimecKhale1: first. Is your whole system corrupt or is it just a xorg question? Can you use the console?03:26
cornellfyrestrtr: Is anything started?03:26
topyliLjL: quite enough, just what we need to know :)03:26
nolimitsoyapopel, if you open the trashcan and rightclick on the deleted files, there is no restore option?03:26
fyrestrtrcornell: if you install just the server, then no. If you install LAMP, then http is there.03:26
ubuntu_oh shit03:27
Khale1well I can use things, however sudo just doesn't want to work03:27
Khale1I've tried several things to sort this out03:27
fyrestrtrcornell: cron and other basic services, nothing exotic.03:27
Khale1but the problem remains03:27
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qubix__anyone here run Nepenthes or know anything about it????03:27
popelnolimitsoya: no. there isn't03:27
Khale1beryl is completely borked as well03:27
cornellfyrestrtr: is install LAMP a superset of install to hard drive, or subset?03:27
bjorn_SKype is telling me there's a problem with my sound device, I think it might have something to do with me using OSS as my sound device. Alsa couldn't get my microphone working. Anyone know where I should start to solve this mystery?03:27
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popeli can delete them03:27
Khale1and my pccma cd doesn't work either03:27
nolimitsoyapopel, then use xfce, kde or any other proper wm ;)03:27
sc0ttyf*ck , my ubuntu won't boot now :@03:27
minimecKhale1: So you can use your system but you cannot do any administration things?03:27
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viragojoin ubuntu-cz03:27
nolimitsoya!language | sc0tt03:28
ubotusc0tt: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:28
LjLpopel, some googling seems to tell me that on Gnome you must move files away from the trash manually - but that might be wrong or outdated03:28
fyrestrtrcornell: lamp is an option to install server + the lamp stack. its only available on the dapper server install image.03:28
bobbbytopyli: ok, but still dont know how to do it03:28
nolimitsoya!language | sc0tty03:28
ubotusc0tty: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:28
popelKDE can restore?03:28
fyrestrtrcornell: does that help?03:28
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Khale1that's exactly it, as it's got two cards (wifi and normal) it's decided not to use my normal card for internet access as well03:28
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patientfoxhi i accidently aborted in the middle of installing some packages from the commandline... now apt-get errors out with E: Broken Packages preceeded by a list of deps for the package i want to installl.... is there a way to "clean the system" up? thanks03:28
kuja_Is there anyone here running Ubuntu off an external harddrive (USB2.0)?03:28
patientfoxlike using dpkg or something03:28
popelLjL: hmmm i think thats right. I think there is no other way.03:29
fyrestrtrpatientfox: you could reinstall it.03:29
LjLpopel: yes, i right click on a file in the trash, and there is a "Restore" menu entry03:29
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patientfoxfyrestrtr: how?03:29
popelsorting 19.6GB mp3 is hard03:29
Khale1I installed ubuntu using something called instlux which deletes windows and installs ubuntu via the internet03:29
topylibobbby: "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf". but i don't know how much it will help on a live system03:29
bobbbyHey anyone know how to start the live session if your box have a ati card?03:29
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Khale1downloads all the packages there and then and it's a text based installation process03:29
minimecKhale1: So gksudo synaptic gives you an error?03:29
fyrestrtrpatientfox: sudo apt-get install --reinstall somepackage03:29
Poromenosa package requires python2.3 so i can't install it, is there any way to skip this dependency and see if it'll work?03:29
topylibobbby: might be better to run the "vesa" driver as it's supposed to always work03:29
Khale1yup it just doesn't let me do anything03:30
kuja_popel: First, everytime you rip your music (assuming this is how you get MP3's, cause you're a legitimate guy and you already own the CD), make sure you edit the ID3 tags so they're somewhat organized :)03:30
Khale1when I tried to reinstall sudo (an older version) from the recovery install it didn't go through with it03:30
sc0tty:( I get asked for my root passwd (cant' check some volumes) but I never get a prompt after giving my passwd :(03:30
minimecKhale1: ... and sudo synaptic on a console either...?03:30
fyrestrtrKhale1: we don't support installation methods not mentioned at ubuntu.com or the official wiki.03:30
kuja_Poromenos: Can't it use a version greater than 2.3?03:30
kuja_Such as 2.403:30
bobbbytopyli: how do i run the "vesa" driver :S:S::S03:30
Poromenoskuja_: probably, but it stops in installation03:31
cornellfyrestrtr: so install LAMP option is install Hard drive plus LAMP, so anything installed with install to hard drive is also installed with install LAMP.03:31
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fyrestrtr!root | sc0tty03:31
ubotusc0tty: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:31
kuja_Poromenos: What package?03:31
Poromenosbecause it's a virtual package or something03:31
fyrestrtrcornell: yes.03:31
Poromenosoh, snakebite03:31
sc0ttyfyrestrtr: I know what root is03:31
patientfoxfyrestrtr: when i put in the package names of the packages it says there is no installation candidate03:31
gnomefreakcompengi: did that do it?03:31
fyrestrtrcornell: the 'server' install is the very basic, everything else is a superset of that.03:31
topylibobbby: edit the file, find the Device section and change the lilne that says "Driver = "ati"" or similar to say "vesa"03:31
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SlimGwhat's the command that checks for errors in linux config files?03:31
mmcjiok, Opera is avail in .deb binary from Opera, not repository for 6.10 that I can find....03:31
LjLsc0tty: read that page, there is a reason why you were pointed to it, and it's *not* that you don't know what root is03:31
kuja_Poromenos: It's not in the Ubuntu repository. Where did you get this package from?03:31
sc0ttyI rebooted after upgrading and now I can't log in03:31
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Khale1fyrestrt, thats cool, I'm just trying to see if there is a way to install using the internet (where the installation process happens as the installation is progressing)03:32
Poromenoskuja_: http://actlab.tv/snakebite.html03:32
mmcjieveryone have a wonderful day!03:32
topylibobbby: then do "startx" and see whether it starts or blows up :)03:32
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fyrestrtr!installation | Khale103:32
ubotuKhale1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues03:32
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minimecKhale1: what account are you using. Ubuntu gives sudo rights to the first user installed during the ubuntu installation. I f you login as another user, you will not have sudo rights.03:32
topylii wouldn't fix a live system anyway, life's too short on them03:32
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Khale1minimec I've checked that my username is in the admin group which it is03:33
popelkuja_: I lost some CDs and the problem is that the mp3s without ID3-Tag are ropped from the CDs i lost... ;)03:33
Poromenospopel: what are you trying to do?03:33
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popelcya, I'm sorting my mp3s03:33
kuja_popel: :)03:33
kuja_popel: FYI03:33
Poromenospopel: www.musicbrainz.org03:33
kuja_popel: ExFalso is excellent for editing tags.03:33
fyrestrtrpopel: just use some player that has a gracenote plugin (most do) and it will edit the tags for you. There are tons of tag editing utils in the repos.03:33
kuja_It has mass renaming and all.03:33
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kuja_sudo apt-get install exfalso03:34
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Khale1I'm going to try sudo synaptic because I haven't tried that out yet03:34
bobbbytopyli: mmm.. but in the live cd theres i sno console so i can do that, the just a "boot options" line and no more, afeter that just crashed cuz the x03:34
Poromenosso, how do i install packages despite unmet dependencies?03:34
Khale1minimec thanks for the help btw, it's much appreicated03:34
cornellThanks fyrestrtr03:34
LjLKhale1, if you haven't set a root password manually (which is not recommended), you should never be asked for a root password, but just for your own user's password. what is asking this password anyway?03:34
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sc0ttyI get the classic maintenance issue prompt : Ctrl-D de continue or give root passwd for maintenance. I give my root passwd, and the login starts, it just seems to hang after that ...03:34
Khale1I know, that's exactly why I think that sudo is bused03:35
Khale1busted even03:35
topylibobbby: maybe there are more consoles if you press ctrl-alt-F203:35
minimecKhale1: try the sudo synaptic command... No problem for the help. I don't think that you have to do a new clean install ...03:35
fyrestrtrPoromenos: etiher you find another package (a updated one), you compile by hand, or there is a way (iirc) to 'inject' packages so that they are installed -- but only to be tried by those that like broken systems.03:35
kuja_Poromenos: First you want to see what all packages this one depends on.03:35
popelfyrestrtr: can you name a player?03:35
Khale1I really hope not :)03:35
kuja_fyrestrtr: The software seems to only be distributed as des.03:35
Poromenoskuja_: well, python2.3 and bittorrent03:35
kuja_So he'll need to extract the archive.03:35
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LjLKhale1, but where are you being asked for the password? while using "sudo something", or what?03:35
kuja_Either extract and rebuilt, or just copy the files.03:35
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fyrestrtrpopel: exfalso, exile! and amarok come to mind.03:35
Khale1ljl yeah when I open synaptic manager03:36
Poromenosisn't there some flag i can pass to dpkg so it'll ignore the dependency?03:36
popelthank you03:36
Khale1or any sudo03:36
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Khale1apparently it's the wrong password03:36
kuja_Poromenos: I think..03:36
topylifyrestrtr: exfalso is a tag editor :)03:36
fyrestrtrKhale1: what group is your user in?03:36
bobbbytopyli. weel ill try,brb03:36
SlimGwhat's the command that checks for errors in linux config files?03:36
Khale1in admin03:36
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LjLKhale1, so when you type "sudo true" what is output exactly?03:36
kuja_Poromenos: dpkg -i --ignore-depends=python2.3 snakebite-rc3.deb03:37
fyrestrtrKhale1: in admin only ?03:37
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: Ah... one more question...03:37
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Poromenoskuja_: ah, that worked, thanks!03:37
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kuja_Poromenos: Does dpkg complain though?03:37
minimecKhale1: What you can do is to start ubuntu in recovery mode. Then your system will stop booting on the console, logging in as 'root'. Yes, as 'root'. There you should be able to do all administration tasks. You can even give 'root' a password doing 'passwd' without sudo ;)03:37
ERIK_LIMAWhen I'm running games made with Flash, they run slow than with Windows XP03:37
Khale1fyrestrtr I'm not sure...actually, ljl I can't seem to get the output for sudo true03:37
Poromenosno... snakebite complains that it can't find /usr/bin/python2.303:38
fyrestrtrKhale1: do what minimec said.03:38
ERIK_LIMADo you think this problem is caused by a bad video hardware acceleration??03:38
Poromenosbut i'll just symlink that or edit the file or something03:38
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LjLKhale1: well, it will *not* give you an output if it's working... but then if sudo isn't working, it should ask you for a password or something03:38
topyliERIK_LIMA: they do. they also use 100% cpu time03:38
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fyrestrtrPoromenos: you could try symlinking it to python2.403:38
kuja_Poromenos: Right. sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.303:38
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kuja_I wish Ubuntu would support Ruby :(03:38
LjLKhale1: try "sudo uname", do you get output?03:38
kuja_Then I'd write some nifty tools :)03:38
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Khale1ljl yeah it asks me for the password three times and I'm out :)03:39
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topyliERIK_LIMA: it's the wonderful world of flash on linux03:39
fyrestrtrkuja_: you can still write them :)03:39
kuja_And actually make an effort to join the Ubuntu team and get Ruby packages shipped standardly.03:39
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Poromenoshmm, i'll try stuff, i know what to do from here on. thanks for the help guys03:39
fyrestrtrKhale1: what password are you typing in?03:39
Khale1well I've just logged into recovery mode command line03:39
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kuja_fyrestrtr: Sure, but nothing standard to the point where it because distributed with Ubuntu :)03:39
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Khale1my username password03:39
kuja_Poromenos: Good luck =)03:39
Khale1ok I'm in recovery mode03:39
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Poromenosthanks :)03:39
Khale1command line03:39
fyrestrtrkuja_: I'm sure if you write some killer tools, you will get them in.03:39
ERIK_LIMAI hope with Edgy I could fix it...03:39
Khale1what do you guys think I should do to try and solve this ?03:39
kuja_fyrestrtr: Bringing an interpreted language standard with the distribution takes a lot of effort :(03:40
kuja_So far I only know of Python and Perl03:40
topyliERIK_LIMA: adobe has just released flash 9 for linux which is a bit better but it still has that nice flash feeling03:40
fyrestrtryou don't like python?03:40
Poromenosby the way, does anyone know a good short tutorial for ruby?03:40
kuja_The KDE community is big on Ruby though, I like GNOME better though.03:40
minimecKhale1: Do you had to login in recovery mode?03:40
LjLKhale1: i think you should disable the root password, if there's any set ("passwd -l root"), then make very sure that 1) your user is in the "admin" group  2) the "admin" group is mentioned in the /etc/sudoers file03:40
kuja_Poromenos: Short? Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby03:40
Khale1how do I go into my GUI from recovery mode? (I've been using ubuntu for 5 months now but tried to stay away from the text line modes as much as possible)03:40
marios_sHello, I'm trying to use the kubuntu live boot loader. I've a kubuntu installed on /dev/hda. what's the command to boot? root=/dev/hda3 (linux part) doesn't work03:40
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Poromenoskuja_: that's a book :p03:41
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kuja_fyrestrtr: I like it.  But I like Ruby more.03:41
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kuja_Poromenos: There's no universal rule stating that books cannot be guides.03:41
djbryyLjL, are you there? it is DJBRYY!03:41
minimecKhale1: just do 'exit' ;)03:41
kuja_In fact, it's almost implicit that books are guides.03:41
fyrestrtrkuja_: okay :)03:41
Poromenoskuja_: but there is a universal rule that states that books aren't short :p03:41
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fyrestrtrguides are people :P03:41
kuja_Poromenos: No there isn't.03:41
LjLdjbryy, i just finished typing a message, so i guess i'm here :)03:41
Khale1ah right okey dokey :)03:41
Poromenosthere is now!03:41
TGPOmornin djbryy, still working that boot problem?03:41
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kuja_Poromenos: =)03:42
djbryyTGPO, yes how did you know?>03:42
ERIK_LIMAtopyli: Flash Player 9?? Where can I get it??03:42
kuja_Poromenos: Compared to some "bibles" I've seen, Why's guide is very, very short :)03:42
warkruiddsoft: hello03:42
Khale1ah but then it asks me to give username and password03:42
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ubotuFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html03:42
TGPOdjbryy, I was listening to all of it last night, havent seen LjL yet this morning03:42
topyliERIK_LIMA: from adobe :)03:42
djbryyLjL, thanks man, : ) so i have a new frame of mind i am gonna do everything you guys say to me this morning ty.03:42
ERIK_LIMAtoypli: Well, when I try to play "Bike Mania" on flashgames247.com, it's slow03:42
dsoftsorry, im a bit noob, how can i set permissions for an user (actualy only root have access) for a full tree of files? (recursive)03:42
djbryyTGPO, he is on.03:42
nolimitsoya!flash9 > ERIK_LIMA03:42
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Poromenoskuja_: i was thinking of something more like this: http://www.poromenos.org/tutorials/python :P03:43
TGPOdjbryy, just saw that03:43
bjorn_If I try testing the alsa device in gstreamer I get an error saying it can't open it for writing. I've posted the full error message in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31221/    Maybe somebody could take a look?03:43
kuja_Poromenos: Though, if you wanted to get started (or rather, memorize basics) real quick, you could check out zenspider's "QuickRef", just google for "zenspider quickref"03:43
compengignomefreak: trying the uk.archieve.ubuntu =/03:43
djbryyTGPO, haha03:43
Khale1so logging in with my username and password defeats the object no? if I type in root and then my password I don't get in either :)03:43
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nolimitsoyadsoft, chmod -p03:43
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LjLdjbryy, problem is that i really don't know what you could try. did you paste that screenshot somewhere, after i logged off yesterday?03:43
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kuja_It's simple a compiled references of essential Ruby stuff.03:43
nolimitsoyadsoft,sorry  chmod -R03:43
fyrestrtrKhale1: do you know how sudo works?03:43
djbryyLjL, nope I can do it thismorning if you like03:43
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Poromenoskuja_: ah, that's better, but too "referency"03:43
ERIK_LIMAI don't know what version of Flash Player I have...03:43
Poromenosi shall google03:43
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Khale1yes I do, unfortunately it's not doing what it's meant to be doing which is why I'm trying to go through a completely different route here03:44
alyssumwell, i fixed my font problems by uninstalling all the arphic chinese fonts.  just thought i'd share my solution, in case anyone was listening in.03:44
DiibaHi, just compiled custom kernel to ppc based xubuntu box and got this error on boot: udevplug[1034] make_queue:unable to create /dev/.udev/queue: No such file or directory.03:44
fyrestrtrdsoft: chown -R user:group /some/directory03:44
djbryyLjL, what is the Terminal code to launch the program again?03:44
topyliERIK_LIMA: type "about:plugins" into your browser's address entry box03:44
LjLdjbryy: yes do it, just so i can confirm what i think the situation is. a site where you could post it is http://imageshack.us/  (make sure you select "optimize without resizing")03:44
aimtrainerhi! Does anybody have experience with edgy and the ipw3945? I tried it with this script but t just won work :(03:44
LjLdjbryy: "gparted"03:44
alyssumhowever, i still got a lot of questions on the fonts.conf file after all this trouble.  my post is on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29762103:44
LjLdjbryy: or "gksudo gparted" if that fails03:44
dsoftchown or chmod?03:45
ERIK_LIMAHum... it's Shockwave Flash version 703:45
fyrestrtrdsoft: chown = change owner chmod = change mode (permissions)03:45
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LjLUbotu, please tell dsoft about permissions03:45
minimecKhale1: Hmmm ... When you start in recovery mode, you don't have to login normally. Ubuntu should stop on a normal console without login prompt. Only if you activated user 'root' the system will ask you the login information.03:45
djbryyLjL, ok i have it and the screenshot i am uploading now.03:45
fyrestrtrminimec: he didn't install ubuntu using the cds, but via some third party tool (that I haven't heard of)03:46
LjLdjbryy, good, give me the URL when it's up03:46
DiibaDoes anyone have ANY info?03:46
DiibaHi, just compiled custom kernel to ppc based xubuntu box and got this error on boot: udevplug[1034] make_queue:unable to create /dev/.udev/queue: No such file or directory.03:46
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DiibaShould i just make the file? Even with root permissions I cant keep the file there.03:46
fyrestrtrDiiba: how did you compile the kernel?03:46
minimecfyrestrtr: So I guess that this tool activated user 'root' ;) ... and he doesn't know the login infos... Not so good ;)03:47
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LjLDiiba, the file won't stay there because /dev mounts a virtual filesystem, i think03:47
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topyliDiiba: the "files" in /dev are generated at boot, you don't make them03:47
Khale1ah, so maybe that's the problem? how do I deactive the root?03:47
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fyrestrtrminimec: yes, this is what I suspect.03:47
djbryyLjL, what do i use for the URL there are like 60r703:47
DiibaSo does anyone know how to solve my problem?03:47
superkirbyartistThere's Abiword, Gnumeric, and what for slideshows?03:47
LjLKhale1, perhaps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword can be of help03:47
fyrestrtrDiiba: I think you forgot to include proper udev support.03:47
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djbryyLjL, sorry 6 or 703:47
kujasuperkirbyartist: OpenOffice03:47
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DiibaOh my.03:48
LjLdjbryy: well, give me one that shows the screenshot at full size...03:48
DiibaThis is going to take forever.03:48
superkirbyartistNo fox Xubuntu.03:48
minimecKhale1: only 'root' and the 'sudoer' can do that...03:48
fyrestrtr!kernel | Diiba03:48
ubotuDiiba: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:48
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topylisuperkirbyartist: no real alternative03:48
dsoftbut, there is any file manager that really have recursive mode? nautilus dont let me03:48
zergiospeack spanish?03:48
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:48
fyrestrtrDiiba: try that second link.03:48
djbryyLjL, ok here it is, http://img241.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotje6.png03:48
superkirbyartistSo just get OpenOffice?  Will it run well on Pentium MMX 266mhz 2GB HD 192MB RAM?03:48
fyrestrtrdsoft: what do you mean 'recursive mode'?03:48
dsoftall files and direct03:48
DiibaI used those.03:49
dsoftof all sub-folders03:49
superkirbyartistAnd why does Ubuntu have an old Gaim?03:49
fyrestrtrdsoft: ctrl+a will highlight all files03:49
djbryysuperkirbyartist, no it probrably wont man ...03:49
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warkruiddsoft: missed the discussion. Why a recursive mode?03:49
superkirbyartistWhy not?03:49
LjLdjbryy: argh, that's totally different from what you described >: the two colored bars don't take up the whole space, there is a huge gray bar at the beginning, and the box on the top right does not say 50Gb03:49
topylisuperkirbyartist: it won't run well on anytihing but if you want a powerpoint replacement, it's your best bet03:49
DiibaBtw, it took 3h + to compile it with imac g3 (400mhz)03:49
zergioalguien me puede ayudar?03:49
jrib!es | zergio03:49
crparrHi! Whick package contains mppenc and mppdec ?03:49
ubotuzergio: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:49
fyrestrtrsuperkirbyartist: there is another application you can try....03:49
djbryyLjL, sorry... I was confused and tired yesterday...03:49
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dsofti want to change the permisions of all of my directory tree (actualy root) for user DsOft03:49
superkirbyartistWhich one?03:49
fyrestrtrdsoft: change them to what?03:50
LjLdjbryy, i guess that what shows up as "unallocated" is really your Windows partition... except it's not recognized anymore03:50
dsoftso i can access with user:dsoft03:50
dsoftand not only root03:50
djbryyLjL, so that means... re-install windows right>03:50
superkirbyartistfyrestrtr: what app?03:50
zergiono encuentro unas aplicaciones en los menus, por ejemplo el gestor de usuarios y grupos ya no esta en en sistema-administracion03:50
ERIK_LIMAAh... what's the better video card for Ubuntu? Nvidia or ATI???03:50
LjLdjbryy, we could try and reset it, but i cannot guarantee you anything - actually we might end up with both a broken Windows *and* a broken Ubuntu03:50
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warkruiddsoft: don't think thats wise. some directories should only be accesible to root.03:50
gnomefreakzergio: /join #ubuntu-es please03:50
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TGPOERIK_LIMA, nvidia03:51
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ERIK_LIMAI'm planning to buy a Nvidia if I could not solve my problem with ATI driver03:51
djbryyLjL, relly??!? haha. OK how do we "reset"?03:51
topyliERIK_LIMA: an old card03:51
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dsofti mean, my own folders, not system ones, (movies music etc....)03:51
kujaGenerally nVidia cards are better supported, I think.03:51
compengihey b33r- sahil nom :D03:51
djbryyTGPO, so did you come up with any solutions to my problem from yesterday?03:51
ERIK_LIMAI read the installation instructions on Nvidia site and I thinked it's easiest than the ATI03:51
LjLdjbryy, well, it involves using fdisk and recreating the partition information. TGPO, or anybody who knows about the issue from yesterday, any better idea?03:51
dsofti was as root user, when i copy them, so i cant access now as simple user03:52
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superkirbyartistExcuse me what is the app fyrestrtr?03:52
warkruiddsoft: sudo chmod -R <user>:<group> <directory>03:52
djbryyLjL, hahah I just asked that..03:52
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LjL!firestarter | superkirbyartist03:52
ubotusuperkirbyartist: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:52
ERIK_LIMAAnd I think I could buy a Nvida Geoforce with a price I could pay :)03:52
gnomefreakERIK_LIMA: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx is even easier than you run one more command and poof it works (normally)03:52
warkruiddsoft: oops.. chmod and chown mixed up03:52
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superkirbyartistSo who cares?  I want a PowerPoint software?03:52
kujaERIK_LIMA: The Older 256's are pretty affordable nowadays03:52
dark2ycan someone help me pls03:52
TGPOLjL, djbryy the only thing I can think of is prolly what LjL is thinking, use the windows CD to restore the MBR and then try to rescue the Ubuntu installation with the live CD03:53
djbryydark2y, ok what do u need?03:53
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LjLsuperkirbyartist: i don't know. try OpenOffice Impress for that perhaps03:53
LjLUbotu, please tell superkirbyartist about alternatives03:53
kujasuperkirbyartist: $199 where I work03:53
superkirbyartistBut will it run on my pentium?03:53
dark2yi'v got the last relese of ubuntu from your site03:53
fyrestrtrsuperkirbyartist: KeyJnote might be worth a shot.03:53
compengignomefreak: why do you think it's doing this, i'm now updating from uk.archieve03:53
djbryyTGPO, one problem I do not have the windows CD available here.03:53
dark2yand.. after install03:53
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LjLsuperkirbyartist, disregard the first message, i mixed up "alternatives" and "equivalents"03:53
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dark2yi boot up in linux.. and it just stops on fsck03:53
olspookishmaguswhich is the c++ compiler package on ununtu?03:53
superkirbyartistOkay, well what does KeyJnote do?03:54
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fyrestrtrolspookishmagus: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:54
dsofti donno what group and user exactly03:54
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minimecre MY opera software crashed ;)03:54
topyliolspookishmagus: gcc03:54
warkruidolspookismagus: g++03:54
TGPOdjbryy, ouch03:54
dsoftbad first linux day!03:54
dark2yand it stays like this until i restart..03:54
ERIK_LIMAWhen I bought my computer this year, I insisted to developers to include a Nvidia instead of aTI, but...03:54
olspookishmagusthank you all03:54
fyrestrtrsuperkirbyartist: it makes really good sandwiches (what do you think? its a presentation viewer :P)03:54
djbryyTGPO, yes. SO what do i do?03:54
alecjwolspookishmagus: then, you need to run g++ -o <output binsry file name> <input source code>03:54
gnomefreakcompengi: not sure but its sounding like a server issue. i hate to say this as it sounds so winodws but also try rebooting (it fixed mine back when i had the issue) after playing with my router and modem settings03:54
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trukoshanybody who knows a time registration software for gnome?03:55
superkirbyartistsudo apt-get remove your-mom-core03:55
ERIK_LIMABut they refuse to install it because they said that they dont't have a nvidia card with 128 MB fo RAM03:55
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LjLTGPO, actually that's not what i was thinking... even if you restore the MBR, the Windows partition still isn't there - or at least, neither gparter nor sfdisk seem to see it. so actually what i was thinking is: open fdisk, tell it to create a FAT32 (or NTFS, and hope he knows which is the right one) partition that starts at the beginning of the disk and ends just before the ubuntu partition, and then hope (well, and then yes, recreate the MBR if03:55
LjLnecessary, but perhaps Grub will even just boot it at that point)03:55
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superkirbyartistThank you fyrestrtr.03:55
compengignomefreak: i've just installed edgy on a clean hdd =/03:55
dark2yso can you help me?03:55
sc0ttydark2y: I have a similar problem03:55
yu5ei've been waiting for what must be about an hour for everything to load after i chose Start or install ubuntu on my thinkpad03:55
yu5eany ideas ??03:55
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Kingsqueaktrukosh: 'ntpdate' ?03:55
dark2yi have sata and windows vista instaled03:55
LjLTGPO, of course though, if the partition table is already corrupted, modifying it could corrupt it further, which would mean neither Ubuntu nor Windows would start03:55
dark2yon other partitions03:55
superkirbyartistSpeaking of partitions, how do you defragment?03:55
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fyrestrtryu5e: how old is your thinkpad?03:56
kujayu5e: That's how long it takes for me when I'm running from QEMU :)03:56
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sc0ttyI can't boot, I managed to run an fsck , but it seems the boot image 6.10 wrote is not good ...03:56
dark2yi'v got a similar problem on 6.6 but i coud ctrl + c03:56
djbryyLjL, I read your msg to TGPO, good i dea r we gonna try it?03:56
dark2yover it03:56
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TGPOLjL, yup, this is a case of damned if you do damned if you dont03:56
LjLsuperkirbyartist: you don't. but on the bright side, ext3 suffers from fragmentation much less than FAT and NTFS do03:56
WhoWhoI want to ask about something I feel it is not normal.. when I access users&groups from System>Administration   it does not ask me for password!!03:56
fyrestrtrsuperkirbyartist: linux file systems do not require defragmentation.03:56
WhoWhoI want to ask about something I feel it is not normal.. when I access users&groups from System>Administration   it does not ask me for password!! is this normal?03:56
superkirbyartistLinux uses ext3?03:56
LjLsuperkirbyartist: not necessarily, but Ubuntu does by default03:56
TGPOsuperkirbyartist, by default yes03:56
trukoshKingsqueak, no, i mean sth to register working hours - sry my english is really bad..03:56
fyrestrtrWhoWho: system caches sudo logins.03:56
yu5efyrestrtr: very old, why?03:57
superkirbyartistWell that's good, thank you!03:57
WhoWhowell i didnt do any sudo03:57
kujayu5e: Then you don't want to be doing that03:57
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Kingsqueaktrukosh: oh o.k., sorry, not sure03:57
fyrestrtryu5e: could be that you don't meet the minimum requirements.03:57
yu5eclearly not03:57
LjLdjbryy: if you don't mind, yes. do keep in mind that it's a keep-your-fingers-crossed thing more than anything else03:57
WhoWhobesides.. at the same time when i access synaptic  it asks for pass03:57
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LjLdjbryy: hold on a minute though, i need a cigarette right now =)03:57
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yu5e:( it did run windows xp quite fast03:57
kujayu5e: You might want to try doing a basic command line install using the "Alternate" CD and then installing Xubuntu.03:57
djbryyLjL, ok then so what do i have to type in terminal if anything?03:57
TGPOLjL, good idea03:57
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dark2yok.. pls how can i skip over fsck ???03:58
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topyliWhoWho: looks like it does this for me too03:58
WhoWhotopyli, so isnt this abnormal ?03:58
yu5eok i'll give it a try03:58
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djbryyTGPO, hahah r u leaving for one too?03:58
Kingsqueaktrukosh: might have found something for you03:58
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kujaI need a smoke too.03:58
topyliWhoWho: definitely. i just added myself to the "fuse" group as a normal user03:59
topyliWhoWho: shouldn't happen03:59
kujaI'm pathetic, I bought 2 ashtrays cause I'm too lazy to empty them... and they're both full :(03:59
djbryykuja, hahahah everyone is going for a smoke!03:59
trukoshSry did miss last sentence (closed windowby mistake). Kingsqueak and what?03:59
kujaIt sucks living alone :)03:59
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djbryykuja, are there any girls online here?03:59
kujadj_baggio: I don't need to "go" for a smoke, I just smoke in front of my computer!03:59
WhoWhotopyli: so do we need to send this as a bug or something ?03:59
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Kingsqueaktrukosh: go to http://www.freshmeat.net/ and put 'timeclock' in the search, sorry my cut/paste from firefox is broken03:59
dark2ycan somone plees help me .....03:59
yu5eubuntu did say "IBM laptop detected, refusing to load <some module>" could it have something to do with that ?03:59
djbryykuja, hahah ok03:59
ubuntu_newbI just installed Ubuntu 6.10 and I want to run a test web server from it for testing php/mysql and I also want FTP03:59
kujadjbryy: My ex-girlfriend used to live with me, she stops by like *everyday* even though we're not going out anymore.04:00
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topyliWhoWho: yes, it's definitely a bug04:00
ubotuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/04:00
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djbryykuja, alright then ... aha04:00
WhoWhoi discovered a bug lol04:00
djbryyLjL, man r u back from ur smole yet?04:00
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kujaWhoWho: No you didn't! Nuh uh!04:00
WhoWhoOk everyone listen up, You are bugged04:00
ubuntu_newbI installed Ubuntu Lamp on dapper drake but had trouble removing it04:00
Kingsqueaktrukosh: http://timeclock.sourceforge.net/04:00
kujaOur systems are flawless!04:00
topyliWhoWho: you can do the honors then, see if there already is one though04:00
ubuntu_newbwill I have that problem with 6.10?04:00
c_lispanybody know where I can get beryl svn04:00
c_lispall the respirtorys I see online don't work04:00
kujaWhat is "Ubuntu Lamp"?04:01
WhoWhowhere bug telling should go04:01
WhoWhobugzilla.ubuntu ?04:01
LjLdjbryy: now i am04:01
compengignomefreak: yay! it worked finally on uk :P04:01
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ubuntu_newbLinux Apache mySQL PHP04:01
c_lispits apache php mysqul linux04:01
djbryyLjL, alright ... so what would you like me to execute?04:01
TGPOkuja, Linux/Apache/mySGL/php04:01
LjLdjbryy: join #ubuntu-classroom please04:01
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots04:01
kujaOh pft04:01
pradeepc_lisp, after you install beryl you would have an option to get unstable/new stuff from svn04:01
djbryyLjL, how do i do that?04:01
kujaubuntu_newb: What kind of problems?04:01
yu5eok my thinkpad does meet the minimum requirements, is there something else that could be causing this? it runs xp fine04:02
dark2yhow can i skip over fsck???04:02
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ubuntu_newbI wouldn't remove the server04:02
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phichipsihi folks, i bought a maxtor external hd which is mounted on ntfs per default, which i cant write to using dapper. how could i make it writable? can i try to format it with fat?04:02
dark2ypleas somone has got to know..04:02
ubuntu_newbit said it removed the package with the sudo apt-get remove04:02
WhoWhoi will report this now, hoping to be my contribution in "Humanity" :P04:02
ubuntu_newbI think that was the command04:02
fyrestrtryu5e: you should try the alternate install cd.04:02
ubuntu_newbbut anyway, it didn't actually remove the server so I installed 6.10 but now I don't want to ruin this install04:02
cornellI don't seem to have sshd installed with ubuntu server, I usually use synaptic, I don't see in apt-get man how to get a list of packages.  How do I do that, or what's the package to apt-get?04:02
c_lisphmmm I don't get that pradeep04:02
trukoshThx Kingsqueak: I search sth more simple. I just wnat to push a button on my desktop and have a small dialog with current time, customer-list to choose one + a lil text field.04:03
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kujasudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql # when you remove them, just remove the same packages04:03
timbobstevehi all04:03
fyrestrtrcornell: apt-cache search somestring <-- search packages. To save you time, sudo apt-get install openssh-server will get you ssh.04:03
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djbryyLjL, I am on the chat room04:03
trukoshtrukosh, s/desktop/keyboard/04:03
ubuntu_newbI want to make sure I install the right server software so I don't have trouble removing it in the future.04:03
Kingsqueakcornell: apt-cache04:03
kujaOh, you'd probably want to do a special 'sudo apt-get remove php5*' though04:03
Kingsqueaktrukosh: ohhh, yeah there are some of those, let me see if I can find one04:03
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Kingsqueaktrukosh: try gtimer04:04
timbobstevedoes anyone know if sysv-rc-conf has become obsolete because of upstart? I was looking to kill some unneeded services to decrease startup time, but read that edgy uses Upstart, no sysv-init04:04
cornellThanks fyrestrtr04:04
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gnomefreakcompengi: it sounds like the servers near you are messed up04:04
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 64 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:05
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lazzarethYou know how people say you grep for the file in the partition, to recover deleted files on an ext3 filesystem.. how would one go about doing that?04:06
c_lispanybody know if I install dapper04:06
c_lispdeb for beryl will it med  up my new distro?04:06
nolimitsoyawhere can i find documentation for casper? there is no man page, and google returns nothing usefull, tomy eyes...04:06
trukoshKingsqueak, i'l give it a try :) - thx04:06
dark2ycan someone help me pls...04:06
dark2ypls pls..04:06
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compengignomefreak: yeah sounds like that04:07
nolimitsoya!ask | dark2y04:07
ubotudark2y: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:07
phichipsino way to mount a ntfs formatted external hdd as fat or format it?04:07
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dark2ylol.. how can i skip fsck???04:07
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compengignomefreak: i'm upgrading now and going to install nvidia-glx but i'm afraid that i'll mess it up can you guide me through please?04:07
nolimitsoyaphichipsi, you can always format a drive, bur never mount it as a diffrent filesystem than it is, and never format without loosing all your data04:08
pazemlsqdfmojquite annoying, my update manager doesnt work anymore :|04:08
topylic_lisp: i put beryl on my dapper laptop. it doesn't work perfectly at all but it didn't break the system either04:08
pazemlsqdfmojit just shows a grey screen04:08
gnomefreakcompengi: if im here i will help04:08
lazzarethphichipsi you could use ntfs-3g to mount the ntfs partition read and write-able? is that what your after?04:08
kujaIs anyone here running or has run Ubuntu off an external harddrive? (USB 2.0)04:08
compengignomefreak: okay thank you very much04:08
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pazemlsqdfmojanyone know of any problems with the update manager?04:08
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c_lispI use edgy though04:09
lazzarethpazemlsqdfmoj Whats wrong with   apt-get update  and  apt-get dist-upgrade04:09
phichipsilazzareth, i just want to write to my new harddrive. i don't need to have it ntfs-formatted. i would be glad to know how i could format it with a fs i could write to easily and safely04:09
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phichipsilazzareth, problem is, i never did that before and have no clue how to do it04:09
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lazzarethphichipsi: In which case a simple graphic way of formatting it would be to use 'gparted'  (sudo apt-get install gparted)  then format it to ext3 filesystem then it will automount (if external) but otherwise its easy to add another line in your fstab04:11
nolimitsoyaphichipsi, sudo apt-get install gparted && sudo gparted04:11
bulmerkuja yes I have installed dapper ubuntu for a friend on an external lacie usb 2.0 drive and runs off of it now at boot04:11
dark2yhow can i skip "*checking file system" on boot ???04:11
kujabulmer: 5400 RPM HDD?04:11
fyrestrtrdark2y: why?04:11
kujaOr is it 7200?04:11
nolimitsoyadark2y, you shouldnt, but you can edit your fstab04:11
phichipsilazzareth, nolimitsoya: thanks i will try04:11
streaki have a little problem installing ubuntu 6.06 and i'me wondering if someone can help me04:11
timbobanyone know about sysv-rc-conf on edgy?04:11
lazzarethstreak Ask Away04:11
nolimitsoya!ask | streak04:11
ubotustreak: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:11
fyrestrtrstreak: you could just come out and ask the question :)04:11
bulmerkuja: i dont know what speed that lacie usb 2.0 connected hd is04:11
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kujabulmer: What were his computer specs, and how did you run performance wise?04:12
dark2ybecause it stops my boot...04:12
nolimitsoyastill noone with a clue as where to find documentation for using casper?04:12
nolimitsoyadark2y, then something is wrong. very wrong, indeed04:12
nolimitsoyafix it04:12
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bulmerkuja: its a toshiba laptop, 1.6 gighz and 100 gig external usb drive..performancewise -- I dont know, its a client and I can only type 20 wpm04:13
dark2yi have ubuntu 6.10 and when i boot ... when it gets to *checking file system04:13
dark2yit just stops..04:13
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lazzarethdark2y: why are you even turning off your computer :P04:14
nolimitsoyadark2y, no errors? in that case, boot a live cd and do a manual fsck04:14
pazemlsqdfmojlazzareth: not the apt-get, but the update manager you can access through administration or the orange icon at the top right of your screen04:14
streaki'm trying to install ubuntu in a pc (amd xp2400) with 3 hd. and on the boot screen the system alts saying that it can't connect to tty. if i unplug the 2 disks and leave only the disk where i want to install ubuntu the system boots ok.04:14
streakwhat can be wrong?04:14
kujabulmer: I was planning on using my 60GB to run Ubuntu, because Windows doesn't like booting off USB disks, so I was just curious how the performance was. I'm running a Celeron 2.2GHz, oh well. Thanks :)04:14
fyrestrtrstreak: are all your disk the same type? (all sata, all ide)04:14
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streakall ide04:15
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fyrestrtrstreak: they are all empty?04:15
lazzarethBut apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade   is the cli equivalent !04:15
bulmerkuja: you're worried of Windows not booting of USB or is it Linux that you can not get running off of an external usb?04:15
lazzareth@ pazemlsqdfmoj ^04:15
dark2ylet me try that..04:15
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pazemlsqdfmojlazzareth: i wish to see what exactly im updating before i update it, last time it uninstalled my soundcard :|04:15
kujabulmer: Well, I'm installing now, it's just taking a very long time (installing Ubuntu on my USB HDD via QEMU cause I don't have CD burner to burn the CD image on). Windows does *not* boot off a USB harddrive.04:16
streaknot. 1 is windows istalation and the other is formated in ntfs (for stockage) only one is empty for now04:16
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kujabulmer: Windows reinitializes the USB device at load time thus cutting off control and causing it to crash.04:16
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bulmerkuja: fyi, my friends laptop runs normally windows xp, we have to tell its bios to go and have the external usb as the primary boot04:16
lazzarethdist-upgrade will give you the update summary before proceeding! it will ask whether it is ok to proceed04:16
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nolimitsoyawhould the developer mailinglist be a good place to ask for casper documentation?04:16
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kujabulmer: If my life depended on it, I probably couldn't get Windows to boot off my external :(04:17
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kujaWhat did you have to do? Did you have to install the extra drivers?04:17
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bulmerkuja: in the bios, it should detect your primary hdd and usb drive, then you select from which of the two it should be booting it off from04:17
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kujabulmer: I could do that with F9, and it gets up to the part where it starts to load Windows... then *bam*, it crashes.04:18
bulmerkuja: no external drivers, just on the Bios, we selected internal hdd or external hdd to boot from04:18
gumuzi have instaled ubuntu server with a wrong keyboard layout, anyone knows how to change it?04:18
kujaIt is said this is a problem with Windows reinitializing the USB device.04:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:18
bulmerkuja: we did not load via the vmware or qemu emulation, the laptop is either going to boot to XP or Linux via the bios hdd selection04:19
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gumuzany ideas?04:19
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kujabulmer: How was Windows installed in the first place?04:19
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bulmerkuja: umm its distributed with XP as its installed OS when she bought it04:19
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kujabulmer: to the external, I mean. Did you boot into the CD natively?04:19
bulmerwe didnt have to putch around the XP04:20
ubuntu_newbah... I think I'll just install xp on this system and run a WAMP server04:20
streakanyone have a idea of what cant be going wrong in my case?04:20
crowHi all, i cant boot or install Ubuntu Edgy, I cant switch to console when it stop. It start to unpack kernel, and then it fill itself up to i think 90% and then it stop :(04:20
|r466er|www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/5125 can anybody help me please?04:20
kujaI know Linux can boot just fine from a USB external. But AFAIK, or thought, Windows can't.04:20
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bulmerkuja: yes, in the BIOS< the sequence was 1) CDROM 2) ext usb drive 3) internal hdd04:20
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kujabulmer: That's just the same as pressing your function key to pop up the boot menu and selecting which device you'd like to boot, and I used the boot menu to boot the external and it crashed Windows after the loader popped up :(04:21
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phichipsilazzareth, hmm, i can't select the "fomat to" dialog, it is deactivated in gparted04:22
m0biu5can anyone tell me the benefits of using sparse memory over flat memory in kernel config04:22
kujaAlso, Windows wouldn't install for me through booting from the CD, it didn't want to install on my external because there wasn't a free partition on my internal that it could write the MBR to.04:22
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bulmerkuja: i dont know what you have done, but do it like so, recover to your Windows XP first okay..make sure everything is working04:22
cosm0z`gumuz, type dpkg-reconfigure console-data in ur console window04:22
gumuzit says console data not installed04:23
lazzarethphichipsi: you will need to delete the current ntfs partition before continuing04:23
bulmerkuja: you can boot off of live cd ubuntu ? or not at all?04:23
phichipsilazzareth, well all the actions are deselected04:23
kujabulmer: I can.04:23
crowOr even i cant boot to Safe Graphic mode...04:23
crowcan somebody help me04:23
bulmerkuja: can you get back to your XP without a problem?04:24
cosm0z`gumuz, sudo apt-get install console-data04:24
kujaI don't have XP anymore. My internal (IDE) has Ubuntu installed. I would *like* to have my external (USB) to have Windows XP installed.04:24
bulmerkuja: ahh..that I dont know how to get your system to tell boot XP off USB..04:25
lazzarethphichipsi then the harddrive is currently active, go into terminal and type   sudo umount /dev/      then your hard drive followed by the partition number name  e.g.    umount /dev/sda104:25
kujabulmer: Oh, it *boots* XP off USB. Like I said, it gets to the Windows XP loader, then it crashes.04:25
gumuzit says not available, but replaced by unicode data04:25
lazzarethphichipsi Then reopen gparted and try again04:25
bulmerkuja: i wanted to try this myself, use VMWARE on linux and run XP on top of it..I have not done yet04:25
gumuzi install that04:25
compengignomefreak: i'm ready to install nvidia driver04:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:26
gumuzbut reconfigure unicode-data doesnt do anything04:26
kujaThe reason it crashes (from reading a lot around Google), is that Windows will reintialize the USB device in the middle of loading from it, that means it loses control of the device and can't read from it anymore, causing it to crash.04:26
gnomefreakcompengi: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx04:26
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gnomefreakcompengi: let me know when thats done :)04:26
higihello, i would rythmbox to go to the next song when i press a specific key04:27
higiis that possible?04:27
bulmerkuja: what you read is probably right, you should have not done the drastic move of wiping out XP on your internal..04:27
compengignomefreak: okay :)04:27
kujabulmer: I never had XP on my internal.04:27
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gnomefreakcompengi: make sure you have linux-restricted-modules package for your kernel04:27
compengignomefreak: btw i have fx 5500 is it nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx?04:27
bulmerkuja: oh oh..my mistake..04:27
kujaI've always had Ubuntu on my internal. I would just like to have XP now so I could play some games natively... missing my games :)04:27
gnomefreakcompengi: nvidia-glx04:27
kujaIt's been a long time since I played games, just want to get back into it, you see :)04:28
gnomefreakcompengi: i have 3 of those cards :)04:28
gumuzi cant install console data, why?04:28
higihello, i would rythmbox to go to the next song when i press a specific key, is it possible?04:28
compengignomefreak: lol04:28
bulmerkuja: maybe you can try VMWARE? let me know as I'd like to run windows2003 off it too for learning04:28
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ubuntu_newbthats the only thing that sucks about linux04:28
