
=== Dinofly [n=dinofly@vbo91-1-82-238-217-179.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatomoin Hobbsee && Hobbsee|1emote01:26
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbsee_thanks to whoever fixed my multimedia keys!01:32
Hobbsee|1emotehey Jucato 01:32
=== Hobbsee|1emote wonders why that didnt come up on her local client
Jucatowhich Hobbsee do I talk to? :)01:33
HobbseeJucato: whichever.   this one01:33
HobbseeJucato: the other is in a screen session on stevenk's computer, so...01:33
Hobbseemost of the time, i'm not there01:34
JucatoHobbsee: getting kernel panic in feisty using 2.6.19-6-generic kernel. normal? known? or I'm just screwed up?01:34
HobbseeJucato: i dont know about it, more info required.01:34
HobbseeJucato: what'd the /var/log/syslog say about it?01:34
Jucatoer... lol forgot to check :)01:35
=== Hobbsee only got kernel panics with one application
Jucatoit's on VMWare btw01:35
Hobbseeit was something i was testing...01:35
Jucato(if that matters)01:35
Hobbseeahh - bit hard to mount hte drive on that basis, probably01:35
Jucatohm... but the 2.6.17 kernel works fine... it's the only one I can use right now in feisty...01:36
Hobbseei dont know if it supports vmware - no idea01:37
=== Hobbsee|1emote is now known as Hobbsee|Remote
Jucatooh ok :)01:37
=== freeflying [i=flyingfr@gobstopper.dreamhost.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHobbsee: lol! now it works...01:45
HobbseeJucato: :)01:45
Jucatoafter, around 7 tries, it finally boots into the feisty kernel :)01:46
freeflyingmorning all01:49
Jucatomorning freeflying01:49
Hobbseehey freeflying!01:50
=== lnxkde [n=vlos@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechWhat were you getting to kernel panic?02:12
JucatoDaSkreech: dont' know anymore... coz for some strange reason, after the nth try, it works02:13
DaSkreechHm msounds like my installation of sawfish02:13
DaSkreechwhats the deal with propietary drivers by default?02:20
DaSkreechdoes that mean really really really easy enable of them or if they are detected at install they are installed?02:20
apokryphosthere's a spec about it02:20
apokryphosthe latter02:20
DaSkreechMan  that's depressing :(02:21
Jucato... :(02:22
apokryphosit's pretty much necessary for them to get beryl/compiz in by default on the widerscale02:22
Hobbseehey apokryphos 02:23
apokryphoshiya Hobbsee02:23
DaSkreechI'd so much rather a really easy button?02:23
DaSkreechIt's feels so much like giving up 02:23
Jucatoditto DaSkreech02:23
JucatoI'd rather they develop someway to make the installation of drivers and beryl easy and painless02:24
DaSkreechIsn't this in direct contravention to the Ubuntu phiosphy?02:25
DaSkreechI can see people carving up the Ubuntu=MS stamps now02:25
Jucatonot according to sabdfl02:25
apokryphosnot entirely. They've said from the beginning that they'd include proprietary things when it's "practical"02:25
DaSkreechI'm not sure bling bling is practical in a OS or a general life sense02:26
Jucatoand the commitment/philosophy is to provide a free OS. it's still free, although not in the FSF sense of the term02:26
apokryphosDaSkreech: in truth they're not doing much new by doing this now. The GPL is also not violated because of the way things are set up (SLA security, etc)02:26
DaSkreechThen why can't Korroa ship?02:26
DaSkreech(spelling is wrong)02:27
apokryphosUbuntu's going to, like Novell, through the reproduction burden onto the user02:28
apokryphosbut again, that's not new. That's exactly how nvidia-glx works right now02:28
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechKonvi krashed02:34
DaSkreechapokryphos: Sorry you were saying?02:34
DaSkreechJucato: Naw History is a great thing :)02:34
DaSkreechWhat reproduction burden?02:39
seelewow, lots of feedback about grub03:15
seelepeople must really want a tool to configure it :)03:15
Hobbseehey seele!03:16
Hobbseeseele: is there any feedback you still need?03:17
Jucatoseele: in your blog post?03:17
seeleHobbsee: i havnt had time to go through all the comments yet, but if you have something to say, feel free :)03:17
seeleJucato: ja03:17
Hobbseeseele: neither have i, hence i probably dont have things to say :P03:17
Jucatoah nice. I read the post... didn't read the responses :)03:17
Jucatoafaik, Mandriva/PCLOS has a nice (a.k.a. working) GRUB GUI editor03:19
imbrandonmoins Jucato , seele , and Hobbsee !03:26
Hobbseehey imbrandon!03:26
Jucatohi imbrandon@03:26
Jucatoer.. s/@/!03:26
imbrandonseele: yea they really do, there ahev been requests for a LONG time for it03:27
=== Jucato needs to take a very quick nap... just to let his asthma pass a bit...
