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iCodHey, is there where I would talk to someone about ubuntu magazine03:59
tonyyarussoYes.  Whether the right people are around is another matter.04:00
iCodFirst, how often is the magazine released?04:01
iCodDoes anyone know?04:03
iCodbrb, a bit later, sorry04:03
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Burgundaviaanybody alive?04:20
whiprushI am a meat popsicle.04:21
Burgundaviawhiprush: you lovely human being. Now help me write the UWN04:23
Burgundaviawe are going for a super issue of two weeks04:23
whiprushassign me something.04:23
whiprushBut yeah, sure. :D04:23
Burgundaviacan you write up a two paragraph piece on UDS?04:23
Burgundaviafirst para: the why04:24
Burgundavia2nd para: what was covered04:24
Burgundaviatonyyarusso: you up for some work?04:24
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: ping04:24
=== lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundavialotusleaf: you were looking for me yesteryda?04:25
elkbuntuBurgundavia, just heading out, back sometime soon04:25
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: no worries04:25
whiprushBurgundavia: I need about an hour, acceptable?04:26
whiprushor do you want some fast food thing?04:26
lotusleafBurgundavia: hi, yes, yesterday or the day before.. regarding a post on the marketing mailing list, but I caught up with Madpilot in here followed by jenda which solved an issue on the doc. area of ubuntu.com with one directory04:26
Burgundaviano, trying to get out in 4:30 minutes, midnight my time04:26
Burgundavialotusleaf: want to help us write the UWN?04:26
lotusleafBurgundavia: thanks for following up though =)04:26
lotusleafBurgundavia: Ubuntu World News? :)04:27
BurgundaviaI always try and satisfy04:27
Burgundaviawe are up at gobby.ubuntu.com04:27
lotusleafBurgundavia: that would be awesome! :) It looks nice, are you going to retain the fridge logo though at top-left or go with something different to differentiate from the fridge page?04:29
Burgundaviano, that is where we are editing it04:29
Burgundaviagobby is a collaborative editor04:29
lotusleafBurgundavia: so gobby is the hard hat area that goes into fridge, or.. ?04:30
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: I doubt it.  I have a Quantum problem set due Friday :(04:30
tonyyarussoWhen were you hoping to publish?04:31
Burgundavialotusleaf: no, the UWN is merely posted to the fridge04:31
Burgundaviatonyyarusso: tonight at midnight, PST04:31
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Burgundaviaand that gobby server merely shares a server with the fridge04:31
lotusleafBurgundavia: I see, well I'd love to be of help, and thanks for the generous offer, but I don't know how I'd scoop any Ubuntu related up news faster than you guys are able to do it? :)04:31
tonyyarussoGrr.  Don't think I'll be much help then, unless a miracle occurs.04:31
Burgundavialotusleaf: we are writing the UWN for the past two weeks, from the 29th to the 4th04:32
Burgundavialotusleaf: I need somebody to write up a short piece on all the various Edgy reviews, including the slashdot "edgy nightmare" on04:32
Burgundaviaby short, I mean two paragraphs04:32
lotusleafBurgundavia: have you collected the urls to various Edgy reviews?04:34
Burgundavianot really04:34
Burgundaviathey are not hard to find04:34
lotusleafwhy address the /. "edgy nightmare" piece?04:35
whiprushwhy not04:35
whiprushgood, bad ..04:35
lotusleafwhiprush: why drag it out?04:35
Burgundaviawe cover the news, not create it04:36
whiprushbecause if people have issues then hiding them doesn't fix anything.04:36
Burgundaviapart of that news included people having issues with Ubuntu04:36
Burgundaviawe are not FOX news04:36
lotusleafI see your points04:37
lotusleafso you want a gentle piece without bias04:37
BurgundaviaI would group the reviews04:38
Burgundaviapositive and then negatvie04:38
Burgundaviafor the negative, mention how we address them04:38
lotusleafso, if taking the edgy reviews like a carton of eggs, you'd pluck out the good and bad and compare with real information04:38
Burgundaviamaybe right up a little piece about upgrading as well04:39
Burgundavialink to henos and keybuks blog posts, the new updater spec, et.c04:39
lotusleafBurgundavia: you mean you guys haven't tapped the deep well of Ars Technica already for talent?04:40
Burgundaviawe have, we have whiprush04:40
=== whiprush flicks off a middle finger while he types.
lotusleafBurgundavia: I don't know that *I* would be the right choice to tackle the subject you're looking to have someone cover, I don't know all the ins and outs of ubuntu devel to counter a lot of the reviews and information on specifics, some of them dive into detail04:43
lotusleafI'm a simple link diver :)04:43
Burgundaviayou are already qualified as the rest of us04:43
Burgundaviaand you have something I currently don't have: time04:44
lotusleafcollecting and swimming in links, like scrooge mcduck in his money bin, is something I can do04:44
BurgundaviaEven one line about the general gist of the interview with a link for each is fine04:44
lotusleafBurgundavia: ok, would you like me to gather as many reviews of edgy as I can?04:44
whiprushBurgundavia: who approves specs? the tech board?04:44
whiprushthe final authority I mean04:45
Burgundaviathe approver04:45
Burgundaviawho is assigned by MDZ04:45
lotusleafBurgundavia: if that's what you're looking for, I can get started in a few minutes.04:48
Burgundaviaperfect, thanks04:48
lotusleafBurgundavia: as for the compare/contrast wrap-up to forge a paragraph or two from, someone else may want to do that for the sake of clarity.04:48
lotusleafBurgundavia: right, I'll get on that now. =)04:48
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iCodok, I'm back04:55
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iCodIs there anyne in here I can talk to about the ubuntu magazine?04:56
whiprushsomeone link me up to a "perfect example" of a spec for feisty.04:56
whiprushI am trying to explain how a spec becomes a feature04:56
whiprushsort of like those old ABC morning "How a bill becomes a law" cartoons.04:56
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Burgundaviamake the default network services one?05:01
whiprushBurgundavia: I'm on paragraph 5, but I'm going to keep writing.05:03
whiprushI figure we can trim down the fat and come up with the good paragraphs.05:03
Burgundaviano worries, I expected it to be long05:03
whiprushyou know what they say, write 100 pages and there's a chance 2 of them will not suck.05:03
BurgundaviaI only write good stuff05:04
lotusleafBurgundavia: in soviet russia, good stuff writes you05:05
