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Whoopiemjg59: Hi, is LZF compression enabled in the uswsusp edgy package?11:23
Whoopieok, thanks.11:24
Whoopieworks fine here.11:24
Whoopieand it's really fast, so I needed to ask if LZF was the reason.11:27
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Qbi-JensHi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 6.10 on a Thinkpad X60s.06:37
Qbi-JensIt was an external USB-DVD-Drive06:37
Qbi-Jensafter the usbcore module is loaded the drive is regocnized06:38
Qbi-JensBut when trying to access the CD I get buffer I/O errors06:38
Qbi-JensThe CD seems to be correct because it works at another computer.06:39
Qbi-JensI tried another Live-CD and had the same problems. This CD ha d an option 'scandelay' which solved the problem.06:39
Qbi-JensUups, forget it. I booted while I'm writing it and after two minutes of errors the CD finally seems to start. :-)06:41
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