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LaserJockhmmm, lots of people complaining about the file system on the forums12:24
lucasthe file system ?12:25
LaserJockseems odd that people would be worried about that now, although maybe it's always been there and I've missed it12:25
LaserJockthe directory layout12:25
LaserJock /bin, /etc ....12:25
azeem /etc is new in edgy? ;)12:25
lucasnow I know why I don't read the forums12:25
lucasand I thought ubuntu-devel@ was difficult to follow :)12:26
minghuaso basically they say FHS is wrong, or what?12:27
LaserJockit seems that a more OS X or GoboLinux12:28
LaserJockyeah, that FHS is tool archaic and difficult for new people to learn12:28
minghuayeah, I remember Gobo Linux12:29
minghuasuch a weird idea12:29
LaserJockit's an interesting thought, I mean we shouldn't *only* keep things around because that's the way it's always been done12:29
=== minghua really prefers /etc/ to c:\Program Files\
LaserJockbut it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me12:29
LaserJockdo new users really go rooting around the file system like that?12:30
Burgundaviaforums people do12:30
Burgundaviaand then they fuck up their machines and bitch to /.12:30
LaserJockI was just thinking about a conversation I had with imbrandon about him using the .hidden file in Kubuntu12:31
minghuathey don't use the proper tool, but modify files in /etc/ by hand, then complain that /etc/ is too hard to understand12:31
Burgundaviait has been a long time since the forums had a sensible idea12:31
LaserJockbasically not showing that stuff to the user by default12:31
minghuaI agree hiding them from users in the GUI is a good idea12:31
LaserJocksometimes the forums are worth addressing though12:31
LaserJockas they are our largest user population that we can get at12:32
minghuanah.  I read the forum thread about _ion's wallpaper today12:32
Burgundaviaa lot of people in the forums have a hard time understanding how development works12:32
minghuadon't want to read forum again in near future12:32
BurgundaviaI should write a piece about it12:32
LaserJockdarn it, that "lets do stable, testing, and unstable in Ubuntu" thread is kinda messy12:36
LaserJockthat joepotter guy really gets on my nerves12:36
LaserJockhe flames me almost every time I talk about Ubuntu development12:37
LaserJockhe really can't stand that Ubuntu does it differently then Debian12:37
minghuaLaserJock, you should stop reading forums and work on science packages :-P12:38
LaserJockI know12:39
=== joejaxx loves grub error 15
LaserJockbut there needs to be some sanity on the forums ;-)12:39
LaserJockeven if it's too little too late :-)12:39
crimsunno there doesn't. Think of it as a playpen.12:39
LaserJockwell, for the most part I don't care12:41
pygiLaserJock, whats the link to that thread?12:41
LaserJockwhat really aggravates me is when somebody spouts completely false information and then all the little sheep take it as gospel12:42
LaserJockpeople throwing ideas around, even if they aren't great, is much better then specifically spreading false information12:42
LaserJockpygi: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29716912:43
=== minghua fetches dictionary and looks up those christian terms...
LaserJockminghua: sorry, got too much into cultural/religious references ;-)12:43
minghuaLaserJock: actually I only need to look up gospel.  Just a reminder not everyone understands bible references :-)12:44
LaserJockminghua: I'll rephrase it as "take it as absolute truth"12:45
minghuathis guy just doesn't understand the unstable branch is not important, it's the _people_ who use the unstable branch that are important"12:47
minghuaat least that's my opinion12:47
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minghuaokay, time to go home12:52
Simon80it's true12:59
Simon80but I do find myself unsatified with the stability of some aspects of Ubuntu01:00
Simon80....too late to talk with minghua though, hehe01:00
LaserJockit's find to be unsatisfied, IMO01:00
LaserJockbut the answer is not to just shout at the developers01:01
LaserJockand insult them :-)01:01
Simon80where does he do that?01:01
crimsunalthough it's fine to insult the raging motuaholic.01:01
crimsunhe's a RAGING motuaholic; he can take it01:02
LaserJockSimon80: well, that guy has insulted me absolutely every time he has replied to one of my posts01:02
LaserJockthis is the tamest one I've seen, so far01:02
crimsunconvince those guys to spec and implement an alternative release, then, in parallel with feisty.01:05
crimsunI suspect they'll change their minds very, very quickly01:05
crimsunand "I give up, you do it" is not an option for them :)01:05
crimsunremember it's fashionable to pick on Ubuntu01:05
crimsunpeople love to whine; only a few actually put in the work01:06
crimsun(that's why we exist, eh?)01:07
Simon80somewhat, I was mostly no work untill recently.. I plan on getting stepmania into feisty01:07
Simon80people want to give their 2 cents without diong work01:07
crimsunheh, and people wonder why some DDs seem bitter...01:08
Simon80in some cases I think that's valid, like if something regresses, or just isn't fixed, and the fix is out there01:08
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crimsununfortunately just because a fix is available doesn't imply it's appropriate01:11
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Simon80but usually it is01:12
crimsunwe've seen that a few times with various updates. There's no guarantee said fix doesn't introduce regressions.01:12
LaserJockwell, I wouldn't mind people bringing up problems, but often there is a lack of understanding of the development process01:21
LaserJockwhich is understandable if you haven't been around it before01:21
lifelessso when that hapens, find the netry point and update it to supply more hints01:21
=== LaserJock updates ubuntuforums.org to redirect to wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU
LaserJockok, well I blasted away a big on on that thread (like it'll do any good)01:28
LaserJockand now I need to get back to useful things01:28
imbrandonheya LaserJock01:29
imbrandonand lifeless01:29
LaserJockhi imbrandon01:29
imbrandonhuhu Simon80 new face ( to me ), how go's it01:29
superm1hey imbrandon long time no see01:30
imbrandonheya superm1 yea, i dident make it on irc much last week at the UDS01:31
imbrandonjust poped in and out01:31
superm1ah. UDS go well?01:31
imbrandonyea very well over all from my point of view01:31
imbrandonlots of productive stuff got done/planned01:31
imbrandon( and some not so productive stuff after hours )01:32
superm1good good01:32
lifelesshi imbrandon01:32
=== imbrandon still has to learn to play moui ( sp? ) better
bhaleno, im brandon01:32
lifelessimbrandon: mao01:32
imbrandonbhale, true but imbrandon not im brandon :) hehe01:32
imbrandonlifeless, ahh yea01:32
imbrandoni dont think i did terrible for the first time only played what , an hour or so01:33
LaserJockimbrandon: I was truly terrible at it in Paris01:33
superm1whats moui?  i'm not turning up much in google01:33
LaserJockimbrandon: but I was working on not enough sleep and was a bit sick at the time01:34
imbrandonwell i made it down to 2 cards at one point so i was happy01:34
LaserJocksuperm1: mao01:34
superm1ah hehe01:34
LaserJockit's some sort of geek-magnet card game01:34
imbrandonmao , thus the (sp? ) at the end i wasent sure of the spelling01:34
lophytesuperm1: who did you say you were in contact with in Toronto?01:34
superm1oh michael macleod01:34
lophyteI hosted a newbie ubuntu workshop last night and met a woman there who said she was talking to you about your myth/edgy wiki page01:35
superm1sounds cool "the only rule you may be told is this one."01:35
superm1lophyte, did you catch her name?01:36
lophytenope :\01:36
imbrandonsuperm1, yea you cant be told the rules before or durring the game play01:36
superm1thats really cool01:36
lophytejust know that she's setting up a home theater system with myth01:36
lophyteand she mentioned you01:36
superm1glad to hear that i'm making the rounds in canadia :)01:36
lophytehehe, apparently01:36
superm1imbrandon, well in favor of having a more fun first game then, i wont read the rules on the wikipedia page01:37
lophyteher handle is dennister01:38
crimsunwuhoh, we have another motu celeb in our midst01:38
superm1dennister, hmm i'll have to look through some emails and see if i can find out who she was01:38
lophytethat's her handle on linuxcaffe.ca anyway.. dunno if she uses it anywhere else01:39
Simon80imbrandon: hey, stepmania has brought me here01:39
Simon80packaging it01:39
lophytewoooo stepmania01:39
lophyteI just got an awesome idea01:39
lophytewhen I get around to setting up a myth box.. I'm *so* installing stepmania on it01:39
Simon80yeah, if you want a stepmania deb from 20061106 cvs sources, it's on my site01:39
imbrandonSimon80, rock on, just saying "hi" since i hadent talked/typed to you before01:40
Simon80yeah, I know01:40
Simon80I was responding to that :)01:40
superm1lophyte, i've got it on my mythbox with a hand built  metal pad, but i havent played in ages since the pad broke 4 months ago01:40
lophytenice.. I've always wanted to build a dandce pad01:40
Simon80yeah, I may want to01:41
Simon80gonna go eat01:41
lophytethe damn pad we have keeps slipping, annoying as heck01:41
superm1there was a good guide i found a few years back to building a metal one.  cost me roughly 120 USD and 28 hrs labor01:41
lophyteI saw a guide for one made of wood01:41
Simon80http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~sruggier/files/apt/ if anyone wants stepmania as is... I'm gonna backport to 3.9 sometime so I can get it on revu01:41
Simon80need to get my key signed too01:41
lophyteyou know what would work, though? just nail/velcro the real pads to a wooden platform01:42
lophytethat way they won't slip01:42
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superm1that doesnt work because they wear out01:42
superm1after so many steps01:42
Simon80I know someone who's done that01:42
superm1thats what i originally did01:42
Simon80based on a howto online01:42
superm1but i was going through pads too quickly01:42
lophytesure, but buy a new one.. they're cheap01:42
superm1so i built the metal one01:42
lophytewe've had our pads for almost a year01:42
Simon80it's really the adapter that's a pain to obtain, getting one that maps buttons to buttons01:42
Simon80so once you have that, you can get a pad locally01:43
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lophyteyou mean a PS2->USB adapter?01:43
=== imbrandon has made a few snes->ltp adapeters by hand :)
Simon80but yes, I bought 5 pads+adapters from lik-sang a while ago01:44
Simon80early this year01:44
Simon801 for me, 1 for gf, 1 for little sis, 2 to sell01:44
Simon80had one lined up to sell right away, was too lazy to second the second01:44
lophyteit wouldn't be too hard to build a simple wooden platform..01:44
superm1i used a hand built lpt -> ps2 adapter for a while too, but i only ever had it working in win98 back in the day.  never got it working in linux, so i got one of those lik sang ones too01:45
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Simon80yeah, I got one of the 2 port triangle shaped adapters01:45
superm1imbrandon, could you by chance get those branches set up tonite?  i've got some debdiffs that are growing by the day that i wanted to try to get on there01:46
imbrandonsuperm1, just load the joydev and ...... umm *rembers* gamecon kernel modules if not loaded already and the ltp ones work01:46
imbrandonsuperm1, sure01:46
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lophyteI suck at DDR though.. lol01:46
lophytebut meh01:46
lophyteits fun01:46
fernandohi all01:47
imbrandonello fernando01:47
superm1i'll have to dig up that adapter from the closet and see if i cant get it working with those modules.  i remember only briefly trying with it01:47
imbrandongamecon takes some parms , you'll probably have to google for the exact ones01:48
superm1its very possible the adapter is broken though too.  i did a *very* ghetto soldering job on it, and have moved several times since then01:49
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LaserJockhi zul02:15
zulhow is it going laserjock?02:15
LaserJockoh ya know02:16
LaserJockgot a little annoying fight on the forums going on02:16
imbrandonheya zul\02:16
LaserJockbut I'm about done with that02:16
zulheh...im back in ottawa finally02:16
zuljust ignore the forums you'll live longer02:16
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zulhey imbrandon02:17
zulflight back sucked02:17
zuli was 2 hours late getting to ottawa, the toilet wasnt working, the flight was overbooked, and they changed the gates 3 times02:19
zulim never ever flying american again02:20
superm1zul if your not in a hurry, you have to try to capitalize on those overbookings.  i got a voucher for 300 USD and an overnight stay at a very nice hotel in raleigh last time i was on a plane that was overbooked.02:23
superm1just "volunteer" your seat in those cases02:23
zulmeh...i wanted to get home02:24
