[12:12] is your *.sh script executable ? [12:12] _awz_: what's the error? [12:13] <_awz_> lejunfan [12:13] <_awz_> talk on a private chat wit me [12:13] Could someone tell me how to get Totem/Xine to play videos without the use of the Graphics card? Mine overheats after a while in full screen, and then my computer crashes. [12:14] dragonfly7: what graphics card do you have? [12:14] chmod +rx ?? [12:14] dragonfly7, using nvidia? [12:14] TheMole: A GeForce 440 go. It is from an Inspiron 800o laptop. [12:15] Using the nvidia drivers? [12:15] TheMole: Inspiron 8000* [12:15] _awz_: keep it in the channel. === nogradsoft [n=nogradso@] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] <_awz_> here is the error [12:15] <_awz_> awz@Yuki:~$ /home/awz === bartek is now known as _bartek_ [12:15] <_awz_> bash: /home/awz: is a directory [12:15] <_awz_> awz@Yuki:~$ sh linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh [12:15] <_awz_> kio (KSycoca): Trying to open ksycoca from /var/tmp/kdecache-awz/ksycoca [12:15] <_awz_> ScimInputContextPlugin() [12:15] <_awz_> konsole: ERROR: can not execute ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh [12:15] <_awz_> ~ScimInputContextPlugin() === borisyeltsin [n=chris@dhcp-43-29.arts.ualberta.ca] has joined #kubuntu === jhondoe [i=irc@ip68-3-181-120.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === soulrider [n=mauro@r201-217-133-103.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a141b1.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:16] <_bartek_> How i can install mp3 codec???? [12:16] <_bartek_> How i can install mp3 codec???? [12:16] <_bartek_> How i can install mp3 codec???? [12:16] <_bartek_> How i can install mp3 codec???? [12:16] <_bartek_> How i can install mp3 codec???? [12:16] !mp3 [12:16] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [12:16] and dont spam [12:16] man, if only we had a vote system... [12:16] TheMole: Yeah, I am using the nVidia drivers. Unfortunatly, I would rather not now, since it keeps dieing. I tried changing the drive to nv in Xorg, but that made the resolution 800*600 pan and scan. [12:17] How can I get bartek kicked???? [12:17] dragonfly7, use nv instead === amos [n=amos@cpc1-bolt8-0-0-cust605.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === proyecto [n=proyecto@] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] http://www.kde-forum.org/thread.php?threadid=15073 ~ScimInputContextPlugin() [12:17] <_bartek_> boris why kicked?? [12:17] _bartek_: Stop repeating, that only will get yourself into trouble. [12:17] for flooding === opensur [n=opensur@200-126-94-50.bk6-ipfija.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] TheGateKeeper: See above. It makes me have to pan and scan, and changes the resolution to 800. [12:17] <_bartek_> sory [12:18] _bartek_: No harm done, just learn from mistakes. ;) === Stev_Linux_kde [n=steve@167-202.sh.cgocable.ca] has joined #kubuntu === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Delphinus [n=jack@p146-dialup.snap.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [12:18] _awz_: not sure what's up with that, try chmod +x linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh then just run it as ./linuxq3ademo-1.11-6.x86.gz.sh [12:19] dragonfly7: I dunno, I'm all out of answers, sorry dude. [12:19] <_awz_> thanks man [12:19] dragonfly7, I am using the nv driver, never bother to install the nvidia ones, and I am happily running at 1024 * 768 [12:19] _awz_: It's hard to say w/o knowing what the script is trying to do but it might be (if you're on edgy) sh (dash) doesn't like that script well. hopefully the script links #!/bin/bash [12:19] TheMole: Ok, I will try looking around on google. Maybe if I uninstall the nVidia drivers it will force it to the correct resolution. [12:20] You will loose all 3d acceleration, though. [12:20] dragonfly7, you need to go into /etc/X11/xorg.conf & modify the settings [12:20] quel channel pour Kubuntu en fr ? [12:20] TheGateKeeper: The thing is, I want to use the card for most things, just not video playback. === smux [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-35-222.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === user-land2 is now known as user-land [12:21] <_bartek_> Damn ;/ [12:21] dragonfly7: I know if you use mplayer you can tell it not to use the card. [12:21] Maybe there is an option in xine? === dragonfly7 looks. [12:21] <_bartek_> are winamp, or something like that runing at Ubuntu?? [12:22] _bartek_: try xmms, looks and acts like winamp. [12:22] <_bartek_> thanks [12:22] <_awz_> leejunfan, i'm a new linux user, so i dont know what you mean by #!/bin/bash [12:22] <_bartek_> TheMole ad how i can install mp3 codec?? [12:23] _awz_: open the file with nano and look at the first line. [12:23] <_awz_> alright === Nookie [n=mensur@h39n2fls35o982.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] _bartek_: if you install the automatix program that can download it all for you. [12:23] _awz_: that line starting with #! tells it what file to use to open the script. [12:24] <_bartek_> TheMole i don't have automatix, where i can download it?? [12:24] !automatix [12:24] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [12:24] _bartek_, if you are using the xine engine then install libxine-extacodecs [12:24] <_awz_> oh [12:24] Oh, there you go then :p [12:24] _bartek_: all you have to do to get mp3 working is install libxine-extracodecs [12:24] <_bartek_> The Gate Keper i try it but this not runing, i dont know why ;/ [12:25] TheMole: Ok, there is a video driver setting, options include: "auto, aadxr3, dxr3, opengl, fb, sdl" Any of these look familiar? [12:25] _bartek_: then you can use amarok to play mp3's which is pretty much (hands down) the best mp3 player there is. [12:25] _bartek_, using amarok? [12:25] <_bartek_> yes === super_noobs [n=superops@201009003015.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] <_awz_> i dont think i have nano [12:26] _bartek_, well go into the settings select engines & make sure it's using the xine engine === Eeyore-Jr [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] <_bartek_> LeeJunFan i using amarok but "he" cant open mp's [12:26] amarok settings that is [12:26] dragonfly7: I'd try either fb or sdl, not sure what they do though. [12:26] _awz_: it's installed by default. at the shell type nano [filename] [12:26] <_awz_> alright [12:26] _bartek_: you need to install libxine-extracodecs [12:27] <_bartek_> how? === super_noobs [n=superops@201009003015.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:27] <_bartek_> i a beginner user ;/ [12:27] !libxine-extracodecs [12:27] !adept | _bartek_ [12:27] _bartek_: go to the k button, click system and then adept package manager. [12:27] libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB [12:27] _bartek_: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] _bartek_, you dapper or edgy? [12:28] <_bartek_> i using the KPM i download Java and i cant enter the chat ;/ === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu [12:28] <_bartek_> java's not running ;/ [12:28] _bartek_, you using dapper or edgy? [12:28] <_awz_> ok i did that [12:29] <_awz_> with nano [12:29] ooops [12:29] <_bartek_> Ubuntu 5.10 === XVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu [12:29] _awz_: what's the first line say? [12:29] <_awz_> #! /bin/sh [12:29] #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash [12:29] _awz_: try changing to #!/bin/bash and run the script again. [12:29] ctrl-x to quit with option to save [12:29] <_awz_> how do i change it === andrzej [n=andrzej@unusedaddr5-118.dnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [12:30] ThwMole" I will try fb now. [12:30] :) [12:30] <_bartek_> TheGateKeeper i have instaled Macromedia FP only.. other files "not running" or i cant install this :) [12:30] _awz_: type it in. === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14d6b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] _bartek_, when did you install Ubuntu 5.10 ? [12:31] <_bartek_> from CD [12:31] when? [12:31] lol [12:32] :-) === alex___ [n=alex@p54A05347.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === ad_ [n=ad@c529deef2.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu [12:32] <_bartek_> damn, my english i so easy ;/ [12:32] <_awz_> ok i changed it [12:33] <_awz_> now just re-run it like normal? === nickie [n=nickie@167-202.sh.cgocable.ca] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] <_bartek_> .. === Sanne [n=Sanne@p548D9F8A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] salut stevy [12:34] _awz_: yeah [12:34] nikie c juste du Anglish [12:34] c plate mais c comme ca [12:34] j'ai vue [12:34] :) [12:34] <_bartek_> i install my Kubuntu 3 days ago.. [12:34] _awz_: ./[filename] [12:35] _awz_: or bash [filename] [12:35] <_awz_> uh, well, it didnt work, and now when i nano again, there is nothing there [12:35] <_bartek_> its that correct ?? === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] pas grave j'adore pas ce genre de truc [12:35] SVP Nickie rejoin #kubuntu.fr.org :0 [12:35] <_bartek_> TheGateKeeper 3 days ago.. [12:35] _awz_: nothing there? you sure you got the filename right? === inteliwasp [n=inteliwa@69-168-176-97.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:36] <_awz_> yah, i got it right, nevermind its there [12:36] cat /proc/version <--- put that into konsol and paste the output [12:36] _bartek_, ^^^ [12:36] <_bartek_> ok [12:37] <_awz_> ok, it doesnt work still [12:37] Scusse nikie #kubuntu-fr [12:37] <_bartek_> Linux version 2.6.12-9-386 (buildd@rothera) (gcc version 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 3.4.4-6ubuntu8)) #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 === nickie [n=nickie@167-202.sh.cgocable.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:37] _awz_: same errors? === ouf [n=pan@ppp199-96.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] _bartek_, damn wrong one try: cat /etc/issue [12:38] <_awz_> yes === opensur [n=opensur@200-126-94-50.bk6-ipfija.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] <_bartek_> Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" [12:38] _awz_: hrm, sorry. I'd have to take a look at the script to figure it out. [12:39] _bartek_, and you are still trying to set it up correct? === tonyyserver [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:39] <_bartek_> yes [12:40] <_bartek_> maybe toy knows the some commands to install the mp3 codec?? [12:40] <_bartek_> *you [12:40] _bartek_, ok what I would do is at least upgrade to dapper or install edgy [12:40] barkek Xmms === user-land [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] download too sinaptic paket installer === dragonfly7 [n=alexande@71-218-14-28.hlrn.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu [] [12:41] <_bartek_> dont opening ;/ [12:41] _bartek_, you can install update-manager & press the button to upgrade to dapper [12:41] browse aptitude and search [12:41] <_bartek_> ok how i can do this?? [12:41] <_bartek_> download from NET?? [12:42] _bartek_, or you download either dapper or edgy & start again [12:42] shell --- aptitude [12:42] and search "codec" === bubu1uk [n=bubu1uk@195-112-11-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] _bartek_, it's up to you === ouf is now known as wra [12:42] if don't work...i'm a monkey ;p [12:42] barkek install directely paket menager download [12:42] to install update manage then just enter apt-get install update-manager [12:43] je suis pourie en ang mais pas grave :P [12:43] <_bartek_> E: Nie udao si otworzy pliku blokady /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Brak dostpu) [12:43] <_bartek_> E: Nie udao si zablokowa katalogu list [12:43] <_bartek_> ;/ [12:44] _bartek_, I have collected a bunch of usefull stuff & put it here: http://za1012001.googlepages.com/%28k%29ubuntunotes === sigi [n=sigi@pD9EE1C81.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu [12:44] I got to do sleep but will be back in here tomorrow [12:45] <_bartek_> ok [12:45] <_bartek_> good night === shu [n=shu@KD124210231170.ppp-bb.dion.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] anyone know bout some good organizer, calendar etc. application, suite on linux except koganizer? [12:45] <_bartek_> i dont ;/ [12:46] _bartek_, good night (others might be able to help but I would at least upgrade to dapper one way or another) [12:46] <_bartek_> C'YA [12:46] <_bartek_> thanks [12:46] np :-) === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14d51.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] <_bartek_> C'YA ALL ! === fildo is now known as fild0 === icheyne [n=icheyne@] has joined #kubuntu === fild0 is now known as fildo === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] hi all. In www.ubuntuguide.org they mention two ways to get java - "How to install J2SE Runtime Environment (JRE)" and "How to install JRE v5.0 Update 9". What is the difference? [12:50] TheGateKeeper: i know how to install flash === dogsby [n=paul@i-83-67-43-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === galorin [n=richard@] has joined #kubuntu === totolezero [n=dsirez@AAubervilliers-152-1-96-243.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:52] hello === paul___ [n=paul@d14-69-249-134.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === Xubuntian [n=andrea@81-208-74-178.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] n8 all [12:54] hello [12:54] ! [12:54] hello totolezero [12:54] hello [12:54] how you doin ? === totolezero [n=dsirez@AAubervilliers-152-1-96-243.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu [] === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu === yeti [n=yeti@p5493C7F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:57] is there any really good DJing software for linux? [12:58] <[GuS] > Guys... Xchat systray does not work in AMD64 with Beryl... but works perfect in I386 version [12:58] <[GuS] > the systray does not dock into the bar [12:58] <[GuS] > just stay as another window [12:58] <[GuS] > and... the systray has no transparent BG [12:58] [GuS] : have you tried #ubuntu-xgl [12:58] or filing a bug report [12:58] <[GuS] > i do not use XGL :) [12:59] <[GuS] > and this does not happen with i386 as i say... [12:59] yeti: check http://www.linux-sound.org/ and http://ubuntustudio.org/ and ubuntustudio on ubuntuforums and #lad here on freenode ;) === DelawareAEA [n=daniel@] has joined #kubuntu [12:59] <[GuS] > another thing that this... is the PNG image... that has not transparente BG (and in i386, has trasn. BG) [01:00] yeti: oh, and of yourse #ubuntustudio also here on freenode [01:00] Sanne: ok, thx :) [01:00] yeti: you're welcome [01:00] <[GuS] > i downloaded Xchat source tocompile again and check if the transparente BG on .PNG (systray) icon patch was applied... and yes it was === james [n=james@adsl-70-143-101-106.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === james is now known as jdfellow === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14d20.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === NDPTAL85 [n=ndptal85@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] i have a question perhaps a strange one anyone game? === campbch [n=campbch@] has joined #kubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:03] regarding russian fonts [01:04] need help with an experiment please [01:05] maybe kubuntu related am not sure what is going on... [01:05] could anyone who is able to view the news clips from Yahoo! in edgy with FF2.0 / mplayer plugin please tell me how you got it to work? (if anyone has it working at all) [01:05] they worked fine in dapper === winXperts [n=winXpert@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === heinkel_112 [n=thomas@ti400720a081-13452.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === spiritz [n=spiritz@88-137-74-13.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #kubuntu === fredJones840 [n=fredJone@pool-71-171-171-135.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Jonty [n=jadh@80-192-9-154.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === word|sleep [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === james_ [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === exclude [n=beralt@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu === james_ [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has joined #kubuntu === exclude [n=beralt@] has joined #kubuntu === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1415d.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [01:18] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? [01:18] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? === james_ [n=james@c-24-7-251-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === proyecto_ [n=proyecto@] has joined #kubuntu [01:20] how do i get my nicknames to sign out when they get stuck in here? lol === |Xemanth| [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === Healot [n=Miranda@] has joined #kubuntu [01:20] james_: /ghost nickname password === Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@35.229.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:21] Raven301: ty [01:21] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? [01:21] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? [01:21] james_: but don't do it in a channel [01:21] np [01:22] Raven301: it said "ghost ubknown command" [01:22] i'm in konversation [01:22] unknown* === james_ is now known as jmichaelx [01:23] jmichaelx: /msg NickServ GHOST nickname [password] === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === max621 [n=max621@c-24-14-46-197.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:24] Raven301: thanks again [01:25] np === omicron_ [n=omicron@dslb-084-056-187-120.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:25] could anyone who is able to view the news clips from Yahoo! in edgy with FF2.0 / mplayer plugin please tell me how you got it to work? (if anyone has it working at all) === dmbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [01:25] hi there. i had to repartition and reformat my ipod nano as well as putting the firmware back on place again. I partitioned as follows: sda1 (notype) sda2(fat32). it is recognized by kubuntu and by amarok 1.44 as well. now I am transferring mp3s on the ipod and its horribly slow... do you have any ideas what went wrong? [01:25] they work in dapper. i am wondering if it is the mplayer build used in edgy?? [01:26] can the printer que hang [01:26] ? [01:26] out of edgy or dapper is either more stable than the other? === hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] Eeyore-Jr: deadblock of printing que can happen sometimes, mostly hardware problem [01:28] how do you clear or restart the que ? === bot12gb_ [n=bot12gb@181.Red-81-33-76.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] pause the job, fix/check the printer, resume printing, really depends on what's the situation there === ayat [n=ayat@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:29] from the cli ? === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] or you can delete the job, resend it back to print que, change the priority maybe? === secleinteer [n=scl@] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] i have no idea on how to do that, use the print manager << I can do this [01:29] well, the printer has been deleted, readded, the que cleared, etc. === dom [n=doml@santana.irmacs.sfu.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Eeyore-Jr has been using a gui too long to remember the cli commands === jag_ [n=jag@12-214-107-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:30] you need to delete the printer (driver)? === jag_ is now known as jager === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a141b1.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === cellofellow [n=josh@] has joined #kubuntu [01:34] http://school-at-home.blogspot.com [01:34] anyone who cares here? [01:34] anyone is welcome to read that. [01:34] =-> [01:35] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? === eidos [n=eidos@ingenipub302.ingenipub.unal.edu.co] has joined #kubuntu === eidos [n=eidos@ingenipub302.ingenipub.unal.edu.co] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:36] My frostwire wont connect, anyone got the same problem ??? [01:36] nay, I don't use Fw [01:36] what does you use then ? [01:36] cellofellow: you're a homeschool? [01:37] larss0n: i don't do p2p religiously, just your regular Brahm cohen's Bittorrent client [01:38] okey [01:38] Anyone know the name of pinks new album ^ [01:39] larss0n: you music pirate :) [01:40] larss0n: pink "im not dead" ? [01:40] Healot: oh, yes [01:41] so i installed ndisgtk to manage my evil dlink wifi card [01:41] driver is installed [01:42] but when i click configure network it says [01:42] Failed to open device [01:42] sh: network-admin: not found [01:42] where do i find network-admin? [01:42] this is a fresh install of kubuntu edgy [01:42] i assume it's looking for a gnome tool [01:42] anyone know which? [01:42] !find knetwork-manager [01:42] Package/file knetwork-manager does not exist in edgy [01:43] damn... good luck === __mikem [n=__mikem@] has joined #kubuntu === jhondoe [i=irc@ip68-3-181-120.ph.ph.cox.net] has left #kubuntu [] === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:44] !find network-manager [01:44] Found: knetworkmanager, network-manager, network-manager-dev, network-manager-gnome, network-manager-pptp === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === anddreaz [i=irc@ip68-3-181-120.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] dammit === beast [n=beast@host-39-70-107-208.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] knetworkmanager doesn't see it :( [01:48] fral === cellofellow [n=josh@] has left #kubuntu [] === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === jag_ [n=jag@12-214-107-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === jag_ is now known as jager === vieira [n=vieira@87-196-224-130.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [01:54] hi, can any one help me with crontab? [01:54] i've put a program to execute in the crontab, but doesn't starts === dmbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [01:55] any ideias why it appens!? === elt0n [n=matthias@p83.129.16.149.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:58] vieira: u sure did you write right time ? [01:58] i think so [01:58] it's amule [01:59] erhanr: i've lanch the app [01:59] erhanr: put in the command the path to amule and choose every day 00:55, but didn't lunch it === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] i edited a partition table to have /ldev/hda1 and a free space [02:00] vieira: . /bin/sh -c where_your_amule .did you try it ? [02:01] nopes [02:01] now the installer is asking me for a mount point and partition [02:01] is it just blank on both of them? [02:01] erhanr: going to do it now [02:02] erhanr: but when i open the app to manage the cron tab, if i select run it starts [02:02] erhanr: nopes :( === [GuS] [n=MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] vieira: can you open other program with cron ? [02:05] erhanr: i've tried to open firefox didn't work either :/ [02:05] well i just use cron by console === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:06] erhanr: i think that not the problem [02:07] erhanr: i'll do it by console === VooXo [i=tux@] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] hi all === VIC-20 [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] my question isn't really related to kubuntu, but i didn't know who other to ask: [02:08] when I enter at commands in extra settings (in windows), how do i separate them if i have more then 1 at command? [02:08] *in modem extra settings === ExitMenu_ [n=sean@] has joined #kubuntu === [GuS] [n=MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] ? [02:09] erhanr: same problem shell but didn't work [02:09] anyone...? o_O [02:09] cron is it workin? [02:09] damn [02:09] vieira@vieira-desktop:/$ crontab -l [02:09] 55 0 * * * /usr/bin/amule === [GuS] [n=MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu [02:10] erhanr: didn't start [02:10] cron daemon workin? === VooXo [i=tux@] has left #kubuntu ["(damn...)"] [02:11] erhanr: how can i check it!? === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-059.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === seby [n=seby@ip-87-238-7-157.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === molotoff [n=a@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === ricos_sushi__ [n=mario@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Blue-Steel [n=Psygosci@unaffiliated/Blue-Steel] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] erhanr: how can i check it!? === Blue-Steel [n=Psygosci@unaffiliated/Blue-Steel] has left #kubuntu [] === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.186.106.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === freedowm [n=freedowm@] has joined #kubuntu === OOD [n=sebastia@dsl-139-107.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu === thelostbyte_ is now known as |lostbyte| === VIC-20 [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek [i=venkat@digital.celebris.net] has joined #kubuntu === rraphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [02:20] gerr [02:21] kubuntus compressing program sucks, it spends a million years making a little zip file of one damn album in mp3 [02:21] that would be true for most people [02:21] Im so frustrated [02:21] :) === uri [n=uri@] has joined #kubuntu === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:22] how can i spread my illegally obtained music to my friends in a simple and easy manner with such obstacles in my way! [02:22] someone would probably advice nicotine [02:22] hi, can any one help me with crontab? [02:22] vieira: sure [02:22] i've put a program to execute in the crontab, but doesn't starts [02:22] if only all my friends used linux [02:22] robotgeek: it's amule [02:23] vieira: check the path, you probably want complete path [02:23] tobias_: what compression? [02:23] robotgeek: zip [02:23] tobias_: ask them to get winrar, it opens any damn thing [02:23] or 7zip [02:23] robotgeek: 10 1 * * * /usr/bin/amule [02:23] robotgeek: i've the full path [02:24] robotgeek: aah, they might have winrar, it opens the linux compression format? (tar.gz) === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] tobias_: yup [02:24] robotgeek: thanx! === ali_ [n=ali@82-45-193-142.stb.ubr01.hari.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [02:25] vieira: is it not a gui client? === arriesp [n=arriesp@] has joined #kubuntu [02:25] vieira: i am not sure how gui clients work with X, my guess is that is your issue [02:25] ola [02:25] vieira: i mean, gui clients in cron [02:26] robotgeek: i've did it from shell and gui [02:26] vieira: yes, but when you are running a cron job, X is not necessarily up [02:26] robotgeek: i now how to edit cron by shell, but progs don't start [02:26] robotgeek: i'm missing something? === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu [02:27] vieira: moment [02:27] sorry .i wasnt here [02:27] robotgeek: X is the kde desktop!? [02:27] robotgeek: oki === brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@] has joined #kubuntu [02:28] robotgeek: just for remark if a open the gui and choose run now it start [02:28] vieira: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185993&highlight=cron [02:28] I have a question about an ATI All-In-Wonder (8500) and TVtime, can anybody assist, please [02:28] Rythan: dont ask to ask, just ask [02:29] is there someway I can make holding my mouse over a folder show how many mb's are being kept inside the folder? [02:29] Heh @ robotgeek ... okay [02:29] or even right clicking and clicking something === intelikey [n=root@0-2pool242-213.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] tobias_: right click + properties + calculate [02:29] I feel like such a n00b [02:29] aha [02:29] thanx! [02:29] :D [02:29] ATI All-In-Wonder (8500) and TVtime I get /dev/video0 no such device -- so ... can I get this to work [02:29] it works [02:30] I am not sure where to start [02:30] !ati | Rythan [02:30] Rythan: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === inteliwasp [n=inteliwa@69-168-176-97.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:30] Rythan: i think i saw something on the tvtime wikie about ati cards and some overlays, but i might be wrong [02:30] been there ? [02:31] No, not yet ... I was looking for a source, thx intelikey [02:31] And thx robotgeek [02:31] Rythan: also chk tvtime wiki/faq [02:31] Hey, I'm looking for a decent software synthesizer for Ubuntu/Kubuntu, something maybe along the lines of Fruity Loops Studio. I haven't really had any luck finding one. [02:32] isn't there a ubuntustudio.com, that might have good background info [02:32] I will robotgeek === alex___ [n=alex@p54A05FD7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] uri: there are some apps in the works, but it's not yet as integrated all-in-one like fruity. There are http://lmms.sourceforge.net/ and http://wired.epitech.net/ being developed currently, and also a new buzz clone: http://trac.zeitherrschaft.org/zzub/wiki/AldrinScreenshots [02:34] robotgeek and Sanne: thanks! i'm checking it out now [02:35] uri: commercial energyXT will be out for Linux soon, beta is announced for december, if you don't oppose closed source: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=36 [02:35] robotgeek: it doesnt want to compress for some reason, it just says it is compressing for a long time, but when i look for the file it is not there hmmm [02:35] tobias_: how are you compressing? [02:36] robotgeek: I right click and then i choose the compress function with the standard filename [02:36] from konqueror [02:36] anyone compiled and run tork on kubuntu edgy? [02:36] Sanne: :D if i can create music with it, i'm happy [02:37] tobias_: okay, so what is the issue. it does not show up where? [02:37] robotgeek: in konqueror [02:37] uri: then definitely check it out when it's ready, it's a very nice application, and not too expensive. [02:37] robotgeek: in the place where it should be I guess [02:37] robotgeek: Im not really sure it compressed it either [02:38] tobias_: it hshould be right where you right clicked, refresh maybe [02:38] robotgeek: can't put it to work [02:38] robotgeek: oki === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === ademan_ [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:38] what's the name of the KDE rss reader? [02:38] ademan_: akregator [02:38] Sanne: cool, thanks! hey, on the lmms download page, i see several different options. should i just do the lmms_0.1.2-1_i386.deb? [02:39] thanks robotgeek === win_x_prts [n=win_x_pr@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:39] uri: no, if you don't want to build it yourself, just use the ubuntu deb from the repositories. === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu [02:39] Sanne: hah, duh, thanks [02:39] uri: it's in universe [02:40] robotgeek: aah, I think maybe its because of the dual filesystem of kubuntu, it seems there are two different kinds of adresses, one is the "/media/stordisk/" the other is "media:/hda6" could this be the issue? [02:40] vieira: try $ sudo /etc/init.d/cron restart then [02:40] robotgeek: what i mean is both adresses lead the same place, but some programs dont understand [02:41] again edit crontab time your program [02:41] Sanne: what does that mean? (still a newbie, :D ) [02:41] tobias_: sorry, not sure what is wrong [02:41] robotgeek: oki, thanx for the help though :) === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] robotgeek: i've put this in my corntab : export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/amule [02:41] robotgeek: it's ok!? [02:41] !repos > uri [02:42] robotgeek: I Found the file! [02:42] robotgeek: restart did not work [02:42] vieira: i would giess so [02:42] uri: did you get a message from ubotu? [02:42] :8 === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl8-56.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] Sanne: yeah, thanks [02:42] vieira: not sure, soryr [02:42] uri: :) [02:42] robotgeek: okis thnks [02:43] if cron restart didnt work its weird === der_steppenwolf [n=sergio@client0624.vpn.uni-saarland.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] mmm without specifing a user won't cron run that as root ? [02:44] are there free servers that work with linux, I mean like quickshare etc? [02:44] I cant get quickshare to work [02:44] !lamp [02:44] lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD install menu. [02:44] trying to upload the file I just compressed [02:44] !ftp [02:44] FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd [02:44] !samba [02:44] samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [02:44] aha [02:45] !ssh [02:45] !NTFS [02:45] ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ [02:45] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse [02:45] hmmm [02:45] !apt-get [02:45] apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) [02:46] quicksharing.com is what I meant, its like this place where I can upload up to 500 mbs and share the url with my friends [02:46] but firefox wont work with it [02:46] I probably need something [02:46] oh web space.... [02:46] cya [02:46] yay === erhanr [n=erhan@unaffiliated/erhanr] has left #kubuntu [] === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] it looks pretty nifty and its free so I want to use it in linux [02:47] hi, why i have the version 0.12.3 of kopete in kubuntu, but as official releases i only find till version 0.12.2? === kdw [n=liz@] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] robotgeek: now gives me a error on gui "An error occurred while updating crontab." [02:48] !kopete [02:48] kopete: instant messenger for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 6825 kB, installed size 18932 kB [02:48] aha [02:48] robotgeek: do u now whats tyhe problem!? === uri [n=uri@] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] kopete rox [02:49] ubotu: yes, i know that, but i wanted to know why the difference in the enumeration of packages... [02:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about yes, i know that, but i wanted to know why the difference in the enumeration of packages... - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [02:50] vieira: hmm, not sure. sorry! [02:50] oki [02:50] oops, hehe [02:51] der_steppenwolf we've all dont that.... :) === kdw is now known as kdw_ [02:52] robotgeek: ei it worked now === ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:52] der_steppenwolf i don't know why the sub-version strings don't match. [02:52] robotgeek: i've closed all shell and the cron gui and the app opened [02:52] /msg NickServ IDENTIFY wdkchat [02:52] vieira: great :) [02:52] ok, thanks intelikey [02:53] kdw_: you might want to change your password :) [02:53] robotgeek: thnks, i'm sure that the export was missing [02:53] kdw_ might want to use a different pass-phrase now that you've shown everyone [02:53] yeah what robotgeek said. [02:54] doh! thanks all -- too much distraction here [02:54] hmm, i've done that before, kdw_ . but now, irssi takes care of all the passwords :) === kdw_ [n=liz@] has left #kubuntu ["Bye!"] === joel [n=joel@ANancy-155-1-10-17.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === DadanHappy [n=maharani@] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey is now known as kdw_ [02:56] hmmm he/i didn't change passwds.... === kdw_ is now known as intelikey === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] intelikey: bad behaviour :) [03:00] oh i know. but two people told him.... [03:00] [03:01] I think quicksharing is working now! :D === Linux_Galore_ [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] I used konqueror without knowing, but in firefox it seems to work, Im just uploading a giant file === _goofy_ [n=ryan@] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] is there anything odd i should know about installing firefox in dapper manually? [03:02] anyone else have kubuntu mess there display up? im haveing to go as big as the settings will allow since the fonts are so damn big [03:02] odd? [03:03] manually as in from source ? [03:03] firefox is easy to install [03:03] but dont need to manually [03:03] yes, why would you want to do that ? [03:03] adept [03:03] !firefox [03:03] firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins [03:03] ok, whats the best way? === fildo is now known as fild0 [03:03] !adept [03:03] adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [03:03] ah [03:03] XD === Omnifrog reads [03:04] omnifrog: adept rox [03:04] anyone had that prob or know how to fix it? [03:04] omnifrog: its why I love kubuntu [03:04] im using synaptic but FF2.0 wasnt listed [03:04] omnifrog: you just run this adept program and suddenly you can install a whole bunch of stuff [03:04] xao [03:05] seraphangel kcontrol set the fonts. [03:05] is adept better then syaptic? === kdw__ [n=kdw@c-67-164-4-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === DadanHappy [n=maharani@] has joined #kubuntu [03:05] omnifrog: I think so [03:05] Omnifrog: It's a matter of personal opinion really [03:06] Omnifrog: matter of preference, I guess [03:06] seraphangel you can set size for all fonts or indavidual or font face... lots of options. [03:06] Omnifrog: I personally don't believe in GUI package managers. The CLI versions just simply work [03:06] GUI rox! [03:06] without GUI where would I be [03:06] i like apt-get but sometimes im just to lazy === fild0 is now known as fildo [03:06] out in the wilderness hugging trees thats where [03:07] Omnifrog: Synaptic has a nice install history, that's why I use it. [03:07] apt-get is good when i know exactly what i want === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24DCB.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:07] Adept allways works, it installs, it uninstalls, it rox [03:07] " i like apt-get but sometimes im just to lazy" <--- in truth. i find that i actually spend more time looking for and installing through a gui than cli same is true for several things not just package management. [03:07] Adept doesn't allow you to upgrade properly though. That's a documented fact === kdw__ [n=kdw@c-67-164-4-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:08] Omnifrog when i have time to kill i do things the gui way.... :) [03:08] intelikey: but what about us who dont know what we want before we find it in adept? hohum? I use to search for games and stuff === tklich [n=tklich@adsl-243-225-216.chs.