fdoving | imbrandon: it's a compilefix to make the package compile on ppc. + minor improvements. | 12:16 |
fdoving | it'll probably be the last version of that package, as schedutils will be included in the next util-linux release (2.13). | 12:18 |
imbrandon | fdoving: ok uploaded , /me is afk for ~1 hour | 12:23 |
fdoving | imbrandon: ok, thanks a bunch :) | 12:23 |
=== orkid [n=orkid@bas1-barrie18-1242379938.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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hollywoodb | I'm curious about sudo behaviour in (k)ubuntu... after a few days using 6.10 I have anywhere from 5 to 20 'sudo' processes Sleeping, and similar numbers for kdesu | 12:45 |
orkid | try asking in #kubuntu | 12:46 |
Riddell | it's a fair developer question | 12:46 |
Riddell | although I can't recreate the problem | 12:47 |
orkid | true, but i thought it might get better support there | 12:47 |
hollywoodb | I've asked there a couple times this past week, no real answers. | 12:47 |
Riddell | yes, you'll get more of a developer answer here :) | 12:47 |
hollywoodb | I'm not really familiar with sudo other than how to use it, same goes for kdesu ;) | 12:47 |
Riddell | kdesu does start a redundant sudo, before the real sudo | 12:47 |
Riddell | but there's no reason why it should be sleeping | 12:47 |
fdoving | does sudo on the commandline work as expected? | 12:47 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: yep, works fine | 12:48 |
hollywoodb | although I can't always recreate the problem, it seems a bit random | 12:49 |
fdoving | do you have a bunch of sudos running now? | 12:49 |
fdoving | sleeping.. that is. | 12:50 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: no, fresh boot not too long ago | 12:50 |
fdoving | ok. | 12:50 |
hollywoodb | I believe it may be linked to running synaptic from Kmenu, as it seems there's about a 30% chance nothing will happen (visually) other than startup notification... one second | 12:54 |
hollywoodb | http://rafb.net/paste/results/Ddp5wJ22.html | 12:54 |
hollywoodb | that's what I get immediately after a 'failed' attempt to start synaptic via kmenu | 12:55 |
fdoving | hollywoodb: next time you experience it, you can run: 'for pid in `pidof sudo`;do cat /proc/$pid/cmdline;echo \n;done' from konsole, and then save the output to a file and come back. I guess it'll say something like '/usr/bin/sudo-uroot/usr/bin/kdesu_stub-n' - then it'll be kdesu magic. | 12:55 |
fdoving | correct. | 12:56 |
fdoving | but that's only one. | 12:56 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: I bet if I keep launching synaptic I can get some more ;) | 12:56 |
fdoving | it didn't start, it just sleeps in the background? | 12:56 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: correct, its working now, but about 30% of the time I get the startup notification (bouncing cursor, etc), and nothing else but that | 12:57 |
fdoving | hmm.. is this edgy? | 12:57 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: aye | 12:57 |
fdoving | you're in the admin group, and the admin group is in /etc/sudoers, right? | 01:00 |
fdoving | you haven't modified /etc/sudoers? | 01:00 |
fdoving | do you experience problems with the Administration Mode.. buttons in system settings? | 01:00 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: no problems there, I'm in admin, /etc/sudoers is correct... | 01:02 |
fdoving | you can -try- to add your user on a separate line in /etc/sudoers, If it works it must be a bug in sudo. | 01:03 |
fdoving | .. i've seen various threads on forums etc. with that solution. | 01:03 |
fdoving | s/solution/workaround/ | 01:03 |
fdoving | haven't experienced problems with kdesu in edgy though.. | 01:04 |
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hollywoodb | fdoving: I'm wondering if it isn't kdesu... I'll keep playing around and seeing if its just synaptic, or I can get the same effect with 'Administrator Mode', Adept, other things that use kdesu... if it persists I'll try adding myself to /etc/sudoers as well | 01:04 |
fdoving | good. | 01:04 |
fdoving | please come back with your testresults :) | 01:04 |