superm1now i try to plan all my trips with a day of leeway on at least one end so that I can take advantage if i get the chance02:24
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sladenzul: overbooking == $profitable$02:36
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imbrandonheya sladen and Hobbsee02:39
Hobbseeheya imbrandon02:39
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minghuahi LaserJock, imbrandon and Hobbsee02:42
LaserJockhi minghua02:43
=== LaserJock does a little dance
minghuaLaserJock: what is so exciting?02:43
Hobbseehey minghua!02:44
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Hobbseehey LaserJock02:44
LaserJockminghua: I'm manipulating the gnome menu02:45
Hobbseenice :)02:45
minghuaoh that.  I had quite some fun the other day, too02:45
Hobbseeto make it become like kde?02:45
LaserJockHobbsee: I'm implementing a dynamic group-driven menu system for Edubuntu02:47
HobbseeLaserJock: nice :)02:47
LaserJockwe'll see ;-)02:48
LaserJockI was able to do a basic implementation during edgy02:48
LaserJockbut it didn't have any kind of editing really02:48
=== minghua_ [n=minghua@ppp-69-153-141-126.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockit was fixed but dynamic ;-)02:48
minghua_isn't that an oxymoron?02:49
LaserJocknot exactly02:49
LaserJockdepends on what is fixed and what is dynamic :-)02:49
imbrandondynamic but not editable02:49
LaserJockI made it so that the menu changes depending on what groups a user belongs to02:49
minghuaI thought that's usually called immutable in CS02:49
LaserJockbut you can't edit the individual group menus02:50
LaserJockminghua: good thing I'm not in CS then ;-)02:50
LaserJockso now I'm trying to figure out how to be able to edit my menus with alacarte02:50
zulman this show is so not original02:50
imbrandonLaserJock, i would assume it would need a seperate tool02:51
LaserJocknah, I just need a wrapper02:51
LaserJockand some inventiveness ;-)02:51
=== imbrandon decides to look at the merges page for the first time
imbrandon( this cycle )02:52
LaserJockbasically setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME and then making my menu structure match what alacarte expects02:52
imbrandonLaserJock, ahhh ok02:52
imbrandonLaserJock, i thought you would be doing it diffrent, but that makes sense02:52
LaserJockimbrandon: I already did a Main merge02:52
imbrandonheh nice02:52
LaserJockimbrandon: well, writing a menu editor from scratch isn't nice :-)02:52
LaserJockimbrandon: if I want to join the uber MOTU clan I've got to put in some Main work ;-)02:54
imbrandoni was just checking on my merges, i have more in main then universe this timw02:55
BurgundaviaLaserJock: we have two ex-DPLs on staff, not one02:56
imbrandonbdale and benc ? isnt it02:56
LaserJockBurgundavia: hence why I said at least02:57
Burgundaviabdale is HP02:57
Burgundaviaiwj and BenC02:57
Burgundaviamdz is a former security team member02:57
LaserJockI knew iwj and thought BenC02:57
imbrandoni dident know iwj was one, i knew benc was02:57
minghuathe ber MOTU clan?  the one crimsun is in? :-P02:57
imbrandonminghua, the one crimsun is he-man of :)02:57
imbrandonwhat was battlecats coward name ?02:58
Burgundaviajust responded on http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1750220&posted=1#post175022002:58
imbrandoncringer, thats it, i'm cringer :)02:58
zulheh who is the man at arms02:59
zulor something like that02:59
=== minghua feels so much more at home with the text-mode installer, compared with the live CD and ubiquity
Hobbseethat's scary03:02
Hobbseeminghua: me too :P03:02
imbrandonnot really considering hes from debian , e.g. old school, that seems really normal03:03
Hobbseeminghua: mind you, it is nice to have an irc client while installing03:03
minghuaHobbsee: very true03:04
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imbrandon /uptime03:04
=== minghua is reminded the experience of installing woody without a second computer or internet
minghuaand dealing with XFree86 3.3 on my savage graphical card03:05
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LaserJockBurgundavia: thanks ;-)03:11
LaserJockhmm, do we need to specifically list the Ubuntu changes that we drop in a merge?03:12
LaserJockor just the ones we keep?03:12
HobbseeLaserJock: the latter, i believe03:12
Hobbseecant see the point of the former03:12
LaserJockwell, don't we need to list all the changes for a sync dropping Ubuntu changes?03:12
LaserJockit's been a while since I read the emails on that03:13
Laser_awaybbl, off to the evil Walmart03:14
HobbseeLaser_away: yes03:14
imbrandonlater Laser_away03:14
HobbseeLaser_away: that being said, some wont follow policy, and some will miss bits - so it's probably better to read it anyway03:14
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minghuaBurgundavia: thanks for the link of Bryce Harrington's blog, I like it a lot and agree on almost everything03:24
minghuahey Seveas, are you still in charge of handing out ubuntu member IRC cloaks?03:25
=== minghua wants to get one
Seveasminghua, what's your lp id?03:26
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minghuaSeveas: minghua - https://launchpad.net/people/minghua  thanks :-)03:28
=== minghua refuses installation CD's offer to install lilo
superm1oh imbrandon, i was going to ask you too.  did rt ever get back to you about setting up the mailing list for ubuntu-mythtv?03:37
imbrandonnot yet, i dident do it at the summit and all the rt@ are in SF at the all hands meeting03:38
imbrandonsooo it will probably be next week03:39
DBOhe imbrandon =)03:40
imbrandonheya DBO03:40
DBOnot meaning to bug but any progress on those packages? =)03:40
imbrandonsuperm1, sorry some things are going so fast these few weeks and some soo slow :)03:40
DBO(I recognize you probably just got back)03:41
imbrandonDBO, yea they are done but not ready to upload yet, still kinda hackish03:41
imbrandoni'll see if i can finish them tonight03:41
DBOimbrandon, I'll owe you one or two03:41
DBOlet me know if there is anything the Beryl guys can do for you03:41
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imbrandonheh nothing really at this poit except be just finishing them, but i'm sure there will be something soonish :)03:44
imbrandonmt dew run brb03:44
Hobbseeimbrandon: stay away from that stuff03:49
lfittlhmm, are 3 positive votes from motu-sru for uploading to proposed?03:51
=== minghua wonders why imbrandon doesn't have a refrigerator next to the computer :-)
Hobbseeminghua: you have seen his fridge, havent you?03:51
lfittls/for/enough for/03:51
minghuaHobbsee: you mean the picture with nothing but Mt. Dew in it? yes.03:51
minghualfittl: I believe so.  3/4 from what I remember03:52
Hobbseeminghua: yep   :P03:53
lfittlk, thanks, finally I can upload this :)03:54
=== minghua logs into his newly installed Kubuntu desktop
minghuanow I need to install gnome-terminal first :-P03:58
Hobbseekonsole works nicely03:58
Hobbseethere's one thing that disturbs me about gnome-terminal03:58
Hobbseei think it's gnome-terminal - it might be xterm though.03:58
imbrandonthere is many things, but thats another story03:58
Hobbseeit doesnt let me use backspace03:58
Hobbsee(at least on my old machine)03:59
minghuanah.  no way I can change a terminal to work in, like you can't switch my editor03:59
Hobbseeit's just a shell03:59
Hobbseeany terminal will give you a bash shell, or whatever you want03:59
minghuafor some people the whole "desktop" is web browser and terminal :-)03:59
Hobbseeyeah, well04:00
Hobbseethey're just crazy :P04:00
minghua(and I am actually quite close, probably plus xchat-gnome)04:00
imbrandonminghua, there are other programs ?04:00
imbrandonouch, good thing you have konversation now, i can see using gnome-term, but not xchat04:00
minghuaimbrandon: yes, frozen bubble!04:00
minghuaxchat-gnome is actually quite different from xchat04:01
minghuabut I suppose it doesn't make enough difference to you KDE guys04:01
HawkwindYes it does actually04:01
imbrandonyea xchat-gnome not only sucks as much as xchat but on top of that it sticks all the settings in the registry^Wgconf04:01
HawkwindBahhhhhhhh @ imbrandon04:02
HawkwindXchat is by far the most superior GUI IRC client available.  It's used and wanted by more users than xchat-gnome and also updated more often.04:02
HawkwindIMO xchat-gnome should *not* be in main over xchat.  But I've also filed a bug/wishlist about this subject04:03
imbrandonmatter of opinion :)04:03
HawkwindAnd my opinion counts! :-)04:03
imbrandonon both counts :)04:03
minghuaHmm, so Kubuntu does install libgtk2.0-0 by default04:08
=== minghua wonders what that is for
imbrandonnot iirc04:08
minghuawell, maybe only for alternative04:08
minghuabut it's here on my fresh install04:08
minghuabluez-pin depends on it here04:10
minghuaand libglade2-004:10
imbrandonahh must be a mistake, thanks for pointing it out, i'll get that bug fixed04:10
minghuado you KDE guys know that openoffice.org-core depends on libgtk2.0-0?04:11
=== minghua grins
imbrandonyes we know, and thus why feisty+1 wont have oo.o :)04:12
minghuaHmm, may god bless Kubuntu users then04:12
imbrandonactualy it makes alot of sense, but thats another story , i'll get into it later04:17
Hobbseeif we were doing that, we could include firefox, surely!  *g*04:19
minghuaI heard KOffice is making good progress, but it's still hard to believe it will be ready to replace OO.o at feisty+1 frame04:20
minghuaHobbsee: I care about that mainly because one of my package went through heavy surgery in ubuntu to split out gtk dependencies04:21
Hobbseeminghua: true04:22
minghuajust because JRiddell doesn't want a Kubuntu install-by-default package to depend on gtk04:22
minghuaso I am quite astonished to see that it doesn't make any difference anyway04:23
imbrandonits not that he dosent want it to depend on gtk, its that we promote kde apps not "best of breed" like suse or others04:23
imbrandonand koffice2 ( kde 4 ) will be in feisty+104:23
imbrandonand will have oasis and doc support by then so yes, it does make sense04:24
imbrandoninstead of loading two libs04:24
imbrandonit only will load one set04:24
imbrandonalso will save tons of room on the cd04:24
imbrandonto the tone of 75-90mb04:24
minghuaif koffice will have decent open document support, then I suppose yes, it does make sense04:25
imbrandonif we did best of breed it would make sense to use ff and gaim , and coutless others04:25
Hobbseeick, gaim04:25
minghuabut I honestly doubt koffice will be ready by then04:25
=== Hobbsee cant *stand* gaim
imbrandonminghua, then you havent been following it closely, the 2 branch already has decient support for it ( just not stable right now becouse of the underlying libs )04:26
minghuaof course I haven't followed it closely04:28
minghuabut koffice 2 hasn't made a stable release yet, has it?04:28
imbrandonno obviously not ( as it depends on kde4 libs )04:29
minghuaand my general feeling is that an office suite program needs about one year to settle down after first stable release04:29
imbrandonand thats only in snapshot2 atm, with a beta scheduled for dec sometime04:29
minghua(first public beta, let's say)04:30
minghuaso that's going to be this Dec to next Oct04:30
imbrandonminghua, then many many many, disagree with that, infact04:30
minghuamaybe it will work04:30
imbrandonthats the first i've heard anyone say it04:30
minghuaimbrandon: the "need one year to stablize" thing?04:31
minghuawell, let's wait and see then04:31
minghuaI admit it's not an educated guess04:31
sladencan OOo instead be 'fixed' to not depend on Gtk?04:31
minghuabut let me remind you one thing -- support for English doesn't count as "good enough support to open document"04:32
imbrandonsladen, sure, but it cant be "fixed" to intergrate gracefully into the kde desktop ( and dont say it can use kde dialogs, its about much more that the widgets )04:32
minghuas/English/English only/04:32
imbrandonwho said anything about english only? and a document "format" dosent require translations , and if you mean koffice, its been arround far longer than a year and has great translation support04:34
imbrandonanyhow not trying to start a war, but change isnt always a bad thing :) and yes this has been in the works for months and will take many more months to make sure it go's smooth and works right , its not a hap hazard transition04:37
imbrandondont think that04:37
minghuaimbrandon: no I know you are not trying to start a war (hope you think I am not, too)04:38
imbrandonno no not at all, just wanted to make sure you dident think it was a gtk / qt thing, as it go's much deeper than the toolkit04:38
imbrandonbut yea04:38
minghuathe thing is, you never will know what Chinese processing bug you are going to have until you have a bunch of Chinese users test it on a daily basis04:38
imbrandonminghua, very true, but that dosent stop change, nor realeases ( rember feisty+1 wont be a LTS also )04:39
minghuaso unless Koffice is developed in a very different way, or the Koffice developers are very genius, I'll bet there will be plenty of bugs when handling languages other than English04:40
minghuainterface translation is the easiest part of l10n for an office suite program04:40
