
Adri2000the debuild test of revu-report doesn't list the binary files?12:11
imbrandonthink about it like this, if it was signed with his key , why couldent he just upload it :)12:11
imbrandonminghua: ^12:12
pygiI don't have the powers ^_^12:12
imbrandonanyhow bbiab12:12
crimsunman, this report in #ubuntu just makes me have even warmer and fuzzier feelings for checkinstall12:13
pygivil, poke12:13
crimsun(checkinstalled alsa-driver, which of course blows away linux-sound-base and alsa-base's configuration)12:14
minghuapygi: uploaded (with .dsc signed by you)12:14
minghuato everyone helped: thanks.  I know I can sign the .dsc myself, I wanted to play with this a little :-)12:15
pygiminghua, thanks12:15
imbrandonminghua: right but the archive will reject it, check your email12:15
imbrandonotherwise he could have just uploaded it12:15
crimsunI'm not even sure it will be a reject, tbh, though I don't know how closely katie resembles soyuz these days12:16
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imbrandontrue , it might just silently die12:16
pygiminghua, ehm :p12:16
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imbrandonanyhow , back to reloading the laptop12:17
Fujitsuminghua: Is that the best way? That's how my package does it now, I was wondering if there is a better day.12:18
pygiminghua, seems like you have to sign and reupload ^)^12:18
Fujitsuimbrandon: It should just silently die.12:18
minghuaFujitsu: which way are you asking about?  the "keep the .dsc signature and sign .changes only" way?12:22
Fujitsuminghua: sys.path.append().l12:22
minghuaFujitsu: I always use that, I know it's quite hackish12:22
FujitsuThat's what I thought.12:23
FujitsuIt works, but is hackish.12:23
minghuaFujitsu: I don't know any others though.  You see, I am just a beginner in python12:23
minghuapygi, imbrandon, crimsun:  it seems soyuz is happy with the package12:24
crimsunminghua: excellent12:24
LaserJockFujitsu: I wanted to ask you about gnucash12:24
FujitsuLaserJock: Go ahead, although I know little/nothing about it...12:24
LaserJockFujitsu: I see in the changelog you did a libgoffice-1-2 -> libgoffice-0-312:25
FujitsuOr did I merge it at some point?12:25
LaserJockFujitsu: have you tracked that at all?12:25
LaserJockI'm guessing no12:25
FujitsuNot at all.12:25
LaserJockI'm looking up apps that dep on libgoffice12:26
LaserJockand seeing how the transition went12:26
FujitsuWell, it doesn't seem to have exploded stuff.12:26
LaserJockit looks like gnumeric, gnucash, and gchemutils are the 3 packages that dep on it12:27
LaserJockI think I'm going to just see if I can get gchemutils to work with it12:28
LaserJockdang, etch has no unmet deps :/12:30
FujitsuNone at all ?12:31
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockif you take out suggests and recommends (i.e. apt-cache -i unmet as ajmitch told me)12:32
LaserJockhow did they do that12:32
LaserJockunstable has more unmet then edgy12:32
Fujitsu(where magic is achieved by removing all the packages with unmetdeps)12:32
FujitsuIf you look at the logs for packages which we have with unmet deps, it'll say they're removed from testing.12:33
LaserJockthat's right, they do that kind of thing12:33
LaserJockI hadn't thought of that way of "handling" problems like that12:34
FujitsuI think it's not a bad idea...12:34
FujitsuI also think that I need to find an archive admin.12:34
FujitsuI've had a gcl upload sitting in dapper-proposed since half-way through UDS... :/12:35
FujitsuOops, dapper-proposed's unapproved queue.12:35
LaserJockoh dang, that's right12:35
LaserJockwe were wondering what happened to that SRU12:35
crimsunFujitsu: I'm going to wait another week before I ping 'em12:35
FujitsuI haven't seen an archive admins since I uploaded it, so it's still unapproved :/12:35
crimsunit seems to have been a really hectic two weeks12:36
LaserJockthis is ridiculous12:36
FujitsuWhere hectic == no archive admins around.12:36
FujitsuLaserJock: It's only been two months since I isolated the patch!12:36
LaserJock2 months!12:36
crimsunhopefully they've not been eaten by grues.12:36
secretlondoni presume its the summit followed the canonical meeting12:37
Fujitsusecretlondon: Yes, which was a really silly idea.12:37
FujitsuBecause it means we have no important people for two weeks.12:37
LaserJockwell, silly on or end ;-)12:37
secretlondonFujitsu: well I presume it was cheaper as they were already in california12:37
Fujitsusecretlondon: True.12:37
LaserJockwell, considering that maxima has be broken for 6 months+ in Dapper I guess people won't mind another week or two12:38
=== secretlondon wonders if cinepaint will ever end up in edgy
LaserJockbut I'm guessing we lost some scientific users over it which is sad12:39
secretlondonLaserJock: they may still be using Breezy12:40
LaserJockI know they made a wiki page on how to build maxima from source12:41
secretlondonit still doesn't look very good though12:41
LaserJockso at least some were willing to stick with us12:41
=== Fujitsu did consider putting some binary .debs up somewhere for easy download... But by that time it looked like it would be in -updates within a few days. That never eventuated, of course.
Simon80what's cinepaint?12:42
secretlondoncinepaint = film gimp as was12:42
secretlondon32 bit paint program developed by film studios12:43
FujitsuIt's all been very good timing, I think. We have the SRU policy ratified, and the following two weeks have nobody to actually let them into -proposed.12:43
FujitsuI bet this change will get rejected by whoever I ask to approve it, too.12:45
LaserJockyeah know, it wouldn't be so bad if they had told us beforehand that the archive admins would be out12:45
crimsunsecretlondon: yes, it's being worked on by #ubuntustudio12:46
secretlondonwell they should have a backup plan so everything doesn't just stop12:46
crimsunsecretlondon: perhaps _MMA_ can comment on cinepaint?12:46
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FujitsuKeybuk has appeared a couple of times lately, but not when I've been around :(12:46
secretlondoncrimsun: no idea, Hobbsee has done the actual merge12:46
pygiwhat a connection lol12:47
pygiminghua, all done ok? :P12:47
geserare uploads to dapper-updates processed or are they still sitting in the unapproved queue?12:47
Fujitsugeser: I've seen naught but backports to Dapper in quite some time.12:47
FujitsuAh, a -proposed dpkg a month ago...12:48
geserI'm waiting for an upload to dapper-updates (uploaded by crimsun on 17-Sep) to be approved12:49
FujitsuTwo months? That's excessive... Has an archive admin been asked to let it in?12:50
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minghuaah, pygi left12:50
crimsungeser: hmm, that may need to go through the new SRU policy12:50
crimsungeser: let's check next week, and if need be, we can retarget it for dapper-proposed12:51
FujitsuWhen does Canonical's AllHands thing finish?12:51
crimsunwhenever they run out of beer?12:52
secretlondonsomething on the planet saying but dodn't take note of when12:52
LaserJockI think they are flying back todayish12:53
imbrandonyea today was the last day iirc12:53
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imbrandonheya geser and secretlondon12:53
imbrandonand LaserJock12:53
FujitsuSo, I might actually get gcl and co. into dapper-proposed in the next year. That will be incredible.12:53
secretlondonhi imbrandon12:53
=== secretlondon congratulates Fujitsu on his luck
geserhi imbrandon12:54
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LaserJockI can't find any info on any of these on LP12:55
FujitsuAny of which, LaserJock?12:56
LaserJockany -proposed or -updates12:56
FujitsuUnapproved stuff won't appear.12:56
LaserJockI was wondering if it was possible to at least "see" the backup12:56
FujitsuAnd I'm not sure about -proposed.12:56
LaserJockwell, we can see unapproved stuff for NEW12:57
FujitsuThey have explicitly hidden the unapproved queue, nobody seems to know why.12:57
FujitsuThat's not unapproved. That's NEW.12:57
FujitsuUNAPPROVED is different, and explicitly hidden from public view.12:57
LaserJockbut the idea is the same12:57
imbrandonbecause of - security most likely12:57
Fujitsuimbrandon: Soyuz doesn't do security yet.12:57
LaserJockwe *should* be able to see this stuff12:57
FujitsuLaserJock: Of course. This is LP, though.12:58
gesereven if you get the URL and don't have the permissision you see nothing12:58
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FujitsuStupid Forbidden when I try to access it.01:00
FujitsuI suppose core-devs can access it, they can access other stuff because they're set as the drivers.01:01
LaserJockimbrandon? ^^01:01
FujitsuAh yes, of course.01:02
Fujitsuimbrandon: Can you access https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=?01:02
FujitsuIt'd be interesting to see what has collected in there.01:02
=== minghua uploads brasero 0.5.1-0ubuntu2 and points it to pygi
FujitsuAs I'm not around during archive admin hours much these days, can I get somebody here to ask one of them to let gcl through next time one is sighted?01:04
pygiminghua: what happened with ubuntu1? :P01:04
LaserJockFujitsu: well, I think the answer would be, "I'll get to it when I get to it"01:04
=== Fujitsu grumbles.
FujitsuIt is /only/ universe, of course. Not at all important.01:05
minghuapygi: you said you dropped debian/brasero.dirs in changelog, but what you really dropped is debian/brasero.docs01:05
pygiminghua: umh, really?01:05
Simon80I'm updating my cvs stepmania package now..01:05
imbrandonFujitsu: i cant access it either01:05
=== pygi kicks himself
Fujitsuimbrandon: OK.01:06
minghuapygi: well, your upload is on REVU, check it yourself if you don't believe me :-P01:06
LaserJockFujitsu: hmm, maybe we should add maxima to Main, then it wouldn't be /just/ Universe01:06
pygiminghua: I believe, I believe. Just can't believe how dumb I can be sometimes :P01:06
secretlondondoes a package and it's dependency both providing the same file cause breakage?01:07
imbrandonsecretlondon: yes01:07
LaserJockpackages should be orthogonal01:07
secretlondonimbrandon: thanks, I'll confirm that bug then as I can see that they do01:07
imbrandoncd /var/www/01:07
FujitsuErk... I just made gcj segfault.01:08
imbrandonFujitsu: and that suprises you ? hehe01:08
FujitsuIt was an obvious syntactical error in my code, but still...01:08
LaserJockimbrandon: you know, I've mostly seen KDE people do that :-)01:08
LaserJocksomething about have konsole *everywhere* I think :-)01:09
minghuaI assume segfault is more nasty than ICE?01:09
imbrandonLaserJock: do what ?01:09
Fujitsuminghua: It was an ICE:01:09
LaserJockimbrandon: your cd /var/www01:09
FujitsuPatheticAssignment.java:34: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault01:09
imbrandonahh hehe01:10
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imbrandonLaserJock: konsole is the best thing since xterm :)01:10
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imbrandontoo bhad i'm in puTTy atm though01:10
LaserJockxterm isn't that great01:10
LaserJockwterm and aterm were always my favorites01:11
minghuaFujitsu: oh.  I didn't know ICE catches segfaults as well01:11
FujitsuIt apparently does.01:11
=== minghua hasn't seen much ICE before
FujitsuI'm not sure my instructor/lecturer/teacher will really like the name of the main class in this assignment, but it pretty much sums it up.01:12
=== minghua sticks with gnome-terminal
LaserJockFujitsu: you gonna merge galternatives?01:25
secretlondonFujitsu: We've got a build dep bug on one of yours - matplotlib which seems to be depending on xbase-clients in edgy01:29
secretlondon(and not in dapper)01:29
LaserJocksecretlondon: is it causing problems?01:32
secretlondonLaserJock: they say it can't be built in edgy - missing dependency although I haven't got an edgy box to confirm on01:33
LaserJocksecretlondon: odd, I'll give it a go01:33
secretlondonLaserJock: it's bug 7234401:34
UbugtuMalone bug 72344 in matplotlib "[Edgy]  Matplotlib has broken build dependencies" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7234401:34
FujitsuBuilt fine on 23 September...01:34
LaserJockyeah, I built it too if I remember right01:34
secretlondonpuc says it should be ok01:35
Fujitsuxbase-client still exists...01:35
geseris it perhaps because of the missing space before [!s390] ?01:35
LaserJockahh, well it's not actually a FTBS but a apt-get build-dep problem01:36
=== secretlondon nods.
FujitsuThus, not my problem :D01:36
Fujitsugeser: Looks like it.01:37
FujitsuThat's legal though, AFAIK.01:37
LaserJockis it an apt-get bug?01:38
FujitsuIt doesn't specify in the policy document that a space is required, it just says it has to follow... I think apt-get is following policy, but other things are being more lenient.01:39
LaserJockI suppose we could forward it upstream01:42
Fujitsu`it is also conventional to put a single space after each comma, on either side of each vertical bar, and before each open parenthesis.'01:44
FujitsuAs long as it's not ambiguous, whitespace isn't required...01:44
FujitsuSo it's a bug in apt-get, although matplotlib isn't following recommendations.01:45
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StevenKIt doesn't matter what Policy says, people will screw it up. Hence why I had to rewrite the debian/control parser in Linda 3 or 4 times.01:49
LaserJockdo we have a doc telling people how to file a backport request01:50
=== Fujitsu adds an apt task.
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LaserJockoh wow, colin actually wrote something on the forums02:09
LaserJockthis whole "untrusted repo wallpaper" think is really interesting02:10
secretlondondo you have a link?02:10
minghuayeah, I was talking with Colin and others when he wrote those comments02:10
minghuaon #ubuntu-devel02:10
plugwashLaserJock what exactly is the untrusted repo wallpaper?02:11
LaserJockit was on planet a while back02:12
LaserJockthere was this guy who was giving out a "ultimate sources.list" with like 50 repos02:12
secretlondoni read that02:13
TheMusoI remember seeing that.02:13
LaserJockthe owner of one of the 3rd party repos apparently thought it would be good to warn people about the dangers of a 3rd party repo02:13
FujitsuLaserJock: Which Colin?02:13
TheMusoI personally would rather stick with the official repos.02:13
LaserJockso he replaced the wallpaper with a red skull on black background02:13
LaserJockfreaked a bunch of people on the forums out02:13
LaserJockFujitsu: Colin Watson02:14
secretlondonthe real problem is with the many people who think they need to install automatix style stuff to play mp3s (of which there are loads and loads)02:14
FujitsuHe wrote something on the forums!?02:14
FujitsuLaserJock: The wallpaper also had stuff on it saying how unofficial repos were bad.02:15
FujitsuI'd seen the latter of those some days ago.02:15
LaserJockwell apparently one of the other repos also messed around with fstab and sudoers at the same time02:15
LaserJockso people got the "skull" wallpaper and were locked out of their computers02:15
LaserJockawesome timing02:15
LaserJockbut then some people say the person who did the wallpaper should be kicked out of the community02:16
Fujitsuion_ did the right thing.02:16
plugwashno the person who did the "ultimate sources.list" should be02:17
FujitsuSo some package actually stuffed with fstab and sudoers? Maliciously?02:17
LaserJocknot maliciously02:18
secretlondonno-one should be kicked out (except the person making the dodgy package) - our users need educating however02:18
LaserJockjust stupidly, or something02:18
LaserJockwell, it certainly freaked people out02:19
LaserJockas you can see on the threads02:19
plugwashsecretlondon lusers who wan't something installed will go to great lengths to do it even doing things they have been explicitly told not to do02:19
=== secretlondon is sick of all the bugs that say 'I installed X from someone random and now my system is broken - and oyu have to fix it"
LaserJockpeople were formating their disks02:19
plugwashand there isn't much you can do about it02:19
Fujitsu... what possible legitimate reason is there to stuff around with fstab and sudoers?02:19
secretlondonyou can't tell our users that they shouldn't install experimental software if they don't understand ir02:20
plugwashif you make a distro to appeal to lusers you will have lusers doing stupid stuff02:20
LaserJockI'm guessing it was unintentional, who knows02:20
LaserJockanyway, it's an interesting thing02:20
secretlondonthey want the newest, untested stuff - but they can't put it right02:20
TheMusoThat kind of bad quality control is rampent in the Slackware community with third party repos.02:20
secretlondonit's fascinating and may make some of them think twice02:20
TheMusoi remember trying to use packages, and they were absolutely horrible.02:21
secretlondonwe have many people using feisty as the newest and shiniest who don't know how to file a bug report02:21
plugwashone big problem is that ubutu presumablly can't endorse any repositries that host illegal packages02:21
plugwashbut using illegal packages is nessacery for a good media experiance on linux02:22
secretlondonit's our demographic - if they weren't experimentla they'd still be using windows02:22
FujitsuGrrrrrrreat: `Whoever came up with these bogus packages needs several good swift kicks in the posterior, IMHO!'02:22
LaserJockplugwash: no they aren't02:23
secretlondonmost stuff is in the repos02:23
LaserJockI had a look at Automatix the other day02:23
FujitsuLaserJock: You sick, sick person.02:23
LaserJockI'd guess at least 2/3 of the stuff it was doing 3rd party was already in the repos02:24
secretlondonI keep telling people off for suggesting it to newbies02:24
plugwashwhat is the situation on mp3 decoding nowadays?02:24
=== Fujitsu applauds secretlondon.
