
GigaClonany page12:01
sjbrownis the link "#"12:01
majestyeliasi just installed xmms and i cant read what it says when i left click for the menu.any suggestions to fix it?12:01
GigaClonno and it doesn't happen all the time12:01
lullabudmajestyelias:  learn to read?  =P12:01
Allzokey where do i get .ubuntu .i just gonna burn it and start that way .ljl ,.can you post the site12:01
lullabudmajestyelias:  what's the problem?  is it invisible, or colored wrong, or what?12:01
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LjLslavi1: no idea, i can't even transliterate the first letter, the rest being "tvoi papa" i think12:01
GigaClonit select the link but doesn't actually click the link12:01
LjLAllz, get ubuntu? uh?12:02
DoowAllz, www.ubuntu.com?12:02
LjLAllz, just start the CD12:02
rickymplim learning to prog in c++, and someone mentioned anjuta as an ide, but when i try to execute the prog a window appears asking for arguments,(dont really know wut o put) i click ok and an error stating that the file is not local, wut am i doing wrong?12:02
=== KingOfNowhere_ [n=user@dynamic-acs-24-239-59-82.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLAllz: just like you did when installing it12:02
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rickymplsorry if im being a newb, i really am though12:02
slavi1LjL: how do I change it?12:02
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ithicineOh, hey, question: can I enable xgl on only one display in a xinerama setup?12:03
LjLslavi1: you don't, because the bot is absent in the first place. if you give it to me i'll add it12:03
Flannelithicine: #ubuntu-xgl12:03
GigaClonrickympl, for simple programs try SciTE it has a mini-ide for C++12:03
slavi1   #ubuntu-ru     .12:03
jessicaflHow can I tell if Ubuntu is using my nVidia card?  I've heard the drivers might already be installed.12:03
LjLslavi1, thanks. will be added as soon as the bot is back12:03
ithicineFlannel: thanks12:03
rickymplGigaClon, thx12:03
slavi1jessicafl: in terminal 'glxinfo | grep direct'12:04
=== TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-46-176-216.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
rickymplill try that12:04
GigaClonsjbrown, any ideas12:04
Antrixx_rickympl: this isnt really a direct answer to you question, but I would recommend learning the basics of automake. Once your project has been set up and you understand your basics you will benefit from using an IDE such as anjuta later but also have a fair understanding of what is happening behind the scenes.12:04
slavi1if it says Direct Rendering: yes then you have hardware accelaration12:04
ithicineFlannel: woops, sorry, I meant glx12:04
jessicaflslavil: thanks.  looks like a no for me12:04
GigaClonrickympl, also learn about Scons its spiffy12:04
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brlancerI can't play restricted formats with xine (edgy upgrade) - ogg works, mp3 and xvid give errors "The stream 'There is no mrl.' use12:05
jessicaflSecond question :) How do I enable it?  Drivers from nvidia?  Debian package?  Thanks! :)12:05
Flannelithicine: eh? what are you trying to do?12:05
brlancer an unsupported codec:"12:05
=== digilink [n=digilink@66-191-246-176.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
unfohi all, can i do an apt-get clean from within synaptic?12:05
Doowrickympl, what's the exact error message?12:05
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brlancerthings worked fine in dapper, and I've installed everything I could find that was in edgy repositories12:06
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rickymplprogram "so and so" is not a local file12:06
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rickymplProgram '/home/rickympl/Projects/4-----6' is not a local file12:06
dcordeshow can i convert .wav to .mp3?12:06
ithicineFlannel: I've got a Radeon 9000 (DRI is no problem), but I've got an S3 ViRGE in a PCI slot I'd like to use without losing GLX on my 9000 (primary display)12:06
slavi1jessicafl: I am not familiar with nvidia drivers ... look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia?highlight=%28binarydriver%2912:06
jessicaflslavil: thanks for all your help!!!!12:06
=== benjamin [n=benjamin@dslb-084-056-022-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
sjbrowndcordes, don't you want .ogg?12:06
slavi1night all12:07
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dcordessjbrown: i would like to if my phone supported ogg :-(12:07
Antrixx_any of you here running ATI ("radeon" driver module) + AIGLX + Beryl + Working video playback?12:07
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=== digitalhav0c [n=digitlah@64-13-64-244.gsb.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
aktiwersAnyone wanna take a look at this for me?http://papernapkin.org/pastebin/view/306412:08
dcordesAntrixx_: please try /join #ubuntu-xgl ; repeat question12:08
rickymplDoow, the error message is: Program '/home/rickympl/Projects/4-----6' is not a local file12:08
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Antrixx_dcordes: thanks12:08
=== _whynot_ [n=whynot@client-12-139.rx.reshall.wwu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelaktiwers: ##java is what you want12:09
Doowrickympl, I don't know what would make it say that, sorry12:09
sjbrowndcordes, search for "enc" with apt12:09
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aktiwersups.. sorry.. on the wrong channel12:09
=== kiersie [n=kiersie@ip56515cc2.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Lars_GOhhhkay, hi all12:09
aktiwersheh I do this all the time12:09
kiersiehi there12:09
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rickympldoow, thx12:09
dcordessjbrown: there are too many packages containing enc12:09
Doowrickympl, I'd recommend #anjuta on GIMPNet if it wasn't so damn quiet12:09
kiersiewho has got a node list for gnuttella-gift12:09
Lars_GI see ubuntu is using uuids of disks for specifying the root for grub menu.lst now, and for fstab12:10
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rickympldoow, thx again12:10
sjbrownapt-cache search "enc"|grep mp312:10
Lars_GSo I ask is there any tool to migrate a working install (copy, duplicate, ghost) to a new disk and alter all references to the uuid? or I'll have to do it by hand?12:10
dcordessjbrown: could you be little more specific please?12:10
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dcordesi only want to convert some wav files into mp3. not more12:10
|thundersjbrown; apt-cache search "enc"|grep -i mp3            even12:11
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Lars_G|thunder: I preffer ffmpeg myself12:11
kiersieid to12:11
Doowdcordes, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:11
Doowdcordes, it has some info about that12:12
Lars_GDoow: good call12:12
Lars_GAny tips on my question?12:12
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kiersieWhoos got nodes list from gift-fnutella12:12
CharlieSuAnyong in here use encryption for a partition?12:12
unfoCharlieSu: try channel ##security12:13
=== GigaClon_ [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu
CharlieSuunfo: I've found an error with the Ubuntu Docs though..12:13
jessicaflProlly stupid question.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia says for prerequisites i need 'lspci | grep - i nvidia' to work (it does) and i need hardware accelerated 3d support (that's the nvidia card, right!??) thanks12:13
unfoCharlieSu: with the wiki? anyone can edit the wiki.12:13
dcordesDoow: restricted formats was a good idea. soundconverter is what is was looking for.12:13
CharlieSuunfo: no, the official docs12:13
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Doowdcordes, great =)12:14
unfooh. :( I wish there was a "feedback" textbox at the bottom of those docs.12:14
zach634what command extracts zip archives?12:14
lullabudjessicafl:  yes, the nvidia card would provide the hardware 3d support so long as you have the proper driver loaded.12:14
CharlieSuunfo: How can I report the error?12:14
jessicaflok! thanks lullabud12:15
=== noriega [n=felix@kr-lun-71-156-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
unfoCharlieSu: there is a Ubuntu Documentation Team mailing list.12:15
unfodunno how to subscribe. google for it.12:15
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bimberizach634: unzip12:18
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altrd-bstanyone know if there is a bootcamp for linux?12:19
=== `Bleu [n=JDubb@64-191-149-154.service.qx.net] has joined #ubuntu
altrd-bstor if not, can ubuntu install on intel macs?12:19
`Bleuanyone got Openwebmail installed on Ubuntu Server 6.06?12:19
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unfo`Bleu: no, but I just installed a squirrelmail variant an hour ago12:19
unfoi like squirrelmail.12:20
Flannelaltrd-bst: You can.12:20
altrd-bstnatively? without virtualization?12:20
unfo!intel macs12:20
unfo!intel mac12:20
Flannelubotu is dead at the moment. hmm.12:20
majestyeliasi just installed xmms and i cant read what it says when i left click for the menu.any suggestions to fix it?12:20
unfoubotu: ping12:21
=== Liandrin [n=ankh@athedsl-66477.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
altrd-bstunfo: you're saying flannel is wrong?12:21
majestyeliasi just installed xmms and i cant read what it says when i left click for the menu.any suggestions to fix it?12:21
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: There are instructions on wiki.ubuntu.com for installing on intel macs, it is mostly the same as PC's but the few differences are crutial.12:21
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altrd-bstcool, i'll see if i can find it12:21
`BleuThanks ufo, im currently using openwebmail on another linux box, but i just built an ISPconfig box running 6.06 and would like to get openwebmail working on that.  It seems that squirrelmail is the most mentioned for ubuntu12:21
unfoaltrd-bst: no, i just wanted to see what would happen. maybe ubuntu was merely wonky instead of down?12:21
unfowell, i guess not.12:21
`Bleusorry unfo12:21
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hamdinpwhere is the downloaded .deb packages with Synaptic Packet Manager in local drives?12:22
altrd-bstjordan: any chance you can help me find a link?12:22
unfo`Bleu: i think squirrelmail is the most popular webmail anywhere.12:22
unfohamdinp: /var/cache/apt/archives -- but why do you ask?12:22
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: Which mac are you installing on?12:22
`Bleuunfo, any opinions on RoundCube?12:22
unfo`Bleu: never tried it. try channel #web maybe.12:23
=== Eons [n=Eons@host-84-220-230-224.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
landanits tight12:23
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landanbut buggy12:23
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Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: macbook , imac, mac pro etc?12:23
ithicineokay, to answer my own question, it looks like the S3 ViRGE can be used with GLX, hopefully meaning I might have accelerated 3D on both Xinerama displays.  If anyone wants to know if this works with ATI's binary drivers, I'll be sure to help anyone out who wants to try the same12:23
unfoCharlieSu: how did it go?12:23
altrd-bstwell, just looking for answers right now12:23
=== rOOb [n=wls@pool-70-19-224-9.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
altrd-bstbut would be a mac pro12:23
=== jvai [n=jvai@m815f36d0.tmodns.net] has joined #ubuntu
unfoithicine: if you want to help out, feel free to post a little page on the wiki.12:23
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unfos/a little page/a note12:24
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: Nice, that is the only model with the option of an Nvidia card :)12:24
zach634well, i guess I should believe in karma, because now my ubuntu server wont work ><12:24
=== lifepositive [i=truth@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x0F865BCC] has joined #ubuntu
jessicaflslavil and lullabud thanks!  it's looking good so far.  gotta reboot.  THANKS!12:24
=== kiersie [n=kiersie@ip56515cc2.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
altrd-bsti see you have an allegiance, sorry, I don't ;)12:24
Flannelaltrd-bst: intel mac?  Installation is normal, except you need to get elilo (lilo for EFI), and... I dont know if theres a wiki page, if you google there's howtos, I know that much.12:24
CharlieSuunfo: good, thanks for asking12:25
xTERMiNATORHi friend :)12:25
altrd-bstflannel: cool, i'll check it out12:25
lifepositivexTERMiNATOR: hello friend12:25
=== aranjedeath [n=aranjede@adsl-69-224-151-112.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
unfoThe word "hi" takes up 80 chars of screen space (1 square inch) on IRC.12:25
Flannelaltrd-bst: but, the only issues you might have is the bootloader, after that, I believe it's all fine.12:25
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: If you use elilo you can't use nvidias drivers, bootcamp is the way to go IMHO.12:26
altrd-bstyeah, that was the problem12:26
kiersiewho have got gift-gnutella12:26
altrd-bsthow to get a linux install disc that supports EFI12:26
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unfodoes the standard Ubuntu 6.06 CD install elilo?12:26
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: Are you sure you want to boot with EFI instead of BIOS emulation?12:26
unfo(when used on macs)12:26
Flannelunfo: not that Im aware of12:27
neobonziHow do I load up a module with modprobe by default when ubuntu starts up? (its for my wireless card()12:27
altrd-bstaccording to wikipedia, only gentoo has an efi install disc12:27
Jordan_Uneobonzi: /etc/moduals add it there12:27
altrd-bstjordan: so if I use boot camp it will do the bios emulation?12:27
Flannelaltrd-bst: I believe someone has an unofficial Dapper EFI install disk12:27
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Terminusaltrd-bst: http://bin-false.org/?p=1712:28
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: Yes, and you can use the regular install CD.12:28
altrd-bstokay, thanks12:28
altrd-bsti had never used boot camp before12:28
neobonziJordan_U, the problem is im not exactly sure what to add - i kinda skim through these directions whenever i want wireless http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/INSTALL12:28
altrd-bstso one you mod your bios with bootcamp12:28
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unfoJordan_U: then how will he get elilo?12:28
=== WonderWal [i=grad@dsl-243-100-233.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
WonderWalam i correct ISPConfig works on both console and X?12:28
altrd-bstit will boot any el torito disc?12:29
=== Killerkiwi [n=jason@219-89-202-222.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Killerkiwiwhat package is iostram.h in?12:29
Jordan_Uunfo: You don't need elilo, grub works fine with a little tweaking.12:29
bruenig!info libboost-iostreams1.33.112:29
ithicineKillerkiwi: apt-get install build-essentials12:29
altrd-bstokay, sounds like it can be done without too much trouble12:30
altrd-bstthanks for the help12:30
=== ademan__ [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
altrd-bstthis is totally off-topic to ubuntu, but since I'm here and talking about it12:30
KillerkiwiItcharlie,  did that no luck12:30
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook?highlight=%28macbook%29 most of this should apply to the mac pro also.12:30
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altrd-bstthanks jordan12:30
Killerkiwiithicine, no luck12:30
Jordan_Ualtrd-bst: #ubuntu-offtopic :)12:30
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altrd-bstokay, fair enough ;)12:31
superkirbyartistHow do you set the keyboard to canadian french?12:31
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ithicineKillerkiwi: omit the 's' there... zach was right, it's build-essential12:31
snwyvernAnyone have familiarity with Edgy / pcmcia ?12:31
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unfosnwyvern: about half here use edgy.12:31
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KillerkiwiItcharlie,  Ive got that installed12:31
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snwyvernI'm having some serious difficulties getting a PC Card to work.12:32
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KillerkiwiItcharlie,  fusecram.c:44:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory12:32
unfosuperkirbyartist: there was an option to do so when you installed Ubuntu.  If you didn't choose it, look in System > Preferences > Keyboard.12:32
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grebearg :-(12:32
Killerkiwiithicine,   fusecram.c:44:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory12:33
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grebeIs there a yahoo chat, which has webcam, that works with v4l2 ???12:33
grebewebcam support in linux apps is seriously pissing me off.12:33
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ithicineKillerwiki: did you install build essential?  If you did, it's almost certainly a problem with the sources you're compiling.  Maybe your PATH isn't set correctly, too...12:33
=== BenC [i=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelgrebe: Not the webcams, the protocols.  Yahoo hasn't exactly opened their video protocols.12:34
grebeFlannel, .....12:34
grebeFlannel, you're not hearing me.12:34
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@host-213-189-171-21.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
snwyvernDoes anyone know where I should look when lspcmcia gives me a "No Driver" error/12:34
grebeFlannel, gyachi WORKS... but... I can't find a cam off the shelf today, that speaks V4L112:34
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grebeFlannel, or, if it does.. the driver is too stupid to resize to the image format that gyachi wants.12:35
WonderWalanyone using ubuntu on a commcercial server?12:35
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Flannelgrebe: really?  Wow.  I know lots of them that do.  Heck, my $10 one from target does12:35
=== ActiVe [n=tom@85-210-155-183.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
Killerkiwiithicine, trying a reinstall of build-essential12:35
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grebeFlannel, I jus tfinished trying three different webcams that i bought off the shelf from Microcenter.12:35
=== haxality [n=crb@68-235-177-189.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
grebenone of them worked12:36
unfogrebe: ebay?12:36
haxalitycan I get some help, I'm kind of having a serious problem12:36
Jordan_Uhaxality: Sure, just ask :)12:36
unfohaxality: if you tell us your question, if someone knows the answer, they'll tell you.12:36
Flannelgrebe: did they get recognized by the kernel?  What device numbers?12:36
haxalitymy video drivers are severely messed up12:36
grebebut even then, there isn't a definitive list of "Hey, this hardware works."12:36
unfo!smart questions12:36
haxalitylike, I can still run GNOME12:36
grebeFlannel, yes... but one of several things usually happens.....12:36
ithicineKillerkiwi: I'm not sure a *re*install is going to fix anything, if it's already there.  What are you trying to compile, anyway?  I'm willing to bet your sources aren't using the correct path12:36
haxalitybut when I move or resize windows, their output gets garbled12:37
Doowunfo: ubotu seems to be dead atm12:37
Killerkiwicramfs, works without iostream12:37
haxalityalso when I scroll on webpages, etc, it gets severely messed up12:37
Jordan_Ugrebe: Yes there is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras?highlight=%28webcam%2912:37
unfosad. who is ubotu's sysadmin?12:37
haxalityI've tried googling and searching the forums and I can't find anything12:37
grebeFlannel, (1) the image format isn't correct, so gyachi displays a white display... (2) v4l2 only, so I get a nasty popup, (3) CAN'T SET CAMERA PROPERTIES12:37
Doowunfo: Seveas12:37
haxalityI tried to reconfigure xorg but to no avail12:37
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unfoSeveas: ping. Ubotu is down, any clue please? :)12:38
haxalityany kind of input would be greatly appreciated12:38
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grebeJordan_U, are any of these things actually on the shelf at normal computer stores? or do I have to buy it used off Ebay?12:38
unfohaxality: when did the problem start?12:38
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haxalitytoday, when I installed ubuntu12:38
unfogrebe: what's wrong with ebay? shopping there is pleasant.12:38
unfoand cheap.12:38
haxalityand, I've used linux before, but I just recently installed it12:38
grebeJordan_U, I ask, because these are totally logical questions that normal people will ask.12:38
adilsonplease I need help12:38
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Jordan_Ugrebe: No clue, my built in webcam worked out of the box.12:38
SilentDishello :)12:39
snwyvernany ideas?12:39
=== unfo hands adilson a thick sheaf of paper labeled "HELP" :)
Jordan_Ugrebe: Other than that I havn't done much with webcams12:39
adilsondebian etch with sata 3112.... please, what is the correct parameter for boot prompt?12:39
haxalitythe only clue I could find was a vague mention of video troubles someone had while installing redhat on this model laptop12:39
unfoadilson: wrong channel.12:39
sjbrownadilson, don't ask to ask, just ask12:39
haxalitysomething about acceleration being disabled12:39
adilsoncould you help me....???12:39
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unfoadilson: no. wrong channel. :(12:40
haxalityI mean, I understand if that's a tad too obscure12:40
tazzixAny guru out there have some fusesmb knowledge?12:40
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haxalitybut I was hoping someone in here had seen something similar before12:40
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unfotazzix: maybe try #samba or the fuse lists.12:40
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snwyvernI have a orinoco chipset PC Card that is not auto-recognized by Ubuntu Edgy Eft. I do see a "Driver not loaded" message in lspcmcia when the card is instereted. Anyone have any ideas?12:40
Lars_GI guess there's no response to me12:40
unfohaxality: try the mailing lists or www.ubuntuforums.org. describe your problem well: google for the Smart Questions web page.12:41
Lars_Gthat means, I'll have to do it by hand12:41
=== Lars_G looks at his hands
Lars_Gpoor hands.12:41
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Lars_Gthey've done so much12:41
haxalitythanks, unfo12:41
=== unfo hands Lars_G some hand cream
jvailol @ lars12:41
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haxalityso far no one has responded to my ubuntuforums post, but hopefully that will change12:41
Lars_Gwhat's your post on haxality ?12:41
snwyvernI had great help from there last time I had an issue, haxality.12:41
edg1hey, Ubuntu sucks it doesn't allow installing a boot-loader to floppy?12:41
Flanneledg1: it does.12:42
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unfohaxality: buy a new video card at ebay or see www.freecycle.org and see if another one works better perhaps.12:42
Lars_GFlannel: I think he means the dialog/X11 installer12:42
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Lars_GOh gods12:42
haxalityit's a laptop, unfortunately12:42
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Lars_Ghaxality: Fighting an Ati card?12:42
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haxalityno, I believe it's an obscure Trident Cybersomething or other actually12:42
Lars_Ghaxality: I'm sorry dude. When you go insane we'll miss you12:42
haxalitythe xorgconfig actually autodetected it once12:43
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Lars_Ghaxality: Hmmmm what laptop, an older toshiba?12:43
haxalitymuch appreciated12:43
=== SilentDis gave up on ATI upon switching as well :P
haxalityyes, actually12:43
haxalityTecra M112:43
Jordan_Uhaxality: lapci should tell you.12:43
haxalityroughly 3-4 years old12:43
unfohaxality: you may save time if you just try a variety of linux distributions. if ubuntu has the problem, consider OpenSuse or (ugh) Fedora.12:43
kekanyone know a standalone program which can show the debian menu of installed programs if you don't use gnome/kde/windowmaker?12:43
ithicineedg1: it can still be done, there just isn't a handy-dandy graphical tool to do it with (that I know of)12:43
haxalityaw, but I like ubuntu12:43
unfome too.12:43
Doowkek: dselect12:43
Lars_Ghaxality: Yes I fought a similar one not long ago. There WAS a driver for it on 2.4 IDK if it was ported to 2.6 it surely was. the problem you'll have is to find and enter the adecuate scan values for Xorg.12:43
Flannelkek: or aptitude12:43
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edg1when i choose to install grub to (fd0) i rebooted and found no boot-loader on floppy?12:44
haxalityahhh ok12:44
motin_shit - upgrading to edgy broke down my system!12:44
kekDoow: no, i don't want to install, i want to start/browse installed programs12:44
haxalityits weird, because12:44
haxalitythe last Ubuntu distro I used was dapper drake12:44
Lars_Ghaxality: give me a second....12:44
haxalityand it didn't have any of these problems12:44
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motin_going in for a total restore from backup now12:44
haxalityby all means, Lars_G12:44
unfohaxality: dapper is good too.12:44
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Lars_Ghaxality: So are you missing the dirver, or having problems with the Xorg config?12:44
edg1how do i install grub to floppy during install? anyone know?12:45
=== SilentDis stares at the Edgy CD on the desk, then slips it into a drawer, and forgets about it :P
haxalityI think I do have the driver12:45
SilentDisi've herd of too many problems at this point.  I'll stay on dapper :)12:45
haxalitybut the xorg config is being difficult12:45
Doowkek: you mean to replace the menu bar?12:45
Lars_Ggood, good12:45
snwyvernAnyone, pcmcia?12:45
haxalityit's odd12:45
tuskerninii have edgy and dapper..12:45
haxalityit autodetected it perfectly12:45
haxalitybut the problems didn't go away12:45
tuskerninidapper is just wating there untill edgy goes wrong... still waiting12:45
Lars_Gwhat problems you have exactly?12:45
kekDoow: yeah you could say that, or another example: accessing the debian menu from w9wm12:46
SilentDisquestion:  anyone know of a batch interface to lame?  gui would be nice, but I'm comfortable enough at the prompt :)12:46
ithicineedg1: you sure the floppy works?  I have never, ever seen such a problem before.  You say the install lets you put grub on a floppy?  (About to find out when I install Edgy in a minute... sitting on Windows ATM (ugh))12:46
haxalitylots of garbled window output12:46
haxalityparticularly when I scroll12:46
Lars_GIt's odd toshiba continued to use these chips12:46
haxalitymove, or resize12:46
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Doowkek: sorry, can't help you there, didn't even know there was a gui independent debian menu12:46
tuskerniniSilentDis, just write one yourself, its quite fun...12:46
haxalityyeah, seriously12:46
edg1ho, did anyone manage to install grub to floppy during install? how did they do it? thanks12:47
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haxalitythey're the only company that kept using trident chips after like 199612:47
Jordan_Uhaxality: In the short term you can always use VESA.12:47
haxalitynow that's the odd thing12:47
haxalitymaybe xorgconfig just didn't write the file or something12:47
SilentDistuskernini:  i know some scripting, but no where near skilled enough yet to do it as a bash or nautilius script yet :(12:47
haxalityI set it to use vesa12:47
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haxalityand it was still ganked12:47
haxalityit seems to be almost like video acceleration isn't working at all12:47
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snwyvernAnyone feel like fielding the driver issue?12:48
tuskerniniSilentDis, me neather and i did it... wait...12:48
Discererwhen trying modprobe ndiswrapper I get "FATAL: error inserting ndiswrapper: invalid argument". This is just after I had run upgrades on the system, it worked before. ideas?12:48
noelferreiralupine_85: are you there?12:48
kekDoow: yes, debian packages register themselves with a menu system. i think i found a package though: pdmenu12:48
SilentDistuskernini:  i assume, also, i'd have to learn to use something to read out id3 tags, to preserve them.  not sure of a command line tool to do that12:48
unfoDiscerer: avoid ndiswrapper :) you can buy cheap wireless miniPCI cards on ebay.12:48
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noelferreirahi people12:49
unfoDiscerer: does your wireless card have native drivers?12:49
haxalityany ideas?12:49
Discererwell currently that's not an option unfo :p12:49
elknof1hi everybody12:49
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noelferreiraanyone with rt61 wireless driver working with edgy?12:49
unfoelknof1: please, one hello only.12:49
elknof1dows anyone knows how to mount ipod in amarok?12:49
Discererno unfo i've been forced to use ndiswrapper (the card has a marvell chip)12:49
Lars_Ghaxality: I'm looking at other tecra users, saddly the ubuntu user had no troubles, like you at first.12:49
snwyvernMine has naitive drivers, but they're not working...12:49
tuskerniniSilentDis, i did not do tags... here is how i did it from mp4 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32024/12:49
Lars_Ghaxality: We need people with troubles who managed to overcome them12:49
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haxalityI definitely see this as a super-obscure problem12:50
chopchop_hi, i have successfully config the box to use dual screen display but i got trouble when run mplayer or other apps that use xv. When i move the mouse to the second screen, the mplayer screen moves. Can anyone help me out?12:50
unfoDiscerer: there are likely also free wireless 802.11B cards on www.freecycle.org.12:50
Jordan_Uhaxality: THe Edgy boot splash has srewed graphics up before, albiet not in this way that I know of, try booting without the "splash" kernel parameter.12:50
unfoor USB sticks.12:50
haxalityoh really12:50
Lars_Ghaxality: It's not always as obscure as you thing12:50
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haxalitythat's just in the grub config file, right?12:50
Lars_Ghaxality: try what you've been suggested12:50
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tuskerniniSilentDis, pacpl is a nice perl audio converter... try to install it12:51
SilentDistuskernini:  ahh, i wanted something to basically 'downmix' my mp3s.  the MP3 cd player at work, as well as the one in my car, don't handle anything but 128cbr files well (i encode to 224vbs usually)12:51
haxalityok, my last question is how do I modify the kernel boot params12:51
Jordan_Uhaxality: You can do it from the grub prompt when you boot also, grub allows you to edit the kernel parameters at boot time.12:51
Discereryeah, but this card worked just a couple of minutes ago before I upgraded, that's the weird thing unfo12:51
haxalitythank you guys very much12:51
haxalityI will see you on the other side, so to speak12:52
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SilentDistuskernini:  i take it that app isn't in the repositories?12:52
tuskerniniSilentDis, so just use ... lame -h -b 128 file.wav file.mp312:52
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tuskerniniSilentDis, dont know... try12:52
Lars_Gyou know haxality is just the kind of user I like to help12:53
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Lars_GProactive noncombatant cheerfull user12:53
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Lars_Gwhy can't I have more like these over the phone?12:53
edg1hey anyone manage to get grub on floppy during the ubuntu install?12:53
SilentDistuskernini:  yes, that would be fine... except when theres nearly 300 songs to convert... one by one... by hand...12:53
=== Lars_G sighs and walks away
ngdhey guys, is anyone using Ubuntu on Mac and remaped their Caps Lock to Control12:53
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Lars_GSo who wants to help me before I go mad?12:53
Jordan_Uxmoto no longer runs and uotputs this when I try to start it: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b12:53
Jordan_Ufatal exception : invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)12:53
ngdit doesn't work out of the box with XModmap or via Gnome12:53
Lars_GSilentDis: Use a short bash script.12:53
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tuskerniniSilentDis, thats why you do for i in *.mp3 do lame... etc etc12:54
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stankhorns_      /msg nickserv link stankhorns_  174329912:54
tuskerniniSilentDis, first test it with a few copied files12:54
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=== lupine_85 hax0rs stankhorns
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Lars_Gstankhorns_: Good, now change your password first, and cry latter12:54
SilentDislarg_g:  and there's my sticker.  I can whip out PHP code like there's no problem.  this is an exceptionally simple thing, to my mind, to handle with a script.  problem is, of course, i have no clue when it comes to bash scripting rofl12:54
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FantasticFoowhat do you do if you get a kernel panic at bootup, and an error saying "unable to mount root fs on unknown block (8,3)" after upgrading to edgy?12:55
FantasticFooit'd be kind of nice if i could boot up.12:55
lupine_85FantasticFoo: try the next kernel down in the list12:55
Lars_GSilentDis: simple do it all: for i in *.mp3; do lame <wathever wathever> $i;done12:55
FantasticFoolupine_85: what "list"?12:55
Lars_GSilentDis: $i is exchanged for the file name12:55
DoowSilentDis: you can do stuff like that with php if you want to12:56
FantasticFoolupine_85: i don't have grub12:56
scipFantasticFoo:  sounds like /dev broken :/12:56
snwyvernAnyone know how to fix a driver that's not attatched to a card?12:56
DoowSilentDis: php isn' tonly for web12:56
FantasticFooscip: is it fixable?12:56
Lars_GFantasticFoo: You should, you can hit esc at boot to show the menu12:56
lupine_85then... you're using lilo?12:56
Jordan_UFantasticFoo: You have lilo?12:56
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FantasticFooJordan_U: yeah12:56
FantasticFooJordan_U: i doo12:56
lupine_85yuk :D12:56
lupine_85use a live CD instead, then12:56
ActiVeHi, how can i tell if ubuntu is using both cores of my cpu correctly?12:56
DoowSilentDis: well, it might be better suited for web, but it can do local stuff too12:56
Jordan_UFantasticFoo: Do you have a backup of your lilo.conf?12:56
FantasticFooJordan_U: erm12:56
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lupine_85edit your lilo config to use the old kernel, reboot12:56
FantasticFooJordan_U: no12:56
SilentDisDoow:  i know.  the problem is reading the output and such... I know i'd want a bit 'more' out of it, and I can't see how to do stuff like read output, etc.12:57
lupine_85do you know how to configure lilo?12:57
noelferreirahi lupine_8512:57
Lars_GFantasticFoo: Basically it seems you are not using a initrd image, or your kernel has no access during boot time to the module required to read the FS your root is in, pretty common for self compiled kernels, odd for upgrade-kernels but you might be using JFS or XFS for your main system, idk12:57
FantasticFoohow do i edit lilo.conf without being able to boot up?12:57
lupine_85^ with a live CD ^12:57
edg1ok, Ubuntu caused all those probs so people would go right back into mcsofts dirty hands right!12:57
Jordan_UFantasticFoo: LiveCD.12:57
noelferreirai installed rutilt to configure rt61 but i had problems12:57
SilentDisanyone have a quick link to 'bash scripting for dummies' or the like?  I'd probably be able to do it in a day with that rofl12:57
DoowSilentDis: ok, I don't know any details of php, just that it can do it =)12:57
Lars_GActiVe: "cat /proc/cpuinfo"  if you see both cpus listed, then it's ok12:57
SilentDisall the guides I've read are EXCEPTIONALLY light on it :(12:57
FantasticFoohow do i get it so that i use the old kernel?12:57
lightuphey can anyone help me please, I'm trying to install a package called qjoypad but it says I have an unsatisfiable dependency libqt3c102-mt even though I have qt3 installed in synaptic?12:57
noelferreiracan you help me lupine_85?12:57
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lupine_85noelferreira: does rutilt say you're connected?12:58
FantasticFooLars_G: no, i'm using ext312:58
noelferreiraerror code 9512:58
tuskerniniSilentDis, you can learn loads from this script http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32030/12:58
ParisiDoes Ubuntu support dual core Amd's by default?12:58
lupine_85b0rken partition maybe?12:58
Lars_GFantasticFoo: It's an odd situation then, unless you did setup your own lilo and forgot to include the initrd on the load process12:58
ActiVeLars_G i have a dual core cpu...does this still apply?12:58
lupine_85noelferreira: sorry, I have no idea what that is12:58
Lars_GIt can also be a broken partition, or root fs too12:58
FantasticFooLars_G: nope, i included initrd12:58
lupine_85I suspect it's to do with you using amd6412:59
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Lars_GActiVe: Yes, anything the system considers a cpu, be it an extra core, or another cpu, is listed there.12:59
noelferreirasomething related with tx12:59
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lupine_85it's just strange that it worked before12:59
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FantasticFooLars_G: maybe somehow lilo.conf got overridden before?12:59
edg1sionora Ubuntu to bad it sucks mcsofts now;)12:59
SilentDistuskernini:  you are a godsend, I can figure it out from that easily :)12:59
noelferreiratransfer rate lupine_8512:59
SperMitehow do i list what kind of cdrom i have in console?12:59
lupine_85maybe try building latest svn?12:59
Lars_GActiVe: If you see only 1 cpu you most possibly using a single-proc kernel and need a smp (symetric multi processor) one12:59
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ActiVeLars_G i only see cpu 012:59
lupine_85however, it's just about my bedtime, sorry12:59
tuskerniniSilentDis, i think so... where they use ffmpeg... you just use lame12:59
Lars_GFantasticFoo: It's odd. I'd boot with a live cd, check the partitions, run a fsck on the root system and then fix lilo12:59
FantasticFoolemme try changing lilo.conf01:00
[1] Gnewfwhen my computer starts up, how can i have it log in to X automatically??01:00
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FantasticFooLars_G: ok01:00
ActiVeLars_G ok...i installed from the dapper drake dvd. Should i have downloaded an alternate install cd?01:00
SilentDisfinal quicky question:  anyone know of a tool to read out ID3 tags and dump them to veriables from the prompt?01:00
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Lars_GFantasticFoo: Do you know how to reinstall lilo using the live cd?01:00
tuskerninibut be carefull, first test it with a couple of files you copied... strongs01:00
noelferreiralupine_85: critical error: can't get the Tx rate code:9501:00
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Laheyhas mosix been ported to Ubuntu?01:00
Gnewfwhen my computer starts up, how can i have it log in to X automatically??01:00
SilentDistuskernini:  oh of course lol01:00
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Jordan_UActiVe: The alternate install is included on the DVD afik.01:00
FantasticFooLars_G: no?01:01
DoowGnewf: there's something about that on the wiki01:01
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lupine_85noelferreira: that points to the driver being mean to you01:01
Lars_GActiVe: No, check in your package list to install a linux-image package that's numbered the same as the kernel you're using (run uname -a) but that has the -smp suffix, and install that one01:01
lupine_85so try latest svn01:01
FantasticFooLars_G: how do i run a fsck on the root system again?01:01
SilentDisok.  gonna go off and see what I can come up with.  tahnks again tuskernini :)01:01
FantasticFooLars_G: i'm sort of a linux noob here01:01
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Jordan_UFantasticFoo: Curious, why lilo?01:01
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lupine_85also, maybe try the "legacy" rt61 driver01:01
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Lars_GFantasticFoo: Mount the hdd somewhere, like /mnt or /media, then bind your dev directory there: "mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev", finally change root to it: "chroot /mnt" and run "lilo" to reinstall01:02
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FantasticFooLars_G: oh ok01:02
FantasticFooLars_G: thanks01:02
Jordan_ULars_G: And /proc01:02
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Lars_GJordan_U: Not always needed but yeah proc to.01:02
ngdcontrol key remapping anyone?01:02
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Lars_GFantasticFoo: do to proc the same you do to dev: "mount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc"01:02
FantasticFooLars_G: ok01:02
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Lars_GOk i guess the answer to my question is NO so I'll leave you guys, have luck and wish me luck01:03
=== Lars_G waves
scipFantasticFoo: you can mark it as needing rechecking (man tune2fs I believe) then reboot, or go single user (telinit 1) then fsck.    probably. :)01:03
AsheDanybody familiar with the xvid settings for mencoder?01:03
variantFantasticFoo: just do mount -o proc none /mnt/proc01:03
snwyvernpcmcia driver not loading? Anyone?01:03
Badmanbonne nuit01:03
DoowFantasticFoo: you could boot from a live-cd too and the do a fsck from there01:03
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FantasticFooDoow: that's what i'm planning on doing01:03
teledyn_something is going wrong - all CD's i try to burn under ubuntu are messed up.  any ideas?01:03
Lars_GDoow: I sugested that01:03
DoowLars_G: oops, I missed that01:04
Lars_Gteledyn_: I'm going but: A) defined "messed up", B) Ubuntu is not a burning program, what software and burner are you using?01:04
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Jordan_Uteledyn_: It may be burning at a higher speed than the CDRs support.01:04
teledyn_Lars_G, Jordan_U: i'm using k3b at the moment and consistently get errors01:04
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teledyn_under debian/sid i never had problems with k3b01:05
elknof1bye everyone01:05
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teledyn_i also tried nero linux and its also frying CDs01:05
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haxalityI disabled the splash screen01:05
haxalityno go01:05
teledyn_could it maybe be the automount "feature" in ubuntu causing an issue?01:05
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haxalityand no one is responding to my forum post01:06
Jordan_Uhaxality: What is the model of your card?01:06
teledyn_!tell haxality about enter01:06
haxalityheh, sorry teledyn_, bad habits die hard01:06
ActiVeLars_G im using amd64 3800x2 would i need a 64 bit kernel for dual core support? I cannot  see a 386-smp kernel.01:06
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Lars_Ghaxality: Ha I just sent you a memo01:06
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Lars_Ghaxality: the configuration in this link might give you tips to missing/bad stuff in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf    : http://tuxmobil.org/toshiba_tecra_m1.html01:06
haxalityah awesome01:06
Lars_GOk now I'm gone01:07
haxalitythanks a lot01:07
Jordan_Uhaxality: Is this edgy?01:07
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haxalityyes, Jordan_U01:07
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teledyn_how do i disable the automount feature in ubuntu?01:08
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jvaithe debian channel moves like mollasses01:08
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Jordan_Uhaxality: You may need to turn off composite support ( I'm looking for the lines to do that now ).01:08
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haxalityoh, ok01:08
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haxalitytake your time, seriously01:08
ActiVedoes anyone know if there is a 32bit kernel that supports dual core amd64 cpus?01:08
idanneed help implenting prism54 drivers for setting up my wireless smc2802 card ... anyone got some docs about it ?01:08
haxalityI appreciate any help to begin with :)01:08
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idanLjL are you here ?01:09
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wilkini need some kernel help01:11
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zspada15whats the problem wilkin?01:11
wilkini've installed linux-headers and linux-source, but nothing shows up in /usr/src....any ideas?01:11
zspada15wilkin: is there a symlink in /usr/src?01:12
ActiVeI have read that the generic kernel will support smp. Can i simply install this throught synaptice to get dual core support?01:12
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wilkinnothing in there...when i do ls -l in /usr/src, i get  "Total 0"01:12
Jordan_Uhaxality: try adding: Option  "Composite" "Disable"01:12
Jordan_Uto the extensions section of your xorg.conf01:12
`Bleuanyone have any ideas why im getting Data Dir doesnt exist?  Im installing squirrelmail on ubuntu 6.06 server01:12
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Jordan_Uhaxality: I am just guessing at this point FYI01:13
Jordan_Uidan: ubotu is dead :(01:13
zspada15wilkin: did you install it via package management?01:14
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wilkindid apt-get for both01:14
idanJordan what happend to him !?01:14
LjLidan: yes, bit busy, but go on01:14
zspada15wilkin: is it in your grub menu?01:14
hhhjrcan somebody tell me what I have to add to my apt/sources.list in order to get the nvidia drivers installed?01:14
SLB177qqun parlee francais ici ??01:14
idanLjL ok , im setting up my wireless card here ... i need help with implenting the prism drivers01:15
SLB177onsoir  tout le monde01:15
wilkinnot following you, i'm just shy of being a noob at this01:15
l337f00lhi all, my problem is I just upgraded to Edgy from Dapper but when I goto login into KDE all I get is a tan background and the cursor and nothing else and I don't know what to do01:15
sgp`Bleu: I'd look at config files, been a while but maybe it's looking in /usr/mail not /var/mail?01:15
teledyn_ah i think the cd burning problem was being caused by vmware01:15
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Jordan_Uhhhjr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia01:15
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wilkinknow enough to be a danger01:15
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zspada15wilkin: restart your computer, in your boot loader menu, it should be listed in there, ubuntu does it automagically for you01:15
sgpbonsoir slb177 :)01:15
hhhjrok I look there again thanks01:15
LjLidan: oh, sorry but haven't the slightest idea about anything wireless, all wired here01:15
idanLjL , im gonna need some reading stuff about implenting prism54 ( thats the chipset driver for my smc 2802 card )01:15
barielhello, i am trying to send mail with postfix, i see in /var/log/mail a row like from=<>, size=... so that my mail is rejected by some host, what is wrong?01:15
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haxalityJordan_U, I'll throw it in there, thanks01:16
wilkindoes what?  load kernel header?01:16
idanLjL , oh .. ok .. know some 1 who has an idea ?01:16
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idanLjL , or maybe some docs for it? a good site ?01:16
LjL!wifi | idan, no01:16
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wilkini do uname -r and it gives me the kernel version01:16
wilkinso i know it's loaded01:16
zspada15wilkin: apt-geting it, adds it to the menu automatically and defaults it01:16
idanLjL , thanks any how01:16
teledyn_shoot, its still messed up.  it successfully wrote the CD but doesn't recognize it now01:17
wilkinit's just not showing up in /usr/src01:17
SLB177onsoir  sgp01:17
zspada15restart your computer and see that the kernel you just upgraded is the one being loaded01:17
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zspada15wilkin: apt-get doesn't install the source, just the .deb01:17
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wilkintrying to install Cisco client and i have nothing to show the kernel version01:17
SLB177qqun pourait m'aider s'il vous plait ??01:17
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LjLSLB177: #ubuntu-fr01:18
variantwilkin: what?01:18
UbotwoAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:18
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variantwilkin: uname -r01:18
UbotwoWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:18
LjLidan: ^01:18
hhhjrjordan_U That is what I have been trying to use to guide me but I am at the command prompt I did install the synaptic packager but it does not give me the option  to check the restricted copyright box01:18
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idanLjL , got it thanks !! the bot wasnt working b401:18
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LjLi know idan01:18
=== neobonzi [n=neobonzi@pcp012346pcs.lass-whit.reshall.calpoly.edu] has joined #ubuntu
SLB177merci Ubotwo01:18
neobonziGAHHHH someone help me with my stupid wireless! gah!01:19
neobonziits like beating up a tub of jello, im not getting anywhere01:19
Jordan_Uhhhjr: sudo software-properties -e restricted01:19
wilkinvariant: I do the uname -r and it gives me the kernel version...when I go to install the Cisco client, it's looking for the kernel source which is by default shown in /usr/src...there's nothing in there01:19
elkbuntuneobonzi, that is not going to achieve you anything. i cannot read your mind to figure what part of it is not working, nor can anyone else. please explain your problem01:19
teledyn_neobonzi: what card?01:20
cfeddeventing is good for the soul01:20
elkbuntucfedde, not in noisy channels. it is not01:20
neobonziI just installed the linux driver for 3945ABG and had it working but when i restarted i cant figure out how to load it up again01:20
Jordan_Uneobonzi: Do you know what kernel module it was?01:20
teledyn_neobonzi: load the module?01:20
variantwilkin: apt-get install linux-source01:20
zspada15wilkin: make sure your sudo that01:21
wilkini've done that and apt-get install linux-header...to no avail...can try again01:21
neobonzilsmod shows that ieee is loaded and ipw3945 is using it. ipw3945 module does not load though01:21
variantwilkin: what is in /usr/src/?01:21
variantwilkin: you will probably have to symlink it your self01:21
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wilkinvariant: should be kernel header01:22
Jordan_Uwilkin: The headers aren't the full source.01:22
variantwilkin: ln -sf /usr/src/linux-2.6etcetc /usr/src/linux01:22
hhhjrJordan_U that returns software-properties: command not found01:22
neobonzii type modprobe ipw3945 it just goes to a new line, when i lsmod its not there01:22
Ubotwokernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:22
=== rBlong2us [n=eddie@pool-151-202-59-43.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
variantJordan_U: yeah, he installed linux-source01:22
zspada15neobonzi: run sudo ifdown eth0 or whatever your wireless interface is then sudo ifup eth001:22
neobonzisays "cant read interfaces file"01:23
alanhaggaiHi friend :)01:23
haxalityif I edit my xorg.conf file and place it in /etc/X11, will it automatically use it the next time Xorg runs?01:23
rBlong2usis there a pinball game for Ubunut?01:23
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neobonzizspada: this is the error ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces"01:23
varianthaxality: if it replaces the existing /etc/X11/xorg.conf then yes01:23
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varianthaxality: back up the existing file!!!!01:23
varianthaxality: back up the existing file!!!!01:23
haxalityof course01:23
haxalityalready did01:23
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haxalityheh, I learned my lesson fast on that one01:24
haxalitywhoa doggies01:24
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haxalityinverted colors01:24
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haxalitywell, so much for that01:24
neobonziteledyn_: these are the instructions im following http://ipw3945.sourceforge.net/INSTALL01:24
LjLrBlong2us: there is a "pinball" package01:24
wilkinvariant:  did that...to no avail01:24
kevman_Are all the repos for egdy working?01:24
idanAnyone got a single clue on wireless here ?01:24
variantwilkin: type readlink /usr/src/linux and tell me the output01:25
cactus_sedientokevman i was asking myself the same question....01:25
rBlong2usLjL: where at? I think I need to edit my sources01:25
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LjLrBlong2us: universe01:25
cactus_sedientonot receiving an update since the upgrade to edgy two weeks ago...01:25
SethPI managed to screw myself over pretty good... I acidentally unplugged my computer, and now it hangs whenever I get to "GRUB loading." Also, I can't get the liveCD to boot. Any chance someone can help me?01:25
UbotwoThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource01:25
teledyn_neobonzi: what does "lspci" command say the card is?01:25
wilkinvariant:  readlink is hashed (/bin/readlink)01:25
wilkinbash: type: /usr/src/linux: not found01:25
haxalitySethP, was it booting from the CD before?01:26
kevman_Becuase the main repo keeps giving me a "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" error01:26
kitsuneofdoomI just got edgy. now vnc4server will not work, saying I don't have the fixed font. Purge/reinstall didn't work to solve it01:26
neobonziteledyn_: it says its 0b:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)01:26
kevman_SethP: go into your BIOS and make sure CD-ROM is first in the boot order01:26
SethPhaxality, no, I had a full edgy install that I was running when it crashed01:26
variantwilkin: then you didnt do the comand i told you01:26
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variantwilkin: do you have anything in /usr/src/?01:26
variantwilkin: ls /usr/src/01:26
rBlong2usLjL: ok I added universe and multiuniverse01:26
haxalitySethP, I'm going to PM you so it doesn't get lost in the sea of text01:27
LjLrBlong2us: fine, do a "sudo apt-get update" to update the cache, and then you'll have the package available01:27
SethPkevman_, I get to the menu, but when I go to "start/install ubuntu", it starts loading but hangs when X server initializes (I think, it hangs on a black screen)01:27
variantwilkin: so you need to apt-get install linux-source01:27
SethPok, thanks haxality01:27
teledyn_neobonzi: do this:  in a terminal run this:  sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog01:27
wilkinvariant:  i did the ln -sf /usr/src......01:27
variantwilkin: you need to install the source code first01:27
teledyn_neobonzi: then in another terminal: modprobe ipw394501:28
wilkinvariant:  ok01:28
rBlong2usLjL: thanks01:28
neobonziteledyn_: k did that01:28
wilkini just did it01:28
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cactus_sedientohave you received any update on the last two weeks?01:28
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wilkinvariant: i just did it01:28
teledyn_neobonzi: run iwconfig and see if it lists your device01:28
variantwilkin: so now if you type ls /usr/src/ there should be somthing there?01:28
kitsuneofdoomI just got edgy. now vnc4server will not work, saying I don't have the fixed font. Purge/reinstall didn't work to solve it01:28
teledyn_neobonzi: or see if it lists in syslog after you modprobe the driver01:29
wilkinwhen i did it, it got...0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded01:29
kevman_SethP: seems like a hardware problem... Try unplugged your computer for about 3 minutes. Your video card might be in a funky mode01:29
neobonziteledyn_: says no wireless extensions for lo, eth0, or sit0, but im using gnome network manager - does that make a difference?01:29
variantwilkin: ok01:29
=== sittisal_ [n=sittisal@host143-42-dynamic.57-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
kitsuneofdoomusually wireless is eth101:29
neobonziteledyn: where do i access syslog?01:29
wilkinvariant:  i do ls -l and get "total 0"01:29
variantwilkin: sorry, i can't help you then. i dont know what the problem is. if ls /usr/src/ shows nothing then somthing is wrong01:29
SethPthanks kevman01:29
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SethPI'll try that01:30
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teledyn_kitsuneofdoom: please don't interfere.  i'm handling this.  you'll only create more confusion01:30
wilkini appreciate your help01:30
wilkinvariant:  i've done this with redhat before and no problems01:30
kitsuneofdoomteledyn_: sorry01:30
wilkinVariant: i wanted to try Ubuntu but this is my only hangup01:30
variantwilkin: you need to install the linux source code and symlink it to /usr/src/ that is all you have to do01:31
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gu014what video format is a normal DVD Widescreen in1080i/1080p/720p ??01:31
wilkinvariant: ok...i will try that...thanks again for your help01:31
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Ubotwolinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux01:31
variant!linux | wilkin01:31
neobonziteledyn_: how would i go about checking syslog?01:31
allzhello :) i am on ubuntu now01:31
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teledyn_neobonzi: the tail command i just gave you01:31
gyopI need help to open openGL for NVIDIA =o\01:31
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:32
teledyn_neobonzi: did you run the binary that they gave you?  ipw3945d01:32
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kevman_STUPID ADEPT. Works with an amazing 0% of packages01:32
neobonziteledyn_: i'm not sure if i ran the binary or not?01:32
teledyn_my god the state of 802.11g wireless under linux is a complete disaster01:32
teledyn_neobonzi: ps -e |grep ipw394501:32
=== Jordan_U_ [n=ubuntu@h-68-164-156-54.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
nrdbI need some help with openvpn, I am trying to setup a server at the moment, but I keep getting a 'FAILED' message whenever I try to start openvpn.  I can't find out why can anyone help.01:33
mythtvwould anyone mind pointing me to something that explains what I need in Linux to play DVDs, I installed mplayer, but I still can't play anything01:33
teledyn_if this was an evil plan by some large corporations to screw linux, its been very effective01:33
neobonziteledyn_: alright i got a list of 4 odd numbers01:33
teledyn_neobonzi: well you should see if there's a running process for it or not.  if so you'll see a PID number for the process01:33
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=== FantasticFoo [n=dmul@user-118bo71.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jvaimythtv, u can use totem-gstreamer.. i'm looking @ italian job right now w/ totem01:34
neobonziteledyn_: i get  3175 ?        00:00:00 ipw3945/001:34
neobonzi 3176 ?        00:00:00 ipw3945/101:34
rBlong2ushi is there a checkers game on ubuntu?01:34
teledyn_neobonzi: good01:34
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jvaibut i had to use easy ubuntu for the libdvdcss201:34
neobonziteledyn_: and 2 more like that01:34
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FantasticFooi fixed lilo, and now i can at least boot up into edgy01:34
mythtvwhen I insert a dvd totem will not let me play it01:34
teledyn_neobonzi:  hmm01:35
FantasticFoobut now X doesn't work, and xorg.conf is exactly the same...01:35
jvaimythtv did u enable universe & multiverse?01:35
variantteledyn_: really it just depends on what wifi card you have. some are very well supported some are not at all supported and it is entirely the fault of the hardware manufacturer01:35
neobonziteledyn_: its so odd because when i first ran through the install a little while ago it turned on then when i restarted i had no idea how to get it back01:35
nrdbmythtv: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:35
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teledyn_neobonzi: according to the INSTALL doc you should see a process for ipw3945d01:35
jvaidid u add easy ubuntu or automatix?01:35
rBlong2uslooking for a checkers game01:36
_whynot_I keep getting an error message whenever I try to install SDL. can anyone help?01:36
mythtvtotem says, no URI handler for DVD01:36
kitsuneofdoomI recently upgraded to Edgy. Now, I am having problems running vnc4server. When looking at the logs, it tells me it cannot find the default font fixed.01:36
mythtvno, neither01:36
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neobonziteledyn_: does that mean i need to modprobe ipw3945d ?01:36
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Tenshidoes anyone know how I can run a command and find out what the command returned (not the stdout, but the actual 0, 1, -1, etc ... that tells the success/failure code of the command itself) ?01:36
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jvailook @ the link nrdb gave.. it'll point u to the right codecs01:36
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rBlong2ushi does sdl work with the vesa driver?01:37
rBlong2usI don't have a openGL01:37
teledyn_neobonzi: there is a driver,  ipw3945, and the binary,  ipw3945d  they are not the same thing.  their instructions were to set it up so that somehow when you load the module it starts the daemon01:37
neobonziteledyn_: i installed from the driver ipw3945-1.1.2 but i also downloaded drivers from somewhere on their site called ipw3945d-1.7.2201:37
rBlong2usI wanna know whether sdl based games play with vesa01:37
_whynot_ I keep getting an error message whenever I try to install SDL. can anyone help?01:37
teledyn_neobonzi: ps -C ipw3945d      what does that say?01:37
_whynot_it tries to install a file and it tells me that the destination file is locked01:38
neobonziteledyn_:   PID TTY          TIME CMD01:38
teledyn_neobonzi: so its not running01:38
jvaimythtv.. read nrdb's link & use this link - http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ for the restricted codecs01:38
neobonziteledyn_: alright so my problem is the daemon is not running?01:38
teledyn_my god, doesn't ubuntu provide a ready-made driver for this?01:39
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teledyn_maybe its too bleeding edge01:39
neobonziteledyn_: im on edgy :/ it didnt autodetect it haha01:39
teledyn_neobonzi: yeah its not running01:39
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:39
neobonziteledyn:_: it worked fine in 6.06 but like many things it stopped in 6.1001:39
teledyn_neobonzi: did you copy it to /sbin like the instructions say?01:40
teledyn_neobonzi: what happens if you manually run it?01:40
matts03441ok, sorry, but I'm stuck on this part: "o to System -- Administration -- Synaptic Package Manager -- Settings -- Repositories and then click Add."01:40
matts03441I don't see where it says "Add"01:40
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idandoes anyone have a prism54 driver ?01:40
neobonziteledyn_: how would i manually run it? just in the bin folder run 3945d?01:41
teledyn_neobonzi: keep an eye on the syslog tail while you run it01:41
ChocoCidmatts03441  go to the third party tag first,01:41
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teledyn_neobonzi: sudo /sbin/ipw3945d01:41
matts03441yup, then what am I supposed to add?01:41
neobonziteledyn_: OH MY GOD01:42
neobonziteledyn_: It works!!!!!!01:42
matts03441ok, I think I know01:42
jvaii used an orinoco 11g card on a thinkpad 600x... network-manager didnt work properly with it, i had to configure it thru the network gui @ matts0344101:42
haxalityalso hooray linux torrents01:42
neobonziteledyn_: Okay okay okay okay, so now how do i make it go automatically so i never have to do this again?01:42
teledyn_neobonzi: so for whatever reason loading the module doesn't launch that daemon.  you can figure out how to do that or just launch it manually01:42
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matts03441third party support, then add, and then what do I say?01:43
cc77How do I completly deinstall vmware? I quit during the install of first vmwareplayer using vmware.com tar.gz install and then uses vmwareplayer on multiverse (which gave me error messages). Now I want to install wmware server but complains about previous install and not finding its uninstall file.01:43
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neobonziteledyn_: can i add it as a startup command?01:43
teledyn_neobonzi: re-read the instructions and/or maybe google around for answers01:43
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neobonziteledyn_: thanks a lot buddy01:43
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teledyn_neobonzi: of course you could easily write your own script to do it01:43
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neobonziteledyn_: how would i do that? :D01:43
ragteledyn_: hi!01:44
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Admiral_Chicagoare any of the repos down+01:44
teledyn_neobonzi: just create a small shell script in /etc/rcX.d (where X is your default runlevel) with a line to run the daemon.  it might be a good idea to put a conditional in there that runs ps to check if its not already running01:44
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cc77can I just delete any folder thats contains vmware?01:44
ragsomebody please, do you know what GUI wifi where work dhclient perfect?01:44
Jordan_Urag: Network-manager?01:45
ragwireless assistant dont did dhclient for me on all wifi cards models01:45
ragJordan_U: is for wifi? no...01:45
neobonziteledyn_: alrighty01:45
ragJordan_U: true?01:45
Jordan_Urag: Yes...01:45
teledyn_neobonzi: something like if ! ps -C ipw3945d; then /sbin/ipw3945d fi01:45
Jordan_Urag: It is for wifi01:46
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ragJordan_U: ok look it01:46
teledyn_neobonzi: also make sure that the driver is loaded;  if ! lsmod |grep ipw3945; then modprobe ipw3945 fi01:47
FantasticFoofor some reason after edgy upgrade, X doesn't recognize my "fglrx" driver anymore01:47
ragJordan_U: Wireless assistant has many problems with dhcp connections01:47
FantasticFooi can't start X and when i look at the error it says that "fglrx" is an unknown driver or something01:47
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FantasticFoocan anyone help?01:47
ragJordan_U: thanks look it01:47
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ragJordan_U: is for my users :)01:47
at0m_whats a good rar extractor program?01:47
jrib!rar > at0m_01:48
CharlieSuat0m_: unrar01:48
zspada15at0m_ unrar01:48
treitterat0m: unrar01:48
kitsuneofdoomI recently upgraded to Edgy. Now, I am having problems running vnc4server. When looking at the logs, it tells me it cannot find the default font fixed.01:48
Jordan_UFantasticFoo: sudo apt-get install fglrx just to be safe.01:48
neobonziteledyn_: alright - how do i know my default level?01:48
Ubotworar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:48
ragJordan_U: package name? network-manager?01:48
Jordan_Urag: network-manager-gnome01:48
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teledyn_neobonzi: grep default /etc/inittab01:48
hhhjrJordan_U that returns software-properties: command not found01:49
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pianoboy3333Has anyone here ever used CensorNet?01:49
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Jordan_Uhhhjr: where you see the line "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy" add restricted to the end01:50
reflexcould anyone possibly help me with an LVM problem?01:50
UbotwoTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:51
FantasticFooallright, i'm gonna reboot now01:51
pianoboy3333Has anyone here ever used CensorNet?01:51
ragJordan_U: please where load it? menu?01:51
reznedgy liveDVD glitches out with my video hardware. I did a dist-upgrade from a clean dapper install. is there an easy way to see what dist i'm running? gksu update-manager -c gives me nothin...01:51
hhhjrok thanks01:51
Jordan_Urag: There should be a new applet in your gnome panel at the top right.01:52
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ragJordan_U: i have user laptop in front of , and with applications a lot :(01:52
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:52
ragJordan_U: sorry, kde01:52
reflexJordan_U: i have a quite specific problem i think.  my system won't boot after a distupgrade.  so i load the server disk and choose the rescue option, can mount my root fs but am unable to mount any other lvm partitions01:52
ragJordan_U: run it on kubuntu?01:52
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l337f00lI'm seriously about to tear my hair out01:53
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jribl337f00l: create a new user and see if it still happens01:53
lightuphow do I extract a binary image from a CD?01:53
neobonziteledyn_: how would i do this # echo install ipw3945 /sbin/modprobe in modprobe.conf in ubuntu01:53
sgirchi all01:53
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neobonziteledyn: ubuntu doesnt have a modprobe.conf01:53
variantlightup: you mean look at the contents of an iso?01:54
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Jordan_Urag: For kubuntu I believe there is a network-manager-kde , although your DHCP problems may have nothing to do with the application you are using, try #kubuntu for kde specific suggestions.01:54
sgircdoes lcd m=screen01:54
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:54
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lightupI'm not sure, it's for a PSX emulator, it says it doesn't support ISO files but if it is a binary image I should change the extension to .bin01:54
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sgircdo lcd screens have sync range ?01:54
Lars_Gthanks Ubotwo01:54
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Lars_Ghaxality: did you fix your headache?01:55
jamesbrinkanyone here use the bcm43xx driver?01:55
zspada15jamesbrink: it will not work with ubuntu01:55
Lars_Ghaxality: Don't ask me to help right now dude, since I'm in a live cd doing a backup of my whole hdd01:55
zspada15already tried it01:55
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jamesbrinkzspada15:  it works for me01:55
Jordan_Ujamesbrink: I used it, I might be able to help.01:55
ragJordan_U: yes for application because something wireless assitants application fail on dhclient functionality01:55
jamesbrinkbut it seems like the module has to be reloaded quite a bit01:56
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sgircI'm trying to make my graphix card recognized on my laptop01:56
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rBlong2uswhat's the best peer to peer client for Ubuntu and for someone non-geekie non-techie01:56
Clin1Can any one help me set up an internet radio station?01:56
jamesbrinkJordan_U:  did it seem buggy at all to you01:56
Clin1I have peercast installed01:56
matts03441ok, I installed all the plugins under codec support, and DVD and installed libcss and totem says I don't have the plugins01:56
ragJordan_U: ok time to halt :) bye thx01:56
haxalityLars_G, I got it01:56
haxalityI'm currently installing Xubuntu01:56
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Jordan_Ujamesbrink: No, once I got the firmware I needed I never had any problems.01:57
haxalityno video problems so far in the live CD!01:57
dniteis there any way to test out gnome 2.17.2 in edgy? i'm feelin' frisky..01:57
Jordan_Uhaxality: What distro?01:57
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jamesbrinkJordan_U: did you use the wl_apasta.o ?01:57
haxalityI believe something in eft breaks my video support01:57
Jordan_Ujamesbrink: Yes.01:57
Clin1What is a good "DJ" Program01:57
rBlong2usClin1: peer cast for peer to peer?01:57
jvaimatti, you're using dapper?01:57
zspada15!google | Clin101:58
Clin1I hate google01:58
UbotwoGoogle is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux01:58
idanhi all i have a firmware driver , How do i load it to linux ? (file is : ?????01:58
mattijvai: Yes.01:58
jamesbrinkJordan_U: did you use it as a module or did you build it into the kernel? i used to use it on gentoo with no problems, but it was built in01:58
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soundraydnite: you might want to have a look at garnome01:58
matts03441I'm using edgy01:58
ahnurmihow do applications like totem-xine or rhythmbox select the sound card used?01:58
matts03441still can't get DVDs to play01:58
jvaihhmmm. what kind of box r u using?01:58
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dnitesoundray, thank you.01:58
mattijvai: Me?01:58
matts03441what do you mean?01:58
ahnurmisystem -> settings -> sound doesn't do anything01:58
drayenhow do you setup the spam filter (bogo) in evolution - as im getting swampted with spam :(01:58
drayen(useing ubuntu 6.10)01:59
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ahnurmistill plays using the same card...01:59
ahnurmi...which is different from the one selected in system settings01:59
jvaioooo you're on edgy @ matt01:59
mattijvai: Laptop, Dell Latitude C610 ;] 01:59
Jordan_Ujamesbrink: I just used fwcutter and put the firmware files in /lib/firmware and it worked.01:59
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qc_Can anyone tell me why i cannot load Eterm, Aterm, or rxvt with a selected font??? i try to run "Eterm -Font Monospace, and it says "Eterm:  Error:  Unable to load font "ont".  Falling back on "fixed"01:59
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jvaiedgy is still edgy... i thought u were on dapper01:59
lightupI have another question if anybody's free, since installing my Audigy 2 sound card I can only get songs etc to play if run them with sudo and I don't understand why, I'm under the audio group.01:59
jamesbrinkJordan_U: mine works, but like i said its really flakey for some reason02:00
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Clin1I have Wine installed how to i use it?02:00
idanLjL available ?02:00
haxalityI'm glad using Drake fixed that problem, actually02:00
jamesbrinkoh well02:00
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haxalityI'm rather attached to ubuntu now02:00
LjLidan: yes02:00
UbotwoUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:00
gyopHello again02:00
idanLjL , got a clue how to load *.arm file ?02:00
jessidhello to everybody....02:00
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LjLidan: hm no that extension doesn't ring any bell02:00
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idanits a firmware02:01
jamesbrinkdoes ubuntu have a doc on compiling the kernel, because i was looking at the source and when i did menuconfig the menu tree was different from what i have seen02:01
jvaimatt "I" can only help u as far as my experience in dapper.. i dont kno edgy's quirks02:01
Clin1How do i use wine?02:01
Ubotwowine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:01
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idanLjL . its a firmware i need to install it to active my wire card02:01
Jordan_Ujamesbrink: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile02:01
LjLidan, no clue02:01
jessidsome of you know what does it mean when loading ubuntu, it says that file system is not clean? I think that I can fix it with fsck...am I right or wrong?02:01
idanmmm thanks02:02
jamesbrinkJordan_U:  thank, i found a link earlier but the page was blank lol02:02
matts03441besides installing the gstreamer plugins and libcss, is there anything else I need to do to play DVDs, still don't play02:02
qc_Can anyone tell me why i cannot load Eterm, Aterm, or rxvt with a selected font??? i try to run "Eterm -Font Monospace, and it says "Eterm:  Error:  Unable to load font "ont".  Falling back on "fixed"02:02
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allzljl .why does my ubuntu freezzz .i did apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and all worked .and then i chosse gdm bit kdm and then i am here02:02
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allzljl maybe update my card my fix this?02:02
allzi have not updated nvidia02:02
LjLallz, you *installed* ubuntu on the HD?02:02
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Jordan_Ujamesbrink: The wiki pages are wierd, untill the entire page loads it just looks like there isn't a tutorial there at all.02:02
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jribqc_: without reading the man page, I assume you are using the switch incorrectly, maybe -FMonospace02:03
jvaioo matt u kno what.. on the easy ubuntu's site..  there a "copy n paste" command they suggest u run02:03
allzwhat does that mean ljl?02:03
LjLit's a question allz02:03
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allzi dont know02:03
LjLif you did, then forget recovering any files02:03
qc_jrib: says its -font02:03
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jamesbrinkJordan_U: hmm oh well, thanks this link is what i was looking for02:03
allzljl i am not trying to do that02:03
jribqc_: aterm for me says   -fn02:03
allzmy ubuntu freezzezzz02:03
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allz:( maybe install nvidia card may fix the problem ? ljl02:04
jvaimatt on this page. but be patient.. it may take a while - http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html02:04
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matts03441I though easy ubuntu didn't support edgy02:04
LjLyour ubuntu that you don't know whether is installed or not?02:04
idananyone knows how to load *.arm firmware driver to linux ?02:04
qc_jrib: examble - i ran aterm -fn monospace i get "aterm: can't load font "monospace"02:04
allzubuntu is installd!02:04
allzljl that i dont know is .why it freezez02:04
jribqc_: how about 'xft:monospace'?02:04
LjLallz: then why did you say that you didn't know?02:04
jamesbrinkidan i only know how to load *.leg firmwares sorry02:04
qc_jrib, with the quotes?02:04
allzi dont know why i sayid i dont know02:04
jribqc_: yeah02:05
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allzplease answer me ljl .my desktop freezezz then i have to restart my computer02:05
qc_jrib, aterm: can't load font "xft:monospace"02:05
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Jordan_Uidan: If you have windows installed, you can take the extracted firmware from there ( I think , I don't use windows so I am just going by what I heard once )02:05
LjLallz, i don't know.02:05
allzis it maybe i need to install nvidia card ?02:05
allzcause i have not isntalld it02:05
LjLi haven't the slightest idea. try it02:05
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:06
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qc_jrib, aterm: can't load font "xft:monospace"02:06
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soundrayIs there a way to make grub boot a bootable .iso as if it were a partition?02:06
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matts03441wow, playing DVDs is a pain in linux02:06
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Jordan_Uhaxality: If you want to use edgy, try booting from the Edgy liveCD and using the xorg.conf from dapper02:07
jribqc_: try rxvt, I only have experience with that02:07
soundraymatts03441: DVD is a heavily encumbered format, not easy to support legally on a free OS.02:07
jribqc_: well, urxvt at least02:07
qc_jrib: i have this as well02:07
qc_jrib, give me a command to try02:07
jribqc_: rxvt -fn 'xft:Bitstream Vera Sans mono'02:07
matts03441yeah, I understand, its just so different from XP, download mediaplayerclassic and thats it, they play02:08
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matts03441here, 1 hour later, nothing, heheh02:08
qc_jrin, ok that worked02:08
soundray!dvd | matts0344102:08
UbotwoFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages02:08
qc_jrib, give me a good font to use, via for irc console lol :)02:09
qc_the one you listed makes the terminal HUGE lol02:09
astronouth7303I have an ESS Allegro built-in sound "card" (on mobo). Sound didn't work on the live CD, it worked the first time I booted the harddrive, and now it doesn't work after rebooting. Ubuntu edgy, just installed yesterday, everything updated, pentium 3.02:09
soundrayLjL: ubotu off sick?02:09
LjLsoundray: yep ;(02:09
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jribqc_: you can do xft:Bitstream Vera Sans mono:size=10:antialias=true02:09
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drayenhas anyone got the spam filtering (bogo) working with evolution? as im pritty sure mine isnt working - im trying to follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99603 but cant specify arguments to the piped program - please help, spam is driving me mad !!!!!02:09
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp1-105.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
FearMothhi, I have a USB external hard drive enclosure with a WD1600 hard drive inside. When I plug it in, kubuntu doesn't detect it, and it's not listed when I run sudo fdisk -l. Does anyone know why it's not detected? It works fine in windows xp.02:10
astronouth7303how can I get sound working again?02:10
=== soundray hopes for ubotu's speedy recovery
drayenFearMoth: can you see it when you run lsusn02:10
jvaimatti, you're using edgy.. i may be wrong, but it's still in "testing".. in dapper.. it's all good, dvd play02:10
drayenlsusb even02:10
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qc_jrib, is this monospace?02:10
mattijvai: I downloanded 6.10 today.02:10
soundrayjvai: no, edgy is released.02:10
FearMothdrayen: no, just my mouse, the other two ID's are 0000:0000 ..02:11
matts03441OK, i've done all thats stuff, libdvdread3, libcss, gstreamer codecs...02:11
jvaii stand corrected02:11
jribqc_: well it should be Bitstream Vera Sans mono, but you can try monospace.  The font itself is monospaced, yes02:11
matts03441just doesn't work02:11
at0mwhats a good gui based unrar archiver?02:11
pianoboy3333Has anyone here ever used CensorNet?02:11
Jordan_UFearMoth: Is it formatted NTFS?02:11
jribat0m: file roller02:11
drayenFearMoth: u sure the drive is working... if lsusb doesnt see it, you've got problems02:11
FearMothJordan_U: yes02:11
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drayenFearMoth: (im no expert)02:11
soundrayJordan_U: irrelevant if lsusb doesn't list it02:12
FearMothdrayen: I'm sure it's working.. even if it was formatted ntfs it would show up still though wouldn't it?02:12
qc_jrib, hrm... how can i find a list of all the fonts i can use?02:12
unfoastronouth7303: hey! (i'm unforgettableid)02:12
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Jordan_Usoundray: I hadn't read that yet when I commented :)02:12
soundrayFearMoth: have you tried plugging it in another port?02:12
unfoastronouth7303: lspci02:12
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drayenFearMoth: as far as i know it should be in lsusb02:12
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byteshackcan someone help me with pptpconfig?02:13
jribqc_: xlsfonts shoudl list the fixed ones and fc-list should list all of them (I don't really know the correct terms to use here)02:13
jvaiok uall.  i gotta bounce02:13
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jvaii'm sorry @ matt02:13
byteshackI'm trying to VPN to work, which uses a M$ VPN02:13
jribqc_: the ones you get with xlsfonts you should be able to use without 'xft'02:13
byteshackand I get: Cannot determine ethernet address for proxy ARP02:13
soundrayFearMoth: you may also see an error message logged if you run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' while you plug in the drive02:13
=== allz [n=allz@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
shingalatedHow do I find the IP of someone I am talking to through AIM?02:14
FearMothdrayen: yeah I tried both of the two ports on my laptop, nothing though02:14
byteshackI've looked around, but can't seem to make it work02:14
qc_jrib, so i can only use xft fonts with terminal?02:14
allzi am so sorry .doing nvidia agein and agein :S i have problem with my computer it freezez02:14
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:14
astronouth7303ok, that was weird; I adjusted my volume (not from mute), and it suddenly worked02:14
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unfoastronouth7303: mixer problem? maybe the startup volume is zero but the volume control thinks it's nonzero?02:15
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astronouth7303unfo: how can I tell?02:15
UbotwoFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD02:15
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soundrayallz: I had that -- it was the fan on the card not running02:15
qc_jrib, do you know of any fonts that support ANSI/02:15
unfoastronouth7303: alsactl reload02:15
unfoyou may have to be root.02:15
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
unfothat reloads sound settings from disk. see if it mutes the sound.02:15
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astronouth7303"unknown command 'reload'..."02:16
unfook, it's alsactl restore02:16
soundrayIs there a way to boot a CD image from the hard disk?02:16
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allzplease can someone go to nvidia what to do02:16
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allzor post me in here:S02:16
FearMothsoundray: I get usb-storage: device found at 12; usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning; usb-storage: device scan complete; usb 2-2: usb disconnect, address 12; 4:0:0:0:0: scsi: Device offlined - not ready after error recovery ... any idea what that means?02:16
kintaro0ehi guys.need advice..i have a domain example.com...which is hosted in dns1.ultradns.com in US...what if i'll make a mail server that will use for it.example.com..shall i add it to my dns1 server the mx records for it.example.com ---> mail.example.com [host the mail server] 02:16
allzi cant go to the website .it freezez02:16
astronouth7303and how can I tell after running it?02:17
unfoallz: please use English standard spelling for best results.02:17
allzplease can you paste me all the stuff02:17
drayenFearMoth: humm... i dont know - if you know that the ports work (testing with your mouse) and you cant get it in lsusb in any of them, yet your SURE its working in windows...then i duno... sorry.02:17
unfoastronouth7303: play a sound02:17
unfoif it mutes things, do a hard reboot (start gedit, type "asdlkf" hold down power button for 5 seconds) and boot again. see if its messed up again.02:17
unfoif it is, that might be a bug.02:17
unfothen the question is how to trigger the bug.02:17
ChocoCid do a hard reboot (start gedit, type "asdlkf" hold down power button for 5 seconds  <-- this is hilarious02:18
soundrayFearMoth: IMO it is a problem with the drive. Probably the Linux usb subsystem is more finicky or more careful than the Windows one.02:18
astronouth7303unfo: still works02:18
hhhjrok here is a spupid newbie question. How do you terminate a x session?02:18
unfoastronouth7303: so dunno what triggered it.02:18
unfohhhjr: why?02:18
ChocoCidcontrol-alt-backspace restarts one02:18
unfoChocoCid: no02:18
astronouth7303I'll come back if it reoccurs, then02:18
bruenighhhjr, ctrl + alt + backspace is a nice restart shortcut02:18
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l337f00ljrib: I added a new user and nothing changed still same error02:18
unfoChocoCid: it kills all your unsaved work then restarts one :)02:18
shingalatedHow do I find the IP of someone I am talking to through AIM?02:18
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unfoshingalated: why?02:19
ChocoCidunfo: well yes02:19
ChocoCidactually i'd like to know02:19
shingalatedbecause I want to know if they are the one that is downloading a bunch of stuff from my web server02:19
hhhjrcause I am trying to use the guide frome nvidias site and it tells me to terminate the x-session before I can continue02:19
unfoChocoCid: very important to mention that when you mention the shortcut.02:19
ChocoCidi'm going to have to ssh into someone's box at some point02:19
bruenigshingalated, ha, yeah they try not to make that easy. If you can get a direct connect with them, there is a way to do it, but I don't remember off hand.02:19
soundrayChocoCid, unfo: no, Ctrl-Alt-Backspace kills the X session. If it restarts afterwards, that is the work of a display manager.02:19
jribqc_: no, you can use any font you want afaik with urxvt02:19
unfoChocoCid: they should go to www.whatismyip.com then.02:19
ChocoCidand i'd rather not have to send them to whatismyip02:19
jribl337f00l: check ~/.xsession-errors02:19
qc_jrib, whats a nice looking one?? lol02:19
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unfoChocoCid: we are starting to trust you less and less :)02:19
ChocoCidmainly because they're the paranoid type who don't know enough about computers and will go "OH NO I'M BROADCASTING MY IP""02:20
reflexdoes anyone know how i can load the kernel module for an intel gigabit ethernet card?02:20
drayenanyone able to offer any help getting spam filtering to work in evolution...?02:20
unforeflex: is it not loaded? type: lsmod02:20
shingalatedOH NO IM BRODCASTING MY IP?!?02:20
Jordan_UChocoCid: Give them a link to a picture on your server?02:20
jribqc_: I just use the regular bitstream vera sans mono.  Terminus is ok as a fixed font02:20
b1ackBartwhat's the best way to get Flash working with Opera on Ubuntu edgy?02:20
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ChocoCidwell, "my server" is really "my school's server" and as such i don't think i have access to the ip logs02:20
reflexunfo: doesn't look like it02:20
qc_jrib, i dont see "terminus" in my xlsfonts list02:20
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reflexunfo: this box is pretty broken02:20
Toma-is there a way to re-generate fstab?02:21
rgginercan any one of you please paste me ,all the stuff .how to install nvidia driver :( on my pm :S02:21
reflexunfo: i need to bring up the network to get the data offit02:21
octanthe kernel. does it have support for the iptables "owner" modules henc ->iptables - m owner --cmd-owner name fooblah,, stuff ? do anyone know?02:21
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l337f00ljrib: there is no such file02:21
ApexWhat's a good firewall for Ubuntu Edgy?02:21
ChocoCidblackbart: go to adobe.com and find their flash 9 beta and read the instructions02:21
bruenigToma-, sudo gedit /etc/fstab, start chugging away02:21
unfoToma-: why?02:21
jribqc_: hmm I may have installed it myself02:21
octanim running a 2.6.15-23-amd64-generic kernel02:21
=== jerp must have had a good install, I have 1105 readme files.
Toma-bruenig: :< ive lots of partitions...02:21
soundrayApex: there is an excellent one in the kernel by default02:21
unforeflex: I don't remember the command, maybe sudo modprobe e100002:21
ChocoCidi know on firefox it's as simple as dropping libflashplayer.so into the /plugins dir02:21
kitsuneofdoomI recently upgraded to Edgy. Now, I am having problems running vnc4server. When looking at the logs, it tells me it cannot find the default font fixed.02:21
Toma-unfo: i re-ordered and resized some partitions now i get nothing but /home and /02:21
UbotwoUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).02:21
qc_jrib, is installing them hard?02:21
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b1ackBartthanks, ChocoCid02:21
bruenighaha ubotwo02:22
FearMoththanks for the info drayen, soundray i'll have to do some googling02:22
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unfoToma-: it's a good idea to research these things before you start. :) sudo gedit /etc/fstab02:22
jribqc_: it's packaged so just search for terminus02:22
=== bruenig likes unfo's response to every question, "why?"
Toma-unfo: yeh i know how to edit fstab, but its going to be a monumental task.02:22
qc_jrib,  the only thing i found was a .ttf file02:22
soundrayFearMoth: I hope you get it replaced02:22
Jordan_Ubruenig: I think ubotu #1 got kicked off freenode for making too many posts.02:22
qc_is this what i need?02:22
ApexI've tried Firestarter, but it's using 55% of my CPU02:22
Toma-might be easier to code a scipt to re-build it02:22
ApexWanted to see if there was something better02:23
reflexunfo: lsmod shows it's loaded after the modprobe, but it still doesn't appear as an interface.  any more ideas?02:23
drayenFearMoth: no worries - dont supose you know how to set up spam filtering in evolution - do you?02:23
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bruenigJordan_U, you would think a channel such as this could get such a thing hammered out and not allow such kicking off to happen as big and popular as it is02:23
Xappehmm, Xv stopped working tonight after I tried beryl...i'm using the free radeon driver. any suggestions?02:23
haxalityok.. new problem02:23
unforeflex: does it show up? when you do ifconfig -a02:23
jribl337f00l: idk, may want to try in #ubuntu as well.  It sounds like a kde-specific problem so they may be aware of it02:23
FearMothdrayen: not a clue :) pretty new to linux sorry02:23
reflexunfo: nope02:23
haxalityinstalling Xubuntu dapper drake, in the liveCD everything worked fine, but now my wireless card isn't showing up02:23
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drayenFearMoth: :) me too (ish)02:24
unforeflex: maybe this? sudo ifup eth002:24
FearMothwell i'm going to reboot into windows and double check that this thing still works, thanks for the help guys02:24
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reflexunfo: nah, unknown interface02:24
qc_jrib, i actually found "xfonts-terminus" in synaptic" - is this what i need02:24
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Jordan_Ubruenig: Looking back, it see "<-- ubotu has quit (SendQ exceeded)"02:24
gimmulfWhats the spftware called which is used in genom to change between themes?02:25
haxalityapparently NONE of my networking hardware works, actually02:25
unforeflex: sudo rmmod e1000 && sudo modprobe e1000 && dmesg | tail02:25
jribqc_: sounds like that may be it02:25
unforeflex: paste us the last 4 lines.02:25
=== knix [n=knix@c-68-46-42-70.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Uhaxality: Wow, even ethernet?02:25
haxalityit just hangs at 'activating interface eth0'02:25
knixHow can I limit a user hdd space?02:25
haxalityafter like a minute it says it's active, but it has no IP or anything02:25
unfoknix: why?02:25
soundrayknix: activate quotas02:26
bruenigunfo: why why?02:26
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qc_jrib, ok i installed it, and can now select "terminus" under gnome terminal - but how do i load it via aterm or rxvt?02:26
Jordan_Uhaxality: Is your DHCP server ( router ) working?02:26
knixcan i use webmin?02:26
unfobruenig: i find it's a good habit to ask why people want to do things.02:26
meatballhas anyone set up dovecot here?02:26
unfobruenig: often there is a better way to do what they are really trying to do.02:26
AboboI was hoping someone could help me with a compiler error when trying to build the 2.6.17-14 kernel.  I am on Ubuntu Edgy and I can build the kernel just fine.02:26
haxalityalso, I should mention this, on boot it hung on 'hardware drivers' and then said 'failed'02:26
bruenigunfo, I find it is intrusive and annoying. They want to do something. Allow them to do so without justifying it02:26
rezntryn to go from a clean dapper install to edgy.  is "gksu update-manager -c" correct?02:26
unfobruenig: i hear your point.02:26
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AboboAfter I run:make-kpkg clean02:27
Abobofakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers02:27
reflexunfo: i can't paste it because i can't access the machine, but basically it loads the e1000 driver02:27
haxalityhaha its like I get to have either video or networking02:27
haxalityTHERE CAN BE ONLY ONE02:27
AboboLD      .tmp_vmlinux102:27
Aboboarch/x86_64/kernel/built-in.o: In function `get_smp_config':02:27
Abobo(.init.text+0x7c3f): undefined reference to `__stack_chk_fail'02:27
jribqc_: same way as before, with -fn02:27
unfoAbobo: why are you recompiling your kernel again?02:27
UbotwoCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)02:27
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soundray!info quota02:27
unforeflex: ok. try: sudo rmmod e1000 && sudo strace -f modprobe e100002:28
AboboI use MythTV and I need to compile in some patches to tuner_types.c, so I wanted to make sure I could compile clean before patching the file.02:28
knixsoundray, I just dont want them to use all my hdd space with pix,  so what do I need to do?02:28
Jordan_Uhaxality: Can you pastebin the outpus of: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth002:28
Toma-i doubt therell be any info on quotas02:28
jribqc_: oh, xfontsel is a command you might be interested in as well02:28
unfoAbobo: architecture? kernel? compiler?02:28
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alanhaggaiHi friend :)02:28
haxalitywell, no, since I have no network access02:28
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haxalityI will type it out onto this computer02:28
Jordan_Uhaxality: Also try installing restricted-modules02:29
qc_jrib, ahhh, does this set the font for the terminal i ran that cmd on?02:29
reflexunfo: loads of output...  the module is loaded02:29
soundrayknix: either install and configure the quota package, or have separate partitions for your $HOME and the other users' home directories.02:29
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AboboI can show you all the steps, I am using.  AM64, 2.6.17-14, whatever gcc comes with Ubuntu 6.1002:29
jribqc_: hmm I don't think so.  It just lets you browse them02:29
unforeflex: any errors?02:29
knixok, ty02:29
AboboI am using this howto: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu02:29
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Jordan_Uhaxality: But you are going to need to sneakernet the .debs to get the restricted modules .debs02:30
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reflexunfo: nope02:30
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rezncan anybody tell me how to upgrade from dapper to edgy? without a format?02:30
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haxalityJordan_U, the ifup/ifdown command is spitting out a lot of DHCPDISCOVER messages02:30
haxalityit almost seems like there is no DHCP like you said02:30
gyopHello, I want to enable my openGL, when i write this line it says like this.02:30
gyopgyop@gyop-desktop:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:30
gyopError: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed02:30
gyopthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.02:30
Jordan_Urezn: gksu "update-manager -c"02:30
AboboThe full steps as listed in the howto, which works with the kernel are:02:31
Abobotar xjf linux-
Aboboln -s linux- linux02:31
Abobocd /usr/src/linux02:31
Abobocp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config02:31
Abobomake menuconfig02:31
Abobomake-kpkg clean02:31
Abobofakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-custom kernel_image kernel_headers02:31
jrib!paste | gyop, Abobo02:31
Ubotwokernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:31
AboboSorry, first time in IRC02:31
reznthanks Jordan-U!!!02:31
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unforeflex: sudo rmmod e1000 && sudo strace -f modprobe e1000 2>&1 | grep '= [-0-9] * E'02:32
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AboboIs this what you were looking for, Linux myth 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 15:34:39 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:32
unfowhat errors do you get now? any message with an Esomething return value is an error.02:32
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unfoAbobo: Linux myth?02:32
haxalityok.. Jordan_U, apparently ifup/ifdown cannot contact the DHCP server02:32
unfois this mythknoppix?02:32
haxalityand due to lack of internet, I can't use synaptic to install restricted-modules02:32
AboboMythtv, i named the machine "myth"02:32
haxalityor can I..02:32
haxalityI can't do anything because of lack of internet02:33
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haxalitysynaptic just gives me a bunch of error messages02:34
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reflexunfo: nothing02:34
reflexunfo: my wireless hasn't come up either02:34
haxalitywell crud, gtg...02:34
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unforeflex: so you get a return value of 0 when you do this? --> sudo rmmod e1000 && sudo strace -f modprobe e1000 2>&1 | grep '= [-0-9] * E' | wc -l02:36
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reflexunfo: what do you mean?02:36
reflexunfo: i get [1]    done strace...02:37
unforeflex: oh.02:37
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unforeflex: also: did you try rebooting the machine and/or booting into SimplyMEPIS or Knoppix and/or just burning the data to DVD?02:37
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unforeflex: or you could plug in a USB HDD and copy the data there.02:37
cornellI'm having trouble with mysql with ubuntu server, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/31801/, can anyone help?02:37
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reflexi can't burn dvd's (no writer, too much data)02:37
reflexi need to get the network running.02:38
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reflexi've not been able to read lvm partitions from the livecd02:39
unforeflex: how about the ubuntu livecd?02:39
AboboNo one else has seen this compiling their kernels?02:39
Aboboarch/x86_64/kernel/built-in.o: In function `get_smp_config':02:39
reflexunfo: that's what i mean02:39
reflexunfo: it doesn't know about lvm02:39
AboboI googled around but each post I found had no responses to it.02:39
unforeflex: oh. :( maybe you need an LVM livecd.02:39
soundraycornell: you are meant to replace "local-machine-name" with the actual name of your machine.02:39
reflexunfo: is there such a thing?02:39
unforeflex: no. what i mean is, i wonder what liveCDs support lvm.02:40
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soundraycornell: also, you're better off following ubuntu-specific instructions instead of the debian ones02:40
lullabudunfo:  i think all the edgy cd's do LVM.02:40
unforeflex: also, with the ubuntu livecd, can't you do this? /etc/init.d/lvm start02:40
soundraycornell: it's somewhat buried in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:42
unfoAbobo: try a different gcc version (3.4 or 4.0) or try different compiler options or try a 2.6.18 or 2.6.15 or 2.6.9 or 2.4 kernel maybe.02:42
highnekoHas anyone tried mint linux?02:42
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unfohighneko: what is mint?02:42
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Abobogcc version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5)02:43
soundraycornell: to start over, you may have to 'sudo apt-get --purge remove mysql-common'02:43
highnekounfo: It's a word, use your ubuntu dictionary for a definition.02:43
moonwatcherhello, i am making a metacity theme, i understand i need to use the metacity-theme-viewer, but its not on any of the ubuntu repositories02:43
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unfohighneko: i don't have one.02:43
moonwatcherwhat repository do i need to add to synatpic to have access to it?02:43
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highnekounfo: sudo apt-get install gnome-dictionary02:43
AboboI am a newb to Linux.  Since I can compile the kernel, will it be a pain to try and run it instead of my existing 2.6.17-10?02:44
unfohighneko: no thank you02:44
jribmoonwatcher: what does that program do?  Just display a bunch of widgets?02:44
unfoAbobo: it should be fine.02:44
AboboI use the nVidia binary driver that comes with Edgy02:44
moonwatcherjrib: not even, its just for metacity, meanign windows borders02:44
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moonwatcherusing edgy...02:44
unfoAbobo: i never use binary drivers, they don't always work.02:44
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AboboAnd I know I would have to recompile the IVTV to use 0.8 instead of 0.7, but I am not sure what other changes will be necessary.02:44
unfoAbobo: try channel #mythtv-users02:45
AboboSorry, maybe I am not using the nVidia binary driver, I am using the ones that come with Edgy's packages.02:45
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AboboI have asked over there, but this is a compiling the kernel issue, so they sent me here.02:45
llllooanyone here knows how to get the remote desktop working properly?02:45
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moonwatcherahhmm... is this the wrong channel to ak about metacity?02:46
unfolllloo: yes02:46
alanhaggaiHi friend :)02:46
highnekoHas anyone tried the Ubuntu-based Linux Mint distribution? http://linuxmint.com/02:46
moonwatcheris there a diffrent channel i shoudl go to?02:46
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Abobolllloo: What is the problem with the remote desktop?  I have tried the built in one and have an authentication error after reboot, so I had to stop using it.02:46
Laheydoes anyone have any expertise with paralles (VM)02:46
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llllooi enable it02:46
llllooon the system tab02:46
Abobolllloo:Now I use the sharex11vnc instead with a good howto, it works well.02:46
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unfo!comma > lllloo02:46
llllooand the soso VNCviwere02:47
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skreeti know the current macromedia is broken is there a way to install an older version plugin for firefox?02:47
jribmoonwatcher: oh I just noticed I have that, it comes with metacity.  You should have it too02:47
Web-kanotix880I am new to irc do I just as my question?02:47
moonwatcherso just try to type it in the console?02:47
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UbotwoDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:47
jribmoonwatcher: yep,  'metacity-theme-viewer'02:47
unfoWeb-kanotix880: yes. feel free to interrupt, as it is not rude on IRC.02:47
unfoWeb-kanotix880: for more, see www.irchelp.org and here:02:47
unfo!smart questions02:48
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com02:48
moonwatcherjrib: already there :)02:48
moonwatcherindeed its here02:48
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moonwatcherme with my little faith in mean02:48
unfoWeb-kanotix880: dunno the URL. just google for Smart Questions.02:48
Web-kanotix880I have ubuntu 606 and went to 610 and crashed and now can't get back in02:48
grayhello all02:48
lllloo610 gave me probs with teh plugins working properly02:48
llllootoo many links on the plugin folders02:49
lllloogot that done02:49
unfolllloo: please do not press enter in the middle of a sentence, it spams the channel.  Also, many here don't speak good English, so please check your spelling and grammar.02:49
webhedCan someone assist? I installed Beryl in Ubuntu (Edgy) yesterday and while everything appears to work as expected, the interior of my windows and my panels are not 'themeable' any more. I get plain, square, blocky/chunky buttons and scrollbars etc. Does anyone know how to remedy this?02:49
startswithzI haven't had any problems with 10 yet02:49
unfowebhed: what is beryl? what does it do?02:49
unfoWeb-kanotix880: please see the Smart Questions webpage :)02:49
UbotwoBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:49
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unfowebhed: see #ubuntu-xgl then :)02:49
webhedBeryl is a Compiz deal - cool desktop effects02:49
skreetanyone here using flash?02:49
K-Richanyone willing to help a guy with samba issues (i can connect to the breezy maching from the dapper maching but not from breezy to dapper, it asks for a password, it never did from dapper to breezy)02:49
phatAlbertI was just wandering... what is the command to see what charset I'm using ?02:50
unfoskreet: probably at least sixty people02:50
K-Richmaching = machine02:50
luminousnerdHi all.  I tried to enable beryl and now can't log into gnome (it just flashes a beryl logo, goes black for a minute, then goes back to login screen)02:50
lllloou need to reinstall the video drivers02:50
skreetunfo: any advice on finding an older plugin that isn't broken?02:50
phatAlbertor the "locale" if you like02:50
unfoluminousnerd: Control+Alt+F1 then log in then sudo apt-get remove beryl then reboot.02:50
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unfoskreet: i don't use flash.02:50
Web-kanotix880How do I get 610 reinstalled and not lose my data from 60602:50
highnekoluminousnerd: beryl shouldn't be starting when you login.02:50
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lllloothat buddy is a driver issue02:50
skreetunfo: Thanks.02:51
jribskreet: how is the current one broken?02:51
lllloou have to enable ur driver first correcT?02:51
skreetjrib: I heard it was a known issue if you install flash via firefox02:51
noxxlewhere is the wpa_supplicant.con file located02:51
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skreetvisit website with flash, firefox closes itself02:51
noxxlei want to see my current settings, after installing network manager with automatix i cant find it02:51
unfoWeb-kanotix880: try this dangerous set of commands: sudo mkdir /z && sudo mv /home /z && sudo rm -rf /[a-y] * && sudo reboot02:51
luminousnerdhighneko: why not? Doesn't it integrate itself with Gnome?02:51
startswithzwhenever I boot ubuntu it takes a while at the ubuntu logo screen.  how can I speed this up?02:51
jribskreet: what bit-depth are you using?02:51
unfoWeb-kanotix880: your computer will reboot and not work anymore.02:51
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luminousnerdunfo: I did that, can I just ctrl-alt-backspace rather than reboot?02:51
highnekoluminousnerd: It's not a good way of testing beryl. it's ok when you have a working beryl.02:51
ananis there a command to remove all files except 1 particular file ?02:51
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unfoluminousnerd: i'd reboot.02:52
unfoluminousnerd: or live on the edge:02:52
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jribanan: do you happen to use zsh?02:52
unfosudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:52
skreetjrib: 1602:52
Web-kanotix880Then why would I ever do thart02:52
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luminousnerdunfo: run that?02:52
unfoluminousnerd: yes02:52
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luminousnerdok coo thanks02:52
jribskreet: skreet please see https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1491102:53
teledyn_anyone know why my burned CD's are messed up?  i've used k3b and nero and have the same problem.  disks are not recognized after burning.02:53
unfoWeb-kanotix880: then install Ubuntu but set it to use your existing Linux partition. also set it not to reformat the drive or delete any existing files.02:53
skreetjrib: looking, thanks02:53
grayOk Here is my current problem. I am locked int to a really boring job. I feel like I am losing my programming skills due to lack of use02:53
unfoWeb-kanotix880: then all your home directories will be in /z, and everything else will be gone.02:53
unfogray: see www.fsf.org02:53
Web-kanotix880Oh ty02:53
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unfogray: they have a list of cool projects for you to help on. :)02:53
phatAlbertis there someone who knows how to change de "locale" of a system ?02:53
unfophatAlbert: yes02:53
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phatAlberthow ?02:53
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unfophatAlbert: are you sure that's what you want? what language do you speak?02:54
Web-kanotix880unfo Should I go back to the 606 version02:54
unfoWeb-kanotix880: yes.02:54
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noxxlewhere is the wpa_supplicant.con file located02:54
noxxlei want to see my current settings, after installing network manager with automatix i cant find it02:54
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unfonoxxle: see #automatix02:54
luminousnerdDidn't work,  beryl still start on luminousnerd account02:54
phatAlbertthe best should be french canadian02:54
graySo I create little projects for myself todays problem is : when ever a usb device is connected I want a "hello World" window to pop open02:55
Laheyclustering expertise needed02:55
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grayhow do I capture the USB event02:55
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PelophatAlbert,  what about french canadian ?02:56
grayoh by the way I'll make sure to check out the Ubuntu home page for some projects02:56
lullabudLahey:  what's this about clustering?02:56
phatAlbertI want to know because some character like in firefox bookmark or with beep media player is not right02:56
phatAlbertit's like a question mark in a box02:56
luminousnerdAlso I don't really want beryl to be uninstalled, I'd rather it just work02:56
Laheylullabud: can you give me a hand with some q's about Open Mosix and VM's02:56
unfophatAlbert: don't you want to switch your entire computer to french?02:56
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phatAlbertso I would like if it's possible to change the locale02:57
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lullabudah, that i don't know about...02:57
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UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:57
PelophatAlbert,  should those letters be accented like    and such ?02:57
unfophatAlbert: maybe you just need to change your keymap?02:57
phatAlbertI just want the system to render the accented character02:57
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phatAlbertPelo, yes02:57
DeViL_BoYin #pr-linux02:57
lullabudLahey:  sorry, i'm not familiar with that.  you might find it interesting though that ubuntu supports the whole GFS platform that redhat touts on its enterprise level stuff.02:57
highnekoluminousnerd: Try asking in #ubuntu-xgl it's better because less people asking questions so more likely more people will see your question and know the answer.02:57
noxxledoes ubuntu make anyone elses nvidia card screech?02:57
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phatAlbertunfo, I don't know want I have to change but I want to change it anyway :P02:58
PelophatAlbert,  have you loaded the french language pack for ff ?02:58
phatAlbertI'm able tought to write like "?"02:58
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teledyn_phatAlbert: apt-get install locales localeconf; dpkg-reconfigure localeconf02:58
teledyn_or i think just run localeconf02:58
teledyn_UTF-8 is the best02:58
teledyn_if my microwave is strong enough to disriupt the 802.11 does that mean its leaking a lot of radiation?02:58
unfoPelo: he doesn't want to get french UI.02:59
Laheylullabud: how do i get to that in Ubuntu, and is it like Open Mosix by any chance02:59
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teledyn_phatAlbert: you need a locale and the application must support the locale for the character(s) in question02:59
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teledyn_phatAlbert: and also an input method02:59
Pelounfo,  if missed the first part02:59
lullabudteledyn_:  no, your microwave interrupting your wireless doesn't mean it's leaking too much radiation.02:59
teledyn_if you want to input it02:59
phatAlbertis firefox supposted tio support it ?02:59
lullabudLahey:  no, GFS is a filesystem for clustering.02:59
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teledyn_lullabud: really?  why would it disrupt it then?02:59
lullabudLahey:  openmosix is computational clustering.02:59
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lullabudteledyn_:  because that's what happens with microwaves.  they leak radiation, but it doesn't mean that it's unsafe.03:00
teledyn_phatAlbert: using a UTF-8 locale you will be able to get all characters from all languages03:00
devaudiois there a good application that swithes your x.org conf around? i.e. i have a laptop with xinerama at work, but just a single display at home, and manually copying the files and killing X is a pain03:00
Laheylullabud: what do you mean by that, what is the type that Ubuntu has?03:00
lullabudLahey:  do some research on openmosix and then alternately do some research on GFS.03:00
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teledyn_phatAlbert: but the font you're using must support it, so it goes on an app-by-app basis03:01
phatAlbertin beep media player "winamp clone" it give me an error about utf-803:01
Rob125oh, wow, people here who know language stuff!03:01
jamesbrinkwhat command do i run after i edit the apt source.list to update the lists?03:01
PelophatAlbert,  you don'T have to use ff in french but downloading the language pack may reslove the character issue03:01
Rob125question for polytonic greek03:01
phasegenI've found an unusual problem.  If I try to copy and paste from open office writer to thunderbird, open office crashes...03:01
Daehlieapt-get update03:01
teledyn_phatAlbert: not all apps are up-to-date yet with UTF-8 support, although they should be because its the future03:01
highnekoa='*'; for ((i=0;i<20;i++)); do echo "$a" | sed  -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,77\}$/ & /;ta'; a="$a**"; done; for ((i=0;i<2;i++)); do echo '*****' | sed  -e :a -e 's/^.\{1,77\}$/ & /;ta'; done03:01
Rob125there's dead keys assigned to semicolons and whatnot but they don't seem to display, despite utf-8 and correct font03:01
VikJESanyone here using Edgy on an "Intel Core 2 Duo" desktop?03:01
Laheylullabud: ok, just so i know, what does GFS stand for03:02
lullabudLahey:  global file system03:02
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teledyn_Rob125: for xkb options select either rwin or ralt as compose     ralt:compose03:02
Laheylullabud: k i shall do my best03:02
phatAlbertok thank's03:02
teledyn_Rob125: using compose key is vastly better than deadkey BS03:02
phatAlbertjust did a test03:02
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phatAlbertwhen I change the bookmark manually with the acceted character all is ok03:03
Rob125teledyn_: can you elaborate? i'm really a newb at multiple languages/keyboard layouts03:03
K-Richcan anyone with samba knowledge /msg me, i need some help and it's fairly difficult to explain03:03
jman_anyone know anything about shell scripting?03:03
phatAlbertthe problem is probably because I imported it from a ntfs partition03:03
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unfojman_: yes03:03
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teledyn_Rob125: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    when it asks for xkb option  input   compose:ralt03:04
unfoK-Rich: you need channel #samba.03:04
phasegenHas anyone else experienced this???  "If I try to copy and paste from open office writer to thunderbird, open office crashes"03:04
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dw868have any of you ever run steam on Ubuntu?03:04
Pelojman_,  this might be usefull to you http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php03:04
unfodw868: see channel #winehqq03:04
Rob125thanks, tele.03:04
unfooops i mean #winehq03:04
unfoK-Rich: when you PM for help, you deny everyone else the ability to learn from the help.03:04
unfodw868: note: they won't help you unless you read the topic. :)03:05
K-Richunfo: i'm in #samba and not understanding...03:05
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teledyn_Rob125: then restart X.   now you will be able to input stuff with ralt + other keys.  e.g.  ralt + ' + e  = 03:05
jman_unfo: whenever I try to run frostwire I get this syntax error:  44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")...the output for line 44 is this:   potential_java_dirs=(`ls -d1 "$JAVADIR"/j* | sort | tac`)03:05
Rob125oh, bless your soul03:05
unfojman_: i never volunteered to help you :) ask the channel.03:05
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K-Richunfo: i know that and i'\m sorry for the request... i just think it is an issue that may take some time and i'm having one hell of a time trying to follow the channel03:05
unfoK-Rich: maybe #ubuntu+1 will help you then.03:05
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
teledyn_ralt + " + a =        ralt + = + e = 03:05
unfoK-Rich: else www.ubuntuforums.org :)03:06
Web-kanotix880Unfo I closed the chat window and lost what you told me to do to save my dir03:06
phatAlbertthx you guys03:06
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@dsl136.netway.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu
K-Richi've tried the forums with no issue... i didnot know there was an ubuntu+1 channel... thank you03:06
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luminousnerdWhat's the beryl channel again?03:06
unfoWeb-kanotix880: do you have logs?03:06
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bruenigluminousnerd, #ubuntu-xgl03:06
luminousnerdthe ubuntu-XXX chanel I can't remember the three letters03:06
e-maffubuntu is real nice i have to say03:06
luminousnerdThanks a lot03:06
LjLUbotu, please tell luminousnerd about beryl03:06
=== teledyn_ goes to nuke himself with more microwaves because he need food...
=== [1] Gnewf [n=Gnewf@GroupMackenzie.s11-1-0-16-0.ar3.SEA1.gblx.net] has joined #ubuntu
Web-kanotix880Unfo if I do I don't know how to get to them03:07
grayI am off to see a man about a horse03:07
=== MegaQuark [n=gary@pool-71-111-178-14.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
K-Richunfo: it says ubuntu+1 is for Fiesty03:07
LjLindeed it is03:07
=== Pelo thinks gray is a pervert
unfoWeb-kanotix880: ok. do this: sudo mkdir /z && sudo mv /home /z && sudo rm -rf /[a-y] *03:07
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=== sally2 [n=sally2@bb-207-5-208-40.gwi.net] has joined #ubuntu
cobelloyhi - I need to move my home folder to another partition, or maybe home and /usr - how do I do it without breaking the system?03:07
devaudiois there a page that tells you how to update to edgy from dapper using apt-get ?03:07
unfoWeb-kanotix880: if it went ok, then reboot into the 6.06 livecd and run the installer. have it NOT repartition and NOT reformat. :)03:07
bruenigcobelloy, you want to move it or just copy it?03:07
LjL!upgrade | devaudio03:08
sally2how does one re install the sound drivers?  I've lost sound to my computer?03:08
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:08
unfodevaudio: is there a certain feature you need in edgy?03:08
sally2thanx LjL!03:08
e-maffi have ubuntu on my laptop and almost everything just works, and the stuff that doesnt is caue of lack of drivers03:08
e-maffcant say the same for my slackware desktop03:08
devaudioehh i just always like going to latest versions03:08
cobelloybruenig: I am running low on space on the part it is installed on03:08
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cobelloyso I need to move the biggest folders to a different part03:08
LjLsally2: uh? actually, i was talking to the guy called devaudio =)03:08
Pelosally2,  try resintalling alsa-mixer from synaptic03:08
Laheylullabud: i have looked on google but i cant seem to find any links that are relevant03:08
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LjL!sound | sally203:08
UbotwoIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin03:08
=== johnm1019 [n=jm@southquad-180-190.reshall.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:08
sally2thanks pelo and ljl!03:09
dxdemetriouI have problem with the cdemu. when I mount an image, it isn't the same encoding like as burnt on cd/dvd03:09
bruenigcobelloy, did you think maybe you could use the other partition to host all of your personal files to free up space in /home03:09
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Web-kanotix880Unfo OK tyt very much03:09
unfodxdemetriou: what is cdemu?03:09
=== Y|PE is now known as Crankymonky
unfoWeb-kanotix880: no problem :)03:09
cobelloybruenig: i already have most of my personal files on a seperate part03:09
cobelloytheres nothing of any great size in my home folder03:09
Web-kanotix880Do I sudo fo the live cd?03:10
dxdemetriouunfo, a command line program that mounts the bin/cue images03:10
cobelloywhat I could really do with is to move the entire install to the bigger partition03:10
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snwyvernHi all.03:10
Pelosnwyvern,  hello03:10
bruenigcobelloy, well, it can be done. I wouldn't be confident enough to guide you because of the chance of failure (I don't want that over my head).03:10
Rob125bbiab, restarting x03:10
unfodxdemetriou: i just do sudo mount file.iso /dev/loop/0 -oloop03:11
unfodxdemetriou: it works for me.03:11
UbotwoCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:11
newpZhi for some reason when i do an "apt-get dist-upgrade" it still holds back a bunch of packages and my sources.list is exactly whats on ubuntuguide.org03:11
snwyvernI'm having a massive issue trying to install a PCMCIA card.03:11
unfobruenig: please read what i wrote again :)03:11
Web-kanotix880Unfo Do I sudo from konsole to mkdir?03:11
bruenigunfo, I just see trigger words03:11
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unfonewpZ: is that bad?03:11
unfobruenig: please do not assume from trigger words.03:11
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newpZnope, not anymore. just figured it out:)03:12
ademan__eclipse is giving me: "error notifying a preference change listener. Check log for details" what should i do?03:12
unfoademan__: see #eclipse :)03:12
=== bruenig loves to trigger ubotwo
unfoademan__: and, of course, check the log.03:12
devaudiobut back to my original question.. is there an app that can detect if i am using my laptop screen/ xinerama display @ work and adjust the xorg.conf file accordingly? rather than copying two xorg files depending on if i am at home or at work03:12
ademan__unfo: can't for the life of me find the log03:12
=== unfo hates it when people trigger the bot for no reason :)
=== bruenig thinks it is funny
ademan__its not in ~/.eclipse and there's nothing in my home dir03:12
newpZnope.. still holding stuff back!03:12
ademan__and yes, i'm in #eclipse :-)03:12
unfoademan__: dunno. google or #eclipse could tell you.03:12
unfotry the eclipse faq.03:13
bruenignewpZ, what are you trying to do, if you are just trying to upgrade your software do, sudo apt-get upgrade not sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:13
unfoademan__: also try googling the exact error message.03:13
snwyvernAny takers?03:13
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unfodevaudio: try channel #xorg or google.03:13
newpZi did but its holding back....   hpijs python-egenix-mxproxy python-egenix-mxstack python-egenix-mxtexttools python-egenix-mxtools python-htmltmpl python-ldap python-pgsql python-pylibacl x-window-system-core03:13
sally2ubotwo thanks!03:13
Ubotwosally2: Error: "thanks!" is not a valid command.03:13
unfonewpZ: do you use any of those? ever???03:13
bruenig!bot | sally203:13
UbotwoThis is just a temporary bot. Ubotu is currently unavailable. "!info" is not available.03:13
=== JDStone [n=JDStone@adsl-68-126-60-100.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
newpZpython i cod ein03:13
sally2i was wondering with the 'bot' in the name, but...03:14
newpZand x-windows-system-core sounds like something i should upgrade :)03:14
bruenignewpZ, if you want those, just do sudo apt-get install hpijs python-egenix-mxproxy python-egenix-mxstack python-egenix-mxtexttools python-egenix-mxtools python-htmltmpl python-ldap python-pgsql python-pylibacl x-window-system-core.............however it might be holding them for a reason so....03:14
snwyvernlspcmcia is giving me a no driver error.03:14
unfonewpZ: those upgrades are not so important. if they are held back, leave it alone.03:14
cobelloybruenig: is there any way to resize the root partition while ubuntu is running?03:14
unfocobelloy: bad idea.03:14
bruenigcobelloy, no03:14
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bruenigcobelloy, go into the live cd03:14
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cobelloyI just used a different live cd to try03:15
newpZahhh yeah,, i remebr that from a while back with debian03:15
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cobelloybut I think it wont let me resize because the parts are all inside an extended partition03:15
nemanhello, i use dapper 6.0603:15
newpZfirst time i see stuff held back on ubuntu for no good rason03:15
bruenigcobelloy, yeah you can't resize beyond an extended partition03:15
newpZand yup.. they are all installed now.. thanks03:15
nemani want install nvidia driver for apt03:15
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nemanhe install, but in the moment to edit xorg.conf03:16
newpZexcept for   x-window-system-core: Depends: xorg but it is not going to be installed03:16
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bruenigcobelloy, you are not in a good situation. It will be near impossible to resize your root partition without losing all your data, at least from what I am thinking your situation is03:16
cobelloybruenig: I have an extended with three parts in it, I want to delete one and extend another in to the empty space03:16
newpZwhich is weird03:16
snwyvernOrinoco PCMCIA? Anyone?03:17
cobelloybruenig: even from the live cd?03:17
bruenigcobelloy, oh, well delete the other partitions in the extended partition, and extend the root partition, should be fairly simple03:17
=== cliffd [n=cld@cpe-76-171-131-190.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
cobelloyfrom the live cd?03:17
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bruenigcobelloy, yeah03:17
Rob125well... that did nothing.03:17
Pelosnwyvern, if no one can help try looking up your card model number in the forum03:17
cliffdcan I install 6.10 server onto a dmraid boot disk? does the cd support dmraid out of the box?03:17
bruenigcobelloy, the only reason I balked was because I thought you were trying to make the root partition  bigger than the extended partition, which obviously is troublesome03:17
cobelloybruenig: ok - will give that a try then - thanks03:17
snwyvernPelo: Been there, it seems that my problem is unique.03:18
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Pelosnwyvern,  you must feel so special03:18
snwyvernYeah, special ed.03:18
cobelloybruenig: yes - it is hard to give a complete explanation in one sentence ;)03:18
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UbotwoHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:18
Pelosnwyvern,  the makser's site then03:18
ravii'm new to irc03:19
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raviwhat makes it better than yahoo?03:19
snwyvernIt is giving power to the card, it shows up in lspcmcia but it's not... making that critical leap to load the drivers.03:19
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LjL!offtopic | ravi03:19
Ubotwo#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:19
botxjravi, irc is NOT an instant messaging system, that's for sho03:19
Peloravi, it's not realy the same thing, yahoo is a search engine and irc is a chat protocol03:20
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=== ne78 [n=ne@cust-66-186.dsl.versateladsl.be] has joined #ubuntu
Peloand ppl are a lot meaner in irc03:20
=== aimtrainer_ [n=aimtrain@p54AFB440.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nemanhello, somebody, help me!03:20
botxjPelo, i think she meant yahoo the instant messanger...03:20
LjL!helpme | neman03:20
UbotwoDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:20
Peloneman,  what with03:20
ravii'm a "he" btw03:20
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botxjoh sorry03:20
nemanwell, mi inglish not is very well03:21
ne78I have installed firefox-dom-inspector (edgy) in firefox it says not compatible with firefox 2.0, same with greasemonkey03:21
bruenigno more | parameter03:21
AlanHaggaiI am not getting colors in VIM03:21
raviwhat's ubuntu?03:21
UbotwoUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome03:21
LjLbruenig: don't whine03:21
nemani install the nvidia driver in ubuntu 6.0603:21
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloravi,  ubuntu is an Operating system , an alternative to windows03:21
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nemanbut in the moment of to edit the xorg.conf03:21
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nemanubuntu no starting my X03:22
AlanHaggaiI am not getting colors in VIM.03:22
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AlanHaggaiHow to get syntax coloring in VIM?03:22
snwyvernneman: I'm pretty sure you can just apt-get the nvidia system.03:22
Peloneman  try to state your problem in one paragraph , it makes it easier to follow03:22
bruenigAlanHaggai, the command line vim doesn't have colors, I don't think03:22
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:22
nemani do03:22
=== _TomB [n=ownthebo@host81-155-182-237.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
AlanHaggaibruenig : I worked in RedHat and in that VIM had colors03:22
nemani follow the README, but nothing03:22
LjLneman: what README?03:23
nemanby nvidia03:23
LjLuhm, no, just follow that link above03:23
snwyvernIs there a method to point modprobe at a driverless device?03:23
bruenigAlanHaggai, ok, well I have never had color in any distros I have used I am looking through the flags now and I don't see anything for colors03:23
PeloLjL,  he means the instructions03:23
Peloneman,  what is your native language ?03:23
VikJESHey everyone! I was wondering if anyone got Edgy installed on a new Core 2 Duo based system?03:23
dustinhey i am trying to get dvd's to work and i follo9ed everything in the restricted formats and i get that i don't have permissions...   what the heck?03:23
AlanHaggaiok bruenig03:23
LjLPelo, i'm not sure... if he downloaded a raw archive from NVidia (which he better not do), it possibly comes with a README file03:24
nemanfrom chile03:24
Pelo!es | neman03:24
UbotwoPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:24
snwyvernVikJES: I got it running.03:24
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VikJESsnwyvern: Is it a notebook?03:24
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snwyvernI can't seem to get my orinoco card to work... Which is why I'm here :P03:25
neman4Pelo, i edit my .conf of xorg, but no starting the X03:25
nemani install nvidia driver for apt, but no starting the X03:25
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snwyvernneman: which repository did you use?03:26
VikJESOk, My main system died on me yesterday and I would like to build myself a new Core 2 Duo desktop but support for latest chipset seems sketchy03:26
cliffdanyone know anything about installing 6.10 server on a box with dmraid nforce disks?03:26
nemanthe repository native from ubuntu03:26
snwyvernIt only says it has one proc, but...03:26
Peloneman,  I can'T help you I don't know anything about nvidia, but for now it sounds like you just need to start X so I would concetrate on that ,  look it up in the forum03:26
bruenigstartx starts X03:27
snwyvernPelo: Do you happen to know how the system recognizes hotplug devices, then loads the appropriate driver?03:27
=== Pelo would realy like to help but he's too incompetent to do so properly, it drives him nuts
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nemanin the moment when i edit the .conf ubuntu show me a blue screen.03:28
dennisterhello again03:28
dennisteroctan: r u busy?03:28
Pelosnwyvern,  I've only been at this for 4 months, I just hang out here hoping to learn something03:28
world_citizenwhere can one find ubuntu repositories please03:28
Peloworld_citizen,   system  > admin > ...03:28
=== grubby_ [n=tompfr@ool-4356eeb0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
dennisterworld_citizen: check ur /etc/apt/sources.list file03:28
nemanor www-apt-get.net03:29
noodles13system > admin > sources03:29
nemangoogle!! apt-get03:29
dennisterand just uncomment the ones you want enabled by removing the # at the beginning of the line03:29
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noodles13*software sources03:29
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dennisterproblem: i have a corrupt mysql table, and i can't figure out the syntax on how to repair it from the manual pages03:30
dennisteranyone know the repair tables syntax?03:30
blackgrazi got a ipw2200 and when i do an ifconfig to see my mac address it says my hwaddr is 00-0e-35-5a-13-21-40-e2-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-0003:31
blackgrazHOW DO I FIND MY MAC ADDRESSS!!@#$!@#$!@#%!#%!#03:31
dennisterblackgraz: do u have a router?03:31
blackgrazTHERES AN IDEA03:31
blackgrazi do03:31
dennisterit's what i use; just type in the gateway address into a web browser03:32
=== DekKeD [n=dek@r190-0-141-153.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
world_citizenhow do use www-apt-get.net?03:32
blackgraznow maybe you can help me with something else03:32
world_citizendo you go on the internet with this address03:32
=== newpZ [n=chris@c-75-68-110-126.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blackgrazi got 2 wifi cards on pcmica and one minipci03:32
dennisterheheh...if it's simple enuf03:32
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dennisterok, out of my league...i've only used wifi on other windoze boxes03:33
blackgraznow the pcmcia is keeping my minipic one from getting connect to my AP03:33
nemanwhere say search a package03:33
Peloworld_citizen,  forget that www-apt-get-net thing03:33
blackgrazi dunno if its a route issue or what03:33
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DekKeDhow do I get Alt+XXX (numbers) to work, eg Alt+64 for @ ?03:33
nemanyou do click there03:33
nemanand write the package03:33
dennistermysql help anyone?03:34
PeloDekKeD,  I've been looking for that for month and I haven't figured it out yet ,  if you find out let me know03:34
newpZis there any reason that using the same win32codecs videos are blotchy and get all squares in them when you  forward or skip in totem/gxine  and do not do that in mplayer? is there a way to fix this?03:34
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DekKeDPelo: ok, I can do almost all keystrokes with AltGr but I am still accustomed to using Alt :P03:34
Pelodennister, maybe you should look for a myslq channel03:34
=== JohnP789 [n=johnp@68-188-42-215.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nemansomething know about wmv in linux?03:35
dennisterthat's an idea...re-new to irc03:35
sally2I reinstalled alsamixer, but still get...03:35
sally2Failed to start Volume Control: Failed to execute child process "gnome-volume-control" (No such file or directory)03:35
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Peloneman,  that's a propriatary format , you need to use either automatix or the restricted packages to get it working03:35
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Pelo!restricted | neman03:36
UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:36
nemani have a xxx movie chilean03:36
nemanand, i want see this movie03:36
Peloneman,  if it is a drm  wmv you'll still need to get the autorisation03:37
Peloor whatever03:37
=== dxdemetriou [n=dxdemetr@dsl136.netway.com.cy] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
=== Pelo still thinks neman is a pervert for watching chillian porn
snwyvernI think I found my problem-- A typo in the source. How gay03:37
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LjL!language | snwyvern03:38
=== AfterDeath_ [n=AftrDaet@about/linux/regular/afterdeath] has joined #ubuntu
UbotwoPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:38
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snwyvernLjL: What's wrong with frivolity?03:38
Pelomaybe someone should edit the bot for family oriented,  ,  friendly is a bit overstating it03:38
LjLsnwyvern: there's something wrong with using the word gay as a pejorative03:38
Laheyanybody use CoMosix03:39
LjLPelo: or perhaps it's underrespected03:39
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itrebalwhats the current Testing branche?03:40
newpZits wierd.. totem and gxine will not play wmv or flv files but yet mplayer will03:40
newpZis this a path issue?03:40
LjL!feisty | itrebal03:40
UbotwoThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty03:40
newpZim gonna dist-upgrade to that03:40
=== homemaus [n=schiffne@pool-64-223-50-233.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
snwyvernis there an apt-get flag to automatically install recomended files?03:40
nemanand, what happened with gnome 3?03:40
PelonewpZ,  I can play wmv in totem,  might just be a codes issue03:40
itrebalwould it be unwise to use it in its current state?03:40
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Pelosnwyvern,  if you use automatic  dependencies should get installed as well03:41
newpZPelo, you know how or where you setup the path to the codes?03:41
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PelonewpZ,  no, I just used automatix and it worked03:41
LjLsnwyvern: there's a config file option, don't remember it though. or you can use aptitude that does that by default03:42
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MarianoGuerra#join grulic03:42
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NukezI need some help with my wifi card03:42
PeloMarianoGuerra,  that's  /join #grulic03:42
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NukezI have looked through alot of the docs and cant figure this out03:43
Pelo! wireless | Nukez03:43
UbotwoWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:43
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MarianoGuerraits been a lot of time that  i dont use irc03:43
Nukezwhen I run dhclient eth1 It repeatedly says "network unavaliable"03:43
air0dayi'm about to install my first app from source in linux EVER.  so i'm joining early, knowing i'll have trouble :)03:43
skelterair0day: ./configure; sudo make install03:44
skeltervoici voila.03:44
air0daywell, ive got to check it out of svn first03:44
Peloair0day,  first use synaptic to install build-essential03:44
itrebalEdgy is the current version of Ubuntu then?03:44
Peloitrebal,  yes03:44
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air0dayim having trouble with the make -f Makefile.cvs03:44
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Nukezhave they fixed the default ati support?03:45
air0dayit tells me i need autoconf (im building ktorrent)03:45
Nukezcause the resolution stinks on my comp03:45
Peloair0day,  that is why you need the build-essentials03:45
air0daythat includes autoconf?03:45
Peloair0day,  I think there is a package for ktorrent in synaptic03:45
itrebalalright, thanks03:45
air0daypelo: yeah, but its not recent enough. i need the latest one03:45
air0daytrying to get one that has rss03:45
snwyvernHey. The driver typo is included in the PCMCIA source, which is built into the kernel... How do I fix this?03:46
air0dayand azureus eats my machine for lunch03:46
Peloair0day,    I use ubuntu  running on wine ,03:46
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Peloair0day,  I mean I use utorrent running on wine03:46
air0dayyeah, im trying to not have to do that, but i might wind up doing that as well03:46
air0dayi miss utorrent from windows more than anything else03:46
air0dayfoobar next :)03:46
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Peloair0day,  I even manage to have wine match the theme with a little work03:47
snwyvernAnybody care to field that one?03:47
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Pelosnwyvern,  I would love to help but it's over my head03:47
snwyvernThis fills me with sadness.03:48
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air0dayso im trying to do make -f Makefile.cvs and it keeps telling me "autoconf not found"03:48
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air0dayi used synaptic to install both autoconf 2.60-1 as well as build-essentials03:48
Byanwhat's the command to open up x-chat?03:48
Peloair0day,  did you run ./configure first ?03:48
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skelterbyan: xchat03:48
PeloByan,  look in the menu03:48
air0dayit says to do that after the make -f Makefile.cvs03:48
Byanoh, there we go03:48
ne78Which one is better (more features i don't care about patent in my country) mplayer from multiverse or mplayer from www.debian-multimedia.org ?03:49
ByanPelo: using from shell03:49
skelterair0day: sudo apt-get install autoconf03:49
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air0dayi already installed autoconf03:49
skelterthen it shouldn't be not found!03:49
skelterautoconf by itself in the terminal works?03:49
air0dayyeah. it says autoconf: no input file03:50
matts03441hi if I've follow everything on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats03:50
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matts03441to get DVDs to work, but Totem still says I don't have the plugins, after installing gstreamer03:50
tevfiktWhere can i find my terminal logs?03:50
matts03441what could be wrong?03:50
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air0dayso why is it complaining about autoconf if i have it?03:51
highnekomatts03441: Pages like that probably won't be of any help. Try ubuntu forums. I suggest removing totem and installing mplayer + amarok.03:52
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GjMcan anyone help with a radeon 9600/X server problem?03:53
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matts03441well mplayer freezes when I try to play a dvd so03:53
matts03441I tried to get it working in mythtv but it just goes to a blank screen and goes back to the menu03:53
FantasticFooafter an upgrade from dapper to edgy, i try and start x and i get some weird thing like (EE) FGLRX DOESN'T EXIST!! AUGHGHG UNKNOWN DRIVER X CAN'T START03:54
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FantasticFooit won't recognize my fglrx driver somehow03:54
tevfiktWhere can i find my terminal logs?03:54
FantasticFoocan anybody help?03:54
noodles13FantasticFoo: reinstall them?03:54
FantasticFoonoodles13: tried it.03:54
highnekoFantasticFoo: Maybe holding ctrl+shift when you login.03:54
FantasticFoohighneko: ??03:55
highnekoFantasticFoo: ??03:55
FantasticFoohighneko: i don't think holding crtl+shift will somehow magically get X to recognize my fglrx drivers03:55
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Pelotevfikt,  system > admin > log viewer  should be in there03:56
highnekoFantasticFoo: Yea, ok, just saw someone suggest it once. i did say maybe.03:56
FantasticFoohighneko: oh03:56
FantasticFoohighneko: ok03:56
tevfiktPelo thank you03:56
FantasticFoohighneko: thanks anyway though03:56
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Pelotevfikt,  but I might be wrong03:56
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tevfiktthere are system logs03:56
tevfiktim lookin it03:57
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air0dayif i wanted to associate a file format with something other than a plain executable file, what would i do? specifically, i want to associate .torrent files from firefox with "wine utorrent.exe"03:57
highnekoFantasticFoo: Maybe using a live cd, change your root, and remove the drivers?03:57
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FantasticFoohighneko: actually i  think i have an idea03:57
Peloair0day,  you are using utorrent after all ?03:57
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FantasticFoothe mesa lib upgrade probably overrode the fglrx driver03:58
air0daypelo: well, i want ktorrent to work, but nobody is answering my question about it so i'm giving up and moving on03:58
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Peloair0day,  hold on03:58
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five_laptophow does ubuntu handle switching to an external monitor?03:58
five_laptopon a laptop03:58
air0dayits no big deal. i'll take any solution really. ktorrent is ideal, but utorrent in wine is fine i guess03:58
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bruenigutorrent is great03:58
Peloair0day,   http://www.securenet.net/members/jeanpelo/linux_guide.html ,  I wrote this a few months ago , it's not up on the site yet03:58
wasabi_Anybody know where the ocfs2 kernel modules are?03:58
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Peloair0day,  you can't realy associate the .torrent files with ut for somne reason but you can use the autolaod feature,  it's in the guide03:59
astronouth7303how do I copy an NTFS partition from hdd1 to hda5?03:59
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SperMiteIs there a way where i can stream movies off my linux box on my to my windows box? I tired using winscp but didn't work03:59
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wasabi_astronouth7303: try ntfsclone03:59
nomasteryoda|wastronouth7303, gparted is the best way... the live cd version03:59
Clin1Does any one know of a free internet accelarator?04:00
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nomasteryoda|wit works04:00
nomasteryoda|wi have done that04:00
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air0dayPelo: well I'm looking for a way to make firefox .torrent files trigger into utorrent. that's not possible?04:00
nomasteryoda|walso slower... from cli ... dd if=/dev/hdd1 of=/dev/hda504:00
Clin1Room | Do you know of a free internet accelarator?04:01
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nomasteryoda|wman dd or google the command dd04:01
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Peloair0day,   I haven'T found a way to do it ,  but here is what I do,   set the autoload folder in ut to the desktop and save torrent files to you desktop from  ff,   they will get loaded automaticaly04:01
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air0daynobody knows how to make ktorrent from svn build right?04:01
bruenigair0day, go into utorrent, options>preferences>Other, click the automatically load torrents in directory, set the directory to where ever your firefox default download directory is. When you download a torrent save it in that directory and utorrent will prompt, that is assuming you have it open04:02
cafiendingif I connect over over my LAN with SSH from one linux box to another, how do I copy files from one PC to another?04:02
Peloair0day,   in ut prefs under other,  check the option to delete the torrent from the autoload folder,    and specify another folder to store the torrents04:02
ChocoCid cafiending: scp04:02
ChocoCidyou don't want to be ssh'ed in when you do it though04:02
cafiendingOr should a different protocol be used?04:02
air0dayyeah, i get it. ive used utorrent a long time ;)04:02
ChocoCid(so open another terminal or whatever)04:02
bruenigClin1, what does an accelerator even do. I always assumed it was just like some sort of cache/pre-fetching thing or am I wrong?04:02
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ChocoCiddo man scp04:02
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Clin1Accelerator puts seaarching and browsing through a faster server04:03
ChocoCidit's something like scp /home/laptop/image.jpg /public_html/directory or w/e04:03
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Pelobruenig,   I have finaly figured out how to get ut to look like it belongs in ubuntu with matching themes if you are interested04:03
evilmegamanhi, I deleted my ubuntu partitions and tried to install another OS, But GRUB still tries to boot... Is there any way to fix this? it's very extremely annoying04:03
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evilmegamanI get error 17 btw04:03
air0daygod i hope someone ports utorrent to gnome04:03
Peloair0day,  it is unlikely to happen,  ludde was not interested04:04
Clin1I got a wine question : Does it run all windows programs incuding ports, and what OS is it similar to?04:04
bruenigPelo, yeah I could look at it, I would be content in knowing where that stupid tray icon is so I can edit it and make the background transparent and to be able to have the icon load in the bar on the top instead of that default no icon thing04:04
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bruenigEvilGrin, you need to overwrite the MBR04:05
dennisterMythtv question (and please don't direct me to #mythtv-users): anyone here use it, an dmight be able to help me fix this internal tuner issue?04:05
bruenigevilmegaman, you need to overwrite the MBR, sorry tab completion failed me04:05
noodles13evilmegaman: what os are you trying to install? when i installed Suse 10.1 it fixed the mbr during the install04:05
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cafiendingI know this is the wrong channel, but I'm new to IRC.  What are all the diff networks for?04:05
PeloClin1,  wine is a windows platform running in linux.  it can match a several verison of windows if you need it04:05
evilmegamannoodles13: I am installing OSX lol04:05
dennisteroctan: how busy r u?04:06
Pelobruenig,   the tray icon is builtin, there isn't much you can do about it and the skinning for that doesn't work in wine04:06
noodles13evilmegaman: lol on a non apple machine? there may be issues with that. I don't really know how they set it up04:06
Clin1OK, Thanks then i should be able to download everything i want... :)04:06
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cafiendinglike EFnet, undernet, etc..  do they all have diff channels?04:06
evilmegamanbruenig:  I don't know how to overwrite the MBR with a mac install CD XD04:07
bruenigPelo, yeah I realized that after a long while searching, although I was pretty sure of that before I even began searching04:07
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noodles13evilmegaman: do you have windows installed? and do u have a windows cd?04:07
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ElumHas anyone in here managed to get Citrix 9 client to work with Edgy? I read the forum thread and I am receiving the error: glibc detected /usr/lib/ICAClient/wfica: double free or corruption (top). I have search on google with no resolve this this issue. Thanks in advanced04:07
evilmegamannoodles13: this isn't the first time it happened. Usually it happens whenever I try to install another linux04:07
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evilmegamannoodles13: yep04:07
Pelobruenig,  for the apps colour find the  /home/user/.wine/user.reg file , you can change the colours there manualy ,  take a screenshot of nautilus or something and sample the coolours from there using gimp to get the right codes and replace then in user.reg04:07
evilmegamannoodles13: I just had a revelation04:07
noodles13evilmegaman: you shold be able boot from the windows cd04:08
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noodles13and fix the mbr04:08
bimberiClin1: Wine doesn't run all programs.  Check winehq.org for a list.04:08
evilmegamanUse fixmbr on the windows cd04:08
noodles13and then try installing osx04:08
evilmegamanGenius :)04:08
noodles13lol yea04:08
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evilmegaman:D alright thanks noodles1304:08
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byteshackwhen I do 'dpkg -l | grep "^rc"' I get a lot of packages04:08
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byteshackhow can I clear those out?04:08
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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LovlossHow do i lower my firewall so that I can reach more servers in gnutella?04:09
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Lovlossit says i can "punch a hole" in it :P04:09
bruenigPelo, what lines do I change?04:09
air0dayhow do i put an "launcher" in my Applications/Internet menu in gnome?04:09
_azraelI'm attempting to play Alpha Centauri on ubuntu, and it's getting an X error, major code 66, then dying. Does anyone know how to fix this?04:10
bruenigair0day, are you in dapper or edgy?04:10
bimberibyteshack: sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>04:10
teledyn_Lovloss: that means opening a port04:10
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Pelobruenig,   also take a screenshot of ut as it,  sample the colours you want to replace , search for those and replace with the colours you want from the nautilus screenshot04:10
LovlossHow do you open a port? whats a port? lol...04:10
tonyyarussoair0day: System > Preferences > Menu Layout, in Edgy04:10
bruenigair0day, there is something called menu editor somewhere in the menus, I don't remember where it was in edgy04:10
Lovlossall i know is i cant DL from limewire servers, connection gets refused04:10
teledyn_Lovloss: for example web http is port 8004:10
Pelobruenig,  I did it by trial and error,  was pretty easy atcualy04:10
air0dayawesome, thanks04:11
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Lovlossokay... so... what do i do :P04:11
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teledyn_Lovloss: do you even have a firewall?04:11
byteshackbimberi: thanks, so: dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | xargs apt-get remove --purge   should work?04:11
LovlossDo i ? i dunno. :(04:11
Peloair0day,  rightlick on the menu in the taskbar, pick alacart menu editor04:11
Lovlossi assume04:11
Lovlossi think maybe my fnew motherboard has one, and im on comcast04:12
PeloLovloss,  ubuntu doesn'T come with a firewall in the default install04:12
byteshackbimberi: thanks, so: dpkg -l | grep '^rc' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs apt-get remove --purge   should work?04:12
bruenigPelo, is it hexadecimal or what?04:12
air0daywhere are all of the icons stored in linux? so i can select one for the menu item04:12
Lovlossdont comcast routers have firewalls?04:12
teledyn_air0day: /usr/share/pixmaps   /usr/share/icons for kde ones04:12
bruenigair0day, /usr/share/pixmpas04:12
air0dayawesome thanks04:12
Pelobruenig,  it's rmvb or something    255 255 255 for withe 0 0 0 for black04:13
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LovlossI just want to be able to find results in gnutella, im only connecting to one server and it has zilch04:13
teledyn_Lovloss: possibly.  log in to your router and see.  it may be that you need to do port forwarding on the router for whatever port04:13
Peloair0day,  you can also download one from the skin page of utorrent and store it in /home/user/.icon04:13
bimberibyteshack: ha, i was just typing an explanation as to why the first one wouldn't work.  That might work.  Add a -s (meaning simulate) to the apt-get to test it04:13
Lovlosshow do you log into a router?04:14
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teledyn_Lovloss: read the manual04:14
air0dayholy crap. utorrent actually added a system tray icon to my tray04:14
air0daytotally didnt expect that to work04:14
Lovlossc.c uh yeah ... manual04:14
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PeloLovloss,   put your default gateway number in the browser's adress bar and for loggin try blank/blank , admin/admin/   admin/blank or bland/admin04:15
teledyn_Lovloss: sounds like you might want to pay an IT person to help you out04:15
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Peloair0day,  it does but not very well04:15
Lovlossmaybe... this is all greek to me. Ports and such...04:15
byteshackbimberi: thanks04:15
air0daypelo: whats wrong with it? besides being ugly04:15
teledyn_Lovloss: yeah, if you don't know about most of this stuff its probably better to let someone who does do it04:15
bimberibyteshack: yw :)04:16
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Lovlossi just used to use limewire very easily04:16
martyyyrdoes anyone know of some kind of post-it note application for ubuntu?04:16
Peloair0day,  when I toggle utorrent on and off using the tray icon the window "climbs" up the desktop04:16
brueniglimewire/gnutella < bittorrent04:16
teledyn_Lovloss: it may also be that you just need to change the server your're connecting to.  as far as i know gnutella should operate fine behind a router04:16
Lovlossthat may be, but its hard to find torrents of everything04:16
Pelomartyyyr,  rightclick on the taskbar,  add application ,   something called tommy in there that does what you want04:17
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Lovlosschange the server?04:17
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grouthow do i enable dual core in edgy?04:17
PeloLovloss,   you want torrents ?  www.torrentz.com04:17
bimberimartyyyr: tomboy (edgy) and a "sticky notes" applet is available in edgy and dapper04:17
Lovlossi ue torrentz04:17
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Lovlossnever mind... i dont know this stuff at all04:17
air0daydo i need to conver the .ico file to a png or something to use it in the menu editor?04:17
martyyyrPelo and bimberi, thanks... I had no idea those things were out there!04:18
Lovlossi just know how to download stuff off p2p stuff lol04:18
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grouthow do i enable dual core in edgy?04:18
Peloair0day,  bmp or png , or jpg04:18
bimberimartyyyr: np.  tomboy is particularly cool imo (eg. its ability to link notes to each other)04:18
air0dayso i need to convert the .ico file from the site?04:18
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Peloair0day,  you can try dragging the icon on the thinghy in the dialog box04:19
air0daywhats a good program for that?04:19
martyyyrbimberi: tomboy crashes when I try to run it :)04:19
Peloair0day,  just download the preview04:19
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air0dayoh.. but the preview has a bunch of different sizes on it04:19
bimberimartyyyr: :(04:19
teledyn_air0day: convert   its part of the imagemagick app04:19
Peloair0day,  gimp is the program to edit and play aournd with image files in linux04:19
groutwhat kernel do i install for core duo?04:19
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teledyn_Pelo: convert is much better for format conversion than gimp04:20
vaccinehowdy folks04:20
highnekoHow can I use my computer to login to another cmoputer and see everything like using two computers with one monitor?04:20
bimberigrout: should be enabled by default.  check by seeing if 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' lists muliple processors04:20
Peloi686 i think04:20
teledyn_highneko: vnc is one way04:20
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groutbimberi just 1 processor04:21
highnekoteledyn_: Ok, thanks.04:21
kujaIs there a AMD64 SMP kernel image (for 2.6) anywhere?04:21
Clin1Is their any good Broadcasting DJ software for Linux?04:21
vaccineI d/l'ed the desktop iso for 6.10, and I'm trying to get it installed on a PIII with only 128Mb RAM, how can I get it to install without it trying to load all the fancy graphics?04:21
haxalityok so04:21
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haxalityyet another problem04:21
bimberigrout: what's the output of 'uname -r'04:21
haxalitywhenever I close the screen on my laptop, the output gets garbled04:21
groutbimbero, it shows 2 processors04:21
teledyn_highneko: viewing a remote windows box from linux with vnc is usually ok, but i've always had problems trying to view another linux box via vnc04:21
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kujavaccine: You need to get the "Alternate" ISO, which uses the text-based installer.04:22
groutbimberi: 2.6.17-10-generic04:22
Jordan_U_haxality: Is that when it sleeps, or does the screen just turn off?04:22
haxalityjust when the screen turns off04:22
haxalityhey, Jordan_U_, it's awesome that you're still here, heh04:22
vaccinekuja, the docs say that you can just type "server" at the boot options.. that's not true?04:22
his_dudnesvaccine you should get a xubuntu alternate install to be well with the RAM04:22
Clin1Is their any good Broadcasting DJ software for Linux?04:23
groutbimberi: so both cores are being used? i thought a had to install a 686 kernel04:23
kujavaccine: I think you may have misread.04:23
vaccinekuja, wouldn't be the first time04:23
kujaThe Ubuntu "server" is everything without a desktop environment.04:23
PeloClin1,   have you searched synaptic for  broadcasting or other relevant words ?04:23
his_dudnesvaccine server was for 5.10 if i remember well04:23
vaccineah ok04:23
Clin1Is their any good Broadcasting DJ software for Linux?04:24
PeloClin1,   have you searched synaptic for  broadcasting or other relevant words ?04:24
vaccineI was just following the docs https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems04:24
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vaccinebut, I'll start the other d/l.. thanks for the info =)04:24
bimberigrout: i'm not sure sorry - and struggling to find info.  I would have thought you'd see 2 procs but I don't have that sort of machine here to check04:24
martyyyrhm... where is my Thrash folder?04:24
groutbimberi: i do see two processors04:24
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Pelomartyyyr, /home/user/.trash04:24
bruenigMartincho, ~/.trash04:25
martyyyrthat simple eh?04:25
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kujavaccine: At least you know now :)04:25
bruenigor is it .Trash04:25
groutbimberi: so does that mean there both being used?04:25
Clin1I cant right now, im installing updates04:25
kujavaccine: When in doubt, always ask04:25
bruenigit used to be .Trash04:25
bimberigrout: ah, i missed you saying so because of the mistyped nick :)04:25
vaccinekuja, yep.. thanks for info =)04:25
bimberigrout: yes04:25
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his_dudnesvaccine i would advise you to avoid gnome and kde, so use a xubuntu alternate  install04:25
groutbimberi : so i dont have to install a smp kernel?04:25
PeloClin1,  do it when hyou are done04:26
bruenigxubuntu is great04:26
bimberigrout use the system monitor to check (system -> admin -> system monitor)04:26
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bimberigrout: no ...04:26
bimberi!generic | grout04:26
UbotwoBackground to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html04:26
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Clin1Can ubuntu be installed on a system with 64 MB Ram? its SDRAM04:26
martyyyrhow can I delete the contents of a folder, but not the folder itself?04:26
martyyyrusing a terminal..04:26
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kyrbehow do I find out if I'm using edgy or draper?04:26
his_dudnesClin1 practicaly no04:26
bruenigClin1, I am sure the server could be installed, and xubuntu could also but even that would be a bit of a stretch04:26
bimberi!version | kyrbe04:27
groutbimberi : thanks alot04:27
UbotwoTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.04:27
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Clin1Shoot i was hoping to make something out of my old 9804:27
martyyyrnvm... I'll start using the man pages more often :S04:27
kyrbehow do I upgrade to edgy?04:27
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:27
Pelomartyyyr,  you'll find this usefull http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php04:27
his_dudnesClin1 there are distros specialised on old hardware04:27
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martyyyrthanks again Pelo04:28
bruenigdamn small linux perhaps04:28
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Clin1Wait does the server have ssh?04:28
kyrbebruenig, why not?04:28
FlannelClin1: not by default04:28
kyrbeAll I want is for beryl to work, and I can't get it to work under draper for some reason04:28
FlannelClin1: but yeah, server uses the same repositories as regular ubuntu04:28
bruenigKyral, what?04:28
Clin1I dont want to download them, besides i cant install some of them, the bios also is extremly old ver .504:28
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bruenigkyrbe, what?04:28
Flannelkyrbe: ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl04:29
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kyrbethanks flannel04:29
Clin1So ok, il try to install it um one min04:29
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vaccineSolarion, is 6.10 server still ok for a box with only 128Mb of RAM?04:30
madman91i have a weird problem with my xorg.conf .... specifically my mouse.. i change a setting.. restart X .. its all good ... then i reboot ... same new settings.. old functionality ...04:30
martyyyrmy final question for tonight... what does " exit.. there are stopped jobs"  mean, when I type " exit"  in a terminal?04:30
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bimberivaccine: should be fine04:30
Flannelmartyyyr: that you have stopped jobs (programs running, but stopped)04:30
highnekoteledyn_: When I use vncviewer and enter the remote password, I get a screen with lines on it and a cross cursor. Is this normal? What am I missing?04:30
timanyone know if its possible to get deskbar to play audio files with banshee rather than totem?04:31
bimberimartyyyr: type 'fg' to bring the stopped jobs to the foreground04:31
vaccinewhat's the difference between alternate and server?04:31
Flannelmartyyyr: use "jobs" to see them, then %# (where # is their number) to switch to that particular one04:31
teledyn_highneko: that sounds like an x session with no window manager running04:31
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martyyyrFlannel: of course... but all I did in that terminal was "ls" .. so where do all these jobs come from?04:31
Flannelvaccine: alternate installs a desktop, or a GUIless one, server just installs GUIless, has the LAMP preinstall option, and installs a modified server kernel04:31
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highnekoI didn't specify a desktop on the remote machine, it jsut picked one. How do I know what one to use?04:32
Flannelmartyyyr: if you ctrl-z, it stops a job04:32
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teledyn_highneko: any one you want04:32
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vaccineFlannel, thanks =)04:32
=== bimberi had never heard of 'jobs' - thanks Flannel!
