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sbalneavEvening all04:35
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserAway
LaserAwayhi sbalneav 05:05
sbalneavHey LaserAway05:07
moquistsbalneav: hiya05:19
moquistsbalneav: I'm trying to think of an even-trade sort of thing I can do to get you to shave off your mustache next time I see you. ;)05:20
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moquistsbalneav: for example, I could *wear* a mustache...not sure if that would pursuade you.05:21
moquistIt might pursuade you that I should either shave or have a beard, but nothing in between, anyway. ;)05:22
sbalneavHmmm beard.05:22
sbalneavKEN THOMPSON!!!05:23
moquistSorry, we don't have that beard here. We checked on the shelves and under the counter, and it simply isn't to be found.05:23
sbalneavLaserAway: Did you know who YOU missed out on seeing?05:23
sbalneavKEN THOMPSON!!!05:23
moquistLaserAway: I'll give you a hint...don't read the previous post from sbalneav...05:23
moquistheh; that timing works either way, I guess. :)05:23
moquistKen seems like a really nice guy who would probably prefer to be mostly left alone, but who is so good-natured that he puts up with all the attention anyway.05:25
=== LaserAway is now known as LaserJock
sbalneavThat's why I mostly kept quiet,until the end when we got onto chess.05:27
LaserJockRichEd already spilled the beans to me05:27
sbalneavWonder what it's like to be the ....errr.... Keith Richards of the computer world.05:28
sbalneavLittle Richard05:28
sbalneavBill Haley05:28
=== sbalneav tries to come up with a suitable rock-and-roll analogy for KEN THOMPSON!!!
=== LaserJock is green with envy
LaserJockalas my boss was already mad enough at me for skipping 1 day05:29
moquistJimmy Page and Paul McCartney come to mind; Elvis seems more appropriate and inappropriate at the same time.05:30
sbalneavTherefore, Elvis is perfect.05:31
sbalneavKEN THOMPSON!!! == Elvis05:31
LaserJockI hadn't even heard of him until RichEd mentioned him05:31
LaserJockquite cool to be that kind of guy05:31
LaserJockwell, I've had a chance to play around with alacarte and edubuntu menus05:32
sbalneavKEN THOMPSON!!! sat down with DENNIS RICHIE!!! one day, and said, "Hmmm, what do I want my operating system to look like?..."05:32
sbalneavAnd because of their decisions, I DON'T have to administer Windows for a living :)05:33
AmaranthLaserJock: heh, even _I_ was there for dinner with KEN THOMPSON!!!105:34
LaserJockwell, you probably have more in common with him 05:35
LaserJockI'm just a chemist with an Ubuntu addiction05:36
AmaranthI'm just a fanboy with commit access. ;)05:36
moquistAmaranth: ya where? who are you? (/who was not sufficiently informative)05:37
sbalneavIn this channel, by popular assent, KEN THOMPSON!!! Will always be spelled in all caps, with 3 exclamation marks, as befits the Elvis of the Information Technology world :)05:37
Amaranthmoquist: where do i have commit access? gnome cvs and beryl svn05:37
moquistnonono, you said you were there for that dinner.05:37
AmaranthTravis Watkins05:38
moquistI just don't know which face you have. :)05:38
AmaranthI was sitting next to whiprush (Jorge)05:38
moquistYeah, /who told me your name...05:38
moquistHmm. OK.05:38
Amaranthhttp://www.realistanew.com/random/me.jpg minus hair05:38
moquistAh! I remember you now.05:39
Amaranthi don't remember you ;)05:39
=== moquist high-fives Amaranth for being at dinner with KEN THOMPSON!!!
