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mptWho works on kickstart?12:13
pygijdong: so everything working fine? :)12:14
jdongpygi: well , with one test project yes12:14
jdongI'm still testing12:14
pygijdong: bleh, who needs testing ^_^12:14
jdongbut I'll let it thru backports since you seem so confident :)12:14
neuralismpt: kamion, i imagine12:15
pygijdong: ^_^12:16
mptta neuralis 12:16
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=== lamont_ grumbles and tries to remember why gdm would say 'The system administrator has disabled access to the system temporarily"
HrdwrBoBprobably because the system administrator has disabled access to the system temporarily :)12:26
Mithrandirlamont_: /etc/nologin?12:26
lamont_no such file12:27
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lamont_HrdwreBoB: I most certainly did not (intentionally) disable access12:27
lamont_then again, I was silly enough to upgrade to edgy12:27
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twbGood day.  I build modified live cds, and I'm migrating from Knoppix to Ubuntu as a base.  Where is the code on the etch livecd that sets up dhcp ethernet?  Somehow I'm losing it when I modify the image.12:29
lamont_ah... it's all fallout from ldap going completely belly up12:29
=== lamont_ switches screens
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twbHmm, never mind.12:34
twbEthernet is working again in my modified CD; perhaps I was just being impatient before.12:34
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Adri2000Mithrandir: pppoeconf? I also filed a bug for that, #7237012:42
lamontMithrandir: ldap in nsswitch.conf seems to be bustificated in edgy.12:44
lamonthow very bizare...12:47
lamontgetent works, but finger doesn't....12:47
Burgworklamont: yes, and that is a bad thing12:47
Burgworkmeans I need to keep a feisty client to test, so this sort of thing doesn't happen again12:48
lamontBurgwork: and more to the point, logging in doesn't...12:51
Burgworkhow something like snuck through, I have no idea12:52
lamontBurgwork: I care about that for fiesty.... But for the moment, I just want to fix it so that I can upgrade the rest of the house to edgy...12:53
Burgworkyou run an ldap server just for your house12:53
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LaserJockBurgwork: maybe he has a large house :-)12:54
_ionSince when is it wrong to use a ldap server for a small number of computers? :-)12:55
lifelessinfinity: around ?12:56
stewskidoes the server contain a fridge ou?12:58
lamontBurgwork: sure.  why wouldn't I?12:58
lamontbeats creating logins everywhere12:58
Burgworksure, if it is easy enough to setup12:58
lamontBurgwork: trivial12:58
lamontonce you know how...12:58
dsasand probably fun when learning how...for some definitions of fun.12:59
lamontdsas: it wasn't too bad...12:59
keescooklamont: got a few minutes to write up some docs?  I pulled my hair out this morning just getting a viable test server running to do security update tests.  :P12:59
lamontkeescook: well, step one is getting edgy to work12:59
keescooklamont: heh.12:59
stewskianyone seen how samba is getting on with Active Directory import?12:59
stewskiI was of the impression they were after in place import and replacement of domain controller functionality?01:00
ajmitchlamont: yeah, libnss-ldap needs put into edgy-updates01:01
ajmitchlamont: assuming it's the timeout issue for boot that you've struck01:01
lamontajmitch: I had timeouts... but the other part was that the login process can't find any users...01:02
lamontiz this fixed already somewhere?01:02
ajmitcher, I haven't come across that one, nor has it been reported01:05
ajmitchgdm has some issues if you don't restart it01:06
ajmitchbut console logins have been fine in my experience01:06
Burgworkgdm is pretty flaky01:06
lamontpam_access.so might be the culprit in part01:07
=== lamont tries sid's libnss-ldap
ajmitchsid's one has fixes for timeouts01:07
lamontI can't help but think that maybe it's trying to use SASL where I don't support it...01:08
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ajmitchyou said that getent worked though?01:09
lamontRestarting Name Service Cache Daemon: nscd/usr/sbin/nscd: option `--invalidate' requires an argument01:10
lamontajmitch: yep01:10
ajmitchedgy living up to its name01:11
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lamontnscd was changed to require a table (passwd, group, hosts), instead of letting --invalidate do all of them.  or so it would seem01:13
lamontso...  libnss-ldap 238-1.1ubuntu1 works (dapper), and 251-5.2 and -7 don't01:19
ajmitch-7 doesn't? that's a worry01:20
lamontajmitch: in my configuration01:20
lamontnow to figure out what's so different01:20
lamontsigh.  high touch differences01:21
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_ionWow. Feisty was smart enough to inform that "The Wireless mouse device attached to this computer is low in power (14%). This device will soon stop functioning if not charged."01:28
Burgwork_ion: that is gnome-power-manager in action01:31
_ionI'm not sure whether HAL reported the mouse charge level in Edgy. 01:34
lamontBurgwork: I'll try 253 just for giggles01:36
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MacSlowGman, hi Glynn01:40
Gmanhey MacSlow 01:40
lamontBurgwork: fixed in 25301:41
MacSlowGman, I might run into you (via email) regarding some hints I got from Paul Byrne when I met  him at the ubuntu developer summit01:41
lamont253     Luke Howard <lukeh@padl.com>01:42
lamont        * fix crasher if an empty buffer is passed to01:42
lamont          initgroups (glibc NSS only)01:42
Burgworklamont: excellent01:42
lamontBurgwork: I bet that's it...01:42
GmanMacSlow, ok cool, i know paul well01:42
ajmitchafternoon Gman 01:42
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MacSlowre jdub 01:42
lamontmorning jdub01:42
ajmitchlamont: thanks, hopefully the same behaviour can be seen in debian so it can be forced through there01:42
MacSlowGman, good to know01:42
Gmanhi ajmitch 01:43
keescookmdz told me last week there may be a TB meeting on tuesday, but I can't find any mention of it anywhere.  anyone else heard anything?01:44
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Mezminghua, ping regarding your gpg key01:59
minghuaMez: pong.  what's wrong with my key?02:01
MezI dont know - but I'm getting a "BAD signature"02:01
minghuawhich file did you get the bad sig?02:02
Mezyour brasero upload - the email02:03
ajmitchMez: that's not unusual02:03
ajmitchif launchpad has accepted it, the signature was fine02:03
Mezah, kk02:03
minghuayeah, most likely some line break stuff02:04
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lifelessinfinity: so, icheck is not able to be automatically used - it needs to much hooking-in.02:08
