
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:01
micktmsethk: it's a ? in a black rumble...12:01
kevinbrainsforsale, what is your problem12:01
Jowisybariten, sudo lsof -i tcp:2112:01
sethkmicktm, try doing the ls in a console (one of the virtual consoles, which you get to with control-alt-f1, control-alt-f2, etc.)12:01
sn9sybariten: most machines don't, since ftp is relatively useless12:01
brainsforsale766 mhz proccesor12:01
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brainsforsale100 somethin ram12:01
ortega10i need a good bittorrent client other than azureus (that lately refuses to work properly), any suggestions?12:01
bruenigbrainsforsale, you probably should use xubuntu12:01
anton_sn9: i use ftp all the time when i have to talk to a windows box :)12:01
brainsforsaleasnd 6gb of drive sapce12:01
sybaritensn9: yeah i used to have one i think, but i was in a hurry to set one up now on this ubuntu machine12:01
sethkmicktm, either way  :)  the point is that the filename is actually what you specified, it is just being displayed incorrectly, which should be easier to fix than if the name weren't correct as stored.12:01
brainsforsaleim downloading ubuntu12:01
kevinya, good idea brainsforsale12:02
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brainsforsalebut i want to know if this will work12:02
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kevinlook at system req.12:02
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sn9anton_: put putty on the windows box and be done. if you can't do that, samba is still less headache in the long run12:02
navyseal_bruenig can help me with a printer?12:02
bruenigbrainsforsale, it will probably boot, not sure of how fun it will be to use. Take a look at this: http://xubuntu.org/12:02
micktmno, I can't understand how can I solve the problem...12:02
hikenboothow does one renumber the ethernet ports so that a removed nic card which is on eth0 can be replaced by the one on eth1?12:02
bruenignavyseal_, probably not. To install my printer I just kept clicking next on the printer install dialog and it worked.12:03
sethkmicktm, which console program are you using?  are you in gnome, or kde?12:03
anton_sesamebike: how large is /dev/hda?12:03
micktmsethk: gnome12:03
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sesamebikeanton_: 20490559488 bytes12:03
kitchehikenboot: when you remove a nic the one that is still in your computer will becomd eth012:03
anton_sn9: a whole samba server to talk to the windows world?12:03
rebuiltbrainsforsale, you are well above minimum system requirements12:03
hikenbootwell it didnt so that cant be right12:04
anton_sesamebike: and how  large is the image you're making now?12:04
navyseal_bruenig yep i tryed to, but when i select the model button "next" disapears :S12:04
sn9tengo: there must be some other kind of screwup somewhere in xorg.conf12:04
brainsforsalexubuntu looks great12:04
sethkmicktm, try running xterm, and doing an ls from there.  just start xterm from the console, then do ls in the xterm window12:04
brainsforsalebut im trying to build a pvr12:04
brainsforsalecan anyone help me?12:04
sn9anton_: that's why putty is preferable12:04
kevingood, brainsforsale, take it and download it12:04
anton_sesamebike: ps. can you give me the size with -h ?12:04
GenNMXhikenboot: As said before, hotplug should handle it.12:04
tengoif i enable the 1024x768 resolution in 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg', it does the looping process sn912:04
sesamebikeanton_: 4062691328 bytes and increasing. I'm just about to do a control-c12:04
solowhere can i get the repository with bcm43xx-fwcutter   in a full out PKG that i can transfer to a machine with no internet???????12:04
ctkroekerHas anyone had any luck with skype on an ltsp client? referring to sound12:04
micktmok, then...?12:04
micktmsethk: ok, then...?12:04
brainsforsaleim looking for help with either mythtv12:05
rebuiltbrainsforsale, you should try knopmyth if you want a pvr os12:05
brainsforsaleor sagetv12:05
sethkmicktm, what did you see?  where the accented character should be, what is displayed?12:05
lucienare there 3rd party repositories with newer wpa_supplicant & NetworkManager than in edgy?12:05
kevinsolo, is the machine on a network or salone12:05
sn9solo: oh, the machine has no other internet? that's different12:05
brainsforsalei looked at that12:05
brainsforsalebut i have a question12:05
anton_sesamebike: hang on, i managed to work out, that the image is not 40GB large. how large is dev/hda again?12:05
solosn9 i told u that!    and yes no internet12:05
soloits on a lan12:05
solobut both LAN and wLAN   hardware are broadcom12:05
micktmsethk: I see ?12:05
sn9solo: lemme get you a direct download url for the .deb file then12:05
soloso i cant get drivers off net for net hardware12:05
solothank you sn912:05
solothank you12:05
sethkmicktm, it looks the same, you mean?12:06
brainsforsaleim a little confused about the pvr card12:06
brainsforsaleim looking to hook it up to my comcast digital cable box12:06
micktmsethk: I see L?EME:TXT12:06
sn9solo: broadcom ethernet should work out-of-the-box with no download12:06
sethktry bringing up the file (the one we created before with hexdump) in an gui editor.12:06
sesamebikeanton_: 20.4 GB12:06
brainsforsalewill i be able to change channels with my computer12:06
anton_sesamebike: that's wierd12:06
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ortega10i need a good bittorrent client other than azureus (that lately refuses to work properly), any suggestions ?12:06
kevinbrainsforsale, there is this really easy OS that anyone with no time on there hands can use, its called windoze12:06
hikenbootsorry to say GenNMX my host is living proof that it doesnt renumber them12:06
odeshow do i activate my wlan?12:06
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anton_sesamebike: or is it weird? on /dev/hda you have the current rootfs?12:07
kevinodes, what wlan card do u have12:07
brainsforsalekevin, will this help my pvr problem?12:07
sesamebikeanton_: indeed. i'll abort it now and try again. it seems it's not finding EOF.12:07
=== onewin [n=onewin@CPE0016b6063f43-CM00159a67fdac.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
odes Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG12:07
kevinwindoze has many pvr apps online if u luk hard enough12:07
soloso sn9    if i hard wire the ubuntu machine to the net i can setup and install the repositorys?12:08
anton_sesamebike. i'm not sure that's the problem. if you currently have your / on /dev/hda, then /dev/sda will also be mounted somewhere on /dev/hda12:08
micktmsethk: sorry, L?EME.TXT12:08
kevini mdont no if 43xx worx w intel chips12:08
brainsforsalekevin, but do you know about my pvr card12:08
noobie0057when I run "gksu disks-admin" I get an error message "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."  I just rebooted from updating my computer.12:08
=== lane [n=lane@c-69-247-144-70.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sesamebikeanton_: ahh. that could be aproblem12:08
kevinwhat card do u have12:08
brainsforsaleabout hooking it up to a DCT2224 comcast digital cable box12:08
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anton_sesamebike: and you're copying a copy of a copy etc12:08
brainsforsalei havent bought one12:08
sesamebikeanton_: is there any way around this12:08
brainsforsalebut i was looking at the pvr-15012:08
kevindoes ur pc have a built in input12:08
anton_sesamebike: a live cd :)12:08
sn9solo: yes. that's what i originally thought you were doing12:09
kevinfrom whom12:09
laneAnything fun I can do with my new 64-bit machine with Ubuntu on it?12:09
rebuiltthats the best card to have12:09
laneAnything fun I can do with my new 64-bit machine with Ubuntu-server on it?*12:09
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sesamebikeanton_: i'm running with the live cd already. /dev/hda is not mounted12:09
anton_lane: you can write assembly code with movq :)12:09
brainsforsaleit looked good12:09
odesis there a command lite somtething eth112:09
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sethkmicktm, run the "locale" command (no arguments) and tell me the first line, which should say LANG=XXXXX    tell me what the XXXXX is12:09
brainsforsalebut does anyone know about the cable box?12:09
tengodoes anyone know why i can't change my screen resolution to 1024x768 without it looping?12:09
anton_sesamebike: ooh, well, then i don't understand why it doesn't work...12:10
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rebuiltyour system should be ok, processor is fast enough, you may need a little more memory.  The video card is the best you can get for a linux pvr12:10
micktmsethk: it_IT.UTF-812:10
noobie0057Hello, I'm getting an error message  "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:10
sn9solo: but if you want to sneakernet a file over, here it is: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/b/bcm43xx-fwcutter/bcm43xx-fwcutter_20060501-5_i386.deb12:10
rebuiltit will do mpeg processing right on the card, no need for processor work12:10
sethkmicktm, ok, that's correct.12:10
sesamebikeanton_: me neither. i'll try with specifing exacly how many bytes to copy. thanks anyway12:10
sethklet me check something12:11
brainsforsalei read that12:11
laneanton_, I'll get right on that12:11
micktmsethk: and so?12:11
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sethkmicktm, I'm thinking12:11
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brainsforsalebut i need to know if I will be able to use it to change channels on comcast digital cable12:11
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tengowhat screen resolution is everyone at right now?12:11
micktmsethk: ok :) sorry12:11
solothank you sn9,  using sneakernet terms???  wow...    *tips my hat*12:11
rebuiltand yes you will be able to connect it to your cable service, and change the channels12:11
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sn9tengo: 1024x76812:11
sethkmicktm, I'm tempted to say try KDE, which by reputation has better internationalization, but you could do a lot of installing and end up exactly where you already are.12:11
rebuiltyou can also schedule times to record and other fancy smansy things12:12
GenNMXbrainsforsale: Just not for channels above 9912:12
GenNMXbrainsforsale: For that, you'd need an IR Blaster.12:12
kevinbrainsforsale, it is called winTV, so use it with windoze12:12
brainsforsaleso i connect the card to the cable12:12
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micktmsethk: I tries kde.... If I remember well... I had the same problem!12:12
brainsforsaleon its coax out12:12
brainsforsaleand i can change channels?12:12
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brainsforsaleand is there some way to split it?12:12
GenNMXbrainsforsale: No, it can't change channels on the cable box, you need an IR Blaster for that.12:12
brainsforsaleso i can watch regular tv12:12
tengodamn resolution problem12:13
c_lisphey why is the reboot in the sbin on ubuntu12:13
sethkmicktm, I'm not sure what to do.  as I said, the probably is relatively minor, because the name looks like it is stored correctly.12:13
sethkmicktm, let me think again.12:13
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c_lispis it save for me to change the privs and put it in the reg bin?12:13
kevintengo 915resolution in synapic12:13
GenNMXrebuilt: Why are you telling him a card can change channels on an external cable BOX?12:13
brainsforsaleif i set something up to record on the linux box on mythtv, it will be able to change the channel by itself12:13
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timo90brainsforsale:Do you have a mce remote12:13
sn9brainsforsale: if a cable box has a serial port, channels may be changed that way12:13
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noobie0057Hi I'm getting:  Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file. ?12:14
GenNMXbrainsforsale: If you want the card to change channels, you need to connect the cable directly to the card12:14
tengokevin what is it?12:14
brainsforsalea serial port is?12:14
HoagieHi all. I'm trying to set up a BT Voyager 105 modem. The only detailed HOWTO I can find was for 5.10. Is there anywhere I can find a more up to date HOWTO, or should I just take my chances?12:14
brainsforsalebut im kinda in the dark about all of this12:14
hexionI have problems with sound in edgy... without any cause, it doesn't work. Anyone can help me? :(12:14
timo90brainsforsale:We akll were once12:14
GenNMXComcast's cable box is tiny, it has no extra ports. The HD / DVR box DOES have a serial and firewire port12:14
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brainsforsalebut don't i need the cable box to decrypt it12:15
brainsforsaleor is that not true12:15
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ikoniaok - I have the vob files form my dvd thanks to dvdrip, is it better to encode the whole thing then strip the audio, or take the audio direct from the vobs ?12:15
GenNMXbrainsforsale: But your best bet is an IR Blaster if you want to use the Cable Box12:15
GenNMXbrainsforsale: Only for channels above 9912:15
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timo90brainsforsale:yes, but the signal will be connected to you pvr card12:15
GhoSt_DoGhow i install for mozilla ?12:15
GenNMXbrainsforsale: Channels below 99, "Basic Cable", do not need the cable box12:15
DreamerHxChi all12:15
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GhoSt_DoGhow i install plugins for mozilla ?12:16
sn9brainsforsale: are you on the east coast? if so, your box is probably from Scientific Atlanta, which i know nothing about, since i'm on the west coast, where everything is Motorola12:16
brainsforsalei can just take the coax straight out of the wall into the card12:16
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timo90GhoSt_DoG: what plug in ?12:16
GenNMXsn9: HD / DVR boxes are Motorolla12:16
GhoSt_DoGi have mplayer12:16
brainsforsalei have the DCT222412:16
GenNMXsn9: East or West coast12:16
timo90brainsforsale:you need a tuner card for that12:16
GhoSt_DoGand i want see one movie > www.tvtuga.com12:16
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brainsforsaleso i get the pvr-150 tuner card12:16
GhoSt_DoGbut i dont see because i dont have plugins :-s12:16
GenNMXbrainsforsale: OK, that's a Motorolla, that should at least have a firewire port12:16
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brainsforsalei can connect the directly to the coax coming out of the wall?12:17
brainsforsaleit doesn't12:17
GenNMXbrainsforsale: Yes.12:17
brainsforsaleits black12:17
brainsforsalethank god12:17
GenNMXOh, then that's the tiny model, right.12:17
brainsforsaleone last thing12:17
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koberHey, I'm trying to connect to a wireless network that provides the WEP key for you and i'm pretty sure its having trouble with the 2 way eap-mschap-2 authentication hand shake but I have no idea if there is a way to fix it in linux12:17
brainsforsaleis there some way to split that12:17
brainsforsaleso i can get my regular tv the the cable box12:17
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GenNMXbrainsforsale: It's called, of all amazing terminology, a splitter!12:18
brainsforsaleand the cable will also go to my tuner card12:18
timo90brainsforsale:two card will sort that out12:18
zPmhi, i try to listen mp3s on my smb-share, i allready installed gnome-vfs, libgnome-vfs-common and all sama packetes but i could still only browse the share but not listen to one file12:18
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brainsforsalei get a splitter12:18
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timo90brainsforsale:A spiter will do it too12:18
sn9brainsforsale: most of the cheap splitters can mess up cable box signals12:18
brainsforsalei put that inbetween my wall and my cable box12:18
brainsforsalemy regular wall to cable box goes on one side of the splitter12:19
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timo90brainsforsale:thats why i  said get two card12:19
brainsforsaleand wall to tuner card pvr-15012:19
sgircsn9: Is your /etc/ppp/options file untouched since your ubuntu install ?12:19
brainsforsalegoes on the other sidde12:19
timo90a splitter can degrade the quality12:19
sn9sgirc: probably12:19
brainsforsaletimo90: by how much?12:19
dRk_sHd0wIm new 2 linux and have been reading information on installing .tar.gz programs but cant figure it out can smeone please help me12:19
HoagieWhere does a file have to be to install it from the terminal?12:19
timo90ENgought to pee you off12:19
regeyaalready having second thoughts about replacing the antiquated os9+asip setup at work with an ubuntu lts setup + netatalk.  one can split resource forks on hfs+ under os x, copy the data over to a native partition, share it via netatalk...but adouble:osx isn't recommended, and v2 isn't os x-friendly if you try to move over, and if you don't like that, it's apple's fault that they don't implement their own spec so complain to appl12:19
CiberSkullHi, recently my windows partition crached and i had to reinstall...i'm using the ubuntu livecd to try to configure grub to be the boot loader but i don't know how to do it...do you know any document or something that could help me? thanks12:20
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sgircsn9: could you make it available on the paste server so that I can see what is wrong with my file ?12:20
sn9brainsforsale: if you want your pvr-150 to get channels above 99, get a separate cable box just for it12:20
kitchedRk_sHd0w: .tar.gz is usually source files tarred and gziped12:20
timo90dRk_sHd0w: what would you like tyo install12:20
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GenNMXbrainsforsale: If you want to watch TV and record, you need either a TV itself or another tuner card. You can just buy a cheap tuner card that doesn't have hardware recording capabilities, they go for as little as $40. You'll need a splitter regardless.12:20
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brainsforsalesn9: i dont need chanells above 9912:20
dRk_sHd0wim trying to install winrar archiver12:20
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foxureMy home partion is located on a NFS system, The problem that Media players like mplayer, xmms and amarok can't play files from NFS.. how do i add support?12:20
timo90dRk_sHd0w: In then softweare you are install ing there are always instructions of how to do it12:20
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dRk_sHd0wI looked and there wasn't any12:21
kevindRk_sHd0w try using only files that end in .deb  they install very easily12:21
brainsforsaleim thinking of buying a hauppauge pvr-150 off ebay12:21
brainsforsalewill that be a good tuner card?12:21
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timo90brainsforsale: if you do buy a tunner card you wont need a spliter12:22
DekKeDI am trying Beryl and all my Windows have no borders and no titlebar. Any fix?12:22
kevinbrainsforsale your card will work fine in WINDOZ!12:22
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dRk_sHd0wis there a good tutorial around to learn how to install .tar's12:22
sn9brainsforsale: if you don't want the digital channels, get an old analog tuner card and hook the cable to it directly from the splitter12:22
timo90One card connects to the other for the signal12:22
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GenNMXtimo90: That's if the cards have OUT12:22
dRk_sHd0wim very new 2 linux and dont understand to much12:22
timo90dRk_sHd0w:Google is the best place about installing12:22
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brainsforsalethaqt could work12:23
timo90GenNMX:they all do these days12:23
bunnythebunnydRk_sHd0w, wait i'll try to get you one12:23
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brainsforsalewouldnt it be easier to just split it12:23
timo90ITS RF out12:23
brainsforsaleand leave one side with my tv like it is12:23
zPmDekKeD is your xgl setup working?12:23
kevinbrainsforsale: cable or satitite tv12:23
timo90xgl rocks12:23
brainsforsalecomcast digital cable12:24
kevindigital or anolog?12:24
Nookie^anyone got ati driver to work in edgy?12:24
noobie0057Hi I just updated and I'm getting "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:24
DekKeDzPm: All efects work, just no titlebars and borders12:24
bunnythebunnydRk_shd0w, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_(file_format) <--  you can also type in a terminal man tar, or info tar, or tar --help12:24
timo90GenNMX:Unless he gets the cheep stuff12:24
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kevinalright, when u change the channel on the TV, the channel will also change in the pvr12:24
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GenNMXbrainsforsale: You know, Comcast has a DVR setup for $15/month. If you think of paying $90 to $100 for your TV Tuner card, and setting it up, etc., I don't think it's such a big deal. The Comcast DVR box is a Dual Tuner, meaning you can watch TV and record at the same time, and has a firewire port with both Windows and Linux drivers, so you can transfer off the box to your HDD if you want.12:24
mborohovhey guys12:25
mborohovi have a quick question12:25
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HoagieHey. Where do I put a file to be able to install it from the terminal?12:25
mborohovso my sound works fine when using a player to play a movie or sound file12:25
DreamerHxCNeed help; when I do glxinfo | grep vendor I get "Error: unable to open display (null)"12:25
mborohovbut it doesnt work when using say, gaim, or the gnome sound preferences12:25
tengokevin, how do you work the 915resolution thing12:25
sn9sgirc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33766/12:25
brainsforsalethat means the linux box pays for itself in less than a year12:25
kevindo u have an intel card?12:25
kevinno, tengo12:26
mborohovanyone have any ideas?12:26
tengokevin,  huh?12:26
timo90Hoagie: cd /home/*your user name?/Desktop/12:26
noobie0057The bug I'm having might affect more users that just myself..12:26
GenNMXbrainsforsale: Except the Linux box doesn't do HD or any other newer format ;) With leasing, you get the latest technology. Personally, I would wait until on the Linux box until the cable companies and Tuner cards come out with CableCard-ready, so you don't need a cable box, period.12:26
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Quinn_Stormall you should need to do is install 915resolution12:26
sn9GenNMX: you obviously haven't actually dealt with the comcast dvr's12:26
kevinwhat version is your video card, say intel 945GM12:26
tengoquinn_storm, then i should try chaning teh resolution?12:26
brainsforsalei could get an hd tuner card12:26
GenNMXsn9: I've had one for a year and a half12:27
Farm_Freshhow is XGL coming along?12:27
Quinn_Stormtengo: I think so yeah, or restarting12:27
DreamerHxCNeed help; when I do glxinfo | grep vendor I get "Error: unable to open display (null)"12:27
zPmDekKeD hum so you started the beryl-manager? maybe something's wrong with the emerald settings12:27
hexionmy sound card has stop working suddenly, please anybody can help me?12:27
GenNMXbrainsforsale: HD Tuner Cards are just for HD signals over the air, not from a cable provider12:27
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brainsforsalegood point12:27
brainsforsalei dont get hd12:27
sn9GenNMX: as for the cablecard, i think TiVo has that today, and that's linux12:27
brainsforsaleso it doenst matter12:27
kevinhexion try reintalling the drive or even ubuntu if u have to12:27
mborohovmy sound card works, but only when im playing a movie or audio file12:27
hexionkevin how do I do that?12:27
GenNMXsn9: True, but TiVo is expensive12:28
noobie0057Hi I just updated and I'm getting "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:28
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kevinhexion did the sound work when u first installed linux?12:28
sn9GenNMX: according to your own price quote of comcast, it's cheaper than comcast dvr service12:28
timo90mborohov:Check the oudio settings on you player settings12:28
hexionkevin, yes and it work too in my other partition and live cd... it stoped working today... without any reason12:29
tengokevin, 915resolution didn't work12:29
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kevintengo, what video card do u have?12:29
hexionkevin, and I don't know what can I do... how do I reconfigure my sound, or modprobe some module... :(12:29
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tengokevin, nvidia geforce 412:29
noobie0057kevin, tengo, bransforsale: no offense but I'm going to block you.12:29
GenNMXsn9: $15/month includes HD channels12:30
Nukezdoes anyone know how to add files to a .deb package?12:30
tengonoobie0057, how come?12:30
kevin915resolution only works on intel chips, sorry12:30
kevinnoobie0057, why?12:30
sn9GenNMX: 15 is the total bill? or just the dvr line item?12:30
noobie0057I'm having a real bug it might affect all ubuntu users12:30
timo90sudo edit soucelist12:30
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GenNMXsn9: HD is $5, DVR is $1012:31
kevinnoobio0057, what..?12:31
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mborohovtimo: totem doesnt tell me anything12:31
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sn9GenNMX: oh, then it's $3 less than TiVo12:31
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kevinhexion can u reinstall linux and still survive?12:31
mborohovit looks like oss is the only thing working right now12:32
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tengois there any video card that works with ubuntu out of the box?12:32
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GenNMXsn9: TiVo is $20/month with 1-year contract12:32
kevintengo, probably not12:32
noobie0057Hi I just updated and I'm getting "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file."12:32
Keyseirfsck isn't solving a problem on my external HD, and I don't know why. Could someone look over this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33768/12:32
Nukezdoes anyone here use cedega?12:32
timo90mborohov:Dose you sound work on every other play or is it only totem thats giving you problems12:32
hexionkevin, I have ubuntu as my main system and totally configured... reinstalling ubuntu is very painfull... and the other fact is that reinstalling an entire OS for a sudden problem with audio is not an option for a serious system :(12:32
oneortheotherI don't intend to.12:33
DreamerHxCNeed help; when I do glxinfo | grep vendor I get "Error: unable to open display (null)"12:33
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sn9GenNMX: since when? i'm still paying $13/mo, and they have a basic $8/mo level too12:33
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mborohovno, totem works12:33
mborohovmplayer works12:33
mborohovgmplayer doesnt12:33
mborohovand gaim doesnt12:33
kevinhexion  do u have an expensive sound card or a preinstalled one?12:33
GenNMXsn9: The only TiVo box that does HD is $800 it appears12:33
sethkDreamerHxC, before running the command, do:      export DISPLAY=:0.012:33
hexionkevin, an integrated one12:33
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DreamerHxChexion thank you, im gonna try12:33
sn9GenNMX: that's the old, discontinued HD-TiVo that didn't do cable12:34
hexionkevin, ali uli motherboard... ac97 module12:34
GenNMXsn9: http://www.tivo.com/2.0.plans.step.1.asp12:34
KeyseirHelp with FSCK please? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33768/12:34
GenNMXsn9: I'm getting this off tivo.com12:34
DreamerHxCIm trying to install ATI driver but I cannot do it12:34
timo90mborohov:Its must be the setting ,make shure they are using the correct sound card12:34
kevinhexion go to system->preferences->Sound and tell me what card appears at the bottom of the screen12:35
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timo90mborohov:Do you have more then one sound card installed >12:35
sn9GenNMX: holy crap, they've changed it all. at least i'm grandfathered in...12:35
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hexionkevin, it's all ok, but when I press "test" no sound plays :(12:36
kevinhexion does sound work at all in ubuntu?12:36
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kevinso sound worx?12:36
hexionkevin, it's very strange, the only thing that works is the TV sound12:36
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GenNMXsn9: Yep, I heard about the change a while ago, and people praising their still using the old plans that aren't offered anymore. I don't understand it myself, the Comcast DVR isn't that bad for having Dual Tuner + HD-capability, seems like TiVo is shooting themselves in the foot12:36
levanderAnyone using ctrlproxy?12:36
kevinhmmm... no clue..12:36
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hexionkevin, no mplayer sound, system sounds, totem,..., any app but xdtv12:37
DreamerHxChexion it's not working with export12:37
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GenNMXsn9: Sure I'd love the ease of a TiVo, but I can't justify the price for the amount of TV I watch...I'd have to watch a LOT of pre-recorded TV per week, even more then the 10-12 hours I do now12:37
Jowihexion, sounds like xdtv is locking the sound for itself. if you quit that app will the other apps have sound?12:37
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hexionJowi, no.. no sound at all.. only when I launch that app12:38
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oneortheotherWine runs Fallout just fine, so I won't need anything more than Wine.12:38
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hexionJowi, even restarting12:38
mborohovno, i only have one sound card12:38
mborohovit seems like alsa isnt working properly12:38
mborohovbut oss is12:38
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sn9GenNMX: they've done a lot of shooting themselves in the foot, but their competitors have done way more. you do know that comcast hired TiVo to run their next gen of dvr's, right?12:38
kevinso other sound works when dxtv is open?12:38
Jowihexion, do you have a /etc/asound.conf ?12:38
mborohovhow cani get alsa to work properly?12:38
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hexionno, I haven't12:38
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Jowihexion, or .asoundrc (or similar) in your home dir?12:38
khermans_can i report a launchpad issue?12:39
hexionJowi, no, should I have?12:39
Jowihexion, if you launch the dxtv, can you check what hardware sound settings it have? (i never used that app)12:39
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GenNMXsn9: No, but I doubt Comcast would be as insane to go from $15/month to something like $50/month to justify TiVo's suped-up HD model expenses, so I think good things will be happening. The Motorolla IS much clumsier then a TiVo12:40
alexiscomo estan12:40
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goukikhermans_: Check the 'Feedback' link on the footer.12:40
theplatypuscan anyone help with usb hotplugging?12:40
Jowihexion, you shouldn't have that file but it is possible to specify sound hardware with it12:40
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timo90mborohov:Make sure you have one player open at a time and because the other players have sound its got to be the settings on the other players ,take you time to examine the sound settings.12:40
alexiskien habla espaol12:40
hexionJowi, I think xdtv has sound because it uses a different chanel (aux)12:40
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noobie0057fixed it,, I guess no one here is interested, I'll post the answer on my blog in case it is a problem in the future12:40
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:40
gouki!es | alexis12:40
ubotualexis: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:40
sn9GenNMX: comcast will still be in control of comcast's rates. the motorola dvr's will be going away12:41
scuniziIs there an IRC node for Ubuntu Server? Don't see it in the /list12:41
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timo90mborohov:Try changing to aux cd out the whole lot12:41
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Jowihexion, in a terminal, run "alsamixer" and see if pcm/master/front is muted or volume turned down12:41
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GenNMXsn9: They do have competition here in Maryland, Millenium Digital Media is about $30-$40/month cheaper12:42
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Crippy-BoyDoes anyone have any idea why i can't switch to VT with CTRL+ALT+F(x)? Theres nothing set in xorg.conf or anything12:42
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scuniziAnyone with experience with installing vTiger on 6.06?12:42
GenNMXsn9: Even Verizon needed to cut back on their phone and DSL rates due to competition12:42
hexionJowi, no, it's all well set :( I tried with gnome-volume-control too12:42
mborohovtimo: try changing what12:42
Jowihexion, how about "killall esd"?12:43
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hexionJowi, killall esd and then esd? or just killall?12:43
sn9GenNMX: their main competition would be freevo, eyetv, and mythtv. except for solutions like that, nobody can get an edge on TiVo, Inc12:43
Jowihexion, just kill it. do not restart it12:43
Keyseirfsck isn't solving a problem on my external HD, and I don't know why. Could someone look over this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33768/12:43
timo90mborohov:Tell me what player you trying to get working,we will do it together step by step12:43
hexionJowi, it doesn't work :(12:44
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Jowihexion, have you had a look on the sound troubleshooting pages?12:44
hexionJowi, yes.. I've surfed the internet before coming here and no luck at all....12:45
Jowi!sound | hexion12:45
ubotuhexion: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:45
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Jowihexion, did you have sound before?12:45
generic_suse_useis there a way I can bind key combinations with applications?12:45
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hexionJowi, yes... and if I reinstall I have it too (I have another partition for testing purposes)12:46
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sn9generic_suse_use: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts12:46
Jowihexion, if you reinstall you have it... so what did you install to lose the sound?12:46
squidlyanyone konw what packages I need to install a custom kernel?12:47
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Jowi!kernel | squidly12:47
ubotusquidly: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild12:47
Legendrehm.. is there something unusual about thinkpad wireless, taht causes my wifi interface to appear as eth1?12:47
sethkgeneric_suse_use, check the config for your desktop.  it's desktop specific12:47
hexionJowi, I installed something of a repository, but searched the var/cache/apt history and reverted all the changes... with no luck12:47
sn9squidly: why would you want to do that?12:47
hexionJowi, also tried to dpkg-reconfigure12:47
Legendreshouldnt wifi interfaces appear as wl0 or something?12:47
generic_suse_usewhat do /I look for?12:47
tengoquick question, where do you find the trash folder12:47
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squidlysn9: beacuse I like to have a slim kernel and the latest kernel does not work with my usb keyboard and mouse12:47
generic_suse_useproblem solved, thanks12:48
squidlyJowi: thanks12:48
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Jowihexion, can you re-install "ubuntu-desktop"?12:48
sn9squidly: old machine?12:48
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Jowinp squidly12:48
hexionJowi, sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop ???12:48
squidlysn9: no.. new box.. but the latest kernel from ubuntu does not work with my mouse and keyboard and also I want to use SLI12:48
n00bicusoh, wait, nevermind. goodbye12:49
Nukezhas anyone here gotten Cedega working on a x64 sysyem?12:49
squidlysn9: also the ubuntu kernel is a couple minor versions out of date12:49
tengohow do you create a trash icon on the desktop12:49
sn9squidly: suit yourself...12:49
Jowihexion, no, reinstall. do it via synaptic (easiest)12:49
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hexionJowi, ok, should I restart after that (I say to keep this conversation :)  )12:50
=== Geoff_Rickly [n=ateves@a81-14-186-65.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu
sethksquidly, I use the kernel from kernel.org.  To use it, all you need is the kernel source and the compiler.12:50
Geoff_Ricklyhi there12:50
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Jowihexion, restart is not necessary (i believe) but logout/login should be12:50
sethksquidly, you take the config file from /boot, rename it to .config, then do  "make oldconfig"12:50
timo90tengo:its at the button why whould you whant it on the desktop :-/12:51
sethksquidly, then, make xconfig (or menuconfig or gconfig or whatever) and set things up as you wish12:51
squidlysethk: im getting some errors when I try makemenuconfig12:51
Geoff_Ricklyi use an pcmcia wlan card for edgy, but it only works plugged in before boot.12:51
squidlyscripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.c:291: error: KEY_RIGHT undeclared (first use in this function)12:51
Geoff_Ricklycan i run a command to detect it?12:51
squidlyscripts/kconfig/lxdialog/checklist.c:291: error: KEY_RIGHT undeclared (first use in this function)12:51
squidlyoops sorry for the double post12:51
sethksquidly, ncurses not installed12:51
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sethksquidly, you can install the packages for ncurses (the -dev as well as the normal)12:52
tengotimo90 i like having my bar at the bottom free12:52
squidlyit should be12:52
hexionJowi, it just installed 3 packages.. totem and another 2 :(12:52
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tengowhats a command to get to the trash12:52
sethksquidly, I agree.   :)  but the compiler is saying that it isn't12:52
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hexionJowi, it didn't reconfigure nor reinstalled anything else12:52
timo90tengo:still its so tiny12:52
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squidlywell lets see if that works12:52
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ubotuautomatix is is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Since it is often hard to track and solve problems caused by Automatix, you might find it easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:53
Jowihexion, well, do you remember what you installed to make the sound fail?12:53
benplautoh good greif, didn't we get rid of that 6 months ago!!12:53
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
squidlysethk: thanks12:53
timo90tengo:why not put it on the top bar ?12:53
ubotuautomatix is is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Since it is often hard to track and solve problems caused by Automatix, you might find it easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe12:53
squidlysethk: i needed the -dev package12:53
sn9squidly: sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.17-10-38612:53
hexionJowi, I'll check /var/cache/apt...12:54
squidlysn9: the latest kernel is
sethksquidly, hmm, sounds familiar.  :)12:54
