[12:24] moins whiprush [12:24] back in a a bit /me is afk [12:24] whiprush: ping === BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-65-67-112-77.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [12:26] whiprush, can you remember... was that a thai restaurant we ate at on the monday night? [01:10] whiprush: urgent ping === meatballhat9000_ [n=chatzill@ccs001.clevelandcorporate.com] has left #ubuntu-marketing [] === theCore [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [02:37] whiprush: unping === zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === samurai [n=samurai@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [04:18] ubuntu logo wreaths for the holidays [04:24] heh [04:29] hehehe [05:33] I'm gearing up to hand out ubuntu cds outside fry's the day of the vista launch [05:38] heh [05:39] shipit? [05:39] oh, run livecd's on the display computers! [05:39] and remaster them to include beryl [05:39] BHSPitLappy: nope, those went like hotcakes, I made/stamped my own with links to the forums, info about DRM and more [05:40] BHSPitLappy: also printed out the kubuntu flyer to include inside [05:40] is there an ubuntu flyer still somewhere, I read that it was discontinued, but the kubuntu flyer still exists [05:41] there's a few... [05:42] there was one in the dapper Examples subdirectory on the disc I think [05:42] I'll have to check it [05:59] lotusleaf: that's a good idea [05:59] print out the EULA [05:59] like "do you really want to use this" [06:03] lotusleaf: The stuff that exists if accessible via the MarketingTeam page on the wiki [06:03] that's not a bad idea [06:03] and accentuate ridiculous sounding parts [06:03] *especially [06:26] tonyyarusso: thx =) [06:26] Admiral_Chicago: FSF Defective By Design has some good ready-to-print designs [06:27] really? i haven't seen them [06:27] Admiral_Chicago: check out their site [06:27] i'm on the way [06:27] ;) [06:31] lotusleaf: i can't find it [06:31] Admiral_Chicago: one sec [06:31] i'm on fsf.org and defectivebydesign.org [06:31] http://defectivebydesign.org/ [06:31] ok one sec [06:31] lotusleaf: found it [06:32] =) [06:44] jenda: now anyone can make their own ubuntu shirt cheaply! http://community.livejournal.com/craftgrrl/3674467.html [06:44] just think Gimp or something free instead of the MS Paint used in that example =) [06:48] lotusleaf: i've seen that before [06:48] Admiral_Chicago: yeah? I'll have to try it [06:49] Admiral_Chicago: have you ever tried it? [06:49] no my ex did, it came out good after a few attempts [06:49] she was going to make me a tux one, but we broke up :| [06:50] :/ [06:50] do they last well through washings vs. ironed on prints? [06:51] i have no idea, i'd find out but i don't talk to her anymore === lotusleaf nods [06:53] i think she mentioned non water soluable glue / paint [06:53] "Mod Podge is a non-water-soluble glue. It cannot be washed out once it has dried" so i'm assuming the paint is the same [06:54] Admiral_Chicago: that rocks, now to do some cost comparisons [06:54] lotusleaf: it's acrylic paint, so that shouldn't wash out [06:55] Admiral_Chicago: I'd like to find some glow in the dark paint (I've seen black light reactive paint for sale) and make some ubuntu rough shirts [06:55] i'd like to get some Ubuntu Chicago LoCo ones [06:55] no doubt [07:00] arg, i'm doing a presentaion on RSS software and my "Thanks To" slide is a really long time [07:10] how am I supposed to describe Quinn Storm === Red_Herring [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [07:12] it's just QuinnStorm. === Red_Herring is now known as ReD_herring|ZzzZ === klepas [n=klepas@202-161-31-121.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [08:14] having fun? === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [08:30] I have received my usual thanks for JaiBin [08:55] :) [08:56] however, I have uncovered a small problem during last weeks UWN [08:57] it was that there is nobody covering locoteams properly [08:57] so I figured I would solve that. elkbuntu, you are now covering changes to locoteams for the UWN [08:57] oh yay === klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [08:58] we discussed this a bit at UDS in the country teams bofs. we're going to work closer with them anyway to get more material for the uwn :) [08:58] s/bofs/bof/ [08:59] afk, dinner [08:59] I need a "UWN news email" === lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [09:19] Burgundavia: Give me a shout if I can help out with anything. I've got nothing on all day, might as well do something useful with it ;) [09:19] dotwaffle: cool. where here are a few things: [09:19] -find stories about Ubuntu and link them in the "in the press" section [09:20] -pick an interesting spec or two and write about it, for a "spec of the week" [09:20] that spec should be one already approved for Feisty, not somethign random [09:20] Burgundavia: Is Fridge a wiki then? I'm not an Editor - never needed to be ;) [09:21] no, fridge is not [09:21] Could pick up on the spec idea... [09:21] and the UWN != the Fridge [09:21] Ah, fair enough - I assumed UWN wasw part of the Fridge, obviously it just gets posted there ;) [09:22] it does, when I poke the editors hard enough [09:23] =) [09:24] Network Roaming sounds interesting, just looking down the speclist on launchpad [09:24] why not cover that and the default-network stuff? [09:24] they are quite related [09:24] ok, will do. what length are you looking for? [09:25] two paragraphs or so [09:25] see where the wind takes you [09:25] ok - will get on it now. You going to be around, or want me to email you? [09:26] add it to teh UWN wiki page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue22 [09:26] sorted [09:27] rocking [09:27] deadline is Tuesday [09:28] Should have it done in an hour or so - 1100UTC at the latest ;) [09:28] even better [09:29] after that, there is a bunch of small things for teh UWN: security, etc. [09:29] filling those in is a great time saver [09:29] No problem - swing anything by my way you want. [09:30] I usually cover Feisty Changes === mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B27129.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [10:03] Editing the wiki or can I add in what I've got? [10:05] go ahead [10:05] the wiki will warn you === Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [10:07] Burgundavia: Ooops... [10:07] Status of sending notification mails: [10:07] [en] DanielHolbach2, JonathanRiddell, LaunchpadSpecificationNotifier, nixternal, Maicon5, AndrewMitchell, Madpilot: Mail sent OK [10:07] Yay, spam ;) [10:25] dotwaffle: add yourself to the contributors [10:26] Done ;) [10:26] Well, Credits, anyway. === elkbuntu_ [n=melissa@ppp228-127.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === yama` [n=yama@ppp40-162.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === meatballhat9000 [n=emelia@70-39-156-18.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu-marketing [] === elkbuntu_ [n=melissa@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === yama [n=yama@ppp8-238.lns1.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ulinskie [n=cutemedz@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ReD_herr1ng|ZzzZ [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === StikkitJim [n=James@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust99.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === MenZa [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/MenZa] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ReD_herring|ZzzZ [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ReD_herring|ZzzZ is now known as ReD_herring|asdf === MitchM [i=fwuser@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === MenZa [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/MenZa] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [05:56] jenda: could you just hand me your address in a query again? [05:57] I'll ship the stickers tomorrow === zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === tonyyserver [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === tsmithe [n=_t_@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ReD_herring|asdf is now known as ReD_HeRrInG === Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === tsmithe [n=_t_@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [09:12] jenda, yo, you around? [09:17] i hate it when people aren't around :D [09:17] haha [09:17] what? [09:18] i know what you mean..im trying to get some packages merged and all of the motus are sleeping i think [09:18] yeah... i was playing in a concert yesterday and all my mates were in the first item and i wasn't, which was a bit sad :( [09:19] damn, two of the last three things i posted contained "i hate" === ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === tsmithe [n=toby@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [10:46] ping jenda [10:47] not again! [10:48] ;) [10:48] lol === MenZa pokes jenda continuosly [10:48] im on feisty atm and fonts are buggered, so i had to learn irssi... [10:48] he is probably close to sleep if he is even at home [10:48] lol tsmithe [10:48] Feisty already? [10:48] fonts work great for kubuntu feisty for me === MenZa is waiting til at least January [10:49] feisty of course [10:49] When's it due out? [10:49] ah... april [10:49] June? [10:49] arpil [10:49] ah [10:49] april [10:49] tsmithe: you aren't using a binary video driver are you? [10:49] nope [10:49] why? [10:49] interesting [10:49] i have i915 [10:49] that is usually the culprit [10:49] i also have just thought it may be to do with me using the patched edgy packages :) [10:49] and it only happens with apps affected by that [10:50] ... but its not the rendering... just the "unknown character" rectangle is everywhere [10:51] DAMN [10:51] it's not cos of that [10:51] that repo is disabled [10:51] thought i wouldnt be that stupid... [10:52] interesting [10:52] i need to do some work [10:53] ok [10:53] i keep getting side tracked..i think i have IDD [10:53] huh? [10:53] IDD? [10:53] IADD that is [10:53] IADD? [10:53] Internet Attention Deficit Disorder [10:53] i