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root___hello? anyone feel like aswer a question?09:52
root___im trying to install upstart and have it going.. but i dont have edgy eft.. is it only the example jobs that have been converted in that realese or does it have more scripts? I wanna remove my sysv complete would like to look at some more examples.. udev etc09:55
root___more specific ... teh event chain used in efty edge.. like mount kernel filessystems first etc.. what order u do it in..10:01
wasabi_We don't.10:17
wasabi_edgy includes no upstart events other than sysv emulation.10:17
root___ok thanks... then ill fix my own chain10:37
root___am i right if i think that if i make a job start on anotherjob/stopped it will start when that job is finished running?11:13
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