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_ionHere's a piece of text about the Trevio sources.list episode: http://soijabanaani.net/tmp/the_trevino_story02:21
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Spadsogra, everone: see your mail for mdz's clarification that there *is* an organized event tonight at 802:29
Spadser, 702:29
Spadser, wrong channel02:31
Keybukand that you need to bring your "special item"02:36
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BenCKeybuk: what wireless access point are you using?02:42
BenCsucks, I can't see that one02:42
Spadswhere is it?02:42
Mithrandirslightly ironic I can see a Norwegian ISP's wlan from here.02:43
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Mithrandirit's an ad-hoc02:44
BenCI can see "linksys" and "Pete's Cafe"02:44
BenCboth work, but they're not "official" :)02:44
lifelesscome down02:44
keescookBenC: yeah, you must be near me; I see the same.  :)02:44
BenCI think I'll keep leaching Pete's bw from my room :)02:45
BenCshould broadcast some torrents on the subnet for ubuntu cd's02:45
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Burgundaviahey jono: why are you still in MTV?02:55
jonoI am at the Canonical allhands summit in San Francisco02:55
mjg59Hey people02:57
mjg59I've uploaded everything needed for compiz integration love02:58
mjg59Once desktop-effects hits the archive, if people could test that, compiz, compiz-gnome and the new gnome-session, that would be great02:58
Keybukmjg59: could you make a wiki page explaining what we need to install/remove and config?03:00
mjg59Keybuk: Just posted to -devel03:01
mjg59I can cut and paste it03:01
KeybukI'll NEW desktop-effects once it's built03:01
mjg59It's NEWed already, isn't it?03:01
Keybuk(waiting on ia64 and sparc)03:01
Keybuksource has been, not the binaries03:01
mjg59Oh, yeah, binaries need doing separately03:02
mjg59Keybuk: Can you remove the compiz-plugins source package?03:02
Keybuksparc and ia64 ... bollocks to it, I'll new it now03:02
Keybukcompiz-plugins | 0.5-0ubuntu5 | edgy/universe | source, amd64, i386, ia64, powerpc, sparc03:03
Keybukjust the source or the binaries too?03:03
mjg59Binaries as well, I guess03:03
mjg59As long as that doesn't nuke the compiz-plugins binary that comes from compiz now03:03
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Keybukah, this could be tricky03:04
bluefoxicy"Though Avahi is actually quite popular these days, we only had a single security sensitive bug. (And almost no other bugs.) The bug triggered an assert (i.e. it allowed a simple DoS attack) and could not be exploited in a way that code could be smuggled into the process."03:04
bluefoxicy  -- http://avahi.org/wiki/SecurityConsiderations03:04
Keybukmjg59: the compiz-plugins binaries are so much newer, that compiz might need another upload03:04
Lathiatbluefoxicy: hrm?03:05
mjg59"so much newer"?03:05
Keybuk0.5 vs 0.0.3803:05
Lathiatbluefoxicy: yeh that should be updated03:05
bluefoxicyBack in the day, december 2005.. however, 2006 rolls around  :)  http://nvd.nist.gov/nvd.cfm?cvename=CVE-2006-2289  Oops.  I guess I'll prod the avahi devs to update their page.  :)03:05
mjg59Keybuk: 1:0.3.303:05
Lathiatbluefoxicy: that bug only just came out last week :)03:05
mjg59Keybuk: 0.0.38 is ancient03:05
Lathiatthat one03:05
bluefoxicyLathiat: 5/10/2006 is last week?03:06
Keybukhmm, the 1: is missing from madison03:06
Lathiatbluefoxicy: sorry no we had one come out just this week too03:06
KeybukWill remove the following packages from feisty:03:06
Keybukcompiz-plugins | 0.5-0ubuntu5 | source, ia64, sparc03:06
Keybuk-- 03:06
mjg59Keybuk: Looks good03:06
KeybukI guess madison is confused about the world03:06
mjg59Oh, erm.03:06
mjg59Yeah, that looks less than good.03:06
bluefoxicyLathiat:  hey i didn't see that one D:03:06
mjg59I'm just about to do another compiz upload anyway, but it'd be good if it didn't become uninstallable in the intervening time period :)03:07
KeybukI was looking at edgy03:07
bluefoxicyLathiat:  I'm looking for a remotely exploitable in libavahi, if you see one send it my way ;)03:07
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Keybukmjg59: d-e new'd03:10
mjg59Keybuk: Thanks03:10
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=== Keybuk finally figures out why multiverse and universe never got fully up to date
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HobbseeKeybuk: oh?03:23
KeybukHobbsee: need to sync from contrib and non-free too03:26
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mjg59Right. That upload ought to fix the fact that the window preferences applet didn't work.03:31
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_ionI wish the 9000 series drivers worked on my system. :-)03:43
_ionBoth releases so far have (known) bugs that prevent me from using them.03:43
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robertj_mjg59: are there any good tidings coming out of ATI?04:21
robertj_mjg59: perhaps now that NVidia has a supporting driver out there will be a certain amount of keeping up with the Joneses?04:22
mjg59robertj_: No idea, I'm afraid04:28
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thiagocmartinscabout install server on file /preseed/ubuntu-server.seed04:55
thiagocmartinscI put extra packages on pool/extras, how to tell d-i to install my package?04:56
thiagocmartinscd-i     pkgsel/install-pattern          string ~t^ubuntu-standard$|~n^my-package-asterisk$04:57
thiagocmartinscor: d-i      pkgsel/asterisk     string04:57
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_ionHm, Javur has been freed.10:09
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Gloubiboulgainfinity: could you run the builds for exo and libxfcegui4 on powerpc? it seems that they failed because of a space problem01:33
bluefoxicyJava is now GPL01:37
bluefoxicyas of like, an hour ago01:37
bluefoxicySo sayith slashdot.  Take with salt.01:37
jdubthere's no salt01:37
gnomefreakfully GPL?01:37
jdubGPLv2 with classpath exception (for most components)01:38
gnomefreakstill cant leave multiverse than?01:39
mjg59Can be in main01:39
gnomefreakeven with classpath exceptions? (dependsing what they are)01:40
jdubgnomefreak: go read what they are before assuming they're bad01:40
mjg59gnomefreak: "exceptions" grant you extra permissions01:40
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mjg59But nothing can happen yet - they've announced a commitment to releasing it, but the code isn't entirely availble yet01:41
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Simiramjg59: aren't you in US?01:46
Simiramjg59: or, you were, maybe?01:47
robertj_bluefoxicy: official announcement coming at 9:30 PST supposedly01:48
robertj_I think we are likely to see a single product today, possible J2ME, with all the rest forthcoming by early next year, we will see01:49
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bluefoxicyrobertj:  To be honest I don't know what to think.02:00
bluefoxicyI would prefer native-compiled like with gcj/classpath, far more to having any more JIT cruft02:01
Treenaksas long as it's in time for feisty ;)02:01
bluefoxicyI don't want the idea of actually using the JVM to catch on :/02:01
bluefoxicyThat being said, I hate GNU and their entire philosophy, and that's where GNU classpath comes from02:01
bluefoxicy(their philosophy boils down to, "Well we should all work together for the common good; and those that don't want to, well, we should force them to!")02:02
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  we don't need the JVM for feisty do we?  I certainly don't have anything that doesn't work on classpath; I guess you could add it to the Web browser but I don't want a Java plug-in by default (last I tried, Firefox crashed something like 80% of the time I hit a site with Java; screw that)02:04
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bluefoxicy"In related news, apparently Project Looking Glass [sun.com] , the 3d desktop, is likely to be included in the Ubuntu Feisty [java.net]  release."02:06
bluefoxicythe hell is this02:06
Treenaksbluefoxicy: we might not _need_ it, it would still be nice :)02:07
bluefoxicyTreenaks:  perhaps, just not by default02:07
bluefoxicyBesides, I am already gearing up to try to swing an article past Corbet about the very real security concerns of using Mono.  I _really_ don't want to go through this again.02:08
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mjg59Simira: Nope02:15
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Kryczekhi :)02:52
KryczekI'm looking for somebody involved in the making of the Ubuntu SecurityLiveCD02:52
Kryczekor anyone who knows about the Ubuntu livecd creation process02:52
Kryczek(cause I'd like to make my own livecd, and all I can find are HOWTOs telling me to do a fresh install of Linux on another disk partition and then a script creates an ISO image out of it)02:53
_MMA_Kryczek: Give Reconstructor a look.02:59
Kryczekjust found the link on google then launchpad ;)03:00
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Kryczekhmm... dunno if it will allow me to do the extensive modifications I want to do on the livecd03:01