JucatoGRUB eye candy... :)03:27
=== jack_wyt [n=jack@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hawkwindw00t, Feisty is now installed and running :)03:45
Hobbseeyay :)03:49
=== Hobbsee ntoes that there are a lot of bugs in kdebase
jdongand speaking of a lot of bugs03:51
=== poningru [n=poningru@pool-71-243-246-253.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: is there any plans to switch back to using media:/ instead of /media/ ?03:53
Hobbseemedia:/ seems to be working for more people, looking at these bug reports03:54
Hobbseethat being said, i like how /media/ is taking the drive names, instead of just how big they are, as media:/ does03:54
robotgeeki hate media:/ as it did not work in nonkde apps, how is that handled now?03:54
Hobbseerobotgeek: i'm not sure. that's a point.  then i guess that they use /media/03:58
robotgeekHobbsee: yeah, it blows to have a save dialog and it not working03:59
imbrandonHobbsee: no there isnt plans to go back 04:14
imbrandonrobotgeek: yea that was the main reason for it , because it breaks no kde apps04:15
robotgeekit is very frustrating, cause you can see the damn thing there, but not save it!04:15
crimsunfools shouldn't be using non-kde apps nohow.04:16
imbrandonyup, thus media:/ is gone ( only from kde3 for us ) but kde4 wont have it at all04:16
robotgeekcrimsun: i use firefox when konqueror does not render properly04:16
crimsun('twas a joke if you couldn't tell by the syntax ;)04:17
imbrandoncrimsun: heheh04:17
imbrandonrobotgeek: i thought you just booted into OSX when it dident work ( just kidding )04:17
robotgeekimbrandon: no, i dont ever boot into OS X anymore, just run it from withing linux04:18
imbrandonugh phone again04:18
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lengauDoes anyone know where to go to request packages for future releases?07:15
nixternallengau: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates07:23
lengaunixternal: Thanks. I've been looking all night, but it never dawned on me to check the obvious place :)07:23
=== Jucato wonders why dekorator 0.3 never made it to Edgy...
nixternalno problem07:27
HobbseeJucato: because no one packaged it, probably07:33
Jucatoaw... not popular enough? :)07:33
JucatoHobbsee: is the Ubuntu Packaging Guide the recommended way to compile from source and build packages? (alternative to make install/checkinstall?)07:34
HobbseeJucato: for private use, or to go into repos?07:35
Jucatoboth :)07:35
Hobbseethe former07:35
Jucatook. I'll read it in my free time :)07:36
=== Jucato wishes his phone could read docbooks too...
=== Jucato sees another picture of Quinn Storm in Melissa Draper's gallery
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Mez is half tempted to upgrade to feisty
crimsunc'mon, you can be insane like the rest of us!09:48
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nixternaloh well, no sleep for me i guess09:51
=== pascalFR [i=WMO6r3Bn@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsuneh? S.O. not recovered from your last cooked meal?09:51
nixternalxS.O. ;)09:51
crimsunI hope I'm not shoving my foot in my mouth09:52
nixternalahh the family pooch might have just started her journey to a better place09:52
crimsunoh, right09:52
nixternalright as I was heading up, i heard the old man freaking out yelling the dogs name09:52
nixternalhe took off for the animal hospital09:53
crimsunhope she's in less pain, then09:54
nixternalya, me too09:54
nixternali was holding her while he got his stuff ready and she started to convulse..that was enough for me..im a weakling to that stuff09:54
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Enola_Gayhi all11:00
Enola_GayDoes anyone know why klik isn't integrated in Kubuntu?11:00
Enola_GayOr at least in the repository?11:00
Riddellsecurity and technical issues11:02
Enola_GayRiddell: ok, thanks11:03
Jucatooh cool, the python-sip4 problem seems to be fixed already :)11:07
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RiddellJucato: well, one of them11:15
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Jucatothe current version of KOffice in fesity is 1.5.2?11:47
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Riddellyes, I uploaded 1.6.0 but it failed and I'm not fixing it since I'm working on 1.6.1 now11:49
Jucatoah cool 1.6.1 :)11:50
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=== paddy [n=irc@HSI-KBW-085-216-045-131.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@56.207.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbseehey Tonio__ 12:44
Tonio__Riddell: just saw your comments on jabbin.... I'll have a look at the qca-tls, but that looks like optional stuff...12:44
