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lufissethk: I'12:01
sethklufis, if you compile from source, the default is that the from source version will go into /usr/local instead of /usr12:01
Wirelexwhere are spanish servers, please?12:01
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theqkashI can't see batch converting tool in GIMP:(12:01
amonkeywhat package would qt bindings be in? a script i'm trying to run wants them12:01
jasontkjamesrose: i don't want to disable eth0 per se, i just want the modprobe for the card not to hang the system :)12:01
sethklufis, that means, as long as /usr/local/bin is in your execution search path before /bin, the compiled one will be used.12:01
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sethklufis, however, you can tell the source to use /usr instead of /usr/local, and then it will cover up the package manager version12:01
theqkashhelp plz12:02
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sethklufis, if you expect to go back to using the package manager version when it's available, then install to /usr/bin12:02
sethklufis, sorry, /usr/local12:02
ashikatheqkash, try updating GIMP.12:02
jasontkjamesrose: technically i should replace the module with a new version that works obviously12:02
theqkashashika: newest version available by synaptic12:02
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sethklufis, then run the program using the full path, that is, instead of typing in gaim, type in /usr/local/bin/gaim12:02
theqkashor apt like you want12:02
Running_Aimhi does anyone know what wm xfce uses?12:02
factboy818181hmm.... i compiled Gaim Beta 5 and forgot to remove gaim before, and now it's telling me to replace the version i compiled with beta 3 - any ideas?12:02
crimsunxfwm4, Running_Aim12:03
Vuen_Running_Aim: metacity afaik12:03
Running_Aimthanx allot12:03
ashikatheqkash, sorry I dont knwo about gimp12:03
crimsunVersed: no, metacity's is gnome's default12:03
crimsunVersed: sorry12:03
lufissethk: Yeah... I've been compiling apps myself and using checkinstall to generate a deb, then installing it. What I wanted to know was would everything be okay for multiple installed versions, i.e., installing beta6 when it is released (or whatever) and just uninstalling the old beta5 package12:03
crimsunVuen_: ^^12:03
fdovingwhat is the gnome-way to run commands during login/session start?12:03
lufissethk: I've had bad experiences with doing that before12:03
theqkashso nobody can help me in finding app to batch converting images to have smaller size?12:03
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lufistheqkash: One sec, i'll link you up to an article12:04
fdovingtheqkash: 'convert' it's in the imagemagick package.12:04
Otacon22HI all, I have a TV pci card on my pc with ubuntu and I have installed "zapping", a package to see the tv by tv card, all work correctly, bui I can see the video but I can't listen the audio, why?12:04
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nolimitsoyacould anyone recommend a cdripper for gtk, with integrity checking and flac encoding? would sound-juicer do this?12:04
anton__can you hear any audio, otacon?12:04
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sethklufis, bad experiences with putting the compiled version into /usr/local?  I do that frequently, and I've never had a problem.  I've done it with gaim specifically and not had a problem12:05
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sethklufis, you can certainly generate a deb if you want.  It's much much more work, but if you think it's worth the effort, then deb away.  :)12:05
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xamoxIs it possible to run disk druid once Ubuntu is installed? Say I install another harddrive and want to use it?12:05
sethkxamox, sure.  if you know the real name of the program.12:06
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sethkxamox, it's either in /sbin or /usr/sbin12:06
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nolimitsoyaxamox, just manually edit you fstab ('man fstab' for a manual, and 'sudo nano /etc/fstab' to edit)12:06
sethkxamox, I don't use it, I use fdisk, but that's just because I prefer it12:06
lufissethk: I have no idea how to put it into /usr/local/... I just thought it would be best to use apt to handle the compiled version so that when I want to install a newer unofficial version I can just uninstall the old. Is that okay?12:07
ashikaxamox, did you try fdisk12:07
nolimitsoyaxamox, use gparted to partition and format12:07
lufistheqkash: here you go: http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/16524.html12:07
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xamoxsethk:  nolimitsoya: ashika: thx.12:07
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sethklufis, if you download the source, and build it, and don't do anything at all, it ends up in /usr/local.  You don't have to do anything.  You have to do something to _not_ put it into /usr/local12:07
theqkashlufis: thanks12:07
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ashikaxamox, if you want try typing in diskdruid and see what it says.12:07
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lufistheqkash: No problemo. Ask if you need anything else :)12:08
sethklufis, your idea about using apt is fine, surely12:08
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sethklufis, it's more work, but certainly if you are more comfortable with it, there is no reason not to do it that way.12:08
lufissethk: Ah. okay, but what about compiling newer versions than the compiled? would it just replace the older one?12:08
lufissethk: in /usr/local *12:08
sethklufis, yes, if you compile and don't change the target, and then build a later version later, it will replace the earlier version12:08
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lufissethk: Ahh, okay.12:09
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jerrcshello i need help..12:09
eduhatanyone here use flux box that can help me get fbdesk working?12:09
jerrcsjust a min12:09
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:10
jerrcsYeah, I was waiting to paste it :P12:10
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nolimitsoyaisnt anyone in here using a cd ripper that they are happy with?! please recommend it if you do, and if its checks for integrity.12:10
jerrcsBasically, I get a lot of problems when I'm trying to compile something12:10
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pianoboy3333crimsun: ok, now it starts up with the computer, but every time I start it up, I have to unmute surround, front, and all those channels and such along with my recording stuff, it seems my volume preferences aren't saved...?12:10
boinkI like abcde12:10
nolimitsoyajerrcs, sudo apt-get install build-essential12:10
boinkabcde - A Better CD Encoder12:10
eduhatanyone here use fluxbox?12:11
lufisjerrcs: Also ensure you have dependencies installed12:11
jerrcsalreadyhave it nolimitsoya12:11
nolimitsoyaboink, thank you. does it do data integrity checking?12:11
jerrcslufis: well what dependencies do i need for that?12:11
Otacon22HI all, I have a TV pci card on my pc with ubuntu and I have installed "zapping", a package to see the tv by tv card, all work correctly, bui I can see the video but I can't listen the audio, why?12:11
nolimitsoya!anyone | eduhat12:11
ubotueduhat: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:11
jerrcsit looks like something is messed up in a include file.12:11
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crimsunpianoboy3333: well, see, when you installed that alsa-driver made with checkinstall, it SCREWED what Debian [&Ubuntu]  do for infrastructure. Yet another reason checkinstalled packages are BAD.12:11
LjLjerrcs: the fact that errors are given in the include file doesn't necessarily mean the actual problems are in the include file12:12
lufisjerrcs: It depends on the program. What are you compiling?12:12
crimsunpianoboy3333: so. apt-get --reinstall install linux-sound-base alsa-base12:12
eduhathow do i use fbdesk in fluxbox?12:12
jerrcslufis: Mangos.12:12
boinkthou shalt not mess up package management12:12
crimsunpianoboy3333: in the future, don't stab yourself in the face and ask us to clean up, thanks! :-)12:12
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lufisjerrcs: Look in the README file, dependencies should be listed there or in another text file in the tarball. Then install the necessary packages12:13
nolimitsoyaeduhat, tried man fbdesk?12:13
jerrcslufis: the readme isn't very helpful12:13
lufisjerrcs: Also, the packages you need are the ones with -dev extensions12:13
bsmntbombdoodI have a D-Link DWL-510 wifi card that I need to get working12:13
eduhatnolimitsoya: yeah, i just get really confused on how to use it, and how to set it up12:13
lufisjerrcs: One sec, I'll look it up12:13
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atzaris it possible when mac os x is mounted to run its applications ?12:13
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bsmntbombdoodHow do I set it up?12:14
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atzarand is it possible to run mac os x over linux ?12:14
jerrcslufis: www.mangosproject.org i think12:14
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nolimitsoya!wifi | bsmntbombdood12:14
ubotubsmntbombdood: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:14
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=== bsmntbombdood reads
lufisjerrcs: What is it? I just see a forum12:15
amrnetany wiki or docs on connecting network printer from a ubuntu server using cups?12:15
ashikaamrnet, yes www.google.com12:15
amrnetthis is not an answer12:16
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amrnetbeen googling for a while now12:16
jerrcslufis: yeah..12:16
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jerrcsThey don't really give any information about dependencies.12:16
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:16
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DravasUhh How do i get the Gnome Compiz Manager to change/install themes?12:17
eduhatnolimitsoya: yeah, i just get really confused on how to use it, and how to set it up, do you know?12:17
MorrisseyHi, when I do a "fglrxinfo" i get a: "OpenGL version string: 1.3.1091 (X4.3.0-8.28.8)"    but most forums show that they get a version 2.0(something) ... how and do I need to upgrade?12:17
lufisjerrcs: What is it that you're compiling though? What function does the app do, I mean12:17
jerrcslufis: well, if you must know, its actually a opensource WoW server.12:17
lufisjerrcs: Ohhh12:18
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VixAnyone got Xgl/Compiz working on their system?12:18
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lufisjerrcs: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with it and the website wasn't really informative12:18
jerrcslufis: i agree, it isnt.12:18
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midgetg0atHey guys, installed 6.10, cant get sound blaster pci512 to work...any ideas? I get an error on boot "Failed to initialize HAL" - which is the only idication that something is wrong. This was a clean install. Any ideas?12:18
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VixSomething something Layer...12:19
lufisjerrcs: Do you have the build-essential package installed?12:19
VixHardware something layer?12:19
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nolimitsoyaVix, hardware abstraction layer12:20
midgetg0atabstraction - iknow what it means...just not how to fix it :)12:20
midgetg0ator if it's even relevant.12:20
VixI dunno... :)12:21
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nolimitsoyamidgetg0at, how do you know your soundcard is causing it?12:21
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VixYay, DVD complete.12:21
midgetg0atthe information on ubuntu and google dont help. everyone having problems w/ it are usually upgrading.12:21
Kalist00whats the file called to generate a xorg.conf?12:21
bsmntbombdoodwhy doesn't ubuntu come with make,gcc installed ?!?12:21
midgetg0athow do i know my soundcard is causing it..it being the HAL error? I'm happy ignoring the error, if i can get the soundcard to work.12:22
Vixwhat are the apt-gets to get XGL/Compiz going?12:22
Pelobsmntbombdood,  because it relies on ppl using the packages in synpatic12:22
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crimsunmidgetg0at: the two are not strongly correlated.12:22
hondjebsmntbombdood: because it's rarely needed by newbies, and non-newbies have no problem typing apt-get install build-essential12:22
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jerrcslufis: Yes- I do have build-essential12:22
midgetg0atk, i only mentioned that as a way to debug it, if it was relevant. lets not focus on the hal error. lets focus on no sound from sb pci51212:22
crimsunmidgetg0at: please pastebin the output from ``lspci -nv && dmesg && tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''12:22
=== PuRu [n=klqdsj@199.41-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
midgetg0atk, sec.12:23
bsmntbombdoodI can't compile these wifi drivers without make, and I can't apt-get because I can't compile the wifi drivers12:23
lufisjerrcs: Okay. have you extracted the tarball?12:23
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jerrcslufis: For the mangos? Yes.12:23
Vixargh, see you in ubuntu, i hope12:23
MorrisseyHow do I know wich ATI driver I have?12:23
RebornDVhello... new ubuntu user... just a quick question... what program do you reccomend to play media (audio and video files) located on a local network12:23
Jimb1how do I exit x server so I can install nvidia drivers/12:23
hondjethe entire toolchain to build something is on the cd, so you can install the pkgs from there bsmntbombdood12:23
lufisjerrcs: Run ./configure12:23
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jerrcsRebornDV: xmms maybe, or amarok12:23
jerrcslufis: I have.12:24
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jerrcsI get this error during make12:24
lufisjerrcs: does it give errors?12:24
RebornDVthey do video?12:24
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jerrcsconfigure runs fine12:24
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jerrcsRebornDV: ahh, maybe VLC for video12:24
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lufisjerrcs: oh, ok12:24
Jimb1how do i exit "x server"?12:24
jerrcsJimb1: control alt backspace12:24
lufisjerrcs: what error?12:24
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jerrcslufis: Uhhmm.. just a sec12:25
jirwinhey there. I am using edgy, how would I disable acpi?12:25
Jimb1jerrcs: that doesnt work...comes right back to the gui login12:25
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midgetg0atpastebin.com is nice and.....fast?12:25
RebornDVhave tried vlc, mplayer, xmms, banshee, movie player... none of them will open files from over network but work fine when i copy the file locally12:25
lufisJimb1: That restarts the xserver12:25
midgetg0atthere we go, http://pastebin.com/82772012:25
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Jimb1lufis: i need to exit x server to install some drivers12:25
jerrcsJimb1: at a terminal, type /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:25
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Otacon22HI all, I have a TV pci card on my pc with ubuntu and I have installed "zapping", a package to see the tv by tv card, all work correctly, bui I can see the video but I can't listen the audio, why?12:26
PuRucan anyone tell me how to install the madwifi drivers under ubuntu 6.06 please?12:26
jerrcslufis: http://paste.jerrcs.net/2812:26
crimsunmidgetg0at: there are hundreds others; just use one12:26
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jirwinPuRu: it should work out of the box12:26
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Jimb1k will try /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:26
midgetg0atheh, i got it...was just being slow.12:26
cmwedang this channel has a lot of folks12:26
witlesswhere in sweet christ's name is the "ignore" function in ubuntu's xchat?12:26
jvaiany1 using aptoncd?12:26
lufisjerrcs: I dunno. Ask some of the developers, it looks like an issue on their end12:26
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jerrcslufis: yeah I gotta find their irc channel im guessing :>12:27
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cmweHas a person named Clin1 been on here latly im looking for him12:27
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midgetg0atcrimsun: get the paste?12:27
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Pelocmwe,  whois him, if he's on this network it will tell you12:28
Pelohello RiVeTeR12:28
jribcmwe: yes he was banned according to my log12:28
RiVeTeRany ubuntu experts here... I'm a windows convert newbie12:28
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jirwinwhats up RiVeTeR?12:28
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PuRucan anyone tell me how to install the madwifi drivers under ubuntu 6.06 please?12:29
Vuen_PuRu: they're already installed.12:29
RiVeTeRjust installed ubuntu on my laptop and I'm lov'n it12:29
Pelowow that is some ban list12:29
PuRuhowto install kismet then?12:29
cmweCrap has any one seen him12:29
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Pelo!wireless | PuRu12:29
ubotuPuRu: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:29
RiVeTeRwho can help me install real player?12:29
lurker99witless: right click over the offenders name... -> ignore12:29
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jrib!realplayer > RiVeTeR12:30
pianoboy3333crimsun: will do ;)12:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:30
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RiVeTeRwell maybe I don't need to install real player... I just can't play videos off cbs.com12:31
cmwejrib, you said he was banned how long ths time...12:31
PuRuno info on kismet on that link12:31
jribRiVeTeR: are you sure they are real media?12:31
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PuRucan anyone tell me how to install kismet please?12:31
crimsunmidgetg0at: yes, but swamped atm12:31
midgetg0atAnyone care to help debug my soundblaster pci512 not working under ubuntu 6.10 with a clean install?12:31
jribcmwe: 17:43, now is 18:3012:31
PeloPuRu,  synaptic12:31
midgetg0atok...no worries, just trying to get this handled :)12:31
RiVeTeRno actually I'm not sure... just went to the site suggested by Pelo.. thanks man!12:32
cmwejrib, english please12:32
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PuRuhowto open with console please lol?12:32
jribcmwe: he was banned at 17:43.  The time now is 18:3012:32
PuRuits not in my menu for some reason12:32
crimsunmidgetg0at: boot with pci=routeirq12:33
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crimsunmidgetg0at: you appear to have an acpi problem12:33
PeloPuRu,   in the menu  applications > accessories > terminalo12:33
midgetg0athrm ok, were do i get to teh boot options?12:33
snideHey guys, I have a file that I'd like to copy or move to a specific dictionary. The file's name is tahoma.tiff, and I want to move or copy it to the following dictionary; ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts . How do I do that?12:33
RiVeTeRok... who can help with playing videos off a local network in ubuntu?12:33
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snideHello guys?12:34
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PuRuPelo, i know but its not in there for some reason, but i know there is a command for it too12:34
Pelosnide,  use nautilus and just copy it ,   fyi  folders and files with a . before the name are hiden you'll have to display them,   look in the options12:34
PuRui just dont recall wich one12:34
PeloPuRu,  try enabling the extra repositories12:34
snideThanks. I use file broswer but I don't know if its nautilus ..12:34
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RiVeTeRI'm trying to play videos off my windows network and I get an error12:35
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Pelosnide,  if you're using gnome it is most probably nautilus12:35
nici've problems with my samsung q35 - soundcard12:35
snideErr, nevermind. Yeah Pelo, sorry lol.12:35
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PuRui'll get back here under ubuntu, i'm working under windows right now12:35
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Pelonic,  look up your make and model number in the forum12:35
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nicPelo, do you have a link=12:35
nici'am german and did not found anything on the german forums12:36
Pelowww.ubuntu.com ,  look for the forum in there12:36
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Pelonic,  try the english one12:36
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snideThanks, soon or later I gotta learn how to do the terminal / command line stuff.. it's more faster and better, right?12:37
Pelowhen you know what you are doing12:37
Pelosnide, http://www.linuxcommand.org/index.php12:37
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Pelobookmark that link12:37
DravasWheres the Compiz Theme manager?12:37
snideoo thanks :D you guys rock!12:37
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smallfoot-I hope someone can add computer hardware manufacturers who are Linux/FOSS/competition/etc friendly or unfriendly to http://vendors.bluwiki.org/12:38
witlesslurker99: there is no such option12:38
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civingI have a question. My keyboard isn't working when I'm prompted to chose witch OS to boot.. And that's a bummer for me, I'de like to start windows and fix some things.. Any clues?12:39
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sethkciving, USB keyboard?12:41
civingyeah, I have a USB keyboard12:41
gripirhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=288355 <-- have the answer for this12:41
gripirbut dont wanna register12:41
sethkciving, see if there is a configuration in the BIOS setup for "legacy keyboard support", or something similarly worded12:41
gripiranyone could do this for me?12:41
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sethkciving, if so, turn it on, see if anything changes.12:41
civingthanks alot mate12:41
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pianoboy3333crimsun: no... still didn't unmute automatically, should I revert back to the alsa-base in edgy? (1.0.11)12:42
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VixIt only got as far as Booting kernel...12:42
Vixthen nothing.12:42
VixAny ideas?12:43
sethkI'm looking at a banner add on a weather URL, and victoria's secret is claiming that they have a trade mark on the word "sexy".12:43
sethkVix, I just got here, so I don't know what's happening12:43
sethkVix, briefly?12:43
crimsunpianoboy3333: didn't you do that with --reinstall?12:43
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JoshJhttp://www.rafb.net/paste/results/9dabe251.html  <== What's up with line 7 there?12:44
pianoboy3333crimsun: well, you had me a few days ago install the feisty alsa-base which was 1.0.1312:44
lurker99witless: well, it works for me...  (xchat 2.4.4)  or do -> Window -> Ignore List -> Add.12:44
civingsethk, thanks! I'll try that12:44
drbreenthe rigth side of my monitor does not work and i cannot afford to give my laptop away for 2 weeks or so, got stuff to do. anyone knows how i can make resolution 512x768 ?12:44
sethkciving, good, that usually works for what you are describing.12:44
civingsethk, ok, here we go =)12:45
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sethkdrbreen, that's tough, because you need to tell the hardware 1024x768 but then tell the wm 512x76812:45
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sethkdrbreen, you can set a virtual resolution of 512x768 within a physical of 1024x76812:45
drbreensethk: so there is no way to tell X to only use the left side ?12:46
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sethkdrbreen, that might get something usable.12:46
witlesslurker99: thanks, it is accessible via the Window menu12:46
sethkdrbreen, try the virtual resolution.  at least, that should get it to open new windows in the visible part.12:46
ZambeziHow strong is the encryption if it's unchanged in SSH? Is it 768 bit?12:46
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sethkdrbreen, it might reject it, but it's worth trying.  usuallyl virtual is larger than physical, and I never tried it the other way around.12:47
sethkZambezi, check the ssh config files in /tec12:47
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sethkZambezi, /etc, that is12:47
drbreensethk: how does this work ? i tried something with virtual screens but then X always zoomed in and i had a real res of 512x384 or so with virtual 512x76812:47
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namehttp://segfaulthunter.se.ohost.de/futubug.jpg <anyone got any idea why the picture is broken?12:48
dv_its not12:48
nameit is12:48
dv_this is interlacing12:48
nameit looks crap12:48
JoshJnot sure what you mean by broken12:48
Zambezisethk, I'll have a look. Thanks.12:48
JoshJthat's interlacing, yeah12:48
LjLname: does that anything do do with ubuntu?12:48
sethkdrbreen, that's not surprising; I said I hadn't tried virtual smaller than physical.  but in that case did you specify both?  also, make sure that there is only one choice of physical, so it doesn't try to find the most sensible physical to go with your virtual.12:49
LjLhave anything to do12:49
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bradley_how does rhythmbox interact with last.fm?12:49
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nameyes, ubuntu's ogle produces it12:49
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dv_ah yes is this from a dvd?12:49
brian|lfsDoes anyone in here run ubuntu server I was jsut wondering if tis any good?12:49
namedv_: indeed12:49
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dv_name, which ubuntu distro?12:49
pianoboy3333crimsun: so should I install the edgy version again?12:49
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LjLname: well the frame was interlaced, you need to set some sort of de-interlacing algorithm12:49
namebut had problems with that before12:49
dv_yes, I encountered this too12:49
drbreensethk: i did not try to limit the choices of real12:49
sethkbrian|lfs, you aren't going to find people on #ubuntu who will say no, use some other distro.  :)12:49
wikityleris there a way to custom set the resolution and refresh rate for my monitor?12:49
dv_usually deinterlacing is applied,12:49
JoshJsethk: wrong12:50
midgetg0atpci=routeirq didnt do anything....how would i correct the acpi problem?12:50
namethe strange thing is, some dvds do work12:50
dv_but I am not sure how to do this with ogle12:50
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sethkdrbreen, try it, nothing to lose really, although the odds aren't great.12:50
nothlitWhy do I need to do a dist-upgrade to upgrade frozen-bubble?12:50
dv_yes, some dvds do not use interlacing12:50
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crimsunmidgetg0at: try booting with pci=noacpi12:50
dv_name, tried with xine?12:50
namebut all are futurama ones12:50
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sethkbrian|lfs, server is just a set of packages to install, not a different o/s.  I do use it, and it works well for me.12:50
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midgetg0atheh, it takes forever for ubuntu to mount this drive....anything else you suggest before i reboot?12:50
LjLnothlit: Ubuntu releases only get security fixes and fixes to serious bugs. they don't get new releases of programs12:50
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dv_name, try using xine12:51
b3tziI have a question: how can I unrar a splited rar archive?12:51
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sethkmidgetg0at, what kind of drive?  what size?  what file system?12:51
dv_or kaffeine-xine / totem-xine (dvd via gstreamer is a little fishy)12:51
DravasI am having Video problems with vlc/compiz12:51
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nothlitLjL, nm I reread aptitudes man page, its because the upgrade needs to install a lib (extra package)12:52
LjLUbotu, please tell Dravas about compiz12:52
midgetg0atI donno crimsun...i ahvent opened this box in a while.12:52
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LjLnothlit, yes unless you're particularly lucky trying to install an Edgy package on Dapper will result in some broken dependencies12:52
Vixsethk: Sorry. I just burned an Ubuntu DVD, am tryink to boot with it, but after I choose one of the menu options, it says Unpacking vmlinuz.gz.... Booting kernel..... and then just hangs.12:52
midgetg0athrm, ok, i'll try that boot option.12:53
sethkVix, try using the text mode install on the alternate cd12:53
PeloVix,  might be a borked dvd,  try buring it again12:53
b3tziI have a question: how can I unrar a splited rar archive?12:53
sethkVix, with the dvd I think (but I'm not certain) that there is only one dvd.12:53
Vixsethk: I was using the 64-bit image btw.12:53
sethkVix, what pelo said is also worth checking12:53
brian|lfsanyone have any luck with dmraid in ubuntu before?12:53
midgetg0ati boot to cd, select the option to boot ubuntu and f6 to enter boot options and then just enter "pci=noacpi" correct?12:53
compengignomefreak, good day12:53
Vixsethk: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/ <---- amd64...12:54
namedv_: same with xine12:54
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VixThe AMD Mobile Sempron is 64-bit, right?12:54
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AldolielVix: Maybe, maybe not12:55
sethkVix, I'd have to check12:55
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VixI think it is...12:55
AldolielTry the x86 image?12:55
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VixIt's a DVD+RW, should I just reburn it?12:56
nothlitLjL, oh I'm not doing anything like that, Its just frozen-bubble was being upgraded from seveas' repo and I didn't even know that the repo had it12:56
PeloVix,   try a regular dvd instead12:56
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namedv_: i see you come from austria too, so this link might interrest you: http://www.heise.de/ct/Redaktion/ghi/faq_dvd/basics/DeinterlacingVergleich.html12:56
DiMiTRiSI have a quick question! Does automatix2 install flash 9 on dapper?12:56
VixI don't have any... XD12:56
CorpseFeederhi. What exactly is supposed to happen when I choose "hibernate" from the shutdown menu? I was wondering, because all that happens for me is it starts the screen saver then after a while the monitor turns off but the computer keeps running. It doesn't stop using power and certainly does not restore any open apps when I restart it. (The only way I can find to restart it from hibernate is to press the reset switch).12:56
LjL!automatix | DiMiTRiS12:56
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.12:56
ubotuDiMiTRiS: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.12:56
LjLUbotu, please tell DiMiTRiS about flash912:56
loca|hosti want to install Ubuntu on a CD-less workstation, i unplugged the hard disk, mounted it on my /mnt/cdless-station/, debootstrap a dapper Ubuntu in it, grub-installed and didnt get /vmlinuz in the chroot, any idea ?12:56
Seveasnothlit, it dhouldn't have it, a mistake caused it to be there for a few minutes12:56
VixHold on, can I burn the normal CD image to the DVD?12:56
compengiDiMiTRiS, ask in #automatix chan :D12:57
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SeveasDiMiTRiS, automatix is crap -- we don't support it12:57
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DiMiTRiSOk thnx for your replies12:57
nothlitSeveas, does that mean I don't need libsdl-pango1 ?12:57
VixThe CD image would be faster to download..12:57
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sethkVix, you don't have a cd/r blank?12:58
b3tziI have a question: how can I unrar a splited rar archive?12:58
Seveasnothlit, correct12:58
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VixFunnily, no.12:58
brian|lfsI'm burning edgy I hope to be able to do dmraid12:58
brian|lfson my new rig12:58
halex-abb3tzi, do you have the 'unrar' package installed?12:58
sethkVix, I believe you can burn the cd image to a dvd, but that's second hand and I haven't tried myself.  That is, I believe it will work.  Of course you _can_ do it either way.  :)12:58
nothlitSeveas, ok, thanks for the info :)12:59
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b3tzihalex-ab, unrar-free is already the newest version12:59
Vixsethk: Howzat?12:59
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BeepHow can I get the install CD to not "load additional modules"  for nic-modules-.. etc..  it keeps locking up at that step.12:59
sethkVix, use cdrecord, exactly the way you would if it were a cd/r blank12:59
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VixI'm on windows, using ImgBurn. :)12:59
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halex-abb3tzi, I'm using unrar, rather than unrar-free01:00
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b3tzihalex-ab, I know it's better but I can't figure out how to install it01:00
halex-abIt's in the Multiverse repos..01:00
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namei solved it!01:00
halex-abJust enable it, and install the unrar package..01:00
Vixsethk: I'll go for the x86 CD...01:00
namedv_: ~ $ mplayer -vf pp=fd dvd://1 -dvd-device /dev/hdc01:00
b3tzican you PM me those repos?01:01
Vixsethk: Safest.01:01
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sethkVix, ok.  I didn't say that processor isn't 64, I said I don't know.  but yes, 32 will run in either case.01:01
b3tziI think I screwed my sources.list01:01
ManticeWhats that mp3 server for ubuntu called ?01:01
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clearzenIs there a way you can force all communication to take place using ssh on a entire subnet?01:01
AldolielMantice, Shoutcast? Icecast?01:01
Vixsethk: Is the 64 disro a big improvement? I don't have windows x64 so I can't tell?01:02
ManticeNo it dont stream music01:02
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ManticeIt like makes a webpage01:02
Manticeof all your mp3s01:02
nolimitsoyawhen trying to play a dvd using vlc (or any program for that matter) i get an attempt to read, and then a sudden abort. when trying to copy files off a dvd i get the error 'failed to read data, input/output error'. what gives?01:02
Manticeand if you click on the link you can download them.01:02
sethkVix, no, in fact, I've seen cases where the 64 bit version ran slower.  when it does help, the gain is in the area of 10%01:02
Vixsethk: Oh, ok... :)01:02
nolimitsoyanolimitsoya, doesnt matter what disc i try...01:02
halex-abMantice, copy all your MP3s into your /var/www directory..? heh :)01:02
Vixsethk: Any idea how many times I can rewrite a DVD+RW?01:03
halex-abNot sure really..01:03
sethkb3tzi, edit the file and take out whatever you think is causing the problem.01:03
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Laheyis Xarchiver in Ubuntu synaptic?01:03
nolimitsoyaVix, ca 1000x, depending of the quality and data written01:03
Vaske_CarHow to install SoundMax drivers for motheboard? This is what I get output on shell http://pastebin.ca/25204401:03
LjLMantice: "apt-cache search mp3 web". type that. and if you get no (or very few) results, enable universe01:03
sethkVix, I haven't used them, so I can't say, but the number should be reasonable.01:03
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VixYeah, 1000 sounds right.01:04
sethknolimitsoya, you've use dvd+rw rewriting multiple times with good results?01:04
halex-abLahey, it's in dapper's main repo, so if you're using dapper, yes..01:04
LjLMantice, it might be gnump3d that you're looking for anyway01:04
halex-abLahey, wait, it's in Edgy too..01:04
nolimitsoyasethk, yes. what would a bad result be?01:04
sethknolimitsoya, a bad result would be that you rewrote, and you couldn't read.01:05
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Laheyi am using dapper LTS01:05
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halex-abIn that case, it should in there..01:05
sethknolimitsoya, the "coaster" result, as the expression goes.01:05
Laheyeven better halex-ab01:05
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compengidoes anybody knows a program that can burn mpg to vcd?01:05
nolimitsoyano ideas on my dvd playback issue? works fine with (reg1) iso:s. just reg2 discs thats pearshaped.01:05
startswithzhello everyone01:06
startswithzCan anyone give me a bit of assistance?  I'm having a hard time getting flash content to run in Firefox01:06
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ManticeI think it was gnump3d01:06
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nolimitsoyasethk, has happend, but thats just something that happens when writing cd:s. a reformat and new write solves it.01:06
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halex-abstartswithz, what version of Flash are you running? Well, firstly, do you have Flash installed?01:07
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sethknolimitsoya, ok, I meant a case where you could no longer use the blank, should have been more explicit.01:07
RebornDVplease bare with my stupid question... new gnome user... how do i enable 3d acceleration with my vid card? ati mobile x20001:07
startswithzI just installed macromedia 701:07
startswithzI'm on Ubuntu 6.10 with firefox 2.001:07
halex-abSo, is it just a site that doesn't work?01:07
sethknolimitsoya, with cd/rw there are a couple of different erase types, and when the quick erase doesn't work, you use the longer erase.  Not sure if that applies to dvd+rw01:07
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startswithzI'm trying to get line rider to work01:07
nolimitsoyasethk, no, never happend. did you do something strange, like writing dvd+rw with a dvdwriter only supporting dvd-rw?01:07
sethknolimitsoya, no, I'm asking to help decide which dvd format to use01:08
Manticestartswithz: I got half my school into playing that flash game :)01:08
sethknolimitsoya, I've only used dvd-ram so far01:08
RebornDVokie dokie01:08
halex-abstarkruzr, so, it just won't run?01:08
Vixnolimitsoya: Aren't most rewriters DVD+/iRW?01:08
startswithzwell it kinda loads but doesn't01:08
startswithzI see the "click here to start" but it won't respond01:08
nolimitsoyasethk, ok, well dvd-ram cant be formated. perhaps thats why things go pearshaped?01:09
startswithzadditionally there is this weird little tiny line that shows up01:09
halex-abstartswithz, You _could_ try Flash 901:09
nolimitsoyaVix, new drives are, but back in the days...01:09
sethknolimitsoya, not sure what you mean by that.  with dvd-ram you use mkfs; specifically I use mkfs.ext3 with it.  You can recreate the file system as many times as you like.01:09
startswithzwould that require me to use wine? or is flash 9 out for linux?01:09
b3tzimy unrar works01:09
b3tzithanks guys01:09
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Vixnolimitsoya: Do you think I could burn a CD image to the dvd? The DVD isos are just so huge.01:10
ManticeHehhe I found some gnump3d servers through google mhahah01:10
nolimitsoyasethk, what i mean is that sectors are physical. those litte squares on the disc, you see...01:10
halex-abstartswithz, Flash 9 beta is available for Linux, yes..01:10
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startswithzcool where can I find it?01:10
ubotuYou can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/custom/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html01:10
nolimitsoyaVix, not sure what you mean, but you can write any type of iso to any type of medium. you wase a whole deal of space though, writing a 700mb iso to a 9.4gb medium01:11
startswithzok and I want the installer or the stand alone?01:11
Vixnolimitsoya: Any idea what comes on the 3.5GB DVD ISO?01:11
sethknolimitsoya, I've not had problems with dvd-ram, regardless of the squares.  :)  It is slow, of course, but all dvd is relatively slow.01:11
VixAnyway, my DVD is only 4.7GB01:11
tim167i want to download several files from a page, but some have the same name, Aria download manager says 'already downloaded' but it is in fact another file (other location) can Aria auto-rename this file in that case ?01:11
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kitcheVix: it has more packages01:12
nolimitsoyaVix, iso of what?01:12
Vixnolimitsoya: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/edgy/release/01:12
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Vixkitche: Useful for setting up laptop wireless perhaps?01:12
jirwinanyone know how to disable acpi in edgy?01:12
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nolimitsoyaVix, ah, as said, just more packages. pretty useless, if you ask me...01:12
f1assistancewhat is the su password for Ubuntu 6.10?01:12
VixOk, I'm hoping wl works out of the box01:13
ubotuf1assistance: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:13
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kitcheVix: what's the chipset of your wireless?01:13
xorubuntu makes me want to vomit01:13
VixHmm, let me see.01:13
f1assistancekitche: thanks!01:13
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xorJust thought i'd tell you that01:13
tim167Is there a download manager that auto-renames files according to their size? (to prevent overwriting)01:13
Peloxor,  take it elsewhere01:13
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sethktim167, firefox uses a different name if you download the same file more than once, regardless of the size.01:14
MorrisseyHi, do I need composite?? Unfortunally ATI doesnt support it with DRI yet ... but what is it? Can I use ie: Bery/compiz?01:14
tim167yes but its 100 files, too many for click and point dl01:14
AlienXi don't suppose there is a no-gui install on the normal edgy live CD is there?01:14
SeveasMorrissey, no. Don't you love ati?01:14
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sethktim167, I know, but firefox is using something at the file level that you can probably use yourself.01:15
f1assistancekitche: not working?01:15
sethktim167, did you check wget?01:15
kitcheAlienX: no it's the alternative cd is what you want probably01:15
sethktim167, I think I remember a wget feature that might do what you need.01:15
kitchef1assistance: sudo <command> is how you use sudo01:15
Vix_kitche: Ralink something.01:15
AlienXkitche, that's what I thought. Thanks :)01:15
tim167sethk: I use Aria now, Wget doesnt work with flashgot here01:15
CorpseFeederhibernate don't work for me. How would I go about finding where the problem lies?01:15
sethktim167, ok, don't know flashgot01:15
kitcheVix_: hmm it might work out of the box some Ralink's work and others don't01:16
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jirwinis there any way to pass boot params with the edgy installer?01:16
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sethkCorpseFeeder, what happens?01:16
jirwinor do I need the alternate disc?01:16
MorrisseySeveas, hm :) ok, thanks01:16
nolimitsoyajirwin, press f6 (or f5, or whatever....)01:16
clearzenHow can I force machines on my network to use ssh?01:16
tim167sethk: I'll try to get gwet to work, can i use it without flashgot ? (outside firefox then ?)01:16
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jirwinclearzen: don't route telnet traffic?01:17
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sethktim167, yes, but remember, I said I don't know flashgot.01:17
CorpseFeedersethk: the screensaver starts, then the monitor turns off and that is as far as it gets, then there is no way to get the computer back on except pressing reset button and no apps a restored when it restarts.01:17
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Vix_I think I'll try reburning the 64-bit dvd...01:17
astronouth7303how do I move data from thunderbird to evolution?01:17
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tim167sethk: is there a gui for wget ?01:17
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sethkclearzen, you can block other types of connections.  people could get around that by tunneling, potentially.01:17
Seveastim167, gwger01:17
Seveastim167, gwget01:17
startswithzhow do I create a root user account in Ubuntu?01:17
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sethktim167, I'm sure there is, someone will know01:17
Seveas!root | startswithz01:18
ubotustartswithz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:18
sethktim167, see, before I could even say someone will know, someone knew  :)01:18
clearzenjirwin: I want all incoming and outgoing communication to use ssh. But not disallow other types of communication01:18
MalachiI accidentally hit the Revert button on the Articulate Menu Editor, and now 1) My menu is all awry, and 2) The changes aren't immediate01:18
sethkstartswithz, you have a root account, but root login is disabled01:18
jirwinclearzen: tell your users to use ssh then01:18
sethkstartswithz, the system cannot run without a root account01:18
tim167Seveas, sethk: thanks01:18
startswithzhow do I enable it?01:18
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djm62OK, whenever I type a random phrase into the location bar on epiphany and press enter, it tells me it isn't a valid url: is there any way of getting it to search the web on anything that isn't a valid URL? it's a nagging annoyance01:18
Seveasstartswithz, read what ubotu wrot01:18
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CorpseFeedersethk: the computer continues to run after the monitor turns off.. it does not power down any drives or fans.01:18
sethkstartswithz, you can set the root password, but some people (other than myself) think that sudo is safer01:18
djm62I've looked in preferences01:19
kitchestartswithz: go to that link and it will have the answer01:19
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sethkCorpseFeeder, I'd start by running the command you are using to hibernate under strace.  If you are using the gui, you'll have to track down what program is actually used.01:19
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tim167Seveas: does Gwget rename files if they have the same name but come from a different url ?01:19
Seveastim167, iirc yes01:19
Seveaseven if they're from the same url01:20
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tim167Seveas: great, I'm synaptic-ing it now :p01:20
asdfasdfddheya, ubuntu cant read my hard drive's partition info, how can i remedy this?01:21
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Seveasasdfasdfdd, sulphuric acid01:21
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asdfasdfddi wish01:21
sethkasdfasdfdd, what kind of drive?  as in, IDE, SATA, SCSI?01:21
nolimitsoyawhen trying to play a dvd using vlc (or any program for that matter) i get an attempt to read, and then a sudden abort. when trying to copy files off a dvd i get the error 'failed to read data, input/output error'. what gives? reading iso:s work just fine, though the only iso i have is reg1, and the dvd:s i try to read are reg2. would that matter?01:22
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abc1DcMa anybody help me ? I have a prob01:22
jrib!ask | abc1Dc01:22
ubotuabc1Dc: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:22
swanflwhat's your problem?01:22
abc1DcI want to install ubuntu01:22
LjLwell, i don't call that a problem01:22
jribabc1Dc: ok, how far are you in the process?01:22
halex-abLjL, I think there's more.. :)01:23
abc1Dcand everything is all right. But if I reboot ubuntu the first time Ubuntu doesn't work01:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about doesn'twork - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:23
LjL!doesn't work01:23
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:23
Seveas/kill LjL01:23
abc1DcIt stops at "Starting hotplug subsystem"01:23
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abc1DcAnd nothing works....01:24
asdfasdfddsethk, the installer shows an empty space and fdisk -l gives Cannot open /dev/sda, its sata, any ideas?01:24
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Seveasabc1Dc, which version of Ubuntu is that?01:24
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Seveashotplug has been dead for a while01:24
SoakingI dont see any users in the user list, what's up with that?01:24
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SeveasSoaking, we're not here01:24
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SeveasSoaking, alternatively, try typing /names01:24
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sethkasdfasdfdd, could be that support for the SATA controller chip set in your box isn't loaded, or isn't available.01:25
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sethkasdfasdfdd, do you know what chipset it is?01:25
abc1Dcwait a minut01:25
asdfasdfddubuntu dapper installed properly01:25
asdfasdfddnforce 401:25
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Seveasasdfasdfdd, try ubuntu edgy01:25
abc1Dcubuntu 5.1001:25
asdfasdfddi am01:25
sethkasdfasdfdd, ok, dapper installing proves that it's available, and that the dapper install kernel includes it.01:25
Seveasabc1Dc, that's ancient01:25
asdfasdfddim talkin to you on it :P01:26
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sethkasdfasdfdd, you can install dapper and then upgrade01:26
Seveasabc1Dc, try the latest version01:26
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asdfasdfddmy dapper install is corrupt01:26
spencerkhi everyone, is there a reset command for when an audio app force-quits and clogs all sound? snd-reset or something?01:26
sethkasdfasdfdd, you can run dapper, find out which SATA module is being used, and see if there is a way to tell edgy to load it.01:26
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asdfasdfddwindows still boots right though01:26
abc1DcOk thnx01:27
sethkasdfasdfdd, of course, if dapper works, why wouldn't windows work?01:27
abc1DcI'll try01:27
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dibblegoI want to have multiple instances of a read-only directory, which you'd normally do with symlinks, but I want one file within that directory to be different - can think of a *good* way of doing it01:27
asdfasdfdddapper is corrupt01:27
asdfasdfddgrub wont boot it01:27
tim167i get (Gwget:18159): CRITICAL **: view_selection_func: assertion `gwget_data_get_selected()!=NULL' failed01:27
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sethkasdfasdfdd, well, I'm not that judgemental  :)01:27
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LjLdibblego: unionfs perhaps01:27
sethkasdfasdfdd, you mean it used to work, but became corrupted?01:27
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dibblegoLjL, I'll take a look, thanks01:28
kitchetim167: does that crash gwget? sicne I see those errors all the time and they don't do much really01:28
bingnet922hi room, supposing I want to mv /tmp/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/text /tmp/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/text.txt How can I do that without typing the same path for the destination? Is there an operator like . or ~ that would mean "relative to source?"01:28
noobie0057Hi I'm having trouble accessing administrative tools, and updating the OS,  if I type gksu disks-admin I get an error message "sudo: unable to lookup computer-name via gethostbyname()"01:28
abc1DcWell I'll try01:28
asdfasdfddyea after i reinstalledwindows and tried installing grub on the windows partition, not knowing i had to specify the linux partition01:28
tim167kitche: it worked for a while but crashed once, first time i use it tho01:29
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jribnoobie0057: post the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts01:29
jribnoobie0057: (on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org )01:29
asdfasdfddnf 4 should have support01:29
kitchebingnet922: ./text.txt can be your destination sicne . means folder your in now01:29
eduhathey guys, i need help with setting up wireless, i know my card uses the wlan driver, but how would i set that up?01:29
halex-abbingnet922, just type the filename for the destination01:29
bingnet922halex: THANK YOU!01:30
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noobie0057jrib: file not found01:30
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sethkasdfasdfdd, you should be installing grub on the mbr01:30
jribnoobie0057: both?01:30
noobie0057yeah,, scary?01:30
halex-abbingnet922, np! You should end up with something like mv /etc/test/t.conf m.conf01:30
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jribnoobie0057: yeah, kind of strange.  Did your install go ok?01:31
asdfasdfddwhere is the mbr physically? is it a reserved space or on a partition?01:31
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jribanyone know what package creates /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname?01:31
LjLasdfasdfdd: it's at the first sectors of the disk01:31
noobie0057jrib:  never had a problem, ubuntu been great01:31
tim167gwget crashed again01:31
Sobkohow to delete crash file01:31
steffljrib: your editor ;-)01:31
sethkasdfasdfdd, the mbr is the first sector on the drive01:31
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asdfasdfddk, but when i reinstalled grub i had to specify where grub files would be (on my ubuntu install) am i right?01:32
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sethkasdfasdfdd, yes01:32
noobie0057jrib: I did update the /etc/hosts file once,, found one on the net to prevent advertisements,, it worked fine,,, I don't know why it's missing.. I probablly backed it up.. but not  /etc/hostname01:32
kitchejrib: /etc/hosts seem to come from lessdisks-terminal01:32
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eduhathey guys, i need help with setting up wireless, i know my card uses the wlan driver, but how would i set my card up with the wlan driver, i have downloaded the .tar.gz, so im ready for anything, how would i do this?01:32
bingnet922halex: it didn't work using cp, stderror=cp: omitting directory '[sourcedir] '01:32
sethkasdfasdfdd, but it's possible to install grub to the partition and use another boot loader, and I meant that this isn't what you want to be doing.01:32
Sobkohow to delete or folder01:33
sethkasdfasdfdd, yes, you do have to tell grub where to find its files01:33
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LjLkitche: apt-file sometimes fools you ;)01:33
kitcheLjL: I looked on packages.ubuntu.com01:33
sethkSobko, if it is empty, rmdir.   if it has files and you are sure you want to delete them, then   rm -fr /directory-name01:33
jribnoobie0057: well try creating /etc/hosts with "ubuntu"  and /etc/hostname with " localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu"   without quotes.  And hcange "ubuntu" to whatever hostname you want (in both files)01:33
asdfasdfddk, i tried reinstalling grub specifying the windows partition several times before i used the ubuntu partition and now it wont boot01:33
sethkSobko, either the full path to the directory, or a relative path01:33
ashikaAnyone need help?01:34
Sobkorm _usr_bin_xchat.1000.crash01:34
sethkasdfasdfdd, probably you didn't get the install parameters exactly right yet.01:34
Sobkoit true01:34
sethkSobko, rm, without any flags, can't remove a directory01:34
noobie0057jrib: sorry,, maybe I am mistaken,, if I type the command  "type /etc/hosts" I get a file not found but if I cd to that directory and do an ls I do see the file01:34
LjLkitche: whichever. the point is, that package gives you a "tiny Unix" for diskless terminals, that's probably why it contains an /etc/hosts... but the actual /etc/hosts one normally has comes from somewhere else, i bet01:34
sethkSobko, the -r, recursive, allows rm to remove a directory and all the files in the directory01:34
asdfasdfddnow i cant reinstall grub again though.. i cant see my partitions01:34
kitcheLjL: I know that there is base/hostname but that only has bin/hostname01:34
sethkSobko, rmdir can be used to delete an empty directory01:35
jribnoobie0057: try "cat /etc/hosts"01:35
LjLkitche, post-installation scripts can create files as well01:35
sethkasdfasdfdd, sounds like your mbr got clobbered, and you need to reconstruct it.01:35
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asdfasdfddhow might that be done without reinstalling windows01:35
noobie0057jrib: yes that worked,, the file is there01:35
kitcheLjL: then I m betting it's probably base/hostname then01:35
asdfasdfddi hate talkin to windows reps on phone01:36
jribnoobie0057: ok do the same for the other file and put the contents on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:36
sethkasdfasdfdd, you can reconstruct it with fdisk.  the trick is knowing where the partitions start and end01:36
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bingnet922Halex, ashika: Yikes! "~$mv /tmp/1/2/3/file file.txt" resulted in deletion of "file!"01:36
Sobkocan i delete log folder01:36
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asdfasdfddwell i dont know that, how can i find out?01:36
jribbingnet922: it got moved to your current directory01:37
ashikabignet922: What?01:37
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ashikabingnet922: What?01:37
sethkbingnet922, no, it renamed it to file.txt01:37
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sethkbingnet922, in whatever was the current directory at the time01:37
bingnet922OK, I see it. It was renamed and moved to pwd.01:38
noobie0057jrib: thanks, the resulting url is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32635/ this is the hosts file01:38
bingnet922What I want to do is mv or cp to same path as source without re-entering the path01:38
bingnet922Is there an operator for that?01:38
jribbingnet922: easiest way would be to just 'cd /some/path' then just do 'mv foo bar'01:39
stefflyou can cd to the directory01:39
noobie0057jrib: the hostname file is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32636/01:39
eduhati dont have the make, or gmake command, how can i add those using aptitude?01:39
bingnet922How can I rename or copy a file in another directory without entering the path twice and without cd'ing to the other dir?01:39
ashikaeduhat: Why dont you use synaptec.01:39
bingnet922Is there an operator like ~ or . for that?01:40
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eduhatashika: i dont know, i like aptitude, plus im not on gnome01:40
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sethkbingnet922, you can always use the full path for any argument.  you never have to cd for _any_ command.01:40
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sethkbingnet922, if you give a directory name as the target (the last argument), cp will create a file with the same name01:41
sethkbingnet922, so cp /x/abc.def /y   will create /y/abc.def, if y is a directory01:41
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ashikaeduhat: Did you try aptitude make?01:41
jribnoobie0057: you want to make sure you have this in your /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost zdux0012-desktop01:41
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justin_Is there a program I can use to shrink an iso file with linux?01:41
sethkbingnet922, to copy it to the current directory, you can say:   cp /x/abc.def .01:41
ashikaeduhat: Thats make's package name01:41
sethkbingnet922, which creates ./abc.def01:41
asdfasdfddsethk, can i print the info i need via dos? i can still boot windows01:41
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eduhatashika: thx01:42
ashikaeduhat: Did it work? And what else did you need01:42
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sethkasdfasdfdd, I doubt it, but I'm not a windows expert.  If your mbr is clobbered, windows won't be able to see it any more than linux can01:42
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ashikaeduhat: be sure yo have makedepend and makedev they are required by make. I dont know if aptitude gets them for you01:42
seanieb64Can anyone tell e how to upgrade Perl on Ubuntu without deleting everything along with Perl?01:43
jribnoobie0057: did you ever create a root password?01:43
seanieb64basically the kubuntu-desktop and all it's dependencies.01:43
ashikajrib: Isn't root autogenerated?01:43
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jribashika: I have no idea what that means :)01:43
bingnet922sethk: I'm with you. Except for "you can always use the full path for any argument.  you never have to cd for _any_ command."01:43
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ashikajrib: As in ubuntu automatically makes a random root password and all you do is change it in System > Administration > Groups and users01:44
sethkbingnet922, right.  what's the problem with that?01:44
noobie0057jrib: yes I have a root password,, well it's the same as my users password,, I don't think it could have been compromised,, it's like 15 characters random ascii01:44
jribashika: no it doesn't make a random one, it's a blank one01:44
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Telroth_Plushie|ashika, no01:44
LjLashika: it's not a random password. it's a locked account.01:44
bingnet922sethk: What do you mean by "you can always use the full path for any argument.  you never have to cd for _any_ command."01:44
Telroth_Plushie|ashika, root is actually disabled/locked01:44
ashikajrib: For me it was automatically filled in and all I did was change it.01:44
sethkashika, if it's the password from the desktop install, it's set to a special value that prevents root login01:45
ashikaTelroth_Plushie|: Not for me. I went to users and groups and it was already there.01:45
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sethkTelroth_Plushie|, root is not disbled/locked.  _login_ for root is disabled.01:45
jribnoobie0057: well I ask because you won't be able to use sudo to edit the file.  So su to root and edit it that way  (otherwise you'd have to reboot, etc...)01:45
Telroth_Plushie|ashika, that's a mask01:45
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RiyoYou can make a wireless card, in ubuntu, do double-duty, as in adhoch and infrastrucutre at the same time?01:45
IntelligitimateIs there a program to shrink an ISO?01:45
sethkashika, root is there.  the system cannot run without a root account01:45
Telroth_Plushie|so someone can't see how long the password is01:45
ashikaTelroth_Plushie|: Mask? What do you mean. Root is there and when I changed that sudo changed aswell01:45
noobie0057jrib: it looks like I'm missing a new line character or several new line characters. I'm going to clean it up, reboot, then if it works back it up and maybe try updating it again,, thanks for your help!!01:45
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sethkashika, if you do    man passwd       you'll see how a password is created to prevent login01:45
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jribnoobie0057: shouldn't need to reboot (I think)01:46
sethkashika, the root account in ubuntu is precisely the same as the root account in any other linux distro01:46
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ashikasethk: I know I mean't it generated a password by itself so no one can login untill you change it01:46
Laheyok so you wouldnt waist your money on 3 celerone @ 3.2ghz each with an OM setup?01:46
sethkashika, correct01:46
Telroth_Plushie|ashika, what i mean is if you give root a 1 character long password, it will look like a 6 char password, as will a 32-char password01:46
seanieb64Anyone here know what I can do with my need to upgrade Perl?01:46
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ashikasethk: Thats what I was saying.01:46
sethkashika, ok01:46
ashikaTelroth_Plushie|: But its randomnly generated is it not?01:46
ashikaTelroth_Plushie|: When you install.01:46
sethkashika, no.01:46
Telroth_Plushie|ashika, it doesn't generate a password01:46
RiyoOr is that impossible?01:47
ashikaTelroth_Plushie|: So its blank but appears to be generated. Ah I see thanks.01:47
sethkashika, as I already told you,          man passwd          will tell you about how it is created.01:47
Telroth_Plushie|there literally is no password01:47
varsendaggrHey what is up guys?01:47
sethkashika, no, it is not blank01:47
Telroth_Plushie|you can't log into an account with no password01:47
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sethkashika, it is a _special_ value that is known to never result from any password01:47
wikitylerdoes anyone here use gpilot ?01:47
ashikasethk: What do you mean?01:47
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banghey has anyone had a problem with ntfs-fuse?01:48
asdfasdfddsethk, so i need to completely re-partition?01:48
LjLbang: yes, many people probably have01:48
sethkashika, it is set with    passwd -l            if you run the command              man passwd            it will tell you how that works01:48
sethkasdfasdfdd, you need to rewrite the mbr.  with the correct data for the partitions that already exist.01:48
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bangLjL, i followed website instrutions but it wont let me mount it01:48
sethkasdfasdfdd, which is quite different.  you want to save all the data on your partitions.  borking the mbr doesn't actually touch the data01:49
Doowsethk: you use a lot of whitespace =)01:49
sethkDoow        I              do         ?01:49
SurfnKidGot a PC Id like with Ubuntu01:49
Doowsethk: any special reason?01:49
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asdfasdfddi dont have the data, is there a utility to do it?01:49
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Doowsethk: yes =P01:49
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sethkDoow, I was setting off the part of what I was typing that's a literal command01:49
ashikasethk: Yes I just typed that in terminal so what does the - l option do?01:49
seanieb64Anyone know about how to upgrade perl?01:49
bangis there a way to convert the hdd to vfat? if its a ntfs? besides a format?01:49
SurfnKidhowever its got a CD-ROM,  how can I install the needed files and then pull the rest of the 3.2gb from another local network source instead?01:49
seanieb64I'm installing it from a deb.01:49
CountDownI'm running Dapper and would like to upgrade to Edgy... what's the suggested way of doing this?  apt-get dist-upgrade, or fresh install?01:49
Doowsethk: ok01:49
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sethkashika, "man passwd" is a command that tells you what all the passwd options do.01:50
varsendaggrCountDown, do not do dist-upgrade01:50
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seanieb64if I try to yuse apt-get it tries to uninstall kubuntu-desktop.01:50
sethkashika, I couldn't possibly type in a better explanation than the one you already have, just waiting for you to read it.   in man passwd, you can do   /-l   to find dash l so you don't have to read all of it.01:50
CountDownvarsendaggr: I read the man page on it and it didn't seem like it would do the trick.01:50
SurfnKidcould i set a network share and then in Synaptic Manager add the CD ROM source from the network?01:50
SurfnKidi guess ill try that01:50
kitcheashika: passwd -l locks account01:50
varsendaggrCountDown, go to the ubuntu.com website and it has a script to run i think01:50
ashikasethk: I did that but it didn't explain what each option did other than -l and 5 more things equal to login.01:50
noobie0057jrib: your right, I cannot edit the file,, su root tells me Authentication failure01:51
varsendaggrCountDown, i will go to the site and help you with that01:51
Silmethulewhy don't do dist-upgrade?01:51
sethkashika, -l is what you were asking about.  it tells you what -l does.  so what's missing?01:51
ashikasethk: Sorry just found it.01:51
sethkashika, I checked before I told you to run it.  :)01:51
ashikasethk: Smart :)01:51
asdfasdfddsethk, is there a utility to scan the partition info and rebuild the mbr?01:51
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sethkasdfasdfdd, there are some programs of that sort around.  not in the distro, you'll have to download.01:52
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ashikasethk: you know in gnome does the seperator count in the countdown for default OS to boot? So would I count Other Operating Systems as something because it can be highlighted with down key?01:52
sethkasdfasdfdd, I use my own, which aren't really usable for non-hackers.  but google will show you lots of them01:52
ashikasethk: Sorry I meant grub not gnome01:52
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CountDownvarsendaggr: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/releasenotes/610?highlight=%28dist-upgrade%2901:53
jribnoobie0057: ok reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu.  Then use 'nano -w /etc/hosts' to edit the file.  It is pretty straight forward.  ctrl-o saves, ctrl-x exits.  Alternatively, you can copy the file somewhere in your HOME, edit it with your favorite editor now, and then just overwrite your old one with the edited copy in your HOME once you are in recovery mode01:53
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sethkashika, there is a parameter to set how many seconds before booting the default.  hold on, I'll get the name01:53
Dante123I have Dell Optiplex 192 MB RAM, 350 MHZ Pentium II processor......and an HP Pavilion 533 AMD K2 Processor with 256 MB ram.....both have 5 gig drives.....any recommendations on a linux distro for these older machines????01:53
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jribnoobie0057: I have to reboot now as well, any questions before I go?01:53
Silmethulewhy "do not do dist-upgrade"?01:53
RiyoCan somebody tell me how to go about getting my PCI wireless card to work in Ubuntu? Im currently in Windows01:53
LjL!info testdisk | doesn't rebuild the "MBR", i think, but it does claim to try and rebuild the partition table01:53
ubotutestdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.4.1-1 (edgy), package size 459 kB, installed size 1232 kB01:53
sethkashika, timeout.  as in, on a separate line,  "timeout 30"01:53
asdfasdfddany .exe binaries that i can run via windows? (since i can only run live ubuntu)01:53
ashikasethk: I know that but does the Other Operating Systems seperator count as a OS when selecting from 0-3 which one to boot.01:53
varsendaggrCountDown, Yeah that was the one i used01:54
ashikasethk: I was asking whther to count Other Operating Systems as a OS for which one is default os.01:54
sethkashika, everything with a title line in menu.lst counts01:54
ashikasethk: Thanks01:54
sethkashika, put your menu.lst file on the paste site, if you need more specific help.01:54
CountDownvarsendaggr: Thanks.01:54
asdfasdfddsethk, could you point me to an exe utility for windows?01:54
[fe3] hi, I am trying to set the native screen resolution of my HDTV in ubuntu to 1366x768.. with ATI radeon 9800SE, however I cannot seem to be able to do this.  Google search has revealed many people with similar problem.. does edgy eft intend to support native HDTV resolutions?01:54
banganyone know some commands or strings for ntfs-fuse?01:54
SurfnKidHow well does Ubuntu perform on a Hyperthreading Intel chip?01:54
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sethkasdfasdfdd, I don't know, sorry.  google should help you.  or a windows channel on IRC.  or someone else here.01:55
SurfnKidwith 512MB RAM01:55
ashikasethk: I dont need help I just wanted to know if I could the seperator when selecting a default01:55
asdfasdfddxorg.conf controls res01:55
finstaHey guys, got a question here. I got a laptop which I cannot afford to reformat. The OS needs to stay on there and when resizing it dies and I gotta load up a Ghost image01:55
sethkashika, ok01:55
varsendaggrCountDown, i used that one       ----->   gksu "update-manager -c"01:55
finstaWhat do you guys suggest?01:55
varsendaggrCountDown, wait01:55
LjL!fuse | bang01:55
ubotubang: Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:55
finstaIt's an IBM T4201:55
sethkSurfnKid, that's too vague to answer.01:55
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SurfnKidsethk, well windows xp is just too slow01:55
ashikasethk: So you said seperator counts correct?01:55
[fe3] does anyone use a 16:9 resolution here? is it even possible?01:55
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SurfnKidbut oh well ill have to wait01:55
varsendaggrCountDown, i first did the apt-get dist-upgrade and it killed my system01:55
SurfnKidtill i try it01:55
sethkashika, I don't think that it does, no, but I have to double check to be certain.01:56
CountDownvarsendaggr: Um, too late.01:56
stevebhello. dont suppose anyone can tell me where i can get the 2.6.17-10 kernel sources? the apt package is 2.6.10-13 for some reason01:56
rothgarI am having some problems with a 6.10 server install01:56
varsendaggrtoo late what?01:56
CountDownvarsendaggr: I'm going with update-manager.  It's running now.01:56
finstafe3, edit your config for that01:56
sethkSurfnKid, if you use GUI programs on it you won't find it significantly faster or slower than windows01:56
varsendaggrcool that is the way to do it01:56
ashikasethk: Is it possible to check or do I have to do trial and error?01:56
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rothgarI can ssh to the box on my network but from the box I cannot get to the internet01:56
LjL!info linux-source-2.6.17 | steveb01:56
ubotulinux-source-2.6.17: Linux kernel source for version 2.6.17 with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.17-10.33 (edgy), package size 44986 kB, installed size 45120 kB01:56
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sethkashika, I can check the code, but it will take a few minutes.  might be quicker to just try it.01:56
wasp_emshello i have installed xgl and beryl on xubuntu.when i login xgl and i try to load beryl i get the following error can anyone help?waspius@KiLlEr313:~$ sudo killall xfwm4 && beryl-manager01:57
wasp_emswaspius@KiLlEr313:~$ XGL Present01:57
wasp_emsberyl-xgl: Support for non power of two textures missing01:57
wasp_emsberyl-xgl: Failed to manage screen: 001:57
wasp_emsberyl-xgl: No manageable screens found on display :1.001:57
sethkashika, I'm nearly certain that only "title" lines will be counted.01:57
ashikaThe code in menu.lst doesn't say01:57
LjL!paste | wasp_ems01:57
ubotuwasp_ems: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:57
stevebLjL: yes. i have that. but in the version.h it says its 2.6.17-1301:57
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ashikathe seperator says Other Operating Systems and it can be highlighted but pressing enter just flickers the screen01:57
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tin_nqnhow can I do an infinite loop of number in bash ?01:57
SurfnKidsethk, but the virus, popup, spyware issue will get fixed which is about 50% of the problem, and itll be great to administer via CLI01:57
sethkrothgar, start by checking your default route01:57
SobkoHow to remove old kernel01:57
halex-abtin_nqn, perform an expression where true == true?01:57
halex-abAnd increment the number?01:58
rothgarsethk: how do I check that? :(01:58
gustavolddoes the ubuntu clean the /tmp folder regularly?01:58
Telroth_Plushie|wasp_ems, what's you're depth?01:58
Sobkojust delete or what01:58
tin_nqnyes, incrementing the number01:58
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sethkSurfnKid, you asked about performance, so I answered you.  Obviously I'm a linux user.01:58
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asdfasdfddbrb apparently there is an option on fdisk in cmd that fixes the mbr, ill tell you how it goes sethk01:58
LjLsteveb: well, the ubuntu kernel packages get patched. kernel.org if you want a fresh kernel tarball01:58
finstaHey guys, got a question here. I got a laptop which I cannot afford to reformat. The OS needs to stay on there and when resizing it dies and I gotta load up a Ghost image. It's an IBM T42...Anybody?01:58
Telroth_Plushie|if you're running 24-bit color, you'll need to drop it to 1601:58
kitchewaso_ems: just start beryl-manager that'sa ll I had to do01:58
wasp_emsTelroth_Plushie|, 2401:58
sethkrothgar, at a console prompt, type in route (with no arguments) which will show you the current routing table01:58
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sethkfinsta, what are you using to shrink the partition?01:58
SurfnKidsethk, ok if i run into issues ill holler :)01:58
Telroth_Plushie|wasp_ems, change it to 16 bit; beryl only plays nice with powers of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ...)01:59
stevebLjL: oh i know. the linux-kernal package is 2.6.17-10 though, and the linux-source is 2.6.17-13! they dont match up!01:59
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wasp_emsTelroth_Plushie|, will it load in that case?is that the problem?01:59
finstaSethk, I've used Acronis and PartitionMagic01:59
Skwid_i just upgraded to edgy01:59
Telroth_Plushie|wasp_ems, i'm pretty sure01:59
stevebLjL: i think someone must have put the wrong tar in for the source package because it is named as 2.6.17-1001:59
Telroth_Plushie|that's the problem i had01:59
finstaIt dies on resizing01:59
sethkfinsta, and both fail?  that's odd.01:59
Telroth_Plushie|if it's not, come back01:59
Skwid_and it seems that im running xgl + compiz now, even without chosing it when logging in !02:00
Skwid_isn't that odd ?02:00
finstaYet the HD is fine02:00
LjLsteveb, the version of the *package* is 1.6.17-10. if then version.h or whatever says otherwise, my guess is that it's because of patches from the Ubuntu team, which should then also exist in the binary version02:00
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finstaNo errors on HD tests02:00
finstaAnd it works fine otherwise02:00
rothgarsethk: what should it look like? I see my router as the default gateway, but that is about all I recognize02:00
sethkfinsta, if you were resizing linux it would be easy, because you could back up and then restore the files.02:00
tin_nqnhalex-ab: can you help me?02:00
sethkfinsta, but that won't work with a bootable xp partition.02:00
DoowSkwid_: hehe, yeah02:00
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sethkrothgar, that's all you need to see.02:00
finstaJust dies out and kills the WinXP install02:00
stevebLjL: yes... they dont. uname -a gives 2.6.17-1002:00
LjLsteveb, could be, but i doubt it. i think it's just 2.6.17-10 *with some stuff backported from -13*. admittedly though i don't really know02:00
sethkrothgar, can you ping the router?02:00
halex-abtin_nqn, I'm not really a BASH expert..02:00
Skwid_Doow: why is that ?02:01
sethkfinsta, wait, now I'm confused.  what winxp install?02:01
rothgarsethk: nope02:01
bangcheers peoples i had group=ntfs changed to gid=1001 ;) fixed problem02:01
DoowSkwid_: I have no idea, but I agree that it's odd02:01
bangcheers ;)02:01
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LjLsteveb, if you're sure about that, then it's worth filing a bug02:01
Skwid_Doow: any way to check which one i am actually running ?02:01
finstaI'm resizing a WinXP install...I asked some people and was suggested to go here. I can't resize my NTFS partition and it dies02:01
sethkrothgar, hmm.  your cable is good because you can ssh from another box on the lan, you said, right?02:01
wasp_emsTelroth_Plushie|, thanx..is there any chance u know how to change it?do i just write in a terminal depth=16?02:01
tim167does Rosegarden 1.4 work on Ubuntu ? (it says to build it i need KDE3.1+, but i don't find that in synaptic)02:01
noobie0057Hi I'm having trouble using sudo or su I have a corrupted hosts file and su returns su: Authentication failure02:01
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Telroth_Plushie|Skwid_, ps aux | grep compix02:01
DoowSkwid_: probably, but I don't know almost anything about it02:01
sethkfinsta, don't try to resize and install all in one thing02:02
lifepositivesethk: hi :)02:02
sethkfinsta, resize first, separately.02:02
bingnet922Hi room, how do I change themes in KDE? Thanks for your help!02:02
sethklifepositive, hello02:02
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rothgarsethk: I am using putty right now.  I can't even ping the computer I am sshing from.02:02
Telroth_Plushie|if it outputs anything besides "grep compiz" with a few numbers, then you are running compix02:02
stevebLjL: ok. ill research it a little more and file a bug in the morning02:02
seanieb64Anyone know how to help me upgrade perl on my system manually?02:02
kitchetim167: kde3.1+ is any version of kde that is greater then 3.002:02
Skwid_Telroth_Plushie|: skwid     5680  0.0  0.1   2844   760 pts/1    R+   20:02   0:00 grep compix02:02
DelawareAEAtim167: i am currently using rosegarden 1.4.  got it from the repositories, didn't build from scratch02:02
finstaI do, but I can't reinstall Windows. I have to load up a ghost image02:02
finstaSince it's a client02:02
Telroth_Plushie|Skwid_, you aren't using compiz then02:02
Skwid_Telroth_Plushie|: it seems not02:02
Skwid_Telroth_Plushie|: but but !!02:02
finstaAnd they can't afford to reformat02:02
Skwid_there is real transparency02:02
tim167DelawareAEA: on ubuntu edgy ?02:02
Skwid_desktop switching is like a 3d cube02:03
wasp_emsTelroth_Plushie|,  thanx..is there any chance u know how to change it?do i just write in a terminal depth=16?02:03
DelawareAEAtim167: yup02:03
DoowSkwid_: could be beryl02:03
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Telroth_Plushie|Skwid_, kde supports real transparency if you have composite enabled02:03
Skwid_Doow: is that what comes configured with edgy ?02:03
tim167DelawareAEA: how come its not in synaptic here ?02:03
Skwid_no it's gnome02:03
Telroth_Plushie|wasp_ems, you have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:03
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Telroth_Plushie|sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:03
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ekimushello, I'm planning a xen server but it seems that ubuntu doesn't have any domU kernels available, packages.ubuntu.com has 4 xen0 images but no xenU images, intention or accident?02:03
wasp_emsTelroth_Plushie|, thanx02:03
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DoowSkwid_: beryl is a fork of compiz (or maybe the project changed name, I'm not 100% sure)02:04
Telroth_Plushie|be careful though, if you mess it up it won't load the gui and all you'll have is a command line02:04
ekimuss/ubuntu/ubuntu edgy02:04
finstasethk, any ideas?02:04
stefflDoow: it`s a fork02:04
dcordes_how can i browse the fs on a remote box with nautilus?02:04
Skwid_i love this ! but it's really awkward02:04
noobie0057hi I'm getting Authentication failure when I try the command su02:04
tin_nqnhalex-ab: thanks anyway02:04
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tim167DelawareAEA: and does it work well with audio files (wav, aiff and the like...)02:04
varsendaggrwill someone explain the use of tomboy to me?02:04
finstaNote taking02:04
kitcheDoow: beryl is a fork of compiz no gnome dependencies02:04
Skwid_what am i running then ?02:05
DelawareAEAtim167:  have you enabled all of the repositories?  default is just "main"  try "universe" "multiverse"02:05
stefflvarsendaggr: it`s for notes02:05
Doowsteffl, kitche: ah, thx02:05
ekimusnoobie0057:  sudo su -02:05
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:05
noobie0057ekimus, I have a corrupted hosts file02:05
wasp_emsTechCentric-Will, ok i changed it should i log out and in again?02:05
tim167DelawareAEA: yes they are all enabled02:05
rothgarI guess I will try installing again, thanks for your help sethk02:06
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ekimusnoobie0057:  is that a question?02:06
tim167DelawareAEA: i see rosegarden4, but that is version 1.2.4, right02:06
Rookie_Thats funny - sudo= superuser ? i belive its sudo = Switch User and DO02:06
DelawareAEAtim167:  yes, my apologies for not paying attn02:07
tim167DelawareAEA: np02:07
halex-abRookie_, if you run sudo -i -H, you get superuser..02:07
noobie0057ekimus: sorry no,,, my hosts file is corrupted. using sudo at all gives me a error message sudo: unable to lookup <computer name> via gethostbyname()02:07
Skwid_anybody have a clue where my transparent windows and 3d desktop switching could come from if it's not compiz ?02:07
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stefflSkwid_: don`t you know what you have changed?02:08
=== linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rookie_su means Switch User, i.e - su -username will switch to that user if its doen by root, it wont give the user rootpriviliges02:08
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seanieb64Anyone know how to upgrade Perl? Please, The guy on #perl that will respond is a jerk.02:08
tim167DelawareAEA: btw, the new version of Rosegarden seems to have lots of new feats :p02:08
Skwid_steffl: i just upgraded to edgy02:08
noobie0057su root, has the same effect,,02:08
Skwid_steffl: unless it's all just gnome 2.16 features ...02:08
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ekimusnoobie0057:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32639/ <- that should help (not exactly an ubuntu but the important things should be readable from it :)02:08
Rookie_root is even above God ;)02:09
LjLnoobie0057, have you changed your hostname?02:09
halex-abDamn straight!02:09
stefflSkwid_: it won`t come with the default installation02:09
sethknoobie0057, you are running into one of the problems with ubuntu's setup.  you have to boot the live cd to get around it.02:09
stefflSkwid_: so must have had s.th. like compiz installed before02:09
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noobie0057LjL: no,, I installed ruby a while ago,, I don't know when the problem first occured02:10
eduhathow can i get the sources for ubuntu kernal, i need them to install wlan0 driver for my wifi card02:10
Skwid_steffl: yeah, i had compiz installed before02:10
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sethkeduhat, there is a package for them.  search for "linux" in synaptic.02:10
Skwid_steffl: but before, i had to log into gdm with the XGL option02:10
noobie0057sethk: do you know what I should do? boot on the cd then edit the hosts file?02:10
Skwid_now, im regularly logged in ...02:10
sethknoobie0057, yes02:10
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sethkeduhat, the exact name depends on the version you are running.02:11
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eduhatsethk: allright, well im running 6.06 LTS02:11
noobie0057sethk: I'm a newbie,, how do I access the correct hosts file,, I think if I tried I might not know how to mount the harddrive02:11
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Rookie_noobie0057 - under /etc02:12
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sethknoobie0057, that depends on your partition layout and such.  do you know which partition is your linux root file system?02:12
eduhatsethk: what would be the kernal for ubuntu 6.06LTS?02:12
wasp_emshow can i check what my depth is?02:12
stefflSkwid_: then it will be still compiz02:12
noobie0057sethk: I just have a swap and then everything else02:12
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effie_jayxeduhat try uname -r02:13
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stefflSkwid_: you just don`t need the XGL option anymore, I guess02:13
sethkeduhat, uname -r will show your kernel revision.  then it is:   kernel-source-2.6.whatever.  I'm not running the same version which is why I'm not filling in the whatever part02:13
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eduhatsethk: 2.6.15-23-38602:13
ashikaSomeone tell me howto run .bin files without getting permission denied from console02:13
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halex-abashika, chmod +x filename.bin02:13
Skwid_steffl: that's weird ... cause i have no 'compix' process running02:13
sethknoobie0057, and the entire drive is linux?  probably you'll need to mount /dev/hda1.   you can do this:   fdisk -l /dev/hda   which will list the partitions on hda02:13
halex-abthen try to run it02:13
sethknoobie0057, hda assumes that you are using IDE drives and the partitions are on primary master.02:14
effie_jayxashika: permission denied?02:14
effie_jayxashika: sudo?02:14
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effie_jayxashika: ./filename ...02:14
halex-abeffie_jayx, you have to make it executable first..02:14
sethkeduhat, just run synaptic, use search, and type in kernel-source02:14
jessidhello friends, it is me again with te topic: how can I connect my palm in ubuntu? I havent been able to make it work02:14
sethkeduhat, you'll get a list of available kernel source packages.02:14
effie_jayxhalex-ab,  true02:14
noobie0057sethk: yes primary master,, I think that is how I set it up,, maybe I  should just try it?02:15
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sethknoobie0057, sure, why not?02:15
eduhatsethk: well i dont use synaptic, because right now im not in gnome, so how could i do it through aptitude or how can i start syntaptic through fluxbox?02:15
sethknoobie0057, if fdisk -l /dev/hda doesn't do what you expect, then you'll know it isn't ide primary master.  :)02:15
sethkeduhat, sure, just bring up a console and type in    sudo synaptic02:15
=== pitagora [n=pleira@dslb-084-061-132-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
dougskoanyone know how to install some new fonts? here's what ive done so far: i put the ttf's in /usr/share/X11/fonts/newfonts. then i ran "fc-cache -fv ./". after that i added the directory to the fontpath section of xorg.conf. restarted X, but they still dont show02:15
Skwid_hum, anybody know if i can create a symlink from my windows firefox profile on a FAT32 partition to my ubuntu firefox profile ?02:15
noobie0057sethk: thanks02:15
noobie0057thanks everyone02:16
IntelligitimateIs there a program to shrink an ISO?02:16
Skwid_i tried, but firefox wont start :(02:16
effie_jayxdougsko.. I add the to my user02:16
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green_earzeduhat:  on the command line   aptitude search kernel-source02:16
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effie_jayxdougsko: there is a .fonts folder02:16
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effie_jayxdougsko: there is in my home02:16
MalachiI accidentally hit the Revert button on the Articulate Menu Editor, and now 1) My menu is all awry, and 2) The changes aren't immediate02:16
steffldougsko: I think you need to update the font-cache02:16
MalachiAny ideas?02:16
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dougskosteffl: well that was the point of fc-cache, i think02:17
landexemSo I have a MacBook Pro with x86 Edgy on it and at ATI X1600 video card.  Can I not run Beryl because of the limitations of ATI's binary drivers?02:17
rothgaris there a argument to set up ubuntu without any extra programs (no office, firefox, etc)02:17
dougskoeffie_jayx: ill try copying them to ~/.fonts, and see if that helps02:17
hansohey. I have horizontal stripes when I see dvds in fullscreen mode in VLC. what can I do?02:17
bingnet922all: What do you make of this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32640/?02:17
dougskoeffie_jayx: do you think i still need to run fc-cache afterwards?02:18
bingnet922oops, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32640/02:18
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effie_jayxdougsko, never did that02:18
Skwid_guys, i need help making my fat32 partition with the right permissions :(02:18
Skwid_i can see my file, but they all seem locked02:18
Seveasbingnet922, you need cp -r02:18
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Skwid_dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     28672 2006-11-16 19:14 Program Files02:18
sethkSkwid_, FAT doesn't have permissions.  you can change the apparent owner of the files using mount options02:18
bingnet922Seveas: tanks man, tanks.02:18
jessidnoone has ever connected a palm in ubuntu? please, if someone has any sugestion, help me....i am tired of Windows ;)02:19
wikitylerskwid: i'me got a script for you, but i have to find the link02:19
ubotuA good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB02:19
Skwid_sethk: can you help me a little more ?02:19
Skwid_wikityler: thanks :)02:19
IntelligitimateIs there a program to shrink an ISO?02:19
effie_jayxjessid,  aren't we all02:19
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dougskoeffie_jayx: i just noticed too that the fonts in ~/.fonts, while they show up in adobe, OOo, etc., they dont show up in xfontsel. do you know why that might be? im trying to get these to work with fluxbox, so i think they might need to be there02:19
wikitylerskwid_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions02:19
dope12345how do i use the dial up modem in ubuntu?02:19
dope12345i put all the info in but i don't think it dials02:19
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto02:20
jessideffie_jayx sorry but I cant understand what you said ;)02:20