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sn9squidly: that will install build-time dependencies12:54
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues12:54
KeyseirI've having a problem fscking my external hd, could someone comment? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33768/12:54
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:54
squidlysn9: also I need sli support for my desktop12:54
tengotimo90 i have screen resolution problems right now and i'm stuck at 800x600, so i'm trying to remove cludder so i got rid of the top bar12:54
sn9squidly: just type that line exactly as i did12:54
JupiterWhat type of decoder do i need to play dvd's (movie) and what repo do i need? Or do i have it? I have multiverse and universe both free and non-free. Am I missing the package among the un-installed or do i have to get another repo?12:54
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.12:55
Jowi!dvd | Jupiter12:55
ubotuJupiter: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:55
killownsquid uld not determine fully qualified hostname.  Please set 'visible_hostname' why I get it?12:55
Jordan_U!dvd | Jupiter12:55
Jupiterok thanks12:55
sethkkillown, well, just a wild guess, but perhaps because you didn't set visible_hostname?12:55
killownsethk, thanks12:56
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hexionJowi, several things... xserver-xorg-input-synaptics, faac, mozilla-mplayer, wpasupplicant, xserver-xorg-video-ati, and jackd12:56
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hexionJowi, but I reverted all the changes to the earlier version12:56
Jowihexion, is jackd running?12:56
CharonXQuestion, I accidently close the window when upgrading from dapper to edgy eft. When it was quite far along. I ran dpkg --configure -a after and everything appears to be working. But is there anything I should watch out for ?12:56
sgirc_sn9:I have some changes in the logs here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33773/12:56
hexionJowi, no, should it?12:56
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Jowihexion, no it shouldn't unless you use it for sound12:57
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superi got the wierdest bug in the world12:57
Jowi!info jackd12:57
ubotujackd: JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.101.1-1 (edgy), package size 94 kB, installed size 352 kB12:57
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Crippy-Boysuper: whats that?12:57
hexionJowi, I think I hadn't that package before.. it was installed as a dependency. So I removed it to reverse changes12:57
superget this right... I try and install a driver for a wifi card through the terminal12:58
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superbut it says it will only run through root12:58
sn9sgirc_: try a reboot at this point12:58
CaptainMorgantrying to get a .pdf to open in firefox... but it's saying the expected helper application doesn't exist... do I just get it using synaptic or the package manager?12:58
timo90tengo:creat a sort cut name the command trsh:12:58
superso I enable root and it still gives me the same message12:58
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Jordan_Usuper: You need to put "sudo" before the command12:58
sgirc_sn9: ok12:58
Jowihexion, hard to say what can be wrong.12:58
superand it still gave me the same message12:58
DrakeMastilDoes crossover WINE work on ubuntu?12:58
Stormx2DrakeMastil: Crossover Office? yeah.12:59
DrakeMastilor better question what are the gaming possibilities on ubuntu12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gaming - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:59
Jowihexion, does "ps -A | grep jackd" give you anything?12:59
Stormx2Basicly, some games have linux installers12:59
hexionJowi, I have another edgy installation with sound ok.. is there any config file I could copy from it to make my sound work?12:59
superbut i logged in as root though the login as root and i still gave me the message12:59
Stormx2UT, etc.12:59
Stormx2Others you can emulate12:59
Stormx2WINE, Cedega12:59
superubuntu runs lots of game12:59
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:59
sn9DrakeMastil: crossover is not really for gaming12:59
Jowihexion, no idea. it depends on your hardware config12:59
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)12:59
hexionJowi, nothing12:59
superCedega will run stuff quite well01:00
Crippy-BoyTuxracer!!!!!! w00t!!!! </sarcasm>01:00
DrakeMastili play Lineage 2 mainly what emulator will play that?01:00
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hexionJowi, now, jackd is not installed...01:00
=== uber_mort [n=untwiste@c-71-206-224-150.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
supergogle the word transgaming01:00
Geoff_Ricklydoes anyone know a command to check for plugged in hardware e.g. pcmcia?01:00
Jordan_UCrippy-Boy: I don't know what you are talking about, Tuxracer pwns :)01:00
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superits like wine but for games01:00
DrakeMastilmuch help01:00
DrakeMastili'm going to be scrapping windows soon01:01
superbut nexuiz is a free quake 3 as well as warsow if your into that stuff01:01
uber_mortwine actually runs many games just fine01:01
Jowihexion, jackd (or any program) can still be running in memory even if it is removed. in a linux system you can update packages that are still running. it is a feature. I can only recommend you going through the sound troubleshooting guide unfortunatley01:01
Jowi!sound | hexion01:01
ubotuhexion: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:01
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hexionJowi, mmmm.. when I run "aplay --list-devices" it shows 2 cards configured with the same name... strange01:02
superwowsow is like one of the most popular esports games that run on linux as well as windows01:02
DrakeMastili need more linux experience anyway... i work on windows machines all day at work so i dislike coming home to microsoft's shitty coding after the day is done01:02
UbuntuUserdoes anyone use yafray 0.0.01:02
dRk_sHd0wive checked the wiki documentation and still can't figure out how to instal programs in a .tar.gz  can some one help me a byt01:02
hexionJowi, yes, I'm reading those guides right now, thanks ;)01:02
Jowihexion, card 0 and card 1 or two card 0 ?01:02
superalas my linux experiance hasnt been all that well01:02
UbuntuUsertar -x blahblah.tar.bz2?01:02
hexionJowi, two card 001:03
superi want synaptic to install packages that are on my desktop but i dont know how01:03
Jowihexion, normal. probably 1 analog and 1 digital01:03
hexionJowi, so that's not the problem :(01:03
superwhy does it always have to be on a bloody server why cant it just be on my HDD01:03
Jordan_UdRk_sHd0w: What do you need to install, most things are in the repositories.01:03
sn9dRk_sHd0w: in most cases, installing from .tar.gz is something best avoided anyway01:03
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dRk_sHd0wwinrar archiver01:03
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bruenigsuper, what are the names of the packages on your desktop, if they are .debs you should be able to install them with dpkg01:03
superthats what i  do01:03
crimsunhexion: please pastebin the output from ``asoundconf list && cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc && amixer''01:04
superthere .gz01:04
UbuntuUserdoes anyone know how to compile?01:04
draz26how all01:04
draz26I am tester01:04
crimsunhexion: sorry, that command should be:01:04
superi compiled01:04
draz26of mk portal01:04
dRk_sHd0wthe program only comes in a .tar.gz :(01:04
superits horrible01:04
crimsunhexion: ``asoundconf list && cat /etc/asound.conf ~/.asoundrc* && amixer''01:04
superokay bassically01:04
noiesmoI am running nvidia driver 9269 on kubuntu edgy I have resolution set to 1152x864 however when I start Opengl game the resolution switches to 1024x768 is there a way to stop this and retain 1152x864 res01:04
WMcLsuper: havin everything on your harddisk would take rather much space01:04
timo90DrakeMastil:Soudnt be to hard01:04
Jordan_UdRk_sHd0w: What program?01:04
dabaRUbuntuUser: of course01:04
UbuntuUsergame settings01:04
holysmokeI was wondering if anyone can help me, i'm trying to open a .run file fro an ati video driver package,  what is the command for opening a .run file?01:04
superhang on ill message you the commands01:04
UbuntuUserhow then?01:04
superits not that hard01:04
sethkdRk_sHd0w, there is an open source rar/unrar program that is available in the repositories01:04
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hexioncrimsun, M5455 and noone of that files exist01:05
UbuntuUsertried gcc01:05
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spacebearive just installed kde and when i try to hit ctrl alt f1 to go into terminal mode nothing happens ? .. what do i need to start to have terminal sessions working ?01:05
Jordan_U!rar | dRk_sHd0w01:05
ubotudRk_sHd0w: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:05
UbuntuUsermissing main.oy01:05
superoh i lost the piece of paper that i had that told me how to compile01:05
crimsunhexion: and what about ``amixer'' output?01:05
dRk_sHd0wi have the program but dont know where to put the extracted files or how to use01:05
sethkUbuntuUser, that's a python file01:05
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UbuntuUserwhen I do "scons"01:05
sethkUbuntuUser, you need to install python, both regular and development packages01:05
DrakeMastillast question01:05
Stormx2UbuntuUser: I love !!!01:05
UbuntuUsersays missing blah/main.py01:05
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hexioncrimsun, too much info, how do I use pastebin?01:06
DrakeMastilwould installing the 64biut edition of ubuntu affect gaming or other software?01:06
UbuntuUsertheres like choke files01:06
crimsun!paste |hexion01:06
ubotuhexion: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:06
superwhat packages does synaptic use?01:06
holysmokeany clue how to open a .run file?01:06
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Stormx2hexion: Pastebin.com <-- paste stuff01:06
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Jordan_Usuper: .deb01:06
UbuntuUsersh blah.run01:06
sethkUbuntuUser, as I said, the file you are missing is a python file.  you need to install python, both binary and development packages01:06
DrakeMastilwould installing the 64bit edition of ubuntu affect gaming or other software?01:06
Jordan_Usuper: It is just a front end for apt-get01:07
superdrake to be honest you can do 90% of stuff you do on xp in ubuntu01:07
UbuntuUserk thanks01:07
KeyseirI've having a problem fscking my external hd, could someone comment? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33768/01:07
Geoff_Ricklyhow do i get the "cardctl" tool?01:07
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Stormx2DrakeMastil: If you've got a 64bit processer...01:07
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DrakeMastilAMD 64Bit X2 4000+01:07
supershould just run most stuff01:07
sethkKeyseir, that's very bad.  looks like perhaps your partition table is out of sync with your file system.01:07
superive had no probs the only probs i've had is wifi cards01:07
sethkKeyseir, that's just a guess, probably not the reason.01:08
DrakeMastilok i'm outta here i gotta git rid of this horrid OS01:08
superbuts its always my fault anyways01:08
DrakeMastilthanx all01:08
Stormx2DrakeMastil: 64bit has issues with some software, e.g. flash, but should run to your CPU's capacity.01:08
superback up first01:08
Stormx2DrakeMastil: Backups!!01:08
DrakeMastili have 2 HD's01:08
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Stormx2DrakeMastil: Don't put all your eggs in one basket ;-)01:08
sethkKeyseir, but you have a serious problem there.  the only thing you can do is back up all your files NOW01:08
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DrakeMastilun raided for a reason01:08
sethkKeyseir, then recreate the file system, and copy the files back in.01:08
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Willawhat do you guys use for usenet?01:08
supermy itc department in my uni doesnt know what linux is01:08
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Keyseirsethk, Well, that's my external HD. Nothing critical on it.01:08
ripperklibido works nice @ WildZeck01:09
GertolyDoes anybody know if you can connect 2 ide2usb cables together to just basically get around using a really long ide ribbon?01:09
ripperklibido works nice @ Willa01:09
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timo90Is there any good applications for use with blue tooth adpters01:09
DrakeMastili'm leaving my windows install on this HD and putting in my new 250gb in for ubuntu but making it the primary01:09
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Keyseirsethk, But I just bought it two weeks ago =/ Doh.01:09
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sethkKeyseir, ok, then it isn't so bad01:09
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timo90probably a blue-tooth headset01:09
Stormx2Keyseir: Don't use HDDs as coasters ;-)01:09
sethkKeyseir, it's not a hardware problem01:09
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Willaripper: what about a par solution?01:09
superwhat packages does synaptic use?01:09
Willaripper" like quickpar.01:09
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hexioncrimsun, pastebin is lasting too much :(01:09
sn9Gertoly: not possible01:09
yohani have a problem....ive written my own modeline in xorg but i get this in the log: (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1600x1200_100"; removing.01:09
Keyseirsethk, You're sure it isn't a physical problem?01:09
ripperWilla no clue what your talking about01:09
crimsunhexion: are you using paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?01:09
DrakeMastilStormx2: thanks01:09
yohanive followed this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98456&highlight=nvidia+tvout01:09
sethkKeyseir, I'd say 98% sure01:09
crimsunhexion: avoid pastebin.com01:09
yohanplease, can anyone help me?01:10
arbirooh my eyes are dead :-(01:10
sethkKeyseir, you can never be 100% sure, but the odds are very very very low.01:10
Willaripper: k01:10
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Jowiyohan, how did youmake your modeline?01:10
Gertolysn9: you know of something that could do something like that? Otherwise i'm looking at a 7 feet ribbon (which i know would have issues)01:10
hexioncrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33776/01:10
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yohanJowi: I have two "Monitor" thingies, i can post it on the net01:10
arbirhow can i change the width of all the scroll bars in all the windows ?01:10
yohanJowi: hold on01:10
ripperim trying to get beryl to work on my radeon 9250 beryl was starting, but now, x just loads beryl doesnt start01:10
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sn9Gertoly: if you need to connect a hard disk over seven feet, don't use ide01:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sli - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:11
MgA_MarkHi. Could someone help me with my bootable disk?01:11
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl01:11
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Jowiyohan, I'm no good at troubleshooting dual monitor setups.01:11
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Gertolysn9: use what then?01:11
crimsunhexion: are you using digital out (iec958) or analog speakers directly?01:11
Stormx2MgA_Mark: Whats the issue? :)01:11
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Keyseirsethk, OK. I'm just concerned about physical problems because I think I may have messed up with trying to mount it and format it ext3 when I got it...01:11
hexioncrimsun, analog only01:11
sn9Gertoly: what is your motherboard equipped with?01:11
MgA_MarkThanks, Stormx201:12
sethkGertoly, you would have slightly better odds with one of the newer high speed EIDE cables (that is, better odds of it working if you string two together).  but the best thing to do with a 7 foot ribbon cable is to hang yourself.  :)01:12
Keyseirsethk, So, should I back up my files and reformat?01:12
psiriceCan anyone help me? I have a problem mounting a hard drive. This is what it says: "mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock01:12
psiriceerror: could not execute pmount"01:12
sethkKeyseir, no, you can't damage the drive doing that.01:12
Willaripper: quickpar repairs RAR files.01:12
crimsunhexion: please mute the digital output:  amixer set 'IEC958' off01:12
crimsunhexion: (using a Terminal)01:12
Gertolyi only have ide on the mobo, well usb2.0 (no sata)01:12
arbircan i change he width of my scroll bars ?01:12
Gertolyor scsi01:12
linux_kidMgA_Mark what is your problem..?01:12
hexioncrimsun, done01:12
kerriganIm having trouble with installing ATI drivers on ubuntu01:12
yohanJowi: you might have a look at it please? http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/25713901:12
sethkKeyseir, yes, definitely, back up, do fsck.ext3.  you might run badblocks to check out the drive, if you are having doubts about the hardware.01:12
sn9Gertoly: then use the usb201:12
soundraypsirice: what type of filesystem is on sda1?01:12
crimsunhexion: is sound audible now?  aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav01:12
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yohanThis is my xorg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/257139 I get (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1600x1200_100"; removing.01:12
ripperWilla not sure; i dont use rar much01:12
sethkKeyseir, use the destructive mode of badblocks (after backing up, of course)01:13
MgA_MarkHere's the issue. It won't boot up. I can click start, and look at all the advertisements. It says if I shut down the computer, and reboot, it will load auto. But it still loads windows.01:13
Gertolysorry, it's usb1.1 actually (forgot that)01:13
hexioncrimsun, no luck yet :(01:13
Keyseirsethk, Destructive mode?01:13
psiriceSoundray: Not sure how to check the filesystem.01:13
sn9Gertoly: no slots?01:13
linux_kidwhat bootable disk?01:13
yohanThis is my xorg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/257139 I get (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1600x1200_100"; removing. in my Xorg.0.log...why is this? Can anyone please help me! Its in the monitor section but im not sure of the syntax...is there anyway i can do this any other way?01:13
arbiris getting defeated by the resolution of his laptop01:13
Gertolywhere on earth to you get a high speed ribbon at in bulk where one can mount their own heads?01:13
soundraypsirice: what is the mount command you are issuing?01:13
crimsunhexion: try:  amixer set 'External Amplifier' off01:13
Jordan_UMgA_Mark: Advertisements? What bootable CD is this ?01:14
sn9Gertoly: do you have available pci slots?01:14
Jowiyohan, well, you can set the "1600x1200" only - remove "_100" maybe?01:14
psiricesoundray: I'm not trying to use a mount command, I'm just trying to open an external hard drive.01:14
MgA_MarkIt's for the latest version of Ubunto.01:14
hexioncrimsun, done.. no sound yet01:14
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yohanJowi: that would work but i want to use my _100 modeline01:14
linux_kidubuntu doen't have any ads01:14
yohanJowi: i want 100hz as refresh rate01:14
Gertolysn9: yeah i got slots, to buy a usb io card right...that's last resort. Really, i was just wondering about the cheap hack i was talking about.01:14
Legendrehey, I run Ubunto on my Panaphonics laptop!01:14
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soundraypsirice: are you familiar with terminals and command lines?01:15
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Jordan_UMgA_Mark: You clicked the install icon on the desktop?01:15
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arbiris there a way to change the width of my scroll bars ?01:15
Gertolyi guess you need some sort of software to do that hack, not just hardware01:15
sn9Gertoly: get yourself as cheap a 1394 card (not usb) as you can. best you can do01:15
MgA_MarkWell, you can cick start and see all kinds of examples of Ubunto. But it won't boot on its own.01:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g15 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:15
Gertolyyeh, thanks01:15
crimsunhexion: amixer set 'Surround' 80%,80%,on && amixer set 'Center' on && amixer set 'LFE' 80%,on && amixer set 'Duplicate Front' on01:15
sn9Gertoly: no, the hardware will not physically allow it01:15
MgA_MarkI didn't click install on the desktop. I want to run it from a cd rom.01:15
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linux_kidMgA_Mark: there is not start icon in ubuntu.01:16
Jowiyohan, do you get the same output for the modeline if you type this in a terminal (compare with the modeline in xorg.conf) "gtf 1600 1200 100 -x"01:16
Jordan_UMgA_Mark: OK, you need to set your bios to boot from CD.01:16
hexioncrimsun, no sound :'(01:16
UbuntuUsercd rom drive01:16
psiricesoundray: No, not really, I put my external hard drive on a linux OS. I didnt think it would do anything but now it wont open up on a windows OS and I have 5 years of work on there. So I dont want to have to format it, I want to get all the info on.01:16
yohanJowi: yeah01:16
psiriceoff there*01:16
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crimsunhexion: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 201:16
MgA_MarkBios from cd? it won't just do it auto.01:17
hexioncrimsun, I love you :)01:17
arbirsomebody plesae love me too01:17
sn9psirice: easy as pi01:17
superi want to cry01:17
soundraypsirice: okay, here's something to try. Open a terminal window via Applications-Accessories.01:17
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arbirsuper so do i01:17
hexioncrimsun, that made the trick... what was it??01:17
crimsunhexion: I know you od.01:17
linux_kidCONGRATS hexion!!!!!!!!!!!01:17
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supercause my wifi card wont install on ubuntu01:17
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soundraypsirice: in there, enter 'sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt' and see what it says.01:18
supercisco aronet 35001:18
Jordan_UMgA_Mark: No, there is no way for a program to change your BIOS settings, most computers boot CD's by default though.01:18
crimsunhexion: some app reset the register. Unfortunately that's a chipset quirk; too many different codecs use one of those four settings.01:18
yohanThis is my xorg: http://ubuntu.pastebin.ca/257139 I get (WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1600x1200_100"; removing. in my Xorg.0.log...why is this? Can anyone please help me! Its in the monitor section but im not sure of the syntax...is there anyway i can do this any other way?01:18
uyannto use KDE with ubuntu, is it better to install the KDE window manager or the kubuntu distribution?01:18
soundraypsirice: it'll ask for your user password01:18
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spacebearin dmesg i find early in log -- Console colour VGA+ 80x25  <---- how do i change that01:18
superpcima card or whatever there called01:18
yohanill be right back Jowi and guys!01:18
UbuntuUser could be an iso problem01:18
superits for my laptop01:18
sn9super: that's unbelievable01:18
=== dustin_ [n=dustin@67-42-170-169.blng.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
hexioncrimsun, but I couldn't see any option to make the sound come back and I tested every single one :|01:18
linux_kidsuper does a wireless card show up a a network interface?01:19
psiricesoundray: it didnt ask me for a password, I'm just running it off of a live cd. It came up with this. mount: mount point /mn does not exist01:19
sn9super: no card has ever worked better than the aironet 350 under linux01:19
Mowhawkodo xubuntu and kubuntu 6.10 releases have the same difficulties that ubuntu edgy seems to be having? (networking, upgrading, etc.)01:19
supernope i try to enable it but every time i leave the menu and come back it is disabled01:19
superheres the funny part01:19
superwhen i try to install the driver01:19
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superit says i need to run as root01:19
hexioncrimsun, and how did you thought about that command? you're a guru! :)01:19
Jordan_UMowhawko: Yes.01:20
superso what i did was login as root through the user login01:20
soundraypsirice: copy the command I gave you exactly, don't leave out any letters.01:20
sn9super: you don't install a driver; you just plug the thing in01:20
superi cant figure it out01:20
superits a nightmare01:20
crimsunhexion: my LP page probably outlines why. :-)01:20
linux_kidsuper: try typing sudo infront of your command01:20
UbuntuUserno try su01:20
supertried it01:20
supertried both01:20
linux_kidthat helps01:20
superit said:01:21
supercomputer says no01:21
linux_kidsuper: does the card work in any other os01:21
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ryanakcawhat I want to do: deny all incomming connections (except the ones created by localhost with a distant server), except ssh, http, https, and svn, so that remote hosts (even on the local network) wouldn't be able to access localhost's ftp, smtp, imap, etc, yet localhost would still be able to create outgoing connections.  would this be possible with iptables?01:21
psiricesoundray: Still did not work, it came up with this error. mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,01:21
psirice       missing codepage or other error01:21
psirice       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try01:21
psirice       dmesg | tail  or so01:21
superno probs on xp01:21
=== Crell [n=lgarfiel@c-24-13-252-146.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
superwait heres something wierd about that card01:21
Jordan_Usuper: You should have drivers already, what are you trying to install?01:21
MeGaByTeSroot@Central:/home/megabytes# winecfg01:21
MeGaByTeSlibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:21
MeGaByTeSfixme:midi:OSS_MidiInit Synthesizer supports MIDI in. Not yet supported.01:21
MeGaByTeSlibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:21
superi tried suse 1001:21
ryanakcaubotu, please tell psirice about past01:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:21
sn9super: you set all the wireless settings before trying to enable the card, right?01:21
hexioncrimsun, thank you very much for your help, you've made my day... I was thinking my only option was reinstalling my system :)01:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:21
superthe 10.1 non remaster version and it worked01:21
MeGaByTeShow can i found what wine needs to run correctly01:22
=== andrew [n=andrew@pool-71-240-148-202.hrbgpa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrellHi folks.  I'm trying to setup a courier-imap daemon (using Ubuntu Edgy), and I'm having trouble authenticating.  When I try to test it via telnet, I get an "OK Courier-IMAP ready" message, then issue a login command (A login me@example.com mypasswd), I just get told "A NO Login failed".    maillog and syslog don't tell me anything more than there was a failed login.  Any idea what the issue could be?01:22
superthe updater broke01:22
hexioncrimsun, thank you very much and good bye :)01:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wii - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:22
maltHello_Kitty__: i'm using ubuntu linux as a server, and i was wondering is there any way i could cap my WAN but have unmetered lan?01:22
=== darkmatter [n=darkmatt@206-163-249-81.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
superso when i installed 10.1 remastered edition01:22
Jowiryanakca, man hosts.deny and hosts.allow01:22
MowhawkoJordan_U: so would you recommend just sticking with 6.06 releases for all of them right now?01:22
superthe wifi card stopped working01:22
soundraypsirice: okay, slightly different command now: 'sudo mount -t msdos /dev/sda1 /mnt'01:22
CrellI've already tested the smtp server (postfix), and it seems to be behaving correctly.  It's IMAP that's misbehaving.01:22
superso i re installed ubuntu01:22
ryanakcaJowi: I thought that would've been an ip tables thing?01:22
superand now im back to square one01:22
linux_kidsuper: did the card ever work in ubuntu?01:23
Jordan_UMowhawko: I personally havn't had any problems with Edgy, I did a fresh install though.01:23
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-72-181-22-100.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
superit lights up though01:23
MowhawkoJordan_U: do you use wireless at all? that's been my biggest problem so far01:23
=== ashika [i=ashika@CPE0014bf819563-CM001225418aa4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
linux_kidsuper: do u have the .sys and .inf files i  windoze?01:23
psiricesoundray: It sounded like it started to do something but it came up with another error. mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock01:23
Jowiryanakca, easier with /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow. set up /etc/hosts.deny to block everything and set up hosts.allow to allow certain servers for certain ip ranges01:23
superi use plug and play01:23
ashikaAnyone need anything01:23
=== bobbie__4 [n=Bobbie@S01060050046f293e.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
superoh wait i got a idea01:23
linux_kidsuper: if it lights up, somthing is working...01:24
ryanakcaJowi: lol, kk01:24
sn9soundray: you're assuming facts not in evidence here01:24
Zarephathanyone use streamripper grabbing from shoutcast?01:24
soundraypsirice: okay, the filesystem is clearly corrupted. Have you got any backups of the data on there?01:24
Jordan_UMowhawko: Yes, I use wireless, try the liveCD and to test if your hardware will work before installing.01:24
Crellashika: If you know anything about courier-imap, I could use assistance. :-)01:24
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ryanakcaJowi: in that case, what would one need iptables for?01:24
superinstall the drivers on xp and take the .sys and .inf files and install ndiswrapper in ubuntu and use the files i copiedfrom xp01:24
superwould that work?01:24
kingsleyI'd like to entertain my twelve year old son by installing a flashy "destop" with something like beryl. Which verion or verions of ubuntu should I consider installing?01:24
psiricesoundray: I'm not sure, I can look around.01:24
ashikaCrell, Whats your problem.01:24
MowhawkoJordan_U: It worked fine in 6.06, but as soon as I upgraded it started giving me problems, maybe I'll try a fresh install though01:24
Jowiryanakca, firewalling  and routing of course :)01:24
soundraysn9: can you be specific?01:24
sn9super: you set all the wireless settings before trying to enable the card, right?01:24
superon the GUI01:25
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Crellashika: I'm trying to setup a courier-imap daemon (using Ubuntu Edgy), and I'm having trouble authenticating.  When I try to test it via telnet, I get an "OK Courier-IMAP ready" message, then issue a login command (A login me@example.com mypasswd), I just get told "A NO Login failed".    maillog and syslog don't tell me anything more than there was a failed login.  I've already confirmed that the smtp server (postfix) is working, via t01:25
linux_kidsuper: it should but it didnt work for me, i use Linuxant.01:25
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killownhow I permit my ip in squid?01:25
ryanakcaJowi: isn't what I was trying to do kindof firewalling? meh, now that I think of it, hosts.(deny/allow) is easier01:25
sn9soundray: you're assuming hda1, you're assuming ntfs, etc.01:25
CrellAll the telnetting is from/to localhost, too.01:25
Zarephathdid you try to bring up the interface after setting said settings? sometime the interface isn't initialized01:25
Jowigot to sleep. night all01:25
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CrellNight, Jowi.01:25
ryanakcakingsley: get a good video card... kde + beryl01:25
ryanakcanight jowi01:25
ZarephathJowi,: night01:25
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superdo u have to pay for linuxant cause there site says you do i think01:26
ashikaCrell, You double checked login info correct01:26
soundraysn9: you should either follow the entire conversation closely, or keep out of it.01:26
linux_kidsuper: try "sudo modprobe wlan0" or whatever ur interface name is01:26
ashikaCrell, ?01:26
pilibeendo you think a 7600gs would suffice for kde + beryl?01:26
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superi see01:26
pilibeenim seeing one on sale for 50$ AR01:26
sn9soundray: sorry01:26
ryanakcakingsley: kubuntu edgy is what I was running01:26
superill boot up my laptop one sec01:26
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linux_kidsuper: yes, linuxant costs, but thats all that worked for me so eventually i will have to pay01:26
ryanakcapilibeen: no clue, ask in #ubuntu-xgl... I was using a ATI Radeon 9200SE01:27
Crellashika: Yes.  I'm using a MySQL database for the postfix storage, and I'm looking at the login info now.  I've also tried multiple times in case of lazy fingers.  No change.01:27
ashikaI notice most problems are people running edgy01:27
Zarephathlinux_kid: Why would you try to load a driver for a network interface?01:27
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superbecause it wont plug and play01:27
kingsleyryanakca: Does kubuntu edgy have anything like beryl?01:27
ryanakcaashika: because most people are running edgy (I think)?01:27
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Crellashika: Well, it's the new one, so that's what people are trying out. :-)01:27
linux_kidcause sometimes i have an interface but it dosn't work01:27
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ashikaCrell, Hmm. Did you try creating a new account?01:27
superi think a package didnt install01:27
ashikaryanakca, No this is not true. Most people prefer stability01:27
soundraypsirice: I don't think you should go on experimenting with this drive if you have valuable data on there. It needs some sort of corruption fix. Whatever I can advise you to do remotely may help, but it may just as easily make matters worse.01:27
Crellashika: What sort of new account?  Mail account?01:27
=== SunFish7 [n=SunFish7@cpc4-oxfd1-0-0-cust870.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
linux_kidsuper: that would do it01:27
ashikaCrell, But if you read the warning it explicitly states API UNSTABLE.01:27
CrellThis is an account I created in MySQL.01:28
ashikaCrell, Yes01:28
=== Revolution [i=Revoluti@user-0c99krj.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ryanakcakingsley: beryl is desktop independent... it will run on gnome, kde, xfce...01:28
superbut i dont know what the package is01:28
linux_kiddo u still have the ubuntu .iso in windoze?01:28
bobbie__4Hello revolution!!!!01:28
psiricesoundray: I'm willing to try it.01:28
superi beleted it01:28
ashikaCrell, Isn't there a Courier-IMAP email creater or does it suggest you do it manually01:28
linux_kidhow sad01:28
UbuntuUserscons: *** No SConstruct file found.01:28
UbuntuUserFile "/usr/lib/scons/SCons/Script/Main.py", line 1019, in _main???01:28
superbut i verified it01:28
Zarephathsuper: Did you try "sudo ifup wlan0" or whatever the device name is?01:28
kingsleyryanakca: Are you using beryl?01:28
superit was fine01:28
linux_kidsuper: r u using 6.06 or 6.10?01:28
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ryanakcakingsley: I was untill a week or so ago01:28
Crellashika: Not that I'm aware of.  On my old Debian Sarge server I just added records to MySQL manually.  The accounts should just be handled by postfix, not courier itself, shouldn't they?01:29
kingsleyryanakca: How did you obtain it?01:29
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ryanakcakingsley: I don't have very good hardware, it was taking up too many resources here... I have an old system01:29
ryanakcakingsley: join #ubuntu-xgl01:29
superi got one idea left01:29
linux_kidsuper: shoot01:29
nelsongHello guys, I'm having a wee bit of trouble right now configuring my laptop to run xinerama, actually I got it to run, but on the second monitor I can't seem to use more than half the screen. Anyone got an idea?01:29
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superinstall fedora 6 and see if it will auto detect it :P01:29
arbiri dont find the /etc/inittab file with my version of ubuntu... have things changed ?01:29
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sn9nelsong: change the resolution of the other screen01:30
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concept10arbir, yes, ubuntu edgy uses upstart01:30
soundraypsirice: the program I'm talking about is called dosfsck. I'm not sure whether it is on the live CD - please check by entering 'dosfsck' by itself01:30
superheh no i made my ubuntu all preety i dont want to install fedora01:30
linux_kidsuper: how is fedora anyway?01:30
arbirthanks concept10 for the lead.. let me work on that01:30
superits high tech01:30
linux_kidsuper: ya, all the prettiness...01:30
=== labbe [n=labbe@ti221110a081-1138.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
superuses all the latest packagies01:30
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nelsongsn9, it's running on the same resolution as the laptop monitor. 1024x76801:31
arbirthere is no file called /etc/upstart01:31
nelsongshould I try a higher one?01:31
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ashikaCrell, You have proper directory setup?01:31
=== StFS [n=stefan@194-144-6-113.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu
sn9linux_kid: fedora is very awful01:31
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superill try the mod probe command01:31
killownhow to allow ip in squid?01:31
ZarephathMan this is fsked up...the damned streams aren't being saved seperately by streamripper...01:31
superwhys it awful?01:31
ashikaCrell, As you are aware Courier does not automatically set up folders.01:31
sn9nelsong: lower it01:31
markus__Hello. My nfs system is not mounted at boot time. its mounted about 1 min after the the machine is ready. How can i fix that?01:31
=== fatlip [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
nelsongokah...trying that right now.01:31
superfedora looks alright to me01:32
arbiri dont see /etc/upstart @ concept1001:32
UbuntuUserfedora is ok01:32
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Zarephathmarkus__, : I assume you have it in fstab?01:32
linux_kiddoes fredora use GNOME?01:32
UbuntuUserI guess it does support more01:32
Crellashika: Yes.  I manually created and permissioned the directory where Maildirs will be stored.01:32
markus__Zarephath, Yes ofcourse01:32
sn9linux_kid: yes, but not well01:32
superoh whys that?01:32
linux_kidsound like a nice little server os01:32
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superi thought it was very stable01:32
Zarephathmarkus__, : Did you try changing the entry order?01:33
UbuntuUsermore configuration will be needed01:33
linux_kidwell, thats why i said server01:33
StFShello. can anybody tell me how to configure the locale in ubuntu? It used to be "dpkg-reconfigure locales" and you could select the locale but now that's not possible.01:33
superubuntu is more preety though01:33
CrellAs I said, I can successfully SMTP to it and the file gets written.01:33
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