Tonio__Riddell: and concerning dolphin I missed that it was in debian (wasn't when I did the package in fact)12:45
mhbhi all12:45
Hobbseehey mhb!12:45
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-71-243.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MidMarkguys there is a big problem in usb storage management in kubuntu12:49
MidMarkif you umount a pen drive that has still some writing data in cache the icon in kde disappears before it finish to write to the usb storage12:49
MidMarka person think that can take off the usb but will destroy for certain data12:50
MidMarkis it known?12:50
Tonio__MidMark: yes12:51
Tonio__MidMark: I don't know if the issue is in our patches or in kde but that's a known issue12:51
MidMarkthis doesn't occur with Dapper12:51
MidMarkTonio__: is already reported in launchpad? number?12:52
Tonio__MidMark: I don't know for launchpad, but that is known and already discussed here12:52
MidMarkok, it's a pitty, every release of Kubuntu has a dozens of critical bugs unresolved...12:53
Hobbsee|RemoteTonio__: it's reported in launchpad, too12:54
HobbseeMidMark: feel free to start fixing12:54
MidMarkI think 6 month cycle (4 for Edgy) it's a little too fast cycle, produce cutting edge12:54
Tonio__Hobbsee hope you know the bug id :)12:54
HobbseeTonio__: i can find it, in a sec12:54
MidMarkHobbsee: I'm a bug report and bug fuzz, take a look to my bug reported list12:55
MidMarkthis take time too12:55
HobbseeTonio__: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6194612:55
UbugtuMalone bug 61946 in kdebase "umount progress dialog missing in Edgy" [Undecided,Confirmed]  12:55
Hobbseevarious other umount stuff broken as well12:55
Tonio__yep this one :)12:55
Tonio__hum it looks like I packaged jabbin and dilphin too fast hehe :)12:56
=== Hobbsee notes taht she's been bitten by that
mhbit's probably known that the documentation (k-d-g, release notes) in Edgy is only in English ... is it planned to fix it in an update?12:57
Hobbseemhb: do they have translations for it in rosetta?12:57
mhbHobbsee: 100%. it's just not in Edgy help center12:58
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mhbHobbsee: it was translated before the deadline, but somehow it hasn't been included in Edgy12:58
Hobbseemhb: ah right.  *pokes nixternal*12:59
Hobbseemhb: absolutely no idea why, i dont tend to deal in translations01:00
mhbI think it was mentioned somewhere, but I don't know any LP bug number01:00
Hobbseeit's probably in the great lot of kdebase.01:00
mhbHobbsee: I know it's neither your area of expertise nor your fault .o)01:02
mhbI'll wait for nixternal probably01:02
HobbseeMidMark: i cant search for your reported bugs, if you didnt give a LP ID01:04
MidMarkHobbsee: ah sorry I'm Cimmo on launchpad01:04
Hobbseeah, which is why i wouldnt have guessed01:05
MidMarkalso I'm a vast list of subscribed ones01:05
=== Hobbsee looks at this merge
Tonio__Riddell: concerning jabbin and libqca, that looks like optionnal feature and isn't a compilation option, so it probably should be recommended and not be set as a dependancy right ?01:09
JucatoTonio__: will kpkgmanager be in your repo soon? I'll be glad to test it on feisty :)01:10
Tonio__Jucato: bah it was rediscussed....01:10
Tonio__Jucato: it looks like unmaintained for a year in fact01:10
Jucatoaw.. :(01:10
Tonio__so we will probably not spend time on this01:10
Jucatooh well, more time to focus on Adept, eh? :)01:11
Tonio__Jucato: yes... ;)01:11
=== Jucato thinks he saw mornfall in here yesterday
=== oslo [n=oslo@alf94-5-82-225-102-119.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
workmorni'll release 2.2 when it's ready01:13
Jucatohi workmorn/mornfall :)01:14
Tonio__workmorn: bah in fact we were comparing the functionnalities of kpkgmanager to adept, and it was interesting to get kpkgmanager in the repos too01:15
workmornwhat's kpkgmanager01:15
=== workmorn looks
Tonio__workmorn: but as it is unmaintained, there is probably no interest to put that in, even universe01:15
Tonio__workmorn: a simple component that can be installed and used with kio-apt01:16
workmornah ok, so it's the one i have seen01:16
Tonio__workmorn: it is efficient and works well, but is unmaintained01:16
Tonio__but the idea is pretty good01:16
Tonio__workmorn: are you aware we tested the debconf/qt thing ? it works well :)01:19
workmornwhich debconf/qt thing? :)01:19
Tonio__the only thing is that it would be nice if the env variable to make debconf use "kde" was set be adept when launched01:19
workmornyou know, it is :)01:20
Tonio__workmorn: ah ? in the wip stuff ?01:20
