=== rodarvus [i=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === doko [i=doko@conference/canonical/x-96f9bda2b4eee3db] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-7d0648baed8d7e83] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Dvalin [i=hawkeye@terror.sintrax.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === infinity [n=adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === lamont [i=lamont@nat/hp/x-8fe3ca663e2e23a9] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Dvalin [i=hawkeye@terror.sintrax.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === infinity [n=adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === lamont [i=lamont@nat/hp/x-8fe3ca663e2e23a9] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === rodarvus [i=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-e773cdb1302ccea0] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === doko [i=doko@conference/canonical/x-9aea423cee27e95e] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === doko [i=doko@conference/canonical/x-9aea423cee27e95e] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-e773cdb1302ccea0] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === rodarvus [i=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === Dvalin [i=hawkeye@terror.sintrax.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === infinity [n=adconrad@loki.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === lamont [i=lamont@nat/hp/x-8fe3ca663e2e23a9] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [08:08] anyone around? === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [08:41] fabbione: hoi! === fabbione_ [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain [08:55] fabbione: *pokepoke* [08:55] hi Dvalin [08:58] 'sup? [08:59] fabbione: gcc-4.1_4.1.1-18ubuntu2.diff.gz <- does this one contain latest sparc fixes? [08:59] Dvalin: quite busy in San Francisco [09:00] Dvalin: yes afaik. that's our latest gcc [09:00] san francisco? businiss trip? [09:00] fabbione: okay, does it seem to be oaky on sparc so far? === Dvalin was thinking of trying to sync up with it for sparc [09:01] s/oaky/okay/ [09:15] Dvalin: yeah business... [09:15] Dvalin: i did rebuild all of ubuntu main in edgy it looks ok, but you need to be aware of an abi change [09:16] something about lbdb [09:27] lbdb? === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain === rodarvus [i=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #ubuntu-toolchain