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Hobbseedebian #39054405:23
UbugtuDebian bug 390544 in libdvdread3 "libdvdread3: temp file vulnerability in install-css.sh" [Serious,Closed]  http://bugs.debian.org/39054405:23
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palskiBugs/HowtoFix link is broken in HelpingWithBugs page10:35
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Admiral_Chicagohey all, can someone duplicate this https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/7158411:11
UbugtuMalone bug 71584 in amarok "on screen display lags text typing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 11:11
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pygiAdmiral_Chicago, it's a duplicate of what?12:02
Admiral_Chicagoi mean can someone reproduce12:05
pygiAdmiral_Chicago, then it needs confirming, not duplicating12:06
pygiAdmiral_Chicago, and I dont see no one saying he/she has same problem12:07
Admiral_Chicagoi reported it today, i was wondering if any saw the same bug12:08
Admiral_Chicagosorry i'm new to the bug thing, i've reported a few just not up on the terminology12:08
pygiAdmiral_Chicago, don't worry ^_^12:09
Admiral_Chicagoi know imbrandon was going to look at it12:11
pygioki, then he is ^_^12:12
Admiral_Chicagobed time12:14
Admiral_Chicagofor real this time12:14
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init_0I've found a bug on an application distributed with Ubuntu. Do I've to communicate it here or to the bugtracker of the developers of the application itself?06:19
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geserinit_0: file it at bugs.ubuntu.com06:24
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jonh_wendellwhere are the bugs? Is Ubugtu dead?07:48
Burgworkjonh_wendell: it could be that nobody is filing bugs07:50
Burgworknot really07:50
zulubuntu is perfect it doesnt have any bugs07:51
Burgworkzul: and xen is so perfect it fixes bugs in other parts of Ubuntu, like the kernel?07:52
zulhell no :)07:52
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joe3kanybody has an idea what could be the cause of bug 67863 (package, ...)?09:35
UbugtuMalone bug 67863 in Ubuntu "Automounted optical drive contents do not show until reload" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6786309:35
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