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compengignomefreak: send me one :P04:28
ubuntu_newbyou can't play windows games...04:28
kujabulmer: I used to run Windows XP off VMWare a very long time ago. This was on a 500MHz machine. It was actually quite usable.04:28
kujaVMWare is a virtual machine though, you can't play games on it and get the same performance, you realize? :)04:29
ubuntu_newbvmware will let you run windows games?04:29
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ubuntu_newbI have a core 2 duo system with 2 gigs of ram04:29
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sudharshubuntu_newb, try cedega04:29
gnomefreakubuntu_newb: you run windows in a vmware so yes you can do anything you would normally do04:29
ubuntu_newbI wonder if I could run VMWARE with xp and play games without lag04:29
bulmerkuja: am an old man, i dont do games that much at all other than majjong ..lol04:29
kujaubuntu_newb: No, you can't.04:29
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crowHi all, i cant boot or install Ubuntu Edgy, I cant switch to console when it stop. It start to unpack kernel, and then it fill itself up to i think 90% and then it stop :(04:29
kujaExpect lots of lag, ubuntu_newb04:30
phichipsilazzareth, let  me   itry04:30
ubuntu_newbI see04:30
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felixjethi, when i use sudo apt-get ... the console ask me for root password. how can i skip that?04:30
ubuntu_newbI play Desert Combat and BF204:30
kujaThe best way to play games on Linux is through Cedega04:30
ubuntu_newbI can't play them on linux04:30
CrippsFXheh ... I did a really newbie thing ... I was adding a module to /etc/modules using "sudo echo <modulename> > /etc/modules" ..thing is ">" over-writes the file whereas ">>" concatenates it ... does anyone know how I can get my old modules file back?04:30
gnomefreakfelixjet: sudo -i04:30
bobbbyhey im back04:30
jribfelixjet: it doesn't ask for your root password, it asks for your user password04:30
elTigrehow can I limit the download bandwidth of apt-get or wget?04:30
kujabulmer: =)04:30
gnomefreakfelixjet: it will only ask when you open it with sudo -i04:30
kujabulmer: Yeah, but it wasn't bad for clicking around and doing stuff :)04:30
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higihello, i would rythmbox to go to the next song when i press a specific key, is it possible?04:31
kujabulmer: You don't even need to purchase VMWare.04:31
felixjetbut, i used it days ago with no password, i just send sudo apt-get and it didnt ask for pass04:31
ubuntu_newbso even with a fast system I couldn't run windows games on a vmware windows xp image?04:31
kujaYou can create a harddrive file using qemu-img.04:31
kujaAnd VMWare player can use it.04:31
bulmerkuja: right, my eyes are too weak to play those hi rez games...lol04:31
bobbbyhow do i log in as a router+04:31
bobbbyon the 6.10 console, using the live cd04:32
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ubuntu_newbas a router?04:32
kujaubuntu_newb: Any computer can run the games, it's just not going to be fast.04:32
bobbbyas a root*04:32
sc0ttyI found my problem, now I still need a solution (working on it). the initrd.img file that ubuntu (re)wrote before rebooting is not valid ...04:32
ubuntu_Hello everyone :)04:32
ubuntu_How are you?04:32
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gnomefreakcompengi: are the drivers and linux-restricted-modules-(whatever uname-r says04:32
ubuntu_newbso even a core 2 duo E6400 couldn't run the game smoothly with vmware?04:32
compengignomefreak: Selecting previously deselected package nvidia-glx.04:33
compengi(Reading database ... 88241 files and directories currently installed.)04:33
compengiUnpacking nvidia-glx (from .../nvidia-glx_1.0.8776+ ...04:33
compengiSetting up nvidia-glx (1.0.8776+ ...04:33
bobbbymm.. as a root.... help...04:33
kujaubuntu_newb: "software rendering"04:33
ubuntu_newbI see.04:33
kujaubuntu_newb: Everything is rendered by software.04:33
jrib!root | bobbby04:33
ubotubobbby: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:33
compengignomefreak: uname -r04:33
crowIs there any alternativ to boot Ubuntu 6.10 (norlam or Safe mode) doesnt boot it or install04:33
gnomefreakcompengi: good :)04:33
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ubuntu_newbThat's crap because I really like linux04:33
ubuntu_newbI would love to run it on my main machine but I can't play my games... not to mention a number of other things.04:34
jribbobbby: see what ubotu said04:34
bulmerbobby: what you want done?04:34
gnomefreakcompengi: just to be sure please sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic04:34
kujaubuntu_newb: You ever played Counter-Strike back in the day when we didn't have really good computers and when you used software rendering you'd be like, "This is so slow and laggy!" and then you put it on DirectX or OpenGL you'd be like "Oh wow, it's so much faster and smoother now!"?04:34
=== Omar [n=omarmasa@CPE0014bfa9e58c-CM014480006654.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
OmarHello :)04:34
OmarHow is everyone today?04:34
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compengignomefreak: 0 new04:34
gnomefreakcompengi: perfect04:34
gnomefreakcompengi: lets try easy way first04:35
nolimitsoyaany clue as where to find documentation for making a live cd using casper?04:35
bobbbyi have a ati card, and the xwindows doesnt start, i tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:35
ubuntu_newbYeah I know what you mean... so that's the difference between running a native windows and virtual windows system?04:35
gnomefreakcompengi: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable04:35
kujaubuntu_newb: Correct04:35
gnomefreakcompengi: let me know if it gives you output04:35
compengignomefreak: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable04:35
compengiError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed04:35
compengithe nvidia driver for your running kernel.04:35
gnomefreakfigured as much04:35
kujaubuntu_newb: It's good for just running a desktop.04:35
crowIs there any alternativ to boot Ubuntu 6.10 (norlam or Safe mode) doesnt boot it or install04:36
gnomefreakcom gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:36
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gnomefreakcompengi: - the com04:36
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gnomefreakcompengi: let me know when that file opens in gedit04:36
compengignomefreak: i opend xorg.conf04:36
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kujaubuntu_newb: For example, right now I'm installing Ubuntu on my USB harddrive from a virtual machine (qemu), and it's been over 2 hous since I started, AND I'm installing from a text-based installer, nothing graphical.04:37
OmarHow are you doing?04:37
gnomefreakcompengi: now scroll down til you see Section "Device" Identifier"NVIDIA Corporation NV18 [GeForce404:37
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dark2yso.. i have the same problem..04:37
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compengignomefreak: i'm there :)04:37
OmarSorry to bother, can someone help me?04:37
bobbbyi have a ati card, and the xwindows doesnt start, i tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:37
bobbbyi have a ati card, and the xwindows doesnt start, i tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:37
bobbbyi have a ati card, and the xwindows doesnt start, i tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:37
phichipsilazzareth, ok i got it. the only problem: when i plug it in it gets mounted so only root can write to it, how could i modify that so i can write to it with my user account?04:37
dark2yfsck dosen't work right04:38
gnomefreakcompengi: make the line driver look like drivera90 "nvidia"04:38
gnomefreakbobbby: please use pastebin to paste04:38
dark2ycan somone help me??04:38
apokryphos!repeat | bobbby04:38
ubotubobbby: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:38
dark2yi am running the bootcd ...04:38
gnomefreakbetter yet dont repeat that often04:38
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OmarI am trying to play around with LEDs. Using the parallel port, trying to get a LED to turn on and off...04:38
compengignomefreak: done :)04:38
gnomefreakcompengi: save and close it04:38
CrippsFX!ask | dark2y04:38
ubotudark2y: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:38
compengignomefreak: okay04:38
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OmarHeh OK :P04:38
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gnomefreakcompengi: now ctrl+alt+backspace  after you close everything you are working in04:39
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gnomefreakcompengi: wait04:39
gnomefreakcompengi: dont yet04:39
dark2yhow can i fsck from ubuntu livecd..04:39
Alakazamz0rAny reason this wouldn't be a good gaming card for Linux?: http://www.directron.com/bfgr73256gsoce.html04:39
compengignomefreak: i'm holding04:39
bobbbyhave anyone installed 6.10 on a box with a ati card?04:39
gnomefreakcompengi: lspci -v can you please paste the output in pastebin04:39
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lazzarethphichipsi:   sudo chown yourUsername /mount/devicename     or you could      sudo chmod 777 /mount/devicename04:40
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OmarWhat is the base address of the Parallel Port, anyone know how to find out?04:40
gnomefreakcompengi: and open your /etc/X11/xorg.conf again as gksudo04:40
porkpie__guy, is the postfix install for ubuntu default set to smtp auth04:40
gnomefreakcompengi: jusat want to check one thing04:40
boricuai just saw that ubuntu -CE has a gui for dansguardian, how can i get the gui into regular edgy04:40
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ubotudansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 1464 kB04:40
gnomefreakcompengi: int he xorg.conf scroll down to same place04:40
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OmarAnyone :P?04:41
OmarWhat is the base address of the Parallel Port, anyone know how to find out?04:41
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compengignomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31234/04:41
OmarWhat is the base address of the Parallel Port, anyone know how to find out?04:41
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compengignomefreak: i'm in the file04:41
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gnomefreakcompengi: ok let me get what im looking for04:41
baxter_kylieAnyone here with some basic mdadm experience?04:41
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gnomefreakcompengi: what does this line say BusID"PCI:2:09:0"04:42
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compengignomefreak: BusID"PCI:1:0:0"04:42
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Sikonlooks like I have another problem with OOo04:42
gnomefreakcompengi: perfect :)04:42
gnomefreakcompengi: save and close04:42
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gnomefreakcompengi: close all otehr apps04:42
Sikonif I start it by double-clicking a file, some icons on the toolbar disappear04:42
compengignomefreak: i didn't change anything04:42
gnomefreakcompengi: ctrl+alt+backspace :)04:43
gnomefreakcompengi: than just colse it04:43
Sikonand only appear when I move the mouse over them04:43
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gnomefreakcompengi: no04:43
gnomefreakcompengi: damnit04:43
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lazzarethphichipsi: Ohh, by 'devicename' i dont mean the harddrive name, if ubuntu automounted it, it would be named something silly like 'usbdisk'? use that that name.04:43
gnomefreakcompengi: open the file back up04:43
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gnomefreakwere gonna change the busid line04:43
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bobbbyvvvvvvvxwindows doesnt start  on my live session cd, how do i get it started04:43
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timbobstevehi all... I am trying to install packages from my Ubuntu 6.06 cd... but apt-get insists on downloading all the packages from the net... this is a pain, because my internet is slow... how do i force it to use the packages on the CD and not re-download them?04:44
compengignomefreak: change to what?04:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
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gnomefreakcompengi: make it read that04:44
compengignomefreak: 00?04:44
apokryphosbobbby: what are you doing?04:45
gnomefreakcompengi: yes you want it to read 1:00:004:45
baxter_kylietimbobsteve: Order your sources in /etc/apt/sources.lst with cd-rom enabled and uncommented on top.04:45
compengignomefreak: okay done04:45
gnomefreakcompengi: now save close close all others ctrl+alt+ackspace04:45
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gnomefreakbackspace even04:45
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timbobstevebaxter_kylie: i have done that and also ran an apt-get update, but it still insists on download all the files from the net.... I am trying to install ubuntu-desktop metapackage, which I KNOW is on the Ubuntu cd04:46
bobbbyapokryphos: what?04:46
gnomefreakcompengi: if it errors change the driver section to use vesa instead of nvidia04:46
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bobbbyapokryphos: im trying to get xwindows started :(04:46
gnomefreakthan come back04:46
baxter_kylietimbobsteve: Well it goes with the newest copy.04:46
bobbbyapokryphos: the xwindows have problems with my ati card04:46
compengignomefreak: okay and how to get of it if i'm stuck there?04:46
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baxter_kylietimbobsteve: It could be that the cd is outdated. In which case you could install off the cd and at your next apt-get upgrade you'd have to download the whole thing again anyway.04:47
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timbobstevebaxter_kylie: i have recently ran an apt-get upgrade on my system... hmmmm... so how do I force it to install the older versions ?04:47
baxter_kylietimbobsteve: If you don't care about security patches or being up-to-date just comment out all the online repositories.04:47
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jerpI have a malformed line in my /etc/apt/sources.list file, is there an easy way to correct that ?04:48
gnomefreakcompengi: when it errors you will see a blue screen with text boxes read it remember lines with [EE]  and just go throught hte files til you are dropped to a login prompt log in than sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change driver to vesa than startx after saving it04:48
timbobstevebaxter_kylie:  OK.. will try that04:48
gnomefreakjerp: what line04:48
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jerpit says line 2 and that is the cd rom04:48
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bobbbygnomefreak: i have the same problem and tryed to change de driver to vesa, but dint work04:48
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gnomefreakjerp: add a # to the front of it if you plan on using the net for installing things04:48
gnomefreakbobbby: edgy?04:49
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phichipsilazzareth, ahh okay04:49
bobbbygnomefreak: i yep04:49
gnomefreakbobbby: make sure you have xserver-xorg-video-all installed04:49
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bobbbygnomefreak: mmm... im using the livecd04:49
gnomefreakbobbby: thats why04:49
timbobstevebaxter_kylie: commenting out all the online sources and doing an apt update didn't work... it still wants the online versions :/04:49
Tchakahello, someone knows how I can change the associate foto with my user (this one that we can see  at the start of GDM)04:49
jerpIve gone insto synaptic and cleared the check marks and it didnt halt the error message04:49
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baxter_kylietimbobsteve: apt-get clean04:50
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baxter_kylietimbobsteve: apt-get update04:50
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baxter_kylietimbobsteve: Then try.04:50
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compengignomefreak: it worked :D04:50
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bobbbygnomefreak: so.. how do i do :S04:50
surfacei can't find a lots of manual for programming API04:50
timbobstevebaxter_kylie: ahhhh ok.. will try that. thx04:50
gnomefreakjerp: close synptic and in terminal type sudo apt-get update and paste the output to pastebin for someone to look at.04:50
compengignomefreak: thank you very much04:50
gnomefreakcompengi: :)04:50
gnomefreakcompengi: anytime04:50
surfacefor example i wanna find strlen, man strlen returns nothing04:50
bobbbyi tryed dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg, but it gave me an error04:51
jribsurface: manpages-dev04:51
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gnomefreakbobbby: that i dont know i dont play with livecd often enough. only time i use it is to test bugs :)04:51
surfacewhat to apt-get for those manuals?04:51
bobbbygnomefreak: i tryed dpkg-reconfigre xserver-xorg, but it gave me an error04:51
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gnomefreakbobbby: im not sure you can change the livecd video set up04:51
bluszczhow can i play music using second sound device?04:51
compengignomefreak: what's the command to install all needed files for a certain program?04:51
gnomefreakits gonna read what it knows04:51
compengii always forget it =/04:51
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jerpgnomefreak, ok04:51
timbobstevebaxter_kylie:  `apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install ubuntu-desktop`..... it is now saying that the package is not available... I have the cd inserted and everything : /04:51
keithhhhhhow do you reduce the size of videos in Ubuntu, I have my own DV video I want to compress04:52
gnomefreakcompengi: what program and are you gonna build it?04:52
compengignomefreak: x-chat04:52
baxter_kylietimbobsteve: are you sure the cd isn't commented out?04:52
SlimGsamba wont start, where can i read the log?04:52
gnomefreakcompengi: sudo aptitude install xchat  should get you the recommeded packages the suggested packages and the normal packages04:52
baxter_kyliekeithhhhhh: !transcode04:53
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gnomefreakcompengi: if you are trying to build it from source its a bit different04:53
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compengignomefreak: yeah from a source04:53
Kingsqueakthis is probably a FAQ, but, with manpages, the charset doesn't seem to play nice with en_US.UTF-8 when LANG is set to that, what's the fix?04:53
bobbbygnomefreak: can i install directly without  starting the live session?04:53
gnomefreakcompengi: or open synptic and search xchat and install everything you want04:53
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jerpok, it there in paste04:53
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie:  transcode is that the name of a program?04:53
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gnomefreakcompengi: sudo apt-get build-dep xchat04:53
stojanceWHat is the program that uses this command: git clone git://dev.laptop.org/sugar-jhbuild ????????04:53
timbobstevebaxter_kylie:  I am sure.... ok.. after all those commands I did an apt-cache search for ubuntu-desktop..... it turns out that meta-package isn't on the 6.06 CD.... funny though... I thought it would have been.... looks like I will have to bite the bullet...04:53
gnomefreakbobbby: you would need the alternate cd for that04:54
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: Yes. There's also mencoder.04:54
patientfoxhi i just did a fresh install and i think i chose the wrong keyboard layout... how do i change it?04:54
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keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: thanks :) Ill try both04:54
=== gnomefreak brb smoke time
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baxter_kyliekeithhhh: But transcode has several guis that are very nice.04:54
baxter_kylietimbobsteve: Ahh.04:54
bobbbygnomefreak: ok thanxs04:54
timbobstevebaxter_kylie:  thanks for the help.04:55
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SlimGsamba wont start, where can I read it's log?04:55
bobbbyhave anyone started the live session of edgy with a ati card?04:55
baxter_kylieAnyone with a little mdadm experience here?04:55
nox-HandMy mate is installing Ubuntu on his laptop. When he has the partition table set up correctly, and he clicks next, it says no root partition! He has hda7 as ext3, reformat and mounted as / in the partition table editor04:55
nox-HandAny ideas?04:55
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: ok Ill try it first thanks... any advice on video editing software.... like software with good transactions or can do titling04:55
compengignomefreak: can i use http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories for edgy?04:55
burepeI got an azureus warning in the bottom right that I can't get rid of. Any suggestions?04:55
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: One of those transcode based apps I know is quite excellent.04:56
Peloburepe,  what is the warning ?04:56
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java1Morin all04:56
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: I just can't remember the name. It's perl or python based... probably perl.04:56
nox-HandThis can't be fixed :-(04:56
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keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: thanx goign to try transcoder now  ;)04:57
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surfacejrib, thx04:57
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gnomefreakcompengi: you need the src repos for each. i would use the guide at help.ubuntu.com04:57
java1Had an question on install of software main, just got cd in mail04:57
burepeIf you have a router/firewall, please check that you have port 63327 UDP open. Decentralized tracking requires this. 2 more messages04:57
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gnomefreaknow i am going to go smoke04:57
Pelonox-Hand, if you don'T get an answer here try looking it up in the forum04:57
patientfoxdoes anyone know how to change the keyboard layout after an install?04:57
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Peloburepe,  do you have a router ?04:57
burepePelo; up above but I think t he problem is just the gui04:58
compengignomefreak: okay thank you and have fun04:58
burepePelo; I just got fiber and I got a router but it should be fine04:58
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: I think I'm thinking of dvdrip04:58
burepeI just can't get rid of the warning04:58
jerpgoing into .... system/preferences/keyboard ???04:58
burepelike i can't click it off04:58
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Peloburepe,  when using a router with any bittorent client you need to forward ports,  go and ask for help on this in #azureus-support ,  on this network04:59
jerpsecond tab04:59
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fyrestrtrburepe: that's a known bug in azureus.04:59
burepepelo, it is not a router problem04:59
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burepefyrestrtr: is there a way to get rid of it?04:59
java1Ok I'll try forums first then if not there will be back ty for time04:59
fyrestrtrburepe: I had mine fixed by downloading the latest beta at the time, I believe the current version has this bug resolved. You can download it from their website.04:59
Peloburepe,  it is a router problem  trust me , I use to be an op in #azureus05:00
baxter_kylieAnyone with any basic mdadm experience here? I just need to initialize an array but I'm terrified of doing something to erase it.05:00
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djbryyLjL, this one is nuts !!       http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31239/05:00
burepePelo listen to what fyrestrtr is saying05:00
fyrestrtrPelo: his problem is that he cannot dismiss the popup, not that he can't forward the ports.05:00
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keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: by the way what version of transcode do you use?05:00
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JimmeyHow can I change the theme in XGL?05:00
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bobbbyThis is lame: so anyone with ati cards wont be able to use the live cd?05:00
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: whatever's newest in the repositories.05:00
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fyrestrtrJimmey: install the theme manager -- please ask xgl questions in #ubuntu-xgl05:01
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fyrestrtrbobbby: where did you get that idea?05:01
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: ya but I cant seem to find it in the repositories, I found a deb version though on the net05:01
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xd45anyone here adept in partitioning? I am trying to set up partition for a new install that would enable me to keep media like movies, music and sensitive data separate from an install incase something breaks05:01
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burepefyrestrtr: I just downloaded this one though. I wonder if it is fixed.05:02
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fyrestrtrxd45: create a separate home partition, and store all your files in your home directory.05:02
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: $sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dvdrip05:02
bobbbyfyrestrtr: well u have that problem and i havent found the solution, some so called solutions just work for the not live cd05:02
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Kingsqueakxd45: ideal would be to have a separate disk05:02
Kingsqueakxd45: reason is, it's easy to delete a partition or reformat it by mistake on install05:02
bobbbyfyrestrtr: well i* have that problem and i havent found the solution, some so called solutions just work for the not live cd05:02
fyrestrtrburepe: the problem is with some java libs (I forgot the exact one) -- but if you run the script that comes in the zip download, it will load the libs from the archive itself, and not your system-wide libs, and that solves the problem.05:02
xd45I do not have a separate disk, so that is out: what I was thinking was something like /home /movies /music etc?05:03
fyrestrtrbobbby: what problem do you have exactly?05:03
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: If you haven't already you must enable universe and multiverse repositories.05:03
Kingsqueakxd45: well when you format the drive, just create a partition for that05:03
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fyrestrtrxd45: you don't need a separate disk, just a separate partition.05:03
xd45But I have always used the default partitions and don't know how to label everything properly etc05:03
nox-HandPelo, Right, found the problem, and fixed it :) Thanks05:03
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: Ill look into it but I thought I did05:03
Kingsqueakxd45: just write down which one it is so you don't forget05:03
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: also I dont need dvdrip05:03
xd45like what about /tmp /var etc05:03
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: Im just looking to compress my own avi videos05:04
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baxter_kyliekeithhhh: okay. dvd rip is a perl frontend for transcode05:04
xd45I have a 60 GB hd and would like to use most of it for the media and as little as possible for the install05:04
burepefyrestrtr: that is a little over my head but thanks05:04
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xd45make sense?05:04
=== Chetic [i=AltChet@84-216-43-100.sprayadsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu
Kingsqueakxd45: you should add your own and call the mountpoint /mymedia or something unrelated to an install05:04
bobbbyfyrestrtr: i downloaded the live cd of 6.10, but the xwindow doesnt start, i have tryed to change the driver to mesa, but didnte work, i tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but didnt work05:04
baxter_kyliekeithhhh: replace 'dvdrip' with 'transcode' if you just want a command-line only version.05:04
jerpmy problem is the apt-get update response: E: Malformed line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/edgy-universe.list (dist parse)05:04
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bobbbyfyrestrtr: i downfyrestrtr: the driver to vesa *05:04
CheticI can't start the Ubuntu installation because it can't even start X.. Says no screens found. Please, please help05:05
jribjerp: pastebin your sources.list05:05
xd45Kingsqueak: k, but what about the most important parts like swap etc05:05
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keithhhhhah ok cool05:05
jerpjrib okie doke05:05
xd45I do no know how large they should be or what all I NEED to make it all work05:05
nox-HandHow does ShockWave work in Linux?05:05
Kingsqueakxd45: let the installer pick those, but you'll need to go into manual mode to override what it suggests05:05
bobbbyfyrestrtr: sorry, i changed the driver to vesa*05:05
Kingsqueakxd45: /swap should be at least equal to RAM, if you don't have a ton of RAM, it should be double05:05
jribnox-Hand: adobe doesn't make shockwave for linux, so it doesn't really.  Best you can do is install it in a firefox running through wine05:05
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xd45i have 256 mb of ram05:06
Kingsqueakxd45: then setup the install to do  /  /swap  /mymedia05:06
Kingsqueakxd45: make your /swap 512M then for some added headroom if something goes wrong with a process05:06
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xd45ok what about size of / and /home05:06
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Kingsqueakyou said 60G right, I'd make / hmm 10G just to leave yourself some extra room, you could make it smaller, but not a great plan IMO05:07
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dk0rWhy can't I find Firefox 2 in Synaptic ?05:07
Kingsqueakxd45: leave /home on /, don't split it out , it's simpler05:07
xd45you mean home?05:07
jerpjrib, it up at paste bin05:07
bobbbyfyrestrtr: any idea?05:07
Kingsqueakxd45: /home will actually be on / unless you make a seperate partition for it05:08
jribjerp: what is the url?05:08
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xd45Kingsqueak: u if I put /home on its own partition it would help if something breaks, right?05:08
dk0rWhy can't I find Firefox 2 in Synaptic ?05:08
jribdk0r: what version of ubuntu are you using?05:08
Kingsqueakxd45: yeah it could, you could install if you note what partition that is, and keep the data05:08
jribdk0r: 6.06 doesn't have firefox 205:08
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CheticWhy can't the install CD start X? It says it can't find any devices05:08
xd45Kingsqueak: can I pm ya05:08
dk0rjrib: So i cannot install it?05:08
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Kingsqueakxd45: my only concern is that you need to be careful with a reinstall to avoid formatting an existing partition and without really understanding this already, I fear you may do that by mistake is all05:09
LeeHarveyxd45 putting your /home elsewhere will let you re-install or repair installs without losing your desktop and user preferences.05:09
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bobbbyChetic: hey man i have the same problem, are using the live cd?05:09
jribdk0r: you can, but not through the package manager (unless you upgrade to 6.10).  Do you want the instructions on installing it without using the apckage manager?05:09
xd45LeeHarvey: I se maybe that is what I should do05:09
Kingsqueakxd45: I'd prefer not, just because I have several windows going already05:09
LeeHarveyI use it on another partition so i can share my settings across various flavors too.05:09
dk0rjrib: Sure. Got a link? I downloaded the file from mozillas site, but i dont know what to do with it.05:09
jrib!firefox > dk0r05:09
Kingsqueakxd45: plus you get ideas from everybody this way05:09
LeeHarveyI run xubuntu, mandrake and gentoo, all sharing the same /home directory05:10
xd45LeeHarvey: I have never partitioned other than using the defaults05:10
xd45so this is new waters for me05:10
xd45right Kingsqueak05:10
prestosdanyone know how to fix a shutdown splash problem??05:10
LeeHarveyIt's not as scary as it looks05:10
dk0rjrib: thanks05:10
jribdk0r: np05:10
Cheticbobbby, I think so05:10
jribjerp: what line did it say had a syntax error?05:11
minimecoufff!!! Let's say I am happy to know a lot about debian and the console. My dapper-Edgy update wasn't clean at all!! well now I got my xserver back running and with aptitude I was able to do a clean update. Took me an hour!05:11
LeeHarveyAnyone have an X-fi soundsystem?05:11
xd45LeeHarvey: how would you suggest splitting up a 60 gb hd?05:11
Cheticbobbby, what the hell do we do?05:11
LeeHarveyI've read several places it is unsupported until 200705:11
LeeHarveyxd45: personal preference really.05:11
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Kingsqueakxd45: is this just a file server or a graphical workstation?05:11
dk0rjrib: What is libstdc++5 ? That page says it needs to be installed, but gives no reason why or what it is.05:11
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pooh_beawrwhere can I find instructions on upgrading to eft?05:12
LeeHarveyi generally give root about 10 gigs, but i don't use a seperate partition for apps or /usr05:12
fyrestrtrxd45: 10 for /, the rest for /home05:12
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jribdk0r: libstdc++5 - The GNU Standard C++ Library v305:12
Kingsqueakxd45: other than your media files, how much data files do you generally make?  That will determine /home if you store them there05:12
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Otacon22can I use mplayer for seeing TV by a TV card? Actually I use "Tv Zapping" and work good05:12
xd45Kingsqueak: quite a few05:12
dk0rjrib: Is that allready installed on 6.06 ?05:12
jerpI don care for the charcoal splash screen in edgy, it brings out the flaws in my LCD05:12
Kingsqueakxd45: what fyrestrtr suggested might be the easy way for you , just make /home/media once you setup the partition on /home and keep your media files there05:12
jribdk0r: you can check with   apt-cache policy libstdc++505:13
xd45see what I would like is to save most data files on a separate partition that way if i want to reinstall or switch distros I can just leave them05:13
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Kingsqueakxd45: or just keep them in your own /home if it's just you05:13
jerpsomeone took a brillo to the screen surface05:13
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CheticHow do you start the LiveCD with different graphics drivers? Since the "ati" driver doesn't work05:13
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Akuma_is there a way to hide gnome's notification area, in the same way winxp does with the system tray?05:13
dk0rHrm.. Ok. I'll have to get familiar w/ the command line then.05:13
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jribdk0r: well you could check the same thing in synaptic too05:13
xd45as it stands right now I have 40+ GB of data to back up after i reinstall so I want to avoid that in the future by just leaviing them on the disk\05:14
fyrestrtrAkuma_: its just a plugin to the panel, you can remove the plugin by right clicking it.05:14
LeeHarveyAkuma_: probably.. just remove the plugin05:14
LeeHarveybut i don't use gnome... and someone else agreed so i guess I was right05:14
xd45which is why i want a partition for those files, make sense?05:14
Akuma_fyrestrtr: LeeHarvey: i wanna keep it, i'd just like it to take less space05:14
Kingsqueakxd45: yeah just make a /home then, the only catch there is when you change releases, sometimes it's useful to wipe out your .dotfiles so things run more predictably05:14
dk0rjrib: Will do. But I need to learn command line anyways. Does that bot have a link to an apt-get command line tutorial ?05:14
jrib!apt > dk0r05:15
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fyrestrtr!apt | dk0r05:15
ubotudk0r: apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:15
LeeHarveyAkuma_: I *think* you can adjust it.  But i don't use gnome, so don't swear by my theory05:15
xd45Kingsqueak: if I just make a home, i will lose everything if i need to reinstall right?05:15
jerpakuma right clik and find remove05:15
Kingsqueakxd45: not if you tell the installer not to reformat it05:15
Kingsqueakxd45: that's what you need to remember05:15
dk0rjrib:  Thanks again.05:15
Akuma_jerp: i dont want to remove it05:15
LeeHarveyyeah, don't format /home05:15
LeeHarveyits even easier to remember if you have 2 drives05:15
Kingsqueakxd45: and I'd still recommend you back it up just to be safe, it's an easy mistake to make05:15
LeeHarveyI've got a 20 gig and 3 200 gig drives05:16
xd45ok, i'm getting confused now05:16
LeeHarveyso i only mess with format/partitioning on the 20 gig drive05:16
jerpakuma, you want to edit what and how long it appears05:16
fyrestrtrxd45: if you choose the 'default partitioning scheme' option, then you will lose it all, since most distros gladly take over the entire disk. You'll have to be careful when installing other distros as to customize the partitioning.05:16
topyliAkuma_: you can't make it smaller. the problem is that so many apps misuse it05:16
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CheticHow do you start the LiveCD with different graphics drivers? Since the "ati" driver doesn't work05:16
jerpic, Im not sure about that05:16
fyrestrtrChetic: are you trying to test out ubuntu or install it?05:16
topyliAkuma_: it's the notification area, it's for notifications only. but many apps choose to park there forever05:16
jribjerp: what line did it say had a syntax error?05:16
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Kingsqueakxd45: what fyrestrtr and LeeHarvey said is why I suggested another drive since you're new to this, it's safer05:17
xd45Ok so spliting up 60 gb / 10 GB /home 10 gb /media 40 gb?05:17
Kingsqueakxd45: just make /home 50G05:17
jribjerp: have you edited the file since then?05:17
LeeHarvey10 gb for /home!  wowie05:17
Kingsqueakxd45: it will be simpler for you to remember05:17
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jerpjrib that top line #1 is what I enthered in the paste bin aplet05:17
fyrestrtrxd45: recommend / = 10 GB, /home = rest.05:17
Akuma_topyli: well i do find it convenient that, say, gaim stays there all the time. i guess i'm used to the Windows way. what would the alternative be, call gaim from the command line all the time?05:17
LeeHarveyI give my /home 1 gb, but i've got another partition for /home/[myusername] /Media05:17
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Kingsqueakxd45: keep your media in /home/xd45/media or /home/media something like that05:17
xd45and swap 256?05:17
xd45err 512 for swap05:18
fyrestrtrxd45: how much ram do you have?05:18
jerpjrib I went into synaptic reps and cleared both cd rom entry05:18
Kingsqueakyeah 512 would be better05:18
xd45256 mb05:18
jribjerp: do you get the error when you run  'sudo apt-get update' now?05:18
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Cheticfyrestrtr, I want to install it05:18
topyliAkuma_: the correct way would be to minimize the window05:18
dk0rIs there a keyboard shortcut for the terminal ?05:18
fyrestrtrChetic: just use the alternate cd to install.05:18
fyrestrtrdk0r: alt+f205:18
LeeHarveyI also use FAT32 for my storage/media subfolders, only because I play too many games and have to dualboot with XP05:18
xd45ok one other thing this is a celeronn 533mhtz whats filesystem would be best?05:18
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LeeHarveyso i can get to my movies/music from all OS's05:18
topyliAkuma_: then you'd choose whether or not you want it to show up in the window list ("task bar" in windows)05:19
dk0rfryestrtr: thanks05:19
jribjerp: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list      delete the first 6 lines * above "deb http:..."05:19
Cheticfyrestrtr, Why the alternate? I'm on a very slow connection so I would REALLY like to avoid waiting another day to install..05:19
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fyrestrtrChetic: because the alternate is not a live cd, just an installer.05:19
jerpjrib ok05:19
Akuma_topyli: yeah, that'd be annoying. seems to me gaim being in the systray is really a 'misuse'.. btw would you know if there's a way to make panels hide faster?05:19
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Akuma_topyli: *isn't05:20
Alakazamz0rWould this ( http://www.directron.com/bfgr73256gsoce.html ) card be good enough to play new games on low settings?05:20
dk0rfyrestrtr: alt+f2 brings up a run application windows, not the terminal, correct?05:20
LeeHarveyAkuma_: you can change the speed at which the panels hide, i believe you can just alt-click on the panel to get the preferences05:20
Alakazamz0rIm going to buy a decient video card today05:20
topyliAkuma_: it would show up in the window chooser which is only the size of one icon. it would show up in the notification area whenever there's something to notify about05:20
LeeHarveyif not, it may be in your system settings menu somewhere.. don't remember05:21
LeeHarveyhated gnome05:21
topyliAkuma_: then again, gaim is not a gnome application, it does what it wants05:21
CheticSo there's no way to just start the installation with the livecd using like vesa graphics drivers?05:21
LeeHarveyI was so excited about xubuntu.. finally no more KDE/Gnome bloat05:21
dk0rIs there a keyboard shortcut to the terminal? not run application(alt+f2) ?05:21
fyrestrtrChetic: I think there is a safe mode option in the boot menu.05:21
fyrestrtrdk0r: if there isn't you can set it easily.05:21
jribdk0r: you can set one in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts05:22
xd45damn phone...05:22
dk0rjrib:  Thank you.05:22
jerpjrib, so line 1 should be ........ deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/edgy/ edgy main restricted05:22
jribjerp: yes05:22
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KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: that seems like it would be supported by NVidia's drivers, yeah, no idea how well it works, I don't game05:22
Akuma_LeeHarvey: all i could find was hide/don't hide..05:22
xd45LeeHarvey: one more time, can you explain how to set it up?05:22
xd45i had a phone call05:22
Alakazamz0rThanks for answering Kingsqueak :) I have NO IDEA about X vs Y when it comes to video cards.05:23
KingsqueakLeeHarvey: yeah the xfce config from Ubuntu is pretty nice too05:23
jribjerp: umm I should have said  nano -w, don't save if nano is wrapping lines now05:23
keithhhhhbaxter_kylie: ok much thanks Ill try soon gotta get some sleep05:23
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Akuma_topyli: what's the window chooser? alt+tab?05:23
Cheticfyrestrtr, that will just end up showing garbled graphics.. The only changes happening is in a thin green line in the middle of the screen..05:23
prestosdcan anyone help me with a shutdown splash problem?05:23
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KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: you want to check NVidia's site for the linux drivers to be sure any of their cards is supported, that one is o.k. from what google tells me05:23
Alakazamz0ryeah, im pretty sure its supported.05:23
jerpI don think it wraping05:23
KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: with linux, getting a card a few generations older is wiser generally and that one should be fine05:23
Alakazamz0rits an NVidia chipset05:24
topyliAkuma_: it's a panel applet that simply lists all windows when you click it (unlike the taskbar-like window list)05:24
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topylimore like the one in mac05:24
prestosdcan anyone help me with a shutdown splash problem?!05:24
dk0rWhat is the most popular irc client ?05:24
KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: try something like this in google  GeForce 7300 linux support05:24
jerpIm gonna do a sudo apt-get update now05:24
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KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: from what that got me, it seems like it's well supported05:25
Alakazamz0rKingsqueak, i know fora fact that its supported05:25
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topyliAkuma_: btw it seems you indeed can define the hide speed in gconf05:25
LeeHarveyxd45: read private05:25
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jerpjrib, Im getting the same reply05:25
xd45LeeHarvey: ok05:25
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xd45LeeHarvey: did not recieve private05:26
jerpIl open synaptic05:26
KingsqueakAlakazamz0r: fwiw, I have nvidia on both my laptop and this workstation and it works well on both, two different types but both nvidia05:26
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jribjerp: do you have a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*  file?05:26
Akuma_topyli: i found window selector, guess thats what you mean. it might fit my need.. if i could get gaim to play nice with it ..05:26
BlarioGuys: what's  the best dapper to edgy eft upgrade guide that you guys know of online?05:26
topyliAkuma_: open the configuration editor, browse to apps/panel/global and set panel_show_delay. i guess that would be it05:26
Alakazamz0rcool Kingsqueak05:26
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jribjerp: I think universe.list was in your error, pastebin that if you do05:26
Akuma_topyli: let me try it ..05:26
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LeeHarveyxd45: i sent you several05:27
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xd45LeeHarvey: I am not getting them for some reason?05:27
Kingsqueakxd45: what chat client are you using?05:27
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Kingsqueakxd45: maybe they are in a hidden window, try /window next   do that several times to see if they are there in another window05:27
LeeHarveyquick repeat here... I've got 10 gb for /, matched my ramsize for swap, 1 gb for /home and the rest for /media (formated FAT32 for windows friendly storage)05:27
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Kingsqueakxd45: a ctrl-n will do it too I think05:28
xd45Kingsqueak: I have switched through all windows05:28
xd45 --- Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked05:28
xd45          due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please05:28
xd45          register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )05:28
xd45err drats05:28
xd45thats why05:28
iku_can anybody tell me why my window titles are flashing? i am on xgl + beryl + twinview05:29
LeeHarveyI link my /media into my /home user folder05:29
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LeeHarveybut you can just mount it straight in as well.. /home/[username] /media05:29
Akuma_topyli: hmm, i guess i might have to restart X. will, thats exactly what i was looking for.. thank you very much for you help05:30
Akuma_topyli: *well05:30
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xd45I see, so if I were to do / 10 GB /swp 512 MB /home 2 GB /media = rest05:30
Kingsqueakxd45: you get the partition vs mountpoint vs filesystem differences?05:30
xd45Kingsqueak: no05:30
dk0rWhy can't I copy/paste into the terminal ?05:30
LeeHarveyxd45: thats roughly how I do it05:30
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dk0rI mean.. Why can't I paste into the terminal ?05:30
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Kingsqueakxd45: k, partition is the physical part of the disk if the disk is /dev/sda the first partition would be /dev/sda105:30
LeeHarveynever had any problems.  Just remember to pick a friendly format for any other OS's you may use for your /media05:30
iku_can anybody tell me why my window titles are flashing? i am on xgl + beryl + twinview05:30
xd45what filesystem should i use , I do not use windows and this is an old 533 mhtz celeron 256 mb ram05:31
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xd45Kingsqueak:  i think i get it05:31
jribdk0r: how are you trying to paste?  What are you pressing?05:31
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Kingsqueakxd45: a partition can be any filesystem you make it, with linux generally it's ext3 these days, so you make a partition, then you put a filesystem on it, the installer does that for you, so for the example now you have /dev/sda1 the first partition of /dev/sda, with filesystem ext3 on it.  From there you need to mount it05:31
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dk0rjrib: cntrl+v05:32
LeeHarveyjust use the "default" which is ext3 i believe05:32
LeeHarveyif you're not OS swapping05:32
jribdk0r: ctrl-shift-v05:32
Kingsqueakxd45: from that point you mount it    so   mount /dev/sda1 /mountpoint   where 'mountpoint' can be whatever you want to call it05:32
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dk0rjrib: for terminal only ?05:32
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jribdk0r: yeah, ctrl-v means something else in terminal05:32
xd45ok what is the difference between hda and sda?05:32
dk0rjrib: figured. But what?05:32
jameswell that was fun! \05:33
xd45i am getting more lost by the minute05:33
Kingsqueakxd45: the way the system detects the drive, hda is ide, sda is ide-scsi or scsi05:33
jribdk0r: try ctrl-v ctrl-v  (it inserts the literal character that you pressed)05:33
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jamesI rebooted and had to completely reconfigure X...... but it has strange refresh rates like 54.5hz and 59hz05:33
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dk0rjrib: Gotcha. But of what use is that?05:33
jribdk0r: I've used it to search for05:33
jerpjrib,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31247/05:33
Feldegasthda is ide and sda is sata05:33
jribdk0r: ^M in a file05:34
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xd45ok i'm officially lost05:34
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Feldegastwhy so?05:34
dk0rjrib: What does ^M do ?05:34
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Random_Transithey can anyone tell me what library i need to play m4p files?05:34
xd45just unaware whatra scsi sata ide means05:34
dk0rjrib What does ^M result in when searching for it?05:34
Kingsqueakxd45: you have a drive, the system sees it as /dev/hda, on that drive you have / /swap and /home  those would be /dev/hda1 (/) /dev/hda2 (/swap) and /dev/hda3 (/home) generally05:35
Daylighterthere, this is the nickname I go by everywhere else05:35
warkruiddk0r: ^M is an dos/windows end of line marker05:35
Feldegastsda might also be scsi, i've never had one so i don't know05:35
Kingsqueakxd45: dont' worry about that for now, it's just the type of drive and how the system sees it05:35
dk0rwarkruid: So what application has it in ubuntu ?05:35
warkruiddkor: shows up in files made under windoze05:35
xd45what about my cdrom drive and floppy05:35
jribjerp: ok well they don't have any components specified after edgy, like "universe" for example05:36
wildchildIs there any DJ program for (k)ubuntu like tractor or virtual DJ in windows, please help05:36
dk0rwarkruid: So you use ^M or ^V when searching for windows files ?05:36
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Kingsqueakxd45: they will show up differently depending on the device types they are, cd can be /dev/hdb or /dev/sda etc.05:36
warkruiddkor: you could use it for that05:36
Kingsqueakxd45: the system sort of takes care of all that when it starts up05:36
dk0rwarkruid: hrm. Ok. Thanks.05:36
BlarioGuys: what's  the best dapper to edgy eft upgrade guide that you guys know of online?05:37
xd45ok so i do not need to add partitions for them?05:37
Kingsqueakxd45: right05:37
xd45ahh k05:37
jerpjrib, is that why it said to be malformed?05:37
xd45so basicall y all i need to worry about is / /swp /home and /media05:37
jribjerp: I'm guessing so.  Try just adding " universe" to the end of the line and updating05:37
xd45ok this makes it less confusing05:37
Kingsqueakxd45: yup05:37
jribjerp: though you seem to have uncovered a bug if this is the case05:37
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jerpjrib ok05:38
Kingsqueakxd45: sorry, it's a bit weird at first to understand05:38
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xd45ok and those should all be hda1 hda2 hda3 ?05:38
xd45or sda05:38
Kingsqueakxd45: yup, the partitioner should pick those automatically for you05:38
=== jerp gets a cardboard cookie!!!