workmornno, in released version01:20
Tonio__workmorn: hehe is it in edgy ? 01:21
Tonio__s/edgy/feisty ?01:21
workmorn    if (cache::Global::get().packages()01:21
workmorn        .packageByName( "libqt-perl" ).isInstalled())01:21
workmorn        putenv( "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=kde" );01:21
Tonio__we had to dpkg-reconfigure debconf to get it to work when testing01:21
Tonio__workmorn: hehe cool01:21
workmornTonio__: it's there since dapper or so01:21
workmornunless you changed name of libqt-perl somehow :)01:22
Tonio__workmorn: hum, I'll look at that since it didn't ork for us, even with libqt-perl installed01:22
workmornTonio__: it doesn't work because kdesu borks xauth01:23
workmornTonio__: or that was the case last time i checked01:23
Tonio__workmorn: hum yes maybe01:23
Tonio__I think we had to perform an xhost+01:23
Tonio__if my remembering is correct01:23
Tonio__workmorn: let me test ;)01:24
workmornxhost + EWW01:24
Tonio__workmorn: confirmed, that doesn't work due to kdesu01:25
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workmornTonio__: i think it worked in debian, so it was sudo related, but it probably won't work these days anyways01:26
workmornno matter01:26
Tonio__workmorn: interesting01:26
Tonio__workmorn: well we'll rediscuss thislater, we have time to get that in01:26
workmorni had it definitely tested, so who knows :)01:26
RiddellTonio__: if it's a compilation option it should be a build-dep most likely01:27
Tonio__Riddell: it is "not" a compilation option01:27
Tonio__Riddell: and that's not required for jabbin to work01:27
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Tonio__Riddell: it is used as a "plugin" in fact01:27
Tonio__Riddell: so should be recommended eventually, but not a dep or builddep01:28
Riddellah, so yes recommended sounds right01:28
Tonio__Riddell: this is the reason I didn't put that as a builddep01:28
Tonio__Riddell: concerning the amd64 issue........ I cannot test unfortunately01:28
Tonio__Riddell: I'll correct all I can, unsure it builds on i386 and reupload01:28
RiddellI'll try it on my powerpc and see what happens01:29
Tonio__Riddell: okay ;)01:29
Tonio__Riddell: concerning the licence, it is one of those stupid copy/paste with klipper ;) sometimes it doesn't take the last copied thing as the clipboard01:30
Tonio__and concerning dolphin, it wasn't in debian when I did the package, but now of course I'll request for a sync01:30
Tonio_Riddell: okay ftbfs on i386 aswell now01:32
Tonio_Riddell: it worked 2 weeks ago :)01:32
Tonio_lib version issue or something, I'll have a look at this01:32
Tonio_Riddell: I'll also check at qt-x11-free-dbg today01:34
gnomefreakTonio_: did you remove kpkgmanager from your repo?01:35
Tonio_Riddell: the "letters with combinason" doesn't work anymore (again !)01:35
Tonio_gnomefreak: yep01:35
gnomefreakah ok01:35
Tonio_^e i01:35
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=== Tonio_ restart xorg
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@56.207.103-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hum the issue is xorg this time....01:51
Tonio_not qt-x1101:51
Riddellwhat issue?01:52
Tonio_Riddell: combinason keys don't work01:53
Tonio_Riddell: ^e e ^o01:54
Tonio_Riddell: fails in a tty even after a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:54
Tonio_Riddell: I fixed that error in edgy in qt-x11-free package, but the problem looks like related to X this time01:55
Tonio_and don't tell me "use english keyboard !" ^^01:56
Riddellkeyboard layout is an X issue01:58
Tonio_yes but in edgy the issue was with the qt-x11 package, I just had to sync with debian to resolve the issue...01:59
Tonio_not this time01:59
Tonio_I have to quit for 15 minutes (electricity down)01:59
gnomefreakRiddell: ty for the python-qt fix ;)02:09
Riddellmmm, now I need to work out how to fix pyqt3 and pykde02:11
Hobbseeneed my long pointy stick to help with that?02:12
HobbseeRiddell: how's it broken?02:12
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Jucatoooh jpatrick02:12
Hobbseehey jpatrick!  LTNS!02:12
=== Hobbsee tells gnucash to upload faster
jpatrickhi Jucato02:13
Jucatoooh LTNS.. :)02:13
=== Jucato learns a new acronym
jpatrickHobbsee: yeah, I've got mately with the kubuntu-es dudes again02:14
Hobbseefun :)02:14
jpatrickI wonder... Riddell: ping02:14
Riddellhi jpatrick 02:14
jpatrickRiddell: Hi again, the guys at kubuntu-es.org are asking me if it were possible to get the subdomain of es.kubuntu.org02:15
=== workmorn is now known as morn|off
Riddellwhat for?  you already have kubuntu-es.org02:16