Fujitsuplugwash: You need gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, as always.02:24
secretlondonplugwash: it's in gstreamer in our repos02:24
LaserJockplugwash: sure, in edgy for a while it even offered to install it for me02:24
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secretlondonFujitsu: I lurk on the ubuntu live journal communities and they have all installed automatix after being told to in the forums02:25
plugwashright, what about wmv?02:25
Fujitsuplugwash: w32codecs is necessary, I believe.02:25
=== secretlondon undid the advert for automatix which was passing as a wikipedia article
plugwashFujitsu and what is the legal status of that package?02:26
LaserJockplugwash: illegal most places I believe02:26
LaserJockwell, maybe not most02:26
LaserJockbut quite a few02:26
Fujitsuplugwash: Illegal unless you have a Windows license, and illegal in many places anyway, I believe.02:26
=== Fujitsu wishes the CC could impose sanctions on the forums to minimise advertising of Automatix.
plugwashright so to play one of the most common video formats you need to use an illegal package which ubuntu presumablly cannot endorse02:26
LaserJocksure it can02:27
Fujitsuplugwash: Of course. Thankyou Microsoft.02:27
LaserJockwell, depends on endorse02:27
LaserJockthere are decently trusthworthy repos with that I believe02:27
FujitsuI believe Seveas' has it, for example.02:27
secretlondonwikipedia now has the quote from mdz saying it causes breakage02:27
SeveasFujitsu, ?02:27
imbrandonit does, and frankly wmv,wma is the only thing you cannot play without it02:28
FujitsuSeveas: Your repo has w32codecs, doesn't it?02:28
Seveasit allegedly has02:28
plugwashLaserJock right, but ubuntu presumablly can't officially reccomend a repositry with an illegal package in02:28
Seveasand I wouldn't want to recommend it anyway02:28
Seveassince there is also stuff in there with breaking chances02:29
secretlondonits just the w32 package and DeCSS afaik which we can't ship02:29
imbrandonwhy would you recomend something you only need to have to play wmv's with ?02:29
imbrandonother playser play the other formats just fine02:29
LaserJockimbrandon: some people need wmv support I'd guess :-)02:30
plugwashso without using illegal packages ubuntu users can't play dvds or wmv files, its no wonder they turn to dodgy repositries02:30
LaserJockit's not a great situation for sure, it'd be great to say "we can play anything you throw at us" but we can't02:30
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LaserJockplugwash: they can play dvds02:30
secretlondonnot encyrpted ones - which are 99%?02:30
LaserJockthe only thing is MS specific codecs02:31
LaserJocksecretlondon: I believe you can02:31
secretlondonplugwash: but they think they need them for mp3s too02:31
imbrandonsecretlondon: sure the libdvdread3 packages installes css202:31
imbrandonsecretlondon: no, mp3 is played by many other codecs02:31
LaserJockmp3s and dvds can be done with Multiverse packages02:31
TheMusoI think you can play DVDs without css if your drive has the correct region set.02:31
secretlondonimbrandon: they think we do, i know we don't02:31
TheMusoBut I am not sure.02:32
TheMusoAnd IMO xine has better DVD playback than gstreamer.02:32
TheMusoDue to menus etc.02:32
imbrandonit boils down to the ONLY thing w32codecs are NEEDED for is wmv's02:32
secretlondonI wonder if we need a meta package installing all the gstreamer bads and uglies02:32
secretlondonjust to make it easier for them02:32
LaserJockwe do02:33
TheMusoI personally don't find it too hard to install the gstreamer packages.02:33
imbrandonsecretlondon: nah, there is a install on demad comming for feisty ( already in edgy for kubuntu )02:33
Seveas!info ubuntu-multimedia-gnome02:33
ubotuubuntu-multimedia-gnome: Ubuntu multimedia packages - GNOME version. In component seveas\-meta, is optional. Version 6.10-2 (edgy-seveas), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB02:33
imbrandonthat was talked aobut at UDS02:33
=== imbrandon is afk again
secretlondonok - because i knw people don't realise how little they need automatix as keep getting feedback about it02:33
LaserJockI installed an Edgy prerelease02:34
LaserJockand I forgot to install the mp3 stuff02:34
LaserJockso I fired up Rhythmbox and tried to play one of my mp3s02:34
LaserJockit poped up a dialog box saying it couldn't play mp3s and offered to install the packages needed02:35
LaserJockI hit "Ok" and it did it just fine and mp3s played fine02:35
FujitsuAmarok does that now as well.02:35
LaserJockeasy as that02:35
imbrandonactualy amarok did it first :) but anyhow thats getting put in for all codecs for feisty02:36
imbrandonas i said it was the easy-codec bof02:36
imbrandonbut it works for mp3's now in edgy ( that accounts for 80% + of the codec problems )02:36
imbrandonok anyhow really afk again02:36
LaserJockI wish the Automatix people would at least look at this stuff02:37
secretlondonimbrandon: but they think it doesn't and install helper script thing anyway02:37
LaserJocksame with Opera02:37
LaserJockthey could use the dapper-commercial repo, but they don't02:37
imbrandon( and dapper kubuntu too becouse i backported the new amarok with the patch )02:37
FujitsuLaserJock: I wish the Automatix people would just vanish.02:37
LaserJockFujitsu: that's not going to happen02:37
LaserJockit's wildly popular02:37
FujitsuWe can hope.02:37
secretlondonif anything we'll get more of this stuff02:37
LaserJockmany people consider it the salvation of Ubuntu02:38
TheMusoDo the automatix folks state that it will screw your system in terms of future upgrades?02:38
=== Fujitsu explodes
FujitsuTheMuso: I doubt it.02:38
LaserJockTheMuso: not sure exactly02:38
imbrandonsecretlondon: well thats a issue of ignorance, someone just needs to take the time to inform them ( over and over ) of the "right way" , thats the only way to get it tdone, and frankly i dont have the time to troll the forums to do it, so i rely on others to doso02:38
LaserJockthe problem is that you can't just dismiss it02:39
secretlondonimbrandon: me neither - I have better things to do. I stop it when I see it on Live Journal - the forums are too big for me (but they are supposedly policed)02:39
LaserJockimbrandon: that's where forum mod/admin training would be good02:39
imbrandonoh i know, it cant be dismissed, but i see it as it takes time aweay from coding to doso when some non coder can be informed and help in that way02:40
LaserJockwhen I see mods and admins saying the most fantastic FUD I get a little irritated02:40
secretlondonTheMuso: of course not. wikipedia now does though02:40
TheMusoBut who visits wiipedia to read up on automatix?02:40
FujitsuLaserJock: Some of them do that!?02:40
PriceChildHey.... we talking about ubuntuforums.org?02:40
secretlondonTheMuso: some do as they made their own page. I can control wikipedia - I can't control automatix's promotion team02:41
imbrandonPriceChild: unfortunately02:41
LaserJockFujitsu: well the guy who wrote Automatix was an admin or mod02:41
PriceChildI'd like to point out that I NEVER condone EasyUbuntu02:41
PriceChildor automatix02:41
FujitsuThat arnieboy character?02:41
PriceChildI always give people documentation from the ubuntu wiki etc.02:41
FujitsuGoodo, PriceChild.02:41
LaserJockPriceChild: we need more like you02:41
PriceChildnot only do they work better...02:41
FujitsuI loved arnieboy's manner... It was so nice.02:41
PriceChildbut you learn more about how your system works02:41
PriceChildand they don't break02:42
LaserJockthe forums need moderation from the mod/admin community not the ubuntu dev community02:42
LaserJockwe simply don't have the time nor sway in the forum community to make a dent02:42
PriceChildLaserJock: we're hopefully introducing "Forum Ambassadors" who will try and give feedback from the forums to the devs02:43
LaserJockPriceChild: I know02:43
LaserJockI hope it works02:43
PriceChildthere's now reason why you couldn't attend the next gobby session and try to get feedback the other way into the spec02:43
PriceChildbecause that isn't really there...02:43
LaserJockwell, I was in on the forum thread on it02:43
plugwashwho owns/runs ubuntuforums.net , is it an official thing?02:43
PriceChildstarted Unofficially by ryan troy02:43
PriceChildit is now an official forum02:44
PriceChildt is coming under more goverance02:44
LaserJockplugwash: it's hosted by Canonical but "owned" by Ryan Troy02:44
PriceChildsee /forumsgovernance on the wiki02:44
LaserJockyeah, if the forum governance and ambassadors specs actually work it should help a lot02:44
LaserJockI'm a little skeptical, but trying to remain optimistic even so02:45
PriceChildeveryone'll sort it out eventually....02:46
PriceChildthe main issue with the governance is that "it"s working right now... we don't want to change "it" too much02:48
PriceChildI think both parties are happy with what we have in the wiki now though... I just don't know when it'll be officially announced/taken out of spec02:49
PriceChildI think Mark and Ryan have to make a final "ok"02:50
secretlondonryan is dictator for life though?02:50
PriceChildyeah finally got that agreed02:50
PriceChildFC is basically the same format as the CC02:51
imbrandonand answers to the CC02:54
PriceChildwhich... all going well, it shouldn't have to :)02:54
=== rmjb [n=richard@cuscon4850.tstt.net.tt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandongiven the forum history ..... bah, never mind, forums are on my mind way too much, nothing should take this much of my time unwillingly02:55
=== imbrandon gives up
PriceChildforum history.... :S02:55
PriceChildI've only been a mod a little over a month02:55
=== imbrandon detaches to get some work done :)
PriceChildI was just amazed what I discovered when appointed02:56
secretlondonmore unofficial forum stuff - a forum bug patch on bug #7238802:56
UbugtuMalone bug 72388 in kubuntu-meta "Flac files not work in dapper/Amarok 1.4.3 and Kde 3.5.2" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7238802:56
secretlondonwhich we definately don't want them to be doing.02:56
LaserJockwell, the forums governance currently is a pretty broken system to me02:57
=== aBiNg [n=helo_aBi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonstrange thing since 1.4.4 is in dapper ( backports ) and flac works fine ( if you have libxine-extracodes like i told the submitter 4 or 5 times he filed the bug before )02:57
=== kgoetz [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI hope the specs will knock some sense into people02:57
imbrandonone can hope02:58
PriceChildI'm confused... we don't want who doing what?02:58
elkbuntusome people doesnt always mean the right people02:58
kgoetzdoes any of the ubuntu building doco cover changing applications build switches using apt-get -b or dpkg-buildpackage?02:58
secretlondonPriceChild: we don't want unofficial patches doing the rounds02:58
PriceChildah k02:58
secretlondonbecause there is 0 qualkity control02:58
LaserJockkgoetz: not very well, it's planned for the next version of the Ubuntu Packaging Guide02:58
kgoetzLaserJock: ah ok. any thoughts where would i look for info?02:59
=== minghua reboots to test _ion's LVM fix
LaserJockkgoetz: on how to do it? apt-get source <package>, make changes, dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot (after installing fakeroot)03:00
kgoetzif i just want to recompile witha  different switch though, is it the same process, or so i have to set $stuff up first?03:02
LaserJockkgoetz: you'll need to apt-get build-deps <packagename>03:03
kgoetzgot them... and g'bye03:03
=== aBiNg [n=helo_aBi@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== joejaxx looks at diversions
joejaxxajmitch: was the ian jackson at uds the same one who wrote the man pages for dpkg?03:12
=== Gervystar [n=alessand@host156-175-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxor the some of the man pages03:12
ajmitchjoejaxx: probably the same guy03:13
azeemhe wrote dpkg, so probably the man pages as well03:15
joejaxxoh alright i was just wondering03:17
joejaxxand wanted to make sure03:18
=== FunnyLookinHat [n=david@c-67-175-74-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== mwolson [i=mwolson@jpi-wlafyte-212-116.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxajmitch: azeem i must have met alot of people at uds that i did not know about03:20
joejaxxor did not linke with a ircname03:20
joejaxxi was glad people started putting their ircnames under their real names03:21
PriceChildha ha03:22
FujitsuNametags should really have IRC nicks as well :P03:22
PriceChildIt is such an amazing thing... haven't such a huge community who have never even seen each other03:22
joejaxxFujitsu: :p03:24
joejaxxPriceChild: yeah03:24
joejaxxi think my nametag was the only one that had my ircname on it as my real name03:24
TheMusoI remember my name tag had my IRC name.03:25
TheMusoIn paris.03:25
joejaxxTheMuso: really? lol03:25
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxit said TheMuso?03:26
joejaxx" "03:26
TheMusoAfaik yes.03:26
joejaxxthat is funny03:26
TheMusoAlthough it could have said anything and I may not have known. :)03:27
=== minghua [n=minghua@ubuntu/member/minghua] has joined #ubuntu-motu
elkbuntujoejaxx, there was one with your real name as well03:28
joejaxxelkbuntu: really?03:30
joejaxxelkbuntu: i did not see it up there when i looked on the first day03:31
Hobbseehey all03:31
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.03:31
elkbuntujoejaxx, it didnt have the numerals, but there was a 'joseph jackson', i noticed it about mid-week03:31
joejaxxi was looking for one with my real name on it too03:34
joejaxxoh well too late now03:34
=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-99-92.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PriceChildHey Hobbsee :)03:38
_MMA_Hey guys. Is Ices2 and Icecast synced from Debian?03:39
_MMA_Im actually wondering about Ices0 which I cant fins in Universe.03:40
_MMA_But I find Ices2.03:40
joejaxxices2 - Ogg Vorbis streaming source for Icecast 203:40
secretlondonis ices0 an older version?03:41
_MMA_its the MP3 streamer03:41
imbrandonices2 is for icecast2 , ices0 is for icecast03:42
secretlondonah - maybe debian doesn't ship it03:42
imbrandonone is oog one is mp303:42
_MMA_Wait. With Ices2, is the stream Vorbis or does the source have to be vorbis?03:42
imbrandonices2 will take any input, but the output is always vorbis03:42
secretlondon_MMA_ I can't remember but its in the ices docs03:42
_MMA_Ahh... That works also. Thanx Brandon.03:43
imbrandonices0 will also take any input but only output mp303:43
_MMA_So anything that works with Icecast shouldnt care about the stream?03:43
=== imbrandon go's back to configuring his fresh osx install
_MMA_"Player wise"03:44
=== LuisBG [n=d33p@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== _MMA_ retreats from his plan to get Ices0 packaged.
