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aileancan anyone tell me how to submit changes to source for approval?12:53
crimsunwhat sort of changes to source, and for whom?12:54
aileanmainly typos to start with, i'm just starting out12:54
aileanfor ubuntu12:54
minghuaailean: usually opening a bug in LP would work12:55
Sp4rKyailean: change in the source of a programme ?12:56
aileanminghua, opening a bug isn't fixing it though12:56
aileanSp4rKy, yes12:56
Sp4rKyif this , you have to send you patch to upstream12:56
aileanSp4rKy, any guides to that?12:56
minghuaailean: sure, but pasting your patch in the bug report has a good chance to fix it12:56
Sp4rKyailean: nop12:56
Sp4rKyailean: if you software is in ubuntu repository, you have to open a bug at lp12:57
crimsunailean: did you ``apt-get source foo''?12:57
aileanSp4rKy, i'm looking at trying to fix the already open bugs12:57
Sp4rKyand if you've made some diff/patch, you have to send them to upstream12:57
Sp4rKyand wait for upstream fix12:57
Sp4rKyailean: k, so i you fix something12:58
Sp4rKypost the patch on lp, and mail it to the maintainer of the package and to upstream12:58
aileanok, cool12:58
Sp4rKycrimsun: i'm right with the way for fix bugs ?01:00
crimsunprocess-wise, essentially.01:00
crimsunI was under the impression that ailean was asking about how to generate a debdiff, but perhaps I misinterpreted the question01:00
=== lupine_85 is waiting on a fix to be commited to a package
Sp4rKycrimsun: mhhh, maybe ...01:01
Sp4rKydon't know01:01
crimsunlupine_85: LP #?01:01
=== lupine_85 hunts
UbugtuMalone bug 68454 in rutilt "rutilt_0.12-0ubuntu1 fails to build on Ubuntu's build servers..." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 01:02
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lupine_85It's just bypassing some really stupid checks in the configure.sh01:03
lupine_85 /really, really/ stupid checks01:04
rmjbis there a vmware or xen image of feisty available to test the functioning of packages? I already have the pbuilder for feisty01:06
joejaxxrmjb: how do you have a pbuilder for feisty?01:07
pygijoejaxx, he just installs debootstrap from feisty? :P01:07
joejaxxlast time i checked here was not a bootstrap script for feisty01:07
rmjbit came out last week01:08
joejaxxrmjb: i know about pbuilder :)01:08
crimsunthat comment for the second comment inspires such confidence01:08
crimsun"This patch bumps to -ubuntu2 version and fixes the problem (I think)"01:08
rmjbon the end it describes how to have multiple pbuilders installed01:08
joejaxxrmjb: i know how to use pbuilder01:08
joejaxxi was just saying01:08
pygijoejaxx, just install deboostrap from feisty :P01:08
joejaxxlast time i tried to bootstrap feisty01:09
jdongjoejaxx: backport debootstrap01:09
crimsunlupine_85: does it actually fix the problem in an sbuild?01:09
joejaxxthere was not a script for it01:09
lupine_85crimsun: yes01:09
joejaxxjdong: maybe i should do that01:09
jdongjoejaxx: you need deboostrap from feisty... :)01:09
joejaxxjdong:  i will backport it01:09
crimsunlupine_85: got the sbuild log conveniently?01:09
=== crimsun removes his "backport" highlight
joejaxxthat higlights your client?01:10
lupine_85oh, sbuild != "source build" as in a generic thing, it's a program. Sorry, no idea if it does that01:11
crimsunI have a highlight for each LP team01:11
joejaxxoh wow01:11
lupine_85and trying to install it brings up exim dependencies? wtf?01:11
joejaxxsomeone on feisty01:11
joejaxxcan someone tar the debootstrap source01:12
crimsunlupine_85: yes, due to the "exim4 | mail-transport-agent" alternative01:12
rmjbso... is there a xen or vmware image for feisty for testing?01:12
crimsunjoejaxx: just install feisty's debootstrap01:12
joejaxxoh nevermind i can get it from the web01:12
rmjbjoejaxx: get the feisty debootstrap here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot01:12
joejaxxrmjb: i know what debootstrap is01:13
imbrandonjoejaxx, or dget the dsc :)01:13
joejaxximbrandon: :)01:13
rmjbjoejaxx: on that page there's links to the debootstrap for the different versions of ubuntu... they're all there01:13
jdongjoejaxx: why do you need tarring at all?01:14
jdongjoejaxx: use packages.ubuntu.com/debootstrap to find the .dsc01:14
jdongand dpkg-buildpackage it01:14
joejaxxrmjb: i need the source not the actual debs01:14
joejaxxjdong: that is what i am going to do01:14
joejaxx16:12 < joejaxx> oh nevermind i can get it from the web01:14
lupine_85crimsun: ah, so it's my fault? :D. regardless, i'm certain that this patch fixes the problem (which was that the kernel sources for the old kernel running on the build machines wasn't getting it's sources/headers installed)01:15
crimsunlupine_85: "fault" has nothing to do with it01:15
lupine_85i.e. I have the wrong mail transport agent set on my computer01:16
joejaxxjdong: after i backport it where can i submit it for edgy backport?01:18
jdongjoejaxx: launchpad/products/edgy-backports01:18
lupine_85crimsun: hmm, however, running it in sbuild wouldn't give any useful info as to whether it'll work on the build PCs or not, though01:19
jdongjoejaxx: I was considering that backport for a short while now01:19
joejaxxso i just attach the source with the bug?01:19
jdongno need to attach the source01:19
crimsunlupine_85: if you attempt to replicate the environment, it should01:20
jdongjust file a bug that you want Feisty debootstrap01:20
jdongand saying that you've tested it in edgy helps too in this case01:20
lupine_85to replicate that environment, I'd need to switch my running kernel to
joejaxxoh that is the purpose of me backporting it01:20
jdongin fact, I'll approve the backport as soon as you file it... :)01:20
crimsunlupine_85: vm image01:20
joejaxxjdong: ok01:20
jdongI've been using feisty debootstrap in Edgy for a while now01:20
joejaxxjdong: does the version stay the same or do i increment it01:21
jdongjoejaxx: you decrement it01:21
joejaxxoh ok01:21
jdongjoejaxx: using ~yourname101:21
joejaxxubuntu7 then01:21
jdongthe ~ operator makes the version number less than a version without ~01:22
joejaxxthis should be interesing01:22
joejaxxjdong: i see01:22
joejaxxwell hold on let me just restore my key on this computer so i can sign the package01:22
jdongwhy are you signing the package?01:22
jdongI don't want to see your package?01:22
jdong(wow that sounded wrong...)01:22
jdongI'll take your word for it that it builds and works01:23
joejaxxjdong: good practise01:23
jdongmainly because I've already tried it01:23
=== jdong updates his feisty prevu environment
=== lupine_85 scratches his head at getting vmware working on his PC
joejaxxlupine_85: on edgy?01:24
lupine_85yeah, but not normal edgy01:24
lupine_8532bit userland, 64bit kernel01:25
jdonglupine_85: what on earth?01:25
lupine_85it's useful for jumping in and out of 64bit chroots01:25
jdonglupine_85: I don't think you can compile 64-bit kernel modules with a 32-bit gcc?01:25
lupine_85I usually work in 32 bits01:25
jdonglupine_85: find a way to get 64-bit gcc to run then :D01:26
lupine_85that's what my 64 bit chroots do (/lib/modules/`uname -r` is linked to my 64-bit chroot)01:26
jdonglike a 64-bit chroot01:26
lupine_85I can run gcc in 64 bits, but I can't run vmware-config.pl because it's no in the chroot ;)01:26
lupine_85yeah. maybe qemu will be my friend.01:27
lupine_85the hardships I've gone through for this package...01:30
=== crimsun chuckles
crimsununtil you lose a week of sleep the week of a release working on one package, I think "hardships" is something out of a book :-P01:31
lupine_852 days of sleep?01:31
crimsuntry 601:31
lupine_85the nights just before UVF01:31
crimsunsee breezy's vlc01:31
enycI wonder if fiesty's multiverse will come frem debian 'testing' or 'unstable'01:32
lupine_85argh, silly GUI installer01:32
crimsunenyc: unstable where applicable01:33
enyccrimsun: ??where applicable??01:33
enyccrimsun: explain ;-)01:33
enycerm actuallf I meant universe01:33
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enycnot multiverse01:33
crimsunyes. ones that aren't in it (either because of removals or because of a different origin) can't come from unstable.01:34
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enyccrimsun: i see.. so are built as ubuntu-only pkg01:34
crimsunyes, sometimes causing much weeping and gnashing of teeth01:34
enyccrimsun: ??01:34
enyccrimsun:lots of problems there?01:35
crimsunenyc: generally, no01:35
enyccrimsun: what sorts of things happen?01:35
lupine_85...only DVD-sized ISOs available...?01:35
crimsunwe hand-merge the problem ones01:35
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enyccrimsun: i wondr what causes problems ;-)01:35
lupine_85thank Mercury for 800KB/sec downloads :)01:37
=== lupine_85 wonders if using the GUI installer would have been faster
joejaxxyeap it works01:43
=== joejaxx goes to file bug
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lupine_85nope, alternate install cd will be faster... 3 minutes to go before it's downloaded, and i'm not even into the GUI's desktop yet01:49
joejaxxBug #7171601:49
UbugtuMalone bug 71716 in edgy-backports "Request: To backport Debootstrap to Edgy" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7171601:49
joejaxxjdong: ^01:50
joejaxxbbl dinner01:50
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lupine_85meh. bedtime. I'll fix0r it tomorrow sometime01:55
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rmjbwill gpl java make it into feisty?02:02
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rmjbwill it make it into edgy?02:02
Burgworkrmjb: depends on when we get a buildable version02:02
Burgworkand no02:02
Burgworkunless somebody backports it02:02
rmjbwill that mean it's the end of gcj?? or that still has value?02:02
pygiBurgwork, complete java will be open sourced at end of march, next year if I'm not mistaken02:03
Burgworkrmjb: that is a question that nobody really knows right now02:03
minghuaI think for now the question is which one, feisty or GPLed Java, will be released first02:05
pygiminghua, presumably Java02:06
Burgworkdepends on how fast Sun gets it out there02:06
Burgworkit is likely to miss SUSE 10.2  (due in Dec) and FC7 (Due in march)02:06
minghuapygi: yes, that comment was kind of tongue-in-the-cheek02:06
rmjbwonder if/how this hurts mono02:08
pygirmjb, the novell & ms might cause mono a pain02:09
pyginot the java itself02:09
rmjbwell for java to hurt mono it'll have to get wider desktop adoption, not just on linux... sure it'll be in most desktop distros in a year, but not in Vista... maybe not Mac... only time will tell though02:10