whiprushyou're a ninja05:05
lotusleaffscking google.. tons of "check out my edgy review for (unrelated to linux)"05:06
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whiprushBurgundavia: so ... I ended up writing about specs05:21
whiprushand not mtv itself05:21
Burgundaviathat is fine05:21
Burgundaviacan you do a three sentence piece about MTV?05:22
whiprushrol, yeah.05:22
whiprushlet me put this up someplace.05:22
Burgundaviawhiprush: gobby it05:24
whiprushon it05:24
whiprushuwn 21 right?05:25
whiprushnow we need to butcher it05:26
whiprushBurgundavia: stepping out for a smoke.05:26
whiprushCut what you feel is necessary, and I'll hit up the actual summit bit in a bit.05:27
Burgundaviaok, that rocks05:27
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Burgundaviawhiprush: ping me when you are back05:44
Burgundaviaok, I played with it a bit, but it is yours again05:44
whiprushdamn, you didn't expand the intro or the conclusion05:46
whiprushthat's like, the hardest part.05:46
BurgundaviaI like to leave people to their own challenges05:47
BurgundaviaI am not helping them by enabling their weakness05:47
Burgundaviaif you believed that, I have a bridge to seel you05:48
Burgundaviasell, rather05:48
Burgundaviaor maybe seal05:48
whiprushlet me invite an expert at these things05:48
whiprushhow am I doing on time?05:48
Burgundaviayou have about 3 hours05:49
Burgundavialotusleaf: how are you doing?05:53
lotusleafBurgundavia: :) I'm on dial up, browsing with images disabled, it's going slow, but it's going =)05:53
Burgundaviaok, no worries05:53
=== Burgundavia wonders where you can still find dialup
lotusleafBurgundavia: seeing a lot of "edgy released!" and the same documents spewed over various major news sites05:54
lotusleafsorting through them though no prob05:54
whiprushBurgundavia: I have one of the ars guys fixing it up.06:03
Burgundaviawhiprush: have you got the latest from gobby?06:04
whiprushBurgundavia: "Ryan Paul" for the credits please. :D06:04
whiprushBurgundavia: yep.06:04
Burgundaviaadd it in06:04
lotusleafwhat's the ubuntu paste bin location again plz?06:04
lotusleafI wanna clear gedit =)06:04
Burgundaviawhiprush: what are you doing right now?06:34
lotusleafever heard of Synapsis?06:36
lotusleafi think one reviewer meant Synaptic, but he says Synapsis at least twice :P06:37
Burgundaviathey meant synaptic or possible syanaptics, the touchpad driver/manufacturer06:43
lotusleafBurgundavia: yeah, they said package manager Synapsis :P06:43
lotusleafBurgundavia: copy and paste into a text editor for wrap around goodness: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32072/06:57
Burgundaviaok, that rocks06:57
Burgundaviasmall formatting stuff06:57
Burgundavianuke the ----06:57
lotusleafoops: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32072/plain/06:58
lotusleafthey're all the same size, just find and replace with a blank space06:58
Burgundaviathat is cool06:58
Burgundaviacan you write a little intro paragraph?06:58
lotusleafcool, I thought it wasn't that much06:58
lotusleafBurgundavia: are you sure you want to use that much quoted text from each url?06:59
lotusleafBurgundavia: I thought you were going to perhaps parse it06:59
Burgundaviamight want to shrink it down to just once sentence06:59
lotusleafBurgundavia: that's about all I can do with it tonight, do whatever with it =)07:00
lotusleafBurgundavia: my eyes are bleeding from horribly designed sites =)07:01
Burgundaviaok, no worries07:01
lotusleafI should've used links07:01
Burgundaviano worries, I can play with it07:01
Burgundaviawhiprush: my large and beautiful minion, present thy-self07:01
lotusleafBurgundavia: awesome07:01
whiprushBurgundavia: sorry, phone call07:01
Burgundaviawhiprush: you back now?07:02
Burgundaviacan you take lotusleaf's great work and parse it out07:02
Burgundaviaone sentence for the summary07:02
whiprushso hey .. I would feel much more comfortable if we could get a dev to review what I wrote and check it for accuracy.07:02
whiprushsure, which part?07:02
=== towsonu2003 [n=towsonu2@c-69-251-20-244.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
lotusleafwhiprush: the summary sections07:02
whiprushoh yeah07:03
whiprushhit that telepathy love dude.07:03
Burgundaviawhiprush: your spec stuff? I will dig into it07:03
Burgundaviahey towsonu2003, you want a job?07:03
towsonu2003I was wndering whether the feedback in this link was previously discussed and whether there are projects to offer solutions to some of his/her points?07:03
towsonu2003Burgundavia, not yet :) just had a question07:04
Burgundaviatowsonu2003: sorry, context?07:04
towsonu2003Burgundavia, context as in?07:04
whiprushBurgundavia: no, I was commenting on the person writing about telepathy in the UWN right now07:04
whiprushas in "awww yeah ..."07:04
Burgundaviathat is me dude07:04
lotusleafthe summery with quotes are not my words, just what I quoted from the urls07:04
lotusleaftobacco, where art thou my precious07:04
whiprushBurgundavia: what line # for the summary stuff?07:05
whiprushI don't see a section called summary anything07:05
towsonu2003Burgundavia, I saw this at the wiki "Much of the team's communication and project coordination takes place in our IRC channel: #ubuntu-marketing on irc.freenode.net", at the same time came across that blog, and wanted to ask it here :) don't take this as flame or anything07:05
Burgundaviatowsonu2003: sure, but we are currently neck deep in getting a UWN out07:06
whiprushalso, isn't gnewsense capitalized gNewSense?07:06
towsonu2003Burgundavia, oh ok -need any help07:06
Burgundaviawhiprush: I was referring to lotusleaf's work on the Edgy Reviews stuff07:06
Burgundaviatowsonu2003: yes, absolutely07:06
Burgundaviahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue20 <-- see the bug section in this?07:06
whiprush"Riccardo Setti, while not quite the uploading machine that is Daniel Holbach, managed to upload a quite respectable total, including telepathy-gabble 0.4.4, telepathy-stream-engine 0.3.12, farsight 0.1.10, libtelepathy 0.0.39"07:07
Burgundaviawe need the stats for this07:07
whiprushreword that07:07
Burgundaviait isn't done yet, dude07:07
whiprushsounds more like an insult than a complement07:07
whiprushyeah, just saying. :D07:07
towsonu2003Burgundavia, I'll try to see what I can do07:07
BurgundaviaI am dumping from my UWN folder07:07
whiprushoh oh, cool07:07
Burgundaviawhich, if you can imagine, is quite full right now07:07
lotusleafand again, in case it was missed, the quotes within the summary field in the text are all from their respective urls nearby07:09
lotusleafnot my words! :)07:09