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:08] hello [03:08] tobias_: apt-cache search searchterm [03:08] adept doesn't show firefox 2.0 either. just 1.5 [03:09] tobias_: or packages.ubuntu.com [03:09] Omnifrog: 2.0 is in Edgy, not dapper [03:09] sanne: Ill try that someday.. [03:09] tobias_ apt-cache search "string to look for" [03:09] oh :( [03:09] those things look like commands to type in some console thing, [03:09] ok, baack to manual install [03:09] my wireless adapter quits responding to the internet at random times [03:09] I dont like console thing [03:09] is it trying to find an IP every so often? [03:09] I like that you can simulate installs with 'apt-get -s install packagename' === fildo is now known as fild0 [03:09] tobias_: You don't like it because you don't know how to use it effectively [03:09] it makes me feel sad when I have to communicate with my computer using commands [03:10] tobias_: If you learned it, you'd use it more and like it, guaranteed [03:10] much better clicking on stuff [03:10] oki [03:10] but how do I make other people like it [03:10] tobias_ ok. so now we're even. i don't much like pointy clicky thingies :) [03:10] Ah, windows user mentality with that [03:10] tobias_: well, I guess we all did learn how to type, didn't we? ;) === fild0 is now known as fildo [03:10] Im a sworn kubuntu recruiter [03:11] I do not wish to tell people that gUI is not good, cus GUI is what people want! GUI TO THE PEOPLE! [03:11] :D [03:11] I love kubuntu cus of the pointy clicky guithingies === Sanne just can't understand the fear of the cli. It's just like using a typewriter, after all, sorta. [03:11] tobias_ :) [03:11] :) [03:12] besides, too much clicking gives you repetitive strain injury. [03:13] GUI's are just an abstraction. No user SHOULD be expected to learn to operate the CLI on a Desktop OS. Show them how to properly use software to their comfort level. [03:13] I spent about 15 years of my life pointing and clicking in bill gates os of satanism, I need to gui [03:13] IF they are comfortable firing up Konsole every so often, great. If not, you need to adapt. That's how you recruit, be adaptive. [03:13] Sanne and once a person learns a little about *nix nominclature logic kinda takes over. ls = list rm = remove cp = copy and on and on..... [03:13] unix_infidel: I adept! === nexus [n=nexus@host185-178.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] want find something find / -name something [03:14] intelikey: yeah, at least one can hope this should happen ;) [03:14] :) [03:14] :) [03:14] I am much smarter than I type [03:14] tobias_: :) === nexus [n=nexus@host185-178.pool8250.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:15] Most people dont care about the difference b/w forward and backslashes, they want content, and they want it now. You get paid to be adaptive, or you care enough to do it pro bono. === mrgibson_ is now known as mrgibson [03:15] Im free [03:15] I mean, Im ..pro bono... [03:15] hmm when I type find tork it comes up with no result #~~~YET I know I have it in my file system [03:16] tobias_: If you are really sincere in your efforts I honestly commend you and wish there were more people promoting the OS like you. [03:16] paul_: man find. [03:16] unix_infidel: thanx :) [03:16] find is pretty dumb as a desktop search tool IMHO [03:16] youll see there are search parameters for case sensitive and insensitive searches. [03:17] There are gui front ends that are much better. [03:17] OR you could develop your own find tool :) [03:18] this channel is one of the things I use as a reason for using ubuntu\kubuntu, cus user support for free is something really cool [03:18] paul_: there's locate, much faster, but the database needs to be updated from time to time. [03:18] hmm anything to rival google desktop would be good [03:18] paul_: there is. === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] actually i have a confession. about 3/4 years ago i made the statement "i'm a gui kind of guy" to a fellow that was telling me i should learn a little about the linux cli the smart-elic said "that's ok you'll get over that :)" i thought to myself not likely. but, in fact it wasn't 6 months and the damage had already been done... i have linux boxes around here that don't even have X installed. and don't need i [03:18] Less innovative algorithms, but just as good. [03:19] i'm still didn't understand, ubuntu comunity and the others opensource comunity, they spend time to develop this system, but they released to public for free, so where they get money [03:19] hehe === Alter-Ego [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === nacer [n=nacer@] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] dadanhappy: a nice guy in space sent the money [03:19] :) [03:19] DadanHappy: well funding comes from somewhere. That's a given. [03:19] money=support maybe [03:20] DadanHappy: but the premise is that information belongs to everyone, if you innovate, you make money. === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] However, you make less money than if you innovate and dont tell anyone how you did it. Sorta like, "If you give a man a fish...." === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] DadanHappy: it's another business model, they don't believe in closed source applications business models, but hope to earn money by providing support. [03:21] The BSD model is a bit more dogmatic imho, not sure if its superior :) [03:21] DadanHappy most develop linux in their "free time" because they like linux and (most) of the people using it.... it's a gratify'ing 'i can do something good' sort of thing. === noname [n=noname@] has joined #kubuntu === qch [n=qch@adsl-69-110-13-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] not all of course ^ [03:21] I think Qudos has more to play than the good of man [03:22] !install [03:22] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues [03:22] hmm [03:22] DadanHappy: and also, it's a good thing for humanity as a whole, because closing off knowledge wouldn't bring us further, but sharing it does. It is dearly needed in this time, in my opinion. [03:22] i c [03:23] Sanne imo 2 === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #kubuntu === nacer [n=nacer@] has joined #kubuntu [03:23] intelikey: :) === VIC-20 [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Il] [03:24] call it a religion if you will, but there are open source zealots out there. [03:24] dadanhappy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth [03:24] :D === taladon [n=taladon@adsl-69-212-83-216.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] rms who ? === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === manfo [n=manfo@ppp-65-31.27-151.libero.it] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === xinchuan [n=xinchuan@bb220-255-18-17.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] intelikey: of yourse there are. You get those kind of people everywhere, regardless of cause. === taladon [n=taladon@adsl-69-212-83-216.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:24] Sanne: Im a vegan too [03:25] travold ? [03:25] errr does that have an s on it ? [03:25] ok, im a little drunk, maybe i shouldnt hang in this channel while drunk [03:25] I am a mekon [03:26] tobias_: that's ok ;). I'm a half veggie with the occasional fish and milk, but I applaud you for being vegan. === paulw [n=paul@pool8.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] sanne: cool :) === Samshiel [n=kyle@] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] tofu and soya ewww [03:27] tobias_: I also catch spiders and other critters and bring them outside :) [03:27] sanne: you got viana cheese that melts! they dont sell it in norway... === scott_ [n=scott@ttxc18.palmsoft.sk] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] sanne: me too! [03:27] tobias_: viana? What's that? [03:27] sanne: its a german brand with the best burgers\soy products [03:28] although if i had to kill my own meat I would be a vegaterian [03:28] tobias_: really? I'm german, but haven't heard of them. Will investigate. [03:28] sanne: its totally vegan and they also got the only vegan cheese i heard of that melts [03:28] tobias_: sounds good! [03:28] hmmm don't guess i'd be welcome in that circut. (follower of nymrod, the mighty hunter) [03:28] But hey I think those animals died in vien if I didnt eat them [03:28] sanne: Ive havent tried it cause they dont sell it in norway === Samshiel [n=kyle@] has left #kubuntu [] [03:29] tobias_: http://www.viana.com/ :) [03:29] sanne: but i reeeeally want that cheese, they got all the other stuff here [03:29] sanne: yeah :) === crowbar [n=jaknel@ool-4355c5de.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] sanne: tofuvillage! [03:29] the only meat a vegan can eat is plecenta [03:30] plecenta pie [03:30] !language [03:30] Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [03:30] tobias_: I'll check out my local health food store for viana products. [03:30] lol [03:31] sanne: you will love them guaranteed, and if u ever come to trondheim you should stop by at UFFA I make food there every wednesday and thursday :) [03:31] tobias_: haha will do :) [03:31] Hmm that's disgusting. I feel that your comment was very family unfriendly. === rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] I request that paul_ is banned from the channel for being familialy unfriendly >_< === fowlduck- [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:32] hmm I am merely stating fact in no way was any of my language offensive [03:32] of course we are horribly off topic by now ;) === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu [03:32] ahh that started about an hour ago [03:32] ;) [03:33] anyone compiled tork on kubuntu ? [03:33] i try not to !offtopic people unless there are others asking for help.... [03:33] how do i defrag on linux?? [03:34] intelikey: thank you :) [03:34] seems silly to me to have a silent channel and not be allowed to say som offtopic things. [03:34] I have a question, how would I have my server at home ssh into my webserver and do an rsync backup and automate the whole process? [03:34] som ? [03:34] sum ? [03:34] some that's it. [03:34] some [03:34] faderhval: you don't have to, generally === e3|away is now known as e3 [03:34] its an NTFS drive [03:35] faderhval do that from windows. [03:35] i dont have windows... [03:35] faderhval: you can't defrag ntfs from linux, as far as I know you shouldn't even try to write to it. [03:35] faderhval then why the ntfs ? [03:35] !ntfs [03:35] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse [03:36] its ok to write to NTFS through samba though yes? [03:36] pull the fuse on it. [03:36] !fuse [03:36] Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse [03:36] because i have about 300gb of important work related data... and i just changed to linux 2 days ago havent had the chance to move the data yet :) [03:36] i use the ntfs-3g driver to mount the NTFS drives === pablo7 [n=paul@67-150-37-157.lsan.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === seba [n=seba@c9500e2f.bhz.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] there have been no problems so far... but the write speed to the disks are a bit slow and on the NTFS-3g homepage they say a defrag might help :) [03:40] if its just DATA on NTFS then there wont be much need for defrag [03:40] what is the "feisty fawn 7.04" release of ubuntu, is it out? [03:40] just thought i would give it a try :) [03:41] is ubuntu releasing stuff before kubuntu? === _allz [n=identety@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #kubuntu [03:41] faderhval i wouldn't advise trusting important data to an ntfs that only linux accesses you should try to impliment a plan to migrate that data to safer quarters. i would sujest backups as well. although 300g would take several dvd-r one might be well advised to invest in a second hd. === deema [n=deema@] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] the new drives are already orderd :) [03:42] anybody here use islsm? [03:42] tobias_ kubuntu is ubuntu [03:42] tobias_: it's the next ubuntu version, due 04 2007 ;) [03:42] ahh :D [03:42] thanx [03:43] islsm? [03:43] can't pronounce it, won't use it (lol) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu [03:44] tobias_ kubuntu is ubuntu base with kde xubuntu is ubuntu base with xfce4 ubuntu is ubuntu base with gnome each having a selection of apps that "are supposed" to work well with the respective desktop environment. [03:44] I got a usb 2.0 ide h/d caddy V good for backing up and tranfering data [03:45] how can it be both usb and ide?.. [03:45] but appearantly, it works: http://islsm.org/apache2-default/ (ROFL) [03:45] intellikey: cool, I put xubuntu on this old computer at UFFA, cus the computer there sux, its mainly used for playing music for the cafe, and at home I got my computer with a kubuntu version that is nice, cus the ubuntu cd was scratchy [03:45] sanne... what is that? [03:45] it plugs into USB and accepts IDE drives [03:45] tamacracker the usb cradle provides the ide interface. [03:46] oh yeah [03:46] tamacracker: if I knew... deema asked about islsm [03:46] make an internet [03:46] internal [03:46] into an external [03:46] got it. [03:46] intellikey; so im just using kubuntu cus its the first thing that struck me from the linux thingie, kind of like flypaper [03:46] intellikey: but it rox === pachuchay [n=lorna@] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] also caddy better than a usb thumb drive for booting OS on USB === freeflying [i=flyingfr@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] amazed though at how cheap 2gb + thumb drives are, 29 in UK [03:49] I remeber storage being 1 per mb [03:49] that makes no sense. === Makro2 [n=mario@156-41-89.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] tobias_ i use a p1-mmx 100mhz box with ubuntu base on it. linux flys if you don't overload it with gui algarythms, even on older hardware. i also have a nec ultra-lite versa notebook 486 dx 33mhz with 16m ram 125m hdd i installed linux on it too... :) [03:49] so you're sayin at one point someone was payin 2,000 for a 2gb usb thumb drive? [03:50] :D [03:50] wow [03:50] intelikey: LOL, most routers use half the power and are twice as powerful. [03:50] nahhh u couldnt buy a drive that size back then lol [03:50] its been so long since i heard "486" [03:50] lol tobias [03:51] :) [03:51] hard drive was 1 per MB [03:51] bye all [03:51] ye sanne [03:51] +b === shulman [n=shulman@cpe-74-70-53-127.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] moores law still holds true === NDPTAL86 [n=ndptal85@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === iain [n=user@] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] +b sanne ??? :) [03:52] lol [03:52] I meant "bye sanne" [03:52] !seen Lapper [03:52] I last saw Lapper (n=Lapper@wikimedia/lapper) 2h 29m 32s ago, quiting: "/'" [03:52] not "ye sanne" [03:52] ah :) [03:52] I'm trying to burn a disc with very long file names. How long can Windows read? [03:52] 256 characters [03:53] If I choose the 103 chars option will it work? [03:53] probably [03:53] Oh, thanks [03:53] iain: you arent limited by what windwow can read its the max the cd can handle. [03:53] is it 256 for iso9660 ? [03:53] hi all -- I came across a strange problem in OO Writer -- It doesn't seem to want to open whole RTF files that are very large. It will only read in the first 18k words. [03:53] windows* [03:54] ei === Toyoch [n=dunkelwe@p57A5D24D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:54] i'd have to google it. but don't want to. i think iso9660 is where the limit comes in. [03:55] how can i see a divx in kubuntu? how can i install the codecs? [03:55] !divx [03:55] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:55] is it possible [03:55] I use vlc [03:55] 100 or so limit or you break iso [03:55] vieria: use adept to get "vlc", use vlc to view anything! [03:55] laws are meant to be broken :) [03:55] vieria: at least I think so [03:56] paul but if you intend for other os's to read it you need to "NOT" break iso on it. [03:56] wow I just discovered the "tab" function [03:56] lol [03:57] I can start the name of someone and then click tab === kdw [n=kdw@c-67-164-4-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] and there it will be [03:57] tobias_ welcome to linux. for my next trick.... [03:57] intelikey: thanx :D [03:57] i c thnx for info, your obviously a wiser man than I on these things [03:58] tobias_ now open konsole, type upda and hit tab two times. === NDPBG4 [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:59] intelikey: oki! [03:59] is it possible to hold a modicum of the sum knowledge of computers, its a vast subject, or does one strive to specialise rather than become a master of all [03:59] intelikey: it went "BEEP!" and it says "update" [03:59] tobias_ tab completion can be expanded greatly in the konsole but enabling bash_completion [04:00] tobias_ but also gave a list of update-whats [04:00] intelikey: hmmm, it didnt maybe something is strange [04:00] is a jack of all better than a master of non [04:00] intelikey: nvm! it did! === ricos_sushi [n=mario@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] hmm [04:00] tobias_ the list will be just above... [04:01] intelikey: what do I do with them? [04:01] non=one === Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === tobiwan [n=tobiwan@dslb-088-073-030-144.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:01] tobiwan :) nice nick [04:02] err [04:02] obviously the town was not big enough fro the two of you [04:03] tobias_ you would select the next char of the command you wanted and continue it real handy on completing file names example: cp /usr/share/doc/vi[tab] /chan[tab] . would expand the name of the file for you and help you find the change.log for vim that's just an example. [04:03] aha! [04:03] thanx intelikey!!! [04:03] wow it like completed your nick in the middle of the text i was writing [04:04] ah, I remember the day I discovered tab completion [04:05] T3hWiz0rd: Firetechc WerdnaDesktop Admiral_Chicago === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] Im completing all nicks! [04:06] tab is nice [04:06] tobias_ and if you enabled bash_completion even second stage completions work pertty well example; modprobe snd-a[tab] would list the sound drivers that begin with a such as ac97 [04:07] how do i enable bash completion? [04:07] helps in finding command options on some apps ... very intuitive. === pablo7 [n=paul@67-150-84-47.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] tobias_ for one user edit .bashrc and if it doesn't already have it commented out then add [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] && . /etc/bash_completion if it does have it just remove the # from in front of it. === skizzay [n=andrew@ool-435232d1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:09] tobias_ for system wide as root edit /etc/bash_bashrc i think it is that ubntu uses still. [04:09] tobias_: ?? [04:09] I'm going crazy trying to get my ATI X1300 Video Card working. Could anyone shine some light? [04:10] get nvidea? [04:10] j/k === killswitch92 [n=fudgeu@243-133.35-65.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] that would be the best fix [04:10] lol [04:10] I wish that was an option! [04:10] until ati can stop saying f00k j00 to linux, say f00k j00 to ati === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] I'm missing my old nVidia card. [04:11] i personally think the linux kernel shouldn't boot for ati [04:11] lol [04:11] i think it should refuse to [04:11] it should pop up a nice little message that says "pssh nub, get nvidia" [04:11] T3hWiz0rd didn't amd buy ati ? === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a104.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:11] if( strcmp( video_card_vender, "ATI" ) ) detonate_iternal_bomb(); [04:12] intelikey: does that really help ati at all? [04:12] intelikey: they're still not supporting linux properly yet. [04:12] it might. [04:12] AMD now owns ATI. I'm curious how this will play out in the future. [04:12] its simple... They're a monopoly now. [04:12] Higher cost, same shitty support (y) [04:12] ive never used linux stuff before, this is my 1st time so im a noob [04:12] linux doesnt open exe files does it :( [04:13] 0.o [04:13] ATI has been pumping out their propriertary driver, but they always seem to have bugs. [04:13] killswitch92 in wine [04:13] ? === SperMite [n=box1@69-174-104-218.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] killswitch "> man wine" [04:13] install wine. and some .exe files are as simple as wine filename.exe [04:14] can i open exe files? [04:14] where do i get it? [04:14] Yes, via wine [04:14] !repos [04:14] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [04:14] Adept [04:14] killswitch92 go read that ^ [04:14] T3hWiz0rd: just testing out tab! [04:14] is aptitude EVER going to replace apt? [04:14] hmmm === T3hWiz0rd backahnds tobias_ [04:14] tobias_: just testing out my wrist! [04:14] T3hWiz0rd not if i can help it. [04:15] GUIs will never fully replace command line. === SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@24-119-155-26.cpe.cableone.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:15] aptitude isn't gui based really [04:15] intelikey: sorry I was making me a ... cigarette. back now [04:15] it simply handles meta packages better [04:15] linux is complicated :( [04:15] It's a command line wrapper. [04:15] i never used it before lol [04:15] skizzay aptitude a gui ? === arafat [n=arafat@Rb79c.r.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] aptitude should replace apt [04:15] Nevermind. I'm thinking of something I've used in the past. [04:15] no [04:15] apt doesn't hnadle metapackages good [04:15] skizzay: adept? lol [04:16] i think good should replace well. [04:16] tobias_: problem solved thnks [04:16] T3hWiz0rd: :D [04:16] according to T3hWiz0rd [04:16] vieira: cool :) [04:16] he's def the wizardz0r, fer shure. [04:16] tobias_: see u tomorow [04:16] unix_infidel: excuse me? [04:16] I am new to linux also and found downloading the source using make /configure / install practically the same as clicking a exe except its like the old windows dll hell where as you have to install headers etc if not got [04:16] Hey! Adept is very intuitive. === Linux_Galore_ is now known as Linux_Galore [04:16] vieira: sleep tight:) [04:16] skizzay: i don't mind adept, I just wish aptitude would catch on better. [04:16] (Y) [04:17] adept rox! [04:17] aptitude handles metapackages a little better === SuprUs3r is now known as Kr4t05 [04:17] oh [04:17] its even better, then I wnt it [04:17] killswitch92: stick with adept if you can and search for wine then select to install. [04:17] T3hWiz0rd i've never noticed that apt had any trubble with vertual packages [04:17] intelikey: I have before [04:18] and for god sake will people stop encouraging the use of XGL/Beryl [04:18] T3hWiz0rd on what system ? [04:18] intelikey: kubuntu 5.6 [04:18] i think it was? [04:18] 5.6?? can't remember [04:18] been a while === Amority [n=Amority@] has joined #kubuntu [04:18] there was no 5.6 [04:18] I haven't really been on debian distros thru the most of this year. [04:18] 5.4 ? [04:18] it was 5.-something douche lol [04:18] possibly. [04:18] wine it seems to me though nvr hardly asupport many win applications,,,, bit of a hit n miss affair [04:19] like I said I didn't use kubuntu thru most of 2006. [04:19] I didn't like 5.x of kubuntu, I felt it slow as schiza [04:19] so i swtiched to suse, which ended up crashing and burning, so i moved back. [04:19] plus i missed apt-get which 100% pwnz YaST package management. [04:19] paul_: you got it, wine is beta. === dragonfly7 [n=alexande@71-33-225-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === SmrtJust1n [n=SmrtJust@] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] i got 5.4 as soon as it shipped and never changed to 5.10 went streight to 6.6 never noticed any problem with vertual packages. also used apt almost exclusively. [04:20] wine is always in beta. [04:20] intelikey: the guy who introduced me to kubuntu also introduced my kubuntu to bash completion he says :) [04:20] vm is best if you got rescources imo [04:21] skizzay: wine was alpha. [04:21] tobias_ kold as dry ice :) [04:22] intelikey: i just didn't hav a good experience with 5.4 [04:22] intelikey: both in the community and with the distro's rigging of kde. [04:23] T3hWiz0rd i know this is *buntu channel but honestly i thought all the hype was in vain. *buntu hasn't proven any better than any other distro to me. but it's linux, and i like linux. [04:24] intelikey: its advertisement really. It has the best of any other distro. [04:24] that it does. === ademan_ [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu === daone [n=daone@adsl-158-120-15.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] advertisement can make anything seem better. [04:25] I Could sell you a bag of dog crap if i had a billionare backing me on my advertisement of how great my bag of dogcrap is. [04:25] now lets quit bashing the distro in the distro's official channel.... [04:25] intelikey: I have never used anything else, but the thing I like best is the forum community that takes the time to provide so many excellent walkthroughs. [04:25] intelikey: i like the distro :-) [04:25] Th3Wiz0rd: But the advertisement also brings in more support to develop a better product. [04:25] i just like the name of it lol [04:25] Kubuntu. It sounds catchy [04:25] it sounds ku. [04:25] skizzay: yes but a lot of projects in *buntu really aren't ubuntu specific. [04:25] skizzay brings in more "krap" also.... [04:26] Ubuntu's greatest advantage is its a debian distro... and Debian distros have the most packages of any other linux OS [04:26] There's never enough "krap" on any system... [04:26] lol [04:26] krap is like woman. You need some [04:26] anyone know where i could get python2.5 debs that would work on dapper? [04:26] [04:26] And feels really good to get rid of it. [04:27] im sorry this is random but I love Kubuntu/Ubuntu [04:27] skizzay: seriously now krap is REALLY like a woman. its never gone. [04:27] Amority: I love you... === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey /kickban #kubuntu krap repelant [04:28] I guess you're right...they're always up your butt. [04:28] skizzay: nah you're doing it wrong if they're up YOUR butt.. supposed to be the other way man [04:28] what is krap really? [04:28] guys be heave [04:29] krap would be a kde rap utility right? :p [04:29] lol T3hWiz0rd [04:29] lol === kdw [n=kdw@c-67-164-4-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:29] don't tell me to behave you aint my mother i drowned her in the bathtub [04:29] i know i can get 2.5 from edgy, but i already broke one box running the upgrade to edgy and im afraid to do the same to the other just yet. [04:29] T3hWiz0rd: I support the right of all living to choose whichever way they wish to live, if they're up your xxxx and you like it, its okay! [04:29] ironfroggy: why do you need v2.5? [04:30] tobias_: don't make me backhand the christian bible into you boy :-P lol jk === justyb11 [n=jbare11@adsl-154-188-247.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:30] T3hWiz0rd: ;) please do! [04:31] T3hWiz0rd: oh, I thought you would merely spank me with it [04:31] nvm [04:31] Hi everyone. [04:31] now that's what you call bible thumping. [04:31] Im gonna be quiet in a corner now [04:31] just realised the family friendly thingie [04:31] lmfao... === T3hWiz0rd shakes his head and hides behind his first linux for dummies book from 1999 [04:31] skizzay: for development purposes. === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@201009169213.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] ironfroggy: Have you tried building them from scratch? [04:33] see i think all the ops were very tollerant that time. don't you? big hand of applause for the ops ..... === tobias_ claps [04:33] intelikey: what do you mean? [04:34] skizzay: no. i was taking that as a last resort. i was sure there were backports. [04:34] nothing T3hWiz0rd if you have to ask...... [04:34] Linux for Dummy? Real mean get Learn Linux in 24 Hours... [04:34] kubuntu ops are like abusive cops. Always beating the minorities. [04:34] please keep topics in this room ontopic [04:34] kops [04:34] sorry [04:34] tobias_: yes, they are actually called that, lol === yorikk [n=yorick@c-67-162-144-223.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:35] they were pseudo-on-topic [04:35] hehehe === justyb11 [n=jbare11@adsl-154-188-247.bna.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [04:35] Im trying to laugh silently cause there are people sleeping in the next room, its very difficult t [04:35] ironfroggy: I'm not sure what's available on dapper (I went from breezy to edgy), but if they're not available, then you shouldn't try using the package from edgy. === T3hWiz0rd coo's like a chicken === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] skizzay: i wont. im just worried to try and actually update to edgy on this machine. broke the other one. [04:36] chickens don't koo they kluck [04:36] ironfroggy: I think it would be best to just build from scratch (never really hurts). [04:36] intelikey: you're not touching it right [04:36] rofl [04:37] do most people here just use konqueror or install firefox after an upgrade? [04:37] Y does free node ubuntu ban tor and hidden services? or at least a ssl capable irc channel === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:37] please people stay on topic, I cant stop laughing [04:37] firefox for inet...konqueror for file browser [04:37] paul_ freenode's policy is or at least was to NOT ban tor === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] Konqueror + Kaffeine = Easy Porn Library Maintenance!!! [04:38] paul_: you might want to take that up in #ubuntu-ops === angus__ [n=angus@pool-71-114-181-170.trrhin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] skizzay: same here, I like how konqueror handle /media devices but prefer firefox for browsing. [04:39] paul_ if #*buntu is banning tor it's probably because of all the abuse. scripts hammer that channel relentlessly [04:40] firefox's add-ons are so awesome. I installed the Crystal Theme to make look like Konqueror. [04:40] I installed firefox [04:41] Plus, it's a common browser among Windows, Mac, *nix environments, which is important for me because I pretty much use all of them. === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] skizzay: that's a new one. i use the pwdhash add-on to manage passwords like KWallet. === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu [04:42] skizzay congrats, confession is a good step in over comming that addiction. now just remember you don't really need windows :) [04:42] Sweet! I'll have to try that b/c I love KWallet. [04:43] Actually, it's at work (but I often bring in the Edgy Live CD and use that for general browsing). [04:43] I run through my neighbours wifi (with his permission) so using tor was a good solution except #ubuntu bans tor and the hidden service and stunnel does not work becuase there is no ssl channel === BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177675480.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] paul_: i belive freenode does not support ssl yet === dragonfly7 [n=alexande@71-33-225-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu [] [04:43] nope robotgeek it dont :( [04:44] not yet ? may never. [04:44] Y not though?/ [04:44] skizzay: with pwdhash you can pick a master password and use the extension to hash what you type to log-in on a site. [04:44] paul_ ssl is generally not needed/desired for irc === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] nothing "secure" about irc. [04:45] pablo: Does it have a max length for passwords? [04:46] there is always a max length.... [04:46] robotgeek: you know you were cool back when you used to listen to my radio maybe you need msuic again === klerfayt [n=kristjan@] has joined #kubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] skizzay: it increases the length/strength of your master password, but as you probably know some site's require weak/short passwords. [04:47] 65385 is long but still a max... [04:47] hey; can I acces ldap with konqueror? [04:47] klerfayt: Yes! === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] skizzay: ok what I have to install? [04:48] I believe ldap:// will work, if you have that installed. === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a104.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] skizzay: the other thing i like konqueror for is man2html with man: [04:48] pablo7: also apt :) [04:49] Apt in konqueror? [04:49] it also does beagle, and a bunch of other things === Vangfa [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu [04:49] does info to [04:49] skizzay: yes, for package search [04:49] anyone here using google earth? [04:49] For packages installed or to download? === aseigo [n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] has joined #kubuntu [04:50] skizzay in the repos [04:50] skizzay: installed, and ones in the repos. (i belive it is a apt-cache search equivalent) [04:50] robotgeek: i always use apt at the console, how does it fix problems in konqueror? [04:50] A guy I work with installed Kubuntu on a micro PC and put google earth in it. He hooked up an LCD and uses it as a Nav/MP3 system. [04:50] pablo7: nope, you can't use it to install. only search [04:51] pablo7 it's just apt-cache not apt-get [04:51] robotgeek: gotcha. [04:51] But you could search the repos? === bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] intelkey: i think i'll stick with adept. === Linux_Galore_ [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === omar [n=omar@] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] skizzay that's what apt-cache does. [04:51] grr [04:51] somebody pang me [04:52] hello, I got this problem with my frostwire, it just doesn't open === Linux_Galore_ is now known as Linux_Galore [04:52] Right, but it doesn't update then? === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-6-53.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:52] 0.948 seconds [04:52] i.e. No equivalent to apt-get update === koboi_ [n=koboi@] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop stabs intelikey [04:53] skizzay that's the updater in the task bar [04:53] WerdnaDesktop use punctuation next time. === Sheazsche [n=Shaezsch@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] how can i use wpa with kubuntu? [04:54] it says the wpa supplicant is installed!??! but i cannot find the .conf file [04:54] !wpa [04:54] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:55] doesn't network manager handle it automagically. i've never had to opportunity to use wpa [04:55] robotgeek: remember me? :-)_ [04:55] T3hWiz0rd: i still have your number, lol [04:55] my cell #? [04:55] ahh that changed ages ago, I'll have to give you the updated one [04:55] lol [04:55] i would guess so, unless you changed it :) [04:55] yeah, i went with a new carrior and dumped my number. [04:56] cool [04:56] the file /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf DOES NOT EXIST [04:56] then make one, Sheazsche === fastduke [n=fastduke@lactwasbas01-pool5-a239.lactwa.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] just wondering but how many people are still using dapper? [04:57] [04:57] does ldap://ldap.sk.ee work for someone? === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] Amority: me [04:57] !poll [04:57] Sorry, I don't know anything about poll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:57] Amority: still have dapper on the family desktop. [04:57] klerfayt: http://en.opensuse.org/Konqueror_Tips_and_Tricks [04:58] skizzay: I got this working ldap://ldap.services.wisc.edu/dc=wisc,dc=edu [04:58] ok just wondering so I know I can still get some good support. I have dapper still [04:58] so I guess ldap works by default in edgy;konqueror [04:58] !lts | Amority [04:58] Amority: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. [04:59] :D 3 years! versus 18 months of every other release? [04:59] any bets on my system getting hosed as I upgrad 725 packages from dapper to feisty? hehe [04:59] Amority yes [04:59] ok thanks [04:59] LeeJunFan i'll take a fiver that it does.... [05:00] :) === intelikey doesn't gamble [05:01] only questions will be, how bad, and can you fix it.... === fiyawerx is now known as Fiya_Gone [05:01] Owell, I got dapper backed up in case of the worst. [05:01] i think it'll be fine, Lee [05:02] I don't suspect too bad. I've got my own kernel, so as long as init and libc are good I should be able to rescue anything else :) === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-6-53.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:02] i went from debian/sarge to sid in one leap on my laptop [05:02] edgy doesn't use SysVinit it uses upstart..... [05:03] I wouldn't be nervous really if it weren't for this system not have been fresh installed since hoary. [05:03] And I've got a ton of packages installed, although what really brings my count up is devel libs and such. [05:03] i upgraded from hoary to dapper without "much" trubble. === Rawrness [i=HydraIRC@66-218-202-162.dhcp-dynamic-dsl.fidalgo.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] base only. removed all non-esentials upgraded and installed what i wanted. [05:05] tried it once with that.... hehhe it broke dpkg. === paulw [n=paul@pool61.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu === macconline [n=macconli@] has joined #kubuntu === cchris [n=cchris@191.indianapolis-08rh16rt.in.dial-access.att.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] darn google earth overlay keeps refresing every2 secs ...very annoying ..any ideas? [05:06] as long as the system can start with X I can still get what I need done, I can always vmware off my backed up dapper. [05:06] BluesKaj never seen google earth. === Dr_willis [n=willis@] has joined #kubuntu === King_Brad [n=Hello@75-132-106-218.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] bummer [05:07] LeeJunFan X is one thing that will get hosed. according to what i've seen in here. that's the major sore spot for this upgrade. [05:08] intelikey: yeah, figures. hehe [05:08] LeeJunFan you know console and irssi well enough to get here in the dark ? [05:08] I didn't even notice if X is running a snapshot or not. === joshua__ [n=joshua@c-66-56-85-119.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:09] hey [05:09] hehe [05:09] intelikey: yeah. I'm sure I can figure it out. With libc6 being upgraded though I won't be able to revert to dapper packages. most likely. [05:10] most likely [05:10] binary incompatible I bet. [05:10] on some. yes. === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey waits for the day when libc can be installed along side...... [05:11] yeah, been waiting for that for 15 years :) [05:11] Personally only 9-10 years myself. === Trevinho is now known as Trevinho-{Night} [05:11] easy big boy... 15 years ago where was linux ? === linuxwizard [n=masterse@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:12] I do like some of the new features being touted for the next X. I had to use a projector today on my laptop, seems lame to have to restart X to get the 2nd video out port working. [05:12] I was using my amiga and Minix back then. :) [05:12] Dr_willis: me too :) [05:12] let see, 91. That would have been either my A500 or A3000. [05:14] I had an A1200 :) [05:14] and several 500's [05:14] still do actually. :) [05:14] I had a 1200 but that came for me around 95 or so. [05:15] is there a way to install minimal gnome; not "ubuntu" [05:16] hello, i need to unrar an 115 M sized file and I'm unable to do it since I'm on edgy eft. unrar-free doesn't work. Somebody have an idea? === Dr_willis wonders what minimal gnome would be :) [05:16] Grigorgeous, it dont? it worked for me i thought. [05:16] !rar-nonfree [05:16] Sorry, I don't know anything about rar-nonfree - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:16] Grigorgeous, or use wine and winrar.exe [05:17] ok Dr_willis, I'll try [05:17] ive been able to extract rars under edgy with the command line tools. [05:18] should I download winrar from amule, official site or how? === aster [n=aster@164-170-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [05:19] considering how its a free download/demo :) [05:19] I don't understand === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:19] why would you use amule? go to the web site.. download it. === linuxwizard [n=masterse@] has joined #kubuntu [05:19] its got a free demo for 30 days, then becomes nagware. [05:20] guys, kde 3.5.2 with 512 mg ram, It is not enough?? [05:20] Dr_willis: yeah, but if you just use the shell menus (right click) and not open the acutal winrar program you never see them. :) [05:21] aster, should work. Ive ran it on less. :) but more memory is always better [05:21] LeeJunFan, actually i tend to use 7zip more and more.. [05:21] aster: my kids computer has 192M running 3.5.5, plays DVD's and games fine, Beryl is a bit much. [05:21] i have no more moemory [05:21] xfce would be better isn't it? [05:21] swap space. :) [05:22] xfce is lighter. yes.. more minimal window managers exist also. [05:22] ---i mean, now i hardly have some memory free [05:22] depends on how mych of a full desktop you want. [05:22] running OO and amarok [05:22] LeeJunFan: don't let kids play games on computer; learn them how to hack :D [05:22] OO is a huge memory slurper. :) [05:22] oo is crap. === battousaix19 [n=Eric@valleyeast-cable-69-60-245-132.unitz.