rmjbbut it's fun to speculate02:10
LaserJockhmm, I hadn't thought of java and mono as being competitors02:14
rmjbwell .NET is supposed to be a Java killer02:18
pygirmjb, not really02:19
pygiMS doesn't see a threat in Java(at least they say so)02:19
rmjbwell... it *was* supposed to be02:20
pygiright :P02:20
jdongheh, python takes this whole "floor division" thing too literally :D02:23
jdongit is actually floor division, not divide-and-truncate02:23
joejaxxis ther ea way to see all the bugs i have submitted?02:26
joejaxxonly that back port one i submitted came up02:26
joejaxxi have submitted bugs before02:26
minghuajoejaxx: go to your LP page, click on bugs, then click on submitted02:27
joejaxxi am on the reported page right now02:27
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joejaxxbut it only shows that bp bug02:27
joejaxxfor example02:28
joejaxxi submitted a bug about the usb device permissions02:28
joejaxxon dappaer02:28
joejaxxthat does not show up02:28
minghuahave the bug number?02:29
joejaxxno i do not  :\02:29
minghuapackage name?02:29
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096715969.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxi can probably loko for it02:29
minghuaI have a suspicion that you used two different LP ids02:30
joejaxxminghua: how whould that have happened?02:30
minghuausing two emails, for example02:30
minghuas/emails/email addresses/02:31
joejaxxi have always used the same email02:31
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joejaxxminghua: i was also subscribed to a fluxbox0.9>1.0rc2 sync bug02:36
joejaxxthat does not come up02:36
joejaxxBug #102:40
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ubuntu-meta "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/102:40
joejaxxthat is funny02:40
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minghuajoejaxx: you mean bug 62120?02:42
UbugtuMalone bug 62120 in fluxbox "Please sync fluxbox (universe) from Debian experimental (main)" [Undecided,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6212002:42
joejaxxahh yes02:43
joejaxxi was subscribed to that02:43
joejaxxbecause i was going to package fluxbox 1.0rc202:43
joejaxxbut found out someone requested sync02:43
minghuajoejaxx: that doesn't show up because it's fixed02:43
joejaxxis there no way to show bugs i have submitted even if they were fixed?02:44
minghuajoejaxx: to show all bugs you're subscribed, click the "advanced search", choose all status, then click search again02:44
minghua(maybe some LP guru know a better solution)02:44
minghuabut I do what I can to navigate through LP labyrinth :-P02:45
joejaxxit comes up :D02:46
joejaxxminghua: thanks02:46
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joejaxxminghua: wow i feel stupid02:49
joejaxxi had tha bug right on my wiki page haha02:49
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LaserJockthere's an internet cafe here that has an 80 seat gaming lab03:49
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096715969.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jdongwould a freeload-wifi script be multiverse material? :D03:53
jdongor acceptable in the Ubuntu repos at all? :D03:53
crimsundepends on the license03:54
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Simon80lol, freeload-wifi?03:56
Simon80of your own creation?03:56
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jdongmy own creation03:57
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jdongI'd license it however... GPL most likely03:57
Simon80the point of which is to connect to open access points?03:57
Simon80I'm just asking out of curiosity, by the way03:58
Simon80though, i think for that sort of connecting, networkmanager or ifplugd can do it03:58
jdongwell, it's an automatic script that performs the steal-a-MAC-and-IP hack to get on Wayport access points03:58
Simon80ok, cooler sounding03:58
jdongSimon80: the pay system that hotels and airports use?03:58
jdongthe DHCP, then get stuck in a portal system?03:59
superm1steal a mac as in sniff for a mac in use and set your interface to it?03:59
jdongsuperm1: something like that ;-)03:59
jdonggood old ngrep, nmap03:59
Simon80sounds illegal ;)03:59
superm1hehe, i've gotten online at an airport that way twice03:59
joejaxxany kernel hackers here?03:59
jdongSimon80: so? aircrack-ng is "illegal" :)03:59
superm1you have to battle with the person who really has that mac for a little bit though until you win and get to use it03:59
Simon80no, just the method of use03:59
crimsunjoejaxx: a few.03:59
jdongsuperm1: yeah, I do it so often that I have scripted it03:59
Simon80not the app itself... shouldn't be at least, you never know in the US04:00
jdongerr, I mean I'm hired to AUDIT wayport systems so often....04:00
superm1hehe lol04:00
jdongSimon80: ain't that the truth? ;-)04:00
joejaxxcrimsun: i am going to need some for fluxbuntu04:00
crimsun"need some"?04:00
superm1well if you dont get this in multiverse, i'd like to take a peak at it at some point either way :)04:00
joejaxxin the upcoming weeks04:00
joejaxxcrimsun: kernel hackers04:00
jdongsuperm1: it's in the works right now04:00
crimsunjoejaxx: you don't just randomly call upon kernel hackers on your convenience04:00
Simon80ain't what the truth? what I said about the code legality?04:00
joejaxxcrimsun: i know04:00
jdongSimon80: the in the US comment :D04:00
joejaxxi mean i am going to need their help04:01
crimsunjoejaxx: can you be more precise?04:01
Simon80ok, hehe04:01
Simon80I choose you, kernelhackachu04:01
jdongjust don't shoot lightning bolts04:01
joejaxxcrimsun: i am going to need to have a cell processor supported kernel built04:01
jdongso... what is the policy on universe/multiverse and stuff like this?04:01
jdongclearly I gotta think of a good legal way of describing it04:01
Simon80my kernelhackachu shoots bolts of pure information04:01
joejaxxi think cell processors were added some times ago to upstream if i am not mistaken04:01
jdongbut other than that....04:01
crimsunjoejaxx: you don't need kernel hackers for that; you need to integrate what has been done upstream.04:01
crimsunjoejaxx: right, much of the work exists already04:02
Simon80jdong: I don't think it matters what the app is for, it probably can be in universe04:02
Simon80rather than multiverse04:02
jdonghehe :)04:02
joejaxxcrimsun: my area of expertise is not in kernels :\04:02
superm1how about you title it,  "Don't steal this wifi-script"04:02
Simon80but I'm not qualified to say04:02
jdongsuperm1: hehe :)04:02
crimsunjoejaxx: feisty's already shipping 2.6.19-rc; what's lacking?04:02
joejaxxcrimsun: the kernel might need to be modified04:03
joejaxxcrimsun: i am not the one to do that04:03
jdongsuperm1: aww, I've been developing it under codename barnacle....04:03
crimsunjoejaxx: the proper place to do that is upstream04:03
superm1hey jdong, i forgot to follow up with you on backporting the edgy mythtv to dapper.  can you get around to that at some point?04:03
jdong(although in all reality it's a lot more nasty than a barnacle)04:04
jdongsuperm1: yeah sure, continue poking me or another backporter at 5 second intervals04:04
crimsunoh geez.04:04
jdongI'll get to it tomorrow or Wednesday04:04
superm1well you know i figured its been a few weeks and all :)04:04
ajmitchjoejaxx: what relevance does fluxbuntu have to cell processors?04:04
jdongsuperm1: hint: the guy who said oh geez realized that I just bought him a free ticket for spam :D04:05
crimsunjdong: from the depths of hell I stab at thee04:05
jdongcrimsun: ooh, shakespeare! ;-)04:06
joejaxxajmitch: running it on a cell based arch04:06
ajmitchjoejaxx: well obviously, but that's more for any distro, not just a derivative04:07
ajmitchsince you'd need probably need to build the whole arch for it, if it can't use the ppc build04:07
ajmitchand I'm failing to see how fluxbuntu overlaps with cell04:08
superm1has it been established if ppc apps can directly run on the cell or if they need to be compiled for cell?04:08
=== jdong writes a readme file for barnacle
superm1considering its a ppc based arch04:09
jdongwould anyone like to suggest some good wording?04:09
superm1"This script will allow you to test the security of access points at airports and hotels"04:09
jdong"Barnacle is an automated script to test for a common vulnerability WI-FI pay-for-access hotspots."04:10
joejaxxwireless infiltration04:10
jdongjoejaxx: quiet you!04:10
Simon80how can that work, though? wouldn't 2 compies with same mac address cause screwuppage/04:10
jdongSimon80: it's wifi04:11
jdongSimon80: the AP has no idea that it's two systems spoofing the same MAC04:11
superm1well when i did it, i did fight back and forth with someone until it was clear they gave up04:11
jdongSimon80: if this was tried on a wired network, the switch would scream bloody murder04:11
superm1since my second wifi card didnt see any more packets coming from their card04:11
jdongsuperm1: it causes tremendous (50-60%) packet loss for both sides04:11
joejaxxajmitch: pm?04:11
jdongand RST packets on any connection that lasts for more than a good 5 seconds04:12
superm1yea thats what i experienced04:12
jdongbut still, it works04:12
superm1especially once they give up:)04:12
Simon80that's nice and evil04:12
jdongbest of all, you probably will frustrate the other guy :)04:12
jdongand they'll pack up and call customer service bitching :D04:12
Simon80I don't like it, there is a victim04:12
jdongSimon80: there is a victim :-/04:12
jdongwhich is why this is a security auditing tool04:12
superm1dont call him a victim.  that makes him sound innocent.  he's a culprit of the pay for wifi scam going on at airports04:13
jdong(and which is why you don't bittorrent or dist-upgrade while sharing an IP)04:13
jdongsharing used very broadly here :D04:13
Simon80superm1: lol, I agree, dammit\04:13
superm1what i dont get is why the smaller airports will include wifi for free and then the bigger ones charge04:13
jdong"Barnacle is an automated script used to share a MAC and IP address with a buddy"04:13
ajmitchjoejaxx: if you wish04:14
superm1s/buddy/unknown buddy/04:14
Simon80because the smaller airports are run by people and not bureaucratobots04:15
jdongsuperm1: I've actually seen a case where this triggered XP's "duplicate machine detected"04:15
jdongwhich shut off their network card04:15
jdongthat could explain the other user "giving up"04:15
Simon80linux > winXP04:15