Burgundavialotusleaf: what is your real name?07:12
lotusleafBurgundavia: I don't have one =)07:13
lotusleafBurgundavia: at least not online07:13
towsonu2003Burgundavia, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32076/07:13
whiprushBurgundavia: does the UDS thing go on the top like the skeleton says, or leave it at the bottom?07:13
Burgundaviawhiprush: hmm07:14
elkbuntuok, im back now07:14
Burgundavialotusleaf: I like to credit people with their real name07:14
elkbuntuam i too late for uwn goodness?07:14
Burgundaviawhiprush: hmm, at the top is beter07:14
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: nope07:14
whiprushcutting and pasting07:14
=== segphault [n=segphaul@adsl-67-123-205-241.dsl.lsan03.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviasegphault: greetings07:14
towsonu2003Burgundavia, should I go somewhere else (mailing list) for my question, or should I come back later to ask that question? ps. in case it was missed http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32076/ for bug stats07:15
elkbuntuwhere are we? gobby or wiki?07:15
lotusleafBurgundavia: I can appreciate that, thank you, but my real name deserves no credit. =)07:15
Burgundaviawhiprush: remember, this UWN covers up to the 11th07:15
Burgundavialotusleaf: ok, no worries07:15
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: gobby07:15
Burgundaviaanybody else having 100% when they type more than 4 letters at once?07:15
segphaultit would be really cool if the ubuntu.com/usn stuff was also available in XML07:16
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: would be able to start proofing whiprush's and segphault's article?07:16
lotusleafBurgundavia: if you'd like, you can mention lotusleaf and link to my tiny page on launchpad or something?07:16
elkbuntuas soon as gobby decides to load, sure07:16
Burgundaviasegphault: there is a bug for an RSS feed07:16
lotusleafBurgundavia: whether or not you mention me, doesn't matter, I'm just happy to help.07:16
Burgundavialotusleaf: you are credited as Lotusleaf07:16
whiprushsegphault: like the old ubuntu-summary07:16
lotusleafBurgundavia: thx =)07:16
whiprushdone like the kernel cousin thing07:17
Burgundavialotusleaf: if you contribue, you get credit. It is my only hard and fast rule07:17
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: the other piece that needs proofing is the LP news, from Christian07:17
lotusleafBurgundavia: =) =)07:17
Burgundaviawhiprush: that stuff you have from lotusleaf should go in the "in the press section"07:17
whiprushwe're short on kubuntu news for feisty07:17
whiprushBurgundavia: eh? what stuff?07:17
whiprushdid I miss a /msg?07:18
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Burgundaviawill now07:18
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segphaultwhiprush: the UDS thing seems to have vanished...07:18
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segphaultif it's on your clipboard, I sure hope you don't accidentally copy something else. ;-)07:19
Burgundaviasegphault: got moved up07:19
segphaultah, I see it.07:19
whiprushimbrandon: gobby.ubuntu.com, doc is UWN 2107:19
elkbuntuahrm.. so we're not in poningru's gobby? if so then well. um... you're hiding really well07:19
whiprushimbrandon: go nuts.07:19
whiprushsegphault: I moved it up07:19
imbrandonkk , lemme finish this one thing i got open then i'm on it07:19
whiprushBurgundavia: dude this lotusleaf thing is the size of an xbox.07:20
BurgundaviaI am well aware of that07:20
whiprushShould I just link the title to the link?07:20
Burgundaviamake it smaller :)07:20
whiprushand make one huge list?07:20
Burgundaviadon't make links, and I like the summary07:20
Burgundaviait is ok if we are huge this week07:21
Burgundaviaimbrandon: can you write about http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/11/sugar-cookies.html07:21
elkbuntuBurgundavia, of course it's not, we have a few slack weeks to make up for07:21
=== Burgundavia whips himself in penance
whiprushok, so how about:07:21
whiprushTitle (linked) : Summary07:22
whiprushhi elkbuntu!07:22
elkbuntuhi whiprush!07:22
Burgundaviawhiprush: don't link the titel, becuase it gets sent as plain text, but otherwise good07:22
Burgundaviatitle: summary07:22
whiprushso as an example07:24
whiprushReview: Ubuntu Edgy is nice, but not so edgy : "Aside from mention of Upstart, there's the comment "In fact, users might not notice much different anywhere in Edgy" "I was surprised to find that Gnucash is not installed by default in Edgy, since the 2.0 release came out in July," lack of a default finance app mentioned as a hole, difficulties mentioned with Orca, mention of Rhythmbox freezes, ends with "not as adventurous as 07:24
whiprushURL: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/26/155220807:24
Burgundaviawhiprush: can you cut the summary to on sentence?07:25
imbrandonand the fact that all the screenshots etc are Kubuntu07:25
whiprushBurgundavia: ok, I see.07:25
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: got an in the press thingy for you to write: http://news.com.com/A+Linux+start-up+on+the+path+to+profits/2008-1012_3-6130484.html07:25
whiprushBurgundavia: am I keeping them all or cutting out Joe Blog?07:26
imbrandonwhiprush: it would be cool to note in there that the screenshots etc are kubuntu and they say the DE is KDE ( 3.5.4 ) even though its labled Ubuntu :)07:26
Burgundaviawhiprush: make a value decision on which to keep07:26
Burgundaviaimbrandon: the world is filled with lies07:27
whiprushimbrandon: bring that up with zonker, I'm the cut and paste guy for this gargantuan list. :p07:27
whiprushBurgundavia: awesome, so I have to read all these too.07:27
Burgundavianow I realize why editos look so harried07:27
whiprushThis is just fantastic.07:27
=== Burgundavia slaps whiprush
imbrandonone sec gone to grab a mt dew, i have some kde stuff for the new in feisty section and som UDS stuff to add07:28
imbrandonback in a sec07:28
segphaultping me if you need me07:28
=== segphault is now known as seg|away
whiprushhey wait07:29
=== seg|away is now known as segphault
elkbuntuwooh... wha? are we still this far behind?07:29
whiprush"Although Canonical claims that Upstart is significantly faster than init, Ars Linux users don't find that claim convincing, saying that despite Upstart's greater potential in the long term, it still doesn't provide superior performance in this release"07:29
whiprushwhat the hell dude07:29
segphaultI added that because you told me to07:29
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: only two weeks07:29
whiprush's not righ07:29
whiprushand now I can't type.07:29
Burgundaviano it isn't07:29
whiprushdude, lol.07:29
