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Spadshello poolie 10:57
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BjornTgood morning11:20
jordihow was the week in SF?11:23
jordiI can believe that :)11:31
jordidid kiko rent a bike?11:31
Spadshe must have, as some mornings he had clearly just been biking11:33
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=== jordi envious
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niemeyerIs there a XML-RPC interface in Malone yet?04:59
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cprovniemeyer: check https://xmlrpc.launchpad.net/malone/05:07
niemeyercprov: Will check it out, thanks05:10
cprovniemeyer: np05:10
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radixthere doesn't appear to be a way to search for all tickets that don't have a milestone09:59
radix(that is to say, is there a way to search for tickets that don't have a milestone?)10:00
BjornTradix: no, that's not possible at the moment.10:04
radixis there a way to get a list of tickets with a milestone column?10:05
BjornTno, that's not possible either. milestone searching isn't that good, since we haven't used milestones much.10:08
radixOK, I will deal :)10:08
BjornTfeel free to file bugs about the features you want, though :)10:08
radixBjornT: I have now learned that apparently Release Management is going to obsolete using milestones for release management10:15
radixI am not sure whether what I want to do is release management or milestones10:15
=== radix reads the spec
radixit seems rather distro-oriented10:16
LarstiQiirc, it should help with bzr release management too?10:22
BjornTradix: ah, right. it could be that milestones will be obsolete, but maybe not, it depends on how the release managment works out.10:26
BjornTthe spec is distro-oriented, but it's meant to work for upstream products as well; targeting bugs to release series10:27
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mptGooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!12:03
=== flacoste high fives mpt
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=== mpt hugs flacoste like they're best friends meeting for the first time in five years
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flacosteyeah! I feel pumped (a little), good when a cold is starting12:06
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