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KnowledgEngiin this channel there is somebody that work in the ubuntu comunity???04:23
KnowledgEngisomebody that is a ubuntu developer04:24
KnowledgEngibecouse using synaptic is not possible to install a Low-Latency kernel04:24
KnowledgEngiand midi softwares like rosegarden need a Low-Latency kernel04:25
sladenKnowledgEngi: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+filebug04:29
sladenKnowledgEngi: could you include information about what would need to be done---eg. the URL of patches, configuration options or GIT trees to apply04:30
sladenKnowledgEngi: I believe that low latency patches are already in.04:30
crimsunKnowledgEngi: it's addressed already in feisty04:32
KnowledgEngibut i do not know if low-latency is sufficent 04:32
KnowledgEngiis possible that rosegarden need particular kernel configuration04:32
crimsunKnowledgEngi: it's much too invasive for breezy, dapper, and edgy04:32
KnowledgEngii have not other chanse04:35
KnowledgEngirosegarden need a particular kernel04:35
KnowledgEngiand return me error about kernel04:35
crimsunsince when has rosegarden required a specific kernel?04:35
KnowledgEngiThe resolution of the timer of system is too much low Rosegarden has not found one source of the timer to high resolution for reproduction MIDI. This could mean that a Linux with one is being used kernel resolution of the timer too much low. It contacts your Linux distributor for having more information.04:37
KnowledgEngithe translation italian-english is not perfect04:38
KnowledgEngibecouse i used google translator04:38
KnowledgEngiif you try to install rosegarden4 using synaptic and run it04:40
KnowledgEngiyou can see the error04:40
KnowledgEngiin english04:40
KnowledgEngibut my ubuntu is setted with italian language04:40
KnowledgEngii asked in the channel #rosegarden but nobody give me an answare04:41
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KnowledgEngistupid midi04:49
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KnowledgEngisomeone use rosegarden under ubuntu ???04:55
crimsunplease redirect to #ubuntustudio or #ubuntu04:58
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fabbioneajmitch: ping?06:10
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ajmitchfabbione: pong06:39
fabbioneajmitch: mdadm is fixed now.06:39
ajmitchok, thanks06:39
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fabbioneajmitch: if you can distupgrade you should be able to reboot just fine06:39
fabbioneajmitch: you want to make sure to upgrade also lvm-common06:39
fabbioneand please let me know if it's still an issue06:39
jdongwhat is the command to get a list of locally installed packages?06:39
ajmitchupgraded them both earlier06:39
jdongsort of like what synaptic shows under its locally installed / obsolete list06:40
fabbionejdong: dpkg --get-selections *06:40
fabbioneah locally?06:40
jdongfabbione: that wouldn't work :D06:40
fabbionethat's the full list06:40
fabbioneajmitch: ok06:40
fabbioneajmitch: did mdadm upgrade smoothly?06:40
ajmitchI believe so06:40
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jdongany other suggestions? :)06:47
cjwatsonjdong: sudo apt-get install grep-dctrl moreutils; sudo dselect update; combine <(grep-dctrl -nsPackage -FStatus ' installed' /var/lib/dpkg/status) not <(grep-dctrl -nsPackage '' /var/lib/dpkg/available)06:56
cjwatsonrequires bash; dselect update is required to get /var/lib/dpkg/available up to date06:57
jdongcjwatson: thanks, now let me digest that :D06:57
cjwatsonactually you can get rid of the dselect update if you use this instead:06:57
cjwatsoncombine <(grep-dctrl -nsPackage -FStatus ' installed' /var/lib/dpkg/status) not <(apt-cache dumpavail | grep-dctrl -nsPackage '')06:57
jdongah, so look in dpkg/status for packages not in apt-cache dumpavail06:58
jdongmakes sense06:58
jdong`dpkg --get-selections | awk '$2 == "install" { print $1 }` would be identical to the first grep-dctrl call, right?07:00
infinityselections don't mean something's installed.07:00
cjwatsonselections => desired state not actual state07:01
jdonggood point07:01
infinityBut "dpkg -l \* | grep ^i | awk '{print $2}'" works.07:01
jdonghaven't considered that07:01
jdonginfinity: I think I'll choose the pretty looking grep-dctrl call :D07:01
cjwatsonthat grep-dctrl is technically a layering violation since /var/lib/dpkg/status is an implementation detail of dpkg, but ...07:02
jdongmeh, it works, I don't complain :)07:02
cjwatsondpkg-query -W -f '${Package} ${Status}\n' | grep ' installed$' | cut -d' ' -f107:04
cjwatson^-- bit neater I suppose07:04
infinityI like mine better. :)07:04
infinityLess typing.07:04
cjwatsoninfinity: I wasn't certain if it would deal correctly with very long package names07:05
cjwatsonlooks like it probably does07:05
infinitycjwatson: It does, because when dpkg-query output is sent to stdout, it exapnds the columns.07:05
cjwatsonah yes07:05
infinityErr, sent to stdin of another process.07:05
infinityPiped.  Brain.  Explode.07:05
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infinityI should have booked a week of VAC after the conferences.07:05
cjwatsonWe should put moreutils in main. It's neat.07:06
keescookinfinity: any brain power available for the security LP uploads?  I've got people wondering why only edgy's update exists.  :)07:06
infinityIsn't sponge one of yours?07:06
infinityOr was that a joeyism?07:06
cjwatsoninfinity: the concept was originally mine, although I believe it was rewritten, possibly by Tolef07:07
infinitykeescook: I'm working on it, drescher's dying from I/O contention, so I'm working on it rather slowly.07:07
cjwatsoner, Tollef07:07
jdongwait a sec07:07
jdongwould that work if a local package is a newer version of a repository package?07:07
infinitycjwatson: pee is cute.07:07
keescookinfinity: okay, cool.  is there anything you need from me, or do you see all the files you need?07:07
infinitykeescook: I should have everything I need.07:07
cjwatsonvipe is rather neat too07:07
cjwatsonthough somebody without their brain screwed in made sponge able to output to stdout, which is just SILLY07:09
zakamesomebody pinged me?07:09
cjwatsonjdong: synaptic won't display that as obsolete/local either ...07:09
minghuayay for moreutils in main.  I use isutf807:09
keescookinfinity: okay, great.  I'm off to bed.07:09
jdongcjwatson: really? I never noticed that07:10
=== jdong compares
cjwatsonjdong: (at least, dselect never has, and I assume synaptic uses roughly the same algorithm)07:10
=== crimsun boggles at the ACCEPTed for flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.21.78~ubuntu1 immediately followed by a REJECTed
jdongcjwatson: oh but synaptic does :)07:10
cjwatsonwell, that's much harder then. :)07:11
jdongcjwatson: yeah, I got that much :)07:11
fabbionecjwatson: when do you think you can merge lsb?07:11
cjwatsonfabbione: I'll do it later today07:12