Kryczekbut that's the closest thing to what I was looking for03:02
Kryczekso thanks a lot _MMA_ :)03:02
_MMA_No problem.03:02
_MMA_Kryczek: What are you looking to do?03:02
_MMA_Theres also a terminal in Reconstructor where you can chroot and do advanced things.03:04
zul /join #ubuntu-ke03:04
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Kryczekmake a custom ISO9660 fs myself (with steganography), modify the bootloader so that it doesnt display any message and boots on the harddrive unless you enter a correct decryption key for the LiveCD, probably patch the kernel, etc :)03:05
Kryczek_MMA_: awesome, I think i'll need that03:05
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mjg59Has anyone (other than me) tested the compiz stuff yet?03:21
bhalemjg59: something very recent?03:22
bhalei tested it in edgy03:22
mjg59bhale: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompizOnFeisty03:22
bhalecool, i cant try it at work (nvidia-legacy), though03:24
mjg59Ah, ok03:24
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jdubmjg59: fisty packages usable on edgy?03:42
Treenaksjdub: "fisty"?03:42
jdubTreenaks: the next release of ubuntu ;-)03:42
Treenaksjdub: clearly03:42
jsgotangcoi hope thats not a fetish slip?03:43
jdubmjg59: uh, wow, that's *actual compiz*03:43
mjg59jdub: Yes03:45
mjg59Should be the entire FC6 experience, except better because compiz uses Metacity themes now03:45
Treenaksand gconf instead of it's own crackful reinvention of it?03:46
mjg59compiz has always used gconf03:46
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jdubTreenaks: you're thinking of cheap knockoffs :)03:47
Treenaksjdub: well.. I'm thinking of what I used, and was called 'compiz', a few months before edgy released :)03:48
jdubthat was pre-beryl molested compiz03:48
Treenaksjdub: I think it was the compiz that eventually became beryl, actually03:49
mjg59Everything called "compiz" in Ubuntu has always shipped with gconf support03:49
jdubyes, molested compiz, pre-beryl :)03:49
mjg59This time I've merely fixed it so there are sensible defaults in the schemas :)03:49
jdubmjg59: rh have done great work on integration and theming stuff03:50
mjg59jdub: Yup, though it's a bitch to find the source to their desktop-effects applet03:52
mjg59I finally found it in the compiz SRPM03:52
azeemI thought they had an additional checkbox in their joint compiz/metacity preferenced?03:52
azeempreferences, even03:52
azeem"enable desktop effects"03:52
mjg59There isn't a joint compiz/metacity preferences03:53
mjg59compiz ships its own plugin for window-manager-properties03:53
azeemah, ok03:54
mjg59Then you also get a "desktop effects" applet, which has the enable button03:54
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azeemis there a screenshot of that applet somewhere?03:54
azeemmjg59: thanks03:56
azeemI still don't understand why this has to be an applet on its own, but probably an implementation detail?03:57
azeemjdub: they BSD'd their mascot today as well03:58
jdubazeem: interesting03:58
mjg59azeem: window-manager-properties takes plugins on a per-wm basis03:58
mjg59azeem: So it would have to be implemented in each of them03:59
sladenJames Gosling: "The time to open source Java is now [because we're already five years too late] "03:59
mjg59I bet he's pissed04:00
jsgotangcohey look its sabdfl in a red tie04:00
mjg59Notice shadows plus hint of translucency04:01
azeemmjg59: what's that recycle-icon applet?04:02
mjg59azeem: Reboot required notification04:02
mjg59I've upgraded the kernel04:02
azeemah, right04:03
azeemI thought it was some leet synchronisation stuff or so04:03
jdubbling ping04:03
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mjg59So if people would actually, y'know, TEST THE DAMNED PACKAGES or something, I could write up a main inclusion report04:04
jdubmjg59: i'll suck 'em down now04:04
jdubmjg59: current fisty?04:04
jdubThe following NEW packages will be installed: compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins desktop-effects04:06
jdubThe following packages will be upgraded: libc6 libc6-dev libc6-i686 libdbus-1-3 libdbus-1-dev04:06
mjg59Looks good04:06
jdubgar, damnit ;-)04:06
mjg59Make sure you have current gnome-session, too04:06
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jdubfisty libc is ok?04:06
mjg59Seems to be04:07
jdubshould i just ditch edgy already?04:07
sladenmjg59: if you turn up the bling any further it's going to reach pukability status04:07
=== mjg59 goes to rip fruitflies apart
=== sladen thought beryl was the preferred---how do compiz/beryl interrelate?