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martyyyrFlannel, but .. I mean... ALL I did was " ls", and it had already finished when I typed exit..04:32
highnekoteledyn_: I don't understand. What's this desktop perameter?04:32
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tokenbadok....I have a slave...and for some reason it has a 1 meg partition at the front of it...and I want to install vista to that drive...but when try its not registering the second partition...only the first partition...I tried gparted to get rid of the 1 meg partition and it will not remove it...is there something else or someway else to remove it?04:33
Flannelmartyyyr: then you must have other stuff going on.  log back in, type jobs, see what's there04:33
teledyn_highneko: what are you logging in to?  a linux box?04:33
Jimb1my fstab file is read only. I need to edit it and I cant. How do I make it so I can write to it and save the changes?04:33
highnekoteledyn_: yea04:33
kitsuneofdoomvnc4server stopped working with edgy, complaining about lacking a fixed font04:33
Garcherhey i was trying to install Firefox 2.0 on dapper, but i screwed up and now i dont have anything... i lost firefox!!! help plz~04:33
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teledyn_highneko: and is it running x right now and a window manager?  kde or gnome or something?04:33
FlannelJimb1: open it with gksudo/sudo04:33
PeloGarcher,  reinstall ff1.5 from synaptic04:33
martyyyrFlannel:  typig jobs results in nothing.. maybe I just didn't something wrong, thanks anyway04:33
highnekoteledyn_: gnoem yea04:33
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FlannelJimb1: like, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab  or sudo nano /etc/fstab04:34
bhooveri did an update from 6.06 to 6.10 and i cannot login with gdm now. says cannot find libpixbufloader-png.so. it is looking for it in /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.4.0 but i have 2.10.0 there instead. advice?04:34
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Jimb1ok thanx ill try that04:34
bimberi!tell kitsuneofdoom about vncfix04:34
teledyn_highneko: i don't know, i'm not a vnc expert.  sounds like you were able to connect.  i don't know why you don't see the gnome session04:34
dennistergues what ppls? i got it, i got it, i got it....yahoo! for the third time today!04:34
adrenalinehey anybody else having issues with lan browsing in edgy?04:34
kitsuneofdoombimberi: muchas gracias04:34
vaccinewell.. even if I couldn't actually run the installer, it still looked pretty up to that point =)04:34
GarcherPelo will that do it? i tried to reinstall from a terminal but it didnt work...04:34
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highnekoteledyn_: When I try something it says "already running as :# I should probably logout and try that number.04:35
bimberikitsuneofdoom: noa problemo :)04:35
PeloGarcher,  that's the best advice I can give you04:35
highnekoteledyn_: Thank you.04:35
funkyHatHow do I tell apt/dpkg to redirect a file from a package? I'm setting up pulse audio and I want to keep esound installed so that gnome sounds still work, but need to move/remove /usr/bin/esd04:35
Garchermmm.. ill try that.. thanks!04:35
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dennisterfixed the stb, then the mythconverg database, and for the first time:  <drumroll> live audio and video feeds from my tuner :)04:35
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funkyHatOr would I have to roll my own esound deb to do that?04:36
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dennisterthis noob is making so much progress with mythtv it's unreal04:36
tokenbadalso in ubuntu I try to do sudo apt-get install whatever and it gives me a Segmentation faulty tree. error...04:36
lin_christydoes anyone now where the repositories are for the new ubnutu alpha?04:36
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Pelodennister,  congrats04:36
air0daywhats a good program to handle rar files?04:36
tokenbadair0day, do apt-cache search rar04:37
air0daywhat's apt-cache?04:37
tokenbadthere rar is part of ubuntu04:37
Ubotworar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:37
dennisterty Pelo...not bad for a noob with no tech training, eh...04:37
Flannelair0day: it searches the cache of your package.lists04:37
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bhoovercan anyone help me with a gtk libs problem?04:38
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tokenbadanyone know why would get the Segmentation faulty tree or how to fix it?04:38
specialbuddyis there a way to set it up so that everytime I plug in my portable hard drive with 3 partitions, the partitions will go to the same media folder everytime?04:38
Pelodennister,  , what do you think I am ?04:38
Pelobhoover,  try looking up your error message in the forum04:39
Healotjust trivial, yet kinda important for me04:39
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bhooveri did that. ran into lots of issues with folks compiling stuff. mine seems to just be a library path issue. i do not have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set so i didn't know what else to try.04:39
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PeloHealot, ???04:39
Healotanyone compressed ubuntu ISO with 7-zip ultra high compression, yet? the ratio04:39
bhooveris there a config file in x/gdm that says where to get the libs from?04:39
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highnekoteledyn_: I had to stop gdm. It worked by looked pretty bad. Was an interesting experience. Thank you.04:40
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teledyn_highneko: you might need to specify the resolution04:41
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hanasakihow do i change the default exim heavy to use maildir04:42
pacmandoes anyone have the link for flash 9 for linux?04:42
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UbotwoFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html04:42
UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:42
=== cari_tmen_ce is now known as cw_asmara
tokenbadcan someone help me fix a drive problem...I have a slave drive...and had it org in just 2 partitions...i then combined those partitions...but for some reason there is like 1 meg partition on the drive...and gparted will not remove it...I need to remove it so I can install another os to that drive...but the OS will not install with that partition on it...04:42
Pelotokenbad,  try lowformating the drive first04:43
Flannelhanasaki: you'll need to edit the config file04:43
pacmanthank you04:43
hanasakiFlannel:ya.. iam looking for theright place... the template?04:43
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Flannelhanasaki: template?  no, it'll be /etc/exim/ or something (maybe exim#) where # is the exim number04:44
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tokenbadPelo, how?04:44
specialbuddyhow come I can't change the permissions on my portable harddrive04:44
air0daygod. i cant belive how much faster utorrent under wine is than either ktorrent or azeureus04:45
Pelotokenbad,  lowformat is usualy in the bios,  be carefull not to format a drive you want to keep as is,  this is a very final solution,    and takes several hours04:45
cliffdis there a way to search for a package with apt-get?04:45
tokenbadPelo, ok..thanks...will try it04:45
Jordan_Ucliffd: apt-cache search04:45
Flannelcliffd: apt-cache search [stuff] 04:45
ameyer<3 not being able to use java in firefox and azureus at the same time04:46
bhoovertokenbad, rather than using bios LL format, see if the drive mfgr website has utils for the drive. there is usually something for writing zeroes to the drive. that's what i usually use.04:46
JimboI just formated my second hard drive to ext3 using gparted, and now it has a folder in it named Lost+found, which is unreadable and unwriteable, and the entire drive is also apparently unwritable, as I cannot right click and make a folder. What do I need to do to correct this?04:46
torpedo|dogAny tips on getting the IBM Active Protection System to work?04:46
cliffdJordan_U, Flannel: thanks much.04:46
torpedo|dogor rather, hdaps-utils.04:46
Peloameyer,  don't use azureus04:46
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ameyerseriously, azureus 2.5 is terrible04:47
ameyerutorrent in wine is better04:47
torpedo|dogI use Firefox Java and Eclipse at the same time all the time :-/04:47
Peloameyer, preaching to the choir04:47
Jordan_Uxmoto no longer starts ( it just crashes comlaining about drivers )04:47
Peloameyer,  actualy you're preaching to the preacher , I wrote the guide on getting ut to work in wine04:47
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Jimbo I just formated my second hard drive to ext3 using gparted, and now it has a folder in it named Lost+found, which is unreadable and unwriteable, and the entire drive is also apparently unwritable, as I cannot right click and make a folder. What do I need to do to correct this? Total n00b here...4 days with nix04:48
ameyerwell, the problem is azureus needs to have java=gcj (or whatever is default) and java in firefox needs java = sun jre :|04:48
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Healotsharing Eclipse JRE could save some space?04:48
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PeloJimbo,  if no one here can answer you try looknig up your problem in the forum04:49
ameyerJimbo: permissions?04:49
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Jimboameyer...can u help?04:50
Jimboim new with this os04:50
cliffdthis is a stupid question, but is there some sort of rc-updater for ubuntu? how do I add things to auto start?04:50
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Jimbohow do i reset permissions for that drive?04:50
noodles13system>preferences > sessions04:50
benplautattn anyone who is ops in #ubuntuforums... we have join/quit spam :)04:50
noodles13ooh that was to cliffd04:50
bimberiJimbo: make a folder on the drive with 'sudo mkdir /path/to/folder' then make it usable by your user with 'sudo chown username:username /path/to/folder'04:50
ameyerchmod -r /path/to/the/drive 77704:51
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Pelocliffd,  you can add progs to load at startup in   system > prefs > sessions04:51
ameyeror is it the other way around04:51
cliffdnoodles13, Pelo: this is gui free server.04:51
benplautJimbo: are you the tremulous jimbo?04:51
Jimbono tremulous04:51
Pelocliffd,  then I can 'T help04:51
cliffdPelo: thanks.04:52
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ameyerwhoops, it'd be chmod 777 /path/to/drive04:52
tokenbadPelo, there is no low level format in my bios04:52
Jimbobimberi and ameyer ...will try those solutions now...brb04:52
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Jimbo777 gotcha04:52
Healotmost recent BIOS doesn't need or have Low level disk format04:52
anacaona /msg NickServ IDENTIFY anmegdem04:53
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anacaonahey all04:53
Pelotokenbad,  that was my best suggestion,  this is not something I am familiar with,  but no one else seemed to have an answser ,   you can try again at different times of day maybe someone will be in attendence that know how to solve your problem04:53
anacaonai have a minor issue with jinzora04:53
torpedo|doganacaona...that space was intentional, right?04:53
anacaonawhat space?04:53
bimberitokenbad: see if cfdisk (text based) can remove the partition04:53
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torpedo|dogbefore your /msg nickserv04:54
Jordan_Uanacaona: We saw you identify :)04:54
torpedo|dogyou may want to change your password right now ;)04:54
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anacaona[blush] 04:54
Jordan_UIt is all plain text anyway04:54
anacaonasloppy cut and paste04:54
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jamesbrinkdoes anyone here have issues with clicking and draging with synaptics touch pads?04:54
ameyerbefore I deide to ghost...04:54
zhengHi,All, How to install ubuntu over network by booting from floppy?04:54
Peloanacaona,  just be tankfull noone tried to ghost you04:54
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anacaonaplain text, true, but i doubt anyone here knows what it means.04:54
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luminousnerd!tell luminousnerd about beryl04:54
jamesbrinkzheng: have fun with that one lol04:55
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manny0tell me about beryl too04:55
manny0im unsure on what exactly it is04:55
ChocoCidTHAT. is beryl.04:55
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baxter_kHello. How does one stop the screen from blanking (and stop the screensaver for that matter) ?04:55
ChocoCidbaxter_k: system-preferences-screensaver (in GNOME)04:55
zhengjamesbrink: what is lol?04:55
Pelobaxter_k,   system > prefs04:56
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noodles13ChocoCid: funny pictures04:56
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Jordan_Umanny0: Search for beryl on youtube.04:56
luminousnerdBeryl is a pain in the ass is what it is :( at least for me.  So many issues.04:56
PeloLaugh Out Loud04:56
manny0ive seen the videos04:56
manny0it looks crazy04:56
manny0can i install it?04:56
noodles13(it is awesome!)04:56
ChocoCidyou "can"04:56
manny0or do i have to get another distro04:56
ChocoCidit works on ubuntu04:56
baxter_kChocoCid: I'm actually using an openbox session... I was hoping for the config files04:56
manny0im not sure what the downs are04:56
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ChocoCideasier on edgy than dapper04:56
manny0is it just graffical stuff04:56
Jimbojgh@Jgh-linux:~$ chmod 777 /media/hdb104:56
Jimbochmod: changing permissions of `/media/hdb1': Operation not permitted04:56
ChocoCidand i've heard it's nigh-impossible on breezy04:56
noodles13yea.. i have it on edgy, took 2 min. to install04:57
manny0im new to linux period. id ont even know what edgy is04:57
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ChocoCidmanny0 , basically, you run beryl instead of metacity04:57
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ChocoCidmanny0: you have ubuntu dapper?04:57
Jimbowhat am i missing here  jgh@Jgh-linux:~$ chmod 777 /media/hdb104:57
Jimbochmod: changing permissions of `/media/hdb1': Operation not permitted04:57
UbotwoUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download04:57
ChocoCidit's a window manager04:57
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ChocoCidmetacity is the default window manager in GNOME (Ubuntu)04:57
manny0edgy is the new version of ubuntu04:57
ChocoCid(not Kubuntu)04:57
luminousnerdCan anyone help me to rid my system of ubuntu?!04:57
ChocoCidberyl replaces Metacity when you run it04:57
Jordan_UOn intel cards with edgy you just apt-get install beryl ( after adding a new repo )04:57
luminousnerdnoo noo I mean beryl04:57
manny0can i switch or go back?04:57
luminousnerdUrg that came out way wrong, how do I get rid of beryl?04:57
joeyk_what you mean04:57
manny0say if i dont like it04:57
ChocoCidthere's a thing you can use that switches easily04:58
bimberiluminousnerd: lol, i was going to say 'funny place to ask' :)04:58
manny0i have dapper04:58
anacaonadoes anyone here have experience with jinzora? it won't recognize my GD on installation and i'd like to have the pretty pictures.04:58
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manny0how do i go about upgrading?04:58
Jordan_Umanny0: What kind of card?04:58
noodles13at the beginning of ubuntu at the sign on screen. you can go to options and pick sessions04:58
manny0is there a how too04:58
luminousnerdsudo apt-get remove beryl doesn't work!  It says it does but it doesn't work!!04:58
UbotwoFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:58
manny0ATIxpress 200m04:58
ChocoCidthere you go04:58
luminousnerdnoodles13: all I see at the signon screen is just the little box to type your username..there aren't options of any sort04:58
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Jordan_Umanny0: Have you set up 3D acceleration?04:59
manny0i dont think i have04:59
manny0i downloaded the offical driver04:59
manny0for it though04:59
noodles13luminousnerd: at the lower left corner there isn't an options? which version are you using?04:59
manny0and went through that whole riggamaro04:59
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luminousnerdnoodles13: Using Edgy04:59
Pelog'night folks04:59
tokenbadbimberi, thanks so much...that worked04:59
bimberitokenbad: great, np :)05:00
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noodles13luminousnerd: i have no idea. On my sign-in screen at the bottom left there's Options.05:00
luminousnerdbottom left ay?  Well I guess I'll look again05:00
luminousnerdI didn't see anything anywhere lol05:00
noodles13yea.. right when you enter in your username05:00
luminousnerdOky peace brb05:00
manny0how i set up 3d acceleration05:00
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ChocoCidI think beryl may be out of your reach for now05:01
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ChocoCidlearn a bit more about linux and ubuntu at first, then try it later05:01
ChocoCidi hosed my system trying to install beryl on Dapper05:01
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ChocoCidthough that was entirely my fault, not beryl's05:02
Jordan_UTo whoever was wanting to install from net with a bootable floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot05:02
noodles13i hosed my suse 10.1 system trying to install compiz05:02
ChocoCider, yeah,05:02
ChocoCidit was compiz for me at the time05:02
ChocoCidi think XGL is what broke it for me though05:02
ChocoCidit's easier to get working on edgy, as i said05:02
manny0id like to do acceleration anyway05:02
manny0is there a how to?'05:02
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:02
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ChocoCidwhat's the easy way to check if you have aiglx instead of fglrx?05:02
Jimbowhen running chmod 777 /path/to/drive i get the following message  > changing permissions of `/media/hdb1/lost+found': Operation not permitted05:03
Jimbowhat is wrong?05:03
ChocoCider, not instead, but w/e05:03
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manny0i changed the fglrx05:03
ChocoCidJimbo , you need to be root05:03
manny0to ati05:03
manny0and used the offical driver05:03
ChocoCidtry doing sudo05:03
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ChocoCidalthough why are you changing the permissions of lost+fouund?05:03
JimbochocoCid..how do I become root?05:03
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Jordan_UChocoCid: Check your xorg.conf for fglrx.05:03
ChocoCid!sudo > Jimbo05:03
variantwhy does internet explorer start faster than firefox?05:03
Jimbook thanx05:03
Jimbowill try that05:03
ChocoCidheh, figured. i'll pass on that, i was more wondering "how would a newbie know"05:03
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ChocoCidvariant: it's built into the operating system05:04
Jordan_Uvariant: Because most of IE is loaded at boot and constantly stored in memory.05:04
ChocoCidunless you mean IE through WINE05:04
cliffdso, if I wanted a service to start on boot and I have a script in say rc3.d S99service what else do I need to get it to start on boot? 6.10. thanks.05:04
ChocoCidbut that would be odd!05:04
variantif you say its because its so much more integrated with the operating system i will just laugh, becaus it starts faster running under wine on linux than does firefox nativly05:04
ChocoCidfirefox isn't really "native"05:04
variantChocoCid: yeah, it's true05:04
ChocoCidit's not integrated into the OS05:04
variantChocoCid: the binarly is and ELF executable, thats as native as you get05:04
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variantChocoCid: exscuse my poor english (i am scottish)05:05
ChocoCidcliffd  system-administration-services05:05
Jordan_Uvariant: Wow, how fast does FF open for you?05:05
JimboChocoCid: can you be a little more clear re !sudo>jimbo05:05
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Ubotwosudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:05
ChocoCidshould have sent it to you :(05:05
cliffdChocoCid: is there a CLI version?05:05
ChocoCidcliffd: i'm sure there is, but i don't know what it is :P05:05
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com05:05
UbotwoTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup05:05
ChocoCidgood enough? :\05:05
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JimboChocoCid: that just brings up usage and a bunch of letters05:05
ChocoCidJimbo: if you do sudo command , it does that command as root (after prompting you for your password)05:06
ChocoCidfor isntance05:06
ChocoCidapt-get install firefox will give you "cannot unlock directory, are you root?"05:06
variantChocoCid: the truth is, firefox is slower than ie because firefox is not coded for a fast start up time05:06
Clin1Any one want a old upgradable pc for 20005:06
Jimbok i tried putting sudo in front of chmod05:06
ChocoCidsudo apt-get install firefox prompts you for your password, then installs it05:06
Jimbowill try again05:06
ChocoCidthe password will not show up at all in the ocmmand line, not even as asterisks05:06
ChocoCidthat's normal05:06
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Jimbochoco...is this right?   sudo chmod 777 /media/hdb105:07
noodles13variant if you knew then were you just testing us?05:07
FlannelJimbo: what are you doing?05:07
variantnoodles13: yep05:07
ChocoCidlooks like it, but why are you wanting to make an entire hard drive read-write-execute for everyone?05:07
variantnoodles13: :)05:07
variantJimbo: 775 is much much more secure05:08
JimboFlannel: trying to make the drive i just formated and mounted writable and readab;e05:08
noodles13ChocoCid: i think he formatted it to ext3 and he coudln't write to it05:08
Zububwado you script the 'nickname:' format on your irc clients?05:08
FlannelJimbo: change your fstab, not chmodding05:08
ChocoCidif that's the case why would he need to chmod? he wants mount :(05:08
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Jimboi changed the fstab already05:08
FlannelZububwa: most/all of them come with it05:08
Jimboill check to make dure05:08
FlannelJimbo: the umask in the fstab, that is05:08
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Zububwai use Tab to find the nick, do you have a personal script or just find the name each time05:09
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ChocoCidtab here05:09
Zububwai see05:09
FlannelZububwa: most people use a few letters, then hit tab, and it adds the colon automatically05:09
FlannelJimbo: umask05:09
Zububwahmm, mine doesnt add a colon05:09
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ChocoCidi set mine to NOT add the colon automatically because i like using nicknames in the middle of a line sometimes05:09
JimboFlannel what is umask?05:09
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Jimboflannel heres what I did05:10
Zububwawell there is my scripting task of the night...05:10
JimboI formated it then mounted it then put this in fstab file and saved    /dev/hdb1       /media/hdb1 ext3 defaults 0 005:10
yangsupf8/htdocs$ firefox05:10
yangsupGTK Accessibility Module initialized05:10
yangsup (core dumped)05:10
Jordan_UWhen I try to start xmoto I get: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b05:11
Jordan_Ufatal exception : invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)05:11
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teledyn_wow   cool05:12
cong0_nattywut you guys think of dapper so far, in comparison to dapper drake05:12
cong0_nattywhat do you think of edgy*05:12
ChocoCidi like edgy :D05:12
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cong0_nattyit has the new glibc2.4 eh?05:12
haxalityI just installed Xubuntu 6.06, and my network cards are all AWOL05:12
cong0_nattyso you can rock beryl?05:12
ChocoCidberyl :D05:13
haxalityI need to install restricted-modules05:13
haxalityhow would I do this05:13
cong0_nattyhaxality, try dmesg05:13
UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:13
JimboI formated it then mounted it then put this in fstab file and saved    /dev/hdb1       /media/hdb1 ext3 defaults 0 0is there something I need to do besides edit the fstab file...i put this in fstab and drive stays mounted  >  I cant write to it though.05:13
cong0_nattysee if they are recognized05:13
haxalityalright, one moment05:13
ChocoCidnot what i had in mind :(05:13
Spawn311does anyone know a good multimedia player for ubuntu?05:13
UbotwoThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:13
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teledyn_SpacePuppy: mplayer, xine, vlc05:13
ChocoCidthose instructions should also include how to turn on restricted05:13
ChocoCidmain restricted universe multiverse05:13
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teledyn_Spawn311: : mplayer, xine, vlc05:13
Jimbocongo  ?05:14
Spawn311does mplayer come with gui as default package?05:14
cong0_nattyor auto,rw05:14
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haxalitythis is very interesting.05:14
haxalitymy wireless card fails to start05:14
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teledyn_Spawn311: yes.  gmplayer is the binary name05:14
=== Stephenishere [n=katie@cpe-24-27-41-187.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
haxalitybut my ethernet adapter is supposedly operating fine05:14
haxalityI cannot access the internet05:14
Spawn311thanks teledyn05:14
Jordan_Ufatal exception : invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)05:14
haxalitynor can I get an IP from my DHCP server05:14
UbotwoPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.05:14
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StephenishereHi im having problems with my sound, i get sound on the start up and log off but i dont get sound in like firefox and in wine, any help is appriciated...05:15
ArrenLex...what happened to Ubotu? I see I've been gone too long.05:15
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glitch-what is the best irc client for ubuntu, best graphics?05:15
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brett__i am having trouble getting a 3d game to work on my kubuntu machine. The game is called tremulous and it runs super slow for some reason05:15
Jordan_UArrenLex: Send quota ;)05:15
Spawn311teledyn what section is that under in synaptic?>05:16
haxalitysorry Ubotwo.05:16
brett__the mouse takes a minute to move05:16
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haxalityany idea cong0_natty?05:16
Jordan_Ubrett__:  Have you set up the 3D drivers for your card?05:16
ArrenLexbrett: Are you using 3d-capable drivers?05:16
teledyn_glitch-: best graphics for an irc client?   irc is inherently text-based05:16
cong0_nattyerm Jimbo i ment auto,users,rw05:16
eternalswdI'm having problems with correctly reading a dvd+rw.  The drive mounts correctly to /media/cdrom and a nautilus window opens listing the files, but I can't read them.  also if I try to access the cdrom folder from the command line it says permission denied even though the folder is public readable.  I remember having this problem before and I think it had to do with the changing the type in fstab.  My current fstab line is /dev/hda /media/c05:16
eternalswddrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 005:16
brett__Jordan_U: i believe so05:16
ArrenLexeternalswd: can you read as root?05:16
cong0_nattyhaxality, do you have your ip set up proper?05:16
cong0_nattyand dns?05:16
brett__Jordan_U: i have been installing all kinds of stuff and i believe the 3d drivers were installed05:17
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eternalswdArrenLex, how would I test that?05:17
Jimboauto, users,rw  ??????????05:17
haxalitythis is so bizarre, eth0 is up but it won't get an IP05:17
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Jordan_Ubrett__: To check, run: glxinfo | grep direct ( it should say direct rendering = yes )05:17
brett__ArrenLex: i have played the game on this machine when windows was installed and it worked fine05:17
ArrenLexeternalswd: start a root shell and try to cd into the cdrom.05:17
brett__Jordan_U: then no05:17
cong0_nattyyea auto will automaticaly mount it, users means anyone can mount or unmount it and rw means its readable and writeable05:18
brett__Jordan_U: it says it doesnt05:18
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Jordan_U!fglrx | brett__05:18
UbotwoTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:18
cong0_nattyro = read only05:18
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glitch-teledyn_:i know but some look irc clients are messy orders are well organized..do u advice any?05:18
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ArrenLexbrett: a) is it a Windows game which you are running on wine? b) Your video card can be capable of curing cancer and feeding underprivileged children on Windows, but if you don't have Linux drivers you're not squeezing anything beyond 2D out of it. What drivers?05:18
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cong0_nattythis room moves so fast with 846 people in it05:18
re-alignAnyone have recommendations on which filesystem to use? Something good for older systems, non-journalised, and secure.05:19
redDEADresolvei need help, i killed my pc's bios any way i can fix this?05:19
re-alignSomething i can use shred on if I need to...05:19
baxter_kHow can I disable my screensaver and/or screen blanking (in config files -- I'm using openbox)05:19
ArrenLexJordan_U: That doesn't work. Direct rendering != 3D acceleration.05:19
hamburger_xiehi, see if anyone could help. i wanna install gtk run-time and development environment in my xubuntu box. what should i do?05:19
cong0_nattyredDEADresolve, replace the bios chip05:19
redDEADresolvehow do i do that congo05:19
cong0_nattyvery carefully05:19
Spawn311baxter probably something with xset command05:19
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Spawn311man xset05:20
cong0_nattyits probably solder'd to your motherboard05:20
Jordan_UArrenLex: But direct rendering = no almost always means you don't have 3D accel05:20
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cong0_nattyif not then its just clipped in a little slot on your motherboard05:20
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redDEADresolveyeah i don't want to do that, is that the only way. the pc frozen while updating the bios and now its a brick05:20
IA-Outdoorshey what does it mean when I run adept installer and some of the options are grayed out?05:20
cong0_nattyits long rectangle has a buncha pins down each side about 2 inchs long about 1/2 inch wide says right on it05:20
cong0_nattywell then your outta luck05:20
IA-Outdoorse.g. firefox, thunderbird, etc05:20
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IA-Outdoorsit's killing me05:20
redDEADresolvewell what do i replace it with?05:21
cong0_nattyyes if you flash the wrong bios or it screws up your outta luck05:21
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cong0_nattythen your pc is a brick05:21
teledyn_redDEADresolve: how did you manage to bork a bios flash?05:21
ArrenLexJordan_U: Yes, but not the other way around. If you just ask people to paste the output of "glxinfo | grep renderer", you will always get a correct answer: Mesa Indirect for no, or a driver name for yes.05:21
redDEADresolvethe pc froze, just stopped dead for like 2 hours05:21
teledyn_redDEADresolve: in the middle of a flash update?05:21
Jordan_UArrenLex: I was just confirming what I suspected, I know it doesn't work the other way around.05:21
redDEADresolvewell if i take out the bios chip what do i replace it with05:21
eternalswdArrenLex, okay, it can read it as root05:22
cong0_nattythe same one you took out05:22
glitch-teledyn_:do u advice any?05:22
Jimbostill no luck05:22
redDEADresolveyup right in the middle up the update05:22
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cong0_nattyyou will have to order it05:22
teledyn_glitch-: apt-cache search irc05:22
matjanwhere can i tell dapper that i want e.g. conky to execute automatically at the start of a session? i thought you can do that in the startup programs tab of preferences > sessions, but when i say that i want conky to start up, and i close and open again, the conky entry is gone...05:22
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redDEADresolvei cant reflash my bios?05:22
cong0_nattylook for the part # on the bios chip and look for a place you can order it05:22
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ArrenLexeternalswd: this is my cdrom fstab line, which gives me no problems. Perhaps it will be useful to you: /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       005:22
cong0_nattyits dead dood05:22
Jordan_UArrenLex: Although that is a better way to check either way, you'r right.05:22
cong0_nattythe bios loads your hardware05:22
cong0_nattyif you dont have a bios you cant boot your computer05:22
cong0_nattyits fucked.05:22
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cong0_nattyforgive me for the language05:23
teledyn_redDEADresolve: that's incredibly unlucky05:23
highnekomatjan: Create a script to execute conky after a few seconds?05:23
DBOcong0_natty, forgiven but please dont let it happen again =)05:23
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teledyn_redDEADresolve: maybe contact your mobo mfg for customer support, warranty support05:23
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redDEADresolveits dell laptop got it this week05:24
eternalswdArrenLex, that's what I have already.  And I just made sure that my username is in the cdrom group, so I'm stumped.05:24
metalheddi've got a file i'm trying to delete but the name is really strange and i cant seem to delete it.05:24
DaylighterOh shit05:24
ArrenLexeternalswd: could you please pastebin the output of "ls -l /media"?05:24
cong0_nattyDBO, i cant promise anything but i wont take offence if you take action i got a bit of a cussin problamo ...05:24
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cong0_nattyi been workin on it05:24
teledyn_redDEADresolve: or find someone who sells one, or someone with an chip reader who can flash it05:24
matjanhighneko, ?? it should work using as i said, i am wondering why in my case it does not...05:25
DBOcong0_natty, ;-)05:25
redDEADresolveok if i found someone with a chip reader i could reflash them05:25
teledyn_redDEADresolve: then warranty support is in order05:25
gnu2it2what apt-get do i need to run to get alsa-conf installed ?05:25
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teledyn_redDEADresolve: no you are not going to take apart your new laptop to do that.05:25
thevenindid you try sudo apt-get install alsa-conf05:25
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highnekomatjan: It loads behind the wallpaper I think.05:25
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Jimbook..i got the drive to be writable, but since i formated to ext3 there is a folder on the drive named "lost+found"  that is still unreadable or writable. Anyone know what this might be?05:25
teledyn_redDEADresolve: this was an update provided by dell?05:26
ArrenLexthevenin: the second box on packages.ubuntu.com can help you answer that.05:26
cong0_natty:finaly got epsxe wokin! woot now i can play ff705:26
JimboThe main drive appears to be writable now05:26
teledyn_redDEADresolve: even if it wasn't i'd just lie and have them fix it05:26
cong0_nattygonna slap it up on my server later its only 2mb just toss it in /opt05:26
Jordan_UredDEADresolve: then no problem, thier falt + under warrenty = free fix.05:26
ArrenLexJimbo: lost+found is where the system puts files which have been orphaned by the filesystem (i.e. their nodes have been deleted)05:26
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eternalswdArrenLex, http://pastebin.ca/24979405:26
redDEADresolveyeah i just didnt want to play to ship it back, got it and screwed it up in one day05:27
ArrenLexeternalswd: well, there you go, silly. dr--r--r--05:27
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JimboArrent..is there away to get rid of it...its uneccessary isnt it?05:27
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Jordan_UredDEADresolve: But if you try to fix it yourself you will likely just void your warrenty instead, and be STUCK with a brick.05:27
teledyn_redDEADresolve: silly question, but was it plugged in when you ran the update?05:27
cong0_nattyredDEADresolve, im sorry about your bios man thats pretty crumby05:27
ArrenLexeternalswd: you need x permission to cd into a directory.05:27
teledyn_redDEADresolve: and did you press any keys or do anything to it while it was running?05:27
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JimboI thought since i formatted the drive it would be clean05:28
ArrenLexeternalswd: make it look like drwxr-xr-x05:28
redDEADresolveit was plugged in i wasnt doing anything05:28
brettHey thanks guys that fixed it05:28
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teledyn_redDEADresolve: you may also be able to exchange it at the dealer you got it from05:29
ArrenLexJimbo: I wouldn't remove it if I were you... you can delete the FILES in it if you don't need them, but I'm pretty sure your filesystem needs that space.05:29
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JimboArrent, I cant see the files05:29
teledyn_redDEADresolve: usually within 15 or 30 days05:29
Jimbobut they take up about 10 gigs05:29
redDEADresolveits a dell ordered it through them, got a year coverage05:29
redDEADresolveill send it in05:30
redDEADresolvelearned my lesson05:30
gnu2it2what apt-get do i need to run to get alsaconf installed ?05:30
ArrenLexJimbo: if you don't need them, delete them as root, I guess.05:30
teledyn_redDEADresolve: you have a right to a full refund also05:30
eternalswdArrenLex, many thanks.  It works now :)05:30
Jordan_UredDEADresolve: Complain and you may get some free stuff to boot :)05:30
JimboArrent Im new to this os. how do I delete them as root?05:30
teledyn_redDEADresolve: maybe consider getting a thinkpad instead05:30
ArrenLexgnu2it2: You don't. There is no alsaconf in the ubuntu repos.05:30
JimboHow can I make them visible?05:30
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redDEADresolvei just want my laptop to work.05:31
Stephenisherewould a program like cedega be better at running starcraft than wine?05:31
ArrenLexgnu2it2: I've kept the script from the debian package; I have it at http://arrenlex.diff.be/alsaconf if you want.05:31
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ArrenLexeternalswd: you're welcome! :)05:31
Jimbothe folder has a lock icon on it and when opened shows no files but there is about 10 gigs missing05:31
teledyn_redDEADresolve: there's a higher probability of that always being the case if its a thinkpad  :-)05:31
ArrenLexJimbo: look as root.05:31
redDEADresolvethanks for your help im gonna call dell now05:31
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Jordan_UredDEADresolve: I feel your pain, my comp is in for repair and I am stuck using a liveCD on my sisters machine till it's fixed :(05:32
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cong0_nattyi paid the cost to be the boss05:32
JimboArrentLex; this is the 4th day since i got my first look at linux. I dont know how to look as root.  how do I do that?05:32
brettI have a norton ghost image on my machine... is there any linux programs that will read it?05:32
cong0_nattylook @ me ya know wut ya see, see a bad brotha.05:32
ArrenLexJimbo: needless to say, if you have 10GB of files, you're not going to get much use out of that directory; the files in there have lost everything except their content. No structure, no name... thousands of random numbers attached to sizes is all you'll see if you look there.05:32
teledyn_Jordan_U: but the cool thing is, you can use a live cd.  image 10 or even 5 years ago.05:32
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AxidusHey everyone!05:33
ArrenLexJimbo: I guess "sudo sh" and then "cd /lost+found"05:33
AxidusI have done a very bad thing05:33
Jimbook ill try that05:33
AxidusI have killed windows on my laptop and installed ubuntu05:33
ArrenLexAxidus: did you kill som... XD!05:33
Jordan_Uteledyn_: Plus I have persistence working and Beryl installed .... but it's horrible I tell you!05:33
aloonhas anyone here managed to author a DVD in ubuntu , with 4 or 5 different movies and menus??? copying a DVD is simple, converting avi's to dvd is easy, but making multi movie DVD's with clickable menus is very difficult... any help?05:33
AfterDeathAxidus: thats a GOOD thing :P05:34
ArrenLexAxidus: why is this a bad thing?05:34
gnu2it2ArrenLex thanks05:34
ArrenLexgnu2it2: You're welcome.05:34
AxidusI dont have printer support for Dell AIO 96205:34
teledyn_Jordan_U: why would you run a resource-hogging window manager with limited resources?05:34
eternalswdstrabes, it's good to see another Wheaton face in here05:34
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cong0_nattyaloon, you figure it out tell me too05:34
Some_PersonUbuntu rules!05:34
Jordan_Uteledyn_: Because I can :)05:34
Axidusthis sucks I seached everywhere for a driver05:34
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aloonbtw ive tried qdvdauthor, mandvd, kde dvd author wizard, varsha etc etc05:35
Some_PersonToo bad my modem driver costs $15 (which I won't pay)05:35
Axidusbut I can't put XP back on  cause I cleared the partitions05:35
AfterDeathSome_Person: get dsl!05:35
EnsignRedshirtHello, worl.d05:35
Axidusand my cd drive is fried and I don't have a windows disk..!!05:35
Some_Persondsl isnt allowed in my apartments05:35
teledyn_in the future all "machines" will just be virtual machines that can be cloned and moved from one hardware box to another.  all the hardare boxes will be just containers.05:35
aloonI'm going to write a book about the subject when I figure it out05:35
cong0_nattyecho "hello user"05:35
aloonThe easiest way ive found to author a DVD is to make the menu page in the gimp and then the buttons point to different movies, but the instructions are painfully complicated05:39
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AxidusDoes anyone know how I can print from Ubuntu with a Dell AIO 962 printer? Please it will let me keep Ubuntu and I really want to keep it on both desktop and laptop, I don't want to put XP on them again just to print I AM CALLING ON THE WHOLE UBUNTU COMMUNITY FOR THIS OUTCRY OF HELP!!!05:40
AxidusPLEASE HELP!!05:40
Axidus(now sounding like a Ubuntu craving maniac)05:40
AxidusI have surfed far and wide and many of our fellow UBUNTU brothers are having this issue, I would love to find a solution for all of us!05:41
cong0_nattywhats wrong with freenode!05:41
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cong0_natty:zaps freenode back to life05:41
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cong0_nattybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee CLEAR!!!!! BZAP!05:42
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cong0_nattyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ..... its dead we have to let it go!05:42
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Axiduswhat was that?05:42
AxidusI feel like I just GOT hit by a train!05:42
Axiduseveryone back?05:42
Axidus*shakes head*05:42
Axiduswhere are we gona go!05:42
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cong0_nattyfreenode switching servers probably05:43
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Axidusdid you get my question05:43
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AxidusI have a Dell AIO 962 printer and I cant get it going in Ubuntu05:43
AxidusI don't want windows just to print05:44
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cong0_nattyhmmm sounds like it could be a driver issue Axidus05:44
AxidusHELLO NURSE!!!05:44
cong0_nattytry dmesg05:44
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Some_Personi hate Conexant05:44
cong0_nattyin your terminal05:44
Axidusyes it is but there is no support that I know about05:44
cong0_nattyconexant dial up = crap on nix05:44
=== towsonu2003 [n=towsonu2@c-69-251-20-244.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cong0_nattyAxidus, then i you might be outta luck for a few months05:45
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cong0_nattyusualy they are pretty skippy on adding new hardware support to the kernel05:45
JimboArrent..how would I create a root account?05:45
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Axidus(currently installing Edgy on laptop) 6 minutes to go !! woohoo I cant wait to see this05:45
cong0_nattyhave you tryed updating your kernel?05:45
Some_Personconexant dial up = $15 on nix05:45
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Some_Personi wont pay05:45
JimboIm just fulla questions arent I :)05:45
Axidusnatty I hope so05:45
cong0_nattyaxidus try this /exec uname -a right here05:45
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Some_Personoh man05:45
Some_Personthe price is $20 now05:45
cong0_nattyAxidus, its not the most eazy thing to do05:45
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cong0_nattybut the most direct way to fix hardware issues.05:46
Some_Personi wish there were a free alternative05:46
ArrenLexJimbo: you don't really need to on ubuntu, because you can use sudo. It's considered safer for newbies because you have to go through the motions of typing "sudo" before every command, which gives you an extra half-second to think about what you're doing, before you pull a stunt like "rm -rf /" which would delete everything on your hard drive.05:46
cong0_nattyAxidus, what kernel you using?05:46
Some_Personwait, edgy is released????????05:46
ChocoCidit's been out since 10/2905:46
Axidushow do I know05:46
ArrenLexSome_Person: Like a month ago, genius.05:46
cong0_nattyuname -a in a terminal05:46
AxidusI did what you told me05:47
cong0_nattyor here in irc05:47
ChocoCiduname -a05:47
cong0_nattyyou can use /exec uname -a05:47
Some_Personi had no idea05:47
ArrenLexSome_Person: did you miss this?05:47
ArrenLex(21:38:49) ArrenLex: Some_Person: Uh... that would be... edgy.05:47
Some_Personi feel like i just got Dapper up and running05:47
JimboArrent...I got backups of every thing important on a windows machine or on cd05:47
AxidusLinux Phoenix 2.6.15-27-686 #1 smp preempt05:47
Some_Personnow i have to format and get edgy... :(05:47
JimboFor now im basically just using this machine to learn linux'05:47
cong0_nattyok the same one as me05:47
cong0_nattyyea this kernel is old05:47
ArrenLexJimbo: you don't really need to create a root account. When you want to run something as root, put "sudo" in front of it.05:47
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cong0_nattylike 3 versions behind now05:47
brettafter wine installs a program where does it go?05:48
cong0_natty2.6.18 is out05:48
Some_Personand wait a month for ubuntu to send me the cds05:48
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torpedo|dogAnybody in here use a Thinkpad?05:48
Axidusnatty so what's an easy terminal way of doing it05:48
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cong0_nattyi dont have time to explain how to build a kernel on ubnutu05:48
ArrenLexbrett: into ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/whatever05:48
Some_Persondangit dangit05:48
cong0_nattyyou might wanna look into some terminals05:48
tonyyarussotorpedo|dog: yes05:48
mr-russHow long is it planned to have between LTS releases?05:48
Axiduswill updating to edgy do it?05:49
torpedo|dogtonyyarusso: have you ever tried to set up hdaps?05:49
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JimboArrent...k..just use sudo05:49
Some_PersonWTF???? NO MORE FREE SHIPIT????????????05:49
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JimboIt seems that sudo doesnt work all the time05:49
cong0_nattyAxidus, theres no eazy way of installing a kernel... menuconfig or xconfig helps but its still something alot of newbies screw up05:49
ArrenLexJimbo: it's just Arren. ArrenLex.05:49
tonyyarussotorpedo|dog: I haven't used it for its intended purpose, but did use the theft protection script once.05:49
tonyyarussoSome_Person: Only LTS releases05:49
eternalswdAxidus, edgy uses kernel version 2.6.1705:49
bimberiSome_Person: they're not shipping Edgy.  Dapper is still available05:49
cong0_nattyyou might wanna look for tutorials an exact how to with ubuntu dapper 6.0605:49
Axidusnatty I'm only a few months old05:49
JimboArrenLex...did I do another typo05:49
EnsignRedshirtCan anyone tell me why putting the flashplayer 9 libflashplayer.so file into /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins does not work in firefox 1.5 in breezy?05:49
torpedo|dogtonyyarusso: whenever I start anything related to hdaps, I get a "file not found" error.05:49
cong0_nattyyou need qt-devel and some other crap05:49
cong0_nattydialog xdialog05:49
Jimboi kin spel...jist caint tipe tu gude05:50
cong0_nattyuhh build-essential05:50
Some_PersonDANGIT, i'm stuck with dapper then05:50
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Axiduseternalswd so edgy is also behind ?05:50
ameyerisn't breezy no longer supported?05:50
EnsignRedshirtJimbo: I thnk u ment "gud"05:50
Jordan_U EnsignRedshirt probably a dependency issue05:50
tonyyarussotorpedo|dog: Huh.  Following the ThinkWiki instructions I assume?05:50
cong0_nattywell im goin to make food05:50
ArrenLexEnsignRedshirt: does about:config mention anything about Flash?05:50
eternalswdAxidus, it takes a while for a kernel release to make it to the repository.05:50
tonyyarussoameyer: Breezy is still supported05:50
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jbinderanyone need help?05:51
Jimbono  the correct speling is gude05:51
luminousnerd!tell luminousnerd about beryl05:51
Jimboor good05:51
Axiduseternalswd so what does a kernel have to do with hardware printer support?05:51
Jimboone of the two05:51
Some_Persondangit dangit05:51
Jimboi better go to sleep05:51
torpedo|dogtonyyarusso: didn't even think about ThinkWiki, but I do have it bookmarked...05:51
Some_Personubuntu needs to provide free shipit again05:51
=== torpedo|dog goes off and looks
jbinderSome_Person: yeah05:51
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EnsignRedshirtArrenLex: checking...05:51
Jimbothanx Arrent and all05:51
bimberiSome_Person: it does, just not edgy05:51
jbinderSome_Person: ITS NOT FAIR!!05:51
ArrenLexIt's Arren. xD05:51
Jimboi mean ArrenLex05:52
jbinderbimberi: yeah... but we want edgy05:52
HealotSome_Person: they do, but not with non-LTS releases05:52
ArrenLexSome_Person: you begrudge Ubuntu even a lowly CD-R?05:52
Jimbogood night05:52
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Some_Personi have dialup05:52
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Healotit's really fair since they are releasing them for free :-05:52
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Axidus(3 minutes until I have EDGY ON MY LAPTOP)05:52
Some_Personi'm not downloading ubuntu on dialup05:52
cong0_natty:is also rockin dial up05:52
ArrenLexWhat third-world country do YOU live in?05:52
eternalswdAxidus, as driver support is added or updated, they update with the kernel, probably labeled as kernel modules in synaptic.05:52
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Axidushey who has edgy?05:52
=== Carry_ [n=chatzill@zqxzwr.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Some_Personits not fair05:52
ArrenLexI have edgy.05:52
bimberiSome_Person, jbinder: Edgy CD's are being distributed to Ubuntu Local Community Teams - perhaps contact them05:52
eternalswdI have edgy05:52
Axidusis it all is seems to be?05:52
EnsignRedshirtArrenLex: The word "flash" does not appear in about:config05:52
Axidusis it better?05:53
mr-russHow long is it planned to have between LTS releases?05:53
Axidusthan dapper05:53
bimberia bit05:53
cong0_nattyi have edgy too but im not using it for another 2 months05:53
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Some_Personbreezy was shipited05:53
cong0_nattydapper is still in its prime05:53
ArrenLexEnsignRedshirt: is there some reason you don't want to put it into ~/.mozilla/plugins, which you know will work?05:53
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt have you tried copying it to ~/.mozilla/plugins instead?05:53
EnsignRedshirtArrenLex: I think I tried that once, but I'll try again...05:53
AxidusI wish my printer was supported this sucks I have to put windows on one of our machines05:53
torpedo|dogtonyyarusso: is the autoparking performed within HDD firmware, or in BIOS, or in the OS?05:53
Some_Persondoes edgy have breezy or dapper's installer?05:54
jbinderSome_Person: no05:54
Some_Personi have a friend with dsl05:54
Axidusyou guys have no idea how much I'm going to hate to do that05:54
torpedo|dogoh..it doesn't05:54
tonyyarussotorpedo|dog: I _think_ OS, but don't really know.05:54
ArrenLexAxidus: it's not Linux' fault. Make hardware manufacturers release specs, or at least drivers. It's hard to make a brick sing.05:54
Some_Personno installer? thats impossible05:54
torpedo|dogtonyyarusso: thinkwiki says OS05:54
mr-russAxidus: buy another printer, or a print server.05:54
AxidusI know ArrenLex I know05:54
Some_Persondoes edgy have breezy or dapper's installer?05:54
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eternalswdAxidus, maybe set it up as a network printer and run windows on a virtual machine?05:54
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Axidusit's my girl's printer05:54
ChocoCidit's more like dapper's05:54
Jordan_USome_Person: Dapper's05:54
ChocoCidnot sure if it's the exact same05:54
Some_Personi hate dapper's05:55
Some_Personit doesnt ask, it just puts GRUB in the MBR05:55
Axidus(2 minutes)05:55
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Jordan_USome_Person: You can still use the breezy/debian stile alternate CD05:55
bimberiSome_Person: both, Desktop ISO has the GUI installer and Alternate ISO has the text installer05:55
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FlannelSome_Person: It has both,05:55
Some_Personno shipits for alt. cds05:55
FlannelSome_Person: correct05:55
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FlannelSome_Person: actually, no ShipIt for edgy05:55
jbinderwell there is shipit for money05:56
AxidusI have come to be adicted to UBUNTU, seeing windows makes me think back on those days where I sat and waited...and waited.......and waited.....and watied05:56
mr-russI assume nobody has any idea about the question I asked.05:56
eternalswdAxidus, 2 minutes until it finishes downloading or installing?  It took my computer about half an hour to actually install.05:56
ArrenLexAxidus: this is some random thing I found on Google. I have no idea if it'll help you any: http://www.linux.ie/lists/pipermail/ilug/2006-January/085541.html05:56
Some_Personubuntu (company, not distro) became supercrap when dapper came out05:56
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bimberimr-russ: No. I've been looking out for an answer to it too :)05:56
Axiduseternalswd, installing05:56
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ArrenLexmr-russ: what question is this?05:56
Jordan_UAxidus: What model printer?05:56
Flannelmr-russ: It's not a set length.  ~2 years, let me find the link05:56
TSCHAKcan ubuntu do Mt. Rainier formatted DVDRW?????05:56
vinihelo! how to install jre-java in mozilla-firefox?05:57
Some_Personthe distro is good and easy, but has crappy installer as of dapper05:57
ArrenLexThe better question is: can ubuntu do YO'MOMMA????05:57
Jordan_U!java | vini05:57
UbotwoTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:57
jbindervini: i can help05:57
EnsignRedshirtArrenLex, eternalswd: Putting libflashplater.so in ~/.mozilla/plugins also does not work.05:57
AxidusJardan_U Dell AIO 96205:57
jbindervini: do you have the install file?05:57
mr-russbimberi: http://www.linuxreality.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=23550883fba87de288b967f84038799f&topic=768.new indicates 2 years.05:57
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jbindervini: lets move to a PM05:57
bimberimr-russ: thanks05:57
luminousnerdHow do you give root a password again?05:58
jbindervini: look in the private message05:58
lastnodeluminousnerd, it's not recommended05:58
ArrenLexlumoniousnerd: sudo passwd root05:58
luminousnerdWhy not lastnode05:58
lastnodeluminousnerd, ubuntu uses sudo for a reason05:58
Axidus(ladies and gentlemen 1 minute and counting)05:58
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luminousnerdlastnode: what is that reason?05:58
mr-russwhy do people insist on setting a root pasword?05:58
jbindervini: are you here? do you still need help?05:58
ArrenLexlumoniousnerd: security reasons. Typing "sudo" gives you an extra half-second to think before you pull something like "rm -rf /"05:58
Ubotwosudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:58
luminousnerdI'm not THAT high...05:59
lastnodeluminousnerd, have a look at that link05:59
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cong0_nattyget rid of sudo by using sudo passwd05:59
viniyes...i am here05:59
cong0_nattysu = much better05:59
mr-russluminousnerd: what do you need root password?05:59
Axidus(drum roll please! *drumro!!* )05:59
ArrenLexluminousnerd: I know, but remember, Linux is a newbie-oriented distribution. I guess it also prevents them from running as root.05:59
EnsignRedshirtmr-russ: History.  Many linux and unix books and reference manuals use root.05:59
viniwhat i do?05:59
jbindervini: do you know how to look into the PM?05:59
mr-russwhat's wrong with "sudo -s"05:59
eternalswdAxidus, try using the driver for the compatible lexmark.  http://downloads.lexmark.com/cgi-perl/downloads.cgi?ccs=229:1:0:463:0:0&searchLang=en&os_group=Redhat&target=05:59
viniwhat is "PM"?05:59
Axidus(Damn the anticipation of EDgy!!!05:59
jbindervini: private message05:59
ArrenLexvini: apt-get install sun-java5-plugin05:59
luminousnerdHehe, well okay not a bad idea for newbies I suppose, but is there any reason why not to for myself (used to Slackware)05:59
jedi__allo allo.I installed skype on edgy but ppl cant hear me tho i hear them crystal clear - what's with that?05:59
jbindervini: are you using irssi?06:00
lastnodeok, sudo vs root discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please06:00
ArrenLexAxidus: don't be too excited... Edgy is very rough around the edges... I've had lots of problems with it.06:00
jbinderroot is for smart people06:00
jbindersudo is for noobs06:00
jbindercase closed06:00
cong0_nattylol lastnode :))06:00
lastnodejbinder, enough of that please :-)06:00
Axidusthanks eternalswd I'll look into it06:00
ArrenLexAxidus: I had to downgrade like half my packages to dapper for my system to be useable.06:00
jbinderlastnode: lol06:00
AxidusAreen: like what?06:00
jbindervini: do you speak english?06:00
AxidusArrenLex: sorry ...like what06:00
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jedi__allo allo.I installed skype on edgy but ppl cant hear me tho i hear them crystal clear - what's with that?06:00
Jordan_Ujbinder: I swing both ways , sometimes su , sometimes sudo.06:01
jbindersudo for one command06:01
AxidusArrenLex: how long ego?06:01
ArrenLexAxidus: like openoffice.org not compiled with bci libfreetype, so fonts look like crap unless they're antialiased, and I hate blurry fonts.06:01
jbindersu for a big block of commands06:01
vinino i dont...but i undestand06:01
ArrenLexAxidus: like KDE 3.5.5 being absurdly slow for some reason.06:01
Jordan_Ujbinder: There is always sudo -s though06:01
jbindervini: ok06:01
ArrenLexKDE owns you.06:01
AxidusArrenLex: on ubuntu?06:01
jedi__allo allo.I installed skype on edgy but ppl cant hear me tho i hear them crystal clear - what's with that?06:01
ArrenLexOn kubuntu.06:01
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ArrenLexjedi: your microphone is not set up.06:02
jedi__alsamixer says it is06:02
AxidusArrenLex: I'm on Ubuntu...06:02
bimberijedi__: check your mixer settings for a muted microphone06:02
ArrenLexAxidus: I know. And?06:02
jbindervini: what the fuck06:02
ArrenLexAxidus: it is still a problem with an ubuntu package.06:02
eternalswdArrenLex, I haven't had any problems upgrading to edgy.  I haven't had to downgrade anything :)  Actually, I was able to get my ati x300 working with the open source drivers, so I am very happy.06:02
UbotwoPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:02
jedi__bimberi, alsamixer says my volume is up06:02
jbinderi was helping vini, and he quit06:02
ArrenLexeternalswd: yes!! I finally have a working 3D card. That's the only reason I haven't downgraded yet.06:03
jbinderhe speaks spanish06:03
EnsignRedshirtHas anyone used flashplayer 9 with firefox 1.5 in breezy?06:03
jbinderthats why he couldnt understand me06:03
ArrenLexGod bless fancy screensavers.06:03
bimberijedi__: k06:03
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: beta?06:03
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: yes.06:03
jbinderit is simple06:03
AxidusArrenLex: yeah well I'm already upset that I can't get my printer to work on this Ubuntu and then I have to put WINDOWS back!! geesh. and now you are killing my hopes on having a smile on my face for edgy...not good bro!06:03
Flannelluminousnerd: the rootsudo page explains the benefits06:03
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: do you have the install file for it now?06:03
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: yes.06:03
jbinderwhat file type is it again?06:04
ArrenLexAxidus: if you have a standard install, you won't have problems. It's only if you tweak your system that you'll get issues, which IMHO completely defeats the very purpose of Linux.06:04
jbinderi don't remember06:04
jbinderi did it too long ago06:04
ArrenLexAxidus: I'm going back to Debian when I get time to install the OS.06:04
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: The plugin is libflashplayer.so06:04
ArrenLexIn my humble opinion.06:04
jedi__is there a skype irc channel?06:04
AxidusArrenLex: I would always suggest whatever makes you happy06:04
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ah.. so you already extracted, etc06:04
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: Yup.06:05
Jordan_UAxidus: Get a linux compatable printer next time you need a new cartridge, there is a good chance a new printer with ink will cost less than the refill.06:05
ArrenLexAxidus: debian makes me happy. :)06:05
AxidusGET IT HERE NOW06:05
ChocoCidcaps dude06:05
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ok06:05
ArrenLexAxidus: have you seen OSAMA BIN LADEN support OLPC?!?!?!06:05
=== EnsignRedshirt leaves to go ice skating in hell...
ChocoCidArrenLex: lol06:05
Axidusdo you guys want it06:05
UbotwoPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:05
ChocoCidsure, link06:05
ChocoCidif it's goatse, bans06:05
Jordan_UAxidus: #ubuntu-offtopic06:05
jedi__its a sign of the tiomes...gillette blades cost more than a new stick with blades...06:05
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/06:05
jedi__is there a skype irc channel?06:06
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WizHello, I have problem with firefox and the flash 9 plugin06:06
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: AND sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/06:06
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jbinderEnsignRedshirt: AND sudo mv libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/06:06
Axidushere is the link06:06
lastnodejedi__, not that i know of :\ best bet is google06:06
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: i can't remember which of those three it is06:06
lastnodeAxidus, #ubuntu-offtopic!06:06
AxidusBill gates supports ubuntu06:06
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jbinderEnsignRedshirt: so do all of them06:06
lastnodeAxidus, not in here!06:06
jedi__lastnode, thanks06:06
Axidussorry but everyone has to see this even though it's offtopic06:06
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: shit06:06
jbinderdo cp*06:06
lastnodesorry jedi__06:06
jbinderinstead of mv06:06
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: There is no /usr/lib/firefox directory, but there is /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox and /usr/lib/mozilla06:07
Axidusok now back on topic for me06:07
lastnodeAxidus, continually ignoring rules will result in a ban06:07
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ok06:07
FlannelAxidus: go elsewhere.  #ubuntu-offtopic is the perfect place for stupid stuff like that.06:07
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: so do06:07
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ArrenLexAxidus: WOW! It's a good thing there's no such thing as photoshop or I would be suspicious.06:07
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ChocoCidthat was dumb06:07
lastnodeArrenLex, you're not helping mate06:07
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins06:07
WizHello, I have problem with firefox and the flash 9 plugin, I put my libflashplayer.so in the /usr/lib/firefox/plugins directory, but my firefox always close when the page have flash content06:07
AxidusArrenLex: lol06:07
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: sudo cp libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins06:07
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: do both of those06:07
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Axidusonce again I opologize for going of topic06:08
bimberi!tell Wiz about fffc06:08
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Axidusplease forgive my ru!e br@cking06:08
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: tell me when you have finished06:08
Seth_Has_errorsHi, I have a question concerning a nvidia 6100 based mother board, i have run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and chose the nv driver ( also tried vesa) , and X still refuses to load (x says ABI miss match), this is a upgraded Edgy box06:09
Jordan_UWhen I try to start xmoto I get: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b06:09
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ArrenLexJordan_U: you can ignore that. It's mostly a cosmetic error. The opensource driver is not very complete yet.06:09
Jordan_UArrenLex: I can't ignore it when xmoto won't start.06:10
ChocoCidi get that message, but xmoto starts06:10
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Wizthanks bimberi06:10
bimberiWiz: yw :)06:10
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: OK, I copied the .so file to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins.06:10
ArrenLexJordan: that shouldn't prevent xmoto from starting.06:10
Jordan_UChocoCid: Maybe the message is unrelated to the crash then?06:11
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ArrenLexEnsignRedshirt: sorry, just an aside... can you paste the output of `which firefox`?06:11
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ok06:11
ChocoCidyeah most likely06:11
ChocoCidi have to go to sleep so i can't help you, sorry :(06:11
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: ...and to ~/.mozilla/plugins06:11
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: yes06:11
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jbinderEnsignRedshirt: now, killall firefox-bin06:11
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: 'which firefox' shows '/usr/lib/firefox'06:11
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com06:11
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: what?06:12
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WizThere is a way to remove the hda icon from the desktop on ubuntu without unmounting the device?06:12
lastnodeHomer, it's fEIsty06:12
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: paste the output06:12
Jordan_UHomer: Ubotwo is sort of an ad-hoc replacement right now.06:12
Vaske_CarWhat is the Linux standard for FTP client? Which one to install?06:12
ArrenLexJordan_U: confirmed that xmoto starts for me despite the error message. Something else is wrong with your system.06:12
Healotit's "ftp"- > Vaske_Car06:12
AxidusDoes anyone here have a Dell AIO 962 printer setup for Ubuntu I can't seem to find a way to do it06:13
EnsignRedshirtjbinder:  oops. That should have been: /usr/bin/firefox06:13
AxidusI can't find drivers that work for it either06:13
Spawn311man the annoying flash crashing in firefox under egty edge is annoying06:13
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: oh?06:13
ArrenLexEnsign: you installed from the ubuntu package, or from the mozilla site?06:13
Hmmmmhi guys, im facing osme problem with the time in edgy. everytime i set that time to the correct one it seems to change on its own06:13
bimberiVaske_Car: You can use Nautilus (the Gnome File manager) as a FTP client via Places -> Connect to Server...06:13
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: yeah, right06:13
Jordan_UArrenLex: I missed the second, *fatal* error when I pasted: fatal exception : invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)06:13
ArrenLexJordan_U: Those damned sneaky fatal errors. Always killing things and then hiding. =P06:14
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Axidus(restarting my system and uploading ubuntu edgy for the first time)06:14
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EnsignRedshirtArrenLex: I have firefox installed from Ubuntu (breezy)06:14
Jordan_UArrenLex: I was wondering how you had xmoto running fine despite being warned of a fatal error ;)06:14
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, have you tried removing ~/.mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat06:15
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: hi06:15
Vaske_CarHealot, does "FTP" have GUI? If so how to start it?06:15
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ok... did you copy it all, and then do killall firefox-bin?06:15
ArrenLexVaske_Car: No. Typically, things in Linux do not have a GUI unless designed that way (read: have a g or k in their name)06:15
eternalswdVaske_Car, you might want gftp06:15
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: yup.  There were no firefox-bin processes running.06:15
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ah... k06:15
Jordan_UEnsignRedshirt: Just a suggestion, don't go on any away missions or use more bleach :)06:15
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: now open firefox06:15
FlannelVaske_Car: nautilus can be used as FTP, go to Places > Connect to Server06:15
ClayGanyone here use GPS with their notebok?06:16
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: open firefox06:16
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: then type about:plugins06:16
WizThere is a way to remove the hda icon from the desktop on ubuntu without unmounting the device?06:16
jbinderin the address bar06:16
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: no http://, just type about:plugins, and hit enter06:16
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: somewhere in that list do you see "Shockwave Flash" in large bold letters?06:16
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: There is nothing in there about flash.06:17
jbinderare you sure?06:17
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eternalswdWiz, yes but I don't remember how.  Let me see if I can find the setting.06:17
Jordan_UEnsignRedshirt: Try the .deb installer for flash906:17
UbotwoWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:17
UbotwoFlash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html06:17
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: did you copy it to /usr/lib/firefox, or /usr/lib/firefox/plugins06:18
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: did you do the plugins part?06:18
bimberi!tell Wiz about icons06:18
Master_Fragi need help installing wine. i have tryed to do it useing synaptic.but synaptic freezes. Apt-get does nothing and useing the .DEB files GDebi says that its missing libartsc006:18
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: you might have to chmod 7777 the files06:18
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: There is no directory called /usr/lib/firefox06:18
jbinderyeah i know06:18
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: you might have to chmod 7777 the files06:18
jbinderdo you know how to do that?06:18
EnsignRedshirtjbinder. Yup06:18
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: clarify "apt-get does nothing"06:18
jbinderevery instance of libflashplayer.so, chmod a+x it, and chmod 7777 it06:18
jbinderi forgot which one is required06:19
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: I think you mean 777 ?06:19
jbinderso both will cover it06:19
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: 7777 works too06:19
Master_Fragok  Apt-get retreves no results06:19
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, try mv ~/.mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.dat ~/.mozilla/firefox/pluginreg.old06:19
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jbinderEnsignRedshirt: 777 is fine in this case06:19
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: I'll try that in a sec...06:19
jbindereternalswd: i didn't have to do that06:19
jbinderbut it could work06:19
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: You need to add the universe repository ( or wines repo, or both )06:20
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Rossimowhere would the best place be to stick a script i need to run immediately after the daemons start?06:20
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: And you did an apt-get update?06:20
Master_Fragsynaptic freezes when i insert the repository06:20
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Master_Fragalso tryed that06:20
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Jordan_UMaster_Frag: Stick it in your sources.list manually.06:21
Master_Fragand i dont like manually editing lists and the such06:22
Master_Fragjust started useing linux a week ago06:22
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: Still no flash luv.  I'll try eternalswd's suggestion.06:22
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Jordan_UMaster_Frag: It really isn't that hard, if you pastebin your sources.list I can add it for you.06:23
bimberiRossimo: /etc/rc.local06:23
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: ok06:23
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: That didn't work either.06:23
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: wtf06:23
jbinderi had no problem on my system at all06:23
Master_Fraghow do i access it06:23
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: "wtf" I agree :)06:23
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, did you have flash 7 working at any point?06:24
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Rossimobimberi: does that run as root?06:24
muralihi to all06:24
bimberiRossimo: yes06:24
Rossimobimberi: thanks06:24
jbindereternalswd: gtg06:24
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:24
jbinderEnsignRedshirt: gtg06:24
bimberiRossimo: yw :)06:25
EnsignRedshirtjbinder: OK, thanks for trying...06:25
Master_Fragok what do i do from here06:26
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: You only need to paste a line in at the end of the file, if you are on Edgy just add: deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt edgy main06:26
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, does it work in mozilla?06:26
Master_Fragim on dapper06:26
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt dapper main06:26
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: I haven't tried.  I'm going to back up for a moment and install a flash player from the ubuntu repository, so I know what *does* work.06:27
Master_Fragwhat now06:27
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noiesmohey all looking for an application to track a users movements on system for both keystrokes and websites etc06:28
Geoffrey2what's a good program for converting .wmv files into another format?06:28
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Jordan_UMaster_Frag: Now just save the file, reload in synaptic and you'r done :)06:28
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plumaIs anybody else having problems trying to connect to ICQ or AIM via Kopete?06:28
noiesmoGeoffrey2, menecoder part of mplayer can do that also transcode06:28
Jordan_UArrenLex: Do you know where the "invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)" would actually be?06:30
Geoffrey2what are the free formats other than Theora?06:30
eternalswdGeoffrey2, xvid?06:30
Jordan_UGeoffrey2: Xvid ( although there are some legal issues )06:30
plumaLegal issues as in DMCA or real legal issues?06:31
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Master_Fragok thx thats fixed06:31
Jordan_Upluma: Legal issues with vague patents, nothing to worry about.06:32
muralimy gaim messenger is not connecting with yahoo? pls tell me how to fix it06:32
plumaJordan_U: Ah, the joy of software patents.06:32
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Master_Fraganother thing how do i get DivX compatability for totem06:32
plumaMy Kopete messenger is raping ICQ and AIM. How to fix THAT?06:32
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eternalswdmurali, is gaim connecting with anything else?06:33
Ecko2056arg, can anyone help me? im trying to remove the fbgetty package that i installed and i get errors.. the fbgetty command isnt even available anymore..06:33
Ecko2056dpkg: error processing fbgetty (--remove):06:33
Ecko2056 subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 106:33
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charlie5howdy folks ... is there an applet which lets you plug in an ip address and shows where in the wold it is ?06:33
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Strange.  I installed flashplayer-mozilla (which is flash 7), and mozilla-browser. This worked.  But when I try a flash site with firefox, I don't get the "Additional plugins are needed..." message, but the flash application never starts.06:33
plumaThe proprietary protocols seem to be a bit messy anyway. Kopete has a tendency to randomly lose connection to Yahoo. The Jabber connections are a bit flaky as well, tho.06:34
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: hmmm... did that make sense?06:34
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eternalswdMaster_Frag, are you using totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?06:34
Ecko2056nevermind, deleted /var/lib/dpkg/info/fbgetty.* and it removed just fine.. sorry06:34
plumaOh, and is there a way to install Flash for Firefox on a 64bit Linux? Adobe won't release a compatible plugin.06:34
Jordan_UArrenLex: Do you know where the "invalid or missing texture file (Textures/UI/Loading.png)" would actually be?06:35
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, hmm, could that page need flash 9 but not have detection for it?  Try going to http://www.homestarrunner.com and see if it loads.  That definitely works on flash 706:35
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eternalswdMaster_Frag, you need to install gstreamer codecs06:35
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cliffdcan someone tell me why "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" says media change: please insert the disk labeled edgy eft into /cdrom ?06:36
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: In firefox, I get a quick flicker of something rectangular, and then a blank black screen.06:36
muralieternal : yes06:36
muraliexcept yahoo06:37
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eternalswdMaster_Frag from the repository, gstreamer-plugins-base, gstreamer-plugins-good, gstreamer-plugins-bad, gstreamer-plugins-ugly06:37
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bimbericliffd: because the latest version is still the one on the install CD and it will prefer to get it from there unless you remove the CD from your apt sources.06:37
eternalswdMaster_Frag, you need multiverse and universe enabled.06:37
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maxxismgood evening folks06:37
cliffdbimberi: thanks much!06:37
muraliexternalswd: yes it is connectiong with other06:38
bimbericliffd: yw :)06:38
eternalswdmurali, not sure what to tell you then06:38
Geoffrey2noiesmo, menecoder needs to be run from the command line, I presume?06:38
eternalswdGeoffrey2, yes it is cli06:38
fooHm, I'm looking for libauthen-pam-perl. I don't see it in the source.. I have multiverse.. any ideas?06:38
cliffdalso, can I mirror my /boot part after install? not a big deal right?06:38
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: That homestarrunnner page works in mozilla-browser, but not in firefox.06:38
=== gogeta [n=goku@c-71-227-74-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
muralinot only the gaim. the attym is also not able to connect with yahoo06:39
gogetamy windows box has one of those lame ass virses06:39
gogetatrying to get ntfs wirght mode threw ntfs-3g06:39
Healotbcoz ur lame too heh: nvm06:39
gogetait whont mount the dam drive06:39
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UbotwoThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:40
gogetatryed that06:40
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, hrrm do you have any extensions installed that might interfere? adblock, noscript, etc?06:40
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: For what it's worth, checking about:plugins in firefox does show that Shockwave Flash is enabled (version 7.0 r25)06:40
UbotwoTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:40
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Yes, adblock is installed.06:40
SperMiteIs there a way where i can view files videos etc. off my linux box on my windows machine06:40
gogetai did the guide06:40
gogetatryed with fuse06:40
maxxismquick question regarding linux sources.   I am running dapper.  I am trying to install Parallels.  it wants the linux sources packages installed.  I swear I have them installed. synaptic says that linux-source is installed.  but parallels cant see them.   any ideas?????06:40
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gogetaread only06:40
gogetantfs 3g whont even see the thing06:40
jedi__ok, manages to sus out the sound in skype...now why do i have to re-enter my account each time I start it? I thought it kept the config....06:41
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, try disabling adblock and restart firefox06:41
Jordan_Ugogeta: Is there an error when you run the mount command?06:41
gogetai need to get wirhg to delete 1 stupid infected file06:41
Tomcat_maxxism: You need "linux-source-<version>", do you have that?06:41
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Aha!06:41
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Jordan_Ugogeta: Bart PE?06:41
cliffdanyone know if when you install and mirror the /boot part if it will install grub in each boot device?06:41
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maxxismTomcat_ it says I have both linux-source  and linux-source-2.6.1506:42
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Flash is working again.06:42
jedi__how come skype dosent keep my account info, i have to re-enter it each time??06:42
Tomcat_maxxism: Weird. o_O06:42
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: ...after I removed adblock.06:42
Tomcat_maxxism: In that case, Parallels wants the sources in another directory I guess.06:42
maxxismTomcat_ I even tried to reinstall them06:42
Jordan_UEnsignRedshirt: ;)06:42
gogetai see the problem06:42
effie_jayxdoes anyone know how to instal the smoke effect in beryl???06:42
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, re-enable adblock and see if there is a preference related to OBJ_TABS06:42
gogetaits showing as unclean06:42
maxxismTomcat_  hmmm.06:42
jedi__how come skype dosent keep my account info, i have to re-enter it each time??06:43
Jordan_Ueffie_jayx: #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl maybe , if you figure it out tell me :)06:43
Tomcat_maxxism: The package installs into /usr/src/linux06:43
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, it should be disabled.06:43
Tomcat_maxxism: Maybe you need it somewhere else.06:43
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jedi__how come skype dosent keep my account info, i have to re-enter it each time??06:44
maxxismTomcat_ can I simply copy it somewhere else?06:44
Tomcat_maxxism: Yeah.06:44
effie_jayxJordan_U, I will try that06:44
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effie_jayxJordan_U, do you use beryl06:44
rpgHi every1 i'm chatting from ubuntu within a virtual machine in windows06:44
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Actually, I removed adblock :)06:44
Jordan_Ueffie_jayx: Yes.06:44
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: I'm trying to remember how to reinstall it.06:44
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effie_jayxrpg cool to see some ligth at the end of the tunnel06:44
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maxxismTomcar_ : i think it created a log.  maybe I can see where it was looking for it there.  thanx06:45
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effie_jayxrpg how does it run???06:45
rpgI must say effie its running smoothly06:45
Master_Fragok i have it installed  and DivX plays just verry slow    1:00 = 1s06:45
muralipls tell me any of my messenger is not connected with yahoo?06:45
effie_jayxrpg wow win xp??06:45
jedi__how come skype dosent keep my account info, i have to re-enter it each time??06:45
rpgwin xp sp206:45
muraliwhy it is? and how to fix it?06:45
effie_jayxrpg nice ... good machine you got there then...06:46
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effie_jayxrpg specs???06:46
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, you can get adblocking through css styles instead if you install the Stylish extension and use the userstyle at http://userstyles.org/style/show/29906:46
rpgnope my machine is old just the RAM is setup up high at 640MB06:46
Jordan_UMaster_Frag: Try vlc , it'll play anything06:46
effie_jayxhow does one check ram on ubuntu?06:46
effie_jayxon linux... terminal??06:46
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cliffdeffie_jayx: top maybe?06:47
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, it should use less memory as well06:47
rpgmmm... yeah maybe through terminal06:47
Master_Fragi know about vlc used it on windows fo a wile to play dvds  but it gets to laggy06:47
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Jordan_Ueffie_jayx: You can add the system monitor applet to your gnome panel, or just run System -> Administration -> System Monitor06:48
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: I installed adblock quite a while ago... now it tells me that "Software installation is disabled.  Click Edit Options... to enable it and try again."06:48
effie_jayxberyl is runnig smoothly on 222 megs06:48
effie_jayxJordan_U, thanx bro06:48
eternalswdeffie_jayx what part of ram do you want to check? total amount, current usage?06:48
rpgbye guys, i was just testing06:48
elknof1_hi everybody,  does anyone knows how to boot from a usb port on a biostar m6vlq motherboard?06:48
effie_jayxrpg cheer bro06:48
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effie_jayxrpg cheers i meant to say06:48
cliffdelknof1_: is it in option in the boot sequence list?06:49
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Would that mean Edit Preferences?  I can't find "Edit Options..."06:49
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Jordan_Ueffie_jayx: Kind of makes you wonder what "Aero" uses all that RAM for doesn't it :)06:49
effie_jayxcurrent usage06:49
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elknof1_cliffd: at least not showed as USB...06:49
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, yes most likely06:49
effie_jayxI am not worried about those who must not be named...06:49
cliffdelknof1_: what options do you have? is there a "removable media" options?06:49
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effie_jayxbut I am so amazed cuz my card has been bad omened for a while06:50
effie_jayxit is a ati radeon xpress 200m06:50
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xSUSHiHello , How Do I Get Rid Of These Annoying Desktop Mount Icons In GNOME ?  Thanks !!06:50
effie_jayxand this machine has proven it is a nice budget laptop..06:50
jedi__why do i have to sign in to linux each time i use it? i have to re-enert my user/pass each time - how do i save it or avoid this??06:50
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bimberi!tell xSUSHi about icons06:51
xSUSHi!info icons06:51
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com06:51
jedi__why do i have to sign in to skype each time i use it? i have to re-enert my user/pass each time - how do i save it or avoid this??06:51
xSUSHi!tell icons06:51
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Doh!  "Edit Options..." is a button in the yellow message that comes up, not in the firefox menus.06:51
UbotwoWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)06:51
picochuHi guys, Does Edgy provide NTFS Read/Write?06:51
bimberipicochu: not out of the box06:52
glitch-when i'm browsing some pages with videos and click on them.pops out a message from totem saying that theres no decoderto play that video..any idea guys?06:52
UbotwoThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:52
xSUSHibimberi : um .. do i look into a package called "icons" ??06:52
elknof1_cliffd: floppy, ls120, hdd-0, scsi, cdrom, hdd-1, hdd2, hdd3, zip100, lan and disabled are the options06:52
picochubimberi: okay what do i need to install to get that?06:52
bimberixSUSHi: no, read the posts from Ubotwo06:52
igcekhello, when i start computer with xgl (ati, gnome) my keyboard is changed to us... how to fix this?06:52
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jedi__why do i have to sign in to skype each time i use it? i have to re-enert my user/pass each time - how do i save it or avoid this??06:52
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xSUSHibimberi: NEVERMIND!!   i just read what the bot said!! =]  lawl thanks a lot06:52
cliffdelknof1_: I would say no booting from usb06:52
XorlevEdgy definitely messed up RAID.06:52
bimberipicochu: check that link from ubotwo06:52
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morteni'm trying to set up hibernation (via suspend2). however, i get a message saying that no suitable suspend methods have been found. i googled for this (using various fragments of the error message), but got absolutely nothing (no joke. one hit, which seems to be part of the default config). have i fucked something up, or is there some step i've missed?06:53
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Argh. The button just brings me to a Preferences window, and there is nothing there (that I see) about enabling software installation.06:53
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jmghi all06:54
Kaiyanghi people. I currently need help for a current running installation pls follow along and help me out... Sincerely appreciate your help06:54
jmgi upgraded dapper to edgy06:54
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picochubimberi:  what about ntfs-3g?06:54
Jordan_Umorten: Are you running Edgy, I have heard it has much better suspend support06:54
jmgand xorg doesnt start06:54
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, so you cannot install any extensions currently?06:54
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KaiyangI am installing a linux server06:54
mortenJordan_U: yes i am06:54
bimberipicochu: sounds interesting06:54
jmgis this a known issue?06:54
jedi__why do i have to sign in to skype each time i use it? i have to re-enert my user/pass each time - how do i save it or avoid this??06:54
picochubimberi: nobody's using it? no support from edgy either eh?06:55
jmgConnection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to x server06:55
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Maybe I'm just spacing out, but I don't see how to do it.06:55
jmglog files for xorg are zeroed06:55
bimberipicochu: i don't know sorry06:55
jmgdo i need to join #ubuntu+1?06:55
Kaiyangand I am asked to whether should I remove all partitions on this system. "sda Dell VIRTUAL DISK"06:55
mortenjmg: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:55
picochubimberi: it's okay thanks anyway06:55
Kaiyangmay I know is it ok to remove it?06:55
xSUSHiHey when I last used Linux like 5 years ago , there was nowhere close to the kind of love and support that the Ubuntu community has , you guys ROCK !!06:55
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Arigatohow long does it normally take to compile the kernel?06:56
KaiyangI currently have RAID 1 Controller installed on this fresh new server06:56
KaiyangI do not know what's the DELL VIRTUAL DISK06:56
xSUSHipicochu : im using ntfs-3g06:56
Kaiyanganyone has any idea on Dell's Server system?06:56
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glitch-when i'm browsing some pages with videos and click on them.pops out a message from totem saying that theres no decoderto play that video..any idea guys?06:56
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, I'm not sure what to tell you.  I've never had the problem of not being able to install extensions.  you could always hop over to the firefox channel on irc.mozilla.org06:57
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cliffdwhen I do a find in grub> why does it just tell me file not found all the time?06:57
Jordan_U!restricted | glitch06:57
xSUSHipicochu - ubuntuguide.org set me up -- runs great and i can manage my NTFS files and everything06:57
UbotwoFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:57
xSUSHintfs-3g is new to Edgy06:57
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Yeah, it's strange, especially since the extension *was* installed a little while ago :)06:58
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Jordan_UxSUSHi: is ntfs-3g better than fuse?06:58
xSUSHii think so06:58
jmgmorten: thx, xserver-xorg was horked and needed to be reinstalled06:58
Jordan_UxSUSHi: is it safe?06:58
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, so you clicked on the xpi link and it brought up and error message?06:58
xSUSHii had problems with fuse accepting my group id as access to write....06:58
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cliffdKaiyang: if you go to support.dell.com and put in your service tag it will tell you the raid controller06:59
elknof1__cliffd: sorry... i get disconected06:59
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: xpi?06:59
xSUSHiJordan_u: apparently its safer?   the website said its an alternative for safe writing to ntfs06:59
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: OK, xpi.  Yes.06:59
Kaiyangservice-tag? where?06:59
cliffdelknof1_ I dont think your board supports usb booting.06:59
cliffdKaiyang: what model is this?06:59
xSUSHijordan: either way my windows partition will never boot again from all the writing i did to the disk...06:59
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xSUSHibut it didnt dammage any non-os related files07:00
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, what exactly does the message say that comes up?07:00
KaiyangPowerEdge 84007:00
xSUSHijordan_u: the best way is to just use ext3 for all partitions --- and use a virtual machine if you need win xp07:00
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Software installation is currently disabled. Click Edit Options... to enable it and try again.07:00
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cliffdKaiyang: look for a rectangle sticker about 2 inches long, it says service tag on it.07:01
Kaiyangok checking now07:02
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, you will need to use about:config to reset the "xpinstall.enabled" preference to the default "true" value07:02
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: There is an "Edit Options..." button to the right of the message.  Clicking on it brings up the "Firefox Preference: Content" window.07:02
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, it's a preference carried over from FF 1.0.x that is no longer in the gui07:02
Kaiyangand after i found it?07:03
jmgnow i need to rebuild nvidia kernel moduel07:03
EnsignRedshirteternalswd: OK, I double clicked in xpinstall.enabled and now it says true.07:03
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, try installing the extension again07:03
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Cool, it's working.  Is Adblock Plus 7.2.2 worthwhile?07:03
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xSUSHiAgain , when I last used Linux like 5 years ago , there was nowhere close to the kind of love and support that the Ubuntu community has , you guys ROCK !!07:04
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Geoffrey2is mencoder pretty straightforward, or do I need to pass a bunch of configuration options?07:05
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, Adblock Plus is better than Adblock, but I prefer adblocking through userstyles.  Adblock has the benefit of not downloading the content, so is beneficial on slow connections.  Adblocking through userstyles downloads the content but doesn't show and acutally uses less memory07:05
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: I'll give adblock plus a try.07:06
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, Adblock Plus shouldn't have the problem with flash or java that normal Adblock does07:07
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: It's late, and I have to go. Tomorrow I'll try replacing flash 7 with flash 9 :)  Thanks for all your help!07:07
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eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, you should run "locate libflashplayer.so" and see where it actually is located.  you can then stick flash 9 in the same place07:08
slavikdapper: networkmanager doesn't see wireless networks and 'iwlist eth1 scan' returns no results ... module for my card is loaded (bcm43xx)07:08
eternalswdEnsignRedshirt, good luck07:09
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EnsignRedshirteternalswd: Good idea... I'll try that.  Good night!07:09
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slavik~/.mozilla/firefox/plugins for flash I believe07:09
finnwhat is the recommended fax program to use with a laptop modem?07:09
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bumslavik does it show under ifconfig?07:10
slavikbum, yes07:10
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Geoffrey2good luck with Flash 9, I've had nothing but grief with it07:11
UbotwoIf Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 )07:11
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slavikGeoffrey2: I find that it works better than 7 ...07:11
Jordan_UAnyone with xmoto installed, do you have a file: ~/.xmoto/Textures/UI/Loading.png ?07:11
slavikJordan_U: did you delete the file?07:11
bumwhat model card?07:11
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slavikbroadcom 431807:12
Jordan_Uslavik: No, but xmoto is complaining that it doesn't exist, and it doesn't.07:12
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slavikfirmware is installed07:12
slavikJordan_U: k, no idea :(07:12
rickyfingersdoes anyone here know if it is possible to install flash player on x86_64?07:12
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slavikrickyfingers: not yet I think07:13
Jordan_Urickyfingers: It is possible, but a hassle07:13
rickyfingersI don't mid hassle, what do I need to start reading?07:13
Geoffrey2slavik, just the opposite for me.....Flash 9 kept bringing Firefox to a standstill....07:13
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bumhave you looked at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710207:14
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Jordan_Urickyfingers: You need to set up a 32 bit chroot, run the 32 bit version of firefoc from there, and install flash on the 32 bit firefox.07:14
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rickyfingersthanks Jordan. I can dig your explanation07:16
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Jordan_Urickyfingers: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/32bitBrowserOnAmd6407:16
rickyfingersJU: that's actually a very cool, general solution to the problem. I like it.07:17
Jordan_Urickyfingers: That is just a spec, but it is interesting.07:17
slavikbum: I am using native drivers07:17
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jmghi all07:18
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jmgi have a problem with nvidia on edgy07:18
jmgwhere can i get the kernel module for 877607:19
Kaiyangthanks guys07:20
bumthis page talks about getting the card working in network manager... http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Networking/How_to_get_Broadcom_43xx_Wireless_AirForce54g_card_to_work_proven_in_Ubuntu_Dappe_Drake07:20
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jmgfor 2.6.1707:20
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slavikbum, that's ndiswrapper07:21
slavikIam using native drivers07:21
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bumsorry...I thought it might be worth trying since it seems these cards are stubborn07:22
slavikyeah, thing is it used to work07:22
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XhyldazhKmy openoffice is stuck in the kde look and feel how do i switch it to gnome?07:23
slavikI believe there is a package to make GTKappslook like QT apps, you need to get rid of that07:23
bumdid it stop working after installing something new?07:24
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slavikafter I reloaded the module manually07:24
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Arigatowhat is the difference between /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin?07:25
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esstonemy iPod is mounting read-only, how do I get it to mount read-write ?07:26
slavikArigato: stuff that comes with default install should go into /usr/bin, stuff that you install should be in /usr/local/bin07:26
Jordan_Uesstone: Is it mac formatted or windows formated?07:26
slavikesstone: in terminal mount -o rw /ipod/dir07:26
slavikor nvm?07:26
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esstonemac, it used to be windows until i had to restore today on a friend's mac07:26
slavikArigato: that is what I have been told07:26
Arigatothat makes sense07:27
Jordan_Uesstone: Writing to HFS+ in linux is less stable than writing to NTFS, I would personally reformat it.07:27
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esstoneok, I'll go try reformatting in Windows.  Thanks!07:28
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Master_Fraghow do i get dvd compatibility for totem07:32
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Flannel!dvd | Master_Frag07:33
UbotwoFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:33
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Clin1I have seaarched and seaarched but i can not find one program that will let me host my own domain name can any noe help me with that? ( id like aa gui if possible)07:36
lastnodeClin1, you mean you want to run a nameserver?07:37
Clin1Yes id like to just to host one07:37
lastnodeClin1, im not sure you get the picture properly. are yout rying to host a website?07:37
bumapache for web07:37
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Clin1Apache and a lot of extentions07:38
bumdyndns could be useful for you too07:38
lastnodeClin1, as bum said you'll need to get apache, and then ask your domain name people to redirect the domain to the IP you're hosting from07:38
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FlannelClin1: you mean to get your own domain name?  You need to contact a registrar for that, etc.  It's not a "program" thing07:38
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Clin1Then whats the thing Bind for07:38
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Clin1Theirs a program acalled Bind907:39
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tonyyarussoHow do you make ~/.bash_aliases load on login?07:39
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FlannelClin1: sure, you could start your own DNS, but no one would connect to it (unless they reconfigured their software)07:40
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Clin1Also if im correct it does not matter who hosts it aas long as it makes it to the other servers daatabook as the ip aand name07:40
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FlannelClin1: that's correct07:40
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Clin1I should be able to do this07:41
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FlannelClin1: if you host your own DNS, then anyone configured to use that will.  But no one will be.  and it won't get put into the ones other people use.  You'd need to buy a domain name, etc.07:42
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bumadd bash_aliases to bash login file07:42
HermanDEHey folks.....07:42
Clin1BOy i haate netfirms.07:42
=== Chippy [n=Ch1ppy@S0106000d88a35c46.du.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Clin1I got one through netfirms but they SUCK07:42
HermanDEAnybody know how to mount a cd created with a MacOS X and a UFS filesystem?07:42
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com07:42
Chippyhey, is there any way to set a session startup program to run even if it requires to be run as root?07:43
quinnsterI'm having problems with wireless after upgrading from 6.06 to 6.10.  I can get it to run in 6.10 if I use the 6.06 kernel, iwconfig essid/key the AP myself (even though it's already stored) and taking the interface down then up.  I heard I need to do restricted_modules or something?  Anyone know how I can fix this?07:43
Clin1OK another question for you how do i maake a program startup at system startup07:43
muralihow to find debian repository on the web? pls tell me07:44
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noodles13for a default install of ubuntu. is port 5190 open?07:44
ChippyClin1: System > Preferences > Sessions, Startup Programs tab07:44
UbotwoThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:44