hollywoodb | fdoving: will do, though will probably take a few days to get some reliable numbers ;) | 01:05 |
fdoving | sure, not a problem :) | 01:06 |
fdoving | nite. | 01:14 |
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jjesse | so i can change my repositories to fiesty yet and start upgrading? | 02:35 |
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nixternal | sure | 02:36 |
nixternal | i did it on my test machine | 02:36 |
jjesse | any big changes yet? | 02:36 |
nixternal | there is a memory leak somewhere though, and i haven't put my finger on it just yet | 02:37 |
nixternal | no | 02:37 |
nixternal | pretty much just the kernel that you have to manually update after doing the dist-upgrade | 02:37 |
nixternal | alrighty...looks like i have some packaging free time tonight...what "needs" to get done? don't sling me kde4 or something like that either, or i will /part and run away crying | 02:55 |
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Jucato | imbrandon: are you free for a question? | 05:00 |
nixternal | no Jucato, he charges | 05:03 |
Jucato | lol | 05:03 |
Jucato | btw nixternal, I think there might be a typo or error in UWN. I'm not sure what the sentence really means, though | 05:04 |
Jucato | nixternal: "No, this is a team for representing Ubuntu at Burning Man, rather to work on the burning infrastructure in Ubuntu." | 05:04 |
=== nixternal don't do the uwn, but i did fix a bad blog link for seele's blog earlier | ||
Jucato | ah | 05:05 |
Jucato | sorry, I just thought, you were partly involved :) | 05:05 |
nixternal | isn't Burning Man like 6 months away? | 05:05 |
nixternal | i have a friend who goes to those things | 05:05 |
nixternal | actually it is a year away now | 05:06 |
nixternal | it was end of aug, beginning of sep | 05:06 |
Jucato | ah | 05:06 |
nixternal | man..i want to get to packaging..but i don't want to step on some toes | 05:10 |
nixternal | get some of the upstream releases rockin' | 05:11 |
nixternal | if there are any ;) | 05:11 |
Jucato | haha | 05:11 |
nixternal | i stepped on toes for gwenview last release..don't want to do that again | 05:12 |
Jucato | ouch.. quite traumatic. did they get mad? | 05:14 |
nixternal | not publically, but it was already someone elses project | 05:15 |
Jucato | ah | 05:15 |
=== Jucato wanted to ask imbrandon about Konqueror profiles in Dapper and Edgy... probably later.. | ||
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viviersf | Riddell, ping | 05:48 |
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lnxkde | a present for kubuntu-devs | 06:06 |
lnxkde | http://www.destructoid.com/elephant/ul/27909-SantasDead.jpg | 06:06 |
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nixternal | hahaha | 06:17 |
jjesse | that's a funy picutre | 06:25 |
Mez | present for the kubuntu devs - http://bazaar-vcs.org/ | 06:26 |
crimsun | (surely you meant tailor?) | 06:27 |
=== Mez slaps crimsun | ||
Jucato | excuse me crimsun, what do you think about this sentence in UWN? it looks/sounds a bit strange: "No, this is a team for representing Ubuntu at Burning Man, rather to work on the burning infrastructure in Ubuntu." | 06:28 |
jjesse | i think it should be no this is not a team | 06:28 |
=== Jucato wonders if some could edit it, as he doesn't do UWN | ||
jjesse | just edit the wiki page | 06:30 |
Jucato | ah I'm allowed to do that? | 06:31 |
jjesse | sure | 06:31 |
Jucato | ok editing :) | 06:31 |
Mez | wheres the link for UWN (seeing as I work on the burning team) | 06:32 |
Jucato | Mez: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue21 but I just edited it :( | 06:32 |
=== Jucato fears he might have done something wrong... | ||
Jucato | I think I just did... ouch... | 06:33 |
crimsun | imo, it should be clarified to mention "programs used for CD and DVD creation in Ubuntu" instead of "burning infrastructure in Ubuntu" | 06:34 |
crimsun | it's not immediately obviously to unclueful people what burning entails | 06:34 |
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=== Mez bashes head on desk | ||
Jucato | poor desk... | 08:54 |
=== Mez slaps Jucato | ||