markus__Zarephath, You mean to set the nfs partions first?01:33
ashikaCrell, Do you have CRAM-MD5 enabled?01:33
soundraypsirice: still here?01:33
CrellUm, not that I know of.01:33
CrellJust TLS.01:33
=== uber_mort [n=untwiste@c-71-206-224-150.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
domisomeone? need help... pv??01:33
psiricesoundray: Yeah, where do I enter dosfsck?01:33
linux_kidok, we all know ubuntu is better, back to super's wireless01:33
sn9super: fedora was never intended to be stable01:33
UbuntuUserwhat you mean01:33
madewokherdum is there a way I can install edgy from a livecd that isn't an edgy livecd?01:33
domisomeone? need help... pv??01:33
Zarephathmarkus: I wouldn't do that..I would let your main partitions load then add it right after that...it could have to do with the parameters you have specified for nfs as well that causes it to pause01:34
soundraypsirice: same place01:34
XiXaQCan someone tell me how to change the site banner in Joomla! ?01:34
madewokherdlike over the network01:34
=== stalefries [n=stalefri@pool-71-113-25-221.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
CrellXiXaQ: #Joomla would know better than we would.01:34
psiricesoundray: Okay, I did that, now what should I do?01:34
UbuntuUseryou know about compiling?01:34
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soundraypsirice: if it's installed, it should have given you usage info. Did it?01:34
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superoh noes i have problem01:35
XiXaQCrell, ah! Thanks :)01:35
markus__Zarephath, When are the nfs partion mounted and which script do that? they are probly not mounted at the same time as the other device becuser the network simply ain't ready then01:35
supermodprobe wlan0 or wlan1 cant find the card01:35
psiricesoundray: This is what it gave me: "[-aAflrtvVwy]  [-d path -d ...]  [-u path -u ...] 01:35
psirice               device01:35
psirice  -a       automatically repair the file system01:35
psirice  -A       toggle Atari file system format01:35
psirice  -d path  drop that file01:35
sn9madewokherd: you can install ubuntu with no cd at all01:35
psirice  -f       salvage unused chains to files01:35
superbut its lit up and everything01:35
psirice  -l       list path names01:35
psirice  -n       no-op, check non-interactively without changing01:35
psirice  -r       interactively repair the file system01:35
psirice  -t       test for bad clusters01:35
psirice  -u path  try to undelete that (non-directory) file01:35
psirice  -v       verbose mode01:35
soundraypsirice: you're not supposed to paste stuff here.01:35
psirice  -V       perform a verification pass01:35
=== erik_ [n=xax@host172-213-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
psirice  -w       write changes to disk immediately01:35
Crellpsirice: DO NOT FLOOD!01:35
psirice  -y       same as -a, for compat with other *fsck01:35
linux_kidsuper: try "sudo modprobe eth0" and then eth101:35
soundraypsirice: it even says so in the topic01:35
madewokherdsn9: how is that?01:36
psiriceCrell: Sorry01:36
Crellashika: Should I be running cram-md5?01:36
psiriceSoundray: Sorry.01:36
Zarephath! tell pscirice about pastebin01:36
H3g3m0neth0 isn't a valid module for modprobe01:36
sn9madewokherd: what are you installing onto? laptop? desktop?01:36
=== Crell has been following the tutorial here: http://flurdy.com/docs/postfix
superboth not found01:36
=== auk [n=scott@h-69-3-211-187.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
superit makes me want to cry01:36
linux_kidme too01:36
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madewokherdsn9: laptop01:37
H3g3m0nsuper: modprobe uses modules, eth0 is what is created when a module has been loaded01:37
linux_kidtry ndiswrapper01:37
=== erik_ [n=xax@host172-213-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
domisomeone got time for a noob???01:37
superi tried01:37
sn9linux_kid: modprobing an interface is a fedora thing; we don't do that here01:37
soundraypsirice: there is a web site for that kind of thing, if we should need it. For now, just enter 'sudo dosfsck -n /dev/sda1' and describe the response you get in one line, if you can.01:37
ashikaCrell, Well its personal preference but in the documentation it has steps you should do if and if not running CRAM-MD5. For example if not running you would specift a --without-authcram option to the configure script or edit imapd and remove authcram from the AUTHMODULES setting.01:37
superwas to much of a nightmare to install01:37
linux_kidi hear u01:37
=== Crell checks the config file for cram
ashikaCrell, However if you use it you need to edit impad and add AUTH=CRAM-MD5 to the IMAP_CAPABILITY variable01:37
sn9madewokherd: old? new?01:37
linux_kidtry bcm43xx01:37
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madewokherdsn9: old01:38
superisnt there a deb for ndiswrapper01:38
madewokherd900 MHz processor01:38
linux_kidya, try synaptic01:38
madewokherdbut I can't let it run at 900 MHz or it overheats01:38
superi would01:38
soundray!ndiswrapper-utils | super01:38
madewokherdI had to do some crazy thing01:38
ubotundiswrapper-utils: Userspace utilities for ndiswrapper. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1-5 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 48 kB01:38
linux_kiddomi, what01:38
matroblendCan I reinstall 6.10 without losing my files?01:38
sn9madewokherd: is it too old to have built-in ethernet?01:38
domitime for a noob?01:38
madewokherdso that the frequency wouldn't go up that high01:38
=== sean_ [n=sean@cpe-71-79-123-82.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
madewokherdit has built-in ethernet01:38
linux_kidndiswrapper had a gui01:38
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superno it dont01:39
psiriceSoundray: It gave me a date and some other numbers and then says seek to and more numbers then says invalid argument.01:39
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madewokherdI'm sure a gentoo livecd would work01:39
Crellashika: It's not currently set, and I don't believe I'll be using it since I have TLS setup (at least in theory...)01:39
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superwait is ndiswrapper in my userspace?01:39
TurtleBootsguys someone PLEASE help me with my wireless set up. I'm really struggling01:39
RedEyessWireless networking?01:39
linux_kidya it does, search synaptic for ndiswrapper01:39
madewokherdbut a gentoo livecd can't install ubuntu :p01:39
RedEyessgood or sucks?01:39
concept10arbir, still there?01:39
linux_kidit is in universe01:39
Davieyhi, can somebody pastebin their edgy /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for me? Ta01:39
sn9madewokherd: does its bios setup have ethernet as a boot option?01:39
ashikaCrell, Are you using IMAP or POP3 for log in.01:39
soundraypsirice: does it say what the invalid argument is?01:39
arbiryes concept i am here01:39
arbirgoogling around for what you told me01:39
superwelcome to my world turtle boots01:39
arbirwith no luck whatsoever01:39
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madewokherdsn9: I think so01:39
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:39
Crellashika: imap.  I've tried via telnet, KMail, and squirrelmail.  Same thing in all cases.01:39
madewokherdI don't know how to use that01:39
psiricesoundray: No, it just says invalid argument.01:39
killownhow to allow ip in squid.conf?01:39
TurtleBootsRedEyess: can you help?01:40
concept10abir ^^01:40
RedEyessCan I help?01:40
arbirwhat does that mean concept10 ?01:40
RedEyesssorry... what was the question?01:40
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concept10arbir, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:40
arbiraaah..... let me see that now01:40
ashikaCrell, Are you using authdaemon01:40
TurtleBootsRedEyess: guys someone PLEASE help me with my wireless set up. I'm really struggling01:40
soundraypsirice: can you recheck that you entered '/dev/sda1' last in the command line?01:40
arbirconcept10: can i ask you another thing?01:40
RedEyessare you using an encryption key?01:40
superi downloaded fedora im considerin installing it just for the sake of finding out if my wificard will work01:40
arbirif i need to play my mp3 files ? will this work ==> http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs ?01:41
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kudzubanesuper: what is the wifi card?01:41
madewokherdsn9: I don't think I have enough ram for a livecd with a gui to work well01:41
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psiricesoundray: Yes, I entered /dev/sdal01:41
ashikasuper, Live cd. and did you try installing linux drivers01:41
linux_kidsuper: ubuntu can become pretty agian, go for it01:41
supercisco areonet 35001:41
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sn9madewokherd: if the cd drive were broken and wouldn't read cd's at all, you'd be able to boot off the ethernet into an ubuntu installer. but if it can boot off usb flash, that will be easier01:41
TurtleBootsRedeyess: give me a wee second please01:41
soundraypsirice: not "l" as in "Lima", but the number '1' please01:41
Crellashika: Yes, and it is running.  Same error.01:41
madewokherdsn9: does the ubuntu installer use X ?01:41
sn9madewokherd: how much ram is in there?01:41
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madewokherd250 MiB apparently01:42
Davieyhi, can somebody pastebin their edgy /etc/gdm/gdm.conf for me? Ta01:42
sn9madewokherd: the alternate installer does not use X for installation01:42
CrellHm, wait a tick...01:42
concept10arbir, go ahead01:42
matroblendCan you edit conf files on your HD from SU via live cd?01:42
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arbirdid u see the question ?01:42
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psiricesoundray: Okay, I re-entered it, and it said the same thing, I think I just read it as an l, not a 1.01:42
arbiri think there is a huge lag01:42
superif fedora doesnt doesnt read the wifi card ill stick ubuntu back on since i havnt started putting my backed up files back on yet01:42
sn9madewokherd: 250??? i thought you were gonna say 16 or something01:42
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ashikaCrell, If authdaemond is running then check your authentication modules configuration. For example with authpam you have to configure PAM to use imap. And same auth01:43
linux_kidis fedora live?01:43
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madewokherdif it were 16 I don't think I'd be using ubuntu01:43
concept10arbir, that should work01:43
supernot the one i downloaded01:43
ashikaCrell, Some auth's use a authldap and authmysql check those.01:43
Crellashika: Hang on, I think I may have found an issue.01:43
linux_kidthat sux01:43
arbirk let me try it now!01:43
sn9madewokherd: if it has 250, you have enough for even the heaviest X apps01:43
CrellApparently courier-authlib-mysql wasn't installed, when I thought it was.01:43
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concept10arbir, there is no lag, im just doing a couple of things at one time so you have to use my name01:43
CrellInstalling that now.01:43
RedEyesswifi with an encryption key doesn't always work for using Ubuntu01:44
ashikaCrell, Lastly double check database and make sure your using maildirs $HOME/maildir and you are not using mailboxes as it does not support mailboc.01:44
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ashikaCrell, Oh.01:44
superis there a console command for enabling the wifi card?01:44
RedEyess( or other Linux distros for that matter )01:44
madewokherdoh they run01:44
soundraypsirice: that's pretty bad news. There might be other tools you could try to rescue your filesystem, but I don't know of any.01:44
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arbiryes i realised that i need to use your name @ concept1001:44
ashikaCrell, Lol I was under impression you have all libraries01:44
RedEyessI should just buy a centrino laptop01:44
antonio_iwconfig power on01:44
linux_kidsuper: if u use bcm43xx or ndiswrapper there is a command01:44
Crellashika: I was under that impression, too. :-)01:44
TurtleBootsRedEyess: why does encryption not always work witj Ubuntu?01:44
psiricesoundray: What do you mean? What's the bad news about it?01:44
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ashikaCrell, Make sure authmysql is configured right.01:44
RedEyessnot sure01:44
madewokherdbut as I understand it in a livecd environment ram is a lot more important for things to work properly01:44
sn9madewokherd: is it a p3 or a celeron?01:44
concept10arbir, just use tab complete, type half the name and then hit tab01:44
TurtleBootsthats what I'm trying to setup01:44
Crellashika: Looking into that as we speak.01:44
TurtleBootsI had it working before but now I just can't get it to work01:45
madewokherdmobile AMD Athlon(tm) 4 Processor01:45
zidoenhmm, i'm running VLC Mediaplayer on Ubuntu Edgy, but "Fullscreen" isn't really fullscreen.. using Gnome, anybody know how to actually make it FULLscreen?01:45
ashikaCrell, and I dont know if authldap applies to your situation.01:45
killownI get access denied to squid when I put local ip firefox proxy configuration what I do  to fix it??01:45
arbiroh yeah , i know abotu the tab , thanks though @ concept1001:45
RedEyessTurtleBoots: Have you tried ****-****-** with your encryption key01:45
nelsongsn9, the resolution part did not work but I seem to have found an answer on the forums. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=295096 just in case anyone else asks.01:45
linux_kidsuper: give me in output of iwconfig...01:45
TurtleBootsRedEyess: I don01:45
soundraypsirice: well, normally dosfsck -n would look at a corrupted filesystem and tell you what's wrong with it. This means that there isn't even enough of a filesystem there that dosfsck would recognize it.01:45
Crellashika: I've no LDAP, so I suspect not.01:45
arbiri am getting this error " Package w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package." @ concept1001:45
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CrellAlthough I've got the cycles, so I may consider LDAP at some point in the future, just to say that I have it. :-)01:45
RedEyessI don?01:45
RedEyesswhat does that mean?01:46
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TurtleBootsdon't quite understand what yuo mean by  ****-***-***01:46
ashikaCrell, then you should be ready to roll :) let me know how it works out.01:46
TurtleBootstypo sorrie dude01:46
sn9madewokherd: i thought you wanted to install, rather than run live...01:46
CrellWill do.01:46
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madewokherdI do01:46
psiricesoundray: Wow, that's not good at all. Well, thank you for all of your help sir.01:46
ashikaCrell, out of curiosity why are you running a server off of EE build and not server versions?01:46
madewokherdif there's an installer that isn't very heavy I think I'll be ok01:46
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CrellI'm running the EE-server amd64 version.01:46
TurtleBootsRedEyess: sorry that was a typo earlier01:46
ashikaCrell, Ah01:46
Belboz99hey all, I'm compiling a new kernel, should I use the Intel EM64T as my processor type?  I have an Intel Core 2 Duo01:46
sn9madewokherd: the network based installer does not use X01:46
ashikaCrell, You use a single core for a server?01:47
soundraypsirice: I'm sorry there wasn't much I could do.01:47
kudzubaneBelboz99: that should be ok01:47
CrellIt's a single-core single-proc AMD64, yes.01:47
TurtleBootsRedeyess: I dont quite understans what you mean by ****-***-**01:47
tengocan someone help me with my resolution problem?01:47
soundraypsirice: it might be worth checking the web for filesystem rescue tools.01:47
ashikaCrell, personal use?01:47
Belboz99thanks kudzubane01:47
UbuntuUserfuck scons goddamnit01:47
TurtleBootsRedEyess: can you please explain01:47
TurtleBootsgouki: you there?01:47
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concept10arbir, get them from here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:47
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ajmitchUbuntuUser: please, watch your language01:47
RedEyessTurtleBoots: the key should be in the format " ****-****-** "01:48
RevolutionI'm having some trouble with Ubuntu01:48
Crellashika: Yeah, home server.  My PII/400 with the BIOS that can't modern hard drives and a hard drive that is louder than my air conditioner is dying, so I figured it was time to upgrade.01:48
arbiris browsing the link that concept10 just provided01:48
linux_kidsuper: have we solved our problem?01:48
RedEyessafter each 4 digits/letters there should be a dash01:48
superi have to set up my card its not plug and play says a random bloke in a ubuntu forum01:48
ihatetripeHi everyone. I am wanting to intall Digikam 0.9 on my Ubuntu install. This version is new, and not included in any repositories I can find. Am I best off creating a deb file from source, or from an RPM? Thanks in Advance01:48
RevolutionCan someone help me with getting my ubuntu boot disk to work?01:48
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ashikaCrell, Ah so you run the amd 24/7. Out of curiosity what is it's power consumption01:48
superi know nothing about linux so i dont know what to do01:48
soundraypsirice: there is another possibility, which is that the filesystem isn't of the msdos type, even though mount seems to have recognized it as such.01:48
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tengoWhenever I change the resolution out of 800x600, the logon screen will loop over and over again. I have an AMD chipset, so 915resolution didn't work. I'm running Ubuntu Edgy Eft.01:49
TurtleBootsRedEyess: I just enter my key under system->admin->networking and it doesn't give the option of a specific format01:49
Crellashika: When I have an idea, I'll let you know.  It's less than a week old. :-)01:49
superi presume theres some sort of wifi card setup console thingy01:49
CrellBut it's very quiet.01:49
sn9Crell: you can put a modern hard disk in a 486; linux won't care what the bios thinks01:49
RevolutionCan anyone help me with a problem on Ubuntu?01:49
tengorevolution what is it01:49
khermans_Revolution, ?01:49
UbuntuUserjust ask the question01:49
Revolutionso i have a live cd01:49
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TurtleBootsRedeyess: but I can't seem to get to ping the router. both amber and green LED's flash on the card01:49
tengoyes you do revolution01:49
Revolutionit works on my dads comp01:49
DreamerHxCCan someone help me with my problem please? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1802847#post180284701:49
ashikaCrell, So you just run it 24/7 without problems?01:49
Revolutionbut im having trouble getting it to boot on my older comp01:50
DavieyHi, XDMCP only works when connecting to localhost.  Any ideas why?01:50
Crellsn9: Yes, but the BIOS is needed to get TO Linux.  Old server has an insanely loud 15 GB drive for / and a 120 GB drive that the BIOS doesn't know about for /home.01:50
CrellNew server has a single SATA 320 GB drive.01:50
RedEyessTurtleBoots: http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/46385/01:50
RedEyessthat's one article01:50
RedEyesslet me find another before you try anything01:50
tengorevolution did you check the bios settings to see if you boot cd drives before harddrives/external drives?01:50
Crellashika: Well, so far.  Again, it's not even a week old yet.01:50
RevolutionIt wont boot on my older PII and im not sure why01:50
TurtleBootsthanks RedEyess01:50
CrellBut my living room typically has 4 24/7 boxen.01:50
Revolutionyea i set it to CD01:50
madewokherdsn9: so how do I start this network-based installer?01:50
sn9Crell: the bios doesn't need to know about /home, just /boot01:50
ashikaCrell, I mean even with your old server01:50
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Revolutionbut then it says no bootable devices01:50
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Crellsn9: ... I know.01:50
RedEyessTurtleBoots: read this one too: http://ccsd.msoe.edu/faq/linux/Ubuntu.jsp?IDFaq=22301:51
CrellThat's my point.01:51
nelsongGreat, it works.01:51
sn9Crell: ok...01:51
ashikaCrell, I mean I have only left my PC on for a full 24 hours a few times01:51
khermans_Revolution, maybe the cdrom drive is bad01:51
Revolutionit works on my other comps01:51
Crellashika: Oh, most of my systems have been 2/47 for several years.01:51
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khermans_Revolution, yeah i said the drive01:51
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Revolutionbut on my older one i need it to work on it wont01:51
tengorevolution, no the cd drive is bad, not teh cd01:51
Revolutionno that works too01:51
sn9madewokherd: well, you can set up an ethernet boot, but it would be much easier if your machine can boot from usb flash01:51
TurtleBootsI'll try that RedEyess... thanks01:51
khermans_Revolution, is it a cd writer?01:51
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madewokherdI don't know if it can01:52
khermans_Revolution, if it is an old CD-ROM, might have trouble reading CD-R/CD-RW01:52
ashikaCrell, 2/47 isnt that hard xD lol j/k01:52
Revolutionlike i said it's an old machine so maybe that aids to theproblem01:52
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linux_kidRevolution: does the cdrom drive work in windows01:52
Luisakamotorhello people01:52
madewokherdbut the only usb flash drive I have has data on it that's important to me01:52
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madewokherdso I'd rather not mess with it01:52
Luisakamotoranybody can help me?01:52
Revolutionwell when i select the boot it says cd-r/cd/cd-rw01:52
khermans_Revolution, then try a floppy boot01:52
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superi think theres a way to fix my problem with /ect/interfaces/ folder01:52
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ashikaRevolution, What are you trying to do01:52
Revolutionthe computer has no floppy drive01:52
soundrayDreamerHxC: is the fglrx kernel module loaded?01:52
matroblendCan I re-install 6.10 and not lose my files as I tried to update vid drivers fglrx and now I can't boot HD01:53
khermans_Revolution, PXE boot?01:53
Revolutionim trying to boot ubuntu from a cd01:53
Crellashika: 2/47 would be impossible for any computer. :-)01:53
Revolutionnow idea what PXE is01:53
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ashikaCrell, How so? 2 hours every 47 days xD01:53
kudzubaneRevolution: network boot01:53
Revolutionnetwork boot?01:53
UbuntuUserEnemy Territory owns u on Ubuntu!01:53
Luisakamotorhow i install Wl-141 on ubuntu....i don't found suported drivers01:53
soundrayLuisakamotor: it's possible. You have to ask a question, though01:53
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sn9madewokherd: if there is free space on that flash, it can share. btw, never keep important stuff only on flash -- they don't call it a 21st-century floppy for nothing, you know01:54
soundrayLuisakamotor: what is a Wl-141?01:54
Halpoanyone here use Eclipse IDE?01:54
Revolutionhow would i do a network boot?01:54
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Crellashika: lol01:54
khermans_Revolution, http://blog.herlo.org/2006/10/31/ubuntu-network-installation-server-edgy-eft/01:54
Luisakamotorsitecom Wl-141 pci wireless card...sorry for my bad english01:54
lazarusHalpo, yup...what's up?01:54
Revolutionmaybe my BIOs arnt up to date01:54
Revolutioncould tht be it?01:54
madewokherdsn9: I back it up every week, but I'd still rather not risk it :p01:55
soundray!wireless | Luisakamotor01:55
ubotuLuisakamotor: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:55
kudzubaneRevolution: i suspect your bios is trying to network boot after failing to boot from disk or cd01:55
sn9Revolution: some bioses support it, some don't. if not, you need a floppy01:55
Luisakamotorsee ya01:55
matroblendCan I re-install 6.10 and not lose my files as I tried to update vid drivers fglrx and now I can't boot HD01:55
khermans_Revolution, possible01:55
Halpolazarus: I used it before the upgrade to Edgy....now everytime i try to open it, it wont open and gets stuck on an error that says "Error notifying a preference change listener"01:55
Revolutionhmm it doestn have a floppy drive...maybe a flash?01:55
khermans_Revolution, highly unlikely it boots from flash01:55
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Revolutionyea old comp01:56
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khermans_Revolution, try net boot01:56
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khermans_Revolution, but it takes some hacking configs01:56
soundraymatroblend: would it not be better to try and fix the boot problem?01:56
Revolutionway over my head01:56
Revolutionim new to all of this01:56
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matroblendSoundray Yes if I knew what I was  doing01:56
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Revolutioni just wanted ubuntu because its fast and works on slow machines and is really cool01:56
lazarushalpo: what jdk are you running...  i'm still running dapper, so I won't be of much help if the problem is specific to the new version01:56
sn9Revolution: sure, if it can boot from flash. i was about to walk madewokherd through the same thing01:56
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khermans_Revolution, xubuntu is better for slow machines01:57
lazaruswell, specific to edgy anyways01:57
soundraymatroblend: you may be lucky and get some guidance in here.01:57
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Halpolazarus: jdk?01:57
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soundraymatroblend: what happens when you try to boot from the hard disk?01:57
TurtleBootswhere is the encryption key held within Ubuntu??01:57
Revolutionwell its not that slow its decent01:57
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lazarusEclipse is a java development environment01:57
TurtleBootsi.e the pwd01:57
Crellhooray!  A different error now. :-)01:57
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nayruHello, how do you login as root on ubuntu? Kind of a dumb question but it wont let me do it on the login screen01:57
UbuntuUserHELLZ YES!01:57
khermans_nayru, sudo -i01:57
tonyyarussoTurtleBoots: What do you mean?01:57
Revolutionthe hard disk works01:57
UbuntuUserYAFRAY WORKS!01:57
madewokherdspeaking of floppies01:57
tonyyarusso!root | nayru01:57
ubotunayru: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:57
soundrayTurtleBoots: /etc/shadow01:57
Crellnayru: You don't.  PRefix a command with sudo01:57
lazarusso you need some java runtime environment01:57
Revolutionon the hard disk i have XP01:57
madewokherdcould I use one of those instead of flash? :p01:57
Revolutioncan i set ubuntu.iso on the hard disk?01:57
kudzubanenayru: ubuntu subscribes to the sudo philosophy01:57
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linux_kidnayru, what version r u running, dapper or edgy01:58
UbuntuUserDo you like bananas?01:58
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TurtleBootsI mean the file that you can enter the wireless encrypt key into01:58
Halpolazarus: oh yeah, well it works for C stuff to I believe, I havent used it much, but i just know i liked the setup of it before i upgraded01:58
khermans_nayru, you should not!01:58
DavieyHi, XDMCP only works when connecting to localhost.  Any ideas why?01:58
antonio_join #xubuntu01:58
TurtleBootsdo you know what I mean?01:58
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Halpoits not a huge deal but was just curious01:58
khermans_Daviey, xhost +01:58
nayrulet me try some stuff brb01:58
lazarussure, but the IDE itself is written in java, so you need a runtime environment to run it01:58
tonyyarusso!wifi | TurtleBoots01:58
ubotuTurtleBoots: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:58
Davieykhermans_, ?01:58
RevolutionWould it be possivle to set my ubuntu.iso to my hard drive and then reboot and have it boot from it?01:58
soundrayTurtleBoots: I think that's /etc/network/interfaces if it's WEP01:58
khermans_Daviey, you cant connect from outside?01:58
peterphey , anyone have working compiz + edgy  with the edgy packages?01:58
matroblendI tried to follow ati vid drivers for fglrx and when I got to the reboot part it would not load drivers01:58
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sn9madewokherd: a floppy-based install of ubuntu will be the worst of both worlds -- you would need to set up a network boot AND a bootable disk01:58
khermans_Revolution, yes kinda01:59
arbiru there concept10 ?01:59
lazarusHalpo:  what do you see when you execute "which java"01:59
Revolutionhow would i do that?01:59
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Davieyi can only get a connection to localhost, not from another machine on my lan01:59
khermans_Revolution, it is a very involved process01:59
concept10arbir, yeah01:59
CPrgmSwR2I am having a problem getting my computer to boot from the livecd - its as if the cd-rom is not reconized as a bootable cd-rom can seomeone help me?01:59
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soundraymatroblend: what exactly happens when you try to boot from the hard disk?01:59
khermans_Daviey, make sure you allow remote connections01:59
TurtleBootsthanks guys01:59
Halpoi get a directory.../usr/bin/java01:59
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madewokherdwhat's the problem with the network boot anyway?01:59
arbirwould you know how to increase the width of the scroll bars of all my windows ? @ concept1001:59
lazarusHalpo: nevermind....execute java --version instead01:59
Davieykhermans_, is enabled01:59
HeathenDanCPrgmSwR2, check your bios. set it to boot from the cd before the hdd01:59
MikeWI'm trying to open gedit as root so I can edit my xorg.conf file but typing sudo gedit doesn't actually do anything01:59
madewokherdthat you don't want me to do it?01:59
MikeWAny ideas?01:59
Revolutioni have no idea on how to do the net boot...02:00
matroblendI would have to leave and try reboot02:00
sn9Revolution: actually, booting an installer iso from the hd is quite easy, if it's an option02:00
linux_kidCPrgmSR2: set ur bios to boot from cd before hdd02:00
Revolutionsn9: how so?02:00
concept10arbir, get another theme? :)02:00
Revolutionit is an option02:00
CPrgmSwR2HeathenDan the windows XP cd works just fine02:00
Halpoi tried installing 1.5.0 the other day because firefox needed a plugin, but i was never successful02:00
arbirlike what ?02:00
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khermans_Revolution, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-229.html02:00
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arbiri am running the Human theme now concept1002:00
Halpoi've only ever installed from synaptic package manager02:00
CPrgmSwR2but for some reason the ubuntu won't02:01
soundraymatroblend: before you do that: Do you have a rough idea at what point the booting fails?02:01
sn9madewokherd: you would need to set up a second machine for it to connect to, and set it up just right. that's why usb-boot is much easier02:01
lazarusHalpo, if the jdk specific to edgy has changed from dapper, the problem could be related to the new jdk included in the distro02:01
concept10arbir, im not sure I understand what you are attempting to do02:01
HeathenDani see. maybe the cd is borked. check the iso image's md5 sum. also, make sure you verified your cd after burning it02:01
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CPrgmSwR2okay thnx02:01
sn9Revolution: on the ubuntu mirrors are prepackaged booters for installing that way02:01
arbirconcept10: i run a resolution of 1920 x 1200 and my scroll bars in all applications are frightfully thin02:01
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HeathenDanand make sure you burned it as an image file, if you burned the iso as a data file, it will not boot02:01
madewokherdI think I'll just try the alternate cd02:02
khermans_Revolution, does it have windows on it already?02:02
arbirconcept10: i would like to increase the width of those scroll bars02:02
nayruHow come i cant look at any directories or anything when im using sudo -i (im a totall linux noob)02:02
Davieykhermans_, Also, if i try to connect using my localhosts IP address (ie 10.0.0.x) then i get the same result.  On works using 'localhost'02:02
=== eternale1 [n=eternale@c-24-13-25-192.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sn9madewokherd: if you already have that burned, that's even easier02:02
khermans_Daviey, so seems like port blocking issue02:02
khermans_Daviey, iptables or config is setting it to block02:02
linux_kidarbir: tryn using a different theme from art.gnome.org02:02
matroblendSoundray: I was following a guide to upgrade vid drivers on a ati 9550 radon and when it came to the reboot part it failed02:02
eternale1anyone know hwat happened to unrar? why is it unrar-free now? it doesn't seem to work the correctly anymore02:02
concept10arbir, this is a screenshot of my desktop: http://pastie.caboo.se/paste/asset/21490/Screenshot-2.png02:02
madewokherdI don't have it burned02:02
Davieykhermans_, i checked with firestarter02:02
concept10arbir, you want something like that?02:02
madewokherdI have the gui one burned :p02:03
lazarusHalpo, you could try to install the J2SE runtime environment from java.sun.com02:03
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khermans_Daviey, type xhost +02:03
arbirconcept10: arbir is checking02:03
Davieykhermans_, plus i tried it on another machine (clean instalL)02:03
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crimsun!info unrar-nonfree02:03
ubotuPackage unrar-nonfree does not exist in any distro I know02:03
Davieykhermans_, what does that do?02:03
CPrgmSwR2HeathenDan the weirdness in this situation is that my friend can boot from the cd-rom just fine that is ubuntu02:03
arbirlinux_kid: i tried other themes nothing suits me for now02:03
lazarusHalpo, there is a version for linux, and the installation is really easy02:03
crimsun!info unrar02:03
soundraymatroblend: can you remember how/when it failed?02:03
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB02:03
CPrgmSwR2I can't seem too02:03
khermans_Daviey, allows any addrss to connect02:03
khermans_to X02:03
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Halpoill try that again i guess02:03
crimsuneternale1: lsb_release -r02:03
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sn9madewokherd: the gui one i almost never recommend for an installation, but there's absolutely no reason you can't use it02:03
CPrgmSwR2Do I still need to recheck the md5 check sum02:03
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madewokherdyes there is02:03
matroblendSoundray:no I will do another reboot and write it down02:04
madewokherdI tried it and it didn't start02:04
arbirconcept10: even your scroll bars are think :-)02:04
Davieykhermans_, brb02:04
superscrew it im installing fedora02:04
lazarusHalpo, basically after you install this version of java, then just modify your path to run the new one02:04
linux_kidi dont no if u can change the width of anything unless u search in gnomes and window x's files for a while02:04
arbiryeah sure i like your theme which, desktop are you using ? @ concept1002:04
HeathenDanCPrgmSwR2, it won't hurt to check, yes02:04
madewokherdI think my cd drive may be prone to overheating02:04
lazarusi.e. "which java" shouldn't be in /usr/bin anymore02:04
concept10arbir, they are normal size02:04
soundraymatroblend: while you're at it, see if you can boot in recovery mode (second grub boot option)02:04
sn9madewokherd: then that's a video driver problem, not a ram one02:04
Dreamgliderwhy is avi playback in fullscreen full off horisontall lines, im using VLC02:04
madewokherdbut I tried it again02:05
concept10arbir, using gnome with a murina theme02:05
arbirconcept10: i sure would like to give it a go, the theme you got02:05
madewokherdand once more02:05
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Halpowhat kind of a process is an Popup error message window....i have one that wont go away and dont know what its called to kill it02:05
crimsuneternale1: do you have 'unrar' installed?02:05
arbirmurina, is it ? concept1002:05
eternale1it won't let me02:05
arbirlet me check it out02:05
madewokherdand it didn't even get as far in the boot process :p02:05
sn9madewokherd: yup; video driver problem02:05
eternale1so no.02:05
crimsuneternale1: it should if you have multiverse enabled02:05
madewokherdlast time the boot menu didn't even show up02:05
Davieykhermans_, naa, still didn't work02:06
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madewokherdbut it did the first time02:06
soundrayHalpo: for that kind of situation you have xkill02:06
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khermans_Daviey, what is the error?02:06
eternale1which i do.02:06
khermans_Daviey, run a trace with wireshark02:06
madewokherdthough video driver problems wouldn't surprise me02:06
sn9madewokherd: ok, if the boot menu showed up once, but not again, heat is the most likely suspect02:06
tupahi: im installing an ubuntu-based distro, but when it is installing i get this error02:06
crimsuneternale1: probably not if you can't install. Pastebin the spew from ``apt-cache policy unrar && sudo apt-get install unrar''02:06
wasp_emshello.i am using xubuntu..i installed both beryl and xgl..when i enter xgl it is really laggy..if i run beryl-manager the whole systems freezes..if i run beryl-xgl beryl runs fine but no window manager runs with it..any ideas?02:06
concept10arbir, yep, it gnome, I like this look too: http://pastie.caboo.se/paste/asset/1994/Screenshot.png02:07
Davieykhermans_, i will do that, but i think it's a job for tommorow02:07
tupa(numbers) buffer i/o error on device hda logical block "numbers"02:07
madewokherdin that case02:07
tupaanyone can help me?02:07
madewokherdwould the alternate cd even be likely to help?02:07
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linux_kidtupa: what distro02:07
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khermans_tupa, yup seen it02:07
Halposoundray: how do i figure out what the error window is IDed?02:07
tupaits name is manolix, not very known02:07
tupabut has what i need02:08
khermans_tupa, see it on older non-cdr drives02:08
sn9madewokherd: the machine definitely needs help of the hardware kind. i have performed such laptop surgery successfully before, but it's off-topic here02:08
khermans_tupa, even with ubuntu02:08
arbirconcept10: i guess, if this does not suit me, i might have to switch to KDE02:08
soundrayHalpo: you won't have to. If you run xkill, your mouse cursor should turn into a crosshair or a skull. With that, you click on the misbehaving window.02:08
madewokherdbut it works02:08
sn9madewokherd: and i mean that exact problem02:08
madewokherdas long as it doesn't work too hard02:08
Halpogot it, thanks02:08
tupakhermans: ???, my cd-r is new02:08
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arbirconcept10: i was trying my best not to look at kde.. but my scroll bars are really thin...... :-(02:08
Dreamgliderwhy is avi playback in full-screen full off horizontal lines, I'm using VLC02:09
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khermans_tupa, what machine is this?02:09
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soundrayOh shoot, I think he xkilled his IRC client...02:09
khermans_DreamerHxC, bad encoding?02:09
CrellDrat, he left.02:09
=== __mikem uses mplayer.