Clin1Thank you07:44
Chippyno problem*07:44
muraliubotwo : thnx07:45
Ubotwomurali: Error: ":" is not a valid command.07:45
bumport 5190 shouldn't be open by default07:45
noodles13( how can i open it? and is it safe to open so i can connect using gaim?)07:46
noodles13( will this be a security hole issue if left open?)07:46
esstoneI reformatted the iPod in Windows and now it mounts rw again.  Many thanks!07:46
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bumgaim should automatically use that port w/out any manual configuration07:47
bumyou may need to open it in your firewall if you're running one07:47
bumany unused open ports are a security hole07:48
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bumeven closed ports can be an issue if they are sending responses07:49
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nekostarlol agreed07:49
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nekostartho there is great documentation on how to configure iptables07:49
Clin1Cant do DNS hu ::::NSS module for Multicast DNS name resolution:::07:50
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noodles13bum: i opened it in my router but i'm just wondering if the reason gaim can't connect is because it is closed on my computer07:50
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Geoffrey2in Nautilus, I can see a thumbnail image of my avi files, but no other video formats....is there any way to change that?07:50
bumyou running the latest version of gaim? I've had trouble w/older versions07:51
Clin1Ok i got a DNS set up some one test it please, http://www.clubmckinleyweb.com07:51
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nekostarlike what kinda formats07:53
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nekostarClin1 um07:54
nekostaryeah doesnt work07:54
nekostartry s to load cmweb.zapto.org07:54
Geoffrey2nekostar, wmv, mov, mpeg?07:54
nekostarwhich in return doesnt load07:54
bumfor clubmckinley I get IP (
nekostari never checked to see if i had that07:55
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nekostarbut if totem cant open it gnome gets wierd about stuff07:55
bumwhich goes to netfirms07:55
Theginohello all07:55
nekostar* Dns resolved www.clubmckinleyweb.com to
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nextstateI am trying to install seamonkey, but whenever I runt ./seamonkey-installer I get the error './seamonkey-installer-bin: no such file or directory' and the file exists. I've never had this happen before. Any ideas?07:56
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bumdid you try sudo?07:56
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wastrelnextstate:  the installer is a sh script, you're in edgy, it needs bash07:58
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wastrelnextstate:  fix the shebang line to point to bash instead of sh07:58
wastrelwhat's seamonkey?07:58
Theginoneed help07:58
nextstateused to be mozilla07:59
bumor try sh at beginning07:59
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wastrelbum:  sh in edgy is dash07:59
dortois opera added to the edgy repositories yet?07:59
wastreldash breaks a lot of scripts that rely on bash extensions07:59
wastrel!info opera07:59
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com07:59
TheginoNoOb here08:00
bumgood point08:00
wastrel!ask | Thegino08:00
UbotwoDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:00
bumi think opera might be in the canonical repos08:01
Theginook i new to ubuntu i want to know how to install firefox tar.gz files08:01
Alakazamz0rhello all08:01
Alakazamz0ranyone need help?08:01
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bumtar zxvf filename08:02
bumthat's one way08:02
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kekThegino: what is that firefox tar.gz file?08:02
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Theginoi downlaod the file from website mozilla to desktop now i need to know how to install08:03
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defryskThegino, you dont08:03
defryskyou just use synaptic08:03
bumcd to the directory where you dl'ed firefox and tar -zxvf nameofdownloadedfile08:03
liquidboyis there any way in windowmaker to make double-clicking on the window boarder maxamize it?08:03
Alakazamz0rliquidboy, windows does that.08:03
Healotv option is evil08:04
bumsudo apt-get install firefox or sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox08:04
Alakazamz0rbum, what are you doing?08:04
Theginothanks bum its worked should i do that with all tar.gz files??08:04
Alakazamz0rsudo aptitude install mozilla-firefox08:04
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bumin most cases, yes08:04
Alakazamz0rThegino, rm -rf nameofthetargzfiles.tar.gz08:04
defryskThegino, you already have firefox installed on ubuntu08:04
bumthe great thing about linux is there is more than one way to do just about anything08:05
nekostardont use the f option unless you have to08:05
=== nekostar smakks Alakazamz0r lightly
Alakazamz0rsmacks you08:05
liquidboyAlakazamz0r, yeah... it sure does... i'm just wondering if there's an easier way to maxamize other than holding the ctrl and shift buttons and double-clicking...08:05
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Theginoyea but gonna install from mozilla so i can update from firefox08:05
Alakazamz0rliquidboy, what window manager?08:05
defryskThegino, you cant08:05
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=== Alakazamz0r jams Prodigy - Firestarter.mp3
Healotinstall it to /opt08:06
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Healotyou can delete it any time you want... :)08:06
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trelaynehi all, anyone have a suggestion for a good diff tool?08:06
Alakazamz0rdiff tool?08:06
liquidboyAlakazamz0r, WindowMaker08:06
trelayneone that can do diffs between directories too ?08:06
trelaynediff between files content08:06
nekostari think dd works08:07
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Alakazamz0rliquidboy, http://www.windowmaker.info/documentation.php?show=userguide&chapter=208:07
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kekThegino: you can install a firefox tar.gz package from mozilla.com by just unpacking it in your home directory with the GUI and then double-clicking the program file, but what they are trying to say is it's not needed since it's already installed08:08
trelayneok thanks all08:08
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liquidboyAlakazamz0r, yep i read that, and i know how to maxamize in windowmaker, i was just wondering if there was an easier way08:08
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Theginokek i did install from mozilla and its up and running i wanted to update throught the browser08:10
kekThegino: what do you want to update?08:10
wastrelwhat's that mean?08:10
kekwastrel: that's some of the letters from my name08:10
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Theginoi wanted to update manually throught the browser08:11
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januaryHello everybody08:11
Theginonot by ad/remove08:11
kekThegino: like from firefox 1.5 to 2.0?08:11
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=== january <- frustrated, angry, unhappy
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nekostarwats wrong ther january08:12
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Alakazamz0rliquidboy, you get it?08:13
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januarynekostar: failed to install ubuntu on my brand new laptop08:13
nekostarand Alakazamz0r funney kat linkie08:13
Theginonope the update manager in firefox was not working was blank out but i searched the fourms and there was a way to install from website just wanted to know how to install tar.gz files the easy way08:13
januarynekostar: it just hangs there and ... wait a second08:13
nekostarwhat kinda lappy08:13
Alakazamz0rnekostar, huh?08:13
nekostaror wtever08:13
januarynekostar: huh, looks like it worked now in the "safe graphics mode"08:13
januarynekostar: don't know yet08:14
Alakazamz0rQQ pwn &&08:14
nekostarmake sure to enable all repositories and install packages for your vid card08:14
januarynekostar: but looks much better than the regular setup08:14
bumyou can graphically install w/synaptic08:14
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kekThegino: but what do you want to update? firefox? or an extension?08:14
nekostarsynaptic is teh win08:14
januarynekostar: its thinkpad x40, there should not be any problems08:14
nekostarthats an ibm08:14
nekostaryou need that alternate install disk08:14
Alakazamz0r<nekostar> synaptic is teh win <---negative08:15
tarelerulzI found site that just works under internet exporer08:15
januarynekostar: which one?08:15
tarelerulzIt has some interactive parts08:15
Theginoupdate from browser not add/remove or synaptic pack manager just for this install08:15
bumyou can't update if you have the latest version already08:16
bum2.0 is latest stable firefox08:16
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Theginono cause the firefox in ubuntu is totem i wanted i new fresh firefox was called totem-firefox08:17
nekostarjanuary lemme find this link08:17
bumwhen downloading tar.gz you can choose to open with Xarchiver08:17
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stray77What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? 2.6.15-27-68608:17
bumthat might be what you want08:17
nekostarlook at that08:18
nekostarthat guy has the same lappy as j00 january08:18
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nekostarand i just came across that page like 20 min ago looking for something else lol08:19
kekThegino: totem has nothing to do with firefox. also i don't actually think you can use the firefox built-in update manager if you are running the firefox ubuntu package. if your problem is that you don't have firefox 2.0 you should upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu which has firefox 2.008:19
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scotchisalut ^08:19
kekThegino: (except you can use it to update extensions)08:19
Theginogot it kek 6.1008:19
nekostarkek you can use it for extensions that are not global08:19
nekostarextensions that are per user only08:19
keknekostar: true08:19
Healotalo, salut08:19
nekostarand not for firefox itself iether08:19
nekostartrust me i fell afoul of that before08:19
tarelerulzI want to say linux is great. I have gotten nfts and fat32 able to  be shared with my windows computer and I can run internet exporer with wine08:19
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bumyou might want to download totem-xine-firefox-plugin or totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin08:20
nekostarsalut Healot08:20
bumthere is a totem-mozilla package08:20
nekostarbum mplayer plugin > totem plugin08:20
nekostaralso make su re to compile mplayer yourself08:20
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kekThegino: if you have ubuntu 6.10 you should have firefox 2.0, why do you want to update anything?!08:20
nekostarexcellent documentation on that in the forums08:20
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januarythanks, nekostar!08:21
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tarelerulzany of you play wma or wmv files with totem and not get sound08:21
nekostarusing xubuntu is really a good idea for that thing fyi08:21
nekostartarelerulz i play that stuff with mplayer in linux08:21
nekostarbut you should see if you have w32codecs installed08:22
Theginobrb all08:22
nekostardid you go through the restricted formats page tarelerulz?08:22
nekostarkk Thegino08:22
runpainhow do i install Xfedor-5.0.1 tar.gz08:22
tarelerulzYes I did08:22
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tarelerulzintalled mplayer that way and totem-xine08:23
runpaini have Mepis 6.0 ops08:23
bumYes I prefer mplayer over totem...08:23
liquidboyAlakazamz0r, the link, yep.08:23
runpaini am a newbie08:23
=== nekostar pets bum
MitchMI need to setup Raid 1 on a Dell Poweredge 1425 -- Adaptec: U320 SCSI RAID 1; anyone have any fingers to point me in the right direction?08:23
nekostarhi runpain08:23
bumVLC is excellent08:23
nekostaru mepis08:23
tarelerulzI like totem it has forever repreat08:23
stray77What is the location of the directory of my C header files that match my running kernel assuming my kernel is 2.6.15-27-686?  I'm trying to install vmware tools and its asking me this question.08:23
kektarelerulz: ouch, isn't IE in wine slow?08:23
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kekand buggy08:23
nekostarMitchM if it doesnt recognize your card you probably need the floppy to boot the raid bit08:24
tarelerulzWell, I use IE for stuff that will not work with fireforx08:24
cafuegostray77: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include08:24
bumOpera also works well for things that don't seem to work qutie right in firefox08:24
runpainhi neko08:24
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stray77thanks ill try that08:24
cafuegostray77: It means you need the 'kernel-headers-$(uname -r)' package08:24
tarelerulzI mean the fact that wine will run IE is great.08:24
MitchMnekostar, to "boot the raid bit" ?08:24
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cafuegoWhich you don't have installed, otherwise vmware setup would have found them.08:24
tarelerulzI must say  I have got couple of things working that I use linux most the time now08:25
tarelerulzOther then yahoo messager in windows08:25
bumyou can use gaim in linux w/yahoo08:25
runpaincan some one help08:25
tarelerulzThat is all I do with windows that can't be done on Ubuntu08:25
runpainhow do i install Xfedor-5.0.1 tar.gz08:26
nekostargaim for teh win08:26
tarelerulzI wanted web cams and voice08:26
nekostarrunpain eh?08:26
nekostarwth is that?08:26
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nekostartarelerulz there are things for that08:26
nekostaramsn for messenger08:26
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BHSPitMonkeytarelerulz, well, the good news is that you can have webcam/voice with MSN in linux08:26
nekostarthere is also one for yahoo specifically08:26
lordvaloranybody here has latest edgy and plays ultima online, noticed it not working anymore recently?08:26
runpainits a grphics program08:26
runpainfor cursors08:27
runpaintring to make own set08:27
bumthere is a plugin for webcam in gaim08:27
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BHSPitMonkeyis it awful?08:27
nekostarthats out bum?08:27
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runpainthey look like swords08:27
GameGenieHello, when I try to use my Acer restore CD with VMWare in Ubuntu Edgy, it won't work, it will say that the cd is only able to be used on Acer systems, and I am using an Acer system... Does anyone know what the problem is and what is the solution?08:27
runpainand crosses08:27
runpainChristian stuff08:28
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cr4ftyb0n35Hello all.08:29
tarelerulzHow do you get the plugin for webs in gaim ? if so do they work with yahoo08:29
runpainwell lets not all talk08:29
nekostarits correct08:29
bumwebcam plugin is called farsight08:29
tarelerulzYou guys are great08:29
nekostarvmware if you notice in the documentation has a specific install cpu etc08:29
Theginoi'm back hey anyone know what file u need to get the add/remove packger08:29
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cr4ftyb0n35When I run a debconf-get selections --installer I get debconf: DbDriver "di_questions": could not open /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat08:29
nekostarthe hardware does not match your acer system08:29
nekostari just wont mention the multitude of windows isos on the net08:30
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cr4ftyb0n35obviously questions.dat doesn't exist. Though my question is why08:30
runpainplease some one help08:30
cr4ftyb0n35ubuntu dapper, default install, i38608:30
runpainhow do i install Xfedor-5.0.1 tar.gz08:30
runpainhow do i install Xfedor-5.0.1 .tar.gz08:31
bumprobably tar -zxvf Xfedor-5.0.1.tar.gz ; ./configure ; make; make install08:31
matityahu_how to enable identd on ubuntu?08:31
bumand clean if you want08:31
runpainok thanks will try bum08:31
cr4ftyb0n35When I run a debconf-get selections --installer I get debconf: DbDriver "di_questions": could not open /var/log/installer/cdebconf/questions.dat08:31
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nekostargoogleing that cr4ftyb0n3508:33
nekostari found that some french guy had the same problem08:33
nekostarhe concluded that the alternate install cd was good for him08:33
es0tericanyone use Azureus?08:33
es0tericunder ubuntu08:33
nekostares0teric eh yes?08:34
nekostarutorrent works with wine btw08:34
tarelerulzabout getting plugin for gaim to they let you view web cam on yahoo networks08:34
nekostarapt-cache search gaim08:34
cr4ftyb0n35nekostar: that's sort of what I did. Used the alternate install cd08:35
runpain did not work bum08:35
=== damnhil [n=h@c-24-19-239-199.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
bumwell you should at least be able to extract the tar archive08:35
runpaintar: xfedor-5.0.1.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory08:35
runpaintar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now08:35
runpaintar: Child returned status 208:35
runpaintar: Error exit delayed from previous errors08:35
runpainbash: ./configure: No such file or directory08:35
runpainmake: *** No rule to make target `couchex.o', needed by `xfedor'.  Stop.08:35
runpainmake: *** No rule to make target `couchex.o', needed by `xfedor'.  Stop.08:36
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runpaindid that08:36
runpainhave folder with files08:36
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bumthere might be a sh script to install08:36
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=== lili [n=lili@Mix-Plessis-Bouchard-110-2-109.w193-250.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bumlook for a file w/the word "install" in it08:37
bumor read the README file08:37
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runpain    - Check paths in Makefile08:38
runpain    - make08:38
runpain    - Test it: SOS=Sosa ./xfedor -f fkp2.bdf08:38
runpain    - make install08:38
runpain    - The man page is preformatted.  You have to install it by08:38
runpain      hand in the right place.08:38
runpainwhats that mean08:38
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nekostaryou might not have the dependancies for whatever your trying to make08:39
nekostarand install checkinstall for SURE08:39
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nekostaralways do sudo checkinstall make install08:39
nekostarinstead of make install08:40
nekostarit makes a package that one can actually remove08:40
jedi__does AIGLX work on FX5200?08:40
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nekostarthats nvidia not ati08:40
frediieblackjack game remembers my score08:41
nekostarbut that newer thing works08:41
nekostarbut it lags my compy thta is running my 520008:41
runpainudo checkinstall08:41
runpainsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0666, should be 044008:41
runpainwhats that mean08:41
frediiei gotta sudo in to reset or something ?08:41
jedi__so basically if i got fx5200 go xgl?08:41
nekostarrunpain are you with ubuntu in your compy08:41
nekostarxgl is for nvidia yes08:41
nekostarbut it can lag it08:41
nekostarso be careful jedi__08:41
runpainah no08:41
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runpaini have mepis08:42
nekostarthis is ubuntu support not mepis08:42
runpaino lol08:42
nekostari think you mentioned that before.......08:42
nekostari mean08:42
nekostarit is #ubuntu08:42
jedi__nekostar, it worked ok in dapper, is it not the same for edgy?08:42
nekostarjedi__ for me it wasnt so nice08:42
nekostarbut thats me08:42
runpainwhere do i find mepis08:42
nekostarand i demand a lot of my compy08:42
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nekostar#mepis maybe ?08:42
cr4ftyb0n35nekostar: what's the deal on putting up doc pages on ubuntu? Any idea? I am doing a fairly involved custom install and could document the process and put it up on the main site...08:42
Healotrunpain: distrowatch.com08:42
runpainill try08:43
nekostarwell there is that chan runpain08:43
nekostarbut not much ppl in it08:43
nekostarcr4ftyb0n35 um08:43
nekostardocument everything08:43
nekostarand start a thread in the forums first08:43
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nekostarget input08:43
cr4ftyb0n35nekostar: Good idea. thx08:43
nekostarand have ppl try on other system configurations08:43
nekostarand it goes from there typically from what ive seen08:43
nekostarive nto tried to do that personally08:44
cr4ftyb0n35neko: thx mate08:44
rudivsmy gnome login process has stopped after the password but before the splash screen. All I have is a brown screen and a mouse arrow. Any idea how to fix it?08:44
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nekostaras root you must MUST use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers08:44
nekostarvisudo -f /etc/sudoers08:44
nekostarlike so08:44
nekostaras root08:44
bumsimliar on BSD08:44
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rudivsis there likely to be a problem in some config file somewhere?08:45
nekostarone could as root do chmod 0440 /etc/sudoers08:46
nekostarthat would fix permissions08:46
nekostarthen do how i mentioned it08:46
nekostarformat is:08:46
nekostarusername ALL=(ALL) ALL08:46
nekostarand save08:46
runpainok will try08:46
runpain# sudoers file.08:46
runpain# This file MUST be edited with the "visudo" command as root.08:46
runpain# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.08:46
nekostarinsert your username on your system08:46
runpain# Host alias specification08:46
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runpain# User alias specification08:46
runpain# Cmnd alias specification08:46
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runpain# User privilege specification08:46
cafuegoNo pasting!08:46
runpainroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL08:46
runpainonthego ALL=/usr/sbin/mesm08:46
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runpain%users  ALL=/usr/bin/apt-get -s upgrade08:47
Ubotworunpain: Error: "users" is not a valid command.08:47
runpain                               [ Read 17 lines ] 08:47
runpain^G Get Help  ^O WriteOut  ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text  ^C Cur Pos08:47
nekostardo not just paste all that here.....08:47
runpain^X Exit      ^J Justify   ^W Where Is  ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Txt ^T To Spell08:47
Ubotwopastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:47
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SperMiteCan someone tell me whats going on with my samba??  (http://pastebin.com/825536)08:47
nekostarbut if onthego is your username for the system replace my username with that one08:47
cafuegoyour mouse privs have been revoked.08:47
nekostarwhatever user you want to have sudo do as so08:47
nekostarlol cafuego hihi08:47
Theginohello all again08:48
bumI'm out08:48
jedi__i followed the official nvidia/xgl beryl wiki http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA but i got no session option for beryl, tho i entered it.08:48
bumoh yeah, thegino http://projects.collabora.co.uk/darcs/farsight/gaim-farsight/plugins/08:48
runpainman this linux stuff so hard to learn08:48
nekostarwb Thegino late bum08:48
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zroberousyes it is08:48
nekostarrunpain but its worth it08:48
BHSPitMonkeyI have a problem... I've been trying to install edgy onto my friend's dell PC.  On the LiveCD, it boots up to a certain point (presumably, until when X starts) and then I just get a black screen; Unresponsive. Can't switch TTYs. Can't do ANYTHING.  Now, I installed with the Alternate CD, and it installs fine, but when I boot up the computer... same as with the LiveCD.08:48
runpainGod bless you bum08:48
cr4ftyb0n35runpain: stick with it. switch from mepis to ubuntu :D08:48
BHSPitMonkeyI had a "black screen" issue in Dapper, but that was because his video card setup is weird. I could switch to TTY1 and fix the xorg.conf. Not so, anymore.08:48
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runpaini tried ubuntu it was even harder08:49
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nekostari had the same problem08:49
nekostarget the alternate cd08:49
nekostarand install without being connected to internet08:49
jedi__can anyone say why beryl isint in my session manager even though ive put it there?08:49
cr4ftyb0n35runpain: why was it harder?08:49
nekostarthen update packages after configging ethernet08:49
BHSPitMonkeynekostar, I'm afraid we didn't have the same situation at all, then08:50
Theginoare .rpm files install the same way as .tar files08:50
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runpainwhen i boot up could not get to the desktop keept puting in pass word and it would hang at logon08:50
BHSPitMonkeynekostar, A)  I DID install via the Alternate CD, the resulting installation wouldn't boot.   B) Internet didn't exist in this scenario.08:50
kekThegino: no, check out the alien package08:50
nekostarthats not good08:50
Theginoyea i d/l but dont know how to use08:51
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nekostarcan you boot to rescue mode or whatever?08:51
runpainhad all the graphic08:51
nekostari'm installing from that cd right now08:51
runpainno tried every thing08:51
nekostargawd i hope it works...........08:51
nekostarim installing dapper not edgy tho08:51
BHSPitMonkeynekostar, whenever edgy would get to the X starting step, (on the LiveCD OR on an installed system), I'd get an irrecoverable black screen08:51
tarelerulzThere is fork in Gaim that is working on webcams ,but how to you install it so you don't mess up your other intalled on08:52
kekThegino: alien package.rpm; dpkg -i package.deb08:52
BHSPitMonkeynekostar, I wasn't there long enough before, but that's my next step the next time I'm over there.08:52
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runpaini installed the christian edition it did the same thing08:52
BHSPitMonkeygonna gut into xorg.conf08:52
runpaintried ithunx same08:52
nekostardid you check errors?08:52
Theginocool thanks kek writing that down08:52
nekostarsomething something08:52
nekostarfor X0 or something like that08:52
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runpaintried arklinux same08:53
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nekostararclinux is not easy08:53
Theginoi'm out08:54
runpainmepis only one i am able to atleast change the boot screen do all my color schemes pretty much even do my panel in wood08:54
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runpainalso change color and size of prgress bar at boot08:55
darkmatter<nekostar> arclinux is not easy <-- is so :P08:55
nekostarfor a newb?08:55
nekostarlots of configging08:55
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jedi__im an idiot, i figured it out ahhahahahahaha08:56
jedi__the force is strong, but needs guidance08:56
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runpainGod Bless Jedi08:56
Healottheir don't even believe in God :)08:57
runpainthe god of this world ^^08:57
kekwhy is there a christian ubuntu? why not just include the bible programs in ubuntu??08:58
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runpainthey have other stuff with it to08:58
keklike what?08:58
runpainguess because founder is one08:58
jkimball4where are system-wide symbolics links stored in the filesystem?08:58
printksystem wide symbolic links?08:59
runpainGraphics are awsome08:59
runpainbut i am learning08:59
tarelerulzI don't want to sound dumb ,but how to you run auto installer for linux ? is that really what it is08:59
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runpainit gets hard sometimes09:00
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Healottarelerulz: depends if your desktop support autorun, e.g. GNOME or KDE do09:00
runpaini still having trouble installing driver for 2wire wireless pcmcia card09:00
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kektarelerulz: what are you trying to install?09:01
runpain2wire wireless pcmcia card on laptop09:01
tarelerulzI am trying to install that gaim fork that does web cams in gaim09:01
runpainusing a ethernet card rite now09:02
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natakuI'm having yet another interesting problem09:02
runpainbut want to go wire less09:02
natakuI got 6.06 installed, everything works...09:02
natakumy laptop hangs on shutdown09:02
natakuand HAL doesn't seem to be running09:02
natakuI get no battery display or anything09:02
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runpainsorry cant help nataku am a newbie myself09:03
natakuthat's fine :)09:03
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natakuthis is the best Ubuntu distro I've gotten yet heh09:03
natakutried edgy earlier, to no avail09:04
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natakutried Xubuntu 6.06, no good09:04
tarelerulzI love ubuntu  too09:04
natakufinally, Ubuntu Drake magically works09:04
runpainya kn wh u mn09:04
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tarelerulzYou mean Xubuntu for the xbox09:04
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natakuXubuntu is Ubuntu with the Xfce window manager09:04
Robbsterhi all. How do I install ubuntu iver a network. I've googled and can't find any resources. I just want to boot from a network image, type in the nfs server details and install.09:04
plumaI just removed the kopete package and manually compiled and installed kopete 12.2 and it still claims to be 11.1 if I check its About info. WT?09:05
tarelerulzXfce is cool it loads fast09:05
runpaingota go folks got to get up at 500am its 2 now here in wonderful EAST TEXAS09:05
plumaAlso, "kopete -v" returns 12.209:06
runpainGOD BLESS!!09:06
natakuok, I was wrong09:06
natakuHAL is running09:06
natakusystem still hangs at shutdown09:06
pluma"God bless"? Heretic.09:07
nekostarafter many fails09:07
nekostari am left with lots of failures on /dev/hdc09:07
nekostarwhich seems to eb the cdrom09:07
HealotKDE is Doom(ed)09:07
nekostarand i cant get the case open for the friggan life of me09:07
nekostardamn dell 240009:07
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UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com09:07
nekostarthere should be something that says get windows09:08
sky123hello..does anyone know what the sparc channel is for ubuntu?09:08
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sky123thats generic...getting ubuntu on sparc...thats different09:08
tarelerulzI download the autopack for gaim fork with web cams and when I try to open it says something about gedit not being able to do it09:08
pluma#ubuntu-sparc or #sparc-ubuntu? ^^09:08
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nekostardoes anyone know if there is a low-mem option for installation ?09:09
sky123neither one of those works09:10
Healotwith alternate-server CD, nekostar09:10
UbotwoHave a look here for Docs http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/sparc/ KnownIssues and TODO are on the wiki.09:10
nekostarHealot i have hte alternate install cd09:10
nekostardoes the server option exist ?09:10
nekostarlike it does on the debian install disks?09:10
Healotyeah the second install09:10
Healotit clearly says "install server"09:10
nekostarim just getting mass errors of /dev/hdc09:11
Healotwith any server application, actually09:11
nekostarlemme see if i can see that09:11
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nekostarHealot while watching the tty4 screen09:13
nekostari see it fail on the cdrom09:13
nekostarand fail to open it09:13
nekostarthen it mvoes on..............09:13
nekostarcould it be jsut that hardware is incompatable?09:13
Healotyour hardware fault?09:13
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tarelerulzit says those autoinsatll pacags are shell script . I try sudo ./shell script and it says ./ is not comand after sudo09:15
nekostarthen it starts talking about inability to create symlinks while formatting the partitions....09:16
sky123After searching on google..it appears this is the channel to ask about sparc install on ubuntu....09:16
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sky123has anyone dealt with partitioning a netra T109:16
cj_can i join your furum09:16
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nekostarcj_ www.ubuntuforums.org09:17
nekostarand yes everyone can join09:17
nekostarsky123 oi?09:17
=== nekostar pats
nekostari know nothing about that unfortunately09:17
nekostarsup dsb09:17
cj_guys do you know how to open a perl text files?09:17
dsba few things, I'm learning though!09:18
nekostaro wait09:18
nekostarmore errors............09:18
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dsbI'm trying to RATD and do google searches as best I can09:18
sky123specifically either dapper or edgy on the netra t1....its specific to using software raid..as the installer doesnt use the hardware raid??09:18
rudivsis there some gnome session file that might need to be flushed after an incomplete shutdown process? my gnome login freezes after entering the username and password. I can still open other terminals though.09:18
dagnabithi cj - did you want to run a perl script, or edit it?09:18
cj_i want to edit it..09:19
sky123use vi09:19
dagnabityou can open it in your favorite editor.  it's simply a text file.09:19
sky123it should open up09:19
sky123or joe, or emacs or whatever09:19
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Robbstercan I install edgy over NFS?09:19
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cj_but its list as unknown file!!!09:20
dsbexcuse my ignorance, but is there a ?buntu friendly channel to discuss general topics, such as mysql vs. postgresql?09:20
dagnabitthat's ok.  force it.09:20
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Ubotwo#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:21
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sky123dsb: that is really an open forum type question...and each will have his/her opinion...ie referential integrity..etc09:21
natakuthis is starting to annoy me.09:21
Robbsterwill edgy install over NFS?09:21
natakumy ethernet card was working fine the first 2 times I booted09:21
natakuand now it's broken09:21
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sky123Robbster: My initial answer would be yes...but Ive only done such an install via PXE..and TFTP09:22
dagnabitnataku: huh.  its broiken if you boot from a live cd or other os as well?09:22
natakuI was running windows XP for the longest time09:22
natakuand the live CD saw it fine09:22
natakuand I'm seeing now it seems to be my wireless card09:22
natakuon boot09:23
cj_thanks dagnabit09:23
natakuI get the repeating error of09:23
nataku"ipw2100: eth0: Failed to start the card."09:23
natakuover and over09:23
bagelis_hi. i have a problem with ubuntu 6.06. The shutdown and restart button disappear from the menu when i click the red button. there is only logout and change user button.09:23
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melenkurioni got a slow mouse here.. and i want more speed within minimal moving of my hand.. from the acceleration my hand hurts :(09:23
nekostarbagelis_ are you on a secondary user by chance?09:24
mdkehiya. I need to do a recipe in procmail which filters on something in the Subject: which contains square brackets. Do I need something special to escape the [] ?09:24
bagelis_no ony 1 user.09:24
natakuI just rebooted out of spite09:24
natakuand it worked again09:24
natakucan anyone tell me what's going on09:24
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melenkurionanyone has a hint to fix that? i'm used to work with high sensivity like in ego-shooters ;)09:25
dsbsky123: indeed... I was just wondering if there existed some type of 'off-topic' type of channel for ?buntu users to discuss various software packages; their weaknesses vs strengths, various problems with certain hardwares, etc.09:25
sky123id ask here..take a chance09:26
wastrelbagelis_:  do you use startx to start the GUI ?  or login from gdm ?09:26
UbotwoSorry, package searching is not available - try http://packages.ubuntu.com09:26
natakumelenkurion, one sec, lemme go look09:26
Ubotwo#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:26
wastreli already did that :/09:26
wastrelnobody listens to me...09:26
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natakuok, melenkurion, go to System > Preferences > Mouse09:27
wastrelanyway offtopic is pretty dead atm09:27
natakuthen the 'Motion' tab09:27
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bagelis_i login from gdm09:27
natakuthere are all your sensitivity settings09:27
Robbstersky123: I've downloaded and booted the netboot image, but now I'm stuck :(09:27
wastreli used to work for a company that used postgres , supposedly it scales better09:27
wastrelmysql is way more popular tho, due to the apache integration thing that i know nothing about09:27
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sky123wastrel: sunny youd mention that..as this place has become quite  off topic recently...imho09:27
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dsbI'm new to ubuntu. I'm giving it a go converting from gentoo09:27
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mdkecome on, must be a procmail user here09:27
natakudsb, should have an easy time then heh09:28
natakugentoo was where I learned linux09:28
melenkurionnot really, if I choose a high sensivity and no acceleration, the mouse won't become faster09:28
wastrelmdke:  \[09:28
dsbwell, one would think so09:28
melenkurionalready tried this nataku09:28
natakumelenkurion, right, so turn up the acceleration09:28
Robbstersky123: is the TFTP installation easy?09:28
sky123Robbster: Id check the /etc/exports file on the NFS server to see if it allows i guess in this case..any host in your subnet to connect..09:28
mdkewastrel: thanks.09:28
natakuthe Gnome mouse sensitivity is a function of both sliders09:28
natakuinstead of a single slider09:28
melenkurioni have problems with my hands, nataku .. so i can't move them quickly09:29
dsbI did however, find out some more details about the packaging system by using aptitude09:29
Robbsterthat's not the prob. how do I tell the installer to a) use NFS and b) where the server is :)09:29
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melenkurionwith minimal movement i want maximum mouse motion09:29
natakuif you turn up the acceleration, it will make the mouse pointer jump much more quickly09:29
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melenkurionacceleration won't work if i move my hand slowly ;)09:29
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natakucrud, good point09:29
dsbI've never really used debian though09:29
sky123RObbster: a little involved..with TFTP as you need to tell the dhcpserver how to interface with tftp and then either use PXE to look for the kernel image that will then boot the system up. Some hints are in the wikis and edubuntu uses tftp for LTSP project..so check those out.09:29
dsbso this dpkg and dpkg-deb thing is new to me09:30
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natakumelenkurion, I seem to be stumped09:30
mdkewastrel: can I do: /([blah] |[blah] ) ?09:30
Robbstersky123: any chance of telling the ubuntu installer to use NFS and point it to the NFS server? I can boot an image from CDROM.09:30
wastrelmdke:  dunno, never tried :] 09:30
Robbster - just can't install off it :(09:30
mdkewastrel: ok! we'll see09:31
mdkewastrel: it seems to makes sense?09:31
melenkurionnever happens alot, nataku ? ;)09:31
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wastrelmdke:  never seen that syntax before09:31
natakuheh, happens a LOT09:31
mdkewastrel: or maybe it should be (/[blah] |/[blah] )09:31
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jadacyrusWhat PORT does remote desktop run on?09:31
sky123Robbster: does the netboot have a install from NFS option? IF so then you CAN do that...and youll need point to the boot image on the nfs server with a path...that has been exported in /etc/exports on the NFS server.09:31
natakumelenkurion, I recommend you google around a little for some sort of enhanced mouse drivers for linux09:32
natakuI unfortunately know relatively nothing about this, heh09:32
mdkewastrel: the (|) bit makes it an alternative, I believe09:32
melenkurioni wonder, why this feat isnt supported yet.. especially for graphical designers that's really important09:32
Robbstersky123: I've booted the netboot image and I can't see any references to NFS. I've scoured the google, but not come up with any hits. I've been able to install other linux distros over nfs (mandriva) so I figure it's gotta be possible09:33
sky123Robbster: Id play around with both...get the NFS working...then play with dhcp/tftp/pxe...its well worth the effort.09:33
natakuyeah, that's a good point melenkurion09:33
wastreli should have gone to sleep 4 hours ago09:33
wastrelbye now09:33
mchonishey all, anyone know how to get surround sound working on a Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live 24 Bit External USB soundcard?  It took some doing just to get stereo sound out of it, but If I could get surround I'd be ohsohappy09:34
dsbI want to get NFS working also, but I'm stuck on mysql09:34
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Robbsternfs is working. dhcp is up. Just need some glue to get them all working to get the install up. :(09:34
sky123Robbster: that IS odd....I have some GOOD experience with Centos nfs AND tftp/pxe with kickstart..works like a charm...i cant imagine ubuntu wouldnt be ablt to do the same..09:34
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dsbI had nfs working with redhat, gentoo, and mac osx, but I'm not about to start something new, until I get one problem resolved, and I'm still unsure if I have a corrupt packaging system09:35
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dv5237damn i was playing a movie and sudenly the sound stops can someone help me? (its not the movie for sure)09:36
sky123Robbster: centos, redhat...yeah..its a file that is scripted to partition, install rpms, and do post config of any/all systems in a network..simply throw it on a tftp/dhcp server with your cdson it, and wham after 7 mins complete system build.. Im looking like you...for the equivalent here...09:36
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jadacyruswhat do you need to fileshare between two linux computers?09:38
sky123Robbster: you are definitely thinking along the right lines...the network install is key09:38
xSUSHidsb: yea i had to use samba09:38
sky123lemme scour the net to see if i see something that'll get the job done.09:38
xSUSHijadacyrus: ubuntuguide.org09:38
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dsbjadacyrus: ssh, scp, ftp09:39
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sky123Robbster: here you go - http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A619981509:40
jediMasteromg, just installed beryl.Restarted but i get the brown(?) screen after the login.PC disk busy, but nothing else.HELP09:41
dsbmysql will not install properly, shall I try postgresql09:41
dniteif i change my username's password, will the new sudo password change as well?09:41
Healotdsb: xampp for windows09:41
Healotlinux* oops09:41
mchonisnobody knows how to get 5.1 out of a USB soundcard?09:41
xSUSHiusb soundcard?   that sounds like it sucks09:42
dv5237damn i was playing a movie and sudenly the sound stops can someone help me? (its not the movie for sure)09:42
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mchoniswell.. it worked great with windows.. better than stereo laptop sound anyway09:42
sky123jediMaster: might wanna try to ctrl-alt-bkspc then if you made a copy of the xorg.conf file to something like xorg.conf.old then you can replace it, reboot and try again...to see if you get it restored.. to what it was..09:42
SperMiteOk i just did the dumbest thing Ever,, (rm -rf /etc/samb) Now after i tried to reinstall it I get ( http://pastebin.com/825563)   Can some PLEASE help me09:43
jediMastersky123, i cant do anything it hangs booting into x after the login09:43
dsbACPI: Unable to locate RSDP09:43
dsbhow do I fix that?09:43
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dniteSperMite, you might need to purge the samba package w/ dpkg --purge .. it removes all the configuration files and stuff.. so when you reinstall it should recreate them..09:44
jediMasterdv5237 do cds n other sytems beeps work?09:44
yakumohello im trying to install a tar.gz install, the installation guide tells me to use ../configure && make, and  error mssg appear  configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH... anyone know what i should do???09:44
sky123jediMaster: before you log in...id try the ctrl-alt-bkspc to get to shell... then replace the xorg.conf.old file to xorg.conf...you DID make a copy to old of the original file right??09:44
BeanBagis there a way to make normal ubuntu dapper into xubuntu?09:45
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jediMastersky123, i did09:45
SperMitednite yeah i tried that and get the same results09:45
dv5237jediMaster: mp3 doesnt work either i hear some shocking sound for a mil sec envery 3 secs09:45
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dromeraaaog, somehow, when I boot my desktop (with ubuntu 6.06), like half of the time it won't connect to the internet09:45
HealotBeanBag: yeah install xubuntu-desktop and remove all the GNOME-related files :)09:45
sky123jediMaster: that was yes you made a copy? or yes youve already replaced it..and it still blows up09:46
dromernow twice in a row allready :(09:46
BeanBagHealot: Is there a how to somewhere that will walk me through it?09:46
dniteSperMite, ah.. well then.. i'm not sure. i had a problem when i removed configuration files and i just have to re apt-get install it, run dpkg --purge packagename and then reinstall it again and it worked ok.. not sure what else to offer ya bud..09:46
dv5237when i restart my audio deamon i get this msg: warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1190: Cannot open /var/lib/alsa/asound.state for writing can someone help09:46
jediMastersky123, my bad - yes i did make a copy, ill try replacing it. Thanks09:46
dromeraaaog, somehow, when I boot my desktop (with ubuntu 6.06), like half of the time it won't connect to the internet, twice in a row now allready :/09:47
SperMitednite . well thanks anyways09:47
dnitegood luck09:47
sky123jediMaster: thats the first step...then get the damn thing restored...re-trace your steps trhough the how to for beryl and see if it is missing something..09:47
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Healotremoving GNOME files >> the hard part, because removing ubuntu-desktop doesn't remove them09:48
jediMastersky123, ay capt'n :)09:48
MeisterZopfwhy remove gnome? why not just install debian?09:48
sky123jediMaster: when i did an upgrade on my dapper...it broke a lot of shi** ...but when i did a fresh install of edgy...wham fixed.09:48
mchonisum.. thanks anyway i guess09:48
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sky123jediMaster: once you get it working...youll like beryl..its pretty pimp09:49
sky123they should have named it pimpmyX09:49
BeanBagHealot: How do i remove it then?09:49
jadacyrusOkay.. Im trying to use sshfs.. I loaded the fuse module and added myself to the fuse group. Also /dev/fuse exists. However I'm getting operation not permitted when trying to use /dev/fuse ...any ideas?09:49
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HealotBeanBag: manually, usually remove libgtk2.0 :009:50
jediMastersky123, uncanny. I had a working xgl on dapper, but the upgrade was messy, so fresh installed edgy, automatix2 put on the nvid driver .8xxxx .09:50
jediMastersky123, my card is FX520009:51
Robbstersky123: seems like the way to go. now I just need to figure out what the network controller is :)09:51
Robbstersky123: Thanks I'll let you know how it goes.09:51
dromeranybody know where I can get qt2-dev ?09:51
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cj_Could not open device "/dev/radio0" ! i'm using gnome radio?09:52
jediMastersky123, what ver nvid driver you using?09:52
cj_and i get this error09:52
SperMitednite =)) I uninstalled it with dpkg then installed it with synaptic And All is better!09:52
sky123jediMaster: stangely its an intel card....on my Sony...but it finally worked09:52
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sky123jediMaster: with my laptop its an ATI and ive really never got beryl working right on the poor bastard.09:53
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dniteSperMite, good to hear. x=)09:53
cj_how to use this gnome radio??09:53
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Fromanyone home?09:54
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jediMastersky123, hey thanks im gonna have another go - im currently talking from the darkside (XP) , force..is...gett..ing...weak.... :)09:54
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sky123jediMaster: truly...lol..09:55
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Alabuntuhow do i stop music files from automatically playing when I rest the cursor over them?09:55
cj_how to play some music in gnome radio09:56
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dromeranybody know where I can get qt2 ?09:57
natakuthis is beyond weird09:57
jadacyrusOkay.. Im trying to use sshfs.. I loaded the fuse module and added myself to the fuse group (Logged out and back in). Also /dev/fuse exists. However I'm getting operation not permitted when trying to use /dev/fuse ...any ideas?09:57
dromernataku: it is ?09:57
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natakueither Ubuntu loads my hardware drivers fine and hangs on reboot, or it can't load the drivers and it hangs on shutdown09:58
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christianphi all10:02
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sky123judacyrus: try sudo modprobe fuse?10:03
christianpi'm trying to install wine in my amd_64, i download sources and try tools/wineinstall (as in Readme)10:03
tameritokeHi people. I have a problem configuring my xserver on kubuntu10:03
christianpbut i obtain this error: checking for C compiler default output file name...10:03
christianpconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables10:03
christianpwhat's the matter?10:03
tameritokeHow can I do it by hand?10:03
tameritokefrom the console...10:04
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christianptameritoke, /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:05
natakudoes anyone know why my 6.06 installation would hang at shutdown?10:05
natakuI added 'acpi=force' and that seemed to fix it for about 2 reboots, but now it's hanging again10:05
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sky123judacyrus: did that work??10:08
Caplaindo i need anything to run m ati tv card?10:09
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=== dromer still having problems compiling chemsuite, need qt2-dev
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hokatichenciHow can you print a list of all the installed software?10:10
bosatonbosaton, hi10:10
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sky123hokatichenci: dpkg --list10:11
rudivsI'm trying to debug my gnome startup (which stops just after password), and one thing I'm trying is dpkg-reconfigure gnome-control-center. It looks like that's freezing also. Any ideas why?10:11
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luisrconnection info10:12
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sky123hokatichenci: you can further look at it a file called list if you do a redirect dpkg --list > list10:12
hokatichencisky123, thank you so much :)10:12
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luisrconnection info10:13
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luisrhas anyone problems whit ktorrent10:13
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defryskluisr, ktorrent work fine on my box10:14
defryskwhats wrong ?10:14
SperMiteluisr. no but i have problems with azureus10:14
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luisrit is stalled on 99,3 %10:15
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godhellrestart the install?10:15
luisrit just stopp and it does not continued10:15
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defryskrestart ktorrent would be my advise10:15
defryskor is it during install ?10:15
godhellOne program freezed for me last night when I was installing but then I restarted the installation and it worked fine luisr10:15
luisrI mean when I am download torrents i just not complete torrents10:16
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defryskluisr, try this one . http://buntudot.org/people/~jdong/ktorrent/svn-edgy/ktorrent_2.1~0dev+svn20061115-1~6.10prevu1_i386.deb10:16
defryskluisr, its the latest svn version10:16
SperMiteCan someone tell me whats up with my samba.? When i try to connect to my hdd from a windows box it goes straight into my windows c:/drive????10:16
defryskand runs fine10:16
luisrIt is very strange because I had very good speed and suddendy it just stopp.10:17
luisrthank defrysk10:17
defryskluisr, this one also has rss feed support10:17
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luisrwhat is it defrysk10:18
defryskwhat is what ?10:18
luisris a deb file10:18
defryskrss feed ?10:18
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luisrthe link you send me10:18
defryskyes its a deb-file made for edgy10:18
luisrfor the ktorrent?10:18
luisror the connection10:19
defryskfor the latest ktorrent10:19
defryskluisr, also read http://ktorrent.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=103110:19
luisrok thank you10:19
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defryskbut ktorrent has improved greatly since tha last official release10:20
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exaltedHi. "lsusb" command results my "Creative Technology, Ltd WebCam PD1001", but i can't get it work. Any help is appreciated, thank you.10:21
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rambo3exalted, dmesg on inserting usb ?10:22
dromerI'd like to reset my gnome and kde settings to default (theme and look&feel)  how can I do this ?10:23
godhellAnyone got a working Beryl installation guide? I've tried 3 now and all has fawked up my xorg10:23
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Flannelgodhell: #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl10:23
exaltedrambo3, can you be more specific please?10:23
godhellok thanks10:23
exalteddromer, you may try to remove .gnome* folder in your home path.10:24
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rambo3exalted, just wondered if there are some errors to see when connecting camra. you can unplugg and then plug back in camra , and type dmesg in terminal10:24
exaltedrambo3, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32089/10:26
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rambo3exalted, then its ok winder if you need to modprobe quickcam driver10:27
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exaltedrambo3, why quickcam? several guides on www talk about spca5xx10:28
rambo3ok then do that10:28
exaltedrambo3, already tried; but no result.10:29
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redeemancan someone point me in the direction of documentation about creating apropriate .debs for 6.06 LTS for latest jre/jdk maintenance releases (09)10:31
boinkman dpkg ?10:32
rambo3exalted, i dont know much about camras as i dont have one . do you get /dev/video0 , maby its a permissio issue10:33
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exaltedrambo3, seems that i don't have /dev/video010:34
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redeemanboink: ehm.. i don't see how dpkg has to do with it10:34
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redeemanboink: i wanna create the debs, i can easily install them10:34
landan_how do i start my working installed ubuntu partition from the live cd10:34
landan_root=/dev/hdb1 ?10:34
rambo3exalted, can you:  sudo MAKEDEV video10:35
exaltedrambo3, done; and now?10:35
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rambo3well do you get video010:35
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exaltedrambo3, no still i don't have a /dev/video010:36
landan_from the 'boot options' selection10:36
rambo3exalted,  i am out of ideas .10:37
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roth-laptophow do i recive a file from msn on gaim10:37
dromerthnx exalted10:37
exaltedrambo3, thank you anyway.10:37
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rambo3exalted, maby its in /dev/usb/video0 ?10:38
exaltedrambo3, sudo "ls -AR | grep -i video" in "/dev" has no output.10:39
sky123rambo3: dont know if dmesg will give him any info but...10:40
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rambo3sky123 just wanted to check for error as i have with isb on my comp .10:40
cr4ftyb0n35Hello. I have a problem. I have a customized install which takes > 700mb. No DVD burner, no dvd drives. What methods am I left with? Can I install of one hard drive to another?10:41
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cr4ftyb0n35sky123: Can I install with tftp or only boot with it?10:41
sky123install too10:41
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sky123somone else asked about this type of install earlier10:42
sky123hang on10:42
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sky123its a start...10:43
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Laosboymesomebody recommend gray gtk2 theme10:46
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cr4ftyb0n35sky: thanks. This seems messy however...10:46
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smoenuxmy TwinView is not the same since Edgy. when I maximize Apps, it maximizes over both monitors. on Dapper, it only maximized on the window's monitor. Does anyone know how I can fix this ?10:50
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Laosboymewhat is twinview?10:53
smoenuxit's two monitors10:54
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smoenuxwith the desktop spanning over both10:54
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LinuxHelpHow do I decrease the priority of an entire repository using /etc/apt/preferences ? I know how to change an individual package, just not an entire repository10:55
LaosboymeCould somebody tell me how  to download msfonts10:55
LinuxHelpLaosboyme, try msttcorefonts ?10:55
nutshey can ne1 explain me which package i need... if i get a gcc error message like : pan.c:7:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory10:55
Flannelnuts: do you have build-essential installed?10:55
sky123cryftyb0n35: it is messy to get it going (no doubt if its the first time)...but...after you have it dialed in...there is no turning back..youll want to do ALL your installs this way.10:55
LinuxHelpLaosboyme, please keep your questions in the main #ubuntu channel10:56
nutsFlannel: whats the package called?10:56
sky123nuts: might want to try build-essential packages...10:56
Flannelnuts: build-essential10:56
sky123nuts: sounds like you have kernel-headers missing perhaps?10:57
LinuxHelpLaosboyme, apt-get install msttcorefonts ?10:57
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nutssky123: which apt-get install would that be?10:57
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sky123nuts: apt-get install build-essential10:59
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:59
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nutssky123: thank you very much11:00
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sky123nuts: that means that in /etc/apt/sources.list you'll potentially need to enable the commented out repositories11:00
nutsyup its working.. im downloading :))11:00
Laosboymemsstcorefont downloading exe files!11:00
PecisDarbshi crowd, has anyone succeeded writing DVD+R DL with Nautilus CD Burner?11:00
nutssky123: woooooooooorx =)11:00
ameyerPecisDarbs: I'm assuming it would work11:01
Laosboymeis it really needed11:01
sky123nuts: thats what im talkin about! SWeeet!11:01
cpk1is there a way to change the color depth without changing xorg.conf/restarting x?11:01
LinuxHelpLaosboyme, yes11:01
PecisDarbsameyer: I get some strange error, but I am not sure, that is not about lacking of hard disk space. Nautilus CD Burner creates temporary image before writing, right?11:01
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ameyerPecisDarbs: I'm pretty sure it does11:02
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LinuxHelpLaosboyme, weird licensing restrictions11:02
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Laosboymedoes it?11:03
PecisDarbsameyer: how to change a temporary directory from commandline then? I want to burn a 4.5 GB content, but I have no such free space for creating temporary image on my primary hard disk11:03
dromerhmm, howto: plaf a movie-dvd ?11:04
cpk1!info libdvdcss211:04
ubotulibdvdcss2: Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4 (edgy-seveas), package size 33 kB, installed size 112 kB11:04
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-109-161-39.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
cpk1dromer: get that package11:05
LinuxHelpdromer, and get xine as well11:05
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dromerwhat ap would be best ?11:05
henri_hi guys! I'm running 64-bit ubuntu, and i'm wondering if there's a way for me to download a 32bit version of 'libcrypto0.9.7'?11:05
LinuxHelpafaik, xine uses libdvdcss2 to do the decoding11:06
Laosboymewow the web has just look as windows!11:06
dromerhmm, Package libdvdcss2 not available11:06
saddam21hi can i change the ubuntu logo in bar menu ??11:07
cpk1dromer: dapper or edgy?11:07
dromerI think edgy ..11:07
cpk16.06 is dapper11:07
dromerohw ok :P11:07
Laosboymehow to install java plug in in firefox?11:07
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defryskcat /etc/issue to make sure11:07
cpk1!info libdvdcss2 dapper | dromer11:07
ubotuPackage libdvdcss2 does not exist in dapper11:07
rickyfingershenri_ I had a related question earlier, seems like what you have to do run 32 bit code from a chroot'ed environment11:08
saddam21hi. how do i change the ubuntu logo in bar menu ??11:08
defryskdromer http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/all/11:08
LinuxHelpsaddam21, hi, how to annoyingly ask the same question twice in one minute?11:08
Joe_CoTlibdvdcss isn't in any of the official repos. you need to get it third party ^ like the seveas repos11:08
cpk1hrmm i think i went over this before with myself, because I have libdvdcss2 but its not in any of my repos anymore11:08
saddam21exscuse me11:09
henri_rickyfingers: turns out i already had it11:09
henri_just had to compile against /usr/lib3211:09
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henri_instead of /usr/lib11:09
henri_silly me11:09
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dromerdefrysk: it's in there .. but no candidate for install :/11:10
defryskwhy not ?11:10
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dromerI meant: not with apt-get :P11:10
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defryskdromer, read : http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/11:11
brynk_anyone here know a good alternative for mpd? the idea is that everyone in the office can play/add songs etc11:11
dromerbut it's installing now :)11:11
=== TrolLlock [n=trollloc@c80-216-171-181.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
defryskdromer, and http://seveas.imbrandon.com/11:11
dromerthnx defrysk :)11:11
defryskseveas repo is pretty good :)11:11
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defryskdromer, and thank Seveas11:12
ochosihi, maybe an easy question, but how can i disable the bootsplash in edgy, so that i just see the bootup-messages in the console?11:12
TrolLlockim having trouble with ubuntu... im trying to open my other harddrive wich i have in my computer but i dont know how i should open it... help?11:12
dromerdefrysk: he's dutch :D (at least, that's what his name would indicate :P)11:12
LinuxHelpTrolLlock,  what filesystem does it have?11:12
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dnitedoes anyone know how to 'browse' a pocket pc from ubuntu?? I'm finding some syncing how-to's online, but nothng about just browsing and transferring files to it.11:13
cpk1TrolLlock: is it mounted already?11:13
defryskdat issie zeker ;)11:13
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dromerha, defrysk ook nederlander :] 11:13
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TrolLlockno i dont think its mounted... i dont know11:14
defrysk!nl | dromer11:14
ubotudromer: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:14
LinuxHelpTrolLlock:   cat /proc/mounts11:14
dromerbeh, ik hou niet van koffie :P11:14
bimberiochosi: remove 'splash' from the kernel lines in /boot/grub/menu.lst11:14
TrolLlock(ok i dont know a jack shit about linux... i installed this yesterday :P)11:14
ochosibimberi thanks! that's what i was looking for!11:14
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, then pastebin your results11:14
bimberiochosi: yw :)11:14
TrolLlockrootfs / rootfs rw 0 011:15
TrolLlocknone /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
TrolLlocknone /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
TrolLlockudev /dev tmpfs rw 0 011:15
TrolLlock/dev/hda1 / ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 011:15
TrolLlock/dev/hda1 /dev/.static/dev ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 011:15
TrolLlocktmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
TrolLlocktmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
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TrolLlocktmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs rw 0 011:15
LaosboymeWhat is son java11:15
TrolLlockdevpts /dev/pts devpts rw 0 011:15
TrolLlockusbfs /dev/bus/usb/.usbfs usbfs rw 0 011:15
TrolLlockudev /proc/bus/usb tmpfs rw 0 011:15
TrolLlockusbfs /proc/bus/usb/.usbfs usbfs rw 0 011:15
TrolLlocktmpfs /var/run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
TrolLlocktmpfs /var/lock tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 011:15
TrolLlockbinfmt_misc /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw 0 011:15
TrolLlocktmpfs /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile tmpfs rw 0 011:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:15
LaosboymeI can't understand Linux11:15
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LinuxHelpTrolLlock, no, its not mounter11:16
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bimberiLaosboyme: *sun* java is the software released by Sun Microsystems11:16
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TrolLlockthen how do i mount it?11:16
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LinuxHelpLaosboyme, *sun* Java is recommended over the Gnu version, as it is much faster11:16
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, time for /etc/fstab11:17
LaosboymeI'am download sun java11:17
PecisDarbshow to temporarily change temp directory environmental value in console?11:17
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TrolLlocklinuxhelp: it says permission denied11:18
crazy_busIm sorry to be here, but I cant find the answer in #kubuntu .  My question is how do I get rid of dead keys in kubuntu11:18
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cpk1TrolLlock: just cat /etc/fstab11:18
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, su or sudo please11:18
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FlannelLinuxHelp: sudo.  please don't recommend su.11:18
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ubinspHello ubuntutians !11:18
FlannelLaosboyme: download it from the repositories, don't install it manually.11:18
LinuxHelpFlannel, or what, you'll su(e) me?11:18
TrolLlockok i started the fstab now11:19
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ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 ?11:19
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TrolLlockwhat now? :P11:20
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, do you know the dev "address" of your hd? like hda or hdb?11:20
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TrolLlockit said soemthing about hdc111:20
FlannelLinuxHelp: This channel is for helping people, not modifying their system in ways it'll be more difficult to fix later.11:20
cpk1also is it a sata or plugged in via usb?11:20
LinuxHelpFlannel, which part of my advice do you have an issue with?11:20
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, hdc it is then11:21
umopsHow do i mount a windows samba share in ubuntu?  I have sudo mount // /home/user/test -o username=,password=, but get an error11:21
Laosboymeuse qtparted11:21
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, try sudo fdisk /dev/hdc11:21
LinuxHelpjust to make sure11:21
TrolLlocki dont want it to format it11:21
LaosboymeIts easy11:21
TrolLlocki want to open it so i can watch the movies on it11:21
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ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 ? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session start again, so I can't change it. Who ca help me?11:22
TrolLlockor is that not possible in linux?...11:22
cpk1TrolLlock: it is lol11:22
=== jimcooncat [n=jim@pool-72-65-101-61.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LaosboymeLinux can only play not copyrighted dvd11:22
ubinspLaosboyme: it's wrong11:23
LinuxHelpTrolLlock do "sudo fdisk /dev/hdc" and then press l11:23
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LinuxHelpas in L11:23
cafuegomag dat wel?11:23
cafuegoLaosboyme: My machine plays encrypted commercial DVDs just fine.11:23
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, it will just do a harmless list of current partitions11:23
cpk1Laosboyme: you need libdvdcss211:24
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, then press q to exit without "formatting" or changing anything11:24
jimcooncathi all, I'd like to know how to easily set up a blog using dapper, I want to keep the data on my own machine, not at livejournal.com or some other host. Ideas?11:24
ubinsplibdvdcss is easy to compile11:25
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cafuegolibdvdcss is packaged, no compiling is required.11:25
Laosboymebut i don't use my pc for wacthing11:25
cpk1you dont need to compile libdvdcss!11:25
Laosboymemy dvd player makes it for me11:25
TrolLlockok ive done that... what now?11:25
ubinspcafuego: it depends. I prefere compile it11:25
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, did you see "NTFS" anywhere?11:25
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PecisDarbshmmmm, seems that mkisofs can't make files bigger thant 4.0 GB :(11:26
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 ? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session start again, so I can't change it. Who ca help me?11:26
cafuegoubinsp: make makes exaclty no difference, except that the packaged one is easy to update or remove.11:26
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umopsHow do i mount a windows samba share in ubuntu?  I have sudo mount //x.x.x.x/test /home/user/test -o username=,password= (there is no username or passwd)11:26
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TrolLlockLinuxHelp: how do you mean?11:26
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TrolLlocksudo fdisk /dev/hdc11:27
TrolLlockThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 24321.11:27
TrolLlockThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,11:27
TrolLlockand could in certain setups cause problems with:11:27
TrolLlock1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)11:27
TrolLlock2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs11:27
TrolLlock   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)11:27
TrolLlockCommand (m for help):11:27
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, my mistake, press p11:27
ubinspcafuego: maybe. But with the source you don't have to find the depositary, the key of the depositary etc...11:27
casanohow do I enable scroll wheel on my ibm thinkpad x23 laptop on ubuntu 6.10 the ubuntu way?11:27
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-184-176.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrolLlockit says system : hpfs/ntfs11:28
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, and then under "System" it will say  HPFS/NTFS11:28
Laosboymehow to add trash bin in desktop11:28
TrolLlockyes it does11:28
cafuegoubinsp: You don't anyway. 'sudo apt-get install libdvdread3; sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh'11:28
LinuxHelpspot on, thats the correct drive then11:28
jimcooncatis wordpress the simplest way to make a blog on your own machine?11:28
LinuxHelpso its /dev/hdc1 that you need to mount11:28
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LinuxHelpTrolLlock, sudo mkdir /mnt/windrive11:29
LaosboymeMy sd card won't mount!11:29
Laosboymeplease help me mounting it11:29
ubinspcafuego:  I taugh that there was a pb with the libdvdcss and the type of licence of Linux but I'm not a expert11:29
LinuxHelpand then add this line to /etc/fstab: "/dev/hdc1/mnt/windriventfsro00"11:29
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crazy_busI've fixed my keyboard11:30
cafuegoubinsp: No, it's just that studios aren't happy with people being able to watch DVDs on machines that aren't levied with royalties.11:30
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LinuxHelpTrolLlock, and after all that do "sudo mount /mnt/windrive"11:30
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Laosboymehow to remove pass prompting of firestarter!11:31
ubinspcafuego: fuck royalties and studio and microsoft ... ;-)11:31
DBOless on the swearing please =)11:32
ubinspswearing ca veut dire quoi? hum...11:32
ubinspI think I have understood11:33
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 ? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session start again, so I can't change it. Who ca help me?11:33
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ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? I worked well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06I11:35
=== macsim [n=macsim@cpc1-lewi5-0-0-cust72.bmly.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
TrolLlocktrolllock@trolllock-desktop:~$ sudo mount /mnt/windrive11:36
TrolLlockmount: can't find /mnt/windrive in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab11:36
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, paste the contents of /etc/fstab somewhere11:36
LinuxHelpLike rafb.net ?11:36
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tuskerninihow do i reclaim a MBR that windows took?11:37
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.11:37
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ubinsptuskernini: with rescuecd11:38
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ubinsptuskernini: or with a ubuntu liveCD11:38
tuskerniniubinsp, thanx, i knew but how11:38
tuskerniniubinsp, should i search the forems?11:39
ubinsptuskernini: simply by launching the LiveCD11:39
LinuxHelp(12:29:36) LinuxHelp: and then add this line to /etc/fstab: "/dev/hdc1/mnt/windriventfsro00"11:39
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TrolLlockhow do i do that?11:39
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LinuxHelpsudo nano /etc/fstab11:39
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tuskerniniubinsp, simply launching the cd will change nothing on my system... i will have to reinstall the MBR and i want to know howto from live cd11:40
ubinspthen with a little reflexion you will be able to reinstall grub11:40
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ubinspin a konsole11:40
mtyhomenobody in here?11:40
tuskerniniubinsp, will try11:40
jimcooncatmtyhome, we're here11:40
GNeuanyone know how to get Ubuntu (Edgy) to tell me what it's doing when booting?11:41
tuskerniniubinsp, thanx11:41
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mtyhomewell, do you know why my sata 300gb reiserfs disks take so long to mount?11:41
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cr4ftyb0n35GNeu: Use the alternate CD and you recover the older installer...so that's probably the best way11:41
TrolLlockok i think ive mounted it now11:41
mtyhomehow can i avoid to wait forerver at boot time while still mounting the disks>11:42
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cr4ftyb0n35mtyhome: Anything in the logs?11:42
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GNeucr4ftyb0n35, everything is working fine, I just want the checklist to be going through on boot11:42
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GNeucr4ftyb0n35, every boot11:42
jimcooncatmtyhome, I have good luck on several machines with reiserfs so I'm thinking it's the SATA11:42
robbiewhat package generates the xorg.conf file?11:42
mtyhomecr4ftyb0n35, nope11:42
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miquijoalguem do brasu??11:42
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cr4ftyb0n35Gneu: Aah, so you want it at boot time...11:42
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GNeucr4ftyb0n35, well rather than (or as well as) the Ubuntu Splash loader11:43
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ubinsptuskernini: in the console write grub then something like setup (hd0,0) it depends on yr HD type11:43
palskiGNeu, cr4ftyb0n35: removing silent option from menu.lst11:43
cr4ftyb0n35GNeu: Ctrl-Alt-F1...?11:43
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arcadeHow do I switch from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 in Ubuntu 6.06 ? :)11:43
cr4ftyb0n35Ah ok11:43
TrolLlockit says that i do not have permission necessery to view the contents of windrive11:43
cr4ftyb0n35palski: thx11:43
GNeupalski, cr4ftyb0n35, thanks alot11:43
nuked_omenhow can you mount a vfat partition as root and give users the privileges to create/delete files in it11:43
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.11:44
LinuxHelpTrolLlock, that sucks, try "sudo ls /mnt/windrive/" to see if its working, and then ask someone else in the channel how to change permissions11:44
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TrolLlockok well its working alright11:45
ubinspTrolLlock: what is yr pb?11:45
cafuegoTrolLlock: You need to set the permissions at mount time, you can't chown/chmod on a Windows fielsystem, as those don't support unix style file mermissions.11:45
ubinspno problem?11:45
nuked_omeni hate people who speak in short forms and think they know better english11:45
arcadeNone who knows how to switch away from UTF8 -> ISO-8859-1 ?  On 6.0611:45
casanoI grabbed this configure-trackpoint tarball.. is there package tools in ubuntu6.10 to automate the installation, or do I configure make install normally from shell ?11:45
pznI need someone to explain me how to do somethings in launchpad.net bugs, I'm new to it. can I contact anyone in private?11:46
cafuegoTrolLlock: The easiest way is to add 'uid=XXX,umask=002' in the mount ioptions field in your fstab file. XXX should be your numeric user id.11:46
JeffBellI have a new monitor that is capable of higher resolutions than the precious LCD.  How can I get Ubuntu to detect it?11:46
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nuked_omencafuego, how can you find the user's numeric id?11:46
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cafuegonuked_omen: Same for you, mount it as a specifc user/group, correct umask, give permissions to that group11:46
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cafuegonuked_omen: `id`11:46
octannuked_omen make sure the mount point "dir" has user premissions,, also mount it with uid and gid11:46
TrolLlock*doesnt understand nothing*11:47
cafuegooctan: the mount point permissions are irrelevant.11:47
nuked_omenalright.. i'll try11:47
cafuegoTrolLlock: How did you mount it?11:47
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TrolLlockwith sudo ? dunnop (first time using linux)11:47
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octancafuego, not entirly corrent.. if the dir has root root , you cant edit/delete files in ther11:47
octanas user11:48
mcellacan someone help me...11:48
cafuegooctan: after moutning, the mounted dirs perms are used, not the mount point perms.11:48
cr4ftyb0n35whatsup mcella?11:48
mcellain edgy, I'm getting all notifications bubbles on the bottom panel...11:48
cafuegooctan: those perma/ownership are set by params to `mount'.11:48
mcellavery annoying :-D11:48
cr4ftyb0n35mcella: Afraid I've never seen or heard that problem11:48
mcellacr4ftyb0n35: never mind11:49
octancafuego, well. i use to change thouse premission.. but he need to look in to uid and gid11:49
cafuegooctan: yup11:49
mcellathat's strange since my friend (on edgy also) is getting them in the right position :-(11:49
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705 on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06..11:49
JeffBellCan Ubuntu detect a new monitor, when you connect it?  Mine seems to think the old monitor is connected.11:49
cr4ftyb0n35mcella: driver issues?(highly unlikely)11:50
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TrolLlockcafuego: the linuxhelp guy said i should mount it with sudo mount /mnt/windrive11:50
mcellacr4ftyb0n35: no, I think it's something related to a nasty bug in libnotify or notication-daemon... :-/11:50
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cr4ftyb0n35mcella: hmm...11:51
TrolLlockcafuego: and that was what i did11:51
cafuegoTrolLlock: That emans you should have a line in the /etc/fstab file that mentions it.11:51
cafuegoTrolLlock: ok. Now on that line there is an entry in the <options> column11:52
TrolLlockit says ro on that line11:52
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cafuegoOk. What is the first number you get when you type 'id' ?11:52
bidha2kdo you know which pacakge i can get base64 tools..11:53
palskiGNeu, sorry, I meant quiet option11:53
TrolLlockfirst one is 100011:53
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cafuegook. Your user id is 1000.  What you need to do then is make sure the winpartition is mounted as YOUR user id. You cna do that by changing 'ro' ro 'ro,uid=1000' in the options column.11:54
azcazandcoHi folks, I need some advice regarding my computer configuration & installing new drives11:54
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JeffBellMy desktop resolution is too low.   I bought a bigger monitor, but Ubuntu won't change my resolution.11:54
cafuegoJeffBell: You'll need to reconfigure X and tell it about the new screen. 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'11:55
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TrolLlockok should it say ro,uid=1000 or 'ro' ro 'ro,uid=1000'11:56
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705, with a nvidia 7900GS graphic card on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06..11:56
cafuegoI typo3d :-)11:56
JeffBellcafuego, thank you.  i will try that!11:56
=== puba [n=armin@p54B9FA54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
TrolLlockits still saying that i dont have permission11:57
cafuegoTrolLlock: Yup. Now unmount it and remount it.11:57
cafuegosudo umount /mnt/windrive; sudo mount /mnt/windrive11:57
azcazandcoI currently have 1 x70gb sata drive & 1 x 200gb sata drive (with my os on it), I have 3 x 250gb IDE drives I want to install but by my understanding, if I put an OS on one of them the ide will boot before my sata drive, I want to install edgy eft 64bit as my main OS and have a win xp partition for playing my old games etc, can anyone advise me on the best way to go about doing this without screwing up my system and loosing all my sata stu11:58
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webmindgood morning11:58
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TrolLlockYAY THX ALOT!! ^^11:58
cafuegoazcazandco: tell the bios to boot from sata.11:58
cafuegoTrolLlock: enjoy :-)11:58
webmindis it a target of ubuntu to match the quality of a release with it's name? :)11:58
gerhard_Beryl aint compatible with my X200 right?11:58
TrolLlocklol ok now another question11:59
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TrolLlockim trying to start a movie and it says i dont have codecs most probly... what do i do now?11:59
azcazandcocafuego: but do I not need to install xp first, followed by edgy on one of my ide drives?  I kinda want to do a clean install of edgy if I can without screwing everything up11:59
cafuegoTrolLlock: install codecs!11:59
TrolLlockwhere? :P11:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:00
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cmd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
jedi__who got beryl running?12:00
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bidha2kdo you know which pacakge i can get base64 tools..12:01
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ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705, with a nvidia 7900GS graphic card on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.12:02
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mcellacr4ftyb0n35: that's my problem: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/6114812:04
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azcazandcocafuego: is it possible to install windows on a separate drive *after* installing edgy eft?12:04
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themasterhey ... i can't install mplayer on my Dapper Drake install... getting this error: mplayer-386: dependency: libjack0.80.0-0 (>= 0.99.0) not installed12:07
bennertrolllock use automatix12:07
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.12:07
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azcazandcoi.e. 1) keep my install as is and install the 3 ide drives 2) install Edgy Eft 64 bit on a new IDE drive 3) install XP on 2nd IDE + add it to grub?12:07
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ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu12:08
bennerbut you can install just the codecs with it. i used it just for that.12:08
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ivanHi everybody, I am having a question about Synaptic. I am trying to lock a version of gaim to 2.0b3, but it has no effect. I select packages gaim and gaim-data and them click on packages and then click on lock version, but it has no effect. can somebody give me a tip on how it can be done from the command line?12:08
Williamts99ivan, it is something like sudo apt-get hold gaim12:09
DarkMageZazcazandco, i've done it before. disable the other drives in the bios and then install windows on the drive you want. then reenable and add windows drive to grub :12:09
octanazcazandco you can do that,, but that will screw up your lilo or grub,, meaning you need a rescue cd for linux to reinstall just grub or lilo12:09
Williamts99Trolllock, I send you a private message12:09
ivanok, thanks. will try.. didn't see anything in the man page for apt-get about it...12:09
azcazandcoso I could use an edgy eft live cd?12:09
ALLISSONfunck your12:10
octanazcazandco, that would work just fine12:10
ivanhm... i get a E: Invalid operation hold12:10
azcazandcookay, I only have win2k at the moment, I need to buy the upgrade, do you know if I can do win2k, fix grub, then upgrade without it breaking?12:10
octanazcazandco,but i rather download supergrub live cd12:11
Williamts99ivan, give me a sec12:11
azcazandcooctan: on my way to grab it12:11
=== azcazandco is scared because this is a production machine as well as home pc
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octanazcazandco, wiih a live cd you porbelay need chroot .. dont need to with supergrub :)12:11
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azcazandcoHow badly can I screw this up?12:12
octannot much at all12:12
azcazandcothat is a dumb question...  ignore it12:12
octanlol.. i'll do that :P12:12
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azcazandcookay, you have given me some confidence to do this12:12
Williamts99ivan, it's sudo aptitude hold gaim12:13
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705, with a nvidia 7900GS graphic card on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.12:13
Williamts99ivan, sorry I got it mixed up12:13
azcazandcohave had these drives sitting about for a while, I know I have done something to my install of dapper / upgraded to edgy so I want a clean system to work from12:13
azcazandcothese drives give me a chance to sort everything out12:13
JeffBellcafuego, I ran through all that dialog about the xserver-xorg ...now I have to reboot for the changes?12:14
azcazandcooctan: will you be about for a while?  I am going to dl all I need then install these drives12:14
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livingdaylightCan someone tell me why signiture is not adding to thunderbird?12:14
octanazcazandco, yes i'll be here a while12:15
azcazandcocool...  I may need to pick your brains via a live cd when I break stuff lol12:15
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benneri installed jashaka 2.0 on my toshibanotebook with ati grafic. i'm using fglrx-driver with working gl-support. but i keep getting a weired komment everytime i try to start it: "Segmentation fault". does anybody know what that means and how i can solve it?12:15
ivan<Williamts99>, it looks like i found a way to do it, it is done with apt_preferences or with a config file /etc/apt/preferences. It is done by 'pining' the version12:15
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ivani think =)12:15
octanazcazandco, lol :P you wount break much with supergrub :) its a pretty strait forward tool to use, :)12:16
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azcazandcooctan: how much better than the dapper 64bit is edgy?  is there better support for stuff now?12:17
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azcazandcowant to know if I am better just going for 32bit12:18
octanazcazandco, dapper is more stable,,12:18
=== azcazandco has an amd64 3200+ he wants to make use of
octanme got amd64 too12:18
azcazandcowhat os do you run?12:18
bXiisnt dapper at 2.6.15-27 ?12:19
azcazandcoso should I grab the dapper 64bit installer then?12:19
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benneranyone here using jashaka and had a similar problem?12:19
azcazandcoas opposed to the edgy 64bit12:19
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octanazcazandco.. i bet you run into some problems ther..12:20
octanjust my opinion12:20
JeffBellIt worked!  THANK YOU CAFUEGO!!12:20
azcazandcowith what? 64bit in general?12:20
octanedgy 6412:20
cafuegoJeffBell: :-)12:21
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cafuegoJeffBell: incidentally, just logging out, hitting ctrl-alt-backspace and logging in would be fine too (that restarts X)12:21
azcazandcookay so dapper 64 is easy enough now?  I know when I first looked at it people were saying it was harder to get stuff running on it12:21
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octanazcazandco, there is still issues with flash in 64 bit.. since its beeing a 32 bit app, ,and you need some 32lib to get it to work in 64 bit. that about it,12:22
Williamts99ivan, glad you got it figured out12:22
azcazandcogonna dl it now12:22
ivanyup.. just checked it out.. works like a charm via the config file.. strange why synaptic didn't want to work with it.. oh well, i'm happy that it works12:23
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MattJDoes anyone have any experience with /writing/ to NTFS partitions in Ubuntu?12:24
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Williamts99I am surprised that lock version didn't work, which version are you using?12:25
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ivanwell, i'm not afraid of bugs, still got it working12:26
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ivanMattJ, have a look at this: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=67512:26
ivanI didn't try it myself, but I bookmarked it just in case i need it (I don't have ntfs partitions)12:27
MattJThanks :)12:27
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YoricHi everyone.12:27
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YoricDo I have to do anything special to get the spam filters to work in Evolution ?12:28
YoricAt the moment, they seem to filter exactly nil.12:28
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napgcan anyone help me with a network issue?12:29
YoricYou can ask.12:29
octanexplain it first12:29
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dade`referring to git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git ubuntu-2.6 : is the -devel git repository the current feisty kernel ?12:30
napgI have 3 computers, 2 have win xp/ubuntu and the  other one has winxp only12:30
ajmitchdade`: yes12:30
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napgone of the dual boot's will be the server for my network at home, more exactly the one i'm currently in12:31
Williamts99ivan, true, at least you got it to work12:31
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tx22Hey guys, any news about a DVD version of ubuntu?12:31
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napgi would like to know some directions on how to configure it12:32
livingdaylightDoes anybody, anybody at all use Thunderbird?12:32
tx22i use thunderbird12:32
ivanlivingdaylight, me too12:32
pianoboy3333livingdaylight: I use evolutiojn12:32
Yorictx22: what for ?12:32
livingdaylighttx22, i can't save my signature12:32
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octannapg iptables | route  :P12:32
benjamin i used to use it.12:32
tx22i use thunderbird for rss and email12:32
ivannapg, cofigure it for what?12:32
livingdaylightivan, can you save a signature in preference/account12:32
tx22livingdaylight:  hmm, I've never used a signature..12:32
octannapg, do you have a router?12:33
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napgmy computer will be the network server so that the other computers have internet and to share some folders between them12:33
ivanto set a signature, click on Edit -> Account Settings12:33
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ivanthen click on the the checkbox attach this signature and choose a file with the signature, thats it12:34
tx22is there a DVD version of ubuntu with lots more stuff on it?12:34
napgin win xp everything goes well, when xp server and ubuntu client12:34
guadalinexHAY ALGUIEN?12:34
bimberitx22: yes12:34
napgbut i can't get an unbuntu server for xp/ubuntu clients12:34
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ivan<tx22>, yup, i already download a kubuntu dvd and a ubuntu dvd12:34
tx22bimberi:  Oh yeah12:35
ivanlook in the torrents12:35
octannapg, thats easy to setup.. whats you knowlage about networking?12:35
guadalinexDO ESTA?12:35
tx22ivan: what extra stuff does it have on the DVD?.. can I see a comparison from the dvd ?12:35
tx22ops *cd12:35
bimberitx22: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/12:35
tx22guadalinex:  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/dvd/current/ torrents12:35
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livingdaylightivan, do you know where signature are for home account?12:35
Williamts99guadalinex, please press your caps lock key12:36
OmniDDoes GIMP seriously not have a line tool12:36
OmniDI cannot find it12:36
OmniDAlthough this should be a very basic function12:36
benjaminguadalinex no capslock por favor.12:36
ivan<tx22> there is a lot of stuff, i don't know where to check the exact change log, but i used apache from there, mysql, php and some other stuff12:36
YoricOmniD: no, no line tool iirc.12:36
tx22ivan:  ok thanks12:36
napgi'm have average knowledge, in xp nothing is a problem, in linux i'm still kinda new12:36
ivan<livingdaylight>, what do you mean by the signature for the home account?12:36
YoricCause lines are not that common in pictures.12:36
OmniDThat's a very very basic function. That's terrible.12:36
octannapg, ;(12:37
YoricOmniD: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Straight_Line/12:37
napgbut i already know lots of stuff in ubuntu so go ahead12:37
livingdaylightivan, opposed to newsgroup or any other account. my pop3 account from where i send email12:37
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OmniDUsing a feature called the shift key12:38
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mtyhomehi again12:38
YoricOmniD: and, more seriously, because you can draw a line with any tool, iirc.12:38
octannapg, on the server,, make a virual eth0:112:38
OmniDWhat is this "shift key"12:38
YoricOmniD: you're kidding, right ?12:38
mtyhomeif i want to create n files numbered with only one command, how can i use the []  to numerate the files?12:38
OmniDno, not really12:38
OmniDI mean12:38
OmniDYes yes really12:38
OmniDI am kidding12:38
ivan<livingdaylight>, in the account settings, just select the account that you want to add the signature to12:39
OmniDto the maximum12:39
YoricOmniD: pfeww12:39
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YoricHas anyone succeeded in getting Evolution to filter out spam ?12:39
livingdaylightivan, yes, i do that but there is not box for signature12:39
Williamts99Yoric, yes do a google search on spamassasin and evolution, you will get very nice results :-)12:40
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azcazandcooctan: any suggestions on master slave config for these ide drives?  I am not much of a hardware man12:41
Williamts99yoric, also you could Edit->Preferences->Mail Preferences->Junk->Check incoming mail for junk and remote test will help, but it is a bit slower.12:41
livingdaylightYoric, also i heard bogofilter12:41
YoricWilliamts99: yes, I'm just under the impression that these google occurrences refer to old versions of Evolution.12:41
rausb0mtyhome: you can't use []  to do that12:41
napgcreate the virtual server with sudo ifconfig eth0:1 <ip> up ?12:42
lee-nuckshow do I disable ipv6 ?12:42
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mtyhomerausb0, do i have to use a for or a while?12:42
rausb0mtyhome: shell patterns with []  only match on existing files12:42
YoricWilliamts99: Although I do use Check incoming mail for Junk, there is no X-Spam or X-Bogosity or anything else in the mail headers.12:42
bimberi!ipv6 | lee-nucks12:42
ubotulee-nucks: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv412:42
ivanlivingdaylight strange, paste a screenshot to the pastebin, maybe I will be able to help you out12:42
rausb0mtyhome: you could use something like: touch file{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}12:42
livingdaylightYoric, http://johnleach.co.uk/words/archives/2005/09/15/180/12:42
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rausb0mtyhome: the comma separated lists in {} will be expanded12:43
rausb0mtyhome: this will get you file00 .. file9912:43
Williamts99yoric, gmail takes care of 99% of the spam that I receive, so it hasn't been much of a problem for me.12:43
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mtyhomerausb0, thx12:43
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mtyhomerausb0, can i use []  with ls? or only with grep12:44
rausb0mtyhome: you can use []  with both ls and grep12:44
Yoriclivingdaylight: thanks, I'll take a look12:44
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dade`you can use a bash manual12:44
rausb0mtyhome: but ls only does shell patterns (actually the shell does, not ls) and grep does regexp12:44
livingdaylightYoric, tell me if it is the busniness12:45
mtyhomerausb0, so ls [a-z]  should list all files from a to z?12:45
dooglusmtyhome: to make 43 files, I do this:   i=0; while ((i < 43)); do touch file$(printf %02d $i); ((i++)); done12:45
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dooglusmtyhome: []  is for matching existing filenames in bash, not for generating new filenames12:45
ReFuS4L a febbraio 2007 v?12:45
rausb0mtyhome: no. ls [a-z]  will list you only the files with exactly one lowercase letter12:46
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dooglusrausb0: that depends on your locale I think.12:46
mtyhomerausb0, ok i figured it out, what i said before could be done with ls [a-z] *12:46
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mtyhomerausb0, but only listing lowercase beginning file and dirs12:47
dooglusrausb0: look: $ touch a B c D e; ls [a-z] 12:47
dooglusa  B  c  D  e12:47
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rausb0dooglus: argh. i hate locales.12:47
lee-nucksthanks bimberi12:47
dooglusrausb0: 'B' is between 'a' and 'z' here...12:47
mtyhomedooglus, thx12:47
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bimberilee-nucks: np :)12:48
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octanazcazandco, yes. 1 master per ide port and 1 slave per ide port12:49
incorrectim trying to get dhcpd to push updates into bind, dhcpd user is part of the bind group and the rndc.key is set to 640,  however when dhcpd starts up it can't read the rndc.key file12:49
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azcazandcooctan: not sure I follow12:49
azcazandcoash yes I do12:49
azcazandcoah I do even12:49
azcazandcowhich is which...  on the cable I mean12:49
octandepends on which cable type you got12:50
azcazandcooff for a look12:50
azcazandco64 bit looks a bit scary btw12:50
octansome cables say which is which12:50
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azcazandcodunno if I am making the right move12:50
octanazcazandco, 64 it faster :) i got alot of performance improvment with 6412:51
matoledoalguien contesta?12:51
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:51
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azcazandcodid you have any hassles running apps?12:52
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azcazandcoI wanna get compiz themes on the go this time round also12:52
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dooglusazcazandco: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_select12:53
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azcazandcodooglus: thanks12:53
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ArafangionWhere can I find a 680MB Ubuntu ISO?12:54
Arcad3what shall i use to add/remove users in proftp/mysql/... More easy?12:54
ArafangionI suspect that the cd's I have do not support overburning to nearly 700MB.12:54
Arcad3something like a cPanel12:55
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azcazandcoArafangion: I am actually trying to burn 699mb onto a 700 just now so will tell you how i get on...  it gave a warning12:56
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Arafangionazcazandco: I suspect that the result is highly dependant on the quality of your media.12:56
cpk1Arafangion: there should be a way to add/remove packages from the iso12:56
Arafangioncpk1: "Should" isn't good enough :)12:56
Arafangioncpk1: There "should" be an iso that works for _standard_ cd's.12:57
cpk1well i am almost positive but i forget what its called so i say "Should" =P12:57
ArafangionHeh :)12:57
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Fuzzy76Anyone able to give me some pointers on dual-head with ati proprietary drivers? I've got it running (sort of). But my secondary display has a larger desktop than resolution, so I need to scroll it around. I also have a broken pointer on my secondary display and OpenGL support disappeared. :-/ I've read all guides and troubleshooting tips, to no avail. :(12:58
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dromerrunning dapper12:58
Arafangioncpk1: I suspect that it involves mounting the image using loopback, copying it, chrooting into it, apt-get remove blah blah blah, delete any applicable .deb's, whatever, then remastering the iso, then burning that - too much work!12:58
cpk1dromer: what are you compiling?12:58
dromerchemsuite I gave up :/12:59
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cpk1Arafangion: there is this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/APTonCD?highlight=%28cd%29%7C%28apt%29 but i dont think thats what you want01:00
azcazandcoArafangion: succeeded01:00
ArafangionFuzzy76: I _had_ it working perfectly, then I installed kubuntu-desktop - never got it working properly :(01:00
azcazandcomaxell cdr01:00
Arafangionazcazandco: I see you don't use 100 cd's for $20.01:00
Arafangionazcazandco: These are 'RiDATA' cd's.01:00
azcazandconope I got 50 for about 1201:00
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Arafangioncpk1: Are my suspicions correct - lots of work?01:01
Fuzzy76I wonder if trying the open-sourced driver might be worth a shot. I can live without OpenGL if I get dual-head to work like it should....01:01
Yoriclivingdaylight: ok, applied the filters (I think) -- I just don't quite feel it.01:01
Arafangionazcazandco: Anyway, basically, your media allows overburning - mine don't.01:01
dromercpk1: any idea ?01:01
Arafangionazcazandco: Personally, ubuntu should provide _regular_ and _extended_ versions.01:01
cpk1Arafangion: that link i gave you is all nice and gui'fied but i dont know if it is implemented yet =P01:02
=== dromer want's a chemist-edition :]
cpk1dromer: is this during make?01:02
Arafangioncpk1: So, it _is_ too much work :)01:02
dromerduring configure01:02
cpk1skip configure01:02
cpk1do make from the base directory01:02
azcazandcoI am thinking about installing edubuntu for my daughter01:03
cpk1Arafangion: however this looks like far too much for a lazy person =P https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization01:03
cpk1dromer: also is this what you want? gchemutils01:04
dromerI have it01:04
dade`dade@choo:~/builds$ git clone rsync://rsync.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git ubuntu-feisty01:04
dade`does not work for me01:04
dade`are there server problems ?01:04
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Arafangioncpk1: Don't get me wrong, once upon a time I did everything manually and from scratch :)  I just want things to work these days.01:06
=== dromer gotta go to Q.M.