have that [10:53] hehe [10:53] ask PriceChild or jenda about my English coursework [10:53] where is jenda? [10:53] it's only 11 o'clock (ish) in prague... [10:53] where is waldo? that is the real question [10:54] who's waldo? [10:54] i don't know, but i know there are a ton of people wondering where he is [10:54] I am waldo === tsmithe is now known as waldo [10:54] not really [10:54] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Where's_Waldo === waldo is now known as tsmithe [10:54] /whois waldo [10:55] i is walda [10:55] oh lord, quit following me ReD_HeRrInG! [10:55] nixternal: i came here once admiral_chicago mentioned it [10:55] you what? [10:55] ahhh [10:55] besides, you followed ME into #imagi [10:55] no i didn't, imbradon invited me [10:55] as you can see, im not there anymore [10:55] Well i see im not welcome! [10:56] hehe [10:56] hi ReD_HeRrInG [10:56] only thing is how didnt you notice me? [10:56] ive been here for 2 days [10:56] lol [10:56] i have been idling in here? === ReD_HeRrInG waves to tsmithe [10:56] hey nixternal, === theCore [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [10:56] it's not waldo, IT'S WALLY!!! [10:56] i don't have any more OT channels, they are bad when you are trying to get work done [10:56] i remember that from when i was small [10:56] i thought that's what you meant [10:56] nixternal: BUT THEY'RE SO FUN! [10:57] nah, i had a fatal attraction in one and she wouldn't leave me alone [10:57] /wc /wc!! [10:57] i want my fonts back :( [10:57] not on irssi [10:57] my lovely characters [10:57] AHH LAG [10:58] if you wanna look at what i am... [10:58] http://librarian.launchpad.net/5103101/screenshot1.png [10:58] its bug 72244 if anyone cares === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@email.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [10:59] tsmithe: oh quit complaining [10:59] you dont need CHARACTERS [11:00] i need characters [11:00] seriously, my lovely gui! [11:00] tsmithe: what did you do last? [11:00] update [11:00] hrm... [11:00] did the update error? [11:00] only in gnome-games [11:00] but that's broken [11:00] sudo dpkg --configure -a [11:00] tsmithe: you are using binary stuff [11:00] nixternal: no [11:00] it *might* have not configured everything properly [11:01] is that not beryl or compiz? [11:01] i've done that [11:01] nixternal: i'll turn it off and see... [11:01] but it happens at gdm anyway [11:01] so... i don't think that's the problem [11:01] tsmithe: reinstall fonts? [11:01] maybe that is a gnome issue, but it is the first i have seen of it [11:01] nothing has been done to the fonts just yet anyways [11:01] metacity doesn't help [11:02] all the fonts and what not have just been synched [11:02] ReD_HeRrInG: i don't know which packages; otherwise i'd've assigned the bug to one [11:02] i can't open liferea to check :( [11:02] apt-cache search gnome-font? [11:03] no such thing [11:03] i would've done! [11:04] ok lets start from the basics [11:04] is it plugged in? [11:04] ;-P === MenZaLap [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/MenZa] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === ReD_HeRrInG [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [11:05] ~/.xsession-errors doesn't help :( [11:05] well it sounds like its a problem before logging in [11:05] and my keyboard settings have changed so it doesn't accept a held key as repeated [11:05] ReD_HeRrInG: yeah [11:05] cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE ? [11:06] nothing [11:06] it's not an X problem, though as X runs fine [11:06] why not just [11:07] grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log [11:07] a heck of a lot less typing [11:07] the beryl benchmark renders alright [11:07] nixternal: cuz i dont know any better? [11:07] nixternal: i agree ;) [11:07] hehe [11:07] although i used to do that [11:07] :) [11:07] i see a lot of people doing 'cat blah.blah | grep blah [11:07] tsmithe: me too ;p [11:07] im not THAT good at linux [11:07] ReD_HeRrInG: liar [11:07] you will be [11:08] eventually [11:08] soon [11:08] meh === ReD_HeRrInG needs to learn regex too [11:08] explain [0-4] , then! you'll see it's straight-forward === ReD_HeRrInG 's brains explode === tsmithe 's cat eats.. [11:09] stupid cat [11:09] eats anything === ReD_HeRrInG goes off on a tangent === tsmithe goes off on a normal to that tangent [11:10] k [11:10] mmm -1/(dy/dx) [11:11] yes... who knew 2D euclidian geomentry could taste SO GOOD [11:11] newton? [11:11] well its euclidian [11:11] as long as we adhere to the principal [11:11] taht for every line [11:11] and a point [11:11] there is exactly 1 line through that point htat is parallel to the other point [11:12] newton and leibniz thought it tasted good though [11:12] hence calculus [11:12] yup [11:12] though leibniz got screwed over by history and a popular dude [11:12] i know! [11:12] poor guy! [11:12] definently [11:13] JENDA! [11:13] ? [11:13] i just wanna thank him :) [11:14] meh... if i can't do it in virtual person, i'll send him a virtual letter [11:14] i mean