imbrandoni dont see how unless they are already there04:40
minghuaimbrandon: I have no problem with the decision to replace OO.o with Koffice04:41
imbrandonno what i mean is you are talking like koffice is a new program, its been arround for YEARS04:41
minghuaimbrandon:I think I didn't say "useless" anywhere?04:41
imbrandonbug like that would have shown their head by now :)04:41
minghuahmm.  maybe the kde3 to kde4 switch is not as big as I think it is then04:42
minghuabut still, I have heard of _zero_ Chinese user who use Koffice on a daily basis04:42
minghuawe'll see.  I don't really care about Koffice that much anyway :-P04:43
=== minghua likes this Adept Manager quite a bit :-)
imbrandonwow , you would be 1 out of 1000 kubuntu users that do04:46
minghuadon't count me as a kubuntu user yet ;-)04:47
minghuabut I think I know another one04:47
imbrandonsome people seem to really like it, untill it breaks their install04:48
imbrandonits one of those love or hate things04:49
imbrandonjust a word of caution though so your not in the "breaks the install category" dont install anything that ask's you a debconf question durring install04:49
minghuabug 7025104:49
UbugtuMalone bug 70251 in r-base "the R package depends of GCC 3.4" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7025104:49
imbrandon( e.g. sun-java5-* )04:50
minghuaI actually knew KDE has a separate APT GUI frontend from that bug report04:50
minghuaimbrandon: huh?  so this adept manager can't deal with debconf questions at all?04:51
imbrandonit tries, and fails, then dpkg dies and unless you fiddle with the /var/run/dpkg/something/lock your screwed on installing or remoiving apps04:52
minghuaany you guys put this as default in edgy release?  geez.04:52
imbrandonknow issue ( as in we know adept sucks and are working on it but dont expect much soon )04:52
imbrandonits been like that since dapper04:52
imbrandonif not before04:52
minghuaI don't know how many packages ask debconf questions on the default level (high?), but I imagine quite a bit04:53
imbrandonnah acctualy only 2 that are commonly installed04:53
imbrandonkdm/gdm IF you have both installed, and sun-java5-*04:53
Hobbseeminghua: the precursor to adept sucked even more.04:56
minghuayou guys should just bite the bullet and recommend synaptic :-P04:58
imbrandoni doubt that will ever happen04:59
Laser_awaywhy can't you just make a qt port of synaptic04:59
Laser_awayoh yeah, kynaptic or something04:59
imbrandonLaser_away, there is ksynaptic , but its not finished and no progress04:59
imbrandonbut thats my call04:59
imbrandonbut its not the majority05:00
Laser_awaysynaptic has a lot of nice features05:03
Laser_awayit's kinda too bad05:03
imbrandonwb TheMuso05:04
TheMusoHey imbrandon.05:04
=== minghua resists the impulse to report bugs against adept manager
imbrandonminghua, go ahead , serouisly05:05
minghuaimbrandon: even I can't follow up to reproduce, test bugfix, etc.?05:06
imbrandonsomeone will have to confirm etc05:06
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imbrandondosent have to be the same person05:06
imbrandonif your resonable sure its a bug , then yes05:06
minghuaokay, since you asked nicely...05:07
minghuaimbrandon: what is the binary package name?05:07
imbrandonadept iirc05:07
imbrandonis the source package05:07
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imbrandon( to file the bugs )05:07
minghuabinary package is adept, too, it seems05:07
minghuait's adept-manager, it seems05:08
minghuaI believe LP can find the source package for me05:08
minghua(I was selling this idea in the channel earlier today)05:09
imbrandonwhat idea?05:09
minghua(and that was an embarrassing story...)05:09
minghuawhere the binary-package hint in the bug report comes from05:09
minghuaEww.  Who thought using underscore in the name of a /usr/bin/ program is a good idea?05:11
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096713315.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuaimbrandon: bug 71596 for you05:19
UbugtuMalone bug 71596 in adept "adept-manager: should either ignore unmounted CD in sources.list or at least try other sources first" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7159605:19
minghuaI also noticed adept doesn't have a bug contact, which is a big no-no IMO for a main package05:20
Simon80well.. they can file bug reports05:20
=== aBiNg [n=helo_aBi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonminghua, if you wish set the bug contact to kubuntu-team05:27
imbrandonerr wait you cant unless you a member, one sec05:27
=== jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchalright, now I feel a little more alive :)05:28
imbrandonahhh ajmitch is back :)05:28
imbrandongood trip?05:28
ajmitchimbrandon: I said hello earlier :P05:28
imbrandonahh i missed it05:29
ajmitchyeah, it was ok05:29
imbrandoni'm still getting used to being at home05:29
ajmitchnow I feel like getting some food05:29
Hobbseehey ajmitch!05:29
imbrandonnow that i'm home i can upgrade my lappy to feisty without worry :)05:29
ajmitchhi Hobbsee05:30
minghuaimbrandon: I filed this bug for you, not KDE or Kubuntu.  And if nobody answer/triage it, don't expect to report any bugs against KDE packages soon ;-)05:33
minghuahi ajmitch05:33
Hobbseeimbrandon: rofl!  i can confirm one of the amarok bugs05:33
minghua(sorry for missing your previous hello)05:33
imbrandonminghua, hehe ok i'll be sure to check on it personaly even if i cant fix it, i'll try to make sure it does05:34
imbrandonHobbsee, what one ?05:34
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeimbrandon: bug 5558505:34
UbugtuMalone bug 55585 in amarok "Amarok hangs when holding down of next/previous track hotkey" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5558505:34
Hobbseebased on what it was playing, it sounded rather amusing05:34
Hobbseeeventually i had to kill the thing, else it wouldnt shut up05:35
Hobbseeimbrandon: i might ask about that one upstream?05:36
imbrandonHobbsee, yea probably, thats what i was going to do to start off05:36
imbrandonminghua, i changed the bugmail settings for adept too now, thanks for noticing that05:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: well, i just hit confirmed and dropped it in their channel05:36
minghuaimbrandon: no problem, glad I can help :-)05:37
imbrandonThe "Kubuntu Team" team was successfully subscribed to all bugmail in adept in ubuntu05:37
imbrandon^^ quote from LP05:37
Hobbseewhat packages are possible to install to provide dvd playback?05:39
Hobbseeapart from libdvdread3 binary, and the script associated iwth that?05:39
imbrandonfront ends or do you mean libdvdcss stuff ?05:39
Hobbseeanything apart from libdvdcss - but that kind of stuff05:39
Hobbsee+  * Removed install-css.sh which is useless since we have binary packages05:39
Hobbsee+    on debian-unofficial.org (Closes: #390544).05:39
imbrandonHobbsee, shouldent need anything else other than that and a player05:39
Hobbseeie, do we have anything other packages like that?  i jus tsaw that debian bug05:40
imbrandonahh none in that case, we need to keep it05:40
UbugtuDebian bug 390544 in libdvdread3 "libdvdread3: temp file vulnerability in install-css.sh" [Serious,Closed] 05:40
imbrandonwell we have libdvdcss2 from seveas's repos05:40
imbrandonbut nothing official05:40
imbrandonas we cant becouse of leagle issues etc05:41
Hobbseewell, yeah05:41
Hobbseeunless it got put in multiverse05:41
imbrandonvery very very few used that script anyhow, they just got the packages from plf or seveas05:41
imbrandonno i dont think it can even go in multiverse afaik05:42
imbrandonbasicly becouse its not a patent issue its a issue of the actual source is illeagle in the US and other places05:42
LaserJockanybody know of any "Here's how you port gtk/qt apps to qt/gtk" guides?05:43
imbrandonthus even hosting the source on a US mirror would not be leagle05:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: i realise that.  i'm wondering if i can ignore what debian's said, and just merge it, with that script in it anyway05:43
imbrandonHobbsee, well thats what i would do is merge and keep the script BUT check on the vunerability is fixed05:44
imbrandonOR if its not drop it as they did as the package is avail via third part repos as they did05:44
Hobbseeimbrandon: that requires figuring out what the vulnerability is.  seeing as it seems a straight use of wget....05:44
imbrandone.g. debian-unofficial or seveas05:44
Hobbseeimbrandon: http://rafb.net/paste/results/6DyF8f86.html05:45
ajmitchsomeone hand me caffeine please05:45
ajmitchI know imbrandon will have some on hand05:46
=== imbrandon slides ajmitch some mt dew
poningrurealist: libdvdcss is illegal in the US due to the DMCA05:46
imbrandonHobbsee, looks sane to me but it does use /tmp , you might check with some other expert other than me05:46
poningruerr s/realist/re:05:46
imbrandonponingru, correct05:47
poningrualso some have come up with patent reasons05:47
imbrandonbut the issue is with the source, not the binaly forms of it or redist etc, thuis even hosting the source you can get in trubble05:47
imbrandonlike one person was sued and lost when he printed the source on a t-shirt and wore it05:48
imbrandonthus the reason it cant even be in multiverse05:48
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poningruactually that was the decss dvd key05:48
imbrandonright but libdvdcss2 uses that :)05:48
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poningrubut that is no longer illegal since the only protection it had was the tradesecret05:49
imbrandonits all kinda stupid tbh but we cant circumvent it atm, i would recomend Hobbsee dropping the script untill the vunerability can be verified NOT to be there as the changelog says as the deb is avail from debian-unofficial and seveas05:50
Hobbseefair enough05:51
imbrandonlike i said looks sane to me but i'm not a security expert , etc etc etc05:52
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crimsunit's vulnerable to any number of attacks05:54
crimsunit's not chowned or umasked properly; the PATH isn't set properly, etc.05:54
Hobbseeso's running any script as root - is amarok's any better?05:54
imbrandonyes amarok has checks in place05:55
=== ajmitch feels like jumping on the bandwagon
Hobbseeah right05:55
Hobbseeoh yay05:55
imbrandonajmitch, installing kubuntu ? hehe05:55
=== crimsun steals another of Hobbsee's merges
ajmitchimbrandon: nah, blogging05:56
imbrandonajmitch, ahhh rock on05:56
Hobbseethis has happened about 5 times so far!05:56
ajmitchHobbsee: may I steal some?05:56
ajmitchHobbsee: who has been stealing them?05:56
imbrandonajmitch, fix universe :)05:56
Hobbseeajmitch: sure, but please actually tell me about them05:56
Hobbseeajmitch: non MOTU's05:56
ajmitchimbrandon: nah, I'll fix main05:56
ajmitchHobbsee: and have they been uploaded?05:56
Hobbseeajmitch: nope.  they've been assigned to MOTU, and left to sit05:57
LaserJockso when has this "owning" of merges start :-)05:57
ajmitchLaserJock: start of edgy or so05:57
HobbseeLaserJock: it says on MOM05:57
=== crimsun assigns all his universe merges to LaserJock
crimsungo raging motuaholic, go!05:57
HobbseeIf you are not the previous uploader, ask the previous uploader before doing the merge. This prevents two people from doing the same work.05:57
ajmitchHobbsee: so people have been contributing fixes, and you don't like that?05:57
imbrandonajmitch, haha that was my thinking05:57
Hobbseeajmitch: it's not that i dont like that - i do.  it's the fact that they do for stuff that's listed as me, i do the same, without checking LP first, then figure it all out and go "oh damn, someone's already done this, now i've just done the work again"05:58
imbrandoni'm likie and thats a bad thing? ( kinda sucks if you dont look first , but its a good thing(tm)05:58
ajmitchHobbsee: people are just eager to help :)05:58
Hobbseei mean, obviously i should be looking first, but the double work isnt necessary.  we dont have the people to be able to do that!05:58
LaserJockwell, this is why we  shouldn't be relying on merges.ubuntu.com for this05:58
LaserJockwe should need "ownership" of merges to help us keep track05:59
HobbseeLaserJock: what else are people using though?05:59
LaserJockHobbsee: we used to use a revu page05:59
LaserJockthat was much better for this05:59
imbrandonHobbsee, obviously LP also :)05:59
crimsunthe revu page is still subject to the same race condition that merges.uc has05:59
LaserJockwell, except with the revu page you file a bug to "lock" the merge06:00
Hobbseeit's a problem with syncs - as those are waiting a while to go thru, so the probability of them already being done is higher06:00
ajmitchpeople can still duplicate work, no matter what06:00
LaserJockthere is no way of indicating status on merges.ubuntu.com06:00
crimsunprecisely, bmonty and I raced on merges numerous times06:00
LaserJocksure it can happen, but I thought it was much easier to see what was going on with the revu page06:01
=== Hobbsee expected that to happen later
crimsunfeisty-changes isn't reliable, either, since some uploads aren't announced06:01
=== Hobbsee acks the other one, anyway
Hobbseewish they'd stolen the merges i didnt want to do :P06:03