cjwatsondidn't know it was urgent07:12
fabbionecjwatson: that'd be great thanks.07:12
fabbioneno it's not urgent but i am fighting an issue in an init script where something in lsb is returning 1 on ubuntu but 0 on debian07:12
fabbioneand i can't exactly figure what it is07:12
fabbioneso i was hoping that a merge would fix that07:13
cjwatsontell me what the init script is and I'll check it out when I do the merge07:13
cjwatsonit could just as easily be our usplash changes or similar07:13
fabbioneit's mdadm-raid but there is a workaround in place atm07:13
fabbioneoh might be yeah07:13
jdongcjwatson: would it be a fair assumption that packages in main all end in ubuntu<number.number>07:14
infinityThere was just an LSB upload in Debian that fixed some return codes.07:14
cjwatsonjdong: no07:14
infinityI saw it fly by on my buildd a day or three ago.07:14
cjwatsonjdong: "ubuntu" in a version number implies that we've locally modified it; no more, no less.07:14
fabbionei can't find what provides log_to_console07:14
fabbionethat seems to be the culprit07:14
fabbioneinfinity: yes i did try lsb from debian but it doesn't really help07:15
infinity   * log_use_fancy_output() had unintended behavior under set -e.07:15
infinity     (Thanks to Steve Langesek for the heads-up.)07:15
fabbioneinfinity: but ya know.. mixing != not good07:15
cjwatsonfabbione: I'll check it out later.07:15
fabbioneinfinity: already tested that07:15
jdonginfinity: speaking of buildd's, can you make it that -backports builds against -updates?07:15
cjwatsonfabbione: (I know where all the pieces live)07:15
infinityfabbione: mdadm has a bunch of its own logging functions, doesn't it?07:15
fabbionecjwatson: ok thanks, just bear in mind that our mdadm-raid will work (workaround in place) you will need the one from debian07:15
fabbioneinfinity: only small wrappers. they are ok tho07:15
cjwatsonI'm capable of spotting workarounds07:15
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fabbionecjwatson: i am 100% confident in your God alike skillz.. otherwise i wouldn't have asked ;)07:16
infinityjdong: Yeah, I can.  Can you mail that request to me?07:16
infinityjdong: I can't do it RIGHT NOW, so a reminder would be good. :)07:16
jdonginfinity: will do :)07:16
cjwatson-              log_problem "no $*"07:18
cjwatson+              log_dev 0 $1 "no $*"07:18
cjwatsonI assume that's the workaround07:18
fabbionelog_problem is a wrapper in mdadm-raid07:18
fabbioneso is log_dev07:18
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cjwatsonfabbione: yeah, it's just a bug in our lsb-base-logging.sh; I'll go through it all and make sure it's consistent07:24
cjwatsonbut first, an hour or two more of sleep ...07:24
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bluefoxicypitti's repo doesn't seem to have libfreetype dbgsyms07:38
infinitybluefoxicy: One would assume that it hasn't been uploaded since we turned on that feature, then.07:40
bluefoxicyinfinity: it's got one of the most CPU-active pieces of code in it, apparently.07:41
bluefoxicysomewhere around fifth on my list (only watching gaim, thunderbird, firefox,rhythmbox though)07:41
bluefoxicy00000000 40442     2.2060  (no location information)   libfreetype.so.6.3.10    gaim                     (no symbols)07:42
bluefoxicy^^^ I'd like to know what symbol that is :P07:42
infinityRebuilding it should do. :)07:43
bluefoxicyI'll pass.  I can wait a few weeks.07:43
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bluefoxicyinfinity:  I made strlen() 4 times faster07:43
bluefoxicyapparently glibc contains an optimized one that deals in 4 byte words at a time instead of byte by byte07:44
bluefoxicyand tries to use some funky analysis to find the null bytes07:44
bluefoxicyfor a 5 byte string it's 6 seconds for a naive algorithm vs 12 seconds for glibc's to do 10 iterations of 1,000,000,000 strlen() calls07:45
bluefoxicyerr, not 6 seconds, 1.75 seconds.. hang on.07:45
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bluefoxicyinfinity:  http://rafb.net/paste/results/ojJGja70.html  Like that :>07:46
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bluefoxicywhy am I even talking about this.07:46
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bluefoxicyhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/6JMwu456.html  my_strlen() is glibc, n_strlen() is naive, for anyone that actually cares about what I was babbling on about.  sleep.07:47
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Mithrandirlamont: libnss-ldap?09:02
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fabbionehey sabdfl 09:42
sabdflhey hey fabio09:42
Hobbseegreetings sabdfl09:50
sabdflhi Hobbsee09:55
Mezmorning mark09:59
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sivangmorning all10:24
pygihey sivang , you sleep too much ^_^10:24
sivanghi pygi , nice to see you too 10:25
pygisivang: hehe ^_^10:25
=== sivang goes to see why n-d won't play nice with the merged remaining ubuntu changes
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sjoerdogra: why does the ubuntu pulseaudio packaging disable jack and asyncns ? their not in main or so ?11:31
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cjwatsonsjoerd: jack is AFAIK deliberately not in main, and asyncns got synced after the initial pulseaudio packaging (so can be turned back on RSN)11:40
sivangLathiat: around?11:47
sjoerdcjwatson: ok, so jack will stay the pulseaudio debian <> ubuntu diff then11:47
Lathiatsivang: ya11:48
sivangLathiat: I've found something similar to something I Need to patch in n-d, http://avahi.org/ticket/71 , but I can't seem to find DBUS_VERSION_{MAJOR,MINOR} in the source distro anymore, do you know if this has been completely replaced by DBUS_{MAJOR,MINOR}_PROTOCOL_VERSION with the switch to 1.0.1 ?11:50
cjwatsonsjoerd: that's my understanding, but only as an ftpmaster who wondered verbally what the same diff was for a couple of weeks back :)11:51
sjoerdheh, ok :)11:51
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Lathiatsivang: thats done by avahi customly11:55
Lathiatline 413 of configure.ac11:55
Lathiat    DBUS_VERSION=`$PKG_CONFIG dbus-1 --modversion`11:55
Lathiat    DBUS_VERSION_MAJOR=`echo $DBUS_VERSION | awk -F. '{print $1}'`11:55
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sivangLathiat: I see, I might have to include something like this then, if it's not already included by upstream, thanks11:56
sivangLathiat: yep, upstream uses the same hack11:59
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tepsipakkishouldn't tg3 ethernet be supported OOTB on dapper? I can't install a Fujitsu Esprimo with it, edgy works12:08
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tepsipakkiie. it isn't detected on boot12:08
=== Fujitsu wonders why he would want to have Edgy installed on him in the first place.