superm1very convenient then04:15
jdonglinux doesn't care if you're sharing an IP :D04:15
Simon80so is this script published somewhere? it's less work than doing research04:16
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jdongSimon80: I'm polishing it up right now04:17
Simon80err... my focus switch is fucked, and I'm too lazy to restart X04:17
jdongSimon80: I got a semi-working proof-of-concept04:17
jdongI wanna tidy it up, and automate it a bit more04:17
jdongthen I'll push a bzr branch of it somewhere04:17
superm1well if you have it finished up by this sunday, i should be flying on sunday04:17
superm1and can test it out of midway airport in chicago04:18
jdongI have two local bookstores/cafes that use this system04:18
jdongso plenty of testage04:18
superm1very nice then04:18
jdongit's freakin unfair though... I pay near 4 bucks for a cup of coffee04:19
jdongand they charge $10 for 4 hours of internet access04:19
jdong(this particular wayport system has another bug that the two DNS servers and the backup router MAC are all whitelisted for internet access)04:19
jdongso if you steal one of those, there's no real victim :)04:20
superm1how did you figure out the backup router mac though?04:20
jdongwhich clears it ethically in my mind04:20
jdongsuperm1: there was nobody at the bookstore04:20
jdongand 5 systems returned an ARPING04:20
superm1ah bingo04:20
jdongall with cisco MACs04:20
jdongand reporting either Cisco or embedded Linux firmware04:21
=== jdong hugs nmap
=== superm1 hugs ettercap
Telroth_Plushie|someone should get sattilite internet, and then broadcast a wifi signal into an airport, the airport can't block it legally :)04:21
=== Simon80 wishes all this networking stuff was less confusing
jdongsuperm1: ettercap has some really mean tricks up its sleeve04:22
superm1i made the mistake of experimenting with it in the office for the first time when i was sitting in cube farm04:22
superm1and executed a mitm attack between a wifi and ethernet interface04:22
superm1i was hearing complaints for the next 5 hours04:23
superm1all across the office04:23
jdongyeah, I started pressing ettercap buttons while hooked up to a hotel lobby ethernet jack04:23
superm1it was fairly cool though to run aimsniff on it and just watch some of the stuff people talked about at work04:23
jdongI had no clue what I was doing04:23
jdongbut I started overhearing front desk calls04:23
Simon80you script kiddies04:24
jdongand they were all about the network04:24
jdongthe clerks were saying "have you tried unplugging and replugging the cable"04:24
jdongand I was like oh crap04:24
jdongand quietly packet up04:24
ajmitchwhy kids shouldn't be allowed to play with these toys04:24
Simon80jdong: winXP - the alibi OS04:24
jdongSimon80: my laptops don't flaunt their Linux OS04:25
superm1ajmitch, you really dont have any stories about playing with networking in places you shouldnt be?04:25
jdongSimon80: I learned that when TSA started inspecting laptops04:25
jdongSimon80: I got a nice comprehensive search because my laptop wasn't booting Windows04:25
Simon80fucking antitrust04:25
jdongI had a non-usplash CLI ubuntu setup at the time04:25
Simon80how can you not "flaunt" it04:25
jdongbad decision :)04:25
Simon80hide grub menu?04:25
ajmitchsuperm1: I generally don't try & break the world04:25
jdongSimon80: hide grub, boot windows :)04:26
jdongboot menu for that other OS :)04:26
superm1ajmitch, hehe04:26
Simon80what do you mean by boot menu for that other OS?04:26
jdongSimon80: mr. F8; BIOS boot menu04:27
Simon80the most I can think of is set windows as default grub entry, hide grub menu like, 3 secs04:27
superm1i've had TSA look at the ubuntu sticker on my laptop, and ask me what it was, but never give me trouble.  jdong what kind of comprehensive search did they put you through?04:27
jdongSimon80: I've got multiple bootable partitions04:27
jdongSimon80: I dd different ones to the active boot partition depending on the situation04:27
Simon80my BIOS doesn't give me that level of power :(04:27
Hobbseewhat's TSA?04:27
jdongsuperm1: they pulled me off to the side and checked all my carry-ons04:28
Simon80US transport safety admin04:28
jdongsuperm1: and I had to explain what Linux was, and it wasn't evil04:28
Simon80lol, hi04:28
jdongsuperm1: they forced me to bring up a GUI environment04:28
Simon80linux: the evil OS04:28
Simon80oh the horror!04:28
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jdongfortunately I had GNOME installed04:28
Telroth_Plushie|what airports do you go to?04:28
jdongif I didn't, I have no idea where I would've been04:28
superm1so what if you didnt have a GUI, what would you have done !04:28
jdongTelroth_Plushie|: metro detroit, that time04:28
Simon80why does a GUI env have any relevance?04:28
jdongSimon80: gui looks non-terrorist?04:28
minghuathese kind of stories seem common these days04:28
Telroth_Plushie|i ran three linux laptops through two different airports last month04:29
jdongSimon80: shell prompt seem more hacker-ish?04:29
Telroth_Plushie|nobody even opened them04:29
Simon80jdong: makes my blood boil04:29
minghuaI just read one about getting arrested for 24 hours because of a ball made of rubber bands04:29
Simon80read that, minghua04:29
Simon80also bad04:29
jdongsuperm1: I have no idea what would've happened if I didn't install X on that system04:29
jdongsuperm1: and I almost didn't too04:29
Simon80what'd they say, anyway?04:29
Simon80how did they indicate that a GUI was required to not be a terrorist04:30
jdongsuperm1: it was an embedded linux coprocessor for our robot (USFIRST competition)...04:30
superm1ah i see04:30
jdongSimon80: it's retarded, I know04:30
jdongSimon80: it puzzled me just as much04:30
jdongsuperm1: that box needed uclibc and that's about it....04:30
Simon80makes me sooo mad, moreso that you were using it for FIRST04:30
jdongsuperm1: but I decided to give it a full Ubuntu install04:30
superm1well good thing then04:30
jdongSimon80: I think it was the fact that I was travelling with an entire FIRST team that they finally let me off04:30
jdongSimon80: these TSA guys were like panicking, thinking they nabbed a terrorist :D04:31
Telroth_Plushie|jdong, should've asked to see a search warrent :P04:31
jdongTelroth_Plushie|: I was afraid arguing with them would've lead to more trouble04:31
jdongoh well04:31
jdongback to coding barnacles04:31
superm1yay for the rest of us people who want to test the security of waypoints :)04:32
Telroth_Plushie|what's the best tool for cracking wifi encryption?04:32
Telroth_Plushie|airsnort still any good?04:32
Telroth_Plushie|havne't heard of that one, will have to try it.04:32
Telroth_Plushie|any other suggestions?04:33
imbrandonTelroth_Plushie|, how does that pertain to ubuntu development ?04:33
Telroth_Plushie|imbrandon, it didn't, but when jdong mentioned barnacles, it made me wonder if there were any good tools for it.04:33
Telroth_Plushie|sry if i shouldn't have asked here.04:33
Simon80there's an -offtopic chan04:34
chillywi1lyum, yea maybe you should use it04:36
Simon80use what?04:37
Hobbseeuse the offtopic channel, i expect04:39
Simon80haha, yeah, good point04:41
Simon80but I was searching for a video relevant to earlier TSA discussion in this chan, and I sort of compromised with that irrelevant link04:41
=== aBiNg [n=helo_aBi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jdongimbrandon: sorry, I guess I started all the OT talk when I asked my question about universe inclusion policies....04:45
jdongimbrandon: it is a useful script though ;-)04:46
zakamehi all04:58
imbrandonheya zakame05:01
=== subzero__ [n=chris@farwell-resnet-NAT-6.luther.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakameyo imbrandon05:02
zakamerefresh me: what's the right process for requesting a sync?05:03
zakamefile a bug on said package with request, then subscribe ubuntu-archive to it?05:03
imbrandonmake sure it builds, installs and removes clean and file a bug, get a MOTU to ack it if your not one, and subscribe U-A05:03
crimsunyes. Make sure you include all relevant new changelog entries with acks to override Ubuntu changes if necessary.05:04
zakameah kk05:04
crimsunand since you're a MOTU, that's not a prob.05:04
zakamei'm doing gr-wxgui now05:04
Hobbseezakame: there's a script that will do mos tof that, if you're interested05:04
zakameHobbsee: hmm grab-merge.sh?05:04
Hobbseezakame: requestsync, actually05:05
Hobbseezakame: w.u.c/DeveloperResources05:05
zakameHobbsee: oh cool!05:05
Hobbseezakame: very :)05:06
zakame(give-thanks Hobbse crimsun imbrandon)05:06
crimsunsorry, too much ML05:07
crimsunerr, Prolog05:07
Hobbseezakame: and pitti05:08
Hobbseezakame: he wrote most of it.  oh, and TheMuso05:08
zakame(give-thanks pitti TheMuso)05:08
=== _jaldhar [n=jaldhar@c-68-38-202-139.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80omg, finally, I found the video I was after05:12
Simon80this is with regards to that TSA discussion from forever ago05:12
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80for those who weren't around, TSA sees linux CLI boot up on laptop and takes jdong aside for extra searching, then gets all uppity on him till he shows them a gui05:14
=== jwhitlark [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Simon80so, hopefully, that explains why I went to all this trouble to find that video :(05:14
imbrandonjwhitlark, welcome to the universe chan :)05:14
superm1hey imbrandon05:14
jwhitlarkI feel a They Might Be Giants song coming on...05:15
imbrandonello superm105:15
jwhitlarkimbrandon, so is devel for core?05:15
imbrandonyea, for the most part05:16
imbrandonthere is overlap but mostly05:16
ajmitchthere are some which we worship & grovel before, like imbrandon05:16
jwhitlarkk, I'll take my newbie ass out of it, then :>05:16
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== fernando [n=fernando@unaffiliated/musb] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== LaserJock chants "I am not worthy, I am not worthy" in imbrandon's direction
superm1imbrandon, so about that branch ;)?05:20
crimsunwow, two motu celebs active at the same time!05:21
imbrandonheya LaserJock05:21
Hobbseeall we need is bddebian, too05:21
LaserJockyeah, crimsun and imbrandon05:21
imbrandonsuperm1, one sec05:21
crimsunpssht, I'm a mere mortal05:21
LaserJockcrimsun: I know you too well to believe that ;-)05:21
=== ajmitch was privileged enough to be able to spend some time in their presence as well
bddebianFor what?05:22
=== jwhitlark basks in the presence of greatness.