=== minghua frowns at 35760 and 37711
minghuatwo bugs I am trying to produce by doing this Kubuntu install, to no avail :-(06:04
Hobbseeyay, i can request a sync that *hasnt* already been done!06:05
LaserJockHobbsee: I solved the issue by doing virtually no merges in Edgy06:08
Hobbseecrimsun: mind if i request a sync for kmldonkey?06:08
LaserJockI don't own much of anything06:08
=== ajmitch does some reviewing
HobbseeLaserJock: heh, i was thinking fo that06:08
ajmitchLaserJock: yeah, I have basically nothing06:08
ajmitchyay for me being lazy06:08
crimsunHobbsee: not at all06:08
Hobbseecrimsun: :)06:09
=== ajmitch returns to being lazy
Hobbseecrimsun: and that's a really werid way to call dh_iconcache06:09
crimsunI don't even remember what put into the delta06:09
crimsunwhat I put, even06:09
Hobbseethe long way of calling it, instead of just "dh_iconcache"06:10
=== minghua has no merges either
LaserJockwell, I would have probably done more merges but I didn't see any way of assessing merge status06:12
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imbrandonHobbsee, the feisty pbuilder has those hooks now too06:13
Hobbseeimbrandon: yay :)06:13
LaserJockimbrandon: hooks for what?06:14
=== Hobbsee wonders when large amounts of doom will occur at work
crimsunfrom the pbuilder examples06:14
HobbseeLaserJock: pbuilder hooks - b91dpkg-i and c10shell, in particular06:14
imbrandonsome hooks that were built from examples Hobbsee wanted me to use on my dev build machine06:14
minghuaHmm, so what is this dh_iconcache thing?  something specific to ubuntu?06:14
Hobbsee(direct copies, actually)06:14
imbrandonminghua, it was a ubuntu transition , but now its in the gnome.mk and kde.mk cdbs files so no longer needed for the most part06:15
Hobbseeminghua: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DhIconCacheChanges06:15
=== fowlduck [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseewhich reminds me - it's needed in network-manager - i saw a bug about it06:15
imbrandonminghua, started close to the begining of dapper dev cycle iirc06:16
minghuathanks imbrandon and Hobbsee06:16
minghuathe mail linked from the wiki is dated April 200606:17
minghuaso _end_ of dapper cycle06:17
minghuaand no wonder I didn't pay attention to it06:17
imbrandonyea somewhere in there heh06:18
LaserJockgrrr, you know what I have the hardest time finding in LP? .debs06:20
=== minghua looks at the 9 mails in his inbox and counts 6 of them from LP bugmail by minghua himself
LaserJockit takes me so many stinking clicks to find them06:20
ajmitchLaserJock: it's only about 20 clicks to find them06:20
minghuathere isn't a way to say "I don't want to receive mail for my own comments" in LP, is there?06:21
ajmitchminghua: not that I'm aware of06:23
imbrandonhrm Hobbsee the dpkg-i one is a little flakey, i might change it a bit06:23
imbrandonhen i get some time06:23
Hobbseeif you want06:23
imbrandonit doesnt try to install the deps06:23
ajmitchimbrandon: gdebi!06:24
imbrandonit just fails if dpkg -i doesnt work06:24
imbrandonajmitch, heh06:24
ajmitchimbrandon: gdebi works well as a command-line-only tool06:24
imbrandondoes it ? wow ok, i'll look at making the hook use that instead06:25
ajmitchyou'd just have to put it into the extra packages part of the pbuilder config06:25
Hobbseeit doesnt?  i thought it did06:25
minghuawhat is wrong with plain old debi?06:27
minghuaso there is no chance to try these desktop bling if your graphical card isn't intel, nvidia, or ati?06:31
imbrandonminghua, basicly no ( thus not on by default )06:32
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Amaranthajmitch: you made it!06:32
Amaranthajmitch: how was the train? :)06:32
imbrandonif it has direct rendering and composit is /should/ work06:32
minghuaimbrandon: thanks.  I think I can forget about it for a while then06:32
ajmitchAmaranth: boring, but I ended up meeting up with a bunch of guys at millbrae06:33
minghuaI don't want to install ubuntu on either my laptop or the computer at school06:33
ajmitchhow much did the taxi cost?06:33
Amaranthwhiprush told me the train didn't even stop06:33
ajmitchyeah, I waited for the 10:23 train06:33
ajmitchgot into the airport about the time your flight left06:33
Amaranthi told the guy i was coming back soon so he gave me his card and a discount06:33
ajmitchended up having lunch with some of the guys there06:33
imbrandonme and wasabbi ended up on the same flight home06:34
imbrandonwell for the first leg of the trip06:34
ajmitchyeah I saw wasabi in the airport as well06:34
Amaranthi was the bus dropping people off06:34
Amaranthbut the guy wouldn't let me out the cab to say bye06:34
imbrandonwow, i was probably there at the same time then too, i told him to check the resurants at the intl term, i was eating at the term we got on and it sucked06:35
=== LaserJock <3 xnest
Amaranthit was like 10:15am06:36
imbrandonLaserJock, heh06:36
Amaranth10:25am at the latest06:36
imbrandonyea i got to the airport about 10:30 my flight dident leave till 2:50 though06:36
LaserJocktesting the dynamic menus login scripts is much handier with xnest06:36
ajmitchAmaranth: yeah, I didn't see wasabi until much later though06:39
LaserJockbut I do hate menus :/06:39
Amaranthi ran into whiprush in minneapolis06:39
Amaranthdifferent airports, different flight times, we landed at almost the same time there :)06:40
LaserJockhmmm, my wife is making fun of MOTU06:47
ajmitchoh dear06:47
imbrandonhows that?06:47
imbrandonyou tell her about council greyskull yet ? LOL06:47
LaserJockshe was just trying to call our esteemed origin sheman06:47
crimsunshe's just making fun of us mere mortals, not you celebs like the raging motuaholic and imbrandon06:47
=== ajmitch wishes he could be a MOTU like LaserJock
=== LaserJock wishes he could be a core-dev like ajmitch
ajmitchI'll have to settle for being mortal like crimsun :)06:49
ajmitchLaserJock: go before the tech board then :)06:49
LaserJockajmitch: in time, in time06:50
imbrandoncrimsun is past deity status , he was brought up more than once as the model of a ubuntu developer06:50
crimsunin that case we're screwed06:50
ajmitchwhereas I'm brought up as the example of what not to be :)06:50
LaserJockit takes all kinds06:51
=== imbrandon does his first feisty upload
=== ajmitch cheers
imbrandoni should have 2 or 3 before the nights over06:52
imbrandon*hopefully* if it all go's smooth06:52
imbrandonhrm there is a automake-*-nonfree ? wow06:54
ajmitchof course06:54
=== imbrandon never noticed that before
ajmitchGFDL documentation06:54
LaserJockwahoo, it works, it works06:54
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ajmitchLaserJock: of course it does, if the raging MOTUholic did it06:54
Simon80lol, GFDL = non-free06:54
LaserJockI can edit the menus with alacarte and all I have to do is take out one line of the resulting .menu file06:54
imbrandonSimon80, it is according to the dfsg06:55
Simon80I know06:55
Simon80but I haven't figured out why yet06:55
Simon80googling now06:55
LaserJockwell, it's not GPL compatible06:55
LaserJockmostly the nasty stuff is in invariant sections I believe06:55
AmaranthLaserJock: what line?06:56
LaserJockit's deemed marginally dfsg free if there are no invariant sections06:57
Amaranth(yes, i do ding on 'alacarte')06:57
=== ajmitch notes that
=== Amaranth smacks ajmitch
imbrandonalacarte alacarte alacarte alacarte06:57
Amaranthone ding per line :)06:57
LaserJockAmaranth: if I edit something it adds a <AppDir>/home/mantha/.local/share/applications</AppDir>06:58
AmaranthLaserJock: ah, right06:58
imbrandonthats ok my "ding" is /usr/share/sounds/KDE_Beep_Ahem.wav06:58
AmaranthLaserJock: it should be adding XDG_DATA_HOME06:58
ajmitchback later06:58
LaserJockhmm, I guess that would be XDG_DATA_HOME06:58
LaserJockI just gave it XDG_CONFIG_HOME06:59
LaserJocklet me try it06:59
AmaranthLaserJock: if it doesn't work please file a bug06:59
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096713315.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu-motu ["Leaving"]
LaserJockAmaranth: it works, sweet07:02
Amaranththat line is important for unbreaking interactions with legacy menus, i'm glad you don't have to remove it07:02
LaserJockit even works when I add an item to the menu07:02
=== Amaranth swears a lot
Amaranthfscking menu spec :P07:02
LaserJockI'm not exactly a big fan either07:03
Amaranthwait, no, smegging menu spec :)07:03
LaserJocka lot of the time it's a real pain07:03
LaserJocktoo vague07:03
Amaranthit's great for the use-case of "an ISV wants to drop something into a menu"07:03
Amaranthbut then it just goes crazy for everything else07:03
LaserJockok, so the only thing I think I won't be able to implement that I wanted to is bookmarks in the menus07:04
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AmaranthLaserJock: explain please, maybe we can do some magic07:07
AmaranthLaserJock: WinXP "Pin to Start Menu" kind of thing?07:07
LaserJockwell basically I want to be able to drop in bookmarks into the menus07:07
LaserJockso like in the Chemistry menu there would be a link to the chemisty web book, etc.07:08
Amaranthoh, right07:08
LaserJockbut gnome-menus doesn't respect Type=Link07:08
LaserJockso you have to create .desktops with Exec=firefox http://....07:09
LaserJockwhich then becomes a usability problem07:09
LaserJockbecause teachers should have to know that they have to make an item for a browser to open a URL07:09
LaserJockthey should just be able to specify the URL07:10
Amaranthalacarte could do some magic in the backend for that, i suppose07:10
LaserJockso I could possibly add that to my GUI07:10
Amaranthbut the real answer would be to all Type=Link support to gnome-menus07:10
crimsunerr, did you mean "shouldn't" above?07:10
Amaranthup for a challenge? :)07:10
Amaranthcrimsun: yes, he did :)07:11
LaserJockcrimsun: for the first one yeah :-)07:11
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LaserJockAmaranth: well, from what you said it sounds like gnome-menus isn't very active upstream07:11
Amaranthmarkmc just committed some stuff, actually07:11
LaserJockI'm not sure I'm code-savy enough to just hack into it07:11
Amaranthit might be a PITA getting him to do a code review though07:11
LaserJockI wonder if there is a gnome bug about it07:12
Amaranthoh, you want someone else to do it for you :)07:12
Amaranthi thought Type=Link was dropped from the spec since GNOME didn't support it07:12
LaserJockfrom what spec?07:12
LaserJockGnome uses it for other things07:13
LaserJockjust not in the menus07:13
LaserJockI think that is a little inconsistent07:14
Amaranthwell, if there is already code to do it i wouldn't think making gnome-menus call that code would be hard07:14
LaserJockwell, nautilus handles them fine on the desktop07:15
LaserJockI guess alacarte would have to handle editing them too07:16
Amaranthyeah, that wouldn't be so bad07:17
LaserJockmaybe I'll file a bug in gnome07:18
LaserJockand mention it in my spec07:18
LaserJockand at least start something there07:19
LaserJockhopefully seb won't eat me alive07:19
Amaranthbrb, rebooting07:24
minghuawhy would seb eats LaserJock alive for this?07:24
LaserJockwell, any time I've ever brought up .desktops or menus it hasn't ended well for me ;-)07:25
minghuaoh I see07:27
minghuaI think I remember something as well07:28
LaserJockthe whole MOTU Science .desktop experience07:28
minghuamust has to do with the Science category07:28
LaserJockand the first time I worked on dynamic menus he didn't want me touching gnome-menus07:28
LaserJockbut that's ok, he has good reasons07:28
LaserJockI just get a little nervous about making the gnome guy mad :-)07:29
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LaserJockhmm, so I count 74 open bugs for motureviewers and ubuntu-universe-sponsors07:33
ajmitchLaserJock: at 1 a minute, it won't take long07:34
LaserJock1 a minute? that seems kinda fast07:34
LaserJockit takes my pbuilder that long to unpack the base.tgz :/07:34
ajmitchquite a few will be too trivial for edgy-updates, so you'll have to ask them to update the patch for feisty07:34
ajmitchso < 1 min for those07:34
crimsunargh, why are people filing sync requests for packages that will be brought in automatically?!07:46
crimsuncf. bug 7151507:46
UbugtuMalone bug 71515 in Ubuntu "requesting sync xmms2 from Debian" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7151507:46
crimsunand to add insult to injury, u-a is subbed07:46
Sp4rKyhi there07:48
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu
minghuaas someone has said, people are just eager to help07:52
LaserJockcrimsun: bummer07:52
minghuafiling a sync request is easy07:52
minghuaand we also share the blame for not having crystal-clear docs07:52
=== LaserJock volunteers minghua to write the docs
minghuaI am not even sure about the procedure myself :-)07:54
=== minghua wonders if "whenever in doubt, consult #ubuntu-motu first" would be accepted as good doc :-P
minghuabecause that's what I do now07:55
crimsunhow many different issues are in bug 71559?07:58
UbugtuMalone bug 71559 in Ubuntu "libgcc_s.so.1 prob? libstdc++.so.1 and libgcj.so.70 complain about GCC_4.2.0 no being found" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7155907:58