=== imbrandon should throw his icecast stream backup for a little while , while osx finishes downloading updates
imbrandonsecretlondon: you gonna get on and dj for us ?03:49
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch needs to play with jokosher a bit
Hobbseehey PriceChild and ajmitch03:52
PriceChildHeya :)03:52
Hobbseehow are our SRU's going?03:52
PriceChildSRU? :)03:52
ajmitchno idea, I don't deal with SRU :)03:52
Hobbseeajmitch: who does?    it seems that we now have a forum thread as well as a bug report + 1 dupe now03:53
HobbseePriceChild: stable release updates03:53
PriceChildhe he ok03:53
PriceChildmine's pretty good03:53
PriceChildi "think" i've sorted all your issues out...03:53
secretlondonimbrandon: I haven't got the net to dj atm - but I do need to work out how to stream from linux as I used to use sam3 under windows03:53
PriceChildi've got a niggling feeling i've been silly and missed one though03:53
HobbseePriceChild: yay :)03:53
ajmitchHobbsee: the SRU team, of course03:53
PriceChildright i need sleep03:55
PriceChildnight all03:55
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeajmitch: has it been sorted yet?03:57
ajmitchof course03:57
Hobbseeajmitch: ie, the team?03:57
ajmitchabout 2 weeks ago03:57
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=== FunnyLookinHat [n=david@c-67-175-74-85.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseeoh right04:09
minghuaI can't really trust the docs on help.ubuntu.com, can I?04:11
=== minghua remember reading here that help.u.c recommends using checkinstall for maxima
minghuaindeed it does: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/wxMaxima04:14
imbrandonfit it !! hhehe04:14
imbrandon( it is a wiki )04:14
minghuahmm, it seems indeed I can edit it04:16
minghuawhat's the point of keeping help.ubuntu.com/community/ and wiki.ubuntu.com separate then?04:16
imbrandonminghua: there is much more than help document tation on wiki.u.c , h.u.c/community is primarly community contributed help04:17
imbrandonwiki.u.c is not a place for help docs, rather dev's wiki pages, specs, etc04:18
imbrandon( with the exception of the MOTU dev team docs )04:18
joejaxxajmitch: diversion is not going to work with the fluxbox package i do not think04:18
minghuaimbrandon: I think I can see the idea, but does that apply to reality?04:19
imbrandonminghua: yes , actualy it does04:19
minghuaI remember seeing a lot of help docs on wiki.u.c, but I admit that was early days04:19
imbrandonone of the few things that works as it should for the most part04:19
imbrandonminghua: yes this transition was made mid dapper cycle04:19
joejaxxi was wondering why stuff was moved04:20
minghuamaybe I should revise the input method related pages on help.u.c/community/04:20
joejaxxwhere do the stories about ubuntu get pulled from on the fridge?04:25
elkbuntujoejaxx, whatever the fridge team gets informed about, basically04:29
joejaxxelkbuntu: ah ok04:30
joejaxxwow nice they still have the old artwork up04:30
imbrandonjoejaxx: whenever someone on the fridge either 1) wites about it themselfs 2) gets poked in #ubuntu-fridge or 3) gets emailed at fridge-devel@ubuntu.com04:30
elkbuntuif you have any ideas for stories for fridge or UWN, feel free to forward details on04:30
joejaxximbrandon: oh ok04:31
joejaxxelkbuntu: alright i will04:31
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elkbuntujoejaxx, as mentioned above, #ubuntu-fridge for fridgy stuff, for UWN, poke people in #ubuntu-marketing or add it yourself https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter is a good place to look04:36
=== joejaxx bookmarks
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonor email fridge-devel@u.c also for UWN iirc most UWN editors ( i know myself and cory and matt east ) are all on that list too04:38
imbrandon( mostly )04:38
imbrandoneither way(s) it all gets to the right place mostly :)04:38
elkbuntuthat goes for all of you too.. give us all teh juicy gossip!04:40
=== imbrandon huggles OSX, i forgot about all the little things i miss about it ( and the annoyances too ) as i have gone a month without it ( untill tonight )
imbrandonif adobe would get off their arse and post PS to linux i would not need osx at all ( although it is nice to have something just work(tm) while i work on kubuntu :)04:43
=== imbrandon should shush now
Hobbseehah, yes04:43
hubimbrandon: what's wrong with gimp04:44
imbrandonhahaha , hub your joking right?04:44
hubi'm interested in opinions04:45
imbrandonfirst off the interface, 2nd poor image rendering, no svg support , and TONS of other things04:45
hubtime to push it in ubuntu04:45
hub2nd, I don't see a problem, but it is subjective04:45
imbrandongimp is ok for someone just playing arround and never used pro software before, but anyone else its like asking a MS word user to use notepad04:45
hub3rd SVG? it does not support it as import and render?04:45
imbrandongimp shop dosent help any04:45
imbrandonand no it dosent04:46
imbrandonnot natively04:46
joejaxxis that the name of that os?04:46
minghuaDebian's gimp-svg works quite well for my SVG files04:46
elkbuntuimbrandon, well there is *some* svg support.04:47
imbrandonminghua: yea to import them into a bitmap, not to manipulate them04:47
elkbuntuyou can *open* them... :04:47
hubimbrandon: gimp is not a vector drawing application04:47
imbrandonwow, thats really helpfull *rolls eyes* hehe04:47
minghuaimbrandon: well, then you used the wrong tool, I suppose04:47
hubso manipulating SVG....04:47
hubinkscape will do it04:47
imbrandonwhy use 2 tools for the same job? when i've used one just fine for years with lots better support04:48
elkbuntuhub, that means you need two programs, rather than one04:48
hubelkbuntu: like with photoshop and illustrator04:48
hubso what is the deal04:48
imbrandonespecialy when a svg incorperates bitmaped artwork, that becomes a major pain04:48
elkbuntuhub, they at least talk to each other04:49
hub(given that it was the original point of comparison)04:49
imbrandonhub: but IL and PS work as one04:49
imbrandonand install as one04:49
imbrandonetc, its like gcc without a linker04:49
imbrandonkinda useless04:49
joejaxximbrandon: what about tuxpaint? :( j/k04:49
hubit is like word and excel04:49
=== imbrandon /kicks joejaxx
hubor abiword and gnumeric04:49
joejaxximbrandon: :)04:49
imbrandonhub: not exactly, what happens when you have vecor art that uses bitmaped art, that happens a TON04:50
imbrandonso its like gcc + no linker04:50
hubI agree that inscape and gimp not talking together lack04:51
hubbut it is not gcc and no linker04:51
hubabsolutely not04:51
elkbuntusimilar effect04:51
imbrandonsure it is04:51
=== mwolson [i=mwolson@jpi-wlafyte-212-116.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonand thats just one of the many reasons anyhow as i said :)04:51
imbrandonits all the little things that make a diffrence04:51
imbrandonand gimpshop is a bad attempt to make a horrible interface semi better04:52
imbrandongimp was written with a programer in mind, not intutive at all04:52
elkbuntuthey even admit that somewhere04:52
imbrandonopen gimp for the first time in your life and draw a circle04:52
imbrandonor even a square overlay04:53
imbrandongimp is a great tool for those that dont spend time in it daily , or for a programer to get sometihng "done" but its not near a PS replacement04:53
hubit is for A LOT OF USERS04:53
hubsurely not you04:53
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elkbuntuhub, which did you use more of first? photoshop or gimp?04:54
imbrandonhub: i dident say it wasent, but as i said, i serousily doubt any of them do it professionaly, and for those that do it simply dosent cut it04:54
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hubelkbuntu: last time I used photoshop was 3.004:54
hubelkbuntu: I don;t have 800 bucks to spend on it04:55
elkbuntuhub, coming from .. 8? is a whole different story04:55
imbrandon1100 but yea04:55
elkbuntuwtf is the current version number :04:55
imbrandoncs2 actualy04:55
hubthe one that is slow as hell on Intel :-)04:55
hub(talk about support)04:55
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hub(but I digress)04:56
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonwow , thats amazing as its geared to an intel compiler ( not amd or ppc )04:56
imbrandon( that info is in the about box )04:56
imbrandonbut anyhow, /me gets back to something productive04:56
hubimbrandon: on Mac?04:56
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonwindows or mac ( universal binary )04:57
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=== imbrandon is afk
hubon mac CS2 is PowerPC only04:58
hubit runs in the emulator, slower04:58
=== Mez could so do with a chicken chow mein now
=== joejaxx does the MOTU dance
ajmitchjoejaxx: how different is it from the bottle dance?04:59
joejaxxhmm well there is more arm flailing like this04:59
joejaxx\ 0 /   \ \o05:00
joejaxxo //05:00
Hobbseewhat's the MOTU dance?05:00
=== Hobbsee doesnt dance
=== hub has no idea
=== dous [n=dous@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchsurely you dance..05:00
joejaxxthen the feet >>  L _|   _| _|   L L05:01
joejaxx_| |_05:01
ajmitchHobbsee: I don't believe you05:01
Hobbseeajmitch: and why not?05:01
joejaxxwhat format is xar?05:01
ajmitchHobbsee: because I just don't05:02
ajmitchso there05:02
Hobbseeajmitch: fine then.  but i still dont dance :P05:03
ajmitchI'm sure we can make you dance :)05:04
ajmitchelkbuntu: think we could convince her at LCA?05:04
elkbuntuajmitch, the real question is, think we can get evidence?05:04
ajmitchevidence is easy05:04
elkbuntuwithout her attacking our cameras with the long pointy stick?05:05
ajmitchhide them well05:05
Hobbseeajmitch: maybe after a couple of cans of coke.  maybe05:05
joejaxxHobbsee: Lol05:05
elkbuntuwhat about red cordial?05:05
=== Hobbsee doesnt drink it
ajmitchbesides, she's really nice & kind & not violent at all in person...05:05
joejaxxajmitch: in a hat you can hide the optical snapshot device05:06
Hobbseeajmitch: you assume that i'll be at LCA05:06
ajmitchyou assume I will be as well05:06
ajmitchwhat will stop you from going?05:06
elkbuntuif ajmitch can make it, you have no excuse05:07
=== ajmitch probably won't make it at this rate
Hobbseeajmitch: who knows if i'm in the country :P05:07
=== Hobbsee has all the excuses in the world
ajmitchrunning off somewhere?05:07
Hobbseeajmitch: and you assume that i wont be working05:07
Hobbseeperhaps :)05:07
ajmitchelkbuntu: see, the slightest mention of me coming to australia & she runs away05:08
Hobbseeajmitch: i have to pick up my sharper axe05:08
=== ajmitch wonders when we can get elkbuntu into MOTUship
Hobbseeajmitch: does elkbuntu code much though?05:09
ajmitchnot yet, afaik :)05:09
elkbuntuheh, i've got enough going on without coding/packaging05:09
Hobbseeshe can just do everything else05:10
ajmitchso do the rest of us05:10
joejaxxthe MOTU dance should be a requirement Lol05:10
ajmitchyou won't catch me doing it05:11
Hobbseeajmitch: sure?05:11
Hobbseeajmitch: you'd like to do it!05:11
ajmitchI'll leave the dancing to others05:12
Hobbseejoejaxx: does that mean you're a MOTU?05:12
joejaxxHobbsee: no05:12
joejaxxbut i know the motu dance05:12
joejaxxi do not think me being a motu is going to happen anytime soon Lol05:13
ajmitchprobably the only one who knows this mythical dance05:13
joejaxxajmitch: yeah :p05:13
Hobbseeajmitch: so it's the MOTU-wannabe dance05:13
ajmitchgood, I don't have to do it then05:13
=== Hobbsee high fives ajmitch - EXACTLY!
ajmitchwe'll still get you dancing one day...05:14
Hobbseeno you wont05:14
elkbuntuajmitch, if you dont dance, how can you expect Hobbsee to?05:14
ajmitchelkbuntu: simple hypocrisy, I have no problem with it :)05:14
Hobbseeelkbuntu: dancing with you, probably05:15
ajmitchbesides, you've seen me attempt to dance05:15
elkbuntuyou did?05:15
=== elkbuntu goes back to photos
ajmitchI was there that night of the bottle dance, remember?05:15
elkbuntuyes, those are the photos im going to05:15
ajmitchhopefully I'm in none of those photos05:15
elkbuntuof.. course.. not....05:17
Hobbseei bet you are, ajmitch05:17
elkbuntucant see you in any of the dancing pics05:17
=== ajmitch disavows all knowledge of that evening
elkbuntuwell.. there are pics that do not involve dancing that may well involve you05:18
Hobbseeyes, what was ajmitch doing instead of dancing?05:18
elkbuntuat one point, talking to the leslie, at another point talking to evan and colin05:19
ajmitchusually talking to evan, especially about migration assistant05:19
ajmitchplotting how we could share some ideas/code05:20
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseebeing generally evil, yes05:20
ajmitchso quick to think I'm evil05:21
elkbuntuit's not a thought, ajmitch. we *know*05:21
joejaxxwhere is the login splash in gnome set?05:21
joejaxxthe one after youlogin?05:21
joejaxxHobbsee: no after you login05:22
ajmitchafter login05:22
=== ajmitch looks
Hobbseeoh right05:22
joejaxxthe one that says ubuntu on it05:22
=== Hobbsee could tell you where to change ksplash :P
minghuaajmitch: bug 72387 is probably the bug we hit (at least it's the one I hit)05:22
UbugtuMalone bug 72387 in lvm-common "Incorrect dependency in initramfs script, system fails to boot. Patch attached" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7238705:22
ajmitchprobably gnome-session somewhere05:22
kgoetzis there a best way to search for what a variable means in a makefile? $DIST is the one i'm after specifically05:22
ajmitchedgy-session-splashes: /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-splash.png05:23
ajmitchminghua: wonderful05:24
ajmitchminghua: I bet that the mdadm script changed name05:24
ajmitchsince lvm-common hasn't changed05:25
minghuaajmitch: unfortunately I lost my aptitude log so I can't confirm, but yes, I agree05:25
minghuaI don't remember anything lvm related changing05:26
ajmitchit didn't, I checked the changelog05:27
Hobbseeajmitch: how about you deal with bug 7239905:27
UbugtuMalone bug 72399 in Ubuntu "ati driver install incompatible with Edgy " [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7239905:27
minghuakgoetz: variable can generally mean anything in makefile, they are just a symbol05:27
ajmitchHobbsee: no thanks, that's your job05:27
Hobbseeajmitch: i dont have an ati card.  and you'd do it so much better05:27
kgoetzminghua: ok05:27
ajmitchHobbsee: neither do I :)05:28
kgoetzi'll see what damage i can do then :)05:28
=== ajmitch feels like going to sleep
joejaxxajmitch: thanks05:41
ajmitchjoejaxx: hm?05:42
joejaxxajmitch: the path to the splash05:42
ajmitchoh right05:42
=== ajmitch wonders how much breakage will ensue from having slapd & libldap from openldap2.3
ajmitchgiven that libldap2-dev is from openldap205:43
ajmitchI guess debian hasn't had problems..05:43
joejaxxajmitch: /win 3105:44
=== joejaxx loves irssi :)
ajmitchonly 31?05:44
joejaxxno actually i am in 50 or so05:45
ajmitchonly 50? :)05:45
joejaxxthat is a minimum for me LOl05:45
joejaxxnormally i hit as high as 9005:45
=== ajmitch has 87 open right now
ajmitchhighest I've had is about 10505:46
ajmitchirssi ftw :)05:46
joejaxxyes :)05:46
joejaxxi do not know if any other irc client could handle that many05:46
joejaxxat once05:46
ajmitchyay, kde breakage05:46
=== ajmitch blames Hobbsee
Hobbseeajmitch: which breakage?05:47
=== Hobbsee blames ajmitch - it's in main
ajmitchE: /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-data_4%3a3.5.5a.dfsg.1-1ubuntu5_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kinfocenter/cdinfo/index.cache.bz2', which is also in package kcontrol05:47
minghuaI had kdebase-data breakage yesterday too05:47
minghuarerunning aptitude solves it05:47
ajmitchmissing Replaces, I presume05:47
Hobbseeajmitch: i asked sivang to file that yesterday, and subscribe me to it.  no idea if he did.  and i didnt do that05:47
ajmitchsince it goes fine 2nd time round05:48
ajmitchusual issues when moving files05:48
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joejaxxanyone know how the new usplashes work?05:57
ajmitchSeveas does, if you can find him05:58
joejaxxoh ok05:58
=== ajmitch would assume he's sleeping at the moment
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joejaxxajmitch: yeah probably so06:00
joejaxxajmitch: i changed everything back except the usplash06:01
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joejaxxwhen does feisty universe open after sync+merge right?06:09
joejaxxi mean for package submission that is06:09
minghuaI believe you can submit new packages now06:11
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Simon80yeah, feisty's open06:26
Simon80look at the topic, hahaha06:26
Mezfeisty's been open for over a week06:27
Simon80so, can anybody recommend a split package howto?06:29
joejaxxSimon80: i have been in here for a very long time06:29
MezSimon80, dont know if there are howtos06:29
crimsunwhat language?06:29
joejaxx /join wise06:29
Meza new package, or splitting a current one ?06:29
Simon80either or06:29
Simon80just how to06:29
Simon80I mean, I have an existing single06:30
crimsunmy favourite example of one in python is quodlibet06:30
Simon80should I just source that?06:30
crimsunwell, is your example in python?06:31
Simon80no, but that doesn't matter, right, we're just dumping files06:31
joejaxxok good i have until febuary06:31
crimsunwell, sure, then.06:31
crimsuncdbs makes splitting ridiculously simple06:32
Simon80am I missing a reason why it would matter? :)06:32
Simon80oh, and um.. I don't know how to use cdbs06:32
crimsunwell, there may be better examples for different languages06:32
Simon80got my dh_made package06:32
joejaxxfeature freeze and upstream freeze are in february :)06:32
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Simon80well, unless it's an example of binary + data..06:44
Simon80I'm just gonna see what dh_make dumps into debian/ and take it from there... this is rather annoying though, gentoo has better docs, but not as good distro :(06:45
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Simon80hmm, before I go ahead, is it important to use release tarballs rather than release-tagged cvs source?06:48
minghuaSimon80: released tarballs are usually preferred06:50
imbrandontarbals are prefered06:50
Simon80the reason I'm asking is that the tarball is split, sort of how I'm going to split this package06:50
Simon80but if I use that, and they change how they make tarballs in the future, it's extra work06:50
Simon80they're not gonna change how the cvs repo is structured, that's a lot more work06:51
Simon80for them06:51
imbrandonif they change how the tarbals are released, then its a good reason to reexamine the pagaging too06:51
Simon80I suppose I'd have to do that anyway06:52
Simon80.....but not necessarily06:52
Simon80cause, they haven't released in a year, by the time they do, they might just wing it differently06:53
imbrandonright, you want to stay as close to upstream as possible , within reason, unless you have a very good reason to change something06:53
Simon80upstream release, you mean06:53
Simon80cause to be clear, I'm not really changing anything, just grabbing it from cvs rather than from sf.net mirrors06:54
imbrandonupstream anything, if they split it in a certain way , there is usaly a reason for it, and debian will normaly follow that reason unless there is a larger reason say dfsg for changeing it06:54
Simon80I was even going to split it the same way06:55
Simon80at least if I use the tarballs, I won't have to learn how to do split debs........06:55
Simon80I definitely find this process painful compared to ebuilds06:56
imbrandonheh well i seen you mentioned gentoo's doc's earlier too, think about it like this, gentoo is a meta distro, you HAVE to have doc's because thats basicly the whole distro, you lkearn tyo build the same system the same way as someone else06:57
Simon80gentoo from scratch06:57
Simon80I was talking about their ebuild howto though, it beats learning how to make debs06:58
imbrandonheh, there realy isnt any other way ( and dont say stage 3 , i know -0- people that use only stage 3 and no other softweare )06:58
Simon80the one area their system falls flat is usage... sooo slow06:58
Simon80but from the dev side it's sweet06:58
=== StevenK should look at the ebuild howto, if only to poke fun at them.