jdubberyl is where patches go when they're not good enough for compiz04:09
jdubthus the fork04:09
sladenah so beryl actually has /more/ bling.  But of a lower quality?04:10
jdubmore crazy shit, less attention to detail, less integration04:10
jdubalso, there are some crazy smart people working on compiz, and i tend to feel their POV carries some weight04:10
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azeemalso, beryl ditched gconf in favour of something "simpler"04:15
jdubmjg59: gtk-window-decorator is segfaulting04:19
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jdubmjg59: hrm, might try installing metacity04:23
Spadsjdub: you fiend04:23
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jdubSpads: here for you!04:24
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Spadshttp://www.forgetfoo.com/images/blog/blogmonks.gif <-- jdub 04:29
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mjg59jdub: Ah, yes - it might well need the current libmetacity...04:51
jdubmjg59: i added bits to your page04:52
mjg59jdub: Got it working?04:52
jdubbit rocky, but that's compiz for the moment ;)04:53
jdubmjg59: i'm on i90004:53
mjg59Works reasonably here on 85504:53
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pygihey bddebian 05:47
bddebianHeya pygi05:47
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gnomefreakwhats the chances of getting a theme with a sticky button?06:37
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Tonio_hi all :)07:05
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shwagwhere do I go to discuss a bug on ubuntu.com ?09:19
Burgworkshwag: on  the website itself?09:19
Burgworkwhich page?09:19
shwaghttp://www.ubuntu.com/usn   need to be RSS.09:20
Burgworkfile a bug against the ubuntu-website product09:20
Burgworkmark is a wishlist09:20
mjg59Burgwork: Mark is a wishlist?09:20
Burgworkas a, rather09:21
=== Burgwork backs away from the keyboard
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UbugtuMalone bug 71685 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu Security Notice page needs RSS feed." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  09:27
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pittislomo: can you please check in your hal changes into the bzr tree?09:51
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infinityGloubiboulga: Done, thanks.09:56
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bluefoxicywhat the hell10:30
Slant_LaptopWhere should I post to have a package diff sponsored?10:30
LaserJockSlant_Laptop: is the package in Main or Universe?10:31
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bluefoxicywarning:  Linkspam coming up 10:32
bluefoxicyhttp://www.securityfocus.com/bid/20955 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/17587 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/17955 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/19615 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/14785 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/18101 http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/1632010:32
bluefoxicyin the past TWO HOURS10:32
Slant_LaptopLaserJock: Universe.10:32
LaserJockSlant_Laptop: if there is a bug attache the diff to the bug report and subscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors Launchpad team10:33
bluefoxicywhat, one of those is old as crap, why did it just show up in my mailbox10:34
pygibluefoxicy, 6.10 not vulnarble?10:34
Slant_LaptopLaserJock: Thanks.10:35
bluefoxicypygi:  I don't know.  I just saw a jillion kernel vulns in my inbox and was like "huh?"10:36
bluefoxicyknee-jerk reaction, it's not like I read them all10:36
bluefoxicypygi:  they all look like updates to old issues, what the heck did they update?10:38
pygibluefoxicy, hm? :P10:39
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bluefoxicypygi:  http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/14785 for example, published Sep 09 2005 12:00AM and updated Nov 13 2006 08:16PM10:40
pygiright, weird10:40
pygiperhaps added some new distros affected?10:40
bluefoxicypygi:  Maybe i should just watch the NVD10:44
bluefoxicybut that takes longer 8)10:44
bluefoxicyI really wish securityfocus had a vuln-only feed though10:44
bluefoxicytheir vuln feed is a direct feed of the bugtraq mailing list10:45
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bluefoxicyit would be awesome if I could get a rockbox module to do text to speech10:52
bluefoxicyand a module to parse lists of CVEs.....10:53
henobluefoxicy: to have track titles read out?10:57
henobluefoxicy: this is fairly lightweight: http://espeak.sourceforge.net/10:59
henobut I'm not sure it will run on an iPod :)10:59
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bluefoxicyheno:  I was more thinking to have daily CVE lists sorted by vendor, product, vulnerability type, severity, etc; and then played back on my Ipod10:59