tepsipakkiFujitsu: you are safe ;)12:09
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Keybuktepsipakki: lspci -n12:13
FujitsuKeybuk: Can I convince you to let gcl into dapper-proposed? Pretty please?12:14
tepsipakkikeybuk: doesn't work on the installation console, but I'll try with a live-cd12:14
KeybukFujitsu: I don't deal with SRU12:14
chris77^Hello. Where can I tell the Ubuntu installer to copy additional files and add new users to /etc/passwd as well as set some permissions?12:15
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cjwatsonchris77^: preseed/late_command; see the installation guide for details12:15
FujitsuKeybuk: It's been approved by motu-sru...12:15
StevenKEvidently, that's what he thinks. :-P12:17
StevenKFujitsu: I think approving also requires checking the uploaded source versus the debdiff in the bug report.12:18
FujitsuProbably, yes.12:18
tepsipakkiKeybuk: does it matter which version I use (dapper, edgy..)12:18
tepsipakkiwhere did /proc/pci go, btw?12:19
StevenK /proc/pci is long dead.12:19
tepsipakkiok, well it would be nice to have lspci in busybox, then :)12:20
Spadstry poking in /proc/bus/pci/12:20
tepsipakkitoo cryptic12:21
tepsipakkiall it showed in human readable for was the uhci/ehci-stuff12:22
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cjwatsontepsipakki: anna-install pciutils-udeb12:23
tepsipakkioh .)12:23
Fujitsucjwatson: Do /you/ do SRUs?12:23
tepsipakkiI'll try that12:24
cjwatsonFujitsu: yes, but not *right* now :-)12:24
cjwatsonfabbione: fixed your lsb-base bug12:24
Fujitsucjwatson: If you could do it when you have the time, it would be great.12:25
cjwatsonI will12:25
fabbionecjwatson: thanks a lot12:26
tepsipakkiKeybuk: ok, lspci -n showed this for the network card: "000.... 14e4:167b rev. 02"12:29
gnomefreakfabbione: thank you for the mdadm fix looks like it is fixed12:30
gnomefreakmight have spoke too soon12:30
=== hunger gets lots of lines starting with W: when upgrading mdadm.
Fujitsugnomefreak: What was the problem with your machine?12:32
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fabbionethey are just warnings. nothing fatal12:32
gnomefreakFujitsu: nothing other than updating mdadm and lvm-common. others couldnt boot12:32
FujitsuYes, I've noticed my machine now boots :)12:32
gnomefreaknow just a flash install issue12:33
fabbionethere is some stuff i need to discuss with madduck 12:33
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fabbioneand wait for Keybuk to move some mdadm/lvm stuff into udev12:33
=== hunger is annoyed by python-sip4 not being able to get updated.
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=== gnomefreak keeps getting python crash popups although no py updates that i remember (annoying not important
gnomefreakapt seems to also be crashing12:41
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user__when using %post --nochroot (using kickstart) and untarring foo, the progressbar is not moving at all. Is this a known issue?12:42
Hobbseeuser__: please check malone12:43
gnomefreakHobbsee: up-to-date feisty does your apt segfault?12:44
Hobbseegnomefreak: hasnt so far, i just used it12:44
cjwatsonuser__: there's no progress bar for %post unless you implement it yourself12:44
gnomefreakok let me try booting difffernet kernel (shouldnt help though)12:45
cjwatsonat least, no progress bar updates12:45
user__cjwatson, that's odd, because it displays one.12:45
cjwatsonuser__: yes, that's just the general finish-install progress bar12:45
cjwatsonI don't regard this as a bug12:45
user__cjwatson, what file is it that would need modifcation?12:45
cjwatsonuser__: well, (a) your %post script to source the debconf confmodule and add suitable db_progress commands, (b) finish-install to allocate a different amount of space for the progress bar12:46
cjwatsonuser__: honestly, I'd just leave it alone - that progress bar is calculated based on the number of finish-install scripts that are available, and it's going to be pretty fiddly to change it12:47
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user__ok, i'm extracting a huge tarrbal there, is there a way to redirect the output to the install setup easly from %post?12:47
cjwatsonso one thing you could do is make the info messages change but not actually move the progress bar; that would be less fiddle12:48
user__if a user that uses the product doesn't see a progressbar moving while the huge tarrbal is extracing the user could suspect the instalation failed/froze12:48
cjwatsonhowever, in order to do that you're going to have to arrange for a shell command to be called after extracting each file (note that this will slow down the extraction a lot if there are many small files)12:49
user__I wonder if busybox is supporting this12:51
user__feel free to elborate12:51
cjwatsonbusybox? normal tar doesn't even support this easily - you'd have to get a list of all files and extract them each by hand12:51
cjwatsonyou also need a debconf template somewhere that you can subst into in order to pass to db_progress INFO12:52
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cjwatsonI suppose you could abuse one of base-installer's12:53
cjwatsongiven that, it would be '. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule' at the top of your %post script, and 'db_progress SUBST base-installer/debootstrap/info/extracting SUBST0 "$filename"; db_progress INFO base-installer/debootstrap/info/extracting' before extracting each file12:53
tepsipakkiKeybuk: ping12:54
cjwatsonuser__: I leave the tar integration up to you :-)12:54
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gnomefreakwhats the chances of mdadm messing with apt/aptitude?12:55
cjwatsongnomefreak: seems exceedingly unlikely12:56
gnomefreakit was a long shot12:57
Fujitsutepsipakki: Note that Keybuk isn't actually in the channel at the moment.12:57
mnepton"tar integration" is a fantastic euphemism for UDS smoke breaks12:57
tepsipakkimissed that12:57
ogracjwatson, sjoerd, right i disabled jack on pittis request ... libasyncns will be enabled again if its ok for main (nobody seems to know exactly what its needed for) ...01:02
tepsipakkiwhile Keybuk is away does anyone know how I can debug further this tg3 madness.. lspci lists the device as unknown, but the ID is 14e4:167b01:08
cjwatsonthat just means lspci's database is out of date, and is irrelevant01:09
tepsipakkiwww.pcidatabase.com doesn't know about 167b either01:10
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cjwatsontepsipakki: your symptoms usually just mean that some kernel module needs to have the id added to its MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE01:10
tepsipakkiyes, tg3 doesn't have that in 2.6.15../modules.pcimap, but in 2.6.17 it is01:12
cjwatsonthere you go then01:13
cjwatsonunless 2.6.15 has the new_id stuff in /sys, the only thing you can do is rebuild that module01:13
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tepsipakkiand no hope for getting support added for dapper?01:15
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cjwatsontepsipakki: it's not necessarily impossible; talk to BenC01:28
tepsipakkiok, I'll file a bug first01:29
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Enola_Gayhi all01:47
Enola_GayIs it possible to integrate in Feisty a grub repair function on cd/dvd?01:47
Enola_GaySince it is very hard for beginners to chroot and repair grub.01:48
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realistEnola_Gay: a GUI tool?01:50
Hobbsee|Remoterealist: wouldnt really help, if X were broken.01:50
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Ngunless it's on a live CD type install disc. also having grub and X broken is probably not a good sign ;)01:52
realistI presumed they were talking about a live CD01:53