imbrandonStevenK: its basicly a makefile06:58
Simon80before you say anything, think about how their scripts are separate from sources06:59
imbrandonmakefile + watchfile06:59
imbrandonSimon80: so our ours, everything is in /debian06:59
Simon80so you can ebuild skype or something without needing to redist06:59
Simon80I guess that's not a "feature" for debian folk06:59
imbrandonright liek i said a watchfile + makefile06:59
Simon80what do you mean by watchfile, Changelog?07:00
imbrandonbut that requires a user to want to compile something07:00
imbrandonwatchfile, tells the deb where to get the upstream tarbal07:00
imbrandone.g. 1/2 ebuild :)07:00
Simon80imbrandon: they could use binary ebuilds with minor changes to portage, but it would mean compiler transitions and all that nonsense07:00
imbrandoncould and do are diffrent though :)07:01
Simon80seems to me that they could, at least07:01
StevenKSome things are already provided in binary form, for example, openoffice07:01
Simon80that's different07:01
Simon80cause if they did it on a large scale, it wouldn't be split out07:01
imbrandonyea GRP files, i know but tey are always out of date and hard to find07:01
MezSimon80, compiler transitions are all part of the fun :D07:01
Simon80and also, openoffice-bin is not prebuilt, it's the official openoffice binaries07:02
imbrandonkde is still on 3.4 GRP files07:02
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Simon80I don't mean grp though07:02
Simon80I mean debian style repos for after the fact07:02
imbrandoni'm talking on a large scale, for every package, if they were all in binary form why use gentoo >07:02
Simon80too much effort for gentoo though, they're already short enough as is07:02
kgoetzsabdfl's blog (from a few weeks back) meantions ubuntu made iceweasel and firefox debs 'in case'. would it be posible to get the iceweasel debs?,07:02
Simon80gentoo is flexible, that's why I use it, not cause of the source07:03
imbrandonkgoetz: you would have to ask ian probably, he is the current "maintainer "07:03
Simon80the source thing's part of that though, cause you can just recompile everything and the compiler transition is done07:03
Simon80takes like, a week though07:03
=== StevenK whispers "Gentoo is for ricers"
kgoetzimbrandon: thanks. i'll go find deails on LP07:04
Simon80I have somewhere around 500-600 ebuilds merged07:04
imbrandonSimon80: you can in debian based ones too "apt-get source -b blah"  <-- grabs the source and builds it07:04
Simon80yeah, but you don't get use flags, copious example configs, no default settings (I love that one, lol)07:04
kgoetzyou can use flags. you just edit apt.conf07:05
imbrandonsure you can vi the debian/rules file and change to your hearts content07:05
StevenKI remember seeing a hook for apt that downloads the buildd log for a package and scrolls it past while you download and install a package.07:05
Simon80kgoetz, I don't mean CFLAGS07:05
Simon80StevenK: lmao07:05
Simon80oh man, that's funny... I think I'm done laughing07:06
Simon80debian for ricers07:06
Simon80that's sort of like X forwarding firefox to my 77007:06
imbrandonStevenK: hahaha would make a ricer feel at home07:06
Simon80look, it's firefox!07:06
imbrandonor emerging kde :) look i compiled kde ( in 48 hours ) /me stops , hehehe07:07
=== imbrandon would much rather install a system and only compile what is needed to be changed for my contentness, not the whole damn thing
kgoetzimbrandon: ian jackson?07:08
=== StevenK would much rather install a system and have it work.
=== StevenK wavs to elkbuntu
imbrandonkgoetz: yes07:08
StevenKwaves, even07:08
=== elkbuntu oggs to StevenK
=== imbrandon waits for someone to get flac'd
=== elkbuntu flacs imbrandon
StevenKelkbuntu: :-P07:10
=== joejaxx decodes flac
joejaxx"    "07:10
joejaxxis what it says07:10
=== StevenK sighs about packages.d.o some more.
imbrandonjoejaxx: ummm what are you talking about ?07:12
StevenKNice way to make it difficult to file sync requests. :-/07:12
imbrandonStevenK: hehe07:12
joejaxximbrandon: .flac07:12
Simon80meh, once gentoo is up, it's more work than ubuntu, but still, I don't have to worry about dist-upgrading07:12
=== joejaxx thinks it was a badjoke
imbrandonno i mean with the revu shout07:12
joejaxx22:10  * joejaxx decodes flac07:13
joejaxx22:10 < joejaxx> is what it says07:13
imbrandonSimon80: no you dont, you just have to worry about constantly emerging new versions07:13
StevenKelkbuntu: Did I read somewhere that you have a bunch of Edgy CDs?07:13
joejaxximbrandon: yeah it was a badjoke07:13
elkbuntuStevenK, i do have some, however jellyware has the shipment07:13
Simon80imbrandon: is that not like apt-get update?07:14
StevenKelkbuntu: So I can't hit you up for some? :-P07:14
Simon80emerge --sync takes a year, I know, but I mean, a lot less trouble than dist-upgrade breaking stuff07:14
imbrandonnot really, more like apt-get dist-upgrade ( dependancys )07:14
elkbuntuStevenK, quantity dependant07:14
Simon80the breakage is gradual07:14
imbrandonSimon80: hrm dist upgrade rarely breaks things for me, very rarely, unless i have some 3rd party crap, but i know better07:15
imbrandoni dist upgrade 2 or 3 times daily most of the time07:15
Simon80now that I package, so do I07:15
StevenKelkbuntu: I like the pressed ones. I was after 1 or 2 for myself. But only if you can swing it.07:15
minghuain debian if you dist-upgrade from one stable release to a new stable release things should never break07:15
Simon80imbrandon: I meant dist-upgrade edgy-feisty, etc.07:15
elkbuntuStevenK, sure, i can manage that. pm details?07:16
Simon80the other thing is that when something new comes out, I want it now, not 6 months, or even a year07:16
imbrandonSimon80: ahh well thats not the only dist upgrade, dist-upgrade is a daily thing too, but as minghua said07:16
Simon80that's my initial reason to switch07:16
imbrandonSimon80: then run the dev release07:16
Simon80but the dev release breaks07:16
Simon80I tried that07:16
Simon80not usable much07:16
imbrandonhrm yes it breaks but as does anything if you get the "new hotness right away07:17
Simon80not really, with gentoo, if I get something new and it breaks things, I can mask it07:17
imbrandonbut not useable is an overstatement07:17
imbrandonsure and with debian you can pin it07:17
Simon80well, early in the cycle, I got dapper, had not so good luck there, IIRC07:17
imbrandonsame thing07:17
Simon80you can't pin it if they remove the old version from the repos07:18
Simon80great in theory, spoiled by that in practice07:18
imbrandonits in your apt-cache, nah works very well on many many systems i have here07:18
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crimsundude, gotta have the latest crack[ful packages] 07:18
imbrandonpoint is they both have merits , depends on where yuor priorities are07:19
imbrandonbut debian can do anything gentoo can and vice versa, its just how its done07:19
imbrandonand the hoops you have to go through07:20
Simon80 I wouldn't say anything, they're both specialized to some degree07:20
Simon80I mean, anything yes, if you want a bloody forehead07:20
Simon80but I don't07:20
imbrandonbut as i started off saying you cant compare ebuilds to deb's , genttos equiv to an deb is a grp file07:20
Simon80well, no, you could compare ebuilds to deb-src, and ebuilds win out for me, nice and easy to write07:21
Simon80and can get around redist legality issues07:21
imbrandonas you can with other debian mirrors too07:21
Simon80how so?07:21
Simon80amd I hope ubuntu's firefox builds aren't slow still07:22
crimsuneh, only _some_ redist issues07:22
imbrandonlook at seveas.imbrandon.com or debian-multimedia.org07:22
Simon80yeah, but that's still illegal07:22
crimsunand feisty's ff 2.0 has been blessed by mozilla07:22
crimsunerr, edgy's07:22
=== crimsun puts down the crackpipe
imbrandonno, its only ileagle if its used in the wrong place07:22
Simon80cause I wasn't imagining the slowness in breezy07:22
crimsunthat was due to cairo, in part07:22
Simon80switching tabs was slow with the package, faster with the bins07:22
imbrandonjust as an ebuild07:23
crimsunit has been disabled except for certain langs in edgy07:23
Simon80seems to still be doing that07:23
crimsun(cf. changelog)07:23
Simon80I hate a problem like that, how would I even come close to solving it?07:24
Simon80I don't mind solving problems, but I hate ones I can't touch07:24
crimsunwhat do you mean by "solving"?07:24
Simon80for me at the very least07:24
minghuanobody stops you from rebuilding your own firefox package07:24
crimsunprecisely, minghua07:24
Simon80but I have no idea if that would fix it07:24
Simon80and building a firefox package is way too much effort07:24
crimsunor if you're utterly concerned, you _can_ use the official bins from their Web site and just use equivs07:25
crimsungranted that's some amount of crackfulness, but...07:25
Simon80yeah, I know... but it's a pain07:25
Simon80it doesn't really fix the issue, in 6 months I have to put in effort again07:25
HobbseeSimon80: especially if it ftbfs with the qt engine07:25
crimsunwhy in six months?07:25
Simon80freetpe something something..07:25
crimsunno one forces you to dist-upgrade...07:26
minghuaif you know how to fix it in gentoo, you should be able to fix it the same way when you rebuild debian package07:26
imbrandonbugsquishing is never unpainfull07:26
imbrandonfail to build from source07:26
imbrandonminghua: exactly07:26
imbrandonthat was my thinking07:26
minghuaif you are saying just use ebuild to build a gentoo package will give you desired result, then it's not gentoo's advantage, it's gentoo packager's advantage07:26
crimsunbugsquishin is my blue pill.07:26
HobbseeSimon80: fails to build from source.07:26
Simon80crimsun, not dist-upgrading isn't a solution either07:26
=== StevenK trips over the double negative
crimsunSimon80: what requirements prevent that from being a valid solution?07:27
Simon80hobbsee, are you referring to cairo?07:27
Simon80my requirement to partake in the new features in feisty07:27
imbrandonSimon80: well i fail to see how you would have to redo it either, hopefull if you apt-get source the package and fix something you give that patch to the maintainer07:27
HobbseeSimon80: no.  to firefox07:27
crimsunoh, then you and jdong need to huff the same 'pipe ;)07:28
crimsun(no offense to either, of course)07:28
Mezgentoo was one huge ftbfs for me07:28
Simon80yeah, I get those on occasion, my gentoo is a mix of unstable and stable07:28
Simon80thing is, I don't want to rebuild firefox, for all I know that won't even fix this07:28
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Simon80in the past the official binaries have been noticeably faster07:29
Simon80I may test that again07:29
Simon80but I don't even have the time either07:29
LaserJockAmaranth: ping?07:29
StevenKSimon80: Can you prove that it is faster?07:30
Simon80it's a GUI thing, how would I really prove it07:30
imbrandonok , here is my final question, because we are way OT for in here, but why the hell are you using ubuntu if gentoo does what you want/need ?07:30
crimsunimbrandon: shiny07:30
Simon80gentoo does NOT do exactly what I need07:30
Simon80it's high maintenance07:31
imbrandonerm ok, i must have missed something way back, but thats ok, i'm in the dark alot07:31
=== imbrandon goes to grab some more dew
Simon80this wasn't really ever me bashing ubuntu for gentoo, it's just that ubuntu and debian can improve in some areas that gentoo does better07:31
LaserJockoh goodie goodie, a gentoo discusion07:31
Simon80like the good docs07:31
Simon80so I can actually figure out how to write deb packages07:32
AmaranthLaserJock: pong07:32
imbrandonSimon80: but i explained that, gentoo is all doc's kinda like lfs, there wouldent be a gentto without a doc telling you how to compile it07:32
Simon80is that an excuse for debian?07:32
imbrandonno there are many good docs on making a deb07:32
LaserJockAmaranth: dude, have you seen all the fluxbuntu discussions in here?07:32
imbrandonin many diffrent fassions07:32
AmaranthLaserJock: No. :P07:32
AmaranthLaserJock: I have since been schooled07:33
crimsunErr, let's back up a sec. Arguably Gentoo's Policy and Contract are influenced heavily by Debian's.07:33
Simon80key word: many, everywhere, disjoint, and in some areas incomplete07:33
AmaranthSimon80: Debian New Maintainer's Guide07:33
LaserJockAmaranth: good, I will refrain from my flame then ;-)07:33
crimsun(not that they're anywhere near identical, but obviously there has been historical precedence)07:33
elkbuntulol, joejaxx, do you have highlight on 'fluxbuntu'?07:33
imbrandoncrimsun: yup07:34
joejaxxelkbuntu: Lol07:34
crimsun(and really, Gentoo and Debian are both very strong distros in their own rights)07:34
AmaranthSimon80: What do you want?07:34
Simon80not much, I'm just frustrated07:34
AmaranthSimon80: You can't just bitch without having a deliverable.07:34
Simon80part  of it is I just noticed the same tab switch slowness that firefox had in breezy07:34
crimsunAmaranth: but I wanna shiny pony!07:35
Amaranthtab switch slowness? i only got that when something was loading07:35
joejaxxcrimsun: Lol07:35
Simon80no, loaded stuff, cpu time being used07:35
Simon80I'll have to get the official bins and see if they do it too, baybe it's a regression07:35
minghuawell, if you just want to try firefox without pango, there is always MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO07:36
minghuasimple and easy, no recompiling needed07:36
Simon80is that a notable difference or something?07:36
AmaranthSimon80: Or you could check in edgy or feisty instead of something that old.07:36
Amaranthminghua: pango is off unless you use a language that needs it07:36
minghuathat uses XFT rendering instead of PANGO rendering07:36
Simon80Amaranth: what?07:36
AmaranthSimon80: You're only looking at breezy's firefox?07:36
minghuaAmaranth: oh okay.  I didn't know.  thanks07:36
Simon80amaranth: no, I'm looking at edgy's, and saying it's slow like breezy's07:37
imbrandonSimon80: how are you measuring it ?07:38
Simon80with my eyes :(07:38
Simon80it's not a huge deal07:38
imbrandonwow, ok, i meant measuring it07:38
LaserJockSimon80: in the area of docs, the Ubuntu doc team has looked at the gentoo doc system07:38
LaserJockit is one of our sort of model doc systems07:39
Simon80imbrandon, how am I supposed to measure switching tabs07:39
Simon80other than a cpu mon07:39
=== elkbuntu wonders if this topic should not go to another channel
imbrandonthere are ways to measure anything, one way would be to put debug flags in and dbg it07:40
Simon80I just noticed this now, I'm not going that far07:40
Simon80like I said, way above my effort threshold... the farthest I'd go is check the official dist, that made a difference in breezy07:40
Simon80the other thing is maybe it's related to fglrx vs r30007:41
Simon80I don't even know07:41
LaserJockelkbuntu: you have another topic to discuss? :-)07:41
imbrandonright but before you can even make that assumption it would have to be 30s or greater diffrence, a few miliseconds cant be determined by the eye, i'm not saying your wrong, but you have to be objective about it and find exactly whats going on to help fix it07:41
Simon8030 s or greater?07:41
imbrandonsure anything less than that cant be "judged" objectively07:41
imbrandonwith the eye alone07:41
elkbuntuLaserJock, i could find many that are not likely to explode into a distro war ;)07:42
Simon80I respectfully disagree, you can switch tabs and look at cpu usage07:42
Simon80and delay07:42
Simon80it's between highly snappy, and noticeably slow07:42
LaserJockelkbuntu: distro war? we're all interested in Ubuntu here :-)07:42
imbrandonsure but can you tell why? or even if it IS firefox and not something else running up the cpu ?07:42
Simon80um, yes07:42
imbrandonor a extension or anything07:42
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imbrandonyou cant debug "snappy" and "noticeably slow" is whaty i'm getting at, i'm NOT saying its not slower, but thats hardly something to go on07:43
Simon80ok, and now our POVs meet, I was bitching about this because I'm annoyed at how hard it is to track something like this down, but it bugs me nonetheless07:43
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:44
=== Amaranth just uses epiphany
Simon80anyway, my complaint about the docs still stand07:44
