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nixternaldid we decide if we were going to utilize the layout that is in the TBH spec?03:07
nixternali would like to know soon, that way there we are sitting here come March 1st with a week until string freeze wondering this same question03:08
robotgeeknixternal: i guess that was not decided (only me and LaserJock) were left03:13
nixternalfun ;)03:13
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LaserJocknixternal: I would guess it would depend on if the spec  is approved03:45
LaserJockalthough I don't know who is the approving body in this case03:45
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mptLaserJock, I think sabdfl does the approving03:52
mptwith drivers doing the reviewing03:52
LaserJockI wouldn't think so in this case03:52
LaserJockas it's not targeted for a UDS03:53
LaserJockbut perhaps03:53
nixternalalrighty im back...did i miss anything betweent :45 after and 52 after?04:03
LaserJockI said:04:04
LaserJocknixternal: I would guess it would depend on if the spec  is approved04:04
LaserJockalthough I don't know who is the approving body in this case04:04
nixternalahh, ok, didn't miss anything then04:08
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LaserJockthe Burger bros!05:46
Burgundaviahey LaserJock05:46
Burgundaviahey Madpilot05:46
LaserJockBurgundavia: hmm, do allow comments on your blog? I doesn't seem so05:46
Madpilothi all05:46
LaserJock*do you05:46
Burgundaviaadvogato doesn't do it05:47
Burgundaviawhat did you want to comment on?05:48
LaserJockyour latest of course ;-)05:48
Madpilotah, so that's what the 'take this to sounder' post was about on sounder05:49
LaserJocknot sure what to think yet though so it's probably best I don't say much05:49
robotgeeki think it was uncalled for. but whatever05:49
LaserJockwell, I'm signed up for 2 sessions for the Open Week05:51
tonyyarussoYou have to sign up?05:52
LaserJockI don't really want to participate in a "let steal OpenSuse devs" Week though :/05:52
LaserJocktonyyarusso: well, you get invited or whatever05:53
MadpilotLaserJock, you mean you've signed up to run 2 things?05:53
tonyyarussoAny of y'all understand this "Freshers Day" thing?05:54
Madpilotsounds like American university slang, or possibly UK uni slang...05:55
LaserJockI doubt American05:55
tonyyarussoHmm...I've never heard it, but then I'm not at an American uni.  You'd think I'd pick up on it anyway if it was, so I'd guess UK05:56
tonyyarussoI'm upset that the packaging session on Monday is during Quantum05:56
tonyyarussoPhysics 202H: Introductory Quantum Physics05:57
LaserJockI'd have a hard time deciding on that one05:58
Madpilotskip physics. invent a quantum-sounding reason you weren't there05:58
robotgeekhmm, in india we used to have a Freshers day for all the students who just got into college05:58
LaserJockrobotgeek: it was called Freshers Day?05:58
robotgeekyeah, it wa scalled Freshers Day05:58
LaserJockwe call it Orientation normally in the US I think05:59
tonyyarussoMadpilot: I tried to determine my momentum too precisely, and everybody lost track of where I was.05:59
LaserJockyeah, you couldn't tell time05:59
robotgeekLaserJock: oh, it usually end up with everyone drinking, and sometime brawls :)05:59
Madpilottonyyarusso, very creative. Go for it. ;)05:59
LaserJockbad Madpilot, bad ;-)06:00
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Well, it's far less creative when used in a class of people taking quantum - it's been thought of far too many times, although usually in reference to homework06:00
Madpilotya, I'm evil, and over in -offtopic, I'm giving advice on alcohol to ppl I *know* are underaged :)06:00
LaserJockI love Quantum, it's the hardest class I ever had to take, but it was crazy cool06:00
tonyyarussoLaserJock: Not time, it's Heisenberg06:00
LaserJocktrue, but you can do the same with time and energy06:01
tonyyarussoI suppose06:01
Madpilotheisenburg's uncertainty priciple: I wasn't sure what time the class was!06:01
tonyyarussoOr I can just say that my power went out and my clock is wrong.06:01
tonyyarussoWhich is true.06:01
LaserJockthat's why femtosecond lasers have sucky wavelength resolution06:01
tonyyarussoThey don't need to know that the power went out a week ago and I still haven't fixed them.06:02
LaserJockif you have wifi you could bring a laptop and do both06:02
tonyyarussoI tried that today - the wifi signal is 29% in that room, which wasn't enough to connect06:02
tonyyarussoI'll probably give it another shot though06:03
tonyyarussoThere are also these ethernet ports on the tables, but I have no idea if they're connected to anything06:12
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robotgeekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeamMeeting20061124 is the meeting summary, feel free to add if i have missed anything07:00
Burgundaviarobotgeek: you rock07:04
robotgeekty, i finally had time to do something!07:04
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mdkethat sucked03:25
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robotgeekmdke: why did you have to quit, power outage?03:37
mdkeinternet gave up03:38
mdkejust came back now03:38
mdkeBurgundavia: totally agree with your blog post.03:38
mdkerobotgeek: thanks for the meeting summary03:41
robotgeekmdke: not an issue. 03:42
robotgeekBurgundavia: i've also emailed community council regarding accelerated-x spec03:43
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nixternalmdke: internet went kaboom ey?  i was wondering where you went ;)05:56
nixternali thought we upset you and you weren't comming back ;p05:56
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LaserJockdon't leave us ;-)10:02
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mdke_LaserJock: hiya10:51
mdke_no, not leaving any time soon10:51
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