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henobluefoxicy: would you not just do the TTS on the PC and download the wav's (mp3s) to the iPod?11:00
bluefoxicyheno:  why?  That would be a lot more data11:00
henotrue, just not sure if the iPod has enough brain power or memory for TTS11:01
henobluefoxicy: it would be very cool though, because it would help blind people use ipods11:01
henowith free software on it :)11:01
henokiller app!11:02
bluefoxicy       -s <integer>11:02
bluefoxicy              peed in words per minute, default is 16011:02
bluefoxicysomeone peed in my source code :(11:02
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bluefoxicyit sounds like a scott woman talking like a scott man11:06
bluefoxicyof course i have it cursing a lot11:06
sladenaye,killybenow,for ye canna tell what th' fucking seeing 11:07
bluefoxicysladen:  more like $ echo "Fucking Vuln in Linux kernel because RedHat put fucking broken code in."  | espeak --stdin -v en/en-n -s 120 -p 6011:08
bluefoxicyI am seriously considering grepping the kernel and piping the output to this11:08
bluefoxicyoh god11:09
=== bluefoxicy echo "I can't believe i didn't think of this before" | chef | espeak --stdin -v en/en-n -s 120 -p 60
bluefoxicyheno:  you know I'm not going to get any work done tonight, right?11:10
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TheMusoRockbox with espeak would be a good idea IMO.11:12
henoTheMuso: and if it can be made to run on the iPod it will surely work on the OLPC too11:15
henobut it probably needs direct app integration in both cases11:15
bluefoxicythat reminds me11:15
sladenespeak seems to have been rather a good discovery11:15
bluefoxicyI need to get readahead working on the olpc11:15
henoie. no AT framework or screen reader11:16
bluefoxicyI have been like.. playing final fantasy11:16
bluefoxicyfor a month11:16
sladengood thing about the ipod way of working is that you can scroll the menus without actually clicking on anything11:16
sladenso you can scroll to a point, listen for the menu item, select, scroll some more, listen, click11:16
sladenhow the espeak and main audio would work together I don't know11:17
TheMusoheno: Rockbox does work on the newer ipods11:17
bluefoxicysladen:  and you can prefix the sound with tones11:17
bluefoxicyshort tones11:17
bluefoxicyeventually you'd learn to recognize those tones and not wait for the speech :P11:17
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henosladen: we'd need to port pulseaudio to rockbox too :)11:18
sladenbluefoxicy: dude, OLPC is flash---readahead really isn't going to help much in the final product11:19
henoTheMuso: rockbox yes, but rockbox+espeak?11:19
bluefoxicysladen:  probably.11:19
henonot proven yet at least11:19
bluefoxicysladen:  the last time we had this conversation I walked jg around in circles about whether flash is faster than ram or not11:19
=== sladen presumes that you get a normal /dev/dsp or simliar once Linux is running on the iPods
bluefoxicyrockbox doesn't have linux11:20
bluefoxicyI should update my version11:20
bluefoxicysladen:  the final product is going to have really, really fast flash, like 26M/s; but RAM is still faster.  I'm going to alter it to do readahead in the background and in the order the bootprocess follows rather than sequentially on disk.  At the very least it'll help with the dev boards' 3M/s chip11:23
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imbrandonmoins all12:02
imbrandonheya Keybuk 12:02
Keybukall settled back home now?12:02
imbrandonyup yup12:04
imbrandoneven been working on a few merges12:04
imbrandonfinaly back on my regular sleep schedule now :)12:04
imbrandonhows SF ? weather chan said it was gonna be coler there this week.12:05
Keybukwe're still at the grindstone12:05
Keybukyeah, seems to be raining today12:05
BurgworkKeybuk: what much are you discussing this week?12:05
KeybukBurgwork: it's a company all hands event, not a distro event12:06
KeybukBurgwork: so the only thing distro-related will be the canonical team structure, etc.12:06
Keybukanything related to the real distro was discussed last week12:06
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imbrandonKeybuk, is the -changes list still moded for a reason ?12:08
imbrandonor just hasent been turned off yet12:08
crimsun(moderated, I presume?)12:09
Keybukit's always been12:09
Keybukyou can't post to the changes list12:09
Keybukonly Soyuz can12:09
imbrandonno , my uploaded were accepted yesterday and i got the accepted mail, but none on the -changes12:09
crimsunimbrandon: are you referring to your uploads not being announced on feisty-changes?12:09
crimsunright, I'm experiencing that, too12:09
Keybukoh, that's interesting12:10

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