imbrandonthats kinda like me saying , i think i get better gas milage with medium grade gas becouse when i filled up with low grade gas i had to full up two times in one week compared to two, e.g. there are a TON of other factors you must consider, e.g. what its compiled with, some real measurements etc etc etc07:45
Simon80imbrandon, simple fact, from breezy, at least, was that I could compare ubuntu vs official firefox one after the other, and there was always a difference, it was not subtle, I have a fast machine, and under normal operation, switching a tab doesn't cause even a blip on my cpu monitor07:46
imbrandonright , but you said it would be easier with an ebuild, its no easier to debug this in debian or in gentoo07:46
imbrandonits stillth e same codebase, etc07:46
Simon80whoa, whoa, haha, I never said that07:46
Simon80the only difference is gentoo makes it easy to use the official dist07:47
LaserJockI do think debian source packages are probably much harder to compare upstream with07:47
LaserJockwe make a lot of changes quite a bit of the time07:47
Simon80I don't think I even brought that up though07:47
imbrandonSimon80: apt-get source blah, change what you like just like an ebuild07:47
imbrandonthen build it07:47
imbrandonsame thing07:47
Simon80imbrandon, no, I mean emerge firefox-bin07:48
Simon80that's easy07:48
imbrandonapt-get source -b firefix07:48
imbrandonexact same result07:48
Simon80imbrandon, you're misunderstanding me07:48
crimsunLaserJock: in terms of the binary package(s), yes07:48
LaserJockmost ebuilds I've seen are pretty darn simple07:48
Simon80indeed, I love writing ebuilds in many cases07:49
LaserJockprobably .rpms are even closer (although I don't know)07:49
HobbseeSimon80: so why havnet you fixed firefox to be faster yet?07:49
imbrandonrpm's are a nightmare, imagine a deb with no packaging rules07:49
elkbuntuHobbsee, rofl07:50
joejaxximbrandon: that whould be terrible07:50
Simon80indeed, that's a bit beyond me07:50
LaserJockimbrandon: of course07:50
HobbseeSimon80: start learning.07:50
joejaxximbrandon: it really whould07:50
Simon80hobbsee, it's not just learning, it's insane debugging for a problem that is probably only transient anyway07:50
crimsunimbrandon: checkins...soap, please.07:50
LaserJockbut the point being, IMO debian packages are probably farther from the original source then most other package managment systems07:51
=== imbrandon hides and shushes
LaserJockso it makes it harder, at times, to compare upstream to our binaries07:51
AmaranthLaserJock: Package management systems? What does the package management system have to do with the patches applied?07:51
HobbseeSimon80: like i say, get fixing.07:51
joejaxximbrandon: i actually like all the rules debian has in place for its packaging archives07:51
Simon80lol hobbsee07:51
joejaxxHobbsee: lol07:52
Simon80wasted effort07:52
LaserJockAmaranth: well, maybe not so much package management, but package format07:52
AmaranthLaserJock: Nope, that's not it either.07:52
LaserJockwell, whatever07:52
AmaranthLaserJock: The word you're looking for is "distribution". :)07:52
LaserJockthat's not what I'm looking for07:52
crimsunI think Jordan's referring to the build system from the maintainer's perspective.07:52
imbrandonyea the build system is quite a bit diffrent, but the results i dont think are07:53
imbrandonbut thats my 0.2c07:53
Simon80if you spent a few minutes in my head, you'd see why getting rid of a bit of cpu time usage when I switch tabs is not a priority: the problem has been on and off, related to _which build_ I use, and there are soo many other OSS contributions I have floating in my head that would benefit more people07:53
LaserJockwhen I've looked at Gentoo, Fink, RPMs, they seem to do less messing around with the source07:53
Simon80I agree with laserjock07:53
AmaranthLaserJock: You are talking about patches, right?07:53
imbrandonumm fink == debian packaging07:53
Simon80a bit07:54
LaserJockAmaranth: "stuff"07:54
minghuaimbrandon: not really07:54
Simon80I mean, like, rpm can be kept down to just a spec file07:54
Amaranthfink is debs and apt, no?07:54
LaserJockimbrandon: sorry, darwin ports is what I meant07:54
minghuafink doesn't even have the concept of source package07:54
imbrandonminghua: sure, i've even done some fink packages, they are very very similar07:54
LaserJockAmaranth: highly modified07:54
Amaranthwell, yeah07:54
Simon80I had makefile code + skeleton spec for the purpose of bundling with my own upstream release07:54
imbrandonminghua: sure they do07:54
AmaranthLaserJock: Scibuntu! (forums)07:55
Simon80this was at work, so there's no release to speak of, but just that file was enough07:55
LaserJockAmaranth: yeah, yeah07:55
minghuaimbrandon: really?  I admit I didn't look closely, but it seems just patches and a build script to me07:55
imbrandonyea now darwin ports is diffrent, thats very close to gentoo portage or BSD ports ( e.g. where they all come from )07:55
imbrandonbut fink's are deb and dsc etc just like debian just built against the osx kernel07:56
LaserJockso I think it does become harder to compare when we diverge from the original authors source07:56
imbrandonfollow basicly trhe same package guideline etc07:56
imbrandonLaserJock: well all package management systems have diffrrent ways to have patches, ours is just more transparent, something like BSD ports patches the source directly in the ports tree07:57
imbrandonso is VERY hard to compare07:57
LaserJockyou have a "patch" file07:57
LaserJockthat's pretty darn easy07:58
Simon80ebuilds don't do that, they have patch files, and the ebuild patches after src is downloaded07:58
LaserJockwe don't even know if the .orig.tar.gz is right07:58
Simon80patches the source, I mean07:58
Simon80with ebuilds, you have SRC_URI pointing upstream07:58
imbrandonLaserJock: ok think about it like this, you want to compare a debian package to an upstream version, you know EXACTLY where to find the diffrences, makes it very easy to compre, anything thats NOT in the .orig.tar.gz07:58
Simon80the orig could be changed though07:58
imbrandonSimon80: no, its nbot supose to be, it should match exactly upstream07:59
=== joejaxx grabs popcorn
Simon80and how do we know where the orig is from? that frustrates me at times07:59
LaserJockthat and it's much harder to see what's going on in a debian source package07:59
AmaranthLaserJock: I'm 99% positive the .orig.tar.gz of every single package in ubuntu/debian is the exact upstream source unless it has dfsg in it's name.07:59
Simon80I guess that's just something you know and I don't though, it's in uscan, isn't it?07:59
LaserJockAmaranth: I beg to differ ;-)07:59
AmaranthLaserJock: That's a bug.07:59
imbrandonLaserJock: if thats not the case there should be a very very good explination08:00
imbrandonand a bug filed08:00
AmaranthLaserJock: If you know about it it should have already been fixed. :)08:00
LaserJocklook, I'm not knocking Debian packaging here08:00
LaserJockI've just seen this stuff08:00
imbrandonright but what i'm saying is you should be able to count on the orig.tar.gz being exactly upstream, thats the WHOLE reason for it08:00
AmaranthSimon80: What happens when the upstream goes away?08:00
LaserJockand a price we have to pay for the stability and flexibility that we have is that we become farther away from the upstream source08:00
=== Simon80 copies another cvs head package of stepmania to his underground lair
Simon80Amaranth: gentoo usually mirrors... in that case though they will usually end up removing from portage anyhow though08:01
Simon80though though though.. oops08:01
LaserJockimbrandon: but if the way we do source packages "allows" for that, then it might be an issue08:01
AmaranthSimon80: Well, I really mean what if example.com goes down for a week.08:01
LaserJockmirrors generally08:02
imbrandonhasent been for the past years08:02
Simon80Amaranth: the mirrors are live08:02
AmaranthSimon80: They keep a "mirror" of everything?08:02
Simon80gentoo is hardcore, haha08:02
AmaranthSimon80: How do you know the stuff on the "mirror" hasn't been modified?08:02
Simon80hashes I mean08:02
imbrandonand then you have redist problems :)08:02
AmaranthBut the hash is in the ebuild :P08:02
Simon80FEATURES=nomirror, dude08:02
LaserJockin darwin ports it comes directly from the authors08:02
imbrandonSimon80: just as deb http:someotherpalce.com08:03
AmaranthI'm just being an ass now.08:03
joejaxxportage and the freebsd ports are very interesting08:03
Simon80Amaranth, the ebuilds are stored locally08:03
joejaxxSimon80: he means having nonubuntu repos08:03
imbrandonLaserJock: yes so does BSD ports , and?08:03
imbrandonman o man we are WAY ot08:03
Simon80joejaxx.. I'm confuzzled a bit08:03
LaserJockno we aren't08:04
Simon80but redist problems, they aren't redisting08:04
joejaxxSimon80: like if you want beryl08:04
LaserJockthis is an important topic for this channel08:04
joejaxxSimon80: you have to add the beryl deb line08:04
Simon80a bit less easy than deb, but still works08:04
Simon80there are management tools that will autoupdate them08:04
=== joejaxx reminders everyone to dist-upgrade
Simon80some people in here seem to be a bit too defensive about deb packages, during this discussion, lol08:05
imbrandonbrandon-holtsclaws-ibook:~ brandon$ apt-get dist-upgrade08:05
imbrandon-bash: apt-get: command not found08:05
joejaxximbrandon: that is not good08:05
Simon80your system is broken!08:05
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Simon80quick, nuke the OS you're booted into!08:06
Simon80"fix" it!08:06
imbrandonhaha no fink installed yet, so not broken :)08:06
imbrandonnah , never nuke a *nix OS08:06
Amaranthhehe, OS X08:06
Simon80calling that *nix is taking a bit of liberty08:06
LaserJockmy point is, I've seen many a time in here where people were like "can I just add/change/remove file X in the .orig.tar.gz?"08:07
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AmaranthUbuntu would have had "brandon-holtsclaws-laptop"08:07
LaserJockwe should be thinking about the integrity of our sources08:07
imbrandonSimon80: OSX is more unixy than some linux disrto's i;ve seen08:07
LaserJockand how far away from the software author we go08:07
Simon80imbrandon: lol08:07
Simon80how many linux distros flout this more than OS X?08:07
AmaranthLaserJock: Nah, just submit patches upstream and don't worry about it if they're not accepted.08:07
AmaranthSimon80: It has vi, it's a *nix :P08:08
Simon80Laserjock: that IS accepted to be wrong08:08
Amaranth(it has vi, right?)08:08
Simon80my 70 is a *nix08:08
Simon80undo isn't implemented though08:08
imbrandonyour 770 runs debian :)08:08
Simon80sort of annoying just how much closed source stuff there is on it though08:08
Simon80it's not debian, it's a debian deriv08:09
Simon80debian has man pages08:09
Simon80and logs08:09
Amaranth770 == old debian + maemo08:09
Amaranthwell, yeah08:09
Simon80and debian is free08:09
imbrandonit is heavly based on debian, cat /etc/issue ( says debian 3.1 )08:09
Simon80what is issue?08:09
joejaxxSimon80: you could always hack open your 770 and flash it mechanically08:09
Amaranthman pages take space and log files take up space/kill flash drives08:09
Simon80joejaxx: no need, but if I nuked all the non-free shit on it, it'd be much less useful08:10
Simon80ie. no WPA connectivity, no more opera, flash08:10
Simon80er... don't need flash much though TBH08:10
Amaranth2 of those are the same on the desktop :P08:10
Simon80no more codec support08:10
Simon80the DSP would be idling08:10
Amaranthsame on the desktop08:10
joejaxxjoejaxx@equinox:~$ cat /etc/issue08:11
joejaxxUbuntu 6.10 \n \l08:11
Amaranthwell, no, i guess the codecs on the 770 are special08:11
imbrandonSimon80: and soon ( about 1 year ) the 770's will be based on ubuntu and buildt from our repos , they had a nice long talk with us at UDS and nokia is buying some arm buildd's for the DC08:11
Simon80you wish08:11
Simon80I wish08:11
joejaxximbrandon: oh yeah that is right08:11
imbrandonSimon80: no thats no joke, i spoke to them myself08:11
Amaranthi overheard them asking where to ship the machines to :)08:11
elkbuntuSimon80, i wouldnt go dismissing stuff like that08:11
joejaxxSimon80: no they are08:11
imbrandonand setup the buildd'swith  ben and james08:12
imbrandonlast week08:12
Simon80I'm not that skeptical, I'm jsut thinking it's not going to be on MY 770, it'll be on 770.208:12
Amaranthyeah, it was someone talking to ben when we were out smoking08:12
=== joejaxx needs to get a Nokia 770
Simon80there's no way they'll build off Ubuntu repos with the current hardware, this hardware is not open for busness08:12
joejaxxand slap fluxbuntu on it hahaha08:12
imbrandonAmaranth: yea me and elmo and the nokia guys :) right after the embeded BoF08:12
Amaranthimbrandon: yeah08:13
imbrandonand wassabi08:13
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AmaranthSimon80: they release OS updates08:13
imbrandonSimon80: as i said they are putting arm buildd's in the DC08:13
AmaranthSimon80: one of those will probably flip you over to ubuntu :P08:13
imbrandondata center08:13
Simon80well, let it be known, I'm at the latest 770 OS, released only 2 weeks ago08:14
Simon802GB mmcmobile support was added08:14
imbrandonlike i said something like this will take aobut 1 year to transition08:14
Simon80it WILL take new hardware, dude, if they wanna use Ubuntu repos08:14
imbrandonbut you'll start seeing some of it very soon ( over the next month )08:14
Simon80like I said, the _hardware_ is not "open" for business08:15
AmaranthSimon80: ARM is ARM is ARM08:15
Simon80as in, there is a C55x DSP core in front of me, it is used for stuff, and none of that code is going to be opened up unless TI has a major change of heart08:15
AmaranthSimon80: not all the stuff will come from Ubuntu's repos08:15
Simon80C55x is C55x, haha08:16
Simon80well then08:16
joejaxxubuntu is ubuntu! :D08:16
joejaxxto be or not to be08:16
imbrandonSimon80: but its still just an arm at heart, the basic os can be bulilt here, drivers for ther hardware inhouse08:16
joejaxxthat is the real question08:16
Simon80when I think about it, using ubuntu's src packages would be the paragon of Ari Jaarski's philosophy for maemo08:16
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Simon80he wanted to participate in upstream08:17
imbrandonmaemo will be in the repos too irrc , so it can be more widely used for other devices08:17
Simon80770 has a long way to go software wise though, the core software is all opposite to the ports08:17
imbrandonok , anyhow i'm off for a bit08:17
Simon80huge ass fonts, ubergnomelike featurelessness08:17
Simon80as in, dumbed down further than gnome is at times08:17
Simon80.....I'm on gnome right now, relax08:18
Simon80don't deny it08:18
Simon80there are some cases where you're digging through gconf wondering why they didn't just add a dropdown08:18
Simon80or wondering why nautilus won't burn multisession08:19
joejaxxSimon80: you can always write and help develop that08:20
Simon80I could, but I lack time08:20
joejaxxwell see here is the thing really08:20
Simon80and don't question that, as we speak I just uploaded a new build of stepmania cvs to my webspace... I AM doing stuff.. I should be doing homework actually :(08:20
AmaranthSimon80: It's always a trade-off. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2002-April/msg00618.html explains the pros/cons for a certain feature08:21
Simon80amaranth: I know08:21
Simon80.......I confess, I can't really provide good arguments to the contrary08:21
Simon80though there's always that cups thing that got linus involved, lol08:22
Amaranththat has since been fixed08:22
Simon80that's what bugs me, when they omit features08:22
Simon80I should file a bug on the mouse applet08:22
AmaranthGenerally "features" are missing because no one has done them the way the maintainer wants them to be done.08:22
Simon80needs to be able to change speed/accel on more than corepointer08:22
AmaranthOr because the maintainer thinks they're a bad idea for some reason. :)08:23
AmaranthIt's not just because he hates you. :)08:24
Simon80I haven't clashed with any maintainers, no code to speak of yet08:24
Simon80how do I add my own gpg key to apt-key?08:24
Amaranthapt-key add08:25
Simon80yes, but my own key08:25
Simon80I've wget riddell's key and such.. how do I access my own key in that format08:25
Simon80wgot, lol08:26
Simon80my pubkey08:26
crimsunexport it in armored mode, then use the above command08:26
Simon80gpg --export08:26