Jucato | ouch... poor me :) | 08:55 |
Mez | :lart Jucato | 08:55 |
Jucato | @lart Mez | 08:55 |
Jucato | oops.. not working in here :) | 08:55 |
=== Hobbsee throws Mez into /dev/null | ||
Mez | lol | 08:56 |
Jucato | Hobbsee: !!!!! | 08:56 |
Hobbsee | hey Jucato! | 08:57 |
=== Hobbsee is thinking of installing feisty | ||
Jucato | go go go!! :) | 08:57 |
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Mez] by ChanServ | ||
Jucato | Hobbsee: btw, were you involved much already during Dapper's development? | 08:57 |
Jucato | uh oh... | 08:57 |
Mez | /kb Hobbsee mwahahaa | 08:57 |
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Mez] by ChanServ | ||
Hobbsee | Jucato: some of it. the merging, yes | 08:57 |
Hobbsee | i left a couple of days before feature freeze, and didnt end up doing much after that. apart from all teh dh_iconcache stuff | 08:58 |
Jucato | ah | 08:58 |
Hobbsee | Mez: traitor | 08:58 |
=== Jucato wonders who to ask about Konqueror profiles while Tonio_ still isn't here... | ||
nixternal | Kubuntu is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get | 08:58 |
Mez | Hobbsee, i believe i turned off ctvp replies | 08:58 |
nixternal | hiya Hobbsee! | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | hey nixternal | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | Mez: you didnt | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | Mez: and you're still a traitor | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | [18:58] [CTCP] Received CTCP-VERSION reply from Mez: xchat 2.6.6 Ubuntu | 08:59 |
Jucato | O_O | 08:59 |
=== Jucato gets firewood for burning | ||
Mez | Hobbsee, weird, | 08:59 |
=== nixternal head>bed | ||
nixternal | g'nite all | 08:59 |
Mez | i've set it to null in xchat | 08:59 |
Hobbsee | night nixternal | 08:59 |
Jucato | goodnight nixternal! | 09:00 |
Mez | y am i a traitor ? | 09:01 |
Mez | and Hobbsee try the ctcp version again | 09:01 |
Jucato | xchat 2.6.6 Ubuntu <--- | 09:01 |
Mez | Jucato, so? I dont use kopete either, I dont like the interfaces and xchat does more for me | 09:01 |
Jucato | I think that's what Hobbsee meant... | 09:01 |
=== Jucato presumes | ||
Hobbsee | hah | 09:02 |
Hobbsee | [19:01] [CTCP] Received CTCP-VERSION reply from Mez: foo baaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh | 09:02 |
Hobbsee | Mez: was meaning traitor for not using konversatoin | 09:02 |
Jucato | lol | 09:02 |
Riddell | viviersf: hi | 09:10 |
Hobbsee | raphink: ping? | 09:14 |
Hobbsee | hey Riddell | 09:14 |
Riddell | dear kdebase, why can't you just be a good boy and compile! | 09:20 |
=== Riddell hibernates | ||
Mez | Riddell, is that s2d or s2r ? | 09:21 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: because it's fun not compiling! | 09:22 |
raphink | pong Hobbsee | 09:35 |
raphink | writing your letter to father christmas, asking for a kdebase that builds? | 09:35 |
Hobbsee | raphink: i've just fixed bug 72116 in feisty - what did you want to do in dapper? (it's installing bible time in arabic) | 09:35 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 72116 in bibletime "Bibletime installation defaults in Arabic" [Undecided,Fix released] http://launchpad.net/bugs/72116 | 09:35 |
raphink | huh? | 09:36 |
Hobbsee | sorry, s/dapper/edgy/ | 09:36 |
Hobbsee | raphink: you're the maintainer, arent you? | 09:36 |
Hobbsee | or the one involved in it? | 09:36 |
raphink | it's not about bibletime | 09:36 |
raphink | it's about the sword-text-arasvd package | 09:36 |
Hobbsee | they're all providing sword-text | 09:37 |
raphink | the problem is that bibletime suggests sword-frontend | 09:37 |
Lathiat | Hobbsee: hrm i cant stand gui irc clients | 09:37 |
Lathiat | Hobbsee: irssi beats all | 09:37 |
raphink | yes osrry | 09:37 |
Hobbsee | Lathiat: heh | 09:37 |
raphink | sword-text | 09:37 |
raphink | which is a virtual package provided by all sword-text_* | 09:37 |
raphink | and arasvd is just the first one in the list | 09:37 |
Hobbsee | raphink: yes, so i changed it to recommend sword-text-web, so it's in engly | 09:37 |
Hobbsee | *eng | 09:37 |
Hobbsee | yes | 09:37 |
raphink | yes, but no | 09:37 |
raphink | I don't agree | 09:37 |