e-mail [11:14] you and your fancy virtual letters [11:14] dear sir/madam, i am writing to enquire about the ... [11:14] mmm [11:15] or [11:15] yo, jenda, thanks for the posters. fantastic! [11:15] dude those virutal mail is bad [11:15] cuz those tubes keep clogging [11:15] not here [11:15] always super fast for me [11:16] they pop out all the time, especially when im not watching [11:16] ah well thats cuz you've got lots of horses and lottery balls to clean it out [11:16] here theres lots of poker chips and cards [11:16] and pictures of women in no clothing [11:17] horses? [11:17] tsmithe: it was from teh daily show one day [11:17] daily show? [11:17] explaining why horse betting and lottery is legal online [11:17] but poker isnt [11:17] tsmithe: uhh... Jon Stewart? [11:17] Jon Stewart? [11:17] what? [11:17] daily show? [11:17] show? [11:17] ? [11:17] tsmithe: where are you from? [11:17] kent [11:18] ...america? [11:18] look it up ignoramus === ReD_HeRrInG goes and finds the clip [11:18] i want you to know where kent is first [11:18] Kent, UK. [11:18] you weren't supposed to help him [11:18] its in teh UK [11:18] where abouts? [11:19] :) [11:19] at first i was like Kent state? [11:19] bah [11:19] tsmithe: northern UK iirc. [11:19] bastard! [11:19] kent COUNTY is the garden of England [11:19] in the south!!! [11:19] east [11:19] warm, wine growing country! [11:20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@email.monm.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing [11:22] now can somebody please explain what the daily show is! [11:22] ... [11:23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daily_Show [11:23] you mean i actually might have to read something! [11:24] tsmithe: digg search is down... cant show you teh clip [11:24] and it seems it comes from Comedy Central, a channel which Sky doesn't provide [11:24] hehe [11:25] so, where are you all? [11:25] Chicago. [11:25] Denmark. [11:25] hence my presence in #ubuntu-chicago [11:25] (Denmark, Europe, not Denmark, AL) [11:25] well, i know nothing about american nor demarkian (?) geography [11:26] and i would assume europe [11:26] ... [11:26] "Denmarkian". [11:26] hang on [11:26] its danish! [11:26] You suck. [11:26] :P [11:26] im tired [11:26] lol [11:26] Correct. [11:26] lol [11:26] i do suck [11:26] damn [11:26] well, i know nothing about american nor danish geography [11:26] lol [11:27] and i would assume europe, as i don't even know what "AL" stands for [11:27] AL is alabama if i remember correctly [11:27] terrible terrible place [11:27] why? [11:28] what state is chicago in? [11:28] illinois [11:29] ok [11:29] problem with alabama is its still racist [11:29] where are they in relation to each other? [11:29] same with most of the south [11:29] tsmithe: im... umm... right next to lake michigan [11:29] so... bout 300 miles from canada [11:30] ok... i'm about 100 miles from france [11:30] tsmithe: you honestly dont know where chicago is? [11:30] nope [11:30] why should I? [11:30] ... i could tlel you where London is [11:30] you didn't know where kent was! [11:30] well kent is... small... [11:30] chicago is like the 7th or 8th largest city in the world [11:31] i bet you couldn't tell me where brighton was! or rochester, or maidstone, or tunbridge wells! [11:31] do Any of those have > 4million people? [11:31] all little towns in comparison, but i live in a hamlet, so quite large to me [11:31] tsmithe: how bout new york? [11:31] but, in england everything is relatively near everything else, so i can get a train or bus quickly to anywhere [11:31] Los angelas? Los Vegas? [11:32] I can tell you where Brighton is :P [11:32] yay! [11:32] east or west or hastings, menza? [11:32] *shrugs* [11:32] It's down south. [11:33] its west [11:34] pretty much 50 miles due south of london [11:34] is the speed limit in the usa really only 55? [11:34] no, far from it [11:34] elaborate [11:34] the highways are usually 75 or 85 [11:35] i believed it was 55 everywhere, and i thought, hell that's slow! [11:36] are american miles different to british miles? [11:37] uhhh [11:37] are your miles 5280 ft? [11:38] yeah [11:38] and 1 inch = 2.54 cm right [11:38] yup [11:38] cool [11:39] it's really stupid. at british schools, they teach you metric units. [11:39] it's always pissed me of [11:39] no-one uses them! [11:39] really? [11:39] hehe you guys and your left side of the car [11:39] i know how far a mile is, but i have no idea how far a km is! [11:39] driving on the left is better [11:40] and so are manual cars [11:41] right, this is wildly offtopic now, so we might want to move to -offtopic [11:41] no-one else is talking here... but if you want to , i'm ok with that [11:42] (just means i'll have to learn another irssi feature === tsmithe_ [n=_t_@82-70-109-22.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-marketing === tsmithe_ is now known as tsmithe [12:01] yo jenda you here yet? [12:02] tsmithe: jenda is UTC+1 or 2 [12:03] i know [12:03] prague is +! [12:03] +1 even [12:03] but he's usually around till at least midnight UTC