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mamzers555hello, i postet some information to an existing bug, but i don't remember which bug it was, how can i find out this?01:48
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boricuahow can i see bugs submited by me in launchpad02:46
boricuai forgot the bug #02:47
mdke_boricua: go to your homepage, then click bugs, then Bugs reported02:47
boricuai dont see bugs reported there02:47
mdke_top left02:48
boricuain between what?02:48
boricuamdke_, in between what  i still dont see it02:49
mdke_in between "Assigned" and "Subscribed"02:49
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mdke_or do a page search (ctrl + F) on "reported"02:49
boricuai dont see any of that02:50
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad
mdke_boricua: did you go to your homepage and click "Bugs"?02:50
mdke_give me the url02:51
boricuaok i see it now02:51
boricuaonce a bug is in progress how long before a fix?02:52
mdke_it depends on who is fixing it and how difficult it is to fix02:53
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=== glehnhoff [n=glehnhof@p54B25622.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad
glehnhoffAm I here right? I try to login into launchpad in order to report an Evolution IMAP bug. I have my E-Mail and Password but the system does not log me in. Any idea what is going on?03:21
=== Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-60-91.25-151.libero.it] has joined #launchpad
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glehnhoffI am desperately looking for someone who can help with the Launchpad-Login. I try to login into launchpad in order to report an Evolution IMAP bug. I have my E-Mail and Password but the system does not log me in. Any idea what is going on? I even let resend my password to my E-Mail-Address and put in a new password, all the same. I can't log-in. There is even no error message or anything like this. Help would be nice04:28
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metresHello, I have a problem registering OpenPGP keys... 08:55
metresThe system doesnt want to Import my Key08:55
metresI succeed thanks anyway08:58
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metresIs there anybody ?09:22
mdkemetres: try asking, but it's a Sunday so you might not find a lot of people09:27
metreshello mdke :) I want to help but I dont know where to start...09:34
mdkehelp in what way?09:34
metrestest or develop packages09:34
mdkemetres: for Ubuntu? You need an Ubuntu channel for that. Try #ubuntu-motu for helping develop packages09:35
metresperfect thanks I'll try this09:36
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