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netstarsomehow trying to install compiz beryl and all these other things the Xorg binary has been removed and xserver-xorg thinks it's installed, how can I fix this, I didn't go randomly deleting files01:08
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rolandois it possible to set a different language for a different account in my pc?01:10
rolandounder system-languages it sets a global language so things like FF or amule are in the same language in different accounts01:11
aileanroland, do you want different apps in different languages?01:11
aileanrolando, even01:11
rolandoyes in different accounts01:12
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rolandailean: no thanks, ask rolando01:12
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aileanrolando, or just different language settings for each account01:12
aileanroland, got it :)01:12
rolandofirefox wont change language unless i change the "global" language01:12
aileanthe user preferences should be under your home directory...01:12
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rolandoailean: system-languages01:13
superkirbyartistEvery time I restart ubuntu it changes the keyboard to a language I don't like and I have to go to the terminal to change it.  How do I fix that?01:13
rolandoto change that you need a sudo password, and then i go to the other account and its been changed01:13
superkirbyartistSo if I type "sudo setxkb..."01:14
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superkirbyartistThe change will be system-wide?01:14
superkirbyartistI typed "sudo setxkbmap ca -variant fr".01:14
aileanrolando, select the languages you want to be supported01:14
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aileanrolando, then on the login screen, you can select which language to use for each user01:15
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jedi__Just installedberyl, but now i cant move windows & the close n minimise squares r gone? How do i get around this?01:15
superkirbyartistOkay people, I can't change my language.01:15
aileanjedi__, go to #ubuntu-xgl01:15
superkirbyartistBeryl looks ugly on me to.01:15
jedi__ailean, ok then01:16
aileansuperkirbyartist, System, Admin, Language support01:16
incorrectother than echo 1 into ip4_forward, what do i need to do to enable routing?01:16
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superkirbyartistMore like: "DON'TDownload Gaim: http://gaim.sourceforge.net"01:17
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aileanwhat do you mean superkirbyartist01:18
rolandoailean: that is easier said than done, i selected and installed then languages i want to be supported, but then dont know where to chose what language for what user01:18
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aileanrolando, you choose it when they are logging in, i believe01:19
superkirbyartistBecause everyone banned me and usually they unban me in one day but it's the third day they didn't.  Also, Kopete is better, has more features, and is more stable than Gaym.01:19
rolandoailean: ok, but i think nie, ill keep looking through the menus, but im starting to think that it not possible01:19
aileansuperkirbyartist, that is someone's work, don't slag it off01:19
seshomaru123hi can anyone tell me where TTF fonts are stored?01:20
aileanrolando, yes, it is01:20
superkirbyartistThey say "oh we're working on video" and never do it.01:20
aileanrolando, i've done it01:20
aileanrolando, just as you can select whether you want Gnome or KDE when logging in, you can select language01:20
mypapitsuperkirbyartist: kopete? is it like gaim?01:20
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=== mypapit 's a newbie
superkirbyartistA lot.01:20
superkirbyartistWith Webcams, a better account manager, etc.01:21
rolandoailean: maybe, are you using gdm or kdm?01:21
mypapitsuperkirbyartist: ok.. i shall try it.. kinda cool if it supports webcams, it works with yahoo/msn too?01:21
aileanroland, gdm01:21
aileanrolando, gdm01:21
superkirbyartistWebcams yes.  Other protocols are there, no webcam.01:21
rolandook ill try01:21
aileanroland, sorry, did it again01:21
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superkirbyartistYour chat interface looks cleaner too.01:22
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jedi__does beryl remove "maximise,minimize,close" - theyve disappreared01:22
bayziderWhat is the instalation path of of firefox?01:22
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rolandojedi__: the same happens to me01:23
rolandoright click on beryls icon01:23
jedi__rolando, so how you close stuff01:23
rolandoand then01:23
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rolandogoto emerald themes01:23
jedi__rolando, also does it allow you to move windows?01:23
superkirbyartistYes, maybe Gaim is someone else's works, but they only make Red hat packages, what's the point?  And the latest Gaim still isn't stable, and the "stable" 1.5.0 crashes too.01:23
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rolandothen you pick one and borders come back01:23
bayziderAny one know?01:23
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aileanplease guys, don't discuss beryl here01:23
aileango to #ubuntu-xgl01:23
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rolandojedi__:  u heard go there01:24
aileanor in private01:24
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aileanmumbles, don't change your name when you go away01:24
gyopWhere can i find my terminal logs???!?!01:24
jedi__rolando, to emarald theme manager?01:24
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rolandojedi__:  tak01:25
aileanrolando, you looking to change to lithuanian or something?01:25
gyopHeyyy!!, can someon help me? where can i find my terminal logs?01:25
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bayziderPlease does any one know the installation path of the Mozilla01:25
rolandoailean: polish, lithuanian girl wasnt so pretty ;)01:25
aileangyop, we saw your question - if someone knows they will answer01:25
aileanrolando, very good :)01:26
jedi__rolando,i highlighted 1 but nothing happens01:26
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jedi__rolando, u swedish?01:27
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rolandojedi__: computers are no science, try other one, it works 4 me01:27
rolandojedi__: no01:27
rolandogonna try gdm to see the language thing01:28
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skinnisonDoes anyone know how to get an Audio PCI 128D sound card to work with Eft?01:28
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toogreenhi guys, I have a problem with direct rendering.. have the intel gma950 chipset... when i run the live CD direct rendering is enabled, but after installation it,s not, and I have no idea why01:29
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ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705, with a nvidia 7900GS graphic card on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.01:29
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toogreenI also tried Fedora and there was no issues with direct rendering, right after install01:29
bayziderHow do I install macroemdia flash 8 into my firefox?01:30
toogreencan anyone help?01:30
cpk1how can i increase how many lines my tty keeps?01:31
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webbenbayzider, 1) you can't there is no flash 8 for Linux01:32
webbenbayzider, but...01:32
webbenbayzider, 2) there is a flash 7.x and there is a flash 9 beta01:32
webben(I recommend the later)01:32
bayziderwebben: then how do I get flash 9 beta?01:33
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ubinspbut there is a bug in flash9 + mozilla on 6.1001:33
ubinspor firefox01:33
webbenubinsp, a bug? seems to largely work for me.01:33
ubinspyou lust had 2 code line01:33
bayziderumm none of this helping me =\ how do I install it?01:34
webbenubinsp, /possibly/ makes a difference I mainly use the official Mozilla binary but I doubt it01:34
bayzider/get it01:34
webbenubinsp, is it a bad bug01:34
ubinspfor me, firefox and mozilla start, worked 0,1s and closed01:34
webbenbayzider, patience01:34
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webbenbayzider, http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2006/10/beta_is_live.html01:35
webbenbayzider, you'll need to extract it, put the library (ends in .so) somewhere, and then link it to your firefox plugins directory01:35
ubinspWho has a dell inspiron 9400/E1705, with a nvidia 7900GS graphic card on 6.10? When I want to increase or decrease the light of my laptop screen, the session starts again, so I can't change it. Who can help me? that functioned well on my old inspiron 9300 on 6.06.01:35
njanubinsp, please stop continually asking that.01:35
bayziderwebben: so I download it from here http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer9/ ?01:35
webbene.g. ln -s /path/to/<flash9plugin>.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/01:36
webbenbayzider, yep01:36
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Keyseirubotu, please tell ubinsp about forums01:36
bayziderOnce I have it downloaded what do I do ?01:36
webbenbayzider, unpack the archive01:36
bayziderok one sec01:36
webbenpull out the .so file and put it somewhere sensible01:36
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webbenbayzider, then do the linking command I just gave you an example of01:37
bayziderln -s /path/to/<flash9plugin>.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/01:37
bayziderjust but that in the terminal and press enter?01:37
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webbenbayzider: well obviously you need to adjust it to the actual path and filename of your flashplugin01:38
webbenbayzider, and you'll need to do that as sudo01:38
ubinspforums, forums, forums...01:39
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bayzidersudo ln -s /path/to/Desktop/u.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/    (I renamed the foler as u* (with out the star) )01:39
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bayziderWebben it didnt work01:41
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webbenbayzider, er what's "the foler"01:41
webbenbayzider, so you didn't extract the so from the archive?01:42
webbendid my instructions include renaming anything?01:42
bayziderummm no I just do that cause it cuts down on typing01:42
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webbenbayzider, I wouldn't do that with browser plugins01:43
webbenbayzider, in any case, please redownload the archive and tell me where you've put it and what it's called01:43
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bayziderits Desktop/flash-player-plugin-
cpk1how can i change how many lines tty shows?01:45
gyopWhere can i find my terminal log on ubuntu?01:45
webbenbayzider, did you already unpack it?01:45
cpk1gyop: "history" in a terminal01:45
webbenbayzider, okay and what's the so file inside?01:45
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bayziderwebben , libflashplayer.so01:45
cpk1gyop: that only shows the history for that particular terminal though =)01:46
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webbenbayzider, sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/u.so (or whatever you called it)01:46
webbenbayzider, then bayzider, sudo ln -s ~/Desktop/flash-player-plugin- /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/01:47
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bayzidersudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so  ?01:47
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webbenbayzider, whatever you linked it as01:47
bayziderok ok01:47
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webbenbayzider, then close /all/ instances of firefox and mozilla01:47
gyopcpk1:  it gives my entry..01:48
webbenbayzider, then fire up a new instance of firefox01:48
webbengo to about:plugins and see what's there for flash01:48
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zypheroneHi, I'm trying to install the fglrx drivers (following the guide on cchtml) I get the warning "pkg-gencontrol: warning: can't parse dependency -driver-fglrx," then make bails. Anyone know how to fix this problem (On edgy)01:48
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bayziderweben its giving me this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32103/01:48
cpk1gyop: you mean you want to see what actually happened in your terminal?01:49
webbenbayzider, you need to sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so /before/ trying to create a new link01:50
bayziderhuh...... srry I dont know what half that means.01:50
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allzhow to enable universe ?01:50
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gyopcpk1:  yes. when i open berly in terminal, my screen freeze!! i want to look whats goin on before freeze. thats why i asking how can we look terminal logs =o)01:51
nothlitCan anyone tell me a reason Yelp search wouldn't be working? Is it because beagle is malfunctioning? (Beagle regularly takes up large amounts of CPU--dunno if its supposed to do that)01:51
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bayzidersorry about that01:52
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nothlitgyop, you could install and use screen, go look up a guide screen is to complicated to explain here01:52
bayziderSo whats the command I have to do after sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so?01:52
webbenbayzider, hang on01:52
dgoldis there a package for j2re-1.5 for edgy/01:52
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MAXIMUS24hey guys i just instaled ubuntu01:54
MAXIMUS24and i  need  5 min of help01:54
XyZhey? can you tell me, how can i transform my ubuntu 5.1 into Kubuntu 5.1?01:54
MAXIMUS24can anyone spare 5 min for me :D01:54
SmrtJustinI'm trying to upgrade my machine to edgy.  Everytime it goes to install initramfs-tools or volumeid that requires initramfs-tools, I get an error: deb (--unpack): subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 4.01:55
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:55
bayziderxyz , you can install kde and make ubuntu run exactly like kunbuntu.01:55
apokryphosSmrtJustin: are you using the guide to upgrade?01:55
bayziderwebben , you there?01:55
apokryphos!kubuntu | XyZ01:55
ubotuXyZ: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE01:55
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finalbetahttp://blogs.sun.com/chrisoliver/category/F3 << How to I get java jnlp files to work? Normally they are supposed to start automatically.01:55
webbenbayzider, yes, be with you shortly01:55
MAXIMUS24I have instaled ubuntu  and i created 3 partitions01:56
SmrtJustinapokryphos: no, I'm just doing it the way I've always done it: change all references to the old release in /etc/apt/sources.list to edgy01:56
XyZapokryphos bayzider 10x01:56
apokryphosSmrtJustin: that's not sufficient this time around.01:56
MAXIMUS24but i see just one  when i enter in ubuntu01:56
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XyZ2nd question, which root password on ubuntu?01:56
bayziderxyz: what?01:56
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SmrtJustinapokryphos: does the guide have specifics on this problem?01:56
apokryphosMAXIMUS24: perhaps you need to mount them01:56
XyZbayzider> i man thanks )01:56
XyZi mean01:56
MAXIMUS24how do i do that01:56
apokryphos!mount | MAXIMUS2401:56
ubotuMAXIMUS24: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks01:56
MAXIMUS24without loseing what i  have until now01:57
apokryphosSmrtJustin: there's a plethora of problems that you can come to if you don't follow the guide for upgrading.01:57
MAXIMUS24in my ''c'' root system partition01:57
bayziderXyz: just google seting root password in ubuntu or somein.01:57
apokryphosbayzider: what?01:57
bayziderI told him to google it01:57
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:57
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SmrtJustinapokryphos: where can I find the guide"01:58
apokryphoscheck the FAQ01:58
MAXIMUS24ok ubotu i'l check on it now01:58
niktarishi, does ubuntu support OTF fonts ?01:58
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skinnisonDoes anyone know how to get sound out of an AudioPCI 128D sound card on Eft?01:58
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[GuS] Bonjour...02:00
XyZapokryphos> nice, thanks again!02:00
finalbetahttp://blogs.sun.com/chrisoliver/category/F3 << How to I get java jnlp files to work? Normally they are supposed to start automatically.02:00
webbenbayzider, http://www.benjaminhawkeslewis.com/ubuntu/flash-player-9-beta.html02:00
webbenNikolas_, yes I believe so02:01
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webbenNikolas_, sorry that was for niktaris02:02
cpk1how can i change how many lines tty shows? I am trying to list the options for commands i can choose for an app running in tty but i cant see everything because it spams too many options02:02
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skinnisoncpkl:  Try <cmd -h> | more02:03
skinnisoncpkl:  This will limit the output to your tty line length02:03
MAXIMUS24Ubotu u still here02:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about u still here - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:03
MAXIMUS24i ran into another prb02:04
bayziderwebben , on the 5th command im geting this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32106/02:04
niktariswebben, in openoffice too ?02:04
webbenniktaris, they'll work02:04
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webbenniktaris, whether they'll look pretty is another question02:04
niktariswebben, pretty as in windows or mac ?02:05
webbenbayzider, that's okay just keep going02:05
MAXIMUS24i went to System -> Administration -> Disks   and i see the partitions there but it dosent let me create any new folder  or past something into that new folder02:05
webbenniktaris, as in native win/mac apps02:05
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cpk1skinnison: i cant use a pipe because I'm not in a bash i'm in the app =\02:06
bayziderwebben , thanks it worked.02:06
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webbenbayzider, good :)02:06
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progekHi all, I just grabbed suns jre and would like to know how to set this up? I know I can grab java bin from repos and j2re but would like to use what I downloaded from sun. I like the keep my jre/jdk close together when working with tomcat. Do I basically need to install an alternative then update alternatives?02:08
niktariswebben, I copy them over. how do I update the system to see them ?02:08
skinnisoncpkl:  Have you tried to edit the terminal's profile and increase the scrollback?02:08
webbenniktaris, look in the ubuntu guide for installing fonts02:08
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niktariswebben, thansk02:08
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cpk1skinnison: how would i do that? =)02:09
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MAXIMUS24doest anyone knows how to instal and use !GParted02:10
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nothlitMAXIMUS24, just sudo aptitude install gparted        , after its installed System -> Administration -> Gparted, it should be pretty simple from there, if you need more help go to gparted.sf.net02:11
skinnisoncpkl:  Edit Menu > Current Profiles;  You will see a scrolling tab; on it there is a scrollback setting you can increase.02:11
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cpk1skinnison: huh? this is for a tty (no gui)02:13
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skinnisoncpkl:  I misunderstood your problem.  Sorry, that's the limit of my linux knowledge.  Sorry for the rabbit trail.02:15
MAXIMUS24nothlit  i havent found how to install it on ubunto,,i have download it02:16
MAXIMUS24it on my desktop02:16
MAXIMUS24but i dunno how to install it02:16
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MAXIMUS24i am talking about GPARTED02:16
Tomcat_MAXIMUS24: sudo apt-get install gparted?02:17
MAXIMUS24where do i type the commands  to install gparted in ''Terminal''02:18
MAXIMUS24where do i find sudo?02:18
progekHi again, ok I grabbed suns jre from their website, installed it in /usr/local and created a system link in /usr/lib/firefox and it works fine. I would just now like to remove gcj and use java from my new installation. When I run update-alternatives it only gives me the gcj option so can i just remove that and set a path to /usr/local/jre.../java ?02:18
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axisysis there qemu how to for edgy?02:18
nothlitMAXIMUS24, Applications, Accessories, Terminal, then follow what I told you.02:18
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cpk1skinnison: hehe no problem =)02:18
Tomcat_progek: Should work. But why don't you use the sun java package?02:19
Tomcat_progek: Just active multiverse and search for sun-java502:19
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minimecprogek: re ;) Install the jre in /usr/local and add /usr/local/jre(xy) to /etc/environment02:19
progekTomcat_: thanks, just wanted it from suns site :) I also grabbed the jdk from there and wanted them close to each other while I set up my programming environment. Java + apache tomcat.02:19
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mumbleshiya - i am trying to get http://search.cpan.org/~gwadej/Device-USB-0.19/lib/Device/USB.pm onto my ubuntu box any ideas on how to do it ?02:20
Tomcat_progek: Okay. ;)02:20
mumblesits downloaded and untared just trying to exicute it02:20
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warkruidmumbles: perl -eshell -MCPAN and then install Device::USB02:21
picochudoes intel core 2 duo support EM64?02:21
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jedi__i got beryl on 9269/nvidia setup but ive lost "close,max. min.) on all windows .can i get it back?02:22
warkruidmumbles: oops .. i mean open a shell, type "perl -eshell -MCPAN" and then "install Device::USB"02:22
minimecprogek: Did you see my nite?02:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:23
progekminimec: thanks yes, I was away for a minute. I am editing the environment file now02:23
warkruidmumbles: if it is the first time you use CPAN it will require "some configuration" :-)02:23
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nothlitanyone have a good gtk+ file manager to recommend?02:23
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minimecprogek: I think that should do it. The last time I did that was with debian sarge (when it was the testing branch) ;)02:24
SimiGodBeOsFree the02:24
SimiGodBeOsworld .....02:24
SimiGodBeOshelp by   Do one thing Right, all the poeple to suld go from mother Earth, then it a good place02:24
micktmi installed Realplayer downloading the .bin from its site, but I can't see or listen any streamings with firefox!02:24
jedi__ ive lost "close,max. min.) on all windows -- Running beryl on nvidia 926902:25
skinnisonDoes anyone know how to get sound out of an AudioPCI 128D sound card on Eft?02:25
progekok I placed that environment path as the first option in the string of paths but the version java command grabs is still gcj :/ how can I make my new implementation appear within update-alternatives?02:25
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minimecprogek: on emoment02:27
progekminimec: thanks02:27
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allzhow to check what linux linux-image-amd64-k8 is installd ?02:28
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allzi am installing nvidia card02:28
msniderMorning all02:28
allzhow to check what linux linux-image is installd ?02:28
micktmnobody knows why I can't see/listen to streamings with firefox?02:28
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MAXIMUS24ok guys i give up...i tried this ''  http://gparted.sourceforge.net/larry/generalities/gparted.htm '' but it sais it this ipac@ipac-desktop:~$ cd /gparted02:29
MAXIMUS24bash: cd: /gparted: No such file or directory02:29
MAXIMUS24 i have downloaded th egparted prg into the gparted folder on my desktop02:29
msniderCan someone let me know why I should switch from Windows to Ubuntu, having issues with maiing the jump02:29
msniderjust want some opinions besides the "its free" arugment02:29
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minimecprogek: maybe you have to login again or restart the computer.02:29
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progekah ok.. for environment to take effect? could I also add the path in .bashrc?02:30
allzplease someone help me :S i am trying to update or install my nvidia card .what linux-restricted-modules should i install :S02:30
JuJuBeeCan someone help me understand the difference between vncserver and remote desktop?  As I understand it, remote desktop will allow me to control the computer remotely while vncserver will allow me to log in remotely and have my own session?  Am I even close?02:30
=== b1ackBart [n=b1ackBar@pool-72-70-169-208.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
p0okMAXIMUS24, you did not follow instructions.  scroll up and do exactly what nothlit told you to do02:30
dv5237when i do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' i get the following output >> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.<< why issnt this package upgraded?02:30
warkruidallz: remote desktop => windows, vnc=> linux and windows02:31
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progekI will give it a try and log out/in thanks again everyone02:31
nothlitwarkruid, NX (whether 2x/freenx/or nomachine) > vnc :P02:31
warkruidnothlit: :-)02:32
JuJuBeewarkruid : remote desktop allowed me (yesterday) to take control of a linux box from a linux box as long as someone was logged into it.02:32
MAXIMUS24so guys  common just give me a step to step help on how to instal gparted on ubunto02:32
MAXIMUS24just one time02:32
MAXIMUS24i promise02:32
p0okMAXIMUS24, it was given to you02:32
p0okby nothlit, you did not do it, just scroll up and do it02:32
SimiGodBeOshas any one use ?knoppix live Os before i need some help02:33
allzwarkruid what<?02:33
allzplease someone help me :S i am trying to update or install my nvidia card .what linux-restricted-modules should i install :S02:33
nothlitMAXIMUS24, we did. again. Click the top left applications button, then click accessories, then terminal, after that, type sudo aptitude install gparted  then type your password in and hit enter02:33
nothlitSimiGodBeOs, what do you need help on, also, this is an ubuntu help channel, you should try ##linux02:34
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SimiGodBeOsok sorry,02:34
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azcazandcooctan: you still about?02:34
octanim here02:34
azcazandcodoesnt look like the drive has been picked up, any suggestions?02:35
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azcazandcoI only put in one to start with02:35
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JuJuBeewarkruid : I have a classroom with all linux boxes.  I wish to be able to remotely control a computer (to installs and the like) as well as share my screen out if possible.02:35
=== godhell [n=godhell@81-234-253-195-no40.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
msniderCan someone let me know why I should switch from Windows to Ubuntu, having issues with maiing the jump02:35
msniderjust want some opinions besides the "its free" arugment02:35
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ameyerit's more secure?02:35
azcazandcomsnider: it is fun, I made the jump a few mths ago and love it02:35
octanazcazandco, make sure the jumpers on the disk is correct02:35
p0okmsnider:  see usenet, comp.os.linux.advocacy02:36
azcazandcoit says no jumper for master02:36
nothlitJuJuBee, are you using edubuntu?02:36
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JuJuBeemsnider : I made the jump about 8 months ago and no longer use windows.02:36
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nothlitMAXIMUS24, MAXIMUS I ALREADY TOLD YOU ALL THIS ( and please don't use caps)02:36
JuJuBeenothilt : no kubuntu02:36
octanazcazandco, ok, did you try both plugs on the cable?02:36
azcazandcooctan: it is the only one on IDE 1 on my motherboard02:36
msniderhmmm may have to look into it, only thing holding me back is newsleecher( newsreader) and world of warcraft really02:36
azcazandcojust one of them02:37
MAXIMUS24yeah u did but i thought that sudo is another program i need to get installed02:37
SimiGodBeOsi never jumped i was push to linux..02:37
azcazandcoI *think* the cable is in the right way on the mboard02:37
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JuJuBeemsnider : wow available for linix I think...02:37
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msniderthrough wine yes02:37
zypheroneA few guides for the fglrx driver install are not specifying that sudo is needed for the ati-driver-installer script..but it's complaining about not being able to write to /usr/X11R6/bin, am I doing something wrong?02:37
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nothlitJuJuBee, kde has a remote desktop server built in, don't really know how it works, or you can use X11vncserver02:37
octanazcazandco, the cable has 3 plugs.. 1 on the mobo. 2 for disks.. try set it on the other plug for he disks.. also check your bios settings02:37
azcazandcookay brb02:38
azcazandcowill try the other plug02:38
MAXIMUS24Setting up ntfsprogs (1.12.1-1) ...02:38
MAXIMUS24ipac@ipac-desktop:~$ gparted02:38
MAXIMUS24this is what i got02:38
nothlitzypherone, any driver installation requires root permissions.02:38
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MAXIMUS24and it sais somethiong like  this Root privileges are required for running GParted02:38
MAXIMUS24Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it.02:38
warkruidJuJuBee: upgrading via vnc is not very practical, but it should be possible to slave the other linux boxes displays to the main terminal02:39
p0oksudo gparted02:39
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nothlitMAXIMUS24, <like i said> go to system -> administration -> gparted02:39
JuJuBeeI am using vncserver and it allows me to login to a remote computer fine.  But now I cannot view the screen of a logged in user.  Before I installed vncserver on the student computer, I just used remote desktop and that allowed me to view the screen of whoever was logged in and control it.02:39
SimiGodBeOsdo any one know were you updaate files, line xp update, i able to downloal them all ,, then i can use apt to update my whole os ,, for i can't use wireless or dialup, in unbuntu 6.1002:39
MAXIMUS24geez i am stupid02:39
Arcad3i have a 953 port open ....can someone tell me for what iti is?02:39
MAXIMUS24windows got me stupid02:39
zypheronenothlit: It's just that these guides explicitly don't specify it (while they certainly do for other commands)02:40
warkruidJuJuBee: Before = windows?02:40
nothlitJuJuBee, like i said, use kde's remote desktop or install x11vncserver. the regular vncserver doesn't access the native desktop02:40
SimiGodBeOsfiles, to download . on tar02:40
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JuJuBeeno, before I installed vncserver on the student computers02:40
warkruidJuJuBee: Oh sry misunderstood02:40
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nothlitJuJuBee, a REGULAR vncserver does not allow you to see the native desktop.02:40
MAXIMUS24nothlid now how to i make the other 2 partitions visible in computer?02:41
JuJuBeenothlit : will that allow me to login if nobody is logged into the box?02:41
nothlitJuJuBee, which is why gnome and kde have their own or you have to use a regular one02:41
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JuJuBeeso I use kde and some students also use kde but others prefer gnome.  What do i do?02:41
warkruidJuJuBee: install ssh demon on box? then you can log in on it?02:42
nothlitJuJuBee, you'll have to tie it in to kdm, or look into kde's default, I don't have kde installed on this particular computer so i can't help you02:42
nothlitJuJuBee, install gnome, sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop02:42
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nothlitJuJuBee, they can always choose which one from sessions02:42
fulldisclosureIs here someone using a macbook under Linux?02:42
JuJuBeeI have it installed, but I prefer kde to gnome.02:42
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CarinArrcan i put an alias for an ip address to save me from remembering it all the time?02:42
|ubinsp|hello again02:43
=== CarinArr seems to recall you can do it with some sort of hosts file
warkruidJuJuBee: but from ssh you are only logged in under a shell, not a desktop02:43
nothlitJuJuBee, also, you may one to install Gnome Menu Extended and K Menu Gnome, (look in gnome/kde - look/apps), it keeps the gnome and kde menus seperate02:43
CrankymonkyCarinArr, dns servers--dyndns.org02:43
nothlitmay want to *02:43
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fulldisclosureIs here someone using a macbook under Linux? Query me please.02:43
minimecprogek: we fergot something ;)02:43
warkruidJuJubee: but ssh will allow you to do upgrades remotely02:43
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progekminimec: That worked great, thanks. The environment worked. I also set up javac for compiling :)02:43
nothlitwarkruid, he wants to be able to see his student's screens i think, and also wants to let them see his02:44
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progekI just needed to log out/in02:44
progeklike you said02:44
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CarinArrCrankymonky, well it's a static ip, i can bind a dns to it, but i more meant just add an alias so whenever i'm using a terminal i can use an alias instead of the ip address02:44
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warkruidnothlit: I understand, but he also asked about upgrades.02:44
MAXIMUS24how to i make  all partitions visible in my computer ?with  Gparted02:44
minimecprogek Ok. np02:44
CrankymonkyCarinArr, you mean on the machine it's on?  I'm not sure how to do that><02:45
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CrankymonkyAlso not entirely sure what that'd be good for or what you want to do:P02:45
progekminimec: one question, I have java 5 selected on my java alternatives and I just downloaded limewire. However, each time I try running it I get-> runLime.sh: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")02:45
progekthat does not seem like a java error02:45
CarinArrwell what i mean is, when i'm at work, it's handy to just ssh/scp whatever to my home machine to get stuff from it, but i can never remember the ip address02:45
JuJuBeeCarinArr : put the alias in .bashrc file (there are some examples there) I do it on my box for the same reason...02:45
sally2anyone know how to solve this?02:45
sally2Failed to start Volume Control: Failed to execute child process "gnome-volume-control" (No such file or directory)02:45
warkruidprogek: shell error, running under incorrect shell?02:46
JuJuBeeCarinArr : alias someName="ssh user@ip.address.here"02:46
progekI used dapper before edgy and never had this problem, I was using fedora core 6 for a while then tried edgy02:46
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warkruidprogek: sry shell _scipt_ error02:46
fulldisclosureIs here someone using a macbook under Linux? Query me please.02:46
JuJuBeeCarinArr: then at shell just type someName and it will ssh to the ip add02:46
progekwarkruid: I don't know, if I run it from the menu nothing happens. Do you know how I can fix this?02:46
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warkruidprogek: dunno, don't have the script. paste it to ubuntupaste.nl ??02:47
CarinArrjujubee, yeah i've done that already, but i connect ot it using a lot of different ways, so it would be nice if you could just sort of alias only the ip address02:47
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CarinArri was sure there was an easy way to do it02:47
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CarinArrbut i can't for the life of me remember how02:47
webbenCarinArr, /etc/hosts02:48
JuJuBeeso create multiple alias'  like ftpServerName, sshServerName ... each with its own protocol02:48
CarinArrta webben02:48
webbenCarinArr, man hosts for details02:48
CarinArrwebben, that was what i was looking for, thanks02:48
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
progekwarkuid: Where would I find the script? I went to limewires site and downloaded the rpm. I then used alien to convert it into a deb and depackaged that. I also tried reinstalling the deb by right clicking the package but I get the same error. I can always use gnutella but kind of like limewire :(02:49
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b ubotwo!*@*] by LjL
minimecprogek: Hmmm... Did you check that line44 in runLime.sh?02:49
tbfuh.... uh... uh.... what can i do for blocking this stupid "single close button" part of this tabconsistency spec? (https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/tab-consistency)02:49
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tbfor isn't it possible as mark is backing it?02:49
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warkruidprogek: try "sh ./<packagename>02:50
minimecprogek: This doesn't seem to be a java problem. there seems to be a missing '}' on that line 44 ...02:50
warkruidprogek: sry ..  sh ./<packagename> in a shell02:50
webbentbf, why is it so problematic?02:50
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progeksh ./limewire-free_4.12.6-1_i386.deb02:51
progek./limewire-free_4.12.6-1_i386.deb: 1: Syntax error: newline unexpected02:51
mattiprogek: You want to execute a deb file?02:51
mooeytbf, discussion should probably have been raised during UDS02:51
progekthat is all I have, well that and the rpm I converted02:51
mooeyprogek, dpkg -i limewire-free-[tab] .deb02:52
warkruidprogek: sry. didn't realize it was a .deb package..02:52
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tbfwebben: 'cause it detatches the action from the object, cause it forces me to use the mouse for long distances and more importantly cause i've use that interface regulary caused me to close too much tabs accidently in firefox 1.5 and visual studio 200302:52
progekmooey: thanks, I originally did that to install it but has an error trying to start limewire02:52
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mooeyprogek, ah sorry. didn't see the original question.02:53
tbfmooey: since when are flights for free and since when do you expect even users to attend such meetings?02:53
philipsmithI'm running Gnome and want to load KDE, also. I tried: "sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop" and it didn't work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!02:53
fulldisclosureConoceis una buena base de datos de diccionario ingles / espa y un buen frontend para este?02:53
progekmaybe I should look for an older version02:53
mooeytbf, you can join the discussion remotely and for free =)02:53
cpk1philipsmith: you missed "install"02:53
philipsmithcpkl: Many thanks!02:53
tbfmooey: how?02:53
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ameyerIRC (I assume)?02:54
mooeytbf, there are voice communications, gobby, mailing lists etc.02:54
minimecprogek: I rarly had success with alien ;) Maybe you have to compile it manually and do a 'checkinstall' to have a *.deb file in the end.02:54
webbentbf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TabConsistency says commentary is needing from accessibility community02:55
webbenthis moving the mouse problem probably falls under that head02:55
progekminimec: thanks, but I think I will just use gnutella for now. Any way to remove limewire? I tried aptitude remove limewire but it is not found. If i go to add/remove programs it does not show under internet either.02:55
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webbentbf, looks like you could just add a comment at the end there02:56
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mooeytbf, i'm in agreement though. i think its not a helpful change to make.02:56
webbentbf, I recommend being as detailed as possible though; and if possible suggest alternate solutions02:56
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minimecprogek: You did sudo aptitude remove limewire-free ? Your file is called limewire-free****.de02:57
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iratikI downloaded the ubuntu edgy ISO, when I attempt to install ubuntu, it loads a graphical user interface and boots to a live version of the kernel. Is there a way to install the text mode way, i mean not by booting on the live kernel first ? (The live kernel simply runs too slow, and this is on a dual core amd 64 1.5ghz)?02:57
mooeyubuntu should at least follow GTK, and if firefox behaves differently, thats a firefox bug02:57
progekminimec: thanks :)02:57
minimecprogek: ;)02:57
webbentbf: Note that according to Mark, they keep getting reports of accidental closures with a close button on each tab.02:58
Oni-Draculawhat's up with the wolfenstein installer stalling after asking for pw02:58
webbentbf: It may be /fewer/ people have closure problems with a single close tab button.02:58
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Oni-Draculanvm have to sudo sh02:58
tbfwebben: well, guess someone should make a usuablity study on that issue then02:59
MAXIMUS24hey guys i tried installing the nvidia driver  but it sais ''Error:Dependency is not satisiable:  nvidia kernel-1.0.718402:59
webbentbf: Note the reference to some Google study at the end02:59
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webbentbf: you might try and find that02:59
bintutis there a howto somewhere for X Font Server on Ubuntu Dapper LTS?02:59
tbfwebben: well, but as i also meet _few_ people having problems with the single button behaviour, it might be, that there a just two kinds of people03:00
TockersHey, folk. I request assistance! D:03:00
iratikWhat i'm asking is there a way to install ubuntu edgy via text mode (like the old style), I don't want it to install using the live boot-up. Help?03:00
tbfpeople who get along better with single button and people how get along better with tab button03:00
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webbentbf: Well, yeah, but I assume Mark is referring to a differing quantity of user feedback. Perhaps you should argue it needs to be user configurable one way or the other.03:00
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webbentbf: the key idea is to have a consistent interface03:01
tbfwithout trying to insult someone i have the _feeling_ those two groups can be split along their capability to organize/abstract things03:01
mooeytbf, i think that the spec mentions that it should be configurable upstream, and that ubuntu should default to having a button on each tab03:01
fulldisclosureIs here someone using a macbook under Linux? Query me please.03:01
mooeybut that it would be configurable, i guess03:01
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webbenmooey, no the spec says Ubuntu should default to having one button for all the tabs AFAICT03:01
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webbentbf: or maybe just how good their mouse control is?03:02
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webbentbf: or what they're used to03:02
mooeywebben, yep. but the idea is to implement it upstream and be configurable. so with a gconf key, you could swap it to your desired behaviour03:02
webbentbf: lots of possible reasons03:02
iratikI need to install ubuntu without using a graphical user interface for the install, can anyone point me in the general direction to go to find out where to learn how to do this ?03:03
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meng<iratik> get the alternate disc03:04
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iratikmeng: url?03:04
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mengi don't know which to give you03:04
mengi don't live in the US03:04
mengfor me, Korean mirrors are good03:04
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mengbut alternate images are availible alongside the regular CDs03:06
DinkAnyone testing feisty ???03:06
mengis that even out?03:07
Dinkfor testing yes03:07
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dade`i'm using feisty03:07
mooeydade`, how is it?03:07
Dinkdid you update today ? I noticed it was asking to remove kubuntu-desktop03:07
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mengpowershell seems less dangerous than feisty for me03:07
dade`there is compiz, desktop-effect, a new gnome-bluetooth and gnome-power-manager03:08
dade`it's cool03:08
dade`the .19 kernel03:08
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mooeydade`, compiz is enabled by default?03:08
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dade`mooey don' know but it is if you install desktop-effects03:08
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minimecdade`: That gnome-bluetooth thing  sounds interesting... Did you have a closer look at that?03:09
dade`there is an gnome-panel applet providing some basic settings fro bluetooth03:10
allzplease someone help me :S i am trying to update or install my nvidia card .what linux-restricted-modules should i install :S03:10
dade`it's something missing before03:10
minimecdade`: Ok. THX03:10
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gimmulfHi, just ran an update all and installed edgy, when i rebooted X doesnt start.. seems like it cant find the nvidia modules03:12
allzhello how to check if my nvidia card is installd ?03:13
allzwhat command in konsole allowes me to check03:13
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tbfmooey: left my objections03:15
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mooeytbf, cool :)03:15
minimecallz: what exactly do you want to do? Do you want to check *D mode or what?03:16
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tbfmooey: hopefully seb128 and mark read them, before making single button the default03:16
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tbfs/default/only option/03:16
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incorrectis there anyway to could show my squid access log to network users via a web interface?03:17
mooeytbf, it wont ever be the only option. it might be good to voice your concerns on the accessibility mailing list, too03:17
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darkoxi need some help, just installed ubuntu03:18
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
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darkoxand i ran into some problems03:19
darkoxfirst, my ntfs drives didn't mount03:19
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javiolowhere is the config file of ssh ?03:21
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tbfmooey: oh no: not another mailing list03:21
dade`why the hell i can't mirror the git tree of ubuntu-devel kernel03:21
navaladihi I wanna to setup *tapioca* , I have problem, I installed tapioca from source, while running tapioca It says *config file not found *, is there pre-Defined file exist?03:21
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darkoxi switched from xp to ubuntu and can't access my c and e drives, what should it do?????????!!!!!!!!03:22
dcordesmy ubuntu just removed 30 gig of my music. i had an empty folder which i wanted to remove: /media/Externe Festplatte, which i wanted to get rid of. so i did sudo rm -r /media/Externe\ Festplatte  ... the folder did not disappear and i was wondring why it took so long. then i've seen all my music albums were gone. what did i do wrong and is there a way to get those albums back?03:22
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo03:22
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dcordesdcordes: oh sorry for repeating. i'm pretty angry at the moment :-( can't concentrate03:23
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mooeydarkox, see http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_all_users_to_read_only for some information on mounting your windows drive03:23
dcordesi kept this collection of music for years.. now it's all gone03:23
mooeydcordes, this isn't alot of use to you now, but its always wise to use 'rmdir' to remove a folder as it wont delete it if it isn't empty :(03:24
darkoxi'll check that out, but i have another question03:24
darkoxi switched to ubuntu after i saw this video03:24
darkoxhow can i get ubuntu to do that??03:24
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[maTa] how to configure haldeamon: when i put usb modem to mount it like modem, not like usb device (/dev/sda1 )03:24
mooeydcordes, if /media/Externe\ Festplatte was mounted then an rf -r would remove all the items inside that mount03:24
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juliphi all03:25
dcordesmooey: i think i will allways to this from now.. but tell me is there any chance to get this back? and how could it happen? i pointed to a different folder03:25
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javioloI installed ssh any idea why is not a .ssh folder on my home folder ?03:25
dcordesmooey: the folder was empty and there was nothing behind it. no mounting03:25
Rob125darkox: that's a combination of beryl, kiba-dock, and g-desklets03:25
dcordesmooey: but the point is that it removed files on /media/archiv1!!03:25
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mooeydarkox, theres some good guides on the form for installing those applications03:25
Rob125darkox: you can start by getting beryl.03:26
dcordesthat's where my albums is at03:26
dcordes(was  ;-((( )03:26
bintuti just installed ubuntu server dapper and when i apt-get install over the internet, i got this ==>  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32110/03:26
FaithXdcordes: if you are running ext3 its not easy03:26
quietis there a way to fsck an ntfs hard drive from inside ubuntu?03:26
dcordesarchiv1 was ntfs!03:26
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navaladiis anyone faced similar problem?03:26
dcordesFaithX, mooey: i did not even have any write rights on this drive /media/archiv1 since it was ntfs03:27
dcordesi just can't believe this03:27
ndlovuhi all. after logging into gnome, my session freezes just after entering my password. All I'm left with is a brown desktop and a mouse pointer. I can run a failsafe terminal, it seems, but not much else. any ideas how to fix it?03:27
julipam about to follow some instructions to install ifolders what does this mean: This is an  Assumptions the author is making "You have a Mono build chain on the machine to build the software" link to instructions http://www.ifolder.com/index.php/HowTo:Building_iFolder_Enterprise_Server_on_Dapper03:27
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warkruidquiet: not that i know of03:27
mooeydcordes, perhaps its just unmounted, not wiped?03:27
axisysthe qemu link sent by ubotu is not compatible w/ edgy03:27
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_joeyjust how good ubuntu?03:27
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dcordesmooey: it is still mounted03:27
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axisysis there a qemu how to for edgy somewhere03:27
dcordesmooey: and there are 400 albums left of 60003:27
mooey_joey, its fabulous03:27
minimecdarkox: Well ... You have two solutions. you can run 'xgl' with the newer ATI Cards and the Nvidia Cards, or you can use 'aiglx' with older ATI's and some few Nvidia's (there seems to be a new patch). Then you have to load some software to have the 3D effects. There is a #ubuntu-xgl channel. ;)03:27
_joeymooey sure?03:27
dcordesmooey: very strange isn't it?!03:27
FaithXdcordes: then don't wory you can get your data back in windows03:27
mooeydcordes, perhaps they are unrelated. i dont know how stable ntfs support under linux is. maybe its corruption?03:27
[maTa] how to configure haldeamon: when i put usb modem to mount it like modem, not like usb device (/dev/sda1 )03:28
dcordesFaithX: really?? how03:28
FaithXyou just need to ge a decent tool to do it03:28
dcordesFaithX: what kind of tool?03:28
julipi have just installed 6.06 server LAMP install do i have Mono build chain on the machine03:28
minimecdarkox:  If you are new to Linux and Ubuntu... it might be a little bit difficult ;)03:28
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dcordesfirst i will remount it03:28
FaithXdcordes: undeleter03:28
_joeycan I install ubuntu on my Pentium III ?03:29
ndlovuis there some way to reset my gnome profile so that it loads properly?03:29
dcordesi allways thought about moving all my media files to an ext3 partition.... now i have the result for not doint it :/03:29
julipjoey yes03:29
mooey_joey, for sure, that will be no problem03:29
mooeyndlovu, when logging in, choose 'gnome default' as your session03:29
julipanyone know anything about mono03:29
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julipi have just installed 6.06 server LAMP install do i have Mono build chain on the machine03:29
ndlovumooey, I've tried that and it still does exactly the same thing03:30
mooeydcordes, i feel your pain :( i've toasted gigs of music before its not fun03:30
dcordesmooey: i remounted but the files won't appear again03:30
dcordessuch a damn pita03:30
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_joeyI have shitloads on my hard disk too03:30
minimec_joey: Yes you can, but you need at least 256m RAM, if you don't want to die (or fell asleep) in front of your computer03:30
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mooeyndlovu, what happens when you login with the default session?03:30
_joeyminimec of course I don't03:30
javioloI installed ssh, any idea why isnt a .ssh folder ?03:31
dcordeswell i will boot an xp and see if the files are there03:31
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bintuti just installed ubuntu server dapper and when i apt-get install over the internet, i got this ==>  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32110/03:31
julipjoey are you using it as a server or desktop03:31
_joeyminimec I've heard linux can be installed on small devices such as Linksys wireless routers etc03:31
mooeybintut, do you have any third party repositories?03:31
ndlovuafter entering my password, it just gives me a brown desktop with mouse pointer (which I can move). I can also switch to other terminals with Ctl+Alt+Function keys. That's pretty much it.03:31
mooey_joey, linux runs on pretty much anything :)03:31
minimec_joey: I have a Debian etch machine here with xorg, that I use as server. No problem ...03:32
_joeyjulip as a server03:32
julipjoey look for openwrt03:32
julipopenwrt for linksys03:32
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mooeydcordes, good luck :x03:32
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julipubuntu server will not install a gui03:32
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dcordesmooey: you know a file undeleter for xp?03:32
julipno X03:32
julipwill make your P3 go faster03:32
_joeythat's good, I don't like the X03:32
mooeydcordes, i dont i'm afraid. i've never used windows ;o03:32
darkoxi tried sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak and i am getting cp: cannot stat `/ext/fstab': no such file or directory03:33
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julipdownload 6.06 server edition03:33
mooeydarkox, its /etc , not /ext :)03:33
casanohow do I get scroll whell running for ubuntu6.10 and an ibm thinkpad x23 ?03:33
minimec_joey: Yes. These are firmwares, from the linksys community. I have the same thing with an asus router. There I can load and install a different firmeware too.03:33
_joeyjulip can I get the minimal install cd disk image, install the base and add the package I need later?03:33
bintutmooey: check out my /etc/apt/sources.list at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32111/03:34
julipyup thats the server install03:34
_joeyminimec I have sveasoft running on mine.03:34
kotschleuder_joey: sveasoft is evil03:34
_joeyit comes with a nifty web interface03:34
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ndlovumaybe it's time to try out xfce or some other light window manager...03:34
_joeyYes, I know. I still like it.03:34
lancelananyone know Phil Wyett ???03:35
MenZandlovu: Xfce is nice for smaller systems, like my P3j03:35
mooeyndlovu, anything revealing in ~/.xsession-errors ?03:35
MenZalancelan: ...who?03:35
julipbut if its a server Y install X at all03:35
ndlovumooey: ooh, that sounds like the sort of place I want to look03:35
lancelanMenZa, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/philwyett03:36
darkoxi tired ect and didn't work03:36
MenZalancelan: I'd try #ubuntu-uk03:36
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MenZa!seen Philwyett03:36
ubotuI haven't seen philwyett recently03:36
MenZaHe hasn't been on recently, apparently.03:36
darkoxcan someone walk me thru thus step by step, over pm03:36
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ndlovumooey, there doesn't seem to be anything there ringing alarm bells03:37
lancelanMenZa, I know that much :)03:37
MenZalancelan: :D03:37
_joeydoes ubuntu support wifi?03:37
allzhi! what ubuntu do i have .ubuntu edgy (6.10) OR ubuntu breezy (5.10) or ubuntu dapper?03:38
allzcan someone help me .what command in konsole to check what ubuntu i am using03:38
LjLallz, lsb_release -a03:38
ndlovuhow simple is it to switch between window managers? Can I switch between gnome and xfce at the same time?03:38
allzljl codename is dapper .so i am using ubuntu dapper?03:39
LjLndlovu, click on Options on your login screen, if you're using GDM03:39
minimecndlovu: Try to create a new user on the console and login with a gnome session. <ctrl><alt><f1>login ... then sudo adduser gnometest ...  then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart && exit03:39
LjLallz, no, if it says the codename is dapper, it means you're using feisty03:39
LjL... yes you are03:39
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julipi have just installed 6.06 server LAMP install do i have Mono build chain on the machine HELP Please03:39
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julipam about to follow some instructions to install ifolders what does this mean: This is an  Assumptions the author is making "You have a Mono build chain on the machine to build the software" link to instructions http://www.ifolder.com/index.php/HowTo:Building_iFolder_Enterprise_Server_on_Dapper03:39
darkoxi tired ect and didn't work03:40
darkoxcan someone walk me thru thus step by step, over pm03:40
ndlovuminimec, thanks, I'll try that.03:40
mooeyallz, lsb_release will tell you03:40
allzljl what should i pick then ? please check the site for me -> http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb03:40
azcazandcohi everyone, I have just installed a new ide drive and want to install dapper 64bit on it, I currently run edgy on a sata drive, what is the best way to install and then get all of my mail etc accross to my new install?  Ideally, I would like to create a home partition on my new drive and use that instead of the usual /home/userdir setup03:40
LjLallz, pick what corresponds to your distribution.03:40
minimecndlovu: If this works you can rename your /home directory and login with a clean gnome session.03:40
mooeyallz, lsb_release -a03:40
_joeyLjL groovy, nice command to print out the release03:40
allzUbuntu 6.06.1 LTS that is what i am on03:40
allzso i am using ubuntu dapper03:40
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LjLallz, yeees03:41
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allzwhy did you sayid no?03:41
LjLif it says dapper, it's probably dapper, you know03:41
allzthen ljl :S03:41
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ndlovuminimec, would I then copy everything back again to the "new" home directory afterwards?03:41
allz[14:39]  <LjL> allz, no, if it says the codename is dapper, it means you're using feisty03:41
allzi sayid i am using ubuntu dapper then ? .then you sayid this03:41
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mooeyndlovu, copying settings files is likely to cause the same problem again. do you get the splash screen come up?03:42
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mooeyLjL, sarcasm dosen't translate well on the internet03:42
ndlovumooey, the gdm comes up, but not the splash screen showing what's loading up03:42
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minimecndlovu: Well you can copy your files and some of your .conf directories like .mozilla or so. But not the .gnome .gnome2 directories ;)03:43
ndlovumooey, if copying settings files causes the same problem, could I not just find the right file to delete and "get rid of the problem"03:43
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mooeyndlovu, in theory, yep :)03:44
minimecndlovu: Normally ... yes.03:44
ndlovuminimec, what about just deleting the .gnome and .gnome2 directories from my profile?03:44
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LjLmooey, frustration does though03:44
ndlovuminimec, or my home directory at least...03:44
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minimecndlovu: these are not the only possibilities for your problem ;)03:44
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mooeyLjL, if you are frusrated with users then its better for your blood pressure to not speak with them :p03:45
minimecndlovu: I would rather rename your /home/yourname directory to /home/yourname-old ... then create a new directory /home/yourname ;)03:45
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ndlovuminimec, true. call me lazy, but the idea of copying across all the .config directories is not driving me wild ;)03:45
mooeyndlovu, does /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop have exec=/usr/bin/gnome-session ?03:46
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edgy__Hi, I am new to this aiglx stuff and I followed the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLXOnEdgy but now don't know how to see the effects, any hint?03:46
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azcazandcoany suggestions folks?  can I just go on with the install then copy files across at a later date?  I am guessing it'll just add an option in grub?03:46
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allzljl is there a way to take some files from windows ,cause i am duel booted ,?03:47
ndlovumooey, yup03:47
minimecndlovu: Do what you want. My experience shows, that to start with a clean home directory is sometimes a quiet good idea...03:47
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LjL!windowsdrives | alz03:47
ubotualz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse03:47
LjLallz even03:47
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zach634Allz: do you forgive me? :(03:48
ndlovuminimec, thanks for the suggestions; I'll probably end up going for the clean start03:48
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minimecndlovu: np03:48
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zach634LjL: cant you use "sudo mount -t NTFS -o loop /dev/hda /<mount point>"03:49
CarlFKI booted edgy live on a box with an old monitor...03:49
allzzach634 yeah i forgive you .if you help me step by step how to copy one file from windows to linux03:49
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CarlFK but the monitor can't display 1024x7 so it is all flickery03:49
mooeyndlovu, if you login using the failsafe terminal session and run 'gnome-session' in the terminal, does that throw up any ideas?03:49
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CarlFKall I really want to do is apt-get install openssh-server03:50
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CarlFKanyone know the key strokes to open a terminal /bash shell?03:50
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bintuti just installed ubuntu server dapper and when i apt-get install over the internet, i got this ==>  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32110/03:51
ndlovumooey, I'll give it a go. I'll have to exit xchat though (cos it's running from failsafe terminal), so will let you know in a few minutes03:51
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minimecCarlFK: <ALT><f2>gnome-terminal<return>03:51
LjLCarlFK, alt+f2 will give you a "run" windows. don't know the keys for getting a shell - it's F4 under KDE03:51
ndlovumooey, thanks for the troubleshooting suggestions, btw, I appreciate it!03:51
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minimecCarlFK: <CTRL><ALT><f1> for the console03:52
CarlFKLjL: thanks03:52
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CarlFKminimec: oh yeah!  thanks 2x03:52
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mooeybintut, if you are worried about the autenticity of the package you could always download it manually and install it with dpkg03:52
CarlFKbintut: it means you added a repository that doesn't have some security thingy03:53
Discererso... I've forgotten the pass to my mysql database, but when reinstalling or removing completely then installing, it doesn't remove my databases. anyone know where to find the database files?03:53
mooeyCarlFK, he pasted his sources.list and it was pretty clean. not to mention that iptraf package is in main. its wierd.03:53
mooeyDiscerer, /var/lib/mysql maybe?03:54
mooeyDiscerer, there are processes to reset the mysql root password03:54
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Discererok cool mooey03:54
CarlFKmooey: bintut - maybe needs a aptget update ?(i just guessing)03:54
Discererthought you had to reinstall it and remove the tables03:55
cyberfallquestion oh stable is java based ftp servers03:55
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allzguys how to run spec files ?03:55
allzlike msttcorefonts-2.0-1.spec03:55
mooeyDiscerer, you can but thats quite a brutal approach to a simply fixed problem :-) check the mysql docs they document how to reset the password03:55
bintutCarlFK: ok. thanks..03:55
Discereryeah thanks a lot :)03:55
mooeyallz, a .spec file is used for generating an RPM package and cant be run directly03:55
Discererit's a freshly installed db so I barely mind removing the stuff but still :p might be good to know03:55
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allzhow do i run it mooey then?03:56
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darkoxi tried sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak and i am getting cp: cannot stat `/ect/fstab': no such file or directory03:56
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mooeyallz, if you need the MS fonts you can: aptitude install msttcorefonts03:57
mooeyallz, you cant 'run' a spec file as it is just text03:57
allzok :s03:57
allzhey does ubuntu ahve msttcorefonts?03:57
Qwertythe apt-get msttcorefonts from freecontrib (I think) are borken03:57
mooeydarkox, retype the command carefully - its /etc/ not /ect/03:57
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screechingcatallz: yep03:57
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screechingcatallz: install them from the repos03:57
mooeyallz, they are in multiverse so you will need to enable that first03:58
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:58
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:58
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allzmooey okei .how to enable it03:58
mooeyallz, see above03:59
IA-Outdoorsany laptop users here have an issue when booting the system goes to sleep because laptop lid is closed *despite* being docked with an external monitor?03:59
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mooeythere are links to the wiki with instructions03:59
allzmooey thanks i will use my brain once03:59
IA-Outdoorsafter it sleeps it comes back up OK but it's f'n annoying03:59
Discerereh wth... getting "permission denied" when trying to kill a process (using sudo)03:59
screechingcatany edgy users tried the new xorg update ?03:59
LjLscreechingcat: i haven't got any xorg update03:59
screechingcati generally tend to be wary of these things04:00
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screechingcatLjL: check now04:00
LjLscreechingcat: i just checked04:00
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CarlFKI booted edgy live - installed openssh-server (thanks guys) and now am trying to ssh in.  user ubuntu, right?  what is the pw?04:00
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screechingcatLjL: apt-get update and upgrade and see04:00
LjLperhaps it hasn't reached my mirrors yet if it's very new04:00
LjLi know how it's done screechingcat04:00
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mooeyscreechingcat, the changelog looks fairly safe. only dependancies updated, no new code04:01
screechingcatLjL: yes i know that you know. otherwsie i would've typed the whole command04:01
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MaggotinHow do I make mplayer bigger, I mean, when I'm playing a .divx and put fullscreen on, it just gets it fullscreen, but the movie is still on that size04:01
LjLok i'll try changing mirrors and see04:01
screechingcatmooey: cool then. i can upgrade it04:01
CarlFKMaggotin: try (z)oom04:01
ndlovumooey, minimec, both gnome-session and logging in as a different user gave the same problem :(. Maybe reinstalling gnome is the way to go?04:01
mooeyLjL, you might have it already, it was updated on the 1st04:01
LjLoh - well then yeah, i definitely have it04:02
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LjLit was an update from security iirc, i normally install those ;)04:02
mooeyndlovu, it certainly dosen't sound healthy. reinstalling gnome cant hurt :o04:02
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screechingcatmooey: LjL i guess it reached me late coz my update-notifier stopped working04:02
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mooeyi disabled that, drives me mad :P04:03
screechingcati have to maunually check once in a while04:03
minimecndlovu: This is strange ...04:03
allzmooey okey i dont seee nothing multiverse stuff for ubuntu 6.06 lts :S i just see for ubuntu 5.10 backports ??04:03
allzcan you help me04:03
LjLscreechingcat, i recall it did give me problems, but that was really because my APT was broken to start with04:03
ndlovumooey, would 'sudo apt-get install -reinstall gnome' do the trick, or is it something like 'ubuntu-desktop' that I need to reinstall?04:03
progekHello all, ok I ran into something strange. After installing limewire I would get the following error Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}"), now I tried getting frost wire and I get the same error trying to start it.. hmm :(04:03
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ndlovuminimec, I agree!04:03
screechingcatLjL: but my apt is fine. the update manager works too. its just the panel notif that isnt working04:03
LjLscreechingcat, i was talking about the xorg update04:04
joeykjava may be prob for frost/limewire04:04
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joeyki ran into sim probs04:04
screechingcatLjL: ohhh04:04
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progekjoeyk: I think java is ok, I grabbed suns jre/jdk and even set up tomcat with no problems.04:04
screechingcatprogek: i had the same problem. still havent fixed it04:04
minimecndlovu: Try to install a light wm ... sudo apt-get install fluxbox and then try to login with the fluxbox session.04:04
mooeyndlovu, i'm not sure what package to recommend reinstalling tbh :\04:05
progekscreechingcat: yeah, weird04:05
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joeykhmm, not sure then.. thats a kinda general error msg. :)04:05
progekI did not have this in dapper or fedora but oh well. Any alternatives you recommend?04:05
doussysklogd only retains files for a week by default and I want to change it to retain more.. how do I do that correctly and safely? thanks...04:05
progekor anyone recommends?04:05
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screechingcatprogek: gtkgnutella or apollon04:06
progeknice, thanks04:06
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ndlovuminimec, I've been wanting to try xfce for a while, so installing that...04:06
mooeyi've got to shoot, i hope you get it sorted ndlovu :-)04:06
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ndlovumooey, thanks for your help!04:07
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minimecndlovu: Xfce uses gtk too and maybe won't work either... Fluxbox will not take you a lot of space ;)04:07
darko3dwhere can i get emerald from04:07
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screechingcatdarko3d: !emerald04:08
ndlovuminimec: I see :\. It's already downloading, so I'll let it finish first04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
LjLdous, i guess /etc/logrotate.conf04:08
minimecndlovu: ok04:08
screechingcatdarko3d: check on the beryl website04:08
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dousLjL: but sysklogd is a special case, it uses some other script to rotate logs..04:09
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Maggotinhow do I make Mplayer default video player?04:09
minimecndlovu: I am taking a short break . Will be back in 20 minutes ...04:09
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dousLjL: well, specifically, I want to retain more mail logs but since it's part of syslog that's where I started looking04:09
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ndlovuminimec, np, I appreciate the suggestions04:10
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darko3di downloaded when of the themes over there and it didn't work04:10
LjLdous: then try /etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd04:10
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screechingcatdarko3d: which guide did you follow to get beryl working ?04:10
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screechingcatdarko3d: did u get beryl running ?04:11
dousLjL: but then after reading some stuff, that would involve a lot of other logs too.. :( there's actually a daily rotation script too..04:11
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darko3dwhere can i downloaded from, or is it embeded with ubuntu04:12
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screechingcatdarko3d: !beryl04:12
LjLdous: well, then just make *another* cron script that backs up the logs you want incrementally to somewhere else ;P04:12
LjLhey, at least that's as safe as it gets04:12
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darko3dno i didn't run it, i don't know how04:13
Maggotinhow do I make Mplayer default video player?04:13
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astroHello I am a new user of Ubuntu 6.1004:13
javiolowhere are the config files of ssh ?04:13
zach634sup astro04:13
astroBut I cant set the resolution for my laptop04:13
dousLjL: I wish it were that easy... :(04:13
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astroI tried 915resolution04:14
dousLjL: the cron scripts use a perl script to determine which files to rotate by parsing syslog.conf :-/04:14
Rob125astro: system - preferences - screen resolution.04:14
macgyver187astro: u probably need a program called 855resolution04:14
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LjLjaviolo: "dpkg -L openssh-client" or "dpkg -L openssh-server" depending which one you want04:14
astroI tried 855resolution04:14
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astrobut doesnt word04:14
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hondamanis there someway I can make my wireless automatically reconnect when it disconnects?04:14
macgyver187hm...sorry then04:14
docmurGood Day All04:14
astrocan i give someone remote access to help me out?04:15
javioloLjL wasnt a file on .ssh ?04:15
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LjLjaviolo: maybe the local user's configuration is04:15
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javioloLjL no, thats strange04:15
LjLjaviolo: what i told you points to the system-global configuration04:15
maxbI've filed a bug in launchpad, but got no response. What's the best way to (gently) prod someone for attention?04:15
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LjLjaviolo: i have ~/.ssh/known_hosts04:15
javioloLjL I dont thats weird04:16
javiolojust make a  new installation of 6.1004:16
LjLjaviolo: well, do you have any known host? ;P04:16
darko3dhello anyhelp, how do i run emerald and beryl, where can i get them from,and how can i mount ntfs drives04:16
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docmurI was here yesturday and I still have a problem with getting windows to install, no matter what I do, I cleared 95GB for windows to install and when I go to install it, it formats , copies the files and checks the drive all with good results, then when I reboot I get NTLDR missing04:16
javioloLjL yes I had to create .shh and authorized-keys04:16
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javioloLjL but there is not config file04:16
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boggleMaggotin: in Nautilus?04:17
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boggleMaggotin: right click on movie file, select properties, open with04:17
TheGateKeeperdarko3d: repo for ntfs-3g --> deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ dapper main04:17
boggledo that for all file types04:17
LjLdous, i know i'm talking hacks but, you could try setting up dnotify and have it append the logs that were just rotated to some backup location when it detects a change04:17
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CarlFKedgy live cd - does it include on the CD the Gnome Network Manager for WPA authentication ?04:18
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TheGateKeeperdarko3d: and there is an edgy one too04:18
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hansohey. how can I enable midi?04:19
docmur??? does anyone know how to fix my problem04:19
LjLUbotu, please tell hanso about midi04:19
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boggledocmur: it's a windows questions?04:19
docmurnot sure04:20
docmurcould it be caused my grub04:20
hansoubotu: do you know how I can enable midi?04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about do you know how I can enable midi? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
Maggotinboggle, yes it's in nautilus04:20
docmurI've never had this problem04:20
LjL!bot | hanso04:20
ubotuhanso: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:20
LjL!midi | hanso04:20
ubotuhanso: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo04:20
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LjLhanso: look at your private messages04:20
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dousLjL: at least it's a solution... thanks.. :) I guess I'll go ask on the -users list for other approaches.. and I do hope there are other ones.. :-|04:20
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boggledocmur: afaik only the chainloader +1 entry needs to be below the windows stanza, then it should work04:20
bogglebut after a fresh windows install, grub will be gone04:21
docmurokay but will that fix NTLDR Missing ???04:21
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boggledocmur: no idea04:21
docmurokay so I just do04:21
docmurtitle windows04:21
docmurchainloader +104:21
lanfeust21hi does someone have an idea to activate zeroconf on ubuntu edgy04:22
LjL!enter | docmur04:22
ubotudocmur: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.04:22
boggledocmur: root (hd0,0) I see in my grub.conf04:22
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boggleMaggotin: you choose the preferred application in the open with tab of the files properties04:22
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MaggotinBoggle: Thank you!04:23
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darko3dthegatekeepr: what do you mean by edgy04:24
darko3dand witch one should i download http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/04:24
tobi1canobeWhat is the default char encoding in ubuntu?04:24
LjLtobi1canobe: UTF-804:25
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tobi1canobeLjL thanks04:25
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boggledarko3d: edgy is version 6.10, drapper 6.0404:25
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redgunsomeone with irda and smsc-ircc2 driver?04:26
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quietdrapper doesn't exist...  and Dapper is 6.0604:26
pip__so this thing with flash not working with 64bit ubuntu totally sucks04:26
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quiethoary is 5.0404:26
bogglequiet dark0d: ok, sorry for the confusion04:26
pip__LjL: darling?04:27
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compengihow much kb is mb04:27
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macgyver187I installed SuSE on a desktop here at school just to try it, and perceived it as VERY slow...04:28
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quietand then?04:29
compengiquiet, thanks04:29
roscarhey all, anybody in the mood to help me with my Sound problems?04:29
PlanarPlatypusroscar, what is the problem?04:30
roscarsound worked, booted up in the moring, no more sound.04:30
macgyver187nothing...:) resembles WinXP too much...cant stand it04:30
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roscarWorks in windows so I'm baffled.04:30
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PlanarPlatypusroscar, do you know what soundcard you have?04:30
kotschleuderam i right in assuming beryl+fluxbox won't work?04:31
darko3dii have dapper 6.0604:31
roscarthe device manager indicates it's the "nForce2 AC97 Audio Controller (MCP)"04:31
PlanarPlatypusroscar, ah04:31
roscarI'm running a pretty fresh install of edgy.04:32
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quietcompengi, http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/calculate/04:32
PlanarPlatypusroscar, open a terminal and run "alsamixer" shat does it wsay next to card and chip?04:32
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ircdevilwill ubunto detect and install wireless adapter with WPA support automagically?04:33
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roscarRealtek ALC650F is the chip and NVidia nForce2 is the card.04:33
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roscarthanks for the help by the by.04:33
PlanarPlatypusroscar, no worries04:34
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PlanarPlatypusunder master does it have a green box with a white 00 in it?04:34
javiolo_whats the best way to uninstall apps and all of his dependences ?04:34
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roscarThe only thing I did since watching a show last night and booting the computer in the morning is install a printer driver.04:36
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roscarthe Brother 1430 driver.04:36
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roscarI've since removed it and the card doesn't work.04:37
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gbutler69_Anyone know anything about Webcams on Edgy?04:37
raghu206i cannot install adobe reader for my i386 machine:can any one help04:37
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gbutler69_I have a "Logitech Qickcam Pro 4000" that worked on Dapper, but now does not work on Edgy.04:37
eric_adobe reader freezez my browser04:37
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quietwill   dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/hdb  totally overwrite _EVERYTHING_ on said disk, including mbr?04:38
gbutler69_It does show up as a "V4L" device in Ekiga....but, it just shows a grey screen when I select it....04:38
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quietraghu206, why not? what happens?  `aptitude install acroread`04:38
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raghu206quiet, Package acroread is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:40
PlanarPlatypusroscar, the only thing I can think of is that somehow the settings god confused and it either didn't load the driver or muted the card04:40
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raghu206This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:40
raghu206is only available from another source04:40
PlanarPlatypusroscar, was tere any sound on boot at all?04:40
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quietraghu206, you have universe/multiverse repos enabled?04:40
eric_do you have all of your repositories enabled in sourcse.list?04:40
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eric_quiet read my mind04:40
raghu206quiet, how to enable them04:40
wolfgangeric_, hallo04:40
roscarnothing at boot. I figure it's something like that but I'm unsure how to check such things.04:41
quietraghu206, synaptic04:41
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eric_sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
gbutler69_In /var/log/messages I receive the following:04:41
quietSettings -> Repositories04:41
gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:35 st99801 kernel: [17283254.452000]  usb 3-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 204:41
gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:36 st99801 kernel: [17283254.740000]  usb 3-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice04:41
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gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:36 st99801 kernel: [17283255.516000]  Linux video capture interface: v1.0004:41
gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:37 st99801 kernel: [17283255.588000]  pwc Philips webcam module version 9.0.2-unofficial loaded.04:41
gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:37 st99801 kernel: [17283255.588000]  pwc Supports Philips PCA645/646, PCVC675/680/690, PCVC720[40] /730/740/750 & PCVC04:41
gbutler69_Nov 15 16:46:37 st99801 kernel: [17283255.588000]  pwc Also supports the Askey VC010, various Logitech Quickcams, Samsung MPC-C10 a04:41
gbutler69_nd MPC-C30,04:41
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bintutis there an ubuntu backports?04:42
starkruzrHi guys.  Upgrading to Edgy appears to have trashed my dependencies.  I can't fix them with apt-get -f install.  Can someone give me a hand sorting this out?04:42
eric_hi wolfgang04:42
LjLUbotu, please tell bintut about backports04:42
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minimecndlovu: Some news? ;)04:43
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Raskallhow do I apri my bluetooth dongle with my cell phone in edgy? in previous ubuntus a pairing dialog has popped up when I punched the pin on my cell phone. In edgy it does not04:43
raghu206quiet, where can i find in synaptic04:43
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CarinArrhow can i check what package provides a certain program?04:43
Maggotinhow do I extract a tgz?04:43
flashedwhere does network manager keeps the configuration files?04:43
LjLUbotu, please tell Maggotin about tar04:43
quietraghu206, settings -< repositories04:43
gbutler69_maggotin: tar -xzvf foo.tgz04:43
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starkruzrubotu, pastebin?04:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about import - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:44
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:44
LjLUbotu, please tell CarinArr about packages04:44
gbutler69_Maggotin: Or, if you prefer GUI, use Archive Manager, or simply double-click the TGZ in the file-manager....04:44
pipLjL: darling?04:44
bintutthanks LjL04:44
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piphow do i get a working flash program for my 64bit ubuntu?04:45
macgyver187installing ubuntu on a desktop: Resize IDE1 master, partition #1 (hda1) and use freed space <- gives error message04:45
AlanHaggaiWhich is the best software in Ubuntu that can simulate 8085 assembly?04:45
pipive tried that flash-player-plugin-
pipbut it doesnt work04:45
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LjL!info gnusim8085 | AlanHaggai04:45
ubotugnusim8085: Graphical Intel 8085 simulator, assembler and debugger. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.89-4 (edgy), package size 182 kB, installed size 800 kB04:45
LjLUbotu, please tell AlanHaggai about packages04:45
pipUbotu, please tell pip about flash04:46
AlanHaggaiany other simulators?04:46
pipimba :D04:46
LjLAlanHaggai: no, unless their description doesn't contain the word "8085", which i find unlikely04:46
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AlanHaggaiok thanks LjL :)04:46
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starkruzrHi guys.  Upgrading to Edgy appears to have trashed my dependencies.  I can't fix them with apt-get -f install.  Can someone give me a hand sorting this out?  Here is a paste of the results when I attempt to fix, and my sources.list file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32122/04:47
zach634damnit pip with the "imba"s again04:47
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pipzach634: whast wrong with imba?04:47
PlanarPlatypusroscar, if you run alsemixer again and check to see if the master or pcm is muted04:47
Jimboanyone use this newsreader?   http://sourceforge.net/projects/sabnzbd/04:47
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roscarwhat would it look like if it was muted?04:48
LjLstarkruzr: i don't know, but you have universe and multiverse enabled in the "edgy" repository, but not in the "edgy-updates" and "edgy-security" repositories, which doesn't sound good at all04:48
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roscarpcm is turned off. Is that the same as muteing?04:48
Jimbohow do I install a program that is in .tar.gz form?04:48
Jimbonew to linux here04:49
LjLstarkruzr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine#head-e1a24b1b2037f68b5a95f54388582b58ea4c9bd004:49
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Rodietzewhy doesn't UBuntu 6.06 have gcc, make etc..?04:49
LjLJimbo, tar.gz is just a compression format04:49
zach634jimbo: tar -xvf <stuff>.tar.gz04:49
LjLUbotu, please tell Rodietze about compile04:49
LjLJimbo: then it depends on the program04:49
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systestRodietze: it does, they're just not installed by default04:49
zach634rodietze: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"04:49
JimboLjL...its a newsreader that supports nzb files04:49
eric_tar xf file.tar.gz04:50
Rodietzesystest: zach634  thanks04:50
Jimbozach  will that install it?04:50
zach634Jimbo: after you extract it with tar -xvf, cd to the folder and do ./configure   then make    then make install04:50
LjLJimbo, i meant it depends on the *specific* contents of the archive. it's like a .ZIP archive you can get on Windows -- there isn't a standard procedure for installing whatever is contained in it04:50
starkruzrLjL: Fixing that doesn't appear to have helped anything, but thanks for the heads-up anyway04:50
eric_did someone say windows?04:50
zach634"tar -xvf newsreader.tar.gz" "cd newsreader" "./configure" "make" "make install"04:50
LjLstarkruzr: have you run a "sudo apt-get update" after fixing that?04:51
Discerercan i ask phpmyadmin/mysql-related questions here?04:51
systestzach634: not to nit pick but I think Jimbo will need "tar -z ..."04:51
starkruzrAnd then a sudo apt-get -f install.04:51
starkruzrPrecisely the same result.04:51
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Rodietzeuhmm, but there is no "build-essentials" package in the CD :\ is it availble just through remote repositories?04:51
starkruzrIf it wasn't able to find something because I bollocksed up the repos, it would have at least said "found a reference to it, but couldn't find the package."  Or whatever error that is.04:51
PlanarPlatypusroscar, the box underneath the bar would have two Ms in it04:51
zach634rodietze: "build-essential"04:52
Jimbozach...so first run ./configure, then  what?04:52
zach634jimbo: run ./configure04:52
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Jimbomake install isnt a command is it...dontyou have to precede it with something/?04:52
Rodietzezach634:  even so, that's not there in the CD drapper 6.0604:52
zach634jimbo: then if you have build-essential, do "make", then "make install"04:52
roscarok, PCM is muted but Master is not.04:52
roscarhow do I demute PCM?04:52
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LjLstarkruzr: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/courier-authlib/+bug/64615  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/64615  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/courier-authlib/+bug/6755804:53
Jimbomake install >path to app>?04:53
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zach634no, just make install04:53
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Jimbok ..how does it know what to install with just "make install"04:53
zach634i think...  someone correct me if I am wrong04:53
Rodietzezach634: build-essential isn't there cause the search for it returns empty04:54
zach634that's what make does04:54
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LjLJimbo: "make" is a command. "install" is a parameter for the command. you might consider checkinstall as well04:54
LjLUbotu, please tell Jimbo about checkinstall04:54
JimboZach...im confused...how will it know which app to install with "make install"?04:54
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zach634if you're in the folder with the sources04:55
zach634then it will04:55
LjLJimbo: it will just run the "Makefile" file that it finds in the current directory04:55
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zach634that's what ./configure does04:55
zach634and make04:55
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LjL!pm | Tup4c04:55
ubotuTup4c: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.04:55
Jimbodamn gain crashed again04:55
LjLJimbo: it will just run the "Makefile" file that it finds in the current directory, which of course means that you must be in the right directory04:56
JimboI missed any response in the last 2 minuts cus gaim crashed again04:56
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LjLJimbo: "make" is a command. "install" is a parameter for the command. you might consider checkinstall as well04:56
wheels3572Can anyone tell me if there was functionality removed in Gaim 2.0.0Beta3.104:56
Jimbook so first cd to the directory that contains the files, then do make install?04:56
zach634Jimbo: ./configure first04:57
zach634then make04:57
zach634then make install04:57
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Jimbook ill try it bb04:57
Tup4cokei all ya .How do i remove hda1 just delete it ? .cause i cant with my .it says you dont have permission to do this .and i do then chmod 500 hda1 but steel not working .04:57
starkruzrOkay.  When you're make-ing a program, and C code tries to #include <something.h>, where does it go looking for something.h?04:57
Tup4cwhat could be wrong :x04:57
LjLTup4c: what do you mean "remove hda1"? destroy the partition?04:57
Tup4cdestroy it :S04:58
Tup4ccause i cant go in it04:58
PlanarPlatypusroscar, select pcm and press "m"04:58
LjLstarkruzr: /usr/include04:58
zach634he's trying to read files off hda1, his windows partition04:58
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LjLand since he can't, he wants to destroy the partition?04:58
LjLsounds logical04:58
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Tup4cljl it just says i dont have permission to go in to the partition04:58
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TarandusI can't boot my B&W G3 to any linux installer04:58
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LjLTup4c: either go into it as root, or mount it with user permissions04:58
LjLUbotu, please tell Tup4c about windowsdrives04:58
scythethen run your browser as root, you will have permissions then04:58
starkruzrLjL: I need it to not look in /usr/include.04:58
TarandusIt just goes to the black screen and complains that it can't read any yaboot.conf04:59
PlanarPlatypusroscar, ?04:59
roscarwhat is the PCM04:59
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starkruzrLjL: Instead I need it to look in ~/include04:59
Chousukestarkruzr: use -I04:59
roscarsorry, by bomber I mean "IT LIVES!"04:59
Tup4cljl .all i need is just one command .that can DISTROY this hell :(04:59
roscarthe PCM, whatever that is, being muted was the problem.04:59
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starkruzrChousuke: What?04:59
starkruzr-I with what?04:59
Chousukestarkruzr: it looks in directories specified by the -I switch too.04:59
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zach634Tup4c: lol, i told you that yesterday... dont do it again04:59
Chousuke-I ~/include05:00
scythetupac, you tried parted?05:00
starkruzrIs there an environment variable for this?05:00
LjLTup4c, that makes no sense. i'm not giving you a command that deletes a hard drive partition just because you can't read from it.05:00
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PlanarPlatypusroscar, not 100% sure what it is, I just know it needs to be not muted for sound to work properly05:00
Chousukestarkruzr: dunno. man gcc :P05:00
starkruzrBecause this is with TCL's pimake program, not regular make.05:00
PlanarPlatypusroscar, I /think/ it has to do with converting the digital signal to analog for the speakers05:00
roscargood enough for me, Thanks again with your help.05:00
roscarI'm sure I'll be back at some point.05:00
bogglehow to add the special keys of a HP multimedia keyboard? I can choose it in System->Preferences->Keyboard and the Search button does work05:01
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LjLTup4c: what do you think you'll obtain by wiping your Windows partition?05:01
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mcquaidhello, i got a nvidia 6200, and it works fine but i can't adjust video brightness,contrast etc05:02
Jimbozach, can i use checkinstall instead?05:03
zach634mcquaid: arent those monitor functions?05:03
zach634Jimbo: i dont know about checkinstall05:03
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scythezach they can be done with some video  cards as well05:03
mcquaidi tried disabling composite but didn't help.  I read that geforce 6/7's dont support hardware overlay is that true?05:03
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starkruzrHow do I get apt to download a package into the current directory, regardless of whether or not it's already installed?  -d doesn't work because it's already installed.05:03
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mcquaidzach634, yes a monitor has those, but video cards have them for the desktop/open gl and xv (hardware overlay for video) which can all be tweaked independently05:04
Jimbozach..i was looking at this link    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall05:04
zach634starkuzr: man apt-get   I know there's a way05:04
scytheif its already installed, the .deb is already on your hd.. just look for it and dont worry about downloading it05:04
starkruzrapt-get's manpage is dazzlingly unhelpful :p05:04
soundrayHow do I access the top menu bar in emacs when running in textmode? (Probably obvious, but not to me...)05:05
scythestar... most man pages are that way :)05:05
mcquaidbut i just read somewhere that newer geforce's got rid of hardware overlay which is kind of crap05:05
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starkruzrscythe: Where would it put them on my HD?05:05
starkruzrIt also seems somehow wrong that it keeps the .deb for every program installed.05:05
scythegimme a minute and Ill have the dir05:05
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soundraystarkruzr: make a cronjob that runs 'apt-get clean' or 'apt-get autoclean' as root05:06
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soundraystarkruzr: are you looking for a cached .deb? /var/cache/apt/archives/05:07
scythestar.. /var/cache/apt/archives05:07
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scythethans soudray05:07
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scythebeat me to it :)05:07
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eric_my edgy is running fine05:07
zach634soundray strikes again!05:07
=== soundray is gradually losing all modesty ;)
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soundrayHow do I use the top menu bar in textmode emacs please?05:09
eric_apt-cache search emacs05:09
boggleto answer my own question, keytouch is the program to chose05:09
eric_woah, read my mind05:09
bintutany X Font Server implementors here?05:09
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Vspiritquestion, ubuntu6.10, wlan pc-card linksys wpc54g v3.1, how do I install it?, I have tried using ndiswrapper, but is stopped at : sudo modprobe ndiswrapper  which is complaining about  FATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper05:09
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bintuti want to setup an X Font Server but there are 2 similar packages in the repository05:10
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bintutXFS and XFSTT..  do i need both or just one of them?  what do you suggest?05:10
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aTypicalHello all.  I'm looking for anyone using an HP Pavilion DV9000 series laptop with 6.10.  I wanted to see what, if any, challenges I can expect installing and configuring the devices.05:10
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incorrectis nagios 2.5 packaged?05:11
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eric_atypical, you'll probably have to install video card drivers05:11
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dreamAny one here use ubutu server05:12
eric_i use ubuntu server05:12
aTypicaleric_, I think I'd be ok with that.  Although, I'm surprised that it's their not available somewhere.05:12
eric_they are, just not by default05:12
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PlanarPlatypusdream, yes05:12
dreamplanar the server ver is gui ?05:13
eric_drean, no05:13
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dreamcan i do ubutu desktop on server is ok can work05:13
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soundraydream: sure05:13
PlanarPlatypusdream, yes it will work05:13
eric_maybe you'd be better off putting server on the desktop install05:14
PlanarPlatypusdream, my home computer was installed that way05:14
dreamplanar sory i dont understand you05:14
dreamcan you exply05:14
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eric_i got samba working with my windows virtual machine, that was pretty neat05:15
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PlanarPlatypusdream, I assume you mean "can I just install ubuntu-desktop" on a ubuntu server computer.  Yes you can, I have done so on my home computer05:15
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eric_dream, i have done this as well.  i have also installed ubuntu server toold on a desktop install05:16
dreameric, i am setup new server at my shop for data only storage05:16
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dreammy server hard ware raid 105:16
dreamis that ok05:16
NineTeen67Comethi all .. my mother would like single click icons to open applications .. Is this an easy do in Gnome? (Or Xfce as I've installed both for her) ..05:17
eric_dream, raid is no problem05:17
KrisHi - I'm a complete Ubuntu newbie. Can someone explain to me what an ESSID is and why Ubuntu needs it to connect to my wireless network?05:17
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dreamsory i am asking this but i am new  here two in linux05:17
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dreamcan i do folder to trasfer data from windows xp or windows 2003 to linux and from linux to windows05:17
eric_dream, have you already set up your ubuntu server?05:17
=== NineTeen67Comet a PIII 450mhz box with 372mb ram works pretty well.. (Especially with Xfce4 running) ..