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:22] i do run kde on a p1 with 128m ram no swap works fine just have to not try too many things at once. [05:23] klerfayt: my 7 year old, and he installed edgy himself. [05:23] :) [05:23] = 0 [05:23] klerfayt: I'm going to start teching him python soon. [05:23] have ran it on 64m but thats tight. some apps wont run. [05:23] hows edgy coming along? [05:23] i need something fast and eye candy :P [05:24] fine, I'm installing feisty on my laptop as I speak. [05:24] SperMite their finished a month ago with it. [05:24] so I can impress my windows friends [05:25] I never got the whole "impress my windows friends" thing. [05:25] aster why ? [05:25] me too [05:25] Impress them with your huge. massive, uptime. :) [05:25] you can impress windows users with a knoppix disk [05:25] so they quit windows and use linux [05:25] aster, not going to happen. [05:25] then they expect you to be their tech support.... [05:25] aster you're spitting in the wind. [05:26] and it sucks explaining over and over why linux is not windows. :) [05:26] jajaja [05:26] when they dont want to learn [05:26] Dr_willis: thats right [05:26] jajaja? jar jar binks? [05:26] but, i have to try [05:26] ajjaaja means lol in spanish [05:26] anyone support the LoCo teams? [05:26] hahaha [05:26] :P [05:27] yeah, and as soon as they can't run some IE only game on yahoo or can't run FEAR they hate it. [05:27] LeeJunFan: true [05:27] well, i have all ubuntus live cds [05:27] so, i giving my try [05:28] Thres better live cds out then the kbuntu/ubuntu ones. :) [05:28] prezactly. i know people that the onlything they ever do with a computer is some flash page that requires the latest version so you can listen to a demo of something they call music..... i'm like "buy a radio!" [05:29] or get a life. even. [05:29] Or let them use windows. [05:29] I have the live cds personally. I rather use the alternate install cd [05:29] oh i do. i don't even bother mentioning that there is another os. [05:30] SperMite no doubt [05:30] intelikey, same here, although people get confused when they see my laptop, it's amusing :P [05:30] intelikey: good points. [05:30] "Wait.. But your laptop isn't apple" "No." "Wait, this is windows?" "No." [05:31] guys, edgy is stable? [05:31] depends on hardware [05:31] I find edgy stable. [05:31] If its supported yes [05:31] If its not..... [05:31] maybes [05:31] aster depends on your definition of stable but short answer is yes. === andreavb [n=andreavb@201-42-218-216.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [05:32] I'm have tempted to install kubuntu on my laptop but its X2 64m And i hate to have to do everything differen't I get to confused =( [05:32] different? [05:32] don't you have to use different installs? [05:33] SperMite dual 64 bit cpu's ? [05:33] why would you. :) [05:33] RE: advocacy-- the focus has shifted from the OS as a platform to the web browser. [05:33] intelikey yep [05:33] I use the alt install 32bit cd on my 64bit desktop and 64bit laptop.. since i dont want to use the 64bit version of the disrto. [05:34] you could use i686 smp 32bit [05:34] Dr_willis hmm.. hows that work? === duwei [n=duwei@] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] hi everyone! [05:35] SperMite, no problems whatso ever. [05:35] I have a question [05:35] i don't know how well 32bit smp will work with dual 64's ..... someone that has it will have to take that up. [05:35] Dr_willis ima have to test it out then =) [05:35] i find the 64bit disrtos to be more hassle then they are worth.. for my needs [05:36] Dr_willis you have dual core ? [05:36] Could someone tell me how to set up WPA_supplicant? [05:36] Dr_willis i should say smp ? [05:37] okay, all packages upgraded. Lets see if I'm back in 2 mins or less :) [05:37] dr ? testing.... "thump thump " is this thing working ? === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.186.106.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey is leaving before LeeJunFan gets back. [05:38] lol [05:39] SperMite you can help him get X working. [05:39] after the upgrade. [05:39] that he just did. [05:39] !enter | intelikey [05:39] intelikey: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying. [05:39] whats wrong with X? [05:40] nothing i hope.... we'll see. [05:40] right on [05:40] or rather you will. i wont be here but not for that reason. i have to go. [05:40] ok [05:40] later man [05:40] k gnight all. === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] leejunfun you made it back === paul_ [n=paul@d14-69-249-134.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] SperMite: yeah, I feel like I won something :) [05:43] =) [05:43] Now I can contribute to the bug squashing. I was lazy thru edgy's devel cycle, first time in a long time I wasn't running devel version. [05:44] heh [05:44] I didn't even have to recompile beryl === paul_ is now known as maltaethiron === brandon___ [n=brandon@207-119-67-203.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu === mannil [n=mannil@p50863BEE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === fildo is now known as fild0 === klerfayt [n=kristjan@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ash211 [n=andrew@24-241-56-216.static.nwnn.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === brad_ [n=brad@adsl-75-38-50-144.dsl.snantx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === tanlaan_ [n=tanlaan@c-67-168-212-26.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] hello everyone [06:00] ive now decided to find out whether i want OS 9 or Kubuntu [06:00] atm i have Kubuntu installed, and it seems that it doesnt work at its peak performance [06:00] Then Abuse it. [06:01] in OS9 everything is obviously made specifically for my imac g3 [06:01] i have 192 mb or ram and a 7 gig hd [06:01] I wonders why ........ [06:01] LOL [06:01] linux and OS9 take up around the same amount of space on the harddrive so thats not a problem [06:01] also i can get up to flash 6 with os9 unlike linux where i cant get any form of it [06:02] anyone wanna input? [06:02] flash 9 I believe is on linux === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:02] not for ppc [06:02] ppc + linux = not compatible in any form with flash [06:02] ppc best on OSX [06:02] I C [06:03] dont have a copy of osx on hand [06:03] go OSX [06:03] otherwise i would try it [06:03] ah === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu [06:03] G3 is like 500Mhz right? [06:03] =\ [06:04] 350 >.< [06:04] ouch [06:04] still compatible with osx, everything has to be turned off though [06:04] lol [06:04] I want a Os that you just plugin VMmachines [06:04] VMWare? [06:05] Huh, [06:05] I use vmware all the time. its handy. [06:05] yes very [06:05] im confused, what are vmmachines and vmware [06:05] yep i just need more ram [06:05] !vmware [06:05] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare [06:05] Vmware is a OS emu . [06:05] vmware lets you have virtual machines on the same machine. [06:06] Gonna need to open up the wallet and buy a whole new machine [06:06] I use it a lot to test out live cd's [06:06] I use it a tone to run every version of windows [06:06] couple linux installs [06:06] or put windows98 in a vmware session. :) to run the 1 or 2 windows apps i need. [06:06] which i rarely need to do any more [06:06] I wonder...... [06:07] Streaming music in linux is horrid. [06:07] casting* [06:07] never noticed Rawrness , [06:07] Then again - i never want to stream music..... === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Kotetsu [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] Linux sux.. nuf said.. slap in the OS9 cd ;) [06:08] lmao [06:08] hahaha [06:08] rofl === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] was not expecting that in a kubuntu channel [06:08] =) [06:08] Never underestamate the apple fanboyishness === jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] definately not xD === Dr_willis fires up his OS-X vmware session. [06:09] well kinda see where its going [06:09] just trying to skip to the end of the story [06:09] stupid question how do i get dvd playback working in kubuntu edgy? [06:09] !dve [06:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about dve - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:09] !dvd [06:09] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages [06:09] what's a command that shows your processor type? [06:10] word: cat /proc/cpuinfo [06:10] look in /proc/cpuinfo [06:11] did LP just go down? [06:11] Dr_willis: does that work for kaffien? [06:11] ok i guess im gonna go instll OS 9 lmao [06:11] Thanks Hawkwind [06:11] jjesse, no clue.. i cant rember the last time i actually played a dvd. :) [06:11] i rip them to avi. [06:12] bummer i'm stuck overnight in an airport and rented a dvd to wathc === _goofy_ [n=ryan@h69.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:13] You got network connection? install the dvd codec/libdvdcss then [06:13] or the other stuff to play them. [06:14] !info dvd::rip === tanlaan_ will probly be back when he is done installing [06:14] dvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.1-0.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 718 kB, installed size 2084 kB [06:14] adios tanlaan === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === nixbox [n=nixbox@cpe-76-185-125-126.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Sheazsche [n=Shaezsch@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:15] Is there a page some where out there you can just get every propertary codec at [06:16] !codecs | d0m1n8r [06:16] d0m1n8r: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [06:16] gracias! [06:17] installed knetwork manager, now i have to enter a password everytime i boot [06:17] very annoying [06:18] I hear my bios fan giving away, I know its near its last spin =( === gangien_ [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === nixbox_ [n=nixbox@cpe-76-185-125-126.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu === mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-10-99.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@12-207-81-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === zodiak [n=matt@71-219-71-155.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] I tried a new sources.list, it had some experimental packages. It borked some of my stuff (specifically wireless). I put my old sources.list in place. Is there an easy way to downgrade all affected packages? === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === draik [n=draik@] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] I can't seem to get Frostwire to run. My cursor icon bounces, but it never runs [06:28] any clues? === darkangel [n=darkange@] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] java is up to date, BTW [06:28] Frostwire is junk. Use something better [06:29] Hawkwind: What do you recommend? [06:29] draik: Depends on what you are using it for. For torrents, ktorrent, rtorrent, bittorrent. If you want music files, torrent sites or irc.undernet.org in #Mp3_Collective [06:30] You'll find that p2p apps are horribly coded at best and are next to impossible to troubleshoot. They are there to give users a headache basically and nothing less === wheatie [i=alex@unaffiliated/wheatie] has joined #kubuntu === XVirus is now known as CVirus [06:30] Hawkwind: Just for music. I had it working with dapper, but now I'm all out of places to search for help === darkangel [n=darkange@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:31] draik: p2p apps SUCK! Stay away from them [06:31] Hawkwind: 10-4 === darkangel [n=darkange@] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] Hawkwind, what's wrong with p2p apps in your opinion? [06:32] crazy_bus: Read above, I stated that [06:33] ok, I didn't see above === timbo_ [n=timbo@pool-71-111-63-2.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] soomeone could help I can't join to ubuntu channel, this show me a message that I need to identify myself === macaber [n=macaber@ppp-] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] I wanna know where I can get quick time for ubuntu [06:35] === Healot [n=Miranda@] has joined #kubuntu [06:35] [06:35] macaber: English only here please [06:36] crazy_bus: [11:30pm] {-Hawkwind-} You'll find that p2p apps are horribly coded at best and are next to impossible to troubleshoot. They are there to give users a headache basically and nothing less [06:36] switch to English input, macaber... kap khun [06:36] Hawkwind: How do I do a search for music on there? === darkangel is now known as darkangel_ === darkangel_ is now known as darkangel === scorp007 [n=scorp@ppp193-16.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] which package contains OpenGL headers/dev files? [06:38] Use Utorrent with wine!!! [06:39] draik: Read the /topic in the channel and it will help you [06:45] !nickname [06:45] Sorry, I don't know anything about nickname - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:45] !register [06:45] Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration [06:45] darkangel: ^ === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] could i ask if there are any p2p prgrams youd suggest?? [06:50] since frostwore aint playing nice === ricucho [n=ricucho@12-216-12-75.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] hello [06:52] does anyone have much experience w/ synergy? [06:52] TORRENT RAID!! [06:53] huh? [06:54] iptables? [06:57] ok hmm [06:58] kubuntu here i come.. [06:58] *notices mez is in here* [06:59] e3, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-deskto [06:59] e3, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [06:59] that will install kubuntu [06:59] i think i did that...the computer even showed the kubuntu loading screen...and i chose kde... [06:59] it'll ask if you want kdm or gdm as your default, select kdm [06:59] i did select kde. but it loaded gnome. [06:59] o_O [07:00] Sduo apt-get install Kde-core :P [07:00] i downloaded the 4gb kubuntu image, i think im going to totally wipe this partition and install kubuntu fresh.... [07:00] raweness will that work for me? [07:01] what is kde core? [07:01] kde core is the core kde packages :D [07:01] !info kde-core [07:01] kde-core: the K Desktop Environment core modules. In component main, is optional. Version 5:47 (edgy), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB [07:01] wow thats tiny. [07:01] ;) [07:01] i want all the nifty stuff on the 4gb dvd... will the core thinger let me do that [07:01] it depends on a lot of stuff [07:02] Depends: arts (>= 1.4.2), kdebase (>= 4:3.4.3), kdelibs (>= 4:3.4.3) === jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] kdebase = a lot of stuff [07:02] im not sure what that meant [07:03] is kde base and kde core different.. [07:03] kdebase and kdecore are all part of kde [07:03] hello, can anyone help me synergy? [07:03] i dont mind downloading a huge amount of stuff, i think i already did anyway... i just want it to boot correctly into kde [07:03] you need both to install [07:03] ricucho, huh ? [07:04] core runs faster though [07:04] e3, when you're in the login screen, click the lil document, and select seeion type -> kdm [07:04] Rawrness, core = base, core needs base to run [07:04] looks like the iptables is blocking the client from conecting to the server [07:04] I'll try that.... [07:04] e3, that works for me ;) [07:04] ty <3 [07:05] (though i usually select "Beryl" from there ;) [07:05] now if only you can also help me get unbanned from the stupid #ubuntu-offtopic ; ) [07:05] weird.. trying to burn a cd and have 2 cd-roms.. one is not a burner and understandably doesnt list in k3b [07:05] anyone know how I can add the hostname of the server to the iptables? [07:05] e3, pm me [07:05] but k3b is trying to use it to burn rather then the burner =\ [07:05] How did you manage to get banned from offtopic? [07:06] im not sure how to pm [07:06] mez can you pm me [07:06] e3 i did already [07:07] oh i see it now :p === osiris [n=osiris@c-71-205-27-131.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu === robbie_ [n=robbie@host-64-234-24-7.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu === kkathman [n=kkathman@pool-71-252-232-123.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:18] I am BRAND new to this...is anyone in here? === kkathman [n=kkathman@pool-71-252-232-123.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["So] [07:20] which package contains the manpages for OpenGL? === nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu === robbie_ [n=robbie@host-64-234-24-7.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === wayne__ [n=wayne@host-64-139-246-194.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu === _fitz_ [n=fitz@host130-84.pool82105.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === yorikk [n=yorick@c-67-162-144-223.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === joshua__ [n=joshua@c-66-56-85-119.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Wayne_31 [n=wayne@host-64-139-246-194.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu === enzo [n=enzo@] has joined #kubuntu === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu === osiris [n=osiris@c-71-205-27-131.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === manchicken [n=manchick@] has joined #kubuntu === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #kubuntu === scorp007 [n=scorp@ppp193-16.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === darkangel [n=darkange@] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@12-207-81-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-10-99.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === gangien_ [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === _goofy_ [n=ryan@h69.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === maltaethiron [n=paul@d14-69-249-134.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.186.106.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === linuxwizard [n=masterse@] has joined #kubuntu === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === King_Brad [n=Hello@75-132-106-218.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === macconline [n=macconli@] has joined #kubuntu === Rawrness [i=HydraIRC@66-218-202-162.dhcp-dynamic-dsl.fidalgo.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-6-53.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu === bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === aseigo [n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] has joined #kubuntu === Vangfa [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a104.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === ricos_sushi [n=mario@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === shulman [n=shulman@cpe-74-70-53-127.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying [i=flyingfr@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu === fowlduck- [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === crowbar [n=jaknel@ool-4355c5de.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === nacer [n=nacer@] has joined #kubuntu === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #kubuntu === qch [n=qch@adsl-69-110-13-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Alter-Ego [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl8-56.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu === win_x_prts [n=win_x_pr@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@] has joined #kubuntu === ExitMenu_ [n=sean@] has joined #kubuntu === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu === hybrid [n=x@easyubuntu/supporter/hybrid] has joined #kubuntu === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === |Xemanth| [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === exclude [n=beralt@] has joined #kubuntu === winXperts [n=winXpert@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@] has joined #kubuntu === Xubuntian [n=andrea@81-208-74-178.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === bubu1uk [n=bubu1uk@195-112-11-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === user-land [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === tonyyserver [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === opensur [n=opensur@200-126-94-50.bk6-ipfija.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu === borisyeltsin [n=chris@dhcp-43-29.arts.ualberta.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Fiya_Gone [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-32-61.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === brett_ [n=brett@nv-69-34-97-8.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu === michele [n=michele@84-74-55-7.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === fon_Zograf [n=zograf@] has joined #kubuntu === mrgibson [n=mrgibson@bas2-quebec09-1242404431.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu === TheMole [n=asdf@5ac3daa0.bb.sky.com] has joined #kubuntu === mr_lampe_ [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-183-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mountainman [i=Mtnman@adsl-71-153-168-211.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === v3ctor [n=simon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === scoates [n=sean@iconoclast.caedmon.net] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu === ehird [n=ehird@80-41-202-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Xal2 [n=xal@p54A6EC4C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Omnifrog [n=Omnifrog@c-68-53-50-233.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === PupenoR [n=pupeno@] has joined #kubuntu === croppa [n=stuart@] has joined #kubuntu === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-5-52.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === pitofdarkness [n=alex@turnpenny.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu === dr0ne [n=fn@CABLE-72-53-45-212.cia.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-141-186.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === velle [n=velle@] has joined #kubuntu === faderhval [n=faderhva@0x535dfd50.arcnxe1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === mholthaus [n=mholthau@5353713C.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === spoop [n=p@wolcott-cuda1-24-49-136-98.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bLaZeD [n=wls@unaffiliated/blazed] has joined #kubuntu === emonkey-p [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === tobias_ [n=tobias@67.84-48-60.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu === wirr [n=wirr@i53871135.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === pascalFR_ [i=NtpkLmdl@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@82.pool85-54-129.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === brian_ [n=brian@66-117-164-106.rev.dls.net] has joined #kubuntu === Danker [n=tadas@] has joined #kubuntu === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #kubuntu === blackflag [n=stefan@] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu === xorix [n=XoR@] has joined #kubuntu === scott_w|lappy [n=scott@88-106-122-167.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Pensa`MIA [n=pensacol@38.56-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === ccc [n=ccc@unaffiliated/ccc] has joined #kubuntu === Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === sb9 [n=stefan@kipproxy2.kip.uni-heidelberg.de] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === wildchild [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-61-181.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === murchadh [n=murchadh@] has joined #kubuntu === bronaugh [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck____ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === Dendeigh__ [n=Dendeigh@dslb-084-063-004-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === admin__ [n=Sad@82-135-202-242.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === Bug2000 [n=bug@] has joined #kubuntu === robert__ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu === Tresk2 [n=lars@084202070071.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === s0kud0 [n=cfm@ip70-178-172-191.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === braino_ [n=braino@c-24-98-141-13.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === momal [n=momal@] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-217-105.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop [n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@gross503-2.zoo.utoronto.ca] has joined #kubuntu === ScottK [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === tapas [n=tapas@affenbande.org] has joined #kubuntu === Slynderdale [n=slynderd@unaffiliated/slynderdale] has joined #kubuntu === fild0 [n=fildo@c58-107-106-35.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Telroth_Plushie| [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-98-167.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu === bcsmith [n=bcsmith@ip70-181-168-180.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === rittsel [n=rittsel@c-212-031-188-115.cust.broadway.se] has joined #kubuntu === habes- [i=hanex@a81-197-169-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ruzle__ [n=ruzle@ti231210a080-9326.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === mae [n=mae@111.63-199-71.atginternet.com] has joined #kubuntu === slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #kubuntu === Chris7mas [n=floydian@] has joined #kubuntu === sledge_at_work [n=ceineke@] has joined #kubuntu === Mr0bvious [n=paul@adsl-69-149-215-211.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === ccherrett [n=chris@] has joined #kubuntu === _Kiruwa [i=kerian@nat/ibm/x-841c754bbfdffe18] has joined #kubuntu === _matt [n=dmbkiwi@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === noaXess_kubuntu [n=noaXess_@cust.static.217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === ecadre [n=ecadre@dyn-62-56-111-234.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === J4t [n=jonatan@c213-100-27-45.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === SHRIKEE [n=shrikee@ip5658ae4f.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu === chrismir [n=chrisje@cp13071-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kjelderg_ [i=kjelderg@nat/ibm/x-1461712a20b2a481] has joined #kubuntu === glazed_eyes [n=BW@] has joined #kubuntu === kozz [i=kozz@81-232-134-52-no22.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp_ [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [i=lullaby@] has joined #kubuntu === GreyStar [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === fabo [i=Arme-X@ubuntu/member/fabo] has joined #kubuntu === seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #kubuntu === [cf] nightrid3r [n=kvirc@d54C5310A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === Moo_ [i=moo@kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === kraut [i=fek@blackhole.packetloss.biz] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodstar [n=a@c83-253-88-162.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === gobi [n=gobi@i.n3t.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hirvinen [i=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === iNiku [n=ntoivola@he.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ead [n=ead@rrcs-24-199-147-14.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === pbuckley [n=pbuckley@] has joined #kubuntu === excitatory [n=excitato@CPE-70-94-34-56.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === tomsku [n=tomsku@dsl-tregw3-fe4ddf00-223.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === madaucer [i=madaucer@hollowshell.net] has joined #kubuntu === inc|freaky [i=alpha@freakyy.de] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === morphish [n=morfic@sourcemage/mage/morfic] has joined #kubuntu === Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu === imbrandon [n=imbrando@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu === Juki [n=Jukka@] has joined #kubuntu === fdoving [n=frode@ubuntu/member/frode] has joined #kubuntu === Lynoure [n=lynoure@lynoure.net] has joined #kubuntu === Chousuke [i=oranenj@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === wad3 [i=wade@default.tixit.se] has joined #kubuntu === Firetech [n=Jocke@amarok/rokymotion/Firetech] has joined #kubuntu === bobesponja [n=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === frank_ [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === notech [n=vern@linuxfordummies/vern] has joined #kubuntu === basquiat [i=basquiat@phylogeny1.bot.biologie.uni-tuebingen.de] has joined #kubuntu === dalbirdy_12 [n=dalbirdy@] has joined #kubuntu === bluszcz [n=bluszcz@poczta.jrbnet.com] has joined #kubuntu === Akewa [i=akewa@dione.lostdomain.org] has joined #kubuntu === _al_ [n=al@176-232.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === trym [n=trym@] has joined #kubuntu === Dink [i=Dink@] has joined #kubuntu === OldKid [n=oldi@fresno121.webperoni.de] has joined #kubuntu === Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === gbt [n=gbt@] has joined #kubuntu === johey [n=johey@c-136-134-vas-l3.cust.mdfnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === _max_ [i=xXx@seduce-and-destroy.com] has joined #kubuntu === archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-49-215.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #kubuntu === jdawiz [n=jeremy@] has joined #kubuntu === ylz [n=ylz@zux221-130-137.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu === sparrw [n=kvirc@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr] has joined #kubuntu === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #kubuntu === trappist [i=trappist@linuxkungfu.org] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu === yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu === Hoyt [n=Hoyt@stingray.oamk.fi] has joined #kubuntu === dbglt_ [n=dbglt@60-240-128-64.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-124-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === d0m1n8r [n=d0m1n8r@ip68-224-197-39.ri.ri.cox.net] has 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[n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === Aondo [i=stian@] has joined #kubuntu === purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-67-122-208-161.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === zerozero_ [n=zero@unaffiliated/zerozero] has joined #kubuntu === braddoro [n=brad@unaffiliated/braddoro] has joined #kubuntu === linuxbomb [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu === verbose [i=nobody@24-155-26-181.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #kubuntu === nikkne [n=nikkne@nslpc3.epfl.ch] has joined #kubuntu === compu73rg33k [n=mark@d192-24-187-100.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === fumbalah [i=brett@unaffiliated/fumbalah] has joined #kubuntu === [H5N1] [i=mrflu@laggy.us] has joined #kubuntu === dergringo|afk [i=dergring@hercules.doomie.net] has joined #kubuntu === xiO___ [n=yup@66-191-51-116.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === argonel|kub [n=jason@bas11-toronto12-1088890476.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:32] i'm trying to install libxine-extracoders and i keep getting a "no install candidate" ellol [07:32] error* [07:33] !info libxine-extracoders [07:33] Package libxine-extracoders does not exist in any distro I know [07:33] try libxine-extracodecs [07:34] that's what i mean [07:34] it won't install [07:34] in other words , try a spellcheck [07:34] !info libxine-extracodecs [07:34] libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB [07:34] open multiverse in your repository === robbie_ [n=robbie@host-64-234-24-7.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] and try again [07:35] thats not the problem, i know the codec, i know when to install it, i've helped people install it many times [07:35] but it won't install [07:35] Admiral_Chicago, got some alien repos ? [07:35] no, all standard repos [07:36] well if you have no installation candidate then you must have something wrong in your repos , sorry [07:36] it says the package is not available but reffered to by another package [07:37] hmm yea i don't have multiverse [07:37] i could have sworn i had them [07:37] thanks === corvolino [n=corvolin@20150055069.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu === sum90 [n=sum@host-84-223-169-22.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:41] /fullname bah === omar [n=omar@] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] algum brasileiro ? === steroid [n=steroid@] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] hello, I have a big trouble with my firefox, it just get close, without any reason === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === incrediman [n=lonelypl@] has joined #kubuntu [07:45] corvolino , eu falo portuguez mas eu sou do Peru [07:45] guys [07:46] i need help entering the #ubuntu channel === [Nige] [n=nige@203-206-118-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] why am i always getting * Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server... [fail] [07:46] i get the error tht i nid to be identified to enter [07:46] <[Nige] > hi all [07:47] <[Nige] > I am trying to do this: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/2418/networkcj1.png [07:47] <[Nige] > but i am having problems getting things like msn to work === e1mer [n=elmer@] has joined #kubuntu === momal [n=momal@CPE-58-164-208-187.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:48] pls help me enter #ubuntu channel [07:48] I get the error msg tht i have to be identified to enter === manchicken [n=manchick@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === steve__ [n=steve@] has joined #kubuntu === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === incrediman [n=lonelypl@] has left #kubuntu [] === oem [n=oem@] has joined #kubuntu === ArrenLex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] Since I installed kde 3.5.5, whenever I close a window, the taskbar turns into a weird dark pattern for half a second instead of disappearing cleanly. Is this a known issue? === censor [n=censor@bas2-toronto12-1168023094.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:56] taskbar button for the application which is closed * === dragonfly7 [n=alexande@71-33-225-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === ArrenLex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu [] === dragonfly7 [n=alexande@71-33-225-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has left #kubuntu [] === bulwynkl [n=bulwynkl@b3-203-12-156-141.melbpc.org.au] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] Is the cpu mhz in kinfocenter>processor correct? because it says 1000.000 and i have a amd x2 4200+ so i think it should be running around 2000mhz at least. if it is correct how can i boost it up? === PurpleMonkey [n=knoppix@] has joined #kubuntu === keegan_ [n=keegan@ppp-70-244-122-84.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === keegan_ [n=keegan@ppp-70-244-122-84.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === ulinskie2 [n=peseta@] has joined #kubuntu [08:15] Help... I installed this from add/remove in kubuntu... but it wont run... Democracy Player flashes then goes away. How do I make it run. === bronaugh [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [08:19] e3: I have a feeling you need java setup === method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:21] aaah no you need python and some gtk stuff [08:22] screen resolution question... used to have higher resolutions available... now not. editing xorg.conf not helped. [08:23] kubuntu 6.10 (dual boot WinXP - for work - don ask) === montio [n=montio@pD9574215.