xd45anything else I should know before I do it?05:38
dk0rWhy cant I mkdir in ~/Examples ?05:38
Kingsqueakxd45: the partitioner will 'know' if it's hda or sda basically05:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:39
xd45thank god for small miracles lol05:39
Kingsqueakxd45: the only thing to be aware of is the type of filesystem, swap needs to be 'swap'05:39
jribdk0r: because it's probably a symlink to a place outside your ~ that you don't have proper permissions for05:39
Kingsqueakxd45: the rest need to be type 83 or 'linux' depending on how the partitioner tells you05:39
felixjetmmmm what package is for divx files?05:39
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dk0rjrib: Right. because I keep getting a Permission Denied error.05:39
Kingsqueakxd45: again, that should be fairly automagic05:39
xd45i think I can handle that05:39
xd45now before I do a fresh install, is it good to do a rm -rf * in / ?05:40
dk0rjrib: But how can it be outside my ~/ if it is "~/Examples"05:40
jribdk0r: try 'ls -ld ~/Examples'05:40
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Kingsqueakxd45: nah, don't bother, when it partitions the disk it wipes anything out anyway05:40
xd45ok, cool05:40
dk0rjrib: But how can Examples be outside my ~/ if it is "~/Examples"05:40
Kingsqueakxd45: it basically forgets where everything is when you partition05:40
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xd45thanks a bunch for your help Kingsqueak LeeHarvey fyrestrtr05:40
sloucherfelixjet: all will be clear http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#generalnotes05:40
jribdk0r: the symlink is in ~, but the symlink points to /usr/share/example-content/05:40
ohoelBJRN OLAI05:40
Kingsqueakxd45: no problem05:41
xd45I have a couple cd's to burn and then i'll do a fresh install05:41
dk0rjrib: symlink = shortcut ?05:41
jribdk0r: same idea05:41
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xd45i have been using ubuntu since breezy preview and never did a fresh install..05:41
xd45and a lot of stuff broke along the way05:41
warkruiddk0r: correct05:41
bjorn_hei ohoel05:41
dk0rjrib: ok. What is 'ls -ld ~/Examples' ?05:41
dk0rWhats the ls -ld05:41
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Kingsqueakxd45: yeah when you switch releases and do upgrades I've found it smoother to take my /home/user, cp it to /home/user.old and start with a clean /home/user again and just copy the .old data files back over05:42
warkruiddk0r: ls is list files05:42
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jribdk0r: ls lists stuff, -l lists lots of info, -d makes it list directory info, not stuff inside the directory.  Type  'man ls' for more details05:42
iku_can anybody tell me why my window titles are flashing? i am on xgl + beryl + twinview. only get it when "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" is turned off05:42
Kingsqueakxd45: the reason are all the settings in .dotfiles, as versions change configs can get screwy, particularly gconfd and other gnome stuff05:42
xd45ahh, good idea05:42
LeeHarveyno trouble xd4505:42
dk0rjrib / warkruid: thanks05:42
felixjetmmmm what package is for divx files?05:42
LeeHarveydid you search for divx?05:43
xd45one more question05:43
fyrestrtrfelixjet: install vlc or mplayer05:43
LeeHarveyjust use vlc.05:43
xd45what about tmp on it's own partition?05:43
LeeHarveyoh... grr, beaten to the punch again05:43
xd45good idea or no??05:43
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Kingsqueakxd45: don't bother for now05:43
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fyrestrtrxd45: not for you :)05:43
Kingsqueakxd45: if you knew if it was a good idea or not, you would have another answer, for now, dont' bother with it05:43
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=== Kingsqueak shoots the guy at Sun for making /tmp swap space
ranokDoes anyone know where I can find a tutorial/howto for enabling SELinux on 6.1005:44
xd45ok, will do05:44
xd45one more q05:44
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xd45ext2 vs ext3 ?05:44
dk0rSo how do I get permission to mkdir in '/usr/share/example-content'05:44
fyrestrtrstop saying one more question.05:44
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wasabixd45: ext3 has a journal05:44
Kingsqueakxd45: 3 has journaling, means it will recover from a power outage much better, use 305:45
xd45and what about reiser?05:45
niekieranok, try #ubuntu-hardened05:45
warkruiddkor: why should you want to do that?05:45
unimatrix9who is running ubuntu on the new lenovo laptop?05:45
Kingsqueakxd45: stick to 3 for now05:45
dk0rwarkruid: Just messing around getting familiar with the os.05:45
Kingsqueakxd45: easier to fix/repair/deal-with05:45
xd45gotcha thanks05:45
fyrestrtrand its creator didn't murder his wife.05:45
fyrestrtralways a bonus.05:45
Kingsqueakext3, reiser, xfs all have journaling, but take it one step at a time05:46
warkruiddk0r: ok. but not wise. stick to your home directory for making directories05:46
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dk0rwarkruid: Ok. I will for now then.05:46
jerpjrib, ok................ I went and corrected both files in sources.list.d and went sudo apt-get update and got the proper response of a scroll of URLs   the last entry was Reading package list..... Done05:46
unimatrix9or any brand new laptop?05:46
Otacon22in wich repository is mplayer?05:46
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erUSUL!find mplayer05:46
ubotuFound: kmplayer-base, kmplayer-konq-plugins, kmplayer, kmplayer-doc, mozilla-mplayer (and 6 others)05:46
fyrestrtr!info mplayer05:46
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB05:46
nox-HandI get an error 30 when installing Ubuntu. Read only partition or something :|05:46
warkruiddk0r: if you want to try. sudo -i <password> cd /usr/share/Examples...05:46
jerpjrib, bingo, problem solved it appears.  Thanks for your guidence05:47
erUSUL!info mplayer edgy05:47
jribjerp: k, if you wish, you can file a bug with malone after seeing if it hasn't been reported before05:47
dk0rwarkruid: Ah. so thats it. What is -i ?05:47
jrib!bugs | jerp05:47
ubotujerp: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:47
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unimatrix9i have found an butterfly in ubuntu and no bug, where should i report it?05:47
Kingsqueakiku_: try the beryl preferences and look at all the options you have enabled05:48
tannerldis it still a catterpiller?05:48
Kingsqueakiku_: click on the ruby thing in the taskbar05:48
dk0rwarkruid: And once I'm through with sudo, how do I go back to ~/  ?05:48
warkruiddk0r: switches the environment to root. You end up in /root directory05:48
fyrestrtrunimatrix9: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/humor+lacking+in+irc/05:48
fyrestrtrdk0r: type exit05:48
warkruiddk0r: cd /05:48
unimatrix9it just started flying....05:48
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Kingsqueakiku_: there are only 3k settings in there, no clue which one it may be05:48
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bjorn_Can anyone help me debug my alsa sound device? Where do I start to figure out whats wrong when the mic won't work05:49
dk0rOne more dumb question. If I am in ~/Examples and I want to go back to ~/  is it neccessary to type cd ~/ or is there a shortcut to go up one level in the dir?05:49
jribdk0r: cd ..,  but just 'cd' takes you to home05:49
Kingsqueakdk0r: just 'cd' as a user returns you to ~/05:49
warkruiddk0r: oops sry. the command must be "exit"05:49
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Recon69Hi all, basic question, I compiled a program, I would like to be able to run it by clicking on it , what do i ned to set?05:50
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dk0rOk, what if I am in ~/Examples/a/b/c and I want to get to a ?05:50
Kingsqueakdk0r: cd ../../05:50
Kingsqueakdk0r: ../ means up one05:50
dk0rThank you05:50
kujaOr cd ~/Examples/a05:50
dk0ror that!05:50
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Kingsqueakkuja: heh05:50
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jribRecon69: give yourself executable permissions05:51
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fyrestrtrRecon69: chmod a+x /path/to/program/executable05:52
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slytherinDoes anyone know what all I need to play mms:// streams in edgy?05:55
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Cheticslytherin, I assume mplayer can do it05:56
Recon69fyrestrtr : no thats not it, it's already got x permissions for everyone05:56
dk0rIn terminal, how do I copy ~/Desktop/firefox-2.0.tar.gz   to   ~/Desktop/123/05:56
jribRecon69: what happens when you run it from a terminal?05:56
Recon69it runs fine05:56
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jrib!cli > dk0r05:57
slytherinChetic: Looks like my dad used to play it flawlessly in dapper since I had mplayer. I thought that Totem in edgy was good enough to play them.05:57
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erUSULdk0r: cp  ~/Desktop/firefox-2.0.tar.gz  ~/Desktop/123/05:57
jribRecon69: what happens when you double click on it?05:57
noexCan anyone clue me into why I can't see my icons (formatted ins png, svg, icon, icon) in the icon browser window that the Application Launcher produces?05:57
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Cheticslytherin, in my opinion, Totem is garbage05:57
Recon69jrib: nothing05:57
jribRecon69: what does the program do?05:57
Cheticslytherin, It has never worked for me05:57
slytherinChetic: It has improved a lot.05:58
Recon69jrib: well it's a 3D app05:58
Cheticslytherin, in the last couple of months?05:58
Random_Transithey, does anyone know of a program like Hymn for linux?05:58
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Random_TransitHymn is used to strip DRM from music purchased on iTunes05:58
Recon69jrib: It opens a window and draws some stuff05:58
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slytherinChetic: Yup. :-)05:59
noexHas anyone had luck with putting their own icons on to a panel through the app launcher?05:59
Cheticslytherin, I'll check it out05:59
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jtf0518noex, I added a separator applet and that lets me put launcher in it.06:00
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noexAh, jtf0518, so you haven't been tried putting custom icons on your panel, through the app launcher?06:01
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jribRecon69: run nautilus in a terminal and see what output you get when you try running it06:01
jtf0518yes, I have, I have two bash script with custom icons on it right now06:01
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noexMmm, any ideas why my custom icons might not be showing up in the browse list?06:02
jtf0518I had to use the xpm icons though06:02
jtf0518the browse list for gnome applets?06:02
noexI converted my png into XPM, and it still didn't show up.06:02
lostboyzhi i was wondering if there is anyone here that has gotten a logitech webcam to work with ubuntu i have had problems for 3 monts and have not found an answer and am about ready to go to another distro06:03
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noexI am talking about when you add a custom application launcher (ie, shortcut) to your panel, and it allows you to put in a icon.. well.. I don't want to use the default icons.. I have a custom icon. But, it doesn't seem to like it for some reason.06:03
slytherinoklolausername: hi06:03
rkdlostboyz: usb webcam?06:03
jtf0518noex, try copying them to /usr/share/app-install. Worked for me.06:03
wasabilostboyz: Make sure the drivers are loaded, done.06:03
lostboyzrkd yes06:04
Recon69jrib: tried that, dont get any output06:04
noexAh, I will give that a shot!06:04
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noexBe right back06:04
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lostboyzrkd all my drivers are loaded and i can see my webcam but when i send it it does not show up on another computer06:04
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superlapdoes any one remember the link to the RPM that make the new HP broadcom wireless cards work?06:04
oklolausernamecan sum 1 help me?06:04
jribRecon69: when you run nautilus in your terminal, does it give you another prompt?06:04
rkdsend it how?06:04
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lostboyzwasabi yes thank you the drivers are loaded06:04
ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office?06:05
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ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office impress?06:05
lostboyzrkd send it to the reciever on amsn or kopete06:05
rkdlostboyz: send it how?06:05
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wasabilostboyz: So what's the problem?06:05
aimtrainerDoes anybody here still have gaim 1.xx installed and is willing to paste me his prefs.xml please?06:05
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iku_can anybody tell me why my window titles are flashing? i am on xgl + beryl + twinview. only get it when "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" is turned off06:05
lostboyzwasabi i am not able to send the cam to a reciever06:05
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jtf0518hang on aimtrainer, let me check on that06:05
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superlapcould someone send me the wireless primer again?06:05
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rkdlostboyz: is there any way to try it with ekiga or something to be sure it's not a software or firewall problem?06:06
aimtrainerthanks jtf051806:06
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lostboyzrkd do you have amsn? i also have ekiga06:06
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noexjtf0518: The icons that are already in /usr/share/app-install/icons don't show up in the browse list. Something is very odd here.06:06
Pieter_i was trying to install compiz (not beryl, its too slow..), but i can't get my title bars to come back :(06:06
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Pieter_on edgy eft06:07
Pieter_any idea on solutions for that problem?06:07
rkdlostboyz: it might be better to do it over a LAN, if ou can, to make sure it's not a firewall either06:07
superlapwill someone bot me withthe wireless primer?06:07
lostboyzrkd how do i do that06:07
jribsuperlap: /msg ubotu wireless06:07
jtf0518sorry, aimtrainer, I have a different version. No preferences.xml file found.06:07
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LaibschTried to upgrade from dapper to ubuntu via /cdrom/cdromupdate.  The install seems to hang now (no more progress for the last 6 hours or so).  Two questions, can I try and fix this with aptitude or should I not do that?  What info should I attach to the bug report?06:08
jtf0518noex, are you looking for your custom icons when you click on Add to Panel?06:08
rkdlostboyz: do you have a network where you are, or is it just one computer?06:08
lostboyzjust one computer that is why i asked how i could do that06:08
noexYes, when I am trying to browse icons.. off the Launcher Properties screen.06:08
lostboyzrkd i never had a problem with suse sending the cam06:09
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lostboyzrkd other than software installation incompatabilities06:09
iku_has nobody any idea?!?06:09
jtf0518noex, that won't work. Gnome panel-applets are written specifically for the panel and have a little server component. I've been messing with programming and trying to write one and it's not the easiest thing.06:09
rkdlostboyz: and you can see the webcam picture fine?06:09
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noexAh, damn them. :)06:10
lostboyzrkd yes i can when i plug it in but when i send it no one can see it06:10
jtf0518noex, just add a seperator applet and then drag the program you want into that space. That's what worked for me. Then you can assign it the icon you want from the properties menu with a right click.06:10
noexjtf0518, hey, thanks for the clue in. I would have spent another day trying to get it to work. The only work-around I have for now, is to drag.. haha.. nice you beat me to it.06:10
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noexjtf0518: Thanks again.06:11
jtf0518noex, glad to be of assistance.06:11
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noexjtf0518: I just got it working.06:11
oklolausernamei just installed dday and it dnt work on n e of the doomz with openGL but it does work on the windows3d thing but its not actually in full 3d its just the crappy old fake 3D can someone help me PPLLZZ!!!!06:11
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noexjtf0518: I can't believe I am so dumb. chmod go+r on the icon you cp into /usr/share/pixmaps06:12
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lostboyzrkd any idea?06:12
rkdlostboyz: in kopete's Settings > Configure > Devices, can you see the webcam picture?06:12
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ominiquhello. Where can I find the french 'locale'?06:12
jtf0518noex, yeah sorry I forgot to mention the permissions change when you cp the icons there.06:12
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lostboyzno but when i use camorama i can06:12
noexjtf0518: Then it will show up in your list of icons. But browsing will not work, so you have to cp it into that directory06:12
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lostboyzrkd it says that there is an error opening device in amsn but i can open it fine with camorama06:13
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noexjtf0518: No problem. I am still new, but it's nice to be able to troubleshoot this stuff out. Thanks again!06:13
luisbganybody knows a good hosting page to share some rar files? tried rapid share but it's giving load of problems06:13
jtf0518damn! why won't this coffee cup stay full? brb06:13
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rkdlostboyz: maybe try updating the drivers and/or amsn?06:13
rkdlostboyz: brb06:13
Dex-Freudiiwhen trying to uninstall an app with synaptic i get: "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial No such directory"06:14
sapohi guys, i lost my grub after installing windows, and now when i try to do a grub-install /dev/sda it says that cant find /dev/sda, the thing is that the last time i did it, i remember that i had to mount my ubuntu partition, chroot to it, then mount my /dev on the chroot, but i cant remember how i am supposed to mount the /dev, could anyone help me please?06:14
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Dex-Freudiibut the directory does exist06:14
lostboyzrkd thank you06:14
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Recon69ok, if i want to let x-term open a file, how to i give x-term permission to run that file?06:14
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dk0rCan someone please discuss with me the following: 'sudo tar -C /opt -zxvf firefox-2.0.tar.gz'   I do not understand -C and -zxvf06:15
xd45hmm, anyone know how to save all of the email I have saved locally in evolution for backup?06:15
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roryydk0r: -C means that the archive will be extracted into /opt06:15
LjLdk0r: have you tried "man tar"? it discusses those options06:16
marltuhow to open ssh login on my server?06:16
roryydk0r: and -zxvf means, in order, decompress, extract, be verbose and use the following file06:16
Dex-Freudiiwhen trying to uninstall an app with synaptic i get: "/var/cache/apt/archives/partial No such directory"  but the directory does exist06:16
warkruiddk0r: -xvzf unpacks the tar file06:16
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fyrestrtrdk0r: -C (change directory) -z gunzip, -x extract, -v verbose (show output) -f extract from a file06:16
marltu*box :)06:16
roryydk0r: indeed, reading 'man tar' is a good idea06:16
dk0rWill get to reading. Thanks.06:16
mads-When I do "sudo apt-get install mplayer" it says E: Couldn't find package mplayer.. What is wrong?06:17
LjL!info mplayer06:17
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ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB06:17
LjLmads-: do you have multiverse enabled?06:17
fyrestrtrmads-: enable multiverse06:17
mads-how do I enable multiverse?06:17
LjLUbotu, please tell mads- about multiverse06:17
mads-I have no GUI06:17
warkruiddk0r: when searching for something try man -k <subject>06:17
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lakcajmarltu,  sudo etc/init.d/ssh start06:17
LjLmads-: there is a CLI procedure described06:17
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mads-thanks guys...06:17
lakcajmarltu, after installing openssh-server06:17
roryywhat, you have to say *please* to the bot nowadays?06:17
dk0rwarkruid: I dont even know how to search :) But what does -k do ?06:17
LjLroryy, you don't have to06:18
alecjwdoes anyone know how long Updating anthy.dic should take on a pentium with 32mb ram?06:18
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warkruiddk0r: stands for keyword06:18
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dk0rwarkruid: which man file will have instructions on how to search via command line?06:18
alecjwdoes anyone know how long Updating anthy.dic should take on a pentium with 32mb ram?06:18
LjLdk0r: how to search for what?06:19
dk0rLjL: anything06:19
jtf0518alecjw, no idea.06:19
dk0rLjL: a local file06:19
LjLdk0r: that's a bit generic. search for books in a library? search for stars in the sky? :P06:19
LjLdk0r: "man grep"06:19
dk0rLjL: thank you.06:19
warkruiddk0r: man locate06:19
LaibschCan I upgrade with aptitde from dapper to edgy or is that generally not a good idea?06:19
dk0rOk. So two!06:19
ubuntu_newbnot really06:20
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ubuntu_newbyou shouldn't upgrade06:20
LjLdk0r: locate (and "find") search for filenames - grep searches for expressions *inside* given files06:20
ubuntu_newbjust reinstall 6.1006:20
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warkruiddk0r: locate is to search for something in the file system06:20
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jtf0518Laibsch, from what I've read the clean install is the best. Many have had probs doing it the dist way. But some have had success.06:20
warkruiddk0r: grep is to search for something in files06:20
lostboyzhow do you force the installation of a deb i386 package on a amd 64 machine06:20
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jerpwhen the bug report site asked for a package, what does that mean?  ie. the install version ie edgy 6.10?06:21
dk0rwarkruid: thanks. Is there a way to minimize all windows in default ubuntu desktop ?06:21
LjLjerp: no, it's asking for which package causes the problem06:21
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dk0rThere must be a button or something right? The windows equivalent of 'Show Desktop'06:21
jribjerp: gnome-app-install would be a good choice06:21
LjLdk0r: indeed there is06:21
jerpok, mine would be terminal apt-get06:21
warkruiddkor: try icon below left06:21
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jtf0518dk0r, there is in the lower left corner of your bottom panel by default.06:21
=== dk0r hits self.
jribjerp: the comments in that file said the line was added by gnome-app-install so i would blame that06:22
dk0rThank you.06:22
jtf0518dk0r, stop doing that! you'll hurt yourself! :-)06:22
jerpjrib alright06:22
jtf0518ahhhh, coffee's done!06:23
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TLEuhmmm coofee06:23
dk0rHey look @ that. On the right there are multiple work spaces. Thats a bad mother!! I wonder if theres a keyboard shortcut for scrolling between them? And if someone knows it, and its not convenient for me, what the entry would be called under Sys>Pref>Keyboard Shortcuts to modify it06:24
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Laibschjtf0518: Thank you for the reply.  What do you mean, the clean way?  update-manager?  That just broke horribly on me.06:24
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LjLLaibsch, he meant installing from scratch06:24
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LaibschLjL: You gotta be kidding?  Is this windows?06:25
jerpjrib, thanks again,  see yll later.06:25
jribjerp: cya06:25
ravenlordcan somebody please help me? i've got a problem with anjuta 2.0.2 on edgy06:25
LaibschFirst upgrade for me and ubuntu bails out like that?06:25
jtf0518Laibsch, no I meant a complete fresh install from CD06:25
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NikolasAnjuta 2.0.2 on Edgy is an epic fail06:26
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LjLLaibsch, i've just rephrased what he said, don't kill the messenger. but, i hear that update-manager does easily break if you have any non-official repositories enabled or non-official packages installed06:26
ravenlordthe scintilla editor crashes whenever i try to use it06:26
LaibschI can't believe this.06:26
ravenlordouch...i've realised that06:26
jtf0518Nikolas, I've been reading about that.06:26
NikolasI built anjuta 1.2.4a from source because 2.0.2 just didn't work06:26
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CheticWhat the hell is wrong with the Ubuntu install CD's?06:26
jtf0518I've been trying to get WxPython but starship site is down.06:26
CheticWhy can it never start X?06:26
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LaibschLjL: I did not mean to sound harsh.  Was just very surprised since I did not expect this with a fine Linux distro.  I always thought ubuntu was a fine Linux distro ...06:26
LaibschLjL: apologies.06:27
LjLChetic: "never" is such a strong word, X starts fine for me06:27
ravenlordaha...well...thanks for the tip:P06:27
CheticNot for me06:27
jribjtf0518: isn't wxpython in the repositories?06:27
lnxtechIf I want use the latest version of alsa (compiled from source) would I need to remove anything else from edgy besides the alsa-* packages and libasound2 (I think alsa-libs provides the same libs)?06:27
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CheticI am getting seriously pissed off06:27
jtf0518Laibsch, Dapper is a fine distro. Edgy is meant to be experimental, new kernel, new X-server, lots of new stuff.06:27
TLEChetic: Does ot lock up to the point where you can't even get to a terminal ?06:27
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CheticTLE, It gives me the error message saying no devices detected06:27
kujaHow do I make GNOME stop automounting my USB devices?06:28
Laibschjtf0518: edgy was officially released.  I would not have tried it out otherwise.06:28
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LjLLaibsch, when you start enabling third party repositories or installing stuff in weird ways, you need to be aware that things are likely to break.  now i don't even know if this really is the case for you - it might just be that update-manager does have a bug06:28
Chetic"(EE) No devices detected."06:28
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TLEChetic: Do you have an ATI card ?06:28
rkdlostboyz: back06:28
CheticTLE, Yes06:28
rkdlostboyz: any luck yet?06:28
jtf0518I've never taken an official release to automatically mean "stable" but then I've been dealing with Windows since version 3.0 :-)06:28
LjLjtf0518, that's untrue. Dapper has longer support, but Edgy is not "meant to be experimental" by any stretch of imagination. it was released last month. it was experimental before that.06:28
angrylinuxgeekwhat is the preferred method of setting up services in Ubuntu? I want Samba to start when I start the computer. In debian, I used rcconf. but samba doesn't show up in RCCONF on Ubuntu06:29
iku_can anybody tell me why my window titles are flashing? i am on xgl + beryl + twinview. only get it when "NoTwinViewXineramaInfo" is turned off06:29
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Laibschjtf0518: I use computer even longer than that.  And I thought I left this mess behind with Linux.  I cannot remember Debian breaking so badly.06:29
wasabiiku_: beryl bug06:29
LjLangrylinuxgeek, once you have samba installed, i think it should start by default06:29
TLEChetic: Well, I was struck by a bug myself which prevented me from booting the livecd, but I don't think it's the same thing06:29
CheticTLE, Tell me about it..06:29
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TLEChetic: can you boot it in safe graphics mode ?06:30
CheticTLE, No..06:30
iku_wasabi: is there a workaround you know of?06:30
dk0rIs it possible to set a group of application windows to the shaded state instead of having to set each one individually?06:30
LjLangrylinuxgeek: perhaps look in /etc/default if there's a file about samba that disables it by default... just a guess though, i've never used samba on ubuntu06:30
jtf0518Laibsch, there seems to be some disagreement in the Ubuntu community as to whether Edgy is stable or not. Lots of arguements and many hardcore defenders.06:30
LaibschI c.06:30
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TehUni<-- stable as a rock on edgy06:30
adam_im stable too06:31
LaibschI think I will try aptitude and wait with my work machine.06:31
adam_notebook pounding away06:31
LaibschTehUni: Did you upgrade?06:31
adam_wireless, acpi, all of it06:31
jtf0518TehUni, lucky you and lucky me on my other box.06:31
defryskegdy = stable here06:31
TLEChetic: Do you know if your ATI card works with the opensource "ati" driver ?06:31
lostboyzrkd no i dunno how to reconfigure the drivers and i was wondering why it would be a driver problem if i can see my cam in camorama and it turns on when i plug it in?06:31
TehUnimy upgrade tanked, though. heh06:31
dk0rIs there a way to set a group of application windows to the shaded state instead of having to set each one individually?06:31
mads-How can I turn the volume up in Command line?06:31
TehUnifresh install is sturdy.06:31
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=== defrysk upgrdes his wifes pc upgraded fine
warkruidsome crashes with firefox06:31
Phenaxmads-: alsamixer or amixer06:31
LjLjtf0518, it might not be very stable, it might have problems, and whatnot. but this is the official support channel, and Edgy wasn't released, and as such it's not experimental anymore, and saying otherwise is simply wrong. saying "it's unstable for some people" is different from saying "it's meant to be experimental"06:31
rkdlostboyz: what's camorama?06:31
warkruidfixed though06:31
LaibschTehUni: "my upgrade tanked"  And you call that stable? LMAO06:31
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CheticTLE, No idea... Definitely doesn't look like it though because that's what's failing..06:32
jtf0518but not lucky for everyone. I expect it will be different in less than six months time as the developers seem to work like the devil on this stuff.06:32
lostboyzit is a webcam viewer and image manipulator06:32
LaibschTehUni: That is windows think.  Ubuntu can do better.06:32
LjLbesides, you get everyone chirping in and saying whether it's stable or not for them, as you can see06:32
TehUniLaibsch: but the fresh install is sturdy. heh06:32
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TLEChetic: Ok then maybe this will work for you, hold on while I'm finding the info06:33
adam_hey, i am installing edgy on my second notebook, and i am wondering if there is out of the box support for the ati 320 chipset?06:33
LaibschTehUni: Windows is sturdy after initial installation ;-)06:33
adam_windows is never sturdy06:33
adam_not even vista06:33
adam_junk i say... junk06:33
TehUniinstalling vista today.. i'll let you know06:33
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jtf0518I usually don't consider any Windows release stable until the second service pack except in the case of Win2K which was SP306:33
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defryskit this #ubuntu-ot ?06:34
TehUniyup. agreed.06:34
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LjLdefrysk: i'm starting to think so06:34
warkruidTehUni: good luck06:34
adam_your wasting your time with vista06:34
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:34
jtf0518TehUni, I installed Vista and got the blue screen: "Error initializing BLOAT.DLL, please empty your bank account and buy more RAM immediately."06:34
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adam_hey, i am installing edgy on my second notebook, and i am wondering if there is out of the box support for the ati 320 chipset?06:35
jtf0518adam, there's a hardware compatibility list on the ubuntuforums website. I don't have a direct link at the moment. www.ubuntuforums.org06:36
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adam_ok, i just didnt know if anyone knew off hand...06:36
defryskadam_, run the live cd to check06:36
_JPany suggestions for file recovery tool?06:36
jtf0518not me, I'm using Nvidia on a desktop06:36
ifireballanybody happened to read the release notes and see what's new in today's wine upgrade?06:36
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adam_uh, nope... no video06:36
[erisco] how do I mount my CD rom drive?06:36
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adam_how do i get out of the gui to the cmd line06:37
defryskadam_, none on dapper or edgy ?06:37
nolimitsoya[erisco] , insers a cd06:37
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[erisco] nolimitsoya, I am but I feel it is not reading it06:37
nolimitsoyaadam_, ctrl+alt+f206:37
defryskadam_, usually setting it to vesa in xorg.conf does the trick06:37
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[erisco] nolimitsoya, I am inserting audio disks but the disk isn't showing up06:37
Poromenoswhat package is gconf-schemas part of?06:37
nolimitsoya[erisco] , have you tried browsing it?06:37
lostboyzwhen i try to send my webcam the reciever is not able to see it eventhough i can see my cam in camorama any advice?06:37
adam_i need to create a user...06:37
[erisco] nolimitsoya, how do I do that? It doesn't seem to be mounted06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about user - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
nolimitsoya[erisco] , just try tobrowse the contents in you file manager06:38
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adam_I didnt create a user on this notebook, how do i do so?06:38
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TLEChetic: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-ati/+bug/67487 Look at the post from Tormod Volden at 2006-11-05 16:31:36 CET. Are you familiar with editing the xorg.xonf ?06:38
adam_in cmd line06:38
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nolimitsoyaadam_, system -> users and groups06:38
[erisco] nolimitsoya, nothing shows up06:38
adam_i dont have a gui06:38
CheticYeah TLE, more than familiar.. heheh..06:39
adam_need to edit xorg06:39
CheticTLE, I gotta run though, be back in 30 minutes. later06:39
nolimitsoya[erisco] , mount -l <- in terminal06:39
java1is there an newbie chat room for ubuntu?06:39
adam_cmd for user creation?06:39
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defryskadam_, man useradd | less06:39
nolimitsoyajava1, this would be it...06:39
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bthorntonMy monitor is not refreshing at an optimal rate by default, and I know I need a modeline to force it to... does anybody know of any modeline generators that will autodetect my monitor and create modelines?06:39
adam_ok, so what is default root pwd?06:39
adam_so i can get in06:39
[erisco] nolimitsoya, alright, what do I do with the data it gave me?06:39
ifireballdefrysk: no need for the "| less" part man sends text through a pager by default06:40
nolimitsoya!pastebin | [erisco] 06:40
ubotu[erisco] : pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:40
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ifireballadam_: boot the system in recovery mode, then creat user, theb reboot06:40
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nolimitsoyaadam_, the default root password is random created at boot06:40
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defryskadam_, in livecd default sudo is <enter>06:40
[erisco] nolimitsoya, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31261/06:40
jtf0518bthornton, run gtf from the CLI06:40
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adam_ok, so reboot with cd, and go to recovery?06:40
CruCiaLhi all, is there any one that can help me, im new to linux and unix and ubuntu, ive downloaded an iso and installed it however i cant get me usb wireless adapter to work or connect to internet, im having to revert back to windows :-(06:41
nolimitsoyaadam_, reboot without cd06:41
ifireballadam_: no just select recover mode in the grub menu06:41
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caveMancan I install some 3d game using opengl via apt-get? I need it for testing purposes06:41
nolimitsoya[erisco] , sudo mount /media/cdrom006:41
adam_this sucks06:41
fishstickscaveMan, i believe there is billardsGL that will help06:41
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nolimitsoyacaveMan, sudo apt-get install brutalchess06:42
defryskcaveMan, try tuxracer06:42
[erisco] nolimitsoya, "mount: No medium found"06:42
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adam_now, i have to find a way to get the gui running, the whole reason i am installing is to check the drivers from windows, its not my notebook...06:42
caveManthanks guys06:42
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jtf0518Yog, a Lovecraft fan are we?06:42
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[erisco] nolimitsoya, I had gotten that last time when I tried to mount it *shrug* am I missing drivers?06:42
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ifireballcaveMan: if you just want a 3D app you can try glxgears or anything in /usr/lib/xscreensaver06:42
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nolimitsoya[erisco] , hm... thats strange. eject the cd, and reinsert it. check fstab if theres an entry for cdrom06:42
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wildchilddoes anyone here uses terminatorx; I can't set up audio device ?06:43
_JPhow do i recover files i accidentally deleted in konqueror (shift+del) ?06:43
[erisco] nolimitsoya, "/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0"06:44
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CruCiaLcan anyone help me setup an internet connection through wlan?06:44
nolimitsoya_JP, you cant06:44
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adam_ok, so man useradd06:44
adam_then what adam?06:44
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Random_Transitcan i set a root password in ubuntu with passwd?06:44
ifireball_JP: you don't, really, I mean it, its teoreticaly possible in limited amount of cases, but trying that can really damage your system06:44
cello_raspis nautilus slow for everyone or just me?06:44
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CruCiaLcan anyone help me setup an internet connection through wlan? pls im lost :-(06:45
ifireballcello_rasp: just you :P06:45
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Megaqwertywhat is the "chmod" command to make a file read/write/execute for any user?06:45
[erisco] nolimitsoya, I have tried to mount "/dev/hdc" and "/media/cdrom0" with the same success, bleh06:45
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nolimitsoya[erisco] , did you eject manualy, or by rightclicking the icon on the desktop? anyway, try sudo umount /dev/hdc && sudo mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom006:45
adam_x is crashing... cant get it to load06:45
ifireballMegaQuark_: chmod 777 <file>; use with caution06:45
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CarolinamusicmanNautilus isnt slow for me cello_rasp  and Im running it on an older PC06:46
CruCiaLcan anyone help me setup an internet connection through wlan? pls im lost :-(06:46
nolimitsoyaMegaqwerty, +x06:46
Megaqwertyifireball: why do you say that?06:46
[erisco] nolimitsoya, I physically depressed the eject button on the physical drive on my physical tower, I swear ;) I will try unmounting, just a second06:46
nolimitsoya[erisco] , thats what not to do ;) eject using software06:46
Megaqwerty(and it's "qwerty" not "quark")06:46
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ifireballMegaqwerty: becase on most cases that way too many permissions, expeically when granting both write and execute06:47
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[erisco] nolimitsoya, "umount: /dev/hdc: not mounted"06:47
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wildchilddoes anyone here uses terminatorx; I can't set up audio device ?06:47
[erisco] nolimitsoya, well there is one thing confirmed, it was never mounted. Alright, so lets try ejecting with software06:47
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sandy16how to  record audio in ubuntu using line-in input06:47
adam_ifireball, what is the cmd to create a user? i have typed man useradd adam and it puts me in a menu06:47
ifireballMegaqwerty: yeah, noticed that, I do that alot lately06:47
Megaqwertyifireball: oh, well this is for a friend who is trying to install linux on a TungstenT so I'm sure it's of no issue.06:47
nolimitsoyaadam_, man useradd shouldgive you a manual06:48
eNonsensehaving a problem.  serpentine keeps crashing midway through a burn, so I'm trying to use K3B but it's telling me "Unable to handle files do to an unsupported format" when I try to add an mp3 to the burn list.06:48
adam_nolimitsoya, it did06:48
adam_but i dont know how to get out of it06:48
jribadam_: use 'adduser'06:48
ifireballadam_: adam_ the command is "useradd", typing "man useradd" will show you the instructions of how to use it06:48
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jtf0518adam, you're in the manual. to add a user just type useradd -m "username"06:48
nolimitsoyaadam_, man adduser <-read what it says, then press ctrl+q to exit06:48
[erisco] nolimitsoya, is there a terminal command to eject the disk? I tried with the CD ripper, ejected, pushed it back in, reread the CD and still not mounting06:48
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epimerhi guys06:49
ifireball[erisco] : simple, "eject"06:49
sandy16can any body help me ... to record audio using line in06:49
nolimitsoya[erisco] , eject /dev/hdc06:49
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epimerdoes GAIM support webcams at all?06:49
adam_nolimitsoya, thanks now i have to edit xorg to work with my ati...06:49
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eNonsensehaving a problem.  serpentine keeps crashing midway through a burn, so I'm trying to use K3B but it's telling me "Unable to handle files do to an unsupported format" when I try to add an mp3 to the burn list.06:49
[erisco] nolimitsoya, not a way to put it back in is there? heh06:49
nolimitsoya[erisco] , i dont know of any :)06:50
adam_so how do i edit the x file?06:50
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adam_is it gksudo edit xorg?06:50
jtf0518eNonsense, it's most likely a DRM protected file causing that.06:50
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jtf0518sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:50
ifireball[erisco] : actually you can with "eject -t"06:50
Noah0504epimer: Not without a little help.  You might want to look at Gaim-vv.06:50
[erisco] nolimitsoya, unfortunately it isn't mounting still. I did rip a CD not long ago though...06:50
eNonsensejtf0518, nope.  it's actually a bunch of music that i ripped from vinyl records myself.06:50
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adam_jtf0518, not it... getting a error06:51
revolutionI need help for sound problem with ICH7 chipset06:51
nolimitsoya[erisco] , is it a red book cd, or a protected one?06:51
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ifireball[erisco] : I think that perticualr CD may be fuged06:51
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boricuahow can i install the dansguardian gui in the ubuntu -CE  to regular ubuntu06:51
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Daylighteranyone here know anything about beryl?06:51
[erisco] nolimitsoya, ifireball, I have tried all my audio CD's (not many) and none will mount. They are all commercial CD's, but they are older classical disks06:51
nolimitsoyaboricua, apt-get?06:51
revolutionit work fine but when i touch volume control, sound it's gone06:51
epimerNoah0504, ty06:51
boricuawhat it is called?06:52
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adam_ok, using the cd, can i get drivers for the ati?06:52
Noah0504epimer: No problem.06:52
adam_if so, is it sudo apt-get install fglrx?06:52
epimerthat seems odd to me - i just tried aMSN, which strikes me as a horrible program, and i don't get why it can manage webcams and GAIM, a more fully-featured client, doesn't06:52
ifireball[erisco] : oh.. you can't mount an Audio CD is doesn't contain a filesystem... yuo just play it with a CD player...06:52
[erisco] nolimitsoya, the one I was able to mount was a burnt CD. Many these are protected06:52
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jtf0518adam, do a ls -ao /etc/X11/ and look to see if you have an xorg.conf file to begin with. It might have gotten munged.06:52
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Daylighter /j #ubuntu-agx06:52
nolimitsoya[erisco] , then they might notmount at all :) try a cd thats red book06:52
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ifireball[erisco] : or rip it...06:53
Daylighteri'm trying to remember what channel it is that has all the glx people06:53
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adam_yep got xorg06:53
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adam_jtf0518, yep got it06:53
[erisco] ifireball, that is EXACTLY what I am trying to do =\ it won't read the disk06:53
compilerwriterAnyone know how to prioritize tasks in evolution?06:53
[erisco] nolimitsoya, apart from being related to properties of the CD, what is "Red book"?06:54
epimerNoah0504, i can't find gaim-w on google - do you have a link?06:54
ifireball[erisco] : what are you trying to use to rip?06:54
jtf0518adam, sorry I forgot you're stuck in CLI mode. Try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:54
[erisco] ifireball, sound juicer06:54
jtf0518I love sound juicer06:54
nolimitsoya[erisco] , thats the standard for audio cd:s. protected cd:s are not real cd:s.06:54
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Megaqwertymy friend was working on a TungstenT Palm trying to get Linux on it, and he said "06:54
MegaqwertyI tried parted but then I had issues with root owning the device and I couldn't change that. When I logged in as root and tried changing it,it said that even I couldn't. As root. Eh?"06:54
Noah0504epimer: http://gaim-vv.sourceforge.net/06:54
adam_ok, what do i do to edit this so i can get my ati rollin?06:54
MegaqwertyAny Ideas on how he would fix this?06:55
ProN00bmy gstreamer seems to have problems viewing normal mpeg1 or mpeg2 videos, any idea why ? (i installed most plugins from universe for it)06:55
[erisco] nolimitsoya, these CD's may in fact be protected. They are commercial, bah. Limewire time? :P06:55
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ifireball[erisco] : I see, well, 1st, mounting has nothing to do with ripping, 2nd, like nolimitsoya said, if its protected you're pretty much out of luck06:55
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:55
humei have problems playing webtv from svt.se - using either mozilla-mplayer or the firefox mediaplayer plugin. Anyone that can play http://svt.se/svt/road/Classic/shared/mediacenter/player.jsp?d=59620&a=69848106:55
jtf0518adam, if you don't know what changes you need to make just close the file and try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and it'll run a config program to walk you through picking your video card, resolution, mouse and keyboard etc.06:56
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nolimitsoya[erisco] , if its one of those with a visible data layer in the perimeter you can try puting a tiny bit of opaque tape over that section :)06:56
action09hi anyone know how to change keyboard an language settings please ?06:56
jtf0518adam, it'll also try to detect your hardware for you.06:56
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[erisco] ifireball, nolimitsoya, alright thanks for your help. Two new things learnt! Ripping doesn't require mounting, and protected CD's screw you over. heh06:56
ifireballnolimitsoya: now thats pushing it...06:57
[erisco] nolimitsoya, hrm, well no not that I can see =\06:57
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Megaqwertyaction09: Keyboard settings are in System>Preferences>Keyboard06:57
nolimitsoyaifireball, why do you think that?06:57
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topylihume: i can play the windows media stream with the totem-xine plugin06:57
Megaqwertyifireball: Do you know how my friend's problem could be fixed? ^^06:57
ifireballnolimitsoya: smell like one of those things that are never going to work06:57
humetopyli, ok06:58
DaylighterI get an error " compwiz - no composite extension" when I try to start beryl06:58
Megaqwertyifireball: would chmod'ing the SD drive to 777 fix it?06:58
ifireballMegaqwerty: sorry, I wasn't paying attention, what problem?06:58
[erisco] ifireball, nolimitsoya, reminded me of the red green show ;)06:58
mumbles-potpaldo i use "dd" to backup a windows install ?06:58
Megaqwerty(09:54:46 AM) Megaqwerty: my friend was working on a TungstenT Palm trying to get Linux on it, and he said "06:58
Megaqwerty(09:54:46 AM) Megaqwerty: I tried parted but then I had issues with root owning the device and I couldn't change that. When I logged in as root and tried changing it,it said that even I couldn't. As root. Eh?"06:58
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topylihume: the real stream looks better. it seems to open a standalone totem06:58
nolimitsoyaifireball, it does. the data layer just tells your drive its an empty cd; normal sound equipment cant understand that data, and therefore work fine. breaking that data with some tape makes the cd usable06:58
CruCiaLcan anyone help me setup an internet connection through wlan? pls im lost :-(06:58
CruCiaLcan anyone help me setup an internet connection through wlan? pls im lost :-(06:58
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Have you tried the network-manager-gnome?06:59
nolimitsoya[erisco] , you could try using eac, or some other advanced ripping software06:59
[erisco] nolimitsoya, well there must be a way to override the data layer06:59
topylihume: gotta love our national broadcasting companies. svt is one of them, right? like the BBC and YLE in finland?06:59
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ifireballMegaqwerty: partitioning is one of those taskes reserved for root. don't try to override that. am I not getting the problem here?06:59
humetopyli, my totem didnt want to open, so I changed to mplayer..07:00
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CruCiaLi dont know where to find network manager - im kinda new to this! ;-)07:00
[erisco] nolimitsoya, can I get that out of apt-get?07:00
Megaqwertyifireball: I'm going to send you his full question.07:00
nolimitsoya[erisco] , no07:00
coz_CruCiaL, Syste/Administration/network07:00
ifireballnolimitsoya: its quite possible you'll tape over more then the data layer...07:00
coz_CruCiaL, system07:00
topylihume: totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?07:00
coz_topyli, totem xine07:01
ifireballMegaqwerty: ok07:01
[erisco] nolimitsoya, ah well no problem. I have the song names, I own the CD's, I will just download them *shrug*07:01
humetopyli, removed both07:01
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nolimitsoyaifireball, there is a visible border between the sections, but yes, a magnifying glass and good lighting is recommended07:01
CruCiaLcoz_: ive been to that, it says that wlan0 is active, it finds my homehub, but when i goto firefox, it wont load pages as if no connection07:01
[erisco] nolimitsoya, always more than one way around a problem :)07:01
topylihume: well, totem-xine with libxine-extracodecs and w32codecs seems to play pretty much what you give them07:01
adam_ok, the driver seems to be working now, but how do i configure an lcd?07:01
coz_CruCiaL, what wireless card do you hae07:02
adam_it started x, but i cant see it07:02
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CruCiaLcoz_: its a cable and wireless usb stick, im running it on a laptop07:02
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ifireballnolimitsoya: also I wonder if the drive will just skip over the rapde section or whill it choke on it and claim the CD is faulty07:02
jtf0518adam, what's the problem with the LCD?07:02
coz_CruCiaL, what manufactureer for the wireless stick07:02
boricuadoes anyone know what app is this gui for ubuntu http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/uploaded_images/configure_parental_controls_screen-745707.png07:02
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ifireballnolimitsoya: I mean "taped section"07:03
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: You need to download the network-manager-gnome from the Synaptic Package Manager07:03
boricuai am using regular edgy edition07:03
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Do you know how to use it?07:03
jtf0518boricua, Ubuntu uses Gnome as default for gui07:03
adam_jtf0518, it just isnt showing anything... xstarted...07:03
ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office impress?07:03
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Megaqwertyifireball: did you get my message?07:03
boricuajtf0518, this is a gui to maintain dansguardian and i dont see it in the regular edgy07:03
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coz_CruCiaL, in terminal type iwconfig07:04
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: how do i download it, i dont have a connection, only in ms windows07:04
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jtf0518boricua, it's not in the "regular" Edgy. Only Ubuntu CE07:04
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Do you have an Ethernet Cable?07:04
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ifireballMegaqwerty: nope, where did you send it to?07:04
compengiLjL: there?07:04
boricuajtf0518, :-(07:04
Megaqwertyifireball: I'll try it again, just a second07:04
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: no,07:04
coz_CruCiaL, in terminal typ iwconfig tell me what you see07:05
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'll find it for you, just a second.07:05
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jtf0518adam, when you ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, did it correctly identify your monitor?07:05
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adam_jtf0518, no it says generic07:05
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adam_jtf0518, i know that is why, but i dont know how to tell it what to use07:06
coz_CruCiaL, in the net work window did you set you essid and dhcp07:06
CruCiaLcoz_: i cant really do that just yet as i am on my laptop, dual boot - windows and ubuntu,07:06
jtf0518do you have the specs for your monitor?07:06
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coz_CruCiaL, no guy go to applications accessories and terminal07:06
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adam_jtf0518, no, its a laptop07:06
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Stormx2I need some screen recording software, ideally with microphone support. Suggestions?07:06
MarcNStormx2: audacity?07:06
MarcNoh, sorry, not that.07:07
coz_CruCiaL, i see  you are on windows right now07:07
CruCiaLcoz_: i did see essid and dhcp, the essid and it says BTHomeHub-cc6007:07
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unimatrix9dont know about microphone  support, but wink works well for just screen capture in flash07:07
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jtf0518adam, I'd go on the ubuntu web forums and search the threads there. You'll end up needing  to manuall add info to your xorg.conf file and you'll find examples there that will help you understand how it's done.07:07
MarcNStormx2: google for 'recordmydesktop'07:07
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coz_CruCiaL, what are you on now with the internet07:08
Stormx2MarcN: I tried that07:08
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Stormx2MarcN: It screws up the audio, skips LOADS07:08
jtf0518adam, try to find info on your max resolution from the laptop manufacturer's website too.07:08
CruCiaLcoz_: im on windows xp pro07:08
CruCiaLcoz: its using the usb adapter07:08
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buzzbuzzdoes anyone know if edgy supports WPA2? i have an ath0 in a sony vaio and it doesn't like any wpa enabled ap, any thoughts?07:08
napkincan anyone recommend a text editor with basic formatting, suitable for writing notes, similar to ms wordpad or apple textedit?07:08
coz_CruCiaL, ok well all you need is where I told you to go in the first place and you have to have a valid essid to put in there but you also need the driver for the usb stick you have07:09
jtf0518napkin, it's called Tomboy07:09
MarcNStormx2: skips what?  I had good luck with it on dapper (not tried since upgraded to edgy)07:09
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tigerspiritBonjour, messieurs.  I have a problem with FF2 on Breezy Badger.  I installed FF2, and it *partly* overwrote my installation of FF1.5.0.1.  Now I can't install add-ons because if I install ones for FF2, I get an error saying not compatible with 1.5etc, if I install ones for 1.5 etce, I get an error saying not compatible with 2.  I've spent yonks on chat sites and bugging my local LUG.  The...07:09
tigerspirit...consensus is that this is a result of the way Ubuntu installs packages.  So, can you tell me how to get all parts of FF to tell the world it is 2.0?  Or point me to a URL that will?  Merci.07:09
CruCiaLcoz: where can i get a driver, i have a driver cd but its for windows07:09
napkinjtf0518: thanks, i'll check that out.07:09
jerpSince the Adobe site doesn tell the user; does anyone know how to add a flashplayer to an amd64 system?  (Ie attempted to add the flashplayer 7 version but I get the error window wont install due to system architecture)07:09
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EfdarLOL http://img54.imageshack.us/img54/3466/mrnuggetfc9.png07:10
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jtf0518napkin, you're welcome.07:10
coz_CruCiaL, right, well that is why I need to know the manufacturer of the usb stick and its version number if you have it07:10
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IndyBCI tried to install glade with apt-get but it said me that it is already at the latest version. I typed "glade" at the terminal but it said "no such command" etc. How do I run glade?07:10
CruCiaLcoz: 1sec07:10
CokeNCodehey, is it possible to write a shell script to delete every process that isn't run by root ?07:10
CokeNCodeand logout all users other than root ?07:10
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ifireballCokeNCode: yes, but why?07:10
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coz_CokeNCode, there is a small utility to so that with07:10
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adam_jtf0518, i found some docs...07:10
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Stormx2MarcN: Well, it records waay fast.07:10
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MarcNCokeNCode: look at 'killall -u '07:10
ubotumono: Mono CLI (.NET) runtime. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB07:11
Stormx2MarcN: Like, the video is sped up when I view the .ogg07:11
MarcNStormx2: let me try it again07:11
coz_CruCiaL, lsec is the manufacturer or did you mean one sec?07:11
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Stormx2MarcN: And the audio skips to make up for it.07:11
CokeNCodeifireball, trying to automate something we do on the servers at work07:11
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CokeNCodethanks MarcN07:11
EnselicDoes anyone know when the mono 1.2 ubuntu package will be released?07:11
ifireballCokeNCode: also, isn't simly shutting-down to single user mode serve your purpose better?07:11
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CokeNCodeifireball, no07:11
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CokeNCodei just need to log everyone out of the system to unlock the databases07:12
CokeNCodeand once that's done07:12
FNHi all... I'm from India and wondering if anyone knows how to get a ZTE datacard working on Ubuntu 6.10 with the Reliance service from here. Thanks in advance.07:12
CokeNCodeeveryonecan go back in07:12
CruCiaLcoz: i meant one sec, its a cable and wireless 802.11g usb adapter, my windows driver is XPC 802.11g v4.7.0.007:12
CokeNCodeand sometimes ppl go in .. .and hang up07:12
coz_CokeNCode, I don't have script just utility to shut of processes on each machine07:12
CokeNCodeand don't exit properly07:12
CokeNCodeso they're processes running07:12
MarcNStormx2: works fine for me07:12
CokeNCodeon the server07:12
NutubuntuHello all - Synaptic displays error messages during the installation/config of clamav: "configuration error - unknown item 'QUOTAS_ENAB' (notify administrator)" and four more. Is this a problem? I've looked at the clamav website but not found it there.07:12
adam_jtf0518, kinda a pain in the a55 since i am not leaving this thing on ubuntu.. i wanted to just test the drivers on the notebook...07:12
Stormx2MarcN: OK thats great.07:12
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Stormx2MarcN: Now I want it to work for me.07:12
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EnselicHow long does it usually takes between a release of lib/program X and an Ubuntu package created based on that release?07:13
MarcNStormx2: recordMyDesktop v0.2.307:13
CruCiaLcoz: thats all it says, manufacturer is cable & wireless07:13
juttyso i went to sleep last night, woke up and everything was gone my desktop couldnt find anything07:13
coz_CruCiaL, you still there?07:13
juttyso i restarted my computer07:13
CokeNCodecan killall -u be run in such a way that says ... everything EXCEPT user 'root' ?07:13
jtf0518adam, it can be a pain. It took me over 8 hours of fiddlin to get my widescreen monitor working right.07:13
crossbarfirst time installing ubuntu and it never asked me for a root password.. whats the default root password? i had to install it from the GUI cause the regular start and install locked up.07:13
jutty"operating system couldnt be found"07:13
CokeNCodeor am i gonna have ot list EVERY other user07:13
CruCiaLcoz: thats all it says, manufacturer is cable & wireless07:13
unimatrix9_Genrl_Zo how did it go?07:13
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Stormx2jutty: pwnt07:13
ifireballCokeNCode: you can list user currently connected with "who"07:13
juttyYEAH BUT HOW07:14
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juttyits ubuntu07:14
coz_CruCiaL, sorry must have missed it what is it again?07:14
adam_jtf0518, well, the issue is that when i boot to windows, i get dashes across the monitor, so i download new drivers, and it doesnt change.07:14
CokeNCodelike ... killall -u everyone execpt root07:14
CokeNCodeis there a command that can do that ?07:14
adam_jtf0518, the next thing i did was pull it apart and check the connections, and it looks fine..07:14
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ifireballCokeNCode: also, won't disabling new logins and w8ing a little while for existing ones to be disconnected more user-friendly07:14
adam_jtf0518, its a laptop, so there is only so much i can do07:14
coz_CruCiaL, missed the posting for what it said tell me again so I can check for driver07:15
CokeNCodeifireball, nah ... things need to be done at a particular time07:15
CokeNCodethe users know the rules07:15
cryptonichttp://www.bit-tech.net/news/2006/11/08/NVIDIA_brings_Vista-esque_graphics_to_Linux/ , thats a bit strange as i dont think the edgy has beryl built in does it ?07:15
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'm going to attempt to send you the file.07:15
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CruCiaLcoz: thats all it says, manufacturer is cable & wireless07:15
coz_CruCiaL, ok07:15
cryptonicit doesnt even have it in the repositries from what i know.07:15
coz_CruCiaL, i will look07:15
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: can u send it again, mirc just blocked it07:15
CokeNCodeso ... is there such a command ... that doesn't involve me listing EVERY individual user07:15
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CokeNCodeother than root07:15
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CruCiaLcoz, thanks07:16
Apolloi think i can help with that one the root password is the user password. i ran into the same problem, just repeat your password, even when it says your password is wrong07:16
ifireballCokeNCode: kinda violent... its one of those things where my "there must be a better way" spider-instinct acts up07:16
jtf0518adam, it sounds like  your video on the laptop is hosed. Especially if you get no video in Windows or Ubuntu.07:16
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: ok07:16
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unimatrix9_Genrl_Zo i guess everything went well, and you are running the machine with joy right now...07:16
aeruderquick question, i've got the edgy eft live cd/install cd in, is there a way at the console to do the installation? (i.e. i've got the live cd booted ,but i want to use the console installer)07:16
jtf0518adam, what happens if you boot with an XP CD? do you get the text install?07:16
rexyis there a repository wich has the new mplayer with wmv support and a 32bit version for swiftfox (on edgy)07:16
orvillecryptonic: edgy has aiglx build in, but beryl is available separately07:16
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CokeNCodeifireball, well, I guess that might be true ... *shrug07:17
unimatrix9_Genrl_Zo good luck , catch you later maybe07:17
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CokeNCodebut, this is how we do it.07:17
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CruCiaLmegaqwerty: what is this file07:17
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SaulrenGood day, everyone.  Anyone have the time and patience to help a newbie?07:17
ifireballCokeNCode: just use a combination of who,grep,sed,xargs and killall -u ; you can do it in a one liner07:17
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: the Network-Manager-Gnome07:17
aeruderSaulren: don't ask to ask07:17
rexydont ask to ask Saulren , just spit it out :)07:17
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Here, I just uploaded it: http://d.turboupload.com/d/1203026/network-manager-gnome_0.6.3-2ubuntu6_i386.deb.html07:17
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jerpDoes anyone know if the AIGLX CD offered by Kororaa at http://linux.softpedia.com is worth the trouble?07:18
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MarcNStormx2: check out that out.ogg I pointed to you07:18
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aeruderSaulren: just ask your question07:18
coz_CruCiaL, in the terminal typ lsusb we need more info07:18
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: just checking now07:18
SaulrenWell here's the deal.  I had been working on a language called coldC in a linux knockoff and recently switched to Unbuntu on VMware07:18
jtf0518well, gotta go. Colts game is coming on.07:18
coz_CruCiaL, this is when you boot into ubuntu07:18
SaulrenI am trying to get the driver (genesis) that runs the coldC serv to install, but I'm missing most of the headers required to compile07:18
cryptonichow do i get out of xserver to install the new nvidia driver?07:18
orvillelooks like it's time for me to grab nvidia drivers.07:18
SaulrenI'm guessing I need to get some sort of addons to handle the make install07:18
CokeNCodeifireball, really ? how exactly would i get those to communicate in a wya that doesn't require my intervention in anyway07:18
coz_CruCiaL, lspci and or lsusb to get more info on the device you have, write down all the numbers and info it puts out07:19
CokeNCoderemember, i'm trying to write a shell script07:19
SaulrenBut I'm completely clueless.07:19
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aeruderSaulren: what header files are missing07:19
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NutubuntuI forgot to say, this is on Dapper (Synaptic displays error messages during the installation/config of clamav: "configuration error - unknown item 'QUOTAS_ENAB' (notify administrator)" and four more. Is this a problem? I've looked at the clamav website but not found it there.)07:19
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coz_Efdar, guy you sound frustrated however, language .. dude careful on the language07:19
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daylighterI am getting the error " no composite extension" when I enable beryl07:19
SaulrenI currently have Ubuntu-6.06.1 installed and running.07:19
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: ok, just open the package when in Ubuntu and allow Ubuntu to install it. You then need to go and do this: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces and comment out with these (#) comment out everything except the "lo" stuff07:19
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ompaulSaulren, try installing build-essential and it may help a lot07:19
SaulrenHow would I go about that?07:20
CruCiaLcoz: ill have to reboot and do this, ill be back in bout 5-10 minutes07:20
ifireballCokeNCode: are you trying to get me to write the script for you?07:20
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aeruderSaulren: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:20
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: wait07:20
Megaqwertyyou don't have to comment those out anymore.07:20
ompaulSaulren, system - administration - synaptic package manager from the menu (lots of ways to do it)07:20
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Megaqwertyforget that, just install the network-manager-gnome. It will appear in your upper right hand corner.07:21
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Megaqwertyjust point and click.07:21
Brokensteini'm trying to switch to kubuntu, any advice how to really clean out gnome and gnome apps?07:21
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unimatrix9who is using an lenovo new laptop with ubuntu?07:22
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ompaulBrokenstein, you don't need to if you have the room, you could try sudo apt-get remove --purge gnome; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:22
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CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ive downloaded this file, where do i put it07:22
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ZarephathAnyone know of a good diary/daily journal software for linux?07:22
mumbles-potpalare the repository's down ?07:23
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: anywhere Ubuntu can read it.07:23
Megaqwerty(I'm assuming you are in windows right now)07:23
mumbles-potpalim ggettign could not download all repository indexes.07:23
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jerp AIGLX on a LIVE CD ........ http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Kororaa-Xgl-Live-CD-Download-10372.html07:23
unimatrix9zarephath , maybe use tiddlywiki?07:23
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: once you reboot into Ubuntu, just double click on the file and install it.07:23
maccam94kororaaa is so old...07:23
maccam94and dead07:23
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maccam94i think the new one is sabayon07:23
timhaughtonA piece of software I'm building requires the libssh headers. Does anyone know which package might bring them in?07:24
aerudersudo apt-get --purge remove gnome would only remove the metapackage07:24
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AsheDdoes anybody know why my Ubuntu suddenly restarts X if I hit shift-backspace?07:24
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: im in windows now, but i cannot see the drive which ubuntu is installed in 'my computer'07:24
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: that doesn't matter. Ubuntu can see your windows partition.07:24
ompaulAsheD, cos that is how x works you can alter that behaviour if you want (some day you may want it)07:24
Zarephathunimatrix9, : thanks07:24
aeruderits normally ctrl-alt07:24
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Saulren2Ack, got disconnected.  Seems my ghost is still here.07:25
wildchildthere was an error initializing the audio i/o layer. You wil not be able to play or record audio. How can I set up layer?07:25
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unimatrix9or http://shared.snapgrid.com/index.html07:25
AsheDompaul:: where do I modify that? and yeh, it used to work on ctrl-alt-backspace, not shift-backspace07:25
unimatrix9wich does the same kind of thing07:25