Riddellwhich seems to redirect to some other random domain02:16
jpatrickthey say "to look like we're closer to the official kubuntu"02:17
jpatrickyeah, tmp hot02:17
Jucatoheh :)02:17
Riddelldoesn't canonical host that site now?02:18
jpatrickwe're in the process of moving (right now)02:18
Riddellmoving to canonical?02:18
Jucatodoesn't kubuntu-es.org follow the LoCo naming policy more closely than es.kubuntu.org?02:18
jpatricka canonical server02:18
RiddellI think canonical has a policy of giving out the -xx.org domains which presumably means they don't do xx.foo.org domains02:19
jpatrickok, I'll tell them that02:19
Riddellgnomefreak: by the way have you tested hwdb-kde with the new pyqt4?02:21
gnomefreakRiddell: no im just now installing kubuntu-desktop02:21
Riddelllet me know if it actually works02:22
gnomefreaki will look at it as soon as the downloading/installing it done02:22
HobbseeRiddell: seems to work.  02:23
HobbseeRiddell: the hardware testing database, where it tests for sound and display and all that, right?02:23
Hobbseeit's working02:23
RiddellHobbsee: yes, great, thanks :)02:24
Jucatoworking here, too :)02:24
=== Hobbsee tells it that kubuntu did *not* detect the correct resolution
Jucatolol said that too when I ran hwdb on Edgy a while ago02:25
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Jucatowill edgy-commercial have packages?02:34
Riddellnot sure02:36
Riddellseems logical that it should but i02:36
Riddellif it doesn't have anything at the moment, I guess not02:36
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-196-4.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: I'm starting to merge (all the day)02:42
Tonio_Riddell: no problem if I do adept ?02:42
RiddellTonio_: I'm working on pyqt and pykde02:42
Tonio_Riddell: okay02:42
Riddellnot at all, go ahead02:42
Riddellping here when you start working on something so we don't duplicate stuff02:42
Tonio_Riddell: that's what I wanted to do indeed02:43
Tonio_Riddell: second thing will be kdebindings, I'll try to fix the build issue on feisty02:43
Riddellgood luck :)02:46
Tonio_Riddell: hehe, yeah I know :)02:47
Tonio_Riddell: concerning guidance, I'll probably build from svn instead of syc with debian, that's the way we usually do02:47
Riddellsync the packaging with debian02:49
Jucatospeaking of guidance... doesn't the description (and System Settings) probably need to be updated to include mention of the wineconfig module?02:49
RiddellI didn't enable wineconfig because it had various issues02:51
Riddellfor example it should be disabled if you don't have wine installed02:51
HobbseeJucato: can you confirm https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bug/73003 ?02:52
UbugtuMalone bug 73003 in kdepim "korganizer does not start from K Menu -> run dialog" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  02:52
=== Hobbsee doesnt have edgy here
JucatoHobbsee: I think I already did02:52
Hobbseeah right02:52
Jucatoer wait.. different bug02:52
RiddellHobbsee: that's a known bug02:54
Jucatoit might be related to the other korganizer bug02:54
Tonio_Riddell: okay I'll sync with debian then02:55
Tonio_Hobbsee|Remote: confirmed02:56
Jucatoconfirmed too02:56
Tonio_Hobbsee|Remote: same issue when clicking the systray icon, doesn't start02:56
JucatoTonio_: that's bug 6834102:56
UbugtuMalone bug 68341 in kdepim "Korganizer icon in the System Tray doesn't start Korganizer" [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6834102:56
Tonio_Jucato: okay I'll have a look toonight, after my merging day :)02:57
Jucatothanks! :)02:57
Jucatobtw, hasn't that "KDEinit could not launch <appname>" been a bug for a long time?02:57
Tonio_Riddell: concerning guidance, I'll sync the packaging but what about the tarball ? Shouldn't I take it from svn as we usually do ?02:58
Jucatohappens everytime I launch KInfoCenter through Katapult02:58
Tonio_Jucato: hum confirmed too, can you post a launchpad bug plz ?02:58
JucatoTonio_: ok. I'll try digging for a KDE bug report too02:59
Tonio_Jucato: thanks02:59
=== Tonio_ misses his dualcore :'( adept is very long to build
Tonio_Jucato: concerning kinfocenter, that's a katapult issue, so please report the bug for katapult :)03:01
Jucatono, it happens in Alt+F2, also03:02
Tonio_Jucato: ah03:02
Jucatomight be related to the korganizer bug Hobbsee mentioned03:02
Jucatobug for kdelibs?03:02
Tonio_Jucato: bug for kinfocenter then, it doesn't like to be launched without any parameter03:02
RiddellTonio_: if you want, but it's quite fiddly to do (need to get all the translations out too)03:02
Jucatoalthough in kinfocenter's case, it launches despite the error. in korganizer's case, it doesn't launch at all03:03
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I know but don't mind, I'm used to it, I already synced guidance several times03:03
Tonio_svn2dist is my friend :)03:03
Tonio_Jucato: I would say an issue in the desktop file for kinfocenter03:04
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Tonio_Jucato: just report the bug and I'll try to fix it03:04
JucatoTonio_: sure thing :)03:05
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JucatoTonio_: excuse me, what package should I select for the bug report? kdebase? (kinfocenter doesn't exist in Ubuntu)03:11
JucatoTonio_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/7300803:15
UbugtuMalone bug 73008 in kdebase ""KDEInit could not launch 'kinfocenter'" when launching KInfoCenter from Katapult or Run Command" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  03:15
Jucatobtw, both bugs about korganizer aren't present in Feisty03:18
Tonio_Jucato: aren't ?03:19
Tonio_Riddell: just done kipi-plugins while adept is building, fyi03:19
JucatoTonio_: yes. I can launch Korganizer from Alt+F2 normally, and the system tray icon behaves normally03:19
morn|offTonio_: adept is still building? oh dear :)03:20
Tonio_morn|off: yes :'(03:20
RiddellTonio_: going to change it to recommend graphicsmagick?03:20
Tonio_Riddell: hum does it work with it ? I though it was still using imagemagick03:21
RiddellTonio_: yes, but actually it'll need graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat03:21
Tonio_so I may recommend both in fact03:22
RiddellI guess so, graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat | imagemagick03:22
Tonio_yep that's what I thought about :)03:22
Tonio_okay let's do that03:23
Tonio_Jucato: hum, the korganizer issue has been resolved somehow, I cannot reproduce it anymore03:29
JucatoTonio_: in Edgy or in Feisty?03:30
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Tonio_Jucato: feisty03:30
Tonio_Jucato: but that didn't work a couple of days ago03:30
Tonio_yes, maybe rebuilding kdelibs or kdebase in the last days fixed it somehow...... weird anyway03:30
freeflying_Riddell: any good news about qt-3.3.7? 03:31
Jucatothere were some kdepim updates a while ago03:31
Tonio_Jucato: yes but not in the past days when the issue has been resolved I think03:32
Tonio_I don't remember seeing a kdepim upload (maybe I'm wrong btw)03:32
Riddellfreeflying_: I've not had a chance to look at it yet, and I'm not sure I will be able to before I go away at the weekend03:33
Riddellfreeflying_: it's strange, there shouldn't be anything changed03:33
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freeflying_Riddell: :) it's really strange03:35
Riddellfreeflying_: you could try recompiling it without the patch for visibility03:36
freeflying_Riddell: okay, I'll recompile it this weekend03:37
faboRiddell, Tonio_ if you have time to upload icecc-monitor : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=351503:48
Tonio_fabo: let me look03:48
Tonio_fabo: is it waiting for debian or is that already i unstable ?03:50
faboit's in etch/sid03:50
Tonio_fabo: okay :) I'm revuing and uploading03:51
Riddellso it can just be synced rather than a separate upload?03:51
Tonio_Riddell: let me look at the changelog03:51
RiddellTonio_: check it compiles and runs, then file a sync request03:51
Tonio_yup no change.... can just be synced03:51
Tonio_Riddell: yeah I'm doing this03:51
faboon my recent upload to revu, all are sync except strig03:51
Riddellfabo: why not strigi?03:52
faboRiddell: a minor linda fix requested by Hobbsee ;)03:53
faboTonio_: if you are motivated -> kbarcode and kscope to sync too03:54
faboi'm reviewing kde-extras package right now for feisty ...03:54
Tonio_fabo: later probably ;)03:55
Tonio_fabo: I have a bunch of merges to perform today03:55
fabok np ;)03:55
fabokile FTBFS on feisty, while it build nicely on sid ...03:55
faboi don't know why ... yet03:56
Tonio_Riddell: stupid question but wich package to post the bug for a sync request for a new package, not already in launchpad ? :)04:04
RiddellTonio_: you can file bugs without a package04:04
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Tonio_Riddell: hehe, okay, didn't knew since I never did this before, only for existing packages so... :)04:05
Riddellbut if the package doesn't already exist, it should get sycned automatically04:06
Tonio_Riddell: in theory yes, but no idea when ?04:06
Tonio_is that done for example every week or so ?04:06
RiddellTonio_: not sure actually04:07
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=== Tonio_ merges kdebindings........