tupa686, pentium 4 - 3.00 Ghz, ht02:09
concept10arbir, its probably just your resolution02:09
Dreamgliderkhermans_: it is only in fullscreen, windowed is fine!02:09
arbirconcept10: like i said, its my resolution.. if i get it below 1920 x 1200 then it sucks like hell.... all things get squished02:10
khermans_DreamerHxC, widescreen?02:10
sn9madewokherd: laptops should not be concerned about overwork02:10
Dreamgliderkhermans_:  No02:10
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madewokherdI suppose02:10
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khermans_Dreamglider, this on edgy?02:11
madewokherdbut I don't expect much from this one :p02:11
eternale1crimsun: http://pastebin.ca/25717702:11
Dreamgliderkhermans_:  6.0602:11
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crimsuneternale1: right, you don't have multiverse enabled.02:11
khermans_i use edgy -- no issues02:11
eternale1wanna see my sources?02:11
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crimsuneternale1: user02:11
eternale1on pastbine..02:11
sn9madewokherd: that's what i heard from every laptop owner that has ever told me about this exact problem02:12
madewokherdare you sure there's no way I could do this from a random non-ubuntu livecd environment?02:12
tupakhermans: p4 - 3.00 ghz02:12
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sn9madewokherd: that won't help if it's having "heat lock-ups"02:12
eternale1crimsun: pastebin.ca/25717902:12
madewokherdit will if I can get another livecd to work02:13
madewokherdand I know I can02:13
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cicawireless config in ubuntu is a total gypsie!02:13
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madewokherdI could start trying to install gentoo on here02:13
crimsuneternale1: note how you have edgy-backports enabled for multiverse but not edgy itself.02:13
madewokherdwhich would work beautifully I'm sure :p02:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gypsie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
eternale1so add those two multiverse lines to "edgy" instead of "edgy-backports"02:14
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sn9madewokherd: if it's not consistent about the point at which it fails, but always fails, expect it to fail no matter what it does02:14
MikeWHow do I edit my xorg.conf file in edgy? when I type sudo gedit .... gedit never seems to load02:14
khermans_MikeW, nano -w xorg.conf02:15
khermans_sudo it02:15
madewokherdI don't have random lock-ups here02:15
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madewokherdI have lock-ups when the cpu runs at 900 MHz for too long02:15
khermans_made, laptop?02:15
Megaqwertymy sound isn't working. Any Ideas?02:15
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madewokherdand apparently another separate problem with the cd drive02:16
madewokherdthat is limited to preventing the cd drive from reading properly02:16
khermans_madewokherd, you can manually set the Mhz02:16
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sn9madewokherd: if you were local, i might offer to get the thing running normally for you, but you're not...02:16
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MikeWkhermans_: I typed sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf and pressed enter at the password prompt, and nothing happened02:16
madewokherdI'm almost certainly not02:16
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TarvokHow do I make wine fullscreen when it's already running?02:16
Megaqwerty(Sorry that I don't have any other diagnostic data that that) ^^02:16
madewokherdand how would you get it running normally?02:16
soundraykhermans_: excellent, how? I want mine at 750002:16
mborohovhey question02:16
khermans_MikeW, it should bring up an editor02:17
MikeWoh, it seems I needed to enter my OWN password02:17
nyou need to type "winecfg" in console02:17
mborohovwhy is it that i cant resize some windows when using beryl?02:17
nwithout quotes02:17
khermans_MikeW, whos password would you enter with sudo?02:17
madewokherdI see I am definitely not02:17
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MikeWkhermans_: dunno, nothing I've read said I had to enter my own as no username was mentioned02:17
sn9madewokherd: first thing i would do is ascertain the exact nature and extent of the failures to run a regular installer02:17
Megaqwertymborohov: you need to enable the resize plugin02:18
mborohovwhere do i do that?02:18
Megaqwerty(in beryl-settings)02:18
eternale1crimsun: thanks :)02:18
madewokherdum, I think the installers have mostly worked before today02:18
crimsuneternale1: yw02:18
khermans_MikeW, sudo means superuser-do , like you do it as su without knowing root credentials02:18
madewokherdI'm running ubuntu dapper right now02:18
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madewokherdso I must have installed some form of it at some point02:18
CrellDoes anyone have a favorite jabber server to use on ubuntu?  I've been using ejabberd in the past, but I am open to new ideas for this server.  I'm mostly looking for easy maintenance and good feature set (group chats, logging, encyption).02:18
Megaqwertymborohov: click on the beryl tray icon, and choose Beryl Settings Manager02:18
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linux_kidsudo requires ur password02:18
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FunnyLookinHatCrell, just hijack chat.google.com     ; )02:19
khermans_Crell, google!02:19
MikeWand now to try and get it to recognise that my monitor can do more than 60hz...02:19
sn9madewokherd: then it's possible the heat problem is taking a cumulative toll. you have dapper on it right now? then why did you want to run an installer?02:19
CrellNah, I want to run my own so that I have my own domain. :-)02:19
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madewokherdthe current setup has some problems I'd rather reinstall than deal with02:19
CrellMikeW: You wouldn't happen to be Mike Waldron, would you?02:19
MegaqwertyCan anyone help me figure out why my sound doesn't work?02:19
FunnyLookinHatCrell, www.google.com/a/   = Google hosting for your own domain to get your own domain and all for gtoogle chat, gmail, etc.02:20
MikeWCrell: I wouldn't02:20
CrellMikeW: Never midn then.02:20
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CrellFunnyLookinHat: Yeah... I'm still running my own box.02:20
khermans_Crell, try ejabberd02:20
FunnyLookinHatCrell, I ditched my own hosting box a while ago...   ; )02:20
sn9madewokherd: do you remember how you installed dapper? because if you were gonna reinstall, i'd probably recommend it to be dapper anyway02:20
Crellkhermans_: Yeah, that's what I've been using.  I was wondering if anything had changed in the market in the past 2 years.02:20
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mumrahi'm installing Edgy 64bit on a machine with SATA drives, and the installation is taking forever02:21
madewokherdI assume I used the cd :p02:21
mumrahit's also failed a couple of times02:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin02:21
madewokherdsince I don't know how to do anything else02:21
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Jager-defragging ntfs is hell02:22
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sn9madewokherd: if you still have THAT cd, try it, and see what happens02:22
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morten_i'm trying to vnc to my ubuntu box. i keep getting a 111 (connection refused) error. ps aux reports that X is started with the -nolisten tcp option. would this be why?02:22
MegaqwertyJager-: what do you mean?02:23
madewokherdsn9: what if it starts?02:23
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Jager-It takes a very very long time02:23
morten_i'm trying to vnc to :1, btw, not :002:23
Megaqwertyjager-: oh, yeah.02:23
soundrayJager-: are you surprised? NTFS is from the people who brought you Edlin ;)02:23
khermans_morten_, vnc is a different protocol02:23
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sn9madewokherd: then go ahead and install if you want02:23
Mark45Hello, I am trying to install ubuntu on my laptop to do a dual boot.  However, I am not able to add all of the partitions I need using System Rescue CD02:23
morten_khermans_: okay. where do you recommend i start looking, then?02:23
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Mark45When i go to "create" it is greyed out02:23
Jager-I started it and left it defragging at 3%.. went to see a movie and went to dinner and now its at 26%... lol02:23
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khermans_morten_, System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop02:24
MikeWah, that's better. Damned had to edit a text file so I could see my screen at above 60hz. sheesh02:24
morten_just yesterday, i was able to connect to :0 using x11vnc. but using vnc4server going to :1, i'm unable02:24
soundrayJager-: sensible filesystems don't need defragmenting02:24
Jager-And I gotta wait for it to finish defragging before I can install ubuntu :'(02:24
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Mark45Does anyone know if System Rescue CD is able to create 5 partitions?02:24
morten_khermans_: what on earth does that have to do with anything?02:24
sn9Jager-: that's not always true. sometimes, chkdsk/f is all you need02:24
morten_the box i'm vnc'ing to doesn't even have gnome installed (and it's sure as hell staying that way)02:25
Jager-Already tried it :(02:25
mumrahcan anyone help me with my installation?02:25
khermans_morten_, you want to access your computer remotely right?02:25
sn9Jager-: with the /f ?02:25
morten_yes i do. using vncviewer and vncserver.02:25
fildox11vnc better02:25
sn9Jager-: did you reboot into windows twice afterward?02:25
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morten_fildo: x11vnc is for accessing :0. that's not what i'm doing.02:25
fildobut thats my opinion02:25
khermans_morten_, well i assumed you're a dumb gnome user02:26
morten_i'm not <302:26
fildoah ok02:26
Mark45can I pm anyone who has used Rescue CD to reparition their HD to dualboot ubuntu?02:26
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Megaqwertywhere do I go to praise those who made and maintain "ubotu"?02:26
voidmageThis is strange..02:26
khermans_morten_, well obviously you are getting a TCP RST packet02:26
voidmagesometimes /proc/cpuinfo reports the wrong cpu speed02:26
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morten_well, yes. it's not timing out.02:26
morten_i'm getting a connection refused immediately02:26
sn9Mark45: if it's a new install of ubuntu, you can do that and install with one cd02:27
DigitalNinjaWhat's a good application for capturing video from a webcam02:27
morten_Megaqwerty: that's an actual channel?02:27
khermans_morten_, so go check why the port is not open02:27
soundrayMegaqwerty: come back here often and help other people on the ubuntu train ;)02:27
khermans_morten_, is port 5900 open?02:27
khermans_or 5901?02:27
morten_should be. that box isn't running iptables.02:27
khermans_morten_, nc server.foo.com 590002:27
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soundrayvoidmage: how do you know it's wrong?02:28
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Megaqwertysoundray: and I already do whenever I can. But it's my dad's birthday, so...goodnight all!02:28
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voidmageBecause my cpu is 2000mhz and it's reporting 1000mhz02:28
morten_hm. refused.02:28
timo90Dose any one have bemused ? installed02:28
khermans_morten_, so port 5900 is closed02:28
timo90mines wont work02:28
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khermans_morten_, 5900 == xorg display 002:28
khermans_morten_, 5901 == display 102:29
morten_khermans_: yea, i know. all ports seem closed. even 80.02:29
soundrayvoidmage: you're probably running powernowd, so that's the expected behaviour. It goes up when you run a CPU-intensive process.02:29
morten_i'm mounting samba shares on this computer, tho. what port is samba, again?02:29
TarvokCan someone help me with winecfg crashing when I click the "sound" tab?02:29
morten_er, from this computer02:29
Jager-gonna go try to install ubutu again... wish me luck!02:29
agentusing gettext in python, how does one write strings that include variables? ex: "aaa"+variable+"bbb"02:29
khermans_morten_, 13502:30
voidmagesoundray: I wasn't aware that I was running that, or what it does even.02:30
khermans_morten_, or 139/44502:30
khermans_i forget02:30
morten_khermans_: refused, refused02:30
morten_something's weird here02:30
khermans_morten_, yeah ill say02:30
khermans_morten_, sudo aptitude install nmap && nmap server.foo.com02:30
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soundrayvoidmage: it's a daemon that adapts your CPU frequency to the current requirements, thereby saving power, reducing system temperature and extending the life of your hardware.02:31
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voidmagesoundray: hmm.. it's not running though02:31
mumrahlast call: i'm having trouble with my installation, amd64 version of 6.1002:32
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Anarquistasorry :P02:32
khermans_mumrah, give me $10, ill fix it!02:32
khermans_mumrah, hehe -- last call02:32
morten_khermans_: got five ports open, here02:33
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khermans_i have amd64 laptop02:33
khermans_morphish, well which ones?02:33
TarvokCan someone help me with winecfg crashing when I click the "sound" tab?02:33
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soundrayvoidmage: it's doing its work though. Run "sudo /etc/init.d/powernowd stop" and check your CPU frequency again.02:33
morten_khermans_: 22, 139, 445, 6543, 654402:33
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voidmageah, i see02:33
khermans_morten_, ssh, samba, ?02:33
voidmagethat was it then02:33
tainted_i would like to put together a box where if i insert a usb drive, it automagically imports all the mp3s and includes them in a master playlist02:34
morten_445 is reported as microsoft-ds. not sure what's up with that. 6543 and 6544 are used by mythtv.02:34
tainted_basically an automated jukebox02:34
khermans_morten_, its the naming service02:34
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khermans_morten_, well i see why vnc doesnt work02:34
morten_ah, yes. yes, i presume that is evident. the box is locked up tyte.02:34
voidmagestarted compiling something and my cpu went up again02:34
khermans_morten_, what are you trying to do?02:34
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morten_but iptables -L returns nothing02:35
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khermans_morten_, you want to run a GUI program remotely?02:35
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khermans_morten_, or do you need the whole desktop?02:35
soundrayvoidmage: you have a Athlon 64 3200 with a Venice core?02:35
morten_khermans_: one program.02:35
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voidmagesoundray: yep02:35
khermans_morten_, what program?02:35
soundrayvoidmage: now how did I know that? ;)02:35
morten_i could use ssh tunnelling, but i'd like to be able to disconnect from it without it closing02:35
morten_can ssh do that?02:36
voidmagesoundray: how did you know that?02:36
khermans_ssh -Y user@server "amarok"02:36
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soundrayvoidmage: I have the same. It's fairly typical of AMD to have a minimum scaling frequency of half the maximum.02:36
morten_khermans_: will amarok close when i close the session, or will it keep running on remote, so i can bring it back up?02:36
voidmagesoundray: i'd never seen that before02:37
khermans_morten_, so you want the program to run remotely?02:37
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morten_yes, sort of. i want to be able to bring it up locally, but keep running remotely when i close it locally02:37
morten_is that even possible?02:37
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khermans_morten_, screen02:37
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morten_amarok is a gui app. can screen pull it off?02:38
Jagershould I say yes?02:38
Jagerwill that still do /f?02:38
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.02:38
tupaexcuse me: how can i compare a cd-rom against an iso file??02:38
tupausing md502:38
Jageri just did chkdsk /f02:39
Jagerand i got a message sagin it cannot lock the drive02:39
Jagerand i can schedule it for the next start up..02:39
soundraytupa: 'md5sum file.iso ; md5sum /dev/cdrom'02:39
Jagershould i do it at startup? will it still fix files?02:39
khermans_morten_, so you want to control it sometimes02:40
khermans_morten_, leave it running02:40
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morten_well, yes. but i'm controlling it from a laptop02:40
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khermans_morten_, i wonder if you can put it in the bacground02:40
morten_and this is for controlling my media centre, so it's sorta 'mission critical'02:40
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morten_khermans_: when i put it in the background it's in the background on my laptop02:40
DreamerHxCwhat happens if "ls /etc/inittab" shows "no such file or diredctory"?02:40
khermans_morten_, i mean remotely02:41
sn9Jager: reboot into windows, and it will run. reboot into windows twice afterwards02:41
morten_khermans_: that is what i want to do, yes. i was merely reporting what it does now.02:41
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soundrayDreamerHxC: init will run with all default settings. No idea what they are...02:41
corevettewhats a good partition editor?02:42
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morten_khermans_: however, if i put it in the background on the remote computer, how would i bring it back up?02:42
FunnyLookinHatcorevette, gparted?02:42
soundraycorevette: parted, qtparted, gparted, fdisk, cfdisk02:42
DreamerHxCso what does it means?02:42
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khermans_morten_, foreground02:42
morten_use parted or fdisk. the other ones are kinda gay.02:42
=== Mayne [n=ordnance@S0106001346ef6b27.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
pv2bi'm on a ppc mac. has anyone installed and booted ubuntu on an ipod used as an external hard drive? anything special i need to consider?02:42
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khermans_morten_, cfdisk is good02:42
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morten_khermans_: i suppose i spoke too soon. cfdisk is the only one of those i haven't tried.02:43
=== mousearmy [n=mousearm@or-67-76-146-141.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyGreetings, does anybody knows how to force a refresh rate on a monitor by configuring X? I'm running a dual monitor display and the right monitor (Multilite brand... black and white, damn old) can use 1024x768 @ 43Hz interlaced according to Windoze, but in the Screen Resolution panel, there's no 43Hz option shown. Any help?02:43
Crellhm.  If I'm migrating from one mail server to another, is it safe to simply copy the Maildir archive from the old box to the new box and run a chown -R if necessary?02:44
=== killown [n=killown@201-68-133-236.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
morten_khermans_: what did you mean by foreground, btw?02:44
morten_is that a tool to bring programs to the foreground?02:44
khermans_morten_, kill -STOP `pidof amarok`02:44
khermans_morten_, kill -CONT `pidof amarok`02:44
morten_that would stop playback though, wouldn't it?02:44
khermans_morten_, than is pause and continue02:44
morten_wouldn't want that :(02:44
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mborohovsound just all of a sudden started working02:45
mborohovthats really weird02:45
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soundraymborohov: probbly a wobbly ;)02:46
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mborohova wobblt?02:46
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CrellIs that a Russian hobbit?02:46
soundraymborohov: an intermittently failing electrical connection02:46
morten_khermans_: it's not that bad. my laptop is always running, anyways. doesn't really matter if the media player depends on it.02:46
mborohovoh, heh02:46
mborohovdude, i love the amazingness of the true transparency in beryl02:47
morten_khermans_: thanks for your help02:47
khermans_morten_, are you sure remot eocmputer has VNC running?02:47
morten_amusingly, i ended up going back to my initial solution02:47
morten_khermans_: yes02:47
morten_i'm sure02:47
mborohovwhats a quick way to get my framerate?02:47
khermans_morten_, then i would SSH tunnel the VNC connection02:47
DARKGuyHm, nobody knows how to force 1024x768 @ 43Hz interlaced for a secondary monitor then? :(02:47
morten_khermans_: that would work...02:48
morten_that's a good idea in either case...02:48
soundrayDARKGuy: there are options for hsync and vertical refresh that you can set in xorg.conf02:48
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soundrayDARKGuy: but it's possible that you have to create a modeline from scratch02:49
DARKGuysoundray, yup, I've read about that, but I don't have the manual of this monitor and it's so old that there's no info found in google :(02:49
corevettehow do i get ubuntu to recognize my other hard drive?02:49
=== Sir_Jerkface [n=Sir_Jerk@68-71-133-32.lkwnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
pv2bDARKGuy: are you sure you really want to have a monitor running at 1024x768 interlaced?02:49
^TMXI've got edgy installed, but it seems that it's given me the plain kernel, rather than the SMP kernel (proc/cpuinfo only has information on cpu0).  How can I get the SMP kernel?02:49
=== crxyem [n=dennis@c-71-234-187-254.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuysoundray, Hm oO a modeline can force the resolution?02:50
pv2bat 43 Hz at that02:50
DARKGuypv2b, Well, it's the highest it can run... at 60Hz it shows scrolling video gibberish o.o;02:50
welchi'm trying to install ubuntu on an old 500mhz computer. i could not boot from my old dapper disk; the load was slow and evenually just stopped. i tried an eft disk and now the boot has stopped with an orange screen. the mouse is responsive. but, i have no idea what is wrong.....02:50
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DARKGuysame with 800x600... _ it has its own problems inside xD;02:50
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Sir_Jerkfaceanyone have any experience with compilation errors in mmpython, for freevo installation?02:50
soundrayDARKGuy: yes02:50
maxxismgood evening all02:51
khermans_morten_, on your local machine02:51
pv2bDARKGuy: but yeah, you should be able to tweak yourself a modeline to do that. i've never done itmyself. try googling around gfor x11 modeline orsomething02:51
pv2bmight find something useful.02:51
Sir_Jerkfaceor could anyone tell me which part of this (http://pastebin.com/832234) is most significant or how i could solve the problem?02:51
tupahow do i know if my cd-rw support burnfree, and what is it good for?02:51
DARKGuysoundray, cool! how would I do that, then? o.o; - pv2b, I shall try in a bit, as soundray seems to know something about modelines too ^^;02:52
soundrayDARKGuy: not sure if it's useful for you, but try videogen02:52
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welchdo i not have enough ram? is the cd drive too slow or broken?02:52
corevettehow do i get ubuntu to recognize my second hard drive?02:52
soundray!videogen | DARKGuy02:52
ubotuvideogen: Create arbitrary-res modelines using hardware parameters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.32-2 (edgy), package size 25 kB, installed size 128 kB02:52
DARKGuyNow that's a cool bot :P02:52
welchcorvette: sudo fdisk -l02:52
timo90hey how do i log out from beeing root02:52
soundraycorevette: is there data already on there?02:52
khermans_morten_, ssh -N -L 9999:localhost:5900 user@server02:52
welchdoes it show up there?02:52
=== DARKGuy shall try and see ^^
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-236-63.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
corevettesoundray, no02:52
tupatimo90 logout?02:52
timo90i know you suod -i  to be root02:52
soundraycorevette: have you created any partitions on it?02:53
khermans_morten_, vnc localhost:999902:53
timo90tupa: yes02:53
corevettesoundray no02:53
timo90exit wont work02:53
LaserLinecorevette: does BIOS recognize it?02:53
Sir_Jerkfacecan anyone take a look at this and let me know what they think? (http://pastebin.com/832234)02:53
soundrayLaserLine: that's irrelevant02:53
soundraycorevette: enter 'sudo fdisk -l' in a terminal and see if you can tell from the numbers which of the output stanzas refers to your second hard drive.02:54
corevettelaserline, soundray, i got it, i forgot to parition it02:54
khermans_morten_, did you get that?02:54
tupaexcuse me: how do i know if my dvd-rw device supports burnfree, and what is it for?02:54
welchi know my question is likely silly, but anyone give me a hand? why would the boot process freeze and what can i do to fix the problem?02:54
timo90Got it lol02:54
=== badgerman [n=martin@ACCB4AAC.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
corevettesoundray, if i do sudo fdisk -l i see the drive, but how do i get to it?02:54
timo90You just type logout02:55
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soundraycorevette: you know the name now, so assuming it is /dev/hdb, you can run 'sudo fdisk /dev/hdb' and create a partition02:56
timo90 How do i locate a file in the terminal02:56
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soundraycorevette: and when you have a partition you can create a filesystem: 'sudo mke2fs -j /dev/hdb1'02:56
tupatimo90: locate "file"??02:56
soundraytimo90: 'sudo updatedb ; locate name-of-the-file'02:56
timo90Thanks all02:57
morten_khermans_: damn it. i can't get this working either.02:57
soundraycorevette: and when the filesystem is there, you can mount it with 'sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt'02:57
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welchi'm trying to install ubuntu on an old 500mhz computer. i could not boot from my old dapper disk; the load was slow and evenually just stopped. i tried an eft disk and now the boot has stopped with an orange screen. the mouse is responsive. but, i have no idea what is wrong..... i have tried several times and found the same result each time. google has not helped02:59
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soundraywelch: how much RAM does it have?03:00
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c_lispanybody know how I can ntfs-3g for my usb thumbdrives?03:01
c_lispso I can write to them to?03:01
c_lispI don't see them in fstab03:01
kitchec_lisp: usb drives are usually vfat or fat3203:01
coz_c_lisp, what format are the thumbdrives?03:02
DARKGuysoundray: Alright, I got the app and I'm reading the man page now, it says that I'll need to supply the maximum dot product, and max h&v rate in Hz. Since I have no specs for the monitor... I tried using http://www.bohne-lang.de/spec/linux/modeline/ by some previous googling and I wonder if I should use the values shown when I type 43Hz or 87Hz? I tried that 43Hz modeline it generates and it doesn't look safe :(03:02
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=== chalcedony smiles
=== redDEADresolve [n=red@ppp-68-251-46-41.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
coz_c_lisp, well.. why do have them formatted in ntfs?03:02
GenNMXI've found a good number of flash drives to be FAT12...or maybe that was digital media cards like SD, MMC, etc.03:02
c_lisphow it came03:02
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chalcedonyVim: Caught deadly signal SEGV03:02
chalcedonyVim: Double signal, exiting03:02
chalcedonySegmentation fault (core dumped)03:02
Sir_Jerkfacehas anyone taken a look at my pastebin? (http://img.4chan.org/b/src/1164417161233.jpg)03:03
coz_c_lisp, mmm what manufacturer of the drives03:03
Sir_Jerkfacethat's a picture of a cat03:03
soundrayDARKGuy: graphics cards are fairly robust these days. So the worst thing that can happen is that your monitor explodes.03:03
chalcedonysoundray: how totally reassuring!03:03
Sir_Jerkfacethis is the real link (http://pastebin.com/832234)03:03
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DARKGuysoundray, Oh, that's nice to know (considering the secondary monitor has a Trident 9685 4Mb card) xD03:03
timo90can i get some help in installing this bemused softwear03:03
redDEADresolvehow do i keep my windows partition (sda1) from mounting when i log into ubuntu. I want to be able to access it but don't need it to show up when i load in03:03
timo90i cab do a paste bin if it helps03:04
coz_c_lisp, I am not sure what to tell you, fat is the best formatting so that it can be shared between windows and linux, however, I believe there is a way to access them if not wirte to them, but I don't know what that is.. all my thimbdrives are in fat03:04
c_lispI mean't portable03:04
c_lispnot a usb stick03:04
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c_lispbut it connects to the usb03:04
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valehruHey guys...does anyone know a good brute force password cracker in ubuntu?03:05
soundrayredDEADresolve: in /etc/fstab, add "noauto, users" to the options for the partition.03:05
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c_lispbrute force what valehru03:05
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soundrayredDEADresolve: oops, I think you have to leave out the space after the comma.03:05
KingsqueakI like 'sudo vipw' myself03:05
redDEADresolveok im gonna try it03:06
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coz_c_lisp, oh well if possible, just format them in fat that way you can share betwen windows and linux if that is your gola, if however, you are only on linux then definately format them in fat03:06
valehruclisp, a rar file03:06
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coz_not gola03:06
coz_goal not gole03:06
DjVipervalehru: bruteforcing is futile hehe03:06
Sir_Jerkfaceyo yo Mik303:06
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=== woro2006 [n=woro2006@pool-68-160-7-169.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Alter-Egohow do i tell how fast my processor is in ubuntu?  or what my video card is? is there a way to get a report so i can send it to someone?03:07
soundraycoz_: I disagree -- the best filesystem for sharing between Linux and Windows is ext3 (there is a good ext2 driver for Windows that will work) (c_lisp)03:07
c_lispfat not good for hug hardrives03:07
c_lispI thought03:07
HeathenDanwin may not read linux-created fat partitions03:07
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pv2bc_lisp: a thumbdrive is not a huge harddrive.03:07
GenNMXAlter-Ego: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:07
c_lispyea I have that soundray to read linux drives :)03:07
coz_soundray, well then you can explain that to c_lisp03:07
valehruDjViper, i don't care, I've got a cluster, and I wouldnt mind checking it out to see how fast it gets it done...03:07
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c_lispbad thing you don't always have admin privs so if you try to share on a friend pc03:07
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ReconUnit415Hello? I need some help. I just installed NeroLINUX and I try to access the .exe in filesystem, but it says I do not have premission.....infact everything I do in filesystem I don't have premission to do. Help please!!:(03:07
c_lispyou might not be able to view ext303:07
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timo90Here is my pate bin of me trying to install bemused http://pastebin.com/83238803:07
DjVipervalehru: rainbow tables.. google that ;)03:07
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c_lispits not a thumb drive pv2b03:08
c_lispits a portable  harddrive03:08
pv2bc_lisp: oh, sorry, i thought you were still on that discussion,.03:08
timo90Please try and help03:08
soundrayc_lisp: just boot your friend's from a DSL CD...03:08
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ReconUnit415please help03:08
c_lispDSL you mean a live cd?03:08
soundraywelch: did we scare you away?03:08
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soundrayc_lisp: yes03:09
c_lispthats kinda of a hassle though03:09
Roydoes anybody can help whit the clok?03:09
c_lispI know theres a way I just have to find a tutorial I found it once but it was a while back03:09
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c_lispthought somebody might already had there linux set up like that in here03:09
c_lispthanks though03:09
timo90 ReconUnit415:hi03:09
Royi got my clock in 24 hours but i want it on am and pm03:10
DjViperRoy: switch to 12 hour?03:10
DARKGuyAlright, here goes nothing! o.o;03:10
soundrayRoy: right click on it, select Preferences03:10
Royytes djviper03:10
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Royyeah djviper03:10
timo90ReconUnit415: could you please open a terminal and type sudo nautilus03:11
woro2006hi how can I download the files on a web directory without visiting the index.html page03:11
redDEADresolvesoundray my sda1 file says this: # /dev/sda103:11
redDEADresolveUUID=082CC9522CC93C06 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       103:11
Roybut only appears 24 hour, unix hour, and internet hours03:11
timo90then navigate to your file03:11
redDEADresolvewhere do i add noauto,users03:11
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soundrayredDEADresolve: instead of defaults03:11
timo90done ?03:11
GenNMXworo2006: To mass-download your porn, get Firefox and the DownThemAll or DownloadThemAll addon03:11
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Royhow can i have 12 hours?03:12
corevettesoundray, from a while ago, what kind of partition do i make my second hard drive? like extended?03:12
timo90can you edit the files now ?03:12
redDEADresolveim just afraid to mess anything up, i delete defaults and add the line03:12
ReconUnit415lets see03:12
woro2006it displays the website03:12
HeathenDandid someone say porn?03:12
soundraycorevette: if you only create one partition, make it a primary.03:12
woro2006the website contains no links to files03:12
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GenNMXworo2006: As I said, DownThemAll addon for Firefox will do the trick.03:13
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timo90use then window that came up when you typed sudo nautilus03:13
Royhello can anybody help me with the 12 hours?03:13
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ragplease help a good and little developer, admin and silly gnu/linux boy :)03:13
soundrayredDEADresolve: yes.03:13
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ReconUnit415ok I got it thnx03:13
redDEADresolvesoundray how about what comes after it?03:13
Royit just there are 24 hours an unix and internet hours03:13
ragwhich package for restore /etc/inittab!03:13
soundrayredDEADresolve: leave as is03:14
ReconUnit415now it just won't let me access it....lol03:14
=== FFForever [n=chris@pool-71-108-119-41.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
timo90 ReconUnit415:You welcome :)03:14
GenNMXRoy: Linux is years ahead of Windows, so there might be a 4-year time difference ;)03:14
corevettesoundray, ext3?03:14
superi dunno what to do i give up i have no idea what to do im stuck with my wifi card not working03:14
soundraycorevette: yes03:14
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FFForeveris there a google desktop replacement for ubuntu?03:14
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redDEADresolvesoundray: sweet thanks03:14
soundrayFFForever: you mean a search tool?03:14
soundray!beagle | FFForever03:14
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.9-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3160 kB03:14
FFForeversearch, widget, etc03:14
GenNMXFFForever: What's wrong with Firefox / Swiftfox?03:15
FFForeveri dont want it for firefox :)03:15
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FFForeveri want the sidebar that toogle has but for linux :)03:15
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soundrayRoy: I've told you what to do, what's the problem?03:15
Royi want my clock with 12 hours but just are 24 hours03:15
woro2006GenNMX, it goes to index.html03:15
woro2006index.html contains no links to the files03:16
woro2006so download them all won't be able to do the job03:16
soundrayRoy: right click on it, select Preferences03:16
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ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV03:16
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ragwhich package for restore /etc/inittab! please03:16
clearzen! cvs03:16
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/03:16
timo90Roy:what do you mean ?03:17
FFForevercan i get a ubotu for my net?03:17
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taladonis there a way to convert a normal install of ubuntu to the low memory version without using a cd rom drive? my laptop cd drive is broke, but I've got normal Ubuntu installed and want to switch to the low mem version03:17
soundrayFFForever: you need to talk to cafuego03:17
tonyyarussoFFForever: Sure - it's FLOSS code.  The base is called supybot - there's an Ubuntu package for it.03:17
tonyyarussosoundray: Seveas manages it now, actually03:18
=== JoshJ [n=lappy@c-68-47-64-155.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
corevettesoundray, after i mounted it, how do i get to it?03:18
bruenigtaladon, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce03:18
soundraytonyyarusso: oh, thanks for the update03:18
superdoes anyone else have problems with there wifi?03:18
voidmagegood news! i get 5fps in ut2004!03:18
bruenigtaladon, do sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop, then run those commands to remove ubuntu and kubuntu03:18
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clearzenCould someone help me use cvs to download a package from a repository??03:18
voidmageany suggestions to make it faster?03:18
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corevettehow do you access a mounted hard drive?03:19
superanyone here using a laptop with a wifi card?03:19
bruenigcorvette, go to where the mountpoint is and browse away03:19
JoshJso, i have a problem: My parents want to be able to listen to music on Amazon.com ( http://tinyurl.com/ync7gd ) in Dapper.  It works for me in Edgy (the WMP version). What do I need to do in order to get this to work in Dapper?03:19
maxxismsuper:  i have been trying to03:19
corevettesuper, don't all laptops have wifi cards?03:19
snypesuper-- yes03:19
soundraycorevette: if you've followed my instructions to the letter, it's under /mnt -- go to it via Places-Computer-Filesystem03:19
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:19
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GenNMXworo2006: The server forces you to go to index.html if it exists, so unless you have access besides HTTP protocol then not possible.03:19
corevettesoundray, its not there03:19
maxxismI havent had any luck with the wireless in my G4 Powerbook03:20
superubuntu just hates my wifi card03:20
snypei'm sorry- what kind?03:20
bruenigJoshJ, mozilla-mplayer03:20
maxxismI cant seem to get edgy to work in WPA2 mode.  I even followed a couple different tutorials on the net.03:20
supercisco areonet 35003:20
voidmageAnyone know how to make ut2004 get more than 5fps? (x800, using radeon drivers, trying to avoid fglrx if possible)03:20
soundraycorevette: enter 'mount' to check whether and where it's mounted. Look for the line that contains the device name.03:20
soundraycorevette: probably the last line03:21
JoshJbruenig: thanks, let me try that03:21
pv2bmaxxism: http://joona.kuori.org/ubuntu-powerbook/03:21
pv2boh. wpa2.03:21
Sir_Jerkfacesuper: what module are you using?03:21
maxxismpv2b thank you03:21
pv2bno idea about wpa2 working or not.03:21
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Royitoups sorry i get down03:21
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corevettesoundray, /dev/hdb1 on /mnt type ext3 (rw)03:21
Sir_Jerkfacecan someone PLEASE look at this and at least let me know if solving it is feasible (http://pastebin.com/832234)03:22
clearzendo I need to set CVSROOT to download a package using CVS??03:22
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soundraycorevette: try a 'ls /mnt' -- it should say 'lost+found'03:22
bruenig!hi | Royito03:23
ubotuRoyito: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:23
corevettesoundray yeah it does....but how do i put stuff on the drive?03:23
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Royitoi can put my clock in 12 hours and i dont know why03:23
pv2bi'm on a ppc mac. has anyone installed and booted ubuntu on an ipod used as an external hard drive? anything special i need to consider?03:23
bruenigRoyito, right click on the clock, select properties, then you should be able to select 12 hour03:23
bruenigRoyito, it might say AM/PM, that is the same03:24
soundraycorevette: create a directory for everyone to read and write: 'sudo mkdir /mnt/music ; chmod 777 /mnt/music', then you can move stuff into it03:24
Sir_Jerkfaceclearzen: i don't believe so03:24
soundraycorevette: 'music' is an example (hope that's obvious)03:24
Royitohello bruening03:25
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:26
Royitobut im not able to change to am/pm or 12 hours because in the options it doent appears03:26
FFForeverwill beryl work well on my 700mhz amd mobile in my Compaq Presario V2000?03:26
Royitohoo hello obutu03:26
bruenigFFForever, I am going to say no, you can check #ubuntu-xgl03:26
soundrayFFForever: it depends on the graphics card more than the CPU. But I'd say it's unlikely03:26
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FFForeverits an ATI XPRESS03:27
bruenigwell yeah if the graphics card has beastly memory, then it would probably be ok03:27
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Royitoim not able to change to 12 hours in preferences not appears03:27
JoshJbruenig , thanks, my parents are on linux because windows broke ;[03:27
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bruenigJoshJ, me too03:27
JoshJmy dad's like "well this isn't user friendly so i'm going to get windows on my next computer"03:27
JoshJhopefully now that it's working they'll reconsider03:28
Royitoit appears jut 24 UNIX and internet hours03:28
Royitoshow seconds03:28
Royitoshow date03:28
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Royitoand use UTC03:28
bruenigshow AM/PM should be there. I am on xubuntu. I forgot what the ubuntu clock dialog looked like03:28
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Royito24 hours, UNIX hours Internet hour03:29
bruenigwhat does internet hour do03:29
JoshJinternet time perhaps?03:29
FFForeverwhats the diffrence from begal and locate?03:29
Rastasomeone knows if theres an ubuntu app that works like the windows active desktop?03:29
kitcheit probably syncs to a server bruenig03:29
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Royitointernet hours it  @14503:29
bruenigkitche, yes I assumed :), I meant the format03:29
JoshJvery odd format03:29
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JoshJer, wrong link03:30
RoyitoUNIX its  116462181903:30
Royitoand 24 its 22:3003:30
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bruenigUnix just counts up from 0 in seconds until the next day03:30
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NigelSbruenig: Unix is counting from 1970 :)03:30
Royitobut nothing at all about 12 hours or AM/PM03:31
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jadamsI use the Gnome 'Full Screen' mode all the time (have it mapped to ctrl-shift-f), and there are some apps (gvim, for instance) that I'd /always/ like to start fullscreen.  Is there a way to set this in gconf perhaps?03:31
bruenigIs it, I thought it refreshed03:31
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NigelS01/01/1970, the beginning of the unix epoch, you'll be saying next that you never had billion second party03:32
Royitohow could i change it  :'-(03:32
soundrayjadams: if you can't find another way, devilspie will help03:32
soundray!devilspie | jadams03:32
ubotujadams: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie03:32
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jadamsthat'll be a boon of its own merit03:32
soundrayRoyito: what language have you set?03:32
Royitoim from venezuela03:33
bruenigbillion second party, lol03:33
=== DewBoy3d [n=dewboy3d@cpe-24-169-112-16.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
plesnivyjanohello, i try to set up samba but there is no /etc/samba/smbpasswd file with stored users...is it normal ???03:33
Royitobut i want tha chavez go to hell03:33
soundrayRoyito: this isn't the place for political outbursts03:33
Royitodaaamn chavez03:33
DewBoy3dgood evening all03:33
bruenighuge chavez = great03:33
Royitook soundray03:34
soundrayRoyito: if you set your language to English, you will probably get the am/pm option03:34