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imbrandonexpot your own pubkey to a file then apt-get add file08:26
Simon80yeah, just saw it08:26
Amaranthgpg --armor --export08:26
Simon80what option for armored?08:26
joejaxxi believe08:26
imbrandongpg --armor --output pubkey.txt --export 'Your Name'08:27
Simon80is it safe to upload that to my repo?08:27
Simon80err, not safe, but useful08:27
Simon80obviously it's safe08:27
AmaranthI'd rather you not08:27
imbrandonyes, if your repo is signed ( and it should be )08:27
crimsunI think if you have to ask whether it's useful, ...08:27
imbrandoncrimsun: that was my next sentance08:28
Simon80um, well no, it could be that it isn't, because if my repo is untrusted08:28
Simon80I don't know08:28
Simon80no use modifying a pubkey though08:28
joejaxxi ?08:28
Simon80what filename for the key though?08:28
AmaranthIf people don't add your key they get an annoying dialog in synaptic every time they refresh and if they do then it's harder to tell what packages are coming from official places and what packages aren't.08:28
imbrandonSimon80: well tbh if you dont know if the gpg pubkey is usefull i have little faith in you making a repo08:28
Simon80amaranth: I know, that's why i'm adding it08:28
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AmaranthSimon80: I'm saying _don't_ add it08:29
Simon80imbrandon, quit flaming me dammit08:29
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Simon80I meant useful as opposed to putting it on a website like I've seen others do08:29
imbrandonSimon80: i'm not, but if you were arround for the last upgrade cycle and seent he problems with third party packages08:29
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AmaranthSimon80: Don't sign your packages that way they show up as 'NOT AUTHENTICATED' so people know they're not from Ubuntu.08:29
Simon80but then I lose to security of having signed packages08:30
imbrandoncrimsun: please take my spot in the education of this padiwan, so i dont get called a flamer anymore, i got other things i can be doing08:30
crimsunsorry, I'm too busy doing shallow things with bugs.08:30
Simon80you flaming **** :)08:30
joejaxxAmaranth: Lol08:30
AmaranthSimon80: And your users lose any easy way to see whether or not you're updating their libc608:30
Amaranth(if you sign)08:30
joejaxxAmaranth: you know people do noy like that message :P08:30
Simon80I must say, since my packages are hosted on a relatively untrusted host, I would want the signatures08:30
Amaranthjoejaxx: But they like my packages so I tell them to put up with it. :P08:31
joejaxxAmaranth: hahaha08:31
Simon80lol, why would I update their libc? that's just evil08:31
joejaxxSimon80: basically08:31
Simon80question is what filename for my key08:31
joejaxxif they have a debline in their apt08:31
joejaxxyou have control of their machine08:31
AmaranthSimon80: File name doesn't matter, the user has to wget it anyway.08:31
Simon80oh, ok08:31
Simon80but then your argument is moot, the user can avoid adding anyhow08:32
Simon80if they wanna track where the updates are from, they can use synaptic08:32
AmaranthSimon80: if you sign the packages and they don't get the key they get a weird error dialog every time they hit refresh in synaptic08:33
Simon80I know, I know08:33
AmaranthAnd I have no idea how to track where an update is coming from in synaptic. :P08:33
Simon80but if they don't get that dialog, they can still easily check the package source08:33
Simon80versions tab08:34
Simon80want a screenie?08:34
joejaxxsudo apt-cache policy nameofpackage08:34
Amaranththat wasn't the point08:34
Amaranthif i don't know how to check what normal user would?08:34
Amaranthjoejaxx: i do madison instead but yeah08:35
Simon80I added my key, and it still won't auth, dammit08:35
joejaxxdid you apt-get update08:36
joejaxxdid you sign your release file?08:36
Simon80I just realized as you said that08:36
Simon80I don't actually have a real repo08:36
joejaxxhow are you apt-getting things?08:37
Simon80haven't bothered to figure that out... alls I've got is a dir with sources and packages.gz08:37
Simon80and files08:37
Simon80dunno how to do the full monty yet08:37
Simon80thank you, I'd seen that, but was too lazy to find it again08:38
Simon80way too many hyperlinks, and all the tubes, it's so confusing08:38
Simon80it's just this big bunch of tubes08:38
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Simon80my repo is the type that gets added as deb http://www.eng.uwaterloo.ca/~sruggier/files/apt/ ./08:38
Simon80confuses synatpic if you try to edit it, lol08:38
Simon80won't let you save it08:39
joejaxxyou should really set that up right08:39
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Simon80I will eventually08:40
Simon80it's still apt-gettable, lol08:40
Simon80try it08:40
joejaxxyeah but it is not the right syntax08:40
Simon80I only imitate, so you can bet that I copied it from someone08:40
joejaxxyou really need tofix that :\08:43
Simon80believe me, I will before it becomes a big deal08:46
Simon80but it works and there's nothing wrong with it08:46
Simon80I have 0 users, and the 1 package in there is stepmania cvs head08:46
Simon80as of now08:47
joejaxxbah nevermind08:47
Simon80lol, it works in synaptic too08:47
Simon80you can add it.. just can't edit then save08:47
Simon80unless you change it08:47
Simon80to something other than the right line08:47
Simon80I don't even have room for more packages in the space I'm hosting08:47
joejaxxthere is a reason why synaptic will not let you save it08:47
Simon80so I'll have to move it at the time I fix this08:47
Simon80do you have a reason? or are you deducing that?08:48
Simon80and lol"08:48
Simon80WARNING: The graphic '/AdditionalSongs/Heavy only/worshiptherobots/worshiptherobots-bg.bmp' has frame dimensions that aren't even numbers.08:48
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joejaxxSimon80: the reason is08:48
joejaxxis the repository i not setup right08:49
joejaxxthere is a certain structure to a debian repository08:49
joejaxxsynaptic is looking for it08:49
joejaxxand does not see it08:49
Simon80it sees it, the packages are used08:49
joejaxxnevermind i do not think you are going to get it08:50
Simon80you mean the dist stuff?08:50
joejaxxwhat i am trying to tell you08:50
Simon80thing is, if it's a valid line, and apt accepts it, synaptic accepts it, but that one dialog doesn't, I say the dialog is outnumbered08:50
Simon80go on though08:51
joejaxxit is not a valid line08:51
joejaxxthat is my point08:51
Simon80how so though?08:51
Simon80I mean, if you point to policy, fine08:51
Simon80I really should be asleep now though08:52
Simon80but don't worry, I'm not going to go through life not knowing how to set up a repo08:52
Simon80please do explain why the line's invalid though08:52
Simon80now that we've talked about it for a while08:52
joejaxxdeb ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free08:53
joejaxxdeb-src ftp://sunsite.cnlab-switch.ch/mirror/debian/ unstable main contrib non-free08:53
joejaxxthat is what synaptic is looking for08:53
joejaxxlet me explain08:53
Simon80I know08:53
Simon80you have the dist, and then any components08:53
Simon80clearly this isn't the same format08:54
Simon80I'm sure that the simpler one working is no accident though08:54
joejaxxyour apt line should look like that08:54
joejaxxatleast have component1 and component208:54
Simon80like I said, different format, no accident08:55
joejaxxthere are ways to hacking and tricking things into working08:55
Simon80can't be an accident08:55
Simon80apt would asplode08:55
joejaxxlike the other day08:55
joejaxxi trick my i386 computer08:55
joejaxxinto downloading a PowerPC chroot08:55
joejaxxit worked08:55
joejaxxbut it is not supposed to be that way08:55
Simon80into downloading through apt? how?08:56
Simon80how is it a trick?08:56
joejaxxSimon80: you cannot download a PowerPC chroot on an intel computer08:56
joejaxxit checks your arch type08:56
joejaxxand downloads it accordingly08:56
Simon80you have to be specific, I could fie up wget and dl it08:56
Simon80so you mean for pbuilder?08:57
joejaxxno my jbuilder app08:57
joejaxxbut anyway08:57
Simon80but I mean, what is dling the chroots? how is this relevant? lol08:57
imbrandonthat deb line is valid syntax for apt, its just not the prefered way08:58
Simon80there we go08:58
Simon80that's what my position was08:58
Simon80no offense, joe08:58
joejaxxSimon80: like i said there is a reason synaptic does not accept your deb lines08:58
Simon80I mean, I will figure out deb repos, but there's a time and place...08:58
Simon80synaptic accepts them though08:58
Simon80just the edit repo dialog doesn't08:59
Simon80you can add it, just not save the same line in the edit dialog08:59
joejaxxits what i whould call what i did lol a hack08:59
Simon80I dunno if I'd go so far08:59
Simon80it's at least half way though08:59
Simon80the repo's a hack, for sure, lol08:59
Simon80just outputted sources and packages to a flat dir08:59
joejaxxok lol09:00
minghuajoejaxx: I agree with imbrandon here, honestly I think that would be a bug in synaptic09:01
Simon80in his defense, he may have misunderstood that synaptic was conflicting with itself there... I didn't make that clear, I just boasted that it confuses synaptic09:02
joejaxxi just know what i read from the sources docs lol09:02
joejaxxkind of like me using equivs instead of pbuilder09:03
joejaxxto make metapackages09:03
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joejaxxlike i tried doing back before i read the debian new maintainers guide a almost a year ago09:04
Simon80and yes, definitely do your homework before creating things09:04
Simon80...or, in my defense, imitate09:05
Simon80and then learn when ready09:05
Simon80I tend to read a lot before doing09:05
Simon80this is just one case09:05
Simon80me too09:08
joejaxxbah nevermind i forgot i had to do something else09:09
joejaxxbefore i detached09:10
joejaxxminghua ping?09:10
minghuajoejaxx: yes?09:10
joejaxxthe syntax on the debian docs is not a standard?09:11
minghuajoejaxx: which doc?  the "how to maintain a repo" one?09:12
joejaxxhold on i just received 71 emails09:12
joejaxxminghua: yes09:12
joejaxxdeb|deb-src uri distribution [component1]  [component2]  [...] 09:12
joejaxxthis is what i was referring to actually09:13
minghuajoejaxx: I never read that doc, reading now09:13
joejaxxwow i really need to create rules/filters for my email09:14
minghuajoejaxx: look a little down at the "Example 4. Two Trivial Repositories from my sources.list"09:14
minghuajoejaxx: basically both syntaxes are correct, one being used by Debian official archives, so a bit more "formal"09:15
joejaxxdeb file:///home/aisotton/rep-exact binary/09:15
joejaxxdeb-src file:///home/aisotton/rep-exact source/09:15
minghuajoejaxx: but I won't go as far as saying the other is wrong09:16
joejaxxthat still has the distribution argument09:16
joejaxxand subdirectories09:16
joejaxxi mean the first argument09:16
minghuayou don't have trailing "/" for distribution argument09:16
minghuathat's how apt differentiate those two forms09:17
minghuas/that's how/I think that's how/09:17
Simon80it's how09:18
Simon80it doesn't work to jsut say deb x.x.x .09:18
Simon80has to be ./09:18
Simon80I know empirically09:18
imbrandonwelp time for a bit of sleep i think, see yall after bit, gnight joejaxx Simon80 minghua and anyone else still awake09:21
Simon80me too09:21
Simon80it's 3:21 here09:21
Simon80*smacks self*09:21
minghuayeah, I should go sleep, too09:21
minghuagood night imbrandon09:22
joejaxxthat line imbrando n type highlighted in gold09:22
ajmitchgoing to sleep already?09:22
joejaxxwhat is up with that09:22
imbrandonajmitch: haha probably not, but my eyes are telling me to try09:22
ajmitchyeah, I went to bed at 11pm last night09:23
imbrandonactualy i'll probably keep hacking on this shell script for a nother houur09:23
elkbuntuajmitch, i've been in bed by 11 every night since coming back to Aus, it feels so unnatural :09:23
imbrandongah, i knew there was something i forgot to setup, fskin osx terminal dosent like backspaces /me looks for the settings to change09:24
joejaxxajmitch: does irssi highlight full lines on nick ping?09:24
ajmitchjoejaxx: usually09:24
imbrandonjoejaxx: should09:24
ajmitchwell I've set it to highlight here09:24
joejaxxajmitch: imbrandon yeah but i mean09:24
=== nixternal has gone back to a full blown irssi config
joejaxxright now both of your nicks highlighted09:25
joejaxxnot the whole thing09:25
joejaxxwhole line09:25
ajmitchright, the line doesn't usually highlight, just the nick on the left09:25
ajmitchif that's what you mean09:25
joejaxxthe whole line highlighted09:25
joejaxxwhen imbrandon said he was going to sleep09:26
nixternalyou can set the line to highlight though by adding the color at the end of }... i.e, {msgnick %Y$0$1-%n}%Y   <- in your theme file09:26
joejaxxnixternal: yes but is that default?09:27
nixternalthat %Y at the end would highlight the entire line bold yellow09:27
nixternalno joejaxx09:27
joejaxxit is the first time irssi has highlighted a whole line09:27
nixternaldefault == nick only09:27
joejaxxyeah see09:27
joejaxxit just did it once again09:27
joejaxxwith this09:27
joejaxx00:27 < nixternal> no joejaxx09:27
nixternalhrmm..that messed up my highlight...lol09:28
joejaxxthe word "no" was highlighted also09:28
nixternalbut i have a highlight window as well, so all my highlights go to a split window at the top of my terminial09:28
joejaxxhmmm interesting09:29
nixternalthe top window logs all of my highlights09:33
joejaxxuh oh09:33
joejaxxoh shoot09:33
joejaxxbah hold on bbl09:33
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=== minghua heads to bed
minghuasee you guys09:41
=== DarkMageZ [n=richard@ppp231-64.lns3.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxoh mannnnn09:49
joejaxxthis is NOT goo09:49
joejaxxnot good at all09:49
joejaxxmy server is on fire09:49
ajmitchjoejaxx: that doesn't sound so great09:53
ajmitchwhere is this server?09:53
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joejaxxoh man09:59
joejaxxajmitch: in a controlled environment in one part of my room09:59
joejaxxi had to force shutdown09:59
joejaxxtake it out the server rack09:59
joejaxxunscrew the psu09:59
ajmitchdid you mean 'on fire', or just letting out magic smoke?09:59
joejaxxand take it out side10:00
joejaxxon fire10:00
ajmitchyou have a server rack in your room? :)10:00
joejaxxyeah :)10:00
ajmitchman, some people..10:00
=== ajmitch certainly doesn't have enough for a server rack
joejaxxi am glad the fire was only at the psu10:01
joejaxxit could have spread to the drives10:01
joejaxxand motherboard10:01
joejaxxajmitch: :\10:01
joejaxxso it is time to look for another psu10:03
=== ajmitch has 2 computers here that work & are useful
=== joejaxx fires up links2 on tty3
ajmitchsince 1 of them is a laptop, there's hardly any point in getting a rack10:03
=== ajmitch would love to revive the old athlon xp
joejaxxajmitch: how can i get mouse support for ttyX?10:04
ajmitchno idea10:04
ajmitchgpm, maybe?10:04
joejaxxajmitch: what is wrong with it? the xp?10:04
joejaxxajmitch: i do not know10:05
ajmitchdies about 10 seconds into bootup10:05
joejaxxoh wow :\10:05
ajmitchprobably a cooked cpu or broken power supply10:05
ajmitchmotherboard has some bulging caps as well10:05
=== ajmitch replaced it with a little amd64 box
joejaxxnice :)10:06
ajmitchyeah, the amd64 I got has a bit more diskspace, RAM, CPU power10:07
joejaxxthe only 64but computers i have here are som 233MHz sparcs10:07
ajmitchmakes for a good replacement10:07
joejaxxajmitch: nice upgrade10:07
ajmitchnecessary upgrade, with a dead box10:07
joejaxxyeah truw10:07
ajmitchgave me a chance to try out RAID, etc10:07
ajmitchI can run stuff in vmware without any problems10:08
ajmitchlike having both windows vista & 2k3 server running at once :)10:08
joejaxxhave you tried running 64 bit oses on vmware?10:08
ajmitchworks fine10:08
joejaxxnice :)10:08
ajmitchno different to 32-bit systems10:09
joejaxxi was just wondering because 64bit support was suposed to be "expeerimental"10:09
ajmitchI haven't tried 64-bit versions of windows10:10
joejaxxuh oh hold on10:11
joejaxxuh oh this is not good bbl :(10:12
ajmitchmore flames?10:12
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
nixternalhelp timestamp_level10:21
nixternaloh well, sleep time..g'nite10:22
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=== TheMuso has his first updated merge to deal with.