raphink | it should recommend the sword-text virtual package | 09:38 |
Lathiat | Hobbsee: also has the added advantage of being available to me from everywhere i go and sometimes even from my phone :) | 09:38 |
Hobbsee | Lathiat: true | 09:38 |
raphink | it's aptitude that's faulty, the not the package | 09:38 |
raphink | :p | 09:38 |
Hobbsee | raphink: but the sword-text virtual package that doesnt exist | 09:38 |
raphink | if people want to use aptitude and install suggested packages by default | 09:38 |
raphink | it's not my fault | 09:38 |
raphink | yes it does exist Hobbsee | 09:38 |
Hobbsee | raphink: yes, well, you can fix aptitude instead. | 09:38 |
raphink | it's not about fixing aptitude | 09:38 |
Hobbsee | it's provided by - it's not a straight package | 09:38 |
raphink | if people choose to use aptitude, they deal with the consequences | 09:39 |
raphink | which is that it installs tons of crap you don't need | 09:39 |
Hobbsee | how would you prefer to fix it? you're free to revert my changes, if you want | 09:39 |
Hobbsee | how does apt handle it? doesnt apt install recommends by default too now? | 09:39 |
raphink | apt doesn't install suggested packages | 09:39 |
raphink | not that I know of | 09:39 |
raphink | or recommends | 09:39 |
raphink | it only install depends | 09:39 |
Hobbsee | sarah@sarah:~$ show bibletime | grep sword-text | 09:40 |
Hobbsee | Recommends: sword-text, sword-dict, sword-comm | 09:40 |
raphink | and considers that people are smart enough to read the recommends and suggests fields | 09:40 |
Hobbsee | it's recommends. and i believe that's changing? | 09:40 |
=== Hobbsee checks | ||
Hobbsee | you're right, apt still doesnt install by default | 09:40 |
raphink | thankfully | 09:40 |
raphink | it'd be a mess otherwise | 09:40 |
raphink | dealing with server installations | 09:40 |
Hobbsee | so the bug is really only about aptitude - are you suddenly saying that you dont care about aptitude users? | 09:40 |
Hobbsee | true that | 09:40 |
raphink | if apt installed all the recommends each time | 09:40 |
raphink | so well | 09:41 |
raphink | people choose to use aptitude | 09:41 |
Lathiat | recommends should be used better i guess | 09:41 |
raphink | they deal with the fact that they get lots of stuff | 09:41 |
Lathiat | for 'dependencies' that wont break the apckage if not installed | 09:41 |
raphink | I'm not responsible for this | 09:41 |
raphink | I'm sorry to take it this way Hobbsee | 09:41 |
raphink | but I've seen aptitude break things, break metapackages stuff and so on | 09:41 |
Hobbsee | true. so the recommends only affect aptitude users. do we fix the recommends for them? or do we just say "screw you, for not using the deafult install method" | 09:41 |
raphink | while apt-get works properly | 09:41 |
Hobbsee | i know that. but we probably do need to support it. | 09:42 |
raphink | what is the spec for the recommendation field in Policy? | 09:42 |
crimsun | 7.2 | 09:43 |
crimsun | it doesn't say that virtuals can't be used. | 09:43 |
raphink | right | 09:43 |
raphink | I think aptitude shouldn't take the first package matching the virtual package | 09:43 |
raphink | it should use debconf to give a list of available packages providing it | 09:43 |
raphink | and let the user choose one or more | 09:43 |
raphink | that's where the problem is | 09:44 |
raphink | that aptitude will take the first matching package | 09:44 |
raphink | same for apt actually | 09:44 |
raphink | when dependencies are | | 09:44 |
Hobbsee | true | 09:44 |
raphink | it takes the first one | 09:44 |
raphink | instead of asking to choose | 09:44 |
viviersf | Riddell, hello, i need sum info [;z | 09:45 |
viviersf | *plz | 09:45 |
raphink | so if you want the second option, you have to install it first, otherwise it will installl the first one | 09:45 |
raphink | Hobbsee: you get the reason why I didnt' fix this bug though | 09:45 |
raphink | (didn't know it was reported on LP in the first place, I some users had complained about this arasvd thing) | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | raphink: true that. | 09:45 |