bruenigI always buy citgo because I know it goes to him03:34
superi fixed my wifi card03:34
superyou wont belive this03:34
superit wont work unless u give the network a name03:34
Royitohahaha saut up bruenig hahaha03:34
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supercause i left the ssid empty it wouldnt work03:34
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bruenighe thinks I am joking...03:34
Royitobut in english?03:35
sn9super: were you trying to create a network, or log onto one?03:35
soundraysuper: that's kind of obvious, isn't it? How else would you distinguish different wireless networks in the same area?03:35
plesnivyjanoi try to set up samba but there is no /etc/samba/smbpasswd file with stored users...is it normal ???03:35
c_lispwhats a program like front page for linux?03:35
timo90 g++ - o bemusedlinuxserver -I/usr/include/xmms -I./ (LIB) `gtk-config --libs --cflags`- fpermissive main.cpp BemusedServerDlg.cpp03:35
timo90/bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected03:35
timo90whats that all about03:35
Royitobut... im from venezuela man i can noty have this in english nhahaha03:35
soundrayc_lisp: screem, nvu, bluefish03:35
superjuse log into one03:35
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Royitobut well just for try03:35
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sn9super: then you could have set the network name to the word "any"03:36
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superif i put any will it auto join one03:36
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RaiderXLMAO http://bash.org/?65242503:36
sn9super: but yeah, a blank means no network at all03:36
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timo90what does  "/bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected" mean ?03:36
superoh right03:37
supermy bad :P03:37
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superi knew it would be something stupid on my part03:37
sn9super: whatever one you entered it will autojoin next time anyway03:37
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snypei love cedega03:37
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Royitommm ok do i have to reboot to see the change of languaje?03:38
sn9super: if "any" was what you entered, it will autojoin whatever one it sees first every time03:38
snypecedega lets u install windows games on linux03:38
snypenice. gj03:39
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timo90what does  /bin/sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected mean ?03:39
wasp_emshello anyone know how to change sessions and start up options?03:39
superafter a month of worry its cause i didnt a enter a bloody text field03:39
snypei take my driver's license test tomrrow...03:39
monokrometimo90: Means you have a "(" somewhere that you shouldn't.03:39
superi dont belive it03:39
=== Karger1978 [n=blah@CPE0050bae717dc-CM0014045885ae.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
Royitoi've already change the languaje03:39
soundraytimo90: that you should change the symlink to change to /bin/bash instead of /bin/dash ;)03:39
Royitodo i have to reboot to see the efect?03:40
=== super wipes a tear from his eye
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bobbie__4Hi Karger197803:40
soundrayRoyito: no, only log out and back in03:40
Royitoto see the change?03:40
supernow to fill my linux laptop with crap and games03:40
eg_linuxKingsqueak, hiiiiii.. can u help me man ?03:40
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snypesuper-- YES!03:40
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snypesuper- what kind of laptop u using?03:40
ryanakcawhat do I put in /etc/hosts.(allow/deny) to block all services from the outside except ssh, http and https?03:40
soundraytimo90: sry s/change to/point to/03:40
supersome packard bell03:40
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Karger1978Hey has anyone ever ran into the issue where they cannot view phtml pages with firefox?  I installed apache2 mysqlserver and php503:40
snypelol nice03:40
superits caperble of running ut200303:41
eg_linuxcan anyone help me to mount vfat partition,s ?03:41
wasp_emshello anyone know how to change sessions and start up options?03:41
snypeim installing counter-strike on mine right now03:41
superdo i need a firewall?03:41
mauroxryanakca: you should use a firewall03:41
soundrayryanakca: you can't do that with the hosts.* files. The hint is in the name.03:41
fouratanyone can suggest me a site referencing good 3d games ?03:41
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snypesuper- not really03:41
ryanakcamaurox: I've been threw the whole iptables thing...03:41
superonrpg.com all free games03:41
snypeonrpg.com nice03:42
superwhat about a antivirus?03:42
snypenot really man03:42
ryanakcamaurox: unless you have an easy way to fix it... :D03:42
tonyyarusso!virus | super03:42
superand any adware?03:42
ubotusuper: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:42
Leo2nice been here to know more about my ubuntu03:42
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tonyyarusso!firewall | super03:42
snypei like ubuntu03:42
ubotusuper: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:42
FFForeverwhat are some good games for linux?03:42
timo90soundray:what file do i edit ,im trying to install an bemused application03:42
Royyeah it change le languaje and the time too03:43
soundrayFFForever: planetpenguin-racer ;)03:43
tonyyarusso!games | FFForever03:43
ubotuFFForever: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org03:43
supershall i just leave the firewall as it is?03:43
Leo2How to see my startup programe like chkconfig list ?03:43
sn9super: you don't really need a firewall, but if you want one, you can install Firestarter using the Synaptic Package Manager, or just Add/Remove Programs03:43
tonyyarussosuper: most likely, unless you have a reason to do otherwise03:43
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ryanakcahow do I block all services from the outside except ssh, http and https? I've been messing around with iptables all day with no success... Firestarter and Guarddog are not what I'm looking for. Any suggestions?03:43
tonyyarussosn9: He already has one - it's in the kernel by default.  Firestarter is just a graphical frontend for editing the firewall configuration03:43
FFForever!ffforever | ffforever03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffforever - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:43
soundraytimo90: see if 'ls -l /bin/sh' says that it points to /bin/dash. If it does, enter 'cd /bin ; sudo ln -sf bash sh'. Then try again03:44
Roynow i have 12 hours at the clock but.... all its in english hahaha just that im in venezuela and i speak more espanish that english03:44
sn9tonyyarusso: yeah, but it's off by default03:44
supernot really i just want to do my homework, look at tities, type random crap to my girlfriend and play quake an awful lot03:44
tonyyarussosn9: No...03:44
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ryanakcasn9: not off, just doesn't have any rules in it03:44
Leo2can anyone tell me how to do on ubuntu like 'chkconfig list '?03:44
wasp_emshello anyone know how to change sessions and start up options?03:44
sn9ryanakca: same thing03:44
timo90lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2006-11-08 16:12 /bin/sh -> dash03:44
ryanakcatonyyarusso: right?03:45
tonyyarussoryanakca: It should be no open ports by default03:45
sn9i always refer to "sudo iptables -F" as "turning off the firewall"03:45
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Leo2what = 'chkconfig list ' on ubuntu?03:45
sn9Leo2: man update-rc.d03:45
timo90soundray:it now says /bin/sh03:46
Leo2sn9 : But i can not find list option03:46
plesnivyjanodoes anyone know why there is no smbpasswd file in /etc/samba ???03:46
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Roythat will mean that the 12 hours it just are  for english languaje?03:46
Leo2update-rc.d how to list?03:46
soundrayplesnivyjano: you're expected to create one (shock, horror!)03:46
Leo2not only add and remove03:47
fouratanyone can suggest me a site referencing good 3d games ?03:47
Roywhat you think soudray?03:47
soundrayLeo2: use bum03:47
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soundray!bum | Leo203:47
ubotuLeo2: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:47
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soundrayRoy: exactly03:48
Leo2Thank you03:48
Roy :-S03:48
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plesnivyjanosoundray heh why that sarcasm...iam not sure but i`ll try03:48
soundrayplesnivyjano: just for fun (scnr)03:49
timo90soundray: /bin/sh: -c: line 0: syntax error near unexpected token `('03:49
snypeanyone ever play "true-combat"03:49
Karger1978anyone ever used phpmyadmin03:49
Royim goin to espain languaje and mmmm will be at 24 hours mmmm bad very bad...03:49
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sn9Roy: if you chose English during installation, and want a different language, System -> Administration -> Language Support03:49
soundraytimo90: okay, it wasn't dash's fault. Something is wrong with the script code.03:49
dsl9477anyone plz  a command to make a screenshot03:50
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soundraydsl9477: xwd >screenshot.xwd03:50
tonyyarussodsl9477: import or xwd03:50
shootersKarger1978: yes, I've used it03:50
timo90soundray:how do i get my dash back to the way it was then03:50
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Royyeah soundray but that its not the idea of been changin the languaje at any moment mmm  >:-(03:50
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soundraytimo90: 'cd /bin ; sudo ln -sf dash sh'03:51
sephironanyone here use amd athlon fx?03:51
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Royi know tha the fuckin chavez with his revolution ok mmm but the time?03:51
soundraytimo90: but remember those commands, you may well run into that trouble again.03:51
LjL!language | roy03:51
uboturoy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:51
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administrator`LjL: Error: "language" is not a valid command.03:51
plesnivyjanosoundray but i already have 1 working user so it has to be stored somewhere.. and smbpasswd still non existatn03:51
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Royor ... maibe he just change that too hahahaha03:51
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kikahow do i add a locale in edgy eft?03:52
fouratRoy, respect please03:52
cbmy spacebar won't work with gnome (but does fine in KDE).  Where can I go to find out how to fix it?03:52
fouratkika, dpkg-reconfigure locale ?03:52
KingsqueakI wouldn't bother with two machines unless you really need another one03:52
Kingsqueakwrong win03:52
Roysorry ok ok sorry03:52
valehruDjViper, thanks for the rainbow trick....did the job perfectly.03:52
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Royit wasnt my intention to make any ofence to nobody just kiding03:53
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kikafourati, does that mean i keep current locale and add another option?03:53
voidmageAnyone know how to make ut2004 get more than 5fps? (x800, using radeon drivers, trying to avoid fglrx if possible)03:53
fouratkika, you'll get a checkbox menu were you'll choose your locales03:53
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kikafourati, thanks03:54
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fouratvoidmage, why you're trying to avoid it03:54
ryanakcahow do I block all services from the outside except ssh, http and https? I've been messing around with iptables all day with no success... Firestarter and Guarddog are not what I'm looking for. Any suggestions?03:54
sn9voidmage: the radeon drivers don't support x800 afaik03:54
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soundrayvoidmage: with an NVidia card. I'm serious, I went down that route :-(03:54
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GenNMXryanakca: Try qtables.radom.org03:55
fouratryanakca, got familiar with iptables and security policies ?03:55
ryanakcafourat: kindof03:55
ryanakcaGenNMX: kk03:55
voidmagei can get the radeon drivers to run ut2004, i can even run beryl with the radeon drivers03:55
ryanakcafourat: why?03:55
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voidmagei just can't get any decent speed more than 5-15 fps out of it03:55
dsl9477ive done xwd and now i have this screenshot.xwd in my homefolder, whats next?03:55
fouratryanakca, to see if you can build your own iptables file03:55
ryanakcanot that good yet...03:56
crxyemanyone here familiar with slax ??03:56
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ryanakcawell, I manually inserted each rule... I guess just add #!/usr/sh at the top of a file, put in those iptables lines, and then chmod +x it?03:56
soundraydsl9477: 'mogrify -format png screenshot.xwd' (needs imagemagick)03:56
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sn9crxyem: i am, a bit03:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
dsl9477aha, wonderfull ty03:57
crxyemmind a question??03:57
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tonyyarussosoundray: mogrify?  Please please please say it goes boink!03:57
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soundraytonyyarusso: sorry, I didn't say *trans*mogrify ;)03:57
sn9crxyem: no guarantee i'll know the answer03:57
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wilee85anyone know how to make something automattically start as a service when the computer starts?03:58
mborohovwhy is beryl so beautiful?03:58
soundraytonyyarusso: but the name is, in fact, Watterson-inspired :)03:58
mborohovi cant get over it03:58
timo90wilee85: yes03:58
sn9!bum | wilee8503:58
ubotuwilee85: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:58
soundraywilee85: run it from /etc/rc.local03:58
alpha255wilee85: system meun -> admin-> sevices03:59
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crxyemI've got slax running as a bootable usbkey, if I modify kde in anyway, nect time I boot I loose my config. any ideas how to save a session03:59
wilee85tim__b, you were amazingly helpful...03:59
tonyyarussocrxyem: Maybe in a slax channel?03:59
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JairunCalothI'm thinking about going wireless on my home network. Does anyone have and suggestions on hardware for my Xubuntu Edgy box?04:00
crxyemI've tried but that place is dead, no one around for hours on end04:00
timo90what is hard disk tuning04:00
dsl9477hm didnt work04:00
FunnyLookinHatJairunCaloth, avoid broadcomm based chipsets...   intel is best04:00
sn9crxyem: that kind of stuff is in your home folder. unfortunately, i don't remember how to save a home folder in slax04:00
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soundraywilee85: four answers, and you choose to comment on the one that wasn't helpful. Why not just 'thanks, channel!'04:00
c_lisprecords slow and choppy is there another session recorder program?04:01
soundraydsl9477: install imagemagick04:01
wilee85soundray, I just thought it was funny he said yes.04:01
mike-digiport-I have a switch connected to my serial port, how can I access thsi device so I can send I/O to it with python?04:01
crxyemI'm using a iwp2200, w/ ndiswrapper, wpa_supplicant, no issues really, and I also have a broadcom card comfigred on my second laptp04:01
dsl9477apt-get imagemagic?04:01
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soundraydsl9477: 'sudo apt-get install imagemagick' (note the spelling)04:01
dsl9477ah oke ty04:01
=== Pelo is getting sort of decent at manualy editing skins to match his theme
JairunCalothis there anything that runs native?04:02
crxyemsn9 I know it's in the home folder, but changes don't seem to get commited to disk, well I'll see if I can find some more info in there forums04:02
JairunCalothfor wireless04:02
crxyemmaybe an atheos chipset card04:02
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rpereiraHi, someone knows when madwifi-ng will become default in Ubuntu?04:03
crxyemif your not usiing wpa, you should really have no problems with a intel card04:04
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Hobbseerpereira: it's already in linux-restricted-modules04:04
wilee85but thanks a lot to everyone who helped. especially soundray04:04
JairunCalothwhat is wpa?04:04
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soundrayJairunCaloth: most of the well-supported chipsets are sold out now. Best chance is with a Ralink chipset, or Intel04:04
sn9JairunCaloth: most wireless chipsets can run native, except inprocomm04:04
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alpha255anyone else had a heck of a time with the xorg.conf file after installing the nvidia drivers?04:04
soundraywilee85: now I'm happy again ;)04:04
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alpha255I had to create it from scratch almost04:04
alpha255on Edgy04:04
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SurfnKidso whats up doc?04:05
alpha255the generated file had pointers to the wrong font path, video card and monitor04:05
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rpereiraHobsee: But the madwifi in restriced modules are form madwifi and not madwifi-ng...04:05
crxyemwpa is an encryption method for wireless networks04:05
mike-digiport- I have a switch connected to my serial port for console, how can I access thsi device so I can send I/O to it with python?04:05
sn9JairunCaloth: zydas is the cheapest, and very well supported. ralink is second-cheapest, and the drivers are in a state of flux04:05
alpha255wpa2 seem better though?04:05
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Karger1978anyone ever setup apache2 and phpmyadmin on ubuntu?04:06
Alter-Ego /bin/sh can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs)04:06
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Alter-Egoi get this error when booting up from a cold start04:07
crxyemwpa2 is a newer method but I'm unaware of any like wpa_supplicant to connect to such an encrypted AP04:07
JairunCalothThe wireless router shouldn't make much of a difference to linux should it?04:07
JairunCalothand what is wpa?04:07
crxyemthe router no, but the encyption yes04:07
ouroborosHello all!  I'm trying to get a Logitech Quickcam Fusion working.  The UVC page says it's supported, and the driver compiled fine... still no video from the camera... anyone?  :)04:08
crxyemmost people use wep, which is crackable in hours. wpa a little bit longer to crack04:08
soundraysn9: never heard zydas - do they come in USB cards?04:08
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Roydoes anibody knows the KIBA DOCK?04:08
sn9JairunCaloth: the router only makes a difference if connected by usb04:08
sn9soundray: those are usb-only04:09
ryanakcaGenNMX: I wonder why I never found out about quicktables earlier... I was trying to do something manually all day that only took about 5 minutes with it...04:09
JairunCalothlinux dosn't support wpa?04:09
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sn9JairunCaloth: it does, but not with every chipset04:09
Peloryanakca,  didnT' I give you a link many many hours ago ?04:09
JairunCalothsn: ah04:09
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ryanakcaPelo: don't think so...04:10
PeloI know I gave it to someone04:10
soundraysn9: have you got a make&model name handy?04:10
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ryanakcaPelo: you might've and then I lost it... or I missed it... or it got lost when my system went crash...04:10
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ryanakcaPelo: or you might've given it to someone else :)04:11
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zelda276please tell your dad linux is not windows and does not aspire to be so04:11
Peloryanakca,  who ever it was said thanks, but it might have been someone else, I just find it odd04:11
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CoRnJuLiOxcan anyone help me get my printer working? it prints the test page, but it won't print from openoffice04:11
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sn9soundray: there are very many. around here, there's a $10 one from AirLink101. don't remember the model#04:11
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Pelocornell,  are you sure it is properly selected in OO ?04:11
wealloneand dvd and streaming does not work on linux, guess I have to get a real OS like Mac OS X04:12
soundraysn9: thanks, I'll have a look04:12
CoRnJuLiOxPelo: i hit printer settings, and the only printer there is 'generic printer'04:12
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sn9weallone: it's even worse under osx -- i tried04:12
CoRnJuLiOxits a Canon Pixma MP50004:12
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soundraysn9: fell into the trap of buying unsupported new hardware versions of previously supported nics twice...04:12
PeloCoRnJuLiOx,  and the printer appears in the printer windows in  system > admin > printers ?04:13
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crxyemJairun: not all wireless cards support wpa04:13
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alpha255anyone have beryl working on their nvidia card?04:14
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soundrayCoRnJuLiOx: Canon has poor Linux support at the moment. Turboprint drivers work for me.04:14
DarkMageZalpha255, please see #beryl :P04:14
alpha255DarkMageZ: ok04:15
amilefthow to know the path of a link04:15
alpha255soundray: my hp 6210 all in one works pretty well04:15
alpha255at least the printing part04:15
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alpha255haven't tried the sane driver to see if scanning works04:15
amilefthow to know the long ath of a link.04:15
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amileftlong path of a link04:15
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JairunCalothhow do you find out the chipset of a wireless card?04:16
amilefti can not see the full path of a ln file04:16
soundrayCoRnJuLiOx: the entry for your printer on linuxprinting.org sounds optimistic, though.04:16
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JoshJspeaking of printers. my parents have a lexmark X73, supposedly works with the driver, doesn't :(04:16
JoshJthe scanner works, printer doesn't04:17
amileftthe property is /usr/ddfdfd/..... I need to know full path . How04:17
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amileftI right click the ln file and want to know the path of it04:17
amileftbut i faild04:17
amileftcan i know a ln file's real location?04:17
Roymmm speakin ok ani class of peripheric04:18
amilefteven the path is long. how to know it04:18
Royhow can configurate mi web cam?04:18
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walden2hey people. i've recently installed edgy. i changed my screen resolution to 1024x768 at 75 hz. but when i reboot, it gets all messed up, i go again into the resolution thing and it si set at 100 hz. what can i do to get the resolution i want?04:18
amilefti put a link on my Desktop but I want to know where to find it04:18
alpha255walden2: is there  a checkbox that you can check?04:19
Royit seem so ugli and i can not use the options brigtness or contrats or saturation, hue etc.. because it doesn work at all04:19
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Peloamileft,  my guess is the link on your desktop will be located on your desktop04:19
JoshJamileft: right click on it and hit properties04:19
JoshJsomewhere in there it will show you where the link goes04:19
walden2yes it is. is something like "use as default for this machine"04:19
amileftthe real path is long so it is replace with ...04:19
amileftproperties can not see full path04:20
walden2should i check that?04:20
alpha255walden2: did yo check it before closing the dialog box?04:20
walden2i guess not04:20
amileftit is a link04:20
Peloamileft, copy paste the path to gedit,  ... will probably be replaced with the proper txt04:20
madman91amileft: yea.. ls -l THELINKFILE04:21
amilefti will try04:21
madman91amileft: i think that works04:21
madman91amileft: try .. ls -l thelinkedfile04:21
amileftthank you04:21
walden2i will try it. give a couple of minutes04:21
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amileftYes ls -l works04:22
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amileftI do not know how to chat with you04:23
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madman91amileft: ?04:23
amileftclick on the name seems do not work04:23
Moosejawhi all04:23
decodei got a question. I just downloaded firefox-2.0.tar.gz, how do i install it?04:24
amileftXchat my first use04:24
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sn9amileft: try right-click04:24
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madman91amileft: double click my name on the right04:24
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nayruhello, how do I get to the repositories in ubuntu04:24
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shootersnayru: edit /etc/apt/sources.list04:24
Moosejawi am trying to install ndiswrapper but it continues to say E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper04:24
amileftshould i chose open a window?04:24
Moosejawi updated the source lists...04:24
Moosejawbut still nothing04:24
Moosejawwhat am i doing wrong?04:25
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Moosejawthe repositories should all have ndiswrapper04:25
sn9Moosejaw: are you perhaps on 64-bit ubuntu?04:25
walden2ok. it seems to work. but i cant change the login screen resolution04:25
P2Kim new to xchat, any know of a setting to tunr off join/quit msgs ?04:25
decodei got a question. I just downloaded firefox-2.0.tar.gz, how do i install it?04:25
JairunCalothhow can I tell what the chipset of a wireless card is?04:25
amileftI do not want to open new window04:25
sn9P2K: right-click the channel name04:25
amilefthow to makes your name in front of my word04:25
shootersdecode: edgy?04:26
NameeaterI would at a guess that it is the variable irc_who_join so try /set irc_who_join 004:26
alpha255must be dapper04:26
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Nameeaterat a guess say*04:26
decodeim pretty sure04:26
Moosejawcan someone help me with ndiswrapper??/04:26
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sn9Nameeater: that's something else entirely04:26
amileftI like here. but i do not know how to use the Xchat04:26
CoRnJuLiOxi can't ftp:// in firefox, can i.04:26
P2Ki see * Save Transcript, leave, close, auto-join, find and bans...04:27
alpha255CoRnJuLiOx: sure04:27
Moosejawwhen i installed other things it found the files fine on the net...and it wont do the same with ndiswrapper04:27
Nameeatersn9: bummer ;)04:27
alpha255CoRnJuLiOx: just no uploads04:27
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amileftit seems i need to copy your name to let it show i am chat with you04:27
madman91amileft: no04:27
sn9P2K: do you see the channel name ("#ubuntu")?04:27
CoRnJuLiOxalpha255: thansk04:27
madman91amileft: type .. mad .. then press TAB04:27
madman91it will finish the name04:27
shootersdecode: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install firefox04:27
P2Kyup, and i right-clicked on it04:27
madman91amileft: type in the first 3 letters.. or so .. then press TAB and it will finish the name04:28
alpha255what's the preferred ftp client in edgy?04:28
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hikenboothello all-- i asked this earlier looking for different answers ..my nic cards start numbered from eth1 to eth2 eth0 doesnt show up even with ifconfig -a any ideas why?04:28
madman91alpha255: i use gftp.. its great04:28
madman91alpha255: i dont think there is a prefferred ftp client..04:28
bobbyhi i am just hanging04:28
amileftmadalin,  it works04:28
alpha255madman91: ok04:28
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madman91alpha255: np04:29
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amileftmadman91,  i use Tab and it is a sign ',' not ' :'04:29
madman91amileft: when there is two people with mad .. it will complete both,,, so press tab until you get the one you want04:29
madman91amileft: you can change that04:29
Nameeater /set irc_conf_mode 1 but you have to rejoin your channels to make it work ^^04:29
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shootersdecode: did it work?04:29
amileftis it same?04:29
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shootersgoto http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/firefox and download the script and execute it04:30
madman91amileft: you can change it in ... settings.. prefernces... input box04:30
amileftmadman91, is it is same use , or : for you ?04:30
shootersit will download the tarball and install it04:30
madman91amileft: its the same thing..04:30
CoRnJuLiOxwhat exactly is turboprint?04:30
bobbyi install e16 on dapper ,where do i find instruction on how to04:30
amileftmadman91,  Thank your very much.04:30
madman91amileft: your welcome.. you can change it if you want.. i prefer : not ,04:31
amileftmadman91,  How can I keep contact with you04:31
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madman91amileft: well .. im in here every so often... you can see if im on04:31
shootersbobby: on how to what?04:31
bobbyconfig e1604:31
madman91amileft: if not.. you can use AIM , MSN, or YAHOO messenger04:31
amileftmadman91,  wich one you perfer? AIM04:32
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madman91amileft: AIM is fine04:32
shootersbobby: did you install through deb/synaptic or through tarball?04:32
alpha255gaim works for me :)04:32
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amileftmadman91,  AIM has linux version?04:32
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madman91amileft: yes.. but you should use gaim or kopete...04:33
madman91amileft: do you have gnome ?04:33
amileftmadman91,  I have gaim04:33
bobbysysnaptic it's up on running ,i would like to try of the eyecandy04:33
madman91amileft: open up gaim.. and setup a user account for AIM04:33
amileftmy msn is amileft@hotmail.com04:33
madman91amileft: for msn messenger?04:33
amileftdo you use often?04:34
madman91amileft: yea04:34
amileftmadman91,  can you add me?04:34
madman91amileft: yea h/o04:34
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amileftmadman91,  I am on my Gaim and run my MSN04:35
sn9madman91: yahoo has a linux version, but for aim, you have to use something like gaim or kopete04:35
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madman91sn9: i didnt ask.. it was amileft .. but aim has a linux version too04:35
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sn9madman91: i just checked a few weeks ago, and they didn't04:36
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NDPowerBookOoops wrong channel04:37
shootersbobby: http://www.enlightenment.org/04:37
bobbyshooter : i tried the wiki not a lot of help04:37
doobitI need help to NOT shop04:37
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Raptor316is enlightenment still around?04:38
pianoboy3333Raptor316: yep04:39
pianoboy3333enlightenment.org I think04:39
sn9bobby: sudo apt-get install enlightenment04:39
alpha255e is pretty cool eye candy04:39
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Raptor316man I havent thought about enlightenment in a long time04:39
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jbroomealpha255: yeah, but it makes me grit my teeth04:40
alpha255jbroome: why?04:40
doobitThere's a whole distro based on it. http://www.elivecd.org/04:40
bobbyi have e16 install and working ,i need to config some of the cool features04:40
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MegaqwertyDoes anyone know if there is any kind of Parental Control software (free or cheap) for Ubuntu?04:42
alpha255squid in front of the box :)04:42
alpha255proxy server that can limit content04:42
Raptor316thanks for the link doobit04:42
madman91Megaqwerty: .. i am not being snooty :) .. but you can probably google research it04:42
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alpha255maybe it should be rnamed  to calimari(sp) ;)04:43
jbroomei think dansguardian is the program/plugin that filters the nasty stuff04:43
mborohovso i figured something out now04:43
mborohovthe reason my sound wasnt working earlier04:43
sn9Megaqwerty: there are several types of such software, but in nearly all cases the software pkg that would do the best job is one called "squid"04:43
Megaqwertymadman91: no, I have been doing that for a while, the closest I came was Ubuntu Christian Edition, which claimed to have it, but I don't want to get that.04:43
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mborohovfor some reason, at first i dont have permission to use it04:43
jbroomecalamaris - log analyzer for Squid or Oops proxy log files04:43
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mborohovbut if i go:04:43
Megaqwertythank you for all of your help!04:43
mborohovsudo aplay04:43
nayruHi, Im having trouble installing w32codecs...can anyone help?04:44
mborohovand kill it, i can use it as my normal user without a problem04:44
JoshJhow... odd04:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:44
madman91Megaqwerty: im just saying.. for easier problems.. google is the faster answer... im not saying anything.. just adding to the possible list of things to ttry04:44
ryanakcawhy is it that when I commit something to my local svn, the files get changed to ryan:ryan instead of remaning www-data:subversion? ( 4.0K -rwxrwx--- 1 ryan ryan 6 2006-11-24 22:36 /var/svn-repos/myproject/db/current        vs.       4.0K -rwxrwx--- 1 web-data subversion 6 2006-11-24 22:36 /var/svn-repos/myproject/db/current )... it needs to have www-data:subversion so that websvn works04:45
Megaqwertymadman91: I know, and I'm saying, that that is always what I try first.04:45
sn9Megaqwerty: the only difference between the christian edition and regular ubuntu, to my knowledge, is that in one, gnome-sword is preinstalled, and in the other, you install it from a menu04:45
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mborohovsorry about that, did i miss much?04:45
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alpha255ryanakca: maybe set the user bit on that directory?04:45
madman91Megaqwerty: well.. good luck with your problem04:45
JoshJmborohov: no04:46
Megaqwertylol, thanks04:46
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mborohovbut yeah, its almost the sound needs to be accessed by root FIRST before being accessed by a regular user04:46
mborohovany ideas?04:46
JoshJwas going to tell you that you could chmod (or maybe chown it)04:46
ryanakcaalpha255: 4.0K drwxrwx--- 5 www-data subversion 4.0K 2006-11-24 22:36 db           ?04:46
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JoshJchmod it to be read-executable by anyone i guess04:46
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ortega10i need a good bittorrent client other than azureus, any ideas?04:46
mborohovJoshJ: chmod what?04:46
JoshJuh, whatever the thing is you were killing04:46
ubotubittorrent: Scatter-gather network file transfer. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 90 kB, installed size 556 kB04:47
mborohovwell, i mean...it CAN be run by anyone, but only after its been run by root once first04:47
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JoshJthat's odd04:47
JoshJi assume it's /usr/bin/aplay ?04:47
mborohovand its a+x right now04:47
alpha255ryanakca: g+s for that directory04:47
sn9ortega10: the other one that even comes close to azureus is windows-only04:47
JoshJhow odd04:47
mborohov-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 97110 2006-11-24 19:02 aplay04:47
P2Kyou dont like azureus ?04:48
JoshJshouldn't that last x be xr?04:48
ortega10sn9: well azureus is crashy and takes too much resources so i've decided to leave it04:48
agentis there a manual/tutorial for including *.mo files in a deb?04:48
ryanakcaalpha255: sudo chown g+s -R /var/svn-repos/myproject/ ?04:48
ortega10sn9: i tried transmission and liked it, but i've read it's banned in many trackers04:48
digitalhav0ci hate azureus04:48
sn9ortega10: you can try gnome-torrent, but you'll probably come right back04:48
ortega10digitalhav0c: what do you suggest then04:48
digitalhav0cits a memory hog04:48
P2Kim not having any issues with azureus, but my klibido is crashing every so often, hehe04:49
digitalhav0cUtorrent all the way04:49
alpha255ryanakca: test it out first, but something like that might work04:49
ryanakcaalpha255: or sudo chmod g+s -R /var/svn-repos/myproject/ ?04:49
digitalhav0cthrough wine04:49
ortega10sn9: gnome-torrent is too simple, i can't even download two torrents at the same time04:49
mborohovJoshJ: what are your perms on it?04:49
JoshJdunno, let me check04:49
ortega10digitalhav0c: thanks but no way i'm gonna use a non-free-software windows client  :)04:49
digitalhav0cutorrent is free04:49
ortega10digitalhav0c: i said free software04:49
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digitalhav0cwine is open source04:49
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ortega10digitalhav0c: not free as in beer04:50
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:50
JoshJWINE isn't Free?04:50
Raptor316utorrent is pretty sweet04:50
ortega10JoshJ: wine is04:50
ubotuklibido: usenet binary grabber for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 411 kB, installed size 1336 kB04:50
ortega10JoshJ: but he said utorrent04:50
TraceGreenHello, my sound card is 8086:27d8 and driver is snd-hda-intel, but no sound at all! alsamixier can just see pcm04:50
digitalhav0cits open source04:50
digitalhav0cnot free two different things04:50
JoshJgrr, what's the command for checking the permissions in a terminal?04:50
digitalhav0cutorrent if free as in beer04:50
digitalhav0cim actually drinking one04:50
sn9JoshJ: ls -l04:51
ortega10digitalhav0c: not free in the sense of free software04:51
mborohovJoshJ: ls -l /usr/bin/aplay04:51
JoshJ-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 47704 2006-07-30 21:51 aplay04:51
ortega10digitalhav0c: so i'd rather pass on it unless i couldn't find any other alternatives04:51
mborohovso, same04:51
ortega10digitalhav0c: right now i'm pretty happy with transmission04:51
mborohovanyone else have any ideas?04:51
digitalhav0ctry it04:51
vikHow can I create a user that has no password?04:52
doobitI have been having a hard time setting bittorrent to seed, though it downloads great,04:52
P2Kare there any other usenet grabber with GUI aside form klibido that are any good ?04:52
alpha255vik: why?04:52
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vikTo create a user 'off' that will shut down the computer immediately; its for a print server laptop which a dead monitor. So no securtiy issues04:53
MegaqwertyTo everybody who helped me figure out how to get Parental Control for linux, thank you once again, I have found a software "Dansguardian" which is a graphical front-end for squid, and will help me greatly in persuading my father to allow my sister to have linux.04:53
doobitUbuntu CE has DansGuardian included04:54
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alpha255vik: ahh ok04:54
Megaqwertydoobit: I just realized that.04:54
sn9Megaqwerty: i was about to mention dansguardian, but it does limit what squid can do04:54
digitalhav0cdoobit are you behind a router?04:54
ortega10so no one knows a good bittorrent client for ubuntu other than azureus?04:54
Megaqwertysn9: how so?04:54
JoshJi think you just remove the password in /etc/passwd or something like that, i'm sure there's a guide somewhere04:54
Megaqwertyortega10: there is freeloader, and Ktorrent04:55
doobitYes. I have a router, but the firewall is turned off04:55
digitalhav0cortega10, i use deluge some time04:55
Megaqwertyortega10: and bittorrent04:55
vikI have done it previously by removing the second field in /etc/passwd, but no longer seems to work04:55
user-landktorrent, but it is buggy, ortega1004:55
ortega10digitalhav0c: i tried deluge, looks good04:55
ivxhey i sometime when i try to open the nautilus, it will say opening home folder or what ever i try to open, then it just hang there and then closes, any idea what's up, if i reboot it works again, is there anything else to do?04:55
Megaqwertyortega10: take your pick ;-)04:55
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Pelowho was it talking about utorrent earlier ?  I have a guide to set it up on wine04:55
digitalhav0cit works is all i can say other than that i use utorrent :)04:55
ortega10Megaqwerty: thanks  ;)04:55
mikeymike-linuxanyone know how to get the awe32 working in dapper?04:55
sn9Megaqwerty: the possibilities of squid probably exceed your imagination. lemme get you an example link...04:55
mikeymike-linuxi know this is a quick answer04:55
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spo0nman2I want to control my mouse with my bluetooth cellphone ... are there any howto's or applications to do this?04:55
Megaqwertyortega10: ur welcome04:55
Pelofor utorrent on wine if anyone still cares   http://www.securenet.net/members/jeanpelo/linux_guide.html04:56
mikeymike-linuxok i know someone who had an sb16 in dapper they have recently upgraded to the awe32 and it doesn't work..... what steps need to be take to make it work?04:56
alpha255vik: I think you'd add the user and then edit the /etc/shadow04:56
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vikalpha255: tried both, neither worked04:56
Megaqwertysn9: thanks04:56
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sn9Megaqwerty: http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/upside-down-ternet.html04:57
Megaqwertysn9: oh, I know all about that one04:57
Megaqwertysn9: absolute hilarity04:57
Megaqwertysn9: that was done with squid?04:58
sn9yes indeedy04:58
sn9at least that's what it says04:58
Megaqwertyas I see04:58
ortega10well thanks to all, bye04:59
mikeymike-linuxok i know someone who had an sb16 in dapper they have recently upgraded to the awe32 and it doesn't work..... what steps need to be take to make it work?04:59
Oni-Draculagots a problem with the nvidia beta drivers.... they cause Xorg to crash signal 1104:59
Pelomikeymike-linux,   look awe32 in the forum04:59
alpha255vik: create the user and remove the x in the /etc/passwd file ... big warning that is a security hole though.05:00
CoRnJuLiOxthe font size when printing in OO looks all wrong. i set size 12, but it looks like a 9, and size 16 looks like a 1005:00
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alpha255vik: the x for that user05:00
vikalpha255: tried that; not luck. Think it has something to do with PAM05:00
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PeloCoRnJuLiOx,  did you try printing with gedit to see if the result is similar ?05:00
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StazHi, I think I have set up my wireless on my laptop ok, I can do ping -I eth1 , but I cant browse the web. ping urls etc.05:02
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familywhere did inittab go ?05:04
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familyvi /etc/inittab gives me nada (nothing)05:05
timo90How do i find out my kernel version05:05
equilibradotimo90: uname -r05:05
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timo90thank you05:06
DekKeDI am trying to compile Kile (a Latex editor) and when I do configure I get this, I don't know what package I should get since I seem to have them all: checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!05:06
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Roger_The_Bumwhat version is QT05:07
=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-123-3-56.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
kishanNeed help to find the apllication icons in ubuntu05:07
TraceGreenHello, can anybody help me ? My sound card can not work. although i load snd-hda-intel to kernel, still no sound05:07
CharlieSuIs there a schedule anywhere for a possible release date for Ubuntu Feisty ?05:07
DekKeDRoger_The_Bum: what do you mean? what package I have got?05:07
kishanTraceGreen ,did u try using live cd and check wheter the sound card is working05:08
ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.05:08
TraceGreenkishan, yeah, I use knoppix and ubuntu, both work05:08
kishanApplication icons where are they located05:08
bobbyfeisty is schedule for april05:08
kishanin ubuntu05:08
Roger_The_Bumapril 2...3>05:08
TraceGreenkishan, and i am sure driver is snd-hda-intel.05:09
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kishanSo did u install what on the system05:09
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bobbythis is tenative05:09
timo90wish me luck i have just installed the ATI drivers05:09
CharlieSubobby: thanks.. I want to know how to help be a developer on the Feisty team05:09
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solosn9 u still here????05:10
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sn9solo: i'm back, in any case05:11
Acugreetings: I am trying to make php work with either apache 2.2.3 or 1.3- the webserver works fine but if I want to browse localhost/phpmyadmin or any other index.php the browser tries to save the file asking  that this is a PHTML file and does not know what to do. Any hint what should I do ?05:11