elkbuntuBurgundavia, as opposed to.. two weeks?07:30
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: this is a double issue07:30
whiprushI said "People are claiming that upstart is supposed to be faster than init, don't fall into that trap."07:30
whiprushor some such.07:30
elkbuntuit is? cool07:30
lotusleafwhiprush: was that one of the snippets I quoted? If so, I just quoted from the articles07:30
whiprushlotusleaf: yeah, I have the upstream author handy so I just pinged him. :D07:30
imbrandonin scotts words " upstart has the potential to be faster but thats just a side effect and is not the intent of upstart, and certainly not the case at the moment"07:31
lotusleafwhiprush: remember, none of the quotes were my words!07:31
imbrandonwhiprush: ^^07:31
whiprushimbrandon: I know what scott said!07:31
lotusleafwhiprush: ah in irc.arstechnica #linux ?07:31
whiprushI apparently miscommunicated this to segphault07:31
whiprushending up with this bogus line.07:31
segphaultwhiprush: Oct 26 07:26:51 <jorge> segphault: if you end up doing an ubuntu story, upstart isn't faster than normal innit (yet).07:31
segphaultwhiprush: I have quotes from canonical where they literally say it is faster07:32
whiprushyeah, that's correct.07:32
whiprushhmmm, who said that?07:33
whiprushwe need to fix them. :p07:33
Burgundaviawhiprush: for now, please report the news07:33
whiprushsegphault: find me a more choice quote to your article, so we can just sidestep this.07:33
Burgundaviayou can FOX news it later07:34
whiprushBurgundavia: thanks!07:34
imbrandonbwhahaha who added "In the "I have used $app since 1980 " thats fskin classic07:35
=== Burgundavia bows
segphaultwhiprush: "Ubuntu 6.10, which includes the freshly released Firefox 2.0, sports the new Tangerine theme, designed to improve visual integration of the browser by making it better conform to Ubuntu's style. Other visual improvements are featured as well, including a new USplash startup screen that will provide better support for a wider range of resolutions."07:35
whiprushnow that's more like it, thanks!07:35
segphaultwhiprush: from the official Ubuntu press release: "Upstart, a replacement start-up manager offering a cleaner design, eye-catching effects and a substantially faster boot time"07:36
segphaultwhiprush: http://www.ubuntu.com/news/610released07:36
Burgundaviaimbrandon: have you got Kubuntu uploads? remember it is only covering oct 29th through the 11th of nov07:36
whiprushhmmm, shitty07:37
whiprushmost of those improvements were probably due to moving to dash07:38
whiprushoh well.07:38
segphaultwho writes the press releases for Ubuntu?07:38
imbrandonyea i'm writing about amarok and kde 3.5.5a now07:38
imbrandonBurgundavia: ^07:38
Burgundaviaprobably the new person07:38
whiprushthey should really flesh that shit out during beta.07:38
imbrandonamarok got mtp and rio support this week07:38
whiprushinstead of going for the day-of thing07:38
whiprushlotusleaf: dude did you purposely pick all the negative reviews for this list? :)07:39
lotusleafwhiprush: I didn't pick, I just cut and paste quick for Burgundavia07:39
lotusleafwhiprush: I'm on dialup and just grabbed a few07:40
lotusleafwhiprush: I didn't do any sorting07:40
whiprushheh, k07:40
segphaultI think edgy failed to live up to over-inflated expectations07:40
whiprushreading through these is really frustrating.07:40
segphaultit's hard to be really enamored with the edgy release07:41
lotusleafwhiprush: sorry, I didn't pick and choose anything, I was just asked to find some reviews ;) I'm sure there are a lot of others I missed, but my eyes were bleeding from poor web designs07:41
whiprushI've had no problems with edgy for my users.07:41
whiprushlotusleaf: not blaming you, I appreciate the time you put into this.07:41
whiprushjust frustrated with the results.07:41
segphaultI'm not saying that there is anything wrong with it, it just isn't a huge leap forward07:41
lotusleafwhiprush: how much time do you have for this?07:42
whiprushsegphault: 6 month cycle dude, that's a feature.07:42
whiprushlotusleaf: I have 4 beers left.07:42
lotusleafwhiprush: I'm sure a good 2 or 3 people could do a quick link search for others (heh)07:42
whiprushextrapolate from there.07:42
segphaulthow do you write a really excited review about minor aesthetic changes and infrastructure improvements that aren't user-visible07:42
whiprushsegphault: dude try writing gnome reviews.07:42
whiprush6 months is fast.07:42
segphaultoh I know. Same problem07:42
segphaultit's just that shuttleworth really talked up edgy and made it sound like it was going to be an exciting release07:42
whiprushyeah well07:43
lotusleaffrom what I've seen, a lot of people like it and love dapper, I guess a lot of ppl were hoping for insta-3d desktops and expected edgy to launch them into space or something07:43
whiprushhe's not allowed to do that anymore I don't think. :D07:43
segphaultI think he genuinely believed that compositing stuff would be ready for edgy07:43
imbrandonok Burgundavia look over my "new in feisty this week" please for kubuntu, i'm moving to another section07:43
tonyyarussoI expected more from Edgy, even if not compositing.  I'm not sure what exactly, but it was hyped up more than it was capable of in the compressed cycle.07:44
imbrandonok whiprush ^^07:44
Burgundaviaimbrandon: will do07:44
whiprushI think the problem is that in the past ubuntu attracted existing debian/linux users, who know how to use dpkg and apt .. now we're into a whole new class of users cutting and pasting things from the forums and blowing stuff up.07:44
tonyyarussoRealistically it sounds like Feisty+1 will be when we get excitement, with X 7.3 etc07:44
whiprushespecially with the compiz seperate repository stuff.07:45
tonyyarussowhiprush: Also very true.  Back when the last study was done, very few Ubuntu users said it was their first Linux.  I'll bet money when Melissa releases her results we'll see something very different.07:45
whiprush"LOL I replaced half my X with some repo, and now edgy is broken."07:45
whiprushwe saw that coming from _2_ miles away.07:46
imbrandononly 2? your blind07:46
whiprushimbrandon: the expression is "I saw that coming from a mile away."07:46
whiprushso saying 2 miles makes it more important. :p07:46
imbrandonright on, i was just joshin ya07:46
whiprushbut yeah, sabdfl kind of strongly hinted that the bling was coming in edgy.07:47
lotusleafwhiprush: one user told me they did a netstat and saw hundreds of connections to different addresses @ port 6667-6669. I asked him if he had installed anything different lately, he said "yeah I added more places to get software from from a website with a different language"07:47