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: After installing, simply reboot once more, and it should be in your upper right hand corner. just click on it, and select the network you want to connect to.07:25
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: so if i put it into my C:\ in windows, where do i go in ubuntu07:25
ompaulAsheD, ahh had not read your comment correctly - no idea07:25
aeruderAsheD: sounds like some funkiness on your keyboard07:25
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: probably to media/sda2/windows07:25
aeruderkeyboards are interesting hardware, sometimes certain key combinations just don't work or certain key combinations send the wrong key combinations07:26
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unimatrix9bye bye all07:26
dxdemetriouCan I enable the roll-up instead of maximize with double click on nautilus?07:26
coz_CruCiaL, if you are going to install that you will have top ut it on a flash drive or floppy or cd then move it onto ubuntu and so the dpkg -i thing07:26
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AsheDis there nothing I can do about it then?07:26
coz_CruCiaL, safest way07:26
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I agree, that would be the easiest, assuming that you can do that.07:27
daylighter"XGL Absent, assuming AIGLX" does this mean I need to install one of the two?07:27
CruCiaLcoz: if i put it on a flash drive, how do i access the flash drive in ubuntu07:27
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ifireballCokeNCode: actualyl, you can probably make it a tad faster by using some black magic parameters to "ps", then "grep", "cut", "xargs" and regural "kill"07:27
ompaulaeruder, xmodmap, .profile .bashrc can all be influencers and then there is the hardware they are plugged into07:27
cryptonichow do i see what version nvidia drivers i have installed atm?07:27
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Simply doubleclick on "usbdisk" which will be on your desktop.07:27
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coz_CruCiaL, first boot into ubuntu then plug in the flash drive and it will open up as soon as it is plugged in, then07:27
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aeruderompaul: of course, but i doubt he has that set up in xmodmap07:28
coz_CruCiaL, drag the file onto the desktop07:28
aeruderand well, .profile and .bashrc can only do it with xmodmap (still unlikely)07:28
ompaulaeruder, point07:28
coz_CruCiaL, then open a terminal and cd /home/yourusername/Desktop07:28
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Saulren2Apparently, since I have no password set, I cannot access my Administration programs... why is that?07:28
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coz_CruCiaL, then sudo dpkg -i thenameof file07:28
aeruderbut yea, all i'm saying is somehow or another his shift-backspace is getting mapped to ctrl-alt-backspace07:28
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MegaqwertyCruCial: assuming that it is already plugged in, it will be there, and then just double click on the file and run it.07:28
aeruderSaulren2: its asking for your user password07:28
MegaqwertyCruciaL: it is as simple as that.07:29
Saulren2I never set a user password.07:29
KingsqueakSaulren2: what happens when you do 'sudo ls'  and enter in a blank password?07:29
cryptonichow do i see what version nvidia drivers i have installed atm?07:29
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, there's a short pause, and back to the terminal prompt.07:30
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KingsqueakSaulren2: doesn't bitch and complain or list the dir?07:30
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CruCiaLcoz & megaqwerty: thanx for your help...il try this now, and i should be able to connect, if all goes well, ill reply in ubuntu :-)07:30
KingsqueakSaulren2: just to be sure 'sudo ls /etc'07:30
Saulren2Kingsqueak, nope.  Just pauses and then goes back to the prompt.07:30
aeruderchange your password07:30
KingsqueakSaulren2: just to be sure something is in the dir07:30
Megaqwertyyou're welcome.07:30
coz_CruCiaL, well if you don't have a driver you will not connect07:30
mumbles-potpalhow do i test synaptic's connection to the net?07:31
Saulren2Kingsqueak, same thing.07:31
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coz_CruCiaL, but check it out anywaty07:31
aeruderSaulren2: i doubt you'll get much done with a blank password07:31
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KingsqueakSaulren2: yeah sudo wants you to have a password then, so you need to set one  'passwd'\07:31
aeruderlots of programs won't take it07:31
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KingsqueakSaulren2: err   'passwd'07:31
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, thats the syntax?   set one 'pw'  ?07:31
KingsqueakSaulren2: 'passwd'07:32
KingsqueakSaulren2: that will prompt you07:32
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KingsqueakSaulren2: that will set the passwd for your user and then for sudo commands or admin commands, it will be the same one07:32
HipotermiAHi guys!07:32
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nox-HandI need help with setting up a wireless card for Ubuntu - on a Dell Inspiron 220007:33
Saulren2Kingsqueak, Hmm.. I think I'm screwing it up. haha07:33
KingsqueakSaulren2: you in a terminal window right?  just type 'passwd'  without the 's btw, that just means the command is inside of ' here '07:34
Saulren2Kingsqueak, I did what you said, and then did  sudo ls   and got a prompt for current unix password07:34
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nox-Hand!tell nox-Hand about wireless07:34
KingsqueakSaulren2: that's normal, now type your password07:34
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n1gkeHowdy folks....07:34
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KingsqueakSaulren2: sudo wants to be sure it's you is the idea07:34
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gh0sthello, is there any good mass-renamer for linux?07:34
Saulren2Kingsqueak, aye, but when it prompts me for my Current UNIX password, I dont know what to put.07:35
KeyseirVorbote: I just installed Windows XP Pro SP2 on vmware. Installation went peachy. Downloaded .NET 2.0... near the end of the isntallation, vmware player reverts to small mode in the upper left, blue screen white letters, and quickly restarts... reboots, gets to desktop, is slow as crap. This ring any bells?07:35
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n1gkeAnyone have a spare Pentium III Copermine available please ??07:35
KingsqueakSaulren2: when you ran 'passwd' what did you enter?07:35
KingsqueakSaulren2: don't say it here lol07:35
daylightermmmm delicious BSOD07:35
cryptonichow do i see what version nvidia drivers i have installed atm?07:35
KingsqueakSaulren2: when you ran 'passwd' you entered something, that is your password07:35
courti have a d-link WDA-1320. How can i use wpa?07:35
aimtrainerhi! That: linux-image-2.6.15-23-686 is the kernel I need for an intel core duo 2300 right?07:36
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pfhomerhow do I disable the disk cache?07:37
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jerpcrypt, I would say, look in synaptic search using nvidia07:37
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jeltehi there... can anyone tell me if the server edition of ubuntu would run on a Via Epia mini itx board?07:37
Saulren2Kingsqueak, did you get my queary?07:37
courtanyone good with networking?07:37
pfhomerI am on a 128 MB machine and want to save ram. how do I disable the disk cache?07:38
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cryptonichow do i leave xserver then?07:38
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
winterp1sudo hdparm -W0 /dev/hda07:38
rexyis there a repository wich has a new mplayer with wmv support and a 32bit version for swiftfox (on edgy)?07:38
winterp1for  disk cache07:38
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courtrexy, automatix07:38
rexyi used that07:38
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courti dunno then07:38
rexyinstalled mplayer and mplayer-plugin07:39
courtworks fine for me07:39
leafwhow come in the gnome desktop one cannot set a different wallpaper for each workspace?07:39
courtdid you install the codecs?07:39
KingsqueakSaulren2: if your nick isn't registered, I won't07:39
rexyw32codecs? dont work 64 bit system07:39
courtleafw, are you good with networking?07:39
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coz_leafw, i ask the samed question07:39
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rexyi read the new mplayer has native support, but that i'd need a 32bit version of mplayer for the swiftfox package07:39
prim8Stupid question: I am using static IP, I found how to set my DNS in System > Admin > Networking, but I lose the info when I reboot.  How can I save it so that I don't have to reconfigure on reboot?07:40
jribleafw, coz_ :  google for 'wallpapoz'07:40
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coz_jrib, sounds good .. will do07:40
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Sp4rKyplease, does anyone know how i can set a charset for the subject of an email (from a script using sendmail)?07:40
Saulren2Kingsqueak I'll just tell you what i said here07:40
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Nem|ltophey i was wondering if somebody could help me set up dual monitors in ubuntu, i tried to follow a guide but it didn't seem to work07:40
Saulren2Since I dont use my real pw07:40
john64does anyone know of a way to have a PDF printer in Ubuntu?07:40
jerppfhomer, look in the documentation/Ubuntu Packageing Guide/Installation/Prerequisites07:40
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EnselicIf I want to get a primary date for the           Mono 1.2 Ubuntu          package, who should I ask?07:40
leafwcourt : ok07:41
Saulren2First I typed:  set one mypw07:41
jbroomejohn64: you can do it with a samba virtual printer07:41
jribjerp: yes, install cups-pdf I think07:41
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jribjohn64: yes, install cups-pdf I think07:41
Saulren2then:   set one 'passwd'07:41
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Saulren2then:  set one 'mypw'07:41
john64jbroome: is there a way to do it locally?07:41
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clearzenI'm trying to change the permissions on a ext3 filesystem. I've tried chown and chmod and niether of them have actually changed the permissions on the disk. What else can I use?07:41
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leafwcourt : can't believe it's not built-in to gnome07:41
Saulren2Kingsqueak, nothing happened any of those times.07:41
KingsqueakSaulren2: heh no 'set one'  just   'passwd'07:41
jerpor use cache in the search07:41
jbroomejohn64: actually, OOo will save as a PDF also07:41
leafwcoz_ : networking you mean mental contact or waht07:41
courtleafw, what? desktop backgrounds?07:41
leafwI just stepped in07:41
leafwcourt : yes. One for each workspace.07:41
Saulren2do u put the pw in the ' s07:41
KingsqueakSaulren2: you really need to have a password, it's such a bad idea not to have one on a system07:42
noxxleis there an easy way to control my fans?07:42
Saulren2Kingsqueak, aye07:42
KingsqueakSaulren2: no, when you type   passwd   it will just ask you to enter one07:42
Saulren2nvm that last question07:42
john64jbroome: i am looking to be able to create PDF's from any application that has printing support, not reliant on windows, networking or samba07:42
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jribjohn64: cups-pdf07:42
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Taterhey all07:42
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=== CruCiaL [n=a@host86-128-105-138.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Saulren2kingsqueak, it keeps prompting me for my current UNIX password, and no matter what I type it says failed.07:43
john64jrib: thanks!07:43
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TaterI got a drive I can't mount or see but I can see it being recognized when the bios loads any ideas?07:43
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KingsqueakSaulren2: hmm your current one should be ..nothing07:43
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KingsqueakSaulren2: just hit <enter> when it asks for current07:43
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rexytator is it paritioned? is it enabled in the kernel?07:43
Saulren2kingsqueak, exactly.  I never set it, and I tried that.07:43
jribjohn64: be sure to read /usr/share/doc/cups-pdf/README.Debian  since I couldn't find where my pdf's went at first :)07:43
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Daylighteryay! IT WORKS :-)07:43
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: when i run the app from the desktoop it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: libatl1.0-007:44
john64jrib: Thanks, also, which driver should i use in the printer setup wizard thing07:44
Taterrexy yeah its partitioned its a ubuntu installation from my laptop I wanted to redo it but I can't get it to mount07:44
smokhello  I am a new to ubuntu . I have just instaled ubuntu 5.10 and fidout there is 6.10. I have dual boot for XP. How do I upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to 6.10 ??07:44
KingsqueakSaulren2: odd, you have a bit of a problem then as you need to do a password recovery procedure to fix it07:44
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, it shouldn't have anything to do with my current windows password07:44
CruCiaLcoz: when i run the app from the desktoop it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: libatl1.0-007:44
KingsqueakSaulren2: not at all07:44
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KingsqueakSaulren2: just so I'm not completely insane here, you are booted into Ubuntu right now right?07:45
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, lol yeah.07:45
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-233-221.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dali need help !07:45
Saulren2Kingsqueak, It never asked me for a password.07:45
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CruCiaLcoz_: r u there?07:45
Saulren2So it should be blank...07:45
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simmerzwhat package do i need to install to get apache to do combinedv logging?07:45
Daylighterthis is nice, but I want to get rid of the wobbly menus07:45
cryptonichow do i leave xserver then?07:45
KingsqueakSaulren2: during install it definitely asked you to put in a password07:45
KingsqueakSaulren2: this is installed and not the live CD right?07:46
strabesDaylighter: you can change that stuff in the animations plugin of beryl-settings07:46
Saulren2Kingsqueak, I downloaded it from VWmare, and ran it on the VMware player.07:46
smokhello  I am a new to ubuntu . I have just instaled ubuntu 5.10 and fidout there is 6.10. I have dual boot for XP. How do I upgrade ubuntu 5.10 to 6.10 ??07:46
cryptonichow do i leave xserver then?07:46
KingsqueakSaulren2: oh, not sure what that image would be07:46
KingsqueakSaulren2: it may have a default root password of some kind07:46
Daylighterthe settings in beryl-settings are confusing07:46
=== amo [n=amo@i01m-62-35-40-153.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
CruCiaLcoz_: r u there?07:47
jerpsmok,  go to http://www.ubuntu.com/  and use the links07:47
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noxxleis there an easy way to control my fans?07:47
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john64jrib:  Thanks very much!07:47
smokthere is no info on how to upgrade07:47
CruCiaLcan anyone help me with gnome network manager?07:47
jerpthe word download will lead you07:47
amoi'm searching for help on xchat-gnome07:47
CruCiaLcan anyone help me with gnome network manager?07:48
court_im having probles with my wireless card. Any gurus in here?07:48
cassidy_amo: what's your problem ?07:48
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade07:48
amojust how to join a server that is not in the list07:48
jerpsmok, there is an alternate CD install07:48
CruCiaLi have problems with my usb wireless adapter too07:48
=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Did it work?07:49
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CruCiaLmegaqwerty: nope its says:07:49
smok<jerp>if boot to 5.10 can i instal 6.10 fom there?07:49
Saulren2Kingsqueak, whats a common Root pw?07:49
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: when i run the app from the desktoop it says error: dependency is not satisfiable: libatl1.0-007:49
amoplease, how to add a server in the list in xchat-gnome ?07:49
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Just a second, I'll get that for you.07:49
KingsqueakSaulren2: heh I don't know what it would be set to, were there any README files with that vmplayer image?07:49
jerpsmok, it so old, I get the CD07:49
=== Yokanzo [n=Shinjuku@Toronto-HSE-ppp3870053.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
YokanzoWhat kind of program opens .rpm files07:49
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cryptonichow do i exit xserver?07:49
Yokanzoarchive manager tells me it's not supported07:50
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nox-HandIs the cabextract package not in apt?07:50
jerpYokanzo: a deb packer07:50
cassidy_amo: edit -> pref -> networks07:50
winterp1use alien for  .rpm07:50
amoa .rpm is a compiled programm for debian based OS07:50
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nox-HandOr is that in the masked packages (( #'s in sources.list)07:50
jbroomeamo: err, no07:50
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KingsqueakSaulren2: try user ubuntu pass ubuntu07:50
amooh ? sorry so ...07:50
YokanzoI need to install an rpm program07:50
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Yokanzohow can I allow it to be supported07:51
amocassidy_: thx07:51
cassidy_amo: np :)07:51
KingsqueakSaulren2: meaning, you may be the user 'ubuntu' now, so try password of 'ubuntu'07:51
jbroomeSaulren2: try a blank pw, or root as the PW or check on the VMware site to see if the provider listed one.  if not boot into single user mode and change it07:51
Daylighteri'm still not figuring out how to change the settings for the menus07:51
jbroome!rpm > Yokanzo07:51
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Are you sure that is the right error message?07:51
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winterp1Yokanzo: sudo apt-get -y install alien07:52
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: yup, it started to load, then it displays this in red, with info below, the install button was greyed out so i could not press it07:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sfv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:52
jerpenter rpm in the synaptic search it should return a zip prog of sorts07:52
Saulren2Kingsqueak, thanks!07:52
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, that did the trick.07:52
KingsqueakSaulren2: no problem07:52
KingsqueakSaulren2: now set that sucker to your own password07:52
Saulren2Kingsqueak, now I can finally try to add these packages.07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restrictedformates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:53
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:53
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: sorry, I can't find that one, but are you sure it isn't "libatk1.0-0"?07:53
cryptonichow do i exit xserver?07:53
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: yes sorry, i mistyped07:54
Megaqwertyok, that one I can get for you.07:54
smok<jerp> I have 5.10 trying to upgr to 6.10    I am booting from 6.10 cd and It tells me "xx.xxxx Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block x" and this keeps going but X values hanges07:54
Saulren2KIngsqueak, did you happen to catch my original question about running (Genesis) driver for a program called coldC?07:54
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KingsqueakSaulren2: no clue there07:55
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, genesis requires you to install it using a C compiler, however when I did the make install I was missing several C libraries07:55
smokhow do I upgadee?07:55
Saulren2Kingsqueak, just curious as to whether you know which package might include those.07:55
Daylighterthis water effect is amazing07:55
Nem|ltophow can i tell if i have the binary graphics drivers installed for my video cards?07:55
KingsqueakSaulren2: libs in ubuntu with headers are called   foolib-dev  as opposed to just foolib07:55
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I just uploaded it here: http://d.turboupload.com/d/1203094/libatk1.0-0_1.12.3-0ubuntu1_i386.deb.html07:55
KingsqueakSaulren2: to compile something you'll need the -dev package of the lib you want07:55
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ok thanx, wot was the problem?07:56
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=== qwertybob [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mewshiis it safe to update from dapper to edgy now?07:56
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Ubuntu didn't have that specific library installed07:56
DaylighterI still cant figure out how to shut off the wavy menus07:56
=== panzer [n=panzer@174-11-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
DaylighterSO many settings07:56
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: install that before installing the network-manager-gnome07:56
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roryymewshi: i've done it; going great so far07:56
qwertybobi just installed amd64 dapper and want to update it to edgy also07:56
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Saulren2Kingsqueak, would that be under the Libraries?07:56
smokI have 5.10 trying to upgr to 6.10    I am booting from 6.10 cd and It tells me "xx.xxxx Buffer I/O error on device hdc, logical block x" and this keeps going but X values hanges07:56
MegaqwertyHopefully it will work this time! :-)07:56
jerpYoue suppose to be able to kill an X session by using Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination.07:56
KingsqueakSaulren2: likely, yes07:56
smokany 1 please07:57
=== Ciaus [n=Ciaus@c-24-128-74-3.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qwertybobroryy: do i just change repos to edgy where it says dapper?07:57
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roryyqwertybob: i'd read the upgrade notes if i were you07:57
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: hopefully, i just want to get on the net, once ive done that, i can start learning unix/linux/ubuntu!07:57
xd45smok: did you checksum it?07:57
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roryy!update | qwertybob07:57
ubotuqwertybob: For upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade07:57
xd45prolly why07:57
Saulren2Kingsqueak, heh I'm actually pretty clueless as to which libraries I need.  Unix is not my thing at all.07:57
=== epp [n=evan@c-67-182-211-240.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qwertybobroryy: i would install edgy64 but it locks up unless i use noacpi etc07:57
xd45what method are you using cd?07:58
Saulren2Kingsqueak, I might have to wait til some of the coldC developers wake up so that I can ask them.07:58
qwertybobtrying different route07:58
=== DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-057-240-147.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertyhello dal07:58
smokhow do i checksum07:58
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:58
NutubuntuHello all - I am trying to run ClamAV on Dapper. It says that this version of the ClamAV engine is outdated, and then it quits. How would I update to the current engine ClamAV engine using Synaptic?07:58
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:58
smokcan i pm u07:58
Megaqwertydal: register for what?07:58
roryyqwertybob: hrm. can't help you there, sorry07:58
dalmy apologies, there are so many people in here, i cannot give a voice07:58
qwertybobroryy: ok thanks07:58
=== DaftDog [n=christia@dslb-084-057-240-147.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #ubuntu []
xd45 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:58
xd45go there07:58
dalmy name07:58
Megaqwertyin irc?07:58
smoki did that07:58
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: thanx for ur help, ill try it now, hopefully c u next time under ubuntu!07:59
xd45did you read the part about checksums?07:59
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Saulren2It checks for lint, bison, byacc, byteorder07:59
MegaqwertyCruCial: cool!07:59
xd45i think there is a util called hash*07:59
xd45get that07:59
Saulren2As well as about 30 functions and 15 headers.07:59
=== Megaqwerty crosses his fingers
smokone mached 2nd didn'07:59
Saulren2Nearly all of which it doesnt find.07:59
Megaqwertydal: just a second, it's been a while since I did that.07:59
Saulren2During the compile, I mean.07:59
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xd45gilbert_299: cut the crap07:59
smok<xd45> i did that 1 mached 2nd didnt08:00
xd45anooying twit08:00
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nox-HandSomeone kick him?08:00
xd45smok:  what speed did you burn at?08:00
xd45hmm, that should have been fine08:00
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=== Lopss [n=Lopss@] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertydal: do this: " /msg nickserv register YOURircPASSWORD"08:00
smokbut that checksum u dit 2x08:01
dalit says this nickname is already registered08:01
xd45u dit 2 x?08:01
=== cusco [n=Tiago@cpc2-swin6-0-0-cust997.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Daylighterhaha! fixed08:01
Saulren2If I listed the functions and headers needed to compile this driver, woudl someone be able to tell me what libarar(ies) I would need to install?08:01
xd45dal get a new nick08:01
nox-Handdal, Ouch :D08:01
dalbut..this is my name!08:01
smokthe 2nd didnt mach08:01
Megaqwertydal: then to identify yourself, do this: "/msg nickserv identify YOURircPASSWORD"08:01
cuscoI'm having a friend talking about08:01
jbroomenot on this network it isn't08:01
xd45dal: someone else has it already, you're out of luck08:01
smokthe 2nd didnt mach08:01
Daylighterthis is VERY Nice08:01
xd45smok: need to redo would be my guess08:01
Yokanzoif I extract a file with the folder "usr" will it overwrite the entire usr folder with those few files or just add those files to that folder?08:02
smokredo download?08:02
Megaqwertydal: I guess you will have to get a new one. or one similar.08:02
xd45and redo burn preferably08:02
jbroomeYokanzo: as long as there isn't files with the same name, it'll add08:02
cuscoI'm having a friend talking about both ubuntu 6.06 and 6.10 desktop cd's not starting X saying "no screens found" ... he has a gforce2 (nvidia chip)08:02
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gilbert_299bueno lo agamos d nuevo soy sapamer08:02
cuscoany description of this?08:02
dalso how can i switch nick?08:02
cuscoI mean08:02
smokok thanks08:02
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cuscoola Disier08:02
jbroomedal: /nick somethingelse08:02
mojojojo_hi there. I've got a problem. It sometimes happens that a certain application (not a specific one, but in general) cease to work and it takes some time for it to continue to work. The proble is not CPU usage or lack of memory. What migh be the cause??08:02
xd45ype /nick newnick08:02
=== cirurgiao [n=cirurgia@201-41-125-25.gnace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
xd45type rather08:02
dalit does not do anything08:02
Disierlook can someone help me out here?08:03
xd45dal: /nick jkshfdkjsad08:03
dalthat's what i did, but it does not work08:03
ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office impress?08:03
aeruderDisier: asking to ask will get you nowhere, you just wasted one question ;)08:03
=== dal is now known as abasinisvacan
=== flashnet [i=flashnet@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-153.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org".08:03
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=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Disieri'am having problem with working wiht my ubuntu cd08:03
ryanakcahmmm... what's the oo.o chan again?08:03
Yokanzowhat is the commandline for extracting the rpm file to its default directory?08:03
jbroomeryanakca: i think he already has it installed08:03
cuscoaeruder: I just asked a question and I got no answer08:03
Spee_Der!ask > Disier08:03
=== cirurgiao [n=cirurgia@201-41-125-25.gnace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
abasinisvacantso am i registered now? how do i check?08:04
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).08:04
ryanakcajbroome: who?08:04
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:04
green_earzmojojojo_: use the command top to see what the cpu useage is08:04
Disieri think the ubuntu release i have (6.10) does not detect my screen monitor or my graphic card08:04
aerudercusco: you have an error message ( a common one ), google is your friend08:04
Yokanzoyeah the latest one gives me a black screen so i'm using an older ubuntu08:04
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abasinisvacanthow do i find the person with the nick :   'dal'08:05
Spee_DerDisier: Look at your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.....08:05
abasinisvacanti'd like to have a word08:05
jbroomeabasinisvacant: /wii dal08:05
Disieri've saw it08:05
Disierit only says08:05
abasinisvacantno such nick08:05
=== Chadza [n=chorton@c-69-243-24-182.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Disier"no screens found"08:05
=== mirkone [n=mirkone@p57A25614.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryanakcagilbert_299: cut it out08:05
Disierand to restart until GME is configured properly08:05
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!08:05
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Disieri  don't know why this happens08:05
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Megaqwertythank you08:06
NutubuntuThanks ops08:06
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ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office impress?08:06
abasinisvacantso what can i do, now that i am registered08:06
Spee_DerThank you op.... 2 bad it has to happen08:06
Disieri've used another linux release (knoppix) and ti works fine08:06
mojojojo_green_earz, I did it, it's not  greater than a few percent of total usage08:06
=== ivx [n=ivx@host-81-150-107-208.midco.net] has joined #ubuntu
jerpdisier, if it doesnt allow you to upgrade from there, I get the new full dl and work from there08:06
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Spee_DerCompare the two xorg.conf files ?08:06
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ryanakcaDisier: what's happening?08:07
=== Kubisen [n=sanna@90-225-109-42-no20.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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jerpload it in so it will boot from CD and the it will clean your partition and install08:07
__mikemLooks like we are under attack again08:07
Disierit happens when i boot from the cd08:07
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jerpdisier, how old is your computer?08:08
NemesisDok guys I am setting up twinview and I am confused as to what I should choose for "usedisplaydevice"08:08
green_earzmojojojo_: use the command ps aux    and see if you can see the process in question and its momery use can cpu08:08
NemesisDi have 2 DVI LCDs but does that mean I chose DFP?08:08
ryanakcadoes you computer blow up? does the pizza guy ring your doorbell? What happens when you boot your CD?08:08
NemesisDi thought DFP was a certain kind of connector that isn't used anymore08:08
=== Zajjko [n=Zajjko@81-234-204-3-no118.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
NutubuntuBe well all08:09
=== CruCiaL [n=a@host86-128-105-138.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Did it work?08:09
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: same error but for libc6 this time...08:09
=== InnerF|RE [n=darnell@h-68-167-251-136.sttnwaho.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: No problem, I'll get that one too.08:09
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qubix__is there a HOWTO for installing .pcf fonts with ubuntu?/?08:10
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jerpboot from your cd by entering the sys bios and select under the boot first selector08:10
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: any others i might need...lol08:10
ryanakcahow do you draw a custom trajectory in open office impress?08:10
jerpqubix, should be in the documentation08:10
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'm not sure, I'll check for all of them.08:10
jbroomesweet christ ryanakca i don't think anyone here knows08:10
=== bonaventura [n=tarakan@static-213-240-229-137.megalan.bg] has joined #ubuntu
NemesisDcould someone at least tell me how to restart X?08:10
qubix__jerp: can you dirext me???08:10
qubix__i cant find anything!08:10
qubix__NemesisD, ctrl+alt+backspace.08:11
jerpoh pcf IDK08:11
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ok...thanx08:11
NemesisDis that it?08:11
Spee_DerYes New, that is it.08:11
caffiendCan Mac OS X be run from VMware in 6.10?  if so where can it be downloaded or does it cost $$?08:11
Spee_DerNew that is....08:11
angelakiwho can help me with gdesklets???08:11
=== abhinay [n=abhinay@unaffiliated/abhinay] has joined #ubuntu
ryanakcajbroome: knows what? what's happening on Disiers computer? or the trajectory?08:11
xjeethuxHi folks, I'm having some trouble setting up Xgl on edgy here :(08:11
Spee_DerThat way you can restart X without restatring the computer....08:11
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096713315.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
jbroomeryanakca: the trajectory you keep asking about every 5 minutes08:12
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mojojojo_green_earz, it sometimes cease to load for gnome-terminal. I wouln't suspect this program for large memory or cpu usage.08:12
ryanakcajbroome: ever two screen worths of scrolling :)08:13
angelakiwho can help me with gdesklets starterbar??? (pm please)08:13
nox-HandYou need a recent kernel at least 2.6.6 or 2.4.26 with source. <-- do I need this to get ndiswrapper to worK? :O08:13
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=== Tschaka [n=tschaka@p54B3BE2E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
angelakiwho can help me with gdesklets starterbar??? (pm please)08:14
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Kingsqueakangelaki: what are you stuck on?08:14
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mojojojo_green_earz, an this particular program doesn't consume to much. The problem is somewhere else, but I don't know where to look08:14
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NemesisDok so now my other monitor is displaying but i have a problem08:14
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Whoa Boy, there are a lot of possibilities.08:14
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NemesisDim trying to set up dual monitors with twinview and the monitors are in reverse order, the right monitor is displaying the left side and vice versa08:14
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: This might take me a bit.08:14
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: great! hehe, im a pain aint i08:14
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=== moonwatcher [n=no@89-138-75-179.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
CruCiaLsorry to trouble you megaqwerty, but it is very much appreiciated08:15
angelakihow i can remove the black square from starter bar? i want to make it like OS X08:15
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: It's worth it, getting someone to experience the joys of ubuntu is one of my missions08:15
NemesisDanyone got any ideas? in windows i know theres a way to reverse things08:15
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Spee_DerNemesisD: Are you using seperate video cards or a dual head card ?08:16
NemesisDSpee_Der, dual head08:16
Kingsqueakangelaki: try using a transparent background image08:16
Spee_DerSweet, Matrox G400 perhaps ?08:16
moonwatcheri have a T42 (ATI R350 M10), what XGL/Compiz or AIGLX combination should i use? i need TV/Video output08:16
=== Zuzu [n=michael@cpe-24-209-231-52.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
moonwatcherim quite lost in all this08:17
DaylighterYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay XGL works 4 me =D08:17
=== svilen [n=svilen@static-213-240-229-137.megalan.bg] has joined #ubuntu
Spee_Dermoonwatcher: Hang in there, it'll come to you . . .08:17
Spee_DerNemesisD: Which dual head card are you using please ?08:17
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NemesisDSpee_Der, I'm using an xfx nvidia 7800GT08:18
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ZuzuHello, my Xserver is not working, and I'm trying to upgrade my xorg packages, but apt-get says that it has been kept back. Is there a way to get them to install?08:18
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moonwatcherSpee_Der: i understand the OS drivers and therfor AIGLX is not quite there yet, but that the fglrx drivers are not the latest...08:19
xjeethuxDaylighter: Care to help me with Xgl ? :p08:19
moonwatchercan i just upgrade the fglrx drivers to the latest and have compiz and video with them?08:19
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl749.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelogood afternoon folks08:19
=== gilnim [n=gilnim@pD9EBBB02.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Peloanyone here using dapper ?  I need to get the name of something I can'T seem to find in edgy08:20
Spee_DerOk, don't know that card, sorry.....08:20
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Spee_DerPelo: What you looking for ?08:20
NemesisDSpee_Der, mine or moon's?08:20
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'm still working, don't worry08:20
Spee_DerYour's Nem08:20
=== freeze [n=freezey@ool-44c1c1ec.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
moonwatcherSpee_Der: are you familiar with matrox on linux, do you know what works on a Parhelia PCIe 128?08:20
NemesisDSpee_Der, is there somewhere I should look? this seems like it should be an easy fix08:21
PeloSpee_Der,  there was a prog in system > admin  that gave a list and a display of drives  with info on  size , free space, format etc08:21
=== Spee_Der is using a Matrox G400 dual head video card.
freezewhats the website where you can download different login screens with ubuntu08:21
=== moonwatcher has a G450, G550 and Parhelia AGP 128
PeloNemesisD,   have you tried searching in the forum for your card model yet ?08:21
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bruenigfreeze, art.gnome.org gnome-look.org08:21
NemesisDi'll try that08:22
=== Wizardling [i=Durandal@202-154-144-68.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Spee_DerPelo: Are you thinking of Qparted perhaps ?08:22
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ok thanx again :-)08:22
=== engla [n=ulrik@kr-lun-116-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloSpee_Der,  it came with the default install of dapper, but I will have a look08:22
CiausI am trying to install crossover office professional on dapper, there are several types of packages which can be choosen, should I pick the Debain version, or the Loki installer?08:22
Spee_DerPelo: Ok.08:22
qubix__anyone know how to setup the bitchx irc client, and make it use the CORRECT TRUE ansi font??08:22
moonwatcherSpee_Der: what about mine? will upgradin to the latest fglrx driver and then installing the compiz reps get me there?08:22
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PeloSpee_Der,  nope08:23
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Spee_Dermoonwatcher: Not sure really as I have only in the last week or so started to finger this all out.... My 2nd monitor is still not active.....08:23
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@adsl-75-39-122-140.dsl.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kingsqueakqubix__: do you have the vga fonts it likes installed?08:23
Spee_DerPelo: Ok, let me look as I am using Dapper v6.06 LTS.08:23
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qubix__Kingsqueak, could i possibly pm you?08:24
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moonwatcherSpee_Der: oh i dont mind if the video out will come abit later, i still  have XP dual booted on the machine so i can boot there to watch video in the mean while08:24
Spee_DerPelo: In System, Admin, DISKS, is that what you need ?08:24
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-69-149-32-251.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
KingsqueakI'd prefer not, these fonts work with BitchX nicely  http://www.kingsqueak.org/stuff/vgafonts.tar.gz08:24
PeloSpee_Der,  yep08:24
Kingsqueakit's an old tarball I keep kicking around, not sure if ubuntu has a package for them or not08:24
xjeethuxCan someone help me with this xgl problem ?08:25
=== Arokh [n=arokh@c-67-190-202-41.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
qubix__Kingsqueak,  heres my dir command in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc08:25
PeloSpee_Der,  can you check the about screen and see if you can find the package name for me08:25
qubix__default8x16.pcf.gz  vga11x19.pcf08:25
moonwatcherbtw, anyon knows what is working on the new MacBook pro?08:25
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qubix__i cant use it!08:25
Kingsqueakqubix__: when you put them in, did you run 'mkfontdir' in that dir?08:25
qubix__no i didnt08:25
Kingsqueakqubix__: and after that, either restart X or do  'xset fp rehash'08:25
bruenigqubix__, you should use ls, not dir08:25
Zuzuanyone? :(08:25
Spee_DerPelo: I'm working on that.....08:26
Arokhis postfix only for sending mail (smtp), or can you use it to receive mail as well (pop)?08:26
Kingsqueakqubix__: you need to run that command as root so in the misc/ dir do  'sudo mkfontdir'08:26
=== moonwatcher whished DOS would support ls
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@34.11.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'm taking a while because I'm trying to account for every possible dependency you may have a problem with08:26
qubix__Kingsqueak, should i mkfont dir in the directory vga11x19 is in?08:26
moonwatcheri keep typing ls in dos :)08:26
Kingsqueakqubix__: yes08:26
=== AsheK [n=Ashe@67-43-244-95-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
qubix__Kingsqueak, ok then what08:26
Ciauscan anyone answer this question?08:26
Kingsqueakqubix__: then as your user running X, do 'xset fp rehash'08:26
CiausI am trying to install crossover office professional on dapper, there are several types of packages which can be choosen, should I pick the Debain version, or the Loki installer?08:26
bruenigor at least alias dir so that it is ls08:26
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MegaqwertyCruCiaL: I'm about 3/5 done08:26
=== Muhadib [n=kjuergen@cm84-91.liwest.at] has joined #ubuntu
green_earzArokh: send and receive mail with the postfix server08:26
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: thankyou for the time08:27
Kingsqueakqubix__: then 'xterm -fn vga11x19 -fg white -bg black'08:27
Kingsqueakqubix__: that should then work better with BitchX08:27
qubix__Kingsqueak, should i mkfontdir as root?08:27
winterp1Zuzu  ati  or nvidia?08:27
Spee_DerPelo: It won't give me the ABOUT for that file/program..... It comes up with error message, even though I am using sudo disks08:27
Zuzuwinterp1: Intel.08:27
Kingsqueakqubix__: 'sudo mkfontdir' in that directory08:27
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=== AsheK is now known as AsheD
qubix__then xset fp rehash as user?08:27
winterp1Zuzu: u got the right  driver ?08:27
nox-Handessid is the network name, isn't it?08:27
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qubix__i did those 208:27
qubix__letm e try08:27
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Arokhok, I tried getting postfix to send emails from a php script to my comcast email addres but comcast blocks it. Instead, I want to have it send to "itself" and then I can retrieve them with Thunderbird08:27
celia_ I'm new08:28
Spee_DerPelo: From the console, sudo disks-admin08:28
qubix__Kingsqueak, im getting this _ xterm:  unable to open font "vga11x19", trying "fixed"....08:28
celia_I speak spanish08:28
Texas915what is the repo mozilla mplayer plugin08:28
bruenig!es | celia_08:28
Kingsqueakqubix__: hmm should have worked08:28
ubotucelia_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:28
PeloSpee_Der,  thanks08:28
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qubix__am i doing this in the right directory?08:28
winterp1Zuzu: u got the intel driver for linux ?08:29
celia_thank you08:29
Texas915what is the repo mozilla mplayer plugin08:29
bruenigTexas915, multiverse08:29
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bruenig!info mozilla-mplayer08:29
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ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.31-1 (edgy), package size 467 kB, installed size 1616 kB08:29
Kingsqueakqubix__: is that fond path in xorg.conf?08:29
Stormx2How can I get specs on my graphics card / CPU?08:29
qubix__Kingsqueak, i havent checked, what should i look for08:29
Kingsqueakqubix__: look for /path/to/fonts/misc wherever it is that you put that font in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:29
Spee_DerStormx2: hwinfo ?08:30
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Kingsqueakqubix__: if it isn't there, either put the font in wherever xorg.conf has misc shown and do mkfontdir and rehash again or add the path and restart X08:30
qubix__Kingsqueak,  i see "# path to defoma fonts"08:30
Spee_DerStormx2: That works for me.08:30
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green_earzStormx2: lspci -v    or install hdinfo   for more info about the hard ware08:30
xjeethuxSomebody, please help me :(08:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:30
Arokhif I use something like notepad++ from my windows machine to edit a file on the linux server, would it be fine or would it corrupt the config files08:31
=== Faust [n=faust@adsl-69-177-202-180.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloxjeethux,  what do you need help with ?08:31
Kingsqueakqubix__: do this  'grep misc /etc/X11/xorg.conf'08:31
nox-Handessid is the network name, is it not?08:31
green_earzStormx2: for the cpu look at cat /proc/cpuinfo08:31
qubix__Kingsqueak, FontPath     "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"08:31
=== nofxx [i=user@201-048-059-203.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about library - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
qubix__that is what is in my xorg.conf08:31
bruenigArokh, it would be fine, as long as you don't save it as a different file format08:31
Spee_Derxjeethux: Just ask your question.08:31
xjeethuxPelo: I installed nvidia-glx08:31
qubix__but, that isnt the directory vga11x19 is in08:31
Kingsqueakqubix__: o.k. is that the dir you put the font?08:31
blackmambaHey, I'm having some trouble. I want to change my screen resolution to 1152x864, but I can't seem to get it above 1024x768. Help? :P08:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lib - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:31
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Peloxjeethux,  I can't help you with that08:32
=== Avoidance [n=dossy@adsl-150-28-204.aby.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
qubix__should i just add a new fontpath?08:32
Kingsqueakqubix__: move the font to that dir, then run mkfontdir in that dir again08:32
=== rogue780 [n=shawn@c-68-48-179-67.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelo!nvidia | xjeethux08:32
ZuzuZuzu: Yes. I am trying to update them, but it says they have been held back.08:32
ubotuxjeethux: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:32
Kingsqueakqubix__: or add a new fontpath, but you have to restart X to do that08:32
qubix__Kingsqueak,  thats the thing. /usr/share/X11/fonts doesnt even exist!08:32
Keyseirandrew@andrew-desktop:~$ firefox google.com08:32
KeyseirSegmentation fault (core dumped)08:32
xjeethuxTrying to install beryl, but now, x doesn't start up, I can get to x with startx though08:32
Texas915what is the repo mozilla mplayer plugin08:32
KeyseirWhat the heck, I didn't just do anything and suddenly firefox crashes08:32
nofxxhey there.... problems installing samba thought synaptic on 6.06.... error 102 or 108.. something like it.. and when i try smbd operation aborted... any ideas?08:32
bruenigTexas915, if you want to enable the extra repos and install mozilla mplayer plugin just copy and paste the following command, the entire thing including the &&'s,    sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.old /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer08:32
Kingsqueakqubix__: o.k. 'sudo mkdir /usr/share/X11/fonts'08:32
Keyseirff 2.0, edgy eft08:32
Kingsqueakqubix__: then 'sudo mkdir /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc'08:32
winterp1Zuzu: ill try to find out why,  just a  sec...08:32
xjeethuxPelo: yes, nvidia 740008:33
rogue780I'm trying to delete a directory in my home folder, but it says that I do not have the permissions to do it. I've tried sudo rmdir and sudo rm to remove the folders and the files in it. not sure what to do.08:33
qubix__then move vga11x19 into that directory?08:33
Kingsqueakqubix__: yes08:33
qubix__k 1 sec08:33
mumbles-potpalhow do i backup a windows install using dd?08:33
mumbles-potpalor rysic ?08:33
Spee_Derrogue780: You may have to CHMOD 777 that directory and all the files first.....08:33
=== GeForce [n=steve@174-188.sh.cgocable.ca] has joined #ubuntu