cjwatsonEnola_Gay: there's already such a function on the alternate install CD; boot in rescue mode01:53
Hobbsee|Remoteyeah well.  that being said, installing ubuntu first, and mounting the windows partition by default, then reinstalling windows, will stop your ubuntu from booting, and drop you in a rescue shell until you figure how to get out of it.01:53
Hobbsee|Remotefrom edgy up01:53
cjwatsonon the desktop CD, we assume that desktop facilities will be available; if not, somebody who speaks the desktop's language should write them :-)01:54
Hobbsee|Remote(that's after you reinstall grub, to fix the mbr that windows thrashed)01:54
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realistHobbsee: ctcp?02:05
Hobbseerealist: sorry, wrong button02:06
Hobbseerealist: meant to do a whois, and missed.02:06
realistoh, gui client?02:07
Hobbseerealist: yes.  Hobbsee|Remote is irssi02:08
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lamontMithrandir: libnss-ldap02:21
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lamont253 (not yet packaged for debian) fixes things for our glibc02:22
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realistHobbsee: no ssh/screen? :-(02:26
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Hobbseerealist: that's what the remote one is.02:27
Hobbseerealist: i was dealing with some stuff with feisty here - didnt want to be d/c and reconnecting every time i restarted X and whatever...02:28
realistI'll take your word for it ;-)02:29
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BenCmilestone day for feisty...2.6.19 becomes default...fear my eminent bug surge02:37
rodarvusBenC, all packages have already been accepted from NEW, built, etc?02:42
BenCrodarvus: kernel is, lrm just now uploaded. As soon as it builds, linux-meta will follow02:42
Enola_Gayrealist: a GUI would be great but an grub entry on boot cd would be enough02:42
Enola_Gaycjwatson: How it works? I think most people download the desktop cd so it should be there too.02:43
rodarvusBenC, nice, I'll retry it on my fglrx machine in a few hours, then02:43
cjwatsonEnola_Gay: it's not feasible to add that particular code to the desktop CD, for complicated reasons; it would have to be a GUI facility on the desktop, which isn't really my domain02:49
Enola_Gaycjwatson: Ok, but an easy to find function would be great.02:53
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Spadshi zul 03:08
Spadsany luck with my xen problem?03:08
zulnope still working on it03:09
pirastdoes anyone have an idea where doko is?03:09
Nghe's rollerscating around america ;)03:10
pirastah nice :-) i am just wondering because there is a very annoying openoffice bug in edgy :-) but holidays are important, too :-)03:10
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pirastdo you know when he will be back?03:11
Ngmonday I believe03:12
pirastNg, thanks03:13
cjwatsonhe's aware of a number of openoffice.org bugs and I'm fairly sure there'll be an upload not long after he gets back03:17
cjwatsonI discussed them with him at allhands03:17
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BenCcjwatson: is it possible to get ports kicked so the ia64 build of linux-source shows up?03:20
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cjwatsonBenC: that would be a sysadmin problem; surprised it hasn't happened automatically03:23
BenCcjwatson: ok, thanks03:24
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user__<cjwatson> given that, it would be '. /usr/share/debconf/confmodule' at the top of your %post script, and 'db_progress SUBST base-installer/debootstrap/info/extracting SUBST0 "$filename"; db_progress INFO base-installer/debootstrap/info/extracting' before extracting each file 03:28
user__cjwatson, it only displays: "extracing foo .... "03:29
user__ i put  db)progress INFO ; tar xv... foo.tar.gz ; 03:29
user__but still no go03:29
cjwatsonyour report is garbled; please show me the exact code snippet (as short as you can, to avoid flooding this channel), and exactly what message you see03:29
user__cjwatson, http://pastebin.ca/25411003:32
cjwatsonuser__: it doesn't look as if you understood what I said. You need those db_progress commands before extracting each file in turn, not before the entire tar command. Like I say, I leave figuring out how to extract each file in turn up to you, but it's certainly not by just running 'tar -xvf /cdrom/stage4.tar.gz -C /target'.03:34
cjwatsonRunning a single big tar command means that you have no opportunity to update the progress bar.03:34
user__can I just redirect the output of the stage4 to the install screen?03:35
cjwatsonWell, not sanely. I suppose you could try, but I don't really want to offer help with ghastly hacks. :)03:35
cjwatsonthe main install display runs on /dev/tty103:36
user__What options are left, i'm in the last stage, we are about to deliver 500+ ubuntu desktop pc's. Now if I leaf it as it is, the user might think that the restoring process is frozen/not working anymore.03:36
cjwatsonI've already offered a concrete suggestion; if you want good progress output, you need to use 'tar tf' to get the file list, and extract each in turn03:37
cjwatsonI'm confused as to why you aren't shipping the machines preinstalled03:37
cjwatsonthe last three lines of your %post script are bogus03:38
cjwatson/bin/mknod -m 660 /target/dev/console c 5 1 ;03:39
cjwatson/bin/mknod -m 660 /target/dev/null c 1 3 ;03:39
cjwatsonshutdown -r now 03:39
cjwatsonthe system already handles creating /dev/console and /dev/null on boot (assuming you haven't broken udev), and you shouldn't shutdown at the end of a %post script - the installer will do that itself03:39
user__cjwatson, because those are supposed to be recovery cd's.03:43
cjwatsonfair enough; you still shouldn't need to mknod stuff by hand though03:44
cjwatsonuser__: you could also create a udeb for all this and include a debconf template in it that says "Restoring system; please wait..."03:46
cjwatsonand not bother fiddling with tar03:46
cjwatsoncreating a udeb will be slightly more work in that you'll have to regenerate the Packages and Release files, but you may be doing that anyway03:46
cjwatsonany udeb with Priority: standard in its control file will be used by the installer by default03:47
user__i'm using kickstart and preseed so only ubuntu-minmal get's installed.03:47
user__hmm, i'll lookinto it.03:47
cjwatsonyou'll need to learn some basic debconf programming, but not a lot, and there are plenty of examples in the archive03:49
user__any example suggestions that would make life easier?03:52
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cjwatsonuser__: tzsetup, maybe? note the finish-install/progress/tzsetup template there; the end of that template name is derived from finish-install.d/05tzsetup, by stripping off the directory name and the initial digits03:56
cjwatsonyou basically just need a debconf template, the debian/rules, debian/changelog, and debian/copyright build goop, and a debian/control that has Priority: standard and whatever else you want to call it03:57
cjwatsondrop the XB-Installer-Menu-Item from debian/control and drop debian-installer/tzsetup-udeb/title (or whatever) from the templates file03:58
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cjwatsonand your finish-install.d script can just do the untar bit and whatever else you want03:58
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Spadsajmitch: ping04:32
zulSpads: hes probably asleep 04:32
Spadsyeah, 'sokay04:33
cjwatsonmvo: any chance of another synaptic upload for edgy-proposed without the aclocal.m4 and configure changes?04:34
cjwatsonI'd be happier without trying to work out the possible effects of those04:34
mvocjwatson: certainly04:35
Mithrandirlamont: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libnss-ldap/+bug/51315 maybe?04:36
UbugtuMalone bug 51315 in libnss-ldap "udevd: nss_ldap: failed to bind to LDAP server" [Unknown,Fix released]  04:36
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cjwatsonmvo: thanks04:37
lamontMithrandir: I think 70146 is more likely04:38
lamontotoh, the timeout issue was there too...04:38
lamontapt-get -udy dist-upgrade04:39
lamontThe following packages will be REMOVED:04:39
lamont  startup-tasks system-services ubuntu-base ubuntu-minimal upstart04:39
lamont  upstart-compat-sysv upstart-logd04:39
lamontThe following NEW packages will be installed:04:39
lamont  sysvinit04:39
lamont0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 7 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:39
lamontwhat's wrong with that picture?04:39
lamontmaybe having dapper and edgy deb lines in /etc/apt/sources.list is a bad idea...04:39
user__cjwatson, can the udeb be installed after %post ?04:41
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user__%post --nochroot 04:41
cjwatsonuser__: that's not meaningful04:42
cjwatsonudebs are all installed considerably earlier, but when they're installed doesn't have much bearing on when code in them is run04:42
cjwatsonuser__: Kickstart %post scripts are run from finish-install.d/01kickseed; anything later than 01 will be run after the %post script04:43
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HarryRheardly any of my shell scripts are working anymore after the upgrade04:52
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trappistHarryR: are they using #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash05:06
HarryR#!/usr/bin/env sh05:07
Ngsh on edgy is dash, not bash, so bashisms no longer work. change the sh to bash and you'll most likely be fine05:08
Ngsh means you want a POSIX shell05:08
thom(and this is entirely the wrong channel for support)05:08
HarryRbut don't you consider that's a politically bad decision to make the move from the de facto Bash shell to the less common de jure approach (have strict POSIX and like it!)05:12
Mithrandirno, it's a good thing.05:13
Mithrandirit's like saying that enforcing proper C++ is bad because some code breaks.05:13
Keybukbash isn't de facto anyway05:14
=== HarryR gives up the light troller'tainment and settles down
thomHarryR: note also that bash is only de facto on certain flavours of linux anyway05:15
HarryRIn the majority that I've used it certainly is05:15
sladenwhen code is known to be of correct syntax, we can process it faster.  It's taken a few years, but the world has come around to this with CSS/XHTML.  POSIX shell is similar05:15
Keybukindeed, a reasonable number of Linux distributions and every other flavour of UNIX in the world don't use bash as /bin/sh05:15
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thomKeybuk: OSX does at this point (10.1 was zsh as /bin/sh iirc), but that's about it afaik05:18
Keybukzsh -> sh is just wrong :p05:18
Keybukzsh isn't even vaguely posix05:18
HarryRyes but on the other hand it makes developers productivity slower05:18
KeybukHarryR: why does it?05:18
HarryRthink of how productive people were when they developed for IE alone05:18
Keybukdevelopers develop to standards05:18
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thom(good ones, anyway)05:18
HarryRall those features available, scrolling marques, brilliant effects which are only now being introduced into CSS 305:18
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HarryRit's almost as if the standards based approach is keeping the industry back from real innovation05:19
Keybuknote that bash is still installed in Ubuntu (it's still the default user shell), so nothing stops you using #!/bin/bash -- which is what you should have been doing before05:19
sladenHarryR: yes exactly.  unproductive for the developers and massively unproductive for people trying to view the result with either (a) a different version of MSIE, or (b) something that wasn't MSIE.  Like a linux-based browser for instance05:19
mjg59Could we not have this discussion here?05:19
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=== HarryR suggests #flame-wars
mjg59There's -offtopic05:20
=== Ng suggests just not bothering because it's a dumb argument ;)
HarryRoh im only yanking your chain05:20
Spadsoh, then you want ##chainyank.  That's down the hall05:21
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jdongcrimsun: Setting up flashplugin-nonfree ( ...05:58
jdongdownload or license refused05:58
jdongcrimsun: the new flashplugin upload adamantly refuses to install05:58
jdongregardless of my DEBIAN_FRONTEND choice05:58
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jdongcrimsun: it seems to fill in /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree-unpackdir for already downloaded location, which in turn fails the download06:07
thom /usr/lib? seems utterly broken06:07
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jdongconfig: db_set flashplugin-nonfree/local /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree-unpackdir06:08
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jdongIt would seem like somehow the local path was already set06:10
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jdongcrimsun: hmm, unsetting that makes it work again06:13
jdongcrimsun: I'm gonna assume it's a fluke on my system06:13
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dade`BenC: have you seen the query?06:14
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cjwatsonjdong: try 'dpkg-reconfigure debconf' rather than setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND in the environment06:19
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jdongcjwatson: got it sorted out.. Somehow my debconf had already a preset nonexistant local flash directory06:19
jdongwhich was coincidentally the same location as one in the debian/config script06:20
steveireHey. Is there some way I can know when my laptop makes a connection to the internet?06:20
jdongsteveire: I'm gonna get smacked for this, but have you tried using ping?06:20
cjwatsonsteveire: scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ are run when a PPP link comes up06:23
neuralissteveire: try the #ubuntu channel for support in the future. that said, dhclient has callbacks (shell scripts) that you could use to run logic such as checking for an internet connection (e.g. by connecting to google).06:23
steveirejdong: Wouldn't I need to run ping every minute/few minutes for that to be a solution? I'd like a scenario like this: Turn on laptop while not in a wireless zone. Walk into wireless zone. networkmanager connects. Networkmanager executes script.sh (The whole point of the operation)06:23
steveireneuralis: Ah, right. Sorry06:24
cjwatson... but if this isn't PPP then neuralis' suggestion is more appropriate.06:24
steveirecjwatson: I'll look into that. PPP means broadband, right?06:25
cjwatsoner, ish06:25
cjwatsonit's also used for dial-up06:25
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steveireCheers. Bye now.06:26
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thominteresting points06:35
cjwatsonBenC: do you have those Provides in fs-{core,secondary}-modules queued up? e.g. fs-secondary-modules Provides: affs-modules, fat-modules, hfs-modules, hfsplus-modules, nfs-modules, ntfs-modules, ufs-modules, vfat-modules06:44
Burgworkthom: I would love to simplify it like that06:47
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cjwatsoninfinity: can builddmaster/accepted be cleaned out a bit? drescher is short of disk and there's 112GB in there06:50
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slomo_infinity: hi... please give-back tomboy and gmime2.2 everywhere where it failed, must build fine now... thanks :)06:53