whiprushdid you guys see that story?07:47
whiprushsome dude with a repo07:47
whiprushchanged the wallpaper07:47
imbrandonhahahaha lotusleaf07:47
whiprushto be like "installing things from 3rd party repos is bad"07:48
tonyyarusso6667..what is that?07:48
imbrandonwhiprush: yea i know the guy personaly07:48
whiprushit was on planet debian07:48
imbrandontonyyarusso: irc07:48
whiprushimbrandon: I applaud his effort.07:48
whiprushfor better or worse.07:48
lotusleafwhiprush: yeah that was on planet ubuntu too I think07:48
tonyyarussoI knew it was familiar07:48
imbrandonwhiprush: as did all the ubuntu devs in -devel ( it was _ion that hangs out in -devel )07:48
whiprushoh, lol.07:49
imbrandonhe even gave out the source for the package for others to use if they wanted :)07:49
whiprushwhat's sad07:49
whiprushis someday, someone will burn alot of users.07:49
lotusleafthe only 3rd party repo I use is the one for wine listed @ winehq, and even then I don't like the fact that I haven't seen a key posted anywhere for that repo, oh well07:49
whiprushand it will end up being ubuntu's fault anyway.07:49
whiprushanyway, back to working07:49
imbrandonwhiprush: yea i think thats why more walpapers like that are neeed07:49
imbrandonyup me too07:49
whiprushI can feel Burgundavia staring at us....07:49
=== elkbuntu pulls Burgundavia's tshirt over his head and continues slacking
=== segphault is now known as seg|away
imbrandonwhiprush / elkbuntu got a link to an explination of soyuz ?07:50
elkbuntuyou know, he wouldnt notice so much if we didnt ping his nick like that :07:50
=== Burgundavia gets out his really big whip
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: how you making out with that article I asked to write about?07:51
elkbuntuwell shit, we're busted now07:51
elkbuntuBurgundavia, the one already in gobby?07:51
Burgundaviawhiprush: how you making out with those reviews?07:51
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: no, the one I told you about07:51
imbrandonwhiprush: has anyone added the link leslie posted to the video of mark talking at UDS to the google people ?07:51
Burgundavia elkbuntu: got an in the press thingy for you to write: http://news.com.com/A+Linux+start-up+on+the+path+to+profits/2008-1012_3-6130484.html07:52
elkbuntuyeah, check the in the press section in gobby07:52
elkbuntui just havent thought up a title thing for it yet07:52
imbrandonewww who's using tinyurl in the news letter07:52
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: ok07:52
elkbuntuewww me, because its a hugeass long url07:52
whiprushBurgundavia: about 50% thru07:53
Burgundaviawhiprush: cool07:53
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: got another one: http://cs.senecac.on.ca/fsoss/2006/recordings/07:53
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: Dave Sullivan from -ca was there07:53
Burgundaviaimbrandon: what are you currently working on?07:54
imbrandonthe sab video07:54
imbrandonon in the press07:54
imbrandonfrom UDS07:54
Burgundaviacool, ok07:54
Burgundaviaimbrandon: Zune is actually not a "Plays for Sure" device07:57
Burgundaviait is most emphatically not07:57
lotusleafI'd like to jump rope on a zune07:57
Burgundaviait doesn07:57
Burgundavia't even install on Vista yet07:57
whiprushBurgundavia: ok, where do I stick these?07:57
imbrandonahh Burgundavia well libmtp is for microsoft transport devices07:57
imbrandoni figured zunes was one07:58
Burgundaviawhiprush: in the in the press07:58
Burgundaviaimbrandon: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/6120272.stm07:58
whiprushhuge paste going in07:58
Burgundaviawhiprush: add a seperate subsection called "Edgy Reviews"07:58
whiprushdid so07:59
whiprushimbrandon: are you a typical UWN contributor?08:00
whiprushimbrandon: ie. is this your first time?08:00
imbrandonthis is like the second or 3rd time08:00
imbrandoni'm not an every week guy no08:00
whiprushimbrandon: cool. So whenever kubuntu news are weak, I'm going to find you. :)08:01
Burgundaviasome of my regular people have dropped away, such as johnlittle and lophyte08:01
whiprushthis should make finding another volunteer your priority. Heh.08:01
elkbuntuyeah, and i've been little use the past few weeks08:01
imbrandonwhiprush: sounds cool, i'm *trying* to become the new kubuntu cheerleader as we really dont have one, talked to jono a bit about it at UDS08:01
whiprushBurgundavia, this means you should just become annoying and rile us up.08:02
whiprushotherwise most of us will just idle and not care.08:02
=== elkbuntu tries desperately to not imagine imbrandon in a cheerleader outfit...
Burgundaviait isn't hard to get people to work08:02
imbrandonok someone ( whiprush ) please proof the green inthe press section08:02
Burgundaviajust dive in yourself and you will all follow08:02
whiprushon it08:02
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: you lacking a job?'08:02
elkbuntunot at all08:03
elkbuntujust trying to figure what to say about this thingie08:03
whiprushimbrandon: see line 83, confused at what you're trying to say.08:06
imbrandon01:04 < imbrandon> Riddell: i'm working on the UWN right now as the token kde guy, we're about to push it out08:06
imbrandon01:04 < imbrandon> got somthing to add?08:06
imbrandon01:05 < Riddell> imbrandon: point to sebas and seele's blogs08:06
imbrandoncrap sorry wrong window08:06
imbrandon01:05 < imbrandon> k i have seele's link got sebas's ?08:06
imbrandonok whiprush08:06
imbrandon01:05 < Riddell> imbrandon: and say what rocking specs we have08:06
imbrandon01:05 < Riddell> vizzzion.org08:07
imbrandonumm it was drasticly changed in edgy, and we reverted to the normal dapper ( and pre-dapper ) way08:07
whiprushBurgundavia: I would feel more comfortable if one of the devs would proofread the spec section I wrote.08:07
imbrandonwhiprush: ^08:07
whiprushimbrandon: I need you to explain the how the feature works.08:08
whiprushas it reads now, you need to know KDE intimately to know what you're trying to say.08:08
imbrandonthe root filesystem in edgy was hidden from the user, by revolt of the cumminty that was undone08:08
whiprushah k08:08
whiprushwait, so you guys added / to .hidden?08:09
imbrandonno we added a .hidden file to /08:09
imbrandonbut yea same idea08:09
whiprush / is pretty hard to find in gnome.08:09
imbrandonits really in the users best intrest but the old skool p33pz dident see it that way08:10
whiprushI hear ya08:10
whiprushI hear that argument all the time.08:10
imbrandonand in reality gnome has supported it in all 2.X but nooo that wouldent make it right :)08:10
whiprushI don't see why users need to learn the unix filesystem, but that's best argued over beers.08:11