raphink | (and everytime they were using aptitude) | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | raphink: indeed. so obviously aptitude's screwed, but the workaround to that is to default to english, presumably | 09:46 |
raphink | so I just told them to use an install manager that let them control what they install, and it would be better | 09:46 |
raphink | Hobbsee: I don't call that a workaround | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | seeing as the arabic package anyway is installed with all the arabic language packs, as a rdep of ichutux live | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | what's better? | 09:46 |
raphink | Hobbsee: although if you're going to do that, please put sword-text-kjv instead | 09:46 |
Hobbsee | you're free to change it, if you wanted | 09:47 |
raphink | because web is not a recognized translations by many people | 09:47 |
raphink | sure | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | yet kjv is old english? | 09:47 |
raphink | I'd rather think of a better solution though | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | i'm fine doing it, if you want | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | true | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | raphink: want me to take care of it, as i've got it here? | 09:47 |
raphink | yes Hobbsee, but some people (for some reason) consider it to be the only proper translation into english | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | true | 09:47 |
Hobbsee | i think they're nuts, but true :) | 09:47 |
raphink | I don't agree with them either Hobbsee, but they are numerous | 09:47 |
raphink | and it's true that KJV is a very good translation | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | yeah | 09:48 |
raphink | my choice would be to recommend WLC and TR though | 09:48 |
raphink | :) | 09:48 |
Hobbsee | what's TR? | 09:48 |
raphink | Textus Receptus, Old Greek New Testament | 09:48 |
raphink | and WLC is Westminster Codec, Old Hebrew Old Testament | 09:48 |
raphink | :) | 09:48 |
raphink | to me, that's the default | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | ahhhh | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 09:49 |
raphink | original texts :) | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | yes, but most people cant read that :P | 09:49 |
raphink | well as original as possible that is | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | true | 09:49 |
raphink | Hobbsee: then they will install additional modules | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | yes | 09:49 |
raphink | that's why I've made the sword-language-packs | 09:49 |
raphink | apt-get install sword-language-pack-en | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | yep | 09:49 |
raphink | and you get english texts and commentaries | 09:49 |
raphink | even, language-selector will take care of it | 09:49 |
Hobbsee | raphink: fixed. true | 09:49 |
raphink | if you have libsword6 installed | 09:49 |
raphink | brb | 09:50 |
fdoving | raphink, hobbsee, did you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendsSupport ? | 09:51 |
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Hobbsee | fdoving: ages ago, yes. i thought that might be happening someimte soonish | 09:52 |
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raphink | I wouldn't want apt to install recommends | 10:16 |
raphink | if that were to happen, a lot of companies would remove Debian/Ubuntu from their machines | 10:16 |
raphink | think of the cli packages that recommend guis and how it would install GNOME or KDE on servers | 10:17 |
raphink | just an example | 10:17 |
fdoving | for the metapackage section, it's nice. | 10:27 |
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seaLne | should feisty actually work? i appear to have a machine that doesn't even start now | 03:15 |
hunger | seaLne: It does here... | 03:19 |
hunger | seaLne: But actually I try to avoid rebooting this early in the development cycle:-) | 03:20 |
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seaLne | i'd replaced to much to continue :) | 03:22 |