soundrayKris: it's an identifier that distinguishes your wireless network from others around you.05:18
dreamno no05:18
eric_dream, check out samba05:18
dreami am dawnload right know05:18
KrisCool soundray... do you know how I'd go about finding what mine is?05:18
soundrayKris: to find out what it is, check your router config.05:18
dreamsaba is in ubutu05:18
KrisThanks soundray =)05:18
eric_dream, when you partition your drives you'll have to set up the RAID there as well.05:18
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NineTeen67Cometeric_: is someone ever going to build an app like Samba just less evil?05:18
soundrayKris: you could also scan available ESSIDs if you knew your wireless  interface name.05:18
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soundrayKris: do you?05:19
dreameric what sens sory05:19
dreami have 2 hard drivs mirring05:19
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eric_Nine, i wish!05:19
KrisI'm not sure what a wireless interface name is soundray05:19
eric_dream, iu do as well05:19
KrisWhat is an example of an ESSID? I don't ever remember setting one up05:19
soundrayKris: what kind of wireless network device are you using?05:19
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AlanHaggaiany way to remote invite a friend of mine so that he can see my desktop?05:19
KrisIt's a BT Voyager wireless router05:20
AlanHaggaihe is using windows and I am using Ubuntu05:20
soundrayKris: routers have their manufacturer name quite often: NETGEAR, Belkin, linksys05:20
dreamkris ubutu have 1 disk05:20
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eric_dream, partition one drive like normal, with the swap and / mount points, then set uyp the second disk as a raid partition05:20
soundrayKris: I'm asking not about your router, but the network device in or on your computer.05:21
NineTeen67CometAlanHaggai: You can use VNC and just give him the address of your box, and a password .. there is a lot of info on vnc on google ..05:21
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macgyver187what is OEM installation mode in Ubuntu?05:21
dreameric i cant becouse my server is only 2 hard drive mirrion 105:21
NineTeen67Cometgotta run all ..05:21
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AlanHaggaithanks NineTeen67Comet :)05:21
eric_Alan, try tight VNC05:21
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KrisAh, you mean the device which picks up the signal, soundray? Let me go check that...05:21
eric_(tight vnc on the windows machine)05:21
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Williamts99alanhaggai, http://www.ultravnc.com05:22
eric_dream, you'll see what i am talking about when you are in the partitioner05:22
AlanHaggaithanks Williamts99 :)05:22
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Williamts99alanhaggai, NP05:22
dreameric ubutu only 1 cd right i need to dawnload05:22
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KrisIt's just some USB adapter soundray05:22
Kris(is that the answer you were looking for??)05:23
eric_dream, yep one CD!05:23
Jimbowhats the url for pastbin again05:23
Jimbothis isnt working05:23
soundrayKris: that gets us one step further. Do you know how to open a terminal?05:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:23
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maxbI've filed a bug in launchpad, but got no response. What's the best way to (gently) prod someone for attention?05:24
scythemaxb.. a sledgehammer??05:24
eric_maxb, ball bat05:24
zach634maxb: from behind05:24
Deftmaxb: provide more information? too subtle?05:24
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KrisYep I've done that soundray (sorry for the delay, the machine with Ubuntu is in the other room!)05:24
eric_i meant baseball bat05:24
dreameric do you have server with riad05:25
eric_dream, yes05:25
scytheeric.. what.. no cricket bats?05:25
dreamyou have 2 hard diks in your server05:25
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eric_scythe, cricket?!?  cool!05:25
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maxbNah, there's plenty of information there. Just needs the maintainer to acknowledge and determine what to do.05:25
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soundrayKris: okay, in that case, I'll give you a series of instructions to take away with you:05:25
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eric_dream, yes05:25
zach634eric has two hard diks in his server?05:25
dreamyou have 2 hard diks in your server eric05:25
eric_dream, they are mirrored.05:26
lmosherThis is so strange. About half the times I start my laptop it has no sound. Any ideas why? Anything I can do to get it going again?05:26
zach634you mirrored your two diks?05:26
eric_i did zach05:26
zach634do any of you get the joke here?05:26
eric_i am LOL05:26
zach634thank god05:26
zach634"two hard diks"05:27
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zach634that's bash worthy05:27
lmosheronly kinda05:27
soundrayKris: first, unplug the USB stick. Then run 'ifconfig -a' in the terminal. You will see probably several "stanzas" of information. Doesn't matter what's in there. Just plug the device, wait 5 seconds, then run the command again.05:27
Williamts99zach, we get it, it's just not that funny :-)05:27
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eric_damn i need more coffee05:28
soundrayKris: the name of the stanza that you see now that wasn't there before is your interface device name.05:28
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zach634downgrade your humor level to v.SouthPark and it will be hilarious05:28
gilnimwhat's the command for a terminal05:28
eric_soundray, you are a trooper!05:28
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Deftgilnim: what terminal?05:28
KrisCool thanks soundray, I'm just going to do that now05:28
lmosheris there any way to re-start my sound system? When I go into sound preferences the tests fail.05:28
soundrayKris: it could be, for example, rausb0. If it's that, scan your network with the command: 'sudo iwlist rausb0 scanning' (will ask for your user password)05:28
eric_if you can pass a command, you are probably in the terminal05:28
minimeclmosher: Hmmm ... Well I don't know why do you have your problem... but as a dirty trick make a script that reloads ALSA when you start your gnome-session.05:29
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gilnimno - the problem is: i use xfce but the menu doesn't work any more05:29
JimboIm trying to install a newsreader. Could someone that knows this stuff look at this pastebin and possibly tell me what Im doing wrong?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32130/05:29
soundrayeric_: is that a good or a bad thing? ...05:29
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gilnimi have no clue how i can get it to work again05:30
lmosherminimec, How do I reload alsa?05:30
eric_soundray, a good thing.  ;)05:30
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soundrayeric_: okay, thank you then ;)05:30
Williamts99jimbo, what does the readme say05:30
zach634Jimbo: that's the package, not the source code05:30
Arcad3does Ubuntu has something similar to Cpanel?05:30
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zach634./configure is for source code, usually in the form of a .tar.gz file05:31
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lmosherHow do I reload ALSA?05:31
minimeclmosher: Try that: in a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart05:31
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lmosherminimec, thanks05:31
Jimbozach...its the folder produced when i extracted the .tat.gz?05:31
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gilnimwhen i click on "Menu" in xfce nothing happens! Same if i press the right button05:31
Jimboi mean tar.gz05:32
Arcad3where can i find a software that can manage my FTP mysql users?05:32
Jimbowhere would the source code reside?05:32
zach634JimboL really?  hmm...  see if you can find a version of it in source code version05:32
lmosherminimec, hmm that's not working :(05:32
LjLJimbo, usually in a directory called like the .tar.gz file (except for the extension)05:32
minimec@all I thaught that alsa was started with alsa, not with alsa-utils. Is that an edgy thing?05:32
Jimbolooking in folder05:33
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soundrayJimbo: it's a python program. Try 'chmod 755 sabnzbd ; ./sabnzbd'05:33
Williamts99Jimbo, what is this program called?05:33
SpeedyGhey, I wanna reinstall grub on my system (windows install removed it) the hdd is a sata-disk (sda) how can I install it ?05:33
minimec@all How do I restart the alsa daemon?05:33
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soundray!grub | SpeedyG05:33
ubotuSpeedyG: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:33
minimeclmosher: Let's ask the community ;)05:33
Tup4cljl it worked :)05:33
zach634Jimbo: they might not offer youthe source... i couldn't find it05:33
gilnimwhen i click on "Menu" in xfce nothing happens! Same if i press the right button - please help me!05:34
soundrayminimec: 'sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart'05:34
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Jimbozach where did you look?05:34
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minimecsoundray: thx. So I did right.05:34
zach634Jimbo: sourceforge05:34
lmoshersoundray, Unfortunately, that's not giving me sound. Restarting seems to work.. but that doesn't tell me the underlying problem05:34
Jimbothats where i got it05:34
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soundraygilnim: have some patience. Xfce experts are a bit scarce. You may have to ask again later.05:34
lmosherI can't even figure out -why- I don't have sound.05:34
minimeclmosher: Your problem could be hardware (driver) related.05:34
eric_gilnim, can you atill access things with the keyboard, is it a mouse thing?  or is the mouse fine?05:35
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lmosherminimec, then why does it work fine after a reboot?05:35
thartmanif I run updatedb (the file system updater for locate), when I have mounted nfs drives, will this cause problems?05:35
Tup4callz@Allz:~$ sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts the out put -> E: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate05:35
minimeclmosher: The sound daemon seems to work correctly.05:35
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Tup4csomeone plzzz05:35
Deftgilnim: I don't use xfce, so the best I can suggest is to think about switching to a new account with fresh settings05:35
Tup4cwhat is wrong?05:35
LjL!info msttcorefonts05:35
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB05:35
LjLTup4c: you don't have multiverse enabled05:35
Otacon22There is an howto for remove compiz and install Xgl?05:35
gilnimeric_: nothing to do with mouse or keyboard05:35
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dooglusminimec: tried #xfce or #xubuntu?05:35
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eric_gilnim, ah just checking05:36
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minimeclmosher: Could be that the driver takes his time to load ...05:36
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zach634jimbo: try reading the readme.txt  could help05:36
wiking_i have install ubuntu & make partitions. when i try open this partitions here are errors error: device /dev/hda4 is not removable             error: could not execute pmount05:36
wiking_whwt to do?05:36
soundraylmosher: if you're really lucky, you may find someone by the nickname of crimsun, an alsa expert.05:36
gilnimDeft: you meen i should create a new account?05:36
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dreamcan i creat a folder for data  on this linux os05:37
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Deftgilnim: just use the "Users and Groups" app, and make a new user account, then use that one instead...05:37
msniderHey all I am wanting to install ubuntu but thinking about keeping windows for a while. Anyone know if its possible to put ubuntu on a USB stick? I have found this but its per the older version05:37
eric_dream, ah... yeah.05:37
minimeclmosher: so whwn you do a 'cold' start, you have no sound, but after a restart it works?05:37
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LjLmsnider, it should be possible, but i never tried. couldn't you consider a dual boot as well?05:37
lmosherminimec, No... it works fine from cold start about 80% of the time...05:37
lmosherminimec, and sometimes after a reboot it stops working...05:38
msniderLjL: have thought about the dual boot yes05:38
eric_i use windows in a virtual machine and share files between it and the host with samba05:38
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Deftgilnim: if that doesn't work, it must be an installation thing, so either reinstall some packages, or... something05:38
Tup4cljl i am in synaptic package/Repositories and all i see there is .multi... for 5.10 .i dont find anything about ubuntu dapper05:38
Tup4cfor it05:38
soundraymsnider: that's not what you're looking for -- it's about "installation from", not "to"05:38
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:38
Tup4ci dont find anything ljl .for ubuntu daper .i mean about the multiverse05:38
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gilnimDeft: i allready reinstalled the packages05:39
LjLTup4c, i can't help you with Synaptic because i don't have it. put, please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file05:39
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msniderubotu thanks05:39
ubotuYou're Welcome!05:39
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=== bintut is sleepy already.. :(
soundraymsnider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent might be interesting05:39
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AlanHaggaiNineTeen67Comet: who should install VNC?05:39
AlanHaggaime or my friend?05:39
=== bintut must go to sleep.. later..
minimeclmosher: try to stop that daemon again ... Do sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop then sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils start05:39
=== bintut waves.. thank you..
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eric_alan, both.05:39
AlanHaggaithanks eric_05:40
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LjLsoundray, msnider: if it were me i'd just try firing up the CD with a USB drive plugged in, and see if it's recognized by the installer. if it is, install. if it doesn't boot, follor the boot from USB howto05:40
AlanHaggaieric_ : I installed vnc4server05:40
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AlanHaggaieric_ : How to proceed?05:40
Tup4ctell tup4c about paste05:40
eric_alan, i use tight VNC with windows.05:40
lmosherminimec, no luck. I'm going to restart gdm see if that re-initializes it...05:40
LjLUbotu, please tell Tup4c about pastebin05:40
dreameric i need to pres any f6 to istall terd party driver for raid05:40
AlanHaggaiok eric. no problem.05:40
LjLTup4c, you can ask things to the bot in a private query with it05:41
msniderLjL: how big of a drive would I need though? I have a 1gigger to play with or a 20gigger05:41
minimeclmosher: I don't think so, but try05:41
davi1has anyone got ubuntu to authenticate with windows ad05:41
eric_dream, really?05:41
msniderwas thinking about getting World of warcraft running but then I can't use ventrilo lol05:41
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LjLmsnider: i'd say at least 3 gigs. but then you could install the server version perhaps05:41
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msniderokay thanks05:41
eric_davil, have fun!05:41
msnidermay just run the dual boot option05:41
davi1I am starting to figure that out05:42
Tup4chere you go -> ljl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32133/05:42
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lmosherminimec, no luck :/05:42
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eric_alan, in ubuntu i've only ever used the VNC client that comes installed with kubuntu.  i haven't done it in a while though05:42
CarlFKI am trying to get dbd4 to run, but it just exits. - anyone have a clue?  http://www.fabforce.net/downloads.php05:42
eric_it works fine with tight vnc though05:42
minimeclmosher: So if we reloaded the driver of your soundcard?05:42
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LjLTup4c, that is a Breezy that was upgraded to Dapper later, isn't it?05:42
dreameric i need to pres any f6 to istall terd party driver for raid05:43
msnideranyone running world of warcraft in wine successfully without any issues ?05:43
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lmosherminimec, No idea. xmms will attempt to play, but no sound. Restarting alsa does not help05:43
soundrayLjL: do you happen to know anything about booting .iso images stored on HD?05:43
eric_dream, are you asking me?  LOL @ terd party05:43
Tup4cyes ljl05:43
wiking_i have install ubuntu & make partitions. when i try open this partitions here are errors error: device /dev/hda4 is not removable             error: could not execute pmount what to do to mount these partitions?05:43
scythemsnrider... I would suggest dual booting for that... wine is still unpredictable05:43
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msniderokies scythe appreciate it05:44
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EchoBinaryanyone know if there is a URL for which nVidia drivers go for which card?05:44
LuakagonAn embedded video in firefox doesn't play visual or sound please help05:44
dooglusmsnider: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/11/15/165222205:44
minimeclmosher: Ok. Are you ready for hardware and driver stuff?05:44
lmosherminimec, I found a thread online w/ someone w my exact laptop card and my exact problem.. let me follow that and I'll let you know :)05:44
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minimeclmosher: ok good05:44
scytheecho, the drivers are unified... one driver for all cards05:44
msniderdooglus: noticed that yesterday also hehe05:44
=== soundray wonders whether Kris not posting anymore is a good or bad sign
minimeclmosher: what laptop do you have?05:45
EchoBinaryscythe: ive been reading about beta drivers and legacy drivers05:45
eric_soundray, LOL05:45
LjLTup4c: try changing it like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32134/05:45
LjLTup4c: and then issue a "sudo apt-get update"05:45
EchoBinarymy goal is to use glx05:45
minimeclmosher: My mom needs a new one ;)05:45
zach634well im out05:46
zach634later all05:46
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msniderhopefully a dv6040us can handle the ubuntu without to much customization as I am linux n00bie hehe05:46
Jimbowhat was that command to install the python program again?05:47
KrisI just did what you said soundray05:47
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Jimbochmod 755 something or other05:47
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soundrayKris: and you discovered about seven wireless networks in your vicinity?05:47
KrisFirst off, it told me the name of the interface device name05:47
Discererwith renice I can set the process prio, but how high is it by default?05:47
Krisso i tried scanning it05:47
Krisand it told me this: "Failed to read scan data: resource temporarily unavailable"05:47
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EchoBinaryanyone know if there is a URL for which nVidia drivers go for which card?05:48
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soundrayKris: did you just try again? Use arrow up to retrieve a line you've entered before.05:48
scytheecho, you might want to check out the nvidia site05:48
EchoBinarygood call ill check05:48
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KrisI tried it a few times, it spent ages scanning each time but came back with the error.05:49
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KrisI'll just go try it again (shouldn't be so long this time :p)05:49
lmosherminimec, My laptop is a gateway 685-E brb05:49
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KrisStill the same, soundray. Will restarting with the USB device plugged in help? Or is that only something which would help in windows?05:51
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matgateshi, is there a package in edgy for the system call manpages?  I don't seem to have them installed, and I can't work ouot what packahe provides them.05:51
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lmosherminimec, Hrm I've no idea why it does that. I restarted the machine and it's working fine (just like the past few days). That thread I followed was actually for a dif. card :(05:52
azcazandcoanyone else experienced *huge* disk formatting times using ubuntu install disks?05:52
SpeedyGsoundray: somehow I cant get it to work, when I try to install it to /dev/sda, it starts about "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device05:52
lmosherminimec, Anyway, what would you suggest next time this happens?05:52
dooglusmatgates: manpages-dev05:53
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CharlieSuazcazandco: not really..  details?05:53
EchoBinaryheres my next question: i completely fubared my kernal and drivers for nvidia - is there a way to "roll-back" to a default set as from a fresh install?05:53
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azcazandcoI installed a new 250gb ide drive today to install a fresh copy of dapper 64bit but it just seems to be taking forever to format05:53
soundrayKris: well, of course you need the network device in order to be able to scan the network... sorry, I thought that would be obvious.05:53
Seveaskmaynard, please don't try to add bogus 'factoids' to the bot05:53
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eric_echo, for graphical interface: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -fgnome -phigh xserver-xorg05:53
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matgatesdooglus: dooglus thanks.  I installed it and yes it does have them.  weirdly I couldn't find waitpid before...  I must be losing it.  cheers.05:54
eric_or just sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:54
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KrisI wasn't clear soundray - it is plugged in while I'm scanning it. But it wasn't plugged in when I started ubuntu.05:54
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sowdogHello folks. I need a little help getting my dual core system to work. I've installed kernel generic but now the nvidia drivers dont load05:54
dooglusmatgates: apt-file is good for finding files; also http://packages.ubuntu.com/05:54
azcazandcoCharlieSu: it has sort of hung but not....  is on a black screen but I can still hear the disk doing something and I can still move the mouse about etc05:54
soundrayKris: oh, okay05:54
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piphow do i get out of the praphical ubuntu to just look at a terminal? gonan install some graphical drivers05:55
soundrayKris: what is your device name btw?05:55
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=== azcazandco doesn't know whether to start from scratch again
Tup4callz@Allz:~$ sudo apt-get update05:55
Tup4cE: Malformed line 15 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist)05:55
CharlieSuazcazandco: how big is the drive?  how did you partition it?  and what filesystem are you using/05:55
minimeclmosher: I would try to unload and load the driver now ;)05:55
SpeedyGsoundray: oh nvm, got it to work allready05:55
eric_pip, ctrl-alt-f105:55
matgatesdooglus: thanks for the hint, shall investigate05:55
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KrisI tried scanning some of the other devices it found to see what happened, and none of them are scannable, apparently.05:55
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soundrayKris: yes, iwlist works on WLAN devices only05:55
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Krisexcept mine :(05:56
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soundrayKris: booting with the device plugged in will not make a difference.05:56
azcazandcoit is 250gb ext3 primary 30gb | 97gb Primary ext3 | 100gb gb primary ext305:56
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soundrayKris: don't worry, that was just to work out your ESSID.05:56
azcazandcoI know I also need a swap there05:56
PaSurfany recommendations on PDF creators for linux (aside from the one in OpenOffice?)05:56
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necritehi all05:57
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eric_PsSurf, just choose to print as file05:57
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PaSurferic_ that will create a pdf?05:57
soundrayKris: did you get any installation guide with your BT router?05:57
Vspiritcan anyone help me getting my wiresless nic working under ubuntu6.10 ?05:57
doogluseric_: are you talking about OpenOffice?05:57
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minimeclmosher:  It looks like you have a SigmaTel 9250 Sound Chip in your computer. Try to find the driver with 'lsmod', unload it and load it again05:58
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swami1984can anybody help me detect wireless networks (and connet onto one) on ubuntu 6.1005:58
eric_PaSurf, .pdf is a postscript document file05:58
ayaa wich package to install to get "mount -t cramfs ..." working ?05:58
Krissoundray: Ah I never thought to check with BT's documentation. (oops) I'll check the website to see if they have a linux guide.05:58
soundrayeric_, PaSurf: not quite, but if you manage to "print" a .ps file, you can convert that to PDF with ps2pdf05:58
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swami1984kinda like the feature windows has05:58
necritehow can i add more locales to my system05:58
necritewith debian i run dpkg-reconvifure locales  but i dont know in ubuntu05:58
soundrayKris: I'm sure they don't05:58
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KrisOh okay, I won't bother then. What do you recommend?05:58
soundrayKris: I meant a printed quickstart guide or something like that05:58
eric_soundray, thatnks05:58
CharlieSuazcazandco: well just hard reboot your comp.. since it is empty right now it wont matter.. try again05:58
azcazandcoCharlieSu: any suggestions?05:59
azcazandcookay thanks05:59
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CharlieSuazcazandco: do an hdparm -Tt /dev/hda05:59
CharlieSuazcazandco: tell me what it says05:59
PaSurfI was using in windows something called PDF creator which you would just send your documents to the printer then convert to PDF05:59
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necriteback .. anyone?05:59
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Tup4callz@Allz:~$ sudo apt-get update and the output is E: Malformed line 15 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (absolute dist) please check my source list -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32134/06:00
LudakrisAight, I'm attempting to transfer/arrange files on my mp3 player. I do this via a bash shell CLI :), however it takes a long time for me to wait between each group of files I copy. Is there a way, to copy files to, arrange, manage the filesystem and everything. Then after I'm done, give a cmd and actually write the changes?06:00
soundray!cups-pdf | PaSurf06:00
ubotucups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB06:00
root___its pip here, how do i quit xserver when ive pressed ctrl+alt+f1?06:00
soundrayPaSurf: haven't tried that, but it looks promising06:00
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azcazandcoCharlieSu: okay06:00
necritehow can i add more locales to my system06:00
necritewith debian i run dpkg-reconvifure locales  but i dont know in ubuntu06:00
defrysksudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:01
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=== CerbeRGD [n=charly@tal33-3-82-233-83-116.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusTup4c: s/is archive/is.archive/06:01
root___how do i exit or enter my xserver after ive pressed ctrl+alt+f1?06:01
soundrayKris: you could try 'btvoyager'. I've seen that ESSID before on my cruises06:01
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Discererso... any ideas on how to enable remote control from a windows computer to my defty computer?06:01
dooglusroot___: alt-f706:01
root___to exit or enter?06:01
Tup4cdooglus ?06:01
defryskto enter06:01
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eric_root, startx06:01
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Tup4cwhat is the problem06:01
Discererno wait, dapper sorry06:01
dooglusTup4c: replace 'is archive' with 'is.archive'06:01
root___eric_: i have it started, im listening to music atm but im in terminal only06:02
PaSurfI just installed Ubuntu edgy eft and everything seems to work ok, but system is slow at times.  One, where would I find the system hardware info (processor speed, memory) and second how to performance tune (if possible)06:02
eric_root, i got it now06:02
soundrayDiscerer: share your desktop with vino-preferences, view it with vncviewer on Windows06:02
root___and i wanna install some drivers, but how do i exit xserver when im in terminal mode?06:02
defrysksudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:02
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LudakrisTup4c, I got thugs life06:02
LjLTup4c, sorry, try this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32136/06:02
LudakrisPac's life**06:02
root___LjL:  help me :)06:03
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minimecroot___: Why don't you just restart the login-manager gdm? sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart06:03
Discererok thanks soundray ill look it up06:03
root___what happens then?06:03
soundrayPaSurf: did you receive my cups-pdf suggestion?06:03
LjLroot___: the X server stops.06:03
defryskhmmmm what would restart do ??06:03
LudakrisAnyone answer my question? It seems a rather widespread need.06:03
root___minimec: i did this to install praphical drivers?06:03
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LjLroot___, by the way, you should never do IRC as root06:03
root___i know06:03
PaSurfsoundray: no06:04
Tup4cyeah tupac is the mother+**** G for life .halla back .i love all his songs .wow he was one of the best that fights for the right of black people06:04
PaSurfcan I request in the channel?06:04
Tup4cbut lets not talk about it here06:04
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pipnow im in graphical, but how did i shut down it from terminal mode?06:04
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doogluspip "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" will close down XX06:05
pipok thanks06:05
soundrayLudakris: sounds like you should just manage a 'sync-with-mp3player' directory in your home dir, and use rsync to copy changes to the player.06:05
minimecroot___: By the way: With <alt><f7> you always return to your x-server06:05
root___ok thanks :)06:05
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Random_Transithey, can edgy run on x86-based macs??06:05
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soundrayPaSurf: I suggested you install cups-pdf to solve your PDF creation problem.06:06
Krissoundray: That didn't work. I'm gonna have to check the essid from the router config. I'll need to find the username/password for that, so I'll be back in half an hour or so. Incase you're not still here then, thanks for your help! You've been great. Thanks.06:06
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aileananyone know the chan to discuss sunbird?06:06
soundrayKris: pleasure06:06
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PaSurfI am looking to get the file right now.  Went to the site and am reading on it.  (acutally I am gonna get via aptitude)06:07
CarlFKI need kylix to compile something. anyone have a clue what I can do?06:07
root___the nvidia installer sayd i need to have  libc header files?06:07
=== raveneye [n=raveneye@cp994308-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
defryskroot___, there are repos for the nvidia-driver06:07
defryskno installer needed06:08
root___so what should i do?06:08
minimecroot___: Install the -dev packages of libc ... I guess. I may be wrong.06:08
LjLUbotu, please tell root___ about nvidia06:08
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root___wait 1 min, ill get into gnome again06:08
root___ljl i dont know how to look at private messages through irssi sry :P06:08
soundrayPaSurf: on your edgy installation being slow, run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' and look for errors or repeated messages. Use 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' to read about your CPU(s)06:08
LjLroot___, just follow the documentation. it boils down to installing nvidia-glx and then enabling it06:08
PaSurfsoundary:  just waiting to install, but system is super slow.  Not sure if ssh session are causing or what...06:08
LjLroot___, i'll give you the URL again when you're from Gnome06:09
Juani have amsn0.95 and i want to install 0.96 rc1.1. should i uninstall 0.95?06:09
darko3di downloaded http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/binary-i386/ntfs-3g_0.20061031-BETA-1_i386.deb to try and mount drives into ubuntu but i'm getting dependency is not stisfiable06:09
CharlieSuroot___: press ALT+Number(1,2,3,4)06:09
root___LjL:  thanks06:09
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root___CharlieSu: that i know but i cant see any private message, i just get to other terminals06:09
soundrayPaSurf: use 'cat /proc/meminfo' to check your memory. Also, try "gnome-system-monitor"06:09
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PaSurf:will do06:10
Juani have amsn0.95 and i want to install 0.96 rc1.1. should i uninstall 0.95 first?06:10
CharlieSuroot___: lol, ok..06:10
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root___maybe thats what to do :P06:10
root___haha but ill learn hopefully :)06:10
soundraydarko3d: if you need NTFS read/write, your first stop should be fuse06:11
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sowdogJuan:  if you're doing it from synaptic you wont need to06:11
soundray!fuse | darko3d06:11
ubotudarko3d: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse06:11
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minimecroot___: The private /msg should apear in a seperate window. You can change them with <esc>1-9 in irssi06:11
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Tup4cljl then what?06:11
Tup4ci have done it06:11
dooglusI think ntfs-3g works better than ntfsfuse06:11
aileananyone know the chan to discuss sunbird?06:11
=== inimesekene [n=inimesek@80-235-71-48-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171006:11
Tup4cljl i have done the apt-get update .then what to do?06:12
swilliamsoncould someone be kind enough to tell me the apt-get command to upgrade my dapper server install to the 686 kernel (or point me in the right direction)06:12
root___ill reboot, when i do startx i cant get into my user but a new06:12
root___brb :)06:12
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lmosherminimec, Sorry I got distracted. The module appears to be snd_hda_intel06:12
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Tup4cLjL i have updated the nvidia card06:12
LjLTup4c: now just install the msttcorefonts package06:12
t35t0rdoes anyone have a working kernel config for Dell Dimension E521 (i.e. such that the mouse does not freeze) ?06:12
Juani have amsn0.95 and i want to install 0.96 rc1.1. should i uninstall 0.95 first?06:12
LjLTup4c: yes that was sent by mistake06:12
soundrayswilliamson: 'sudo apt-get install linux-686'. You won't see a performance improvement, though.06:13
lmosherminimec, and "aplay -l results" lists it as Intel [HDA Intel]  HDA Generic...06:13
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PaSurfsoundray:  looks like the bitchx prog I just installed is having a great time with my CPU.06:13
minimeclmosher: ok... sudo rmmod snd_hda_intel then insmod snd_hda_intel06:13
darko3dcan anyone post a step by step walkthrough on how to mount ntfs drives06:13
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LjLUbotu, please tell darko3d about windowsdrives06:13
swilliamsonsoundray: not even for a server install?06:13
Tup4cLjL maybe ???? restart X ? after the update .cause it is not workin .06:13
Tup4ci have the same problem06:13
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lmosherminimec, heh it's in use :)06:13
lmosherone sec06:13
LjLTup4c: no06:14
phlasphyhey al06:14
phlasphywhat is the command to edit xorg06:14
lmosherminimec, hrm turned off radio... still in use..06:14
minimeclmosher: stop the alsa-utils daemon06:14
LjLTup4c: same problem as in "Package not found"?06:14
soundrayswilliamson: no. The 386 or generic kernels are quite smart about using 686 optimizations at runtime, so the difference is minimal.06:14
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darko3dthat's ljl and ubotu i'll do it and get back to you06:14
globalmatadori have an usb wavelan stick from smc that identifies as "accton". is there a native driver for that or do i need ndiswrapper?06:14
lmosherminimec, still in use! :P06:14
minimeclmosher: stop esd ?06:15
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Tup4cljl wait06:15
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lmosherminimec, hmm it might be because snd_hda_intel is used by snd_hda_codec06:15
swilliamsonsoundray:  thanks for the info I appreciate it06:15
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lmosherand snd_hda_codec is used by snd_pcm and snd...06:15
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g333k_workhow to do my pc to be a ftp server?06:16
minimeclmosher: ok. Look around if you find something about that chip and Linux. Maybe you can post a bug to the developpers, maybe there is a solution.06:16
LjLTup4c: ouch, i also forgot to add dapper-updates for universe and multiverse... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32139/  (but that's not the reason why msttcorefonts isn't working)06:16
lmosherminimec, Which chip?06:17
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minimeclmosher: that sigma 9200 or so. wait.06:17
Tup4cljl sudo apt-get update the out put is -> E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:18
minimeclmosher SigmaTel 925006:18
minimecSoundBlaster Pro, MIDI and Windows06:18
Tup4cwhat is wrong?06:18
LjLTup4c, hm, please pastebin the full output of it06:18
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piplo again all06:19
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t35t0rcan someone give me the kernel config for edgy's 2.6.17 x86_64 kernel ?06:19
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lmosherminimec, thanks I'll look into it06:19
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minimeclmosher: np06:19
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tsolerhi to all06:20
Tup4cljl -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32143/06:20
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cc77I have a a corrupted vmware player install06:20
cc77how do I manually remove it?06:21
piphi cc77 :)06:21
tsolerguys can u give me again the command to see my ntfs disks?06:21
LegionDoes anybody know a place where I can find a n00bs guide to Linux?06:21
cc77cfdisk tsoler, I think06:21
LjLTup4c: aagh i must be kind of stoned today. hold on06:21
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t35t0rcan someone give me the kernel config for edgy's 2.6.17 x86_64 kernel ?06:21
t35t0ror tell me where I can get it?06:21
t35t0rwithout downloading the distro06:21
CarlFKt35t0r: look in boot/06:21
t35t0rwithout downloading the distro06:21
CarlFKt35t0r: oh, you don't have it installed?06:22
minimecLegion: If you speak german, I now some sites.06:22
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LjLTup4c: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32144/ <- hopefully...06:22
t35t0rif there is no way I guess I will have to download it06:22
LegionMy german is some what rusty, so english would be better06:22
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tsoleri need the syntax in fstab to see my ntfs disk06:23
CarlFKdoes this mean kylix was in the repo? "Kylix 3 is now being ran on my system, but would like to see this added to the BackPorts if needed."http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4250106:23
LjLUbotu, please tell tsoler about ntfs06:23
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carloanybody know how to install nodeview or berkeley db??06:23
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tsolerubotu ntfs ?06:23
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piphow do i get "hardware-accelerated 3D support", do i have to install new drivers to get it?06:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs ? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:23
t35t0ri know someone here is running it06:23
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canelaktal estayis06:24
tsolerguys where can i find all the disks listed?06:24
LjLtsoler, look at your private messages....06:24
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canelahola nico06:24
rickyfingerstsoler try dmesg06:25
tsolerljl : thanx:)06:25
LjLcanela: ?06:25
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Tup4cljl it worked06:25
t35t0r10MB/s from gatech06:25
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roughtradergood morning, are there any rss feed readers that display to the desktop?06:26
pipLjL: is the nvidia site ubotu said to me in /msg for dapper or edgy or both?06:26
roughtraderkind of like how conky displays system stats?06:26
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necritemhhh oks. pls anyone can helpme .. WHERE is defined the locales support ?06:26
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phlasphyhey all06:26
LjL!info yarssr | roughtrader06:26
ubotuyarssr: RSS reader for the notification area. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 248 kB06:27
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roughtraderthanks so much06:27
LjLroughtrader: gdesklets also has one06:27
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LjLcanela, stop spamming06:27
mlpugwhat package(s) i should install on edgy server to turn it into such desktop that I use remotely only (e.g. vnc). is it just the regular (k/x)ubuntu-desktop or is there some smaller package for this special case?06:27
LjLpip, dapper. should work on edgy as well though06:27
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rickyfingersmplug you can do apt-get install gnome-desktop06:28
pip"4. In the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button. " it doesnt look that way06:28
rickyfingersapt-get install xorg-base06:28
rickyfingersapt-get install xorg-fonts-base06:28
rickyfingersI think that will get you going. I did the same thing last week06:28
phlasphycould somebody please tell me how to get limewire on ubuntu???06:29
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rickyfingersafter you've downloaded all that, then get an xorg.conf, put it in /etc/X11, and you shoudl be good to go06:29
LjLpip, try just skipping that part. the restricted repository should be already enabled06:29
LjLUbotu, please tell phlasphy about limewire06:29
pipok sounds nice thank you06:29
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phlasphyubotu please tell phlasphy about frostwire06:29
LudakrisUbotu, please tell Ludakris about limewire06:30
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Krisubotu please tell Kris how to get ubuntu to connect to his wireless internet06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about please tell Kris how to get ubuntu to connect to his wireless internet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:30
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:31
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rickyfingersKris what stage of the game r u @06:31
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phlasphyubotu please tell phlasphy how to use openbox06:31
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about please tell phlasphy how to use openbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
Krisis that you soundray?06:31
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rickyfingerskris: I'm not soundray06:31
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KrisAh right.06:31
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KrisI can't find out my ESSID, and thus can't connect to my wireless network.06:32
KrisI'm just not sure if there's anything I can do without the essid.06:32
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minimec|afkKris: on a console: iwconfig06:32
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nutshow would I get the newest nvidia drivers 97xx??06:33
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rickyfingersok what kind of a wireless network do you have.  is it stricktly p2p or do you have a router of some sort, like a  linksys or something?06:33
specialbuddyhow do I make a portable harddrive mount to the same location everytime I plug it in?06:33
LjL!nvidiabeta | nuts06:33
ubotunuts: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) Beta version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)06:33
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pipLjL: how do i know if i need restricted modules "generic, k8 or xeon"?06:33
LjLpip, just install nvidia-glx06:33
phlasphysorry LjL06:33
specialbuddyhow do I make a portable harddrive mount to the same location everytime I plug it in?06:33
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pipbut im running an amd64 ubuntu06:34
KrisCould you elaborate minimec?06:34
LjLpip, well, i'm not 32 bit so i don't know then.06:34
CarlFKwill the live cd do lvm?06:34
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pipim not 32bit either?06:34
rickyfingersKris, do you know if you've got drivers for your wireless nic running and everything?06:34
pianoboy3333crimsun: did you ever get around to taking a look at my boot errors for my sound?06:34
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jmxanyone feel like helping me?06:35
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:35
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minimecKris: You can have a look at the current settings by typing 'iwconfig' in a gnome-terminal06:35
CarlFKor.. live cd booted.  fdisk shows /dev/sda2 sdb1 and sdc1 as LVM -? how do I mount?06:36
Krisrickyfingers: I have no idea. Ubuntu lists the wireless receiver, but I don't know the settings to make it connect to the network.06:36
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KrisI'll do that minimec : brb06:36
darkangelhi!!!!! alguien habl espaol necesito ayuda soy novato! anyone speaks spanish, I'm new 'n I nedd help06:36
LjLUbotu, please tell darkangel about es06:36
caffiendohow do I uninstall snort after running "apt-get install snort" ?06:36
rickyfingerskris: while you're at the prompt, try also iwlist <interface name> scanning06:36
minimeccaffiendo: remove06:36
LjLcaffiendo: i guess "apt-get remove snort"06:36
LjLUbotu, please tell caffiendo about apt06:37
rickyfingersthat'll tell you what essid's are available06:37
caffiendoi'll try that.  thanks06:37
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darkangelhow can I join to ubuntu-es?06:37
LjLdarkangel: type   /join #ubuntu-e06:37
LjLdarkangel: type   /join #ubuntu-es06:37
jmxAny one wanna help a linux incompatible retard?06:37
rickyfingersjmx, what's your question?06:37
KrisI did that rickyfingers : but it said "Failed to read scan data: resource temporarily unavailable"06:37
Krisjust going to try the iwconfig thing, brb06:38
rickyfingersok, first of all what does your wireless nic show up as?06:38
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rickyfingersis it eth0, wlan0?06:38
rickyfingerswhat is it06:38
_MMA_Anyone good with DVD:Rip here? In trying to go to theora with it.06:38
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KrisI just tried the iwconfig - it told me my ESSID. It's 'btvoyager'06:39
rickyfingersok then I forgot something, try sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning06:39
Krissays the same thing06:39
jmxmy question is I"m trying to install a flash player but I am  a windows freak I dont know how to find the command line.06:39
Krisfailed to read scan data06:39
minimecKris: Is that the correct one? ;)06:39
specialbuddyhow do I make my harddrive automount to a certain folder when I plug it in?06:39
pipLjL: "Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed06:39
pipthe nvidia driver for your running kernel.06:39
LjLUbotu, please tell jmx about cli06:39
LjLUbotu, please tell jmx about flash06:39
rickyfingersjmx click applications, accessories, terminal06:39
micktmHi! Someone knows cedega?06:39
KrisYep minimec =) I unplug the device, do the scan, and it disappears from the list.06:39
LjLpip, try "sudo apt-get update", and rebooting06:39
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Kris(I am a very big Linux newbie, today is my first time ;-) )06:40
LjLpip, i meant "sudo apt-get upgrade" this time actually06:40
drunkenwhat's the correct way to share a folder for several users with read/write access in ubuntu? i created a new group (share), added all users that should be able to access the folder. then i did a sudo chown :share /path/to/myfolder -R and sudo chmod 1777 /path/to/myfolder -R. every user can read files in the folder, however, if someone creates a file, it belongs to the user who creates the file...06:40
=== Unimatrix9 [n=scheelin@a62-251-25-103.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jmxyes I"m there ..the web page told me to type ./flashplayer-install or something06:40
Unimatrix9hi there06:40
minimecKris: So your card works and recognices the network ... the problem is elsewere.06:40
pipLjL: "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:40
tokenbadI was doing what the wiki says for installing nvidia drivers...and went into xorg.conf to change the nv to nvidia and rebooted then it wouldn't load...06:40
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rickyfingersjmx: ok but did you do download the .tar.gz from adobe's web site06:40
tokenbadit gave and error...06:40
pipLjL: but i get some errors whem in doing update06:40
tokenbadanyone know what would cause that?06:41
rickyfingersKris: do you use wpa or wep?06:41
LjLpip: uhm, when you installed nvidia-glx, did you see any other packages being upgraded? or did you install anything "linux" or "restricted" in the end?06:41
LjLpip: which ones?06:41
KrisI have no idea, what are they rickyfingers ?06:41
Unimatrix9could i replace usplash-artwork.so from dapper with the artwork of dapper and be okay?06:41
jmxyes its on my desktop06:41
rickyfingerssecurity for your wireless network if06:41
pipLjL: "Failed to fetch http://theli.free.fr/packages/dists/edgy/listen/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found06:41
pip" and " W: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org edgy-plf Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371806:41
rickyfingersjmx, at the command prompt type cd /home/jmx/Desktop06:41
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Unimatrix9would that give me the new bootsplash from edgy on dapper?06:42
rickyfingerssubstitute your ubuntu user name for jmx06:42
Unimatrix9could i replace usplash-artwork.so from dapper with the artwork of dapper and be okay?06:42
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pipLjL: nope i just installed "nvidia-glx" and there wasnt any other package who came with it i think06:42
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LjLpip, uhm, that doesn't sound like it's the problem06:42
rickyfingersjmx check your private messages06:42
jmxI would check if I knew how lol.06:42
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pipLjL: yeah i know, btw it says i have a not availible pubkey, what does that means?06:43
minimecKris: Do you use the network-manager in the systray?06:43
LjLUbotu, please tell pip about gpgerr06:43
rickyfingersif you're using gnome irc there should be my name listed somewhere by the channels06:43
tsoleri give gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and see no contents , why??06:43
LjLpip, what's your card by the way?06:43
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rickyfingersok anyway, jmx are you in your desktop directory06:43
jmxwhen I typed exactly whatu put there it said no such file or dir exists06:43
pipnot legacy ive already checked06:43
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rickyfingersjmx: I don't want you to type exactky what I said06:44
aileananyone know the chan to discuss sunbird?06:44
rickyfingersyour desktop is going to be /home/<whatever your ubuntu log in name is>/Desktop06:44
rickyfingerscd to that directory06:44
webbenailean, you could try looking on irc.mozilla.org06:44
Krisminimec: What do you mean?06:45
nuts7hm I got a strange problem, I dunno whats up but shift+pageup doesnt work anymore for me in irssi in order to scroll06:45
rickyfingersthen type tar -xvzf <adobe-flash-player-install>.tar.gz06:45
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rickyfingersthen cd to the directory it creates06:45
rickyfingersthen do sudo ./flash-installer06:45
rausb0nuts7: is irssi its pageup only, without shift06:45
LjL!flash9 | rickyfingers, jmx, why not make life simpler?06:45
uboturickyfingers, jmx, why not make life simpler?: Flash player 9 beta has been released. You can download it here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for edgy)  -  Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html06:45
nuts7rausb0: that doesnt work either , unfortunately, in terminals i can scroll easily with sh+pgup06:45
LjLif you want the 9 that is06:46
rickyfingersjmx: I typed a quick way to do what you need above sorry I can't stay around, I got to be at meeting at the top of the hour06:46
jmxahaha I"m a retard I have never used  linux before..06:46
minimecKris: How do you try to connect to your network?06:46
rausb0rausb0: which terminal is it?06:46
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jmxwow thanks... bye06:46
rausb0nuts7: which terminal type is it?06:46
rickyfingersjmx: no you're not a retard, but if the directions said to just download and then type ./flash-installer, they skipped a couple steps06:47
nuts7It worked until a few moments ago dunno, its gnome-terminal.06:47
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Krisminimec: I go to network settings -> wireless connection. Is that what you mean?06:47
yemuhi, i'm looking for a gnome applet which would show connected usb drives and would allow to disconnect them safely? anyone knows something like that?06:47
rmmwho here knows much about kommander?06:47
ashzillaHi friends. Is there a GNU/Linux application I can use to connect to a Windows VPN?06:48
rmmashzilla: yes there is06:48
ashzillarmm: what is it!06:48
rmmsearch for KVpnc06:48
ashzillarmm: is there also one to then remote administer a windows machine after establishing said BVPN?06:48
minimecKris: Do you have an icon in your panel, indicating the network connection? Clicking once on it should give you the wifi networks around, or the connected network.06:48
ubotukvpnc: vpn clients frontend for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 1374 kB, installed size 3924 kB06:48
rmmashzilla: that'll use KDE libraries06:48
ashzillarmm: what's the gnome version06:49
rmmeh i'm running kub myself - lemme look06:49
rmmashzilla: gvpn?06:50
darko3dthe script didn't work06:50
rmmi know kvpnc works well06:50
ashzillarmm, is there a siimilar application to remote desktop connection?06:51
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:51
rausb0ashzilla: rdesktop06:51
ashzillarausb0: thanks06:51
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davehi Im trying to setup a dual boot ubuntu is on the primary master and the drive I want to boot windows is on the secondary slave what line would I use in menu.1st in grub06:53
Krisminimec: I don't have the icon in my panel.06:53
hou5tonI'm trying to get the modem working on this laptop so I can use it in the hospital .... the setup procedure I used didn't find it on a com .... wondering what to do ....06:53
darko3dubuto please help me, the script u pointed me too didn't work06:53
Agrajagdarko3d: ubotu is a bot06:53
hou5tonif there is a place to plug in the phone cord, does that mean there is necessarily a card behind it?06:53
Agrajagnot a person06:53
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darko3dlol, i guess it's ljl who sent me the pm06:54
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darko3dLjl please help me, the script u pointed me too didn't work06:54
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minimecKris: ok. It could be, that you don't have the nm-applet installed. This software is quiet nice to have. Load synaptic (sudo synaptic) and search for nm-applet. If it is not installed, install it.06:54
gravesoni am copying some mpg files to a dvd ,ihow do i prevent the dvd from being closed o i can write to the dvd at another time06:54
yemuhi, i'm looking for a gnome applet which would show connected usb drives and would allow to disconnect them safely? anyone knows something like that?06:55
Krisminimec: I can do that from the Ubuntu installation CD?06:55
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minimecKris: I guess you can.06:56
rmmanyone know if madwifi is working in edgy eft?06:56
KrisI hope I can... I'll go and have a poke around. Thanks for the help - brb.06:56
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LjL!doesn't work | darko3d06:57
ubotudarko3d: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:57
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chrismhampsonI am trying to install automatix but it seems like the site is down. Anyone else finding this?06:58
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LjL!automatix | chrismhampson06:58
ubotuchrismhampson: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.06:58
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu06:59
chrismhampsonubotu: thanks for the information...just trying to install some codecs....06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks for the information...just trying to install some codecs.... - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:59
LjL!codecs | chrismhampson06:59
ubotuchrismhampson: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:59
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gravesonwhich software can i sue to prevent a dvd session from closing,so i can write to this later06:59
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PaSurfany recommendations on maping software that will run on ubuntu?06:59
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chrismhampsonWilliamts99: tried that but a work-around is needed right now as it doesn't officially support edgy yet07:00
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PaSurfthat is not web based...07:00
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Vspiritwhy was https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/59983 not listed in known issues for the edgy release?07:01
LjLPaSurf: http://roadnav.sf.net07:01
yoyoGwhat the command line to install .tar file that are programs and .rpm files with alien07:01
PaSurfwe currently are using streets and trips (win) and would like to migrate over to ubuntu07:01
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darkoxi need to mount my ntfs drives07:01
darkoxnothing is working07:01
Williamts99chrismhampson, what is your issue that you need help with07:01
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chrismhampsonWilliamts99: the easyubuntu installation doesn't seem to work....It used to on Dapper but not on edgy07:01
Williamts99darkox, that might be a cause for some people to ignore you.07:02
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Williamts99chrismhampson, but what is it that you need help with?07:02
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chrismhampsonthe easyubuntu installation work-around for edgy07:02
LjLUbotu, please tell darkox about ntfs07:02
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Williamts99chrismhampson, is it a certain program that you need installed?07:03
darkoxLjL i tried the script on the page that you gave me,an i got errors07:03
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gravesonwhich software can i sue to prevent a dvd session from closing,so i can write to this later07:03
chrismhampsonWilliamts99: I want to install everything that easyubuntu offers07:03
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Williamts99chrismhampson, for issues with easyubuntu, there is #easyubuntu07:03
chrismhampsonWilliamts99: thanks07:04
darkoxi get unable to mount the selected volume, each time i try to access the drive07:04
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ivanoatsi have a blank desktop background after login... i've tried re-starting x server but it's still there, any ideas?07:04
Williamts99chrismhampson, no problem07:04
jmxanyone wanna waste some time to help me with something.?07:04
Williamts99jmx, maybe :-)07:05
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jmx\I am just not good with linux...I just got a brand new one and I know shit about installing stuff.07:05
darkoxhow can i list the drives that i have07:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:05
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Williamts99jmx, well what is it that you need/want to install07:06
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jmxA flash player for say to watch videos and animations.07:06
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Williamts99jmx, well that is pretty easy to handle07:07
minimec!flash9 | jmx07:07
ubotujmx: You can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html07:07
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Akkabusdoes anyone know where synaptic puts downloaded packages?07:07
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darkoxhow can i list the drives that i have07:07
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roryyAkkabus: should be in /var/cache/apt/archives/07:07
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Akkabusty ill check07:08
jmxhaha not for me......All I know is windows. I dont know how to install it.07:08
cdubyadarkox, System > Administration > Disks07:08
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Williamts99jmx, the page you will want to check out is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:08
minimecjmx: you can read... so read. It is quiet easy ;)07:08
Akkabusthanks roryy :)07:08
MarcNAkkabus: same as apt-get/etc -- /var/cache/apt/archives/07:09
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ZigZaggis there a syslog-ng package available for edgy?07:09
Guard] [anhi07:09
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ubotusyslog-ng: Next generation logging daemon. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.11-1.1 (edgy), package size 155 kB, installed size 496 kB07:09
Williamts99jmx, once you go through that, you will be able to play 'almost' anything07:10
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minimecjmx: Williamts99is right. It's a game, a quiet funny one ;)07:10
Guard] [an"ubuntu has changed to dash for /bin/sh, scrachbox assumes it's bash. dash doesn't support all the stuff bash does." was the explanation given by scratchbox devs, when i asked why the deb package did not install properly on kubuntu edgy --> THX, HOW SMART :(((07:10
Juxtcan someone tell me if there's a LIDS package for ubuntu?07:11
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yoyoGi need to know the command that will install a .tar files?? that are programs07:11
Juxti saw 1 reference to it online07:11
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Williamts99jmx, if you need help installing anything else, just let us know07:11
dreami dawn load wowo is fatastik this os07:12
roryyGuard] [an: you can make /bin/sh point to bash instead.  The install script should, however, use #!/bin/bash and not #!/bin/sh for its she-bang07:12
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Williamts99jmx, also as minimec pointed out, there is a beta version of Flash out, which does clear up some issues with Flash videos being out of sync, though remember it is in beta.07:13
cdubyayoyoG, man tar07:13
yoyoGcdubya man tar???07:14
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cdubyayoyoG, tar -xvf foo.filename07:15
roryy!tar | yoyoG07:15
ubotuyoyoG: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression07:15
dreami put the cd of ubutu i need to formalt my hard diks what i need to know07:15
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Gorlithive followed several guides.. but my comp still seems to be using MESA rather than my ati drivers... any ideas?07:16
cdubyayoyoG, when someone says man tar or another command after the word man, it means that when you enter that in a terminal it will give you the manual page on what you're trying to use. The man pages are helpful to help you understand how to use it.07:16
ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:17
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yoyoGthanks ubotu07:17
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Guard] [anroryy: yeah right thx07:18
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adaranhow do i get my core 2 duo to work with ubuntu?07:19
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yoyoGwhats the short cut to the terminal07:19
Niomidoes anyone have the command to reconfigure xorg handy?07:19
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Williamts99niomi, it is listed in xorg.conf07:20
adaranNiomi, $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:20
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cherubieldpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:20
cdubyayoyoG, Applications > Accessories > Terminal07:20
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ezpbuenas tardes07:20
NiomiWilliamts99, i didn't know that, thanks07:21
Gorlithbuenas, como va todo07:21
Niomiadaran, thanks a lot!07:21
yoyoGoh no i mean ALT+ what? keyboard shortcut oops sorry07:21
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adaranNiomi, you're welcome07:21
nettecould someone help me with installing my hp scanner in ubuntu?07:21
Williamts99nette, what kind of scanner?07:22
dougskois there anything you can do besides restart X when a window gets so big, it dominates the whole screen?07:22
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ubotuScanning software: XSane, the gimp, Kooka. For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners07:22
dade`i installed ubuntu kernel source from apt-get, how to apply all patches ?07:22
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netteWilliamts99, it's a all-in-one HP PhotoSmart C3100 series07:22
netteubotu, yeah i have XSane, but it won't find my scanner07:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah i have XSane, but it won't find my scanner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:22
cherubiel!patch | dade`07:22
ubotupatch: Apply a diff file to an original. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.9-4 (edgy), package size 93 kB, installed size 188 kB07:22
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alex116what kernel version is ubuntu running?07:23
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alex116i mean ubuntu 6.1007:23
Elkoin apt-get, what's the difference between suggested/recommended packages?07:24
mparrishwill there be an update of edgy with a new grub that works on mactel?07:24
Williamts99nette, is it usb?07:24
cherubielAlex: uname -r07:24
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netteWilliamts99, jupp. find it when using sane-find-scanner07:24
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yemuhi, i'm looking for a gnome applet which would show connected usb drives and would allow to disconnect them safely? anyone knows something like that?07:26
jamincollinsanyone know of a way to change the MAC address assigned to a bridge interface and/or a means of executing a specific script/command when an ethernet cable is connected or removed?07:26
Williamts99nette, have you looked to see if it was supported?07:26
netteWilliamts99, i didn't actually find that scanner with the C3100 number, but i found photosmart.07:26
jamincollinsyemu: USB drives should be automounted and display on the desktop07:26
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cdubyayemu, uh, I use gnome and they show up on the desktop07:26
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netteWilliamts99, it works staright away in fedora.. now i'm on ubuntu07:26
jamincollinsyemu: then right clicking should provide an Eject option07:26
Williamts99yemu, you can right click and choose eject07:27
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yemujamincollins: yes i know, but to do that i need to uncover my desktop07:27
yemuand then rightclick07:27
yemuactually for me its not a problem07:27
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jamincollinsyemu: there is the desktop button in the lower right, or any nautilus window07:28
yemubut i'm preparing a machine for a "windows-convert"07:28
jamincollinserr make that lower /left/ by default07:28
Williamts99yemu, also can do it from nautilus, Places>Computer07:28
jamincollinsyemu: the "show desktop" button isn't new to windows users07:28
yemuand i want her to easily switch to linux07:28
yemuok, you're right07:28
minimecyemu: you can unmount them doing 'nautilus computer:'07:29
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Williamts99nette, which version of ubuntu are you using?07:29
yemubut they're also used to applet with usb drives07:29
netteWilliamts99, 6.10 edgy07:29
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Williamts99yemu, the lovely thing about Gnome is that you don't need on with it.07:30
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jamincollinssome idea, just different place... and for many windows users they are used to just yanking the drive07:30
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Gorlithi have a ATI Radeon 9700, does anyone know whats the highest success guide for setting it up? : /07:31
mcquaidwhats a good util/cmd to compare two text files and output any differences?07:31
jamincollinsno one here familiar with ethernet bridging?07:31
jamincollinsmcquaid: diff07:31
yemujamincollins: a little07:31
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drwahlhey... i am having problems with rythmbox... i was wondering if any could lend some assistance...07:31
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mcquaidjamincollins, i just tried diff and it showed no output, do I have to manually pipe it to a file?07:31
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jamincollinsmcquaid: diff file1 file207:32
mcquaidya thats what i did07:32
jamincollinsthen according to diff the files are the same07:32
jamincollinsthere is also cmp07:32
jamincollinscmp file1 file207:32
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jamincollinsbut it will only tell you if the files are different, not the specific difference07:32
mcquaidi know these files aren't so i'll try again, must be something i did07:32
Fuzzy76Anyone know what might cause X to abort on startup with "no devices found"? Kubuntu 6.10 with open-source radeon driver on laptop with ati x60007:32
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Williamts99nette, sent you a private message07:33
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bunnythebunnyDoes anyone here have any idea in how to make Rythmbox work with mp3? I'm using Ubuntu Edgy07:33
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netteWilliamts99, yeah i know!07:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:33
jamincollinsyemu: you familiar with bridging?  if so, any idea on how to control/change the MAC the bridge interface gets07:33
_azraelFuzzy76: There's a device section in your xorg.conf Something's wrong with it, but I don't know exactly what. Can you dump it to a pastebin?07:33
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_azraelFuzzy76: (the xorg.conf)07:34
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jamincollinsbunnythebunny: I simply installed xmms and used it instead of rythmbox07:34
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Fuzzy76_azrael: Not right now, the machine's at my job. :p I couldn07:34
bunnythebunnyjamincollins, well, that is an alternative but...i don't know, i guess that would be sort of evading the problem.07:34
Fuzzy76_azrael: Not right now, the machine's at my job. :p I couldn't get on IRC from it. Hence my question here. :-/07:34
JuanHas Ubuntu inside the TeteX distribution?07:34
mcquaidok diff worked that time, but I guess i need a more intelligent diff, because if one line is different it reports all the following lines as different even though they appear in both files07:34
jake_-hi guys, can anyone pls point me to right direction for getting my wlan interface to show up in networking07:35
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jamincollinsmcquaid: diff -au file1 file2 # should give context07:35
Fuzzy76_azrael: But the xorg.conf is generated with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. But it didn't autodetect my card, I had to choose "ati" manually07:35
cherubielFuzzy76: i would start from /var/log/Xorg.0.log07:35
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Williamts99!restricted | bunnythebunny07:35
ubotubunnythebunny: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:35
jamincollinsbunnythebunny:  I didn't want to fight with rythmbox when I knew xmms would work...07:35
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JuanPlease, has Ubuntu the Tetex distribution and fortran compiler?07:36
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yemujamincollins: i'm afraid I don't know how to control MAC adress07:36
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_azraelFuzzy76: http://azrael.user-name.net/~azrael/device07:36
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!07:36
cherubielJuan: ^^07:36
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_azraelFuzzy76: Obviously you'd use ATI instead, but your section should use somthing like that.07:36
jamincollinsseems the bridge interface defaults to the highest MAC of all interfaces within it07:36
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_azraelFuzzy76: Oh, and you do know the ati driver is called "fglrx", right?07:37
Fuzzy76_azrael: I think it did. I'll take a look at it tomorrow.07:37
rooti1hi, tell me, when putting something to /opt, in my case azureus, where do i have to create the starter file to get it into my application menu ? :D07:37
jamincollinsthat is with eth0 and eth1 having ...:89 and ...:8A respectively, the bridge will have ...:8A07:37
bunnythebunnyThanks wiliamts9907:37
WonderWaluhh i have a wireless network card, and a normal ethernet card. how do i distinguish between the two in my interfaces file?07:37
FredSambothe proprietary ati driver is called fglrx07:37
_azraelFuzzy76: _not_ "ati" in the driver slot?07:37
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jamincollinswhich presents a problem when eth0 (...:89) is  a wireless interface07:38
Fuzzy76_azrael: Yes. Fglrx did work on the machine earlier. But I wanted to revert in order to get xinerama to work, since the built in pseudo-xinerama in fglrx forced same resolution on both displays.07:38
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Williamts99No problem bunny07:38
dade`i installed ubuntu kernel source from apt-get, how to apply all patches ?07:38
Williamts99Juan, bye07:38
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anushshanybody here fromgalore ?07:38
Williamts99anushsh, where is that?07:38
anushsher.. anybody here from bangalore?07:39
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Williamts99anushsh, where is bangalore?07:39
Williamts99anushshs, just kidding :-)07:39
_azraelFuzzy76: While I don't know personally, I've heard of very few people getting proper results from the open source versions of ATI. (sorry)07:39
minimecjamincollins: Do you want to chage your mac adress?07:39
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jamincollinsminimec: yes, I would like to alter the MAC of the bridge07:40
Dasnipa`join #ubuntuforums07:40
Guychimy server is quite fast and so is my connection to it. but when using ssh to connect, there is about a 1 mintue delay untill I get the passwd prompt. any ideas why and how to emilinate the delay?07:40
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jamincollinsGuychi: DNS lookups07:40
Fuzzy76_azrael: I know I won't get 3d acceleration, but that's fine. The computer is only for work. :)07:40
Dasnipa`missed my /07:40
minimecjamincollins: ... which is a linux computer...07:40
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Fuzzy76_azrael: And it seems like my only hope of achieving real dual-head07:40
jamincollinsminimec: correct Ubuntu 6.10 laptop, I'm attempting to bridge the wired and wireless07:40
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minimecjamincollins:  sudo ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:00:00:00:00:01 then sudo ifconfig eth0 up ... Look at your mac adress ;)07:41
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jake_-anyone know how to link wlan0 to to wireless card even though i installed ndiswrapper and whatever, i keep getting wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device, and i can only see eth0 in connections under networking how can i get my wireless card working? please HELP!07:41
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jamincollinsI'm using the bridge as a means of bypassing another problem... specifically VM Ware using a single interface for their bridge07:41
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anushshWilliamts99 : India07:41
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jamincollinsminimec: those commands don't work against a bridge interface07:42
ig-shoot-meWhats the apt-get again?07:42
ig-shoot-meI forgot07:42
ig-shoot-meto download something07:42
ig-shoot-mesudo apt-get *** winrar07:42
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FredSambo*** = install07:42
bunnythebunny--install? im not sure either07:42
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nick`"Couldnt find package winrar"07:42
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roryyfwiw, i recommend aptitude instead of apt-get07:42
minimecjamincollins: so I don't understand what you want ... sorry.07:42
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FredSamboare your repositories enabled?07:43
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nick`sudo apt-get install winrar isnt working =[07:43
FredSamboaptitude is cool, but for winrar it doesn't really matter07:43
jamincollinsminimec: a bridge is virtual interface combining multiple physical interfaces into one07:43
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FredSambonick, are all of your repositories enabled?07:43
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missmi sono ripresa!!!!!!!!!!!!07:43
kitcheanyways it's not called winrar it's called just rar07:44
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nick`Fredsambo: not sure but, when i try to sudo apt-get update, the last line says "W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"07:44
Williamts99nick`, winrar?07:44
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nick`its done this before but i forgot how to fix it07:44
minimecjamincollins: ...and every physical interface must have a special mac adress ... Is that so?07:44
ubotuunrar is rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression  There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:44
jamincollinsminimec: yes07:44
FredSambosudo apt-get install rar07:44
rosssei cri07:44
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rossciao come va07:45
luposono stanco07:45
rossanch'io da morire07:45
Williamts99nick`, I don't think that WINrar exists for linux, you might be looking for unrar though07:45
minimecjamincollins: so writing a script that gives every interface this special mac adress win't work?07:45
rossstasera cosa mangio?07:45
luponon so07:45
FredSambosudo apt-get unrar rar07:45
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FredSamboan i in the correct forum?07:45
rossho fame07:45
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rosstanta fame07:46
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nick`ugh, i cant extract this damn rar file07:46
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rosscon patate07:46
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jamincollinsminimec: not against the br0 (bridge) interface.... but you've given me an idea07:46
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kitchenick`: sure you can just intall unrar07:46
Williamts99nick`, yes, then sudo apt-get install unrar07:46
lupoche cosa con patate07:46
nick`i did that07:46
rossidem con patate07:46
nick`and i get this07:46
ashzillawhat is a gnome client used to connect to windows VPNs07:46
nick`Anywhere I can paste this because its really long?07:46
Williamts99!rar | nick`07:46
ubotunick`: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:46
luposcusa hai detto patate07:46
nick`I did.07:46
minimecjamincollins: can't you fire up the whole network with /etc/network/interfaces?07:46
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nick`Where can I paste something from my terminal because its very long and will spam this channel07:47
ubotunick`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:47
Silviahi everyoneeeeeeee07:47
lupospiegati meglio07:47
rossandiamo a casa....che  meglio07:47
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Williamts99nick`, send me a private message07:47
FredSamboi can't speak italian07:47
lupoma stasera perch non usciamo07:47
FredSambonor type it07:47
LuakagonAn embedded video in firefox doesn't play visual or sound please help07:48
lupodillo pure a michela07:48
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:48
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rossforse viene rosario07:48
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LuakagonI have as many codecs etc as I could find07:48
theD3viLi have problems with tv out07:48
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theD3viLi have changed xorg.conf..but no picture on tv.. :o07:48
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LjLUbotu, please tell lupo about it07:48
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minimectheD3viL: Have a look at the preferences of your tv-software. maybe you have to change the video output.07:49
d0uglasis there any way around this? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libsals2-modules_2.1.22.dfsg1-2_i386.deb: failed in buffer_read(fd)07:49
nick`http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32159/ [anybody know the problem] 07:49
d0uglascan't apt anything07:49
theD3viLminimec, works on windows...07:49
d0uglasi know my hd is broking but is there a way out07:49
theD3viLminimec, oh, you think Composite and svideo?07:49
jamincollinswell, that didn't work07:49
Williamts99nick` it's not winrar it's unrar07:50
minimectheD3viL: no. somwthing like x11 or glx.07:50
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nick`Williamts99: Look at line 8507:50
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theD3viLminimec, hm..where to change that? And what is it ?07:50
kitchenick` have you done sudo apt-get update?07:51
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FredSambonick try: sudo unrar -el file.rar07:51
minimectheD3viL: Go to the preferences of your tv software and look for something like video-outpu or so.07:51
martyyyrwhat do I need to make an xsession start up script  visible to the login manager?07:51
jamincollinsso, let's look at the other end... anyone know how to trigger a script when the ethernet cable is removed or connected?07:51
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Williamts99nick`, enter sudo apt-get install unrar into a terminal07:52
nick`kitche: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32160/07:52
minimecjamincollins: have a look at /etc/network/interfaces. This is the old debian way ;)07:52
nick`Williamts: Look at the first paste07:52
jamincollinsminimec: I'm very familiar with that file... it won't do what I need...07:52
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kitchenick`: ok I see the part with the update most likely it can't find the package list in those repos07:53
martyyyrmy xsession lasted less than 10 seconds, because it couldn't find the startup file that I want for xgl... but the file exists...07:53
minimecjamincollins: so I cannot help you ;)07:53
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nick`kitche: so what do i do07:53
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FredSambonick`, i didn't have to install unrar, it was already on my install by default.07:54
kitchenick`: edit your source.list so you are using good repos07:54
nick`FredSambo: Me too, but, its not letting me extract rars07:54
kitcheFredSamb: if you look he's using hoary07:55
B_166-ER-Xi need help,i cannot find anything on this... I installed beryl, on a Edgy. All works fine, but my Gdesklets behave weirdly, i CANT but them down the 1/3 ofthe screen, it just wont.... i dont understand why, anyidea?07:55
nick`kitche: how07:55
FredSambohoary!  wow07:55
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Williamts99nick`, you should clean up your sources.list07:55
nick`Williamts99: how07:55
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Williamts99there is an online generator at ubuntu.nl I think, hold on, I will get you a link07:55
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kitchenick`: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:55
kitcheWilliamts99 got it already :)07:56
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martyyyryay for the dutch :)07:56
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Williamts99that was quick kitche07:56
martyyyrmy xsession lasted less than 10 seconds, because it couldn't find the startup file that I want for xgl... but the file DOES exist.  any sugestions?07:56
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nick`kitche: And what am I doing with this?07:56