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] bulwynkl, using nvdia driver ? [08:24] recently installed video card with TVout (nvidia Gforce4 MX440), old video was on-board (presume AGP also) [08:24] currently kubuntu nv driver - automatix getting new drivers now... [08:24] bulwynkl, try them first [08:24] automatix ? [08:24] argh! [08:24] OK. [08:25] (sits twiddling thumbs) [08:25] why automatix ? [08:25] it ruins your setup [08:25] how so? [08:26] !automatix [08:26] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [08:26] thats why [08:26] OK, better suggestion? [08:26] yes [08:26] easylinux perhaps? [08:26] read the docs on the ubuntupages [08:26] and install them properly [08:27] easylinux seems a bit safer to use [08:27] !easylinux [08:27] Sorry, I don't know anything about easylinux - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:27] hmz [08:27] I type JAVA in add/remove and it doesnt show anything................. [08:28] Is java really all i need.... === manchicken [n=manchick@] has joined #kubuntu [08:28] (im trying to run democracy player btw) [08:28] whats a democracy player ? [08:28] a java app ? [08:29] Democracy TV Player is a television show downloader, its awesome, and works fine in GNOME. i dont know if it uses java..problebly... [08:29] i need java anyhow. how do i get that? [08:29] it does not use java [08:29] its gtk+ based [08:29] ok so i need some kinda gtk+ library...i guess..? [08:30] sudo apt-get install democracyplayer [08:30] you did that ? [08:30] well..i went to add/remove. [08:30] i installed it from addremove [08:30] !info democracyplayer [08:30] democracyplayer: GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 480 kB, installed size 2984 kB [08:30] also install democracyplayer-data [08:31] if its not there yet [08:31] i guess they were there. it says 0 added. [08:32] i could try removing democracy and reinstalling.. [08:32] and it does not work ? [08:32] it does not open ? [08:32] correct [08:32] it flashes on the screen and goes away. an hour ago when i ran gnome, democracy player ran awesome. [08:32] ah [08:33] i since completely uninstalled gnome and installed democracy player [08:33] possibly a bug [08:33] on kubuntu [08:33] report it as a bug [08:33] i wanted so bad to do a fresh install of kubuntu 4gb dvd but i cant get it to burn... [08:33] why the dvd ? [08:34] whats the point ? [08:34] im not sure, i guess bigger is better? [08:34] no [08:34] i want lots of stuff so i can weed through it and see what i like without having to do installations [08:34] but hey if i can get this install to function right, im happy [08:35] well it sounds like a bug to me so i would report it as it does not run in kde [08:35] where do i go for reportign [08:35] good plan :) [08:36] i really love democracy player...i need it...so i guess i'll add it to the list of things i can only run on my work (windows) machine... [08:36] oooh === Joel [i=PRE@firewall.debolt.ca] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] i dont mean to frighten anyone with that kinda language === ja_ [n=ja@dvp98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] oh no [08:36] hey guys i'm having some probs with sound playing for a sec then stoping in flash well mayb more [08:37] i just have not tested [08:37] joel u usin flash9 [08:37] but when i'm playing stuff off you tube plays [08:37] a bit [08:37] then stops === ja_ is now known as wektor [08:37] just amazed how people seem to think ms rescues [08:37] yes [08:37] its flash9 [08:37] e3 [08:37] !flash9 [08:37] You can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html [08:37] i heard there is a link that gets disconnected when u install flash9..i dont know how to solve it... [08:38] Joel, flash 9 has onme mayor bug : sound getting into a loop [08:38] one* [08:38] my flash9 used to freeze my machine.. [08:38] well [08:38] mine plays [08:38] for a bit [08:38] then stops [08:38] someone gave me some thing to type that fixed it from freezing the computer.. [08:38] i had this prob b4 flash9 [08:38] i think === defrysk has often sound going intoo a loop [08:38] flash9 = beta [08:38] Hello everyone [08:38] they seem to be working on it [08:39] whats a good audio tut to use to try fixing if its my sound setup [08:39] Anyone know...if its possible...to install GNOME junk on my machine...to make a gnome program called Democracy Player to work..... [08:39] a good setup gilde for audio [08:39] someone knows how to make windows become transparent or such things please ? [08:40] e3, one trick might work .... , use gdm as your login manager [08:40] gdm? what is that [08:40] steroid: not everything can be made translucent [08:40] Night all.. [08:40] but stuff like the terminal window can be [08:40] scott> what can be ? [08:40] gnome desktop manager [08:40] Anybody get shot over a PS3 here yet? heh [08:40] and the drop-down menus [08:41] oh i see [08:41] the window decorations [08:41] and how can it be done though ? [08:41] the desktop panels [08:41] it's different for each one [08:41] the konsole transparency is in the konsole options [08:41] thanks ^ [08:41] the rest is in kcontrol [08:41] ^^* [08:41] iirc [08:42] :) [08:42] np [08:42] now i've got to get ready for work === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === molotoff [n=a@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.181.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === Pensa`TV [n=pensacol@104.61-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === andred [i=bnc@] has joined #kubuntu === wizard [n=wizard@ip24-255-2-154.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === [Nige] [n=nige@203-206-118-199.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Mez -> bed === gangien_ is now known as gangien === aksh [n=aksh@dialpool-210-214-19-151.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu === zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-96-9-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === manchicken is now known as manchicken|away [08:57] any idea why i cant get any scripts with #! lines to execute, even if i can verify the #! lines are correct and i can run the scripts with the interpreters directly? [08:58] Uhm...Why is my KDE clock showing me Military time? [08:59] cause you told it to by mistake [08:59] another question... my old (dying) HDD contains my previous installation of Kubuntu and a whole bunch of data I like back. [09:00] I like to get the data back at some stage (most of it is backed up, so no hurry) === method| [n=duane@r05dcat37.desktop.umr.edu] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] I set my clock for Los Angeles time and all the sudden it went 00:00 [09:01] but apparently I'm using something called LVM??? can someone point me to a howto or documetn that tells me what I need to do to mount the old HDD? === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === probose [n=lobosque@200-140-67-20.gnace7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] hey guys... im trying to "./configure, make, make install" a program named p2kmoto... but look what happens in "make": http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32487/ How do i fix it? === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-99-92.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === steroid_ [n=steroid@] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] probose, looks like you are missing source code like usb.h [09:05] I saw a AMD64 4gb dvd on the net... thats the distro that cant run on intel machines. so i put it on my amd computer and it froze with some kinda Logic error. [09:07] anyone ran into a logic error before..maybe i didnt burn it right...? [09:08] i don't think it's a matter of burning [09:08] anyway check the md5 [09:08] what is md5? === OdyX [n=Didier@] has joined #kubuntu === shaezsche [n=noxxle@24-179-180-188.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] is it a bad idea to use reiserfs? === shaezsche is now known as Shaezsche === bill [n=bill@] has joined #kubuntu [09:10] I'm not sure how to check the md5. wikipedia gives me pages of technical terms that i want to learn eventually but at the moment i'm not quite sure how to do this. [09:10] Shaezsche, I have heard of problems with reiserfs, probable saffer just to use ext3 [09:10] it's thw checksum provided with the cd\dvd to verify that data is not corrupted [09:11] ext3 is slow, and formatting 10 gigs takes 700mb! [09:11] Oh, so when I burn the DVD make sure to Check the data? [09:11] yep [09:12] try downloading it again and burn it on a rw media [09:12] Is the cpu mhz in kinfocenter>processor correct? because it says 1000.000 and i have a amd x2 4200+ so i think it should be running around 2000mhz at least. if it is correct how can i boost it up? [09:12] Also...my AMD64 machine boots to the previous version of ubuntu but not 6.10... [09:12] Shaezsche, well I am no expert of file formats, but I think it was a gentoo guy which was have major problems with reiserfs [09:13] can't remember the details but I think he was having trouble booting into his system [09:13] I will download Kubuntu 6.10 again and check the data when burning. TY :D [09:13] pays your money & takes your choice :-) [09:13] "bad interpreter: Permission Denied" and i can verify the permissions and paths on both the script and interpreter are correct, and can run both of them otherwise, so where do i look? [09:14] in any event (k)ubuntu is a slow distro anyway, if you want speed try arch [09:15] ^^ === Xal2 [n=xal@p54A6EC4C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:16] does automatrix work on kde [09:17] !automatrix [09:17] Sorry, I don't know anything about automatrix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:18] info automatrix [09:18] !info automatrix [09:18] Package automatrix does not exist in any distro I know [09:18] ksayit wont load some kind of control module...im going to try to research this..i want text to speech... [09:18] e3 not supported & can break your system === bronaugh [n=bronaugh@S0106525405f26ac3.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] y.o [09:18] what is logical volume management/UUID? [09:18] automatrix is not supported? [09:19] what is e3 [09:19] question... how can I get at Debian's RAID partitioner in Kubuntu? [09:19] e3 is a consumer electronics show [09:19] oh [09:19] currently I've got Kubuntu 6.10, I've started the installer; but I see no way to create RAID volumes. [09:21] no ideas? [09:21] it's: [09:21] !automatix [09:21] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [09:22] is that directed at me? [09:22] Ok.... anyone know how i can get Ksayit to speak......its broken... [09:22] did you install it with automatix? === icheyne [n=icheyne@] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] ksayit is a text to speech program [09:23] so no [09:23] *eek* im not sure if that was dirrected at me lol [09:24] yeah, neither am I. === aliced [n=aliced@dsl-242-254-238.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] so anywho.. i was going to install automatrix on kde but i guess its bad for the computer so im not going to now. im still wondering how to install ksayit. === Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-31-248.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] just stay away from automatix , using it makes it impossible here to help you out with probs [09:25] !automatix [09:25] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [09:25] I think ubotu is a chat bot? here, let me see. automatix :-) [09:25] use the "!" in front of a word to use the bot [09:25] are there any good password managers for KDE? [09:26] Revelation looks good, but it's Gnome [09:26] :-) [09:26] cool, thanks e3 [09:27] !LVM [09:27] Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO === Nookie [n=mensur@h39n2fls35o982.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] !UUID [09:27] To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" [09:27] so there's no text installer on the Kubuntu 6.10 "desktop" CD? [09:28] hi, [09:28] nope === dsb [n=dave@adsl-75-26-182-11.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] bronaugh, you have to use the alternative cd [09:28] there is on the the alt. though [09:28] Is it possible to order a Kubuntu AMD DVD? [09:28] i'm getting a proper ethernet modem at last [09:28] but - [09:28] Dvd image is the best though [09:28] i don't know what ethernet card is in there, i think it's built in. will it still work? [09:28] Rawrness, why is the dvd image the best? [09:29] Rawrness, I didn't know there was one! [09:29] it has live/alt [09:29] ok thanks [09:29] plus alot of stuff from the repos === aksh [n=aksh@dialpool-210-214-19-9.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] icheyne: unless I just do my RAID config by hand.. [09:29] It saves abit of bandwidth durring install [09:29] will the bloody GUI installer honour that? [09:31] what does Konqueror use to mount/unmount CDs as normal user? pmount ? [09:31] Is it possible to get the Kubuntu CD for amd64 machines? i see it is for the DVD but i now want the CD. [09:32] e3: yeh. [09:32] it is. [09:32] I see it not: Kubuntu 6.10 DVD (64bit pc edition) [09:32] wait no thats not what i wanted lol === nawaka [n=nawaka@Broadband-Dynamic-Namaka399.connect.com.fj] has joined #kubuntu === rainmaker [n=rainmake@dsl51B7DA0C.fixip.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu === rainmaker [n=rainmake@dsl51B7DA0C.fixip.t-online.hu] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:37] I still cant find kubuntu 64bit cd... hrmm.. === user-land2 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] do you guys recomend using firefox over konkorer or however its spelt [09:38] LG DVDRW and LG CDRW in my machine... dvd won mount ( data DVD burned using windows Vista) [09:38] i didnt know vista burned dvds [09:41] i stillll cant find 64bit kubuntu on cd so im downloading the dvd again. wait a sec i dont have a dvd burner on this machine...hrrmm... back to searching i go.... === user-land3 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] im not so sure if thre IS a 64bit kubuntu on CD instead of DVD............ [09:45] amd64 i guess i mean [09:45] e3: I am running off that CD right now, so it does exist. [09:46] desktop or alternate; both exist. === hysterio_ [n=hysterio@doa.trashgallery.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:47] in 6.10? [09:48] all the Kubuntu CD's i can find all say i386 :( === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === |Xemanth| [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [09:50] uhh. === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu [09:50] kubuntu gui installer is on a LOT of crack. [09:50] I just set up 3 RAID1 arrays. === Burnzzz [n=Burnzzz2@c-67-161-82-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Burnzzz [n=Burnzzz2@c-67-161-82-230.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [09:50] set type to fd (linux raid autodetect) [09:51] and ... uhh. it thinks that /dev/sda1 is NTFS === user-land2 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] it also won't accept "fuck off and die" as an answer. [09:51] try telling it to RTFM === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] dude. the thing's so minimal, a drooling product of generations of inbreeding could use it. [09:53] there is no manual because there is only one codepath. [09:53] typo above... should read, dvd won't mount. error message is "wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdc," [09:53] so, anyone have an idea about my ethernet q? [09:53] and identifying a partition type as something other than what it is is a bug. [09:53] dmesg|tail just has "Unable to identify CD-ROM format. [09:53] i'm getting a proper ethernet modem at last, but i don't know what ethernet card is in there, i think it's built in. will it still work? <-- question for reference [09:54] ehird: chances are it'll work. [09:54] almost every ethernet controller will. nVidia's crap is pretty much the only dodgy one out there right now. [09:54] (I've got one in a server I admin; I disabled it, and put a de4x5 in its place) [09:54] okay, but i warn you my motherboard is this cheesy "WinFast" crap [09:55] but if it'll work out of the box in a good number of linux distros that's fine by me [09:55] anyhow, next q: has anyone had experience with jfs? [09:55] if not, i guess i'll just buy a well supported one === ScottK [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Slynderdale [n=slynderd@unaffiliated/slynderdale] has joined #kubuntu === TiffOn [n=TiffOn@unaffiliated/tiff0n] has joined #kubuntu === _fitz_ [n=fitz@host130-84.pool82105.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Jazon_ [n=jason@host86-138-231-62.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu === delight [n=delight@gw-do-int.adesso.de] has joined #kubuntu === zerozero_ [n=zero@unaffiliated/zerozero] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === user-land2 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu === |Xemanth| [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === dsb [n=dave@adsl-75-26-182-11.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === Nookie [n=mensur@h39n2fls35o982.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-31-248.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === aliced [n=aliced@dsl-242-254-238.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu === icheyne [n=icheyne@] has joined #kubuntu === bronaugh [n=bronaugh@S0106525405f26ac3.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === OdyX [n=Didier@] has joined #kubuntu === steroid_ [n=steroid@] has joined #kubuntu === rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-99-92.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === wizard [n=wizard@ip24-255-2-154.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === andred [i=bnc@] has joined #kubuntu === Pensa`TV [n=pensacol@104.61-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.181.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === manchicken|away [n=manchick@] has joined 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[n=mrgibson@bas2-quebec09-1242404431.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu === TheMole [n=asdf@5ac3daa0.bb.sky.com] has joined #kubuntu === mr_lampe_ [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-183-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mountainman [i=Mtnman@adsl-71-153-168-211.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === v3ctor [n=simon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === scoates [n=sean@iconoclast.caedmon.net] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu === ehird [n=ehird@80-41-202-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Omnifrog [n=Omnifrog@c-68-53-50-233.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === PupenoR [n=pupeno@] has joined #kubuntu === croppa [n=stuart@] has joined #kubuntu === pitofdarkness [n=alex@turnpenny.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu === dr0ne [n=fn@CABLE-72-53-45-212.cia.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-141-186.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === faderhval [n=faderhva@0x535dfd50.arcnxe1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === mholthaus [n=mholthau@5353713C.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === spoop [n=p@wolcott-cuda1-24-49-136-98.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === bLaZeD [n=wls@unaffiliated/blazed] has joined #kubuntu === pascalFR_ [i=NtpkLmdl@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@82.pool85-54-129.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === brian_ [n=brian@66-117-164-106.rev.dls.net] has joined #kubuntu === Danker [n=tadas@] has joined #kubuntu === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #kubuntu === blackflag [n=stefan@] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu === xorix [n=XoR@] has joined #kubuntu === scott_w|lappy [n=scott@88-106-122-167.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === ccc [n=ccc@unaffiliated/ccc] has joined #kubuntu === Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === sb9 [n=stefan@kipproxy2.kip.uni-heidelberg.de] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-61-181.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === murchadh [n=murchadh@] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck____ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === Dendeigh__ [n=Dendeigh@dslb-084-063-004-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === admin__ [n=Sad@82-135-202-242.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === Bug2000 [n=bug@] has joined #kubuntu === robert__ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu === Tresk2 [n=lars@084202070071.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === s0kud0 [n=cfm@ip70-178-172-191.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === braino_ [n=braino@c-24-98-141-13.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-217-105.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop [n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@gross503-2.zoo.utoronto.ca] has joined #kubuntu === tapas [n=tapas@affenbande.org] has joined #kubuntu === fild0 [n=fildo@c58-107-106-35.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Telroth_Plushie| [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-98-167.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu === rittsel [n=rittsel@c-212-031-188-115.cust.broadway.se] has joined #kubuntu === habes- [i=hanex@a81-197-169-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ruzle__ [n=ruzle@ti231210a080-9326.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === mae [n=mae@111.63-199-71.atginternet.com] has joined #kubuntu === slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #kubuntu === Chris7mas [n=floydian@] has joined #kubuntu === sledge_at_work [n=ceineke@] has joined #kubuntu === Mr0bvious [n=paul@adsl-69-149-215-211.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === ccherrett [n=chris@] has joined #kubuntu === _Kiruwa [i=kerian@nat/ibm/x-841c754bbfdffe18] has joined #kubuntu === _matt [n=dmbkiwi@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === noaXess_kubuntu [n=noaXess_@cust.static.217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === ecadre [n=ecadre@dyn-62-56-111-234.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === J4t [n=jonatan@c213-100-27-45.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === chrismir [n=chrisje@cp13071-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kjelderg_ [i=kjelderg@nat/ibm/x-1461712a20b2a481] has joined #kubuntu === kozz [i=kozz@81-232-134-52-no22.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp_ [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [i=lullaby@] has joined #kubuntu === GreyStar [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === fabo [i=Arme-X@ubuntu/member/fabo] has joined #kubuntu === seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #kubuntu === [cf] nightrid3r [n=kvirc@d54C5310A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === Moo_ [i=moo@kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === kraut [i=fek@blackhole.packetloss.biz] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodstar [n=a@c83-253-88-162.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === gobi [n=gobi@i.n3t.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hirvinen [i=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === iNiku [n=ntoivola@he.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ead [n=ead@rrcs-24-199-147-14.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === pbuckley [n=pbuckley@] has joined #kubuntu === excitatory [n=excitato@CPE-70-94-34-56.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === tomsku [n=tomsku@dsl-tregw3-fe4ddf00-223.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === madaucer [i=madaucer@hollowshell.net] has joined #kubuntu === inc|freaky [i=alpha@freakyy.de] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === morphish [n=morfic@sourcemage/mage/morfic] has joined #kubuntu === Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu === imbrandon [n=imbrando@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu === Juki [n=Jukka@] has joined #kubuntu === fdoving [n=frode@ubuntu/member/frode] has joined #kubuntu === Lynoure [n=lynoure@lynoure.net] has joined #kubuntu === Chousuke [i=oranenj@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === wad3 [i=wade@default.tixit.se] has joined #kubuntu === Firetech [n=Jocke@amarok/rokymotion/Firetech] has joined #kubuntu === bobesponja [n=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === frank_ [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === notech [n=vern@linuxfordummies/vern] has joined #kubuntu === basquiat [i=basquiat@phylogeny1.bot.biologie.uni-tuebingen.de] has joined #kubuntu === dalbirdy_12 [n=dalbirdy@] has joined #kubuntu === bluszcz [n=bluszcz@poczta.jrbnet.com] has joined #kubuntu === Akewa [i=akewa@dione.lostdomain.org] has joined #kubuntu === _al_ [n=al@176-232.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === trym [n=trym@] has joined #kubuntu === Dink [i=Dink@] has joined #kubuntu === OldKid [n=oldi@fresno121.webperoni.de] has joined #kubuntu === Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === gbt [n=gbt@] has joined #kubuntu === johey [n=johey@c-136-134-vas-l3.cust.mdfnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === _max_ [i=xXx@seduce-and-destroy.com] has joined #kubuntu === archangel_ [n=archange@ip70-160-49-215.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #kubuntu === jdawiz [n=jeremy@] has joined #kubuntu === ylz [n=ylz@zux221-130-137.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu === sparrw [n=kvirc@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr] has joined #kubuntu === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #kubuntu === trappist [i=trappist@linuxkungfu.org] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu === yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu === Hoyt [n=Hoyt@stingray.oamk.fi] has joined #kubuntu === dbglt_ [n=dbglt@60-240-128-64.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-124-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === d0m1n8r [n=d0m1n8r@ip68-224-197-39.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === galathalion [i=Larynx@arthur.mirkksladd.net] has joined #kubuntu === T3hWiz0rd [n=wizard@ip24-255-2-154.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === focker [n=focker@c-69-243-247-115.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === jeanette_ [n=jeanette@tux.adsl.abo.fi] has joined #kubuntu === linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === aztun [n=aztun@81-202-143-147.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === evil-doer [n=ewb@CPE0010a726e10a-CM00122541856a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === PascalFR [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-26-204.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu === __osh__ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === snpz__ [n=buuu@] has joined #kubuntu === jbrice_ [n=jbrice@h237.22.39.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp__ [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === Aondo [i=stian@] has joined #kubuntu === purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-67-122-208-161.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === braddoro [n=brad@unaffiliated/braddoro] has joined #kubuntu === verbose [i=nobody@24-155-26-181.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #kubuntu === nikkne [n=nikkne@nslpc3.epfl.ch] has joined #kubuntu === compu73rg33k [n=mark@d192-24-187-100.nap.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu === fumbalah [i=brett@unaffiliated/fumbalah] has joined #kubuntu === [H5N1] [i=mrflu@laggy.us] has joined #kubuntu === dergringo|afk [i=dergring@hercules.doomie.net] has joined #kubuntu === xiO___ [n=yup@66-191-51-116.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === argonel|kub [n=jason@bas11-toronto12-1088890476.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === linuxbomb [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu === purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-67-122-208-161.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:01] http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//kubuntu/6.06/kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-amd64.iso [10:01] there. === Tresk2 [n=lars@084202070071.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === zbyszek [n=zbyszek@nat-1.elb.vectranet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] dvds [10:04] 6.06?! [10:06] *pout*... is there no 6.10.... [10:06] yeah, there's 6.10 [10:06] http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/edgy/kubuntu-6.10-desktop-amd64.iso [10:06] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/current/ [10:06] lol... [10:06] current would be 6.10, yes. === Dinofly [n=dinofly@lns-bzn-51f-62-147-196-207.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:07] instead of following a tracker, always check the official sites === hybrid [n=x@] has joined #kubuntu === glazed_eyes [n=BW@] has joined #kubuntu === SperMite [n=box1@69-174-104-218.ashbva.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] *does the This Is Gonna Rock dance* [10:09] the installer's a steaming piel. [10:09] but I'm impressed with the live CD overall. [10:09] anyone in here registered to Demonoid>torrent site? === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === zerozero_ [n=zero@cpe-075-176-083-010.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === GreyStar [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === glazed_eyes [n=BW@] has joined #kubuntu === Dinofly [n=dinofly@lns-bzn-51f-62-147-196-207.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === delight [n=delight@gw-do-int.adesso.de] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === user-land2 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu === |Xemanth| [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === dsb [n=dave@adsl-75-26-182-11.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === Nookie [n=mensur@h39n2fls35o982.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-31-248.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === aliced [n=aliced@dsl-242-254-238.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu === icheyne [n=icheyne@] has joined #kubuntu === bronaugh [n=bronaugh@S0106525405f26ac3.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === steroid_ [n=steroid@] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === andred [i=bnc@] has joined #kubuntu === Pensa`TV [n=pensacol@104.61-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.181.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === manchicken|away [n=manchick@] has joined #kubuntu === ulinskie2 [n=peseta@] has joined #kubuntu === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === momal [n=momal@CPE-58-164-208-187.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Wayne_31 [n=wayne@host-64-139-246-194.nctv.com] has joined #kubuntu === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu === jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #kubuntu === scorp007 [n=scorp@ppp193-16.lns3.mel4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === King_Brad [n=Hello@75-132-106-218.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === macconline [n=macconli@] has joined #kubuntu === Rawrness [i=HydraIRC@66-218-202-162.dhcp-dynamic-dsl.fidalgo.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-6-53.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu === bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-254-148.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === aseigo [n=aseigo@kde/aseigo] has joined #kubuntu === Vangfa [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === ricos_sushi [n=mario@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === shulman [n=shulman@cpe-74-70-53-127.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu === fowlduck- [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === crowbar [n=jaknel@ool-4355c5de.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === nacer [n=nacer@] has joined #kubuntu === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #kubuntu === qch [n=qch@adsl-69-110-13-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Alter-Ego [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl8-56.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu === win_x_prts [n=win_x_pr@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@] has joined #kubuntu === ExitMenu_ [n=sean@] has joined #kubuntu === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu === winXperts [n=winXpert@ip72-196-113-57.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Admiral_Chicago [n=freddy@] has joined #kubuntu === Xubuntian [n=andrea@81-208-74-178.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === bubu1uk [n=bubu1uk@195-112-11-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === tonyyserver [n=anthony@d235-240-148.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === opensur [n=opensur@200-126-94-50.bk6-ipfija.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu === borisyeltsin [n=chris@dhcp-43-29.arts.ualberta.ca] has joined #kubuntu === Fiya_Gone [n=fiyawerx@cpe-72-230-32-61.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === michele [n=michele@84-74-55-7.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === mrgibson [n=mrgibson@bas2-quebec09-1242404431.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu === TheMole [n=asdf@5ac3daa0.bb.sky.com] has joined #kubuntu === mr_lampe_ [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-183-182.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mountainman [i=Mtnman@adsl-71-153-168-211.dsl.tul2ok.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === v3ctor [n=simon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu === ehird [n=ehird@80-41-202-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Omnifrog [n=Omnifrog@c-68-53-50-233.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === PupenoR [n=pupeno@] has joined #kubuntu === croppa [n=stuart@] has joined #kubuntu === pitofdarkness [n=alex@turnpenny.plus.com] has joined #kubuntu === dr0ne [n=fn@CABLE-72-53-45-212.cia.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu === Hawkwind [n=SoS@ulteo/community-leader/Hawkwind] has joined #kubuntu === Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-141-186.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === faderhval [n=faderhva@0x535dfd50.arcnxe1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === spoop [n=p@wolcott-cuda1-24-49-136-98.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === pascalFR_ [i=NtpkLmdl@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@82.pool85-54-129.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === brian_ [n=brian@66-117-164-106.rev.dls.net] has joined #kubuntu === Danker [n=tadas@] has joined #kubuntu === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #kubuntu === blackflag [n=stefan@] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu === xorix [n=XoR@] has joined #kubuntu === ccc [n=ccc@unaffiliated/ccc] has joined #kubuntu === Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === sb9 [n=stefan@kipproxy2.kip.uni-heidelberg.de] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-61-181.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === murchadh [n=murchadh@] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck____ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === Dendeigh__ [n=Dendeigh@dslb-084-063-004-018.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === admin__ [n=Sad@82-135-202-242.ip.zebra.lt] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === robert__ [n=robert@85-124-193-122.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu === s0kud0 [n=cfm@ip70-178-172-191.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-217-105.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop [n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@gross503-2.zoo.utoronto.ca] has joined #kubuntu === tapas [n=tapas@affenbande.org] has joined #kubuntu === fild0 [n=fildo@c58-107-106-35.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Telroth_Plushie| [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-98-167.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu === habes- [i=hanex@a81-197-169-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ruzle__ [n=ruzle@ti231210a080-9326.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === mae [n=mae@111.63-199-71.atginternet.com] has joined #kubuntu === Chris7mas [n=floydian@] has joined #kubuntu === sledge_at_work [n=ceineke@] has joined #kubuntu === Mr0bvious [n=paul@adsl-69-149-215-211.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === ccherrett [n=chris@] has joined #kubuntu === _Kiruwa [i=kerian@nat/ibm/x-841c754bbfdffe18] has joined #kubuntu === _matt [n=dmbkiwi@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === J4t [n=jonatan@c213-100-27-45.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === chrismir [n=chrisje@cp13071-a.tilbu1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kjelderg_ [i=kjelderg@nat/ibm/x-1461712a20b2a481] has joined #kubuntu === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [i=lullaby@] has joined #kubuntu === Aondo [i=stian@] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp__ [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === jbrice_ [n=jbrice@h237.22.39.162.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === snpz__ [n=buuu@] has joined #kubuntu === __osh__ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-26-204.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu === PascalFR [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu === evil-doer [n=ewb@CPE0010a726e10a-CM00122541856a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === aztun [n=aztun@81-202-143-147.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu === linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === jeanette_ [n=jeanette@tux.adsl.abo.fi] has joined #kubuntu === focker [n=focker@c-69-243-247-115.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === T3hWiz0rd [n=wizard@ip24-255-2-154.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === galathalion [i=Larynx@arthur.mirkksladd.net] has joined #kubuntu === d0m1n8r [n=d0m1n8r@ip68-224-197-39.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-124-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === dbglt_ [n=dbglt@60-240-128-64.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Hoyt [n=Hoyt@stingray.oamk.fi] has joined #kubuntu === yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === trappist [i=trappist@linuxkungfu.org] has joined #kubuntu === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #kubuntu === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined 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[i=basquiat@phylogeny1.bot.biologie.uni-tuebingen.de] has joined #kubuntu === notech [n=vern@linuxfordummies/vern] has joined #kubuntu === frank_ [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === bobesponja [n=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Firetech [n=Jocke@amarok/rokymotion/Firetech] has joined #kubuntu === wad3 [i=wade@default.tixit.se] has joined #kubuntu === Chousuke [i=oranenj@jolt.modeemi.cs.tut.fi] has joined #kubuntu === Lynoure [n=lynoure@lynoure.net] has joined #kubuntu === fdoving [n=frode@ubuntu/member/frode] has joined #kubuntu === Juki [n=Jukka@] has joined #kubuntu === imbrandon [n=imbrando@ubuntu/member/pdpc.active.imbrandon] has joined #kubuntu === Riddell [i=jr@kde/jriddell] has joined #kubuntu === morphish [n=morfic@sourcemage/mage/morfic] has joined #kubuntu === siefkencp [n=siefkenc@66-193-214-215.static.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === inc|freaky [i=alpha@freakyy.de] has joined #kubuntu === madaucer [i=madaucer@hollowshell.net] has joined #kubuntu === xeros [i=xeros@fan194.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === tomsku [n=tomsku@dsl-tregw3-fe4ddf00-223.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === excitatory [n=excitato@CPE-70-94-34-56.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === pbuckley [n=pbuckley@] has joined #kubuntu === ead [n=ead@rrcs-24-199-147-14.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === iNiku [n=ntoivola@he.fi] has joined #kubuntu === Hirvinen [i=patrik@hoas-fe3ddd00-123.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === gobi [n=gobi@i.n3t.net] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodstar [n=a@c83-253-88-162.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === kraut [i=fek@blackhole.packetloss.biz] has joined #kubuntu === Moo_ [i=moo@kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu === [cf] nightrid3r [n=kvirc@d54C5310A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === seaLne [n=seaLne@ubuntu/member/sealne] has joined #kubuntu === fabo [i=Arme-X@ubuntu/member/fabo] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] and getting things as wrong as I've seen is pretty bad. [10:13] I see === ScottK [n=kitterma@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] that'll be good for future usage fomr e. === gangien [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === alex___ [n=alex@p54A062BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] like ... partition type 0xfd is -not- NTFS. === _fitz_ [n=fitz@host130-84.pool82105.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] it's linux raid autodetect. === scott_w|lappy [n=scott@88-106-122-167.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] bronaugh: do what he said [10:13] get the alternate install CD [10:13] its got the raid configurations. === Jazon_ [n=jason@host86-138-231-62.