imbrandonanyhow , yea if you can put that into some elegant words i will kiss you :)08:11
imbrandonwhiprush: exactly :)08:11
whiprushimbrandon: check it now, read better?08:12
imbrandonyea except the "way KDE way"08:13
whiprushwe have a "filesystem" icon in GNOME's computer section08:13
elkbuntuhmm.. this reminds me of the first night at the pub :08:13
whiprushwhich has irritated me for years08:13
Burgundaviaimbrandon: you have a small problem with the 3.5.5a stuff: It is outside the scope of this UWN08:14
imbrandonelkbuntu: yea , whiprush  me and keybuk got into this convo over some beers ;)08:14
whiprushimbrandon: in case you haven't noticed, I consider anything a normal user needs to do out of ~ to be a bug. :D08:14
imbrandonBurgundavia: well that change was actualy in kubuntu-default-settings and done while at UDS08:14
imbrandonthe 3.5.5a wasent08:14
Burgundaviaimbrandon: I count upload date08:14
imbrandonright i need to change the wording08:15
Burgundaviamakes it really simple to figure out whether something has been talked about or not08:15
Burgundaviaand the == Feisty Changes == section is stuff that is already available08:15
Burgundaviaie: uploaded08:15
whiprushit's like 2:15am here. anything else?08:15
whiprushlove to stick around and do more08:15
Burgundaviawhiprush: you have done lots, you can sleep now08:16
whiprushbut I need to go to work in the morning.08:16
whiprushBurgundavia: thank you, grand master, may i have another?08:16
imbrandonok Burgundavia fixed, and now it does fall into the scope08:16
Burgundaviaimbrandon: perfect. Would you mind parsing -default-settings each time it gets uploaded? I find it quite arcane to figure out what end users actually care about08:17
elkbuntuwe're still lacking a soyuz thing08:17
imbrandoni dont mind regulary contributing, i just forget about the jam session dates :)08:17
imbrandonBurgundavia: ^^08:17
Burgundaviawhy do we need a soyuz thing?08:17
Burgundaviaimbrandon: we have been slacking on them recently08:17
elkbuntuimbrandon, we can put you on the list of people to annoy if you like08:18
imbrandonwell if you poke me, i';ll do my best :)08:18
imbrandonstill need a feature of the week08:18
elkbuntuhmm... so you're ready for the 'property of Burgundavia' tattoo?08:19
Burgundaviawe have enought stuff08:19
whiprushimbrandon: see my last edit08:19
imbrandonso drop that section ?08:19
whiprushline 31008:19
Burgundaviaimbrandon: yes08:19
imbrandonwhiprush: hahahahaha08:19
Burgundaviabuilding my harem, want to join imbrandon? I can promise no wages, terrible job security and much abuse08:19
imbrandonBurgundavia: sure :)08:20
imbrandonas with the rest of the project :)08:20
imbrandon( that i'm quite happly a member of )08:20
imbrandonsides you all need a token kde guy arround :)08:20
Burgundaviain the upcoming events, there is a register.com url, should be in the press sectoin08:20
elkbuntuunfortunately, you speak the truth :-/08:20
lotusleafimbrandon: kde > gnome =)08:20
lotusleafthere needs to be more reviews for kubuntu08:21
lotusleafin my search there's a lot for ubuntu but only one or two for kubuntu08:21
lotusleafnot to mention edubuntu of course08:21
imbrandonlotusleaf: there are a few, but i totaly agree, thus some of my talks with jono about a kubuntu cheerleader :)08:22
imbrandoni think in that pic of him at the bar the last night he was recruiting me two :)08:22
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lotusleafI'll have to write up a detailed review of Kubuntu with screenshots when the next version hits08:22
=== imbrandon ducks
elkbuntulotusleaf, that rush starts in the next few days, so start work now08:23
elkbuntuyou know the parts where we've been saying we've been slack? we were not lying.08:24
lotusleafelkbuntu: I'll review it when it's out, I won't be testing it like I did edgy from knot 3 on, not with dialup =) although I did find a bit of rest with updates by switching temp. from kde to openbox08:24
Burgundavialotusleaf: please take the offtopic chatter elsewhere while we work on the UWN08:25
lotusleafare there people who run PR for edubuntu?08:25
lotusleafBurgundavia: right, sorry08:25
elkbuntulotusleaf, riched i guess would be the person to liase with for edubuntu, he'd at least be able to identify a victim08:25
lotusleafelkbuntu: thx08:26
imbrandonBurgundavia: where would be a good section to add about seele's ( kde useability ) work that will be going into feisty ?08:26
imbrandon( that was the main reason she was at UDS )08:26
Burgundaviaadd a specific section on that, under the Feisty Changes (subheading)08:27
tonyyarussoThat's the lone girl in the pic of the Kubuntu folks, isn't it?08:29
elkbuntuok, im going to go back to the beginning and proof the lot now, Burgundavia08:29
Burgundaviaok, I am stuck on the wording of teh UDS thingy08:29
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: would you mind poking tha tfirst?08:29
elkbuntuline #?08:30
imbrandontonyyarusso: yea08:30
Burgundaviafirst bit in the community news08:30
elkbuntuthe bit that mentions the bottle dance?08:31
tonyyarussoThought so.  I'm slightly amused by the idea of bringing in a female to make things usable ;)08:31
imbrandontonyyarusso: she is paid by KDE as a useability expert and also has another job where that is her sole function :)08:31
tonyyarussoGood stuff08:32
=== tonyyarusso is a Gnome person, but usability in anything is always good
imbrandonBurgundavia: while i look up to url's to seele and sebeas can you look over line 9908:33
elkbuntuim getting pretty crap lag btw08:33
Burgundaviaso am I08:33
imbrandonme 308:33
Burgundaviait cause my CPU usage to massive spike08:34
Burgundaviause their real names first, then their nicks08:34
elkbuntuFirstname "Nickname" Lastname works well imho08:35
Burgundavia * Open  (19313) +1137 over two weeks ago <-- rofl on the bug numbers08:36
Burgundaviawait, that is 1337, rather08:36
imbrandonok i'm done with 9908:38
imbrandonbrb , potty break then i'm ready for another job Burgundavia08:39
Burgundaviasounds good08:39
elkbuntuBurgundavia, i dont know if i've made it any better or not08:39
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: two p's in your last name?08:39
Burgundaviaof course you ahve08:39
elkbuntuBurgundavia, no08:39
Burgundaviastop being so down on yourself08:39
elkbuntuBurgundavia, i wasnt being down on myself.. it still sounds awkward08:39
imbrandonoh crap i forgot about nuno and kwwii from upstream kde too , gah08:41
=== imbrandon edits
imbrandonelkbuntu: you know nuno's last name ?08:41
elkbuntuum... im sure there's somewhere to find out08:42
=== klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntuwell crap... he hides well08:43
imbrandoni got it08:44
imbrandongobby time out ?08:44
Burgundaviawhiprush: your spec article is well written08:44
elkbuntuwhen you've both finished what you're doing, i think we might do a save08:45
Burgundaviasaving continually, don't worry08:45
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: can you proof the Feisty Changes section?08:46
elkbuntuBurgundavia, good man08:46
imbrandonok i added a bit in 93 if you want to reread it again Burgundavia08:46
Burgundaviaimbrandon: we avoid using too many moinisms like [blah blah] 08:46
Burgundaviagot line 9308:48
Burgundaviacan you proof the LP stuff?08:48
imbrandonyou rock08:48
Burgundavianah, you wrote it08:50
BurgundaviaI just tweaked it08:50
elkbuntusokdoku <-- is it actually spelled that (never sure with application names)08:52
elkbuntuBurgundavia --^08:53
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: don't tell me, fix it08:53
elkbuntuim asking a question08:53
imbrandongoogle spellcheck :)08:53
Burgundaviathat is a spelling mistake on my part08:53
elkbuntui know how to spell sudoku, applications are not always so logical08:54
Burgundaviawell, I am ready to copy back to the wiki for a final check, when you are, imbrandon and elkbuntu08:56
elkbuntuim only a 3rd of the way through a check swee[08:56
elkbuntuhmm.. wasnt all that LP stuff in the last uwn?08:58
Burgundaviamight have been, I didn't think so08:58
Burgundaviano, you are right08:58
imbrandonyup i've glanced the whole thing, looks good to me08:58
Burgundaviaok, copying back from09:00
elkbuntuyep. up to you whether the LP stuff stays or goes09:00
Burgundaviakilled it, it is old09:01
elkbuntuit's a long enough issue anyway09:01
elkbuntuBurgundavia, are you going to send it forth now?09:04
Burgundaviaon the wiki, final edit09:05
Burgundaviaplease make one final check now09:05
imbrandonurl ?09:06
imbrandonsorry not used to the marketing yet :)09:06
Burgundaviano worries09:06
elkbuntuwe'll have you fluent in no time09:06
imbrandonhahaha :)09:07
=== imbrandon looks it over
elkbuntuRESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!!!!!!!!09:07
jendagood morning09:08
jendaI'll have a quick look as well.09:08
elkbuntui'll forgive you when my posters arrive :09:09
imbrandonBurgundavia: crap i need to make an edit09:09
imbrandoni mispelled kens name09:09
Burgundaviaedit away09:09
=== jenda bites a few nitpicks
elkbuntuimbrandon, wimer is how it is on launchpad09:10
imbrandonyup changed09:11
imbrandonok Burgundavia done, looks good from here09:11
Burgundaviajenda: you can edit it, if you want09:11
jendaI will make a few minor edits.09:14
imbrandonjenda: while your in there you might add "Leslie Hawthorn, our gracious hostess from Google " + "for the Developers Summit" or something to that effect09:15
imbrandonthose that werent at USD would have no idea09:15
jendawhere - to the credits?09:15
imbrandonin the press09:16
jenda(i didn't have a chance to read the whole thing)09:16
imbrandonthe first part of what i quoted is existing09:16
imbrandonthe second or similar needs to be added09:16
jendaimbrandon: would "our gracious UDS hostess" cut it?09:17
imbrandonsure ( from google )09:17
jendaour gracious hostess (of the Ubuntu Developer Summit) from Google09:18
jendasaving... :)09:18
imbrandonshe was the google emplyyeee that took care of everything ( and is the opensource dept head at google for SoC )09:18
imbrandonyea she was really cool, even had a few of us to her house for drinks etc ( he hubby is the lead ff dev )09:19
jendahehe :)09:19
imbrandons/he hubby/her hubby/09:19
Burgundaviajenda: where are you at?09:19
imbrandonyea yea yea , might as well be hubby :)09:19
BurgundaviaI need to sleep soonish09:19
imbrandonme 309:19
jendaBurgundavia: done09:19
Burgundaviaanybody else?09:19
elkbuntuimbrandon, depends how many more times she calls up with hackers to drive home09:19
imbrandonlol true09:20
imbrandonhe wasent happy about that09:20
elkbuntudude, that was crazy09:20
jendaBurgundavia: one more thingy, but done.09:20
elkbuntumind you, her driving in a normal mood isnt much better09:20
Burgundaviajenda: have you added yourself to the contributors?09:21
imbrandonhahah that how we all drive in "amerrika"09:21
jendathat was the thingy :)09:21
jendaWho wrote the Forging of Feisty?09:21
elkbuntuimbrandon, you all set acceleration records?09:21
jendaIt's very well written. I like it :)09:21
Burgundaviawhiprush, with seg|away09:22
imbrandonpretty much, its all gas or none09:22
=== imbrandon shushes
jendaI'll probably be quoting that at times.09:22
jendaSounds like drivers in Italy :)09:23
=== elkbuntu goes to see if the skippy roast is ready to eat yet
jenda(my experience of american drivers is exactly the opposite, though)09:23
jendaOTOH, that was some 11 years ago... you guys have probably evolved...09:23
imbrandonBurgundavia: rockin09:24
jendaAlthough, I spent last year in Canada, and had the impression Canadian drivers were also very Law abiding...09:24
imbrandonok off for a snack and bed, Burgundavia please poke me anytime for jam sessions , i'll keep notes durring the week09:24
jenda...everywhere, except Quebec.09:24
jendaThat's where you begin to fear for your life on the streets...09:24
Burgundavia22 created09:26
Burgundaviaimbrandon: you can dig into the Kubuntu stuff, if you wish09:26
imbrandonsounds good to me :)09:26
Burgundaviaok, I am kind of stunned09:38
Burgundaviamy inbox is empty09:38
jendaMine has a flashy UWN in it... aww 09:49
elkbuntuBurgundavia, your weekly thankyou email not arrived yet?09:49
Burgundavianot yet09:49
jendaand now?09:50
jendaOMG, spam is going crazy on teh marketing list.09:51
lotusleafBurgundavia: thank you for pulling me in for a tiny bit of help. If you need any help in the future, please let me know, I'll try my best. =)09:53
Burgundavialotusleaf: thanks for being willing to lend a hand09:53
lotusleafBurgundavia: yw, anytime09:53
jendaBurgundavia: any idea when your bro might be reachable?10:28
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jendahello ubotu :)10:35
lotusleafjenda: ping11:09
lotusleafjenda: just had a comment on your recent post on that obey thread11:10
lotusleafjenda: I've read on other places on the web about an interest in those rough designs as cafepress or whatever else tshirts and stuff, ppl especially like the idea of it on an all black shirt11:11
jendayes yes, so do I :)11:11
jendaI can get shirts done for about $10 each.11:11
lotusleafjenda: my only recommendation is that if you do go forward with this, don't have OBEY or refer to them as OBEY when selling shirts11:11
jendaof course :)11:12
jendaI'll call them rough.11:12