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StevenKToo eager, methinks.07:59
minghuahmm, my question is actually how many issues mentioned in 71559 are about official packages08:01
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ajmitchminghua: probably 008:04
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minghuathat's what I thought08:05
ajmitch  required from libgcc_s.so.1:08:06
ajmitch    0x0b792653 0x00 17 GCC_3.308:06
ajmitch    0x09276060 0x00 16 GCC_4.2.008:06
ajmitchfor 4.1.1-13ubuntu508:07
imbrandonfor those that havent seen it the i copied the kubuntu misfits to my webserver http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/uds_mtv/kubuntu_uds_mtv.jpg08:07
ajmitchscary people08:07
ajmitchof course, you're holding mt dew...08:07
imbrandonright on, i cant be parted with my mt dew :)08:08
crimsunhmm, where is the "Enable Software sound mixing" checkbox in 6.10 (gnome)?08:09
crimsunSystem> Preferences> Sound> [which tab] 08:10
minghuaajmitch: strange08:10
ajmitchthe sounds tab08:10
crimsunok, thanks08:10
Toadstooluhuh :)08:12
Toadstoolhey everybody08:12
crimsun'lo Toadstool08:12
Toadstoolhey crimsun08:12
ajmitchhi Toadstool08:12
Toadstoolhi ajmitch08:13
imbrandonheya Toadstool08:13
Toadstoolhey imbrandon :)08:13
=== joejaxx is having fun patching and compiling kernels
joejaxxhello Toadstool imbrandon08:14
Toadstool'lo joejaxx08:14
joejaxxi am compiling for my laptop08:14
ajmitchimbrandon: a shame we didn't get a full group photo08:15
imbrandonyea , i figured we would08:15
=== ajmitch doesn't even have many photos of people
TheMusoWhat? They didn't do a group photo this time?08:16
imbrandonyea i dont have many either, but tons of people were taking them so i'll leach off flikr08:16
joejaxxTheMuso: i guess they forgot08:16
imbrandonTheMuso, nope, only the kubuntu group, no "everybody" one08:16
joejaxxis ipw2200 support in kernel upstream by default?08:24
joejaxxor is that a ubuntu patch08:26
Lathiathrm i think it got merged didnt it?08:29
crimsunit's in upstream08:29
Lathiatit was an ubuntu patch for a while, tho08:29
joejaxxok thanks08:29
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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ajmitchwell, we should be getting GPLed java soon08:33
Burgundaviaajmitch: one hopes08:33
ajmitch'today', they say08:33
ajmitchNov 13th08:34
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ajmitchapparantly they're using the same gpl exception that gnu classpath uses08:35
ajmitchwhich would mean that they could share code where needed08:35
Burgundaviathat would rock08:35
imbrandonnice then compile for ppc and move to main :)08:36
ajmitchI guess we'll find out the details in a few hours08:36
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imbrandoni bet the server will be hammered with downloads08:37
imbrandon( sun's download page )08:37
Burgundavianice thing about being in the same timezone as most of the these big tech companies: they do press announcements during your business day08:37
Lutinslomo: ping08:38
slomoLutin: pong08:38
Lutinslomo: I'd like to package tapioca-sharp (http://tapioca-voip.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/SubProjects) but I can't understand the mono naming policy. would you tell me how I should name the package ?08:39
slomoLutin: how are the assemblies named?08:40
=== ajmitch guesses he doesn't need to package telepathy-sharp now :)
Lutinajmitch: why ?08:41
ajmitchI was planning to do so once I got home08:41
slomoLutin: INdT.Tapioca.dll? then libtapiocaX.Y-cil, libindt-tapiocaX.Y-cil or one of those two without the X.Y if it's unstable API packaging08:41
slomoajmitch: giskard already packaged t-s since weeks already anyway08:41
ajmitchthat's useful to know08:42
ajmitchthen the package on revu is a bit redundant08:42
slomono idea why it's not uploaded yet08:42
Lutinajmitch: I know, I didn"t see there was a bzr branch of t-sharp before uploading08:42
Lutinthe pacakge pon revu should be nuked08:42
ajmitchI'll kill it then08:43
slomoLutin: ok, one of the two without X.Y as it has alp's dbus implementation and must not go into the gac yet08:43
Lutinslomo: ok08:43
=== ajmitch met the telepathy guys at UDS, very interesting project
Lutinslomo: do you have idea when t-sharp will be uploaded ?08:45
slomoLutin: ask giskard :) no idea08:45
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Lutinok slomo, thanks08:46
Lutingiskard: around ?08:46
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=== StevenK ponders asking his employer for time off and money for flights so he can kick the author of wlassistant fair in the head.
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=== imbrandon wonders why his uploads arent showing on feisty-changes
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minghuaimbrandon: it's said to be moderated now09:33
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imbrandonhrm thats strange09:34
imbrandonshouldent be now that uploads are open09:34
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ChanduHow tasksel package works with the installer09:35
minghuaimbrandon: ask Fujitsu, he seems to know more09:35
Chanduhey Ubuntu is building a single cd distro with openoffice with D_I09:38
BurgundaviaChandu: sorry, I am having a hard time understanding exactly what you want09:39
ChanduBurgundavia, I want to build a single cd distro (How Ubuntu is there ) with openoffice , ngome desktop and few other applications ..09:40
ChanduBurgundavia, I am using Debian G-I , Iam able to create the image ..but tha pacakges what I have mentioend in my tasks list of debian-cd are not installing09:40
Burgundaviawhat specifically do you need to change from Ubuntu?09:40
ivoksso, what's the thing with binary drivers?09:41
ivokswill ubuntu really shipp them by default?09:41
ChanduBurgundavia, Not change from Ubuntu ..I want to know the steps to follow to come out with a single cd09:41
Burgundaviaivoks: afaics, yes09:41
ivokshm... yes?09:41
ivokslooks like i'm returning to debian :/09:41
BurgundaviaI imagine the debate is going to get a lot noisy once it actually happens09:42
ivoksCurrently, Ubuntu does little to enable Composition and 3D09:42
ivokswho wrote this?!09:42
imbrandonChandu, you might talk with joejaxx sometime, he is doing the same thing from scratch , and is working on modified scripts he got from cjwatson at UDS09:42
Burgundaviaivoks: rodrigo novo09:43
ivoksthis is untrue09:43
ChanduBurgundavia, ok09:43
Chanduimbrandon, ok09:43
Burgundaviaivoks: that acceleratedX spec was drafted by rodrigo. I understand that sabdfl is heavily pushing this09:44
Chandujoejaxx, I am working on a distro build .. I want to come out with a single cd distro with gnome , openoffice and few other applications by default09:44
ivoksBurgundavia: i hope this is just a nightmare :)09:44
imbrandonChandu, as i said ask joejaxx for his scripts to do this, he has that all working with seeds etc, the proper way09:45
Chandujoejaxx, with debian G-I ... I want to know the steps that I need to follow to come out with a single cd as Ubuntu with all feaures09:45
Burgundaviaivoks: I truly hope so too. But you understand how sabdfl can be09:45
Chanduimbrandon, ok09:45
Chandujoejaxx, Can you give me the scripts that u r using to do all these things09:45
ivoksBurgundavia: this will result in more ubuntu users, but even less good programers09:45
Chandujoejaxx, Iam able to build a image ..but all the pacakges which Iam listing in tasks of debian-cd are not installing09:46
imbrandonChandu, he is most likely asleep as its 2am in his timezone09:46
Burgundaviaivoks: yes. I agree. https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/accelerated-x <-- still in drafting, at least09:46
Chanduimbrandon, oh ..ok09:46
Chanduimbrandon, Then When can I get him09:46
Burgundaviaall the X specs are, for that matter09:46
Burgundaviaivoks: just glad I have an i915 here09:46
imbrandonChandu, probably email him, his email should be listed on fluxbuntu.org or launchpad09:47
Chanduimbrandon, ok09:47
ivoksBurgundavia: me too09:47
ivoksBurgundavia: i945 :)09:47
Burgundavialucky bastard :)09:47
ivoksi don't belive it... :(09:49
ivoksrodrig is maintaining xorg and says that composite isn't enabled :/09:49
ivoksrodrigo :)09:50
ajmitchhe's mainly referring to the very common cases of nvidia/ati09:50
Burgundaviaivoks: rodrig was hired to work on other stuff and got stuck with Xorg09:50
BurgundaviaI know he is very much not an X expert09:50
ivoksheh, i planned starting company that will base it bussiness on ubuntu, but i have second tougths now :/09:51
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Burgundaviaivoks: then contact Mark directly and mention that09:52
imbrandonthe general consinsus is it wont happen yet, but i'm with Burgundavia talk to mark directly09:52
imbrandon( consinsus at UDS )09:52
Burgundaviaimbrandon: the entire world < Mark09:52
ajmitchBurgundavia: I think that it at least requires the community to vote on it, to change the philosophy statement09:53
imbrandonBurgundavia, oh i know, but it helps when we had litterly EVERYONE but the beryl devs against it including mdz and keybuk09:53
Burgundaviaajmitch: if you read the philosophy, we don't need to change it09:53
ivoksif we do that, we aren't ubuntu anymore09:53
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ivoksjesus... if beryl would be something we can't live wihtout, then ok...09:54
ivoksbut it's just useless eye candy09:54
Burgundaviait is a good thing the binary drivers are such shite09:55
Burgundaviait makes the whole "we are going to have major regressions" argument much easier09:55
ivoksi wonder which kernel dev would agree to maintiain them09:55
Burgundaviawhat about the all random bugs?09:56
ivoksthat's icluded in 'maintainace' :)09:56
Burgundavia"Currently, we make a specific exception for some "drivers" which are only available in binary form, without which many computers will not complete the Ubuntu installation."09:56
ivoksgrr... this keyboard :/09:56
imbrandonwhich kernel dev ? heh we only have 2 and one just signed the contract at UDS heh09:56
Burgundaviathat is all our philosophy says on this matter09:56
Burgundaviaimbrandon: who signed at UDS?09:56
imbrandonBurgundavia, i forgot his name to be honest, i'm terrible with names , i just know he was out smoking with me and BenC ( the only other kernel dev currently ) when he cancled his flight to stay at the all hands meeting becouse he finaly signed the contract09:57
imbrandoni'll have to look it up later09:57
Burgundaviaok, no worries09:58
ajmitchaka kyle mcmartin (iirc)09:58
Burgundaviaah, another canuck09:59
BurgundaviaI think there are now more Canadian Canonical employees than Amurikan09:59
Burgundaviakylem is a DD as well10:00
imbrandonlol thats not hard as most of us Amurikan's were labled rednecks10:00
imbrandonleaste i was :)10:00
ajmitchno surprise there :)10:00
imbrandonheh , i think the "yall" gave it away, it dosent come accross on irc well10:02
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Burgundaviawhat exactly needs non-free drivers right now? all nvidia and x1xxx from ATI10:14
slomoimbrandon: LP is not yet white-listed for feisty-changes it seems10:14
imbrandonslomo, yea i noticed :(10:15
imbrandonBurgundavia, depends on your definition of "needs" i have both nvidia and ati and none use binary drivers ( but none have 3d accel either )10:16
imbrandoni think its mostly network cards that "need" it10:16
Burgundaviaimbrandon: by "needs", I mean "needs 3D drivers"10:17
ajmitchnvidia binary driver is also needed for basic stuff like dual-head10:17
Burgundaviar300 does free 3D for everything below the x1xxx series10:17
imbrandonwell the freee ati can do direct rendering and composite ootb on all cards afaik but its better on the non-free drivers from what i've been told10:17
imbrandoni know atleaste the free ati works for direct 3d on mt radeon moble 750010:18
imbrandonin my ibook10:18
Burgundaviayes, up to the the 9800 and the x70010:18
Burgundaviaanyway, I need to sleep10:20
Burgundaviajust wanted to see if I was missing anything10:20
imbrandongnight Burgundavia10:20
ajmitchnouveau project is a long way from having a useful 3d driver10:21
imbrandonnouveau == free "ati" ?10:22
imbrandoni might try that tomarrow on my box that has an nvidia card10:22
ajmitchall you'll get is some slight improvements over the nv driver10:23
imbrandonas i dont use it really for anything but to ssh into and compile so if X breaks no biggie10:23
ajmitchthere is no working 3d10:23
ajmitchthe ddx part is the nv driver, with some fixes10:23
slomoimbrandon: your stuff will be built nonetheless10:23
imbrandonmy main thing is the chipset in it and nic, i could really care less about 3d rendering tbh10:23
imbrandonslomo,  yea i seen it hit the buildd's just was curious about the list10:24
=== imbrandon did 3 uploads tonight
imbrandonand i almost have amarok ready too, but i think i'll finish it up in the morning10:25
imbrandonas its almost bed time for imbrandon10:25
=== StevenK finally manages to convince wlassistant to actually connect.