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] already have the RAID configured. === fumbalah [i=brett@unaffiliated/fumbalah] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] the Desktop CD doesn't have options/support for RAID [10:14] but I can't seem to abuse the desktop CD into installing to it. === hybrid_ [n=x@] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] Jucato: a bit of a dumb thing to do eh? strip it of all its features. [10:14] Is it possible to tell AddRemove that I dont wish to type my password every time? I'm the only user of this machine. [10:14] nah. it's not supposed to be the all powerful installer. they might be working towards that. but the initial release wasn't meant to be one === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] Jucato: the alternate install has those tools though? and still a graphical installer? [10:16] graphical, in the ncurses sense. [10:16] ah [10:16] the Desktop CD has also a severe limitation: you can't install if you can't get the GUI up at all [10:16] as long as it gets the job done lol [10:17] i would never use kubuntu in an advanced system unless I had the patience to deal wirh it. [10:17] with it* [10:17] Jucato: has that safe mode thingy. [10:17] that does work. [10:17] who knows. like everything else in the open source world, projects change and grow (or die...). Ubiquity will probably improve too [10:18] safe mode GUI? === slicslak [n=slicslak@S01060014bf0ed3be.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:18] as long as it has X, you can install. without X, you can't (iirc) [10:19] anyway, time for me to go :) === Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === jony [n=jony@p54B555D8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2H35SlLmUA someone port this to linux === Bug2000 [n=bug@] has joined #Kubuntu === oem [n=oem@88-196-24-246-dsl.hps.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu [10:22] "requires Java2 and Windows OS " sigh === dmitri [n=dmitri@] has joined #kubuntu === esben [n=esben@mosehansen.dk] has joined #kubuntu === dmitri is now known as netzen [10:24] "can't have /boot on XFS" [10:24] yeah you can. grub's been able to do that forever. === momal [n=momal@] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] stupid installer. === rosh_ [n=rosh@] has joined #kubuntu === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pD9E0F940.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pD9E0F940.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:27] and no debootstrap... [10:27] how can I share a printer over a linux server? [10:27] difficult at all? [10:27] to linux, mac, or windows clients? [10:27] linux and mac [10:28] and possibly windows too if I can [10:28] cups for linux and mac, and samba for windows. === JakubS_ [n=qba@110-2.echostar.pl] has joined #kubuntu === MrGordon [n=Gordon@125-238-112-187.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === MrGordon [n=Gordon@125-238-112-187.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === MrGordon [n=Gordon@125-238-112-187.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:30] yay! # echo Hi > /dev/stdout works === dkillian [n=dkillian@] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] c/nvlllnvc/nvnvccllnvc/nvcll === silver [n=silver@nat01-silvers-ext.Rutgers.EDU] has joined #kubuntu === dkillian [n=dkillian@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:36] Anyone..know..where..i..can.. find a AMOR screen toy character...other than the low quality ones that come with AMOR. Or any other screen toy/mate/deskmate/characters..... === elt0n [n=matthias@p83.129.17.76.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] i...like...elipses...too [10:38] !elipses [10:38] Sorry, I don't know anything about elipses - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:38] darn === Ayabara [n=anders@] has joined #kubuntu === marian [n=marian@fw.lidlmusic.sk] has joined #kubuntu === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-125.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu === Os390 [n=Os390@cm-83-97-140-105.telecable.es] has joined #kubuntu === Smooph [n=wangweil@p54A77203.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === zbyszek [n=zbyszek@nat-1.elb.vectranet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === marian [n=marian@fw.lidlmusic.sk] has joined #kubuntu [10:48] This is really odd....SuperTux (a video game) is running really slow. === user-land2 is now known as user-land === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E05291.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] yeah; probably no accelerated 3D === prxq [n=prxq@C5ae7.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu === dkillian [n=dkillian@] has joined #kubuntu [10:50] When I would use GNOME, I ran all kinds of games including SuperTux, it ran great! [10:50] uh huh. nothing to do with gnome vs kde. [10:51] It's running like its underwater now. Perhaps my kernal is the wrong one...and maybe my video driver got screwed up some how..... [10:51] well im not sure what i did when i switched to kde, but my computer is running funky slow. [10:52] i have a 3ghz amd machine with 1gb ram and ati radion 512memory [10:53] im liking kde...but its different than gnome...im still getting used to it and for whatever reason i run into a lot of issues with linux....gnome included.... [10:54] what torrent-client do you guys use. I use ktorrent and like it, but I can't get the same speeds I do with utorrent under wine, which is the fastest I've tried in kubuntu.. [10:55] i've always used azureus (spelling is bad) but i dont know what its speed is === yanis_ [n=yanis@] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] why my (kubuntu) konqueror doesnt have the cut action under the edit menu? === MenZaLap [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/MenZa] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] which reminds me i need to install frostwire... [10:56] e3, azureus also worked quite well for me, but doesn't it take up a bit too much resources? [10:56] "azureus" there correct spelling [10:56] yeah, i guess it does, but i have a fast machine : p [10:56] e3, you spelled it right both times :-) [10:56] lmao === B-Minus [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-118-110.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:58] What Kernal does Kubuntu 64bit come with? [10:58] 6.10 comes with 2.6.17-10 [10:58] what do i type to find out which one im using? [11:00] typing uname -r says im using "2.6.17-10-generic" [11:01] i think im using i386 though..????? [11:01] i wish to be using the 64bit one [11:01] e3: sudo adept_manager [11:01] search for kernel [11:01] install the one you like === windshear [n=Alain@vpn-wh.rz-zw.fh-kl.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] if im using the one the 64bit kubuntu comes with....why is it called 64bit..cause this i think is the same one i used on my intel machine..... === heinkel_111 [n=thomas@ti400720a081-13452.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [11:04] Yaccin: btw, is there any good reason kubuntu won't tolerate /boot on XFS? [11:04] it's working fine here on debian, and has been for over a year. [11:04] bronaugh: i dont know what XFS is ^^ [11:04] ahh. ok. === rraphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu === zoetrope666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-119-118.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Vangfa [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu === stefano [n=stefano@host114-49-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === _mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] So eh... why.. is kubuntu64 using the same kernal as kubuntu i386.... what could possibly be the difference between the two...? === dalberti [n=dalberti@] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos [n=apokryph@87-194-86-227.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === root [n=root@catv-50623323.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #kubuntu === root [n=root@catv-50623323.catv.broadband.hu] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === [joemax] [n=jsuria@] has joined #kubuntu === Tresk2 [n=lars@084202070071.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === drayan [n=drayan@brn91-1-82-234-1-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:10] my processor is amd64 3000+ does that mean im 64bit processor? === Lestatt [n=lestat@gec186.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [11:10] athlon64 you mean? [11:10] you gain some performance, mainly due to additional registers. [11:11] yeah athlon [11:11] i use athlon64 === rb [n=rb@Toronto-HSE-ppp3883902.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === freechelmi [n=freechel@peh13-1-82-235-100-231.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] so these aditional registers..how do i get them without reinstalling the whole os....because i think right now im using i386 kernal.... === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] well.. you either reinstall, or you don't. [11:13] When I reinstall...does that have to be from cd/dvd, or can i do it via the terminal === komposter [n=komposte@ppp91-76-80-244.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] okay [11:14] does reinstall simply mean the kernel..or the entire partition.... === pafcu [n=pafcu@a88-114-152-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === rb [n=rb@Toronto-HSE-ppp3883902.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === james_ [n=james@adsl-70-143-101-106.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === VigoFuse [n=chatzill@ip68-1-99-14.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:16] anyone around to tackle a problem with artsd and alsa? === pafcu [n=pafcu@a88-114-152-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:17] is anyone using banshee or songbird? are they good alternatives to amarok? [11:17] You linux smartie pants people... What exactly do I have to reinstall to get my athlon64 working faster? === bulwynkl [n=bulwynkl@b3-203-12-156-141.melbpc.org.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] Ayabara: there arent alternatives to amarok ^^ [11:18] Yaccin, that's settled then :-) [11:18] what do you miss on amarok? [11:19] i am having sound initializing problems it just started and i don't know why but it needs to stop please help [11:19] Yaccin, nothing at all, I'm just curious. [11:20] just ditched xp for good, and I'm just looking around to see what apps I like in kubuntu :-) [11:20] hmm if you want more-windpows (winamp) feeling, use xmms or bmp [11:21] Ubuntu/Linux newb here, the #ubuntu channel is not up? is the Automatix the thing for to make my ATI Radeon Chipset work? [11:21] VigoFuse: it is up. Type /join #ubuntu [11:22] !automatix | VigoFuse [11:22] VigoFuse: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. [11:22] Thank you [11:23] I will try #ubuntu again, but I thank you kindly for the assistance === joe3k [n=joe@p54942758.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-54-223.w86-218.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] I simply dont know....will I have to format my hardrive and install Kubuntu64 to get my athlon64 to work faster. I mean, is the formatting necessary. [11:24] i think so [11:24] That makes me cringe : ) [11:24] suppose you're talking i386 vs x64 :) [11:25] should there be any real difference? [11:25] yes i am talking that [11:25] i would love to see improvement in programs [11:25] im not sure what i'll get by using 64 [11:25] e3: hmmmm i'm afraid you won't [11:26] afaik not that much, at least in usual office applications [11:26] I do a lot of 3d gaming [11:26] is it worth the huge hastle to reinstall [11:26] ok that could do something [11:26] k [11:26] i installed i386 on my friend's x64 laptop [11:27] firstly i tried the x64 version but then you run into stuff like firefox & flash etc [11:27] now only if i can get my machine to boot to the installer..... [11:27] it just wasn't worth the troubles so i installed i386 [11:27] whats wrong with firefox/flash on 64??? [11:27] e3: well adobe flash is not avail for x64 [11:28] i have a friend, that runs flash etc on 64 bit [11:28] but i dont know how [11:28] and hes using gentoo -_- [11:28] Yaccin: but in chroot or similar stuff [11:28] e3: you consider yourself to be advanced linux user? :) [11:29] No one told me I couldnt use flash with Kubuntu64... I not only game, i also LOVE flash. : ( and no, im actually a complete linux newbie with a lot of windows desktop repair knoweledge : p [11:30] e3: you can but it's not out-of-the-box afaik [11:30] well..linux desktop, windows desktop..same hardware...but linux im newbie. [11:30] e3: http://polishlinux.org/linux/ubuntu/kubuntu-606-on-athlon-64/ [11:30] ok so while running kubuntu64, are there any forseen problems i'll face? is the flash problem really all that bad? === patrice [n=patrice@lns-bzn-26-82-254-86-163.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] e3: gotta go away now, try to google a bit for ubuntu x64 and flash === frankmyhre [n=frankmyh@0x50c62f78.kjnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] e3: the real problems are _only_ with the binary stuff [11:32] ok...thank you.... [11:32] e3: but eg nvidia drivers are available for x64 [11:32] flash is only 32 === celsion [n=unknown@p548792AC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] there's a gnu flash as well but it's not that good [11:32] ati radeon might not have flash then? [11:33] e3: you mean x64 drivers for ati ? [11:33] yeah [11:33] flash isn't available for 64-bit [11:34] why did i buy a fancy 64bit machine when i cant even use it : p [11:34] e3: looks like there is already [11:34] e3: don't worry it'll eventually get better ;-) === joe__ [n=joe@p548C8197.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] e3: it's Flash's (for not releasing under 64bit) fault, but also Ubuntu's (since it's not BiArch compatible) === hybrid [n=x@] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] so is it possible, to run flash at all? [11:35] it is [11:35] on Ubuntu you have to have a chroot, unfortunately. Other distributions handle this better. [11:35] apokryphos: isn't there really any other way? [11:36] apokryphos: i heard something like 32bit firefox [11:36] for a newbie such as i, will it hurt to install flash on kubuntu64? [11:36] apokryphos: this ain't working on ubuntu? [11:36] cups(File)DoRequest error: client-error-bad-request <<< anyone know what could cause that? === Ayabara [n=anders@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:37] e3: well you'll have to do some non-standard stuff for sure, that could break eg later upgrades and so on [11:37] joe3k: if you had a 32bit firefox you could run flash too, but I don't think Ubuntu has such a package === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:37] since it'd require a lot of other stuff [11:38] well i never had x64 myself, i once installed it [11:38] e3: it won't really be possible, yeah. [11:38] *cries*... i'll just stick to my cheapo i386 kernel for now... thank you all so much.... [11:38] but due to these problems i replaced it with i386 since the x64 doesn't have that much advantages for desktop [11:39] there's certainly a bit of perfomance improvement === mendred_ [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu [11:39] e3: if you're new i think you'd better stick with i386 and hope it'll worka automatically in some of the next releases [11:40] e3: though i don't know what's planned for x64 ubuntu, you could ask at #kubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-devel [11:40] *sniffle*... ok... [11:40] apokryphos: well i can't really imagine [11:41] apokryphos: most of the desktop apps certainly don't need 64bit integer :) [11:41] ie long long [11:41] when i get a Quad 2 Core processor from intel in a few years, im going to die if kubuntu doesnt support it. [11:41] huh? Pretty much all the packages are compiled for a pure 64-bit system [11:41] e3: I'm sure it will === Matiz [n=matt@cpc1-harg1-0-0-cust621.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:42] apokryphos: i mean if the apps doen't require 64bit arithmetic which needs to be simulated on 32bit === Matiz [n=matt@cpc1-harg1-0-0-cust621.leed.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:42] i dislike the idea of putting expensive WindowsVista on my 64 bit machine and just using it for work. i dont want to use windows for play...it just feels weird.... [11:43] apokryphos: in that case it should be the same speed on 64bit/32bit .... possibly with minor differences === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [11:43] i say screw vista...im sticking with kubuntu even if they dont get to use some of the 64bit stuff. === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:44] e3: well do you actually know if the games you want to play are avalable for x64 at all? [11:45] i bet they wont be : ) [11:45] e3: you could actually end up not even being able to play quake3demo :-D [11:45] stupid 64bit processor was so expensive and i've never been able to even use it... X.x [11:46] e3: if you use binary stuff you have to check whether it's available only for i386 or x64 as well [11:46] this is good information because my x64 kubuntu just finished downloading and if not for you guys saving me, i would have installed it. === dr0fnax [n=dr0fnax@] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] e3: well it surely is going to be better [11:47] hopefully Ubuntu will just be BiArch compatible some time soon [11:47] it was originally planned for Edgy, but that didn't happen. Not sure about the plans now (mainly relating to smart package manager) [11:47] other distros like SUSE have been biarch-compatible for years :/ [11:47] will KDE4 come with its own kernal? am i on crack putting those two together? === rraphink is now known as raphink === Steven_M [n=Steven@] has joined #kubuntu [11:48] hi all === ccc_ [n=ccc@unaffiliated/ccc] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] e3: imagine current windows is not yet 64bit ready so it could be the reason why the 64bit arch is still kinda being ignored [11:49] true. === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] ok it _is_ ready but you can't buy it yet [11:49] does anyone here run dosbox? [11:49] e3: no, KDE is a desktop envrionment [11:49] im curious if the four processors in Intel Core2 Quad will be 64bit. [11:49] joe3k: ... windows is NEVER ready [11:49] :P [11:49] Steven_M: maybe 3yrs ago i used it [11:50] Yaccin: :) [11:50] and im wondering how many bits the playstation3 is, with its... eight procesors? im not sure how many it has. [11:51] figures. Linux finally gets printing from all locations... then my mac hits the problem [11:51] I want to use a Playstation3 as a computer pretty bad, with a nice high rez projection screen. [11:52] PS3 sucks [11:52] well im not usin' an xbox360 [11:52] xbox also sucks [11:52] ^_^ [11:52] joe3k: how do I fix this error: [11:52] ALSA lib seq_hw.c:456:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory [11:52] ALSA:Can't open sequencer [11:52] sony and microsoft both suck...yeah...but where else can i get a super fast console. [11:53] why do you want a console? o.O [11:53] you have a PC [11:53] *hopes no one mentions nintendo wii* [11:53] its so much better [11:53] Steven_M: sorry, no idea :-/ [11:53] i would rather buy a wii then a xbox or ps3 [11:53] my pc is in my office, its to heavy to haul into my trunk and bump around to the friends houses [11:53] but i never ever will buy a console === wilman [n=wilman@ip5450f150.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [11:54] that's ok [11:54] i still play games on my dreamcast [11:54] e3: only when you install i386 now don't forget to create a separate partition for your home, so that a possible reinstall to x64 won't be so much pain [11:54] oh neat : ) [11:54] if you don't know how, ask someone else, i gotta go now :) [11:54] thanks so much bro : ) [11:54] laters === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-203-51-45-14.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === KoluCCi [n=kolucci@pathos.moskvoretskoe.ru] has joined #kubuntu === thoreauputic [i=peter@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === whoblah [n=whoblah@24-75-177-142.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === az [n=az@] has joined #kubuntu === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-107-150.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === az is now known as kenox === deimon [n=deimon@aou232.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === freechelmi [n=freechel@peh13-1-82-235-100-231.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === ccc_ is now known as ccc === scofmb [n=scofmb@host2.200-117-138.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu [12:07] hi! how do i install opera? i can't find it in the adept manager.. (new to kubuntu) === Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee [12:07] !opera [12:07] opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:08] scofmb: you might need to add an entry for the commercial repo - see the help URL above === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.181.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] thxs [12:09] scofmb: if you are running 6.10 I don't know if opera is available yet for it [12:09] i'm running 6.10 :( [12:09] in that case you might have to get it from the opera site [12:09] but in the webpage you ppl send me, its said i can installit :) [12:10] hmm - I'm currently on a box running dapper here ... [12:10] installed ;) thxs ppl! [12:10] !info opera edgy [12:10] Package opera does not exist in edgy [12:10] scofmb: ah OK :) [12:11] nah.. i download the deb from the opera site and installed using konqueror [12:11] fair enough [12:11] thanks ;) [12:11] i haven't used linux in over 2 years :P [12:12] scoates: I haven't used anything else in over 3 years ;-) === kenox [n=az@] has joined #kubuntu [12:12] oh I lied - I have a dual boot OS-X and ppc Ubuntu laptop [12:13] well.. i used linux only from 1997-2005 :P (but since i'm on a electronic major now, i had all the simulators on windows.. so have to choose) [12:13] http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Opera_web_browser [12:13] started with redhat 4.2 :P [12:14] scofmb: wow [12:14] scofmb: things have changed a lot since then ;-) [12:14] yep.. too much, i remember playin with isapnptools :P === ESPOiG [n=ESPOiG@] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] to get my modem working === VigoFuse [n=chatzill@ip68-1-99-14.pn.at.cox.net] has left #kubuntu [] === emre [n=emre@] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] fdsa === josef [n=josef@85-125-177-47.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:18] hey i have a problem, i hear sound throug my speakers, but i cannot hear or play music files. some of the audio players wont even start === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === zoetrope86 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-119-162.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === zoetrope86 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-119-162.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === ScarFreewill [n=freewill@] has joined #kubuntu === zoetrope86 is now known as zoetrope666 === _tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@] has joined #kubuntu === desti [n=desti@p509221E7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel^ [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === Neutrinux [n=Neutrinu@35.229.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] GoogleEarth isnt working!!! Achhhhkkkk*dies*. This SUcks! [12:29] so fix your OpenGL === Steven_M [n=Steven@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:29] GoogleEarth works vor me... [12:30] *for === blizzz [n=blizzz@p57B50989.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ScarFreewill [n=freewill@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ideasrex [n=ideasrex@] has joined #kubuntu === zoetrope6666 [n=admin@mppp-p-144-139-121-90.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] instal your graphic card driver === adam [n=adam@70-59-99-12.albq.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu === wektor [n=wektor@dvp98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === marian_ [n=marian@fw.lidlmusic.sk] has joined #kubuntu === SortOfThing [n=guillaum@] has joined #kubuntu === guillaume_ [n=guillaum@ip-215.net-81-220-36.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu === guillaume_ is now known as Fanatux === cronos__ [n=cronos@ip229-179-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Dendeigh_ [n=Dendeigh@dslb-084-063-036-220.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-96-9-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Bubba_Gump [n=chatzill@user-544415ff.lns1-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === bot12gb [n=bot12gb@28.Red-88-9-124.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] #kubuntu-es === visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu === wilman [n=wilman@ip5450f150.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === maverick [n=maverick@] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === dogsby [n=paul@i-83-67-43-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === Fanatux [n=guillaum@ip-215.net-81-220-36.lyon.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu === _tsdgeos is now known as tsdgeos === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] anybody wud plz suggest me any p2p to use on edgy... [12:48] Frostwire doesn't really connect [12:48] gtk-nutella is so slow even after port forwarding...ooh how i miss frost wire [12:49] !help [12:49] I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots [12:49] !frostwire [12:49] frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire [12:50] Limewire IS open source [12:51] and it isn't a limewire clone. it's BASED on the limewire code === Ace2016 [n=Ace2016@194-247-235-255.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:51] get your facts right people! [12:51] I've downloaded the 1920(HD) resolution elephants dream movie from here http://orange.blender.org/download But for some reason it stutters in scenes with lots of movement. Does anyone know a reason for this === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:51] crazy_bus: yes your cpu is no way fast enough to play it back in realtime === arriesp [n=arriesp@] has joined #kubuntu [12:52] do you know a good program to converte it into a lower resolution? [12:52] crazy_bus: possibly your graphics card can't handle it [12:52] it'll be the cpu. believe me. [12:52] OK :) === zimeng [n=mafuzime@] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] graphics card doesn't have to do much work when it's pre-rendered [12:53] hello everyone! [12:54] Would I be able to watch it if I converted it into a lower resolution, or burned it onto a DVD? [12:54] anybody wud plz suggest me any p2p to use on edgy... === ESPOiG [n=ESPOiG@] has joined #kubuntu === smux [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-35-222.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:56] hi all [12:56] hello [12:56] how do i remove the ms truetype fonts [12:56] ? [12:56] crazy_bus: converting it might help, yes [12:56] You can install/remove ms truetype fonts in Add/Remove programs [12:57] crazy_bus, does this remove the fonts themselves? [12:57] what would happen if i removed all the fonts in linux? === mosconi [n=mosconi@c-24-131-130-213.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] It's called 'Microsoft Core Fonts' [12:59] So I wouldn't think it would remove all of the fonts === user__ [n=user@] has joined #kubuntu [12:59] moin @ll === bsm [n=rob@p5B04224F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:00] hi, will a dist-upgrade to edgy work flawlessly? :) === ccc_ [n=ccc@unaffiliated/ccc] has joined #kubuntu [01:01] Whats a good program to downgrade the resolution of videos? [01:01] transcode [01:02] avidemux2 (with gui) === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === Jonty [n=jadh@80-192-9-154.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === john [n=john@c-71-232-105-201.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === asunto [n=asunto@cs181121067.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu === brainzero [n=brainzer@68-187-171-049.dhcp.hckr.nc.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p83.129.181.138.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === ccc_ is now known as ccc === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:09] bsm, there's only avidemux in adept. Will that do the same job as avidemux2? [01:09] Has anyone had issues installing flashplayer on firefox? === ehird_ [n=ehird@80-41-202-3.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:09] Hrm. Fluxbox is nice. === ehird_ is now known as ehird|flux [01:10] moin [01:11] crazy_bus: dunno. if it has a nice gui and is about version 2.0.xx then its the right one ;) [01:12] I found that when using the install-flashplayer script, the permissions on the files in the plugins folder are incorrect, causing Firefox to crash === smux [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-35-222.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === agustin [n=agustin@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:13] version 1:2 === kaka` [n=kaillau@212.86-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === hurne [n=someone@a64.student.utwente.nl] has joined #kubuntu === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:17] Is getting XGI a good idea? [01:18] or does Kubuntu have it installed already? === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === paul_ [n=paul@ACCAF792.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === alex___ [n=alex@p54A062BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-96-9-dsl.ispone.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === Lowey [n=Lowey@i-83-67-49-208.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === Lowey [n=Lowey@i-83-67-49-208.freedom2surf.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu === ndc [n=ndc@auh-as32818.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #kubuntu === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:26] can anyone help me with my repos? === e1mer [n=elmer@] has joined #kubuntu [01:28] Although I followed the direction for loading the ATI driver, the MESA GLX Indirect is still loading, how can I fox this? [01:28] er fix === wektor [n=wektor@dvp98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [01:31] tamacracker: what help u need with repos? === hybrid [n=x@] has joined #kubuntu === ramon [n=momo@static-business-212-101-24-163.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] I am also getting this with fglrxinfo: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". [01:33] I need to know if i modified my repos correctly [01:33] i dont know if i have full access to all the sources. === aimtrainer [n=aimtrain@p54AFB961.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] hi! I have a 640*bla res right now and cant change the res in the nvidia xserver settngs because the part to enter the new res is not displayed due to the low resolution and I cant get the window up [01:36] im afraid my explaination of my problem is kinda crappy.. === bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-198-141.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === EmxBA [n=emx@unaffiliated/emxba] has joined #kubuntu [01:39] hi [01:40] i've installed amarok on *ubuntu* and there is no icon in the gnome panel, what's the problem? [01:42] #ubuntu === pete [i=chatzill@unaffiliated/petecakes] has joined #kubuntu === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-107-150.w90-9.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === weedar [n=weedar@062016233102.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === DadanHappy [n=maharani@] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] tamacracker: use wiki. there are good instruction how to do it. === Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Kubuntu === B-Minus_ [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-114-15.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === EmxBA [n=emx@unaffiliated/emxba] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving!"] === k4h [n=k4h@unaffiliated/k4h] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host21-22-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === maxx_k [n=max@pD95057D3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === SHRIKEE [n=shrikee@ip5658ae4f.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === _tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@] has joined #kubuntu === aspilus1_ [n=aspilus1@] has joined #kubuntu === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-119.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #kubuntu === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] i got error when i try install some package from adept the error is "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages" what should i do? === alef0 [n=alef0@M795P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] DadanHappy, try sudo apt-get -f install [02:07] defrysk: it's still error [02:07] DadanHappy, did you add a not ubuntu repo ? === Dinofly [n=dinofly@AMontsouris-151-1-89-139.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:08] i add edgy-backports === myown76 [n=roberto@d83-187-204-74.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu === lilduckling [n=duckling@bb219-74-235-38.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [02:08] DadanHappy, did you install packages from obscure sites or something ? [02:10] is ndiswrapper-utils available on the cd version of ubuntu? [02:10] no, but before i got this error, i'm installing with adept and when adept downloading from repo, my internet connection is broken [02:11] well you cannot download with a poor conection I guess [02:11] and after that, adept error [02:11] do sudo apt-get udate [02:11] i need solution to make adept normal again [02:11] update* [02:12] does that work ? === crube [n=crube@cs78171054.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu === B-Minus_ [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-112-215.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu [02:14] defrysk: no, it still error [02:14] :( === alex____ [n=alex@p54A058B9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:14] DadanHappy, is adept closed ? [02:15] if no close it [02:15] then sudo apt-get update [02:15] i've, but it's still error [02:16] DadanHappy, sudo apt-get install --fix-missing === Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu === laza [n=laza@dslb-088-066-018-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] :) it's work [02:17] good ;) [02:18] thanks [02:18] yw === super_noobs [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === stef3272_ [n=stef3272@was59-2-82-227-189-3.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Kotetsu [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === gtakos [n=gtakos@ipa92.2.tellas.gr] has joined #kubuntu [02:25] this is gonna sound really dumb but, how to tar.gz files work? [02:26] man tar === thoreauputic [i=peter@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu === lilduckling [n=duckling@bb219-74-235-38.singnet.com.sg] has left #kubuntu [] === super_noobs is now known as ops === |nightrid3r| [n=kvirc@d54C5310A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00122574ae2a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === Rikku_ [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === Rikku_ is now known as Kotetsu === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === greedo [n=greedo@mar44-1-87-90-32-28.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] Can anyone help in getting the ATI Binary drivers working? I followed the Wiki and Mesa Indirect are still loading instead of ATI === mjeee [n=mjeee@ti511210a080-0227.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === ops [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === reuben [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Kotetsu [n=reuben@CPE00c002c5eb3b-CM001225418f70.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:32] :) === pirast [n=martin@p508B047A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ScarFreewill [n=freewill@] has joined #kubuntu === ops [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] hi === wildchild [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu === Dinofly [n=dinofly@AMontsouris-151-1-89-139.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === oem [n=oem@] has joined #kubuntu === vincenzo [n=vincenzo@host28-213-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:36] ciao === koabara [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] qualcuno puo darmi una mano per settare la mia wlan === tobias_ [n=tobias@67.84-48-60.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu === invitado [n=invitado@] has joined #kubuntu === koabara [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === sntdiakon [n=sntdiako@ts1-b189.Irkutsk.dial.rol.ru] has joined #kubuntu === vge [n=Vge@dsl-tregw3-fe5cf800-140.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === ghostshadow189 [n=ktsm@] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] Is there a way to hide all the left/joined/disconnected messages in Konversation? [02:45] hi all , wat folder or file to manage and contain kde theme ? [02:46] ciao [02:52] !cvs [02:52] cvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/ === nikola [n=nikola@BSN-210-220-27.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu === nikola [n=nikola@BSN-210-220-27.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:54] hi all , wat folder or file to manage and contain kde theme ? [02:54] and how can i enable double click to open folder and file ? === koabara [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JeffAMcGee [n=jeff@cpe-70-114-234-35.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === joshua__ [n=joshua@c-66-56-85-119.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === jerre [n=jerre@] has joined #kubuntu [02:57] ghostshadow189: system settings === maminux [n=maminux@84-72-162-186.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] ghostshadow189, systemsettings > keyboard and mouse > mouse === soulrider [n=mauro@r190-0-143-134.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu === NumPy [n=billy@cpe-67-10-116-19.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === sF|Xemanth [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [03:00] !away [03:00] Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines === lab01 [n=lab01@wbb246.fwa4.jaring.my] has joined #kubuntu === lab01 [n=lab01@wbb246.fwa4.jaring.my] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:01] and , i want that when i double click to window , it'll maximize instead hide it === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === ghostshadow189 [n=ktsm@] has left #kubuntu [] === DeadSouL [n=Terror@] has joined #kubuntu [03:05] After formatting Windows and reinstalling it, grub screen disappeared. So I can not log on Kubuntu now. How can I bring back grub screen? === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu [03:08] !grub [03:08] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [03:08] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [03:09] Thanks a lot defrysk === MenZaLap [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/MenZa] has joined #kubuntu === marciomra [n=marciomr@] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool89-79.