seaLne | ah it appears to not like lvm everything (apart from /boot) | 03:22 |
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seaLne | but i have no idea how to get around this, anyone know if you could mount lvm stuff from knoppix? | 03:32 |
seaLne | or i suppose kubuntu live cd | 03:33 |
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bddebian | Heya | 03:42 |
Jucato | hi bddebian | 03:42 |
bddebian | Hi Jucato | 03:42 |
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fdoving | hmm.. and suddenly xrandr doesn't work. | 06:12 |
Tm_T | Hmm, some different hardware under test now, old random pc stuff, have some difficulties to install succesfully. | 06:54 |
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nixternal | \sh_away: im trying my hand at kdiff3 merge right now, if everything goes well and it is alright with you, i can have it uploaded | 08:32 |
nixternal | anyone else want some help on mergest, let me know | 08:33 |
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ubotu | Announcement from my owner (Seveas): ubuntusecurity | 08:59 |
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allee | fdoving: about UNRELEASED. I would just replace the unreleased entry with the kubuntu entry and only add a note : Added debian changes from alioth: .. | 09:03 |
fdoving | allee: ok. | 09:03 |
allee | fdoving: at the top you can then list what you changed additionaly | 09:03 |
allee | fdoving: about branches.... | 09:04 |
allee | fdoving: have not investigated how this works. fabo (ping;) wanted to look into it. | 09:04 |
fdoving | ok. | 09:05 |
allee | fdoving: as long as the change is valid for debian & kubuntu just commit to trunk | 09:05 |
fdoving | Would be great to have a central place to commit changes. | 09:05 |
allee | s/just// | 09:05 |
allee | when we need kubuntu specific changes, then we have to use branches of course | 09:06 |
fdoving | I could version this the debian-way then.. and have the changes commited to alioth. | 09:06 |
allee | fdoving: pkg-kde-extras was added to buildserver.net wich build sid/etch/sarge & edgy,dapper pkgs automaticly. | 09:07 |
fdoving | not that it's in any way necessary. | 09:07 |
fdoving | nice :) | 09:07 |
fdoving | where are those packages to be found? | 09:07 |
fdoving | multiple arches too? | 09:07 |
allee | fdoving: for this work automaticly I assume the kubuntu branch needs to be at a special place. Not looked into this yet | 09:08 |
doelman | hi | 09:08 |
doelman | anyone experience with pptp?\ | 09:09 |
fdoving | doelman: what's the problem with it? | 09:10 |
doelman | i can't connect to the windows vpn on my work using pptpconfig | 09:10 |
allee | fdoving: http://buildserver.net (but today it seem to have (web?) problems) | 09:10 |
doelman | not on kubuntu, not on mandriva | 09:10 |
fdoving | doelman: ok. I have very little experience with the client side, I have setup the server side a few times.. | 09:11 |
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
doelman | the server is running windows | 09:12 |
allee | fdoving: ah, one more thing about UNRELEASED. It's kept like that until upload to debian happens. If you kwlan changes are valid for debian too. Leave it, commit to trunk and ask on pkg-kde-extras ml for an upload. | 09:13 |
fdoving | allee: ah.. smart :) | 09:14 |
allee | fdoving: yeah, then you can pick the original and no ubuntu1, no merging later ;) | 09:14 |
fdoving | that's the idea, do everything once, and proper. in debian, and then just let the magic-scripts do the rest for ubuntu and universe. | 09:15 |
allee | fdoving: yeah. this may I maintain digikam* kipi* pkg for a long time :) | 09:16 |
allee | s/may/way/ | 09:16 |
toma | allee: do the ftp masters have to accept mailody before the builds happen? | 09:19 |
allee | toma: yes | 09:19 |
toma | allee: how long does that take approx? | 09:20 |
allee | toma: in my between 1 day and 6 weeks (worst ;) | 09:20 |
toma | allee: what happens when i release rc2? | 09:20 |
allee | toma: I'm not sure how fast stuff is currently handled. Depends on time in release cicle. Maybe #debian-qt-kde knows more | 09:21 |
toma | hmpf | 09:21 |
toma | okay | 09:21 |