=== StevenK hacks the patch into slightly better shape.
ajmitchnight all10:35
imbrandongnight ajmitch10:35
Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon: what are you fixing in amarok?10:36
StevenKimbrandon: I move we kick wlassistant out of kubuntu-desktop.10:36
StevenKimbrandon: It is *PURE* crap.10:36
imbrandonStevenK, hahaha agreed10:36
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, at the moment merging it with debian10:36
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, and a few other minor things10:37
Admiral_Chicagosending things upstream?10:37
Admiral_Chicagoi reported a bug for amarok today, hopefully someone can duplicate it10:37
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, always, i work with upstream very closely, i'm even in the uber secret amarok dev channel and ML :)10:37
imbrandonits one of the main reasons i'm a core-dev :)10:38
imbrandondev / packagers mailing list10:38
Admiral_Chicagoah mailing list, spam filter anyone?10:39
Admiral_Chicagoi'm one of the three ML admins for the Chicago LoCo as of toady10:39
imbrandonyes and by invite only iirc10:39
imbrandonno this is for amarok as a whole, not ubuntu-amarok10:39
imbrandone.g the gentoo maintainers, fedora guys etc etc etc10:39
Admiral_Chicagoi got you10:39
Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon: maybe you can duplicate this bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/amarok/+bug/7158410:41
UbugtuMalone bug 71584 in amarok "on screen display lags text typing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 10:41
imbrandon:) anyhow , short answer yes i send all fixes that apply to upstream back to upstream both upstream:upstream and debian for everything i work on, including amarok10:41
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, i'm on a console only box + irssi atm but when i get back on my desktop i'll check it out, i stuck it in my ~/Desktop/TODO file10:42
imbrandoni'm stuck*10:42
StevenKWhy, did KDE break again? :-P10:43
imbrandonhahah no, upgrading my laptop to feisty10:43
Admiral_Chicagoi'm doing a talk on Ubuntu / FOSS friday, it's mostly going to be on the community and Ubuntu10:43
imbrandoni dont like to have X running when dist-upgrading10:43
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Admiral_Chicagoi'm sticking upstream / governance in there10:44
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, make sure to pimp kubuntu a bit too :)10:44
StevenKAnd it's still a 73 line patch.10:44
=== StevenK checks that the fucker still actually works.
StevenKThen I get beat upstream about the head, and file a SRU bug.10:45
Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon: i'm a kde fan boy. gnome is nice but the GUI is hard to use imho10:45
=== ezsquirt [n=bowser@vol21-1-82-224-19-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
StevenKimbrandon: So, Mr. KDE Using Person, how do I file a bug with a large bat attached?10:45
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, cool, i was just making sure you mentioned both :)10:46
imbrandonStevenK, hahaha a KDE bug?10:46
imbrandonor kubuntu ?10:46
StevenKimbrandon: Well, a bug on wlassistant.10:46
Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon: i'm doing ichthux, edubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu, kubuntu10:47
imbrandonmailbomb the maintainer? heh10:47
Admiral_Chicagodoing the whole spectrum10:47
=== StevenK twitches.
StevenKDon't tempt me.10:47
Admiral_Chicagothis is the orginal10:47
Admiral_Chicagoah sorry wrong channel10:47
imbrandoni wonder if i can make konsole start "screen bash" not just "bash" when it open &/or opens a new tab10:48
=== imbrandon looks
StevenKMultiple tabs in Konsole each running screen? *twitch*10:49
imbrandonwell mostly so i can kill X and never have to worry about what i have running in console, or if i leave on a whim unexpecdly i can ssh in and connect back to them10:50
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw8-feb6fb00-217.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Burgundaviaajmitch: ping10:50
imbrandoni hate starting a compile just to rember i forgot to start screen and have to leave or restart X10:51
StevenKBurgundavia: Apparently, he's sleeping.10:51
BurgundaviaI need a DD10:51
StevenKimbrandon: Why not one screen session?10:51
imbrandonBurgundavia, i think he just headed to bed10:51
=== StevenK hides.
imbrandonStevenK, well how would that work with multi tabs in konsole ?10:51
=== imbrandon points Burgundavia to StevenK
=== imbrandon runs
StevenKimbrandon: You know screen supports more than one shell, right?10:52
imbrandonStevenK, no , actualy i dident , i'm a very basic user of screen10:52
BurgundaviaStevenK: pm'ed you10:52
imbrandoni just know about "screen bash" ctl+a+d  and "screen -DR"10:52
imbrandonother than that nothing10:52
imbrandonStevenK, ^10:52
StevenKimbrandon: Try Ctrl-A c10:53
Admiral_Chicagoamarok crashes, kmail pops up to send a report to the amarok people, then that crashes10:53
Fujitsuimbrandon: Ctrl+A c, and Ctrl+A a.10:53
StevenKAnd Ctrl-A p and Ctrl-A n10:53
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, hahah10:53
FujitsuAnd those two.10:53
imbrandonFujitsu, StevenK, great but does me no good unless i know what they do :)10:54
StevenKimbrandon: Try Ctrl-A c10:54
imbrandonseems to do nothing10:54
Fujitsuc creates a new terminal within the screen session, a goes to the previous one or something like that. p to the previous, n to the next./10:54
imbrandonp prev / n next ?10:54
imbrandonwhat's a ?10:55
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Fujitsua switches to the one you were at last.10:55
StevenKCtrl-a a is a literal Ctrl-A10:55
imbrandonoh man, you guys fskin rock10:55
geserCtrl-a ? show the key list10:55
StevenKCtrl-A Ctrl-A on the other hand, switches to the last window you were in.10:56
=== StevenK slaps Fujitsu
FujitsuOh, yes.10:56
FujitsuI never think about it, I just do it out of habit :P10:56
Fujitsuimbrandon: That's like, the entire point of screen.10:57
geserwith Ctrl-A [0-9]  you can directly jump to the nth screen10:57
imbrandonFujitsu, not really, the whole reason i started using screen was to start a process on a box i ssh into and close the connection with the program running still10:57
imbrandonnothing more10:57
imbrandonpast that i just pick little bits up here and there10:57
imbrandonbut now i can use just one screen session10:58
imbrandonvery very cool, because i normaly had 2 or 3 going untill now10:58
StevenKimbrandon: I suggest you read the manual page.10:58
StevenKSpecifically, the "DEFAULT KEY BINDINGS" section.10:59
imbrandonyea i probably should but i figure i have been using it for 3 or 4 years without it i'm reluctant , hehehe10:59
imbrandondetach and reattach has served me well untill now10:59
imbrandonbrandon  pts/4    :pts/3:S.0       03:53   24.00s  0.18s  0.18s /bin/bash11:01
imbrandonbrandon  pts/5    :pts/3:S.1       03:59    5.00s  0.16s  0.16s /bin/bash11:01
imbrandonbrandon  pts/6    :pts/3:S.2       04:00    0.00s  0.17s  0.01s w11:01
imbrandonhahaha rock on11:01
imbrandonthanks guys11:01
=== imbrandon has a new toy/tool
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-170-251.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon: i update the bug report with screenshots11:02
geserimbrandon: you can also add some info to the status line of screen like displaying the hostname (useful if you ssh to several different boxes)11:04
imbrandonyes definately, i spend almost all my computer time ssh'd into 5 or 6 diffrent boxes ( but i normaly just pay attn to the user@host prompt )11:05
geseradd something like 'hardstatus alwayslastline "%{.bW}%-w%{.rW}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %H %{..Y} %Y-%m-%d %c "' to your .screenrc11:06
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StevenKimbrandon: Note: screen can do a whole lot of stuff. :-)11:11
Jozo-Splitting screen is also useful (C-a S).11:11
imbrandonheh i'm noticing11:11
StevenKWhat about screen -x?11:12
StevenK       -x   Attach to a not detached screen session. (Multi display mode).11:12
Jozo-and scrollback, and cut/paste ... and telnet client ... and ...11:12
imbrandonhrm if i split the screen how can i get to the other11:13
imbrandoneg from top to bottom and back11:13
Jozo-C-a tab11:13
Jozo-and C-a Q removes split11:14
imbrandonok what about closiing a split11:14
Jozo-C-a esc is scrollback11:14
imbrandonoh rock on11:15
=== imbrandon is in love
imbrandoni dont even need a WM now11:15
imbrandonwell if i could find a good cli mail app i could11:16
imbrandoni bet if i figured out how to use mutt with imap and folders i would be happy11:17
Jozo-alpine (pine with new licence and unicode support) is coming soon.11:17
imbrandonheh i used pine way back in the day just for pico ( now i use nano ( and vim at select times )11:18
imbrandonbut thats when i only got 5 mails a daya on a busy day11:18
imbrandonnow i get 800+ normaly11:18
imbrandonso .procmail and imap are my friends11:19
Jozo-imho, pine is very good imap client.11:19
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=== StevenK rebuilds wlassistant *again*.
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lutingiskard: ping12:33
LureStevenK: why do you bother with wlassistant - it will be droped from default instll in feisty12:35
StevenKLure: Then you tell all of the Kubuntu Edgy people that wlassistant won't work.12:36
StevenKLure: Go on, I *dare* you.12:36
LureStevenK: knetworkmanager does not work for them?12:36
HobbseeLure: not for static IP's, etc12:36
StevenKknetworkmanager and NetworkManager don't work for a lot of people.12:36
HobbseeLure: and not for a whole lot of crads12:37
HobbseeLure: that was why wlassistant was put in - it probably still needs to be there12:37
StevenKLure: So, by all means, tell them.12:37
LureStevenK: ok, so what is the problem that it does not work (it is pretty limited app anyway)?12:38
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HobbseeLure: yes it doesnt work for anyone.12:38
StevenKIt certainly won't work for DHCP using networks.12:39
HobbseeLure: i think, when we decided to put it in, that no one actually tested it first - or not much?  it wont connect to my network, even open (ie, not wpa)12:39
StevenKIt will work for static networks, if your default gateway doesn't reverse resolve.12:39
broonieWhat are the chances of getting a fix for https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nis/+bug/47815 into dapper?12:40
UbugtuMalone bug 47815 in nis "/usr/lib/yp/ypxfr produces segmentation fault" [Medium,Confirmed] 12:40
LureHobbsee: Tonio_ did and he was fine with it - it also worked for me in Dapper - it may be that edgy broke something12:40
StevenKI note wlassistant thinks all encrypted networks are WEP. This is stupid, but I'm not fixing that.12:40
HobbseeLure: iv'e never even been able to get it to work under dapper, either, i dont think.  but clearly the edgy version is unusable12:41
StevenKThe 6 bugs in Launchpad agrees with Hobbsee.12:42
=== StevenK notes killing NetworkManager every 4 minutes or so is oddly theraputic.