crimsunah, the trinity is complete05:24
=== ajmitch falls on his face
=== jwhitlark [n=user@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebiancrimsun, LaserJock, and ajmitch?05:25
crimsunnah, bddebian, LaserJock, and imbrandon05:26
LaserJockwe're starting to sound like RMS, this is bad :-)05:26
crimsunLaserJock has to be in it, since he's raging motuaholic05:26
imbrandonarg, RMS /me twitches05:26
bddebianHELL no05:26
bddebian :-)05:26
=== superm1_ [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakamehmm where's that `i'm a pc, i'm a mac, i'm a gnu` thing?05:27
zakamesaw that at 4chan earlier05:27
bddebianHey, any of you gonna care if I throw gnumach, mig, and possibly hurd packages in Feisty? :-)05:28
=== imbrandon wont
crimsunof course we'll care (and thank you repeatedly)05:28
imbrandonwell yea we'll care as in yes it good, but not the bad way :)05:28
=== imbrandon shuts up
imbrandonwelp the lappy is now feisty, lets see how this works05:29
imbrandonthe next few weeks05:29
bddebianThat is provided my "November 6th" go-live date doesn't move to past Feisty roll-out :'-(05:29
imbrandonbddebian, are you helping with gNewSense ?05:30
nixternalisn't stallman giving a racist salute in that picture?05:30
imbrandonheya nixternal05:30
nixternalwell hello there05:30
bddebianimbrandon: No05:30
nixternali think the food i cooked tonight was poisoned05:30
imbrandonnot cool05:31
Simon80you ninja05:31
nixternaltell me about it05:31
LaserJocknixternal: did you gf start throwing up?05:31
nixternalimbrandon: running feisty on my other machine already05:31
crimsunhe wouldn't be on irc if she had.05:31
imbrandonwow my typing is rubbing off on LaserJock05:31
nixternalsomeone asked how is it, i said edgy ;)05:31
nixternalshe left05:31
nixternalprobably never see her again05:31
nixternalforget awwww05:32
jwhitlarkgf's get in the way of quality coding.05:32
nixternal\o/ \o/ \o/05:32
crimsunoh don't worry, at least you have #kubuntu{,-devel}05:32
zakamebrb lunch05:33
=== ajmitch decides to get stuck into some packages
ajmitchif I want to have any chance of staying even remotely close to the MOTU legends, I have to get stuck in now05:35
crimsunyeah, friggin K2 to scale05:35
ajmitchit'll take me 6 years to do what these guys do in 6 hours05:36
=== imbrandon doesnt do a ton
imbrandoni just talk alot and loudly :)05:37
ajmitchno, you don't measure your output by such trifling amounts05:37
imbrandon( and get called a redneck by the brits )05:37
=== Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockimbrandon: hehe05:38
LaserJockthey just don't appreciate the finer points of redneck culture ;-)05:38
imbrandonlike the fact that i _purchaced_ the camo ball cap i wore all week already frayed05:39
ajmitchoh yes05:39
LaserJockyou actually bought a cap?05:39
ajmitchthat's real culture :)05:39
joejaxximbrandon: lol05:39
imbrandoni think jono about died laughing when i told him i bought it like that05:39
joejaxxthat is funny05:39
jwhitlarkimbrandon: you got extra points because nobody knows what team it's for.05:40
crimsunbrandon fashioned his camo ball cap out of tree bark like any true deity would05:40
LaserJockdude, I always go my caps from feed stored and parts stores for free ;-)05:40
imbrandonjwhitlark, hahahaha05:40
Amaranthhaha, leslie needed a vacation after our visit05:40
imbrandonyea she is on vacation this week she said05:40
jwhitlarkleslie got a little trashed by the end of the night...05:40
Amaranthimbrandon: two weeks05:41
ajmitchjwhitlark: a little? :)05:41
imbrandonjwhitlark, every night05:41
imbrandon( as most of us did, well a good percentage )05:41
Amaranthi feel bad, i drank all her brandy05:41
Amaranthit came from amsterdam or something05:41
jwhitlarkI bought her a double scotch, and she downed it like nothing...05:41
jwhitlarkwell, bought might not be the right word...05:41
ajmitchsince it was on her tab?05:41
jwhitlarkajmitch: nah, I know the owner.05:42
imbrandonwell i started on corona at the begning of the night , then double crown and cokes and then wine, then more corona, then scotch05:42
imbrandoni was a little sloshed05:42
LaserJockimbrandon: you didn't bring any chew did you?05:42
jwhitlarkimbrandon: a little? :)05:42
=== ajmitch only had a few drinks :)
imbrandonLaserJock, hahaha no just marlboro's05:42
imbrandonall the fun was on the back porch when jane and the MS guy came out back with the smokers to BS05:43
jwhitlarkLaserJock: he smoked so much, that just standing near him my wife thought I had been smoking all night.05:43
Amaranthyeah, that was cool05:43
Amaranthwho was that guy, anyway?05:43
imbrandona community guy from MS05:43
imbrandona old friend of jane05:44
=== ajmitch missed out on all the fun
jwhitlark:O MS has community guys?05:44
jwhitlarkor anti-community..05:44
Amaranthwe had a nice line-for-bathroom/smoker group back there for most of the dinner05:44
imbrandonjwhitlark, the guy in the beenie and flannels was the MS guy05:44
imbrandonAmaranth, well me and BenC spent about 60% of the dinner back there05:45
Amaranthkurt skipped the line and used the woman's restroom, that was funny05:45
jwhitlarkheh.  200 person capacity, 2 bathrooms.05:45
ajmitchAmaranth: that's kurt though05:45
imbrandonand eveyone else kinda joined in untill jane came back to find out "where the party was"05:45
jwhitlarkthat sounds like kurt.05:45
Amaranthimbrandon: trying to escape the never empty glasses of wine? :)05:45
imbrandonAmaranth, nah, i dont think i ever escaped that05:45
ajmitchI'm sure I only had 2 or 3 glasses05:45
Amaranthi drank about 1 1/2 glasses before i figured it out and stopped :P05:45
ajmitchbut I can't be sure :)05:45
jwhitlarkthe never empty glasses of wine were the best part!05:45
imbrandoni dont think benC did either as he found where the bus kept the plastic bags05:46
jwhitlarkwell, I guess the company was ok too..05:46
Amaranthimbrandon: ouch05:46
imbrandonthat was classic, no poke game that night05:46
ajmitchimbrandon: oh?05:46
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imbrandonajmitch, yea , on the way home, he found them as soon as the bus started moving05:46
ajmitchwere they used?05:47
imbrandonyes, very05:47
=== ajmitch knew when to stop drinking :)
ajmitchI stopped long before I felt that need05:47
imbrandonwell he went streigh to the room and a bunch of us found the pool side and a bottle of scotch05:47
Amaranthhow long were you out after you went back to the hotel for your passport?05:48
LaserJockI'd much rather have water then that nasty stuff, but oh well ;-)05:48
ajmitchAmaranth: got back in about 1:3005:48
Amaranthno wonder whiprush was a pain to wake up :P05:48
ajmitchonly had a couple of pints of beer05:48
ajmitchyeah, whiprush came back about 2:3005:48
=== Amaranth was in bed by midnight
imbrandoni dont think i went to the room untill the sun was comming up05:49
=== ajmitch woke up by 7, didn't have a headache or hangover
Amaranththat was the same day i slept until 8:30 and felt like crap all day05:50
Amaranthi was lucky to make it to midnight05:50
imbrandonwell i dident get torn up untill the last night05:51
imbrandonso i could sleep on the plane05:51
Amaranthheh, good plan05:51
jwhitlarkimbrandon: and miss SF05:51
imbrandonhahah jwhitlark yea that too, i slept the whole next day05:51
bddebianThere isn't much to miss in SF05:51
jwhitlarkdid you guys ever get to the computer history museum?05:52
imbrandonsome did , i never did myself05:52
Amaranththey're only open like 12 hours a week05:52
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096715969.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
jwhitlarkI live near, and I still haven't.05:52
jwhitlarkWhen will we know where the next conf. will be?05:53
Amaranthwe already know05:53
Amaranthbut i've forgotten05:53
imbrandonmark said possibly in spain05:53
Hobbseewow, spain?05:53
jwhitlarkI heard possibly too.05:53
imbrandonbut it wont be official untill about a month before05:53
LaserJockI was thinking England05:53
Amaranthbrasil! :D05:53
ajmitchit's already been in spain, of course05:54
LaserJockit'll be offical much earlier this time05:54
Hobbseeoh good05:54
imbrandonLaserJock, after they played that brazilian video he said maybe southern spain05:54
LaserJockthey talked about planning the UDSs much earlier05:54
=== ajmitch doubts he'll be there
jwhitlarkit better be.  Airfair 1 month before would suck.05:54
jwhitlarkanyone going to pycon in Feb?05:54
imbrandonnot i05:54
LaserJockthey said they need more time for corporate sponsors05:54
=== ajmitch lives too far from anywhere
=== Hobbsee too
=== Amaranth too
Amaranthi'm going to the ohio thing next year though even if i have to take a bus05:56
Amaranthohio linuxfest05:58
Lathiatah right05:58
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI just hope Ubucon comes back to Mt. View06:11
imbrandonLaserJock, New York is what jono and them were talking about, dunno how solid that info is ( UberUbuCon )06:11
LaserJockwell, the plan was to have 2 Ubucons a year06:12
LaserJockon East Coast06:12
LaserJockand one at Google06:12
LaserJockbut I don't know if that's changed now that Canonical seems to be taking it over ;-)06:13
imbrandonwell they were talking actualy about lots of little ubucons ( all accross the country ) and the big one ( uberubucon ) the weekend before or after the UDS in the same place06:13
minghuanobody thinks of Texans :-(06:13
jwhitlarkminghua: that's where Pycon is... ;)06:13
LaserJockTexans don't think of anybody else either ;-)06:13
minghuahmm, so PyCon will be in Dallas, nice06:14
=== Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #Ubuntu-MOTU