allee | toma: rc2 is no problem. when rc2 is upload, ftpmaster checks latest one | 09:22 |
toma | o ok | 09:22 |
toma | great | 09:22 |
allee | toma: my last pkgs (some moon back) took only 1-3 days | 09:22 |
toma | allee: i'ld like to see some build logs before the final | 09:23 |
allee | toma: and that it's for experimental on the other hand may speed it up ;) AFAIR the work in first upload first served mode. | 09:23 |
allee | toma: mhmm, should buildserver.net give you this? AFAIK they check and build as long as it's UNRELEASED | 09:24 |
toma | allee: its down since the upload | 09:24 |
toma | cant chack | 09:24 |
allee | yeah. :( | 09:24 |
toma | before that it had data of june, so i'm starting to think its doing something now ;-) | 09:25 |
allee | did you bug kk@ about it (as listed in the web page? | 09:25 |
toma | no | 09:25 |
toma | i'm the patient type ;-) | 09:25 |
allee | :) | 09:26 |
fdoving | allee: are the upstream orig.tar.gzs commited to svn aswell? | 09:27 |
fdoving | for ../tarballs that is.. | 09:27 |
allee | toma: about the -dbg pkgs. Doesn't krashmanager in kubunt download gdb and -dbg on demand | 09:27 |
allee | ^ AFAIK | 09:27 |
allee | fdoving: no orig.tar files as well as upstream no sources | 09:28 |
toma | allee: no idea at all | 09:28 |
allee | fdoving: so in 95% of the cases alioth has content only in debian/ | 09:28 |
allee | fdoving: but svn-buildpkg has support to only svn add/remove upstream files that are patched + debian dir of course | 09:29 |
fdoving | allee: where does buildserver.net go for orig.tar.gzs ? | 09:29 |
allee | fdoving: but I'm a fan of all changes in debian/ | 09:29 |
fdoving | Let's say I bump the version in pkg-kwlan/trunk/debian/changelog to 0.5.6-1 | 09:30 |
allee | fdoving: look that the rules file: the all (should) end with | 09:30 |
allee | +get-orig-source: | 09:30 |
allee | + @@dh_testdir | 09:30 |
allee | + @@[ -d ../tarballs/. ] | 09:30 |
allee | + @@dpatch-get-origtargz ../tarballs | 09:30 |
fdoving | it does. | 09:30 |
allee | (without +) | 09:30 |
allee | that the way the buildnet server download the orig file | 09:30 |
fdoving | ah.. it's the watch file. | 09:31 |
fdoving | that is so smart. | 09:31 |
allee | never tried it, because I usually work on pkg before the official release | 09:31 |
fdoving | why doesn't ubuntu have this? | 09:31 |
allee | what? watch files? They have | 09:32 |
fdoving | (launchpad got soemthing, but it's to complicated and lacks docs all over the place) | 09:32 |
fdoving | watch files, yes, but i'm thinking of the idea with a huge repo with most packages debian/ dirs in. | 09:32 |
fdoving | and a debian/rules entry to get the orig.tar.gz. It's so clever. | 09:33 |
allee | fdoving: they try hard with bzr in lauchpad. | 09:33 |
fdoving | I uploaded kio-apt to bzr/launchpad. but I think the idea is to get the upstream source into launchpad aswell.. and that's not so clever imho. (you can add upstream svn/bzr/repos, etc). | 09:34 |
fdoving | didn't really understand it that well. | 09:34 |
fdoving | I'll do it the debian way for now. It's more elegant. | 09:34 |
allee | fdoving: well having all source as other advantages, but needs much more resources. | 09:34 |
fdoving | what about the homegrown projects with only tar.gz releases? | 09:35 |
allee | fdoving: then debian in in the tarball and to run the rules file you already need to have the tarball ;) | 09:36 |
allee | brb | 09:36 |
fdoving | hmm.. how is get-orig-source trigered from svn-buildpackage? | 09:38 |
allee | fdoving: svn-buildpkg uses the watch file | 09:39 |
allee | fdoving: get-orig-source was newly added when the buildserver.net support was added | 09:40 |
allee | fdoving: about 0.5.6-1 when it's out, replace current kwlan (0.5.5-2) with it. As long as UNRELEASED is used, the is no official 0.5.5-2 pkg | 09:41 |
fdoving | allee: http://rafb.net/paste/results/slcBcJ94.html | 09:43 |
fdoving | That's what happens when i move the orig.tar.gz away from ../tarballs/ | 09:44 |
fdoving | it doesn't download anything. because nothing triggers debian/rules get-orig-source | 09:44 |
fdoving | is there a switch to svn-buildpackage I can't find? | 09:44 |