TheMusoMeh. Just use /etc/network/interfaces and bring up/down interfaces as you need them.12:51
TheMusoThats all I do. WHy bother with some magic network utility that probably won't get it right anyway.12:52
pygiLure, n-m is not mature enough, neither is linux wireless stack mature enough12:52
StevenKTheMuso: You tell you bug submitters that.12:52
Lurepygi: but n-m is planned to be default in feisty - se network-roaming spec12:52
pygiLure, that will break a lot of stuff!12:52
pygiLure, url pls?12:53
HobbseeLure: it's planned, but that doesnt mean that we have to remove all the old ways12:53
pygiLure, and anyway, giskard will bring n-m 0.7 to feisty12:53
pygibut that doesn't mean that n/m will be more mature, and especially doesnt mean wireless stack will become mature overnight12:53
pygiHobbsee, we actually have to improve old ways12:54
pygiwe'll get tons of bug reports12:54
Lurepygi: agree12:54
Hobbseepygi: indeed.  like making wlassistant work?  :P12:54
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pygiHobbsee, that as well :P12:54
Hobbseepygi: which is where this discussion started :P12:54
pygiHobbsee, ok, ok, don't eat me :P12:55
pygiso what doesn't work?12:55
=== Hobbsee eats pygi
Hobbseepygi: it doesnt work for any network that uses dhcp, it sounds like.  StevenK is fixing it12:55
Hobbsees/is fixing/has fixed/12:55
Hobbseeseeing as the majority *do*, that's kinda bad12:55
pygiHobbsee, n-m will need some heavy patching again to work for 1% of population12:56
pygiand so all wireless related packages will need12:56
Hobbseepygi: that being said, i use n-m all the time, on 2 machines, without a problem12:56
Hobbseethey all need work, but i doubt we'll be removing the stuff that does work12:57
pygiHobbsee, I understand, yes, but that's you12:57
pygiHobbsee, they work for me as well, but after manually patching and fixing icon cache problem12:57
pygiHobbsee, regular users won't bother with stuff12:57
Hobbseei mean, a few that work for a wider group of people each - that's better than one works for a group of people, and too bad for the others12:57
Hobbseepygi: what iconcache problem?12:57
Hobbseepygi: did you file a bug in n-m for that?  the solution to that is to call dh_iconcache in debian/rules12:58
pygiHobbsee, the problem is that "n-m cannot locate resource bla bla" and then it won't start12:58
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pygiHobbsee, bug is filed12:58
pygiproblem is that package doesnt work everytime12:58
pygi(postinst that is)12:58
pygiand that happens to a lot of people12:59
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Hobbseeit certainly needs work12:59
pygiHobbsee, I'm gonna call for some testing of 0.6.4 in Feisty, so we get some feedback01:00
pygithis can be a serious mess if we don't put some extra work into it01:00
pygiHobbsee, and I think I'm still subscribed to all n-m bugs01:01
pygiHobbsee, what other packages you want me to follow?01:01
StevenKHah, I tested 0.6.4 in *Edgy* and didn't get past Keybuk.01:01
Hobbseepygi: sounds good.  are you meaning in kubuntu-land?01:02
pygiHobbsee, all...kubuntu and ubuntu01:02
Hobbseepygi: kdebase.  and kdelibs. you knew i was going to say that, didnt you :P01:02
Hobbseebut mostly kdebase01:02
pygiofcourse I did, lol :P01:02
pygiHobbsee, isn't your first time you are saying this :P01:03
Hobbseepygi: hmmm?  no, probably not01:03
pygiHobbsee, as soon as I'm back from uni (I'm late anyway :P) we can assemble a call for testing all wireless thingies in existance in feisty ^_^01:04
Hobbseepygi: sure, but probably better to do that at a meeting.  and no sane person is running feisty anyway01:04
gnomefreakHobbsee: im sane01:04
pygiHobbsee, who says that? :P01:04
Hobbseepygi: i do.01:05
pygiHobbsee, and what's wrong with being insane? :P01:05
Hobbseepygi: and most other people01:05
StevenK[20:43]  < imbrandon> hahah no, upgrading my laptop to feisty01:05
StevenKOh look, Hobbsee is right.01:05
Hobbseepygi: nothing at all - i hear people enjoy every minute of it01:05
=== gnomefreak been on feisty
Hobbseegnomefreak: yes, well01:05
=== Hobbsee should try it, sometime after the merges
StevenKHobbsee: Noo, stay good!01:05
Hobbseewhy should i?01:06
gnomefreakother than a few bugs its ok for now im sure that will change soon01:06
Hobbseegnomefreak: clearly they havent started merging X?01:08
StevenKHrm. I wonder if Xorg 7.2 is out yet01:08
gnomefreaknvidia was a little weird though. installing 2.6.19 i had to remove and install nvidia-glx to get it to work other than that i havent seen anything big yet. dbus has an issue (had) not sure if its still an issue01:09
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animimotuswhy can I find keypassx in Universe ?01:13
animimotuslike said here http://keepassx.sourceforge.net/downloads/01:13
animimotusoops, keepassx ? oO01:13
animimotuslol, I test01:13
animimotusarf it's ok ^^01:14
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animimotusplease, someone can make a good deb pour having the french traduction for Quanta+ ?01:53
animimotusor a dependance01:54
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zakamehmm is feisty following deian's lead on the python-deps transition now? (python-policy thing)01:55
animimotusGloubiboulga, someone ? ;)01:56
gnomefreakzakame: that was done in edgy i thought01:56
gnomefreakunless theres another change in the policy01:56
zakamegnomefreak: just asking since I'm doing some merges01:56
Hobbseezakame: edgy did02:00
zakameHobbsee: oh k, trying a gr-wxgui build now, although I suspect it just needs a sync02:01
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Hobbseehey zul02:52
zulhey Hobbsee how is it gong?02:52
Hobbseezul: good, and yourself?02:52
zulgood a bit tired02:52
zulfirst day back at work you know how it is...02:53
Hobbseeah yes02:55
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chillywi1lyanyone know anything about the problem where gnome-keyring-manager sucks all available RAM + swap and then the OS is forced to kill it?03:33
chillywi1lyit's really annoying03:33
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joejaxxdid someone ping me?04:05
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KyralHey guys I know I don't package anymore, but whats the packaging policy for RubyGems?04:24
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bersaceHi all04:54
bersacehow to request an update of a package for a new upstream release ?04:54
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bersacezul: with a bug ?04:55
bersaceis it possible to autoupdate a package for each release04:58
bersacelaunchpad seems to be able to watch new upstream release of a product04:58
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zakamewhat again is the right process for requesting a sync?05:06
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bddebianHeya gang05:39
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zakameyo bddebian06:07
zakamewhat again is the right process for requesting a sync?06:07
bddebianHeya zakame06:08
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fernandoajmitch: moin06:33
dooglus!info ntp | Murrlin06:35
ubotuntp: Network Time Protocol: network utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2.0a+stable-9ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 464 kB06:35
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Sp4rKyhi motus06:54
Sp4rKyplease, i've an "out of the box" question06:54
Sp4rKyif i've 2 repo in my sources.list with the same packages (& same version)06:55
Sp4rKyhow apt select the mirror for download ?06:55
LaserJockit looks at the versions of the packages and picks the higher version06:58
LaserJockunless you specifically tell it otherwise06:58
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bhalehe said same version06:58
bhaleit is a pretty obscure question you would probably get the best answer by trying it06:59
Sp4rKyi've try06:59
LaserJockoh, sorry06:59
Sp4rKyi'd switch the order of 2 mirrors in the sources.list, apt-get remove onepackage && apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install thepackage06:59
Sp4rKyand apt got the package from the same server twice07:00
LaserJockso is this really true that Sun GPL'd Java?07:00
Sp4rKyi think07:01
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apokryphosyes, see slashdot07:03
bhaleslashdot has been reporting it for weeks07:03
bhaleis not automatically credible07:03
bhalebut the Associated Press doesn't make up quotes from company execs most of the tiem07:04
LaserJockI just read the Sun announcement07:05
LaserJocknot that it makes much sense to me07:05
Tonio_hello dudes07:05
ajmitchhi Tonio_07:06
zulLaserJock: what you dont want to help the next chapter in history? ;)07:06
LaserJockzul: hmm?07:07
zuli was looking at the marketing crud07:07
Burgworkit is all over sun.com, so I would say so07:07
Burgworkapparently RMS was introduced with the words "open source"07:07
bhaleoh jeez07:08
ajmitchdid he walk off?07:08
bhalei wish he'd get over himtself07:08
bhalefor code he wrote in the 80s07:08
LaserJockzul: haha07:08
zulhttp://www.stallman.org/harry-potter.html *sigh*07:09
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LaserJockthat one is interesting07:14
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zuloh even better07:25
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ajmitchzul: such an interesting person07:28
zulexactly...hey ajmitch how was the flight?07:29
ajmitchlong, boring, uneventful07:29
LaserJockI'm sort of surprised he talked to the Sun people about Java07:29
zulheh better than mine07:29
ajmitchas expected07:29
ajmitchwhy, how was yours?07:29
zulwell lets see the flight from chicago to ottawa sucked, the flight was 2 hours late, it was overbooked, the toilet didnt work, and they changed the gate 3 times07:30
zuli didnt get out of the airport in ottawa until 1 in the morning07:30
ajmitchworst I had was a 45 minute delay from auckland->christchurch07:31
ajmitchwhich just meant that I was waiting around for 45 min in auckland airport instead of in christchurch07:31
ajmitchgave me a chance to get some breakfast07:31
LaserJockBarry's nick change07:48
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ajmitchslightly strange07:49
bhalehe's a nut, what can you do07:50
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=== bddebian gets no love
LaserJockgotta love bug reports that end with "I can't test anymore because I compiled it myself and don't use the packaged version anymore"07:53
bhaleor "i removed beagle"07:54
bhalebut that is just on irc, you dont get a bug07:54
LaserJockoh man, that's worse then bddebian's nick change07:56
bhalei dont even know who that is07:57
LaserJockawesome, this is the best bug report ever. The entire description is: "n.a"07:57
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Admiral_ChicagoLaserJock: my nick was awesome08:02
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LaserJockhmmm, irc.gnome.org's got to use a port other then 666708:07
crimsunask imbrandon for a shell, run irssi in passwd-protected proxy mode, and use an ssh tunnel08:10
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LaserJockcrimsun: ohhhh08:13
LaserJockcrimsun: I don't quite understand how it works but I'll look into it later08:16
LaserJockirssi runs on both the machine acting as a proxy and the local machine?08:17
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rglI want to have a newer version of web/trac, what is the correct way to push the changes to the ubuntu repository?08:21
LaserJockrgl: newer in what release of Ubuntu?08:22
rglLaserJock, any?08:22
rglLaserJock, the upgrade is only viable to feisty?08:23
LaserJockrgl: if the version you want is in Debian then it'll get synced08:23
LaserJockonce it's in Feisty you can perhaps request a backport to Edgy08:23
rglLaserJock, it is.  but the question is "when" :D08:24
LaserJockit is in Debian?08:24
rglLaserJock, yes.  its at http://packages.debian.org/testing/web/trac08:24
LaserJockthen it should be in Feisty when the sync is done08:24
ajmitchfeisty has that version already08:25
rglajmitch, why it doesn't show up at http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=trac ?08:25
ajmitchbecause that site isn't always up to date08:25
rglah ok08:26
rglhow can I backport it to edgy?  I mean, how can I setup apt to download the sources from the feisty repo?08:27
zuli dont think you want to do that quite just yet08:27
rglI want 0.10 now :D08:28
rglwhy shouldn't I zul ?08:28
zulbecause fiesty just opened but what do i know08:29
zuland it might break at some point08:29
rglI just need some help to setup apt to download the source package from fiesty :D08:29
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LaserJockrgl: just get it manually08:31
minghuargl: then go ask in #ubuntu, not here, it's simple, just modify /etc/apt/sources.list and do apt-get source08:31
LaserJockit's not worth tweaking apt for one package08:31
rglah ok thx08:31