nayruHi, question about VIM, when I used Fedora Core and did some C programming using VIM it would color code and stuff...now in ubuntu it doest05:11
solosn9: sweet    had girl over so couldnt do this lol,   i installed the fwcutter,,   and tried to setup my wlan05:11
solono icons come up and i cant manuelly connect05:11
varsiswould someone be able to tell me the command in OSX (or linux) to change a HFS+ partition to a HFS so I can resize it? I tried 'diskutil disablejournal /' in OSX, but when I went into gparted in a live cd, it showed the partition type as HFS+ still05:12
solone thing else i got to go05:12
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sn9varsis: hfs+ cannot be changed to hfs, period. turning off journaling is enough, but resizing cannot be done graphically05:13
nayruAnyone know how I can make vim color code my C programs?05:13
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varsissn9: ack, no gfx... ah.. there goes the lazy way out05:13
varsisstraight up fdisk use?05:13
sn9varsis: parted, not fdisk05:13
varsisthe ubuntu installer can handle this?05:14
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Drone4fourhow do i take a screenshot of my desktop?05:14
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soloalt+ printscreen05:14
masterninjahow do i install nvidia drivers through synaptic05:14
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sn9varsis: the installer discs have the console parted, but you must start it manually. also, as you know, journaling must be turned off first05:14
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kitchenayru: :syntax on or :highlight on try one of those options05:14
masterninjai forgot how to do it05:14
solosn9: any suggestions?05:15
varsisyep, gotcha. Thanks :)05:15
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sn9solo: did installing the fwcutter ask you where the windows driver is?05:15
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masterninjahow do i install nvidia drivers through synaptic?05:15
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solono i used the .deb file...    it just installed and away it went05:16
solodidnt ask for a INF or a sys or nuttin05:16
sn9masterninja: you need the pkg called nvidia-glx05:16
bobbyuse automatic to install nvidia drivers05:16
timo90ATI drivers worked =-O05:16
lufisWhen I try adding the clock applet to the Gnome panel, I get this error: The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ClockApplet".05:16
masterninjawhat are the commads to activate it?05:16
sn9!automatix | bobby05:16
ubotubobby: automatix is is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Since it is often hard to track and solve problems caused by Automatix, you might find it easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:16
masterninjathe bit i forgot is what you have to put in the terminal05:16
sn9!nvidia | masterninja05:17
ubotumasterninja: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:17
sn9solo: then the fwcutter installed, but didn't run05:18
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sn9solo: in a Terminal window, type: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter05:20
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CoRnJuLiOxif i have an RPM package i want to install, do i grab alien and convert it to .deb, or do i just get .rpm and use that directly?05:23
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kitcheCoRnJuLiOx: what's the rpm for?05:24
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shootersCoRnJuLiOx: you need to alien first05:26
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AtKaaZhi, there seems to be some kind of bug in php 5.1.2 which is the latest on i386 server version of ubuntu; any idea on how to request from the staff to make an update to ie. php 5.1.6 which doesn't have the bug ?05:27
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ubotuAtKaaZ: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/05:27
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nanomikeHelp with SMTP-AUTH, can't get it to work! Followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/serverguide/C/email-services.html05:31
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nanomikeMy errormsg in mail.log: warning: SASL authentication failure: cannot connect to saslauthd server: No such file or directory05:33
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soloomg sry back again ...05:33
sologot ur msg sn9:  tryin now ty05:34
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solosn9: ok so do   sudo bcm43-fwcutter,     and     just tell me the Option...  feild like which -ft  or what,  io know where my sys file is05:36
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foo_What channel do you go to if you need to recover your #ubuntu nickname password?05:38
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dabaRfoo_: not possible.05:38
aidanrsomeone help me out with a test, pm me in 5 seconds05:38
DarkMageZit's recoverable... you just need alot of computing power or time05:39
foo_What? Like a brute force?05:39
DarkMageZyeah, you'd be better resetting the password05:40
Pelofoo_,  if usr/pswd were easy to recover it wouldn't very secure05:40
aidanr\o/ it worked, beryl water ripple over xchat systray icon on private message05:40
soloand if it was MD5 ud be screwed05:40
jbroomeyou realize he's talking about his IRC nickserv PW, right?05:40
foo_I saved it in a password manager. Had it generate a crazy secure password. Then re-installed 6.10 without  copying password.05:41
timo90beryl water ripple over xchat systray icon on private message: sounds cool05:41
foo_Yes. IRC nickserv pass05:41
tonyyarussofoo_: You can contact a staff member and have them reset it for you05:41
=== Pelo 's password is a four letter word, he's not gonna forget it
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse05:42
solosn9:  You their by chance lol??05:42
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse05:42
foo_The ops in this channel? What channel do I need to go to?'05:42
solofoo_  hold on05:42
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tonyyarussofoo_: Normally /stats -p I think is what tells you who's on - but I don't see any output with that atm05:42
tonyyarussofoo_: Without the hyphen rather05:43
solofoo_   :  u used to be abled to do it through nickserv,   in an older servver i knew u could go to #nickserv..   but that aint here...05:43
jbroometry #freenode-social05:43
dabaRfoo_: you can not get the password back, how would they know it is really you?05:43
foo_Ill just make a new nick. Easier.05:43
PinkFloydMy friend is trying to install Ubuntu on an NTFS hard drive. !ntfs and !fuse dont seem to be what Im looking for. He's using the Alternate Install and cannot install it graphically. What can I tell him to do to partition his NTFS hard drive to run Ubuntu?05:43
foo_I know. Oh well.05:43
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tonyyarussodabaR: Maybe they'd be able to match the host to a past ident?05:44
sn9!ntfs-3g | PinkFloyd05:44
ubotuPinkFloyd: ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171005:44
jbroomePinkFloyd: when the partitioner comes up he's going to want to "use free space" to install ubuntu05:44
timo90When i have high CPU usage i get a high pitched noise05:44
dabaRPinkFloyd: he wants to install on an ntfs partition?05:44
PinkFloyddabaR: His current drive is NTFS. I went to install it and it had no free space.05:45
sn9PinkFloyd: oh, for shrinking?05:45
CoRnJuLiOxdamnit, does anyone here happen to have cnijfilter-common-2.60-1.i386.rpm and cnjifilter-mp500-2.60-1.i386.rpm?05:45
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dabaRPinkFloyd: create some space05:45
mister_robotoPinkFloyd: if he has no space, something has to go :)05:45
PinkFloydsn9: I need to create free space so I can install it05:45
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mister_robotoPinkFloyd: or tell him to buy a second drive05:45
CoRnJuLiOxthe FTP you download them from isn't working, and i know of no other place to get them.05:45
PinkFloydMister_Roboto: I tried resizing with the partitioner, but it didnt work.05:45
sn9PinkFloyd: that's easy if you know how, but a bit tricky to explain05:45
dabaRPinkFloyd: there is a resize option in the installed once you delete some files05:45
mister_robotoPinkFloyd: drives are very cheap. that might be easiest05:46
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jbroomePinkFloyd: the installer isn't going to magically add more space to his drive.  tell your friend to delete some windows crap05:46
PinkFloydIve got Partition Magic, that should work05:46
sn9PinkFloyd: it involves a few reboots05:46
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PinkFloydI used Partition Magic on my Win98 computer, it's a FAT32 though05:46
sn9PinkFloyd: partition magic will destroy your ntfs05:46
PinkFloydoh >_>05:46
timo90Are sata drives relly fast ?05:46
PinkFloydI'll tell him to get another drive then05:46
timo90i have IDE at the moment05:46
madman91i have 10krpm 74gb sata05:46
dabaRPinkFloyd: the ubuntu installed has a resize program that you can use once you clean up some space05:47
timo90is it fast is what i asked05:47
c_lispwhats a good java ide and compiler?05:47
PinkFloydok thanks05:47
=== bobbyshafter [n=bobbysha@ool-44c78a1f.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
solosn9: whats the proper [OPTIONS]   to use with fwcutter??05:47
solo(looking for a managable drivers version in the meantime)05:48
kitchec_lisp: eclipse05:48
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timo90but how can 50 mb/s make such a big inprovement05:48
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timo90just dont get it05:49
FirefisheI installed my bcm4xx drivers with the -w option in fwcutter, but that might not be your baliwick, I have a powerPc05:49
dabaRc_lisp: the sun java jdk is an OK java compiler.05:49
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kitchedabaR: well eclipse uses the jdk anyways05:49
dabaRkitche: I agree.05:50
dabaRkitche: it is not a compiler however, so I gave him a compiler to go with the IDE05:50
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c_lispill check it out05:51
Fall2Helli need help05:51
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:51
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Fall2Hellwell when i try to boot the install cd05:52
Fall2Hellit gives an error05:52
Fall2Hellabout some i/q05:52
Fall2Helland it stays like that one and one05:52
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Fall2Helland i cant install ubuntu05:52
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:53
dabaRthe boot CD never boots?05:53
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Fall2Hellit starts to but when i chose star or install ubuntu05:54
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Fall2Hellit gives the i/q error05:54
dabaRFall2Hell: make a check on the CD, it is an option there05:54
dabaRin the installation menu05:54
Fall2Helli did it05:54
Fall2Helland same error05:54
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dabaRFall2Hell: that would likely mean something is wrong with the CD. did you burn the CD from a .iso file?05:55
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ortega10does anyone know a nice gui for checking md5 hashes?05:55
dabaRFall2Hell: I guess that was not even necessary to ask...did you check the md5sum of the .iso file you have?05:55
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dabaRortega10: in Ubuntu?05:56
Fall2Helldabar: nop05:56
sethkFall2Hell, doing the check from the menu doesn't verify that the cd is good.  it can sometimes say the cd is bad, but it can't guarantee that the cd is good.05:56
ortega10dabaR: yes of course, i don't like going offtopic  :)05:56
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sethkFall2Hell, so you should check the md5sum of the downloaded .iso file also05:56
dabaRFall2Hell: are you in windows?05:56
sethkFall2Hell, if that doesn't help, do the text mode install from the alternate cd05:56
Fall2Hellyes im at windows05:57
sethkortega10, I can't imagine using a gui for that.  doing it at the command line is so much easier.05:57
c_lisphey anybody every tried programming in D?05:57
ortega10sethk: ok so you don't know any, thanks anyway05:57
Fall2Hellgona check the file05:57
sethkortega10, I do know, actually.05:57
dabaRFall2Hell: you know how?05:57
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ortega10sethk: well then why didn't you answer my question?  :)05:57
sethkortega10, I thought you might be interested in a qucker way of doing it.05:58
Fall2Helldabar: not really05:58
dabaRor more importantly, will you?05:58
ortega10sethk: ok thanks then, i know the commandline way, but sometimes i don't feel like pulling a console down05:58
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ortega10sethk: could you please tell me the one you know?05:59
sethkortega10, yes, I'm looking for it.  I've seen it on this box, I just have to remember where.05:59
ortega10sethk: ok i'll wait, thanks05:59
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dabaRFall2Hell: sorry, had to find a link, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/iso shows how to check near the bottom.06:00
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thrillin`anyone around06:00
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Fall2Helldabar: k gona check the link06:01
sethkthrillin`, I'm not06:01
yoshibotwould anyone know what kind of raster fonts X supports?06:01
soloany one got a bcm34xx   driver that works???   mine are all either impossible for fwcutter or to new dew to some issues ive been reading with broadcom cards having a flaw....06:01
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thrillin`i'm a pelb user of linux06:01
ortega10sethk: is it ghasher?  i just found this one on google...06:01
dabaRortega10: check out this interesting info... http://www.openoffice.org/dev_docs/using_md5sums.html06:01
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Pelothrillin`,  what is a pelb user ?06:01
=== Epidemik [n=kate@000625840D84.pc.ashlandfiber.net] has joined #ubuntu
thrillin`level below noob06:02
Epidemikcan i change my username?06:02
Pelothrillin`,  that was for you06:02
dabaREpidemik: your ubuntu user name?06:02
thrillin`i have a powerbook g406:02
sethkortega10, no, I think what I'm remembering is that I mapped something in kde to do it, I think control right click.  I'll find it eventually.  if ghasher does what you need, though, go for it.06:02
yoshibotsolo: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation06:02
ortega10sethk: ok thanks anyway06:03
Pelothrillin`,  so a noob with money,  go on06:03
EpidemikdabaR i think i got it06:03
thrillin`haha @ with money06:03
dabaREpidemik: cool06:03
thrillin`a noob who saves06:03
Epidemikis it bad to change my name if im only user?06:03
yoshibotsolo: native linux drivers are locked at 11mbps, which imo is slow06:03
EpidemikI used  to share this computer with a friend, now i dont so i want to protect it06:03
thrillin`my Ipod was lonely06:03
Pelothrillin`,  seriously, if you have an issue,   ask your question, in one paragraph,  and we'll try to elp06:03
thrillin`i mac is for designing work only06:03
sethkortega10, the URL dabaR gave you I think is probably easier than other alternatives.06:04
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dabaREpidemik: make sure your new user is in the admin group. How are you going to change the name?06:04
thrillin`i just want to know how to run ubuntu off the cd on my powerbook06:04
thrillin`i could probably figure out the rest after i guess06:04
dabaRthrillin`: download the ubuntu desktop ppc CD from releases.ubuntu.com06:04
thrillin`it in my cd drive already06:05
EpidemikdabaR I went  Main Menu=>System=>Administration=>Users highlighted username and clicked properties06:05
Pelothrillin`,  easy enough, just put in the cd and boot from it , but as far as saving yoursettings that is another matter, , ther eis probably a tutorial in the forum06:05
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dabaREpidemik: and it allows for a name change?06:05
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EpidemikdabaR yes06:05
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thrillin`how i bootin from cd on a mac?06:05
dabaRthrillin`: hold down the c key while booting, or sometimes the apple key06:05
Pelothrillin`,  ah, now there is a question I can't answer06:05
dabaRya you can now06:05
thrillin`i'll be back06:06
PelodabaR,  but I didn'T want to know06:06
thrillin`i wanna buy amac book pro06:06
Epidemikthrillin` i think option shows a list of everything you can boot from06:06
dabaREpidemik: wow, it really does allow that...06:06
EpidemikdabaR yup is that bad?06:06
EpidemikdabaR lol, i can change everything about the user06:06
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adamanyone in here06:07
Epidemikso the main usergroup should be admin?06:07
dabaREpidemik: well, it is a feature included in the stable release, so I guess it is safe, and it keeps track of all the changes necessary, pretty cool.06:07
adamor is this even a chat room06:07
sethkadam, I'm not here06:07
adamoh ok06:07
adamfirst time06:07
EpidemikdabaR; can i change the name of my computer06:07
dabaREpidemik: well, the user will stay in all the same groups if it works properly.06:07
adami just found this on my ubunto06:07
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thrillin`thx guys i gonna try now06:07
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dabaREpidemik: well, I heard it was not easy, but so I heard for user name change too.06:07
Epidemikgood luck thrillin`06:07
thrillin`then i can play gow06:07
EpidemikHow can i change the name of my computer?06:08
Epidemik!computer name06:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about computer name - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
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EpidemikdabaR thanks, ill brb see if this works06:08
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EpidemikdabaR username changed but the password and home directory didnt06:10
rokkoexcuse me: how do i uninstall a program i installed with "make install"06:10
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dabaR!hostname | Epidemik06:11
ubotuEpidemik: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly06:11
kitcheEpidemik: it's called hostname06:11
Peloanyone know where I can get a list of the colours for xchat so I can change them ?06:11
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kitchePelo: in preferences06:11
mborohovso now that ive got beryl working, i feel so uninspired :p06:11
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dabaREpidemik: well, I think you have to change the dir name yourself, then. the mv command will rename. You can do something like sudo mv /home/old /home/new if /home/new does not already exist.06:11
Pelokitche,   I know that bit but the list there doesn' tell you what the colours are06:11
jdjs69mborohov: which version of beryl?06:12
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CVirusAfter I upgraded to dapper .. my fstab changed to something like UID=2526477578 ... How can I get the UID of a certain partition inorder to add it to my fstab ?06:12
CVirusupgraded to edgy*06:12
kitchePelo: what do you mean there is red grey light grey black lime blue, and even says what the colors are used for06:13
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Epidemikokay thanks guys06:13
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Pelokitche,  I mean what colours are used for06:13
sethkCVirus, if it's a windows partition, the uid isn't associated with the partition, it's something you tell mount so mount fakes things out as if user UID owns the files.06:13
dabaRCVirus: I find the device nodes still work in etc/fstab, blkid <nodeName> will tell you the UUID.06:13
Epidemikrestarting be back in a min, if i didnt break my computer06:13
dabaR!uuid > CVirus06:13
sethkoh, he said uid, but meant uuid06:14
Fall2HelldabaR: ive checked it the iso its ok06:14
Sir_Brizzdoes anyone know how to fix VNC problems? It's not letting me run the server, I'm getting an error: "could not open default font 'fixed'"06:14
kitchePelo: hmm my xchat says what the colours are used for but I m using Xchat and not xchat-gnome06:14
dabaRFall2Hell: well, I can not think of much else to do about this particular .iso other than burning another CD. YOu can try the alternate CD download if you have the desktop now, or vise versa.06:14
Pelokitche,  samehere butI got my answer from #xchat, tanks06:14
timo90see you later guys bye06:15
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Fall2HelldabaR: the laternate cd how do i install it is it bootable?06:15
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Fall2HelldabaR, never used it before06:16
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FirefisheWill apt-get'ing kubuntu-desktop on a straight ubuntu/gnome machine install what I need for full kde/gnome functionality?06:16
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dabaRFall2Hell: it is the old installation way, more similar to the windows install process. The desktop CD boots ubuntu, and has an install icon that runs the install program like all other programs such as firefox. The alternate CD boots into the installer program.06:16
dabaRFirefishe: yes.06:17
=== Epidemik [n=kate@000625840D84.pc.ashlandfiber.net] has joined #ubuntu
sethkPelo, there is a page in the settings dialog that lets you specify the colors used for different types of text.  that also, obviously,tells you what the current colors are mapped to06:17
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EpidemikIT WORKED!!!06:17
sethkPelo, in settings/preferences/interface/colors06:17
EpidemikI LOVE YOU GUYS06:17
=== dabaR loves Epidemik too
sethkFirefishe, yes06:17
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Pelosethk,  but it doesn'T tell you what colour is set to what function,  like red for emote, or blue for nickhilite06:18
Firefishethanks, dabaR, all 477mb of it! ;) hee  Just wanted some input, I thought that was it.06:18
EpidemikdabaR: how didyou get so smart lol06:18
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Firefishenow I wait until I can get to the library06:18
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onionhey i got this error code when installing, but i cant find it anywhere on the net to see what is going wrong...can anyone help??   1717923.26400006:18
dabaRdabaR: You mean how come I know so much about Ubuntu? I have been on this channel when it had about 50 users or something.06:18
matroblendThe ATI Radeon open-source driver HowTo has anyone done this????06:18
EpidemikHow do i change my password?06:18
ubotuForgot your password? Boot into recovery mode. What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords06:18
amy'sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales' doesnt work work after edgy install... need to add an optional locale. how?06:19
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dabaREpidemik: the command is passwd06:19
Peloonion,  you'll have to do better then that, we' can'T tell either06:19
EpidemikdabaR so i do passwd <newpasswordhere> ?06:19
Epidemikin console06:19
dabaRamy: and you installed it?06:19
onionBug: Soft Locup on CPU#0     ty Pelo06:19
dabaREpidemik: just run passwd, it is interactive06:19
sethkEpidemik, no, passwd username        as root, or as an ordinary user, just passwd06:19
Peloonion,  search for that in the ubuntu forum06:19
Firefisheonion, you may want to post to a paste service06:20
dabaRmatroblend: what are you asking exactly?06:20
Firefishedid i get that right?06:20
dabaRmaybe, but it is an installer error, so he likely can not paste.06:20
amydabaR, no. trying to install but there is no success06:20
matroblenddabaR: I just did it and I get a error06:20
dabaRor with ubiquity, maybe he can06:20
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dabaRamy: do you get some errors? show us on paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:21
Epidemikthank you all06:21
Epidemikbrb gonna test new passwords06:21
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matroblendlibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b06:21
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dabaRmatroblend: what exact howto did you follow? give a link, please.06:22
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Pelomatroblend, is that a wine error msg ?06:22
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EpidemikdabaR: It worked thanks06:23
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matroblendIt is for the radeon vid card06:23
kishanPelo, i get a smilar error of matroblend when i start beryl what does it actually indicate06:23
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ryan__I have edgy installed, but beryl keeps complaining that I don't have Glibc2.4, anyone know whats going on?06:23
dabaRmatroblend: show me output of lspci on paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:24
VigoFusionmatroblend: Thank you, that has been updated06:24
Pelokishan,  I get a similar error when running winecfg and playing around with the themes, I have no idea what it means06:24
Epidemikis there anyway so i can have a user have no password06:24
dabaRryan__: aptitude search glib |grep ^i and see whether that gives you any output.06:24
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amydabaR, no. no errors... many variations of the current locale 'en' were 'Generated' and returned to shell prompt with the message 'Generation complete' ... do i need to run dpkg with special options for errors?06:24
matroblend paste.ubuntu-nl.org ??? DOn't understand06:25
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=== dabaR loves how pelo always gets everyone excited he will be able to help them.
arepiedoes anybody experience, problem with aiglx?? yesterday.. my graphic card able to direct randering.. and today.. after restart.. the direct randering was gone.. i didn't changed anything in xorg.conf06:25
PelodabaR, I'm just here to learn06:25
dabaRmatroblend: open it in a browser, run lspci in a terminal, post output from the command to the pastebin site, and give us a link.06:25
ryan__dabaR: and what should I be looking for06:25
dabaRPelo: right, I know, and it is fun to watch.06:25
dabaRryan__: have output? show me, please.06:26
matroblendHmm k06:26
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dabaREpidemik: ya, probably, why are you asking, what exactly do you want to use that for?06:26
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dabaRarepie: there is a #ubuntu-xgl, they may know.06:27
ryan__dabaR: it was 5 lines so I pasted it to you06:27
dabaRryan__: you are not registered on freenode, so the server discarded it.06:27
dabaRryan__: paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:27
VigoFusionhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/  <<<<paste-bin06:28
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matroblendWow thats cool06:28
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:28
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ryan__dabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33839/06:29
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matroblendI hope thats what you wanted06:30
dabaRmatroblend: ya, sec06:31
Heiroglyphicshow do i use the useradd command?06:31
dabaRHeiroglyphics: you can try the manual, run man useradd in a terminal06:31
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Heiroglyphicsi did that06:32
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dabaRryan__: did you ask in #ubuntu-xgl? They likely know more.06:32
ryan__I'll try06:32
VigoFusionfudgesicles, ruby1.8.5 was cracked, oh well, kidz will be kidz06:33
dabaRHeiroglyphics: and what is not clear? If you ask how to do a specific task with useradd, I will tell you the syntax, how do you use it is not focused enough of a question for me to answer.06:33
kishanhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33841/ i get this when i run beryl help me please06:33
Heiroglyphicswell I'm just not sure how to set it up06:34
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dabaRmatroblend: your card has only experimental 3d support... run "$ glxinfo | grep vendor" in a terminal, and show me output on pastebin, please.06:35
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dabaRHeiroglyphics: it is a program that adds users, there is no set up in a strict set up definition. Are you trying to add a user?06:35
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Heiroglyphicsno not exactly im just trying to get around the problem I made06:35
dabaRHeiroglyphics: explain more.06:36
kishandabaR: help please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33841/06:36
dabaRkishan: did you ask on #ubuntu-xgl?06:36
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Heiroglyphicsok this is what i did, I set the only user to root and its main directory as root and I need to get in and change it back to regular settings06:36
Heiroglyphicsmain direorty as "home"06:36
matroblendTHere ya go06:36
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kishanyes i did ask there to no one is responding dabaR06:37
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thrillin`it worked06:37
thrillin`thx guys06:37
dabaRmatroblend: now run glxinfo | grep "direct rendering" and show output again, please.06:38
redDEADresolvei have a dual core processor intel pentium D920 & am using edgy eft. which kernel do i use to take advantage of both processors?06:38
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dabaRthrillin`: welcome06:38
thrillin`question again...can i connect to my wireless internet while using the cd?06:39
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tonyyarussoredDEADresolve: The default one should06:39
tonyyarussothrillin`: Yes, if you can get it working.06:39
redDEADresolvethats what i thought, how do i make sure>06:39
tonyyarusso!wifi | thrillin`06:39
ubotuthrillin`: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:39
matroblendDo I add "direct rendering" as part of the command?06:39
keeganXDoes anyone know a way to tweak Nicotine+, so it doesn't run so slow?06:39
dabaRthrillin`: no, if you use airport extreme06:39
thrillin`i have wireless06:39
dabaRmatroblend: yes, it is part of it.06:40
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:Is there a way to reformat the ubuntu OS?06:40
thrillin`ad linksys router06:40
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tonyyarussoredDEADresolve: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' perhaps06:40
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dabaRHeiroglyphics: what excatly did you do, what commands? I am not sure what you mean by setting the only user as root and so on.06:40
Heiroglyphicshold on let me get the error I'll be right back06:41
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sn9thrillin`: which wireless networking adapter do you have?06:43
sn9thrillin`: built-in?06:44
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solosn9: just quick where do u put the driver file for fwcutter to read it06:44
soloit wont take a dir06:44
sizzami have a folder called 'pictures' in my home folder.   what's the best way to share that folder with read/write access to multiple user accounts on this same machine?06:44
thrillin`built in06:44
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asfalthello, am i able to use network-manager-gnome in edgy with WPA wireless connections? the Network Monitor app seems to have no provision. In meantime I edited a wpa_supplicant.conf and /etc/network/interfaces run wpa_supplicant and all works, however it is a major pain to change networks, ie requires edits of two files manually and creating the passphrase and in case of switching to another wpa, wep or open network. there has to be a better way?06:45
sn9solo: i don't remember offhand, but there's a broadcom wifi howto on the forum06:45
thrillin`i feel i'll test on my home pc first b4 i try on my mac06:45
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:45
jvolkmansizzam, create a common group, and set group permissions on the directory and all of its files06:45
thrillin`doh wanna mess up my baby06:45
sn9thrillin`: airport classic or airport extreme?06:45
dabaRkishan: do you also use the free radeon driver, ati, or the fglrx proprietary one?06:45
=== Firefishe had a weird occurrence today. I get eth1 and eth2 listings for the same wireless chipset on my g4 alum. powerbook, the built-in card and the pcmcia card. Pcmcia card is the only one that works. Weird.
thrillin`hadda b classic06:45
thrillin`i n g406:45
thrillin`*on g406:45
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sizzamjvolkman: will i have to set permissions on every file added going forward?06:46
paitarthi! i just upgraded to 6.10. how come there is no "turn off", "sign out" button in the desktop? how do i turn it off safely?06:46
kishandabaR: i have intel video card06:46
sn9thrillin`: classic will work just fine from cd, but won't do wpa06:46
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amyhow do you add a locale ... eg 'sp' an option to exsting language support in edgy?06:46
asfaltpaitart the red button in upper right hand side corner, do you have that?06:46
thrillin`yea my cousin have wpa06:46
OctobersDarker.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.o06:46
dabaRpaitart: it is not in the top right?06:46
sn9thrillin`: but wep works06:46
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matroblenddabaR did you see my last paste06:46
OctobersDarkshould be http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:46
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asfaltthrillin` to setup wpa i had to manually edit two files, it's not convienient06:47
dabaRmatroblend: it seems it is a bug with the fre driver, according to this https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/58541, can you read a little and see whether it applies to your issue?06:47
paitartasfalt, i used to have that in 6.06. it got replaced by a black door. in the places menu, the quit menu brings me a window without any "turn off" option06:47
asfaltwhich is what i am trying to find out, if there is a gnome applet which will let me manage wpa and wep connections in gnome in edgy06:47
paitartdabar, i used to have that in 6.06. it got replaced by a black door. in the places menu, the quit menu brings me a window without any "turn off" option06:47
thrillin`have a doc on that @ asfalt06:48
matroblenddabaR: ok06:48
asfaltpaitart what about from the System menu06:48
dabaRpaitart: a black door? what happens when you click on the door?06:48
asfalthe changed theme from default hence the door06:48
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dabaRasfalt: still it should work the same way...06:49
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IcemanV9!network-manager | asfalt06:49
ubotuasfalt: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager06:49
jvolkmansizzam, I believe you can set the sgid bit on your pictures directory to get each new file created in that directory to be under the same group06:49
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sn9thrillin`: wpa support for classic airport will happen eventually, but it just isn't ready yet. if you have a machine with airport classic, you will need a non-apple adapter to use wpa06:49
paitartasfalt and dabar: a window comes out. the only choices when i click that black door are: logout, lockscreen, switch user, suspend, hibernate. no choice for "turn off" or "shut down"06:49
VigoFusionIs mydogsname a good password?06:49
sizzamthanks jvolkman06:49
kishandabaR: can u help me i am using intel  video card and edgy06:49
Jordan_Uasfalt: But having network-manager will not magically make wpa work, you will still need to set that up.06:49
thrillin`i not buying no seperate adapter and my laptop have a built-in06:49
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thrillin`unless someone buys me one :)06:50
kishandabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33841/06:50
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asfaltIcemanV9 i just installed network-manager-gnome but it seems to give me no option to configure any of my interfaces. could it be because i manually edited my /etc/network/interfaces for one adapted for wpa_supplicant?06:50
sn9thrillin`: so you have a powerbook, not an ibook, right?06:50
rainbowcan I remove general multi-lingual speech synthesis system from startup services?06:50
lotiaanyone from london on?06:50
thrillin`yea powerbook06:50
sn9thrillin`: what speed?06:50
lotiaif so, any recommendations on where i can get a netgear wireless access point (not router) in the city?06:50
kishandabaR:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33846/ my xorg.conf06:51
thrillin`1.67ghz 1gb ddr2 ram06:51
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IcemanV9asfalt: network-manager always ask for wpa password and that's it.06:51
Pelorainbow,  system > prefs > sessions,  third tab,  I think06:51
asfaltIcemanV9 it sits in notification area with "no connection" when i right click i jus thave an option to enable networking (it is ticked) and "connection information" greyed out and About06:51
paitartasfalt and dabar: a window comes out. the only choices when i click that black door are: logout, lockscreen, switch user, suspend, hibernate. no choice for "turn off" or "shut down"06:51
thrillin`i wanna get a mac book pro though...gonna sell my wifey here06:51
kishandabaR: can u help me06:51
sn9thrillin`: sorry, but that had airport extreme, not airport classic06:51
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asfaltIcemanV9 but as i mentioned i configured wpa_supplicant manually throught the interfaces file, if i remove that network-manager-gnome will work?06:51
thrillin`seriously...damn it06:51
dabaRkishan: no, not really, I know nothing of these video card issues, really never played with it(except for a moment ago, and you saw how my X crashed...)06:51
mborohovso apparently ive been on my neighbor's wireless for the past two days and have had no idea haha06:52
sn9thrillin`: that means you can use wpa just fine, but will have no wifi at all when running from cd06:52
Jordan_Uasfalt: Did you comment out your wireles interface in /etc/network/interfaces?06:52
rainbowPelo: can I remove it safely?06:52
thrillin`oh yea u right06:52
mborohovi knew it wasnt mine when i went to go forward a port, and the admin password was 'password'06:52
d3cod3k question, i downloaded the jre java update, how do i install it?06:52
thrillin`i now see...my bad06:52
asfaltJordan_U no, at the moment it is in there with pre-up wpa supplicant command06:52
dabaRpaitart: and you know there is a shut down at the login screen, right?06:52
thrillin`how to install on mac?06:52
IcemanV9asfalt: you can remove network-manager (and install it back) and see if it does work (never done it before)06:52
Pelorainbow,   see where I pointed you to see if you can uncheck it first ,  Idon'T think I have that running myself so it's probaly not an issue06:52
thrillin`and how do i remove it?06:52
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sn9thrillin`: the wifi specifically, or ubuntu in general?06:53
paitartdabar, i will check again06:53
Jordan_Uthrillin`: Just download the liveCD and hold the "C" key at boot.06:53
Pelokishan,  what is your problem again ?06:53
thrillin`ubuntu in general06:53
rainbowPelo: i use bum to check services06:53
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:53
thrillin`i already did that @ jordan06:53
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sn9thrillin`: depends on whether you want to get rid of the osx you have on there or not06:53
rainbow!bum > Pelo06:53
Pelorainbow,   do you own research06:54
rainbowPelo: go away troll06:54
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thrillin`nahh...i wanna keep osx06:54
rainbowPelo: leave me alone, stop trolling06:54
Jordan_Uasfalt: I needed to comment out my wireless interface for wireless to work, I don't know if network-manager will deal with wpa_supplicant though.06:54
mborohovhow can i switch wireless networks?06:54
asfaltJordan_U aha, trying that now06:54
sn9thrillin`: if you have an osx partition taking up the whole hard disk, you will need to shrink it06:54
thrillin`i have all my design work here...i want to use my gfx programs i accustomed to06:54
thrillin`how i shrink it06:55
matroblenddadbR: It seems to be a mesa issue, but not sure what to do if anything. I tried the fglrx to my misery pain and sorrow.06:55
FirefisheMy touchpad on my g4 powerpc alum. 15" 1ghz powerbook laptop won't recognize finger taps.  I've reconfigured xorg.conf three times.  The current incarnation is pasted here: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/0XgyR632.html06:55
sn9thrillin`: first, you need to turn off filesystem journaling from the OSX Terminal.app06:55
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dabaRmatroblend: me either. wait for someone to be available on #ubuntu-xgl.06:55
matroblenddabaR: Post the error on xgl?06:57
asfaltJordan_U do you use Network Monitor as well or network manager alone?06:57
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Jordan_Uthrillin`: run this command in OS x : sudo diskutil enableJournal Macintosh\ HD/ && sudo diskutil disableJournal Macintosh\ HD/06:57
dabaRmatroblend: ya, ask about your error on that channel, and wait for someone to be able to help, sorry, that is the only thing I can recommend.06:58
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mnguyenhey is there anything special about memory sold as dual channel?06:58
sn9Jordan_U: that's not quite right. you need a /dev node06:58
thrillin`gonna run gears of war06:58
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Jordan_Uasfalt: I use network-manager-gnome which is a gnome panel applet.06:59
matroblenddabaR: thankyou at least you are trying and I am farther than before06:59
mnguyenlike... dual channel memory is just two sticks of normal memory right? they don't particularly work together any better do they06:59
asfaltjordan i see, because i already seem to have Network Monitor, another gnome panel applet which was there previously06:59
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asfaltso in turn now i have both in the panel06:59
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asfaltbut the network manager is not allowing me to manage anything heh06:59
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thrillin`thx again ppls07:00
IcemanV9asfalt: i have both network monitor & network-manager working on the panel; no problem whatsoever since the installation07:00
Jordan_Usn9: Not with diskutil you don't, the volume name works just fine.07:00
dabaRmatroblend: welcome07:01
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sn9Jordan_U: not as a partial pathname. "/" would work best then07:01
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dibblegowhat's the application that allows me to create a flash animation of my desktop?07:01
asfaltjordan heh, it started to work when i plugged in my wired network, then double clicking the icon showed me more options then previously!07:01
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VigoFusionUt Oh, just fired theold dell up and it works now=-O07:02
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corevettei have a screen resolution problem, and its not the typical one07:02
Jordan_Usn9: sorry, I meant to put the /Volumes/ , but still, / would be much easier than that, I did it from a liveCD last I did it so it wasn't / :)07:02
dabaRFirefishe: well, they have this guide, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=270988, but somehow I am sceptical, seems overly simple. At least it will not take a lot of time to try07:02
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FirefishedabaR:  gotcha, I'll heed all caveats07:03
Firefishecan't hurt to try anyway :)07:03
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Firefishe:) happy turkey day07:03
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VigoFusiondabaR: Good call, I had forgotten that one07:04
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: OK, I'm back and this is what it says, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33853/07:04
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dabaRhehe, google helps with memory.07:04
fr0styXey i got a problem, i downloaded the jre newest version to run Frostwire, its on my desktop as a bin file how do i install it so i can use it to open frostwire07:04
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Madpilot!java | fr0styX07:04
Epidemikhow can i astablish an SSH connection with a server?07:04
ubotufr0styX: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository07:04
dabaRfr0styX: there is an ubuntu package of the newest jre07:05
ubotussh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:05
ineedehelpI need help actually getting the lde enviroment installed on ubuntu07:05
corevettewhat are symptoms of linux not detecting your graphics card?07:05
HeiroglyphicsEpidemik, are you owner of phuzion.com?07:06
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Jordan_Ucorevette: X won't work, that hardly ever happens though, your computer probably just doesn't have 3D acceleration.07:06
dabaRHeiroglyphics: that seems like a totally different issue from what you had started with. It is always best to show symptoms when asking for help without a hint to the solution. Anyhow, show me what ls -l ~/.dmrc tells you.07:06
Heiroglyphicsok hold on I got to restart real quick07:07
dabaRcorevette: x not starting often07:07
corevetteJordan_u i think that happened to me, its really laggy when i move windows around, and i can't achieve a rez greater than 800x60007:07
Jordan_U!fglrx | corevette07:07
ubotucorevette: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:07
DARKGuyalmost any card can run even VESA mode though o_O... I remember I used to play 640x480 games with an OAK 1Mb card xD07:07
dabaR!fixres > corevette07:07
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corevettejordan_u my graphics card is internal07:07
EpidemikHeiroglyphics: no ive never heard of that site...why?07:07
dabaRDARKGuy: heh07:08
Firefishedabar:  that device line on that forum post is so short...your skepticism is warranted ;)07:08
Jordan_Ucorevette: intel?07:08
corevettedabar my resolution is not the typical fix, if i change it to 1024x798 it goes in a loop at the logon menu07:08
Pelocorevette,  did you try and edit your xorg.conf file ? and did you change the vertrefresh and horiz sync on top of adding the desired resolutions ?07:08
Epidemikhow can i astablish an SSH connection with a server?07:08
corevettejordan no07:08
Firefishedabar:  it didn't work the first time I tried it, either ;) hee07:08
corevettepelo yes07:08
dabaRineedehelp: kde ?07:08
Firefishei wonder if I'm mising some ctrl-alt combination to enable tapping or something07:08
Jordan_Ucorevette: What kind of card is it?07:09
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ineedehelpyeah, kde...sry07:09
corevettejordan_u, nvidia geforce 4 it came with computer on the motherboard07:09
dabaR!kde > ineedehelp07:09
jwisehello,boys, i'v got some problem with my acpi re-installation.07:09
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jwiseany helps?07:09
ineedehelpwell, I get an error everytime I try running that07:10
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Jordan_Ucorevette: Look at the link ubotu gave you earlier then for installing nvidia drivers.07:10
dabaRineedehelp: what error, running what?07:10
ineedehelplemme pull it up again07:10
dabaREpidemik: in a terminal, run ssh user@host07:10
solowhats the command to see ur kernal version07:11
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Firefisheuname -r07:11
Jordan_Usolo: uname -a07:11
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Snadgehas anyone got any info on how to install ubuntu via network or from another hard drive? (edgy)07:11
Firefishe-a gives you all output, -r will give you just the kernel version07:11
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Jordan_U!install | Snadge07:11
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ubotuSnadge: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues07:11
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EpidemikdabaR: thanks, i tried that though, it said connection refused07:12
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EpidemikdabaR: the connection requires a password, when would i put that in?07:12
dabaRSnadge: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation07:12
TwinxorI don't think the bug reporter tool is too smart - it automatically opened a bug report on gnome.org07:12
Twinxornot so great07:12
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dabaREpidemik: try reading the manual, run man ssh07:13
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Epidemikoo thats a lot to read lol07:13
Epidemikdabar: thanks07:13
Epidemikill be back ;)07:13
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ineedehelpdabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33857/07:14
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dabaREpidemik: actually, it says nothing about it. You should get asked for the password when you try connecting, connection refused usually means no ssh server on host, or ssh running without interactive authentication, such as with a key or something.07:14
jwise/proc/acpi/event anyone tell me the content about this file,thanks.07:14
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EpidemikdabaR: im a noob, what does that mean? I cant connect to it because its not enabled?07:15
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jwiseIt always show:"acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy07:15
dabaRsomething like that, yes. COntact the person whose computer you are connecting to, and ask how to connect exactly.07:15
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dabaRjwise: did you try passing noacpi as the boot option? I heard of that somewhere, google for that.07:16
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dabaRineedehelp: post your /etc/apt/sources.list file to pastebin, and run sudo aptitude -f install;sudo aptitude install -f; sudo apt-get install -f and post output of that as well to pastebin.07:17
jwiseI've googled so many times, it doesn't solve problem.It seems I've stopped the acpi service once,than it got the problem after I restart it.07:17
EpidemikdabaR: is there a progam (other than terminal) that can do this?07:17
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dabaRssh? no, ssh is a terminal program. You can connect to transfer files over the ssh protocol with nautilus, with the places menu, the connect to server applet07:18
sn9Epidemik: why would you need a special program when any ol' terminal will do?07:18
bokeyhi all. =)07:18
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allenanyone here can help me?07:19
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sn9Epidemik: is the server yours too?07:19
allen2003okey i got problem on ubuntu themes i tried installing a theme but it sez invalid filename any idea?07:19
bokeyi was looking for ipod directory builder for ubuntu07:19
bobbie__4Linux rules07:19
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ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:20
nachaLibrewhere to call the ./config for php  ???07:20
nachaLibreany idea ??07:21
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dabaRnachaLibre: rephrase your question.07:21
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allen2003how to type /themes07:21
allen2003oh nvm07:21
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allen2003ok O_o dabaR07:22
dabaRallen2003: visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy07:22
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dabaRbokey: does gtkpod do that?07:22
nachaLibrened to change this config --with-libxml-dir=/usr'07:22
nachaLibrethe path is wrong07:23
bokeydabaR, =) gtkpod.. no. it's a single python file07:23
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bokeydabaR, forgot it's name.07:23
DARKGuyHm, I wonder, is there a program which can limit my computer's bandwidth so I don't take it all and my brother can use some Kbs too? (like NetLimiter for Windoze)07:23
HeiroglyphicsdabaR, what was it you needed to see again?07:23
dabaRHeiroglyphics: show me what ls -l ~/.dmrc tells you.07:24
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allen2003the file format is invalid dabaR >_>07:25
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allen2003i always get that when i install it07:25
Epidemiksn9 the server is a game server07:25
HeiroglyphicsdebaR:i do cvn ls -l ~/.dmrc ?07:25
dabaRbokey: search for ipod directory python on google, or click http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ipod+directory+python&btnG=Google+Search&meta= is best I can think of07:25
nayruHello, im having trouble with the Terminal (alt+ctrl+F1) when i press it my screen displays random junk colors weird patterns and such...07:26
dabaRHeiroglyphics: ls -l ~/.dmrc07:26
Epidemiksn9 so its my server but its not sitting infront of me. its off in New York somewhere. And i need a program cause good ol terminal wont connect07:26
sn9Epidemik: a game server that uses ssh? that really doesn't sound right07:26
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Epidemiklol i hate being a noob07:26
Epidemiksn9 it claims to use SSH to allow me (the client) to start and stop the server07:26
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive07:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about download_manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:26
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sn9Epidemik:  i think that's not what they mean07:27
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Tidoanyone know a good way to manage wireless connections in edgy?07:27
ineedehelpdabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33860/07:27
nayruim having trouble with the Terminal (alt+ctrl+F1) when i press it my screen displays random junk colors weird patterns and such...07:27
Jordan_U!network-manager | Tido07:27
ubotuTido: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager07:27
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Epidemiksn9 what do they mean?07:28
Epidemiksn9 i pm'ed you the knowledge base article07:28
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DARKGuynayru, does it do that too when you boot in recovery mode?07:28
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dabaRineedehelp: remove the # from the second line in the sources.list file, then run sudo aptitude update, then run sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, tell me whether you get the same error.07:29
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FirefisheI just updated my xorg.conf file.  Is there a way to apply the settings to the xserver in real time without having to restart it?07:29
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dabaRineedehelp: line 5 in that post on pastebin...07:30
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DARKGuyI don't think so Firefishe :(07:30
dabaRFirefishe: no07:30
Firefisheoh goody ;) hee07:30
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Jordan_UFirefishe: But you don't need to reboot either, just restart X.07:30
dabaRkeep your text buffers in the console when troubleshooting X, then.07:31
ineedehelpbut sources.list is read only07:31
FirefisheJordan_U: uh huh...*sigh*  Well, if I write *that* code ;)07:31
dabaRineedehelp: are you using gedit to edit it?07:31
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Jordan_U!sudo | ineedehelp07:31
ubotuineedehelp: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:31
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ineedehelpI hate being a n00b07:32
Jordan_Uineedehelp: It is read only because your user does not have write privaleges.07:32
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ineedehelpOk, I get it now....thanks. ^_^07:32
dabaRJordan_U: I heard people recommending gksudo with graphical apps instead of just sudo.07:32
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: This is what it says after but its not the dmrc i don't think  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33862/07:33
Jordan_UdabaR: Yes, I have head that it is bad to run GUI apps with sudo , don't know why though.07:33
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mordofdabaR, Jordan_U, maybe it doesn't clean up some of the graphical library includes needed or something... but gksudo would07:34
morten_is the narnia movie any close to as good as the old miniseries from the 80s?07:34
dabaRHeiroglyphics: is that output of ls -l ~/.dmrc?07:34
bokeydabaR, thanks heaps. man.. it's the rebuild_db.py =)07:34
morten_serios question07:34
morten_help me out here, nerds!07:34
mordofmorten_, i never saw that but i've read all the books and i thought the movie was pretty good07:34
DARKGuymorten_, I have no idea, but I loved the Narnia movie :P07:34
dabaRbokey: did you find it on google?07:34
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bokeydabaR, yeah it's the http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ipod+directory+python&btnG=Google+Search&meta=07:35
dabaRbokey: welcome07:35
mordofmorten_, it jumpled a few unimportant things to make the movie work... but aside from that most of it followed everything as it should07:35
tengolife or death question07:35
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aidanrthe tv series was rubbish, the books rocked, the movie is somewhere in between07:35
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morten_maybe i should give it a go. i've heard the miniseries is kinda looked down on since it was low budget, but i've seen that every easter since i can remember, so the new movie will have to work hard at it07:35
morten_i'll give it a go07:35
tengowhen i try to install linux restricted modules, it says nvidia kernel common is not installable\07:35
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dabaRaidanr: hehe, are you brittish?07:35
dabaRaidanr: I knew you were not american cause you said rubbish07:36
morten_dabaR: i'm norwegian, actually. but the state channel shows the lion, witch and the wardrobe in the mornings during easter07:36
Heiroglyphicsdabar: no but it comes right after the "Users $HOMe/.dmrc file is being ignored..."07:36
dabaRwell, I guess your name is also cool too.07:36
aidanryeah ok, the whole rubbish/trash thingimabob07:36
morten_makes me feel like a little kid again07:36
sn9Jordan_U: because it spews garbage to the terminal, which leads one to close the terminal, thereby also closing the app07:36
dabaRHeiroglyphics: are you in Ubuntu now?07:37
tengoanyone? when i try to install linux restricted modules, it says nvidia kernel common is not installable....07:37
morten_install nvidia-kernel-common first07:37
ineedehelpdabaR and Jordan_U: Thank you very much. It is installing now. ^_^07:37
morten_or force the install07:37
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: no i can only get on the rescue terminal07:37
dabaRineedehelp: welcome.07:37
Jordan_Usn9: Is that really it, lol I thought is was a technical problem not a pebkac preventer :)07:37
tengomorten_ i cant access the internet, and its not on the cd07:37
morten_tengo: it probably has multiple layers of dependencies, which causes that07:38
morten_tengo: i guess you're fucked, then07:38
DARKGuyWait, wtf?07:38
tengomorten_ thanks07:38
DARKGuyhe can't access internet and he's here? oO07:38
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sn9Jordan_U: there is also the tendency of GUIs to do very gag-inducing things when they get root access in general07:38
dabaRHeiroglyphics: well, I am pretty sure we could fix it, but I need more info about what you exactly did, and what gives you that error.07:38
tengodarkguy,  i'm on a windows laptop07:38
morten_good catch, DARKGuy07:38
morten_why can't your linux box access the nets?07:38
DARKGuytengo, ah, that makes sense now o.o;07:38
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DARKGuylol, thanks morten_ =P07:39
tengomorten_ i tried to install nvidia, but it disable my internet somehow07:39
arun_I want to mount two ntfs drives using /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs umask=0222 0 007:39
arun_can I append two lines one after another?07:39
sn9!ntfs-3g | arun_07:39
ubotuarun_: ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171007:39
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: Begining prompt when I log in07:40
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dabaRarun_: first of all, the device node must be different for each if you intend to mount 2 drives. Second, you can not mount two devices on same mount point, other than that, it looks great.07:40
tengoso this is my last post BEFORE I REINSTALL UBUNTU: when i try to install linux restricted modules, it says nvidia kernel common is not installable...and i don't have access to the internet through hat ocmputer07:40
atrusi have a DVD of a family vacation I need to duplicate. I have a dvd-rom and a dvd-rw and some blanks. what's the easy way to do this?07:41
sn9atrus: yes07:41
sn9atrus: which cpu do you have?07:41
ineedehelpso if I install ntfs-3g, I can access my windows partitions? or did I read that KDE can do that for me?07:41
dabaRtengo: it could be many things, even a simple enabled repositories issue, do you remember more of the error? can you use irssi and come back here while in Ubuntu?07:41
sn9atrus: oops, not you07:41
sn9tengo: yes, which cpu do you have?07:41
dabaRineedehelp: ntfs-3g is for writing to the iwndows partition.07:42
bokeyragamuffin, mount -ro -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/windows07:42
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tengosn9 which computer model or what07:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:42
tengoebar, irssi?07:42
dabaRragamuffin: I hope you saw that post from me...07:42
sn9tengo: pentium, celeron, athlon, duron, sempron, turion...07:42
ineedehelplook at the bright side....the more you teach me, the more I can teach others ^_^07:42
dabaRtengo: ya, a text only irc client, that way you could speak with us from ubuntu, and we could look into the issue, but you said internet does not even work in your ubuntu installation, so not sure.07:43
tengotengo athlon07:43
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: How do I view -l ~/.dmrc ?07:43
tengodebar yeah internet doesn't work period without madwifi07:43
tengodebar which is in the restricted driver that requires nvidia07:43
sn9tengo: athlon? ok. did you install the 32-bit ubuntu or the 64-bit?07:43
tengosn9 3207:44
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dabaRHeiroglyphics: what is your ubuntu user name for the normal user?07:44
DrakeMastilare there any free game emulators? i dont have a way to pay for cedega atm07:45
sn9tengo: ok. can you temporarily connect that machine to the 'net by ethernet?07:45
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: yg07:45
dabaRHeiroglyphics: just yg?07:45
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tengosn9 nope07:45
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: yeah07:45
snoophow can I install automatix?07:45
ineedehelpDrakeMastil: For what console?07:45
snoopor where can I donwload it07:45
sn9tengo: and you can't get madwifi to work?07:45
DrakeMastilineedhelp: Windows based games07:46
tengosn9 well i have it on the computer07:46
tengosn9 but when i type in make, it says missing heading for KERNELPATH07:46
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sn9tengo: no, no. madwifi is preinstalled on ubuntu07:46
ragamuffindabaR: how can i change the device node for mounting a second partition?07:47
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snoopwhere can I download automatix?07:47
dabaRHeiroglyphics: try this. boot into the recovery mode, and run chown -R yg:yg /home/yg;chmod 600 /home/yg/.dmrc, then reboot, and try logging in as yg, then come back here and tell me how it worked.07:47
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dabaRsnoop: ask google, really.07:47
sn9!automatix | snoop07:47
ubotusnoop: automatix is is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Since it is often hard to track and solve problems caused by Automatix, you might find it easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe07:47
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: ok07:47
dabaRHeiroglyphics: see ya07:47
tengosn9 how do i see if its installed07:48
dabaRragamuffin: well, run sudo fdisk -l and post output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:48
m0zonei searched before comein in here lol  is there a way to set open term right click on folder to save on typeing :P07:48
sn9tengo: if you installed ubuntu off the cd, it's installed07:48
DrakeMastilineedhelp: Windows based games07:48
ragamuffindabaR: I will post the result on pastebin07:48
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DrakeMastilCedega is all i know... are there others? preferably free07:49
tengosn9 ok...if you say so07:49
dabaRm0zone: I do not understand your sentence at all.07:49
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DARKGuyDrakeMastil, WINE is one, but it needs some tweaking for a few games07:49
tengosn9, this whole problem started when i tried to install an nvidia driver, so when i restarted it my internet didn't work07:49
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, there are also Loki installers for Windows games that you already have07:49
sn9tengo: that actually makes sense07:49
m0zoneokies insted of typeing cd /home/m0zone/gamefolder/  in term i just open natiuls  and right click on game folder open in term  or open terminal here07:49
tengosn9 how come?07:50
m0zonei got use to it in kde07:50
DrakeMastilDARKGuy: Tweaking as in? I'm an power-user, in terms, on windows but still newer to linux07:50
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dabaRmorten_: Oh, I do not know of that.07:50
sn9tengo: both the nvidia kernel modules and madwifi are part of linux-restricted-modules07:50
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, same here ;) some games (like World of Warcraft, for example) need specifical patches needed to be inserted in a WINE source package and recompile WINE entirely, so WoW works07:51
tengosn9 fuck, then why'd someone tell me to install the nvidia ones?07:51
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, other games may just work without any problems (Like Diablo II) and others might need some WINE config tweaking, rather than in Cedega just installing and running :P07:51
DrakeMastilDARKGuy: How about Lineage 2?07:51
dabaRm0zone: oooh, ooh, I know, install nautilus-open-terminal07:51
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m0zonetnxs gonna try that07:52
dabaRm0zone: it works, I just tried.07:52
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tengosn9, so is there a way to revert?07:52
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DARKGuyDrakeMastil, Hm, I've only played it in Windows, but I'm not really sure it'll work... not the game, but the anti hacking system itself (which is similar to the ones that GunBound, Silkroad and Mu use) might not let you run it... who knows, you could give it a go07:52
renatohello everyone07:52
ragamuffindabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33865/07:52
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sn9tengo: the nvidia stuff comes in two parts on ubuntu: kernel and X. the kernel stuff is preinstalled, but the X stuff is in the apt pkg "nvidia-glx" -- if you installed from nvidia.com, you're unlikely to recover without some other internet access07:53
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DARKGuyDrakeMastil, Lineage 2 uses a modified Unreal Engine so for that I'm sure it works, but the antihacking system might be a problem since it uses Windows specific API for getting PC info, opened processes and such ^^;07:53
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dabaRragamuffin: do you know which of those partitions you are trying to mount? If not, tell me their drive letters from windows.07:53
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ragamuffindabaR: ok07:54
tengosn9 i installed the packages with synaptic07:54
renatoI am running kubuntu and want to run ubuntu instead. Is there a chance I can do this without reinstalling?07:54
aidanrsomeone pm me in 5 seconds please, testing something07:54
DrakeMastilDARKGuy: sounds good thus far... just need to learn the commands for BASH now xD07:54
sn9tengo: just the one called "nvidia-glx" right?07:54
dabaRrenato: install ubuntu-desktop, and use sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop07:54
renatocan I keep both?07:54
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dabaRrenato: yes07:55
tengosn9 yeah07:55
renatooh, thank you dabaR07:55
dabaRDrakeMastil: there is a tutorial. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands07:55
dabaRrenato: welcome07:55
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, those won't be a problem ^_^ try to handle yourself in the Linux environment and familiarize yourself with it, you're going to have to use the terminal a lot so a tutorial like dabaR just linked you might help :)07:55
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DrakeMastildabaR: thanks reading it right now07:55
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aidanrsomeone, anyone, count 5 seconds, then pm me and say boo or something, please, trying to test something07:56
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disco_stuHi everybody07:56
tengosn9 theres nothing to revert back to a previous time07:56
sn9tengo: ok, that by itself shouldn't have caused your problem then. however, you mentioned nvidia-kernel-common, which has to do with the kernel stuff07:56
tengosn9 ?07:56
m0zonedabar any type of setup i need to do :P apt-got it  now digin to find it lol07:56
DrakeMastilDARKGuy: Any idea how to get WINE downloaded the links are not very let's say user friendly07:56
=== dabaR says welcome for everyone in the future saying thanks to him, so he does not have to type it every time
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tengosn9 hold on i think i got that too, and nvidia tools07:56
ragamuffindabaR: when I click browsefor  partition 7 and 8 under Admin>Disk I get to the same drive, which I thind is /hda807:56
dabaRm0zone: well, killall nautilus in a terminal will restart nautilus, and that will make it work07:57
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aidanrdabaR, help me out? read up07:57
ragamuffindabaR: I want hda7 mounted07:57
disco_stuI have a question about upgrading - I enter the "gksu" update and it says my root password is incorrect.  I went and chaged the root password and it still doesn't work07:57
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cjanyone here familiar with aiglx?07:57
cjis it an X module?07:57
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DrakeMastilooo wait im not using i386... i'm on the 64bit platform... i need to compile the source07:57
sn9tengo: you should have installed only "nvidia-glx" (and if you cared, "linux-k7")07:57
aidanrthanks dabaR that got it07:58
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: it says invalid group, if you can, can you show me the list of group types like admin,root, etc07:58
dabaRdisco_stu: gksu uses your password, not the root one07:58
disco_stuit doesn't work with that either07:58
tengosn9, so is there a way to reverse the effects07:58
dabaRHeiroglyphics: usually there will be a group with the same name as the user. weird. did you delete the user completely?07:59
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dabaRdisco_stu: what about sudo ls, does that accept your password?07:59
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, Hm, in the Wine page there's a HowTo for downloading it, you just have to add the repository to your sources.list and do apt-get update, then apt-get install wine :P07:59
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.07:59
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: i didn't delete any users except the default one but I already made a user by then07:59
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, However if you're on 64-bit as you mentioned... yeah, gotta recompile from source, and I'm afraid I've never done that :(07:59
sn9tengo: since you've lost track of what exactly the effects even were, figuring out how to reverse them will take quite some doing. not impossible, though08:00
tengoso...recommend reinstalling?08:00
DARKGuyDrakeMastil, but the source can be obtained from the same repository if I recall correctly :P08:00
z9999We are new to Linux and have got most of the system working properly, and as it was factory installed, once received and connected to the internet we continue to get notice that there are updates, very many, 172 to be exact, available. We are uncertain of the importance of applying any or all of them and are worried of the possibility that one or more may create more problems to be solved,...08:00
z9999Could someone with extensive knowledge of Ubuntu please advise me of how I should handle updates to installed SW.08:00
z9999...while at the same time unsure if any of them may eliminate existing problems. Mostly, we wish to avoid any possibility of doing anything that will necessitate the re-installation of the system as a whole.08:00
sn9tengo: probably, yeah08:00
dabaRragamuffin: well, then do this: sudo mkdir /media/hda7 /media/hda8, then gksudo gedit /etc/fstab and tell me when you open the file for editing.08:00
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cjthanks, dabaR08:01
sn9z9999: which version of ubuntu do you have?08:01
dabaRHeiroglyphics: so there is a yg user now you think?08:01
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disco_stusudo recognizes my password08:01
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR: yeah i shows up on the login and i click on it and then type in password08:02
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z9999sn9: It's Dapper, or 6.06 LTS if that is a better definition.08:02
tengosn9 brb08:02
dabaRdisco_stu: then try gksudo instead of gksu08:02
ragamuffindabaR: yes, done, openned etc/fstab in geditor08:02
dabaRHeiroglyphics: then run the same command I gave you for the recovery mode, just change the chown yg:yg... to chown yg, so remove the :yg08:02
sn9z9999: if you originally installed dapper and never applied any updates, 172 sounds about right08:03
disco_stuok - it pulls up my update screen08:03
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dabaRragamuffin: the line will be /dev/hda7 /media/hda7 ntfs umask=0222 0 0 fix the spacing, add same one but with 8s for the other partition if you want that one mounted too. save, close, and run sudo mount -a, they should appear in the places menu.08:04
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dabaRdisco_stu: OK, go on with what you were doing.08:04
disco_stuSorry - Im a total noob - im running Breezy - how do I select to update to 6.1008:04
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:04
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aidanrdabaR, could you do that for me one more time please, sorry to bother you08:04
dabaRdisco_stu: make sure you upgrade to 6.06 first, you have to go one by one08:04
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sn9z9999: you should have been applying them all this time, but now that there are this many, just to be safe, i would recommend an alternate method of applying them all at once just this time08:05
redDEADresolvedoes anyone here know how to use ddrescue??08:05
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z9999sn9: About all we have installed using the Pkg Mgr is some additional SW, and docs updates, as well as some ALSA files as directed by help at #alsa trying to get our mic to work.08:05
z9999Oh, and some wireless related pkgs as that also does not work.08:05
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dabaRz9999: you should keep your system up to date with updates, and usually they will not break anything on stable systems such as 6.06, so update now, ask for help if needed.08:06
MarlunIf when trying to install Ubuntu it doesn't find my network card, how do I find drivers for linux? I've always just searched for windows drivers.08:06
=== longfire [n=longfire@c-71-230-119-58.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
elephantumhi, I don't know where to so I'll stick here: I've bought new laptop (Vaio sz220) and installed ubuntu edgy, almost everything works fine, except some moments. 1. some buttons on my keyboard refer to incorrect keystrokes for example right alt is ISO_Level3_Shift, I'd like to change it but I can not guess where is this information stored.08:06
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DARKGuyI'm gonna ask again xD before going to program in Mono - is there a program which can limit my bandwidth so it doesn't take all the bandwidth and leave some left for my brother's PC? (like NetLimiter for Windows?)08:06
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:06
DayzI need some help. My Ubuntu was fine until when I was shutting it down last night it froze up so I had to hold my power button to shut it down. Today when I try getting into Ubuntu everything loads up fine but then I get a black screen, I have no idea whats going on and why this is happening. I'm guessing when I shut down using the power something messed up. When I go into recovery mode same thing happens. Im using Ubuntu Dapper. Can08:06
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sn9z9999: installing outside the pkg mgr is where things can go really wrong. if you never did that, then what i was about to tell you would really be the thing to do08:07
redDEADresolvedoes anyone here know how to use ddrescue?? i need to rescue a disk but dont know/cant figue it out08:08
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sn9z9999: assuming you have a dedicated internet connection, select Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal, and type: sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade08:08
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z9999sn9: I don't believe we have installed anything outside the pkg mgr08:08
dabaRDayz: did you aptitude search bandwidth?08:08
Dayzno clue how or what that is08:09
sn9z9999: let that command run overnight08:09
dabaRDayz: sorry, not for you.08:09
axisys_where can i get help w/ linksys 54G?08:09
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dabaRDARKGuy: did you aptitude search bandwidth?08:09
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axisys_i want to put linux on it08:09
DARKGuydabaR, Uhmmmmm...... nope XD;08:09
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z9999sn9: It will take a long time? We are on a satellite up/down link which sometimes goes down for a few minutes. Could that cause a problem?08:10
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:Didn't say anything this time. and it didn't do anything08:10
mordofwould it be possible to take the desktop and server iso's, and put them onto 1 dvd with a boot menu to run either one?08:10
mordofif so how difficult would it be08:10
dabaRHeiroglyphics: and you tried logging in?08:10
ragamuffindabaR: I think I have done it. Thanks foryour help.08:11
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: yeah08:11
dabaRragamuffin: good work.08:11
elephantumDayz, you have two ways: easy one - reinstall, hard - try to find corrupted packages and reinstall them.08:11
dabaRHeiroglyphics: and still same exact error?08:11
sn9z9999: if the connection goes down during the download, you may need to type the command several times in a row, until it no longer does anything08:11
ragamuffindabaR: :)08:11
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imissu29please hepl me08:11
imissu29I install xine cho ubuntu08:11
imissu29when I reboot08:11
imissu29I can login08:12
Pand0raim having an odd issues with xvid codec (i assume) all other video formats seem to play fine but xvid is shakey vertically, even when paused. Not sure what would cause that, any hints?08:12
imissu29the exact distribution terms for each program are discribed in the individual file in urs/share/doc/*/copyright08:12
imissu29ubuntu come with ubsolutely no wanranty to the exent permitted by applicable law08:12
dabaRHeiroglyphics: go into recovery mode, and run ls -ld /home/yg, and ls -l /home/yg/.dmrc, then come back and show me exact output, please.08:12
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ellioTbi just pasted the wrong code from a how-to on the forum08:13
ellioTband it did a "sudo rm /bin/sh"08:13
ellioTbthere a way to undo this?08:13
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dabaRellioTb: try sudo apt-get install --reinstall bash08:14
CoRnJuLiOxwhen i plug my USB flash drive in, where does it get mounted to?08:14
sn9z9999: after this is all done, be sure to always click the orange square in the top panel of the screen whenever it appears08:14
dabaRCoRnJuLiOx: /media/usb or so08:14
ellioTbCoRnJuLiOx, thanx08:14
dabaRimissu29: you did not present us with an issue to solve. Are you saying it lets you log in to the console, but you would like to use the gnome desktop environment?08:15
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ellioTbCoRnJuLiOx, still giving me bad interpreter errors, doh!08:16
dabaRellioTb: where is it giving you those errors?08:16
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DrakeMastilok when trying to compile WINE i get an error08:16
ellioTbdabaR, terminal08:16
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, why compile it?  .99 is in repositories08:16
dabaRellioTb: you just open a terminal and get the error?08:16
ellioTbreinstall ends up in dpkg-preconfigure giving an error08:16
DrakeMastilnot i38608:17
sn9z9999: also, since you have not applied updates in all these months, no doubt the yellow lightbulb will appear in the top panel sometime during this update, providing messages, at least one of which will exhort you to reboot at your convenience08:17
DrakeMastilchecking for C compiler default output file name...08:17
DrakeMastilconfigure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:17
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, oh gross...  what's the error you are getting?08:17
ellioTbdabaR, yes, accidentally removed /bin/sh cause i pasted the wrong thing08:17
slickyhi.. i just installed berly.. and it dosent update correct..  when im at irc.. i have to klick the titlebar to see what im writing08:17
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, try to do sudo make instead of just make08:17
slickywitch window explorer is the best to use?08:17
dabaRellioTb: but you used the command I gave you?08:17
ellioTbdabaR, yessir08:17
DrakeMastilYou are running wineinstall as root, this is not advisable. Please rerun as a user.08:18
FunnyLookinHatslicky, best place to ask that would be #ubuntu-xgl08:18
dabaRellioTb: what is the error dpkg-reconfigure gives?08:18
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, heh, ok...08:18
ellioTbE: Sub-process /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true returned an error code08:18
bobbie__4Linux rules08:18
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, that specific error could be due to a number of issues...  have you asked in #wine if anyone had similiar issues?08:18
DrakeMastilFLH: sorry new to linux terminal... if it was windows cmd or even dos i'd have this licked xD08:18
ellioTbE: Failure running script /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt || true08:18
CoRnJuLiOxdo i need to unmount a USB drive or can i just pull it out08:18
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DrakeMastilFLH: nope but i can now08:19
slickyFunnyLookinHat:  but they are sleeping lol08:19
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, it's all good  : )08:19
FunnyLookinHatslicky, sorry to hear that...  but most in here won't be able to help with beryl issues.08:19
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DrakeMastilFLH: only 2 people there xD08:19
ellioTb#beryl is a good place08:19
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dabaRCoRnJuLiOx: unmount it is better08:20
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HeiroglyphicsdabaR:drwxr-xr-x 37 yg root 4096 Nov 16 00:14 /home/yg08:20
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, ouch...08:20
dabaRHeiroglyphics: and the .dmrc file?08:20
DrakeMastilFLH: and im not logged in as root08:20
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, have you installed the package build-essential ?08:20
DrakeMastilFLH: i'm in a user account08:20
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: it didn't say anything08:21
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, right, there is no root account in ubuntu (unless yo uenable it)08:21
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ellioTbdabaR, i fixed it, just did a dpkg-reconfigure08:21
DrakeMastilFLH: not that I know of... SPM time then right?08:21
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dabaRHeiroglyphics: hey, I just got an idea. well, you had that idea hours ago, so I am not sure whether to be proud of my idea, or sad that I did not listen to you. boot recovery, and run sudo adduser heiro;sudo adduser heiro admin;sudo adduser heiro audio and then try logging into gnome as the heiro user.08:22
NightStalker_07can anyone help with edgy wireless issues, the ubuntu wiki didn't help much08:22
dabaRellioTb: good work, I already kinda gave up08:22
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, my guess is that it isn't able to compile because gcc and other compile tools aren't installed (they aren't by default)08:22
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:exactly why I asked you in the first place lol08:23
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, so in console do this:     sudo apt-get install build-essential08:23
ellioTbdabaR, lol, thanks though, you kinda gave me the idea08:23
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dabaRFunnyLookinHat: is it really possible to compile a 64 bit version of wine, a win32 emulator?08:23
DrakeMastilFLH: ok its installing08:23
sn9dabaR: not really08:24
DrakeMastilFLH: done08:24
dabaR!nicktab > DrakeMastil08:24
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fyrestrtrdabaR: sudo adduser heiro -G admin,users,audio -s /bin/bash <-- this is the command, the one you listed will error out after the first command, since you can't add a user that already exists :)08:24
dabaRwell, no, but that sounds good too.08:25
FunnyLookinHatdabaR, yes, lol.  because you are compiling something to interface with a 64bit kernel08:25
DrakeMastildabaR: thanks :P08:25
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, now try to do the wine compile again08:25
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:thanks I'll be right back with the results08:25
dabaRHeiroglyphics: good luck08:25
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: same error08:25
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, it's not saying anything more than just that??08:25
VigoThis looks funny08:26
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: WINE Installer v0.7508:26
DrakeMastilYou are running wineinstall as root, this is not advisable. Please rerun as a user.08:26
tengosn9, at the resolution 1024x768, what is a normal vert/horiz refresh at...because i just went through sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and all the windows are really laggy when you move them08:26
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: that's all it said this attemp08:26
=== KnowledgEngi [n=xxx@host-84-221-145-164.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
KnowledgEngii have proble with midi08:26
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, are you on edgy or dapper?08:26
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: edgy08:27
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KnowledgEngii used this howto08:27
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fyrestrtrtengo: refresh rates are based on the monitor, not the resolution.08:27
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, check this out.  : )      http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291620&highlight=compile+wine+64+bit08:27
KnowledgEngiand the midi worked good08:27
fyrestrtr!fixres | tengo08:27
ubotutengo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:27
KnowledgEngiafter the boot the midi do not work08:27
=== punkforpez [n=pez@66-190-246-118.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
KnowledgEngiand the command timidity -iA -B2,8 -Os1l -s 4410008:27
tengofyrestrtr, my resolution is fine, but teh refresh rate isn't08:27
sn9tengo: lagginess isn't a refresh rate issue, but normal would be 85 or 75 for picture tube, and 60 for flat panel (all vert)08:28
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KnowledgEngido not enable the midi08:28
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, I take it you are new to linux and compiling in the console?08:28
slickyweii i fixed it ;D08:28
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: O.O lots of commands08:28
KnowledgEngithere is some script that configure ubuntu for midi ??08:28
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, because it sounds like you are trying to run an installer when you should really be doing a fresh code compile08:28
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FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, but if you follow the steps in that post, you should be golden08:28
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: yep... i a PC tech... and my boss suggested i got into linux so he could pay me more08:28
fyrestrtrtengo: you need to make sure your refresh rates are listed correctly for your monitor type. If its laggy, and you are sure the refresh rates are correct, then you probably need accelerated drivers for your video card.08:28