grndslmmy laptop's not booting from cd any more (even tho it's selected for first boot in bios and it still works after gnome has loaded)....what's the best way for a fresh install of ubuntu now?  i'd prefer not to have to buy an external drive, but if somebody understands how to do a netboot without a cd drive...please lemme know!02:20
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effie_jayxyou are tired of windows and I said... aren't we all tired of windows...02:20
green_earzIntelligitimate: what type of .iso image a dvd ?02:20
Seveas!windows | effie_jayx02:20
ubotueffie_jayx: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents02:20
wikitylercan i restart X without closing things like gaim?02:20
IntelligitimateOne I will write to a DVD.02:20
GeForceHey guys, anyone got their ATi TV Wonder Elite (Based on the Theater 550 pro chipset) card to work in linux?02:21
SurfnKidsethk, mmm just thought of something, i have an external hdd, could I dump the 3.2gb on it and make my box boot from it, ya think it would work?02:21
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sethkSurfnKid, if the BIOS supports booting from the external drive, yes.02:21
dope12345jesus getting the dial up modem setup is more complicated than wireless02:21
effie_jayxdougsko,  I wouldn't happen to knoow02:21
=== SurfnKid runs to check
dope12345why can't stuff just work like in windows02:21
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varsendaggrhow do i edit my Aplications launchers?02:21
varsendaggrdope12345, modems suck02:22
mark__alacarte menu editor or add/remove applications under applications02:22
varsendaggrdope12345, sorry though02:22
Skwid_wikityler: Ignoring /dev/hda1 - already in /etc/fstab02:22
Skwid_Ignoring /dev/hda5 - already in /etc/fstab02:22
Skwid_No usable windows/mac partitions found02:22
dougskoeffie_jayx: ok thanks02:22
=== tom47 [n=tom@203-217-69-224.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
eduhatcan someone please help me get my wireless card working with ubuntu without ndiswrapper?02:23
smallfoot-I hope someone can add computer hardware manufacturers who are Linux/FOSS/competition/etc friendly or unfriendly to http://vendors.bluwiki.org/02:23
varsendaggrSkwid_, what does your fstab look like02:23
sethkdope12345, lot's of stuff does.  the answer really is that when you increase flexibility you also increase the difficulty.02:23
LjLdope12345: because "winmodems" are so called because they are mostly just a DSP chip and an interface to the phoneline, and all the rest is done by proprietary and sometimes patented Windows software, and the interfaces are not disclosed. that's why.02:23
=== Cosmonaut3030 [n=cosmonau@augusta54.demon.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidsweet it does, would i have to format the hdd with the iso on it, or just dump it on the main root?02:23
dope12345ugh i can't get any internet going to this thing that isn't an ethernet cable02:23
loca|hostwhat's the minimal disk space to a minimal ubuntu install ?02:23
varsendaggrdope12345, probably not02:23
Cosmonaut3030Hello, can someone tell me how to update Perl?02:23
sethkSurfnKid, you can't really put an iso onto a hard drive.02:24
SurfnKidsethk, i mean the contents02:24
sethkCosmonaut3030, there are several different packages that comprise perl02:24
Cosmonaut3030Are they the libraries?02:24
dope12345i installed the bcm4306 firmware using bcm43xx-fwcutter. how do i connect to an AP?02:24
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SeveasCosmonaut3030, why would you want that?02:24
sethkSurfnKid, I think putting the files on is probably better than copying the iso file to it.  it will take a lot longer, though02:24
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mark__cosmonaut, what version of perl do you have now?02:25
dope12345i can't get the network manager to install because of some dependencies so is there some command line stuff i have to do?02:25
eduhatdoes the wlan0 drivers come with ubuntu, if not how can i get them?02:25
Cosmonaut3030cosmonaut@benvolio:~$ perl -v02:25
Cosmonaut3030This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi02:25
SurfnKidworth a try then..02:25
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sethkdope12345, the package manager should install whatever is missing.  tell us exactly what you are seeing.02:25
Cosmonaut30305.8.8, and i want
SeveasCosmonaut3030, why?02:25
AbstIs there anything like Airport for a Mac where it sits in my panel and shows signal strength, etc?02:25
dope12345i can't connect to the internet so i have to d/l the packages in windows and then install them in linux02:25
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mark__eduhat, apt-get will resolve dependencies. sudo apt-get install network-manager should do it02:26
dope12345i'm out of town and only have access to wireless02:26
Cosmonaut3030I want to play Frozen Bubble202:26
Seveasinstalling a non-packagd version of perl is an enourmous risk02:26
baratahallo, anybody uses Acomdata 320GB and have troubles?02:26
baratahallo, anybody uses Acomdata 320GB external and have troubles?02:26
Seveasbecause then you break stuff like this02:26
eduhatmark__: allright, thank you02:26
Seveasdebian isn't ubuntu. Don't use debian packages on ubuntu or you WILL break your system02:26
dope12345so what's the command line stuff to connect with wireless02:26
dope12345i know the the name of the AP i want to connect to and it's open02:27
JoshJisn't debian supposedly binary compatible with ubuntu?02:27
SeveasJoshJ, no02:27
AbstCosmonaut3030, Trust him, I added debian repos and bricked my machine02:27
Cosmonaut3030I haven't used any debian debs yet... I've tryed building from source, but i get an error. Shall I show it here?02:27
SeveasJoshJ, only source compatible02:27
JoshJdid it used to be?02:27
mark__it won't definetly break ubuntu02:27
SeveasCosmonaut3030, no, read a compiling faq instead02:27
eduhatmark__: right now my card is show with the interface of eth1, but on the website it says the driver should be wlan0, i know that that is also the interface name, how would i get my card to be recognized by the wlan0 driver?02:27
Seveas!compiling > Cosmonaut303002:27
JoshJ(also isn't everything linux-based source compatible?)02:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compiling? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
Cosmonaut3030I've read the install file, if that means anything?02:27
sethkJoshJ, debian and ubuntu are both available for a variety of architectures.  so the statement "debian is binary compatible with ubuntu" makes no sense at all02:27
wasabi_JoshJ: Totally not.02:27
LjLCosmonaut3030: look at your private messages02:27
effie_jayxwhat do women think of ubuntu02:27
antoniodhello. I can't boot from ubuntu 6.10 installation cd (seems it hangs after isolinux) any ideas?02:28
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varsendaggreffie_jayx, MY WIFE thinks its cute02:28
sethkeffie_jayx, as soon as you start running it, you'll have to beat the woman away from your door with a stick02:28
mark__eduhat: run "ifconfig", it should list your interfaces. do you see a working wlan0 and eth0? or which one?02:28
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:28
Seveasantoniod, check the md5sum of iso and cd02:28
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Cosmonaut3030Thanks, i'll check that link.02:28
IntelligitimateIs there a program to shrink an ISO?02:28
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sethkantoniod, bad download?  bad burn?02:28
effie_jayxmy wife likes it02:28
stefflantoniod: burn slower, might help02:28
sethkIntelligitimate, you can compress any file, including an iso file.02:28
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effie_jayxbut she just can't see that all the software she uses on the other side has an equivalent here or better02:29
sethkIntelligitimate, I'm not sure if that's what you are really asking though.  you can, for example, do this:    bzip2 filename.iso02:29
IntelligitimateI need to compress the iso so it will fit on a DVD and play.02:29
eduhatmark__: well my wireless card is eth1 and wired is eth0, but the wireless should be wlan0... im connected through wired right now02:29
wikitylerSkwid_: see your PMs02:29
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varsendaggrSeveas, hey how can i change what browser open up links in xchat02:29
sethkIntelligitimate, a dvd is much larger than a CD, so that doesn't really make a lot of sense.02:29
LjL!info vamps | Intelligitimate02:29
ubotuvamps: Tool to recompress and modify the structure of a DVD. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99.2-1 (edgy), package size 41 kB, installed size 172 kB02:29
Seveasvarsendaggr, no idea02:29
tom47Intelligitimate .... i googled this ... might help you ... http://mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/dvdshrink/02:29
mark__eduhat: and you want network manager to recognize both?02:30
Seveas(LjL, | only works for factoids)02:30
PupenoHaving a .dsc, diff.gz and orig.tar.gz, how do I build the deb package ?02:30
eduhatmark__: well yeah, and if not then just the wireless card is fine02:30
LjLSeveas: i know well enough, but that way i still get the attention of the person in question without wasting one more line02:30
SeveasPupeno, dpkg-source -x filename.dsc; cd something created; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot02:30
eduhatmark__: im sure it would be easier to get it to recognize both, but i really need it only for the wireless card02:30
eduhatmark__: its a prism2.5 card btw02:30
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Intelligitimatesethk, it is an iso image of a Xbox game.02:30
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icaroanyone has quake4 running?02:31
Daylighterwhoa whoa02:32
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Daylighterany idea why my terminal goes like this ever once in a while? "^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~"02:32
green_earzIntelligitimate: http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/02:32
SeveasDaylighter, that's secret alien code02:32
LjLthat, too02:32
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Daylighternou, seriously02:32
=== FirstStrike [i=First@nv-76-4-226-104.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
mark__Daylighter: it's jsut recognizing keystrokes02:32
Daylighterwhich keystrokes?02:32
wasp_emshi..does anyone know how you can run processes as xmms through the terminal but without needing to open a new terminal every time when u want to run something else?i mean not keeping it occupied by xmms..just open the appl and go back to ~02:32
DaylighterI'm not typing anything02:32
Sobkohow to maintaine ubuntu02:33
eduhatmark__: can you help?02:33
LjLwasp_ems: add a "&" at the end of the line02:33
icarois there a channell for games?02:33
SeveasSobko, hammer, screwdriver and lots of glue02:33
green_earzwasp_ems:  xmms &    will put it in the back ground02:34
tom47anyone tried hardening wine/02:34
wasp_emsLjL, thanx02:34
mark__eduhat: network manager should be recognizing both of your networks off the bat. it shouldn't matter if it's named wlan0 or not02:34
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DaylighterSeveas, where would it be recognizing keystrokes from when I not typing02:34
SeveasDaylighter, are you using the cursor keys?02:34
eduhatmark__: should i restart?02:34
Daylighteri dont think so02:34
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Daylighteri try typing a backspace and I get "^?"02:35
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eduhatmark__: im going to restart, brb02:35
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SeveasDaylighter, then your terminal is messed up02:36
Seveasdid you cat /dev/urandom?02:36
Daylighterhow do I fix it?02:36
SeveasDaylighter, close it, open a new one02:36
mark__have you tried restarting your x?02:36
jribthat's such a random question02:36
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Seveasand don't echo binay things to your terminal 02:36
Daylighteroh dear, it is02:36
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Daylighterit's doing it to this other one I opened, too02:37
GeForceAnyone knows why, when im trying to install VLC, it says that the dependancies couldn't be found?02:37
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Daylighterand when ubuntu booted up and was FSCKing, I got a bunch of ^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~02:37
LjLGeForce: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list02:37
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mark__geforce: are you using apt-get?02:37
hanasakihow do i make a tls cert for exim?02:37
GeForcemark__: Yep, LjL: hold on02:38
deadlydeathconeHas anyone tried AIGLX on a Geforce 6100 yet?02:38
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SeveasDaylighter, that is normal02:38
Seveasyou tried to use the cursor keys or something02:38
Daylightercould it be a bad signal or bad batteries?02:38
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mark__daylighter: it happens sometimes. the terminal just picks up things from the keyboard and such02:39
DaylighterI'm typing the backspace key and I get ^?^?^?^?^?^? and then it works like backspace for a second and then goes back to ^?^?^?^?02:39
Seveashmm, on new terminals as well, something is messed up in your terminal settings02:39
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Daylighterand i've never even changed them02:39
Seveasdid you change ~/.bash_profile /etc/profile or ~/.bashrc?02:39
wikijeff_How can I append a path to the path variable in csh??02:39
kalikianaHow do I join video files?02:39
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Seveaswikijeff, setenv PATH $PATH:/something/else02:39
GeForceLjL: I know you'll prolly hit me hard for the additionnal repos, but here goes: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/82778702:39
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kapputuGot a  Thinkpad Z61t yesterday. Installed Edgy on it. It has a AR5212 wireless card. I'm not able to get an ip address assigned to it using dhcp02:40
SeveasGeForce, pastebin.com is dogslow, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org02:40
GeForceerrr k02:40
Daylighterit must be picking up interference02:40
Daylighterwireless keyboard02:40
SeveasGeForce, and that sources.list is a fucked up one02:40
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Daylighterbecause when I walk away with the keyboard, it stops02:41
mark__daylighter: sounds far fetched02:41
LjL!language | Seveas02:41
ubotuSeveas: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:41
GeForceseveas: what do u mean?02:41
tom47is there any information on hardening wine in ubuntu?02:41
SeveasGeForce, horrible etra repos02:41
wikijeffSeveas: I get an unkown variable modifier error02:41
Daylightermark__, when I move the keyboard away, it stops, then starts again when I put the keyboard back on the desk02:41
GeForceseveas: lol I wanted AIGLX02:41
LjLGeForce to start with, you have the *dapper* instead of the edgy updates repository enabled for universe. that can't be good02:41
barataWHY I cannot open a /dev/sda external usb harddrive?02:41
icaroI want to crack Quake4 no-dvd!02:42
LjLi meant security actually02:42
Seveaswikijeff, then either use a sane shell or read the csh manpage =)02:42
GeForceljl: I updated from dapper to edgy02:42
Daylighternow my terminal is filling up with ^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~^[[2~02:42
baratait is an Acomdata with pushbutton sh1t,02:42
GeForceljl: is it possible it didn't switch?02:42
kapputuwhere can I get help with my problem?02:42
LjLwell actually no, it's all a mess. GeForce, find all instances of "dapper" and change them to "edgy", for starters02:42
green_earzkalikiana: you cat use the cat command , the syntex is some like, cd to the dir where the files are and ls | cat >> file.mpg02:42
LjLGeForce: apparently it didn't fully02:42
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green_earzkalikiana: sorry you can not cat02:43
LjLGeForce, basically you're using dapper's universe02:43
sethkgreen_earz, ls > file.mpg02:43
mark__dapper to edgy updates have gone horribly02:43
wikijeffSeveas: or Bad : modifier in $ (/).02:43
GeForceljl: Hmmm odd02:43
GeForceaiite doing the changes02:43
sethkgreen_earz, no, but what you said isn't going to do what you think02:43
Seveaswikijeff, then either use a sane shell or read the csh manpage =) <----02:43
wikijeffSeveas: ok, thanks02:43
DaylighterI'm serious Seveas, mark__, when I take the batteries out, it stops02:43
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sethkgreen_earz, anyway, you would just do    cat * >> whatever, if that's really what you want02:43
SeveasDaylighter, sony explosive batteries?02:44
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tom47Daylighter sounds like a stuck key02:44
kalikianagreen_earz: nice idea, now is it possible or not? // *confused me*02:44
DaylighterLOL no, just AAs02:44
mark__daylighter: do you have your cell phone, or any other wireless devices nearby?02:44
Seveasthen the thing is broken02:44
Super_KIm in Partition Magic right now, and wish to know what happens if I delete the Linux and Linux Swap partition. Will I just need to fix MBR?02:44
Daylighterhow would I be typing if it was a stuck key02:44
SeveasDaylighter, black magic02:44
mark__super_k: you'll just need to repair the MBR, yeah02:45
green_earzsethk: as i said i was not correct on the syntex  but cat can do the job02:45
DaylighterAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh good advice mark__02:45
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Seveasthe control codes that produce [[[^2 are not interpreted by most apploications02:45
DaylighterI'm a ham radio operator and it never occured to me that my phone might be interfering02:45
sethkSuper_K, if you are going to have to fix the mbr, then don't delete them in the first place02:45
GeForceljl: Damn, then that was why, when I was installing some packets, it was asking me to uninstall ubuntu-desktop I was like, WTF!?02:45
Super_Kmark__: do I need the windows disc? Or can I use a usb with a batch file02:45
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sethkSuper_K, what are you trying to do?02:45
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Super_KDelete linux totally02:45
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mark__you should be using the windows disc. hirens boot disk repairs it as well02:45
sethkDaylighter, that's because you are so tired of people telling you you are interfering with {everything under the sun} that you tune out the entire idea02:45
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Seveasdon't delete linux02:45
Super_KNo, Ill be re-installing it later02:45
LjLSeveas, Daylighter: couldn't it be some idiotic laptop hardware that uses keycodes as a sort of interrupt?02:45
SeveasLjL, yes, idiotic keyboard ;)02:46
Super_Khirens boot disc?02:46
cmweb-adminCan any one help me make a program run three times when my computer connects to the internet? the device is ppp002:46
Daylightersethk, I dont interfere with everyone... I only have a little five watt handheld02:46
sethkLjL, could be, sure, but I've not seen that in ages02:46
DaylighterI'm not one of those with te 1500-watt setup and poorly grounded antenna02:46
sethkDaylighter, you call yourself a ham and you don't even interfere?  hmm.02:46
green_earzkalikiana: as sethk  said try cat * >> file.mpg   first cd the where the files are02:46
Super_Ksethk: I must delete linux02:47
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DaylighterI volunteer occasionally02:47
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sethkSuper_K, why?  and, if so, what exactly do you think you would be fixing in the mbr?02:47
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GeForceljl: aiite, seems to be ok now.... it just asked me to update a bunch of packets lol02:47
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GeForceI thought I wasn't getting much update notices lol02:47
GeForceguess that was why02:47
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Super_Ksethk: I just want windows for now, I need those partitions, and I would need to fix mbr because GRUB is installed as master, right?02:48
mark__super_k, you'll have to most likely run a repair windows from the windows disc, since GRUB will intefere with the MBR02:48
sethkSuper_K, no02:48
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sethkSuper_K, well, not as you wrote it02:48
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sethkSuper_K, you can install the windows boot loader which will cover up grub.  that will happen automatically if you do a windows install, or you can do it manually02:48
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kalikianasethk: hm... i got a new file (right size) but video is still the same length :/02:48
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Super_KWell Im not planning on installing Windows, just want grub gone02:49
LjLGeForce: that's possibly yeah ;)02:49
kalikianagreen_earz: i get a new file with the old length :(02:49
Super_Ktherefore Im free to delete linux02:49
sethkSuper_K, but that doesn't really have any interaction with the partitions, other than sharing the same sector02:49
Super_KBut I need the space for windows02:49
sethkSuper_K, you don't have to delete partitions to lose grub02:49
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shini`does anyone here use ardour gtk???02:49
sethkSuper_K, ok, that's a separate issue02:49
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sethkSuper_K, if you want the space, take the space, but it has no impact on installing the windows boot loader over grub02:50
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Super_KListen, Im wanting to delte linux because I need the space, has nothing to do with GRUB, its just Im wondering If I do delete linux, Ill need to repair MBR02:50
techIf I install this: linux-image-generic, will it pick a 686 kernel?02:50
sethkSuper_K, I think what you are asking is, will grub stop working if you delete linux, and the answer is yes, if you have a typical isntallation02:50
Super_KI know it will02:50
Super_KI dont care02:50
sethkSuper_K, if by "repair the mbr" you mean install the windows boot loader, then yes.02:50
kalikianasethk: Any suggestion on how to join video files?02:50
sethkSuper_K, I know, I'm just clearing up what interacts with what02:50
Super_KHow would I manually make MBR master?02:50
GeForceLjL: I'm still happy to be running AIGLX.... My desktop is so distinguished.... :)02:51
sethkkalikiana, you can simply join mpeg files together into a bigger file.02:51
kleeshas anyone successfully installed beryl + aiglx with a Radeon 9800 Pro???02:51
tom47Super_Kquote from a google on unistalling ubuntu If you have your windows setup cd, load it, restart the PC, boot off the CD and start the Recovery console. Here you can use the fixmbr command to commandeer your MBR.02:51
tom47Fixmbr (microsoft.com)02:51
sethkkalikiana, you need a tool that understands mpeg files.  I imagine any video editing program can handle that.02:51
wasabi_klees: Working with my 9700 Pro.02:51
Super_Koh..duh...I totally forgot02:51
mark__kalikiana: see cinelerra02:51
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protocol1good fight on pay per view tonight02:51
kleeswasabi_: did u follow a particular guide?02:52
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wasabi_klees: No. It's an R300, it's supposed by the open source drivers.02:52
shini`you could dual boot linux and windows02:52
shini`but that's precarious02:52
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wasabi_klees: The 9800, I suspect, probably isn't an R300?02:52
kleeshow can i find out?02:52
shini`I've heard that windows likes to sabotage linux any chance it gets02:52
wasabi_shini`: It works fine. Windows doesn't randomlly go rewriting your MBR.02:52
wasabi_Unless you boot of the windows installer CD.02:52
wasabi_That does. :)02:52
shini`not your MBR, but other random things on your hard drive02:53
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wasabi_Such as?02:53
kalikianamark__: thx, i'll give that a try :)02:53
wasabi_Windows can't read Linux partitions, so other than the MBR, there isn't anyhting for it.02:53
shini`writing random data to random areas of your hard drive02:53
shini`that's what i've been told02:53
wasabi_It does not do that.02:53
kleeswasabi_: xorg.cong has it as a R350 NH02:53
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wasabi_klees: Then it's not supported.02:53
Super_Ksethk: can I fix MBR without the disc? Maybe a batch file on a usb of some sort?02:53
kleeswasabi_: i do have drivers installed02:54
mark__super_k: hirens boot cd02:54
wasabi_Those do not support AIGLX.02:54
wasabi_And likely never will.02:54
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Super_KIll google that02:54
slavikBeryl is teh rocks02:54
wasabi_You can use xgl though.02:54
sethkSuper_K, if you haven't killed linux yet, you can02:54
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wasabi_Which is different from AIGLX.02:54
sethkSuper_K, you can boot window, and then use windows to install the windows boot loader02:54
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kleeswasabi_: the xorg-driver-fglrx is not open source??02:55
=== PauloFurquim [n=PauloFur@201-74-126-96-sv.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
slavikXGL sits on top of X while AIGLX is part of X, am I correct?02:55
wasabi_klees: No. It's ATI's propriatary drive.02:55
sethkSuper_K, if you've already killed linux, you'll need a bootable cd (well, media) of some sort02:55
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wasabi_klees: The "radeon" driver is open source, and has recent support for full acceleration on R300 and below.02:55
wasabi_But not yet above.02:55
wasabi_So, with an R300, it "Just Works"02:55
Super_KI havnt done anything yet, and hirens cd is just a bunch of software02:56
kleeswasabi_: got u02:56
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noiesmoHey all running Edgy Beryl Aiglx Nvidia I normally set screen to 1152x864 when I run warcraft 3 my screen reverts to 1024x764 is there a way to stop this02:56
wasabi_Obviously guys are working hard to make it work with yoru card, but ya know, it's closed stuff. It's very hard. ;)02:56
kleeswasabi_: any trustworthy guides for the 9800 card?02:56
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wasabi_I suspect any Xgl guide can do it fo ryou.02:56
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Super_Ksethk: these I assume?02:57
Super_KMBR (Master Boot Record) Tools02:57
axa-axaI'm using Ubuntu Edgy Eft, but Gnome is a lot slower than Windows XP on my machine. Can someone please tell me is KDE (available version in repository) faster than Gnome?02:57
exeakielIs there any way to reset your sudo password?02:57
wasabi_exeakiel: Your sudo password is your own password.02:57
sethkSuper_K, that looks promising, definitely02:57
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wasabi_exeakiel: So a more proper question would be "Help I changed my password and forgot it!"02:57
exeakielWell, I know my pass.02:58
wasabi_It's the same then.02:58
Daylightermark__, it's doing it again02:58
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PauloFurquimHello everybody! I can't to install my digital camera "clone" whith ubuntu. Someboby can help me whith this problem?02:58
Super_KI would of thought there would have been a CMD command to fix the MBR02:58
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exeakielBut when I go to enter it, I must skip a space and quickly type it in.02:58
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axa-axaI'm using Ubuntu Edgy Eft, but Gnome is a lot slower than Windows XP on my machine. Can someone please tell me is KDE (available version in repository) faster than Gnome?02:58
noobie0057Hi I'm having a problem with su and sudo (hosts file is corrupt) now I have booted up with the CD, but I cannot access the hard drive to replace the old host file02:58
smallfoot-I hope someone can add computer hardware manufacturers who are Linux/FOSS/competition/etc friendly or unfriendly to http://vendors.bluwiki.org/02:58
jribnoobie0057: did "recovery mode" not work?02:59
kleeswasabi_: what does OSS stands for?02:59
wasabi_klees: open source software02:59
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wasabi_klees: or open source system02:59
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wasabi_klees: or probably 400 other things02:59
wasabi_klees: open sound system02:59
exeakielUrgh I need firefox 2.0 D:02:59
noobie0057jrib: I am not familiar with "recovery mode" was that a selection from the CD?02:59
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tom47exeakiel .... "man passwd" iin terminal03:00
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wdanybody played with lm sensors?03:00
jribnoobie0057: you can just select it from the grub menu when the computer is booting up (no cd required)03:00
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jribnoobie0057: are you on the live cd at this moment though?03:00
icaroanybody knows how to play with quake4 without dvd?03:01
imonetchlivethe windows installer can access my mbr and shows my partitions properly. but ubuntu cannot, what needs to be done?03:01
deadlydeathconeaxa-axa - no, but xfce is. What kind of processor do you have?03:02
imonetchlivei have re-written the mbr to be sure its right03:02
=== Bobby_Easland [n=forums@richmond-bsr1-68-169-54-223.ironoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bobby_EaslandHello everyone03:03
axa-axadeadlydeathcone: I have Athlon 3000+ and 2GM of RAM.03:03
tom47wd a little while back i did03:03
Bobby_Easlandjust wanted to drop a note and sing the praises for Ubuntu!03:03
=== cirvin [n=ubuntu@cpe-72-225-27-211.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
axa-axadeadlydeathcone: I thought that since KDE is written in pure C++ (not C# or something like that) it would run faster.03:03
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cirvinwhere is the x configuratino file called and where is it located?03:03
techHello. I just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy. initramfs-tools somehow wants to generate for an old kernel that is not running nor installed anymore; update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-23-386. It fails to do that because /lib/modules doesn't have modules for that kernel.03:03
Bobby_Easlandwife's Windoze gave a BSOD...tried the live CD and WOW!03:04
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imonetchlivedist-upgrade should not be used to upgrade to etch03:04
jribcirvin: /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:04
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dooopanyone can help me with dhcp issues?03:04
dooopi have the logs03:04
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wdtom47 hey thanks for the answer, i want to use conky and gdesklet, but it's saying i need lm sensors, is diff. to install or activate, in windows (oops curse word) it's just a simple prog. i'm trying to show off my linxu box to unbelievers.03:04
techimonetchlive, I upgraded to edgy. And why not?03:05
imonetchlivedunno, heard some one say it earlier, but check google, there's a guide there03:05
deadlydeathconeaxa-axa: it's worth a shot, but on a Athlon XP-2200 it didn't seem to make such of a difference03:05
techUh, I just want a solution on how to fix initramfs, it is obviously doing something wrong. :)03:06
tom47wd have only used lm sensors in linux03:06
GeForceAnyone can explain me why is it that, when I have a sound running, people can't talk to me on TS? Like if my card could only process one sound at a time?03:06
dooopanyone? please, help me with dhcp  problems :( I've got the logs online03:06
imonetchlive:/ srry, no clue03:06
wdtom47, yes i would like to also, what r ur thoughts on lm sensors? is it diff to install for linux?03:06
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pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with a sound juicer error?03:07
kitcheGeForce: because it can only process one sound at a time it has to do with how alsa is set up03:07
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kalikianaGeForce: depending on the sound server and apps it might be wrongly addressed03:07
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Super_KI cant seem to find the latest release of ubuntu in a torrent file03:07
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tom47wd i never found it hard to install .... the setting up can be a bit tricky and you need to spend some time on it but is always seemed REASONABLT straightforward03:07
exeakielWii :D03:07
wdtom47 what's involved?03:08
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GeForcekitche: I'm on an USB headset (Plantronics DSP-500)03:08
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Super_KWould this be it?03:08
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axa-axaHow can I (or what exactly should I) install  KDE on my Ubuntu Edgy Eft system, but to not change other system specific settings, like Ubuntu boot splash to Kubuntu's, if I install kubuntu-desktop?03:08
airgracecan someone help me with a question?03:08
tom47wd install it with apt-get, or more easily, synaptic03:08
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pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with a sound juicer error?03:09
deadlydeathconesudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop03:09
=== smh [n=smh@CPE-67-48-248-195.new.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
deadlydeathconeand create a new account to test it03:09
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airgraceis there anyway of using the terminal as a login @ the login screen?03:09
=== Super_K waits for help
PauloFurquimHello everybody! I can't to install my digital camera "clone" whith ubuntu. Can anyone help me whith this problem?03:09
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wdtom47, it's in our distro? oh duh.. lol   i thought i had to do some serious kernel moding or something.03:09
kitcheGeForce: well the usb headset has nothing to do with the sound it has to do with .asoundrc you have to configure that file so you can play more then one sound03:10
tom47wd it was when i last looked .. letme check03:10
GeForcekitche: aiite cool thanks :)03:10
Super_KIll ask one more time and then wait about 10min before asking again, is this the right torrent for the latest version of ubuntu?   ftp://mirror.d-jacobs.com/ubuntu/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent03:10
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@host81-155-182-237.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
JoshJthat's the alternate install03:10
JoshJwhich doesn't have a GUI03:11
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tom47wd yep supported by ubuntu too03:11
kitcheGeforce I know that archlinux has an example one on their wiki03:11
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JoshJyou want the livedisc03:11
JoshJ(most likely)03:11
airgraceSuper_K: .10 is the latest version afaik03:11
axa-axaHow can I (or what exactly should I) install  KDE on my Ubuntu Edgy Eft system, but to not change other system specific settings, like Ubuntu boot splash to Kubuntu's, if I install kubuntu-desktop?03:11
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Super_KI want the install disc03:11
JoshJthe livedisc does have an installer03:11
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airgraceSuper_K: it's all in one disc, the live and the installer.03:11
dooopANYONE can see my logs and help me with DHCP? http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/98703:12
JoshJunless you're installing on a server and/or really know what you're doing, you want the regular disc03:12
Super_KBut I want to have the GUI03:12
airgraceSuper_K: you will have the gui03:12
Super_Khe just said it wasnt the GUI version03:12
Super_Kit was the alternate version03:12
airgraceSuper_K: check the official site and you will know about .10.03:12
wdtom47, thanks much.03:12
tom47wd nw03:12
airgraceis there anyway of using a command line interface as login @ login screen?03:13
Super_Kbut I wish it was a torrent03:13
airgraceJoshJ: how's that?03:13
wdtom47 brb, gonna do some reading on it and install by synaptic.... thnk again.03:13
JoshJairgrace: hit alt-control-f1 (through f6) to access TTY's, and alt-control-f7 to go back to the GUI03:13
JoshJyou can try it now if you want03:13
axa-axaHow can I install KDE on Ubuntu Edgy Eft but without converting Ubuntu to Kubuntu ?03:14
LjLUbotu, please tell axa-axa about kde03:14
CPrgmSwR2sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop03:14
JoshJneeds more "install"03:14
airgraceJoshJ: ok, i'll give it a shot03:14
Skwid_anybody got the firefox form tweaks to work with firefox 2.0 ?03:15
Super_Kis there a torrent version?03:15
dooophey, anyone more expert in DHCP than me that can help? at least try?03:15
=== Atmospherian [n=chatzill@ool-4577e8df.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoshJlemme check03:15
JoshJthat's it03:15
Super_KIm such an idiot03:15
JoshJheh ;[03:15
Atmospherianwhat package is the program 'cc' in?03:15
axa-axaIf I install kde wiht "kubuntu-desktop" it will change some other system specific setting, like changing boot splash from Ubuntu's to Kubuntu's logo.03:15
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axa-axaLjL: If I install kde wiht "kubuntu-desktop" it will change some other system specific setting, like changing boot splash from Ubuntu's to Kubuntu's logo.03:16
=== phaedra [n=phaedra@69-165-228-12.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #Ubuntu
airgraceJoshJ: perfect man, thanks a lot  :), appreciate it :)03:16
valehru_serverumm..why does edgy not mount my IPOD ?  Any help would be appreciated/...03:16
Super_KOne last question, will this be the last installment of ubuntu Ill make now that it has an updater thingie03:16
JoshJit's probably possible to make that the default03:16
JoshJSuper_K: in theory you can upgrade from one version to the next easily03:16
LjLaxa-axa: well the link does mention other possibilities03:16
exeakielI just wrote 3 dvds full of steam, but it seems like it is missing pieces03:16
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Super_Kjust by pressing update right?03:16
deadlydeathconeI haven't tried installing Kubuntu over Ubuntu, but I have with Xubuntu, and it didn't screw anything up03:16
exeakielUnreadable files in Wine?03:16
JoshJin practice, anything ranging from using unofficial repo's to compiling from source to certain binaries might make it03:16
Super_Kcause the other versions couldnt do it could they?03:17
JoshJ*make it not work03:17
=== aimtrainer_ [n=aimtrain@p54AF917A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
slavikso, Beryl is awesome, what else is new?03:17
JoshJyou could in theory go hoary > breezy > dapper > edgy03:17
deadlydeathconeJust make a new user and use aptitude to track the dependencies03:17
JoshJand probably edgy>feisty03:17
achillezhi guys - quick question - i added the 1400x1050 resolution to the xorg.conf but it is not showing up in the GUI resolution options - any idea why?03:17
Super_Kbut you have to uninstall it, and re-install to upgrade right?03:17
Super_Kor has there always been an update thingie03:17
JoshJbefore edgy, you edited your sources.list (basically find-replace breezy to dapper) then did an apt-get dist-upgrade03:18
JoshJi think edgy had a different update method03:18
axa-axaLjL: Sorry, my bad. Thanks.03:18
Super_Kthats why its the best03:18
stefflachillez: did you restart X already?03:18
Super_Kwow 2% done already03:18
slavikLjL: did I tell you that Beryl is awesome?03:18
Skwid_JoshJ: how do you do it now ?03:19
Doowslavik: I think you mentioned it =)03:19
LjLslavik: no, but then i didn't ask :P i just tried compiz very briefly once, but honestly i won't bother until it's standard stuff03:19
agentwhat is the default us english locale? en_US ISO-8859-1 or en_US-UTF-8 UTF-8 (or something else)?03:19
achillezsteffl: yah03:19
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achillezI did gdm stop / start03:19
pianoboy3333Can anyone help me with a sound juicer error?03:19
achillezit's almost as if xorg.conf has no effect03:19
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stefflachillez: press ctrl + alt + backspce to verify it really restarts...03:20
agentanyone? im stuck at the prompt! ;)03:20
Ecnassianerpianoboy3333: Explain your problem and your configuration, list any error messages and we'll see what we can do. (You don't need to ask permission to ask for help ;) )03:20
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achillezk be back then03:20
=== mmmpie [n=richard@c-24-19-184-38.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dooopEcnassianer: can you help me with dhcp? http://paste.ubuntubrasil.org/98703:21
pianoboy3333ok, I was ripping a rolling stones album into 192 kbps mp3's, and all of a sudden it crashed, so I removed the folder it ripped to, and tried again -- here's the terminal output: http://piano.juicemedia.tv/junk/sjerror03:21
tspI did a 1s/$/ universe on my /etc/apt/sources.list, but apt-get update then apt-get instal nspr4-dev says it's going to remove gnome-panel and a bunch of other gnome stuff. is there a reason for this?03:21
kalikianaagent: should be en_US-UTF803:21
Atmospherianwhat package is the program 'cc' in?03:21
Super_KI have 60GB hardrive, how much should be for windows and ubuntu/swap03:21
agentkalikiana: thank you03:21
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:22
=== gansinho [n=gansinho@c9539711.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
mmmpieIve just installed edgy on my acer 3500 and it hasnt recognised the correct screen resolution. how do I run xconfig? I cant find it.03:22
deadlydeathconeI've been thinking about buying a laptop with a geforce 6100 for aiglx03:22
pianoboy3333deadlydeathcone: aiglx is nice....03:22
deadlydeathconeis that decent or should I go for an intel 950GM?03:22
gansinhoplease I need to know how to change my sudo password03:22
agentkalikiana: do you know how to check what the current locale is set to?03:22
pianoboy3333Ecnassianer: look above please03:22
JoshJyour sudo password is your user password i think03:22
exeakielCan someone help me?03:22
JoshJso just change that in your user config03:22
pianoboy3333exeakiel: shoot03:23
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gansinhoJoshJ, thanks!03:23
exeakielI'm kinda new to this03:23
kalikianaagent: type 'env' and see what LANG is03:23
eduhathey guys, how can i get my card to use the wlan0 driver?03:23
hanasakiwhere the heck do i put what starttls so exim will support tls frrom mail clients?03:23
exeakielBut when using the konsole in this howto: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28431703:23
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lifepositivei just downloaded and extracted the thunderbird program!  But how do I now install it?03:23
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agentkalikiana: thank you again! it worked great03:23
Super_KIs it possible to create a partition that linux and windows can both see? It will be for my music03:24
naholyrc'tait violent03:24
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varsendaggrSeveas, hey how can i change what browser open up links in xchat?03:24
varsendaggrsorry i had scrollback only to 300 lines03:24
exeakielafter choosing the language, it asks for my pass03:24
kalikianaagent: always pleased to help03:24
mmmpiehow do I run xconfig? I cant find it.03:24
eduhatmy card is supposed to be used with the wlan0 driver, how do i get my card to use it?03:24
agentnaholyr: excusez-moi? :)03:24
ANaRcHiC-nixSuper_K: fat32 i think would be your best bet if u want to write from both linux and windows03:24
exeakielI have to hit enter and skip a space prior to being able to type anything03:25
pianoboy3333lifepositive: why did you download it... from where...? and why...03:25
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Super_Ksounds easy enough03:25
lifepositiveany ideas please?03:25
exeakielthen I quickly type my pass and it says it is incorrect03:25
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pianoboy3333lifepositive: you can't just do a sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird...?03:25
JoshJSuper_K: fat3203:25
lifepositivepianoboy3333: downloaded it from mozilla website!  its later version than I have installed!03:25
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pianoboy3333lifepositive: oh...03:25
=== sakobatoneko [n=sakobato@adsl-75-39-163-4.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Super_KDoes this new ubuntu Im downloading have more support for drivers?03:25
lifepositivepianoboy3333: no, because its the old version03:25
pianoboy3333lifepositive: why do you need a new vers.?03:25
lifepositivepianoboy3333: any ideas?03:25
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Skwid_which package represents the java jdk 5.0 &03:26
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dope12345is there a way to d/l all the packages and make a repository disk03:26
lifepositivepianoboy3333: because of some new security featutes03:26
lifepositivepianoboy3333: any ideas how to install it?03:26
pianoboy3333lifepositive: follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion03:26
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Super_KDoes this new ubuntu Im downloading have more support for drivers?03:26
Super_KI actually want do use internet in linux this time03:27
pianoboy3333lifepositive: change where it says to the version you're installing when you follow it03:27
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ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras03:27
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lifepositivepianoboy3333: ok03:27
pianoboy3333Skwid_: java jdk from who? blackdown, sun, gnu? which would you like03:27
eduhathow do i know what driver im using?03:28
Skwid_pianoboy3333: huuu i guess ... sun ?03:28
=== Jaws [n=jed@adsl-69-235-28-182.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoshJi would assume you want sun03:28
zypheroneHi, just got Ubuntu booted up for the first time successfully, but "DellRestore" and "DellUtility" device icons are showing up on the desktop...is there any way that I can hide them?03:28
JoshJhas the GPL version of sun java come out yet?03:28
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Skwid_found it :)03:28
tin_nqnpeople how can I know de pid and state of a process?03:28
JoshJdo ps -e03:28
pianoboy3333Skwid_: take a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Java03:28
exeakielbe right back03:28
tin_nqnJoshJ: thanks03:29
=== aspro [n=aspro@ppp106-5.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
green_earztin_nqn: ps -a or ps aux03:29
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green_earztin_nqn: sorry its ps -A03:29
pianoboy3333Can I get some help with a sound-juicer problem? I was ripping a rolling stones album into 192 kbps mp3's, and all of a sudden it crashed, so I removed the folder it ripped to, and tried again -- here's the terminal output: http://piano.juicemedia.tv/junk/sjerror03:30
EcnassianerMy Ubuntu box has two NICs and I'm using it as a NAT (ip masq) for my windows box. It's currently working correctly, however every time I restart my Ubuntu box my windows box's net connection doesn't come back up. However, when I run Firestarter on my Ubuntu box I can grab a new IP and the NAT works again. Any idea what Firestarter is doing that brings everything back up? (Or how can I tell Firestarter to do that at bootup?)03:30
pianoboy3333well... some of the terminal output, the rest got cut off03:30
zypheroneI tried unmounting them, and that got rid of 'DellUtility', but when I try to do the same with 'DellRestore' I get 'umount: only root can unmount /dev/sda3 from /media/sda3'. Any ideas?03:30
airgraceJoshJ: What would i have to install, to use a chat client in command prompt?03:30
mmmpiecan anybody tell me how to run xconfig? the install didnt set up my video card correctly, and I cant find it - I did try 'find / -iname conf' and while it found a few other confs xconfig didnt seem to be installed.03:30
airgraceJoshJ: *terminal03:31
=== achillez [n=achillez@pool-71-245-101-26.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JoshJor bitchx03:31
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )03:31
ubotubitchx: Advanced Internet Relay Chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.1-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1507 kB, installed size 6516 kB03:31
achillezok still have same problem - can't seem to get resolution 1400x105003:31
airgraceJoshJ: got it,03:31
Atmospheriani'm guessing 'cc' == 'gcc' because i created a symbolic called 'cc' that points to gcc and the makefile worked03:31
=== zatz [n=zatz@pool-72-70-151-54.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
airgraceJoshJ: and what if i want for msn messenger?03:31
achillezxorg.conf file lists it as an option - but the Ubuntu GUI does not03:31
JoshJamsn is GUI03:31
JoshJgaim is GUI03:31
tin_nqnthere is a command "irc"03:31
JoshJnot sure what uses the terminal03:31
pianoboy3333Can I get some help with a sound-juicer problem? I was ripping a rolling stones album into 192 kbps mp3's, and all of a sudden it crashed, so I removed the folder it ripped to, and tried again -- here's the terminal output: http://piano.juicemedia.tv/junk/sjerror some of it atleast, the rest got cut off...03:31
tin_nqnit's a text based irc client03:32
airgraceJoshJ: yeah i was looking for a non- gui version for the terminal, yeah i know about gaim.03:32
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tin_nqnairgrace: try $ irc03:33
kitcheairgrace: for all of the chat protocols or just irc?03:33
achillezunder what circumstances would Xorg not follow what's listed in the xorg.conf file?03:33
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stefflachillez: if there is a mistake in the config03:35
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tin_nqnsomebody know about kernel modules programming?03:36
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ZambeziI couldn't make rsync work. I'm going to send files between two local computers. From Two to One. From Two /mnt/hhd2/Bla to One /home/One/Bla. How should I write?03:36
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lifepositivepianoboy3333: ok!  done! :) im now running latest Thunderbird, ty03:36
green_earztin_nqn: have a look at sudo aptitude show irssi-text03:36
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phrizerairgrace, you could use irssi and bitlbee03:37
tin_nqngreen_earz: I'm not who want a console chat03:37
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airgracekitche: nah, i am just looking for an alternative to the gaim gui. something that'll enable me to chat with friends from msn via terminal.03:37
achillezsteffl: is there anyway to tell if there is a mistake in the config?03:37
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at0manyone find any reviews of linux on the PS3 yet?03:37
achillezany logs or anything?03:37
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airgracephrizer: yup, got it thanks :)03:37
phrizerairgrace, someone mentioned bitlbee?03:38
phrizerairgrace, k03:38
kalikianaIs there an Edgy Cinelerra package? I don't get it to compile.03:38
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lifepositivepianoboy3333: ok np :)03:38
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airgracephrizer: not bitlbee, but irssi. i'll give bitlbee a try now03:38
stefflachillez: maybe in the xorg logs03:38
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phrizerairgrace, Bitlbee is an IRC to other chat networks gateway03:39
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phrizerairgrace, use your irc client for msn/icq etc.03:39
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kitcheairgrace: bitlbee you can connect to though irc by going to im.bitlbee.org you cna install it but I don't see a reason to really03:39
lifepositivewhats /opt used for?  and is it safe to delete everything in /opt ?03:39
stefflbut your Problem also could be also another thing03:39
airgracephrizer: how would i connect to msn via irc?03:39
ViakenAnyone here gotten pmk working?03:39
cirvin_foxsomethign has gone quite awry with my computer... i could not log into my desktop so i used dpkg to reconfigure gdm, and now its giving me a very odd error and i have very little UI03:39
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phrizerairgrace, by connecting to irc.bitlbee.org03:40
dfgaswhat is the next screensize up from 1024x768?03:40
kitchelifepositive: it's for packages that don't come with the distro by default like /usr/local is for software that you compile yourself /opt is for packages that don't come with the distro03:40
phrizerairgrace, and following the bots instructions03:40
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lifepositivekitche: can it be emptied?03:40
airgracephrizer: gotcha, i shall give it a shot.03:40
phrizerairgrace, sorry, im. bitlbee.org03:40
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achillezsteffl: I think this is because my ati driver is not reporting what's in the xorg.conf03:41
airgracephrizer: yup03:41
mmmpiehow do I configure my available screen resolutions?03:41
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kitchelifepositive: yea but if their's something in there that you use then you'll won't be able to use it for example think java gets installed to /opt03:41
achillezin the log file it says: (WW) RADEON(0): Mode 1400x1050 is out of range.03:41
EcnassianerMy Ubuntu box has two NICs and I'm using it as a NAT (ip masq) for my windows box. It's currently working correctly, however every time I restart my Ubuntu box my windows box's net connection doesn't come back up. However, when I run Firestarter on my Ubuntu box I can grab a new IP and the NAT works again. Any idea what Firestarter is doing that brings everything back up? (Or how can I tell Firestarter to do that at bootup?)03:41
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cirvin_foxwhenever i log in, i get "CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0"03:41
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ANaRcHiC-nixi would like to use the official sun JRE on my system rather than GIJ...i have both installed, how do i configure my system to use the official JRE? thanks03:42
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achillezsteffl: going to try re-install of latest driver03:44
landexemSo I have a MacBook Pro with x86 Edgy on it and at ATI X1600 video card.  Can I not run Beryl because of the limitations of ATI's binary drivers?03:44
achillezmaybe it'll help03:44
eduhati need to delete some orinoco stuff, how can i do that?03:44
achillezladnexem: I was going to run beryl on my ati card - there are probs?03:44
nzeemboyeah i'd liek to know too03:45
cirvin_foxwhenever i log in to gnome, i get "CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0"03:45
nzeemboi want to pick up a macbook pro and use ubuntu03:45
stefflachillez: I am not shure were the problem lays03:45
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nzeembobut there are berl problems with macbook pro?03:45
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achillezgonna try reinstall - brb03:45
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cirvin_foxwhenever i log in to gnome, i get "CORBA error: IDL:omg.org/CORBA/COMM_FAILURE:1.0" can someone help?03:47
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hanasakihow do i get exim to advertise TLS?03:48
Viakencirvin_fox: Did you try this?: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/19302-gnome-help.html03:48
Skwid_man, edgy works so weel03:48
Skwid_it even fixed my sound problem :D03:49
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Skwid_anybody know why the firefox forms are so ugly by default ?03:49
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ddgbosihowdy homosexuals03:49
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ANaRcHiC-nixi would like to use the official sun JRE on my system rather than GIJ...i have both installed, how do i configure my system to use the official JRE? thanks03:49
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jrib!multijava | ANaRcHiC-nix03:50
ubotuANaRcHiC-nix: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives03:50
ANaRcHiC-nixubotu: thanks, i'll give that a try03:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks, i'll give that a try - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:50
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jribxtefanno: welcome03:50
xtefannothank you03:50
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richeehey I am using xmms player, but in the menu I can see only shortcut keys and not the whole text03:51
richeeI guess there is some problem with xmms03:51
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xtefannoQUICK NOTE: sudo apt-get -y install amor, it is a cool animation :D of a cat :D03:52
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cirvin_foxthank you!03:52
xtefannohey, someone can help me with a boot question ?03:52
eduhatwhen i do a lsmod | grep orinoco i get a couple of things i dont need or want, i see orinoco_cs, orinoco, and hermes, i dont need thost at all.. how can i delete them?03:53
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richeeI guess03:53
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eduhatnvm guys03:53
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xtefannofor example, how can I make to Gaim initialize on the boot ?03:53
cirvin_fox.. back again, i have a new situation. i ran my drive full with video, about 8 gigs worth and decided to delete it all with the livecd..now it seems that the data was never really deleted but i cant find it03:54
cirvin_foxis there a remedy?03:54
xtefannoi didnt undertand verywell03:54
joshlipovetskyhey guys03:55
xtefannodo you like to install your video carD?03:55
JoshJxtefanno: go system-administration-services03:55
JoshJand put it there03:55
joshlipovetskydoes anyone wanna join my new review site?03:55
stefflxtefanno: what do you mean with initialize03:55
xtefannothx Josh friend :D03:55
joshlipovetskyif anyone is interested03:55
xtefannoi mean start03:55
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stefflxtefanno: you can make an entry in the gnome session03:56
xtefannoi dunno how to explain very well03:56
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stefflxtefanno: you can find the dialog under System > Preferences > Session03:57
erath2hi .. i have a backup of the folder '~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers' .. i accidentally removed my panel.. created a new one.. restore de copy of launchers, but they dont appear?03:57
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regeyahttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/72395 <- please fix this, someone03:58
Megaqwertycan anyone give me a video format that has the highest quality retention, along with the highest compression?03:59
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto04:00
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kalikianaMegaqwerty: xvid :)04:01
Megaqwertykalikiana: thanks!04:01
cirvin_fox.. back again, i have a new situation. i ran my drive full with video, about 8 gigs worth and decided to delete it all with the livecd..now it seems that the data was never really deleted but i cant find it04:01
cirvin_fox.. back again, i have a new situation. i ran my drive full with video, about 8 gigs worth and decided to delete it all with the livecd..now it seems that the data was never really deleted but i cant find it04:01
cirvin_foxis there a remedy?04:01
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sethkcirvin_fox, explain what you mean.  how is it not deleted, if you can't see it?04:03
kapputuhow do I get w32codecs on edgy?04:03
stefflcirvin_fox: how did you delete the files?04:03
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jrib!w32codecs > kapputu04:03
airgracehow can i upgrade to ubuntu 6.10 from 6.06?04:03
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jrib!upgrade > airgrace04:04
cirvin_foxi deleted them with the liveCD04:04
kapputuI'm not able to get mp3 to play04:04
cirvin_foxhighlighted the folder with the files in it and hit delete04:04
cirvin_foxunmounted the partition and then exited04:04
airgracejrib: could you explain a bit more :), i am a bit new to this system.04:04
ddgbosihave u installed the codecs for mp3?04:04
asdfasdfddthe edgy installer cant display partitions but i can list partitions with fdisk as root, how can i run the installer as root?04:04
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jribairgrace: ah, my ! command just had ubotu send you a private message.  Did you receive it?04:05
tsphow can libnspr4-dev conflict with libnspr4?04:05
kapputuddgbosi: yes04:05
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misohola hello04:05
sethkasdfasdfdd, the preamble to your question doesn't seem relevant to your question04:05
stefflcirvin_fox: did you reinstall?04:05
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airgracejrib: got it :)04:05
cirvin_foxthe OS? egads no04:05
sethkcirvin_fox, what do you mean by the files not really being deleted?04:05
airgracejrib: thanks :)04:05
kapputuand how do I get smb support for xmms?04:05
cirvin_foxthey arent where i had them, but i still am missing 10 gigs of space04:06
jribairgrace: np04:06
cirvin_foxchecked /tmp/ and ./.trash04:06
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stefflcirvin_fox: or did you just use the liveCD to boot and then used rm or nautlius to delete the file?04:06
erath2hi .. i have a backup of the folder '~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers' .. i accidentally removed my panel.. created a new one.. restore de copy of launchers, but they dont appear?04:06
sethkcirvin_fox, try using find04:06
sethkcirvin_fox, do you want to get the files back, or do you want to really delete them?04:07
cirvin_foxi want to really delete them04:07
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stefflcirvin_fox: did you use rm?04:07
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gotamaHi there! How can I deactivate the hibernate option in the logout menu? Thanks a lot.04:07
cirvin_foxnot when i did it on the livecd04:07
misocould i recover data if i reinstall ubuntu in all the hdisk?04:07
sethkcirvin_fox, if you had done it from the command line, they would be gone, but who knows what the gui really does.04:07
sethkmiso, no04:07
sethkmiso, if by recover you mean get data that has been deleted04:08
cirvin_foxnot me, and i'm rather frsutrated over it.04:08
sethkmiso, if you mean, can you install without deleting data, then yes, you can04:08
Megaqwertycan anyone tell me of an app that will convert video to the xvid format?04:08
nemikhi, i have a problem. my comp crashed with beryl running and after turning it off and then on, it now cannot find the i810 module when automatically starting startx. but when i start it manually, it works. what is wrong?04:08
nemikwhenever i restart it says x cannot find the i810 module04:08
cirvin_foxi had them in ./video so i highlighted the folder and hit the delete key04:08
sethkcirvin_fox, I would list out the entire file system in date order.  the deleted files would be near the end of the list.04:08
cirvin_foxhow do i do that?04:08
misofiles music films...04:08
sethkcirvin_fox, hold on, I'll paste the command line for it04:08
cirvin_foxsethk, thank you04:09
sethkcirvin_fox, I use a small script, but I'll condense it to one line.04:09
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kalikianaIs there an Edgy Cinelerra package? I don't get it to compile.04:09
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misosethk hoy can in i could do it,  i tried partition copy but edgy never finish to update i finally hoare and now i am upgrading to dapper, so i can forget data arent  i?04:10
asdfasdfddsethk, as root i can fdisk -l and see my partitions, but the installer cannot view partitions04:10
Vaske_Carhow to install Flash for mozilla to be able to watch break.com movies?04:10
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sethkmiso, depends on whether you told it to recreate the file systems, or to leave them intact04:10
sethkasdfasdfdd, hmm.04:10
misoy tu?04:11
naliothVANE: miso: #ubuntu-es por favor04:11
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slinky_I have a generalized question, is KDE full of problems? Does it have a self-destructive nature?04:11
asdfasdfddi tried launching through terminal as root still nothing04:11
sethkcirvin_fox, I'll put the script on the paste web site; I can't find my one liner at the moment.  :)04:11
ZambeziCan anybody help me with rsync? I can't make it work.04:11
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airgracejrib: hey man, i am getting an error it says "could not calculate upgrade"04:12
cirvin_foxsethk, thanks, i appreciate it man:-)04:12
jribairgrace: uh oh, can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list?04:12
mneptonZambezi: what are you trying to do?04:12
jrib!pastebin > airgrace04:12
airgracejrib: however i have an iso dowlnoaded of the latest version on my desktop, how can i install it from there?04:12
jribairgrace: do you want to just install over your current install or upgrade?04:12
Zambezimnepton, Send files between two computers at my LAN.04:12
airgracejrib: i want to uprade from 6.06 to 6.1004:13
mneptonZambezi: both Ubuntu? both Unix-y?04:13
asdfasdfddsethk, any ideas?04:13
jribairgrace: k, we need to take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list then04:13
sethkasdfasdfdd, hold on a few minutes, I have to finish something first04:13
slinky_can I remove kubuntu-desktop from my Dapper Drake, without killing my system?04:13
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Zambezimnepton, Both Ubuntu Dapper drake. This with X, the other without.04:13
jrib!kubuntu-desktop | slinky_04:13
ubotuslinky_: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.04:13
airgracejrib: can you guide me, i am relatively new to this and don't know much about the commands yet.04:14
mneptonZambezi: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" on both04:14
axisyslooking for a cheap/used sipura 3000 or like device.. any site besides ebay?04:14
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Zambezimnepton, Alreday installed.04:14
jribairgrace: k, just type 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' without the quotes in a terminal.  Then select the whole file, copy, and visit http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to paste your selection and make a post.  Afterwards, tell us the url04:14
=== Ash-Fox [i=UNKNOWN@fgd182.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #Ubuntu
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mneptonZambezi: rsync -v -a -e ssh --delete /path/to/files/to/sync username@host.ip.address:/path/to/target/04:15
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cirvin_foxsethk, ...?04:15
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airgracejrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32663/04:16
Zambezimnepton, Delete means? I don't want to delete the files I'm transfering.04:16
sethkcirvin_fox, try this:  find / -type f | xargs ls -l --time-style=full-iso | sort '--key=6.1,7.20'04:16
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sethkcirvin_fox, that's all one line, xchat may have divided it and/or your tool may divide it.04:16
mneptonZambezi: "if it's not in the source path, delete it from the target path" (i.e. a backup copy)04:16
asdfasdfddare all the packages available on both 32/64 bit versions?04:17
cirvin_foxsethk, this lists what again?04:17
sethkasdfasdfdd, no, most definitely not04:17
sethkcirvin_fox, all the files in time order04:17
asdfasdfddrecommend 32?04:17
sethkcirvin_fox, that is, modification time order.04:17
=== JunK-Y [n=junky@modemcable198.14-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sethkcirvin_fox, you want to do > ~/output-file      at the end, to save the output04:17
Zambezimnepton, Can we continue in PM?04:17
sethkcirvin_fox, the newest files will be at the end of the list04:17
JunK-Yi installed 6.10, after installing phppgadmin package, im still getting "Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option.", how can i fix this quickly?04:18
mneptonZambezi: in 5 minutes.04:18
sethkcirvin_fox, the idea is, instead of deleting them, they were moved somewhere, and so their date stamp will be today04:18
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jribairgrace: your sources.list look fine, I'04:18
jribairgrace: ... I'll see if I can find anything about your problem on malone04:18
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sethkasdfasdfdd, 32, yes.  I really don't have any bright ideas about the installer.04:18
airgracejrib: hmm...alright.04:18
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sethkasdfasdfdd, use the text mode installer from the alternate cd.  it works.04:19
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kleesso i have XGL and Beryl working but when i do glxgears -printfps it asks me for a Display04:19
sola6662anyone know how to install the codec needed to play MP4 video files i can play them i jsut get no audio04:19
kleesplus glxinfo | grep rending shows a No04:19
z9999Is this the correct place to request help on recording from a microphone in Ubuntu Dapper?04:19
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danc3sola6662: did you search the package manager for "codec" ?04:20
noiesmo!w32codecs | sola666204:20
ubotusola6662: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:20
jribairgrace: can you paste any files you have in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ ?04:21
airgracejrib: sure04:21
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shini`how can I check my xorg version04:21
sola6662Danc3 well not yet i can play the file its just i dont have audio on the MP4 files only04:22
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danc3sola6662: perhaps you should do that, then04:22
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Pupenoshini`: dpkg -l | grep xorg04:22
Pupenoshini`: ?04:23
=== Oompa [i=Oompa@cpe-76-185-186-242.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
shini`let me try04:23
shini`thanks PumpkinPie04:23
cirvin_foxsethk, the files arent in there...04:23
sola6662k Danc304:23
sethkcirvin_fox, not even by some other name?04:23
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JunK-Yany ppl are using phppgadmin here?04:24
airgracejrib: this is the apt log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32664/04:24
sethkcirvin_fox, did you use    df -h    to check the empty file space?04:24
WarboANyone got experience with Mercury Messenger and/or webcams? My webcam works fine in Ekiga without any setup, but all Mercury sees is my TV capture card04:24
shini`is there another way to check, assuming you don't have dpkg installed04:24
sola6662danc3 what codec im looking for04:24
danc3sola6662: don't know, but I'd install all of 'em04:24
=== ashika [i=ashika@CPE0014bf819563-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
airgracejrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32665/ main log04:25
sola6662well i got all of the GStreamers04:25
nemikhi, i have a problem. my comp crashed with beryl running and after turning it off and then on, it now cannot find the i810 module when automatically starting startx. but when i start it manually, it works. what is wrong?04:25
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airgracejrib: there is another log file called term; it04:25
airgracejrib: empty04:25
cirvin_foxsethk, 340 megs left on 18 gig partition...i sure have made amess of things... is there a utility that can visually show me the size of everythign in the filesystem? the files woudl be noticable, theya re multi gig04:25
sethknemik, try doing an fsck on the file system that crashed.  If you haven't yet done that.04:25
=== bconner [n=conner@c-24-19-57-84.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nemiksethk, thanks04:26
tonyyarussoAnyone that uses Seahorse, I need someone to check something.04:26
jribairgrace: k, the second log says you have some broken packages.  Are you familiar with aptitude?04:26
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl792.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
nemiksethk, should i do that as root/sudo?04:26
sethkcirvin_fox, probably, but I'm not the one to ask, I only use command line for that sort of thing.  I'm sure people here can help you with a graphical version04:26
airgracejrib: afraid not :\04:26
ashikanemik, its better to sudo04:26
sethknemik, you must, yes.  If it's your root file system you probably want to boot the live cd to do it.04:26
=== dogie [n=howardhh@ool-18e430a8.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cirvin_foxsethk, alright, thank you for the asstance, have you ever seen this sort of thing before?04:26
airgracejrib: although ubuntu is downloading a few packages right now, maybe that might help.04:27
nemikoh ok, and that might fix these problems with the i810 thing? i know its there it works when startx run manually but just not initially.04:27
JunK-Yi installed 6.10, after installing phppgadmin package, im still getting "Your PHP installation does not support PostgreSQL. You need to recompile PHP using the --with-pgsql configure option.", how can i fix this quickly?04:27
nemiksethk, oh ok, and that might fix these problems with the i810 thing? i know its there it works when startx run manually but just not initially.04:27
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:27
Pelocirvin_fox,  what is your issue ?<04:27
jribairgrace: ok, we'll wait for that to finish, let me know if it doesn't04:27
JunK-Ywhich package do i need to install or whatever solution?04:27
airgracejrib: sure thing04:27
cirvin_foxpelo, i have some phantom files taking up 10 gigs of space on my drive04:27
Pelocirvin_fox,  are you sure that isn'T your swap ?04:28
JunK-Yashika: packages doesnt work well apparently.04:28
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cirvin_foxpelo, yes,04:28
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ashikaJunK-Y, pardon? Are you talking to me?04:28
Pelocirvin_fox,  and they are not simply hidden files ?04:28
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cirvin_foxpelo, i deleted the files, video captured from my vid cam, with the livecd04:28
JunK-Yashika: yse, only if u said !compiling for me.04:28
ashikaJunK-Y, Junk recompile PHP from source with --with-pgsql as the option.04:29
ashikaJunK-Y, Actually I was just typing it xD04:29
Pelocirvin_fox,   check the /tmp/ folder04:29
=== Warbo [n=chris@dyn222139.shef.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.04:29
dogiedoes antone know if the remote and receiver that came bundled with the nvidia personal cinema everything will work with lirc in ubuntu?04:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about phpgadmin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:29
peabodiis there a way to uninstall edfy and return to dapper?04:30
ashikadogie, probably not.04:30
cirvin_foxpelo, checked and rechecked, no results04:30
ubotuphppgadmin: Set of PHP scripts to administrate PostgreSQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.0.1-2 (edgy), package size 678 kB, installed size 3940 kB04:30
Warbocirvin_fox: Incase nobody told you yet, boabab should show you filesystem usage04:30
Warbo!info baobab04:30
ubotuPackage baobab does not exist in any distro I know04:30
Pelopeabodi, I'm out of ideas04:30
Warbooops, wrong name04:30
JunK-Ysomething from 6.01 to 6.10 is really bad.04:30
JunK-Ywith packages management related to postgres04:30
Pelopeabodi,   yeah,  back up your /home/user folder and resintall 6.06 from cd04:30
danc3peabodi: no.  you'll have to reinstall dapper if that's what you want04:30
peabodii thought so04:31
danc3peabodi: why do you want to do that?04:31
cirvin_foxpelo, that program isnt on my system and apt-get cant find it04:31
Megaqwertycan anyone tell me of an app that will convert video to the xvid format?04:31
Warbo!info baobab04:31
peabodiedgy doesn't recognize my wireless card04:31
ubotuPackage baobab does not exist in any distro I know04:31
=== JabberWokky [n=evan@c-71-58-60-115.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
WarboHmm, apt-cache can find it.....04:31
Pelodanc3,  cause edgy is not quite as noob freindly as dapper04:31
peabodiand the install was bad04:31
danc3peabodi: but dapper does?04:31
Pelocirvin_fox,  I'm not the wone who recommended it04:32
danc3that doesn't make sense04:32
sethkcirvin_fox, we can list the files in size order also.  Or you can find the size of subdirectories, try to track them down that way.04:32
sethkcirvin_fox, did you answer my question about how you are looking at free space?04:32
dogieashika thanks, I read on a site that someone had the tnt rivia personal cinema up  and it had the same tuner chipset that mine uses so I thought I would ask04:32
sethkcirvin_fox, are you using df -h?04:32
peabodiI'm a noob to ubuntu04:32
cirvin_foxsethk, yes04:32
JabberWokkyHowdy all, is there a way to run an installer on a working system to install to a drive attached via USB (i.e., is there a package with an app that says "install Server Edition to /dev/sdb2")?04:32
peabodibeen using Suse for 8-10 yrs04:32
JunK-Ywhy should i recompile my whole php, since ive installed php4-pgsql package?04:32
sethkcirvin_fox, ok.  you want the command line for listing in size order?04:33
ashikadogie, Sorry what remote and what software agfain? Ill double check for you04:33
ashikaJunK-Y, Becuase postgre said to do that?04:33
cirvin_foxsethk, yes .. sorry for the hassle though...04:33
=== johnm1019 [n=jm@wuser133-shapiro.umnet.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
ashikaJunK-Y, It says things for a reason04:33
sethkJunK-Y, you shouldn't, and odds are you would have to compile bunches of other stuff also04:33
JunK-Yand this was working fine on 6.01?04:33
sethkfind / -name "$1" -print | xargs ls -l | sort -n +404:33
sethkcirvin_fox, find / -name "$1" -print | xargs ls -l | sort -n +404:33
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Pelo!wireless | peabodi04:33
ubotupeabodi: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:33
sethkcirvin_fox, by the way, if you aren't root, you should put sudo in front of those commands, otherwise some things won't be listed04:34
johnm1019ive been having some problems with network manager, i read somewhere that you can 'purge configuration files' thought i'd give it a try, but have no clue where/how to do thtat --thoughts?04:34
JunK-Ysethk: why ive the exact package from 6.01 (now on 6.10) and this isnt working?04:34
cirvin_foxsethk, ...oh04:34
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dogieaskika, it was a nvida gforce2 mx 400 personl cinema everything it has a breakout box with the tuner and ir receiver incorporated04:34
sethkJunK-Y, do you mean it was working in 6.01, but not working in 6.10?04:34
peabodieven lshw doesn't show it04:34
sethkcirvin_fox, if you didn't, you should repeat the one that lists in date order also04:34
JunK-Ysethk: exact.04:35
ashikaJunK-Y, You shouldnt have upgraded then. There are many bugs. Didnt you read the warnings when upgrading? it said caution API unstable + other things.04:35
sethkJunK-Y, seems extremely unlikely that recompiling is the answer, as you've obviously already intuited04:35
ashikaJunK-Y, sethk it could have got corrupted somehow04:35
JunK-Ysethk: it said nothing about php and postgres.04:35
sethkashika, indeed, it could04:35
sethkJunK-Y, you mean the warnings?  that doesn't matter.04:36
ashikaJunK-Y, make sure you have all required libraries.04:36
gravesonany ideas why can i not have more than1  toolbar folders in firefox04:36
z9999Any help available here?04:36
ashikasethk, I was saying that some things on Dapper need bug fixes to work on Edgy04:36
gotamaHow to disable the hibernate option? Help please.04:36
danc3z9999: sure, for what?04:36
sethkgraveson, are you sure one isn't personal toolbar?04:36
Peloz9999,  abosutely not04:36
sethkashika, yes, that's true.  I don't know if php is one of them, however04:36
=== Olathe [n=Olathe@12-201-73-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
OlatheHow do I add section 3 of the manpages to my system ?04:37
JunK-Yashika: i think i have, ive EXACT packages related to php from my other box, which is 6.01.04:37
ashikasethk, JunK-Y, Only other options: missing libraries and corrupted version.04:37
gravesonsethk: sorry what do you mea by personal bar04:37
sethkJunK-Y, possibly they broke out the system into more package files for 6.10.  there might be a missing package, even though that package wasn't needed, or even didn't exist, in 6.104:37
danc3z9999: ???04:37
=== Warbo points out there is no 6.01. There is 6.10, AKA Edgy Eft
=== Hajiki [n=Endymion@] has joined #ubuntu
ashikagraveson, He means the bar at the top of the screen with Applications, System etc.04:38
z9999danc3: Trying to record from a microphone using sound recorder in Dapper04:38
loca|hosthow to get informations about installed printers in console ?04:38
JunK-Ysethk: i dont see how package php4-pgsql could be splitted .04:38
danc3z9999: is the mic unmuted?  run 'alsamixer' and check04:38
sethkgraveson, I've seen two slightly different bookmark folder names in firefox, one with "personal" and one without.  just asking if that might be relevant04:38
Hajikihey guys is there an ubuntu button like those GetFirefox ones for my html code??04:38
danc3probably muted04:38
cirvin_foxsethk, the listing by size is only applicable for the current directory04:38
sethkcirvin_fox, no, it isn't04:38
sethkcirvin_fox, not with the command line I gave you04:38
ashikaJunK-Y, obviously then if your'e acting so smart you know more than us and just do it your way. Just download every PHP package 1 by one and check if it works. Other than that recompile is your only option or go back to dapper.04:39
sethkcirvin_fox, if you use some other command, then sure, it is04:39
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
gravesonsethk: i have a live feed toolbar,and although i am allowed to add an additional toolbar i just cannot see this 2nd toolbar04:39
z9999danc3: Mike is not muted.04:39
sethkcirvin_fox, but I gave you a command to use that doesn't have that problem.  if --sort=size were enough, I would have just told you to do that.04:39
danc3z9999: dunno then04:39
PWillgar!! nm-applet is acting up like crazy. anyone else been having problems?04:39
sethkgraveson, sounds like your problem is different than what I'm thinking of04:39
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sethkgraveson, only one of them shows up, I presume,04:40
bunnythebunnyHey guys, how do i update my Alsa drivers?04:40
WarboHajiki: I think there are some things like that on the Wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com) try looking around through CatagoryMarketing04:40
cirvin_foxsethk, i used your command, and i'm not getting anything04:40
sethkgraveson, how it got there I really can't even theorize about.04:40
danc3bunnythebunny: why do you think you need to do that?04:40
JunK-Yashika: so ur conclusion is almost like: go back to dapper?04:40
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cirvin_foxsethk, relevant that is, the file doesnt exist it seems04:40
sethkcirvin_fox, that's possible04:41
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Pelograveson, ,  righclick, personnolise,  add new toolbar04:41
ashikaJunK-Y, recompile, download every php package and check if anything happened and then if all else fails go back to dapper or do a fresh install if you just upgraded.04:41
z9999danc3: Any idea where to go for help? Have been on the forums for over a month reading FAQs and asking questions to no avail.04:41
Pelocustomise I mean04:41
JunK-Yive wasted more then 10 hours on that problem, im here to solve problem, cause theres a problem.04:41
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sethkcirvin_fox, could you be mistaken about how much space was available before, and then after, the delete?04:41
cO_17_cr_tmnCE CANTIK04:41
danc3z9999: nope, don't know04:41
bunnythebunnydanc3: Well, my sound system is screwed. Only my center and right speakers work. I've unmuted everything.04:41
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Peloz9999,  if you'd asked your question in public someone else might have had the answer04:41
JunK-Yashika: ive nothing to recompiled, im using all ubuntu packages!04:41
sky123hello..so there is no ubuntu-sparc channel..due to popular misconception...where can you get help with ubuntu sparc issues?04:41
bunnythebunnydanc3: I've got a 5.1 system.04:41
sethkJunK-Y, is it practical for you to downgrade?04:41
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danc3bunnythebunny: are you sure it isn't a hardware/wiring issue?04:42
JunK-Yive installed from 6.10 cd.04:42
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bunnythebunnydanc3: works just fine in xp!04:42
sethkJunK-Y, you can certainly compile it, but it won't be as simple as it might seem as first.04:42
=== illu45 [n=illusha@p194ds3xi.xDSL-1mm.sentex.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dogie ashika, it was a nvida gforce2 mx 400 personl cinema everything it has a breakout box with the tuner and ir receiver incorporated04:42
z9999Pelo: I'm new to irc, can you direct me how ro get there?04:42
danc3bunnythebunny: I'd uninstall and then reinstall ALSA in Synaptic04:42
gravesonpelo: i am allowed to it ,but once i close the add toolbr dialogue my new toolbar dissapears04:42
sethkbunnythebunny, has to be configuration04:42
cirvin_foxsethk, beforei began the capture from my DV cam, i had 10 gigs free, i ran until it was full and it gave me errors. all the files where in  ./video/ and i deleted that with the livecd after i rebooted into the livecd04:42
ashikadogie, what software do you wnat to use it with04:42
sethkbunnythebunny, something must be set to mono somewhere04:42
dogiemyth ank lirc04:42
Peloz9999,  what is your issue ?04:43
sethkcirvin_fox, do you have more than one partition?04:43
=== overridex [n=override@c-66-30-82-220.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dogiemyth and lirc sorry04:43
cirvin_foxsethk, yes04:43
=== watson540 [n=root@pool-71-171-175-182.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ashikaJunK-Y, try download source and compiling it with the options postgre told you to compile it with.04:43
overridexdoes anyone know how to disable the wireframe animation in gnome when launching an app from the panel?04:43
ashikaJunK-Y, sorry short of going back to dapper thats all you can do.04:43
z9999Pelo: Trying to record from mike doesn't work.04:43
JunK-Ysethk: i know, but id like to avoid that way, since its so time-cumsoming in production env, compared to n packages.04:43
sethkcirvin_fox, possible the video was being stored to a different partition, and that partition ran out of space?04:43
cirvin_foxsethk, that might be it04:43
cirvin_foxsethk, no wait, no04:43
peabodihmm it says it won't work outta the box on Dapper/Edgy but it did on dapper04:43
sethkJunK-Y, indeed, but what alternatives do we have?04:43
bunnythebunnysethk, well, Surround is up, LFC is up, Master is up, Center is up, PCM is up,04:43
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xabbottxine vs gstreamer...which one should i be using? >.>04:44
sethkbunnythebunny, it isn't anything obvious like that, or you would have found it long ago04:44
Peloz9999,  open up the terminal and type alsamixer,  see if something in there can'T help you04:44
JunK-Yfix the packages wich isnt correct?04:44
cirvin_foxsethk, i only have one partition mounted, but i did go and copy those files over to hda2 before i deleted from hda104:44
loca|hosthow to get informations about installed printers in console ?04:44
sethkcirvin_fox, I'm just thinking out loud, really, trying to explain what you've reported.04:44
sethkcirvin_fox, doesn't mean my thoughts are correct.  :)04:44
ashikaJunK-Y, are you talking to me or sethk?04:44
sethkJunK-Y, how?04:45
JunK-Yashika: to seth.04:45
sethkJunK-Y, when you fix a package, you replace the bad files with good files.    where are the good files going to come from?04:45
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keithI installed Edgy fresh on my Desktop this morning, and I got sound out of my 5.1 card, worked great. I rebooted, now it's showing my onboard sound as primary (and it's even disabled in BIOS). How can I make my sound go back out of my Sound Blaster?04:45
cirvin_foxsethk, it seems to me that the files are still taking up space, but there is no refrence to them in whatever ext3 uses to determin the start of files04:45
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JunK-Ysethk: make sure the package is fully backward, only by using php4 and php4-pgsql both are working.04:45
sethkJunK-Y, it's really tough to try to narrow down, because the symbols are stripped from all the binaries.04:45
Pelobunnythebunny, ,  did you turn on mastersound surrond in alsamixer ?04:45
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sethkcirvin_fox, try running fsck04:46
sola6662yo does any1 know howt to install Teamspeak on ubuntu?04:46
bunnythebunnysethk, :(. But the thing is, i've tried a sort of ...trick...into making them all work, from gentoo wiki i think....which basically implies in making a .asoundrc file in the home directory. They all work. the only problem then is that eventually it starts making odd cracklings and the system sort of "stops" ..kinda like a scratched record.04:46
overridexkeith: my ghetto way of doing it was removing the module for the onboard card in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)04:46
sethkcirvin_fox, if your theory is correct, your file system is inconsistent.  that's certainly possible if you ran out of space and had to reboot.04:46
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danc3sola6662: same way you'd install it on any other distro04:46
bunnythebunnyPelo, just surround and master..04:46
ashikadogie, for lirc you need the drivers from linuxtv.org for your card.04:46
danc3sola6662: download, unpack, run the script installer.04:46
ashikadogie, unless you already have the linux drivers04:46
bunnythebunnysethk, they all work = my speakers.04:46
sethkbunnythebunny, can you put the .asound file on the paste site?  maybe that will trigger someone's memory about something04:46
sola6662well i dont know how to do that04:46
bullgard1In Gnome 2.14.3 the Main Menu > System > Finish(?) will show a dialog with 7 buttons. What are the English names of the 4th and 5th button? suspend-to-RAM?, suspend-to-disk? or what?04:47
danc3sola6662: don't know how to do what?04:47
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ashikadogie, Dogie I just triple checked as long as you have all drivers everything will work fine. Nearly every model is supported.04:47
bunnythebunnyalright will do04:47
cirvin_foxsethk, it seemed to have to fix the table, still low on storage, but perhaps my ./video folger came back04:47
ashikadogie, Your IR may or may not work I have no clue its 50-50.04:47
sola6662is there like a ez way to install it?04:47
ashikadogie, some IR devices seem to work while others dont. Dongles for example dont work04:47
danc3sola6662: I just told you the easy way04:47
sethkcirvin_fox, ok.  it's your root file system, so you are going to have to run fsck as root, with the file system unmounted04:47
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ashikasola6662, you mean server or client?04:48
ashikadogie, Good luck dogie04:48
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keithoverridex: How can I remove the module?04:48
sethkcirvin_fox, that means either you do fsck after booting the live cd (preferred)  or shutdown with the form of shutdown that forces fsck on the next boot.  I'll get that command for you ...04:48
z9999Pelo: Alsamixer shows Master and Capture maxed out, but I don't know how to dispplay Capture from this view04:48
sola6662just the client04:48
ashikasola6662, http://www.goteamspeak.com/index.php?page=downloads&id=2a04:48
cirvin_foxsethk, yah, methinks i will want to shy away from the livecd...04:48
Peloz9999,  <tab>04:48
sethkcirvin_fox, from the command line:        sudo shutdown -F now04:48
sola6662im downloading it now04:49
JunK-Ysethk, ashika thx, i will just put an X on 6.1004:49
sola6662same path?>04:49
sethkcirvin_fox, all you would have to do with the live cd is:    fsck.ext3 -f /dev/hda104:49
ashikaJunK-Y, an X?04:49
sethkcirvin_fox, assuming it's an ext3 file system and hda1 is the correct partition04:49
ashikasola6662, whatever path you want.04:49
JunK-Ywont use it anymore for my customers.04:49
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sola6662ok then whats next?04:49
cirvin_foxsethk, thanks very much, i guess i shall see you on the other side...04:49
sethkJunK-Y, not a bad idea, give them some time to get the wrinkles out.04:49
ashikasola6662, make sure to put execute permissions on the file.04:49
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ashikaJunK-Y, or recompile.. your choise.04:49
z9999Pelo: Ok, that should have been Master, PCM and Capture are 100<>10004:49
danc3sola6662: unpack it and read the instructions04:50
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JunK-Yashika: ive tried to compile php 5.2.0 and all shits happened.04:50
grndslmi just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy.....and now it complains about not being able to load the i810 module and not being able to find a screen...can anybody help me?04:50
Peloz9999,  I don'T have a mic to check , that was my best guess04:50
dogieashika Ill check there but I am not intrested in the tuner I have a happauge 500 set up I was just trying to utilize the IR portion as I am using the tv out from the  breakout box, but I still have a problem with the tv out even though the nvidia settings allow me to enable it when I restart the x-session it fails and I have to restore the preivious conf file, but maybe that is my problem04:50
ashikaJunK-Y, do you have the dev files?04:50
ashikadogie, Try but make sure you have the drivers for the card as it also contains IR portion drivers. This will work 50-5004:51
JunK-Yive the whole php src files.04:51
ashikaJunK-Y, do you have compiling libraries?04:51
sethkJunK-Y, it is possible to compile, but it's far from trivial04:51
z9999Pelo: I'm using a brand new Compaq Notebook, with built in Mikes, plus tried plugging in an external mike.04:51
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sethkJunK-Y, I've done it, but I'm a developer and I can track down all the nasty messages and figure out where they are coming from.04:51
Peloz9999,  try looking up your notebook model number in the forum04:52
sethkJunK-Y, it's not really all that hard, but it is intimidating to some people04:52
JunK-Yive configured --with-pgsql , make, make install04:52
dogieashika ,sorry I am a little green actually very green but I need other drivers then the drivers I installed from Nvidias site?04:52
nemikso after a system crash, i'm having problems even after an fsck. xorg won't load saying i810 module doesn't exist, but when i do startx manually, it boots fine.04:52
JunK-Ybut i was still getting the same errors04:52
sola6662"To install using the gui, just startup "setup.sh"04:52
JunK-Yprolly i missed something.04:52
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ashikadogie, oh you installed the linux drivers? Did you run LIRC04:52
peabodijunky i always compiled php otherwise I don't get the neccessary modukes04:53
overridexkeith: if you know the module name of the onboard card (check lsmod and look for snd-something when it's running, emu10k1 is a sound blaster, so it's not that one...) and just do a find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) | grep modulename to find any of it in there, and use mv to move them somewhere else04:53
sola6662i really dont get this04:53
z9999Pelo: I've been trying the forum for over a month now, and the list of unsolved problems is just growing.04:53
danc3sola6662: what don't you get?04:53
JunK-Ypeabodi: how exactly?04:53
ashikadogie, so dogie whats the problem?04:53
overridexkeith: there's probably a better way to do it, i just don't know it right off - this way will undo once you upgrade your kernel...04:53
overridexdoes anyone know how to disable the wireframe animation in gnome when launching an app from the panel?04:53
sola6662i run the Setup file just like it says but nuttin happined04:53
dogienot yet I am trying to gather as much info as I can before I attempt lirc and I have read that there a few bugs with edgy, just doing my homeworg04:54
ashikaJunK-Y, did you run make with sudo prefix?04:54
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peabodiconfigure --help forthe neccessary flags04:54
danc3sola6662: what command did you run?04:54
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Peloz9999,  my last guess is ,  system > prefs > sound , make sure the right soundcard is selected for capture04:54
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JunK-Ya simple php page with pg_connect(foo); failed.04:54
benkong2hello all04:54
sola6662thats the point i dont know04:54
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JunK-Yim in root, i dont run sudo.04:54
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danc3sola6662: no, you said you ran the installer.  How did you do that?04:54
ashikadogie, Dogie try running lirc now and see if it works. In my opinion I think it will work as you have everything done good. I wish you good luck and let me know how it fares out.04:54
benkong2could someone tell me why my mouse scroll dies after about two hours? When I first boot the system it works.04:54
JunK-Ypeabodi: like i said, i ./configure --with-pgsql04:55
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peabodiconfigure and make usually don't require root or sudo just make install04:55
ashikaJunK-Y, wouldn't --with-pgsql go with the make command?04:55
sola6662double click04:55
dogieashika, ok gonna try it in a bit thanks04:55
peabodiand your error warnings say?04:55
sola6662then run04:55
ashikadogie, let me know! im interested in your result.04:55
JunK-Yashika: no, this is with configure.04:55
danc3sola6662: that's not what the instructions say to do, is it?04:55
ashikaJunK-Y, whats your error. C&P04:55
JunK-Yl error: Call to undefined function: pg_connect() in /var/www/pg.php on line 304:56
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z9999Pelo: Shows HDA Nvidia - Don't know what the HDA stands for, but it uses Nvidia sound card.04:56
sola6662"To install using the gui, just startup "setup.sh"04:56
nemikso after a system crash, i'm having problems even after an fsck. xorg won't load saying i810 module doesn't exist, but when i do startx manually, it boots fine.04:56
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ashikaJunK-Y, this is when compiling?04:56
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danc3sola6662: that's right.  to do that, you have to open a console04:56
bunnythebunnyguys, this is the .asoundrc file i made to get surround working http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32667/, but the sound gets "cracklish"04:56
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peabodierror warnings from configure?04:56
Peloz9999,  stupid qestion here but have you installed the nvidia drivers ?04:56
bunnythebunnyif anyone would like to take a look and try to help, i'd appreciate it.04:56
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JunK-Yno, this is after, im trying to execute my php script.04:56
danc3sola6662: then, type this command:  chmod +x setup.sh04:56
benkong2how can I tell if /dev/input/mice is the correct location for the mouse?04:56
sola6662so what commend line will i need to use04:56
VirtuallJunK-Y, sorry, i missed the beginning, why don't youn install PHP from APT, anyway?04:56
JunK-Yashika: theres no errors on compiling.04:56
ashikaJunK-Y, no errors during configure or compile or install?04:57
vnDWis there a way I can get a REAL root on ubuntu?04:57
danc3sola6662: then, use this command:   ./setup.sh04:57
ashikavnDW, you mean like no gnome or KDE?04:57
peabodithen pgsql isn't recognized04:57
danc3sola6662: note the period in front of that....04:57
ashikaJunK-Y, then your files are your problem...04:57
VirtuallJunK-Y, m... you-re on ubuntu, right?04:57
achillezanyone ever try building the ati driver for ubuntu using --builpkg?04:57
achillezer --buildpkg04:57
JunK-Yashika: nope, this is something with php04:57
VirtuallJunK-Y, sudo apt-get install php5 php5-pgsql -- why not?04:57
peaboditry php -m | grep pgsql from the command line04:57
sola6662i know04:57
vnDWashika: no, teh root user...I can't access it, I can't do apt-get dist-upgrade, I can't interact with sudo commands04:57
JunK-YVirtuall: yes.04:57
sethkVirtuall, he's been at this for hours, checked all the obvious stuff ages ago04:57
sola6662but its not working04:57
sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~$ chmod +x setup.sh04:57
sola6662chmod: cannot access `setup.sh': No such file or directory"04:57
nemikhow do i reboot or reload kernel modules?04:57
ashikavnDW, use sudo -i or login with root as your user. Did you set the root password?04:58
JunK-Yroot@clea:/var/www# php -m | grep pgsql04:58
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danc3sola6662: you are not in the directory that you extracted it to04:58
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sethkVirtuall, he's installed the same set of packages that worked on 6.1, so it's nothing obvious04:58
z9999Pelo: Is a new computer with Ubuntu pre-installed, Any idea how to verify they are installed correctly? And, mp3's  play fine, just can't record from the mike.04:58
Virtuallvery strange04:58
sola6662well extracted the stuff to my desktop cuz i didnt know where to extract to04:58
peabodithen php -i | grep pgsql04:58
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sethkJunK-Y, in your position, I think I would dump the file list of each package from the old and the new packages, and see what's changed.04:58
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Peloz9999,  if it is pre-installed I would have a chat with whom ever did the pre-installation04:59
sethkJunK-Y, you didn't find any postings about this problem anywhere?04:59
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JunK-Ysethk: in console, everything is perfect, this is via apache the problem.04:59
danc3sola6662: try this command first:  cd ~/Desktop04:59
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vnok, back04:59
landexemA lot of things are working on this MacBook Pro with Edgy, but still no sound out of the speakers (the headphone port works though)04:59
landexemHow can I get the speakers to work?05:00
JunK-Yyes, http://www.postgresqlfr.org/?q=node/201 , but it miss infos at the end.05:00
landexemShould I upgrade ALSA?05:00
sola6662"Could not open file /home/sola6662/desktop: No such file or directory05:00
sethkJunK-Y, I don't see how that changes what I suggested.05:00
peabodithe only other thing it might be is you have 2 different php binaries one with pgsql and one without05:00
danc3sola6662: that isn't what I said to type05:00
vnI just isntalled xubuntu Edgy and can't get to my root and sudo doesn't allow me to have interaction with my own comments....how can I change the root password and use it?05:00
danc3sola6662: note:  Desktop05:00
sethksola6662, desktop has a capital D, plus t05:00
danc3see the capital D ?05:00
z9999Pelo: I'm in Thailand, so that's not very easy to do. Currently in National forest near Laos.05:00
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sethksola6662, might not be a bad idea to paste the command from the IRC client05:00
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Peloz9999,   well, good luck then05:01
JunK-Yand if i run phpinfo(); i see PHP Version 5.1.6, but the problem is ive compiled 5.2.005:01
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sola6662ok cool i got it05:01
achillezI get this when I try to build05:01
Peloisn't there a nvidia channel ?05:01
danc3sola6662: good05:01
achillez ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager05:01
achillezGenerating package: Ubuntu/edgy05:01
achillez[: 182: ==: unexpected operator05:01
achillez./packages/Ubuntu/ati-packager.sh: 182: pushd: not found05:01
peabodidid you run make and make install ?05:01
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z9999Pelo: Thanks for the time, I'll keep trying05:01
JunK-Ypeabodi: of course.05:01
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sola6662now what from this point?05:02
sethkachillez, you are running under a different shell05:02
Peloz9999,  there is a #nvidia channel , try your luck there05:02
nemikso after a system crash, i'm having problems even after an fsck. xorg won't load saying i810 module doesn't exist, but when i do startx manually, it boots fine.05:02
danc3sola6662: follow the installer05:02
JunK-Yjust my configure make and make install05:02
sethkachillez, pushd is a shell built in for bash and for zsh and ksh05:02
peabodithen you are seeing  a differnt inary05:02
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danc3sola6662: did the graphical installer start?05:02
peabodiprobably one in /usr/bin and one in /usr/local/bin05:02
JunK-Ymaybe, but i suspect libapache2-mod-php505:02
Cat2does anyone know if there is a bug in Edgy that causes problems networking with a Windows PC? I get a "location is not a folder" error message, but if I refresh the network file browser once or twice it finally works and I can finally browse my Windows PC's shared folder05:02
JunK-Y(ubuntu package)05:02
RiyonukBy setting a partition to fat32, it will show up under windows and ubuntu with no extra configuration whatsoever?05:02
sola6662canc3 u dont know how lost i em05:02
z9999Pelo: Great idea, I'll give that a try. And thanks very much.05:03
achillezsethk: I'm not sure if thats the prob05:03
achillezwhen I try to run bash it still fails05:03
danc3sola6662: now that you're in the directory, use the command:  chmod +x setup.sh05:03
grndslmi just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy.....and now it complains about not being able to load the i810 module and not being able to find a screen...can anybody help me?05:03
peabodido a find /usr -name php05:03
danc3sola6662: then do:  ./setup.sh05:03
sethkachillez, it might not be the problem, but we can't help you unless we see error messages that make sense.  also, put them on the paste web site, don't flood the channel05:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:03
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sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~/Desktop$  chmod +x setup.sh05:04
sola6662chmod: cannot access `setup.sh': No such file or directory05:04
regeya<annoying_twit>grndslm: you know it's called 'edgy' for a reason</annoying_twit>05:04
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danc3sola6662: OK, do this:  ls05:04
sethkachillez, and even if you run under bash, a sub-shell of another sort may well be started.05:04
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airgracejrib: is there a command to check the current version of the distro?05:04
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danc3and look for a directory named something like Teamspeak05:04
sethkachillez, I wonder if this is relevant to the fact that the default shell changed in edgy.05:04
tonyyarussoClass is starting in #ubuntu-classroom on the topic of using GPG for encryption.05:04
sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~/Desktop$ ls05:04
sola6662ts2_client_rc2_2032  ts2_client_rc2_2032 (copy)  ts2_client_rc2_2032.tar.bz205:04
JunK-Ypeabodi: http://pastebin.ca/25217505:04
jribairgrace: lsb_release -a05:04
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achillezsethk: really? what did it change to?05:05
danc3sola6662: use the command:  cd ts2_client_rc205:05
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JunK-Ybut, root@clea:/var/www# php -v05:05
JunK-YPHP 5.2.0 (cgi) (built: Nov  5 2006 16:49:30)05:05
kitcheachillez: it uses dash instead of bash05:05
danc3sola6662: then, do the command:  ls05:05
airgracejrib: Yeah, it's successfully upgraded it to 6.1005:05
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sethkachillez, let me find the name ; I haven't installed edgy on the box I used most of the time, so I have to look at another box.05:05
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danc3and see if you see a file named "setup.sh"05:05
dobblegohow do I add more workspaces?05:05
RiyonukFat32 has a size limit? WTF?05:05
airgracejrib: not quite sure how it did it, but it's done.05:05
jribJunK-Y: I haven't really been following, but I noticed that phpgadmin seems to require apache (1) not apache205:05
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kitchesethk: think it's called dash05:05
achillezsethk: k, I'll try messing around w/ the shell05:06
sethkachillez, dash, possibly?  at first I thought it might be one of the busybox shells, but then I checked and it isn't.05:06
xalynerrm dont mind me im a noob and im having some trouble installin my wireless card on my laptop here05:06
=== eugman [n=eugene@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xnanhi, hc05:06
sola6662yo danc305:06
sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~/Desktop$ cd ts2_client_rc205:06
sola6662bash: cd: ts2_client_rc2: No such file or directory05:06
peabodiand you have apache built as an sapi in php?05:06
llindyI am having problems with my sound, and I have googled, and looked all over ubuntu forums for a solution and cannot figure it out. My sound is only giving me CPU system beeps, its not playing anything on my speakers.05:06
jribairgrace: lol ok, run 'sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade' and see what it says.  With -s it won't actually do anything, it will just report what it wants to do05:06
sethkachillez, that might be irrelevant, but with it reporting that it can't find a shell built in, it's suspicious.05:06
eugmanMozilla is defaulting to totem instead of mplayer for embeded media. How do I change that?05:06
sethkachillez, might have to code a binary pushd/popd, which would be fun.05:06
sola6662did i do it wrong?05:06
JunK-Yjrib: i run a2 with phppgadmin, on one box.05:06
danc3sola6662: use this:  cd ts<tab>05:06
danc3and then hit Enter05:07
=== cO_17_cr_tmn is now known as karen
bunnythebunnyUbuntu seems to be loaded with sound and network issues.05:07
jribdobblego: right click on the workspaces panel applet and go to preferences05:07
achillezsethk: aha that's it05:07
dobblegoah thanks05:07
achillezsethk: I renamed dash and copied over bash to dash05:07
=== cirvin_fox [n=cirvin@cpe-72-225-27-211.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~/Desktop$ cd ts<tab>05:07
sola6662bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'05:07
achillezsethk: now it works05:07
peabodiyep as I thought you have 2 different binaries one with pgsql and one without05:07
sethkachillez, excellent05:07
airgracejrib: Reading package lists... Done05:07
airgraceBuilding dependency tree... Done05:07
airgraceCalculating upgrade... Done05:07
airgrace0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:07
achillezwant me to submit a bug somwhere ?05:07
landexemA lot of things are working on this MacBook Pro with Edgy, but still no sound out of the speakers (the headphone port works though)05:07
danc3sola6662: no, press the TAB key where I wrote <tab>05:07
cirvin_foxsethk, back from the livecd, fsck'd to no avail05:07
danc3then press Enter05:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Mez] by ChanServ
sethkachillez, next time someone says how dumb I am for saying that, perhaps, replacing the shell wasn't a great thing to do without more testing. ... :)05:07
richeehow do I install m3u plugin for rythmbox05:07
peabodiunless one is a link05:08
sethkcirvin_fox, did it report any problems?05:08
airgracejrib: it seems that it's all upto date :P05:08
jribairgrace: and your sources.list now has edgy repositories?05:08
sola6662ok i got it05:08
danc3sola6662: ok, now do:  ls05:08
JunK-Ypeabodi: honestly ive no idea what an sapi05:08
cirvin_foxsethk, no05:08
airgracejrib: how do i check that again?05:08
-Mez:#ubuntu- The Class on gpg encryption is about to start in #ubuntu-classroom, please take your seats05:08
danc3and see if it lists a file named "setup.sh"05:08
llindyI am having problems with my sound, and I have googled, and looked all over ubuntu forums for a solution and cannot figure it out. My sound is only giving me CPU system beeps, its not playing anything on my speakers.05:08
=== Caplain_ [n=matt@91.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
achillezsethk: heh - would you like me to submit a bug on this somewhere?05:08
sola6662"sola6662@c-24-0-57-86:~/Desktop/ts2_client_rc2_2032$ ls05:08
sola6662readme  setup.data  setup.sh05:08
sethkcirvin_fox, that's odd.  you used the -f flag?05:08
sethkachillez, I think it's a good idea, yes.05:08
danc3sola6662: OK... now do:  chmod +x setup.sh05:08
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cirvin_foxsethk, yup05:08
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peabodithat's what connects to the service  as in apache or command line or05:09
achillezsethk: ok will do - any particular spot or should I just search on the ubuntu website?05:09
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ubotuachillez: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/05:09
peabodijust try dl(pg_sql.so) in your script05:09
RiyonukWhat is the best way to share files between Windows and Linux? Fat32? Samba? Put files on a USB, reboot, etc?05:10
airgracejrib: i mean wha's the command to check the sources.list05:10
sethkachillez, search on the site, I don't know the right place05:10
peabodimake sure yu have pg_sql.so though05:10
sola6662danc3 then what i do05:10
danc3sola6662: now do:  ./setup.sh05:10
achillezsethk: ok, will do - thx for the help05:10
danc3sola6662: now do:  ./setup.sh05:10
jribairgrace: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:10
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PeloRiyonuk,  depends one how often you do it , how many computers are involved and how much trouble you are willing to go through05:10
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llindyI am having problems with my sound, and I have googled, and looked all over ubuntu forums for a solution and cannot figure it out. My sound is only giving me CPU system beeps, its not playing anything on my speakers.05:11
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kitchellindy did you check to see if your sound is unmuted?05:11
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llindyyes, i did05:11
airgracejrib: yup, this is what i have . http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32669/05:11
RiyonukIts going to be used for music mainly, cant see any other reason - just my computer - dont care as long as it works05:11
jribairgrace: hmm those should all say edgy05:12
llindykitche, I did, and its mot05:12
xalynso any one able to help me i slapped my wireless card in shows the connection in the network settings but not showing any thing else05:12
cirvin_foxsethk, perhaps i should be nominated for most obscure screw up eh?05:12
Pelollindy,  did you try playing around with alsamixer ?05:12
sola6662danc3 now how to open?05:12
llindycan you PM me, this room in moving too fast?05:12
llindyyes, I tried05:12
sethkcirvin_fox, it's something obvious that I'm missing.05:13
airgracejrib: hmm..maybe restarting the machine should do the trick.05:13
llindypermission denied05:13
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llindyran  as root05:13
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RiyonukPelo: Its going to be used for music mainly, cant see any other reason - just my computer - dont care as long as it works05:13
danc3sola6662: use the file manager to browse to the teamspeak directory, and then double click the Teamspeak file05:13
jribairgrace: I don't think it will, does running update-manager still fail to calculate upgrade?05:13
airgracejrib: hmm05:13
=== Lahey [n=chatzill@CPE000d8846b4a2-CM000039050c63.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu []
PeloRiyonuk,  so you mean moving stuff between your linux setup and your windows setup on a dual boot system ?05:13
sola6662danc3 whats the path?05:14
cirvin_foxsethk, perhaps if i returned tomorow?05:14
karen] 05:14
sethkcirvin_fox, k05:14
sola6662nvm i think its hom05:14
RiyonukPelo, I wont be moving it will I? Im just listening to music, so I guess its going to stay05:14
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danc3sola6662: don't know, it's in your home directory, just look for it05:14
danc3come on05:14
airgracejrib: not to sure, so what do you reckon i do now?05:14
cirvin_foxsethk, woudl that allow time for you to run it over then?05:14
PeloRiyonuk,  just mound your ntfs drive05:14
RiyonukWhat will that do?05:15
sola6662woot there we do05:15
sethkcirvin_fox, sure, but I'm not sure how much good it will do  :)05:15
=== xamox [n=xA@24-236-184-133.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
jribairgrace: try running 'gksudo update-manager -c' first05:15
PeloRiyonuk,  lets you access your windows drive from ubuntu05:15
Riyonuk98% done with downloading ubuntu05:15
Riyonukoh cool05:15
Riyonukwell let me install ubuntu and Ill be back05:15
=== thomas [n=thomas@du-153.vanuatu.com.vu] has joined #ubuntu
xamoxHow do I find out what /dev/hd* my harddrive is, if I have never mounted it?05:16
airgracejrib: gksudo: invalid option -- c05:16
sethkxamox, you can find the active devices in /sys05:16
montgoejhas anyone in here had any trouble with firefox crashing a lot after installing Foxytunes?05:16
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thomashey guys there are some artefacts going up the screen, on my monitor, i think the res is right, because fonts look fine05:16
Peloxamox,   system > admin > system monitor, third tab05:17
xamoxsethk:  Awesome, thx!05:17
jribairgrace: gksu "update-manager -c"05:17
sethkmontgoej, it crashes a lot even without installing foxytunes05:17
montgoejI installed it in Edgy, but had to get rid of foxytunes cause it was making firefox crash about every 10 minutes05:17
-Mez:#ubuntu- Class is in Session. Todays Class: GPG/PGP Encryption, signing, and usage. Join #ubuntu-classroom and start learning05:17
bunnythebunnysethk, could you do me a favor and look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32670/   is that how its supossed to be? i dont think my sound card is anything reelated to Intel05:17
thomasi think it might be the refresh rate, but the only option is 60hz, how can i change that?05:17
montgoejIt almost never crashes for me without it05:17
sethkbunnythebunny, looking05:17
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Pelothomas,  edit  xorg.conf05:17
airgracejrib: yeah i get a '>' what should i type?05:17
danc3sola6662: you're welcome05:17
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jribairgrace: did you make sure to enter both quotation marks?05:18
sethk bunnythebunny what is that output from?05:18
looktjI have some problem, my screen goes slllow wuth scrolling05:18
bunnythebunnysethk aplay --list-device05:18
airgracejrib: my bad :P, just did now.05:18
thomasPelo: i'm not sure what the correct refresh rate is though, how could i work that out05:18
cirvin_foxsethk, ah, i shall query the rest of the group then, thanks for the help05:18
sethkbunnythebunny, that's ok.  iec958 is a format, like mp205:18
danc3thomas: look at the manual for your monitor05:19
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Pelothomas,  read the label at the back of your monitor05:19
sethkbunnythebunny, the ich is from a bus manager, I think.  I don't think that's your problem.05:19
bunnythebunnysethk ITS SO FRUSTRATING! i can't find anything wrong..........and........there's something wrong. URGH.05:19
richeedoes anyone know how can I play m3u playlist files with rythmbox, I tried install gstreamer plugins but in vain :(05:19
cirvin_foxhey, can someone tell me an app that will show me a graphical representation of all the siezes of the files on my drive?05:19
thomasPelo: cheers05:19
airgracejrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32671/05:19
danc3cirvin_fox: filelight05:19
peabodicirvin_fox kdirstat05:19
airgracejrib: the sofware update manager opens up, and says that the system is uptodate05:19
bunnythebunnyblowing off steam. bah.05:19
sethkbunnythebunny, indeed.  You might try running something under strace and looking for something suspicious, but that would generate thousands of lines of output and probably 5 lines would be relevant.05:20
Hirvinencirvin_fox: kdirstat05:20
xalynehg so yeah it seems my wireless card isnt installed though should be, it says its in one of the compatable cards05:20
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danc3sola6662: working?05:20
thomasPelo: it says 50-60 hz in the power section, would that be it?05:20
danc3thomas: no05:20
jribairgrace: you can ignore the warning.  Okay, something messed up somewhere...  Do you have backups of any important info in the unlikely event your computer becomes unusable?05:20
thomasdanc3: hmm ok can't see it. could i just guess05:20
=== draeath [n=draeath@user-24-96-44-142.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArLeNQ: is there a way to use old repository packages in a new version? eg? using gnumeric 1.6.3 from dapper in edgy05:20
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Pelothomas,  look for ver refrsh and horiz sync ( or maybe the other way around)05:21
danc3thomas: no, you need to research it, look int he manual05:21
bunnythebunnysethk...well, can i do that, save it in a file, and mail it to some place where they'll actually look at it?05:21
vnanyone can gimme some apt sources for edgy please?05:21
ashikaairgrace, what are you trying to do05:21
slon`I'll soon find out05:21
thomasdanc3: lol, don't have a manual05:21
airgraceyup, i just installed linux today itself, i don't have any data on this laptop at all. apart from the fact that i installed xfce.05:21
ashikavn, they are thesame as for dapper05:21
sethkbunnythebunny, I don't know who would look.05:21
danc3thomas: google it05:21
draeathWhats a good log viewer that would work in Xubuntu without installing half of gnome or KDE? preferably with simple filters (i don't yet understand regex)05:21
sethkbunnythebunny, let me think about it for a bit.05:21
ashikaairgrace, what are you trying to do.05:21
Pelothomas,  look for specs online, google your montor make and model05:21
bunnythebunnysethk alright05:21
airgraceashika: i tried updating to 6.10, it seems that it messed up somwhere.05:21
ashikaairgrace, no you didn't.05:21
jribairgrace: well you know it will probably be easier for you to just popup in the 6.10 disk and install over it.  But I can guide you through upgrading through the command line if you want05:22
ashikaairgrace, open up teminal and type sudo updatemanager -c05:22
thomasdanc3: thanks for the attitude :P05:22
vnashika: then, I'd be looking for good soruces for dapper/edgy :p05:22
thomasPelo: will do05:22
ashikavn, do you have GNOME?05:22
danc3thomas: who ties your shoes for you in the morning?05:22
vnno, xfce05:22
airgraceashika: have done it a few times,05:22
ashikavn, isn't there synaptic manager05:22
airgraceashika: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32671/05:22
ashikaairgrace, did you run it with sudo and -c05:22
thomasdanc3: didn't realise i was on #debian05:22
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airgracejrib: command line would be perfect, i haven't made a copy of the distro on cd yet.05:22
danc3thomas: you're not05:23
ashikaairgrace, that should be there.05:23
vnashika: thanks, didnt know05:23
ashikaairgrace, just ignore it and continue05:23
=== dennister [n=cathy@CPE0015f2cca11c-CM0014f8c63340.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
vnHOLY cow..so much stuff, nice app05:23
jribairgrace: ok, first, do you have the ubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop packages installed?05:23
dennisterhello ppls05:23
airgracejrib: how do i go about checking that?05:24
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jribairgrace: apt-cache policy xubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop05:24
nemikso is xorg-air-core installed by default in edgy?05:24
dennisterQ: how do u convert a pl script into a daemon that stays up?05:25
airgracejrib: seems to be imo. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32672/05:25
-Mez:#ubuntu- Class is in Session. Todays Class: GPG/PGP Encryption, signing, and usage. Join #ubuntu-classroom and start learning05:25
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jribairgrace: yep, ok, next step is to change all instances of "dapper" to "edgy" in your /etc/apt/sources.list.  Quick way:  sudo sed -i 's/dapper/edgy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list05:26
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draeathHow do you all review your /var/log files?05:26
draeathairgrace, whatch that command! if you have any third-party repos it may cause them to fail05:27
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dennisteranyone? making a script into a daemon?05:27
airgracejrib: yup, just c&p it.05:27
Pelodennister,  sorry05:27
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airgracedraeath: aye, thanks for the advice. I am still pretty much new to the system.05:27
nemikany of you with beryl in edgy, can you please tell me what your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom looks like?05:27
jribairgrace: ok,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:27
draeathdennister, poke about in /etc/init.d and see how it's done05:27
dmbany of you know what this means:05:28
dmbfusermount: failed to access mountpoint /home/dmbtech/visible: Permission denied05:28
dmbfuse failed.05:28
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dmbwith encfs05:28
dmbim root05:28
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peabodidennister did you try putting it your .profile file?05:28
airgracejrib: command is executing...05:28
jribairgrace: once that completes, you'll have to run 'sudo apt-get dist-ugprade' again (remember this, because I'll probably forget)05:28
tuvgkrellm uses too much cpu on recent kernels. older kernels did not have this issue. any hints?05:29
draeathairgrace, while that command is running, you may have issues (programs being updated as you use them...)05:29
airgracejrib: sure thing.05:29
jribairgrace: and hopefully that will take a while and proceed without errors05:29
airgracejrib: yup05:29
draeathairgrace, i would suggest doing as little as possible while that is running.05:29
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tuvbtw, should i be using the 386 kernel or the generic one on centrino pentium M?05:29
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draeathtuv, generic (which is optimized for 686 but will work on down)05:30
airgracedraeath: yup, I've got no programs running, apart from firefox, terminal, and x-chat05:30
=== xdg [n=david@dsl254-073-076.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
grndslmi just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy.....and now it complains about not being able to load the i810 module and not being able to find a screen...can anybody help me?05:30
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-Mez:#ubuntu- Class is in Session. Todays Class: GPG/PGP Encryption, signing, and usage. Join #ubuntu-classroom and start learning05:30
draeathairgrace, firefox will probably barf on you eventually. :)05:30
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MegaqwertyHow do I set my smb to share on a different domain? (i.e. one different from "mshome")05:30
airgracedraeath: hehe, i got to upgrade it to version 2 anyway :)05:30
cirvin_foxsethk, get this, kdirstat says i'm using 6 gigs05:31
fnfHi, I'm using a Nvidia GeForce Go 7300 card, 'lspci' couldn't recognize my hardware (Unknown device), is there any safe way to install nvidia-glx(-legacy) ?. I've experienced frequent X crashes when using the nvidia-glx package.05:31
Pelofnf,  try #nvidia05:32
nemikany of you with beryl in edgy, can you please tell me what your /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom looks like?05:32
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fnfPelo: Thanks, btw, do you have any suggestions ?05:33
Pelofnf,  that was my suggestion05:33
draeathgot an idiot spamming ubuntu-classroom with Tor05:33
draeathjust what we need, more reason for Tor to get shunned05:33
fnfPelo: Alright :)05:33
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-Mez:#ubuntu- Class is in Session. Todays Class: GPG/PGP Encryption, signing, and usage. Join #ubuntu-classroom and start learning05:35
loca|hosthow to read/write data to parallel port (plip0)05:35
cirvin_foxsethk, i'm quite sure now that i have a bad allocation table, is there a way to rebuild the journal according to whats on the disk?05:35
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VornotronI cannot log in to my machine, and I cannot use Knoppix to mount the drive with / on it to fix it.  The primary partition says that it is of fs type "linux LVM"... but I can't figure out how to mount that.05:39
grant_uaehey guys having all kinds of problems getting ubuntu edgy to stream a quicktime file, any suggestions?05:39
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Vornotronso, uh05:40
Vornotronhow do I go about mounting LVM stuff?05:40
Megaqwertyhow would I go about resizing an ntfs partition to give my ext3 partition more space on my disk?05:40
Pelog'night folks05:41
theveninMegaqwerty: gparted05:41
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loca|hosthow to get the parallel port's device name (/dev/?)05:42
varsendaggrwhat is a good font set to get that has some artistic fonts in it?05:42
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Megaqwertythevenin: I tried that, but I got this error when I tried to unmount my ntfs partition to resize it: The partition could not be unmounted from the following mountpoints: /media/sda2 Most likely other partitions are also mounted on these mountpoints. You are advised to unmount them manually.05:43
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draeaththis is going to sound stupid, but have I missed something? building a system... Motherboard, CPU, GPU, RAM, HD, CDRW, Case, PSU, Thermal Grease (motherboard has sound, and i already have the perifpherals)05:43
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theveninare you trying to do this from the partition itself05:43
theveninboot to a live cd then do it05:43
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Megaqwertythevenin: I don't think so, I'm doing it from /media/sda305:44
theveninwell sorry i worded myself wrong, but still boot to a live cd05:44
cirvin_foxdf -h tells me that i have 320 megs of free space on my drive, yet kdirstat says i have about 12 gigs of free space05:44
cirvin_foxwhich one can i trust?05:44
Megaqwertymkay, thanks05:44
spunconfuseHello everyone.  I'm having trouble installing an Nvidia driver in Ubuntu 6.10.  Never had trouble with ubuntu 5.04.  I have a geforce3, after I install drivers and change nv to nvidia in the xorg.conf and reboot.  I get an error.05:45
spunconfuseI'v tried every procedure I could find in the web and I'm still getting the sam errors.05:45
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spunconfuseAnyone have any idea what I might be doing wrong05:45
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ZambeziI really need help with rsync. Can someone help me to make the transfer working?05:47
EcnassianerMy Ubuntu box has two NICs and I'm using it as a NAT (ip masq) for my windows box. It's currently working correctly, however every time I restart my Ubuntu box my windows box's net connection doesn't come back up. However, when I run Firestarter on my Ubuntu box I can grab a new IP and the NAT works again. Any idea what Firestarter is doing that brings everything back up? (Or how can I tell Firestarter to do that at bootup?)05:48
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draeathEcnassianer, firestarter is flushing your iptables rules and applying the ones you set up in it05:48
grant_uaehey guys having all kinds of problems getting ubuntu edgy to stream a quicktime file, any suggestions?05:49
draeathEcnassianer, not sure on what you can do to automate it though (excepting replacing firestarter with a scipt)05:49
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:49
honkis ATI working with any sort of composite/beryl thing in edgy yet?05:49
Ecnassianerdraeath: How would I go about replacing firestarter with a script?05:49
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brettHow to install a bin file?  [sorry newbie question] 05:50
draeathEcnassianer, thats beyond me. personally I don't run a firewall on this machine05:50
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Ecnassianerthanks for the info draeath05:51
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wasabi_brett: Sort of depends on what the .bin file is.05:51
wasabi_brett: Just because somebody named it .bin doesn't mean anything.05:51
draeathEcnassianer, your welcome. What you are looking for is 'iptables'05:51
JoshJ.bin is a binary, those are generally what you run05:51
draeathEcnassianer, firestarter is a fancy interface for it05:52
asprothat free formats page needs updating, as java is now, or soon to be gpl?05:52
sethkbrett, as wasabi_ said, file extensions have no meaning in *nix05:52
sethkJoshJ, no, not true05:52
sethkJoshJ, a .bin can be anything05:52
JoshJwell yes05:52
brettwasabi_, well its a application I know that not an cd image  :-p05:52
JoshJi assume the extension is matching the mimetype05:52
wasabi_brett: If it's something which needs to be run, you can mark it executable, and run it.05:52
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spunconfuseanyone know why ubuntu 6.10 doesn't work with my Geforce3 when 5.04 did? :(05:52
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sethkJoshJ, may not even have a mime type,05:52
brettHow to run it?05:52
wasabi_brett: Or, preferabally, you can read the instructions that probably came with it.05:52
JoshJi assume the mimetype is CORRECT :(05:53
sethkJoshJ, if it has no mime type, the mime type cannot be correct or incorrect05:53
JoshJ(as in the filename is correctly representing the (obviously existing) mimetype)05:53
sethkbrett, most likely you can do:   chmod +x whatever.bin05:53
JoshJbut yes, rightclick on it and hit properties to see what it is05:53
sethkbrett, then ./whatever.bin05:53
sethkJoshJ, obviously existing how?  I have 26,000 files on my system, of which maybe 30 have a mime type05:53
=== JoshJ loads his /usr/bin
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JoshJlooks like my GUI apps have the mimetype: application/x-executable05:54
JoshJheck even apt-cache has that05:54
wasabi_IT's worth pointing out that files do not have mime types.05:55
sethkJoshJ, your tool may fake them out that way, but they have no such type05:55
wasabi_Mime types are probed.05:55
JoshJwell that's from nautilus05:55
sethkwasabi_, correct05:55
wasabi_ie, your system guesses.05:55
wasabi_Based on what is in the file.05:55
brettAnd what of the install path which its asking me now... what should I set that to?  is there a standard?05:55
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sethkwasabi_, a mime type exists really only as part of an HTTP transaction05:55
wasabi_"if first 2 bytes = 0xDEADBEAF then file == application/x-jar", etc.05:55
wasabi_sethk: Someday maybe as an xattr if we're lucky. ;005:55
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sethkbrett, what are you installing?05:57
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brettsethk, google earth05:57
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sethkbrett, don't know it, sorry.05:57
JoshJgoogle earth is in the repos05:58
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honkis there an up-to-date howto on FGLRX+Beryl?05:58
brettI am just wondering where all these other applications are stored/ installed maybe I should just put it there?  :-S05:58
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html05:58
JoshJfairly sure it's in one of my repo's, hold on05:58
brettOh.... okay... I DLed from googles own site.05:58
JoshJdoesn't it have instructions?05:59
brettSynaptic Package Manager works off of repos?05:59
JoshJsynaptic is on top of apt05:59
draeathspunconfuse, specific error? (use pastebin if you have 3+ lines)05:59
HL-Onwlyixoh my goodness06:00
draeathspunconfuse, neverfmind, was back in the scrollbuffer. replied to old line06:00
JoshJ# Penguin Liberation Front06:00
JoshJdeb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf edgy-plf non-free free06:00
JoshJdeb-src http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf edgy-plf non-free free06:00
JoshJthat's what i have googleearth in06:00
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brettWhat about IPW2200.... for some reason it doesnt seem to be working when I do > iwconfig  I get RADIO OFF... how to enable/ turn this on... couldnt find any reference to this in the man's/ forums.06:00
JoshJ<insert disclaimer about unofficial repos here>06:00
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spunconfusedraeath?  I still can't get my nvidia drivers to work.06:01
MindlessHopedoes anyone know of a free iso writer for windows06:01
grndslmcd burner xp pro06:01
draeathMindlessHope, i think deepburner can do it06:01
MindlessHopek thanks06:01
grndslmanybody know how to netboot an ubuntu install?06:01
grndslmspefically with regards to creating a dhcp server??06:02
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spunconfusewhat is pastebin?06:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:02
JoshJi personally prefer rafb.net/paste06:02
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spunconfusewhen I boot my computer with nvidia in the xorg.conf,  it won't load the gui.   I would have to re-boot my computer to get the error message.  I beleive it ask if I want to view the error report.06:04
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brettI cant seem to find Google Earth via Synaptic... for "google" search I dont get google earth.06:04
spunconfuseI'm fairly new to linux in general.06:04
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sethkspunconfuse, several possibilities.  the nvidia kernel module may not be loading06:04
JoshJbrett: i said it's in that repository, not in the regular one06:04
sethkspunconfuse, the nvidia driver may not be in the right place.06:04
sethkspunconfuse, what you should do is put on the paste web site the contents of your X log file, and tell us the URL06:05
sethkspunconfuse, the X log file in usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:05
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darkangel_hi everybody... I wanna know if someone could explain me the diference between the "direct access" in windows and linux06:06
SperMiteanyone in here use any decent dvdrippers?06:06
brettSo does anyone know how to enable Radio on IPW2200 wireless?06:07
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honkchanging desktop icon size06:07
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sethkhonk, I know how on kde, but not on gnome.06:08
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Lukedoes anyone know what the ruby interpreter package is called? Everything I find is a lib for ruby06:09
sethkbrett, it's different on every laptop (assuming it's a laptop)06:09
honkI'm on gnome sethk, thanks though06:09
spunconfusesethk unless something changed once I restared gdm, I've uploaded the /var/log/Xorg.0.log, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32676/06:09
ferossbrett: what do you mean enable radio no IPW2200.. I have an IPW220006:09
sethkLuke, the ruby interpreter is called .... ruby06:09
darkangel_could anyone explain me please?06:09
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sethkspunconfuse, that looks perfectly normal.  You didn't get the login screen when you ran gdm?06:10
Lukesethk: ok i donno why I cant find it when searching in aptitude06:10
honkhey sethk, is there some document out there that compares the fundamental differences between kubuntu and ubuntu?06:10
sethkLuke, because the package name isn't the file name.06:10
sethkhonk, there is no difference.  rather, the only difference is which desktop get's installed by default in the desktop install06:10
ferossdarkangel_: direct access like what to the hardware?06:11
honkI'll give it a shot sethk, thanks06:11
sethkhonk, if you install from the ubuntu cd, then install kde with apt, you have exactly the same system as you would have by installing kubuntu06:11
brettfeross,   well when I do  iwconfig   eth1 seems to be set ok... but I get:    eth1      radio off  ESSID:off/any06:11
sethkhonk, well, if you then installed gnome from kubuntu, but you know what I mean.06:11
Lukesethk: aptitude didnt search file names last time I checked...06:11
honkok so the only difference is the desktop06:11
sethkLuke, yes, that's what I said06:11
spunconfusesethk  I edited xorg.conf and replace nvidia with nv, than did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start and it came to the login screen where I entered my user and password.06:11
sethkLuke, there is a program that does find file names (apt-file)06:12
Lukesethk: ok  i have no idea what your talking about06:12
sethkspunconfuse, showing us the log file from nv isn't going to help us find out why nvidia isn't working06:12
spunconfuseif I change nv back to nvidia and stop and start gdm I will get the error.06:12
sethkspunconfuse, get the error, copy the X log file somewhere.06:12
sethkspunconfuse, I'm assuming you have to change it because your IRC client is in linux06:12
spunconfuseok thats what I was thinking but wasn't sure.06:13
ferossbrett: I don't get it.. what are you trying to do. Why would you want to turn off radio on the wireless. or are you just trying to disable it.06:13
sethkspunconfuse, so cp the log file somewhere and post that one.  :)06:13
spunconfusesethk ok I'll be back in a few minutes.  thanks.06:13
grndslmanybody here done a netboot installation before?06:14
sethkLuke, you asked about not finding ruby using a front end to apt.  I told you because ruby is a file name and the package managers don't search by file name.06:14
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sethkLuke, then I told you how you can search by filename if you want to.06:14
darkangel_no feross06:14
brettfeross  I am just trying to get it working so as to be able to use wifi-radar or other GUI based stuff for defining Wireless lan06:14
MindlessHopethanks, i was able to get cd burner xp pro working06:14
ferossbrett: want to use kismet, I got that working06:14
landexemShould I upgrade ALSA from 1.0.11 to 1.0.13 in order to get the speakers to output audio on my MacBook Pro?06:15
darkangel_i have installed realplayer but all the archives are in a folder06:15
darkangel_so I have to opend and run real one06:15
landexemIf so, where can I get ahold of precompiled Ubuntu .debs for the latest version of ALSA?06:15
crimsunlandexem: yes, but there's no guarantee it will work06:15
crimsunlandexem: there are none.06:15
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crimsunlandexem: you _must_ compile them yourself.06:15
darkangel_I wanna know how run it from desktop for example06:15
brettfeross  I am installing it now... but I have a feeling that my wireless nic is not enabled somehow..06:16
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ironfroggyi have weird and strange grub problems06:16
ironfroggyi cant chroot and im trying to configure grub. i current cant get past stage 1.506:17
ferossbrett: if you have recent drivers then it should work fine06:17
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ironfroggyso from a LiveCD is it possible to setup grub for the harddrive with chroot'ing?06:17
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CountDownI'm running a build script that requires something called aclocal.  Anyone know what this is and how I can get it?  I couldn't find it in a Ubuntu package search.06:18
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grndslmcome on....somebody here has to have done a netboot install before...i'm almost done, but it keeps timing out at the tftp part of the netboot...06:19
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ferossbrett: in /etc/kismet/kismet.conf change the source to --- source=ipw2200,eth1,ATHEROS ... then suiduser= to whatever your userid is...06:19
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sethkCountDown, part of automake06:20
ferossbrett: also network-manager is the best for wifi ...06:20
CountDownsethk: Thanks...06:20
spunconfusesethk here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32679/06:21
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sethkspunconfuse, kernel module isn't loaded.  Reboot, get to console after the error.  then do:      sudo modprobe nvidia06:21
sethkspunconfuse, if the nvidia kernel module is installed, that will load it.  then do:06:22
sethkspunconfuse, killall gdm06:22
sethkspunconfuse, then do    ps aux | grep gdm              to make sure gdm isn't running any more06:22
sethkspunconfuse, then start gdm   (as root or with sudo)06:22
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sethkspunconfuse, if that works, we'll modify your config so the module is loaded at boot time06:22
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grndslmanybody here done a netboot install before??  i'm almost done, but it keeps timing out at the tftp part of the netboot...06:23
sethkspunconfuse, but, the module may not exist on your box yet, and we need to find out06:23
sethkspunconfuse, you can search for it, try:   sudo find / -name nvidia.ko06:23
maquishow do i add a new locale to an existing ubuntu installation?06:23
airgracejrib: hmm..this is taking a tad bit long..06:23
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maquisi'm not finding the right search terms for google06:23
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sethkgrndslm, says it can't find the tftp server?  or the tftp server isn't responding?06:23
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brettfeross  How to use this kismet.... just ype kismet in terminal?06:24
spunconfusesethk should I search for it first?06:24
airgracejrib: i haven't even executed "sudo apt-get dist-ugprade" the second time yet, :S06:24
grndslmsethk, it just says "TFTP open timeout"06:24
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grndslmi dunno where to go from there06:24
sethkspunconfuse, yes, that will save you a reboot just to tell us.06:24
jribairgrace: that's ok, as long as it is still doing stuff06:24
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airgracejrib: aye06:24
sethkgrndslm, I would run a packet sniffer on the tftp server, and find out what is happening, whether or not the tftp server is seeing a request from the linux box.06:25
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spunconfusesethk I think it found it but there are 3 lines. should I post them in here?06:25
sethkspunconfuse, I guess you can get away with three lines.  I'll get yelled at. :)  the correct thing is to use the paste site06:25
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airgracejrib: ok, i need some help now. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32680/06:26
tamiyaHey guys, check out this new blog on Linux and Mac OS X. It'll open up your eyes. http://unrealfantasy.blogspot.com06:26
spunconfuseI'll use the past site. :)06:26
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airgracejrib: these are the last few lines where it has stopped at, and am not too sure what exactly to do.06:26
bronaughubuntu 6.10 -- why is unichrome_dri.so not included?06:26
dm_Hey guys, How do i get to my sources ? sudo gedit ????sources.lst?>06:26
jribairgrace: have you modified that file?06:26
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spunconfusesethk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32681/06:26
airgracejrib: haven'06:26
Hobartis there a way from the command line to stop / prepare for eject a USB device?06:26
airgracejrib: haven't touched anyting, just let it extract.06:27
jribairgrace: then just use the pacakge maintainer's version (you can look at the diff if you wish beforehand)06:27
sethkspunconfuse, the first line is the only one that matters.  does   uname -r   come back with 2.6.17-10?06:27
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dm_Where are my sources?  to edit06:27
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maquisanybody know how to change the locale?06:27
bronaughno one knows eh.06:28
airgracejrib: ok06:28
sethkdm_  /etc/apt/sources.lst, not etc/apt/sources.lst06:28
grndslmsethk:  it looks like is trying to connect to my tftp server!!06:28
airgracejrib: ok, i am gonna execute "http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32680/ " now, however the system is asking me to restart. should i restart first and then executed the command, or execute first and then restart?06:29
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dm_sethk i got that. but its not coming up with anything06:29
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sethkgrndslm, ok, and did the linux box get via dhcp first?06:29
airgracejrib: **discard the http link :S06:29
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sethkdm_, use sudo, as in:   sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.lst06:29
grndslmsethk, i'm assuming so...06:29
sethkdm_, or whichever editor you like, put sudo before the editor name06:29
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grndslmi configured dhcpd.conf and all06:29
sethkgrndslm, you'll see the packets for it, if it is.06:30
dm_sethk i did :P comes up a blank document06:30
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sethkdm_, using sudo?06:30
grndslmsethk, i'm just using etherape06:30
spunconfusesethk do you mean "sudo find / -name -r nvidia.ko"06:30
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jribairgrace: what is asking you to restart?06:30
sethkspunconfuse, you already found nvidia.ko.  I asked you a question about what uname -r shows06:30
airgracejrib: the system, after installing the stuff.06:30
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dm_sethk ah its .list not .lst06:31
sethkspunconfuse, and, no, -r isn't relevant.06:31
sethkdm_, ok, I copied the name from you, shouldn't have done that.  :)06:31
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jribairgrace: are you back at a prompt?06:31
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Kr0ntabgreets, folks.06:31
airgracejrib: yup, i am just about input "sudo apt-get dist-ugprade"06:31
jribairgrace: yeah, dist-upgrade again, then restart06:32
spunconfusesethk yes "2.6.17-10-generic"06:32
benkong2how can I make the loading of usbhid permanet?06:32
airgracejrib: aye06:32
grndslmsethk, how what's a good packet sniffer?  i've only used etherape for its aesthetic value06:32
sethkgrndslm, I use ethereal06:32
sethkgrndslm, a clone of the $30k network general sniffer, that's actually better than the original06:33
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airgracejrib: ok it's done, back at prompt now.06:33
dm_sethk np thanks for helping :)06:33
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joe__hi, anyone have a minute to help a noob?06:33
grndslmfor some reason ethereal is installed but i can't get it to work06:33
sethkspunconfuse, ok, the module exists and it's in the correct place.06:33
jribairgrace: k, you should be able to reboot now06:33
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sethkspunconfuse, do you have a file /etc/modules ?06:33
airgracejrib: ok, will do. brb in a min. **restarting06:33
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dennistergood night all...perhaps tomorrow i can find some answers...must be a very difficult problem06:33
dapeeghi all, i just installed 5.10 on an older machine06:33
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sethkspunconfuse, edit /etc/modules (use sudo), and add at the end the line:      "nvidia"06:33
sethkspunconfuse, no quotes, just nvidia06:34
joe__anyone know how to open a port06:34
sethkspunconfuse, that will get the nvidia module loaded, and hopefully the nvidia driver will then work.06:34
sethkspunconfuse, at the least you'll move on to another problem.  :)06:34
dapeegit was great....took only 30 minutes or so to install and I'm surfing the net06:34
spunconfuse:) I hope so.06:34
nofxxhi there... is there a way to take that unbelievle boring system beep when you use tab for example.... if there are more then 1 option it beeps06:34
sethkjoe__, ports are usually "opened" in a router, not a workstation.  are you using ubuntu as a router?06:34
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nofxxtaking the system beep at all... it dosent use the mb beep but the audio card... am I right?06:35
joe__no Azureus is saying port 12769 Nat Error06:35
joe__it says to check router/firewall06:35
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TuTUxjoe__, ur using a router?06:36
joe__and TCP port 6880 is reserved internally, so it cannot be used.06:36
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joe__yes, but I have no problem using bittorrent w/my windows machine06:37
sethkjoe__, well, since it says to check router/firewall, perhaps you should check router/firewall?06:37
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sethkjoe__, ok.  is iptables running?06:37
nofxxwow..heheh tought it was hard... system > admin > sounds hehe cool06:37
joe__how do I check that06:37
iCodwhats the best wifi router for use with ubuntu, and cheap?06:38
sethkjoe__, did you tell it during install to install a "firewall"  (I use quotes because that isn't a firewall, but the misuse is so common that I've stopped trying to fight it)06:38
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sethkiCod, the access point (which is often combined into an ap and router) doesn't really make any difference at the ubuntu end06:38
joe__I dont think so.06:39
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sethkiCod, the wireless hardware at the box matters, but any ap should be the same.06:39
sethkjoe__, double check.    do     sudo iptables --list06:39
grndslmsethk:  i can't get ethereal to start for some reason even tho dpkg -l shows that it and ethereal-common are installed....but to make things short, the second box IS getting the ip from the dhcp server (also tftp server)....which one comes first, i dunno06:39
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sethkgrndslm, dhcp is first.06:39
grndslmok....well, it's working06:39
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grndslmbut tftp is not...and it does look like the client is requesting06:40
grndslmsoo....now what?06:40
sethkgrndslm, you just confused me.  what's working?06:40
ferossbrett_: hey so got it working?06:40
iCodsethk, this might sound nerdy, but what would be the easiest thing to setup my nintendo ds with? considering I only have a ubuntu pc, which I don't know if that makes a difference...06:40
joe__sethk, did it what should it say?06:40
brett_feross,  well it still saying RADIO OFF06:40
sethkiCod, all the ap's I've worked with can be configured with a web browser, and it shouldn't matter what o/s you are using to run the browser06:41
PeterKi installed NetworkMonitor with apt-get and now i can't find it, can you help?06:41
ferossbrett_: did sudo kismet right..06:41
brett_feross,  and scan is being done way too fast.... with nothing been found.. with KWifimanager it shows eth1 as disabled.06:41
sethkjoe__, shouldn't show any rules06:41
sethkjoe__, just empty chains.06:41
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iCodsethk, I'm not sure what you mean...06:41
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grndslmsethk: i would imagine that the servers dhcp daemon is working seeing as how the client got the ip address and displays the servers ip...and i'm assuming that the tftp client is working seeing as how etherape shows me that the tftp protocol has been used....06:42
grndslmso, i'm guessing that the tftp server is the issue06:42
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dobblegois there anything like rm -f (ignore nonexistent files) but it still prompts?06:42
thomashey guys, i'm trying to write a bash script and i need to add up a bunch of numbers that are in a text file one after the other. how could i do that?06:42
sethkgrndslm, I think you see the tftp request from the client, but you never see a response?06:42
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PeterKhow do i find a program like NetworkMonitor on my computer? what is the command-line search utility, and does an update have to be run for it to find a new item?06:42
ferossbrett_: are you trying to do it on the same laptop that you are connecting on right now? are you on wire while trying to scan on wireless?06:42
grndslmsethk: i'm guessing so06:42
PupenoHow do I set my timezone to UTC ? it's not listed on timezones on System->Administration->Time and Date.06:42
sethkgrndslm, no need to guess, you looked at the packets.  the packet will tell you the source ip of the request06:43
joe__says Chain input forward output and under those just target prot opt source destination06:43
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brett_brett_,   I am trying to do this all on the wired laptop that I am on at the moment..... yes?06:43
sethkjoe__, right, those are just headings, and if there is nothing more, then iptables isn't your problem.06:44
brett_feross, sorry*06:44
grndslmsethk, i didn't capture any packets tho....i used etherape's pretty colors06:44
iCodsethk, alright, bye06:44
sethkgrndslm, oh, ok.  if you can't get the ethereal gui going, use tcpdump06:44
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peabodii'm getting an error in gnunet when i try to update software in Edgy06:45
brett_feross,  I did sudo kismet yes... it did a few things ("Enabling channel hopping." for eg)  then done.06:45
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PeterKargh, what's the easy way to search for all folders named "*network*"?06:46
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peabodiany ideas06:47
brett_even I have a panel "Wavlan" that for eth1 says "no such WLAN device".06:47
joe__sethk, you think I need log into my router and change a setting in there?06:47
spunconfusesethk no go.  I tried everything you said and I'm still getting the same error.06:47
ferossbrett_: ok... something is messing it up. I would comment out my whole /etc/network/interfaces except for the lo interface... clear the profiles.xml that gnome-nm-applet makes and install network-manager.. then restart and disable wireless through the network-manager task-tray icon and try kismet again. that's how I currently have it setup.06:48
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peabodihmmm no ideas huh?06:49
CarlFK"Segmentation fault (core dumped)" - where is it?06:49
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grndslmsethk:  i'm guessing this means failed tftp server....am i supposed to add that to inetd.conf?06:51
spunconfuseI still can't get my nvidia driver to work, I pasted the xorg.0.log again.  could there be something else going wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32685/06:51
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brett_What would be a good way to have KDE & Gnome? and some mechanism for booting into each accordingly?  or just use login manager?  at the moment I am on Xubuntu06:52
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ieoisomebody here..?06:53
brett_feross,  Do you know were profiles.xml is located?06:53
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spunconfuseI'll be back in a bit, going to try installing the legacy driver off the nvidia site.06:53
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landexemIs it bad to install Debian's ALSA packages onto Edgy?06:54
landexemWell how can I get the newest ALSA packages for Ubuntu?06:55
defryskwhy do you need them ?06:55
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landexemAre there precompiled 1.0.13 Ubuntu packages?06:55
halex-abWhy do you need them?06:56
landexemI need to upgrade ALSA to get sound out of the speakers on a MacBook Pro06:56
landexemI figured because Ubuntu didn't have 1.0.13 ALSA packages and Debian did, I'd just get those .debs06:56
ferossbrett_: oh, well if you're using xubuntu I don't think the gnome-nm-applet is enabled by default right...06:56
halex-abWell, to tell you thruth, there shouldn't much that could happen..06:56
brett_feross,   yes I dont think so.06:57
halex-abJust understand it's probably safer to go with compiling from source then use Debian's packages..06:57
ferossbrett_: so go ahead and install network-manager and go from there.. you could try to restart udev to get network-manager going or just quick reboot.06:57
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brett_feross, any ideas about my earlier question about using having KDE session as opposed to Xfce or gnome?   I mean how to switch between these just via login manager?06:58
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defrysklandexem, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook might be of some help06:59
ferossbrett_: yeah, if you apt-get install kde-desktop or something like that... you'll be able to switch between the desktops from the login06:59
brett_feross, BTW I already have network-manager installed from before.06:59
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ferossok does it show up in a task tray or anything?07:00
ferossyou need to disable wireless07:00
landexemdefrysk: Yeah it says to use ALSA 1.0.1307:00
LovlossFor some reason i keep getting "gnunet" errors07:00
Lovlosswhen i install stuff too07:00
ferossbrett_: did you comment out your interfaces file? everything in there except the lo device07:00
link_36pDoes anyone know of a method in GTK or mono that returns the users home directory?07:00
brett_feross, yes I did... I think I should restart once though?07:01
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Lovlossoh, is it because i never installed gnunet?07:01
cyberwaz up07:01
brett_feross, I left iface & eh0 though or else I will not have net access?07:01
ferossbrett_: yes or just /etc/inet.d/networking restart .. but it wouldn't hurt if you just want to restart.07:02
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Lovlosssee WTH "dependency problems"07:02
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ferossbrett_: you have to manage those through network manager..07:02
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untunghi, i have ubuntu on 6GB hd, how do i make disk image of it?07:02
ferossuntung: try partimage.. or just  dd ..07:02
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halex-ablink_36p, offtopic, but it should be Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal);07:03
untungferros: can i restore the hd image into larger hd?07:03
halex-ablink_36p, please use the #mono channel on GimpNet next time.. ;)07:04
LovlossWhat's this mean: "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:04
Lovlossthat keeps happening07:04
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halex-abLovloss, means (probably) that the deb has configuration issues..07:04
halex-abNormally a bad config script07:04
brett_feross, Sorry where is network manager located?  I have so many net-related tools  :-s07:05
link_36phalex-ab: no one talks there [i know im bad for comming here =(] 07:05
Lovlossany way to fix that? i keep geting that when i install it07:05
ferossuntung: I have not used partimage but it's a ghost clone which means yes you should be able to.. with dd you can also but you'll have a 6GB partition and then blank space which you can use for anything else.07:05
dundaka``ChanServ [#SVishtov] 07:05
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dundaka``ChanServ [#SVishtov] 07:05
dundaka``ChanServ #SVishtov07:05
Lovlossany ideas?07:05
halex-abWhat package you trying to install?07:05
ferossbrett_: should be on the task tray .. looks like four little bars07:06
LovlossWINE for one07:06
ferossbrett_: or two pc's07:06
Lovlossbut i get that error another way too , which is wierd07:06
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halex-abLovloss, try sudo apt-get install -f07:06
halex-abSee if that fixes things..07:06
brett_I am going to restart.  BRB07:07
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Lovlossit gave me that error message07:07
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), vi/vim (terminal-based), terminal based: vi/vim, emacs, nano (user-friendly). HTML/CSS editors: !html; Programming: !code07:07
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EcnassianerWhen I restart my firestarter firewall isn't coming back up. If I run /etc/init.d/firestarter start it comes up just fine. There's a file called S20Firestarter in /etc/rc5.d/. I'm not too familiar with SysV. Any clue where firestarter start should be  called?07:07
halex-abLovloss, Can you post the _complete_ output of the error message on a pastebin?07:07
Ecnassianererr when I restart my computer07:07
nofxx_how to install the java plugin on ff 2.0 ?  or a better client for VNC... the scrollbars dont work on vncviewer07:07
sethkEcnassianer, copy the one from rc5.d to rc1.d, rc2.d, etc.07:08
LovlossReading package lists... Done07:08
LovlossBuilding dependency tree07:08
LovlossReading state information... Done07:08
Lovloss0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.07:08
Lovloss1 not fully installed or removed.07:08
LovlossNeed to get 0B of archives.07:08
LovlossAfter unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used.07:08
LovlossSetting up gnunet (0.7.0e-2ubuntu1) ...07:08
LovlossMigrating previous GNUnet data (gnunet-update)07:08
Lovlossgnunet-update: error while loading shared libraries: libgmp.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:08
Lovlossdpkg: error processing gnunet (--configure):07:08
sethkEcnassianer, copying to rc1.d will make it start for run level 107:08
Lovloss subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12707:08
LovlossErrors were encountered while processing:07:08
Lovloss gnunet07:08
LovlossE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)07:08
sethkEcnassianer, rc2.d for run level 2, etc.07:08
Lovlossthat must ahve not been a pastebin07:08
Lovlosssorry :(07:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:08
Ecnassianersethk: There's a file called K20firestarter in rc1.d already07:08
halex-abThat's a pastebin..07:08
Lovlossoyyyy so i hae to get on the web... okay07:09
sethkEcnassianer, then it should be starting.  check; that file should be a link to the script in /etc/init.d07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about etc/hosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
sethkEcnassianer, sounds like it needs to come up later in the boot sequence.07:09
halex-ab!hosts | ragamuffin07:09
defryskLovloss, sudo apt-get -f install07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
sethkEcnassianer, try adding the start command to the end of /etc/rc.local07:09
halex-abdefrysk, I just suggested that..07:09
Lovlossokay i posted it. under lovloss07:09
halex-abIt's a broken package..07:09
Lovlossdefrysk, that gives me an error message07:09
Lovlossa broken package?07:09
defryskLovloss, sudo apt-get install --fix-missing07:10
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Lovlosssame thing07:10
halex-abdefrysk, it's still broken, cause it isn't registering the dependency..07:10
Ecnassianersethk: Ok, brb testing it.07:10
Lovlosshow could i have possibly broken a package07:10
defrysksome alien package not working ?07:11
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Lovlossgnunet in general07:11
halex-abLovloss, the package maintainer didn't notice it.. ;)07:11
halex-abLovloss, You'll need to post a bug report (if it doesn't already exist) on launchpad.net, if it doesn't already exist..07:11
halex-abIf it does, just comment and say it doesn't work for you.. :007:11
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defryskaptitude remove <thebrokenpackage>07:11
Lovlossso now i cant use Wine and stuff?07:11
defrysksudo aptitude remove <thebrokenpackage>07:12
Lovlosswhats the broken package?07:12
halex-abLovloss, as defrysk said, you just need to remove that offending package (gnunet)..07:12
halex-abThen you should be able to use apt-get normally..07:12
ragamuffinAre line numbers required for /etc/hosts file?07:12
defryskLovloss, in this case use aptitude07:12
halex-abragamuffin, No..07:12
defryskiso apt-get07:12
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Lovlossgot it07:13
ragamuffinThird line is blank?07:13
Lovlossthanks! yay!! :D07:13
sethkragamuffin, no07:13
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sethkragamuffin, if you were to put line numbers in it, it wouldn't work07:13
ragamuffinBut I have the third line blank07:13
Lovlossyou guys rule thanks07:14
defryskLovloss, only use aptitude in case of emergencies , it has unexpected powers07:14
Lovlossit says it has "super cow powers"07:14
sethkragamuffin, blank lines don't hurt anything07:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:14
defryskLovloss, supercows have sharp horns ;)07:14
halex-abLovloss, haha, try apt-get moo07:14
Lovlossreminds me of diablo07:14
nofxx_how to install the java plugin on ff 2.0 ?  or a better client for VNC... the scrollbars dont work on vncviewer07:14
mikm[laptop] Lovloss- now try aptitude moo07:15
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mikm[laptop] Then do aptitude -v moo07:15
halex-abmikm[laptop] , lmao07:15
mikm[laptop] Add another v and do it again07:15
link_36phalex-ab: Is there a work around to removing a package that gives errors when doing "apt-get remove package"07:15
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mikm[laptop] I forget how many 'v's it goes up to :)07:15
=== Stephenishere [n=katie@cpe-24-27-41-187.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
brettfeross,   thanks it seems to be good now  :-D07:15
ferossbrett: cool07:15
Lovlossi love linux07:16
defrysklink_36p, try removing it with aptitude07:16
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halex-ablink_36p, not until the package is fixed..07:16
halex-abSorry, I mis-read..07:16
halex-abGo with defrysk.. ;)07:16
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defrysklink_36p, aptitude remove <package>07:16
modified54whats the easiest way to find out what kind of wireless card is in my laptop?07:16
brettSo if I get kde-desktop then I can switch between this or any other session from login?07:16
defryskbrett, yes07:16
link_36pdefrysk: same error07:16
Ecnassianer_sethk: That works. Thanks for the progress. But is this the "proper" way to do things, or should I keep looking for a more permanant solution?07:16
brettmodified54, check on google or your manuf. site07:16
ferossmodified54: tried lspci07:17
defrysklink_36p, oooh07:17
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brettmodified54,   yeah lspci is best  :-D07:17
defrysklink_36p, aptitude -f install07:17
sethkEcnassianer_, it's not improper exactly.  it's really up to you whether to keep looking.  personally, I'd declare victor.07:17
defrysklink_36p,sudo aptitude -f install07:17
brettWhat about the splash image.... is there any mod's out there?  or how can I modify this?  I dont like that of any of the Ubuntu distributions  :-p07:18
Ecnassianer_hmm, it seems like a good idea for my firewall to come up a little closer to my networks coming up... but it is tempting to declare victory :)07:18
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sethkEcnassianer_, if you fix it, it might come up a bit earlier, but only a bit.07:19
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ferossbrett: not sure about xubuntu but in gnome there's a ligin manager that you can change all of that stuff in.07:19
Ecnassianer_Well, I'll give it a few more minutes of investigation and then be happy with whatever I get ;)07:20
defryskxubuntu also uses gdm07:20
Ecnassianer_Thanks for your help07:20
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brettfeross, but I am talking about pre-X Desktop Manager/ Window Manager enviroment07:20
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SpaceFrogI have a strange question.. Is there a program out there that I can download and play a tune out the PC Speaker (like beep, but rather than a beep a song instead). I want to play it remotely so i need to do it through SSH.07:21
Ecnassianer_SpaceFrog: I've never thought of it before, but that sounds like a fun toy :D07:21
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JoshJlemme make sure i understand you07:21
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JoshJyou want to ssh into someone else's system and use a program on your system to play a sound file on their system and have it come out your speakers?07:22
Skwid_has anyone gotten the nice firefox forms to work in firefox 2 ?07:22
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SpaceFrogit's my system07:22
sunganeshi! i now have installed ubuntu edgy with java jdk and eclipse. I would like to install jboss and hibernate. do we have debian pkgs for these?07:22
=== mwhite [n=mwhite@pool-151-205-91-55.char.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stephenisheresomethings messed up and i have no control on my windows07:23
Stephenishere<Stephenishere> OH shit07:23
StephenishereGod damnit that didnt work at all..07:23
mwhitehello everyone. New Ubuntu user here. :)07:23
Skwid_also, where can i change the language of installation ?07:23
ferossbrett: hmm. I'm sure you can do it through command prompt. prolly somewhere like gdm config file.07:23
DBOmwhite, welcome aboard =)07:23
vnuhm how can I change my keyboard layout?07:23
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mwhitety ty :)07:23
mwhiteyou all have done a good job with this OS07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
DBOmwhite, here for help or community? =)07:24
Rookie_synaptic, apt-get, adept are progs to use to install or remove with07:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about layout - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:24
mwhitekind of both.07:24
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ferossvn: System>Prefs>Keyboard07:25
DBOmwhite, ok, technical support and general help is handled here, community and interaction is done in #ubuntu-offtopic =)  welcome and have fun07:25
Stephenisheredoes anyone know how to change back to just plain xorg? i have xgl running and something messed up07:25
mwhitesweet thanks! this is awesome07:25
=== ncstoneman [n=ajt3nc@user-0ce2d8h.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Stephenisherei cant resize windows or move windows07:25
Rookie_Stephenishere - you have backup files in /etc/X1107:25
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mwhiteI've tried other versions of Linux but none of them had this kind of support07:26
ragamuffinNow that i have dual boot with XP, how can I choose XP's os selection menu at the booting?07:26
DBOStephenishere, sudo mv /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-cusom /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom.xgl07:26
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DBOStephenishere, then, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gdm07:26
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64)  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:26
Stephenisherek ill try it07:26
rad|xanyone could help me with module building?07:27
rad|xi keept getting 'No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/msr.c' when i try to compile my module07:27
mwhiteUbuntu does not use rpms correct?07:27
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).07:27
DBOmwhite, thats right07:27
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DBOmwhite, ubuntus uses debs, which are a lot like rpms07:27
ncstonemanWhat is the thought on linuxmint ?07:28
mwhitethank you07:28
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mwhiteso if I want to configure Java on Firefox so I can view applets I need to first download Java?07:29
mwhiteand get a deb07:29
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Skwid_anybody know how i can get my firefox res folder back ?07:29
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mwhitesorry Skwid I don't know..I'm new to Ubuntu07:30
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DBOmwhite, its easier than that07:31
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:31
Jaseyhi there, anyone know how i can disable the fsck check when booting? thank you in advance.07:31
xpointwhen i "sudo apt-get install linux-686-smp" ubuntu will install lilo even its booted with grub working ?, how can i just install the smp kernel without change grub as boot loader ?07:31
=== Hit3k_ [n=allan@181.125.dsl.mel.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mwhiteso there is an easy button on Ubuntu? :)07:32
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:32
DBOmwhite, you got it =)07:32
tbtrojanekmwhite: that's what all the configuration tools are for.07:32
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mwhitegreat..how do I find them..;)07:32
Rookie_wont take long until ubuntu looks and feels like windows ;)07:32
tbtrojanekI prefer to still use the command line to edit all my stuff, but whatever. :P07:33
DBOmwhite, just look at the link ubotu posted07:33
=== Ecnassianer [n=ecna@cpe-76-168-247-163.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOor if you want we can go into a private chat (here is rather busy) and I can walk you through it all07:33
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Vornotron...my server appears to have forgotten how to log in.07:33
mwhitek, let me see if I can figure it out first07:33
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Skwid_can anyone send me a copy of their /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/res/forms.css07:34
Skwid_please :)07:34
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ncstonemanhas anyone used http://lt.k1011.nutime.de/ ?07:35
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DBOSkwid_, you can get a version of that file simply be reinstalling the deb it came in07:36
weexis there some issue using beryl/AIGLX with dapper and S3 savage?07:36
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DBOweex, yeah it doesnt work07:37
tbtrojanekSkwid_: http://pastebin.ca/25223907:37
tbtrojanekSkwid_: that's my forms.css file.07:37
DBOweex, S3 driver doesnt support texture_from_pixmap07:37
weexaww shucks07:37
Skwid_tbtrojanek: thank you so much :)07:37
tbtrojanekNot a problem.07:37
=== zipzo [n=david@c-67-180-169-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
weexDB0 so i'm outta luck or is there anything I can do?07:38
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Klickany one know how to tell gpsdrive to download the entire US Map? it seems i can only download 28 miles around my location, but once i leave the area ill have to find a new hotspot and download again?07:38
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mwhiteDBO, if you are available, could we do that private chat to get my java configured on firefox?07:38
DBOjoin #DBO07:39
VornotronMy recovery console is broken; I can no longer log in.  How do I fix this?07:39
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Jaseyhi there, anyone know how i can disable the fsck check when booting? thank you in advance.:)07:39
Vornotronrather - unlike before, where the recovery console would automatically log me in as root, it now asks for a login.  And the root password doesn't work.07:39
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kapputuI cannot get any sound with my mpg movies. I'm able to listen to mp3s etc07:40
kapputuwhat codecs do I need?07:40
Rookie_Vornotron - try a user and then sudo07:40
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VornotronI have; none of the users seem to work.07:41
kapputuRookie_: I have that07:41
valehru_serverhow can i ensure that a package has been uninstalled and then flushed from memory before installing it again?07:41
Rookie_Vornotron - means that all of your users are gone ... ? and you cant access the system ... ? sounds wierd07:42
talkIRChello all i'm looking for some help with a modem driver and didn't know where to start07:42
kapputustrange, if I just forward the video by a few seconds, I get the sound07:42
VornotronRookie_: I would be more surprised by this if my predecessor hadn't used LDAP for the majority of users.07:43
zipzocan anyone help me rebuild my libSDL, enabling ALSA.07:43
Rookie_kapputu - can it be an codeec for the films ... ? they are in a code that is not out yet for linux ... ?07:43
Vornotron...which uses BDB.  ...which fucks up when there's a power failure.07:43
naliothVornotron: language please07:44
xabbottI think I uninstalled the basic "add/remove" thing.... is that ok? I mostly use Synap and apt-get... I'm using 6.1007:44
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VornotronI have fiddled with /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd and /etc/nsswitch so that root has a password there and that it gets looked at, but no such luck.07:44
Vornotronnalioth: sorry07:44
Rookie_not for a think it will work but, try a livecd and see if you can create a user .... but i dont think that is possible07:44
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Rookie_otherwise, i cant see anything else then start from the begining ...07:45
vnuxhi, how can I change my keyboard layout under xubuntu?07:45
talkIRCcan anyone help me with a modem driver07:45
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto07:45
sethkVornotron, you've set the root password and it was wlrking before you got into this mess?07:46
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zipzook.....anyone know how to rebuild the libSDL to enable ALSA07:46
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sethkVornotron, you said that, sorry.  by the way all you needed to do is:    sudo passwd07:46
Vornotronsethk: that assumes I can get a shell prompt.07:46
VornotronI can't get past the login prompt.07:46
talkIRCthx for the wiki but i don't think 6.06 has a driver for the modem i'm using, is there any way to find out for sure?07:47
Rookie_sethk - he cant login with any user at all07:47
vnuxI don't have the system--prefernces--keyboard as stated on some websites07:47
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Epimorphiccan anyone help set up PPPOA dsl? got WAG45G Linksys router07:47
ubotuppp: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) daemon. In component main, is standard. Version 2.4.4rel-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 320 kB, installed size 1016 kB07:47
sethkVornotron, what I said doesn't assume anything, I asked a question, and the answer would have told use something important.07:47
sethkbut, ok.07:47
talkIRCbrb reading wiki07:48
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Epimorphiccan anyone help set up PPPOA dsl? got WAG45G Linksys router07:48
sethkRookie_, sounds like he corrupted his passwd/shadow files.  boot the live cd and reset them07:48
brettAnyone know any place to get games?07:48
zipzook.....anyone know how to rebuild the libSDL to enable ALSA07:49
crimsunzipzo: it already is enabled and is included by default.07:49
brettI looked via Synaptic but not many games listed therein  :-(07:49
VornotronI do not have a liveCD for, uh, breezy, I think it is.07:49
Rookie_sethk - yes, by a fault on halt, disks went down on a wrong way and the files got corrupted ...07:49
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zipzoim having alot of problem with sound07:49
VornotronRookie_: I don't think any of the passwords were stored in passwd/shadow; when I looked at the shadow file the password crypt was still listed as "*"07:50
Epimorphicneed help with dsl connection07:50
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VornotronThey were therefore most likely in LDAP.07:51
zipzowhen i tell ppl im having problems with sound, they tell my try a diff distro other than ubuntu07:51
VornotronWhich leaves me with BDB screwing up.07:51
kleesis there any way i can have rendering on with beryl and a ATI 9800??07:51
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Halpohow do you get java working in linux??07:52
Skwid_any way to change the system language after install ?07:52
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zipzobasically i think my problems stem from applications trying to use my motherboard sound07:52
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st4hlhi, how do i install kernel sources/headers and all tools necessary for compilation properly? I am using 6.06.07:53
squarepusherCan anyone help me understand why my soundcard buzzes constantly?07:53
Halpomy situation...I'm opening a web page in firefox that needs a missing java plugin the JRE....so i got ot the sun site and follow their instructions but it doesnt register in firefox07:53
VornotronBut LDAP didn't want to come back up, and is spewing dozens of "oh noes I can't talk to ldap" messages, and putting a crypt()'d password into shadow or passwd isn't helping07:53
squarepusher"lspci|grep -i sound" yields Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]  AC'97 Sound Controller07:53
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VornotronSo I'm kinda stuck.07:54
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crimsunsquarepusher: volume level(s) set too high?07:54
monomorphiccan anyone help with dsl connection please?07:54
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Skwid_anyone ?07:54
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=== Vornotron wonders where he put his slapcat dump.
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monomorphicyou geeks out there. help. [that should get ur attention] 07:55
wd..... help lm sensors  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32690/07:55
Skwid_any way to change the system language after install ?07:55
squarepushercrimsun: Actually it buzzes even when there is nothing playing, adjusting PCM and main volume in alsamixer don't seem to do anything to the buzz.07:56
monomorphicyeah during startup07:56
Skwid_monomorphic: startup ?07:56
=== fooshang [n=fooshang@ip68-228-191-101.cl.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
monomorphicyeah just select from options07:56
zipzook.....anyone know how to rebuild the libSDL07:56
crimsunsquarepusher: does physically migrating pci slots assuage?07:56
monomorphicu have to install the language first07:57
crimsunzipzo: you don't need to recompile SDL for alsa support07:57
zipzolook i need to rebuild it07:57
squarepushercrimsun: haven't tried that but it's possible. Will attempt.07:57
zipzoi am having lots of problems with sounds07:57
crimsunzipzo: even with applications completely independent of SDL?07:58
zipzonot sure07:58
monomorphicneed help with adsl connection07:58
crimsunzipzo: ...can you check, then, please?07:58
=== Rob125 [n=Rob125pt@207-47-206-200.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
zipzowell. no not programs without sdl07:59
crimsunzipzo: ok, and what error messages are being displaying "by SDL"?07:59
zipzoits a few games, when im reading the problems and solutions in the forums, such as neverwinter nights, they say rebuild the libSDL07:59
=== Rob125 [n=Rob125pt@207-47-206-200.regn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Omnis]
zipzoand "be sure ALSA is enabled"07:59
wdDBO, hey dbo, do u have time to look at this, lm sensor issue? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32690/07:59
crimsunzipzo: ALSA is enabled, I'm quite sure.08:00
zipzoi thin i have a similar probolem with darwinia08:00
zipzook well thats not the WHOLE issue i think08:00
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crimsunzipzo: well, let's tackle one problem at a time, please08:00
zipzocheck that link08:00
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crimsunI just read it.08:00
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crimsunwhat does ``cat /proc/asound/modules'' return?08:01
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zipzo0 snd_intel8x008:02
zipzo1 snd_emu10k108:02
crimsunzipzo: now pastebin the contents of /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc*08:02
zipzono such file on the first one08:02
crimsun(that's fine)08:03
fooshangIs Nautilus the best gui file manager? Anything else out there worth trying?08:03
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JoshJcould try thunar08:03
zipzocommand not found on second one08:03
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eobanb!info thunar08:04
ubotuthunar: File Manager for Xfce. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.0svn+r23151-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 384 kB, installed size 2956 kB08:04
fooshangCan thunar browse my optical drives...a.k.a. music cds.08:04
wdhey guys need help with lm sensor install, i know it' s something simple i missed....  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32690/08:04
eobanbof course, fooshang08:04
fooshangNautilus doesnt like my cdda disks08:04
zipzoCrimsun: im getting nothing on those08:04
crimsunzipzo: cat ~/.asoundrc*08:04
eobanbfooshang, but you cd to them?08:05
=== GStubbs43 [n=___GStub@pool-71-254-106-210.ptldme.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbyou can*08:05
zipzook ill pastebin it08:05
fooshangnautilus always opens Sound Juicer when I try to explore my cdda audio cd08:06
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Lovlossthis is an odd question. anyone know how to use "q dvd author"?08:06
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crimsunzipzo: ah.08:07
crimsunzipzo: lsb_release -r08:07
Lovlossi dont get it and im tired of not being able to make a dvd >.<08:07
zipzojust enter that?08:08
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zipzoRelease:        6.0608:08
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crimsunzipzo: yeah08:09
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wdok guys, i could use some help with lm sensor install, it' s simple i feel it, something i did wrong..http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32690/08:09
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zipzonothing changed08:09
crimsunzipzo: you haven't done anything yet08:09
zipzohehe :) didnt think so08:10
crimsunzipzo: rm ~/.asoundrc*08:10
crimsunzipzo: wget http://www.trilug.org/~crimsun/asoundconf08:10
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crimsunzipzo: python ./asoundconf set-default-card Live08:10
loca|hosti have a fresh ubuntu install that wont me do any sudo command saying: sudo: Unable to lookup elkok-laptop via gethostbyname()08:10
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loca|hosti cant vi my /etc/hosts08:10
Samus_Arandoes anyone know what command is needed to determine which package an installed file came from ?08:11
zipzoall done08:11
crimsunzipzo: now try an SDL app08:11
=== rickyfingers [n=rickyfin@p54B18BD1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
roryyloca|host: as far as I know you need to boot into rescue mode, fix up the hostname, and then switch back to normal mode08:11
zipzonope, no sounds08:12
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crimsunzipzo: what's the error that SDL actually displays?08:12
roryyloca|host: I think the main thing is whatever is in /etc/hostname must be an entry in /etc/hosts, pointing to
zipzoi dont see an error08:12
xabbottAnyone know what I have to delete to remove all settings/saved info from firefox? I've tried deleting .mozilla folder and it still retains my old settings.08:13
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crimsunzipzo: can you switch speaker outputs and see if sounds are being output to your onboard?08:13
ZambeziAnyone know what gam_server is? The load is 30% atm.08:13
zipzoi have sound on alot of things, i can play music08:14
zipzoi dont know how to change output though08:15
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crimsunzipzo: yes, we need to establish whether you compiled SDL with alsa support08:15
crimsunzipzo: well, you, um, physically plug the speakers into the onboard's output...08:15
zipzooh that08:15
zipzoi guess lemme try that one08:15
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talkIRCok i've read alot but still have no idea why i can't get this smartlink 1800 pci modem to read08:16
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talkIRCcould i set up a direct connection to my windows nic and use the dial up from it to try to post the problem to ubuntu servers for help?08:17
pibarnasis it possible to change gnome burning options (considering it uses mkisofs and cdrecord) with some gnome tool? maybe gconf-editor??08:17
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talkIRCor am i just wasting my time trying to get online with it until broadband is an option in my area in 2009?08:18
talkIRCdial-up is my only option08:19
rickyfingerstalkIRC: sattelite08:19
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talkIRC100 US dollars a month for the cheepest one i can find, that's just too far out of my price range08:20
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david_Crimsun: this is Zipzo...i have sound on the motherboard output.08:20
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crimsundavid_: ding.08:20
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crimsundavid_: now, while the SDL app is running, pastebin the output from ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*''08:21
talkIRCso the bottem line is that i'm pretty well "s.o.l." if all i can use is dial-up08:21
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto08:21
talkIRCread that, didn't help me any, didn't even offer my modem chipset anywhere with all that08:22
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david_ummm i cant! i cant alt+tab out of eithe rone of the 2 apps08:23
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talkIRCand i have like 3 conexant modems but i'm trying to use linux to get away from paying for software, drivers, ect.  ; the only place to get drivers for those modems wants to charge you for them, and i can't see doing that with something that's open sorce08:23
roryytalkIRC: have you downloaded and run the 'scanModem' script ?08:23
ZeeOhey guys how big is all of ubuntus package system if i was to mirror it at home08:23
ZeeOso my installs are faster08:23
ZeeOover lan08:23
crimsun70 GB.08:24
ZeeOhow do i go about08:24
crimsunthat was breezy08:24
ZeeOgeting it08:24
crimsunit's likely much larger08:24
roryyfor 1 architecture/release, surely on the order of 10 GB though?08:24
ZeeOcan i get mirror software?08:24
david_crimsun: i cant do that because i cant alt+tab out of the apps08:24
JoshJi'm fairly sure you could08:24
talkIRCput it on a jump drive but the system froze when i tried to run it (i think i did it right)08:24
crimsundavid_: can you start it in windowed mode?08:25
JoshJbut i doubt anyone would use your mirror...08:25
roryytalkIRC: hmm, ok, that's not good08:25
talkIRCi know08:25
ZeeOi'm not opening it08:25
david_i tried, but the mouse couldtn escape08:25
ZeeOfor ppl08:25
ZeeOitd be so my installs08:25
ZeeOare fast08:25
ZeeOover my lan08:25
ZeeOis what i'm thinking08:25
JoshJi have no idea... might want to ask one of the packagers08:25
talkIRCtook me 3 different boxes before i got one that would run this distro08:25
JoshJbut you'd have to download them every time the repo's updated08:25
ZeeOwhat distro?08:25
ZeeOi never had probs ever08:25
ZeeOwith geting it to run08:26
roryy!enter | ZeeO08:26
ubotuZeeO: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:26
david_neverwinter nights i cant run in windowed08:26
david_darwinia would let the mouse escape the window box08:26
ZeeOyaa yaa you guys aways say that to me08:26
talkIRCone was a kernal sync error, another was optical failure08:26
ZeeOi like my enter key:P08:26
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talkIRCand then bang i got it to work on an old pent 533 celron08:26
roryytalkIRC: if scanModem crashes, I'd recommend mailing the linmodem mailing list08:26
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crimsundavid_: so try with darwinia08:27
=== Samus_Aran [n=ILL@about/linux/supportwhirlwind/SamusAran] has joined #Ubuntu
Samus_Arandoes anyone know where the /usr/bin/lpr comes from on Ubuntu ?08:27
ubotulpr: BSD lpr/lpd line printer spooling system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2005.05.01 (edgy), package size 111 kB, installed size 404 kB08:27
roryySamus_Aran: you can run 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/lpr' to find out08:28
talkIRCthanks roryy, i think i have a modem driver for the modem but i can't get it installed, i have no idea how, and not only that but it's not like windows, just double click and fallow the instructions08:28
Samus_Aranroryy: it says not found08:28
david_crimsun: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/82791508:28
roryySamus_Aran: on my system, it's cupsys-bsd08:28
Samus_Aran/usr/bin/lpr is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/lpr which is a symlink to /usr/local/linuxprinter/bin/llpr .. which is also not found08:28
JoshJ...haha wtf08:28
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JoshJGNU/linux: Even after 20 years, printers are still a problem08:28
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ZeeOhmm apt-mirror08:28
crimsundavid_: brilliant, just as I suspected. Your SDL recompile failed.08:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:28
crimsundavid_: you didn't compile SDL with alsa support.08:29
roryySamus_Aran: hmm.  stuff in /usr/local is usually something you installed from source08:29
talkIRCroryy: i'll try scanmodem again and see what happens, maybe i messed it up somewhere08:29
david_of course! (lost)08:29
MikeyMikecan ubuntu dapper use debian 3+ packages? or should i use 2.1?08:29
david_isnt that what i said? :P08:29
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roryytalkIRC: hmm. maybe08:29
JoshJi think the policy on debian packages is NO08:29
ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship08:29
crimsundavid_: well, essentially why are you trying to recompile SDL with alsa support? It _comes_ with ALSA support.08:29
MikeyMikei use debian packages08:29
roryytalkIRC: unfortunately, these win modems are a major pain.  I have one myself08:29
MikeyMikethey work?08:29
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.08:29
Samus_Aranroryy: I am using CUPS here, it is working fine.  I am actually studying for a Linux cert exam, and wanting to learn more about which printing apps are using which tools .. but then I can't identify where that one is even coming from08:29
roryytalkIRC: it makes every kernel upgrade and adventure!08:29
Samus_Arandpkg -S /usr/bin/lpr just returns a not found error08:30
MikeyMikewhat the hell does latest version have to do with what i said08:30
david_isnt that now what we need to do tho?08:30
MikeyMikeyou moron08:30
talkIRCi bet it does, does your modem work?08:30
JoshJread the whole thing08:30
JoshJ"Works for me" does not mean it is ok.08:30
MikeyMikegood grief08:30
crimsundavid_: no.08:30
david_oh :)08:30
crimsundavid_: #1. Remove your self-compiled SDL.08:30
JoshJi'm fairly sure the policy here is "you're on your own if you do anything that's not in the official repos"08:30
Samus_ArantalkIRC: I read that as "does your mom work?", heh.08:30
david_i didnt self-compile anything08:30
MikeyMikedude control yourself seriously08:30
crimsundavid_: #2. Reinstall libsdl1.2debian-alsa08:30
JoshJwhich definitely includes debian stuff08:30
MikeyMikegood grief08:30
david_i dont know how to remove it08:31
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JoshJi know i asked seveas about it earlier and he said it's a bad idea08:31
crimsundavid_: then just do this: ``sudo apt-get --reinstall install libsdl1.2debian-alsa''08:31
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talkIRCwhere i'm at in the world it's dial up or nothing, at least till 2009 when very slow dsl might be in my area08:31
roryySamus_Aran: hmm. you can probably use 'update-alternatives' to make that link point somewhere useful.  My /usr/bin/lpr, on Ubuntu 6.10, is not a symlink, fwiw08:32
talkIRCit takes me 30 minutes driving to find a fast food restraunt08:32
roryytalkIRC: yes, it does.  I have an intel 536ep08:32
david_ok then what?08:32
defrysktalkIRC, that means you are unlikely to be obese , so lucky you ;)08:32
crimsundavid_: then plug the speakers back into your audigy, and restart your SDL app08:32
Samus_Aranroryy: hm.  I haven't done anything manually to my print system.  I used a fresh install of 6.0608:33
talkIRClucky to weight more then 145 LB (i think that's like 70 Kg)08:33
Samus_Aranroryy: not sure why mine's b0rked =)08:33
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david_did it, doesnt work, wound is still coming out of motherboard08:33
aruis it different to add repositories in 6.10?08:34
defrysk2LBs = .8 kilo's08:34
eobanbaru, no08:34
crimsundavid_: so it's still using /dev/dsp according to the lsof output?08:34
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david_i dunno08:34
arueobanb: then why cant I find an add button?08:34
crimsundavid_: then check the lsof output08:34
david_so i typed lsof in a terminal and got many pages of stuff08:35
eobanbaru, settings menu.08:35
crimsundavid_: use the lsof command I gave you above08:35
david_and..its still going08:35
david_mixer_app 5069 david   36u   CHR  116,0      8845 /dev/snd/controlC008:36
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arueobanb: yeah I got that part, but its different, there isnt an add button anywhere08:36
david_sorry for being green08:36
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crimsundavid_: is the SDL app closed now or what?08:36
david_sorry, lemme redo that08:37
david_david@david-desktop:~$ COMMAND    PID  USER   FD   TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME08:37
david_bash: COMMAND: command not found08:37
david_david@david-desktop:~$ mixer_app 5069 david   36u   CHR  116,0      8845 /dev/snd/controlC008:37
david_bash: mixer_app: command not found08:37
crimsundavid_: ...? I mean that you should restart your SDL app.08:38
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david_i did08:38
david_it running08:38
klerfaytwhat I need to extract rpm08:38
crimsundavid_: now run the whole lsof command08:38
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crimsundavid_: and use pastebin, please; don't paste here08:38
defryskklerfayt, a src-rpm08:38
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klerfaytdefrysk: whar do you mean?08:39
defryska source rpm08:39
y3it221_klcereal player not working with me...........can anyone help me08:40
y3it221_klcei use Ubuntu Edgy08:40
klerfaytdefrysk: so I can look inside rpm?08:40
crimsuny3it221_klce: are you using realplay from dapper-commercial ?08:40
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defryskrpmbuild --rebuild blah.src-rpm08:40
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y3it221_klcecrimsun, i downloaded it from real.com/linux08:40
defryskit rebuilds it extract it and more08:40
crimsuny3it221_klce: what error do you get?08:41
y3it221_klcecrimsun, it used to work sometimes08:41
defryskit even gives a specfile sources and a rebuild rpm08:41
y3it221_klcebut not this time08:41
defryskklerfayt, go to rpm.org for more info08:41
y3it221_klcecrimsun, i dont get any error........it even plays the file but not in normal way.......it plays with difference is speed.........it looks like its playing in the fast foreward mode08:42
=== zipzo [n=david@c-67-180-169-184.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
klerfaytdefrysk: isn't rpm like deb; can't I just extract it like deb?08:43
zipzomixer_app 5069 david   36u   CHR  116,0      8845 /dev/snd/controlC008:43
zipzodarwinia. 5632 david   10w   CHR   14,3      8828 /dev/dsp08:43
defryskklerfayt, its an rpm , not a .deb08:43
=== floating [i=vnaatane@rhea.oamk.fi] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunzipzo: right, so the libSDL being used isn't the official Ubuntu one08:43
defryskklerfayt, sudo apt-get install rpm , and man rpm08:43
floatingHallou. If I have add/remove added a program, and then removed it. Do I need an internet connection to add it again ?08:43
zipzohow did that happen?08:44
=== towsonu2003 [n=towsonu2@c-69-251-20-244.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunzipzo: did you add any non-Ubuntu repositories? Did you recompile SDL?08:44
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defryskklerfayt, and do use rpm to install packages on ubuntu08:44
zipzoi didnt recompile sdl08:44
zipzoall i added that wasnt ubuntu was automatix and the multiverse08:44
crimsunoh my.08:45
defryskzipzo, you silly08:45
crimsunwhat in the world does automatix add these days?08:45
defryskstay away from automatix08:45
zipzostuff that made it work08:45
floatingIf I have installed a program with sudo dpkg -i xxx.deb ,how do I remove it ?08:45
zipzowhy? without automatix. NOTHING worked08:45
defryskzipzo, and broke the rest ?08:45
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zipzono automatix and i had allmost no reason to run linux. nothing worked at all really08:46
roryyfloating:   'apt-get remove xxx' ought to do it.08:46
defryskzipzo, automatix is not supported here08:46
talkIRC-afkroryy: i got scanmodem to run this time.....08:46
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roryytalkIRC-afk: ah-ha. does it tell you anything useful?08:46
zipzooh so....im not asking for automatix support08:47
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zipzomy original question...could someone help me rebuild libSDL08:47
defryskzipzo, go to #automatix and find out there why you have probs08:47
zipzolisten. just stop08:47
crimsunzipzo: find /usr -name '*libSDL-1.2.so.*'08:47
talkIRC-afkbeing new to linux not really, told me something i already kenw, that it's a smartlink chipset modem08:47
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crimsunzipzo: dude, I'm _trying_ to help you, but recompiling SDL is _not_ what you need to do.08:48
roryytalkIRC-afk: it *should* point you to a driver, though08:48
zipzooh i know you are helpind08:48
CorpseFeederwhat's that web page for automatically generating list of repositories to paste into sources.list08:48
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defryskklerfayt, dont private me08:48
zipzodefrysk is basically asking me to leave08:48
talkIRC-afkwould that be in one of the output files?08:48
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defryskzipzo, listen to crimsun08:48
roryytalkIRC: it should be08:48
zipzoi am, thnx08:48
=== defrysk was just being unfriendly
roryytalkIRC: offhand, I can't remember which one08:48
talkIRCok i'll go read them all and then tell you which one actualy sounded helpful, lol08:49
roryytalkIRC: although it's very thorough, i do find scanModem's output to be a little verbose08:49
zipzoim not sking for automatix support, and if its bad i dont need it. howver lots of newbs to ubuntu can read all over the internet how you need automatix08:49
talkIRCroryy: any help is better then none08:49
defrysk!automatix | zipzo08:49
ubotuzipzo: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.08:49
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zipzowell now i know08:50
zipzohowever, it did add alot of stuff that actually made the computer useful08:50
defryskzipzo, nuff said08:50
zipzocrimsun: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/82791708:51
defryskzipzo, crimson is trying to help you so stay on topic08:51
zipzook thanx, we been at it a while now08:51
crimsunoh, wow, darwinia includes its own SDL08:51
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crimsunwell no wonder then.08:51
crimsunman, that's horrid08:52
zipzowell ok, but its not just darwinia08:52
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zipzoi just want out of the mess08:52
sky123anyone familiar with Ubuntu on Sparc??08:52
tonyyarusso!away | lindy08:52
ubotulindy: Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'.  We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines08:52
zipzosame with neverwinter nights, which i do believe has a long history of linux use08:52
crimsunzipzo: ok, you need to switch the default order of the cards, and it's as simple as executing this following command and then rebooting:  echo options snd-intel8x0 index=-2 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base08:53
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crimsunzipzo: after that, sound should work everywhere.08:53
zipzook, drop that in terminal and reboot?08:53
crimsunyes, that entire command is one line (from the echo through the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base )08:53
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zipzook crimsun, gonna reboot now. thank you so much08:54
zipzoill be back in a minute to let you know08:54
sky123crimson: i missed the original post the recommendation was for sound cards that some times start and other times dont on boot?08:54
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crimsunsky123: are you referring to this previous discussion?08:55
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crimsunsky123: that discussion has nothing to do with the issue you describe.08:55
Samus_Aranyikes, 2.4GiB of updates for me from 6.06 -> 6.1008:55
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Samus_Aranthe speed is going all over the place.  600KiB/sec then down to 52KiB/sec08:55
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mazok is this working?08:56
mazanyone there?08:56
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Samus_Aranmaz: good evening08:56
mazg'day samus_aran08:56
bhudda'ello 'ello08:56
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Akkabushi, me have question about the GNOME file browser window--to the right of the main toolbar, there's a tiny black smidge, does anyone know how to get rid of it?08:57
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Samus_AranAkkabus: I don't know, myself, I don't use Gnome, but I recommend asking in the official Gnome IRC channel at irc://irc.gimp.org/#gnome08:58
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roryyAkkabus: hrm, looks like the gnome foot08:58
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mazhas anyone tried upgrading to Edgy?  I thought about it but I read the horror stories on ubuntuforums.org and have decided not to for now08:59
zipzocrimsun: works great. thank08:59
crimsunzipzo: np08:59
mazI'm pretty happy with Dapper08:59
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MadpilotSamus_Aran, do you mean the Gnome foot logo on the right side of the toolbar?08:59
Akkabusill go there in a few minutes, ty samus :)08:59
roryymaz: i didt-upgrade'd to edgy without problems08:59
roryydist-upgrade'd, even08:59
zipzothis problem seems to happen with more than a few ppl08:59
defryskmaz, it can be done but might fail make sure to have a proper backup09:00
Samus_AranMadpilot: not sure, Akkabus was the one asking =)09:00
mazok roryy... do you have a new PC or an old one?  Mine's from 200109:00
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Samus_Aranmaz: I am in the process of upgrading atm09:00
roryymaz: mine's from 2003 (I think)09:00
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MadpilotSamus_Aran, sorry, brain lapse ;)09:00
crimsunzipzo: be careful about recommendations. Similar -- even identical -- symptoms often have very different causes.09:00
Samus_Aranmaz: and the speed is not going nice anymore, won't be finished downloading for 12 hours ..09:00
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MadpilotAkkabus, do you mean the Gnome foot logo on the far right of the panel?09:00
zipzoill just post what "worked" for me09:00
Akkabusmadpilot yeah09:00
mazdefrysk - good advice.  I don't have a dvd burner so backups have to be done on CD - a real pain.  If I'd thought things through better, I would have partitioned my disk so my home directory was a separate partition and I could try things out in there.  Or have a testing partition09:01
Akkabusi can't see it well enough to make out what it is lol...09:01
crimsunzipzo: be sure to describe the debugging steps you followed with me09:01
zipzothe threads i got the idea from were on the right track09:01
mazsamus_aran is that because everyone is trying to download it now?09:01
zipzoi dont remember them :P ill just give em your email! hahah j/k09:01
MadpilotAkkabus, as far as I know, you're stuck with it. There is a bug out there asking for it to be made clearer, or swap it for an Ubuntu logo or similar09:01
defrysk!backup | maz09:01
ubotumaz: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi09:01
dxdemetriouI have a problem with the firefox 2. there are sites that can't open and it crash. anybody with the same problem?09:01
Samus_Aranmaz: I am not sure.  it started out going at several hundred KiB/sec .. then went up and down for a while, now it has leveled out at only 60KiB/sec09:01
mazthanks defrysk09:01
Akkabusok mad, ill look around with that in mind, ty09:02
defryskmaz, good luck :)09:02
crimsunzipzo: pretty much every audio problem gets to my inbox anyhow.09:02
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zipzowell, i also didnt know about automatix. is that why my libSDl wasnt the official one?09:02
Samus_Arandxdemetriou: try disabling plugins and try again.  then you have at least narrowed down the possible causes a bit09:02
crimsunzipzo: no, it's because your SDL app includes its own libSDL, which is hardcoded to use OSS instead of ALSA09:03
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crimsunzipzo: prior, /dev/dsp pointed to your onboard, and /dev/dsp1 pointed to your Audigy09:03
crimsunzipzo: we've simply reversed the latter by making your Audigy the default for everything09:04
zipzodid we change that? is that why it works now? because its using alsa?09:04
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tonyyarussocrimsun: Reminds me - I should go back and try to submit a better bug report of my mic problem.09:04
ncstonemanwhat is the trick to get alsa to see my laptop mic?09:04
zipzowell, thnx agai. this is the second time, maybe third you have helped me :P i should mail you a cookie09:04
crimsunncstoneman: if there was a simple trick, I think the sky would have fallen. It's utterly dependent on a number of factors.09:05
crimsun"if there were", even09:05
dxdemetriouSamus_Aran, it is the same problem. the good thing is that have the restore session09:05
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ncstonemanI set gmixer to mic and it goes to capture09:06
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jtf0518tonyyarusso, ncstoneman, I had problems with my mic until I messed with the alsamixer. I had to turn on the mux setting and boost it's volume to get the mic working even after I'd maxed out the mic volume and made sure it was on.09:07
jtf0518I have the HDA Intel sound chip09:07
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crimsunthat's not very specific, jtf0518.09:07
neenaofflineI am unable to hear any sound09:08
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jtf0518crimsun, pardon?09:08
crimsunwhat ultimately matters for audio issues is what _codec_ you have, which is not the same as the driver you use.09:08
stephenishereOkay well im having a problem getting my ubuntu to start. once my computer starts to uncompress the kernal i lose picture09:08
crimsunwhen you speak of audio, you need to say, "I use such and such codec"09:08
stephenisherei deleted xgl and i guess i forgot to update my xorg09:08
crimsunfind it in ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat''09:08
stephenisherei ahve a backup of my xorg but i cant get to it09:08
stephenishereive tried ctrl+alt+f1 and that does nothing09:09
jtf0518crimsun, I'm not sure what codec is being used by Alsa for the mic. How do I find that out?09:09
stephenisherei get VGA Not supported ;/09:09
ncstonemanDo codecs affect kernel drivers for ac97?09:09
toogreenHi there, i have issues with Suspend on my laptop... Sometimes it works, sometimes it just hangs there and the light doesn't go off.. then my only choice is to reset the laptop. Any clues how I can fix that?09:09
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crimsunncstoneman: yes09:09
crimsunall ac'97 and HDA "sound" have a codec09:09
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ncstonemanIf I have the kernel modules set , i still need a codec to run the mic ?09:10
crimsunncstoneman: the codec is what allows you to hear sound period.09:10
dxdemetrioucan I make debug to see the problem in firefox?09:11
TreeDoes the Ubuntu liveCD come with any compilers?09:11
crimsunncstoneman: note that we're speaking of hardware, not a software mp3/divx/vorbis/whatever codec09:11
jtf0518I thought codecs were for coding and decoding various audio and video formats and weren't specific to the sound card or sound chip being used.09:11
crimsunsee above.09:11
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Samus_Arandxdemetriou: so it crashes even if you turn off the plugins in preferences ?09:12
crimsunyour audio driver is comprised of two components, a dsp and a codec09:12
Samus_Arandxdemetriou: also, what error does it show on the console, when you run "firefox" from an xterm or similar ?09:12
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jtf0518crimsun, so we're talking about a firmware codec or a software codec specific to the hardware?09:12
crimsunthe aforementioned codec is orthogonal to the various audio/video format ones.09:12
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Samus_Aranncstoneman: if you're just trying to record with your mic, open up alsamixer in a terminal and press Tab to switch to the input selector09:13
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talkIRCok i've read a ton09:13
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talkIRCnow i think i can find something useful09:13
talkIRCi'm going to the maker of the modem to see if they have a pre compiled linux driver.... i hope09:14
rad|xhi, does anyone know why i am getting 'no rule to make target 'arch/i386/kernel/msr.c' when i try to build my module?09:14
Samus_Arandoes anyone know if Ubuntu will automatically reboot the system if I am not around once it is done downloading all the upgrades ?09:14
Samus_AranI do not want it rebooting ...09:14
crimsunSamus_Aran: it won't.09:14
ncstonemanagreed, my desktop with a true sb works fine, my laptop with a ac97 does everything inc. the modem fine, except the mic. alsa defaults to capture, not mic, regardless.09:14
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Samus_Arancrimsun: okay, thanks09:14
VigoFuseSoftware interacts with the Hardware, and visa versa, the software is written for specific hardware, sometimes it is flexible, but the unioun if the 2 is what makes a pooter sing or dance.Is that statement true?09:14
crimsunncstoneman: "ALSA" defaults to the first element that has Capture capability, actually.09:14
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Samus_Arangotta get back to studying, night all09:15
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talkIRCroryy: thanks for all the help so far, i'll be back if i need more09:15
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ncstonemanI just plugged the mic in the lap and it works, uniwill kao258 x64. I guess the onboard is picky09:15
RMorris84anyone have a psp here? im just got one and connected a usb cable to it, and nothing happens... i want to add music to my memory stick09:15
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crimsunncstoneman: (meaning the onboard has multiple elements capable of Capture, yes)09:16
loca|hosthow to resize a partition with ubuntu ?09:16
stephenishereaww screw it im going to bed :/09:16
stephenisherenight everyong09:16
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Laosboymehey guys09:17
jtf0518localhost, you can boot from the LiveCd and use Gparted to resize.09:17
Laosboymehow could i install kubuntu without deleting any item09:17
ncstonemanCan i create profiles for sound, i.e. mobile= onboard, home= 6+1 dsp ?09:17
crimsunncstoneman: not yet. We're discussing that for Feisty+1.09:18
jtf0518or you can download a Gparted LiveCd that boots linux and runs Gparted.09:18
dxdemetriouI have this error on firefox: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32696/09:18
ajopaul_hi i had mounted vfat partition, was working on some large files accidently deleted it :( any ways to recover?09:18
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CorpseFeederi don't understand.. when I run "sudo apt-get update" I get a message at the end telling me I need to run apt-get update to correct some problem??? but that is what I have just done to get the message. what's up with that?09:19
Epidemikhow do i install javaruntimeenviroment for firefox?09:19
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:20
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CorpseFeederit tells me "W: Duplicate sources.list entry http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-security_main_binary-i386_Packages) W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"09:20
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VigoFuseIs Synaptic needed or suggested to use in the Ubuntu? it looks like a neat program, but is it supported and stable?09:20
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roadboy_hi all. i've to change the bootup scripts sequence. i need one script start before than another. how can i do this?09:21
ncstonemanCorpseFeeder you ran automatix ?09:21
jtf0518nite everyone09:22
Spee_DerVigoFuse: Synaptic, it is rather stable and reliable.09:22
CorpseFeederncstoneman: not recently09:22
VigoFuseSpee_Dee: Thank you09:22
CorpseFeederi cant remember09:22
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:22
ncstonemanrun synatic , look @ sources and remove dupes09:22
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VigoFusehttp://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#where_did_it_go  <<I was looking at that09:23
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Jordan_UIs ther a way to convert a backup of an msSQL database to mySQL without the mySQL server ( and if possible, without windows at all )?09:24
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leafwis there any way to remove the window frame in gnome? And to change the position of the minimize/maximize/close buttons?09:24
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Jordan_Uwithout the msSQL server I meant09:24
roadboy_leafw, : use gconf-editor under apps \ metacity \ general09:26
deep__I need a good mediaplayer for linux, that is amarok-ish, anyone got a tip?09:26
leafwlet's see roadboy_, in my past experiences the gconf-editor doesn't let one edit much09:26
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leafwbut thanks09:26
roadboy_leafw, i change the menu:minimize,maximize,close option and it works09:27
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loca|hosthow to resize a partition with ubuntu ?09:27
JoshJthe drives should not be mounted09:27
leafwroadboy_ : can't see such options under apps / metacity / general09:27
JoshJ(likely a good idea to boot with the livedisc to run it)09:27
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roadboy_leafw, apps \ metacity \ general \ button_layout09:28
sky123i guess last try tonight..any one familiar with ubuntu on Sparc install??09:28
leafwroadboy_ : oh. I se,e thanks09:29
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leafwroadboy_ : and can one put them on the left end?09:29
VigoFuseThe gpated install process is what got my win2kpro back, plus it put XP back intsa place, so now it can be removed easier.09:29
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leafwroadboy_ : like, the closing button on the left end, and the other two on the right?09:29
leafwroadboy_ I'm just closing too many windows by accident09:30
roadboy_leafw, yes you can. just use minimize,maximize,close:menu09:30
leafwroadboy_ : nm, the colon!09:30
pibarnasaudio preview in nautilus isn't okay. the mp3 files are not plaued well. The songs struggle! Any ideas to fix it?09:30
leafwroadboy_ : I asked before reading the doc, op,s thanks09:30
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floatinghow to enable universe and multiverse ?09:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:31
leafwand different images for each workspace, is that possible at all?09:31
Jordan_Uleafw: Like different desktop backgrounds?09:32
leafwJordan_U : yes09:32
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leafwJordan_U : I went and set a different desktop image for each workspace, just to find out that each time all desktops were being edited at the same time.09:32
leafwwhichs makes no sense09:33
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loca|hosthow to resize a partition with ubuntu ?09:33
leafwloca|host : gparted09:33
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:33
VigoFuseI have been toying with multiple user accounts in an effort to do what leafw is speaking of, sorta. it kinda works, so far,,,09:33
Jordan_Uloca|host: Boot the Ubuntu LiveCD and go to System -> Administration -> Gnome partition editor09:34
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loca|hostleafw, is it possible to resize a mounted fs ? i want to resize the /09:34
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Jordan_Uloca|host: No, you will need to use a liveCD.09:35
leafwloca|host : I don't think so.09:35
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leafwVigoFuse : that is such an overhead. Makes no sense to have different users just to have different desktop images09:35
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bhuddaLittle help here...what do I do to correct this?? "glGo: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"09:36
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Jordan_Uleafw: I am sure ther is a way to make a script that would change the Desktop backround whenever you changed workspaces, which would be equivilent to what you want.09:36
VigoFuseI like playing arouns with stiuff just to see find the limitations and maybe stumble upon a something that helps others.09:36
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leafwJordan_U : I expected the setup to be trivial, like in kubuntu (kde)09:37
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leafwJordan_U : so whatever ...09:37
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Jordan_Uleafw: It may be, I have never heard of anybody doing this, I didn't think KDE could do it iether.09:37
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leafwJordan_U : in KDE, editing the background of a desktop changes only that desktop, not all.09:38
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Jordan_Uleafw: That actually sounds counter intuitive to me :)09:38
leafwJordan_U : ha! But then, I was a kde user for 3 years09:39
leafwfinally gnome has become the promise that it always was09:39
roadboy_leafw, yes you can. just use minimize,maximize,close:menu09:39
leafwif only it was easier to configure (as in GUI-based config, not editing entries in a secret app that does not even have a menu entry)09:39
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CorpseFeederanyone know of any linux software which will use a Creative Prodikeys keyboard - the one like a normal keyboard with a piano keboard attached to it, which came out about 5 years ago? Like this one http://www.prodikeys.com/products/prodikeys_DM09:40
roadboyhi all. i've to change the bootup scripts sequence. i need one script start before than another. how can i do this?09:40
leafwroadboy: with bash 'wait', you can make one script wait for the other to return, and execute in a nested fashion09:40
roadboyleafw, i tried bu it didn't work.09:41
bhuddaThats a neat looking keyboard. I want one!09:41
leafwroadboy: what can I say, I'm no bash guru09:42
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VigoFuseThat keyboard ROCKS! :-)09:42
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Jordan_Uleafw: Looks like sombody made a program to do exactly what you want, I am trying to find an up to date version ( DO NOT try to install the .debs on the first page )09:43
thorhow do I replace totem with vlc or mplayer as the default dvd player?09:43
leafwby the way I removed the "mouse_button_modifier" and yet the <alt> key + mouse  is still being used to move windows09:43
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leafwJordan_U : ok, thank you!09:43
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Jordan_Uleafw: Found the official page http://wallpapoz.akbarhome.com/09:44
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cavediverHi there. I have php4 installed and needed the php4-pear package. somehow it wanted to install php5. Hos iw that ? Is there no php-pear package for php4 only ?09:44
talkIRC-afkquick question that might be a really dumb question, how do i find out exactly what kernal version i have?09:44
cavediveruname -a09:44
talkIRC-afk(6.06 ver dapper)09:45
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talkIRC-afkso i put ((uname -a)) in the terminal?09:45
defryskuname -a09:46
leafwnow if only I could get rid of the window frames altogether (what a waste) I would feel completely at home in gnome09:46
defryskor uname -r09:46
wikityleris there a way i can see the transfer speed of a file between local disks?09:46
talkIRC-afkthanks guys09:46
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Jordan_UtalkIRC-afk: "uname -r" for just the kernel version09:46
cavediverYer most welcome.09:46
defrysk /cat/etc/issue for ubuntu-version09:46
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CorpseFeederthat's not a dumb question. A dumb question is like "how do I stop milk from going off in dapper?"09:46
blindleafw: I feel ya. The only reason I use window frames is resizing.09:47
sky123CorpseFeedy: and there would be an answer...silly rabbit...milk an edgy eft instead...09:47
talkIRC-afkthx again  afk now09:47
leafwblind: I have my own keybindings for everything (resize, move, min/max ...)09:48
ajopaul_ is there a tool to recover deleted item from a vfat partition ? file was accidently deleted using rm * !!09:48
bhuddaI need help! How do I install this package thingamajiggy? ibSDL_image-1.209:48
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Jordan_UIs ther a way to convert a backup of an msSQL database to mySQL without the msSQL server ( and if possible, without windows at all )?09:48
leafwajopaul_ : there are tools, but most are commercial. And good luck.09:48
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blindleafw: :D -- i run eterm with no borders, and transparent as well. but i can't quite get the resize keybindings right.09:48
blindotherwise i'd take borders off everything.09:48
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cavediverNoone hava an idea about the php4-pear thinggy +09:49
leafwblind: how do you get the eterm without borders? In KDE it's trivial, just match window settings with window type or title ...09:49
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liestashow to see asterisks?09:50
Jordan_Ubhudda: sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.209:50
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Panzerboyliestas: huh ?09:51
blindleafw: there's options to Eterm. lemme cat my menu file and tell you what they are (im on flux)09:51
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Panzerboyliestas: see asterisks where?09:51
liestasPanzerboy: password09:51
leafwblind: on fluxbox I know how to do it, I just wanted it for gnome though09:51
blindEterm -x -0 --trans --scrollbar=off --buttonbar 0 --geometry 80x24+13+495 -f lightgrey09:51
denver1how would i add my debian dvd to my sources.list?09:51
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blindleafw, that'll open it like that on any de/wm09:51
Jordan_Udenver1: I wouldn't recommend doing that.09:52
leafwblind: it will override metacity's window frame? I doubt it!09:52
liestashow to see what is under asterisks?09:52
blindleafw: give it a try ;)09:52
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Jordan_Udenver1: Debian packages are not always compatable with Ubuntu.09:52
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leafwblind: which of the options you pass to eterm is actually doing so?09:52
denver1well its a mepis dvd09:52
blindleafw: my guess would be --scrollbar=off and --buttonbar 009:53
leafwblind: ok, the button bar09:53
BadKittyNo one is responding in the xgl channel so I want to ask if anyone here is using beryl cause I have a question...09:53
Jordan_Udenver1: The only packages that you can be sure will work in ubuntu, are Ubuntu packages, it may work but it will be hit or miss at best.09:54
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tonquinwell i need more space so used gparted.  my partition is bigger now but it says its full.09:54
blindleafw: did it work?09:54
asnhello!I upgraded to dapper from breezy server edtion.and i install xfc4 ,but the x connot run :(09:54
leafwblind: just realized, I have aterm but not eterm09:54
blindasn, why not?09:54
tonquini've check the partition with e2fsck and it seems fine.... just full.09:54
tonquinto full to allow ubuntu to boot.09:55
blindleafw, haha, im sure you can do it in that as well, check the man file09:55
VigoFuseWhat is the best way tgo make a CD-R,CD-RW backup , Image? or Copy and Write? Or can I use another part on a second HDD?09:55
liestashow to reveal password?09:55
asni think the gdm is not installed???09:55
blindasn, doubtful.09:55
leafwblind: and I remmeber the problem with eterm is that I can't type tildes on vowels (for non-english languages)09:55
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Jordan_Uasn: try sudo gdm to check.09:55
blindleafw: sure you can09:55
sky123VigoFuse:  i use k3b...its pretty intuitive09:55
asnok ,i'll try it09:55
VigoFuseThank you09:55
leafwblind: then it's not obvious, the encoding I set was the proper one and yet no tildes09:56
blindWait, I thought you could.. maybe you can't.09:56
blindit's not working for me. O_o09:56
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leafwsee xD09:56
sky123VigoFuse: the hardcore was are to use dd, cdrecord, mkisofs...etc09:57
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leafwblind: for instance this:  aterm -tr -trsb -fn -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 -sr -si -bg white -tn xterm -rv -sh 80 +s09:57
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:57
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leafwblind: the above is the proper enconding, and yet no tildes.09:58
sky123VigoFuse: a cool one..if you want to a full system backup is ...mondoarchive and mondorestore..part of mondorescue09:58
VigoFuseThat is the way we learned how to, RTFM and MAFB was and is like the Golden Cow of Computers09:58
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VigoFuseThat Mondorescue I have seen used, that thing is awesome09:59
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sky123VigoFuse: if you get it working...with the right package dependencies it kicks ass..10:00
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sky123VigoFuse: there is yet another way...lets see how peeps handle this question...10:01
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pibarnasis there any way to fix audio preview in nautilus with mpg321 on edgy amd64?10:01
|thunderRTFM , MAFB ?10:01
blindrtfm = read the f***ing manual.10:01
blindmafb, i have no clue.10:02
VigoFuseMake a f backup10:02
|thunderah,, lol10:02
|thundersky123, what kicks ass now ?10:02
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sky123Hello ALL. Redhat, Centos has typically a kickstart file that is saved after an installation that allows a person to create a kickstart server and do network installs of the specific build that you just did. Is there an equivalent?10:02
sky123|thunder: mondo10:02
|thunderwhat is mondo ?10:03
sky123one sec10:03
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sky123|thunder: http://www.mondorescue.com/10:03
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|thunderthx. sky12310:04
crparrHi! Why are my nameserver settings often reset to My nameservers are and
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sky123crparr: do you use dhcp?10:04
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ogami1972i rebooted because amatrok locked up...nothing else changed...now NO sound...!!!10:05
|thundersky123; i guess thatd be handy if I ever wanted to backup to tape. I know thats what my college does.10:05
leafwcrparr : that's probably your router's DNS server10:05
crparrsky123: no - it's a static configuration10:05
Rookie_dns = resolv.conf10:05
sky123|thunder: and cdrom. and nfs! works good!10:05
sky123crparr: check...../etc/resolv.conf10:06
ghostshadow189hi all , i've this prob when complie use gcc , solstatd.c:13:23: error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:14:22: error: sys/time.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:15:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:16:20: error: string.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:17:19: error: netdb.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:18:21: error: rpc/rpc.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:19:29: error: rpcsvc/sm_inter.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189solstatd.c:20:24: error: sys/socket.h: No such file or directory10:06
ghostshadow189---------> so wat lib i should install ?10:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:06
sky123bloody hell10:06
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sky123ghostshadow: first check for build-essential youmight be missing headers10:06
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:06
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leafwghostshadow189 : man apt-file, man apt-cache10:07
niruany package for icon zooming10:07
crparrsky123: well nowit's correct -but sometimes the ip adresses are being changed to
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crparrI have no clue why - and this ip is not my router10:07
|thundercrparr; remove write permissions on the congif file.10:07
nirucrparr:any package for icon zooming10:07
sky123crparr: what does /etc/resolv.conf have in it...can you paste that to pastebin ??10:07
crparrthis nic was on dhcp at first - but now it's static10:08
crparr2 lines:10:08
asni had installed gdm ,but it cannot run all the same :(10:08
crparrbut sometimes it only reads nameserver
crparrand then the inteownrnet connection is d10:09
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kentisa any one else having problem with Liferea in Ubuntu 6.10 freezing very often?  (I recall seeing a message about "--help" or something in the statusbar in the main application before it freezes.10:09
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sky123crparr: paste bin the /etc/network/interfaces file10:09
crparrwhat's the url of pastebin?10:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:11
sky123there you are10:11
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crparrI'm using kubuntu 6.1010:12
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sky123crparr: and you are sure that you  are using eth0 not eth1, or eth2?10:13
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kosnickis there any way to check through synaptic or sth else that my system is ok (and to fix any problems)???10:14
crparrbecause as soon as I correct the nameservers, everything works again..10:14
VigoFuseAfter and when I install SeaMonkey in Ubuntu, can I use the Thunderbird Mail or do I have to reset stuff?10:14
sky123crparr: when you say correct..is that the resolv.conf file10:14
digiqqkosnick: what kind of problems have u got?10:14
crparrin Kubuntu - Systems Settings - Network Settings10:15
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crparrthis updates /etc/resolv.conf10:15
StanbeyMorning! I've just installed Ubuntu and I've got a few issues. The main one at the moment is that when a user tries to log-out the system just hangs with their empty desktop background (shifter up a couple of cm) and a frozen mouse pointer.10:15
Ayabaragood morning (here at least). I installed kubuntu-desktop to try it out, but I think I like gnome better. I suspect an apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop won't rid me of what I got by installing it?10:15
leafwkosnick : read man dpkg10:16
kosnickdigipp : one to say is that i tried to import cvs file into evolution , it seemd that it crushed and afterwards won't open agian. Another is that after many downloads the os seems to have probs sometime10:16
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kosnickdigipp : i tried to reinstall evolution through synaptic but the prob remains...10:16
StanbeyCan anyone help me?10:17
sky123crparr: id try something out..the suggestion that was made earlier by someone about changing the permissions on the /etc/resolv.conf is a good one. change as sudo su  on /etc/resolv.conf file to 44410:17
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digiqqkosnick: try apt-get install10:17
sky123crparr: then try again...whatever is attempting to change it wont be able to..and you can check the logs to see what trys and fails..10:17
kosnickcrparr : sth like what Stanbey mentions happens to me too10:18
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about no-apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:19
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StanbeyIt must be a known issue, but I couldn't find anything about it on the forums.10:19
fulhackHeya. I've downloaded some video codecs from the mplayer website, and I've put em in /usr/lib/win32/. I can play .mov files fine in xine, but not in totem. In xine I set the codec path manually, can I in totem?10:19
VigoFuseI am gonna go Ubuntu now and work on the ATI 200 thingy again, Thank you all for the help and assistance.10:19
=== TrendKi|| [n=martin@modemcable062.139-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
sky123Stanbey: going to take a leap here..but someone had mentioned something about power management??10:19
sky123crparr: did that help out ??10:20
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StanbeyWell this is a desktop machine, so I'm happy to blitz and APM stuff if it will help.10:20
crparryes, thx10:20
crparrI'll try it..10:20
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sky123Stanbey: they had mentioned doing that..and yes..it did solve the other guys problem yesterday...10:20
StanbeyOkay. Thanks, I'll give it a try.10:21
AyabaraI want to remove kubuntu-desktop from my machine. could someone take alook at 'http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome' and tell me if this looks like a safe thing to do?10:21
sky123crparr: and since you are typically in control of that file..why have something change it.. my two cents.. so its something like sudo su , then chmod 444 /etc/resolv.conf10:21
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StanbeyIf the apmd the only package I need to remove?10:22
umopscan anyone reccommend a way to backup files to a windows share from ubuntu?  I would like to use rsync, but I don't think that would  work copying the files from linux to windows?10:22
sky123that is where..id didnt pay close enough attention...i think these are sessions are logged somehwere..and I remember the post at about 2:30AM PST10:23
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al1en_drophey all :-)10:23
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roryyumops: you can mount the windows share using samba; then it looks like part of the ubuntu filesystem.10:24
umopsokay roryy, that sounds good.  So from there i can rsync the files?10:25
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sky123umops: there is a ton of ways to do this.. one  I know is use to use cygwin,  create a key using sshkeygen, then write a small script that will pull the files via scp.10:25
roryyumops: yip10:25
CorpseFeederi installed 'rosegarden' midi/audio sequencer from synaptic to see what it does. It won't launch from the applications menu entry for it and this is what I get from starting it in a terminal - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32702/10:25
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xenexdoes anyone know where i can get the ubuntu icons? i need them10:25
ghostshadow189hi all , where the page that contain packages of ubuntu ?10:25
roryyghostshadow189: packages.ubuntu.com10:26
umopssky123, thanks, i might look at that if i cant get roryy's method to work10:26
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TrendKi||umops, i would tar things onto a samba share...I dont trust windows filesystems with unix-like file permissions and ownerships10:26
sky123umops: my only issue with smb, is that the connection stays open..10:26
sky123but like i said a bunch of ways10:26
roryyxenex: you can scratch around on art.ubuntu.com, or in /usr/share/icons/ (and possibly other /usr/share/ directories)10:27
Jordan_Ufulhack: You might want to look into totem-xine , although I don't know if this is a gstreamer vs xine ( the backend ) problem or a totem vs xine ( the player )10:27
umopsTrendKi||, thats a good point.  Hmm.10:27
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xenexwell i don't have ubuntu installed and i want the icons for windows10:27
Jordan_UIs ther a way to convert a backup of an msSQL database to mySQL without the msSQL server ( and if possible, without windows at all )?10:27
umopssky123, I will get one way working first and then try and optimise/make it secure :), need to get this workjing as soon as i can unfortunatly10:27
fulhackJordan_U: Oh, Totem uses gstreamer for video? Perhaps I can tell gstreamer where my codecs are then!10:27
sky123umops: good enough ;)10:27
umopssky123, yep :D10:28
niruumops:do you know any package for icon zooming10:28
sky123umops: winbloze and linux interoperabilty...nothing but fun!10:28
xenexroryy: do you think you can put together a zip of ubuntu's icons for me?10:28
sky123Jordan_U: there has gotta be a tool on the internet or a script to help you do that.. did a google search pend anything?10:29
Jordan_Ufulhack: Probably, I don't actually know much about this subject, but totem can use either gstreamer or xine as a backend, Ubuntu uses totem-gsreamer by default but you can install totem-xine also.10:29
fulhackJordan_U: Aha, that's really helpful. I'd rather get the whole system to use the "right thing", so I'll try getting gstreamer working.10:30
roryyxenex: sorry, no. /usr/share/icons is 62M, i'm on dial-up, and i'm sure you can get them elsewhere10:30
sky123anyone know of a good bash-scripting guide other than the advanced bash scripting guide that sits on the internet??10:30
Ayabaracan someone please answer if they know? is there a way to remove kubuntu-desktop and kde packages to get back to a pure gnome install?10:30
Jordan_Usky123: There is an officail migration tool from mySQL, but it requires the msSQL server, which is dead :(10:30
sky123damn that sucks10:31
sky123Jordan_U: so what do you have in your possession now?10:31
Jordan_UAyabara: Yes.10:31
Lynouresky123: does the advanced one say it's advanced, or how can I make sure what I point you to is not that?10:31
Jordan_Usky123: A verry unstable NT4 ( ew I know ) and a backup of the database.10:31
AyabaraJordan_U, an easier way than to reinstall? :-)10:32
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xenexcan anyone zip their /usr/share/icons and send them to me?10:32
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Alzi2My PC has gotten very slow in a few months. Why has this happened, and how to speed it all up again?10:32
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Lynouresky123: check this, should not be too advanced: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html10:32
sky123Lynoure: Well when you get to the middle of the so-called advanced bash scripting guide..just google for it.. when you get past the use of cases...it gets less and less informative.. lol10:33
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sky123Lynoure: thanks will do10:33
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abuyazanhow can i show all available wireless connections on my area10:33
Lynouresky123: btw, that was the second hit on google for "bash scripting"10:33
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sky123Jordan_U: so the backup is in mssql form and it needs to be extracted i suppose and converted..10:34
TrendKi||abuyazan, iwlist scanning10:34
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bhuddablasted thing!!! Where do i download it!?!?10:34
sky123Lynoure: lol..cool10:34
xenexcan anyone zip their /usr/share/icons and send them to me please?10:34
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sky123Lynoure: I suppose Im just complaining about the bashscripting guide...ie the advanced one.. but use cases go from simple explanation to complex example and over again...just makes it tough to follow and practice..10:35
Jordan_Usky123: Yes, and if I can't get it to work in mySQL they are just going to continue trying to upgrade the server to 2003 server, which they have been trying to get working for a week.10:35
abuyazanTrendKi||:  ok i got all but how can i connect to one ?10:35
Corporal_DirgeAnyone know how to unrar a rar file that's in parts?10:36
sky123Jordan_U: lemme scour the internet and see...10:36
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sky123Jordan_U: you know..you will have to deal with some complex issues possibly...like stored procedures..etc right??10:36
unimatrix9hello all10:36
xenexcan anyone zip their /usr/share/icons and send them to me please?10:36
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TrendKi||abuyazan, iwconfig essid interface network_name options10:37
TrendKi||abuyazan, man iwconfig10:37
sky123Lynoure: I do appreciate you looking for the other one..thnx10:37
Alzi2My PC has gotten very slow in a few months. Why has this happened, and how to speed it all up again? Anyone?10:37
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abuyazanthanks TrendKi|| but there is no graphical interface for these like suse ?10:37
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TrendKi||abuyazan,  system->administration->networking10:38
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Jordan_Usky123: Yes, and my suspicion is that it isn't even possible, but upgrading an unstable nt4 is not exactly a walk in the park either10:38
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sky123Jordan_U: yeah I hear you10:38
abuyazanTrendKi||: i go there but i cannot find the wireless connections available10:39
sky123Jordan_U: it is an interesting issue..lemme scour with you on the internet10:39
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TrendKi||abuyazan, your wireless network card is not displayed?10:39
abuyazani see just one connection that already connected which is not ours10:39
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Jordan_UAlzi2: What version of Ubuntu are you running?10:39
abuyazanTrendKi||: no , what do you mean exactly10:40
Alzi2Jordan_U: Edgy Eft10:40
al1en_drophow I can decrypt e-mail msg sended by launchpad team?10:40
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Alzi2robin@desktop:~$ uname -a10:40
Alzi2Linux desktop 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux10:40
rickyfingersallen_drop: did the use pgp?10:40
TrendKi||abuyazan, once you are in the window system->administration->networking,  do you see wireless connection in the Connections tab?10:41
dsbthe ubuntu server guide has vsftpd for ftp server. Is that a good compared to others?10:41
rickyfingersallen_drop: ok let me check something10:42
boinkit's fine10:42
AyabaraJordan_U, you just know that it's possible to completely wipe the kde packages, but not how?10:42
rickyfingersallen_drop: gpg is the command you use to dycrpt the message10:42
al1en_dropok, i'll wait for you :)10:42
boinkyou have pureftpd too, that's a good ftpd as well10:42
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al1en_dropso how i can decrypt that message?10:42
boinkman gpg10:42
abuyazanTrendKi||: i have WPA-PSK and TKIP10:42
dsbhmm, how to choose a good ftpd?10:42
al1en_dropi'll try ;)10:43
unimatrix9xenex ?10:43
al1en_dropthanks for help10:43
boinkdsb: I just told you10:43
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rickyfingersallen_drop: here I just googled a howto  http://www.dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto.html10:43
unimatrix9cant find you in the list...10:43
dsbparticulary one that windows clients have no problems with connecting and using10:43
abuyazanTrendKi||: yes i have it there10:43
boinkdsb: do I have to repeat myself 10 times?10:43
boinkit's fine10:44
boinkyou have pureftpd too, that's a good ftpd as well10:44
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Jordan_UAlzi2: I just don't have the time right now to give full instructions, basically you need to get the list of dependencies of kubuntu that aren't included in Ubuntu and remove them.10:44
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sky123Jordan_U: does navicat have the ability to do this for you?10:44
unimatrix9oh he is gone10:44
TrendKi||abuyazan, seletct the wireless connection and click on properties...you should be able to see the wireless network you want...unless its not broadcasting itself10:44
dsbok boink, I see your words, I'm just asking around trying to get opinions on others10:44
Alzi2Jordan_U: ... I don't have kubuntu installed10:44
AyabaraJordan_U, that last one was for me I think? thanks10:45
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boinkall of the ftpd's work fine10:45
boinkjust fine the one you like the best10:45
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unimatrix9is there an limit to the volume of cdroms you can order with ship it?10:45
abuyazanTrendKi||: i cannot see any connection there , but iwlist display all of them10:45
Jordan_UAlzi2: Ayabara: Yes, sorry I got your names switched :)10:46
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Alzi2Jordan_U: Okay :P10:46
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sky123Jordan_U: in addition - http://3d2f.com/programs/2-109-mssql-to-mysql-download.shtml10:46
unimatrix9any one here ordered cdroms through ship it lately?10:47
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AyabaraJordan_U, one last Q. you say 'get the list of dependencies in kubuntu bot not ubuntu'. Is this a manual job, or a command line job?10:47
dsbanyone have a ubuntu with all the developer tools installed? I tried to install a package by its source but I don't have all the necessary tools. Does there exist some type of meta package to get that working?10:48
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nothlitunimatrix9, you should definitely only order as much as you need i think if you go over 100 you have to start paying10:48
Jordan_UAyabara: A command line job, let me try something quickly...10:48
unimatrix9i had 20 cdroms , and now its come to an halt...10:48
sky123dsb: past build-essential??10:48
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boinkdsb: apt-get build-essential10:49
TrendKi||abuyazan, ok, im sorry, i thought that  system->administration->networking was just the GUI version of iwconfig... i'm not sure how to do it GUI-style...maybe someone else in the channel knows how to10:49
boinkdsb: apt-get install build-essential10:49
LuckI want buy a cheap scanner for my Ubuntu 6.06. Can you recomment a good and work well?10:49
nothlitunimatrix9, why in the world would you need 20?10:49
abuyazanthnaks TrendKi||10:49
unimatrix9was distributing them on my computer club ( 4000 memebers )10:49
Jordan_UAyabara: Try this command http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32706/10:49
dsbok thanks all!10:49
Jordan_UAyabara: Are you confortable with the terminal?10:50
nothlitYeah you should burn them or reimburse shipit10:50
TrendKi||abuyazan, no worries...i think they're might be a package you can install...let me check10:50
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AyabaraJordan_U, yep. thanks. will have to switch to ubuntu first. I want to keep a couple of things. amarok is one. should  just run your line and reinstall afterwards?10:51
unimatrix9yes, i am looking into that too, turning some computer into an ubuntu burn station..10:51
abuyazanthanks TrendKi||10:51
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dsbLuck, try linuxprinting.org an excellent resource for printers and such10:51
sky123unimatrix9: or use LTSP..and have them grab a terminal...;)10:52
Jordan_UAyabara: Yes, that would probably be easiest.10:52
Luckdsb: I want scanner.10:52
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AyabaraJordan_U, ok. off I go. I'll report back :-)10:52
vranckenhello evrybody10:52
boinkdon't most cheapo usb scanners work on linux?10:52
dsbLuck: I think they have info about scanners there too10:52
sky123okay one Sun Netra T1 with Ubuntu Sparc done...whooo hooo!10:53
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dsbcoolio sky123!10:53
sky123dsb: thing was like 150 bucks...:)10:54
Alzi2My PC has gotten very slow in a few months. Why has this happened, and how to speed it all up again? Anyone?10:54
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Luckdsb: I think that no. http://www.sane-project.org/sane-mfgs.html is about scanners.10:54
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TrendKi||abuyazan, well there appear to be quite a few apps for KDE to scan for wireless networks...do you want to stick to GNOME apps or do you not mind poluting your system with kde?10:54
Jordan_Usky123: That last link states "System Requirements: 32MB RAM, MS SQL environment" :(10:54
LuckHave you somebody good experience with anyone?10:55
dsbI pulled out a this 233 from a friends garage that he was cleaning out and now is running ubuntu LAMP, drupal webserver10:55
sky123Jordan_U: damn...but the navicat?10:55
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dsbpentium 23310:55
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sky123Jordan_U: I think that runs on linux right??10:55
Jordan_Usky123: Checking...10:55
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matsuname -a10:56
abuyazani want to work with GNOME10:56
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sky123Luck: your last post..is a metaphysical question ;)10:56
dsboh and I think my dns is working now, must have been a problem at zoneedit10:56
mexpHello.. need help with mounting error. I can't get my cdrom mounted on Breezy. Can someone pls help?10:56
unimatrix9alzi2 , type df in console and see if its related to diskspace..10:56
sky123dsb: cool man10:57
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umopsabuyazan, what kind of program are you after?10:57
sky123dsb: scallions something...what was the site??10:57
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dsbnow I'm stuck with the task of being a designer, ...ahem...10:57
mexpThe error I get is "Error: could not execute pmount"10:57
talkIR1hey roryy guess what10:57
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Lucksky123: sorry, I am not good at English.10:58
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unimatrix9alzi2 , then type free, see how much mem you have got free...10:58
sky123Luck: I found it intelligent really...:)10:58
pfred1Luck me either it never stopped me yet though10:58
sky123dsb: well there it is! :)10:59
sky123dsb: lemme check dnstoosl and see what it says10:59
dsbalrighty, so it wasn't me, it was them zoneeditors10:59
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Jordan_Usky123: navicat looks to actually import from the database directly :)10:59
talkIR1well guys, i've proven that if one peice of hardware doesn't work you can always try another one, i finally made it online with dial-up and i'm in ubuntu not my windows box10:59
sky123dsb: yep10:59
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sky123Jordan_U: next up I suppoise is to actually ask the mysql homies...which i started for ya in mysql11:00
talkIR1it's been a long night but i have proven that with time and effort anyone, even a n00b, can learn how to make it work, lol11:00
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sky123Jordan_U: but as usual my questions are ignored..probably a little too novice..lol11:01
Jordan_Usky123: Thanks, should have gone ther first :)11:01
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talkIR1what's the question jordan?11:01
matstalkIR1: Good jobb :)11:01
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sky123Jordan_U: well.. thats the usual frikin answers i usually get..I am really interested in the solution..11:01
dsbtalkIR1, congrats, I can understand your fustration. Try finding a cdrom drive at Fry's that will work with just a pentium 233. Almost all them had min requirements of pentium 500 or above11:01
talkIR1thanks, i feel like i actualy did something good for a change11:01
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Alzi2robin@desktop:~$ free11:02
Alzi2             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:02
Alzi2Mem:        515884     510096       5788          0      70264     17138411:02
Alzi2-/+ buffers/cache:     268448     24743611:02
Alzi2Swap:      1510068      16956    149311211:02
matstalkIR1: its all absout leaning11:02
Alzi2and it's not the HD.....11:02
matsAlzi2: free -m11:02
Jordan_UtalkIR1: Is ther a way to convert a backup of an msSQL database to mySQL without the msSQL server ( and if possible, without windows at all )?11:02
VigoFusiontalkR1: The fun is making a hardware/software interact, but gratzi on getting something accomplished, there is allways a solution, seek the solutions and there will be no problems.11:02
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matsAlzi2: df -h for HD11:02
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matstalkIR1: its a great feeling, isnt it?11:03
talkIR1yes it is11:03
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Alzi2             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:03
Alzi2Mem:           503        497          6          0         68        16711:03
Alzi2-/+ buffers/cache:        261        24111:03
Alzi2Swap:         1474         16       145811:03
umopsJordan_U, what do you mean by that?11:03
talkIR1nice to be out from under microsoft for a change11:03
sky123talkR1: id research the network boot, image building..then use the network to eliminate some of these issues..youll learn a snot load that way11:03
unimatrix9Alzi2, you seem to have an lot loaded , lots of programs and processes running..11:03
=== Huey [n=Huey@ip68-6-100-227.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
matsAlzi2: you got 241 mb free memory11:03
Alzi2Top says otherwise..11:03
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defryskfree 24111:04
Alzi2I only have firefox, Liferea, gaim, rhythmbox, x-chat and a GNOME-Terminal running..11:04
dsbok I think I got my dev tools installed, now to find out why mysql-server-5.0 is not installing11:04
talkIR1thx u guys, even running on this old box makes it all the more enjoyable, pent celron 53311:04
pfred1Alzi2 cached 16711:04
Jordan_Uumops: I have an unstable nt4 machine which has been used as a database server, it finally died, but there is a backup of the database itself.11:04
matstalkIR1: a step right, keep on working and reading11:04
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defryskAlzi2, linux uses as much ram as possible for ram is faster then your harddrive11:04
pfred1Alzi2 you do realize that free memory is wasted memory right?11:04
zypheroneAnyone had this problem with Amarok? My music collection has been imported okay, but no items in the collection tab will expand at all (I can click on the expand button, but nothing happens). Any ideas?11:04
sky123umops: his mssql box took a dive, he has a backup, needs to take that backup and convert it to mysql11:04
Alzi2pfred1: erm..... i'm not an expert in CPU memory11:04
zypheroneThis is a fresh install of Edgy11:04
AyabaraJordan_U, and I'm all gnome again :-D , thanks for helping out11:04
defryskAlzi2, unused ram = wasted ram11:05
unimatrix9Alzi2 problem is that his system is running slower and slower11:05
pfred1Alzi2 neither are any of us that is why we use OSes to manage our system resources for us11:05
unimatrix9thats what we where looking at11:05
umopsJordan_U, and sky123, okay... I am not up to speed with MSSQL, does it use all standard SQL?11:05
pfred1Alzi2 when you need the memory the OS will unload cache to free up what it needs11:05
Jordan_UAyabara: np, I just ran apt-get install kubuntu and copied the packages it said it would intall then put apt-get remove in front of it :)11:05
unimatrix9so any tips for him are welcome , to free up wasted resources11:06
defryskAlzi2, usually apps like azureus tend to slow down an os11:06
talkIR1have a good night guys, if i have another problem that i need help with i'll be back to get directions for the right answers ;)11:06
pfred1Alzi2 until then when you call up often used data the OS can fetch it faster out of cache than the disk11:06
VigoFusionMy next project,after the ATI XPRESS 200 doodad, is to load Ubuntu on my AMS Tech lappy, I think its a 133 or some such,havent booted it in 2 months.11:06
AyabaraJordan_U, ahh. I should've thought about that.11:06
sky123umops: id suppose..but then again it is WINDOZE11:06
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matsJordan_U: you can allso run apt-catch search kubuntu and it gives  you all the dpkg-files ;)11:07
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Jordan_UAyabara: But you would have needed a system without kubuntu-desktop installed to do it, kind of catch 22.11:07
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sky123umops: i think i know where you are headed..dump the sql queries into mysql.. but there has gotta be a tool for that11:07
matsor kubuntu-desktop11:07
umopssky123, depending on that, it should be very simple to execute the script.11:07
defryskmats, ist apt-cache ;)11:07
matsdefrysk: ;) damn, offcource11:07
pfred1Alzi2 I have double the RAM you do and 38MB free do I look concerned?11:08
sky123umops: the question is the complexity of the db i guess...but it is a good thought11:08
AyabaraJordan_U, that's true :-)11:08
Alzi2pfred1: no11:08
pfred1  5:08am  up 45 days  5:56,  4 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.01, 0.0111:08
pfred1for good reason I am not11:08
Alzi2pfred1: The problem is my system keeps getting slower and slower.11:08
Alzi2And a reboot etc doesn't help11:08
unimatrix9Alzi2 take an look at process management, see tab processes11:08
pfred1Alzi2 kill off unused processes or get more resources11:08
umopssky123, depending on the differences in syntax it would be possible to either find and replace or match some regular expressions to get the correct syntax11:08
matsAlzi2: run top and you can see whats using all the memory11:08
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unimatrix9or top11:09
Ayabarawell now that I'm rid of kde I need to choose a torrent client. azureus, utorrent under wine, or transmission are the ones I'm thinking about. any advice?11:09
pfred1Alzi2 in this day and age some more RAM wouldn't hurt you11:09
Jordan_UAyabara: By the way, if you install using the alternate CD in edgy you can just apt-get autoremove kubuntu , but for some reason that won't work for liveCD installs.11:09
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pfred1Alzi2 do you use an GUI ?11:09
sky123Alzi2: Id see if you can get something like cacti installed.  Then pull snmp traps..and see when/what the pattern looks like when it slows down.11:09
AyabaraJordan_U, ok. hope I will never need to do it ;-)11:09
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Alzi2gnome-panel uses 1%, rhythmbox 9% and the process monitor 6% CPU. Not many memory usage btw11:09
Alzi2pfred1: Yes. GNOME11:09
umopsAyabara, try torrentflux.11:09
pfred1oh gawd not gnome!11:10
unimatrix9pfred1,you going to advise him to go for command line only eh?11:10
Cosmonaut3030Does anyone know how to get Frozen-Bubble2 in Ubuntu? An Ubuntu deb woul help...11:10
Alzi2pfred1: I'm afraid so. See, this is my everyday desktop machine which has to be easy to use11:10
matsAlzi2: install fluxbox and you got free off all you leak off a slowdesktop11:10
pfred1unimatrix9 he could use a less resource intensive window manager11:10
Jordan_UAyabara: But since you installed ubuntu-desktop post install you can go back any time with apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop.11:10
pfred1Alzi2 try blackbox or windowmaker they're not bad11:10
sky123umops: hmmm..maybe we should have him pastebin the entire sql dump? assuming its not huge??11:10
pfred1icewm supposed to be nice too11:10
Alzi2pfred1: But are they good for an everyday PC?11:11
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pfred1I've used windowmaker a lot on less powerful boxes you do the menu right it is fine11:11
Cosmonaut3030Openbox is fine^11:11
Ayabaraumops, I need to set up a webserver for it? what I like about utorrent and transmission(?) is that they're so lightweight11:11
Alzi2So it's even fine on a PC you use everyday, which is your main PC with Ubuntu on it?11:11
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Cosmonaut3030Does anyone know how to get Frozen-Bubble2 in Ubuntu? An Ubuntu deb woul help...11:11
umopssky123, firstly i think he should try and directly run the script to see what the errors are11:11
matsCosmonaut3030: openbox is very nice ;))11:12
pfred1this is not my Ubuntu box that box is in my garage but it uses windowmaker11:12
Cosmonaut3030mats: I've used it a couple times, it's lovely11:12
Alzi2Cuz I have a laptop which I use for script development and stuff.. lots of window managers are on it, including dwm and wmii :P11:12
Jordan_Usky123: Proprietary info there, can't just pastebin a dump of it all :)11:12
sky123umops: good plan..Id suggest that directly to him11:12
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umopsAyabara, yes you would need to.  I guess it depends what features you want11:12
Alzi2Okay so me install fluxbox, yesh?11:12
sky123Jordan_U: umops had a good idea..can you try an import of the db by hand and see what errors pop up?11:12
umopssky123, who has the problem? hehe11:13
pfred1Alzi2 mostly that box is an overgrown ipod i use it to play music while i work but i do some other stuff with it too from time to time11:13
sky123umops: Jordan_U11:13
matsAlzi2: try it out, if you dont like it you can just logg-on gnome again11:13
Alzi2pfred1: Lol..... that's computer molesting!11:13
pfred1yeah switching window managers easier than changing your socks11:13
Alzi2mats: K.. should I first kill every GNOME process?11:13
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pfred1install another window manager log out of session pick other window manager start new session11:14
CorpseFeederi installed 'rosegarden' midi/audio sequencer from synaptic to see what it does. It won't launch from the applications menu entry for it and this is what I get from starting it in a terminal - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32702/11:14
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Jordan_UCosmonaut3030: http://www.frozen-bubble.org/downloads/11:14
pfred1you change at the login11:14
unimatrix9Alzi2, it will not solve your problem i think11:14
matsunimatrix9: its worth a try ;p11:14
unimatrix9Alzi2, how does it run when you close all apps, and just use one at a time?11:14
Cosmonaut3030Jordan_U: I tried all that, the repo that somebody was hosting was down yesterday, but it seems to be up now :D11:15
unimatrix9is it then at its normal speed?11:15
sky123Alzi2: if you are familiar with vmstat you can check to see if something is context switching11:15
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pfred1CorpseFeeder oh nice you don't have write permissions11:15
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unimatrix9Alzi2, how does it run when you close all apps, and just use one at a time?11:15
CorpseFeederwhy doesn't it let me have write permisions?11:16
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Jordan_Uumops: sky123: I need to get some sleep soon, will you guys be here tomorrow?11:16
Alzi2Hmmm... I have to admit, Fluxbox is nice11:16
Alzi2it detects all the apps11:16
unimatrix9hee Alzi2 nederlands?11:16
Alzi2yup :)11:16
pfred1CorpseFeeder ls -l /home/mouser/.kde11:16
Alzi2haha :P niet hier, though. mag niet11:16
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pfred1CorpseFeeder you tell us11:16
unimatrix9waar woon je>11:16
umopsJordan_U, maybe :)11:16
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sky123Jordan_U: yeah...my wife wont talk to me like this..so..yeah..11:16
dsbwell I'm a dumbass11:16
unimatrix9ik tilburg11:16
Alzi2zeg ik niet11:16
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sky123dsb: too much beer and looking for majic picks11:17
Alzi2Well, anyways..11:17
dsbI was running apt-get from a machine that was logged into my other machine11:17
unimatrix9like fluxbox so far?11:17
Alzi2yeah :)11:17
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unimatrix9is everything faster?11:17
pfred1Alzi2 ain't Linux great?11:17
sky123dsb: happens all the time..11:17
Oswyndoes anyone know of a command line program to send mail using a remote smtp server?11:17
unimatrix9choice choice..11:17
pfred1can't change your window manager that easy with the other stuff11:17
mexpBump.. Mount problem, anyone can help??11:17
matsAlzi2: (-: did it solve your problem?11:18
dsbso now this machine has all kinds of cool stuff installed that I wanted on the other one11:18
defryskAlzi2, is nederlands ?11:18
CorpseFeederdon't ask me.. I just let synaptic install it. If synaptic wants to create folders with no write permissions, that's its fault. Now how do I change permissions on this app so it will run?11:18
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matsAlzi2: GNU is the best thing <311:18
Alzi2pfred1: Sure is.11:18
defrysk!nl Alzi211:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nl Alzi2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
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defrysk!nl | Alzi211:18
ubotuAlzi2: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:18
pfred1Alzi2 you still may be running processes you don't need11:18
unimatrix9Alzi2 , there are also altveritives for music players, like xmms or beep-media player11:18
dsbmakes for interesting troubleshooting11:18
mats!no mats11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about no mats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
we2bylol @ ubuntu-nl11:18
Alzi2unimatrix9: Can you gimme a list of alternative apps?11:19
pfred1Alzi2 but the bigger window managers are resource pigs good place to start trimming down11:19
Jordan_Uumops: sky123: Thanks to both of you, I was just going to assume it was impossible, I didn't actually expect help here :) ( now hopefully they will decide to use more OSS if I can get this working after they have spent a week hacking at nt4 :)11:19
sky123Jordan_U: it is possible..and id try  umops ideas..and see where it blows up...cant hurt11:19
Cosmonaut3030Why does installing debian debs on ubuntu break your system?11:20
umopsJordan_U, that sounds great.   If you have the power to convert them thats super :)11:20
pfred1Alzi2 my other bos will play full motion vide oit is only a PIII 500 with 256MB RAM11:20
unimatrix9Alzi2 for mp3 streaming use xmms or beep-mediaplayer  ( i use beep )11:20
baastruphi, im aving problems with my logitech g5 mouse, it works in windows, and shows up in dmesg and lsusb, but dossent work in X11:20
pfred1xmms is a slob11:20
Cosmonaut3030and it's dead, isn't it?11:20
Alzi2and a good terminal?11:20
pfred1was always a resource hound11:20
CorpseFeederhow do I fix the permissions on this /home/mouser/.kde folder so I can write? is it chown something....?11:21
matsAlzi2: aterm is the hotest11:21
Jordan_Uumops: I am not really clear on what you suggested I do, were you reffering to one of the conversion scripts out there ?11:21
unimatrix9or mplayer on the command line ( could do the trick too eh? )11:21
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we2byhow can enlightement is no the repo??11:21
Cosmonaut3030If you want tabs in your terms, use Konsole or Gnome-term11:21
dsbsky123: can I ask you some more domain general questions?11:21
matspfred1: rxvt is oldschool ;)11:21
pfred1unimatrix9 well if mplayer isn't on the CLI then it's gmplayer :)11:21
compengii'm using samba it was working fine 2 days ago but today i tried to enter network servers it doesn't display the workgroup name =/11:22
Alzi2mats: and a terminal font?11:22
compengii tried to restart it but without any result11:22
pfred1mats 11 years and here i still am11:22
Jordan_Uwe2by: Because it is?11:22
Alzi2unimatrix9: and videos?11:22
we2byJordan_U: it  is?11:22
Cosmonaut3030Use mplayer for video11:22
Cosmonaut3030It's the best player11:22
Jordan_U!info enlightenment11:22
ubotuenlightenment: The Enlightenment Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (edgy), package size 380 kB, installed size 980 kB11:22
matspfred1: ;) impressiv11:22
unimatrix9mplayer , start it from command line shell11:22
pfred1just use mplayer11:22
sky123dsb: ill try and answer...im learning just like you..11:22
umopsJordan_U, sorry i mean converting the other guys you work with to open source :)11:22
Alzi2and a nice terminal font for aterm?11:22
we2byoh, typed the wrong name11:23
pfred1it can play /dev/urandom if you pipe it to it11:23
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pfred1or any other multimedia format yo uthrow at it11:23
Jordan_Uwe2by: You may also need to enable the universe repo.11:23
pfred1it does streams too11:23
Jordan_Uumops: I got that, I meant before that, with just try something and see what errors I get?11:23
dsbit seems to be common to use url's such as ftp://ftp.domain.com for ftp transfers11:24
unimatrix9monospace or something11:24
matsAlzi2: you have too try it out yourself11:24
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we2byJordan_U: how do I get the latest beta release of Enlightenment?11:24
dsbso I would need my dns to records to add ftp.mydomain.com (especially the ftp part?)11:24
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sky123dsb: yep11:24
matswe2by: you seek the webpage11:24
CorpseFeederwhat's the command to change permissions on a folder.. I forget? how do I enable write permission on a folder?11:24
Alzi2mats: On Arch Linux i've always used terminus. how to install that in Ubuntu?11:24
dsbok I thought so11:25
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Cosmonaut3030CorpseFeeder: chown user file11:25
sky123dsb: that is exactly it11:25
scorp007why am i missing certain manpages? like man time.h man math.h etc?11:25
sky123dsb: just point it to the same ip11:25
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scorp007i have man 3 printf  though?11:25
pfred1CorpseFeeder chmod11:25
umopsJordan_U, I dont know of any tools that will convert the database for you.  I don't know if it will even need converting.  So run the backup/recovery script in mysql and see what the errors are, and then look at the easiest way to fix it.11:25
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atzarI have contrast/brightness problems with totem, what can I do ?11:25
matsAlzi2: apt-cache search terminus see if its on the apt-tree11:25
sky123dsb: and then portforward to an ftp box or the same one if you wish and enable ftp server11:26
we2bywhat's the difference between xfce4 and xfwm4?11:26
CorpseFeederis it chmod or chown? I can never remember which to use?11:26
pfred1CorpseFeeder some good file managers let yo uchange file perms too11:26
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sky123dsb: ftp can be dangerous..if you f up and set it up wrong so..read up.11:26
Cosmonaut3030chown. Change owner.11:26
defryskchmod +rw11:26
Jordan_Uumops: OK, will do, thanks.11:26
pfred1CorpseFeeder well any good file manager should let you change a file's permissions11:26
defryskor chown11:26
ubotuXubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org  To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop11:26
defryskman chown man chmod11:26
pfred1or it's just not that good a file manager now is it?11:26
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dsbya thats why I was asking around about ftp earlier, but ...11:27
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sky123dsb: i think there is sufficient info on vsftpd11:27
dsbso I'm toying with it locally before I let open up to my other scallions11:27
Jordan_UCorpseFeeder: Just remember, chown is CHange OWNer and chmod is the other one :)11:27
pfred1so why did they call it Ubuntu anyways and not simply Debian done right?11:27
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Cosmonaut3030CHMOD is CHange MODifications11:28
sky123dsb: right..11:28
pfred1chmod (1)            - change file access permissions11:28
unimatrix9becuase ubuntu is made from debian sources, but is not debian11:28
dsbI should just teach them ssh and scp11:28
roryyCosmonaut3030: change mode, i think11:28
matspfred1: hehe11:28
Cosmonaut3030Oh right. Thanks.11:28
dsband sftp11:28
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pfred1unimatrix9 thank God for that!11:28
sky123pfred1: cause the ubuntu means a whole lot more! its the philosophy too.11:28
Cosmonaut3030Ubuntu is great and all... but it's full of stupid shit11:28
pfred1sky123 ones and zeros don't have any philosophy11:29
madewokherdlike chmod?11:29
madewokherdthat's kind of important, you know11:29
pfred1my OS shouldn't have a philosophy either!11:29
unimatrix9i think its the oposite, debian is much more, for more platforms then just i38611:29
Hoxxi cant really figure out the color preferences in xchat, anyone has a guide to it?11:29
CaptainMorganis there collapseable regions option in gedit?11:29
Jordan_Usky123: the philosophy to instlall binary blobs by default ? ;)11:29
sky123pfred1: the use of those ones and zeros for a purpose thats different11:29
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Cosmonaut3030pfred1: yes it should. other wise you would be paying for this.11:29
pfred1my hammer in my garage doesn't have a philosophy11:29
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VigoFusionIs the chmod/chown things used in Synaptic? like can I access or reset them using Synaptic?11:30
unimatrix9it does, use it to slamm nails11:30
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pfred1Cosmonaut3030 I get tools for free11:30
Cosmonaut3030Yeah, it does. You bought your hammer and have the right to use it for whatever11:30
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Jordan_Upfred1: Doesn't have SSH either.11:30
pfred1no I get lots of hammers for free11:30
sky123oh well..didnt mean to open up a can...of worms..11:30
roryyVigoFusion: no. you can access file permissions through Nautilus (the file browser, though).  Places -> Home, right-click on a file and choose the permissions tab11:31
pfred1computers and OSes are simply tools11:31
sky123just watch the video..with nelson mandella..then send him email11:31
pfred1nothing more nothing less11:31
Jordan_Ucan't ssh into worm cans either...11:31
defryskVigoFusion, chmod and chown are done in the cli however also properties of a file can be changed in nautilus by rightklicking it11:31
kai_good morning community! ive got problems getting my sinus 154 wlan device working on edgy eft. has everyone time to help me?11:31
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VigoFusionThank you11:31
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unimatrix9there seems to be an package called consule-terminus11:31
Jordan_UOK, I officially need to go to sleep, goodnight all.11:31
unimatrix9so apt-get install console-terminus would install these fonts11:31
pfred1don't be a tool thinking they are philosophy!11:31
dsbya I'm kind of bothered about the philosphy thing too, but it's still linux11:31
matsJordan_U: night11:32
pfred1Linus doesn't look at it that way11:32
sky123Jordan-U: good luck11:32
pfred1he knows they're just tools11:32
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pfred1heck he'll evne wun Windows if it is the best for the job11:32
AndiMJust wanted to mention that www.ubuntu.com doesn't even have a language selector available. This is what I'd call entirely and fully useless. Already mailed to webmaster@, hopefully this is a valid address (no website feedback path obvious either!!)11:32
Cosmonaut3030Linus doesn't care for the GPL11:32
dsbLinus tools around on a computer all day long, I don't11:32
xabbottIf I installed Ubuntu with hyperthreading off and I turn it on. Will it auto detect upon next boot?11:33
pfred1dsb nah he drinks heavily too!11:33
Jordan_UAndiM: You should file a bug on launchpad, there is a section for the website.11:33
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matsLinus cares about GPL11:33
Cosmonaut3030Linus sees himself as an engineer, not a prophet/religious figure11:33
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gillhello all11:33
pfred1yup a tool creator and user11:33
Alzi2pfred1: Do you know of a good GTK theme switch tool + font switching?11:33
lastnodeCosmonaut3030, mats : that's for #ubuntu-offtopic please11:34
pfred1Alzi2 I don't mess with theming I like things plain11:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:34
pfred1Alzi2 although i do prefer some fonts over others11:34
Alzi2pfred1: at least the font size11:34
matslastnode: ;)11:34
pfred1Alzi2 in what application do you wish to change the font?11:35
Alzi2all GTK apps11:35
gillI have an mp3 problem, a voice recorder creates corrupt wav files. and while totem will play them; noting else will convert them or brn them to disc11:35
Cosmonaut3030Does anyone know why frozen-bubble doesn't fullscreen properly? Anyone else get this?11:35
pfred1Alzi2 oh well if it is just size you can mess with how X Window starts with the dpi switch11:35
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Alzi2pfred1: 96 DPI - how?11:35
pfred1--dpi 9611:36
Ayabarais there a batch renamer for gnome that can do what krename does in kde?11:36
pfred1I htink been a while11:36
Alzi2pfred1: Where to put that?11:36
pfred1might be -dpi11:36
pfred1I think it defaults to what 72 ?11:36
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Cosmonaut3030Ayabara: I don't know, but I think THunar has a bulk rename app.11:36
Alzi2  resolution:    108x113 dots per inch11:36
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AndiMJordan_U: ah, thanks! hmm, typing "webmaster" into Search box directed me to a page for general Ubuntu feedback (including webmaster), but it cannot be found easily anywhere from the main page.11:36
pfred1Alzi2 that would be awfully small wouldn't it?11:37
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AyabaraCosmonaut3030, ok. come to think of it I think I only need an app that can rename imagefiles using exif date11:37
pfred1Alzi2 with a gdm I don't know where you change the default dpi but I'd look into that if I were you11:37
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pfred1Alzi2  108x113 dpi is well excessive to me11:38
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AndiMpfred1: default font dpi is a property of the X server, I'd say!?11:39
pfred1AndiM when i changed it I started from the console init 3 and just did it on the startx command with the -dpi switch11:40
unimatrix9Alzi2 are you doing linux programming?11:40
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pfred1AndiM it took me quite some time to be comfortable with gdms and I never bothered finding out very much about that11:40
AndiMthere's a way to auto-detect the display characteristics, but it can be configured in xorg.conf, too.11:40
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pfred1today X is so stable i don't worry about my system not coming up11:41
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AndiMpfred1: well, X is "stable", but what if you have graphics card/driver issues? Then there still isn't a good fallback mechanism, right?11:42
pfred1AndiM ctrl + alt + F2 I guess11:42
we2bydoes xfwm4 themes work for xubuntu?11:42
talkIRCmy linux box is now up and running with online ability thanks for all the help guys11:42
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AndiMX config still is very arcane and not flexible, unless this has changed recently with some x.org work.11:43
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Alzi2Fixed that one =)11:43
pfred1heh i got the oreilly X Window book set11:43
pfred1have flipped though them a few times too11:43
Alzi2pfred1: who was that other person I was speaking to in dutch? :P11:43
AndiMpfred1: uh, yeah, but that certainly isn't John Doe friendly ;)11:43
comicinkeri've a problem installing faad2 or using autoreconf:11:43
comicinkerautoreconf: failed to run aclocal: No such file or directory11:43
unimatrix9Alzi2 are you interested in linux community meetings?11:44
pfred1Alzi2 I think they gone they were ones who didn't have write perms to their ~/.kde dir I htink11:44
Alzi2unimatrix9: no. I am 14 :P11:44
AndiMcomicinker: "apt-cache search auto"? Probaby some specific autoconf/automake/autoSomething package missing?11:44
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unimatrix9then you are an really early adopter!11:45
luca__hi everyone11:45
Alzi2Heh. thanks, i guess?11:45
comicinkerit's always apt-get. I should learn somehow sometime!11:45
pfred1yeah i didn't start using Linux til I was like 3211:45
defrysksign of intelligence Alzi211:45
unimatrix9by the way, my son is ten years old and uses an linux desktop :)11:45
we2byany one knows how to install themes for xfce4?11:45
AndiMI've been adopting Linux when I was 19... 11 years ago ;)11:45
luca__does anyone know how to make function/remove gaim 2 beta 5?11:45
defryskmy 14 jr old son refuses to show any interst in linux11:45
Alzi2defrysk: Heh, thanks =)11:45
talkIRC(away) (reason) gotta sleep sometime or another11:45
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sky123umops: good grief....lol11:45
defryskhe also a smart kid the :)11:45
talkIRC-zzz(away) (reason) gotta sleep sometime or another11:45
pfred1defrysk wait til WIndows DRM stops them from listening to their music :)11:46
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Alzi2I'm beginning to like Fluxbox11:46
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umopssky123, Oh dear...lol11:46
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pfred1they'll get interested real fast then11:46
Alzi2too bad it doesn't work correctly on Arch Linux11:46
talkIRC(back) (reason) gotta sleep sometime or another (duration) 16secs11:46
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pfred1defrysk you seen the new Vista license yet?11:46
unimatrix9nice tool that removes drm,,,11:46
defryskpfred1, I am not interested in vista11:46
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pfred1they'll let you transfer the OS to one other system and thats it11:46
defryskor theyr policies11:47
pfred1after that your'e trotting off to the store to buy another copy11:47
=== defrysk will probably never use it
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
pfred1defrysk I haven't run Windows since win95 but I am still interested in what everyone else is up to11:47
unimatrix9i hate vendor lockins..11:47
defryskpfred1, i only run it to fox other peoples probs with windows11:48
unimatrix9fact - windows vista will bring back , that old feeling off the blue screen you loved so much ...11:48
defryskanyway , all off topic11:48
pfred1the other day I was looking at a box that ran windows ME gawd!11:48
pfred1now i know what people mean when they talk about that stuff11:48
sky123umops: Im glad I stopped that...they woulda had a bitch of a time dealing with us in here...lol11:49
=== bhudda [n=bhudda@71-221-137-247.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Alzi2pfred1: Okay, so I installed aterm, beep-media-player, mplayer, fluxbox, and what more alternatives are there?11:49
pfred1Playskool is more mature an interface11:49
Alzi2pfred1: And how to get rid of the annoying GNOME entries in my menu?11:49
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AndiMAlzi2: xine? vlc?11:49
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pfred1Alzi2 I never used fluxbox so don't know how their menu is edited11:49
pfred1Alzi2 I'm a Windowmaker kinda a guy11:50
pfred1it has nice menu editor11:50
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pfred1used Windowmaker since versin .1411:50
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pfred1when the lead left their part time contribs of Afterstep11:51
niruAlzi2:Any icon zooming package in gnome11:51
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unimatrix9Alzi2 why dont you leave the entries there, you might need them someday..11:51
pfred1I left with them :)11:51
Alzi2unimatrix9: maybe, yes...11:51
=== sunjo [n=sunjo@p5495D55E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
pfred1sloppy menus can be annoying11:52
unimatrix9any way, here is an read to the menu thing11:52
pfred1Alzi2 what top say your box is up to? load average better now?11:52
Alzi2pfred1: Much faster yes :)11:52
bunnythebunnyHello everyone, i've got a sort of a problem. I can't seem to make my speakers go surround. I've unmuted / activated all the options i should've activated.11:52
unimatrix9bookmark it for future reference11:52
pfred1Alzi2 just between yo uand me i hate gnome11:52
Alzi2Mem:    515884k total,   509368k used,     6516k free,    14464k buffers11:53
Alzi2Swap:  1510068k total,    17684k used,  1492384k free,   359408k cached11:53
pfred1Alzi2 who wants a smelly foot on their desktop anyways?11:53
Alzi2pfred1: Perverts who have a foot fetish? ;-)11:53
=== freacky22527 [n=freacky2@gov91-1-82-234-91-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
AndiMbunnythebunny: which card? ALSA? (ALSA driver developer here ;)11:53
pfred1though I'll admit it I'm lazy and an in KDE right now11:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about NAT - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:53
comicinkerhere's a nice error: dpkg:11:53
comicinkerError processing pmk (--configure):11:53
comicinker sub-process post-installation script returned error 111:53
comicinker error processing pmk11:53
comicinker(I must translate it from german...)11:53
pfred1konquerer is leet!11:54
Rookie_anything wrong with pastebin ?11:54
bunnythebunnyAndiM: yay! well, it's a Realtec ALC85011:54
bhuddaWhere the heck is everything being installed!?11:54
comicinkerRookie_ : you talked to me?11:54
pfred1AndiM you're ALSA developer?11:54
bunnythebunnyAndiM: I've tried to do this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32716/11:55
=== Jamesrose [n=admin@cpc3-bolt6-0-0-cust407.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
smoenuxbhudda, usually /usr/bin, but you will notice a lot of hidden folders in your home folder also with apps11:55
AndiMpfred1: let's say "interested developer" with development/additions for several sound drivers.11:55
comicinkerhas anybody an idea what could be wrong?11:55
comicinkerError processing pmk (--configure)11:56
bhuddasmoenux, how do I show hidden files and folders?11:56
pfred1AndiM I got this one sound problem I never figured out11:56
smoenuxls -lha11:56
smoenuxbhudda: ls -lha11:56
AndiMbunnythebunny: have you tried using a different mixer? gamix, kmix, ... That might help.11:56
pfred1AndiM sometimes i get these "extra" controls in alsamixer and my system goes almost into a karoke mode11:56
smoenuxbhudda: a Hidden file has a period before the filename11:56
pfred1AndiM where like the midranges drop out11:56
=== janbatisuto [n=janbatis@ARouen-252-1-123-153.w86-208.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bunnythebunnyAndiM: mixer? what exactly is a mixer? An other sound controlling application? (If thats the right term...)11:57
AndiMbunnythebunny: run speaker-test -c 6 to verify channels. But this doesn't work for my card either (swapped channels, ALSA will have to cope with this rather frequent issue somehow, soon)11:57
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pfred1AndiM i have screeners someplace of alsamixer with the "extra" controls there and not there someplace11:58
mngrifi have a really strange problem: i'm installing kubuntu now and i'm at the "Prepare mount points" stage. I have a perfectly fine and acceptable root partition selected, but it still says "No root file system"11:58
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smoenuxbhudda: also, if you are using nautilus, you can press, ctrl + H, and that will show hidden files in Nautilus11:58
mngrifi'm actually trying to grok the source to ubiquity to see if i can just comment out the check11:58
=== seriii`bnc [n=amprapan@139.Red-83-39-214.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bunnythebunnyAndiM:  well, this is odd. i can only hear the left and right speakers in the test. When using sound applications i can only hear the central and right.11:58
AndiMbunnythebunny: oooooh... I'm afraid I need to talk a bit more higher-level then ;) a "mixer" is an app to modify sound volume levels of various sound sources/destinations.11:58
sky123umops: sheesh...i  wanna meet her a bar......NOT11:59
pfred1and alsa likes to mute some things by default11:59
pfred1like doesn't alsa start up totally muted?11:59
AndiMpfred1: yup, to protect boxes from exploding. ;)12:00
=== alliacea [n=alliacea@BSN-165-112-15.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu
pfred1AndiM still freaks people out when they're like where's my sound?12:00
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umopssky123, haha, she really doesn't get it.  Anyway, I'm off.12:00
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VigoFusionLive HD casts stream doesnt function, is it the WMA junk? or I need to add codecs?12:00
SomazxI'm trying to install edgy on an intel imac, but after the ubuntu splash screen the video gets wiggy12:01
AndiMbunnythebunny: please try modifying volume sliders etc. in various sound mixer applications, that might help. But like I said, ALSA does have some issues with surround on certain cards, it seems.12:01
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bunnythebunnyAndiM: :P ah i see.  I'll try to get an other mixer then. By the way, when testing the sound thats supossed to come out the speakers is...a sort of...."pFffffffffffffffffffff" right?12:01
AndiMbunnythebunny: yup, normal white noise.12:01
pfred1yeah there's an ubuntu specific problem i have on my Ubuntu box come to think about it on that box when it goes into screen saver the screen gets torn horizontally12:01
unimatrix9live HD casts, it depends on the source where you get it from, so if they offer it with or without12:01
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sky123umops: I really dont get people.. having a title of "woman" doesnt entitle her to sympathy..weird12:02
pfred1I just got used to it though but it does give me a headache to look at12:02
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unimatrix9live HD casts, mplayer can play some, but has troubles with others, you neeed codecs anyway12:02
Somazxis there a way to install from the shell - I can hit ctrl-alt-F1 and access that fine12:02
pfred1doesn't X Window detach F1 ?12:02
VigoFusionunimatrix9: The source is WUWF Public Radio.12:02
unimatrix9Somazx, apt-get?12:03
AndiMbunnythebunny: if you don't get it to work with simple mixer adjustment, then you might want to think about upgrading ALSA related packages to the latest version in this particular Ubuntu distro. Or even upgrade the kernel in case that's an easy thing to do.12:03
archangelpetrohas anyone had any problems with the command 'sudo nvidia-glx-config enable' after install nvidia-glx?12:03
bunnythebunnyAndiM: Ah good. Well, the thing is AndiM, i did manage to put surround to work through this file in a gentoo wiki (surround gentoo wiki..somthing like that) but what happens is that even though all speakers do work, a crackling noise comes about now and then, interrupting aplications everytime it cracks.12:03
sky123umops: dont answer that...12:03
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unimatrix9is that hd channel 2?12:03
VigoFusionI tried both12:04
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archangelpetroim curious as to why apt-getting nvidia-glx doesnt work...?12:04
unimatrix9i can play it over here, it opens in totem12:04
pfred1AndiM ALSA is sponsered by SuSE right?12:04
bunnythebunnyAndiM: i think i've got the latest. And the kernel is 2.6...i don't know if i can go further than that..12:04
VigoFusionOk thank you, I will give that a shot12:05
AndiMbunnythebunny: most likely cause and effect reversed: it cracks when there's an issue that *also* pauses other applications.12:05
smoenuxarchangelpetro: do you have the right repos?12:05
AndiMbunnythebunny: not enough RAM? lots of harddisk activity? system overloaded?12:05
Alzi2Can anybody recommend me a good, cpu-friendly bittorrent client?12:05
pfred1Alzi2 I use the cli one12:06
archangelpetrosmoenux, yea.. ive installed nvidia-glx but when i do the command to 'nvidia-glx-config enable' i get the following error : Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed12:06
archangelpetrothe nvidia driver for your running kernel.12:06
bunnythebunnyDon't think so..i've got 1024 ram..and enough swap...12:06
teledyn_Alzi2: bittornado12:06
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archangelpetrobut im not sure how to resolve the issue12:06
hossican I play .asx in totem?12:06
bunnythebunnyAndim Don't think so..i've got 1024 ram..and enough swap...12:06
unimatrix9okey have to go, battery low ( used it for three  hours now ) ..12:06
Alzi2pfred1: Wow... amazing, now i'm in Fluxbox, even apt-get is a lot faster, even in the console.. weird...12:06
unimatrix9bye all, have an nice day, and happy tuxing!12:06
smoenuxarchangelpetro: there is a great howto on the net... lemme get it for you quick12:06
bhuddasmoenux, can you tell me what I need to do with this? glGo: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:06
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pfred1Alzi2 yeah i wish gnome would just go away there are a lot of nice gnome apps though12:07
mngrif*gasp* fluxbox eats a meg of ram!12:07
Alzi2okay, i have bittornado.. and now what?12:07
bunnythebunnyAndiM my harddisk seems to be ok, and i dont know if the systems overloaded, its not cause of what im doing for sure. I barely have anything working here. just the main ubuntu things, gaim, and utorrent.12:07
lastnodeAlzi2, er, there is no way that is possible12:07
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archangelpetrosmoenux, i followed the howto install nvidia drivers.. and i followed it to the letter as far as i'm aware.. not sure why that happened though (I've installed them before on XUBUNTU so ..?)12:07
smoenuxbhudda: O.o --- lol... no idea what that even means12:07
AndiMbunnythebunny: then *maybe* it's an issue with a driver that fails to work properly, either because of system misconfiguration or because it's buggy.12:07
Alzi2lastnode: Well, i'm seeing it for myself, aren't i? So yes, it is possible./12:07
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Alzi2On the (Reading database...) section, I always had to wait 1 minute or so. Now it's 1 second =)12:07
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp253-97.lns3.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
bhuddasmoenux, haha, thanks then...I forced installed a 32 bit app to my 64 and now I can't figure out how to get this lib to be found or read by this app....argh!12:08
lastnodeAlzi2, well, it's probably psychological, because fluxbox is just a GUI, and apt-get is still the same CLI program that you ran under your previous window manager. :-)12:08
hossican I play .asx in totem?12:08
bhuddaI don't even know if I have it...I have tried to find it with aptitude...12:08
VigoFusionsays Totem cannot play, hrmmm12:08
Alzi2lastnode: heh.12:08
JamesroseTry Movie Player12:08
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hossimovie player?12:09
pfred1with ubuntu in order for me to access a lot of the distro config tools i still fire up gnome in order to access them12:09
mngrifbhudda: did you run ldconfig?12:09
Jamesroseapt-get install mplayer12:09
bhuddaHow do you change default apps for files?12:09
Alzi2how to configure bittornado?12:09
bunnythebunnyAndiM urgh the possibilities are so vast..it makes me just want to go and buy a new motherboard. But i don't think it could be the system itself thats causing the crackling effects. i've tested it both ways...when im going around without the .asoundrc file i got from the gentoo wiki, and with it removed. And when its removed my sound never makes crackling noises, although only the centre and right speakers work.12:09
bhuddamgrif, no i haven't i will try that now12:09
AndiMbunnythebunny: check /proc/interrupts whether too many drivers share one IRQ.12:09
mngrifbhudda: just run it on it's own, as root12:09
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archangelpetrosmoenux, is the link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?12:10
smoenuxarhangelpetro: do you have Nvidia-settings? if so, goto: 'OpenGL/GLX Information' and check if Direct Rendering is Yes12:10
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KenSentMebhudda: right click on a file (like avi), select open with and define the default app12:10
bunnythebunnyAndiM the IRQ is the thing at the left, right?12:10
bhuddamngrif, I ran it with "sudo ldconfig" and then tried to run glGo, same error readout12:10
=== RiGLEY [n=rigley@amazonas-6118.adsl.datanet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
smoenuxarchangelpetro: Dapper or Edgy ?12:10
KenSentMebhudda: sorry, first open properties12:10
archangelpetro6.10 (edgy)12:10
mngrifbhudda: dunno then12:11
comicinkeri got a problem with dpkg and pmk:12:11
comicinkersub-process post-instalation returned erreor 112:11
bunnythebunnyAndiM, i mean, the column :P12:11
AndiMbunnythebunny: might be an issue with ALC850 support itself. Or check out http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/100006612:11
comicinkercan anyone help?12:11
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AndiMbunnythebunny: yup, left column.12:11
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smoenuxarchangelpetro: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/BerylOnEdgy12:12
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bunnythebunnyAndiM: if its the left column, there is no IRQ shared.12:12
smoenuxarchangelpetro: that has a nice howto for nvidia driver also12:12
=== Yasuo [n=Yasuo@dslb-088-074-047-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
archangelpetrosmoenux, i'll try it.. thanks very much mate :)12:12
smoenuxarchangelpetro: but before you go ahead...12:13
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@adsl-215-238-227.kymp.net] has joined #ubuntu
smoenuxarchangelpetro: try adding this repo also12:13
bunnythebunnyAndiM http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32718/ see for yourself12:13
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comicinkerso nobody can help me with my dpkg problem?12:14
smoenuxarchangelpetro: http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy lrm12:14
Yasuohi, since i installed ubuntu 6.10, i cannot use the arrow keys in rox-filer's listing mode12:14
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smoenuxarchangelpetro: if you go to the ubuntu-xgl chatroom, amaranth is usually there, and he knows how to fix the probs etc. He helped me with my XGL12:15
RiGLEYThe steps to compile a program from source is: ./compile, make, make install        right?12:15
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AndiMbunnythebunny: hmm, and where is the ALC850 IRQ? I cannot see anything there...12:15
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RiGLEYi mean ./configure12:15
archangelpetrosmoenux, thanks dude i'll do that :) (btw the repository should be added to sources.list as-is?)12:15
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AndiMbunnythebunny: try this page linked from the other page, http://www.flaterco.com/kb/audio.html12:16
smoenuxarchangelpetro: yeah12:16
smoenuxarchangelpetro: no authentication needed12:16
bunnythebunnyAndiM: thats all there is.12:16
mngrif(i'll try this the n00b way) can someone help with an installation problem?:12:16
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bunnythebunnyAndiM, im already on it12:16
archangelpetrodont i need 'deb ' infront of it first?12:17
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AndiMbunnythebunny: strange, I'd assume ALC850 to require an IRQ??12:17
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AndiMmngrif: specifics, please ;)12:18
archangelpetrosmoenux, dont i need 'deb ' infront of it ?12:18
sky123comicinker: doing a google search against that string...yields a potential bug in what ever it is that you are trying to install. there are of course suggestions there for what you are installing..what in particular did you try to install??12:18
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bunnythebunnyAndiM: I hate to act newbish but honestly i have no idea.12:18
mngrifAndiM: gave out specifics 10 minutes ago :P in short ubiquity is saying i don't have a root partition selected when i do infact have one selected. apparently it wants the "reformat" box checked on whatever i pick as /. this is with 6.1012:19
mngrifAndiM: and the livecd won't use /etc/resolv.conf12:19
archangelpetrooh btw smoenux I'm afraid i did forget to mention that i'm on amd64 if that makes a diff :P12:19
AndiMmngrif: does that partition have wrong existing filesystem? ext3, reiser, resier4, xfs, jfs, ...?12:20
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mngrifAndiM: it's ext3, clean, but it does have data i can't backup, so i can't reformat it12:20
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bhuddaOk so here's my dillema, I need the libSDL_image1.2 library. But it isn't listed in aptitude...if I can find it somewhere on the net that is tar how do I install it?12:21
smoenuxarchangelpetro: yeah... I do too, but I installed the i386 edgy neway :P, I'm a bit cautious of the 64bit dirstro's :P dunno why ?12:21
AndiMmngrif: [10 seconds of searching]  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/6713012:21
=== Almindor [n=ales@chello082119097164.chello.sk] has joined #ubuntu
shadowsongdoes anyone know "illegal instruction" error?12:22
amickeHi, should my desktop really look like this after installing beryl: http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshothg7.png12:22
mngrif[i can't search because of the dns issue, i'm ssh'd into my router to use irc] 12:22
Almindorhello, I've installed nautilus-scrips-collection-svn but i get no svn-submenu when I right click a svn-co-ed folder :(12:22
dcordesi there some kind of voice recognition which allows one to control X ?12:22
Almindoris there something I must enable first?12:22
mngrifcan you resolve launchpad.net for me?12:22
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mngrifwait, i can do that :P12:22
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shadowsongi installed amsn but it hangs on start and gives "illegal instruction" message.do you know about that?12:23
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sky123allright peeps..time for some z's.. l8r12:23
mngrifgrrr... does the livecd have the console installer on it?12:23
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amickeAnyone using beryl?12:24
shadowsongyou answered me?12:24
mosconiWhat is it12:24
amickemosconi: xgl12:24
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smoenuxamicke, i am12:24
shadowsongi searched forums about illegal isntruciton error but couldnt find anytihng12:24
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shadowsongamsn never starts12:25
amickesmoenux:  how did it look just after your installation12:25
amickei think my ain't working: http://img169.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshothg7.png12:25
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AndiMmngrif: all I can say is: good luck!12:25
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mngrifAndiM: i make my own luck.... *grabs a rocket launcher* this is gonna be ugly.12:26
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shadowsonganyone knows how to install and start Amsn properly?12:26
smoenuxhave you started the manager? (command: beryl-manager)12:26
smoenuxamicke: have you started the manager? (command: beryl-manager)12:27
catalyticwhat can i use to view powerpoint files?12:27
cyber_brain_mfkghello! i have a problem! I installed anjuta IDE and when i try to compile a simple c++ helo world program it says that i don't have libgnomeuimm-2.0 installed, but i've instaled lib gnomeuimm-2.6-1c2a ???any solution?:(12:27
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smoenuxcatalytic: OpenOffice Presentations should work12:27
KeyseirI'm running ubuntu linux edgy. Just got a weird error with vmware and I think it happend when the computer went to sleep. I came back and everything was frozen and I couldn't even click into it. I got some weird syslogd messages at the time that the computer probably went to sleep. http://pastebin.com/827979 Help please.12:27
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shuani have just installed ubuntu and am having problems it says i have a broken package and wont let me update the system12:27
amickesmoenux: sweeet!12:27
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cypher1w00t, upgraded to Edgy :)12:28
smoenuxamicke: ^.^12:28
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Abd_Samyhi all12:28
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Abd_Samyi have a small Q12:28
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smoenuxamicke: are you using edgy?12:28
amickesmoenux: yes12:28
cyber_brain_mfkgIs there libgnomeuimm-2.0 in ubuntu repositories?12:28
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haxalityhello, I'm having a weird problem installing fluxbox, has anyone here done it before?12:28
shadowsonganyone knows about Amsn hanging issues and errors?12:29
cyber_brain_mfkgor just 2.6 and 2.4?12:29
shuananyone know how i can fix a broken a package12:29
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AndiMmngrif: we need heroes such as you and me to save the world *smirk*12:29
mngrifAndiM: " Since you must reformat the root file system for use by the installer in any case, you can easily work around this problem by deleting and re-creating the partition in question in the advanced partitioner." what kind of crap is this?!12:29
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smoenuxamicke: in your system menu, preferences you will find the emerald theme manager, as well as the beryl-settings manager12:29
mngrifAndiM: oh i assure you, i save the world from M$, one day at a time, one computer at a time....12:29
amickeyes i have found those :)12:29
Abd_Samyam now setuped ubuntu edgy on winXP and now i wanna format the winXP and setup it again12:29
amickesmoenux: i was changing the theme but nothing happened before... but i guess now it is working12:30
Abd_Samyif there any risk on GRUB12:30
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smoenuxamicke: cewl12:30
amickesmoenux:  should I type beryl-manager in the session?12:30
shadowsonghey anyone knows about Amsn errors?i get "illegal instruciton error.i reisntalled again and again with tk 8.5 and tcl 8.5 but couldnt find a solution.12:30
amickesmoenux: before i only had beryl12:31
bhuddacan you install .rpm files with ubuntu?12:31
bhuddaif so, how?12:31
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bunnythebunnyAndiM, I hate to bother with this but.. "Install kernel version or newer. The correct ALSA driver should be enabled by default. Using version from kernel.org, the relevant checkbox in make menuconfig is Device Drivers  Sound  Advanced Linux Sound Architecture  PCI devices  Intel/SiS/nVidia/AMD/ALi AC97 Controller."  ....where the hell is "make menuconfig"?12:31
AndiMmngrif: ick.12:31
smoenuxamicke: you can add it to your start-up if you want12:31
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amickeok ok12:31
AndiMshadowsong: try manually installing an older amsn package?12:31
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CheticWhy can't any of my applications connect to the sound server since I crashed?12:32
smoenuxamicke: but I just use alt+f2 and type it in there every time I start up. I dont always start it up :P12:32
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amickesmoenux: do you know where i can find settings to import to my settings manager?12:32
AndiMbunnythebunny: this is kernel source build. believe me, you don't want to go down this ill-lighted strange alley...12:33
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amickesmoenux:  why don't you always use it?12:33
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mngrifmeh, i'll do it the easy way.... but after i get things installed and working i'm gonna spend the rest of my weekend fixing this problem. it's bound to be amazingly simple to fix.12:33
shadowsongandim: i tried it too. i dled a package but i couldnt open Amsn package with "sh" command12:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:34
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smoenuxamicke: I had some unexpected results with beryl, so I'm always a bit cautious. If I change monitors or resolution, funny things start happening. so I only activate it once I've set up my nvidia-settings. Otherwise I experience odd XGL crashes O.o12:34
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bunnythebunnyAndiM hehe, I probably just should jump to the lower part of the page.12:34
smoenuxamicke: It's working fine for me atm12:35
shadowsongandim: do you know a way to download an Amsn package and install it with tk and tcl?12:35
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AndiMshadowsong: hmm. download .deb package, move to /home/USER/ directory, open terminal, become root, dpkg -i amsn*.deb12:35
shadowsongandim: ok12:35
AndiMshadowsong: nope, not sure.12:35
shadowsongandim: thanks i am trying12:36
jmspeexI finally managed to install Edgy64 on my Core2 laptop by using the notsc option. Now I'm stuck with (it seems) ACPI problems -- closing the lid of my laptop crashes the machine.12:36
amickesmoenux:  ah ok, thanks for the tips...12:36
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KeyseirAnyone here experienced with vmware?12:37
Be-Boxdoes someone know if there is a driver for linux ati radeon x1800gto ???12:37
amickesmoenux: Did you happen to have any settings you could share? Could you show me a print screen of your desktop?12:37
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Be-Boxdoes someone know if there is a driver for linux ati radeon x1800gto ???12:37
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shadowsongandim: i have foumd also an ubuntu-type package of Amsn.should i choose ubuntu? or deb package?12:38
AndiMshadowsong: depends on which distro you're using.12:38
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Be-Boxdoes someone know if there is a driver for linux ati radeon x1800gto ???12:38
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shadowsongandim: i have ubuntu 6.10 edgy eft.but i coulndt run it by installing with synaptic.12:39
AndiMBe-Box: your only question is whether the standard x.org "radeon" driver supports it, or whether the proprietary ATI x.org driver supports it.12:39
smoenuxamicke, how can I share the printscreen with you, imageshack ?12:39
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TrendKi||hey guys, i there a way to get xen running a Dom0 with the proprietary nvidia driver12:39
aboI notice that when I leave my pc for a while ... 10-20 mins, the cpu usage soars to 90-99 %, any ideas what that might be?12:40
nqhi, I just switch from Windows to Ubuntu. But the tab switching hotkey seems changed from Ctrl+NUM ---> Alt+NUM, Can I change back to Ctrl+NUM?12:40
amickesmoenux: http://img169.imageshack.us12:40
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mngrifabo: perhaps an opengl screensaver and no opengl support?12:40
AndiMabo: run "top" in terminal to find out.12:40
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Be-BoxI can't get it to work... :-)12:41
shadowsongandim: i tried it with synaptic manager but it gave me errors.now if i go manually install Amsn,should i choose ubuntu package or another one?12:41
Be-Boxso i guess that my question is how to do that12:41
AndiMshadowsong: then the question would be: which errors?12:42
smoenuxamicke, uploading now, nothing special there, i installed the eXperience icons, which is quite nice12:42
shadowsongandim: "illegal instruction" when i run amsn in console12:42
AndiMshadowsong: ah, I thought you meant errors when installing different version.12:42
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KeyseirAnyone here experienced with vmware?12:43
TrendKi||Keyseir, maye...whats the question?12:43
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dcordeshow can i mount a remote ssh folder?12:43
niruKeyseir:do you know any icon zooming package in gnome12:43
Be-BoxAndiM: I guess the question is how to get it to work... <i downloaded the Ati support from the internet and nothing happened. :-/12:43
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amickesmoenux: ok, nice. jsut post me the link so i can have a look :)12:43
shadowsongandim: i havent seen such an error before.is it a compatiblity issue?ot 3rd part source list?12:43
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AndiMBe-Box: did you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:44
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Be-BoxAndiM: what do you mean check?12:44
CheticWhy can't any of my applications connect to the sound server since I crashed?12:44
AndiMshadowsong: it could be just about anything, very generic error. "Illegal instruction" points to invalid binary image or so.12:44
smoenuxamicke: this should be it: http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/9919/screenshotok0.png12:44
AndiMBe-Box: for WWarnings or EErrors, that is.12:45
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Keyseirniru: Can't think of anything that does that, but I may not understand the question well enough12:45
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KeyseirTrendKi||, I'm running ubuntu linux edgy. Just got a weird error with vmware and I think it happend when the computer went to sleep. I came back and everything was frozen and I couldn't even click into it. I got some weird syslogd messages at the time that the computer probably went to sleep. http://pastebin.com/82797912:45
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shadowsongAndiM: i searched web.and i found issues only about tcl 8.5 and tk 8.5.i didnt see illegal instruction error.what do you think?12:46
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amickesmoenux: nice, lots of effects :)12:46
Be-BoxAndiM: I am saying that I downloaded the package and don't know how to start it... My guess is that there are no errors12:46
Heretic42Hello! ANyone with wifi expertise here? :)12:46
KeyseirTrendKi||, incidently, guest os is xp12:47
AndiMHeretic42: driver developer here, but I don't feel like starting yet another support item with another person ;)12:47
smoenuxamicke: thx ^.^ .... you can change the transparency of a window fast by holding down ALT while scrolling the mouse on the window12:47
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Be-BoxAndiM: linux didn't recognize my grafic card....it says unknown12:48
TrendKi||Keyseir, sorry, no clue what might have happened12:48
amickesmoenux: ok, nice... do you know how i can change the shadow on windows?12:48
smoenuxamicke: also, open Lots of windows, and play with F8 and F9, very handy12:48
KeyseirTrendKi||, Thanks for looking over. DId you look at the pastebin? I have no idea what that syslogd stuff means12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslogd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about syslog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
Heretic42andi> Sounds promising. I've no idea what's wrong, can see networks through wifiradar, but not connect to'em. It's a configuration matter.12:48
TrendKi||Keyseir, i did take a look...thats what made me give up so fast...:(12:49
AndiMBe-Box: it says unknown in Xorg.0.log?12:49
KeyseirMight someone know what these terminal syslog messages mean? I have no idea what this crap might mean. http://pastebin.com/82797912:49
KeyseirTrendKi||, hehe, ok12:49
TrendKi||Keyseir, but does it work now?12:49
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smoenuxamicke: open Emerald Theme manager > Edit Tab > Frame/Shaddows sub-tab12:49
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AndiMHeretic42: try WEP encryption "open" vs. "closed" or similar. try a lower bitrate. try changing basic/operational rateset (the rates that you indicate to support with your card).12:50
amickesmoenux: just had to reboot will take a look at that soon12:50
KeyseirTrendKi||, Yeah, XP had some OMGILOSTPOWERANDCRASHED bugs but I didn't lose it12:50
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KeyseirTrendKi||, I'm worried about the ramificiations of it randomly exploding while i'm away though12:50
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shadowsongandim: what do you advice?how can i run Amsn? which package should i prefer?i tried ubuntu synaptic package manager.it didnt work12:50
Heretic42andi> will do. btw, it's not a card as such, it's a usb device (Gigabyte wozzit).12:51
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AndiMshadowsong: I don't use amsn, but it worked fine on all installations I made (Debian, mostly, but also Ubuntu).12:51
shadowsongandim: can i install .deb in ubuntu?12:52
AndiMshadowsong: but that doesn't mean that it always works, it could just be an issue of the current package version.12:52
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shadowsongandim: both 0.95 and 0.97 gave same error.12:52
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AndiMshadowsong: mixing Debian .debs with Ubuntu is dangerous at the moment, I think, but if it installs without ripping apart the whole packaging dependencies then it's safe I'd say.12:53
shadowsongandim: do you think this fix the problem?i mean manually install12:53
MattJI use Firestarter. Since I installed it, I can't access the PC from other computers on te network12:54
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AndiMshadowson: dpkg -i --no-act amsn_DEBIAN.deb. If that doesn't blow up catastrophically, then go for the real thing.12:54
amickesmoenux: found it :)12:54
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MattJMy PC is, and my other PC is
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amickesmoenux: i found a print screen of a desktop that i liked a lot so i'm trying to get it to look like that :)12:57
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smoenuxamicke: hehehe... yeah... ive seen a couple of nice ones on the ubuntu forums12:57
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johan1Hi! Can anyone tell me how to make TOTEM work ... it needs plugins ....12:58
amickesmoenux: yes, i was very dissapointed with ubuntu first because i didn't like it's orignal look but now i love it :P12:59
mamzers555johan1; take a look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats12:59
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phpErrorThis is strange, I have just installed the latest Ubuntu. Fresh install, no upgrade. And now my sound isn't working :S. I've installed the 32bit version. Anyone know a solution?01:00
smoenuxamicke: yeah.... myself, I like the simplified look, I love google for example01:00
shadowsongandim:hey i downloaded the ubuntu .deb package and i manually install it.now it works.01:00
crimsunphpError: which audio chipset?01:00
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johan1How much better is the latest version??? Is it worth the upgrade???01:01
amickesmoenux: you got taste :) This is the theme that i liked: http://img504.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot07np2.png01:01
phpErrorcrimsun, I'm using onboard. It's C-Media Electronics.01:01
battlesquidall of a sudden i can't hear any sound, what can i do to fix this (except from restarting or logging out and in)? is there some service that can be restarted or something?01:01
amickesmoenux:  do you know where i can find those icons ?01:01
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efuzzyonehow can i know what version of ubuntu is installed on a remote machine?01:01
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phpErrorAnd restarting / logging out / in isn't the problem.01:01
phpErrorI just have no sound at all.01:02
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battlesquidphpError, do you also have sound that comes and goes?01:02
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crimsunphpError: pastebin ``lspci -nv && asoundconf list && cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && amixer''01:02
phpErrorbattlesquid, The Ubuntu start out sound plays.01:02
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smoenuxamicke: goto - art.gnome.org01:03
smoenuxamicke: http://art.gnome.org01:03
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Otacon22HI all, I have a TV pci card on my pc with ubuntu and I have installed "zapping", a package to see the tv by tv card, all work correctly, bui I can see the video but I can't listen the audio, why?01:03
crimsunOtacon22: which tv card do you use?01:04
smoenuxamicke: on the right you will see the links to icons01:04
Otacon22work perfectly01:04
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Otacon22i see all , but nothing sound01:04
Otacon22I don'tr know the model01:04
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bhuddaCan anyone decipher this error message? glGo: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6401:05
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crimsunOtacon22: pastebin ``lsmod''01:05
phpErrorcrimsun, http://pastebin.ca/25235901:05
mribashola hay alguien que quiera ablar conmigo01:05
amickesmoenux: couldn't find those icons =/01:06
deirdreI just installed edgy and i added my wife as a user, but the sound won't work for her account, can someone help?01:06
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he-mananyone knows how to share folders between two linux computers?01:06
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Otacon22crimsun, ok!01:06
crimsunphpError: you have two distinct available audio drivers for pcm01:06
crimsunphpError: which do you want to use, the onboard or the expansion?01:06
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bhuddamribas, visit #ubuntu-es for help in espanol!01:07
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Otacon22crimsun, http://rafb.net/paste/results/JPMy1B31.html01:07
phpErrorcrimsun, I would like to use my onboard, how do I specify Ubuntu to do that?01:08
bhuddaArgh, you would think  I would have these kinds of problems with something other than a strategy game...01:08
crimsunOtacon22: because the following two modules are loaded: bt878 and bttv01:08
crimsunOtacon22: bt878 grabs /dev/dsp from alsa, causing a conflict.01:08
Otacon22so what can i do?01:09
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amickesmoenux: do you know how i change so that windows are focuesed when i klick at them?01:09
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smoenuxamicke: I'll get you the direct link to the icons quick01:09
amickesmoenux: ok, thanks01:10
crimsunOtacon22: consult what others do01:10
crimsunOtacon22: one possibility is to use snd-bt87x01:10
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abobhudda... what's causing that?01:10
Otacon22crimsun, and how can I cange the driver?01:10
smoenuxamicke: http://art.gnome.org/themes/icon/109601:11
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crimsunOtacon22: unload bt878 and bttv, and load snd-bt87x. Note you'll lose video.01:11
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smoenuxamicke: to change the way a window focuses, I think you do that in Beryl-Settings01:11
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amickesmoenux: ya i figured that but don't know what i am looking for there =/01:12
crimsunphpError: asoundconf set-default-card CK80401:12
crimsunphpError: then log out and back into gnome/kde/whatever01:12
Otacon22crimsun, i have to do modprobe -r bttv and modprobe -r bt878 and then modprobe snd-bt87x01:12
crimsunOtacon22: something along those lines. Sorry, I'm quite preoccupied.01:13
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deirdreI just installed edgy and i added my wife as a user, the sound card works for me but not her her account, can someone help?01:13
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VigoFusio1deirde: Are you both set with same permissions and stuff?01:15
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deirdrei made sure she has access to audio devices01:16
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AndiMdeirdre: adduser USER audio or so. And do the same for all other groups you're belonging to (see "groups")01:16
deirdrebut i didn'r give her admin01:16
erpoHi all. I've installed the nvidia kernel module packages and the nvidia-glx package. But when I switch from the nv driver in xorg.conf to the nvidia driver and restart X, I my monitor clicks off and doesn't receive and signal from the computer. What's wrong?01:16
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sghi i am 1 day old ubuntu user trying to setup ubuntu edgy based server.01:17
sgmost of the setup is done except the wireless connectivity01:17
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sgam using netgear usb dongle01:18
sgany suggestions for getting WG111T01:18
sgto work?01:18
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gwoodcockHi, could anyone please help me. I am using ubuntu 6.06 and everytime I reset or switch off I have to re-enter my dns settings under networking as ubuntu loses them.01:19
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AndiMsg: number one objective: which chipset? then you know which driver options you have.01:20
efuzzyonehow to enable remote desktop on a remote machine using ssh?01:20
skriptwhich gigabit ethernet chipset is easier to get running under dapper: marvel yukon or realtek 8169S ?01:20
Hobbseeskript: i'd take a guess at the latter01:20
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bhuddaerpo have you tried just restarting completly? I had to do that after I installed the ATI drivers instead of the Mesa ones01:20
VigoFusio1I have not had my coffee yet,my answers, if any will be slow if at all. :)01:20
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pfred1realtek does seem to enjoy wide support01:20
Hobbseemarvell doesnt have wide support01:20
pfred1doesn't realtek ship linux drivers?01:21
bhuddapsh, I should have slept...I have to leave in 2 hours and I haven't slept at all!01:21
AndiMpfred1: *very* wide support given how crappy/weak those chipsets are ;)01:21
pfred1like don't they actually cintribute to the kernel?01:21
VigoFusio1Pooting is FUN!01:21
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erpobhudda, Yes, I've tried that.01:21
pfred1the company themselves that is01:21
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bhuddaerpo hmm well then , I can't say...I have never owned a NVIDIA card so...wish I could help.01:22
johan1Has anyone here ever got SQL Ledger to work on Ubuntu? It tells me it is installed  ... but I have no idea where!!!!! HELP!!!!!01:22
skriptany experience with d-link cards based on rtl8169 ? I've read on some forums that kernel detects it as a 8169 card, but the cards don't work (dlink 528T) ?01:22
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pfred1AndiM ethernet is ethernet just set it and forget it is my motto01:22
pfred1I've had them fancy 3com cards they jsut more bother01:22
roryyjohan1: maybe look in /usr/share/sql-ledger, or run 'dpkg -L sql-ledger'01:23
pfred1dlinks seems to be a crappy breed01:23
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pfred1get the no name chinese ethernet adapters01:23
johan1thanks roryy01:23
pfred1they work best!01:23
roryyjohan1: it looks like you access the program via a web-browser; not sure how you'd set it up01:23
Otacon22crimsun, i have unloaded bttv and bt878 and then loaded snd-bt87x, but the video don't work, so I have reloaded bttv and now work, but the sound not yet01:23
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gwoodcockHi, could anyone please help me. I am using ubuntu 6.06 and everytime I reset or switch off I have to re-enter my dns settings under networking as ubuntu loses them.01:24
pfred1the cheaper your ethernet card is the better the chance it'll just work01:24
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bhuddayay for onboard I say01:24
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Hobbseeskript: you want a dlink card with an atheros chipset01:24
skriptpfred1: ehehe... I like your conclusion ;)01:24
Hobbsee!wireless > skript01:24
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Hobbseeskript: check the hardware wireless stuff in that link - it's got a list of supported cards (or used to)01:25
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skripthobbsee: well.. thanks, but I'm looking for wireready, not wireless ;)01:25
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s0mmieerpo: boot into recovery mode. then edit xorg.conf with nano, change your driver to VESA. Then boot into normal mode, and install the nVIDIA drivers using Automatix2.01:25
s0mmieworked for me.01:25
Hobbseeskript: good point.  i keep forgetting01:25
Otacon22HI all, I have a TV pci card on my pc with ubuntu and I have installed "zapping", a package to see the tv by tv card, all work correctly, bui I can see the video but I can't listen the audio, why?01:26
defrysks0mmie, please dont advise automatix01:26
erpos0mmie, What's Automatix2?01:26
AndiMpfred1: heh, for endusers maybe, but tell that to server admins... especially with gigabit ethernets that are many things that can go wrong when choosing a cheap chip for a less-than-cheapo installation.01:26
=== Daviey [n=dave@cpc1-sout2-0-0-cust299.sotn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
defryskerpo, stay away from automatix01:26
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johan1roryy - just two pics where you said to look ....01:26
roryyjohan1: hrm01:26
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s0mmiewhy ignore automatix? o.O it works great.01:27
AndiMOtacon22: probably your tv card driver recognized the wrong card type, thus causing the audio multiplexer to be programmed with incorrect settings. try card type module parameter or so.01:27
chicken_manHi, can someone help me with installing ubuntu, when I get to partitioning I do not see any of my partitions, but they are there ? http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4922/ubuntuinstallproblemdi6.png01:27
roryyjohan1: try running 'dpkg -L sql-ledger'; otherwise, the only thing I can suggest is Google (presumable this program has a homepage)01:27
defrysk!automatix | s0mmie01:27
ubotus0mmie: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use.01:27
johan1roryy there will be a setup or something somewhere I would guess - Any thoughts where? I would have thought it would have set it up and added an icon to the menu ...01:27
VigoFusio1Automatix is unsupported and most everyone I talk to says leave it alone.01:27
jmspeexCan someone help me understand why and ACPI event (lid, ac adaptor) just crashes Edgy64 on my Core2 laptop. Edgy32 runs fine.01:27
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skriptAndiM: so what would you recommend for an end-user that runs a home-lan server ? what chipset, apart from 3com cards ?01:28
chronosoftcould someone give me an example of the "at" command?01:28
s0mmieoh. fair enough. it's always worked 100% for me. I swear by it. Still, rules is rules I guess.01:28
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chronosoft>.<... at midnight (command) didn't work :(01:28
roryyjohan1: unfortunately (and I'm guessing here) it probably doesn't have a nice GUI setup01:28
johan1roryy - decoders for TOTEM ... where and how anyone????01:28
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roryy!restricted | johan101:28
ubotujohan1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:28
roryyjohan1: the RestrictedFormats page linked to there should help01:29
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chronosoft*psst install the w32codecs :D01:29
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Otacon22<AndiM>, I will send you my lsmod list between 10 minutes01:29
AndiMskript: I think (but I don't have too much experience here) for a home lan server you can use almost anything these days.01:29
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chicken_manCan someone help me with installing ubuntu, when I get to partitioning I do not see any of my partitions, but they are there ? http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4922/ubuntuinstallproblemdi6.png01:29
defryskchronosoft, w32codecs does nothing for totem01:29
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johan1thanks roryy - more pages of reading - I just wish this thing would work ..... I know why people go back to windows .... I don't have time for all this program language crap....01:30
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AndiMjmspeex: change to tty1, then close lid, look at OOPS dump (hopefully). then try to find out what's happening.01:30
roryyjohan1: we're trying :-)01:30
chronosoftdefrysk, ah :(01:30
chronosoftwell try mplayer :P01:31
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smoenuxamicke: ok... I'm gonna log off now... have fun with xgl! bye01:31
johan1sorry roryy - thanks for your help .... Is the latest version of Ubuntu worth the upgrade? and will it run on a pent III?01:31
jmspeexAndiM: Any option worth trying?01:31
defryskjohan1, ever tried a fresh windows install (with drivers virusscanners and whatnot?)01:31
he-mancould anyone suggest me where to go or how to configure a local network to see two linux computers from each other?01:32
roryyjohan1: it should; I think RAM is often the biggest limiter01:32
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chronosoftcould someone give me an example of the "at" command?01:32
johan1roryy is the latest version worth the effort? Is it much improved???01:32
roryyjohan1: also, there are ubuntu variants you can use that require fewer resources. xubuntu is a popular one01:32
chronosofti don't get the man page01:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:32
Spenlexsalvo: hallo01:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:32
chronosoft(at least the syntax i'm using isn't working)01:32
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salvospenlex hi01:33
defrysk!pastebin | slipttees01:33
ubotuslipttees: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:33
roryyjohan1: possibly not.  If you're running ubuntu 6.06, you'll get updates for the next 2.5 years; for this release (6.10) only for the next 1.5 years01:33
salvowie kann ich musik hren????01:33
sliptteesdefrysk: ;)01:33
CheticWhy can't any of my applications connect to the sound server since I crashed?01:33
defrysk!de | salvo01:33
ubotusalvo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:33
Spenlexsalvo: rythmbox player oder xmms01:33
roryyjohan1: where 'update' refers to fixes for critical bugs and security problems, not software version upgrades01:33
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gwoodcockHi, how would I change the file permissions of /etc/resolv.conf to allow me to edit it01:33
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chicken_manCan someone help me with installing ubuntu, when I get to partitioning I do not see any of my partitions, but they are there ? http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/4922/ubuntuinstallproblemdi6.png01:34
defryskgwoodcock, use sudo01:34
johan1roryy Thanks very much and keep on working at it!!!!01:34
salvojoin #ubuntu-de01:34
gwoodcockyeh but its still says it is read only01:34
defrysk /join #blahblah01:34
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farhanrhello there01:34
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salvoich will in den deutschen chat rein01:35
farhanrI'm having problem with my graphic card01:35
VigoFusio1chicken_man: is that a LiveCD  install?01:35
farhanrwould anyone help?01:35
defrysksalvo /j #ubuntu-de01:35
pfred1farhanr if they can01:35
sliptteesdefrysk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32726/01:35
bhuddawhats the command to find your internal IP?01:35
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bunnythebunnyAndiM, you still there mate?01:35
farhanrI've got an ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 and right now it's operating very slowly01:35
salvodefrysk geht nicht???01:35
farhanrthe resolution is already fixed to 1680x105001:36
chicken_manVigoFusio1, yeah01:36
defrysksalvo "/j #ubuntu-de" just key it in without the "01:36
AndiMbunnythebunny: yup01:36
farhanrand the ATI Radeon X1400 driver installed01:36
sliptteesdoesn't umount floppy...only root and the first user made in the system!01:36
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OmniDSo I got me one of them Wiis01:37
sliptteesslipttees@ubuntu:/home/slipttees# cat /etc/issue01:37
sliptteesUbuntu 6.06.1 LTS \n \l01:37
HumanPrototypehow can i recover open office files - my sister saved them in the /tmp dir01:37
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farhanrcan anyone help?01:38
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bunnythebunnyI've done a ...load of stuff..i still can't manage to put it to work. But i did notice that when i do this "speaker-test -b 8192 -Dplug:surround51 -c6" they all work. some with lower volume..and yes the center speaker switches place with the left speaker... but it works.01:38
jmspeexAndiM: tried pulling the ac adaptor cord when looking at the first console... laptop crashed without a single error message.01:38
VigoFusio1chicken_man: In my experiance, little to none, I was allowas shown a gpart screen to manage Logical and Mounted drives. This box has XP,@kPRO,Ubuntu6.10 and BeOS on it now.01:38
AnArKY87how can I configure correctly my keyboard on my macbookpro?01:38
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ragnar_123is is possible to get cs1.6 running on ubuntu? with wine01:40
bunnythebunnyAndiM, i get these "Write error: -32,Broken pipe" errors during the test...the sound sort of skips..just like when i got that .asoundrc file in gentoo wiki.  What is puzzling me the most is..why is my center constantly confused by my left...01:40
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AndiMbunnythebunny: I'm afraid ALSA surround support... could be improved.01:41
HumanPrototypehow can i recover open office files - my sister saved them in the /tmp dir??01:41
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defryskslipttees, set noauto to auto in fstab , restart fstab (sudo mount -a) and try again01:41
AndiMbunnythebunny: you should file a bug report at ALSA bug tracker. mention "swapped" channels etc.01:41
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sliptteesdefrysk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32726/01:42
bunnythebunnyAndiM :( ...It's open source, i guess you guys have more things to do during the day! but urgh.01:42
bunnythebunnyAndiM: I was thinking about that..01:42
defryskslipttees, set noauto to auto in the floop0 line01:42
sliptteesdefrysk: remove noauto?01:42
bunnythebunnyAndiM: But i'm not very good with the technical lingo...01:42
sliptteesnoauto = auto01:42
defryskshen sudo mount -a to restart fstab01:43
defryskand see if it works now01:43
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bhuddais there some way to get gaim to run commands on connect for each individual accounts?01:44
VigoFusio1bunnythebunny: same here, it works and I can sometimes make it work and get around it, but explaining it is difficult.01:44
sliptteesdefrysk: thanks man :D01:45
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defryskslipttees, works ?01:45
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salvowie kann ich musik hren???=)01:46
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sliptteesdevice busy01:46
defryskmit deine ohren01:46
salvoda kommt abeer nix01:46
bunnythebunnyVigofusio urgh, i mean i don't know, i think im going to put it in the bug tracker, i just hope they pick up on my case.01:46
defryskslipttees, a sec01:46
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VigoFusio1bunnythebunny: That is a good place to get stuff resolved for all users.01:47
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ProN00bis there a problem with thumbnail generation in current nautilus ?01:47
ProN00bit seems to get stuck sometimes01:48
bunnythebunnyVigofusio1 :) hope so.01:48
defryskslipttees, set auto back to noauto if it did not work01:48
InfilCan anyone please take a look at my thread? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=13101:48
defryskslipttees,  and sudo mount -a01:48
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sliptteesok one moment01:49
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defryskslipttees,  and do "cat /etc/group | grep floppy"01:50
chicken_manhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=302779 << need help01:50
salvohallo kann hier jemand deutsch?01:50
sliptteesno writer inda fstab01:50
defryskslipttees,  and do "cat /etc/group | grep floppy"01:51
defryskin your console01:51
VigoFusio1ifil: did you look at the FINALLY!!! thread?01:51
salvocan speck german01:51
salvolool german01:51
VigoFusio1infil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=27393401:51
sliptteesdefrysk: root@ubuntu:/home/slipttees# cat /etc/group | grep floppy01:51
sliptteesfloppy:x:25:haldaemon,ulisses,marcos,mayana,thiago,tulio,ilha01,ilha02,ilha03,il ha04,ilha05,ilha06,slipttees01:51
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defryskslipttees, so your username is included01:52
defryskand you cannot mount it as a user01:53
salvohallo kann hier jemand german01:53
alecjw!de | salvo01:53
ubotusalvo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:53
salvosprechen pleas01:53
sliptteesmount yes umopunt no01:53
InfilVigoFusiol. Thanks, I'll check it out. So the drivers ATi provide are no good?01:53
sliptteesonly root it's me01:53
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defryskslipttees, you can only mount it with a floppie inserted01:53
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defryskyou know that right ?01:53
hadeshi all01:53
hadescan saomeone help me ?01:54
chicken_manwith what ?01:54
probosehey, i have a FAT32 HD and i want to mount it to be writeable. How i do it?01:54
hades ive just upgraded my ubuntu01:54
VigoFusio1infil: That is a workaround,fix for the problem, I have yet to implement it, but that is the so far official working one I have seen.01:54
hadesmy x org server replyes faild to load module vesa01:54
chicken_manhades, and ?01:54
chicken_manhades, hmmm01:54
hadesno driver avaliable01:54
sliptteesno mount cause in fstab is auto :(01:55
hades i have radeon 1600XT01:55
hadesso i used the ati drivers from their page01:55
defryskslipttees, change it back to noauto01:55
roryy!fat | probose01:55
ubotuprobose: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:55
hadesno i cant load kde01:55
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defryskas I said01:55
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ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:55
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hadesand ive lost my internet config01:55
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elekishi all01:56
chicken_manhades, How did you upgrade it ?01:56
hadeschicken_man: as it is said01:56
hadesapt-get dist-upgrade01:56
hadesadn things like that01:56
elekisI have a little prob with azureus01:56
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hadesby apt-get01:56
hadesfrom the internet01:56
Infilwhy does $ fdisk /dev/sda give me "Unable to open /dev/sda" ?01:56
elekisI have no icone01:56
utabI have a problem with my printer, when I send documents to printer, it tkaes ages for that to be printed, the printer is a network printer01:56
sliptteesdefrysk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32728/01:57
roryyInfil: try 'sudo fdisk /dev/da'01:57
chicken_manhades, hmmm that always has made problems for me, it might be best installing it from disk01:57
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defryskslipttees,  use sudo to edit fstab01:57
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defrysksudo gedit01:57
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hadeschicken_man: ok, now i know... ;) but is thare any opportunity to install the drivers from the console01:57
hadeswithout internet connection ?01:58
chicken_manhades, I don't think so01:58
elekiswhen I minimize the application I have no icone (no blue fog) just next the "azureus"01:58
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sliptteesi'm root!01:58
chicken_manhades, Unless you can download them on a working computer and put them on a disk01:58
elekisand in the notification area I have nothing too01:58
defryskslipttees, why are you root ?01:58
hadeschicken_man: i can01:58
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sliptteesyes man01:59
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hadeschicken_man: on different system adn i can copy them to the linux partition ...01:59
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sliptteesbut now doesn't edit fstab01:59
chicken_manhades, You might like to try that then, but it would be quicker to reinstall it.01:59
hadeschicken_man: but as i saw the ati linux driver need x windows to install01:59
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hadeschicken_man: propably ... but i dont have the disk ...01:59
sliptteesdefrysk: ls -all /etc/fstab01:59
slipttees-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 855 2006-11-19 09:44 /etc/fstab01:59
InfilVigoFusiol, one thing though. I've seen many people on the forums install ATi01:59
chicken_manhades, X should already be installed..02:00
InfilVigoFusiol, ATi's drivers, that everything works out.02:00
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hadeschicken_man: x is installed but i cant execute it couse it cannot load the vesa drivers02:00
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defryskslipttees, sorry , I have no clue why you cannot write to fstab02:00
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chicken_manhades, try change the driver to a different one02:00
hadesFailed to load module "vesa"02:00
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hadesno drivers avaliable02:00
Otacon22AndiM, http://rafb.net/paste/results/JPMy1B31.html02:00
hadeschicken_man: how ?02:00
sliptteesdawn...:( and now?02:00
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AbstIf I have compilied something (ultimate stunts) how do I know where it is/the command for it?02:01
chicken_manhades, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:01
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sliptteesi'm went restart..wait one moment02:01
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hadeschicken_man: shall i look for vesa ? and for what shcould i change it ?02:01
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knoppixhi there, my problem is this - I have a dual boot setup with ubuntu / xp pro, and some malware in windows hosed the boot sector. Now grub just says "error 25". All I have at my disposal is a knoppix livecd ... I gave away my ubuntu install disk. Is there a way I can fix grub so I can at least boot to linux (I can deal with windows later)?02:02
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hadeschicken_man: ?02:02
BonhommeI'm not really sure whether to ask here, in the knoppix channel, or neither >_<02:02
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chicken_manhades, you want to change this 'Driver"nv"'02:02
AbstBonhomme, Try grub_install(hd0, 0)02:02
chicken_manhades, try all the different ones02:02
AbstOr something like that02:02
InfilI've edited fstab in gedit. how do I save it? How can I use sudo in gedit?02:03
hadesok ill go to check it02:03
AbstInfil, From the command line: gksudo gedit. But you'll lose your changes.02:03
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japfitzsudo gedirt {then command}02:04
chicken_manhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=302779 << need help!02:04
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Infilthanks, Abst02:04
AbstInfil, Np02:05
AbstIf I have compilied something (ultimate stunts) how do I know where it is/the command for it?02:05
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japfitz$ locate [command]  whereis [command] 02:06
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Bonhommehmm next question - when trying to mount my ext3 ubuntu partition in this knoppix boot I get "mount: No medium found" .. ideas?02:07
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Bonhommeit's picking up the other disk (sda1) on the same SATA controller no worries (that is the ntfs windows disk)02:08
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defryskslipttees, sudo gedit /etc/fstab02:08
sliptteesnow go!! :D02:09
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JeffBellI am on Ubuntu 6.06.  I poked around and under the toolbar  System | Administration, I found the option for Update Manager.  But it doesn't seem to let me upgrade to 6.10.  How do I upgrade without burning a cd, formatting the drive, and starting all the hell over?02:13
jrib!upgrade | JeffBell02:13
ubotuJeffBell: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:13
JeffBellthank you02:13
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der0bHey folks, is there some way to configure the totem-xine plugin to open links to avi/mpg in mplayer instead of a full screen browser window?  I can find any docs on doing such a thing02:13
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defryskder0b, install the mozilla mplyer plugin and unintstall the tpem mozilla plugin02:14
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der0bthanks defrysk, does it support all of the codecs that totem-xine does?02:15
JeffBelljrib, it said "warning API not stable yet" ....that sounds like a Bad Thing(tm).  is it a notice commonly overlooked without fear by simple users?02:15
jribJeffBell: yep, that's normal.  Safe to ignore02:15
trillyim having some problems with my powerbook g3 and ubuntu02:15
JeffBellthank you, again02:15
defryskder0b, totem-xine and mplayer both use w32-codecs02:15
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defryskso same plug-ins02:16
der0bThanks again defrysk02:16
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defryskder0b, also try vlc , it rules02:16
alecjw!fr | rivera02:16
uboturivera: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:16
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trillythe pcmcia support with upstart doesnt seem to work for me02:17
sargehello all, is anyone else's dapper 6.06 freeze during the loading of hal?02:17
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bronaughguys, you really fucked the dog on xserver-xorg-video-unichrome02:17
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bronaughrenaming the file to unichrome_drv.so is -wrong- and causes breakage -- the driver doesn't work. you should be using a diversion.02:18
alecjw!language | bronaugh02:18
ubotubronaugh: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:18
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borglol, beep the dog02:18
trillyi dont know how but i could get my wlan pcmcia card to work with pcmcia-cs but when i restarted the new pccard service kicked in and nothing works in my pcmcia slots, not even lspcmcia02:18
JeffBelljrib, hopefully my last dumb question.  The instructions don't say I have to reboot.  I hear a lot of Linux people brag about not rebooting.  Do I have to reboot for this upgrade to take effect?  Because I don't see any change when I go to System | About Ubuntu.02:18
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trilly(perhaps i shouldnt have done a apt-get install pcmcia* out of curiousity and dumbness)02:19
trillyany pointers?02:19
jribJeffBell: yes, after it finishes upgrading, you have to reboot.  You have to reboot to load a new kernel02:19
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bunnythebunnyGuys, i've meddled in so many sound things i've lost track of what i did. Is it possible to just put it all back to default..02:19
JeffBelljrib, I thought that might be the case, but wanted to check.  thanks again, I appreciate the help.02:19
jribJeffBell: np02:19
bunnythebunnyRevert it all...excluding reinstalling everything?02:19
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bunnythebunnypizza pie02:21
trukoshhi, anybody who knows a way to tell my window-list-applet in panel that it only shows minimized Windows?02:21
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pfred1bunnythebunny I had a great one for my birthday the otehr day!02:21
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bronaughso where's bugzilla for ubuntu?02:21
roryybronaugh: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs02:21
trillydudes, my pcmcia doesnt work! pleeeaaase help me :))02:21
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roryyfor various values of bugzilla02:22
trillyim desperate here, really02:22
bunnythebunnypfred1 Really? What flavor?02:22
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bunnythebunnytrilly, not more desperate than i am. i feel nothing at this stage.02:22
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bunnythebunnyi'm in limbo.02:23
_sarge_is anyone else's dapper 6.06 freeze during the loading of hal?02:23
trillybunnythebunny: whats your problem?02:23
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Belboz99Hey, anyone know if these random lock-ups on Ubuntu-64 are due to the Core 2 Duo I have in here?  I've heard this is a problem, I'm just wondering if I should be investigating other hardware issues.  Basically, Ubuntu locks up entirely in an instant without warning.  It happens most when using VLC with videos on my Linux network.  The mouse won't move, and there is no way to restart the GUI or switch to a terminal screen.02:23
bunnythebunnysound related issues. seems i got to be one of those lucky few that ALSA has lack of sound support for...in a generalized way anyway.02:24
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crimsunbunnythebunny: what codec are you using?02:24
crimsunbunnythebunny: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat02:24
trillybunnythebunny: what kind of soundcard do you have? i have a firewire card thats also not supportet et all02:25
bunnythebunny0: Realtek ALC850 rev 002:25
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bunnythebunnythats what showed up02:25
duncanmi accidentally blew away /etc/ldap02:25
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bunnythebunnycodec..i'm not sure what you mean... im a newb.02:25
duncanmhow can i get it back? which package is it in?02:25
crimsunbunnythebunny: that is the codec.02:25
crimsunbunnythebunny: now, pastebin ``amixer'', please02:25
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duncanmhello crimsun02:25
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bunnythebunnytrilly, my soundcard is the one above.. Realtek ALC850..02:26
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roryyduncanm: well, /lib/ldap/ldap.conf is part of libldap2 on ubuntu 6.1002:27
trillybunnythebunny: do you have an asrock board?02:27
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bluesigncan anyone suggest a web ui and streaming solution on ubuntu, that I can stream my videos from fileserver ?02:27
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bunnythebunnycrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32732/02:27
duncanmroryy: how do i force a re-install?02:27
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bunnythebunnytrilly Yes, unfortunately. I regret it to this day.02:27
trillybunnythebunny: try installing alsa-utils and running alsaconf02:28
duncanmoh, aptitude can do that02:28
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bunnythebunnytrilly: hmm will do.02:28
bunnythebunnytrilly, already got it..02:28
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trillybunnythebunny: i also read that the asrock board may need official nvidia drivers ( binary ones? )- then run alsaconf02:29
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trillybunnythebunny: just run it, as youve already got it02:29
ekimushello, i just apt-get installed postfix + cyrus and cyrus tells me that i have the wrong version of berkeley db the interesting thing is it was a plain ubuntu-minimal install and I thought apt will resolve the correct depencies but it doesn't. help please :( - http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/5304/02:29
bluesigncan anyone suggest a web ui and streaming solution on ubuntu, that I can stream my videos from fileserver ?02:29
bunnythebunnytrilly, how do i run it? i typed into the shell and it said it "command not found". but its installed.02:30
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crimsunbunnythebunny: ok, try this:  amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 002:30
crimsunbunnythebunny: then try this and tell me if it's audible:  aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav02:30
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duncanmroryy: and the other files?02:30
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roryyduncanm: that's all I have in /etc/ldap/02:31
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peabodihi all02:31
roryyduncanm: packages.ubuntu.com will let you search for files inside packages02:31
peabodiwireless doesn't work in Edgy while it did in Dapper02:31
peabodiany ideas?02:31
bunnythebunnycrimsun, its audible, ...in the center (which is, by this system, the left...(lol..CrAzEhHhh)..and at the same time..the center..it depends of the testing methods i use) and the right02:33
bunnythebunnycenter and right speakers.02:33
trillypeabodi: pcmcia wlan?02:33
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peabodinope built in02:34
crimsunbunnythebunny: but it's audible now?02:34
peabodiprism 2.502:34
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peabodilshw doesn't show it02:34
crimsunbunnythebunny: if so, then:  amixer set 'Surround Jack Mode' 'Shared'02:34
AndiMpeabodi: not brand, chipset!?02:34
AndiMpeabodi: shouldn't be too difficult, then, hopefully.02:35
bunnythebunnycrimsun, well it was always audible. my main problem (and im sorry for not putting it forward beforehand, its just that i've been trying and tring and trying..) is the fact that ONLY my center and right speakers work in normal audio operations (from the startup to gstreamer or any other application or system reproduced sound)02:35
bunnythebunnycrimsun, but if i do speaker-test -c 6 , the LEFT and RIGHT will work and all other speakers will mute.02:36
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crimsunbunnythebunny: well, you didn't pass -Dplug:surround51 to speaker-test02:36
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mlpugis there any screencapture program that I could use to record use of some applications on ubuntu. some demos on youtube seem to be better than videocam quality. how they do that. preferrably something that works with beryl/xgl02:36
AndiMbunnythebunny: isn't that the normal setup for standard apps, that only two "stereo" speakers will work. and then you'd have to do *special* tweaking to have plain stereo output routed to all 6 speakers?02:37
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AndiMmlpug: there has been a recent review of Linux screenshot/demo mode apps. verdict: "it sucks". but then the author later said that he discovered yet another (new?) app which is incredibly good.02:38
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galloishello!!!! anyone can help on running the proprietary drivers for ATI???02:38
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tamacrackerSomeone please help me configure my sound... I have no sound what so ever.02:39
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bunnythebunnyOh but if i do Crimsun: speaker-test -b  -Dplug:surround51 -c6 , its the same thing. If i add 8192 into it, they all reproduce sound but i think the center swaps with the left and...there's some odd error that shows up inbetween testing02:39
galloisi`ve searched on every single tutorial at the internet and couldn`t get it working.... always this crap mesa issue02:39
mlpugAndiM, where was this "recent review" published?02:39
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bunnythebunnyAndiM: well, i guess, i don't know.02:39
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galloistried with many different versions of the driver02:39
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bunnythebunnycrimsun: oh yeah and i've got surround jack mode in independent..but i've tried both ways to no diference.02:40
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AndiMmlpug: most likely linuxtoday.com linked to it, but that's of no help. better search via google (try "<APP_NAME1> <APP_NAME2> review linux").02:40
ajopaul_gallois, have u tried this : http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide not sure if this cud help u..02:41
AndiMmlpug: what's that stuff called anyway? "screenshot" "tutorial" "CBT", ...?02:41
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eg_linuxi wana ask about xbuntu02:41
peabodiAndiM any ideas on the wireless?02:41
tamacrackercan someone help me out with my SBLive sound?02:41
tamacrackergett no sound all of a sudden, and now i can't figure it out.02:41
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galloisAndiM, for sure!!! tried this one with different versions of the driver... no success at all!!! =/02:41
crimsunbunnythebunny: then you need a custom routing ttable setup. See alsa.opensrc.org02:41
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galloisajopaul_, for sure!!! tried this one with different versions of the driver... no success at all!!! =/02:42
galloissorry AndiM02:42
peaboditama check your PCM volume first thing02:42
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tamacrackerof course02:42
AndiMpeabodi: no. I'm driver developer, but of course nobody ever knows everything about distro-specific setups of various chips. better search Google or Ubuntu forums for specific help about this chipset.02:42
tamacrackeri've been workin with my sound for the last 4 hours.02:42
bronaughanyhow, I'm done.02:42
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tamacrackeri ran out of ideas.02:43
peabodiwell thanks anyway02:43
AndiMtamacracker: tried various mixer apps? gamix, kmix, amixer? or what is the problem?02:43
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peabodiactually Edgy too newe for there to be anything out there that specific and it did work outta the box with Dapper02:43
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tamacrackerkmix was the application that took care of my sound, then last night, i logged on and my sound was gone and so was the little speaker icon/volume control was missin from the taskbar.02:44
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AndiMtamacracker: basic sound driver modules loaded? user device permissions set correctly? user member of audio group and various other important groups?02:45
bunnythebunnycrimsun alright i will.02:45
tamacrackerAndiM all of that you just mentioned, I don't believe I even know how to comfirm.02:45
Ignite_AndiM, you're not trying to scare him away are you? :P02:45
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bunnythebunnycrimsun by the way, can you tell me how i can stop all sound, including sound servers?02:46
Ignite_tamacracker, what happens when you load kmix manually?02:46
tamacrackerlspci <- this recognizes my sound card.02:46
tamacrackeri have to type kmix02:46
crimsunbunnythebunny: unload the sound driver.02:46
tamacrackerinto konsole in order to get it to open02:46
crimsuntamacracker: what audio device?02:47
Ignite_tamacracker, press alt+f2 and type it in there and hit return, that way you don't require a konsole window.02:47
AndiMIgnite_: sure. he's still posting, though, need to try harder.02:47
tamacrackerhold on ill paste it02:47
crimsuntamacracker: pastebin your ``amixer''02:47
cvasilakhi there, just installed edgy, any good guide to install beryl eye-candy in a clean system?02:47
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cvasilakbut a working one02:47
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Ignite_cvasilak, the beryl website has a guide.02:47
gnomefreakcvasilak: join #ubuntu-xgl and read the topic :)02:48
defrysk!beryl | cvasilak,02:48
ubotucvasilak,: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:48
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Ignite_cvasilak, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu02:48
bunnythebunnycrimsun, sorry to persistently bother, but how do i unload the drivers? Its just i've got told in PM by someone to do some changes in .asoundrc and i was told, for the changes to take effect, i had to stop all sound first.02:49
cvasilakthanks guys :)02:49
kronos-hi Ignite_02:49
Ignite_Hey. :)02:49
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crimsunbunnythebunny: huh?02:49
kronos-:) long time02:49
crimsunwhoever told you that is silly02:50
kronos-anyway, can you help me with something ?02:50
crimsunbunnythebunny: asoundrc is parsed once per device open. Just restart the sound/video app(s)02:50
bunnythebunnycrimsun: the sound drivers how do i unload them? :P02:50
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crimsunbunnythebunny: 08:50 < crimsun> whoever told you that is silly02:50
bunnythebunnycrimsun, well ok alright02:50
kronos-Ignite_ :D02:50
AndiMbunnythebunny: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart or so would reload stuff, but only if sound devices are unused.02:50
crimsunAndiM: no it doesn't.02:51
crimsunit only stores and restores mixer levels02:51
tamacrackerdid anyone get my pastebin?02:51
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crimsuntamacracker: sec02:52
finalbetacrimsun> whoever told you that is silly , I resent that. My logic tells me that whatever using the sound server would need a restart of the server before it took effect, but I could be wrong.02:52
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AndiMcrimsun: akh, right, I wasn't entirely sure of it, so I said "or so". I usually unload my modules manually.02:52
crimsunfinalbeta: there is no sound server. You've hung around long enough in #alsa to know better.02:52
bunnythebunnycrimsun hah...well i'll just go and try to custom route ttable setup.02:52
bunnythebunnyAndiM i see. bah i guess i wont need to do it anyway.02:52
trillyHA! i could now identify my problem with my wlan pcmcia card! its not that the orinoco driver doesnt work, but the cardbus controller doesnt work! i cant see the pcmcia device when inserted to the slot02:52
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bunnythebunnydoesn't work, what i've been sugested.02:53
trillyit works on mac os 9 and with other cards its the same02:53
trillyoh and i also run edgy02:53
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AndiMtrilly: if it's a 16bit PCMCIA (ISA) card, then PCMCIA utils should identify it, if it's CardBus, then lspci02:53
crimsunAndiM: yes, you have to as of Ubuntu Hoary. Up until then, alsa-driver's initscript still handled that02:53
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archangelpetrois there any way to get wmv9 files playing on amd64 ubuntu?02:54
crimsuntamacracker: I asked for amixer, and you pasted lspci ?02:54
archangelpetroor at least a nice tutorial which i can follow?02:55
tamacrackertype in amixer in konsole?02:55
crimsunyes, please02:55
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trillyAndiM: ahh ok, its a cardbus allright, but lspci also sees only the controller, not the card.. from what ivce seen it seems to hang in the middle of recognizing the card (log output and first shell)02:56
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crimsunfinalbeta: no offense was intended, btw.02:56
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tamacrackerCrimsun: http://pastebin.com/82806202:56
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trillyit worked with cardctl, but ubuntu egdy doesnt allow me to use it anymore02:57
crimsuntamacracker: this is your onboard's mixer representation. Aren't you trying to use your sblive?02:58
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ublenderok, relatively simple question: how do you get flv to play or even transcode, in edgy?02:58
tamacrackeryes Crimsun.02:58
crimsuntamacracker: what's the output from ``asoundconf list''?02:58
ublenderits like all capabilities of flv dissapeared this release02:58
tamacrackerKubuntu Edgy keeps switching it to the onboard.02:58
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josh_hows it going all02:59
crimsuntamacracker: and are you using 6.06.1 or 6.10?02:59
ubuntu2how do I change my default locale? I can:t type properly because its: set to jp=JP02:59
josh_what is a good application for webcams?02:59
crimsuntamacracker: ok, you need to do two things:02:59
tamacrackerEdy Eft02:59
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tamacrackertamacracker@tamacracker:~$ asoundconf list02:59
tamacrackerNames of available sound cards:02:59
josh_i have camora but it makes the quality of my new webcam bite02:59
tamacrackeroh crap, sorry!02:59
crimsuntamacracker: #1:  echo options snd-via82xx index=-2 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base03:00
ubuntu2i can:t even figure out how to type an undersscore .. argh03:00
apokryphosjosh_: kopete and amsn have webcam support over the msn messenger protocol03:00
cyborgceyQuestion, I have a Palm Zire31 with RealOne Player for Palm ver. 1.1a is there any way to download MP3s/ Podcast to it?03:00
josh_the kopete that came with dapper?03:00
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crimsuntamacracker: (ok, actually three things)03:00
tamacrackeroptions snd-via82xx index=-203:00
tamacrackerand I don't know what UART is.03:00
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crimsuntamacracker: #2:  echo options snd-mpu401-uart index=-3 |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base03:01
tamacrackerV8 = Onboard03:01
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tamacrackeroptions snd-mpu401-uart index=-303:01
crimsuntamacracker: #3: asoundconf set-default-card Live03:01
crimsuntamacracker: now log out of kde and back in03:01
tamacrackerok brb03:01
ubuntu2how do I change my default locale? I can:t type properly because its: set to jp=JP03:02
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ubuntu2is this even visible or am I using this irc client wrong..03:02
bunnythebunnyCrimsun, i've just found out something interesting. look at how the tests react(if you dont mind). http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32738/   if i go through 4 channels, all speakers go fine. but when i use the 6 channels...03:02
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ubuntu2is this readable?03:02
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josh_we can see you03:03
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tamacrackeryou got the sound to work03:03
defryskwe read you indeed03:03
crimsunbunnythebunny: I'm going to sleep in about 5 seconds, sorry.03:03
tamacrackerbut one problem03:03
evol3Does Ubuntu 6.1 have support for WPA-PSK?03:03
josh_ur using gnome desktop correct?03:03
djtanseyis there anyway to configure the workspace layout (other than specifying # of rows?) i'd like my layed out like a cross -- my primary desktop in the middle and one more desktop on either side.03:03
tamacrackercrimsun, the sound is really low03:03
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crimsuntamacracker: so turn it up03:03
tamacrackerand the icon of the volume control is missing again03:03
bunnythebunnycrimsun, ah alright have a good night, thanks for everything.03:03
tamacrackermy kmix icon03:03
josh_tamacracker: console -> alsamixer -> turn up all the speakers03:03
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ubuntu2hm wrong channel actually +~03:04
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evol3Does Ubuntu 6.1 have support for WPA-PSK?03:04
=== josh_ shrugs
josh_i dont trust wifi yet03:05
tamacrackerIf anyone could help me, i'd like to get the icon up on my taskbar permanently for my kmix03:05
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tamacrackerand alslamix is good on my console :D03:05
josh_tamacracker: right click, add to panel, kmix03:05
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josh_or something along those lines03:05
tamacrackerfor some reason that application is missing.03:06
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tamacrackerbut when i type kmix into the konsole03:06
josh_kmix probably wont be there03:06
tamacrackerit'll pop up03:06
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josh_then create a launcher icon03:06
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josh_have it run kmix in the console03:06
rbrtocltoI'm having troubles with a fresh install of edgy (xubuntu), it installs fine, no errors, but on the first boot after I don't even see grub come up, I just get a black screen with the cursor flash around the top left corner03:06
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tamacrackerlauncher for those not in the K Menu?03:06
defrysktamacracker, put it in Autoload and set kmix to appear in the notificationarea03:07
tamacrackerhow do i do that def?03:07
apokryphoskmix -> settings -> configure kmix -> dock in panel03:07
tamacrackeror that!03:07
josh_or that03:07
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=== josh_ uses flux so i have no panel :P
rbrtocltoanyone seen this before?03:07
josh_well not a panel in the traditional sense03:07
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tamacrackerthat's what I did last time03:08
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tamacrackerand when i relogged on just now03:08
josh_rbrtoclto: what type of computer do you have?03:08
tamacrackerit wasn't there03:08
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tamacrackerhow do i set it into autostart through konsole?03:08
rbrtocltojosh_: celeron d 331, nvidia graphics card, pata primary hdd03:08
peabodi_AndiM I just found something on the web concerning the Prism2.5 card03:08
josh_and no errors on install?03:09
peabodi_wrong driver03:09
josh_it just wont boot... not even to grub03:09
rbrtocltoI can boot back into the live CD and it appears to have installed fine03:09
rbrtocltojust did a check of the install CD and 1 checksum failed :O03:09
defrysktamacracker, nano -w .kde/Autostart/kmix03:09
rbrtocltoguess I'll reburn it and start over03:09
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tamacrackerthank you :D03:09
defrysktamacracker, write kmix in it03:09
defryskand save it with xctr-x03:10
josh_rgr rbrtoclto03:10
tamacrackeryeah type this exactly into the konsole03:10
tamacrackernano -w .kde/Autostart/kmix03:10
defrysk and then Y(es)03:10
tamacrackerok :D03:10
AndiMrbrtoclto: you could try using LILO if you don't get grub configured/booting correctly03:10
tamacrackeroh in this file03:10
tamacrackertype kmix03:10
AndiMrbrtoclto: but only do this if everything else fails03:10
umopsAre commands in sudo crontab -e executed as sudo by default?03:10
defryskans save it with ctrl-x03:10
defryskand y03:11
bunnythebunnyAndiM, a quick question..i havent custom routed the ttable setup yet, but do you think at this point that getting other mixers is worth to try? before going into other things. if neither of these dont work..i'll just go report it.03:11
tamacrackergonna relog03:11
defrysktamacracker, and configure kmix to open as an applet03:11
tamacrackerhow would i do that?03:11
defryskin the kmix setting of course03:12
defryskand stuff03:12
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defrysklike dock in blahblah03:12
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defryskthat kinda stuff03:12
rbrtocltoI probably should mention I've successfully installed it before, but was having problems getting the integrated video (gma900) to display at my lcd monitor's native res (16x10).. so I bought a cheap nvidia graphics card03:12
tamacrackerthe volume values03:13
tamacrackeris on non...03:13
tamacrackeris that correct?03:13
rbrtocltoand I'm doing a fresh reinstall since I hadn't configured anything03:13
defrysktamacracker, if you have sound , yes03:13
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tamacrackerok :D03:13
josh_ok rbrtoclto if you still have issues after reinstall u know where to find us :P03:13
rbrtocltohehe :)03:14
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rbrtocltoI was wondering if there's a way to configure software raid during install actually.. or would I have to use the server install CD and do it manually03:14
JeffBellHow can I change/diversify my upgrade sources?  My attempt to upgrade to 6.10 failed, but I didn't see why until I paid closer attention.  I was able to download/fetch all components (28 of 29 files, I believe) except for one.  I received an error "failed to fetch..." foo bar.  I understand that perhaps I can add a new source to me /etc/apt/sources.list ....but what location should I add?  Or where is a list of locations I can choose from?03:14
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mookydoes someone have a clear explination for what has happened to the disk subsystem in edgy. My fstab looks a mess with disk devices referenced by a UID03:14
we2byrbrtoclto: I think I have the same video card as you do03:14
josh_i think you will have to do it withserver, then just upgrade to your desktop version03:15
rbrtocltowe2by: I searched the forums and used 915resolution and modelines, but no joy.. so just went and got a real video card03:15
josh_i could be wrong though03:15
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josh_ " /etc/X11/xorg.conf" should have the modlines03:16
we2byrbrtoclto: I have the white macbook03:17
we2byI think it got the intel gma card03:17
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dang`r`usany idea why I can't install libsdl-dev on edgy? http://rafb.net/paste/results/ZzjwjC41.html  is the full output ...03:17
dang`r`us(of apt-get install)03:17
rbrtocltowe2by: are you running in native 12x9 or whatever it is?03:17
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we2bynative12x9? what do u mean?03:18
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we2byIntel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller03:18
we2bygot that03:18
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ubotulibglu1-mesa-dev: The OpenGL utility library -- development support files. In component main, is optional. Version 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 266 kB, installed size 780 kB03:18
rbrtocltothe video bios in the macbooks is probably correct though.. my problem is it wasn't with my diy PC03:18
gnomefreakdang`r`us: you have xgl/compiz installed?03:18
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Ignite_dang`r`us, try installing it explicitly. :)03:18
dang`r`usgnomefreak, yes (in fact it's a leftover from dapper)03:18
rbrtocltowe2by: native resolution for the laptop's display.. 1200x900 pixels.. whatever the exact number is :)03:19
gnomefreaklol thats why03:19
we2byoh, yea. it is03:19
gnomefreakdang`r`us: sudo aptitude install libsdl-dev03:19
dang`r`uspretty funny, I explicitly asked in a ubuntu-compiz channel if I was gonna run into problems after upgrading to edgy .... ;)03:19
Ignite_Hello joaquin_03:19
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we2byrbrtoclto: I'm using 915resolution03:19
joaquin_is there any program to connect a web cam?03:19
dang`r`usgnomefreak, ah, nice!03:19
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rbrtocltowe2by: it didn't work for me :(  I just get the display saying "out of range"03:20
gnomefreakdang`r`us: or uninstall libglu1-mesa-dev and libglu1-mesa-glx than install the package you need03:20
Ignite_joaquin_, how do you mean?03:20
Jamesrosecamorama webcam viewer03:20
Kippixkk a t-il deja install les pilote madwifi03:20
Kippixsur debian03:20
dang`r`usnever knew that aptitude had magic powers03:20
asnanybody use breezy?03:20
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gnomefreakdang`r`us: yes and it can be dangerous03:20
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joaquin_not a viewer.... to chat a see03:20
defryskaptitude has cow power03:20
Jamesroseapt-get camorama03:20
JamesroseI think03:20
defryskbut use with caution indeed03:20
we2byrbrtoclto: can you  tell me th eexact resolution from xorg.conf?03:20
rbrtocltowe2by: mine is 1680x105003:21
dang`r`usI can imagine03:21
Ignite_joaquin_, oh sorry, I misread, there are a few programs, I think kopete supports webcams for messaging and xawtv supports cams for recording I _think_ I'm not sure though.03:21
dang`r`usalright ... thanks for the help guys!03:21
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JamesroseI find kopete's better03:21
=== Ignite_ does the kopete dance.
rbrtocltowhen is a LTS version of edgy due?  or not at all03:21
we2byrbrtoclto: check the hor and ver refreshrate also03:22
joaquin_thanks all... I'm installing both03:22
rbrtocltowe2by: yeah, it's correct according to monitor's documentation03:22
we2bymine is at 1280x80003:22
Ignite_rbrtoclto, there is a LTS release of Ubuntu every 18 months if I remember correctly.03:22
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gnomefreakIgnite_: not 18 months i would hope since dapper is supported for 3 years03:23
joaquin_this chat go's fast----03:23
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joaquin_i'm reading...03:23
rbrtocltoa bit off topic.. but does anyone else think the edgy bootsplash graphic is way uglier than the dapper one03:23
dcordesi mounted a remote folder with sshfs and can't access it via nautilus. what can be the resaon?03:23
we2byI don't have the boot splash :(03:23
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we2bydoesn't work for edgy03:23
we2bydoesn't work for macbook03:23
rbrtocltoyou're not missing much imo ;)03:24
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joaquin_Istart the camorama and receive an error03:24
joaquin_could not connect to /dev/video003:24
JamesroseIs your cam in propoly?03:24
JamesroseNot going through a USB hub is it"03:24
rbrtocltoI liked the (x)ubuntu logo with the slightly mirrored effect, looked classy.. the new round thing is a bit cheesy looking03:24
joaquin_I'm useing a photo cam as a web cam03:25
Ignite_gnomefreak, I think I read it somewhere, not sure where though.03:25
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josh_mine goes through usb and it sucks03:25
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joaquin_kopete has finicshed .. i'lll try03:25
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kronoscan anyone help me with some bind/named configuration issue ?03:26
JamesroseThats probably why03:26
JamesroseIm not even sure a Digi cam will work03:26
ronaldokronos: maybe03:26
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ronaldokronos: explain your issue03:27
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VirooI suffer from a problem related to sound.. it works but suddenly  it i silenced and causes any media player totem/realplayer to freezes .. what do u think the source of the problem.. I also noticed in system monitor multiple of tasks of any player i run03:27
kronosronaldo: i can't figure out how to insert a public key in a zone file03:27
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rj45ciao ubuntu03:28
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joaquin_kopete seams to be working03:29
joaquin_can anyone want to try?03:29
Viroois it related to the alsa service or hardware ?03:29
VoXViroo: probably hardware03:29
VoXtry a different sound card03:29
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rj45i need help03:30
Viroook  lets say I a builtin sound chip.. how should I force the system to stick with  my other sound card ?03:30
rj45i have problems03:30
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KingsqueakViroo: if you don't want to use the onboard sound, can't you just disable it in your BIOS?03:31
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JeffBellI need some clues on upgrading  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32740/03:33
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utabIt takes ages to print on my network printer what is the reason: That is a windows printer and I am reaching that through SAMBA sever but when I send lets say a !03:33
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mookydoes someone have a clear explination for what has happened to the disk subsystem in edgy. My fstab looks a mess with disk devices referenced by a UID03:33
LjL!uuid | mooky03:34
ubotumooky: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid"03:34
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mookyLjL thank you - but why has this change been implimented03:34
ajopaul_how does one have autostarted apps on flux?03:34
KingsqueakJeffBell: it's /etc/apt/sources.list03:34
mookyit seems a pointless change, that makes text configuration files harder to manage03:34
LjLmooky: that is to ease the transition to new IDE drivers (which will use /dev/sd* names instead of /dev/hd*), as well as to make things easier when you move drives around IDE slots03:35
utab1MB document, on the windows printers and faxes I see that it is spooling and the document is quite more larger than my actual document03:35
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mookyLjL I've noy seen that change on the ata LKML branch03:35
mookyis it a kernel change or an ubuntu change03:35
KingsqueakJeffBell: you can find other archives on ubuntu.com, us.archive.ubuntu.com is the one I'm using as an example03:35
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LjLmooky: it's not pointless, although those long UUIDs can be sort of annoying - drives being referenced uniquely rather than by their physical location is a good idea03:35
LjLmooky: it's an Ubuntu change AFAIK03:36
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KingsqueakJeffBell: change the archive URL, then do apt-get update, then start the upgrade again03:36
mookyLjL thanks for the info - that at least explains why I've not seen it on the LibATA kernel branch03:36
josh_what is the command to grep inside a .gz file?03:36
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mookyjosh_ you can't03:36
mookytar ztv file | grep string03:36
josh_yeah you can... ive done it before but i cant remember the command03:36
Kingsqueakjosh_: zgrep03:36
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josh_that one, thanks king03:37
=== mooky stands corrected
GastenHello. is there any app that can show some kind of graph on soundvolume, freq, and stuff like that for the Jack auido server?03:37
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Kingsqueakthere's a bunch of 'z' commands , zless, zcat, zgrep etc. same idea03:37
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mookywhy do you need a graph on sound volume ?03:37
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Ignite_Gasten, I'm not sure, but Audacity might be what you're looking for.03:37
josh_he is looking for an eqaulizer03:38
Ignite_!info audacity03:38
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ubotuaudacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4b-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1850 kB, installed size 5444 kB03:38
Gastenjosh_: Yeah, something like that.03:38
Ignite_dcordes, ?03:38
=== josh_ shrugs
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josh_i use amarok.. .it has an equalizer... of sorts..03:39
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josh_hey Kingsqueak, can you use zgrep on normal files also?03:39
chronosoftdoes anyone know where ubuntu default installs the php binary?03:39
Kingsqueakdcordes: can you see it from the commandline?03:39
pyalothi, I need some help here, I've got a swiss sg keyboard but my alt key doesn't work, so I can't type # or edgy braces, at etc.03:39
Kingsqueakjosh_: not sure, never tried03:39
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josh_me either lol, well first time for everything i suppose03:40
LjLmooky: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/libata-for-all-ata-disks03:40
doogluschronosoft: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5 ?03:40
mookyLjL thank you, I'll have a read now03:40
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Kingsqueakjosh_: yeah it seems you can03:40
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josh_i just saw that :P03:40
mooky(I was searching LKML for references)03:40
pyalotaltough the alt key in itself pretty much works, like for navigating with alt+left-arrow in mozilla03:40
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josh_thats gonna make the script shorter03:40
chronosoftcool i'll try that dooglus03:40
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GastenThe thing is that it should capture all sounds that reaches my stereo, not only those omitting from auio-fils.03:40
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mookyLjL whoaaa thats a bold move03:41
canuteHi there. I'm trying to install a package called "vdrift", however that package is dependant of "vdrift-data" (which i also have), "vdrift-data" is however dependant of "vdrift" again so neither will install, any thoughts on how to do it?03:41
rj45ciao Panaclerio03:41
Kingsqueakcanute: you using apt-get?03:42
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Panacleriorj45: ciao03:42
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canuteno, .dep03:42
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Kingsqueakcanute: try just doing   apt-get install vdrift03:42
albertowhat packages do I need to install for make my laptop keys to work?03:42
JeffBellKingsqueak, thank you very much.  I will try that!03:42
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canutei have03:42
canutenothing found03:42
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LjLmooky: honestly i think it was about time we stopped referring to drives based on what end of a cable they happened to be found at. UUIDs don't look that cute, but at least03:43
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pyalotnobody an idea why my alt doesn't work as a modifier?03:43
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pyalotedge eft here03:44
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mookyLjL I totally see the point, but the letter hd or sd was never determained by the position on the cable, but the actual chip driver, so while I admire the point of removing that distinction, I also don't see the point of making everything /dev/sdX it really didn't matter03:44
mookyits bold to go against the kernel03:45
mookyand use an invididual kernel contributors patches03:45
rj45buenos dias03:45
eg_linuxi want see the sysreq in ubuntu03:45
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mookymore so as they are basing future releases on this technology03:45
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eg_linuxi can,t see the link03:45
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Kingsqueakif you don't like the long UUID's just label your partitions and use LABEL= instead03:46
Kingsqueakvery hand for removable media03:46
eg_linuxKingsqueak: hii .. i,m looking to see ubuntu sysreq03:47
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LjLmooky: well, skimming through google's hits for kernel lists, it seems to me they're likely to be including that in the mainstream kernel sooner than later, anyway03:47
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veelosHello, I have trouble updgrading to Edgy. I did a clean install of 6.06 and did gksu "update-manager -c" and updates files, and I also tried sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:47
Kingsqueakeg_linux: not sure where they are, what are you looking to run it on?03:47
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LjLKingsqueak: yes that's the way i think it should have been done from the very beginning. though right new you seldom even remember that such things as "labels" exist... ;-\03:48
mookyLjL possibly, I'v found a debate on it, Alan cox seems keen but Jeff Garitz seems against it03:48
veelosBut it didn't updgrade to Edgy03:48
mookywhich doesn't look like "sooner" but I do agree with what your saying03:48
KingsqueakLjL yeah honestly, I never knew that existed until I got on my current jobsite and they were using it03:48
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KingsqueakLjL to me, that was a HUGE new thing, how I'd never known about that ...I don't know03:48
eg_linuxKingsqueak: p3 633mb 192 ram03:48
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: it should run on that, I would highly recommend xubuntu and if you can upgrade the RAM to 512mb ideally if you can.  Xubuntu will be easier on older machines03:49
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user-landis there a machine available for compiling applications for Ubuntu ?03:49
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: I run xubuntu on a 256MB box that's around 1Ghz and it works fine03:50
rbrtocltowhen I'm partitioning, can I make swap my first partition?03:50
eg_linuxKingsqueak: so u recommend to use xubuntu not ubuntu?03:50
JeffBellveelos, I was having an error upgrading as well today.  What is your error, specifically?03:50
LjLmooky: well, time will tell... but anyway, i agree with what someone's seems to be saying, i.e. that any app that relies on whether something is called "hda" vs "sda" is a broken app - then in this view, the "bold move" doesn't look too bold anymore03:50
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rbrtocltoe.g. hda1 swap, hda2 root, hda3 home03:51
Kingsqueakeg_linux: for that machine yeah, xubuntu is a lighter weight desktop so it will run a bit faster03:51
mookyLjL  I can't argue with that03:51
Kingsqueakeg_linux: you can try any of them and change your preferences later too but xubuntu is where I'd start on that system03:51
eg_linuxKingsqueak: mmmm.. ok .. and thanks03:51
veelosJeffBell: it just updates files, and needs to reboot but nothing is really changed03:51
defryskrbrtoclto, sure why not03:51
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mookynor would I choose to as thats a very valid point03:51
nofxxhey.. my disks are f** up... disks see my ext3 as swap (but dont use it)  , my swap as windows ntfs.... and the pc is really slow.... because there is no swap I guess..... what I need to configure these stuff?03:52
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: so Xubuntu have a good interface or what ??03:52
netcatchello all03:52
jdahmhey, under ubuntu 6.06 and gnome 2.whatever, when I searched under the gnome applet for wireless networking, my network name came up under the list, but under 6.10 (even when upgraded) no network names that are in range are shown, I guess U could always use kismet every time to search for the names, but this is annoying, how can I fix it?03:52
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LjLKingsqueak: always referenced volumes by volume name in AmigaOS, worked fine. on PCs (Windows and Linux), somehow everybody always seemed to like to give meaningless names such as C: or "hda" based on whether your IDE cable was long enough to reach a slave drive without getting another cable and using the secondary slot... ;)03:52
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netcatcsomeone knows how I resolve it03:52
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: it uses xfce4 and a nice one at that, check xubuntu.com probably screenshots there03:53
netcatc Depende: phpapi-20020918  but it is not installable03:53
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netcatcthis bug?03:53
Ruffleshi there. i'd like to use the same visual settings for 2 user accounts... does anyone know which are the .directories i should copy from 1 home dir into the other?03:53
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: thanks for helping me man03:53
KingsqueakLjL: yeah sd* and hd* gets even more confusing when things like cdrecord and 'cooked mode' kick in, it's very hard to tell if you needed ide=scsi or not etc.03:54
Kingsqueakeg_linux: no problem03:54
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MetaMorfoziSis there a howto to how to create a group, and how to make a folder only viewable/writeable/deletable only by that group member'S?03:54
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu etc. are only different by their default desktop configs, underneath they can all run the same packages03:54
JeffBellKingsqueak, the ro->us change fixed it.  Thanks.  (Also thanks again to jrib.  And if there's anyone here from Automatix, thank you too.)03:54
KingsqueakJeffBell: cool03:54
RufflesMetaMorfoziS, i guess u gotta use chmod command03:55
KingsqueakMetaMorfoziS: the man pages sort of explain it, you need a basic permissions howto, let me see if I can find one03:55
nofxxhow can I set what /hda is my swap ???03:55
ublenderhey, does someone know the location of a ffmpeg/mplayer/vlc/etc package that is compiled with most codecs?03:55
ublender(specifically h264)03:55
KingsqueakMetaMorfoziS: try this http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-tutorials-howtos-reference-material/10862-linux-file-permissions.html03:56
MetaMorfoziSyes, i have created a group from gui (i want to know how can i do that from console) with 2 members, and i have "sudo chown :mygroupname ./folder" and chmod 0755 ./folder03:56
MetaMorfoziSbut it isn't allows me to do anything with that03:56
MetaMorfoziSokay i check03:56
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: how can i say Xubuntu ?? sorry for this bad question03:57
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KingsqueakMetaMorfoziS: when you add a user to a group, that user won't be in that group until it logs out and back in again03:57
dcordeshow can i get root access to my mounted sshfs folder?03:57
Kingsqueakeg_linux: I think they say 'zoo-bun-too'03:57
ublenderthats right03:57
MetaMorfoziSohoh! that's what i'm don'T knew03:57
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Ruffleswhat is the .directory containing gnome's visual settings? panel, background, themes etc..03:58
Kingsqueakor 'zoo-boon-too'03:58
MetaMorfoziSbaah i'm going to relogin, thanx!03:58
josh_sudo chown person_to_own filename03:58
eg_linuxKingsqueak: ooh it,s bad in egypt03:58
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: a bad word?03:58
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josh_Ruffles: .gnome2 maybe?03:58
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: it's a somewhat African pronunciation I think03:58
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nofxxhmm....swapon ... its working..hope it will be after reboot.... where can I add mount things to happen in the boot ?03:59
eg_linuxzoponto include zob it,s meaing a man part that can be marring by it03:59
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Ignite_nofxx, /etc/fstab04:00
eg_linuxKingsqueak: zoponto include zob it,s meaing a man part that can be marring by it04:00
dkalthoffHello. I am new to Ubuntu...so far enjoying it.04:00
josh_anyone use cut?04:00
Rufflesjosh_, does it have the config files for panels as well?04:00
nofxxIgnite_ thanx man04:00
glentanaka6can this system be used as a web server04:00
Ignite_nofxx, no problem. :)04:00
Kingsqueakeg_linux: lol, o.k.04:00
josh_ruffles, not sure... i use flux...04:00
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Rufflesjosh_, alrighty you minimalist dude04:00
dkalthoffi am having an issue with openoffice 2.004:00
eg_linuxKingsqueak: how can i say this word in egypt ???04:00
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: just tell people you are using 'ubuntu' then04:00
josh_hate my desktop being cluttered with crap04:00
ublenderso, does anyone know of a way to encode h264 in ubuntu?04:00
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dkalthoffthe spash screen displays and then the application does not open04:01
josh_ruffles, lemme look and check something04:01
glentanaka6krypto hello can i ask you some thing04:01
Adnarimcan someone tell me how to insert TOR to my routingtable with: route add default gw04:01
eg_linuxKingsqueak: yes that i will do04:01
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Kingsqueakanyone from the project watching?  eg_linux pointed out that 'xubuntu' spoken is a bit awkward in Egypt04:01
Rufflesjosh_, alright bro04:01
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josh_.gnome2 only has config for menu placement and number of bars04:01
eg_linuxKingsqueak: what r u doing man ??04:02
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glentanaka6hello can any one answer a qustion i have04:02
josh_backgrounds folder, splash screen settings04:02
rj45if im using ubuntu it meens that im using unix?04:02
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: pointing out the issue you found04:02
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TheGateKeeperrj45, nope04:02
josh_what config files are u looking for?04:02
Kingsqueakeg_linux: I'm pretty sure that people aren't aware of it and who knows, maybe they'll change the name around for an egyptian version04:02
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squid0how do i limit the amount of tty displays that are created on startup?04:02
TheGateKeeperrj45, means you are using linux (unix like)04:03
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: hahaha .. yes maybe04:03
rj45TheGateKeeper ahh ok04:03
josh_xbuntu is bad in egyptian?04:03
josh_what does it mean?04:03
Camellia can anyone please tell me how do I pass an EOF signal in Eclipse console?04:03
roryysquid0: probably tweak /etc/inittab, though I'm not sure04:03
eg_linuxKingsqueak: thay must rename in to pyrabuntu04:03
dkalthoffanyone know where to find some logs to get information on why an application is not opening?04:03
squid0roryy: ok, thanks04:04
Kingsqueakjosh_: do a /last eg_linux to see what he said04:04
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dcordeshow can i get access to a sshfs mounted folder?04:04
roryydkalthoff: $HOME/.xsession-errors for GUI apps04:04
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TheGateKeeperdkalthoff, var/logs possible04:04
Kingsqueakeg_linux: they named a car 'nova' here in the US years ago, in Spanish that translates to "no go", not a great name for a car04:04
josh_im going to start calling people that04:04
dkalthoffthanks roryy!04:05
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siouxhi people04:05
eg_linuxKingsqueak: or like my freiend is make a distro based on gento and ubuntu is name is (phearonix)04:05
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veelosAnyone else having trouble upgrading to Edgy from 6.06 ?04:06
dkalthoffTheGateKeeper: ok, i'll also look at that.04:06
eg_linuxKingsqueak:  the name of disto is phearonix04:06
Kingsqueakclever play on fear and pharo <sp?>04:07
dkalthoffI am also having trouble upgrading04:07
siouxdo you know if there are problems with running ubuntu on dell pc?, edgy on my laptop goes in kernel loop o kernel crash each time i connect a usb port04:07
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DoowHmm.. does Firefox come with flash preinstalled? Sound in flash (google videos, youtube) stopped working for me and I was gonna confiugre it. But I don't seem to have any flash package installed and firefox don't list any flash add-on. I do however have a Shockwave Flash plugin in "about:plugins"04:07
nofxxthis line is correct for all ext3 in fstab ? /dev/hda5       /media/hda5     ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:07
nofxxhow is a Reiser one?04:07
AndiMdkalthoff: use strace and/or ltrace.04:07
roryyveelos: one apparently common source of problems is third-party packages, like extra codecs and so on.  Also, if you're using 'apt-get' you must run it twice04:07
Dooweither way, i want to get the sound working again =)04:07
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dcordesnofxx: reiser? that's dangerous using04:07
dcordesyou might get killed04:07
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: i want say not all the name is bad . but it,s a part from this name . that sayd ZOP04:07
jrib!flash > Doow04:07
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nofxxdcordes , hehehe ok... will format it to ext3....04:07
Rufflesjosh_, just want the config files for panels placement and colors (transparency etc..) and icon theme04:07
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jribDoow: you can try following the restricted wiki guide on setting up flash to run through aoss, or you can try flash9 beta04:08
nofxxdcordes , that line is ok for any ext3 so ?04:08
Kingsqueaknofxx: just replace ext3 with reiserfs04:08
sven-tekHi! I'd like to know if there is something like a hardware test-center for the ubuntu distribution.04:08
dcordesbut can't someone help me getting access with my normal user to sshfs foldeR?04:08
albertonofxx: Nice fat record band...04:08
AndiMdcordes: I'm going to kill YOU if you keep making such morbid jokes... ;P04:08
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veelosroryy, I did a clean installation from CD ( 6.06 ) and at first boot, I tried upgrade with both methods.04:08
roryyveelos: both methods?04:09
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Doowjrib: I'd rather get the builtin plugin working (it worked before) than add more packages04:09
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Doowjrib: if possible04:09
josh_locate panel*conf*04:09
jribDoow: what do you mean by "builtin plugin"?04:09
josh_use that04:09
josh_not sure which you want04:09
veelosroryy, with Synaptic and also "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" x204:09
josh_have fun Ruffles  :P04:09
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Doowjrib: appearantly I have flash installed allready, but no add-on or package with flash04:09
eg_linuxKingsqueak: ooh.. can i install ubuntu in ext3 or 2 or i will change it?04:10
Rufflesjosh_, mmm.. i'll take a look at it. thanks bro04:10
Doowjrib: it's listed at the "about:plugins" page04:10
Kingsqueakeg_linux: during the install it defaults to ext304:10
jribDoow: that's kind of an oxymoron :)  flash is seperate from firefox, it had to have been installed through a package or by manually adding the plugin04:10
Kingsqueakeg_linux: I would recommend just doing ext304:10
roryyveelos: hm. in that case you've quite probably found a bug.  fwiw, I used 'aptitude dist-upgrade' without major problems04:10
jribDoow: but the aoss setup is what you want if you just want to get what you currently have to work04:10
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josh_somewhere in .gconf/apps/panel is where u will find conf files lol04:10
Rufflesjosh_, oh gosh! there are many files.. i'll link up the whole directory04:10
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Doowjrib: ok04:10
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: ok04:11
Kingsqueakroryy: is aptitude better than apt-get dist-upgrade as far as not having to do loops of -f dist-upgrade and then doing all the manual installs of the held back packages?04:11
josh_well u can probably leave out the applet folder... maybe objects folder if none of those files are needed04:11
josh_look at the 2 gconf.xml files... maybe they are what you want04:12
eg_linuxKingsqueak: realy thanks too much ..04:12
Kingsqueakeg_linux: no problem04:12
eg_linuxKingsqueak: where r u from ?04:12
Doowjrib: I guess that means I have to get OSS to work first =)04:12
Kingsqueak<-New Jersey, US04:12
josh_lol i play games on a jersey server04:12
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jribDoow: well basically you just need to install aoss, it lets you run oss apps through alsa04:12
Kingsqueakmost people from New Jersey like playing games too, but that's another story04:12
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Doowjrib: aha04:13
eg_linuxKingsqueak: how old r u ?04:13
josh_:) i like games... and shooting people... so i play games where i can shoot people :P04:13
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roryyKingsqueak: erm, i'm not sure.  If I recall correctly, I ran 'aptitude dist-upgrade twice', and had a basically working system.  I then had lots of useless xorg* packages leftover from 6.06 (no idea why) which I removed.  There were a few queries during the install about overwriting config files I had altered.04:13
DalikI am trying to use access control lists to work on a shared folder.  I want to assign a group in openldap to a folder how does one go about this?04:13
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Kingsqueakeg_linux: plenty old04:13
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Kingsqueakroryy: ah o.k. so similar issues04:13
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josh_anyone in here bash script?04:14
eg_linuxKingsqueak: what ??04:14
Kingsqueakroryy: the python packages and X had a pile of held back packages , that's what I meant04:14
Kingsqueakeg_linux: 3804:14
josh_u aint old... my wife is 4 years younger then u04:14
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josh_greanted im 14 years younger then you but still04:15
Kingsqueakmy wife is a year older, and I remind her that she'll always be older than me04:15
roryyKingsqueak: oh, yeah, i remember aptitude moaning about python-<something> -- xml ? can't remember if it resolved it automatically04:15
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Kingsqueakroryy: if you see a bunch of 'packages held back' if you do  apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade, if you manually do  apt-get install <package> it fixes that04:16
Kingsqueakroryy: it's just a bit tedious to work through them04:16
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: lol........   i think that she is angry coz u tel her that...04:16
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eg_linuxKingsqueak: :P04:16
Kingsqueakroryy: I bet there's a trick that I just don't know to do that automagically04:16
Kingsqueakeg_linux: yup04:16
roryyKingsqueak: hmm. I don't remember having to do that04:16
josh_how would i do a grep for anything but letters? grep -v a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z filename?04:16
normiehi - i'm trying to install ubuntu on a disk at /dev/hdd while trying to maintain my windows install on /dev/sda + sdb and keeping mixed data on hda + hdb... after installation booting fails with an Error 15: File not found04:17
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normiewhat may I have done wrong?04:17
roryyjosh_: grep '[^A-Za-z] '04:17
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roryyjosh_: hrm, actually, maybe not04:17
josh_yeah that was what i wanted :), used to perl04:17
Doowjrib: aoss worked, thank you04:17
jribDoow: np04:17
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normiei've tried to boot on the live-CD to check out /boot but everything looks alright04:17
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:17
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deema_somebody say deema04:17
f1assistancehow do i create a ubuntu boot floppy? I have a older system that won't boot from the CD and I would like to install kubuntu...04:17
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josh_that looks alot like perl though roryy...04:18
normiedeema :)04:18
deema_say deema_ now04:18
Kingsqueakjosh_: try  grep -v [:alpha:] 04:18
josh_lemme try04:18
Daliknormie, during the installation does the install say you have windows installed?04:18
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jribgrep works on lines so that may or may not do what you want josh_04:18
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normieDalik, nope, doesn't mention anything about it, however grub installed on /dev/hdd (hd2) gives me the option of booting into windows04:19
deema_somebody say deema_04:19
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Ayabarais xgl/compiz stable? the alpha sw warning scares me :-)04:19
KingsqueakAyabara: not really, no04:20
Daliknormie, and when you boot it says file not found for the windows selection from grub?04:20
KingsqueakAyabara: if you are concerned about crashes, I wouldn't bother with it04:20
normieDalik, nope, when i select ubuntu from the boot menu and press enter04:20
albertoAyabara: aixgl/compiz is quite stable04:20
albertoAyabara: with my intel915 is really stable04:20
f1assistanceor actually xubuntu...04:20
AyabaraKingsqueak, sound advice that I'll listen to. I'll just generate the effects in my head04:20
KingsqueakAyabara: I run beryl on two workstations that I use for business and they work, but there are issues from time to time04:20
nandacompiz for me is pretty stable04:20
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nandamore so than beryl04:21
Kingsqueakwell beryl runs pretty well for me too, but my idea of 'stable' isn't that ;-)04:21
Daliknormie, double check your grub conf file and make sure ubuntu is correct.  Such as the kernel is in the right path on the right partition.04:21
roryyf1assistance: taken a look here? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation04:21
KingsqueakI get a crash once a day or so04:21
Ayabarahmm ok. I have a Dell Inspiron 6000 with an ATI X300 card04:21
veelosAnyone have any idea what I could do about that: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1779111 ?04:21
nandacompiz only messes up for me when playing videos or dvds sometimes04:22
KingsqueakAyabara: I'm all nvidia, so I'm not sure how the ATi stuff is04:22
normieDalik, already did that and everything seems ok - will check again though, may upload my .conf and dmesg output to let you guys check out04:22
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AyabaraKingsqueak, ok. I'll just put it on hold for now.04:22
KingsqueakAyabara: the only thing would be if you are new to linux, it might frustrate you to deal with any issues04:22
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Dalikupload the menu.list file under /boot/grub/04:23
rbrtocltono luck with the edgy reinstall04:23
KingsqueakAyabara: if you are used to X issues and changing video drivers, go ahead, it's very cool.  If not, you will likely be pretty irritated should you have issues.04:23
Adam_Gcan someone tell me how to disable the bootsplash in edgy? I think it interferes with entering a pw for mounting encrypted FS's04:23
f1assistanceroryy: thanks, I will take a look04:23
rbrtocltoinstalls with no errors, I reboot and after the POST just get a blank, black screen with a blinking cursor top left corner about 3 lines down04:23
Daliknormie, my ubuntu section looks like so04:23
Daliknormie, titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.17-10-38604:23
Dalikkernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=/dev/hdc1 ro quiet splash04:24
LjL!pastebin | Dalik04:24
ubotuDalik: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:24
rbrtocltoI don't see any messages from grub being displayed04:24
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: have you tried changing your boot lines and removing 'splash' ?04:24
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: boot up, when GRUB comes up, hit 'e', select the boot line, remove 'splash' and hit 'b' to boot that option04:25
normieDalik, mine looks the same except root is (hd2,0) and root= is /dev/hdd104:25
rbrtocltoKing: grub doesn't come up04:25
normiewhich should be correct04:25
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: oh hmm04:25
AyabaraKingsqueak, I'm not very used to changing video drivers, but I think I should be able to fumble my way to an ok result. I'll surf for some more info before I try anything :-)04:25
Daliknormie, where is the path pointing too for your kernel? it should be pointing too /dev/hdd104:25
rbrtocltoI chose mostly defaults, installed grub to hd004:25
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Daliktry (hd3,0)04:25
KingsqueakAyabara: it won't do damage to your system per se, it will just be tedious to fix if it doesn't work is all04:25
Daliknormie, try (hd3,0)04:25
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rbrtocltoKing: I can't even boot from the first hdd using the live cd04:26
normieDalik, it is - let me just make a doc containing different conf-files and upload it :)04:26
siouxpeople what kind of loca can i see when a kernel crash happen? My dell C600 with edgy crash each time I plug a usb device.04:26
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: not sure what to tell you there04:26
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kimmernHey! I have a intel 82852/855GM chipset, and can't get direct rendering working..when I run glxinfo |grep dri I only get:04:26
kimmernlibGL error: InitDriver failed04:26
kimmernlibGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering04:26
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: the install worked and completed o.k.?  Did you do any manual overrides of partitions or just a default install?04:27
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rbrtocltohmm weird04:27
Daliknormie, your boot partition should be (hd0,0)04:27
rbrtocltoI just unplugged the two sata drives I had connected in addition to hda, and it's booting..04:27
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: ahh , maybe a hardware issue, I was wondering that04:27
Daliknormie, this will of course trash your windows MBR04:28
normieDalik, that's crashed already, let me try that ;)04:28
airgracejrib, hey man,04:28
rbrtocltoKing: maybe grub is getting confused?  the two sata drives are brand new04:28
jribairgrace: hi04:28
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: they were on the system during the install or you added them after?04:28
airgracejrib, sorry i couldn't log in to ubuntu after restart,04:28
Daliknormie, ok04:28
airgracejrib, i was getting some sort of "x-server" error04:29
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jribairgrace: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'04:29
airgracejrib, it wouldn't load the visual gui at all04:29
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: the system may be loading the drives in a different order, as in it is detecting the wrong drive as the first drive04:29
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rbrtocltoking: they were there during the install, I didn't choose mount points for them though because I'll manually set them up as a mirrored software raid later04:29
airgracejrib, yeah, i got the whole thing sorted out now, i got edgy all installed and running properly now.04:29
jribairgrace: ah ok, great04:29
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: I know you don't want to hear this, but if you do an install, try partitioning/labeling them and see if that fixes it04:30
airgracejrib, yeah, take sometime, but hopefully it was worth it.04:30
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: you can undo that later, just give them a fake name04:30
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: like /foo and /bar04:30
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imc_Think it's safe to upgrade with a sources and apt-get update then dist-upgrade yet on an Intel notebook?04:30
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jdahmIm trying to install airport-utils but there seems to be a file missing from the package (AirportBaseStationConfiguration.jar) and I cant find it anywhere, even in the source and .tar.gz packages...04:30
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jdahmis there any way to get the package working?04:30
rbrtocltoking: why do you think that would help?  grub would be given some extra configuration saying "don't boot from these"?04:30
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: where I'm going with that is that the partitions are mounted via UUID now after install, if you label those other drives, it might sneak them by the system until you can deal with them after install04:31
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: ah, good point04:31
airgracejrib, but yeah, thanks a lot for your help, very much appreciate it. Thanks bud04:31
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: grub shouldn't care04:31
rbrtocltoit's not even getting that far :(04:31
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: if you boot the live cd, any hints as to what drive numbers are seen on the system, maybe you can change the labels in menu.lst based on that?04:32
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Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: I wonder, did GRUB not install on the boot device in mbr maybe?04:32
Kingsqueakmaybe that's what happened04:32
airgracejrib, btw where can i learn more about the 'sudo, aptitude'etc commands?04:32
jrib!sudo > airgrace04:33
jrib!cli > airgrace04:33
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: does your BIOS let you pick boot devices, try switching to each drive and see if it finds GRUB one the wrong one04:33
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airgracejrib, perfect, cheers!04:33
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rbrtocltoKing: I was going to try the BIOS thing next reboot04:33
jribairgrace: do you know about man pages and /usr/share/doc ?04:33
rbrtocltoKing: right now I'm onto getting native res on this LCD :)04:33
airgracejrib, afraid not04:33
airgracejrib, i am very new to the linux system.04:33
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sioux:-( edgy on my laptop dell c600 crash after plugged a usb disk. who can help me?04:34
rbrtocltoKing: the live cd sees hda, sda and sdb, hda should be the primary boot device/drive in the BIOS but I'll double check04:34
Kingsqueakrbrtoclto: k, another thing, may not be your issue, I have a Dell LCD at work where during bootup I'm 'blind' until X comes up, console modes don't work with it04:34
rbrtocltomaybe SATA drives get higher priority or something, I don't know..04:34
siouxthe usb disk is correctly mounted but afters some use the edgy crash :-(04:34
jribairgrace: well if you use the "man" command, you get a manual page for (should be all) commands.  For example, try 'man aptitude'.  Also, if you view the /usr/share/doc/package_name folder, there will usually be useful stuff in there too.  Especially README.Debian files sometimes04:34
jribairgrace: 'man intro' is useful if you are starting out too.  the letter 'q' quits by the way04:35
airgracejrib, sure thing, i'll check it out now.04:35
rbrtocltoKing: the bootsplash displays now :)  it was just the SATA thing.. but I couldn't get native res using the gma900 (even with 915resolution tool), so I've installed a cheap nvidia card04:35
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lolo_hi everyone04:36
nofxxhmm..where I can find cool icons ? not the net... on my ubuntu.. i mean04:36
lolo_i've got problems build collection in Amarok, can anyone help me please?04:36
strabesnofxx: you mean the ones that come with ubuntu? system, preferences, theme04:37
nofxxstrabes , yes... what is already here . xD04:37
strabes!ask >lolo_04:37
strabesnofxx: go to system, preferences, theme04:37
normieDalik, tried putting my config files online first - you can check out http://pub.mcnally.dk/configs.txt04:37
Kingsqueaknofxx: /usr/share/pixmaps and icons are a lot of them04:37
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:37
lolo_!ask amarok collection04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask amarok collection - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
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lolo_!ask amarok04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask amarok - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
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lolo_this bots doesn't know anything04:37
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strabeslolo_: no i was just telling you to ask the question, not to ask to ask a question like you did04:38
lolo_oh yeah04:38
rbrtocltodamn nearly outta batteries!04:38
rbrtocltothanks for your help04:38
lolo_it's just that when i build the collection, nothing happens04:38
lolo_i can't see my collection04:38
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Dalikwhat is /dev/hdc ?04:39
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Daliknormie, what is /dev/hdc ?04:39
normieDalik, my dvd-drive :)04:39
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Daliknormie, if you try recovery mode that fails I take it ?04:40
AbstIs the an application for ubuntu which takes a screenshot of my screen every X seconds and uploads it to FTP/04:40
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aymnmzhello everybody...04:40
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normieDalik, yes04:40
KingsqueakAbst: if you do that...consider that you might have something in plain text on your screen you may not want 'published'04:41
aymnmzbonjour normie, veux-tu m'aider ?04:41
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normieaymnmz, i doubt it :)04:41
AbstKingsqueak, Already done, know an application?04:41
KingsqueakAbst: I'm not sure if there is an app that does it, would be simple to script, but it's a Bad Idea IMO04:41
KingsqueakAbst: I don't , sorry04:41
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confuscoI'm sure there are some04:42
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KingsqueakAbst: the 'import' command does it, write a script to import root, sleep, then ftp it04:42
webbenaymnmz, peut-etre utilizer #ubuntu-fr ?04:42
aymnmzwhy everybody speaks in english ?04:42
Daliknormie, ok this should work, find out what drive your linux is installed on and find out what that is in grub terms. (e.g. hd4) replace the root with (hd4,0)04:42
LjLaymnmz: because this is an english-speaking channel. there are national channels as well, like #ubuntu-fr04:43
aymnmzwebben : yes thet's what I wanted to do04:43
Yasuohi, someone got musicformasses to work? it complains about missing msvcr80.dll04:43
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Daliknormie, if that fails reconfigure, or reinstall grub and overwrite the MBR again04:43
normieDalik, scroll down in configs.txt you'll find my default.map which contains (hd2,0)    /dev/hdd :)04:43
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aymnmzI don't understand why I'm here...04:43
webbenaymnmz, donc /join #ubuntu-fr04:43
Daliknormie, k04:43
aymnmzok, thanks04:43
KnottyManis there a method to control the order controllers get loaded?  I have three SCSI controllers and I need them to load in a certain order to get the lettering correct.04:43
cmweb-adminDoes any one know know to make a program run three times after a successful dialup?04:43
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: run the commands in a script, call that script from the dialer if it has the option for post-connect scripts?04:44
Daliknormie, hmmm04:44
normieDalik, i totally agree! ;)04:44
Daliknormie, can you confirm that hd2,0 is the boot partition ? :)04:44
normieDalik, i can :)04:45
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archangelpetrohow do i play wmv9 files?04:45
cmweb-adminKingsweak, the ting is im no good at scripting so thats the downfall of that operation04:45
archangelpetroget the wmv 9 codec? on amd6404:45
jrib!wmv > archangelpetro04:45
Yasuowine complains about missing msvcr80.dll, but wont accept the file if placed in directory of the app04:45
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: if I showed you how to write the script, would you know how to get the dialer to run it?  I don't know much about dialer apps04:45
Daliknormie, can you confirm that the vmlinuz image matches what it says in the menu.list file? :)04:46
jribarchangelpetro: for amd64, your best option might be to use the latest mplayer (not sure if the repo version has this).  It has a codec for wmv built-in I think04:46
cmweb-adminKingsqueak, i would figure some way04:46
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin:  'for ((i=0;i<3;i++)) ; do <your command> ; done'  will run <your command> three times04:46
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cmweb-adminKingqueak, thanks04:47
archangelpetrook thanks jrib04:47
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confuscoanybody knowledgeable about wifi drivers here, specifically prism54?04:49
normieDalik, i've included output of ls -al /boot in the bottom of the configs.txt and the file names match as far as i can see04:49
Kingsqueakubotu: !wifi | confusco04:49
ubotuconfusco: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:49
grndslmwho here has done a netboot before??  i've gotten the client to connect to the server...but it pauses at like 6% install of other packages..how exactly should the install files be placed in /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu?04:49
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Kingsqueakyeah the bot is smarter than me heh04:49
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confuscounfortunately it's no help04:50
Kingsqueakconfusco: ask specific questions then04:50
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confuscoI have no "specific" questions04:50
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confuscoit's a lot of questions, big problems04:50
Kingsqueakconfusco: well, how far have you got with it?04:50
Kingsqueakconfusco: e.g. do you know if your driver is loaded, do you see eth1 or wlan0 etc.?04:51
confuscowell if you can't help much, then nevermind04:51
confuscono I do not04:51
Daliknormie, very interesting, did you try reinstalling the kernel?04:51
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confuscoI made a post on the forum, I could link to that if anybody here is knowledgeable about that04:51
normieDalik, i ran the installation 3 - 4 times, yes - it's really confusing me :(04:51
Kingsqueakconfusco: well, that means your driver isn't even loaded, so that narrows it for a first step04:51
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Cyberndq: just startet with ubuntu 6.10. installed mc from universe, but it seems to use the wrong character set (lines are displayed with  symbols). any idea, where to start?04:52
confuscowhat's mc?04:52
Daliknormie, take out all of your drives but the windows disk and re run it, if that fails just remove the windows disk and try again, if that fails still take out all the disk and forget windows :)04:52
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Cyberndconfusco mc ? midnight commander04:52
Cyberndmc = :o)04:52
KingsqueakCybernd: running in console or an xterm?04:52
Daliknormie, sorry take out the windows disk and reinstall ubuntu04:52
cmweb-adminKingsueak, can you put this page into english for a noobie please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6650004:52
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CyberndKingsqueak running in a remote ssh console04:53
qc_i hooked a digital camera up to ubuntu VIA usb - how do i find it and get the pictures inside???04:53
Stonekeeperhi. Has anyone successfully configured an ICE1712 card? I can see the meters moving in envy24 but nothing comes out of the speakers. If I do prefs->sound and click "test" for alsa, I hear the test. But nothing else comes out. I've set it as the default soundcard too...04:53
normieDalik, haha, well, i just switched boot order and can easily boot windows now - will try disconnecting the windows disk and reinstalling since i don't need boot menu or anything, will just change boot order when i need windows instead :)04:53
acab_i've a problem with mandvd... nobody know this program?04:53
KingsqueakCybernd: o.k. in console or through an xterm? what are you viewing it through...try changing the font in that04:53
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: looking04:53
qc_i hooked a digital camera up to ubuntu VIA usb - how do i find it and get the pictures inside???04:53
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Daliknormie, if you dont want to do that, run the grub setup yourself and see how that goes04:53
cmweb-adminKingsueak, :)04:53
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Daliknormie, way past my bed time, good luck sorry I couldnt help.04:54
normieDalik, i'll try it - messing with grub seems to be the only way04:54
normieoh god, i miss lilo ;)04:54
normieDalik, no problem, thanks for your time :)04:54
CyberndKingsqueak through windows-putty. its the first remote machine displaying a wrong character set in mc. (before i used debian, and there it was ok)04:54
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: o.k. so this is another question right, not about your wireless?04:54
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cmweb-adminkingsqueak, hu, thats about wireless crud....04:55
KingsqueakCybernd: when you log into the machine, try this    export LANG=C   then run mc04:55
grndslmwho here has done a netboot before??  i've gotten the client to connect to the server...but it pauses at like 6% install of other packages..how exactly should the install files be placed in /var/lib/tftpboot/ubuntu?04:55
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livecdahi, how do I change my screen lines/resolution (in console mode?)04:55
livecdai'm using a lcd with a native res of 1280x1024, looks blurred in default04:55
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CyberndKingsqueak worked well :o) thx04:55
cmweb-adminkingsueak, see i cant even inturpret the crud04:55
FireCatAnyone remember the kernel parameter to boot to text mode?04:55
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: o.k. wireless is a seperate issue from that post, the reason I say that is, your interface needs to be loaded before you can get into /etc/network/interfaces file and do anything with it04:55
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: that file is where you define interfaces in Debian/Ubuntu similar to /etc/sysconfig/network* in RH based systems04:56
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: but your wireless driver isn't loaded, so you can't make an entry in that file that will do anything04:56
xstAre there any easy way to install flash player 9 on edgy?04:56
CyberndKingsqueak is it standard for ubuntu to run with utf8?04:56
KingsqueakCybernd: yup ;-)04:56
cmweb-adminkingsqueaak, I dont have wireless, im on ethernet and dialup04:57
Cyberndthen i think it might be the better idea to use an utf-8 enabled client04:57
testine is das selbe prob brummkreisel04:57
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: sorry, confused you with another guy04:57
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: o.k. so, 'man interfaces' will explain a lot of that, basically you name an interface , whether it's auto on boot or not and how it gets an address, dhcp or static.04:58
LjL!de | testi04:58
ubotutesti: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de04:58
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jerpThere are so many issues with Linux it's like they don't want you to use it, but to fix it.04:58
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: if you have gnome, there's a GUI to handle it under System->Network something04:58
livecdahi, how do I change my screen lines/resolution in console mode? I'm using a LCD with 1280x1024 native res and it doesn't look right04:59
cmweb-adminkingsueak, nvm il wait till the next upgraade my script has comming, this is getting too complicated id raather do it by hand....04:59
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Kingsqueakjerp: it's not that there are issues, it's just that there are many ways to do something and you just have to learn what they are04:59
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: o.k.04:59
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livecdahi, how do I change my screen lines/resolution in console mode? I'm using a LCD with 1280x1024 native res and it doesn't look right05:00
robinhoodeDoes anyone know any tools to find out if my partition table is completely corrupted?05:00
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LjLlivecda: "vga=ask" kernel parameter (later you can replace "ask" with the right number, which you'll find out from the menu that you should then see at boot)05:01
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: you can run fsck on the partitions to check them05:01
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LjLlivecda: or you can use a framebuffer driver, but i don't remember the parameter for that05:01
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: the devices shouldn't be mounted when you run fsck though05:01
livecdaLjL: ah, so it has to be done at boot time?05:01
LjLlivecda: i'm not sure "vga=whatever" will allow 1280x1024 though, i don't think05:01
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Stonekeeperany ideas why alsa->test will give me the test tone but no other application can be heard?05:01
robinhoodeKingsqueak: Yeah, fsck didn't work for me. I got "Bad magic number in superblock"05:02
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: k, did you try the backup blocks?05:02
eraccGrrr! 328 spam messages ... !!!05:02
LjLlivecda: well no, 1) you can set it in /boot/grub/menu.lst and make it stay 2) you can set a framebuffer after boot by loading a framebuffer module and then using the "fbset" command05:02
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robinhoodeKingsqueak: It suggests  to use e2fsck -b 8193 <device>. I tried that, but didn't get anywhere. Any suggestions?05:03
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livecdaLjL: thanks! I think that's exactly what I'm looking for05:03
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: try 8192 instead05:03
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yokomoare there any packages I could get or anything I can do to have better battery life on my laptop? It's a duo core centrino...05:03
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: if that doesn't work, not sure05:03
LjLlivecda: if you can get your card's framebuffer driver to work...05:03
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: what happened that caused this?05:03
LjLlivecda: oh, check out also the "svgatextmode" package05:04
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: also you sure you entered the device name properly as in /dev/hda1 etc?05:04
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umopshas anyone been able to have ubuntu connect to a remote ubuntu XDMCP? anyone be able to help be troubleshoot?05:04
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robinhoodeKingsqueak: I'm not sure what's been causing this. I got an Error 17 in grub the other day. Ran fsck, used it yesterday. Then last night, it frozen and I don't have a partition table!!05:04
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gzaEasy way to install konqueror standalone on Ubunutu?05:04
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: ugh, yeah, not sure05:05
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: there's an FAQ for Edgy about that I think, re error 1705:05
Random_Transithey, i'm trying to compile GAIM-vv from source, and i'm getting an error on the ./configure that says " error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check"05:05
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: it's on the wiki I think, I don't have the link handy, maybe someone else does05:05
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Random_Transithow do i fix this?05:05
cmweb-adminHas any one got apache running with php5?05:06
gzasudo apt-get install konqueror....installs too much I think05:06
jerprandom, I'm also learning that nothing's automatic with linux05:06
robinhoodeKingsqueak: Hmm.. yeah, I think I'm a little passed the error 17. I think I'm in full disk recovery mode.05:06
robinhoodeKingsqueak: How does one determine the block numbers, by the way?05:07
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: basically that -b option is to use the backup boot blocks, if it can't see those, you're out of luck I think05:07
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: well, there are 'standard' ones, they are determined by how mkfs is run05:07
Kingsqueak8193 struck me as odd, 8192 is more 'normal' that's why I suggested that one05:07
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MaggotinHello, is there any way to install grub from live cd?05:08
Aldolielgza, apt-get should install only what Konqueror needs, which is most of KDE05:08
Kingsqueakit's multiples so 1*8192 or 8193 maybe should be the next one05:08
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robinhoodeKingsqueak: Figured as much. If it can't it to recognize the blocks, does that mean my whole disk is fucked or just my data?05:08
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Kingsqueakerr 2*819305:08
Kingsqueakrobinhoode: it means the data mainly, it could be a bad drive, but it's not necessarily so05:08
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: basically the mapping as to what data is where is fubar05:08
AldolielRandom_Transit, Use aMsn or wait till gaim-vv is merged into gaim proper?05:09
gzaAldoliel: yeah about 100mb of stuff, I just remember a while back that there was a way to get konqueror standalone. but no big deal05:09
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Kingsqueakrobinhoode: that could be caused by software glitches with the fs or a utility or it could be a bad drive05:09
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umopshas anyone been able to have ubuntu connect to a remote ubuntu XDMCP? anyone be able to help be troubleshoot?05:09
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seifipis there any alternative to the default bootloader (wheen dualbooting with WinXP)? I would like to have some nicier graphical bootloader similar to that from Mandriva05:10
livecdaLjL: thanks again, i'm off to try it05:11
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Random_TransitAldoliel, yeah, thanks...i'll take that into consideration....now, can anyone else actually offer some advice as to how to get this thing to compile?05:11
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AldolielRandom_Transit, what version of gcc are you using?05:12
jerphahahah, I'm still waiting to find a site that says they offer the Beryl candy that answers my appended repositories  (Damn those web HowTos)05:12
Random_Transitnot sure...how would i check??05:12
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seifiphow can i install LILO to ubuntu??05:13
Random_TransitAldoliel, 4.0.305:13
picassowhere does ubuntu store firefox plugins? i have ff9 beta in my homedir (.mozilla/plugins/) but somehow ff is still using flash 705:13
siouxsome work around about edgy crash: what's this? [17180478.188000]  hdc: request sense failure: status=0x59 { DriveReady SeekComplete DataRequest Error }05:13
Kingsqueakseifip: apt-cache search lilo05:13
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Kingsqueakseifip: it's there, install it and just configure it as usual after it's installed05:13
Gh0styanyone running ivtv here who could give me some hints and tips?05:14
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rretzbachHi. I want to change the gid of every automounted usb storage device. Is that managed by gnome somehow or do I have to edit hotplug scripts?05:14
AldolielYou might need to use an older version, are you building from the release or cvs?05:15
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umopsrretzbach, go System >> Preferences >> removable media..05:15
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rretzbachumops: Yes. And then?05:16
Kingsqueakpicasso: does  about:plugins in Firefox see the 9 one ?05:16
seifipKingsqueak thnx05:16
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Kingsqueakseifip: no prob05:16
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umopsrretzbach, check the boxes you want.05:16
rretzbachDid you even read what I wrote? :(05:17
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picassono, i found it, was old version in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins05:17
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picassoim not sure why it was there05:17
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dm_Hey guys, wheres that nifty howto for ubuntu that tells you all the stuff to install05:20
dm_ubuntuhowto.com ?05:20
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umopsdm_, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy05:21
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rob_is there any reason tapioca is not in the repositories for Edgy, or is it just a matter of time?05:21
dm_umops thanks05:21
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jerpdm_, yeah;  ....love those HowTos!! (sarcasm)05:24
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woro2006hey, in beryl, when I click on Applications, it animates in this wavy effect05:25
woro2006any one know how to disable that05:25
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Homerhow do I get ubuntu to work with my windows partition05:26
wankelI'll soon find out05:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boot.ini - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:26
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:26
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dm_jerp i find them very helpful05:28
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dm_jerp im just coming back to linux from Vista. got Beryl installed, and im loving it, so fast....05:28
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xj9000does anyone have any resources for getting wpa to work with wpasupplicant05:28
dm_is there anyway to turn off JOIN and LEAVE messages ?????05:29
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jribdm_: what client do you use?05:29
xj9000I am using ubuntu dapper05:29
xj9000and have05:29
dm_jrib Gnome Xchat05:29
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jribdm_: hmm not sure about xchat, in irssi, it's:  /ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS05:30
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jribdm_: in xchat it might just be a preference in one of the menus05:32
HomerI need an "ubuntu.bin" file05:32
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Homerwhat does this do: dd if=/dev/hda0 of=/mnt/share/ubuntu.bin bs=512 count=105:33
dm_jrib been looking, oh well will google it later, thanks for your help05:33
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jribdm_: I got some htis on google taht say you can just right click on a channel tab, but that may just be for regular xchat05:34
imc_xj9000 have you installed NetworkManager?05:34
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riveraJ'ai besoin d'aide05:34
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LjL!fr | rivera05:34
uboturivera: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:34
phasegenDoes anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up remote access from the internet?  A really dumbed down, step-by-step one?05:35
dm_jrib this is xchat, but its just proged to loginto ubuntu channel aut05:35
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Adam_GOkay,  here's a woozy. If my sudo command is broken (don't ask) is there a way to restart, other than a power cycle?05:36
itrebalis there a default repository that has libdvdcss?05:36
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confuscoanybody know how to get locale working in GAIM? I tried entering #ubuntu-ru and the characters are showing up as question marks05:37
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dm_got an error message like this checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:38
dm_anyone know how to solve?05:38
jribdm_: install build-essential,  what are you building?05:38
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jrib!dvd > itrebal05:38
dm_jrib Ait snort :P05:38
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dm_air snort :P05:39
jrib!info airsnort05:39
ubotuairsnort: WLAN sniffer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.7e-1.1 (edgy), package size 49 kB, installed size 180 kB05:39
xj9000can anyone tell me the appropriate channel for wpasupplicant help with ubuntu on ipw220005:39
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justin_Does Ubuntu keep huge ... temp files somewhere?05:40
ublivewhere can I find a list of ubuntu live boot parameters (cheat codes) -- or -- what is the boot parameter to not load X?05:40
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:40
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ryanpgarg... so I decided to do a clean install of edgy on another hard drive, and... grub's menu.lst now DOESN'T have UUIDs instead it has /dev/hdc1 what the heck is going on?05:40
justin_It would seem that my drive space is .. disapearing quick.. and I don't install anything at all..05:40
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xj9000_justin, check /tmp05:41
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xj9000do a du command05:41
xj9000on the terminal and find out what is so big05:41
dm_Any idea what this message means ??? sudo ndiswrapper -i ~/drivers/drivername.inf05:41
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justin_xj9000: Nothing there..05:41
dm_any idea what this means  sh: /sbin/wlanctl-ng: not found05:41
xj9000I am checking the du command for some options just sec05:41
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ryanpgis there some kind of option that I missed to turn on UUIDs?05:42
justin_What exactly does DU do? I see one big list of files.. which is bad since I am in console and cannot scroll up...05:42
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Kingsqueakdm_: it's probably a script and the command it's trying to run, isn't where it should be or is expected to be05:42
xj9000you can try this: du -c --max-depth 1 | sort -nr05:42
justin_xj9000: Im in the manual ;) -- thanks though, I did'nt know there was a disk usage program in Linux.. I was trying to find one hehe :D05:42
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Kingsqueakdm_: check the very first line, the 'shebang'  #!/whatever  see if it's really there on your system05:43
ublivewhat is the boot parameter to not load X on ubuntu live? (I looked at the above url, doesn't seem to mention anything about not loading X but it wasn't made for ubuntu live either)05:43
xj9000you can also pipe it to more and have a slow listing05:43
xj9000du -c --max-depth 1 | sort -nr | more05:43
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xj9000anyone have wpasupplicant help out there05:43
xj9000i'd like my laptop to get on my wpa access point05:43
kjetilhowhat are the dependencies for nautilus in Ubuntu?  can I replace gamin with fam?05:43
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xj9000seems like there are lots of different ways of playing around with it05:43
Kingsqueakxj9000: which release of Ubuntu?05:43
xj9000wpa supplicant05:44
wilczexanyone from poland?:)05:44
dm_kingsqueak its for airsnort05:44
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Kingsqueakxj9000: I would recommend you install network-manager and network-manager-gnome, go into /etc/network/interfaces and comment out all but the lo interface, disable any other wlan anything in /etc/init.d, reboot and you will see the networks05:44
dm_kingsqueak i dont think my wifi card is installed properly05:44
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Kingsqueakdm_: ah k05:45
dm_kingsqueak ah nm, i had the wifi switch off lol05:45
tom47kjetilho you can find the dependancies in the synaptic listing for the package (right click > properties)05:45
Kingsqueakxj9000: oh skipped one step, you need to run nm-applet after you reboot into gnome05:45
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xj9000whoops, its edgy05:45
xj9000not dapper05:45
Kingsqueakxj9000: that one handles wpa05:45
xj9000dapper is what I am on now05:45
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xj9000and my laptop is edgy05:45
Kingsqueakxj9000: Edgy comes with it installed already I think05:45
Kingsqueakxj9000: run 'nm-applet'05:46
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Kingsqueakxj9000: it will pop up a little icon in the system tray05:46
xj9000yes, I have the icon05:46
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xj9000two computers and a red x05:46
Kingsqueakxj9000: o.k. you sure your driver is loaded for the wireless?   ifconfig -a   should show the interface if it is05:47
Kingsqueakxj9000: eth1 or wlan0 etc05:47
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xj9000the yeah, it worked fine with WEP05:47
kjetilhois there a web interface for exploring Ubuntu package dependencies?05:47
xj9000but since I moved to WPA05:47
xj9000it isn't05:47
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xj9000I think I have to mess with wpasupplicant05:47
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kjetilhotom47: I'm running Fedora Core and am considering switching :)05:47
Kingsqueakxj9000: nah, you probably aren't entering the right settings for it05:47
xj9000eth1 is the interface05:47
Kingsqueakxj9000: it does the wpa stuff for you underneath05:47
itrebalanyone know of a method to discover which drive actually is a DVD reader?05:48
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Kingsqueakyeah I have a Dell with that same interface, it should just figure out wpa for you05:48
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Kingsqueakxj9000: likely one of your options for the connection isn't right05:48
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:48
xj9000so I am going to enter it in as a hexidecimal pass05:48
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xj9000and give it a go05:48
Dominus_SuusAfter upgrading to Edgy my DRI's fried on my Intel graphics (laptop)05:48
Dominus_SuusI can't find anything to fix it05:49
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Kingsqueakxj9000: if you install some of the other wlan* stuff it can interfere with network-manager just so you know05:49
Kingsqueakxj9000: if you have, you need to uninstall the ones you did and do some cleanup of /etc/network/interfaces05:49
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tom47kjetilho http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/edgy/gnome/nautilus05:50
xj9000that's probably what is the problem then05:50
Kingsqueakxj9000: wifi-radar for one will interfere badly05:50
xj9000because I did install wlan stuff05:50
xj9000for a usb wifi card05:50
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xj9000wlan0 was the interface for that05:50
sliordahi people, does someone here know anything about postfix? I want to relay email through my server but i can't telnet it :(05:50
xj9000okay then, thanks for the help05:50
xj9000I am going to dig around05:50
Kingsqueakxj9000: start by looking at /etc/network/interfaces  comment out all but the 'lo' lines05:50
Kingsqueakxj9000: then try a reboot05:50
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xj9000will the network manager recreate all of that?05:50
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Kingsqueakxj9000: it handles all of it in the background05:51
Kingsqueakxj9000: basically you use it for all your networking05:51
Kingsqueakxj9000: it will do your hardwire and wireless05:51
xj9000well, I have been running all custom scripts in the past05:51
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|mp|I have a Firewire Ext. HDD connected to a PCMCIA card, the controller is detected, but the HDD is not automounting or even found?? Any ideas?05:51
xj9000but when things change around05:51
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xj9000I have to refigure it all out05:51
kjetilhotom47: thanks!05:51
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xj9000I was hoping that newer ubuntu distros will have it all figured out05:51
Kingsqueakxj9000: I use nm to hop between work wired/wireless and home wired/wireless, all dhcp and it just works05:51
xj9000I saw that they are trying to get network location managers up and running05:51
xj9000like os x05:51
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Kingsqueakxj9000: yeah that's the basic idea05:52
gumpishWTF is with Rhythmbox? The window will grow to many times the width of my display in order to fit the title of the file/stream it's playing!!!05:52
kjetilhotom47: excellent, it depends on fam, not gamin :-)05:52
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Dominus_Suuscould anybody please help me with dri on edgy (intel graphics chip)05:52
xj9000see you guys later05:52
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tom47kjettilho nw .... glad to help05:53
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itrebalI've got 2 cdrom drives, one of them has a /dev/cdrom symlink, but I'm not suer how to find the other one, I'd tried hdb, hdc and hdd, but those arn't working [device doesn't exist]  any ways to find my other drive?05:53
tom_where can i configure ubuntu to use dual screen?05:53
kjetilhoitrebal: head /proc/ide/*/model05:54
itrebalkjetilho: thanks!05:54
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kjetilhoitrebal: might be useful to rummage around in /proc/sys/dev too05:55
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ryanpghow bout this... does edgy default to using UUIDs or not?05:55
itrebalkjetilho: it sees it as hdc, but as an ide-cdrom - should that be dvdrom or something else?05:56
Kingsqueakthis is very cool btw, it uses PAM to authenticate your gnome-keyring when you log in so network-manager doesn't ask you for your password  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192281   Edgy doesn't need the compile done, you just install the pam-keyring package and it will work.  You just need to make the gdm config entries for pam.d05:56
Kingsqueakyour keyring password *must* be your login password too though05:56
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grndslmgumpish, that's a feature of gnome05:56
tom47ryanpg has done in the edgy fstab's i have seen but thats not many05:57
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itrebalkjetilho: its looking more and more like it doesn't know how to use it, is there a package or *something* to see it as a DVD drive?05:57
dortohow to check if a port in edgy is open or not for incoming tcp connections?05:58
itrebal(as /dev/hdc does exists)05:58
gumpishgrndslm: I see. Is it a "feature" that can be deactivated?05:58
Kingsqueakdorto: 'netstat -an' will show you listening ports05:58
ryanpgI installed subversion... but I have no svn what's going on here?05:58
dortok, thx05:58
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grndslmgumpish, not that i'm aware of05:58
Kingsqueakdorto: also  'lsof -i tcp'  and 'lsof -i udp'05:58
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Kingsqueakdorto: that shows you the application that is on the port05:59
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kjetilhoitrebal: no, ide-cdrom is correct even for DVD-RW (which is what I have)05:59
grndslmi do agree that the windows should be a little more enhanced about the sizing of windows in the window list, tho05:59
gumpishWell, is there a Rhythmbox option that gives the window a static title so it doesn't change constantly?05:59
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grndslmehh...i wouldn't know, i don't use Rhythymbox06:00
Dominus_Suusdoes anybody know how to enable dri on an Intel graphics chipset in Edgy?06:00
dortowhen I first started azureus, it walked me through setup wizard. Then vanished after completion. Now it is starting, showing the window and then vanishing again.06:00
gumpish=/ well sadly it's the default audio player06:00
rafaguapgood afternoon!06:00
gumpishMeh. I suppose I should see about running WindowMaker anyway.06:00
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grndslmgumpish, i hear some people like banshee better06:00
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grndslmi use Listen when it's not so buggy, or beep-media-player06:00
gumpishnever heard of it - I'll check it out thanks06:00
grndslmno prob06:01
atrusgumpish: specifically it's a bugful feature of metacity. replace your window manager and you're set. the rest of gnome is fine.06:01
gumpishi see06:01
grndslmand get a new music player06:01
grndslmand THEN you're good06:01
dortorhythmbox and bmp are more stable. listen has more fancy features ;)06:01
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atrusgumpish: i've always found openbox to go really well with gnome. and rhythmbox just rules, period.06:01
grndslmyea...listen's not totally stable, i prolly should go back to banhsee or somethin06:01
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atrusgumpish: do you see that behavior with websites with really long titles too?06:01
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gumpishatrus: now that you mention it, no i don't06:02
atrusgumpish: hmmm. might actually be a rhythmbox issue then.06:02
bitzeroyo guys, Im making some tests here, and i just insalled windows vista and then ubuntu, but on the boot menu, there is no option to star windows, is there a way to fix it ?06:03
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alex1982ok quick question: I tried to install JDK 1.5 docs , the installation didn't work , but now every time I try to install anything else it also tries to install the JDK docs. I suppose there is a file that has the queue of files to be installed. Where is that so that I can edit the JDK docs out ?06:03
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leafwany recommendations to view a .flv movie ?06:03
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VigoFusionI couldnt get (whatever) to play a stream, the name want long, but was or may have been WMA, I gave ujpo and went back to working on the Onboard ATI 200 doohikey06:04
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leafwwow, vlc out-of-the-box worked!06:04
cpl-tnt44[17179574.392000]  Kernal panic - not syncing :VFS :unable to mount root fs on unknow - block (0,0)06:05
cpl-tnt44how do i solve this ?06:05
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cpl-tnt44I recently changed the grub menu order , after chaging im getting this error and cant boot my 27 kernel linux ... only 26 and down  The Problem states : [17179574.392000]  Kernal panic - not syncing :VFS :unable to mount root fs on unknow - block (0,0)06:07
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: what drive is linux installed on?  Might be trying to boot from the wrong partition06:07
cpl-tnt44Kingquaeak on a diffrent paratition offcourse06:07
cpl-tnt44linux has its own fs06:07
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: then set the entry to the right one ;-)06:07
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rafaguapGuys: please tell me how to get back my usb memory key (vfat system) recognized as well as my wireless: i must put acpi=force to kernel 2.6.15-27 in order to have wireless recognized, but then usb key is not seen anymore..  (dapper on a laptop packard bell easynote R1983)06:08
cpl-tnt44i have , but im still getting this error06:08
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: boot from a live CD or in another kernel and check the hd() setting for that entry06:08
wasabi_The problem is the root="" option passed to the kernel.06:08
wasabi_It's wrong.06:08
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: the hd() setting should match your other kernels06:08
Virtuallcpl-tnt44, have you changed initrd image too?06:08
cpl-tnt44i'v played a little with the menu.lst file on /boot/grub06:09
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wasabi_cpl-tnt44: The problem is the "root" option being passed to the kernel. It is currently wrong.06:09
cpl-tnt44changed groot= .... and order on windows and other kernals ...06:09
wasabi_Whether you changed it, or whatever, I don't know.06:09
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cpl-tnt44can u write down the right command?06:10
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wasabi_No. Because it's different for everybody.06:10
gmitchelguys, I've got most of the "hard" stuff working on my new 6.10 mythtv box, but i can't get any sound from the onboard ALC850... lsmod and lspci seem to return the proper stuff... atiixp drivers installed, etc... alsamixer settings look fine; any ideas?06:10
cpl-tnt44or maybe send me your grub file ?06:10
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: in menu.lst copy the lines from the working kernels06:10
cpl-tnt44wasabi i know06:10
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cpl-tnt44but i think i have something there missing06:10
wasabi_cpl-tnt44: Your grub is loading fine, your kernel is loading fine, but hte kernel cannot find the root partition... You should verify that the path you passto it (root=) is in fact correct.06:10
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: you said a 26 works, just look at the line for that one06:10
cpl-tnt44King i'll try that06:10
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transgress_okay i still am having the problem of, after running for a long time, ubuntu won't let me use a keyboard06:10
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transgress_it will just take no keyboard input06:11
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: the difference will be the name of the kernel and initrd, so make those match the 2706:11
maxkelleyDoes anyone use the Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 2.0 with linux?06:11
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cpl-tnt44King i'll give it a try06:11
transgress_this is a rather big problem06:11
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wasabi_Kingsqueak: You are giving him incorrect advice. He's previously stated his kernel loads fine.06:11
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Raging_HogUpgrading Dapper to Efty. There's apache & php compiled from source, what will happen to them?06:11
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cpl-tnt44i'll be back in a jiffy and tell u if it worked06:11
Kingsqueakwasabi_: his other kernels do, so if he simply copies the entries for those with the 27 filenames, he'll be set06:11
Kingsqueakwasabi_: simpler to explain06:12
wasabi_Nope, he's said his current one works fine.06:12
wasabi_It is the kernel itself which is printing out "Unable to mount root"06:12
wasabi_Hence, the kernel is loading fine.06:12
alecjwis there a command to make ubuntu hibernate that i can do in the terminal?06:12
VirtuallRaging_Hog, are they installed as packages too?06:12
Kingsqueakwasabi_: I know that, but if he looks at the other entries, he'll see the root= difference06:12
Raging_HogVirtuall, no06:12
transgress_i even tried plugging another keyboard into it06:12
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transgress_that wouldn't work either06:12
Dominus_Suuscould somebody please help me figure out why dri on my intel graphics chip is broken?06:12
transgress_but it was a keyboard/mouse combo and the mouse worked fine06:12
wasabi_Sure, but that's not what you said a minute ago. ;)06:13
dortoany suggestions how to track what could possibly be making azureus crash during startup?06:13
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dortonot even a bug report is generated...06:13
Kingsqueakwasabi_: it's just a round-about way to get him to repair the entry06:13
VirtuallRaging_Hog, then i'd say nothing06:13
LjLRaging_Hog, if they were installed - as they should - out of the way of /usr, there shouldn't be a problem06:13
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LjLRaging_Hog: (that is, in /usr/local or /opt)06:13
Raging_HogLjL, they're in /usr/local06:13
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wasabi_I guess. You told him to look at kernel and initrd.... not root06:13
=== wasabi_ shrugs.
LjLRaging_Hog: then you should be fine - except of course that they might stop working if they require specific versions of stuff that changed in edgy...06:14
Kingsqueakwasabi_: nah yer right, I thought they were on the same line06:14
Kingsqueakwasabi_: just looked06:14
transgress_anyone else using ubuntu64 on a lappy?  does their keyboard ever quit?06:14
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alecjwis there a command to make ubuntu hibernate that i can do in the terminal?06:15
johsohiya. I just deleted a bunch of video files on a fat32 drive, and then I emptyed the trash can. problem is, I didn't get more disk space! if I delete other stuff, the disk updates fine, so it seems like they are still there, but I can't see them anywhere. any ideas?06:15
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Kingsqueakalecjw: apt-cache search hibernate06:16
Kingsqueakalecjw: the package is 'hibernate'06:16
LjLKingsqueak: sure it works correctly on ubuntu?06:16
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LjLi think Gnome's and KDE's hibernate routines call different things06:16
KingsqueakLjL: hibernate, nope...but it's there06:16
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LjLwell yeah, won't hurt to try it i suppose06:17
leafwLjL : I bet, kubuntu works and ubuntu fails at putting my laptop to sleep06:17
LjLleafw: sort of the opposite for me :)06:17
tom47works for me06:17
cmweb-adminCan any one tell me what the php5 package for ubuntu is, i got all the ones i know instaalled but i still get an error when running a php script( fire fox calls them phtml filels)06:17
KingsqueakLjL: I've never got it working fully, I honestly just shutdown anyway06:17
leafwLjL : I wish it worked in both06:17
Kingsqueakhot docking/undocking is the one I wish I could get straight06:17
LjLcmweb-admin: it's "php5"06:17
VigoFusionjohso: did you delete the files or the filenames?06:18
cmweb-adminljl, i got it instaalled but still06:18
Kingsqueaktoggling between the ATi and Nvidia of dock vs laptop screws me up06:18
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KingsqueakI can undock, but not dock once the laptop is already running06:18
LjLcmweb-admin, have you set the php files as executable?06:18
cmweb-adminljl, Hm, that may be the reaason let me check06:19
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neoncodeHow do I change the passwords of other users from the command-line?06:19
LjLneoncode: sudo passwd <username>06:19
cmweb-adminljl, they are all 777 so yes they are exicutable06:19
neoncodeLjL: Damn, I wish I'd tried that. Thanks!06:19
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LjLcmweb-admin: have you done whatever the docs (/usr/share/something) says to do to enable php? i think you need to make a symlink or two in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled06:20
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cmweb-adminljl, if so i have no idea what to do, im slowly learning this. do you know the exact name of the instructions file06:21
skmidryI need to enable SATA while installing ubuntu edgy on my HP laptop06:21
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skmidrywhat steps do I need to take06:21
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: any luck?06:21
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cpl-tnt44i dont think so06:21
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: I was wrong before btw, wasabi_ was right06:21
cpl-tnt44im just looking at the grub file ...\06:22
carpediemskmidry: SATA support is in there.  I just installed on a system with only a SATA II drive just last week.06:22
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cpl-tnt44im just looking at the grub file ... kernal input are the same and correct06:22
LjLcmweb-admin, no, i don't have php or apache installed right now06:22
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: it's the line for   root   that probably doesn't match06:22
cpl-tnt44what wasabi said i should change ?06:22
cmweb-adminljl, ok but is should be in /usr/share right?06:22
cpl-tnt44wells root lines are the same06:22
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: weird06:22
wasabi_cpl-tnt44: Wahat is the root line.06:23
LjLcmweb-admin: have you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-6ce180906ddbc141ef4b213f82465515a8ad3031-2 ?06:23
cmweb-adminljl, nope :P06:23
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LjLthen do, might help06:23
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: did you mess around with your actual kernel or initrd files, also did you boot 27 before the changes?06:23
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cpl-tnt44and yeap06:23
cpl-tnt44im sorry nope i didnt messed with the kernel bcz i dunno how06:24
wasabi_cpl-tnt44: What's your kopt line say?06:24
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cpl-tnt44any how it seemed fine to me , lines are the same between the 26 kernel and the 27 b06:24
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: I'm not sure what to tell you now, can you paste your menu.lst to the pastebin site?06:24
cpl-tnt44kopt ?06:24
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wasabi_Yes. # kopt=06:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:25
cpl-tnt44well yeah but i dont have internet connection in the linux system since i couldnt06:25
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cpl-tnt44figure out how to install wireless one06:25
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kkrustyis there a console email client preinstalled with kubuntu edgy?06:25
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: boot one of the working kernels and do it06:25
cpl-tnt44i have done it06:25
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cpl-tnt44but now internet on linux anyhow06:25
Kingsqueakkkrusty: probably 'mail' though 'mutt' would be what I would recommend06:25
gmitcheldoes anyone use atiixp sound driver in dapper?06:25
cpl-tnt44if i can only find my rj45...''s06:26
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cpl-tnt44just a sec06:26
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salmenarappl, do you know any iptraf-like util for GNOME /  X ????06:26
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: yeah seeing your file would be helpful for sure06:26
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cmweb-adminljl, ok i have the mod installed but then i use /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload i get a failed error can i im you and paast it06:26
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phlasphyhey all06:26
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kkrustyneither is present here.. ls /usr/bin | grep mail yields kmail as the only thing that looks useful06:26
cpl-tnt44i know jsut a sec im working on it06:26
kakadois it possible to install kernel 2.6.15 under edgy, as it has 2.6.17 - it is not in the repository06:27
phlasphyis FLAC lossless or not06:27
phlasphyi thought it was but06:27
cpl-tnt44"# is a comment in the grub menu right ?06:27
gmitchel"free lossless audio compression"06:27
kkrustybut its not console06:27
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: yes06:27
phlasphygmitchel, i ripped a cd as wav then made it flac and the flacs bitrate is lower?06:27
cpl-tnt44mmmm so i dont have root defined that could be a problem ...06:28
tchizeHello, can someone help me solve this problem? I upgraded from dapper to edgy but i can't get the kernel to boot now. Neither generic nor 386. All i can still use is the old 'dapper' one. I get the splash then a black screen with blinking cursor06:28
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LjLcmweb-admin, just use the pastebin...06:28
Kingsqueakkkrusty: just do  'sudo apt-get install mutt'06:28
cpl-tnt44i can see i can define a groot device ...06:28
cpl-tnt44king ^^06:28
cmweb-adminljl, .....k06:28
skmidrycarpediem - my systems people installed winblows without enabling SATA support, therefore I will need to switch on SATA in BIOS before installing Edgy, right?06:28
LjLcmweb-admin, it's made for that. and that way other users can see the error as well06:28
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cpl-tnt44so maybe i'll set it to groot=(hd0,2) where ths linux os is ...06:29
skmidrycarpediem - I will be dual booting06:29
cmweb-adminljl, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32767/06:29
atrusgmitchel: that's the idea. it makes it smaller without loosing any quality.06:29
salmenarappl, do you know any iptraf-like util for GNOME /  X ????06:29
LjLcmweb-admin, you need to sudo that06:29
atrushrm. neverminde06:29
gmitchelyeah, he left06:29
cmweb-adminom i forgot to  login to root06:30
LjLcmweb-admin: by the way, having a user named "admin" is probably not a good idea, since there is an "admin" group as well06:30
kkrustyKingsqueak: does mutt work with http proxies?06:30
cpl-tnt44king just a second bro im hooking up a connection as we speak\06:30
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Kingsqueakkkrusty: not sure, I use it for local spools and imaps06:30
cmweb-adminUM eraase that please06:30
phlasphyso is it lossless or not06:30
tchizenobody for edgy kernel not booting?06:30
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gmitchelphlasphy: the idea of compression is that is loses bitrate w/o losing quality06:30
LjLcmweb-admin: hard to do that06:30
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phlasphygmitchel, but how can it do that??06:30
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: k06:30
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LjLcmweb-admin: just change your password06:31
cmweb-admini hope no one knows what that goes to06:31
cmweb-adminwhats the command06:31
LjLcmweb-admin, we could guess06:31
LjLcmweb-admin: "passwd"06:31
cpl-tnt44king ok online !06:31
cpl-tnt44just a secoond06:31
cpl-tnt44write down the pastebin site06:31
gmitchelphlasphy: it cuts out a lot of extraneous data from the wav file... things we can't hear and things our sound systems can't play06:31
dm_how do i quit a man page06:31
cmweb-adminis is su passwd then what06:31
LjLdm_: "q"06:31
dm_like man hddtemp06:31
LjLcmweb-admin: hm?06:32
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cmweb-adminthe total command06:32
dm_ljl thanks06:32
LjLcmweb-admin: just "passwd" from the user you want to change the password of06:32
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justin_Can your browsers... get corrupt in Linux?06:32
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cmweb-adminljl, thanks06:32
idanhey its cpl-tnt4406:32
Shadow_milHow do I install MP3 support into amarok?06:33
LjLUbotu, please tell Shadow_mil about mp306:33
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Shadow_milLjL: My computer has MP3 support just fine, I play it in mplayer06:33
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Shadow_milbut amarok can't see it06:33
xXaNaXxhi guys06:33
cmweb-adminljl, new error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32771/06:33
LjLShadow_mil, page has specific instructions for amarok06:33
Dominus_Suuscould someone help me with direct rendering on an intel graphics card.... please?!?06:33
idanking accept06:33
Kingsqueakidan: I can't, unless your nick is registered06:34
Kingsqueakidan: it's my server options, not my client06:34
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LjLcmweb-admin: uhm, did you have php4 installed in the past?06:34
Dominus_SuusI followed the instructions to install the Intel driver from ubuntuguide.org but that didn't work06:34
cmweb-adminljl, it may have been im not sure but irs totaly uninstalled06:34
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cmweb-adminljl, i mean its not installed right now06:35
LjLcmweb-admin: try "sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php4"06:35
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cmweb-adminljl, alright il go php406:35
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LjLcmweb-admin: then, if apache works, try "sudo apt-get --purge remove libapache2-mod-php4"06:35
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xXaNaXxi need some help here guys, i just got through installing ubuntu 6.10 "alternate"....during the installation, i remember entering a password, but i don't recall it asking for a username.....so i was able to get to a command line and added a user account, and i can login on that account, but i can't login as root to make changes i need to06:36
cmweb-adminljl, ok php4 is installing06:36
cpl-tnt77king post that pastebin site06:36
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cpl-tnt77ill copy it over ther06:36
Dominus_SuusxXaNaXx - does sudo work?06:36
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LjLxXaNaXx: "cat /etc/passwd" to see which username it was06:36
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:36
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xXaNaXxlemme check that real quick...comp's in the other room, i'll brb06:37
gmitchelxXaNaXx: your first name is the default06:37
LjLxXaNaXx: it'll be the user with number 1000, most likely06:37
cpl-tnt77king dig up : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32772/06:37
VigoFusionDominus_Suus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=273934 <<<ATI stuff06:37
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cmweb-adminljl, ok so whats next to test it?06:37
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LjLcmweb-admin: try reloading apache again06:37
Isaaaack21hello in there :)06:37
Dominus_Suusvigo - thanks-but is that safe for Intel06:37
cmweb-adminljl, reloading06:37
cmweb-adminOK i belive it went06:38
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt77: aha, you're missing the initrd line for 2706:38
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cpl-tnt77yeah i just saw : initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-38606:38
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cpl-tnt77u think it would solve it ?06:38
cpl-tnt77and should i add it to both kernels ?06:38
LjLcmweb-admin: ok then try "sudo apt-get --purge remove libapache2-mod-php4"06:38
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt77: add an initrd line for 27 that points to the initrd for 2706:38
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VigoFusionIt is for Intel Onboard, I think, I am still playing with the X200 display06:38
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cmweb-adminljl, its still asking if i want to download a file06:38
Shadow_milLjL: thanks06:38
LjLcmweb-admin: where is it asking that?06:38
PR006high all06:38
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cmweb-adminljl, in firefox on the home page witch is php06:39
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Kingsqueakcpl-tnt77:   initrd     /boot/initrc.img-2.6.15-27-38606:39
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buzzedany good webcam apps...06:39
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LjLcmweb-admin: dunno, try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libapache2-mod-php5"06:39
Kingsqueakdoh, typo06:39
jayHatHow do you pronounce Ubuntu. Is it oo-boon-two or oo-bun-two?06:39
LjLcmweb-admin: (after purging that php4 package, that is, and then restart apache again)06:39
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ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome06:40
KingsqueakjayHat: I say 'uh bun too' but that's just me06:40
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Dominus_Suusnope, no help there :(06:40
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cmweb-adminljl, ok went smooth testing06:40
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kkrustyjayHat: what about you-bun-too06:40
slightCan anyone tell me to report an error in the online documentation?06:40
jayHatI dont bun-too06:40
cpl-tnt44king : same error im getting06:40
Dominus_Suusslight - where's the error?06:40
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: pastebin your changed file06:40
cmweb-adminljl, i dont know what it is its still wanting to downlaod06:40
slightsystem->administration->disks is referred to but no longer seems to be included in ubuntu06:40
kkrustybut i use koo bun too06:41
slightDominus_Suus, one moment06:41
cpl-tnt44need to log back in old kernel06:41
confuscoI think it's you-boon-too or oo-boon-too06:41
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jayHatkkrusty: the logic makes sense.06:41
gmitchelaccording to the kubuntu.org FAQ, it would be "oo-boon-too"06:41
LjLcmweb-admin: hm wait just something, what's the URL you're using in Firefox?06:41
slightDominus_Suus, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch10s02.html06:41
cmweb-adminim using localhost06:42
cmweb-adminljl, it may be chached, should i clear the bin06:42
LjLcmweb-admin: if you type "ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ | grep php5", do you get any output?06:42
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LjLcmweb-admin: ah yeah that's worth a try as well... hitting Refresh should do it though06:43
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cmweb-adminljl, i get no out put06:43
Dominus_Suusslight - 1 min06:43
kkrustywell most people here dont use ubuntu because of the wierd name and because they're used to using redhat based distros06:43
=== abasit [n=abasit@ool-45742cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cpl-tnt44king , i forgot to sudo command it , thats why it didnt saved ..06:43
abasithow do i add a user as admin user ?06:44
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: ;-)06:44
LjLcmweb-admin: ok, hold on, i'll try a quite apache/php installation on my own machine. i have one on debian, but that might be different06:44
slightkkrusty, people don't use it because of it's name?06:44
cpl-tnt44now im trying cross06:44
cpl-tnt44king thanks your the king !!!06:44
tabberanyone knows how to disable IPv6 in firefox?06:44
cpl-tnt44i have one more quastion for ya06:44
cmweb-adminljl, ok thanks06:44
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Kingsqueakabasit: 'sudo nano /etc/group'  find the line with admin:  and add the user at the end of it, if you have user foo there make it  foo,newuser06:44
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cmweb-adminkkrusty, most people here do use ubuntu06:44
xXaNaXxLjL: i was able to do cat /etc/passwd, and i got a bunch of stuff....all i really see as far as accounts are root & my username....but i'm trying to login as root at the main login splash screen, and it won't let me, even though i'm typing the password i entered during installation.....and it's in the same case as i typed, too06:44
Dominus_Suusslight - start by telling them at #ubuntu-doc06:44
kkrustyslight: well most people dont even use linux but if they decide to do then they have a tendency to go to fedora core etc06:44
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slightDominus_Suus, thanks06:45
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jayHatfedora core is what is left after you eat a fedora.06:45
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claudiuhow can i set a custom lower timeout for "apt-get update" because some repositories take forever to respond ?06:45
LjL!root | xXaNaXx, you can't do that06:45
ubotuxXaNaXx, you can't do that: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:45
cpl-tnt44king you have any clue about wireless networking ?06:45
abasitKingsqueak, i did already, the user is a member of admin group, but it can not perform privileged operations06:45
kkrustyjayHat: i dont know what a fedora is and ive just discovered that its something edible?06:46
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Kingsqueakabasit: did you log that user out and back in, group changes don't take place until you do06:46
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LjLxXaNaXx: by hacking a bit, you can login as root directly (it's explained on that page). that's very, very, very much recommended against though06:46
jayHatkkrusty: It is a hat.06:46
abasiti see06:46
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: somewhat06:46
xXaNaXxubotu: is there any way to set it up so that it prompts me for the root password when i try to open something that requires SU access, instead of having to use sudo?06:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is there any way to set it up so that it prompts me for the root password when i try to open something that requires SU access, instead of having to use sudo? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:46
Kingsqueakcpl-tnt44: don't just ask me though, ask generally06:46
jayHatlol, ubotu is a bot.06:46
=== abasit [n=abasit@ool-45742cb6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
abasitkingsqueak, still same problem, it says the user does not have access to system config06:47
cpl-tnt44can anyone help me define a wireless network card ?06:47
Dominus_Suusxxanaxx - ubotu's the encyclopedia bot06:47
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Kingsqueakabasit: as that user, type 'groups' are they in admin?06:47
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:47
xXaNaXxwell, can i do that?06:47
cpl-tnt44i'v read the wiki's wireless docs but still have issues06:47
riveraBonsoir bonsoir06:47
tom47!me being a mug06:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about me being a mug - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:47
abasitabasit@abasit-laptop:~$ id abasit06:47
abasituid=1000(abasit) gid=1000(abasit) groups=1000(abasit),114(admin)06:47
LjLcmweb-admin, look, when installing the php5 modules, php5.load and php5.conf should be added to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled. let's make a few more attempts to try and have that done automatically, as it should06:47
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Dominus_Suustom47 - don06:47
cmweb-adminljl, k06:47
Dominus_Suusdon't torment the bot!06:47
riveraComment on fait pour aller sur le chat en francais?06:48
Kingsqueakabasit: do  'sudo -l'  what's that tell you?06:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about torment - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:48
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abasitKingsqueak, User abasit may run the following commands on this host:06:48
abasit    (ALL) ALL06:48
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Dominus_SuusI stand corrected06:48
abasitit should be okay06:48
Kingsqueakabasit: then you are all set, not sure why you would have an issue06:48
tabberanyone? disabling IPv6 in firefox?06:48
LjLcmweb-admin: try "sudo apt-get --purge remove php5; sudo apt-get --purge remove libapache2-mod-php5; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop; sudo apt-get install php5; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start"06:48
cmweb-adminljl, wow ok one min06:48
abasitIf i go click on Users in Administration, it gives the configuration can not be loaded06:49
riveraS'il vous plait!06:49
LjLrivera: type   /join #ubuntu-fr06:49
Kingsqueakabasit: hmm maybe a typo in one of the system files that it doesn't like06:49
Dominus_Suus!why Microsoft has any redeeming quality06:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about why Microsoft has any redeeming quality - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:49
riveraThank you06:49
cpl-tnt44can some 1 help install a driver for my smc 2802 wireless network driver ?06:49
abasitKingsquek, i did not touch any :)06:49
Dominus_Suusokay, I have to stop - lol06:49
abasitKingsqueak, did you use beryl XGL?06:49
Kingsqueakabasit: I have yes, running Edgy now though06:50
cmweb-adminljl, wow thaey actuly all worked, now test?06:50
tom47easy marks only satisfy for a short time06:50
xXaNaXxis there any way to set up my user account or user preferences so that it prompts for the root password when needed, rather than having to use sudo?06:50
abasitKingsqueak, the XGL session hangs upon bootup for some time06:50
Kingsqueakabasit: I'm nvidia-beta here so it's different06:50
LjLcmweb-admin: well, first make sure that the files are there. do "ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ | grep php5" again06:50
abasitI see06:50
gubluntudoes anyone know if ubuntu server will auto-output shell to serial during install? or do i need to setup it to do so06:50
LjLxXaNaXx: no, because there's no way for the system to know in advance whether a program will need root or not06:51
Dominus_Suusxxanaxx - ubuntu does that automatically whenever you try to run a restricted program06:51
Kingsqueakabasit: /var/log/Xorg.0.log might have a clue06:51
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cmweb-adminljl, was their suposed to be an outpu? i got nothin06:51
xXaNaXxit's not doing it on mine06:51
kkrustyhas anyone had this happening? My titlebars disappear when i invoke beryl-manager06:51
LjLxXaNaXx: but the most common programs (like Synaptic) are already added to the menu with options that ask you for a root password when needed06:51
abasitKingsqueak, nothing to do with Xgl, it 's gnome session hangs for a while06:51
Kingsqueakabasit: ahh06:51
LjLcmweb-admin: yeah, i hoped for output06:51
cpl-tnt44any one managed to load up wireless network with smc2802w ?06:51
cmweb-adminljl, sorry nothin06:51
cpl-tnt44any one managed to load up wireless network with smc2802w >>> prism54 driver based ?06:51
LjLcmweb-admin: you're on edgy anyway aren't you?06:51
cmweb-adminno im on 6.0606:52
abasitKingsqueak, it's saying loading WIndow Manager and hangs, I can still select menus, launch programs etc, but the dialog does not go way for gnome-session06:52
xXaNaXxi try to go to the "users" area, and it doesn't prompt for the root password, just says i don't have rights to access it06:52
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Kingsqueakabasit: I've had numerous errors with Beryl/gnome and don't have any great ideas for you, what I've done is mv my home dir to another dir and start 'clean' again to kill all the gconfd and other session info06:52
LjLcmweb-admin: hmm, that might be it - i seem to recall (but i'm not 100% sure) that dapper required manual creation of the links06:52
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abasitKingsqueak, that's exactly i did, i removed my original user and re-created it again and start having more problems :)06:52
cmweb-adminljl, i got 13 files to download before im edgy06:52
Kingsqueakabasit: yeah sorry, I've had similar issues, no great solutions06:53
kkrustyKingsqueak: do you have any idea regarding beryl on kubuntu?06:53
cmweb-adminljl, so i need to wait.... OK im updating th rest06:53
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wdhow do i change my login and splash.  dl files from fo gnome art already.06:53
Kingsqueakkkrusty: if your title bars disappear, it means the window manager has crashed06:53
LjLwhat the06:53
cpl-tnt44who's working on wireless on ubuntu ? is there's such beast ??06:54
kkrustyKingsqueak: so what can i do to help that?06:54
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Kingsqueakkkrusty: try restarting beryl again by clicking on the ruby and selecting beryl as the window manager or the reload window manager option06:54
Kingsqueakkkrusty: beryl is quite unstable, it works well on some of my systems and not so well on others06:54
inimesekene I need help i have seriously messed up the permissions on everything in /home/    :(06:54
alecjwanyone know the package name of xubuntu/ubuntu's pdf viewer?06:54
Kingsqueakkkrusty: ultimately, you may need to just not run it until it develops further06:54
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kkrustyKingsqueak: tried that didnt work06:55
Kingsqueakkkrusty: what video card are you running?06:55
gubluntualecjw, im sure u have some choices... apt-cache search pdf06:55
Kingsqueakkkrusty: it really only works well with ATi or Nvidia from what I've read06:55
alecjwgubluntu: ok. thanks06:55
kkrustyKingsqueak: geforce4 4400 Go06:55
HighFi2khi. i am running ubuntu. when i minimize a program window, it disappears and i cannot restore it again because it does not appear on the task bar... anyone know what i am doing wrong or what i need to do to be able to minimize a window and still see it on the task bar?06:55
stephenisherecan some one please help me :/ ive tried two channels already and no one knew what to do... :/06:56
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Kingsqueakkkrusty: k, not sure, it's just fairly buggy06:56
gubluntuubotu tell alecjw about gpdf06:56
stephenishereonce my pc starts to uncompress the kernal at bootup i lose picture :/06:56
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stephenishereif i can get a terminal i think i can fix whats wrong06:56
Kingsqueakkkrusty: running Edgy or Dapper?06:56
gubluntuubotu tell alecjw about xpdf06:56
kkrustyKingsqueak: yeah i was guessing that its not in great shape yet. I tried xgl earlier and it looked pretty cool on my old computer.06:56
tom47HighFi2k how many windows do you have running?06:57
someothernickHighFi2k alt tab ?06:57
Kingsqueakkkrusty: seems to be a bit better on my Edgy systems06:57
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Kingsqueakkkrusty: but it's not exactly rock solid06:57
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HighFi2ktom47: 1, 2, 3, etc... it doesnt matter. when i have just 1 open, it doesnt show up on the task bar when i minimize it06:57
kkrustyKingsqueak: im running kubuntu edgy06:57
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LjL!info evince | alecjw: this is the standard one in Gnome i think06:57
ubotuevince: Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 880 kB, installed size 4108 kB06:57
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Kingsqueakkkrusty: yeah, dunno what to tell you other than keep playing with it or give it up , I've done a bit of both on varying systems06:58
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wdtom47, i just dl login and splash files, how do i install them?06:58
HighFi2ki can alt tab, but nothing shows up on the task bar06:58
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kkrustyKingsqueak: but im considering switching back to ubuntu 6,0606:58
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KingsqueakI gave up on my amd64 system but haven't tried again since going Edgy with it now06:58
alecjwthanks LjL06:58
ragamuffinWhy do I get Permission Denied when I type /etc/resolv.conf at terminal?06:58
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Kingsqueakragamuffin: well one, it's not a command it's a file, and depending on permissions that may be why as well06:59
Kingsqueakragamuffin: try  'sudo less /etc/resolv.conf'06:59
tom47wd sorry never looked06:59
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HighFi2ktom47: any ideas?06:59
ragamuffinKingsqueak: thanks I will try06:59
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LjLKingsqueak: just "less /etc/resolv.conf" should be fine as well, unless the permissions have been messed up with manually07:00
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probinsbeen using Ubuntu now on my laptop for a month or so - love it07:00
tom47HighF12k no ..... not with so few windows ... i have noticed a similar issue with lots open but not so few as you have there07:00
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probinsbut cant get USB Midi device to work07:00
LjL!midi | probins07:01
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ubotuprobins: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo07:01
=== NaMcO^ : hi
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HighFi2khi. i am running ubuntu. when i minimize a program window, it disappears and i cannot restore it again because it does not appear on the task bar... anyone know what i am doing wrong or what i need to do to be able to minimize a window and still see it on the task bar?07:02
EleafIs there a command to dim a laptop display?  (iBook)07:02
probinsgot Timidity working - but not external Midi port (USB) - thanks for the link though Btw07:02
tom47wd is this any help??? http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=2006082013364183107:02
EleafBefore, in gnome, it was fn + f1 or f2, but now that does not work.07:02
wdtom47 thanks07:02
EleafThere has to be some command to dim the display that this hotkey invokes.07:02
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LjLprobins, hardware MIDI is often a bit of a nuisance on Linux unfortunately07:03
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probinsyeah - finding that out07:03
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probinsseems I need to load snd_usb_audio in my kernel07:03
LjLwith today's fast processors, though, timidity can be a reasonable fallback07:03
utabI am trying to print over a network printer, it takes to long, lets say 50 pages pdf document in half an hour, what is the problem07:03
VigoFusionThe radio doohicky works, but the screen size is still default maybe the driver from DELL? but where to place it at,,07:03
EleafSo you can't dim displays with the command line?07:04
LjLyeah, modprobe some random hopefully-midi-related modules until you hear something probins ;)07:04
EleafHow does gnome do it with my laptop?07:04
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probinsmodprobe says FATAL: Module snd_usb_audio not found07:04
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LjLprobins hm try "sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio"07:05
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probinssame result LjL07:05
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probinsI've tried editing /etc/modules07:06
nofxxsince I replaced my notebook cooler, it is damn slow...a crap.... now watching the system monitor....even loading heavy stuff the CPU never goes above 40%....hmm maybe some protection is f** me... something I can do with ubuntu or I should go for the bios ?07:06
LjLweird enough, it works fine here (even though i have no USB audio)07:06
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LjLprobins: you on Edgy?07:06
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LjLprobins: well then perhaps it's not there or has a different name in dapper's kernel. dunno. try "find /lib | grep usb | grep audio"07:06
LjLor something07:07
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probinsI get "/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko07:08
LjLhm, then i do wonder why it doesn't load07:09
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LjLprobins: what does "uname -r" say?07:09
dtygelhi folks: I`m in a new acer aspire notebook. Edgy installed flawlessly ( :) ), but has no sound. How can I solve it? Sound works in windows. Any help?07:09
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jairhey guys, the safer way to make xine, totem, to play quicktime, wmv,mpeg, is installing some "codecs" or Dapper Drake have a better and safer way07:10
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blankycan someone help this guy out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30248007:11
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elriahHi all.  Which SMTP server should I install with 6.06 server?07:12
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jairelriah: I will recommend "postfix"07:12
ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:13
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mc__elriah: i would recommend sendmail07:13
jairyou are welcome07:13
mc__elriah: its easier to configure07:13
LjLblanky: did you still have CC=gcc-3.4 set when you typed make install?07:13
blankyLjL: yeah, was that the problem?07:13
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blankyLjL: thanks for helping me I really appreciate it I'm desperate :'(07:13
LjLblanky: i have no idea, but i'd try again without it07:13
dtygelfriends: any help or link on setting up sound? is there ay howto for computers in which sound simply dont work in edgy?07:13
mc__dtygel: maybe sound is just muted07:14
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blankyLjL: yeah I tried again without it as well, I changed it to CC=gcc after it didnd't work (gcc defaults to the latest, 4.0 something)07:14
mc__dtygel: try "alsamixer"07:14
blankyLjL: oh well, thanks anyways :'( I appreciate the help07:14
roryy!sound | dtygel07:14
ubotudtygel: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin07:14
blankyubotu's responding more and more bulk, what happened to telling people to /msg him07:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about s responding more and more bulk, what happened to telling people to /msg him - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:15
LjLblanky, hold on, i'll look at the tar07:15
blankyLjL: thanks!!!07:15
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LjLblanky, since there's "|", people have started using "tell x about y" less07:15
blankythere's "|"? what's that07:15
elriahmc__: Tnx.07:16
blankyyeah I remember the good ol tell bob about mary days07:16
blankyand the telling people to /msg ubotu07:16
mc__elriah: np07:16
mc__blanky:  | is called pipe07:16
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blankymc__: I know that :) but how does it apply to this context07:16
claudiuSeveas: Hi, when will be the edgy repository ready ? :)07:16
elriahAnyone know how to configure postfix to relay mail ONLY from localhost?07:16
mc__blanky:  | redirects the output of commands in unix,in this channel it redirects the output of the bot07:16
Heiroglyphicsanyone know how to set admin to root or vice versa in the terminal?07:16
Seveasclaudiu, wtf are you talking about?07:17
dtygelmc_: thanks, but it seems not to be muted (I typed alsamixer, and PCM and FRONT are ok)07:17
blankymc__: ahhh I see now07:17
Seveasedgy has been released a onth ago...07:17
mc__elriah: try  dpkg-reconfigure postfix07:17
blankyhey mc__ , I'll be called gc___07:17
blankyhey look it's Seveas !07:17
elriahTnx again.07:17
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claudiuSeveas: sorry, I meant the freenx repo07:17
roryyelriah: i have this in main.cf: inet_interfaces = loopback-only07:17
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blankyhey I remember you LjL, you're the one that uses KDE but I'd always ask you about gnome anyways07:17
Seveasclaudiu, not anytome soon07:17
LjLblanky: hehe07:17
blankyLjL: if you could get it to compile then it'd be a problem on my end07:18
`4aFkA`hello 2 all07:18
k31thHow can i stick basic auth on this http://pastebin.ca/25254007:18
k31thanyone ?07:18
`4aFkA`i want to ask something07:18
dtygelroryy: thanks for the links. I`ll check them right away07:18
claudiuSeveas: ok07:18
blankyLjL: probably becuase I'm missing something, but I duobt it, I went ahead and downloaded gcc-3.4 already07:18
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blankyLjL: In case you missed it, there's a log of the output here http://paste.jorgepena.be/3407:18
HeiroglyphicsDoes anyone know how to set admin to root or vice versa using the terminal?07:19
blankyHeiroglyphics: what??07:19
`4aFkA`my hard disk has 1 partition.. and i don't want to make a new partition to instal ubuntu. can i instal it on that one ?07:19
=== zaatar [n=zaatar@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blanky`4aFkA`: elaborate07:19
=== Gasten [n=martin@h7n8c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
Heiroglyphicsi need to change the user access on the account07:19
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blanky`4aFkA`: you don't mind formatting that partition (as in, erasing everything on it and putting ubuntu on it)07:20
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mark__'4aFkA' : you could use VMWare to make ubuntu a virtual machine. otherwise you need 2 new partitions07:20
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josh_how do i add an exception to hosts.deny?07:20
blanky`4aFkA`: why dont you wnat to make another partition? it's not that hard these days07:20
blankythis time I actually even used Gnome Partition Editor (or whatever it's called) to resize my NTFS parition07:21
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`4aFkA`blanky : i have stuff on the secound partition and i don't want to erase it :/07:21
LjLblanky: let's sidestep the issue for a minute (mostly because i don't have the kernel source installed and would rather not have it ;)  -  if you type "apt-cache show sl-modem", you'll see there are already slmodem packages in Ubuntu. perhaps those will work better than the tarball?07:21
blanky`4aFkA`: second? you said you only had one07:21
`4aFkA`mark__ : tell me about VMWare07:22
`4aFkA`i was wrong sry me07:22
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blankyLjL: well, I don't have internet so I doubt it's there already (or even in the CD)07:22
mixo8114i have a phillips webcam and it won't fire07:22
edgyHi, I thought that the kernel version take the form major.minor.patch but I just take a look at kernel.org and the current version is so what's the additional number for?07:22
blankyLjL: but, what's the site where you can download the packages from the site?07:22
blankyhttp://packages.ubuntu.com or something?07:22
LjLblanky: yeah07:22
mixo8114wat's the toppic07:22
=== Jester_ [n=mike@c-24-62-124-251.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankyLjL: thanks, will give that a try, hope it's not too big a file size and I get the right one haha, thanks again07:23
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`4aFkA`blanky any suggestions ?07:23
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blankyjosh_: is this about apache? or what are you talking about07:23
LjLblanky: read the howto as well, though it's a bit convoluted07:23
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto07:23
josh_hosts.deny... i need to know how to add an exception to it07:23
blankyLjL: yeah I read that haha, or, honestly I only read the relevant parts because it's kind of weird07:23
mark__'4aFkA': vmware will allow you to have a guest operating system running at the same time as another OS. i run ubuntu and windows at the same time(windows for .net development). but my actual OS is ubuntu. google it up, vmwareworkstation is free for 30 days, you need that to make a VM(virtual machine), vmware player is opensource07:23
LjLi know blanky :\07:23
blankyjosh_: In relation to what, apache, ssh, what?07:23
josh_i just wrote a script to add ip addresses from my auth.log* files to it automatically once a day07:24
blankyjosh_: because that question might be better suited towards a specific channel07:24
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TalashHello, all07:24
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TalashI need a little bit of help with configuring my lg 1750sq lcd monitor under ubuntu07:24
josh_it doesn't matter about the daemon... hosts.deny is going to block direct connections regardless07:24
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josh_i need to make sure i dont accidently ban myself from work07:25
icepacktalash: configuring it how?07:25
cntbhow to quickly check if samba is installed ? btw is it included in default install?07:25
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TalashThere is a problem with it that after the default installation it won't let me set its resolution to something higher than 1024x76807:25
philiphey, i need help connecting to my windows pc over samba07:25
jrib!fixres > Talash07:26
Talashwhile its native resolution is 1280x102407:26
bruenigcntb, it is not included in default, to get it do sudo apt-get install samba07:26
blankyjosh_: I'm sorry that's beyond my knowledge, what I meant was that you could probably ask in a specific channel, see if there's a channel for the language you wrote your script in (most likely)07:26
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cntbphilip me too wait on the row ! ;-)07:26
Talashjrib-- what?07:26
bruenigcntb, if you do actually have it, doing sudo apt-get install samba will tell you that you have it also07:26
jribTalash: ubotu should have sent you a private message with useful information, did you receive it?07:26
cntbsudo apt-get install samba ? ok ty bruenig good07:26
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=== Megaqwerty [n=megaqwer@ip72-197-253-49.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:27
blankyLjL: I found them :) http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=sl-modem&searchon=names&subword=1&version=edgy&release=all hopefully they work07:27
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Megaqwertyhow do I use gparted to add unallocated space to my ext3 partition?07:27
LjLicepack: i don't think vmware-player is opensource at all07:27
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LjLblanky: there is also sl-modem-modules07:28
philipbruenig: i just tried it and i have the latest version07:28
esod_How to detect my hw raid0 @ sil3114? From the LiveCD it detects it as two seperate disks.07:28
dxdtAnyone know how to make OpenOffice print a spreadsheet with some lines on it?07:28
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josh_oh, yeah i could ask in perl, but this is an operating system file. has nothing to do with perl... though i suppose i could add an exception to the perl script itself...07:28
bruenigMegaqwerty, is the unallocated space next to the partition and is the partition you are trying to add it to the / partition?07:28
blankyLjL: :S which one!? I'll have to just guess07:28
LjLblanky: actually no, there isn't, nevermind. it was just shown by my shell's autocompletion for some reason of its own07:28
blankyLjL: aww I'll have to download each's deps hahaha oh well07:28
blankyLjL: ah okay :)07:28
bruenigphilip, congratulations?07:28
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philipbruenig: not really i can still not connect to my windows pc07:29
bruenig!samba | philip07:29
ubotuphilip: samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:29
saxofonerHi everyon07:29
=== XiXaQ_ is now known as XiXaQ
blankyis debconf a base package? is libasound2, is libc6?07:29
LjLblanky: i guess you will, yeah, but then you probably need them for the tarball as well. it's the same stuff after all07:29
saxofonerI need some help DESPERATELY!07:29
=== DarkChaos [n=derek@ppp-69-220-62-92.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Megaqwertybruenig: if you mean next to it in gparted, then yes. and yes I am trying to add it to the / partition.07:29
blankyif there's evne a way to know07:29
LjLblanky: yes, probably, yes07:29
blankyLjL: ah okay07:29
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blankyyes...what? I'll just download them anyways, hope they aren't too big07:30
philipbruenig: i understand what samba is, it just isnt working07:30
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saxofonerThis is my problem.07:30
=== Creak [n=creak@juv34-4-82-238-90-158.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
bruenigMegaqwerty, you will need to use the live cd then. You can't make changed to the / partition while using it. Megaqwerty pop the live cd in, then go to gparted in the menus and right click on the / partition, select resize and resize it to fill up the space07:30
LjLblanky: you should have those already07:30
saxofonerThere's something wrong in my partitions.07:30
saxofonerCan anyone help?07:30
LjLblanky: i'd get module-assistant and debhelper rather07:30
icepackLjl: www.vmware.com/download/player/open_source.html07:30
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blankyLjL: ah really? so they're base packages (becuase I haven't installed anything other than build-essential)07:30
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Megaqwertybruenig: I tried that, and it won't let me add more space to the ext3 partition.07:31
blankyLjL: it sucks when you need to get one package and then you need to get its deps, and its deps deps, and its deps deps deps hahaha07:31
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LjLicepack: i don't know what that is, but it's certainly not vmware player (just look at the ridiculous size). you can also try "apt-get source vmware-player"; you'll see it's binary stuff07:31
bruenigMegaqwerty, what does it do?07:31
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tonquinHi all,  I expanded a partition with gparted and it worked but.... the partition reports that its full and gnome kicks out.  any ideas what to do next?07:31
blankyLjL: but if you think that debconf, libasound2, and libc6 are base packages, and should already be installed, then I should be fine07:31
LjLblanky: i know. someone should make a Windows tool for that ;)07:31
saxofonerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301835   Can anyone help?07:31
=== jesse__ [n=jesse@adsl-12-121-202.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
pradeepsaxofoner, boot with live Cd and do a fsck for /07:32
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LjLblanky: i don't think, i'm sure. the only one i'm not 100% sure is libasound2 (that's why i said "yes, probably, yes"), but i'm 98% sure ;)07:32
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philipbruenig: any ideas why my samba isnt working then?07:32
Megaqwertybruenig: it just doesn't allow me to add more space, when I try to specify the new size, it sets it back to its previous size. I also tried using the arrows to add more, but the up arrow is greyed out.07:32
blankyoh so 'll just get libasound207:32
bruenigphilip, never used samba.07:32
saxofonerpradeep:  How to do an fsck?  Just do that in the terminal?07:32
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-137-130-16.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
saxofoner"fsck /"07:32
seamus7I am about to do a fresh install of Edgy, I previously upgraded to Edgy from Dapper, my root is on its own partition, will most of my personal settings and software remain? what should I consider doing before doing this fresh install?07:32
jesse__What's Up!07:32
icepackLjL: you're right. the article i read was comparing it to open source QEMU and Xen07:32
blankyLjL: and for sl-modem-source, it needs bzip2 (i think its already installed), debhelper (i dont think), module-assistant (i dont think), and that's it, am i right?07:32
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pradeepsaxofoner, fsck /dev/sdx07:33
m6shey peoplke07:33
=== Doow [n=bwerf@c-129872d5.014-186-6e6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
saxofonerok thanks pradeep07:33
m6scan I exclude a deb packet?07:33
blankyLjL: by the way thanks for the help i really appreciate it07:33
LjLblanky: yeah you're right07:33
m6sin the apt-conf ?07:33
m6sHelp please07:33
bruenigMegaqwerty, you are certain the unallocated space is right next to the partition you are trying to add it to and that you are using the live cd when you do this. You cannot do it in your normal install, only from the live cd.07:33
LjLblanky: though debhelper and module-assistant probably do need a few dependencies that you don't have07:33
elriahOk, got postfix setup.  But I keep getting: Relay access denied; from=<>   in my mail.log ... any suggestions?07:33
blankyLjL: I've got that covered07:33
jesse__mds:>Help with what07:33
saxofonerubuntu@ubuntu:~$ fsck /dev/sdx07:34
saxofonerfsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)07:34
saxofonere2fsck 1.38 (30-Jun-2005)07:34
saxofonerfsck.ext2: No such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdx07:34
saxofonerThe superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext207:34
=== arrai [n=arrai@dslb-084-060-224-030.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
saxofonerfilesystem.  If the device is valid and it really contains an ext207:34
blankyLjL: I should have libc6 right? (GNU C Library: Shared Libraries)07:34
saxofonerfilesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else), then the superblock07:34
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saxofoneris corrupt, and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:07:34
saxofoner    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>07:34
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:34
saxofonerpradeep:  I posted the results07:34
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto07:34
bruenig!hi | m6s07:34
ubotum6s: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:34
Kingsqueakelriah: you need to finish setting up main.cf with your options07:34
jesse__m6s:> Help with what?07:34
Megaqwertybruenig: yes, I'm in the regular ubuntu right now, but when i tried I was in the ubuntu live cd. And yes, in the list in gparted, the unallocated space is listed just above the ext3 partition.07:34
m6sjesse__,  I am trying to setup apt07:34
blankyoh man :'( I'll never finish haha07:34
m6sso to exclude some packages07:34
blankydebhelper has lots of deps07:35
m6sbut I can 't find in google nothing good to use07:35
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bruenigMegaqwerty, oh above.... It needs to be after the partition not before it07:35
m6sI want to exclude acpi-support from my edgy distro07:35
=== saxofoner is so scared my computer is going to get hosed soon.
blankyoh well, thanks LjL I really appreciate the help! :)07:35
Megaqwertybruenig: oh, ok. How do I move it?07:35
pradeepsaxofoner, please post it on the pastebin07:35
user-landwhat web foto album software do you recommend ?07:35
jesse__m6s:> Ok, goto debian.org07:35
pianoboy3333I need an alternative cd ripper that uses gstreamer 0.10 -- NOT sound-juicer07:35
m6sits done07:35
LjLblanky: by the way you may want to look at "apt-zip" too for getting packages on a non-networked box a bit more easily. i've never used it though07:35
elriahKingsqueak: I'm in main.cf ... Everything looks ok to me ... This is just an outbound SMTP server ... It doesn't handle inbound mail and doesn't forward to a smarthost and only accepts relay from ... Any clue?07:35
blankyLjL: okay, I'm going to look for it07:36
saxofonerpradeep:  pastebin?  sorry.  Don't have a clue what that means.  I put it in a private chat message to you.07:36
cntbbruenig et al . here the result of sudo apt-get install samba .http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32775/  is everything OK there ?07:36
jesse__m6s:>Click on Debian Packages07:36
LjL!pastebin | saxofoner07:36
ubotusaxofoner: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:36
Megaqwertybruenig: the resize/move option when I right click on it is greyed out.07:36
=== cappu [n=cappu@p5083AF76.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
LjLsaxofoner: the idea is, never paste on the channel like you just did.07:36
=== VigoFusion [n=jlc@ip68-1-99-14.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kingsqueakelriah: maybe someone is trying to connect to it, is the listener open on your interface?07:36
pradeepsaxofoner, fsck /dev/sdx (where x is the partition number as in  /dev/sda2 /dev/sda3 etc)07:36
jesse__m6s:>you their?07:36
cntbljl  here the result of sudo apt-get install samba .http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32775/  is everything OK there ?07:36
Kingsqueakelriah: the log entries about relaying denied are normal if someone attempts07:36
=== madmetal [n=mad@ppp244-119.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu
pradeep!pastebin > saxofoner07:36
philipis any one any good with samba?07:37
Kingsqueakelriah: they aren't normal if it is a client you intend to permit to relay though07:37
LjLcntb: doesn't look like07:37
elriahIt's me attempting the relay just using telnet to test it.  It *should* allow relay from which is localhost ...07:37
bruenigMegaqwerty, that is because you are trying to resize by adding space before the partition and not after the partition. I do not believe you are able to do that, unless you reformat the whole thing. Anyone else can confirm this?07:37
pianoboy3333I need an alternative cd ripper that uses gstreamer 0.10 -- NOT sound-juicer07:37
seamus7Hi, I'm about to do a fresh reinstall of Edgy (I'm hoping it fixes some problems after I did the upgrade from Dapper) ... my root is on its own partition so I"m assuming I won't lose most of my configurations and add-on software, anyone know what I can expect to lose in the fresh reinstallation or have any tips before I begin?07:37
pradeepsaxofoner, i didn't get any private message07:37
elriahBut that message pops up.07:37
m6sjesse__, yes I am there07:37
saxofonerHmm.... sorry07:37
bruenigcntb, not sure07:37
jesse__m6s:>click on Debian Package, then click on search package directories07:37
m6sjesse__, what 's the use?07:37
LjLpradeep: not surprising, since saxofoner is not registered07:38
Kingsqueakelriah: yeah it should, can you pastebin the main.cf file?07:38
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bruenigcntb, might ask someone with more in depth samba experience. I am only aware of how to install it generally07:38
saxofonerLjL sorry I'll try to do that.07:38
tonquinHi all,  I expanded a partition with gparted and it worked but.... the partition reports that its full and gnome kicks out.  any ideas what to do next?07:38
jesse__m6s:>the idea is to find the package apt07:38
Megaqwertybruenig: no, I know. Let me clarify, I wish to relocate the unallocated space below the ext3 partition so that I may resize the ext3 partition with that new space.07:38
saxofonerDon't remember how to register, on liveCD07:38
m6sjesse__, there is no use on that , :-)07:39
LjLsaxofoner, just use the pastebin07:39
bruenigMegaqwerty, do sudo fdisk -l, paste the output, then maybe I can understand what you are saying because obviously I am misinterpreting07:39
jesse__m6s:>why do you say that?07:39
LjL!register | anyway, saxofoner07:39
ubotuanyway, saxofoner: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:39
VigoFusionI was sposed to register?07:39
m6sjesse__, I am trying to exclude packages in configuration files of apt07:39
m6sI have apt07:39
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LjLVigoFusion: no, but if you don't register you can't send private messages to user (unless they explicitely set an option to accept them)07:40
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cntbty anyway brue07:40
jesse__m6s:> so go to synaptic and remove the acpi package07:40
Megaqwertybruenig: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32776/07:40
bruenigMegaqwerty, ok which of the /dev/sda# are you trying to merge with the other /dev/sda#07:41
VigoFusionLjL: Thank you, I dont do private messages, tghey are soo Closed Source!07:41
Megaqwertybruenig: I'm trying to add the 2.5GB space to sda307:41
m6sjesse__, nice shot! but, how do I do keep this package out of me?07:41
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LjLVigoFusion: hehe - well registering one's nick is a good idea anyway :)07:41
saxofonerpradeep: did that work?07:41
bruenigMegaqwerty, you are trying to add sda2 to sda3?07:42
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: do it as root, via sudo07:42
Megaqwertybruenig: no07:42
jesse__m6s:> I would back your system first07:42
Megaqwertybruenig: it is unallocated space07:42
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: 'sudo fsck ...'07:42
m6sjesse__,  it erases gnome-session, is this good?07:42
pradeepsaxofoner, you have to be root07:42
bruenigMegaqwerty, ok I see, I didn't look at it right07:42
VigoFusionTrue that, will register now, hope Santy Claws still shows up though07:42
m6sok I just did it!07:42
bruenigMegaqwerty, that unallocated space is between sda2 and sda307:42
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Megaqwertybruenig: yes07:43
jesse__m6s:> Oh crap!07:43
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saxofonerhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32778/ pradeep07:43
m6sno panic07:43
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saxofonerFinally did that right...07:43
m6sif the power supply is ok07:43
bruenigMegaqwerty, yeah, you can't add it to sda3 because it is before it on the disk. You can only add it to sda2.07:43
mixo8114wats the prob07:43
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jesse__bad thing with out gnome-session, the system won't boot!07:43
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mixo8114uh oh07:43
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Megaqwertybruenig: so my question is: how do I move it below ext3?07:43
m6sni X, not console07:43
saxofonerKingSqueak:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32778/07:43
jesse__That's what I'm saying07:44
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: yeah that's normal, good07:44
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saxofonerOh goody.  But what good is that?07:44
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jesse__m6s:>Don't you dare shut down your machine07:44
saxofonerI still have the GRUB 16 AND 18 errors... it's crap...07:44
bruenigMegaqwerty, you cannot move partitions, they are physical slices of the disk. You can reformat all of sda3 in order to get the unallocated space but that probably is not what you want. If you wish, you could just make that unallocated space another separate ext3 partition and use it for general storage07:44
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: you sure you ran fsck on the right partition?  do you only have one partition?07:45
m6sjesse__, lol, nope07:45
jesse__m6s:>if you do then you can't boot it back up!07:45
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m6sI want excludinf deb files, if I can 't find I wont shut it07:45
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: that was sda6, the seventh partition, is grub loading from a different one maybe?07:45
saxofonerKingsqueak:  Did you see this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301835  that's where my problem is, I don't know where else it would be.  I'll try some others, thanks.07:45
davinI tried to follow a tutorial which helped me install Xgl+Beryl, using my nvidia card, but when it starts, my PC locks up after 5-15 seconds, now I cant even get into GNOME. what do I do?07:45
jesse__it won't boot without the live cd07:45
davin oh, and #beryl is dead.07:46
jesse__if you do this07:46
jesse__Just don't!07:46
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Megaqwertybruenig: ok, well this sucks. hm...and you are sure there is no other way?07:46
Kyraldavin: If you use the new NVidia Drivers you don't need XGL07:46
Kyraldavin: You only need Beryl07:46
davinim running dapper07:46
davinas edgy doesnt recognize none of my 9 mice07:46
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mixo8114hi i need help07:47
davinrecognizes none *07:47
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: hmm07:47
jesse__m6s:>try to find the deb file for gnome-session07:47
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Eonsanyone knows if there is a (good) way to use the microphone in a webcam?07:47
bruenigMegaqwerty, 99% sure. I am relaying information I have read elsewhere. I have, because of the info, always set up my partition table to allow me some flexibility (putting stuff that I might incorporate later at the end so I can just make the disk bigger). But assuming the initial thing I read was wrong, I would also be wrong.07:47
jesse__Try debian.rog07:47
jesse__Try debian.org07:47
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: sorry, I'm not sure, I do agree it might be a hardware issue, have you seen anything odd in /var/log/messages error wise?07:47
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bruenigmake the partitions bigger*07:47
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EonsI have a pwc webacam and a logitech quickcam07:47
mixo8114hi i need help, my phillips webcam won't work07:48
mixo8114does anyone know a good driver for it07:48
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras07:48
bitzeroubuntu rulez !07:48
mamzers555saxofoner; did you try to reinstall grub?07:48
Eonsbruenig: thanks!07:48
saxofonermamzers555: no07:48
davinKyral: you say that I only need nvidia-glx and beryl packages?07:48
Megaqwertybruenig: ok, so what if I re-incorporate it into sda3, can I then remove it and put it at the end of the disk?07:48
jesse__ubuntu does rule!07:48
davinKyral: and no xserver-xgl or anything (on dapper)07:48
mamzers555saxofoner; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2411307:48
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saxofonerkingsqueak: how do I check /var/log/messages ?07:48
Kyraldavin if the NVidia GLX is at the latest version07:48
mamzers555saxofoner; HOWTO: Restore GRUB (if your MBR is messed up)07:48
seamus7I want to do a fresh reinstall of Edgy ... since my root is on its own partition .. what should I expect to lose in the fresh install? I've heard backin up etc/ is a good idea and using it as a reference for config files .... any other tips?07:48
davinKyral: when was the latest release?07:49
jesse__ubuntu is more user-friendly than KDE is.07:49
mixo8114its the Philips SPC 200NC Webcam , it won't work07:49
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: you can use 'less' to view it07:49
KyralAnd of course you need to modify your XOrgconf07:49
Kyraljesse__: Watch the flamebait07:49
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: though if you are that new, you may not understand what to look for07:49
kdefrysk!backup | seamus707:49
ubotuseamus7: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi07:49
LjLseamus7: your root is always in its own partition - what did you mean? perhaps it's /home that you have in its own partition?07:49
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mamzers555saxofoner; important!! not the first post in this thread, take a look at the second one!!!!!!07:49
Kyraljesse__: Be careful with stating that GNOME is better than KDE or vice versa :P07:50
bruenigMegaqwerty, if you reincorporated it into sda3 by deleting sda3 and then reformatting it allowing the unallocated space to become the begging of the new partition, you could then leave that same amount of unallocated space at the end of sda3 and between sda4, but not the end of the disk07:50
saxofonerkingsqueak:  I'm not exactly new, I just don't know all this stuff, because I usually don't have problems   ;-)07:50
ida01greetings: does anyone knows how to install broadcom with ndiswrapper?07:50
saxofonermamzers555 kay07:50
seamus7LjL: I have / and home/ on separate partitions.07:50
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bruenigbefore sda4*07:50
jesse__Kyral:>oh yea because of the kde freaks?07:50
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: k, look for ide or scsi or filesystem problems in the logs for one or memory errors07:50
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davinKeryl: so now I need to restore my system, because I cant get into GNOME07:50
Kyraljesse__: I am one of those so called KDE Freaks07:50
Kyraldavin: Simply undo the steps you took07:51
jesse__Kyral:>oh snap!07:51
Megaqwertybruenig: whoops, I meant sda207:51
Kyraljesse__: GNOME vs. KDE is one of the Unix Holy Wars07:51
davinKyral: well thing is I cant remember what I did07:51
ida01Though I get: I get:  bcmwl5  driver installed, hardware (14E4:4324) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)07:51
KyralLike Vim vs. Emacs07:51
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KingsqueakDick Cheney uses Gnome07:51
mneptonGNOME vs KDE is one of the stupidest arguments one could possibly have07:51
jesse__i know i'm on the GNOME side07:51
LjLseamus7: ok, now that makes sense. backing up /etc is probably a good idea (it's only going to be 10 megs or so uncompressed, anyway), though don't restore it - as you said, just use it for reference. you might also want to do a "dpkg --get-selections" (and redirect it to some file) to backup the list of packages that you currently have installed, if you installed a lot of stuff that wasn't there by default, and want to restore it07:51
mamzers555saxofoner; sorry read the whole post now. looks like a hardware-defect07:51
KyralKingsqueak: More reason for me not to use it07:51
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saxofonerkingsqueak:  what do I put in the terminal to see that file?  "less" just asks me if I want help07:51
KingsqueakKyral: "why do you hate our troops?"  j/k07:52
saxofonermamzers555:  Oh damn07:52
tannerldi uninstalled something via apt-get and all the configs and things are still there; is it possible to rid of them w/o going through one by one?07:52
bruenigseamus7, what I always do, since I do have a separate / and /home is mount my home partition in the install/live cd and then delete everything off of except my files (i.e the . directories). Then I install, manually edit the partition table and have it not reformat it.07:52
KyralI use KDE because GNOME pissed me off with 2.14 and hiding everything in GConf07:52
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KyralBut I digress07:52
allzhello i want to upgarde my nvidia card NVIDIA 87.76 to 96.26 but how ?07:52
Megaqwertybruenig: so the only way to incorporate it into sda3 would be to reformat sda3 with that space at the beginning?07:52
allzsomeone PLEASE help me out :)07:52
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: oh   less /var/log/messages    'q' quits it and j/k scroll the file07:52
kdefrysktannerld, sudo apt-get remove --purge next time07:52
bruenigMegaqwerty, yes07:52
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tannerldkdefrysk, ah thanks07:52
mneptoncome to UDS sometime and watch GNOME and KDE developers and foundation members interact. *we* don't fight, and we have a great time together. so users fighting is just ridiculous.07:52
Megaqwertydamn. ok, thanks07:52
bruenigMegaqwerty, you can only incorporate space at the end of a partition not at the beginning of it07:52
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jesse__it's just use gnome because I couldn't understand the entire concept of KDE07:52
sethkmnepton, smile when you say that.07:53
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: shift-g  goes to the end of the file, might be more useful for later messages07:53
sethkjesse__, there's nothing fundamentally different about kde vs. gnome07:53
Kyral...how can you not understand the concept of a DE07:53
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Kyral...and why am I getting Deja Vu?07:53
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mneptonsethk: i would if it was purely funny.07:53
mamzers555saxofoner; you should use a test-cd to test your ram, harddrive and so on before doing anything else, keep sure that the hardware is ok07:53
saxofonerkingsqueak: how much of it should I post?07:53
Lynourejesse__: What part of it? I moved from gnome as I could not understand hiding everything into gconf07:53
jesse__it's hard to explain07:53
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sethkmnepton, I guess you didn't see the movie07:53
davin#ubuntu-offtopic :-007:53
saxofonermamzers555:  I did a memtest.07:53
sethkjesse__, it certainly must be.07:53
KyralGConf ~= Windows Registry :D07:53
mneptonsethk: which?07:54
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: well do this   tail -100 /var/log/messages     pastebin that as a start07:54
seamus7bruenig: why do that? I thought having /home on its own partition allows me to easily install/upgrade/reinstall my / without having to touch /home?07:54
Lynouredavin: thanks for reminding us07:54
saxofonerand my HD is like 5 months old07:54
jrsllo how do i install my sound card?07:54
tlanferIs it possible to have direct rendering in a ssh forwarded environment?07:54
davinKyral: so you say I do not need Xgl on dapper, only beryl?07:54
sethkmnepton, I can't even remember.  it's an old old western, and the bad guy says "smile when you say that" with this evil grin.07:54
m6sjesse__,  bye & thanx07:54
jesse__yeh, it's the compatilbilty07:54
Kyraldavin:  If you are at the newest NVidia Drivers07:54
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davinKyral: okay..07:54
KyralWhich I highly doubt with Dapper07:54
jesse__m6s:>your welcome!07:54
mneptonsethk: oh good. i thought there was incriminating video of us from UDS or something.07:54
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KenSentMeI try to print a pdf in Evince with 2 pages on one. The pages however get printed one page on one page. Anyone know how to get 2 pages on one?07:55
Kyral(I dislike release based distros...)07:55
davinKyral: well Edgy recognizes none of my 9 mice :(07:55
allzhello i want to upgarde my nvidia card NVIDIA 87.76 to 96.26 but how ?07:55
bruenigseamus7, that is what I do, so that it doesn't carry over any settings that may be incompatible. I like to reconfigure everything. Always kind of defeats the purpose at least to me to have a fresh install that is exactly the same as the other install. Perhaps I am weird in that manner, wouldn't be the only thing I am weird in.07:55
LjLUbotu, please tell jrs about sound07:55
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mc__allz: download the lates driver from nvidia.com07:55
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jesse__not hardware, software compatibility07:55
saxofonerhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32782/  kingsqueak07:55
Kyralallz: I highly doubt NVidia-GLX is at the new version, download the installer from NVidia07:55
LjLUbotu, please tell allz about nvidiabeta07:55
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sethkdavin, that's very democratic.  Also odd.  I have a wide variety of mice here and only one isn't recognized07:55
KyralLjL: They aren't beta anymore :D07:55
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kdefryskamaranth repo has the latest nvidia-glx07:56
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: k, gimme a bit07:56
saxofonerkingsqueak:  I didn't see any weird messages07:56
LjLKyral: the factoid's name is that though07:56
saxofonerbut then again, I don't know how to read them!07:56
=== Kyral should really stop hanging out here seeing as he doesn't use Ubuntu anymore
davinI wanted to install Edgy, but none of the mice worked, so I installed Dapper instead07:56
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: hmm yeah that looks o.k.07:57
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saxofonerMaybe I'll just hose my disk, and install Ubuntu by itself...07:57
saxofonerIt's tempting at this point.07:57
green_earzjrs:  if there is a onboard sound card disable it in the bios. then find out what the cards driver name is. check out this link for that >http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/   then install modconf  and then fire it up and track down the driver and install it07:57
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: if you can do that, run a bad blocks check on the whole thing, takes forever but it's worth a check07:57
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allzljl should i add this to my source.list ?07:57
jesse__i wouldn't if i were you, you always need a back up OS07:57
allzdeb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm07:58
allz deb-src http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm07:58
LjLallz: if you want the new drivers, yes07:58
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: it's an odd issue you're having so I just don't have a great answer07:58
saxofonerkingsqueak:  I doubt it's hardware, because I had Windows only, before Ubuntu was installed, and it was hunky dory for a long time.07:58
LjLallz: yes07:58
davinI got a few options here07:58
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Kingsqueaksaxofoner: you running Edgy or Dapper on this?07:58
LjLallz: then update and upgrade07:58
elriahHi all.  I have a colo server that runs 6.06 and a development server that runs 6.06.  I want to backup from on to the other with minimal impact on bandwidth.  Is RSYNC the way to go?07:58
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allzlol ljl i was gonna ask you then what07:58
davin-Fix Beryl/XGL, -Try to find out and undo everything, -Install Edgy07:58
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mamzers555saxofoner; also check the cables, i have had a case where the ide-cable caused the problems07:58
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saxofonerkingsqueak:  I understand you have no answer, thank you very much for your ubuntu.  I have 6.0607:58
seamus7bruenig: oh I see... that makes sense ... I was hoping my problems in Edgy since upgrading would be fixed just by reinstalling / .... could I just go into /home and delete everything except my personal directories ... I was never going to allow the reinstall to touch my /home (i.e. format).07:58
saxofonermamzers555:  will do.07:58
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saxofonerI'm just afraid to boot off.07:59
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LjLallz: either "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade", or the equivalent in Synaptic, i guess07:59
saxofonerScared the liveCD won't work!07:59
Kingsqueaksaxofoner: I would say if you are going to reinstall, try Edgy and also do what mamzers555 suggested07:59
saxofonerOkey doke.  Be back soon if all goes... er... badly?07:59
allzljl where is the source list agein :S this time i am gonna type it in notpad07:59
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LjLallz: /etc/apt/sources.list07:59
Kingsqueakelriah: rsync with archive mode and a few other options so it only sends over what changed is the best way07:59
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elriahKingsqueak: Thanks!  Do you know a good faq to get me started?08:00
Fred_Sambohello ubotu08:00
Kingsqueakelriah: read the options, you can make it archive and delete missing files on the target etc. and only send over new files or changed files08:00
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Kingsqueakelriah: http://sunsite.dk/info/guides/rsync/rsync-mirroring.html  might be of some help08:00
mc__does ati support AIGLX?08:00
bruenigseamus7, it almost definitely doesn't create any problems by allowing the . directories and stuff to stay. Just reformatting / should be enough. I thought you were asking something like 'what should I backup so I can do a complete fresh install' and my answer was, well, what it was08:01
elriahThanks again :)08:01
jesse__be back in a second08:01
seamus7bruenig: oh ok thx08:01
Kingsqueakelriah: your situation isn't identical to that, but the concepts are close08:01
sqrxzhi, I can't get my .Xdefaults to work setting rxvt*background, I put rxvt*background: black, but it doesn't apply?08:01
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jribsqrxz: xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults08:02
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Kingsqueakelriah: ah, even better => http://www.jdmz.net/ssh/08:02
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YIPhi... im trying to configure my new screen to 1680x1050 its an acer al2216w08:02
tommyanyone italina?08:02
allzljl i want the correct install08:02
sqrxzjrib: you rule08:03
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LjLallz: ?08:03
allzljl i want to install this ->  NVIDIA  96.2608:03
LjL!it | tommy08:03
jrib!it | tommy08:03
ubotutommy: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!08:03
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allzljl i am trying to play a game that needs 97.26 update08:03
LjLallz: well but amaranth's ones are even newer than that08:03
YIPalready ran dpkg config and saved it and x wont start with the right resolution... ?08:03
Eonsbruenig: uhm, easycam didn't help08:03
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tat_hello i got a problem with initramfs-tool package, get a "sed: can't read -: No such File or Diretory" any idea what that has to mean ??08:04
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Eonsi can use the video part of the webcam, but i can't control the audio part08:04
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mamzers555YIP; which graphics-card do you have?08:04
YIPintel 845g08:04
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YIPon board... obviously08:05
allzljl i am in nvidia site .i have never been there .where to go to isntall a nvidia driver 97.2608:05
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mamzers555you need i915-package08:05
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bruenigEons, all I did was type a ! with a word after it.08:05
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allzljl plzz .post me the site08:05
YIPi installed it already08:05
dtygelpeople: Im trying to make alsa-driver with ./configure and I get this error: "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"08:05
dtygelany help there?08:05
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LjLallz: i haven't the slightest idea. why's it 97.26 now? you were saying 96.26 one minute ago08:05
LjL!build-essential | dtygel08:05
ubotudtygel: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)08:05
manmadhahow to remove package manager updates from notification ............08:05
mamzers555YIP; i mean 915resolution08:06
spokkerjoneswhat package is "make" part of?08:06
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spokkerjonesi installed gcc08:06
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YIPyeah... its installed08:06
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dtygelthanks, LjL: I"ll check08:06
LjLspokkerjones: "make". but just install "build-essential"08:06
dfcarneydtygel: my first guess would be to check the permissions on the folder08:06
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manmadhacan any one help mme?08:06
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allzljl  sorry it is 96.26 ?:S08:06
allzi am sos orry08:07
mamzers555YIP; then edit your xorg.conf and ony enter the resolution you want08:07
VornotronAfter a recent power failure, I find that I cannot log in at all to my Breezy machine; it always says "login incorrect".  THis happens even on the recovery console, which originally did not ask for a login but just sent me to a root command prompt.08:07
dooglustat_: what version of ubuntu?08:07
spokkerjonesyou would think theyd have make as a seperate package --- why install all the extra garbage?08:07
LjLallz: ok - so you want 96.26.  why is amaranth's package bad, since it's newer than that (96.29)?08:07
manmadhacan any one tell how to remove package updates from our notifivation?08:08
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LjLmanmadha: why do that?08:08
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Saxofonerkingsqueak:  still here?08:08
manmadhaLjL, I want clear screen08:08
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YIPim back08:08
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LjLmanmadha: you're aware that installing security updates can be important to the safety of your system? :)08:09
allzLjL cause vitamin says it aint gonna work08:09
Vornotronyou should be able to remove the update notifier from the taskbar-things by right clicking it.08:09
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allzhe is helping me to play scarface08:09
allzon my pc08:09
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Saxofonerkingsqueak:  I messed with some cables, and Ubuntu booted just fine.  I'm going to back up some files, and then try booting Windowze.08:09
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KingsqueakSaxofoner: yeah maybe that was your issue08:09
YIPany other ideas?08:09
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LjLallz: why does he (whoever he is) think it's not going to work?08:09
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SaxofonerDEAR GOD I HOPE SO08:09
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manmadhaLjL, ohh ok ok ....I thing it is not a good idea,..08:10
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manmadhaok thank u08:10
allzljl okei .i will do what you say08:10
allzdo the source thingi08:10
LjLmanmadha: anyway, the package is update-notifier08:10
manmadhayaa how to remove it?08:11
LjLmanmadha: "sudo apt-get remove update-notifier" like any other package08:11
LjLor from Synaptic or whatever08:11
manmadhaohh thank u08:11
witlesshow do i prevent a .Trash-<me> folder from being used on a removable device like an audio player?08:11
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itclansterquestion: i had used link /home/win /home/user/Desktop/win to create a link to a mounted drive .. now i want to remove that link..but when i delete it it says not on the same filesystem and i m not able to delete that link..can some one tell me how to do that08:12
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VigoFusionmanmadha: You can just disable the Auto Update and Manually Update, Mine is disabled to autoupdate, but I check at every log on or boot.08:13
netGanyone who uses gdesklets?08:13
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siouxwhat's this error in dmesg cpufreq: change failed with new_state 0 and result 008:13
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:13
rad|xdoes anyone know why i keep getting '*** No rule to make target 'arch/i386/kernel/msr.c' when i try to build my module?08:13
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manmadhaVigoFusion, ohh ok ok08:13
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EmxBAcan someone help me with wiki tables on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/FujitsuAmiloL6825 ?08:14
vnanyone can tell me how to change my keyboard layout please?08:14
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vnI don't have a keyboard layout tab in languages08:14
itclansterquestion: i had used link "/home/win  /home/user/Desktop/win " to create a link to a mounted drive .. now i want to remove that link..but when i delete it it says not on the same file system and i m not able to delete that link..can some one tell me how to do that.08:14
allzljl okei i have done the things you have sayid now what is the next level?08:14
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dooglusitclanster: use "rm" from a terminal08:14
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allzljl i have add it to source list then upgrade and update08:15
itclansteri used that but it doesn't word08:15
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itclansterit say no such file exists08:15
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dooglusitclanster: show "ls -ld" and "rm" output for the link in question please?08:15
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VigoFusionmanmadha: That way you will get the updates as needed, and there are no radical apt-remove or purges done, it is there, just idle.08:15
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LjLallz: first update, then upgrade. if you did it correctly (these packages should have been updated: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-generic linux-restricted-modules-common) you now have version 9629 of the nvidia drivers installed. you probably need to reboot, though.08:16
allzljl ok08:16
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ida01help: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found - what should I do because if I do: ndiswrapper -l  the ANSWER is: installed drivers:08:17
ida01bcmwl5          driver installed, hardware (14E4:4324) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)08:17
vnanyone for my keyboard layout problem?08:17
allzreboot xorg ? ljl08:17
allzljl reboot xserver or the computer'08:17
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manmadhaVigoFusion, hii......I am installing gaim-2.0.0beta 5 but it is asking for You must have the GTK+ 2.0 development headers installed to compile Gaim's08:17
manmadhaGTK+ interface. wht should i do..?08:17
LjLallz: try restarting X first, yeah, but i'm guessing you'll have to reboot the computer, since kernel modules have been updated08:17
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icepackida01: have you 'modprobe ndiswrapper' yet as root?08:17
strabesvn: try gnome-keyboard-properties08:18
mamzers555manmadha; you try to install it by yourself?08:18
ida01icepack: yes root teminal08:18
JeffBellOh, it may have taken over 5 hours to download.... BUT, I *am* finally upgraded. =oD08:18
vnstrabes: even in xfce?08:18
strabesoh no that wont work lol08:18
strabestry like08:18
itclansterdooglus: ls-ld shows o/p drwxr-xr-x  2 vibhu vibhu 4096 2006-11-19 21:06 how shud i use it08:18
mamzers555manmadha; do you want to compile it?08:18
manmadhamamzers555, yaaa i tried ./configure08:18
strabesxfce-keyboard then hit tab08:18
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strabesvn: or something like that08:18
manmadhamamzers555, nope i want to install it08:18
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manmadhaBut it is asking for gtk2.0.....etc08:19
vnnothing like keyboard is showing :/08:19
manmadhaIf you only want to build the console interface then08:19
manmadhaspecify --disable-gtkui when running configure.08:19
maxkelleydoes disks-admin still exist in edgy?08:19
ida01modprobe ndiswrapper08:19
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manmadhathis is the out put08:19
mamzers555manmadha; if you want ./configure then you want to compile it08:19
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manmadhamamzers555, what is the process to install gaim...?08:20
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mc__manmadha: sudo apt-get install gaim08:20
vnstrabes: thanks anyway, im asking on #xubuntu if they know anything08:21
mamzers555manmadha; can you try this package i made a deb and you can install it? here is the link: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1761200#post176120008:21
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manmadhamc__, it is new version....I mean 2.05?08:21
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JeffBellhow do i install windows media player on teh ubuntu?08:21
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VigoFusionI am a totall Linux newb, but am learning, and learning is fundamental.08:21
Fred_SamboVLC media player works i think08:21
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rioghalis java open source now08:22
mamzers555manmadha; it is 'sudo apt-get install gaim' but then you have only beta3. if you want to install it manually, then you have to do: ' ./configure && make && sudo make install'08:22
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VigoFusionYes, Java is Open Source08:22
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rioghalVigoFusion, awesome :)08:23
jrswich version of xfce does Xubuntu run??08:23
jrsXubuntu 6.0608:23
jrsstable version08:23
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xopher!info xfce dapper08:23
ubotuPackage xfce does not exist in dapper08:23
Kingsqueakjrs: dpkg -l | grep xfce08:23
jrswtf :p08:24
Eonsi have a ericcson cellphone with bluetooth - it is possible to use its microphone?08:24
mamzers555JeffBell; take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats08:24
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LjLVigoFusion: i don't think java's open source just yet08:24
JeffBellj/k re: wmp... just trying to make y'all laugh =] 08:24
jrsi don't have xubuntu now so i cant use that command Kingsqueak08:24
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ba5eohhh beryl is looooovely :)08:24
VigoFusionI was going to put SeaMonkey on this 6.10 Edgy because it is Open Source Java.08:24
Kingsqueakjrs: for Edgy, don't have a Dapper here to check08:24
jrsi want to install but i need to know wich version of xfce it has08:24
jrsoh ok08:24
xopher!info xfce4 dapper08:24
ubotuxfce4: Installs Xfce4 core and scripts to set it up. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.3.0-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB08:24
kdefrysk!info xfce4 dapper08:24
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kdefryskgeez too late :s08:25
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rioghalVigoFusion, i can imagine a lot of new packages making it into the repos now that java is os :)08:26
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grimboyWhat's the command that lets you chose your favourite of a number of applications that have the same purpose?08:26
dooglusVigoFusion: SeaMonkey isn't java08:26
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dooglusgrimboy: update-alternatives --config08:26
allzljl i dont think it worked when i enter  glxinfo | grep version i get NVIDIA 87.76  :S08:27
grimboydooglus, Thanks08:27
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petrowheres the best place to go to learn how to use linux08:27
VigoFusionI use alot of java in cross platform work, Paul Lutus is like my hero in that area.08:27
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gbrentI am trying to disable wobbly windows hoever when I uncheck and restart my coputer they are still wobbly even though beryl settings manager shows it unchecked. Any ideas?08:27
dfcarneypetro: if you're up for some reading, check out O'Reilly's books08:27
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SiDiis there a version of ubuntu designed for computers older then 6 years?08:28
mamzers555gbrent; ask in #beryl08:29
jrsall versions are08:29
SiDior should edgy work08:29
grimboySiDi, xubuntu might do the trick08:29
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KingsqueakSiDi: how much RAM and how fast?08:29
allzsomeone plzzz help me .how to upgrade my nvidia ?08:29
SiDiill try it grimboy08:29
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dfcarneySiDi: edgy should work, unless you've got some rare/arcane hardware in there.  Also, consider using xubuntu08:29
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VigoFusionI use the Care Ware license on everything I do, now I use CW and FSF  Share and Share alike.08:29
honkIs there a way to change the grid size in icon view?08:30
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ashikaAnyone need help?08:30
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JeffBellashika, how do I install windows media player?08:30
ashikaSo quiet.08:30
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ashikaJeffBell, Use WINE to emulate the windows environment and run installer via WINE.08:31
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=== JeffBell wonders if he has worn out that joke, since there seems little humor in the pragmatic crowd =]
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VigoFusionJoke is still funny08:31
ashikawhat joke.08:32
JeffBellashika, since you gave an interesting answer... is WINE considered, by consensus, to be better than a VMWare solution?  I've never run either under linux.08:32
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grimboyJeffBell, Depends how good your hardware is and if you want freedom-free.08:32
wikitylerHow can I see if Xfree86 is working?08:32
JeffBellMy hardware is sufficient, grimboy.  Freedom = WINE, I take it?08:32
ashikaJeffBell, VMware takes more system resources does it not?08:33
honkis there a QEMU frontend?08:33
grimboyJeffBell, Yup08:33
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JeffBellashika, I've not encountered a situation where that affects me, yet.08:33
sgirchi all08:33
ashikaJeffBell, Then its personal preference.08:33
ivxhey if i want to use cups to share a printer do i just configure it like a normal printer on the computer it is connected to then modify the config file so it will allow other computer to print to it?08:33
JeffBellNo issues with stability on WINE?08:33
sgircI'm trying to install a usb adslmodem on my edgy08:33
JeffBell(for the most part, I meant)08:33
sgirci'm following the tuto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/e-techV208:33
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sgircbut I had a problem when I type the command sudo modprobe 268408:34
mamzers555manmadha; can you tell me, if these packages work for you?08:34
sgircthe module is not found08:34
sgircany ideas please ?08:34
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manmadhamamzers555, nope.......it is older version08:35
mamzers555manmadha; it is 2.0beta5, the latest one+08:35
ashikaJeffBell, I hear for the most part it is good if set up correctly.08:35
manmadhamamzers555, ohhh ok ....1mm08:35
JeffBellPhotoshop works on WINE?!  Wow, that I did not know.... that's the *only* thing holding me back from a complete migration.08:35
jrsshould ATI Sapphire X1600 pro work on any Ubuntu distro's?08:36
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ivxjeffbell gimp doesn't cut it for you?08:36
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JeffBellivx, not even close.  I already prefer krita to gimp.  Gimp is not sufficient for professional work.  Neither is krita, for that matter, but its an application I'll watch more closely.08:36
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KingsqueakJeffBell: what do you primarily do with Photoshop, crop/color balance retouching or effects?08:37
ivxjeffbell yeah I don't do that crazy of stuff to notice, some people say it is 1:108:37
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ashikaJeffBell, According to linuxforums and WineDB it works.08:38
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manmadhamamzers555, what are the extra packages...?I mean gaim-encryption_3.0+beta7-1_i386..08:38
JeffBellKingsqueak, I use Photoshop on a daily basis to manage workflows on a variety of projects from print to web.08:38
manmadhawhat is this..?08:38
davin#ubuntu-offtopic ftw08:38
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KingsqueakJeffBell: check www.bibblelabs.com it's great for what it does08:38
manmadhamamzers555, i have to install all the packages in this///08:39
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JeffBellivx, krita seems to have a better platform for "moving forward" versus gimp development seems really hampered by hardheadness.  my opinion only.  ymmv.08:39
JeffBellashika, I was just reading that and will give it the old college try =] 08:39
mamzers555manmadha; http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1761200#post1761200 you can check if this works for you, it is 2.0beta5 + some oher useful stuff like encryption and notification08:39
ashikaJeffBell, If you want to be professional then you can buy CrossWeaver or *cough*torrent/warez*cough* and use it as it runs photoshop cs2 100%08:40
mamzers555manmadha; you dont have to install all08:40
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JeffBellkingsqueak, I am familiar with Bibble for RAW work.  To be sure.  And I do work with RAW images as well, so Bibble may be an answer.  However, I should mention that I do not use Photoshop for RAW images as the DNG format is lame as all get out.  Nossir, i stick with Capture NX for the time being.08:40
VigoFusionI have to go to work! YAY I got a job08:40
manmadhamamzers555, ohh thank u dude08:40
sgirci need help please08:40
JeffBellashika, I'll check out this CrossWeaver business....08:40
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KingsqueakJeffBell: yeah that's why I asked what you did with Photoshop08:40
SiDiwhere can i find a ubuntu install for floppys08:40
Kingsqueakbibble runs nicely on linux08:40
ashikaJeffBell, So JeffBell are you really asking a question or just having fun? You seem like the kind of person who already knows the answer.08:40
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sgirchow can I know what is module 2684 ?08:41
mamzers555manmadha; maybe you can try it, i cannot guaranty that it works08:41
JeffBellKingsqueak, I appreciate your pointing me in the right direction.  I think Windows emulation is my best position for much of my graphic manipulation needs, at this time.08:41
mamzers555manmadha; but maybe you can tell me08:41
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JeffBellHowever, I do like Inkscape as a replacement for Illustrator or, in my case, FreeHand.08:41
manmadhamamzers555, hee....my gaim is not working08:41
mamzers555manmadha; if it don't work, i'll remove the package08:41
ivxjeffbell, is krita gpl also?08:41
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JeffBellI have learned to adapt to Inkscape and find it is worthwhile in a production environment.08:41
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JeffBellivx, yes it is08:41
KingsqueakJeffBell: if you are doing this for commerical work...I would say vmware is the way to run Windows08:41
manmadhamamzers555, it is not workig08:41
KingsqueakJeffBell: wine may run some things, but it has its quirks08:42
amrnetwhat is the program name that help me download pics from my digcam08:42
JeffBellashika, I started off joke about windows media... but I'm now serious =] 08:42
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mamzers555manmadha; can you start it in console what does it say?08:42
ivxjeffbell but you think krita is better than gimp?08:42
ashikaJeffBell, I see. It seems lile youre just having fun to me ;)08:42
manmadhamamzers555, okk 1m08:42
JeffBellKingsqueak, thanks for the headsup on VMWare vs. WINE.  I will try both, but if WMWare is the way to go... then I've no problem using it.08:42
rioghalamrnet, gthumb can do that and i think f-spot can too08:42
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JeffBellashika, only at the beginning... once you mentioned WINE, you had me tame as a small rabbit08:42
KingsqueakJeffBell: there's also the 'commercial' WINE by codeweavers.com08:42
manmadhamamzers555, this is the out put.....gaim: error while loading shared libraries: libdbus-1.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:43
ashikakingrayray, I already said that.08:43
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JeffBellivx, demonstrably better.  krita is a koffice piece; the only bad thing I can say about it.08:43
JeffBellivx, from what I gather, krita's future direction looks outstanding whereas the gimp wallows in madness.08:43
ivxjeffbell what is koffice08:43
rioghalamrnet, or if youre using a sd card you can buy a cheap sd card reader (mine cost $4.00) and it will mount as a mass storage device when you put the sd card into the reader08:44
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mbosoanyone in here using FF2 and Flash 9?08:44
sethkJeffBell, that's too bad, gimp has possibilities.08:44
sethkivx, the KDE people have an office suite08:44
ashikaJeffBell, I've always viewed GIMP as the08:44
JeffBellivx, a KDE office suite (does not come with Ubuntu, as I've learned, because U uses gnome instead kde... details, details)08:44
sethkivx, called koffice, has word processor, spread sheet, etc.08:44
mamzers555manmadha; no problem, just one min08:44
ashikaJeffBell, 'freebie' which is for people who dont want to buy Photoshop or get it illegaly.08:44
manmadhamamzers555, okk08:44
KingsqueakJeffBell: heh you can just install KDE and apps if you want08:44
sethkJeffBell, it "comes with" ubuntu just as much as any other office apps.  You install it with synaptic, just as you do with the others08:44
JeffBellsethk, I think GIMP had good intentions and is a decent "basic" editing platform, but claims about being able to use it in most professional environments are *greatly* exaggerated.08:44
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ivxthanks guys08:44
amrnetrioghal: i am trying to connect to my digicam but it does not appear under media or computer i think i need to be in a groop or am missing a program08:45
Kingsqueakthe main issue with Gimp and true pre-press work is the limited color space08:45
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sethkJeffBell, well, I wouldn't even guess at what "most" would mean in that type of claim.08:45
JeffBellashika, I think that's a good summary of GIMP.  it works well for basic photo edits or maybe some original web graphics.08:45
rioghalamrnet, do you have gthumb installed08:45
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amrnetinstalling fspot right now too08:45
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JeffBellsethk, when you've been working in advertising and design shops for well over a decade, one tends to gloss over generalizations as being accepted as true08:45
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rioghalamrnet, open it and go to File -> Import Photos and see if it reconizes your digcam08:46
ashzillaHi friends.08:46
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JeffBellsethk, I guess that makes me as snobby as some linux can be... fortunately, not all are.  and perhaps I should write up a little paper on how GIMP fails in that regard.  It could be interesting.08:46
sethkJeffBell, are you saying you prefer krita for working with photos?08:46
JeffBellAlthough I think some /. posts may have covered bits and pieces of that from time to time.08:46
JeffBellsethk, so forgive me... that's what I'm saying08:46
sethkJeffBell, nothing to forgive, I'm just asking the question08:47
amrnetrioghal: it could not detect my cam strange for i used to use it before08:47
JeffBellsethk, #1 I much prefer the interface of krita08:47
bretzelHi how to remove vmware, I am stuck in configure-failure - remove-failure cycle!!! and then how to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta )08:47
JeffBellsethk, #2 I much prefer the outlook of the developers08:47
amrnetrioghal: it is not mounted either08:47
mamzers555manmadha; just enter in the terminal 'sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-3' to install libdbus08:47
rioghalamrnet, click on the no camera detected button and see if your cam is in that list08:47
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sgircits really deseperating 935 connected andno one able to reply ...08:47
ashzillaI'm looking for the proper code to display files in a given directory in order of ascending numerical values. I.e 1,2,3...10,11,12,...100,101.10208:47
sethkJeffBell, I'd agree on point #2.  Point #1 I'll have to work more with krita before I comment.08:47
ashzillaI'm looking for the proper code to display files in a given directory in order of ascending numerical values. I.e 1,2,3...10,11,12,...100,101.102 using GNU ls08:47
manmadhamamzers555, there is no such pacage.....:(08:48
bretzelHi how to remove vmware, I am stuck in configure-failure - remove-failure cycle!!! and then how to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta )08:48
JeffBellsethk, I'm in a wait-n-watch mode as neither software allows me to do what I need/want/like/must.08:48
JeffBellsethk, GIMP is mired down in backwards thinking.... and I have poked around  it quite a bit08:48
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sethkJeffBell, I'd be interested to see that writeup you were just talking about.  I only do photo editing08:49
siouxhi doy know if there is a irc channel for linux running on dell pc?08:49
bretzelHi how to remove vmware, I am stuck in configure-failure - remove-failure cycle!!! and then how to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta )08:49
mamzers555manmadha; which ubuntu-version do you have?08:49
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rioghalJeffBell, have you seen these  http://www.gimptalk.com/  http://gug.sunsite.dk/08:49
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amrnetit is on list but gthumb can not connect to it08:49
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bretzelvmware-player-kernel-modules-2.6.17-10 unremoveable08:49
JeffBellsethk, I am new to krita.. very recent, in fact... already my productivity is much higher due to a much better interface (and I'm not just referring to palettes that dont disappear like GIMP) and I very much like ggood portions of where the community wants to take krita.... and thus, from what I gather, has built the platform to accommodate in the future08:49
rioghalamrnet, it would need to be mounted in order for gthumb to connect to it08:49
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manmadhamamzers555, 6.06 version08:50
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JeffBellsethk, I am not a C programmer or anything, so I rely on interpretations when it comes to assessing platforms.  that said, I'm not a total idiot, either08:50
amrnetyah i know and i do not know why it is not mounted08:50
ashikaJeffBell, in my opinion you have your mind made and either stick to Krita or use Wine/Crossover.08:50
bretzelhow to remove vmware, I am stuck in configure-failure - remove-failure cycle!!! and then how to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta )08:50
amrnetis there a special kernel module i have to check08:50
Fred_Sambobretzel, that sucks!08:50
Fred_Sambovmware has changed my life08:50
spunk_soren, hello. :-)08:50
rioghalamrnet, not sure i have not had a device fail to mount when i plugged it in08:50
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manmadhamamzers555, ok i am downloading it08:51
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JeffBellashika, what I am happy to learn today.... having made up my mind, previously, to stick with Windows as my primary boot.... is that I *can* find a way to use Photoshop inside of Ubuntu.  That surprises and pleases me to no end!08:51
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bretzelhow to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta ) then ?08:51
zlackanybody else running skype and encountering random crashes of the program?08:51
mamzers555manmadha; sorry mate, this package is for 6.1008:51
amrnetrioghal: first time i have this prob too ok will try something and be back :)08:51
ashikaJeffBell, Use wine it has been reported by some that CS2 works.08:51
mamzers555manmadha; i don't know if it works for you08:51
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JeffBellrioghal, I will check those momentarily.  thank oyu08:51
manmadhaya it is not working for me08:51
allzljl plzzz pm me .when you will comeback08:51
bretzelhow to get kernel headers for compiling kernel modules ? ( nvidia beta )08:51
mamzers555manmadha; it is better to compile from source in this case, i can help you with the ./configure-stuff08:51
dm_hey guys ne f my keys stpped wrking can anyne help08:51
manmadhahow to install it?08:51
rioghalJeffBell, i had my doubts about gimp until i found those two sites  those sites have helped me do tons of stuff in the gimp08:52
manmadhaBut it is not working08:52
samuDo I need to install any special packages to get the full effect from my "powerful" voodoo3 3dfx card in games for example?08:52
mamzers555manmadha; because it is for 6.1008:52
spunk_Hi! I'm trying to install Edgy on an Acer Laptop. The comp. has a Intel Wifi card (Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG). I'm having a hard time to get it running... Any help is appreciated. Thanks!08:52
ashikaspunk_, Download linux version of drivers.08:52
manmadhamamzers555, it is asking for gtk2.008:52
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manmadhamamzers555, You must have the GTK+ 2.0 development headers installed to compile Gaim's08:53
manmadhaGTK+ interface.  If you only want to build the console interface then08:53
manmadhaspecify --disable-gtkui when running configure.08:53
JeffBellrioghal, I will go through them, but I am highly skeptical.  There is no doubt that the GIMP has many powerful tools.  But I balk at the prospect of serious work. =] 08:53
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mamzers555manmadha; yes08:53
spunk_ashika: ok, from the sourceforge project?08:53
manmadhaThis is the out put08:53
dm_the letter after n and the letter befre p stpped wrkin n my keybard, can anyne help08:53
dm_this is strange08:53
manmadhawhat to do..?08:53
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ashikaspunk_, Wherever you find them for your card. As soon as you install your card's drivers it should work after a reboot.08:53
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spunk_ashika: ok, I've tried to find them in Synaptic but to no avail... :-(08:53
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mamzers555manmadha; just a moment08:54
ashikaspunk_, Inte;08:54
ashikaspunk_, Intel's website or do a google search with wireless card name and driver download after.08:54
spunk_ashika, ok, Ill try that. thanks!08:54
xenexhow would one convert all of the icons in /usr/share/icons/ to jpg or ico? i tried uploading them to a ftp and then downloading them on windows but only some actually show the picture08:54
mamzers555manmadha; you have to install the gtk2-libs to compile gaim08:55
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Cosmonaut3030Does anyone know how to make Konsole display colours?08:55
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ashzillaI'm looking for the proper code to display files in a given directory in order of ascending numerical values. I.e 1,2,3...10,11,12,...100,101.102 using GNU ls08:55
sethkCosmonaut3030, it has various color arrangements available in it's configuration menus08:55
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JeffBellFor those with patience, there is an interesting discussion on *some* aspects of how GIMP fails versus Photoshop (some are detailed, some are not) but this is a good starting point.  http://thelinuxadvocate.blogspot.com/2006/08/gimp-vs-photoshop-what-still-needs-to.html08:56
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Scorpmoonmy computer stalls, i can't do anything but use the reset button.. is this more likely to be a hardware fault than ubuntu error?08:56
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blitheI've always wondered if there were things the gimp did well that photoshop did not.08:57
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dfgasany apache pros in here?08:57
JeffBellblithe, I have not encountered a single one.08:57
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dfgasanyidea why i installed apache and php5 in ubuntu and when i try to goto the site it just trys to download all the files that i am trying to access08:57
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xenexhow would one convert all of the icons in /usr/share/icons/ to jpg or ico? i tried uploading them to a ftp and then downloading them on windows but only some actually show the picture08:57
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roryyashzilla: ls|sort -n might work08:57
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roryyashzilla: not sure about floating-point type numbers08:57
blitheJeffBell: Then again, I'm a pro in either of them to the slightest, and never utilize advanced features.08:57
Cosmonaut3030sethk, I'm not talking about the colour scheme, I mean like highlighted at signs.... if that makes any sense.08:57
ashzillaroryy, I was looking at that but couldn't figure it out. I'll give it a go.08:58
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manmadhamamzers555, there is no such pacakge dude08:58
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sethkCosmonaut3030, the ncurses library has those capabilities, and they work with konsole08:58
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livingdaylightanyone use Gizmo?08:58
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spunk_ashika, still there?08:58
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Cosmonaut3030The ncurses library? Anything important I should know before I set off on my search?08:58
ashzillaroryy: worked perfectly. :] 08:58
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Alan_what would cause modprobe to loose track of the modules?08:59
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livingdaylightcan i safely use the Debian .deb Gizmo file or should i install the binary .tar.gz instead?08:59
mamzers555manmadha; 'sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev'08:59
roryylivingdaylight: probably best to use the .tar.gz08:59
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JeffBellblithe, I think for basic image manipulation (cropping, rotating, resizing, maybe a few basic filters... as someone else mentioned previously) then the GIMP is sufficient.  krita has a much friendly UI, but those who have used GIMP for 3+ years might shrug it off.08:59
`4aFkA`will anyone give me a link from vmware pls!! ?08:59
rioghallivingdaylight, one should not use debian .deb's at all in ubuntu.. its better to compile it yourself08:59
roryylivingdaylight: if you're feeling up to it, you could try to build from the debian source09:00
e_machinistWhen I set my desktop resolution to 1024x768, the fonts, buttons, etc, seem really huge and take up far too much space (as compared to other OS's running at the same resolution). Is there any way to make GNOME look "normal" at 1024x768?09:00
LjLallz: "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx". look if the "candidate" and "installed" versions match, and what they are.09:00
e_machinistI don't feel like I'm describing the situation very well.09:00
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`4aFkA`will anyone give me a link from vmware pls!! ?09:00
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rioghale_machinist, have you tried 1152x864  it will give you more desktop space but will make things just a tad smaller09:01
roryy!vmware | `4aFkA`09:01
ubotu`4aFkA`: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare09:01
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livingdaylightroryy, is it ok to use the Debian DEB package? would be alot easier for me than using the gizmo tarball09:02
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ashzillaHow can I by default have the command ls actually run the command ls -hAg --sort n?09:02
e_machinistrioghal: I'll try that resolution, one sec.09:02
roryylivingdaylight: as i said, it's best not to09:02
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rioghallivingdaylight, the advice i gave comes from the advice i got from several ubuntu gurus09:02
xenexhow would one convert all of the icons in /usr/share/icons/ to jpg or ico? i tried uploading them to a ftp and then downloading them on windows but only some actually show the picture09:03
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livingdaylightrioghal, damn...09:03
=== livingdaylight doesn't like tarballs
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`4aFkA`will anyone give me a link from vmware pls!! ? i need to instal ubuntu09:03
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rioghallivingdaylight, the advice i got was 1) install from repos, 2) find an ubuntu .deb, 3) compile it yourself09:04
alextbcomo sai de um canal?09:04
JeffBellThanks for the help, y'all.  You made my night fun. =]  I've bookmarked the links. But it's just after then and the missus will demand I step away from the screen soonish.  Until next time...09:04
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e_machinistrioghal: wow, 1152x864 is perfect. Runs at a good refresh rate as well (75).09:04
Cosmonaut3030dcop is awesome.09:04
icepack'4aFkA' www.vmware.com09:04
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rioghale_machinist, thats my favorite resolution :)09:04
xSUSHiHow do I find out how many users are logged in?09:04
`4aFkA`will the programs who are on my windows work on linux ?09:05
icepack'4aFkA': you need to download a free trial for the workstation to install the virtual machine09:05
spunk_Has anyone experience from installing a driver for a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG? Looking at Intel's installation instructions for Linux does not help me a bit when it comes to make it work under Ubuntu. :-(09:05
ashzillaOkay. New Question. If I have an executable file Songbird, that when I double click it in gnome opens correctly, how do I open that file in the terminal?09:05
rioghalxSUSHi, open a term and type: who09:05
KingsqueakxSUSHi: 'w'09:05
icepack'4aFkA'- elaborate09:05
Cosmonaut3030ashzilla: what's the file ending?09:05
xSUSHiThanks, and what's the command to find out what ports are open?09:05
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probinshey is LJL still here?09:05
LjLprobins: yes09:05
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KingsqueakxSUSHi: netstat -an or  lsof -i tcp or udp09:05
biotechhey everyody :) i need help with a small project. im looking for an 2d mmorpg server, tiled based like fifnal fantasy.09:06
xSUSHiKingsqueak and rioghal thanks a lot09:06
`4aFkA`the programs who work in windows can some how be made to work on ubuntu ?09:06
rioghalxSUSHi, np :)09:06
biotech4afka use wine09:06
probinssorry I had to go do something else09:06
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LjLUbotu, please tell `4aFkA` about wine09:06
icepack'4aFkA': check out www.winehq.com for that, vmware will let you actually run windows in linux. much different from wine09:06
LjLallz: try restarting X first, yeah, but i'm guessing you'll have to reboot the computer, since kernel modules have been updated09:06
allzi try that09:07
probinsdid you answer me to my snd_usb_audio question?09:07
probinsI get "/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/kernel/sound/usb/snd-usb-audio.ko09:07
xenexhow would one convert all of the icons in /usr/share/icons/ to jpg or ico? i tried uploading them to a ftp and then downloading them on windows but only some actually show the picture09:07
LjLallz, yeah, wrong paste09:07
pcgigabyteQuestion. I tried the installing of xgl guide but it is outdated. Anyone know of a new updated install of xgl guide that works?09:07
LjL[21:00:24]  <LjL> allz: "apt-cache policy nvidia-glx". look if the "candidate" and "installed" versions match, and what they are.09:07
`4aFkA`tnx biotech09:07
biotechthere is one mmorpg server for windows called x-realms09:07
jrshy, i tried to burn the xubuntu iso but my cd-rom-burner only burns a little piece of the iso :s how can i fix this?09:07
Alan_My system stopped autoloading the modules on boot. Modprobe can't find the modules unless I give it the full path name. I'm not sure what I changed (besides installing kde)09:08
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ashzillaOkay, to start Songbird I use ./Songbird, is it possible to run this command so the terminal window will close after it starts the application?09:08
`4aFkA`icepack whitch one i need to download ??09:08
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ashzillaOr better yet, is it possible to run a terminal command, so that after the application starts the terminal window (or tab) closes?09:08
roryyashzilla: something like './Songbird& exit' ?09:09
mcphailashzilla: why not start it from an alt-f2 launcher?09:09
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mc__ashzilla: it is09:09
icepack'4aFka': depends on what you want to do. wine will run some windows programs, theres a list of apps at www.winehq.com. for vmware, you'll have to actually install windows(you need a working cd-key), it won't ad or touch partitions.09:09
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mc__ashzilla: "exec yourcommand"09:09
xSUSHixenex have you tried imagemagick09:09
biotechif this is not the room to ask about an mmorpg server for ubuntu "linux" could some one tell me where i need to go?09:09
rioghalAsh-Fox, you might try running it with the command: /path/Songbird & && exit09:09
osfameronfantastic, the bug report tool for firefox is buggy09:09
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xSUSHibiotech: there are several09:09
osfameronI'm supposed to attach a file.  Manually.  To something or other.09:09
rioghalosfameron, lol09:09
xenexxSUSHi: where can i get that?09:10
ashzillaroryy: that worked perfectly. Thanks :] 09:10
xSUSHixenex; to be successful in linux you must google.      but to save you a click, go to http://www.imagemagick.org09:10
biotechxSUSHi, i googled for a bunch with no results, could you give me some ideals?09:10
ashzillamc__: that is also an option that satisifies what I was looking for, thanks.09:10
jrshy, i tried to burn the xubuntu iso but my cd-rom-burner only burns a little piece of the iso :s how can i fix this?09:10
`4aFkA`icepack i need the vmware player to instal ubuntu over windows in one partition ??09:11
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xSUSHibiotech: WoW runs in Linux =)    what kind of mmorpg u looking for?09:11
xenexxSUSHi: i'm not looking to use linux, i just want to take ubuntu's icons.09:11
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icepack'4aFkA'- are you installing vmware in linux or windows?09:11
LadyNikonxSUSHi: doesnt WoW need winex to run in linux?09:11
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biotechxSUSHi: something small, 2d tiled based like x-realms09:11
`4aFkA`in windows09:11
`4aFkA`icepack in windows09:12
xenexxSUSHi: www.xenex.weeki.org/desktop.png -- this is my progress so far on making windows look like ubuntu.09:12
xSUSHixenex: the icons are in png format ... simply convert them to jpg09:12
ph8hey guys, a program i was using successfully with GCC 3.x doesn't compile now with 4.x - is there any way to get 3.x on my ubuntu system to compile it or any sort of compatibility mode for gcc 4.x?09:12
allzljl 1.0.9629+  then the installd stuff ->   1.0.9629+ 0 ljl 1.0.9629+  then the installd stuff ->   1.0.9629+ 0 500 http://amaranth.selfip.com edgy/lrm Packages    1.0.8776+ 0  500 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/restricted Packages  100 /var/lib/dpkg/status    1.0.8762+ 0 500 http://is.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/restricted Packages09:12
xenexxSUSHi: i know that...09:12
xSUSHiLadyNikon yes but it's cheap09:12
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allzljl is it installd then?09:12
Kingsqueakph8: apt-cache search gcc | sort09:12
xSUSHibiotech: tried tibia?09:13
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rioghalxenex, good job09:13
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LjLallz: it looks installed to me, not sure why glxinfo says otherwise09:13
`4aFkA`icepack in windows..09:13
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pcgigabyteCan someone give me a updated xgl install for ubuntu dapper with nvidia card?09:13
xenexrioghal: thanks :P i just need to get the icons then i'm set :D09:13
biotechno, does it require a lot of resources? i got a cheap pc.09:13
icepack'4aFka'- then all you need is an ubuntu disk. you start vmware workstation, create a new machine under linux-ubuntu. then put the ubuntu cd in, and start up the machine. it'll run ubuntu in a window after you install ubuntu09:13
Kingsqueakph8: also try   gcc<tab><tab>  you may already have other versions installed09:13
LadyNikonxSUSHi: cheap is relative to the amount of cash you have ;)09:13
mc__ashzilla: you're welcome09:13
Kingsqueakph8: to make a compiler use one, just set CC=<gcc you want>09:13
rioghalLadyNikon, lol09:14
allzljl OpenGL version string: 2.0.2 NVIDIA 87.76 ;S09:14
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Kingsqueakph8: err for a Makefile to use a particular gcc rather09:14
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pcgigabyteCan someone give me a updated xgl install for ubuntu dapper with nvidia card?09:14
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pcgigabyteCan someone give me a updated xgl install for ubuntu dapper with nvidia card?09:14
rioghalpcgigabyte, tried #xgl09:14
Alter-Egois there a web cam program for ubuntu ?09:15
xSUSHixenex: cool!   yeah just use image magick to convert the png's to jpg09:15
manmadhamamzers555, ohh god at last it is working09:15
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Alter-Egothat allows you to chat ?09:15
mamzers555manmadha; fine09:15
jrshy, i tried to burn the xubuntu iso but my cd-rom-burner only burns a little piece of the iso :s how can i fix this?09:15
KingsqueakAlter-Ego: apt-cache search webcam09:15
xSUSHijrs: u sure the download went ok?09:15
manmadhamamzers555, dude...can u tell me how to open it in terminal09:15
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=== rioghal hugs her apt-cache search
jrsi downloaded like 654mb or something09:15
jrsso i guess all went great09:16
KingsqueakAlter-Ego: oh with chat, not really other than gnomeeting if that does what you want"09:16
xSUSHijrs: i use gnomebaker for burning09:16
mamzers555manmadha; after ./configure, did you enter 'make'?09:16
`4aFkA`icepack i try with Microsoft Virtual Machine.. and i put the disk... then i enter the instalation of ubuntu but the process is very slow and the display is unreadable09:16
=== hilde [n=hilde@d54C28B91.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jrsit burns iso's?09:16
xSUSHijrs yeah works great09:16
manmadhamamzers555, make .....>make install09:16
mamzers555manmadha; then in terminal start it with 'gaim'09:16
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biotechxSUSHi: im looking for somthing i can run on my pc, run my on server, i didnt see a download for that, just the client09:16
hildeik ben een netboot aan het proberen maar het lukt niet. Ik volg nu de volgende stappen van hier http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install09:16
nandhpI recently upgraded to edgy. It failed on irda-utils, then froze before I could get around to fixing it (a different problem), so I had to run dpkg --configure -a manually after starting back up. This seems to have worked, except that when I start up, I get a 5minute delay between "ts: Compaq touchscreen protocol output" in the module loading and "Loading manual drivers". Is this a known problem?09:16
jrshow do i install/start it?09:16
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KingsqueakAlter-Ego: it's called Ekiga now btw, I didn't know the name changed09:17
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dfgasanyone know how to get php5 enabled?\09:17
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grimboybiotech, http://www.happypenguin.org/test/list?s_title=&s_author=&s_company=&s_description=&s_requirements=&s_category=rpg&s_rating_op=eq&s_rating=any&s_rating_nr=on&s_license=any&s_sound=any&s_source=any&s_x11=any&s_console=any&s_3d=no&s_multiplayer=yes&s_network=any&submit=Search&.cgifields=s_rating_nr09:17
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lifepositiveKingsqueak: i got bad news for you dude09:17
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fbcIs there any mail client for ubuntu that will allow me to access a hotmail account?09:18
jrshow do i start gnomebaker09:18
jrsor install/get09:18
rioghaldfgas,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP09:18
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lifepositivefbc: try aMSN09:18
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Kingsqueaklifepositive: heh how so09:18
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rioghal!info gnomebaker09:18
ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 991 kB, installed size 2964 kB09:18
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fbclifepositive:  thanks will do.09:18
lifepositiveKingsqueak: the bad news is, you aint no king!09:18
lifepositivefbc: np09:18
grimboyfbc, Yeah, any that can support pop3 should work (that includes thunderbird and evolution, which is default in ubuntu)09:19
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jrslol  gnomebaker is only on edgy? not on ubuntu09:19
hildewhere is /etc/inetd.conf on 6.1009:19
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manmadhamamzers555, ok dude what is u r name>?09:19
abois there any GUI front end for beagle?09:19
jrsgot the older ubuntu version, i need to burn the xubuntu iso so09:19
matsnupdatedb && find inetd.conf09:19
rioghaljrib, no, enable universe, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnomebaker09:19
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KingsqueakI am the king of my own mind09:20
gnat_xhi, i'm trying to pull data off of an old drive (old computer), and put that data on a drive running XP, so i can go ahead and wipe the old drive and let it be all xubuntu. anyway i was wondering if anyone knew the 'windows safe' way to pull that data. i am trying to do this with the live cd mode of xubuntu before i install.09:20
rioghaljrs, no, enable universe, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gnomebaker09:20
grimboyabo, Deskbar widget09:20
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rioghaljrib, sorry about that tab completion bit me09:20
mamzers555manmadha; my real name you mean?09:20
mamzers555manmadha; philipp09:20
abogrimboy, how do I get that?09:20
allzljl can you post me .the site nvidia .where the download drivers stuff is .so i can that out 209:20
inimesekenehow can i get rid of firefox plugins?09:20
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gnat_xthis is for my parents computer, so i don't want to chance hosing their system.09:21
mamzers555manmadha; and yours?09:21
fbclifepositive: amsn is a messenger.. I need something that will import hotmail.com inbox into thunderbird, or somethign of the like.09:21
lifepositiveabo: your nick is offensive09:21
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lifepositivefbc: nothing exists to do that09:21
grimboyabo, You already have it (unless you've uninstalled it) you can just right click on a panel and then add to panel and it's there.09:21
lifepositivefbc: impossible09:21
LjLallz: i told you - *i have no clue* what the right page on the nvidia site is09:21
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mamzers555manmadha; alright09:21
abolifepositive, ?? why?09:22
spudgunner can anyone answer a question about the NetworkManager for me? nm-applet simply fails to see my wireless card, but everything else can see it just fine09:22
lifepositiveabo: its a bad saying for aboriginals09:22
Kingsqueakfbc: set up Thunderbird using POP309:22
`4aFkA`here u give help with programs on ubuntu ?09:22
manmadhaok dude i am leaving it is time to go to bed09:22
regeyalifepositive: for the curious and/or nosy, could you explain how 'abo' is offensive?  and yes, I know that in some cultures, my nickname starts people giggling, and they're dead wrong about what my nick means09:22
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LjLallz: look try typing "nvidia-settings". see what version it says there09:22
xSUSHignat_x why dont you just delete the windows xp partition and make a new ext3 one?09:22
tang^I just had to kill the gnome menubar (panel?) since it locked up.  only I'm not sure what program it was I killed.  barring logging out and back in again, what do I need to run to get my menus and panels back?09:22
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lifepositiveregeya: I just did09:23
fbcKingsqueak:  So I can access hotmail via pop3?09:23
`4aFkA`here u give help with programs on ubuntu ?09:23
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Kingsqueakfbc: I think so, lot of google mentions of it09:23
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Bobby_EaslandHello everyone...got an install issue with 6.1009:23
regeyalifepositive no need to be snippy; I hit enter just as you did09:23
manmadhamamzers555, byeee09:23
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rioghaltang^, open a term and press the up arrow key to see a list of previous commands  you can find the command to tell you what you killed09:24
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tang^rioghal: I used xkill to kill it09:24
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abogrimboy, cheers I have it, never seen it before09:24
mamzers555manmadha; bye09:24
jrsi did sudo apt-get update09:24
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revartjsomebody help me, with scanner09:24
fbclifepositive: What is ABO offensive?09:24
revartjthe scanner is HP SCANJET 4400C09:24
revartji don't know, how configure it09:24
fbclifepositive:  I meant why..09:24
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jrsbut when i do the sudo apt-get install gnomebaker, it says it cant find gnomebaker packet09:25
lifepositiveabo: its a bad way to say aboriginal09:25
gnat_x_xSUSHi: because i (or my parents) still want XP; i'm using the drive from there old machine, which i'm going to repartition and make its own ext3 drive... but first i want to get a few of their files off of that drive before i repartition it. i want to put them on the new computers xp (ntfs) drive09:25
=== Horst_Flemming [n=sean@dhcp-77-175.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #ubuntu
Kingsqueakfbc: it appears it did, now it doesn't, check hotmail's site to see09:25
rioghaljrs, then you didnt enable universe  enable universe and try again09:25
Bobby_Easlandwhen starting the live CD on my main terminal I get an exception fault09:25
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gnat_x_xSUSHi: make sense?09:25
nanakiHi I have network problems. I can't get with sambas to my windows PC. It says location is not a folder09:25
xSUSHignat_x: ntfs-3g09:25
jrsrioghal, how do you enable universe09:25
jrsi'm noob sorry09:25
jeanHi I can't play mY original DVDs in Ubuntu....???09:25
nandhprevartj, try using Graphics->XSane. I can't help you very much using it though. But if it finds a scanner it should work.09:25
rioghaljrs, no problem09:25
=== Horst_Flemming [n=sean@dhcp-77-175.uni-paderborn.de] has joined #ubuntu
xSUSHijrs: ubuntuguide.org   look for "add repositories"09:26
rioghal!repos | jrs09:26
ubotujrs: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:26
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Bobby_Easlandnanaki -> sudo apt-get install sambafs09:26
gnat_x_xSUSHi: is that available in the live cd?09:26
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=== jokoon [n=jokoon@90.218.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vaske_Carcan anybody answer this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30254409:26
ubotuConventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.09:26
=== cedric_ [n=cedric@26.44-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
xSUSHignat_x: on edgy i think maybe09:26
nanakithat helps easland?09:26
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Bobby_Easlandit helped me get this terminal to mount samba shares09:26
gnat_x_xSUSHi: thanks, i'll look09:26
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xSUSHiubotu how come amule isnt on your p2p list09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how come amule isnt on your p2p list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
abolifepositive, ok never seen/heard of that because, please don't be offended#09:27
jokoonHello : is there some way to display the workspace's title and the windows little squares too in it ?09:27
=== Dybber [n=Dybber@0x3e42d1c0.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:27
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fbclifepositive:  Not everyone lives or has lived in australia. The word "coco" to a haitian person would be offensive. But my guess is unless ABO is from australia, they are probably his initials.09:27
nanakiwell I am not good with network over terminal I use the network icon09:27
lifepositiveabo: im not ;)09:27
Bobby_Easlandanyone know how to fix an exception fault to allow the live CD to boot?09:27
lifepositivefbc: yeah np09:27
anirbanHi I have the Dapper 6.06 DVD09:27
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jokoonubotu how old are you ?09:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how old are you ? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
anirbanand I want to install KDE09:27
jeanPlease I need to Play my dvds in Ubuntu!!!!09:27
jokoonWow you type very fast09:27
anirbanhow to do that09:28
Alter-Egojean !dvd09:28
rioghaljokoon, ubotu is a bot09:28
nanakiget libdvd something09:28
Alter-Egojean !mp309:28
xSUSHiBobby: clean the cd09:28
anirbanI do not want to download the wholw kde09:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:28
jokoonNo he just has some neat scripts09:28
Alter-Egojean look at those pages09:28
jean:-) Tks...09:28
nanakiSambafs is not an avaible package09:28
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Bobby_EaslandxSUSHi, the CD is clean and was used to install Ubuntu on this terminal09:29
Bobby_Easlandno scratches...no dirt09:29
jeanOther question... i need to convert my mp3 and wma to ogg... how can i do this in ubuntu???09:29
abofbc, lifepositive - I'll remember that when I visit Australia, I'm not from Australia, these are not my initials, I guess  we will be kicked out if we don't stop spamming the channels with  irrelevant content ;-)09:29
anirbancan I add the dvd as a repository source09:29
jokoonIs there some way to display the workspace's title and the windows little squares too in it ?09:29
dfgasphp5 still won't work09:29
lifepositivein Ubuntu, how can I tell which version of Tor im running?  anyone know?09:29
lifepositiveabo: lol ;)09:29
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fbcabo: :-)09:30
Zaggynllifepositive, in terminal: 'tor --help' should do ;)09:30
nanakihow can I get samba to work my network correctly towards my winblows PC09:30
jokoonHow create my own keyboard layout, somebody told me about some dir in usr or something ...09:30
=== snoogie [n=snoogie@snoogie.chaostreff-dortmund.de] has joined #ubuntu
xSUSHilifepositive tor --version    maybe?09:30
SilentDishello :)09:30
Alter-Egojean, those links tell you how09:30
Zaggynlalso works09:30
snoogiehello to everyone09:30
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ZaggynlAnyone knows if there is a linux version/alternative of/for 'Bit che' or 'Torrent Harvester' ? (And yes I tried googlin' :P)09:30
dubiboyanyone know how to disable Gnome shortcut alt-right_button ?09:30
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jeanOk Tks friends...!!!!09:30
Bobby_Easlandnanaki-> sudo apt-get install sambafs09:30
lifepositivexSUSHi: ill try09:30
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nanakidid not work it says not avaible package09:31
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kikokoshow to encode cdaudio to mp3?09:31
Bobby_Easlandthen enable your universe repository09:31
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SilentDisquick question:  I'm running ubuntu, but would like to have the kde environment available to me.  can Gnome and KDE be run in 'paralell', what package do I need to select, and how do you 'switch' between the 2?09:31
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xSUSHidubiboy: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts09:31
kikokosmy sound-juicer make a core dumped so something else please09:31
hildefor what stands subnet in the line ? subnet netmask
hildeshould it be or 25409:31
probinsyeah I just did sudo apt-get install kde09:31
probinsfrom gnome09:31
probinsthen logoff09:31
djsroknrolhello everyone09:31
probinsclick options in the corner09:31
probinsand you can use kde09:32
nandhpIt should probably be kubuntu-desktop, though09:32
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rioghalSilentDis, gnome apps can easily run in kde and vice versa  youll need to install  kubuntu-desktop to get kde and youll have to log out and back in (choosing the desktop you want to use) in order to use the one you want09:32
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dubiboyxSUSHI: I tried that but it that combination is not there09:32
kikokosmy sound-juicer make a core dumped so something else please for make mp3 from audiocd09:32
nandhpand your display manager/login screen should let you choose which session.09:32
kikokosor make mpc from audiocd09:32
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SilentDisrioghal:  thanks!  off to work with me, and the 'puter has some downloading to do :)09:32
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fbclifepositive: I found something that will do it.. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gotmail/09:33
fulhackHello. Any ideas on if I can make the gnome desktop not display icons?09:33
rioghalSilivrenion, :)09:33
probinsive spent a week trying to get snd_usb_audio to work too enable my usb midi device09:33
nanakiCan anyone help me to get samba running good under gnome and not terminal. I have problems with "can't locate xxx since it is not a folder"09:33
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dubiboyfulhack: which icons?09:33
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kikokoshas anybody idea for convert cdaudio to mp3 without ripping just encode?09:34
fulhackdubiboy: The desktop icons, directories and such09:34
Jowihilde, subnet is the "network" where 192.168.123.x is the individual computers. is normally a router and 254 is the broadcast address.09:34
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probinsnanaki - samba to connect to a windows pc - I just click "places" at the top and navigate to the netwok pc09:35
hildethx Jowi09:35
nandhpfulhack: You can hide the computer icon and home icon and stuff by opening gconf-editor and opening /apps/nautilus/desktop09:35
Kingsqueakkikokos: you have to do both, have to rip it, in order to encode it09:35
dubiboyfulhack: gconf-editor then apps->nautilus->desktop09:35
lifepositivefbc: thats amazing09:35
nanakiProbins, where can I find the "places" thing?09:35
probinsyou running ubuntu?09:35
fulhackah, thanks guys09:35
Kingsqueakkikokos: use yaret, grip, etc. they'll do it in once process but it's still two things underneat09:35
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kikokosKingsqueak: yes but it take me one hour09:36
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probinson my gnome system it is at the top between apps and system09:36
lifepositivekikokos: what does?09:36
dubiboyxSHUSHI: any ideas - since I have already spent over an hour trying to disable alt rightclick09:36
Kingsqueakkikokos: just a slow drive or machine...not much you can do about that09:36
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lifepositivekikokos: what else you got to do with the hour? LOL09:36
lifepositivekikokos: its not like you dont have any free time LOL09:37
kikokosKingsqueak: :)09:37
fbclifepositive:  Well, Thank you.  My wife said the same thing last night. :-p09:37
jrsxSUSHi, hmm when i try to burn iso to disk it says that the cdrom drive is unmounted or something.. it doesnt burn at all :s09:37
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lifepositivefbc: :lol :)09:37
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lifepositivefbc: too bad she was talking about how small it was09:38
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fulhackThat worked out great, Never used that settings editor before. Nice stuff. While I'm at it, can I make gnome switch desktops when I drag a window to the desktop's end?09:38
fbclifepositive:  ouch09:38
spudgunnerNetwork Manager is acting funny for me: nm-applet simply fails to see my wireless card, but everything else can see it just fine, is there a .conf file for nm-applet?09:38
lifepositivefbc: is it true that your wife calls you pee-wee sometimes?09:38
kikokoslifepositive: my life seems to be slowly :P but I really want fast program to make mp3/,pc from audiocd do u know some?09:38
Jowijrs, try to get the full error. the cd writer should not be mounted while burning a iso.09:39
cmweb-adminIs any one good with printers such as Lexmark. I got mine installed but when i go to print it succedes and then stops ubruptly09:39
lifepositivekikokos: get a faster system then :)09:39
nanakiI need help to get my Samba back working. I can't browser to my windows PC over Network servers09:39