fdoving | to make it download? | 09:45 |
fdoving | ah.. there is --svn-prebuild | 09:52 |
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allee | fdoving: heh, I don't use svn-buildpkg. I would have tried make -f debian/rules get-orig-source ;) | 10:03 |
allee | I've to leave. until tomorrow night | 10:04 |
allee | bye | 10:04 |
fdoving | bye. | 10:04 |
fdoving | :) | 10:04 |
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fdoving | hmm.. doesn't dpatch-get-origtargz understand the svn-ugrade part of the watch file? | 10:43 |
Hobbsee | hey fdoving | 10:43 |
fdoving | looks like it's just renaming the .tar.bz2s.. to tar.gz and continues happily. | 10:43 |
fdoving | hi hobbsee. | 10:43 |
fdoving | experienced with debian/watch files and dpatch-get-origtargz ? | 10:44 |
Hobbsee | nope | 10:44 |
nixternal | sudo apt-get install nixternals-universe-domination | 10:45 |
nixternal | why doesn't that work? | 10:45 |
nixternal | i must have packaged it wrong | 10:45 |
nixternal | ahhh, it seems i need to 'sudo apt-get --purge remove Hobbsees-sharp-pointy-stick-of-doom' first | 10:46 |
=== Hobbsee throws nixternal into /dev/null | ||
nixternal | Hobbsee: i was already in there | 10:46 |
toma | *eeks* pointy sticks? | 10:46 |
nixternal | so it isn't null anymore | 10:46 |
Hobbsee | then you cant talk! | 10:46 |
nixternal | lol | 10:46 |
Hobbsee | toma: yep. there's a new version of kvpnc out, btw | 10:46 |
nixternal | i think i found a vulnerability with /dev/null | 10:47 |
toma | Hobbsee: ok, and you want me to make a mess of it? | 10:47 |
toma | i'm very good at relicensing stuff to LGPL | 10:47 |
Hobbsee | toma: well, if it's for debian... | 10:48 |
Hobbsee | toma: or get allee to do it, but you're here :P | 10:48 |
Hobbsee | whoever likes putting new versions of things in | 10:48 |
toma | Hobbsee: i remember you have an account there as well, so maybe point a stick at yourself? | 10:49 |
toma | as a good excersice (or however you write that word) | 10:49 |
Hobbsee | toma: that's true. that means i have to figure out how to use it? | 10:50 |
Hobbsee | hehe. exercise, i believe | 10:50 |
toma | ah. thats a problem for me too | 10:50 |
=== Hobbsee tries | ||
Hobbsee | toma: does that mean i have to NMU it? presumably not | 10:51 |
toma | Hobbsee: hmm. who is the regular maintainer? | 10:52 |
Hobbsee | toma: kde extras | 10:52 |
toma | keep that | 10:52 |
Hobbsee | sorry? | 10:53 |
toma | Hobbsee: you can prepare everything and send a mail to the ml with a request to upload | 10:54 |
Hobbsee | oh right :) | 10:55 |
Hobbsee | toma: oh damn, but i dont have a sid pbuilder. | 10:58 |
Hobbsee | hmmm | 10:58 |
toma | Hobbsee: sid and feisty should not be very different, i assume | 10:59 |
Hobbsee | true | 11:01 |
fdoving | you can make a sid pbuilder too :9 | 11:01 |
Hobbsee | true that | 11:02 |
Hobbsee | or i can use a friend's | 11:02 |
fdoving | I'm getting more and more pro working with a central vcs for packages, like alioth. | 11:02 |
toma | i dont have one (assume i'm a friend here ;-)) | 11:02 |
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Hobbsee | hehe | 11:06 |
=== toma is almost forgotton how to package stuff | ||
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fdoving | ..try to remember something about converting tar.bz2s to tar.gz on the fly when running debian/rules get-orig-source (which again uses dpatch-get-origtargz, which uses the info in the debian/watch file if everything else fails.. ). | 11:20 |
Hobbsee | unbz<tab>, gzip -9 resulting tar. easy | 11:23 |
fdoving | i know, but some existing tool -must- provide this functionality. | 11:24 |
fdoving | uscan,uupdate,svn-upgrade.. something. | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | maybe | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | it's nto that long, anyway | 11:24 |
fdoving | i have no plans on doing it manually, i want this to happen automatically. | 11:25 |
Hobbsee | write a shell script for it | 11:26 |
seele | imbrandon: wtf is going on in kansas? from what i hear on the news its turning in to baltimore :P | 11:54 |
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