=== rikai [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Ex-Chat"] === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-1cb1ab998e7cc25b] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-6ce122786f7ed8ab] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-0dbeaf3a60177d47] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === pmjdebruijn [n=pmjdebru@pmjdebruijn.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Traxer|on [i=traxer@shell6.powershells.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@external-7.hermes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ [n=rikai@unaffiliated/rikai] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === BenC_ [i=bcollins@conference/canonical/x-c27ab69b40c06669] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === fabbione [n=fabbione@vpn-nat.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-91239749e98da9ec] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rikai_ is now known as rikai === qhartman [n=qhartman@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:01] I am having a problem with hard locks under sustained network / CPU load (rsync) with Edgy that produce no logging output that I can see. What's the best place to help / get help diagnosing this? [07:05] Found the info I need from the link in the topic, thanks. === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [i=scott@conference/canonical/x-0b431b02b16f2a47] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === calavera [n=calavera@195.Red-80-26-32.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel