hipitihop | !NIS | 12:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about NIS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:01 |
van|mugenglider- | do you know how to without a cd? | 12:01 |
TuTUx | van|mugenglider-, it seems to like u havent uninstall ur boot loader on ur hd | 12:01 |
jatt | sure, use eclipse as a compiler and emacs as editor | 12:01 |
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hipitihop | !ypbind | 12:01 |
=== sycho [n=sycho@pool-71-254-114-44.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ypbind - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:01 |
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TuTUx | van|mugenglider-, i really dont | 12:01 |
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petro | Im trying to install a compiler on ubuntu anybody have any ideas? | 12:02 |
sky123 | philip: Id try an smbclient -L ip of the machine to see the shares first | 12:02 |
humi | mc__: what exactly is broken with eclipse? | 12:02 |
ironfroggy | im i chrooted into this box and the only source listed is the cdrom. why? is there sometihng i can run to get the "real" sources.list ? | 12:02 |
dabaR | petro: for what language? | 12:02 |
__mikem | !msg hipitihop | 12:02 |
petro | english | 12:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msg hipitihop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
__mikem | !msg | hipitihop | 12:02 |
jatt | hehe | 12:02 |
ubotu | hipitihop: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 12:02 |
dabaR | petro: a compiler for what programming language? | 12:02 |
mc__ | humi: it refuses to start :) | 12:02 |
=== adaminla [n=adam@66-214-36-97.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
__mikem | oops wrong one | 12:02 |
petro | something like gcc, cc | 12:02 |
sky123 | philip: then something like this - smbclient \\\\some-machine\\some-share -U someuser | 12:02 |
__mikem | which one talks about investigating the bot in a pm | 12:02 |
dabaR | petro: install build-essential | 12:02 |
humi | mc__: saying what? | 12:03 |
petro | ok ill try and figure out how to do that | 12:03 |
sky123 | philip: this should help out - http://learnlinux.tsf.org.za/courses/build/net-admin/ch08s02.html | 12:03 |
mc__ | humi: dunno exactly | 12:03 |
hipitihop | __mikem, Are you trying to pm me ? | 12:03 |
Pelo | petro, you can find the build essentials in synaptic | 12:03 |
mc__ | humi: but it's an official bug,it is in launchpad | 12:03 |
jrib | !msgthebot | __mikem | 12:03 |
van|mugenglider- | k well thanks for trying, ill try and google a formating utility | 12:03 |
ubotu | __mikem: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-) | 12:03 |
gnomefreak | mc__: that was never a bug in edgy on eclipse. the problems were not getting it to start it was more of a feature bugs | 12:03 |
__mikem | no | 12:03 |
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gnomefreak | mc__: do you have a bug #? | 12:03 |
dabaR | petro: there are two ways to install programs, gui - System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager, or command line - sudo aptitude install <packageName> | 12:03 |
__mikem | i was trying to tell you not to throw random stuff into ubotu like you were | 12:03 |
humi | mc__: hmm.. had no problem on archlinux | 12:03 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: feature bugs? | 12:04 |
petro | alright I copied all that stuff down, i'll give it a try | 12:04 |
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=== philwyett [n=philiwye@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hipitihop | __mikem, were you responding to my NIS question ? | 12:04 |
tuv | if i boot a 386 kernel i get high cpu load for some simple apps, while the generic kernel shows the message "ACPI: Getting cpuindex for acpiid 0x1" and stops there | 12:04 |
__mikem | No | 12:05 |
gnomefreak | mc__: a feature was the bug like a plugin or trying to do bleh. i have yet seena bug on eclipse wont start. can you please give me a bug number so i can look at it? | 12:05 |
tuv | that's on a 1.87GHz centrino machine | 12:05 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: ill try to find the bug again | 12:05 |
philip | sky123: i keeps telling me: smbclient \\\\some-machine\\some-share -U someuser | 12:06 |
philip | sky123: Not enough '\' characters in service * | 12:06 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: #68053 | 12:06 |
humi | 6.10 is using xorg 7.1 right? | 12:06 |
mc__ | humi: yes | 12:06 |
gnomefreak | bug 68053 | 12:06 |
humi | gee.. that's why it hangs on boot | 12:06 |
LjL | gnomefreak: doesn't work in this channel ;) | 12:06 |
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-026-031.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | philip: this is where is gets a little weird...drop or slash or two and see. many just a \\ will do it ? | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | LjL: i see that ty | 12:07 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68053 | 12:07 |
humi | 7.1 doens't like fglrx drivers | 12:07 |
tuv | why wouldn't the generic kernel boot a centrino laptop? | 12:07 |
philip | sky123: on the network page the pc i'm looking for flickers on and off but when ever its on an i try to connect it just gives me an error all the time | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | mc__: im looking at tit | 12:07 |
gnomefreak | s/tit/it | 12:07 |
hipitihop | Can someone please help me get my NIS server running ? ypbind seemd to fail with "[binding to YP server ....backgroundied] " | 12:07 |
philip | sky123: telling me the contents cant be found | 12:07 |
Pelo | tuv, look in the system monitor ( system > admin > system monitor) see which process is eating up your cpu and try reinstalling it | 12:08 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: thx | 12:08 |
bz029 | In Edgy can I specify a program to run in admin mode? Much like the package manager .. ? | 12:08 |
pianoboy3333 | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303058 | 12:08 |
sky123 | philip: did the smbclient -L machineip yield anything? | 12:08 |
rbrunhuber | hello where do i report a bug in feisty? | 12:08 |
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philip | sky123: its not that ubuntu cant connect to my windows pc, its that it cant keep a connection | 12:08 |
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tonyyarusso | !bugs | rbrunhuber | 12:08 |
ubotu | rbrunhuber: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 12:08 |
tuv | Pelo, gkrellm is. reinstalling did not help | 12:08 |
humi | i wonder why ubuntu installer wouldn't switch to vesa instead if there's a problem | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | mc__: when its fixed and shouldnt be too much longer it will be in the edgy-proposed repos | 12:08 |
philip | sky123: tried, nothing, i think the servicename is incorrect | 12:08 |
sky123 | philip: hmmm...that is weird.. i wonder if its a time out or something.. | 12:08 |
tuv | Pelo, gkrellm using about 20% cpu.. totally unreasonable. i know something is wrong, but can't tell what is | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | add edgy-proposed repo and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:08 |
tonyyarusso | Has anyone tried creating an encrypted partition from the installer? | 12:09 |
humi | and no text mode to fix xorg.conf :( | 12:09 |
tuv | i find it stranger that the generic kernel wouldn't boot at all | 12:09 |
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philip | sky123: it apears on the windows pc ok | 12:09 |
=== MadCowBoy [n=chad@S010600134689429f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mc__ | gnomefreak: i think it is solved already | 12:09 |
sky123 | philip: smbclient -L or whatever doesnt do anything? | 12:09 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/eclipse/+bug/68380 | 12:09 |
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Pelo | tuv, what does that process handle, I doesn'T seem to be running on my comp | 12:09 |
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rbrunhuber | ubotu: is there a "version" field there so i can explicitly set it to feisty? | 12:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is there a "version" field there so i can explicitly set it to feisty? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:10 |
sky123 | philip: when you type smbcli and hit tab does it autocomplete? | 12:10 |
philip | sky123: is my router so i dout it | 12:10 |
sky123 | or whatever ip the windows box is ...that is just an example | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | mc__: thats a different bug all together i am looking at it right now | 12:10 |
philip | sky123: smbcli: command not found | 12:10 |
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sky123 | philip: now we are actually getting somewhere one sec | 12:10 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: but the 2nd post says "This is a fix for Bug #68053 - Eclipse will not start (Edgy)" | 12:10 |
dabaR | rbrunhuber: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+bugs | 12:11 |
tuv | Pelo, it's a system monitors stack. see www.gkrellm.net | 12:11 |
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gnomefreak | mc__: it does not say it is fixed it says it will be fixed | 12:11 |
hipitihop | I have been trying to get someone to assist with NIS for days but not many seem to know about it. Am I trying the wrong way to administer passwords on one server on my home network. Is there an alternative and easier way then NIS ? | 12:11 |
philip | sky123: atlast | 12:11 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Pelo | tuv, yeah, I just looked it up, no clue | 12:12 |
sky123 | philip: sudo apt-get install smbclient | 12:12 |
hamdinp | hello | 12:12 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: alright | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | mc__: that means it will be fixed per bug 68053. add the edgy-proposed repo adn see if its been fixed | 12:12 |
hamdinp | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 12:12 |
hamdinp | See `config.log' for more details. | 12:12 |
LjL | !build-essential > hamdinp | 12:12 |
gnomefreak | hamdinp: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 12:12 |
hamdinp | thanks | 12:12 |
tuv | the generic kernel stops at: 'Begin: Waiting for root file system... ...' what does that mean? | 12:12 |
Pelo | tuv, did you compile it from source or did you install the pacakge available in synaptic ? | 12:12 |
philip | sky123: smbclient is already the newest version. HUH? | 12:12 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: where is the edgy-proposed repo? | 12:13 |
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rbrunhuber | tuv: do you use lvm? | 12:13 |
tuv | Pelo, it's a stock ubuntu kernel. i don't compile kernels | 12:13 |
tuv | rbrunhuber, no. sata disk | 12:13 |
Pelo | tuv, I meant gkrllm | 12:13 |
gnomefreak | mc__: there isnt one just laying around. you would have to add this to your list. ill post it in my next message | 12:13 |
philip | sky123: i think i pressed enter not tab, opps | 12:13 |
sky123 | philip: id try to reinstall that.. via synaptic... and try again.. that smbclient is the key component for connecting to windows | 12:13 |
rbrunhuber | tuv: do you use feisty? | 12:13 |
tuv | Pelo, from synaptic | 12:13 |
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Pelo | k | 12:14 |
=== Pelo buts out now | ||
tuv | rbrunhuber, i don't know what's that, so i suppose 'no' is my answer | 12:14 |
sky123 | philip: so its there? | 12:14 |
philip | sky123: its installed, i pressed enter not tab | 12:14 |
philip | yes | 12:14 |
Falstius | does anyone know how I could reprocess a video file to remove a very high pitched tone out of it? | 12:14 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: im no newbie,i meant the adress of the repo(my english isnt good,sorry) | 12:14 |
sky123 | philip: so try smbclient -L ipofwindowsbox | 12:14 |
gnomefreak | mc__: deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-proposed | 12:14 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: thank you! | 12:14 |
gnomefreak | iirc that is it | 12:14 |
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rbrunhuber | tuv: did which version of ubuntu did you install? dapper (6.06) oder edgy (6.10)? | 12:14 |
=== gnomefreak hasnt used a proposed repo in a long tim | ||
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gnomefreak | e | 12:14 |
ironfroggy | why do i have no grub command in a freshly installed system? i managed to chroot in finally and i cant seem to do anything. | 12:15 |
ironfroggy | what package is it in, even? i see no grub package. | 12:15 |
LjL | !info grub | 12:15 |
ubotu | grub: GRand Unified Bootloader. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-11ubuntu14 (edgy), package size 359 kB, installed size 764 kB | 12:15 |
philip | sky123: params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: w# | 12:15 |
philip | params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file: force group users | 12:15 |
philip | Error connecting to (No route to host) | 12:15 |
philip | Connection to failed | 12:15 |
LjL | !paste > philip | 12:15 |
philip | sorry | 12:16 |
ironfroggy | LjL: ok but where do i get it? what package do i need? | 12:16 |
sethk | ironfroggy, there is indeed a package named grub | 12:16 |
LjL | ironfroggy: grub. | 12:16 |
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hipitihop | How can I tell if my YP server is running correctly ? | 12:16 |
sky123 | philip: so the smbclient -L 192.168.1.? yeilds that message?? | 12:16 |
LjL | ironfroggy: and the fact that you don't have it installed by default, or that you can't see it using apt-cache/apt-get, means nothing good IMHO | 12:16 |
philip | sky123: yes | 12:16 |
ironfroggy | LjL: "no installation candidate" | 12:16 |
LjL | ironfroggy: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:16 |
tuv | rbrunhuber, edgy | 12:17 |
sky123 | philip: whoah... yeah...id try to re-install the smbclient via synaptic and try again | 12:17 |
LjL | ironfroggy: how do you boot your system anyway, if you have no grub? | 12:17 |
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mc__ | gnomefreak: that gives me a syntax error | 12:17 |
philip | sky123: one second | 12:17 |
sky123 | philip: That is where id start.. | 12:17 |
mc__ | gnomefreak: E: Malformed line 18 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) | 12:17 |
gnomefreak | mc__: it might be that with main restricted universe multiverse added to the end | 12:17 |
sky123 | philip: OH!!! hey check the smbclient file again | 12:18 |
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ironfroggy | i cant get to an X session from that box | 12:18 |
philip | sky123: where would that be? | 12:18 |
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | LjL: you dont happen to have a proposed repo handy? | 12:18 |
LjL | i think you're wasting your time anyway mc__, i skimmed through the Packages.gz for -proposed and didn't notice eclipse | 12:18 |
sky123 | philip: its bitching about a w# or something..where did that come from?? | 12:18 |
LjL | gnomefreak, nope, but i just had a look at the Packages.gz for main | 12:18 |
sky123 | philip: in /etc/samba/ smb.conf | 12:18 |
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gnomefreak | LjL: ty | 12:18 |
mc__ | LjL: alrighth,thanks | 12:18 |
philip | sky123: k | 12:18 |
Zambezi | Which is the best tool to erase DVDRW in Ubuntu? K3B, Gnomebaker doesn't erase the DVD at all. | 12:19 |
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Pupeno | Isn't http://packages.ubuntu.com the site where I can search packages ? | 12:20 |
Onofrio | hi | 12:20 |
gnomefreak | Pupeno: yes | 12:20 |
Vixus | I would like to know an all-round CD/DVD tool | 12:20 |
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LjL | Pupeno: yes but it was down until some minutes ago | 12:20 |
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philip | sky123: right, done, must of been me by mistake, trying that code agan.. | 12:20 |
ironfroggy | http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/2566 | 12:20 |
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Onofrio | who can test this my httpd Server? test for nat | 12:20 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | http://packages.ubuntu.com/ is currently down | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
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LjL | Onofrio: works | 12:22 |
Onofrio | Ok thank LjL | 12:22 |
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Pupeno | gnomefreak: it sems to be down then. | 12:22 |
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ironfroggy | LjL: i pasted the sources.list | 12:22 |
philip | sky123: returns this, Error connecting to (No route to host) | 12:22 |
philip | Connection to failed | 12:22 |
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ironfroggy | LjL: also, to answer your question, im chrooted in. | 12:22 |
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gnomefreak | Pupeno: give me a minute | 12:22 |
superkirbyartist | I wonder how you can make wifi-radar autoconnect? | 12:23 |
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=== jono [n=jono@88-107-4-166.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
petro | I am trying to find the folder that firefox is in on a ubuntu install so that I can overwrite it with firefox2 | 12:23 |
petro | does anybody know where it is? | 12:23 |
jrib | petro: don't do that | 12:23 |
petro | ok | 12:23 |
jrib | !firefox > petro | 12:23 |
gnomefreak | Pupeno: it is down atm. give me a few minutes to find out why | 12:23 |
LjL | ironfroggy: uhm, i see some issues with that sources.list, but nothing that should prevent grub from showing up. does "sudo apt-get update" give any errors? | 12:23 |
petro | what do I do then | 12:23 |
superkirbyartist | petro: Edgy reps have FF2 | 12:23 |
philip | sky123: actually returns this, smbclient -L | 12:23 |
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uet | gn8 | 12:24 |
jrib | petro: ubotu should have sent you info about installing ff2 from a tarball into /opt, but as superkirbyartist said, edgy has ff2 | 12:24 |
petro | how do I install edgy, I just upgraded to dapper drake using the update manager | 12:24 |
jrib | !upgrade | petro | 12:24 |
ubotu | petro: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:24 |
ironfroggy | LjL: it seems to be running fine. maybe ill try again after that. | 12:24 |
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philip | sky123: actually this | 12:24 |
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ironfroggy | LjL: that fixed it | 12:24 |
philip | sky123: timeout connecting to | 12:24 |
petro | ok | 12:24 |
sky123 | philip: hmmm...ping that ip | 12:25 |
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LjL | ironfroggy: good, though it's still extremely weird that it wasn't installed by default | 12:25 |
Falstius | any chance of getting FF2 added to the dapper repos? | 12:25 |
superkirbyartist | Good luck petro. You Oughta like it, but you will need to work a little to get GS2/LW working. | 12:25 |
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Falstius | is there an edgy-backports repo? | 12:25 |
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jrib | Falstius: there is such a repo | 12:25 |
superkirbyartist | Anyone can help me connect automatically with wifi-radar? | 12:25 |
gnomefreak | Pupeno: its been down for a few hours no EST on when it will be back up | 12:25 |
philip | sky123: it just timesout | 12:26 |
superkirbyartist | Please? | 12:26 |
LjL | ironfroggy: i would make your sources.list look like this anyway http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32837/ (you didn't have security and updates enabled for universe and multiverse) | 12:26 |
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sky123 | philip: you have bigger problems!...a network issue | 12:27 |
Falstius | jrib, what would be the syntax? | 12:27 |
sky123 | philip: Do you have a firewall on windows box? | 12:27 |
ironfroggy | LjL: ok i have grub but nothing in /boot/grub, so how do i get the files for the different stages there? | 12:27 |
LjL | Falstius, i think you probably have it already in your /etc/apt/sources.list , just commented out | 12:27 |
LjL | ironfroggy: grub-install i think | 12:27 |
philip | sky123: no | 12:27 |
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sky123 | philip: that ping should point blank work.. maybe check the subnet mask on each box and the ip info | 12:28 |
LjL | Falstius, anyway it's empty, and i think it'll be for a while | 12:28 |
tuv | why wouldn't the generic kernel boot? it stops at: 'Begin: Waiting for root file system... ...' while the 386 kernel boots fine. what does that mean? | 12:28 |
sky123 | philip: the ping is a first step to esablish clean network connections | 12:28 |
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sky123 | philip: then id check the cables, switch etc | 12:28 |
Falstius | LjL, I meant stuff from edgy for dapper ... It seems they call that dapper-backports, ofcourse that is virtually empty too. | 12:29 |
philip | sky123: the subnet masks are all the same, this is right no? | 12:29 |
sky123 | philip: yes | 12:29 |
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sky123 | philip: might be hardware? | 12:29 |
philip | sky123: i dont think the cables are wrong, both pcs can use the internet | 12:29 |
LjL | Falstius: yeah, it's dapper-backports. edgy-backports is from backports *to* edgy (from feisty, thus empty). dapper-backports shouldn't be empty i think | 12:29 |
sky123 | philip: okay...it strikes me weird that you cannot ping the other machine.. | 12:30 |
LjL | Falstius: s/from/for/ | 12:30 |
philip | sky123: same | 12:30 |
sky123 | philip: but from windows to linux it works fine? | 12:30 |
LjL | sky123, if it's a Windows XP machine (or XP SP2, or something), i think it's quite normal. they refuse pings by default | 12:30 |
philip | sky123: weird thing is i can connect to the apache on windows | 12:30 |
Falstius | There's no firefox2.0 in it though. That's the only thing I'd like from Edgy (the rest of the install seems broken) | 12:30 |
philip | sky123: via port 80 on that same ip | 12:30 |
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LjL | Falstius, no, i don't think there will ever be a firefox 2 package for dapper | 12:31 |
sky123 | LjL: really? they block icmp packets since SP2 ?? holy crap! | 12:31 |
tuv | what should the root line be for sata disk? | 12:31 |
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LjL | sky123: i'm not sure whether it's since SP2 or what, i know i can't ping my XP machines | 12:31 |
tuv | what should the root line be for sata disk in grub's menu.list? | 12:31 |
philip | sky123: my windows pc can ping my ubuntu pc | 12:31 |
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jean | Hi All... | 12:31 |
sky123 | LjL: no firewall on them? | 12:32 |
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LjL | sky123: well, the XP built-in firewall. http://nic.phys.ethz.ch/readme/108 | 12:32 |
jean | How I can backup in DVD my apt-get files...?? I use 56 connection... | 12:32 |
=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | "The default setting in a freshly installed and updated Windows XP installation has the built-in firewall configured such that the computer does not answer ICMP echo request, also called pings." | 12:32 |
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=== MyNameUhBorat [n=MyNameUh@pool-71-104-92-4.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jean | So i need to Backup and Restore my files downloaded... to use when i format and reinstall ubuntu... | 12:33 |
MyNameUhBorat | hey everyone | 12:33 |
ironfroggy | nothing seems to work, no matter what i do. ive tried installing to the MBR, to the partition, to another harddrive configured with the right root partition. | 12:33 |
sky123 | philip: Ljl's post is a good one..see if this helps - http://nic.phys.ethz.ch/readme/108 | 12:33 |
ironfroggy | what does it mean that it makes it to stage1.5? what happens before that point and what does it not get a chance to do there? | 12:34 |
LjL | jean: the files are in /var/cache/apt/archives | 12:34 |
=== malefico [n=malefico@200-122-102-160.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jean | I need only to backup the files in this folder? | 12:35 |
sky123 | LjL: that is useful. thnx | 12:35 |
LjL | !grub | ironfroggy, i don't know, might find something here | 12:35 |
ubotu | ironfroggy, i don't know, might find something here: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:35 |
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LjL | jean: yes | 12:35 |
LjL | jean: that is, for backing up your downloaded packages, which i think is what you asked. then of course you may want to backup more than that | 12:35 |
philip | sky123: just checked, it already is checked | 12:36 |
jean | LjL: and to restore i need to put the files in this place again.. ok??? | 12:36 |
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LjL | jean: should work, yes | 12:36 |
jean | But the apt dont try to donwload again? | 12:36 |
LjL | jean: not when i last tried that. | 12:36 |
jean | Ok.. Tks... | 12:37 |
sky123 | philip: im starting to run out of ideas...but the initial ping, since you said you had it checked...im not understanding why you cant make a simple ping connection...i think id start there first. | 12:37 |
jean | Is too hard to donwload all packages again in 56Kbps.. :-) Tks.. | 12:37 |
LjL | jean: just make sure when you restore the files that they get the right permissions. they need to be owned by root:root, and be u=rw,g=r,o=r | 12:37 |
=== smog [n=smog@cyn42.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
user-land | i know there are many different ways to add proprietary codecs to ubuntu. is there one you especially recommend ? | 12:37 |
smog | hi anybody can help me? | 12:37 |
LjL | !restricted | user-land | 12:37 |
ubotu | user-land: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:37 |
user-land | thanks, ljl. | 12:38 |
superkirbyartist | Can you help me with wifi-radar? | 12:38 |
superkirbyartist | !wifi-radar | 12:38 |
ubotu | wifi-radar: graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 36 kB, installed size 208 kB | 12:38 |
smog | i heve problem with codecs | 12:38 |
user-land | installing edgy for the fifth time now on this computer :-) | 12:38 |
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philip | sky123: is there some way i could contact you at a later time, i have to go now but i would like to continue this convosation, but not with someone who doesnt know the previous posts, | 12:38 |
=== ixian [n=jeff@S0106000ea6e07b91.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jean | How can i change this if the files as in other user or permissions? | 12:38 |
sky123 | philip: I am on here ALOT. So ill be around at 9:00 or 10:00 PST | 12:39 |
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LjL | jean: "chown root:root *; chmod u=rw,g=r,o=r *", assuming you're in a directory that contains those files and only those files | 12:39 |
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philip | sky123: ok, hope to see you soon, once i've had more sleep :P | 12:39 |
herrerausmc | hello | 12:39 |
sky123 | philip: yep sleep changes all | 12:39 |
philip | i'll stay on here | 12:39 |
sky123 | cool | 12:39 |
philip | g'night | 12:39 |
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LjL | !pm | smog | 12:40 |
ubotu | smog: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first. | 12:40 |
jean | Ok Thanks for your help... | 12:40 |
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LjL | !ask | smog | 12:40 |
ubotu | smog: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:40 |
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superkirbyartist | Vote for Ebuntu's new name http://ebuntu.sos-sts.com/poll/ | 12:41 |
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LadyNikon | whats ebuntu? | 12:42 |
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superkirbyartist | !ebuntu | 12:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ebuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:42 |
bluefox83 | ubuntu for schools and stuff | 12:42 |
Mongey | !grub | 12:42 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:42 |
bluefox83 | it's on the ubuntu website for god sakes... | 12:42 |
ixian | ubuntu with enlightenment | 12:42 |
superkirbyartist | It's Ubuntu with Enlightment. | 12:42 |
superkirbyartist | Bluefox:You're talking about Edubuntu | 12:42 |
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chronosoft | hi, does anyone know where ubuntu put's the php5 binary? | 12:42 |
bluefox83 | ooooooooh | 12:42 |
bunnythebunny | Guys, is there a command that lets me see if i have direct3d or not? | 12:42 |
superkirbyartist | Elightment is a window manager | 12:42 |
LadyNikon | eh | 12:42 |
LadyNikon | i never liekd elightment | 12:42 |
bluefox83 | i dunno why they change the name of ubuntu over the damn window manager... | 12:43 |
LadyNikon | liked* | 12:43 |
LjL | bunnythebunny: this is linux, there is no direct3d. | 12:43 |
LadyNikon | bluefox83: its a theme thing | 12:43 |
ed123 | why is fedora 3GB iso and ubuntu only 700MB? | 12:43 |
superkirbyartist | Well just go to http://ebuntu.sos-sts.com/poll/ to vote for the new name. | 12:43 |
chronosoft | >.<.... it's not in the standard location | 12:43 |
bluefox83 | because fedora doesn't have a package manager that rawks like ubuntu :P | 12:43 |
bunnythebunny | LjL ...there is something.. im not sure what is it im looking for...something to do with graphics... | 12:43 |
chronosoft | /usr/bin/php | 12:43 |
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LjL | bunnythebunny: OpenGL perhaps | 12:43 |
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ironfroggy | LjL: ive done everything said in both those pages about grub and it hasnt made any affect on the problem. | 12:44 |
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ed12 | bluefox: so u d/l what u need then once installed? | 12:44 |
bunnythebunny | LjL ..no thats not it...well i installed the Nvidia drivers...they're working fine....Enemy Territory should work fine right? I don't know if you know what i'm on about.. | 12:44 |
bunnythebunny | LjL, well i guess i'll find out now | 12:44 |
LjL | bunnythebunny: no, honestly i don't. is that a native Linux or a Windows game run under emulation? | 12:44 |
bunnythebunny | It's a native linux game | 12:44 |
bunnythebunny | LjL | 12:44 |
slipttees | how that I make to mount a partition of mac the x and to write in it? | 12:45 |
bunnythebunny | LjL, well it was made for windows at first, but then they made a linux version and a mac version | 12:45 |
slipttees | how that I make to mount a partition of mac os x and to write in it? | 12:45 |
LjL | bunnythebunny: then you should just need an accelerated driver for your video card, which supports hardware acceleration with OpenGL | 12:45 |
ed12 | bluefox83: so u d/l what u need then once installed? | 12:45 |
LjL | slipttees: sudo mount -t hfsplus /dev/whatever /media/whatever | 12:45 |
bunnythebunny | LjL, yeah thats probably what i meant :P .. do you know how i can check if i got hardware acceleration or not? | 12:46 |
tuv | ok, after applying the fix in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/67256, i can boot the generic kernel now. however, gkrellm uses about 50% cpu now at full cpu freq. | 12:46 |
LjL | bunnythebunny, what card? | 12:46 |
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bunnythebunny | LjL: Geforce 6600 GT | 12:46 |
LjL | !nvidia > bunnythebunny | 12:46 |
LjL | bunnythebunny: follow the howto | 12:46 |
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bunnythebunny | Ah yeah i've done that.. | 12:46 |
bunnythebunny | I had to | 12:46 |
slipttees | LjL: no writer | 12:47 |
slipttees | :( | 12:47 |
LjL | bunnythebunny: you see an nvidia logo when you start? | 12:47 |
LjL | slipttees, "no writer" doesn't mean a thing to me | 12:47 |
slipttees | doesn't writer | 12:47 |
bunnythebunny | LjL: If i hadn't installed the nvidia drivers..my pc would just be ...slowww, like chopping, really slow. Thats how i had it when i first installed it. Thank god it was just the graphic card. | 12:47 |
bunnythebunny | LjL, yes i do | 12:47 |
bluefox83 | ed12, you download the iso, burn it to cd, then boot into the cd, and run the installer, it installs all your software with a net connection | 12:47 |
chronosoft | does anyone know where ubuntu put's the php5 binary? | 12:47 |
ziro01 | sup | 12:47 |
chronosoft | i can't find it :( | 12:47 |
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ed12 | ahh. | 12:48 |
kitche | chronosoft: should be /usr/bin/php | 12:48 |
ed12 | thx | 12:48 |
sky123 | chronosoft: or do a which php or whereis php | 12:48 |
chronosoft | i have php5 | 12:49 |
slipttees | LjL: ? | 12:49 |
chronosoft | kitche, it's not there | 12:49 |
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slipttees | mount partition for writer? | 12:49 |
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kitche | chronosoft: well php5 is just a version the binary is called php but do which php and it should show you the path to it | 12:49 |
chronosoft | sky123, in those folders either | 12:49 |
LjL | slipttees: you mean, with write access? | 12:49 |
chronosoft | (with the whereis command) | 12:49 |
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sky123 | chronosoft: find / - name php | 12:49 |
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LjL | bunnythebunny: then you have hardware acceleration for what i know | 12:50 |
GuyIncongito | halo | 12:50 |
slipttees | yes LjL | 12:50 |
GuyIncongito | anyone gotten bery/aiglx running with a radeon 9800 ? | 12:50 |
bunnythebunny | LjL :P, heh | 12:50 |
slipttees | sorry my english..i use google translations | 12:50 |
LjL | slipttees: have you used options "user,auto,file_umask=0111,dir_umask=0000" ? | 12:50 |
slipttees | fstab? | 12:51 |
sky123 | !fstab | 12:51 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions | 12:51 |
=== lostsync [n=lostsync@c-71-56-126-33.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chronosoft | find / - name php doesn't work... | 12:51 |
slipttees | sky123: | 12:51 |
klamsd | how do I install VLC Player | 12:52 |
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ziro01 | secret | 12:52 |
chronosoft | find: invalid predicate - | 12:52 |
chronosoft | sudo apt-get install vlc | 12:52 |
Salah_ | !screeenres | 12:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about screeenres - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:52 |
klamsd | I don't have net access on the computer with Ubuntu | 12:52 |
jrib | !fixres > Salah_ | 12:52 |
Salah_ | thank you jrib | 12:52 |
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slipttees | !pastebot | 12:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pastebot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:52 |
slipttees | !paste | 12:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:52 |
NewpZ | hi i used automatrix2 and installted all multimedia stuff, i then installed w32codecs but i can not play .mov files.. can someone plz tell me what im mssing? | 12:53 |
sky123 | sliptees: id try that as sudo su, then find / -name php | 12:53 |
sky123 | and see | 12:53 |
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LjL | !automatix | NewpZ | 12:53 |
ubotu | NewpZ: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. | 12:53 |
slipttees | LjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32847/ | 12:53 |
kitche | NewpZ: your missing the quicktime codec | 12:53 |
klamsd | any alternative? | 12:53 |
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NewpZ | kitche, do you know the package name that ontains this? i dont see it in apt-cache search | 12:54 |
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zackr | hey, is there any way to force kaffeine to always load a certain audio channel and subtitle? | 12:54 |
JPAULEY | How do I give my mthtv user access to run applications in X started by another user? | 12:54 |
LjL | slipttees: is the /home/mac directory itself +rw for the user you need? | 12:55 |
kitche | !quicktime>NewpZ | 12:55 |
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NewpZ | ewww yeah automatrix sucks.. im missing all the gstreamer suff | 12:55 |
=== mr_daniel [n=daniel@e177159171.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NewpZ | thanks for te dvise.. i will not use that again | 12:55 |
Silivrenion | if i'm installing ubuntu server, and a while from now i'm adding a large disk to the system, should I select to just install on the 3GB drive in the system, or should I install with LVM? | 12:55 |
chronosoft | thanks sky123 ^_^; | 12:55 |
slipttees | LjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32848/ | 12:56 |
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NewpZ | ahh i installed it all and it works now :) | 12:56 |
chronosoft | /usr/lib/cgi-bin | 12:56 |
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LjL | slipttees: 501?! hmm... is the partition mounted, right now? | 12:56 |
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klamsd | can I install anything in Ubuntu without internet? | 12:56 |
slipttees | yep | 12:56 |
slipttees | opss | 12:56 |
Silivrenion | soo.. anyone have any idea? | 12:56 |
sky123 | chronosoft: so that worked..where was it?? | 12:56 |
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slipttees | no mount rigth now | 12:57 |
LjL | slipttees: unmount it and see what the permissions are. anyway, i'm guessing that Ubuntu is respecting your Mac's permissions - i.e. it allows access to the users that MacOS allows access to. but you don't have the same users... | 12:57 |
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petro | I've been struggling for a while to mount a new drive with ubuntu, does anyone know how to do this? | 12:57 |
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sky123 | slitpees: sorry for directing those comments at you theey were meant for chronosoft.. | 12:57 |
brkamikaze | How can I modify a Ubuntu Edgy alternative install CD to include my country's language pack so I don't have to download language packs everytime I install the system? | 12:58 |
=== PaSurf [n=1896cf3d@68-185-24-98.static.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | chronosoft: nice | 12:58 |
sky123 | chronosoft: the find command is your friend...a very nice command at that..id learn it | 12:58 |
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PaSurf | how do you kill a run away process in the terminal in ubuntu? | 12:58 |
slipttees | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chmod 777 -R /home/mac | 12:58 |
slipttees | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu /home/mac | 12:59 |
slipttees | ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ | 12:59 |
slipttees | now? | 12:59 |
PaSurf | Ctrl - c will not work | 12:59 |
zackr | hello? anybody know about kaffeine here? | 12:59 |
kitche | PaSurf: killall process | 12:59 |
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brkamikaze | PaSurf: switch to another terminal and run "killall -KILL <program name>" | 12:59 |
brkamikaze | doesn't work with scripts tough | 12:59 |
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PaSurf | kitche: well it just stopped, but it was just scrolling stuff and nothing seemed to work. I will try your suggestions when it happens again. | 01:00 |
zackr | PaSurf: sometimes you may have to use sudo killall... if they are started as root | 01:00 |
DigitalNinja | What's a good web cam tool? | 01:00 |
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LjL | slipttees: read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224663&page=2 , especially the second posting on the second page | 01:00 |
sky123 | PaSurf: do a ps -ef | more to find the process and its process id | 01:00 |
PaSurf | zackr: basically I could not type anything in the screen | 01:01 |
slipttees | LjL: :) oppps | 01:01 |
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@host81-155-182-237.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | PaSurf: then kill -9 the PID | 01:01 |
zackr | Ctrl+Alt+F1 ... though how do you get back to X server after going to tty1? | 01:01 |
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kitche | zackr: ctrl+Alt+F7 | 01:02 |
PaSurf | great! thanks for the ideas!!!! | 01:02 |
zackr | ah, nice, thanks | 01:02 |
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LjL | slipttees, hmm, i think you could try adding these mount options as well: uid=1000,gid=1000 | 01:03 |
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PaSurf | I am trying to run the mysqladmin from edgy and am getting 2003 errors (mysql) is there something in edgy that would prevent my from contacting my remote mysql db? | 01:03 |
zackr | again, anybody here know how i can force kaffeine to try loadinging a certail audio stream when it has a choice? | 01:03 |
PaSurf | Mysql is running on a debian machine on network and I can get to and ping the server | 01:03 |
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zackr | a simple 'no' would be just as helpful, i'll look somewhere else :) | 01:05 |
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LjL | zackr, no, it wouldn't be helpful. there are nearly 900 people here, and if everybody said "no" or "i don't know" to every question that gets asked, it would be a hell. | 01:05 |
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kitche | PaSmurf: yes if the permissions aren't setup right iin your mysql server | 01:05 |
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visik7 | zackr: a choice for what ? | 01:06 |
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philip | sky123: i've just been messing around and found even though i disabled my firewall, it was still blocking pings, i've just disabled it and it works :D | 01:06 |
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sky123 | PaSurf: I know in pgsql there is a paramater called hba.conf that only allows certain ips or connections to it. I am sure mysql has the same...its gotta be a simple file that says...alow these ips to connect. | 01:06 |
mister_roboto | has anyone here tried beryl on aiglx with ati? | 01:06 |
sky123 | philip: sweet | 01:06 |
LjL | !beryl > mister_roboto | 01:07 |
philip | sky123: so now let me try... | 01:07 |
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PaSurf | kitche: when you say rights for mysql, you mean on the directory? From this machine I can open ssh connection to machine fine, and I am pretty sure I was able to get to the machine with phpmyadmin | 01:07 |
zackr | visik7: i want kaffeine to choose a certain language type of subtitle and audio stream when loading a video file, though defaulting to normal use if they aren't there | 01:07 |
mister_roboto | LjL: i was wondering if anyone here actually tried it | 01:07 |
philip | sky123: W00Tzorz, i didnt even need to click anything/type anything, its online and working :D | 01:07 |
philip | XD | 01:07 |
kitche | PaSmurgf: no I mean in the mysql server | 01:07 |
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LjL | mister_roboto: i don't know, but some of the people in #ubuntu-xgl probably have | 01:07 |
sky123 | philip: how bloddy sweet is that!! | 01:08 |
PaSurf | Just seems strange. I also can go to the machine and get in np with mysql -u and -p | 01:08 |
visik7 | zackr: try on #kaffeine | 01:08 |
zackr | k, ta | 01:08 |
mister_roboto | LjL: i don't care about xgl :) | 01:08 |
visik7 | zackr: or kubuntu | 01:08 |
malefico | mister_roboto: I'm trying compiz and XGL on ati x200m | 01:08 |
philip | sky123: thanks soo much for everything! :D | 01:08 |
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philip | bye bye | 01:08 |
kitche | PaSurf: it's probably not allowing outside connections that aren't from the machine | 01:08 |
sky123 | philip: hang on one sec | 01:08 |
philip | hokay | 01:08 |
mister_roboto | LjL: aiglx is built into edgy and from what i've read, that's the way to go over xgl | 01:08 |
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zackr | i'm using ubuntu, but i didn't know there was a kaffeine irc, thanks :) | 01:08 |
sky123 | philip: lets just talk about what we did.. | 01:08 |
LjL | mister_roboto: not the point - #ubuntu-xgl is the channel for XGL, AIGLX, Compiz and Beryl questions. the name just comes from the fact that XGL came first | 01:08 |
philip | sky123: ok | 01:08 |
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mister_roboto | LjL: but i don't know | 01:08 |
salah__ | how do I install the ATI screen driver? | 01:09 |
sky123 | philip: it was about deconstructing the problem..understand "how it works" then back trace other issues | 01:09 |
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LjL | mister_roboto: so it's the channel you should care about if you're interested in either XGL, AIGLX, Compiz or Beryl | 01:09 |
sky123 | philip: You are next up with helping someone else out ;) | 01:09 |
PaSurf | I check the conf file in debian. Also I did a mysqld_safe and system said it was running. Anyway, will check. | 01:09 |
mister_roboto | LjL: gotcha. thanks | 01:09 |
sky123 | philip: now you can go to sleep :) | 01:09 |
philip | sky123: yay, good night | 01:09 |
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metres | salah_ : http://www.nuxo.net/tutorial-37.html | 01:09 |
sky123 | sweet! | 01:09 |
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slipttees | LjL: :( | 01:10 |
barktpolar | Hello Ubuntu Users :) | 01:10 |
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metres | Do anyone know why dh_make doesnt set the good email ? | 01:10 |
barktpolar | Is there a way to run 6.06 a little fsater, It takes very long for me to load Dapper | 01:10 |
ironfroggy | i am so lost. does anyone know of documentation on what the grub stages actually mean? | 01:11 |
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PaSurf | sorry, what I ran was mysqld_safe & (just if anyone was interested.....) | 01:11 |
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slipttees | LjL: thanks a lot but I go to give up! : ( | 01:12 |
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zackr | one other question - i'm running LIRC, and i would like to run single line terminal commands which emulate keyboard shortcuts for gnome (like ctrl+alt+left arrow, etc.) | 01:12 |
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zackr | i've already got everything set up, i just need to know how to make a command which will run on a single line in the terminal (or failing that, a C/C++ program) | 01:13 |
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zackr | i think you could call them short macros | 01:15 |
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jimmygoon | What is the best application to use for a slideshow with nice transitional effects? | 01:15 |
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tuv | i don't understand what's wrong with this -generic kernel. first it wouldn't boot. now it boots very slowly and takes too much time to complete booting, and then cpu usage is always hight and the ondemand cpufreq governer uses always max.freq. | 01:16 |
jrib | zackr: look into xmacro and xvkbd | 01:16 |
jean | How can i remove all no used packages in apt cache? | 01:16 |
klamsd | How do I install VLC player without internet? | 01:16 |
zackr | jrib: thanks m8 | 01:17 |
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ispiked | is there an upgarde log somewhere? | 01:17 |
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tuv | ispiked, /var/log/dpkg, or /var/log/aptitude if you use aptitude | 01:17 |
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MarcN | Anyone has a favorite RSS reader? I've been using bloglines.com, but want to try a client side for a while. straw? thunderbird? | 01:18 |
ispiked | bad stuff happened while I was upgrading. | 01:18 |
ironfroggy | is there a way to get grub to give more information about what goes wrong? setup in "debug mode" or something? | 01:18 |
ironfroggy | it fails very quietly. | 01:18 |
jimmygoon | MarcN: the name Livera comes to mind or something like that | 01:18 |
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LjL | klamsd: either you don't, or you fetch it and all its various dependencies manually | 01:19 |
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LjL | !info apt-zip | klamsd, this might come useful as well | 01:19 |
ubotu | apt-zip: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB | 01:19 |
LjL | but you need the internet to get it itself ;) | 01:20 |
MarcN | jimmygoon: not in repos nor very high in google | 01:20 |
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sun_ | how to install quicktime to firefox? | 01:20 |
LjL | ironfroggy, i don't know about grub, but honestly my advice is: reinstall. that you didn't have grub installed in the first place means that something was seriously messed up during installation. | 01:21 |
ispiked | sun_: probbaly best to use mplayerplug-in. | 01:21 |
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jean | Is possible to clear the nom used packages in apt cache? Like inclomplete packages or nom instaled packages? | 01:21 |
LjL | ironfroggy: which CD did you use by the way, out of curiosity? | 01:21 |
jimmygoon | MarcN: Maybe its Lifera | 01:21 |
sun_ | ispiked what package is that in? | 01:21 |
jimmygoon | liferea | 01:21 |
MarcN | jimmygoon: thats it | 01:21 |
ispiked | sun_: maybe mplayerplug-in? | 01:21 |
LjL | jean: hm? not sure what you mean, can you make a specific example? there is a cache that you can clean, but i'm not sure it's what you're talking about | 01:22 |
klamsd | !info apt-zip | 01:22 |
ispiked | sun_: I think totem has a plugin for Firefox, too. | 01:22 |
ubotu | apt-zip: Update a non-networked computer using apt and removable media. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.15 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 116 kB | 01:22 |
ispiked | sun_: eitehr way, you'll need to get the quicktime codes to be able to play stuff. | 01:22 |
jean | I have download some packages but i have uninstaled.. So i want to remove from the cache... | 01:22 |
jimmygoon | What is the best app to use for slideshows of photos? | 01:22 |
klamsd | The packagesa are available on Ubuntu's website? | 01:22 |
sun_ | ispiked where do you get the quicktime codes? | 01:22 |
ispiked | sun_: er... codecs, rather. | 01:23 |
ispiked | sun_: you can get them from mplayer's website. | 01:23 |
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LjL | jean: "man apt-get", look at the "clean" and "autoclean" commands | 01:23 |
jean | IOK tKs.. | 01:23 |
rick_ | I'm having trouble using my wireless connection. The system identifies my PCMCIA card but it won't use it. If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate hearing them. | 01:23 |
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LjL | !wifi | rick_ | 01:23 |
ubotu | rick_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 01:23 |
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fiete | can anyone with dapper tell me the exact version of dappers libc6-dev package? | 01:24 |
sizzam | jimmygoon: i like 'gqview' for viewing pictures. that has a slideshow feature that you turn on by typing 's' | 01:24 |
rick_ | Thanks! I was hoping someone had similar experiences. | 01:25 |
=== sportsbabe987 [n=sportsba@pool-70-16-89-17.alt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jean | "apt-get clean" remove all packages or only nom instaled packages.. Sorry i dont undertand in man.. | 01:26 |
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sizzam | jean: nom = non | 01:26 |
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jean | Ok Tks.. My english is Bad.. :-) | 01:26 |
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sizzam | jean: i figured, just helping you out :-) | 01:27 |
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sportsbabe987 | http://pastebin.com/828474 | 01:27 |
jean | Tks... :-) | 01:27 |
sportsbabe987 | can someone take a look at me and tell me why sudo apt-get update does that to me? | 01:27 |
nextstate2 | can anybody tell me how to move email out of kmail and into evolution? | 01:27 |
Falstius | how can I change which volume my laptop's volume keys affect? | 01:27 |
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LjL | jean, it removes them all | 01:28 |
jimmygoon | sizzam: Does it like fade from pic to pic and have "nice effects" | 01:29 |
sun_ | thanks | 01:29 |
pet | !ops ikb _TomB | 01:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ops ikb _TomB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:29 |
LjL | jean, autoclean removes packages that aren't "useful" anymore (obsoleted, etc). but there's no option that i know of that only removes uninstalled packages | 01:29 |
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jmx | hey...can someone help me get some plugins..... | 01:29 |
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sizzam | jimmygoon: no, it just flips from pic to pic. you have choices for random and repeat, and how long for each pic, but thats it | 01:29 |
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jimmygoon | aww :( | 01:30 |
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visualphoenix | hey everyone | 01:30 |
sportsbabe987 | MY upgrade keeps farting out, and I think it has to do with this error. | 01:30 |
jean | Ohh no.. | 01:30 |
sportsbabe987 | ove email out of kmail and into | 01:30 |
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sportsbabe987 | can someone take a look at me and let me know? | 01:30 |
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jean | I want to remove only non used packages... | 01:30 |
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visualphoenix | Has anyone experienced segfaults with Firefox 2 on Edgy after the latest Libpng2 security update? | 01:30 |
jean | Is possible? | 01:30 |
MattJ | visualphoenix: I have not... | 01:31 |
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visualphoenix | Thats the only lib i've upgraded and now CTRL-F, or Edit-Find segfaults the browser | 01:31 |
jumassillia | Hi everyone | 01:31 |
jean | Ok tanks for help.. | 01:31 |
visualphoenix | i tried moving .mozilla to .mozilla.old and restarting but that doesnt fix the problem | 01:31 |
jean | I only want to save space... | 01:31 |
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sportsbabe987 | anyone able to help me out? | 01:31 |
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visualphoenix | i also tried forcing a reinstall of the package | 01:32 |
jumassillia | I have a t40 writting a shell for the wireless bug , but needs a bit of help .. :-) | 01:32 |
sizzam | jimmygoon: the slideshow feature in gThumb looks like it fades in/out, but i dont see any other features | 01:32 |
sportsbabe987 | because, I don't know why apt-get upgrade is doing that. | 01:32 |
MattJ | visualphoenix: I just tried, and Ctrl + F works ok for me | 01:32 |
jimmygoon | fade is good enough at this point thanks | 01:32 |
=== bpds [n=brian@24-216-127-45.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zackr | jrib: i've got xmacro, but I'm unsure how to use it. I've looked on the web for help, but so far the only link i've found is the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12159.html | 01:32 |
visualphoenix | hmmm is there a way i can enable more verbose debugging output from the command line? opening the Error Console in firefox crashes it too | 01:32 |
sportsbabe987 | and, is there a way that will allow me to just upgrade from the disk? | 01:33 |
chronosoft | for edgy? | 01:33 |
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sportsbabe987 | chronosoft, yup. | 01:33 |
chronosoft | well i would suggest a complete fresh install for edgy | 01:33 |
visualphoenix | MattJ, you have the latest libpng updates from edgy security installed? | 01:33 |
klamsd | Why does Totem not play ANY files at akk? | 01:33 |
klamsd | all* | 01:33 |
jatt | visualphoenix: strace firefox | 01:33 |
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zackr | jrib: if you look near the end of the first post on that link, you'll see an xmacro script - the only thing is I don't think i need it that complicated | 01:33 |
jumassillia | Question , if [`wc -l eth1.txt` -eq `1`] ; | 01:33 |
MattJ | visualphoenix: I do | 01:33 |
jumassillia | any error ? | 01:33 |
sportsbabe987 | chronosoft, backing up is a lot of work for all the extras I've done if there's any way I can just download. | 01:34 |
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chronosoft | there has been numerous reports, about problems when upgrading from previous versions of ubuntu | 01:34 |
zackr | jrib: and i'm unsure how to run that script from terminal, too | 01:34 |
sportsbabe987 | chronosoft, or upgrade* | 01:34 |
ironfroggy | sportsbabe987: i tried to do an upgrade to edgy, instead of a fresh install, and im left with a box that refuses to boot no matter what i do. | 01:34 |
jason0_ | How can I install the src package of a program i have installed? | 01:34 |
sportsbabe987 | ironfroggy, you mean even with a cd? | 01:34 |
sportsbabe987 | I figure at the very least I can give it a try. | 01:35 |
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ironfroggy | i have reinstalled 3 times now and i cant get a boot loader to work. i dont know what got screwed up but something is bad. | 01:35 |
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SperMite | why won't chown let me change the ownership of /media/iso? | 01:35 |
Blue-Steel | #chown ? | 01:35 |
kitche | SperMite: sudo chown | 01:35 |
qc_ | ironfroggy, did you totally delete the disk then re install | 01:35 |
sportsbabe987 | ironfroggy, honestly, try overwriting the mbr? | 01:35 |
ironfroggy | gc_, sportsbabe987: yes and yes | 01:36 |
chronosoft | sudo chown (the users you want to have the permissions) (the file/folder) | 01:36 |
qc_ | ironfroggy, what exactly happens when you boot, after it has installed | 01:36 |
visualphoenix | thanks jatt | 01:36 |
sportsbabe987 | how the hell could it do that then? is the disk still good? | 01:36 |
klamsd | why won't Totem play any video/music files | 01:36 |
ironfroggy | gc_: it gets to grub stage1.5 and doesnt go further | 01:36 |
chronosoft | e.g. sudo chown chronosoft /all-ur-base-are-belong-to-us | 01:36 |
visualphoenix | MattJ, jatt this is the strace log I see before the segfault: http://pastebin.com/828481 | 01:36 |
sportsbabe987 | ironfroggy, do you have a good copy of the CD? | 01:36 |
sportsbabe987 | have you tried another CD? | 01:36 |
ironfroggy | yes | 01:36 |
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sportsbabe987 | wow, do an md5 on the sucker just to be sure. That's a really odd problem. | 01:37 |
ironfroggy | ive verified the physical CD's checksum against the ISO and the md5 listings from the source. | 01:37 |
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h92.1.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ironfroggy | and ive tried two CDs so far | 01:37 |
hilde | How can I see in edgy what ubuntu is loading on starting? | 01:37 |
sportsbabe987 | can you gotten 6.06 to install? | 01:37 |
SperMite | sudo chown box1 /media/iso chown: changing ownership of `/media/iso': Read-only file system i wanna be able to write to it also tho? | 01:37 |
hilde | Edgy hangs somewhere I need to know where! | 01:37 |
ironfroggy | and its nothing weird. single partition and everything. | 01:37 |
qc_ | ironfroggy, have you tried re installing from an alternate cd? | 01:37 |
qc_ | oops yeah you have | 01:38 |
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qc_ | ironfroggy, sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 - assuming hda is the disk. | 01:39 |
qc_ | or can you not even get to a command prompt? | 01:39 |
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ironfroggy | qc_: yeah i can do that from a liveCD | 01:39 |
visualphoenix | anyone have another idea why firefox2 might be segfaulting after the latest libpng update? | 01:40 |
ironfroggy | gc_: think that will help? | 01:40 |
qc_ | ironfroggy, do it from a live | 01:40 |
hilde | ubuntu edgy won't start... it hangs somewhere | 01:40 |
qc_ | ironfroggy, and try re installing | 01:40 |
qc_ | and see if it does anything | 01:40 |
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maldox | j #ubuntu-es | 01:41 |
ironfroggy | how does grub know which stage1.5 to use? | 01:41 |
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joces | hola | 01:41 |
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kitche | ironfroggy: grub will only have one stage1.5 file in /boot | 01:42 |
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=== Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-174-136.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rug | Howdy all | 01:43 |
ironfroggy | kitche: i see 6. | 01:43 |
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Rug | If you had to pick a laptop and you only 2 choices were between Intel Graphics or ATi, what would you pick? | 01:44 |
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ironfroggy | ATI, no question | 01:44 |
ironfroggy | intel graphics chips suck | 01:44 |
LadyNikon | yep | 01:44 |
kitche | ironfroggy: should eb one stage1.5 but think it gets split up into many files | 01:44 |
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ironfroggy | kitche: looks like it has one for each filesystem type | 01:45 |
jumassillia | Hi , i would need a bit of help develloping a sheel for cisco on T40 , i fanyone interested PM me :-) | 01:45 |
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Ermac` | how do you install photoshop cs2 using Wine?? | 01:46 |
ironfroggy | im so closed to buying a copy of XP right now | 01:46 |
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=== Olathe [n=Olathe@12-201-73-22.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jumassillia | ironfroggy why ?? | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | Ermac`: have you verified that you even can? | 01:47 |
Ermac` | no :s | 01:47 |
Ermac` | :p | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: ive spent three days now just trying to get this box to boot. | 01:47 |
Ermac` | isnt it possible? | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | Ermac`: who knows? winehq.com knows. | 01:47 |
Silivrenion | I'm trying to install ubuntu.. I'm at the partitioner, and I told it to write changes, but it keeps failing to do that.. | 01:47 |
jumassillia | ironfroggy grub issue ?? | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | Ermac`: you should check to see if its possible before you try. | 01:47 |
Silivrenion | anyone have any idea why that would happen? | 01:47 |
Olathe | How do I restart a console on Ctrl-Alt-F2 without rebooting ? | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: bad ones, yes. | 01:47 |
_TiG4 | *** Does anyone know of a good all-around web-front-end I can install on my box to administrate it from the web? **** | 01:47 |
ironfroggy | Olathe: logout | 01:48 |
jumassillia | ironfroggy not possible to ssh the machine ? | 01:48 |
Olathe | The thing doesn't have a shell to logout of. | 01:48 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: it wont boot, what would i ssh into? | 01:48 |
ironfroggy | Olathe: hm, not sure then. | 01:48 |
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ironfroggy | _TiG4: thats an empty question. "administrate" wat? | 01:48 |
Olathe | The process on it froze a while back and I had to kill it. | 01:49 |
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ironfroggy | _TiG4: you expect one web front end that knows how to interface to anything you might happen to have installed and want to tinker with? | 01:49 |
_TiG4 | ironfroggy, like do random things. I dunno | 01:49 |
ironfroggy | Olathe: that shouldnt lock the console... dunnno from there | 01:49 |
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ironfroggy | _TiG4: O.o now you are really asking literally nothing. | 01:49 |
jumassillia | ironfroggy Wont even boot .. I see did you switched it off with the plug ? | 01:49 |
=== C|Ubuntu [n=nova13@dpc67142187075.direcpc.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
_TiG4 | ironfroggy, way to be an ass about it buddy! | 01:49 |
Bobby_Easland | Install error with 6.10 desktop -> Unknown Interrupt or fault at EIP ... | 01:49 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: what do you mean? only when its unresponsive after failing to boot. | 01:50 |
Bobby_Easland | anyone know how to solve this? | 01:50 |
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ironfroggy | _TiG4: just telling you: ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer. ask a good question, maybe get a good answer (or another dumb one). | 01:50 |
Olathe | Ctrl-Alt-F2 switches between two screens, one with the frozen process's output and one with an error message (pnp: failed to activate device 00:0a). | 01:50 |
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C|Ubuntu | Hmm. I'm having troubles installing Ubuntu on my old P2 160mb PC. It lags like a bitch on the LiveCD, so I want to install it via text. I've read that you type server at the boot menu but I've not gotten this to work. :( | 01:50 |
C|Ubuntu | Any ideas? | 01:50 |
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jumassillia | ireonfroggy , i mean ubuntu doeasnt like to be switched off with the button , i did it once .. same as you | 01:50 |
ahmeni | Anyone have any idea why xkb-data's /etc/X11/xkb/rules/* are symlinks to equivolent base files that don't exist? | 01:51 |
jrs_ | ironfroggy ohotoshop is not listed but photo elements of adobe is... | 01:51 |
jrs_ | photoshop* | 01:51 |
kitche | C|Ubuntu: the alternative cd or the server install cd not sure if the livecd does server installs anymore | 01:51 |
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C|Ubuntu | Meh. Its the 6.06 LiveCD | 01:52 |
C|Ubuntu | :S | 01:52 |
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jrs_ | btw xubuntu 6.10 rox | 01:52 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@85.detroit-06-08rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ironfroggy | jumassillia: i did not do that. it doesnt boot. therefore ubuntu doesnt have anything to do with it. | 01:52 |
Bobby_Easland | has anyone encountered / solved an interrupt or fault at EIP... ?? | 01:52 |
ironfroggy | it doesnt even get to the kernel. | 01:52 |
C|Ubuntu | I'm trying to avoid having to use up my last CD-R..but thanks anyways. | 01:52 |
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C|Ubuntu | ironfroggy: if it has nothing to do with ubuntu, why beg for help here? | 01:53 |
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jumassillia | ironfroggy Hum .. | 01:53 |
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bob4445 | hey, does anyone know how to get grub back. I installed a second windows so its xp, xp, ubuntu but it has overwritten grub so i cant bot ubuntu anyone know how to fix this?? | 01:53 |
kitche | !grub|bob4445 | 01:53 |
ubotu | bob4445: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 01:53 |
ironfroggy | C|Ubuntu: because its the result of the ubuntu install repeatedly failing to do its job,. | 01:53 |
michaelwilson | is there a way to install my nVidia drivers via synaptic package manager or add/remove programs? | 01:54 |
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michaelwilson | everything runs shitty now like the screensavers are really choppy and all the games are running at like 5 fps | 01:55 |
herrerausmc | hello everyone | 01:55 |
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alex_1234 | Is this the place for Ubuntu Help? | 01:56 |
michaelwilson | yes | 01:56 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: do you know much about grub beyond the usual? is there a way to get some kind of debug mode or extra verbosity at boot time? | 01:56 |
alex_1234 | Excellent | 01:56 |
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jrib | !nvidia > michaelwilson | 01:57 |
michaelwilson | !nvidia | 01:57 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:57 |
alex_1234 | I can't boot to the New Edgy Live CD.. I get some x server errors.. even in safe mode | 01:57 |
jrib | alex_1234: have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'? | 01:57 |
alex_1234 | how or where would i enter that? | 01:57 |
jumassillia | ironfroggy unfortunately i spent loads of time to fix it without luck i had to re-install | 01:57 |
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ironfroggy | alex_1234: a web browser. | 01:58 |
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ironfroggy | jumassillia: reinstalling is what caused this mess :-/ | 01:58 |
jrib | alex_1234: you should be able to press ctrl-alt-f1 and get to a terminal, do you know how to stop/restart X? | 01:58 |
alex_1234 | how cold i do it in a web browser is i can even log in | 01:58 |
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jrib | it's not in a web browser... | 01:58 |
jumassillia | ironfroggy was it only ubuntu or a dual boot ? | 01:58 |
C|Ubuntu | So you are to say that the 6.06 liveCD does not support any kind of text installation? | 01:58 |
ironfroggy | jumassillia: nothing else. one OS, one hdd, one partition. very simple setup. im completely positive its not a configuration issue. im doing something else wrong or there is something im missing that is very subtle. | 01:59 |
Bobby_Easland | 6.10 desktop live CD encounters an interrupt or fault at EIP [...] error | 01:59 |
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czedlitz | i have Edgy installed and i have onboard sound with an nforce2 chipset motherboard from Epox, the sound will only work with 1 app at a time, anyway to get it to play from all apps all the time? | 01:59 |
ironfroggy | alex_1234: from the terminal. | 02:00 |
alex_1234 | no | 02:00 |
alex_1234 | is the ctrl + Alt + backspace? | 02:00 |
ironfroggy | that restarts X | 02:00 |
jrib | alex_1234: ok, after you enter the command I gave you. Then do 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart' . You can't do ctrl-alt-backspace since you aren't in X | 02:00 |
ironfroggy | im gonna watch the simpsons and clear my head | 02:00 |
alex_1234 | cool | 02:01 |
alex_1234 | thanks | 02:01 |
kbird212 | ironfroggy: not sure that will do it | 02:01 |
alex_1234 | let u know if it works | 02:01 |
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alex_1234 | well if i come back that means is didn't | 02:01 |
alex_1234 | lol | 02:01 |
Mook | Any good digital sound card recommendations for Ubuntu? | 02:01 |
jrib | alex_1234: other things to check: ubuntu-desktop is installed. If you can't get it to work, you'll probably want to pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:01 |
Bobby_Easland | is it safe to assume nobody knows how to fix the interrupt or fault error that 6.10 live CD is generating? | 02:01 |
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czedlitz | Bobby_Easland, never hard one | 02:02 |
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C|Ubuntu | Bobby: try comparing md5 sums - make sure your CD is not corrupt | 02:02 |
jrib | Bobby_Easland: maybe safe to assume no one here atm knows, try the mailing list or forums | 02:02 |
Falstius | Bobby_Easland: you can use the text installer on the alternative ubuntu cd | 02:02 |
Bobby_Easland | checksum is good...memory test good | 02:02 |
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C|Ubuntu | CD error test? | 02:02 |
Bobby_Easland | alternate craps out with same error | 02:02 |
C|Ubuntu | hmm | 02:02 |
C|Ubuntu | really odd | 02:02 |
=== Tripped [n=michael@nc-71-0-176-9.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bobby_Easland | text installer on alternate CD no good | 02:03 |
klamsd | when will Ubuntu's package site be up again? | 02:03 |
Tripped | Every time I try to use symantic or Add/Remove programs, I get the error: | 02:03 |
Tripped | E: flumotion: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 02:03 |
Tripped | anyone know what this is? | 02:03 |
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hp_ | Can anyone help me with ubuntu | 02:05 |
czedlitz | i have Edgy installed and i have onboard sound with an nforce2 chipset motherboard from Epox, the sound will only work with 1 app at a time, anyway to get it to play from all apps all the time? | 02:05 |
Tripped | Anyone? | 02:05 |
jrib | Tripped: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/flumotion.postinst | 02:05 |
Tripped | Alright | 02:05 |
Tripped | In terminal? | 02:05 |
jrib | !helpme | hp_ | 02:05 |
ubotu | hp_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 02:05 |
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AlinuxOS | I'm trying to add beryl-manager in gnome-session-properties , but everytime i reboot the app won't start and if I look in gnome-session-properties " beryl-manager" isn't there anymore. | 02:05 |
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jrib | Tripped: pastebin 'apt-cache policy flumotion' as well please | 02:06 |
Tripped | It cannot pastebin | 02:06 |
AlinuxOS | even after gnome-session-save | 02:06 |
jrib | Tripped: what do you mean? | 02:06 |
=== Bobby_Easland [n=forums@richmond-bsr1-68-169-54-223.ironoh.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Tripped | It says "pastebin: command not founf | 02:07 |
Tripped | *found | 02:07 |
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jrib | !pastebin | Tripped | 02:07 |
ubotu | Tripped: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:07 |
jrib | Tripped: it's a website where you copy and paste stuff. Sorry, I tend to use it as a verb | 02:07 |
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hp_ | I have format and installed ubuntu in the computer but the sound dont work does anyone how to fix it | 02:08 |
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xj9000 | some dood helped me out with wpa earlier | 02:09 |
xj9000 | his advice was way cool | 02:09 |
xj9000 | and now I am connected to my access point | 02:09 |
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xj9000 | and I just wanted to give a shout out to him | 02:09 |
xj9000 | even though I can't remember his name | 02:09 |
xj9000 | I love the ubuntu community | 02:09 |
xj9000 | btw | 02:09 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C|Ubuntu | lol | 02:09 |
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Tripped | Alright | 02:10 |
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Tripped | I put them in] \ | 02:10 |
Tripped | *in | 02:10 |
jrib | Tripped: url to the post? | 02:10 |
Tripped | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32864/plain/ | 02:10 |
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=== C|Ubuntu is now known as DarkGrey | ||
hp_ | is it posible to get telephon support with the linux | 02:11 |
jrib | Tripped: you misunderstood, it's ok. You have to open /var/lib/dpkg/info/flumotion.postinst in a text editor, then copy and apste the contents for me to see. The second command, you have to run it in your terminal, then copy and paste the output for me to see | 02:11 |
Tripped | Oh, alright | 02:12 |
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hou5ton | occasionally, like this time, when I boot up this laptop with Edgy on it, the sound is non-functional. When I click on the volume control, I get the following message: " No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found." | 02:14 |
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=== ciphex is an idiot | ||
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dsb | hi | 02:14 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: sounds like a driver issue | 02:15 |
ciphex | as long as we have that out of the way... | 02:15 |
hou5ton | xj9000: usually it works | 02:15 |
Tripped | jrib: postinst file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32865/ | 02:15 |
hou5ton | xj9000: any suggestions | 02:15 |
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CheWaka | espaol | 02:15 |
CheWaka | Alguien habla espaol? | 02:15 |
dsb | what is the directory when logging into a vsftpd server? | 02:15 |
Tripped | You soy malo en espanol :( | 02:15 |
=== gennro [n=gennro@ip68-10-73-45.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CheWaka | :( Ok | 02:15 |
sethk | !es | 02:16 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 02:16 |
Tripped | *yo | 02:16 |
=== WMcL [n=wolfgang@p54A774E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BrianG | free the fish | 02:16 |
CheWaka | thks | 02:16 |
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hp_ | is it free support | 02:17 |
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xj9000 | on the sounds | 02:17 |
xj9000 | not sure | 02:17 |
xj9000 | but I am willing to work it out | 02:17 |
xj9000 | what's up | 02:17 |
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hentai_ | i need some help installing the artwiz fonts on edgy | 02:18 |
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xj9000 | hou5ton: like I don't get why it "occasionally" happens | 02:19 |
hou5ton | xj9000: well ... just that normally the sounds work fine ... but every .... say ... 7th time I boot up, they aren't there and I get that message. | 02:19 |
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hou5ton | xj9000: I don't eithyer | 02:19 |
JDStone | hentai_: do you look at hentai_? | 02:19 |
JDStone | hentai_: do you look at hentai? | 02:19 |
hou5ton | xj9000: and I could reboot now and they would probably work | 02:19 |
hentai_ | O_O | 02:19 |
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xj9000 | weird | 02:19 |
xj9000 | am googling right now | 02:19 |
hentai_ | do you browse atari forums by any chance? | 02:19 |
sizzam | hentai_: sudo apt-get install xfonts-artwiz | 02:19 |
jrib | Tripped: did you get a chance to post the second command? | 02:20 |
hentai_ | sizzam: that didn't work. | 02:20 |
hentai_ | i do xfontsel and the artwiz fonts don't show up. | 02:20 |
sizzam | hentai_: what happens | 02:20 |
hentai_ | it installs fine. | 02:20 |
xj9000 | what kind of sound card do you have | 02:20 |
hentai_ | JDStone: do you browse the atari forums? | 02:20 |
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JDStone | hentai_: no, why? | 02:21 |
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hentai_ | JDStone: because people kept saying that to me there. those exact words | 02:21 |
hp_ | dont now maybe is in the mother board | 02:21 |
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wikityler | Is it possible to install just kdialog, without installing KDE? | 02:21 |
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JDStone | hentai_: haha. I just had to ask that? | 02:21 |
hentai_ | sizzam: where do the artwiz fonts install to? | 02:21 |
JDStone | I have nothing against it | 02:21 |
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sizzam | hentai_: no clue, this one is officially over my head :-) | 02:22 |
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Tripped | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32868/ | 02:22 |
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hp_ | xj9000 dont now maybe is in the mother board | 02:23 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: run lspci | 02:23 |
hentai_ | sizzam: thanks anyway | 02:23 |
jrib | Tripped: k, 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' | 02:23 |
hp_ | ok | 02:23 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: what kind of audio controller do you have | 02:23 |
hou5ton | xj9000: Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50) | 02:23 |
Apollo | how can I place an installed program on the menu or desktop. I have vobcopy installed but I can't find it to use it? | 02:23 |
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jrib | Apollo: do you know how to run it from the command line? | 02:24 |
dsb | ok I found the directory for vsftpd, /home/ftp | 02:24 |
Tripped | jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32869/ | 02:24 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: mine shows: 0000:00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02) | 02:24 |
hp_ | i get this 0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corp. 440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX Host bridge (rev 03)0000:00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corp. 440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX AGP bridge (rev 03) | 02:24 |
hp_ | 0000:00:04.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ISA (rev 01) | 02:24 |
hp_ | 0000:00:04.1 IDE interface: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 IDE (rev 01) | 02:24 |
hp_ | 0000:00:04.2 USB Controller: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01) | 02:24 |
hp_ | 0000:00:04.3 Bridge: Intel Corp. 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 ACPI (rev 01) | 02:24 |
hp_ | 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Cirrus Logic GD 5465 [Laguna] (rev 03) | 02:24 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: and works fine | 02:24 |
hp_ | hp@ubuntu:~$ | 02:24 |
Apollo | jrib, no i don't isn't there a graphical interface? | 02:24 |
jrib | !paste | hp_ | 02:24 |
ubotu | hp_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:24 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: weird huh | 02:24 |
=== teddy [n=teddy@pool-72-71-182-161.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | Apollo: I have no idea | 02:25 |
xj9000 | hou5ton: both ac'97 | 02:25 |
jrib | Apollo: how did you install it? | 02:25 |
hou5ton | xj9000: yep .... I'll reboot now and it will probably start working .... brb | 02:25 |
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Apollo | it was in the repo's | 02:25 |
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pianoboy3333 | Anyone here know how to set up and use dansguardian? Is there a gui for it? Is it like norton parental controls...? What does squid have to do with it? | 02:25 |
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macogw | hey does anyone know how to get rid of "c compiler cannot create executables" error when doing ./configure on openvpn? | 02:26 |
jrib | Tripped: 'getent passwd flumotion', no need to pastebin, just say the result here | 02:26 |
=== ToHellWithGA [n=JudasLuc@d11-55.rt-bras.clm.centurytel.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jrib | macogw: install build-essential | 02:26 |
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Tripped | jrib: flumotion:x:109:115:Flumotion Streaming Server,,,:/var/run/flumotion:/usr/sbin/nologin | 02:27 |
macogw | i already have that | 02:27 |
jrib | Apollo: dpkg -L vobcopy | grep bin | 02:27 |
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jrib | macogw: what is the result of: apt-cache policy binutils | grep -i Installed | 02:27 |
Apollo | jrib ok thanks | 02:27 |
macogw | jrib: Installed: 2.17-1ubuntu1 | 02:27 |
jrib | macogw: weird, umm when do you get that error? | 02:28 |
herrerausmc | hello everyone | 02:28 |
macogw | jrib, the first error i got was that the openssl headers were missing, so i googled, and found this workaround | 02:28 |
herrerausmc | Can anyone help a complete n00b with wine | 02:28 |
macogw | ./configure --with-ssl-lib=/usr/local/ssl/lib/ --with-ssl-headers=/usr/local/ssl/include/ | 02:28 |
jrib | macogw: what are you compiling? | 02:29 |
macogw | open vpn | 02:29 |
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jrib | Apollo: that command should list commands you can run, then you can add one to your menu by right clicking on the ubuntu menu icon and adding a new launcher | 02:29 |
=== ToHellWithGA [n=JudasLuc@d11-55.rt-bras.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hectortroy | hi folks my isp assigns me a private address 10.x.x.x/24 is it possible to run my own nameservers with my registered domain? | 02:29 |
sethk | macogw, installing the headers isn't a workaround, it is just part of the normal installation sequence. | 02:29 |
ToHellWithGA | what command can i use to force regeneration of config files? | 02:29 |
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jrib | Tripped: sudo mkdir /var/run/flumotion | 02:30 |
hp_ | is it some ubuntu telephon support to use | 02:30 |
fryfrog | is there a proper "ubuntu" way of getting and installing cpan perm modules? or is cpan the way? | 02:30 |
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macogw | sethk, the headers are installed, it just couldnt find them, so i told it where it was (./configure is all you need if it is looking in the right place) | 02:30 |
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hp_ | some number to get support | 02:31 |
sethk | macogw, actually, ubuntu installs them in the wrong place, and the place configure was originally looking for them is correct. | 02:31 |
sethk | macogw, not that it makes an difference | 02:31 |
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macogw | sethk, oh well that's interesting | 02:31 |
hp_ | free support number | 02:32 |
jrib | hp_: does not exist | 02:32 |
fryfrog | hp_: yeah, sure... since you paid for it, there is a large staff of telephone support personel standing by :) | 02:32 |
herrerausmc | how do i add missing files, that wine needs | 02:32 |
kbird | hehe | 02:32 |
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kbird | 1-800-microsoft | 02:32 |
hentai_ | Every time I try to install xfonts-artwiz, it deletes /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc then complains that /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc does not exist or is not a directory x | 02:33 |
hentai_ | x_x | 02:33 |
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ToHellWithGA | herrerausmc: which files do you need? | 02:33 |
jrib | Tripped: did that work ok? | 02:33 |
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sethk | hentai_, create the directory | 02:33 |
hentai_ | i did | 02:34 |
hentai_ | it deletes it | 02:34 |
hp_ | fryfrog you mean ther is how match does it cost | 02:34 |
ToHellWithGA | to: anybody who remembers the apt-get command line option for forcing rebuilding of config files who feels like telling me. from: me. message: please do. | 02:34 |
hp_ | is it expensive | 02:34 |
sethk | hentai_, the install deletes the directory? that's very odd. | 02:34 |
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hentai_ | that's what it does... | 02:34 |
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fryfrog | hp_: honestly, i don't know if there is ubuntu telephone support. someone *probably* does it, but i imagine it is more expensive than any *user* would want to pay. Maybe it is oriented toward corporate customers, if one exists | 02:35 |
jrib | ToHellWithGA: you could just purge and then install again if no one knows | 02:35 |
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ToHellWithGA | jrib: it's gdm. i'd rather not | 02:35 |
hp_ | ok | 02:35 |
jrib | ToHellWithGA: why? | 02:35 |
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hp_ | is debian better than ubntu | 02:36 |
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ToHellWithGA | jrib: b/c i can't find the ubuntu-server and ubuntu-desktop packages | 02:36 |
ToHellWithGA | is it not possible to purge whole meta-packages? | 02:36 |
wikityler | In synapic, are the download speeds in Kilobits, or kilobytes? | 02:36 |
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Tripped | jrib: Yes, thank you. | 02:37 |
ablyss | should be bits | 02:37 |
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jrib | Tripped: your error went away with just that? I wasn't sure if you needed to dpkg --configure -a again | 02:37 |
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Tripped | No, I just tried installing something and no error happened | 02:37 |
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jrib | Tripped: ok, you should confirm it has proper ownership now, what does 'ls -ld /var/run/flumotion' say? | 02:38 |
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Tripped | drwxr-xr-x 6 flumotion flumotion 160 2006-11-19 20:31 /var/run/flumotion | 02:39 |
LjL | ToHellWithGA: it's perfectly possible, but you'll just purge the metapackage, not the dependent packages :) and i doubt you'd want to purge ubuntu-desktop anyway ;) | 02:39 |
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jrib | Tripped: great, you are good to go afaict. I encourage you to file a bug at bugs.ubuntu.com since that seems like a problem in the postinst script | 02:39 |
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herrerausmc | i keep getting the error when i try to install something using wine "no program start menu" what am i doing wrong? | 02:39 |
Tripped | Ok, thanks | 02:39 |
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ToHellWithGA | i'd played with a few too many things over the weeks that i used this machine in dapper and now after dist-upgrading to edgy, X and gdm fail to start. is there a good way to fix this without reinstalling? | 02:40 |
ugarit_ | anyone one had "Software index is broken" error in synaptic after upgrading from 6.06 to 6.1. The instructions to fix are: sudo apt-get install -f, but I get many errors which could be found here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32871/ | 02:41 |
ToHellWithGA | ugarit_: it's 6 point 10, year and month. | 02:41 |
ugarit_ | thanks | 02:42 |
ToHellWithGA | ugarit_: i'd recommend "sudo apt-get update" | 02:42 |
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ToHellWithGA | if the index is broken, perhaps updating the indices might help | 02:42 |
herrerausmc | anyone know how to fix the problem "no program start menu" with wine? | 02:42 |
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ugarit_ | ToHellWithGA does'nt help! | 02:42 |
ToHellWithGA | bummer! | 02:43 |
xj9000 | ToHellWithGa: I would try a: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver | 02:43 |
ToHellWithGA | thanks xj, will do | 02:43 |
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herrerausmc | can someone help me configure wine? | 02:43 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | ||
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=== Web-Kanotix152 [n=mag@cpe-72-230-186-128.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
xj9000 | yeah, what's up with wine | 02:44 |
ugarit_ | where are the pre-removal scripts located? | 02:44 |
herrerausmc | i got it installed | 02:44 |
xj9000 | okay, now hat | 02:44 |
xj9000 | what | 02:44 |
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jrib | ugarit_: /var/lib/dpkg/info/ | 02:44 |
ugarit_ | thanks | 02:44 |
xj9000 | herrerausmc, what do you need | 02:44 |
herrerausmc | but when i go to install something by right clicking and add it i get the error "no program start menu" | 02:44 |
xj9000 | herrerausmc: what are you trying to install | 02:45 |
herrerausmc | starcraft | 02:45 |
xj9000 | herrerausmc: let me tell you what I am thinking first of all | 02:45 |
xj9000 | 1) wine is beta-ware | 02:45 |
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xj9000 | 2) wine can make some progrs work | 02:45 |
ixian | is it possible to set an 'avatar' for your user(s)? i am using a custom gdm theme, and there is a little picture by my name... but i can't figure out how to change this | 02:46 |
xj9000 | 3) not all | 02:46 |
xj9000 | 4) you may be able to get it to work | 02:46 |
xj9000 | but you gotta work hard | 02:46 |
xj9000 | the other thing is, I gotta google | 02:46 |
xj9000 | just sec | 02:46 |
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ixian | just search for something like wine +starcraft on google | 02:46 |
ixian | you'll probably find something | 02:47 |
ToHellWithGA | herrerausmc: to expand on xj's musings on wine: it is a working win32 api but does not necessarily have the patchy stack of activex and drivers necessary for some programs that full-blown windows provides | 02:48 |
herrerausmc | k ill search it | 02:48 |
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ToHellWithGA | herrerausmc: if you run it from a console, you may get useful output that will help your googling | 02:48 |
xj9000 | what the crap | 02:49 |
ToHellWithGA | !ohmy | 02:49 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:49 |
xj9000 | I am trying to come up with a name for wine games | 02:49 |
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xj9000 | wine office is cross over office | 02:49 |
xj9000 | what did wine for games name it self | 02:49 |
ToHellWithGA | cedega | 02:49 |
xj9000 | there ya go | 02:49 |
ToHellWithGA | <3 teamwork | 02:49 |
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Alethes | !ohmy said "ToHellWithGA"? hehe | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ohmy said "ToHellWithGA"? hehe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
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K1765 | How do I connect my linux pc to a windows network? | 02:51 |
nixternal | K1765: sudo apt-get install samba | 02:51 |
postangcslv | K1765: Samba | 02:51 |
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gnomefreak | esaym: is there a reason you pinged me? | 02:51 |
sully86 | anyone know how i can get my friends' screen on vnc, we are both behind routers | 02:51 |
sully86 | ? | 02:51 |
ablyss | smb4k is a good kde proggy for networking | 02:51 |
nixternal | then change /etc/samba/smb.conf NETWORK = Your Network | 02:51 |
mitch__ | Will anyone here be buying windows vista? | 02:51 |
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synchk | ATTENTION ALL FREENODE FLIERS: This is a special NOTICE: The secret channel ##ASB-nexus has been uncovered. This is the channel where admins meet. Please join. | 02:51 |
ablyss | i think i spelled it wrong.. sm4k or smb4k | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | synchk: lose the caps and bring it to #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:52 |
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ToHellWithGA | sully86: you'll want to open the proper ports for VNC in your routers' configurations | 02:52 |
esaym | yea just checking stuff | 02:52 |
ToHellWithGA | sully86: the manuals for most routers are available online, and the VNC configuration should specify which port(s) you use | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | esaym: no need to ping me with anything thats a good way to get banned | 02:52 |
gnomefreak | mitch__: join #ubuntu-offtopic and ask. | 02:53 |
synchk | hi gnomefreak | 02:53 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ugarit_ | ok I solved the problem here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32871/ by editing each prerm script to return exit 0 | 02:53 |
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gnomefreak | LjL: ? | 02:54 |
hou5ton | xj9000: by the way ..... i shut down the laptop, started it, and the sound works now | 02:54 |
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xj9000 | hou5ton: weird huh | 02:55 |
xj9000 | I wonder whats up | 02:55 |
CorpseFeeder | i got printer problems. | 02:55 |
sully86 | TOHELLWITHGA: I know how to open the ports and that part but i dont know how to connect through the vnc after that what to type in the address part? | 02:56 |
hou5ton | don't know ... :-) .... it's just a cheap eMachine .... maybe that's the problem. :-) | 02:56 |
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ToHellWithGA | sully86: you should setup a dynamic dns alias. http://www.dyndns.org has options | 02:56 |
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CorpseFeeder | the IP address of the computer with the printer connected has changed.. now I can't change the IP address in printer settings to match the new address | 02:56 |
ToHellWithGA | by setting an alias, you can have something like sully86.dyndns.org and not have to know the IP address | 02:56 |
DarkGrey | sully86: You could use your dynamic/static IP as well | 02:56 |
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K1765 | Where in samba do I change Network = i dont see it in conf | 02:57 |
sully86 | tohellwithga: is it required to do that cuz i might have trouble setting that up on unix | 02:57 |
macogw | so, nobody has any idea why, even with build-essential installed, it says c compiler cannot create executables? | 02:57 |
ToHellWithGA | sully86: there's a package for ubuntu that updates dyndns called "ddclient" | 02:57 |
gnomefreak | macogw: what version of build-essential | 02:57 |
macogw | the most recent in the repos | 02:58 |
ToHellWithGA | if you make an account using dyndns' website, make an alias on that site, and run ddclient as a service it should work | 02:58 |
sully86 | tohellwithga: oh really cool | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | macogw: apt-cache policy build-essential | 02:58 |
gnomefreak | macogw: what version is installed | 02:58 |
sully86 | tohellwithga: so then that person would just addme as that address and it would work? | 02:58 |
CorpseFeeder | if I change the printer's IP address in the printer settings, that just creates a new printer. and when I remove the old printer with the wrong IP address, the new one deletes instead and the old one with the wrong IP address takes its place. I am stuck and need to print. Somebody save me. | 02:58 |
Flats | Ok I have a problem, when I try to compile kvirc I get an error message. When i llok at the config.log, this seems to be the error, Would someone mind taking a look? Linux noob here... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32875/ | 02:59 |
macogw | gnomefreak: 11.3 | 02:59 |
gnomefreak | macogw: what is the exact error and what are you trying to do | 02:59 |
esaym | well i didnt know that. i just thought pinging was the same in irc as it is else where. i was just checking network stuff | 03:00 |
CorpseFeeder | it won't even let me remove the old printer when it is the only printer available. What do I do? | 03:00 |
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esaym | gnomefreak | 03:00 |
macogw | gnomefreak, i'm trying to build openvpn from source, and the error is "C compiler cannot create executables" | 03:00 |
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Flats | macogw: same error I'm getting with kvirc | 03:00 |
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CorpseFeeder | uh.. it just changed it's mind and decided to let me delete the old printer after all. Crisis averted. | 03:00 |
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gnomefreak | macogw: this is during ./configure? | 03:01 |
nicK` | ugh, anyone know a program to get the text from '**********', like.. if it was a password? | 03:01 |
macogw | gnomefreak: yes, ./configure --with-ssl-lib=/usr/local/ssl/lib/ --with-ssl-headers=/usr/local/ssl/include/ | 03:01 |
ugarit_ | so why is 6.10 faster than 6.06? | 03:01 |
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bluefox83 | ok, my friend is trying to install ubuntu dapper on his crappy pc, and it keeps getting stuck installing the tango icon theme, and then freezes..i need help getting him past that.. | 03:01 |
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macogw | gnomefreak: the extra is because ssl headers are located somewhere other than where most distros put them | 03:01 |
mister_roboto | ugarit_: they compiled it with the fast flag turned on | 03:02 |
gnomefreak | macogw: better yet pastebin the output of ./configure. --with-ssl-lib and --with-ssl-headers doesnt work? | 03:02 |
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ugarit_ | are you kidding :-) | 03:02 |
Flats | macogw: yep try cat config. and see whats bombing | 03:02 |
mister_roboto | ugarit_: that's just a joke :) | 03:02 |
Flats | err config.log | 03:02 |
Flats | cat config.log macogw | 03:02 |
DarkGrey | ugarit_: Various fixes and better managment | 03:02 |
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gnomefreak | well that answers that. but it should work without paths. everything ive built works without the paths | 03:03 |
nicK` | does anybody know a program that can get the text out of a password that has astarisks? (***) | 03:03 |
Flats | nick: not for linux | 03:03 |
nicK` | Flats: wine ftw? | 03:03 |
macogw | where's the pastebin? | 03:03 |
lastnode | !pastebin | 03:03 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:03 |
ugarit_ | so after multiple updates I have about 8 kernels, is it safe to delete all but the last? | 03:03 |
gnomefreak | macogw: the error is most likely not due to gcc but something with the ./configure options | 03:03 |
lastnode | ugarit_, id keep about 2 or 3, just to be safe | 03:04 |
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gnomefreak | !pastebin | macogw | 03:04 |
ubotu | macogw: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:04 |
snowshoefox | !kernel | 03:04 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 03:04 |
Flats | damn can't figure out ftw? sorry | 03:04 |
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mitch__ | Is there a program on Ubuntu I can use to purchase music similar to the iTunes store? Besides the amaroK music store? | 03:04 |
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nicK` | Flats: for the win | 03:04 |
macogw | !pastebin | configure:2670: checking for C compiler default output file name | 03:04 |
macogw | configure:2673: gcc -I/usr/local/ssl/include/ -I. -lkrb5 -L/usr/local/ssl/lib/ conftest.c >&5 | 03:04 |
macogw | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkrb5 | 03:04 |
macogw | collect2: ld returned 1 exit status | 03:04 |
macogw | configure:2676: $? = 1 | 03:04 |
ubotu | configure:2670: checking for C compiler default output file name: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:04 |
Flats | there ya go | 03:04 |
macogw | configure: failed program was: | 03:04 |
macogw | | /* confdefs.h. */ | 03:04 |
macogw | | | 03:04 |
nicK` | as in, just link me to a windows one and i'll use wine? | 03:04 |
macogw | | #define PACKAGE_NAME "OpenVPN" | 03:04 |
macogw | | #define PACKAGE_TARNAME "openvpn" | 03:04 |
ixian | LOL | 03:04 |
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macogw | | #define PACKAGE_VERSION "2.0.9" | 03:04 |
lastnode | oh noes | 03:04 |
macogw | | #define PACKAGE_STRING "OpenVPN 2.0.9" | 03:04 |
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macogw | | #define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "openvpn-users@lists.sourceforge.net" | 03:04 |
macogw | | #define IFCONFIG_PATH "/sbin/ifconfig" | 03:04 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak | ||
Flats | for windows there are many ****** to real text password programs | 03:04 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Flats | Ok I have a problem, when I try to compile kvirc I get an error message. When i llok at the config.log, this seems to be the error, Would someone mind taking a look? Linux noob here... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32875/ | 03:05 |
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lastnode | gnomefreak, another reason we need Upstream _soon_.. ;-) wanna check out the latest trunk? :-) | 03:05 |
macogw | | main () | 03:05 |
macogw | | { | 03:05 |
macogw | | | 03:05 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
macogw | | ; | 03:05 |
nicK` | rofl | 03:05 |
gnomefreak | lastnode: cant right now | 03:05 |
macogw | | return 0; | 03:05 |
ixian | lol | 03:05 |
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nicK` | ROFL ON HIM | 03:05 |
lastnode | gnomefreak, i meant whenever :-) | 03:05 |
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Flats | hehehe | 03:05 |
=== webhed [n=john@c-68-42-164-90.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Flats | poor gnome | 03:05 |
gnomefreak | lastnode: yeah | 03:05 |
Flats | err macogw | 03:06 |
snowshoefox | any other wikis for building kernel for ubuntu? | 03:06 |
snowshoefox | i have mine all built, but need some help debugging | 03:06 |
lastnode | snowshoefox, that's probably the best | 03:06 |
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lastnode | the link you got | 03:06 |
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snowshoefox | hmm ok | 03:06 |
webhed | Anyone know if a simple way I could have aMule start automatically whenever the computer is idle? Like a screensaver? | 03:06 |
webhed | know if = know OF | 03:06 |
=== openix_ [n=theballz@60-234-247-77.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | !info loadwatch | webhed | 03:07 |
ubotu | loadwatch: Run a program using only idle cycles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0+1.1alpha1-5 (edgy), package size 11 kB, installed size 80 kB | 03:07 |
webhed | LjL: thanks | 03:07 |
webhed | can I just install loadwatch via add remove or via synaptic? | 03:08 |
webhed | apt-get is doing it | 03:08 |
LjL | webhed: synaptic, apt-get or whatever you prefer. it's a package, there are many ways to install packages | 03:09 |
webhed | I got it | 03:09 |
webhed | I just apt-got it | 03:09 |
Flats | Anyone here KVirc to work on Edgy | 03:09 |
Flats | compile I mean? | 03:09 |
tonyyarusso | What do you have to do to get a system to recognize new PCI cards you just put in? | 03:09 |
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lastnode | tonyyarusso, reboot, so it's picked up at startup? | 03:10 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Tried that | 03:10 |
webhed | LjL: does it add a shortcut into the menu somewhere? | 03:10 |
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lastnode | tonyyarusso, lspci lists them? | 03:10 |
LjL | webhed: i think it's a console-only program | 03:10 |
webhed | ok | 03:10 |
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webhed | looks that way | 03:10 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Yep | 03:11 |
klamsd | How do I make ubuntu stop asking for password everytime I install? | 03:11 |
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lastnode | tonyyarusso, so what do you mean "work" then? what is the card? | 03:11 |
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jerp | klamsd, like an auto login? | 03:11 |
herrerausmc | im about to install starcraft on wine but dont know where to install it to? | 03:12 |
herrerausmc | can someone help me out | 03:12 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Two are ethernet cards, one's a modem. I'm not really worrying about the modem yet - just the others. I'm hoping they'll show up in ifconfig | 03:12 |
herrerausmc | do i put it on the windows part of wine or what? | 03:12 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, they don't. | 03:12 |
jerp | klamsd, I think it's somewheres in your system settings | 03:12 |
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klamsd | jerp > Yes I guess so | 03:12 |
drbreen | herrerausmc just try ? | 03:12 |
klamsd | Ok thanks | 03:12 |
lastnode | herrerausmc, typically install it to program files inside wine. that's what i do. | 03:12 |
Aji-Dahaka | so, is there a supported way to migrate from amd64 to i386? | 03:12 |
herrerausmc | thanks last | 03:12 |
herrerausmc | freggin happy now | 03:13 |
lastnode | herrerausmc, enjoy! | 03:13 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: no | 03:13 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Was that a question or a statement? | 03:13 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, migrate what? did you change processors? | 03:13 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, sorry, i thought there was a ? at the end. do they? | 03:13 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: No | 03:13 |
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Aji-Dahaka | lastnode yup | 03:13 |
jerp | klamsd, system/admin/login window | 03:13 |
Keelo | i know this is offtopic but, can you mix RDRAM brands? | 03:13 |
Keelo | just like this: [NEC] [NEC] - [Samsung] [Samsung] | 03:13 |
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herrerausmc | stuff like this makes me love linux | 03:13 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, google for the cards and drivers? look at the Ubuntu hardware compatability list? | 03:14 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@] by LjL | ||
jerp | find a tab that will ahve it there for you, I think it's the third one (right to left) | 03:14 |
Aji-Dahaka | hmm...so I'll have to reinstall an x86 and then copy the home directories over, huh? | 03:14 |
Aji-Dahaka | *growl* | 03:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, so what do you want to migrate? why not just copy your system settings over? your programs im, afraid, will not migrate | 03:14 |
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lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, basically, yes. because of the different way they would have been compiled. | 03:15 |
Enforcer | hi | 03:15 |
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jerp | klamsd, I was wrong it;s the fourth one under security tab | 03:15 |
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lastnode | howdy Enforcer | 03:15 |
mcr | can someone tell me which dpkg has "resize" in it? | 03:15 |
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Aji-Dahaka | lastnode yeah, I was kind of hoping that switching architectures in some-or-other file and an apt-get incantation could force all of the packages to reinstall but in 32-bit versions | 03:15 |
macogw | gnomefreak, here's the pastebin (cuz pricechild just showed how) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32877/ | 03:15 |
Enforcer | i have a little general understanding problem i hope you can help me a little | 03:15 |
ReporterX | hi all! | 03:15 |
=== Arigato [n=William@S0106001731d55e7d.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | mcr: "dpkg -S /usr/bin/resize" | 03:16 |
Enforcer | im running edgy here | 03:16 |
ReporterX | i would like to disable the anti-aliasing efect on gtk fonts. I can i do it ? | 03:16 |
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Arigato | what is the /opt/ fold for? | 03:16 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, that's a thought actually, we shoul ddo more research | 03:16 |
herrerausmc | ok, now i installed startcraft and BW and i got to run it, it says that the CD is no cd inserted | 03:16 |
herrerausmc | what now?? | 03:16 |
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lastnode | herrerausmc, er, wine needs to find your cd drive | 03:16 |
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Enforcer | ~# file /lib/libc-2.4.so | 03:16 |
lastnode | herrerausmc, can i /query you? | 03:16 |
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lastnode | herrerausmc, (pm)? | 03:16 |
Enforcer | - /lib/libc-2.4.so: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, stripped | 03:16 |
herrerausmc | ya | 03:16 |
=== DarkChaos [n=derek@ppp-69-218-76-48.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Enforcer | does that mean the lib only works on 2.6 kernel verions ? | 03:17 |
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Enforcer | versions | 03:17 |
mcphail | ReporterX: System Preferences Font and switch it off | 03:17 |
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aji-Dahaka | I would be a bit surprised to have no way to do it in kubuntu as it was fairly trivial in freebsd to do this | 03:17 |
ReporterX | mcphail: thanks | 03:17 |
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Aji-Dahaka | but mcphail said there was no way ... wonder what makes it so difficult | 03:17 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: They release source code even. One of the two is listed as working on the wiki; the other isn't mentioned. | 03:18 |
mcr | LjL: if you don't have the package installed, it won't tell you what package to install. | 03:18 |
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ReporterX | mcphail: It's possible to disable anti-aliasing on gtk apps under kubunut ? | 03:18 |
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LjL | mcr: indeed, but i think xterm is usually installed by default | 03:18 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, hmmm i have no idea why they don't show up. see if a package (firmware etc) needs to be insatlled | 03:18 |
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slavik | Aji-Dahaka: what are we talking about? | 03:19 |
LjL | !apt-file > mcr | 03:19 |
mcphail | ReporterX: no idea about GTK apps under KDE I'm afraid. KDE has it's own fonts dialog somewhere | 03:19 |
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ReporterX | mcphail: ok... thanks | 03:19 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: I'll poke around. btw, dmesg has lines for each of them, giving designators of eth1 and eth2, and MAC addresses | 03:19 |
Aji-Dahaka | slavik I have an amd64 OS installed and want to migrate to an x86 OS in-place (I'm out of spare disks) | 03:19 |
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lastnode | tonyyarusso, that's really weird. so ifconfig shows _nothing_ ? | 03:20 |
jamesbrink | does anyone here know what this means, im trying to compile a driver | 03:20 |
jamesbrink | and i get this dumb error | 03:20 |
Imel_20 | .hiiii | 03:20 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Yeah. Poking the ifconfig man page now just in case | 03:20 |
jamesbrink | make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-amd64-generic/build: No such file or directory. Stop | 03:20 |
slavik | Aji-Dahaka: do you have lots of customized stuff yet? (configs, personal files, etc) | 03:20 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, cool | 03:20 |
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Aji-Dahaka | slavik a bit, yeah | 03:21 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, we were discussing this a while back, and someone in #-offtopic suggested a fix. generating a list of installed apps etc. i forget how he did it though. | 03:21 |
Aji-Dahaka | maybe only 30GB or so of home directories and a few hundred custom config files | 03:21 |
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slavik | dpkg -l | 03:21 |
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slavik | that gives a list of installed stuff | 03:22 |
ANaRcHiC-nix | i need help setting up the java runtime environment, can someone help plz? | 03:22 |
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lastnode | ANaRcHiC-nix, what do you need? | 03:22 |
slavik | !java | 03:22 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 03:22 |
Enforcer | anybody have an idea what to do about my problem ? the main problem is with LD_ASSUME_KERNEL="2.4.1" all kind of problems cant find there libs anymore | 03:22 |
Aji-Dahaka | slavik alright, should I save that to a file somewhere? | 03:22 |
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tonyyarusso | lastnode: Hey now, magical -a switch | 03:22 |
slavik | Aji-Dahaka: dpkg -l output? | 03:22 |
Aji-Dahaka | yup | 03:22 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, id do dpkg -l > installed_apps | 03:23 |
slavik | well, that isn't of much use ... | 03:23 |
ANaRcHiC-nix | lastnode: i installed the JRE from the sun website and i have it working in firefox but i would like mt programs to use the sun jre too | 03:23 |
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Enforcer | isnt there a package on edgy for 2.4 kernel libc ? so i can have them put in ld config ? | 03:23 |
slavik | you want to reinstall them, don't you? (after formatting) | 03:23 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, i was just gonna suggest that, actually :-) so the cards are there? | 03:23 |
Aji-Dahaka | formatting is exactly the problem | 03:23 |
slavik | hold on | 03:23 |
tonyyarusso | lastnode: Looks good - going to try bring one up | 03:23 |
Aji-Dahaka | the installed program list isn't even all that important to me... | 03:23 |
lastnode | tonyyarusso, good luck :-) | 03:23 |
Aji-Dahaka | I can reinstall apps as I need them | 03:24 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, then you just need /home and what configs, exactly? | 03:24 |
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Aji-Dahaka | lastnode yeah, that's roughly the issue | 03:24 |
Aji-Dahaka | lastnode but I don't have spare room to hold the stuff | 03:24 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, what configs, exactly? | 03:24 |
lastnode | Aji-Dahaka, burn to multiple DVDs | 03:24 |
slavik | locate *.conf > config_files | 03:24 |
slavik | what about resizing the partitions? | 03:25 |
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Aji-Dahaka | lastnode ideally /etc/passwd, and the /etc/X11 and the global kde configs and ... | 03:25 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: external drives are cheap these days | 03:25 |
Aji-Dahaka | slavik no non-full partitions (only 2 partitions total) | 03:25 |
Aji-Dahaka | mcphail but is it that hard of an operation to do an in-place upgrade? | 03:25 |
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slavik | Aji-Dahaka: how much space on each? | 03:25 |
diamondjoe | anybody ably to help a newb with a driver problem? | 03:25 |
Aji-Dahaka | I really don't see why it should be hard for an OS to use | 03:25 |
RedKrieg | Hi all, I'm trying to get swat running for samba setup, but it doesn't seem to start and fails silently. Anyone know where I should go to find xinetd logs? I'm following this tutorial: http://jonpeck.blogspot.com/2006/11/how-to-configure-80-fileserver-in-45.html | 03:25 |
lastnode | diamondjoe, ask and we'll see | 03:26 |
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Aji-Dahaka | slavik about 2GB on one and 8GB free on the one that I have ubuntu installed on | 03:26 |
slavik | mcphail: if hard drive space is cheap, then why doesn't everyone have a petabyte or so of storage? | 03:26 |
diamondjoe | I have a 6 year old dell laptop | 03:26 |
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diamondjoe | i'm trying to load the drivers for a belkin 54g wireless card | 03:26 |
slavik | Aji-Dahaka: hmm ... how much data do you need to back up? | 03:26 |
diamondjoe | keep getting syntax errors in terminal | 03:26 |
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mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: the 64 bit OS is different on every level. There is no supported way to change to the 32 bit OS | 03:27 |
Aji-Dahaka | slavik about 30GB | 03:27 |
gu014 | hello, when i try to do a /etc/init.d/apache2 restart i receive this error message: apache2: Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName any suggestions? | 03:27 |
tim167 | I have no sound in flash movies in Firefox, how can I fix this? | 03:27 |
diamondjoe | the forums i have tried suggest rt2500.inf as the right driver | 03:27 |
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lastnode | diamondjoe, what errors, pastebin them | 03:27 |
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spydervs2 | could somebody help me | 03:28 |
postangcslv | tim167: upgrade to the flash 9 beta | 03:28 |
spydervs2 | ??? | 03:28 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: and, to be honest, if you are going to try such a thing without backing up your data first you are going to regret it | 03:28 |
diamondjoe | sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 03:28 |
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dwango | spydervs2, not if you don't ask a question | 03:29 |
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spydervs2 | kk, I'm unable to install any program | 03:29 |
tim167 | postangcslv: i'll have a look | 03:29 |
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rc-1 | java applets arnt resizing (the window does, but not whats inside it) how to fix>? | 03:29 |
jvolkman-h | spydervs2, how are you trying to install programs? | 03:30 |
Aji-Dahaka | mcphail I still don't see why it should be a difficult or (even more importantly) dangerous operation. should simply remove all of the packages installed and install all new versions | 03:30 |
bluefox83 | ok, my friend is instaling ubuntu dapper alternate, and the cd boots and he comes up to a menu of items, what do i tell him to pick to go into the ubuntu installer? i don't remember any options | 03:30 |
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Aji-Dahaka | maybe I'm missing some big complexity specific to ubuntu, but it really was safe and trivial for freebsd | 03:30 |
RedKrieg | bluefox83: it should be the first option, "Install to hard disk" if memory serves | 03:30 |
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bingnet922 | Hi channel! First question of the day: I am trying to connect to ubuntu running samba under user level security. I can see guest OK shares, but I can't access [homes] . In WinXP and Win2k the authentication dialog simply reappears with no error. Clues? | 03:30 |
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jayHat | How do I kill the fish 'free the fish'? | 03:31 |
swsrush | bingnet: did you add the users with smbpasswd? | 03:31 |
RedKrieg | jayHat: restart gnome panel | 03:31 |
jvolkman-h | jayHat, killall gnome-panel | 03:31 |
bluefox83 | RedKrieg, it Install in text mode, Install in OEM mode, install a server, check CD integrity, rescue a broken system, memory test, boot from first HD and under all that a bunch of function options... | 03:31 |
buzzed | hi | 03:31 |
RedKrieg | bluefox83: oh, text mode | 03:32 |
jayHat | Thank you RedKrieg and jvolkman-h | 03:32 |
buzzed | what is this... Xirlink Webcam Linux Driver | 03:32 |
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AG28 | If ubuntu is loaded on the second partition of a S-ATA drive, where should Grub be installed. XP is in partition 1. (HD0 keeps failing). | 03:32 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: well, for a start dpkg/apt have the architecture "hard wired" at compile time and will always try to use the 64bit packages. If you get over that one, it is only the first of your worries | 03:32 |
lastnode | AG28, grub should be installed to your MBR? | 03:32 |
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buzzed | actually i am trying to get the webcam to work | 03:32 |
bluefox83 | RedKrieg, the kernel modules on the disk are bad..can i switch him to a terminal to apt-get install a newer kernel and modules? | 03:32 |
AG28 | I agree, but how does one do this from the v6.10 installer? | 03:32 |
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Aji-Dahaka | so if I could install a 32-bit dpkg and then dpkg -i a 32-bit apt ... it would want to grab 32-bit binaries automagically, mcphail ? | 03:33 |
sn0n | firefox bug needs attn!! ;-) | 03:33 |
grout | in term all the m's are stuck to other letters, anyone know how to fix this? | 03:33 |
buzzed | /dev/.static/dev/video0 | 03:33 |
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RedKrieg | bluefox83: off of the alternate install cd, that might be a bit rough. it's not designed to get you a working live command line interface to my knowledge | 03:34 |
spydervs2 | jvolkman-h, lets do a private convo, it'll be easier | 03:34 |
joevandyk | Is there a way to clear out the test database after every test? | 03:34 |
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slavik | Aji-Dahaka: here's a bad idea ... change the repos to the 32bit ones and then apt-get distupgrade ... | 03:34 |
RedKrieg | bluefox83: if he can boot to the regular install disk he could do it from a terminal | 03:34 |
slavik | Aji-Dahaka: I would not try the above | 03:34 |
zaehlas | I'm trying to work with Wine, and although I can install apps, I can't seem to run them, I get no errors, they just start to show up, then quietly disappear. | 03:34 |
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slavik | zaehlas: run them from terminal ... there might be errors | 03:34 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: maybe, but I doubt it :) Version numbering would be the same between the two architectures, so unlikely to update. You'd end up with a mess of 32 and 64 bit apps, each eaxpecting different word sizes etc | 03:35 |
bluefox83 | RedKrieg, he can't, for some reason the drive wont read the image | 03:35 |
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Aji-Dahaka | mcphail there's a flag to force reinstalling of all packages, right? | 03:35 |
moua | hi | 03:35 |
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zaehlas | slavik: I have, no messages followin. I get a flashing cursor, and the Wine application appears on my bar, then it disappears, but no messages in the terminal itself at all | 03:35 |
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mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: no idea | 03:35 |
Rounin | Hello... Does anyone know whether it's currently possible to get 802.1x authentication for Ethernet connections during installation of Ubuntu? | 03:35 |
Rounin | The same used for wireless | 03:35 |
Aji-Dahaka | seems like if I debootstrap to root, and then issue a command to the new 32-bit app to reinstall everything ... | 03:36 |
moua | i have a new macbook pro core 2 duo, which version should i use ? x86 or 64 ? | 03:36 |
slavik | zaehlas: WINEDEBUG="all" wine windowsapp.exe | 03:36 |
RedKrieg | bluefox83: unless he can boot to single user mode off of the hard disk under a different (older) kernel, not much I can think of | 03:36 |
slavik | moua: I suggest 32bit because of flash and such | 03:36 |
zaehlas | slavik OK, let me try that. | 03:36 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: your data cannot be very valuable to you | 03:36 |
slavik | moua: you can use 64bit though | 03:37 |
Aji-Dahaka | why would this endanger my data? | 03:37 |
bluefox83 | RedKrieg, grub was installed fine, but it didn't install the kernel or it's modules right.. | 03:37 |
bz029 | whats the best FLash player i can use with Edgy on PPC | 03:37 |
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grout | anyway to set fonts to default? | 03:37 |
Aji-Dahaka | I don't see this rewriting /home (my most valuable data) | 03:37 |
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bluefox83 | and it keeps freezing his system during installation | 03:37 |
Aji-Dahaka | and there will be no reformat so the filesystem should stay consistent | 03:37 |
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mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: for a start, you are changing kernel architecture via an unsupported route. Can you say that your filesystem drivers will remain consistent throughout that process? | 03:38 |
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Aji-Dahaka | well, the in-memory kernel will be consistent and the on-disk version should be written consistently so when I reboot it should be consistent | 03:38 |
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Aji-Dahaka | it's not as if I'm rewriting my current filesystem drivers during runtime | 03:38 |
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bluefox83 | does the alternate cd have a shell in it that i could boot into? | 03:39 |
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RedKrieg | bluefox83: not that I know of, sorry | 03:39 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: you make rather brave assumptions :) | 03:39 |
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bluefox83 | what does the Rescue broken installation do? | 03:39 |
moua | thanks slavik | 03:39 |
slavik | moua: np | 03:39 |
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moua | except flash, what's problems with 64bits version ? | 03:40 |
slavik | moua: 64bit is fine, but there are troubles with multimedia stuff ... I believe you can chroot to 32bit for those things | 03:40 |
zaehlas | slavik OK, I ran that command using one of the apps I had installed earlier, I specified winedebug="all", does that save the debug information in a file? Wine did not attempt to load the app, nor did I see a new file appear in my home directory, or should I look elsewhere for debug info? | 03:40 |
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slavik | moua: used to be OO but that is fixed | 03:40 |
Motorhead | weird... my list of ppl only shows 2 ppl | 03:40 |
slavik | zaehlas: all the stuff should be printed to screen | 03:40 |
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Aji-Dahaka | mcphail does it help that I'm a kernel dev by day and that my questions regarding this operation are solely inquiries into how ubuntu's package system will accomodate this safe and possible operation? | 03:41 |
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zaehlas | slavik: I got a terminal prompt. I guess I blew it on the wine install? and it's not really working at all? | 03:41 |
nuts` | whats the package for flash player for firefox? | 03:41 |
zaehlas | slavik: no information following the command at all | 03:41 |
rjent_ | could someone tell my why serpentine is looking for /dev/sg0 when my dvd-burner is on /dev/sg1 ? Thx | 03:41 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: it doesn't help at all. If you were a kernel dev _and_ a dpkg guru then it might... | 03:41 |
Aji-Dahaka | that's why I'm asking the dpkg gurus ;) | 03:42 |
Motorhead | help | 03:42 |
slavik | zaehlas: is this all using the same windows app? | 03:42 |
Motorhead | not help lol | 03:42 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: :) | 03:42 |
Aji-Dahaka | but I am quite sure that the filesystem will remain consistent the entire run | 03:42 |
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Varanger | hello | 03:42 |
Motorhead | i am just checking commands so don't pay attention to me | 03:42 |
mcphail | Aji-Dahaka: if you can manage to do this safely, a howto would be nice... | 03:42 |
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slavik | !ru | 03:42 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 03:42 |
Motorhead | omg | 03:42 |
slavik | ooh, not good ... | 03:43 |
zaehlas | slavik: yep. I've only tried to install one app, as a test app. Exact lines I'm using are wine "C:\Program Files\Yahoo! Games\Bejeweled 2 Deluxe\WinBej2.exe" or the debug line you gave me winedebug="all" wine "C:\Program Files\Yahoo! Games\Bejeweled 2 Deluxe\WinBej2.exe" | 03:43 |
Motorhead | indeed | 03:43 |
cmweb | Can some one tell me how to open my repositories | 03:43 |
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cmweb | i waant to edit the list | 03:43 |
Varanger | I have installed Dosbox, does anyone know how to make audio work??? | 03:43 |
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LjL | cmweb: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:43 |
jerp | sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:43 |
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monokrome | yo | 03:44 |
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zaehlas | 'sup | 03:44 |
monokrome | Chillin. | 03:44 |
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monokrome | Tryin' to fix my cam. | 03:44 |
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Aji-Dahaka | well that wasn't nearly as helpful as I was hoping :p but here goes nothin' | 03:45 |
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Trainstroker | how do i use a wireless card w. dapper? | 03:45 |
Motorhead | guys, does anyone know a program like kate but for gnome???? (i know gedit, but i want one with integrated terminal, emacs maybe?)???? | 03:46 |
Aji-Dahaka | Motorhead could always just use kate | 03:46 |
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Aji-Dahaka | or emacs | 03:46 |
Aji-Dahaka | or vim with the terminal addition | 03:46 |
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Motorhead | kate crashes :/ | 03:46 |
Motorhead | so emacs i guess | 03:46 |
Aji-Dahaka | that's not great | 03:46 |
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Motorhead | would it be recomendable to reinstall kate? | 03:47 |
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Aji-Dahaka | Motorhead wouldn't hurt anything, fo sho | 03:48 |
Motorhead | ok, ill try it, thnx | 03:48 |
cmweb | Warning to all. The update to 6.10 made me crash. Use at your own risk | 03:48 |
Motorhead | lol | 03:49 |
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Aji-Dahaka | heh | 03:49 |
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slavik | something crashed ... | 03:49 |
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worldjam | is there a way to get windows fonts such as Arial and so on onto ubuntu? | 03:49 |
slavik | !mstcorefonts | 03:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mstcorefonts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:50 |
nuts` | whats the package for flash player for firefox? | 03:50 |
LjL | !fonts > worldjam | 03:50 |
LjL | !info msttcorefonts | 03:50 |
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ubotu | msttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB | 03:50 |
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LjL | !flash > nuts` | 03:50 |
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Motorhead | YAY, kates working, thnx aji!! | 03:51 |
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gubluntu | i have lost my virtual terminals | 03:51 |
=== rednaxel got Beryl+XGL working | ||
Motorhead | cool | 03:51 |
aksnowman | rednaxel: sweet, work pretty nice? | 03:52 |
=== Motorhead loves beryl | ||
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zaehlas | Well, how do I go about completely uninstalling the Wine I have now, and starting over from scratch? | 03:52 |
Aji-Dahaka | Motorhead glad it worked :) | 03:52 |
rednaxel | aksnowman, yes... but some OpenGL games fail | 03:52 |
Motorhead | :) | 03:52 |
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Allans | problems with pinter.printer does not detect drivers.. | 03:53 |
mnguyen | I using Edgy Eft... and I tried to install the nvidia drivers... I modified the xorg.conf... restarted... and now X wont start... | 03:53 |
aksnowman | hey, about 15 minutes ago, I was trying to install a bunch of stuff w/ the synaptic package manager, suddenly it stops connecting to about a dozen servers... | 03:53 |
mnguyen | anybody else having problems with the nvidia driver? | 03:53 |
mnguyen | im using the generic kernel | 03:53 |
slavik | hmm | 03:54 |
Aji-Dahaka | I have teh problem where I have to reinstnall the nvidia drivers every boot | 03:54 |
aksnowman | ouch! | 03:54 |
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slavik | Aji-Dahaka: eh? are you sure that the module is not being loaded? | 03:54 |
gubluntu | can anyone help me get my vt's back? | 03:54 |
gubluntu | ctrl+alt+F1-F6 do nothing | 03:55 |
slavik | gubluntu: good question, thanks for reminding me about it | 03:55 |
aksnowman | what'd you do to make them disappear? | 03:55 |
gubluntu | they just send me to a blacnk screen with a blinking cursor.. no login | 03:55 |
slavik | gubluntu: looks like they were taken out in edgy | 03:55 |
Aji-Dahaka | slavik quite sure it's not loadable | 03:55 |
Aji-Dahaka | some error saying that I have conflicting versions, 7xxx and 8xxx, iirc | 03:55 |
slavik | Aji-Dahaka: drivers = modules = have to be loaded | 03:55 |
slavik | hmm | 03:55 |
gubluntu | im not running edgy | 03:55 |
slavik | gubluntu: oh ... | 03:56 |
Aji-Dahaka | so I just run the installer the once every couple weeks that I reboot | 03:56 |
Allans | problems with pinter.printer does not detect drivers..anyone? | 03:56 |
Aji-Dahaka | not a big thing | 03:56 |
Aji-Dahaka | http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/apcs03.html | 03:56 |
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Aji-Dahaka | that doc looks promising for my installation issue :) | 03:56 |
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wylie348 | Hello All! | 03:56 |
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bingnet922 | swsrush: Yes, and in W2k the authentication dialog does read "Incorrect password or unknown username for:" | 03:57 |
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aksnowman | does anyone know why over 80 packages that I was trying to install can't be downloaded? I just installed this computer yesterday and updated the list of available packages before I started... | 03:58 |
slavik | aksnowman: what is the exact error? just that they can't be downloaded? | 03:59 |
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aksnowman | umm, one sec | 03:59 |
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aksnowman | W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/imlib+png2/imlib-base_1.9.14-16.2ubuntu4_all.deb | 03:59 |
aksnowman | 404 Not Found | 03:59 |
aksnowman | for each package | 03:59 |
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Motorhead | is it beryl's fault if open gl programs don't work.... or its just my crappy computer???? | 03:59 |
jerp | remove the us. | 04:00 |
bingnet922 | Hi channel! I am trying to connect to ubuntu running samba under user level security. I can see guest OK shares, but I can't access [homes] . In WinXP and Win2k the authentication dialog simply reappears error | 04:00 |
JoshJ | beryl shouldn't affect your opengl, i don't think | 04:00 |
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slavik | Motorhead: not beryl ... but the way it is set up | 04:00 |
JoshJ | try it again with turning beryl off? | 04:00 |
Motorhead | oh boy | 04:00 |
confusco | OKAY guys, holy @#%&. do you know about the Firefox "show passwords" "feature" ???????????????? | 04:00 |
slavik | Motorhead: do 'DISPLAY=:0 openglapp' | 04:00 |
jerp | aksnowman, remove the US | 04:00 |
slavik | confusco: yes | 04:00 |
Motorhead | ok | 04:00 |
bhudda | what is a program i can install that can monitor my cpu temp and change the fan speed? | 04:00 |
confusco | I just found out about it | 04:00 |
bingnet922 | WinXP does not show any error, but Win2k reads "Incorrect password or unknown username for:" | 04:00 |
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confusco | anybody sitting on your comp can view your firefox saved passwords, What the helL??? why did they do this | 04:01 |
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slavik | confusco: it's been there for a LONG time ... you can also set a master password for those passwords :) | 04:01 |
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Motorhead | slavik: it says unkown command :( | 04:01 |
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confusco | slavik, the problem is they should make you set a master password by Default to view them | 04:01 |
Makemedie | Is Edgy out yet? | 04:01 |
confusco | yes | 04:01 |
bhudda | Yes | 04:01 |
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Makemedie | I cant believe it. | 04:01 |
jerp | bhudda, open synaptic and use the search thingy; with temp as the filter | 04:01 |
Makemedie | No download links anywhere on Ubuntu's site :\ | 04:01 |
confusco | no? | 04:02 |
Makemedie | 6.10 is Dapper isnt it? | 04:02 |
openBack | anyone know how to set up SB LiveDrives? I'm trying to get audio to my speakers from an input on Line2 LiveDrive, but all I get is hum | 04:02 |
slavik | Motorhead: are you in same dir as the opengl app? | 04:02 |
slavik | if so, do ./openglapp | 04:02 |
Motorhead | XD | 04:02 |
Motorhead | no | 04:02 |
Motorhead | ok | 04:02 |
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confusco | !6.10 | 04:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 6.10 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:02 |
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grout | anyway to set all my fonts back to default? | 04:03 |
Makemedie | god. | 04:03 |
confusco | 6.10 is edgy.. | 04:03 |
Makemedie | stop typing in caps you idiot | 04:03 |
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Makemedie | confusco: sure? :\ | 04:03 |
bz029 | accident | 04:03 |
confusco | ANNOUNCED: Ubuntu 6.10, code named Edgy Eft, has been released with many ... | 04:03 |
aksnowman | :/ I tried to update the package lists, got an error "Could not download all repository indexes" | 04:03 |
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Makemedie | lol. | 04:03 |
Makemedie | I cant believe I missed that. | 04:03 |
Makemedie | thanks. | 04:03 |
Motorhead | slavik: :( | 04:03 |
Motorhead | wheres that folder :S | 04:04 |
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slavik | Motorhead: what folder? | 04:04 |
slavik | . ??? | 04:04 |
fumon | Hey, nightmare of a problem here. I've used sound before with my second soundcard, audigy 2 ZS, right now... after doing the usual and installing edgy I've got no errors , the soundcard is perfectly recognized and the sound management looks good... I've got no sound at all. Tried with the built in as well and that didn't work either. | 04:04 |
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Motorhead | openglapp folder | 04:04 |
confusco | I honestly think Edgy could be a lot better.. | 04:04 |
confusco | I think it needs a lot more GUI tools for simple things... | 04:04 |
grout | anyway to set all my fonts back to default? | 04:04 |
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slavik | openglapp is the name of the app you are trying to run ... ie: it was an example :P | 04:04 |
Aji-Dahaka | *nervous* | 04:05 |
Makemedie | I only want Edgy for Beryl. | 04:05 |
Makemedie | I remember trying to install beta Beryl on beta Edgy :P | 04:05 |
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Motorhead | oh boy | 04:05 |
fumon | Anyone? Help? | 04:05 |
Makemedie | Didnt work :P | 04:05 |
Motorhead | XD | 04:05 |
Aji-Dahaka | hope dpkg is alright with this debootstrapping / during runtime | 04:05 |
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tonyyarusso | So I installed the popcon package on a whim, but it's complaining about not being able to send e-mail externally - what do I need for that? | 04:05 |
Motorhead | well that don't work slavik :( | 04:05 |
confusco | oh man I can't wait for Feisty though | 04:05 |
grout | what is the default edgy font? | 04:06 |
confusco | Serif? | 04:06 |
jerp | grout, open the font manager in the sytem/prefs and go to town. I think mine were all set to monospace as default | 04:06 |
stalefries | Somehow my system has been set to use en-uk, I want en-us. How do I fix this? | 04:06 |
confusco | grout: I think it's Serif.. | 04:06 |
fumon | Anyone? | 04:06 |
Motorhead | slavik: its just when i open an opengl program.. it closes session (as if i pressed ctrl+alt+back) and take me to the log in window | 04:06 |
fumon | Audio help? | 04:06 |
grout | thanks guys | 04:06 |
slavik | hmm ... dunno what to say | 04:07 |
Cat2 | firefox 2.0 seems to crash a lot with Edgy, or is it just me?? | 04:07 |
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confusco | works fine for me | 04:07 |
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rednaxel | Cat2, works fine here | 04:07 |
stalefries | me too | 04:07 |
confusco | read up the forums Cat2, there are probably people with a similar problem and solution | 04:07 |
Motorhead | slavik: well, thanks anyways | 04:07 |
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grout | that didnt do it, theres some reason in term some letters colide with each other, i dont know if beryl is doing it or what | 04:07 |
confusco | hm | 04:08 |
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confusco | fumon | 04:08 |
fumon | Si? | 04:08 |
confusco | what's your problem? | 04:08 |
slavik | Motorhead: it is the price you pay for wobbly windows :P | 04:08 |
Cat2 | yes, i did read the forums and some others have had the problem too, especially with Adblock installed | 04:08 |
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grout | how can i shut down beryl? | 04:08 |
stalefries | Cat2: try adblock plus instead? | 04:08 |
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JoshJ | grout: beryl-manager, change it back to metacity in the menu | 04:09 |
fumon | I've got recognition of my audio card, I've done this in 3 previous versions of ubuntu.. and many other distros.. the card works, the speakers work... but I can't get sound. No errors either. | 04:09 |
Cat2 | and by "a lot," I mean once in a while, that's a relative term i guess | 04:09 |
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Cat2 | sorry, i meant Adblock + | 04:09 |
stalefries | oh | 04:09 |
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grout | joshj whats metacity? | 04:09 |
stalefries | Cat2. could you try it without for a while, and see if that helps? | 04:09 |
JoshJ | the default GNOME window manager | 04:10 |
JoshJ | if you're on KDE just switch it to that instead | 04:10 |
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stalefries | Somehow my system has been set to use en-uk, I want en-us. Can someone tell me how do I fix this? | 04:10 |
Cat2 | yes, i should i guess, thanks | 04:10 |
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kitche | stalefries: you mean the keyboard or the language? | 04:11 |
stalefries | kitche; language. Translations, etc | 04:11 |
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kitche | stalefries: dpkg-reconfigure locales you can try that | 04:12 |
jerp | how do you refresh the gnome desktop? | 04:12 |
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pluma_ | Uhm... okay, I'm having a problem sharing a folder with samba. All works fine, but Windows prompts me for a username and password. My Linux account's data doesn't work, anonymous doesn't work and root doesn't work either. | 04:12 |
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stalefries | kitche: thanks, I'll try that | 04:13 |
confusco | fumon, you DID check your sound properties? | 04:13 |
LjL | pluma_: man smbpasswd, i think | 04:13 |
stalefries | jerp: just the desktop? killall nautilus | 04:13 |
fumon | confusco: you mean in preferences? | 04:13 |
cablesm102 | I've set up an anacron job to run sbackup, and it used to work fine. Now it doesn't work at all, even when I run anacron explicitly from the command line. The command it is supposed to run works fine, however. Can anyone help me fix this? | 04:13 |
confusco | yes | 04:13 |
fumon | Of course. | 04:13 |
jerp | stale, thanks | 04:13 |
stalefries | welcome | 04:14 |
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confusco | I felt so stupid for not. I have 3 sound cards in my PC and didn't realize it didn't pick by default the one I wanted, haha | 04:14 |
fumon | I've got full recognition of the soundcard... all the bells a whistles too... but it dosn't seem to want to output any sound at all. | 04:14 |
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fumon | Hahah | 04:14 |
stalefries | kitche: that didn't let me switch it | 04:14 |
confusco | so you have checked prefs? | 04:14 |
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cablesm102 | Can anybody help me troubleshoot/configure Anacron? | 04:15 |
fumon | It is recognising my soundcard, it says "Autigy 2 ZS". | 04:15 |
confusco | and made sure the volumes are unmuted in Volume Control | 04:15 |
stalefries | it just did "Generating locales..." and listed the en locales | 04:15 |
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fumon | Selected in the volume control and everything. | 04:15 |
fumon | Yeah, it's unmuted. | 04:15 |
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confusco | well I'm no expert myself, can't help much more | 04:15 |
fumon | *sigh* now I remember why I abandoned linux... 16 different distro installs... just one more that screwed up horribly. | 04:16 |
confusco | :( | 04:16 |
confusco | which distros? | 04:16 |
fumon | I'm nearly a veteran at this point. | 04:16 |
pluma_ | It... panics... | 04:17 |
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varsendaggr | is there a way to run a script that will tick a radio button on a website every 15 minutes? | 04:17 |
njh621 | Ok, I need some help here, I had ubuntu installed, removed it, and for some reason, GRUB didn't uninstall | 04:17 |
pluma_ | Ah, running it as root works. | 04:17 |
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jvolkman-h | fumon: have you tried alsamixer? | 04:18 |
njh621 | and so i can't go into windows normally | 04:18 |
stalefries | varsendaggr, perhaps, but it sounds really complicated | 04:18 |
fumon | Gentoo 3 times, fedora, ubuntu, suse... think I tried mandrake... | 04:18 |
njh621 | and fixboot on windows didn't help | 04:18 |
stalefries | varsendaggr, whatever for?? | 04:18 |
fumon | jvolkman-h, how do you mean? | 04:18 |
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varsendaggr | to turn my wireless internet on and off | 04:18 |
stalefries | oh | 04:18 |
stalefries | varsendaggr, why everey 15 minutes? | 04:18 |
stalefries | every* | 04:19 |
varsendaggr | i am hardlined in but i want to switch it on and off every 10 minutes to screw with my neibors | 04:19 |
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varsendaggr | muhhh | 04:19 |
stalefries | ahh | 04:19 |
stalefries | very funny | 04:19 |
jvolkman-h | fumon: alsamixer is a terminal application to mess with audio settings | 04:19 |
jvolkman-h | fumon: have you tried it? | 04:19 |
stalefries | but you should probably just do WEP or WPA and get em off | 04:19 |
fumon | jvolkman-h, not as of yet, though I shall now. Thankyou for reminding me about it. | 04:19 |
stalefries | instead of all that work | 04:19 |
varsendaggr | is there a wireless utility for gnome | 04:20 |
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monokrome | hey | 04:20 |
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varsendaggr | stalefries, i just did that yesterday but i want to screw with them | 04:20 |
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stalefries | varsendaggr, not for what you want to do | 04:20 |
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stalefries | hmm | 04:20 |
stalefries | varsen, I wouldn't know how to do that | 04:20 |
monokrome | Anyone here know where core dump files can be found? I'm working on an application, but I can't find the core dump i'm generating. | 04:20 |
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stalefries | monokrome, your home dir? | 04:21 |
monokrome | stalefries: That's what I thought, but they arn't ther.e | 04:21 |
stalefries | hmm | 04:21 |
stalefries | that's where I find random ones | 04:21 |
monokrome | hrm | 04:21 |
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stalefries | try your app's directory | 04:21 |
varsendaggr | well i'm out | 04:21 |
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kitche | monokrome: it might be where your runnign your app | 04:21 |
stalefries | bye | 04:21 |
monokrome | looked there | 04:21 |
confusco | the core took a dump | 04:21 |
stalefries | somewhere in /tmp? | 04:21 |
jvolkman-h | fumon, from a simple google search, it looks like there's a common issue with your card and the digital output being enabled -- turning it off should fix your problem | 04:21 |
fumon | jvolkman-h, I have done that... | 04:22 |
fumon | jvolkman-h, it was the first thing I noticed. | 04:22 |
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jvolkman-h | still no sound? | 04:22 |
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fumon | jvolkman-h, wait! Miraculosly, toggleing it about 8 times in a row in frustration produced a different result... | 04:23 |
stalefries | varsendaggr, a wireless utility for gnome is NetworkManager, but not for your pranking idea | 04:23 |
fumon | I now have sound! Hura! | 04:23 |
stalefries | HURRAH! | 04:23 |
jvolkman-h | heh | 04:23 |
=== Albertux [n=Albertux@pc-12-67-120-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fumon | Now to get the ati drivers working <dread> | 04:23 |
jvolkman-h | ugh | 04:23 |
stalefries | Now you can enjoy the Ubuntu drumbeat! | 04:23 |
jvolkman-h | ati drivers suck | 04:23 |
stalefries | indeed | 04:23 |
fumon | Yes.... yes they do. | 04:23 |
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monokrome | It's not in any of those place :/ | 04:23 |
monokrome | I thought it'd be in /var/crash | 04:23 |
stalefries | monkrome: bah | 04:23 |
JoshJ | So, here's my question- Adblock on firefox, how do I block a flash ad? | 04:23 |
stalefries | good idea | 04:23 |
Ksilebo | Can anyone send me their /etc/init.d/apache file? | 04:24 |
JoshJ | right click on the ad gives me the *flash* rightclick menu | 04:24 |
monokrome | but it's not | 04:24 |
jerp | stale, I thought those were fingers snapping | 04:24 |
fumon | But I've done it on last years crap version of gentoo and two of this year's... | 04:24 |
JoshJ | doesn't give me the adblock menu | 04:24 |
stalefries | JoshJ: flashblock? or click the little tab that says adblock? | 04:24 |
fumon | As well as 3 of ubuntu... | 04:24 |
jvolkman-h | installing them is not hard | 04:24 |
JoshJ | i don't have a tab that says adblock on it :( | 04:24 |
fumon | Took me 3 days each time :P | 04:24 |
jvolkman-h | they just suck in general | 04:24 |
stalefries | jerp: you may be thinking of a different sound | 04:24 |
Ksilebo | Or just how to get it back into ubuntu... | 04:24 |
fumon | I've got a Radeon x1900XTX | 04:24 |
fumon | And dual monitors... | 04:25 |
stalefries | JoshJ: does it say adblock at the bottom right of the window | 04:25 |
stalefries | ? | 04:25 |
JoshJ | no | 04:25 |
JoshJ | i'm on firefox 2.0 | 04:25 |
stalefries | then you may not have adblock installed | 04:25 |
JoshJ | well, really swiftfox but w/e | 04:25 |
stalefries | make sure you do | 04:25 |
stalefries | Tools>Addons | 04:25 |
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JoshJ | i have "adblock plus" installed | 04:25 |
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stalefries | ah | 04:25 |
stalefries | well | 04:25 |
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stalefries | is there an adblockplus button next to the stop/refresh buttons? | 04:26 |
JoshJ | no :\ | 04:26 |
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jerp | come to think of it, the finger snaps could be a couple natives honing their fencing prowess with their spears | 04:26 |
=== JoshJ goes to get the other adblock extension i guess | ||
lap | Hi, someone for a question ? | 04:26 |
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stalefries | JoshJ, thhe original adblock is old and not developed anymore | 04:26 |
jerp | lap, nope | 04:26 |
stalefries | lol | 04:26 |
JoshJ | so i guess i'll use both? | 04:26 |
JoshJ | ;\ | 04:26 |
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jerp | people who ask if they can ask a question should be shown the door | 04:27 |
stalefries | JoshJ: lookup the filterset g extension | 04:27 |
stalefries | save you a lot of trouble | 04:27 |
lap | http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/materiel/ati ; http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide | 04:27 |
lap | 2 different link | 04:27 |
fumon | At least amarok works this time... | 04:27 |
lap | 2 way to install the same drivers | 04:27 |
lap | why ? | 04:27 |
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JoshJ | nifty | 04:28 |
stalefries | lap: because we feel like confusing you. :) | 04:28 |
lap | Haha. | 04:28 |
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lap | And the 2nd reason ? ;) | 04:28 |
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=== Ahab [n=brad@c-24-3-148-239.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | dunno | 04:28 |
stalefries | !ati | 04:28 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:28 |
JoshJ | Because "there's more than one way" | 04:28 |
JoshJ | :P | 04:28 |
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stalefries | lap: use that^ | 04:28 |
=== rednaxel was running ICEWM back then | ||
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herrerausmc | what command to i type to check what kernel version i have? | 04:29 |
Ahab | I have a question about the software update dialog in edgy, since there seems to be a change. | 04:29 |
stars | herrerausmc uname -r | 04:29 |
JoshJ | herrerausmc: uname | 04:29 |
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JoshJ | well yeah | 04:29 |
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stalefries | Ahab: what's up? | 04:29 |
Falstius | how can I change which volume gnome uses for the volume up and down? It is changing the 'master' and I want it to change 'headphone' | 04:30 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-244-187-128.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | Falstius: right click the volume control; hit open volume control, have fun | 04:30 |
stalefries | :) | 04:31 |
=== Weyoon [n=quando@bas12-toronto12-1096587710.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fumon | Oh yeah, almost forgot: Thank you greatly 'o helpers of hapless ubuntu users! | 04:31 |
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stalefries | Your welcome, despite I did nothing :) | 04:31 |
fumon | Thanks for helping people not necessarily me, I know how insane it gets. | 04:31 |
stalefries | to think I only came to get help | 04:32 |
Ahab | Now there are it's divided into two sections, 'security updates' and 'distribution updates'. My questions are, 1) why? and I can't seem to select any of the packages under the distro updates, does anyone know how to do that? | 04:32 |
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stalefries | Ahab: no idea what that means | 04:32 |
stalefries | try Google | 04:32 |
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fumon | Now... this time I'm going to try and get xgl working... wonder if it's possible to get it working in dual screen... | 04:32 |
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Falstius | stalefries: I know how to change it manually, but I want to use the volume control buttons on my laptop. | 04:33 |
bruenig | stalefries, generally if you don't know, the accepted standard is that you don't respond. Not that you can't respond but if everyone who didn't know did what you did. The room would be hopelessly flooded | 04:33 |
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stalefries | bruenig, ok | 04:33 |
stalefries | Falstius: hmm | 04:33 |
bruenig | stalefries, not intending to be rude or anything. I had to be told the same thing | 04:33 |
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bhudda | Can someone tell me what this error means? : glGo: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 | 04:34 |
=== abarbaccia [n=andrew@c-71-58-93-160.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | bruenig: I had pointed Ahab out to something he didn't want, I was just picking up where we left off | 04:34 |
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abarbaccia | hey - im using ubuntu edgy and whenever i want to type a ' or " i have to hit space after or else some weird character comes out -- how cna i fix that | 04:34 |
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bruenig | bhudda, try sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2 | 04:35 |
stalefries | bruenig: rather, I had offered to help before I knew the question: I got confused between 2 people | 04:35 |
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slavik | I need the valgrind-dev library ... | 04:35 |
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bruenig | stalefries, ah, I got you. I didn't realize that there had already been dialog. I thought that was his initial question. My fault. | 04:35 |
stalefries | abarbaccia: sounds like you have something turned on in keyboard prefs. Check System>Preferences>Keyboard | 04:36 |
klick_ | Hey all, can anyone help me get my blue tooth device recognized? when i run hcitool dev it shows nothing. I have an intergrated device on my x41 tablet, im not even sure what the device is called | 04:36 |
stalefries | bruenig: it's all good, I should have been rebuked for that before anyway | 04:36 |
bruenig | !bluetooth | 04:36 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 04:36 |
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bhudda | bruening I did that, and it gives me the same mesage... | 04:36 |
jerp | abarbaccia, fool around with your keyboard mapping in the system/prefs | 04:36 |
bruenig | bhudda, did it install anything? | 04:36 |
slavik | !valgrind | 04:36 |
bhudda | bruening no, it says that I have the current version already | 04:36 |
ubotu | valgrind: A memory debugger and profiler. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0-2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 13766 kB, installed size 33412 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc) | 04:36 |
slavik | !valgrind-dev | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about valgrind-dev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
Ahab | If anyone is curious to why I was having my problem: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/70114 | 04:37 |
bruenig | bhudda, are you on 64 bit? | 04:37 |
bhudda | bruening Yes I am. | 04:37 |
=== Syco54645 [n=frank@c-71-60-64-92.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bhudda | erg | 04:38 |
bhudda | bruenig | 04:38 |
bhudda | lol | 04:38 |
stalefries | Ahab: is that a bug report about it or what happened to you? | 04:38 |
Syco54645 | where can i find my bookmarks for firefox? | 04:38 |
Ahab | about it: It was a packaging issues | 04:38 |
Syco54645 | like the actual files that is | 04:38 |
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klick_ | bruenig, i followed that, but i dont see my device listed when i /etc/init.d/bluetooth start | 04:38 |
stalefries | Syco54645: ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/bookmarks.html | 04:38 |
bruenig | Syco54645, ~/.mozilla/********.default/bookmarks.html | 04:38 |
stalefries | I think | 04:39 |
Syco54645 | ok | 04:39 |
Syco54645 | i will check there | 04:39 |
bruenig | stalefries is right, I missed the firefox | 04:39 |
jerp | syco, save them somewhere you decide using the manager | 04:39 |
=== stalefries beats bruenig! Ha! | ||
bruenig | klick_, I don't have any bluetooth devices. I just knew that !bluetooth existed | 04:39 |
jerp | use "Organize Bookmarks" there in the bookmarks menu in firefox | 04:39 |
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Syco54645 | ummm i have 2 different default forlders | 04:40 |
klick_ | ohh ok, well can anyone else help me get my x41 integrated bluetooth device to be recognised? | 04:40 |
stalefries | Syco54645: hmm. Check both | 04:40 |
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Syco54645 | stalefries: well crap, they both have the bookmarks file. basically what i am supposed to do is write a program for class that will zip up the bookmarks then email them to myself. i guess i will just email the entire .default folders zipped | 04:41 |
stalefries | Syco: check which one has your bookmarks | 04:42 |
Syco54645 | i could really care less if it does just the bookmarks, and i am sure that he doesnt give a "crap"(as he would put it) either | 04:42 |
bruenig | Syco54645, open the bookmarks.html in firefox and see if it has your bookmarks | 04:42 |
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stalefries | open it, and see if it has the ones you want | 04:42 |
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bruenig | it would be really easy to write a bash script for that | 04:42 |
Syco54645 | stalefries and bruenig, he doesnt care that much, he just wants to teach the class that you can do all of this stuff using functions built into a language | 04:42 |
stalefries | the whole .default folder is pretty big | 04:43 |
Syco54645 | bruenig: that is what i said i would do, but he absolutely hates perl, so i usually use perl just to get on him | 04:43 |
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stalefries | all your extensions, etc | 04:43 |
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Syco54645 | stalefries: that is true, i guess i will make it just send that one file then | 04:43 |
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bruenig | yeah, at least clear the cache if you are going to do that, don't want to get caught with anything um, untoward | 04:44 |
Syco54645 | bruenig: eh i dont need to mail it to him, just hand him the source for it | 04:44 |
bruenig | ah | 04:44 |
=== markofvero [n=markofve@ip24-250-250-40.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | that's easier | 04:45 |
bhudda | bruenig any idea what I should do? | 04:45 |
bruenig | if you could just send the whole directory. You should have written a script that zips up all of / and sends it to you. That would be the same thing essentially | 04:45 |
bruenig | bhudda, what are you trying to open. You obviously have the wrong libraries | 04:45 |
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Syco54645 | bruenig: this is a small thing compared to what else he had us do, i had to write a web server and implement cgi (at least a crappy form where you called the file.exe), servlets (again a crappy for) and jsp (again with a crappy form, but it had to work with the servlets implementation)... all of this needed to be done in java, and i dont know java at all, nor do i now. it is done too | 04:46 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | wow | 04:46 |
Syco54645 | bruenig: i should do that, he would find that funny | 04:46 |
stalefries | well done | 04:46 |
bhudda | bruenig http://panda-igs.joyjoy.net/English/glgo/download.html this Go client... | 04:46 |
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khermans_ | oohh got Sun JVM to segfault! | 04:47 |
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stalefries | hey, now that it's GPL you can go and fix it1 | 04:48 |
stalefries | *it! | 04:48 |
khermans_ | wheres the source? | 04:48 |
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Lam_ | what do browseable, public, and available mean (samba)? | 04:48 |
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bruenig | bhudda, I haven't too much experience hacking around 64 bit. Once I realized what a headache it could be, I switched to 32 bit. I assume you would need to get the 32 bit form of that dependency and then try to direct it to use that | 04:48 |
stalefries | khermans_, dunno | 04:49 |
stalefries | khermans_, I just know that it _is_ GPL | 04:49 |
bhudda | how do you direct it bruenig? I think that is the last step I have | 04:49 |
bruenig | bhudda, but if it has problems with that, it will probably have problems elsewhere too. The easiest way may be to wine the windows version | 04:49 |
khermans_ | stalefries, https://openjdk.dev.java.net/source/browse/openjdk/ | 04:49 |
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stalefries | aha! | 04:49 |
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stalefries | Is there a way where I can block those so-and-so got on/off messages? | 04:51 |
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bruenig | bhudda, I can't think of a way to do it from my limited knowledge of doing it without breaking other things. You could theoretically replace it with the 32 bit version of that libsdl or whatever it is called, but that would break other things that use it, so I can't think of a full proof way to do it. symlinks perhaps, but I would think that would pose the same problem | 04:51 |
Klick | Can anyone here help me get my bluetooth device recognised via hcitool scan I have an integrated device in my intel x41 | 04:51 |
sinisterguy | has anyone had any success with the ubuntu package for the candido gtk engine on edgy? | 04:51 |
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Jordan_U | To anyone that was helping me yesterday, I would like to say we actually found a backup of our NT4 server stable enough to run mySQL's migration tools, so hopefully they will be upgrading to debian instead of 2003 server :) | 04:51 |
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=== ChadMC [n=chadmc@c-68-53-111-105.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Pelo | way to go Jordan_U | 04:52 |
immrtl | how do i tell if a module was built into kernel or built as an LKM? | 04:53 |
Jordan_U | Pelo: Wasn't me, I am just trying to help on the migration end, I know nothing about NT4 :) | 04:53 |
ChadMC | Hey, does anyone know how to fix the garbled Virtual Terminals (tty's) problem? | 04:53 |
Jordan_U | ChadMC: I know something to try. | 04:53 |
bhudda | blast, that sucks... | 04:53 |
ChadMC | thanks. I've tried a few things | 04:53 |
bhudda | Thanks for the help | 04:53 |
Pelo | Jordan_U, I don'T know any of that stuff either, but way to stick it to M$ | 04:53 |
stalefries | I need help setting my locale (translations, etc) to en-us, as opposed to en-uk | 04:54 |
energon | hey know | 04:54 |
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Jordan_U | ChadMC: Edgy upsplash screwed up my tty's, disabling upsplash fixed it. | 04:54 |
energon | now* | 04:54 |
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energon | i <3 windows for gaming | 04:54 |
energon | =\ | 04:54 |
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Pelo | stalefries, system > admin > language support | 04:54 |
immrtl | so does lsmod list only mods that have been built into kernel? or all modules loaded period? | 04:54 |
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ChadMC | Jordan_U: =( I've tried disabling that. (took off splash from grub/menu.lst and rebooted) it didn't fix the problem. | 04:54 |
Klick | can anyone here send me there hci.conf and rfcomm.conf file? | 04:55 |
=== RichMastaPlus [n=richmast@CPE00062559f9a6-CM014100208235.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | Pelo: thank you! So much! | 04:55 |
energon | Klick: google.com parent directory hci.conf | 04:55 |
joeyk_ | lsmod program to show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel | 04:55 |
yangsup | yang@super:~$ glxgears | 04:55 |
yangsup | libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x46 | 04:55 |
energon | Klick: google.com parent directory rfcomm.conf | 04:55 |
=== Malte [n=chatzill@dslb-084-060-112-116.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joeyk_ | lsmod is a trivial program which nicely formats the contents of the | 04:56 |
joeyk_ | /proc/modules, showing what kernel modules are currently loaded. | 04:56 |
yangsup | my vediocard is km400IGP | 04:56 |
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stalefries | Pelo: I've set that before, but it's still en-uk. It doesn't seem to apply to pre-existing accounts | 04:56 |
Pelo | stalefries, is the language available ? | 04:57 |
stalefries | yes | 04:57 |
stalefries | I've set it to en-us | 04:57 |
Pelo | hmmm | 04:57 |
Malte | hi there ... can someone confirm that one server is down: de.archive.ubuntu.com ( | 04:57 |
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stalefries | Malte: checking now on my end | 04:58 |
Pelo | stalefries, and if you reboot , it reverts to en-uk or does it stick to en-us ? | 04:58 |
stalefries | Pelo: it hasn't changed yet, and it's been like this a while | 04:58 |
immrtl | joeyk_: , nice of you, but u still haven't answered my ?, i know how to man lsmod =) | 04:58 |
=== TeH [n=michael@c-66-177-205-6.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | Malte: I can open it | 04:58 |
bruenig | Malte, it takes me to the index | 04:58 |
Malte | mm ... kk ... workin that out then ... | 04:59 |
joeyk_ | well.. i think man lsmod answers your questions right on | 04:59 |
stalefries | Malte: but it's a tad slow | 04:59 |
Pelo | stalefries, try searching the forum for changing language | 04:59 |
Malte | okay .. | 04:59 |
Klick | hey guys, my bluetooth config files got deleted, and synaptic erros out trying to reinstall the package.. any ideas how i can force it to reinstall? | 04:59 |
kitche | immrtl: it onyl shows modules not the ones that are built into the kernel | 04:59 |
ChadMC | Anyone else have any suggestions to fix garbled virtual terminals (tty's) ? | 04:59 |
stalefries | Pelo: ok, I should've thought of that | 04:59 |
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stalefries | Pelo: it's always what I suggest ;) | 04:59 |
Pelo | Klick, completely remove it and then intall it | 04:59 |
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immrtl | kitche: thanks, how do i find out what is built in? | 04:59 |
Klick | pelo it errors when i try to complelty remove it | 05:00 |
Pelo | klick, lovely | 05:00 |
kitche | immrtl: the onyl way to know that is to look at the config file that was used to build the kernel really | 05:00 |
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macogw | Hey uh, when I right-click and "Connection Information" on network manager applet, it says Error displaying connection information: | 05:00 |
macogw | Could not find some required resources (the glade file)! Anyone know what that means/how to fix it? | 05:00 |
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Klick | "E: bluemon:subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 05:00 |
Pupeno | !mp3 | 05:01 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:01 |
Klick | any clue what that means | 05:01 |
immrtl | so installing edgy from livecd would have used the kernel.*.*-generic.conf file correct? | 05:01 |
kitche | immrtl: it's usually named config-<version> | 05:01 |
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Pelo | Klick, try finding the sourcecode for it and compile it manualy | 05:01 |
immrtl | hrm | 05:02 |
Pelo | Klick, opefully that should over-write it | 05:02 |
kitche | immrtl: it might be in /boot | 05:02 |
stalefries | Pelo: this comment helped: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1774211&postcount=2 | 05:02 |
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Pelo | stalefries, goog going | 05:02 |
Pelo | good going | 05:03 |
stalefries | Pelo: it's "export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8", fyi | 05:03 |
immrtl | ah, found it, /boot/config-*.*-generic | 05:03 |
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Pelo | stalefries, my system is in canadian french, and it is working ok , but thanks anyway | 05:04 |
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regeya_ | !edgy | 05:04 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download | 05:04 |
stalefries | Pelo: right, just so you know what it was. | 05:04 |
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regeya_ | ubotu: no, edgy is the 'testing' release of Ubuntu | 05:04 |
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stalefries | someone should revert what regeya did | 05:05 |
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stalefries | ubotu: no, edgy is Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download | 05:06 |
stalefries | !edgy | 05:06 |
ubotu | Ubuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download | 05:06 |
kitche | regeya: it's the latest release | 05:06 |
stalefries | kitche, I just fixed it | 05:06 |
stalefries | first time ubotu-submitter :) | 05:06 |
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stalefries | also, regeya, left | 05:07 |
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=== linuxfanstar [n=IceChat7@cpe-24-58-67-65.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxfanstar | hey | 05:10 |
linuxfanstar | does anyone know anything about ENVY | 05:10 |
=== spine55 [n=spine55@24-181-25-108.dhcp.smyr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Oh man ... Beryl is awesome | 05:10 |
linuxfanstar | supposedly it will isntall nvidia drivers automatically | 05:10 |
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linuxfanstar | beryl is awesome | 05:10 |
kitche | linuxfanstar: just install nvidia-glx | 05:10 |
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linuxfanstar | ya for some reason it wasnt working in edgy | 05:11 |
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linuxfanstar | neither would the legacy one | 05:11 |
immrtl | kitche: can u clarify one last thing? in my xorg.conf it says for my gfx card im using driver ati, but lsmod shows radeon and drm as the running mods | 05:11 |
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kitche | immrtl: ati is a wrapper to the open source version of radeon drivers it picks the best driver for your card and drm is needed to run dri | 05:12 |
Lam_ | is it spelled officially as Xine or xine? | 05:12 |
kitche | !xine|Lam_ | 05:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xine - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:12 |
bruenig | *nix generally prefers lowercase | 05:12 |
Lam_ | ok thanks | 05:13 |
linuxfanstar | i have an nvidia fx5200 | 05:13 |
=== Falstius [n=airen@c-71-227-117-166.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
bruenig | althought Thunar for some reason refuses to be lowercase, arrogant file manager | 05:13 |
Bilange | quickie: where can I change Ubnutu's language? For example: I currently have installed ubuntu in french, and want to see everything in engish instead. I suppose its in the init scripts, but where? | 05:13 |
=== ToHellWithGA [n=JudasLuc@d11-55.rt-bras.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | I need the valgrind debugger dev package, is that just the source code? | 05:14 |
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yangsup | g: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x46 | 05:14 |
stalefries | Bilange: I just figured this out 2 minutes ago | 05:14 |
stalefries | Bilange: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1774211&postcount=2 | 05:15 |
stalefries | that should fix you up | 05:15 |
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Evan_ | ||
stalefries | !locale|stalefries | 05:15 |
ubotu | stalefries: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 05:15 |
Bilange | yeah, I was scrolling up | 05:15 |
Bilange | thanks, sorry for the repeating :) | 05:15 |
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immrtl | kitche: i want to install the closed proprietary ati drivers but it recommends uninstalling current ones, can i just keep the current ones but "disable" them | 05:16 |
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kitche | immrtl: you installing from apt? | 05:17 |
immrtl | no | 05:17 |
immrtl | should I? | 05:17 |
Evan_ | I'm running ubuntu live cd and i'm trying to mount my linux partition, can someone guide me? | 05:17 |
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stalefries | Bilange, that should work, but also look at this: | 05:17 |
kitche | immrtl: well when you change your xorg.conf to fglrx the other ones will be disabled | 05:17 |
stalefries | !locale\Bilange | 05:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about locale\Bilange - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:17 |
stalefries | !locale|Bilange | 05:17 |
ubotu | Bilange: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 05:17 |
bruenig | Evan_, open the terminal, and first make the directory that you intend to mount the partition in, mkdir whatever | 05:17 |
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Bilange | im already on this page :) | 05:18 |
immrtl | Evan_: mount /dev/hda* /mnt/<mkdir beforehand> | 05:18 |
bruenig | immrtl, could be sda | 05:18 |
bruenig | doesn't necessary have to /mnt | 05:18 |
immrtl | ok but if hes having trouble doing this its obvious we dont need to get technical | 05:18 |
immrtl | thx for the heads up tho | 05:19 |
bruenig | immrtl, if he is having trouble, your snippet will make no sense | 05:19 |
bruenig | and if he had sda, it would especially be troublesome | 05:19 |
immrtl | ? k then | 05:19 |
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=== stalefries says bruenig should go to sleep | ||
=== bruenig thinks he probably should | ||
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immrtl | but should i install the ati drivers from apt or just d/l them? | 05:21 |
bruenig | !nv | 05:21 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:21 |
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immrtl | i've read it, im asking is it better to install the bin from ati site or use apt-get | 05:21 |
bruenig | if they are the same, apt-get, if the sites is better then you have to weigh the benefits of having it installed with apt or having to maintain it manually | 05:22 |
immrtl | shrug, thing is i dont know apt too well | 05:23 |
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Evan_ | thanks guys that was simple! | 05:23 |
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bruenig | apt is more convenient than manual maintain, makes sure the whole system is coherent but whatever | 05:23 |
immrtl | i know the basic get commands and some options but barely scratched surface | 05:23 |
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immrtl | alright ill try it, thx | 05:24 |
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Evan_ | how can i write to the mounted partition? | 05:28 |
AdamKili | mpg321 has a mess up i think. on some mp3s it plays 00:00 to 00:30, restarts then plays seconds 00:00 to 00:35 seconds, restarts and plays 00:00 to 00:40, etc. Is it supposed to only provide a preview? and if it is, why does it keep repeating, playing a little further into the song each time? it seems like if it's only supposed to preview, it would play the first 30 seconds once. Is there a way to make it play the whole thing? | 05:28 |
=== ReWT_AxS [n=rewt@71-87-167-171.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ReWT_AxS | how do i check to see who is all on the network im on | 05:29 |
ReWT_AxS | ? | 05:29 |
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ReWT_AxS | in terminal | 05:29 |
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confusco | what you mean | 05:30 |
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ReWT_AxS | im on wired network | 05:30 |
ReWT_AxS | i wanna know who all is on it right now | 05:30 |
joeyk_ | get an ip scanner | 05:30 |
ReWT_AxS | no way to do it in terminal/ | 05:30 |
ReWT_AxS | ? | 05:30 |
stalefries | reWT_AxS: just look at your router's webpage | 05:31 |
J-_ | is there a program that I can use like Guitar Pro for ubuntu? | 05:31 |
power-lt | how can i check what driver my wireless card are using ? | 05:31 |
stalefries | no way to do it in the termina; | 05:31 |
ReWT_AxS | k | 05:31 |
ReWT_AxS | thanks | 05:31 |
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joeyk_ | hgahaha | 05:31 |
NineTeen67Comet | whelp .. I updated a bunch of stuff (gstreamer included) and now my sound is TU .. (sound blaster live card .. emu10k1) .. any Ideas on where to start looking? | 05:31 |
avital14 | Hey is there where one goes for ubuntu help? | 05:31 |
NineTeen67Comet | avital14: this is the place .. or the forums .. | 05:31 |
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blacknine | anyone alie in here? | 05:32 |
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avital14 | INineTeen67Comet: am trying to use my ATI card under the open source driver and i cannot get my resolution set off of 640X Freaking huge! | 05:32 |
NineTeen67Comet | blacknine: think just us askers are in here .. | 05:32 |
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blacknine | well i cant change my screen res in Kubuntu | 05:33 |
avital14 | I have tried editing the xorg,conf file and removing all but the 1280X1024 | 05:33 |
NineTeen67Comet | avital14: If it is a new'er card you'll have to follow an install for a current ATI driver, if it's older (mine WAS a 9200se then you can use the ati or radion drivers .. | 05:33 |
avital14 | still no success | 05:34 |
NineTeen67Comet | avital14: I'm not good at ati stuff (they aren't always too nice to Linux folk) .. | 05:34 |
avital14 | I have a 9250 pro PCI | 05:34 |
avital14 | and i tried the proprietary drivers.. and well my DVI doesn't work | 05:34 |
NineTeen67Comet | avital14: then you should be okay with the old open source drivers .. lemme see if I can find the how-to on that .. | 05:35 |
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stalefries | !ati | 05:35 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:35 |
avital14 | I'm about to get a new Card on Newegg and ebay this ATI pos.... | 05:36 |
stalefries | wait, that won't help | 05:36 |
NineTeen67Comet | avital14: this link is my stand handy dandy standby when I install a new Ubuntu ..http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 05:36 |
stalefries | good | 05:36 |
AdamKili | in Nautilus, when I pause on a .mp3 file, mpg321 starts to play it, but on most of the .mp3s it skips and repeats like a scratched CD, but when i run mpg321 on the same file in the terminal, there's no problem at all. is there a way to fix this? | 05:36 |
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stalefries | avital14, go for nvidia if you want something fast that'll work with linux | 05:36 |
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stalefries | AdamKili: it's only meant to do a preview in Nautilus | 05:36 |
confusco | why's that? | 05:37 |
stalefries | so you can tell what the file is | 05:37 |
avital14 | yah | 05:37 |
stalefries | Wow, I just closed firefox and regained HALF of my RAM | 05:37 |
avital14 | i'm gonna build a new system with some x-mas money... Nvidia is what i am looking at | 05:37 |
avital14 | so you have any suggestions? | 05:37 |
MicrosoftSpy | Anyone got the latest Cedega ? | 05:38 |
stalefries | avitalia: nvidia's fine, beyond that I have no idea, I'm not a hardware man | 05:38 |
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AdamKili | stalefries: is there a way to make it play the whole thing? sometimes it's a lot more intuitive to browse by folder playing a song here and there, without having to wait for Amarok or Rythmbox to load each time | 05:38 |
stalefries | AdamKili: no idea | 05:38 |
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stalefries | I would just forget it and load some mp3 player | 05:39 |
=== wasauce [n=wasauce@c-69-181-13-90.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | you may try something like XMMS, it's a little more lightweight | 05:39 |
=== Darok [n=ubuntu@cpe-66-68-243-242.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Darok | could anyone help me figure out why my video doesnt start | 05:39 |
blacknine | where is xorg.conf? | 05:39 |
Shadow_mil | I have a cam, that supports video output, which connects to my USB | 05:39 |
Evan_ | I mounted hda1 but I cannot write to it, help please :D | 05:39 |
Darok | Im doing a bare installation | 05:39 |
Darok | im on CLI | 05:39 |
stalefries | /etc/X11/xorg.conf I think | 05:39 |
Shadow_mil | how can I use that as my video input? | 05:39 |
JoshJ | that's it, yes | 05:40 |
Darok | ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it doesnt start | 05:40 |
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Darok | im running a 865G intel VGA chip | 05:40 |
cmweb | Can anyone help me install java | 05:40 |
Darok | whats the equiv on the dpkg screen | 05:40 |
stalefries | !java|cmweb | 05:40 |
ubotu | cmweb: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:40 |
Darok | !intel | 05:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:40 |
power-lt | when i run wpa_supplicant -ira0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -w i get "Operation not supported" ,what can be wrong ? | 05:41 |
Darok | !865 | 05:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 865 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:41 |
Darok | mm | 05:41 |
cmweb | !routers | 05:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about routers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:41 |
stalefries | cmweb: why routers? | 05:41 |
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snide | almost midnight, ladies and gentlemen | 05:42 |
snide | i love you linuxians | 05:42 |
snide | :P | 05:42 |
JoshJ | it's GNU/linuxians >:[ | 05:43 |
cmweb | Hu oh sorry, i need help on taht also but it dont got it | 05:43 |
snide | :( sorry lol | 05:43 |
JoshJ | :P | 05:43 |
stalefries | Midnight where? Europe? | 05:43 |
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snide | i said almost.. in canada | 05:43 |
stalefries | oh | 05:44 |
snide | ontario - est time | 05:44 |
cmweb | Can any one help me fix 'sun-java5-bin' is not available in any software channel | 05:44 |
stalefries | almost 9 here. ONO! | 05:44 |
snide | gmt - minus 5 hrs | 05:44 |
JoshJ | !java | 05:44 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 05:44 |
stalefries | !Multivers|cmweb | 05:44 |
cmweb | Im their but | 05:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Multivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:44 |
stalefries | !Multiverse|cmweb | 05:44 |
ubotu | cmweb: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 05:44 |
joeyk_ | nmap is another good ap but its for more port scans | 05:44 |
=== snowshoefox [n=snowshoe@c-24-16-196-217.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snowshoefox | !debian | 05:44 |
ubotu | Debian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded". To see more details on the relationship, see: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship | 05:44 |
CorpseFeeder | I currently use something called "bonjour" to share printers on MacOS X with Windows computers on the network. Is it conceivable that I might be able to use bonjour in Ubuntu to share files between Ubuntu and MacOS X and Ubuntu and Windows? | 05:44 |
=== carpediem [n=dmartin@24-107-6-92.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snowshoefox | !debian/rules | 05:44 |
cmweb | ok dont wear the bot down | 05:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about debian/rules - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:44 |
snowshoefox | where are the debian/rules located? | 05:44 |
cmweb | !easysource | 05:45 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 05:45 |
snide | i know that each distro is pretty different and has pros/cons but id like to hear ur perference .. which distro do you guys like the most? | 05:45 |
JoshJ | ... | 05:45 |
stalefries | snide: Ubuntu, duh! :) | 05:45 |
=== sagemassa [n=sage@65-103-227-156.slkc.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoshJ | if you want "real" answers to that ask in a "neutral" channel like ##linux | 05:45 |
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JoshJ | (not sure they're "neutral" but well...) | 05:45 |
carpediem | uh, you came to #ubuntu to ask us our distro of choice? Nice poll tainting. | 05:45 |
snide | :P lol | 05:45 |
Lam_ | !samba | 05:45 |
ubotu | samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 05:45 |
sagemassa | heya #ubuntu | 05:46 |
stalefries | !bonjour|CorpseFeeder | 05:46 |
joeyk_ | !ldap | 05:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bonjour - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-51-11-32.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ldap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
stalefries | ubotu, you have failed us! | 05:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you have failed us! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
cmweb | !edit source file | 05:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about edit source file - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:46 |
snowshoefox | the Kernelbuild tutorial is not very comprehensive for ubuntu | 05:46 |
cmweb | anyone | 05:46 |
sagemassa | !swat | 05:46 |
ubotu | samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 05:46 |
cmweb | ? | 05:46 |
sagemassa | meh | 05:46 |
stalefries | ubotu, you have failed us is I'm so sorry | 05:46 |
snowshoefox | !kernel | 05:46 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 05:46 |
snide | i was surprised to find that the ubuntu made printing / internet / etc worked without ever having me to dl the necessirly files, etc compile and install the other distros didnt auto like this one does | 05:47 |
=== Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cmweb | !wine | 05:47 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 05:47 |
stalefries | !you have failed us | 05:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you have failed us - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:47 |
stalefries | hmm | 05:47 |
cmweb | !hack | 05:47 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:47 |
sagemassa | omg bot spam | 05:47 |
snide | lol | 05:47 |
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | ubotu, "you have failed us" is "I'm so sorry" | 05:47 |
JoshJ | snide: i was fairly amazed by how easy it was to "install" my HP Deskjet 2847 | 05:47 |
blacknine | i cant edit xorg.conf.... | 05:47 |
cmweb | How do i edit the sources list | 05:47 |
stalefries | Don't I know it | 05:47 |
JoshJ | *3847 | 05:47 |
snide | yeah, my psc 2110 all in one worked just fine | 05:47 |
JoshJ | cmweb: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:47 |
stalefries | blacknine: you need root privileges for that | 05:47 |
blacknine | i have root | 05:47 |
snide | because of the cup service, it somehow communicated with it just fine | 05:47 |
stalefries | !sudo|blacknine | 05:48 |
ubotu | blacknine: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:48 |
snide | with um hpjs driver | 05:48 |
sagemassa | then you can doo it blacknine | 05:48 |
JoshJ | that said, my parents' lexmark... XJ73? (i think?) didn't work :( | 05:48 |
JoshJ | the scanner did, printer wouldn't | 05:48 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-161-41.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== sky123 [n=skys123@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | I think Epson and Lexmark are generally the worst on Linux | 05:48 |
snowshoefox | How come the kernel docs are so sparse for Ubuntu? | 05:48 |
snide | eehh, yea check the list of supported products under either cup or hpjs driver | 05:48 |
snide | google it | 05:48 |
sky123 | Has anyone used communigate? and set it all up on ubuntu? | 05:49 |
cmweb | !ubuntu | 05:49 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 05:49 |
=== Laosboyme [n=Josiah@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | snowshoefox: Check the Faqs, Howtos, tips and tricks section on ubuntuforums.org It's pretty full with kernel howto's | 05:49 |
cmweb | tryin to get definition | 05:49 |
=== gmitchel [n=gmitchel@c-71-226-35-28.hsd1.az.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snowshoefox | k, i'll check it out stalefries, thx | 05:49 |
=== Zububwa [n=newmanc@cpe-66-69-86-45.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | welcome | 05:49 |
sagemassa | anyone ever seen a box loose its inet static and pull a dhcp addy ? | 05:49 |
Shadow_mil | Hey... how do I get my web cam to work? | 05:50 |
stalefries | !webcam | 05:50 |
ubotu | webcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 05:50 |
=== Crescendo_ [n=GWing@cpe-069-134-227-094.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snide | hm the bot can be useful sometime | 05:50 |
stalefries | very useful | 05:50 |
sagemassa | but if i run a networking restart it re-establishes static? | 05:50 |
Evan_ | !mount | 05:50 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 05:50 |
gmitchel | !stupid freakin AC97 sound | 05:50 |
stalefries | I didn't even know it knew about webcam | 05:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about stupid freakin AC97 sound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:50 |
=== mlowe [n=mlowe@c-24-6-84-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snide | lol | 05:50 |
Zububwa | !wireless router | 05:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wireless router - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:51 |
stalefries | gmitchel; ubotu is not omnipotent | 05:51 |
snide | !wireless | 05:51 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 05:51 |
blacknine | i still cant seem to edit the xorg.conf file....it says i dont have privliages, while i do | 05:51 |
gmitchel | i realize this | 05:51 |
sagemassa | blacknine are you acting as su now? | 05:51 |
snide | blacknine u gotta type in your root password | 05:51 |
cmweb | YAY, its installing java | 05:51 |
snide | the one you created during installation | 05:51 |
stalefries | blacknine: try sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 05:51 |
=== digiqq [n=digiqq@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | cmweb, congrats | 05:51 |
=== sagemassa [n=sage@65-103-227-156.slkc.qwest.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
cmweb | ljl, are you on | 05:52 |
gmitchel | does anyone have the atiixp sound drivers sucessfully working in Dapper? | 05:52 |
blacknine | gedit? | 05:52 |
cmweb | stalefries, :D | 05:52 |
=== stalefries has been on #ubuntu for so long, and should quit for the night soon | ||
stalefries | blacknine: text editor for gnome | 05:52 |
cmweb | gmitchel mine camo on the platform installed | 05:52 |
stalefries | you could also use nano | 05:52 |
stalefries | which is command-line based | 05:52 |
=== Nuked [n=fluxinat@ool-44c7d376.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blacknine | oh, im using kde(nubuntu), that channel is slower with people so i figure ill ask here | 05:53 |
=== docgnome [n=user@d1-102.rb2.gh.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cmweb Gives every one a pinch of you know what | ||
gmitchel | cmweb: did you have to do anything special to get sound working? mine seems to have the drivers installed correctly but I can't get it to play any sound | 05:53 |
Shadow_mil | stalefries: ok my web cam is weird. Its a digital cam that can output video | 05:53 |
=== mlots [n=mlots@wnpgmb09dc1-76-187.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | Anyone using CommunigatePro? | 05:54 |
=== Nuked [n=fluxinat@ool-44c7d376.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stalefries | gmitchel: that sounds like a ad case of muted sound to me :) | 05:54 |
cmweb | gmitchel, mine were working on the live disk, i did nothing to them they just work | 05:54 |
stalefries | Shadow_mil: I have no idea about webcams | 05:54 |
gmitchel | cmweb: haha, i only wish | 05:54 |
stalefries | Shadow_mil: never used one ever | 05:54 |
gmitchel | cmweb: tried alsamixer like a thousand times | 05:55 |
docgnome | is anyone else having problems with ipkungfu on edgy? After installing it it spits back a bunch of error messages. the first two are nearly the same.... "/usr/sbin/ipkungfu: 6: source: not found" | 05:55 |
Evan_ | I cannot write to my linux partition, ahhhhh | 05:55 |
Shadow_mil | stalefries: I can choose from NTSC or PAL output | 05:55 |
cmweb | althogh, you chould chek the hardware | 05:55 |
cmweb | im using Rythmbox | 05:55 |
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mlots | Why does sound work under 2.4 and not 2.6? The sound modules apear to load. What should I be looking for? alsaplayer doesn't run, dsp seems to be missing, udev is installed... | 05:55 |
gmitchel | cmweb: do you know what chipset your sound has? | 05:56 |
stalefries | Shadow_mil: once again, I have no idea. I would suggeset googling your webcam's model + ubuntu or linux | 05:56 |
bigfuzzyjesus | so | 05:56 |
docgnome | the file it is trying to source at that line is /etc/ipkungfu/pre.conf which is there... | 05:56 |
stalefries | docgnome: have you checked line 6? | 05:56 |
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=== ubd [n=ubd@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== catalytic [n=catalyti@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
docgnome | stalefries: aye. it is the end of an if statement which after the conditional, is doing 'source /etc/ipkungfu/pre.conf' | 05:57 |
jedilj | can someone tell me how to intall a downloaded program | 05:57 |
docgnome | sans quotes | 05:57 |
cmweb | OML i thought we were taalking about ATI Technologies Inc IXP SB400 AC'97 Audio Controller | 05:57 |
jedilj | i'm new and don't know what i'm doing | 05:58 |
cmweb | do this | 05:58 |
ubd | how can i upgrade to 6.10 desktop from dapper server? | 05:58 |
=== ReWT_AxS [n=rewt@71-87-167-171.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
cmweb | in ubuntu go to system | 05:58 |
stalefries | docgnome; no idea at this point | 05:58 |
snowshoefox | wow, kernel compilng now is so automated | 05:58 |
cmweb | administration->devicemanager | 05:58 |
stalefries | !install | 05:58 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 05:58 |
jedilj | okay | 05:58 |
stalefries | oh, wrong one | 05:58 |
gmitchel | cmweb: that's the proper southbridge and audiocontroller, just wondering if the chip was a realtek 650 or 850 or what | 05:58 |
confusco | !programs | 05:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about programs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:58 |
snowshoefox | no more .swp files from viming in every directory to modify configs | 05:58 |
confusco | jediji, what do you want to do? | 05:58 |
=== Snake [n=snake@unaffiliated/snake] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | docgnome: i think there maybe still an ipkungfu irc room..the guy that wrote it...is usually just hanging out | 05:58 |
Snake | is there some way for me to control the volume levels of gnome-volume through a shell script? | 05:58 |
=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jedilj | install souldseek | 05:59 |
jedilj | soulseek | 05:59 |
stalefries | ubd: 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' | 05:59 |
cmweb | yeah its a realtech | 05:59 |
ubd | ^^ | 05:59 |
=== eimajenthat [n=jamie@cpe-70-113-64-83.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gmitchel | cmweb: i have a 650 working on an old maching, but the 850 is the one having issues | 05:59 |
Snake | anyone? | 05:59 |
=== B_166-ER-X [n=ghost@c207.134.47-108.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== stalefries has got to go to bed now. | ||
cmweb | did you download the aproperate driver. | 06:00 |
=== stalefries says goodbye to everyon | ||
snide | hey guys how do i install a different linux environment (right now i have two ; kde and gnome but i remember theres one more | 06:00 |
snide | right now im under kde enivornment | 06:00 |
confusco | soulseek might be a problem | 06:00 |
Snake | snide, another is xfce | 06:00 |
gmitchel | cmweb: got the new motherboard cuz the old one was so easy to get going and they were very similar... | 06:00 |
ubd | stalefries: how can i -only- install xserver + gnome | 06:00 |
Snake | snide, or fluxbox | 06:00 |
gmitchel | cmweb: yeah, tried installing from realtek's site | 06:01 |
Snake | snide, just sudo apt-get install xfce4 for example | 06:01 |
Snake | is there some way for me to control the volume levels of gnome-volume through a shell script? | 06:01 |
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubd | snake: how can i -only- install xserver + gnome on server | 06:01 |
cmweb | Is yours aa motherboard built in? | 06:01 |
Evan_ | no one wants to help me with my mounting problem, my life hangs in the balance! | 06:01 |
cmweb | thats whaat mine is, by realtech but on the board | 06:01 |
Snake | ubd, do a server install, then sudo apt-get install gnome-core | 06:02 |
Snake | if i remeber right | 06:02 |
ubd | gnome-core will req. x11 right? | 06:02 |
=== basanta [n=basanta@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gmitchel | cmweb: yeah, onboard | 06:02 |
Snake | ubd, mhm | 06:02 |
cmweb | Then it should detect, are you on 6.06 | 06:03 |
ubd | mhm? | 06:03 |
Snake | ubd, correct | 06:03 |
cmweb | (ubuntu version) | 06:03 |
=== jcruzlara [n=javier@ip68-227-171-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== digiqq [n=digiqq@] has left #ubuntu ["Cya] | ||
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gmitchel | cmweb: yeah, and it detects it... just won't give me any audio... sounds like the old mute problem but i assure you, it's not | 06:03 |
=== Gh0sty_ [n=ghosty@ip-81-11-173-49.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== digiqq [n=digiqq@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jcruzlara | Hi is there anyone here that could help me with a monitor problem please. | 06:04 |
cmweb | Use rythmbox | 06:04 |
cmweb | mine work on rythm box | 06:04 |
ubd | do i have update manager in dapper server? | 06:04 |
gmitchel | cmweb: ill give it a try | 06:04 |
=== Nuked [n=fluxinat@unaffiliated/Nuked] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p54A18649.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cmweb | Rythmbox Music Player | 06:05 |
slavik | ubd: 'which update-manager' | 06:05 |
jcruzlara | Anyone? | 06:05 |
snide | thanks snake but what is the sudo command word? | 06:05 |
slavik | !ask | jcruzlara | 06:05 |
ubotu | jcruzlara: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:05 |
=== CorpseFeeder [n=mouser@ppp103-64.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== digiqq [n=digiqq@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== b34n [n=b34n@ool-44c59063.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
snide | !sudo | 06:06 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 06:06 |
snide | oo :P | 06:06 |
Snake | ubotu, sudo > snide | 06:06 |
=== Chico_mecanico [i=Chinji-K@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubd | slavik: gksu command | 06:06 |
cmweb | !laanguage | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about laanguage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:06 |
Chico_mecanico | hi | 06:06 |
snide | !language | 06:06 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:06 |
slavik | ubd: you mean gksudo ... | 06:06 |
snide | lol | 06:06 |
cmweb | !language | 06:06 |
jcruzlara | Ok sorry well Im trying to get my resolution to 1440x900 but everytime i chage it in xorg it keeps changing to a diffirent one. | 06:06 |
Snake | is there some way for me to control the volume levels of gnome-volume through a shell script? | 06:06 |
slavik | jcruzlara: what video card and what drivers? | 06:07 |
b34n | I installed Ubuntu in a virtual machine and the resolution is all messed up. what's the easiest way to reach the terminal from the main login screen? | 06:07 |
Chico_mecanico | !list | 06:07 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 06:07 |
slavik | Snake: try 'man gnome-volume-manager' | 06:07 |
jcruzlara | ugh its an integrated unicrhome card | 06:07 |
=== landan [n=landan@222-154-253-30.adsl.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== Caplain_ [n=matt@20.detroit-11-13rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | jcruzlara: does it support the resolution in windows? | 06:07 |
SurfnKid | anyone get an 865G card to work succesfully at 1024 24bit on Ubuntu? | 06:08 |
landan | how do i boot to my installed ubuntu from the cd - load root=/dev/hdb1 ? | 06:08 |
jcruzlara | Oh yea thought that would be the problem no it didn't. | 06:08 |
slavik | SurfnKid: use the i810 driver | 06:08 |
b34n | I mean...is there a keyboard shortcut to start the terminal ? | 06:08 |
jcruzlara | shame i just got this awesome 19" monitor and I can't even use it. | 06:08 |
Snake | slavik, I have | 06:09 |
slavik | jcruzlara: then I bet the chip doesn't support the resolution. sorry | 06:09 |
Snake | slavik, it doesnt mention control via CLI | 06:09 |
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lam_ | [y/N] on apt-get ==> --force-yes will override and select yes? | 06:09 |
cmweb | Has anyone ever tyred Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 on wine in ubuntu | 06:09 |
jcruzlara | Oh well guess I'll just get a new graphics card. Thank you for your help. | 06:09 |
slavik | wrong one :P | 06:09 |
SurfnKid | slavik, the one included with ubuntu? | 06:09 |
=== linlin [i=will@c-71-194-70-13.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== vcolombo [n=vcolombo@adsl-67-37-28-11.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cmweb | !warrenty | 06:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about warrenty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:10 |
ubd | how to upgrade to 6.10 with only gnome, from dapper server | 06:10 |
cmweb | !warranty | 06:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about warranty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:10 |
=== Kr0ntab [n=Kr0ntab@unaffiliated/Kr0ntab] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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cmweb | 6.10 kill my machine | 06:10 |
cmweb | i got it and i could not dialup | 06:10 |
=== jcruzlara [n=javier@ip68-227-171-195.om.om.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
slavik | Snake: check out alsa-mixer | 06:11 |
Snake | this is messed up :'( | 06:11 |
ubd | 6.10 requires dsl dont you know that? :P | 06:11 |
ubd | how to upgrade to 6.10 with only gnome, from dapper server | 06:11 |
Snake | slavik, I diidddd I cant pass on flag commands to set the level though | 06:11 |
=== samurai [n=samurai@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | ubd: you only want gnome from 6.10? | 06:11 |
cmweb | ubd, jeez them in not upgrading again, i had to reboot | 06:12 |
cmweb | i meen | 06:12 |
=== samurai is now known as samiam | ||
cmweb | reformat thaats it | 06:12 |
luminousnerd | anyone here do beryl?? :( I really want it to work | 06:12 |
=== jcruzlara [n=javier@ip68-227-171-195.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubd | i want the kernel etc too | 06:12 |
slavik | luminousnerd: what card and what driver you have?> | 06:12 |
=== CPrgmSwR2 [n=keith@adsl-75-9-222-133.dsl.crchtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | ubd: you either upgrade everything or nothing, sorry, but that's how it has to be | 06:12 |
luminousnerd | slavik: Nvidia 6600GT, nvidia driver | 06:12 |
ubd | slavik how to upgrade to 6.10 server with only gnome, from dapper server | 06:13 |
jcruzlara | wait but if my chipset doesn't support it doesn't it mean that it wouldn't be able to display any resolution above 1440x900? | 06:13 |
slavik | ubd: did you read my PM? | 06:13 |
ubd | no i get no pm | 06:13 |
slavik | jcruzlara: only that resolution, since it is not 4:3 or 5:4 | 06:13 |
ubd | slavik: i wnt to upgrede to 610 server then install gnomecore | 06:14 |
slavik | jcruzlara: for example, with vesa drivers, my laptop can only display 1024x768, but my display is 1280x768 ... once I installed fglrx, that resolution because available | 06:14 |
=== bheekook [n=bheekook@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jcruzlara | because i can change it to 1600x1200 which is wide screen and higher | 06:14 |
slavik | ubd, why not dist-upgrade? is this a production amchine? or something you play around with at home? | 06:14 |
b34n | I use gnome...where would my resolution settings be stored? | 06:14 |
cmweb | Any one want to buy me dsl.... I wont run up the bill (as long as its fixed rate ;)) | 06:14 |
slavik | jcruzlara: then it doesn't support that particular resolution | 06:14 |
ubd | slavik: i have to save bandwidth | 06:15 |
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jcruzlara | aaww | 06:15 |
=== jcruzlara [n=javier@ip68-227-171-195.om.om.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
slavik | cmweb: if verizon is in your area, they have very low rates | 06:15 |
slavik | ubd: can you download the edgy server CD? could use that as a repo | 06:15 |
=== FrankieShoelaces [n=FrankieS@cpe-24-168-111-195.si.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
=== graveson [n=graveson@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubd | i just dont want to install silly games and mail readrs and media players and codecs etc | 06:16 |
ubd | hmm | 06:16 |
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-162-23.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== cmweb looks to see if wallet has money, nope only a tumble weed | ||
digiqq | hey guys, I was trying to install Java, but how come I get this msg: "Setting up sun-java5-bin (1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1) ... | 06:16 |
digiqq | Error: could not find libjava.so | 06:16 |
digiqq | Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment." | 06:16 |
=== paras [n=paras@71-81-209-63.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubd | slavik do you say, upgrade from cd or make clean install | 06:17 |
=== cmweb then looks at his drivers license and reminds himself that hes only 15 | ||
=== wickedpuppy [n=wicked@cm230.epsilon167.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mark__ [n=mark@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== ubd congratz cmweb | ||
Snake | slavik, amixer. | 06:17 |
=== Jonbo [n=Jonbo123@adsl-074-229-245-180.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luminousnerd | slavik: can you help? | 06:17 |
slavik | ubd: upgrade from cd | 06:17 |
Snake | slavik, amixer set master <level here> (just for future info) | 06:18 |
=== Versed` [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snake | Master | 06:18 |
Snake | rather | 06:18 |
Snake | (gotta cap it) | 06:18 |
slavik | Snake: what do you need it for (curiosity) | 06:18 |
=== cmweb Wonders why ubd congradulated him | ||
slavik | luminousnerd: what's the trouble? | 06:18 |
=== ken [n=ken@c-24-20-164-10.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | cmweb: what kind of grades do you get? | 06:18 |
Snake | slavik, nixbox as alarm clock. I got it set to be at 05% for me to go to sleep, then go to 90% for my waking alarm | 06:19 |
=== rlee [n=Bell10@67-42-82-211.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Snake | slavik, then its quiet at night, and wakes me up in the morning | 06:19 |
luminousnerd | slavik: well, I can run beryl-manager and it launches fine, but none of the effects actually happen..everything looks the same. It was working fine for a while, but then stopped. | 06:19 |
slavik | Snake: nice :) | 06:19 |
luminousnerd | Didn't do anything afaik to make it stop | 06:19 |
slavik | Snake: you have to post a how to somewhere :) | 06:19 |
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cmweb | Im passing thats aall i care about im a freshman | 06:19 |
haxality | hi all | 06:19 |
Snake | slavik, its really simple actually, kalarm with a few commands in it | 06:19 |
haxality | I'm having an interesting problem with NetworkManager | 06:19 |
rlee | hi there | 06:19 |
slavik | Snake: still, post a howto and pics ... or something | 06:19 |
haxality | I'm running it under fluxbox, and it works great | 06:19 |
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slavik | luminousnerd: how do you start beryl? | 06:20 |
Snake | slavik, hehe ill think about it | 06:20 |
Snake | night all | 06:20 |
haxality | but it errors when it tries to store WEP/WPA keys automatically | 06:20 |
=== Snake is now known as Snake[Sleep] | ||
slavik | with beryl-manager? | 06:20 |
rlee | does anyone know the virtual machine for ubuntu? | 06:20 |
haxality | so I have to enter them every time | 06:20 |
haxality | is there any way to fix this? | 06:20 |
luminousnerd | slavik: well I've tried both ways: command line and the shortcut I made for it, both are beryl-manager | 06:20 |
yakumo | hi anyone know how can i rename a database in mysql? | 06:20 |
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slavik | luminousnerd: I dunno what to say ... try #beryl | 06:20 |
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slavik | yakumo: I suggest looking through MySQL documentation (I have no idea) | 06:21 |
luminousnerd | slavik: okay :/ thanks anyway | 06:21 |
gubluntu | can someone please help me get back my virtual consoles | 06:21 |
yakumo | ok thnks | 06:21 |
gubluntu | ctrl-alt-f1 sends me to just a flashing cursor with no login prompt | 06:21 |
haxality | ..anyone? | 06:21 |
rlee | helo | 06:22 |
slavik | gubluntu: pastebin your /etc/inittab | 06:22 |
slavik | !pastebin | gubluntu | 06:22 |
ubotu | gubluntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:22 |
slavik | haxality: I wish I could help, but as it is, my wifi card doesn't even scan :( | 06:23 |
rlee | anyone use ubuntu 6.01? | 06:23 |
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slavik | rlee: no such version :P you mean 6.10 | 06:24 |
cmweb | rlee, wow thaats like old you should upgrade | 06:24 |
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slavik | cmweb: rofl | 06:24 |
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slavik | rlee: you were talking about a virtual machine ... | 06:24 |
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rlee | slavik: yes | 06:25 |
gubluntu | slavik, http://pastebin.ca/253015 | 06:25 |
cmweb | slavik, youl pay | 06:25 |
=== Heiroglyphics [i=Heirogly@adsl-69-227-127-73.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | rlee: you mean like VMware? | 06:25 |
raknam | hi, i'm trying to unstall ubuntu server on a desktop, and i'm in the "low memory mode" even though i have 300 something megs of ram | 06:25 |
rlee | slavik: does VMware run on ubuntu? | 06:25 |
raknam | and i'm at the "load install components from CD stage" but it won't let me go forward | 06:25 |
slavik | rlee: yes, I have it running on dapper at work ... | 06:25 |
NineTeen67Comet | aarg .. I accidently aptitude the newest nvidia driver only to find out my card is a NV15 / GeForce2 GTS/PRO and needed the nvidia-glx-legacy driver .. so I removed nvidia-glx and installed nvidia-glx-legacy .. restarted the box, and saw the nvidia logo, but there is no glxinfo .. it say no GLX on 0:0 .. help? | 06:25 |
raknam | Any ideas? | 06:26 |
slavik | raknam: so you are trying to isntall ... | 06:26 |
rlee | slavik: i am using ubuntu 6.01 | 06:26 |
slavik | rlee: you are using 6.10 (switch the 1 and 0) | 06:26 |
raknam | 6.06 server | 06:26 |
landan | how do i boot off my ubuntu partition from the live cd? (what is the command when im in Boot Options)?! | 06:26 |
slavik | and I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work ... | 06:26 |
raknam | LAMP | 06:26 |
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cmweb | rlee, please dont make me look like i know nothjing | 06:26 |
cmweb | SLAVIC | 06:26 |
landan | boot root=/dev/hdb1 ? | 06:27 |
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slavik | landan: from the GRUB screen? | 06:27 |
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landan | no havent gone a grub screen | 06:27 |
cmweb | slavik* | 06:27 |
landan | from the cd | 06:27 |
slavik | landan: or when you are in the LiveCD environment | 06:27 |
gubluntu | slavik, also, fyi, dont know if its related, when i poerdown or try to reboot it hangs right at the point of poweroff/restarting.. i.e. blinking cursors on blank screen just like if i try to switch into a vt | 06:27 |
=== cmweb Puts a gun in mouth | ||
landan | booting off the live cd because windows is using my MBR | 06:27 |
rlee | slavik: what os can we run on VMware in ubuntu? | 06:28 |
landan | but ubuntu is installed successfully on one of my partitions | 06:28 |
slavik | landan: right ... and you installed windows after ubuntu? | 06:28 |
graveson | without going into the background ,what does the output mean "Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table" | 06:28 |
snide | hey im back again, im @ ubuntu server , dling a file called "ubuntu-6.10-alternate-amd64.iso" im hoping that it is the right OS for my computer because since I use AMD64 Athlon 3500, should I go ahead or .. ? | 06:28 |
slavik | landan: you need to reinstall GRUB to MBR, please search the wiki pages (I never done it) | 06:28 |
landan | ok | 06:28 |
snide | right now im using a sorta of general or generic one but its making my computer seemingly choppy | 06:28 |
landan | but how do i boot to ubuntu so i CAN install grub? | 06:28 |
slavik | snide: uname -r and tell me what it says | 06:28 |
slavik | landan: you can use the LiveCD for that | 06:28 |
landan | ok | 06:29 |
landan | how?! | 06:29 |
=== cmweb blows a buckshot to the head and falls to the floor. :'( | ||
landan | thats what im trying to do | 06:29 |
slavik | landan: search the wiki please ... I've never done it | 06:29 |
snide | 2.6.17-10-generic , slavik | 06:29 |
landan | sigh | 06:29 |
slavik | snide: uname -a then ... | 06:29 |
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snide | Linux bluefire 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux, Slavik | 06:29 |
snide | whats the difference between i386 and i686 ? | 06:30 |
slavik | gubluntu: the VTs are enabled ... try to boot into recovery mode, then do 'init 2' after you get a promt ... | 06:30 |
ubd | theres no ubuntu-minimal package in 6.10?!!! | 06:31 |
snide | Slavik, well? | 06:31 |
slavik | snide: i386 is like the first pentium, i686 is the P4, Athlon type (extra x86 commands) | 06:31 |
alpha_charlie | i'm trying to install unbuntu 6.06 on a dell inspiron 2500 laptop and all i end up with is a blank screen. Anyone have any suggestions? | 06:31 |
snide | oo | 06:31 |
slavik | ubd: should be ubuntu-core | 06:31 |
snide | hm | 06:31 |
slavik | snide: should be fine | 06:31 |
snide | alright so i should leave my current os alone? | 06:31 |
slavik | snide: not sure if you are running 32bit right now or 64bit ... | 06:31 |
cmweb | Hey whats the synch time for ubuntu in the easter time zone? | 06:31 |
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snide | no need for me tore install? | 06:31 |
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cmweb | i mean the site URL | 06:31 |
NineTeen67Comet | My sound dies after my last upgrade and I see this error in my dmesg: . EMU10K1_Audigy: probe of 0000:00:0e.0 failed with error -5 .. Ideas? | 06:32 |
slavik | snide: if it's a server then I suggest not to unless you REALLY have to | 06:32 |
snide | check the wiki site for my amd64 athlon, it says its 64bit architure based | 06:32 |
crimsun | NineTeen67Comet: irq issues. | 06:32 |
snide | nope, the computer im using is not a server | 06:32 |
snide | ;D | 06:32 |
crimsun | NineTeen67Comet: check dmesg for additional clues | 06:32 |
slavik | snide: I know ... but you can run 32bit OS and everything on it :) | 06:32 |
snide | really? | 06:32 |
slavik | crimsun: :D | 06:32 |
slavik | snide: yes | 06:32 |
snide | hm | 06:32 |
NineTeen67Comet | crimsun: thanks .. I'm scrolling around .. | 06:32 |
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slavik | snide: A64 can detect 32bit code and switch to 32bit mode ... the OS never knows the diff | 06:32 |
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snide | didnt know that, thought that a certain linux os gotta be pick up for a specific cpu / arcihture or whatever that is | 06:33 |
snide | oo | 06:33 |
slavik | snide: somewhat | 06:33 |
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slavik | snide: a sun sparc is diff than an a64 architecture ... | 06:33 |
snide | ahh | 06:33 |
slavik | a64 = x86-64 = x86 32bit with 64bit extensions | 06:33 |
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alpha_charlie | Hello i'm trying to install unbuntu 6.06 on a dell inspiron 2500 laptop and all i end up with is a blank screen. Anyone have any suggestions? | 06:35 |
snide | right now my os gets choppy every time i drag any application around and right now if i try to change my login windows display, it wont come up and if i go under gnome eniivronment and try to remove/change apps .. says some packages are broken and i need to repair them. how i do that? | 06:35 |
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NineTeen67Comet | PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:10000@f8000000 for 0000:01:00.0 | 06:35 |
NineTeen67Comet | crimsun this is another fail I see.. but PCI 1:00 is my agp slot .. (from what I can tell) .. is it maybe something in my BIOS I borked? | 06:35 |
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sully86 | I mounted a windows share but the directory comes up blank and it just shows me the free space and says permisson denied if i try to write to it.. any ideas what i did wrong? | 06:35 |
john64 | does anyone know of a script to rename files in a directory to be VFAT safe names? | 06:35 |
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slavik | john64: no | 06:35 |
slavik | john64: how are you at programming? | 06:35 |
john64 | fine, but its not something that i really have time to write | 06:36 |
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NineTeen67Comet | brb gonna dink w/my bios .. | 06:36 |
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slavik | john64: well, gives you an opportunity to practice :) | 06:36 |
john64 | slavik: i also don't know the pattern for VFAT safe names | 06:36 |
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snide | Right now I'd like to remove an entire of KDE enivronment and applications from my os, leaving only Gnome and Xfce on. But every time I go on gnome's add and remove apps, I try to remove any KDE related apps .. I end up getting an error message saying that some packages are broken and I need to repair them first before I can even remove them entirely. | 06:36 |
slavik | john64: any printable alpha character and the starting can't be '.' | 06:36 |
snide | How do I repair the broken packages? | 06:37 |
=== john64 doesn't need practise, he needs something simple | ||
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Heiroglyphics | anyone know how to use the chown for the account instead of the each file? | 06:37 |
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slavik | snide: open synaptic and then click filters and then broken packages, then remove them | 06:37 |
john64 | what do you mean heiroglyphics | 06:37 |
Malte | quit | 06:37 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: huh? | 06:37 |
aseveremercy | anyone installed mysql on ubuntu? | 06:37 |
Heiroglyphics | i need to do it in the terminal | 06:37 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: by definition chown acts on files/directories | 06:37 |
snide | oo thanks slavik lol | 06:37 |
hajiki | can i install the Transmission bittorrent client in ubuntu? | 06:38 |
john64 | like "chmod user:group ./* -R | 06:38 |
snide | alright ill be back, slavik | 06:38 |
john64 | ??? | 06:38 |
snide | ur extremely helpful, slavik | 06:38 |
snide | thanks! | 06:38 |
slavik | john64: yes | 06:38 |
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john64 | i meant, is that what he was asking ;) | 06:38 |
slavik | john64: that's chown, not chmod | 06:38 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:I need to do it on a login account, i need to change it from root to admin | 06:38 |
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john64 | what is it exactly? | 06:38 |
aseveremercy | any mysql users out there? | 06:39 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: ok, entering dangerous waters, why do you want that? | 06:39 |
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aseveremercy | anyone know what the debian package for mysql is? | 06:39 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: you want to have an account 'admin' instead of 'root'? | 06:39 |
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slavik | aseveremercy: have you tried searching in synaptic? | 06:39 |
slavik | !synaptic | 06:39 |
ubotu | synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 06:39 |
john64 | aservermercy: packages.debian.org are your friend too | 06:39 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: I accidently changed admin to root | 06:39 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: and I need to change it back | 06:39 |
carpediem | hajiki: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244677 | 06:40 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: you mean the group or the user? | 06:40 |
john64 | you could run chmod admin:admin <path> -R | 06:40 |
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slavik | john64: this is different, I think | 06:40 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: I think i changed both but im pretty sure its the user | 06:40 |
hajiki | carpediem: thanks | 06:40 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: hang on | 06:40 |
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aseveremercy | slavik, yes i did -- but didn't find it | 06:40 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:k | 06:40 |
raknam | hi, i'm having trouble installing ubuntu server on an old desktop, can someone point me in the direction of a guide or how to on ubuntu wiki or forums or something? | 06:41 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- i'll try that | 06:41 |
john64 | there is also packages.ubuntu.com for ubuntu stuff | 06:41 |
slavik | raknam: get the alternate CD, that should work | 06:41 |
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slavik | Heiroglyphics: can you open System -> Administration -> Users and Groups ? | 06:41 |
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Maurox | raknam: what problems do you have ?? | 06:41 |
john64 | aservermercy: mysql-server | 06:41 |
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Heiroglyphics | slavik: i can't login, im doing it off the rescue terminal | 06:42 |
chino_ | ya estoy | 06:42 |
john64 | or mysql-client are metapackages to the client and server ones for Ubuntu | 06:42 |
aseveremercy | o.k. here is my problem, after typing: | 06:42 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: it was the only account | 06:42 |
aseveremercy | apt-get install mysql-server | 06:42 |
slavik | no user account? | 06:42 |
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Heiroglyphics | only 1 | 06:42 |
robert_ | can I apt-get the intel C++ compiler? | 06:42 |
john64 | not likely | 06:42 |
slavik | there was a user and a root account | 06:42 |
aseveremercy | now it wants the cdrom, but can't find it | 06:42 |
john64 | oh | 06:42 |
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aseveremercy | Media change: please insert the disc labeled | 06:43 |
aseveremercy | 'Ubuntu-Server 6.06.1 _Dapper Drake_ - Release i386 (20060807.1)' | 06:43 |
aseveremercy | in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter | 06:43 |
Healot | robertj_: no, it;s proprietary... | 06:43 |
aseveremercy | but the cd is in the drive | 06:43 |
BadKitty | Question: I have the processor usage display on my menu bar, and it is displaying 100% ALOT of the time, even when there is nothing going on, or right on start up, why would it do this? | 06:43 |
john64 | just comment out the first few lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:43 |
Heiroglyphics | 2 account with root access | 06:43 |
john64 | i can show you mine if you like | 06:43 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- my apt-sources? | 06:43 |
slavik | aseveremercy: 'sudo mount /media/cdrom' | 06:43 |
john64 | sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:43 |
confusco | BadKitty did you try rebooting | 06:43 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: go into /etc and check who owns rc.d | 06:43 |
=== Skal [n=skal@ADijon-258-1-44-85.w90-6.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raknam | well first it says that i don't have enough memory because the system requires at least 32 megs, i have 300+, and when i'm loading installer components it will download them and then go back to the same "load installer components" screen, then when i "go back" and go on the next step it says i don't have the correct network hardware drivers for the kernal | 06:43 |
aseveremercy | slavik -- wait -- what am i telling it to mount with sudo mount /media/cdrom | 06:44 |
BadKitty | confusco: yep I restarted and it has been showing 100% usage most of this session | 06:44 |
aseveremercy | don't i have to specify a device? | 06:44 |
slavik | aseveremercy: to mount the cdrom | 06:44 |
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confusco | so Right after restart it is still at 100? | 06:44 |
aseveremercy | tbooher@stadion:~$ sudo mount /media/cdrom | 06:44 |
aseveremercy | mount: No medium found | 06:44 |
slavik | aseveremercy: no, mount will look into fstab for /media/cdrom entry | 06:44 |
john64 | aserveremercy: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1465 | 06:44 |
BadKitty | confusco, after I opened the first program | 06:44 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:there are only 2 users hidden root user and regular user | 06:44 |
aseveremercy | dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 06:45 |
aseveremercy | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 06:45 |
robert_ | john64: was that to me? heh | 06:45 |
confusco | not really sure | 06:45 |
john64 | the pastebin, no, but feel free to use it | 06:45 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- i'll check it out | 06:45 |
BadKitty | confusco, but when I look in the system monitor it says only 65 is being used by processes | 06:45 |
slavik | aseveremercy: then cdrom0 or cdrom1 ... oen of them should mount | 06:45 |
john64 | aserveremercy, that is a waste of time if you dont have the cd | 06:45 |
confusco | 65%? | 06:45 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: and you changed the hidden root user to admin? | 06:45 |
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BadKitty | 6% | 06:46 |
confusco | oh | 06:46 |
=== dead1ock [n=chrisl@bzq-88-155-180-8.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aseveremercy | john64 -- i have the cd -- but it looks for /cdrom/ -- i have cdrom0 | 06:46 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: no i changed the regular admin user to root | 06:46 |
john64 | oh | 06:46 |
confusco | I have had that happen, but it was fixed after restart | 06:46 |
aseveremercy | synaptic doesn't know where to look! | 06:46 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: so you have 2 root users? | 06:46 |
john64 | mount /dev/hdc | 06:46 |
snide | Hey, I'm back.. under Gnome Environment.. right now I'm unable to right click button to bring up gnome background wallpaper change .. whats up with that? | 06:46 |
BadKitty | I restated twice and same thing... do you think the menu display is wrong? | 06:46 |
john64 | aserveremercy mount /dev/hdc | 06:46 |
aseveremercy | tbooher@stadion:~$ mount /dev/hdc | 06:46 |
aseveremercy | mount: No medium found | 06:46 |
john64 | well sudo that | 06:47 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:yeah and I need to change the non-hidden one to normal | 06:47 |
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john64 | $ file /dev/hdc | 06:47 |
confusco | Ubuntu is still way buggy | 06:47 |
confusco | imo | 06:47 |
aseveremercy | tbooher@stadion:~$ sudo mount /dev/hdd | 06:47 |
aseveremercy | mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only | 06:47 |
aseveremercy | is that o.k.? | 06:47 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: are you on edgy? | 06:47 |
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Heiroglyphics | slavik:yeah | 06:48 |
BadKitty | i'd agree | 06:48 |
bigfuzzyjesus | confusco, how so, it isnt buggy, xp is buggy | 06:48 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: are you in X? | 06:48 |
john64 | aserveremercy: the easiest way is to comment out the CDROM repositories in the sources.list file | 06:48 |
dead1ock | you tell me ;) | 06:48 |
snide | GUYS how do I reinstall the utbuntu without having to use the CD to manually delete the linux hdas then create them again and reinstall everything? | 06:48 |
carpediem | snide: perhaps nautilus isn't running. Try Places > Home Folder, which runs nautilus | 06:48 |
confusco | not in my opinion | 06:48 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- got it -- i'll try that | 06:48 |
slavik | aseveremercy: yes, it's a CD-ROM ... duh :P | 06:48 |
john64 | if you run the command cat /etc/apt/sources.list > ~/Desktop/sources.list.txt | 06:48 |
Heiroglyphics | slvik:not too sure but mostlikely since i need to use grub to get into the rescue terminal | 06:48 |
john64 | then copy the file on your desktop into a pastebin then i can edit it for you if you like | 06:48 |
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slavik | Heiroglyphics: you're in X if you are using GNOME/KDE/XFCE right now ... | 06:49 |
aseveremercy | slavik -- well i know that -- i have two cd rom's (cd and dvd player) and i think that is giving me trouble -- but let me try john64's idea first | 06:49 |
snide | alright. how do i reinstall the os again without having cd to reinstall? | 06:49 |
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Heiroglyphics | slavik:its gnome | 06:49 |
snide | or without deleting the hdds? | 06:49 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: you did startx from the rescue terminal? | 06:49 |
Kleggas | has anyone fixed the problem when alsa driver for realtech soundcards (mine is ALC883 accoeding to OSS) stops working after installing fglrx driver either from repos or ati.com? I had front and mic mixer + a couple more and now I only have 2.0 sound without mic with OSS instead of alsa because I use fglrx | 06:49 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- how do i use pastebin | 06:50 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:i don't know | 06:50 |
=== Twinxor_ [n=Twinxor@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Heiroglyphics: are you running through recovery console right now? | 06:50 |
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john64 | open the file, copy the text, goto pastebin.mozilla.org, past it in the big box then click send | 06:50 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: or did you boot from the LiveCD? | 06:50 |
slavik | !pastebin | 06:50 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:50 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: running right now but i have to restart my computer to get into it | 06:50 |
carpediem | snide: why do you want to reinstall? There's almost never a reason for that. | 06:51 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: ok, so you booted from your HD and selected the recovery console from GRUB? | 06:51 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:yeah | 06:51 |
snide | Alright sorry. Probably a old habit I picked up from Windows lol | 06:51 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: I am trying to figure out what type of environment you are in ... | 06:51 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: ok, good | 06:51 |
snide | solve a plm by reinstall LOL | 06:51 |
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carpediem | snide: right, bad habit. What is wrong? | 06:51 |
aseveremercy | cool -- http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1466 | 06:51 |
=== warpzone [n=warpzone@nc-65-41-172-209.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | Heiroglyphics: go to System -> Administration -> Users and Groups | 06:52 |
ubd | yes snide windows rock | 06:52 |
snide | Lemma type | 06:52 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:ok | 06:52 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: in the list, you should see the two root users | 06:52 |
slavik | tell me the groups for each one (select one and click properties) | 06:52 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:how do i change one of them to regular? | 06:52 |
snide | Carpediem, anywhere in desktop area I would rightclick the mouse to bring up background / wallpaper changer under gnome right? Well this time it isnt coming up .. just nothing. | 06:53 |
Heiroglyphics | k | 06:53 |
slavik | actually, scratch the groups | 06:53 |
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Heiroglyphics | just user? | 06:53 |
aseveremercy | o.k. -- i have uncommented the line -- but i think i need to reinit synaptic -- how do i do that?? | 06:53 |
slavik | tell me their Home Directory (same part as the user lsit) | 06:53 |
carpediem | snide: as I said, nautilus probably crashed or something. Run "Places > Home Folder" | 06:53 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- did you see my pastebin | 06:53 |
slavik | aseveremercy: just restart it | 06:53 |
aseveremercy | slavik -- sorry -- how do i do that? | 06:53 |
john64 | http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1467 | 06:53 |
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snide | okay i just did that. yay, now what? | 06:53 |
BadKitty | IF MY resources in system monitor say my cpu is running at 100%, but processes only are at 6-8, what else could be eating at my cpu? | 06:54 |
aseveremercy | thanks -- john64 | 06:54 |
snide | the problem is .. i rebooted third times .. same result. | 06:54 |
carpediem | snide: now try right clicking on the desktop | 06:54 |
slavik | aseveremercy: close synaptic and open it again >.> | 06:54 |
john64 | np | 06:54 |
Heiroglyphics | home/yg | 06:54 |
snide | oo | 06:54 |
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Heiroglyphics | root | 06:54 |
aseveremercy | oh -- slavik -- i am using commandline apt-get | 06:54 |
snide | nothing. | 06:54 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: take a screenshot and paste in pastebin | 06:54 |
slavik | !pastebin| Heiroglyphics | 06:54 |
ubotu | Heiroglyphics: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:54 |
carpediem | snide: okay...let me think on it a sec. | 06:54 |
snide | i left it running , the natilius file browser .. while right click the desktop area | 06:54 |
cwatson | BadKitty: Run top in a command line to see all the running processes | 06:54 |
snide | alright | 06:54 |
john64 | aserveremercy: did it work? | 06:54 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik: i cant right now | 06:54 |
Heiroglyphics | slavik:i g2g | 06:54 |
slavik | aseveremercy: in a diff terminal? | 06:54 |
carpediem | snide: do you see your desktop icons? | 06:55 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: k, wait | 06:55 |
Heiroglyphics | ill figure it out later | 06:55 |
Heiroglyphics | k | 06:55 |
BadKitty | cwatson: can you explain that to me please? | 06:55 |
snide | nope, i remember havintg two hdas (to windows xp and fat32 hdds) | 06:55 |
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snide | but now all icons areg one | 06:55 |
snide | gone | 06:55 |
cwatson | BadKitty: open a terminal | 06:55 |
Heiroglyphics | waiting* | 06:55 |
BadKitty | got it.... | 06:55 |
aseveremercy | oh -- wait -- i was modifying the sources file i copied onto the Desktop!! | 06:55 |
madman215 | i have a problem with ubuntu, when i boot the live cd and hit the install thing the screen goes bland except a flashing curser in the top left corner, a few messages go by and then the screen goes compleately blank and after a while the computer just stops doing everything, no cd spin or hard drive spin | 06:55 |
slavik | Heiroglyphics: really, quick, the user that has a UserID of 0 is the hidden user, the other one is your regular admin user, also, when you change his username (login name) make sure his group matches the new name ... | 06:55 |
ubd | BadKitty: open a terminal and write "top" | 06:55 |
carpediem | snide: perhaps nautilus is hung. Open your terminal, and type "killall nautilus" | 06:55 |
john64 | that is fine | 06:55 |
cwatson | BadKitty: run top | 06:55 |
slavik | make it also match the home directory | 06:55 |
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slavik | got it? | 06:55 |
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pluma_ | If a harddrive makes a mechanical ticking noise and the computer freezes... and then it stops and the computer unfreezes... how long does the HDD survive? | 06:56 |
Heiroglyphics | ok thanks | 06:56 |
cwatson | BadKitty: the one at the top of the list is the one eating all of your cpu | 06:56 |
john64 | run the command sudo cp ~/Desktop/sources.list.txt /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:56 |
haxality_ | hey, i'm having problems getting NetworkManager to save my WEP password to keyring | 06:56 |
madman215 | anyone care to help me out | 06:56 |
slavik | pluma_: I'd be ordering a new one ... | 06:56 |
slavik | !ask | madman215 | 06:56 |
ubotu | madman215: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:56 |
madman215 | i did | 06:56 |
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snide | oops think it had something to uninstallation i done back on kde by accident | 06:56 |
snide | i will brb | 06:56 |
carpediem | slavik: he did ask his question | 06:56 |
asc | pluma_: if you're lucky, long enough for you to copy any important files off. | 06:56 |
ubd | pluma: 1245hours | 06:56 |
slavik | ahh, I see | 06:56 |
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slavik | madman215: bad news ... I have no idea :( | 06:57 |
cwatson | BadKitty: What do you see? | 06:57 |
BadKitty | xorg | 06:57 |
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cwatson | BadKitty: How fast is your machine? | 06:57 |
pluma_ | asc: Well, it's still surviving. For days. The ticking is just getting more common. | 06:57 |
haxality_ | again.. just wondering if anyone knows why Network Manager won't save my WEP password | 06:57 |
aseveremercy | john64 -- good -- looks like it is working! | 06:57 |
=== babwe [n=babwe@0x3e42bcbd.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pluma_ | And it's beginning to tick me off. | 06:57 |
jojoman02 | YAAY, today i completed 1 full year with ubuntu!! | 06:57 |
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graveson | what does the output mean "Disk /dev/sdc doesn't contain a valid partition table" and how can i fix this | 06:57 |
pluma_ | I'd have replaced the drive already if it wasn't my Windows box's system drive. Re-installing Windows is HELL | 06:58 |
cwatson | sweet! jojoman | 06:58 |
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madman215 | how long should i wait before reposting my question? | 06:58 |
john64 | aserveremercy: awesome! | 06:58 |
BadKitty | It's an AMD 64-bit something, Gig-Ram | 06:58 |
haxality_ | pluma_: re-installing most operating systems is hell | 06:58 |
haxality_ | :P | 06:58 |
pluma_ | It's not as bad with Linux | 06:58 |
carpediem | madman215: I don't know your problem, but you might try dapper and see if it will install, then upgrade to edgy once you install it. Of course it may not work with Dapper either. | 06:58 |
jojoman02 | madman215, wait around 3-5 min | 06:58 |
cwatson | BadKitty: is the cpu maxed out now? | 06:58 |
haxality_ | well, it's the same basic process.. you install the OS, then you install apps | 06:58 |
confusco | WinXP owns | 06:59 |
BadKitty | that is what it says | 06:59 |
=== feross [n=feross@71-215-80-251.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aseveremercy | o.k. while i have an expert's ear: john64 -- can you help me fix this problem: | 06:59 |
madman215 | ok thanks | 06:59 |
aseveremercy | Reading package lists... Done | 06:59 |
aseveremercy | W: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B83718 | 06:59 |
aseveremercy | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 06:59 |
carpediem | madman215: another thing... | 06:59 |
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-217-29.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pluma_ | WinXP is HELL | 06:59 |
wikityler | i agree | 06:59 |
cwatson | BadKitty: what percentage is xorg using? | 06:59 |
sephiron | exactly | 06:59 |
madman215 | carpediem, ya? | 06:59 |
slavik | pluma_: yes it is | 06:59 |
carpediem | madman215: did you run the consistency check on the CD to make sure its good? | 06:59 |
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BadKitty | between 10 and 20 | 06:59 |
aseveremercy | (apt-get update didn't help) | 06:59 |
slavik | !ru | 06:59 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 06:59 |
confusco | no it's not! | 06:59 |
haxality_ | maybe it's my linux noobyness, but ubuntu wasn't any better or worse than winXP for me, in terms of the installation | 06:59 |
wikityler | but atm i'm not finding ubuntu any better | 06:59 |
pluma_ | If I could get WINE to run properly on my amd64, I wouldn't even NEED Windows. | 06:59 |
asc | pluma_: I recommend that you not use it at all except to save your files. You really, really, do not want to gamble with your files when a drive starts dying. Trust me on this. | 06:59 |
madman215 | carpediem, ya but it does the same thing | 06:59 |
carpediem | madman215: a bad download, or a bad burn can cause these kinds of problems. | 07:00 |
cwatson | BadKitty: hmm, what makes you think that your cpu is maxed? | 07:00 |
slavik | haxality_: how many times did you have to reboot during installation and which one was easier to understand what is going on? | 07:00 |
confusco | WinXP ownzers joo | 07:00 |
pluma_ | asc: I have already backed up all the important file to another drive. It's just a PITA to use atm | 07:00 |
slavik | haxality_: :P | 07:00 |
BadKitty | it says cpu usage is 100% | 07:00 |
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slavik | madman215: when booting up, select the option to check the CD | 07:00 |
carpediem | madman215: Honestly, I installed last week, and it hung the first time through, but went smooth the second time. | 07:00 |
cwatson | BadKitty: what says that? | 07:00 |
haxality_ | slavik: I didn't have to reboot for XP, the installer did it | 07:00 |
sephiron | carpediem: me too | 07:00 |
haxality_ | slavik: I will concede that ubuntu made it abundantly clear what it was doing | 07:00 |
pluma_ | I don't want to get ownd by an OS, I want to USE it. | 07:00 |
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slavik | haxality_: there is the touchy issue of stuff working out of the box (most stuff for me) | 07:01 |
haxality_ | slavik: also, being able to use the internets while waiting for it to install was pretty awesome | 07:01 |
BadKitty | well... top says 67% and 100% on the menu bar. | 07:01 |
slavik | haxality_: good argument against yourself :P | 07:01 |
haxality_ | I am an ex-hardcore windows user, so, heh | 07:01 |
BadKitty | (system monitor) | 07:01 |
corevette | is there a vmware irc channel | 07:01 |
john64 | try #vmware | 07:01 |
haxality_ | slavik: when you say 'stuff working out of the box', what do you mean? | 07:02 |
asc | pluma_: Okay then. You might consider looking into using dd to copy the win partition to a new drive. | 07:02 |
haxality_ | like, the generic apps? | 07:02 |
slavik | corevette: try #vmware? although I doubt anyone is there besides you | 07:02 |
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confusco | I still say WinXP is way easier to use and get things working :( | 07:02 |
john64 | what is your question? | 07:02 |
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slavik | haxality_: all of my hardware (except video) works completely out of the box ... | 07:02 |
hansin321 | I just tried it (#vmware) and there are a bunch of people on it. | 07:02 |
haxality_ | meh, to get winXP beaten into submission and to get linux beaten into submission are basically equal in difficulty | 07:02 |
pip | Hello | 07:02 |
haxality_ | afaik, of course | 07:02 |
=== kingjere [n=kingjere@adsl-75-5-176-122.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
aseveremercy | john64 -- i need to fix: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B83718 | 07:02 |
haxality_ | it all comes with experience in one or the other | 07:02 |
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carpediem | hardcore windows user? I didn't know there was such a thing. Can you be hardcore on something that is thrust upon you? That's like being hardcore about the hair you have to pluck between your eyebrows. | 07:02 |
slavik | scanner, mouse, keyboard, sound (2 sound cards), TV tuner (didn't set it up because of lazyness) | 07:02 |
john64 | ignore that | 07:03 |
aseveremercy | how do i update my key | 07:03 |
aseveremercy | -- o.k. will ignore :) | 07:03 |
john64 | its a lot more effort than the payoff | 07:03 |
haxality_ | slavik: well, half of my hardware didn't work with edgy, so I ended up reinstalling 3-4 times. So.. obviously something hooked me | 07:03 |
cwatson | BadKitty: What does top report as the overall usage? (first entry in the 3rd line) | 07:03 |
sephiron | ati radeon X1300 pro and ati radeon X700 EZ,which is better? | 07:03 |
slavik | haxality_: agreed ... | 07:03 |
haxality_ | hehe | 07:03 |
=== ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | haxality_: dapper wouldn't install on my system because of an SATA drive ... | 07:03 |
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BadKitty | cwatson:64.9% | 07:03 |
haxality_ | whoa, really? | 07:03 |
haxality_ | good thing this laptop is like 3 years old, then! | 07:03 |
slavik | haxality_: dapper doesn't/didn't have libata ... | 07:04 |
haxality_ | ahh. | 07:04 |
kingjere | I added a remote server using the "connect to remote server" dialogue. How do I remove/edit it? It only shows in the "places" menu. | 07:04 |
slavik | it hung at 50% through detecting drives | 07:04 |
pip | I have a problem: I installed linux and windows on my harddisk ,but when I use ubuntu-6.06 live CD to reinstall ,the [installer ] could not recognize the old linux partitions ? | 07:04 |
=== linux666 [n=chatzill@cpe-67-9-96-240.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
haxality_ | on a related note, I've been thinking about installing ubuntu on my desktop | 07:04 |
carpediem | edgy installed on a SATA II drive, and it wasn't even in IDE mode. All hail Edgy. | 07:04 |
slavik | pip: you should have a desktop icon | 07:04 |
haxality_ | but I have a lot of media on NTFS partitions that I'd like to share on the network | 07:04 |
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haxality_ | my question. how hard is it to convert a hard drive from NTFS to, say, FAT32 | 07:05 |
slavik | haxality_: ntfs can be read ... you need ntfs-fuse for writing though | 07:05 |
haxality_ | hmmm | 07:05 |
slavik | haxality_: impossible | 07:05 |
haxality_ | thought so | 07:05 |
haxality_ | curse you NTFS! | 07:05 |
cwatson | BadKitty: Do you know what kind of graphics card you have? | 07:05 |
john64 | not with partition magic, but that is $$$$ | 07:05 |
haxality_ | well, is the support for NTFS write in linux what it was the last time I tried to get it? | 07:05 |
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slavik | haxality_: want a kicker? | 07:05 |
haxality_ | heh | 07:05 |
haxality_ | sure | 07:05 |
BadKitty | cwatson: Yes it is an nvidia GeforceFX 6600 | 07:05 |
=== djembe [n=seth@cpe-65-24-146-76.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BadKitty | or maybe a 5900 | 07:05 |
corevette | is there a reason ubuntu can connect to the internet on win xp run ubuntu, but ubuntu won't connect by itself | 07:06 |
cwatson | slavik: is ntfs-fuse in the repositories? is it stable? | 07:06 |
haxality_ | I've been condemning MS more and more lately, so any ammo is fine by me | 07:06 |
haxality_ | :P | 07:06 |
cwatson | BadKitty: Have you installed the drivers? | 07:06 |
john64 | winxp being the host? | 07:06 |
slavik | haxality_: NTFS was released in 1993, ext3 in 2001. ext3 has journaling support, ntfs doesn't. Vista is not getting WinFS (which would have journaling support) and Microsoft wants to claim that Windows is cutting edge? | 07:06 |
carpediem | you could convert an ntfs partition, using ntfsresize to little-by-little move data to another partition, resize, move, resize, rinse repeat. | 07:06 |
djembe | anyone have some advice on using wireless on an HP laptop? | 07:06 |
BadKitty | cwatson: Yes it is the nvidia beta driver, and I am running beryl | 07:06 |
haxality_ | hahaha that's awful | 07:06 |
haxality_ | NTFS is also super-duper proprietary, so it's impossible to read from ANY OS other than win2k/XP/vista | 07:07 |
pip | slavik, what do you mean ? | 07:07 |
haxality_ | that's the most fun of all! | 07:07 |
slavik | haxality_: also, ext4 has been announced and is said to become stable in 6-8 months (maybe even in feisty?) and ext4 will have all the ntfs features not in ext3, but those features are not very widely used AFAIK | 07:07 |
slavik | pip: in regards to what? | 07:07 |
djembe | i tried ndiswrapper but it won't work | 07:07 |
haxality_ | hrm | 07:07 |
=== jumbers [n=john@ool-457dc6cb.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
haxality_ | I'm tempted to just mount my NTFS partitions under the ubuntu liveCD and just leave it like that | 07:07 |
corevette | is there a reason ubuntu can connect to the internet on win xp run ubuntu, but ubuntu won't connect if its running by istelf | 07:07 |
haxality_ | heh, so much less work | 07:07 |
pip | slavik, the desktop icon ? did you catch my problem ? | 07:07 |
cwatson | BadKitty: Ahhh! Thats may be whats eating your cpu. I found that once in a while the beryl-manager would use 100% of my cpu | 07:08 |
confusco | wait, NTFS no journaling support? it does... | 07:08 |
slavik | pip: the network place thing? | 07:08 |
slavik | confusco: show me your source ... | 07:08 |
haxality_ | no, no, he's right confusco | 07:08 |
haxality_ | that's why winFS was such a big deal | 07:08 |
carpediem | djembe: what do you mean ndiswrapper didn't work? more specifically, at what point did you fail | 07:08 |
djembe | anyone on using ndiswrapper, I have a broadcom 4306 chipset | 07:08 |
haxality_ | or at least that's what I thought | 07:08 |
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djembe | I followed the instructions on several forum pages | 07:08 |
carpediem | djembe: on several desktops and laptops, yes | 07:08 |
slavik | haxality_: exactly, but Microsoft dumped the project and now everything from WinFS done so far will go into their database ... | 07:08 |
haxality_ | yeah | 07:09 |
haxality_ | hahaha | 07:09 |
kingjere | I added a remote server using the "connect to remote server" dialogue. How do I remove/edit it? It only shows in the "places" menu. | 07:09 |
djembe | I used "sudo rmmod bcm43xx" | 07:09 |
djembe | and i blacklisted | 07:09 |
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carpediem | djembe: ah, okay | 07:09 |
djembe | then ndiswrapper -i bcmlw5.inf | 07:09 |
haxality_ | well, on that note, I guess I'll go bludgeon my way through yet another winXP install | 07:09 |
carpediem | djembe: right | 07:09 |
haxality_ | sigh | 07:09 |
asc | I thought that NTFS was journaling, and that WINFS was just a database on top of NTFS. But I could be wrong. | 07:09 |
djembe | modprobe ndiswrapper | 07:09 |
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BadKitty | but it doesn't seem like it is going slow or anything, it just SAYS it is | 07:09 |
djembe | ndiswrapper -m | 07:09 |
slavik | WinFS calcelation was one of the things that really killed Vista (besides having to do loads of hardware upgrades). | 07:09 |
pip | slavik, I want to reinstall my ubuntu,but when I use the CD of 6.06, when partition ,the installer can not recognize the old linux partitions ,why ? | 07:09 |
confusco | right from Wikipedia... | 07:09 |
confusco | "and file system journaling." | 07:09 |
john64 | good night all | 07:09 |
confusco | NTFS | 07:09 |
confusco | NTFS=journaling | 07:09 |
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haxality_ | I stand severely corrected, confusco | 07:10 |
djembe | but network still didn't work | 07:10 |
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pip | slavik, I have double systems installed (linux+win) | 07:10 |
djembe | lsmod | grep ndis showed that the module was loaded | 07:10 |
carpediem | djembe: sure, you never did "modprobe ndiswrapper" | 07:10 |
slavik | pip: no idea ... | 07:10 |
djembe | i did it | 07:10 |
djembe | maybe i forgot to list | 07:10 |
djembe | but i did do modprobe ndiswrapper | 07:10 |
confusco | and asc ... I think he's right about FS | 07:10 |
slavik | ahh, so it does have journaling ... | 07:10 |
cwatson | BadKitty: does the cpu usage reported by top ever conflict the usage reported by gnome-system-monitor? | 07:11 |
pip | anybody who catch my problem ? | 07:11 |
BadKitty | cwatson- it seems like maybe it is loading itself more than once? But I wouldn't know how to check | 07:11 |
linux666 | hello | 07:11 |
slavik | but it still fragments like a mofo | 07:11 |
carpediem | djembe: okay, what does ndiswrapper -l show? Does it say "driver installed", or does it say "driver installed, hardware present"? | 07:11 |
confusco | that was the major thing over Fat32 | 07:11 |
confusco | that it had journaling | 07:11 |
BadKitty | cwatson, yes by far it does | 07:11 |
djembe | "driver installed, hardware present" | 07:11 |
djembe | was one of the first things i checked | 07:11 |
snide | OK, I have downloaded and installed nearly all Gnome based environment and apps related. I got terminal up and running but I still can't right click the desktop area and bring up wallpaper changer | 07:11 |
cwatson | BadKitty: what is loading itself more than once? | 07:11 |
linux666 | pip, no, what problem? | 07:11 |
carpediem | djembe: okay, and "iwconfig", does it show a device with wireless extensions? | 07:11 |
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djembe | yes | 07:11 |
djembe | but it cannot associate | 07:11 |
djembe | and it cant list availabe networks | 07:12 |
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cwatson | BadKitty: could be that the system-monitor is lying | 07:12 |
pip | linux666, I want to reinstall my ubuntu,but when I use the CD of 6.06, when partition ,the installer can not recognize the old linux partitions ,why ? | 07:12 |
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BadKitty | cwatson: Well after a day of running beryl, I restarted and it was SOOOOOO slow, then I closed out of the beryl manager, and beryl was still running but it made it faster | 07:12 |
carpediem | djembe: is it wlan0 or ath0? | 07:12 |
djembe | wlan0 | 07:12 |
djembe | it was eth1 | 07:12 |
BadKitty | cwatson: I am hoping it is just lying to me.. so that is possible then? | 07:12 |
snide | Slavik | 07:12 |
linux666 | pip, delete those partitions and create new ones if you have backed up your data | 07:12 |
djembe | i changed all cases of eth1 in /etc/iftab, /etc/networks/interfaces to wlan0 | 07:12 |
carpediem | djembe: have you tried "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid" where myessid is your essid? | 07:12 |
djembe | yes i did | 07:12 |
slavik | snide: yes? | 07:13 |
djembe | it gave no errors but immediately gave me the prompt | 07:13 |
cwatson | BadKitty: you can run "ps aux | grep beryl" to see how many are running | 07:13 |
linux666 | pip, why do you need to recognize them? | 07:13 |
djembe | and no associating | 07:13 |
carpediem | djembe: and, does "iwconfig" show that essid for wlan0? | 07:13 |
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snide | Well, I still can't seem to right-click and bring up wallpaper/background changer from the desktop area | 07:13 |
slavik | snide: hmm ... go to System -> Prefs -> Desktop background | 07:13 |
snide | alright | 07:13 |
cwatson | BadKitty: you can also run "ps aux | grep -i xorg" to see how man xorg servers are started | 07:13 |
pip | linux666, I need not to ? | 07:13 |
djembe | it says "off/any" | 07:13 |
madman215 | there is definately suposed to be the standard stuff scrolling across the screen imediately after i hit install right? | 07:13 |
carpediem | djembe: hmmm | 07:13 |
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snide | No, I do know how to access taht .. Slavik but why am I having that kind of problem? | 07:14 |
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linux666 | pip, no, you dont need your old partitions to reinstall ubuntu, but you will lose everything, so back it up. | 07:14 |
slavik | snide: no idea ... | 07:14 |
snide | Okay. | 07:14 |
carpediem | djembe: try running the "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid myessid", then type "dmesg |tail" and see if you see any errors. | 07:14 |
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cwatson | I would like to use iptables to route all incoming traffic to sub.domain.com to a machine on the internal network. Is there a name for this? | 07:14 |
BadKitty | looked like mabye two entries?? | 07:15 |
pip | linux666, OK,I want to use to old linux partitions to install the new ubuntu. after I configure them and to format,the installer said "you do not have root partition",but I did set '/' partition | 07:15 |
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djembe | carpediem: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready | 07:15 |
cwatson | BadKitty: for beryl? | 07:15 |
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BadKitty | cwatson: looked like one for xorg and two for beryl? I'm not positive, maybe beryl has 2 entries naturally though? | 07:15 |
carpediem | djembe: allright, try running "sudo ifdown wlan0" then, "sudo ifup wlan0" | 07:16 |
cwatson | BadKitty: you want to paste them? | 07:16 |
linux666 | pip, did you set one partition for booting? | 07:16 |
BadKitty | cwatson ( one says grep beryl, the other beryl --skip-gl-yield??? | 07:16 |
pip | linux666, I have double system installed, I do not want to lose windown partitions | 07:16 |
djembe | carpediem: it is stuck on DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0... | 07:16 |
carpediem | djembe: you can cancel with CTRL-C | 07:16 |
pip | linux666, yes,I set a "/boot" | 07:16 |
BadKitty | 1000 4736 0.5 3.5 69048 36392 ? SL 21:01 0:24 beryl --skip-gl-yield | 07:17 |
BadKitty | 1000 29652 0.0 0.0 2800 752 pts/0 R+ 22:14 0:00 grep beryl | 07:17 |
cwatson | BadKitty: thats fine, there is only one. the grep beryl is the command that you were running at the time | 07:17 |
djembe | i had tried sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 07:17 |
djembe | did something similar | 07:17 |
linux666 | pip, have you tried the alternate installer? | 07:17 |
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carpediem | djembe: yeah, same thing | 07:17 |
linux666 | alternate cd | 07:17 |
pip | linux666, the problem is that the installer told me "no root partition specified" | 07:17 |
BadKitty | cwatson: ok, yah maybe its just lying.. I'll be back in a bit thanks! AFK :-( | 07:17 |
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carpediem | djembe: okay, try setting the essid and see if dmesg shows the same error again | 07:17 |
pip | linux666, which ? | 07:17 |
cwatson | BadKitty: sure | 07:17 |
djembe | carpediem: yep same error | 07:18 |
linux666 | pip, you can get alternate cd for any version. you can get it for 6.06 | 07:18 |
carpediem | djembe: and nothing else relevant? Sometimes the driver simply doesn't work with ndiswrapper, but you usually get more onery error messages than that. | 07:18 |
pip | linux666, I dont know what alternate cd is | 07:18 |
cwatson | I would like to route all incoming traffic to sub.domain.com to a machine on the internal network. Does anyone know the name for this? | 07:19 |
linux666 | pip, try google for this "no root partition specified" ubuntu | 07:19 |
djembe | ok...IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver | 07:19 |
aseveremercy | hey -- does anyone know what command i use to join a specific room? | 07:19 |
pip | linux666, on my hand I got Drapper6.06 and Breezy5.10 | 07:19 |
djembe | ISO 9660 Extensions: MS Joliet level 3 | 07:19 |
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carpediem | djembe: naw, those are unrelated. | 07:20 |
cwatson | "/join #specific_room" | 07:20 |
djembe | ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A | 07:20 |
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djembe | thats what i thought | 07:20 |
carpediem | djembe: hmm, okay, what's the .inf filename? | 07:20 |
djembe | hold on | 07:20 |
carpediem | djembe: ndiswrapper -l will say it | 07:21 |
djembe | with just dmesg i get some stuff with ndiswrapper | 07:21 |
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aseveremercy | ah -- thanks | 07:21 |
carpediem | djembe: oh, okay | 07:21 |
djembe | wlan0: ethernet device ###### using DNIS driver bcmwl5 | 07:21 |
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djembe | wlan0 encryption modes supported: blah blah | 07:21 |
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djembe | so it seems to be loading | 07:21 |
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carpediem | djembe: interesting, I set that exact driver up this weekend on another computer. | 07:22 |
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carpediem | djembe: is it an Edgy system? | 07:22 |
djembe | carpediem: the file was bcmwl5.inf | 07:22 |
djembe | i downloaded directly from the HP site | 07:22 |
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djembe | i have used ndiswrapper before with no problems also on other PCs | 07:23 |
djembe | yes it is edgy | 07:23 |
djembe | fresh install | 07:23 |
carpediem | djembe: hmm, I didn't run into problems. It was the same driver, but for a PCI card in a desktop. | 07:23 |
djembe | dude hold on a sec | 07:23 |
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djembe | <==== retarded | 07:25 |
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djembe | carpediem: it was the wireless button | 07:25 |
carpediem | djembe: wrong driver? | 07:25 |
djembe | no | 07:25 |
carpediem | djembe: ahhh | 07:25 |
djembe | the thing was i tried the button before and it never worked | 07:25 |
djembe | i pressed it, the light came on | 07:26 |
carpediem | djembe: interesting | 07:26 |
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djembe | thanks for the help | 07:26 |
carpediem | djembe: np | 07:26 |
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djembe | later...have a good day | 07:26 |
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Some_Person | Is the theme in Edgy any different from the theme in Dapper? | 07:26 |
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raknam | what file server will provide the most user friend UI for a mac? | 07:26 |
carpediem | Some_Person: yes | 07:26 |
carpediem | Some_Person: certainly not radically different | 07:27 |
Some_Person | Can I download the new theme and throw it on my Daapper? | 07:27 |
raknam | by what file server i mean what type of file server | 07:27 |
Some_Person | I don't care for Dapper' | 07:27 |
Some_Person | s theme | 07:27 |
raknam | ie samba for windows | 07:27 |
carpediem | Some_Person: probably, but I haven't the foggiest idea how. | 07:27 |
Some_Person | Can someone email it to me? | 07:28 |
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Some_Person | My email is [screened-out, i'll tell you in pm] | 07:29 |
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EvanCarroll | anyone know how to init hibernate from the command line? | 07:30 |
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snoogie | init or hyphenated EvanCarroll? | 07:31 |
bigfuzzyjesus | i know -h | 07:31 |
Some_Person | why would you do that? | 07:31 |
bigfuzzyjesus | but thats to halt the system | 07:31 |
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snoogie | EvanCarroll: look in /etc/acpi/ | 07:31 |
snoogie | there has to be a script called hibernate.sh | 07:31 |
Some_Person | i hate dapper's theme - especially the progress bar | 07:31 |
snoogie | should work | 07:31 |
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Some_Person | it has verticle lines through it | 07:32 |
EvanCarroll | snoogie: so there is no bin that manages power standby modes? | 07:32 |
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EvanCarroll | snoogie: I've used /proc/acpi before | 07:32 |
dan14 | hello all | 07:32 |
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dan14 | has anyone had any luck setting up wireless in edgy? | 07:32 |
EvanCarroll | snoogie: Found it, thanks. | 07:32 |
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snoogie | EvanCarroll: look at the shell script, I dont know what exactly manages the hibernation | 07:32 |
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carpediem | Some_Person: there's hundreds of gnome themes. In Synaptic, try searching for "gtk engine" and installing some of them. | 07:33 |
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Some_Person | no internet in ubuntu | 07:34 |
Motorhead | hi | 07:34 |
Some_Person | damn modem driver isnt free | 07:34 |
Some_Person | it costs $20 | 07:34 |
Motorhead | conexant? | 07:34 |
Some_Person | yup | 07:34 |
Motorhead | fuck those | 07:34 |
Some_Person | i wish someone would create a free alternative driver | 07:35 |
sargeantd | dan14: My Linksys WAP54PC card works in 6.10 Edgy | 07:35 |
Motorhead | lol, theres a 14KB/s free version for that | 07:35 |
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Some_Person | i know | 07:35 |
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Some_Person | its not worth it | 07:35 |
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Some_Person | i could pop in my old smartlink modem sometime | 07:36 |
snoogie | Some_Person: DSL Modem driver?! | 07:36 |
yakumo | hello is there any program for ubuntu like IME on windows which allow me to have hiragana,katakana,kanji? | 07:36 |
Some_Person | dialup | 07:36 |
snoogie | Some_Person: dialup, hmmm | 07:37 |
DBO | Motorhead, please lay off the swearing =) family friendly and all that jazz | 07:37 |
Some_Person | i hate that it isnt free | 07:37 |
Motorhead | DBO: huh? | 07:37 |
aldin | aldin@dapperson:~$ mysqladmin -h root@ -u root -p password | 07:38 |
carpediem | Motorhead: I think he's talking about the f-bomb you dropped a bit ago. | 07:38 |
aldin | mysqladmin: connect to server at 'root@' failed | 07:38 |
aldin | error: 'Unknown MySQL server host 'root@' (1)' | 07:38 |
aldin | anyone knows whats problem | 07:38 |
DBO | Motorhead, what carpediem said =) | 07:38 |
Motorhead | carpediem: wtf | 07:38 |
Some_Person | is there a free conexant modem driver by any chance> | 07:38 |
carpediem | aldin: your host shouldn't have root@ in it. | 07:39 |
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Motorhead | lol | 07:39 |
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aldin | carpediem: i saw this command on ubuntuguide.org | 07:39 |
aldin | carpediem: can u help me with this problem | 07:39 |
aldin | carpediem: what exactly should i do | 07:40 |
carpediem | aldin: your host is "" not "root@" | 07:40 |
Some_Person | is the ubuntu logo copyrighted? | 07:40 |
Motorhead | DBO: sorry XD | 07:41 |
DBO | Motorhead, just trying to let you know about the rules round here =) | 07:41 |
aldin | carpediem: ?mysqladmin -h -u root -p password this doesnt work too | 07:41 |
Motorhead | DBO: ok =) | 07:41 |
aldin | mysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed | 07:41 |
aldin | error: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' | 07:41 |
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Madpilot | Some_Person, trademarked, yes | 07:42 |
carpediem | aldin: then its not running, try "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart" | 07:42 |
Some_Person | but not copyrighted? | 07:42 |
bitwiseshiftleft | hey, can anyone here help me with an ethernet bridge? i set it up per instructions on http://linux-net.osdl.org/index.php/Bridge, and i can use the web from that machine, but I can't see it from the network | 07:42 |
Some_Person | I need to know what copyright tag to use on Wikipedia for it | 07:42 |
aldin | mysql 7185 0.1 6.5 118240 16284 pts/1 Sl 07:08 0:03 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --skip-locking --port=3306 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock | 07:42 |
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Madpilot | Some_Person, well, both. | 07:43 |
aldin | carpediem: ? ist that it | 07:43 |
carpediem | aldin: then you should be able to connect | 07:43 |
aldin | ??? | 07:43 |
neocortex | Hi! Please, can someone help me: I have winmodem and sl-modem-daemon installed, which works fine, but after suspend & resume it isn't present anymore. | 07:43 |
aldin | what should i do | 07:43 |
carpediem | aldin: run the command you just ran before the one I gave you | 07:43 |
Some_Person | But its GPL/GFLD/GNU stuff right? | 07:44 |
carpediem | Some_Person: you mean this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Ubuntu_Logo.svg | 07:44 |
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Some_Person | yes | 07:44 |
Some_Person | and i'm uploading a smaller version with just the icon | 07:44 |
aldin | carpediem: error: 'Unknown MySQL server host 'root@localhost' (1)' | 07:44 |
Some_Person | and i need to now what tag to use | 07:44 |
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carpediem | aldin: not that one | 07:45 |
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Some_Person | Would {{GPL}} work do you think? | 07:45 |
Madpilot | Some_Person, there is an official Ubuntu Trademark Policy, just trying to find the URL for you | 07:45 |
aldin | carpediem: mysqladmin: connect to server at '' failed | 07:45 |
Madpilot | Some_Person, no, it's not GPL'd | 07:45 |
_3uG_ | quick question: what's the best wireless security/protocol currently available? | 07:45 |
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Some_Person | well, {{logo}} doesnt look right | 07:45 |
Some_Person | is it? | 07:46 |
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Madpilot | Some_Person, http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/ | 07:46 |
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Madpilot | Some_Person, also, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official | 07:46 |
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carpediem | aldin: then I don't know what to say. The command I had you run should start mysql. | 07:47 |
carpediem | aldin: unless it gave you errors. | 07:47 |
Some_Person | so {{logo}} would work then | 07:47 |
carpediem | aldin: or said failed. | 07:47 |
neocortex | Sorry, if I may ask again: does anybody has experience with winmodems and sl-modem-daemon? | 07:47 |
aldin | carpediem: thanks in any case 4 helping | 07:47 |
sephiron | anyone here use dell pc? | 07:47 |
Madpilot | Some_Person, I'm not familiar w/ Wikipedia's classifications, but 'logo' sounds like the right one | 07:47 |
carpediem | sephiron: sure, but that doesn't mean much | 07:47 |
openix | aldin: is mysql actually starting? | 07:48 |
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K^Holtz | Hi guys, whats the command to find the external IP of your computer? | 07:48 |
K^Holtz | i know you can go to sites.. but i cant find a command to type | 07:48 |
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sephiron | if i bought a dell pc,is it hard to change its hardware later? | 07:48 |
barnetod | hey any c programmers in here? | 07:48 |
carpediem | K^Holtz: ifconfig will tell you | 07:48 |
barnetod | seph i changed a bunch of hardware on my dell laptop | 07:49 |
sephiron | is it hard? | 07:49 |
Hellavator | what is the command to unpack a .tar.gz archive? | 07:49 |
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_3uG_ | tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz | 07:50 |
_3uG_ | (the v is optional, though) | 07:50 |
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K^Holtz | carpediem: that just tells the local ip | 07:50 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: i know a bit of c | 07:50 |
Hellavator | thanks | 07:50 |
sephiron | you change it yourself? | 07:50 |
barnetod | bit i need help with basic c | 07:50 |
carpediem | K^Holtz: not really, but if you mean the IP beyond your lan, I just visit whatismyipaddress.com | 07:50 |
barnetod | i did code for a program for school | 07:50 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: k | 07:50 |
barnetod | but getting a messed up result | 07:51 |
barnetod | i have to input an integer 0-9 and have it display the word | 07:51 |
K^Holtz | carpediem: that is what i mean... but its there a command to find it? | 07:51 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: sure | 07:51 |
barnetod | then assume that atleast one person will type in a character | 07:51 |
barnetod | and display an error message | 07:51 |
K^Holtz | isnt* | 07:51 |
barnetod | now i have an error display on any number over 9 and under 0 | 07:51 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: ok. | 07:51 |
barnetod | but a character generates your number is two message | 07:51 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: huuuuh? | 07:52 |
carpediem | K^Holtz: I've never heard of one. Since that has to do with your router, very little to do with this computer itself, I doubt it. you could cull it out of tracert | 07:52 |
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barnetod | yep :) | 07:52 |
barnetod | thats where i am confused | 07:52 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: no, i mean, your sentence doesn't parse | 07:52 |
barnetod | oh | 07:52 |
barnetod | when i type in a character 'a' it displays your number is two | 07:52 |
barnetod | no matter which character i type in | 07:53 |
barnetod | that is not a number | 07:53 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | sounds like a bug. can't really help you without the source | 07:53 |
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barnetod | want the source? | 07:53 |
barnetod | i have the source posted on cprogramming.com | 07:53 |
bitwiseshiftleft | uh. sure, but don't paste it here, use one of those pastebot thingies | 07:53 |
barnetod | if you would rather check that out | 07:53 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: ok, link me | 07:54 |
barnetod | see if this works | 07:54 |
barnetod | http://cboard.cprogramming.com/showthread.php?t=85616 | 07:54 |
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Hellavator | _3uG_ how do I tell tar to extract it to /opt | 07:55 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: you need to check the result of scanf | 07:55 |
bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: if you don't send a character, it will fail | 07:55 |
barnetod | hats the command to do that? | 07:56 |
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barnetod | i was going to try ,%c | 07:56 |
barnetod | but it did nothing for me | 07:56 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | barnetod: the easiest way is to make an integer, and set it to the result of scanf, and check if it's zero | 07:57 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | if it's 1, then the person entered a number (but it might be more than one digit), if not, they didn't | 07:57 |
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barnetod | ok | 07:57 |
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barnetod | we will see how this works :) | 08:00 |
bitwiseshiftleft | anyone know how to set up a wireless bridge under ubuntu? i've crawled through the online howtos, and by following them i can get almost exactly nothing working | 08:00 |
=== ReWT_AxS [n=rewt@71-87-167-171.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ReWT_AxS | how do i change permission of a folder? | 08:01 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: chmod | 08:02 |
CorpseFeeder | I'm trying to install something which needs OpenAL Audio Toolkit - I find libalut0 OpenAL Utility Toolkit in package manager - Is that the same thing? | 08:02 |
ReWT_AxS | what option though | 08:02 |
bitwiseshiftleft | how do you want to change its permissions? | 08:02 |
ReWT_AxS | says it's read only | 08:02 |
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ReWT_AxS | i want to be able to write to it | 08:02 |
ReWT_AxS | and do what i want to it | 08:02 |
kathy | hello I have a question about doing an upgrade from Breezy to Dapper... can I just add the CD to the sources list, delete all the http entries, do an update/dist-upgrade ... i want to avoid everything that's on the CD from downloading from the net. | 08:02 |
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carpediem | kathy: when you insert the CD, it may ask you if you want to upgrade. | 08:03 |
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ReWT_AxS | bitwiseshiftleft, ? | 08:04 |
ReWT_AxS | i forget the # to use | 08:04 |
kathy | maybe it's just me.. but i can't get that to work | 08:04 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: chmod u+w | 08:04 |
sky123 | ReWtAxS: the way the bits work are 4 - read 2 write and 1 execute and hence any combination of adding those sets permissions..so chmod 644 file...would give you rw(root),r(user),r(anyone). | 08:04 |
ReWT_AxS | chmod 577 /file/name | 08:04 |
carpediem | kathy: yeah, I don't think that it always works. | 08:04 |
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ReWT_AxS | still isnt working? | 08:05 |
CorpseFeeder | is OpenAL Utility Toolkit the same thing as OpenAL Audio Toolit, or is Audio Toolkit part of OPenAL Utility Toolkit? | 08:05 |
kathy | will it screw up packages if i do things that way? | 08:05 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: what error are you getting | 08:05 |
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saik0 | If a dir has group rwx permissions and user foo is in the group it's owned by than why cant foo write to it? | 08:06 |
ReWT_AxS | error while copying to "/media/usbdisk/AUDIO"/ You do not have permissions to write to this folder. | 08:06 |
pwmarcotte | hello | 08:06 |
carpediem | kathy: honestly, I don't know. But, it shouldn't hurt to try. Comment out the dapper entries, don't remove them. You eventually need to change the word dapper to edgy in all your sources.list entries. | 08:07 |
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pwmarcotte | i have question | 08:07 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: who owns the folder? | 08:07 |
ReWT_AxS | i dunno? | 08:07 |
bitwiseshiftleft | pwmarcotte: ask it :-) | 08:07 |
ReWT_AxS | howdo i check | 08:07 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: ls -l | 08:07 |
bitwiseshiftleft | er | 08:07 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ls -ld | 08:07 |
ReWT_AxS | drwx------ 6 rewt rewt 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 | 08:08 |
ReWT_AxS | me | 08:08 |
ReWT_AxS | im rewt | 08:08 |
ReWT_AxS | ? | 08:08 |
kathy | thanks carpediem | 08:08 |
pwmarcotte | i just installed edgy and for some reason my dvd drive is not being reading appropriately | 08:08 |
TLE | obutu restricted | 08:08 |
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CryptoMole | HI ALL | 08:09 |
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ReWT_AxS | bitwiseshiftleft, any ideas? | 08:09 |
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CryptoMole | WHATS NEW W/ UBUNTU | 08:10 |
TLE | !restrcited | TLE | 08:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about restrcited - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:10 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: no idea | 08:10 |
ReWT_AxS | arg | 08:10 |
ReWT_AxS | anyone know? | 08:10 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: try creating a file there? like with touch? | 08:11 |
pwmarcotte | the thing is i installed edge off a fresh iso i burned. but i have been trying to watch a dvd in any media player and i can not, this is probably more of a begginers error but the help would be appriciated | 08:11 |
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defrysk | !resticted formats | pwmarcotte | 08:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about resticted formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:11 |
ReWT_AxS | huh | 08:11 |
defrysk | !restricted formats | pwmarcotte | 08:11 |
ubotu | pwmarcotte: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:11 |
carpediem | hah, apparently restricted is a hard work | 08:12 |
defrysk | pfff | 08:12 |
carpediem | err word | 08:12 |
pwmarcotte | thank you, ill try there :) | 08:12 |
defrysk | carpediem, very hard | 08:12 |
defrysk | :s | 08:12 |
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defrysk | word is a hard work too yes | 08:12 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: like, touch /that/directory/somefile | 08:12 |
saik0 | If a dir has group rwx permissions and user foo is in the group it's owned by than why cant foo write to it? | 08:12 |
defrysk | ;p | 08:12 |
carpediem | I know it | 08:12 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: does it have rwx permissions for owner? | 08:13 |
ReWT_AxS | drwx------ 6 rewt rewt 16384 1969-12-31 18:00 | 08:13 |
ReWT_AxS | i got this now | 08:13 |
ReWT_AxS | touch: setting times of `AUDIO/': Read-only file system | 08:13 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: ah, that would be a problem | 08:13 |
saik0 | bitwiseshiftleft, yes | 08:13 |
ReWT_AxS | ho do i make it a read and write file syate,? | 08:13 |
bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: no idea then. | 08:14 |
ReWT_AxS | system* | 08:14 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: remount -o rw /path/to/AUDIO | 08:14 |
bitwiseshiftleft | er | 08:14 |
bitwiseshiftleft | mount -o rw /path/to/AUDIO | 08:14 |
bitwiseshiftleft | or maybe it has to be -o remount,rw i don't remember | 08:14 |
saik0 | bitwiseshiftleft, yea it's confusing the crap out of me | 08:15 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: can user foo get there? and is the filesystem mounted rw? | 08:16 |
ReWT_AxS | bitwiseshiftleft, I'm getting.......can i pm you? | 08:16 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: sure | 08:16 |
saik0 | bitwiseshiftleft it's 0775, and yea it's on an rw fs | 08:16 |
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murali | hi to all | 08:17 |
bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: right, but does the parent dir have 440 set? | 08:17 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: (or is it 110? i can never remember these silly octal permissions) | 08:17 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: i'm not getting any pms from you, but that might just be because i don't understand irssi | 08:18 |
ReWT_AxS | lol then y use it? | 08:18 |
saik0 | bitwiseshiftleft, the parent is 755 | 08:18 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: because i'm lazy | 08:18 |
ReWT_AxS | haha | 08:18 |
saik0 | (rwxr-xr-x) | 08:18 |
spook74 | Does anyone out there know if there is a fix for the inability of (k)ubuntu to shutdown the computer? Since I upgraded from 6.4, it just hangs at the shutdown screen and does not shut off the box. | 08:18 |
bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: yeah, still no idea | 08:18 |
=== Ekstreme [n=ekstreme@ppp75-175.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pluma_ | What causes a harddrive to make ticking and clicking noises anyway? Read errors? | 08:19 |
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pluma_ | I mean, it's getting worse and freezing my Windows box a lot, so I'll buy a new drive soon, but still... what part is damaged? | 08:20 |
Healot | bad disk surface, overheated disk, broken head... | 08:20 |
ReWT_AxS | can someone plesase help me | 08:20 |
ReWT_AxS | -.- | 08:20 |
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saik0 | bitwiseshiftleft, learned something new about shells....i had to start a new bash session after adding the user to the group | 08:21 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | saik0: ah. that's new to me too | 08:22 |
kamui | anyone know the name of that ide? Code something | 08:22 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: can you just unmount AUDIO and then mount it again with -o rw? | 08:22 |
kamui | but not codeforge | 08:22 |
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kamui | or maybe it is codeforge | 08:22 |
ReWT_AxS | i wanna try mounting it without the usb thing bc i have an sd reader | 08:22 |
ReWT_AxS | i get this in dmesg | 08:23 |
ReWT_AxS | [17786295.492000] tifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 3 | 08:23 |
ReWT_AxS | how do i mount it? | 08:23 |
KenSentMe | How do i run a command (like apt-get) in english for once, instead of my own language? | 08:23 |
Ekstreme | hiya all. | 08:23 |
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kamui | no, Codeblocks! | 08:23 |
kamui | nevermind | 08:23 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: type df to see where it's mounted | 08:23 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: then unmount it, and mount it again rw | 08:23 |
Ekstreme | Has anyone here managed to get TVTime to work with a Winfast DTV1000T DTV Tuner? | 08:24 |
spook74 | Does anyone out there know if there is a fix for the inability of (k)ubuntu to shutdown the computer? Since I upgraded from 6.4, it just hangs at the shutdown screen and does not shut off the box. | 08:24 |
ReWT_AxS | i dunno where to look in df | 08:24 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: look in the Filesystem column | 08:24 |
ReWT_AxS | i dunno which one | 08:24 |
bitwiseshiftleft | and while we're reposting questions: can anyone here help me with network bridging, or bridging at all for that matter? | 08:25 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | er, by which i mean, wireless bridging, or bridging at all | 08:25 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: the one with the right name in "mounted on" | 08:25 |
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ReWT_AxS | its never been mounted >.< | 08:25 |
ReWT_AxS | start over | 08:25 |
ReWT_AxS | forget i said anything about it | 08:25 |
ReWT_AxS | now | 08:25 |
ReWT_AxS | i put it in | 08:25 |
ReWT_AxS | i check dmesg i get [17786295.492000] tifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 3 | 08:26 |
ReWT_AxS | but nothing else | 08:26 |
ReWT_AxS | where do i mount it | 08:26 |
bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: no idea. it doesn't, like, appear on your desktop or something? | 08:26 |
ReWT_AxS | nope | 08:26 |
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bitwiseshiftleft | ReWT_AxS: well, i don't know how to fix sd card reader drivers... google for it or something | 08:27 |
lullabud | ReWT_AxS: sometimes messages appear in /var/log/messages and not in dmesg | 08:28 |
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kraut | moin | 08:28 |
EMKO | what do i do after i get these 2 white squares on the screen? first time installing any linux :( | 08:28 |
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lullabud | EMKO: two white squares doesn't sound right. | 08:29 |
ReWT_AxS | Nov 20 01:25:14 ubuntu kernel: [17786511.876000] tifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 3 | 08:29 |
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ReWT_AxS | well wtf it worked in 6.06 | 08:29 |
murali | can u pls tell me how to change the mode of sudo? | 08:29 |
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lullabud | ReWT_AxS: personally, i had a lot of things that worked in 6.06... which is why i'm not running 6.10 anymore. | 08:29 |
murali | becoz unfortunately i tried to change it for write mode | 08:30 |
lullabud | murali: what do you mean? | 08:30 |
lullabud | murali: if you're using sudo you should be able to do anything. | 08:30 |
murali | now im not able to su as sudo | 08:30 |
murali | becoz the file permission is changed | 08:30 |
rredd4 | 6.10 is not stable like dapper | 08:31 |
lullabud | murali: what is the command you're issuing? | 08:31 |
ReWT_AxS | so far edgy sucks | 08:31 |
TLE | Hey I was wondering about the totem-xine totem-gstreamer thing. Ubuntu comes with totem-gstreamer installed yet most places you look totem-xine is recommended as "the better" engine. What's the deal here ? | 08:31 |
ReWT_AxS | 1/2 my shit doesnt work anymore | 08:31 |
crimsun | TLE: popular but misguided misconception | 08:31 |
=== ReWT_AxS wil most definately reinstall fbsd 6.1 come tomorrow | ||
lullabud | ReWT_AxS: sometimes upgrading to the latest means departing from the greatest. | 08:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
Admiral_Chicago | ReWT_AxS: language please | 08:32 |
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murali | chmod 440 | 08:32 |
EMKO | so this wount work on my computer because after the 2 white squares it does nothing ? | 08:32 |
Madpilot | EMKO, is this on the install CD, or the Live CD? | 08:32 |
murali | now when ever i tried to sudo su | 08:32 |
TLE | crimsun: really, ok I'm gonna try keeping gstreamer this time | 08:33 |
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Admiral_Chicago | EMKO: two white squares? | 08:33 |
murali | it says it shd be 660 | 08:33 |
Madpilot | murali, no need for 'sudo su' - just use sudo... | 08:33 |
EMKO | my friend gave me the disc | 08:33 |
EMKO | it says LTS | 08:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | yes. | 08:33 |
murali | madpilot:ok | 08:33 |
murali | i try | 08:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | that is a Dapper drake CD | 08:33 |
crimsun | TLE: are the appropriate gstreamer0.10-plugins\* packages also installed? | 08:33 |
Madpilot | EMKO, so you put the CD in, does it get to the first menu, with 'Run/install Ubuntu' at the top? | 08:34 |
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EMKO | yes i pressed that | 08:34 |
TLE | crimsun: No not yet but it was looking at the multimedia page that ubotu told me about, I think it's on there | 08:34 |
Madpilot | EMKO, further down that 1st menu, there's a "Check this CD" entry - run that | 08:34 |
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TLE | crimsun: I just thought it was wierd because even Easy Ubuntu offers to replace it | 08:35 |
EMKO | ok i will give that a try | 08:35 |
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EMKO | so it could be a bad CD? | 08:37 |
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Madpilot | EMKO, it could be, yes. Is it a pressed official CD, or a home-burned one? | 08:38 |
EMKO | official CD | 08:38 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Madpilot: when you check the CD for errors does it do a checksum? | 08:39 |
Madpilot | Admiral_Chicago, it does some sort of checksum, yeah. I don't know all the technical details. | 08:39 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay i thought it might just wasn't sure | 08:40 |
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=== zOrK [n=eclipse@c-66-176-68-228.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zOrK | all the broadcom wireless cards works with bcmwl5.inf ? | 08:40 |
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sky123 | z0rK: not necessarily no. | 08:41 |
zOrK | hell | 08:41 |
sky123 | z0rK: I had one from Acer that i tried and it wouldnt work | 08:41 |
sky123 | Z0rK: I had to go searching for one.. and it worked for me | 08:42 |
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zOrK | did you tryr with two different acer wireless cards? | 08:42 |
zOrK | two different models? | 08:42 |
sky123 | z0rK: well my laptop is a gateway..and this one worked | 08:42 |
sky123 | z0rk: WL_T60H906(,XP64_logo) | 08:43 |
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sky123 | z0rk: it was for my amd 64 laptop | 08:43 |
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=== DanaG [n=DanaG@71-93-44-110.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DanaG | argh. | 08:43 |
DanaG | ndiswrapper source package is missing the debian/control file. | 08:43 |
zOrK | there was a doc out there from a bug on broadcom wireless cards in ubuntu? | 08:43 |
zOrK | ? broadcom | 08:43 |
sky123 | z0rK: yes | 08:44 |
anilomkar | hi all, can anyone tell me how to install gaim guification plugin? | 08:44 |
zOrK | sky123 do you remember the url? | 08:44 |
DanaG | My ipw3945 won't do WPA in Linux, so I was pondering trying ndiswrapper. | 08:44 |
DanaG | But, I can't compile the ndiswrapper modules. | 08:44 |
sky123 | i remember that article...something about NOT using the bcm-fwcutter pacakge as it didnt always work on bcm4318 stuff | 08:44 |
barnetod | danag | 08:44 |
barnetod | i got a great site for you | 08:44 |
barnetod | hold on okay? | 08:44 |
sky123 | DanaG: did you try the stock ndiswrapper that comes with ubuntu or were you trying to compile from source | 08:45 |
DanaG | I'm using a custom kernel. | 08:45 |
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sky123 | ahh.. i see | 08:45 |
barnetod | you load the supplicant yet? | 08:46 |
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sky123 | DanaG: you have the kernel-headers for the custom kernel ?? | 08:46 |
DanaG | Yeah. | 08:46 |
zOrK | anyone remember that webpage which had a doc about the bug on broadcom wireless cards and how to fix it? | 08:46 |
=== djembe [n=seth@cpe-65-24-146-76.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DanaG | The debian/control file that's missing is the one in the modules/ndiswrapper dir. | 08:46 |
zOrK | it was on wikiubuntu | 08:46 |
zOrK | if i am right.. | 08:46 |
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zOrK | i cant find anything though. | 08:46 |
sky123 | z0rK: what in particular is broken ?? | 08:46 |
zOrK | i am programming a patch | 08:47 |
zOrK | but I can't find that doc! | 08:47 |
barnetod | if i werent on windows i have the bookmarked saved | 08:47 |
barnetod | for the easy install guide of the pain in the ass card :) | 08:47 |
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barnetod | tried this? | 08:47 |
barnetod | in terminal /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant start | 08:48 |
barnetod | sudo wpa_cli to see if it is working | 08:48 |
DanaG | There's only /etc/init.d/wpa-ifupdown | 08:48 |
DanaG | no wpasupplicant. | 08:48 |
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sky123 | it is a pain... but.. finding the right one is the key | 08:48 |
seamus7 | Hi ... I had been having display problems after upgrading to Edgy ... but I just reconfigured xorg by going from 24 to 16 color depth ... but my screen resolutions are not what I'd like ... any help out there? | 08:48 |
sky123 | z0rK: does the thing just "flutter" or point blank not even come up | 08:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: what's your card? | 08:49 |
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sky123 | bcm43xx...HEY BROADCOM...HOW about a linux driver that works!! ?? | 08:49 |
barnetod | danag | 08:49 |
barnetod | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286188&page=2&highlight=intel+3945 | 08:49 |
barnetod | try that | 08:49 |
barnetod | sky i havent even bothered with my broadcom | 08:50 |
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seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: intel 82815 CGC | 08:50 |
sky123 | just pain in the ass. | 08:50 |
floating | sky123: ye I would like to use linux but I can't since I only have wlan and bc43xx | 08:50 |
barnetod | i went through the boot up windows save websites to a jump drive and all tarballs lol | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | can you paste you xorg | 08:50 |
barnetod | rather than mess with finding a bc driver worth a crap | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | xorg.conf | 08:50 |
djembe | did you try ndiswrapper with the broadcom? | 08:50 |
floating | I tried | 08:50 |
sky123 | floating,z0rK: the post i made before with - WL_T60H906(,XP64_logo) works | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | actually don't give me a second | 08:50 |
floating | tried with 3 different manager programs too | 08:50 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: where do I paste it in XChat? | 08:50 |
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shorthorns | what exactly is an ndiswrapper? | 08:51 |
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Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: no not yet, hold on | 08:51 |
sky123 | floating,z0rK: that is for some reason different than what is posted in the wiki.. | 08:51 |
sky123 | floating,z0rK: maybe give that a whirl?? | 08:51 |
=== catalytic [n=catalyti@ppp68-149.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: taka a look at this link | 08:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-upgrade-common-problems-with-solutions.html | 08:51 |
djembe | ndiswrapper uses the windows drivers for the wireless card | 08:51 |
floating | where sky123 ? | 08:51 |
sky123 | ndiswrapper...uses windows inf file | 08:52 |
bobbie__4 | Howcome Ubuntu freezes on CD-ROM errors? | 08:52 |
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shorthorns | djembe, thnx | 08:52 |
barnetod | i just loaded my drivers directly from intel | 08:52 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: ok thanks | 08:52 |
sky123 | floating: WL_T60H906(,XP64_logo)...see if you can find that on google..then download it...unzip it and use that inf file | 08:52 |
sky123 | for your bcm43xx | 08:52 |
floating | with ndiswrapper I couldn't get a light on, but with this special native driver I got it on, everything seem to be good until dhcp should give me ip | 08:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | it may be the xserver-xorg if anything | 08:53 |
sky123 | floating:okay...that is where i used the networkmanager tool..that fixed all. | 08:53 |
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DanaG | The odd thing is that NetworkManager says 'timeout authenticating to 00:00:00:00:00:00 | 08:53 |
floating | network manager likes to hang the whole OS, wifi-radar and connection manager just won't give the ip | 08:53 |
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barnetod | you know whats sad | 08:53 |
barnetod | it is easier to set up my card in linux than windows | 08:54 |
shorthorns | Can anyone make a suggestion concerning a usb-dvb-stick(painless installing, using, etc...)? | 08:54 |
djembe | try the command "iwconfig wlan0 essid your_network" | 08:54 |
lullabud | barnetod: i don't understand at all how that's sad. | 08:54 |
lullabud | :P | 08:54 |
barnetod | lol lullabad :) windows is supposedly point and click | 08:54 |
barnetod | haha | 08:54 |
djembe | whwere wlan0 is your network card | 08:54 |
djembe | might be eth1 or something | 08:54 |
lullabud | barnetod: hmm... i though that was mac.... ;-) | 08:54 |
floating | but... do you think I shld look for or try another driver if I have got a driver that lights on the card, and can scan the APs and such (but just cant get ip) or is the problem elsewhere ? | 08:54 |
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RobNyc | !beryl | 08:55 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 08:55 |
sky123 | floating: okay...i had that happen with a linux driver bcm-fwcutter but when i switched back to the ndiswrapper and network manager...no issues. | 08:55 |
kamui | im having some trouble with the psp SDk. I can use it fine at the console, but when I launch my codeblocks gui ide from the menu, the custom path I added tot he pspsdk tools isn't initialized, so the makefile files to build. How to I add PATH statements globally to the system so that when I log in using GDM those path statements are executed/added? | 08:55 |
lullabud | barnetod: seriously though, that's the power of open standards. when people use them, they work so easily. | 08:55 |
barnetod | lulla i have a bad experience with macs | 08:55 |
barnetod | yep lulla | 08:55 |
lullabud | barnetod: which is why IE has ruined web development. | 08:55 |
barnetod | i forced my dad to make the switch | 08:55 |
floating | sky123, then I should try | 08:55 |
Admiral_Chicago | barnetod: couldn't right click? | 08:55 |
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barnetod | haha admiral hardly man | 08:55 |
sky123 | floating: try the one i posted earlier.. | 08:55 |
barnetod | it causes winsock errors left and right | 08:55 |
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barnetod | freezes all wireless printers | 08:56 |
peanutb | how do i tunnel vnc over ssh? | 08:56 |
sky123 | floating: and make sure you black list the bcm43xx | 08:56 |
barnetod | then i load up ubuntu and im good :) | 08:56 |
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floating | 64-bit driver ? | 08:56 |
sky123 | yes\ | 08:56 |
lullabud | peanutb: you can do it with -D to make a socks proxy, but more frequently -L 5900:remotevnchost:5900 is used. | 08:56 |
djembe | floating: so you can connect to an AP? | 08:56 |
floating | yep I can | 08:56 |
djembe | just no IP address? | 08:56 |
sky123 | floating: what laptop | 08:56 |
lullabud | peanutb: i do that all the time from my mac... =O !!! | 08:56 |
floating | djembe yep | 08:56 |
kamui | anyone? How can I add to my sytemwide path variable to ensure that apps run inside of gnome can be run | 08:57 |
peanutb | lullabud, could you explain it less technically? | 08:57 |
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floating | japanese sotec laptop with japanese only card I think | 08:57 |
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djembe | did you try "sudo dhclient eth1" or whatever your wireless card ID is? | 08:57 |
qqq | Hello all, I am sitting here with my students (14years old) and show them irc. Could somebody please say hello so they see how it works. | 08:57 |
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sky123 | floating: might be the same.. card in mine..give it a try | 08:57 |
lullabud | peanutb: say host C is accessible from host B, but not A | 08:57 |
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wickedpuppy | hello qqq | 08:57 |
floating | I ve tried that, it just tries DHCPDISCOVER for few times and then no DHCPOFFERS received | 08:57 |
lullabud | peanutb: from host A, you ssh -L 5900:ip.address.of.host.C:5900 user@host.B | 08:58 |
lullabud | peanutb: then you VNC to your localhost, | 08:58 |
qqq | thx wickedpuppy | 08:58 |
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lullabud | peanutb: this will actually connect you to host C. | 08:58 |
djembe | and "iwconfig" says that you are connected to an AP? | 08:58 |
floating | yea | 08:58 |
peanutb | lullabud, how would i set this up then? | 08:58 |
lullabud | peanutb: simply open VNC on host C and ssh on host B. | 08:58 |
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floating | are there some particular log files that might hive hints? | 08:58 |
peanutb | lullabud, ok i think i got it. | 08:58 |
floating | or any idea is welcome | 08:59 |
=== Nighteye [n=n8oog@88-109-196-247.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lullabud | floating: you can sniff dhcp traffic in a readable form with arpwatch | 08:59 |
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lullabud | floating: i've also had more luck with `pump` than `dhclient` | 08:59 |
floating | pump, never heard of that.. hmm | 08:59 |
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lullabud | peanutb: there are lots of articles out there about how to do ssh tunneling using both of the methods i described. finding them is as easy as googling for "ssh tunnel" or "ssh -D" or "ssh -L" | 09:00 |
sky123 | hey guys...im working on a sparc box and when i try to boot the system up i get a "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" anyone know how to solve this?? | 09:01 |
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carpediem | floating: does everything look good when you do "iwconfig"? | 09:01 |
floating | carpediem: yep | 09:01 |
qqq | kenn na uns help | 09:01 |
carpediem | floating: does it show the correct essid? | 09:01 |
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lullabud | sky123: sounds like your initrd might be pointing to the wrong partition? | 09:01 |
floating | I looked at /var/log/daemon.log someone might figure something out there, but I didnt... it felt like it had problem with authentication | 09:01 |
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peanutb | lullabud, ok i connected via ssh but how do i start vnc? | 09:02 |
floating | carpediem: yup | 09:02 |
lullabud | peanutb: you launch VNC on the same host you did ssh from, your local machine. then you connect to | 09:02 |
floating | but then again, few times there was a text about authentication complete | 09:02 |
carpediem | floating: it actually says the essid of your router? (not "none/any")? | 09:02 |
lullabud | peanutb: you also have to have a vnc server running on host C. | 09:02 |
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floating | carp yep | 09:02 |
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carpediem | floating: does "sudo dhclient wlan0" work? | 09:03 |
peanutb | lullabud, what command would i use in the ssh terminal | 09:03 |
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sky123 | lullabud: I figured this...the funny thing is that it appears to have hardware raid..I didnt realize this..and took out a drive and rebuilt the system..on one drive..im wondering how to resolve the initrd issue?? | 09:03 |
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carpediem | floating: replace wlan0 with your device, of course. | 09:03 |
floating | it's on eth1, and it does not get dhcpoffer | 09:03 |
floating | ^^ | 09:03 |
carpediem | floating: you don't have MAC address filtering stopping it or anything like that? | 09:03 |
lullabud | peanutb: it's bed time. http://www.google.com/search?q=vnc+tunnel+over+ssh+linux | 09:03 |
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lullabud | sky123: oooh man | 09:04 |
floating | ummm, no. There is no mac filtering on ap | 09:04 |
sky123 | lullabud: quite honestly, im discovering how this sun ultra works...and why/how i would deal with drive failures..and still resolve it.. | 09:04 |
sky123 | lullabud: its no big..it is a test box | 09:04 |
peanutb | lullabud, yah i just did that a second before you answered | 09:04 |
lullabud | sky123: i've been having a terrible problem with raid for the past few weeks... basically, my experience has been that ubuntu will sometimes recognize each disk in the array as an individual disk, and then the whole array as well. | 09:04 |
peanutb | lullabud, thanks | 09:04 |
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lullabud | sky123: so like, a 5 disk array will be sda through sdf. | 09:05 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: I didn't see anything pertinent there about screen resolutions ... I have an old Gateway EV700c monitor and configured xorg so that horizonatal was 60-70 and verical was 70-160 .... the back of my monitor says 50-60hz ... | 09:05 |
carpediem | floating: because you are associated with the AP at this point. The AP is not giving you a DHCP response. Usually this is the AP fault. | 09:05 |
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sky123 | lullabud: i see | 09:05 |
lullabud | sky123: sdf is the array, and sda through sde are the individual disks. | 09:05 |
lullabud | sky123: if you do cfdisk -P s on them you will see extra space left over on the physical disks, but 0 bytes left on the array... assuming you have partitioned 100% of the array. | 09:05 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: that may bethe problem | 09:05 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: everything is working well now ... but I only 3 resolution options ... the largest being something like 1024 by something. | 09:05 |
floating | what might be wrong at aps end. the ap is at not my apartment, I might be able to ask for a configuration time with the owner | 09:05 |
floating | but I hope I would knew little more before I go | 09:06 |
Admiral_Chicago | if you mess up the syncs, X will go nuts | 09:06 |
sky123 | lullabud: what i did was to simply pop in 1 of the 2 disks...and saw this weird problem during partition of not being to software raid mirror the partitions..so i was like okay....take out one disc...and rebuild..and screw the redundancy for now..only that now i get this strange message | 09:06 |
floating | but there is another person with same problem with same wireless card with ubuntu | 09:06 |
lullabud | sky123: what you might be able to do is boot to the install disk, then rebuild the initrd with the proper raid drivers, and change /boot/grub/menu.lst to show hd(5,0) or whatever rather than hd(0,0) | 09:06 |
Admiral_Chicago | i did that once | 09:06 |
lullabud | sky123: yeah, that probably won't work... | 09:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: you want more options? | 09:07 |
=== Eons [n=Eons@host-84-220-230-6.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: you think I should configure xorg again and just choose the 'simple' option when it comes to the resolution/monitor option? | 09:07 |
DanaG | floating: what's the dhcp issue? | 09:07 |
DanaG | On my system, if I have IP address reservation (by MAC and hostname) on my router, | 09:07 |
=== BankHead [n=KiloByte@82-69-61-3.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DanaG | I won't get an IP if I don't make /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf send the right host name. | 09:07 |
floating | http://forum.ubuntulinux.jp/viewtopic.php?id=20 this is most likely the same problem. Same symptoms | 09:07 |
DanaG | Also, even then, I'll still not get an IP. | 09:07 |
DanaG | My system says "give me an IP address', and the router sits there saying 'who has Please tell" | 09:07 |
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seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: yeah i was using something like 1200 or 1400 by something | 09:07 |
DanaG | well, is the one I reserved. | 09:07 |
DanaG | stupid router. | 09:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: yea do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:07 |
sky123 | lullabud: so it is requiring the build on the second disk i guess..and then mirrors the first? in some odd psychotic way | 09:07 |
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lullabud | sky123: you can't just install to a disk of the array and expect it to work because the array has extra info stored that gets put in from the raid controller when the disks are accessed as an array. | 09:07 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: will do... thx | 09:08 |
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lullabud | sky123: probably what's happening, if it's what i've been experiencing, is you have sda-sdc | 09:08 |
lullabud | sdc is the array | 09:08 |
peanutb | everything i can find about tunneling vnc over ssh mentions putty, im using ubuntu on both sides | 09:08 |
lullabud | sky123: even if you take out the disks it may still show up that way. | 09:08 |
Eons | hello; I need help with jackd (maybe alsa, too)- I need to capture both from line in and microphone | 09:08 |
lullabud | peanutb: search google for the same thing with "-putty" in there. | 09:08 |
sky123 | lullabud: understood..but..if you start all over per se..as i did...and take out one disc...why wouldnt the installer say "okay" there is only one disc in this system so when i install ill stick the bootloader on that disc? | 09:08 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: its best to just follow the default options | 09:08 |
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floating | hmmm. danag. I have limited knowledge maybe. But do you use dhcp ? | 09:09 |
bobbie__4 | Can i go to bed now? | 09:09 |
lullabud | sky123: because there isn't merely one disk. there is one disk of an incomplete array, and then there is the incomplete array, which shows up as 2 disks. | 09:09 |
Eons | there is a (easy) way to capture from 2 sources? | 09:09 |
floating | or did you set up some other method | 09:09 |
lullabud | sky123: you'd have to destroy the array, which would leave you with 1 disk that is unusable in an array. | 09:09 |
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lullabud | sky123: i fought with this for 2 weeks on a dell PE 2950 perc 5/i raid controller before i got it to work. | 09:09 |
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sky123 | lullabud: I see..even though the installer sees one disc during the install...due to the hardware raid it weirds out | 09:10 |
lullabud | sky123: though my config was more complex... 4 disks in raid 10 with a hot spare... | 09:10 |
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Oswyn | how would i go about making a program execute every time a user logged on? | 09:10 |
floating | Ah yes you do apparentl. I guess I have to take a look on that conf file | 09:10 |
lullabud | sky123: during the install, probably at the end, alt-f2 and snoop around a bit. | 09:10 |
lullabud | sky123: try running fdisk on sda through sdc | 09:10 |
sky123 | lullabud: <insert expletive>...lol | 09:10 |
Admiral_Chicago | Oswyn: i think there is an option ~/.gnome/autostart | 09:10 |
lullabud | sky123: and check out your partition scheme. | 09:10 |
Admiral_Chicago | let me checkh | 09:11 |
seamus7 | Admiral_Chicago: after I upgraded to Edgy, my Gnome Panel applets wouldn't take any kind of background transparency for their respective panel .... I had been searching for a solution and finally just tried switchin from 24 to 16 color depth ... and voila that fixed it ... but I had tried a few other things beforehand including changing syncing... fyi | 09:11 |
lullabud | sky123: you can do all the maintenance you need by doing a `chmod /target` | 09:11 |
lullabud | sky123: er... `chroot /target` | 09:11 |
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Oswyn | Admiral_Chicago: sorry, i meant whenever a user (any users) logs into the shell, through SSH or locally | 09:11 |
sky123 | lullabud: i was hoping to avoid this completely as I have gone through this before on a dell myself 1425SC...and the grub bootloader would blow up when using mondo image.. | 09:11 |
sky123 | lullabud: here we go again. | 09:11 |
Admiral_Chicago | Oswyn: hmm not sure | 09:12 |
sky123 | lullabud: will do...time to go a hunting..as they say | 09:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | seamus7: well i don't use GNOME at all, did the 24 bit help? maybe if you restart X and try it | 09:12 |
Admiral_Chicago | or i would do a bug report as well | 09:12 |
lullabud | sky123: well, my solution was this... chroot, echo raid driver >> /etc/mkinitramdisk/modules.conf, rebuild initrd, install grub on the correct disk (sdf in my case), modify /target/boot/grub/menu.lst, exit chroot, unmount all fileystems, reboot | 09:12 |
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lullabud | sky123: good luck with all that. i'll be around tomorrow. | 09:13 |
lullabud | good night all. | 09:13 |
sky123 | lullabud: yep I get it...youve moved the bootloader to another disk | 09:13 |
Samus_Aran | well that took *a lot* of work, but I have upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 or whatever the latest one is | 09:13 |
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Samus_Aran | tons of dependancy issues, had to go through the install commands over and over, probably about 15 or so cycles through apt-get dist-upgrade then apt-get -f install | 09:14 |
sky123 | lullabud: here is the evil thing..assuming you have a raid mirror...then there is NO gaurantee that you will be able to boot of the second drive | 09:14 |
sky123 | lullabud: unless you go through this process. | 09:14 |
peanutb | ok new question, how do i set up vnc to send me to kdm to login? | 09:14 |
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Samus_Aran | so far so good. lots of updated stuff, things seem to be working. it would have been a nightmarish upgrade for someone that was new to GNU/Linux, though .. | 09:14 |
floating | carpediem; the ap is giving ips to 2 win xp and to 1 mac os but to this xubuntu not | 09:15 |
Samus_Aran | peanutb: that one requires you set it up as an xinetd or intetd service | 09:15 |
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[Nige] | hi all | 09:15 |
Samus_Aran | peanutb: google for "xinetd vnc ubuntu OR debian" | 09:15 |
Samus_Aran | peanutb: (without the quotes) | 09:15 |
zOrK | does anybody has a broadcom wireless card?, I've built a patch and I'd like to see if it works.. | 09:16 |
carpediem | floating: ah, okay, that makes it more clearly a problem. | 09:16 |
sky123 | Samus_Aran: welcome to the club...somethings like mplayer-plugin on my box still dont work right..let alone completely having to re-set ndiswrapper.. | 09:16 |
zOrK | it works on my laptop .. | 09:16 |
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zOrK | need testers.. | 09:16 |
floating | z0rk I have got, but I have a problem getting it online | 09:16 |
peanutb | Samus_Aran, k thanks | 09:16 |
Samus_Aran | peanutb: I've done it before and it works really well, but I can't remember the actual lines used | 09:16 |
zOrK | floating would you like to prove my patch?! | 09:16 |
zOrK | it would be a honor. | 09:17 |
Samus_Aran | peanutb: if you're using it over the Internet, I recommend TightVNC, as it has better compression | 09:17 |
sky123 | floating: id try that.. | 09:17 |
zOrK | I have got a broadcom too , and I know that it's a pain in the ass, so I built a patch | 09:17 |
floating | sure | 09:17 |
zOrK | I spent a night doing it | 09:17 |
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floating | my problem is that I cannot get ip from dhcp | 09:17 |
zOrK | ok, get it | 09:17 |
sky123 | sweet man | 09:17 |
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peanutb | Samus_Aran, ok ill try it if i can | 09:17 |
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floating | zOrK: but ill try. where I get it ? | 09:18 |
viv`d | how can i preserve xhost settings between sessions so i dont have to enable access every time i log in? | 09:18 |
teledyn_ | ubuntu is doing some really weird things with blank CDs/DVDs | 09:18 |
zOrK | there is | 09:18 |
zOrK | by the way, do you know how to use iwconfig, right? | 09:18 |
zOrK | once detected? | 09:18 |
jmspeex | Can anyone help me get Edgy64 working (i.e. not crashing) on my "Core 2 Duo" laptop. At the moment, any ACPI event (lid close, ac, ...) causes a crash with no error message. | 09:18 |
floating | ah sorry. I can't receive dcc | 09:18 |
Samus_Aran | sky123: even after it was all installed, it told me that mplayer, tomboy and 35 python packages were "held back", though it didn't say why | 09:18 |
teledyn_ | "cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize" this is being spit out in syslog every 1s | 09:18 |
zOrK | floating do you have installed ndiswrapper? | 09:18 |
zOrK | ok, i'll upload it somewhere. | 09:18 |
Samus_Aran | sky123: once I told apt-get to install them, it did .. so I'm not sure why it didn't do those automatically | 09:18 |
floating | no. I dont have lights up with ndiswrapper, and I use native driver that works | 09:19 |
jmspeex | If I disable acpi (or use acpi=noirq), it no longer crash, but it's not very useful, since I can't use the second core. | 09:19 |
floating | "works" | 09:19 |
sky123 | Samus_Aran: yep pretty ugly....by the way...Linux Magazine just named Dapper as their top pick...not necessarily edgy.. | 09:19 |
Samus_Aran | sky123: I also had to remove Opera 8.54, as apparently /usr/bin/X11 or something was moved and symlinked | 09:19 |
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zOrK | uploading.. | 09:19 |
sky123 | Samus_Aran: pretty ugly as you have aptly (no pun intended) put it | 09:20 |
floating | If I first know how to uninstall the native driver, I could try the ndsiwrapper again. But I tried many method before with ndiswrapper and I didnt eve get light on. | 09:20 |
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Samus_Aran | sky123: Dapper was the first Ubuntu I have used, and it was very stable from the get-go. Edgy has definitely been a rough upgrade, but I have nothing to compare it to, as I've not upgraded between versions, cept years ago on Debian Potato [iirc] | 09:20 |
metres | Hi all, I tried installing php5, but I have problem... Apache is running but when I try to see a php file, it ask for download... | 09:20 |
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sky123 | Samus_Aran: on my fresh installed box it runs damn well.. however on Sparc I had very weird issues. | 09:21 |
nomadsoul | is bum out from the ubuntu repos? | 09:21 |
Samus_Aran | metres: you need to enable the PHP shared object in the Apache config file | 09:21 |
sky123 | network would just timeout /hang | 09:21 |
zOrK | floating you'd need ndiswrapper | 09:21 |
zOrK | http://zork.gnu.cl/bcwl-patch.tar.gz | 09:21 |
zOrK | there is | 09:21 |
BadKitty | I thought ubuntu was supposed to be very light... it's eating all of my cpu | 09:21 |
Samus_Aran | metres: I think Ubuntu has an individual file for each available plugin | 09:21 |
nomadsoul | metres: have you configured you apache.conf ? | 09:22 |
zOrK | BadKitty you can install fluxbox | 09:22 |
metres | I look the apache.conf | 09:22 |
Samus_Aran | metres: and you just include that file in the main one | 09:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | BadKitty: what is using up the most CPU? | 09:22 |
metres | not touch it yet | 09:22 |
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sky123 | BadKitty: probably a process...run top to see what is hogging it | 09:22 |
zOrK | floating give it a try and let me know please, remember to install ndiswrapper.. | 09:22 |
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floating | zOrK: thanks. Do you know how to uninstall this/ If you want to try these, copy/paste the contents of the attachment into your /lib/firmware/, and then run sudo rmmod ndiswrapper, sudo rmmod bcm43xx, sudo modprobe bcm43xx. | 09:22 |
nomadsoul | metres: this work is pretty anooyng, that's why the ubuntu guys created a LAMP instalaltion on the ubuntu server cd :P | 09:22 |
floating | that is the native drivers that are currently installed | 09:22 |
metres | Sorry, i add servername localhost... | 09:23 |
nomadsoul | does anybody know if there is a graphical tool to select what to boot? | 09:23 |
zOrK | floating my patch is based on that info.. lol | 09:23 |
zOrK | it'll do it by itself | 09:23 |
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nomadsoul | metres: you should search for index.html and add index.php in the same line | 09:23 |
zOrK | just give it a try | 09:23 |
floating | ummhh, so as I have native drivers, your patch uninstalls it, and installs your driver to ndiswrapper that I first install ? | 09:24 |
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nomadsoul | metres: and define the type php in apache.conf (i don't remember how :P) | 09:24 |
bob438 | is there a way to make "screen" split vertically, if no then what would be the best alternative? | 09:24 |
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sky123 | bob438: xinerama | 09:24 |
Samus_Aran | metres: or just do it manually, http://pastebin.com/828715 << like that | 09:24 |
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sky123 | bob438: ive played with it on suse...but got a new system..and havent used it.. | 09:25 |
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zOrK | floating nop. what's your native driver? | 09:25 |
zOrK | bcmwl5.inf ? | 09:25 |
metres | Do I make change in the apache or apache2 file ? | 09:25 |
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floating | no, | 09:25 |
zOrK | what's it? | 09:25 |
jedilj | I just downloaded ubuntu and everything is running choppy eg scrolling, moving files | 09:25 |
floating | wait I open up the page where the file is.. chotto matte | 09:25 |
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metres | because i foun DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml in the apache2 file... | 09:26 |
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viv`d | im having trouble opening some gui windows, getting "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" errors...i can enable access with "xhost +", but i have to issue this command every time i log on....is there a way to permanently enable access? | 09:27 |
EMKO | i cant figure out how to install it :( | 09:27 |
Samus_Aran | does anyone know what has happened to the font paths for Xorg in Edgy ? my xorg.conf is no longer valid, and I can't seem to figure out where they were put | 09:27 |
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Samus_Aran | the old font paths were: /usr/share/fonts/misc /usr/share/fonts/75dpi /usr/share/fonts/100dpi /usr/share/fonts/TTF /usr/share/fonts/Type1 | 09:28 |
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Samus_Aran | none of which exist any longer | 09:28 |
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viv`d | try /usr/share/X11/fonts | 09:28 |
Samus_Aran | viv`d: ah, thanks, that has all of them except the TTF one | 09:29 |
Samus_Aran | does Ubuntu still have a central place for its TFFs ? | 09:29 |
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Samus_Aran | *TTF's | 09:29 |
viv`d | truetype is in.. | 09:30 |
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viv`d | /var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType | 09:30 |
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Samus_Aran | now isn't that intuitive, heh | 09:30 |
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floating | zOrK: bcm43xxcat and bunch of bcm43xx*.fw files | 09:32 |
zOrK | floating It should work! | 09:33 |
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Samus_Aran | actually, it seems that the upgrade added the fontpaths to my xorg.conf automatically .. at least the proper paths were in there .. but it doesn't explain why some of the basic X fonts are missing | 09:33 |
floating | yea well it lighted up the card, but I can't get IP from dhcp | 09:33 |
Samus_Aran | e.g. running xfontsel displays the xfontsel GUI itself in an unreadable font | 09:33 |
zOrK | yes, floating give it a try with my patch | 09:34 |
peanutb | ok one more question, i used gdm, the problem is, when i connect on two computers to one vnc server, once logged in on one, i get the same desktop, how can i fix this? | 09:34 |
floating | hmm | 09:34 |
floating | I just install your patch over this ? | 09:34 |
zOrK | yes. | 09:34 |
floating | but first I install ndiswrapper ? | 09:34 |
EMKO | i get to genome something then the screen goes black then 2 white squares come and the computer does nothing any idea on what is should? | 09:34 |
seamus7 | are monitors measured diagonally or hoizontally, i'm trying to figure out if mine is 15" or 17"? | 09:34 |
zOrK | floating yes. | 09:34 |
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floating | thanks | 09:34 |
Kr0ntab | so anyone using beryl have the vidcap plugin working under ubuntu? if so... did you use the beryl repos + compile the plugin from svn sources? Or did you ahve to use the entire svn sources and build it completely? | 09:34 |
Madpilot | seamus7, diagonally | 09:34 |
floating | it will take me about 20-35minutes | 09:35 |
seamus7 | Madpilot: that's what I was thinnking... thx | 09:35 |
floating | to burn cd and boot and investigate and try | 09:35 |
floating | and burn cd for log file for possible error :-) | 09:35 |
zOrK | don't you have ubuntu installed already? | 09:35 |
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floating | I have, but I dont get it online | 09:35 |
zoople | hey. fresh install of Ubuntu..no javac! | 09:35 |
zOrK | did you mount windows partitions on ubuntu? | 09:35 |
floating | yea | 09:36 |
zOrK | so you dont have to do that, just mount it in ubuntu and get the files | 09:36 |
floating | doh lol | 09:36 |
zOrK | from windows partition | 09:36 |
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zOrK | easy as that | 09:36 |
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floating | indeed :-) | 09:36 |
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floating | no wonder I dont get it online, cant even realize such :D | 09:36 |
EMKO | will ubuntu work on a IBM thinkpad? | 09:37 |
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crimsun | depends on the thinkpad | 09:37 |
zoople | im not impressed about java not being installed automatically | 09:37 |
floating | how about writing to ntfs for error message, is that possible nowadays ? | 09:37 |
zoople | how do i get it manually | 09:37 |
tonyyarusso | EMKO: Quite likely anyway | 09:37 |
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=== AwayUser Away [On] Reason: [ gone ] Ultima Script | ||
crimsun | zoople: it wasn't free until recently. | 09:37 |
tonyyarusso | EMKO: Check the ThinkWiki | 09:37 |
zOrK | nop, it's not | 09:37 |
floating | oki | 09:37 |
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AwayUser | Hello Italia | 09:37 |
AwayUser | ? | 09:37 |
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zOrK | just try the patch if it doesn't work tell me what happend, I could understand.. | 09:37 |
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AwayUser | Italia???? | 09:38 |
Healot | !it | 09:38 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 09:38 |
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floating | okz -> | 09:40 |
metres | To install php I make http://pastebin.com/828715, now the download document has the right name but it still ask to download... | 09:40 |
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bob438 | sky123: i was thinking of something more like the "multitail" thing... but with full terminal support | 09:41 |
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nomadsoul | is there someone familiar with software raid? | 09:41 |
sky123 | bob438: ahhh..okay...havent played with that...xinerama..was a biatch..for a newb like me back then | 09:42 |
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Samus_Aran | metres: did you restart apache ? | 09:43 |
metres | yes | 09:43 |
metres | sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart | 09:43 |
bob438 | sky123: thats cool, no prob | 09:43 |
Samus_Aran | metres: check the log files in /var/log to see what it is doing | 09:43 |
metres | do I need php4 ? | 09:43 |
Samus_Aran | metres: PHP5 is preferable | 09:43 |
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sky123 | bob438: im usually around here...if you figure it out..post up | 09:44 |
metres | that what I install (php5) | 09:44 |
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metres | I also clean the browser cache... | 09:45 |
Samus_Aran | metres: so what shows up in the log ? | 09:45 |
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metres | which log ? | 09:47 |
metres | the error or some log file ? | 09:47 |
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Samus_Aran | the apache log file | 09:48 |
Samus_Aran | see what it says about the connection that tries to download it | 09:48 |
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metres | I got this in the access log : - - [20/Nov/2006:03:39:48 -0500] "GET /test.php HTTP/1.1" 200 6 "http://localhost/" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; fr; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20060601 Firefox/2.0 (Ubuntu-edgy)" "-" | 09:50 |
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metres | and this in the error log :[Mon Nov 20 02:53:19 2006] [error] mod_mime_magic: type regex\t\tBEGINhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?go=Go&search=:space:*[{] \tapplication/x-awk invalid | 09:50 |
=== porkpie [n=mark@cpc1-bsfd5-0-0-cust929.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
porkpie | guy's what the syntax for adding a new user please ? | 09:51 |
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EMKO | ahhh this is sooo hard :( | 09:51 |
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EMKO | i choose the first option start or install ubuntu but when it comes to this one part Genome something it goes to a black screen then to sqaures come on the screen and it does nothing after that | 09:52 |
EMKO | 2* | 09:53 |
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Madpilot | EMKO, did you run the 'check this cd' option? | 09:54 |
floating | zOrK: you are god | 09:54 |
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zOrK | why? | 09:54 |
EMKO | yes | 09:54 |
floating | I didn't need to boot on winxp!! | 09:54 |
zOrK | are you online? | 09:54 |
floating | thank you alot! | 09:54 |
zOrK | ok :) | 09:55 |
sky123 | so it works?! | 09:55 |
sky123 | cool | 09:55 |
sky123 | post that patch up on the forums or wiki! | 09:55 |
floating | I wonder what this did, but it works :D | 09:55 |
sky123 | nice | 09:55 |
zOrK | floating please copy and paste this to me : lspci |grep Wireless | 09:55 |
zOrK | sky123 could you do it for me? | 09:55 |
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zOrK | I wanna know which broadcom cards it supports | 09:55 |
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sky123 | z0rK: okay..youll have to run through it again | 09:56 |
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sky123 | z0rK: where to get it and what to do ... | 09:56 |
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floating | maybe it was just the ndiswrapper then native and then this ndiswrapper with something from native still there or something in this patch.. and bamm | 09:56 |
zOrK | okkkk | 09:56 |
=== zOrK laughs | ||
zOrK | floating could you paste me this: lspci|grep Wireless | 09:56 |
zOrK | please? | 09:56 |
EMKO | i tryed Start ubuntu in safe grahpics mode and that showed something running but it didnt go any further | 09:57 |
zOrK | sky123 hold on a second please, wanna know the model of floating | 09:57 |
sky123 | yep | 09:57 |
nomadsoul | is there someone familiar with software raid? | 09:57 |
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floating | file:///media/hda5/linux/bcwl-patch | 09:57 |
floating | ooops | 09:57 |
floating | 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 09:57 |
zOrK | cool, you've got same as me | 09:57 |
pluma_ | I have a GeForce graphics card. However, gxgears fails with "X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)". I think that means I need to install a driver... any ideas? | 09:58 |
zOrK | 0b:03.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 09:58 |
floating | \o/ | 09:58 |
zOrK | that's why it works out of the box. | 09:58 |
sky123 | nomadoul: this is going to seem like a weird answer...but on google their is a nice redhat systemadmin guide with raid how to...it actually does a fine job explaining..and can be carried over to ubuntu | 09:58 |
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floating | I got network manager installed but it is not running, as the connection is directly pointed to the networking thing on this xubuntu | 09:58 |
pluma_ | Everything else works. High resolution, etc. I just can't seem to use OpenGL... the card should allow for it tho. | 09:58 |
pluma_ | OpenGL screensavers fail too. | 09:59 |
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floating | I want to install connection manager I think.. it was best out of those 3. I am just wondering if I mess this up and lose connection | 09:59 |
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floating | is that how likely to happen | 09:59 |
porkpie | guy's how would I add this /usr/local/sbin/radiusd so it starts up a boot | 09:59 |
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zOrK | floating : are you in ubuntu? | 09:59 |
floating | xubuntu | 09:59 |
sky123 | !rc.d | 09:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rc.d - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:59 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: if you didn't get an answer: adduser | 10:00 |
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TLE | has totem-gstreamer-firefox-plugin and totem-xine-firefox-plugin been replaced by totem-mozilla ? | 10:00 |
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zoople | ok, im just about ready to give up with this OS, nothing works | 10:01 |
zoople | whats the deal with Java | 10:01 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: you can add that various places. the most "proper" would be creating a script for it in /etc/init.d/radiusd which accepts "start", "stop" and "restart" options, then symlink it to the runlevel directory | 10:01 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: if you want simple, add it to /etc/rc.local | 10:01 |
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seanwang | HI | 10:01 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: just add an ampersand "&" to it so it loads in the background | 10:01 |
zoople | ive been trying for 30 minutes to get java to work and now its compling and picking up an error on System.out.println() | 10:01 |
seanwang | hi | 10:01 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: unless it returns you to the console when it is run | 10:01 |
TLE | zoople: what deal how to install it ? | 10:02 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: what is compiling ? | 10:02 |
zoople | ints not compiling! | 10:02 |
zoople | im doing a simple hello world program | 10:02 |
floating | by the way. I skipped the interfaces editing, because I checked dmesg before, and it looked too interesting and I just then run ifdown eth1 and ifup eth1 and got ip and connected to internet:) so maybe I need to configure the interfaces and other things now , :) thx again | 10:02 |
porkpie | Samus_Aran:thanks | 10:02 |
TLE | Samus_Aran: you take this one | 10:02 |
pluma_ | Anyone? This is getting a bit frustrating... | 10:02 |
zoople | i get: *** Syntax Error: misplaced construct(s) | 10:02 |
zoople | no im just saying..whats the deal? | 10:02 |
zoople | like..a)it didnt come with the OS b) its hard to install and find | 10:02 |
zoople | and c) it clearly doesnt work | 10:02 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: are you 100% sure that you didn't actually do a syntax error ? | 10:03 |
zoople | yup | 10:03 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: I don't know Java code, so I can't look at it | 10:03 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: what java package are you using ? | 10:03 |
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sky123 | z0rk: patch works!...with the ndiswrapper | 10:03 |
zoople | how do i check? | 10:03 |
sky123 | z0rK: works..with network manager | 10:03 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: I think you can choose which one is being used with: apt-get configure java | 10:03 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: but I might have that wrong | 10:03 |
zOrK | i'll try to make a patch for all the wireless cards | 10:03 |
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zOrK | to make it easy | 10:03 |
zoople | god, this could be the worst OS ever | 10:04 |
zOrK | maybe it'll take me nights | 10:04 |
zOrK | why zoople ? | 10:04 |
zOrK | what do you need? | 10:04 |
sobersabre | hi. how can I bind NICs to certain interface name ( eth0, eth1 ) ? | 10:04 |
zoople | because nothing works | 10:04 |
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alvaro_ | buenas | 10:04 |
zoople | and to get anything to work is a pain | 10:04 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: it is either using Sun's JRE or the Free/open source GNU version, which is less complete at this time | 10:04 |
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sobersabre | I'd like to do this either via MAC address or via PCI id | 10:04 |
zoople | im trying to get Java to work | 10:04 |
zOrK | do you have gcc installed zoople ? | 10:04 |
zoople | which it used to (on older versions) | 10:04 |
zoople | im doing java tho | 10:04 |
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porkpie | Samus_Aran:so just add this to the rc.local /usr/local/sbin/radiusd & and that will start at bootup ?? | 10:05 |
sky123 | z0rK: 08:07.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 10:05 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: the less time you spend complaining, the more time you'll have to get it working =) | 10:05 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: yes | 10:05 |
zoople | ya but ive worked on it for ages | 10:05 |
zoople | and its not working at all | 10:05 |
metres | Is there a possibility that my issue (php doesnt compile in var/www) is related to the chmod option that I changed on this folder ? | 10:05 |
porkpie | Cool thanks | 10:05 |
zoople | i heard this OS was good and usable and "for humans" | 10:05 |
zoople | but its aweful | 10:05 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: so answer the basic questions first. by default I think it uses the open source GNU java implimentation, not the Sun JRE, so it might not be working because of that | 10:05 |
pluma_ | Well, Ubuntu works fine for me. | 10:05 |
peanutb | how would i set up a proftpd server to get login info from windows domain controler? | 10:05 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: the first step, therefore, is to determine what Java runtime you're actually using | 10:05 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: what does it tell you when you go "java --version" ? | 10:06 |
zoople | SableVM version 1.13 | 10:06 |
zoople | - compile date and time: 2006-06-20 08:08:05 UTC | 10:06 |
zoople | - gcc version: 4.1.2 20060613 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-2ubuntu3) | 10:06 |
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sobersabre | guys... how do I bind certain NIC to a certain interface name name ? | 10:06 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: and if you only want to spend time moaning about how awful a product is, you're unlikely to get people wanting to help you ... | 10:06 |
Madpilot | zoople, Sun Java is easy to install, but (just like on Windows) it's not in by default... | 10:06 |
sky123 | yep that is the gcc version instead of sun | 10:06 |
pluma_ | zoople: get the latest Sun JDK, install it and then add it via update-alternatives for java, javac, etc | 10:06 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: so as I said, you're using the GNU java implimentation .. | 10:06 |
zoople | ah ok, so how do i change that | 10:07 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: now do the configure thing I said to switch to the Sun JRE that you are accustomed to | 10:07 |
toogreen | HELP! My Nautilus is broken, It won't even start anymore.. All I did was trying to unmount an SMBFS volume, and i got a crash, since then nautilus's dead | 10:07 |
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Madpilot | !java | zoople | 10:07 |
ubotu | zoople: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 10:07 |
pluma_ | zoople: The Sun JDK worked much better for me than the GNU version, so you might want to get that one. | 10:07 |
zoople | and whoever programmed that implementation obviously has never used Java in their life | 10:07 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: just scroll up past the previous 20 complaints you said | 10:07 |
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sky123 | i wonder if they will do away with the gcc-java version.. | 10:07 |
pluma_ | zoople: Also, the version in the repository was outdated last I checked... | 10:07 |
zoople | what...like from the stoneages? | 10:08 |
Samus_Aran | sky123: why would they do away with it ? it is improving all the time | 10:08 |
zoople | it doesnt compile Stem.out.println() | 10:08 |
zoople | but like..spelled correctly | 10:08 |
porkpie | Samus_Aran:have you get the syntax for adding a new user please | 10:08 |
sky123 | well sun just "opened" up their java no? | 10:08 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: "adduser" | 10:08 |
Samus_Aran | porkpie: then follow instructions on the console | 10:08 |
sky123 | or will it be integrated back in ?? | 10:08 |
porkpie | OK | 10:09 |
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Samus_Aran | sky123: I didn't hear about them opening it, but if they did, I highly doubt it is compatible with the GPL | 10:09 |
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EMKO | this thing is impossible to install | 10:09 |
Samus_Aran | EMKO: which ? | 10:09 |
Madpilot | Samus_Aran, no, Sun just GPL'd most of Java | 10:09 |
Madpilot | last week | 10:09 |
EMKO | ubuntu | 10:09 |
sky123 | yep | 10:09 |
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zoople | lol...dare i ask about my Ipod. that would probably take 10 years to get working | 10:09 |
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pluma_ | I'm still having this OpenGL problem. Namely, OpenGL doesn't work. Apparently the packages are all in place ... it just doesn't work. i.e. gxgears fails | 10:10 |
Madpilot | zoople, I don't own one myself, but check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto | 10:11 |
Samus_Aran | does someone know what to do after modifying the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf file to refresh things ? | 10:11 |
zoople | ya thats all bullshit..doesnt work, i tried it | 10:11 |
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TLE | pluma_: Have you looked at any documentation, there are some troubleshooting methods in the forum and in the wiki ? | 10:11 |
TLE | pluma_: ATI ? | 10:12 |
Madpilot | zoople, funny, it works for other users... | 10:12 |
zoople | well i tried it and it didnt work | 10:12 |
zoople | followed it all perfectly | 10:12 |
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pluma_ | TLE: GeForce... not sure about the rest. | 10:12 |
zoople | either ipod doesnt show up, or doesnt sync | 10:13 |
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pluma_ | TLE: I've tried the internets but so far all I found was the vague advice to "install the drivers" or tweak xorg.conf in ways that are not applicable. | 10:13 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: you have enough negativity to fill several olympic sized swimming pools. I recommend getting more physical activity, enough sleep and a nice home cooked meal. | 10:13 |
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yango | hi.... The GAIM version I have at home (Kubuntu 6.06) allows me to configure the browser it opens when clicking on an URL on the conversation window. The one at work (Ubuntu 6.06) doesn't... do YOU have that option? where? :) | 10:14 |
zoople | well, i wouldnt need to have negativity if this OS worked | 10:14 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: that is a very strange outlook | 10:14 |
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zoople | god, i just hate linux, everyone is so arrogent about it but when it comed town to it, its just crap | 10:14 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: nobody "needs to have" negativity | 10:14 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: why would you use something you hate ? that is quite silly | 10:15 |
Madpilot | zoople, nobody is forcing you to use it, or to hang out here. You're free to go away anytime. | 10:15 |
zoople | i just get frustrated that i cant use my computer and the accessories with it | 10:15 |
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zoople | i have to use it for work | 10:15 |
zoople | because its all the rage now | 10:15 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: so get another job that doesn't use it | 10:15 |
EMKO | will ubuntu work if i have windows xp installed? | 10:15 |
TLE | pluma_: edgy ? | 10:15 |
zoople | its probably worth it for all the pain i go through to get stuff working | 10:15 |
pluma_ | TLE: Dapper | 10:15 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: hell, start a company specifically not to use it. | 10:15 |
TLE | EMKO: yes | 10:15 |
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zoople | i just dont see why people CHOSE to use it | 10:16 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: your java issue was extremely minor and simple, yet you have been far more concerned with bitching about it than making it work | 10:16 |
zoople | it still doesnt work!!! | 10:16 |
yango | zoople, because it works :) | 10:16 |
=== cyberix [n=cyberix@hoas-fe17dd00-69.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoople | i still havent got java to work | 10:16 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: you have spent almost half an hour complaining about something that is a 30 to 90 second fix | 10:16 |
cyberix | How do I turn bash completition on? | 10:16 |
zoople | nope..i spent 30 mins on the java thing | 10:16 |
zoople | and its still broken | 10:16 |
cyberix | It seems to work with other user accounts, but not mine. | 10:16 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: so then stop complaining, get level headed, and deal with the issue a step at a time .. deep breaths, in and out | 10:16 |
=== sc0tty [n=yann@penarvir.univ-brest.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | zoople, stop whinging, start listening. Sun Java is dead easy to get running... | 10:17 |
sc0tty | hello | 10:17 |
pluma_ | TLE: The OpenGL packages are installed. High resolutions are no problem. But gears fails with "X Error of failed request: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)" and so does WINE (which I have almost installed now, despite being on a 64bit system -- the problems are unrelated tho). | 10:17 |
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e_rrorr | hai | 10:17 |
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Madpilot | cyberix, look thru .bashrc, I think the completion code is in there, commented out | 10:17 |
sc0tty | I'm playing with parallels and ubuntu, on my imac, but I can't find the hsync and vsync of my imac's screen. | 10:17 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: I figured out how to get my Java switched to Sun's when my Azureus had issues .. took me 30 seconds. so I suggest taking about 90 seconds for someone with less first-hand GNU/Linux experience, in a channel full of people willing to help for free, seems about right | 10:17 |
zoople | well mine isnt working | 10:18 |
zoople | i did that thing you told me too and it hasnt worked | 10:18 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: what does "java --version" show ? | 10:18 |
zoople | the same thing as it did before | 10:18 |
TLE | pluma_: Try and have a look here, but read it carefully because NVIDIA resently dropped support for some cards so they have to install an older version http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper | 10:18 |
Samus_Aran | !java | 10:18 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 10:18 |
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Madpilot | zoople, so, did you install the sun package? sun-java5-jre? | 10:19 |
cesar_ | hi, can someone help with a simple problem | 10:19 |
pluma_ | zoople: Did you try what I told you? Download the Sun JDK from the website (mind the architecture! 32bit or 64bit makes a difference), install it from the terminal and then manage the symlinks via update-alternatives | 10:19 |
cesar_ | i have a 40 gig drive that i installed ubuntu onto, and an 80 gig drive | 10:19 |
zoople | see i dont know what half of that means | 10:19 |
zoople | whats a symlink | 10:19 |
TLE | Madpilot: he would need to install the jdk for compiling his own programs right | 10:19 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: so do you have "multiverse" on your repositories ? | 10:19 |
cesar_ | i want to "format" the 80 gig drive, and make it my /home directory | 10:19 |
=== rickyfingers [n=rickyfin@p54B1B56E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zoople | whats a repository? | 10:19 |
Madpilot | TLE, yes. First he's going to have to get a clue, though. | 10:20 |
Madpilot | !repo | 10:20 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource | 10:20 |
Madpilot | zoople, ^^^ | 10:20 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: not knowing what a symlink or repository is, certainly isn't the fault of GNU/Linux as an operating system, heh | 10:20 |
mats_ | source i /apt/source.list | 10:20 |
Bonaldo2000 | Does anyone know what can be donw about the nforce-nwtwork problem? | 10:20 |
zoople | yes well when i do it on windows it compiles | 10:20 |
zoople | and i dont know what those things are | 10:20 |
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Madpilot | zoople, you're starting to smell like a troll. Stop whining and start following the advice you're being given, or go away. | 10:21 |
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Samus_Aran | zoople: this distro comes with a different Java runtime than you are accustomed to using. to use the one you're accustomed to using (Sun JRE), you need to configure it on your Ubuntu, or try another operating system | 10:21 |
metres | I know that nforce use forcedeth.ko... | 10:21 |
zoople | im thinking the latter is better | 10:21 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: as we keep saying, whining doesn't help you get what you want .. | 10:21 |
Bonaldo2000 | metres, what is that? | 10:21 |
Samus_Aran | zoople: then by all means, do so. you told us you can't do so .. make up your beans. =) | 10:21 |
pluma_ | zoople: Installing the Sun JDK is easy. Just download it and run the installer from the commandline. | 10:22 |
zoople | ues but how | 10:22 |
zoople | you are all telling me its easy but i still havent been able to do it | 10:22 |
zoople | using ANY of your help | 10:22 |
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pluma_ | Just say where your problem lies then. | 10:22 |
Madpilot | zoople, you have been given several URLs that will explain the process to you. Go read them. | 10:22 |
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=== yango suggests zoople to go out for a coffee, relax a bit, walk around the park, change the mindset and then come back with a desire to get it to work (and read about it) instead of whining | ||
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metres | I had prob with my network but work fine now with kubuntu edgy ... forcedeth is the object tha manage wich I downloaded from nvidia site threw nforce driver... | 10:23 |
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NOIKA | hey guys | 10:23 |
zoople | bah...format. ill wait for them to train me at work, this is too hard | 10:23 |
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Bonaldo2000 | metres, hm ok, can an up-to-date version be downloaded from nvidias site you say? Also, how come its working in kubuntu? | 10:24 |
pluma_ | Sheesh. | 10:24 |
nomadsoul | is there someone familiar with software raid? | 10:24 |
NOIKA | can anyone tell me how to instal ubunto so that i get 3 partitions that i m able to see in my computer | 10:24 |
NOIKA | and work with them | 10:24 |
pluma_ | TLE: I'll try that. Looks like a long read tho. | 10:24 |
TLE | pluma_: yeah | 10:24 |
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tonyyserver | NOIKA: It's just a matter of selecting "manually edit partition table" in the installer, and setting up whatever you want. | 10:25 |
Xondr | http://axyris.jino-net.ru | 10:25 |
metres | Bonaldo2000 : I hadnt to manage it with edgy | 10:25 |
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NOIKA | yeah but i get lots of system files types | 10:25 |
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NOIKA | and it simce i always select the wrong one | 10:25 |
cesar_ | someone help me out -- i have my whole ubuntu install on a 40 gig hard drive, i would like to move the /home directory to an 80 gig hard drive | 10:25 |
cesar_ | but just the /home | 10:25 |
NOIKA | cuz i dont see them in my computer | 10:25 |
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e_rrorr | who can take it ? | 10:25 |
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Bonaldo2000 | metres, what do you mean by that? Sorry if I sound dumb... | 10:26 |
pluma_ | TLE: The things I'm willing to do to get Guild Wars to run on a Linux box... *shakes head* | 10:27 |
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peanutb | anyone use ubuntu on a lenevo t60? | 10:28 |
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pluma_ | TLE: Any idea how I can find out which driver I need other than trial and error? The x config file says it's a 6200... | 10:28 |
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metres | Bonaldo2000 : kubuntu manage my network on the installation instead of redhat and freespire which need to installed the linux nvidia driver | 10:29 |
mats_ | peanutb: try the wiki on ubuntulinux.org | 10:29 |
cesar_ | weird, how come synaptic doesnt have VLC ?? | 10:29 |
vdrab | hello all. Does anyone know how to disable gnome-power-manager notifications? it keeps telling me my battery is fully charged about once a minute. I already found a bug report talking about this but no solutions... anybody got an idea? | 10:29 |
Madpilot | mats_, it's wiki.ubuntu.com now | 10:29 |
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mats_ | Madpilot: thanks :) | 10:30 |
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peanutb | mats, nope, nothing to be found | 10:30 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: X -configure | 10:30 |
arepie | what does this mean --> libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b ?? | 10:30 |
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Samus_Aran | pluma_: that will create an Xorg config file in /root | 10:31 |
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Samus_Aran | arepie: never saw that one before | 10:31 |
chris77^ | Hello. I could I modify the Dapper installer for it to add some contents of my choice in /home as well as some users? | 10:31 |
cesar_ | why is vlc not found??? | 10:31 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: you can look through it to see what driver was detected | 10:31 |
metres | Bonaldo2000 : I know that the module of the kernel for my asus a8n-vm to manage network was forcedeth... | 10:31 |
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Samus_Aran | cesar_: ? | 10:31 |
Samus_Aran | cesar_: apt-get install vlc | 10:31 |
cesar_ | couldn't fiind package vlc | 10:31 |
highneko | cesar_: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:32 |
daftvader | hello | 10:32 |
mats_ | arepie: http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&q=libGL+warning%3A+3D+driver+claims+to+not+support+visual+0x4b&btnG=Search | 10:32 |
cesar_ | no wireshark, etc | 10:32 |
daftvader | does anyone know how to get the gpg key file for ubuntu repository? | 10:32 |
Bonaldo2000 | metres, hm ok..thank you for your help. I will look into forcedeth. Or install kubuntu instead... | 10:33 |
mats_ | arepie: maybe there is somethink you can use there - never heard of it | 10:33 |
daftvader | every time i did an apt-get update, it comes up with gpg error | 10:33 |
NOIKA | can anyone tell me how to instal ubunto so that i get 3 partitions that i m able to see in my computer | 10:33 |
daftvader | NOIKA: have you install ubuntu yet? | 10:33 |
monokrom1 | lol | 10:33 |
NOIKA | yes | 10:33 |
cesar_ | is vlc part of universe? | 10:34 |
monokrom1 | cesar_: yes | 10:34 |
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metres | Bonaldo2000 : It's nothing, hope I hadnt be too confusing | 10:34 |
NOIKA | i have a 80gb hdd and i've mayde 3 partitions | 10:34 |
cesar_ | thanks dawgs | 10:34 |
daftvader | NOIKA: so are you planning to reinstalling it? or adding a new partition | 10:34 |
NOIKA | but i only see one in my computer | 10:34 |
NOIKA | and i cannot put anything in it | 10:34 |
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pluma_ | Samus_Aran: "server already active for display 0" | 10:34 |
mesha | NOIKA: So the other partitions exist already? | 10:34 |
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Bonaldo2000 | metres, no its fine:-) | 10:35 |
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NOIKA | yes | 10:35 |
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NOIKA | but i dont see then in my comp | 10:35 |
mesha | NOIKA: You have to mount them. In the administration menu there's a tool called Disks, you can mount them from there. | 10:35 |
guillem101 | is there any way to "explore" the local lan searching for ssh servers (as network neighbourhood searchs for smb servers) ? I've being given dynamic IP at my laptop and I want to access from other machines ... | 10:35 |
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Samus_Aran | pluma_: add ":1" to the end of the line if you are already in X | 10:36 |
TLE | pluma_: yeah well, 3d-acceleration can be tricky and some times it's really all about finding the right HOWTO from the beginning | 10:36 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: though if you're in X, you should know what driver is being used already | 10:36 |
cesar_ | how do i reformat my hard drive to have a partition | 10:36 |
cesar_ | im sorry | 10:36 |
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cesar_ | to have a different file system | 10:36 |
NOIKA | so how do i mount them? | 10:36 |
TLE | pluma_: about the driver 2 sec | 10:36 |
guillem101 | current trick is to enable XDM and use the XDMchooser to locate the machine (rather than going to the laptop and running ifconfig) | 10:36 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: you can look at your graphics chipset using "lspci|grep -i vga" | 10:36 |
Samus_Aran | 00:06.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x] (rev c1) | 10:37 |
Samus_Aran | 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE] (rev a1) | 10:37 |
Samus_Aran | will output lines like those | 10:37 |
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pluma_ | Samus_Aran: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM) | 10:37 |
Samus_Aran | if you have any nVidia based graphics chipset, you'll want to use the proprietary drivers for accelleration. you'll need to log out of X to get them loaded | 10:37 |
bob438 | sky123: found a patch for "screen" that enables vertical split | 10:37 |
Samus_Aran | bob438: what what what where how whaat !? | 10:38 |
pluma_ | Samus_Aran: Yeah, but what driver does that correspond to? | 10:38 |
tekton | how to log out of x? | 10:38 |
Samus_Aran | bob438: I've wanted that for a very long time | 10:38 |
sky123 | bob438: sweet | 10:38 |
dtanner | splitvt | 10:38 |
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Samus_Aran | tekton: log out of the desktop to the login screen, then go Ctrl+Alt+F2 to go to a TTY, log in as your user and then issue the command: sudo init 3 | 10:39 |
bob438 | google screen vertical slit patch | 10:39 |
bob438 | *split | 10:39 |
Samus_Aran | tekton: that will get rid of the graphical login manager | 10:39 |
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Samus_Aran | pluma_: there are two drivers for nvidia cards, the one that is open source "nv" and the one that is proprietary "nvidia" | 10:40 |
pluma_ | TLE: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM) is also what the x conf file said. | 10:40 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: the latter requires a kernel module, plus an AGP module for your motherboard to be loaded | 10:40 |
cesar_ | how do i reformat a hard drive to have a differnet file system? | 10:40 |
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NOIKA | can anyone tell me a program to manage partitions after i have instaled ubunto? | 10:41 |
Samus_Aran | pluma_: Ubuntu provides packages for the proprietary nvidia driver | 10:41 |
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NOIKA | can anyone tell me some programs to manage hdd partitions after i've installed ubuntu? | 10:42 |
Samus_Aran | cesar_: once it is partitioned, you use mkfs | 10:42 |
we2by | !kernel | 10:43 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 10:43 |
tonyyserver | NOIKA: gparted | 10:43 |
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: gparted | 10:43 |
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NOIKA | tks | 10:43 |
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pluma_ | Samus_Aran: so nvidia-glx should work fine? Because that one isn't installed yet. | 10:44 |
TLE | pluma_: I can't find the info right now. All I know is that in the latest version they dropped support for some older cards | 10:44 |
TLE | pluma_: ohhh my bad. I thought you had trouble getteing that one installed | 10:44 |
nomadsoul | how is debian-installer called under ubuntu? | 10:45 |
pluma_ | TLE: My problem is only that I lack OpenGL right now | 10:45 |
TLE | pluma_: yeah but if you haven't install that one, then you need to. Only NVIDIA's own driver provide OpenGL | 10:45 |
vdrab | Does anyone know how to disable gnome-power-manager notifications? it keeps telling me my battery is fully charged about once a minute. I already found a bug report talking about this but no solutions... anybody got an idea? | 10:46 |
arepie | !beryl | 10:46 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 10:46 |
cesar_ | how do i partition it? | 10:46 |
cesar_ | how do i partition a drive | 10:46 |
cesar_ | can i just make /home a symlink to /home on my other drive? | 10:46 |
pluma_ | TLE: Off I go to install nvidia-glx then... | 10:47 |
cesar_ | all i want to do is move my /home directory to its own drive | 10:47 |
NOIKA | how do i install gparted??? | 10:47 |
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TLE | pluma_: wait wait | 10:48 |
pluma_ | TLE: Okay... that's a bit... late. What now? | 10:48 |
TLE | pluma_: have a look here it looks better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 10:48 |
TLE | pluma_: ok it was just it has some additional information. You need to enable the driver after you installed it but it's all in there | 10:49 |
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: it is installed by default | 10:49 |
incorrect | what do i need to install to get xdmcp to work with the gnome terminal server client? | 10:49 |
TLE | pluma_: no worry though, no harm done | 10:50 |
pluma_ | TLE: Yeah, I read the info on the package... | 10:50 |
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NOIKA | selinuxium i dont have it installed | 10:50 |
pluma_ | TLE: Gah. "Error: your X configuration has been altered.". Off to vim then | 10:50 |
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selinuxium_ | NOIKA: type gparted in a terminal | 10:51 |
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: I thought it was be default. Are you using Kubuntu? | 10:51 |
NOIKA | it sais command not found | 10:51 |
NOIKA | ubuntu | 10:52 |
monokrome | Ubuntu doesn't come with gparted initially | 10:52 |
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: type sudo apt-get install gparted in a terminal | 10:52 |
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selinuxium_ | monokrome: ok, cheers. :) | 10:52 |
monokrome | :) | 10:52 |
pluma_ | TLE: Okay, I edited the configuration. Do I need to restart X now somehow? | 10:52 |
cesar_ | help | 10:52 |
cesar_ | i did sudo mkfs /dev/hda1 | 10:53 |
NOIKA | ok that worked | 10:53 |
NOIKA | :) | 10:53 |
NOIKA | tks | 10:53 |
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cesar_ | and when i do sudo fdisk-l, /dev/hda1 is still listed as HPFS/NTFS | 10:53 |
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: np :) | 10:53 |
cesar_ | why isnt it listed as "Linux"?? | 10:53 |
NOIKA | ok now how do i use it,to make another partition | 10:53 |
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NOIKA | :) | 10:53 |
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NOIKA | selinuxium.. u know how to use gpated? | 10:54 |
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NOIKA | gparted | 10:54 |
we2by | guys, I need a howto on how to recompile restricted kernel modules | 10:55 |
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monokrome | NOIKA: It's rather straight forward | 10:55 |
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nomadsoul | someone can tell me WHY the debian-installer package have not any bin?!?!? | 10:55 |
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selinuxium_ | NOIKA: yep. what are you trying to do? You can also type man gparted in a terminal for further instructions. | 10:55 |
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deep__ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32903/ <-- how can i fix this error? | 10:55 |
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cesar_ | ???? | 10:56 |
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NOIKA | how to i make from one partition of 80gb.3 partitions that i am able to see then on my computer like in windows | 10:57 |
NOIKA | cuz i have files that i wana move from my desktop to a partition | 10:57 |
cong0_natty | nokia cfdisk and create fat partitions. | 10:57 |
monokrome | eew. | 10:57 |
NOIKA | fat32? | 10:57 |
cong0_natty | you cant view the linux / from windows unless you have some kinda ext plugin though | 10:57 |
cong0_natty | ext2fs i think its called | 10:57 |
cong0_natty | noika yea | 10:58 |
cong0_natty | lba support on | 10:58 |
NOIKA | i dont have windows installed | 10:58 |
monokrome | Ext2 IFS I think | 10:58 |
NOIKA | i wana see the partitions like u can see them in windows | 10:58 |
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incorrect | does anyone here know of a good ip enabled cctv camera, ideally one that works under linux | 10:58 |
cong0_natty | erm you mean look @ the in a graph like the manager? | 10:58 |
cong0_natty | disk manager* | 10:58 |
cong0_natty | gparted | 10:59 |
cong0_natty | or qparted | 10:59 |
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Serii | qtparted | 10:59 |
NOIKA | congo with cfdisk i get this message;;FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive | 10:59 |
NOIKA | Press any key to exit cfdisk | 10:59 |
cong0_natty | those will allow you to look @ the alocation as a graph | 10:59 |
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cong0_natty | NOIKA sudo cfdisk | 10:59 |
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cong0_natty | qtparted thanks** btw Serii | 11:01 |
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NOIKA | ok congo now i am gettin somewhere :) | 11:01 |
cong0_natty | lol | 11:02 |
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NOIKA | now i have to make the partitions fat32? | 11:02 |
cong0_natty | you dont know how to use linux do you | 11:02 |
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NOIKA | nope | 11:02 |
cong0_natty | lol | 11:02 |
NOIKA | i have it at work | 11:02 |
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Geoffrey2 | I'm trying to install Plugger 5.1.3 under Edgy, ./configure produces an error that the X11 libraries are not installed | 11:02 |
NOIKA | at home i use windows | 11:02 |
cong0_natty | follow the on screen destructions | 11:02 |
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cong0_natty | yea who doesnt.. | 11:02 |
cong0_natty | ME! | 11:02 |
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cong0_natty | lol ok so you have an option | 11:02 |
cong0_natty | delete write create shit like that | 11:03 |
cong0_natty | pick a partition you no longer need or blank area on your hd | 11:03 |
cong0_natty | does it say empty or blank space anywhere? | 11:03 |
NOIKA | hda5 Logical Linux swap / Solaris 764,96 | 11:03 |
=== Chaosmik [n=Chaosmik@ppp106-152.lns1.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NOIKA | that's how i have them | 11:03 |
tonyyserver | Has anyone seen evidence of what this page claims is possible in the installer? I couldn't find it, and neither could the guy last weekend. | 11:03 |
tonyyserver | https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/module-details.html#partman-crypto | 11:03 |
monokrome | Nobody's found a way to get a SoundBlaster X-Fi working with Linux, have they? | 11:03 |
NOIKA | one linux 764.96 | 11:03 |
cong0_natty | yea noika i know that | 11:03 |
cong0_natty | how many are there | 11:03 |
Chaosmik | hi, how do you copy a file to usr/share etc, it wont let me. Do i have to use terminal? | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | and are there ones thay say "freespace" | 11:04 |
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cong0_natty | if not your ass out | 11:04 |
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NOIKA | and one ext3 79258,80 | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | and you need to reinstall linux | 11:04 |
Tschaka | monokrome drives for that one will be released in 2007 :/ | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | ok | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | well you screwed up | 11:04 |
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Olathe | Why in the world does nautilus start taking all my CPU ? | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | when you install linux make a partition for the / | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | about 10 gb | 11:04 |
monokrome | tshaka: Thought so :/ | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | then another for your /home | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | about 20 gb | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | then leave the rest blank | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | then come back to cfdisk and partition the rest of the "FREE SPACE" | 11:04 |
cong0_natty | to ext3 | 11:05 |
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cong0_natty | if you wanna "resize" your ext3 partition | 11:05 |
cong0_natty | get gparted | 11:05 |
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cong0_natty | ubuntu comes with it.. | 11:05 |
Xondr | http://axyris.jino-net.ru | 11:05 |
NOIKA | i have it | 11:05 |
cong0_natty | but its not really a good idea | 11:05 |
Chaosmik | hi, how do you copy a file to usr/share etc, it wont let me. Do i have to use terminal? | 11:05 |
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cong0_natty | you can break your file system that way | 11:05 |
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Olathe | I killed nautilus and suddenly my system is a lot more responsive. | 11:06 |
cong0_natty | make sure you dont resize to much of the disk cuz you will loose files if that 80 gb on your ext3 has files filling it | 11:06 |
=== pluma [n=pluma@p5087CB61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cong0_natty | Olathe because nautilus is a ram hog | 11:06 |
Lynoure | cong0_natty: gparted is not a good idea? Or what is not? | 11:06 |
cong0_natty | try this one Olathe apt-get install xfe | 11:06 |
KenSentMe | Anyone know a good place where i can find a vmx file for running Edgy on vmware-player | 11:06 |
cong0_natty | or apt-get install rox-filemanager | 11:06 |
pluma | TLE: It worked. | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | KenSentMe yes | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | i have it on my website | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | hold up ill get you a link | 11:07 |
KenSentMe | cong0_natty: ty | 11:07 |
pluma | TLE: I had to restart Linux (thus losing my precious uptime), but it worked. | 11:07 |
NOIKA | congo how do i resize the /dev/hda1 ? | 11:07 |
pluma | TLE: merely restarting X didn't work tho | 11:07 |
NOIKA | with gparted | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | np ken | 11:07 |
NOIKA | i dont see any option that sais resize | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | comes with a vmx and an image | 11:07 |
Olathe | Ahh. | 11:07 |
NOIKA | or something like it | 11:07 |
cong0_natty | you have pms? | 11:07 |
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cong0_natty | pm's* | 11:07 |
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Olathe | I think I'll switch to a lighter window manager then. | 11:08 |
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chris77^ | Hello, how could I make an Ubuntu Live CD with my own /home directory? | 11:08 |
cong0_natty | KenSentMe check your messages | 11:08 |
floating | in /etc/network/interfaces the wireless-key line is in this format: wireless-key s:66c1xxxxxx ? | 11:08 |
guillem101 | Oh, there is a scanssh package... I'm going to try it right now | 11:08 |
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NOIKA | only option i can use it unoumnt | 11:08 |
mnepton | chris77^: do some research into the OEM install. that will get you on the right track. | 11:08 |
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selinuxium_ | NOIKA: you cant do anything with a mounted partition, you need to unmount it before you resize | 11:09 |
Olathe | Are there any window managers that just run one application full-screen ? | 11:09 |
Chaosmik | how come i cant copy files into /usr | 11:09 |
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Chaosmik | !!!!! | 11:09 |
mblondel | hi all | 11:09 |
=== Battosai [n=ks@host86-132-134-200.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ragamuffin | Does alternate version iso contain support ofr resstrictive formats like mp3 and various avis? | 11:09 |
selinuxium_ | Chaosmik: sudo... | 11:10 |
floating | why is it wireless-key s: ? what is s: ? | 11:10 |
NOIKA | itried i cant it sais files in use | 11:10 |
cong0_natty | noika yea NOIKA the best way to do what you wanna do is reinstall your linux and when installing it | 11:10 |
cong0_natty | make the proper partition sizes | 11:10 |
cong0_natty | and leave some blank space | 11:10 |
Chaosmik | yeah but i am a newbie and dont know how to copy in terminal | 11:10 |
cong0_natty | then make the partition later | 11:10 |
cong0_natty | just put linux on a 20 gb part | 11:10 |
mblondel | can anyone try out a package I have just made? | 11:10 |
crimsun | floating: 's' denotes an ascii string | 11:10 |
=== vindrake [n=vindrake@AMontpellier-257-1-181-131.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mblondel | here is the project in question: http://www.gnome.org/projects/fantasdic/ | 11:10 |
floating | ohhh, how about hex ? | 11:10 |
crimsun | floating: omitting it defaults to a hexadecimal representation | 11:10 |
NOIKA | congo that requers a reinstal? | 11:10 |
mblondel | and the package: http://www.mblondel.org/files/fantasdic/fantasdic_1.0-beta2-1_all.deb | 11:11 |
=== Zdra [n=zdra@252.179-247-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
selinuxium_ | NOIKA: then you are trying to resize the partition you are using right now. Use a live cd to resize the volume | 11:11 |
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tonyyserver | ragamuffin: No. | 11:11 |
NOIKA | cuz i only have a partition of 80 gb on which i have linux | 11:11 |
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mblondel | I would like to know if it works on another machine than mine | 11:11 |
floating | crimsun so wireless-key:xxxxxxxxx is ok. How about additional "space bar" hits in between, do they matter? | 11:11 |
Xondr | http://axyris.jino-net.ru Download MP3! Fast, easily, legally! | 11:11 |
Chaosmik | what program can you use to switch themes apart from the gnome one | 11:12 |
Lynoure | Xondr: stop spamming | 11:12 |
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crimsun | floating: use that precise syntax | 11:12 |
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selinuxium_ | NOIKA: when you install you are given the option to resize some of the parts. If you want to do it now use the install in live mode. You will be allowed to unmount the volume then. | 11:12 |
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floating | thanks | 11:12 |
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BlackHawk | moin | 11:14 |
Xondr | http://axyris.jino-net.ru Download MP3! Fast, easily, legally! | 11:14 |
Xondr | http://axyris.jino-net.ru Download MP3! Fast, easily, legally! | 11:15 |
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benny | someone german here? | 11:16 |
k31th | Anyone know of a decent vnc client for linux that enabless scaling ? | 11:16 |
k31th | so i can change / scale screen ress | 11:16 |
Dendron | hey everyone! Whenever i install an app with sudo apt-get install blahblah, apt will insall blahblah and then give me errors that MythTv had errors. I never got MythTV fully working and now it wont go away! How do i remove MythTv from trying to install each time i do "sudo apt-get install ProgramName"? (Clear apt-get cache? or something) | 11:17 |
Madpilot | !de | 11:17 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:17 |
k31th | Dendron: sudo apt-get remove --purge WHATEVERPACKAGE2REMOVE | 11:17 |
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selinuxium_ | Since upgrading to EDGY my Atheros AR5212 Netgear WiFi card ahs stopped working. I have installed the restricted modules for the kernel and it still doesn't work. it used to in Dapper. Any ideas? | 11:18 |
pluma | TLE: WINE works, too. I'm so 'appy | 11:18 |
monokrome | lol | 11:18 |
Dendron | k31th, ok let me try, i will give you my results in a few seconds | 11:18 |
selinuxium_ | Hi Madpilot :) | 11:18 |
k31th | Dendron: ok... | 11:18 |
Madpilot | hi selinuxium | 11:18 |
rickyfingers | k31th: have you tried the terminal server client? | 11:18 |
k31th | rickyfingers: yeah can't find an option to scale it. | 11:18 |
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rickyfingers | k31th: 1 sec i'm using it right now in scaled mode | 11:19 |
k31th | rickyfingers: with vnc ? | 11:19 |
k31th | or rdp ? | 11:19 |
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rickyfingers | k31th: rdp | 11:20 |
k31th | with vnc if i state 1024x768 It just makes it that size so i have to scroll | 11:20 |
k31th | rickyfingers: it works with rdp | 11:20 |
k31th | not vnc. | 11:20 |
=== Landon [n=landon@cpe-65-24-127-181.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dendron | k31th, it worked perfectly! Thanks! For future reference; could i have placed more then one package to remove on the same line seperated by a SPACE? | 11:20 |
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Landon | Hey all, is there a player that can play .iso files that are saved to the computer? | 11:20 |
cong0_natty | lol | 11:21 |
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rickyfingers | k31th: on my i put it to 1280x960 and it fits there's also a full screen mode...not what your looking 4? | 11:21 |
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k31th | Dendron: yes, purging normally removes all conf files... man apt for more info | 11:21 |
cong0_natty | mount -o loop /path/to/your/iso /mnt/iso | 11:21 |
Dendron | k31th, thanks much | 11:21 |
monokrome | lol | 11:21 |
k31th | Dendron: np | 11:21 |
cong0_natty | or mkdir /mnt/iso && mount /path/to/your/.iso /mnt/iso | 11:21 |
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cong0_natty | or mv /* /home/$user | 11:22 |
cong0_natty | that works well too | 11:22 |
cong0_natty | :)) | 11:22 |
cong0_natty | *ducks* | 11:22 |
Dendron | Landon, i use VCDMOUNT 1.0 to mount images. | 11:22 |
Landon | Dendron: Does it work? | 11:22 |
Dendron | Landon, yes | 11:22 |
=== damg_ [n=dima2001@sky121.wolke7.fh-mannheim.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
k31th | rickyfingers: im looking to scale screen ress with vnc so i can have a smaller a window (looks like the ressolutions of target box is smaller) but its just scaled with the vnc viewer... NOTE using vnc not RDP | 11:23 |
Dendron | place in home directory, then sim link it to your yada yada so that you can call it from anywhere useing a terminal. "vcdmount foo.iso" | 11:23 |
k31th | vcd? | 11:23 |
Landon | Dendron: Where can I get it? | 11:23 |
benny | is here a german ubuntu chan? | 11:23 |
rickyfingers | k31th: ok I get it now. | 11:23 |
bimberi | !de | benny | 11:23 |
ubotu | benny: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:24 |
monokrome | hrm... Is there something i've forgotten with this ISO burning process: | 11:24 |
monokrome | cdrecord dev=/dev/cdrom ubuntu-6.10-desktop-amd64.iso | 11:24 |
k31th | rickyfingers: yeah, iv used other clients to do this think i will have to install some thing else tbh | 11:24 |
Dendron | Landon, one second | 11:24 |
rickyfingers | k31th: is terminal server client open source? | 11:24 |
=== MattJ [n=matthew@88-111-150-167.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rickyfingers | k31th: if you've got a lot of time on your hands... | 11:24 |
k31th | im not making one// and of corse its open source | 11:25 |
Dendron | Landon, as i wait for FireFox to launch, here is how to install it. Simple. 1) su | 11:25 |
Dendron | 2) tar -xjvf vcdmount-1.0.tar.bz | 11:25 |
Dendron | 3) cd vcdmount-1.0 | 11:25 |
Dendron | 4) make | 11:25 |
k31th | I could mod it i guess woudlnt take long. | 11:25 |
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k31th | Dendron: dude try not to paste in here use pastebin.ca | 11:25 |
k31th | brb | 11:25 |
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Dendron | k31th, sorry, i will google pastebin.ca in a second. | 11:25 |
Dendron | Landon, http://sourceforge.net/search/?type_of_search=soft&words=vcdmount | 11:26 |
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Landon | Thanks Dend | 11:26 |
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TLE | pluma: nice | 11:27 |
=== foudationclasses [n=marco@host85-43-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TLE | have fun with then | 11:27 |
pluma | TLE: Thanks. | 11:27 |
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Dendron | k31th, is pastebin.ca a website? | 11:27 |
pluma | TLE: As a matter of fact, I'm running 32bit WINE on 64bit Ubuntu | 11:27 |
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rickyfingers | k31th: looks like you can get a little more control using the command line: http://gnomepro.com/tsclient/ | 11:28 |
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Dendron | k31th, ah thanx for the link to pastebin.ca . It is something i can now use. | 11:30 |
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revartj | wenas | 11:31 |
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TLE | pluma: nice, I haven't dared to try that yet | 11:32 |
=== jorik [n=olmo@cable-213-132-135-125.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
porkpie | guy's I am having trouble add a user from the command line. I run the command with options but it doesn't add the user | 11:33 |
pluma | TLE: Hm... Guild Wars installs nicely, but the game itself gives me a black screen. Meh. | 11:33 |
monokrome | Never mind. I got it to work. | 11:33 |
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SlipAway | Hi all. Just a student here, wondering if you had any advice for me before i decide to put Ubuntu on | 11:33 |
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rickyfingers | porkpie: is there a line in /etc/passwd for the user you just created? | 11:33 |
atomikulinux | Hmm im having a little trouble installing bitchx. Said something about the C compiler so I installed G++. Now when I configure it stops at this bit: "E: Couldn't find package ncurses-devel" Is there anything I need to install? | 11:34 |
porkpie | rickfingers:no | 11:34 |
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monokrome | atomikulinux: libncurses probable | 11:34 |
atomikulinux | monokrome: one set ill see if I can apt-get it | 11:34 |
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atomikulinux | "E: Couldn't find package libncurses" | 11:35 |
porkpie | rickfingers: this is what I used useradd -c -p ***** mark | 11:35 |
monokrome | apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev | 11:35 |
monokrome | That'll fix it. | 11:35 |
atomikulinux | ahhh | 11:35 |
Teo44 | Hi, I have a little question. Can I upgrade Firefox from 1.5 to 2 with apt-get ? Thanks | 11:35 |
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atomikulinux | Good. It's installed :D Just configuring bitchx now... | 11:36 |
atomikulinux | Woo hoo! | 11:36 |
rickyfingers | porkpie: did you put a sudo in front of that? I don't think it'd work without it. | 11:36 |
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pluma | TLE: Apparently the DirectX support is still very quirky | 11:36 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: What IRC client are you currently using? | 11:36 |
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atomikulinux | monokrome: GAIM :P | 11:36 |
porkpie | I am in as root ....but I will try again | 11:36 |
atomikulinux | I'm just currently making bitchx... so far so good. | 11:36 |
rickyfingers | porkpie: also why are you using -c ? that's for a comment | 11:37 |
monokrome | Don't wanna sound like i'm pushing anything but Irssi owns BitchX :) | 11:37 |
atomikulinux | monokrome: I'm willing to try which ever | 11:37 |
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rickyfingers | porkpie: but I don't see any comment after the c what about useradd -D | 11:37 |
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monokrome | atomikulinux: Irssi has lots more features/settings. | 11:38 |
atomikulinux | monokrome: Cool. Downloading now :) | 11:38 |
monokrome | Harder to get used to, though, definately. | 11:38 |
monokrome | :) | 11:38 |
atomikulinux | also where do you think bitchx installed to? | 11:38 |
atomikulinux | I just wanna see if it runs okay | 11:38 |
=== roth-laptop [n=simon@203-49-242-167.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | atomikulinux: run it from terminal | 11:39 |
pluma | TLE: In case you want to try installing WINE yourself, this worked fine for me: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96620 | 11:39 |
atomikulinux | Uhh...? | 11:39 |
atomikulinux | okay | 11:39 |
=== nuts` [n=sonics@p54B264D4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monokrome | atomikulinux: You can find it with slocate | 11:39 |
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bimberi | atomikulinux: dpkg -L bitchx | 11:39 |
nuts` | whats the best working torrent app for linux? | 11:40 |
Janchi | Azureus | 11:40 |
atomikulinux | bimberi: "Package `bitchx' is not installed." | 11:40 |
=== harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-257-1-84-214.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Janchi | with KTorrent a good second | 11:40 |
beasty | is there a way to redefine a key into another key? | 11:40 |
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nuts` | Janchi: Thanx =) | 11:40 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: sudo locate -u | 11:40 |
Janchi | You can also run uTorrent under wine | 11:40 |
=== neocortex [n=neocorte@MDM-84-147.beotel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monokrome | after that's done, slocate bitchx | 11:40 |
atomikulinux | I think im pretty pro at the moment | 11:41 |
atomikulinux | Ive managed to set a wallpaper and a theme XD | 11:41 |
monokrome | :D | 11:41 |
atomikulinux | :D | 11:41 |
atomikulinux | Okay I've done "locate -u" | 11:41 |
Janchi | nuts`: you have to use the standalone version of uTorrent, install wine and execute wine utorrent.exe in the terminal. No sweat | 11:41 |
neocortex | Hi! Please, my winmodem stops after suspend&resume. Does anyone knows what can I do to fix it? | 11:42 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: slocate bitchx | 11:42 |
atomikulinux | ahhh | 11:42 |
rickyfingers | desti: are you in germany? I am too. Frankfurt area. | 11:42 |
atomikulinux | okay | 11:42 |
monokrome | It'll be somewhere in there. Might want to pipe to less | 11:42 |
nuts` | Janchi: ok, Im currently cchecking out ktorrent | 11:42 |
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atomikulinux | monokrome: its all in /home/atomiku/Desktop/BitchX/ | 11:42 |
Janchi | ktorrent is good, but not all tracker sites accept it. Public trackers shouldn't be a problem | 11:42 |
monokrome | I think it's in /usr/lib/bitchx ;) | 11:43 |
atomikulinux | oh? | 11:43 |
atomikulinux | okay | 11:43 |
murali | i made some changes on sudo file | 11:43 |
cpk1 | is there a way to merge multiple iso's into one? | 11:43 |
atomikulinux | bash: cd: /usr/lib/bitchx: No such file or directory | 11:43 |
murali | now im not able to use sudo su | 11:44 |
atomikulinux | I think its definately in my /home/atomiku/Desktop/BitchX/ folder | 11:44 |
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murali | how to change the permission of sudo su | 11:44 |
murali | pls | 11:44 |
murali | tell me | 11:44 |
monokrome | You mean, change users allowed to sudo? | 11:44 |
bimberi | murali: any error when you try it? | 11:44 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: what you need to do is use dd to copy cd images to your hd | 11:44 |
Madpilot | murali, what did you mean, 'made some changes in sudo file'? | 11:45 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: then mount -o loop the images | 11:45 |
monokrome | murali: All the users allowed to sudo are listed in /etc/sudoers, if that's what you mean. | 11:45 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: use mv or cp to merge whatever you want, then burn the new image. | 11:45 |
atomikulinux | monokrome: Oh, im an idiot... I did make but I forgot to make install after | 11:46 |
atomikulinux | DUHHHHHHHH | 11:46 |
desti | rickyfingers yea, I'm from germany too | 11:46 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: That'd do it :) | 11:46 |
cpk1 | rickyfingers: i already have the iso's on my computer but i want to merge them into one so i can mount them easily as a loop device? there isnt a cleaner way to do this? | 11:46 |
bimberi | !checkinstall | atomikulinux | 11:46 |
ubotu | atomikulinux: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Please: Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page. - DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 11:46 |
rickyfingers | desti: I'm not German, but I live here. | 11:46 |
atomikulinux | Hmm? | 11:46 |
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rickyfingers | cpk1: thinking...like you just want to concatenate the iso images? | 11:47 |
TLE | crimsun: If you use totem-gstreamer then what do you use for DVD playback ? | 11:47 |
TLE | pluma: thanks | 11:47 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: I think the problem you'd run into if you did that is the file system would get screwed up | 11:48 |
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atomikulinux | Hmm I'm not sure its installed properly.... "make[1] : *** [ctcp.o] Error 1 | 11:49 |
atomikulinux | make[1] : Leaving directory `/home/atomiku/Desktop/BitchX/source' | 11:49 |
atomikulinux | make: *** [BitchX] Error 2" | 11:49 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: It should have displayed an error before that. | 11:49 |
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atomikulinux | It doesnt look like it.. hmm | 11:50 |
cpk1 | rickyfingers: you think maybe i could use mkisofs and point to the dir with the isos? | 11:50 |
atomikulinux | Ahh here we go: | 11:50 |
atomikulinux | ctcp.c:179: error: static declaration of ctcp_type follows non-static declaration | 11:50 |
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atomikulinux | nevermind though | 11:51 |
atomikulinux | Lets just hope irssi works :P | 11:51 |
harmental | quick questions regarding scripts: | 11:52 |
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harmental | which file extension to use? (if any) | 11:52 |
harmental | how to run a script thats already in the PATH? | 11:52 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: yeah...just looking at this howto, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO-3.html | 11:52 |
cpk1 | .sh | 11:52 |
monokrome | hrm... The Ubuntu live CD isn't liking my nVidia 6600. Anyone know a way to get around problems with the video card? | 11:52 |
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cpk1 | monokrome: use safe mode i think | 11:53 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: It will :P | 11:53 |
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atomikulinux | okay | 11:53 |
rickyfingers | cpk1: looks like you could mkisofs -r -o cd_image dir-containing-both-mounted-images | 11:53 |
cpk1 | 3 images =P | 11:53 |
atomikulinux | monokrome: Apon configuring irssi, it wanted stopped and said I dont have GLIB and that it could install it for me... | 11:53 |
murali | s: unfortunately i changed the file "sudo" | 11:53 |
atomikulinux | "gunzip: glib-2.8.3.tar.gz: No such file or directory" | 11:53 |
monokrome | atomikulinux: Are you installing it with apt? | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | nope | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | well | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | im not sure | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | It was the script doing it | 11:54 |
monokrome | sudo apt-get install irssi | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | hmm | 11:54 |
monokrome | Is all that you should need to do. | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | Ahhh | 11:54 |
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atomikulinux | I downloaded the tar from the site | 11:54 |
atomikulinux | lol | 11:54 |
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Zdra | hi, I heard there is an ubuntu repos with all -dbg packagse... where can I find it ? | 11:54 |
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atomikulinux | Done :) | 11:54 |
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harmental | i keep getting "No such file or directory".... | 11:55 |
cpk1 | monokrome: i remember my nvidia had trouble with the dapper live cd (gave me all pink) but starting in safe mode worked | 11:55 |
slytherin | Anyone here using bluetooth devices? | 11:55 |
cpk1 | harmental: what are you doing? | 11:55 |
monokrome | cpk1: This is edgy, and even the graphics safe boot messes up. | 11:56 |
bimberi | harmental: where is the file? is that directory in the output of 'echo $PATH'? | 11:56 |
TLE | monokrome: Yeah I know a way 2 sek | 11:56 |
harmental | echo $PATH gives me: | 11:56 |
monokrome | Alright. It's AMD64, also. | 11:56 |
TLE | monokrome: are you familier with editing the xorg.conf | 11:56 |
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monokrome | Yes, indeed. | 11:57 |
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harmental | (blabla):/home/harmental/scripts | 11:57 |
monokrome | Is there a way to boot the live Cd into a terminal? Instead of X? | 11:57 |
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TLE | monokrome: this is just a workaround to the "not actually using safe graphics" problem | 11:57 |
monokrome | okay. | 11:57 |
TLE | monokrome: so it should work on 64 bit as well | 11:57 |
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bimberi | harmental: is the file set to be executable? 'chmod +x file' | 11:58 |
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atomikulinux | monokrome: How do I load irssi? XD | 11:59 |
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monokrome | Just type irssi | 12:00 |
monokrome | :) | 12:00 |
monokrome | In a terminal | 12:00 |
cpk1 | rickyfingers: hrmm the mkisofs doesnt work because then i have 3 isos inside the iso =( | 12:00 |
TLE | monokrome: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyKnownIssues/59618 | 12:00 |
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atomikulinux | cool | 12:00 |
tonyyserver | atomikulinux: optionally, within screen | 12:00 |
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monokrome | Yeah, within screen is much better. | 12:00 |
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rickyfingers | cpk1: well then I'd say just just mount the images, and move whatever files you need from one to the other after you've mounted them | 12:01 |
monokrome | tke: I'll check it out. Thanks man. | 12:01 |
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fransman | If you do want to beta test a broadcast application, please ping me? | 12:02 |
rickyfingers | does anyone here know what package I need to install to get stdio.h ? I'm having trouble locating it in synaptic. | 12:02 |
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matevz | hi | 12:03 |
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matevz | I'm missing update-menus command on my edgy | 12:03 |
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matevz | I need this when installing a .deb package to refresh menu entries, right? | 12:03 |
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matevz | (I'm making one and I cannot seem to add a menu icon for it) | 12:03 |
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matevz | is update-menus part of the standard ubuntu package? | 12:04 |
evad | Thats a debian command and not part of ubuntu by default | 12:04 |
evad | it updates the debian menu system | 12:04 |
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matevz | any ideas how to add a menu icon then? | 12:04 |
evad | use the GNOME menu editor? | 12:04 |
evad | System->Preferences->Menu Layout | 12:05 |
matevz | btw. when using deb helpers to create .deb packages, menu icons are default updated using update-menus command | 12:05 |
harmental | and my script is in home/harmental/scripts | 12:05 |
matevz | no, *I'm making my own .deb package for a program* | 12:05 |
harmental | bimberi: yes its already set | 12:05 |
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constrictor | matvz; go to preferences and menu layout | 12:05 |
matevz | and I'd like it to install an icon for me to eg. Multimedia category | 12:05 |
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constrictor | or alacarte if you're using dapper; matevz | 12:06 |
Enselic | Is there a way to redirect output from a started program (for insatnce, in the middle fo a long ls listing, is there a way to redirect it to a file)? | 12:06 |
matevz | hm.. I don't think we understand... I want an icon to be automatically added to start menu, when installing the .deb package | 12:07 |
matevz | Enselic: myProgram > fileName | 12:07 |
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matevz | or, to capture all the output, including errors etc.: | 12:07 |
matevz | myProgram &2> filename | 12:08 |
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Enselic | matevz: That won't work in the middle of a program, right? | 12:08 |
KomiaPoika | what package can i install to have gftp installed with ssl support? | 12:08 |
matevz | of course not | 12:08 |
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Enselic | matevz: So, is there a way to redirect it in the middle of execution= | 12:09 |
matevz | you'll have to shut it down and re-run it, sorry | 12:09 |
Enselic | matevz: Are you sure? | 12:09 |
Pupeno | I have manually filtered close to 2000 junk mail in Evolution and it still doesn't filter one single mail automatically. Am I missing something to get the junk filtering working ? | 12:09 |
harmental | please help...i keep getting: /bin/csh: bad interpreter: No such file or directory | 12:09 |
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noika | hey guys | 12:09 |
gnomefreak | monokrome: no you can not boot livecd without X | 12:09 |
matevz | Enselic: Why are you using this? | 12:09 |
harmental | why bad interpreter? | 12:09 |
Enselic | matevz: What do you mean? | 12:10 |
gnomefreak | Pupeno: spamassasin? | 12:10 |
matevz | Enselic: If there is a service running you don't want to shut down, it probably performs /var/log messages anyway | 12:10 |
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noika | i need to reinstal gpart anyone can pls tell me how? | 12:10 |
monokrome | gnomefreak: The article that I was linked to would work fine. | 12:10 |
Enselic | matevz: My scenario: started long make build, want to filter it trhough grep in the middle of it | 12:10 |
tonyyserver | noika: 'sudo aptitude reinstall gparted' | 12:11 |
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livingdaylight | what is scribus good for and different from OpenOffice? | 12:12 |
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Madpilot | livingdaylight, scribus is a DTP app; OOo is just a word processor | 12:13 |
tom47 | !dtp | 12:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dtp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:13 |
matevz | Enselic: you can cancel this | 12:13 |
livingdaylight | Madpilot, thx, how is it going with the pamphlet? | 12:13 |
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matevz | Enselic: make will continue where it stopped | 12:13 |
constrictor | tom47 DTP would be desktop publishing i think | 12:13 |
matevz | (it should) | 12:13 |
livingdaylight | !DTP | 12:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about DTP - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:14 |
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matevz | except, if you wrote the Makefile manually and it's not something ordinary | 12:14 |
Enselic | matevz: That is true, though it would be nice if there was a way | 12:14 |
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Madpilot | livingdaylight, the Ubuntu pamphlet? was done ages ago - not sure anyone's done anything further with it | 12:14 |
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Enselic | matevz: It feels like it should be possible, but what the heck | 12:14 |
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Enselic | matevz: Thanks anyway | 12:14 |
tom47 | livingdaylight essentially scribus is concerned with excellence of laying out pages particularly graphically rich onces | 12:15 |
livingdaylight | Madpilot, i just remember you doing that work | 12:15 |
livingdaylight | tom47, thx, bud.. | 12:15 |
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pip | !ping | 12:16 |
ubotu | ping: network unreachable | 12:16 |
matevz | Enselic: no problem | 12:17 |
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livingdaylight | Madpilot, did you see jenda's poster? | 12:17 |
pip | !ping | 12:17 |
ubotu | ping: network unreachable | 12:17 |
Madpilot | livingdaylight, yes, I've ordered 5, actually. Very cool design | 12:17 |
livingdaylight | Madpilot, yea, me too :) | 12:18 |
jenda | heeh :) | 12:18 |
jenda | Madpilot: I was thinking of printing the pamphlet, but I'm not sure if it would sell. | 12:18 |
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jenda | Madpilot: I will print it once I generate enough of money taht doesn't belong to me that I can risk :) | 12:19 |
Madpilot | jenda, it's more of a show/open house thing, I think | 12:19 |
livingdaylight | Madpilot, i showd jenda your ubuntu adaptation of the kubuntu flyer - he reckoned it needed borders but i think it is fine | 12:19 |
jenda | livingdaylight: #ubuntu-marketing please | 12:19 |
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pip | !ping | 12:21 |
ubotu | ping: network unreachable | 12:21 |
Enselic | hmm, how can it be possible to get write deny when I do "sudo echo "0x7fffffff" > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax"? | 12:21 |
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pip | !ping | 12:21 |
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Arepie | !beryl | 12:23 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 12:23 |
CorpseFeeder | I'm trying to download some cvs, but I am getting "cvs [checkout aborted] : connect to cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: No route to host".. yet I am able to ping that address no problem. | 12:23 |
Pupeno | Does Evolution need spamassasin to filter junk mail ? | 12:23 |
Arepie | hello... after i install beryl.. and add a startup "beryl-manager" i can't login to X.. what should i do? | 12:23 |
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Arepie | how to remove startup application? | 12:24 |
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CorpseFeeder | Where have I gone wrong? I'm trying to download some cvs, but I am getting "cvs [checkout aborted] : connect to cvs.sourceforge.net( failed: No route to host".. yet I am able to ping that address no problem... what's up with that? | 12:26 |
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tom47 | pupeno maybe you would find this of interest http://johnleach.co.uk/words/archives/2005/09/15/180/ | 12:27 |
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CorpseFeeder | i give up. stupid cvs rubbish. | 12:28 |
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MB20|Bastupungen | Is it possible to make a kernel from the same src-tree (I have 2.6.16 right now and want to make another 2.6.16 but later patch)? How do i then do it? I have tried a couple of month ago but didn't get it to install itself. (I know the basics of how to make kernels) | 12:30 |
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tam | if i have a load of .vobs and what not how do i make a dvd (video) with k3b? is it a simple case of adding a VIDEO_TS AND AUDIO_TS folders and shove everything in the VIDEO_TS folder and do a data dvd? | 12:32 |
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asc_ | MB20: Yes. I usually use make-dpkg when building, which makes everything easy. The command should be something like "sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-2 kernel_image" | 12:33 |
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gtoo-dtux | Hi there | 12:33 |
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livingdaylight | its a shame 'the official ubuntu book' doesn't tell us how to add fonts | 12:34 |
asc_ | MB20: That command (executed in /usr/src/linux-source-whatever) will make a dpkg in the /usr/src directory. It can be installed with dpkg -i, and will edit the kernel list in /boot/grub/*lst automagically. | 12:34 |
gtoo-dtux | I have re-installed windows on a dual boot machine. Now boots up into windows directly. How can I reactivate grub without reinstalling linux | 12:34 |
livingdaylight | how do i add fonts in gnome - in kde it is so easy | 12:34 |
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MB20|Bastupungen | asc_: I use make-dpkg to make kernels too: this is the line: | 12:35 |
MB20|Bastupungen | fakeroot make-kpkg --revision=3:simon.1.0 kernel_image | 12:35 |
MB20|Bastupungen | Would that work? | 12:35 |
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MB20|Bastupungen | asc_: what does the append to version string do? | 12:36 |
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Arepie | hello... after i install beryl.. and add a startup "beryl-manager" i can't login to X.. what should i do? | 12:36 |
Wilddraon | hi | 12:36 |
Wilddraon | everyone | 12:36 |
Wilddraon | can I ask something quick? | 12:36 |
fyrestrtr | Arepie: #ubuntu-xgl | 12:36 |
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Wilddraon | Why Ubuntu and other linux base system do not need antivirus softwares? | 12:37 |
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asc_ | MB20: It does what you're doing with the --revision thing. | 12:37 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: because there are almost 0 viruses for Linux. | 12:37 |
Arepie | fyrestrtr: no one answering | 12:37 |
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casted | Does anyone here use NetworkManager? | 12:38 |
asc_ | MB20: I'd recommend adding --initrd to that string. I don't know about --revision. You might change it out for --append-to-version | 12:38 |
asc_ | gtoo-dtux: There's a way to select the boot drive in Windows, but I can't remember what it is... give me a minutes and I can probably find it | 12:38 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: Is there any case of virus on linux? | 12:38 |
MB20|Bastupungen | ok, i'll try that, thanks. | 12:38 |
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Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: Will window virus effect linux based system? | 12:39 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: I think there are some, but none that do any sort of damage. | 12:39 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: no. | 12:39 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: Why is that? | 12:40 |
gtoo-dtux | asc_: thanks | 12:40 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: because they rely on vulnerabilities in the Windows codebase, which obviously doesn't exist on a linux system. | 12:40 |
asc_ | gtoo-dtux: got it. Go to control panels -> administrative tools -> computer management -> disk management, right-click your Linux partition, and select "mark as active" | 12:40 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: Codebase? | 12:41 |
Wilddraon | Linux don't run on codebase? | 12:41 |
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asc_ | gtoo-dtux: After doing that, it will boot once in Linux. Once you're in Linux, reinstall grub. | 12:41 |
gtoo-dtux | asc_: Many thanks :) | 12:41 |
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Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: if someone find out the vulnerabilities of window, can they write a virus for ubuntu? | 12:42 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: I mean that linux doesn't run on the same code as Windows does (obviously, its two different things). | 12:42 |
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Wilddraon | ic | 12:42 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: thanks you very much. | 12:42 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: viruses that take advantage of a security vulnerability in Windows will have no affect in Linux. If a virus takes advantage of a security problem in Outlook, what can it do on Linux? | 12:43 |
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noika | guys can u help me manage partitions on my hdd | 12:43 |
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noika | i made 3 of them but it simce that i cant see more then one in my computer | 12:43 |
noika | and i wana see all of them | 12:43 |
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noika | move files in them..etc | 12:44 |
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Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: thanks. | 12:44 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: how about spy wares, ad wares, and other mal wares? | 12:44 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: and pop ups | 12:44 |
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fyrestrtr | popups are a problem, spyware and adware are not. | 12:45 |
bnuser | Q: Even if I have set Opera to be default browser in Preffered Apllication, Skype opens links in Firefox. (I'm quite new to Linux/ubuntu, but have edited xorg.conf/fstab etc. to my needs, so if you have a clue what to do you have an idea how to explain to me) | 12:45 |
=== Wilddraon [n=Huong@adsl-69-107-90-119.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monokrome | Cool. Finally got it installing on my desktop... | 12:47 |
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Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: sory I got disk | 12:47 |
Wilddraon | dsc | 12:47 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: | 12:47 |
fyrestrtr | popups are a problem, but adware and spyware are not. | 12:47 |
monokrome | fyrestrtr: Usually :P | 12:47 |
fyrestrtr | noika: you have to mount the partitions if they aren't set to mount automatically on boot. | 12:47 |
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Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: SO most of the adware and spywares are written for window and not for linux? | 12:48 |
livingdaylight | how do i add fonts in gnome - in kde it is so easy | 12:48 |
monokrome | I don't think i've even heard of spyware or adware on Linux | 12:48 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: yes. | 12:48 |
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meenfreem | hey, i'm having a problem here :S | 12:49 |
monokrome | meenfreem: hrm? | 12:49 |
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meenfreem | we managed to get our browsers hijacked :S | 12:49 |
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monokrome | How so? | 12:50 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: if there are spywares and adwares written for linux base system, linux system are still vulnerable? | 12:50 |
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meenfreem | cnomy hijack... can't get to my homepage anymroe | 12:50 |
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meenfreem | as soon as i type in my homepage url, it redirects me to googlelink.com | 12:50 |
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monokrome | Wilddraon: It's too easy to find adware/spyware on a Linux box for it to be a problem... | 12:51 |
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mwe | meenfreem: create a new profile maybe | 12:51 |
fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: in order to write spyware, you have to find a vulnerability. You can't write "malware" (programs that do bad things) without a weakness in the system. | 12:51 |
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fyrestrtr | Wilddraon: one form of spyware is called a rootkit -- and it can cause a lot of trouble if you get it on your system. | 12:52 |
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dgd | join #reunionlinex | 12:52 |
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dgd | join /reunionlinex | 12:52 |
bnuser | Solved my problem: skype uses firefox in .Skype/shared.xml, ijust replaced it with opera. | 12:52 |
mwe | i linux users a not logged in as administrators by default so it's harder for malware to harm the system | 12:52 |
Wilddraon | fyrestrtr: rootkit is a linux malware? | 12:52 |
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zsh | Hi! Any Kenyans in here? Please join our channel #ubuntu-ke... | 12:53 |
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packet | Wilddraon, yes and no | 12:54 |
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monokrome | Wilddraon: A rootkit is a patch to your system that hides malware, but as long as you don't leave insecurities on your box, they are not too much of a risk. | 12:54 |
packet | depends on a definition of malware i guess | 12:54 |
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dannis | join /#es | 12:54 |
dannis | join/-es | 12:55 |
pjpeter | hi have a problem with azureus it had a problem every now and then it said error could not find hardrive so i was told to update my java i did now azureus opens then dies | 12:55 |
MenZa | .. | 12:55 |
MenZa | !es | 12:55 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 12:55 |
MenZa | /join #ubuntu-es | 12:55 |
MenZa | :) | 12:55 |
fyrestrtr | dannis: /join | 12:55 |
dannis | gracias | 12:55 |
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gouki | pjpeter: I know this is not the solution to your problem, but you may want to give rTorrent a try. Great application. | 12:56 |
Wilddraon | monokrome: thanks, I am newbie. DOn't know much about ubuntu | 12:56 |
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monokrome | :P | 12:56 |
dannis | #ubuntu-es | 12:56 |
packet | dannis, '/join #ubuntu-es' | 12:57 |
gouki | dannis: type this: /j ubuntu-es | 12:57 |
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noika | Hey guys | 12:57 |
packet | hello nokia | 12:58 |
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gouki | hi | 12:58 |
meenfreem | sorry... any ideas how to remove that browser hack? | 12:58 |
packet | is this on windows or linux? | 12:58 |
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meenfreem | packet, linux, ubuntu to be exact | 12:58 |
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packet | and its just redirecting you? | 12:59 |
gouki | BRB | 12:59 |
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monokrome | meenfreem: Is it in your hosts file? | 12:59 |
meenfreem | and only for our homepage | 12:59 |
monokrome | /etc/hosts | 12:59 |
meenfreem | monokrome, hosts file? :D | 12:59 |
fyrestrtr | meenfreem: does your network have a proxy? Maybe someone is playing a joke on you :P | 12:59 |
meenfreem | lemme check | 12:59 |
=== gouki [n=gouki@87-196-145-37.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
monokrome | k :) | 12:59 |
meenfreem | fyrestrtr, it's only for the linux boxes, not windoze | 01:00 |
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gouki | 'windoze' is so 1337 to say! | 01:00 |
meenfreem | haha :P | 01:00 |
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packet | haha | 01:00 |
meenfreem | l337 is so l337 to say | 01:00 |
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packet | winblowz | 01:00 |
monokrome | 101. | 01:00 |
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meenfreem | monokrome, etc/hosts/? can't seem to find it... | 01:02 |
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=== meenfreem bit of a newbie when it comes to linux | ||
packet | $cat /etc/hosts | 01:02 |
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gouki | nano /etc/hosts | 01:03 |
meenfreem | not a directory | 01:03 |
noika | anyone knows how to manage my partitions? | 01:03 |
meenfreem | :D | 01:03 |
packet | meenfreem, its a file | 01:03 |
packet | ah :D | 01:04 |
gouki | What do you want to do? I always recommend gParted Live CD. | noika | 01:04 |
meenfreem | packet, and all of a sudden it dawned on me :P | 01:04 |
packet | ;P | 01:04 |
enotee | which media is player is best with an ipod | 01:04 |
meenfreem | i'm in | 01:04 |
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gouki | enotee: What? Which media player should you use to listen to the iPod? | 01:05 |
meenfreem | doesn't seem out of the ordinary | 01:05 |
enotee | yes and transfer files back and forth | 01:05 |
gouki | enotee: Give gtkpod a try | 01:05 |
packet | meenfreem, look for the google homepage string | 01:05 |
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gouki | enotee: It's apt-getable | 01:06 |
packet | paste the IP | 01:06 |
meenfreem | packet, google? it shows my url, localhost crap, and the IPv& capable hosts | 01:06 |
enotee | ok thanks i'll try it | 01:06 |
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gouki | meenfreem: May I ask what are you trying to do? | 01:07 |
meenfreem | gouki, seems like I have a browser hack ... | 01:07 |
packet | he's looking in his /etc/hosts to see if some has messed with it, cause he is getting homepage redirect | 01:07 |
meenfreem | packet, it's only for that one url btw... everything else works | 01:08 |
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gouki | Have you checked within Firefox? (Default homepage) - Are you sure this isn't being done by your ISP? Try changing DNS servers | 01:08 |
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meenfreem | gouki, as i said, everything else works fine... and the rest of the linux boxes have the same here in the office | 01:09 |
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packet | have you tried a diffrent browser for that address? | 01:09 |
meenfreem | windows (!!) is okay | 01:09 |
meenfreem | packet, yes, epiphany has the same | 01:09 |
gouki | meenfreem: Change your DNS server provider. Do you have access to the Modem/Router? | 01:09 |
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meenfreem | gouki, i do have access to the router here. reckon the problem lies there? | 01:10 |
packet | but his windows boxes are ok so it probally not his selected DNS server | 01:10 |
gouki | meenfreem: Go to OpenDNS.com and get their DNS servers IP's. | 01:10 |
packet | ? | 01:10 |
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gouki | meenfreem: If you change the DNS servers and the problem continues, than it's a host (your computer) problem | 01:10 |
meenfreem | to the url where i get sent to? | 01:10 |
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gouki | packet: Sorry, I didn't saw what you have typed! You are right ... | 01:11 |
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packet | np :P | 01:11 |
gouki | ;) | 01:11 |
packet | meenfreem, wanna PM and paste me your /etc/hosts file? | 01:12 |
meenfreem | sure. | 01:12 |
gouki | meenfreem: What URL are you trying to access? | 01:12 |
meenfreem | trying to get to www.worldcarfans.com | 01:12 |
gouki | meenfreem: Worked here. What URL are you re-directed to? | 01:12 |
=== fkling [n=fkling@pD957D826.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meenfreem | to googlelink.com | 01:13 |
packet | yeah i got there | 01:13 |
fkling | hi, ive got a question about amule: my kad is firewalled, but I conifgured my rooter right (I think) and flashed iptables... e2dk works (high ID)- any ideas what could be wrong? | 01:13 |
=== inacsterlinux [n=inacster@82-168-148-244.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meenfreem | <frame src="http://cnomy.com/?dn=googlelink.com&pid=1POEL38TR"> | 01:13 |
=== hook [n=xd@cdlac1-a1-2-198.ipcom.comunitel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meenfreem | that's from the source page on that googlelink | 01:14 |
packet | http://googlelink.com/ haha looks malwareish | 01:14 |
meenfreem | it sure does... but the real problem lies with cnomy.com | 01:14 |
gouki | Heheh. Weird... | 01:14 |
=== Martin_ [n=Martin@M772P005.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
packet | mmm off chance clear your cache's and history from firefox | 01:15 |
packet | and cookies | 01:16 |
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packet | this is only a hunch | 01:16 |
meenfreem | on the forums someone just mentioned to rename the mozilla folder and restart firefox | 01:16 |
=== Martin_ hi folks | ||
Qy | hi M | 01:17 |
Qy | hi Martin_ | 01:17 |
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meenfreem | packet, i'll give it a go | 01:17 |
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Martin_ | is there one ore more ubuntu guru in here? | 01:17 |
ragamuffin | Hello, which is the lightest and userfreinly version of Linux available now? | 01:18 |
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tom47 | !ask | 01:18 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:18 |
meenfreem | packet, stupid thing is, my colleague 'got' this yesterday, and it seemed to have spread over the network here | 01:19 |
monokrome | hrm | 01:19 |
tom47 | !ask | Martin | 01:19 |
ubotu | Martin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:19 |
monokrome | Does the nVidia 6600 not work in Edgy?... | 01:19 |
meenfreem | packet, because my comp was fine in the morning, but after some time i got infected | 01:19 |
packet | meenfreem, really.. | 01:19 |
Martin_ | i have a strange problem: I can't login via X. After commting the password i only see a organge window. when i log in via console as root i get: Login falied. I can login as user via console and do sudo commands ... | 01:20 |
=== sekica_ [i=sekica_@cpe-85-10-20-42.dynamic.amis.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
meenfreem | packet, or at least it looks like it... | 01:20 |
ragamuffin | Hello, I have problems with ubuntu. I can't connect to Internet. Then each time I have to work on alsamixer to produce sound. So I want a lighter version to learn Linux. Can somebody suggest one? | 01:20 |
packet | you didnt do anything unusual to get infected? | 01:20 |
meenfreem | nope... one moment i wa okay, next it was getting in (showed only in ad boxes at first) then it hijacked my homepage | 01:21 |
tom47 | meenfreem are you running wine or x-over office | 01:22 |
visik7 | anyone know a sort of apple timemachine for ubuntu ? something like a versioning filesystem | 01:22 |
meenfreem | tom47, got wine installed i think, but that's about it---- not x-over | 01:22 |
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packet | meenfreem, mmm what version of firefox you running | 01:22 |
meenfreem | packet, | 01:23 |
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crm456 | hola | 01:25 |
packet | :S | 01:25 |
crm456 | quien soys | 01:25 |
packet | 11:30, time for bed | 01:25 |
packet | soz meenfreem | 01:25 |
packet | gtg :P | 01:25 |
gouki | !ubuntu-es | crm46 | 01:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:25 |
crm456 | que no he entendido nada | 01:25 |
meenfreem | thanks packet | 01:25 |
woodsb02 | hey guys. i am gonna use my laptop (running ubuntu edgy) to act as a wireless connector thingy for my xbox when i want my xbox to have the internet. i will plug the ethernet cable into my laptop, and route the networking coming through eth0 to the net using my wireless device ath0. I know it can be done... just dont know how. I think it should be a matter of about 3 commands. any hints? | 01:26 |
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crm456 | kiss my es | 01:26 |
Atomiku | Is there anything you can reccommend that I can use to control ubuntu from my windows machine? | 01:26 |
Atomiku | like uhh remote desktop | 01:26 |
crm456 | no | 01:26 |
woodsb02 | Atomiku: ssh | 01:26 |
Atomiku | Hmmm | 01:26 |
packet | Atomiku, ssh | 01:26 |
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meenfreem | someone mentioned to create a new profile for firefox (FX would be firefox i guess) | 01:26 |
packet | :p | 01:26 |
Atomiku | Will I be able to view my desktop? | 01:26 |
crm456 | fffffffffffffffffff | 01:26 |
crm456 | hola | 01:27 |
Atomiku | or will it just be console | 01:27 |
=== [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
woodsb02 | Atomiku: or vnc (remote desktop is here in gnome: System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop) | 01:27 |
geokok | Hi. I am looking for help to confirm an OO bug in Edgy. More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303383 | 01:27 |
crm456 | i dont spik english | 01:27 |
Atomiku | Hmm | 01:27 |
Atomiku | woodsb02: I will just plug my monitor into my linux box and take a look at that remote desktop thing | 01:27 |
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Atomiku | Not sure how it'd work with windows but ill worry about that in a sec | 01:27 |
crm456 | solo se esas palabras por que lo he visto en el libro | 01:27 |
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BlackRazor | could someone help me please...i somehow succeeded in mounting my FAT32 partition, and I can access the files...but I cant figure out how to save files to it, or how to create a shortcut to it on my desktop | 01:28 |
woodsb02 | Atomiku: you simply install any old vnc client for windows and point it towards the ip of your ubuntu box which is running remote desktop. however you should be warned... vnc aint exactly secure | 01:28 |
[GuS] | bonjour... | 01:28 |
woodsb02 | BlackRazor: you just save the files to the location where you mounted it | 01:28 |
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deep__ | How do i check how much im using of my discs? | 01:29 |
woodsb02 | BlackRazor: and create a link on your desktop as you would if you were linking to any other folder | 01:29 |
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BlackRazor | well, um, thanks wood...but I dont even really understand what the hell mounting really is yet.... | 01:29 |
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looksaus | I am looking for a usb cell phone sim card reader that will work with free drivers | 01:29 |
BlackRazor | ...and im not computer illiterate...im just a linux newbie... | 01:30 |
looksaus | I want to at least be able to back up the cell phone numbers I have stored in the card | 01:30 |
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looksaus | any suggestions? | 01:30 |
geokok | Hi. I am looking for help to confirm an OO bug in Edgy. More info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303383 .Let me know if u have questions or suggestions. All help welcome!! | 01:30 |
meenfreem | BlackHawk, join the club :D | 01:30 |
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blind | BlackRazor: everyone is at one point :] | 01:30 |
tom47 | crm456 /join #ubuntu-es | 01:31 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: can you be a little more sprefiic? | 01:31 |
BlackRazor | when i go to save an image for example to the FAT32 partition, it doesnt even show up in available locations to save files to...I see my home floppy, etc..but not the fat32 partition | 01:31 |
=== meenfreem still having issues with firefox being hijacked... | ||
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ubuntu_istanbul | slm | 01:31 |
woodsb02 | BlackRazor: check ur private messages | 01:31 |
blind | meenfreem: ? | 01:32 |
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Admiral_Chicago | add a comment it LP | 01:32 |
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geokok | Admiral_Chicago: Sure! It seems that the form wizard in OO base is broken. U can find all the info in the link I gave as well as in my launchpad report | 01:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | I'll follow it | 01:32 |
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Nighteye | Hi | 01:32 |
meenfreem | blind, my firefox is being hijacked .... homepage url is inaccesable | 01:32 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i have to go to bed | 01:32 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: no no i saw the pages | 01:32 |
blind | meenfreem: what homepage is that? | 01:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | i mean can you wirite the steps you took (file -- open etc) as well as your version number for your packages | 01:33 |
geokok | Admiral_Chicago: what do u want to know additionally mate? | 01:33 |
ubuntu_istanbul | hi every body | 01:33 |
acuster | Hey all, if I have only english installed for use by evolution, what packages do I need to add to get french/spanish? | 01:33 |
ubuntu_istanbul | is there anybody answer my question | 01:33 |
geokok | Admiral_Chicago: In the launchpad report u mean? | 01:34 |
meenfreem | blind, www.worldcarfans.com but others here have been able to access it no problem | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: i'll follow your bug as much as i can, but things like verison of OO like 2.0 or whatever | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: yes put it in the bug report | 01:34 |
meenfreem | blind, we have some windows machines here too, and they have no issues, just the ubuntu machines | 01:34 |
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tom47 | !ak | ubuntu-istanbul | 01:34 |
ubuntu_istanbul | i have a bug with my GFTP | 01:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | so if various users from different version/releases report it, the develops can follow that | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | !ask + ubuntu_istanbul | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | err | 01:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ask + ubuntu_istanbul - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:34 |
Admiral_Chicago | !ask | ubuntu_istanbul | 01:34 |
ubotu | ubuntu_istanbul: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:34 |
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geokok | Admiral_Chicago: the report is more complete but I ll add more info. Have u seen the report? | 01:35 |
fabiim | on the output of ps , Rl+ means what? | 01:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | 3rd time si the charm | 01:35 |
blind | meenfreem: any proxy servers you have to go through? that's really odd. | 01:35 |
tom47 | yes looks like it | 01:35 |
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ubuntu_istanbul | i am using ubuntu 6.10 as a cilient and debian 3.1r sarge as a proxy server | 01:35 |
meenfreem | blind, not that we know of... | 01:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: i see it now, skimed it before | 01:35 |
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woodsb02 | i am gonna use my laptop (running ubuntu edgy) to act as a wireless connector thingy for my xbox when i want my xbox to have the internet. i will plug the ethernet cable into my laptop, and route the networking coming through eth0 to the net using my wireless device ath0. I know it can be done... just dont know how. I think it should be a matter of about 3 commands. any hints? | 01:35 |
ubuntu_istanbul | so my GFTP cant register to sites | 01:35 |
meenfreem | blind, my colleague picked something up yesterday it seems, and when he hooked his laptop to the network, all the machines got it :S | 01:36 |
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geokok | Admiral_Chicago: What do u suggest I add more to make it better? | 01:36 |
blind | aw, no fun. | 01:36 |
Admiral_Chicago | geokok: i'm not sure how you go to the form | 01:36 |
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acuster | oh, there's a GUI and all! Fantastic! | 01:36 |
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Admiral_Chicago | for example you open the wizard it File -- Form Wizard or something? | 01:37 |
meenfreem | blind, where would i be able to find my .mozilla folder? is that the /etc/mozilla-firefox one ? | 01:37 |
woodsb02 | acuster: a gui to wat? | 01:37 |
blind | meenfreem: ~/.mozilla | 01:37 |
Martin_ | i have a strange problem: I can't login via X. After commting the password i only see a organge window. when i log in via console as root i get: Login falied. I can login as user via console and do sudo commands ... | 01:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | imagine someon with OO wants to replicate it, you have to tell them what you did to discover it | 01:37 |
blind | Martin_: did you install beryl? | 01:37 |
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meenfreem | blind, someone wants me to rename it and restart firefox... would be best to do that through terminal? | 01:38 |
Martin_ | blind, I dont think so | 01:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | PM me later today, i have to be up in a fe hours | 01:38 |
ubuntu_istanbul | i am using ubuntu 6.10 as a cilient and debian 3.1r sarge as a proxy server so my GFTP and mail cilient Evolution cant connect to sites and mail servers | 01:38 |
acuster | woodsb02, to add new languages System->Admin->Lang | 01:38 |
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geokok | Admiral_Chicago: Just launch OO base. After creating lets say a simple table with th wizard u will see al left pane with an option for form. Choose it and choose create form with wizard from the options that appear | 01:38 |
woodsb02 | acuster: oh yeah - that IS nice :) | 01:38 |
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blind | meenfreem: you can do it either way, from terminal: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla.old | 01:38 |
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incorrect | what do i need to install to get xdmcp to work with the tsclient? | 01:39 |
z9999 | help setting up wireless please | 01:39 |
blind | z9999: please be more specific. | 01:39 |
geokok | Admiral_Chicago: I am adding the steps in launcpad as we speak though :) | 01:39 |
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tom47 | ubuntu-istanbul i see your question but cannot help ... hope someone can eventually | 01:40 |
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meenfreem | blind, same thing... still redirecting me | 01:40 |
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z9999 | New notebook Compaq presario and have tried the forums and FAQs for over a month with no success, but many new questions | 01:40 |
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blind | meenfreem: to where? | 01:40 |
salendron | hi @all | 01:41 |
meenfreem | blind, to googlelink.com through cnomy.com | 01:41 |
blind | z9999: what kinda card? running edgy? dapper? what have you done, what's not working? | 01:41 |
blind | meenfreem: wow, weird. any strange processes running? | 01:41 |
meenfreem | blind, how do i change it back again? | 01:41 |
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blind | meenfreem: go to edit > preferences. should be the first tab | 01:41 |
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meenfreem | blind, where would i check that :D thanks! | 01:42 |
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seanh | Anyone know an easy way to get SoundJuicer to rip mp3's on edgy? Or is it best just to use goobox? | 01:42 |
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blind | meenfreem: gnome-system-monitor for gui or ps aux from terminal | 01:42 |
ubuntu_istanbul | hey is there anyone answer my question. | 01:42 |
z9999 | Running Dapper, and am uncertain if the HW is recognized correctly for my first question. | 01:42 |
ubuntu_istanbul | or am i in a wrong channel | 01:42 |
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z9999 | Oh and the card uses a Broadcom 4311 chip, we opened iit up to see for sure. | 01:43 |
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darkfox | hi all... there's a problem with the config options for the edgy server install CD kernel. does anyone know what package that should be filed as a bug against? i'm guessing it should be some installer package rather than the linux-source package | 01:43 |
blind | z9999: you're using ndiswrapper, then? | 01:43 |
salendron | seanh: just make a new profile in soundjuicer and enter this pipeline: audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc - and as file extension mp3 | 01:43 |
meenfreem | blind, bonobo activation server? | 01:44 |
blind | meenfreem: what? | 01:44 |
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meenfreem | blind, would that be a weird process? | 01:44 |
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blind | oh. no. | 01:44 |
z9999 | blind: yes and ndiswrapper -l only shows bcwml5 driver present | 01:45 |
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XCute4God | Hey why ubuntu edgy eft eat a lot of memory?!! ive just booted the system and my memory usage is over 300 mb!! | 01:45 |
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blind | z9999: you have installed the driver for your card? | 01:45 |
Enselic | Where are the good tutorials for cinerella? I fail to find any simple tutorial, mostly docs | 01:45 |
seanh | salendron - trying | 01:45 |
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tom47 | z9999 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 01:45 |
blind | Enselic: I'm not sure, but if you find out, would you let me know? :P | 01:45 |
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seanh | salendron - will try it when I have access to an audio CD, thanks | 01:46 |
meenfreem | blind, esd process? btw, forward me that cinerella tutorial when you find it :D | 01:46 |
ubuntu_istanbul | i am using ubuntu 6.10 as a cilient and debian 3.1r sarge as a proxy server so my GFTP and mail cilient Evolution cant connect to sites and mail servers | 01:46 |
z9999 | blind: we have tried several different drivers with no success | 01:47 |
salendron | seanh: np | 01:47 |
ubuntu_istanbul | so any one solve this problem | 01:47 |
Enselic | blind, sure :) | 01:47 |
blind | z9999: did you click that link someone else posted? | 01:48 |
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blind | Enselic: I played with it for like a half an hour before giving up. | 01:48 |
ubuntu_istanbul | i googled and search alot but could not find any solution | 01:48 |
z9999 | blind: am waiting for it to come up but I believe it is one we have tried previously | 01:48 |
Enselic | blind: I've tried for 30 mins or so, the app does not make sense yet :( | 01:48 |
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XCute4God | Ubuntu uses more memory than Windows ??????????? | 01:48 |
SpComb | ubuntu uses all your memory, it doesn't leave it to waste | 01:49 |
blind | XCute4God: I don't think you need that many question marks. O_o | 01:49 |
z9999 | blind: yes, we've been through that process already with no success. | 01:49 |
Enselic | blind: Maybe there are no tutorials because no one has yet figured out to use it? | 01:49 |
blind | Enselic: lmao! | 01:49 |
meenfreem | blind, how would i move that mozilla folder back now :S want my bookmarks back :D | 01:49 |
XCute4God | [blind] : Sorry man | 01:49 |
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blind | meenfreem: from a terminal, rm -rf .mozilla && mv .mozilla.old .mozilla | 01:50 |
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mwe | z9999: if you use ndiswrapper you _need_ to use a driver that is listed for your card on ndiswrapper.sf.net. not any driver will work. not even the one on the cd that came with it is guarenteed to work | 01:50 |
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geokok | Admiral_Chicago: check the report now. I think is more complete | 01:51 |
geokok | Admiral_Chicago: and it is really easy to reproduce | 01:51 |
meenfreem | hmz... think i ffed that up somehow :S | 01:51 |
blind | meenfreem: ? | 01:51 |
meenfreem | least of my problems for now | 01:51 |
mwe | XCute4God: linux caches things in memory. that's a good thing (tm) | 01:52 |
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meenfreem | blind, i was trying to be smart and did the previous command but the otherway around | 01:53 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : But this "CACHE" memory is shown in "Buffers", when you do the $ free -m | 01:53 |
z9999 | mwe: How can I verify that the card is correctly identified as being installed in the system? lspci leaves me uncertain. | 01:53 |
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blind | meenfreem: lol, what that did is put .mozilla.old INSIDE .mozilla. | 01:53 |
mwe | XCute4God: yes. how much is it saying it's using? | 01:54 |
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meenfreem | blind, hehehe... and i've probably done it a few times now :S hehehe | 01:54 |
blind | meenfreem: lol | 01:54 |
meenfreem | terminal windows should stay away from me , bwahaha | 01:54 |
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mwe | z9999: well it should show up with lspci. you can paste the output of lcpci -v to pastebin if you don't understand the output | 01:55 |
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hellie | hey all | 01:55 |
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z9999 | mwe: checking ndiswrapper.sf.net but am not finding a Broadcom 4311 driver yet. | 01:55 |
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Enselic | blind: This looks promosing http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6054058685297801991&q=cinelerra 45:00 into it | 01:56 |
meenfreem | blind, any idea how to fix this mess? | 01:56 |
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hellie | quick Q, I'm runing the install fromt he CD rom and every time I get to loading hte gnomer launcher I get a black screen. I have tried both normal and safe instakll can anyone help? | 01:56 |
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z9999 | mwe: lspci = 0000.01.00.0 Network Controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4311 (Rev 01) | 01:57 |
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mwe | z9999: that's good I think. | 01:58 |
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mwe | z9999: lspci -v? | 01:58 |
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hellie | Anyone have any sugestions? | 01:58 |
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XCute4God | [mwe] : 0/0 !! | 01:58 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : its not using "cache" memory | 01:58 |
mwe | XCute4God: i meant how much memory is used | 01:59 |
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mwe | z9999: I'm seeing a driver fo a BC4311 chipset on http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List | 01:59 |
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XCute4God | [mwe] : mem used: 299 buffers 12 | 01:59 |
geokok | Hi. Please help me to confirm an OO bug in Edgy. MOre info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303383 . The bug report here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/72539 . Please let me know of your opinion, questions, suggestions. All help welcome!! | 02:00 |
meenfreem | hellie, probably something to do with the video card. | 02:00 |
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mwe | XCute4God: buffers 12. that's not a lot. I don't know what is buffered though | 02:00 |
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glentanaka6 | hello | 02:00 |
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hellie | meenfreem, I have an ati x700 card and if I remove the splash it is identified. Also when I change the install res the splash is able to display in all listed resses | 02:01 |
glentanaka6 | hello | 02:01 |
=== HiTech69 [n=hitech@pool-72-64-226-42.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
drioo | hello :) | 02:01 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : I dont know why ubuntu is using more memory than Windows ;((( | 02:01 |
mwe | XCute4God: I think used 299 is high though | 02:01 |
mwe | XCute4God: no. mine is using 145 + cache right now | 02:01 |
glentanaka6 | how do i install new software on this os | 02:01 |
meenfreem | hellie, wish i could help more, I myself am a bit of a newbie when it comes to this... sorry | 02:02 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : wow! how? | 02:02 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : using edgy? | 02:02 |
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hellie | Yet everytime I get finished with the installer loading bar I get a flashing _ then a black screen, the cd rom stops spinnging | 02:02 |
mwe | XCute4God: yes. kde and firefox, a terminal and xchat open | 02:02 |
hellie | :) | 02:03 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : i think that GNOME eats a lot of memory... | 02:03 |
meenfreem | feck! now this bloody hijacker is blocking me from ubuntuforums! | 02:03 |
mwe | XCute4God: but that much? it sounds kinda high to me | 02:03 |
z9999 | lspci -v = same info plus Subsystem: Hewlett Packard Company: Unknown device 1364 | 02:03 |
z9999 | Flags: bus master, fast devsel, latency 0, IRQ10 | 02:03 |
z9999 | Memory at c3000000 (32 bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16k] | 02:03 |
z9999 | Capabilities: <available only to root> | 02:03 |
mwe | XCute4God: how much memory do you have? | 02:03 |
hellie | Anyone else have an idea? Installing fromt he CD rom as soon as I get to 100% loaded I get a black screen in normal and safe video mode with an ATI x700 video card | 02:03 |
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mwe | XCute4God: does it show that high right after a reboot? | 02:04 |
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XCute4God | [mwe] : yeah, ive rebooted right now | 02:04 |
mwe | XCute4God: hmm | 02:05 |
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mwe | XCute4God: how much memory do you have in total? | 02:05 |
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XCute4God | [mwe] : windows xp + avast + gmail notify tool + synaptics app + ... uses 270 MB in windows xp! with themes, and everything | 02:05 |
z9999 | mwe: Ok, got the location of the driver, and that is the one currently loaded, and where we found the info previously. | 02:05 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : 1GB | 02:05 |
geokok | Hi. Please help me to confirm an OO bug in Edgy. MOre info here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303383 . The bug report here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openoffice.org/+bug/72539 . Please let me know of your opinion, questions, suggestions. All help welcome!! | 02:06 |
mwe | XCute4God: I wouldn't worry then. it's still seems odd though | 02:06 |
meenfreem | anyone here who can help me out with this browser hijack issue? | 02:06 |
meenfreem | I'm loosing hope here... | 02:06 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : but when im using firefox, 2 or 3 windows, few tabs, terminal i have only 200mb free!! | 02:06 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : something is wrong... | 02:06 |
mwe | XCute4God: yeah | 02:07 |
hellie | Meenfreem: are you using firefox? | 02:07 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : and i dont know what is... | 02:07 |
glentanaka6 | can any one help me on installing new software | 02:07 |
tonyyserver | Can someone tell me the relative merits of grisbi vs gnucash? | 02:07 |
meenfreem | hellie, yes... | 02:07 |
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mwe | XCute4God: is it firefox that is eating the memory? | 02:07 |
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asc | How does one select what version of java one wishes to use? | 02:07 |
meenfreem | only the ubuntu mahcines are affected here ... windows machines work fine | 02:07 |
hellie | if your runnign kde have you tested to see if it affect konquer? | 02:07 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : i will check right now | 02:07 |
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kud0s | I have a question about SSH, Is it possible to login run a program and disconnect from the session and then at a later time reconnect to the session? | 02:08 |
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meenfreem | epphany does the same, so I reckon Konquer would too... plus that the hijacker added another site to the list | 02:08 |
hellie | Anyone else have an idea? Installing fromt he CD rom as soon as I get to 100% loaded I get a black screen in normal and safe video mode with an ATI x700 video card | 02:08 |
mwe | XCute4God: use 'top' and sort by mem | 02:08 |
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kud0s | !ssh | 02:09 |
ubotu | ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 02:09 |
hellie | meenfreen, Have you checked your /etc/host file to see if there are any edits? | 02:09 |
XCute4God | [mwe] : yeah, im doing that | 02:09 |
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asc | kud0s: I suppose the answer is, probably not. When the ssh session is closed, the user logs out - which should close all the user's running programs. | 02:10 |
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Subhuman | kud0s, yes | 02:11 |
Subhuman | with screen | 02:11 |
Subhuman | !screen | 02:11 |
kanzie | I just downloaded netbeans.bin, but dont know how tyo install it | 02:11 |
ubotu | screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen | 02:11 |
kanzie | I tried chmod it to 755 and then ./netbeans.bin | 02:11 |
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hellie | So am i the only person who gets a black screen while loading the install from the cd? | 02:11 |
kuja | Um, is running Ubuntu off a 5400RPM external USB harddrive a bad idea for any reason? :P | 02:11 |
asc | kud0s: unless somebody knows better than I do. ;p | 02:11 |
Daviey | kanzie, isn't netbeans avaliable through apt-get? | 02:12 |
kanzie | which just printed "initilizing installshield wizard, extracting installation archive" and then returned me to the prompt | 02:12 |
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kanzie | Daviey: Ah, forgot about that handy feature | 02:12 |
kuja | I am having complications with booting Ubuntu off my external USB harddrive from machines other than my own. Grub reports an error 21, which is a device/file not found. | 02:12 |
meenfreem | hellie, yes, nothing there | 02:12 |
kud0s | Darn thats what i suspected, Is there any way to keep applications running in a user space (i.e. without super user privelages) without a screen connected and without a SSH client constantly connected? | 02:13 |
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hellie | meenfreem, is there localhost in there? | 02:13 |
kanzie | Daviey: hmm... the synaptic does not have eny entry on netbeans | 02:13 |
meenfreem | hellie, yes | 02:13 |
Daviey | kud0s, ./application to run & | 02:13 |
Daviey | kud0s, ie follow it with a & and it will remain running once logged out | 02:14 |
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Daviey | kud0s, logged out is wrong word, but you know what i mean | 02:14 |
Daviey | kanzie, i fear you are correct | 02:14 |
z9999 | mwe: did a sudo lspci -v and got the rest of the info: | 02:14 |
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z9999 | Capabilities: [40] Power Management version 2 | 02:14 |
z9999 | Capabilities: [58] Message Signalled Interrupts: 64bit- Queue=0/0 Enable | 02:14 |
z9999 | Capabilities: [d0] #10 [0011] | 02:14 |
kud0s | Daviey, thats a great start but s it then possible to reconnect to the application to check its progress? | 02:14 |
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mwe | z9999: yeah | 02:15 |
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splintax | anyone know how i can make a shortcut to "show desktop" (a la windows key + D)? | 02:15 |
mwe | z9999: I'm not sure why ndiswrapper is not seeing the hardware. is the ndiswrapper kernel module loaded? | 02:15 |
Daviey | kud0s, yes; not sure how tho | 02:15 |
splintax | also, anyone know why I can't seem to use the windows key as a modifier when making keyboard shortcuts? | 02:15 |
meenfreem | hellie, btw, konqueror doesn't work either... this is so strange | 02:16 |
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kud0s | Daviey, thanks ill do some research in to that | 02:17 |
kud0s | !& | 02:17 |
bitzero | damn it, i installed ubuntu and after win xp and dunno how to make grub works again, any one can help ??? | 02:17 |
z9999 | mwe: how do I verify that? I've followed all instructions so can only assume so. | 02:17 |
mwe | z9999: lsmod|grep ndis | 02:17 |
Daviey | kud0s, if you find out, can you pm me letting me know how ;) | 02:17 |
Daviey | kanzie, have a look at http://ovenordstrom.blogspot.com/ about halfway down 9search for netbeans). There is a mini-explanation how-to | 02:17 |
kud0s | Sure thing that is, if your still online | 02:18 |
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meenfreem | c'mon, where are those Ubuntu guru's? | 02:18 |
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z9999 | lsmod |grep ndis gives 2 lines of output: | 02:19 |
z9999 | ndiswrapper 177364 0 | 02:19 |
z9999 | usbcore 129668 5 mdiswrapper,hci_usb,ohci_hcd,ehci_hcd | 02:19 |
josh_ | ok, i need to experiment with my hosts.deny file... can I ssh into my computer, purposely fail a login, run my script that will add the ip to the hosts.deny file, and only be blocked from doing a sshuser@localhost? | 02:20 |
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z9999 | the m should be an n, I'm having to type all this on another computer to communicate. | 02:20 |
josh_ | or will it ban everyone because its the localhost that is being blocked? | 02:20 |
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kuja | Is it possible to create a partition on my USB harddrive, put the LiveCD image on it, boot, and let it save data to another partition on the external harddrive? | 02:20 |
josh_ | nevermind | 02:21 |
mwe | z9999: try sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper then sudo modprobe ndiswrapper. then look at the output of "dmesg" for clues | 02:21 |
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matevz | I want to create a .deb package which installs a few fonts along | 02:23 |
matevz | is there any dh_installont rule or something? | 02:23 |
z9999 | mwe: where to find dmesg? | 02:23 |
splintax | anyone know how i can make a shortcut to "show desktop" (a la windows key + D)? | 02:23 |
Daviey | matevz, look at fakeroot | 02:23 |
splintax | also, anyone know why I can't seem to use the windows key as a modifier when making keyboard shortcuts? | 02:23 |
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mwe | z9999: type it in a terminal | 02:24 |
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matevz | fakeroot?? | 02:25 |
matevz | not related to this.. | 02:25 |
meenfreem | i somehow fixed it... | 02:25 |
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kanzie | sigh | 02:25 |
kanzie | yep, nothing happens when I try to install | 02:26 |
kanzie | Netbeans | 02:26 |
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kanzie | has anyone succeeded with the task? | 02:27 |
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geokok | Hi. Hardware question. My motherboard has an on-board ethernet card which I currently use. I want to install a pci ethernet card and use only that. Will ubuntu be ok with two cards or am i going to throw away my money? | 02:27 |
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umops | geokok, that should be fine. | 02:31 |
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jmspeex | Anyone's had problems with the screen not turning back on when closing the lid. | 02:31 |
jmspeex | ? | 02:31 |
meenfreem | i'm off people. thanks for the help! | 02:31 |
z9999 | dmesg gives a very long output and I found the following: | 02:31 |
z9999 | [4294690.009000] ndiswrapper version 1.8 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no) | 02:31 |
geokok | umops: Is there anything I have to do in general besides installing the card and giving an ip to it? | 02:31 |
z9999 | and at the very bottom | 02:31 |
z9999 | [4304933.425000] ndiswrapper version 1.8 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no) | 02:31 |
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CheshireViking | geokok: my laptop has a built in ethernet, but i use a pcmcia wireless card & don't have any problems with conflicts between the two | 02:32 |
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umops | geokok, No, assuming the card is supported. You will just have eth0 and eth1 | 02:32 |
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umops | jmspeex, Do you mean when opening the lid (of a laptop) | 02:32 |
geokok | umops: I assume that all pci cards for ethernet are supported or should I look for specific brands? | 02:32 |
umops | geokok, I have never had a problem, old or new NW cards. | 02:33 |
geokok | ChesireViking: thanks for the info | 02:33 |
geokok | umops: thanks mate | 02:33 |
jmspeex | umops:When I close, it goes blank. When I open, it stays blank. The machine is not crashed though. | 02:33 |
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geokok | umops: One last question | 02:34 |
umops | jmspeex, what happens when you press a key or power button? | 02:34 |
jmspeex | umops: The machine is normal otherwise. I can do a blind Ctrl-Alt-F1 and type init 6 and it reboots | 02:34 |
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maddy | hiho | 02:35 |
geokok | umops: The reason I want to get a pci nw card is because with my current hardware i have crazy jumps in pings (from 100 goes to 60000). U think a pci card might be the solution to that? | 02:35 |
maddy | i think i have a bug | 02:35 |
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meenfreem | damn! not fixed! | 02:35 |
meenfreem | someone is messing with us! i got the browsers to work, and again its messed up! | 02:36 |
umops | geokok, It's hard to say. Do you have other computers on the network with that problem? tried changing NW cable? | 02:36 |
thor | geokok: do you see those jumps if you ping localhost? | 02:36 |
maddy | when i use tar with sudo, i have the problem "sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied | 02:36 |
thor | geokok: or better yet...ping your own ip address so it goes out to the router and then back | 02:36 |
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umops | jmspeex, have to had a look around in System-> Power Management? | 02:37 |
geokok | thor: u mean the external ip address of the router or my NIC's ip? | 02:37 |
umops | *System -> Preferences > Power Management | 02:37 |
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thor | geokok: your nic's ip. Or the ip of another computer on YOUR network. To verify the problem is there in your computer and not in the network | 02:38 |
geokok | thor: will try and tell u | 02:38 |
jmspeex | umops: Even if I tell it not to do anything on lid close, the screen still goes blank. Actually, closing the lid in single-user mode does the same. | 02:38 |
thor | geokok: it might be a firewall thing too. | 02:39 |
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umops | maddy, perhaps try 'sudo su' and then access /etc/sudoers | 02:39 |
meenfreem | still in need of help with a browser hijack issue | 02:39 |
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geokok | thor: i have firestarter. what can i do? | 02:39 |
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thor | geokok: I have firestarter turned off most of the time and depend on the wifi router instead. | 02:40 |
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umops | jmspeex, that's odd. Maybe some issue with a driver, or even you laptop has a hardware deafults to turn screen off when it is closed. | 02:40 |
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thor | geokok: you can temporarily turn off the firewall to check the ping performance. Sometimes a protection system will see multiple pings and start throwing them out suspecting a ddos attack | 02:41 |
monokrome | hey | 02:41 |
kud0s | !screen | 02:41 |
z9999 | mwe: should there be 2 entries in dmesg for ndiswrapper? | 02:41 |
slaq | what is the recommended way to uninstall a pkg with all its dependencies? i want to get rid of X11 completely but dpkg -P doesn't work because there are dozens of deps... | 02:41 |
monokrome | I have just set up Beryl, but I don't have any window decorators. Anyone know why this might happen? | 02:41 |
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jmspeex | umops: when I close the lid in grub, it goes blank and turns back on when I open it. It's only once Linux has booted that it doesn't do that anymore. | 02:42 |
kud0s | slaq, --purge switch | 02:42 |
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jmspeex | umops: do you know what happens exactly (sequence of events) when one closes the lid on a laptop? | 02:43 |
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Daviey | jmspeex, have you looked under "power management" for the settings? | 02:44 |
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jmspeex | Daviey: I had it set to "blank" and then changed that to "do nothing". Still get the same problem. | 02:45 |
meenfreem | guys, reckon that an antivirus program might weed out this hijacker? | 02:45 |
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umops | jmspeex, I don't know sorry. You could have a look at /etc/acpi/lid.sh and related files. | 02:45 |
Daviey | jmspeex, no idea then... sorry.. | 02:45 |
jmspeex | Daviey: The BIOS seems to be doing something on its own. | 02:45 |
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bitzero | i really would like to use linux, even lama mode as ubuntu. but it seems that nobody knows how it works | 02:45 |
Daviey | jmspeex, i suppose you have checked the bios for settings? | 02:45 |
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jmspeex | Daviey: Found nothing related to that unfortunately | 02:46 |
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bitzero | even ubuntus how-to's commands result errors messages | 02:46 |
CokeNCode | quick question, what is the linux command to broadcast a message to all users logged in | 02:46 |
jmspeex | Is there a command that's supposed to turn things back on? | 02:46 |
umops | jmspeex, does it make a difference if you are running on battery or not? | 02:46 |
dr_black | I got a question .. does any one know how to burn a .dmg file with out converting to .iso | 02:46 |
boni | can anyone tell me that if i have installed j2sdk on Dapper can it connect with odbc n to odb documents?? | 02:46 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: What hijacker? There are not many Linux viruses, so it's extremely unlikely to be one. | 02:47 |
jmspeex | umops: no | 02:47 |
CokeNCode | secondly, i want to write a shell script that 1)log out every user other than root, and 2) kills every process other than those run by root | 02:47 |
CokeNCode | can anyone provide some assistance ? | 02:47 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, but still.... i cannot reach certain websites, and the windows machines in the office can. | 02:47 |
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highneko | I'm trying to use my tv as a monitor but when I start my computer it will display the grub screen for less than one second then everything goes black. If I somehow manage to select my windows partition the tv will display everything good, but selecting ubuntu partition everything continues to be black. Is there a way of getting a terminal visible? Maybe is there a way to shutdown my computer with a black screen? Sometimes | 02:48 |
highneko | ctrl+alt+del, and alt+ctrl+backspace doesn't work, so maybe there's a more reliable way of shutting down without pressing my computers power button? | 02:48 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, i get referred to googlelink.com by cnomy.com. just a minute ago, I got the machine to work normally, but now it's back again! | 02:48 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: Have you looked at your hosts file yet? | 02:48 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, yes, nothing seems wrong with it | 02:48 |
kud0s | Thanks for your help with "screen" guys, cya | 02:48 |
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CokeNCode | highneko alt + cntrl + f1 ... and then type 'shutdown -h now' | 02:49 |
CokeNCode | that will shut down your pc | 02:49 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, it looks like adware. But that's pretty much enheard of! Weirdest thing is that I got it through our network here! | 02:49 |
highneko | CokeNCode: That's how I usually do it. I have to do that just by memory tho, I can't see anything. | 02:49 |
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z9999 | mwe: Should we give up on the wireless functioning? | 02:49 |
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kud0s | Daviey? | 02:49 |
Daviey | kud0s, yes sir | 02:50 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: well, most office networks do not block javascript and stuff. | 02:50 |
Flats | Give up? My wireless works fine. Just wish I had a signal meter of some type | 02:50 |
mwe | z9999: I wouldn't. it must be fixable | 02:50 |
jmspeex | umops: BTW vbetool dpms seems to work fine | 02:50 |
kud0s | Ive finished me research | 02:50 |
Daviey | kud0s, and? | 02:50 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: What version of ubuntu and what browser? And has the problem persisted over a boot? | 02:50 |
umops | jmspeex, I don't think i can help you with it then. Maybe try in #gnome? | 02:50 |
jimmi | . | 02:50 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, also, my colleague thinks he picked it up on some internet site yesterday... but can an adware just install on a ubuntu box? | 02:50 |
z9999 | mwe: Any idea why 2 entries in dmesg showing ndiswrapper being loaded? | 02:50 |
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geokok | thor: I pinged my other machine with firewall off and i got values from 0.9 up to 2.1 | 02:51 |
mwe | z9999: I didn't see the output of dmesg | 02:51 |
jmspeex | umops: It's not a gnome problem. It happens even in the console, in single-user mode | 02:51 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, ubuntu 6.06LTS firefox and yes, my colleague just rebooted and it persists | 02:51 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: not unless you have nasty bugs unpatched. | 02:51 |
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geokok | thor: the other machine pings this one with a steady 1ms | 02:51 |
woodefec | hi | 02:51 |
woodefec | just switching from suse linux | 02:51 |
woodefec | after years | 02:51 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, we always do all the updates when they're released. | 02:51 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: anything interesting in the process list? | 02:52 |
z9999 | I'm not sure how to post the whole thing as it is very long and I'm typing on my computer and executing commands on my friends which is the one with the problem, so I have to manually type everything. | 02:52 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, not as far as i can see.... but the hijacker does read through my history list I think since it added ubuntuforums.org to the list as soon as I went there a fari few times?! | 02:52 |
jmspeex | hmm, let's see if vbetool can turn the screen on... | 02:52 |
geokok | umops: this machine pings the other with a range from 0.9 to 2.1 | 02:53 |
geokok | umops: the other pings this with a steady 1 ms | 02:53 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, although, when I stopped the at-spi-registryd process, everything worked for a bit, and then it started up again :S | 02:53 |
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umops | geokok, how much is a NW card worth? I think it might be easier to just try one and see how it goes. | 02:54 |
geokok | umops: should be 10 euros I guess. Thanks for your help mate | 02:55 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: I do not have that process, but I'm on kubuntu and probably have slightly different setup from you | 02:56 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, I'm lost... if you have any ideas.... I already renamed my .mozilla folder and that did nothing, konquer does the same, as does epiphany | 02:56 |
monokrome | hrm | 02:56 |
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maddy | umops: no, i become the whole time, whatever i try (even as root) the same error | 02:57 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: What exactly do they do? Not connect to some web pages, connect to wrong ones or what? | 02:57 |
z9999 | mwe: forgive me as I feel stupid after looking at the top of the screen. I believe I have now sent it. | 02:58 |
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umops | maddy, what is the full command you are using | 02:58 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, the urls get redirected before they get resolved basicly. Ubuntuforums goes straight to googlelink.com (or cnomy.com) | 02:58 |
highneko | Is there a way of remotely controling a local computer but seeing the same display? So when I open a video it will display on the remote computer? | 02:59 |
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umops | highneko, XDMCP or VNC | 02:59 |
maddy | umops: sudo tar xvzf z600llpddk-2.0.tgz -C / | 03:00 |
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Flats | I reinstalled my GCC via package manager, Now when I try to compile I get a error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH. Common sense says just put it in but 1) I'm a noob, no idea on how or where the path is and 2) no idea what the statement should look like and 3) why didn't it do it automatically? | 03:00 |
highneko | umops: I got VNC working one time, but I had to shutdown gdm. | 03:00 |
maddy | umops: how can i repair sudo? | 03:00 |
highneko | maddy: login as root and edit that /etc/sodoers file thing so your user is in there maybe? | 03:01 |
maddy | highneko: i tryed already, the file seems to be ok | 03:01 |
mats_ | tried to restart the service? | 03:02 |
kikokos | hi | 03:02 |
umops | highneko, VNC allows you to take over a gnome session | 03:02 |
maddy | highneko: even when i try to use sudo as root i become the same error | 03:02 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, cron? what is that? | 03:02 |
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kikokos | could somebody tell me why grip, when I make mp3 from cdaudio it take 1 hour | 03:02 |
highneko | maddy: it's saying that file is the problem. I don't know. | 03:02 |
finalbeta | If I have output of a command, several lines, and one of the lines contains [10%] , how do I get the 10 value? (10 could be some other number) | 03:02 |
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mats_ | meenfreem: man 5 crontab | 03:03 |
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umops | maddy, what exactly are toy trying to do? I think I'm confused | 03:03 |
umops | *toy = you | 03:03 |
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hilde | I upgraded my laptop vaio to edgy... However edgy won't work with my centrino wireless... I tryed ubuntu docs and followed but no succes | 03:03 |
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hilde | can anybody help? | 03:03 |
maddy | umops: the command is for installing the drivers for a lexmark printer | 03:03 |
z9999 | mwe: Did the output arrive? This is just my second day using irc so I'm having to learn how to use it as well as try to fix problems. New to Linux also. | 03:03 |
kikokos | when I make mp3 from cdaudio grip doing this at the same time what is time cdaudio ex. 45 min | 03:03 |
maddy | umops: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49714 | 03:03 |
kud0s | cya | 03:03 |
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kikokos | I dont understand this.... | 03:03 |
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kikokos | it should be 20 minutes max | 03:04 |
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kikokos | it looked like a program grip lisen music and after encode :P | 03:04 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: Sorry, cannot find anything about that cnomy hijack except for windows | 03:04 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, same here... reckon its worth a shot to run the windows cleaner? | 03:05 |
kikokos | nobody can help? | 03:05 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: When in danger or in doubt, take backups, reinstall and hope. | 03:05 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: Windows cleaner? Hardly unless you are on windows | 03:05 |
mats | hilde: what does lsmod say? | 03:05 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: windows binaries will not even run on Linux | 03:06 |
umops | maddy, Okay, so can you do anything like 'sudo nano hello.txt' ? | 03:06 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, I thought that too... ballpark idea :S | 03:06 |
hilde | mats a lot of things | 03:06 |
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hilde | ipw2200 | 03:06 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: it could be the nameserver being compromised as well | 03:06 |
maddy | umops: | 03:06 |
maddy | maddy@defiant:~$ sudo nano hello.txt | 03:06 |
maddy | sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied | 03:06 |
hilde | mats ipw2200 is that what I'm looking for | 03:06 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, nameserver? how could I check that? | 03:07 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: (that is, not even on your computer) | 03:07 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, silly thing is, the windows machines are unaffected by all this, only the linux machines | 03:07 |
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jmspeex | Damn laptop's driving me nuts! Now when I open the lid, the screen no longer stays blank, but X crashes! | 03:08 |
Flats | Ok while reasearching I did a updatedb and then a locate bin/gcc and got the following gcc-4.1, gccbug-4.1 and gccmakedep all in /usr/bin. How can I tell if whatever needed is in my path? | 03:08 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: What does your IT support say, or are you it? | 03:09 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, LOL I'm it! small company. | 03:09 |
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umops | maddy, can you see the permission on sudoers? | 03:09 |
jmspeex | umops: Any idea why X would crash when I do a lid close/open? If I do it while in a console, it works. | 03:09 |
centyx | hi. on one machine, ever since i've upgraded to edgy, i have no splash during boot... ( i do have splash on my other edgy machine tho ). i've tried running dpkg-reconfigure usplash-theme-ubuntu. any suggestions? | 03:10 |
maddy | umops: | 03:10 |
maddy | maddy@defiant:~$ ls -l /etc/sudoers | 03:10 |
maddy | -r--r----- 1 root root 403 2006-11-20 14:19 /etc/sudoers | 03:10 |
jmspeex | well, the screen goes blank, but vbetool dpms on brings it back. | 03:10 |
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rel | hi all, newbe here just loaded 6.10 and firefox and can't get java to work. went to all the link from ubuntu and nothing seems to work. can anyone help | 03:11 |
manmadha | can any one tell how to do asp programs in linux...? | 03:11 |
z9999 | mwe: Did the dmesg output arrive? I'm uncertain if I need to click on paste it again or not. | 03:11 |
stephaneschmit | Hi guys, I'm new to Ubuntu and I like it. Everything works. Linux has come a long way. I guess I'll stick with this distrib for a while. feels comfier than ever :) | 03:11 |
maddy | manmadha: mono i think | 03:11 |
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KenSentMe | stephaneschmit: good to hear that | 03:11 |
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manmadha | maddy, oh i will check it | 03:12 |
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stephaneschmit | I guess it's fair to say :) | 03:12 |
umops | maddy, that's how it should look, hmmm. | 03:12 |
maddy | manmadha: http://www.mono-project.com/Main_Page | 03:12 |
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centyx | i just want to be like nick moffit when i grow up | 03:13 |
centyx | that's all | 03:13 |
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maddy | umops: yes, that's why i'm confused... before i used tar with sudo, everthing worked... but one time used with tar, i got this problem | 03:13 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: I feel tempted to pull out a virtual machine and try if I can get it to have the same problem, but that takes too much time, unfortunately | 03:14 |
centyx | anyway, guess i'll search the forum again about the usplash issue, i haven't in a while | 03:14 |
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umops | maddy, so you get the same message after you sudo du | 03:14 |
umops | *sudo su | 03:14 |
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maddy | umops: yes | 03:14 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, thanks for the offer in any case... we've send an email to the ubuntu helpdesk, maybe they can help out. Since this is such a unique case by the looks of things. | 03:14 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: do you have the same problem as a fresh user? | 03:15 |
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Flats | Ok more reasearch problem no acceptable compiler found in $PATH, I have gcc-4.1 gccbug-4.1 and gccmakedep all in usr/bin. My $path has /usr/bin in it. What am I missing? | 03:15 |
maddy | umops: sudo su -, sudo -s, whatever you wanna do with sudo, it's everytime the same problem | 03:15 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: antivirus companies would love a sample of what you have | 03:15 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, make a new user in ubuntu you mean? I'll give that a go tomorrow... | 03:15 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, I'd rather get rid of it :( | 03:15 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: then just backup and reinstall as soon as you can. If you are not sure what you have, better be safe than sorry | 03:16 |
meenfreem | true, been messing about with this for the whole day now... | 03:16 |
umops | maddy, I am out of ideas. I suggest you perhaps bott with a love disc and have a look around. | 03:17 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: I'm just having "I'd love to give that a poke" curiousity :) | 03:17 |
umops | *love = live :S | 03:17 |
kingrayray | these days an ubuntu install takes what.. under 20 mins? | 03:17 |
kingrayray | hehe :) | 03:17 |
monokrome | kingrayray smells | 03:17 |
kingrayray | eeew monokrome | 03:17 |
monokrome | eeew kingrayray | 03:17 |
bitzero | install is 20m but use it tales months | 03:17 |
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bitzero | takes | 03:17 |
kingrayray | bitzero, lol | 03:17 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, the laptop which started it all, is okay now though... very odd | 03:18 |
=== monokrome just got XGL/Beryl all happy and bouncy :) | ||
mwe | z9999: sorry. phone rang. the dmesg output? you can use paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:18 |
kingrayray | yay monokrome | 03:18 |
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bitzero | config a simple program may take 2/3 days | 03:18 |
z9999 | mwe: I did so, did it not arrive? | 03:18 |
kanzie | What is a good tool for erasing a CD-RW and burning a ISO-image? | 03:19 |
Oranabi | ummm. is it true that microsoft bought firefox ? | 03:19 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: I'm paranoid enough to think that hijacking a browser might be the least of your troubles. If you do not find it, who knows what's it doing. Ran chkrootkit already? Or netstat? | 03:19 |
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mwe | z9999: I'll check. next time paste the URL in here | 03:19 |
manmadha | maddy, he mono is for .net na..? | 03:19 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, errr.... no | 03:19 |
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mwe | z9999: it doesn't show the latest entries | 03:20 |
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maddy | manmadha: i thought i read that you can use asp with it as well | 03:20 |
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z9999 | mwe: you mean the 32925 ? | 03:20 |
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manmadha | maddy, ohh okk | 03:20 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, maybe you can give me some terminal commands ?? | 03:20 |
mwe | z9999: oh that's it? | 03:20 |
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Eaza | Hellp!~I am a Chinese !Nice to meet everyone! | 03:20 |
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Toma- | Oranabi: i doubt it highly | 03:20 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: sudo apt-get install chkrootkit and then sudo chkrootkit | 03:20 |
mwe | z9999: got it. | 03:20 |
z9999 | mwe: yes, and sorry as I am new to doing this. | 03:20 |
MetaMorfoziS | what program can edit my .mov? | 03:21 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: it checks for the most common rootkits | 03:21 |
MetaMorfoziS | (kino can'T) please tell other one | 03:21 |
Fred_Sambo | !hello | 03:21 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, what are rootkits? | 03:21 |
ubotu | hello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB | 03:21 |
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mwe | z9999: hmm. it's supposed to mention the drivers loaded I think | 03:21 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: programs designed to give attacker root access to your computer, usually also hiding themselves | 03:21 |
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mwe | z9999: ndiswrapper -l didn't show hardware present, did it? | 03:22 |
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z9999 | mwe: No and that's what I was curious about. | 03:22 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, right :D so far it has found nothing except for some suspicious files and dirs | 03:22 |
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meenfreem | one sec | 03:23 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: those are way more common than viruses on Linux, though they need some way in | 03:23 |
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NET||abuse | i'm trying to get some -dev packages for building beryl packages here, but i'm having trouble locating some packages. | 03:23 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: it usually in a normal situation finds nothing suspicious | 03:23 |
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mwe | z9999: can you pastebin lspci -v again? | 03:23 |
NET||abuse | i need to get libgnome-window-settings.dev | 03:23 |
NET||abuse | -dev | 03:23 |
LinuxHelp | When I type ll, I get: -rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 209 2006-11-20 12:47 backup-misha.cron What does the first "2" mean? | 03:23 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: so you might want to put the results into a pastebin | 03:24 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, errr.... | 03:24 |
thecustodian | hello! does anyone know what has happend to packages.ubuntu.com. Instead of the package search there is only a apache default webpage | 03:24 |
Lynoure | !pastebin | meenfreem | 03:24 |
ubotu | meenfreem: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:24 |
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meenfreem | !pastebin | 03:25 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:25 |
ayaa | !deal-ead | 03:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deal-ead - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:25 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, how do i copy it from terminal btw? | 03:25 |
ayaa | !deal-head | 03:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deal-head - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:25 |
rickympl | hello. i have 2 sound cards, one onboard (VIA) and a Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07), and some bootups the default sound card is one and other bootups it changes to the other card, how can i stop this? how can i make one the default card forever? | 03:25 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32930/ | 03:26 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, and now the laptop has it again too.... | 03:27 |
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z9999 | mwe: OK it's 32931, and sorry for the slowness, I'm near Laos in Northern Thailand and we are using the computer to document plant research, orchids primarily. | 03:27 |
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rickympl | also, xchat seems to crash from time to time | 03:28 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[3998] ) is a common false positive. Did you get your java package from a trustworthy source? | 03:29 |
eg_linux | Kingsqueak: Hiiii | 03:29 |
eg_linux | Kingsqueak: r u remember me ? | 03:29 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, i have not recently installed java... did that with the actual install over a year ago | 03:29 |
scole | rickympl: disable the onboard sound card in your BIOS setup | 03:30 |
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pettern | im having some problems with the module cx88. is there any way to make ubuntu search for needed modules again? | 03:31 |
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mwe | z9999: on ndiswrapper.sf.net is says you need ndiswrapper -i both the .inf and .sys file from the driver | 03:31 |
sladen | NET||abuse: apt-get build-dep beryl | 03:31 |
mwe | z9999: did you do that? I believe one of them is the firmware | 03:31 |
rickympl | scole, ok ill try that, thx | 03:31 |
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crispo | hello | 03:32 |
jimmi | hi | 03:32 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: hard to say anything about that. Looking into this kind of things is pain remotely, without access to the computer (and without getting paid). Your easiest option is really a reinstall, I'm afraid, but if you back up files and take them into use cautiously, the whole process should not take more than an hour total, for all of the computers involved. | 03:32 |
rickympl | any ideas as to why xchat crashes, how do i check the logs if any? | 03:32 |
mwe | z9999: bcmwl5.inf and bcmwl5.sys | 03:32 |
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NET||abuse | sladen: doesn't work | 03:32 |
z9999 | mwe: Something incorrect with them? | 03:32 |
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world_citizen | hi everyone | 03:33 |
LadyNikon | hi | 03:33 |
NET||abuse | doesn't add any new packages, but this libgnome-windows-settings-dev is being a problem in the compilation of beryl | 03:33 |
sladen | NET||abuse: what error message do you get, are you on dapper (6.06LTS, or 6.10, or edgy?) | 03:33 |
world_citizen | I am a newbee to ubuntu | 03:33 |
NET||abuse | sladen: dapper, | 03:33 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, I'll reinstall then... there's not too much to backup anyways. | 03:33 |
sladen | world_citizen: greetings, welcome | 03:33 |
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world_citizen | can i request help with setting up my monitor in gui | 03:33 |
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Fred_Sambo | i've been using ubuntu for a year and i'm still a n00b. :p | 03:34 |
mwe | z9999: I think the driver is probably ok. you just need to do ndiswrapper -i the .inf file as well as the .sys file for it | 03:34 |
NET||abuse | 6.06.1 LTS | 03:34 |
mwe | z9999: I least that's how I understand it | 03:34 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: take care, sorry that you had such unpleasantly interesting times | 03:34 |
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Arepie | is it okey if i install beryl with this warning --> libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b ?? | 03:34 |
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NET||abuse | sladen: litterally i get Unmet build dependencies: libgnome-window-settings-dev | 03:35 |
sladen | NET||abuse: I think will have to get the packages from backports (if they are availble); beryl is very recent code under active development---the packages are in edgy but not really suitable for the stable versions of ubuntu that have already been released | 03:35 |
world_citizen | hi ladynikon | 03:35 |
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Zyclop | !resolution | 03:35 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 03:35 |
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sladen | Arepie: yes, should be fine. | 03:35 |
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NET||abuse | sladen: hmm, i'll investigate my backports deb lines in sources | 03:35 |
Arepie | sladen: before i install.. | 03:35 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, thanks for the help in any case! I'll go home now and reinstall tomorrow | 03:35 |
Arepie | sladen: how can i check that my aiglx is working fine? | 03:36 |
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LacunaV | Is there a way to shut down the x-server without it restarting again? | 03:36 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: unplug from the net or turn off the computers for the night, just in case | 03:36 |
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Arepie | LacunaV: ctrl+alt+backspace | 03:36 |
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sladen | NET||abuse: libgnome-window-settings-dev is the replacement for 'gnome-control-center' ; if you modify the build-dependancies in beryl-.../debian/control and replace 'libgnome-window-settings-dev' with 'gnome-control-center' you maybe able to build the package; however it really is very new technology | 03:36 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: because if they have been broken into, last thing you want is the risk of them attacking some third party | 03:36 |
Toma- | LacunaV: /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 03:36 |
z9999 | mwe: Should use sudo when doing this ? | 03:37 |
LacunaV | Arepie: But that just restarts it | 03:37 |
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mwe | z9999: right | 03:37 |
Viroo | if i want to know what exactly goin on my pc, what should i do.. I mean now I am running totem.. i want to see whats going in behind.. to trace the cause of a problem i suffer from sound | 03:37 |
sladen | Arepie: your desktop will start to fade and wobble everywhere! | 03:37 |
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LacunaV | I want to have just the console | 03:37 |
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sladen | Arepie: (assuming you have compiz running) | 03:37 |
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NET||abuse | sladen: :) i've been building beryl for a few months now... i should be better on this lark, but hacking around with the dependancies won't be a problem | 03:37 |
Toma- | LacunaV: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop' from a console | 03:37 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, very true! Will do! and we'll reinstall all the machines in the morning | 03:37 |
LacunaV | Toma-: Thank you, will try | 03:37 |
NET||abuse | sladen: just letting it's go through the build again and see what it comes acropper of this time, | 03:38 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: if you feel like it, feel free to tell me how the reinstall went, when you are done with it | 03:38 |
NET||abuse | just confirm this problem | 03:38 |
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jazzrocker | is there a way to get grep to out what what doesn't match the regex? | 03:38 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, sure thing! I'll log in tomorrow sometime | 03:38 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: I'm here pretty much always, idle or awake | 03:38 |
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KenSentMe | I use the s key in mplayer to make a screenshot. How can i see where it is saved? | 03:38 |
z9999 | mwe: sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf says is already installed, should I remove it and reinstall it or try the .sys file first | 03:38 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, okay... wish me luck... grrr, not for the back-ups. | 03:39 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: how about "good luck with everything!" | 03:39 |
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meenfreem | Lynoure, thanks, we'll need it! | 03:40 |
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Toma- | what fstab options should i have for a 2ndary ext3 drive in fstab, accessable by all? | 03:41 |
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Toma- | just defaults? | 03:42 |
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sladen | jazzrocker: grep -v inVerts the matching | 03:42 |
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Dink | Anyone successful in installing any version of ubuntu on the ps3 ?? | 03:43 |
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Toma- | Dink: id stick to ydl | 03:44 |
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Dink | thats 1 more week of waiting :p | 03:44 |
Toma- | :~< | 03:44 |
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Nukez | hi | 03:45 |
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justin_ | In synaptic when I install something, and it install extras stuff.. generally libs but sometimes bin's etc --- how do I remove the original package + everything else it installed along with it? | 03:45 |
Nukez | could anyone please tell me how to mount a windows HD in ubuntu? | 03:45 |
justin_ | is it apt-get purge package? | 03:45 |
gnomefreak | justin_: sudo apt-get remove --purge package | 03:45 |
justin_ | Nukez: mount /dev/hd? /mnt/drivewhatever | 03:45 |
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gnomefreak | justin_: that will not get rid of depends | 03:46 |
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justin_ | gnomefreak: How do I get rid of it all then? like KDELIBS -- I want to remove everything else it installed with itsself | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | justin_: apt doesnt remove depends but aptitude does if installed with aptitude or use deborphan | 03:46 |
gnomefreak | justin_: do you want to remove all kde things? | 03:46 |
justin_ | gnomefreak: Ok, I already use gtkorphan.. so doesn't matter | 03:46 |
RobNyc[] | Anyone here has a ATI X1k Series w/ AIGLX? | 03:47 |
justin_ | gnomefreak: Only kdelibs-devel, -- and maybe all of KDE if it keeps going this way :)) | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | justin_: removing libqt3-mt will remove all kde apps and libs | 03:47 |
justin_ | gnomefreak: NIce | 03:47 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, sorry... my samba seems ffed to, and we have a external hard disk.... would make my backup life a lot shorter... | 03:47 |
gnomefreak | will also remove anything that uses qt instead of gtk | 03:47 |
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NET||abuse | sladen: nuts, problems are a little more extensive... configure: error: Package requirements ( xrender >= 0.8.4 gtk+-2.0 >= 2.8.0 libwnck-1.0 beryl gconf-2.0 pangocairo libmetacity-private >= 2.15.21) were not met: Requested 'libmetacity-private >= 2.15.21' but version of libmetacity-private is 2.14.5 | 03:48 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: if there is not much to backup, how about the traditional burning of cd or dvd? | 03:48 |
justin_ | gnomefreak: In Synpatic what is the difference between "removal" and "complete" removal? --- is "complete removal" the same as --purge vs a simple 'remove' command? | 03:48 |
ayaa | I got a dual-screen enabled graphic card (ati) on my laptop, i would like to get my second workspace linked to my second screen in my gnome desktop, anyone can help ? | 03:48 |
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gnomefreak | justin_: yes | 03:48 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, got some 30gb of data to back up | 03:48 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: btw, I got Checking `z2'... chklastlog: nothing deleted | 03:48 |
justin_ | gnomefreak: Wonderful | 03:48 |
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gnomefreak | justin_: but purge only removes config files with the package you are removing | 03:49 |
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rogue780 | does anyone know how to backup all thunderbird data including addressbook, messages, and junkmail filter settings? | 03:49 |
justin_ | I was starting to believe it was the exact same thing | 03:49 |
archis | hello, a java question ... | 03:49 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, reckon that means that someone was on the system? | 03:49 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: so that last line might mean something. (otherwise I would have assumed probably not, as ubuntu uses sudo, not root) | 03:49 |
gnomefreak | rogue780: ~/.thunderbird? or ~/.mozilla | 03:49 |
pettern | can i run hardware detection scripts to make sure that i have the right modules? | 03:50 |
archis | I want to install Sun Java 1.5 on Edgy | 03:50 |
rogue780 | gnomefreak, that's all? | 03:50 |
justin_ | I was starting to believe that the linux installation system was flawed.. if it could not remove the "aux" packs that install with main programs.. unless you do it manually, which would waste a lot of time and diskspace.. | 03:50 |
sladen | NET||abuse: I think the best thing might be to find the ubuntu backports guys | 03:50 |
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NET||abuse | nadgers :( | 03:50 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, ah... that would make sense | 03:50 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: In cases like this, erring on the side of caution is the thing to do, unfortunately | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | rogue780: whatever ~/.file holds the files for thunderbird | 03:50 |
rogue780 | gnomefreak, thanks | 03:50 |
gnomefreak | i dont have stock thunderbird so i cant look for the right files right now | 03:50 |
archis | I'm a little confused cause there are different instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java and here https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/java.html | 03:50 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, and rightfully so... just sucks now that I can't access the external hdd for back ups :( ahwell | 03:51 |
archis | one says go to the sun web site, the other says install from multiverse | 03:51 |
sladen | NET||abuse: I think they hang around at http://backports.ubuntuforums.org/ bug should be able to help you (you could request a backport for beryl) | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | archis: sudo apt-ge tinstall sun-java5-plugin :) | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | archis: the one from multiverse is the easy way to install the same package | 03:51 |
NET||abuse | sladen: hmm | 03:51 |
Toma- | what fstab options should i have for a 2ndary ext3 drive in fstab, accessable by all? 'defaults' is not working. | 03:51 |
archis | gnomefreak: sun-java5-bin or sun-java5-plugin | 03:52 |
NET||abuse | sladen: well i'm kinda interested in keeping beryl available on dapper | 03:52 |
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gnomefreak | sladen: i doubt it will enter edgy (beryl) in repos but its being worked on for feisty | 03:52 |
NET||abuse | sladen: i've had it working quite well up till now,, havn't compiled ina week, was working back then, now it's borked. | 03:52 |
gnomefreak | archis: plugin installs bin and jre | 03:52 |
Flats | Anyone have KVirc running on their Ubuntu? | 03:52 |
Fred_Sambo | i am loading gnewsense into a virtual machine today | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | NET||abuse: dapper will never see beryl other than from 3rd party repos because of the need for xgl | 03:53 |
Lynoure | meenfreem: I'd prolly march into a store and get an external usb disk for this. There bound to be some use for it later. | 03:53 |
z9999 | mwe: Thigs just got worse, I went ahead and did the sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.sys and it appeared to install, but now ndiswrapper -l shows invalid driver | 03:53 |
NET||abuse | gnomefreak: need for xgl? i have it runnning with no xgl. | 03:53 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, might be right again :D I'm starting to like the bearer of bad news now :S | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | NET||abuse: dapper doesnt use xorg7.1 it should need xgl to run the nvidia 9xxx series drivers arnt normally enough unless it has been hacked in last 2 weeks | 03:54 |
sladen | NET||abuse: where was the copy of beryl(?) you had working from? | 03:54 |
NET||abuse | sladen: i compiled it from svn | 03:54 |
NET||abuse | gnomefreak: i'm on the ati radeon 7500 | 03:54 |
NET||abuse | mobility.. .heh | 03:55 |
archis | gnomefreak, so is the sun web site download meant for breezy only or what? | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | NET||abuse: compiling it might have made the difference | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | archis: pretty much | 03:55 |
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NET||abuse | gnomefreak: i had to throw alot of extra packages at it | 03:55 |
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gnomefreak | archis: you can download it from sun too | 03:55 |
archis | gnomefreak, ok cool I'm just wondering :) | 03:56 |
gnomefreak | archis: it was put in apt when it becames the first stage of OpenSource to make it easier for people to get | 03:56 |
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gnomefreak | became | 03:56 |
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archis | gnomefreak, ok great thx | 03:57 |
gnomefreak | java announced last week or week before it is OpenSource with a GPL license. we are hoping to move it to main repo but its being worked on | 03:57 |
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windowz_exile | anyone know why traffic from my fresh ubuntu box would make a network monitor see Orical database traffic? | 03:57 |
gnomefreak | the move may only be for feisty though not sure yet | 03:57 |
sladen | windowz_exile: something on a particular port that Oracle is known is normally use? | 03:57 |
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archis | gnomefreak, ok cool | 03:58 |
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Toma- | windowz_exile: are you using nmap? | 03:58 |
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NET||abuse | hmm, ok i have an error says couldn't load plugin 'gconf' but other than that, beryl is rnning, i have cubes and wobbly windows.. | 03:58 |
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windowz_exile | i have just been told it was.. im not the one who noticed the traffic.. im about to check it out myself. | 03:58 |
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Toma- | windowz_exile: id use nmap on the system and scan it locally | 03:59 |
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Lynoure | meenfreem: Some say 90% of sysadmins have noticed a breaking at some point and 10% just haven't noticed it yet | 03:59 |
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confusco | hi | 04:00 |
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ajgenius | anyone know if am I going to have to custom patch and build a kernel for a macbook? the default "works" but I can't get the touchpad scroll, or function key working, and I found something about patches.. | 04:03 |
Toma- | ajgenius: its not that hard to do really | 04:03 |
meenfreem | Lynoure, well, we're going to back up shit tonight and tomorrow, I'll unplug the system while we're out to be safe... talk to you tomorrow (I hope) | 04:03 |
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confusco | hi | 04:04 |
Some_Person | Is there an alternate to my modem's $20 linux drivers? | 04:05 |
Toma- | Some_Person: is it a winmodem? | 04:05 |
Some_Person | It's a conexant modem. | 04:05 |
Toma- | Some_Person: ouch. it costs about $10 for a 2nd hand external modem :) | 04:05 |
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Some_Person | Well, is there some other driver that might work? | 04:06 |
ajgenius | Toma-: what isn't? I can patch/build a kernel if needed no problem. done that way to many times before. | 04:06 |
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rickyfingers | Some_Person: what kind of modem is it, pci, isa, external... | 04:07 |
Some_Person | PCI | 04:07 |
confusco | why $20 linux drivers? | 04:09 |
rickyfingers | Some_Person: I see this linuxant page, they have the free slow driver | 04:09 |
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Some_Person | Not worth it. | 04:10 |
rickyfingers | Some_Person: maybe you could hack that one | 04:10 |
Some_Person | But I did find http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190728 | 04:10 |
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Some_Person | That links to a different driver. | 04:10 |
melon | is there any method for removing the text from under desktop icons? | 04:11 |
quiet | the free driver is for testing to see if the driver actually works with your modem... if it does, then you can pay the $20 and get the full thing. | 04:11 |
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Some_Person | 13 year olds can't pay $20. | 04:11 |
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quiet | but I don't know of any dial-up nowadays that's cheaper than basics DSL so it's not worth it. | 04:12 |
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quiet | why not? | 04:12 |
quiet | 13-year-olds don't have the ability to have money? | 04:12 |
quiet | i did. | 04:12 |
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ucordes | someone has a good noob guide on shell script writing? | 04:12 |
quiet | i used to buy books and CD's from amazon when I was 13... i'd just give my mom the cash and she'd use her credit card. | 04:13 |
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calumm | hiya, i've just recently dug my laptop out of the corner and when in ubuntu, whenever i open a window it is displayed over the menu bar so i can't drag it. any ideas? | 04:13 |
quiet | ucordes, tldp.org | 04:13 |
ucordes | quit: thanks | 04:13 |
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quiet | ucordes, there are also o'reilly books ... of course they're not free. | 04:13 |
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calumm | so should i just reinstall? | 04:14 |
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calumm | or is it something pretty simple | 04:14 |
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calumm | should i try a different window manager? | 04:14 |
quiet | try a diff. user. | 04:15 |
quiet | maybe your theme settings got borked. | 04:15 |
calumm | perhaps | 04:15 |
calumm | i shall try that | 04:15 |
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Some_Person | my parents dont let me have money | 04:15 |
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quiet | o_O | 04:16 |
Yuan | just a question | 04:16 |
Biff | ucordes: ABS is a good book/guide | 04:16 |
Yuan | how to swap on my swap | 04:16 |
quiet | <insert answer here> | 04:16 |
=== DerD [n=derd2@p54B3D1AF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | Yuan, please explain. | 04:16 |
Yuan | I edit my /etc/fstab | 04:16 |
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calumm | brb! | 04:17 |
Yuan | /dev/ hda5 swap swap 0 0 | 04:17 |
quiet | moving swap to a different partition? | 04:17 |
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Lynoure | Some_Person: Want to talk about that on #ubuntu-offline? | 04:17 |
confusco | Some_Person, why not? | 04:17 |
Yuan | but i just can't use swap -a | 04:17 |
quiet | swapoff /dev/oldswappartition && swapon /dev/newswappartition | 04:17 |
Yuan | what dose swapon -s print on the screen ? | 04:18 |
ucordes | Biff: i'm looking for a guide on writing simple shell scripts | 04:18 |
calumm | quiet: yes, that seemed to do the trick | 04:18 |
calumm | who knows | 04:18 |
calumm | thanks anyway | 04:18 |
quiet | :) | 04:18 |
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calumm | i leave now | 04:18 |
Biff | ucordes: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ | 04:18 |
rickympl | how can i start a program in terminal, having all messages that are associated with that program written to a file, for checking the cause of a crash? | 04:18 |
Some_Person | wahoo! "Rafael Espndola has ported the latest open source Conexant driver to 2.6.x kernels." | 04:19 |
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quiet | rickympl, man script | 04:19 |
floating | is there a method to connect a computer isn this lan. I can ping it. it is a windows computer. (without installing any samba or such) from terminal.. ? | 04:19 |
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floating | connect to, dl a file | 04:19 |
windowz_exile | rdesktop | 04:19 |
rickyfingers | rickympl: type program-name 2>&1 | tee file-name that'll grab everything | 04:20 |
dabaR | floating: does the windows computer have file sharing turned on, and a shared folder, and _the_ file in a shared folder? | 04:20 |
rickympl | rickyfingers, thank you | 04:20 |
rickympl | quiet, thx 2 | 04:20 |
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ucordes | Biff: thank you. but is there also a beginners guide? | 04:21 |
rickyfingers | rickympl: don't thank me thank google | 04:21 |
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melon | hehe - note to self: don't use vncviewer to try to open my own desktop to see if it works.. | 04:21 |
floating | dabaR: yea | 04:21 |
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rickympl | k | 04:21 |
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Biff | ucordes: it should be decent for beginners, it starts pretty easy | 04:21 |
rickyfingers | melon: did you get infinite regress of desktops? I've done that with dameware before | 04:21 |
windowz_exile | floating: samba is easy enough to configure... it works | 04:22 |
dabaR | floating: use Places>Connect to server, choose windows share, type in the IP of the win comp into the server field, then connect | 04:22 |
Biff | give it a shot and see if you understand :) | 04:22 |
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melon | lol - yeah.. took me a few before i figured out what the hell to do.. | 04:22 |
windowz_exile | dabaR: wont he need samba | 04:22 |
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dabaR | windowz_exile: samba is used for sharing files from the Ubuntu to the windows computer. | 04:22 |
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Biff | floating: if you want something that works outside nautilus; check out fusesmb | 04:23 |
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floating | thanks! | 04:24 |
dabaR | floating: you managed? | 04:24 |
floating | um, actually I became busy now, leaving the computer, but your explanat. was clear enough, when check back log later | 04:25 |
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floating | but, bbl \> | 04:26 |
dabaR | k | 04:26 |
rickympl | rickyfingers, can i do this to menu entries as well? | 04:26 |
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rickyfingers | rickympl: Are you saying that you want to capture error messages written to the console when you launch the app from the console, you click on a menu, the app dies, and you want to see what these error messages are? | 04:27 |
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rickyfingers | rickympl: in that case, it all depends on how concientious the developers were about error messaging. | 04:28 |
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rickympl | no, i mean, i want to start an app from the menu, which has been dying for some reason, and want to check for errors. | 04:28 |
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dabaR | rickympl: that is what he/she said. | 04:29 |
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grout | some of the letters in terminal are coliding, mostly M's and W's anyone know why this would happen | 04:29 |
rickyfingers | rickympl: ah ha, no i don't know how to redirect the i/o in that case. It may be possible but I don't know how to do it. | 04:29 |
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rickympl | dabar, thats not wut he said--- Are you saying that you want to capture error messages written to the console when you launch the app from the console, you click on a menu, the app dies, and you want to see what these error messages are? | 04:30 |
rickyfingers | Let me think....aren't error messages always logged somewhere? | 04:30 |
dabaR | might be /var/log:-/ | 04:30 |
rickyfingers | dabaR: yeah, I'm just trying to think of which log would be the best to check | 04:30 |
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rickyfingers | rickympl: I guess you could try grep -i application-name * in the /var/log directory, and that would tell you wich log to look in | 04:31 |
rickympl | cool | 04:31 |
rickympl | ill check that,thx | 04:32 |
rickyfingers | rickympl: if the app. did indeed have it's error messaging logged. | 04:32 |
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AlinuxOS | Hello People, I'm trying to add beryl-manager in gnome-session-properties , but everytime i reboot the app won't start and if I look in gnome-session-properties " beryl-manager" isn't there anymore | 04:32 |
frederick85 | I installed php5-gd but still getting undefined function when I run gd_info() | 04:32 |
rickympl | rickyfingers, thx. | 04:33 |
kuja | My Ubuntu keeps crashing everynow and then when doing random operations. It's an Ubuntu installation running off an external USB harddrive. Are there any precautions I should be taking? | 04:33 |
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Zambezi | How do I configure the networkssettings in the terminal? I totally forgot and don't have a clue where to begin to look. | 04:34 |
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dabaR | Zambezi: there is a /et/network/interfaces file to configure the interfaces | 04:35 |
MarcN | Zambezi: $EDITOR /etc/network/interfaces | 04:35 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: ifconfig | 04:35 |
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Zambezi | dabaR, MarcN rickyfingers I need to check. | 04:36 |
kuja | There is also network-admin | 04:36 |
Zambezi | dabaR, MarcN rickyfingers I forgot to say it static IP. | 04:36 |
dabaR | Zambezi: check what? | 04:37 |
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MarcN | Zambezi: use ifconfig to see what the current network settings are. See /etc/network/interfaces to see the configuration. | 04:37 |
Zambezi | dabaR, In the file what there was for information. | 04:37 |
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MarcN | Zambezi: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to restart | 04:37 |
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Zambezi | MarcN, There's no information at all cause I have DHCP, but soon I have a temporary connection and then I probably get static and I need to know howto configure it before I'll go there. | 04:39 |
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frederick85 | I installed php5-gd but still getting undefined function when I run gd_info() | 04:40 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: if you have DHCP you can connect with dhclient <interface-name> | 04:40 |
dabaR | Zambezi: man /etc/network/interfaces will show you how to set up static IP | 04:40 |
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Zambezi | dabaR, I hate those manuals. I'll try, but it will never work and then I'm there and need to install Windows instead. | 04:41 |
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trappist | dabaR: that's man interfaces | 04:41 |
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Chetic | What's the best (yet relatively simple) cd-writing software? | 04:42 |
Zambezi | rickyfingers, It's fine now, but not on the temporary connection which is another place then at home. | 04:42 |
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Zambezi | Chetic, K3B is simple, but it sucks on erasing RW-media. | 04:42 |
dabaR | Zambezi: man interfaces, rather | 04:43 |
Chetic | Zambezi, Anything that isn't KDE? I think it might take a bit too long for me to download all those libs.. | 04:43 |
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rickyfingers | Zambezi: I see. the quick and dirty way to put an ip address on a network interface is just ifconfig <interface-name> <ip-address> netmask <netmask> | 04:43 |
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RaYCoNeN | hi | 04:43 |
RaYCoNeN | i can't install my ubuntu 6.10 | 04:43 |
RaYCoNeN | :S | 04:43 |
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rickyfingers | then put the line nameserver <nameserver-ip-addres> in /etc/resolv.conf | 04:44 |
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evilmercer | whats the easiest way to install gnome on ubuntu server? | 04:44 |
Zambezi | Chetic, Gnomebaker? | 04:44 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: then type route add default gw <default gateway ip adddress> | 04:44 |
MarcN | evilmercer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 04:44 |
evilmercer | thx | 04:44 |
rickyfingers | but why go through all that hassle? If you're using ubuntu, just change the network settings under system | 04:45 |
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_TomB | Are there any applications that can go through a filesystem and remove any files which can be deleted? | 04:45 |
Zambezi | rickyfingers, That's the way I prefer, but how to write it is something I'm unsure off. | 04:45 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@77.detroit-16-18rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zambezi | rickyfingers, Can you take it again in PM? | 04:45 |
rickyfingers | Sure. | 04:46 |
Caplain | how do i use metacity instead of gnome? | 04:46 |
Zambezi | rickyfingers, Thanks. | 04:46 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: I'm pm'ing you now. | 04:46 |
RaYCoNeN | Hello, I cannot install my ubuntu 6.10, I insert the cd change the language and I give to install... starts to load and to the while the screen stays in black and it doesn't continue.. | 04:48 |
yango | frederick85, got it | 04:49 |
yango | frederick85, did you ? | 04:49 |
RaYCoNeN | I have also attempted it with the version alternative | 04:49 |
frederick85 | yango, got what? | 04:49 |
yango | frederick85, the solution | 04:49 |
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RaYCoNeN | could somebody help me? | 04:49 |
yango | frederick85, it was explained in /usr/share/doc/php5-gd/ | 04:49 |
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jabra | anyone run a vserver on dapper | 04:50 |
yango | frederick85, it was explained in /usr/share/doc/php5-gd/README.Debian.gz | 04:50 |
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frederick85 | yango, can you fill me in with what it's saying | 04:50 |
frederick85 | i'm not on my linux machine atm | 04:50 |
yango | frederick85, the solution is to put extension=gd.so first, not last. (In fact the solution is just moving around that line until it works :S) | 04:50 |
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rickyfingers | Zambezi: it's all there in the PM are you still here? | 04:50 |
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rickyfingers | Zambezi: or are you not getting the messages because I'm forgetting something? | 04:51 |
frederick85 | yango, so where do you put it exactly | 04:51 |
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RaYCoNeN | :S | 04:51 |
pepegodo | hi | 04:51 |
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Zambezi | rickyfingers, I get them. | 04:51 |
yango | frederick85, I put it on line 568 | 04:51 |
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tahorg | /win 11 | 04:51 |
tahorg | oops. | 04:52 |
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Zambezi | rickyfingers, Sorry. Hold a minute. | 04:52 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: so those commands will change your ip address temporarily, but they'll be wiped out when you reboot | 04:52 |
frederick85 | yango, works fine now? | 04:52 |
yango | frederick85, yes | 04:52 |
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Ius | I'm quite sure I could find a graphical FTP client for gnome, but could someone recommend me one? ;) | 04:52 |
frederick85 | if so thanks very much, not I can get along with my lamp educations | 04:52 |
frederick85 | ;) | 04:52 |
dabaR | Ius: nautilus itself, or gftp | 04:53 |
Zambezi | rickyfingers, I need to register the name with the password. Just hold until I can find the note. | 04:53 |
frederick85 | yango, bbl | 04:53 |
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yango | ubotu: bug reports | 04:53 |
Ius | I'll give gftp a shot | 04:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bug reports - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:53 |
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RaYCoNeN | could somebody help me? please | 04:53 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: /msg nickserv register <user-name> | 04:53 |
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rickyfingers | Zambezi: /msg nickserv identify <password> | 04:54 |
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rickyfingers | RayCoNeN: that depends on what the question really is. | 04:54 |
confusco | la lel alela | 04:55 |
susscorfa | exit | 04:55 |
Skyrail | I got this error but I can only remember parts of it let me just put a few things together: $HOME/.dmrc, 644 permissions, can't keep default language and soemthing else or something, any ideas what I've done wrong? I did change file permissions but... | 04:55 |
z9999 | help with wireless ? | 04:55 |
RaYCoNeN | I cannot install my ubuntu 6.10, I insert the cd change the language and I give to install... starts to load and to the while the screen stays in black and it doesn't continue..I have also attempted it with the version alternative | 04:55 |
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rickyfingers | RayCoNen: I had this problem with 64 bit install of ubuntu. had to flash my bios before it would work | 04:56 |
confusco | !wireless | 04:56 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 04:56 |
quiet | !ask | 04:56 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:56 |
rickyfingers | z9999: after you've checked out the help at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs, if you've still got issues I can help. | 04:57 |
z9999 | ubotu: Yes, I've spent over a month there and googling, FAQs etc. and am looking for someone who can help as we have mde no progress at all. | 04:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Yes, I've spent over a month there and googling, FAQs etc. and am looking for someone who can help as we have mde no progress at all. - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:57 |
confusco | lol | 04:58 |
ashaffer | So has anybody connected to a doze/osx shared music connection from iTunes on ubuntu? If so, how can I accomplish this? | 04:58 |
Skyrail | Anyone got any ideas? | 04:58 |
rickyfingers | z9999: what stage of the game are you at? Do you have the module (driver) loaded | 04:58 |
unimatrix9 | ubutu: i love you | 04:58 |
Zambezi | rickyfingers, /join #fkf9f0f0fkffjfkjf | 04:58 |
unimatrix9 | ;p | 04:58 |
rickyfingers | /join #fkf9f0f0fkffjfkjf | 04:58 |
RaYCoNeN | richiefrich,but this alone it happens to me with the version 6, with the old ones I didn't spend | 04:58 |
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ashaffer | very descript channel name there | 04:59 |
z9999 | rickyfingers: It now appears we need to start from the Very beginning as things are worse than a few hours ago. I can no longer get the bcmwl5.sys file to load at all | 04:59 |
rickyfingers | Zambezi: I'm getting an error message when I do that, why don't we just pm I just saw your last message | 04:59 |
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Zambezi | rickyfingers, I can't for some reason. Did you get my "testmessages?" | 05:00 |
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Some_Person | help me! | 05:01 |
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confusco | with? | 05:01 |
Some_Person | i installed a bad deb package | 05:01 |
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Some_Person | and synaptic says i need to reinstall it | 05:02 |
Some_Person | but when i try | 05:02 |
rickyfingers | RayCoNeN, here's what my situation was, dapper 64 bit installed no problem, but when I installed edgy, I ran into the | 05:02 |
Some_Person | it gives an error | 05:02 |
Some_Person | i cant install packages | 05:02 |
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nile | Some_Person, what error? | 05:02 |
Some_Person | i cant access synaptic | 05:02 |
Some_Person | no error message | 05:02 |
Some_Person | just says i need to reinstall | 05:02 |
nile | what says you need to reinstall? | 05:02 |
DjViper | hey, I have a stupid question: how do I copy/paste files in File Browser when I need root priviledges to do so? | 05:03 |
DjViper | trying to install codecs for mplayer | 05:03 |
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Some_Person | it says i need to reinstall the bad package | 05:03 |
dusan | ALSA snd_pcm_open error: No such file or directory | 05:03 |
Some_Person | but it gives an error when i do | 05:03 |
DjViper | in /usr/lib/codecs/ | 05:03 |
z9999 | Can someone point me to where I can find help installing a wireless connection in Dapper, besides the forums, FAQs, wikis, etc., which we have exhausted already? | 05:03 |
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dusan | i receive this kind of error when i try to play sound? | 05:03 |
Skyrail | I got this error but I can only remember parts of it let me just put a few things together: $HOME/.dmrc, 644 permissions, can't keep default language and soemthing else or something, any ideas what I've done wrong? I did change file permissions but... | 05:03 |
confusco | dJviper | 05:03 |
Some_Person | please please please help me | 05:03 |
dabaR | DjViper: either do it from command line(safer) or run nautilus with gksudo(less so) | 05:03 |
dusan | sound worked fine, and after one reboot...it stopped | 05:04 |
nile | Some_Person, *what* is asking? the icon in the panel? synaptic? something in the terminal? | 05:04 |
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dusan | did anyone got such an error? | 05:04 |
DjViper | dabaR: how do I run gksudo/nautilus? | 05:04 |
RaYCoNeN | richiefrich: thank you, I will try this way it to see that it happens... | 05:04 |
DjViper | im a total n00b | 05:04 |
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Some_Person | synapti says i need to reinstall the package myself | 05:04 |
dabaR | Skyrail: what are the permissions on your ~? ls -ld ~ | 05:04 |
Some_Person | since it cant find the installer file | 05:04 |
confusco | try this: gksudo nautilus | 05:04 |
dabaR | DjViper: gksudo nautilus | 05:04 |
Some_Person | which is on another partition | 05:04 |
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nile | Some_Person, what package was it? where did you get it? | 05:05 |
confusco | in the terminal | 05:05 |
confusco | Accesories>Terminal | 05:05 |
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dusan | anyone willing to help about sound problem? :) | 05:05 |
DjViper | dabaR: okay, thanks | 05:05 |
dabaR | dusan: check whether anything is muted in the sound under system>prefs>sound | 05:05 |
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Some_Person | please | 05:06 |
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dabaR | Some_Person: give more info | 05:06 |
Some_Person | is there some way i can manually delete it from the repos | 05:06 |
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nile | plod, ar you listening to me? | 05:06 |
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nile | plod, sorry, that wasn't for you | 05:07 |
plod | np | 05:07 |
plod | :) | 05:07 |
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nile | Some_Person, did you see my last message? what was the name of the package and where did you get it from? | 05:07 |
unimatrix9 | apt-get remove packagename | 05:07 |
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Some_Person | ok, it was my stupid modem driver, but it is a good package, i just did something wrong (and i know what) | 05:08 |
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Some_Person | i had version 7 already installed | 05:08 |
Akuma_ | whats pcm? | 05:08 |
Some_Person | and i installed version 6 while 7 was running | 05:08 |
klm- | does anyone know of a HL1 / CS map editor for linux? | 05:08 |
DjViper | another dumb question: will konversation work with ubuntu? | 05:08 |
Skyrail | dabaR: drwx------ 38 aled aled 4096 2006-11-20 15:47 /home/aled is what I get | 05:08 |
nile | Some_Person, run "sudo apt-get --purge remove nameofthatbadpackage" | 05:08 |
z9999 | rickyfingers: I was getting help earlier but the helper disappeared, and now we can't get any drivers to load at all. | 05:08 |
Some_Person | somehow, that led to a corrupt thing in the repos | 05:08 |
nile | DjViper, yup. KDE packages work under GNOME and vice versa | 05:09 |
Some_Person | thanks, i'll switch over to ubuntu and try it | 05:09 |
dabaR | Skyrail that sounds fine, where do you get the error? | 05:09 |
rickyfingers | z9999: I'm sorry I was chatting with someone else | 05:09 |
unimatrix9 | apt-get -- \purge remove NameOfPackage | 05:09 |
z9999 | rickyfingers: Go ahead, I'll wait if you think you might be able to help. | 05:09 |
rickyfingers | z9999: I just got a phone call, and I have to run. I'll be back around 19:30/20:00 GMT | 05:09 |
unimatrix9 | thats --purge | 05:10 |
confusco | what's -purge do? | 05:10 |
Some_Person | more likely --purge | 05:10 |
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dabaR | confusco: removes config files and such | 05:10 |
unimatrix9 | remove package and configuration file | 05:10 |
dooglus | confusco: -purge does this: "E: Command line option p [from -purge] is not known." | 05:10 |
dooglus | confusco: you need to use a double '-' for long flag names | 05:11 |
confusco | yes | 05:11 |
=== SUSaiyan [n=susaiyan@cc84863-b.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
z9999 | Anyone else here have a good knowlege of wireless installation? | 05:11 |
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calumm | is this the right channel to be asking about broken compiz dependencies? | 05:11 |
dooglus | !xgl | 05:11 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 05:11 |
NET||abuse | hmm, lftp on cygwin blows.. | 05:11 |
=== Kelmi [n=Kelmi@dsl-hkibras1-ff41c000-121.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NET||abuse | have alot of trouble getting macine to login correctly | 05:12 |
Skyrail | dabaR: when I login, I type in my username, then my password press enter and it comes up with that error | 05:12 |
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calumm | thanks dooglus | 05:12 |
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abhinay | hi there ! | 05:13 |
dabaR | Skyrail: try changing the permissions to 711 | 05:13 |
Kelmi | Good evening! :) | 05:13 |
confusco | hello | 05:13 |
Skyrail | dabaR: how'd I do that? | 05:13 |
dabaR | Skyrail: yuo are trying to log in as that aled user | 05:13 |
dabaR | ? | 05:13 |
abhinay | iam getting error message while booting, & booting stops : error is - fsck.vfat for device /dev/hda5 exited with signal 11. | 05:13 |
dooglus | Skyrail: don't bother. there's no need to give execute permission to anyone but yourself | 05:13 |
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dooglus | Skyrail: can you pastebin your .dmrc file? | 05:14 |
abhinay | Any ideas ? | 05:14 |
DjViper | nile: ok, thanks | 05:14 |
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DjViper | how do I login (from windows) on a smb shared folder? its asking for login/pw.. and it doesnt work | 05:14 |
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Skyrail | dooglus: its not very big I believe: [Desktop] | 05:15 |
Skyrail | Session=default | 05:15 |
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dabaR | dooglus: maybe the .dmrc file has wrong permissions:-/ | 05:15 |
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dooglus | dabaR: adding execute permissions won't help - it's not a binary | 05:16 |
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dabaR | dooglus: well, we're not talking about the home directory permissions any more... | 05:16 |
unimatrix9 | if all else fails try apt-get moo | 05:16 |
unimatrix9 | :) | 05:16 |
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dabaR | Skyrail: see what the permissions are on .dmrc, if you want, ls -l ~/.dmrc | 05:17 |
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Skyrail | dabaR: done so already, -rw-rw---- 1 aled aled 26 2006-11-18 20:46 /home/aled/.dmrc | 05:17 |
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dabaR | Skyrail: try chmod 644 ~/.dmrc | 05:18 |
=== EDinNY [i=nobody@ool-45768f2b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
libervisco | Hi | 05:18 |
libervisco | Has anyone had problems with swap on edgy? | 05:18 |
libervisco | like, dropping swap? | 05:18 |
abhinay | I got this error message while booting . fsck.vfat for device /dev/hda5 exited with signal 11 . Any suggestions ? | 05:18 |
libervisco | I just had to turn swap on | 05:18 |
Skyrail | dabaR: If I log out will it have to close all my programs? | 05:18 |
libervisco | after I ran out of memory | 05:19 |
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unimatrix9 | is it really vfat filesystem? | 05:19 |
libervisco | it's supposed to be on all the time | 05:19 |
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Some_Person | It didn't work! | 05:19 |
nile | libervisco, what do you mean by "dropping swap"? | 05:19 |
EDinNY | can ubuntu mount my current Reiserfs home? | 05:19 |
nile | Some_Person, what happened, in detail? | 05:20 |
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Some_Person | It gave an error | 05:20 |
libervisco | nile, well, it wasn't turned on | 05:20 |
dabaR | Skyrail: I think so. | 05:20 |
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Some_Person | "E: The package conexant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." | 05:20 |
libervisco | nile, I've seen that after my comp started crawling due to memory issues | 05:20 |
dooglus | EDinNY: sure | 05:20 |
libervisco | nile, but swap is put normally in fstab, and was selected normally on install | 05:20 |
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nile | libervisco, you mean it's originally mounted but then disappears over time, randomly? | 05:21 |
unimatrix9 | apt-get --purge remove NameOfPackage did you do that? | 05:21 |
Some_Person | yes | 05:21 |
libervisco | nile, seems so | 05:21 |
dabaR | Some_Person: put the connexant .deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives, that might work. | 05:21 |
Some_Person | ok | 05:21 |
Skyrail | dabaR: ok then let me see if the error still occurs then | 05:21 |
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dooglus | libervisco: running "swapon -s" will list your swap files and partitions | 05:21 |
EDinNY | dooglus, so Reiserfs is compiled into the default kernel? After all the stories I have heard about the developer, I was getting worried | 05:21 |
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dtorres | jhjj | 05:21 |
nile | dabaR, how would that help with *uninstalling*? | 05:21 |
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dabaR | nile: meh | 05:22 |
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libervisco | nile, here is it: | 05:22 |
libervisco | y | 05:22 |
libervisco | /dev/hda1 partition 995988 57060 -1 | 05:22 |
dooglus | EDinNY: I don't know if it's built in or loaded as a module | 05:22 |
libervisco | nile, I turned it on myself now, but I am wondering why wasn't it on all the time | 05:22 |
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EDinNY | dooglus, don't care as long as I don't have to compile the module | 05:22 |
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nile | libervisco, can you confirm that it was mounted when you booted originally? | 05:23 |
Skyrail | dabaR: thanks, it worked :) | 05:23 |
unimatrix9 | was there not an command to fix issue' s with apt-get something like apt-get -f ? | 05:23 |
dabaR | Skyrail: cool. dooglus gave us a clue... | 05:23 |
cntb | hi anyone familiar with dyndns.com client updating? | 05:23 |
libervisco | nile, well it's in fstab, but I didn't check right after the boot though | 05:23 |
Skyrail | yeah thanks dooglus :) | 05:23 |
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cntb | dooglus, ? | 05:23 |
dabaR | cntb: a little. | 05:23 |
cntb | dabaR, ty | 05:24 |
EDinNY | so, if I like KDE I should choose kubuntu? | 05:24 |
nile | libervisco, the line you pasted up there ^^^ is directly from your fstab? it seems to be missing a few fields | 05:24 |
cntb | did sudo apt-get install ddclient | 05:24 |
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libervisco | nile, no, it is from swapon -s | 05:24 |
dabaR | EDinNY: no, if you want to use kde and ubuntu, you could choose kubuntu | 05:24 |
nile | EDinNY, sure. if you have enough hard drive space, you can test both. just install the "kubuntu-desktop" metapackage | 05:24 |
dabaR | cntb: I use ez-ipupdate | 05:24 |
cntb | /etc/ddclient.conf is ok. contains what I need . what else what next? | 05:24 |
cntb | ah | 05:25 |
DjViper | how do I login (from windows) on a smb shared folder? its asking for login/pw.. which l/p should I use? | 05:25 |
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libervisco | nile, this is from fstab: UUID=200bbc44-ad21-4048-b0c7-6a09a9ed7820 none swap sw 0 0 | 05:25 |
dooglus | cntb: what '?'? | 05:25 |
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dabaR | DjViper: the one you set up to be able to log into the samba | 05:25 |
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DjViper | dabaR: where do I choose that? | 05:25 |
dabaR | DjViper: there is a smbpasswd program... | 05:26 |
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cntb | dooglus, pls read above cntb and dabaR | 05:26 |
EDinNY | Is edgy the latest "stable"? | 05:26 |
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cntb | or ignore | 05:26 |
dabaR | EDinNY: yes | 05:26 |
dooglus | EDinNY: did you see http://geekz.co.uk/lovesraymond/archive/so-i-married-a-kernel-programmer ? | 05:26 |
cfedde | EDinNY: edgy is stable, dapper has "lts" | 05:26 |
dabaR | cntb: you can try the ez-ipupdate program, it works for dyndns here. | 05:27 |
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cntb | ok | 05:27 |
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rioghal | in System -> Administration -> Networking, there are two DNS servers in the DNS tab ( is one of them) i can run that app and take the router ( out of the list but i need to know how to do that via cli instead of using the Network Settings ui | 05:27 |
DjViper | dabaR: im not sure if smb is even running | 05:27 |
rioghal | i tried 'man networking' but there is no manual entry for it | 05:28 |
cntb | funny why dyndns.com promotes recommends ddclient, like in windows dyndns client is of a kana solutions | 05:28 |
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EDinNY | dooglus, did not see that, but did read the trade news...I just don't feel like moving /home to day to another filesystem | 05:28 |
cntb | dabaR, ty , when in doubt and on a hurry I take first suggestions | 05:28 |
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cntb | started ddclient but sure will try ez-ipupdate | 05:29 |
Justin_ | Does the default "radeon" driver support transparency? on the radeon 7000 --- it seems as if transparency doesnt work.. | 05:29 |
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dooglus | EDinNY: I think the concerns are more about the future of the next generation of his filesystem, rather than the stable version. | 05:29 |
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dreamer | amnit, I just installed automatix2 ... is it for ubuntu 6.10 :/ and I have 6.06 :/ | 05:29 |
quiet | Justin_, true transparency? | 05:29 |
rodney_ | erm how do i go about setting up sound in ubuntu ive got a ibm thinkpad old 560X | 05:29 |
quiet | Justin_, like.. xcomp? | 05:30 |
callas | secret | 05:30 |
dabaR | rioghal: there is a /etc/resolv.conf file, if you want to enter or see the dns server for the computer in a terminal. | 05:30 |
EDinNY | doogus, my concerns were that some distos were gonna desert the ship | 05:30 |
rioghal | dabaR, yes, but that file is re-written upon reboot | 05:30 |
quiet | rodney_, try 'alsamixer' in a terminal window, what do you get? | 05:30 |
Justin_ | quiet well average KDE/WM transparency like those hot themes I see on Fluxbox :D | 05:30 |
quiet | false transparency... yes, it works fine. | 05:31 |
Justin_ | Just so my xterms and such are see through.. | 05:31 |
Justin_ | Doesn't work for me :S | 05:31 |
rioghal | dabaR, i think what i need to do is learn how to remove a DNS server via command line | 05:31 |
quiet | did you tell it to use opacity? | 05:31 |
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rodney_ | quiet, failed to open : no such file | 05:31 |
dreamer | can anynoe say if I should try automatix instead of automatix2 because of running dapper ? | 05:31 |
quiet | rodney_, 'alsmixer' ??? | 05:31 |
=== PaxAnima [n=petterkn@ti200710a080-0473.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rioghal | dreamer, automatix is not supported in this channel, try #automatix | 05:31 |
Justin_ | Well I brought the fluxbox transparency on menus down to like 90.. and even if the background is pure white.. the menu just gets blacker | 05:32 |
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dreamer | rioghal: ok .. thnx | 05:32 |
dreamer | anly 2 people :/ | 05:32 |
rodney_ | alsamixer | 05:32 |
cntb | ok dabaR installed ez-ipupdate is it GUI based or not? | 05:32 |
rioghal | dreamer, there is a section for automatix at ubuntuforums.org | 05:32 |
cntb | dabaR, how do you manage it? | 05:32 |
rioghal | !automatix | 05:32 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. | 05:32 |
=== philip_ [n=philip@cpc3-warr3-0-0-cust754.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rodney_ | !sound | 05:33 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin | 05:33 |
=== confusco [n=deema@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | dabaR: what was the fix with that .dmrc file in the end? | 05:33 |
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confusco | what's the best media player? | 05:33 |
=== refnumzx [i=wiler@adsl-70-253-166-3.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | mpd | 05:34 |
rodney_ | mplayer | 05:34 |
quiet | er.. | 05:34 |
cntb | dreamer why not stick with apt-get install on konsole and apt-cache search ? | 05:34 |
quiet | mplayer | 05:34 |
dooglus | confusco: the most widely used media player is Windows Media Player. so that's probably the best, right? | 05:34 |
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coz_ | confusco, mplayer is what I use however there ar several ohters aviable | 05:34 |
dreamer | cntb: I just wanted to try it :) | 05:34 |
refnumzx | just tried a ubuntu server install with 6.10 iso, lspci shows no output at all and it does not detect my rtl8139 NIC, suggestions? | 05:34 |
=== paras [n=paras@71-81-209-63.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rodney_ | error the volume control didnt find any devices ? | 05:34 |
dabaR | dooglus: we changed its perms to 644. it was 660 | 05:34 |
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dabaR | cntb: sudo dpkg-reconfigure ez-ipupdate | 05:34 |
dreamer | cntb: I was searching on installing quicktime-plugins and came on that sitne again .. seemd handy .. | 05:34 |
cntb | dreamer you have spare time ? better use things that work | 05:35 |
dooglus | dabaR: strange. mine is at 600 and works for me | 05:35 |
quiet | refnumzx, egh... check your MD5? | 05:35 |
=== Flosoft [n=admin@d51A474D9.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cntb | ty dabaR | 05:35 |
Flosoft | hey | 05:35 |
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refnumzx | i did | 05:35 |
Flosoft | how do I set the default keyboard language? | 05:35 |
dabaR | dooglus: make it 620 and try | 05:35 |
refnumzx | from the menu check cdsaid it was valade | 05:35 |
confusco | what about best audio player | 05:35 |
dreamer | cntb: haha | 05:35 |
cntb | dabaR, is it on cron or what | 05:35 |
dreamer | I will ;) | 05:35 |
dabaR | cntb: no. it is a daemon itself. | 05:35 |
quiet | confusco, mpd + ncmpc or sonata | 05:35 |
confusco | what about xmms | 05:35 |
=== Chetic [n=Chetic@84-216-40-152.sprayadsl.telenor.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | no. | 05:35 |
dabaR | dooglus: I think it did not like having write permissions for anyone but owner. I guess the rest is not important. | 05:36 |
cntb | install put it already on rc.d ? dabaR ? | 05:36 |
coz_ | Flosoft, you may want to go to system /prefernces/keyboard | 05:36 |
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dabaR | cntb: yes. | 05:36 |
Flosoft | but I want to change it already for GDM? | 05:36 |
dooglus | dabaR: he had '660' when it wasn't working, didn't he? | 05:36 |
rioghal | confusco, i use xmms on a daily basis what do you need to know about it | 05:36 |
refnumzx | i used the menu option to check cd in the installer before proceeding | 05:36 |
dabaR | dooglus: yes. | 05:36 |
=== CheshireViking [n=Inter@i-195-137-101-182.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cntb | IOW where do you find the autostart dabaR ? | 05:36 |
confusco | nothing, just wondering what is good | 05:36 |
confusco | what's mpd? | 05:36 |
dooglus | dabaR: ok, I see. that makes sense. it defines which session to run, and you wouldn't want anyone else to be able to change that. | 05:36 |
rodney_ | hmm i seme to have lost my sound devices ? | 05:37 |
Justin_ | Oh that's why... | 05:37 |
quiet | music player daemon | 05:37 |
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quiet | and lots of clients connect ot it. | 05:37 |
Justin_ | "Composite" is not set in X on Xubuntu... :s | 05:37 |
quiet | ncmpc is curses based | 05:37 |
quiet | sonata is gtks | 05:37 |
rioghal | confusco, i like xmms and it plays mp3 files out-of-the-box some people dont like that ui due to being gtk1 but i feel it is a great player | 05:37 |
Justin_ | Maybe because most people who use Xubuntu have lower systems.. | 05:37 |
cntb | dabaR, maybe I updatedb and locate it on /etc ? the ez-ipupdate daemon I mean? | 05:37 |
rioghal | !mpd | 05:37 |
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ubotu | mpd: Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 123 kB, installed size 392 kB | 05:37 |
dabaR | cntb: autostart? it will start when your computer starts, and listen to the interface you specify. when the IP changes on that interface, the ez-ipupdate daemon will notify dyndns of the new IP. To reconfigure it, use sudo dpkg-reconfigure ez-ipupdate, to restart the daemon use sudo invoke-rc.d ez-ipupdate restart. | 05:37 |
dabaR | dooglus: OK. Thanks for the help with that. | 05:38 |
dreamer | hmm, the link to w32codecs seems to be foulty .. : ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20050412-0.0_i386.deb | 05:38 |
dabaR | cntb: you do not need to think about the daemon itself. | 05:38 |
quiet | wow that's old. | 05:38 |
cntb | OK ty taking note of it | 05:38 |
confusco | will mplayer play RM? | 05:39 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dooglus | dreamer: that's an old URL. marillat's repo is now "deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main" - and it's for debian, not ubuntu | 05:39 |
Subhuman | confusco, xine will play rm | 05:39 |
=== FordPrefect [n=acoliver@rrcs-24-199-217-37.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreamer | dooglus: where can I find a good package for ubuntu ? | 05:40 |
rioghal | Subhuman, it will wow i didnt know that | 05:40 |
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Subhuman | rioghal, it plays my rmvb movies fine (totem-xine) | 05:40 |
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rioghal | dreamer, you might try the seveas repo | 05:40 |
klm- | how can I check which gtk I'm running? | 05:40 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dreamer | thnx | 05:40 |
rioghal | !seveas | dreamer | 05:40 |
ubotu | dreamer: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 05:40 |
dooglus | dreamer: you can use http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb - since it's only codecs, it probably doesn't matter that it's packaged for debian | 05:40 |
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cntb | dabaR, how do I check it is alive now? | 05:41 |
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Mog | Bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide | 05:41 |
cntb | mog | 05:41 |
cntb | !ubuntu-fr | 05:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-fr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:41 |
rioghal | !fr | 05:41 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 05:41 |
Mog | Merci | 05:42 |
dabaR | cntb: well, there are many ways to check. But first, did you run sudo dpkg-reconfigure ez-ipupdate, and enter your information? | 05:42 |
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cntb | install prompted me i can recheck it in a sec | 05:42 |
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rioghal | how do i remove a DNS server via command line so that /etc/resolv.conf is written correctly on reboot | 05:43 |
dabaR | cntb: if it prompted you already, that is cool. | 05:43 |
swilliamson | anyone have a good walkthrough on how to setup RAID5 during the install of dapper server. Confusing me a bit | 05:43 |
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=== Some_Person [i=SomePers@dialup-207-218-205-90.ev1.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | I fixed it, but not with your solution | 05:44 |
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Some_Person | i made a .deb package that installed one text file | 05:44 |
Some_Person | i named it conexant | 05:44 |
Some_Person | i installed it, and it fixed everything | 05:44 |
=== seanieb64 [n=seanieb6@netblock-68-183-100-28.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cntb | Stopping Dynamic DNS client: ez-ipupdate default.Starting Dynamic DNS client: ez-ipupdate default. | 05:44 |
seanieb64 | Can someone help me out please/ | 05:45 |
seanieb64 | ? | 05:45 |
=== [GuS] [n=MysT@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
dabaR | cntb: to see whether the process is running, ps aux|grep ez. To test whether the whole thing is working now, change your IP address, maybe by shutting down, then bringing up your interface. | 05:45 |
Some_Person | dpkg treated it as reinstalling it | 05:45 |
=== justin_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | !helpme | 05:45 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:45 |
rioghal | seanieb64, not until we know what your problem is | 05:45 |
justin_ | How do you check if direct hardware rendering is on? | 05:45 |
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RadiantFire | join #kubuntu | 05:45 |
cntb | dabaR, great that 'd be all | 05:45 |
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rioghal | justin_, glxinfo | grep render | 05:45 |
justin_ | glxinfo | grep hw? | 05:45 |
RadiantFire | oh whoops | 05:45 |
justin_ | ahh | 05:45 |
justin_ | :) | 05:45 |
=== CMM1411 [n=cindy@c-67-171-252-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RadiantFire | missed a slash... | 05:45 |
seanieb64 | I have a program that requires a unstable version of perl | 05:45 |
Paradox34690 | hey, anyone in here familiar with installing a new theme on Ubuntu 6.10? | 05:46 |
Some_Person | thats absurd | 05:46 |
seanieb64 | 5.8.8-6.1, and it won't install from this deb | 05:46 |
justin_ | What does "NO TCL" mean? | 05:46 |
Some_Person | on 6.06, yes | 05:46 |
Cosmonaut3030 | Paradox34690: In GNOME? | 05:46 |
CMM1411 | G'day all .. little IRC "Q" .. how to I register this nic/password? | 05:46 |
Paradox34690 | Cosmonaut: Yes. | 05:46 |
rioghal | !register | 05:46 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 05:46 |
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Paradox34690 | well... i gess yes... | 05:46 |
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CMM1411 | thanks rioghal | 05:46 |
ubd | hi | 05:46 |
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rioghal | CMM1411, long story short.. its: /msg nickserv help register | 05:47 |
Paradox34690 | I'm just using the standard install... found some themes that I liked on gnome-look.org, and I have NO CLUE how to install them.. | 05:47 |
Cosmonaut3030 | Paradox34690: download it, open I think it's system>theme, then open it, or drag it in from your file manager | 05:47 |
=== kmaynard [n=kmaynard@user-24-214-249-208.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dabaR | justin_: it may mean you do not have some tcl package insatlled, where did you get the error? | 05:47 |
ubd | im tying to install ubuntu, pc freezes at some partucular point while install | 05:47 |
seanieb64 | ubd, what point? | 05:47 |
Cosmonaut3030 | ubd: What point? | 05:47 |
Cosmonaut3030 | And what error? | 05:47 |
ubd | at %49 | 05:47 |
Paradox34690 | Cosmonaut: Every time i do that, i get a message stating that it's an unreadable error... | 05:48 |
ubd | no error freeze | 05:48 |
justin_ | dabaR: Well I don't think it's an error.. it just tells me that after "glxinfo | grep render" -- says "NO-TCL" ..? Transform lighting perhaps? | 05:48 |
kmaynard | ubd, try the alternate installer CD | 05:48 |
Paradox34690 | brb.... need coffee... spent 30+ hours camping out at Wal-mart this weekend to get a nintendo Wii... | 05:48 |
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Cosmonaut3030 | Paradox34690: I think you might have to untar the files | 05:49 |
justin_ | I don't understand why transparency won't work *crys* -- does anyone else have a Radeon? --- can it do transparency? | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | Anyone know how I can force gdebi to install this package? | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | or apt get somehow? | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | or synaptic | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | ??? | 05:49 |
rioghal | seanieb64, which package | 05:49 |
kmaynard | what package? | 05:49 |
justin_ | I had an old 4mb video card a long time ago.. and even that could do transparency hah | 05:49 |
Cosmonaut3030 | man dpkg | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | A newer Perl package | 05:49 |
=== Oni-Dracula [n=oni@68-189-172-052.dhcp.gnvl.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | justin_: I think you need compiz for true transparency | 05:49 |
kmaynard | dpkg -i foo.deb | 05:49 |
seanieb64 | I know how to work dpkg. | 05:49 |
Cosmonaut3030 | kmaynard: he means force install | 05:50 |
seanieb64 | it gives me an error of a conflict | 05:50 |
justin_ | mwe: I don't want true transparency -- I just want my windows to be see through :( | 05:50 |
kmaynard | apt-get install -f | 05:50 |
rioghal | seanieb64, it may send you into dpes hell | 05:50 |
Cosmonaut3030 | There's an option for it in that man page, i don't know it myself. | 05:50 |
seanieb64 | thank you. | 05:50 |
rioghal | *deps | 05:50 |
tahorg | justin_: clean it! | 05:50 |
seanieb64 | Then how can I upgrade it? | 05:50 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, i'm not responsible if something breaks :) | 05:50 |
mwe | justin_: I'm not sure how to do it in gnome. in kde it can be configured in the control panel | 05:50 |
rioghal | tahorg, lol | 05:51 |
justin_ | tahorg: Clean what? ----*speaking of which* what version of XORG is on Dapper? | 05:51 |
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Paradox34690 | Cosmonaut: I've uncompressed them to their own folder (well.... this new one that I just downloaded is apparently a Beyrl theme (or whatever))... I'm still learning this stuff... I've been a DOS baby and a Window's baby for 20+ years :) | 05:51 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, if you're not using a package from the repos, you'll have to update by hand | 05:51 |
tahorg | justin_: nevermind. | 05:51 |
RadiantFire | justin_: 7.0 | 05:51 |
mwe | !info xserver-xorg | 05:51 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.1.1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 164 kB, installed size 584 kB | 05:51 |
RadiantFire | !info xserver-xorg dapper | 05:51 |
rodney_ | no idea about hte sound then anyone ? | 05:51 |
ubotu | xserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu45 (dapper), package size 98 kB, installed size 344 kB | 05:51 |
justin_ | mwe, Yeah I know how to get it going ;) I have used linux for a while now.. it works on a PCI 4mb card, but wont work on a Radeon? strange! | 05:51 |
rodney_ | grr i forget how to do it lol | 05:51 |
seanieb64 | kmaynard: How is that done? | 05:51 |
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justin_ | Seeing the background... thats about as transparent as it's going to get I guess | 05:52 |
mwe | justin_: I think it should. are you using the open source driver or fglrx? | 05:52 |
helfrez | its funny cause everytime i enable guistuff, no matter the distro...a few days later i turn it back off lol | 05:52 |
Cosmonaut3030 | seanieb64: removing it, and readding it. | 05:52 |
=== CaTTiusha is away: frozen bubble | ||
kmaynard | seanieb64, download the tarballs/debs, install them | 05:52 |
Paradox34690 | bbl... smoking.. | 05:52 |
justin_ | mwe: The open source driver | 05:52 |
mkrufky | which gcc is being used in edgy? | 05:52 |
haxality_ | hey all, I'm having an odd problem with mplayer | 05:52 |
mkrufky | (i left my machine off at home, so i cant ssh in to find out myself) | 05:52 |
seanieb64 | When I try to install the deb it says conflict with installed package: perl | 05:52 |
justin_ | fglrx does not work with Radeon 7000's | 05:52 |
mwe | right | 05:52 |
kmaynard | uninstall perl first | 05:52 |
Cosmonaut3030 | mkrufky: gcc version 4.1.2 20060928 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.1-13ubuntu5) | 05:52 |
kmaynard | err, i guess | 05:53 |
=== sizzam [n=sizzam@c-68-63-136-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klm- | how can I check which gtk I'm running? | 05:53 |
mkrufky | Cosmonaut3030: thanks, i appreciate it | 05:53 |
kmaynard | is this a full replacement of perl, or just an add-on? | 05:53 |
Cosmonaut3030 | No problem. That's my version at least. | 05:53 |
mwe | justin_: I thought most drivers were capable of semi transparency. Not sure though | 05:53 |
seanieb64 | kmaynard: it's the perl package, thats what I have. | 05:53 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, what error message? | 05:54 |
Yoric | Hi everyone | 05:54 |
seanieb64 | It just says, Conflict with already installed package: perl. | 05:54 |
Yoric | My mail notification applet recently started trying to eat up 100% of my CPU. | 05:54 |
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Yoric | Any idea why ? | 05:54 |
seanieb64 | when I try to install the upgraded perl | 05:54 |
RadiantFire | Yoric: bug, kill it, restart it, and report a bug | 05:54 |
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Yoric | RadiantFire: I just had an idea. It might be related to my renaming my mailbox. | 05:55 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, you could uninstall perl, ten dpkg -i foo | 05:55 |
Yoric | I'll check that. | 05:55 |
mwe | I think uninstalling the version of perl that comes by default is A Bad Idea (tm) | 05:55 |
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justin_ | mwe: Seems like this one is not even capable of basic transparency.. -- I cannot get anything except being able to see a background (not other windows) just the background.. which sort of eliminates the usefulness of transparency | 05:55 |
RadiantFire | Yoric: that would do it for a mail notifiation thingy | 05:55 |
seanieb64 | Then it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop and everything with it! | 05:55 |
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seanieb64 | I tried uninstalling it. | 05:55 |
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seanieb64 | removed ubuntu-desktop on me. | 05:56 |
mwe | justin_: that's true tranparency. you need compiz for that I think | 05:56 |
kmaynard | what's wrong with the current perl? | 05:56 |
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rioghal | seanieb64, uninstalling ubuntu-desktop shouldnt uninstall everything with it.. its just a meta package | 05:56 |
seanieb64 | You may slap me now, But it won't run Frozen-Bubble. | 05:56 |
Cosmonaut3030 | kmaynard: It's too late a version to play frozen-bubble2 | 05:56 |
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seanieb64 | It'snot too late dude | 05:56 |
kmaynard | ... | 05:56 |
mwe | !transparency > justin_ | 05:56 |
seanieb64 | it's too OLD | 05:56 |
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thread | I have a 32bit app on my 64bit edgy system that is telling me: error while loading shared libraries: libuuid.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 05:57 |
rioghal | seanieb64, thats 'dood-ette' ;) | 05:57 |
Cosmonaut3030 | seanieb64: My version of perl is v5.8.8 and I've got it working? | 05:57 |
thread | what do I need to do to get the app to run? | 05:57 |
mwe | justin_: I don't think it will perform well with the open source driver though | 05:57 |
Yoric | RadiantFire: Indeed, renaming again seems to do the trick. | 05:57 |
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Yoric | Filling launchpad bug now... | 05:57 |
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justin_ | mwe, lol well I guess it's back to the PCI 4mb card for me -- at least it has transparency :D | 05:57 |
mwe | justin_: what brand is that? | 05:58 |
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qmf | hi guys, i'm having trouble with fglrx. | 05:58 |
justin_ | Matrox I think | 05:58 |
justin_ | Well I learned my lessons, no more Radeons for Linux.. -- | 05:58 |
qmf | last night it was all working fine. i booted up just now and anything that's pure white ghosts itself | 05:58 |
Cosmonaut3030 | justin_: well duh. matrox cards are open source, aren't they? | 05:58 |
mwe | I'm almost positive you'll still need compiz | 05:58 |
justin_ | Im going to stick with Nvidia for the Unices.. | 05:58 |
Cosmonaut3030 | justin_: or intel. | 05:59 |
qmf | i've got an ati m300 and i'm on a laptop. any ideas? should i put up a pic of what it looks like? | 05:59 |
=== rioghal bites her tongue | ||
justin_ | Cosmonaut3030: Yeah, anything other then Radeons.. | 05:59 |
mwe | justin_: yeah. nvidia drivers are better in linux | 05:59 |
Cosmonaut3030 | ^True dat, justin_ ! | 05:59 |
Cosmonaut3030 | qmf: yeah, go on then | 05:59 |
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seanieb64 | My version: 5.8.8-6 Reqired by F-B2: 5.8.8-6.1 | 05:59 |
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seanieb64 | Thats what's on Debian were got my F-B deb, and the perl .deb | 06:00 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, dapper or edgy? | 06:00 |
justin_ | In Xorg.conf.. what is "colortiling" ? | 06:00 |
seanieb64 | Edgy... | 06:00 |
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josh_ | is there a way to kill a defunct process? | 06:01 |
josh_ | without rebooting a system? | 06:01 |
mwe | my wifi (using madwifi) will sometimes disconnect for a few seconds and then come back up. I wonder what would be causing that. | 06:01 |
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justin_ | josh - killall name | 06:01 |
qmf | http://starqmf.com/fglrx.png | 06:01 |
kmaynard | seanieb64, so you think that little extra .1 is breaking it? | 06:01 |
josh_ | kill -9 wont work... will killall name work? | 06:01 |
justin_ | josh or if it's running in X you can console "xkill" and click on the offending program | 06:01 |
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josh_ | u sure? | 06:01 |
justin_ | josh yup | 06:01 |
josh_ | thanks | 06:01 |
alakdan | any lvm guru here? | 06:01 |
justin_ | killall "program" or xkill -- and clock on the window | 06:02 |
justin_ | click* | 06:02 |
refnumzx | so i am installing ubuntu server lspci shows no output and it does not detect my rtl8139 card, i have checked the cd using the menu item in the installer and it said that it is a valde cd. ideas? | 06:02 |
qmf | what do you think Cosmonaut3030 ? | 06:02 |
seanieb64 | Well, When try to run the F-B it says: Dependency is not satisfiable: perl | 06:02 |
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seanieb64 | and trhen perl says it conflicts with already installed package: perl | 06:02 |
rioghal | seanieb64, welcome to dependecy hell, lol | 06:02 |
Cosmonaut3030 | lol | 06:02 |
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seanieb64 | :P | 06:02 |
Paradox34690 | back (like anyone really cared) | 06:02 |
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qmf | i had the problem once before ages ago. downgrading then re upgrading fixed it. but it doesn't fix it anymore | 06:03 |
Cosmonaut3030 | Paradox34690: I misssed you :D | 06:03 |
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Paradox34690 | you lie!!! :) | 06:03 |
dabaR | Paradox34690: hehe | 06:03 |
MacSlow | Greetings everybody! | 06:03 |
Paradox34690 | okay, so anyways... here's the low-down... | 06:03 |
Paradox34690 | I'm a linux newb... | 06:03 |
unimatrix9 | ubuntu on the mac thats nice.. | 06:03 |
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rioghal | ubuntu on anything is nice :) | 06:03 |
Paradox34690 | i'm running my ubuntu through VMWare on a Windows box... (hey, just trying to get a feel for the whole thing, ya know?) | 06:04 |
seanieb64 | I'm a Ubu-Mac user! :D | 06:04 |
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seanieb64 | This machine is a Ubu-Mac! | 06:04 |
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unimatrix9 | is it an macbook ( new version? ) | 06:04 |
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refnumzx | so i am installing ubuntu server lspci shows no output and it does not detect my rtl8139 card, i have checked the cd using the menu item in the installer and it said that it is a valade cd, ideas? | 06:05 |
Paradox34690 | All i want to do is change the theme to something else... I've downloaded a couple different ones from that gnome-look.org that someone else was so gracious to inform me of... | 06:05 |
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rioghal | paradizelost, got a url to the themes you downloaded ill try to help | 06:05 |
Paradox34690 | i've untared them... and when I try to install them through the theme jobby thing, it tells me Invalid format... | 06:05 |
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rioghal | Paradox34690, got a url to the themes you downloaded ill try to help | 06:06 |
darko3d | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 06:06 |
kmaynard | you dont have to untar them first | 06:06 |
darko3d | /dev/hda1 * 1 2330 18715693+ 83 Linux | 06:06 |
darko3d | /dev/hda2 2331 2434 835380 5 Extended | 06:06 |
darko3d | /dev/hda5 2331 2434 835348+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 06:06 |
darko3d | Disk /dev/hdb: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes | 06:06 |
darko3d | 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylinders | 06:06 |
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darko3d | Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes | 06:06 |
darko3d | Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System | 06:06 |
darko3d | /dev/hdb1 1 4998 40146403+ b W95 FAT32 | 06:06 |
Paradox34690 | the theme in particular that I'm trying to do is this: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=42997 | 06:06 |
kmaynard | just drop the tarball into the theme manager | 06:06 |
seanieb64 | !pastebin | 06:06 |
rioghal | !paste > darko3d | 06:06 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 06:06 |
darko3d | how can i mount the 40gb drive | 06:06 |
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seanieb64 | mount hda | 06:07 |
seanieb64 | with the drive number after that | 06:07 |
Paradox34690 | i'll try that... but if you look at the one in the link that I sent you, that doesn't do anything either other than give an error message.. | 06:07 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, you have beryl installed and running? | 06:07 |
Paradox34690 | uh... no. | 06:07 |
Paradox34690 | not that I know of... i'm still new to this.. :D | 06:07 |
alakdan | hi, just an lvm question. Whenever I use lvm, I name the volume group as vg0. Now my problem is I have a laptop hardisk with lvm setup with the same name vg0, how do I then access this lvm partition? | 06:07 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, the url you gave is for a beryl theme | 06:07 |
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livingdaylight | why does Ubuntu use Grub and not Lilo? | 06:08 |
Paradox34690 | so i've learned... | 06:08 |
kmaynard | why are animals made of meat? | 06:08 |
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Paradox34690 | where does one find this "beryl" thinger and can it be used with Ubuntu? | 06:08 |
rioghal | !beryl | Paradox34690 | 06:08 |
livingdaylight | kmaynard, are you being funny at me? | 06:08 |
ubotu | Paradox34690: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 06:08 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, you might have a hard time with it in vmware | 06:08 |
kmaynard | livingdaylight, yuppers :) | 06:09 |
cld2 | I have my boot disk mirrored with linux raid, is there anyway to make it so that md0 (root) can be unmounted cleanly? I know redhat ES server does this. any ideas? it always says "cant unmount / : in use" and then / needs to be fsck'ed on the next boot. ? thanks. | 06:09 |
Paradox34690 | maybe... but this is a learning experiment for me :) | 06:09 |
seanieb64 | how do I solve this dependency so I can kick some ass on F-B2's LAN play. | 06:09 |
livingdaylight | Can someone tell me why Ubuntu uses Grub and not Lilo which some say is alot better than Grub? | 06:09 |
darko3d | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32961/ <---how can i mount the 40gb drive | 06:09 |
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kmaynard | Paradox34690, seriously, i dont think vmware will do the full 3d acceleration beryl needs | 06:09 |
livingdaylight | kmaynard, i will eat you for breakfast | 06:09 |
refnumzx | so i am installing ubuntu server lspci shows no output and it does not detect my rtl8139 card, i have checked the cd using the menu item in the installer and it said that it is a valade cd, ideas? | 06:09 |
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kmaynard | livingdaylight, i'm stringy | 06:10 |
unimatrix9 | vmware has some 3D support , but it needs to be activited, and its windows only... | 06:10 |
cld2 | darko3d: mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt | 06:10 |
Paradox34690 | I dunno... it might... i'm running of a beefy machine... the screensavers show up great :) | 06:10 |
chergui | hi evry body | 06:10 |
livingdaylight | kmaynard, don't worry, i know how to string my beans | 06:10 |
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unimatrix9 | so no go for linux and 3D under vmware | 06:10 |
rioghal | darko3d, you want that 40gb hd mounted at boot? | 06:10 |
Paradox34690 | 2.8 ghz P4ht, 2gb ram... ahhhhh what's it hurt to try :) | 06:11 |
darko3d | yeah | 06:11 |
kmaynard | livingdaylight, the point is not why... if you want lilo, it's there | 06:11 |
rioghal | darko3d, open a term, i will give you two commands to do that | 06:11 |
darko3d | cld2: i got mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt | 06:11 |
Cosmonaut3030 | Paradox34690: my system is like yours... with 512 ram, and a gefore 5200... so mines shit! :( | 06:11 |
cld2 | darko3d: ok, so you want at boot? | 06:11 |
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livingdaylight | kmaynard, i just don't understand why some people think one is better others swear the opposite | 06:11 |
darko3d | rioghal, what do you mean, by open a term | 06:11 |
ubuntu | hi. i`m looking for windows programm to copy files to ext2 partition | 06:11 |
cld2 | /dev/hdb1 /mount/point FSType defaults 0 0 | 06:12 |
MacSlow | anybody here who got 6.10 installed successfully on a sony vaio vgn-s580bh laptop (all intel hardware, gfx, sata, wifi etc.) for me it gparted hangs on formatting the partitions of the sata-harddisk (the only hd in the laptop) | 06:12 |
darko3d | yes, i wanted to mount at boot | 06:12 |
rioghal | dark, open a terminal and ill help you get it mounted at boot | 06:12 |
cld2 | darko3d: ^ | 06:12 |
kmaynard | livingdaylight, welcome to linux :) | 06:12 |
cld2 | darko3d: yeah sorry put that in the /etc/fstab file and change /mount/point to where you want to mount it. | 06:12 |
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kmaynard | livingdaylight, looky here: http://www.google.com/search?q=grub+vs+lilo&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a | 06:12 |
darko3d | i opened the terminal | 06:12 |
seanieb64 | :O( | 06:12 |
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livingdaylight | kmaynard, sometimes i think Linux sux | 06:13 |
josh_ | that killall didn't work | 06:13 |
josh_ | it does the same thing kill -9 does | 06:13 |
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unimatrix9 | MAcSlow, use third party partition software ( maybe gparted live cd ) | 06:13 |
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josh_ | and kill -9 don't work either | 06:13 |
ubd | how w'll ' fsck and 'nstaal 6.10 from hdd | 06:13 |
josh_ | i rebooted my machine anyway but just for the record, if "kill" wont kill the process... killall wont either | 06:14 |
rioghal | darko3d, is this ext3 fs? | 06:14 |
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darko3d | what??????????????????????????????? | 06:14 |
cld2 | rioghal: it looks like fat32 | 06:14 |
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cld2 | based on his pastebin it says fat32 | 06:15 |
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rioghal | darko3d, probably better to follow what cld2 is saying as i dont use any window file systems | 06:15 |
rioghal | cld2, yeah, i see that now | 06:15 |
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cld2 | rioghal: 6.06 and 6.10 will mount them must like ext3. the support is in the kernel already. | 06:16 |
cld2 | and the fstools are there. | 06:16 |
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rioghal | cld2, i was gonna give him: sudo mkdir /mnt/hdb1 && sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak && echo "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1 ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab | 06:16 |
darko3d | cld2: i opened fstab, but i can't save any changes | 06:16 |
ubd | cant i install ubuntu unlive | 06:16 |
cld2 | darko3d: you need to use sudo to edit, like rioghal has above | 06:17 |
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rioghal | darko3d, if youre opening fstab in gedit, you need to use: gksu gedit /etc/fstab | 06:17 |
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chrishoeppner | Hey | 06:17 |
chrishoeppner | anyone can help me prevent a program from running on session start? | 06:18 |
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cld2 | darko3d: the only thing you need to change from what rioghal told you is: change ext3 to vfat | 06:18 |
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rioghal | chrishoeppner, System -> Preferences -> Sessions, Startup Programs tab? | 06:19 |
chrishoeppner | anyone? | 06:19 |
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MacSlow | chrishoeppner, fire up gnome-session-properties | 06:19 |
Paradox34690 | okay... back... (it's that J O B thing) | 06:19 |
ubd | help me pls | 06:19 |
chrishoeppner | rioghal: tried. does not prevent mlnet from starting. | 06:19 |
ubd | ' cant 'nstall ubuntu \ it freezes | 06:19 |
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Paradox34690 | so I'm going to go totally against all reason and logic and give the Beryl/Ubuntu/VMware a try.... | 06:19 |
kmaynard | i think Paradox34690 is going to announce everything :) | 06:19 |
rioghal | lol | 06:19 |
Paradox34690 | should I not? | 06:20 |
darko3d | cld2: ok i opened it, and added /dev/hdb1 /media/darko-data udf,ntfs user,noauto , at the bottom, is that right | 06:20 |
kmaynard | it's kinda funny... | 06:20 |
cld2 | darko3d: so the line you would add to the /etc/fstab will look like this : /dev/hdb1 /mount/point vfat defaults 0 0 | 06:20 |
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Paradox34690 | :) thanks :) | 06:20 |
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pradeep | Paradox34690, ubuntu would be very slow on vmware .. beryl worse | 06:20 |
ubd | pc feezes whilst installing ubuntu\ any workaround ideas | 06:21 |
cld2 | darko3d: take off the udf and ntfs and replace it with vfat - its a fat32 FS not a ntfs. | 06:21 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, try this in a terminal: glxinfo | grep direct if it doesnt say yes, beryl wont work | 06:21 |
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darko3d | ok, will that give me read and write permissions | 06:21 |
mabus | RRGH! Is there an alternate place to download packages other than packages.ubuntu.com? It's down, and I need to get perldoc for my home, offline box. | 06:21 |
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Paradox34690 | actually, my ubuntu runs fast as hell :) | 06:21 |
cld2 | darko3d: and if you have that noauto it wont mount at boot time. which I thought was the whole point? | 06:21 |
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chrishoeppner | is there a way of seeing ALL active processes? of course, with pid, in xterm, I just get the pid process. | 06:21 |
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Paradox34690 | .... i hate you kmaynard :) | 06:22 |
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Paradox34690 | fail | 06:22 |
kmaynard | for what, saving you time? | 06:22 |
Paradox34690 | well.... | 06:22 |
kmaynard | you're welcome | 06:22 |
rioghal | chrishoeppner, top | 06:22 |
ubd | chrishoeppner: `top` | 06:22 |
Paradox34690 | I appreciate you saving me the time... | 06:22 |
Paradox34690 | I do, really.. | 06:22 |
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darko3d | ok, i saved that, now what? | 06:22 |
Paradox34690 | it's the failure experience that you've so unwittingly taken away from me... | 06:22 |
ubd | pc feezes whilst installing ubuntu\ any workaround ideas | 06:23 |
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rioghal | darko3d, if you did it right, it should mount on boot | 06:23 |
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cld2 | darko3d: one more thing, sorry set this option umask=000 | 06:23 |
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chrishoeppner | thanks | 06:23 |
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chrishoeppner | this way I can get and kill the pid for mlnet. | 06:23 |
chrishoeppner | :)( | 06:23 |
cld2 | darko3d: thats so you dont ad unix permissions to your windows files. | 06:23 |
darko3d | ok, the line now looks like this: /dev/hdb1 /media/darko-data vfat defaults 0 0 umask=000 | 06:24 |
=== polpak [n=kender@adsl-75-4-79-102.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | Paradox34690, dude. it wouldnt have worked in your current environment. you would have been on here asking all kinds of questions and getting frstrated for nothing. spend that time installing it to your hard drive, then get beryl running. | 06:24 |
=== mbiven [n=haligan@adsl-067-032-167-079.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cld2 | darko3d: almost make it like defaults,umask=000 | 06:24 |
ubd | pc freezes whilst installing ubuntu\ any workaround ideas | 06:24 |
kmaynard | ubd, live cd or alternate cd? | 06:25 |
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ubd | damn .ucking live | 06:25 |
Paradox34690 | I know kmaynard.... i'm just busting chops... | 06:25 |
darko3d | /dev/hdb1 /media/darko-data vfat defaults 0 0 defaults,umask=000 | 06:25 |
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darko3d | ? | 06:25 |
cld2 | darko3d: sorry, here I just got onto my box at home... here is my line /dev/hdc1 /media/windows vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | 06:25 |
kmaynard | ubd, get the alternate disk, i've personally had fewer probs with it | 06:25 |
Paradox34690 | you at least have to admit that i was smart enough to announce the environment i'm running in :) | 06:25 |
rioghal | ubd, try the alternate ISO its much better imho | 06:25 |
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ubd | kmaynard: /part #ubuntu | 06:26 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, true | 06:26 |
kmaynard | huh? | 06:26 |
cld2 | darko3d: no, sorry to be confusing, you need to have all your options , seperated so it would be defaults,umask=000 but nm the defaults, use the string i just pasted | 06:26 |
Paradox34690 | i am so smart... s m r t :D | 06:26 |
chergui | y a t il des personnes qui parle franc la | 06:26 |
darko3d | /dev/hdc1 /media/darko-data vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0 | 06:26 |
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cld2 | darko3d: exactly. sorry about that. its early on monday | 06:26 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, i was picking on you for announcing every smoke/coffee/pee/afk break you take | 06:26 |
rioghal | !fr > chergui | 06:26 |
ubd | pc freezes while installing ubuntu | 06:27 |
darko3d | can i test it, if it works, without having to restart, at the moment | 06:27 |
chergui | t es francais rioghal | 06:27 |
rioghal | !repeat > ubd | 06:27 |
cld2 | yeah | 06:27 |
LjL | !fr | chergui | 06:27 |
ubotu | chergui: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 06:27 |
cld2 | do a mount -a | 06:27 |
kmaynard | ubd, i've told you what to try | 06:27 |
cld2 | darko3d: mount -a | 06:27 |
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chergui | ok thanks ubotu | 06:27 |
mbiven | I've inherited a system and can't tell which firewall its using, iptables -L shows nothing | 06:27 |
mbiven | any ideas where to look? | 06:27 |
kmaynard | you sure it's got a firewall? | 06:28 |
ubd | thank you for your brilliant idea kmaynard. you may reinstall your windows | 06:28 |
Paradox34690 | Kmaynard, it's cool man... i'm just anal-retentive like that.... I do technical support for an software company, so it kinda goes with the territory | 06:28 |
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mbiven | yeah, ssh is allwoed and its blocking 3306 | 06:28 |
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Gabby_Hayes | Howdy | 06:28 |
rioghal | mbamford, you dont really need a firewall as all ports are closed out-of-the-box.. i havent used a firewall since warty and if youre behind a router then youre good | 06:28 |
kmaynard | ubd, what are you talking about? | 06:28 |
cld2 | darko3d: if you umount it from where it was mounted and then run mount -a and check to see if /media/darko-data is there then its working. | 06:28 |
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dabaR | mbiven: dpkg -l |grep fire | 06:29 |
darko3d | darko@Darko-XX:~$ sudo mount -a | 06:29 |
darko3d | [mntent] : line 8 in /etc/fstab is bad | 06:29 |
LjL | ubd, what's with your attitude? | 06:29 |
cld2 | darko3d: pastebin your fstab. | 06:29 |
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kmaynard | ubd, the live cd is known to lock up from time to time. the alternate cd runs clean 99% of the time | 06:29 |
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Paradox34690 | Okay, so given the fact that I'm already at a deficiency by using VMWare, could anyone suggest a theme style that I could use effectively? | 06:29 |
=== rioghal hugs her alternate cd | ||
Paradox34690 | or am i pretty much screwed? | 06:29 |
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kmaynard | Paradox34690, art.gnome.org | 06:30 |
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dreamer | hmm, in FF, at least google video, but also youtube I think, the video/sound-sync gets screwed up pretty fast, within the first minute | 06:30 |
kmaynard | there's tons of non-beryl themes | 06:30 |
ubd | try alternate cd is not an answer but a joke | 06:30 |
mbiven | dabaR: thanks that didn't turn anything up, I take it you were expecting firestarter? | 06:30 |
LjL | ubd: why? | 06:30 |
thread | I have a 32bit app on my 64bit edgy system that is telling me: error while loading shared libraries: libuuid.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:30 |
darko3d | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32962/ | 06:30 |
kmaynard | ubd, it is an honest to goodness suggestion. | 06:30 |
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Paradox34690 | okay, i'll give it a look around and I'll be sure to check out that site Kmaynard. | 06:30 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, also gnome-look.org | 06:30 |
dreamer | hmm, in FF, at least google video, but also youtube I think, the video/sound-sync gets screwed up pretty fast, within the first minute | 06:31 |
rioghal | ubd, the folks in here are volunteers and they have told you that the alternate cd is a better option given your problems.. if youre not going to listen, then why do you ask questions? | 06:31 |
dreamer | the video is faster than the sound | 06:31 |
postangcslv | dreamer: use the flash 9 beta plugin | 06:31 |
Paradox34690 | yeah, i'm on there right now.. was going to ask what the GTK1.x and GTK 2.x stuff was all about.. | 06:31 |
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dreamer | postangcslv: hmm | 06:31 |
postangcslv | works great for me | 06:31 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, for gnome to look good, you want gtk2 themes | 06:31 |
ochosi | hi, i'm really desperate. can't get intel hda (sigmatel) mic to work. mic worked in dapper, doesn't in edgy (i can't remember what i did to make it work). any suggestions? | 06:31 |
Paradox34690 | thankies Rioghal | 06:32 |
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kmaynard | ubd: http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso | 06:32 |
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darko3d | cld2: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32962/ what do you think? | 06:32 |
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ubd | i didnt asked how to dl alt. cd am i | 06:32 |
ochosi | i still have dapper installed, but i don't know which are the crucial config files for the alsa-mic to work | 06:33 |
LjL | ubd: what was your question, given i only joined while the discussion was already in progress? | 06:33 |
polpak | ubd: ok, what are you asking | 06:33 |
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postangcslv | ubd: you asked for a solution there it is! | 06:33 |
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qmf | i think my problem ( http://starqmf.com/fglrx.png ) is xgl related and not fglrx. | 06:33 |
Paradox34690 | hey, here's a really dumb one... | 06:33 |
kmaynard | LjL, he said the ubuntu install was freezing up on him about halfway through. i suggested the alternate cd, and this is the result | 06:33 |
ubd | ubuntu freezes while install/ from live cd | 06:34 |
ubd | this is the problem | 06:34 |
kmaynard | here we go again... | 06:34 |
rioghal | lol | 06:34 |
LjL | ubd: did you verify the CD? | 06:34 |
ubd | yes | 06:34 |
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ubd | i got bad sector on hdd | 06:34 |
LjL | ubd: then it might be that your HD is broken, no? | 06:34 |
kmaynard | ok, and you didnt say that before, why? | 06:34 |
ubd | not broken | 06:34 |
qmf | lol | 06:34 |
rioghal | ubd, well, thats info you didnt give us the first time | 06:34 |
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Paradox34690 | Thanks Kmaynard ;) Where is this "~/.themes" directory that this site: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=13548 is referring to? | 06:34 |
LjL | ubd: how do you know it's not broken? | 06:34 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, /home/user/.theme | 06:35 |
ubd | cuz it is running wondows for ages and also atm | 06:35 |
cld2 | wow, this is the biggest channel on freenode right now. | 06:35 |
manopulus | hello. i wan to install ubuntu server over existing Centos. i have only network access and can request people to choice optopns for bootup. how i can do network install? debootstrap? is it will work at centos? | 06:35 |
bobindy | hi | 06:35 |
Paradox34690 | nice... thanks | 06:35 |
LjL | ubd: doesn't mean a thing. do you have SMART enabled in the BIOS? | 06:35 |
kmaynard | np | 06:35 |
ubd | yes ljl | 06:35 |
bobindy | wine | 06:35 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, "~" mean "/home/yourusername" so ~/.themes would be /home/user/.themes | 06:35 |
bobindy | I installed it but it won't work | 06:35 |
kmaynard | rioghal, good call :) | 06:35 |
bobindy | kubuntu | 06:35 |
Paradox34690 | sorry guys... i'm totally new to this... | 06:36 |
rioghal | kmaynard, :) | 06:36 |
kmaynard | bobindy, winecfg | 06:36 |
dreamer | postangcslv: is there any way to install flash 9 without wine ? | 06:36 |
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LjL | ubd: then boot from the Live CD, but don't start the installer - install the "smartmontools" package instead, and then run "sudo smartctl -A /dev/hda", assuming hda is your drive | 06:36 |
kmaynard | Paradox34690, that's what the channel is for :) | 06:36 |
postangcslv | dreamer: theres a native linux version | 06:36 |
postangcslv | search google | 06:36 |
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bobindy | gonna need to configure in console | 06:36 |
iarwain | hi, does anybody know why i can't get network-manager connection to my wireless? | 06:36 |
ubd | whats smartctl | 06:36 |
kmaynard | bobindy, winecfg gives you a gui | 06:36 |
ochosi | ok, no suggestions with alsa mic problem? (i already looked into forums and search engines) | 06:36 |
LjL | !info smartmontools | ubd | 06:37 |
ubotu | smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.36-6ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 256 kB, installed size 620 kB | 06:37 |
kmaynard | ochosi, is the volume turned up/on? | 06:37 |
postangcslv | dreamer: someones built ubuntu packages - just can't remeber where | 06:37 |
bobindy | is that a file or a command | 06:37 |
kmaynard | command | 06:37 |
kmaynard | run it in a terminal | 06:37 |
bobindy | cool | 06:37 |
bobindy | thanks maynard | 06:37 |
ochosi | kmaynard, yep. just doesn't capture anything at all | 06:37 |
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kmaynard | yah mon | 06:37 |
ubd | therer no problems reported by smart | 06:37 |
dreamer | postangcslv: I found a .deb | 06:37 |
bobindy | that is what I need to know | 06:37 |
dreamer | for the plugin at least | 06:37 |
dreamer | dinertime now :) | 06:38 |
LjL | ubd: SMART in the BIOS doesn't report all possible problems. | 06:38 |
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bobindy | so can I help any of you all with any technical advice | 06:38 |
ubd | i check smart info from windows | 06:38 |
ubd | checked | 06:38 |
bobindy | ok well thanks again | 06:38 |
kmaynard | bobindy, just hang around...something will come up :) | 06:38 |
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LjL | ubd: and you don't have any suspect (i.e. lower than 255, or than 100) values for things like Reallocated Sectors Count, or similar? | 06:38 |
bobindy | hehe | 06:38 |
bobindy | bye | 06:38 |
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ubd | thanks for your help | 06:39 |
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LjL | ubd: did you select quick or full format in the CD installer (assuming there's such an option, i don't quite remember)? | 06:39 |
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Paradox34690 | omg... i feel like a quadapalegic in a nudey bar... Do i need something special to install a gtk2.x theme? Should I just give up and revert back to windows and let good 'ol billy gates continue his mind control of me??? Is resistance truly futile? | 06:40 |
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kmaynard | Paradox34690, just download the theme, and then you can install it in the theme preference window...no need to untar it yourself | 06:41 |
LjL | ubd: i'd try formatting manually using mkfs -c -v and seeing if it reports any problem | 06:41 |
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kmaynard | Paradox34690, the theme manager does all the work for you | 06:41 |
ubd | ' have reformetted and fscked | 06:41 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, gtk2 themes are untarred and copied to ~.themes that's all the themes installer does anyway | 06:41 |
LjL | ubd: with the -c option? | 06:42 |
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lordtolstoi | i need help in romanian | 06:42 |
LjL | ubd: -c checks for bad blocks. vanilla mkfs doesn't check of anything | 06:42 |
bieb_work | Can you set an html page as the background for the desktop? | 06:42 |
Paradox34690 | tryin' now... | 06:42 |
LjL | s/of/for/ | 06:42 |
kmaynard | !language | 06:42 |
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rioghal | Paradox34690, keep in mind that the themes installer doesnt handle multi-theme tarballs well, youll need to copy those manually | 06:42 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 06:42 |
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kmaynard | wrong factoid | 06:42 |
LjL | !ro | lordtolstoi | 06:42 |
ubotu | lordtolstoi: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro. | 06:42 |
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arup | to perl experts:: cpan refusing to install any package! | 06:43 |
Paradox34690 | Rioghal, so if it has multiple dirs compressed inside of the tarball (say... a gtk AND a gtk2.x dir) then I need to do something special? | 06:43 |
ubd | ljl : na | 06:43 |
unimatrix9 | just drop the theme in the theme manager of gnome | 06:43 |
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rioghal | Paradox34690, no, those are handled properly.. i am talking about theme1, theme2, theme3, etc inside a tarball | 06:43 |
lordtolstoi | how do i deactivate firewall ? | 06:43 |
Paradox34690 | ooooooh... okay... | 06:44 |
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LjL | lordtolstoi: no firewalling is active by default | 06:44 |
rioghal | Paradox34690, a good example is the T-ish tarball, it has several themes inside the tarball | 06:44 |
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unimatrix9 | you get the themes from here | 06:44 |
unimatrix9 | http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=100&PHPSESSID=90c45b5dc201aee51ce0fb668e5c9d28 | 06:44 |
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Qy | Hello | 06:44 |
paradizelost | ubd, what kind of mobo/graphics card? | 06:44 |
paradizelost | on my desktop, the livecd hangs while booting | 06:44 |
Qy | which package contains the SVN commandline client? | 06:44 |
ubd | nvidia both | 06:44 |
paradizelost | ubd, try passing the kernel options at the boot menu - noapic nolapic | 06:45 |
Qy | !svn | 06:45 |
ubotu | svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/ | 06:45 |
Paradox34690 | holy crap! it worked!!! hehehehehehe I'm happy now... (not as happy as I was to get my Wii, but almost... ) :D thanks everyone... this has plagued my brain since friday, but I wasn't able to pick up wireless in Wal-Mart... didn't even think to try that... | 06:45 |
paradizelost | give it about 5 min to start up | 06:45 |
kmaynard | hit it with a hammer | 06:45 |
ubd | paradizelost: k ill try that | 06:45 |
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seifip | hi all | 06:46 |
seifip | I'm trying to upgrade 6.06 to 6.10 | 06:46 |
paradizelost | seifip, do a fresh install....;) | 06:47 |
seifip | why? :) | 06:47 |
rioghal | LjL, wouldnt a bad sector on a drive be an indication that the hd will die soon? | 06:47 |
slicslak | i just installed network-manager-gnome but i can't find it. how do i run it? | 06:47 |
kmaynard | !upgrade | seifip | 06:47 |
ubotu | seifip: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 06:47 |
paradizelost | rioghal, no | 06:47 |
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paradizelost | rioghal, it just means there's a bad sector. happens all the time, the system marks ti bad, and stops using it | 06:48 |
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slicslak | nm, i just logged out/in | 06:48 |
tim167 | when a program crashes, bug-reporter tool hangs my system even longer than necessary, how can I disable bug-repoter ? | 06:48 |
rioghal | how do i remove a DNS server from my ubuntu system via command line? | 06:48 |
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LjL | rioghal: not always, but often enough. *one* bad sector alone, or a couple, is quite normal with modern drives. but when the bad sectors start to be visible to the OS (normally they just get reallocated by the drive's firmware), then you probably have a problem | 06:48 |
kmaynard | rioghal, sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf | 06:48 |
unimatrix9 | no , and badsector can be identified and the disk might run for an other year or two | 06:48 |
paradizelost | rioghal, /etc/resolv.conf | 06:48 |
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paradizelost | rioghal, but if you are on DHCP, it's a tougher issue | 06:48 |
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rioghal | paradizelost, LjL : ok, thanks | 06:48 |
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paradizelost | because you can remove it, in 5 minutes, it will get added back | 06:49 |
Darok | Hi.. where can I find Printer support for Epson Stylus Printing | 06:49 |
seifip | my problem is that it shows the "Failed to lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock" error when updating | 06:49 |
rioghal | paradizelost, cant do that because /etc/resolv.conf gets re-written on every boot | 06:49 |
Darok | 06:49 | |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 06:49 |
seifip | i dont have the /var/lib/apt/lists/lock at all :/ | 06:49 |
=== SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | also, this computer becomes downright slow nowadays, compared to when it had windows on it. | 06:49 |
tim167 | How do I optimize ubuntu (turn off all unnecesary processes etc...) | 06:50 |
tim167 | ? | 06:50 |
paradizelost | rioghal, every time that dhclient checks the dhcp server, it re-writes resolv.conf | 06:50 |
paradizelost | if you are static, it doesn't get re-done | 06:50 |
kmaynard | seifip, gksu "update-manager -c -d" | 06:50 |
unimatrix9 | windows 95 you mean? | 06:50 |
unimatrix9 | :P | 06:50 |
richee | ubuntu sucks :p | 06:50 |
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tim167 | nah XP | 06:50 |
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rioghal | paradizelost, ok, so maybe i need to be telling the system not to include the router when looking for DNS servers? | 06:50 |
monokrom1 | hey | 06:50 |
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monokrom1 | I am trying to compile this application | 06:50 |
kmaynard | tim167, try the i686 kernel, and man updeate-rc | 06:51 |
monokrom1 | But it says I don't have glib-config when I compile | 06:51 |
kmaynard | update-rc even | 06:51 |
monokrom1 | Anyone know where I can get this application? | 06:51 |
seifip | kmaynard still the same problem :/ | 06:51 |
unimatrix9 | mine runs as fast as xp on this machine, but you can alway' s install xp back, if you like that | 06:51 |
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rioghal | !glib-config | 06:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about glib-config - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:51 |
kmaynard | seifip, bckup /home and clean install :) | 06:51 |
zever | !info sun-java5-plugin | 06:51 |
paradizelost | rioghal, it gets the dns servers from the DHCP server, you can tell dhclient to pre-pend your own list of dns servers, but they will be there in addition to the others it gets from DHCP | 06:51 |
ubotu | sun-java5-plugin: The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB | 06:51 |
seifip | :D:D | 06:51 |
kmaynard | monokrom1, have you installed build-essential? | 06:51 |
DjViper | I installed mplayer with add/remove where do I find the config file? | 06:51 |
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monokrome | kmaynard: Nope | 06:52 |
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rioghal | paradizelost, :( ok, is there a way to make the system stop adding the router ( as a DNS server? | 06:52 |
unimatrix9 | i think in home as hidden file ./ | 06:52 |
kmaynard | monokrome, you need build-essential to compile stuff | 06:52 |
dead1ock | yo | 06:52 |
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tim167 | kmaynard: is that suitable for a PIV thinkpad notebook ? | 06:52 |
ziro01 | sup | 06:52 |
monokrome | alright, thanks maynard. | 06:52 |
=== Latty [n=Latty@host86-132-242-222.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | tim167, is it an intel cpu? | 06:52 |
paradizelost | rioghal, you have a linksys i assume? | 06:53 |
tim167 | kmaynard: yes | 06:53 |
cld2 | so, I though support for fat32 was default with a 6.06 install? is that not the case? | 06:53 |
LjL | cld2: yes, it is the case. | 06:53 |
paradizelost | rioghal, because the linksys is your DHCP server. it should act as a relay for DNS | 06:53 |
LjL | !mountwindows > cld2 | 06:53 |
kmaynard | tim167, then yes, the 686 kernel will give you a little speed | 06:53 |
tim167 | kmaynard: and how do I do that exactly ? | 06:53 |
LjL | !generic | 06:53 |
ubotu | Background to the decision to replace -386, -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html | 06:53 |
rioghal | paradizelost, no, actiontec | 06:53 |
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seifip | what is the best torrent client for ubuntu? I'm using BitLord on WinXP and am searching for some alternative for ubuntu... | 06:53 |
ziro01 | good | 06:53 |
LjL | !best | seifip | 06:53 |
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ubotu | seifip: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 06:53 |
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kmaynard | tim167, use synaptic, look for the most current 686 kernel | 06:53 |
kmaynard | !kernel | 06:53 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 06:53 |
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paradizelost | rioghal, well, either way, that box is your DHCP server, as such, it gives itself out as the address. it should act as a relay for the DNS | 06:53 |
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tim167 | kmaynard: ok! | 06:54 |
=== vig [n=ubuntu@ip68-106-203-168.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seifip | !best | 06:54 |
ubotu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 06:54 |
unimatrix9 | tim167 an other option is an lightweight desktop manager like fluxbox | 06:54 |
rioghal | paradizelost, the problem is that upon reboot, the system adds the router as a DNS server and when that happens webpages wont open in ff | 06:54 |
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paradizelost | the only way to stop the behavior is to use a different machine for DNHCP | 06:54 |
PawciooS | Hello! | 06:54 |
LjL | !hi | 06:54 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 06:54 |
vig | Hiya | 06:54 |
PawciooS | I've question: I can't find info about max acceptable temp for processor P4 3.06GHz with HT? | 06:54 |
PumpkinPie | Hello! | 06:54 |
paradizelost | PawciooS, i wouldn't go much above 75C | 06:54 |
tim167 | unimatrix9: thanks will look at that too | 06:54 |
bhearsum | i'm running dapper with xfce on my laptop. when my battery reaches "critical" status my laptop shuts itself down. i've looked through syslog and messages and i'm unable to determine what is shutting the computer down. i want to stop this behaviour though. how can i find out what is shutting me down? | 06:54 |
kmaynard | !google | PawciooS | 06:54 |
ubotu | PawciooS: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com - Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux | 06:54 |
unimatrix9 | between 60-70 dgr | 06:54 |
seifip | ubotu: OK... then, what are the options? :) | 06:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about OK... then, what are the options? :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:55 |
paradizelost | seifip, ubotu is a bot | 06:55 |
seifip | k :D | 06:55 |
seifip | rofl | 06:55 |
PawciooS | unimatrix9: thx, but I can't find on Intel webpage :/ | 06:55 |
LjL | !torrent | seifip | 06:55 |
ubotu | seifip: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 06:55 |
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LjL | seifip: or just type "apt-cache search torrent" | 06:55 |
PawciooS | I have 55 on idle, and I don't know that its secure | 06:55 |
paradizelost | PawciooS, google site:intel.com max pentium 4 temperature | 06:55 |
LjL | !packages > seifip | 06:55 |
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PawciooS | paradizelost: I tried, it doesn't found | 06:56 |
paradizelost | PawciooS, 55 is safe | 06:56 |
paradizelost | up to 70 is safe | 06:56 |
PawciooS | paradizelost: on idle? | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | acpi -t | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | Battery 1: charged, 100% | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | Thermal 1: ok, 48.0 degrees C | 06:56 |
rioghal | paradizelost, thanks you gave me an idea i need to reboot to test it :) | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | this is my temp on the laptop | 06:56 |
unimatrix9 | so acpi -t will give info on yours too | 06:56 |
paradizelost | mine is 56 degrees | 06:56 |
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unimatrix9 | does the fan kick in? | 06:57 |
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PawciooS | unimatrix9: I ask because I changed proc P4 1.6GHz Willamette as P4 3.06GHz with HT - and I must reinstall kernel with SMP | 06:57 |
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PawciooS | I didn't changed fan | 06:57 |
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Flosoft | how can I change the GDM keyboard language? | 06:57 |
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unimatrix9 | backup all import work first | 06:58 |
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unimatrix9 | then do an clean new install, thats what i would do, but he, i am not you.. | 06:58 |
vig | Install disk was used and worked on other PC, do I download new one for alternate PC or does it matter, this install is going bad. Both are i386, error message was Could not load GNOME, or error loading GNOME, suggestions? | 06:58 |
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irene | jhgfkr | 06:59 |
prestosd | HELP!! Something is eating all of my processor power and I can't find out what it is!!!! | 06:59 |
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unimatrix9 | open console and type top | 06:59 |
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unimatrix9 | the first thing in the list is the heaviest mem eater | 07:00 |
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prestosd | k | 07:00 |
tim167 | kmaynard, I want to try the i686 kernel, and man update-rc, is that 'kernel-image...' in synaptic ? | 07:00 |
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mwe | no the first thing is the heaviest CPU eater ;) | 07:00 |
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=== LordMetroid [n=lordmetr@h242n2c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
unimatrix9 | hmm, true, your advise then is? | 07:01 |
kmaynard | tim167, if you install in synaptic everything is added for you | 07:01 |
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mwe | you need to press > to sort by mem | 07:01 |
LordMetroid | Hi, how do I extract rar compression? | 07:01 |
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alecjw | LordMetroid: install unrar or unrar-free | 07:02 |
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unimatrix9 | with unrar | 07:02 |
prestosd | unimatrix9, thanks, I had too many tabs open in opera | 07:02 |
unimatrix9 | apt-get install unrar | 07:02 |
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LordMetroid | Thank you | 07:02 |
alecjw | LordMetroid: unrar can unrar all rar's, but is only a 40 day free trial. unrar-free can't open the latest vetsions of rar, but its free | 07:02 |
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firas | hi ... | 07:03 |
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celia | espaol | 07:03 |
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alecjw | !es | celia | 07:03 |
ubotu | celia: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:03 |
unimatrix9 | hmm is that true, did not know | 07:03 |
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meskiukas | salut | 07:03 |
celia | alguien habla espaol? | 07:03 |
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alecjw | !es | celia | 07:04 |
ubotu | celia: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 07:04 |
unimatrix9 | alecjw, so ubuntu installs unrar in an nonfree version? | 07:04 |
unimatrix9 | thats odd? | 07:04 |
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kmaynard | tim167, you're not compiling your own kernel are you? | 07:04 |
alecjw | unimatrix9: yep | 07:04 |
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alecjw | !fr | meskiukas | 07:04 |
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ubotu | meskiukas: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:04 |
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firas | some one can help me iam using pptp adsl and connected to intenrnet knew that using ifconfig but still cant browse sites or ping them !? | 07:04 |
Some_Person | hi | 07:04 |
GeMiNniS | hi | 07:04 |
unimatrix9 | so the better package would be apt-get install unrar-free? | 07:05 |
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cement_head | has anyone ever used the SoftwareSuspend2 dagobah patched kernels? | 07:05 |
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vig | I try another ISO, thank you. | 07:05 |
meskiukas | thanks ^^ | 07:05 |
Some_Person | i get this damn error when opening synapti | 07:05 |
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Some_Person | E: The package conexant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 07:05 |
Some_Person | E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report. | 07:05 |
chergui | firas use dhclient eth "must be root" | 07:05 |
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chergui | if you are dhcp client | 07:05 |
alecjw | unimatrix9: it depends. if it's anyting like the windoze version, it will still let you use it after your 40 day trial but tell you off every time you do | 07:05 |
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Darok | hola celia | 07:05 |
chergui | dhcp server sorry | 07:06 |
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unimatrix9 | Some_Person, you already asked, not solved yet? | 07:06 |
Some_Person | not solved | 07:06 |
firas | ok i will try it thx | 07:06 |
Some_Person | rebooted and problem is still here | 07:06 |
Some_Person | at least i'm on ubuntu now | 07:06 |
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unimatrix9 | apt-get --purge remove NameOfPackage did you do that? | 07:06 |
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Some_Person | what should i do? i cant even get to my repos | 07:07 |
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Atomiku | Hmm | 07:07 |
mwe | Some_Person: can't get to your repos? | 07:08 |
Atomiku | Is there a decent remote desktop program that I can use that is really fast? | 07:08 |
TheOp | i need if some if somone is willing to | 07:08 |
Some_Person | yes | 07:08 |
mwe | Some_Person: what do you mean? | 07:08 |
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Atomiku | Ive tried a few VNC programs | 07:08 |
unimatrix9 | ok, got to go good luck | 07:08 |
unimatrix9 | :) | 07:08 |
Darok | hola celia | 07:08 |
Some_Person | i get an error when starting synaptic | 07:08 |
unimatrix9 | bye | 07:08 |
Some_Person | and the repos dont load | 07:08 |
Atomiku | but they lag | 07:08 |
LordMetroid | Why does it fail? Is it because there are Japanese characters as the name of the directory inside the compressed file? Or do i need a unrar unfree? | 07:08 |
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`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:08 |
mwe | Some_Person: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:08 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:08 |
mwe | Some_Person: back it up before changing anything though | 07:08 |
Some_Person | i mean the packages | 07:09 |
Some_Person | not the repos | 07:09 |
LjL | Some_Person: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1773147 is this you? | 07:09 |
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jmoncayo | anyone here could please tell me how can i unset all the env vars from a C program? | 07:09 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:09 |
Some_Person | no thats not me | 07:10 |
Atomiku | is there a decent remote desktop program that works as fast as a KVM switch would/ | 07:10 |
Atomiku | *? | 07:10 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:10 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, www.nomachine.com | 07:10 |
teledyn_ | anyone know a utility to unape a .ape ? | 07:10 |
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Atomiku | kmaynard: Thanks dude, I'll check it out now | 07:10 |
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jmoncayo | anyone please? | 07:10 |
Some_Person | i dont even use edgy, i use dapper | 07:10 |
mwe | Some_Person: it's complaining about a missing archive it seems. what package is it? conexant? | 07:10 |
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Atomiku | AHh that | 07:10 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:10 |
Some_Person | conexant | 07:10 |
Some_Person | i installed it but it failed | 07:11 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to my linux ? | 07:11 |
bipolar | Atomiku: checkout FreeNX, which is built on the GPL portions of the NoMachine system. | 07:11 |
Some_Person | and it screwed everything up bad | 07:11 |
mwe | Some_Person: sudo apt-get --purge remove conexant | 07:11 |
mwe | Some_Person: try that | 07:11 |
Some_Person | tried that | 07:11 |
bipolar | `4aFkA`: don't repeat yourself. | 07:11 |
Atomiku | Hmm | 07:11 |
Some_Person | didnt work | 07:11 |
Atomiku | FreenX? | 07:11 |
mwe | Some_Person: oh | 07:11 |
Atomiku | Okay cool I'll check that out first | 07:11 |
teledyn_ | `4aFkA`: stop repeating please | 07:11 |
TheOp | i upgraded to 6.06 LTS through synaptic and when i rebooted it said it was waiting for the root file system. then it says /dev/hda1 does not exist and it is going to shell. I chck the hard drive and it is seen in my bios anyone have any ideas how i can fix it or where i can go to fix it | 07:11 |
Atomiku | Since I'm guessing its the free alternative XD | 07:11 |
mwe | Some_Person: sudo apt-get -f install? | 07:11 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, i tried freenx, with no luck...nomachine works well | 07:11 |
kmaynard | ymmv | 07:11 |
=== Dybber [n=Dybber@0x3e42d1c0.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bipolar | Atomiku: not so much an alternitive... it's the same code. | 07:12 |
`4aFkA` | i won't repeat if some one answer me! | 07:12 |
teledyn_ | `4aFkA`: what do you mean by vhost? | 07:12 |
=== capgadget [n=elifino@adsl-68-93-122-54.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | but that forum post looks like the same problem i have | 07:12 |
teledyn_ | `4aFkA`: wrong. you repeat you will get kicked and probably ignored by many | 07:12 |
tim167 | I installed 686 kernel with synaptic and restarted, should I manually update too ?( I don't remember the command for that...) | 07:12 |
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-208.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bipolar | `4aFkA`: constantly repeating yourself will just get you /ignore'ed | 07:12 |
Some_Person | nope that didnt work | 07:12 |
kmaynard | tim167, uname -a | 07:12 |
Some_Person | i just get an error | 07:13 |
Some_Person | E: The package conexant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 07:13 |
kmaynard | tim167, tell me what it says | 07:13 |
tim167 | 2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 07:13 |
mwe | Some_Person: you probably need to edit the cache by hand to fix it then. APT sometimes does that if it's interupted | 07:13 |
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Some_Person | how do i do that? | 07:13 |
LjL | Some_Person, you could try "sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq conexant", but only as a very very last resort | 07:13 |
kmaynard | oooh, 2 very's | 07:13 |
Some_Person | why as a last resort? | 07:13 |
=== kyja [n=kyja@70-41-157-167.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to the linux? ( i want to make vhost and add it in to a bot) | 07:14 |
kmaynard | because it might break stuff | 07:14 |
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=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | kmaynard: gues its ok then, :p | 07:14 |
kmaynard | tim167, if it says 686, you're good to go | 07:14 |
Some_Person | should i do it then? | 07:14 |
seifip | how do I install Java on ubuntu? | 07:14 |
=== Lattyware_ [n=Latty@host86-133-32-167.range86-133.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tim167 | kmaynard: thanks! now maybe I'll try a lighter window manager | 07:14 |
=== noodles12 [n=ghost@cpe-68-204-42-149.sw.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seifip | or... how can I install rpm.bin file... :/ | 07:15 |
seifip | :) | 07:15 |
LjL | Some_Person, "--force" options in dpkg are already quite dangerous. whether you "should" do it or not depends on you. perhaps you might wait until you find someone with a better idea. | 07:15 |
=== Twinxor [n=Twinxor@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | should i run sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq conexant? | 07:15 |
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LjL | !java > seifip | 07:15 |
tim167 | kmaynard: and see if I can get this thing up to speed | 07:15 |
kmaynard | tim167, look at man updeate-rc see if there's services you can disable...jsut dont overdo it | 07:15 |
mwe | LjL: will that clear it off the status file? | 07:15 |
Some_Person | i dont know | 07:15 |
LjL | seifip: and don't install RPMs | 07:15 |
bipolar | selinuxium: check the FAQ | 07:15 |
noodles12 | sometimes, my volume doesn't work when playing a video if i've been using it to play amarok. Like does it steal all the volume resources even after i've closed amarok? | 07:15 |
Some_Person | i've been dealing with this for an hour | 07:15 |
LjL | mwe: if it succeeds in removing it... | 07:15 |
kmaynard | !xubuntu | tim167 | 07:15 |
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ubotu | tim167: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 07:15 |
seifip | !java | seifip | 07:15 |
ubotu | seifip: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository | 07:15 |
Some_Person | whats the worst possible scenario? | 07:15 |
=== JellyBelly [n=jelly@81-208-83-215.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | if i do it | 07:16 |
kmaynard | Some_Person, you mess up your system and need to reinstall | 07:16 |
Some_Person | well, nothing depends on conexant | 07:16 |
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crimsun | ubotu: Xubuntu =~ s/FCE/fce/ | 07:16 |
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haxality | hey, I'm having a weird problem with Network Manager | 07:17 |
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noodles12 | sometimes, my volume doesn't work when playing a video if i've been using it to play amarok. Like does it steal all the volume resources even after i've closed amarok? | 07:17 |
haxality | it was working fine, but after I configured and ran kismet, it completely stopped working | 07:17 |
Some_Person | do you know an alternate solution? | 07:17 |
slavik | installing dapper, how long should it take to resize an existing (dapper) partition? | 07:17 |
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=== NickDangr [n=rer@pool-71-101-244-106.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ax | i just installed 6.10 server, i selected the wrong keyboard layout in the initial install, how do i change the keyboard layout? [I'm runing console only] | 07:17 |
`4aFkA` | how can i add vhost to the linux? ( i want to make vhost and add it in to a bot) | 07:17 |
slavik | haxality: 'sudo iwconfig eth1 mode Managed' | 07:17 |
=== _kamil9_ [n=kamil@svr.szuwarowa.krakow.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | `4aFkA`, have you tried google, or the ubuntu forums? | 07:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | okay i'm putting you on ignore | 07:18 |
NickDangr | anyone here using Ubuntu and manipulating RAW image files? | 07:18 |
Some_Person | i jsut ran it | 07:18 |
`4aFkA` | no kmaynard | 07:18 |
NickDangr | sorry Admiral_Chicago wha'd I do? | 07:18 |
`4aFkA` | wh y? | 07:18 |
NickDangr | :) | 07:18 |
Some_Person | and it gave error | 07:18 |
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kmaynard | `4aFkA`, you may want to | 07:18 |
Admiral_Chicago | NickDangr: not you :P | 07:18 |
NickDangr | lol | 07:18 |
Some_Person | didnt fix the problem | 07:18 |
mwe | I once couldn't get some package to go away. ended up removing it from the status file by hand and manually removing any files it left | 07:18 |
mwe | Some_Person: ^^ | 07:19 |
NickDangr | it usually takes a good 5 minutes for people to start /igonre-ing me | 07:19 |
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-219-183.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | kmaynard: Hmm how do I install nomachine nx? | 07:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | how do a i remove a ignore? | 07:19 |
Atomiku | I've got "NX Enterprise Desktop Server Compressed TAR for Linux" | 07:19 |
slavik | problem need not be ignored, they must dissappear ;) | 07:19 |
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rioghal | NickDangr, lol | 07:19 |
NickDangr | rofl | 07:19 |
Some_Person | so now what do i do? | 07:19 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, you need 3 packages (in this order): nxclient, nxnode, nxserver | 07:19 |
Atomiku | Hmm | 07:19 |
mwe | Some_Person: do that on your own risk thouh and back up the status file first in case you make things worse you can go back then | 07:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | err no | 07:20 |
Atomiku | do i need the client on linux? | 07:20 |
=== kodama [n=kodama@ANice-151-1-80-35.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_kamil9_ | quit | 07:20 |
Atomiku | or should it be on this windows computer? | 07:20 |
rioghal | Admiral_Chicago, xchat? | 07:20 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, download the debs into their own directory, dpkg -i nx*.deb , then apt-get install -f | 07:20 |
NickDangr | so, back to the original question - anyone? .raw image files? lol | 07:20 |
Atomiku | Uhhh... | 07:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | rioghal: took care of it in Konversation | 07:20 |
slavik | NickDangr: try gimp? | 07:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | thanks anyways | 07:20 |
Some_Person | ERROR: Module hsfserial is in use by hsfusbcd2,hsfmc97sis,hsfmc97ati,hsfmc97ali,hsfmc97via,hsfmc97ich,hsfpcibasic2 | 07:20 |
Some_Person | ERROR: Module hsfengine is in use by hsfusbcd2,hsfmc97sis,hsfmc97ati,hsfmc97ali,hsfmc97via,hsfmc97ich,hsfpcibasic2,hsfserial | 07:20 |
Some_Person | ERROR: Module hsfbasic2 does not exist in /proc/modules | 07:20 |
Some_Person | ERROR: Module hsfosspec is in use by hsfusbcd2,hsfmc97sis,hsfmc97ati,hsfmc97ali,hsfmc97via,hsfmc97ich,hsfpcibasic2,hsfserial,hsfengine | 07:20 |
Some_Person | dpkg: error processing conexant (--remove): | 07:20 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, the server wont install without the client | 07:20 |
Some_Person | subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1 | 07:20 |
Some_Person | Errors were encountered while processing: | 07:20 |
Some_Person | conexant | 07:20 |
Atomiku | Note that im a total noob to linux | 07:20 |
rioghal | !paste > Some_Person | 07:20 |
slavik | !pastebin| Some_Person | 07:20 |
NickDangr | last time I tried, it wasn't supporting the format, slavik but I'll doit a gain. | 07:20 |
ubotu | Some_Person: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:20 |
mwe | Some_Person: cd /var/lib/dpkg. then sudo cp status status.backup. the sudo nano status and find the entry for conexant | 07:20 |
Some_Person | oops sorry | 07:20 |
Atomiku | Right | 07:21 |
=== pouet [n=pouet@ANice-151-1-80-35.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"] | ||
Atomiku | Downloading the debs now | 07:21 |
mwe | Some_Person: and remove it. about 20 lines or so | 07:21 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, and you will need the client only on remote machines | 07:21 |
slavik | installing dapper, how long should it take to resize an existing (dapper) partition? | 07:21 |
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Some_Person | pl | 07:21 |
=== Ignite_ [n=Ignite__@AC8E7378.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | i mean ok | 07:21 |
chuchiperriman | join #anjuta | 07:21 |
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mwe | Some_Person: then try running synaptic again. if it works good. if not restore the old status file | 07:21 |
kmaynard | slavik, wat filesystem? | 07:21 |
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=== bhudda [n=bhudda@71-221-137-247.bois.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== kmaynard dares someone to run bhudda's belly | ||
Some_Person | ok | 07:22 |
slavik | kmaynard: I am installing a second copy of dapper (to upgrade to edgy) and am resizing an existing dapper partition (to 100GB from 160GB which is the entire drive) | 07:22 |
slavik | ext3 | 07:22 |
kmaynard | rub | 07:22 |
kmaynard | geez | 07:22 |
Some_Person | can i use gedit instead of nano? | 07:22 |
mwe | Some_Person: it should make APT think it was never installed. it will leave all files it installed though | 07:22 |
kmaynard | slavik, what filesystem? | 07:22 |
Some_Person | ok | 07:22 |
slavik | kmaynard: ext3 | 07:23 |
=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-123-3-56.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | slavik, it may take a while then | 07:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | Some_Person: yes | 07:23 |
Atomiku | okay | 07:23 |
mwe | Some_Person: but if the package is not broken maybe you can install it afterwards again | 07:23 |
Some_Person | good, it'll be easier that way | 07:23 |
slavik | kmaynard: a while ... how long about? 2 hours? a day? | 07:23 |
Atomiku | Ive got all the .debs .... Installing the node then server now | 07:23 |
Admiral_Chicago | err actually you should do gksu gedit [file] | 07:23 |
=== Kenzumi [n=kenzumi@81-203-53-99.user.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | mmm i love debs | 07:23 |
kmaynard | slavik, it's a big partition...give it an hour or so | 07:23 |
Some_Person | ok, i found the package | 07:23 |
=== nexeus [n=nexeus@host86-132-179-12.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | ok, cool | 07:24 |
=== holzmodem [n=holzmode@dslb-084-060-214-124.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | much easier than all that configure, make, make install crap | 07:24 |
mwe | Some_Person: use the search tool to find the entry. and make sure you remove all the lines concerning the package | 07:24 |
Atomiku | amirite XD | 07:24 |
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-113-13-61.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | slavik, that's a guess... | 07:24 |
slavik | I want to set up beryl on this system to show it off at work :D | 07:24 |
Some_Person | for the record, its status is deinstall reinstreq half-installed | 07:24 |
mwe | Some_Person: yeah | 07:24 |
Some_Person | i saved it | 07:24 |
Some_Person | now to run synaptic | 07:24 |
mwe | Some_Person: backed it up first right? | 07:24 |
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Some_Person | yeah | 07:24 |
mwe | good! | 07:24 |
kmaynard | Some_Person, you probably could have reinstalled by now :) | 07:24 |
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Some_Person | it works! | 07:25 |
Some_Person | thank you so much | 07:25 |
mwe | Some_Person: great | 07:25 |
=== blacksoul [n=blacki@host81-157-58-76.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | man, Beryl is sweet ... | 07:25 |
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bhudda | How do I install Beryl? | 07:25 |
haxality | anyone know why Network Manager would be broken by kismet? | 07:25 |
=== NickDangr eats a haybale and watches the conversation | ||
=== Some_Person [n=samuel@dialup-209-63-198-94.ev1.net] has left #Ubuntu [] | ||
mwe | Some_Person: now install it and remove it again to remove it's files if you don't need it. unless the package is broken | 07:25 |
slavik | haxality: did you catch the command I gave you earlier? | 07:25 |
haxality | whoa, I think I'm going blind | 07:25 |
haxality | one second | 07:25 |
=== Android [n=Android_@81-178-254-40.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | haxality: because kismet sets the mode of the card into monitor mode and then doesn't change it back to managed | 07:26 |
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haxality | ahhhhh thanks a lot slavik | 07:26 |
slavik | haxality: 'sudo iwconfig eth1 mode Managed' | 07:26 |
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haxality | that's exactgly the command I was looking for | 07:27 |
haxality | exactly, even | 07:27 |
slavik | good :P | 07:27 |
=== Paradox34690 [n=paradox@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Paradox34690 | omg... i totally screwed my stuff up (i think).... Anyone know how to add the time and all that crap back up to the original top panel? | 07:28 |
slavik | kmaynard: thing is, the status is still at 0% even though it has been running for like 15min (at least) ... | 07:28 |
=== ReFuS4L [n=ReF@adsl-ull-150-234.46-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | okay | 07:29 |
slavik | Paradox34690: right click and then add to panel | 07:29 |
Atomiku | I have the node and server installed on linux, and the client installed on this windows computer | 07:29 |
=== willsomebody [n=will@adsl-156-104-27.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | Is there anything I need to do to get it working? | 07:29 |
willsomebody | hello | 07:29 |
slavik | Atomiku: start the server and hope all is good | 07:29 |
mwe | Paradox34690: depending on the level of breakage, creating a new profile might be easiest | 07:29 |
slavik | Atomiku: open the proper ports ... | 07:29 |
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Paradox34690 | the level of breakage is that I removed the panel... | 07:30 |
mwe | heh | 07:30 |
Paradox34690 | and I want to put it back... | 07:30 |
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=== Some_Person [n=samuel@dialup-209-63-198-94.ev1.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Some_Person | !mp3 | 07:30 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:30 |
willsomebody | please respond if you see this | 07:31 |
=== ria [n=ria@krlh-590ceed0.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | slavik, what program are you using | 07:31 |
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Some_Person | can someone email me the edgy default theme? i want to put it on my dapper | 07:31 |
mwe | Some_Person: you should reinstall conexant then remove it to get rid of the files it left, unless the package is broken | 07:31 |
Atomiku | Hmm how do I start the server, lol. | 07:31 |
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kmaynard | Atomiku, it should start after its installed | 07:32 |
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Atomiku | hmm okay one sec | 07:32 |
Some_Person | i dont want it any morew | 07:32 |
kmaynard | ps -aux | grep nx | 07:32 |
Some_Person | i'm not reinstalling | 07:32 |
slavik | kmaynard: the installer in dapper livecd :) | 07:32 |
mwe | Some_Person: reinstall it then remove it to get rid of the files is what I suggested | 07:32 |
Some_Person | i'll stick with the 14kbps capping | 07:32 |
Atomiku | doesnt seem to be in the process list | 07:33 |
Some_Person | if i do it will just do the same thing it did before | 07:33 |
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mwe | Some_Person: oh. forget it then | 07:33 |
kmaynard | slavik, in order to resize ext3, it has to be converted to ext2 | 07:33 |
Some_Person | yeah | 07:33 |
=== dm [n=dm@cpe-71-74-78-235.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chuchiperriman | someone are developing anjuta??? | 07:33 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, /etc/init.d/nxserver restart | 07:33 |
dm | anyone know how to kill a process that says "uninteruptable " ? | 07:33 |
mwe | Some_Person: maybe it didn't even get to the point where it actually put any files on the system before it broke | 07:33 |
Some_Person | i dont know | 07:34 |
=== Yasuo [n=Yasuo@dslb-088-074-043-032.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | kmaynard: how come? doesn't iy just have to mvoe the pieces to fit within 100GB and change the inodes accordingly? | 07:34 |
dm | anyone know how to kill a process that says "uninteruptable " ? | 07:34 |
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kmaynard | slavik, such is the nature of ext3 | 07:34 |
mwe | Some_Person: what is it even? | 07:34 |
Qy | !w32codec | 07:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about w32codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:34 |
Qy | !w32codecs | 07:34 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:34 |
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Atomiku | Hmm | 07:35 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, where is the server? | 07:35 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, are you on the same lan? | 07:35 |
Atomiku | Im getting a problem | 07:35 |
Atomiku | yeah, on the same lan | 07:35 |
izmaelis | is there any option in xorg.conf file that is responsible for mouse moving between to screens? | 07:35 |
Atomiku | but when I do /etc/init.d/nxserver rrestart | 07:35 |
Atomiku | I get a syntax error | 07:35 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, try connecting from a remote machine | 07:35 |
Atomiku | I have done | 07:35 |
=== shodanjr_gr [n=tsump@ipa66.4.tellas.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kmaynard | hmm | 07:35 |
shodanjr_gr | hey guys | 07:35 |
ax | so no-one knows how to change the console keymap? | 07:35 |
Atomiku | btw | 07:35 |
Atomiku | all I did to install was double click the debs | 07:35 |
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kmaynard | Atomiku, there's the problem | 07:36 |
=== Matthew [n=chatzill@host81-158-81-113.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Atomiku | Oh | 07:36 |
Atomiku | damn | 07:36 |
shodanjr_gr | i have a problem trying to install ubuntu on my system. At random times during the installation, i get a black screen with a blinking cursor, and after a while the system shows the login prompt again | 07:36 |
dm | anyone know how to kill a process that says "uninteruptable " ? | 07:36 |
Atomiku | Fair enough... Uhh lemme see if I can uninstall and try again | 07:36 |
kmaynard | Atomiku, pm'ing you... | 07:36 |
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Matthew | Hmm, does anyone know how to run GRUB from ubuntu ? | 07:37 |
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kmaynard | !grub | Matthew | 07:37 |
ubotu | Matthew: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:37 |
grogoreo | is there a way to see what programs are trying to get a connection outwards? So I can see what programs need to be added to the firewall? | 07:37 |
shodanjr_gr | any clue as to my issue guys? | 07:37 |
webben | Is it possible to make fonts in OpenOffice.org /not/ look dreadful? | 07:37 |
Matthew | ta | 07:37 |
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nolimitsoya | webben, enable anti aliasing in the preference manu | 07:38 |
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kmaynard | at0miku, , you need to open a terminal. cd /wherever/the/debs/are, then dpkg -i nx*.deb then apt-get install -f | 07:38 |
haxality | oi. | 07:38 |
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ayaa | wich feeds agregator for my gnome desktop ? iconisable | 07:38 |
webben | nolimitsoya, already done that | 07:38 |
shodanjr_gr | Is there a way to get ubuntu installed via the command line? | 07:38 |
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kmaynard | shodanjr_gr, what do you mean? | 07:39 |
haxality | command didn't fix my wireless problem :/ | 07:39 |
nolimitsoya | !alternate | shodanjr_gr | 07:39 |
shodanjr_gr | welll | 07:39 |
ubotu | shodanjr_gr: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 07:39 |
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shodanjr_gr | aha | 07:39 |
shodanjr_gr | well | 07:39 |
shodanjr_gr | i have a problem trying to install ubuntu on my system. At random times during the installation, i get a black screen with a blinking cursor, and after a while the system shows the login prompt again | 07:39 |
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kmaynard | shodanjr_gr, get the alternate install cd | 07:39 |
shodanjr_gr | it is as if the system logs me off or somethinng.... | 07:39 |
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ayaa | wich feeds agregator for my gnome desktop ? iconisable | 07:39 |
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Farhad | how can I change my monitor's Brand? | 07:41 |
Hoagie | Hey. I'm in the process of choosing a laptop to install ubuntu on (6.06, most likely) and I heard that laptops have a harder time getting ubuntu running on it due to hardware. I was wondering what exactly the risks is of not being able to get it working at all? If I can get it installed, I'm perfectly willing to fiddle to get it working. | 07:42 |
kmaynard | Farhad, did you get a new monitor? | 07:42 |
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kmaynard | Hoagie, IBM's tend to do well, AFAIK | 07:42 |
Hoagie | kmaynard: Thanks, I'll take a look at some. Spending limit is a bit b0rked though. Just as well, as I hear its a bit dodgy to try and use it with bleeding edge stuff? | 07:43 |
klos__ | Hoagie, yes IBM is pretty good supported | 07:43 |
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eigenlambda | /var/log/messages, var/log/syslog, and /var/log/kern.log all contain half a gigabyte of Nov 19 14:06:49 localhost kernel: [17419865.212000] drivers/usb/input/hid-core.c | 07:43 |
eigenlambda | : input irq status -75 received | 07:43 |
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klos__ | i run ubuntu edgy on my old school asus l3500d | 07:43 |
klos__ | it also runs pretty well the only thing which doesnt work is the volume adjust | 07:44 |
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eigenlambda | half a gigabyte. so i delete those logs. and then they regenerate until they fill / again | 07:44 |
eigenlambda | it is highly annoying | 07:44 |
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eigenlambda | how can i disable that message? | 07:44 |
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Farhad | kmaynard, No , I changed my monitor with a old monitor, and max resolution is 640x480, but my monitor supports 800x600, | 07:44 |
kmaynard | Farhad, dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:44 |
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Admiral_Chicago | Farhad: you could buy a new monitor | 07:45 |
polpak | Hoagie: I've got dapper (and now edgy) running on the dell Inspiron 9300 I'm using right now | 07:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | Hoagie: let me get you a link | 07:45 |
Creeture | Hey all. I just moved my HDD with a working Ubuntu install over to a new, beefier box. I can't get $various_things to work. Even running lspci once it's up doesn't give me anything (unless I lspci -G -H 1 it). Any ideas on where to start? | 07:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | Hoagie: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops | 07:45 |
Farhad | Admiral_Chicago, i havn't got money for buy a new! ;) | 07:45 |
Hoagie | Admiral_Chicago: Thanks a lot! I'll take a peek | 07:46 |
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BadKitty | I'm really dissapointed, all of a sudden, I reboot one day and now my cpu is just getting killed. Im running ubuntu edgy iwth beryl and never had any problems until yesterday. I can't figure out what is causing the cpu 100% usage. Any help? | 07:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | Farhad: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:46 |
avalonstable | hi folk, got a little prob with FreeNX, i can connect perfectly within my lan however if i try from outside i can't connect ;-( (portforwarding is enabled, i can connect with Putty) | 07:46 |
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haxality | BadKitty: I don't want to send you in the wrong direction, but I remember yesterday someone was having the same problem and it turned out that Beryl was eating CPU | 07:46 |
kmaynard | my bad | 07:46 |
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kmaynard | Farhad, my bad...use Admiral_Chicago's command...i messed it up | 07:47 |
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Admiral_Chicago | bbl | 07:47 |
BadKitty | Yah, only problem is that I had beryl running perfectly I think it is something else | 07:47 |
Farhad | kmaynard, yes, thanks ;) | 07:47 |
BadKitty | I have lots of issues with firefox plugins too | 07:47 |
BadKitty | Could it be one of those plugins? | 07:48 |
rioghal | !nickspam > Dann0 | 07:48 |
Hoagie | Ah, that's -perfect-! Thanks a lot, everyone. :) | 07:48 |
=== Hoagie tips cap. | ||
kmaynard | BadKitty, i have troulbe with beryl after a reboot | 07:48 |
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Samus_Aran | where does Ubuntu store downloaded .deb files ? | 07:48 |
BadKitty | kmaynard: I have rebooted several times and it still happens | 07:48 |
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BadKitty | kmaynard, is there a way to ubdate beryl once installed? | 07:49 |
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kmaynard | BadKitty, dunno | 07:49 |
Samus_Aran | think I found it at /var/cache/apt/archives/ .. it's taking ages to list the dir | 07:49 |
kmaynard | try the forums | 07:49 |
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Samus_Aran | yikes, 2,530 packages, 2.4GiB used | 07:50 |
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Farhad | kmaynard, Admiral_Chicago , Thanks | 07:51 |
BadKitty | when I run top. Acroread and Xorg are the top two users...is acroread the adobe acrobat reader? | 07:51 |
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bieb_work | how hard is it to build a theme? | 07:52 |
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Samus_Aran | bieb_work: a theme for what ? | 07:52 |
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bieb_work | gnome | 07:52 |
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Samus_Aran | bieb_work: it can be a fair bit difficult if you're starting from scratch, but if you're using a pre-existing one as your base, it's not too hard, just a bit of pixel-pushing | 07:53 |
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ozoneco | i need a "complete apt line" for a server source? | 07:53 |
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Samus_Aran | bieb_work: unless it's not a pixel-based theme (there are some vector theme engines), in which case I have no idea how hard it is | 07:53 |
bieb_work | Samus... so take one from gnome-look and make the changes I want to it? | 07:53 |
ubuntu_istanbul | hi guys | 07:53 |
Samus_Aran | bieb_work: most of them are licensed to allow anyone to make changes, but do read the license first, some don't want you doing that | 07:54 |
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bieb_work | gotcha... | 07:54 |
nolimitsoya | ozoneco, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` <- would that do? | 07:54 |
frankcalise | what command should i run at "boot:" prompt to start installation? | 07:54 |
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ayaa | I saw some gnome desktops screenshots that let the desktop behave as a 3D cube, wich package does offer that ? | 07:54 |
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bhudda | Beryl | 07:54 |
nolimitsoya | frankcalise, just press enter | 07:54 |
Samus_Aran | bieb_work: and if you make a theme that is "different enough" to be unique, upload it to a themes web site such as gnome-look, so others can use it, too | 07:55 |
nolimitsoya | ayaa, beryl | 07:55 |
bhudda | ayaa, I believe it is Beryl, | 07:55 |
nolimitsoya | !beryl | ayaa | 07:55 |
ubotu | ayaa: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl | 07:55 |
bieb_work | not a problem samus | 07:55 |
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ozoneco | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:55 |
ozoneco | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 07:55 |
ozoneco | thats what i got back | 07:55 |
eigenlambda | ok | 07:55 |
mwe | close synaptic | 07:55 |
ubuntu_istanbul | i have onixon 100U usb modem. and i can't connect to the internet. it looks like ubuntu find the modem driver. | 07:55 |
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eigenlambda | who has the lock? | 07:55 |
Samus_Aran | ayaa: only one I've seen that had that was put out I think by Sun | 07:55 |
sharperguy | !avki | 07:55 |
sharperguy | !avi | 07:55 |
nolimitsoya | ozoneco, close any apt instances you have running, be it aptitude, apt or synaptic | 07:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about avki - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:55 |
ubuntu_istanbul | cubuntu can't find modem driver. | 07:56 |
Samus_Aran | "Project Looking Glass" - http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2SE/Desktop/lookingglass/ | 07:56 |
ozoneco | ok, that did something | 07:56 |
ubuntu_istanbul | can i make it myself. | 07:56 |
ubuntu_istanbul | do you have any idea | 07:56 |
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ozoneco | says newest version | 07:56 |
davin | Hi, how can I access my trash bin via the terminal? (gnome) | 07:56 |
ozoneco | when i type apt-cache search dans , it does nothing | 07:56 |
Creeture | Is 2.6.17-10-generic the most appropriate kernel for an old Athlon? | 07:57 |
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Samus_Aran | ayaa: that might be the one you're thinking of, it allows all sorts of nice 3D effects, check out their video | 07:57 |
LjL | Creeture: yes | 07:57 |
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ayaa | ok | 07:57 |
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Samus_Aran | does anyone know what the apt command is which clears the cached download files ? | 07:57 |
Creeture | LjL: Any idea why lspci gives me nothing when I run it? | 07:57 |
ubuntu_istanbul | ok. guys any answer | 07:57 |
LjL | Samus_Aran: apt-get clean | 07:57 |
nolimitsoya | ozoneco, thats becouse there are no package called dans. try thesame with, fex, linux-headers-`uname -r` | 07:57 |
LjL | Creeture: uh? | 07:57 |
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Samus_Aran | LjL: ah, I was trying apt-cache clean and clear | 07:58 |
nolimitsoya | *S | 07:58 |
shodanjr_gr | hm... | 07:58 |
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Samus_Aran | LjL: I wonder why its under apt-get and not apt-cache | 07:58 |
shodanjr_gr | now im trying to boot ubuntu on my laptop | 07:58 |
shodanjr_gr | and im getting a black screen | 07:58 |
ubuntu_istanbul | are there anybody using onixon 100U usb modem ?? | 07:58 |
LjL | Samus_Aran: apt-cache only concerns itself with the package *list* (descriptions, dependencies, etc), not with the actual packages | 07:58 |
shodanjr_gr | no X server or anything...any clues? | 07:58 |
sharperguy | how come i cant play avi's when i have all the codecs installed? | 07:58 |
sharperguy | including w32codecs | 07:58 |
ozoneco | nolimit, sorry that isn't clear to me | 07:58 |
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Samus_Aran | shodanjr_gr: do you have more than one video card ? when I had two in the computer, all I got was a black screen | 07:58 |
nolimitsoya | shodanjr_gr, sid you get a terminal? | 07:59 |
Samus_Aran | shodanjr_gr: er, you said laptop, nevermind ! | 07:59 |
shodanjr_gr | nolimitsoya nope, no terminal | 07:59 |
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mikhail^ | Is it just me or is the Ubuntu Wiki taking a while to respond to requests? | 07:59 |
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spiffy | hi | 07:59 |
nolimitsoya | ozoneco, apt-cache search returns nothing, if there is no package matching the searchword | 07:59 |
shodanjr_gr | black screen....i used to have that when i tried to boot pre-dapper releases....dapper worked on it though... | 07:59 |
spiffy | im having a driver problem with a twist. | 07:59 |
Samus_Aran | sharperguy: what exact type of video codec does it use, and what video player are you using ? | 07:59 |
holzmodem | where can i download the Murrine Configurator, every url i try is offline | 07:59 |
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ozoneco | agreed, how would i find dansguardian? | 07:59 |
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nolimitsoya | shodanjr_gr, file a bugreport | 08:00 |
spiffy | In windows, my screen constantly flickers off and on. This doesnt occur in ubunutu. So how can i find the driver settings ubuntu is using? | 08:00 |
LjL | !info dansguardian | ozoneco | 08:00 |
ubotu | dansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 1464 kB | 08:00 |
Samus_Aran | LjL: okay, that makes some sense I guess. it still seems a bit counterintuitive to use apt-"get" to remove cached files instead of apt-cache, heh | 08:00 |
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nolimitsoya | ozoneco, do you have the right repo installed? dansguardian shows up file on my search. | 08:00 |
abo_ | holzmodem, google gave me this, did you try it? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=45917 | 08:00 |
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nolimitsoya | *-installed +enabled | 08:00 |
holzmodem | abo_ it is down | 08:01 |
LjL | Samus_Aran: *shrug* alias apt-clean="apt-get clean" :) | 08:01 |
ozoneco | nolimitsoya, i think thats what i need....there are no repos in 3rd party | 08:01 |
Creeture | LjL: When I boot the machine, I get no network, no video. It shows my 3c59x driver loaded, but the usage flag is 0. Nothing shows up in /proc/blah/pci/devices | 08:01 |
LjL | ozoneco: you need to enable universe | 08:01 |
LjL | !universe > ozoneco | 08:01 |
sharperguy | Samus_Aran, Type: avi, MIME type: video/x-msvideo player: totem, mplayer and VLC | 08:01 |
LjL | Creeture: uhm, i don't know about that, but i seriously doubt that the -generic kernel is the culprit. | 08:02 |
BadKitty | hey folks what is beagled? | 08:02 |
holzmodem | abo_, the official site too | 08:02 |
BadKitty | !beagle | 08:02 |
ubotu | beagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.9-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3160 kB | 08:02 |
Samus_Aran | spiffy: xvidtune can show you your horizontal and vertical sync rates used by X, as well as your current resolution | 08:02 |
Creeture | LjL: I agree, just looking for ANYTHING at this point. I'm no n00b by far, so I'm a little baffled. | 08:02 |
ozoneco | LjL, wheres that go? sorry real newbie here | 08:02 |
Samus_Aran | spiffy: just don't change the settings, load it and quit it, it will display the numbers on the console | 08:02 |
abo_ | holzmodem, this is not down (google as well) http://aur.archlinux.org/packages/murrine-configurator/murrine-configurator.tar.gz | 08:02 |
bieb_work | Samus, what is the default themes in Ubuntu Dapper built in? gtk2? | 08:02 |
spiffy | Samus_Aran: thanks | 08:02 |
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LjL | ozoneco: you have a window with a private message from Ubotu open. | 08:02 |
Samus_Aran | sharperguy: on the console if you run "file blah.avi" what does it tell you ? | 08:03 |
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Creeture | I found an entry in the Wiki that details "No PCI after Edgy install", same symptoms. By compiling a new kernel, the guy was able to get things to work. I want it to JustWork without any fuss. | 08:03 |
sharperguy | Dyalog APL version 33 .130 | 08:03 |
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holzmodem | abo_, thx | 08:03 |
Samus_Aran | spiffy: welcome | 08:03 |
abo_ | holzmodem, google is your friend :-) (other SE too) | 08:03 |
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ozoneco | thanks all :) | 08:03 |
`axion | hi can someone help me? ever since i removed ubuntu-desktop meta-package, apt-get wants to remove a bunch of critical packages, including glibc!...i can't use apt-get without it automatically removing packages needed for linux to work | 08:04 |
sharperguy | !JFGI | 08:04 |
ubotu | Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 08:04 |
`axion | this didnt happen with dapper, please help | 08:04 |
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Samus_Aran | Creeture: and you've tried both the 386 generic and specific kernel ? | 08:04 |
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Samus_Aran | Creeture: you could always try downgrading the kernel to the last one that you know worked for you | 08:04 |
pazemlsqdfmoj | is flash9 up & running yet? | 08:04 |
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bieb_work | Samus, what is the default themes in Ubuntu Dapper built in? gtk2? | 08:04 |
davin | how do I access my trash bin from the terminal? | 08:04 |
rioghal | bieb_work, yes | 08:04 |
Samus_Aran | pazemlsqdfmoj: it is in beta last I checked, and was rather buggy (crashes, glytches) | 08:05 |
Creeture | Samus_Aran: This kernel works if I put my HDD back in the old box (I mentioned before that I put the drive in a new machine). | 08:05 |
bieb_work | thanks | 08:05 |
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pazemlsqdfmoj | Samus_Aran: would i be right in assuming flex2 applications wouldn't work too well then? (as they use flash 9) | 08:05 |
umarmung | davin: try ~/.Trash or ~/.Trash-username if you use gnome | 08:05 |
Creeture | And I'm running the new machine using DamnSmall, all hardware is golden. | 08:05 |
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changerOfSea | hey, so im having problems mounting a partition | 08:06 |
Creeture | What archive are the kernels in? I'll go download one, boot up and see if that helps. | 08:06 |
ozoneco | !EasySource | 08:06 |
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ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 08:06 |
shodanjr_gr | hm.. | 08:06 |
Samus_Aran | pazemlsqdfmoj: I am unfamiliar with flex2 apps, sorry. but certainly give it a shot, you might have good luck with it | 08:06 |
changerOfSea | can anyone hlep? | 08:06 |
gbrent | When I turn off wobbly windows with xgl... they don't go away. Do I have to apply settings somehow or something? | 08:06 |
changerOfSea | help? | 08:06 |
`axion | does anyone know how to fix my apt-get? | 08:06 |
shodanjr_gr | is there a way to quickly install all the l.A.M.P. stuff at once? | 08:06 |
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changerOfSea | it says bad superblock on the partition | 08:07 |
gbrent | shodanjr_gr: the apt manager... just like normal | 08:07 |
shodanjr_gr | via synaptic? | 08:07 |
rpedro | !lamp | 08:07 |
ubotu | lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD install menu. | 08:07 |
Creeture | `axion: You may be able to massage the package selections list. try dpkg --get-selections > selections | 08:07 |
Samus_Aran | pazemlsqdfmoj: I don't think that Flash 9 is in Ubuntu yet, but it should be grabbable from their site | 08:07 |
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gbrent | shodanjr_gr: yup, thats about the quickest | 08:07 |
Creeture | then edit the file selections, look for anything that has 2nd column not "install" | 08:07 |
shodanjr_gr | hm... | 08:07 |
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gbrent | shodanjr_gr: Do Apahe first | 08:07 |
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`axion | Creeture: thanks...I'll try | 08:08 |
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Creeture | `axion: Then, run dpkg --set-selections < selections | 08:08 |
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Qwell[] | note to self: Don't hit back button in edgy installer, when trying to manually partition. It might try to make a 73gb and 2gb swap partition, instead of an ext3 / fs | 08:08 |
shodanjr_gr | so sudo apt-get apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server should do it, right? | 08:08 |
Creeture | but be careful, make sure you use valid values. | 08:08 |
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paradizelost | shodanjr_gr, sudo apt-get install apache mysql php5 | 08:08 |
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shodanjr_gr | yup | 08:08 |
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shodanjr_gr | you gota have that install as well :) | 08:08 |
gbrent | should, you have to configure some things though | 08:08 |
shodanjr_gr | yeha i got a tutorial for the configuration stuff | 08:08 |
Creeture | `axion: and make a backup of that "selections" file before you edit it. You can always roll back by reading in the old file. | 08:09 |
shodanjr_gr | thx for the help :) | 08:09 |
Kingsqueak | shodanjr_gr: if you use the server install CD it's one of the options during install or you can add the components manually on any other install | 08:09 |
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Samus_Aran | Creeture: all you can do if you don't want to mess around tons is file a bug report and use an older kernel | 08:09 |
darko3d | ok, how can i play music, it seems that i'm getting an error every time i try to play an mp3 file | 08:09 |
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`axion | Creeture: what do i do if there is deinstall in the 2nd column for a package? | 08:09 |
gbrent | When I turn off wobbly windows with xgl... they don't go away. Do I have to apply settings somehow or something? | 08:09 |
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gbrent | whats going on? | 08:09 |
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shodanjr_gr | Kingsqueak i know, but i cant get the server CD to boot on my laptop...i get a black screen....no terminal, no nothing | 08:09 |
polpak | darko3d: you need to install the proper codecs for mp3's | 08:09 |
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Creeture | `axion: That's the one that's effing up your apt. It thinks that you want to uninstall. Change it to "install" (or whatever the correct value is, you'll see it in there a hundred times) | 08:09 |
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doopy | why when i try to use apt-get install i get this unmet dependencies tuff | 08:10 |
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doopy | stuf* | 08:10 |
`axion | Creeture: i see 4 packages that are deinstall | 08:10 |
heanol | how do i install the ati propierty drivers (fglrx) for xen? | 08:10 |
heanol | i got them installed in my normal kernel | 08:10 |
blizzkid | lo all. I have a serious problem. I dist-upgraded from dapper to edgy, and now x fails to start. I`ve found a solution on google, but it includes apt-getting, and none of my nics work anymore. I really don`t know how to continue... | 08:10 |
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Qwell[] | blizzkid: well, you'll have to fix your nics | 08:11 |
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Creeture | `axion: Change them to install. The run the "dpkg --set-selections < selections" | 08:11 |
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eigenlambda | (!) nics dont work? | 08:11 |
Creeture | then run apt-get -f install | 08:11 |
Qwell[] | unless you've got an edgy CD, then you can change your sources to the CD | 08:11 |
DestinationDecay | hiho | 08:11 |
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marvindelsart | ola tengo prolems | 08:11 |
blizzkid | Qwell[] , I did know I had to fix`em, but I don`t know how | 08:11 |
marvindelsart | tengo un problema | 08:11 |
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eigenlambda | !es | 08:12 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda. | 08:12 |
marvindelsart | soy nuevo en linux | 08:12 |
`axion | Creeture: it still says the following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: and lists every package | 08:12 |
blizzkid | at least, I don`t think I have the right modules for them | 08:12 |
sharperguy | Samus_Aran, Dyalog APL version 33 .130 | 08:12 |
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Creeture | `axion: Do a "dpkg -l | grep -v "^ii"" | 08:12 |
davin | umarmung: thanks, ~/.Trash worked :-) | 08:12 |
Creeture | `axion: I'll be back in about 10 minutes. Have to swap hardware back. | 08:13 |
Creeture | :( | 08:13 |
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`axion | Creeture: ok it lists those 4 i changed | 08:13 |
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`axion | ok | 08:13 |
gbrent | anyone help me out with an XGL setting? | 08:13 |
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gbrent | Wobbly Windows wont turn off | 08:14 |
doopy | HIGH FIVE TEAM! | 08:14 |
LjL | !caps | 08:14 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 08:14 |
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blizzkid | anyone can help me out on the nics? | 08:14 |
ayaa | how to launch an application from console and send it to a given display | 08:15 |
Qwell[] | stupid question (and yeah, there is probably another channel...too lazy to erase all this and type /topic), but in feisty, where would one assume the ndiswrapper kernel modules would come from? | 08:15 |
Qwell[] | I couldn't seem to find any packages that would bring it in, in edgy | 08:15 |
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doopy | :| | 08:15 |
doopy | !caps | LjL | 08:15 |
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ubotu | LjL: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 08:15 |
`4aFkA` | i install my vmware program but when i insert the cd and press start this is dispalyed to me "Operating Sistem Not Found".. | 08:15 |
Qwell[] | any packages installed, that is | 08:15 |
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Qwell[] | I removed the ...stuff, hmm. restricted-modules | 08:15 |
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Bazin | ? | 08:16 |
Bazin | sorry | 08:16 |
Bazin | nad chat | 08:16 |
Bazin | *bad | 08:16 |
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Enquest | Why should I not use Automatix? | 08:16 |
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pazemlsqdfmoj | Enquest: its evul | 08:16 |
LjL | Enquest: because it's broken many a system, mainly | 08:16 |
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gbrent | Anyone even running XGL in here? | 08:17 |
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Qwell[] | gbrent: I went the aiglx route, personally | 08:17 |
pazemlsqdfmoj | gbrent: na, i tried the beryl thingeh, fooked up my pc | 08:17 |
sharperguy | can anyone help me get this avi playing | 08:17 |
LjL | sharperguy: won't VLC play it? | 08:17 |
sharperguy | no | 08:17 |
LjL | sharperguy: sure the AVI itself is not corrupted? | 08:17 |
sharperguy | nor mplayer, w32codecs installed | 08:17 |
gbrent | hmmm, wel how do I get rid of the Berl... just remove compiz and remake my xorg file? | 08:18 |
sharperguy | not sure, but it says no codes | 08:18 |
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sharperguy | codec | 08:18 |
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gbrent | Qwell[] : is that for ATI only or can you use aiglx with nvidia? | 08:19 |
sharperguy | i dunno if XviD helps | 08:19 |
`axion | sharperguy: can you post the first 10 seconds of the avi somewhere? | 08:19 |
Qwell[] | I use it with nvidia | 08:19 |
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Qwell[] | You just need the latest driver, 96xx series driver | 08:19 |
Enquest | pazemlsqdfmoj, in what way is it evil? | 08:19 |
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M3G4crux | hi | 08:19 |
sharperguy | `axion, how do u do that? | 08:19 |
Qwell[] | 9629 or some such, I believe is the version | 08:19 |
Enquest | LjL, they say on the site it does not break your system | 08:19 |
pazemlsqdfmoj | Enquest: it overrides a lot of things it shouldnt in order to get its job done | 08:19 |
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gbrent | what guide did you use to install it? | 08:19 |
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Qwell[] | gbrent: like all of them :P | 08:19 |
Enquest | pazemlsqdfmoj, aha thats a good answer | 08:19 |
gbrent | hehe | 08:20 |
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Enquest | ok you convinced me | 08:20 |
Qwell[] | I actually just did it from memory when I set it up on my laptop | 08:20 |
LjL | Enquest: yes, they also say that everybody in the official ubuntu support channel (#ubuntu) is a liar, and that bug reports can only be made from google mail accounts. you figure. | 08:20 |
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Qwell[] | enable composite, enable like 1 or 2 other things in your device/screen... install beryl | 08:20 |
gbrent | Qwell[] : well I can install XGL with no guide now but have never done the aixgl... Ill try it now though | 08:20 |
Enquest | I was only looking for an easy install of certain things | 08:20 |
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Qwell[] | gbrent: aiglx..it matters | 08:20 |
Enquest | LjL, pazemlsqdfmoj and easyubuntu is that good then? | 08:20 |
LjL | !easyubuntu | Enquest, if you really want ease, perhaps try this | 08:20 |
ubotu | Enquest, if you really want ease, perhaps try this: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu | 08:20 |
Qwell[] | gonna be hard to google the former | 08:20 |
LjL | reading the documentation is always better IMHo anyway | 08:21 |
pazemlsqdfmoj | Enquest: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy | 08:21 |
`axion | sharperguy: just use split | 08:21 |
gbrent | Qwell[] : when you uncheck wobbly windows in the beryl settings manager... do they go away? | 08:21 |
LjL | Enquest, i'd say it's a bit less bad, probably. | 08:21 |
dcomsa | hi. is there a channel for fiesty? | 08:21 |
Qwell[] | gbrent: haven't tried | 08:21 |
`axion | sharperguy: use -b 1000000 for 1mb | 08:21 |
LjL | !feisty | dcomsa | 08:21 |
ubotu | dcomsa: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty | 08:21 |
sharperguy | erm | 08:21 |
M3G4crux | aiglx is it any faster than xgl? | 08:21 |
LjL | whops. dcomsa, #ubuntu+1 | 08:21 |
gbrent | Qwell[] : so you kept the wobbly windows then? | 08:21 |
pazemlsqdfmoj | the tutorial @ http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy explains all you need really and its just copy paste :P | 08:21 |
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gbrent | Qwell[] : thats annoying to me | 08:21 |
Qwell[] | gbrent: I guess, heh | 08:21 |
dcomsa | 10x | 08:21 |
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sharperguy | split -b 1048576 muffins.avi ? | 08:22 |
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`axion | sharperguy: thatll work | 08:22 |
sharperguy | chers | 08:23 |
`axion | cancel it once the first file is created | 08:23 |
`axion | err 2nd file | 08:23 |
`axion | then post the first 1 | 08:23 |
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rickyfingers | does anyone here know if there are some .wmv files that's just can't be played in Linux, or, is it always possible with enough elbow grease? | 08:23 |
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LjL | !avidemux | sharperguy | 08:24 |
`axion | rickyfingers: you cant play DRM encoded wmv's | 08:24 |
ubotu | avidemux: a small editing software for avi (especially DivX). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.1.2-0.0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2738 kB, installed size 6956 kB | 08:24 |
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LjL | sharperguy, that can split | 08:24 |
LjL | sharperguy, plus, perhaps it'll be able to tell you whether the AVI is corrupted | 08:24 |
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LjL | rickyfingers: i guess DRM protected WMV files can't be played... perhaps others as well | 08:24 |
rickyfingers | `axion: is there any easy way to test if the wmv is DRM encoded? (I'm not scared of using a hex editor) | 08:25 |
lullabud | anybody have experience serving vpn off ubuntu? | 08:25 |
blizzkid | Anyone can help me fix my nics? I`ve been googling for days, and I need this box fixed urgently | 08:25 |
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rickyfingers | blizzkid: what you got? Maybe I can help. | 08:25 |
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`axion | rickyfingers: if it plays and it is garbled it's most likely DRM protected. I don't know of a way to test | 08:25 |
ayaa | why there's no /etc/cups/client.conf file in Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy ? cups cant be installed as a client ? | 08:25 |
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`axion | rickyfingers: if it just doesnt play, then it may be corrupt file instead | 08:26 |
blizzkid | rickyfingers, a 3c940, an rtl-8139 and a prism GT (wireless) | 08:26 |
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rickyfingers | ok blizzkid let's switch to PM | 08:26 |
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blizzkid | k ricky | 08:26 |
sharperguy | iewell the split command made TONS of files | 08:27 |
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`axion | sharperguy: yes i said to cancel after the 2nd file was created...only need the first 1 | 08:27 |
nos | ha4i | 08:27 |
rioghal | rickyfingers, blizzkid isn't id'd to nickserv so he may not be able to reply in pm | 08:27 |
rickyfingers | blizzkid: you know to register/identify? | 08:27 |
blizzkid | I once knew, but that was like ten years ago lol | 08:28 |
rioghal | blizzkid, /msg nickserv help register | 08:28 |
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sharperguy | `axion, i think my conneciton is really bad because it already finished running b4 i got ur message | 08:29 |
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KillerNet | any one able to help me out linux nube, but am having problems finding "gcc-4.4-base_3.4.4-6ubuntu8_amd64.deb" im trying to get the wifi working on a Acer Aspire 5024 and using the guide here > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Acer5021WLMi_Amd64 Any help would be great ;) | 08:29 |
`axion | sharperguy: oh..well just post the first 1 somewhere | 08:29 |
sharperguy | ok | 08:29 |
sonium | Nov 20 20:22:30 raumstation kernel: [17179779.532000] usb 4-2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <- where is this configuration stored? | 08:30 |
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Enquest | thx | 08:30 |
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Arepie | !compiz | 08:30 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 08:30 |
blizzkid | I was registered, now identified too rickyfingers | 08:30 |
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rickyfingers | blizzkid: ok lets switch to PM | 08:30 |
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blizzkid | go ahead rickyfingers | 08:31 |
Maurox | hello i have a seagate scsi hd what modules do i need to work properly ???? | 08:31 |
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rioghal | rickyfingers, you can always /join #rickyfingers and have other join too :) | 08:31 |
Jack-Laptop | hey how do i turn of tap to click on a touch pad? | 08:31 |
rickyfingers | blizzkid, just type /join #rickyfingers | 08:32 |
dos_ssa | hello, i need some support for ubuntu, any help? please | 08:32 |
=== bthibault [n=bthibaul@adsl-68-252-40-237.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`axion | Jack-Laptop: for me if i use the 'mouse' driver instead of 'synaptics' it does just that | 08:32 |
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rioghal | dos_ssa, we cant help until we know what kind of problem it is | 08:32 |
Jack-Laptop | ok ill try | 08:32 |
dos_ssa | thanks | 08:32 |
sharperguy | `axion, http://download.yousendit.com/97390A485E0BAD57 | 08:32 |
`axion | sharperguy: checking | 08:32 |
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dos_ssa | my windows do not minimize to the panel, minimize to the right side of my screen | 08:33 |
bthibault | i'm trying to install the nvidia binary driver, i've followed all instructions but when i run `sudo nvidia-glx-config enable` i get this error: | 08:33 |
bthibault | Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed | 08:33 |
bthibault | the nvidia driver for your running kernel. | 08:33 |
Geoffrey2 | I'm trying to install plugger 5.1.3, but the configuration routine is complaining it can't find X11 libraries....can someone tell me which ones I need to install to make it work? | 08:33 |
dos_ssa | what happened? | 08:33 |
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dcomsa | bthibault: check xorg,cong for the proper driver | 08:34 |
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bthibault | dcomsa: ok, so just add it to the xorg.conf and i'll be fine | 08:34 |
LordTureis | dos_ssa: what have you installed recently? is this a fresh install of Ubuntu? What version of Ubuntu? | 08:34 |
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dcomsa | bthibault: i don't remeber exactly but replace nv with nvidia (or viceversa) | 08:35 |
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rioghal | dos_ssa, huh? can you give us a screenshot? | 08:35 |
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Jack-Laptop | `axion how do i do that? | 08:35 |
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perolo | hola | 08:35 |
`axion | sharperguy: the file isnt a movie file | 08:35 |
dos_ssa | LordTureis, my version is 5.04 with all downloads from automatic update, i had installed yesterday and everithing was all right | 08:35 |
`axion | sharperguy: how big is the original file? | 08:36 |
=== fxn1 [n=scott@cpc1-grim1-0-0-cust864.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sharperguy | 698.7MiB | 08:36 |
Arepie | !compiz | 08:36 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 08:36 |
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ayaa | why there's no /etc/cups/client.conf file in Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy ? cups cant be installed as a client ? | 08:36 |
BadKitty | anyone know the line to uninstall acdobat reader? | 08:36 |
`axion | sharperguy: sharperguy try running tcprobe -i file.avi on the original | 08:36 |
Jack-Laptop | beryl is better than compiz | 08:36 |
=== agent [n=agent@pool-71-97-200-58.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joelryan2k | Can someone point me in the right direction for fixing this error: No interrupt was generated using MSI, switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information. | 08:36 |
=== Gh0sty_ [n=ghosty@ip-81-11-180-97.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | BadKitty, the plugin or the external reader? | 08:36 |
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dos_ssa | I have GNOME PANEL 2.10.1 | 08:36 |
fxn1 | Hey everyone, I have a problem. Well 2 actually and wondered if anyone can help. Aksa is setting my default sound device to my USB mic - how can I change this? | 08:37 |
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BadKitty | bruenig... i think its the plugin | 08:37 |
sharperguy | [tcprobe] unknown file type | 08:37 |
bruenig | BadKitty, sudo apt-get remove acroread-plugins acroread | 08:37 |
bruenig | that will do both | 08:37 |
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Jack-Laptop | gah i hate tap to click and it wont go away | 08:37 |
bruenig | BadKitty, sorry, sudo apt-get remove mozilla-acroread | 08:37 |
BadKitty | brueng how about the other one too, because it won't work | 08:37 |
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BadKitty | (I mean acrobat reader won't open any files | 08:38 |
=== chergui [n=chergui@adsl-87-197-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fxn1 | Aksa is setting my default sound device to my USB mic, I tried changing in sound options but doesnt seem to save it. | 08:38 |
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bruenig | BadKitty, what are you asking? | 08:38 |
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nolimitsoya | BadKitty, 'sudo apt-get install evince' will install a good document reader :) | 08:38 |
dos_ssa | rioghal, i minimize and my aplications hide, only recover with a alt+tab | 08:38 |
Arepie | how can i install compiz ? | 08:39 |
nolimitsoya | !compiz | 08:39 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 08:39 |
Compy | Hey, I have a hotswapped rackmount and the two OS drives arent hotswapped. The mobo is a NCLV-D2 by asus and the mobo's RAID utility allows us to use the 4 drives we just put in the hotswaps to create an array, however linux doesnt pick them up. If we remove the arrays, linux still doesnt pick up the hotswaps. These are SATA and never show up in ls /dev/sd* any ideas? | 08:39 |
sharperguy | [tcprobe] filetype/codec not yet supported by 'transcode' | 08:39 |
=== soulreaper [i=b@p54A64CF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fxn1 | Aksa is setting my default sound device to my USB mic, I tried changing in sound options but doesnt seem to save it. | 08:39 |
`axion | sharperguy: yeah looks to be corrupted | 08:39 |
agent | anyone know what can disable a pc from answering a broadcast ping? | 08:39 |
BadKitty | bruenig: I want to delete any acrobat reader that I have whether in plugin or not.. they aren't working and they are taking up lots of cpu for some reason | 08:39 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, right-click the panel, choose add to panel, find the window list applet in the add to panel window and drag it to the panel | 08:40 |
nolimitsoya | agent, some sort of firewall utility perhaps... | 08:40 |
soulreaper | hello. i have just installed ubuntu on VMWare. but it only offers me resolutions of 1024. can i somehow increase this resolution? | 08:40 |
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sharperguy | hmm | 08:40 |
agent | nolimitsoya: no firewall :) | 08:40 |
bruenig | BadKitty, copy and paste, sudo apt-get remove acroread mozilla-acroread | 08:40 |
nolimitsoya | BadKitty, sudo apt-get remove *acroread* | 08:40 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, somehow you have lost the window list applet from your panel | 08:40 |
nolimitsoya | agent, i mean, youd want one... | 08:40 |
fxn1 | soulreaper: u installed vmtools? | 08:40 |
=== SoftIce [n=newbie@vc-196-207-45-253.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
joelryan2k | Does this indicate there's a problem in the kernle? No interrupt was generated using MSI, switching to INTx mode. Please report this failure to the PCI maintainer and include system chipset information. | 08:41 |
soulreaper | fxn1: not as far as i know | 08:41 |
SoftIce | hi, how can I add startup modules ? | 08:41 |
bruenig | does apt respect * | 08:41 |
fxn1 | Aksa is setting my default sound device to my USB mic, I tried changing in sound options but doesnt seem to save it. | 08:41 |
soulreaper | fxn1: anything particular? | 08:41 |
BadKitty | ok thanks... brb | 08:41 |
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agent | nolimitsoya: why would i want a firewall? | 08:41 |
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joelryan2k | I lose network every 5 minutes or so | 08:41 |
fxn1 | soulreaper: if you install that - during installation you will be asked what resolution u want | 08:41 |
dos_ssa | rioghal, you saved my life! :) im a stupid | 08:41 |
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soulreaper | fxn1: okay i will read up on that. thanks | 08:41 |
`axion | sharperguy: did you get it from a p2p service? looks to be fake...or the codec was mislabeled and not in an avi container | 08:42 |
fxn1 | soulreaper: np | 08:42 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, nah, youre not stupid, it happens :) | 08:42 |
Compy | any ideas? | 08:42 |
SoftIce | where can I add 3rd party modules I want to start a boot time | 08:42 |
=== johoja [n=johoja@bas3-kingston08-1168065735.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fxn1 | Anyone in here help me with my sound? | 08:42 |
SoftIce | I have the module sitting in /etc/modprobe.d | 08:42 |
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SoftIce | what else? | 08:42 |
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dos_ssa | rioghal, im trying ubuntu for 2 days only, its a miracle that i instaled my ubuntu alone rs | 08:42 |
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dos_ssa | rs=lol, sorry, im from brazil | 08:43 |
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Jack-Laptop | um | 08:43 |
Jack-Laptop | bye | 08:43 |
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seifip | hi | 08:44 |
rioghal | !nickspam > motoplux | 08:44 |
seifip | i have just upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 | 08:44 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, well if thats the only problem you have, then youre doing great :) | 08:44 |
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=== Matthew [n=chatzill@host81-158-81-113.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seifip | and when I reboot I dont get anything | 08:45 |
seifip | I thinked that it is the xserver error | 08:45 |
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=== dope [n=dope@c-24-3-217-180.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Matthew | ta guys 4 ya help... recoverd my ununtu :D | 08:45 |
dope | can i get more themes for ubuntu? | 08:45 |
dos_ssa | rioghal, thank you, do you know that desktop 3d from youtube and google videos? looks great | 08:45 |
dope | i don't really like the orange | 08:45 |
seifip | but when I execute the "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" command | 08:45 |
Compy | ok so noone has a clue about raids? | 08:45 |
seifip | it says that the package isnt avaible :/ | 08:45 |
cmvo | Hi! Is there a way to control the sequence modules are loaded during boot? | 08:46 |
dope | can i get more themes for ubuntu? | 08:46 |
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seifip | anyone? | 08:46 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, i dont use any 3d stuff as i see it as a waste of time and resources ;) | 08:46 |
seifip | :) | 08:46 |
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sharperguy | I got it from IRC, others have got things off there before and it played fine | 08:47 |
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seifip | ? | 08:47 |
seifip | pleeease | 08:47 |
dope | where do i get ubuntu themes | 08:47 |
seifip | :( | 08:47 |
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`axion | sharperguy: i suggest you ask others to generate an md5 checksum and compare it | 08:47 |
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recon | Is there any way to suspend a program, but still leave it running? | 08:47 |
dos_ssa | rioghal, haha realy waste of recourses, but is cool see your desktop in 3 dimensions, only for few days | 08:48 |
LordTureis | dope: http://art.gnome.org or http://www.gnome-looks.org | 08:48 |
e_machinist | dope: you can get GNOME themese... if that is what you mean. | 08:48 |
dos_ssa | rioghal, resources | 08:48 |
e_machinist | KDE themes as well, if you have the KDE set up. | 08:48 |
=== trousers [n=trousers@82-43-176-23.cable.ubr06.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dope | i think i want gnome ones | 08:48 |
dos_ssa | dope, system, preferences | 08:48 |
LordTureis | dope: sry, http://www.gnome-look.org (no 's') | 08:48 |
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dope | it'll change how my menu bars look right? | 08:49 |
seifip | dope: www.kde-look.org/ | 08:49 |
seifip | dope: for kubuntu | 08:49 |
dope | i'm on ubuntu | 08:49 |
chalcedony | :) | 08:49 |
chalcedony | gnome | 08:49 |
rioghal | dope, also have a look at art.gnome.org | 08:49 |
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seifip | i have just upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and when I reboot I dont get anything | 08:49 |
seifip | I thought that it is the xserver error but when I execute the "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg" command it says that the package isnt avaible :/ | 08:49 |
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seifip | How can i correct it? | 08:50 |
seifip | pls | 08:50 |
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`axion | seifip: is your sources.list correct? | 08:50 |
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seifip | axion: dont know :/ I'm quite new to Linux... How can i check it from the command line and what should I check? | 08:51 |
seifip | thnx | 08:51 |
sharperguy | i can get an md5, but how do i make one? | 08:51 |
`axion | seifip: type nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:51 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dope | ok cool thx | 08:51 |
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fxn1 | Anyone help me with my sound problem? I have a USB mic i want to set up as default for input - how do i do it | 08:51 |
recon | sharperguy: what do you mean by 'make' an md5? | 08:51 |
geck | hello, looking for some help, trying to compile, I get checking for HAL... configure: error: Package requirements (hal >= 0.5.0) were not met: | 08:51 |
geck | No package 'hal' found | 08:51 |
geck | Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you | 08:51 |
geck | installed software in a non-standard prefix. | 08:51 |
geck | but according to synaptic, hal and it's packages are there, any suggestions? | 08:51 |
=== FlyingSquirrel32 [n=jared@exchange2.dglaw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
seifip | axion: and what should i check/change there? | 08:52 |
recon | !paste > geck | 08:52 |
rioghal | seifip, i believe the xserver is xserver-xorg-core | 08:52 |
sharperguy | how do i create and md5 sum to chekc against one i know is correct | 08:52 |
`axion | join #seifip | 08:52 |
seifip | rioghal: i tried to reinstall only the core - same error :/ | 08:52 |
geck | sorry recon, don't know what you mean | 08:52 |
`axion | sharperguy: use md5sum file.avi | 08:52 |
geck | nevermind | 08:52 |
sharperguy | cheers | 08:52 |
sonium | where does ubuntu store the usb udev rules? | 08:52 |
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sonium | or in general the rule for my usb soundcard? | 08:53 |
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recon | Is there any way to have a program run in the background? | 08:53 |
Jaak_ | why can't i format my external hd? I am using gparted, but the partition has a lock symbol and i can't do a thing!? I need my external hd to become fat for reasons you all know, but how!? Help? | 08:53 |
rioghal | seifip, try apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core to see if its already installed | 08:53 |
fxn1 | have a USB mic i want to set up as default for input - how do i do it | 08:53 |
recon | Jaak_: are you root? | 08:53 |
bthibault | okay i tried switching xorg.conf driver from nv to nvidia, and it crashed | 08:53 |
bthibault | its not loading the mod properly | 08:53 |
seifip | rioghal: I tried to reconfigure it and it says it isnt installed | 08:53 |
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rioghal | seifip, oh ok | 08:53 |
Jaak_ | recon, yes | 08:53 |
higi | im having my first SVN error | 08:54 |
rioghal | seifip, what is the command you used to try reconfiguring it | 08:54 |
=== jens [n=jens@4604ds1-ksa.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
St_MPA3b | !rpm | 08:54 |
Jinkguns | God save me, my Professor/boss wants me to pull data off of old SyQuest disks, I have the SCSI external drives they used and the tech department let me borrow a PCI SCSI card. | 08:54 |
ubotu | rpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous). | 08:54 |
Jinkguns | I think they are formatted in a OSX filesystem. | 08:54 |
recon | Jaak_: hmm. umm... have you tried something different like cfdisk? | 08:54 |
seifip | rioghal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:54 |
Jinkguns | Where would I begin. :/ | 08:54 |
geck | hello, looking for some help, trying to compile, I get checking for HAL... configure: error: Package requirements (hal >= 0.5.0) were not met: - basically can't find hal, but according to synaptic it and all supporting packages are there | 08:54 |
Jaak_ | ok i will | 08:54 |
=== LordTureis [n=dps@user-0c933nl.cable.mindspring.com] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Jaak_ | thanks | 08:54 |
rioghal | seifip, ok, that right | 08:54 |
higi | The verification sum does not match for beryl-plugins/src/.svn/text-base/rotate.c.svn-base; waiting for '26f2c7e864477819057d59a22cf2d433', present: 'da674eb39e21f790524e18151410b75d' | 08:54 |
=== tymiller [n=tymiller@c-68-53-208-175.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gabby_Hayes | Would like to run a "true" 64-bit system with edgy, but Sun Java is still 32-bit. (Blackdown Java is 64-bit) :-( | 08:54 |
higi | can anyone fix it? | 08:54 |
=== macluvjay is now known as macluvjay_ | ||
tymiller | 966 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 863 | 08:54 |
tymiller | 691 gang banging thugs and pimps in the hoe house with the niggers and the jews and the people who like to fuck their moms while receiving anal sex from their dad 988 | 08:54 |
recon | geck: Maybe you should check the version number. You might have to downgrade. | 08:55 |
fxn1 | have a USB mic i want to set up as default for input - how do i do it | 08:55 |
recon | !ops | 08:55 |
ubotu | Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak! | 08:55 |
geck | recon, would that affect the rest of the system, I know a lot of main things depend on hal | 08:55 |
rioghal | i love those auto k-lines | 08:55 |
=== orion2012 [n=orion@cpe-70-114-30-76.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
recon | rioghal: so do I. I hit the ops flag a little late. | 08:55 |
Compy | Hey, I have a hotswapped rackmount and the two OS drives arent hotswapped. The mobo is a NCLV-D2 by asus and the mobo's RAID utility allows us to use the 4 drives we just put in the hotswaps to create an array, however linux doesnt pick them up. If we remove the arrays, linux still doesnt pick up the hotswaps. These are SATA and never show up in ls /dev/sd* any ideas? | 08:55 |
paradizelost | DBO, u around? | 08:56 |
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dope | what do i need to d/l in order to see video media on firefox? | 08:56 |
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Gabby_Hayes | recon, isn't there a channel for edgy? | 08:56 |
recon | geck: are you trying to upgrade to edgy or...? | 08:56 |
recon | Gabby_Hayes: is there? | 08:56 |
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rioghal | Gabby_Hayes, this *is* the channel for Edgy | 08:56 |
=== higi [n=higi@18.Red-213-97-49.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"] | ||
lullabud | Compy: that doesn't make perfect sense... | 08:56 |
fxn1 | I have a USB mic i want to set up as default for input - how do i do it? | 08:56 |
lullabud | Compy: you have 4 disks attached to a raid controller.... | 08:56 |
Gabby_Hayes | thxs, rioghal | 08:57 |
=== philwyett [n=philiwye@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lullabud | Compy: have you configured them to be a logical disk? | 08:57 |
=== acidjames_ [n=acidjame@ABordeaux-152-1-5-79.w82-125.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
geck | no, I am in dapper, trying to setup the WPA supplicant with network manager according to http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125150 | 08:57 |
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geck | I get to the point where I compile, and it doesn't find hal | 08:57 |
Compy | lullabud: They are hotswaps and linux cant even see them. The BIOS array configuration util is made by adaptec and is highly generic | 08:57 |
Landon | Hey all, anyone know how to install vcdmount1.0 for unbuntu? I have the .tar file saved to my desktop and already extracted the file to my desktop as well, just need to know how to install it now | 08:57 |
geck | looking at synaptic, doesn't look like I can downgrade hal | 08:57 |
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lullabud | Compy: "hotswap" isn't a noun, i don't think. besides, all SATA devices are hot-swappable. | 08:58 |
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lullabud | Compy: is the adaptec controller a raid controller? | 08:58 |
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dos_ssa | rioghal, one more time, thank you, thank all you that helps new users . bye! | 08:59 |
Compy | yes, its a hostraid controller. | 08:59 |
recon | geck: As long as no other programs are uninstalled/modded according to synaptic, it should be safe to downgrade. | 08:59 |
`4aFkA` | i start the vmware and i'm instaling the ubuntu.. but it's really slow :/ is there something i can do to make it faster ?? PLS!!! | 08:59 |
bruenig | Landon, do you have a link to the file? | 08:59 |
geck | recon, I don't see the option to downgrade when I look for it | 08:59 |
rioghal | dos_ssa, anytime :) | 08:59 |
lullabud | Compy: so, it's possible that you will have to configure these devices to be part of a raid array. | 08:59 |
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nolimitsoya | `4aFkA`, you can preallocate the disk space | 08:59 |
geck | recon, I just reinstalled dapper, so I have no previous versions | 08:59 |
Landon | bruenig: What do you mean? It's just on my desktop and there is an INSTALL file in there | 08:59 |
lullabud | Compy: there may be software for the adaptec card that will interface with the disks from within linux, letting you add and remove them from the array, or rebuild from another disk onto them. | 09:00 |
bruenig | Landon, online, where you downloaded it | 09:00 |
`4aFkA` | nolimitsoya explane pls ? | 09:00 |
=== Jamesrose [n=admin@cpc3-bolt6-0-0-cust407.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
geck | is there a way to find a previous version through apt-get? | 09:00 |
=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Landon | bruenig: http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?group_id=164275&use_mirror=superb-east&filename=vcdmount-1.0.tar&7655464 | 09:00 |
Compy | lullabud: they only have redhat/suse drivers on their site from what we could see. | 09:00 |
dope | what do i need to d/l in order to see video media on firefox? | 09:00 |
lullabud | Compy: if you don't have those tools, and if you don't have auto-rebuild support in the raid controller, you're going to have to reboot or use software raid in linux. | 09:00 |
recon | geck: all synaptic is is a apt front-end. I'm sorta stuck here. | 09:00 |
nolimitsoya | `4aFkA`, when making the virtual hdd, pre allocate the space | 09:00 |
Landon | bruenig:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=164275&package_id=186054&release_id=406883 | 09:00 |
=== Joe_CoT [n=joe@ool-43540c5f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lullabud | Compy: sometimes you can use `alien` to install rpm's from other distros. | 09:00 |
Compy | lullabud: The question is how can I use a software raid when we plugged in the drives and it cant even see them? | 09:00 |
dope | what do i need to d/l in order to see video media on firefox? | 09:00 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
geck | ok, I appreciate your attempt anyway... will look for another way to figure this out | 09:01 |
geck | thanks | 09:01 |
fyrestrtr | dope: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 09:01 |
soulreaper | does anybody know what is supposed to hapen after i have clicked "install vmware tools" in the vmware menu? nothing seams to happen | 09:01 |
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lullabud | Compy: you'll have to restart, configure the raid array to use each disk as an individual logical disk, then boot up. | 09:01 |
fyrestrtr | soulreaper: that's exactly right :) | 09:01 |
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h92.1.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
recon | dope: sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla | 09:01 |
bruenig | Landon, do you have build-essential installed? | 09:01 |
`4aFkA` | nolimitsoya but i have 5 gb free space i give 2 gb to the ubuntu.. and also i'm instaling the ubuntu on the same partition as the windows | 09:01 |
=== thor [n=thor@gulfal-host-cip525-01.gulftel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Landon | bruenig: What is that? | 09:01 |
recon | dope: should work for most video files. what site, youtube? | 09:01 |
soulreaper | fyrestrtr: that is not really good i think ;) | 09:01 |
Compy | lullabud: Once again, how would we configure them as logical disks? THey are data drives NOT OS drives. The OS drives are not a part of the 4 we are trying to array. | 09:01 |
=== frostbeul [n=kvirc@dslb-084-061-114-040.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | Landon, open a terminal, and do sudo apt-get install build-essential, after you have done that do cd Desktop/vcdmount-1.0, then do make | 09:02 |
Compy | lullabud: : we already have the drives mirrored across 2 40GBs for the OS | 09:02 |
=== mixo8114 [n=murpc004@user-544114c7.l5.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Landon | bruenig: Thanks, I'll give it a try | 09:02 |
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soulreaper | fyrestrtr: what am i supposed to do now? | 09:02 |
dope | how do i view videos in firefox? | 09:02 |
lullabud | Compy: sorry man, i can't help you. | 09:02 |
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`4aFkA` | nolimitsoya but i have 5 gb free space i give 2 gb to the ubuntu.. and also i'm instaling the ubuntu on the same partition as the windows | 09:02 |
Compy | heh | 09:03 |
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mixo8114 | Install the neccesary plugins | 09:03 |
shodanjr_gr | hm.. | 09:03 |
nolimitsoya | `4aFkA`, if you catn figure it out with the info i gave you then dont bother :) | 09:03 |
shodanjr_gr | guys | 09:03 |
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dope | where do i get the plugins | 09:03 |
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shodanjr_gr | how can i make a new share via the Samba web interface? | 09:03 |
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bruenig | Landon, the last command after you have done cd Desktop/vcdmount-1.0/ should actually be sudo make, not make | 09:03 |
Celldweller | heyya everyone | 09:03 |
centyx | dope: apt-get install totem-mozilla | 09:03 |
dope | like what do i need to download to watch embeded wmv | 09:03 |
dope | oh | 09:03 |
dope | thx | 09:03 |
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Landon | bruenig: Found that out ;) What next? | 09:03 |
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=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-123-3-56.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
recon | Is there any way to suspend (as in ctrl-z) a program in the shell, but still leave it running? | 09:04 |
bruenig | Landon, make install | 09:04 |
bruenig | or sudo make install perhaps | 09:04 |
lullabud | recon: [ctrl-z] then `bg` | 09:04 |
Landon | bruenig: Done | 09:04 |
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recon | lullabud: thanks. | 09:04 |
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bruenig | Landon, ok, should be installed | 09:04 |
frostbeul | ive troubles with my mouse - it does everything and nothing, seems to depend on its mood | 09:04 |
Landon | bruenig: How do I use it? | 09:04 |
bruenig | Landon, type vcdmount see if it runs | 09:04 |
seifi1 | hi all | 09:04 |
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Ruiz | Wow, lot of people banned. | 09:05 |
bruenig | or it might be vcd, I am not sure what it calls itself after it is installed as I did not install it myself | 09:05 |
=== Blixou Night :) | ||
frostbeul | how can i do something against that | 09:05 |
=== Blixou PeAcE | ||
=== Psychobudgie [n=klaatu@82-71-44-108.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Landon | It works, and I used an .iso file afterwards...but I'm not quite sure what it did | 09:05 |
=== Thuryn [n=thuryn@client-82-3-246-135.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bruenig | You want me to explain it? | 09:06 |
=== bthibault [n=bthibaul@adsl-68-252-40-237.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bthibault | LeeJunFan: it worked | 09:06 |
seifi1 | i have upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and have big troubles starting it now... when i boot, nothing shows... I thought that it is because of the xserver but "sudo apt-gety in | 09:06 |
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bthibault | LeeJunFan: thanks | 09:06 |
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seifi1 | stall xserver-xorg" doesnt work | 09:06 |
Landon | bruenig: If you could, I'm just trying to mount an iso file so I can watch it without burning it | 09:06 |
LeeJunFan | bthibault: cool. | 09:06 |
bruenig | Landon, it mounted right? | 09:06 |
SoftIce | is ubuntu breezy still getting updates? | 09:06 |
SoftIce | or is it legacy now? | 09:06 |
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bthibault | LeeJunFan: u take Jun Fan / JKD | 09:07 |
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Landon | bruenig: I typed in vcdmount ISOFILENAME.iso Then it just went to the next line and gave me Terminal again, so I'm guessing it worked | 09:07 |
LeeJunFan | not Jun Fan JKD, just JKD. Personally I think anyone who practices JunFan JKD doesn't get what Bruce was trying to teach. :) | 09:07 |
bruenig | Landon, does it do what you want it to do? | 09:07 |
dope | hmm | 09:07 |
FuzZy | one question ... during the beta stage, ubuntu had a nice login splash. now, in the final version, i have that same old login splash. where can i change it? | 09:07 |
FranciscoPadilla | I might sound too observant and demanding. All I really want is to help improve the Ubuntu Wiki by writing essential articles and expanding others with really useful information, making them accessible to people that are new to computers at all (like my mom). All I'm asking is to have my contributions credited properly and I want to build myself a name in the Ubuntu Community; however, when I registered in the Ubuntu.com Wiki, I entered Francis | 09:07 |
=== lap [n=lap@modemcable095.129-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lap | Hi. | 09:08 |
lap | Someone's ok for a question ? | 09:08 |
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Landon | bruenig: Yeah, but I still don't know where it mounted it to or where I can play my .iso file | 09:08 |
dope | i can't seem to watch the videos on the adultswim fix | 09:08 |
bruenig | Landon, do man vcdmount and see if it gives you any instructions | 09:08 |
seifi1 | i have upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and have big troubles starting it now... when i boot, nothing shows... I thought that it is because of the xserver but "sudo apt-gety install xserver-xorg" says that there is no xserver package avaible... :( When i tried to reconfigure it, it says that xserver isnt installed... Someone suggested to check the sources.list but I dont know what to change and sadly he leaved :/ Could someone help me pls? thnx | 09:08 |
lap | Someone know how to put the french canadian keyboard with gnome/xglberyl ? | 09:08 |
SoftIce | does nobody know if ubuntu breezy is still getting updates released for it? | 09:08 |
SoftIce | or is only edgy and dapper? | 09:08 |
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FuzZy | one question ... during the beta stage, ubuntu had a nice login splash. now, in the final version, i have that same old login splash. where can i change it? | 09:09 |
Landon | bruenig: vcdmount [-m] [-u] [ imagefile ] | 09:09 |
bruenig | they update for 18 months. So it should still get updates until feisty | 09:09 |
SoftIce | FuzZy: /boot/grub | 09:09 |
FuzZy | hey | 09:09 |
bruenig | Landon, does it not explain what the -m and -u mean? | 09:09 |
SoftIce | and replace it with what ever you want it to look like | 09:09 |
FuzZy | login splash | 09:09 |
frostbeul | ive troubles with my mouse - it clicks arround on the desktop, reaches every point, ignores everything you do with it etc - how can i fix that??? | 09:09 |
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FuzZy | that one that show the startup programs | 09:09 |
FuzZy | metacity and so on | 09:09 |
fdoving | SoftIce: there are notices on ubuntu.com when releases reaches EOL (end of life). | 09:09 |
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Landon | bruenig: When given the name of an existing image file, vcdmount will mount it | 09:10 |
Landon | as a virtual cd to /media/vcd. For example, to mount an image called | 09:10 |
Landon | image.iso, one would type: | 09:10 |
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vschiavoni | anyone with a tv-card bt878 and a sblive! sound-card ? i can't hear any audio, running edgy | 09:10 |
rc-1 | does the search for files feature use grep? | 09:10 |
Landon | vcdmount -m image.iso | 09:10 |
SoftIce | fdoving: thanks! | 09:10 |
bruenig | Landon, ok open the filemanager, and go to /media/vcd and see if you can play it | 09:10 |
seifi1 | i have upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 and have big troubles starting it now... when i boot, nothing shows... I thought that it is because of the xserver but "sudo apt-gety install xserver-xorg" says that there is no xserver package avaible... :( When i tried to reconfigure it, it says that xserver isnt installed... Someone suggested to check the sources.list but I dont know what to change and sadly he leaved :/ Could someone help me pls? thnx | 09:10 |
seifi1 | type nano /etc/apt/sources.list says that file doesnt exist... how can i reinstall it? | 09:10 |
honk | can I change cpu scaling options within Ubuntu or do I have to go into the BIOS? | 09:11 |
rioghal | !easysource | seifi1, try this | 09:11 |
bthibault | LeeJunFan: i kind of meant Jun Fan / JKD genericly | 09:11 |
ubotu | seifi1, try this: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 09:11 |
=== cc77 [n=Turkey@s55924cc8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bthibault | LeeJunFan: i go to Richard Bustillo affiliate school | 09:11 |
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thor | seifil: it might be that nano doesn't exist...try 'vi /etc....' | 09:12 |
bthibault | LeeJunFan: Richard Bustillo -> bruce lee student | 09:12 |
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rioghal | thor, oh, i didnt think about that | 09:12 |
cc77 | question about zope, I installed the wrong version how to I install a newer version but first deinstall old version to avoid conflicts | 09:12 |
rioghal | lol | 09:12 |
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shodanjr_gr | whats the default root password for ubuntu? | 09:12 |
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thor | rioghal: never overlook the obvious <smile> | 09:12 |
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LjL | !root | shodanjr_gr, none | 09:12 |
fre4k | hi gnomefreak | 09:12 |
cc77 | shodanjr_gr, there is none | 09:12 |
ubotu | shodanjr_gr, none: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:12 |
e_machinist | ahhah. | 09:12 |
gnomefreak | hi | 09:13 |
LeeJunFan | bthibault: sweet. I the name sounds familiar. My instruction in JKD was not quite official. But I've had 2 instructors, one was a student of Dan Inosanto's, the other was a first generation Bruce Lee student. | 09:13 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, there isnt one, the root account is locked by default | 09:13 |
rioghal | thor, :) | 09:13 |
fre4k | i upgraded to edgy :-) | 09:13 |
shodanjr_gr | hm.. | 09:13 |
shodanjr_gr | i see | 09:13 |
frostbeul | ive troubles with my mouse - it clicks arround on the desktop, reaches every point, ignores everything you do with it, deletes files on its own etc - how can i fix that??? the troubles started about a week ago - were there any updates with bugs? | 09:13 |
=== immoT- [n=tommi@dsl-kpogw7-fea6f900-161.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Landon | bruenig: Since there was nothing in /media/vcd, I tried remounting it using vcdmount -m ISOFILENAME.iso, and it told me that mount: only root can do that. I tried doing sudo, and it gave me mount: not a directory | 09:13 |
SoftIce | what issues are there with the breezy to dapper upgrade ? | 09:13 |
SoftIce | with appitutude or apt-get | 09:14 |
SoftIce | ? | 09:14 |
at0miku | ubotu tell me about dat samba stuffs, yo | 09:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dat samba stuffs, yo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:14 |
bruenig | Landon, do you have to extra repositories enabled. Because I believe vlc media player will play vcd files by just opening them | 09:14 |
SoftIce | also to remeber its remote ;) | 09:14 |
fre4k | SoftIce: i upgraded from dapper and i got the samba error | 09:14 |
bthibault | JunFanLee: JKD instruction doesn't need to be official :) | 09:14 |
at0miku | oh | 09:14 |
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Landon | bruenig: I don't really know | 09:14 |
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Landon | bruenig: I don't even have VLC | 09:15 |
SoftIce | fre4k: that dapper to edgy upgrade what terrible for me | 09:15 |
SoftIce | it broke everything, asterisk, php, apache, mysql | 09:15 |
SoftIce | but i'm talking from breezy to dapper | 09:15 |
seifi1 | rioghal: pls join #rioghal | 09:15 |
SoftIce | thing is its remote update | 09:15 |
pingu_ | Does anyone know how to get anti-aliased tekst in aMSN? | 09:15 |
SoftIce | I can't have kernel breaks on reboot | 09:15 |
bruenig | Landon, do the following to enable the universe repository and then download and install vlc media player: sudo sed 's/# deb/deb/g' -i.old /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vlc, copy and paste the entire thing including the &&'s, after you have done that you should be able to run vlc from the menus and then open the .iso from file>open | 09:15 |
fre4k | SoftIce: breezy to dapper went fine for me | 09:16 |
rioghal | seifi1, huh? no one is there | 09:16 |
seifi1 | w8] | 09:16 |
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SoftIce | fre4k: heh, but different hardware, different issues | 09:17 |
FuzZy | how can i change the LOGIN splash image? | 09:17 |
SoftIce | remeber the box is MILES AWAY | 09:17 |
=== La_PaRCa [n=La_PaRCa@bas12-montrealak-1167978580.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lap | !cf | 09:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:17 |
SoftIce | cant get to it if it doesn't reboot | 09:17 |
lap | !keyboard | 09:17 |
ubotu | Keyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net | 09:17 |
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bruenig | FuzZy, system>administration>login window, or maybe I am misunderstanding what you are wanting | 09:18 |
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cactus_sediento | hello...when i turn un my wireless conection i cannot ping the router nor google......while i can do it with my wired conection....does anybody has a suggestion? thanks | 09:18 |
cc77 | question about zope, I installed the wrong version how to I install a newer version but first deinstall old version to avoid conflicts | 09:18 |
cc77 | I installed it from commandline not synaptics | 09:18 |
lap | someone know how to correct the keyboard setting after installed xgl/beryl with gnome ? | 09:18 |
FuzZy | login splash - the one that shows the startup programs - metacity, skype, ... | 09:18 |
bruenig | !translucency | lap | 09:18 |
ubotu | lap: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:18 |
=== Metal_Militia_ [n=ioppo@host-84-222-32-119.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lap | the alt, ctrl, doesn't work anymore | 09:18 |
=== SirKillalot [n=sirk@dslb-084-056-120-051.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thor | cactus_sediento: is the wifi encrypted? | 09:18 |
cactus_sediento | thor...no is open | 09:19 |
kraut | hi, i have a mysterious problem with my pc | 09:19 |
bruenig | Landon, did that work or not? | 09:19 |
kraut | something crashed heavilly and know every opengl-application causes a segfault | 09:19 |
kraut | i have no idea anymore why | 09:19 |
IceGuerilla | Right guys, I don't know much about linux, but I installed Ubuntu and my Netgear WG311 card isn't working and I can't get NdisWrapper working. | 09:19 |
kraut | i have a nvidia vga-card | 09:19 |
Landon | bruenig: It's still installing, hopefully it will | 09:19 |
thor | cactus_sediento: is the wifi by any chance a pcmcia card or usb dongle on a laptop | 09:19 |
skippy | I have an Intel Core 2 64-bit system. Is the Ubuntu x86 ISO 64-bit enabled? | 09:19 |
kraut | could anybody help me please? | 09:20 |
bruenig | Landon, oh didn't realize it was so big. I guess it would have to be in order to support so many formats | 09:20 |
thor | cactus_sediento: do you see the wifi card using 'ifconfig'? | 09:20 |
bruenig | !nv | kraut | 09:20 |
ubotu | kraut: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:20 |
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cactus_sediento | thor yes i do | 09:20 |
Landon | bruenig: Yeah, it's pretty big: 7803 kb | 09:20 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: the x86_64 one is | 09:20 |
thor | cactus_sediento: does it have an ip address in ifconfig? | 09:20 |
cactus_sediento | yes it has... | 09:21 |
skippy | Kingsqueak, ah. I don't see that in 6.10. Thanks, will look again. | 09:21 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: then check 'route' and see if you have a route to the router...a default route | 09:21 |
cactus_sediento | thor...ok... | 09:21 |
kraut | bruenig: i know how to install the nvidia driver | 09:21 |
thor | cactus_sediento: route should indicate a route called 'default' that should point to your gateway (router) | 09:22 |
kraut | bruenig: i think there is a problem with a lib concerning opengl | 09:22 |
bruenig | stupid ubotu, he knows how to install it, why would you tell him that | 09:22 |
kraut | hmm? | 09:22 |
cactus_sediento | thor...i should disconect from wired...to check wireless... | 09:22 |
kraut | ah, i fixed it | 09:22 |
kraut | thanks jesus! | 09:22 |
yakubovich | is it possible to use two mice at the same time? One is serial and the other is PS/2, and I have individual devices for each in xorg.conf, but it doesn't work when I add them both to one session. | 09:22 |
cactus_sediento | will take some minutes | 09:22 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was different, I just upgraded from 6.06, so I have no idea if the base iso works on 64 or not | 09:23 |
thor | cactus_sediento: you will probably have to in order to see if the route is being defined. | 09:23 |
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=== bruenig speaks on behalf of jesus and says he wasn't too terribly concerned about your minor computer problem | ||
skippy | Kingsqueak, okay. Thanks anyway. | 09:23 |
thor | cactus_sediento: and make sure you aren't mistaking the ethernet ip for the wifi ip | 09:23 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: I just looked to give you a link and sure 'nuff, only one image. I'm assuming it must be as my amd64 works on Edgy | 09:23 |
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IceGuerilla | Can anyone here help me out. | 09:23 |
IceGuerilla | ? | 09:23 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: ahh got it => http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/ | 09:24 |
thor | !ask | 09:24 |
bruenig | !wifi | IceGuerilla | 09:24 |
ubotu | IceGuerilla: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:24 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:24 |
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skippy | Kingsqueak, it's not clear to me if the x86 is 64-bit or not. | 09:25 |
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destiny88 | bigfuzzyjesus why the nick? | 09:25 |
cfedde | what is the command that lists which commands are run in which runlevel? | 09:25 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: check my link out it isn't and there is a link to Edgy for 64bit there | 09:25 |
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destiny88 | cf | 09:25 |
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bigfuzzyjesus | destiny88, because i am atheist | 09:25 |
skippy | oh? | 09:25 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: it's a mistake from the main Download page | 09:25 |
IceGuerilla | Yeah, one more query. I might not have uberlogic here, but why is it that when I run NdisWrapper, it says it isn't installed and when I try and install it, it says it has? | 09:25 |
destiny88 | Kingsqeak I have some terrible news for you | 09:25 |
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destiny88 | hi | 09:26 |
`4aFkA` | i'm using proxy.. how to configure the connection and set up the proxies ? | 09:26 |
skippy | Kingsqueak, all I see on the link you provided is AMD64. | 09:26 |
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IceGuerilla | Oh, and by the way. Atheism is a non-prophet organisation. | 09:26 |
thor | IceGuerilla: you don't run ndiswrapper, it is a module that is loaded with modprobe | 09:26 |
Kingsqueak | skippy: that's the one, read what it says | 09:26 |
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Kingsqueak | skippy: x86_64 and EMT64, covers them all | 09:26 |
trousers | thor: You have to run ndiswrapper -i to install the INF file | 09:26 |
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cactus_sediento | thor....ok....i lll be back with that data...thanks | 09:27 |
cactus_sediento | . | 09:27 |
cactus_sediento | thor...can you read me? | 09:27 |
skippy | Kingsqueak, ah -- thanks!! | 09:27 |
shodanjr_gr | hm... | 09:27 |
thor | right...forgot about that one | 09:27 |
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Landon | bruenig: It worked! Thanks! | 09:27 |
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shodanjr_gr | is torrentflux available on any of the repositories? sudo apt-get install torrentflux gives me a cant find package message | 09:27 |
bruenig | Landon, hooray | 09:27 |
trousers | thor: SO how would this problem be solved? | 09:27 |
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`4aFkA` | i'm using proxy.. how to configure the connection and set up the proxies ? | 09:27 |
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thor | trousers: you mean the ndiswrapper issue? Is it being run with sudo? | 09:28 |
trousers | thor: I think so | 09:28 |
Some_Person | Is anyone here familiar with GNOME-PPP? | 09:28 |
thor | trousers: what does 'which ndiswrapper' say? | 09:28 |
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trousers | I think it was /sbin/ndiswrapper | 09:28 |
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Some_Person | I can't get GNOME-PPP to work | 09:29 |
Kingsqueak | `4aFkA`: set the env variable http_proxy= to your proxy | 09:29 |
trousers | Ah, wait, I don't think it was run as sudo | 09:29 |
Some_Person | It stops at "sending password" | 09:29 |
trousers | Not sure | 09:29 |
Some_Person | it doesn't dial | 09:29 |
thor | trousers: then it is installed. Should run if you use 'sudo ndiswrapper -l' | 09:29 |
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`4aFkA` | tnx Kingsqueak | 09:29 |
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thor | trousers: in fact, I just tried it, ndiswrapper -l does not require sudo, but I am pretty sure -i would | 09:30 |
sqrxz | is there a command to refresh .bashrc without reboot? | 09:30 |
=== Salah_ [n=Salah@217-11-225.0505.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
s|k | one of my virtual terminals on ubuntu-server is frozen, I went into another one (Alt F2) and killed the bash process for the first and still it shows the same thing | 09:30 |
s|k | totally frozen | 09:30 |
s|k | and unresponsive | 09:30 |
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s|k | even though I freed up the screen I was using | 09:30 |
shodanjr_gr | is torrentflux available on any of the repositories? sudo apt-get install torrentflux gives me a cant find package message | 09:30 |
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s|k | any solutions for that? | 09:30 |
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s|k | anyone? | 09:31 |
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rioghal | !torrentflux | 09:31 |
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ubotu | torrentflux: web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 410 kB, installed size 2688 kB | 09:31 |
Some_Person | anone here use GNOME-PPP? | 09:31 |
cactus_sediento | thor...yes...route looks the same as with the wired conection.... | 09:31 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, enable universe, update and then try the install again | 09:31 |
thor | cactus_sediento: do you have both the wifi and the ethernet right now? | 09:31 |
Some_Person | it sure would make it easier to connect/disconnecr | 09:32 |
=== chergui [n=chergui@adsl-87-197-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cactus_sediento | no...had to turn off wifi | 09:32 |
shodanjr_gr | rioghal thx :) | 09:32 |
cactus_sediento | thor could not enter the chat if not... | 09:32 |
Some_Person | right now i type in "wvdial" in terminal to connect and "killall wvdial pppd" to disconnect | 09:32 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: when you had the wifi running, did you see an ip address with ifconfig, and if so, what was it? | 09:32 |
cactus_sediento | it was... | 09:32 |
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Jinkguns_ | Hello. | 09:33 |
Jinkguns_ | Can anyone read me? :P | 09:33 |
rioghal | Jinkguns, yes | 09:33 |
Jinkguns_ | Greetings, I have a EZ135S SyQuest external drive, which uses a SCSI. I put in a SCSI pci card, checking dmesg, everything worked fine. Now, how do I mount the SyQuest drive? It was mentioned several times in the dmesg, no error messages. I just put a disk in. | 09:33 |
Admiral_Chicago | Jinkguns_: no | 09:33 |
Jinkguns_ | :D | 09:33 |
rioghal | Admiral_Chicago, lol | 09:33 |
quiet | can anyone give me a hand with why this apache virtual host would not be working?? | 09:33 |
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quiet | http://rafb.net/paste/results/AODAgM78.html | 09:33 |
thor | cactus_sediento: sounds like the wifi is up and running. Do you have the firewall opened for the router? On my D-link and my Linksys the wifi connections passed through the firewall, but the ethernet port did not | 09:33 |
destiny123 | hi everyone :) | 09:33 |
at0miku | So I just did apt-get install eggdrop .... Now what? | 09:34 |
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at0miku | Cant seem to find where its installed to | 09:34 |
cactus_sediento | you are right is up and runing... | 09:34 |
shodanjr_gr | rioghal that didnt work... | 09:34 |
cactus_sediento | but cannot navigate | 09:34 |
nolimitsoya | at0miku, just type eggdrop in a terminal | 09:34 |
cactus_sediento | and cannot ping external adresses.... | 09:34 |
at0miku | [20:34] * CONFIG FILE NOT LOADED (NOT FOUND, OR ERROR) | 09:34 |
botxj | is Ubuntu better than FreeBSD? | 09:34 |
e_machinist | Anyone know of any good project management software? | 09:34 |
destiny123 | at0 stop spamming please | 09:34 |
nolimitsoya | at0miku, man egdrop | 09:34 |
`4aFkA` | my instalation crashed!!! and it displayed some message.. but it's long and i don't want to flood :/ HELP! | 09:34 |
nolimitsoya | *eggdrop | 09:34 |
thor | cactus_sediento: can you ping | 09:34 |
at0miku | destiny123: What makes you think its spam? | 09:35 |
sqrxz | botxj: No, it is more unstable, mot more user friendly. | 09:35 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, you edited the /etc/apt/sources.list file and ran 'sudo apt-get update' ? | 09:35 |
nolimitsoya | !pastebin | `4aFkA` | 09:35 |
ubotu | `4aFkA`: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 09:35 |
cactus_sediento | with wifi no | 09:35 |
destiny123 | sqrxz hi there ;) | 09:35 |
cactus_sediento | with wired yes | 09:35 |
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cactus_sediento | with both no | 09:35 |
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botxj | i'm gonna stop using ubuntu for a while and try freebsd | 09:35 |
sqrxz | destiny123: hello? | 09:35 |
nolimitsoya | sqrxz, are you saying freebsdis more user friendly than ubuntu, why so? | 09:35 |
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sqrxz | <nolimitsoya> other way around | 09:36 |
destiny123 | botxj bad mistake | 09:36 |
thor | cactus_sediento: sounds like a config problem with the wifi router. If you have, for instance, MAC filtering turned on you would be blocked on the wifi side, but not the ethernet side. They designed the routers that way so you could always depend on getting into them via the ethernet port. | 09:36 |
Some_Person | Does anyone here use GNOME-PPP? | 09:36 |
nolimitsoya | sqrxz, thought so :) | 09:36 |
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at0miku | Cant seem to find the eggdrop.conf | 09:36 |
destiny123 | sqrxz hello! long time no see! how is your sister doing, better? | 09:36 |
at0miku | I tried: find / -file eggdrop.conf | 09:36 |
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destiny123 | at0miku look for it, dont be a lazy troll | 09:36 |
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at0miku | ... | 09:36 |
nolimitsoya | at0miku, yes, thats what your errormessage told you: it soesnt exist ;) | 09:37 |
at0miku | Ahh okay | 09:37 |
jbu | info jbu | 09:37 |
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rioghal | at0miku, try: sudo updatedb && locate eggdrop.conf | 09:37 |
at0miku | I thought it should have came with the eggdrop installation | 09:37 |
shodanjr_gr | rioghal yes i did | 09:37 |
shodanjr_gr | !torrentflux | 09:37 |
ubotu | torrentflux: web based, feature-rich BitTorrent download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1-1ubuntu0.1 (edgy), package size 410 kB, installed size 2688 kB | 09:37 |
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nolimitsoya | at0miku, create one, using the instructions that should be within the documentation | 09:37 |
destiny123 | kennkenn whats chatzilla like? | 09:37 |
thor | at0miku: that should be -name, not -file (I think) | 09:37 |
cactus_sediento | thor i have just updated the firmware of my router....before that wifi was ok.....mac filtering is off.... | 09:37 |
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at0miku | Hmm... looks like we have this: /usr/share/doc/eggdrop-data/examples/eggdrop.conf.gz | 09:37 |
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rioghal | shodanjr_gr, well, torrentflux is in the universe repo. care to pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 09:37 |
shodanjr_gr | the 2 universe urls in my sources.list are unquoted | 09:38 |
destiny123 | at0miku you are trolling dude! | 09:38 |
thor | cactus_sediento: when I upgraded I nuked my whole router...was a bummer. Did you do a reset of the router after the upgrade? | 09:38 |
kennkenn | it's o.k. for a quick (firefox embedded) irc client... i like Colloquy for fun these days or good old mirc on pc... | 09:38 |
at0miku | destiny123: Hmm thatis not the answer I am looking for | 09:38 |
shodanjr_gr | sec | 09:38 |
cactus_sediento | thor...yes...after that i lost wife | 09:38 |
at0miku | And no, i'm not trolling | 09:38 |
nolimitsoya | at0miku, ungzip that archive | 09:38 |
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agent | does anyone know why in ubuntu the kernel is called linux-image and not kernel-image as in debian? | 09:38 |
destiny123 | kennkenn whats the best way to install it? | 09:38 |
Enquest | I seem not able to install edgy Nvidia, yet I follow the wiki docs for it? when I enable the nvidia driver it says be sure to install the driver | 09:38 |
nolimitsoya | agent, couse it sounds better :) | 09:38 |
Enquest | what to do now! | 09:38 |
nolimitsoya | ;) | 09:39 |
agent | nolimitsoya: lies! | 09:39 |
thor | cactus_sediento: yeah...sounds like a problem with the router config or the firmware. A linksys router? | 09:39 |
destiny123 | agent ask Seveas | 09:39 |
at0miku | Right. Ive got me eggdrop.conf | 09:39 |
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kennkenn | firefox addons | 09:39 |
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at0miku | Lemme spend a while configuring this... Not sure where to put it but im sure it'll work out | 09:39 |
mike-w | what's the repository for webmin | 09:39 |
destiny123 | kennkenn where is the chatzlilla firefox addon? | 09:39 |
cactus_sediento | thor zyxel router prestige 600 series | 09:39 |
kennkenn | are you a bot? it's at addons.mozilla.org via firefox | 09:40 |
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destiny123 | kennkenn whats a bot? | 09:40 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: hmmm...I had some problems with my linksys, but not with my D-link. Not sure what to suggest next. I would try another hard reset. did you back up the route before the upgrade? | 09:40 |
LjL | !bot | 09:40 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 09:40 |
nolimitsoya | destiny123, a program | 09:40 |
cactus_sediento | thor do you think that pppo instead of pppe can help? | 09:40 |
mike-w | what's the repository for webmin | 09:40 |
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rioghal | shodanjr_gr, heres my sources.list for comparison: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/32986/ | 09:40 |
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shodanjr_gr | rioghal http://pastebin.com/829162 | 09:40 |
cactus_sediento | thor :( have not think on that | 09:41 |
Jinkguns_ | is PARIDE support built into the latest Eft kernel? | 09:41 |
thor | cactus_sediento: ouch...my next suggestion was going to be reinstalling the back up ;) | 09:41 |
nolimitsoya | !webmin | mike-w | 09:41 |
ubotu | mike-w: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 09:41 |
thor | cactus_sediento: don't suppose you have access to another router so you could do some testing? It sounds like the problem isn't in your wifi card, but in the router | 09:42 |
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cactus_sediento | thor...yes...i agree | 09:42 |
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digiqq | hey guys, when I tried to stop vsftpd, Why do I got this msg: No /usr/sbin/vsftpd found running; none killed | 09:43 |
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mike-w | what the crap | 09:43 |
mike-w | why isn't webmin supported | 09:43 |
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cactus_sediento | thor...i will play a litle more with the router....seems i will be cable conected to it for some time :-) | 09:43 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: you are connecting the ethernet cable to the router, right? | 09:43 |
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rioghal | shodanjr_gr, you on dapper or edgy? | 09:43 |
cactus_sediento | thor...yes | 09:43 |
agent | Seveas: why is the ubuntu kernel package called linux-image and not kernel-image as in debian? | 09:43 |
zak_ | a friend advices me to install xubuntu or ubuntu instead of suse os, i've neither tried suse os nor xubuntu. which one I choose? | 09:44 |
DarkSpirit | I was thinking of using Ubuntu, but I need to move files from NTFS to Ubuntu. They are only .AVIs and few text files. Can it be done ? | 09:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | zak_: kubuntu | 09:44 |
Seveas | agent, because it's linux | 09:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: yes | 09:44 |
cactus_sediento | thor the strange thing is that if i turn on the wifi....i lost the wired conection... | 09:44 |
DarkSpirit | How ? | 09:44 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: don't know if this will help. Connect another computer to the router via ethernet, and try to ping it from your computer via wifi. You can run wireshark (late ethereal) and see if the packets go out and come in | 09:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | !mount > DarkSpirit | 09:44 |
zak_ | Admiral_Chicago: why | 09:44 |
DarkSpirit | Then I just copy and paste ? | 09:45 |
thor | cactus_sediento: if you turn on wifi with the ethernet still on, do you see both in ifconfig? In my computer the ethernet is eth0 and the wifi is ath0, they both show up | 09:45 |
Admiral_Chicago | because KDE is a lot easier to use IMHO | 09:45 |
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agent | Seveas: so is that the only reason? not a bad reason, but just wondering why rename a debian pacakge :/ | 09:45 |
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Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: not exactelly it depends on yor system | 09:45 |
zak_ | IMHO? | 09:45 |
cactus_sediento | thor yes i see them both | 09:45 |
DarkSpirit | The HDD has enough space that if I make a EXT3 Parition. | 09:45 |
DarkSpirit | *that I can make a EXT3 | 09:45 |
thor | cactus_sediento: how does the wifi identify? wifi0, wlan0, ath0 ? | 09:45 |
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Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: i gave you the wrong link | 09:46 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on | 09:46 |
cactus_sediento | thor eth1 | 09:46 |
cactus_sediento | thor eth0 is wired | 09:46 |
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thor | cactus_sediento: right...thinking | 09:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | in my humble opinion | 09:46 |
jorik | how do you flush your dns cache (for konqueror) ? | 09:46 |
cj | does edgy play nice with aigl & compiz? | 09:46 |
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Admiral_Chicago | cj: i had it working | 09:47 |
yeti_ | i am trying ubuntu for the first time and there is a software package in .tar.gz format which I uncompressed. I need access to a terminal to run a .pl script. HOWEVER, this requires root access? Doesnt ubuntu 6.10 have root access? | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | but i like beryl better than compiz. | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | yeti_: sudo | 09:47 |
thor | cactus_sediento: I would assign each eth an ip address, turn off dhcp, and see if I could get them both running to the router. Should be possible to direct ping to a specific interface. | 09:47 |
zak_ | anyone has some snashots of kubuntu? | 09:47 |
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DarkSpirit | Admiral_Chicago: Beryl is 1 of the main reasons I want to use Ubuntu :D | 09:47 |
rioghal | !sudo > yeti_ | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | zak_: osdir.com is the website i think | 09:47 |
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yeti_ | Admiral_Chicago: so type: sudo packagename.pl ? | 09:47 |
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yeti_ | oh.. reading... | 09:47 |
bobonthenet | hello | 09:47 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 09:48 |
rioghal | yeti_, sounds like you need: sudo file.pl | 09:48 |
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Admiral_Chicago | that is the link for you | 09:48 |
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cactus_sediento | thor...will try that, thanks a lot | 09:48 |
thor | cactus_sediento: ping -I <interface> | 09:48 |
frover | pomozcie czcionke zainstalowac | 09:48 |
=== gambix [n=fabien@APoitiers-156-1-145-79.w86-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shodanjr_gr | rioghal i used the sources.list you gave me. did apt-get update. still no dice... | 09:49 |
thor | cactus_sediento: and monitor with ethereal to see if the packets get out. Actually, have you ever used the 'watch' command? | 09:49 |
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cactus_sediento | thor...but need time....i am a noob | 09:49 |
DarkSpirit | Admiral_Chicago: After that I just copy it from the NTFS Partition to the EXT3 one? | 09:49 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, if youre on dapper, then torrentflux isnt in the repos, if youre on edgy, then its there. | 09:49 |
cactus_sediento | thor no i have not... | 09:49 |
shodanjr_gr | rioghal any way i can get it on dapper? | 09:49 |
sioux | hi | 09:49 |
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sioux | :-) | 09:49 |
Admiral_Chicago | zak_: http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=752&slide=4 | 09:49 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, i was relying on the info from the bot which is why i gave you the wrong into, sorry about that | 09:49 |
bobonthenet | Is this the right place to be if I want to get help with running a program under wine with ubuntu or should I go someplace else? | 09:50 |
thor | cactus_sediento: if you type 'watch ifconfig' in a terminal, the screen will automatically update every second (I think it is a second by default). You shoudl then be able to see th eping packets go out...see the TX packets count go up | 09:50 |
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rioghal | shodanjr_gr, i suppose you can compile it yourself | 09:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: you'll mount the drive and then you can just copy and paste, that's right | 09:50 |
nolimitsoya | bobonthenet, id guess the wine support channel | 09:50 |
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Admiral_Chicago | but you won't be able to write to the partion (safely that is) | 09:50 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, also, im not sure its a good idea to have both dapper and edgy sources in your sources.list | 09:50 |
shodanjr_gr | if i used the url from the edgy repositories? | 09:50 |
DarkSpirit | Admiral_Chicago: Cool, thanks. 1 more question. | 09:50 |
yeti_ | someprogram.pl is asking me: What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? is it /etc ? | 09:50 |
Sarra_ | I need a keylogger | 09:50 |
DarkSpirit | Does anyone have that list of Windows Programs and their Linux versions ? | 09:50 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, that may lead you into dependency hell, lol | 09:50 |
DarkSpirit | Like mIRC - XChat | 09:50 |
nolimitsoya | bobonthenet, unless of course you want help installing wine on ubuntu :) | 09:50 |
Sarra_ | Can anyone help me with one? | 09:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: let me see what I can find | 09:51 |
shodanjr_gr | i would just install torrentflux then remove it | 09:51 |
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DarkSpirit | I once saw a huge list. | 09:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: most of the come installed automatically though | 09:51 |
Admiral_Chicago | like Konversation -- mIrc | 09:51 |
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rioghal | shodanjr_gr, that may bring in deps for edgy that arent compatible with dapper | 09:51 |
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AlinuxOS | Hello All, In Ubuntu 6.10, I'm trying to add beryl-manager in gnome-session-properties , but everytime i reboot the app won't start and if I look in gnome-session-properties " beryl-manager" isn't there anymore | 09:51 |
Sarra_ | Konversation sucks compared to mIRC, IMO | 09:51 |
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shodanjr_gr | aha... | 09:51 |
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cactus_sediento | thor...thanks for the advice ...i will work on it....hope to have good news next days | 09:51 |
bruenig | !translucency | AlinuxOS | 09:51 |
ubotu | AlinuxOS: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:51 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, which is why you shouldnt mix repos ;) | 09:52 |
thor | cactus_sediento: good luck | 09:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: i think i found one hold on a sec | 09:52 |
agent | Seveas: well, i just want you to know that debian -> ubuntu is definetly possible and somehow the debian kernel-image is removed before linux-image is installed (i guess that the difference in package name would create conflicts) | 09:52 |
shodanjr_gr | so i am out of luck? | 09:52 |
wedgeV | do the fglrx 8.30.3 drivers actually work for anyone? i always get a segfault for any app trying to use dri | 09:52 |
yeti_ | someprogram.pl is asking me: What is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)? is it /etc ? | 09:52 |
Admiral_Chicago | Sarra_: i like it, it's about choice :p | 09:52 |
rioghal | shodanjr_gr, as i said, you can try to compile it yourself | 09:52 |
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agent | Seveas: i guess = i guessed | 09:52 |
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AlinuxOS | bruenig, | 09:52 |
AlinuxOS | ? | 09:52 |
Sarra_ | Admiral_Chicago: After using mIRC for several years, and having built a bot in it from scratch, I relaly can't stand Konversation | 09:52 |
Sarra_ | I also dislike not having the /hop command | 09:52 |
bruenig | AlinuxOS, #ubuntu-xgl for help | 09:53 |
DarkSpirit | Only good thing mIRC has is the WINDOWS. | 09:53 |
sioux | I have a noise problem with usb port on my dell c600. when i plug a usbdisk it mounted ok but after some the system freeze... mouse too is freezed :-( what can i do? :-( | 09:53 |
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zOrK | Does anybody has a broadcom wireless card? | 09:53 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i'm looking at using irssi but that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:53 |
DarkSpirit | IRSSI ? | 09:54 |
AlinuxOS | bruenig, is not a problem of beryl-manager, even if I add ekiga or something other...it fades away... | 09:54 |
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pcgigabyte | Anyone got kqemu running in ubuntu dapper? I need help with it? | 09:54 |
AlinuxOS | bruenig, it's just an example. | 09:54 |
soundray | zOrK: lots of people do -- is this a survey? | 09:54 |
nolimitsoya | !irssi | 09:54 |
ubotu | irssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out ) | 09:54 |
yeti_ | someprogram.pl is asking me: What is the directory that contains the init scripts? I looked at /etc but init.d is not there? | 09:54 |
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DarkSpirit | lol Command Line. You Linux Nerds and your command line. | 09:54 |
Sarra_ | I need a keylogger to help me diagnose a problem. Specifically, thousands of Firefox windows will pop up on their own if I leave my computer alone for several hours without locking the screen | 09:54 |
=== R9KMC [i=R9KMC@adsl196-231-163-206-196.adsl196-6.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rioghal | yeti_, /etc/init.d doesn't exist???? | 09:55 |
bruenig | AlinuxOS, got you | 09:55 |
bobonthenet | nolimitsoya: what is the wine support channel? | 09:55 |
R9KMC | hi everybody | 09:55 |
AlinuxOS | Hello People, I'm trying to add beryl-manager (it's just an example, If I add some other application it dosen't work) in gnome-session-properties , but everytime i reboot the app won't start and if I look in gnome-session-properties " beryl-manager" isn't there anymore | 09:55 |
Sarra_ | The keylogger would be used to make sure my keyboard isn't broken | 09:55 |
Arcad3 | DarkSpirit:go 2 hell | 09:55 |
bruenig | !ohmy | 09:55 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:55 |
nolimitsoya | bobonthenet, no idea. :) look in the faq at www.winehq.org | 09:55 |
DarkSpirit | Arcad3: Its a joke. | 09:55 |
nolimitsoya | or-com, or something... | 09:55 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@28.detroit-16-18rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolimitsoya | *.com | 09:55 |
yeti_ | rioghal: whoopsie... typo... :-) it's there. | 09:55 |
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Arcad3 | sorry..my bad | 09:55 |
rioghal | DarkSpirit, this is an ubuntu support channel. please take your other comments to another channel :) | 09:55 |
rioghal | yeti_, :) | 09:56 |
DarkSpirit | Admiral_Chicago: you found the list? | 09:56 |
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Arcad3 | but i can show u what the command line can do... | 09:56 |
DarkSpirit | I will be gone, I need a list of windows programs and their linux versions | 09:56 |
Admiral_Chicago | no i'm looking for it now | 09:56 |
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DarkSpirit | I will try Google | 09:56 |
bobonthenet | nolimitsoya: found it thanks #winehq | 09:56 |
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Arcad3 | Bye! | 09:56 |
DarkSpirit | Thanks Admiral_Chicago. | 09:56 |
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DarkSpirit | Damn I just remembered, how can I move my Firefox Profile to Linux ? | 09:56 |
Destiny123 | hey hey | 09:56 |
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ouroboros | Hello all! | 09:57 |
Destiny123 | ouroboros: hello | 09:57 |
epsilon_ | Hi all | 09:57 |
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=== Sarra_ has been asking for help with this firefox problem for almost a year now, and is no closer to finding a solution, and therefore, will just RMA this laptop | ||
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Admiral_Chicago | DarkSpirit: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html | 09:57 |
`4aFkA` | my instal setup crashed and this is displayed to me..RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog | 09:57 |
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Admiral_Chicago | http://www.cooltechzone.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=1107 | 09:57 |
DarkSpirit | What Firefox problem ? | 09:57 |
Arcad3 | **sarra what problem? | 09:57 |
Admiral_Chicago | those may help | 09:57 |
james296 | how can I change the mouse cursor in the logon screen? | 09:58 |
Sarra_ | Firefox windows keep popping up for no reason | 09:58 |
rioghal | Sarra_, what ff prob? | 09:58 |
DarkSpirit | Admiral_Chicago: Thanks | 09:58 |
ouroboros | I am trying to compile linux-uvc and the makefile references /lib/modules/2.6.15-27-386/build but in that directory there IS no directory called build... ? | 09:58 |
cj | anyone here using a logitech usb headset on edgy w/gnome? | 09:58 |
ouroboros | <--- running dapper fresh install last night. | 09:58 |
zak_ | anyone | 09:58 |
Destiny123 | cj: hello | 09:58 |
james296 | well? | 09:58 |
Destiny123 | ouroboros: so? | 09:58 |
epsilon_ | ouroboros: is that sure you have linux headers installed? | 09:58 |
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rioghal | Sarra_, have you blocked popups via the content tab in ff prefs? | 09:59 |
cj | howdy Destiny123 | 09:59 |
Sarra_ | Yes | 09:59 |
soundray | Sarra_: could it be that you have a "multimedia key" on your laptop that's stuck and keeps launching the browser? | 09:59 |
Destiny123 | james296: ? | 09:59 |
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Sarra_ | That's why I'm trying to find a keylogger so I can track that down | 09:59 |
Sarra_ | I don't have a multimedia keyboard, this is a laptop, so i'm not sure how or why that would happen | 09:59 |
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james296 | how can I change the default mouse cursor on the logon screen??? | 09:59 |
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Sarra_ | This happens in Windows and Ubuntu | 09:59 |
soundray | Sarra_: why don't you change the key assignment via System-Prefs-Keyboard Shortcuts for now? | 09:59 |
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cj | james296: gnome login screen? | 09:59 |
Sarra_ | Thanks soundray | 10:00 |
james296 | yes | 10:00 |
nolimitsoya | cj, gdm, mostlikely | 10:00 |
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ouroboros | epsison_: yes, oh hoh hoh... I do, but the wrong version. | 10:00 |
rioghal | Sarra_, both OS's? yeah, sounds like a hw prob | 10:00 |
rioghal | soundray, good catch | 10:00 |
epsilon_ | ouroboros: so i helped you? =) | 10:00 |
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soundray | rioghal: must be my medical training ;) | 10:01 |
Sarra_ | Okay, I disabled the shortcut for "Launch Browser", I'll see if it helps, thanks a lot. :) | 10:01 |
`4aFkA` | my instal setup crashed and this is displayed to me..RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog | 10:01 |
epsilon_ | ouroboros: official helpdesk answer: install the latest version. xD | 10:01 |
ouroboros | epsilon_: quite! ;) I had installed the 12.4 headers, not the 12.6 | 10:01 |
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Sarra_ | It also affected IE in Windows, it woudl start refreshing the page as fast as it could | 10:01 |
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epsilon_ | ok moment i restart into linux. | 10:01 |
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R9KMC | no no no no no :( error 18 when grub starts... what to do? | 10:02 |
R9KMC | :( | 10:02 |
lifepositive | hi | 10:02 |
nolimitsoya | !grub | 10:02 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 10:02 |
lifepositive | is there any way to check my hotmail emails from Thunderbird? | 10:02 |
james296 | ??? | 10:02 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-128-136-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, no, unless m$ unlocked the pop feature in hotmail in the recentmonths | 10:03 |
cj | james296: I did that... give me a sec to reproduce :) | 10:03 |
rioghal | lifepositive, does hotmail allow pop? | 10:03 |
james296 | ok | 10:03 |
lifepositive | rioghal: no idea | 10:03 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, /msg me your email adress and illgive you a gmail account :) | 10:03 |
pianoboy3333 | Is there an ubuntuce channel? | 10:03 |
soundray | lifepositive: you can use gotmail to retrieve your email and pass it into your system's mail spool | 10:03 |
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soundray | !gotmail | lifepositive | 10:03 |
ubotu | gotmail: utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.9-1 (edgy), package size 38 kB, installed size 136 kB | 10:03 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, it doesnt, as i said. you cant use any mailingsoftware with hotmail | 10:03 |
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lifepositive | nolimitsoya: there is a way | 10:04 |
=== epsilon_ [n=gergely@fibhost-63-116.fibernet.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epsilon_ | hello back again | 10:04 |
see | hello, anybody has some good tip/url/experience with makeing swapfiles, what is best practice? i need to make at least 32gb swap | 10:04 |
lifepositive | soundray: cheers :) | 10:04 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, not a regular one, no :) | 10:04 |
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rioghal | wb epsilon_ | 10:04 |
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: did you read the post 5secs ago? :P | 10:04 |
cj | james296: System->preferences->mouse | 10:05 |
epsilon_ | see: 32 gb? o_O | 10:05 |
see | should i make several smaller ones or one huge? | 10:05 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, yes, but that not a regular mail. thats using a cheat to trick the hotmal system :) | 10:05 |
james296 | for the logon screen??? | 10:05 |
cj | see: *choke* | 10:05 |
see | epsilon i have 16gb real ram in the machine | 10:05 |
cj | james296: yeah. strange, eh? | 10:05 |
cj | see: *choke choke* | 10:05 |
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: SO WHAT? ROFL | 10:05 |
james296 | doesnt work that way | 10:05 |
epsilon_ | see: i SEE :D | 10:05 |
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: who cares if its a :cheat" LOL | 10:05 |
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: just admit you were wrong :) | 10:05 |
=== mysterx [n=loughlin@devnull.eng.fsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, so you still cant use mailing software with hotmail :) | 10:06 |
epsilon_ | see: i thonk that not many of us have experience in that. try the forums maybe :S | 10:06 |
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see | current problem im running 1172 sverek 18 0 24.1g 11g 804 D 72 76.6 11:55.53 driver | 10:06 |
epsilon_ | ahh | 10:06 |
mysterx | anyone know isc dhcp? | 10:06 |
james296 | how can I set the Human mouse cursor as the default one to use at the logon screen??? | 10:06 |
soundray | see: you don't need that much swap, really. But if you can, make a swap partition on each of the system's hard disk drives. | 10:06 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, as i said, if you /msg me yourcurrent mail ill give you a gmail account, wich do work with any software | 10:06 |
see | epsilon ok :P | 10:06 |
`4aFkA` | my instal setup crashed and this is displayed to me..RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog | 10:06 |
lifepositive | soundray: whats my system's mail spool? | 10:06 |
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constrictor | 10:07 | |
ubotu | mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com | 10:07 |
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lifepositive | nolimitsoya: do you work for gmail do you? :) | 10:07 |
`4aFkA` | !proxy | 10:07 |
see | sound so what happends if it dgoes over memory limit, does it create swapfiles by itself? | 10:07 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:07 |
soundray | lifepositive: if you install something like postfix, your mail ends up in /var/mail/username | 10:07 |
pianoboy3333 | Is there an ubuntu christian edition channel? | 10:07 |
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lifepositive | soundray: ok | 10:07 |
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
`4aFkA` | !network | 10:07 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:07 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, no. i was trying to help you. if you dont want help, you wont get it. have a nice day. :) | 10:07 |
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mysterx | any isc dhcp gurus? | 10:07 |
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epsilon_ | pianoboy3333 if you simply need support this channel is better | 10:07 |
mxpxpod | cafuego: ping? | 10:07 |
see | now the machine froze :( | 10:08 |
soundray | see: the rule-of-thumb of Swap=RAM*2 was valid when the typical amount of RAM was 8 or 16 MByte. | 10:08 |
=== ublender_ [n=ublender@adsl-068-209-130-040.sip.jax.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epsilon_ | mysterx what is isc? | 10:08 |
epsilon_ | !isc | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about isc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
see | sound well my problems eat > 40gb ram | 10:08 |
james296 | well? | 10:08 |
pianoboy3333 | epsilon_: I was wondering what gui it uses for dansguardian... I'm in search of setting up dansguardian, but I'm not sure how to do it, and a gui may help | 10:08 |
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | see: I'd say your problems are ill-posed in that case. | 10:09 |
pianoboy3333 | epsilon_: does ubuntuce have a repository? | 10:09 |
Pupeno | Hello. | 10:09 |
mysterx | internet systems consortium | 10:09 |
mysterx | flavor of dhcpd | 10:09 |
`4aFkA` | my instal setup crashed and this is displayed to me..RuntimeError: Install failed with exit code1; see /var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/syslog | 10:09 |
=== andy_ [n=andy@pool-72-78-228-197.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolimitsoya | see, what couldeat such enormous amounts of ram?! | 10:09 |
see | sound they are not :) they are just big | 10:09 |
epsilon_ | pianoboy3333 i know nothing of that.. maybe just the look is different | 10:09 |
pianoboy3333 | epsilon_: nm, I found it | 10:09 |
see | noli pde-solvers | 10:09 |
nolimitsoya | `4aFkA`, just check the log will you >_< | 10:09 |
=== thelovemonkey [n=tfudsm@2dkrwghl.emirates.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thelovemonkey | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:09 |
thelovemonkey | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:09 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b thelov!*@*] by LjL | ||
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: how were you trying to help me when you wrongly said its not possible? :P | 10:10 |
=== Gimble [n=gimble@ip503cebe2.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
andy_ | could someone help me set up mythtv? | 10:10 |
rioghal | !ops | 10:10 |
ubotu | Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak! | 10:10 |
=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
see | i need results now (dont have time parallelize it with mpi) | 10:10 |
=== ccb [n=ccb@dsl092-092-088.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
digiqq | hey guys, why I got "No /usr/sbin/vsftpd found running; none killed" why I tried to stop vsftpd service | 10:10 |
LjL | rioghal: i'm here, and he's been k-lined already. no need | 10:10 |
=== zOrK [n=eclipse@c-66-176-68-228.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | rioghal: they are being klined as soon as they do it | 10:10 |
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rioghal | LjL, yeah, i was a little slow, sorry | 10:10 |
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e_machinist | how do you "remove" a directory? | 10:10 |
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andy_ | how do you set up mysql for mythtv? | 10:10 |
epsilon_ | e_machinist remove? | 10:11 |
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=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-128-136-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
epsilon_ | e_machinist: right click delete then delete the trashcan :P | 10:11 |
soundray | e_machinist: rm -r | 10:11 |
e_machinist | epsilon_: sudo rm -f filename... | 10:11 |
nolimitsoya | lifepositive, no need to be obnoxious. i gave it to you plain and simple: hotmail doesnt support pop anymore, so you cant use mailingprograms. now, quit being rude to someone why offered to help you, and go along with your chores. :) | 10:11 |
dnite | is there no alternative to shockwave that works with linux? | 10:11 |
mxpxpod | dnite: yeah, it's called dhtml ;) | 10:11 |
mxpxpod | dnite: or svg | 10:11 |
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: are you humble enough yo admit your error? | 10:11 |
=== ogra_bot [n=michael@cpe-24-209-231-52.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Gimble | hi, question: I installed ubuntu dd a while ago, and now I want to set up cgi irc... but I don't have the slightest clue as to how to do that. Can anyone help me? | 10:12 |
rioghal | lifepositive, nolimitsoya please stop, it's getting quite annoying | 10:12 |
soundray | lifepositive: I am disappointed in the way you use the information I gave you. | 10:12 |
=== noriega [n=felix@kr-lun-71-156-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lifepositive | nolimitsoya: listen here Bjoern. let it go and lets stop this madness | 10:12 |
dnite | mxpxpod, hah. ya. i'm not the one developing with it. i just saw a game i wanted to play online but it happens to be in shockwave. maybe i'll email him and tell him to remake all his games x=) | 10:12 |
lifepositive | rioghal: I agree :) | 10:12 |
epsilon_ | LOL stop | 10:12 |
e_machinist | -drf did the trick. | 10:12 |
mxpxpod | dnite: there you go ;) | 10:12 |
frover | how I can create new folder in console | 10:12 |
frover | ? | 10:12 |
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lifepositive | soundray: ok np! its over anyway. cheers | 10:12 |
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epsilon_ | frover: mkdir | 10:13 |
rioghal | frover, mkdir | 10:13 |
epsilon_ | :) | 10:13 |
lifepositive | soundray: most people living in the UK, usually are dissapointed easily, so im used to it ;) | 10:13 |
Gimble | cgi irc? can anyone help? | 10:13 |
lifepositive | in Australia, we call them the winghing poms :) | 10:13 |
epsilon_ | Gimble: CGI? IRC? what? | 10:14 |
sgirc | hi room | 10:14 |
bruenig | in soviet russia, the winghing poms call you | 10:14 |
R9KMC | problem: i did a defaut installation of ubuntu and i have 3 partitions, in which one i select and tape grub-install? | 10:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %lifepositive!*@*] by nalioth | ||
R9KMC | 1, 2 or 3 | 10:14 |
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soundray | lifepositive: you've guessed wrong. | 10:14 |
dreamer | damnit, it really is my ub-mouse that fails out of newhere and starts jerxing around | 10:14 |
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thebuckets | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:14 |
thebuckets | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
dreamer | the ps/2-mouse works just fine | 10:14 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b thebuc!*@*] by LjL | ||
Jinkguns_ | Okay. Here is the deal. Is Paraide built into the kernel or not? : | 10:14 |
Gimble | epsilon_: I want to get cgi:irc | 10:15 |
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Jinkguns_ | :| | 10:15 |
sgirc | can somebody help with an atm driver unstallation issue under edgy ? | 10:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b thebuc!*@*] by LjL | ||
nolimitsoya | soundray, how about not feeding the abvious troll :) | 10:15 |
nalioth | LjL: they're gone | 10:15 |
nolimitsoya | ? | 10:15 |
sgirc | installation sorry | 10:15 |
nolimitsoya | *o | 10:15 |
epsilon_ | Gimble: sorry i dont know what it is :S | 10:15 |
=== Apex [n=jws141@pool-151-204-24-71.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | nalioth: they weren't when i typed the command ;) | 10:15 |
Gimble | epinephrine: as in, get the server software for cgi:irc on my ubuntu install | 10:15 |
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Gimble | erh, no epinephrine, but epsilon_ | 10:15 |
soundray | nolimitsoya: sorry, I was just gleeful at how wrong the troll was. | 10:15 |
sgirc | please ? | 10:15 |
Amaranth | LjL: It's an automatic thing. | 10:15 |
=== jbu223 [n=chatzill@c-69-255-35-168.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-128-136-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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thesnortZ | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:16 |
thesnortZ | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:16 |
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epsilon_ | thesnortZ what is that? | 10:16 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by nalioth | ||
nalioth | PLEASE register or identify your nicks to speak in here | 10:16 |
flyback | if you guys are getting hit with the router dcc send bug if you update your routers firmware or DO NOT IRC FROM PORT 6667, he can't hit you | 10:16 |
=== ccb [n=ccb@dsl092-092-088.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Shadow42 [n=rowe@wikimedia/shadow42] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flyback | if you guys are getting hit with the router dcc send bug if you update your routers firmware or DO NOT IRC FROM PORT 6667, he can't hit you | 10:16 |
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LjL | !exploit | 10:16 |
ubotu | There are people around who think it is funny to abuse a bug in certain routers by sending invalid DCC commands. When bitten by this bug ops in #ubuntu remove users so they are no longer targets. To fix it have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit | 10:16 |
=== paras [n=paras@71-81-209-63.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Gimble | pfff, spam | 10:17 |
flyback | or better yet convert your router to openwrt or ddwrt if it supports it :) | 10:17 |
=== CaptainMorgan [n=CaptainM@c-24-128-136-135.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Gimble still doesnt know how to get cgi:irc working on his ubuntu installation :o( | ||
flyback | if anyone needs any help with their router let me know | 10:17 |
flyback | I am going to be out for a bit so just leave me a message | 10:17 |
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CarlFK | does the cron that is installed by ubuntu suport the L for last in crontab? | 10:17 |
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=== epsilon_ [n=gergely@fibhost-63-116.fibernet.bacs-net.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nalioth | ATTENTION: if you are getting "cannot send to channel", please register or identify your nick /msg nickserv help register | 10:17 |
=== flyback insanely enjoys spiting the assholes messing with people | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@85-18-136-71.fastres.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip68-225-117-153.mc.at.cox.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
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sgirc | hello | 10:20 |
sgirc | all | 10:20 |
=== HipotermiA [n=carlos@Tco-131.ctrmax.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Gimble | >.> | 10:20 |
rioghal | so, "R" is "registered nicks are the only one allow to speak in channel"? | 10:20 |
sgirc | anybody in here | 10:20 |
=== flyback is getting real tempted to call his friend and have his friend give the little dcc exploit shit a taste of his own medicine | ||
nalioth | rioghal: yes | 10:20 |
thesmokerzs | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:20 |
thesmokerzs | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:20 |
Shadow42 | Ugh... | 10:20 |
flyback | OK THAT'S IT | 10:20 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-69-255-35-168.hsd1.va.comcast.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
=== flyback calls his friend | ||
Gimble | sigh, what bug are they abusing this time? :S | 10:21 |
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nalioth | flyback: join #ubuntu-offtopic to do so | 10:21 |
Bollinger | I've setup a cron job but its failing, how can i see the error messages? | 10:21 |
flyback | vxworks bug | 10:21 |
nalioth | !tell Gimble about dcc | 10:21 |
flyback | in routers | 10:21 |
Shadow42 | LjL: Try banning anything that joins with "the" in their nick | 10:21 |
sgirc | now that i am registred perhaps you will dain talk to me | 10:21 |
pianoboy3333 | Anyone here know how to setup dansguardian? | 10:21 |
=== freebse [n=freebse@p57A2A27A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sgirc | allo ? | 10:21 |
=== crispo [n=chatzill@0x50a159e2.hrnxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Shadow42 | sgirc: Hello | 10:21 |
sgirc | ouf! | 10:21 |
=== colin_m [n=colin_m@dsl092-066-216.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b the*z*!*@*] by LjL | ||
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=== Jinkguns [n=bfortino@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
linuxnewbiez | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:22 |
linuxnewbiez | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:22 |
Shadow42 | Or not. | 10:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b the*z*!*@*] by LjL | ||
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sgirc | thanks for your reply shadow | 10:22 |
Shadow42 | Welcome | 10:22 |
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sgirc | why did never anybody in this chan answered me ? | 10:22 |
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Jinkguns | How would I mount sdb? It's a external SyQuest drive using a SCSI connection? | 10:22 |
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nalioth | ATTENTION: if you are getting "cannot send to channel", please register or identify your nick /msg nickserv help register | 10:23 |
=== stefg [n=chatzill@dslb-088-072-235-168.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Shadow42 | sgirc: You were probably not registered. | 10:23 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@0x50a159e2.hrnxx15.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
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nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, sudo mount /dev/sdb -t <file system> /<mount point> | 10:23 |
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Jinkguns | err | 10:23 |
jnguy | Hi | 10:23 |
nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, ? | 10:23 |
Jinkguns | what if I don't know what the filesystem is? | 10:23 |
jnguy | is there a way to do a rescue root=/dev/hdb1 on ubuntu? | 10:24 |
=== flyback slaps nalioth around a bit with a large trout | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dsl092-066-216.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
flyback | that channel was worthless you stupid canuck | 10:24 |
pianoboy3333 | Anyone here know how to setup dansguardian? Is there an ubuntuCE channel? | 10:24 |
Some_Person | Does anyone at all here use GNOME-PPP? | 10:24 |
jnguy | booting from the cd? | 10:24 |
nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, fire up gparted and have a look :) | 10:24 |
flyback | :P | 10:24 |
=== zOrK [n=eclipse@c-66-176-68-228.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ermac` | how do i extract a rar file in xubuntu?? | 10:24 |
Ermac` | xarchiver says this is not a correct archive format | 10:24 |
Jinkguns | I can do that without mounting? | 10:24 |
sgirc | yes i wasn't. You can't read me when i m not register or is it simply a kind of "code of honor" to not answer unregistred people | 10:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dsl092-092-088.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
Some_Person | go to #xubuntu | 10:24 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %flyback!*@*] by nalioth | ||
Shadow42 | Jinkguns: No, you need to mount the driver first | 10:24 |
stefg | !rar | 10:24 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 10:24 |
=== sig_ [n=sig@dsl-208-98-142-205.fmtc.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, sudo apt-get install rar-free && cd <to dir> && unrar x <file> | 10:24 |
Shadow42 | nalioth: Uh | 10:24 |
nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, yes | 10:24 |
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Gimble | ubotu ftw! | 10:25 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ftw! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:25 |
Ermac` | thx nolimitsoya | 10:25 |
Some_Person | Does anyone here use GNOME-PPP? | 10:25 |
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nalioth | Shadow42: yes? | 10:25 |
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, sorry, that should be unrar-free | 10:25 |
Shadow42 | nalioth: You quieted flyback. | 10:25 |
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Shadow42 | nalioth: You do realize he was trying to help? | 10:25 |
=== ccb was kicked off #ubuntu by LjL (Please fix your router) | ||
sgirc | i have a problem with loading a module | 10:25 |
nalioth | Shadow42: do you realize personal attacks are offtopic here? | 10:25 |
sgirc | when typing modprobe 2684 I get an error message | 10:26 |
Ermac` | thought so :d | 10:26 |
=== sky123 [n=skys123@pool-71-118-99-131.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Shadow42 | nalioth: Must have missed that one | 10:26 |
sgirc | module not found | 10:26 |
Shadow42 | Oh, there it is | 10:26 |
sgirc | and I think it's the atm driver | 10:26 |
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LjL | ATTENTION: if you are getting "cannot send to channel", please register or identify your nick /msg nickserv help register (detailed instructions at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup ) | 10:27 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
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Ermac` | nolimitsoya, jrs@jrs-desktop:~/Desktop$ unrar x cover-pro-5.0.1.rar | 10:27 |
Ermac` | bash: unrar: command not found | 10:27 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=alex@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | sgirc: that's because there is no module named 2684. Try "locate 2684 | grep ko" to find the proper name. | 10:27 |
Ermac` | :s | 10:27 |
Ermac` | i did install unrarfree | 10:27 |
Some_Person | turn off the +m! | 10:27 |
LjL | !info unrar | 10:27 |
ubotu | unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB | 10:27 |
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Gimble | hmmm.... | 10:28 |
Shadow42 | Some_Person: It isn't +m | 10:28 |
=== giskard [n=giskard@213-140-22-74.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
archangelpetro | is there any reason that metacity should be using up around 15-20% of the CPU resources? | 10:28 |
pianoboy3333 | Can anyone here help me with dansguardian? | 10:28 |
giskard | hello guys | 10:28 |
Shadow42 | hello | 10:28 |
Gimble | apache isnt installed/active by default? | 10:28 |
giskard | do you know if it's possible to install ubuntu with a usb-key? | 10:28 |
jnguy | anyone on the rescue mode? | 10:28 |
giskard | (not on a usb-key!) | 10:28 |
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soundray | pianoboy3333: have you looked in /usr/share/doc/dansguardian/ ? | 10:28 |
LjL | Ubotu, please tell giskard about install | giskard, you have a private message from Ubotu | 10:28 |
sgirc | soundray: what is ko ? | 10:28 |
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Some_Person | Then why would anyone have a problem with "cannot send to channel"? | 10:28 |
soundray | sgirc: kernel object, I believe | 10:29 |
giskard | LjL, thank you! | 10:29 |
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nolimitsoya | Ermac`, sorry again. what would be unrar-free x <file> :) my memory is rusty, it seems... | 10:29 |
Shadow42 | Some_Person: +R | 10:29 |
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Some_Person | now, doesnt anyone at all here use GNOME-PPP? | 10:29 |
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Ermac` | found out by myself nolimitsoya | 10:29 |
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pianoboy3333 | soundray: I just had some general questions, can you help? | 10:29 |
file13 | test | 10:29 |
file13 | bingo | 10:29 |
=== Seeker` [n=Kryis@195-112-32-183.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
file13 | ;) | 10:29 |
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, good :) | 10:29 |
Ermac` | omg | 10:29 |
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sgirc | ok i'll try it | 10:29 |
Ermac` | got another problem now | 10:30 |
nolimitsoya | Some_Person, what problem are you having? | 10:30 |
Some_Person | then turn off the +R! | 10:30 |
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=== ofer0 [n=ofer0x@62-90-76-238.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | pianoboy3333: no, I don't know how to configure it. | 10:30 |
Ermac` | Extracting from /home/jrs/Desktop/cover-pro-5.0.1.rar | 10:30 |
Ermac` | Extracting install-crossover-pro-5.0.1.sh Failed | 10:30 |
Ermac` | 1 Failed | 10:30 |
ofer0 | is edgy stable ? | 10:30 |
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Ermac` | hmm :s | 10:30 |
soundray | ofer0: yes | 10:30 |
MacSlow | Does anybody have an idea about a bug (reported by dmesg) regarding to drivers/scsi/ahci.c:1283/ahci_host_intr() when trying to partition/format a sata-disk under Ubuntu 6.10 (running gparted under the liveCD-system)? | 10:30 |
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, hm... try the nonfree unrar, or even rar | 10:30 |
ofer0 | soundray, thanks. | 10:30 |
Some_Person | I need to change the Dial Command in GNOME-PPP | 10:30 |
=== killown [n=killown@201-43-255-38.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
archangelpetro | What is it with every install of ubuntu (or any mutation thereof) with something taking up too much resources?? metacity is around 20% CPU? | 10:30 |
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Ermac` | nolimitsoya, i went to linux to Not-pay for a program | 10:30 |
Shadow42 | archangelpetro: If it gets any higher, you may need to kill it | 10:31 |
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, unrar-free doesnt support rar v3 | 10:31 |
Ermac` | so why should i pay | 10:31 |
Some_Person | But there doesn't seem to be a way to do it | 10:31 |
Some_Person | I tried editing GNOME-PPP's config file by hand | 10:31 |
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smutisinmybutt | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:31 |
smutisinmybutt | DCC SEND ilovethislongtextoffdontoyouloveitotohehehehehe | 10:31 |
LjL | Ermac`, you don't pay for unrar | 10:31 |
Some_Person | But GNOME-PPP reverted my change | 10:31 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, unrar is free as in free beer. rar is shareware | 10:31 |
Ermac` | ok | 10:31 |
Jinkguns | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 Major opcode: 145 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device | 10:31 |
Jinkguns | Got that when I ran QTparted | 10:31 |
archangelpetro | Shadow42, i've killed it twice.. | 10:31 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c58-107-55-183.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
Shadow42 | archangelpetro: Oh. | 10:31 |
Some_Person | It's useless unless I change the dial command from ATM1L3DT to AtDT | 10:31 |
pianoboy3333 | Does anyone here know how to configure and setup dansguardian? | 10:31 |
Jinkguns | nolimitsoya: | 10:31 |
archangelpetro | Shadow42, it just comes back.. with the same consuming nature... | 10:32 |
nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, :) | 10:32 |
Ermac` | ok worked now | 10:32 |
Jinkguns | <.< | 10:32 |
Jinkguns | What? XD | 10:32 |
soundray | Jinkguns: did you rescue that drive from an Apple Mac environment? | 10:32 |
Jinkguns | YES. | 10:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by nalioth | ||
nolimitsoya | Jinkguns, you highlighted me, what did you want? | 10:32 |
Jinkguns | :| | 10:32 |
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Jinkguns | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 Major opcode: 145 Minor opcode: 3 Resource id: 0x0 Failed to open device | 10:32 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*55-183.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
Shadow42 | ... | 10:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c91f0b45.soc.virtua.com.br] by LjL | ||
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Shadow42 | Some_Person: That's why it's +r. | 10:32 |
bitzero | :) | 10:33 |
Ermac` | another question... how do you install .sh files? | 10:33 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+rR] by LjL | ||
Jinkguns | soundray: It's from a old mac, its a SyQuest external drive. | 10:33 |
nolimitsoya | Ermac`, ./<file< | 10:33 |
sgirc | soundray thanks the module name was br2684 | 10:33 |
soundray | Ermac`: you don't, if you can avoid it | 10:33 |
Ermac` | i cant avoid it | 10:33 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@*183.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
soundray | Ermac`: try 'bash file.sh' then | 10:33 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-66-176-68-228.hsd1.fl.comcast.net!#ubuntu-read-topic] by LjL | ||
archangelpetro | Shadow42, i keep having problems with *ubuntu.. with xubuntu.. xorg and xfdesktop took up like 30% of my memory... and on here it seems to be taking up my damn CPU... is there anything i can do short of removing *ubuntu and reinstalling a more memory-caring unix variant? | 10:34 |
soundray | Ermac`: and if that fails, 'sudo bash file.sh' | 10:34 |
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sgirc | a last question .ko under linux means driver file ? | 10:34 |
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Some_Person | zdsokg5721 is nzvldy4764 | 10:34 |
soundray | Jinkguns: you should check out hfstools. Your drive is probably HFS formatted. | 10:34 |
Jinkguns | HFS? | 10:34 |
Shadow42 | archangelpetro: It might be a problem with your hardware, though I don't see how | 10:34 |
Jinkguns | hmm | 10:34 |
sky123 | who has ops status to kick some of these fools | 10:34 |
zool2005 | can anyone tell me how to repair a corrupt mbr (i.e. not simply reinstalling grub/lilo) | 10:34 |
nalioth | Jinkguns: what Apple uses for it's hard drive file system | 10:34 |
rioghal | LjL, I think someone is sittin in the channel telling the exploiters when you -r :( | 10:34 |
soundray | sgirc: no, it means module | 10:34 |
archangelpetro | Shadow42, well i cant see how.. when i had gentoo on.. i didnt have any problems really. | 10:35 |
nalioth | sky123: if you look, the 'fools' are being klined | 10:35 |
nalioth | rioghal: join #ubuntu-offtopic please | 10:35 |
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LjL | NOTICE: We are dealing with the issues that you're seeing in this channel. We do what we can, which is probably not much, but we are aware of what is going on. | 10:35 |
sky123 | same dudes on other channels as well. | 10:35 |
nolimitsoya | who knows of a good amarok like program for xfce/gtk2? exile is to buggy... | 10:35 |
Shadow42 | archangelpetro: Maybe it's the pre-built Xorg that's doing it | 10:35 |
Shadow42 | archangelpetro: Try compiling from source, perhaps? | 10:36 |
stefg | archangelpetro: i have 128 MB of RAM occupied with gnome and chatzilla open..... are you sure your hardware is alright? | 10:36 |
archangelpetro | well .. i had some faulty RAM before.. but that's been removed.. | 10:36 |
archangelpetro | i have 1GB of ram | 10:36 |
nolimitsoya | archangelpetro, try the memtest option at boot | 10:36 |
Creeture | Alrighty...it's official. I have a working machine running the generic 2.6.17-10-generic kernel from Edgy. Pull that HDD out, throw it into a new box with beefier hardware, and I get no PCI bus. Use a bootdisk with a 2.4 kernel on it and the new box is slick as whale poop. | 10:37 |
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finalbeta | !paste | 10:37 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:37 |
spydervs2 | hey every body | 10:37 |
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=== nuts` [n=nuts@p54B24B6C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spydervs2 | can you read what im typing??? | 10:37 |
stefg | archangelpetro: ubuntu should be fine with 256 MB, Xubuntu with less. There must be something wrong with your setup | 10:37 |
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LjL | spydervs2: yes | 10:37 |
nuts` | hi | 10:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | spydervs2: no | 10:37 |
soundray | spydervs2: no, it looks kinda blurry | 10:37 |
pianoboy3333 | spydervs2: yes...... | 10:37 |
mc44 | spydervs2: na | 10:37 |
mc44 | oh the comedy | 10:37 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, yes | 10:37 |
archangelpetro | stefg, well it's just a straight install? i installed this ubuntu like 2-3days ago? | 10:37 |
Admiral_Chicago | LjL: always say no :P | 10:38 |
pianoboy3333 | spydervs2: well, not me personally, I need glasses to see, wait... ah, better | 10:38 |
spydervs2 | i have something to ask you | 10:38 |
pianoboy3333 | spydervs2: shoot | 10:38 |
soundray | !ask | 10:38 |
spydervs2 | i have a big problem | 10:38 |
Admiral_Chicago | !ask | spydervs2 | 10:38 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:38 |
ubotu | spydervs2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 10:38 |
spydervs2 | i cant install anything exect the ubuntu packages | 10:38 |
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pianoboy3333 | spydervs2: ok.... be more specific | 10:38 |
soundray | spydervs2: that's not a problem. | 10:38 |
zak_ | !ubuntu | 10:38 |
stefg | archangelpetro: so what's the problem? Remember thet Linux uses unused RAM for cache and buffers.... | 10:38 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 10:38 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, what are you trying to install? | 10:38 |
Some_Person | is there a way i can completlely lock a file from writing/replacing even by root? | 10:38 |
Jinkguns | soundray: I just installed hfsplus and hfsutils | 10:38 |
Jinkguns | Now what? | 10:38 |
spydervs2 | each time i try to install something, it says something is missing | 10:39 |
Shadow42 | spydervs2: What does it say is missing? | 10:39 |
zak_ | !ubuntu |zzak_ | 10:39 |
ubotu | zzak_: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 10:39 |
spydervs2 | i tried limewire, a media player | 10:39 |
zak_ | !ubuntu |zak | 10:39 |
soundray | Jinkguns: read what it says in /usr/share/doc/hfsutils/ | 10:39 |
ubotu | zak: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 10:39 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, what exactly are you trying to install? are they -debs? | 10:39 |
rioghal | Some_Person, yes, there is: sudo chattr +i file but, if the system needs to re-write that file, it wont be able to do it | 10:39 |
nolimitsoya | *. | 10:39 |
zak_ | !ubuntu |zak | 10:39 |
soundray | Jinkguns: you probably won't need hfsplus | 10:39 |
zak_ | !ubuntu |zak | 10:39 |
zak_ | !ubuntu |zak | 10:39 |
spydervs2 | no | 10:39 |
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archangelpetro | well.. stefg every time i've looked at other systems.. there's hardly a single process that takes up more than 5% of mem or CPU.. but i always get some spiking of ridiculous amounts | 10:39 |
soundray | Jinkguns: hfsutils has manpages, too | 10:39 |
spydervs2 | normal programs like lime wire or wine | 10:39 |
Some_Person | thats fine | 10:39 |
Shadow42 | spydervs2: Does it tell you what's missing? | 10:39 |
soundray | Jinkguns: 'dpkg -L hfsutils | grep man' | 10:39 |
spydervs2 | yes | 10:39 |
spydervs2 | ill put an exemple | 10:40 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by LjL | ||
Some_Person | it should make GNOME-PPP work | 10:40 |
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nolimitsoya | spydervs2, you cant install windows programs in linux. youll need a .deb-package, or a source package | 10:40 |
Shadow42 | nolimitsoya: He said wine | 10:40 |
stefg | archangelpetro: edgy or dapper?... edgy is, errr, somewhat special. | 10:40 |
nolimitsoya | Shadow42, sorry i missed that :) | 10:40 |
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archangelpetro | stefg, 6.10 edgy | 10:40 |
Shadow42 | Heh, 's ok | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | skype@skype-desktop:~/Desktop/wine-0.9.24$ ./configure | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... no | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | checking for gcc... gcc -m32 | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | checking for C compiler default output file name... | 10:40 |
spydervs2 | configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 10:41 |
Pupeno | Do I have to create filters like explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99603 to be able to train and use bogofilter or spamassassin ? Doesn't the Junk/Not Junk buttons work ? | 10:41 |
nolimitsoya | !paste | 10:41 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:41 |
LjL | Ubotu, please tell spydervs2 about paste | spydervs2, you have a private message from Ubotu | 10:41 |
=== andy101 [n=andy@62-30-197-196.cable.ubr08.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
soundray | !skype | spydervs2 | 10:41 |
ubotu | spydervs2: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto | 10:41 |
LjL | !build-essential | spydervs2 | 10:41 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 10:41 |
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ubotu | spydervs2: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 10:41 |
Some_Person | i need it 100% unwritable, by every user (including me), and such | 10:41 |
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=== soundray wonders why he said that | ||
pianoboy3333 | spydervs2: sudo apt-get install build-essentials | 10:42 |
stefg | archangelpetro: ah, ok... i had some strange effects with edgy in that direction, too. Call it a bug, use dapper and wait for Feisty :-) | 10:42 |
=== blizzkid [n=blizzkid@163.8-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rioghal | Some_Person, changing the immutable attribute (chattr +i) will make the file unwritable even by root. | 10:42 |
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Some_Person | but it needs to be 100% readable | 10:42 |
archangelpetro | stefg, it's such a pain cuz im trying to find something stable so i can get to work on my dissertation... | 10:42 |
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rioghal | Some_Person, it will be readable, but it will not be writable | 10:43 |
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Some_Person | can it be read with the +i? | 10:43 |
blizzkid | hi all. I have a strange prob, I don`t get any sound, but no errors | 10:43 |
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ryanakca | what package provides pkstat ? | 10:43 |
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Some_Person | perfect | 10:43 |
Hoxx | is there a default pw for root?? | 10:43 |
aum | hi - i've got a qt-based program which is displaying all its fonts way too small on ubuntu (ok on pure debian) - prog is closed source and has no font configs - is there any workaround in ubuntu? | 10:43 |
=== dos_ssa [n=dos@201008155015.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bluefox83 | blizzkid, check your volume, open a volume control manager and make sure nothing is muted | 10:44 |
rioghal | Some_Person, to be readable to all users, youll have to chmod a+r | 10:44 |
ryanakca | Hoxx: no | 10:44 |
nolimitsoya | !root | Hoxx | 10:44 |
ubotu | Hoxx: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 10:44 |
Pupeno | I still have about 600 mails with probably 90% spam... I'd like to use them to do some proper training. I have installed bogofilter and spamassassin. And I don't see any folders in my ~ for their databases. .bogofilter is just not created and I'd say Evolution is never running it. Any ideas how to make this work ? | 10:44 |
blizzkid | bluefox83, I`ve checked everything I could find on google | 10:44 |
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Some_Person | oh, but GNOME-PPP just quits with that | 10:44 |
bluefox83 | blizzkid, speakers plugged into the right hole? | 10:44 |
blizzkid | yep bluefox83 | 10:45 |
dos_ssa | hello, i executed a script to install fpc (free pascal compiler) but i cant find a executable!!"heeelp I need somebody" :) | 10:45 |
nuts` | hms, can anyone give me a url for a good linux howto? | 10:45 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: sa-learn, check it out | 10:45 |
bluefox83 | blizzkid, plugged in and turned on? | 10:45 |
stefg | archangelpetro: dapper will do it... edgy is a 'playground' or developer release, which is riddled by several bugs because there's so much new stuff in it. For a productive system I'd stay with dapper, which isn't so much older... | 10:45 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: but you have to have bayes enabled | 10:45 |
Jinkguns | Okay. here is the deal. | 10:45 |
blizzkid | it`s headphones bluefox83 | 10:45 |
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bluefox83 | nuts`, just google ubuntu howto | 10:45 |
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sky123 | blizzkid: this is a complex issue..past the obvious..youll need to be familiar with lspci, modrpobe, and alsa. Id take a look at those again... and tinker. | 10:45 |
Pupeno | Kingsqueak: sa-learn ? so, the Junk/Not Junk buttons in Evolution are useless ? | 10:45 |
blizzkid | sky123, I checked all of these | 10:46 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: no they work, but they are a different db, Evolution uses its own db | 10:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Some_Person | what is ubuntu built off of? | 10:46 |
dos_ssa | help me please | 10:46 |
Mongey | wood | 10:46 |
sky123 | blizzkid: and see the module loaded properly? and alsa detects the card and all? | 10:46 |
archangelpetro | stefg, so i should just reinstall it as dapper? | 10:46 |
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bluefox83 | Some_Person, based on debian linux | 10:46 |
dos_ssa | hello, i executed a script to install fpc (free pascal compiler) but i cant find a executable!!"heeelp I need somebody" :) | 10:46 |
Creeture | blizzkid: Are you sure that you have unmuted the main output channel? | 10:46 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: sa-learn is the spamassassin db for bayes based filtering and spamassassin -r can be used if you use Razor with it | 10:46 |
rioghal | Some_Person, I believe its derived from debian sid | 10:46 |
Pupeno | Kingsqueak: oh! Then Evolution's db/algorithm seems very, very bad. | 10:46 |
Mongey | HELP NOT JUST ANYBODY | 10:46 |
Mongey | help | 10:47 |
blizzkid | sky123, no mod, but lspci shows the card | 10:47 |
Jinkguns | I have a 10 year old SyQuest External drive connected via SCSI to a SCSI pci card. I don't know how to access it. I think it is sdb, but I can't find sdb in /dev/ to mount it. It may or may not be using hfs, but I can't find the location of it to hmount it. | 10:47 |
blizzkid | Creeture, yep | 10:47 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: it takes time to 'learn' is all | 10:47 |
Mongey | i just need someone to heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllp | 10:47 |
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Kingsqueak | Pupeno: after a few months it will work fine, same with bogofilter | 10:47 |
Some_Person | which version? | 10:47 |
stefg | archangelpetro: for maximum stability i'd use a Dapper-alternate install | 10:47 |
Creeture | Mongey: Would you please either ask a question or pipe down? | 10:47 |
Pupeno | Kingsqueak: after 2000 mails, bogofilter learnt enough to do some filtering, Evolution didn't. | 10:47 |
sky123 | blizzkid: im not sure if there in an alsaconf but using that..willshow the presence of the card captured by alsa maybe?? | 10:47 |
=== Fred_Sambo [n=eric@cpe-72-224-164-197.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: well, since you have spamassassin going, look into enabling it's filters, particularly razor2, it's all you need really | 10:48 |
TacoTiger | Newbie question time. I'm dual-booting windows and ubuntu, but I ended up screwing up windows last night and had to reformat the windows partition and reinstall. Now GRUB doesn't come up during boot. Is there a good site that can tell me how to get GRUB running again at startup? | 10:48 |
archangelpetro | stefg, i was told 'alternate' was meant for older spec systems | 10:48 |
Creeture | Kingsqueak: That and a little greylisting. :) | 10:48 |
Kingsqueak | Pupeno: also lower your threshold to something like 3 | 10:48 |
Mongey | Creeture : sorry i was singing along >>>>>>> (dos_ssa) hello, i executed a script to install fpc (free pascal compiler) but i cant find a executable!!"heeelp I need somebody" :) | 10:48 |
Kingsqueak | Creeture: yeah I haven't even done that yet, my setup is so solid I don't even need it | 10:49 |
blizzkid | sky123, no such thing | 10:49 |
carlosqueso | naw alternate works on anything....I've only used it | 10:49 |
postangcslv | blizzkid: check PCM level? | 10:49 |
Kingsqueak | razor2 was like throwing an off switch on spam | 10:49 |
Creeture | Kingsqueak: Get yourself a 13 year old domain name and see if you need it. | 10:49 |
blizzkid | postangcslv, 100 | 10:49 |
Kingsqueak | mine is probably ten years old | 10:49 |
Kingsqueak | I only use a dozen or so aliases though | 10:50 |
stefg | archangelpetro: It's the text-mode installer, so that means it quicker and better tested than the Desktop-Installer (Espresso) | 10:50 |
mirak | what gives you apt-get build-dep libxine1 ? | 10:50 |
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Hoxx | i logged in as root but i still cant copy paste or drag drop a ttf font to my fonts folder, still says i have no permission | 10:50 |
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=== _BRETT_ [n=brett@adsl-69-149-221-123.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blue-frog | what is the file/directory where I see what modules are loaded automatically when booting | 10:50 |
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sky123 | blizzkid: im not sure this kosher way of doing thing and have no way to check impact...but possibly compiling the latest alsa from source, using their config tool to load in the driver and then trying again? but again.. dont know how much work you want to do. | 10:50 |
=== Creeture is about to put his foot in the 2.6 kernel | ||
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_BRETT_ | so who has tried vista? | 10:51 |
_BRETT_ | way better than any linux distro i've tried :P | 10:51 |
rioghal | _BRETT_, this isn't the place for that | 10:51 |
=== dmglouis [n=dmglouis@cpe-76-188-152-99.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dos_ssa | Creture, hello, i executed a script to install fpc (free pascal compiler) but i cant find a executable!!"heeelp I need somebody" :) | 10:51 |
jesse__ | I'm trying to download vista but it taking forever | 10:51 |
TacoTiger | Vista's too bloated for my tastes. | 10:51 |
TacoTiger | It looks pretty though. | 10:51 |
sky123 | rioghal: I agree | 10:51 |
TacoTiger | Real pretty. | 10:51 |
archangelpetro | stefg, so u recommend dapper-alternate... and that should all be spiffy and wonderful? | 10:52 |
_BRETT_ | yea. more pretty than kde :P | 10:52 |
=== archangelpetro is on amd64 | ||
postangcslv | dos_ssa: open the script and look for where it gets installed | 10:52 |
jesse__ | yeh somewhat | 10:52 |
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dos_ssa | which line? which command? | 10:52 |
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sky123 | vista enters...Bill leaves..Coincidence i think not... | 10:52 |
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postangcslv | dos_ssa: the file you executed to install :: nano "that file" | 10:53 |
=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354a78f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creeture | dos_ssa: I got nuthin. Throw a "set -x" at the top of the script and see what it says. | 10:53 |
_BRETT_ | vista picks up ubuntu as a virus lol | 10:53 |
blizzkid | sky123, I`m willing to try about anything | 10:53 |
jesse__ | that is stupid! | 10:53 |
quiet | heh... yeah... dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy destroyed my machine.. ouch. | 10:53 |
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quiet | guess i'll do a clean install. | 10:53 |
=== Simian__ [n=ben@host86-136-140-30.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryanakca | what package provides pkstat ? | 10:54 |
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Senesence | Does anyone know if there is a BASH command to revert the terminal to the default start up profile? | 10:54 |
sky123 | blizzkid: i fought my native on board one for a whole...then decided...damn ill just buy another card..a turtle one..works like a charm..and cheap at frys. | 10:54 |
dmglouis | can someone help me? my newly installed ubuntu cant connect to my router | 10:54 |
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nolimitsoya | dmglouis, did you get an ip adress? | 10:54 |
sky123 | blizzkid: or....try and compile alsa from source and try over and over again..see if you can get it to go. | 10:54 |
Creeture | Senesence: close it and reopen. :) | 10:54 |
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dmglouis | yea | 10:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
archangelpetro | stefg, so u recommend dapper-alternate... and that should all be spiffy and wonderful? (bearing in mind im on a64?) | 10:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-z] by LjL | ||
Simian__ | there was a file that i used to edit to associate my webserver with my localhost but I don't remember what it was...hosts or something | 10:54 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
_BRETT_ | linux distros are louzy for viewing folders with a large amount of porn | 10:54 |
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_BRETT_ | explorer is the best | 10:55 |
nolimitsoya | dmglouis, then you should be connected :) whats your problem? | 10:55 |
dmglouis | nolimitsoya: yup, it was and I can ping that but not the router | 10:55 |
sky123 | blizzkids: this a BAD problem on laptops..my wifes asus laptop never got fixed :( | 10:55 |
warlock[S] | LjL, what's +z btw? :) | 10:55 |
Senesence | Creeture: Lol, yea I know, but I'm looking for a command. | 10:55 |
spydervs2 | how to solve this problem: C compiler cannot create executables?? | 10:55 |
blizzkid | sky123, Il try that | 10:55 |
nolimitsoya | dmglouis, your router is not the dhcp server? | 10:55 |
ryanakca | Senesence: move .bash.profile to .bash_profile.bak, and all the other .bash* files to their corresponding .bashfilename.bak | 10:55 |
dmglouis | nolimitsoya: it is | 10:55 |
=== funkyHat [n=matt@cpc7-nthc3-0-0-cust812.nrth.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_BRETT_ | mono sucks dotnets cock :P | 10:55 |
Creeture | Senesence: well, you'll never get the environment clean if that's what you mean. You can try "exec bash", might get it a little better for ya. | 10:55 |
carlosqueso | spydervs2: have you installed the build-essential package? | 10:55 |
LjL | warlock[S] : http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml | 10:55 |
spydervs2 | yes | 10:55 |
stefg | archangelpetro: i'd even consider using the 32 bit version, because that's less trouble with flash and codecs, and all the restricted stuff | 10:55 |
spydervs2 | but it says the samething | 10:56 |
Some_Person | can i make ubuntu hide vfat volume labels? | 10:56 |
sky123 | blizzkid: I do believe it can be fixed..but the pain that must be endured is what its all about i guess..how much time do you have? :) | 10:56 |
dmglouis | nolimitsoya: if i try to restart networking through terminal, i lose the IP address, but if I restart the whole comp, i get one | 10:56 |
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ryanakca | Senesence: that's basicly how to reset BASH thingy... if you want to clear the window, run "cd && clear" | 10:56 |
Some_Person | !wma | 10:56 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:56 |
jesse__ | does anybody know if WINE is compatible with Windows Vista? | 10:56 |
nolimitsoya | dmglouis, well if the ip adress was assigned by the dhcp server, you should be able toping... | 10:56 |
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archangelpetro | stefg, 32 bit? really? would that ruin performance? | 10:56 |
dmglouis | nolimitsoya: not that the IP address helps since i cant connect to router | 10:56 |
nolimitsoya | dmglouis, that sound strange... not a clue to me :) | 10:56 |
sky123 | _BRETT_: tell the Freeswitch people that...mono rocks | 10:56 |
blizzkid | sky123, I have loads of time :) | 10:56 |
sky123 | :) | 10:57 |
sky123 | by choice? | 10:57 |
_BRETT_ | win32 is dead :P. means wine is dead | 10:57 |
Senesence | ryanakca: I'm looking for a way to clean the environment (just like when you close and reopen the bash) with a command. | 10:57 |
nolimitsoya | dmglouis, i know, i just though a good starting pointwould be figuring out if you have a dhcp problem | 10:57 |
rioghal | dont feed the trolls, just put them on ignore | 10:57 |
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blizzkid | sky123, yeah, no other things to do :) | 10:57 |
spydervs2 | carlosqueso: you know whats the matter? | 10:57 |
mirak | can anyone can past me the build deps for libxine1 ? sudo apt-get -s build-dep libxine1 | 10:57 |
ryanakca | Senesence: kk, "cd && clear" | 10:57 |
blizzkid | at least, at night | 10:57 |
luckyone | sky123: is mono proteted from the evils of the M$/Novell deal? | 10:57 |
jesse__ | WINE still works with XP | 10:57 |
ryanakca | Senesence: or wait a sec.. | 10:57 |
stefg | archangelpetro: you said you'll going to write your dissertation.... it will be fast enough, really | 10:57 |
jesse__ | not completly dead | 10:57 |
dmglouis | nolimitsoya: the dhcp works cause im on a comp on the network right now | 10:57 |
carlosqueso | spydervs2: that sounds like you didn't install the build-essential package first | 10:57 |
Creeture | Senesence: try "env -i exec bash" | 10:58 |
sky123 | luckyone: I believe the project runs under the Mozilla open source license..and many people love the model | 10:58 |
spydervs2 | yes, i installed it | 10:58 |
=== Bleah [n=ivan@77.pool85-50-2.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | luckyone: The Freeswitch guys know a ton about it. | 10:58 |
_BRETT_ | by the time mono recreats dotnet 1.0 microsoft .net will be up to another version lol | 10:58 |
ryanakca | Senesence: "cd && clear && bash" | 10:58 |
=== kneer0w [n=kneer0w@82-46-203-7.stb.ubr05.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlosqueso | hmmmm.....that's the problem that I had when I couldn't create executables | 10:58 |
carlosqueso | sorry | 10:58 |
sky123 | I really believe that zope3,python and mono will take off | 10:59 |
ryanakca | Senesence: if you plan on using it multiple times, you might want to set an alias for it... | 10:59 |
luckyone | sky123: Java also rocks | 10:59 |
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-51-29-88.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sky123 | yep | 10:59 |
sky123 | agree | 10:59 |
spydervs2 | carlosqueso: it says there is already the lastes version | 10:59 |
notwist | hey, is there any way for me to try KDE? Like, getting KDE to start instead of gnome, and in case i dont like it, uninstall KDE and get everything back to normal? Is there like a guide for this? | 10:59 |
Creeture | Senesence: This one works... /bin/env -i /bin/bash | 10:59 |
power-lt | hey! When i try watch a movie from another computer (samba) using vlc it starts downloading the file , isnt there a way to play right from the other computer instead of downloadingen it? | 10:59 |
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luckyone | sky123: but, I would be sad if Mono went away because of Microsoft's IP law | 10:59 |
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archangelpetro | stefg, so what would the differences be? would there be any noticeable difference ? | 10:59 |
Creeture | But that opens a new bash... | 10:59 |
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Creeture | Just close the freakin window | 10:59 |
spydervs2 | carlosqueso: but what did u do to solve that | 10:59 |
sky123 | power-lt: yes...you will need a program like cygwin-X to export the X session | 10:59 |
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sky123 | power-lt: hmm...i suppose this from windows to linux? | 11:00 |
carlosqueso | installed build-essential, which I'd forgotten on my desktop box | 11:00 |
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cheeseboy | is there a way to burn muliple isos to 1 dvd? | 11:00 |
sky123 | or is that vice versa | 11:00 |
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jesse__ | cheeseboy:>yes with K3b | 11:00 |
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stefg | archangelpetro: I can't really tell, but i think for your case the effect will be neglectable | 11:00 |
ryanakca | Senesence: work? | 11:00 |
Jaak_ | how do i get a ubu live cd to work on a external hd? | 11:00 |
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Senesence | ryanakca: Just out of curiosity (kinda new to linux) what does && do | 11:00 |
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sky123 | luckyone: i wouldnt surprised if it is protected by SUN or someone eventually | 11:00 |
artnay | anybody familiar with dpms/power saving features in edgy? please have a look at here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303454 | 11:01 |
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Pupeno | Jaak_: what do you mean ? install in an external HD ? | 11:01 |
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nolimitsoya | any good gtk database based music players out there? exaile is to buggy, and amarok is qt :P | 11:01 |
power-lt | sky123: linux to linux | 11:01 |
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sky123 | Senesence: backgrounds a process | 11:01 |
spydervs2 | does somebody knows what to do with a configure problem | 11:01 |
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archangelpetro | stefg, i am doing more than just writing a dissert, i'll be doing some 3d animation and heavy processing for example. I just want a platform that's stable enough to last me out till may-june :D | 11:02 |
jesse__ | what are you all talking about? | 11:02 |
spydervs2 | im unable to configure anything | 11:02 |
artnay | Senesence: waits until the first command is done and continues with the 2nd one | 11:02 |
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sky123 | power-lt: okay then... all you need is ssh -X user@whatevermachine | 11:02 |
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nolimitsoya | spydervs2, did apt-get install build-essential not help you? | 11:02 |
sky123 | power-lt: then type mplayer movie or whatever | 11:02 |
power-lt | sky123: k , thanks!:) | 11:02 |
spydervs2 | no | 11:02 |
Senesence | artnay: so in other words the same as ";" right? | 11:02 |
Stonekeeper | hi. Has anyone else had edgy detect their bios-disabled sound card? How can I kill it off? | 11:02 |
DjViper | guys, Wireless Network Driver, I have a driver loaded, but how do fix it in Network settings so taht it works? it says that the card is not configured | 11:02 |
ryanakca | Senesence: && makes it run multiple commands, one after the other | 11:02 |
mark__ | also the "and" operator in java/c++ | 11:02 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:it does exactly the samething as before | 11:02 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, what about sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 11:02 |
Jinkguns | AWESOME. | 11:02 |
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Jinkguns | ubuntu auto-mounted the SyQuest drive! | 11:03 |
carlosqueso | DjViper, what's your card, and how do you have it installed? | 11:03 |
ryanakca | Senesence: so that you could run say three commands one after the other, so that you don't have to wait for them to finish, they'll just run... | 11:03 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>do you need a driver for the wireless card? | 11:03 |
DjViper | carlosqueso: Dell truemobile 1300 | 11:03 |
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DjViper | jesse__: yes, and its loaded | 11:03 |
Jaak_ | pupeno, no i want to copy a live cd onto a external hd, so i have a faster live "cd" | 11:03 |
carlosqueso | using ndiswrapper? | 11:03 |
jesse__ | ok, can you give me the chipset for it? | 11:04 |
DjViper | carlosqueso: yes and no | 11:04 |
carlosqueso | that's a broadcom card...they give people a lot of trouble | 11:04 |
DjViper | jesse__: Broadcom BCM4306 | 11:04 |
DjViper | okay | 11:04 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya, do i have to put the apostrophe | 11:04 |
Senesence | OK, so all I need to do is type "bash", great, thanks ryanakca | 11:04 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>Wait an minute i might be using the same one as you are | 11:04 |
dmglouis | can someone help? whenever I try to restart networking, it doesnt work. I think the problem is that its looking for dhcp leases at whereas my routers ip is | 11:04 |
malt | anyone here besides me runs a linux server from home running a web server? | 11:05 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya, cause like that, it doesnt work | 11:05 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, yes. just copy/paste | 11:05 |
DjViper | jesse__: msg me, will you? | 11:05 |
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jesse__ | DjViper:>ok how, I'm kinda new to this IRC stuff? | 11:05 |
gouki | dmglouis: is the broadcast address. All devices within your network will listen to this request, and the DHCP server will send an OFFER packet | 11:05 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya: got it | 11:05 |
archangelpetro | stefg, i guess i should try amd64-dapper- which would your suggestion be? alternative|desktop? | 11:05 |
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DjViper | jesse__: /query DjViper | 11:06 |
Creeture | dmglouis: is an address that DHCP uses for discovery, that's normal. When it gets a response from the DHCP server, it'll use the specific address that it receives in the offer packet to configure. | 11:06 |
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rc-1 | i want to share some stuff with my friend via my external drive, but its ext3 and hes a windows user, is there a way to do this | 11:06 |
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Hoxx | argh, how do i copy paste a ttf font into my fonts folder? i typed sudo -i + password, is there someting else i have to do before i can paste it into the right folder?? | 11:06 |
dmglouis | well it says no DHCPOFFERS received? | 11:06 |
jesse__ | OK/query DjViper | 11:06 |
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ryanakca | Senesence: "cd && clear && bash", or just "cd && clear", depending on your needs. Just 'bash' will start a new session, but not bring you back to your home directory. 'cd' without any options or arguments does that. 'clear' clears the screen. if you don't care about options previously set (exporting with 'env' or 'alias', which I don't think you need to worry about at the moment), you can leave out the 'bash' | 11:06 |
dmglouis | is there anyway to not use dhcp then? | 11:06 |
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gouki | dmglouis: You can configure static IP addresses. Give ##networking a try, since this is not Ubuntu related | 11:07 |
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ryanakca | malt: I do... | 11:07 |
mark__ | Hoxx : why not "sudo cp file.tff /location/file.tff" | 11:07 |
carlosqueso | rc1: s/he can use www.fs-driver.org | 11:07 |
dmglouis | gouki: i have ubuntu tho | 11:07 |
rc-1 | thansk | 11:07 |
carlosqueso | although I don't know how well that will work | 11:07 |
ryanakca | malt: it's also my desktop, ssh server, mysql server, used to be mail server... | 11:07 |
malt | oh nice ryanakca, what is your internet speed? | 11:07 |
carlosqueso | don't have winders anymore myself | 11:07 |
SurfnKid | how can you import pdfs to save to DOC? | 11:07 |
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Hoxx | tnx mark__ im a newbie at all this | 11:07 |
spydervs2 | Hoxx: like me 15 minutes ago | 11:08 |
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jac | Hiya all, trying to install ubuntu from a shipped breezy dvd, and the screen comes back with "Failed to start X server". Any suggestions? Thanks | 11:08 |
Creeture | dmglouis: You can set a static easily. Just ifconfig eth0 i.p.add.ress | 11:08 |
Creeture | Then try to ping your router. | 11:08 |
Hoxx | spydervs2: :D | 11:08 |
Creeture | My guess is that it won't work. If it were working, DHCP probably would as well. | 11:08 |
DjViper | jesse__: which irc client are you using? | 11:08 |
nolimitsoya | jac, check the output. why the dated release? | 11:08 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya: always the same thing | 11:08 |
ryanakca | malt: dunno... depends on how happy my ISP is... some days it can be at 900kb/s, on cold days, it goes to 56kb/s (dunno why though)... on average, 128kb/s to 300kb/s | 11:09 |
gouki | dmglouis: Make sure your DHCP server (router) isn't out of IPs to lease. Make sure you don't have a IP - MAC rule that it's blocking your computer from getting the IP | 11:09 |
jesse__ | XCHAT for GNOME | 11:09 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, what would that thing be? | 11:09 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>XCHAT for GNOME | 11:09 |
DjViper | jesse__: okay, do you have a window/tab with my name on it? | 11:09 |
ryanakca | what package provides pkstat ? | 11:09 |
bhudda | hmm | 11:09 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:i really have no idea | 11:09 |
jesse__ | yes i'm already there | 11:09 |
malt | ryanakca: I run my web server on ubuntu linux running apache, php, ftp, ssh, mysql coming soon......... http://malt.kicks-ass.net/~malt/ my connection in DSL and only 1.5 mbps down and 512k up | 11:09 |
jesse__ | just call me | 11:09 |
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nolimitsoya | spydervs2, you must be getting somne sort of error.... | 11:09 |
ryanakca | malt: heh, wow... | 11:09 |
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jac | nolimitsoya, I have edgy on another computer, wanted breezy for this one (edgy won't run Gnome Sword) | 11:10 |
ryanakca | malt: much faster than mine... | 11:10 |
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dmglouis | gouki: i only have 3 other computers on, but somehow the ubuntu comp is showing up as connected to the router | 11:10 |
ryanakca | jac: why not dapper? | 11:10 |
malt | ryanakca not really its only 165 KB/s download and 50-60 KB/s upload speed | 11:10 |
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DjViper | jesse__: are you registered on freenode? | 11:10 |
mirak | what is the best way to fix broken depencies for build deps ? | 11:10 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya: i did that like 4 months ago with another version of linux | 11:10 |
jac | sorry, ryanakca , Imeant Dapper | 11:10 |
ryanakca | lol | 11:10 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>yes just go to the query thing i'm already there just stay there | 11:11 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:thats why i stopped, but somedays ago, i decided to try to get into it | 11:11 |
gouki | dmglouis: Go to the DHCP Clients page of your router and delete his lease | 11:11 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, thats not the awnser i wanted ;) whays your error? | 11:11 |
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DjViper | jesse__: have you said anything there, because I cant see anything | 11:11 |
enn | Hello .. how can I prevent Edgy from starting X on boot? Upstart claims to support /etc/inittab but setting the default runlevel to 3 doesn't seem to work. | 11:11 |
ryanakca | malt: kk, and what would be you linux experience... 1 to 10.. I wouldn't exactly try to set up a mail, web, ftp, ssh server if you're new to linux... | 11:11 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>i have | 11:11 |
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DjViper | jesse__: and iirc you have to be registered on freenode to query people | 11:11 |
sidny4 | enn, you can try using recovery mode | 11:12 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:oups, sorry. The error message is sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 11:12 |
malt | ryanakca i used linux for 1 year | 11:12 |
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ryanakca | malt: system administration :) don't want some script kiddies getting a hold of your box and using it to spam the world | 11:12 |
jesse__ | i know | 11:12 |
malt | i'm a 4 i guess | 11:12 |
dmglouis | gouki: theres no control for that on my router config | 11:12 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, i hope not ;) | 11:12 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:errr, configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 11:12 |
enn | sidny4: want to do this permanently, not just for a single boot | 11:12 |
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admin123 | how can I disable networking trough bootparameter when installing? | 11:12 |
gouki | dmglouis: What router is it? Check the STATUS page. | 11:12 |
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DjViper | jesse__: have I said anything in the query window? | 11:12 |
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mirak | is there a way to have better log for apt-get ? | 11:12 |
ryanakca | malt: meh, dunno... just make sure that your box is safe enough... | 11:12 |
malt | ryanakca: I monitor my processes, and netstat | 11:12 |
jesse__ | only this: :) | 11:12 |
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spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:sorry | 11:13 |
Whisp3r | Anyone got eggdrop running on a ubuntu version? i cant install it with apt-get | 11:13 |
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ryanakca | malt: good enough :) | 11:13 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 11:13 |
Whisp3r | its like the package aint there | 11:13 |
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nolimitsoya | spydervs2, are you using x86 systems? have you checked that gcc and g++ are installed prperly? | 11:13 |
sidny4 | hmm, not sure there, I've beent rying to figure that one out myself | 11:13 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: don't bother with the package, compile from source | 11:13 |
dmglouis | gouki: its an SMC router | 11:13 |
nolimitsoya | (build-essential should do that, but,.,,) | 11:13 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:no, im using a Athlon 64 bit | 11:13 |
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gouki | dmglouis: Then turn the router off and then back on. All the DHC | 11:13 |
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Whisp3r | who wrote that? | 11:13 |
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shodanjr | success!!!!! | 11:13 |
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gouki | dmglouis: Then turn the router off and then back on. All the DHCP leases will be deleted | 11:13 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, ubuntu 64 or 386? | 11:13 |
shodanjr | my web server is up and running :) | 11:14 |
DjViper | jesse__: stil not seeing anything from you, but did you have a solution ? | 11:14 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:64 | 11:14 |
dmglouis | gouki: alright let me try | 11:14 |
DjViper | still* | 11:14 |
Whisp3r | anyways, im trying to compile from source but it DOSENT work | 11:14 |
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napg | Hi, could someone help me to mount a network server in my ubuntu pc, so that my other windows/ubuntu pc can have internet | 11:14 |
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jesse__ | yes try this: | 11:14 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: what happens? | 11:14 |
Whisp3r | and i found this on google: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134223 | 11:14 |
Whisp3r | ryanakca it dosent start | 11:14 |
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Whisp3r | cant telnet it either | 11:14 |
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Whisp3r | but if i use debug mode it starts | 11:15 |
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jesse__ | Crap i'm transfer the file | 11:15 |
DjViper | huh? | 11:15 |
jesse__ | Crap i'm can't Transfer the file | 11:15 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: "it doesn't start" doesn't tell me anything... can you paste bin some errors? | 11:15 |
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jesse__ | Crap i can't Transfer the file | 11:15 |
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jesse__ | sorry] | 11:15 |
Whisp3r | i dont get any errors | 11:15 |
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DjViper | jesse__: which file? | 11:15 |
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Whisp3r | it starts fine the process starts, but it dosent respond to anything eg, connecting, telnet | 11:16 |
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ryanakca | Whisp3r: well, define "it doesn't start"... does it connect to irc? | 11:16 |
Whisp3r | BUT, if i start it with the debug flag, everythings seems okay | 11:16 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya: it is a good or bad thing | 11:16 |
archangelpetro | well thans anyway stefg i'll do the 'alternate amd64 dapper' | 11:16 |
jesse__ | name: bcm4318-nm.tar,gz | 11:16 |
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DjViper | jesse__: could you mail it to me? | 11:16 |
keysersozexxx | exit | 11:16 |
jac | Hiya all, trying to install ubuntu from a shipped breezy dvd, and the screen comes back with "Failed to start X server". Any suggestions? Thanks | 11:17 |
Whisp3r | ryanakca look one line up | 11:17 |
jesse__ | yeh if i knew you e-mail | 11:17 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: you can't get a reply from it threw /msg if it's nick isn't registered and it doesn't identify itself | 11:17 |
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DjViper | jesse__: 2sec | 11:17 |
carlosqueso | jac: you got fast internet? | 11:17 |
dabju | Hi! I`m installing edgy on a 15" macbook pro. I don`t get the wifi card to work. I`ve read a lot on the net. I`ve got /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/madwifi instead of madwifi-ng. What does that mean / how do I fix it? | 11:17 |
carlosqueso | I'd download the alternate cd and try from there | 11:17 |
ryanakca | jac: maybe try dapper? | 11:17 |
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gouki | jac: You will need to manually edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf before continuing - PVT me if you want | 11:17 |
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ryanakca | Whisp3r: keysersozexxx? | 11:18 |
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jesse__ | I'm waiting | 11:18 |
Whisp3r | ryanakca soot? | 11:18 |
Whisp3r | woot | 11:18 |
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spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:are u always there? | 11:18 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: is it's nick registered and identified? | 11:18 |
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nolimitsoya | spydervs2, :) have you checked that the gcc and g++ packages are installed? | 11:19 |
jesse__ | ok | 11:19 |
sardopsycho | have a tech question here gang....I have a 20 Gig Hard Drive with a FAT32 partition on it - it has a buttload of data that I need, but for some reason, the volume will not mount - I am using 6.06 LTS - does anyone have a partition utility that will convert this drive to a linux partition or is there something I can do to get this drive to mount???? | 11:19 |
Whisp3r | ryanakca it dosent matter, its not this netowrk | 11:19 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, if so, im out of clues | 11:19 |
nolimitsoya | spydervs2, you could file/check for a bugreport | 11:19 |
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ryanakca | Whisp3r: odd.. you behind a firewall? | 11:19 |
Whisp3r | ryanakca no | 11:20 |
Whisp3r | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134223 | 11:20 |
jac | gouki, thanks, did you get the pm or pvt? | 11:20 |
ryanakca | Whisp3r: how you trying to telnet to it? telnet localhost:portnumber? | 11:20 |
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ryanakca | Whisp3r: s/firewall/router, sorry | 11:20 |
Whisp3r | ive tryed both | 11:20 |
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jesse__ | you get it | 11:20 |
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DjViper | jesse__: email in msg now | 11:21 |
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jesse__ | ok | 11:21 |
DjViper | jesse__: get what? | 11:21 |
spydervs2 | nolimitsoya:yes.those 2 were already installed | 11:22 |
sardopsycho | anyone get my question? | 11:22 |
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gouki | jac: Please check your PMs | 11:22 |
carlosqueso | sardo: try putting it in fstab | 11:22 |
sardopsycho | fstab? | 11:22 |
carlosqueso | and using sudo mount -a afterwards | 11:23 |
=== skaag [n=skaag@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jesse__ | DjViper:>here it comes | 11:23 |
skaag | can someone help me get nvidia.ko? | 11:23 |
skaag | it does not come with nvidia-glx apparently | 11:23 |
jac | gouki, I did ;) left a response there for ya | 11:23 |
DjViper | jesse__: okay, what do I do with this? | 11:23 |
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carlosqueso | yeah... | 11:23 |
sardopsycho | carlosqueso - can you PM me direction on how to do that....I am in the n00b - intermediate group | 11:23 |
=== porkpie [n=mark@cpc1-bsfd5-0-0-cust929.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gouki | jac: Dude. Something is WAY wrong here! | 11:24 |
=== MtJB [n=warthawg@cpe-66-68-176-215.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Creeture | sardopsycho: When you say "will not mount", what have you tried? | 11:24 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>extract all of it into one folder and open a terminal and type in ./configure | 11:24 |
porkpie | hi guy's what the name of the pkg for midnight commader | 11:24 |
MtJB | anyone know what driver i need for d-link usb wireless wua-2340? | 11:24 |
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viper474 | if you press F6 when ubuntu boot screen comes up then that's where you can add pci=noapci, correct? | 11:24 |
skaag | porkpie: mc? | 11:24 |
porkpie | can't find it | 11:24 |
carlosqueso | sardo: pm dispatched | 11:24 |
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skaag | porkpie: then maybe you don't have the repositories in your sources.list | 11:24 |
jac | thanks gouki, got the link, checking it out | 11:25 |
gouki | ok | 11:25 |
porkpie | just checking | 11:25 |
gouki | I'm out, take care | jac | 11:25 |
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viper474 | if you press F6 when ubuntu boot screen comes up then that's where you can add pci=noapci, correct? | 11:25 |
skaag | i'm so hungry i'm contemplating eating paper, problem is that I know paper is bleached nowadays which can be bad for your stomach | 11:25 |
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sidny4 | yay for bleach! | 11:26 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>let me know when you get it! | 11:26 |
DjViper | jesse__: okay, hang on | 11:26 |
=== ch1ld [i=root@200-233-244-130.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ch1ld | netium.com.br | 11:26 |
viper474 | is the Memtest86+ v.1.65 part of any type of instalation of Ubuntu? | 11:27 |
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DjViper | jesse__: ./configure what where? | 11:28 |
=== nobs [i=tarenn@p54855862.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nobs | hi there | 11:29 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>have you extracted the files into a folder yet? | 11:29 |
DjViper | jesse__: do I install the .deb file? | 11:29 |
jesse__ | no | 11:29 |
DjViper | jesse__: yes, 4 files | 11:29 |
martin__ | Hier ist Martin, absolut neu bei Ubuntu, wollte ein Messenger einrichten, bin aber hier gelandet | 11:29 |
jesse__ | open a terminal window | 11:29 |
=== stefan [n=stefan@Q61d8.q.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jesse__ | and switch to that folder | 11:29 |
mc44 | !de| martin__ | 11:29 |
ubotu | martin__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:29 |
nuts` | where does ubuntu store the fonts | 11:30 |
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martin__ | Danke werde ich saugend lesen | 11:30 |
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skaag | nuts`: /usr/share/fonts | 11:30 |
skaag | zigen zagen ales fragen | 11:30 |
carlosqueso | sardopsycho: you getting my messages? | 11:30 |
stefan | nuts`: or .fonts for local use | 11:30 |
DjViper | jesse__: yes, says the file ./configure does not exists | 11:30 |
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=== Amar [n=amar@80-41-209-113.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jesse__ | DjViper:>crap sorry, | 11:31 |
napg | Hi, could someone help me make a network server for internet sharing? | 11:31 |
nobs | i try to use pam_abl, but no success so far; is there a working apt-package around? | 11:31 |
MtJB | anyone know what driver i need for d-link usb wireless wua-2340? | 11:31 |
DjViper | jesse__: should I unpack wifidrivers.tar.gz too? | 11:31 |
DjViper | jesse__: crap? hehe | 11:31 |
lupine_85 | MtJB: D-Link are usually ralink | 11:32 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>um input the following command into the terminal: sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup --force | 11:32 |
lupine_85 | Best to double-check though | 11:32 |
dnite | is there a way to install the kqemu module without recompiling qemu in edgy?? | 11:32 |
MtJB | thankss, lupine_85 | 11:32 |
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martin__ | Danke und Tsch... | 11:33 |
DjViper | jesse__: ./ndiswrapper_setup: 104: [[: not found | 11:33 |
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stewski | how do I join the ubuntu development channel? | 11:33 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>are you in the folder | 11:33 |
DjViper | jesse__: yes | 11:33 |
=== chergui [n=chergui@adsl-87-197-192-81.adsl.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stewski | my xchat hangs when I try to list channels | 11:34 |
mc44 | stewski: /j #ubuntu-devel | 11:34 |
jesse__ | what does it say | 11:34 |
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DjViper | jesse__: see msg | 11:34 |
jesse__ | ok | 11:35 |
stewski | thanks mc44 | 11:35 |
mc44 | stewski: just ask your question in there, people read scroll back | 11:35 |
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stewski | its not so much a Q | 11:36 |
mc44 | stewski: what is it? | 11:36 |
stewski | I want them to see this http://opensourceacademy.gov.uk/solutions/casestudies/birminham-city-council/ | 11:36 |
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jesse__ | re extract the flies into the home folder of your computer, the open the terminal and type in: sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup --force | 11:36 |
jesse__ | re extract the files into the home folder of your computer, the open the terminal and type in: sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup --force | 11:36 |
mc44 | stewski: send it to RichEd on #edubuntu | 11:36 |
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stewski | OK | 11:37 |
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DjViper | jesse__: why? | 11:38 |
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jesse__ | extract all files, because all of them have to in the same place for the script to work | 11:38 |
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DjViper | jesse__: I know that | 11:38 |
DjViper | they are | 11:38 |
jesse__ | send me a picture of what it is saying | 11:39 |
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DjViper | jesse__: of? | 11:39 |
slavik | I am trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy, but the instructions in the wiki (using the update-manager) don't work ... is apt method relatively safe? | 11:39 |
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DjViper | didnt you see the msg? | 11:39 |
Amar | I have been told that i need to instal (using the alternative cd) with hardware autodetection turned of from the boot prompt | 11:39 |
Jinkguns | How do I unmount /dev/sdb from /media/usbstick ? | 11:39 |
Amar | can somone explain what i need to enter | 11:39 |
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slavik | Jinkguns: do you have an icon on the desktop? | 11:40 |
Jinkguns | No. | 11:40 |
jesse__ | yes but your computer might have something even more wrontg | 11:40 |
jesse__ | yes but your computer might have something even more wrong | 11:40 |
Jinkguns | But it is mounted. :/ | 11:40 |
_david_ | I am having trouble getting ubuntu installed on an intel imac | 11:40 |
slavik | Jinkguns: in terminal 'sudo umount /media/usbstick' | 11:40 |
dgrantwork | is ubuntu good as a server? good, well-maintained packages for subversion and apache for example? | 11:40 |
dougsko | Seveas: oh man, i only now just realized that was your post. i thought you were just messin with me | 11:40 |
_david_ | the installer hangs at the very end | 11:40 |
jesse__ | Send a screenshot of it | 11:40 |
DjViper | jesse__: like what? and how can you figure that out from a picture heh? | 11:40 |
_david_ | something about grub | 11:40 |
dougsko | Seveas: im sorry, i didnt mean to offend | 11:40 |
alecjw | !seen sabdfl | 11:40 |
ubotu | I haven't seen sabdfl recently | 11:40 |
jesse__ | press the print screen button on the keyboard | 11:40 |
=== gort [n=jgbiggs@cpe-24-175-15-146.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | !seen slavik | 11:41 |
ubotu | slavik is on IRC right now! | 11:41 |
slavik | aww ... no shortbus response | 11:41 |
Seveas | dougsko, I was messing with you | 11:41 |
slavik | I am trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy, but the instructions in the wiki (using the update-manager) don't work ... is apt safe enough? | 11:41 |
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slavik | Seveas: japanese, eh? | 11:41 |
DjViper | jesse__: dude, the files are extracted to the same dir, that cant be the problem | 11:41 |
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dougsko | Seveas: lol, well chalk one up for you | 11:41 |
_david_ | I'm using these instructions | 11:42 |
_david_ | and they don't work | 11:42 |
_david_ | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=196912&highlight=intel+mac+install | 11:42 |
DjViper | jesse__: but maybe some old driver is still lurking around? | 11:42 |
jesse__ | ok, then something else it wrong, either with the script or with your computer | 11:42 |
=== Creeture is contemplating how to setup a server that'll let the n00bs ssh in, share their screen (a screen -x like thing) so we can give 'em some real help. | ||
_david_ | everything after "sudo parted" doesn't work | 11:42 |
_david_ | wait | 11:42 |
_david_ | actually | 11:42 |
_david_ | everything after "mklabel Ubuntu" doesn't work... | 11:42 |
=== Driller [i=w@c80-216-222-145.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
LjL | !enter | 11:43 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying. | 11:43 |
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jesse__ | no not an old driver mine didn't have a driver at all for my wireless card when i tried to install it | 11:43 |
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slavik | I am trying to upgrade from dapper to edgy, but the instructions in the wiki (using the update-manager) don't work ... | 11:43 |
=== Akuma_ [n=martin@modemcable228.191-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Akuma_ | where's the JRE root dir? | 11:44 |
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nobs | bye | 11:44 |
Creeture | slavik: What doesn't work about it? | 11:44 |
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slavik | Creeture: it doesn't give me the option to upgrade to edgy | 11:44 |
mralphabet | Creeture: gotomeeting.com for linux! | 11:44 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, you mean, gksudo "update-manager -d" didn't work? | 11:44 |
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slavik | that and -c either | 11:44 |
Creeture | mralphabet: That's the idea I'm going for, but of course something free-ish. | 11:45 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, You don't see a button at the top of the window that says "Upgrade to 6.10" or "Edgy" or something? | 11:45 |
slavik | right, it's not there | 11:45 |
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slavik | it was there when I went from breezy to dapper ... | 11:45 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, sometimes you have to refresh your sources by click the "Check for Updates" button | 11:45 |
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slavik | yeap ... did that (more than once) | 11:46 |
=== haligan [n=haligan@adsl-067-032-167-079.sip.sdf.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | I have universe and multiverse enabled, too | 11:46 |
=== someothernick [n=blah@pool-72-85-159-141.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
napg | Hi, could someone help me make a network server for internet sharing? | 11:46 |
FunnyLookinHat | Hmm... very strange. | 11:46 |
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FunnyLookinHat | napg, try asking in #ubuntu-server sounds like they could help | 11:46 |
napg | thanks =) | 11:46 |
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slavik | what does update-manager do besides dist-upgrade? | 11:47 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>wait i'm trying to record what it to supposed to do | 11:47 |
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slavik | maybe I should use apt ... | 11:48 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, if you are referring to just changing your sources.list and doing a dist-upgrade... update manager also sees new packages that aren't already incorporated and new dependencies | 11:48 |
=== nuts` [n=nuts@p54B24B6C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abo_ | is xemacs not supported/unavailable in ubuntu? | 11:48 |
slavik | dist-upgrade twice? | 11:48 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, I would suggest not doing dist-upgrade.... | 11:48 |
bimberi | !info xemacs21 | 11:49 |
ubotu | xemacs21: highly customizable text editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4.19-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 48 kB | 11:49 |
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: this system is actually a second install of dapper, especially for edgy (want to get Beryl at work) ... | 11:49 |
bimberi | abo_: ^^^^^ | 11:49 |
nuts` | how do I rehash my font pathes | 11:49 |
nuts` | ? | 11:49 |
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slavik | FunnyLookinHat: I am leaving in 10min, so I would like either solution to work (overnight) | 11:49 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, have you checked ubuntuforums.org for similiar issues? | 11:49 |
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: no ... good point | 11:50 |
=== Hatake [n=Hatake@64-8-224-174.client.dsl.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, i'll look there as well right now and let you know if I find anything | 11:50 |
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=== jesse__ [n=jesse@adsl-4-130-198.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hatake | http://digg.com/linux_unix/The_Terrorist_Samba_group_has_declared_a_Jihad_against_US_Federal_Law | 11:50 |
Jinkguns_ | how do I unmount /media/Plant DGC Alpha | 11:50 |
Hatake | lol best article evah | 11:50 |
Jinkguns_ | with the spaces? | 11:50 |
nuts` | how do I rehash my font pathes? anyone know? | 11:50 |
jesse__ | DjViper:>i'm back | 11:50 |
snido | hey guys how do i auto tell the freenode network to login my nickname / pw ? | 11:51 |
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=== wildchild [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wildchild | why when I in konzole ping local computer constantly shows some data 64 bytes from icmp_seq=60 ttl=128 time=0.121 ms, ok I saw what's the ping how can I turn this off? | 11:51 |
FunnyLookinHat | snido, /msg NickServ help | 11:51 |
slavik | Jinkguns_: put a '\' backslash before each space, or autocompletion | 11:51 |
snido | thanks! | 11:51 |
carlosqueso | wildchild: ctrl+C | 11:51 |
wildchild | tnx | 11:51 |
carlosqueso | np\ | 11:51 |
napg | does anyone know someone nicknamed octan? | 11:52 |
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DjViper | jesse__: | 11:53 |
DjViper | morphy@morphy-laptop:~/Desktop/bcm4318-nm$ sudo ./ndiswrapper_setup --force | 11:53 |
DjViper | You don't seem to have a Broadcom Wireless card. Pass the option --force to install anyways, but that's probably a bad idea. | 11:53 |
DjViper | ./ndiswrapper_setup: 104: [[: not found | 11:53 |
DjViper | err | 11:53 |
=== holycow [n=holycow@63-229-142-33.ptld.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=300734&highlight=edgy+upgrade | 11:53 |
=== SuperpeZ [n=SuperpeZ@97.Red-83-43-106.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DjViper | jesse__: see msg | 11:53 |
=== RetLaw [n=RetLaw@082-146-104-208.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, did you try the bug fix he suggested? | 11:54 |
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slavik | FunnyLookinHat: I have it installed ... | 11:54 |
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DjViper | jesse__: I had to edit the script to look for my card, but I still get that error msg | 11:54 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, and did you try gksu "update-manager -c -d" again? | 11:54 |
=== zongo_ [n=brian@h-69-3-63-215.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | nope, nothing | 11:55 |
jesse__ | DjViper:> you need to remove ndiswrapper before running the script | 11:55 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, hmm, that doesn't seem like the same problem as you anyways | 11:55 |
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DjViper | jesse__: how do I do that? | 11:55 |
=== killalby [n=killalby@adsl-ull-87-82.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
slavik | maybe they disabled it because of all the problems? | 11:55 |
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jesse__ | DjViper:> here is the recording of what it is supposed to do | 11:55 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, lol no, they wouldn't disable it... | 11:55 |
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jesse__ | use synaptic to remove it | 11:55 |
nekr0z | Hello guys! I use GNOME, but have a couple of KDE apps here. The compose key works good everywhere, but not in KDE apps. Can this be fixed? | 11:55 |
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FunnyLookinHat | slavik, well, I'm totally baffled.... I definitely don't think you should do it using apt-get but it's a last resort I suppose. If I were you I would post your problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=140 and hope that someone who has seen a similiar problem replies | 11:56 |
Potatoking | hey! is somewhere here that would like to help a frustrated linux-newbie with the wireless-nw? | 11:56 |
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: I am comfortable and have backups and such? | 11:56 |
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nekr0z | Potatoking: what's up? | 11:57 |
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FunnyLookinHat | slavik, well, if you have backups then just do a fresh installation using an edgy CD. : ) | 11:57 |
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: no edgy CD and no burnable CDs ... | 11:57 |
=== rebuilt [n=nelson@adsl-69-108-79-122.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
jesse__ | DjViper:> i can't get the thing to upload | 11:58 |
slavik | this is a clean dapper install :P | 11:58 |
jesse__ | i | 11:58 |
jesse__ | i'll e-mail it to you | 11:58 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, bah. that's just bad timing. | 11:58 |
Potatoking | I just ran thorugh the how-to (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174) and it's finally almost working... I can see my connection in the network-manager but I can't connect :-S | 11:58 |
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FunnyLookinHat | slavik, well post your problem in the forums and see if someone can find you a fix before tommorow : ) | 11:58 |
Godsmacko | how can i update to edgy with the cd? | 11:58 |
FunnyLookinHat | Godsmacko, you can only upgrade from dapper to edgy with an edgy alternate install cd | 11:59 |
slavik | FunnyLookinHat: meh, apt-get it is | 11:59 |
marik | Godsmacko, you would need a alternate install CD | 11:59 |
nekr0z | Potatoking: look through tail -f /var/log/syslog while trying to connect to see where it stops | 11:59 |
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jesse__ | DjViper:> wait on it | 11:59 |
Godsmacko | ooooo | 11:59 |
FunnyLookinHat | slavik, good luck, make sure to backup before you do it | 11:59 |
snido | What's the command line to find the version of linux? | 11:59 |
FunnyLookinHat | snido, uname -r | 12:00 |
snido | o rite, thanks! | 12:00 |
FunnyLookinHat | : ) | 12:00 |
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