minghuaLaserJock: IMO it's relatively safe if you know what you do, since you only need the deb-src line08:32
LaserJockyeah, but for 1 package?08:32
zulit would be easier to go to the archive and download it from there08:33
minghuazul: yes, agreed08:33
zulof course you would still have to know what you are doing08:34
minghuaLaserJock: I just don't really think it counts as "tweaking" :-)  never said it will be worth it. :-P08:34
LaserJockah, well08:34
LaserJockso apparently the sun people are having a little Java chat in #open-source-java on oftc if anybody is interested08:37
minghuacool, thanks LaserJock08:39
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minghuad'oh.  typed /quit instead of /part08:40
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ajmitchin the last few years, sun has managed to open up a reasonable amount of code08:48
ajmitchwith OOo & now java08:48
bhalemore than most08:48
ajmitcheven their niagara cpu designs08:48
ajmitchwhich admittedly are less useful than straight software08:48
=== plugwash is guessing that you'd need a blooody big fpga to synthisize them onto
plugwashcpus are one area where off the shelf makes far more sense than roll your own08:50
=== minghua didn't know roll-your-own cpu is possible :-(
=== rgl has build trac 0.10.2 :D
bhalergl: does that support bzr yet08:54
rglbhale, I've just used subversion and mercurial (you have to install a repo plugin)08:55
bhalewell before you needed a patch and a plugin08:56
bhalejust a plugin would be fine08:56
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bhaleajmitch: how uninformative09:08
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Q-FUNKjava is a good blend of coffee.  otherwise... argh!09:10
nixternal+1 Q-FUNK! ;)09:11
nixternalcolombian java, not sun java09:11
LaserJockwell, there are quite a few nice Java apps out there, it'd be nice to be able to put them in Universe at some point09:12
bhaleLaserJock++, i guess09:13
LaserJockthere are some really nice chemistry apps, at least 4 or 5. All GPL'd I think. But they only work with Sun's Java I think09:13
LaserJockhmm, too many "I think"s in there09:14
minghuaI can count Jmol and JabRef as things I would like to see in Debian main / Ubuntu universe09:16
Q-FUNKsun is finally coming to terms with the GPL09:19
Q-FUNKabout 10 years too late09:19
Q-FUNKtoo bad09:19
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tenshuhi all09:32
tenshui have a problem with the upload to revu it tell me by mail that "Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution."09:33
tenshuwhy that?09:33
tenshu(i have an launchpad acount, i'm in the contributors team)09:33
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gesergot your key synced to revu?09:34
tenshudunno it syncing every day/week?09:35
geserafaik only on request09:35
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geserask the revu admins to get it synced09:35
tenshuwell so should i requesto to keyring@tiber.tauware.de ?09:35
minghuatenshu: when did you put you key to the list?09:36
minghuas/you key/your key/09:36
ajmitchtenshu: also make sure that you're uploading to revu, not ubuntu09:36
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tenshui'll check this09:36
tenshuok my mistake, the host was set on ubuntu09:39
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Adri2000can someone explain me what are debian/dirs and debian/<package>.dirs files and what should they be used for?09:52
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ajmitchAdri2000: dh_installdirs09:53
ajmitchit sets up directories you may need09:54
Adri2000it's the same as a mkdir in debian/rules?09:54
LaserJockjust easier to use, IMO09:55
LaserJockdebian/dirs is used when the source package on produces 1 binary09:55
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LaserJockdebian/<package>.dirs is used when the source package produces more then 1 binary so you can specify which package get the dir09:55
TheMusoWow. Java GPLd.09:56
Adri2000LaserJock: ok09:56
tenshuthanks to all of you and motu-fr team, my first 2 packages are now in REVU =)09:56
minghuathe main advantage of dh_installdirs over mkdir, IMO, is that your debian/rules is much cleaner why you need to create directories for multiple binary packages10:06
minghuas/IMO/it seems to me/10:06
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jdongany good guides on packaging apps that are written in python (and include a python package/library)?10:12
mr_pouitjdong: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy ?10:13
jdongmr_pouit: ok, will take a look10:15
jdongdoes the python module have to be split into a separate debian package?10:17
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Adri2000!info briquolo10:19
ubotubriquolo: 3D BreakOut clone. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1540 kB, installed size 4260 kB10:19
siretartjdong: it depends on the case. it doesn't make sense for every package10:20
Adri2000briquolo is now in debian, the ubuntu package will be automatically replaced by the debian one?10:20
jdongsiretart: I'm trying to package tovid as a learning experience...10:20
bhaleif there is an ubuntuX version there is not automatic overwrite10:20
Adri2000it's a 0ubuntuX10:21
jdongsiretart: it has a libtovid, which it uses in its python scripts... AFAIK no other app uses its library10:21
siretartAdri2000: if you want it to be overwritten, you need to request a sync manually. further updates in debian will be autosynced then, though10:21
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siretartjdong: splitting packages makes sense when you want to save archive space, because large parts are architecture independent, or you want to save lots of dependencies from the user. Or space for stuff he probably doesn't want10:22
jdongsiretart: ok, well in this case I guess it doesn't make sense to split the package at all10:23
jdongit's all architecture independent, and one part is useless without the other10:23
Adri2000siretart: ok, I will request a sync, the debian package is better, first the 5M data files are separated, and I think it will fix one bug reported in launchpad10:23
siretartjdong: yeah, sounds sane10:24
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minghuaAdri2000: there may be upgrade path you need to consider10:35
LaserJockminghua: hehe, who cares about upgrade paths?10:35
minghuabut honestly I am not so sure what the stand is about universe package upgradeability these days10:36
ajmitchit must be upgradeable or else10:36
siretarta bug is a bug is a bug10:36
minghuaLaserJock: I, as a (relatively) long time Debian user, cares about it a lot10:36
ajmitchsince a single universe breakage can cause update-manager to fail10:36
siretartwhich is imo a bug as well10:36
LaserJockajmitch: isn't that a bit of a bug itself?10:36
Adri2000mhhh maybe I can request the sync and then if I see that the upgrade fails upload an ubuntuX to fix?10:37
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minghuaDoes a sync request still need to be acked by an MOTU?10:43
LaserJockI believe so10:43
minghuathen Adri2000, are you an MOTU?10:44
Adri2000minghua: no, not yet ^^10:44
minghuaI myself won't request a sync unless I tested the upgrade path10:44
Adri2000I have just built the debs10:44
Adri2000I will try to install them10:45
minghuabut you may find some other MOTU who agrees with you "sync first, test upgrade path" approach :-)10:45
Adri2000but is it possible to take a debian package, patch it for ubuntu and upload it (if the debian package is not yet in ubuntu)? I thought it was better to sync first10:47
minghuaAdri2000: are you talking about briquolo or not?  you just said it's already in ubuntu, but with different packaging10:48
Adri2000yep, but the debian package is different of the ubuntu one, at least because it has a -data package10:49
minghuaand for the general question -- if the debian package doesn't build / doesn't install on ubuntu, then there is no point to sync it first, just patch and upload10:49
Adri2000err, you said it was different, /me should read the end also10:49
minghuaAdri2000: that's the upgrade path I am talking about10:49
Adri2000ok ok10:50
minghuaand why many people here encourage people who what to add software in ubuntu to try getting it in Debian first10:50
minghuaAdri2000: in any case I think contacting the ubuntu briquolo uploader/maintainer first is a good idea10:51
Adri2000no problem during the installation of the debs (having the ubuntu package installed)10:52
Adri2000yep, ping Tonio_10:52
Adri2000minghua: seems that a fix is needed for briquolo, the .desktop file doesn't work11:02
Adri2000it is installed in /usr/share/games/applications/ o_O11:03
Tonio_Adri2000: pong11:03
Adri2000hi Tonio_11:03
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Tonio_yop ;)11:03
Adri2000it's about briquolo11:03
Adri2000debian has a package11:03
Tonio_we also have a package11:04
Tonio_what is the problem ?11:04
Adri2000because it's better to use the same package as in debian?11:05
Adri2000for this kind of package11:05
Tonio_Adri2000: yes it is but when I packaged it there was no debian package11:05
Tonio_now debian maintains it, it'll be sync with debian11:05
Tonio_no problem at this point11:05
Adri2000ok, you agree with that11:06
Tonio_the point is I didn't get the package to ubuntu right11:06
Tonio_into debian sorry11:06
Adri2000and someone else did11:06
Tonio_yep and that duplicates, which is not good11:06
Tonio_but well where is the fault ?11:07
Tonio_should I package for debian instead of ubuntu or should debian packagers get a look at ubuntu before packaging from scratch ?11:07
Tonio_I think the second option is better11:07
fdovingas ubuntu use debian as a base, and not the other way around, the first is better for both. :)11:08
Tonio_fdoving: technically yes, but not "politically"11:08
Adri2000but maybe it's not easier to maintain a package in debian than uploading a package to revu11:08
Tonio_not in my opinion at least11:08
Tonio_I merge all my patches with upstream and I work close to the kde-extras debian packaging team11:09
Tonio_but if the goal is to get the packages in debian in the first place, what is the need of revu then ?11:10
Adri2000anyway, Tonio_, seems that the debian package needs a fix for the desktop file (and maybe something(s) else, I haven't looked at everything yet), can I take care of that?11:10
Tonio_Adri2000: sure11:10
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Tonio_Adri2000: my package has a patch for the desktop file11:10
Tonio_all my packages have since upstream desktop files are generally incomplete11:11
Adri2000a patch for what exactly?11:11
Adri2000because the problem here is that the .desktop file is installed in /usr/share/games/applications/11:11
Tonio_Adri2000: correct category, description etc...11:11
Tonio_nite fdoving11:11
Adri2000ok, not the same problem11:11
Tonio_Adri2000: what is your issue then ?11:11
Adri2000it doesn't appear in the menu11:12
Adri2000and I don't see anything else in this directory11:12
Tonio_Adri2000: hum sorry no this package doesn't have a patch from me11:12
Tonio_I got them merged with upstream so I removed it11:12
Tonio_Adri2000: really ?11:12
Adri2000yeah, I don't know if this directory works in debian or if it's a mistake11:13
Tonio_let me have a look11:13
Tonio_Adri2000: the default desktop file works for me11:14
Tonio_misses an icon though11:14
Tonio_but I can see it in the menus11:14
Adri2000in the package from debian?11:14
Tonio_Adri2000: tried to run kbuildsycoca11:14
Tonio_Adri2000: no the ubuntu package, but it is default11:14
Adri2000I'm talking of the package from debian :p11:15
Tonio_I don't touch anything on that point11:15
Tonio_Adri2000: yes but there shouldn't ve any difference11:15
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Tonio_Adri2000: where is installed the desktop file in your case ?11:16
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Tonio_Adri2000: /usr/share/applications/briquolo.desktop11:18
Tonio_that's what I have11:18
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Adri2000Tonio_: I think the difference is here in the package from debian:11:18
Tonio_and that's the default in the build system11:18
Tonio_Adri2000: yes there is the problem$11:18
Adri2000your package isn't installed in the games/ directory?11:18
Tonio_Adri2000: nope11:19
Tonio_it is installed as a "normal" application11:19
Tonio_all files go to their standard directorys (/usr/bin /usr/share etc...)11:20
Adri2000ok, that's the difference with the package from debian :) I will fix the location of the .desktop file and I think it will be ok11:20
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Tonio_Adri2000: yup11:21
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imbrandonmoins all12:01
LaserJockhi imbrandon12:02
imbrandonheya LaserJock12:02
luisbghey LaserJock12:03
imbrandonLaserJock: did i give you the horatio login info ?12:04
LaserJockimbrandon: yep12:04
imbrandonLaserJock, kk, couldent rember12:05
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