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] i'm having an issue with booting sda, it seems that it will boot fine for 20 or 30 times then it fails miserably no boot prompt or nothing just LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO for half a screen full and hangs. that condition remains until i reinstall the boot loader. anyone ever seen this before ? === supergreg [n=cc@11.80-203-29.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu === wektor [n=wektor@dvp98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [03:15] intelikey, loose plugs or whatever [03:15] Is the cpu mhz in kinfocenter>processor correct? because it says 1000.000 and i have a amd x2 4200+ so i think it should be running around 2000mhz at least. if it is correct how can i boost it up? [03:15] check your connections and check for dust [03:15] intelikey: Someone's laughing at you, "lol" ;( [03:16] Tm_T ? [03:16] intelikey: Stupid joke, ignore. === defrysk hits "ignore" [03:16] ;p [03:16] defrysk loose plug would NOT be fixed by simply reinstalling the boot loader ? [03:17] nope [03:17] its something "loose"like flatcable [03:17] or dusty like mobo/psu === heinkel_112 [n=thomas@ti400720a081-10881.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] defrysk then why does a software reinstall of the boot loader fix it for about the same amount of time each time ? [03:18] intelikey, or something like old age unfortunately === jcb [n=jcb@adsl-71-158-235-34.dsl.ksc2mo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] defrysk that i might buy [03:18] Hey looking for sweet place to download movies [03:18] I'va had it too years ago [03:18] jcb, not here [03:19] In my case it was a combo of dust/and old stuff [03:19] know a good site not porn movies just regular movies === delight [n=delight@vpw.wh.uni-dortmund.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] can someone ban jcb ? [03:20] defrysk so maybe disk going bad ? but badblocks found nothing not one single block on the whole disk and i've checked it more than once, + read/write mode. [03:20] intelikey, something like that === Alter-Ego [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] just poor working data transfer [03:21] just looking for superman returns movie [03:21] on your hd due to loose contcts [03:21] jcb, not here please [03:21] time to walk the dog [03:22] defrysk hmmmm i sussspose anything is possable === xinchuan [n=xinchuan@bb220-255-18-17.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] well is there any one who knows how to set up printing in Ubuntu [03:23] I have and HP 4300 Office jet all in one [03:23] !printer [03:23] Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows [03:23] thanks === mr_lampe [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-205-077.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === abdulla [n=abdulla@] has joined #kubuntu [03:25] !compiler [03:25] Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) [03:25] if 4300 not available will 4200 work [03:25] hello any one can help me ? how can i download java for my lunix ? abuntu === abdulla is now known as made [03:26] !java [03:26] To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository [03:26] http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/index.html try this === largo24 [n=someone@node64-250-196.sunline.net] has joined #kubuntu === maverick [n=maverick@] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] any suggestions for P2P for edgy?!! [03:30] frostwire doesn't connect anymore..so i need a change === kholshei [n=kholshei@s5590a280.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kholshei is now known as kriskris === nkRush [i=nkRush@e177188085.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:35] hi, is it correct that there is a compatibility layer that make it possible to run .NET programs on linux? [03:35] can anyone help me? im trying to install divx for linux, but when i try to install i get the licence agreement i cant get past it, its not asking for me type "yes" or something. Does anyone know what iim doing wrong? === deema [n=deema@] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] anybody here use islsm? [03:36] Hey guys? How do I check my Nvidia driver version? I need to check if it needs to be upgraded [03:36] updated* [03:37] deema what is that? [03:37] wifi driver [03:37] oh [03:38] well about your nvidia, you could go to the package manager and search for nvidia [03:38] and it should show [03:38] !info nvidia [03:38] Package nvidia does not exist in any distro I know === fragment [n=raheel@ip68-98-32-162.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] !info nvidia-glx [03:38] nvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8776+ (edgy), package size 3970 kB, installed size 12312 kB [03:38] thats the one for edgy === montio [n=montio@pD9574215.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] nvidia-glx, yeah [03:39] 1.0.8776 [03:40] I cannot find /etc/mkinitramfs/modules would it be in a different location? === cga [n=cga@213-140-6-101.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-237.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ropechoborra Awaken.. [03:47] nevar === shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] someone in #ubuntu sujested it's maybe the fsck that is fixing my mbr.... i'm thinking that's prolly right. anyone know how fsck would treet a fs without a partition ? === abdulla [n=abdulla@] has joined #kubuntu === abdulla is now known as made === frankmyhre [n=frankmyh@0x50c62f8c.kjnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === yannux [n=yannux@home.onbebop.net] has joined #kubuntu === jed [n=jed@] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] thanks my java has install [03:50] i guess what i'm asking is what is the probability that e2fsck would look at the first sector of the fs and see the MBR and call it an error ? [03:52] what about psm my mozilla browser need to download psm ? from were can i found ? === made is now known as kuwaiti [03:52] made the package manager === crube [n=crube@cs78171054.pp.htv.fi] has joined #kubuntu === NumPy [n=numpy@cpe-67-10-116-19.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:53] !mozilla-psm [03:53] mozilla-psm: The Mozilla Internet application suite - Personal Security Manager (PSM). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.7.13-0.2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 175 kB, installed size 692 kB [03:53] !mozilla-psm dapper [03:53] mozilla-psm: The Mozilla Internet application suite - Personal Security Manager (PSM). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.7.12-1.1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 174 kB, installed size 692 kB === formation [n=formatio@] has joined #kubuntu === v3ctor [n=simon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Grigorgeous [n=jordi@246.Red-83-50-117.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] hmmmm i don't think it is e2fsck that's doing it..... [03:57] Mount count: 15 [03:57] Maximum mount count: -1 [03:57] it only forces test on unclean state. [03:58] last test 15 mounts ago. === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === yannacko [n=yannacko@pha75-8-82-230-2-117.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === jeesun [n=jeesun@pool-71-127-145-83.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === fred_ [n=fred@c-24-61-196-236.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] hey, does anyone here know anything about updating repositories? [04:08] some rocket scientist informed me the other day that you could not make a file system on an hard drive without partitions and have the MBR on the same disk.... i knew better than to swallow that line. i been using that setup for years now... heh and that is the setup here on this box but i have the same setup on another box that has never failed to boot..... [04:09] fred_ sudo apt-get update === v3ctor [n=simon@cpe-24-166-5-202.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:09] thank you [04:10] fred_ if you mean adding repositories that's different. === juju [n=juju@d83-186-11-162.cust.tele2.be] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] !repos [04:10] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu === xst [n=xst@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl208-012.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] never failed to boot.....^ and it's still running hoary. installed over a year ago. [04:13] Can anyone explain why bug #58721 apparently is being ignored by the ubuntu team, even though it is a complete showstopper for Matrox owners? (https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-mga/+bug/58721) === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-125.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] does anyone in here code in coldfusion and if so what editor do you use with kubuntu? === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:14] I have compiled and installed Tork, a KDE frontend to Tor, everything went smoothly untill I run it then I get error ->>>[warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Couldn't access/create private data directory "/var/lib/tor" this ssems to me like a permission problem but if I change permission on the /lib/tor folder the deamon actually restores it back to previous setting , any ideas to what I could try? === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] can anybody here help me diagnose my wifi driver? I cannot get it to work, after many tries [04:15] paul_ is the deamon suid ? [04:16] hmm i have no idea [04:16] ;/ <-newbie, how do I find this out? [04:16] Anybody knows how can I make the resolv.conf filenot to be reseted? === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu [04:17] find /usr -name "deamon-name" -exec ls -l '{}' \; [04:17] translate deamon-name === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === molerd [n=54353453@u5-77.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu === Section32 [n=section3@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === kraetzichriz [n=54353453@u5-77.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] i am not sure of output but I got this amongst other things -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 592516 2006-09-28 12:50 /usr/sbin/tor [04:20] Grigorgeous you could make it immutable and see what errors out because of it... that would tell you what is resetting it. === user_ [n=user@pD9580B3F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] intelikey: what's the way to make a file immutable? === bob_ [n=bob@cpc3-leed11-0-0-cust334.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] paul_ hmmm it's not suid. that "could" be it. i'm not sure it's supposed to be. === psi [n=psi@c-c97e71d5.015-127-6c756c1.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] Grigorgeous chattr +i "/path/filename" [04:22] as root ^ === gilan [n=gilan@] has joined #kubuntu [04:22] i've installed kubuntu-desktop, but kde wont start because it can't find "kstartupconfig" [04:22] Grigorgeous to undo later it's * -i * [04:23] i tried googling but i found no answer === koboi_ [n=koboi@] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] psi /usr/bin/kstartupconfig === creaphot [n=creaphot@22.249.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] psi file exist ? [04:25] hi folks [04:25] can anybody here help me diagnose my wifi driver? I cannot get it to work, after many tries [04:26] intelikey: it does. i tried running it and i get permission denied errors (concerning the folder .kde/share) [04:26] i'll look into that. [04:26] psi what environment are you in now ? [04:27] booted ubuntu ? [04:27] live CD ? [04:27] console gnome other ? [04:27] installed ubuntu, gnome === wirr [n=wirr@i538713FC.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:27] deema all i can do there is point you at the wiki [04:28] !wifi [04:28] Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [04:28] na no help man. [04:28] is there somebody familiar with metabar; i lost the icons&preview since upggrading to edgy. Screenshot: http://emile-visual.info/temp/14.jpg [04:28] psi you own your home ? [04:28] intelikey: i got it working. i deleted .kde and tried again :) === texjoachim [n=texjoach@p508BF8AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] thanks [04:29] sudo chown $USER -R ~/ <--- would have worked also. [04:30] i think that command should be in the default .bashrc file.... [04:31] OWN YOUR HOME! OWN YOUR HOME! OWN YOUR HOME! === u0637595 [n=u0637595@dinip129.univalle.edu.co] has joined #kubuntu === Bubba_Gump [n=chatzill@user-544415ff.lns1-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === knapp [n=knapp@] has joined #kubuntu === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu [04:37] nobody on my metabar problem 10 lines up ? === daone [n=daone@adsl-223-48-236.aep.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:42] kubuntu rulez === PsiKloPx [n=steve@adsl-68-88-123-15.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:42] um... [04:42] :D [04:44] . === ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === fremmanuel [n=fremmanu@] has joined #kubuntu === ratte_ [n=ratte@] has joined #kubuntu === hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-61-181.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] Can someone point me to a wiki for getting my linksys pci wireless card to work in kubuntu 6.10? === fon_Zograf [n=zograf@] has joined #kubuntu === DadanHappy [n=maharani@] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] any ideas how i could get "bad interpreter: Permission denied" for any script i try to run with just `scriptname` and a #! line? both the script and interpreter are executable. i can run the interpreter and i can run the script with it, but not the script directly for any interpreter. [04:48] what could possibly be up? === Grigorgeous [n=jordi@246.Red-83-50-117.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === user10 [n=user10@66-169-185-96.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] everyone asleep? [04:54] ironfroggy: is the filesystem mounted as noexec ? [04:55] no, its my root filesystem [04:55] the script too? [04:55] wait... [04:55] oh. === NDPTAL86 is now known as NDPTAL85 [04:55] suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [04:55] well, it worked yesterday and now it doesnt. i dont know what might have changed. [04:56] its a cifs mount === justin_ [n=justin@pool-68-238-172-167.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === justin_ is now known as justin1278 === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] hello everyone [04:57] hi [04:57] im having a strange issue today [04:57] ironfroggy: try to copy it to your homedir and try again. mount options like 'user' will imply noexec. [04:57] when booting Kubuntu 6.10 on my notebook computer it boots very slowly when my AC adapter is plugged in [04:57] but when my AC adapter is not plugged in it boots very quickly. [04:58] weird [04:58] yes, any ideas? === bill [n=bill@] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] i get some error when try install software from adept === sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc2-stok5-0-0-cust567.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === sc0tt_ is now known as sc0tt === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:00] fdoving: ok so thats definately the problem, but any idea why i never had trouble until quite suddenly? === Dark_Vampire [n=h@p548AB9C9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:00] ironfroggy: don't know. [05:00] does anyone know how i can fix the issue when my AC adapter is plugged in? [05:00] i get some error when try install software from adept [05:00] they said "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. " === loran [n=loran@S01060004ac9d9e11.su.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:01] is there anything i can do? [05:03] can anyone help me with getting a boot loader other than grub for kubuntu? === wlad [n=wlad@Pf018.p.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu === ronanrmo [n=ronanrmo@] has joined #kubuntu === justin1278 [n=justin@pool-68-238-172-167.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:05] DadanHappy: Don't use adept, use apt-get from the command line. It'll work a lot better and give you much better error messages if there are any [05:05] try synaptic if you want some stability === user-land2 [n=user-lan@217-162-168-80.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] apt-get is stable as well, if not more so than any others available in Kubuntu === Akewa [i=akewa@dione.lostdomain.org] has joined #kubuntu === skizzay [n=andrew@ool-435232d1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop [n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna] has joined #kubuntu === texjoachim [n=texjoach@p508BF8AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === knapp [n=knapp@] has joined #kubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === braino_ [n=braino@c-24-98-141-13.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === alef0 [n=alef0@M795P007.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu === secleinteer [n=scl@] has joined #kubuntu === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === B-Minus_ [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-112-215.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-217-105.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel^ [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === _goofy_ [n=ryan@h69.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] :) i need solutions, how to make my adept get normal back === bsm [n=rob@p5B043256.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Akewa [i=akewa@dione.lostdomain.org] has joined #kubuntu === skizzay [n=andrew@ool-435232d1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === WerdnaDesktop [n=andrew@wikimedia/Werdna] has joined #kubuntu === knapp [n=knapp@] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #kubuntu === mzli [n=mzli@] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu === texjoachim [n=texjoach@p508BF8AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === braino_ [n=braino@c-24-98-141-13.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === guillem [n=guillem@p5484D0A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-108-49.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === secleinteer [n=scl@] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel^ [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === B-Minus_ [n=sdfdsfds@eu212-87-112-215.adsl.euphonynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-72-55-217-105.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu === yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === _goofy_ [n=ryan@h69.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === cpk1 [n=cpk1@sjs-130-65-211-220.sjsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === creaphot [n=creaphot@22.249.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === creaphot [n=creaphot@22.249.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu === yannacko [n=yannacko@pha75-8-82-230-2-117.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu === lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu === pielgrzym [n=pielgrzy@nat-ruczaj.lama.pl] has joined #kubuntu === bbt [i=sam@60-240-200-130.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu === SlimG [n=robert@] has joined #kubuntu === slougi [n=louai@dyn3-82-128-191-151.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === secleinteer [n=scl@] has joined #kubuntu === yango [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === _goofy_ [n=ryan@h69.39.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === e3 [n=e3@adsl-67-126-235-78.dsl.frsn02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === noaXess_kubuntu [n=noaXess_@cust.static.217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === NaStYdoG [n=lool@87-196-182-145.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === NaStYdoG [n=lool@87-196-182-145.net.novis.pt] has left #kubuntu [] === tatatoothee [n=tatatoot@66-234-32-7.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host68-56-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === max_ [n=max@host16-69.pool80182.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === berkes [n=beralt@] has joined #kubuntu === LjL [n=ljl@81-208-36-87.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === emil_p8 [n=creaphot@22.249.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu === deema [n=deema@] has left #kubuntu [] === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === mwp [n=mwp@ip68-109-124-102.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === soulrider [n=mauro@r190-0-143-134.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu [05:29] Anyone alive? [05:29] i am running into many problems sftping to my host on dreamhost.com. it works on my xp box but not my kubuntu box. and i can still ftp to other places via kubuntu. can someone just try this through konqueror? sftp://gatorade.dreamhost.com and ftp://gatorade.dreamhost.com ? basically just tell me if you get your generic proimpt. i get "connection closed by remote host," and i'm wondering if it has something to do with my kubuntu === mwp is now known as Pirige === flash [n=flash@] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] tatatoothee: Works here perfectly === mikepence [n=mike@adsl-065-006-178-166.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] tatatoothee: All of my sites are hosted on DH as well, and I use sftp at all times === shadowhywind [n=shadowhy@user-0c93gca.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] tatatoothee: works here also [05:31] hawkwind thanks. do you have any idea why konqueror might not be connecting okay to dreamhost? is there some block script or something? [05:31] thanks too vge. [05:32] tatatoothee: do you have ssh access? === thomerz [n=thomerz@dsl-152-223.utaonline.at] has joined #kubuntu [05:32] yes [05:32] tatatoothee: Does sftp work with anything else in konqueror, or do you get the same problem with all sftp requests ? [05:32] tatatoothee: then try fish:// [05:32] i get the same sftp block on other programs too. including krusader. [05:32] morning Hawkwind: [05:32] tatatoothee: I mean, if you use sftp in konqueror to try to get to other hosts, do you have the same problem ? [05:33] Zarephath: Morning [05:33] no i don't have the same problem going to other hosts. other hosts work fine. just not my dreamhsot account. weird. [05:33] tatatoothee: Have you talked to the guys in #DreamHost by chance ? [05:34] fish:// does the same thing. strange. hawkwind no i haven't talked to #Dreamhost. . . i suppose i should. . . i figured i'd start w/ kubuntu and go from there. [05:34] because it seems related to this system. [05:35] though obviously since you guys are getting thru ok it's probably my config, somehow. === Pensacola [n=Pensacol@16.55-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === goldenear is now known as goldenear_away [05:35] tatatoothee: Yeah seems really odd indeed. === anddreaz [i=irc@ip68-3-181-120.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Smooph [n=wangweil@p54A77203.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [05:36] can you think of some sort of config file that would configure access or not for certain hosts? === SpySpooKy [n=mo@ACB54E32.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === lackdiant [n=aaa@62-43-141-0.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu === reon [n=reon@dsl-242-160-118.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] tatatoothee: Not unless it's something in /etc/hosts.deny or something maybe [05:40] hawkwind thanks. etc/hosts.deny alas doesn't include anything; it's all commented out [05:41] tatatoothee: Very odd indeed. Jump over to #DreamHost here on Freenode and see if they can shed any light [05:41] hawkwind & co thanks. will do. === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu === oscargomes [n=oscargom@] has joined #kubuntu [05:43] hi! === oscargomes is now known as ogo === emonkey [n=emonkey@static-pro-212-101-27-121.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c-e1d6e155.42-5-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:45] can anyone help me with a k3b problem? === ubuntu is now known as alekz === paulmartindale [n=paulmart@88-104-191-99.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:46] texjoachim: Just ask your question === alekz is now known as ubuntutest [05:46] tatatoothee: If/When you find out the answer, let me know please. I'm curious as to what the problem is and what the fix is as well === e9electro-wizzar [n=e9electr@ACB84A96.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === xsacha [n=xsacha@CPE-144-136-129-103.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Trevinho [n=Trevi@host-84-221-221-167.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === e9electro-wizzar [n=e9electr@ACB84A96.ipt.aol.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === flash [n=flash@] has joined #kubuntu === Grigorgeous [n=jordi@246.Red-83-50-117.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] I'm unable to verify the burned DVDs and cds [05:49] I burn them normally and the compare always fail with "can't find ..." [05:49] and the name of the file === smux` [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-84-93.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === yango_ [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu === BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177677261.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] texjoachim, you burn the iso/dvd at highest speed ? === kris [n=kholshei@s5590a280.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kris is now known as kriskris === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has joined #kubuntu === thargos [n=thargos@] has joined #kubuntu === Tripped [n=michael@nc-65-40-86-177.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] hey, my frostwire cant connect anyone know what the problem is ? [05:54] larss0n: have you a firewall ? [05:55] yes think so [05:55] larss0n: have a tinker around :) [05:55] what ? [05:55] larss0n: play with a few settings in your firewall, see what happens [05:56] where can i find my firewall setiings ? [05:56] !iptables [05:56] Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). === bartek [n=bartek@bl254.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] what ? [05:56] HI Everyone! [05:57] larss0n: click the link, have a play :) [05:57] ok [05:57] thx man === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === smux` [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-84-93.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] defrysk: no, I let k3b decide. the setting is on automatic. and the files are there. so it burns alright, but can't verify afterwards. === intelikey [n=root@0-1pool90-58.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] hawkwind, see this for my first exchange on the dreamhost problem: http://pastebin.com/827444. i don't know what the next step is. === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === coreymon77 [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu === pitpitt_ [n=pitpitt@modemcable149.129-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === PupenoR [n=pupeno@] has joined #kubuntu === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E051B0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === dbglt_ [n=dbglt@60-240-128-64.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:02] tatatoothee: Hmmm, so now it seems you need to wait for one of the employees to view the ssh log on their end I guess === thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu === dgiulian [n=dgiulian@] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] hey all === thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu === lmaccari [n=lmaccari@81-208-83-219.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu === user-land2 is now known as user-land [06:09] does anyone know how can I set IPs that are allowed to mount shares from my samba server? === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === rhad [n=rhad@gwly-0-2-17.802.cz] has joined #kubuntu === nemesis [n=nemesis@adsl-ull-27-65.41-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:11] how can i listen to mp3 music in Kubuntu? === nemesis [n=nemesis@adsl-ull-27-65.41-151.net24.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:11] !mp3 | dgiulian [06:11] dgiulian: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] OK thanks [06:13] dgiulian, use amaroK the xine engine & install libxine-extracodes === rhad [n=rhad@gwly-0-2-17.802.cz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:13] !libxine-extracodecs [06:13] libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB [06:13] use vlc :) [06:14] well you could but amarok is already installed by default === tatatoothee [n=tatatoot@66-234-32-7.nyc.cable.nyct.net] has left #kubuntu [] === TechCentric-Will [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === miki_ [n=miki@gw.suzo.sk] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === piotr_ [i=850CE465@NAT-4.autocom.pl] has joined #kubuntu === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net === goldenear_away [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-26-204.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu === thomas [n=thomas@pD9580220.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu] has joined #kubuntu === yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu === __osh__ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === aztun [n=aztun@81-202-143-147.user.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu === johey [n=johey@c-136-134-vas-l3.cust.mdfnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === _matt [n=dmbkiwi@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === jeanette_ [n=jeanette@tux.adsl.abo.fi] has joined #kubuntu === murchadh [n=murchadh@] has joined #kubuntu === bubu1uk [n=bubu1uk@195-112-11-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu === brian_ [n=brian@66-117-164-106.rev.dls.net] has joined #kubuntu === jdawiz [n=jeremy@] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu === Kevin19 [n=k@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu === zerd [n=zerd@] has joined #kubuntu === thomas [n=thomas@pD9580220.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === three [n=three@] has joined #kubuntu === komposter [n=komposte@ppp83-237-189-202.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu === jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-125.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu === smux [n=Benoit@APoitiers-256-1-37-19.w90-16.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === mo [n=mo@ACB54E32.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === josh__ [n=josh@CPE001485342c8d-CM0014e8b5713c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] !xgl === mo is now known as SpySpooKy [06:27] Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems [06:27] is anyone here using a palm in KDE? === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] hmmm all /clear does in bx is pages down one page below the last post... it doesn't erase anything. === Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-141-186.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #kubuntu === Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-124-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === sparrw [n=kvirc@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr] has joined #kubuntu === Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === Claude_Cat [n=cmccartn@66-112-98-186.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] three !i === daone_ [n=daone@adsl-156-63-189.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === Henke [n=henrik@c83-253-150-222.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] are youa ble to sync kmail to your palm? [06:29] you misread me. !==not i==I === koabara [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === wektor [n=wektor@dvp98.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [06:30] oh sorry [06:30] no palm here mate !i === sparrw [n=kvirc@] has joined #kubuntu === bill [n=bill@] has joined #kubuntu === voicu [n=voicu@] has joined #kubuntu === delight [n=delight@vpw.wh.uni-dortmund.de] has joined #kubuntu === wektor is now known as frover [06:31] could someone please tell me how do I declare a class from an external file? like using extern for functions that become available only at link time === delusions [n=delusion@] has joined #kubuntu [06:32] in c++ that is [06:33] /join #C++ if not answered here. [06:33] voicu, class MyClass; [06:33] at the top of the header file [06:34] that was obvious but doesn't work. i get errors concerning the scope === netjoined: irc.freenode.net -> brown.freenode.net === snpz [n=snpz@] has joined #kubuntu === Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-124-128.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu [06:35] intelikey, i didn't want to ask a question like this on #C++ :P === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cpe-212-18-53-78.dynamic.amis.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ropechoborra [n=rope@201-212-141-186.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === Kim^J [n=Hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === DBO [n=DBO@unaffiliated/dbo] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] voicu, can you paste the code + errors ? [06:36] into pastebin [06:36] well, ok === milian [n=milian@p54BE92B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:37] most of my coding is done with the M$ compilers but gcc can't be a million miles away lol [06:38] here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32550/ === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] but now that i think of it, it can't work :P [06:38] how do i do so the konsole is in this dir ? /home/larss0n/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam [06:39] i mean, how can the compiler tell what's in the class without any function declaration, etc === dan__ [n=dan@h-66-166-99-41.nycmny83.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:39] larss0n, cd "/hom/larss0n/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam" [06:39] voicu, 1 min while I correct [06:39] how would I set focus on a window from the command line? [06:40] you can also browse a directory with konqueror and press F4 to open a konsole in current directory === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu === felipe__ [n=felipe@] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] milian dcop prolly === dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] voicu, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32551/ === yango_ [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] thanks TheGateKeeper [06:42] but why do I have to declare it there? [06:42] what about global objects? [06:42] intelikey: which category in dcop? kwin? cant find anything usable [06:43] voicu, well you could declare sting as global object if you wanted too [06:43] oh, got it :P [06:43] when declared outside main(), i have to write std::x.resize() [06:44] this class thingy is kinda cool :D [06:44] correct [06:44] milian idk but i bet that the access point. === kubuntu [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey has forgoten how to type "is" .... [06:45] voicu, std is the namespace & you have to be explicit [06:45] milian idk but i bet that is the access point. [06:45] wait... i was compiling the wrong file [06:45] lol [06:45] actually, it doesn't work [06:46] damn === Mez is now known as Mez|Away === Ace2016 [n=ace@194-247-235-255.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:46] well you may have to declare it as std::string === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@chchnhhed01-lo0-pool0-a104.chchnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:46] Hi all [06:46] my firefox won't work === espanico [n=espanico@host-84-222-242-158.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === ayat [n=ayat@] has joined #kubuntu === probose [n=lobosque@200-140-67-20.gnace7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] hey... how do i make windows running in vmware detect a mp3 player [06:47] when i type firefox in Alt+F2 it does nothing, but if i type firefox into konsole it works fine [06:47] what gives? === Mez|Away is now known as Mez|Drunk === bele_ [n=saleh@a83-245-173-208.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === koabara [n=superops@201009058209.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:48] voicu, http://www.msoe.edu/eecs/ce/courseinfo/stl/string.htm [06:48] my steam is not starting :S [06:48] why ? [06:49] voicu, you also need to add #include [06:49] my steam is not starting :S === Mez|Drunk is now known as Mez [06:49] TheGateKeeper, but string is a class I created in another file and want to have it linked later === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [06:49] that's why I need class string; extern; or something [06:50] my steam is not starting :S [06:50] voicu, arn't you using STL ? [06:51] nevermind i sorted it === ubuntu is now known as x-maN [06:51] larss0n http://www.open-steam.org/ if no one answers you here. [06:51] well, I wanna learn classes better and this would also be a good moment to make me a good string handling system [06:52] voicu, don't reinvent the wheel [06:52] TheGateKeeper what better way to know why the wheel does what it does ? [06:52] voicu, use the standard template library (CString if it was an mfc class) [06:53] i'm not trying to. i'm not content with the string library [06:53] intelikey, my point too === puffff [n=puffff@149.Red-81-35-22.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:53] voicu just don't ask the makers of the wheel to help you reinvent it. [06:54] i am crazy about a leakless dynamic allocated strings :D [06:55] lol, i could just include the file instead of using extern classes and stuff but i hate to compromise because i don't understand how to do it better === goldenear_away is now known as goldenear [06:56] voicu, creating global variables is bad programming practise, creating classes that someone has already sorted & is readily available is worse still === Joskar [i=Joskar@c-3bafe355.34-14-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Kubuntu === Raven301 [n=raven301@unaffiliated/raven301] has joined #Kubuntu [06:57] voicu, you need to give it the class header file so that it knows the member functions etc === keith [n=keith@ip70-179-188-226.