Tonio_Riddell: the kdebindings issue is probably related to our libqt3-jni, still 3.5.405:00
Tonio_Riddell: I'm trying to merge this and then kdebindings05:00
Tonio_grmpf, nope it is the same source package hehe05:01
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fdovinghmm.. anyone got any good suggestions on the FTBFS(powerpc,i386) kopete in feisty? https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/27583205:28
fdovingsparc and amd64 are ok.05:29
fdovingsame package builds fine in edgy.05:29
Tonio_Riddell: I forgot kdebindings at the moment, I'm starting kdebluetooth (lots of changes there, might take a while05:30
Tonio_Riddell: the interesting thing is that this version includes a passkey-agent for dbus05:32
Tonio_we will not have to workarround now05:32
RiddellTonio_: kdebindings has a new release out which uses a new bluetoothe library05:32
RiddellTonio_: you'll need to ask dholbach if the gnome stuff can also use that new library version05:32
Tonio_Riddell: ah ? cool05:32
Tonio_Riddell: the problem with kdebindings is that we have an external issue, since even the previously built version ftbfs now......05:33
Tonio_Riddell: kdebindings and kbluetooth ? I'm not sure to understand05:33
Tonio_Riddell: wheren't you talking about new bluez and kdebluetooth instead ?05:34
Riddeller, yes05:34
Tonio_yes in fact gnome already uses this05:34
Riddelloh, sorted05:35
Tonio_the passkey-agent is used with bluez/dbus05:35
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just testing the debian package...... the problem is that the packaging is completly different (doesn't use cdbs anymore)05:35
Tonio_I'll probably have to re-cdbs it05:35
Tonio_but as the souces changed a lot, it'll take time to test all patches etc.....05:36
Tonio_let go !05:37
fdovinghmm.. does the package uploaded to edgy-proposed need a accept from the archive admins before it's buildt? 05:39
Riddellfdoving: yes05:40
fdovingRiddell: ok. glad i'm not an archive-admin. I've poked them alot lately :)05:41
Riddell_Sime: any idea if pykde should work with python 2.5?  I get a compile error05:45
nixternalyay, my feisty machine won't boot ;)05:46
DaSkreechWell someone promised in #ubuntu-devel they would break booting this week05:48
DaSkreechGuess they are a person of their word. Nice to know you can count on them05:48
nixternalhaha right05:51
nixternalit is no biggy to me, as it is my test machine05:51
nixternalso i can always reinstall05:51
nixternali need to start imaging that machine though..i would rather take 5 minutes instead of 1 getting it back05:52
nixternals/1/1 hour05:52
Tonio_Riddell: hum, the new kdebluetooth debian package is an horrible mess (removed cdbs, conflict files with bluez-utils etc.......)05:52
RiddellTonio_: don't use it then05:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'll probably simply update the kubuntu package with new tarball and make it to work05:53
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jpatrickI thought he was clay, not water06:03
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Riddellclaydoh: ahem06:05
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DaSkreechWell he just got banned06:05
apokryphostemporarily, to avoid floods06:05
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DaSkreechyeah I figure. guess flooding gets muddy with him06:05
jpatrickDaSkreech: my point exactly06:06
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Tonio_Riddell: I'm giving a good clean to the kbluetooth package too since it is currently very messy (mixing cdbs and pure debhelper stuff etc.......)07:11
Tonio_I just hope the dbus stuff works correctly07:14
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_SimeRiddell: what's up?08:27
Riddell_Sime: pykde doesn't like python 2.5 http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/pykde.text08:28
_SimeRiddell: which  version of SIP?08:30
_SimeRiddell: I'm not sure if Jim has updated PyKDE for Python 2.5.08:31
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Riddell_Sime: sip 4.508:49
_SimeRiddell: I don't think Jim has updated PyKDE for Python 2.5. He has been very busy/quite lately.08:51
Riddell_Sime: right.  I think the plan is to have 2.5 as default in feisty, but I'm not sure when that change will happen08:52
_SimeRiddell: the errors you've got there don't look fatal.08:54
_SimeRiddell:  http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-September/068944.html08:54
Tonio_Riddell: hum the latest kdebluetooth debian version doesn't use dbus in fact. I'm trying to package from svn instead, this was dholbach plan for feisty08:55
Tonio_seems to be working nicelly since opensuse already uses this08:56
_SimeRiddell: if possible, it is best to get a fixed version from Jim. But it does look fixable without Jim's help. It is just a PITA.09:00
_SimeRiddell: some "int"s need to be replaced with "Py_ssize_t" in some of the hand written parts.09:01
RiddellTonio_: what's in svn that isn't in beta 2?09:01