=== StevenK notes he has no idea why xemacs21 doesn't require xbitmaps to build any more.
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TheMusoHey Hobbsee11:46
Hobbseehey TheMuso11:48
=== rvalles tries to understand the decision to include non-free drivers...
rvallesinstead, a few thousand could be donated to the ati and nvidia reverse-engineered driver efforts12:01
rvallesand that'd almost guarantee free drivers for next ubuntu release12:01
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ajmitchrvalles: not necessarily12:02
ajmitchthere needs to be a lot of quality time, not just money thrown at it12:03
Burgundaviarvalles: reverse engineering is a hard task, requiring smart people12:03
Burgundaviathere are not many people that are both a) smart enough b)have an interest in doing it12:04
ajmitchc) aren't doing other necessary things already12:04
ajmitcheg there's a small handful of people who understand drivers & video cards well enough12:05
StevenKAnd most of them work for Nvidia and ATI? :-P12:07
ajmitchor intel12:07
Burgundaviathey are paying the big dollars12:08
Burgundavianvidia offered mjg59 a job12:08
highvoltageBurgundavia: for open source development?12:09
Burgundaviait is nvidia, they don't really grok open source12:12
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rvalles12:03:15 <   ajmitch> there needs to be a lot of quality time, not just money thrown at it12:26
rvallesbut there are already people working in this stuff12:26
rvallesati and nvidia drivers... on the ati front, almost all atis work already, but the ones with only shared memory12:27
ajmitchand you've seen the comments from the nouveau developers12:27
rvallesand with nvidia, they're just starting12:27
rvallesif they had the money not to need to work on anything else so that they could concentrate on the drivers12:27
rvallesI can only imagine nice and fast advancement12:27
rvallesinstead, we decide to help the big corporations by distributing their drivers for them12:28
rvallesnot too smart, imho12:28
rvallesand then, on the driver front, there are popular vendors (like broadcom) that won't even release linux drivers or specs at all; only the reverse-engineering path is left12:30
=== herzi [n=herzi@pD9E291D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Burgundaviawow, the 93472340384508th digg article about shipit12:34
highvoltageBurgundavia: we should have a party when it reaches 1000000000000000012:35
Burgundaviahttp://ftp.linuxcenter.ru/iso/SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-10/ <-- yay, russian pirated ISOs!!12:36
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Burgundaviarvalles: are you fairly familiar with the open source video driver scene?12:38
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Burgundaviarvalles: sorry, network died. Did you respond?12:47
Hobbseehe didnt12:48
BurgundaviaNM and my atheros card are not exactly a loving couple right now12:49
Hobbseeedgy or feisty?12:51
=== Hobbsee never had trouble with her one
Burgundaviafeisty, but an edgy kernel12:52
BurgundaviaI have not had issues until this run12:52
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rvallesBurgundavia: no.01:40
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Adri2000crimsun: I asked the pppoeconf debian maintainer and an ubuntu user, the don't have the same problem as me (windows not sized correctly)02:49
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rvalles12:49:37 < Burgundav> NM and my atheros card are not exactly a loving couple right now02:54
rvallesBurgundavia: tried NM a few weeks ago02:54
rvallesit doesn't seem to have a way to specify IP, netmask, gateway and DNS servers02:55
rvallesso it doesn't work on networks without DHCP02:55
StevenKrvalles: Correct.02:55
rvallesI don't understand why people are so much into NM02:55
rvalleswhen it doesn't even do this much02:55
crimsunit's largely dependent on the wifi chipset (and thus driver). n-m purportedly works wonderfully with ipw220002:56
rvallesso I went back to manually setting things up; I don't feel like installing dhcp at home...02:56
rvallescrimsun: that, too02:56
rvallescrimsun: it lacked support for most stuff in my zd1211 simply because it isn't in the database02:57
rvalleswhen it uses the standard wireless API of the kernel like the other in-kernel-tree wireless drivers02:57
rvalleson the other hand, it recognised another chipset I have there (crappy broadcom) just fine02:57
Hobbseeworks wonderfully with my two cards, with wpa, but i'm lucky02:58
Hobbseervalles: it's the only gui form of wpa encrypted wifi02:58
StevenKrvalles: It does ... funny stuff, like scan while associated.02:58
rvallesHobbsee: I know, and that's why I tried it02:59
rvallesHobbsee: too bad it supports WPA but doesn't support something as basic as assigning IP/mask/gw/DNS.02:59
Hobbseervalles: true.  feel free to write the support for it though02:59
Hobbseervalles: it's still quite new02:59
rvallesso I'm back to my small script for wpa_supplicant invocation...02:59
rvallesHobbsee: I guess I'll give it another try after a few months03:00
rvallesit seemed to me like a very good idea, but still on the early stages.03:00
rvalleshope the ati reverse engineering people make it so that X1100 and other integrated chipsets without local memory works03:01
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=== StevenK might look at hacking that in.
StevenKIf crappy wlassistant can do it, NM can.03:02
HobbseeStevenK: sounds like you're wanting to take over maintainership, and starting to hack on NM03:03
StevenKHah, not at all.03:03
HobbseeStevenK: keybuk would be happy03:03
=== StevenK isn't sure what Keybuk thinks of him.
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bddebianHeya gang03:44
bddebianHello PriceChild03:47
Gloubiboulgahello bddebian, hello PriceChild03:49
PriceChildI'm reading up on dh_scrollkeeper Gloubiboulga :P03:49
bddebianHi Gloubiboulga03:50
PriceChildGloubiboulga: could you check something for me before I do it?03:52
PriceChildI've got a couple of files in debian03:55
PriceChildpostinst & postrm03:55
PriceChildI've been advised to use dh_scrollkeeper instead of them03:55
PriceChildI think that those two files can just be removed completely as they don't do anything else03:56
PriceChildhttp://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/xvidcap-0611181500/xvidcap-1.1.4p1/debian/postinst btw03:56
Gloubiboulgaindeed, you can remove them03:56
PriceChildok gd03:56
PriceChildnow for me to figure out where to put dh_scrollkeeper in control :)03:57
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PriceChildIs it just inside: "binary-arch: build install"03:58
PriceChildbelow line 55: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32744/03:58
PriceChildOh and i removed "patch-stamp" from line 27 just before "configure-stamp"04:00
PriceChildso i'm hoping that was correct also04:02
Gloubiboulgayou can call dh_scrollkeeper after dh_installmenu04:03
PriceChildgood good :)04:04
PriceChildI'm getting there :)04:04
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PriceChildGloubiboulga: got a little more time to spare?04:09
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
_MMA_PriceChild: When is feature freeze for Feisty?04:11
PriceChildcouple of months04:11
PriceChild(i think)04:12
PriceChildI am no-one to be asking these questions though lol.... i'm a forums guy :)04:12
PriceChildI'll go check for you04:12
_MMA_I know. I know you name. Im MetalMusicAddict there.04:12
PriceChildFeb 8th04:12
PriceChildah k04:13
=== jikanter [n=jordan@c-24-12-220-77.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PriceChildyeah feature freeze is feb 8th04:13
_MMA_Thanx. ;)04:13
PriceChilddebian import freeze is 21st December though04:13
GloubiboulgaPriceChild: not right now, but in a couple of hours, yes04:14
PriceChildhe he thanks for the help :) Gloubiboulga :)04:14
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Adri2000crimsun: is it ok for pppoeconf now? (see my comment on the bug)05:11
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rmjbhi, I'm looking for an motu to okay and release a sync request06:02
rmjbthe sync is for a package that's broken in edgy and also feisty and users are hitting the same bug in feisty...06:02
=== AstralJava [n=jaska@cm-083-102-068-117.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Lathiatrmjb: best bet would to be to file a bug about the problem and suggest the version that fixes it06:05
rmjbdid all that already... quite some time ago06:05
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
rmjbSee here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/5424606:05
UbugtuMalone bug 54246 in dmraid "DMRAID stopped to work in kernels > 2.6.15" [Undecided,In progress] 06:05
rmjbhere https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/6829406:06
UbugtuMalone bug 68294 in dmraid "[SRU]  Freeze Exception Request for dmraid" [Medium,Needs info] 06:06
rmjband here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dmraid/+bug/7198006:06
UbugtuMalone bug 71980 in dmraid "dmraid: sync new debian version" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 06:06
Lathiathrm wow thats a pretty big bug06:07
rmjbyeah... I'm kinda miffed it's taking this long to fix06:07
rmjbif it could be synced for feisty I could request a backport to edgy06:11
=== Lathiat nods
=== Lathiat -> bed, back tomorrow..
geserrmjb: are all ubuntu patches merged into the debian package?06:15
rmjbyep as far I see06:15
geserthen you need you only need a motu to verify it and add an ack06:18
rmjbcan you do that?06:18
=== PuMpErNiCkEl [n=pumperni@CPE000d8802a749-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
geserI'm not a MOTU06:18
rmjbokay, me neither06:18
gesersubscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team to the bug06:19
rmjbthanks, did that... is the team notified when they06:20
rmjbthey're subscribed? or do I have to add a comment?06:21
geserthey get notified when you subscribe them06:22
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luisbghow can I see which version of a package is apt going to install (not version of the software but of the ubuntu package06:44
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PriceChildluisbg:  there must be a cli way... but you can do it easily in synaptic by right clicking the package and looking at availiable versions06:47
luisbgPriceChild, in the future I might need a command for that but...06:48
luisbgfor now it's cool, thanks06:48
Adri2000apt-cache policy/madison06:48
luisbgAdmiral_Chicago, madison?06:48
PriceChildah that's good06:49
PriceChild$ apt-cache madison gedit06:49
PriceChild     gedit | 2.16.1-0ubuntu2 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages06:49
PriceChild     gedit | 2.16.1-0ubuntu2 | http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Sources06:49
PriceChildclever :)06:49
Adri2000and policy has a field "candidate"06:49
luisbgAdri2000, WOW! nice LOL06:50
PriceChildyou learn something new every day :)06:50
luisbgPriceChild, in FOSS you learn so many things new every day :P06:50
PriceChildproblem is whatever i learned yesterday is already common knowledge to me and i've forgotten what it was06:51
luisbgPriceChild, heh06:51
luisbgso is it safe to change the apt sources to feisty now?06:51
pygiluisbg: not really ^_^06:52
luisbgpygi, LOL, for ubuntu motus?06:52
pygiunless you are willing to cope with the problms you might experience ^_^06:52
pygiluisbg: well, I just run a feisty pbuilder, no need for installing feisty06:52
Sp4rKycan we do some poll with lp ?06:53
=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #ubuntu-motu
luisbgpygi, ok cool, thanks06:53
PriceChildI've got feisty on a separate partition for playing06:53
luisbghello LaserJock06:53
PriceChildand a feisty pbuilder06:54
LaserJockhi luisbg06:54
pygiPriceChild: all good, but never recommend random folks to install feisty ^_^06:54
PriceChildhey LaserJock06:54
PriceChildlol definately not :()06:54
pygi'cause they won't bug you :)06:54
PriceChildI still reccomend people use Dapper instead of Edgy06:54
pygithat's probably sane06:54
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PriceChildDo as I say, not as I do and all that06:55
PriceChildpersonally to me Edgy's stable as a rock, had much less problems since install than I did with Dapper, but I'm in the minority06:55
LaserJockI don't know that you are06:56
luisbgLaserJock, how is all going?06:56
LaserJockbarring upgrade issues, Edgy seems pretty darn good06:56
LaserJockluisbg: I'm sick in bed :/06:56
PriceChildthat's what I think06:56
luisbgedgy is great06:56
luisbgif the user hasn't done something outside ubuntu... is stable as a rock06:56
PriceChildbut if you spent a lot of time on the forums like me... you'd disagree06:56
luisbgif the user has done outside of ubuntu, he will know how to fix that outside to update06:57
LaserJockPriceChild: well, I've seen both06:57
PriceChildso many issues like wireless regressinos06:57
luisbgLaserJock, ooh sorry, what do you have?06:57
LaserJockluisbg: just a cold06:57
LaserJockyeah, hardware regressions always suck :/06:57
PriceChildcheck this out: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28336406:58
PriceChild"This is just a start,"06:58
luisbgLaserJock, take care ;)06:59
PriceChildluisbg: its only a cold :)06:59
luisbgPriceChild, being sick sucks... even though it's just a plain cold07:01
PriceChildI always find it annoying how i forget what being "normal" feels like when feeling ill07:02
LaserJockugg, I just can't look at the forums anymore07:04
PriceChildwhat's up?07:05
LaserJockit's just depressing07:07
PriceChildexplain? :)07:07
LaserJockforums are great to find out everything wrong with Ubuntu07:07
LaserJockand virtually no help/support for the dev community07:08
luisbgLaserJock, sellfish pricks07:08
LaserJockit's just the way it is07:09
luisbghuman nature07:09
LaserJockpeople mostly don't realize how the development works07:09
PriceChildi completely agree07:09
luisbgone big problem usually is that people don't know how to report bugs correctly07:10
luisbgI have given a bunch of linux related courses and lectures07:10
PriceChildWe're trying to address that I think, a sticky here and there to start off with07:10
luisbgand asking to newbies how would they report a bug... usually gets a lot of silent faces reply07:10
PriceChildhopefully with Ambassadors things will get done properly07:10
siretartyeah: == Bug Stats ==07:17
siretart* Open  (19313) +1337 over two weeks ago07:17
pygisiretart: blame it all on cdrecord =)07:20
joejaxxajmitch: yeah the Server Fire Spread07:20
joejaxxi did not realize07:21
joejaxxthat it spread to another server07:21
joejaxxthe fire that is07:21
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maeHey, is there a place I can get a NSD 3.0 deb?07:27
maei'm having problems with nsd 2.x included currently and it sending axfr to slaves -- figured i would just upgrade07:28
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siretartwhats NSD?07:50
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rmjbhello, Looking for an motu to review (and hopefully advocate) my package on REVU: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=344908:13
PriceChildI've just realised i've put dependencies in teh wrong place on my package08:15
=== PriceChild runs off to fix
LaserJockanybody know how add something to the environment when executing a crontab08:26
rmjbdo up a script for the command that sets the cariable08:27
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Sp4rKyhi there09:12
Sp4rKyi really need help about the way to (re)create a good initrd.gz when we have modify the live cd ...09:13
luisbgthe only uploads accepted in edgy are for critical bug fixes right?09:14
PriceChildor critical security patches09:15
secretlondonexclduing backports09:15
=== pygi nods
=== PriceChild [n=pricechi@unix0.york.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxsecretlondon: recreated?09:18
joejaxxare you still there?09:18
joejaxxSp4rKy: ping09:19
Sp4rKysorry :)09:20
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: can you help me ?09:20
joejaxxyes i can :)09:20
joejaxxmkinitramfs -o /initrd.gz 2.6.17-10-generic on the livecd09:20
joejaxxthat will rebuild the initrd.gz and place it on the root of the livecd filesystem09:21
joejaxxwhile you are chroot'd in09:21
joejaxxSp4rKy: make sure you do that while you are chroot'd into the livecd filesystem09:22
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: yes09:23
Sp4rKyinto my chroot, i've install the 2.6.17 kernel09:23
joejaxxok good09:24
Sp4rKyand so, after logging out of my chroot09:24
joejaxxwait what are you trying to do exactly?09:24
Sp4rKythe issue seems to be the ubuntu/capser/initrd.gz file09:24
Sp4rKyso i want to recreate it09:24
joejaxxoh ok09:24
Sp4rKyand so recreate vmlinuz to09:25
joejaxxSp4rKy: you want to do09:25
joejaxxmkinitramfs -o /initrd.gz 2.6.17-10-generic09:25
joejaxxthe chroot09:25
joejaxxthen after you exit copy it to casper/initrd.gz09:25