bddebianGnight folks06:31
ajmitchnight bddebian06:31
bddebianLater ajmitch06:32
zakamehmm what's the importance setting for request-for-sync bugs?06:36
zakameI see requestsync doesn't touch it, so its `undecided'06:36
LaserJockdoes it need to be changed?06:38
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakameshould it?06:39
zakamemaybe not06:39
Hobbseezakame: dont think so.06:44
Hobbseezakame: keybuk/kamion just go thru and ack the syncs, if they're right06:44
Hobbseezakame: you dont really even need to set it to confirmed06:45
HobbseeUptime: 3 hours and 20 minutes06:45
=== Hobbsee looks for a power cable
Hobbseebah, 22min left06:45
zakameHobbsee: ok, thanks, I'm doing lucene06:46
zakameHobbsee: mind if I get back some of my former merges from you? :)06:46
LaserJockyou've gone 3.5 hrs without being plugged in?06:46
Hobbseezakame: sure, just be warned that some people have already requested syncs/merges for packages that dont have them listed.  i'm not working on anything at the moment :)06:48
Hobbseezakame: go for it06:48
HobbseeLaserJock: yep06:48
zakameok thanks again :D06:48
HobbseeLaserJock: beats my old laptop, of 1hr, 20 mins, tops06:48
Hobbseezakame: :)06:48
LaserJockyeah, mine is generally 1hr06:49
LaserJockmaybe 1.5 if I'm not doing much06:49
Hobbseezakame: any of the packages maintained by the KDE extras team in debian - probably leave them - we should get the changes into debian, and just sync all of them06:49
imbrandonbah , finaly made the blog post i've been putting off and it sucks, i should give up blogging :)06:49
Hobbseethis is about 4, if i'm not playing games or something06:49
ajmitchimbrandon: on planet?06:49
imbrandonajmitch, yea06:49
=== ajmitch compulsively reloads
Hobbseeimbrandon: rofl @ the "good looking one" bit06:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: you stole that from Riddell06:50
ajmitchso modest06:50
ajmitchhopefully I won't be in many photos06:51
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonthats ok i had to zoom in with gimp and explain to my New type S.O. that i WANSENT holding seele's hand in the pic06:51
imbrandonajmitch, ^06:52
Simon80awww, lol06:52
ajmitchthough it looks awfully close to that...06:52
Hobbseewouldnt be the first pic that looked awful suss06:52
imbrandonyea it does, i never noticed till hse said something when we were looking over the photos06:52
Simon80yeah, me neither, but it is pretty close06:53
imbrandoni'm actualy about 1ft infront of her, but it dont look that way in the pic06:53
=== LaserJock starts a rumor
Simon80you can tell, your feet06:54
ajmitchSimon80: don't spoil it06:54
imbrandonstill i was like SH*T, i had to look twice even though i was there06:54
Hobbseewe'll just tease the redneck anyway06:54
=== minghua just noticed they put a "K" sticker on the ubuntu logo
imbrandonlol , yea that was my redneck idea :)06:55
Simon80lol, yeah, I bet after the lack of sleep you got the shit scared out of you by not being sure06:55
imbrandonand on the google master plan low tech wiki in the lobby i put a k infront of all the ubuntu marks :)06:55
ajmitch'low tech wiki' indeed06:56
imbrandoni think dholobach got pics of it06:56
ajmitchtoo much star trek06:56
imbrandonwell spelled correctly06:56
Hobbseekubuntu's going to take over.  we knew that all along.  is gnome got better, of course...06:56
=== Hobbsee considers letting this battery die
Simon80save the dying battery! don't pull the plug!06:56
ajmitchHobbsee: such a shame noone uses kubuntu though06:56
Hobbseeajmitch: it'll catch on.06:57
HobbseeRiddell: sorry for the highlight06:57
ajmitchhi Riddell06:57
HobbseeRiddell: and hello, glad you seemed to get back06:57
imbrandonhaha did you see the linux journal "distro of the year" award thet ubuntu got? all the text and screen shots are kubuntu :)06:57
imbrandonajmitch, ^06:57
=== Riddell throws the code of conduct at ajmitch
Simon80the biggest reason I don't use KDE, go ahead and laugh at me, is gnome's system-monitor applet06:57
HobbseeSimon80: system monitor applet?  which one?06:58
Simon80haven't tried kubuntu though, just kde on gentoo06:58
imbrandonSimon80, umm kde has a sysmon applet too :)06:58
Simon80but it sucks06:58
Simon80I've tried it06:58
=== Hobbsee wonders why ajmitch needs the COC thrown at him
imbrandonHobbsee, it was a joke :)06:58
Simon80less space used for displaying graph, not quite in real time06:59
zakamethere's a symptoms applet?06:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: i realise that, i just thought it was slightly random - and uncalled for :P06:59
Simon80and IIRC the line is fat06:59
=== minghua wonders if throwing COC at people violates COC
zakameoh, misread that?06:59
ajmitchminghua: only if it hits them06:59
imbrandoni guess i should have added to the post that i got made freenode staff reciently too last week06:59
Hobbseeminghua: we've had discussions before on whether defenestrating people violates the COC06:59
imbrandonoh well there will be another soon06:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: way cool!  you can fix everything!06:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: kline ajmitch!06:59
Simon80hobbsee: the applet I mean is the awesome one for gnome-panel that updates in real time and shows me cpu, mem, swap, and net06:59
imbrandonlol i cant kline yet, i'm only level1 :)07:00
Hobbseeoh right07:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: awww :(07:00
=== ajmitch will be on his best behaviour
ajmitchoh, you can't?07:00
joejaxxwhat is the applet that tells you to take a break?07:00
Hobbseeklines are fun :)07:00
=== ajmitch will carry on then
imbrandonajmitch, not untill i'm a level one staff for a few weeks07:00
Simon80...........must sleep07:00
ajmitchgreat, a few weeks to cause havoc07:00
=== Riddell blogs the dancers http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2538
=== imbrandon only shows up on "/stats p" for now
Hobbseejoejaxx: rsibreak?07:00
HobbseeRiddell: oh, you didnt...07:00
=== lastnode [n=lastnode@unaffiliated/mahangu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonRiddell, is that the jono pic?07:01
lastnodeBurgundavia, ping07:01
imbrandonRiddell, i hesitated putting that up07:01
Hobbseehahahha, you did107:01
minghuaHobbsee: "defenestrating"?07:01
ajmitchRiddell: bad, bad photos :)07:01
LaserJockHobbsee: defenestrating? you like that word way too much ;-)07:01
HobbseeLaserJock: indeed.  i've worked it into exams before, too07:01
Hobbseeminghua: the act of throwing someone or something out the window07:01
joejaxxRiddell: LMAO07:02
zakamethere ought to be something like a 2channel for *ubuntu07:02
minghuais that a real word?07:02
minghuabecause I can't find it in dictionary07:02
Hobbseezakame: what for?07:03
LaserJockminghua: it is actually. I had to look it up because I didn't believe it was a real word either07:03
joejaxxHobbsee: no it was for gnome07:03
LaserJockminghua: silly Aussies07:03
minghuahmm, I probably should change dictionary07:03
=== Simon80 [n=Simon80@bas6-toronto63-1096715969.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee hands joejaxx apt-cache search
imbrandondictionary.com :)07:04
Hobbseejoejaxx: timer-applet07:04
joejaxxHobbsee: ah ok thanks07:04
Hobbseeoh dear07:04
minghua"Defenestration is ... Merriam-Webster's dictionary users named it as one of their favorite words of the year in 2004."07:04
Hobbseeimbrandon: oy, staffer.07:04
minghuafrom wikipedia07:04
Hobbseeimbrandon: better poke some other staffer07:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: someone just ran the exploit in #ubuntu again07:05
Hobbseeoh, the guy quit07:05
joejaxxHobbsee: what was the nick?07:06
imbrandonHobbsee, who was it ?07:06
Hobbseeimbrandon: langer_07:07
HobbseeLanger_ n=Langerso n128-227-97-124.xlate.ufl.edu * Langer07:07
zakamewhat exploit is that?07:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about explot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:07
ubotuThere are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit07:07
imbrandonsome routers can be kicked offline by a DCC exploit07:07
RiddellUDS dudes: anyone remember what this talk was about?  http://jasmine.19inch.net/~jr/away/2006-11-11-uds/100_0750.JPG07:08
DBOHobbsee, he didnt quit, I banned him, he was loling07:08
imbrandonalthough iirc they should get autyo kline when they try07:08
HobbseeDBO: yeah, but he quit freenode07:08
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Hobbseeimbrandon: only when nalioth's not set as away07:08
DBOHobbsee, ahh07:08
imbrandonRiddell, yea07:08
imbrandonRiddell, thats the security based remote os that uses kubuntu07:09
Hobbseeshowing off kde, it looks like07:09
DBORiddell, no, but thats me pushing my hair back in the blue shirt07:09
HobbseeDBO: so you went, but have no clue what was said?07:09
Riddellimbrandon: don't suppose you caught the name?07:10
DBOHobbsee, no I just dont recognize the speaker07:10
imbrandonRiddell, rember the secure remote desktop stuff07:10
imbrandonthat was it07:10
imbrandonit was based on kubuntu07:10
imbrandondapper kubuntu iirc07:10
joejaxxRiddell: secure remote administration07:10
Hobbseeimbrandon: write me Seveas' script for konvi please, kthnksybe!07:11
=== Hobbsee looks for more people to ban
imbrandoni forget the company name07:11
=== lastnode hides from Hobbsee
imbrandonHobbsee, hahaha , yea i will someday07:11
LaserJockwhat's the way to call the default browser from CLI?07:11
imbrandonfor now i just set aliases07:11
AmaranthLaserJock: gnome-specific?07:11
imbrandonLaserJock, in kde or gnome ?07:11
=== minghua goes home. be back later.