kitcheWilliamts99: I was on that page before you said anything07:56
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orangeflydoes anyone know a way to backup full data files from windows to the server....???....i need files updated hourly....07:57
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kitchenick`: you have to redo your source.list that page will help you make one then you must put source.list in /etc/apt/07:57
Williamts99nick`, also have you thought about upgrading to a more up to date Ubuntu?  Like Dapper or Edgy?07:57
Williamts99nick`, the command to edit your sources.list would be sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list07:58
roryyorangefly: windows has a task scheduler; Control Panel -> Schedule Tasks (I think).  You'll need to make a share available on the (Ubuntu?) server using Samba07:58
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lunaphyte_why does /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload sometimes take an eternity to run?07:58
nick`Ugh this is making no sense to me lol07:58
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AbstIs there a program to rrecord a video of my screen?07:58
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Running_aimhello..who can tell me the difference between beryl and xgl07:59
Williamts99nick', on that webpage, select your ubuntu version, and enter your country code07:59
dade`beryl is a window manager07:59
nick`US i assume07:59
dade`xgl is the X server07:59
orangeflyi have a share.....windows backup doesn't copy full files accessable by others....07:59
dade`with gl acceleration07:59
minimecRunning_aim: xgl is an x-server. Beryl is a software that needs xgl or aiglx07:59
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kitcheRunning_aim: xgl is an overlay of X server ,and also if you have nvidia you don';t need xgl or aiglx08:00
Williamts99nick`, then pretty much check the boxes and choose give me sources.list08:00
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minimecRunning_aim: ... that means... aiglx is an x-server module too ...08:00
martyyyrany experts on xsessions?08:00
nick`http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32161/ is what I got Williamts9908:00
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kitcheRunning_aim: aiglx is Xorg's version of XGL pretty much08:01
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dade`you are all confunsing this poor lame08:01
Williamts99nick`, you will then copy that to your sources.list file on your computer, using the command I gave you earlier, it will bring up your sources.list file, just have to replace it with the newly generated list08:01
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Running_aimi am using an ati radeon card..do i need to install both beryl and xgl or can i use beryl without xgl?08:02
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Williamts99nick`, looks like you didn't check the boxes :-)08:02
FredSamboit is amazing how something as simple as unrar can be so easy for some and so difficult for others.08:02
FredSamboi love linux08:02
dade`Running_aim: can you be more specific about the radeon card you use, and what distro ?08:02
minimecRunning_aim: It depends of the card you have. Newer cards need xgl... older ones may work with aiglx.08:02
kitcheRunning_aim: you need xgl or aiglx08:02
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nick`Williamts99: I did too! =p08:03
Running_aimbecause i installed both beryl and xgl but when i go to login i get an error message saying that i have been in for 10sec and that it has to quit08:03
Williamts99nick`, do you know how to send a PM?08:03
minimecRunning_aim: Tell us the card you have in your computer.08:03
Running_aimit is ati radeon 345 and i tried it on xubuntu08:03
dade`dapper ? edgy ?08:04
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shadeofgreyi need help08:04
elsebasbeIs this where I can get help if I got ubuntu problems?08:04
LjLelsebasbe: yes08:04
elsebasbeLjL: great08:04
elsebasbeI get an error message when I try to start a program that needs root access.08:05
minimecRunning_aim: A moment please08:05
elsebasbe "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."08:05
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LjLUbotu, please tell elsebasbe about root08:05
nick`Williamts99: Well I sent you a PM, try answering =] 08:05
LjLelsebasbe: is that program a GUI program?08:05
elsebasbeLjL: yeah08:05
Williamts99nick` I didn't get it08:05
nick`well pm me then08:05
nick`=] 08:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nextrelease - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:05
LjLelsebasbe: then use "gksudo" to run it08:05
ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Feisty Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule08:06
shadeofgreyi need to enable my tiger installation of os-x for reading the ext2 and 3 filesystems because my drive enclosures arriuve today and i need to be able to get at my files.  i dont intend to use ext2 or 3 in the future -- i just need it to work long enough for me to move my files \08:06
elsebasbeLjL: same message08:06
B_166-ER-Xwhats the name of the next ubuntu ?08:06
elsebasbeLjL: already tried that08:06
kitchenick`: you need to be registered to pm people08:06
fyrestrtrB_166-ER-X: Fiesty08:06
LjLUbotu, please tell B_166-ER-X about feisty08:06
minimecRunning_aim: You have a ati radeon 9700pro 345, I guess. So you need XGL08:06
LjLfyrestrtr: feisty08:06
Williamts99nick` http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32163/08:06
Williamts99I made one for you08:06
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fyrestrtrLjL: ah08:06
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nick`Williamts99: I didnt think I had breezy..08:06
nick`Besides, I made another one08:06
Running_aimminimec: no i dont its on a laptop..ati radeon 34508:07
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eetfunkhow do i flush the dns cache?08:07
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nick`Williamts99: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32164/08:07
nick`Thats mine, that good?08:07
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elsebasbeLjL: when I use the terminal and gksudo I get this message: "Error copying '/home/elias/.Xauthority' to '/tmp/libgksu1.2-EDeDon': Permission"08:07
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minimecRunning_aim: Do 'lspci' in a gnome-terminal and tell us, whats you get.08:08
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nick`Williamts99: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32164/08:08
martyyyrxsession experts?08:08
Running_aimminimec: i cannot now cause i am in windows08:08
sintheteki went to upgrade from dapper to edgy, and started apt-get update/upgrade before i read the note on using aptitude rather than apt-get08:08
FredSambowow, i just noticed the paste url08:08
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LjLelsebasbe: hm, try "sudo chown elias /home/elias/.Xauthority"08:08
variantsinthetek: it wont kill you08:08
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Williamts99nick`, yes08:09
sinthetekso i cancelled the apt-get dist-upgrade, which originally listed like 1000 packages08:09
Running_aimbut i have tha ati radeon igp 345m08:09
sinthetekand tried it with aptitude08:09
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martyyyrmy session lasts less than 10 seconds because the xsession says the file that it needs doesn't exist..but it does, any suggestions?08:09
minimecRunning_aim: Oups ... You should find this information in the hardware settings in the Control Center08:09
we2byany good c+= editor like kedit but for gnome?08:10
Running_aimminimec: that is where i found it08:10
elsebasbeLjL: that did the trick!08:10
sinthetekwith apt-get it hadn't actually started installing anything yet, it was just getting them, so i figured no package list updates or anything had occurred, but at the start of aptitude upgrade, it only listed like 200 packages instead of 1000+08:10
elsebasbeLjL: you wanna tell me what the problem was?08:10
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roryy!coding | we2by08:10
ubotuwe2by: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, pida08:10
LjLelsebasbe: that your .Xauthority file wasn't owned by your user, apparently08:10
FredSambowe2by, you can use kedit in gnome!08:10
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elsebasbeLjL: oh, that's odd :s08:11
sinthetekso is my cancellation of apt-get going to break/interfere with the aptitude dist-upgrade?08:11
elsebasbeLjL: well, thanks!08:11
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LjLelsebasbe: a bit. perhaps you did something as root that you shouldn't have08:11
martyyyrelsebasbe, LjL   was that an xsession issue?08:11
sintheteklike i said, apt-get hadn't actually started installing, it was only downloading the packages08:11
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LjLmartyyyr: ?08:11
elsebasbeLjL: yeah, perhaps. can't remember anything though08:11
sinthetekit looks like it is08:12
martyyyrLjL, the issue you were discussing with elsebasbe:  was it an xsession issue?08:12
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Running_aimminimec: i have the compaq presario 2560ea08:12
we2byFredSambo: yea, but then I have to install the kdelibs08:12
LjLmartyyyr: i don't think08:12
FredSambowe2by, i see.08:12
sinthetekshould i go ask in debian about default apt-get/aptitude behavior to have this question answered?08:12
elsebasbek thx bye08:12
=== deadly1_ [n=deadly1@host-213-213-194-104.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
martyyyrI need to find out why I can't log in to an xsession... it says "no such file or directory", but the file does exist08:13
Wipsterhey I'm reletivly new to Ubuntu and feel like doing a fresh install and sorting out my partitions, what are the recomended partitions/sizes for linux both security and speed wize?08:13
JuftusHello! There's this bug in Edgy's Xorg related to multiple Matrox graphics cards. Is there any info out there as to when it will be fixed?08:13
LjLWipster: little to do with security and speed08:13
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Williamts99Juftus, there was an update today was it fixed?08:14
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FredSambodoes everyone agree that there should be a swap partition on each disk (if you have multiple)?08:14
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LjLFredSambo: if the disks are equally fast, i think it's a good idea08:15
treitteris there any way to make usplash stay up until X is completely loaded?08:15
LjLif one is much faster than the other, i doubt it is08:15
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WipsterLjL: ok thought keeping the system files on an different partition heled a bit, is there a recomended setup tho? (I do already have swaps over 2 disks)08:15
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LjLtreitter: it does08:15
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JuftusWilliamts, oh, you're right about the update. I don't know as I'm asking this on behalf of a friend of mine. Have to ask him.08:15
martyyyrno one who has an idea? :(08:15
treitter(right now I'm getting a handful of different screens that get flicked through between usplash finishing and GDM (which I've got auto-logging in))08:15
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LjLWipster: i have / and a separate /home partition.08:16
Running_aimminimec: found anything08:16
LjLtreitter: so, you mean until *GDM* has finished loading, not X... well, no.08:16
treitterLjL: this is on Dapper (I don't have the option of upgrading in this case)08:16
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Wipsterjust /home and / no /etc /var /boot etc?08:16
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treitterLjL: yeah, I suppose08:16
FredSamboLjL, Wipster: i have separate / and home partitions as well08:16
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FredSamboWipster, those will be set up in the root.08:17
treitterLjL: do you know if usplash_down gets called at all?08:17
jshriveranyone know how to fix the Nforce3 bug w/ USB mice?08:17
jshriveror manually set an IRQ?08:17
LjLdunno treitter08:17
CupOfSquirrelsNeed some wireless help: Installed the drivers for my wireless device with ndiswrapper (-l gives "tiacxln present, hardware present"), and I just need to setup iwconfig. However, I don't know how to find out what the "device id" is (wlan0 doesn't work).08:17
swilliamsonanyone here familiar with vsftp on ubuntu?  I am wanting to restrict directory access to users and not allow them to browse the entire directory structure08:17
treitterLjL: cool, thanks08:17
LjLbut treitter, when X starts up, it just takes over the screen08:17
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jshrivermy mouse seems to keep having IRQ conflicts, it keeps stopping and I have to unplug/replug it08:17
treitterLjL: that's true08:17
zarephathCupOfSquirrels, : Try eth0 then08:17
treitterso I guess I've got to try to handle this on the gdm/X end of things08:17
minimecRunning_aim: Hmmm .... If it works, it probably works with the ati fglrx driver. I don't see, that your card is working with aiglx. Is this a 3D card?08:18
CupOfSquirrelszarephath: Nope. The card is pci btw.08:18
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CupOfSquirrels"No such device"08:18
WipsterFredSambo, LjL: recomended size of /?08:18
treitterLjL: although there is a really short gap where tty8 gets exposed before GDM takes over, though08:18
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treitterLjL: but that may also be X's fault08:18
FredSamboWipster: the rest08:18
LjLWipster: i use 10 gigs08:18
Running_aimminimec: i dont know08:18
zarephathCupOfSquirrels, : Look at proc then08:18
Otacon22I had installed Xgl+compix on ubuntu 6.06 and I have some problems with vlc graphic and the video output of a program(tvtime), see here: http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/4628/schermata1hk2.png08:19
FredSambowipster, i take that back08:19
CupOfSquirrelszarephath: Proc? (sorry, Linux newbie here.)08:19
WipsterFredSambo: :) cheres guys you have been a great help :)08:19
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we2byany one knows what command to start Eclipse?08:19
FredSamboWipster, how big is the drive?08:19
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LjLtreitter, i remember there is an option to make X start in the background. i don't remember which option it is, though, and i do remember that i didn't get it to work. if you somehow do, you could then perhaps use "chvt" to switch to X after GDM is finished08:19
=== freebse [n=freebse@p57A2A893.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kitchewe2by: eclipse08:20
FredSamboWipster, I susally set up a 1-2GB swap, 10GB / and the rest is home08:20
WipsterFredSambo: I currently have 40gb partitioned to linux08:20
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Wipsternot including dual swaps08:20
FredSamboWipster, I'd go with 10GB / 30 home08:20
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treitterLjL: interesting. I'll check it out. Thanks!08:20
we2bykitche: cmd not found08:21
WipsterFredSambo: cheres08:21
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nuked_omeni installed xampp on my box.. i connect to the internet through a DSL modem.. how can the world get into my server?08:21
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treitterLjL: so just to double-check - usplash doesn't really exit early - it waits until X is started? But if X starts in the background, I don't think that would help, would it?08:21
FredSamboWipster, w00t!08:21
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fyrestrtrnuked_omen: wth is xampp?08:21
minimecRunning_aim: Sorry... I can't help you.08:22
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jshrivermy mouse seems to keep having IRQ conflicts, it keeps stopping and I have to unplug/replug it08:22
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jshriverhow can I fix? anyone know08:22
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nuked_omenfyrestrtr, i don't know about the x but the rest is a=apache, m=mysql, p=php, p=perl08:22
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jpgeeretshi folks08:22
jpgeeretsi have an usb problem08:22
davinHi, I have a Compaq Wireless USB Mouse, but it doesnt work with the new Edgy CD (live session), I popped in a old Dapper CD and it worked flawlessly, why? (have been using Dapper on other machine for months)08:23
Dromedeany hamachi users here?08:23
jpgeeretssomeone perhaps can help?08:23
azcazandc1does anyone have experience getting a radeon 9600pro running under dapper 64bit?08:23
we2byany one knows what command to start Eclipse?08:23
meisam_sorry i have a problem...i have installed real player 1008:23
jshriverwe2by: eclipse08:23
meisam_there is icon in my desktop, that it does not remove08:23
we2byjshriver: it is not08:23
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jshriveror ./eclipse if in the directory08:23
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meisam_it is related to the real player08:23
zarephathCupOfSquirrels, : Google for it...also you can issue dmesg to see if it is listed there....just type that in a terminal window...you might reboot although it shouldnt be necessary08:23
we2byjshriver: you don't know the application I'm talking about08:24
jshriverhrm I just tar -zxvf Eclipse-whatever.tar.gz into ~/Eclipse then ~/Eclipse/eclipse &08:24
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jshrivereclipse the IDE for JAva, etc?08:24
jpgeeretsmy usb-drive mounts08:24
jpgeeretsbut still is empty says the screen08:24
FredSamboeveryone in this channel is really nice08:24
jpgeeretsbut i know there is 150Gb data on....08:24
jpgeeretsbut i cant see08:24
jpgeeretsany idea's?08:25
davinjpgeerets: tried fdisk -l?08:25
kitchewe2by: you have to change to whee you put eclipse then run ./eclipse08:25
davinHi, I have a Compaq Wireless USB Mouse, but it doesnt work with the new Edgy CD (live session), I popped in a old Dapper CD and it worked flawlessly, why? (have been using Dapper on other machine for months)08:25
meisam_sorry guys, i have installed real player 10 but the address of destination was in desktop, now i wanna unstall it, because there is an icon related to real player theta does not remove, what should i do?08:25
zarephathjpgeerets, : What filesystem?08:25
kitchewe2by: since you installed it in ~/Eclipse it's probably not in your path08:25
we2bykitche: the install went through apt-get08:25
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jpgeeretsfilesystem is ext308:25
we2byit should be08:25
jpgeeretswhen use fdisk -l i get a disk08:26
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kitchewe2by: ok then it's should be eclipse since that's how it's started unless you didn't get some of the packages08:26
jpgeerets3 partitions08:26
jpgeeretsthats right....08:26
meisam_no body knows the problem i have?08:26
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nuked_omenhow can i figure out my ip address so i can access my computer from the internet08:26
Dromedeany hamachi users here?08:26
zarephathmeisam_: Just use synaptic and search for realplayer..tell it you want to uninstall all of it08:26
minimecRunning_aim: Well there is an ati fglrx driver for your card, a new one. Thar probably means, that your card is working with xgl.08:26
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CowzRuleHow do I unload a plug-in in X-Chat?08:26
FredSambonuked_omen: ifconfig08:26
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:26
treitterLjL: ah - the thing that actually triggers usplash ending is the gdm init script. Looks like I've got a strong lead on my issue now. Thanks again!08:26
davinNone of my mice work in Edgy but they worked flawlessly in Dapper?08:26
jshriverAnyone know how to manually setup the IRQ for a USB mouse?08:27
Running_aimminimec: so what should i do?08:27
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FredSamboi am in love with ubotu08:27
bitchslappermy equations are too long, how do I split them up?  I mean I can do a \par and $$ on each line, but that's not so clean.08:27
jshriverUbuntu is nice :)08:27
jpgeeretsFredSambo: i prefer a women if you dont mind08:27
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misreckoninghello everybody! my notebook is curious to know - is it finally possible to run fglrx with hardware acceleration on x1100 and x200 graphics cards?08:28
FredSambono no, uBOTu08:28
minimecRunning_aim: Fallow the ubuntu wiki for xgl. You can find the link in the #ubuntu-xgl channel08:28
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meisam_<zarephath> there was no real player there, i searched08:28
davinWhy doesnt my usb mouse work in Edgy while it worked like a chamr in Dapper?08:28
nick`why does sudo apt-get install p7zip-full not work?  its not finding it08:28
roryybitchslapper: you can try using and eqnarray, or eqnarray* environment; also check out the 'amsmath' package; it has lots of ways of splitting equations08:28
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jshriverhaving the same problem08:28
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jshrivermouse wont work, or sporadic08:28
bitchslapperroryy .. alright .. thanks08:29
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jpgeeretsfolks, should i use the i386 or the i686 at my pentium M?08:29
FredSambotesting java08:29
FredSambooops wrong window08:29
davinjshriver: yeah I have no idea why my mouse doesnt work as it worked perfect in dapper08:29
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jpgeeretskernel i mean ofcourse08:29
FredSamboubotu is a robot right?08:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a robot right? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:29
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jshriverIs there a AMD64 specific distro of Ubuntu? I'm just using the regular 386 iso08:29
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davinFredSambo: yes, ubotu is a bot08:29
Running_aimminimec: where did u find the driver for my ati card?can u send me the link please?08:29
meisam_sorry guys how can i unistall real plaer08:29
jshriverbut running on a AMD64 X2 380008:29
k1pieethat's a secret08:30
meisam_real player 1008:30
FredSamboubotu will you marry me?08:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about will you marry me? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:30
zarephathjshriver, : Yeah 64bit version08:30
jshrivermeisam think you basically just rm ~/realplayer08:30
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ladydoormeisam_: sudo aptitude remove realplayer?08:30
jshrivercan you do a apt/dpkg upgrade to AMD64 distro? or would I have to redo the entire machine?08:30
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gilnimhey guys08:30
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minimecRunning_aim: install the fglrx driver with synaptic.08:30
azcazandcoanyone know why dapper drake 64bit freezes?08:30
davinSo can anyone help me getting my usb mouse to work (I tried 8.) none of em work in Edgy but perfect in Dapper?08:30
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azcazandcoI have had to restart 3 times 5 mins08:31
unimatrix9can the usplash of egdy be used in dapper?08:31
FredSamboubotu tell us about fglrx08:31
gilnimsince updates today i get following failure: Xlib:  "extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"."08:31
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minimecRunning_aim: Then you have to modify your xorg.conf08:31
tokenbadI can't seem to get the nvidia drivers to work...I have done the wiki...but everytime restart it gives me this gdm error something....anyone help?08:31
kitchejshriver: well multilib is a bit hard so you would have to redo the whole machine if you want a full AMD64 machine08:31
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davintokenbad: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, choose the nvidia driver and accept the rest default08:31
minimec!ati | Running_aim08:31
ubotuRunning_aim: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:31
jshriverrm, well it runs well now.. not worth the time but will remember for next time08:31
jshriverstill wish I could get the mouse working08:31
davinwhy doesnt my mouse work?08:31
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davinit did on dapper...08:31
FredSamboi get it now08:32
gilnimdavin: what driver are you using?08:32
meisam_ladydoor i did that, but still the directory in desktop is still there and there is lock photo on the icon,  im not allowed to remove ittt08:32
micktmAnybody knows how to use Crossover?08:32
kitchedavin: jshriuver it's probably how the kernel is set up or the driver that you are using in edgy08:32
Running_aimminimec: thanx08:32
Dromedehas anyone tried running a game under wine or cedega and playing it in multiplayer over hamachi?08:32
FredSambo!emacs | minimec08:32
ubotuminimec: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code08:32
davingilnum, kitche: dunno, its the live session08:32
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azcazandcoCharlieSu: thanks for the help earlier btw... I got things running after I restarted the process08:33
TheGinohey all whats the best programs from add/remove applications for a NoOb and a beginner like me08:33
kitchemeisam_: you have to use sudo to remove it probably since it's owned by root08:33
gilnimMy Logitech MX510 doesn't work, too08:33
ladydoormeisam_: is it owned by root? you can find out with ls -l /path/to/dir/the/realplayer/dir/is/in08:33
davinim trying to install edgy but my mouse doesnt work08:33
azcazandcogilnim: I had fun trying to get mine working08:33
davinduring the live session08:33
meisam_kitche i used sudo :(08:33
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
zarephathtell TheGino about synaptic08:33
unimatrix9meisam_ start console , type sudo nautilus , now browse to the file08:33
davinwhats up with all the mouse problems in edgy o_O08:33
gilnimazcazandco: mine shot down my X server08:33
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jshriverwell have a good day everyone08:34
truk77does anybody here have experience installing ubuntu onto an AMD based laptop with the xpress 1150 motherboard? (Turion)08:34
gilnimdavin: they suck08:34
azcazandcogilnim: not so good08:34
kitchemeisam_: you sudo is more for consoel apps teh gui apps use gksu or gksudo08:34
minimecFredSambo: ???08:34
azcazandcoI had a tutorial ages ago about getting it running and I think i did the same....  took down X08:34
=== eiersalat [n=stalin@konferenz.datenreisen.de] has joined #ubuntu
TheGinoLOL i know about it also that too which programs?? for noob08:34
davinCant I install Dapper and 'upgrade' to Edgy using the net?08:34
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FredSambominimec: i just figured out ubotu08:34
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gilnimazcazandco: no, eventually not08:34
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Running_aimminimec: the ati card for which the link refers to is different to mine08:35
unimatrix9meisam_ its  in home your name desktop08:35
=== ReySon [n=ReySon@emo155.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
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unimatrix9i think...:)08:35
zarephathtell zarephath about update-manager08:35
ReySonHello everyone,08:35
ReySoncan Someone help me?08:35
KeyseirDoes anyone know if it's possible to change to a regular text cursor in Kate instead of this text cursor thingie that selects a character and doesn't allow things like creating spaces inbetween two adjacent already entered characters?08:35
ReySonI got critical problem!08:35
unimatrix9can the usplash of egdy be used in dapper?08:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about updates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:35
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:35
=== willow [n=willow@crb44-4-88-160-157-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheGinoAegis virus scanner any good08:35
minimecRunning_aim: I see. I am not sure again, if your card is working with xgl or aiglx. I am sorry ;)08:35
alecjwdoes fluxbox have a notification area where i can put a battery level monitor?08:35
gilnimReySon: Just ask!08:35
ReySonI got critical problem!! Probably my disk has been removed when I installed ubuntu!:'((08:35
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Running_aimminimec: how can i check?08:35
kitcheReySon: what do you mean exactly?08:36
minimecFredSambo: Nice gadget, isn't it?08:36
ReySonWhen I installed Ubuntu, it dont load. So I changed OS to Windows, and it dont detecting my D: partition!08:36
ladydooralecjw: you could put a wmwidget into the slit08:36
=== jerp [n=chatzill@c-24-98-84-233.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ciaronanyone know why i get "could not open default font 'fixed'" when trying to run vncserver08:36
kitcheREySon: and what's on D:?08:36
ReySonI want my D: partition back?08:36
FredSambominimec: completely awesome!08:36
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davinReySon: what did you do?08:36
ladydooralecjw: they're little boxes that contain things like, say, battery moniters--there are a ton of them in the repos.08:36
ReySon50gb of disk space and 20gb of school projects?08:36
Dromedehas anyone used hamachi for lan multiplayer?08:36
kitcheciaron: it's not installed08:36
minimecRunning_aim: Surf around and look for some informaiton about that card. That's all I can say.08:36
gilnimReySon: Do you have some kind of live cd to watch if it's still there?08:36
ciaronkitche: what package is it?08:36
Running_aimok thanx08:36
davinDromede: yes I do, pretty neat08:36
FredSamboReySon: calm down, it will be OK08:36
kitcheReySon: I mean what filesystem?08:36
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alecjwladydoor: do you know of any battery minitos for fluxbox?08:37
gilnimDromede: I did08:37
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Genrl_Zodyo [peeps he;p a bruva out08:37
zarephathkitche: Having trouble finding a admin for a domain...they traceback to godaddy, but I can't get the full authoritative information...any suggestions?08:37
=== mzanfardino [n=chatzill@adsl-69-104-142-207.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Genrl_Zodanyone know ogf a good site for cheap mp3 players08:37
ReySonFredSambo, it wont be ok, cause ppls on Ubuntu-pl said my disk can be thought away08:37
Genrl_Zodi mean cheaper than cheap08:37
unimatrix9ReySon, open console and type mount, see if its mounted08:37
gilnimDromede: worked well08:37
truk77Genrl_Zod what's that got to do with Ubuntu?08:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bruva - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:37
Dromededavin: which game did you try?08:37
ReySonWindows says, that D: partition is unknown ....08:37
ReySonfor it08:37
Genrl_Zodubuntu mp308:37
=== bimberi [n=dave@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.bimberi] has joined #ubuntu
Dromededid you play the game over wine or cedega?08:37
kitchezarephath: it's probably private one of my domains is setup that way so no one can see the information fro that domain08:37
ladydooralecjw: not specifically...search for packages starting with wm and you can put those in fluxbox's Slit.08:37
=== almir [n=mattias_@h234n2fls307o1036.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
FredSamboReySon, did you back up like a good boy?08:38
ladydooralecjw: *many of them, i mean08:38
ReySonI mean08:38
ReySonI dont :/08:38
mzanfardinoI'm new to linux and want to know how I can determine what I have installed on my system.  Can someone help?08:38
gilnimReySon: Maybe Linux changed the partition table08:38
FredSambothen it is your fault08:38
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FredSambobad sysadmin08:38
Dromedeim trying to play half life over cedega with hamachi for multiplayer08:38
ReySonSo how to change it back... ?08:38
azcazandco] man 64 bit dapper sucks ass08:38
Dromedebut i cant get  to work08:38
gilnimDromede: yes08:38
azcazandcoit just crashes every few mins08:38
ReySonIf I dont get this disk back, i dont get promotion to next class!08:38
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FredSambo!backup | ReySon08:38
ubotuReySon: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi08:38
unimatrix9ReySon, whats the problem, you installed and want to get the partition back in windows or what?08:38
azcazandcoanyone got any suggestions?08:39
=== ebfe [n=tux@dslb-088-076-223-060.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
davinReySon: Relax, we will help you.08:39
gilnimmzanfardino: Synaptic08:39
almiranyone know anything about linux+pocketPC08:39
alecjwladydoor: thanks. i've found somethiung good :)08:39
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto08:39
ladydooralecjw: cool.08:39
Williamts99azcazandco, maybe use the 32bit version :-)08:39
mzanfardinoso then aptitude would be the text-version?08:39
kitcheciaron: fixed isn't even used anymore but I would just check if you have all the fonts installed08:39
davinReySon: Boot to the Ubuntu Live CD and type 'fdisk -l' in the terminal, then go to www.pastecode.com, paste it, and give me the link08:39
ReySonErm. Once again. I installed Ubuntu, and choosed a partition. Ubuntu is not loading correctly, cause its stopping on loading. So I went to Windows, and It says, that D: partition is unkown for him...............08:39
ebfecould someone try to create multiple ssh sessions on ebfe.dyndns.org ?08:39
zarephathReySon, : First lesson never install to same hard disk if you aren't absolutely sure what you are doing..you haven't told anyone what you did so we can't offer advice08:39
ciaronkitche: as far as i can tell yeah, what package are the fixed fonts in?08:40
FredSamboReySon: you didn't lose anything... yet08:40
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
unimatrix9ReySon, ubuntu uses an different filesystem that windows cannot read08:40
mzanfardinoone more question: how can I display a list of logicals?08:40
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ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org08:40
ReySonSo how I can retrieve my disk?08:40
ReySonTo be seeable for windows?08:40
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FredSamboReySon, boot to it08:40
=== Sarkie [n=Sarkie@host81-153-203-101.range81-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
davinReySon: boot the live cd and copy your files on a external hard disk or the like08:40
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FredSambowindows will never see it08:41
gilnimDo you have suggestions for this problem?: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".08:41
davinReySon: then you can copy it back to a ntfs partition that windows can read08:41
ciaronkitche: ah no worries, fixed. was vnc looking for fontpaths in the wrong order08:41
Sarkiehi guys, basically ubuntu doesnt support my soundcard chip, and i dont care, so how do i kill it, and make it not load it? cheers08:41
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:41
ReySonone moment08:41
ReySonwhat data to copy and where?08:41
davinReySon: okay, where are you now?08:41
kitcheciaron: xfonts-base08:41
ReySonI'm downloading this driver-fs08:41
ReySonok,m donwloaded08:41
davinReySon: youre on windows?08:41
=== Eons [n=Eons@host-84-220-230-224.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
ReySonbecause Ubuntu dont load :/08:42
unimatrix9ReySon has installed ubuntu and wants the partition back....and is in windows..08:42
azcazandcoWilliamts99: can i downgrade?08:42
davinReySon: does the live cd boot?08:42
Dromedegilnim: about the hamachi thing, did you play the game over wine or cedega?08:42
unimatrix9is that correct?08:42
gilnimReySon: It works pretty good. - this driver08:42
azcazandcoor do i have to re-install08:42
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ReySonI mean08:42
ReySonI downloaded08:42
davinReySon: mhm08:42
ReySonfrom page08:42
ReySonLiveCD dont boot08:42
gilnimDromede: Wine I think08:42
napgthats not true, i used "explore2fs" on windows and got some files i needed from my ubuntu partition08:42
kitche!downgrade| azcazandco08:42
ubotuazcazandco: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.08:42
Dromedegilnim: im trying to play half life multiplayer over hamachi but HL cant detect any servers on hamachi lan08:42
davinReySon: does it start up at all?08:42
ReySonas normal cd to view, yes08:42
Sarkiehi guys, basically ubuntu doesnt support my soundcard chip, and i dont care, so how do i kill it, and make it not load it? cheers08:42
davinReySon: I think you might just burned the .iso as data disc08:43
gilnim!spam | ReySon08:43
azcazandcokitche: thanks08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:43
Olli1can someone tell me how to join another server? I need to get over to IrcQ-net but don't know how...08:43
azcazandcothis is a pest08:43
ubotuReySon: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:43
meisam_sorry i have tried to remove the real player , but still the directory is on m desktop with lock photo above the folder08:43
gilnimDromede: are there any servers?08:43
ReySondavin, I mean, I INSTALLED Ubuntu, but it dont LOAD08:43
azcazandcodo you think my 64bit install was corrupt?08:43
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unimatrix9ReySon be clear about what you need / wanto do...08:43
davinReySon: no problem you can use the live cd to retrieve your files on the harddisk08:43
=== azcazandco seems tot hink he had the same prob before
gilnimOlli1: use: "/connect [server ip] "08:43
ReySonUbuntu LiveCD?08:43
FredSamboReySon, you need to boot to that partition08:44
davinReySon: Install CD = Live CD08:44
Dromedegilnim: lol. of course. i can connect to my friends hamachi network, i can see all the people on the network and they can see me.08:44
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Olli1thank you thank you gilnim :)08:44
davinFredSambo: cant he copy his files off using live session?08:44
TheGinohow can i install a taz.gz file which is a program08:44
FredSambodavin: he 'could'08:44
davinReySon: hold on ill tell you what you can do to get back here in on the live cd08:44
Dromedegilnim:but it just wont find the server. im using cedega 5.208:44
FredSambodavin: but could he?08:44
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gilnimDromede: then maybe cedega is stupid08:44
davinReySon: boot to the live cd, in the live session open a terminal, type 'sudo irssi -c irc.freenode.net -n ReySon' then when it is connected type '/join #ubuntu'08:45
Dromedegilnim:which version of wine did you use?08:45
=== ALi_ [n=chatzill@host86-129-213-55.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
gilnimDromede: do you really pay money for using cedega?08:45
dabaR!compile |theGino08:45
ubotutheGino: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:45
ebfecould someone try to create multiple ssh sessions on ebfe.dyndns.org ?08:45
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Dromedegilnim: yea08:45
gilnimDromede: I think the newest08:45
=== holler [n=holler@rrcs-24-227-165-202.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
FredSambodavin, i thin ReySon was just having trouble booting into his ubuntu partition08:45
azcazandcodoes anyone have any suggestions about why my default install of dapper 64 wont work?08:45
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Dromedegilnim:its a good program08:45
=== SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
WonderWalhow can i see if my network card is bound to eth0?08:46
davinFredSambo: No, he has important school files on a ext3 partition that his windows cant read, so im telling him to copy them off using the live cd08:46
ALi_Hello, how can i install form a text boot on my ubuntu live cd?08:46
dabaRebfe: you could08:46
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unimatrix9and he wants his partition reclaimed in windows...08:46
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gilnimDromede: hmm - i wouldn't pay money for it though08:46
hollerdoes anybody know what the default user is for php on a ubuntu box?08:46
ebfedabaR: its a firewall/routing thing08:46
FredSamboi am confused08:46
gilnimme 208:46
=== Abyss74656 [n=chatzill@adsl-147-184-60.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Olli1it says no such command gilnim08:46
davinFredSambo: He has school files on a partition, ext 3, his ubuntu screwed up and Windows cant read ext308:46
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:46
Dromedegilnim:so, any ideas on my problem?08:46
TheGinojust type compile in the terminal dabaR08:46
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davinReySon: still here?08:47
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gilnimDromede: no - sorry08:47
Dromedegilnim: there's absolutely NO info on this subject on the whole internet... i cant believe it.08:47
unimatrix9better be sure ta ask what he really wants08:47
ALi_Hello, how can i install form a text boot on my ubuntu live cd?08:47
gilnimOlli1: what program do you use?08:47
ReySonIm here08:47
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davinReySon: let me explain08:47
Olli1i am using gaim08:47
ReySondavin, what to use? Original LiveCD or this one, .iso I recorded?08:47
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gilnimDromede: did you try wine?08:47
Olli1this is my first Linux run...about 15 minutes now heheh08:47
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davinReySon: Dapper CD?08:47
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tazzi have a p4 processor and i am upgrading my kernel from 386 to 686 will there be any unwanted side effects?08:48
ReySonalternate install CD08:48
netGI'm searching for an alternative to Beagle08:48
davinReySon: No use the normal one08:48
bimberitazz: should be fine08:48
ReySonI downloaded from page or original LiveCD?08:48
jerpali, download an alternative cd08:48
netGDoes it exists?08:48
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davinReySon: let me explain your current situation08:48
gilnimOlli1: go to accounts and create one that connects there08:48
napgReySon: check the message i sent u08:48
tazzah thanks bimberi, but is it recomended?08:48
=== madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ALi_is there no way i can install the live cd at all?08:48
Dromedegilnim: yea, the latest one. the thing is my crappy GPU is having some issues with ubuntu 6.10 so i cant play it in opengl mode.08:48
unimatrix9can the usplash of egdy be used in dapper?08:48
ReySondavin, can08:48
ReySoni cant see private messages08:48
Dromedegilnim: i get like 0.5 fps08:48
nolimitsoyatazz, running dapper or edgy? all edgu users should use the generic kernel08:48
oddballinhi anybody... is there any way i can stretch my display beyond what xubuntu have to offer?08:48
Olli1ok thank you gilnim08:48
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Dromedegilnim: and software mode wont work on wine08:49
dabaRoddballin: resoulution?08:49
Dromedegilnim: but it works on cedega08:49
davinReySon: Your school files are on a 'Ext3' partition, Windows can only read 'VFAT/NTFS' not 'Ext3'. What you're going to do is use the Live CD to copy the files off your harddisk to a safe location, such as an external harddisk or pendrive.08:49
nolimitsoyaoddballin, edit your xorg.conf08:49
dfgashow do i get glxgears to post fps?08:49
tazznolimitsoya, i dit-upgraded to edgy. (i know i shouldnt have, but i have no complaints:-P)08:49
davinReySon: then you can move them back to Windows or look into installing Ubuntu08:49
bimberitazz: not forcefully.  I've not bothered.  Apparently the performance gains aren't that great08:49
gilnimDromede: at least you don't get hit by anybody with .5 frames08:49
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dabaRdfgas: man glxgears... I think there s \\is --show-fps08:49
Dromedegilnim: har har har har08:49
nolimitsoyatazz, then you should be using the generic kerlen.08:49
lupine_58dfgas: glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark08:49
=== derlandi [n=derlandi@p5483F9D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
tazzah ok then thanks :-)08:50
gilnimDromede:  my cs works well with the actual wine08:50
nolimitsoyaReySon, use ext2ifs to read ext3 from windows08:50
Dromedegilnim: i have a riva tnt2 vanta crap. and i cant get it to work in 4x mode on ubuntu. gnome just hangs on login08:50
=== FridgeFreezer [n=matt@host86-143-21-187.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
davinReySon: or you could use Ext2fs to read them in Windows08:50
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ALi_is there no way i can install the live cd at all?08:50
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napgReySon: or explore2fs08:50
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ReySonI installed this driver, and what now?08:50
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gilnimDromede: don't ask me about it -.-08:50
davinSo whats up with this mouse stuff in edgy>?08:51
nolimitsoyaALi_, click the install icon on the desktop08:51
oddballinnolimitsoya, how would i do that? in termainl?  what is the path?08:51
gilnimDromede: had a riva tnt 2 pro once08:51
nolimitsoyaoddballin, in a terminal: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:51
bimberiALi_: if the livecd doesn't boot to the gui desktop successfully then you'll need to get the altnerate unfortunately08:51
=== phrizer [n=sdfsdf@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
ALi_but that doesnt seem to work, i can get to the desktop after 10 minutes of the cd wirling08:51
nolimitsoyaoddballin, just add the resolution you want, using the old ones as a guide08:51
ALi_but i then click install, lots of processor and hardrive activity but nothing08:52
nolimitsoyaALi_, do a md5 hash of the cd, and if it checks out, get the alternate install. if it doesnt, burn a new disc08:52
=== Cieffe [n=cieffe@] has joined #ubuntu
ReySondavin! I got now ORIGINAL, LiveCD in CD-ROM08:52
ReySonWhat to do now?08:52
oddballinnolimitsoya, got it... so i just change the mode numbers... from "1280 x 800" to something else.. but im not sure about depth?08:52
=== [Utah] tristanbob [i=tristanb@] has joined #ubuntu
ReySonToo many ppls talking, i cant see directly your msgs08:52
FredSambothat is the question08:52
nolimitsoyaReySon, as i said, you want the ext2ifs for windows.08:53
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-146-085.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
nolimitsoyaReySon, boot windows and download it08:53
ReySonI installed it08:53
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ReySonIm on Windows08:53
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[Utah] tristanbobif you use wireless on (edgy) Ubuntu, does the drop-down menu display the available wireless networks?08:53
napgReySon: just use explore2fs on windows to access your files on the linux partition08:53
hollerdoes anybody know what the default user is for php on a ubuntu box?08:53
[Utah] tristanbobthis worked in dapper, then broke ni edgy upgrade08:53
nolimitsoyaReySon, then you dont need the ubuntu disc. just go into the control center, and click the ext2ifs icon08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about troll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
unimatrix9ReySon , got an usb flash drive, plug it in and copy files to it, could be an other option08:53
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ReySonI dont have nothing that I can copy files....08:54
nolimitsoyaunimatrix9, not a very practical one, though08:54
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Centaur5I put my wpa key in Edgy's keyring manager but every time I turn on my computer it still asks for me to type it in.  What am I doing wrong?08:54
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napgcan someone tell ReySon to use some small software to access the linux partition...08:54
nolimitsoyaReySon, just go into the control center, and click the icon as i said. then pick a label for the partition you want access to. its then avalable through the explorer08:54
nolimitsoyanapg, done, since way back08:55
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napgnolimitsoya, indeed lol08:55
oddballinnolimitsoya, you there?  i got it.. but what do i do with "depth" part?08:55
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nolimitsoyaoddballin, just leave it08:55
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[Utah] tristanbobif you use wireless in Edgy, does the drop down menu of available wireless networks work for you?  this use to work for me in dapper, now that I have upgraded to edgy, it doesn't show any networks08:56
bluefox83how do i get firefox to stop using the mozilla-totem plugin and use the mozilla-mplayer plugin?08:56
ReySonI got Explore2fs, and what do to now with it?08:56
unimatrix9can the usplash of egdy be copied to dapper?08:56
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napgdavin: just tell him to do as nolimitsoya said or with explore2fs08:56
ReySonThere is folders tree...08:56
davinReySon: my apologies08:56
nolimitsoyaReySon, you shouldnt use explore2fs. i told you to get ext2ifs08:56
napgextract the archive to your hard drive08:56
ebfecould someone try to create multiple ssh sessions on ebfe.dyndns.org ?08:56
napgand run it08:56
ReySonI got ext2ifs too08:56
derlandihey @all08:56
bluefox83[Utah] tristanbob, upgrading has caused ooddles of problems for people..you probably wouldn't have so many problems if you just straight up installed from scratch08:56
davinWhy doesnt my mouse work in edgy.08:56
napgu should see the linus partitions through it08:56
nolimitsoyaReySon, then install it, and follow the instructions i gave you?!08:57
kikokosI have a q, I`ve just installed opendb, but when I try run it from terminal it do nothing...how I can check which commend run this program?08:57
davinReySon: make sure you reboot after you set up everything in Ext2fs08:57
[Utah] tristanbobbluefox83: I have not istalled any non-standard repos08:57
derlandican please someone tell me how jump in the german ubuntu server?08:57
nolimitsoyaoddballin, hows it going?08:57
ReySonrestarting computer08:57
davinReySoon: good luck08:57
dabaRkikokos: dpkg -L opendb08:57
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oddballinnolimitsoya, done writing out.  do i need to restart?08:57
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kikokosdabaR gracias08:57
napgexplore2fs is so much easier =/08:57
macgyver187I've been trying to install LinPhone and cant get past this configure message: "Could not find libreadline..." but its there08:57
nolimitsoyadavin, please reffer to it as ext2ifs, since thats its name. confusions is not good thing08:57
bluefox83[Utah] tristanbob, doesn't matter..it's causing issues for everyone that upgrades..just do a fresh install08:57
nolimitsoyanapg, but not as practical, once everything is set up08:58
ladydoormacgyver187: you probably need to install libreadline-dev08:58
davinnolimitsoya: ah okay I thought it was ext2fs, not ext2ifs08:58
macgyver187ok...will try08:58
gilnimfollowing problem after xorg updates today: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"08:58
dabaRkikokos: that is not the answer exactly to your question, but will show all files that were installed.08:58
nolimitsoyaoddballin, you just need to restart x08:58
Dromedegilnim:it wont work on wine either. it cant detect the server08:58
FredSambodavin, did you check your xorg.conf file?08:58
ladydoormacgyver187: usually if there're complaints of missing libraries, it's the dev stuff that's missing08:58
nolimitsoyaoddballin, ctrl+alt+backspace08:58
davinFredSambo: why?08:58
nolimitsoyadavin, ifs stands for Installable File System08:58
dabaRkikokos: try sudo invoke-rc.d opendb restart too.08:58
macgyver187ok...I assumed all Dev is for programmers...:)08:59
FredSambodavin: isn't that where your mouse settings are?08:59
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davinFredSambo: my mouse isnt working on the live cd, I want to install Edgy.08:59
neobonzihow do I automatically have a command execute on startup?08:59
FredSambodavin, oh08:59
nolimitsoyadavin, use the alternate install cd, or struggle with the tab, space and enter keys08:59
bluefox83davin, in a terminal do: sudo psmouse09:00
bimberineobonzi: add it to /etc/rc.local (will run as root)09:00
mparrishI want to install grub version 0.97-11ubuntu14 on my edgy system, but when I do "apt-get install grub=0.97-11ubuntu14" it says it cant find it.  How do I do what I want?09:00
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neobonzibimberi, thank you09:00
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bimberineobonzi: yw09:00
davinbluefox83: whats psmouse?09:00
LegionI'm buying a brand new comp, and I want to put Ubuntu on it. Should I just get the Desktop CD?09:00
davinLegion: if you use it as a Desktop PC, yes.09:01
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kzm_Legion, don't see why not.09:01
bluefox83davehat, actually i forgot part of the command  do: sudo modprobe psmouse09:01
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bimberimparrish: try downloading the deb and installing using 'sudo dpkg -i file.deb'09:01
Legioncan I be fairly confident that drivers and such will work without too much intervention?09:01
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mparrishbimberi: I trid that, but it has a libc dependency.09:01
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kikokoswhen i tried first command it show me where i have files09:01
davingonna boot to edgy now brb (ill try irssi)09:01
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bluefox83davin, sudo modprobe psmouse09:01
davinhold on im on dapper live now, gonna boot to edgy, brb.09:02
bluefox83davehat, will load the ps2 mouse driver09:02
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kikokosdabar but second show sudo invoke-rc.d opendb09:02
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kikokosinvoke-rc.d: syntax error: missing required parameter09:02
davinits usb though09:02
dabaRkikokos: add restart at the end09:02
kikokosdabar ok09:02
bluefox83dunno what to tell you..try unplugging it and plugging it back in09:02
bimberimparrish: ah, so you'll need to compile from source09:02
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davinill try to tinker xorg.conf brb then09:03
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ReySonekhm ekhm09:03
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kikokosdabar sudo invoke-rc.d opendb restart too09:03
kikokosinvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/opendb not found.09:03
nolimitsoyadavin, use the alternate install cd, or struggle with the tab, space and enter keys. you shouldnt need the mouse.09:03
kikokosdabar so reinstall?09:03
dabaRkikokos: then it is not ran as a daemon, or server.09:03
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ReySonWhen I go to "Computer Management" -> "Disk management" it says, that 40gb and 26gb has status: UNKNOWN and uknown file systems09:03
ReySonand look at it09:03
oddballinnolimitsoya, lol.. it work... thanks, and bythe way, its my first time using linux so im learning.. slowly...  :)09:03
allzhello .:S when i try to mark for install vlc in synaptic packa.... this error comes up "could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade ,the following packages have unresolvable dependencies. make sure that all required respositories are added and enabled in the preferences09:03
niktariscan't openoffice "see" oft fonts ?09:04
ReySonIts from Explore2fs09:04
ReySonEXT2 Found. magic = 0xEF5309:04
ReySonUID = 7D3E88B0F7D6414A939A862CD5A91DC209:04
ReySonReiserFS 3.6 Found. magic = ReIsEr2Fs09:04
ReySonEXT2 Found. magic = 0xEF5309:04
ReySonUID = 7D3E88B0F7D6414A939A862CD5A91DC209:04
ReySonReiserFS 3.6 Found. magic = ReIsEr2Fs09:04
allzwhat can i do09:04
nolimitsoyaoddballin, np yw gl hf :)09:04
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LjL!paste | ReySon09:04
ubotuReySon: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:04
kikokosdabar so what should I do?09:04
nolimitsoya!pastebin | ReySon09:04
dabaRkikokos: no, just read the manual for the program,  http://opendb.iamvegan.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page is their wiki. Why do you need to use this program?09:04
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allz!paste | Reyson09:04
oddballinnolimitsoya, would you be able to help me out more?  resizing the bar on top and bottom to smaller... its still big09:04
ubotuReyson: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:04
ReySondavin, what now?09:04
kikokosdabar I was looking for program which  willl scan my cd and remembered what is on the cd ...something like collection maker09:04
nolimitsoyaReySon, have you followed the instruciotns i gave you earlier? is the partition accessable through explorer?09:05
kikokosdabar and I found opendb09:05
ReySonThrough WICH explorer?09:05
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allzljl can you help me out .,cause you are the first one to help me .when i got ubuntu back :S09:05
allzhello .:S when i try to mark for install vlc in synaptic packa.... this error comes up "could not mark all packages for installation or upgrade ,the following packages have unresolvable dependencies. make sure that all required respositories are added and enabled in the preferences09:05
nolimitsoyaoddballin, im using xfce and dont know much about gnome, but couldnt you just right click them and select properties, or something?09:05
kikokosdabr do u have any ideas or another good programs?09:05
nolimitsoyaReySon, there is only one in windows09:05
oddballinim using xubuntu.. i think it's in xfce too?09:05
LjLUbotu, please tell allz about repos09:06
nolimitsoyaoddballin, yes it is. just right click any one if them09:06
FantasticFoocan anyone help me get X setup on Edgy? i had it working perfectly with 3d acceleration and everything on dapper. :( and now, after upgrading to edgy, i get a "module mismatch" and "fglrx module isn't available" and "module abi major version doesn't match the server's version"09:06
nolimitsoyaReySon, winkey+e09:06
ReySonIn "My Computer" there is no D: disk ... just C:....09:06
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ReySonD: just dissapeared when I changed files system....09:06
dabaRkikokos: what do you mean remember what is on the CD? If it is for example a "Sting" cd, then a program such as amarok, or rhythmbox will know the tracks as soon as you put in the cd, cause it can access an online database.09:06
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nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, have you installed the right nonfree modules package?09:06
liestashow to add trashbin on the desktop?09:06
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: what do you mean?09:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:07
jerpallz, check this site out for vlc http://www.videolan.org/09:07
allzUbotu, please tell allz about repos09:07
nolimitsoyaReySon, enter the ext2ifs control applet and choose a drive designation that is free09:07
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dabaRliestas: does saying it is a gconf setting help?09:07
oddballinnolimitsoya, can you walk me thru it?  i dont see anything about resizing the bar... and hmm, what was the command again? sudo nano /etc/X11..?09:07
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kikokosdabar no i have many dvd with old movies in .mpg , .avi etc09:07
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, linux-restricted-modules`uname -r`09:08
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, also, are you running the generic kernel? you should09:08
liestasdabaR: where to find there gconf?09:08
oddballinnolimitsoya, nevermind, i found it... you just have to right-click on the bar itself09:08
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i'm supposed to do that command?09:08
dabaRliestas: run gksudo gconf-editor in a terminal, or find the configuration editor in your gnome menu09:08
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, you are supposed to apt-get install it09:08
kikokosdabar I have 3 or 5 films on one dvd and I want quickly find where I have film :)09:08
dabaRliestas: It is a nautilus desktop setting09:09
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allzljl so can i deb this site .videolan ?09:09
LjLallz - you can *what*?09:09
dabaRkikokos: no, I do not know a program that would make a list for you like that.09:09
shadeofgreycann somebody here help me with something09:09
ReySonIts wrote, when Im trying to click on Shortcut to D:/PRogram files/Dev-CPP09:09
ReySonDisk or network connection, to wich shortcut tries to pass "Shortcut to Dev-CPP" is not accessible. Check, if disk is put correctly and if resources are accessible and try again"09:09
allzdeb like in source list09:09
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allzyou know?09:09
allzpost the site in .synaptic .and do it like it09:10
nolimitsoyaReySon, whats dev-cpp?09:10
ashzillaCan someone recommend a program I can use to connect to a Windows VPN.09:10
LjLallz, just enable universe and then type "sudo apt-get install vlc" or use synaptic to the same effect09:10
LjLwhat site09:10
dabaRshadeofgrey: I can help you by sitting here.09:10
ReySonDev-CPP is a compiler for C++ language09:10
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nolimitsoyaReySon, have you done what i told you, and can you access the partition through the explorer?09:10
allzljl all are enbaled!09:11
ReySonI can't09:11
ReySonIt's not accessible09:11
LjLallz, no they aren't, or you would be able to install vlc. pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file09:11
kikokosanybody know good program which can scan dvd and remembered what I have on this disc?09:11
oddballinI have movies on my Windows XP.... how do I set up network so I can share files? (Sending it over to this laptop)09:11
nolimitsoyaReySon, you cant what? there should be no desktop shortcut to any program09:11
shadeofgreyi need to transfer all my data from an ext3 partition to a mac hfs partition09:11
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shadeofgreyis there a way to enable tiger to manage ext3 formatted drives?09:12
ReySonnolimitsoya: I mean, I can't access to D: partition through explorer...09:12
nolimitsoyaReySon, just awnser the questions clearly: can you, or can you not, se the partition under a new letter in the explorer?09:12
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dabaRshadeofgrey: You can mount ext3 in tiger, yes.09:12
ReySonI CAN'T09:12
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dabaRshadeofgrey: there is a mount command in mac os x09:12
dabaRshadeofgrey: as well as a man command.09:12
nolimitsoyaReySon, then have you gone back to the ext2ifs control panel and checked the settings? are you , in fact, using ext3, and was the program you downloaded ext2ifs?09:12
dabaRshadeofgrey: I am not sure of the exact syntax.09:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext2ifs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
kikokosanybody know good program which can scan dvd and remembered what I have on this disc?09:13
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mneptonAFAIK OSX does not access ext*09:13
ReySonnolimitsoya: Yes. I put a copy of debugg log. Want to see it again?09:13
allzUbuntu, please tell allz about paste!09:13
dabaRmnepton: I used to mount it.09:13
nolimitsoyaReySon, www.fs-driver.org ?09:13
dabaRmnepton: IIRC;)09:13
mneptonthere was a plugin for ext* for Panther, but it does not work in Tiger09:13
ReySonI dowloaded it09:13
shadeofgreyeverything i have been trold by the people in #macosx claim that ext3 partitions cant be mounted09:13
ReySonand reboot computer09:13
dabaRshadeofgrey: just man mount.09:13
dabaRshadeofgrey: and find out for yourself.09:14
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allz Ubotu, please tell allz about paste09:14
mneptondabaR: we're not interest in your sexual orientation >:)09:14
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ReySonand in "Computer managing" -> "Disk managing" it shows, that 40gb and 26gb is not recognized... Status: UNKNOWN09:14
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ReySonAnd see this log... EXT2 Found. magic = 0xEF5309:14
ReySonUID = 7D3E88B0F7D6414A939A862CD5A91DC209:14
ReySonReiserFS 3.6 Found. magic = ReIsEr2Fs09:14
ReySonEXT2 Found. magic = 0xEF5309:14
ReySonUID = 7D3E88B0F7D6414A939A862CD5A91DC209:14
|rt|mnepton: lol09:14
ReySonReiserFS 3.6 Found. magic = ReIsEr2Fs09:14
dabaRmnepton: why? Cause you don't like pedofiles like me?09:14
SierraUbotu, please tell Sierra about paste09:14
nolimitsoyaReySon, whats this shortcut you are talking about then? and please awnser in whole sentences, ex "yes, i did configure the ext2ifs driver through the applet, and yes my file system is ext3"09:14
ReySonSorry, for pasting but....09:14
LjLbut what?09:14
=== SHAQUEETA [i=Lovemelo@adsl-70-240-70-76.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
neobonziwhat command can i type in terminal to check if my computer is running on dual core instead of single?09:14
nolimitsoya!pastbin | ReySon09:14
LjLi just told you to use the pastebin 5 minutes ago09:14
jerp!pastebin | allz09:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:15
ubotuallz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:15
dabaRhey, SHAQUEETA09:15
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allzhere you go ljl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32177/09:15
mneptonneobonzi: cat /proc/cpuinfo09:15
LjLReySon, use the pastebin next time.09:15
niktarisis there any support for multimedia keyboards in ubuntu ?09:15
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neobonzimnepton, thank you!09:15
dabaRniktaris: yes09:15
=== mnepton bows
BrunchyMeatballscan anybody field a question as to why my windows partition, which was always autodetected when I opened places > computer, has disappeared since installing edgy?09:16
ReySonI configured ext2ifs driver, and no, my files systems are: Ext2 and ReiserFS09:16
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niktarisdabaR, how ?09:16
nolimitsoyaReySon, they look like reiserfs to me... did you mount the right one? have you rebooted?09:16
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ReySonYes, I rebooted09:16
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niktarisdabaR, any app for this? or... ?09:16
LLcoolMi have a problem with ubuntu installer. it seems it cannot install ubuntu on hdb if there is not yet a partition on it09:16
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dabaRniktaris: well, it just worked here.09:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse09:16
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LjLallz, give me the error you get, if any, when you try "sudo apt-get install wxvlc"09:17
allzjerp! what?09:17
BrunchyMeatballsubotu: thanks09:17
ubotuYou're Welcome!09:17
MenZaLapWhere's the article on info on how to write to ntfs?09:17
LLcoolMat least no manual partitioning ins possible09:17
jerpPastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/09:17
LjLallz, type that, and then pastebin the output09:17
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allzLjL i know that09:18
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BrunchyMeatballsanother possibly related issue is that my CDROM disappears from places > computer when I try to run a DVD09:18
bhuddaAh thank the Jesus...finaly!09:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Ntfswrite - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:18
=== _TomB [n=tomb@host81-155-182-237.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse09:18
=== pirx [n=alex@h-81-170-235-29.NA.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaLapCheers LjL09:19
allzLjL here you go -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32178/09:19
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micktmI can't use cedega!!! someone could help me?09:19
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ReySonnolimitsoya: What in this case... ?09:19
nolimitsoyaMenZaLap, ntfs-3g is nice, but take every effort to aviod ntfs. use ext2/3, and ext2ifs, or fat32 instead09:19
LjLallz, had you tried installing vlc from a .deb file earlier?09:20
=== cesar_ [n=cesar@81-172-50-111.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaLapnolimitsoya: er, it's for my external hdd09:20
MenZaLapFat32 is nogo, too small09:20
allzljl ! i was gonna09:20
MenZaLapAnd I need Windows to be able to read it too09:20
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oddballinhow do i compile the .rpm? i just downloaded gaim 2.0beta509:20
nolimitsoyaReySon, what what? highlight every line you type, or ill miss it. if everything is correctly configured, itll work. redo what your did, and sort out what you did wrong. install, reboot, mount, try another reboot09:20
=== Luke_ [n=Luke@] has joined #Ubuntu
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).09:20
=== aSt3raL_ [n=eric@168-103-163-139.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLallz: what's the output of "apt-cache policy vlc" and of "apt-cache policy wxvlc" and of "apt-cache policy libdc1394-13"09:21
ashzillaCan someone recommend a program I can use to connect to a Windows VPN.09:21
motopluxoddballin install alien and the alien .rpm09:21
javiolooddballin get a .deb09:21
nolimitsoyaMenZaLap, ext2ifs allows windows to read ext2 (or ext3, but without journal)09:21
ReySonnolimitsoya : It dont work....09:21
Mauroxcompile rpm ????? i think that is on redhat channel :S09:21
nolimitsoyaMenZaLap, and write to, of course...09:21
oddballinHmm, how do I install gaim then?09:21
nolimitsoyaReySon, then you probably did something wrong09:21
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MenZaLapnolimitsoya: oh really09:21
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Mauroxubuntu ??? sudo apt-get install gaim09:22
nolimitsoyaReySon, with out a clue as to what, i cant help you09:22
eobanb_ashzilla, PPTP?09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:22
ReySonIm gonna reboot computer once again09:22
adilsonhelloe there! :)09:22
nolimitsoyaReySon, are you using some strange lvm configuration, perhaps?09:22
twopeakHow should I upgrade to firefox 2? the synaptic only offers me the previous version...09:22
=== vanhoofp [n=pvanhoof@dD577520C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaLap!info mozilla-firefox09:23
ubotumozilla-firefox: Transition package for firefox rename. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 54 kB, installed size 112 kB09:23
nolimitsoyaMenZaLap, id say ext2ifs and extfs of some sort is the best chice for sharing drives with windows...09:23
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LjLtwopeak: you don't. you can upgrade to Edgy if for some reason you need firefox 209:23
sohailhowcome i cant connect to archives.ubuntu.com09:23
sohailnm, its working now09:23
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adilsonanybody here knows about kernel parameter to type at the boot prompt do install linux in raid 0 silicon 3112 sata controller?09:23
=== Skyrail [n=aled@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:24
twopeakLjl, ok, not immediately then...09:24
nolimitsoyaadilson, you shouldnt need any09:24
allzLjL here you go -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32182/09:24
haxality_I'm trying to figure out how to enable gnome-netstatus-applet09:24
nolimitsoyaadilson, hw raid arrays should just work, transparently09:24
Skyrailwhat can play .mov files right out of the tin? or how can I get a plugin for a program so taht it can paly them easily?09:24
nolimitsoyaSkyrail, sudo apt-get install mplayer09:24
eobanb_Skyrail, the .mov container itself can be played in most players.  i assume you're referring to some particular codec09:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:25
nolimitsoyaSkyrail, or realplayer, from the non free repo09:25
oddballinfor GAIM, which file should i download...  gaim-2.0.0beta5.tar.bz2    or  gaim-2.0.0beta5.tar.gz   ?09:25
adilsonkernel 2.6.17 in this case debian etch rc409:25
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nolimitsoyaSkyrail, canonical mailtains a repo with commersial software, outside of ubuntu09:25
LjLallz: gee, it really seems like i cannot read a sources.list - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32183/09:25
MenZaLapI personally prefer gzip, but meh09:25
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adilsonubuntu it only for workstation here09:25
eobanb_oddballin, neither; ubuntu comes with gaim09:25
ladydooroddballin: they're pretty much going to be identical. they're just different archive formats09:25
adilsonand debian it only for server here09:25
LjLallz: (though i do wonder how you got it into that messy state :P)09:25
MenZaLapnotice the 'beta', eobanb_.09:26
Skyrailnolimitsoya: ok, I'll try mplayer first, if most players play .mov files why can't I play this one?09:26
pirxhi! where do i change the "look and feel" of the default window manager? (i want to enable the "mouse wheel" on my laptop to scroll in windows)09:26
oddballineobanb, yea, but i want to use gaim beta 5...09:26
MenZaLappirx: mine does that by standard.09:26
eobanb_oh, i see.09:26
nolimitsoyaadilson, shouldnt you be in the debain channel then?09:26
=== mobal [n=mobal@dsl5402B771.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ladydooroddballin: first, you're going to want to uninstall or divert ubuntu's gaim, though09:26
mobalhello everybody!09:26
mobalneed some xgl help09:26
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-221-55.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
adilsonand talkin about ubuntu, i am using ubuntu 6.10+aiglx+beryl................ fantastic09:26
allzljl what do you mean?09:26
LjLUbotu, please tell mobal about xgl09:26
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LjLallz: that what i pasted it and use it as your sources.list09:27
LjLallz: (that is, basically, add the line " deb http://is.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted " at the beginning of it)09:27
nolimitsoyaadilson, then you are not making sense. you where talking about debian etch rc4 just now. what the prolem you have anyway?09:27
LjLallz: that what = take what09:27
pirxMenZaLap: well mine dont:)09:27
adilsonnvidia 64 but works to quick.... all good............09:27
allzLjL you got me confused :S09:27
=== CowzRule [n=Bossy@71-10-76-91.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaLappirx: laptop?09:27
allzwhat are you trying to say .ljl09:28
alecjwwill the rt2500 drivers work on an r22500 USB device?09:28
LjLallz: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32183/ <-- use this as your sources.list09:28
pirxi dont even know the name of the default window manager:) sawfish?09:28
allzljl much better09:28
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: oops09:28
allz:P now i understand you09:28
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: sorry i missed what you said09:28
=== ashzilla [n=ashzilla@wsip-64-147-7-85.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ladydoorpirx: are you using ubuntu, kubuntu, or xubuntu?09:28
pirxMenZaLap: fujitsu siemens amilo pro 2000 or somthing like that:)09:28
LjLallz: yeah, it's precisely what i said, except that i typoed and said "that" instead of "take"...09:28
MenZaLappirx: not familiar with it, sorry09:28
Skyrailsimple and stupid (but easy) question, is there any way to run games that require DirectX to run on Linux, yes I know Linux isn't the gamers platform...but light relief every once in a while...:D09:28
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, and ive forgot what i said. what where you asking?09:28
ashzillaHow can I usee PPTP to connect to a Windows VPN?09:29
adilsonjust pay atenntion... i use ubuntu 6.10 here in my workstation... but there is a new server (debian)... and i am in trouble about server.. and ubuntu it fantastic for me ...09:29
LjLUbotu, please tell Skyrail about cedega09:29
ubotuskyrial: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:29
pirxladydoor: ubuntu. i hope, uname doesnt give that info:/09:29
SkyrailLjL: thanks09:29
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i was asking about how to get X working again, because fglrx wasn't working after an edgy upgrade09:29
alecjwwill the rt2500 drivers work on an rt2500 USB device?09:29
oddballinladydoor, i just  uninstall gaim now... what do i need to do to install with the source code?09:29
MenZaLapoddballin: compile it09:29
tatalecjw: I think theres another driver for the USB-device, afaik its included in Ubuntu. Try to plug it in.09:29
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)09:30
pirxubuntu 6.06 it seems09:30
nolimitsoyaadilson, if you want support about your debian server, you should be in the debian support channel (no i still dont get it, and i am paying attention :) )09:30
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: you were saying something about not having the right kernel version or something09:30
adilsoni have here enlightenment 17.... but beryl-manger do not work.... what is the problem?09:30
alecjwtat: you mean ubuntu base system or ubuntu desktop?09:30
ladydoorpirx: open up your package manager and do a search for ubuntu-desktop, and see which is installed09:30
tatalecjw: base system09:30
LjLUbotu, please tell adilson about beryl09:30
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, make sure you are using the -generic kernel, and apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`09:30
alecjwok. thanks tat09:30
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: ok09:30
ladydooroddballin: ok, first put it in some out-of-the-way spot and unpack it. let me know when you're ready to go on.09:31
adilsonso lets talk about ubuntu here....09:31
pirxladydoor: gnome09:31
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: how do i make sure that i'm using the -generic kernel?09:31
allzljl please you will frogive him right .you know about last night09:31
LjLallz: who, zach?09:31
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, in a terminal, type: uname -r09:31
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: ohh09:31
allzljl yes09:31
oddballinladydoor, im already ready, but i can't find the archive that i downloaded it on.. desktop?09:31
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nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, then check the printout09:31
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: ok09:31
LjLallz, as long as he doesn't do something like that again09:31
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: how do i fix if it's wrong?09:31
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ladydoorpirx: ok, so you're looking for info on Metacity if you want the window manager in particular. however, if you're dealing with the mouse, i'd look for any info about your particular brand of mouse on linux09:32
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nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, one step at a time09:32
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FantasticFoonolimitsoya: ok, lol09:32
ladydooroddballin: sorry, i'm not sure what you mean.09:32
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, whats the verdict?09:32
rmdare there any packages for a parental controls/net nanny type program for ubuntu09:32
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i have to reboot into linux first09:32
nolimitsoyaoddballin, shoult be in your home09:32
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i'm in mac os x09:32
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, then do so09:33
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adilsonhow can i enable beryl+xgl with elightenment 17?09:33
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dopei have a wireless problem09:33
LjLadilson: #ubuntu-xgl09:33
ashzillaHow can I usee PPTP to connect to a Windows VPN?09:33
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i can't now, i'm just writing down your commands, then later when i get time i'll go through with it09:33
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oddballinhow do i go to home?09:33
ladydooroddballin: cd09:33
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rmdwhat's a good way to block adult sites on my ubuntu desktop?09:33
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, make sure you get the ` right, thats not a ', but a `09:33
eigenlambdagnome is set to put the display to sleep after 10 minutes of no input- even if i'm using mplayer09:33
oddballinladydoor, with terminal?09:33
dopei used the tutorial on the ubuntu forums to get my wireless working and it was working until i was connected one day and d/led the latest updates for ubuntu. now my wireless in ubuntu doesn't work and I have to use my windows install. Can someone help me?09:34
ladydooroddballin: yup!09:34
=== globalmatador [n=christop@85-127-14-190.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
eigenlambdahow can i configure mplayer to prevent the display from going to sleep?09:34
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FantasticFoonolimitsoya: ok, cool09:34
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nolimitsoyaoddballin, your home should be the first thing you are in when launching nautilus or a terminal09:34
dopei got some security updates or something for ubuntu and now wireless doesn't work no more09:34
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tatrmd: you could try to install a filter for firefox, if thats the browser youre using. try your luck on google :)09:35
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davinI was thinking, what would work better on Ubuntu? A WLAN PCI Card or a WLAN Bridge on the Ethernet Port?09:35
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davingood evening09:36
oddballinladydoor, i found it.. its at /desktop09:36
oddballinladydoor, but it isnt showing on my desktop?09:36
ladydooroddballin: at /desktop or at ~/Desktop09:36
b0c1k4If I have 2 module (rt2500.ko) the first in the extra dir the second in the drivers/net/wireles/...09:36
b0c1k4how can I decide which loaded?09:36
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ladydooroddballin: or at ~/desktop?09:36
=== rmd checks the firefox extensions page
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allzljl what command allowes me to see .if i have installd my video card correct09:37
oddballinladydoor, ~/dESKTOP$09:37
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LjLallz: an nvidia, right?09:37
LjLallz: if you see the nvidia logo when X starts, it is installed09:37
ladydooroddballin: well, i don't know anything about gnome per s, but anyway, what you should do is move it somewhere out-of-the-way. i, for example, have a ~/src dir09:38
allzljl yes i see it09:38
allzhehe i am on steam and it says09:38
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allzvideo card not decteded09:38
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davinallz: cedega?09:38
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LjLwell that's a problem with steam i guess.09:38
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davinallz: does steam stop loading after 26% updating?09:38
allzsteam is just fine09:39
allzi can play many games09:39
allzbut it gives me from steam .that my video card is not detected09:39
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allzbut i play cs:source just fine and half life 209:39
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davinallz: problem in steam then, tried software mode/opengl?09:39
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davinallz: or winecfg09:40
davinallz: you should go to #winehq09:40
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dopeso anyone got any ideas on my wireless problem?09:40
kzm_Anybody know the scripts on intitramfs well?09:40
neobonziHow would i go about mounting my windows partition so it shows up in my "computer" like an external or USB drive?09:40
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dopewireless used to work, i installed some ubuntu updates or something and now wireless can see access points but won't connect to any of them09:41
=== kzm_ worries about comments like "# FIXME This needs error checking"
sampo_v2is there a system available to create different ubuntu installation CD's ?09:41
ladydooroddballin: i guess let me know...09:41
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oddballinladydoor,  sorry.. im here, but i have guests right now... ;)09:42
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dopenobody had any luck with wireless?09:42
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adilsonwhat about ps2 emulator on ubuntu?09:43
LegionDoes somebody have a newbies guide to linux?09:43
ladydooroddballin: oh! well, real people are way more important than anything online09:43
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dopeis there a way to uninstall the bcm43xx-fwcutter program?09:43
fyrestrtrLegion: step 1. Praise the greatness of moi step 2. format Windows09:43
dopedoes it need to be uninstalled09:43
davinLegion: First, make sure you're sure you actually want to use Linux09:44
draeathim running ubuntu on a laptop. /boot is on /dev/hda2, / is on /dev/sda1 (external HD) - if i loose power, the system stays up but the root filesystem goes down. Besides putting the journal for sda1 on hda somewhere, what else can I do to get the system to handle it? ideally the system would pause disk writes/reads untill the FS came back, and then would scan the FS for consistancy before resuming. is that possible?09:44
davinLegion: what do you want to use your computer for?09:44
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davinhold on gotta reboot09:45
Q_ContinuumQuestion: Just installed 6.10 on laptop (emachines M6805) tried changing resolution to 1280x800 (native) and had corrupted video.09:45
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Q_ContinuumHave to mouse over a button or option in order for the correct text/image to display.09:46
=== darich [n=trickyki@host86-140-149-22.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
LegionI study computer science, so I find it rather important that I learn to work Linux. My university is very fond of linux, and I'm tired of finding alternatives for everything09:46