=== LaserJock scowls in the corner, " *I* didn't get to have dinner with KEN THOMPSON!!!"
moquistI'm currently the 6th and 8th hits when you search images.google.com for 'moquist'05:40
Amaranthoh, right05:40
Amaranthi just found a picture :P05:40
Amaranthdidn't you talk about software freedom day on wednesday?05:40
moquistOh, and #12.05:41
moquistYep, I talk about SFD quite a bit. ;)05:41
LaserJockis it a specific day?05:41
moquistSFD will always be on the third Saturday in September.05:42
LaserJockoh cool05:44
moquistLaserJock: sign up for the team-contacts email list and we'll let you know when things get rolling for'0705:44
LaserJockis there a reason for it being on the third Saturday in September? or should I just keep reading05:44
moquistnot a bad idea to keep reading, but the basic idea is that we're coordinating a global effort to celebrate FOSS on (and/or near) one particular day to maximize general synergy, cooperation, impact, attention, press, general warm-fuzzies, etc.05:45
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LaserJockit's kinda easy to remember as Chemistry Day is on October 23rd I think05:50
AmaranthLaserJock: mole day?05:52
LaserJockwe but on some activities here05:53
LaserJockthat week is National Chemistry week05:53
LaserJockwe did some chemistry demonstrations at a high school and middle school05:53
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jbrefortLaserJock, ping?07:42
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LaserJockjbrefort: pong07:50
jbrefortI have hopefully fixed the toolbar visibility issue07:51
jbrefortnext development series release within two weeks07:52
LaserJockok, I'll have some color schemes by then07:52
LaserJockI just want to add some sort of labeling07:53
LaserJockvia glade file07:53
LaserJockjbrefort: how will 0.8 come about?07:56
LaserJockis it when 0.7 is looking stable?07:56
LaserJockor is separate07:56
jbrefortdon't know yet, I would like april or may 2007, but we need goffice-0.4.007:56
jbrefortof course, 0.7 must be stable before and docs updated (or written)07:57
LaserJockhmm, I'm trying to figure out what version we can put in Ubuntu Feisty07:58
LaserJockwe have goffice-0.3.007:58
jbrefortyes, but that one is quite unstable07:58
jbrefortand I don't want to have a stable release depend on an unstable version of any library07:59
jbrefortit would be a problem for most distribs (except ubuntu, apparently)07:59
jbrefortnote that this will also block abiword-2.6 release08:00
LaserJockjbrefort: yeah, unfortunately I'm not sure what to do with the situation08:01
LaserJockI had thought about creating a seperate goffice-0.2 package08:02
jbrefortbranch for 0.8 before Feisty and publish a beta or rc release, somethingg as 0.7.9x08:02
jbrefortif it is beta, it can depend on 0.3.x imho08:02
jbrefortthe plan might be 0.7.4 in november, 0.7.5 in february and the freeze and branch08:04
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jbrefortso that 0.7.90 might be available in march08:04
LaserJockwell, we'll try to get things as updated as we can in Debian08:05
LaserJockand then I'll try to work out the situation in Ubuntu08:05
jbrefortthat's wise08:06
LaserJockDaniel emailed today about it and bodr08:06
LaserJockso I think we'll get some somewhere :-)08:06
jbrefortok, we might also discuss on #gchemutils at irc.gimp.net (not a permanent channel, no bot)08:09
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stgrabergood morning10:23
juliuxmorging all10:46
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SimonAnibalAnyone here know anything about upstart? When I install Edgy on one of my Dells here, it doesn't show the new upstart screen during boot. Is that normal?02:33
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cbx33hi all03:37
cbx33howz it going in edubuntu and03:37
cbx33ping ogra03:39
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pygihey bddebian 05:47
cbx33hey guys05:56
pygihello cbx33 05:56
cbx33hey pygi05:56
cbx33I've been ill and I'm a little out of the loop05:59
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cbx33how are things in edubuntu land05:59
cbx33hey rodarvus 05:59
pygicbx33, good are things , my exams arent tho :P06:00
rodarvushi there06:00
rodarvushi cbx33!06:00
cbx33oh why what's up?06:00