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === delusions__ [n=delusion@] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] intelikey, it's just pointless === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@12-207-81-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] yeah, that's the thing. thanks. [06:58] again... i wasn't saying creating global vars is good [06:58] I have a small question, I have onboard sound and a Live 5.1 card, Kubuntu is defaulting to output sound to onboard. How can I make it output to my card instead? [06:59] i know to make a good program... i just didn't like not knowing why it doesn't work [06:59] voicu, :-) === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] plus, it's not like i am making a personalized version of the kernel. just a string handler that works the way i like it === tet [n=timo@e83-245-152-153.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === largo24 [n=someone@node64-250-196.sunline.net] has left #kubuntu [] [07:00] hey... how do i make windows running in vmware detect a mp3 player? === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] voicu, well that's great until some other poor sole comes along & has to maintain it === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] hehe, or it will revolutionise the way people think about strings. i can see the blogs talking about it... :D === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === OdyX [n=Didier@] has joined #kubuntu [07:03] l8r [07:03] ive downloaded the cedega engine, but how do i install it === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] ive downloaded the cedega engine, but how do i install it [07:04] larss0n filename ? [07:04] I got kdesvn crashing my konqueror all the time ... i saw the request for backport of newer kdesvn already .. nevertheless is there a workaround for the momment .. can't stand konqueror crashing every so often [07:04] Cedega.v5.2.7.Engine [07:05] that's all ? [07:05] yep [07:05] no .deb no .tar.gz no .bin ??? no .html ? === k0llin [n=k0llin@82-46-239-231.cable.ubr05.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] then i have no idea what you downloaded. [07:06] try file Cedega.v5.2.7.Engine [07:06] see what it calles it. === Joskar [i=Joskar@c-3bafe355.34-14-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has left #Kubuntu [] === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #kubuntu [07:07] larss0n, try right clicking the file. maybe something like 'install package' or 'extract' will appear === gabber [n=gabber@] has joined #kubuntu [07:07] intelikey said a better thing :D [07:07] ciao [07:07] voicu na just cli way opposed to gui way. not better or worse. [07:07] come va === Nuked [n=fluxinat@ool-44c7d376.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:08] je suis tres bien :P [07:08] do you spack english? [07:08] speck === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:09] as in speak? [07:09] some veriant slang there of yes. [07:09] italy? [07:09] this *is* an english channel [07:09] !it [07:09] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [07:09] i'm from switzerland [07:10] !fr [07:10] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [07:10] !de [07:10] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de === bunt [n=bunt@] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] pick your take. [07:10] blow me === dgiulian [n=dgiulian@] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] /ban you. [07:11] can you lern english? please === ibert [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [07:11] :)), some kind of bot? [07:11] doesn't seem very aware of itself [07:11] blow me.. [07:11] !language [07:11] Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. === k0llin [n=k0llin@82-46-239-231.cable.ubr05.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [07:11] is there a possibility that someone may help me with my usb thumbdrive issue? [07:12] i speak italian [07:12] I copied files to the thumbdrive last night [07:12] my english isen't beautiful... [07:12] and now linux and windows refuse to recognize it === rafaguap [n=bob_in_f@host68-166-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Kub [n=ubuntu@s5590c843.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Kub is now known as buk7788 === buk7788 [n=ubuntu@s5590c843.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:14] nuked what does fdisk -l /dev/sda say? [07:14] does it see the drive ? [07:14] its not sda its sdb and It doesnt see it === bunt [n=bunt@] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] k you unpluged and repluged the usb to make sure it's not that simple i guess... [07:15] intelikey: if I do it for sdb1 I get no output at all [07:15] intellikey I tried that [07:16] yeah there shouldn't be output on sdb1 that would ba a partition fdisk deals in partition tables and drive prams. [07:17] intelikey: as far as I know that was the location of the drive [07:17] if its not, how do I find out [07:17] try sudo fdisk -l see if it finds it. [07:18] help === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] Hi all! I can't get my usb memory key and my wireless card work together: it's an issue of which message I send to kernel at boot (acpi=force or not)... What to do??? === mr_lampe [n=lampe@dslb-084-056-205-077.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu [07:20] nuked is the disk partitioned or not ? [07:20] no. [07:20] Nuked you can look in dmesg for messages about it too... === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] Nuked hmmm then fdisk prolly wont find it. check dmesg === bunt [n=bunt@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === vescu [n=vescu@a81-197-251-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu === vescu [n=vescu@a81-197-251-168.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:23] intelikey: I think its sdb === slougi [n=louai@dyn3-82-128-191-151.psoas.suomi.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === nerevar [n=nerevar@aoa164.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === bunt [n=bunt@] has joined #kubuntu === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177677261.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:25] grep -ie sd /proc/diskstats === andres__ [n=andres@cm247097.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #kubuntu === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === power_ [n=power@gate2.kaskada.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] !pastebin [07:26] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu === gabber [n=gabber@] has joined #kubuntu === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #kubuntu [07:27] intellikey http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32567/ === power_ [n=power@gate2.kaskada.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:27] rafaguap you can ask in #ubuntu. [07:27] my scrsaver quit working after resetting some kde defaults ...tried using the adpm (advanced power management) like the previous requirement but that no longer helps make it work either ...any ideas ? === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === bunt [n=bunt@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu === guillou [n=guillou@] has joined #kubuntu [07:27] italy === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === Zappix [n=zappix@ool-182f436f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:28] italy? [07:28] !it [07:28] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! [07:28] right click the desktop select preferances and set it ? [07:28] Hey, I can't boot Kubunut because when I re-installed windows it outlawed GRUB. How can I boot kubuntu again without re-installing it? [07:28] !grub [07:28] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto === montio [n=montio@pD9574215.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === komposter [n=komposte@ppp83-237-189-202.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] Nuked sdb looks like a usb disk to me. try sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/"something" <--translate "something" [07:29] Oh yeah, forgot about ubotu XD [07:29] thanks === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] intellikey mount: /dev/sdb: can't read superblock [07:30] how can i open mdb data base file? === da0 [n=dav0d@] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] wait === luiz [n=luiz@201-69-150-44.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === patlkli [n=patlkli@] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] What if you don't have a LiveCD and can't get one? >>; [07:31] Because I don't have mine anymore [07:31] Nuked what format is that supposed to be ? [07:31] fat32 i think [07:31] its only 1 gig [07:31] zappix make a grub boot disk. [07:32] intelikey: I lack a CD burner >>; [07:32] Nuked try sudo mount /dev/sdb -t vfat -o umask=000 /media/"something" and see what she says. [07:32] Zappix and no floppy drive i guess... [07:33] "/dev/sdb: can't read superblock" === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:33] ....one's motor died and the other I don't have connected [07:33] ^^0 === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has joined #kubuntu [07:33] i don't speak english...but i speak italian... [07:33] !it > gabber === knightlust [n=venom@] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] Nuked that looks like a really hosed fs. might sudo fsck /dev/sdb but you may not have data there anymore could install testdisk and see if it can recover it. [07:34] gabber stop trolling. === molotoff [n=a@s5590b357.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === tuuti [n=markus@p54A7ABB1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === SSJ [n=SSJ@host-84-9-152-76.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === gabber [n=gabber@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:35] Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sdb === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] Hello, I have kubuntu 6.10, i'm trying to install ndiswrapper, does anyone have a resource/link/manual/how-to that is more in-depth than the offical ndiswrapper page? or if you have a moment i can tell you my hang up [07:35] cd to the directory/file then run makefile? [07:35] if the makefile command doesn't work run the updater [07:36] Nuked usb subsystem problem..... hmmm do lsmod and pastebin it for me. [07:36] dao: *points to what he just said* [07:36] ah.. ok.. makefile did some stuff but eventually has some errors === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:37] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32571/ [07:38] da0: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:38] sluat [07:38] kubuntu en francais ? [07:38] i'm not able to paste it.. hrmm..it's on a machine with no connection, hence the ndiswrapper [07:38] !fr [07:38] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [07:39] i'll copy the text form the machine.. give me a moment.. thanks! === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] kubuntu en francais ? [07:39] kubuntu-fr [07:39] #!fr [07:39] whoops [07:39] Nuked hmmm idk. the modules are correct. but the error "short read" means that fsck found 0 disk space on the device. check cables "both ends" i really don't know what else to tell you. [07:39] !fr [07:39] Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. === cxx [n=chr@netrunf-7-91.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] kunbuntu en francais = #kubuntu-fr === vikingo [n=vikingo@] has joined #kubuntu === maltaethiron [n=paul@c-68-43-146-198.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] yo guys [07:40] how would I go about becoming root at all times? [07:40] intellikey I just want to wipe it out so that I can use it, the data isnt worth anything [07:40] sudo su [07:40] so that I can creat a file in my /home directory atleast [07:40] thank you Nuked. [07:40] merci [07:41] Is it possible to boot Kubuntu by tweaking Windows' boot.ini? [07:41] Nuked [07:41] that didn't help [07:41] ? === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === darich [n=trickyki@host86-144-149-87.range86-144.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] i wanna be able to create folders into my home directory. [07:42] whoever was looking for a boot manager , try GAG , it works with windows and linux in several partitions if need be [07:42] hello *, kaffeine play wmv files? [07:42] tamacracker that command is to make you root at all times [07:42] type in sudo su === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-36-92.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] and see for yourself [07:42] i did [07:42] Zappix: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32572/ [07:42] Nuked sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb but that will probably fail... if windows and linux are both at a loss on that drive then you probably wont be able to format it until you get that problem streightened out... [07:42] and then i went into my home folder [07:43] and i cannot create a folder in there. === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:43] Nuked tamacracker sudo -i [07:43] intelikey, i setup the screensaver in sys/settings but after I reboot the next day the settings are gone === adaptr [n=jgeilman@adaptr.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:43] sudo -i? [07:43] yeah yeah, I know [07:43] or they just don't work [07:43] da0: You using root? === ocjeunesse [n=ocjeunes@lns-bzn-60-82-254-224-116.adsl.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:43] hello *, kaffeine play wmv files? [07:43] hrm [07:43] using sudo? [07:44] tamacracker wait. sudo -i is to become root but you have permissions issue in your home ? === cxx [n=chr@netrunf-7-91.cytanet.com.cy] has left #kubuntu [] === jacek [n=jacek@elk74.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [07:44] Yeah [07:44] yes [07:44] exactly [07:44] sudo su or something [07:44] permission denied. [07:44] Zappix: no [07:44] I haven't used Kubuntu in three months XD [07:44] tamacracker sudo chown $USER $HOME -R [07:44] do that and then try again [07:44] i just wanna make folders so i can hold my music there and my downloads etc.. [07:44] okay doke [07:44] Now try running makefile again [07:45] Nuked try GAG , it'll find your partitions and help you set up a bootpage [07:45] :( [07:45] Those three months ago....I only used it for two days aswell [07:45] tamacracker sudo chown $USER $HOME -R <-- makes you own your home. that's what you want. [07:45] Wait [07:45] does not work [07:45] Da0: Why do you need NDISWRAPPER if you have an internet connection? [07:45] intelikey it will not let me, access denied again. [07:46] Orare you doing what I had to do and move your computer to a temporary position? [07:46] tamacracker sudo echo working [07:46] BluesKaj: it isnt a partition issue. It refuses to see my usbdrive [07:46] tamacracker what's it say ? [07:46] working [07:46] tamacracker and sudo chown $USER $HOME -R [07:47] what's it say ? [07:47] intellikey im hoping testdisk can fix this [07:47] intelikey: how are you! [07:47] are you trying to boot from the USB , Nuked ? [07:47] Nuked luck with it. [07:47] nothing. [07:47] rag well, and you ? [07:47] tamacracker ok now make the dir. [07:48] intelikey [07:48] can i just open up home folder [07:48] click edit, create new folder [07:48] ? [07:48] BluesKaj: that was the original purpose... until it self destructed [07:48] yes [07:48] intelikey: well here with my children , the computers :) [07:48] doesn't work. [07:48] rag lol [07:48] :\ i'd like to have 100% control of my operating system lol [07:48] Nuked, dunno if this will help but, ... http://gag.sourceforge.net/ [07:49] at least ask me for a password when creating a folder in the home directory and ill be happy with that. [07:49] tamacracker in the konsole type mkdir ~/testing [07:49] ok... [07:49] oh no way! it crammed 1025 mb on 978mb drive [07:49] i make it. [07:49] or i made it i believe. [07:50] though i cannot find it [07:50] in home or tamacracker directory. [07:50] Zappix: the linux box is another machine.. i only have wireless available.. this box i type on is a win machine [07:50] Oh. [07:51] Zappix: I used the sudo and it make this and that with no errors [07:51] :D [07:51] tamacracker oh..... lol you have no access to /home only root can write there. it's in /home/tamacracker your $HOME directory... lol [07:52] Zappix: I appreciate your help. I have a question for you.. what dist do you use like? [07:52] users home (by default) is /home/username never /home (unless specifically setup that way) [07:52] so only in /home/tamacracker i can make a folder? [07:52] not in /home? [07:52] da0: ? === ermak [n=ermak@host-85-118-224-254.academ.org] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:52] tamacracker yes true. [07:52] da0: I have Windows and Kubuntu on my HDD [07:52] Kubuntu I only used for three days [07:53] because I had to reinstall Windows and that killed GRUB [07:53] tamacracker if you want to change that do this. sudo chown $USER /home === propietario [n=propieta@cm-81-9-156-17.telecable.es] has joined #kubuntu [07:53] after that you can do anything in /home you want. [07:53] Zappix: ah.. yes.. thanks for your help! gonna get this machine online.. woohoo! === Nickenyfiken [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [07:53] If your drivers are compatible ^^0 [07:53] they are [07:53] Oh, cool [07:54] Lucky, mine arent >>; [07:54] many are not :( [07:54] Yes!! [07:54] yeah [07:54] that's what I'm talkin bout intelikey! [07:54] d-link [07:54] tamacracker the problem we had is in the terminology. "my home" in linux translates to what ever echo $HOME outputs. not /home [07:54] da0: When I go out shopping for new hardware (I need a new motheroard and processor) I'll probably get a $20 card aswell [07:54] Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated ?! what the.......? === slow-motion [n=JohnDoe@p548DCFC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] now if i restart X will i have to type that command again in order to access my home/music files? [07:55] tamacracker no [07:55] change is perminant [07:55] i understand that [07:55] but lets say [07:55] with nicotine === vincenzo [n=vincenzo@host28-213-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] which uploads and downloads through the music folder [07:55] ciao a tutti [07:55] the music folder will be in /home/music [07:56] will it allow the music folder to be modified without the command? [07:56] Any fun problems to solve? === MHazem [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu [07:56] tamacracker and you own /home and /home/music and should own /home/music/* which means you do anything you want too. [07:56] ok cool === bele_ [n=saleh@a83-245-173-208.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [07:56] no more permission denied [07:56] hallo [07:57] without having to retype the command everytime i log on [07:57] Why does he own /home and not root ? [07:57] right? === dmiller [n=david@88-105-227-67.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] how many ways do i have to say this. CORRECT! [07:57] ;D [07:57] wooot [07:57] right [07:57] yes [07:58] LOL [07:58] I'm sorry [07:58] :) [07:58] np [07:58] it's just the security is really strict on this [07:58] your welcome. === yan747 [n=yan747@] has joined #kubuntu [07:58] intelikey: What what what??? [07:58] and i still haven't found a book on commands [07:58] for ubuntu. [07:58] Kim^J cause he wanted to. [07:58] tamacracker: Buy a Linux for dummies. [07:58] tamacracker: commands for ubuntu ? oh boy [07:58] just get the rute users guide and start reading already [07:58] yeah... there's like what... maybe 30+ commands? [07:58] !cli [07:59] The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands [07:59] tamacracker ^ [07:59] yes!!! [07:59] that's what i need! [07:59] tamacracker: There are no special commands for Ubuntu. [07:59] tamacracker: absolutely.. if you consider 3500+ to be 30+, which is theoretically correct === MHazem is now known as CVirus [07:59] ha :D [07:59] 2362 commands. [07:59] tamacracker: Very basic. === vikingo [n=vikingo@] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] that's all i need [07:59] i dont really like to depend on people [08:00] when it comes to terminal [08:00] if you want more indepth try rute-book [08:00] and basic things like updates, installing, removing etc.. [08:00] tamacracker: Start with man man and then work all /bin commands. [08:00] tamacracker: you don't need to, that's the beauty of it === ghena [n=ghena@] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] thanks guys :) [08:00] tamacracker enjoy. [08:01] i shall [08:01] FAT : 16 32 ? Searching for FAT table 10% [08:01] oh man [08:01] well, FAT is very nice to have, if you need it [08:02] and btw rutebook - Linux: Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition, an online book is still relevent even though it's considered old. [08:02] cool === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:02] I just want to know how 600 mb of stuff turned into 1025 mb on a usb drive [08:03] it's big like a dictionary. [08:03] 2 copies ? [08:03] Nuked: very easily - if the block size of the USB drive is ridiculously large and there are lots of small files [08:03] off topic question: what's the name of donkey serv with most users? [08:04] megamule ? uberdonkey ? WHAT kind of question is that ? :) [08:04] adaptr: this is a normal 1 gig thumb drive [08:04] well before some one else gets me tied up i need to go. [08:04] cheers [08:04] nuked hope you get it all sorted out. [08:04] me too thanks [08:05] Nuked: never said it wasna - what does the partition table reveal ? how is it set up ? [08:05] nothing that I can tell you at the moment [08:05] linux refuses to recognize it [08:05] and its the same for windoes === Zappix [n=zappix@ool-182f436f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:06] if Linux refuses to recognise it, then how come you can copy files to it ? === Cpt_Silka_Tan [n=ziyal@p83.129.196.47.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu === Zappix is now away (Tacos :D) (14:06:42) === Cpt_Silka_Tan [n=ziyal@p83.129.196.47.tisdip.tiscali.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:06] why do my ktorrent download everything twice? [08:07] knubbe: because you have more than one program associated with torrents ? [08:07] (ktorrent 2.0.3) === qch [n=qch@adsl-69-110-13-23.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] hey all [08:07] I am looking for cool, dark theme for KDE [08:07] adaptr: "BitTorrent" is the program associated with .torrent's [08:07] any pointers? [08:07] knubbe: then where does ktorrent come into it ? [08:08] adaptr: when i start downloading the torrent (not the actual .torrent-file), it downloads it twice. [08:08] my steam is not starting :S [08:08] my steam is not starting :S [08:08] my steam is not starting :S [08:08] my steam is not starting :S [08:08] with what do you download it ? === Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] I presume you meant you downlaod the .torrent twice, and not the *target* === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:09] adaptr: like now, for example, im downloading a linux-distro, 700mb. and i have downloaded 470mb of the 700mb so far. but it say that its only 31% complete. [08:10] then how did you verify that you have, in fact, downloaded 470MB ? === epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] adaptr: thats what ktorrent says [08:10] I'm still betting even money that you're downloading it twice [08:10] Downloaded: 470mb, Total size: 700mb, Percent: 31% [08:11] thats weird [08:12] adaptr: well. yea. it is downloading the contents twice. [08:12] adaptr: if find that quite unnecessary though [08:12] knubbe: so , back to my original question: is it therefore perhaps linked to two different torrent downlaoders ? === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === ragnar_123 [n=ragnar@] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] adaptr: im not sure im following, but there's only one "tracker" if thats what you mean? [08:13] no, that's not what I mean [08:13] ok [08:14] if you feed a torrent to two different downloaders, I'm pretty sure it will get downloaded twice - exactly like one would expect [08:14] and since the default behaviour of these applications is to pick up on the fact that you've downloaded the .torrent with a browser, it'll mostly happen invisible to you === fabio_ [n=fabio@host118-106-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@imstill.boldlygoingnowhere.org] has joined #kubuntu [08:15] great :o === ubuntu is now known as Vladdy === RichJ [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu === jpouille [n=jp@mla78-1-87-88-16-144.dsl.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu [08:15] re === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip-189.net-81-220-1.versailles.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu === bartek [n=bartek@bl254.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:16] adaptr: oh. ok. [08:16] Hi Everyone! [08:16] ii ned some help [08:16] i mean java ;/ [08:16] Hola, bartek === ubuntu is now known as pol [08:16] hello [08:16] you need some java ? what, you wanna come over for a good cuppa ? === Zappix is back (14:16:51) ( away since 14:06:48 ) === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === jpouille [n=jp@mla78-1-87-88-16-144.dsl.club-internet.fr] has left #kubuntu [] [08:17] :-/ [08:17] bad kubuntu cd [08:18] adptr i need some cammand or something like taht to install java on firefox === so [n=so@] has joined #kubuntu [08:19] where i can get repositories [08:20] what kind of repositories? [08:20] adaptr can you help me?? [08:21] basic repositories [08:21] bartek: with installing java ? just use the add/remove programs applet === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has joined #kubuntu === reyes [n=reyes@1.Red-83-61-143.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] HELLO HOW CAN I UPGRADE FROM 6.06 -----> 6.10 [08:22] sorry caplslock [08:22] but i want innstal java plugin to firefox === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] 6.06 -----> 6.10 whre can i find scripts to update kubuntu === fabio_ [n=fabio@host118-106-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu [] === rcarr [n=robb@c-69-143-116-158.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] 6.06 -----> 6.10 whre can i find scripts to update kubuntu [08:26] 6.06 -----> 6.10 whre can i find scripts to update kubuntu === Morrissey [n=gnaleo@2.84-48-194.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] Hi, I think I did something to screw my fonts up in firefox ... all my fonts look great otherwhere in KDE, but specific in firefox they look really crappy .... anyone know how to fix? [08:27] this is what I did: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:27] maybe I screwed something up then :) === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu === dpawel [n=dpawel@abnu176.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] ok must go seee yaa! === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu === Bug2000 [n=bug@] has joined #Kubuntu === dogsby [n=paul@i-83-67-43-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === thegrobe [n=archie@c-67-180-140-14.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has joined #kubuntu === Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-31-248.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === prxq [n=prxq@C5ae7.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu === mholthaus_ [n=mholthau@5353713C.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [+o fdoving] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [-bbb %*!*@host86-129-190-145.range86-129.btcentralplus.com %*!*@216.Red-88-1-48.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net %damian_!*@*] by fdoving === DjDarkman [n=djdarkma@cl-86-125-174-135.cablelink.mures.rdsnet.ro] has joined #kubuntu === fannagoganna [n=islam@mail.astro.Virginia.EDU] has joined #kubuntu === host-one [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === linx [n=linx@084202159148.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*@84-72-41-27.dclient.hispeed.ch *!*@static-138-89-253-5.atclnj.east.verizon.net *!*n=ubuntu@host-85-237-44-143.dsl.sura.ru *!*@host86-129-190-145.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] by fdoving === mode/#kubuntu [-bbbb *!*@mo-76-0-46-146.dhcp.embarqhsd.net *!*@84-73-115-78.dclient.hispeed.ch *!*@84-72-41-11.dclient.hispeed.ch *!*@stjhnf0122w-142162041002.pppoe-dynamic.nl.aliant.net] by fdoving === mode/#kubuntu [-bbb *!*@host86-130-60-4.range86-130.btcentralplus.com *!*@p54982F75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de *!*@ottawa-dial-206-191-1-44.d-ip.magma.ca] by fdoving === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ACCEF1A7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [-o fdoving] by fdoving [08:36] hi..does anybody knows where can i find a good version of pacman or ms pacman for linux??? [08:37] Anyone know about wifi on a fujitsu lifebook b-2547? === |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl8-56.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:37] whre can i se in kubuntu what version i have === fabiche [n=fabiche@] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] wich is better of beryl/compiz and 3ddesktop?? Im currently using the last one because I think it uses less memory, correct? === francesco_ [n=francesc@host91-232-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:39] larss0n: kmenu -> system -> konsole , run the command 'lsb_release -cr [08:39] larss0n: without the ' [08:39] thx [08:40] what can i type in the console to update to edgy [08:40] !upgrade [08:40] See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) === david_ [n=david@104.Red-88-3-179.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === david__ [n=david@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === fiddler [n=fiddler@dslb-084-063-082-207.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === jamonation [n=jamonati@bas1-toronto02-1177912041.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [08:42] kann mir jemand verklickern wie ich meine nvidia karte an laufen bekomme....krise === vittorio [n=vittorio@host239-44-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Emilio [n=propieta@cm-81-9-156-17.telecable.es] has joined #kubuntu === fannagoganna [n=islam@mail.astro.Virginia.EDU] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [08:43] !de | fiddler [08:43] fiddler: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de === anirban [n=anirban@] has joined #kubuntu [08:44] !fiddler [08:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about fiddler - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [08:44] How to install Fire fox in Kubuntu [08:44] I did sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install firefox [08:44] nothing happens === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:45] update firefox from what version? === OOD [n=sebastia@dsl-132-8.aei.ca] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === moneyfirst [n=hyapadi@] has joined #kubuntu === simon__ [n=simon@dslb-084-062-050-065.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] if my adept manager is hanging at installing and has been for last coupld hours will shutting it down and restarting the install mess with anything? === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === pvdk [n=pvdk@] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] I am having to compile an older version of the ieee80211 subsystem to get my wireless card to work [08:48] and on make it deletes the source directory rather than doing anything, anyone experienced this? [08:48] the ssame package seemst ow ork for other people, and I can't find anything in the makefile === amichai [n=amichai@] has joined #kubuntu === amichai is now known as yahalom === Ahmuck_____ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck_____ is now known as Ahmuck [08:51] my kdewallet doesn't remember my password! when i check the settings it has them all stored. any ideas? === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:51] I'm looking for a good download manager that can split download. could you recommend some? thx [08:51] hi [08:51] Guys... when I add a new panel.. === Alter-Ego_ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [08:52] a docking panel [08:52] it doesn't let me configure it. [08:53] How to configure 3d DESKTOP with Xgl & nvidia plz /Q me !!! HELP me !! [08:54] nobody else have this issue/ [08:54] ? === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:55] I have no version of firefox installed Sepaphangle === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-095.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu === Troobloo [i=Troobloo@cpe-24-33-20-172.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu === d0uglas [n=asdf@ool-43560abf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] Hi. Running gnome-terminal in kde. How can I specify which browser gnome-terminal uses when launching urls? It's not paying attention to what i have set in the kontrol panel or whatever === Troobloo [i=Troobloo@cpe-24-33-20-172.midsouth.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu [] [08:58] Can someone please tell me why I cannot configure my dock panel? [08:58] i cant even add applications to it from draggin and dropping. [08:58] guys [08:59] is a 700mb cdrw enough to burn the edgy iso? === ScarFreewill [n=freewill@] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] yes === flattersr [n=flatters@host86-128-56-247.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] no you need the special 703mb burners [08:59] okay [08:59] .... [09:00] sorry that wasn'st funny === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:00] i just didnt know if you needed a cdr or if a cdrw could do it [09:00] cdrws are wimpy [09:00] Uh... I'd stick to CD-R. [09:00] Yo can someone help me with my panel problem? === bartek [n=bartek@bl254.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] Last time I was able to actually modify my panel... now I can't do with it. [09:01] otoh you do save a lot of pennies with cdrws (if you reuse them just in time before they die photovotalically) [09:01] tamacracker: right click your panel and unlock it ? === reyes [n=reyes@1.Red-83-61-143.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] its unlocked === poco [n=rael@lns-bzn-42-82-255-115-71.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] hi [09:02] this is extra panel, my docking panel so that i can add applications to it that i tend to use a lot. === TheGateKeeper [n=m@82-36-116-138.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] i have no more net on my system... interface eth0 seems not found (nothing in dmesg too) === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E071FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === d0uglas [n=asdf@ool-43560abf.dyn.optonline.net] has left #kubuntu [] [09:05] poco: what does "ifconfig -a" say ? === amichai_ [n=amichai@] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] poco: or "lspci -v", for that matter [09:05] lo0 sit0 === ScarFreewill [n=freewill@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:05] when ever I try to do aptitude install firefox [09:05] poco: is this a normal PCI card, or a PCMCIA NIC ? [09:05] adaptr, nothing with lspci, got a "illegal vendor id unknown device ffff (rev ff)" on the last line [09:06] I get a mesg No Candidate version found for fire fox [09:06] poco: looks like it may be toast - I would try to open the box and re-seat the card, then see what happens [09:06] adaptr, a powerpc card, it worked until the last system update (a not completed one) [09:06] poco: there's no such thing, it's either PCI or not PCI [09:07] in amarok, has anyone noticed the playlist displaying track times incorrectly [09:07] anirban: so there probably isn't one - you tell us mighty little to go on here === ToyMan [n=stuq@dpc6714368169.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === Ahmuck_____ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === Alter-Ego__ [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === amichai [n=amichai@] has joined #kubuntu === Alter-Ego__ is now known as Alter-Ego === firs [n=firs@n38h105.catv.ext.ru] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] hah - I'm now waiting for alter_ego to be known as "the_same_guy" :) [09:09] Does anyone know why the docking panel is not allowed to be configured? [09:09] Bubba_Gump: I only have that on some songs === hades [n=hades@c29-190.icpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu === khirr [n=khirr@] has joined #kubuntu === dumbkiwi [n=matt@203-114-186-21.bitstream.sta.fx.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [09:12] file: No such file or directory [09:12] /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory [09:12] khirr@khirr-desktop:~$ [09:12] why? === scooter [n=scooter@FL-ESR1-216-196-165-110.fuse.net] has joined #kubuntu === seby [n=seby@ip-87-238-7-157.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] why this error? [09:15] ok, my eth0 card is a sungem pci on an imac g3 it is now unrecognized by my kubuntu system after an upgrade (my old kubuntu cdrom still recognize it) === dgiulian [n=dgiulian@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Nickenyfiken [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === Silmethule [n=silmethu@egi70.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] Got a illegal vendor idd unknown device with lspci === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] how i can install on my 6.06 kde 3.2 or newer === Vuen_ [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088839668.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] the newest one [09:19] hey guys, rather simple question here, where do i configure my screensaver? [09:19] poco: you earlier said "incomplete upgrade" - that could be painful === flattersr [n=flatters@host86-128-56-247.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] can i upgrade my old kde to the 3> version ? [09:20] adaptr, strange no ? it's only a kernel thing... [09:20] hi room [09:20] having a slight problem with kubuntu === bubu1uk [n=bubu1uk@195-112-11-243.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:21] adaptr, ok, the sungem module was not loaded... === ivan__ [n=ivan@eu85-84-66-165.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #kubuntu === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-6-53.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] the screen is slightly off the right, which mean that some of the icons on my menu options are partially displayed === max_ [n=max@] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] is there a way of correcting this [09:22] where are the bootsplash screens located? [09:23] flattersr, using the buttons on your screen ? === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] (hard screen) [09:23] argh [09:23] guys [09:23] where do i configure my screensaver? [09:23] hard screen? === frafum [n=frafum@vodsl-9409.vo.lu] has joined #kubuntu === hades [n=hades@c29-190.icpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] where are the bootsplash screens located? [09:25] for some reason my kaffeine doesnt' want to start. it used to. now i only get that running icon when it's starting, but then it disapears, and it doesnt really start [09:25] flattersr, the monitor === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] any1 knows what can be problem? === thomerz [n=thomerz@] has joined #kubuntu [09:26] bubu1uk, start it inside a konsole to see the rror [09:26] no error === verbose [i=nobody@24-155-26-181.