LaserJockI was hoping for a DE neutral way07:12
LaserJockbut Gnome is ok07:12
Amaranthxdg-open is the DE neutral way07:12
AmaranthPortland Project stuff07:12
Amaranthgnome is gnome-open07:12
LaserJockisn't there some sensible-browser or some such07:12
Riddellyes, xdg-utils07:12
imbrandon"kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing http://www.imbrandon.com" is the kde way to use the default iirc07:12
RiddellI expect xdg-utils will be in main soon07:13
Hobbseesame guy07:13
Hobbseewhere's he hitting next?  and under what name?07:13
Amaranthimbrandon: yuck, in gnome it's just "gnome-open http://www.imbrandom.com" :P07:14
imbrandonwell you COULD just use "kfmclient url"07:15
imbrandonbut its not quite as nice07:15
Amaranthwithout gconf tweaking gnome-open will always open a web browser then the web browser decides what to do with it07:16
Amaranthif you do the tweaks gnome-open will check the mime type and open the right app directly07:16
imbrandonlol, classic07:16
LaserJockin OS X there is a nice open command07:17
Amaranththe mime type checking stuff is slow07:17
Amaranthdude to the unstable nature of the internet and all07:17
LaserJockopen ~/ will open up a Finder window with your home directory07:17
AmaranthLaserJock: that's gnome-open and kfmclient07:18
LaserJockyeah, but it works better :-)07:18
Amaranthi don't see how07:18
LaserJocklike you just said, the mime checking is slow07:18
Amaranthfor http, yes07:18
Amaranthbecause it needs to call HEAD or whatever and wait for a response07:19
LaserJockin OS X you can hit open XYZ and it will open it just as if you clicked it in Finder07:19
Amaranthor worse, download the file and check the mime magic stuff07:19
Amaranth"gnome-open ~/" isn't really slow07:19
Amaranthonly remote things are slow, because they're remote07:19
LaserJockah, yes07:20
LaserJockit does work similarly07:20
LaserJockvery cool07:20
LaserJockI liked that in OS X07:20
Amaranthi don't think it can do "open bbedit" or whatever to launch an app07:20
Amaranthotherwise it's actually better than OS X's open :)07:20
=== Hobbsee headdesks
Hobbseei think it's time to change the real name of my client back to Hobbsee07:22
imbrandonHobbsee, why is that ?07:23
Hobbseeimbrandon: because people realise that i'm female, and start asking questions.  bleh07:23
LaserJockHobbsee: are you getting hit on?07:23
HobbseeLaserJock: not quite.   just "you're a girl, why are you into PC's?"07:23
imbrandonahh figured as much07:23
Amaranthpeople see "Sarah" and go all "greater internet fuckwad theory"07:24
imbrandonAmaranth, hey now, watch the lang , shhhhh :)07:24
=== Hobbsee should just turn off unregistered people
Amaranthimbrandon: it's the name of a real thing :)07:24
imbrandoni know, thus just kinda "slap" dont do that again, this channel is logged etc07:25
Amaranthoh, logs07:25
Amaranthdang logs07:25
Amaranthubuntulog: I hate you. :P07:25
ajmitchZOMG there's a gurl here?!?07:25
=== Hobbsee giggles
imbrandonajmitch, on teh intarweb07:25
ajmitchcan't be true07:26
=== ajmitch wonders what those anthropologists would make of this :)
Hobbseethey'd go mad07:28
=== StevenK appears.
Hobbseehey StevenK!07:28
=== StevenK waves to *
ajmitchat the first mention of madness, he appears07:28
imbrandonheya StevenK07:28
StevenKDuh. I am the personification of it.07:29
LaserJockajmitch: I'm sure andreas is watching the logs :-)07:31
=== ajmitch will choose his words with care
imbrandonand greps for gurl|girl|female07:31
imbrandonbbaib , food time07:33
StevenKimbrandon: You forgot 'grrl'07:33
imbrandonahh right07:33
LaserJocknixternal just calls them "the distraction that keeps me from working on Ubuntu" but that's a much longer name ;-)07:34
imbrandonmmm microwave noodles07:38
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ajmitchman, you have food07:40
=== ajmitch wishes there were food to eat here :)
HobbseeLaserJock: hah07:41
imbrandonif thats what you call instant noodles07:41
=== Hobbsee is a distraction, yes
ajmitchHobbsee: of course you are :P07:41
ajmitchthis whole channel is a distraction07:41
LaserJockyeah, I can't get any work done with that big pointy stick of DOOM!!! (TM) above my head07:41
LaserJockajmitch: +107:42
LaserJockwe should just rename the channel ubuntu-devel-offtopic07:42
=== Hobbsee pokes LaserJock with her Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tm) a few times
Hobbseemaybe.  but we do occasoinally do relevant stuff in here07:43
imbrandonLaserJock, hahaha +107:43
=== StevenK waits for ubuntu-sru to rule over his wlassistant bug.
=== Hobbsee rejects it
StevenKMaybe I should comment saying "My blood, sweat and tears are in that patch!"07:44
imbrandonwe try to keep it to a dull roar and stop when there is something ontopic to talk about07:44
=== ajmitch does bzr branch on a package for review
ajmitchsee, ontopic stuff!07:44
RiddellStevenK: where is that?07:44
StevenKRiddell: bug 6484107:45
UbugtuMalone bug 64841 in wlassistant "wireless assisant does not connect in edgy" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6484107:45
=== minghua-windows [n=chatzill@ppp-70-246-26-81.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== superm1_ is now known as superm1
superm1imbrandon, I eventually got a branch uploaded to bzr.  there were a few steps that appeared to be missing though from the wiki page you were describing.07:47
imbrandonsuperm1, kk, did you add/edit them ?07:48
superm1i had to add the product into launchpad (mythtv)07:48
superm1and then i had to make a local commit before it would accept the push07:48
imbrandonahh ok07:49
superm1as long as what i did was the right thing to do, i'll add it to the wiki page07:49
imbrandonyea that sounds right07:49
superm1so now when linking the product and source package, how to buildds get kicked off?07:50
imbrandonnot yet07:50
superm1still the normal way of making a debdiff and getting it uploaded and such07:50
superm1just debdiff from the bzr branch?07:50
imbrandonbut if you commit you changes there and i do also ( along with the rest of the team )  i can just branch it and upload07:51
RiddellStevenK: ++      // This is actually a really bad idea - you have no way of knowing07:51
Riddell++      // if you are first lease in the file or what.07:51
RiddellStevenK: the "bad idea" is the bit of code being commented out?  or the commenting out?07:51
imbrandonsuperm1, e.g when you commit to bzr , then when i'm ready to make changes i branch it and commit, then upload both commits to the archive07:52
imbrandon( and you later when you make MOTU )07:52
superm1i see07:52
superm1make sense07:52
superm1okay well at this point then i have a few more thing i wanted to put in and then I guess i'll speak more with you about the exact changes then07:52
superm1and make sure everything is kosher and makes sense07:52
imbrandonsure, push what ever you like for now, i'll review it when your ready in a few days and we'll push it to the archive07:53
superm1i wanted to ask you though about bug handling07:53
imbrandonmake sure its upto date with upstream also since we're not in uvf now07:53
superm1it is so far.07:53
superm1there have been a lot of crash reports coming in, and i'm not sure how to handle forwarding these upstream07:53
superm1if i should request people to install ddebs and then report again and such07:54
imbrandonjust open a bug in their bts if there isnt one07:54
imbrandonand then link to the bug in lp with the upstream bug stuff07:54
superm1i'm just wondering though if the crash report will be enough without debugging symbols though07:54
imbrandonsuperm1, well you can only ask for so much if they dont provide it, if you can ask in the comments for them to do so , great, if not work with what we get, just like any other package :)07:55
imbrandonthe main thing ( to me ) is its reporduceable07:56
imbrandonby someone other than the bug reporter07:56
superm1yea, none of them have had second reports07:56
superm1i'll forward an email off to the mythtv dev mailing list tomorrow and see how they feel about it.  well glad we're making progress with getting this going.  i'm gonna let the mythplugins branch push, and get some shut eye.07:57
imbrandonkk sounds like a plan07:57
superm1thanks again, have a good evening07:57
=== superm1 is now known as superm1_away
RiddellStevenK: I need to sleep now but please poke me if I don't get this checked over by tomorrow07:59
imbrandongrab-merge mol08:09
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minghuaokay, I'm in feisty now08:27
Burgundaviaminghua: and?08:30
minghuaand things look good so far08:32
minghuaaltough I'm still feeling a bit uneasy in KDE08:32
minghuabut that has nothing to do with feisty08:33
Burgundaviathe only thing that has kept me from jumping is my atheros card08:33
imbrandoni jumped on my powerpc laptop, i think i'll wait a bit more for the desktop, i need atleaste one semi working system08:33
imbrandonincase something major breaks08:34
imbrandonbtw heya Burgundavia08:34
minghuafor desktop it's always easy to get a large enough hard drive to install both, I think08:34
Burgundaviahey imbrandon08:34
=== minghua-windows [n=chatzill@ppp-70-246-26-81.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu-motu []
imbrandonminghua, well the desktop buld machine i would do it on is also the build machine that others loginto, laserjock, Hobbsee, fujitsu, Seveas and a few others might now like it if i broke the build box :)08:36
ajmitchimbrandon: I'm sure they're not actually using it :)08:36
imbrandonajmitch, well most of the time there is atleaste one other person logged in08:37
imbrandonspecialy twords the end of the month08:37
minghuaimbrandon: then it's a server, not a desktop anymore ;-)08:39
imbrandonwell desktop build machine , true08:39
minghuakonversation should have saner default settings, like differentiate enter/leave messages and real messages08:39
imbrandonminghua, i am the active "maintainer" of it ( if you can call it that ) work up some better defaults and i'll be happy to poke them in08:40
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minghuaimbrandon: sure, but this time it may be a false alarm08:41
imbrandonno worries, just email them to me if/when you ever do08:41
minghua(since when my other client leaves the highlight seems to be triggered)08:42
imbrandonthe only default hilight is when your name is said08:42
imbrandonwhat ever your current nick is08:42