Sp4rKyand must i copy the vmlinuz too ?09:25
joejaxxvmlinuz must be in casper also09:26
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metresHi there I'd like to help someone on testing and/or developing package !!09:38
metresI dont know where to start...09:38
Sp4rKymetres: you can help me on Ebuntu if you want :)09:38
pygimetallikop: feel free to read Ubuntu Packaging Guide09:38
metresWhat could I do for you ?09:38
pygiSp4rKy: don't push it09:38
pygimetres: have you read packaging guide and debian new maintainer guide?09:38
joejaxxSp4rKy: :)09:38
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: :)09:39
joejaxxSp4rKy: enlightenment?09:39
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: i'm trying (rebuild the iso)09:39
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: yep09:39
metresno where could Im found this ?09:39
PriceChildmetres i hope you know what you're getting yourself into ;)09:40
joejaxxSp4rKy: nice09:40
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: thx09:40
joejaxxSp4rKy: it is always nice to see a fellow derivative09:40
Sp4rKydoes the process to become a motu is really hard ?09:40
Sp4rKyjoejaxx: :)09:40
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources09:40
LaserJockSp4rKy: not particularly hard, just takes patience and work09:41
pygimetres: you should read that two, but you are always welcome to ask what you don't understand09:41
metresThanks guys for the links...09:41
pygiLaserJock: and signed gpg ^_^09:41
Sp4rKyLaserJock: but about the "test" itself ?09:41
LaserJockSp4rKy: there isn't a specific "test"09:41
Sp4rKyreally ?09:42
joejaxxSp4rKy: patience and work09:42
LaserJockyou work with the MOTU team, people see your work09:42
joejaxxSp4rKy: what LaserJock said09:42
joejaxxLaserJock: i did not see that you said patience and work before hand :P09:42
LaserJockand then you go before the Technical Board (or perhaps soon the MOTU Council) and they review your work09:42
Sp4rKyi thought there's a "test" like to become an ubuntu-member09:42
LaserJockwell, I don't really think of that as a "test" but it is similar09:43
PriceChildto become an ubuntu member you just have to be able to prove you've given to the community basically09:44
PriceChildLaserJock: MOTUC? :O09:44
LaserJockPriceChild: Council Grayskull09:44
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LaserJockPriceChild: that's the name of the MOTU council that will be handling membership and MOTU applications09:45
Sp4rKyLaserJock: bookmarked09:45
PriceChildwhy Grayskull?09:45
LaserJockPriceChild: comes from He-Man09:45
pygiPriceChild: because, think :)09:45
pygiPriceChild: cartoons ^_^09:45
LaserJockas does the name MOTU09:45
PriceChildhe he cool :)09:45
PriceChildahhhh i getcha now09:45
Sp4rKyPriceChild: i know for the ubuntu member coucil (i'm one :)09:46
PriceChildah k sorry Sp4rKy09:46
PriceChildI'm gonna apply at next CC meting09:46
Sp4rKyPriceChild: np09:46
=== Subhuman [n=jack@host86-142-54-172.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Adri2000Sp4rKy: what's the "test" to become an ubuntu member?09:49
Sp4rKyAdri2000: not really a test in fact09:49
Sp4rKyjust write your name to the next CC list09:49
Sp4rKyand come at the CC09:50
Sp4rKyand wait a "CC member" talk to you09:50
Sp4rKyand then talk about what you do for Ubuntu09:50
Sp4rKyhelp / installation / packaging / translation / bugs ...09:50
Sp4rKyall kind of contribution09:50
Adri2000yeah ok, you don't have a piece of paper with questions, one hour to do it... :p09:50
pygiAdri2000: hehe :)09:51
secretlondonyou need a history of activity and to document it - and recommendations from people09:51
secretlondonadmittedly i haven't done it yet09:51
Sp4rKyand so CC member say "yes, you're 'able' to become an ubuntu member"09:51
Sp4rKyor not09:51
pygisecretlondon: ^_^09:51
pygiSp4rKy: one CC member not enough ;)09:52
Sp4rKypygi: i know09:52
Sp4rKy3 in fact09:52
Sp4rKyor you maybe can help some special team09:52
Adri2000sabdfl is supposed to be present at every CC?09:52
LaserJockhe's often away09:52
Adri2000ok, and there is still no date for the next CC?09:54
Adri2000it should be every two weeks09:54
PriceChildI've been waiting for the next CC since october :(09:54
LaserJockusually the developer summits and releases mess up the schedule09:54
LaserJockas the people on the CC and TB are often the people doing a lot of the work09:55
giskardLaserJock, a motu con become CC or TB=09:55
=== siretart shouts *strike*!
LaserJockgiskard: can they be on the CC or TB?09:55
LaserJockis that what you're asking09:56
LaserJocksiretart: ssshh09:56
LaserJockgiskard: sure09:56
=== siretart thinks he just fixed malone #62751
LaserJockgiskard: any member is eligible for CC09:56
UbugtuMalone bug 62751 in cryptsetup "Upstart doesn't activate luks volumes in cryptsetup" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6275109:56
giskardLaserJock, idem for TB?09:56
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU09:56
LaserJockgiskard: I'd imagine that it would take being a core-dev to be on the TB09:56
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LaserJockgiskard: but there is no rule against a MOTU being on the TB I don't think09:57
LaserJocknominations are given to sabdfl09:57
LaserJockhe picks people09:57
LaserJockand they are voted on by the developers/members09:57
siretartTB ppl should have a good understanding of technical issues in ubuntu. those ppl are commonly found in ubuntu-core-dev09:58
LaserJockit should all be happening very soon too09:58
LaserJocknow that the Canonical all-hands meeting is done09:58
pygiPriceChild: it seems we'll keep search disabled after all for now, at least according to current votes10:00
pygiPriceChild: lol, all want tracker^_^10:00
giskardpygi, hello10:00
pygihey ho giskard :)10:00
PriceChildhe he :)10:00
PriceChildpygi: leave it up at least a day or two first though10:00
PriceChildyou've only seen the opinions of a small group10:00
pygiPriceChild: I will, but Brasero currently doesn't include tracker support, so no point including it as dep when it wouldnt work :p10:01
PriceChildhe he ok10:01
PriceChildbut you might get more feedback about the real question10:01
pygiyes, I know ...10:01
pygiand we have plans to include an abstraction layers for burning and search backends...10:01
pygiit's just not the right time ^_^10:02
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PriceChildhe he ok :)10:02
ajmitchmorning all10:02
pygiPriceChild: it's just interesting how radical opinions some people have ^_^10:06
ajmitchpygi: like "you *MUST* use tracker"?10:07
pygiajmitch: yes ^_^10:07
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Laser_awaypygi: what's the point of having tracker/beagle support?10:16
pygiLaser_away: to have search panel enabled in Brasero...10:17
Laser_awaywell, but what are you supposed to search for?10:17
pygiLaser_away: dunno, files you wanna include on cd or something?10:17
pygiwith a preview, bla, bla10:18
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cbx33why would I search for files I've just put onto a cd?10:21
cbx33just curious?10:21
Burgundaviacbx33: I have about 35 cds with random things I have burned on them. I would like to be able to find something on one of those cds easily10:22
cbx33so is the idea to store in a db everything you've ever written onto a cd?10:22
Burgundaviaonly stuff you want10:23
=== nixternal uses NAS (no need to burn)
PriceChildpygi: that's what you get with linux :)10:24
pygicbx33: even before you've put to cd, you can do a preview of images, music, video, etc10:24
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Simon80cbx33: there's a mac app that does this search thing10:33
Simon80I forget the name, but they're one of those "we're perpetually in beta" apps10:33
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Simon80IMO beta is a label you use for the short time in between alpha and release10:34
Simon80not some snobby indicator that you're somehow cutting edge10:34
pygiSimon80: why not? ^_^10:38
pygiSimon80: I can't call libburn neither alpha and certainly not release (1.0) ready10:38
Simon80because it's a misuse of the word for marketing purposes10:38
Simon80pygi: you aren't selling libburn10:38
pygiSimon80: true ^_^10:38
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metresHi there, I dont found where to report a bug... When I start kdesu konqueror, It is unable to launch kate...10:43
secretlondonmetres: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs10:44
metresthank secretlondon10:44
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metresI got  "warning: no utmp entry available and LOGNAME not defined;" with pbuilder... anyone know why ?11:05
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joejaxxnice Feisty is actually working :)11:11
joejaxxor is usable11:11
pygijoejaxx: :P11:11
joejaxxno seriously11:12
joejaxxbefore it whould not accepted any input from my synapticpad and keyboard11:12
joejaxxand the fonts were messed up a bit11:13
chantrahi there, I was wondering, using a pbuilder chroot, is it possible to build a package for another distro11:14
pygichantra: for debian, yes11:15
pygiothers, havent tried11:15
chantraI mean, having a edgy package, it is possible to change the debian/ settings such as that11:15
pygijoejaxx: I know :)11:15
chantrathere is changelogs related to dapper and not edgy anymore?11:15
chantrahttp://packages.ubuntu.com/ is down :s11:16
=== secretlondon nods at chantra
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chantraguys, could i build a package using pbuilder like I would with dpkg-buildpackage?11:18
chantramaybe debuilmd :)11:19
chantranope, does not seem to work11:20
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pygichantra: may I suggest reading ubuntu packaging guide?11:20
pygichantra: debian new maintainers guide as well11:20
chantrai'm rather struggling with pbuilder11:21
chantrait seems this is rather to build a package, not to modify and rebuild a package11:21
kkubasikif someone has a sec, can I get a review on this11:21
chantraif you see what i mean11:21
chantrapygi: do you believe I can get a package built for edgy, change some dependancies in debian/control11:23
chantraand then rebuild it with pbuilder?11:23
chantraas far as I can experience with pbuilder, I cannot11:24
chantrai can only build a package using .dsc file, which means i cannot modify the package11:24
fdovingyou can use 'pdebuild'11:25
chantrafdoving: never heard of that one, will give it a try :)11:26
chantracheers :p11:26
pygichantra: well, you can do "debuild -S -sa" and then pbuilder build *.dsc11:26
pygichantra: and please, o please, read the guides11:27
chantrapygi: I did, but I might have missed that bit, cheers11:27
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chantrapdebuild seems to do the job, thanks11:37
chantrado you guys have any tricks for using pdebuild in a multi-chroot environment11:38
chantraa bit like we can do with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto11:38
fdovingyou can use the --pbuilder switch.11:39
fdovingthen you can choose the pbuilder command to use.11:39
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chantratried pdebuild --pbuilder pbuilder-custom11:42
chantrathis does not seems to work, might try to make some custom pdebuild-xxx so it calls the pbuilder with the appropriate args11:43
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pygichantra: why are you doing stuff like this? :p11:44
=== pygi thinks chantra is complicating no reasons
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chantrapygi: :)11:45
chantrajust, some people would like to get a package for dapper11:46
pygiit's really not a problem to build :P11:46
chantrai don't have any dapper installed on my comp, and not much space left11:46
pygibuild dapper pbuilder, use "debuild -S -sa" and whatever11:46
pygichantra: we use pbuilder, you know :)11:46
chantrapygi: yep i guess :)11:46
chantrait just that pdebuild seems to call pbuilder when it is done11:47
chantrai was wondering if there were any way to make it call the appropriate pbuilder11:47
chantrasuch as pbuilder-dapper in my case11:48
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== pygi uses "debuild" :P
pygichantra: I told you 1000 times how you can build dapper package, so why complicating? :P11:48
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pygichantra: change source dir, do "debuild -S -sa" and then "cd .." and "pbuilder-dapper build *.dsc"11:51
nixternalLaserJock: just so you know, i have nacho libre right here..it was so bad i kept falling asleep during it11:52
LaserJockbummer, glad I didn't buy it11:52
nixternalya, rent do buy it11:52
nixternalif you have to see it11:52
nixternaljack black as a mexican isn't funny11:52
chantrapygi: yep, done and it works, but i just thought we could use pdebuild to trigger the appropriate command11:53
pygichantra: dunno, and don't care too much ^_^11:53
nixternalon that note, i am going for some chili..bbl11:53
pygibye nixternal11:53
chantrapygi: anyway, has you say, debuild -S -sa;cd ..;pbuilder-dapper build *dsc11:53
chantraworkss fine :p11:53
pygiofcourse it does :P11:54
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chantraokie dokie, catch you later guys, and thanks again11:54
pygigiskard: still talking?:))))11:54
pygibye chantra11:54
giskardpygi, no :D11:54
pygigiskard: ok :P11:54
LaserJockchantra: pdebuild is just a wrapper around debuild -S + pbuilder11:55
chantraLaserJock: okie dokie11:55
ajmitchhey LaserJock11:56
=== LaserJock thinks he definitely needs a rebuilding source packages section in the packaging guide
LaserJockhi ajmitch11:56
pygiLaserJock: I agree ^_^11:56
=== ajmitch needs educating in the ways of MOTU
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pygiLaserJock: I'd be interested in writing something up for packaging guide for feisty if you allow me11:57
=== LaserJock slaps ajmitch across the head with a print copy of the packaging guide
ajmitchpygi: I suspect he'll welcome any contributions11:57
ajmitchLaserJock: my hero!11:57
=== ajmitch is so fortunate to get such abuse
LaserJockpygi: if you want. I think I'm going to blog an "Packaging Guide wants You!"11:58
ajmitchok, lunch time, I'm off for awhile :)11:58
pygiLaserJock: ok, once you do inform me :) Just tell me what needs writing, and you'll get it in couple of weeks :)11:58
LaserJockwell, you still need to finish the Edubuntu Handbook11:58
pygiLaserJock: I know that :-/11:58
pygiLaserJock: working, I'm working :)))11:59
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xopherHow does one build a deb from a .dsc+tar.gz source ? w/o pbuilder. Just need to know the command, have forgotten how its done. Without extracting the source first.12:01
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chantraLaserJock: maybe a bit extra saying how to manipulate a package12:02
LaserJockchantra: mhm12:02
plugwashxopher i can't see how you could build it without extracting it12:02
chantralike the debuild -sa -S could be explain in pbuilder howto12:02
plugwashsince the compilers etc will expect there to be a source tree12:02
LaserJockxopher: yeah, I think you'd need to do a dpkg-source -x first12:03
chantraLaserJock: here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto12:03
LaserJockthen debuild12:03
plugwashso extract it with dpkg-source , change to the directory its extracted to and then run dpkg-buildpackage12:03
xopherLaserJock, allright, thanks..12:03
chantraokie got to go, my girlfriend is waiting :s12:03
chantracatch u12:03
LaserJockchantra: well yes, the problem is how to arrange the information12:03
LaserJockthe original goal was that the "Getting Started" section was what you read before starting anything12:05
=== philwyett [n=philiwye@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
pygiLaserJock: I'd say that the given examples are too artificial12:05
LaserJockthey are packages in the archives12:06
pygiwell, yea. Nobody will in reality package a simple hellp world app.12:06
LaserJockhave you seen the rules for hello?12:06
LaserJockit's not trivial12:06
=== givre [n=Florent@APuteaux-152-1-82-66.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI think the hello packages are very good to use12:06
pygiI know it's not trivial. But other applications are far more complex12:07
LaserJockthey have a hard enough time getting through that12:07
LaserJockyou want it more complicated?12:07
pygiyes :P12:07
LaserJockit shouldn't be about the application12:07
LaserJockit should be about how to package12:07
pygiI understand that12:07
LaserJockI would like to include more info on different areas like Java or python12:08
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable128.255-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockthat might be a bit more advanced12:08
LaserJockbut they are also very hard to write12:08
=== pygi agrees
LaserJockI just don't have time to do a lot of writing on it :/12:10

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