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cjwatsonBenC: if you could hold off on any further linux-source-2.6.19 uploads for a little bit, that would be good - drescher is running low on disk and another kernel upload would run it dangerously close to full07:04
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ajmitchSpads: pong?07:12
Spadsajmitch: hello07:12
Spadsajmitch: got a brief minute to chat about xen?07:12
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BenCcjwatson: Ok07:33
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jdongpygi: brasero doesn't use libburn for burning iso's, does it...08:36
pygijdong: mhmh, it should AFAIK?08:38
jdongpygi: well, on my edgy backport, ps aux still shows cdrecord.mmap's doing the job ;-)08:38
pygiergh, something is bad then :)08:39
pygijdong: will investigate tommorow :P08:39
jdongpygi: at least your bugs still leave the program working :)08:39
jdongpygi: you've earned my greatest respect for that ;-)08:39
pygijdong: ergh :P08:39
jdongpygi: now, why does my FC6 lamp install start gdm?08:40
pygiwell, Brasero always does a fallback08:40
pygiif it encounters any kind of problems08:40
jdongI see08:40
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pygijdong: tho it might be that some weird thing is happening at your place. I tried burning ISO file without any problems with no cdrecord08:41
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pygijdong: might also be some weird bug so I'll just investigate ^_^08:42
jdongpygi: would feisty libburn need to be backported to edgy?08:44
jdongpygi: I'm testing on edgy here, not feisty...08:44
pygijdong: nah08:44
pygijdong: they are same versions atm08:44
jdongmmkay, I'll stop pestering you with my libburn ignorance :)08:44
pygijdong: nah, you aren't, don't worry08:44
pygiI'm grateful for any reports ... we need to have something usable in place of cdrtools08:45
pygiand the infamous cdrkit08:45
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Kaleoraphink: bonjour08:48
pygijdong: so you are free to bug me whenever and for whatever at least burning related08:49
jdongpygi: ok :)08:49
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highvoltagepygi: you rock man08:51
pygihighvoltage: nah, you all rock ^_^08:51
highvoltagepygi: any progress with getting specifications for those writers?08:51
pygihighvoltage: nah :(08:51
pygihighvoltage: still working blindly :-/08:52
pygiand I have some problems with USB attached burning devices, and I have none to test on :-/08:52
highvoltageI'm sure there must be a way to get them.08:52
pygi(I mean, users are reporting problems)08:52
pygihighvoltage: I know, but oh well :-/08:52
pygiI'm helpless ... I don't have the drives or specs of Joerg ...08:53
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pygibut I have a wish, and that's all I need for now, everything else should be fine ... some day at least08:53
pygihighvoltage: cdrkit CANNOT evolve, nobody is willing to mess with code08:53
highvoltagewell, as far as I understand it's big and ugly.08:53
pygitrue, but let's not care about them :)08:53
pygiwe should take care of libburn ;)08:54
pygiso my task sometime soon is to try to get some sponsor for drives :P08:55
pygiI doubt anybody local would help FOSS project (Croatia is bad in that regard), so will poke some people outside that I know08:55
pygifor specs, we'll need a plan ^_^08:55
=== jdong kicks FC6 xen for not networking
highvoltagedrives are cheap here. i'd even be willing to buy at least one drive and ship it over there.08:56
pygihighvoltage: nah, don't worry.08:56
Ngpygi: are there specific things that need testing? I have a couple of USB burners I could use08:56
pygiNg: there are actually, on different set of kernels...08:57
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pygiNg: 2.6.19rc5 for example, and series of 2.6.1808:57
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pygiseveral oopses appear, and I have no idea what to suggest for testing since everything we tried didn't help08:58
Ngpygi: I'm just upgrading my desktop to feisty now08:58
pygiNg: ok08:59
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pygihighvoltage: I have time for everything, for spec even. Libburn happened over night .... but I want it to stay here for some time ^_^09:02
pygihighvoltage: lets just be patient ^_^09:02
highvoltagepygi: I'm willing to be patient09:03
pygiI know ^_^09:03
highvoltagepygi: I do think that there are big benefits for pygi though09:03
highvoltageI mean, libburn :)09:03
pygiperhaps, we'll see :)09:03
highvoltageand I think there are many who could benefit by funding the development09:03
pygiAs I already said, I think there are far better devs then me ...09:03
highvoltagethat's true for just about every developer :)09:04
pygitrue, but it's interesting why everyone is talking so much about burning sucks this, and that, bla, bla ...09:04
pygibut nobody does anything09:04
pygifor example, posted on forum call for opinions about should I include beagle dep in Brasero ...09:05
pygithey started flaming me beagle is bad, that I should include tracker (which isnt implemented upstream!!!), and that they'll fork all projects if I don't , bla, bla :P09:05
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highvoltagewell, that's what you get for posting to forums :p09:06
pygiyes, I understand that ^_^09:06
pygibut some kind of general opinion like that is everywhere ...09:06
pygiyou suck, we'll fork you altought we don't know a thing about this :)))09:06
pygicdrkit is one of biggest mistakes debian did09:07
pygialtought I agree that cdrecord era could not be continued...09:07
pygiNg: I could use your services for testing later then if you are willing ^_^09:07
highvoltageI'm not sure Debian had much of a choice.09:08
pygiYes, that's why I said that the cdrecord era couldn't be continued...09:08
pygibut they rushed in it without too much thinking...09:08
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Ngpygi: certainly09:08
pygibut anyway, I'm just exactly no one to judge about that09:08
pygiNg: thank you 09:09
pygiI'm neither debian, neither I'm a ubuntu dev, or whatever09:09
pygiso my opinion is worth 0 :)09:09
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pygihighvoltage: so feel free to ignore me ;)09:11
_ionRe: brasero, i have a faint memory of someone talking about implementing tracker support to brasero. I could remember incorrectly, though.09:11
_ionThat is, someone planning to implement it.09:11
highvoltagepygi: hey! I'm not ignoring you!09:11
pygi_ion: yes, and forking ^_^09:12
pygihighvoltage: I know, but I'm saying you are free to :)09:12
highvoltagepygi: neither do I think your opiniong is worth '0'09:12
highvoltagepygi: don't put too much value on what other people think09:12
pygi_ion: let them fork whatever they want. Actually, I'd like to see can they change one line of code in libburn without breaking things ^_^09:12
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pygihighvoltage: don't worry for me :)09:13
_ionThe discussion i saw was *definitely* not about forking. I wish i'd remember *where* that discussion was. Perhaps the tracker or gnome-something mailing list.09:13
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pygi_ion: actually, me and Phillip talked about creating indexing abstraction layer. But it'll take some time even if we decide to implement it.09:13
pygi_ion: gimme some time for things, I'm busy09:13
pygi_ion: but I don't like the attitude that I *MUST* do something or *ELSE* ...09:14
_ionpygi: AFAIK the tracker and beagle guys are planning a standard dbus API, which both of them are going to implement in the future.09:15
pygi_ion: that's very nice.09:15
_ionWho has such attitude? Some random people at the forums?09:15
pygi_ion: ofcourse, lol ^_^09:16
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_ionYou're better off ignoring the opinions people have there. ;-)09:17
vdepizzolthere is any plan to distribuite gaim in next ubuntu with a different icon theme?09:17
pygivdepizzol: what about apt-get-ing other icon themes? :)09:17
vdepizzolpygi: gaim only accepts acctually one theme, because its icons are freely in /usr/share/gaim :\09:19
pygivdepizzol: artistic questions are well, at least debatable ... so default wherever we can, and make users know they have a choice ^_^09:19
pygivdepizzol: feel free to write a python script which'll change that. Make sure to rename all old files from something.something to something.something.backup and recreate new files in there ^_^09:19
pygivdepizzol: actually, should be quite trivial to enable changing theme in gaim.09:20
Adri2000mvo: you've just uploaded the merge of pppoeconf... but I had already done it, was waiting on malone bug #72370 :-/09:20
UbugtuMalone bug 72370 in pppoeconf "[Merge]  pppoeconf 1.12ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7237009:20
vdepizzolpygi: right09:20
pygivdepizzol: got it at least? :)09:20
pygivdepizzol: and second task is to bug upstream about making theme switchable ;)09:21
pygiso we can see several benefits of work ^_^09:21
fdovinganyone able to check status of kopete in edgy-proposed for me?09:21
vdepizzolpygi: I really need to learn python :P...09:22
pygivdepizzol: well, you are free to start ... there are so much great books09:22
vdepizzolpygi: Jackub Steiner created a icon theme for gaim following tango guidelines: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4004709:22
pygivdepizzol: nice, but as I said ... you cannot get the taste of everyone with one option ... 09:22
vdepizzolpygi: uhum09:23
pygivdepizzol: some love, some don't like default theme, but either is fine09:23
pygiwe provide you with everything you need to change theme ^_^09:23
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pygihey BenC 09:24
BenCpygi: hello09:24
mvoAdri2000: oh, I'm very sorry :(09:24
mvoAdri2000: I will fix it09:25
pygiBenC: I shall bug one day soon if you allow. I need to know about some of SCSI commands filters in kernel, even the new .19rc5 09:25
Adri2000mvo: fix it?09:25
mvoAdri2000: look at the diff and see how it differs09:26
slomo_BenC: hi... are there any known problems with the feisty kernel and DMA on via ide controllers that make hdparm just output "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted"?09:26
Adri2000mvo: except the changelog, I don't think it differs much :)09:27
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mvoAdri2000: oh, ok. I will double check. sorry for that again ./ 09:32
Adri2000mvo: diff just confirmed what I thought: only the changelog differs. anyway, I forgive you :p09:32
=== mvo hugs Adri2000
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lifelessmdz: so I have a crude email-gathering hwdb-client09:35
lifelessmdz: doing some polish to make it acceptable next.09:36
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imbrandonmoins all09:39
ajmitchhi imbrandon 09:39
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imbrandonmdz: is there a way to get intouch with the forums council yet, or has it been formed, i've emailed a few times about the annoying google ad's on the forums but they seem to have not gotten through or have been ignored, i would really like to see those ad's go away09:41
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tormodslomo, bug #7225509:44
UbugtuMalone bug 72255 in linux-source-2.6.19 "hard disk speed regression (DMA is off)" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7225509:44
slomo_tormod: thanks09:46
mdzlifeless: great, thanks09:46
mdzimbrandon: I'm not sure, ask the CC09:46
mc44any set plan for when the next tech board / CC are going to be?09:47
ajmitchmdz: how much longer will we have for spec review & approval?09:48
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mdzajmitch: next thursday (I've added it to the schedule)09:51
ajmitchalright, thanks09:51
LaserJockmdz: what's the proper procedure for getting a review?09:57
LaserJockrandom poking? ;-)09:57
mdzLaserJock: launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-reviewers09:58
LaserJockmdz: thanks09:59
LaserJockit would also have helped if I had remebered to mark it "Review" again :/09:59
LaserJocksmurf: can I get a review on edubuntu-menus-completion ? I fixed your comments. thanks.10:05
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sivangLaserJock: what sort of review is this?10:16
LaserJocksivang: spec10:18
sivangLaserJock: ah10:18
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unfohi all, feature-idea: feisty could come with apache2+php5 preconfigured, but apache2 would not start up until the user puts files in ~/public_html11:41
unfothen, as soon as you do, FAM triggers a message "Apache2 is starting, please wait".11:42
unfogood idea? bad idea?11:42
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unfoor, it could pop up a paperclip icon in the systray.  When you click it, it could offer to install apache2 + php5 + current mysql for you.11:57
HrdwrBoBwhat desktop user needs a apache2+php511:57
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lifelessHrdwrBoB: crackful ones clearly11:59
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unfoHrdwrBoB: any desktop user who wants to host a phpbb, mediawiki, or such on their box.11:59
unfoDynamic DNS is easy to set up nowadays.12:00
_ionLet's install GW-BASIC in dosbox by default! That would rule!12:00
unfo_ion: it would be cool.12:00
HrdwrBoBunfo: er12:00
HrdwrBoBand these users are not capable of doing it themselves?12:00
unfo_ion: or at least freedos.12:00
unfoHrdwrBoB: many are not capable.12:00
_ionhrdwrbob: Well, it's *php* they're using. ;-)12:01
lifelessunfo: I think the idea of noting the user tried to use public_html a nd doing something as a result is interesting12:01
lifelessunfo: preinstalling apache2 etc etc etc is likely not the right thing to do IMO12:01
=== wiiprush [n=jorge@d192-24-54-136.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
unfolifeless: maybe it could even offer to install php and/or mod_perl and/or rails depending on the filetype dropped.12:03
HrdwrBoB.. mod_perl!?12:03
lifelessunfo: thats getting somewhere. 12:04
HrdwrBoBif you are coding mod perl and you don't know how to install apache12:04
HrdwrBoByou should be shot12:04
HrdwrBoBthough I don't disagree with the basic premise12:04
unfoHrdwrBoB: i plan to teach my younger brother perl sometime.12:05
unfolifeless: hmm, and it could offer to install a dynamic dns auto-updater client.  If it did so, though, it would automatically set you up for daily dist-upgrades.12:05
unfoThe auto-updater client would prompt you for a dyndns.org username and password.12:05
bhaleMicrosoft doesnt tell their developers that they "should be shot" if they cant admin IIS and MS SQL server12:06
bhaleand it is probably against our CoC12:06
HrdwrBoBunfo: perl != mod12:06
HrdwrBoBbhale: mod_perl is not perl12:06
bhaledid I use the word perl?12:06
HrdwrBoBok, remove the 'shooting' language12:06
unfoThen it would tell you "Your new webpage is accessible at 'machinename' from your PC or 'someusername.dyndns.org' from the greater Internet."12:07
HrdwrBoBI have to support a very large terrible behemoth of a disaster of a website that's written in mod_perl, so it's a touchy subject :/12:07
lifelessunfo: I think what you want is something like - 'you have setup a personal home page but there is no server operating on this machine. Would you like to run our 'homepage server wizard'? '12:08
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lifelessunfo: that wizard can then ask a bunch of questions as needed12:08
unfoHrdwrBoB: :-)12:09

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