xjeethuxwith some googling, I found someone has had exactly the same problem, but without a fix mentioned. (http://www.techiegroups.com/t120091-ubuntu-failed-to-start-the-x-server.html)08:34
=== indianaj [n=indiana@host145-102-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
Peloxjeethux,  ask a specific question if someone can answer they will,  otherwise try looking up your card number in the forum08:34
Spee_Derrogue780: Don't forget, sudo in front of chmod.08:34
bruenigrogue780, do sudo rm -rf directory08:34
=== Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
indianaji find no site to download xmms. i've ubuntu hoary. can u help me?08:34
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.4-1ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 4032 kB, installed size 9988 kB08:34
=== Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigindianaj, why not use the repos?08:35
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Spee_Derindianaj: sudo apt-get install xmms08:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libatkl1.0-0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
=== Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libatkl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libatk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
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indianaji'm newbie, what's repos?08:35
bruenig!msg the bot08:35
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Okay, it looks like I might be at this all day, so I'm going to make it easier for myself: Here is the link for all the files I have downloaded so far: http://d.turboupload.com/d/1203186/Files_for_CruCiaL.zip.html08:35
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)08:35
MegaqwertyAnd here is the page which lists a link to every package that you might need for network-manager-gnome: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/network-manager-gnome.08:35
MegaqwertyNow, here is what you need to do: If what I have given you doesn't have what you need, go to that page, (http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/network-manager-gnome) and click on the package you need. click on any server you want to download from, and then scroll to the bottom and click on "i386" This will download the file for you.08:35
xjeethuxThe log just says "GDM: Xserver not found: /usr/local/bin/Xgl ..."08:35
BixBusterhi all08:35
bruenigindianaj, why are you using hoary, just curious?08:36
rogue780does anyone know of a good html editor that supports frames?08:36
KingsqueakCruCiaL: just do 'apt-cache search libatk'08:36
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blackmambaIs there a way I can set my screen resolution higher than 1024x768? The Screen Resolution dialog box only gives me three options, 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768. I'd like to be able to set it to 1152x864 or higher.08:36
bruenig!xconfig | blackmamba08:36
ubotublackmamba: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:36
=== MewMeow [n=Mewshi@pool-72-72-220-45.altnpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
indianaj'cause i use it just by a month. i had the cd from a friend08:37
nofxxblackmamba : tarantino rox!!! xD08:37
=== javiolo [n=javier@84-18-2-28.usul.arrakis.es] has joined #ubuntu
indianajsorry, how can i send a private message?08:37
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.08:37
cryptonichas anyone had the same problem as myself?08:37
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Did you understand all of that?08:37
rogue780and can someone recommend a good way to start with php?08:37
Peloblackmamba,  you'll have to edit  the xorg.conf  file and add that resolution along with the proper refresh rate , which is 64 I think08:37
GeForcehey guys, I have a small question. I have 2 sound cards in my computer (well, a sound card and an usb headset). The volume control in the tray is fine, but if I use the volume control on my keyboard, it seems to not affect what I want. Anyone knows how to change that?08:37
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qubix__Kingsqueak, ok i did mkfontdir08:37
=== romale [n=romale@hy183-1-82-246-150-54.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
qubix__Kingsqueak,  whats the other command? xfp rehash?08:37
Stormx2Yo, my graphics card has 32mb VRAM / 66Mhz. Is that considered old/bad?08:37
indianaj!msg bruenig ok08:37
blackmambalol :D   thanks bruenig08:37
blackmambai tried editing xorg.conf earlier, guess i didn't do it right. i'll try reconfiguring xorg08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msg bruenig ok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:37
Kingsqueakqubix__: next  'xset fp rehash' , then xterm -fn vga11x1808:37
DanglyBitsneed help with openssh-server08:37
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CruCiaLmegaqwerty: i think so , but i will have to read all the pages, back in a minute08:37
Kingsqueakqubix__: err xterm -fn vga11x1908:38
rogue780and can someone recommend a good way to get started with php?08:38
qubix__still says it cant find it!08:38
DanglyBitshow do i get openssh-server to show up under admin-services?08:38
Jajajajajahello is there a way to install xgl? i'm using ubuntu warty08:38
bruenigindianaj, open a terminal and copy and paste the following, this will enable all the repos and download and install xmms: sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.old /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xmms08:38
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Ok, cool08:38
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Kingsqueakqubix__: try logging out and restarting X08:38
=== hume2_ [n=kristina@h106n4c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
rpedroGeForce: System >> Preferences >> Sound , and change the default device08:38
Kingsqueakqubix__: if you are in gnome/with gdm login screen, exit and then do ctrl-alt-backspace to force a server restart08:39
DanglyBitsanyone help with a openssh-server issue?08:39
GeForcerpedro oo ok thanks08:39
Texas915repo for mplayer08:40
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qubix__Kingsqueak,  shouldnt the fonts.dir have text in it?08:40
qubix__it just says "0"08:40
DanglyBitshave installed openssh-server and started it but admin>>services  says its not running08:40
bruenigTexas915, do you really want an answer or are you some sort of bot?08:40
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Kingsqueakqubix__: yeah it should08:40
GeForcerpedro: I'm changing the default sound card, when I close it, it comes back to what it was....08:40
GeForceBeen doing that since dapper08:40
Kingsqueakqubix__: doublecheck the dir you are in and that the font is there08:40
qubix__all it says is 008:40
qubix__i did xset fp rehash as root08:40
qubix__dont i need to do it as user?08:40
Kingsqueakqubix__: basically you should see vga11x19.pcf vga11x1908:40
=== Twister829 [i=Twister8@ip24-252-22-131.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kingsqueakqubix__: well fonts.dir should still show it08:41
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
qubix__Kingsqueak,  should i add it?08:41
Kingsqueakqubix__: not manually08:41
Kingsqueakqubix__: 'mkfontdir' does it08:41
winterp1Zuzu: Didi u  try to uninstall the 'kept back' packages and install newer versions ?08:41
=== walid [n=walid@eyr76-1-87-88-196-151.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: do i run all of the files in that zip?08:41
Kingsqueakqubix__: cd /usr/share/X11/fonts/misc, then ls  do you see the font?08:41
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: no, they are just there in case you don't have that specific file08:41
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winterp1sry typo08:42
qubix__qubix@qubix-sys:/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc$ ls08:42
qubix__fonts.dir  vga11x19.pcf08:42
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: So you don't have to reboot (hopefully)08:42
Kingsqueakqubix__: now in that dir run 'sudo mkfontdir'08:42
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ok, ill try it now...c u soon maybe?!08:42
qubix__Kingsqueak, k did it08:42
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: Possibly, I have to be somewhere, but I may be on later today08:42
Kingsqueakis it in the fonts.dir file now?08:42
qubix__just a "0"08:43
Kingsqueakmaybe it doesn't like pcf fonts08:43
CruCiaLmegaqwerty: ok thanks again for the help08:43
Kingsqueakyou have a bdf of it?08:43
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qubix__cd /nope08:43
MegaqwertyCruCiaL: anytime!08:43
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Kingsqueakqubix__: not sure what is missing but I think you're missing a package for it to work08:43
Texas915repo for mplayer08:44
Kingsqueakmine are mostly pcf and it works here08:44
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=== augustin [n=augustin@wlgwru.omegatech.cz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:44
Nem|ltopalright guys how do i boot to command line from grub? i sorta screwed up my xorg.conf a little bit and need toedit it08:44
=== Paddy_EIRE [n=patrick@host81-129-19-159.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
baxter_kylieHi. Does anyone here have experience with either mdadm or samba (I have two independent questions)08:44
=== Lattyware [n=Latty@host86-133-32-205.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:45
apokryphosNem|ltop: ctrl+alt+f1 when it tries to get to your X, then kill your X with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:45
GeForceAiite, here's a cheesy question. Anyone here got their ATi Tv wonder Elite to work under Linux? Seriously, fix me that and I'll do anything you want (Nothing dirty tho :)08:45
=== Nathan1993 [n=nathan@oh-71-1-160-132.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
FalstiusNem|ltop: don't the newer install include a recovery option in the grub menu?08:45
=== Yokanzo [n=Shinjuku@Toronto-HSE-ppp3870053.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Yokanzodoes flashplayer work for x86_64 type distros?08:45
Spee_DerNem|ltop: look in /etc/X11 for xorg.conf.backup.08:45
YokanzoI can't install it, the installer says my architecture isn't supported08:46
nofxxa got "error exit status 102" when trying to install samba.... any idea.... ?!?08:46
=== kditty [n=kditty@cpe-71-65-120-182.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
baxter_kylieHow do I create an mdadm /dev/md[x]  device to assemble an array?08:46
jattYokanzo: no. You can to run it inside a 32bit chroot.08:46
bruenignofxx, how did you try to install it?08:46
=== winterp1 [n=dayo@210-159-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
samuI have trouble running xmoto on my ubuntu system with a voodoo 3 3dfx card. Do I need to install some package for the graphics to work better or something?08:46
=== joachim_ [n=joachim@ACCA6F4E.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Spee_DerNem|ltop: Then, if you have a backup file, sudo cp xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf to return to your original settings.08:46
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Yokanzojatt: Does that mean I can't run it as my user?08:46
Spee_DerNem|ltop: You can do this from a terminal....08:46
=== Ingenious [n=aaa@c41-153.client.duna.pl] has joined #ubuntu
=== eobanb [n=eoban@149-159-112-177.dhcp-bl.indiana.edu] has joined #ubuntu
DanglyBitsanyone help with a openssh-server issue?08:47
Ingenioushi all08:47
Yokanzohow do I run it as a 32bit chroot?08:47
green_earzmumbles-potpal: http://ithacafreesoftware.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5308:47
Spee_DerIngenious: Howdy08:47
baxter_kyliehow do I establish a connection to a samba server in a parent subnet?08:47
=== BrightEyes` [n=elias@ppp159-112.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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IngeniousSpee_Der: what that is mean howdy08:47
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Spee_DerIngenious: Howdy = Hello08:47
unreal-dudehello all08:48
Arcad3what shall i use for php design?08:48
bruenigHowdy = How do you do08:48
Arcad3waht software08:48
=== siXy [n=james@88-96-183-185.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
BrightEyes`hello.which sources (for source.list) i should add for downloads via adept?08:48
Arokhwith postfix, can I just have a php file mail() to root@localhost and retrieve it? I can see the message was sent when I look at /var/mail, but how do i retrive that with thunderbird?08:48
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jattYokanzo: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:48
jattyou can do it also without a chroot, I haven't tried that though.08:48
Saulren2Question:  does Ubuntu support Lint?08:48
Nem|ltopapokryphos, any reason why it wouldn't be taking my password?08:48
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apokryphosNem|ltop: it's wrong?08:48
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unreal-dudegot a question when there is a chance08:49
=== indianaj [n=indiana@host145-102-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
mumbles-potpalhow do i backup a windows install using u buntu ?08:49
Arcad3what shall i use for php in ubuntu?08:49
=== susscorfa [n=trala@haar160.athome220.WAU.NL] has joined #ubuntu
Nem|ltopapokryphos, its the password i use for sudo all the time08:49
=== Trixsey [n=trixsey@c-2b9072d5.012-2011-73746f31.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:49
=== komposter [n=komposte@ppp85-141-138-5.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
Nem|ltopive tried like 10 times08:50
Arokhwhat do you mean Arcad3?08:50
apokryphosNem|ltop: on ctrl+alt+f1 can you login with the user/pass?08:50
green_earzmumbles-potpal: you can use knoppix to backup from http://ithacafreesoftware.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5308:50
Arcad3a software Like NVU08:50
unreal-dudeis there a default password for root or something, I don't remember the setup asking me to set a root pass08:50
Arcad3mostly for php08:50
nofxxwhat is the swat port ?!08:50
=== whadar [n=hadar@bzq-88-153-249-147.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nem|ltopugh i just figured out my mistake08:50
apokryphosunreal-dude: check the FAQ08:50
Nem|ltopim stupid lol08:50
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:50
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanglyBitsanyone know how to get openssh-server to show up in System>>Admin>>Services ??08:50
Arokhoh sorry Arcad3 i wouldn't know, i do it all by hand (text files)08:50
Nem|ltopi was typing in commands at the login prompt08:50
Arcad3is hard ..08:51
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whadarhow do I extract RPMs?08:51
Arcad3by had the design is bad08:51
Arokhyeah it's harder, but I'd rather know exactly what my pages are doing08:51
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).08:51
Spee_DerNem|ltop: Ok....  So check the /etc/X11 for xorg.conf file.....08:51
Blissexwhadar: 'man rpm2cpio'08:51
swaby1is there anything like limewire for ubuntu08:51
Blissexwhadar: but don't.08:51
Nem|ltopholy crap i hate VI08:52
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Nem|ltopis there a more simple command line editor08:52
Spee_Derswaby1: Yes, there is something similiar..... I have to look it up.....08:52
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BrightEyes`hello.which sources (for source.list) i should add for downloads via adept?08:52
mumbles-potpalgreen_earz any way of using ubuntu ? only want to take an image of a windows insall08:52
green_earzNem|ltop: nano08:52
whadarBlissex: no such thing! apt-get install rpm2cpio!08:52
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Nem|ltophow the F do i exit vi08:52
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Blissexwhadar: then use 'alien' to convert to a 'tar.gz'.08:53
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Spee_DerNem|ltop: Try Q08:53
Nem|ltopnot working08:53
Spee_DerI think that's it.08:53
ifireballNem|ltop: type :q!08:53
jattNem|ltop: :q!08:53
Blissexwhadar: but if you have to ask, don't do it.08:53
Saulren2Question: When I compile a driver, it asks me for nbdm, lint, and other headers, can anyone tell me what library that is from?08:53
whadarBlissex: i don't want to install RPM, i just want to see its files08:53
Wodgerwith vi useful to have the man page open in another window i find....08:53
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swaby1are you talking to me?08:54
Blissexwhadar: you really need 'rpm2cpio' or 'alien' (but perhaps 'alien' uses 'rpm2cpio' to convert, so there).08:54
Spee_Derswaby1: Yes.....08:54
Wodgermind you i rarely use vim08:54
unreal-dudeis there no search for the FAQ?08:54
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swaby1okay what was it again08:54
Spee_Derswaby1: I tried to install something like that for my son, but we had no success......08:54
Blissexwhadar: it is part of the 'rpm' package BTW.08:54
Spee_Derswaby1: I will have to look into it again and finger it out.....08:55
Blissexwhadar: at least in Debian...08:55
whadarBlissex: thanks08:55
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swaby1anyone else know if there is something like limewire for ubuntu08:55
Spee_Derswaby1: I looking for something for you as alternative.08:55
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tim167synaptic asks me to insert a CD, why is that ?08:56
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Alzi2Hey. I have a question. My system has become fairly slow... especially the panel and.. lots o' stuff. I want to delete my GNOME config without losing the important stuff. How?08:57
Terminusswaby1: frostwire?08:57
jrib!frostwire | swaby108:57
Nem|ltopanyone know how to reverse displays in xorg.conf with twinview?08:57
ubotuswaby1: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:57
tim167swaby1: for music : nicotine08:57
Wodgerit's looking for the install cd08:57
nofxxin order to make samba use the same users as ubuntu.. what else I need to do ?  Security = user is done08:57
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Wodgerdeselect the cd from the soarse list08:57
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Spee_Derswaby1: Look here please -->>>   http://fileforum.betanews.com/detail/LimeWire_for_Linux/984642248/208:57
tim167yes, but I want to install CVS, which should be available online, no ?08:58
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tim167ok I'll look at that, thanks Wodger08:58
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gr3g_hello all08:58
gr3g_need help here08:58
Alzi2Hey. I have a question. My system has become fairly slow... especially the panel and.. lots o' stuff. I want to delete my GNOME config without losing the important stuff. How? In short words.. how to clean up all the GNOME mess?08:58
Terminusnofxx: add users for smb.08:58
specialbuddyhow do I link up Amarok with itunes08:58
Nem|ltopfor some reason the right monitor is acting like the left one and vice versa w/ twinview08:58
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Terminusnofxx: password sync only works for win9x. it doesn't work for win2k/xp.08:59
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Spee_Der!ask | gr3g_08:59
ubotugr3g_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:59
Terminusnofxx: use smbpasswd to add users.08:59
Spee_Derswaby1: You catch that ?08:59
specialbuddyIs there a way to link up Amarok with Itunes?08:59
java1lol things go by here fast08:59
blackmambaOkay, I'm having more trouble selecting a screen resolution higher than 1024x768. When I dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and get to the part where I can choose my screen resolution, no matter what I select, after I restart xserver, it seems to give me either the wrong screen resolution (i.e. 1200x800 when I selected 1280x854) or no change at all (1024x768). help?08:59
Paddy_EIREis there a "remove" or "reinstall" command that can be issued with "apt-get"08:59
gr3g_gr3g_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) <------ okay :)09:00
Alzi2Does anybody even read what i'm typing out?09:00
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blackmambaI'm trying to get my screen resolution at 1152x86409:00
java1yep sure do read09:00
whadarBlissex: installed rpm package... that's great, because now by default a double click opens the archive manager (and doesnt install it...)09:00
TerminusPaddy_EIRE: aptitude has a reinstall command. apt-get and aptitude both have remove and purge.09:00
Alzi2java1: Can you help me then? ^^09:00
apokryphosblackmamba: what card?09:00
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Paddy_EIREthx Terminus09:00
blackmambaapokryphos: I've got a radeon x70009:00
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java1not much since I'm an newbee09:01
apokryphosblackmamba: installed the drivers?09:01
Yokanzohow do I update my ubuntu to the latest version?09:01
apokryphosYokanzo: check the FAQ09:01
TerminusPaddy_EIRE: you're welcome. i've switched to using aptitude for everything. better dep tracking. =)09:01
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=== Spee_Der is off to watch a Nascar race, good bye for now folks.... and thanks also for the help.....
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dredhammerhi can anyone point me to the project that allows you to store the ubuntu repositories on dvd ?09:01
blackmambaapokryphos: um... yeah, about that. >.> no, i guess i'll see about doing that. you can get them through the add/remove program list, rightt?09:01
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:01
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:01
specialbuddydon't know very many nascar linus users:)09:01
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Yokanzowhere is the FAQ?09:02
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TerminusYokanzo: it's in the topic09:02
jikbagim trying to make timeoutd start on boot.  i have added it to rc.local, but timeoutd still doesn't start.09:02
bradleywhere would i go to find new cursor themes?09:02
CheticWhat option do I need to set in /etc/fstab to let regular users mount and read my ntfs partition?09:02
TerminusChetic: umask=022209:02
gr3g_man..i have a serious problem here, my laptop is installed edgy and after i upgrade some application...it opened so many ports, and after a few minutes..the apt-get cannot establish a connection to the server09:03
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CheticThank you Terminus!09:03
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TerminusChetic: user too, for user mounts. =)09:03
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shutup'lo #ubuntu09:03
bruenig!hi | shutup09:03
ubotushutup: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:03
CheticTerminus, ah right, okay09:03
dredhammerhi can anyone point me to the project that allows you to store the ubuntu repositories on dvd ?09:04
theholycowDoes musicbrainz Picard work with Breezy Badger?09:04
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jikbagwhat is the best way to make timeoutd start on boot?09:04
bradleyis there a program for altering my hd partition? i want to separate my home folder so reinstalls are easier.09:04
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swaby1okay I downloaded limewire for linux to the desktop but when I click on it it says archive type not supported09:04
rexsumis there a way to get the 64 bit mplayer-plugin working with 32bit swiftfox?09:05
swaby1it is a rpm type file09:05
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DanglyBitsanyone know how to get openssh-server to show up in System>>Admin>>Services ??09:05
jikbagGUARDiAN|nb: ello09:05
bradleyswaby1, what archive type is it? (what is the extension at the end of the file name)09:05
gr3g_it is a rpm type file <--- use alien to install a rpm file :)09:05
TsingiWhat is the command to runn the X config?09:05
Yokanzothe FAQ still doesnt tell me how I can update to the latest version09:06
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swaby1where do I get alien?09:06
Yokanzoit just says I can do it09:06
GUARDiAN|nbi'm using edgy eft and want to start a second X, but don't want it to automatically switch to its virtual terminal... I already tried adding -novtswitch which didn't help... any ideas?09:06
Yokanzobut it doesnt tell me how i can09:06
Twister829Hey guys... I just installed JRE 1.5 and JDK 1.5 but I can't get anything to print when I type "echo $JAVA_HOME"?  Any ideas on what could be the problem?09:06
gr3g_just run sudo apt-get install alien09:06
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knixI can't play large videos with Xv because of a BadAlloc error, but I'm giving my card the same amount of memory I did in dapper (now edgy) and it worked before. I've even increased it by over 20mb09:06
bradleyswaby1, alien is troublesome, it doesn't always get stuff right. make sure you read about it before using it.09:06
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mike1oanybody watch dvb?09:07
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gr3g_yeap bradley09:07
bradleyswaby1, why not try azureus from the repositories?09:07
TerminusTwister829: that env var is not set by default.09:07
SurfinNutgood evening everyone09:07
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bruenigbradley, azureus is bittorrent, limewire is gnutella09:07
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gr3g_hello everyone09:07
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bruenigazureus even for bittorrent is too memory consuming anyways09:07
gr3g_can't anybody help me?!09:07
susscorfai updated my acer aspire 1692 to edgy but it is broken probably becaus of to much manual changes in the dapper so i want to09:07
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susscorfa                                 reinstall it. but now it wont boot from a edgy install cd it ends up with a black screen and crtl alt f6 returns with a some09:07
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susscorfa                                 thing what is not good either09:07
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Twister829Terminus: How can I set it?09:08
Tsingiwhat is the command to run the X config?09:08
gr3g_i've paste my problem above09:08
awanhello, battery status don't changing.. what can i do ? it changing then i restart the computer?09:08
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!09:08
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bradleybruenig, well i guess some other gnutella program from the repos is what i meant then.09:08
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Zububwamy eyes!09:08
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bruenig!anybody | gr3g_09:08
ubotugr3g_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:08
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SurfinNutubuntu is popular09:08
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Twister829Terminus:  How can I set my $JAVA_HOME?09:09
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jikbagfor fucks sake09:09
dmbholy fuck09:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
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TerminusTwister829: `export JAVA_HOME='whatever_you_want_to_put_here'`09:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scotch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
awanhello, battery status don't changing.. what can i do ? it changing then i restart the computer?09:09
gr3g_damn flooders !!09:09
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gr3g_damn flooders !!09:09
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gr3g_damn flooders !!09:09
=== <obynhe!n=fdurdss@83-103-52-206.ip.fastwebnet.it> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
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Twister829What would I pu thtere?09:09
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Twister829the version of JRE I'm using or the version of JDK I'm using?09:09
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toresbewow. 990 people in an internet.09:09
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rexsumis there a way to get the 64 bit mplayer-plugin working with 32bit swiftfox?09:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about split - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
awanhello, battery status don't changing.. what can i do ? it changing then i restart the computer?09:09
bruenigsomebody already !ops didn't they09:09
gr3g_stop flooding09:10
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TerminusTwister829: dunno. i don't see why you would need such a env var anyway.09:10
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toresbewe broke 1000!09:10
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awanhello, battery status don't changing.. what can i do ? it changing then i restart the computer?09:10
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awananyone knows how to solve it ?09:10
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jribgnomefreak: ping09:10
Terminusgnomefreak: we got join floods. >_<09:10
dizziectcp flood, fun :)09:10
susscorfabruenig: dont think so09:10
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!09:10
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gnomefreakim here09:10
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind or trappist09:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:10
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigtoresbe, I think I recall at one time it being at 1200 or something but maybe that was something else09:10
Ash-Fox+R the channel ?09:10
gnomefreakstop with the ops09:10
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dmbgnomefreak: i think its a job for opers09:10
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gnomefreakdmb: what?09:11
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AfterDeath|idleor gnomefreak09:11
dmbnever mind09:11
gnomefreakdmb: i am an op09:11
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AfterDeath|idleif you want, op antispambot to autoban open proxies09:11
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SpCombwhy doesn't this channel have +C set? O_o09:11
Sargunand I'm god :-P09:11
toresbegnomefreak: yes.. bots are joining09:11
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Sarguncpk1, hey, you from san jose?09:11
gnomefreakthey are gone09:11
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nacerAfterDeath|idle: i thinkj the server aleready have this stuff09:11
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Sargunjust set the channel +i09:11
AfterDeath|idlenacer: no09:11
jattwhat is all this stuff09:12
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AfterDeath|idleit is seeing all of thes proxies09:12
Sargunor ban everyone09:12
MarcNAnyone else using f-spot?  Terrible reliability wrt Dapper!   Tons of 'locked database' and errors on rotating some photos.09:12
A-L-P-H-AI got an issue with gnome-terminal, it won't load... http://pastebin.ca/246869 I just upgraded from Dapper LTS to Edgy... anyone got a clue how to fix this?09:12
kestazbattery state don't changing.. only then i restart the computer, what can i do ?09:12
Sargunand invite based thin09:12
AfterDeath|idlefreenode doesn't use blacklists afaik09:12
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Tsingiwhat is the command to run X config?09:12
nacerkestaz: try to look in the wiki if your laptop model is supported09:12
Ash-Foxsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:12
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AWOSLappyTsingi, you could also try Xorg -configure09:12
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ERIK_LIMAGuys!! Stop this flood NOW!!09:13
Tsingithank you kestaz/AWOSLappy09:13
jikbaghow can i make a program start on boot?09:13
bruenigERIK_LIMA, you have convinced them. Good job09:13
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Ash-FoxErik, your shouting has stopped the flooding09:13
theholycowERIK_LIMA: Yeah, that will make them stop.09:13
AWOSLappyTsingi np :)09:13
ERIK_LIMABots? Is this a Counter Strike map or a IRC channel??09:13
ERIK_LIMATsingi: Maybe you have to edit it too09:13
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ERIK_LIMATsingi: gedit (or kwrite, if you are using Kubuntu) /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:13
AWOSLappyjikbag, try putting it in   /etc/init.d/rc.local09:13
=== BHSPitMonkey pictures ERIK_LIMA in Tianimin square, standing up to an army of n00bs
=== Olathe [n=Olathe@12-201-73-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
linuxboyA-L-P-H-A: try gnome-terminal as another user.  It may be something in your current users config files (as a guess)09:13
Simon80jikbag sudo crontab -e and use @reboot09:14
ERIK_LIMAbruenig: What??? I did nothing to stop 'em!!09:14
jikbagAWOSLappy: ooh, i had it in /etc/rc.local09:14
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jikbagSimon80: thanks09:14
AWOSLappyjikbah, np :)09:14
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kestazok i saw that battery state can't be changed..09:14
AWOSLappyrather jikbag, np :)09:14
kestazwhat can i do?09:14
ERIK_LIMAWho I had convinced?? I don't understand09:14
Clin1Caan some one test me connection??    Go to: http://cmweb.zapto.org09:15
bruenigClin1, works09:15
ERIK_LIMAMy letter?? ^^ I'm so calm...09:15
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AWOSLappyClin1, it works here.09:15
ERIK_LIMAMy CapsLock is OFF09:15
Clin1i just installed someting new and i dont know if it affected it09:15
ERIK_LIMAHehehe... :D09:15
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nofxxhey... i made a folder chmod 777, shared with samba, writable = yes ,  i can see the folder on windows but can't write to it...09:15
nofxxthere's another protection i need to take out ?09:15
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OlatheI just had a hard drive problem and fsck destroyed a lot of things.  Is there anything I can do to have everything checked and reinstalled if partially missing ?09:16
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ERIK_LIMAI'm updating to Edgy since 10 AM09:16
linuxboynofxx: is there a guest writable option?09:16
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indianajhow can i send private messages?09:16
Twister829nofxx: do you get a prompt for uname and password?09:16
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.09:16
ERIK_LIMANow it's 17 PM in Brazil09:16
Chimera_Guys, eh, i was wondering what are the live edgy disk boot options for?09:16
indianajand after?09:16
nofxxlinuxboy , nope...  GUEST WRITABLE = YES ?09:16
Chimera_What does ramdisk stand for?09:16
bruenigindianaj, the point is to not09:16
sizzamwhere can i find the icon for vmware-player that is installed from the repos?09:16
bruenigindianaj, if you must. /msg nickname message is the format09:16
nofxxbut I'm logged.. ... thought smbpassword mynick.. i made an account09:16
Terminussizzam: applications -> system09:17
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ERIK_LIMASoon my system will restart automatically for update09:17
naliothChimera_: you might want to have your client send your nickserv password as "server" password instead09:17
Twister829nofxx: You've created the samba password and successfully logged into it from your windows?09:17
sizzamTerminus: I'm looking for the actual icon to use for my launcher09:17
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AWOSLappyChimera_, the RAM disk would be a 'virtual' disk in your memory.09:17
nofxxTwister829 , thats correct09:17
theholycowIf I upgrade from Breezy to Dapper with the instruactions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades will stuff in my home directory (my settings and configurations) be affected?09:17
buzi'm looking to get a somewhat functional ubuntu  (means media playing should work) onto 1GB of flash or less09:17
ERIK_LIMAWell... After installing Edgy, what to do to fix my ATI Radeon problem??09:18
graulichhow do I automount an ntfs partition but make it unavailable to all users but my own (the only sudoer)?09:18
Terminussizzam: oh... why don't you check the properties of the menu entry and find out?09:18
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nofxxTwister829, another strange thing.. i can't see the contents of the folder.. just the folder09:18
ERIK_LIMAI forgot the steps to install ATI Radeon 9250 driver on Edgy09:18
Chimera_AWOS, please tell me what do you mean by virtual disk and what is the value? Bits, bytes, mbs?09:18
sizzamTerminus: nice trick, thanks09:18
ERIK_LIMAI haven't 3D acceleration :(09:18
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gnomefreak!ati | ERIK_LIMA09:19
ubotuERIK_LIMA: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:19
pianoboy3333How can I find out exactly what packages metacity needs for the composite extension "./configure --enable-compositor"09:19
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-24-13-53-221.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Twister829nofxx: did you add it to your shared folders?09:19
AWOSLappyChimera_ -- The contents of the disk are in memory, so when you reboot it would be destroyed (and there is no way around this).  You may also want to read the Wikipedia article on it, located at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAM_disk .09:19
Twister829Under System>Administration?09:19
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AWOSLappyOooooh new bot feature!09:20
=== RiGLEY [n=rigley@ob-7968.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
Chimera_Also, i am still having troubles installing with live cd, as it freezes or it takes 4 hours to do any kind of action. I successfully checked the disk for errors.09:20
nofxxTwister829, that didnt worked out with another test folder (didnt even see the folder) so this one I hard-coded on smb.conf09:20
compengignomefreak, hi, i have in my computer two floppy drives one called "Floppy 1" and second "Floppy Drive" do you know what's the first one?09:20
AWOSLappyChimera_, it takes four hours to do what?  Boot?  Click the menu?  What?09:20
UndersnoreHey guys i installed your wonderfull ubuntu 6.10 on my PIII-500 128MB ram machine, but it kicks me out as soon as i log in! Oh noes what to do :(09:20
__mikemLooks like we have a botnet attack09:20
gnomefreakcompengi: whatever one is set as master09:20
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Chimera_AWOS, sorry i wasn't any clearer. After i click on the Install icon in the desktop.09:21
Twister829nofxx: maybe you should try adding it to shared folders again09:21
compengignomefreak, do you have it too?09:21
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nofxxTwister829, doing it..xD09:21
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Chimera_I think they should have left the disk with option B, instead of safemode graphics, cmd line install.09:21
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AfterDeath|idle__mikem: really?09:21
gnomefreakcompengi: look in system>admin>device manager09:21
nofxxcompengi , hey compengi... how are you man ?! you helped me a lot with glx another day09:21
ArokhI have 2 computers, a windows machine and a lamp server (ubuntu server). The lamp machine has postfix, and in the php file it sends an email to 'johndoe@localhost'. I can see the email in \var\mail\johndoe, but how can I configure thunderbird on my windows machine to retrieve it?09:21
AWOSLappyChimera_, ah.  it takes four hours to install?  or takes four hours to bring up the install box?09:21
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funkyHatUndersnore, hi :)09:21
gnomefreakcompengi: only have one floppy with 3 cd/dvd type drives and 3 hard disks09:22
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AWOSLappyI have a question.  Do you guys still support Dapper?  or am I a fossel now?09:22
compengignomefreak, me too but i don't know from where did the other floppy come from09:22
qc_does anyone know how to correctly install/use the right fonts so bitchx will display real ansi in terminal?09:22
linopilquestion simultaneosly to #ubuntu and #suse and #fedora.09:23
linopilwhen coming back from windows in same disk with dual boot , linux boots with netcard disabled ? why? when?  it happened more than once on any of distros. I always experiment with dual boot ( GRUB OR MS MBR BOOT.INI)09:23
gnomefreakcompengi: you have 2 installed or ubunt is showing 2 and you have 1 installed?09:23
Terminus!lts | AWOSLappy09:23
ubotuAWOSLappy: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.09:23
compengignomefreak, yeah sure, lol why do i need 2 floppy drives for :)09:23
TerminusAWOSLappy: it's safe to say you'll have support till the next decade for servers. =)09:23
AWOSLappyWow cool thanks Terminus!09:24
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gnomefreakcompengi: you dont thats why i asked. ubuntu showing more than 1 floppy is a known bug09:24
Chimera_AWOS, lol, sorry again. It takes 4 hours to bring the install box.09:24
gnomefreakcompengi: your master would be floppy drive most likely09:24
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AWOSLappyChimera_, you're fine no need to be sorry :)   Now, what is the processor speed and amount of RAM on this computer?09:25
Chimera_I haven't actually left it there for 4 hours but i know that if in 20 mins nothing happends, somethnig is wrong since 2.4ghz, 256mbs ram runs fine on older versions, not including 6.06.09:25
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compengignomefreak, in device menager under hdd drive i see like volum then my four partitions including swap, i think that volume is the floppy 1 =/09:25
compengignomefreak, it's capabilities volume, block09:26
AWOSLappyChimera_, NOT including 6.06?09:26
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gnomefreakcompengi: it will be listed on left hand side and it will have (floppy0) or (floppy1)09:27
EnselicWhat tool should I use to create a partion that uses the currently unpartion space of my disk?09:27
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Nathan1993cfdisk maybe09:27
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AWOSLappyEnselic, try qtparted.09:28
ecknay, gparted is king09:28
Chimera_AWOS, i once got livecd successfully installed on it once, and all this other 3 months of trying every week or so i couldn't get it to install. Same problem i am having now with 6.10.09:28
Nathan1993Or gparted if your in gnome09:28
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Subhumandoes anyone have a "minimum requirements" page for ubuntu?09:28
compengignomefreak, i found only one floppy (floppy 0) =/09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requirements - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
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gnomefreakcompengi: that would be the floopy than :_)09:29
java1256ram 2 gig09:29
EnselicAWOSLappy: qtparted looks great, thanks09:29
AWOSLappy!wiki | Subhuman09:29
ubotuSubhuman: wiki is http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Loads of user-contributed documentation09:29
AWOSLappyEnselic no problem :)09:29
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compengignomefreak, i know but what's floppy 1 then =/09:29
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java1not again09:29
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak, Mez!09:29
Subhumanthanks, i didnt know if there was an offical page..09:29
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!09:29
ofer0why am I getting many CTCP versions from people here?09:30
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Subhumanlook ^09:30
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LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!09:30
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gnomefreakLjL: it should have already been +r09:30
LjLi can't get op09:30
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LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!09:30
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compengignomefreak, i know but what's floppy 1 then =/09:31
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YokanzoHow do I upgrade my ubuntu again?09:32
AWOSLappyChimera_ do you already have a version installed?09:32
apokryphosYokanzo: check the FAQ09:32
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apokryphosYokanzo: which is in the channel topic09:32
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ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:32
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Crankymonkyapokryphos, See?09:33
AWOSLappyUm, I got a bunch of versions.  Is the the flood I heard about?09:33
CrankymonkyBully la09:33
apokryphosAWOSLappy: yes, currently suffering from bot attacks.09:34
Chimera_AWOS, no, i don't have anything installed.09:34
=== CruCiaL-X [n=a@host86-128-105-138.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
OlatheHow do I reinstall all installed packages from the command line ?09:34
compengignomefreak, can i unmount it?09:34
lupine_85Olathe: with clever use of cut, I'd imagine09:35
gnomefreakcompengi: i dont see why not man umount09:35
EnselicWhat is the command to localize large folders again? Is it      du | sort -n    ?09:35
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Enselicseems wrong09:35
AWOSLappyChimera_, can you install anything?  does Breezy install?09:35
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Chimera_I don't want to install that version :)09:36
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:36
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:36
gsuvegwhat the hell is version flood ?09:36
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kestazroot@darkstar:/etc/acpi/battery.d# cat /proc/acpi/battery/C1BF/state09:36
kestazpresent:                 yes09:36
kestazcapacity state:          critical09:36
kestazcharging state:          discharging09:36
kestazpresent rate:            2857 mA09:36
kestazremaining capacity:      0 mAh09:36
kestazwhy i can't see remaining capacity ?09:36
gnomefreakkestaz: dont paste in the channel09:36
gnomefreak!pastebin > kestaz09:36
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:36
Chimera_AWOS, the point is that niether 6.06 or 6.10 ever installed properly on my laptop. It always had that problem of locking up when double clicking09:36
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voraistoskestaz: your battery might be dead. i know mine is and it does the same thing09:37
higindoes anyone know a tool to change .avi files to .mpg?09:37
AWOSLappyChimera_ ahh this is a laptop.  you seemed to have not said that before.09:37
eckOlathe: this might help get you started: aptitude search ".*" | grep ^i09:37
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kestazno batter is not dead09:37
AWOSLappyChimera_ this changed everything.  have you tried an external mouse (vs the touchpad)?09:37
kestazubuntu detecting battery09:37
kestazbut not updating status09:38
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kestazit's bug09:38
neildarlowhigin: i think the mjpegtools do that09:38
kestazand i don't know what to do09:38
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:38
higinok thanks09:38
zukalkdoes anyone know where i could find some kind of tool that would check my hardware and tell me if any part of it may be having failures or if it could possibly slow down the system?09:38
=== SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
Chimera_lol, AWOS, what does install dialog locking up the computer have to do with the mouse?09:38
jbroomeCruCiaL-X: i think the magic number is 5 times a minute asking the same question09:39
AWOSLappyChimera_ I have no clue.  but you said it happens when you double-click.09:39
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Clin1OK, this is my last wuestion on here:  Can any one help me setup my pc to share an internet connection?09:39
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voraistoskestaz: i know there is some kind of chip in the battery.If this gets broken, then your bettery works but does not give any information about remaining power and so.09:39
AWOSLappyjbroome, don't tempt him!09:39
higinneildarlow: ive just installed it, but dont know how to run it09:39
Chimera_AWOS, when i doulble click or launch the install app in any way.09:39
AWOSLappyClin1, Ethernet?09:39
Clin1Yes ethernet09:39
neildarlowhigin: one moment09:39
AWOSLappyChimera_ ahh.  but everything else on the LiveCD works?09:39
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AWOSLappyClin1, what subnet?  192.168.x.x?  10.x.x.x?  and fill in the x's.09:40
CruCiaL-Xjbroome: im flapping, i cannot use ubuntu untill i sort this prob, i need help pls09:40
graulichhow do I set an owner for a volume in fstab?09:40
Chimera_AWOS, yes pretty much. Though it takes time, but not as much as Install. And they run properly.09:40
Clin1Subnet, i think its
Chimera_AWOS, now you know the problem?09:40
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Clin1but we are using and
__mikemClin1 thats your mask09:40
voraistosClin1: this is no subnet, this is network mask09:41
Clin1Oh, i get them mixed up09:41
ubotuTo set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf09:41
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:41
AWOSLappyChimera_ okay.09:41
voraistosClin1: yep is your network ID09:41
AWOSLappyClin1, 192.168.0.X, okay I got it.  hold on a second.09:41
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Clin1But one Pc is Windows the other is Ubuntu09:41
youseralright im back09:41
youserrunning on live cd09:41
EnselicIs there a way of getting a list of the size of folders in a dir?09:41
AWOSLappyright, Clin1 that doesn't make a difference.  is the Windows PC DHCP or manual?09:42
EnselicI.e. a command or something which recursively calculates that09:42
yousermy install step 5  has been hanging for hours09:42
EnselicI think I should use du09:42
Enselicand then | sort -n09:42
AWOSLappyEnselic, du09:42
youserthis morning my desktop couldnt find any files or apps09:42
Clin1Im not sure, i usualy do Microsoft Windows network config09:42
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with libbonobo2-Common files for gnome network?09:42