minghuaapparently when I log in as minghua, the default setting triggers highlight with minghua-windows08:43
minghuawhich is not necessarily wrong, but still08:43
imbrandonright becosue minghua is part of minghua-windows , its not terribly smart08:44
minghuaand I noticed that different IRC clients are extremely inconsistent on part-word match08:44
minghuaI think minghuawindows won't trigger, as there is no hyphen, but I'm not sure08:44
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imbrandonyea me either to be honest, you can turn off the current nick hilight and use a true regex if you want08:46
imbrandonthats normaly what i do, but its hard to make that a default08:46
minghuanever makes regex the default08:46
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minghuaI think jwz is quite right on regex (and usually I don't agree with him)08:47
imbrandonugh dident we switch from linux-headers-generic to libc6 something ?08:52
imbrandonhrm ok08:52
ajmitchwe switched from linux-kernel-headers to linux-libc6-dev, iirc08:52
ajmitchlinux-headers-generic pulls in the headers for building modules08:53
imbrandonright , ok thats what i need08:53
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Burgundaviaok, anybody else noticing that file-roller is refusing to open .rpm, src.rpm and .deb anymore?08:55
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pygiBurgundavia, feisty?09:45
Burgundaviaand dapper both09:45
sivangmorning all09:46
Burgundaviamorning sivang09:46
pygiBurgundavia, weird, any recent update that could have 'caused that?09:46
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Burgundavianah, it is a bug in file-roller09:46
sivangBurgundavia: corey!09:48
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imbrandonhrm programs shouldeb be compiling against linux/compiler.h anymore correct ?10:13
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TheMusoimbrandon: afaik yes.10:27
TheMusoIf it helps, I can't find it in /usr/include, and I have libc6-dev installed.10:27
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@dsl-hkigw8-feb6fb00-217.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
zakamebad me I forgot to dch -e on electricsheep10:29
Gloubiboulgahello universe10:30
imbrandonheya Gloubiboulga10:30
imbrandonok TheMuso10:30
Gloubiboulgahi imbrandon10:31
zakameyo Gloubiboulga10:32
Hobbseezakame: yay, you're doing electricsheep :)10:33
Hobbseezakame: what's -e do?10:33
zakameHobbsee: `dch -e` just to update the Changed-By10:35
Hobbseeneat :)10:35
zakamedid test for clean installation and removal though ;)10:35
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imbrandonzakame, and list the remaning changes10:38
zakameimbrandon: hmm right10:39
zakamegot accepted now though, so Iunless unless I bump another upload with just a diff on changelog...10:39
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crimsun!info apt11:10
ubotuapt: Advanced front-end for dpkg. In component main, is important. Version 0.6.45ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 1398 kB, installed size 4324 kB11:10
crimsun!info apt feisty11:10
crimsun(same currently)11:11
crimsungnomefreak: ^^11:11
gnomefreakyeah i messed up and did info apt on dapper :(11:11
gnomefreakhis apt is crashing11:12
imbrandontime for a nap, gnight all11:14
pyginight imbrandon11:14
ajmitchnight imbrandon11:16
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crimsun'morning sistpoty11:42
sistpotyhi crimsun11:42
fernandomoin all11:43
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TheMuso\sh_away: Have you started working on alsaplayer? If so, I'll let you take care of it.11:52
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crimsunheh, I need to resurrect the gtk2 patches I have for it11:53
TheMusocrimsun: Wow. That must have been a lot of work.11:53
crimsunnot really, surprisingly enough11:53
crimsungranted I believe Andy used Glade11:54
TheMusoPitty that development seems to have stalled. I reckon its a great app for what it does.11:54
crimsunyeah, it's the first I used with jackd11:54
TheMusoIt can also be controled from pd with an external. Thats neat too.11:54
TheMusoSaves one having to put a player external into pd, which saves a bit of CPU, as IMO pd is not the best at realtime performance.11:55
TheMusoAnd some externals make it fall over.11:55
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StevenKWoot, alsaplayer.12:14
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StevenKIt's been *years* since I tried it.12:14
StevenKI don't think the version number has changed all that much. :-)12:14
TheMusoStevenK: No, as I think development has stalled.12:18
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HobbseeDBO: check out blast, if you havent already01:03
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Lutingiskard: ping01:12
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xerxasHi there !01:14
ryanakcais there a guide/howto for "merging"?01:17
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DBOHobbsee, what the head is blast...02:05
DBOheck even...02:06
DBOoh well this is friggin horrible, Hobbsee remind me to maim you...02:08
MehdiHassanpourwill any MOTU here package a sictionary for Ubuntu Universe for us ?02:09
MehdiHassanpourthis is the link to it's latest Debian package02:10
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giskardLure, pong02:31
giskardLutin, ^02:31
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sivangMehdiHassanpour: if there are no specific ubuntu changes need be done, I think it can be safely synced from debian03:05
sivangMehdiHassanpour: come again and check in a week or two, the auto syncs might pull it in, if it does not exist in ubuntu we might have to ask archive admins to import it03:06
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luisbghello all03:16
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MehdiHassanpoursivang: we need "aspell-fa" package to be imported from Debian Unstable too03:33
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sivangMehdiHassanpour: that is cool, if you can find it in ubuntu but its in sid, come back in a week approx, if it still hasn't been imported, then you can ask me or any other MOTU to file an "import" request for archive admins03:42
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sivangMehdiHassanpour: make sure you search for them both in universe and in main03:42
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bddebianHeya gang03:45
jsgotangcoHey cant tab complete, laptop is dead chatting via phone03:47
MehdiHassanpoursivang:I've searched for "aspell-fa" in http://packages.ubuntu.com03:48
=== Lathiat clicks the "Desktop crack" button
Lathiatnifty :)03:48
sivangLathiat: where is that button? :)03:50
Lathiatin feisty :)03:51
Lathiattechnically it says "Enable Desktop Effects" but i took some liberty in the translation03:51
jsgotangcoHahaha en_AU03:52
MehdiHassanpourwe need 2 packages in ubuntu03:55
MehdiHassanpour1. aspell-fa (that is in sid, but not yet in ubuntu)03:55
MehdiHassanpour2. xFarDic (not in sid & ubuntu) but we have the debian packages here: http://www.parsix.org/packages/pool/main/x/xfardic/03:56
sivangLathiat: yo installed matthew's packages?03:57
=== sivang wonders when will the prop ati drivers be ready in feisty
sivangsince I Upgraded my hardware acceleration broke dead03:57
sivangLathiat: any idea?03:58
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sivangMehdiHassanpour: okay so for (2) I think it's better if it's uploaded to sid first and then autosynced/synced to ubuntu04:01
sivangMehdiHassanpour: (1) then might be requiring explicit request once we see it's not in by next week04:01
sivanganyway I have to run, see you all laters04:01
MehdiHassanpoursivang: can't you upload (2) to REVU ?04:02
sivangMehdiHassanpour: I can even upload it to universe, but for sake of less duplication and being more sync with upstream (debian in this regard) we would be better off uploading it there to save us work when it does hit debian eventually.04:03
sivangMehdiHassanpour: you could even ask either of the uploaders that are signed on the package to do it for you,04:04
MehdiHassanpourI don't think it will be uploaded to debian soon04:04
sivangMehdiHassanpour: I even know one of them :)04:04
sivangMehdiHassanpour: ah, why not?04:04
sivangMehdiHassanpour: I know at least one of them has debian upload powers04:05
MehdiHassanpourwho ?04:05
sivangMehdiHassanpour: kaplan@debian.org04:07
MehdiHassanpouryep, he has04:07
Q-FUNKthat's Lior, right?04:07
sivangQ-FUNK: indeed04:07
Q-FUNKhe's cool04:07
sivangQ-FUNK: you know him as well? :)04:07
Q-FUNKjust mail him and ask04:07
Q-FUNKyup.  we met at debconf5.  he's a funny guy.04:08
MehdiHassanpourthis package is reviewed by 2 DD04:08
sivanghe's nice and kind04:08
MehdiHassanpourbut I don't think it will be uploaded to debian soon04:09
sivangQ-FUNK: were you in UDS btw?04:10
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Lathiatsivang: from fiesty, yeh04:11
Lathiatsivang: on nvidia04:11
Q-FUNKthe land of the non-free is off-limits for me04:11
sivangLathiat: ah I see, sucks to be using ati then ;P04:12
sivangQ-FUNK: =)04:12
sivangQ-FUNK: how do you sustain yourself then? do you also have a day job apart from you FLOSS contributions?04:13
Q-FUNKI co-founded a startup that is not yet breaking even.04:13
zulwhat is it running?04:14
Q-FUNKan small embeded linux distro04:17
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Lutingiskard: still around ?04:30
tepsipakkiQ-FUNK: where could I get one?-)04:31
Q-FUNKsend an e-mail to info@linutop.com04:32
Q-FUNKour first 50 units are only for developers04:32
tepsipakkiah, ok04:32
tepsipakkiit works as a ltsp-capable terminal as well?04:33
zulQ-FUNK: what do you guys need?04:34
Q-FUNKwe're just completing the base platform now with an embeded linux developer.  once we have that, we can sell pre-production units to developers interested in porting apps to it.04:35
Q-FUNK-> #linutop04:36
Q-FUNK(just to avoid veering off-topic too much here)04:36
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asabilhi all05:00
asabilI did a request some time ago about the gtkglext python binding package05:01
asabilstill no answer ?05:01
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giskardLutin, yes05:12
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Lutingiskard: hello, how are you ?05:15
giskardfine :) thanks!05:16