LeeJunFancrap, I really wish ATI would get on the ball with Linux drivers. Just updated mine and now I can't resume from suspend to ram.09:46
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ladydoorLegion: wow, where do you go to school?09:47
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mcsmurfhi, I have Ubutu 6.06 installed and was running a security update earlier09:47
LegionUniversity of Copenhagen09:47
mcsmurfthere it warned me about a missing signature for the cpio package so I cancelled it...09:47
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mcsmurfwhy is the signature missing, just an error or...?09:47
draeathanyone have any idea? or would this be better for the forums and/or ##linux?09:47
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needinfoHow do I get to command line when gui freezes?09:48
allzneedinfo just ask your question .we are steel breathing :)09:48
LegionI'm very comfortable with Windows, but it's kinda on the expensive side of things09:48
Falstiusneedinfo: sometimes you can use ctrl+alt+f109:48
Legionand when I need a C compiler I fucking have to SSH to my school and use theirs09:48
Falstiusto get back to the gui, use alt+f709:48
needinfoTried that. Went no where.09:48
Legionand that stuff burns like abortion!09:49
LjL!language | Legion09:49
ubotuLegion: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.09:49
ciaronwhats a good v. lightweight window manager?09:49
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Falstiusneedinfo: if that doesn't work than it is a lower level crash and you probably need to reboot the machine.09:49
njanlegion, you can install gcc in winows.09:49
anywhy are the modules of volatile/ replaced at each boot ?09:49
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kmaynard!xubuntu | ciaron09:49
ubotuciaron: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop09:49
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alecjwi have a wireless network set up, how do i make it connect?09:50
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mcsmurfCygwin GCC? I would rather avoid it, it's not very good and not very fast ;)09:50
draeathlegeon, investigate 'cygwin'09:50
draeaththen find one compiled with mingw32 :)09:50
needinfoI am new to linux. This is a new install. Had it working with command line in Edgy.09:50
Falstiusmcsmurf: you can use msys instead of cygwin.  It is a lightweight branch.09:50
mcsmurfyeah, that one is a bit better09:50
mcsmurfFalstius, normally i use M$ Visual Studio Free Edition 8-)09:50
needinfoThen I did apt-get desktop. I have not been able to reboot since.09:50
Legionall in all, I'm tired of throwing money at MS, and learning new stuff was never a bad thing09:51
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fivrewhatever it is that comes with Dev-Cpp?09:51
GeckoIs there any way I can capture what files a program (tries to) access?09:51
needinfoIt freezes with the Ubuntu logo.09:51
mcsmurfGecko, yes....09:51
mcsmurfif I could only remember the name09:51
needinfoI have rebooted many, many times.09:51
Geckomcsmurf: please tell me! :)09:51
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mcsmurfyeah, I think that's it09:52
draeathfivre: dev-cpp comes with gcc compiled with mingw09:52
alecjwi have a wireless network set up, how do i make it connect?09:52
strabesalecjw: use network-manager-gnome09:52
Falstiusneedinfo: you can reboot into the command line by playing with grub ... select your normal boot, press 'e' for edit, go to the kernel line, press 'e' again and add 'single' to the end of the line.  Hit enter a few times and you're booting into the command line.09:52
strabesalecjw: you haev to install it09:52
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Falstiusneedinfo: you might just be able to use the recovery boot option too .. I've never actually tried.09:52
jvolkmanneedinfo, boot in single-user mode09:53
allzljl is it ok to get rid of glx ?09:53
alecjwstrabes: i'm using a pentium with 32mb ram. network-manager-gnome somehow seems illogical09:53
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strabesalecjw: wifi seems illogical09:53
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LjLglx? no09:53
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anikaAnyone have adeb for gaim beta5?09:53
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FalstiusGecko: you can use strace or lsof (which lists open files)09:53
allzljl vitamin the channel operetor wine says .that get rid of glx then you will play cs fine09:53
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:53
=== Sierra [n=sierra@194-247-244-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
allzis it ok to get rid of glx ljl .i dont want to this to happin agein :P so i am carfull09:53
LjLthen i don't know, do it, you can always restore it. i'm not a gamer09:53
tgelterI'm trying to encode an avi to ipod-compatible mpeg 4 and I keep getting this error: ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libraw1394.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:53
anikaOr a repo for gaim Beta5 ?09:53
alecjwstrabes: what's wrong with it, it will hardly use up any of my ram/cpu, will it?09:54
allzhow to remove glx ?09:54
allzthen ljl09:54
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skenlivis kopete better then gaim?09:54
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theveninskenliv: that iall your own preference09:55
anikaskenliv: depends on what youlike09:55
allzljl is kdm better then glx?09:55
clearzenI'm having trouble getting widescreen resolution on my laptop. Can anyone help me?09:55
anikaI like functionality so gaim is better :)09:55
strabesalecjw: i dunno. if you don't want to use a panel based one then you would haev to configure it with network-admin09:55
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eigenlambdaskenliv: no09:56
WonderWalhow do i load a module at startup? i know the name of  the module09:56
alecjwstrabes: is that another graphical thing? is there any way of connecting in the commandline?09:56
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sampo_v2is there a system like jigdo available which could be used to build custom ubuntu DVDs, and perhaps select which packages are installed on the iso filesystem?09:56
eigenlambdaskenliv: unless, you really really really want everything to be kde09:56
godfatherhi guys09:56
godfatheri wish to know09:56
eigenlambdaskenliv: otherwise, use gaim, it's what everybody else uses.  firefox, too.09:56
allzsomeone is KDM better then GLX?09:56
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anikaallz: What?09:56
tgelterI'm trying to encode an avi to mpeg4 compatible with ipod, anyone have experience with that?09:56
godfatherho t upgrade my dapper drake to edgy eft version09:56
eigenlambdain fact, unless you rly rly like kde, just use gnome, it's what everybody else uses09:57
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allzanika is it ok to remove nividia glx?09:57
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fyrestrtr!upgrade | godfather09:57
ubotugodfather: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:57
sampo_v2allz: KDM is a login manager, i.e. a login screen where you put in your username and password. glx is a technique for hardware acceleration09:57
mr_danielI want to play midi-file with amarok, but it doesn't work. What I have to do?09:57
anikaallz: What does thathave to do with KDM?09:57
alecjwmr_daniel: use kmid09:57
needinfoI am now at grub command line. Thanks!09:58
allzanika i mean is kdm better then gdm?09:58
mr_danielalecjw: what is kmid?09:58
anikaallz: I don'09:58
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anikat know thatthere isa difference09:58
jorgpanyone know where to get the edgy artwork before it was canned and put back to dappers?09:58
alecjwmr_daniel: a kde program which is like amarok, but for midi files rather than audio files09:58
allzanika . is it ok to remove glx ?09:58
ashzillawhat's the pptp client?09:58
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alecjwstrabes: so do you know what command i need?09:59
anikaallz: Sure I guess09:59
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jorgpallz, kdm is kde, gdm is gnome09:59
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mr_danielkmid can play midi, thats fine, but just a workaround09:59
dopeany good with wireless problems?09:59
mr_danielI want that ALL my audio-programs all able to play midi-files09:59
skenliveigenlambda: firefox to?... is there a plugin, or what do you mena by that? :-)09:59
martyyyrdoes anyone have an idea why a session would crash if it couldn't find a file that does exist?09:59
dopemaybe you?09:59
mr_daniel...are able to play midi-files09:59
alecjwmr_daniel: i don't think that theres any way of playiong midi's in amarok09:59
eigenlambdause firefox instead of konqueror, i meant09:59
eigenlambdaby the way, konqueror sucks09:59
strabesalecjw: you're probably going to need to do sudo ifconfig eth1 up and sudo dhclient eth109:59
dopewireless yay nay?09:59
mr_danielalecjw: I hope your're not right :)09:59
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ashzillaCan someone please recommend a client for pptp10:00
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strabeswhich package should I download to use gaim beta 5 on ubuntu?10:00
WonderWalwhen im told goto "System->Administration->System Monitor"  , what the heck does that mean?10:00
strabesi'm downloading the FC1 rpm10:00
mr_danielI have found this useful page for playing midi-files with alsa http://alsa.opensrc.org/AlsaMidi10:00
CarlFKstrabes: not that one10:00
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WonderWalas in, which tool are they talking about?10:01
dopeis there a way to install ndiswrapper if i can't get to the internet with ubuntu?10:01
mr_danielhere are all possible ways to play midi-files http://alsa.opensrc.org/PlayingMIDIFiles (for me point sounds very interessting)10:01
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CarlFKstrabes: I hear there is a .deb in debian expermential repos - and my plan was to apt-get source gaim, then build the binary deb myself -10:01
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strabesCarlFK: which one should i download then? I know how to convert rpms to deb10:01
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strabesCarlFK: bah10:01
mr_danieland here is a module explaned, which seems to be able to allow ALL programs to play midi-files http://alsa.opensrc.org/virmidi10:01
rikaiHm, could someone tell me what package i'd install if i wanted to be able to use -lglu and/or lglu32 with g++?10:02
mr_danielam I right?10:02
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dopeis there a way to install ndiswrapper if i can't get to the internet with ubuntu?10:02
AbstIs there a way to use my GNOME theme in Beryl?10:02
CarlFKstrabes: you would rather use an rpm?10:02
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bipolarIs there a specific way to burn the edgy iso's so they don't fail checksum? I've burned a few copies with K3B and they all fail checksum, although they seem to work fine.10:02
skenlivAbst: download Heliador10:03
ashzillabipolar: I've had the same issues. I dunno what the deal is.10:03
alecjwhow do i cange the subnet mask for my wireless connection?10:03
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skenlivAbst: then you can use gnome themes on beryl10:03
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bipolarashzilla: ahh... so i'm not crazy :)10:03
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Sam31Hola a todos10:03
CarlFKI can't figure out how to run http://www.mysql.com/products/tools/migration-toolkit/ - anyone here done it?  where done = run, not read the web page... :)10:03
dopehow do i install a tar.gz file10:03
shadeofgreycan the standard ubuntu live CD for i386 be used on intel macs?10:03
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skenlivshadeofgrey: No, it uses a different boot routine than ordinary i386 computers10:04
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weepyhi - how can I determine whether my gfx is suitable for Beryl ?10:04
shadeofgreyis there a copy of the ubuntu live cd that will run on intel mac hardware?10:04
skenlivplease search the ubuntu forum10:04
alecjwhow do i cange the subnet mask for my wireless connection?10:04
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shadeofgreywhats beryl10:05
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skenlivweepy: all you need to know about beryl can easily be found at www.beryl-project.org10:05
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weepythanks skenliv10:05
skenlivberyl is a 3D accelerated desktop, far surpassing windows vista 3D effects10:05
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skenlivberyl renders the entire desktop in 3D10:06
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skenlivweepy: your welcome :-)10:06
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jamesbrinkanyone know how to enable mesa for opengl10:06
jamesbrinkim using xorg with driver "ati"10:07
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skenlivjamesbrink: depends on what you are going to be using it for10:07
eigenlambdaweepy: see http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/macbook.xhtml10:07
jamesbrinkmplay -vo gl10:07
jamesbrinkthats about it10:07
dreamI had the server before with windows 2003, know i need to formating ubuntu10:07
dreamI had the server before with windows 2003, know i need to formating the hard disk to make ubuntu10:07
Sp4rKycan i force package installation even if the preinst script returns an arror code ?10:07
jamesbrinki really just want goot stable hardware acceleration10:07
dreamsome can help me10:07
strabes!ask > dream10:07
eigenlambdajamesbrink: use fglrx if you want gl acceleration10:07
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jamesbrinkskenliv:  i dont want to use ati's driver it made the system so unstable10:08
eigenlambdaotherwise, just use xv10:08
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eigenlambdaxv > gl2 neway10:08
eigenlambda(gl2 > gl)10:08
strabesjamesbrink: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide10:08
Sam31Support in Spanish?10:08
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:08
skenlivstrabes: you took the words right out of my fingers :-)10:08
Sam31Thanks ubotu!10:08
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ladydoorskenliv: ++10:09
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skenlivelse there is www.ubuntuguide.org10:09
alecjwoh, i love it when people talk to ubotu10:09
yohani just deleted a file with rm by mistake...can i recover it? my system is ext310:09
yohanits a text file10:09
LjLyohan, not directly. you can grep for the contents though10:09
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Admiral_Chicagoyohan: it's in your trash iirc10:09
yohanLjL: how can i do that?10:10
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skenlivyohan: there is filerecovery programs in the repository, search for it10:10
LjLAdmiral_Chicago: not with rm10:10
yohanreally? where's that?10:10
skenlivenable universe first10:10
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yohanyeah but those were for ext210:10
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jamesbrinkstrabes: thanks brb10:10
yohanAdmiral_Chicago: where is that?10:10
Admiral_Chicagoyohan: it's not in the trash, i thought it was10:10
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skenlivhehe, dr r ju svenskar hr inne :-P10:11
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UKMattdoes anyone know why my dig camera won't connect to Ubuntu?  It did before Edgy went on, maybe I'm missing a package?10:11
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LjLyohan: i'd try something like  "grep -A 20 -B 20 blahblah /dev/hda1 >recovered", where "blahblah" is a word or expression (case sensitive!) that you know is contained in the file, and /dev/hda1 is your HD partition (change it if needed), the two 10's are the number of lines before and after the "blahblah" that you want to recover (change at will), and the contents should be recovered into a file named "recovered"10:11
WonderWalhow do i make a module autload on startup? please.10:12
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LjL!se | skenliv10:12
ubotuskenliv: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se10:12
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skenlivUKMatt: you have to check the program or driver you use for the webcam for it to work with edgy10:12
skenlivUKMatt: alot have changed with drivers and packages with edgy10:12
LjLyohan: actually, add a "-a" option as well10:12
UKMattskenliv, ?  well its a digital camera, and how do I check the driver?10:12
froshieyohan: better unmount the partition first10:13
skenlivcheck the logs and see if it was loaded on boot to start with10:13
froshieyohan: before grepping for the text10:13
LjLyohan: also, you should do that from a live cd possibly, to avoid overwriting it10:13
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yohanfroshie: might not work else?10:13
SkyrailI have BitTornado running but its not as fast as I wish as its behind a firewall on the router, problem is that I don't know how to change it so that it can download the torrents pretty quickly...10:13
LjLyohan: no, it simply might trash the file completely.10:13
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LjLactually, anything you do now might trash it10:13
fyrestrtropen the ports from the firewall?10:13
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LjLso just reboot and use a live cd10:13
froshieLjL: correct10:13
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yohannot so important tho....shit no program to add redundency with rm?10:14
Skyrailfyrestrtr: I don't know which ports I need to open10:14
LjLyohan: not with ext3 that i know of.10:14
yohanso instead of dissapearing it'll go to .Trash10:14
LjLyohan: having   alias rm="rm -i" is a good idea imho10:14
LjLyohan: you can make an alias or script for that too if you like10:14
fyrestrtrSkyrail: find out what ports it is using, generally its udp 6881-688910:15
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Skyrailok, I'll see if I can open those ports up10:15
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yohanhehe yeh10:15
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dopewhere can i find the broadcom bcm 4306 driver?10:15
froshiedope: you mean the original for the linux or the window's one?10:16
dopei think i need the one for linux10:16
dopeas my wireless in linux doesn't work10:16
dopebut the windows wireless works10:16
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dopei used bcm43xx-fwcutter the first time around and it worked10:17
froshiedope: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:17
nick`How do I execute a perl script10:17
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fyrestrtrnick`: perl foo.pl10:17
dopei was able to get online through wireless but i installed some ubuntu updates and i can see networks but not connect to them10:17
FlyingSquirrel32If I have a daemon that I start like this: sudo /usr/sbin/mydaemon & then how do I add an init script and be sure that it returns so the rest of the things in init also run?10:17
dopeany ideas?10:17
ashzillaHi. I'm looking for someone to help me configure a VPN connection correctly using PPTP... Can anyone help me?10:17
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froshiedope: check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx10:18
dopeyea i'm there lookin10:18
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drwahlany one here able to help out with some sound issues?10:19
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dopejust after installing some ubuntu update i can't connect but i can still see wireless access points10:19
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froshiedope: have you tried ndiswrapper?10:19
strabesdope: sudo dhclient eth110:19
dopethat's what i'm doing now10:19
dniteif i'm compiling things from source and creating my own .deb, are there any directory differences than the defaults that ubuntu usually uses?10:19
nick`Arent lines that begin with # in perl comments?10:19
froshiedope: i couldn't get my 4311 working with the linux driver, ndiswrapper just works fine10:19
dopei found a tar.gz for ndiswrapper10:19
dopejust type pkg_add ndsiwrapper.tar.gz right10:20
bluefox83is there a way to remove the mozilla-totem plugin without losing ubuntu-desktop ?10:20
dopecause the only way i can get online right now is using windows10:20
dopei cause use apt-get install etc10:20
dopecan't use*10:20
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fyrestrtrbluefox83: ubuntu-desktop is a virtual package, don't worry about losing it.10:20
froshiedope: what version of ndiswrapper have you downloaded?10:20
alecjwdope: download the DEBs10:20
dopewhere do i get the debs10:21
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dreamplease some can help me i had windows 2003 on my serv er box i need to format this windows install on hard disk ubuntu10:21
froshiedope: because the ndiswrapper-src package in ubuntu is currently outdated10:21
bluefox83fyrestrtr, sooo...if ubuntu-desktop goes i wont lose my desktop ?10:21
dopeyea i d/led it10:21
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dopethe ndiswrapper.tar.gz10:21
dope1.28 is what it says10:21
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fyrestrtrbluefox83: no :)10:21
dopesound good?10:21
fivre_Upgrading to Edgy broke my system. What do I do now?10:21
froshiedope: what kernel are you using?10:21
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dopei think10:21
dopeubuntu edgy 6.1010:22
froshiedope: paste output of "uname -a" command here10:22
dopei'm not in linux right now10:22
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fyrestrtrdream: don't understand your question. You want to format the disk from ubuntu?10:22
froshiedope: aah...10:22
dopecause it can't get online :P10:22
alecjwfroshie: isn't it uname -r?10:22
ashzillaHi. Assuming I wanted to add a source to the bottom of my sources.list using cat10:22
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froshiealecjw: correct10:22
ashzillawhat would be the systax10:22
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froshiealecjw: uname -a just prints it all ;-)10:22
fivre_he probably has 2.6.17-1010:22
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dopeok so i got this ndiswrapper 1.28.tar.gz10:22
dopeis that gonna be ok?10:23
froshiedope: yes...10:23
ashzillacat "text" >> /etc/apt/sources.list10:23
fivre_that's what comes with 6.1010:23
dopedo i need to delete any of the bcm-fwcutter stuff?10:23
froshiedope: then you need the linux kernel headers for your kernel10:23
dopeoh man10:23
froshiedope: it's a bit tricky10:23
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dopeso where do i get that10:23
froshiedope: and unfortunately you're not in ubuntu now :-(10:24
AV1611oops, sorry10:24
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dopei'm tryin to use this thread10:24
ashzillaCan someone please explain how to cat text onto the last line of a file?10:24
ashzillacat "text to put on" >> filename?10:24
LjLashzilla: no10:24
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ashzillaLjL: please share :)10:24
LjLashzilla: echo "text to put on" >> filename10:24
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dopewhere can i find the correct driver?10:24
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ashzillaLjL: thanks.10:25
LjLashzilla: cat reads from standard input, not from the command line10:25
ashzillaLjL: I don't know the difference, but I appriciate your inititive.10:25
ashzillaLjL: how can I copy and paste in the cli?10:25
dniteis there a package for the 'GLib 2.0 development headers' ?? I'm trying to compile something that says I need to have these installed..10:25
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froshiedope: i'm using the one from http://www.station-drivers.com/page/broadcom.htm10:26
LjLashzilla, echo expects a parameter.  "echo foobar" prints "foobar" on the screen, because you passed it as a parameter10:26
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dopeyou havea 4306?10:26
froshiedope: it's the broadcom windows driver10:26
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froshiedope: no, 431110:26
LjLashzilla: cat, instead, reads from standard input -- i.e. you type "cat", press Enter, and it sits there waiting for you to type things, and prints them10:26
dopeit doesn't matter does it?10:26
LjLashzilla, depends on what terminal you're using. inside X most terminal respect the select-to-copy and middle-click-to-paste convention10:26
froshiedope: the driver's for all 43xx chipses, so it shouldn't matter10:27
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dopefroshie: these are all exes10:27
ashzillaLjL: Ahhhhh, thank you for clearing that up. That's a good concept to understand.10:27
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froshiedope: yes, selfextracting archives10:27
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LjLashzilla: but that ends up in the middle-click clipboard, which is separate from the clipboard that ctrl+c and ctrl+v use. so if you want to copy to/from a terminal to/from another program, you need to do the same thing in the other program10:27
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froshiedope: do you have a winrar or something on windows?10:27
nick`mm, how do i compile .c files10:27
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froshiedope: or you maybe don't need to10:27
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froshiedope: just run the exe10:28
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froshiedope: it will extract the drivers10:28
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froshiedope: and copy the bcmwl5.sys and bcmwl5.inf files from it10:28
dopean i use the ones i'm using right now with windows?10:28
madman215can i install ubuntu from a hard driv install of the knoppix-dbian on anothr partition or vn this on without a cd or floppy?10:28
Zimhey, do you know how to get the nicklist at the side of the chat window on X-Chat Gnome ?10:28
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nick`how do you compile a c script in ubuntu? lol10:28
froshiedope: u think you can use your windows drivers too10:29
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:29
froshienick`: gcc -o script script.c10:29
dopewhere's the inf file10:29
nolimitsoya!make | nick`10:29
ubotunick`: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:29
froshienick`: ./script10:29
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Fred_Samboshould i run AVG on my windows virtual machine?10:29
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dopeok well we'll see what happens10:31
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Fred_Samboanyone use vmware here?10:31
froshieFred_Sambo: me does10:31
Fred_Sambodo you run a windows VM?10:31
nolimitsoyaFred_Sambo, yes you should10:31
froshieFred_Sambo: yes10:31
nolimitsoya*yes you should use avg, or other av10:32
Fred_Sambonolimitsoya: ok!10:32
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nick`nod32 ftw10:32
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bhuddagosh finaly!10:32
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bhuddaSo sparratic...10:32
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Fred_Samboi should update windows then as well, just as i would with a real machine?10:32
froshieFred_Sambo: better yes10:33
nolimitsoyaFred_Sambo, a vm is just like a regular machine, with all the problems they experience, and more. its _very_ dangerous to share drives and not have av and afullt up to date system10:33
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tevfiktwhen i open beryl, my window title is disappear. do you think why?10:33
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Fred_Sambonolimitsoya, froshir, thanks!10:33
axloohi all10:33
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axloodoes anybody know how to configure proxy on skype?10:33
gbutler69_Anyone know of a program for Ubuntu Edgy which will allow one, from a Shell Script, Perl Script, and/or Python Script, to show on-screen the view from an attached V4L/V4L2 WebCam and capture a snapshot for further processing on command?10:34
Clin1Can some onme help me with a shutdown problem? I want to make my computer ONLY shutdown from the shutdown option in ubuntu10:34
gbutler69_Something scriptable and/or controllable is preferred.10:34
nolimitsoyaaxloo, perhaps the skype faq?10:34
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gbutler69_Programmitically Controllable that is.10:34
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axloothanks nolimitsoya but :( it aint working :(10:34
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nolimitsoyaClin1, what do you mean?10:35
nolimitsoyaClin1, what else does it do, besides shuting down?10:35
Clin1I want to make it to where the power button on the tower act only to staart not shut down10:35
nolimitsoyaaxloo, probably some other (non ubuntu related) problem then.10:35
Clin1restart hibernate,10:35
Fred_Sambovmware is the coolest thing ever!10:35
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare10:36
froshieFred_Sambo: agree :)10:36
JuJuBeeAnybody use DVD Decrypter?10:36
nolimitsoyaClin1, ah... you could set it to suspend in bios, and then disable the suspend option in ubuntu10:36
axloomaybe, i had configured it before but i really cant remember how, and now it isnt working because i reisntalled ubuntu10:36
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XangFred_Sambo : We use VMware's full suite including VMotion,etc. We haven't built a bare metal server since 2004:)10:37
Clin1Hu..... i thought it was ubuntu that controled shutdown10:37
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nolimitsoyaaxloo, try the skype support channel10:37
JuJuBeeI am trying to copy a DVD adn keep coming up  with sector read errors.  If I ignore these (since I cannot get past them) can I still burn the resulting files?10:37
martyyyrdoes anyone know of a good all-round IDE for someone who codes in PHP/Java/C++/CSS/XML/and some more ?10:37
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axloocan you tell me that channel and how can i enter it?10:37
nolimitsoyaClin1, it can, but you usualy have an option in bios to switch between shutdown and suspend. ubuntu can override that option, but doesnt have to10:37
Fred_SamboXang: i'm headed in the same direction10:37
nolimitsoyaJuJuBee, you will still have lost data10:38
Clin1I dont want to restart wo how would i do it her10:38
froshieJuJuBee: maybe the DVD is scratched/corrupted?10:38
Gh0stynew edgy is great!10:38
JuJuBeeI understand that.10:38
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XangFred_Sambo: Excellent:)10:38
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Gh0stymy prob with wifi solved and everything working!10:38
nolimitsoyaJuJuBee, in other words, the dvd would still be corrupt. perhaps you should get one of those dvd repair kits?10:38
tindusthi all, I read that ubuntu has a text-mode installer CD, but where can I find it?10:38
JuJuBeeBut so far, each time I have tried to burn the disc, it has failed.10:38
Gh0stymy compliments to every developer!10:38
martyyyraxloo.. how did you get the rain effect?10:38
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rubengonchello there...could someone tell me where can i find the default config file used to build the ubuntu kernel? i know there is a 2.6.19 linux-kernel available...i would prefer that one ;)10:38
JuJuBeenolimitsoya : please explain what do you mean dvdrepair kid Physical or Software?10:39
froshierubengonc: try looking at /boot10:39
nolimitsoyaClin1, i dont think you can do anything about that. expet from pulling the leads tothe buttons, that is...10:39
axloodo you have the XGL installed on gnome?10:39
Gh0styprobably /boot/ rubengonc ?10:39
rubengoncfroshie: i am not using ubuntu10:39
martyyyraxloo, yes10:39
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froshierubengonc: aha10:39
axloothen start beryl10:39
fdovingrubengonc: /boot/config-*10:39
Clin1well if i do that then it will never staart10:39
nolimitsoyaJuJuBee, physical. some very fine abrasive pads that sand down the scratches10:39
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martyyyraxloo: running beryl already10:39
JuJuBeeI never heard of one.10:39
rubengoncnot using ubuntu...what i want is the default config file used to build ubuntu kernels10:39
axloonow go to water effect10:40
fdovingrubengonc: if you're not using ubuntu, get the source from packages.ubuntu.com10:40
axloodo you see it?10:40
nolimitsoyaClin1, true, but these are computers. they are supposed to be able to shut down and restart, even when software malfunktions :)10:40
rubengoncok..let me check10:40
grndslmBERYL!!!!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!10:40
axlooiit is on the left handside10:40
JuJuBeeI cant understand why the files (even with missing info) wouldn't burn.10:40
martyyyraxloo: yeah10:40
froshierubengonc: i think it's a bit different with every ubuntu kernel10:40
axlooand then go to keyboard10:40
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axloodo you see it?10:40
nolimitsoyaJuJuBee, they would, but they would be broken and not readable, causing all sorts of problems during playback10:40
fdovingrubengonc: #ubuntu-kernel maybe.10:41
martyyyraxloo: found it, thanks :)10:41
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martyyyraxloo: you were right... it's awesome :)10:41
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: you still around?10:41
Clin1I cant pul the prongs because the power cord goes throught it10:41
Clin1it goes throught the button10:41
axlooand now make a shortcut key for the toggle rain10:41
jryerCan someone help me get PHP installed and working? I have tried re-installing via Synaptic many times with no luck. Whenever I try to open a PHP page, the browser tries to open it as a file. Why? It was working until I tried installing Drupal. Help!10:41
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nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, yes10:41
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derek_can anyone tell me why I can't run exe with wine until i rename the file?10:41
martyyyraxloo: have you figured out how to grab the cube with your mouse? cause...I haven't :)10:41
nolimitsoyaClin1, ah, an at machine? :) then you are out of luck10:41
axlooyes i have10:41
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: i'm using a -generic kernel, and when i try the apt-get command it says that it's already to the newest version, but X still doesn't work. :(10:41
nolimitsoyaClin1, get an atx machine in stead :)10:42
froshiejryer: do you have your PHP module loaded in apache configuration file?10:42
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rubengoncso...i download the source and then?...i already did that and cant find the config file:P10:42
axloowait a minute and i will tell you exactly how, ok?10:42
nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, then xorg.conf hacking is your next step10:42
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: oh10:42
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: hm10:42
martyyyraxloo: alright10:42
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grndslmis the left ALT button intentionally not supposed to act the same as the right ALT on the keyboard??10:42
FantasticFoonolimitsoya: yeah. and i've already tried reinstalling the fglrx drivers.10:42
Clin1i think i do have an atx but its a verry bulky crd and it looks like bower except for the power (once i take another look) is only tword the distributor10:42
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nolimitsoyagrndslm, yes. altgr and alt are not the same keys10:43
rubengoncfroshie:  so...i download the source and then?...i already did that and cant find the config file10:43
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froshierubengonc: what kernel version do you want?10:43
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nolimitsoyaFantasticFoo, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-check if anything strikes you as odd10:43
froshierubengonc: i can't paste you 2.6.15 (dapper drake)10:43
froshierubengonc: i can :-)10:44
rubengoncfroshie: linux-source-2.6.19_2.6.19-6.710:44
nolimitsoyaClin1, youre not comming through to me :)10:44
rubengoncfroshie: too old:P10:44
=== tedward [n=tedward@c75-109-214-253.bcstcmta02.clsttx.tl.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
axloomartyyyr go to rotate cube10:44
axloodo you see it?10:44
froshierubengonc: hmm... 2.6.19? i think the latest edgy is using just 2.6.17 :-)10:44
martyyyraxloo: yes10:44
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axloomartyyyr now click on mouse this time10:44
froshierubengonc: with every version the config differs10:44
rubengoncfroshie: feisty10:44
martyyyraxloo: yes10:44
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froshierubengonc: aah :-)10:45
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tindusthi all, where can I find the text-mode installer cd for edgy please?10:45
nick`what do i apt-get to get dev packages for c10:45
axlooand there is on the top place your shortcut keys for the rotating the cube with the mouse10:45
froshierubengonc: haven't tried :)10:45
nolimitsoyarubengonc, then you should be in #ubuntu+110:45
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Terminustindust: it's the alternative cd.10:45
martyyyraxloo: omg..it's "initiate"!.. lol, I looked all over for that! thank you, you're my hero :)10:45
rubengoncfroshie: neither I:P I just want the ubuntu kernel config file!10:45
nolimitsoyarubengonc, again, then you should be in #ubuntu+110:45
derek_I need help with WINE!!!10:45
nick`what do i apt-get to get the dev packages for c? =p10:46
axloomartyyyr :) i am glad to help somebody discover the beautiful XGL10:46
azapcan someone tell me how to make my fonts look decent in firefox on edgy? i dont think they are antialiased10:46
nolimitsoyaderek_, then go to the wine support channel10:46
derek_where is that?10:46
tindustTerminus > do you mean 6.06 LTS?10:46
Clin1It is a computer that the power is controled by the motherboard the leaads go to the board one i press the power button it will go into sutdown by ubuntu i do not want it to do that i wanat it to only be able to be shutdown when i hit the shut down button.10:46
axloobut i cant get my skype working :(10:46
JuJuBeederek_ : #winehq10:46
derek_derek_ == noobie10:46
nolimitsoyanick`, sudo apt-get install build-essential10:46
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Terminustindust: edgy should have it too. let me check.10:46
derek_silly me, thanks10:46
martyyyraxloo: can't help you there..sorry10:46
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=== Vich is edgy
froshierubengonc: i think it can be useful in some cases, but when building my own kernel i prefer "step by step" configuration :-)10:47
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Vichlol, I thought you were exaggerating his name, but it actually is martyyyr10:47
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Terminustindust: http://ftp.yz.yamagata-u.ac.jp/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent10:47
nolimitsoyaClin1, as i said, then you will have to pull the plug between the motherboard and the button. then you wont be able to turn it on, but thats your next problem. ;) what you are asking is not feasable, nor reasonable. please reconsidder, and find som other means of solving the problem you (originaly) have10:47
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VichI think the proper spelling is matyr though ;S10:47
axloobye guys!10:47
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Vichbye axisys10:47
rubengoncfroshie: yeah me too...but i am mading a comparation between settings used in the different distros....10:47
Vichlol tab10:48
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tindustTerminus > Thanks a lot!!10:48
Clin1well thanks aalot....10:48
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axloovich do you know how to config skype's proxy?10:48
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jryerfroshie: How do I change the configuration file? I have only installed php5 and all other necessary files via synaptic10:48
Terminustindust: you're welcome. a little searching should have given you that. ;)10:48
VichI do not use skype, so no10:48
tindustTerminus > I have been searching for 45 minutes :/10:48
froshiejryer: what ubuntu version are you using? edgy? dapper?10:48
axloook . bue10:49
froshiejryer: or better, what PHP version?10:49
jryerfroshie: I am using dapper10:49
azapcan someone tell me how to make my fonts look decent in firefox on edgy? i dont think they are antialiased10:49
martyyyrVich: yeah, but I was too lazy to lift my hand when I was typing the y (no joke), so I've been using this nick ever since :)10:49
Terminustindust: well, following the links on ubuntu.com lead me to it. ;)10:49
tindustTerminus > :( then I must be a retard10:49
Q_ContinuumDevice Manager sees my wireless card (Broadcom) but its not listed in Network Settings.  (Edgy, fresh install, laptop)10:49
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jryerfroshie: PHP version 510:49
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nolimitsoya!wifi | Q_Continuum10:49
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ubotuQ_Continuum: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:49
Atmospheriangot a weird package manager/hotplug problem10:50
Q_ContinuumRoger roger.10:50
Terminustindust: maybe you're just sleepy and couldn't read stuff with blurry eyes. :)10:50
martyyyrdoes anyone know of a good IDE?10:50
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, and...?10:50
nolimitsoyamartyyyr, ide?10:50
froshiejryer: "sudo sh" and inspect your /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf10:50
tindustTerminus > let's call it that ;) Thanks anyway10:50
Atmospherianwhen i try to install the hotplug package, it says that it has to remove all of these vitals packages10:50
Atmospherianis this normal?10:51
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grndslmmartyyyr, what language(s)?10:51
froshiejryer: and also /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.load10:51
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, no. thats a dependacy problem. make a bug report10:51
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martyyyrnolimitsoya: integrated development environment.... for php/c++/java/xml/ etc10:51
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rysiek|plguys, any permission-gurus around here? :)10:51
froshiejryer: the latter file should have a line like: LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so10:51
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nolimitsoyamartyyyr, tried geany?10:51
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Terminus!anybody | rysiek|pl10:51
uboturysiek|pl: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:51
martyyyrnolimitsoya, no, I haven't10:51
nolimitsoyathink it does java xml...10:51
Atmospherianok thanks.. in the meantime, what is the best way to go about getting that installed?10:52
martyyyrthanks ,I'll check it out10:52
nolimitsoyamartyyyr, then do :)10:52
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rysiek|plTerminus: yeah, writing it down right now ;)10:52
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, there is none. just dont :)10:52
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, you risk breaking lots of stuff10:52
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martyyyr"fast and lightweight IDE" I like the sound of that :)10:52
moparfan90hello i am trying to install the new ati drivers and i get an error. i posted the error here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32199/10:52
moparfan90please help10:52
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nolimitsoyamartyyyr, yes, its quite nice :)10:52
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hEx2Hi ubuntu people! --- Does anybody know if a "PowerBook G3 Series" 'Logic Board: PDQ" "OF version: 2.0.1" "Family model: M4753" is compatible with ubuntu. PLS help me.10:53
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Atmospheriannolimitsoya: ok.. though it seems that having hotplug installed is necessary for proper operation of my ipw220010:53
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nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, ubuntu should do hotplug out of the box. whats not working for you?10:53
jryerfroshie: "LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp5.so" is in the latter, like it should10:53
rysiek|plsuppose we have a directory Dir, owned by root:somegroup, and a user smbdy, with main group users, but also being in the somegrp group. now, the user smbdy creates a file in dir - he obvioulsy can do that. but the file is then owned by smbdy:users, so other users from the somegrp group cannot access it. I *know* there is a way to make the files created in a dir be owned by dir's_owner:dir's_owner_group. the question is - how?10:54
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Atmospheriannolimitsoya: i am trying to install the firmware for my ipw2200 and the directions indicate copying the fw files to /usr/liib/hotplug/firmware which does not exist10:54
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froshiejryer: and the former?10:54
rysiek|ploh, and the dir is drwxrwxr-x :)10:54
Terminusrysiek|pl: i'm not sure. sticky bit perhaps?10:55
rysiek|pl(or: 775)10:55
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rysiek|plTerminus: sticky bits, sayz thou. m'kay, checking10:55
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, firmware is different from drivers, are you aware of what you are doing? if so, try it from a live environment10:55
jryerfroshie: <IfModule mod_php5.c>   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php3   AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps </IfModule>10:55
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Atmospheriannolimitsoya: yeah i've done this before on fedora core 6, first time trying on ubuntu10:55
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Atmospheriannolimitosya: i have the modules for the driver and ieee8021110:56
Atmospheriannolimitosya: just need to install the firmware10:56
froshiejryer: like it should, hmm...10:56
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GargoyleMy fellow uker's could not help with this but I have a very bizzare saslauthd problem!10:56
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, if you have done it before there should be no need now, or is it a new firmware version?10:56
=== kud0s for one welcomes out new overlords
Terminusrysiek|pl: could also be setuid/setgid10:56
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hEx2Hi ubuntu people! --- Does anybody know if a "PowerBook G3 Series" 'Logic Board: PDQ" "OF version: 2.0.1" "Family model: M4753" is compatible with ubuntu. PLS help me.10:56
Atmospheriannolimitsoya: i have done it before in a differnt distro... this is a clean install, and my first time using ubuntu10:57
moparfan90trying to install ati drivers ...   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32199/   please help me10:57
jryerfroshie: Any ideas?10:57
kud0shex2> run the live cd and see10:57
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GargoyleIf I run the las command in the pastebin, saslauthd works ok. However, when run via init.d it does not. I have done some tweaking with the script to output debug info and it seems that its starting with just the "pam" auth_mech, not "pam rimap" like in the config file10:58
Gargoyleany ideas?10:58
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, as i said, firmware is quite different from drivers, and upgrading them is dangerous and strongly adviced against if you dont have a very good reason. its more like a physical modification, and it is more or less permanent. completely independent of your computer.10:58
rysiek|plTerminus: setting the group's sticky-bit in dir solved it for the group, that's enough for me. thanks a lot.10:58
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, short story: you dont need to do it, so stop before you damage anything, rendering it unusable for all future10:58
kzm_I managed to boot with nfsroot!  Woohoo!10:58
Terminusrysiek|pl: ok. i think the proper way is with the setuid/setgid bits though. =)10:58
froshiejryer: isn't there something in you apache's log file?10:59
Atmospheriannolimitsoya: ok10:59
froshiejryer: in /var/log/apache210:59
kzm_(had to copy manually the 2.6.17 modules onto an initrd from LTSP to get it to work)10:59
nolimitsoyaAtmospherian, thats why i asked you if you understood what you where doing ;)10:59
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Atmospheriannolimitosya: i had done it before in other distros and it worked fine10:59
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GargoyleOK, I edited the /etc/defaults/saslauthd file and changed MECHANISMS to just contain rimap and it worked.11:00
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NChiefi have a problem with installing a "new" grafhic card and couldnt run xserver,,, new gfx card is voodoo3 pci, and the old one is an nvida 128 agp something,,,11:00
livingdaylightIn Adobe Reader when i select something and right click i have an option to copy to clippboard. Where is this clippboard, please, anyone?11:00
GargoyleIt this a bug in the init script, or should I be quoting them or something?11:00
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rysiek|plTerminus: what do you min setguid/setuid? I did chmod g+s dir11:02
sebwinHi. I'm still trying to get a Realtek network card working. Apparently it is using the right drivers. Is anybody aware of any other causes than hardware failure, that might keep the card from functioning?11:02
InescsHey guys..  I got Tribes2 working for Ubuntu (I'm new to Linux) and it's running great!  But, I'd like to be able to run WoW as well  (The performance in Linux compared to Windows is significantly better).  I *do* have the required software to operate WoW within Linux..  But I'm unsure of how to install it.11:02
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rysiek|plsebwin: hardware failure? is it working under other OSes?11:02
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jryerfroshie: - - [16/Nov/2006:18:01:31 -0400]  "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2248 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/"11:02
jryer127.0.0.1 - - [16/Nov/2006:18:01:31 -0400]  "GET /icons/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/"11:02
jryer127.0.0.1 - - [16/Nov/2006:18:01:31 -0400]  "GET /icons/unknown.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/"11:02
jryer127.0.0.1 - - [16/Nov/2006:18:01:31 -0400]  "GET /icons/folder.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/"11:02
fuffal0does UpdateServer exist, or is it just in the conceptual stages right now11:02
jryer127.0.0.1 - - [16/Nov/2006:18:01:31 -0400]  "GET /icons/compressed.gif HTTP/1.1" 304 - "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060921 Ubuntu/dapper-security Firefox/"11:02
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rysiek|pljryer: don't flood, use a pastebin11:02
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sebwinnever tested it.11:03
NChiefi have a problem with installing a "new" grafhic card and couldnt run xserver,,, new gfx card is voodoo3 pci, and the old one is an nvida 128 agp something,,, somebody have an idea to do?11:03
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jryerfroshie: That is the access.log11:03
ElVirolohi all11:03
sebwinrysiek|pl: never tested it.11:03
cntbhi  Iwant to temporarily insert greek keyboard in KDE and switch it throu ALT SHIFT how can I do that ?11:03
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livingdaylightIn Adobe Reader when i select something and right click i have an option to copy to clippboard. Where is this clippboard, please, anyone?11:03
froshiejryer: hmm nothing unusual :-(11:03
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GargoyleIs there a specific dev chan?11:03
Terminusrysiek|pl: oh... chmod g+s is setgid. =)11:03
rysiek|plsebwin: do test it under some different os (ehh, well, windoze for example)11:03
livingdaylightdoes Ubuntu come with a default clippboard like Kubuntu?11:03
ElViroloalthough i am running the ubuntu edgy livecd, i'd like to install kubuntu ... is it possible to have a minimal installation and then apt-get kubuntu ?11:04
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rysiek|plTerminus: =]  ...and chmod u+s is setuid (which, curiously enough, doesn't do anything for me)11:04
cntblivingdaylight, clipboard is kinda invisible as in windows11:04
livingdaylightcntb, so, where do i find it?11:04
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Terminusrysiek|pl: i googled it and apparently, linux only uses setgid and sticky. setuid is ignored.11:04
kud0slivingdaylight> think of it as your short term memory accessable by crtl+v11:05
sebwinrysiek|pl: yeah, I'm afraid I'll eventually have to do that. Unfortunately, I don't have easy access to other hardware.11:05
rysiek|playe, got the same on my google right now :)11:05
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rysiek|plTerminus ^^11:05
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fuffal0is there a way to make a central update server that can push updates onto other ubuntu machines11:05
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cntblivingdaylight,  kud0s answered you11:05
Clin1Room, i am running apache 2 aand i keep getting a file downloaad message every time i go to my site. the file is index.phtml11:05
rysiek|plsebwin: well, it's nothing big, just reboot to windoze (if you have it installed, that is) and test it. and run away as soon as you cane ;)11:05
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livingdaylightkud0s, huh? cntr +v pastes though11:05
Terminusfuffal0: you could mirror the repos... it's still more of a pull than a push though. =)11:06
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kud0syes, it pastes from the clipboard11:06
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jryerfroshie: thanks for trying to help... I'll go back to Windows for now11:06
sebwinrysiek|pl: :D no-go. I burned all the bridges (erased the hard drive :) )11:06
kud0sthe clipboard generally by default only holds 1 piece of information at a time11:06
Clin1It should not be doing this11:07
rysiek|plsebwin: believe it or not, I have a nice ol' live winxp buried somewhere in my cd stack...11:07
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livingdaylightkud0s, i see so clippboard always remains invisible and crtl+v pastes it anywhere i put it11:07
rysiek|plTerminus: and any idea is there a way of satting a dir up so that all files/dirs created within are created with a specified umask?11:07
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sebwinrysiek|pl: is that a bootable XP CD?11:07
rysiek|pl*setting, damn, what's with my english today11:07
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rysiek|plsebwin: yup11:08
cntblivingdaylight,  perfect understanding11:08
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kud0sits ctrl+v or right click -> paste11:08
livingdaylightkud0s, why call it clippboard even? it more like a simple copy and paste then... i still need an application in which i can paste it11:08
sebwinrysiek|pl: didn't know those existed!11:08
kud0sits called a clipboard in most OS's i dont know why, it just it11:08
cntbpaste what livingdaylight ?11:08
sebwinrysiek|pl: is there a way I can get by it?11:08
Terminusrysiek|pl: no idea. how about crontab chmod for that dir?11:08
Clin1CAN any one help me with an apache problem11:09
rysiek|plsebwin: neither did I, google for it - or better do a torrent- or ed2k-search for it (8-in-1 WinXP cd or something like that ;) )11:09
Clin1i am running apache 2 aand i keep getting a file downloaad message every time i go to my site. the file is index.phtml11:09
cntbclipboard 'cause it is handy like a clipboard11:09
livingdaylightcntb, but that is not quite what a clippboard is. Coz the clippboard saves it and allows me to select something else without losing my original what i copied. Wheres withthis as soon as i select something else the original will be gone unless i've first pasted it somewhere, like a clippboard!11:09
froshieClin1: try to rename it to index.html11:09
Terminusrysiek|pl: i know the default umask is set in /etc/login.defs, but for a specific dir, i don't know...11:10
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rysiek|plTerminus: that would be too easy, now wouldn't it? :) the thing is, I am setting a cvs repo and need the perms working AOK in the instant the file is created11:10
sebwinrysiek|pl: I'll try that right away.11:10
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Clin1but its a php fie it wont work otherwise11:10
froshieClin1: and do you have PHP installed?11:10
Clin1yes php511:10
froshieClin1: and what about renaming it to index.php ?11:10
cntbI see yo ur point livingdaylight . there is such thing in windows and linux as well11:11
cfeddewhere can I find info about making an ubuntu bootable flash drive?11:11
Clin1thats what it says right now but its still not sisplaying11:11
cntbtry smthing like Klip11:11
Clin1 WORD FOR WORD >>>>>  index.php11:11
Terminusrysiek|pl: isn't there a way for cvs to set the perms for you instead?11:11
rysiek|plTerminus: d'oh. haven't thought of that!11:11
cntbyes livingdaylight  klipper it is11:12
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livingdaylightcntb, that was my point about kubuntu which comes with a 'visible' clippboard wherein things get saved11:12
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livingdaylightcntb, exactly.... but in gnome here i've installed basket now instead11:12
cntbtis a notepad yellow amd white with a "k" in the middle11:12
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
cntbAh gnome11:13
Terminusrysiek|pl: it should have settings for the owner too. then you wouldn't have to mess with setgid. =)11:13
livingdaylightcntb, yes, it is, so why doesn't ubuntu provide one by default? Kubuntu does11:13
Clin1firefox call it phtm11:13
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sebwinrysiek|pl: "Windows XP All 9 in 1 SP2" ?11:13
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cntbkde is somewhat a lil friendlier11:14
tuskerninisebest, what a cool dvd11:14
rysiek|plsebwin: whoa! even better! I only have 8-in-1! just check if it has the Live mode11:14
dnitehm.. i just compiled gaim 2.0.0 beta5 myself, but ubuntu thinks it's older than the beta3 package they have and wants to 'upgrade' .. how do i stop this?11:14
cntbthen again livingdaylight  add kde (kubuntu ) there ! sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:15
sebwinrysiek|pl: it doesn't say on the package! 9.911:15
cntbor livingdaylight  sudo apt-get install kubuntu11:15
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rysiek|plsebwin: gimme a sec11:15
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livingdaylightcntb, LOL, mwuahahahaha.....heeeheeeeeheeeeeee..... you a fanny guy!11:16
livingdaylighthehe ^^11:16
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livingdaylightcntb, i take it your'e in kubuntu then11:16
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sh4rehi! i make a memtest-86 on a Gericom laptop. I never had a lapotp bevore. Can i let it run over night=?11:17
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livingdaylightcntb, there was a funny article about a kde man going cold-turkey for a month and only using gnome in lieu, in Linux Format Magazine11:17
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cntbyes but I started  this PC in UBUNTU i.e. gnome11:17
xenAlright, so I downloaded all the codecs according to UbuntuGuide.org, and yet when I play music, I get horrible artifacts.  I know its not the songs, because I got them in several formats from several places, and played them in several players, and they work fine in Windows (which is also how I know its not the hardware).  Any idea how to fix this?11:17
cntblivingdaylight,  youbet I did11:17
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xenI'm thinking maybe a bad sound driver?11:17
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danieleboyowould anyone to be able to me with setting up a wacom tablet pen (for a talbet pc)11:17
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cntbexplain more livingdaylight ! tell more11:18
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rysiek|plsebwin: cannot find it on the network. maybe try pasting the hash (and only the hash) into google?11:18
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:18
rysiek|plsebwin: you might then get some info on it11:19
sebwinrysiek|pl: ok11:19
rysiek|plsebwin: and try www.filedonkey.com11:19
cntbplaying with bot ?11:19
polytando i need to patch the linux-source  (linux kernel source with ubuntu patches) to do have hibernation ? (i'm compiling my kernel)11:19
livingdaylightcntb, well, imagine a guy whose only ever used kde! except for a bit here and there like...and now he has to cope with gnome for a month and survive the cold-turkey-kde-withdrawal sysmptoms11:19
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trasheurmaniaSALUT A TOUCE !!11:20
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bruenig!hi | trasheurmania11:20
ubotutrasheurmania: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:20
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danieleboyoso, anyone help with a tablet pc pen?11:21
trasheurmania_ya til du monde ki parle franc ?11:21
mabreauxdoes anyone know of a program to run or convert access databases to linux?11:21
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:21
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bruenig!hi | gustavo11:21
polytannobody knows ?11:21
ubotugustavo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:21
gustavoi got a question!11:22
bruenigpolytan, if no one answers, no one knows11:22
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rysiek|plsebwin: try also http://www.filehash.com/file/8505D84BE5C253E96BB6FAEC569D62A9, but I cannot guarantee it's not a fake or some malware11:22
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gustavoits about configuring KDevelop11:22
polytanbruenig, all right11:22
danieleboyotablet pc pen?11:22
=== cabbage [n=cabbage@c-71-224-97-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sebwinrysiek|pl: thanks!11:22
gustavoI need to use Word completion with STL...11:22
rysiek|plsebwin: nop11:22
cabbageHey guys. Quick question concerning a second hdd...11:22
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cabbageI'd like to set it up as a general storage device (mp3s, pictures, etc)11:23
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bruenigcabbage, ok...11:23
cabbageWhat type of file system should I use for this general storage purpose under ubuntu11:23
livingdaylightcntb, you would love gnome in no time - you would actually start getting productive instead of configuring your fonts all day, lol11:23
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bruenigcabbage, ext311:23
bimbericabbage: ext3 (unless sharing with windows)11:23
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cabbageok. How about this: my friends and I network every once ina  while. Will he be able to access this drive if the need arises?11:23
cabbagehe uses windows11:24
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cntblivingdaylight, you are right  about the fonts ty11:24
bimbericabbage: in that case you can share the drive using samba and he can access it11:24
rysiek|plcabbage: through samba for example11:24
bimbericabbage: so ext3 is fine for that11:24
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gustavoany body knows how to make Word Completion of STL in KDevelop c++ ??11:24
cabbageok. time to google samba11:25
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ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:25
bruenig!info samba11:25
bimberi!samba | cabbage11:25
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 2836 kB, installed size 7200 kB11:25
ubotucabbage: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:25
=== Phuzion [i=Phuzion@69-168-188-155.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fred_Sambosamba is awesome...  all of those settings11:25
rysiek|pld'oh, you guys aren't flooding, are you?.. :P11:25
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bimberirysiek|pl: justified flooding :)11:25
=== bruenig had a unique factoid
PhuzionAlright, so upgrading to edgy is just change breezy to edgy in sources.list, apt-get update, apt-get dist-upgrade, right?11:26
rysiek|plFred_Sambo: the best thing is how it got started. a guy needed to link win and lin and mac boxen... so, he did "the most obvious thing to do" - reverse-engineered the smb protocol =] 11:26
bimberiPhuzion: no, recommended path is breezy -> dapper -> edgy11:26
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:26
bruenigPhuzion, going straight from breezy to edgy is probably not recommended and might create problems11:26
Fred_Samborysiek|pl, word!11:27
Phuzionbimberi: sorry, I do have dapper, assuming dapper is 5.10, right?11:27
niekieUpgrading to Edgy can give troubles anyway ;)11:27
=== whaley` [i=whaley@adsl-69-109-222-236.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigPhuzion, dapper is 6.06 breezy is 5.1011:27
bimberiPhuzion: 5.10 is breezy11:27
niekieFresh install of Edgy is apparently recommended.11:27
bruenigfresh install never fails11:27
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itclanste1question: how to get samba sharing enabled on ubuntu linux11:27
bimberiniekie: apparently? is that anywhere official? (not that I don't agree)11:28
=== bruenig braces for samba floods
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rysiek|pl!tell itclanste1 about samba11:28
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bruenig!hi | marcrosoft11:28
ubotumarcrosoft: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:28
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=== bimberi held off :)
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cabbagesorry. didn't mean to make this a samba faq room.11:28
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itclanste1sorry guys11:28
ajmitchmmm, samba11:28
itclanste1i wasn't aware11:28
rysiek|plitclanste1: did you get the msg?11:28
Fred_Sambosamba and ubotu are dating11:28
niekiebimberi, topic in #ubuntu-nl says it ;)11:28
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bimberisamba's worth the attention :)11:29
=== Spee_Der tried to samba, almost broke me neck....
Fred_Samboi have samba going sharing with my funky windows virtual machine11:29
DShepherdanyhere using ekiga..i have some questions about adding an account... what is the registrar textbox for?11:29
bimberiniekie: wow.  I wonder if Seveas set that?11:29
rysiek|plSpee_Der: I have samba sharing some files with 5 boxen on LAN11:29
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niekie* Topic for #ubuntu-nl set by HiddenWolf at Mon Oct 30 08:53:50 200611:30
niekiebimberi, last set by, so doesn't mean Seveas didn't set it ;)11:30
MattJniekie: Do I know you by any chance?11:30
itclanste1rysiek|pl: which msg11:30
Fred_Samboall of this samba talk is making me hungry11:30
niekieMattJ, your name looks familiar.11:30
MattJniekie: Jabber?11:30
rysiek|plitclanste1: nvm, my fault. gimme a sec11:30
niekieMattJ, yes.11:30
=== bruenig notes matt is a common name
bimberiniekie: k, thanks11:30
rysiek|pl!tell me about samba11:30
MattJniekie: Ha! Small world :)11:30
=== kikokos [n=jer@xdsl-19888.wroclaw.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu
rysiek|plitclanste1: the msg fro ubotu11:31
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rysiek|pl!tell itclanste1 about samba11:31
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Spee_Deris samba like a samish, only bigger ?11:31
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rysiek|plSpee_Der: what is samish?11:31
Fred_Sambo!samba | itclanstel11:32
ubotuitclanstel: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:32
itclanste1nothing like that11:32
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itclanste1rysiek|pl: no such msg came11:32
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Fred_Sambo!samba | windows11:32
ubotuwindows: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:32
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Dheeraj_khelp : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32205/11:32
Dheeraj_kproblem with wget11:32
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Fred_Sambo!samba | wget11:32
ubotuwget: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT11:32
rysiek|plitclanste1: strange, nvm, you got the msgs above anyway :)11:32
Dheeraj_kit is not resolving host11:32
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Fred_Samboubotu is broken11:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is broken - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:32
SeveasFred_Sambo, ?11:33
bimberiFred_Sambo: looks ok to me11:33
Dheeraj_khow to fix it?11:33
kikokoshi I have a problem: when I run Ubuntu it stopped at mounting root file...11:33
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE11:33
Fred_Samboit's back11:33
kikokoswhat should I do with this11:33
Fred_Samboi love you ubotu11:33
_goofy_will ubuntu write to a fat32 partition stably11:33
Dheeraj_k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32205/11:33
bruenig_goofy_, yes11:33
bimberi_goofy_: yes11:33
rysiek|pl_goofy_: yup11:33
bruenig!repeat | Dheeraj_k11:33
ubotuDheeraj_k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:33
rysiek|plha! /me being original :P11:34
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Dheeraj_ki am not able to download any thing11:34
bruenigI was first11:34
_goofy_thanks everyone11:34
MattJ_goofy_: Yes, it will11:34
=== AdamKili [n=adam@71-213-191-218.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fred_Samboyou are welcome11:34
kikokos hi I have a problem: when I run Ubuntu it stopped at mounting root file11:34
rysiek|plDheeraj_k: do this: ping www.google.pl11:34
bruenigDheeraj_k, it works for me11:34
=== MattJ being slow as usual
=== Xang [n=morr@c-68-52-190-192.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dheeraj_ki am able to ping google11:34
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Dheeraj_kbut problem is only with wget11:34
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rysiek|plDheeraj_k: are you able to ping www3.mplayerhq.hu?11:35
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Sir_FawnpugIs anybody here good with lower level programming regarding system calls?11:35
foomanchewanyone using XGL on a nVidia GeForce2 MX/MX 400 card ?11:35
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bruenig!xgl | foomanchew11:36
ubotufoomanchew: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:36
Dheeraj_kwats wrong?11:36
rysiek|plDheeraj_k: to be honest, I have no idea :/11:36
Dheeraj_kpreviously i was using proxy11:36
Sir_FawnpugI'm writing a class in C++ to fork and execvp another program, and create pipes for that child's stdin and stdout; however, the process dies before I get a chance to do any buffering on the pipes.11:36
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Dheeraj_know i typed http_proxy=false11:36
Dheeraj_kand wget started returning that error11:37
MattJDheeraj_k: What happens if you resolve it and pass wget the IP address instead?11:37
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:37
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Dheeraj_kis there any other way to stop proxy?11:37
mick_i installed vmware according to this walkthrough http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192328&highlight=vmware and when i get to the part about starting it up, the shortcut it placed in my applications menu doesn't point to a valid target11:37
jerpIm gonna ask Santa for a BFG GeForce 8800 GTX for Christmas11:37
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warlock[S] How to see which permissions the files has in a dir?11:38
bruenigwarlock[S] , ls -l11:38
Dheeraj_kthat will be a big pain! resolving host and pasting ip to download11:38
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bimberiDheeraj_k: unset http_proxy11:38
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bimberiwarlock[S] : ls -l11:39
highnekoHelp please http://rafb.net/paste/results/YAg30I98.html11:39
Dheeraj_kbimberi:  thanx mate now it is working :)11:39
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bimberiDheeraj_k: np :)11:39
itclanste1are there some desktops other than kde and gnome11:39
jerpruns $650xfce11:39
bruenigitclanste1, xfce11:39
warlock[S] How to set so the www-data has full permissions to ALL files/folders in a specefic dir?11:39
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bimberiitclanste1: fluxbox, openbox11:40
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foomanchewwarlock[S] , chown it11:40
itclanste1bruenig: did u ever use them11:40
warlock[S] foomanchew, what's the command?11:40
bruenigitclanste1, I am using xfce right now11:40
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GrinmanHow can I completely uninstall the fglrx driver installed using method2: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_new_8.31.5_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Edgy_Manually ?11:40
highnekowarlock[S] : man chown; man chmod11:40
foomanchew!chown | warlock[S] 11:40
ubotuwarlock[S] : The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:40
GrinmanI want to install the previous fglrx driver.11:40
itclanste1bruenig: and r they available by synaptic11:40
Dheeraj_kanother problem is i am not able to install kde  desktop from kubuntu cd11:40
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bruenigitclanste1, yeah, xubuntu-desktop is the name of the package  you probably want if you want xfce11:41
Dheeraj_kit is returning error11:41
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Dheeraj_kErr cdrom://Kubuntu 6.06_Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060531) dapper/restrict11:41
itclanste1i think its not available in ubuntu by default11:41
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highnekoCan someone help me please. Aptitude won't let me remove k3d. http://rafb.net/paste/results/YAg30I98.html11:42
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warlock[S] no info at all but k11:42
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gustavoi need to use word completion with KDevelop with the STL.. can anybody help me??? please ???11:42
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rysiek|plgustavo: maybe nobody here uses kdevelop - try googling for gdevelop11:43
rysiek|plgustavo: or maybe #kdevelop will help you11:43
Arcad3whats up folks?11:43
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agenthas anyone attempted a no-monitor fresh install?11:43
foomanchewwhat video driver should I use under mplayer when running beryl/xgl ?11:44
Arcad3agent :on Win yes11:44
=== indref [n=indref@CPE0013100daf4d-CM00080d3b8e83.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
agentArcad3: how did you do it? and why on win? was it a server?11:45
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indrefDoes anyone know how I could read *.lit files?11:45
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indref*.lit files, anybody.11:45
Keyseir"E: Type 'file:///home/gk200017/Desktop/gst-plugins-ugly-0.10.4.tar.gz' is not known on line 38 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list" what does this mean?11:45
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agentdoes anyone know of a boot cd that connects to dhcp and sets up sshd automatically?11:46
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Ricardo_ColombiaCan somebody help me to install a game in my Kubuntu?11:46
AdamKilii need help with installing my wi-fi card. in ubuntu 6.06 it was listed in System>Administration>Networking automatically, but now it 6.10 it won't show up. I've tried the card specific instructions (Acx111) at the ubuntu wifi docs, and i want to use Ndiswrapper as a last resort11:46
indrefSeems that there aren't any helpers in here.11:46
Ricardo_ColombiaHi Marcrosoft11:46
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agentArcad3: but were you configuring the server afterwards and during install remotly? or did you just pop in the cd, made the cd boot?11:47
Arcad3don;t mention that here11:47
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Arcad3pop in the CD11:47
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itclanste1bruenig: thanx i got it11:48
agentArcad3: meh.... need a good method for remote access during install too :D ubuntu is defninetly not good at this... need a different distro/bootcd then just connect via ssh, chroot and install ubuntu ;)11:48
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agentindref: have you search on google? and what are lit files?11:48
Arcad3Knoppix 5 agent11:49
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indrefYes, and lit files are ebooks.11:49
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bruenig!hi | nuts11:50
ubotunuts: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:50
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agentArcad3: i have knoppix 5 but it does not boots automatically + sets up dhcp + sets up sshd - this is an install wihtout monitor, keyboard, or mouse :D11:50
nutsbruenig: :))11:50
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agentindref: your asking touch questions here :P tired ubuntuforums.org?11:50
bemixtohi, is there anybody skilled in doing "magic" and can help me to make the menu in gnome to reappear? right now the application menu is completely empty and i'd like to know who it's being generated...11:51
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:51
=== EtienneG [i=etienne@conference/canonical/x-2496e5143525796b] has joined #ubuntu
warlock[S] How to kill all process starting with hlds_11:51
EtienneGhow does one reset his password on  ubuntuforums.org ?11:51
Ricardo_ColombiaKynaptic and Synaptic are the same?11:51
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Arcad3warlock:tipe in terminal11:51
agentbemixto: system -> pref -> menu layout11:51
bruenigbemixto, try right clicking on it, removing it and then right clicking on it and clicking add to panel and then select it? A shot in the dark but perhaps11:52
warlock[S] yep Arcad3 ?11:52
Arcad3the remembeer the number near hlds11:52
indrefagent, Touch question?11:52
Arcad3then use11:52
bemixtoi'll give it a try11:52
warlock[S] Arcad3.... I didn't ask that? :o11:52
Ricardo_ColombiaAre Kynaptic and Synaptic the same?11:52
bruenigRicardo_Colombia, they both download and install packages. They aren't exactly the same obviously, but they serve the same purpose.11:52
Arcad3kill NUMBER11:52
warlock[S] Arcad3 .............11:52
agentwarlock[S] : pkill hlds_ <--- this will kill all processes with hlds_ in it, regardless where that string is located11:52
nutswhich image viewer you recommen, if you want fast access ?!11:52
warlock[S] k11:52
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agentindref: i meant tought, and i was joking - its not a hard question its just that nobody here apperently reads lit files so no one knows :)11:53
RASMANbemixto, have you tried running 'sudo update-menus'?11:53
jerpI go Double Size in my MMX Player and I lose the GUI image :/11:53
indrefagent, I've looked on the forums. So far I have a strange zip file from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4923211:53
warlock[S] thanks11:53
bemixtorasman: yes, i did11:53
agentindref: tought = tough hahah11:53
Ricardo_ColombiaIs there 3D games for Linux?11:53
nutswhich image viewer you recommen, if you want fast access ?! :))))11:53
=== user_ [n=user@88-108-223-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
bruenignuts, what does fast access mean11:53
Ricardo_ColombiaIs there 3D games for Linux?11:53
jerppardon thats XMMS11:53
agentRicardo_Colombia: yes, lots11:53
nutswell just for browsing throu images, and which loads them up fast11:54
nuts@ bruenig11:54
indrefRicardo_Colombia, You could play Doom or Quake.11:54
xenAlright, so I downloaded all the codecs according to UbuntuGuide.org, and yet when I play music, I get horrible artifacts.  I know its not the songs, because I got them in several formats from several places, and played them in several players, and they work fine in Windows (which is also how I know its not the hardware).  Any idea how to fix this?11:54
kud0sRicardo_columbia> yes11:54
bruenig3D, who needs that, frozen bubble is the best11:54
=== ailean [n=ailean@82-40-205-105.stb.ubr07.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
jerpricardo, UT 2003 is suppose to be playable in Linux11:54
aileana good calendar app anyone?11:54
bruenignuts, are you on edgy?11:54
indrefagent, Could you help me with the zip file?11:54
kud0sUnreal s playable under linux11:54
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kud0sits written in assembly dont you know11:54
indrefkud0s, How do you get that.11:54
nutsbruenig: yep11:54
bruenignuts, edgy uses f-spot and they seem to tout it as being really good, although I have never used it. (Don't have any images to browse through)11:54
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Ricardo_Colombiajerp are you talking about Unreal Tournament?11:55
nutswell not more a thing to browse throu hole packages, just to open up single images, bruenig11:55
agentindref: don;t run that program.... its a  binary and i cant read it... could be a malicious program (virus, etc.)11:55
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RASMANailean, what type of calendar?  Mozilla's sunbird, Evolutions calendar, Gnome's calendar when clicking on the time, or bash's cal11:55
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indrefagent, Uhm, I thought I left windows behind :|11:56
Ricardo_ColombiaJerp mu computer has a Sempron Processor11:56
bruenignuts, no idea, what do you mean images? I assumed you were talking of pictures and such11:56
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aileanRASMAN, well i use sunbird on windows, so it's prob better to keep it the same, but i can't find it on synaptic11:56
agentindref: you did... but that doesnt mean there arent mean people out there :D11:56
AdamKilii need help with installing my wi-fi card. in ubuntu 6.06 it was listed in System>Administration>Networking automatically, but now it 6.10 it won't show up. i want to use Ndiswrapper as a last resort. can anyone help?11:56
rysiek|plgtg, cu all11:56
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jerpRichardo, Sempron is how old?11:56
indrefagent, Well then, you seem nice enough. What do you propose.11:56
=== Kris [n=chatzill@213-78-35-152.ppp.onetel.net.uk] has joined #ubuntu
nutsbruenig: nah wallpapers for example11:56
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agentindref: you dont have to worry about virus, etc. if you just install official stuff (no such thing in windows)11:56
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jerpnew in 98?11:56
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azapcan someone please tell me why my fonts in firefox on edgy look like they are not anti-aliased at all/?! thanks11:56
indrefagent, Well, that is assuring =:)11:57
agentindref: let me search a little.... i also believe there is an ebook reader converter but i dont remember the name11:57
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jerprichardo, shouldn be any problem then11:57
kud0sRichardo> if all else fails use wine it plays almost everything11:57
bruenignuts, oh, well not sure as I said I am not an image viewer myself11:57
indrefagent, But I still have about fifty *.lit files I'd like to read.11:57
=== gouchi [n=gouchi@ivr94-8-88-162-27-162.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
indrefagent, Ok, I'll wait.11:57
nutsbruenig: just a basic application11:57
Ricardo_ColombiaI have downloaded Wine11:57
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Ricardo_ColombiaHow do I install it?11:57
agentindref: well... you see, that binary is not readable so i cant go over the source code... this isnt normal in linux land :)11:57
bruenig!info gqview11:58
ubotugqview: A simple image viewer using GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.1-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 707 kB, installed size 2312 kB11:58
=== Apollo [i=domus@c-71-194-81-247.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
indrefagent, I have no idea what that means, but I'll take your word for it.11:58
jerptheres probably a readme file packaged with Wine11:58
aileanRASMAN, or anyone else, is mozilla-calendar the same as sunbird?11:58
RASMANailean, sunbird is not available as a package.  Probably because it is pre-beta.11:58
aileanoh right11:58
bemixtoagent: system isn't filled normally anymore, there are no prefs inside system...11:58
bemixtobruening: no success11:58
aileanRASMAN, well i want something decent that can read an ics file - what would you recommend?11:59
jerpsomething like a ./configure && make or something11:59
bimberi!wine | Ricardo_Colombia11:59
ubotuRicardo_Colombia: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:59
globeis it possible to get true window transparency in gnome?  ie...see another window through my term window.11:59
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agentbemixto: there must be some settings/file you can change to reset your menu to default - i don't know  this setting but ask around11:59
aileanglobe, yes, research beryl12:00
bemixtoi guess i need to know who the menu is generated. but digging in update-menus or install-menu didn't help until now12:00
ailean!beryl | globe12:00
ubotuglobe: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl12:00
ParachutesHey, can I force aptitude to download a package, instead of getting it from CD (ncurses-term)?12:00
bimberiglobe: with a compositing window manager like beryl or compiz12:00
jerpit might just be me, but Im glad they didnt call it Whine12:00
gouchiwhich option to boot in safe graphicaly because I can see the bootlo12:00
bemixtoagent: i guess there is. but i didn't find it yet12:00
gouchimy graphic card is Matrox G40012:00

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