Clin1it sets it up auto09:42
AWOSLappyEnselic, du -h even.09:42
youseri restarted and got "operating system not found"09:42
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neildarlowhigin: https://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=3456&group_id=577609:42
AWOSLappyClin1, ah okay, I can't help you then because I never could get DHCP working on Ubuntu.09:42
voraistosClin1 what is your actual problem ?09:43
AWOSLappyClin1 sorry :-(09:43
Chimera_Does anyone know why does the live cd install program lock up or take a very long long long time to load up? 2.4ghz, 256mb ram, 40gbhdd, 6.10 Ubuntu?09:43
Yokanzohow do I know if I have breezy or not?09:43
youseri tried running gparted on the live cd and it says no devices detected09:43
lwizardlwhere is the known_hosts file09:43
neildarlowhigin: i use those tools as part of kino/dvdstyler so i don't use their many options09:43
higinneildarlow:  thanks!09:43
Clin1Dont worry, Voraistoe| Trying to share internet09:43
jribmy fans seem to turn on and stay on when my display goes blank.  When I start using the computer they usually turn off (and they turn on when they are needed).  Are there any settings for this?  Any ideas where I could look?09:43
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CruCiaL-Xcould somebody please help me with my wireless usb adapter?09:43
CruCiaL-Xcould somebody please help me with my wireless usb adapter?09:43
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UndersnoreHey guys i installed your wonderfull ubuntu 6.10 on my PIII-500 128MB ram machine, but it kicks me out as soon as i log in!... It says theres a problem loading Deamon09:43
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: What do you need help with09:44
green_earzlwizardl:  look the .ssh dir09:44
slimzhey guys, im on my windows machine, and when i try to access my shared folders on my ubuntu machine by typing \\ip.address09:44
slimzi get a user propmp09:44
Clin1Voraistos can you help?09:44
Nathan1993CruCial-X: What version of Ubuntu do you have?09:44
slimzbut my login / pass doesnt work?09:44
neildarlowhigin: section 7.2 looks like what you want :)09:44
green_earzlwizardl: sorry it should look in the .ssh  dir09:44
voraistosClin1 i never did that ;), but i can try. i suppose you want to make your computer a gateway, router or something ? you have 2 ethernet cards ?09:44
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CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: it is version 6.06 lts09:44
Clin1Yes i want to make it  gate way, no i only haave one ethernet but im on dialup09:45
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: What wireless card do you have?09:45
AWOSLappyYokanzo -- uname -a09:45
voraistosClin1: thats waht i call a challenge09:45
AWOSLappyUndersnore, we will need to know which daemon it is failing on.09:45
CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: a cable and wireless 802.11g wireless usb adapter09:45
Clin1ETH1 and PPP009:45
neildarlowvoraistos: that's what i call expensive :)09:46
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CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: i was told that i need to instal gnome network manager09:46
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: run "apt-get install gnome-network-manager"09:46
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CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: but im having trouble installing certain librarys09:46
voraistosClin1 is your gateway machine ip adress ?09:46
Clin1Eys it is, i keep it like taht09:46
atarinoxanybody know why firefox is crashing on me everytime i try and load a webpage? after updating to edgy09:46
Clin1Omg, i cant type09:46
Clin1Yes it is09:47
MarcNCruCiaL-X: the apt-get will get all the needed libraries.09:47
AWOSLappyatarinox, what version -- 1.5 or 2.0?09:47
neildarlowatarinox: you might try moving your .mozilla directory out of the way09:47
CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: it says dependency is not satisfiable: libbonobo2-Common09:47
Nathan1993CruCial-X: then apt-get that09:47
atarinoxAWOSLappy: version 2.909:47
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jribmy fans seem to turn on and stay on when my display goes blank.  When I start using the computer they usually turn off (and they turn on when they are needed).  Are there any settings for this?  Any ideas where I could look?09:48
Clin1Ive tryed the one where it says to insall TinyProxie but i dont know how to configure the other PV09:48
CruCiaL-Xnathan1993: i dont have an internet connection though, im only have a connection in windows, im using a dual boot, but if i get my adapter to work i might remove windows09:48
neildarlowClin1: you should only need to enable forwarding09:48
Clin1Tell me how Please09:48
atarinoxneildarlow: where should i move the .mozilla directory?09:49
voraistosClin1 the other PCs ? You just have to tell them the gateway is and their ip adress has to be , etc ...09:49
Madeyeany idea how to get gaim spell check in Brits not American ?09:49
Froydii need som help with the locales09:49
compengignomefreak, anyway thanks09:49
Clin1ok, but how do i set up fowarding09:49
Froydi: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory09:49
neildarlowtry mv .mozilla .mozilla.save or delete it if you want09:49
Olatheeck : Thanks :)09:49
zukalkam i the only one who feels that upgrading to edgy has slowed down my computer A LOT ?09:49
Nathan1993CruCial-X: Go to packages.ubuntu.org and search for it. Download the .deb file. Reboot to Ubuntu. In ubuntu, cd to your windows desktop. run "dpkg -i <.debfile>" where <.debfile> is the .deb file of the needed library09:49
voraistosClin1 i havent done any networking on linux for ages. let me check some doc and i tell u09:49
Clin1K 8-)09:50
neildarlowzukalk: i don't get that impression.09:50
MarcNCruCiaL-X: have you done an apt-get update after editing your /etc/apt/sources.list?09:50
Froydican anyone help me wit this: locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory09:50
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atarinoxneildarlow: still crashing09:50
neildarlowzukalk: unless the upgrade reverted you to a vanilla 386 kernel?09:50
CruCiaL-Xmarcn: to be totally honest, i havnt a clue, becuase i am a total newbie09:50
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youseranyone? "operating system not found"09:51
atarinoxhow do i install opera if i can't open my browser...it's not in the repositories...09:51
AWOSLappyClin1 I can give you the commands to make it a sharing PC09:51
neildarlowyouser: no boot record in the mbr09:51
MarcNCruCiaL-X: it is very rare that you ever have to download a .deb and use dpkg to install it.  apt-get/aptitude/synaptic/etc all will find all dependancies and download them for you.09:51
Clin1That should work09:51
youserthats my problem?09:51
compengiatarinox, why can't you open firefox?09:51
youseri just woke up this morning and it was scewed09:51
darksageauraI get an error every once in a while stating that amarok needs to install mp3 support how do I fix that09:51
Clin1my root is loged in and ready to go09:51
atarinoxcompengi: crashes on me every time i try to load a page09:51
youserim running the live cd right now09:52
MarcNCruCiaL-X: did you just upgrade to edgy?  this is a good idea:    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:52
youseridunno what to do09:52
Yokanzohow do I have wmv and mpeg support?09:52
youserive been on step 5 of installation for like 2 hours09:52
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Undersnoreokay deamon says unable to adress the memory  ... plus it says its already detected a panel running, then kicks me off09:52
Yokanzoi can't view any images or anything09:52
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voraistosClin1 can u move to #voraistos please?09:52
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CruCiaL-XMarcN: but dont i need and internet connection to upgrade09:52
neildarlowYokanzo: look at the FAQ linked in the channel header09:52
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Clin1K one sec09:53
Yokanzosorry, i wasnt thinking09:53
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Saulren2Kingsqueaker, are you busy?09:53
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shwagserpentine loads, but it doesnt burn anything09:53
ChadzaIs there a way to completely reset gnome?  To remove all settings and configurations I've made so far?09:53
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CruCiaL-XMarcN: but dont i need and internet connection to upgrade?09:54
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MarcNCruCiaL-X: yup.09:54
ttoinehey men09:54
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java1you using live cd?09:54
naliothChadza: in your home directory are .files.  find the one marked .gnome or .gnome2 and rename them09:54
youserright now09:54
Clin1Where did he go09:54
java1I just posted that question on forum09:54
Clin1i forgot the room09:54
Chadzanalioth: .gnome_backup or something like that?09:54
naliothChadza: whatever you want to rename them09:54
java1i was told to get alt install09:55
youserim in deep problems man09:55
naliothChadza: hopefully something you'll remember  :)09:55
AWOSLappyClin1, #voraistos09:55
Chadzanalioth: And I can restore them by naming them back right?09:55
voraistosClin1 #voraistos09:55
youserjava u talking to me?09:55
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youseri cant find anything useful on ubuntuforums.org09:55
java1I just downloaded alt install and burning iso now09:55
neildarlowyouser: did you install lilo or grub as your boot manager?09:55
youseri was running dapper with grub09:56
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youserupdated kernel 2709:56
naliothChadza: in my opinion, if your problem is fixed by renaming, i'd move one file at a time from the renamed folders to the newly named folders (you do it one at a time so you know what file broke your gnome)09:56
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Saulren2How do I copy files from my windows partion to my linux one using Ubuntu?09:56
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neildarlowyouser: then i'd suggest it needs renistalling09:56
Saulren2I can't access any of my windows files.09:56
youseri cant09:56
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youserits hanging on step 509:56
nalioth!tell Saulren2 about mountwindows09:56
youserwhere it talks about partitioning09:56
youserim wonderig if someone hacked my computer and messed up hy hd09:57
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neildarlowyouser: you should be able to boot the cd in rescue mode an fix it from there09:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:57
youserboot resue mode?09:57
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shwaganyone used Serpentine, the gnome CD burner ?09:58
cursedmindsiocgifflags : no such devices with respect i can scan and see wireless networks09:58
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cursedmindgot atheros chipset09:58
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neildarlowshwag: i've used GnomeBaker, the GNOME CD burner09:58
cursedmindany ideas :/09:58
Chadzanalioth: Well, I hadn't done anything really.  An icon theme killed gnome, but I had already switched to fluxbox for my desktop.  I just want to be able to put a theme back on the gnome based apps I do use.09:58
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AlexExtremeHey, is it possible to stop the initrd from loading the aic9xxx module? my motherboard has a broken aic7xxx controller that hangs when the kernel tries to load the driver.09:59
compotatojMy gnome-panel keeps crashing and whenever I close the bug report it crashes again. How do I delete my gnome-panel prefrences?09:59
shwagneildarlow: yah...i was trying to get the one working that is included with gnome. Im just trying to burn an audio cd.09:59
shwagneildarlow: it loads and appears to work, but when I click Burn To Cd,..nothing happens.09:59
neildarlowshwag: maybe cdrecord isn't detecting your burner?09:59
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darksageauracan someone tell me how to fix a problem with amarok I get every once in a while need to install mp3 support error10:00
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AWOSLappyAlexExtreme, sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist10:00
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AWOSLappyWhat is mode -r?10:00
Lam_what's the bash/shell command to print something?  is it echo?10:00
AlexAWOSLappy: Means that unregistered users can join10:01
OlatheLam_: Yes10:01
compotatojLam_, yes10:01
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Lam_Olathe, compotatoj: thanks10:01
ERIK_LIMAOh, my God!!! HELP!!!!10:01
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AlexExtremeAWOSLappy: no, the initrd loads it before reaching the root filesystem so modprobe.d won't work10:01
ERIK_LIMAMy Firefox 2.0 won't work!!!10:01
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ERIK_LIMAI need this working to take an information in how to install the ATI driver!!10:01
cursedmindso no help with wireless10:02
neildarlowcursedmind: what's the problem?10:02
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naliothERIK_LIMA: can you downsize your nick letters?10:02
pavkaHello. In what package I found kernel module nvidia-agp? Its compiled in the kernel static?10:02
ERIK_LIMAMy Firefox 2.0 ends when I try to load a page10:02
java1quick question on alt install cd, which one to choses from menu on bootup?10:02
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ERIK_LIMAnalioth: Sorry... I'm worrying... :(10:02
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cursedmindi got atheros chipset10:02
cursedmindi can scan netowrk with command line10:02
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youseris there a chan i could go to on freenode to get like step by step help for this problem?10:03
cursedmindbas when i connet nohing happens10:03
ERIK_LIMAI already update to 6.10 and Firefox fails10:03
nalioth!tell cursedmind about wireless10:03
cursedmindsiocgifflags : no such devices with respect i can scan and see wireless networks10:03
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shwagneildarlow: how can I check ?10:03
neildarlowcursedmind: how have you configured you adapter?10:03
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ERIK_LIMAmy Firefox Web Browser fail when load a page and finish repently10:03
ALi_i have downloaded ubutu's live cd but it is so slow so i want to install it on my hardrive. I have tried the icon in the desktop but it wont work. is there any way i can install from commands at the beginning boot screen>?10:03
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neildarlowshwag: cdrecord -scanbus10:03
cursedmindwith the madwifi how to on the forum10:03
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ERIK_LIMAI remove my Firefox 2.0 because it don't work10:04
shwagneildarlow: permission denied. very very interesting.10:04
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java1text mode? OEM?10:04
ERIK_LIMAOh, my God... What can I do??10:04
ALi_text mode10:04
neildarlowshwag: you might not be in the appropriate group10:04
cursedmindi reached the step where u issue the command to connect to the netowrk with it's essid butnothing happens then :S10:04
youssebGood afternoon guys. I have a question regarding GRUB2. I understand it's experimental, but is there anyone who's using it today? I'd like to know how to load a splash image using it..10:04
AWOSLappyDoes Edgy have better support for Broadcom chips?10:04
neildarlowcursedmind: do iwconfig and ifconfig show anything useful?10:05
AWOSLappyshwag: sudo cdrecord -scanbus10:05
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shwagneildarlow: hm....in /etc/group   my user is in the cdrom group10:05
neildarlowAWOSLappy: i believe so. i'm unfortunate enough to be using ralink chips. they suck10:05
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ALi_any ideas?10:05
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neildarlowAWOSLappy: one moment10:05
Madeyeany idea how to setup my locale to English GB ?10:05
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atzarI'm trying to install ubuntu edgy (i386) on a new MacBook10:06
AWOSLappyMadeye, um it's somewhere in Settings, I can't remember where10:06
youssebERIK_LIMA: did you try to use reinstall from synaptix?10:06
AWOSLappyatzar yay!10:06
AWOSLappyatzar what is the problem?10:06
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atzarwith the doc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook10:06
neildarlowAWOSLappy: it might be because you don't have cdrecord installed suid. dpkg-reconfigure can do that for you.10:06
java1frig blue screen of death10:06
ERIK_LIMAYeah... I tried10:06
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ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I tried10:07
ALi_i have downloaded ubutu's live cd but it is so slow so i want to install it on my hardrive. I have tried the icon in the desktop but it wont work. is there any way i can install from commands at the beginning boot screen>?10:07
atzarbut when I type this: grub> parttype (hd0,2) 0x8310:07
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atzarit returns: Error 27: Unrecognized command10:07
atzarwhat can I do ?10:07
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shwagAWOSLappy: neildarlow: sudo cdrecord -scanbus   works....it looks like its showing my usb hd on the scsibus though.  Maybe the usb disk is bringing up a scsi bus and interfering with cdrecords ability to detect and IDE cdburner ?10:07
java1back to drawing board10:07
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: The version 1.5 was working fine here10:07
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: The version 2.0 seems to be broken10:07
neildarlowshwag: cdrecord thinks in scsi. that's correct. reconfigure cdrecord suid10:07
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shwagneildarlow: well...isnt that what the  cdrom  group is for ?10:08
Saulren2Does Ubunto come with a telnet program?10:08
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AWOSLappySaulren2, yes.10:08
nofxxhow to format a partition to ext3 (or some recommendation?)  I already partitioned it with fdisk10:08
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: Firefox 2.0 ends every time when I try to view Orkut, for example10:08
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Saulren2AWOSLappy, how do I access it?10:08
ERIK_LIMAwithout my command to close it10:08
AWOSLappySaulren2, go in to the Terminal and type "telnet"10:08
Saulren2Thank you10:08
neildarlowAWOSLappy: burners are ATAPI which uses the SCSI command set. i believe it still needs suid perms for normal users10:08
zukalkneildarlow: sorry, i was afk. but that's a good question. the thing is... i can't remember whether i used a 686 kernel on this particular PC10:09
youssebERIK_LIMA: Can you open a terminal and try to run firefox?10:09
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Saulren2Is there a better one I can download?10:09
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ERIK_LIMAyousseb: Yes. But the problem persists10:10
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ALi_how can i copy my ubuntu live cd to my hardrive please?10:10
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youssebERIK_LIMA: Applications > Accessories > Terminal. Then type firefox. When it crashes, what's the error that you see?10:10
aimtrainerhi! Im running edgy on a samsng x11 and my wlan card ipw3945 is dedected now (eth1) after havning installed restricted modules. But I cant make it work. knetworkmanager doesnt even find it10:10
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baxter_kylieHow do I create an mdadm /dev/md[x]  device to assemble an array?10:10
baxter_kyliehow do I establish a connection to a samba server in a parent subnet?10:10
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AWOSLappyneildarlow, you are probably meaning to say this to shwag.  My IDE burner works 100% fine.10:10
youssebERIK_LIMA: Also, try firefox -safe-mode and let's see if that works..10:10
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ERIK_LIMAyousseb: The Error is... The Browser closes automatically10:10
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AWOSLappyneildarlow, I told him to do sudo cdrecord -scanbus because I must do sudo to get it to work.10:11
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shwagneildarlow, AWOSLappy: /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd are both in the cdrom group, and I have two cdroms...one is a burner.  /dev/sg010:11
nofxxtalking about FF,, there a easy way to upgrade it to 2.0 ? i'm with 6.0610:11
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dk0rWhat does 'ln -s' mean ?10:11
eilker what is the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu-server ?  is the difference only lamp server ?10:11
babwecould some pls advise me what repo to use for realplay....im using firefox10:11
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nofxxdk0r , will show another cool info to you.. about the contents of the folder10:11
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neildarlowshwag: why are you using SCSI emulation?10:11
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boinkdk0r: man ln10:12
shwagneildarlow: im not...except I have a USB hd plugged in.10:12
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neildarlowshwag: ah, ok10:12
dk0rboink: ty10:12
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I'll try then10:12
green_earzALi_: dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path.iso    have a look at your cat /etc/fstab  for the /dev of your cd-dvd drive10:12
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cursedmindthe ifocnfig gives me lots of things in the wifi section it unspec  and in the iwconfig  lot of no wireless extensions10:12
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ChrisJquick question, thought I'd try Ununtu on my AMD64.  Have now lost the original install media and can't remember if it was generic i386 or amd64 install10:12
ChrisJis there a way I can find out10:12
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caffiendingWhat is a good webpage creator foor 6.10?10:12
shwagneildarlow: guess I should file a bug.10:13
boinkit's an amd64 CD/install10:13
infideli wiped out my /boot partition how can i restore it?10:13
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boinkyou can use 32 bit on your amd6410:13
youssebERIK_LIMA: If that doesn't work, try the following: (Warning, this won't keep your bookmarks and settings and extension)      mv ~/.mozilla/ ~/.mozilla_back10:13
AWOSLappydk0r, ln -s makes a soft link.  you may want to read the Wikipedia article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ln_(Unix)10:13
neildarlowshwag: read the cdrecord manpage and search for suid. there's no bug10:13
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shwagneildarlow: how do I..not use scsi emulation with cdrecord?10:13
boinkcaffieding: bluefish is nice10:13
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caffiendingboink: THanks!10:14
AWOSLappyChrisJ -- uname -a10:14
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youssebinfidel: You will most probably need to reinstall.. sorry dude10:14
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ChrisJAWOSLappy: thanks10:14
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ALi_green_earz im tottaly new to linux, afraid i have no idea what you are on about!!10:14
mikejr83hey all, I am move to Ubuntu from Gentoo.  This is the first Linux desktop I've used with X.  I seem to have some display issues/questions.  What could be the main cause for a generally slow Gnome environment?10:14
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AWOSLappymikejr83, it's very RAM hungry.  how much RAM do you haev?10:15
boinkmikejr83: you could try another window manager if gnome is too bloeaty10:15
ChrisJAWOSLappy: it says i686, will i see much difference going to amd64, just using the box as a base os to run vmware machines on10:15
youssebguys.. any idea where to look for documentation for grub2?10:15
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I think this problem is caused by a Flash Player plugin installed10:15
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boinkChrisJ: cat /proc/cpuinfo10:15
javiolomikejr83 try fluxbox10:15
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ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.10:16
shwagneildarlow: there is a bug as far as ubuntu being able to automatically be able to burn cd's without it breaking if a user plugs in a USB hd.10:16
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shwagneildarlow: but i should figure out the solution first.10:16
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I don't really know where the problem is :(10:16
ChrisJboink: I know what processor I've got and uname -a tells me what the kernel is compiled for, thanks AWOSLappy10:16
sebsebsebTwo things here,  so Ubuntu AMSN and Ubuntu Gaim.   AMSN well  I got rid of everything from my comp a while ago now,  and since I had no Dapper or Edgy CD and I coudn't just download and use that would work.  I installed from an offical Breezy CD put in AMSN 0.94 from the respority and Internet update to Dapper.10:16
sebsebsebthen Internet update to Edgy10:16
shwagneildarlow: this isnt a suid issue.10:16
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AWOSLappyChrisJ np :)10:17
youssebERIK_LIMA:  Can you remove flash? Are you on edgy?10:17
ERIK_LIMABut, if the problem persists, I will reinstall my Dapper again. Oh, my God!! Two weeks trying to install ATI driver and nothing!10:17
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ALi_dd if=/dev/hdx of=/path.iso have a look at your cat /etc/fstab for the /dev of your cd-dvd drive how do i do this?10:17
sebsebsebyes yes I know that AMSN is not suppourted by Ubuntu,  but this is from the respority so.  well it seems something buggered up when it upgraded Ubuntu with AMSN open so 0.94 to 0.95.  I get no display pics.10:17
Yokanzois it possible to install limewire in 64bit ubuntu?10:17
ERIK_LIMAI'm on edgy10:17
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ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I'm on Edgy now10:17
shwagwhat is  /dev/sg0 ?10:17
mikejr83AWOSLappy: in response to the question of how much RAM is on this machine it is very small, 256Mb10:17
shulman hi all -- I'm having trouble with Firefox 2.0 on Edgy (kubuntu) closing out constantly, mostly due to flash. I've tried applying the flash fix to the firefoxrc file without any success. Is there anything else that I should be doing to get flash to work properly?10:17
neildarlowshwag: ok10:17
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AWOSLappymikejr83, okay well that's not that bad, but it will be a little laggy.  What processor speed?10:18
neildarlowshwag: sgN used to be SCSI generic devices10:18
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mikejr83AWOSLappy: I belive 2Ghz might be a few more10:18
youssebERIK_LIMA: do you have any browser working as of this point? Opera or Konqi?10:18
ChrisJAWOSLappy: (+ everyone else) does anyone think its worth moving over to AMD64 kernel from I686 or is the performance not that much different?10:18
CruCiaL-XMarkN: those did not work, i keep getting error: dependency is not satisfiable: libbonobo2-Common / Ive installed the libbonobo2-Common deb package, any ideas?10:18
green_earzALi_:   fire a console up so you got the command line10:18
sebsebseband I tryed to remove AMSN including config file's with well commands package manager.  and then to just tell it to download and re install it.  well it seems it dosan't even download it,  it just has a DEB for it some where that it is already using.   I just want a new fresh download of AMSN from the respority and then clean install.10:18
sebsebsebanyone can help?10:18
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: No... :(10:18
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neildarlowshulman: is this the flashplayer9-beta?10:18
AWOSLappyChrisJ, I do not have a 64-bit computer, (nor AMD because the AMD I did have died prematurely so I will never get another AMD), so I have no clue.10:19
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shulmanneildarlow: Checking now... I installed the latest version off of apt-get10:19
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: Konqueror don't support Flash Player. So I can't see YouTube content10:19
jbroomesounds like a feature to me10:19
AWOSLappyyousseb, FYI, Konqi is the KDE dragon, Konq is the browser :P10:19
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I think only Firefox could do this10:19
dk0rCan anyone help me via pm install firefox 2.0 on 6.06? I'm new to linux.10:19
babwesorry what repo to use for realplay10:19
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AWOSLappyERIK_LIMA -- lies!  Konqueror most certainly can support Flash!10:19
kdcherliHello - If I'm on edgy, how would I be able to remove an "unknown interface (vmnet1)" in Networking tools section?10:19
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YokanzoI'm running a 64bit kernel and to be honest I hate it10:19
youssebAWOSLappy: :D10:19
CruCiaL-XCould anyone pls help me with the gnome-network manager?10:20
CruCiaL-XCould anyone pls help me with the gnome-network manager?10:20
neildarlowshulman: it won't be then. the older flashplayer7 used to crash a lot for me too.10:20
Saulren2Question:   Where can I download/install a user friendly Telnet program?10:20
Yokanzocan't even install flash without hassle10:20
AWOSLappy!tell babwe about realplayer10:20
ALi_yes, and when i have done that....10:20
youssebERIK_LIMA: Actually, konq should be able to do so.. but let's see10:20
AWOSLappySaulren2, what, it didn't work?10:20
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youssebcan you use konq to go here: http://getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation&Itemid=3810:20
Saulren2I can't seem to get it to10:20
ERIK_LIMAAWO: I tried one time when I used Kubuntu and doesn't work :(10:20
shulmanneildarlow: should I manually install flash from macromedia then?10:20
crimsunYokanzo: that's not true, either. You can install an older version of the Flash plugin just fine.10:20
ChrisJYokanzo: whats with the 64 bit kernel to hate10:20
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youssebERIK_LIMA: Go here: http://getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation&Itemid=38 and get automatix10:20
Saulren2I can access the http part of the hostserv, so I know it is running10:20
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AWOSLappyERIK_LIMA I know, it's hard to get it to work correctly, but I have seen it done.10:20
youssebERIK_LIMA: once done, run it and make it install flash for you.. let's see if this fixes things..10:20
neildarlowshulman: i don't think you'll be any better off. the package installer does just that.10:20
crimsunYokanzo: granted one would probably want the newer beta of Flash 9 for a better user experience...10:20
ERIK_LIMAFirst, I will try to run Firefox on safe mode10:21
Lobotomiehow do i know where is installed azureus plz ?10:21
ERIK_LIMAIf fails, I will install aonther browser10:21
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naliothtell dk0r about firefox10:21
neildarlowERIK_LIMA: have you tried epiphany?10:21
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naliothdk0r: /msg ubotu firefox10:21
Saulren2AWOSLappy:  open  -  could not resolve10:22
dk0rnalioth: I allready read the instructions. Can't get it.10:22
AWOSLappyLobotomie, type      locate azureus     on the Terminal.10:22
baxter_kylieHow do I create an mdadm /dev/md[x]  device to assemble an array?10:22
baxter_kyliehow do I establish a connection to a samba server in a parent subnet?10:22
AWOSLappySaulren2, okay so you are trying to connect to your own machine at port 1138?10:22
YokanzoI'm just a bit unhappy becuase theres mimimal w32 codec support and flash support10:22
Saulren2AWOSLappy, right.10:22
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neildarlowbaxter_kylie: you can invoke mdadm with a switch that automatically creates the device node10:22
Yokanzoand I don't even think i'll be able to use firefox 2.010:22
youssebGuys.. Anyone was able to get grub2 to load bitmaps or have any documentaion about it?10:22
YokanzoThey really gave us AMD64 guys the shaft10:22
dk0rYokanzo: I can't even figure out how to install it.10:23
KingsqueakYokanzo: if that is your attitude you aren't ready to run 64, just install 3210:23
baxter_kylieneildarlow : What's the switch and will it destroy the existing data I have on the array?10:23
AWOSLappySaulren2, um, well, all the different telnet apps would do the same thing, so if it doesn't work on one it won't work on the others.10:23
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youssebYokanzo: Get Automatix and make it install swiftfox.. binaries for each CPU10:23
ChrisJYokanzo: I'll not bother for now, rather have a slower machine that works than one that takes hours to tweak!  Just downgraded from 6.10 to 6.06 due to reported problems with VMware server10:23
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.10:23
ChrisJit sisn't occur to me at the time I could have tested 6.10 in a vmware machine!10:23
AWOSLappyChrisJ, so you didn't even ATTEMPT to use VMware on 6.1?10:23
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: Strange!! In safe mode it's appear to work fine... :/10:24
naliothdk0r: join us in #ubuntu-classroom please10:24
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Saulren2AWOSLappy, Its odd that the http serv is working, but not the telnet10:24
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: it's "-a"10:24
youssebERIK_LIMA: did you do the mv command that I sent you before?10:24
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: The browser did not end automatically...10:24
ChrisJAWOSLappy: I was looking for the instructions10:24
KingsqueakYokanzo: there are workarounds, if you can't read about how to do them, then install 32bit. I've got plugins and firefox working fine on 64 here, just takes some readin10:24
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: No, I didn't...10:24
dk0rnalioth: Im there!10:24
Lobotomiehow can i make firefox to open .torrent with azureus plz ?10:24
Yokanzokingsqueak, where do I start?10:24
Saulren2AWOSLappy, if I open the port 1138 instead of the http 1180 in firefox as a http, it gives me the proper login text and such, but Firefox is not a telnet app10:24
Yokanzois there a tutorial?10:24
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I'm running Firefox in safe mode10:24
Saulren2So i can't do anything10:24
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ChrisJAWOSLappy: TBH If it works on 6.06 then that will do me fine10:24
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mumbles-potpalIf i use tar to creat an image of my windows drive will i be able just untar when i want to go back to the way it is now#?10:25
compengihow to install realplayer 10?10:25
KingsqueakYokanzo: try the forums for x86_64, they have FAQ's sticky posted there with how to work around it all10:25
digilinkmumbles: yes10:25
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Yokanzogreat, thanks i'll look into that10:25
ChrisJI can wait til christmas until its been sorted then switch over then10:25
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youssebERIK_LIMA: When it runs in safe mode, it means that it didn't load plugins, extensions and themes.. the mv command will get themes and extensions out of the formula10:25
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baxter_kylieneildarrow: it errors '... no /dev/md3 device present'10:25
neildarlowmumbles-potpal: be careful, tar has limitations on path lengths etc. test it well first10:25
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KingsqueakYokanzo: my cut/paste is broken from firefox but it's ubuntuforums.org10:25
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youssebERIK_LIMA: If it breaks after it, then it's plugin issue..10:25
ChrisJcan I get gaim to beep me when some one messages me?10:26
mumbles-potpaldigilink neildarlow any particley pointers you can give me ?10:26
Saulren2Also, while I'm on the subject, how do I host my computer so that others can try to access that hostserv @ 1138?10:26
ebivenGentlemen, I'm a Suse user looking for a new distro.  I'm having some issues with Ubuntu, mostly related to the network-manager-gnome applet and my Intel 2200BG not being recognized.  Anyone know of a good link to help me out?10:26
neildarlowmumbles-potpal: you might try cpio instead10:26
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ubotugrub2: The next generation of GNU GRUB [EXPERIMENTAL] . In component universe, is extra. Version 1.94-3 (edgy), package size 293 kB, installed size 788 kB (Only available for any-i386 any-powerpc any-amd64)10:26
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KingsqueakYokanzo: under Main Support Categories, click x86-64bit10:26
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youssebGuys.. any documentaion for grub2 anywhere? :)10:26
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knarf_hello. i have problems with getting x forwarding with ssh -Y to work with ubuntu. after connection, the DISPLAY variable is not set (but is it supposed to, according to the manual). anyone?10:26
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Yokanzoalso how do I know if i'm running dapper drake?10:26
mumbles-potpalneildarlow will take a look10:26
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crimsunYokanzo: lsb_release -r10:26
Lobotomiehow can i make firefox to open .torrent with azureus plz ?10:26
KingsqueakYokanzo: Dapper is 6.0610:26
kestazwith pc is problem with battery state, what can i do ?10:27
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YokanzoI'm running 5.1010:27
Yokanzohow do I upgrade?10:27
Yokanzodo I go into synaptics?10:27
ubotuFor upgrading, see instructions at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes (you can also find this in the channel topic: type "/topic")  -  See also !downgrade10:27
neildarlowmumbles-potpal: google "GNU tar limitations" is useful10:27
AWOSLappyChrisJ okay.10:27
xeonmasta /server -ssl irc.freenerd.org 666910:27
AWOSLappySaulren2, okay try with your IP addy vs
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jbroomeping -f
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KingsqueakYokanzo: upgrade to at least Dapper if not Edgy, 64 support is improving in those10:27
kestazwith pc is problem with battery state, what can i do ?10:27
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qc_does anyone know how to install/use the correct fonts in ubuntu to make bitchx display correctly with ANSI?10:28
BrightEyes`hello. i just installed xfce. i cant see anything!!! only a blue screen.what can i do to fix it?10:28
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qc_does anyone know how to install/use the correct fonts in ubuntu to make bitchx display correctly with ANSI?10:30
Saulren2AWOSLappy, my IP should be the same in Ubuntu as Windows,  right? i'm not sure how to check it in UBuntu10:30
Nathan1993BrightEyes: In recovery mode, run "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"10:30
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AWOSLappySaulren2, um not necessarily10:30
AWOSLappySaulren2 type     ifconfig10:30
AWOSLappyon the Terminal to get your current IP addy.10:30
alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:31
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BrightEyes`Nathan1993: im using Xfce10:31
baxter_kylieneildarlow: it errors '... no /dev/md3 device present'10:31
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Nathan1993BrightEyes: Are you running xubuntu-desktop, though?10:31
CruCiaL-XNathan1993: could you help me again pls? im still havin trouble with my wireless10:31
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: Sure10:32
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CheticWhere do you place aMSN skins? The guide on the site is down...10:32
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sberlaciao gente10:32
LjL!it | sberla10:32
ubotusberla: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pupa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:32
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots  -  Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)10:32
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: mdadm --assemble /dev/md3 -a /dev/... /dev/... should do it10:33
BrightEyes`hello. i just installed xfce. i cant see anything!!! only a blue screen.what can i do to fix it?10:33
Saulren2AWOSLappy, I'm getting the same results.10:33
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AWOSLappySaulren2 okay.10:34
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CruCiaL-XNathan1993: i cant get the gnome-network-manager to install, it says it needs libbonobo2-Common, which i have installed, still saying it needs it, im running a dual boot, windows and ubunto, i need these files to setup a internet connection in ubuntu via my usb wireless adapter10:34
Saulren2AWOSLappy, can you browse something for me?  camelotrealm.dyndns.org:118010:34
sinisterguywhat package would i need to be able to use the putfifo command?10:34
Saulren2AWOSLappy, tell me if that works for you.10:34
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: Are you running xubuntu, kubuntu, or ubuntu?10:34
neildarlowCruCiaL-X: you don't have to use gnome-network-manager. i don't.10:34
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AWOSLappySaulren2 okay I will test now10:35
topyliBrightEyes`: what exactly did you install?10:35
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Saulren2Thanks ^^10:35
cablesm102I feel really stupid... what's the IRC command for connecting to another server?10:35
CruCiaL-XNathan1993: im running ubuntu10:35
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CruCiaL-Xneildarlow: enlighten me?10:35
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alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:35
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babwehow do I do the dchroot for this one #10:35
babweAMD64 architecture10:35
babwe    *10:35
babwe      The Windows Codecs package cannot be used directly by the AMD64 distribution. Some people solve this problem by installing the i386 Ubuntu distribution inside a chroot (for example, Linux Vserver or [WWW]  dchroot), and this works very well.10:35
Nathan1993CruCial-X: hold on, please10:35
WildZeckcablesm102, /server eu.undernet.org 666710:36
baxter_kylieneildarlow: same error '... no /dev/md3 device or address present'10:36
cablesm102WildZeck, thanks10:36
neildarlowCruCiaL-X: just configure your interface in /etc/network/interfaces10:36
Nathan1993CruCial-X: Do you get a interface (eg wlan0)10:36
WildZeckyou're welcome10:36
BrightEyes`topyli: all the packs about xfce10:36
java1ok after failed install with live cd downloaded alt install cd and tryied text install no go10:36
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java1any one?10:36
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BrightEyes`topyli: is there anything i can do???10:37
CruCiaL-XNathan1993: yup, it says wlan0, essid BT HomeHub and ive put the WEP key in, but how do i connect?10:37
=== Wizardling [i=Durandal@202-154-144-68.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
AWOSLappyWell, Saulren2, the DNS points to -- e.g. a local IP.  I can't connect to it.10:37
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WildZeckjava1, do you check that your cdrom was not corrupted ?10:37
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: i can only suggest reading the mdadm manpage. i've never needed to resort to using mdadm directly on ubuntu10:37
Saulren2AWOSLappy, ah, I can't remember how to host a server.   I can only access it when In Ubuntu, not over my win32 OS10:37
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Nathan1993CruCial-X: You are going to have to manually edit the /etc/network/interfaces file. It's not that hard, I do it by hand. I'm trying to find a site that has some doc on it that you can print out and use.10:37
Saulren2AWOSLappy, regardless, I can't access the telnet service part of it.10:38
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java10 checksum erorrs10:38
alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:38
baxter_kylieneildarlow: Ugh. Manpage says the same things you did.10:38
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CruCiaL-XNathan1993: k thanx10:38
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topyliBrightEyes`: you looked up all packages with xfce in their names and installed? it might mean you don't have a window manager, no file manager, and whatnot10:38
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: how was your array created?10:38
BrightEyes`i have the menus above10:38
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BrightEyes`topyli: that menu with rat.and i can see time as well10:39
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baxter_kylieneildarlow: with mdadm a year or so ago on a debian system10:39
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AWOSLappySaulren2, okay.  :)  Well do you have the telnet server correctly configured?10:39
topyliBrightEyes`: ah so you do see more than just a blue desktop :)10:39
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: are you using lilo?10:39
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baxter_kylieneildarlow: grub. It's just media storage, though -- nothing is booting off these drives10:39
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BrightEyes`topyli: when im trying to go to setting and i chose the settings manager it doesnt show up anything10:40
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Amibalcan i ask you some question.. i'm french and its difficult to understand everything... i have windows xp and i think about changing for ubuntu. Can someone answer my questions?10:40
Saulren2AWOSLappy, well I'm assuming so.  when I go to port 1138 (telnet port) in firefox, it brings up the Telnet responses10:40
CPrgmSwR2what intsall based is ubuntu10:40
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CPrgmSwR2is it rpm based src based10:40
Saulren2AWOSLappy, however I cannot input anything through Firefox10:40
AWOSLappySaulren2, hmm.  and telnet doesn't work?10:40
alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:40
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topyliBrightEyes`: you probably don't have a session manager or some other part of the desktop installed10:40
ERIK_LIMAyousseb: I tried to install the ATI driver but doesnt't work10:40
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topyliBrightEyes`: see if you installed the xfce4 package10:41
linopilCPrgmSwR2:  debian apt10:41
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: how about creating an /etc/mdadm.conf that describes the array then use mdadm's autostart feature to start it?10:41
Nathan1993CruCiaL-X: Go to http://rafb.net/paste/results/SyntEO53.html. It should give you a good idea of what to do. Just replace rausb0 with your interface name (I think you said it was wlan0). Then, from the terminal, run "ifup wlan0" (or whatever else your interface name is). Then viola! After a short DHCP session, you should have wireless connections10:41
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Amibalhuu sorry but can somebody answer me?10:41
CPrgmSwR2so can you do apt-get gyachi?10:41
java1Well will go back to forums and wait there10:41
Saulren2AWOSLappy, says name or service unknown10:41
BrightEyes`topyli: which of all is the session manager?10:41
WildZeckjava1 so i dunno, it's never fail here10:41
linopilwhat is gyachi ?10:41
YokanzoI got a bug trying to upgrade10:41
CPrgmSwR2gyach improved10:41
Yokanzoit told me it oculd not calculate the upgrade10:41
CPrgmSwR2a fork off of gyach10:41
Saulren2AWOSLappy, which is why I wante to try a diff telnet program incase the telnet included doesn't recognize the protocol or something.10:41
baxter_kylieneildarlow: already have the mdadm.conf autostart also complains about the lack of an md device10:41
java1posted every thing there10:42
Amibalis it possible to execute some .exe with ubuntu?10:42
topyliBrightEyes`: probably xfce4-session. you also need xfce4-mcs-plugins10:42
CPrgmSwR2can you install stuff through rpm packages though?10:42
Saulren2AWOSLappy, since firefox obviously recognizes the protocol, but is unable to interact with it.10:42
alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:42
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topyliBrightEyes`: don't hunt them down one by one. install xfce4 that's all10:42
nofxxAmibal , maybe with wine you can run your exe10:42
CruCiaL-XNathan1993: thanx, ill try that now10:42
AWOSLappySaulren2, does netcat work?10:42
BrightEyes`topyli: now im updating the whole system.ive installed alla about xfce. i dont know if its version 410:42
Saulren2AWOSLappy, what would actually be more convenient for me is to be able to access it through my windows platform using Pueblo10:42
Tateris there a default partition scheme that ubuntu uses and if so what is it and the filesystems used on each partition?10:42
Shaezschehow can i adjust my fans?10:43
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java1wish there was an way to track each funtion its was doing to debug10:43
BrightEyes`topyli: i yesterday installed Xfce on my desktop(using open suse 10.1) and it was ok10:43
Amibalnofx, i dont know ubuntu i run with windowsxp can you help me?10:43
Saulren2AWOSLappy, it prompts me for a cmd line10:43
AWOSLappySaulren2, I have no clue how you would set that up.10:43
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topyliBrightEyes`: install the package called xfce4 and be done with it :)10:43
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AWOSLappySaulren2, try this:    netcat -t 113810:43