Lutinfine, thanks05:17
LutinI saw you are maintaining a debian tree for telepathy-sharp05:17
Lutindo you plan to upload the package on revu soon ?05:18
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giskardLutin, i can upload it directly in universe05:24
giskardbut...not now, if you need it, i can do an upload tonight! :(05:25
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zakamehi all05:30
zakamehi jdong05:34
=== jdong registers project evil :)
jdongI think it's worded quite innocently... :)05:34
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Lutingiskard: I don't it _now_, but it'd be fine if you could commit it in a few days or weeks05:44
giskardi'm merging network-manager05:45
giskardafter it i will do t-sharp :)05:45
giskardanyway, why you need it?05:45
Lutingiskard: planning to pacakge tapioca-sharp and then landell (voip and im client based on the telepathy framework)05:46
Lutinwhich build-depends on t-sharp05:46
giskarduh YEAH!05:47
Lutingiskard: no need to hurry up. I was just wondering if t-sharp would be in universe before feisty ;)05:48
giskardgive me 3 hours05:49
giskard(i have to finish my chemistry exercise ;) )05:49
Lutingiskard: I give you much more05:49
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Lutinno need to hurry as I said05:49
giskardnah, i wanted it in edgy.05:49
giskardbut i'm lazy ;)05:50
Lutinmaybe more busy than lazy05:50
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Sp4rKyhi !06:57
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fernandoI can to request a unused launchpad account? the user don't have a mail in launchpad for contact07:52
zulcheck with #launchpad07:53
fernandoops, launchpad user maillist, thanks07:53
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Sp4rKyi think there is a possible serious issue security in edgy08:14
Sp4rKyhow should i contact ?08:14
gesermotu-sru and/or the security team would be a try08:16
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Sp4rKynobody on irc ?08:17
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geseryou can try to reach a member of those teams08:21
Sp4rKygeser: done, thx :)08:23
luisbgSp4rKy, which security problem?08:23
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LaserJockpitti is the security guru08:27
enycpitti = martin.pitt@ubuntu.com08:28
enyc'head' of ubuntu security team08:29
enyc"(Owner)" rather08:29
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chantraenyc: cuu1=\E[A,08:32
chantrasorry, wron channel :s08:32
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chantrahi, i'm having a weird trouble, I've just build gaim beta5 and it works fine on edgy, but not on feisty08:38
chantrasome keys are not recognized :s08:38
plugwashdoes beta3.1 work on feisty?08:39
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chantrabeta3.1 does not have gaim-text08:43
chantrait seems that this is due to the term info08:43
chantrait actually does not work on either feisty or edgy if using gnome terminal08:43
chantrabut it does work when launching gaim-text through screen08:44
plugwashafaict gaim-text is pretty experimental at the moment, bugs are to be expected08:44
chantraplugwash: :)08:47
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chantraplugwash: gonna try a trick that was used against screen and rxvt-unicode terms09:00
chantraand see if it works :)09:00
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RiddellStevenK: can you join us in #kubuntu-devel09:11
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Adri2000everybody, what do you think about the best section for homebank (http://homebank.free.fr/) ? gnome? misc? x11?09:24
Q-FUNKgnome, I'd say09:27
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giskardi need beta-testers for the new N-M09:45
giskardhi slomo09:45
Burgworkblog about it09:45
LaserJockheh, and here I thought I was already a beta tester ;-)09:46
giskardLaserJock, 0.6.4-5...?09:46
LaserJockjust trying it at all :-)09:46
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LaserJock!info electricsheep09:49
ubotuelectricsheep: screensaver showing collective dream of sleeping computers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.8-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 2668 kB, installed size 3444 kB09:49
LaserJockwho merged electricsheep?09:50
zulhmm...havent checked the changelog?09:50
LaserJockthat's my point09:51
slomoLaserJock: at least zakame uploaded it09:51
LaserJock"Changed-By: Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic <mom@ubuntu.com>"09:51
ajmitchoh dear09:51
LaserJockzakame: dude ,change the MoM changelog entry to your own next time ;-)09:52
ajmitchwho signed it?09:52
slomoand people are not using the changelog format for merges that was decided...09:52
LaserJockdarn it, I hate having RL work to do09:55
LaserJockseems like lots of problems are coming down to either we have no documentation or people aren't getting to the documentation09:56
ajmitchLaserJock: we sometimes have too much documentation09:58
ajmitchand people drown in it09:58
ajmitchnot enough quality09:58
LaserJockthat's why I was going to try to weed out/condense our wiki09:58
zulwe need a tech writer ;)09:58
LaserJocka tech writer with time ;-)09:58
=== LaserJock thinks zul just volunteered as the MOTU tech writer :p
zulummm...have you actually seen me write something :P10:01
LaserJockhmm, good point10:02
luisbgLaserJock, I think it is too much information and badly linked, getting to all places of the wiki through links is hell10:05
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TheMusoHey all.10:16
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LaserJockhi TheMuso10:21
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ajmitchhey TheMuso10:28
TheMusoHey ajmitch.10:28
TheMusoRecovered yet?10:28
ajmitchof course10:31
=== lupine_85 plays with pbuilder
lupine_85it's so /slow/ in qemu :(10:34
pygilupine_85, everything is slow in qemu10:35
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lupine_85yeah I know10:39
=== lupine_85 tries to get kqemu working
lupine_85...I'm going to be running an edgy chroot in a dapper qemu instance on an edgy system...10:42
pygiwhatever :P10:43
giskardhi pygi10:43
pygihey ho giskard10:44
pygihow are you?10:44
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pygigiskard, you alive? :P10:52
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jderoseI just uploaded a package to REVU, which seemed to work (as in I'm on the keyring), but the recover password message decrypted to the text "None" only (which, not surprisingly, I can't login with).  Any ideas?11:17
jderoseMy status on https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-universe-contributors/+members is "Approved", by the way.11:19
crimsunlooks like you need a manual reset.11:20
crimsun(that "feature" triggers often)11:21
jderoseIs that something an admin has to do, or can I do it?11:21
jderoseOkay, thanks.  Is this the place to request said favor?  ;)11:22
crimsunyes, when an admin wanders by, it'll be done11:23
jderosecrimsun: Thank you very much!11:23
joejaxxis there anyway for me to be able to apt-get a list of packages11:28
joejaxxbut have it download the debs to a folder?11:28
joejaxxi know there is the -d application flag for apt-get11:28
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crimsunwhat is your question really asking, then?11:29
Q-FUNKI'm wondering the same thing.11:30
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joejaxxi need them to download to a specific folder11:30
joejaxxnevermind i think i found it11:30
joejaxx-o dir::cache=~/tmp/11:30
joejaxxhmm maybe not11:31
sladenjderose: REVU can't cope with more than one UID on a key11:35
jderosesladen... so my rsa/rsa key wont work?11:36
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sladenjderose: once it's done manually, it'll be fine.  But the automatic script chokes11:37
jderosei think i only have one uid: pub   2048R/4B478297 2004-05-1611:37
jderoseuid                  Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@jasonderose.org>11:37
jderosesub   2048R/B7B57F9B 2004-05-1611:37
joejaxxcrimsun: i will just debootstrap dapper and apt-get the packages i want in there and pull them out of cache11:37
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joejaxxhello dholbach11:38
dholbachhi joejaxx11:38
ajmitchhey dholbach11:38
jderosesladen: okay.  but as far as i can tell,  i only have one uid on my key.11:38
giskardhi ajmitch :)11:38
ajmitchhello giskard11:39
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jderosecrimsun, sladen: oops, i think part of the problem is that the first time i accidentally uploaded to ubuntu, not revu... but it seemed to work.  this shouldn't have worked, right?  would the failure be silent?11:42
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crimsunuploading to ubuntu with a non-recognised key is a silent failure (from your perspective), yes11:43
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sladenjderose: silent on success, noisey on failure11:46
jderoseokay, got my password now.  sorry for the trouble.11:46
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jderosequick question: i am the upstream developer of the package i'm working on.  should the package version be treated as an ubuntu native package, or should i still suffix the version with -0ubuntu1?11:51
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LaserJockjderose: don't make it an ubuntu native package unless the source is only to be used in Ubuntu11:54
jderoseokay, thanks11:55
ajmitchoh dear, someone soliciting donations on the -devel list11:56
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Burgworkajmitch: indeed, that -devel-discuss sounds good right now12:02
Burgworkthe only thing that concerns me is non-MOTUs like myself being excluded, but I can live with that12:02
pygiBurgwork, right :-/12:02
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BurgworkI think that people should be able to go to the technical board and ask for posting permission to the new list12:04
pygiBurgwork, agreed, but don't think that will happen12:04
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BurgworkI think it will12:07
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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pygiBurgwork, only time will tell then ^_^12:12

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