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:26] tried to reinstall kaffeine and kaffeine-xine, no result [09:26] echo $? [09:27] hi, can i ask questions about installing fglrx here? === [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Kubuntu [09:27] how do i do that echo? echo $kaffeine? [09:27] guys, seriously. kubuntu must have a screensaver somewhere. where is it? [09:28] how can i change one file name since kopnsole? [09:28] Vuen_, in the control panel ? === Imagine [n=Imagine@modemcable207.205-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] or maybe also right-button on the desktop and then somewhere [09:28] since konsole? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@82-40-18-8.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] how i can upgrade my kde from 6.06LTS to the newest version of kde ? [09:29] bubu1uk, type "kaffeine", and then "echo $?" [09:29] Vuen_: control panel > desktop === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Morrissey [n=gnaleo@2.84-48-194.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] poco: no output. [09:29] hades, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php [09:29] ah, Desktop. that's a pretty obscure place to put it. [09:29] hi, how can I filter out wich packages installed takes up most of my space?? is there a way? === ugn [n=ugn@dslb-088-070-009-118.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:29] bubu1uk, and after the echo $? [09:30] vuen_: u can do it if u right click on desktop and properties. === okon [n=okon@dslb-088-070-009-118.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] poco: did 'kaffeine echo $', right? [09:30] kaffeine; echo $? [09:30] hi [09:30] hi okon [09:30] sombody have p5b motherboard? [09:31] poco: output is '$' === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@82-40-18-8.cable.ubr03.uddi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:31] i just installed edgy [09:31] and get grub error 21 [09:31] bubu1uk, try kaffeine -v ? === linuxbomb [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] tried to find some info but seem to be a problem with the kernel [09:32] i am getting "quits" in programs I use [09:32] poco: gives me versions of qt, KDE and kaffeine === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] poco: kaffeine --verbose doesnt give me output too === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] okon, maybe the devices specified in boot.conf are not correct ? === Digital-Pioneer [n=digitalp@h132.206.255.206.cable.srcy.cablelynx.com] has joined #kubuntu === Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host25-63-dynamic.10-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] Hi. I'm in Kubuntu Edgy, and whenever I right-click to pull up a context menu, I get one or two message boxes that I have to OK before getting the menu. [09:34] "Couldn't connect DCOP signal. Won't receive any status notifications! === genefitz [n=genefitz@c-24-22-247-178.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] " [09:35] poco : do u have an idea how i can find it out [09:35] poco: any other ideas? [09:35] does anyone know how to check which version of flash i have, im missing fonts, so im assuming i need to update. [09:35] poco: tried to compile new kernel but without effect [09:35] okon: does kernel points to right partitions, where it should be? === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu === thomerz [n=thomerz@] has joined #kubuntu === josh_ [n=josh@CPE001485342c8d-CM0014e8b5713c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:36] okon, paste your /boot/grub/grub.conf somewhere === Vuen_ [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088839668.dsl.bell.ca] has left #kubuntu [] === whoblah [n=whoblah@24-75-177-142.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] bubu1uk: yes but i think its a known bug for 2.6.17 [09:38] i dont understand something [09:38] There is no such file as /boot/grub/grub.conf === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] 3d things in beryl are really slow [09:38] It's actually /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:38] but i can drag a laggy 3d window and its perfectly smooth [09:38] poco : in /boot/grub/ is no grum.conf do u mean menu.list? [09:38] okon: /boot/grub/menu.lst [09:38] so does it mean that the video card is doing beryl and my cpu is rendering 3d? === SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] Hawkwind, menu.lst is no more used [09:38] #kubuntu-xgl [09:39] okon: yes, menu.lst [09:39] #ubuntu-xgl [09:39] josh_: tryin to join channels? [09:39] poco: Yes it is [09:39] poco: grub.conf has never existed [09:39] poco: He's on Dapper, not Edgy [09:40] mm.. [09:40] yeah lo [09:40] i'm in the one i want [09:40] could anybody help though === Digital-Pioneer [n=digitalp@h132.206.255.206.cable.srcy.cablelynx.com] has left #kubuntu ["It] === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dslb-088-070-009-118.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:41] anyone know why a machine won't allow me to login through ssh from one host but will another? [09:41] http://rafb.net/paste/results/e1zJO236.html [09:41] poco: http://rafb.net/paste/results/e1zJO236.html [09:41] jamonation: does it use same port? [09:41] bubu1uk: yeah [09:41] hosts file(s) is/are clean [09:42] is there a log of ssh events I could check? [09:42] nothing in /var/log/messages [09:43] /var/log/sshd/current ? [09:43] depends on your logger... [09:43] cool, I'll check === mrgibson_ [n=mrgibson@bas2-quebec09-1242404076.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] okon, "/sbin/fdisk /dev/hda" type "p" and check the partitions ? === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] poco: everything rigth === drbreen_ [n=drbreen_@RAS24-102.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] whats the command to give the reg user permission to use a drive? i cant open any of my files on my other drives since only root has the permissions [09:46] poco: do you know where there is a deb of 2.6.18 kernel? === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === thomerz [n=thomerz@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E071FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:50] anyone know? === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] seraphangel: there is no "command" - you have to either set the right permissions or alter the mount parameters to allow said permissions [09:52] i already set right mount parameters and still same would i have to restart? === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] and chmodint the drive 644 doesnt work [09:53] seraphangel: what kind of data are we talking about ? [09:53] video files [09:53] and what does it say the permissions actually *are* ? [09:53] all say locked [09:53] some one of u can send my the library libpthread.so.0?? [09:53] but weird cuss 2 of the files dont say theyre locked === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@12-207-81-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === dalbirdy [n=dalbirdy@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one_ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:59] !libc6 [09:59] libc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.4-1ubuntu12 (edgy), package size 4032 kB, installed size 9988 kB === tamacracker [n=tamacrac@c-67-191-48-48.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === faderhval [n=faderhva@0x535dfd50.arcnxe1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #Kubuntu === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E071FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] danny === JRH3K5 [n=elyas2k@12-207-81-148.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === alef-null [n=alef0@M1019P028.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === josh_ [n=josh@CPE001485342c8d-CM0014e8b5713c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:03] !svn [10:03] svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ [10:03] ubuntu-xgl [10:03] #ubuntu-xgl [10:03] -_- [10:04] why doesnt ubotutells me in which repo svn is? === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:04] i know that svn is something like cvs -_- [10:04] !info svn [10:04] Package svn does not exist in any distro I know [10:04] !info subversion === larss0n [n=larss0n@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:04] subversion: advanced version control system (aka. svn). In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.2-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 203 kB, installed size 3020 kB [10:04] does anybody have experience with cedega? [10:05] josh_: The guys in #WineHQ do :) [10:05] thx === nelson_ [n=nelson@] has joined #kubuntu === nelson_ is now known as Rojo === bech [n=bech@ALille-254-1-18-232.w86-192.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === seraphangel [n=seraph@] has joined #kubuntu === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === syock [i=proxyuse@221-186-8-83.ip1.george24.com] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1417a.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === carlosg [n=carlos@] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] uh.. hello. My display settings show that I have an NVIDIA GeForce 6 Series device using nv driver, even though i`ve set it to use nvidia driver in /etc/X11/xorg.conf . Is this normal? === claire [n=claire@pac33-1-82-235-249-246.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:12] syock: did you install nvidia-glx? [10:12] I installed it in Ubuntu, do I need to reinstall here as well? [10:12] no === arrautza [n=arrautza@pc-142-241-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] syock: what happens when you change the driver from nv to nvidia? === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@bl5-221-111.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] syock: and than restart X === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] hi [10:14] how? [10:14] let me try that first [10:15] syock: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [10:15] !libpthread.so.0 === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about libpthread.so.0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:15] libpthread [10:15] !libpthread [10:15] Sorry, I don't know anything about libpthread - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:16] mare.. [10:16] khirr: use apt:/ in konqueror, or http://packages.ubuntu.com [10:16] away.. tv. === nesha [n=nesha@kovin-wrap.donet.co.yu] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] i've couldnt found this [10:16] do u have this library? === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:17] gnomefreak: I think I did that a while back before, it changes just xorg.conf and nothing else AFAIK [10:18] syock: is your busid right? [10:18] gnomefreak: how do I look that up? [10:18] syock: pastebin the output of lspci -v === ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@bl5-46-201.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] gnomefreak: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100] (rev a2) (prog-if 00 [VGA] ) === PsiKloPx [n=steve@adsl-68-88-123-15.dsl.lgvwtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] gnomefreak: so i set it at 0:5:0 [10:20] gnomefreak: should be alright right, wright? [10:20] syock: it should be 00:05:0 [10:20] maybe 00 at end [10:20] gnomefreak: it`s not the same? [10:20] hold on a sec [10:20] no === Ace2016 [n=ace@194-247-235-255.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:21] syock: mine is 02:09.0 and i had to set mine to 02:09:0 [10:22] in xorg.conf it left off the 05 and was just 5 [10:22] so had to change it to get it to work [10:22] okay restarting X === jerrold [n=jerrold@S0106001217ad31a7.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === syock [i=proxyuse@221-186-8-83.ip1.george24.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:24] syock: you have X? [10:24] how can paste on nano?? [10:25] arrautza: cant really :( [10:25] copy & paste? [10:25] gnomefreak: Just as I thought, it didn`t change anything on Display Settings. I wonder if I can just ignore? [10:25] arrautza: nope [10:25] i don't know... [10:25] new to linux..newer to kubunto..but i installed kxdocker thru apt-get and the adept manager gui...its in the taskbar..but when i launch it through there..it tries to do something but nothing shows up [10:25] can i? === gambix [n=fabien@APoitiers-156-1-9-125.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] :( [10:25] from the console i get a "cannot connect to X server" error..any ideas? [10:25] arrautza: if you run on GTK terminal maybe you can [10:25] syock: i dont understand what you mean [10:25] ?? [10:25] yeah, my usb thumbdrive committed suicide last night [10:25] arrautza: you have a gui? [10:26] arrautza: you cant copy with ctrl-c from some gui..and middle mouse click in the nano terminal to paste [10:26] syock: you have to change it. if i understand you right [10:26] i wont to improbe my source list and kate can't open it... so i think on nano... [10:26] can copy with ctrl-c soryr [10:26] gonna try thnk [10:26] arrautza: do you see menu or kicker or anything [10:27] on kate or on nano? === aimtrainer [n=aimtrain@pD9E10FD1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] hi! Soemhow I cant write "d" in my console. In other applications the d-key doess work - anybody an idea? [10:27] anyone have kxdocker working with kubuntu? gettin beryl to work was easier than this :P [10:27] gnomefreak: Well, KDE has its own special control panel, right? And it has this display settings too, but it incorrectly displays my display driver as nv instead of nvidia. Though I`m convinced that my X is running on nvidia. So I think it may be a bug on KDE`s part. [10:27] arrautza: on your desktop [10:27] arrautza: you can ctrl-c copy from kate, and middle mouse click to paste into nano [10:27] syock: no thats normal [10:27] my desktop is clear [10:27] thkns jerrold [10:27] arrautza: is it black or do you see a K in the left bototm corner [10:27] which java package should I install? [10:28] jerrold: if hes in tty he cant C&P [10:28] Nuked: sun-java5-plugin [10:28] anyone have exp with kxdocker? [10:28] I see the K [10:28] Nuked: unless for devel [10:28] gnome: oh right..ya.. === method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:28] arrautza: ty than copy and paste will work fine in kate [10:28] but he said he's using kate [10:28] or nano [10:28] jerrold: he said kate wouldnt open [10:28] gnomefreak: will that work for opera? [10:28] kate can't open souce.list [10:29] arrautza: sources.list [10:29] rigth sory [10:29] srry [10:29] Nuked: once its installed. you have to set the path in opera [10:29] !opera | Nuked [10:29] Nuked: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser [10:29] Nuked: that will tell you what to add and where [10:29] I dont use the opera in the commercial repos [10:30] I use the weekly builds [10:30] no one with kxdocker experience? :P [10:30] Nuked: doesnt matter [10:30] jerrold I had installed it, but never got around to using it [10:30] lol gnomefreak [10:30] Nuked: all your looking at is the java path [10:31] after working fine under dapper I'm pulling my hair out trying to get my linksys pci wireless card to work after installing edgy (full install - not upgrade) - I've followed instructions I've found on the forums with no luck. How can I reset everything to start over? [10:31] jerrold: last i heard it didnt work too good [10:31] gnome, cool you`re like handling every problems posted here. I wonder how you can react so fast to many questions [10:31] jerrold: i have also been gone for 5ish days [10:32] hi again [10:32] syock: i am in 20 or so channels atm too === mutlu_inek [n=mutlu@pool-72-92-108-240.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryg [n=ryg@pD9E84E3C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] nuked: i installed it thru apt-get..but it doesnt seem to do anything ;p cant connect to xserver...im using beryl + nvidia drivers as my desktop [10:32] whats command that shows output of something line by line? === gnomefreak takes breaks :) [10:32] Ace2016: what do you mean? [10:32] crazy!!! [10:32] Ace2016: you can do command | less [10:32] gnomefreak: i want to look at ./configure --help line bu line [10:32] oh right less goes after the command [10:33] right got it, thanks [10:33] Ace2016: try ./configure --help | less but not sure if it will work with ./configure never tried it [10:34] Gnome or kde??? i have kubuntu , but all my friends tell to change to ubuntu... [10:34] kde is the best [10:34] arrautza: Ha ha, some friends you have [10:34] if you go from kde to gnome you will miss features all over the place === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66431.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] arrautza: use what you like dont rely on others opinions [10:35] seriously [10:35] <|lostbyte|> arrautza, Make them change to kubuntu. [10:35] the gnome file dialogue drives me insane i hate gtk [10:35] hahahaha.... thks [10:35] arrautza: just stick with what you have first [10:35] arrautza: try them all! MUAHAHAHA === coreymon [n=coreymon@unaffiliated/coreymon77] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] Nuked: To be frank, I just installed kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop today for that purpose === tdn [n=tdn@] has joined #kubuntu === polete [n=polete@] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] Ace2016: agree === metalman [n=metalman@ABayonne-151-1-32-149.w83-203.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] I`m trying out KDE checking out what it`s all about, figuring out how to do common tasks... now passing out? just kidding [10:37] kde looks much more like windows... thats give the krisp === coreymon is now known as coreymon77 [10:37] guys === sF|Xemanth [n=juho@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === xorix [n=XoR@] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] how can i do to when my dapper load, look as edgy load... [10:38] is that part of kde 3.5.5? === poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] khirr: you mean the ksplash theme? [10:39] So is it also normal for KControl to allow only refresh rates of 50, 52, 53, 54 Hz at 1280x1024? Because my monitor has a vrange of 55-76, and it`s also in xorg.conf already. [10:39] yes.. [10:39] mean....load bar [10:40] khirr: just after grub? or after the login screen? [10:40] when kubuntu is loading...y talk about load bar [10:40] yes [10:40] guys [10:40] after grub [10:40] syock: check the rates on your monitor from thier website. i found ubuntu didnt set right rates so i changed them [10:40] before login screen [10:40] my friend is trying to use kbuntu live cd [10:40] after grub [10:41] have anyone experience with an 64 bit computer? [10:41] but his boot sequence is the default hard drive is firrst priority thing === Dinofly [n=dinofly@lns-bzn-51f-62-147-196-207.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] !usplash [10:41] usplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto [10:41] can you guys help me explain to him how to change the boot sequence [10:41] ? [10:41] coreymon77: change the order or change what starts and what doesn't? [10:41] gnomefreak: well I`ve checked and reconfigured xserver-xorg accordingly. It still doesn`t show up right in KDE. It`s okay in gnome though. [10:41] khirr: there is the way to change dappers usplash to edgys if you have edgys downloaded [10:42] coreymon77: bum can change what starts [10:42] no [10:42] but, i dont wanna use edgy, i wanna use dapper, but, i'd like see load bar as edgy [10:42] gnomefreak: actually gnome, on the other hand, only allows a refresh rate of 75 Hz [10:42] syock: that maybe a kde issue but Xorg spans over any gui [10:42] i want to change it so that if there is a bootable cd in the drive [10:42] it will boot off of it first [10:42] and not the hard drive [10:42] gnomefreak: ha, thought so [10:42] i know how to do it [10:42] ive done it myself [10:42] i miss dapper's loading bar, i think it looked better [10:42] coreymon77: set boot from cd in your bios [10:42] i just need help explaining it to my friend === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:42] T_T [10:43] Ace2016: take the word quiet out of the boot options in grub menu.lst [10:43] is the load bar a theme? [10:43] gnomefreak: i know that, ive done it, ive had that setting for years, im just having ytrouble explaining to my friend hwo todo it [10:43] coreymon77: that depends on the system not ubuntu. dell uses like f3 at boot time or F11 [10:44] khirr: the theme is the whole picture with loadbar and rest [10:44] uhmm, i'l back i half hour, i gonna install dapper [10:44] brb [10:44] wait [10:45] coreymon77: isn`t that some bios setting [10:45] khirr: i dont think edgys will work on dapper [10:45] yes [10:45] it is [10:45] just remembered the colors were changed [10:45] coreymon77: depends on what bios your friend uses. usually f2 during boot starts the BIOS setup [10:46] or was it f8? or f12? === Vladdy [n=maarten@guesswhos.boldlygoingnowhere.org] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] or even DEL? [10:46] syock: system bios differ [10:46] ha, thought so [10:46] wait a sec [10:47] would have to know the bios version/type of pc it is [10:47] hmm.. I'm trying to build a kernel that will be binary compatible with ubuntu's kernel, but I can't find any info on how to accomplish that [10:47] coreymon77: ask your friend what kind of screen it starts with [10:47] im getting him to this channel [10:47] two secs [10:48] coreymon77: good luck on Ubuntizing [10:48] guys [10:48] i already have edgy === Vladdy is close to just writing a letter to ubuntu and demanding code :O [10:48] ive used kubuntu for a very long time [10:48] right noe [10:48] im converting y friend [10:48] demanding code? [10:48] bringing him to the light [10:48] if you knwo what i mean [10:48] code is open [10:48] but I can't find how to get it.. === __osh__ [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === theresa [n=theresa@chello084112026078.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] need to patch kernel for loop-aes support preferably without breaking all possible modules, kind of hard without same kernel tree as ubuntu's === stasek [n=stasek@] has joined #kubuntu === zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-96-9-dsl.ispone.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] Vladdy: if its open source and in ubuntu repos just grab the src repos === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:50] coreymon77: Ask him to tell us what his screen looks like when his PC boots up [10:50] him or her? [10:50] Vladdy: apt-get source packagename [10:50] its a him === macconline [n=macconli@] has joined #kubuntu [10:50] it gives some weird 'meta' === stasek [n=stasek@] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@g33218.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:50] if i am to compile vlc should i compile ffmpeg from svn too? [10:50] linux-mea- === theresa [n=theresa@chello084112026078.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:50] didn't know what to do with it [10:51] nevermind [10:51] Vladdy: i think you want linux-source === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu === mosconi [n=mosconi@c-24-131-130-213.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:51] any KDE experts here? === puller [n=puller@ool-4350dd8e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] how do I build it, though :S [10:52] when i try debian/control configure it fails on sanity check === ben2 [n=ben2@AReims-157-1-96-197.w90-7.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] can i have help configuring kopete? [10:53] syock: just ask your question === crazy_bus [n=philip@] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] can somone help me configure sound in kopete? [10:54] CVirus: is it normal for KControl`s display settings to show my NVIDIA card using nv driver even though it`s set to nvidia in xorg.conf? [10:55] 2132123 [10:58] 2132123.... is it some lucky number? === zorba64 [n=zorba64@124-254-96-9-dsl.ispone.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:59] ah lol.. old config should work :D [10:59] syock: most probably its a bug ... glxinfo | grep rendering === shane_ [n=shane@] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] still, kernel source package is v2.6.17.13 and my /boot kernel is v2.6.10 [10:59] :S [11:00] CVirus: it says direct rendering: Yes [11:00] 2.17.10* [11:00] syock: file a bug report regarding KControl then [11:00] CVirus: yup, i had it load GLX === yango_ [n=yango@unaffiliated/yango] has joined #kubuntu === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:04] CVirus: maybe I`ll check out any existing bugs regarding this one === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === bobbyd [n=rob@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:05] any idea why k3b would say it cant write with a device but k3bsetup says everything is OK? === Nakkel^ [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === keith [n=keith@ip70-179-188-226.dl.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] I installed Edgy fresh on my Desktop this morning, and I got sound out of my 5.1 card, worked great. I rebooted, now it's showing my onboard sound as primary (and it's even disabled in BIOS). How can I make my sound go back out of my Sound Blaster? === ramon [n=momo@static-business-212-101-24-163.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu === pichi_ [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === pichi [n=pichi@ACB24FB7.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] Hi, I'm trying to get zeroconf to work, but it's not living up to it's name :) I have two edgy installs, I ticked the "enable zeroconf network browsing" on both machines, but I can't see anything when i use the zeroconf:/ ioslave in konqueror [11:07] anyone got any ideas on how to debug it? === Alter-Ego [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] anyone have experience with 64 bits processor' [11:09] arrautza: Hi! I`m currently running Kubuntu on AMD64 === esaym [n=esaym@cpe-24-162-149-45.hot.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === mutlu_inek1 [n=mutlu@pool-72-92-108-240.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === mutlu_inek1 is now known as mutlu_inek === joskar_ [n=joskar@c-3bafe355.34-14-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === Horst [n=Miranda@p54AA385F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === carlosg [n=carlos@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:13] I'm under the stong impression that installing athlon64 version of kubuntu is a really painful process that only super experienced users should really attempt. [11:13] I just did that? === milian [n=milian@p54BE92B7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === jaaroo [n=jaro@x53.mykey.cz] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] http://polishlinux.org/linux/ubuntu/kubuntu-606-on-athlon-64/ [11:15] I have another issue however...getting SLI to work..can't seem to work that out :/ [11:15] Programs run faster, but many of them you have to emulate in 32bit mode which is fairly simple. Firefox under 32bit mode is the only way to run flash. [11:15] k3b is trying to use the wrong device. how can i configure which device it tries to write to? === Darko [n=darko@] has joined #kubuntu [11:15] 32bit mode is extremely important. and the link i gave explains a lot. im a new users so i dont know much more than that. [11:16] I installed Edgy fresh on my Desktop this morning, and I got sound out of my 5.1 card, worked great. I rebooted, now it's showing my onboard sound as primary (and it's even disabled in BIOS). How can I make my sound go back out of my Sound Blaster? [11:16] anyone know how to activate berly xgl [11:16] darko... darko from chile? [11:16] no [11:16] serbia [11:16] ha sorry [11:16] if you don`t care about 64-bit computing you can always resort to the 32-bit version [11:17] k [11:17] I strooongly recomend 32bit versions of kubuntu :D [11:17] i have a 64 bit computer & i install a 64 bit version of kubuntu... [11:17] Download the 32bit then : p [11:17] but have problems with nicotine or flash player [11:17] e3: I remember running the new Flash 9 Beta under 64... or was I wrong? [11:17] Darko: http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/AiGLX [11:17] i been there [11:18] i instaled it [11:18] i used automatix2 though [11:18] I dont think flash9 runs on 64bit but im not entirly sure. === momo [n=momo@] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] i have a configuration panel [11:18] so? [11:18] but i can not activate it === soulrider [n=mauro@r190-0-142-59.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] i think not [11:18] and i have ati card [11:18] hi everyone [11:18] with ati drivers running [11:18] sorry, I don't know anything about ati [11:18] maybetry the beryl forum [11:19] ok just asking "D [11:19] ati needs to get off their fat bums and program some awesome ati radeon drivers [11:19] :D [11:19] Darko, try #ubuntu-xgl [11:19] *GRR at stupid ati* [11:19] they help will almost anything that's 3d/graphics card related [11:19] tnx :D === NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@207-172-70-240.c3-0.sbo-ubr2.sbo.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu === voime [n=voime@88-196-109-206-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] ok, bluefish will not save, it just goes away, edgy, what is going on ? === Yaccin [n=yaccin@pD9E071FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === santi [n=santi@cm230151.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:29] e3 have you run flash player you say? [11:29] you have... sorry === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@h183n1c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === mnoir [n=bos@nwlnnhbas01-pool0-a50.nwlnnh.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu === Triple{X} [n=x@p548E5806.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === spoop [n=p@wolcott-cuda1-24-49-136-98.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === joskar_ [n=joskar@c-3bafe355.34-14-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === koabara [n=superops@201009049086.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === GNUro [n=GNUro@host214-161-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === xabii [n=javi@117.Red-83-49-144.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === naxio [n=naxio@eu85-84-10-223.clientes.euskaltel.es] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] i need help, i have a asrock k8nf6g-vsta , kubuntu doesn't recognize the integrated lan card [11:42] is a realtek phy rtl8201cl [11:42] what can i do? === puller [n=puller@ool-4350dd8e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:42] can i have help with soudn in kopete? [11:43] how can I import the pgp.mit.edu key? [11:43] puller: yes [11:43] where the heck is java? [11:43] puller: like notifications? [11:43] !java | nuked [11:43] nuked: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository [11:43] scott_w|lappy, well i am using kopete in gnome ubuntu edgy and it has no sound [11:44] puller: have you configured any notifications? [11:44] scott_w|lappy, is there a way to switch the sound to use gnome soudn i think it is trying to use arts [11:44] puller: give me two minutes [11:44] scott_w|lappy, yes i have configure notifications and the soudn ones dont work [11:44] scott ok [11:45] my lap top have an integrated camera... but i loose it since i hve kubuntu ( the software was for windows) how can i detect it?? [11:45] puller: i don't think it's trying to use arts [11:45] puller: my kubuntu install doesn't have arts installed iirc [11:45] puller: you can configure arts to output to esd (gnome sound). [11:45] or.. maybe it does =/ [11:45] weird [11:45] thought it didn't [11:45] scott_w|lappy: i belive it does. kdelibs depends on arts. [11:45] no, arts is part of the base install [11:45] yeah [11:46] so how can i get sound in kopete to work on gnome? [11:46] puller: as an aside, does it work in KDE? === ibert_ [n=ibert@chello062178204238.7.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [11:46] puller: do you have kcontrol installed? [11:47] yes it did when i used kde [11:47] kcontrol no because i am in gnome [11:47] puller: try running the arts daemon artsd [11:47] in gnome [11:47] see if that works === joshua__ [n=joshua@c-66-56-85-119.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:48] puller: if you open a terminal, and run the command 'kcontrol' does it start something? [11:48] is my love of transparency perverse in any way? [11:48] i find myself making everything transparent =/ [11:48] fdoving, nope i dont have kcontrol [11:48] i might have a problem === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-120-226-4.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === johey [n=johey@c-136-134-vas-l3.cust.mdfnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === jamonation [n=jamonati@bas1-toronto02-1242321327.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] running artsd also didnt work [11:50] any more ideas? [11:51] i'm out [11:51] grr this is stumping everyone [11:51] puller: hang on. [11:52] fdoving, hanging [11:52] puller: don't let go! [11:52] this is nuts. Opera cannot validate the java path (/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java) If thats not it, I don't know what else to put in its place [11:52] lol [11:53] puller: can you install kcontrol, package name is 'kcontrol' [11:53] sure === drbreen [n=drbreen_@RAS24-044.UNI-MUENSTER.DE] has joined #kubuntu [11:54] fdoving, its installing [11:54] somebody willing to help with this crazy java? [11:54] puller: when it's installed run it, from a terminal or from a 'run command..' dialog. [11:55] puller: navigate to 'sound & multimedia -> sound system' [11:55] ok [11:55] then what [11:55] go to the 'hardware' tab. [11:55] select 'Enlightened Sound Daemon' [11:56] wait [11:56] Nuked, [11:56] i only see soundsystem, system bell, and system notifications in the soung & multimedia [11:56] use /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0/ [11:56] yes Telroth_Plushie| [11:56] puller: select soundsystem. [11:57] Nuked, err, /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/ [11:57] puller: then inside the soundsystem module, you find two tabs 'General' and 'Hardware' right? [11:57] yes === arek [n=arek@dza202.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [11:57] puller: go to the hardware one. === bLaZeD [n=wls@unaffiliated/blazed] has joined #kubuntu [11:57] ok [11:57] Telroth_Plushie|: I tried that, and whats weirder is I tried locate libawt.so... nothing [11:57] ill try again [11:58] puller: Then you can select the sound device, in the drop down list, select 'Enlightened Sound Daemon'. [11:58] fdoving, next? [11:58] o [11:58] ok [11:58] then hit apply? [11:58] puller: after that, hit apply. yes. [11:58] Nuked, is the sun-java5-jdk package installed? [11:58] puller: then try to make some sounds in kopete. [11:58] Telroth_Plushie|: this just got weird [11:59] I entered in the path you gave me [11:59] and it was like, lets use this one instead /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/lib/i386 [11:59] I entered that twice [11:59] fdoving, great that worked! [11:59] thanks a bucnh [11:59] but I hit validate and all of a sudden its there [11:59] puller: ok, now hang on a bit longer [12:00] fdoving, why? [12:00] puller: to make this work when you start your gnome session you need to autostart artsd with your gnome session.. i'm not sure how to do that. [12:00] ok [12:00] thanks Telroth_Plushie| [12:00] fdoving, can u help lme figure it uot [12:00] puller: you can start with runnin 'ps x|grep artsd' in a terminal session, copy out the command. [12:00] puller: mine says '/usr/bin/artsd -F 7 -S 1024 -a alsa -s 2 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f' yours will say something similar. [12:01] mine says this [12:01] mike@mike-desktop:~$ ps x|grep artsd [12:01] 6479 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -a esd -s 60 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f [12:01] 6566 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep artsd [12:01] mike@mike-desktop:~$ === mikepence [n=mike@adsl-065-006-178-166.sip.bct.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu === nolimitsoya [n=nolimits@] has joined #kubuntu [12:01] puller: correct. hang on, i'll google for the gnome-way of autostarting things at login time. [12:02] ok [12:02] thanks === Nuked hates javascript === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu === www [n=www@dslb-088-064-187-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === dogsby [n=paul@i-83-67-43-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === khirr [n=khirr@] has joined #kubuntu === bronaugh [n=bronaugh@S0106525405f26ac3.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === mister_roboto [n=jrk@24-136-10-99.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:05] whee. [12:05] lol === osh [n=osh@81-229-112-185-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:05] kubuntu net installer... aka -ubuntu- net installer. complete with ubuntu, not kubuntu, graphics :P [12:05] but at least I don't have to burn a CD using the machine I'm about to install to. [12:06] What to do when wireless stopped working for no apparent reason? It seems to be registered with the AP but I don't get an IP. === joskar_ [n=joskar@c-3bafe355.34-14-64736c13.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #Kubuntu [12:07] did the wireless work at some point? [12:07] fdoving, tell me when you get that figured out [12:07] bronaugh: yep. I've been running it for weeks. It stopped working tonight. For no apparent reason. Downloading some stuff with a program that uses lots of connections... [12:08] oh yeah? [12:08] you sure the router didn't just keel over? [12:08] bronaugh: I've removed modules, restarted both the router and computer just to be sure. It works on this one that I'm writing on now (also wireless) but not on my "new" machine. [12:08] puller: put the command in a file, let's say your homedir/bin or something.. save it as artsd.sh (the command is '/usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -a esd -s 60 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f'), go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> Startup Programs.. add homedir/bin/artsd.sh there. [12:09] is there KDE installer? [12:09] fdoving, ok i am confused [12:09] Ooh I now have two panels! Apparently I cannot change settings for the second one. Bummer [12:09] osh: ok. === host-one__ [n=host-one@ip-1-166.sn1.eutelia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] osh: so ... what changed? [12:09] Very annoying. [12:09] khirr, try "sudo apt-get install kde" [12:10] can u explain it a little more simplier? [12:10] bronaugh: Not sure. I've done some upgrades but nothing that's required me to restart the machine. [12:10] puller: ok. do you have the terminal open? [12:10] there isnt [12:10] should i try withsource list? [12:10] yes [12:10] Very strange that it works for one computer but not the other. [12:10] what shold i agree? [12:11] osh: which wireless driver === ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] !repository [12:11] The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu [12:11] puller: ok. first we make a directory for scripts, we'll name it bin. run the command 'mkdir ~/bin'. [12:11] ok