Riddell_Sime: ok, I've posted to pykde so we'll see if Jim answers, and we can worry about it if the python2.5 switch comes without hearing from him09:01
Tonio_Riddell: there is another development branch09:02
_SimeRiddell: good.09:02
Tonio_Riddell: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/kdebluetooth-dbus-integration/09:02
Tonio_this one includes all the dbus stuff to work with bluez 309:02
Tonio_Riddell: the beta2 debian uses version doesn't, and still needs to be patched to use kbluepin correctly (but it works too)09:02
Tonio_Riddell: I finished the merge with beta2, but as dholbach plan was to use this new version instead, and as opensuse already uses it, I though it was probably better to work on that directly, and eventually submit the package to debian if it works09:03
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RiddellMez: around?10:50
Mezfor 10 mins10:50
RiddellMez: I'm looking at katapult10:51
Riddellit's all blurg10:51
Mez... ?10:51
=== jdong searches up "blurg"
jdong" 10:52
jdongNoun, a small little known organ in the human body, located slightly medial and dorsal to the vermiform appendix, also referred to as the "love muffin."10:52
Riddellbut not what I ment10:53
DaSkreechAlt+spcae word:blug10:53
RiddellMez: I can't see any difference in kubuntu_07_work_with_non_english.diff10:53
MezRiddell, will tlak tomorrow10:53
Riddellinfact it does add changes which are already in that file10:58
Riddelland the change to kubuntu_03_spellingcatalog.diff is already in kubuntu_07_work_with_non_english.diff11:00
fdovingdiffs on diffs are nice :)11:02
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fdovingRiddell: can you please upload kopete to feisty? -> http://ubuntu.lnix.net/feisty/kopete/ - fixes ftbfs on ppc and x86.11:07
Riddellfdoving: sure, in a bit11:07
ryanakcaRiddell: d'you know of a "good" howto type thing for merging? the one on the MOTU school wiki doesn't really explain much...11:14
Riddellryanakca: download ubuntu package, download debian package11:15
Riddellcheck if the ubuntu changes are still needed, if they aren't file a sync request11:15
Riddellif they are port the ubuntu changes to the debian package11:16
ryanakcaok... and how will I know if they're still needed? kindof a "It is or it isn't" obvious type thing?11:16
Riddellyou need to search through the changelog to find out what the changes are11:17
Riddelland decide if the reson for adding the change is still a good reason11:17
Riddellusually you want to keep the change unless it has been included in debian11:17
ryanakcaand "port the ubuntu changes to the debian package"... that means copying the patches over?11:18
Riddellyes, if its a patch in debian/patches, or it might be a packaging change, e.g. a lot of packages have dh_iconcache added to their debian/rules file11:19
=== ryanakca will start with a small, simple program :)
ryanakcathanks :)11:21
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Tonio_Riddell: I'm merging koffice-i18n 1.611:25
RiddellTonio_: don't11:26
RiddellTonio_: I have the 1.6.1 packages on my hard disk11:26
Tonio_Riddell: okay11:26
Riddellbut it's not released yet11:26
Tonio_hum should be removed of the merging list then :)11:26
Tonio_perfect, I won't touch this and wait, ping me if you need testers11:26
DaSkreechDoes ubiquity handle sata drives?11:27
Riddell deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/not-koffice-161/ edgy main11:27
Tonio_Riddell: merging guidance packaging + sync from svn then11:27
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RiddellDaSkreech: the live CD does, I wouldn't be surprised if qtparted got confused11:27
Tonio_I just hope the new icons are on the svn11:27
Riddellthey should be11:27
DaSkreechSo qtparted would not be helpful in fixing the problem?11:29
lnxkdeDaSkreech: sup?11:31
RiddellDaSkreech: I don't know what your problem is11:32
DaSkreechRiddell: can you peek in the main chan?11:32
Riddellmain chan?11:32
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fdovingRiddell: there is a badly named patch in kdepim. attachment.cgi?id=17264&action=view11:56
Riddellfdoving: in fesity?11:57
fdovingRiddell: yes.11:57
Riddellthat'll be my fault, but it won't cause any harm11:57
fdovingjust FYI.11:57
Riddellso, kopete11:57
Riddellwhere was that again?11:57
fdoving.. and i'm test-building with the kpilot fix.11:57
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Riddellooh, good plan11:57
Riddellfdoving: where did you get the patch from?12:01
fdovingRiddell: debian package.12:01
Riddellclever debian :)12:01
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fdovingI don't have a palm, so i can't test,  but uploading to feisty won't hurt, i guess? 12:03
RiddellI think seaLne has a palm?12:04
fdovingI'll continue this tomorrow. have to sleep.12:06
Riddellsleep well fdoving 12:06
RiddellI'm compiling kopete now and I'll upload it when it's done12:06
fdovingthanks :)12:06
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