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Kingsqueakspudgunner: other wifi apps interfere with it, you need to stop the other ones and clean up /etc/network/interfaces so that only the 'lo' interface is there09:39
cmweb-adminThough it does not start09:39
lifepositivefbc: did you get it working?09:39
dabaRnanaki: and the network servers run ubuntu w/ samba?09:39
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nanakiYes with Samba09:40
kikokoslifepositive: :)09:40
nanakiDabar: yes09:40
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tomeri need help09:40
spudgunnerKingsqueak: only lo?? wouldn't i want to list my cards? or is gnome going to do it automagically09:40
lifepositivekikokos: you cant get blood out of a stone :)09:40
tomeri need help09:40
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jrsJowi, i get this error09:40
nanakidabar: I upgraded to edgy and since then it doesn't work anymore.09:40
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jrsError mounting /media/cdrom0.09:40
jrsumount: /media/cdrom0 is not connected or something09:40
Kingsqueakspudgunner: nm likes to sort of take over, it will manage wired and wireless on your same system for you09:40
Kingsqueakspudgunner: just comment out the existing entries , don't remove them09:41
pianoboy3333What can I do with composite enabled metacity?09:41
Kingsqueakspudgunner: that way if you have trouble you can undo that09:41
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lifepositivefbc: did you get it working yet?09:41
dabaRnanaki: OK. What did you upgrade to edgy? the samba computer? How many computers are there in total?09:41
Jowijrs, and what are you trying to do? mounting a cd or burning it?09:41
spudgunnerKingsqueak: thats what i did... now to reload the applet...09:41
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jrsi'm trying to burn xubuntu iso to a cd through Ubuntu, but it doesn't work properly Jowi09:42
Kingsqueakspudgunner: yeah be sure wifi-radar if you installed it is not running09:42
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fbclifepositive:  working on it now09:42
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Jowijrs, do you get that error before, during or after the burn?09:42
nanakidabar: I only use the laptop and it is my own network. I use it to move some files from laptop to be and back. and I upgraded fully to edgy.09:42
Kingsqueakspudgunner: what happens is the other utils take over the interface so another app can't configure it09:42
cmweb-adminDid any one recieve my last transmition?09:42
lifepositivefbc: im ignorant of perl scripts!  can you teach me to get it working once you worked it out?  please?09:42
dubiboyDoes anyone know how to disable the alt-rightclick shortcut. I have tried System/Preferences/KeyBoardShortcuts but it is not listed there.09:42
jrsjowi i get it before09:43
Le_MurphantHello, i'm new to linux, comming from windows, and I can't figure out how to open bin files09:43
Le_Murphantcould someone help me out plz?09:43
dabaRnanaki: you have a laptop, that you are trying to use on a network you were able to use it before, and the only thing that changed is you upgrading the laptop to edgy?09:43
KingsqueakLe_Murphant: you don't really, they are compiled binaries, you just run them09:43
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nandhpdubiboy: Preferences->Windows, try changing Alt to something else09:43
nanakidabar: Yes that is right.09:43
lifepositivefbc: would that be ok?09:43
spudgunnerKingsqueak: i'm not running any wireless apps other than NetworkManager and nm-applet09:43
jrsJowi,  i'm getting the error befor it starts to burn09:43
KingsqueakLe_Murphant: if you mean run them, just type the name and hit <return> or  ./<name of the application>09:44
Jowijrs, so it is ok. to burn an iso: insert the empty cdr/cdrw (do not mount it) and then burn it. you will get an error if you try to mount it because the cd is empty.09:44
Kingsqueakspudgunner: should be good then09:44
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spudgunnerKingsqueak: reloading the applet doesn't help, when is the config file checked?09:44
cmweb-adminKingsqueak, do you know aanything about Lexmark Printers?09:44
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grimboyIf my processor is a Celeron M then should I get the 686 kernel?09:44
dabaRnanaki: so how do you access the share?09:44
Kingsqueakspudgunner: you may need a reboot, the underlying daemon is network-manager maybe that needs a restart, then nm-applet09:44
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: they work?09:44
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Le_MurphantI downloaded Realplayer, and it came as a .bin file on my desktop, clicking it doesn't do anything09:45
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: I use a ton of them via cups on the job09:45
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LjLLe_Murphant, you can get realplayer packaged, no need to download a .bin09:45
lifepositiveLjL: hello09:45
cmweb-adminKingsqueak, i got mine installed and everything it wont print though, i goes to a job then the job stops09:45
CientificoLocohow do I expand the memory of my aMSN for to add emoticons, 'coz the fisrt I added it was erasing...09:45
nanakisabar: I always used Places-Network Servers and then browsed to it, but instead folder icons I get just a paper icon09:45
cmweb-adminkingsqueak, then wont pront09:45
Le_MurphantHow do I do that Lifepositive?09:45
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: when you run gnome-cups-admin it sees the printer and says it's ready?09:45
Le_MurphantEer, I mean LjL09:45
xamoxWhat torrent software does everyone recommend? I want it to run as a service where I could maybe connect to it via webbrowser and add torrents. Is this possible?09:46
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: can it print a test page?09:46
LjLLe_Murphant: i think it's in dapper-commercial09:46
jerpI've got a mount error "mount: /dev/ is not a block device09:46
cmweb-adminil try it09:46
jrsJowi,  i'm not mounting the cd :( it just gives me an error, i'll show u a screenshot09:46
spudgunnerKingsqueak: got it, the config file did it.  I just had to killall NetworkManager to force a reload09:46
Kingsqueakspudgunner: there you go, nm is pretty nice09:46
spudgunnerKingsqueak:  thanks!09:46
spudgunnerKingsqueak: oh i know, i missed it when it stopped working : P09:46
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dubiboynandhp: Nothing there about remapping or removing this combination?09:46
cmweb-adminkingsqueak, it says printing then it goes to the interface then says Stoped: Job Stoped09:46
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: does your printer show any errors?09:47
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: lights look normal, not flashing, no jams, ink is good etc09:47
cmweb-adminon it self09:47
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fulhackAny clues on if I can activate dragging and dropping windows between different desktops in gnome? Like I can in beryl and emerald?09:47
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cmweb-adminAll it says is the line is in use and thats because im online09:47
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: this an attached printer or network?09:47
LjLLe_Murphant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealplayerInstallationMethods09:48
jrsJowi, never mind, now it looks like it's running properly... think it was a bug...09:48
cmweb-adminits an x125 no its local09:48
Le_MurphantLjL: Ty09:48
Jowijrs, ok. glad it sorted itself out09:48
dabaRnanaki: you never had to configure anything to get that working?09:48
CientificoLocoLjL, what messenger do you use?09:48
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: I would delete it in gnome-cups-manager and configure it again09:48
jrsthanks for the support Jowi09:48
LjLCientificoLoco: uh?09:48
LjLlifepositive hi09:48
CientificoLocoLjL, ah, like MSN...09:48
nanakidabar: never had to configure anything. Always found the network09:48
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LjLCientificoLoco: ah - none of them09:49
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dabaRnanaki: how about if you use places connect to server, can you connect that way?09:49
lifepositiveLe_Murphant: do what?09:49
jrsis xubuntu 6.10 stable??09:49
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Kingsqueakjrs: should be, yes09:49
nanakidabar: how do I do that. I tried it but it confuses me09:49
superkirbyartistYes it works pretty well.09:49
xamoxanyone know why I can mount a harddrive but when I put it in my fstab it keeps complaining it has errors and tries to run e2fsck on it?09:49
cmweb-adminkingsqueak. Ok i got it re-installed but still the same09:49
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ivxhello, when i open the printers it lists one, but it won't let me remove it, and it says one job and ready, but does not show any jobs. also in my panel it has a printer icon, i stopped cups and restarted but it just pops back up09:49
CientificoLocoLjL, shy...09:50
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: not sure, try linuxprinting.org maybe for any model specific issues09:50
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grimboykeelbill, Lo09:50
dabaRnanaki: choose windows share, enter server name(the netbios name, or IP address) then try connecting.09:50
keelbillplease help me if any of you can09:50
superkirbyartistIf you want to vote for Ebuntu name: http://ebuntu.sos-sts.com/poll/09:50
superkirbyartistIt takes 10 seconds at the most.09:50
keelbillhi grimboy09:50
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landexemI have a Dell laptop with a Intel Wireless PRO 3945ABG card, but it doesn't seem that Edgy can connect to wireless networks.  lspci knows what the card is, but it doesn't work.09:51
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landexemI've read about the ipw3954 driver... why isn't that in Edgy?09:51
nanakidabar: that IP adress that has been given to the PC right? and what ya mean with netbios name09:51
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grimboy!justask | keelbill09:51
ubotukeelbill: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:51
Kingsqueaklandexem: when you say it can't connect, how are you trying? with what util?09:51
keelbillok i've asked this in several channels09:52
Kingsqueaklandexem: do you see eth1 also   ifconfig -a09:52
dabaRnanaki: the IP address of the windows computer you are trying to access. Each windows computer has a name, and it is shown in the properties of My Computer, under computer name on XP.09:52
keelbilli have installed nvidia beta drivers09:52
matsnifconfig -a09:52
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jrsnow i cant eject my cd :s09:52
keelbillbefore installing them i made a xorg.conf backup09:52
grimboyjrs, Right click and click unmount09:52
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grimboyjrs, (on the cd icon on the desktop in gnome)09:52
Kingsqueaklandexem: what does  'modprobe -l *3945*'  show you?09:53
jrsdoesnt work..09:53
keelbillwell after installing the nvidia drivers i only get 800x600 res and 50 hz lsited on screen resolution09:53
keelbillno mattre what09:53
keelbillso anyone has an idea bout it?09:53
landexemKingsqueak: Yeah the modules are loaded and I see eth1, but the card can't detect any networks let alone connect to them.09:53
fbclifepositive: sure09:53
jokoon(any website for programming beginners except google.com ?)09:53
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Kingsqueaklandexem: k, so the driver is loaded09:53
landexemeth1 isn't assigned an IP address for sure09:53
nanakidabar:nothing happens I entered the IP and clicked connect and the window disappeared09:53
Kingsqueaklandexem: what util are you using to try to connect?09:53
necronudistdoes anyone have the trust spacecam 150 portable webcam?09:53
jrslol jakoon :p hotbot.com?09:53
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jerpkeelbill, I'd drop the beta drivers since they are still being developed and go to the next highest09:54
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nanakidabar:wait got something now under network servers09:54
landexemKingsqueak: Booting off Edgy x86 live CD, 'System --> Administration --> Networking' and try to enable the wireless card in there.09:54
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grimboynecronudist, Yeah, but I haven't been able to get it working.09:54
keelbillbut i need the beta drivers to run beryl09:54
jerptypically, betas are in testing09:54
lifepositivefbc: thank you09:54
grimboynecronudist, But there may be drivers.09:55
Kingsqueaklandexem: ah, not sure with the live-cd, it will definitely work once installed using 'network-manager and network-manager-gnome' via the nm-applet09:55
nanakidabar: can it be when I connect to the IP adress that I can get the WHOLE pc connected and can browse any folder in it?09:55
Kingsqueaklandexem: try starting 'nm-applet' from a terminal\09:55
grimboykeelbill, Have you tried editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:55
necronudistgrimboy mine works, but I see all black09:55
landexemKingsqueak: Cool!  Okay so I guess I'll install then.09:55
keelbillyeah grimboy09:55
Le_Murphantsry, i'm completely new to linux: from terminal, how do you change your directory to desktop? do you need to type the whole path or just "desktop"? If its the whole path, what is that path?09:55
necronudistyou must use the spc-something drivers09:55
Kingsqueaklandexem: that should put an applet in the system tray, click that and see if it sees networks09:55
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keelbillaven tried my xorg.conf as i had a back up09:55
keelbilland no luck09:55
jerpkeelbill, how did you get beryl?09:55
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keelbillinstalled from amaranth's repo09:56
Kingsqueaklandexem: I run a Dell 820 and it has the same driver, works great09:56
Jowikeelbill, try to insert the output of "gtf 1280x1024 60 -x" into xorg.conf (or whatever resolution refresh rate you want)09:56
Kingsqueakdoes WEP/WPA/WPA+LEAP no problem09:56
dabaRnanaki: do you see the computer now? You would have to set up the windows computer to share all the files, which I think can be done by right clicking on a drive icon in My Computer, such as C:09:56
jerpamaranth doesn't respond to my repository entry :\09:56
keelbillwhere do i put that?09:56
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itI no comprehendo09:56
Jowikeelbill, oops, i meant "gtp 1280 1024 60 -x"09:56
nanakidabar: I see both my harddisks and the folders I put up for sharing09:57
grimboynecronudist, Wow, that has to be the first time I've seen all black mean working.09:57
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Jowikeelbill, in your 'Section "Monitor"'09:57
dabaRnanaki: then I do not understand what you want changed.09:57
keelbilli put gtf blah blah on my console09:57
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necronudistwell, :) I see my hands... see maybe isn't  the right term09:57
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keelbill# 1280x60 @ 0.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: nan kHz; pclk: nan MHz09:57
keelbill  Modeline "1280x60_0.00"  nan  1280 -2147483648 -2147483648 -2147483648  60 61 64 61  -HSync +Vsync09:57
nanakidabar: you helped me already to get back to my PC over my laptop to move files around. Thanks a lot09:57
necronudistIt's like a shado09:58
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Jowikeelbill, yeah that one is wrong. "gtf 1280 1024 60 -x"09:58
necronudistit means that works09:58
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keelbillok in front of the other resolutions?09:58
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Jowikeelbill, no, at the end of the Monitor section09:59
dabaRnanaki: welcome, glad we figured it out. I was looking at a setting in gconf(gconf-editor in a terminal) under system>smb, it shows the workgroup. Maybe if you enter the workgroup of the network there, then you could browse. But it is a guess.09:59
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pianoboy3333How do I check a file with an md5sum?09:59
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keelbillok done09:59
keelbillno ""09:59
Jowikeelbill, 1. in a terminal type in "gtf 1280 1024 60 -x". 2. paste the output from the gtf command at the end of the Monitor section.09:59
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: found some stuff -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=230496&highlight=x125+dapper   http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-X12510:00
keelbill# 1280x1024 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 63.60 kHz; pclk: 108.88 MHz10:00
keelbill  Modeline "1280x1024_60.00"  108.88  1280 1360 1496 1712  1024 1025 1028 1060  -HSync +Vsync10:00
Jowikeelbill, yes10:00
dabaRpianoboy3333: md5sum -c <file>. man md5sum for more info.10:00
keelbilllike that including the #10:00
Jowikeelbill, if you want (it is a comment)10:00
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Jowikeelbill, and if that is the resolution you wanted in the first place :)(10:01
necronudistwow Kingsqueak...can you find something about the spacecam 150 webcam'10:01
SurfnKidis there a floppy i can boot ubuntu with?10:01
necronudistI give you 5 dollars :)10:01
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keelbillok done i will restart x10:01
SurfnKidso i can mount an external drive?10:01
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grimboynecronudist, I've just tried it with mine. I'm getting the same thing, really, really dim.10:02
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elite_hackerwhen i try to use tab completion in bash it refuses to do it unless it believes the file extention is right.  how do i make it not do that?10:02
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JPAULEYI got my machine's wireless card up using ndiswrapper but it stalls -- I have ready that to stop it from crashing I have to change something in the kenrel. How do I get the ubuntu kernel source?10:02
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necronudistok grimboy... there's no hope for us10:03
Kingsqueaknecronudist: you try using xawtv to view the cam?10:03
hildeIf I want to start dhcp3-server I each time get dhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file. the error was:10:03
necronudistno, camorama and ekiga10:03
Kingsqueaknecronudist: it has adjustments for the image, might be worth trying10:03
hildeand then nothing is this a bug in Edgy?10:03
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necronudistno it's not a stupid matter of adjustments :)10:03
gravesonmy system just hung and upon rebooting and logging in it hangs everytime , just display my panel .i have no idea where to start to troubleshoot this , can anyone help me please :(10:04
necronudistI'm not searching "ekiga for dummies" :)10:04
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Kingsqueaknecronudist: *shrug* had issues with my CCTV cams, and that helped10:04
dabaRhilde: what command do you start it with?10:04
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JPAULEYAny idea on how to get ndiswrapper to stop crashing and how to get the kernel source for unbuntu?10:04
hildedabaR, sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start10:04
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dabaRgraveson: create another user, then try logging in with him.10:04
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Jowielite_hacker, auto completion does not care if the extension is correct.10:04
dabaRhilde: try sudo invoke-rc.d dhcp3-server restart10:04
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elite_hackerJowi: then do you have any idea why is it doing it for me?10:05
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KingsqueakJPAULEY: apt-cache search linux-source10:05
gravesondabaR: ok let me try that quickly10:05
hildedabaR,  initscript dhcp3-server, action "restart" failed.10:05
JPAULEYKingsqueak: will that get the ubuntu one?10:05
Jowielite_hacker, yes. you have several files with similar names10:05
lifepositivefbc: how goes it?10:05
hildedabaR, doesn't work10:05
necronudistthanks Kingsqueak10:05
KingsqueakJPAULEY: hopefully it won't get the Mandriva one, but I don't know what your sources.list has in it10:05
gravesondabaR: that worked ,quite strange what is the cause of  this ?10:06
elite_hackerJowi: nope, I just tried it an I'm very sure that it refuses to do it even if there's only one file10:06
JPAULEYKingsqueak: All I have to run off is the cd-rom10:06
KingsqueakJPAULEY: ah o.k., it's probably there10:06
jerpapt-get update: "Failed to fetch http://amaranth.selfip.com/dists/edgy/lrm/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  404 Not Found10:06
KingsqueakJPAULEY: try  'sudo apt-get install linux-source'10:06
Jowielite_hacker, "ls myfile*" only give you one file?10:06
dabaRgraveson: bad config files somewhere...I expect. try logging into safe gnome session, or whatever it is called as your user, choose it from the session login menu10:07
JPAULEYKingsqueak: no such source... what do I have to do to make my cdrom be on the source list?10:07
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elite_hackerJowi: correct10:07
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dabaRhilde: did you just install it?10:07
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hildedabaR, yes10:07
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gravesondabaR: but i change nothing ,so how there be bad config file ? once logging into the failsafe session ,what do i look for10:07
Amaranth!nvidiabeta | jerp10:07
ubotujerp: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)10:07
dabaRhilde: does the same here on install.10:08
KingsqueakJPAULEY: try with the disk in the drive   apt-cdrom add10:08
Jowielite_hacker, let's experiment. type in "cat beginningoffilename <tab><tab>" (two tab presses)10:08
dabaRgraveson: nothing see whether you can log in.10:08
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hildedabaR, ok then its a bug... how can we solve it?10:08
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KingsqueakJPAULEY: sorry,  'sudo apt-cdrom add'10:08
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dabaRhilde: Well, I will need a few moments to try what little I am familiar with...10:08
elite_hackerJowi: ok, that works no matter what the extension is10:08
cmweb-adminOk my next q :p Is any one good with optical mice? I have one from Longitech and it jumps when its moved10:08
hildedabaR, I'm trying to follow this http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install10:08
LadyNikonelite_hacker ... heh10:08
SurfnKidanyone know if i can make a bootable floppy for ubuntu?10:08
Jowielite_hacker, yep.10:08
jerpamaranth, thanks, I was looking for the Beryl files and stuff10:09
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JPAULEYKingsqueak: I did it but then I still get "Couldn't find package linux-source"10:09
elite_hackerJowi: but if i try like unzip foo.txt, it won't do it10:09
wizard_Anyone here have Starcraft running on wine?10:09
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: try  'xset m 3 3' in an xterm , see if that helps10:09
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diederickhi all10:09
cmweb-adminkingsqueak, in where?10:10
diederickI want to partition / format my new usb drive10:10
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: in a terminal10:10
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: or a Run dialog10:10
diederickwhere I can I find information about doing this?10:10
Jowielite_hacker, maybe "unzip" want a valid zip file. I have no idea why.10:10
KingsqueakJPAULEY: did you make that CD yourself or is it the default install CD?10:10
KingsqueakJPAULEY: meaning the image file itself10:10
cmweb-adminKingsqueak, Thanks that was a fast fix :D10:10
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JPAULEYKingsqueak: I burned the ISO -- but it is the standard one10:11
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: that won't be permanent though, use the gnome mouse preferences thing or whichever desktop's mouse thing to fix it10:11
pianoboy3333What are someother good programs that can burn iso's besides nautilus, gnomebaker, and k3b10:11
KingsqueakJPAULEY: not sure then, you may need to pass a -d /path/to/file with apt-cdrom to get it fixed10:11
KingsqueakJPAULEY: I don't have a CD handy to check10:11
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grimboynecronudist, Turning auto_brightness on helps a bit. I reckon if I adjust the settings enough I can get a semi decent image.10:12
jribpianoboy3333: graveman10:12
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netcatchow Do I resolve this problem  Depends: phpapi-20020918?10:12
jribpianoboy3333: cdrecord10:12
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cmweb-adminKingsqueak, what do i change10:12
JPAULEYKingsqueak: i'll try it, thanks.... any other idea on how to get ndiswrapper to stop crashing?10:12
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jribnetcatc: what command gave you that problem?10:12
necronudistgrimboy now I'm using ekiga...10:12
KingsqueakJPAULEY: do you have network on that box?  Why not setup apt to fetch from the internet?10:12
pianoboy3333jrib: ok10:12
gravesondabaR: the failsafe session works ,but i have no icons nothing on my panel etc . is this normal ?10:12
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elite_hackerJowi: it does it with a lot of applications.  there must be a list somewhere of applications and their 'proper' extensions.  it's strange that i'm the only one who has this problem :/10:12
KingsqueakJPAULEY: not sure about ndis, I've never really used it10:12
JPAULEYKingsqueak: The whole purpose of this thing is to get my wireless card working :(10:13
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: just set the preferences to something that works with your mouse, accleration and threshold are the things that matter10:13
hildedabaR, any luck?10:13
KingsqueakJPAULEY: got ya10:13
cntb\o how to add help pages to kde? default is very poor !! unix  man pages only !! I wanted recently to ask help pages in kde for samba for example10:13
JPAULEYKingsqueak: the linux drivers installed and I do a mod probe but it doesn't add any new devices -- any ideas on that?10:13
gravesondabaR:scratch the last comment ,my pc just hung again10:13
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cmweb-adminIts all up kingsqueak so i guess i got it10:13
KingsqueakJPAULEY: ndis is a bit different, sometimes you need Windows drivers and firmware files for it to work10:13
Jowielite_hacker, unzip does the same with me. if I create a file ending in .zip then autocompletion with unzip works. otherwise it doesn't.10:14
KingsqueakJPAULEY: what wireless card is it exactly?10:14
fadeawayhi all10:14
JPAULEYKingsqueak: Asus wl-138G10:14
KingsqueakJPAULEY: you see the wifi guide on the ubuntu site yet?10:14
Kingsqueak!wifi | JPAULEY10:14
ubotuJPAULEY: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:14
Jowielite_hacker, for example "touch testfile.zip" then "unzip testf<tab>"10:14
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elite_hackerit's frustrating10:14
netcatcanybody knows10:14
dabaRgraveson: Not really sure where to start, I am looking at hilde's issue right now at the same time.10:15
JPAULEYKingsqueak: no but I have spent plenty of time on google :(10:15
KingsqueakJPAULEY: try that guide first10:15
JPAULEYKingsqueak: it came with linux drivers but installing them didn't do jack10:15
SurfnKidhas anyone booted to ubuntu from a flopply?10:15
gravesondabaR: ok i will pose my question again ,to see if there is someone who can help me10:15
KingsqueakJPAULEY: sorry, I've just not ever used an ndis-wrapper based card so I don't have the instant answer for them10:15
gravesonmy system just hung and upon rebooting and logging in it hangs everytime , just display my panel .i have no idea where to start to troubleshoot this , can anyone help me please :(10:15
JPAULEYKingsqueak: thanks for your help10:15
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KingsqueakJPAULEY: can you hardwire temporarily just to update/upgrade, might make things simpler10:16
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agorfhello. how can i set up xorg so that it listens on port 6000?10:16
Phat32I just noticed that my sound does not work on firefox when I try to play flash videos. Is this a common problem? Does anyone know the solution?10:16
KingsqueakJPAULEY: it will likely work, just a matter of the effort to figure it out10:16
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dabaRhilde: http://www.howtoforge.com/dhcp_server_linux_debian_sarge try following that, it talks about configuring the server, and it says it is normal that the server does not start on install because it is not configured.10:18
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antohow do i istall flashplayer < 8 ?10:18
Kingsqueakagorf: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/RemoteAccess10:19
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ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.68~ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386)10:19
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elite_hackerah, I see how it works.  bash is reading the global bash configuration file in /etc10:19
deejoehi.  In Dapper, what should I look for to use as a sound equilizer?10:19
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rioghalAntiSpamBot, i just installed flashplugin-nonfree and it works great10:20
Kingsqueakdeejoe: a plugin for the media player most likely, you could see if any of the alsamixer has tone controls with your card driver10:20
rioghalanto, i just installed flashplugin-nonfree and it works great10:20
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rioghalbleh tab completion :(10:20
Kingsqueakhmm 4:2010:20
deejoe Kingsqueak: thanks.  I'll look for that.10:20
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Phat32I just noticed that my sound does not work on firefox when I try to play flash videos. Is this a common problem? Does anyone know the solution?10:21
Kingsqueakdeejoe: varies with your soundcard driver and what is supported, xmms has an EQ in the player, but for general system overall EQ, not sure if there is one that is similar10:21
jokoonJust ... how install RPM files ?10:21
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cmweb-adminKingsqueak, are you in florida?10:21
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).10:21
Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: Jersey10:21
rioghaljokoon, you dont. dont try installing rmp files as it may break things10:22
cmweb-admini had no idead they had comcast in new jersey10:22
KingsqueakJersey may be a lot of things, but short on broadband it isn't ;-)10:22
jokoonis rpm the linux's exe ? :)10:22
mark__jokoon, no10:22
tonyyarussojokoon: No, it's Red Hat's package format10:22
Kingsqueakrpm is a package format, generally for Redhat based systems10:22
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Kingsqueakjokoon: what are you trying to install?10:23
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rioghaljokoon, no, an rpm is a package made for the rehat package manager. ubuntu uses .deb files for packages10:23
dabaRjokoon: more like setup.exe10:23
jokoonI remember bittorrent official client was rpm10:23
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tonyyarussoDoesn't have to be10:23
cmweb-adminKingsqueak, how i knew: 68-38-166-84.hsd1.nj.comcast.net10:23
jokoonI did not search a lot for an other file10:23
Kingsqueakjokoon: do 'apt-cache search bittorrent'  that will show you the clients ubuntu has10:23
cmweb-adminim going to get booted here in a sec10:23
jokoonThanks for the info10:23
Kingsqueakjokoon: or run synaptic and put bittorrent in the search box10:23
rioghaljokoon, if youre using ubuntu, you should look for ubuntu .deb packages or stick with the repos10:24
Vardisanybody have working t10 in linux?10:24
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Kingsqueakcmweb-admin: yeah, that says 'nj' too ;-)10:24
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cmweb-adminkingsqueak: :p10:24
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bluefox83yo..what happened to the ubuntu packages search page?10:24
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Kingsqueakbluefox83: you know about synaptic or 'apt-cache search <whatever>' ?10:24
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gravesonhow do i change the rights of a user so they have admin rights, i  have an issue and currently i am logged in with a user that has no admin rights10:25
tonyyarussobluefox83: Probably just a temporary maintenance or failure.  Try again in a bit.10:25
bluefox83Kingsqueak, yes smart ass, i'm asking because i am looking for something in dapper, i am running edgy..a friend needs help finding something10:25
Vardisdoes ubuntu have hotplug by default? or need install by apt-get?10:25
jribgraveson: he needs to be in the 'admin' group10:25
Kingsqueakgraveson: 'sudo nano /etc/group'  on the line starting with admin add the user at the end, if you have user foo there, to add bar make it   foo,bar   then log bar out and in again10:25
cmweb-adminAny one know where some good themes are for ubuntu...10:25
tonyyarussograveson: You mean you need a second user with sudo capability?10:25
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Kingsqueakbluefox83: sorry my mind-reading ability is low today10:26
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:26
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jrsi still cant burn my xubuntu iso10:26
tonyyarussoKingsqueak: Seems like an odd way to do it when you have 'adduser'10:26
mcphailVardis: isn't hotplug dead? I think udev does it all now...10:26
jrscuz i get the error again :(10:26
Sierrajrs, what software are you using?10:26
Sierrajrs, windows or linux operating system10:26
jrsi use ubuntu10:26
Vardismcphail, i don't know10:26
gravesonhow do i change the rights of a user so they have admin rights, i  have an issue and currently i am logged in with a user that has no admin rights10:26
Kingsqueaktonyyarusso: I still use vipw too, *shrug* the page with adduser on the wiki has broken syntax so I don't point people there10:26
diederickwhen I want to partition/format a new harddrive and want to be able to use it under windows + ubuntu, what type is wise?10:27
tonyyarussograveson: You would add them to the 'admin' group.10:27
jrsSierra,  i use ubuntu linux10:27
Vardismcphail, i try to get working iriver t10 with gphoto but no results10:27
Sierrajrs, one second10:27
mcphailVardis: i'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong, but i think that's the case10:27
rioghaldiederick, vfat ?10:27
Sierrajrs, i dont know if i have it installed10:27
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jrsme neither lolz10:27
tonyyarussodiederick: There are ext2/3 drivers available for Windows, otherwise vfat is natively supported on both.10:27
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Phat32Can anyone help me with my firefox sound problem?10:27
jrsbefore i should start burning the cd i get this error, half english/half dutch10:28
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jrsError mounting /media/cdrom0.10:28
jrsumount: /media/cdrom0 is niet aangekoppeld (volgens mtab)10:28
jribPhat32: sound in flash?10:28
diedericktonyyarusso: and vfat can handle large files? (larger than 4gb) ?10:28
tonyyarussodiederick: Nope10:28
Vardismcphail, so how can i acces device who must seen be gphoto but it not seeing it10:28
Phat32jrib, Yes10:28
jrib!flash > Phat3210:28
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matsnjrs: i dont understand german :p10:28
jribPhat32: try setting up flash to use aoss as the restricted formats wiki explains10:29
huXfluXHello! What antivirus software is the best for a linux distro? clamav, f-prot, avast or other not listed?10:29
vschiavonii have a video-tv card and a sblive soundcard. i can't hear any sound while watching the tv..is anyone with my same problem? (ubuntu-edgy here)10:29
jrs"is niet aangekoppeld" means is not connected matsn10:29
mcphailVardis: not sure. I struggle with hardware questions, i'm afraid! What does dmesg say when you plug it in?10:29
jrib!virus | huXfluX10:29
ubotuhuXfluX: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2110:29
cmweb-adminljl, why am i baanned from #ubuntu-offtopic10:29
Vardisi must look in dmesg but lsusb seeing it10:30
KingsqueakhuXfluX: if you have a mail server that Win client mail goes through, amavisd is something to look at too10:30
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agorfKingsqueak, thanks10:30
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KingsqueakhuXfluX: http://www.amavis.org/  though you really only need any of this if you have Windows clients10:31
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cmweb-adminljl, why am i banned from #ubuntu-offtopic10:31
tonyyarussoGive him time cmweb-admin10:31
Kingsqueakagorf: no prob10:31
cmweb-adminHe just signed on10:31
jrsin gnomebaker i get the following error before i start burning an iso: Error mounting /media/cdrom0.                     what is the solution to this problem??10:31
Jowijrs, try "graveman" or another burner and see if that works10:32
Kingsqueakagorf: not sure if that said, but X isn't encrypted so it's not the most secure thing to run, not a great idea over the internet in particular10:32
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|XabbuHi @ll! Sorry to ask a "stupid" question, but is there  a package for "pure-ftpd" for ubuntu 6.08? I'm migrating from SuSe and cannot find any package.10:32
jrsok Jowi ... i'll try and i'll try and try............10:32
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Kingsqueak|Xabbu: apt-cache search pure-ftpd10:33
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LjLcmweb-admin: i haven't the slightest idea10:33
keelbillstill the same10:33
|XabbuKingsqueak: : it doesn't find anything.10:33
Kingsqueak|Xabbu: if you don't see that, you may need to enable repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list as in universe and multiverse10:33
Jowijrs, graveman is quite nice. install it, click on "duplicate cd". select iso in "duplicate from" and you're good to go10:33
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tchizeHello people10:34
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Kingsqueak|Xabbu: read the file, uncomment the repositories there, run 'sudo apt-get update' and try the search again10:34
Jowikeelbill, if the modeline didn't help you've got a driver issue.10:34
DoowCould someone help me with apt-pinning? I looked at the guide at http://jaqque.sbih.org/kplug/apt-pinning.html and it seems to only handle prioritizing different repos, I want to pin a package that I installed from an .deb file.10:34
keelbillaww i can't believe, thi same cfg works on my cousin using a much smaller video card10:35
tchizei just installed edgy on my computer. At boot time all i get a the blue logo (kubuntu) for about 5 seconds then i get black screen with a blinking cursor. What should i do now??10:35
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keelbilli have fx5500 and's got fx520010:35
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cmweb-adminDoes anyone know how to change a registered name?10:35
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scifianyone know of a good html editor other than nvu, quanta, bluefish?10:36
Doowtchize: sounds like a #kubuntu question ^^10:36
Kingsqueakscifi: has to be a GUI?10:36
Doowcmweb-admin: registered how?10:36
Kingsqueakscifi: vim is pretty nice for it10:36
vschiavoniis anyone using an hauppage bt878 chip-based tv-card with edgy and having sound problems (no sound at all) ?10:36
jrsJowi, its started now, hope it'll work... better than gnomebaker, cuz that didn't do anything10:36
Kingsqueakscifi: or gvim10:36
cmweb-admini have my nick passworded10:36
agorfKingsqueak, ill have that in mind thanks :)10:36
mcphail!info pure-ftpd | |Xabbu10:36
ubotupure-ftpd: Pure-FTPd FTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.21-5ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 150 kB, installed size 460 kB10:36
scifiKingsqueak: id prefer gui10:36
tchizedoow: well it's a kernel level problem, so no matter the window manager i don't even get something started10:36
jrsJowi,  it says operation failed :s10:36
Doowcmweb-admin: oh, you mean in freenode?10:36
gravesonhow i activate the root user,so i can stop 'sudoing'10:37
jrsafter it burns a half a minute10:37
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rioghalcmweb-admin, /msg nickserv help register10:37
cmweb-adminyes... is that not what we are in10:37
Doowtchize: oki10:37
Kingsqueakscifi: I think quanta or bluefish are the best that I've seen but I'm not that much of a fan of GUI HTML editors either10:37
cmweb-adminits aalready registered i need to change it10:37
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Jowijrs, try with a different media10:37
cmweb-adminfrom cmweb-admin to cmweb10:37
jrsdifferent cd?10:37
KyralI honestly dislike how Vim indents PHP+HTML10:37
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Jowijrs, your cd disc might be faulty10:37
tchizeand now am really screwed after that edgy installation :'(10:37
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rioghalgraveson, thats not supported configuration and also not a good idea as it decreases the security of the system10:37
Kyral(ABout the only thing I dislike about Vim)10:38
KingsqueakKyral: you can change that though if you want10:38
jrsJowi,  i tried already 15discs or so10:38
mcphailKyral: CHANGE IT10:38
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KyralKingsqueak: I'm lazy :P10:38
mcphailoops caps!10:38
KingsqueakKyral: heh10:38
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mcphailKyral: sorry - didn't mean to shout10:38
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|XabbuKingsqueak: : Thank you!10:38
Jowijrs, do you have a cdrw link in /dev ?10:38
VixusDamnation, it still refuses to boot!10:38
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Kingsqueak|Xabbu: ah got it eh, good10:38
=== Kyral cries melodramatically and runs away from mcphail :P
VixusThis time it's definitely not a borked DVD10:38
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Kingsqueak|Xabbu: you should really do  'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'  to be sure you are up to date10:39
jrsJowi,  yes i have, else i couldn't start burning10:39
VixusUnpacking linux.... booting kernel.... Hang.10:39
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=== mcphail takes a screwdriver to the caps-lock key
dn4Anyone know of a good usb controller that is like a PS2 controller?10:39
tchizeVixus: you too have booting problem? :D10:39
=== rioghal hands mcphail a hammer
Vixustchize: I'm trying to boot the live DVD10:39
VixusSo I can install Ubuntu for fun and profit.10:40
Jowijrs, in graveman. go to File -> prefs and click on the External programs tab. is anything missing there?10:40
tchizeIt came back to life!10:40
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tchizeit just waited about .... 10 minute with a blinking cursor before :s10:40
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Vardisjrs burn in konsole with cdrecord meyby10:41
VixusWill the liveCD not boot if I am trying to use a 64-bit distro with my Sempron processor?10:41
jrsJowi, you mean when the button is red its missing?10:41
VixusTechnical answers please. :D10:41
Jowijrs, yes10:41
huXfluXHELLO! If i forget the root password, do i have to edit the /etc/shadow file alone or BOTH the shadow and passwd files ? Is editing /etc/shadow enough ?10:41
jrscuz Flac is red10:41
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Vardisjrs flac is audio fileformat10:42
Jowijrs, only flac won't make your cds fail. maybe your burner is faulty then (that is only a guess and nothing else)10:42
tchizeVixus: can you sempron handle AMD 64 bits instructions? I think not :p10:42
LjLhuXfluX: you shouldn't even *have* a root password to begin with ;-) and what about using the "passwd" command, since it's made for that?10:42
jrsmy burner always worked :(10:42
Vixustchize: Well, my distributor said it was a 64-bit processor.10:42
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VardisVixus, naah10:42
rioghalLjL, good catch :)10:42
Vardissempron is k8 32 bit processor10:42
Jowijrs, I have no idea :-/10:43
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cntbgraveson: !sudo10:43
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jrsJowi, could it be because of too high speed burning?10:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:43
|XabbuKingsqueak: : Yes, I had only a few sources and only those "restriced".10:43
jrscuz i told him to burn on maximum speed10:43
Kingsqueak|Xabbu: yeah basically enable them all, make it easy10:43
Jowijrs, you can try x2 or x4 and see. it can't hurt10:43
profoX`I want to use password encryption for an application I am writing.. what encryption is the safest one? sha1 is better than md5 i suppose, but are there other recommendations?10:44
jrsit can hurt my cd's :p10:44
VixusI shall have to go for the i386 version then?10:44
jrsgot only a fiew left10:44
Jowijrs, get yourself cdrw!10:44
jrsi got it10:44
VixusBah, I'll have to waste my DVDRW on a CD image. :P10:44
jrsbut it doesnt blank too :p10:44
Vixusor something.10:44
jrsjust strange error10:44
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theD3viL which program is for command play$?10:44
KingsqueakprofoX`: des aes, there are many, what lang are you writing in is the key to what you use10:44
VardisVixus you can i686 use to10:44
jrsit doesnt burn or blank10:44
Jowijrs, it must blank. got to be a faulty burner10:44
VixusVardis: Is there an i686 ubuntu distro?10:45
rioghalhuXfluX, graveson : suppose i wanted to break into your computer.. i know you have a root account and i can try to break into that but if the root account is disabled i cant break into it and i dont know the other user accouns you have :)10:45
theD3viL which program is for command play$?10:45
jrsit always did on shitmzoft windoz10:45
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tchizeVixus: then i am just mixing name, don't take into account what i wrote (still trying to figure why my cpu when out to smoke a cigaret before booting)10:45
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Jowijrs, graveman -> other operations -> Erase CDRW10:45
VardisVixus, i386 for mi changed to 68610:45
VixusVardis: mi?10:45
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Vardisi mient me10:46
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KingsqueakprofoX`: the password itself is more important really, if you md5 'cat' it can be quickly cracked anyway10:46
VixusVardis: Um, so can I get an i686 Ubuntu distro or must I do some messing about myself?10:47
Vardisjrs try in komand line cdrecord dev=ATA:0,0,0 file.iso10:47
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phanterhi there. When connecting to my network with my laptop the speed was usually quite slow (up and download speed). After some time I used the same laptop with winxp and speeds went up. Why is the speed low in ubuntu (I am back on ubuntu of course)?10:47
VardisVixus, take i 386 distro it vill change bi hiself to 68610:47
KingsqueakprofoX`: might want to also look at cracklib2 to enforce strong passwords10:47
LjL!generic | Vardis, Vixus10:47
ubotuVardis, Vixus: Background to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html10:47
dabaRphanter: wireless?10:47
profoX`Kingsqueak: i know, but i'm just asking what is best.. storing it plaintext is not an option either now is it :)10:47
phanternot wireless, wired :010:48
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KingsqueakprofoX`: yeah just sayin', md5 should be decent enough10:48
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KingsqueakprofoX`: it's good enough for /etc/shadow10:48
phanterand it is an IBM thinkpad (usually great drivers in linux)10:48
Megaqwertyhow do I set samba to share my files in a different domain (i.e. one different than MSHOME)?10:48
theD3viLwhich program is for command play$?10:48
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mcphailKingsqueak: hmm. not here it isn't10:48
VixusSo basically... I just install the base distro. :D10:49
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rioghalprobins, what are you doing storing text or are you wanting a decent encrypt/decrypt app10:49
LjLVixus: uh... yes?10:49
rioghalprofoX`, what are you doing storing text or are you wanting a decent encrypt/decrypt app10:49
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VixusHere I was thinking I had a 64-bit processor. :(10:49
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=== NaMcO^ : notte
Megaqwertycan anyone help me with my samba issue? ^^^10:50
profoX`rioghal: storing user passwords10:50
LjLVixus: look, i'm not sure what you're saying. i386 is the architecture - clearly, few of use actually have a *386* processor, since it's sort of old, you know... but the distribution works with newer ones well enough :D10:50
rioghalprofoX`, ok'10:50
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dabaRMegaqwerty: you installed samba on the computer you want to share files from?10:50
VixusLjL: I thought I needed the amd64 distribution10:50
LjLVixus: if you have a 64-bit processor, you may decide to install the 64-bit version. but i think most people use the 32-bit version for compatibility purposes10:50
MegaqwertydabaR: yes10:50
agentwhat is the difference between ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard?10:50
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profoX`so.. what about blowfish? could that be used for storing passwords?10:51
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rioghalprobins, if youre looking for an app to do that in a safe way i might suggest mcrypt  i use that for all sevisitive text files10:51
VixusLjL: The current issue I am having is that my liveCD won't boot.10:51
ubotumcrypt: Replacement for old unix crypt(1). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.4-3.2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 63 kB, installed size 260 kB10:51
LjLVixus: well, that's not processor related. where does it hang?10:51
MegaqwertydabaR: it is sharing the files fine, just on MSHOME, not the workgroup (domain, whatever) I want it to be on10:51
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dabaRMegaqwerty: well, then you need to change the domain name in /etc/samba/smb.conf or similar, and then all the windows clients have to change their workgroup, which is done by right clicking the my computer icon, then properties, then computer name10:51
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Jowiagent, ubuntu-minimal basicly boots so you can install more things10:51
VixusLjL: At "Booting kernel..."10:51
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Vardisi hawe question about edgy do somody know the problem with xorg on amd sempron?10:51
LjLVixus: have you verified it?10:52
hulthey guyz10:52
Xal2Is there a way to relocate the setup files on an Ubuntu install disk to /ubuntu rather than having everything in the root of the CD?10:52
bz029Aloha everyone10:52
hult#need some help10:52
agentJowi: and ubuntu-standard? also, which one is installed when doing a basic server install?10:52
VixusLjL: Yes. All clear.10:52
hultjust installed ubuntu desktop.10:52
AAA1Hi all, I'm a complete newbie, is this the place for kubuntu questions?10:52
hultand my ps/2 mouse isnt working ?10:52
Xal2There must be a place where the locations of the install files are specified.10:52
VixusLjL: Actually, the first time I burned it, verification failed. This time it went fine,10:52
dabaRAAA1: this and #kubuntu10:52
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Xal2AAA1: go to #kubuntu10:52
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MegaqwertydabaR: I did, and it still shows me on MSHOME10:52
Jowiagent, not sure. probably both.10:52
AAA1will do10:52
agentJowi: ok, thank you10:52
Xal2Is there a way to relocate the setup files on an Ubuntu install disk to /ubuntu rather than having everything in the root of the CD?10:53
dabaRMegaqwerty: did you restart samba?10:53
MegaqwertydabaR: not only that, I rebooted the computer10:53
LjLVixus: try adding the "acpi=off" and/or the "noapic" kernel parameter10:53
Vardishult did you chek the xorgconfig10:53
AngryElfhas anyone had success with a bcm43xx card in edgy?10:53
dabaRhult: what does not working mean? it does not earn money? does it appear on the screen at all?10:53
VixusLjL: Ok, what do those do, out of interest?10:53
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bz029I have a question about ubuntu and MySQL if anyone here is familiar with those two together... my question is about the debian user that is created in MySQL when i install MySQL from the apt-get10:53
dabaRMegaqwerty: show me your smb.conf on a pastebin, and show me the exact path of the file.10:53
hildedabaR, I don't think that the how-to is related to this problem10:53
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hultdabaR: it works in grub perfect when ubuntu laods it dose not repsond10:53
dabaRhilde: did you try following it?10:54
hildedabaR, if I do dpkg-reconfigure dhcp3-server it won't work correct... it ask a device eth010:54
bz029I also want to know if I can use the XGL cool ass graphics/desktop stuff in PPC Ubuntu10:54
=== Vardis noatvadaas chuchaar
LjLVixus: disable ACPI the former, something i don't really know the latter. they're known to enable booting on systems where ubuntu doesn't boot, so they're just a standard suggestion we give when the CD fails to boot10:54
hildedabaR, no10:54
VixusLjL Wil try10:54
hildedabaR, I don't understand it10:54
rioghalgotta go back in a bit10:54
VixusIs that noapic or noapci?10:54
hultdabaR: any ideas ?10:55
dabaRhult: a mouse can not work in grub.10:55
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dabaRhult: you said mouse.10:55
mark__hult: mouse or keyboard isn't wokring?10:55
hultsorry then ment keybaord10:55
hultkeybaord! yea10:56
klamsdHi can anyone help me10:56
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bz029klamsd what is your question?10:56
mark__what does the section "inputdevice" read in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:56
hildedabaR, at this line it already fails On what network interfaces should the DHCP server listen? <-- eth010:56
hildeIt does not accept eth010:56
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MegaqwertydabaR: I pasted it here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32810/ (I "*" my personal data for security reasons)10:56
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dabaRhilde: but that is the interface you want it to listen to?10:57
DavieyHi guys..  Trying to mount and/or burn an *.img file.  Any tips?  winISO under WINE doesn't like it.  Neither does gnomebaker or k3b10:57
klamsdI want to install Mplayer on Ubuntu 6.06 LTS but my laptop doesn't have net access10:57
hildeyes it complains about eth0 ???10:57
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dabaRMegaqwerty: and workgroup **** is the other workgroup?10:57
jeikkhey, anyone here's got ipw2200 with rtap iface in edgy?10:57
MegaqwertydabaR: yes, that is the workgroup I am attempting to create10:57
hultmark__: Section "InputDevice"10:57
hult        Identifier      "Generic Keyboard"10:57
hult        Driver          "kbd"10:57
hildedabaR, try dpkg-recon. dhcp...10:58
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hildedabaR,  type eth0 what does it give to you10:58
lifepositivewhats the command to see what services are running?10:58
MegaqwertydabaR: Actually, that is incorrect, the workgroup already exists, I am attempting to share my files on that network10:58
Kingsqueaklifepositive: 'ps' or do you mean network services?10:58
lifepositiveps -A ?10:58
Kingsqueakps fauxwww10:59
theD3viLwhich program is for command play$?10:59
hultmark__:  did u see it10:59
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Kingsqueaklifepositive: try it10:59
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lifepositiveKingsqueak: whats network services?10:59
agentJowi: i found my answer by looking at the file list for the ubuntu server iso on the ftp: both ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard are listed10:59
Davieylifepositive, to get a live picture of process use 'top'10:59
lifepositiveKingsqueak: whats command to see network services?10:59
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lifepositiveDave123: top doesnt show all services running11:00
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Kingsqueaklifepositive: netstat -an   or   lsof -i tcp  or lsof -i udp11:00
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Davieylifepositive, no, but shows the ones that are burning the loa11:00
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Kingsqueakactually just    lsof -i   is good enough11:00
hultanybody then11:00
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acusterhey all, what module draws the big icons when you drag a window in the workplace switcher?11:01
Kingsqueakrun lsof with sudo for all processes11:01
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hultcan anybody help me work out why dosent my PS/2 keyboard work11:03
bz029Anyone know if i can use XGL desktop stuff on PPC?11:03
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bz029hult does your keyboard work before X starts?11:03
dabaRMegaqwerty: not sure.11:03
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MegaqwertydabaR: please clarify, you don't know what is wrong, or you don't know how to fix what is wrong?11:04
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yaninahello !11:04
agentwhat is the default language environment?11:05
yaninaI need to install a lexmark z608 in my ubuntu 6.06 but I can't find the driver in the list , what can I do to use the printer?11:05
cyborgceyI have a palm zire 311:05
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bz029yanina do you have extra repositories set up in your synaptics package manager?11:06
cyborgceyI have a palm zire31 with realone player installed is there any way to download mp3s onto it11:06
yaninabz029, no but I could do it, why ? should I install anything extra ?11:06
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bz029im thinking maybe if you add the extra repositories you could get your drivers from there11:07
klamsdcan anyone help me install mplayer11:07
bz029add the universal and multiverse per the ubuntu documentation11:07
Zaggynlklamsd, what part?11:07
DravasIs there any way where you can have Ubuntu automaticly rebuild fstab?11:07
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hultbz029:  yes11:07
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Zaggynlklamsd, I mean, what part do you need help with?11:07
klamsdI don't have net access on the computer with Ubuntu so I can't install thru the application add/remove manager11:08
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eXistenZwhat's new in ubuntu11:08
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MegaqwertydabaR: please clarify, you don't know what is wrong, or you don't know how to fix what is wrong?11:08
Zaggynlklamsd, try downloading the deb on the pc with net acces, then copying it to the ubuntu pc with a floppy/usb stick11:08
Zaggynlalso, you might need some codecs11:09
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Vixus_Ljl: I've got a Kernel panic - not syncing death11:09
klamsdYes, I tried. Could you please direct me to the site, because the one I went to has different versions of Ubuntu and I'm not sure which I have11:09
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ZaggynlSure, hold on11:09
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astronutwhat happened to packages.ubuntu.com?11:10
Polysicshello all11:10
Vixus_LjL: Due to rtc device not being opened, root device cannot be opened...11:10
hildedabaR, its as if the dhcp3 does not listen to its .conf file... I now followed the complete how-to forge thing no changes... Where can I check if dhcp3-server is looking in the right place for its dhcp.conf file?11:10
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Zaggynlklamsd, are you on dapper or edgy?11:10
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klamsdEdgy (I think)11:10
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klamsdI downloaded this one: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, Ubuntu with long-term support11:11
Polysicsfeeling stupid time again... i have installed grub-splashimages, but i can't figure out how to use it11:11
MegaqwertydabaR: nevermind, I think whomever told me they couldn't see my computer was being stupid. They forgot to refresh their screen. :-\11:11
alecjwhow do i get video podcasts onto my ipod?11:11
MegaqwertydabaR: Hopefully, it will show up now.11:11
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Zaggynlklamsd, ah, that's dapper :)11:11
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VixusI'm getting a kernel panic because of rtc device, root device erros11:11
Polysicsanyone has a graphic grub up?11:11
eugmanIs there a way to make my computer auto sutdown after a certain amount of idleness at night?11:12
klamsdNo wait, I have the this one: Ubuntu 6.10, the newest Ubuntu release (My bad!)11:12
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varsendaggrAkk what the heck is going on with tomboy?  i can only link outwardly  is it possible to link back?11:12
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Polysicsi'v given up on beryl, but i want a bit of eyecandy on boot at least:-)11:12
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DravasWhats the command to remount all partitions in terminal?11:14
Zaggynlklamsd, I'm not sure, but this one should work for ya: http://rpm.rutgers.edu/repository/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/m/mplayer/mplayer-386_1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9_i386.deb11:14
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klamsdI will try it, thankyou for your assistance11:15
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Zaggynlklamsd, I hope it helps :)11:15
Samus_Aranhow the heck do I remove a package which has to be gone for a dist-upgrade to complete, but it won't remove it because it tries to do the dist-upgrade first ?11:16
Samus_AranI have only two non-official packages installed, and Opera 8.54 is preventing the upgrade from completing, as it has a symlink registered in /usr/X11R6/bin11:16
Milkis it possible to empty a file?11:16
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yaninaany clue on how I make work a lexmark z603 on ubuntu11:17
lifepositiveDaviey: loa?11:17
lifepositiveKingsqueak: lets say if I wanted to know if a partcular service is running, what I type?  ps -A ?11:17
lifepositiveKingsqueak: ?11:17
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lifepositiveif I wanted to know if a partcular service is running, what I type?  ps -A "nameofservice"?11:17
lifepositiveany1 know?11:18
Samus_Aranwell apparently it works fine removing it with dpkg, just not with apt-get11:18
mirakhow can I find the irq for a serial port ?11:18
lifepositiveagent: english11:18
lifepositiveyanina: good luck11:18
lifepositiveyanina: I couldnever get my printer to work11:18
Samus_Aranyanina: did you check the printer database ?11:18
lifepositivehow do you stop a service from running?  sudo /etc/init.d/??? stop ?11:18
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Samus_Aranyanina: linuxprinting.org I think11:18
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pianoboy3333Anyone here ever use CensorNet? Does anyone know of any other good and easy parental control sofware?11:18
Samus_Aranlifepositive: that will stop it running until the next time the runlevel changes, e.g. on reboot11:18
agentlifepositive: I do not believe that was not one of the choices... but i selected the default (something that said latin scripts and most slavic languages) :D11:19
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cmwebDoes any one know of a GOOD GUI program builder for building Commaand Line baased apps. I need to build one for my school11:20
klamsdZaggynl > I tried installing the file, however it says "Dependancy is not satisfiable : libartsc0"11:20
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Zaggynlklamsd, ah :(, that means you will have to get a .deb for that as well11:21
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VixusTrying to boot from LiveCD: unable to open rtc device (rtc0) | VFS: Cannot open root device <NULL> or unknown-block(8,1) | Please append correct root= boot option. | Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: blablabla.11:21
sliptteeshow writer in partition mac osx?11:21
Zaggynlklamsd, you could try to hook up the ubuntu to the internet temporarily11:21
alecjwhey, why's gtkpod in the repos when we have gtkpod-aac?11:21
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pianoboy3333Anyone here ever use CensorNet? Does anyone know of any other good and easy parental control sofware?11:22
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mazuHaw can I change locales to iso-8859-2?11:22
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klamsdThat's beyond my technical know-how, unfortunately11:22
klamsdShould I try getting packages from this site "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/"?11:23
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ph8i'm trying tofind the /lib32 equivalent for 'flex'11:23
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ph8is there a way to tell apt to download 32bit binaries?11:23
ph8or is it a -32 package or somethinG?11:23
sliptteeshow to mount and to write in partitions of mac the x?11:23
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LjL!windowsdrives | slipttees11:24
ubotuslipttees: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:24
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cmwebljl, why am i baned from ubuntu-offtopic11:24
sliptteesLjL: in mac os x wont windows! :)11:24
cmwebitheir is no admin in my name11:24
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owakodos anyone know how to burn a .dmg file ...11:24
VixusLjL: Ideas?11:24
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LadyNikonhow do you get banned from an off topic channel?11:24
ladydoorso when trying to start Emacs w/gtk support on Dapper, it invariably loads for a while and then presents a bunch of meaningless blocks of non-text. When copy/pasted into TTY emacs, these translate into an error talking about how whatever font I've set (or the default font, if none is set) is ``undefined.'' does anybody know what causes this behavior and how to fix it? I've tried setting the font to a number of aliases and full f11:24
ladydooront names pulled from elsewhere in my .Xresources and from xlsfonts and from xfontsel, and i've tried setting these both in my .Xresources and in my .emacs file. anybodby have any info?11:24
LjLcmweb: yes there is, as i told you, *ident* not nickname, but you don't seem to even listen11:25
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varsendaggrAkk what the heck is going on with tomboy?  i can only link outwardly  is it possible to link back?11:25
ladydoor*anybody, rather.11:25
cmwebljl, ident, identity?11:25
sliptteessomebody can help me?11:25
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LjLcmweb: type /whois cmweb11:25
cmwebthe dang username on my poc11:25
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cmwebcant be serios11:26
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Vixusslipttees: He helped you...11:26
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cmwebwell crud the only way to get that off it to re install11:26
LjLcmweb: i am. there's probably a facility for changing that in your IRC client. at any rate, i also told you that having "admin" as a username is probably a bad idea, since there is an "admin" group already11:26
sliptteesmount partition mac os x for writer!11:27
LjLcmweb: nonsense. you don't reinstall in order to change a username11:27
Vixus!windowsdrives | slipttees11:27
ubotuslipttees: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:27
cmwebSome one just shoot me11:27
bz029LjL: is this text red to you LjL?11:27
LjLyes bz02911:27
=== Vixus shoots cmweb.
slipttees/dev/hdb2/home/machfsplusdefaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       111:27
=== cmweb falls to the floor
bz029where should i go to learn the basics of IRC? lol11:27
=== wilcox [n=rogier@a-machine-on-the-internet.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
mirakanyone knows how to find the serial port number and irq for a serial to usb converter ?11:28
VixusHey, LjL... I've got it doing something now. But it gives a kernel panic.11:28
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ph8if anyone here's running a 64-bit system would you mind checking if you've got /lib32/libfl.a?11:28
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VixusI would... if my system ever gets up and running11:29
sliptteesshittt.... aarrrggg :@11:29
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honkHow can I access a subversion server's folders like I would a normal network folder in nautilus?11:29
=== cmweb puts a buckshot in to the head
VixusYou were already dead, stop moving.11:30
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VixusTrying to boot from LiveCD: unable to open rtc device (rtc0) | VFS: Cannot open root device <NULL> or unknown-block(8,1) | Please append correct root= boot option. | Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: blablabla.11:30
honkI just want to get the whole project's code but I'm currently accessing it through the web11:30
=== PatrickBic [n=patrick@81-223-175-82.fadingerstrasse.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
_tg_for some reason i can't connect to my wireless network can someone help me?11:31
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LjLVixus, i think you might be removing the *other* kernel parameters that are already there, in the process of adding those acpi options. now i don't really remember how the CD's boot loader works in that respect11:31
jribhonk: I just use the 'svn' client on the command line11:31
VixusLjL: Of course1!!11:31
VixusLjL: I backspaced11:32
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LjLVixus, don't - the other options that are already present should stay11:32
VixusLjL: Was that noacpi or noapic?11:32
honkjrib I think I might not have it installed, do you happen to know the package for that?11:32
sliptteesohhh dawnn ...no mount :(11:32
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honkis it just svn?11:32
jribhonk: "subversion"11:32
LjLVixus: there's acpi=off, and there's noapic. not sure if there's also a noacpi11:32
bunnythebunnywhat is acpi?11:32
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chrisjwis there any update available to upgrade to the new version of ubuntu without having to reinstall everything11:33
LjLVixus: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions11:33
tonyyarussoIs it possible to install the old "Disks" manager from Dapper under Edgy?11:33
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ubotuacpi: displays information on ACPI devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.09-1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 72 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 amd64)11:33
jrib!upgrade | chrisjw11:33
ubotuchrisjw: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:33
LjLVixus: and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall in general11:33
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VixusLjL: I can see an Ubuntu logo and a mucked up bar11:33
bz029Is there a fix for the remote control password not saving in Edgy? its annoying as I remote to this PC11:33
honkthanks jrib I see it. are there any file-manager like frontends for this? I've never worked with anything like svn before11:33
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=== cmweb Miraculaslyrevives by an elixar jug that fell from the blast
philipcould any one help me with samba?11:34
=== Belier [n=bnc6@82.24-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
jribhonk: 'rapidsvn' is the only gui client I know of.  There are also some nautilus scripts for svn somewhere on the web.  The cli is nice to know though, http://svnbook.red-bean.com/ if you are interested11:34
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LjLand then there's KDE facilities of course :)11:34
VixusLjL: Excellent!11:34
honkthanks much jrib11:34
jribhonk: np11:35
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philipcan some one please help me with samba11:35
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cmwebafter repairing the blow to my head, does anyone know how to access the windows directory i want to get my programs off of windows before i kill it11:35
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ironfroggyis anyone here _really_ knowledgable about boot loaders and the like?11:35
LjLUbotu, please tell cmweb about mount11:35
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ironfroggyive got a problem not being able to get any boot loader to work and ive not been able to fix it now on my third day of troubleshooting.11:35
sliptteesno mount this shit!! :S11:35
ironfroggyits a box ive been running for years, i just upgraded to edgy and i cant get it to work suddenly.11:36
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LjLhp_, what are you doing?11:36
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ph8if anyone here's running a 64-bit system would you mind checking if you've got /lib32/libfl.a? I don't seem to have 32-bit flex libraries!11:36
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jrsxubuntu image burned successfull11:36
hipitihopCan anyone here please help me with NIS ? I have followed the NIS server setup steps from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNISHowTo but when I start the NIS services the ypbind seems to fail "binding to YP server .... backgrounded"11:36
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LjLhp_: skriv /join #ubuntu-se om du vill joina den svenska kanalen11:37
bz029Is there a fix for the remote control password not saving in Edgy? its annoying as I remote to this PC11:37
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VixusLjL: 64-bit works!! As far as I can see11:38
bz029Edgy Eft - My "Remote Control" does not save the password I set after reboot. . . is there a way i can fix this?11:38
=== Deaigo233 [n=biglou@203-206-121-88.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ph8Vixus! Great! Would you mind checking if /lib32/libfl.a exists for me?11:38
=== TuTUx [n=rootusr@S010600119575fc93.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLVixus: cool, note however that some things such as flash, wine, win32 codecs, etc, are hard/impossible to use on 64-bit11:38
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ph8LjL: Is that getting fixed?11:39
Vixusph8: Hold on, I'm only on LieCD11:39
VixusJust waiting for install11:39
ph8Vixus: might be there on live cd *shrug*11:39
ph8but much appreciated11:39
cmwebWell shoot, i had the windows portions avalibal before now their not do i need to reboot11:39
Vixusph8: Wish me luck. :)11:39
LjLph8: i haven't the slightest idea. most of the stuff that doesn't work is proprietary, so i guess you mostly have to 1) wait and hope 64-bit versions are released 2) hack around11:39
Xal2Is there a way to relocate the setup files on an Ubuntu install disk to /ubuntu rather than having everything in the root of the CD?11:39
VixusDo you know if I can modify the res during install for my widescreen?11:39
ph8surely all pcs will be 64 bit eventually :11:39
pianoboy3333Anyone here ever use CensorNet? Does anyone know of any other good and easy parental control sofware with a gui?11:40
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ubotudansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 1464 kB11:40
LjLVixus: during install, dunno. you can modify it later11:40
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VixusLjL: Itn eeds to be customised11:41
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petrohow long does it take to become proficienct with linux11:41
lakcajhow long does it take to learn to play the piano?11:41
LjLpetro: unanswerable question, sorry.11:41
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Schuylerhi folks11:41
ispikedpetro: that's a highly subjective question.11:41
Schuylerwhere are the libc man pages in Edgy?11:41
sliptteesLjL: no work partition mac osx for writer :'(11:42
Schuylerthey don't seem to be in glibc-doc11:42
petrohow do you speed up the learning process?11:42
van|mugenglider-hey i was wondering if someone could help with installing ubuntu11:42
mcphailpetro: as long as it takes to open a terminal and type "man whatever" :)11:42
LjL!info manpages-dev | Schuyler11:42
ispikedpetro: practice more.11:42
ubotumanpages-dev: Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development. In component main, is optional. Version 2.34-1 (edgy), package size 1183 kB, installed size 2908 kB11:42
=== PoPpiLLs [n=omenfien@adsl-68-255-184-252.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ispikedwhere can I paste an image?11:42
cmwebCan some one tell me how to access my windows drives... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32824/11:42
Schuyleryou can imagine that "apt-cache search glibc" and "apt-cache search man" wasn't really getting me anywhere ;-)11:42
Xal2Is there a way to relocate the setup files on an Ubuntu install disk to /ubuntu rather than having everything in the root of the CD?11:42
Schuylerthanks LjL11:42
Jowi!commands | petro11:43
ubotupetro: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands11:43
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Jowistart there :)11:43
=== fulld [n=fulld@c-69-248-209-139.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLcmweb: what is the problem? the script seems to have them mounted11:43
cmwebI cant see them11:43
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cmweball i have ate11:43
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cmwebthe cdrom, the from drive port (removable) and the file system11:43
LjLslipttees: parse error in your sentence11:44
LjLcmweb: type "ls /media", what is the output? (use pastebin if it's longer than one line)11:44
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cmwebcdrom  cdrom0  hda1  hda2  sdf1  usbdisk11:44
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ispikeddoes anyone have any idea about this dialog? http://www4.ncsu.edu/~adguthri/upgrade-dialog.png11:45
ispikedI've googled all the text in it and found nothing useful.11:45
ispikedshould I just delete the lock file maybe?11:45
LjLcmweb: does "ls /media/hda2" and/or "ls /media/sdf1" list anything like your files?11:45
=== sycho [n=sycho@pool-71-254-114-44.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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tymiller471 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 89211:46
tymiller116 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 14611:46
tymiller863 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 36511:46
cmwebls /media/hda2 looks like the first hard drive in windoes11:46
tymiller929 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 24311:46
tymiller277 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 15711:46
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tymiller256 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 24511:46
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cmwebTheought that was me11:46
LjLcmweb: then you have them mounted. open your file browser, make it go to /media, and enjoy.11:46
van|mugenglider-does anyone know how to install ubuntu when theres a "missin operating system" message?11:46
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pianoboy3333Anyone here know how to set up dansguardian...?11:46
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cmwebBut how do i put it in the "my Computer11:46
LjLcmweb: i haven't a clue, i use KDE11:47
=== sycho [n=sycho@pool-71-254-114-44.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowiispiked, first make sure you have no other apps using apt (aptitude, synaptic) If no apps are using the lock, delete it.11:47
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ispikedJowi: they're not, I just restarted. will do.11:47
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, u have any other os installed?11:47
VixusShould I assign the biggest partition to /home or /usr??11:48
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Vixusor /?11:48
mikeymare there any problem with the package repositories atm?11:48
VixusI've given a 2GB partition to /11:48
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, like win or other distro?11:48
Vixusor was that wrong?11:48
LjLmikeym: don't know, which mirror?11:48
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ispikedVixus: /home is the biggest for me. I have music and movies on it.11:48
mikeymi'll go look, but I can't access packages.ubuntu.com either11:48
Vixus"/" only needs 2GB, right?11:48
LjLmikeym: yes, packages.ubuntu.com definitely has problems11:48
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van|mugenglider-i did, but when i tried to run the live cd it would give me some error messages after the ubuntu screen was loading, so i used fdisk to delete/create the partion, the now everytime i try load it that message pops up11:49
LjLVixus: wrong. 2GB seems really, really little11:49
=== jatt [n=user@p54A3DD38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
VixusI have 20GB to spare11:49
gnat_xhi, i'm using xubuntu edgy release in live mode to try and write some files to an existing ntfs/windows XP drive. i'm trying to use ntfsmount, which is present in live mode, but am getting fuse errors. anyone have an insight?11:49
Vixus1GB is swap11:49
LjLVixus: i usually make / 10Gb, but then i have a separate /home partition11:49
mikeymwhoops, didn't uncomment some lines in my sources.list11:49
LjLVixus: what kind of setup are you thinking about?11:49
mikeymmy bad11:49
JowiVixus, 2GB is not enough for /11:49
=== humi [n=huma@vpn2-nk7-191.tc-exe.ru] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusVixus: if you have separate partitions for everything in / then you don't need / to be very big at all11:49
VixusAm dual-booting11:49
Vixusis why11:49
Vixus40/40 windows/linux11:50
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, if u dont want ur win/otherOS any more, u can try to boot from the disk(aka. live CD)11:50
=== babwe2 [n=poul@0x3e42bcbd.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
VixusI have 20GB to install linux on11:50
=== fulld [n=fulld@c-69-248-209-139.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JowiVixus, if you go for minimal install ubuntu need 2.5 GB just to unpack the files for installation. I would recommend 6GB for /11:50
LjLVixus, yes, but what kind of partitioning setup are you thinking of for linux?11:50
=== sizzam [n=sizzam@c-68-63-136-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vixusi have no idea11:50
ispikedVixus: I'd make /home the biggest.11:50
humiis there a way to install ubuntu in text mode using 6.10 livecd? it hangs during boot.11:50
dooglusVixus: I only have 3.6G for the whole system, including /home, and am only using 3.2G.  I have KDE, GNOME, XFCE4 all installed no problem11:50
=== hilde [n=hilde@d54C28B91.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
VixusI could just dump everything in /11:50
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, setup the BIOS to boot from ur cd/dvd rom11:51
van|mugenglider-it doesnt even get the chance to, ive already set it to booting the cd first but that msg still pops up11:51
hildeI seem to fail to start running dhcp3 can somebody help me!11:51
VixusI don't need a seperate partition for /home, do I?11:51
Vixuswhat purpose would it sev11:51
=== sky123 [n=skys123@pool-71-118-99-131.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLVixus: well, if you only keep one partition, then just make it 20 gigs. if you want / and /home, i agree with jowi on the approximate size for /. if you make an /usr partition as well, then dunno11:51
Vixusother than in the event of a reinstall?11:51
philipcan anyone help me view the contents of my windows pc via ubuntu networking?11:51
Vixus10GB should be fine11:51
ironfroggyif i get absolutely no errors installing grub, what can i look for as to why it wont go past stage 1.5?11:51
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dooglusVixus: the point of having a separate partition for /home is that you might well fill up /home, but you don't want to fill up / because it can damage the OS11:51
=== inimesekene [n=inimesek@80-235-71-48-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
dooglusVixus: but no, you don't have to have a separate /home partition, and I don't11:52
LjLVixus: well, if you fill up /home, and it's a separate partition, your system won't go all crazy ;) also, if / becomes corrupted, there's a chance /home doesnt. and then reinstalls, yeah11:52
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, that souldnt happen...11:52
Jowinight all11:52
=== Heligoland [n=chatzill@ACD1F38F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
humiironfroggy: maybe unsupported file system11:52
=== paran [n=paran@cl-56.sto-01.se.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLVixus: anyway if you are *not* going to have a separate /home partition, then i really don't understand your rationale for thinking of making a tiny 2Gb partition11:52
sky123philip: many of "directives" for allowing you to do so are in smb.conf in /etc11:52
ironfroggyhumi: ext311:52
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sky123philip: a quick search on ubuntu samba should yield pertinent info.11:52
van|mugenglider-it is, i just doubled checked11:52
sychoironfroggy: I found mine dual boot wouldn't go past 1.5 if I loaded grub onto my windows partition11:53
philipsky123:  i have been looking i've googles aload of times11:53
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, try to boot from ur win disk if that's working then probably ur ubuntu disk's problem11:53
ironfroggysycho: not dual booting and im installing to the MBR11:53
cmwebIw will never go back to windows again..... ahh11:53
van|mugenglider-i tried both, still same message11:53
humiironfroggy: sda?11:53
philipsky123: i've just got windows to find ubuntu, but ubuntu cant find windows11:53
ironfroggyhumi: what is sda again?11:53
mc__is the eclipse bug fixed in feisty?11:53
hipitihopsorry I was away from my terminal and did not notice if someone responded to my NIS problem. If someone did could you please re-respond11:53
VixusI've got 3GB swap now11:53
humiironfroggy: your first drive (in case of sata)11:53
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, how abot a floppy disk?11:53
LjLVixus: 3Gb swap seems a bit excessive IMHO11:54
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=== fulld [n=fulld@c-69-248-209-139.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Vixusi know :D11:54
Vixushow much?11:54
sky123philip: in /etc/samba/smb.conf there is a workgroup parameter...change it to your workgroup11:54
humimc__: what bug?11:54
sychoironfroggy, ok. For me I'm dual boot, but when I instaled grub to the MBR on my windows partition I got that error. But when I removed the MBR from my XP partition and installed grub onto my linux partition it worked fine11:54
LjLVixus: how much RAM do you have? make your swap at least as big as your RAM.11:54
ironfroggyhumi: oh, its not sata and its hda and grub configured for (hd0) and root at (hd0,0)11:54
van|mugenglider-ya  tried that, but when i try to run winxp/ubuntu setups, it says it cant run on dos11:54
mc__humi: the eclipse package in edgy does not work11:54
LjLVixus: i think little in excess of 1Gb of RAM will be fine (make it 1.2Gb or so)11:54
gnomefreakmc__: nothing is fixed in feisty11:54
=== IneedHelp [n=_tg_@c-71-200-34-196.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
humiironfroggy: hmm, seems fine11:55
ag_Does anyone know which HDx grub uses for sata disks when you have IDE and sata on a system?11:55
IneedHelpFor some reason I can't connect to my wireless network using my laptop can someone help me?11:55
ironfroggysycho: if there is no boot record on the MBR, how do you boot?11:55
mc__gnomefreak: alright11:55
LjLUbotu, please tell IneedHelp about wifi11:55
humimc__: that's a shame11:55
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, ya it can run on dos for xp/ubuntu11:55
mc__ag_:  sata is sd*11:55
=== Vspirit [n=casper@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
sychoLike i said I reinstalled the MBR to my linux partition, and have my bios boot that drive first11:55
mc__humi: a big shame!11:55
cmwebljl, i dont know if you remember about 3 hours ago we were talking about apache and php. Do you know what i need to add to what file for php to work.11:55
VixusNow I've got this little 1GB of space I can't do anything with because it won't be added to any other partition>...11:56
ag_mc_:  Thanks, I can't get command line grub to see the partition!11:56
IneedHelpI can connect using windows but while running 6.06 I can't connect11:56
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, im not sure, but it really shouldnt happen if u set ur bios right11:56
LjLcmweb: yes, i was going to tell you, but you quit. weren't you in the process of upgrading to edgy anyway?11:56
van|mugenglider-ya thats what i dont get it is setup right11:56
ironfroggysycho: im not understanding. the MBR cant be on a partition, but definition. and you cant point the bios to a partition, just to a disc.11:56
cmwebyeah im finishing tonight i got 3 21 MB fiels to download11:56
humimc__: try netbeans :)11:56
ladydoorso when trying to start Emacs w/gtk support on Dapper, it invariably loads for a while and then presents a bunch of meaningless blocks of non-text. When copy/pasted into TTY emacs, these translate into an error talking about how whatever font I've set (or the default font, if none is set) is ``undefined.'' does anybody know what causes this behavior and how to fix it? I've tried setting the font to a number of aliases and full f11:57
ladydooront names pulled from elsewhere in my .Xresources and from xlsfonts and from xfontsel, and i've tried setting these both in my .Xresources and in my .emacs file. anybodby have any info?11:57
LjLcmweb: then i suggest you want until you have edgy running11:57
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, if u have more that one hard drive unplug this one and try other one11:57
modified54got an easy one.  i don't know syntax in the terminal to install a driver w/ ndiswrapper.  do i have to write out the entire file path for the driver or put it somwhere specific?11:57
humiironfroggy: what's your root partition?11:57
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mc__humi: netbeans is no alternative ,i use eclipse for rails development11:57
cmwebok, thanks then hopefuly next time i talk to yawl il be aan edgy user LOL11:57
humimc__: ah..11:57
ladydoormodified54: if you cd to the dir where the driver is, you can just install from there11:57
sychoironfroggy, I know.. I have 2 sata drives in my system.. 1 xp, 1 ubuntu..  I installed the MBR on the ubuntu drive, and pointed my bois to boot my ubuntu drive frist11:57
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ironfroggyhumi: hda111:57
LjLcmweb: chances are that in edgy you won't have to do anything manually for php to work. and on the other hand, if you change stuff manually now while in dapper, it could complicate matters later in edgy11:57
hipitihopAnyone here know how to get a NIS server running ? When starting NIS I get "Starting NIS services: ypserv yppasswdd ypxfrd ypbind [binding to YP server ....backgrounded] 11:57
ladydoormodified54: or you can give the full path, whatever you prefer11:58
ironfroggysycho: oh, well im trying to do basically that but without the xp disc11:58
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van|mugenglider-i dont have any at my disposal, im jsut using one of my old cpus with a 2.7gb hd11:58
sky123modified4: as sudo su, its ndiswrapper -i  somefile.inf11:58
brkamikazeis it possible to customize Edgy's alternative install CD to make it include my language without the need for a new download every install?11:58
sychoironfroggy, I understand. My problem came from XP. not Ubuntu when i got my 1.5 error11:58
humimc__: google helps: http://www.radrails.org/ :)11:58
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp253-97.lns3.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
philipsky123: was aleady correct, i've changed it previously.11:58
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, 2.7g is a little bit small for ubuntu..11:59
mc__humi: so what do you mean?11:59
sky123philip: are you familiar with smbclient and trying to conenct via command line?11:59
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mc__humi: radrails is an eclipse plugin11:59
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl792.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
kameroncan someone help me with a dual monitor setup?11:59
philipsky123: pretty sure i have but refresh my memory please12:00
van|mugenglider-o... well either way i still have the problem of the misssing operating system12:00
humimc__: oh..12:00
sky123philip: hang on im refreshin gmy knowledge as well12:00
mc__humi:  :)12:00
sky123philip: lol12:00
philipsky123: thanks for the help :D12:00
TuTUxvan|mugenglider-, try reformat ur hd12:00
humimc__: it seems there's no escape from eclipse :)12:00

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