lotusleafjenda: because the whole OBEY thing, when it comes to money, I'm sure, is copyrighted by the guy who did Obey Giant11:12
jendaSince I have no clue what the obey meansany way.11:12
lotusleafah, ok, you're already way ahead of me, figures =)11:12
jendaNot at all :)11:12
lotusleafjenda: it's explained on the wikipedia page I linked to in the post11:12
lotusleafjenda: which links to the official OBEY site11:12
lotusleafjenda: for obey giant11:12
jendacan you link teh post?11:13
jenda(so I don't have to search)11:13
lotusleafone sec11:13
lotusleafjenda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obey_Giant11:14
lotusleafi'll just link you to the wiki11:14
lotusleaf^ there ;)11:14
lotusleafwith the obeygiant website listed below on that wikipedia page under external links11:14
jendai see11:15
lotusleafI'll help you understand it quickly11:16
lotusleaf"His "Obey" Campaign draws from the John Carpenter movie "They Live", taking a number of slogans, including the "Obey" slogan, as well as the "This is Your God" slogan.[1] "11:16
lotusleafif you've never seen THEY LIVE, you should11:16
jendahehe 11:16
lotusleafit may not have the best acting, but I believe everyone should see they live once11:16
lotusleafjust skimming the they live page about the movie should give you an idea11:18
lotusleafit's a wild movie, too bad the ending tapers off into lameness imo11:18
jendalooks... funky ;)11:21
jendaI might check it out...11:21
jenda...once I have time.11:21
lotusleafso is everyone here asleep when you're up in your part of the world?11:21
jendaNo, I won't ever have time, so I might squeeze it in some time that i don't have...11:22
jendahehe... nah, in the evening (europe) it wakes up.11:22
lotusleafthat's cool11:22
=== cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
lotusleafcpk1: hello11:28
=== jenda observes cpk1
=== lotusleaf turns aquarium around to get a better view of jenda
cpk1hi all, would be great to have a link up with the posters about the shirts11:28
=== lotusleaf pokes cpk1
jendahehe 11:28
lotusleafcpk1: indeed!11:29
jendathe t-shirts aren't even designed yet, let alone availabel.11:29
jendaOTOH, they will be.11:29
jendaA website is being worked on... diy.devubuntu.com11:29
lotusleafcpk1: post to that obey thread on ubuntu forums ;)11:29
jenda(will be diy.ubuntu.com once finished)11:29
=== cpk1 is done making a ruckus
jendanot too successful, was it :)11:30
jendait's not the marketing teams venture, mind. It's private.11:30
jendaThe marketing team rejected it :)11:30
cpk1eh, its late and i'm lazy11:30
cpk1my class got cancelled for tomorrow =)11:31
cpk1so i am taking it easy11:31
jendamine too.11:31
cpk1lord knows my professor is11:31
cpk1you calling us kde people gear heads?11:32
jendaI can't wait till the Canadians get up.... need to talk to Brian.11:32
lotusleafjenda: wow, I am tired, I read that as Cardassians11:32
cpk1well here on the west coast its 2:40 so you might be waiting a while11:32
jendaI know.11:32
jendaIt's daily routine...11:32
jendait rotates nicely - when I get up in the morning, only the latest amercans are still up (such as Corey)11:33
jendahe goes to be soon after...11:33
jendaaussies are coming back from work - or leaving work AND IRC behind...11:34
jendaeuropeans go _to_ work, or come to their work computers and switch on IRC11:34
jendaetc :)11:35
cpk1i'm always up much later than i should11:35
cpk1but things that get me interested always seem to pop up late at night11:35
jendayp 11:35
cpk1like last night, stupid cdrecord...11:35
jendaI hate cdrecord11:36
jendait hate my burner, in turn.11:36
cpk1yeah well it wasnt detecting my cd-rw11:36
jendaon the lappy?11:36
cpk1and i know my burner can use that brand of discs11:36
cpk1although i think my laptop also has a burner that can do cd-rw11:37
cpk1the laptop really needs an internal drive though11:37
jendamine gets detected, and pretends to burn, and either fails, or pretends to succeed and fails all the same :?11:37
jendahaven't tried on Edgy, yet, thoug.h11:37
cpk1well it just tells me i have no medium11:37
cpk1but after having my room mate burn to the cd-rw i can now mount it and -atip can see it11:38
cpk1and it mounted it as /media/dvdrecorder11:38
cpk1which i think is the problem11:38
cpk1i never tried using cdrecorder with /media/dvdrecorder11:38
jendano idea... it's slightly OT too...11:39
cpk1just venting =P11:39
cpk1stupid thing was driving me up a wall last night11:42
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=== jenda prods Burgwork still in bed, or in work now?
=== jenda needs the other Burger.
jendaI have just been suggested Ubuntu roughcut stickers...03:49
jendawhat do you think about that?03:49
MenZaKinda.. communis if you ask me03:51
jendahehe :)03:51
jendamight be )03:51
jendadunno, didn't think of that.03:51
MenZaHmm, it's possibl03:52
jendaI'll probably be doing t-shirts of that design....03:52
jendabut I'm not sure if stickers are worth it.03:53
jendaI need Madpilot to polish it a bit, though, because it's not good enough by my standards :)03:54
jendaall those black smudges are exactly the same, and it doesn't look natural.03:54
jendathe text looks great, but the logo itself only has a few (5+3) of those copy-pasted smudges... :)03:55
jendabesides, the copyright/trademark notice doesn't cut it :)03:56
jendaanyway, I'll save that for MP03:56
jendaoooh... I think Madpilot's gonna kill me :)03:58
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Burgworkjenda: hmm?06:19
jendaI'm looking for Madpilot :)06:21
jendaBusiness proposal.06:21
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whiprushBurgwork: ping11:57
Burgworkwhiprush: pongers11:57
whiprush"One of the things missing in Edgy is a desktop search tool like Beagle. It looks like Ubuntu is going to forgo Beagle integration in favor of Tracker, mostly for performance reasons."11:57
Burgworksaw that11:57
whiprushthat doesn't sound right11:57
Burgworkno, it isn't right11:57
Burgworkzonkers needs to be spanking11:57
Burgworkspanked, rather11:57
Burgworkwhiprush: can you write up a bit about it in the latest UWN?11:58
whiprushwrite up about ?11:58
elkbuntufind a nice way to say: 'thanks for noticing us, but you're clueless idiots'11:59
whiprushsomeone must have fed him bad information when I wasn't looking.11:59
whiprushBurgwork: I'll just have zonker fix the article12:02
Burgworkwhiprush: yep, but I also want to talk about the article in the next UWN12:02
whiprushlet me fix Zonker first.12:03
whiprushWe have enough tracker vapor going around without people thinking that we're going to ship it ootb.12:03

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