
Nailorsound scary. :)12:05
zucaritasbmc stands for Broadcom12:07
NailorYeah, I know12:08
NailorAnd havent heard any good of those12:08
zucaritasyes that's true12:08
zucaritasI do have a linksys PCMCIA card 12:09
Nailorthat works though?12:09
zucaritasI wanted the integrated one to work too12:09
zucaritasdo you think I should use ndiswrapper or should I use the native driver?12:10
jbrettzucaritas: I think broadcom have published a binary driver for that card, but I don't have the URL handy.12:10
NailorWell, it couldn't hurt to dry12:10
NailorYeah, I remember broadcom binary drivers too12:11
zucaritasokey I'll google til I get those12:11
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jbrettzucaritas: http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php12:15
zucaritasthe only problem is that the doiver is for x86 and my laptop y a Turion 6412:24
zucaritasI should try it anyway right?12:24
jbrettyeah, binary drivers suck that way (and many other ways too)..12:52
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moeSizlakhow hot is too hot for a centrino 1.7GHz cpu ?07:38
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moeSizlakdo you guys sell hubcaps for a '72 Ford Pinto hatchback?08:30
BurgundaviamoeSizlak: is that supposed to be funny?08:30
moeSizlakonly if u understodd an dappreciated the reference08:30
moeSizlak*nd a08:31
Burgundaviablue bros, right?08:31
moeSizlaksame genre, yet funnier movie08:31
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ulaashi! fn keys on vaio vgn-fe11h11:57
ulaasany experience?11:57
ulaaspoulap: !sound?12:00
poulapdoes not work lol12:01
ulaason the vaiao you mean?12:03
poulapi have a toshiba sat p10012:03
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Spliffsterhi. i am using a laptop with 2 batteries and considering upgrading to edgy. i have seen that there is a known issue with multiple batteries in edgy listed in the release notes. how serious are the problems ? what's it about ?08:45
BurgundaviaSpliffster: the issue is with gnome power manager automatically suspending the computer becuase it doesn't realize the second battery is there09:00
LureSpliffster: you can workaround it by using gconf setting09:03
SpliffsterLure, Burgundavia: thank you for the information. i might consider updating then.09:04
Burgundaviano worries09:04
LureSpliffster: check this for workaround: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/60442/comments/1809:06
Spliffsteroh, i am not hotplugging my 2nd battery .. it is eighter there or not upun boot. does it still affect me ?09:07
BurgundaviaI think so09:08
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kestazcat /proc/acpi/processor/C000/info11:26
kestazpower management:        no11:26
kestazhow to enable power managment??11:26
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