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: doh! is the appropriate raid module loaded?10:43
BrightEyes`topyli: my acer aspire 5000 doesnt have an nvidia driver.what can i do for better graphics?10:43
Saulren2AWOSLappy, I used to have my computer as a host, so anyone could access it.10:43
Shaezschei want some fan speed controls!?!?!?!10:43
mnehi, the ubuntu bug reporting tool created a bug report file. what should I do with that file, how can I send it to the BTS ?10:43
Saulren2AWOSLappy I dont know how to set up my hostserv in Ubuntu10:43
Saulren2Ok, I will try it10:43
BrightEyes`topyli: why not installing all about Xfce.except some burning tools etc10:43
Amibalya des franais ici?10:44
AWOSLappySaulren2, I'm not sure either, I don't know how dynamic DNS things work.10:44
AWOSLappy!fr | Amibal10:44
ubotuAmibal: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:44
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Saulren2AWOSLappy, netcat works10:44
Amibalmerci je savai pa10:44
AWOSLappySaulren2, okay netcat works good.10:44
topyliBrightEyes`: xfce4 is a metapackage which depends on all parts of the xfce desktop. it will install all the packages you want10:44
neildarlowbaxter_kylie: it might be as simple as adding e.g. raid1 to /etc/modules10:44
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Saulren2AWOSLappy, how do input with netcat?10:45
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topyliBrightEyes`: but if you're going to be using xfce as your primary desktop, why not just install xubuntu-desktop which has a nice set of apps too10:45
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linopileth0 is down again. why?10:45
alecjwTater: ubuntu, by default, makes a / partition formatted in ext3 which fills modt of the drive   and a swap partition which fills the rest. the swap's in a logical drive10:45
intelikeyi've got something hosed.... i just installed ubuntu and kde and was test running things before i turn it over to it's owner... the three user accounts will use different desktops gnome kde and blackbox   the first run went ok but the second login for bb ; X tripped out and i wanted to test grub settings anyway so i rebooted.  now all i can get for any user is an rxvt terminal   setting the session does nothing to affect th10:45
alecjwanyone know of any good video broadcasting programs?10:45
dsl921anybody know how to change referesh rate with DSL linux?10:45
Saulren2AWOSLappy, nevermind its working now.10:45
gkellyHas anyone had any luck with wifi on the new MacBook Pros?10:45
linopilhow to take eth0 up10:45
AWOSLappySaulren2, now try       telnet 113810:45
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neildarlowalecjw: gstreamer but you need a server and good bandwidth10:46
AWOSLappylinopil, sudo ifconfig eth0 up10:46
Tateralecjw, ok thanks ext3 eh, I'm trying to mount a hdd that was inmy laptop on my desktop pc so I can pull some files from it and then wipe it and install edgy10:46
topyliBrightEyes`: if you simply go hunting for packages with xfce in their names, you won't even have a file manager (which is called thunar)10:46
Amibalhow do we change chan?10:46
intelikeyi'll be in #kubuntu  if anyone knows what i need to do to that.10:46
linnuxxyhow can upgrade to 6.10... i have 6.06 now?is there an apt command or something?10:46
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CPrgmSwR2can you install src based packages in ubuntu10:46
Saulren2AWOSLappy, thanks man!10:46
FlannelCPrgmSwR2: sure10:46
Saulren2Now I just need to figure out how to host my computer.10:46
AWOSLappySaulren2 np :)10:46
alecjwneildarlow: does gstreamer have a gui? if so, how do i install it?10:47
CPrgmSwR2I have a friend that is trying to install gyachi10:47
BrightEyes`topyli: i just opened thunar10:47
linopilAWOSLappy: ty10:47
AWOSLappySaulren2, for netcat?  or does "telnet" now magically work?10:47
CPrgmSwR2and it says c compile cannot create executables10:47
AWOSLappylinopil np :)10:47
neildarlowalecjw: unlikely. it's a streaming server.10:47
linopilbut still no IPv4 address10:47
Flannel!compile | CPrgmSwR210:47
ubotuCPrgmSwR2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:47
topyliBrightEyes`: good10:47
alecjwneildarlow: ok. thanks10:47
linopilis it IPv6 overrules IPv4 in linux?10:48
CPrgmSwR2he tried an rpm package10:48
Saulren2AWOSLappy, using netcat, I guess..  I think that perhaps my syntax in telnet was wrong.. should it have been:  open 1138   /or/   open
CPrgmSwR2that didn't work10:48
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CPrgmSwR2so what kinda package is a pre-built one for ubuntu10:48
neildarlowlinopil: they coexist.10:48
linopilneildarlow: I also thought so10:48
FlannelCPrgmSwR2: a deb10:48
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BrightEyes`topyli: im now making a full update.why cant see anything???10:48
linopilbut cannot find the time to find out why eth0 won't wake up in some cases10:49
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BrightEyes`topyli: well the desktop actually10:49
linopilon same machine netcard is perfect on windows10:49
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linopilneildarlow: ?10:49
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AWOSLappySaulren2 yeah just do        telnet 1138     next time :)10:49
linopilcame across such strange situation ?10:49
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topyliBrightEyes`: is the desktop actually working? click on it. right click too10:49
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neildarlowlinopil: i haven't been following your question, sorry10:50
Silencerwhat is command to synchronize clock in ubutnu ?10:50
neildarlowSilencer: ntpdate10:50
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Saulren2If anyone knows how I can make my local IP accessable to anyone (host a server), please help me out.10:50
Amibalplease how do i do to go on #ubuntu-fr ??10:50
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BrightEyes`topyli: nope.nothing ..the clicks doesnt seem to respond10:51
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neildarlowSaulren2: you need to learn about DNS and domain hosting10:51
CheticHow do you check what graphics driver you're currently using?10:51
kzm_I want to install ubuntu on an NFS share.  How do I get a basic system installed?10:51
linopilseems that for some reason netcard in linnux cannot get an address from dhcp server on gateway10:51
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linopilcould be some timing?10:51
kzm_(Wasn't there a base.tgz or something?)10:51
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AWOSLappyAmibal: type this in to your IRC client -> /join #ubuntu-fr10:52
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mattthebakerhas anyone noticed refresh problems with the gaim version included in edgy? (2.0.0beta3.1)10:52
topyliBrightEyes`: ok, noting is handling the desktop. is thunar supposed to do it? i have no idea. maybe xfce uses rox or something10:52
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[VCO] InfamousFlahey all. was just wondering if anyone has tried installing ubuntu (edgy) to a usb key? I've followed the instructions in the relevant help doc, but i'm not sure how i choose to boot linux rather than windows. thanks in advance.10:52
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kzm_Thought I could install to an USB flash thing, and rsync that, but it's too small (256Mb)10:52
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kzm_mattthebaker, works for me.10:52
User685hi there10:52
neildarlowlinopil: do you have "iface eth0 auto dhcp" in /etc/network/interfaces ?10:53
kzm_[VCO] InfamousFla, funny you should mention it, I tried just now.10:53
BrightEyes`topyli: on my suse system was ok.even when im minimising a program doent show where it goes.it disappears.i use alt + tab to switch to other apps10:53
neildarlowlinopil: sorry, that's "iface eth0 dhcp"10:53
kzm_But it failed, it was too small.10:53
mattthebakerkzm_: well, it works fine, the buddy list window just doesnt refresh properly, when a window blocks part of the window, it doesn't redraw till you mouse over that area of the window10:53
User685how can i connect to this channel from bitchx10:53
linopillooking neildarlow10:53
BrightEyes`User685: /j #b..10:53
kzm_mattthebaker, heh, I use ion3, windows don't overlap :-)10:54
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topyliBrightEyes`: the session is broken. it's not starting all components of the desktop. have you logged out and back in after this update you speak of?10:54
Saulren2neildarlow, How can I learn about DNS hosting.10:54
User685BrihgtEyes, what /j #ubuntu?10:54
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Saulren2neildarlow, I have a DNS name linked to my IP, but only I can access it.10:54
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linopilneildarlow:  ?10:55
leleobhzhello all!10:55
leleobhzplz, im recompiling a package and i give an error:10:55
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mattthebakerkzm_: hmm... haven't noticed the behavior with any other gtk apps, i guess i'll check gaim's bugtracker10:55
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leleobhzautomake: unrecognized option -- '--force-missing'10:55
linopilit lacks the auto line neildarlow10:55
User685BrightEyes, when I type /j #ubuntu I connect somewhere but there is no action10:55
neildarlowSaulren2: your IP will be provided by your ISP and it must be in external DNS to which your domain record points10:55
linopilhow does it happen/10:56
linopilneildarlow: ?10:56
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leleobhzsomeone can help me?10:56
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neildarlowlinopil: "auto eth0" just tells the system to bring up the interface at startup. you probably want that :)10:56
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:57
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CheticWhy do OpenGL applications run SO slow? I've successfully started X with the fglrx driver...10:57
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techrush2because ati sucks10:58
Saulren2neildarlow: I'm confused.  I'm currently running a MUD server, shouldn't people be able to access it through my current IP?10:58
neildarlowChetic: maybe you're not using DRI for some reason10:58
[VCO] InfamousFlalol kzm_ :P. Anyone got any ideas on my problem?10:58
segosawhat file contains the network interfaces' configuration?10:58
babwehow do I install the windows codec package inside a shroot10:58
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Cheticneildarlow, how do I check?10:58
Saulren2neildarlow: It is currently listening on port 113810:58
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linopilsure also mask of interfaces is 64410:58
leleobhzChetic: fglrxinfo10:58
mattthebakerwhat is the procedure for installing newer versions of an application before it is in the package tree for your ubuntu release? search for debs from the unstable dist?10:58
linopilneildarlow: ?10:58
leleobhzsee if DRI are enabled10:58
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Cheticleleobhz, It isn't.. So now what?10:59
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linopilIam in ubuntu gnome neildarlow howto automate eth0 then ?10:59
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CPrgmSwR2how do you tell a freind to install xchat10:59
neildarlowSaulren2: do you have a domain name that has DNS setup to resolve your IP for services e.g. www.yourdomain.com?10:59
leleobhzChetic: see why10:59
leleobhzChetic: see the /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:59
CPrgmSwR2is it apt-get install xchat10:59
ryanpgso if ubuntu is using UUIDs now, why when I run update-grub are all the UUIDs replaced with /dev/sdaX ?10:59
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linopilCPrgmSwR2:  sudo apt-get install xchat ?11:00
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topylimattthebaker: you build backports on your stable system and hope they don't bite you when you try to upgrade some day11:00
AWOSLappyWhoa whoa whoa wait.  You can disable DRI?11:00
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neildarlowlinopil: two separate lines in /etc/network/interfaces: || auto eth0 || iface eth0 inet dhcp11:01
utabhi there I would like to connect to a remote machine with ssh but I am getting an error related to port 2211:01
CPrgmSwR2says it cannot find the package xchat11:01
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Saulren2neildarlow:  camelotrealm.dyndns.org:1180  is the http   :1138 is the telnet11:01
Saulren2I have no problems accessing either11:01
linopilok neildarlow vi edit it ?11:01
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printkAWOSLappy: of coure.  edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and look just disable the loading of dri11:01
neildarlowlinopil: sudo vi11:01
AWOSLappyprintk, would this make it faster?11:01
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mattthebakertopyli: when you say build backports, do you mean there is a backport repository with said unstable packages? or do i grab the source/binary and build it by hand following some procedure?11:02
Cheticleleobhz, (WW) fglrx(0): Kernel Module version does *not* match driver.11:02
Chetic(EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work11:02
printkAWOSLappy: make what faster?  I'd assume it'd make things slower11:02
utabI can ping the remote machine can not connect that11:02
neildarlowlinopil: the entry for lo will give you an idea of format11:02
printkAWOSLappy: disabling would make slower i mean11:02
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eXistenZlinopil, what font do you use for application?11:03
topylimattthebaker: you get source packages from the unstable distribution and build binaries from them on your stable system11:03
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kestazwhat can i do if my laptop is broken battery state, compile kernel ?11:03
mattthebakertopyli: thanks11:03
printkkestaz: broken battery state?   Isn't that a battery issue?11:03
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linopildunno eXistenZ11:03
kestazno, it's acpi11:03
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topylimattthebaker: not sure if that's something to thank for, you'll curse me once you've broken your system :)11:03
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eXistenZlinopil, dunno?11:04
linopilbusy eXistenZ sorry11:04
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neildarlowSaulren2: i can't connect to the http port. are you sure it's listening on 1180?11:04
CPrgmSwR2what irc client do most of yall use11:04
mattthebakertopyli: heh, its a fairly fresh install, and my home directory is on a different partition, so if worst comes to worse, no harm done :D11:04
linopiltrying to  solve eth0 down problem11:04
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Saulren2neildarlow:  I guess.   I can access both ports, but only in Ubuntu, not in windows, which tells me its localized.11:04
Saulren2neildarlow:  I dont know how to make it globalized11:05
utabssh help  needed. Can ping a remote machine but can not connect11:05
linopilstill no joy neildarlow11:05
AWOSLappyCPrgmSwR2, Konversation for me.11:05
neildarlowSaulren2: perhaps it's listening on your internal network and not the external interface11:05
eckutab: maybe it is not running sshd?11:05
printkutab: need more info than that, what errors do you get?  what is keeping you from connecting?  is it behind a router?  etc etc11:05
topylimattthebaker: better get source debs though, and be careful to build binary debs. we don't want to confuse the package system11:05
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utabprintk, I do not know I want to learn that11:06
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neildarlowlinopil: you did /etc/init.d/networking restart ? does ifconfig show anything?11:06
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utabprintk, what could be the reason?11:06
JowiCPrgmSwR2, xchat is popular11:06
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printkutab: millions of things, we need more information from you.11:06
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utabprintk, ask please11:07
caffiendingI want to make an online photo gallery from a trip with friends, what would be a good software program for that?11:07
GunbladerHi, has anyone tried installing ubuntu on a philips x56 laptop before? I'm having some hardware detection problems on installation ;_;11:07
printkutab: I did ask you 311:07
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eckutab: i would recommend doing a port scan with nmap to make sure that you can see/access port 2211:07
micki have a hard drive with multiple partitions, one of them being mounted at /media/hda4  as ext3, but i do not have permissions to write to the drive... can anyone help me out?11:07
AWOSLappycaffiending, have you tried Mozilla Composer?11:07
jribcaffiending: f-spot works nicely, you can export to web galleries such as flickr or picasa web, or create your own html one11:07
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Saulren2neildarlow: How do I get it to listen on external ports?11:07
neildarlowcaffiending: what flavour of ubuntu do you run?11:08
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caffiendingubuntu 6.10 edgy.11:08
neildarlowSaulren2: the configuration usually specifies which interfaces/IPs to bind to. might be something like
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linopilneil  I only did ifconfig down up11:08
AhmuckAWOSLappy: bluefish11:09
caffiendingI would like to share all the pics (1000+) and have my friends be ablel to download the entird "lot" if possible11:09
neildarlowlinopil: try the restart11:09
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AWOSLappyAhmuck huh?11:09
Saulren2neildarlow: Perhaps it is the driver that is limiting where it will listen, but I dont ever remember having to change that.11:09
utabeck, how can i do that, because i am getting a message related to port2211:09
caffiendingI just tried bluefish and was having an error on install.  the MD5 on the DVD was bad.  can I just download it?11:09
meeuro1anyone know why i get Error dependency is not satisfiable:libgail1711:09
Saulren2neildarlow: It has been a long while since I ran this driver.11:09
eckutab: what is the message?11:09
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Ahmuckcaffiending: yes, you can  apt-get install bluefish11:10
Ahmuckyou will need universe, multiverse11:10
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neildarlowcaffiending: programs like f-spot (GNOME) and digikam (KDE) have gallery creation functions builtin11:10
meeuro1Error dependency is not satisfiable:libgail17  got it when trying to install gyachi_1.0.5-1_dapper_i386.deb11:10
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linopilneildarlow: good for you11:10
Ahmuckcaffiending: yes, i think f-spot or digikam is what your looking for11:11
phoenixzIs there anybody who knows a bit about lvm? vgcfgrestore -t -f /etc/lvm/backup/VolGroupi00 VolGroup00 gives me "Parse error at line 93: unexpected token" but the config file only has 88 lines.. Is there anybody who could tell me what is wrong here?11:11
neildarlowlinopil: is it working now?11:11
linopilfinal question what is the reason auto is not a default for eth0 ?11:11
Saulren2neildarlow: there is no application I need to run to allow people to access my IP?11:11
linopilyep pinging www.yahoo.com11:11
utabssh: connect to host 10.... port 22: Connection refused11:11
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utabeck, ssh: connect to host 10.... port 22: Connection refused11:12
neildarlowlinopil: you might have a system with removable interfaces. you shouldn't assume presence at startup11:12
linopilso neildarlow , do you know why distro installs won't put that auto dhcp on eth0 ?11:12
derek_sorry to interrupt, but I am a newbie to linux , my g++ compiler compiles fine but when I name a program for example "colorcode", when I type in colorcode at the terminal it gives me abash error11:12
eckutab: i am guessing your firewall on the remote host is blocking traffic on that port11:12
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eckif it is behind a NAT, make sure you have port forwarding properly configured11:12
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linopilhow does ubuntu install decide realtek 8139 is a removable11:13
utabutab: should I ask my admin for which port to use11:13
caffiendingGreat, I would like to create a gallery, then be able to have them click on the file to see the lardge pic.  (my pics are ~4.5M)11:13
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mister_robotoderek: probably the current dir is not in your path and you're trying to run it from same dir?  try typing "./colorcode"11:13
neildarlowlinopil: perhaps, for some reason, the network configuration step of the installation failed? or you said leave it for later?11:13
linopilwindows always assumes auto dhcp neildarlow11:13
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utabeck, should I ask my admin for which port to use11:13
linopilI expect linux to be the same and better neildarlow11:13
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eckutab: possibly sshd is running on another port (you can check with 'sudo nmap -A foo.bar.com')11:13
neildarlowlinopil: the ubuntu installation does, usually, get it right.11:13
AWOSLappyderek_, try ./a.out11:14
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linopilOK for what I know it happened many times also on fedora11:14
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caffiendingIs there a way to allow th user to d/l the entire gallery (full size images) not thumbnails?11:14
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utabeck, what is the meaning for this11:14
kitcheutab: if you don't control that server I would ask the admin just to be safe since if they see a scan from a pc from you you might get in trouble11:14
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linopilmaybe frequent hardware changes ( this is a lab) on PCs do this to nistall neildarlow ?11:15
buzzyragazzi ora sembrea che vada....bah11:15
neildarlowcaffiending: a gallery is usually composed of thumbnails for convenience. who wants to scroll a whopping image?11:15
meeuro1_Error ependency is not satisfiable:libgail17  when installing gyachi_1.0.5-1_dapper_i386.deb11:15
meeuro1_anyone know why?11:15
neildarlowlinopil: maybe. at least it's working now.11:15
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derek_it works with a.out and ./colorcode but when I type in ls it shows that the program "colorcode" is in that dir so why do I have to type ./colorcode for  it to work?11:15
phoenixzis there anybody who knows a bit about lvm? Logical Volume Management?11:15
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linopilanyways you understood my q. helped me neil and yu are my favorite11:15
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eckutab: it would scan the ports on the other computer and try to see what services you can see running on which ports on that computer... as kitche said, there is a (small) possibility that you could be blocked from connecting if the admin sees you port scanning11:16
neildarlowphoenixz: yes11:16
=== linopil wants to /whois neil to get to know him better
utabkitche, I will do that definitely but is that the reason11:16
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bruenigmeeuro1, libgail18 is available11:16
kestazhow to get new kernel with apt-get ?11:16
jribderek_: . is not in your path11:16
phoenixzneildarlow: Do you know anything about vgcfgrestore?11:16
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derek_jrib: what do you mean?11:16
kestazhow to get new kernel with apt-get ?11:16
soundraykestaz: don't repeat please11:16
kestazso answer11:17
neildarlowphoenixz: yikes, no. you mean you've got a broken lvm/11:17
meeuro1_Error ependency is not satisfiable:libgail17  anyone know what i need to fix this in edgy?11:17
jribderek_: when you just type a command, it searches the directories in your $PATH  (try 'echo $PATH')11:17
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bruenigmeeuro1, you could try to install libgail18, that is all that is available in the repos11:17
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utabeck, that is my machine in my room at the university so my only intention is to be able to connect there not to harm they will know that so we are secure11:17
aileanguys, I have boot problems. Although GRUB is installed correctly, my second (slave) hard disc with Windows on it overrules it.  What do I do to fix it?11:17
kitcheutab: if it's a university they have port 22 blocked usually11:18
jribderek_: but if you specify a path to the command, then your shell doesn't search.  So you can do  /foo/bar/file.sh  or bar/file.sh if you are in /foo or ./file.sh if you are in /foo/bar  since '.' means your current directory11:18
phoenixzneildarlow: Yeah.. and actually not even ubuntu, but I dont get ANY response in any channel.. Ive done quite some work on restoring it already, I know what caused it, how to repair it, only the repair tool isn't working along11:18
derek_jrib: so if I type in ls wont that show what is int he dir I am in?11:18
eckkitche: not at my school :-)11:18
jribderek_: yes11:18
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soundrayailean: how do you mean grub is installed "correctly"?11:18
kitcheeck: do you go to a college or a university :)11:18
eckkitche: UC Berkeley11:19
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derek_jrib: colorcode appears but wont run with just the command colorcode11:19
kitcheeck: that's why :)11:19
utabkitche, that is a university11:19
Saulren2neildarlow:  I'm looking under network settings> Host tab, should I add a host?11:19
aileansoundray without the 2nd HDD attached, it loads up11:19
Saulren2neildarlow:  with my current IP11:19
jribderek_: do you understand what I explained about the $PATH?11:19
kitcheutab: yes I know what Berkeley is11:19
=== oht had a funny bug earlier, his 'z' key stopped working
derek_I typed it in and it listed a long path11:19
soundrayailean: so when you connect the slave drive, the BIOS boots from that one?11:19
aileansoundray and the first time i loaded it, I could load Windows from it - but that changed everything11:20
bruenigoht, I have had that before, but it was my . key11:20
aileansoundray yeah, i suppose so11:20
eckutab: regardless, i would be very surprised if you got blocked for port scanning... normally there is so much background noise from all the bots running all over the net doing port scans that people don't bother with it anymore11:20
neildarlowSaulren2: is your external interface up-and-running? does ifconfig show it as being so?11:20
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caffiendingNeildarlow: yes, that is why I want a thumbnail gallery, but my friends on the trip want to be able to print out HQ pics11:20
samyboyHi there, I have a problem setting up an lvm volume :11:20
samyboyNo program "pvcreate" found for your current version of LVM11:20
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samyboywhat does that mean ?11:20
ohtbruenig: heh, it happened after setting a gnome keyborad shortcut for shift+z, but then disabling it, after i disabled the shortcut, my z key did nothing until i rebooted11:20
jribderek_: yes, when you type a command, your shell searches those directories in $PATH.  And notice that '.' (which means whatever directory you are currently in) is not listed there.  So your shell won't find colorcode in the current directory because it doesn't look there11:20
utabeck, with nmap, what should I do11:20
neildarlowcaffiending: they can right-click and download then print in some application11:20
soundrayailean: perhaps you should install grub to the slave drive as well, overwriting the Windows bootloader11:20
kitcheutab: are you doing this within the network or outside since they catch inside traffic more for scanning11:20
neildarlowcaffiending: or just click in their browser to open the picture and then print it11:21
bruenigoht, same thing, Set a shortcut. Removed, and then had to reboot to get it back. My shortcut was ctrl + .11:21
derek_derek@StrongBad:/home$ ls11:21
derek_derek@StrongBad:/home$ cd derek11:21
derek_derek@StrongBad:~$ dir11:21
derek_1                  Desktop                google-earth          Shared11:21
derek_a.out              Examples               GoogleEarthLinux.bin  WinSCP311:21
derek_Assignment083.cpp  Firefox_wallpaper.png  Incomplete11:21
utabkitche, trying to connect from home11:21
derek_colorcode          googleearth            key.gpg.asc11:21
jrib!paste | derek_11:21
aileansoundray i tried that before and it caused windows not to boot11:21
ubotuderek_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:21
Saulren2neildarlow:  UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  ?11:21
mickhow do i set permissions for an entire partition, i tried chmod 777, but that iddn't seem to work11:21
CPrgmSwR2has anyone tryied install gyachi11:21
eckutab: if you want to do it, it would be something like this: sudo nmap -A hal.rescomp.berkeley.edu11:21
neildarlowSaulren2: but no IP shown?11:21
bruenigwho uses dir11:21
Saulren2neildarlow: yes11:21
Saulren2neildarlow: my ip is showing and is linked to camelotrealm.dyndns.org11:21
utabeck, the address at the end is the address of the university11:22
caffiendingNeildarlow: ok, so it will upload the original and then display a thumbnail.?.11:22
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Saulren2neildarlow: regardless of the domain, I cannot connect to my Ip directly either through windows11:22
soundrayailean: does Windows boot if you connect its drive as master?11:22
jribmick: what filesystem?11:22
neildarlowSaulren2: then it should just be configuration of your MUD server11:22
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eckwell, whatever computer you are trying to connect to11:22
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mickjrib, ext311:22
bruenigmick if you wanted to do it the chmod route. You would need to chmod recursively, chmod -R 77711:22
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Saulren2neildarlow: er wait, its working now11:22
Saulren2neildarlow: do you take queries?11:22
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mickbruenig, even if there are no folders?11:22
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aileansoundray, yes, and it boots without the first disc attached. But, GRUB boots when only the ubuntu disc is attached too11:23
neildarlowSaulren2: what do you mean? do i take queries?11:23
Saulren2I'm not registered.. ><11:23
derek_humm.....I will have to deal with this later Thanks though11:23
eckprobably you will see ssh running on one of the ports11:23
kitcheutab: you might not be able to connect to your machine it might be the university server just so you know11:25
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offby1when I restore from hibernation, it doesn't ask me for my password.  I'm sure it used to.  How can I make it do so once again?11:25
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zovirlthe network system monitor says 65% in use but I'm not downloading anything....how can I tell what program is using the network?11:26
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BHSPitLappywow, big one!11:26
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aileansoundray, i can get GRUB to boot using the Super GRUB Disc11:27
LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!11:27
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aileansoundray, i can get GRUB to boot using the Super GRUB Disc11:27
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soundrayailean: I got you11:27
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LjLNOTICE - We are having some technical difficulties. Please don't worry, and try to avoid unnecessary channel traffic. Thank you!11:27
aileansoundray, sorry :)11:27
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soundrayailean: perhaps you can write a system-specific grub floppy and use that to boot ubuntu, and just remove it when you need Win.11:28
eXistenZtahoma is a nice font11:28
soundrayailean: just a workaround, I know11:28
aileansoundray, i don't have a floppy drive, but there must be another way to do it...11:28
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settlerhas anyone here used qdvdauthor to put multiple movies on a dvd?11:28
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soundrayailean: oh, the super GRUB disk is a CD?11:29
aileansoundray, yeah11:29
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eckutab: nothing, are you sure that is the right server? that is probably the IP of the computer running the school's web server11:29
soundrayailean: same suggestion then, s/floppy/CD/ ;)11:29
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eck(if you are curious, here is what the output looks like: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/2w2EZV51.html)11:29
aileansoundray, thanks for trying :)11:30
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utabeck, that is the web address(or is that stupid :_))11:30
rogue780I'm trying to install freecol, and I keep getting the error "Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/lib/tools.jar" and Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!" when I run ant. Please help!11:30
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soundrayailean: I'm surprised that Windows even boots when it's not on the master disk.11:30
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kitcherogue780: do you have j2se installed?11:31
eckutab: for example, the web site for my work is rescomp.berkeley.edu, but when I ssh in I have to connect to hal.rescomp.berkeley.edu, a different computer on the subnet11:31
swim_hello, I have recently followed the berylonedgy (from the ubuntu.com wiki) I rebooted, but now if I try to login to gnome, I simply get a blank screen after gdm login. Also I do not get an option for beryl when trying to select from 'session' in gdm.11:31
aridesehey guys, what would cause ubuntu GNOME to hang on boot after login? i.e, mouse cursor boots, nothing happens11:31
aileansoundray, well, GRUB pretends that it is the master disc11:31
aridesemouse cursor moves11:31
kitcherogue780: since ubuntu doesn't hava java by default11:31
aileansoundray but i don't think GRUB is even loading11:31
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infideli accedently formatted my boot partition can some one help me?11:31
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Yokanzois it possible to install limewire in ubuntu?11:31
arideseinfidel: lmao, touh luck11:31
YokanzoI got a limewire pro rpm11:31
Yokanzobut i dont know how to use it11:31
LjLUbotu, please tell Yokanzo about limewire11:32
utabeck, OK, I will try sth different, you will stay longer11:32
rogue780kitche: what's the apt-get package?11:32
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soundrayaridese: look in $HOME/.xsession-errors11:32
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kitcheUbotu tell rogue780 about java11:32
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TLEHey, on my edgy desktop are shotcuts to the partitions I have mounted in /media/ but how do I change which partition have shortcuts and change the shortcuts names ?11:32
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java  -  For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:32
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire11:32
swim_hello, I have recently followed the berylonedgy (from the ubuntu.com wiki) I rebooted, but now if I try to login to gnome, I simply get a blank screen after gdm login. Also I do not get an option for beryl when trying to select from 'session' in gdm.11:32
infidelaridese thanks11:32
mc__!eclipse > mc__11:33
eckutab: is it this? http://www.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/system/security/remote/11:33
Jowiaridese, instead of logging in directly after boot; press alt-ctrl-F1 to go to a console. add a new user there "sudo adduser test". switch back to the login screen with ctrl-alt-F7 and login with the "test" user. if that works then you know it is only your account that is affected.11:33
mc__guys which packages do i need to install under edgy to get a natice eclipse?11:33
mc__i installed eclipse-gcj and eclipse-jdt,but there is no eclipse binary11:33
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kitchemc__: eclipse11:34
utabeck, that must be sth like that also for our deparment I was checking that11:34
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courthey, I need some help with ndiswrapper? anyone a guru?11:34
mc__kitche, that wont give me an interpreted version?11:34
meeuro1_when launching the install file for gyachi i get Dependency not satisfiable libmcrypt4 any clue?11:34
mc__kitche, i really need the native one11:35
Jowiinfidel, see if the grub troubleshooting guide can help you11:35
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:35
kitchemc__: what do you mean native one since eclipse is the native one11:35
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meeuro1_when launching the install file for gyachi i get Dependency not satisfiable libmcrypt4 any clue?11:35
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mc__kitche, eclipse can be compiled to native or interpreted by a jvm, i need the compiled version11:36
courtit seems ndiswrapper isnt wokring correctly11:36
Jowimeeuro1, "sudo apt-get install libmcrypt4" maybe?11:36
utabeck, yes it looks that I have to learn the port #11:36
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kitchemc__: well eclipse is the compiled version11:36
meeuro1_Jowi : cant find package libmcrypt411:36
ohtis there a bit torrent client for linux that allows you to enable header encryption?11:36
ubotulibmcrypt4: De-/Encryption Library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.7-5 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 256 kB11:37
dk0rAnyone want to help me get firefox2 installed on 6.06? The instructions online are incorrect and poorly written.11:37
mc__kitche, thank you!11:37
Jowi!info libmcrypt411:37
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offby1dk0r: I think you can just download a binary and unpack it11:37
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meeuro1_wonder why it sais package doesnt exist?11:37
Jowimeeuro1, enable universe repository11:37
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource11:37
utabeck, the only thing I want to do is to be able to use some licensed software11:37
dk0rYeah, but Im having troubles getting it to be seen as the default version of firefox.11:38
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offby1dk0r: ah11:38
offby1no idea then :-|11:38
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offby1maybe something under the "Preferences" menu11:38
kitchemc__: no matter what you will need java runtime enviroment to run eclipse anyways11:38
meeuro1_meeuro1@meeuro1-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install libmcrypt411:38
meeuro1_Reading package lists... Done11:38
meeuro1_Building dependency tree11:38
meeuro1_Reading state information... Done11:38
meeuro1_E: Couldn't find package libmcrypt411:38
eckutab: if you know the correct host/port and still can't connect, contact the admin11:38
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kitchemeeuro1_: do you have universe repo enabled11:38
LjLUbotu, please tell meeuro1_ about pastebin11:38
courtanyone fluent with ndiswrapper?11:38
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meeuro1_kitche whats universe repo?11:39
utabeck, the problem is the first, I do not know the port #, and port 22 is not the one11:39
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)11:39
mc__kitche, yeah,but not only classpath and gcj i  hope?11:39
aridesewhy would ubuntu hang after login? the mouse cursor moves, but nothing happens11:39
YokanzoHow do get IME style japanese input for ubuntu?11:39
Yokanzoso I can type in japanese11:39
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Yokanzomuch like the XP language bar11:39
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boink!tell meuro1_ about apt-get11:39
boinkYokanzo: scim11:40
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171011:40
ubotuChinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM11:40
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Yokanzoit seems ubuntu is significantly different from other distros that it requires its own version of everything11:40
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kitchemc__: I don't use gcj myself I just use the Java compiler since gcj is gnu's java compiler11:40
YokanzoI noticed by the frostwwire link11:40
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with a partition problem pls?11:40
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with a partition problem pls?11:41
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boinkYokanzo: ubuntu isn't that different from debian11:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:41
courtanyone good with ndiswrapper?11:41
Yokanzoboink, it will support most linux applications right?11:41
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boinkYokanzo: well, use apt-get :)11:41
kitcheYokanzo: it just does it a different way the packages and such11:41
YokanzoI actually moved over to ubuntu from gentoo because I had trouble setting up higher resolutions and destroyed my kernel11:41
Yokanzoapt-get is like emerge isn't it?11:41
matiuWhat's the easiest way to get back to dapper from edgy?11:41
boinkapt-get is the debian emerge, yes11:41
kitcheUbotu tell matiu about downgrade11:41
boinkduh ...gentoo emerge, I mean11:42
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matiuYokanzo, actually apt-source is like emerge, apt-get is like emerge -K (or whatever it is to get binaries)11:42
CruCiaL-Xcould anyone help me with a partition problem pls?11:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:42
kitcheCruCiaL-X: just say your problem11:42
ohtcan anyone help me with some girl problems?11:42
matiuubotu, help downgrade11:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help downgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:43
matiuubotu, help11:43
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl  -  Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:43
matiuubotu, downgrade11:43
ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.11:43
boinkdowngrading is silly11:43
LjLUbotu, please tell matiu about bot11:43
matiuoh great11:43
boinkdon't do it11:43
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mattthebakeryokanzo: most distros provide their own packaged versions of linux apps, typically precompiled binaries configured with options the developers see fit11:43
matiuI've already got a broken system11:43
boinktime to fix it11:43
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CruCiaL-Xi had a problem with my wlan interface, still cant sort it out after literaly hours, some ive given up, im installing ubunto onto a machine that uses ethernet and works fine, but i need to know how to remove ubunto from my laptop, windows doesnt show any partitions11:44
matiuI have no ACPI, and a ff that crashes when I browse to important pages11:44
K1765Where do I install icon themes at?11:44
merianybod know this error: dpkg-reconfigure locales11:44
meri/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: locales est\uffff\uffff roto o no est\uffff\uffff totalmente instalado????11:44
matiuand am no longer able to compile firefox11:44
boinkuse the .deb then11:44
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kitcheCruCiaL-X: you have to format the drive that's the onyl way to remove it11:44
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K1765Where do I install icon themes at?11:44
matiuI'll re-install dapper over the top, luckily I saved my home partition11:44
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boinkff2 is in edgy11:45
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CruCiaL-Xhow can i format a drive, its not showing up in windows?11:45
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K1765Where do I install icon themes at?11:45
matiuCruCiaL-X, use ubuntu command line, mkfs11:45
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mc__im on dapper,and eclipse crashed the log says something about fileInitializer_IOError11:46
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)11:46
CruCiaL-Xhow do i get to the command line, im very new to linux!11:46
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YokanzoI tried to install frostwire according to the guide but i got this error11:46
Yokanzosudo: timestamp too far in the future: Nov 12 11:08:15 200611:46
mc__CruCiaL-X,  ALT+F2 and type in xterm11:46
YokanzoWhat does this mean?11:46
kitcheCruCiaL-X: well see windows can't see ext3 drives without a third party driver so that's why it's not showing up in windows11:46
bintaraanyone can help ?11:46
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bintarawhats wrong with it ?11:46
boinkYokanzo: you need to set the hardware clock11:47
bintarai followed every steps11:47
KishoreCruCiaL-X, Applications -->accessories->>termnal11:47
bintarastill failed to mount ntfs11:47
boinkman hwclock11:47
Yokanzoboink how?11:47
boinkman hwclock11:47
mc__is eclipse broken on edgy?11:47
mc__im on dapper,and eclipse crashed the log says something about fileInitializer_IOError11:47
__mikemdoes anyone know any mathmatical graphing programs I could use to graph equasions that are not functions, eg sin(x) = e^cos(y)11:47
K1765Where do I install icon themes at?11:47
CruCiaL-Xk thanx11:47
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jribK1765: system > preferences > themes, just drag the tar.gz into that window11:48
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motin_hmm I believe I screwed up a bit here - I can't ping google or have any working dns resolution working on my dedicated server, running 6.06 lts11:48
motin_what is wrong here?11:48
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boinkcan you ping an ip-number?11:49
Arron76is there anyway to enable custom emoticons in gaim, using msn? as well to see other custom emoticons?11:50
=== tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14dbb.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
meeuro1_whats the command to set sudo permissions to a file?11:51
KennyPBIs there any channel for Ubuntu PowerPC release ?11:51
motin_boink: so I can11:51
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boinkthen it's a dns problem11:51
boinkcheck your /etc/resolv.conf11:51
Yokanzoi don't understand the manual entry for hwclock11:51
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Yokanzohow do I set it to 5:5111:51
meeuro1_whats the command to set sudo permissions to a file so it will execute?11:51
boinkman chmod11:51
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meeuro1_so   "sudo chmod 777 path to file?11:52
connie_lhHello y'all. I just got a new laptop with a widescreen and an nvidia 6100 graphics card. It all works except that my loading screen before gdm is all screwed up. Is there anything I can do?11:52
boinknever use 77711:52
motin_boink: aha - it says nameserver
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boinkwell, change it to a valid name server11:52
meeuro1_whats proper to use to allow a rpm to execute11:52
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).11:52
rogue780I'm trying to install freecol, and I keep getting the error "Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/lib/tools.jar" and Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!" when I run ant. I've installed every java package there is.11:53
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dominic_Good evening from NY. I just intalled 6.06 on my old AMD Athlon 1600. Everything loaded fine except now I get a "mount root system" error after I shutdown and reboot my computer. I have been looking for an answer all day and cannot find one. Any ideas?11:53
aridesedominic_: stfu11:53
NChiefwhere can I find the system req for ubunt6.10?11:53
=== AtKaaZ [i=IamE@unaffiliated/atkaaz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades  -  To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download (please use BitTorrent if you can!)11:54
LjL!stfu | aridese11:54
ubotuaridese: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.11:54
mattthebakeryokanzo: in the past i've set the system clock to the desired time, then used "sudo hwclock --systohc"11:54
mattthebakeryokanzo: you can set the system time with the date command11:54
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rogue780I'm trying to install freecol, and I keep getting the error "Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/lib/tools.jar" and Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!" when I run ant. I've installed every java package there is. please help. I'm a linux noob11:54
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rogue780correction. now all it says is "Buildfile: build.xml does not exist!" and "Build Failed"11:55
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AtKaaZdoes anyone have experience with changing keys? like in /etc/console-setup/boottime.kmap.gz of the new ubuntu 6.10; the kmap from 6.06 doesn't work with 6.10 apparently11:56
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Arron76is there anything intresting i can have on my desktop to watch while chatting?  like a fishbowl or something else cool?11:56
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salkothelp! I killed wifi-radar in the middle of its business, and now my networking is screwed up. is there any way to restore everything to its defaults?11:58
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manchickenAnybody know how to get libmtp working in amarok?11:59
manchickenThe (klugy) directions I found on google aren't 64-bit friendly.11:59
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