cbx33howz it going rodarvus 06:00
cbx33ping ogra 06:00
=== SimonAnibal is now known as SimonAnibal-away
pygicbx33, I failed every single exam so far because I have to work on libburn, etc,, etc?:)06:01
cbx33dude that's crazy06:02
cbx33I know libburn is important to you but exams are way more important06:02
pygicbx33, ah, well :P06:02
pygicbx33, but libburn got multi session implementation :P06:03
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DaynahSo uh I'm a college student and the tech students and I (a biology major who just likes linux) are going to try to refurbish some computers and distribute them to some poor schools and daycare centers with edubuntu, and the local homeless shelter with ubuntu07:08
Daynah...it's icy slow in here07:08
Daynahhas anyone tried such an endeavour? there are many charity places online, but they all look a bit shady.07:08
LaserJockBurgwork: ^^07:09
Burgworkjust a sec, phone07:10
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cbx33LaserJock, hey dude07:57
LaserJockhi RichEd cbx33 etc.07:57
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nixternaljeesh, you can't even oy no more09:09
nixternalsee what happens when dems get elected09:09
nixternalthere goes the free speach09:10
nixternalspeech too09:10
LaserJocknixternal: haha09:12
nixternalwe are learning09:13
nixternalnice DW post btw Burgwork09:13
Burgworkapparently I am famous09:14
Burgworkwonder if Ladislav realizes that the Corey Burger who wrote that is the same Corey Burger who just purchased advertising for Userful on DW09:14
Burgwork"Ubuntu's Corey Burger has also voiced his concerns."09:15
Burgworklinking to my "freedom vs. spiny cube" blog post09:15
LaserJockhmm, this Novell things seems to be getting most of the comments09:24
LaserJockit'd be much easier to write them off if they didn't contribute cool things to the Linux community09:25
BurgworkWe are getting pounded in the press09:25
nixternalBurgwork: and it is only starting09:25
Burgworkthe really sad part is that every other spec is really cool09:26
Burgworkit is a more a matter of communication and marketing09:26
nixternalbut i will laugh at all of them though when by the grace of god we just happen to cause nvidia and ati to work on providing open source or free solutions though09:26
Burgworkyou have read my blog entry. Shipping binary drivers is not going to help that goal09:27
nixternalit doesn't matte which linux distro i use, im always going binary with nvidia and ati09:27
nixternalotherwise tuxracer is horrid09:27
Burgworkand tuxracer is the most important decision in choosing a distro09:27
nixternalya, it isn't in ubuntu09:28
Burgworkyes it is09:28
Burgworkppracer, rather09:28
=== stgraber will use the free driver as soon as they will provide a minimal 3D acceleration
stgraberbut for my current use, it's not possible to decently use my desktop without it09:30
stgraber(even watching a video is horrible with the free driver on my laptop :) (ati x300 and 1280x800))09:30
Burgworkthat should work09:31
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cbx33yeh dragging a window was horrible on mine09:32
Burgworkhmm, that nuxified article links to my blog as well09:33
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LaserJockBurgwork: you da man ;-)09:40
LaserJocktbh, I'm fairly conflicted over it09:40
LaserJockIf they are going to do it I think they should at least give a choice09:40
LaserJocksometimes the binary drivers are not the best09:41
Burgworkbinary drivers are bad, period09:41
Burgworkthe correct place to offer this choice is under the display properties dialog09:41
Burgworktell the user: 3D Rendering Enabled|Disabled09:41
LaserJockfor sure it removes a whole lot of bargaining power09:42
LaserJockbut if you've given up on opensource ATI or Nvidia drivers then it doesn't seem so bad09:43
Burgworkbut ATI is literally about to open source some of their stuff09:43
Burgworkand nouveau is coming along09:43
LaserJockI am surprised by it09:44
LaserJockconsidering the people who were discussing it09:44
Burgworkeverybody was against binary drivers except mark and the beryl people, apparently09:45
Burgworkincluding mdz and mjg5909:45
LaserJockI had other sessions to go to so I wasn't in on it09:45
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