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FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, I also HIGHLY suggest you ditch the 64-bit installation and just go with a regular 32-bit...   better driver support and more packages available...08:29
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fyrestrtrDrakeMastil: your boss is giving you tips to increase your pay?08:29
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, you're just going to make life tough on you for no real reward if you use 64bit08:29
KnowledgEngiis possible the timidiy and  fluidsinth create a conflict ???08:29
sn9KnowledgEngi: did somebody now screw up the midi howto that i perfected?08:29
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DrakeMastilfyrestrtr: we just took on a contract who uses ubuntu work stations and servers08:29
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tengoall of my windows are really laggy in ubuntu, same with scrolling up and down pages08:30
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sn9KnowledgEngi: because it's not supposed to tell you to manually use the -iA option08:30
DrakeMastilfyrestrtr: so he thought i was the guy for the job since i enjoy command line anything so he kinda gave me the nudge in the right direction08:30
dabaRtengo: do you have more than 128 of RAM?08:30
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eth0sCan anyone help me with XGL?08:30
tengodabar: yes, i have 51208:30
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fyrestrtreth0s: check #ubuntu-xgl08:30
tengodabar, and my video card is fine, it goes slow whenever i change to 1024x76808:30
dabaRtengo: did you use top to see whether some process is hogging up memory or cpu?08:30
fyrestrtrtengo: what video card do you have?08:31
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: welp i just installed and Stormx2 suggested since i have a 64bit cpu to go 64bit so i did xD08:31
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sn9KnowledgEngi: and, yes, fluidsynth may create a conflict08:31
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, You can also just force it to use the 386 package on 64 system:   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18555708:31
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, cool, well good luck with it  :08:31
FunnyLookinHat: )08:31
KnowledgEngiok now i remove fluidsinth08:31
tengofyrestrtr nvidia geforce 408:31
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DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: I'm just gonna scrap this install and go 32bit lol08:31
FunnyLookinHatDrakeMastil, good call.  : )08:32
fyrestrtrtengo: what driver are you using? Type this in a terminal from X : glxinfo | grep direct08:32
istukcan someone direct me to a good web based admin for my server? (just a server in the house - nothing special)08:32
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: thanks for the help08:32
NightStalker_07Can anyone help me with wireless for edgy? The wiki was no real help, and my wireless worked fine under dapper.08:32
fyrestrtristuk: you can try webmin, but its not supported under ubuntu.08:32
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istukis there one that is supported08:32
amickeIs there any way to restor ubuntu to old setting.. to turn back time?08:32
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tengofyrestrtr: x error of failed request:  badalloc (insufficient resources for operation)08:32
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fyrestrtrhonestly, I never used one; so don't know.08:33
istukOk thanks :-)08:33
tengofyrestrtr and a whole bunch of other stuff08:33
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download08:33
sn9KnowledgEngi: if you installed with synaptic, you can remove with synaptic08:33
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KnowledgEnginormally i use synaptic08:33
dabaRamicke: usually backing up config files will do the trick for some issues, but to downgrade from say edgy to dapper, no, not really.08:33
infidelwhat file binds special keys like on laptops?08:34
tengofyrestrtr should i install the nvidia drivers?08:34
KnowledgEngiand when is needed i add repository in sinaptyc08:34
FunnyLookinHatNightStalker_07, I can't help you now but I can try to give you some assistance tommorow....  (it's late here and I hav eto go)....  Try coming in here during the day tommorow and a lot of support should be around for wireless issues08:34
KnowledgEnginow i has remover fluidsynth, qsynth, libfluidsynth, timiditi08:34
fyrestrtrtengo: yes.08:34
sn9infidel: on ubuntu, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts08:34
NightStalker_07FunnyLookinHat: alright, thanks08:34
sn9KnowledgEngi: keep timidity08:35
dabaRinfidel: see man xmodmap, maybe that is it08:35
infidelsn9, yeah but what file is it?08:35
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KnowledgEngisometime i have paranoia that removin some pakage, the removing do not remove the configuration files08:35
=== Apollooooooooooo [n=martin@cpe-69-203-28-119.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
barachiehello, does anybody know something about the 'sit0' interface?  it showed up after entering in the 'iwconfig' command and im wondering what it is. thanks.08:35
sn9infidel: you're asking where it stores the prefs?08:35
=== junglerob [n=jungle@user-24-214-39-183.knology.net] has joined #ubuntu
tengosn9 which nvidia packages did you say i should install?08:35
KnowledgEngii must reinstall timidity ???08:36
infidelsn9, yeah08:36
fyrestrtrtengo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Video08:36
dabaRKnowledgEngi: see man apt-get the --purge option08:36
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sn9tengo: nvidia-glx, and if you care, linux-k7 for the athlon-specific kernel and modules08:36
amickedabaR: hmm but does the ubuntu cd have like repair possiblity?08:36
sn9KnowledgEngi: don't remove timidity in the first place08:36
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=== Jay_Dogg [n=jukka@a88-112-86-7.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRamicke: ya, reinstallation like only.08:37
KnowledgEngii has removed timitidy 5 minuts ago08:37
dabaRbarachie: ask google, it has some info08:37
=== poningru_ [n=poningru@pool-71-251-119-253.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
amickedabaR:  ok :/08:38
KnowledgEngigh the man pages about apt-get is in english08:38
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sn9KnowledgEngi: then put it back, along with whatever patches and/or soundfont you want to use08:38
KnowledgEngii did not understand wath do the option --purge08:38
=== mdious [n=mdious@bppp-p-144-139-37-88.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRKnowledgEngi: the --purge apt-get remove option deletes the config files when you uninstall a package08:39
=== poningru__ [n=poningru@pool-72-64-211-144.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
KnowledgEngi--purge consent to install removing and ovewriting the config files?08:39
CaptainMorganis there a system clock that maintains system uptime? if so, where is it? if not, how do I get one?08:39
dabaRCaptainMorgan: did you try uptime in a terminal?08:40
infidelsn9, any idea?08:40
mdiousph8>are you around?08:40
sn9CaptainMorgan: well, one thing you can do is just type "uptime" like so:08:40
sn9 23:40:42 up 1 day, 11:12,  2 users,  load average: 0.17, 0.17, 0.1708:40
CaptainMorgan 02:40:04 up 1 day, 23:33,  2 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.41, 0.3208:40
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CaptainMorganI imagine the second user must be root08:41
tengofyrestrtr, sn9: thanks for your help you too...may god that doesn't exist praise you08:41
KnowledgEngiapt-get --purge remove PACKAGENAME08:41
dabaRdon't, you'll summon the big one!!1;)08:41
slickyhi.. i use a swedish keyboard.. should i use utf-8 as layout then?08:41
VigoFusionCaptainMorgan: Yes there is,uptime in yerminal and there is a System Tool that does it graphically08:41
KnowledgEngiis correct the syntax ?08:41
istuktype who to know who the other user is08:41
=== Heiroglyphics [i=Heirogly@adsl-69-229-126-177.dsl.scrm01.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRtengo: heh08:41
VigoFusionyerminal? *terminal08:41
sn9KnowledgEngi: it is08:41
dabaRKnowledgEngi: not you08:41
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:it worked, in a way08:41
dabaRHeiroglyphics: OK, are you now in Ubuntu?08:42
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:then I did something very terrible >.<08:42
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knixHow can I get the height of a font in X?08:42
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=== ethos [n=ethos@c-24-17-35-123.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sn9infidel: it's buried in hidden folders in your home folder08:43
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: Now I need to recover the second account's password, i just need to get into the md5sum for it08:43
istukthanks for the help - out08:43
HeiroglyphicsdabaR: don't worry about it I'm just gonna do this later08:43
mdiousi need to apt-get life lol08:43
mordofhey hey i got a question! is it possible to install ubuntu server remotely!?08:43
=== Mobster [n=Mobster@c-71-231-152-198.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
keeganXyou mean sudo apt-get life08:44
mordofnah, life isn;'t that important08:44
dabaRHeiroglyphics: to recover the password, you can run passwd heiro in recovery mode08:44
dabaRit will let yu change it08:44
mdiouskeeganX>OH and all this time i could have had a life...i was forgetting the sudo part, no wonder i'm still the way i am lol08:45
HeiroglyphicsdabaR:so i just type in passwrd heiro and thats it?08:45
=== ethos is now known as eth0s
dabaRHeiroglyphics: that will change the password for the heiro user08:45
=== chicken_Fire [n=chicken_@p213.54.136.195.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
Heiroglyphicsdabar, thanks for your help and time sorry I'm such a noob08:45
dabaRno worries08:45
sn9mordof: install remotely? sometimes you just gotta be there...08:46
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Heiroglyphicsok later and have fun and thanks very much08:46
=== mordof sighs
dabaRsee ya08:46
mordofthat's no fun!!08:46
mordofsn9, but it's down in the basement.. and id on't want to go get it08:46
sn9mordof: you're in the same building and you still wanna do it remotely???08:47
KnowledgEngisn9, I has removed timidity, fluidsynth, qsynth and rosegarden using --purge option08:47
KnowledgEnginow what i must to do???08:47
mdioussometimes getting up takes just too much energy...that and our server room is far to freezing to do anything in there for more than a few minutes :P08:47
junglerobMaybe the computer room is *really* cold.08:47
=== fnf [n=fnf@] has joined #ubuntu
=== dabaR ftw takes over the channel cause there are no ops
sn9KnowledgEngi: put timidity back, and any patches and/or soundfonts you want to use08:48
KnowledgEngifor realtime i have no problem becouse i have a kernel that use "timer frequency = 1000 hz"08:48
mordofsn9: it's the BASEMENT.. the compy is shoved in the back cold corner where it's hard to get at, lol.. took me 40 mins to set it up and turn it on08:48
fnfHello, has anyone compiled a custom kernel in Edgy ? I have a few problems that couldn't be resolved yet.08:48
fnfanyone, please ?08:49
sn9mordof: how the blazes do you expect to install remotely if the machine isn't even powered on?08:49
=== amonkey [n=amonkey@r78h47.res.gatech.edu] has joined #ubuntu
dabaR!seen anyone08:49
mineralehow may I use iptables to forward all connections coming in port 80 to port 8888 ?08:49
ubotuI haven't seen anyone recently08:49
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mordofsn9: it's on...08:50
=== Tsan [n=Tsan@] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRfnf: he has not been in the channel recently, but if you ask your question, the rest of us will try to help08:50
KnowledgEngisn9, I need install timidity and timidity-patches-eaw ?08:50
mdiousminerale> http://www.hackorama.com/network/portfwd.shtml08:50
mordofsn9: i'm not an idiot! lol.. it's running and i can use it remotely08:50
=== globe [n=robert@71-212-219-24.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnfdabaR: (sigh) thank you08:51
=== phrizer [n=sdfsdf@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
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mdiousminerale>/sbin/iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -i eth0 -d xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx08:51
mdious --dport 8888 -j DNAT --to
mdious/sbin/iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -i eth0 -d --dport 80 -j ACCEPT08:51
fnfSo, has anyone encoutered problems with a completely black console ?08:51
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dabaRfnf: you compiled a custom kernel, and when you boot it you get a console that has no letters?08:52
KnowledgEngisn9, I has install timidity and timidity-patches-eaw08:52
KnowledgEnginow what i do ?08:53
sn9KnowledgEngi: my recommendations for patches, options, and a soundfont are in the howto08:53
=== orkid [n=mike@bas1-barrie18-1242378317.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
globewhat are some cd ripper progs that produce *good* sound from cds?  Last time I ripped cds the sound quality was horrible....08:53
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fnfdabaR: To ensure maximum compatibility, I have made the new kernel that as bloated as possible, but to no avail. The logs reported vesafb driver has been loaded correctly, but there was no dispaly characters.08:53
keeganXsound juicer?08:53
dabaRglobe: you used sound-juicer?08:53
Jordan_Uglobe: Like FLAC lossless or just good mp3?08:53
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KnowledgEngisn9, Are you mean this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo08:53
globedabaR, keeganX, thx, ill try it.08:54
=== corevette [n=corevett@adsl-75-35-217-29.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sn9KnowledgEngi: yes, i wrote major parts of that page08:54
dabaRfnf: not sure what to do in that case, sorry08:54
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globeJordan_U: I dont have too much a preference, but i'd like a program that supports multiple codecs08:54
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corevettewhats the difference from xgl and compiz08:54
fnfdabaR: startx could bring up the X server, just in case, I suspect there's some obscure console config that caused it.08:54
fnfdabaR: Thanks anyway.08:54
dabaRfnf: welcome:)08:55
=== Loco-moto [i=solo@d150-60-194.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== ArtVandalae [n=ArtVanda@ppp90-74.lns1.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #Ubuntu
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mdiousgotta go, cya everyone, thanks for the company :)08:55
Loco-motoummm,.  im trying to compile somthing here and it says    C compiler unable to create executables./....        any help08:55
=== Nightstalker_07 [n=NightSta@wirelessxprs65-87-32-80.htc.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Ucorevette: XGL is what enables 3D effects , compiz is what actually handles how windows should wobble :)08:55
dabaRLoco-moto: did you install a compiler?08:55
socrateshi all. I would like to figure out why all french accent characters in my files are resulting in funny characters being sent over email---even when they look ok with editting the file containing the characters.. I think it's my locale settings. ANyone know what I'm talking about08:56
sn9KnowledgEngi: just don't run it as a midi server unless you really need that08:56
=== orkid_ [n=orkid@bas1-barrie18-1242378317.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ochosihi, i seem to be unable to start jackd. it says "the playback device "hw:0" is already in use." esd or anything alike doesn't seem to be running. reboot doesn't help. any ideas?08:56
globedabaR: is Sound Juicer pretty fault tolerant (ie, somewhat scratched cd still yields a good rip)?08:56
dabaRochosi: did you stop alsa?08:56
corevetteis it risky installing xgl/compiz?08:56
dabaRglobe: did for me...depends on the scratch maybe08:56
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sn9KnowledgEngi: if you want it to start on boot anyway, there is a section of the page on that, too08:56
SlartHello, when I record something using the sound recorder and then play it back it is played back in a higher pitch.. kind of when you play a soundfile with a too high sample frequency. Are there settings for this? if so, where?08:56
Loco-motodabar:   kinda new  ushally wit kde and stuff,,   u mean like gcc or somthing,   and how do i do it08:56
ochosidabaR, well is there still any sound if i do that?08:56
corevetteand how much video memory do you need for xgl/compiz?08:56
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dabaRLoco-moto: install build-essential, then try again08:57
globedabaR: well yea, but for example (on windows) itunes will rip most anything w/o errors, even audiograbber fouls up on scratches08:57
Jordan_Ucorevette: Somewhat, it is safer to use AIGLX if possible , ie if you have an intel or Nvidia card.08:57
dabaRochosi: try this, run lsof /dev/dsp, show us output08:57
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corevettejordan_u yeah i have nvidia, how much video memory do you need normally08:57
dabaRglobe: I can't tell you, you should try08:57
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globedabaR: oh, i'll try ;-) thx08:58
ochosidabaR, wow i just shut down alsa and now jackd started... why's that?08:58
Loco-motodoes it matter where i install it to dabaR??   well actully it wont take ne dir i give it08:58
ochosidabaR, lsof /dev/dsp gives no output at all08:59
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dabaRLoco-moto: sudo aptitude install build-essential08:59
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dabaRochosi: well, as I understand, and I have minimal knowledge of this, is that either alsa or jack, not both.08:59
dabaRochosi: well it works now, so don't bother08:59
Loco-motook that worked dandy dabaR: but it cant find any build essentials pkgs...  lol09:00
fnfcorevette: The root of instability lies in the display driver, if you are lucky.09:00
SlartLoco-moto: skip the s at the end09:00
dabaRLoco-moto: you just installed build-essential, try compiling again09:00
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dabaRLoco-moto: or...you are confusing me09:01
Loco-motoslart:    ty :) *smacks*09:01
Jordan_Ucorevette: I don't know exactly but not anything much really, beryl runs fine on even modest integrated graphics cards.09:01
Loco-motodabar   dnt wry09:01
Loco-motowas a typo09:01
slicky&j #ubuntu/xgl09:01
dabaRLoco-moto: Oh, I get it09:01
=== kamui [n=kamui@ip70-171-82-42.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ochosidabaR, ok, thanks anyway!09:01
=== Loco-moto smacks himself
dabaRochosi: welcome09:01
luke_Hello folks.  I have a question.   I have 6.10 installed on my Desktop and Laptop.  However, on my desktop whenever I install something it asks that I insert the Ubuntu CD.  Any reason for this?  Is there a way to disable it?09:01
fnfcorevette: beryl/compiz may be configured to run acceptably fine on a 32MB graphics card, the lower end I'm not sure as I don't own one.09:01
dabaRluke_: remove the cd line from /etc/apt/sources.list. you need to use gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list to edit it.09:02
sn9luke_: yes. it would be a checkbox in System -> Administration -> Software Properties09:02
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luke_thanks :)09:02
=== Co_17_bth_tmn [n=pc6@] has joined #ubuntu
Loco-motoi just love a compiling screen without the word "error"   just makes me wana jump with joy09:03
dabaRsn9: nice. software sources, though.09:03
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sn9dabaR: sorry, looking at dapper here09:03
dabaRsn9: well, that is what it is called here anyhow, but it is a really cool applet, I like it.09:03
Jordan_Usn9: Wow, I hadn't seen the software-sopurces app before, much easier than explaining to people how to edit thier sources.list :)09:04
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=== rpedro [n=rpedro@87-196-110-175.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
=== dabaR and everyone else is in love with the new widget
=== ethos [n=ethos@c-24-17-35-123.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nukedwhat new widget?09:04
sn9dabaR: it's not new. it was "Software Properties" in 6.06, and in 5.10, it was buried in Synaptic09:05
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Jordan_Usn9: But this new one has a much easier interface IMHO than synaptic did for repos.09:06
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dabaRJordan_U, sn9: and it is more accessible too. I mean new as in newly discovered09:06
sn9Jordan_U: in 5.10, yes. however, the 6.06 one already had the simplicity you're looking for. as the matter of fact, IMHO, the 6.06 one had an even easier interface than the 6.10 one09:07
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bobbie__4I'm bored can someone kick me for fun?09:08
Loco-motowell ne one know a good ps2 emulator?09:08
=== dabaR kicks bobbie__4 in the nuts
dabaR!find ps209:08
ubotuFound: ps2eps, yapps2, yapps2-runtime09:08
dabaR!info ps2eps09:08
ubotups2eps: convert PostScript to EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.58-2 (edgy), package size 29 kB, installed size 112 kB09:08
bobbie__4bobbie falls to the floor clutching his nutsack09:08
dabaR!find playstation09:09
ubotuPackage/file playstation does not exist in edgy09:09
Nuked!info yapps209:09
ubotuyapps2: Yet Another Python Parser System. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-17 (edgy), package size 60 kB, installed size 260 kB09:09
sn9dabaR: ps2 is just too new09:09
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Loco-motou mean i wont b abled to play ps2 roms?09:09
Loco-motowith a ps2 emu on ebuntu09:09
huiber1What are these !find commands thigies here?09:09
KnowledgEngisn9, http://rafb.net/paste/results/pGBZ7n52.html09:10
Nukedif you can find a ps2 emulator09:10
Nukedand if your roms are legally aquired09:10
Loco-motok, whew,,,, scared me for a sec09:10
dabaRhuiber1: find makes ubotu search for packages, and even for files you specify after the keyword09:10
HealotLoco-moto: iirc, there is no such emu ported to linux09:10
KnowledgEngii has do only what you see in the paste page09:10
Jordan_Uhuiber1: ubotu is a bot, you tell it to do a command by making a comment with ! in front of it.09:10
=== TiffOn [n=TiffOn@unaffiliated/tiff0n] has joined #ubuntu
Loco-motoand pcsx2 are src09:10
huiber1Are there any other commands ?09:11
Loco-motofor win and linux09:11
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:11
Nuked!find nsx209:11
dabaR!usage > huiber109:11
ubotuPackage/file nsx2 does not exist in edgy09:11
Slarthmm.. when I'm using aoss with teamspeak I get echoes from myself... similar to using "record what u hear" in windows... ie it's not recording from the microphone only..  I cant find any setting for this.. any hints?09:11
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Nuked!usage > Nuked09:11
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dabaRhuiber1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:12
=== Fracture [n=cameronb@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
sn9KnowledgEngi: yes, for basic midi playback, that is correct. for improved playback, use the SGM soundfont mentioned further down the page09:12
huiber1Thaks for the info, I'm reading it just now..09:12
HealotLoco-moto: it is not in uubntu official repos btw, i don't give ~09:12
KnowledgEngisn9, Finding and setting up a soundfont09:13
KnowledgEngithis section ??09:13
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sigp239what is the command to pass the ubuntu installer so it doesn't use dma for my cd drive?09:14
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sn9KnowledgEngi: yes. also, unless your cpu is blazing fast, follow the steps at the bottom to reduce cpu usage. i recommend doing that even on a p409:14
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Healotman hdparm09:14
KnowledgEngii has AMD athlon xp09:14
KnowledgEngi32 bit09:14
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=== samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-087-94-048-119.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sn9KnowledgEngi: yes, i would still recommend reducing cpu usage as described at the bottom09:15
dabaRsigp239: there is some info here, but not exactly what you ask, I don't think: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA09:15
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=== freebse [n=freebse@p57A2A585.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
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KvekGoodMorning all09:16
huiber1!search dma09:16
ubotuFound: backspace-error-#ubuntu-xgl,dma,alt-gr-#ubuntu-xgl,winkey,oldworld09:16
FluxD hi I am trying to install beryl on edgy. this repo (deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/ edgy main)is not working do I have to use the svn one?09:16
=== Log1x [n=Log1x@adsl-70-224-46-108.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
KvekCan i please get some help?09:16
ubotudma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA09:16
Healotman hdparm >> sigp23909:16
Log1xDoes Ubuntu have a problem with Virtual PC 2004 ?09:16
darko3di'm installing beryl on aiglx, and this command sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, will upgrade all the list, whereas i only want it to upgrade those two   ssh-askpass-gnome xinit xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-driver-ati ------  xserver-xorg-driver-i810  how can i do that??09:17
Log1xI'm getting a error trying to boot Id "#" respawning to fast, paused for 5 minutes09:17
keeganXI do.09:17
Log1xor something09:17
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Log1xdisabled for 5 minutes09:17
Jordan_UFluxD: No, there are other repos see the ununtu wiki.09:17
Log1xand its going non stop09:17
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KvekI'm currently installing ubuntu and i have a bunch of numbers and letters on my screen09:17
Jordan_UFluxD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BerylOnEdgy09:17
Log1xis there something i can do to stop this Id "#" respawning to fast: disabled for 5 minutes :x09:17
Log1xIt's just doing random numbers 1-609:17
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Log1xin place of the # i had above09:18
Kvekthese numbers are 303.09:18
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sn9Kvek: is it stuck?09:18
huiber1Log1x, this message might come when Linux is not able to setup tty consoles at boot.........09:18
KnowledgEngisn9, I have this soundfont: /home/user/soundfonts/GM.sf209:18
KnowledgEngiI need just edit /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg and add the line: soundfont /home/user/soundfonts/GM.sf209:18
dabaRdarko3d: to upgrade a specific package only, try giving an install command for that particualr package09:19
sn9KnowledgEngi: the soundfont i recommend is called SGM-180 or something similar09:19
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huiber1I got this problem once in 1998, after compiling my own kernel09:19
huiber1Never heard it happen to anybody not fiddling around with the kernel.09:19
darko3dwhat is the correct command09:19
FluxDthx  Jordan_U is svn or the normal one better?09:19
Kveksn9 what am i to do?09:19
KnowledgEngiis good for classical music???09:19
dabaRhuiber1: nice, I learned something from you now, the search command.09:19
sn9Kvek: what was the last thing it did before it got stuck?09:20
KnowledgEngii study music composer in a music school09:20
omkar86hi I installed xubuntu-desktop but now my old gdm style has gone, how to restore gdm?09:20
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dabaRdarko3d: sudo aptitude install <packageName>09:20
Kvekwell i have a bunch on 303.numbers09:20
huiber1dabaR, I'm just reading the Wiki, there are many more commands, quiette fun.09:20
enycHrrm, I am not sure who to assign this bug to :-  https://://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/cdrtools/+bug/70098 -- lpease tell me what procedure this sort of things goes thrugh // howto get it looked at / what I can do to help / etc. ;-)09:20
sn9KnowledgEngi: the SGM-180 would definitely be sufficient for classical09:20
dorian_doyou speke french?09:20
devilsadvocateomkar86, in setiing go to login screen and select the gdm theme of your choice09:20
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:20
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Kveklast one is 303.474081 with code 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 and some ff ff ff09:21
sn9Kvek: ohhhhhhhh...09:21
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sn9Kvek: that's called a "kernel oops"09:21
dabaRsn9: in technical jjargon09:21
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Kvekwhat do i do?09:22
sigp239Healot how does hdparm help?  i am looking for the option to pass the ubuntu installer so my cd-rom drive will work right.  i think it needs to have dma disabled09:22
=== enyc waits
imsdleI have just pulled out my old harddisk, and put it in my ubuntu new computer... but i can't mount it. the old computer was fedora core 5.. any idea09:22
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enycSomebady please tell we the correct channel in which to discuss Ubuntu-bugs ;-)09:22
sigp239what is the command to pass the ubuntu installer so it doesn't use dma for my cd drive?09:22
Healotsigp239: man hdparm and thou shall know09:22
devilsadvocateimsdle, what seems to be the problem?09:22
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slickyhm.. i cant make my xmodmap load at startup..09:23
imsdleI don't know how to find the harddisk.. and i don't know how to mount it09:23
sod75imsdle: check how the partitions are called via dmesg09:23
Kvekwhat can i do ?09:23
imsdlei have done all the mkdir /media/ohd09:23
imsdleand all that09:23
devilsadvocateimsdle, did you restart your computer after you put in the new hard disk?09:23
sn9Kvek: well, if it happened during installation, you're really in for a lot of headaches if you want anything to work, unless of course, it's a one-time fluke09:23
sod75them mount with " mount /dev/hdx /media/ohd1 "09:24
nilsonanyone here using BIND on their Ubuntu installation?09:24
fnfslicky: It depends on your WM or DE, what is the one you're using ?09:24
sigp239Healot: not getting it09:24
KnowledgEngisn9, i has not find the soundfont that you concile me !!09:24
nilsonMy BIND seems to be running but its not listening09:24
slickyfnf:  huh? i want to use xmodmap.se09:24
Kvekso is it not going to work sn909:24
dabaRenyc: well, there is a #ubuntu-bugs, but you reported it, and can really only wait, pay someone to work on it, or work on it yourself.09:24
enycnilson: Ive dealt with DNS but use  NSD and nor bind...09:24
imsdlei get mount: special device /dev/hdx does not exist09:24
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sn9Kvek: did it only happen once?09:24
huiber1sigp239, at boot time, edit the boot line, and append:09:24
imsdlei have tried hdb hdb2 etc etc etc etc09:24
Kvekyeah i've still got it on the screen09:24
enycdabaR: I see... so I am not supposetd to assign it to the package maintainer or contact the maintainer ?09:25
devilsadvocateimsdle, it might be sda09:25
nilsonenyc, I ran BIND for two years on Gentoo but I cant get it to work right in this new Ubuntu install09:25
slickyfnf:  i added it in the session startup program handler.. and when i reboot it gone..09:25
devilsadvocateimsdle, it it a sata hard drive?09:25
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imsdleno... ide09:25
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sn9KnowledgEngi: did you see this statement on the page? "A big list may be found at [WWW]  http://timidity.s11.xrea.com/files/readme_cfgp.htm in which the fifth soundfont from the top (SGM-whatever) is quite complete for general use with TiMidity++."09:25
nilsonenyc, it's installed and running and I have my zonefile configured, but BIND doesnt seem to be listening on its port09:25
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fnfslicky: Ok, so you're running Ubuntu desktop. Wait a minute, I'm not using desktop right now.09:25
enycnilson: hrrm... trying to run authoritative dns? trying to run recurive dns? trying to rut forwarder dns?  what is happening?09:25
atomikulinuxHey there, I've just realised the hard drive ubuntu is on is faulty. I do have another one spare though. Is there an easy way to copy all the files across?09:25
KvekHey sn9 what am i to do?09:25
imsdleold 10mb drive.. runing fedore core 5... installed ubuntu onto a new hard disk.. now i want to copy my docs and emails over09:26
devilsadvocateimsdle, in a terminal run "cd /dev09:26
nilsonauthoritative for my domain09:26
nilsonits just not responding to queries09:26
KnowledgEngii was searching here09:26
Jordan_Uslicky: I believe you just need to make a file named something like .xmodmap in your home folder for it to load automatically.09:26
imsdlei get 1.4 entries09:26
slickyfnf:  okey, im using xgl berly.. and i need the xmod.se to load.. to get my keyboard right..09:26
imsdle1.4 billion... listings i mean09:26
sn9Kvek: try the installation a second time to see whether it happens again09:26
devilsadvocate1.4 billion?09:26
imsdlelots and lots09:27
devilsadvocatejust do cd /dev09:27
sod75imsdle: do "dmesg | grep hd" " and check what your drive is, it can be hda, hdb, hdc, etc...09:27
slickyJordan_U:  oh, so i just copy the xmodmap.se from /usr/share/xmodmap/ to my homedir?09:27
fnfslicky: You may put "xmodmap xmodmap.se" into your ~/.xinitrc script09:27
devilsadvocatethen, do "ls |grep da09:27
enycnilson: well what I can say... is that if you dont want recursion you can easily install NSD instead which is more efficient and recure  but does not implement 'views' and does not implement recursion by design.. taht definitely works AND uses BIND zonefiles09:27
slickyfnf:  and that script is im my homedir?09:27
imsdlethat worked!09:27
enycnilson: have you looked for errors in the logfiles?09:27
imsdlewoo hoo09:27
Kvekok starting again09:27
sn9Kvek: if it does, you're probably gonna need more help than you can get in this channel09:27
devilsadvocateimsdle, what worked?09:27
nilsoni just want to keep it simple09:27
nilsonand no I havent09:28
fnfslicky: Yes, ~ means your home directory09:28
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fnfslicky: 'man xinit' for more info09:28
Kveksn9 i'm just looking for a beter alternative than win9809:28
nilsonwhen I do /etc/init.d/bind9 stop09:28
omkar86how to disable workspace switching on mouse scroll?09:28
nilson * Stopping domain name service...                                                                                rndc: connect failed: connection refused09:28
nilsonI get that09:28
phillijwi just set up ndiswrapper and it made the eth1 interface show up and stuff. dmesg has no errors but iwlist eth1 scan doesnt return any results. help. ive used the same drivers before on another distro and they worked fine09:28
devilsadvocateimsdle, great !09:28
slickyfnf:  i dont have a .xinitrc in my ~09:28
sn9Kvek: this is likely it, but some computers are just finicky09:29
enycnilson: its realyl easy and simple to setup nsd... you copy/change the example nsd.zones and copy all your files in and run 'sudo nsdc rebuild' and 'sudo nsdc reload' and it works09:29
fnfslicky: Then create one, GNOME by default doesn't build one into your home.09:29
enycnilson: you will need to look in /var/log/messages or wherever it dumps errors09:29
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Vienghi all09:29
Jordan_Uphillijw: Are you running edgy?09:29
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:30
Vienghow can i chat with my friends09:30
Kvekby the way sn9 when i sent for the disk they only sent me 1 and it's ver. 6.0609:30
enycnilson: BIND has this annoying habit of dumping errors where you cant see them unless you go looking, so it may not start a zone but you will have no idea at first.09:30
Jordan_UVieng: gaim ?09:30
phillijwVieng: buy a cell phone09:30
sn9KnowledgEngi: it's right near the top of that page. still the 5th one, just like the wiki says09:30
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:30
imsdlehow do you unmount09:30
Viengthey are using yahoo messenger in Windows09:30
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slickyfnf:  kk..  so i just type the dir to my xmod file in that script? and it runs auto?09:30
fnfVieng: Err, this is a public IRC channel, I suppose you know that.09:30
phillijwi actually like kopete09:30
Jordan_Uimsdle: man umount09:30
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sn9Kvek: btw, what kind of computer is it?09:30
devilsadvocateVieng, use Gaim or Kopete09:30
fnfslicky: sure, your .xinitrc is an executable script that will be automagically called when you start the X server09:30
huiber1!man umount09:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about man umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:30
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dabaRVieng: set up a yahoo account in your gaim09:31
Log1x!man drivers09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about man drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
KvekToshiba Tecra 8000 laptop09:31
Vienguhm how can i do that09:31
omkar86how to disable workspace switching due to mouse scroll?09:31
Healotyou're chatting now aren;t you?09:31
huiber1!find umount09:31
slickyfnf:  do i have to chmod x on it?09:31
Viengbecause im very new to linux09:31
Log1x!find drivers09:31
ubotuFile umount found in fdutils, hfsplus, hfsutils, klibc-utils, loop-aes-utils (and 9 others)09:31
devilsadvocate!drivers | Log1x09:31
ubotuFile drivers found in casper, cdrdao, foomatic-db-engine, grass, hwdata (and 9 others)09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:31
atomikulinuxhey log1x09:31
atomikulinuxits meee!09:31
Log1xlol sup atomiku09:31
fnfslicky: Yes.09:31
Log1xgo to my chan09:32
Log1xi need help09:32
Log1xwith some stuff09:32
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atomikulinuxI think im in there09:32
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)09:32
atomikulinuxHey there, I've just realised the hard drive ubuntu is on is faulty. I do have another one spare though. Is there an easy way to copy all the files across?09:32
Log1xi know but like09:32
Log1xmake it active09:32
dabaRVieng: Applications menu>Internet>Gaim it will present you with an empty accounts screen, press add, choose yahoo as the account. Do you have a yahoo account?09:32
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nilsonenyc, whats apparently happening is that rndc cant connect or interface with BIND09:32
dabaRomkar86: in gnome?09:32
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nilsonrndc: connect failed: connection refused09:32
nilsonevery time I try to do something I get that09:32
omkar86dabar:xfce and gnome09:32
Vieng#dabaR: yes i do09:32
cobelloyhi there - anyone know how to set the default audio device? I got two and the wrong one plays all the sounds09:32
fnfatomikulinux: You may use dd09:33
ViengdabaR: and how on...09:33
dabaRomkar86: you just scroll the wheel and it changes your workspace?09:33
slickyfnf: and one other thing i just discoverd.. i cant make files in my home dir.. lol09:33
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omkar86dabaR: yes in xgce09:33
dabaRVieng: fill in the information, press save, and click the connect checkbox09:33
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huiber1!find perl > me09:33
ubotuFound: eperl, libapache2-mod-perl2, libapache2-mod-perl2-dev, libapache2-mod-perl2-doc, libappconfig-perl (and 1162 others)09:33
Kveksomething wrong with my laptop sn909:33
fnfslicky: ? What does 'ls -la ~' says ?09:33
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omkar86i don't want it to change workspace09:33
dabaRhuiber1: play with him in private, please, /msg ubotu hi, then send him pms09:34
huiber1slicky, list all files in MY_HOME_DIR09:34
Kvekok my screen just went blank09:34
atomikulinuxfnf: okay. So i'm thinking of plugging in a spare hard drive instead of one of the cdrom drives. Then copying it over with "dd". Afterwards ill take out the ubuntu drive and put the spare drive where the ubuntu drive is09:34
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Viengwhich field should i fill my yahoo account in09:34
omkar86dabaR:when i click on desktop wallpaper and scroll it changes my workspace09:34
atomikulinuxAny problems with that? will GRUB get all moody?09:34
dabaRcobelloy: you should disable the wrong one in bios if possible09:34
slickyfnf:  it says.. im the owner.. and the group..09:34
sn9Kvek: it's a laptop? yeah, more often than not, a kernel oops is indicative of something not quite kosher09:34
VigoFusionVieng: Ever used Trillian or a multi client chat program? its same thing, select the client you want to use, enter the data in as registered, and game on.09:34
enycnilson: hrrm not sure I use nsdc not rdnc ;-)09:34
dabaRomkar86: in xfce that is? I do not use xfce, so sorry, what is the issue in gnome?09:35
slickyfnf:  ow w8.. the nano_history is ownd by root.. that not right, right?09:35
cobelloydabaR: I have one sound card and a usb audio device - I need both09:35
imsdlei have a problem.. i have mounted all the hdb (hdb, hdb1, hdb2) but they only seem to have the root partition.... i.e. the fedora core 5 partition.. how do i find the other partitions on the hdb?09:35
cobelloydabaR: but right now all sounds come from usb device09:35
Jordan_Uatomikulinux: You can tell grub to look for new / differendt partitions with the update-grub command.09:35
fnfatomikulinux: It really depends on your configuration, the best way IMO is to move your home dir into a safe partition then thrash the driver, in case you didn't keep your home dir in a separate partition.09:35
omkar86dabaR: i think gnome doesn't change it, thanx anyways09:36
fnfslicky: That's unusual, I guess you did call nano the first time as root.09:36
devilsadvocateimsdle, you need to mount each of the partitions on a different mounoint09:36
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atomikulinuxI sorta understand....09:36
nilsonenyc is NSD in apt09:36
Jordan_Uatomikulinux: You will need to run update-grub by chrooting into your current install with a liveCD09:36
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atomikulinuxLet me just reboot with this new hard drive in09:36
atomikulinux3 minutes :)09:36
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slickyfnf:  ow.. kk.. i fixed it.. just chown n stuff ;D09:36
Viengok o'll try thanks all09:37
enycnilson: yes, in universe09:37
fnfatomikulinux: Plain copying into another partition could work, but most likely will not work out-of-the-box.09:37
huiber1Has anybody got ekiga running?09:37
huiber1I tries the setup yesterday, but don't have anybody to call :(09:37
nilsoncompletely new to debian/ubuntu-what is universe09:37
johnnythawtedoes anybody really use Openbox or FVWM ?09:37
dabaRVieng: there is a tutorial at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto09:37
nilsonIm from gentoo09:37
enycnilson: it is very stable/reliable but not suitable if you want 'views' or 'recursion'09:37
nilsonhow do I get it09:37
Jordan_U!universe | nilson09:37
ubotunilson: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:37
dabaRnilson: read the components link to see the concept, then see the repositories to see the usage09:38
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kaurcan i use any other than the generic kernel with edgy?09:38
devilsadvocatejohnnythawte, i have fvwm. i use fluxbox though mostly09:38
huiber1 !EasySource > me09:38
slickyfnf:  kk.. so my startupscript looks like this:  line 1: #!/bin/sh    line2: /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.se      is that ok?09:38
xsjeHi All! How do i switch the vmware serverconsole from full screen to windowed screen?09:38
Jordan_Unilson: By editing your xources.list file or with System -> Administration -> Software sources.09:38
johnnythawtedevilsadvocate: what's the appeal of using the lightweight window manager on today's hardware ?09:39
johnnythawte(honestly curious)09:39
fnfslicky: xinitrc is a general way to build your own startup script but that is not guaranteed to work across all DEs and WMs. Usually I use the native method that a DE/WM provides. GNOME deleted your startup command in Sessions is weird. Just give it a try.09:39
dabaRcobelloy: the best I can do is direct you to this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems, crimsun knows lots, try catching him some time.09:39
nilsonI don't have a GUI :P09:39
nilsonI'll edit the sources.list09:39
fnfslicky: No.09:39
devilsadvocatejohnnythawte, i dont have todays hardware :)09:39
enycnilson: i.e. "different answers to different networks" or "a server you can point at with /etc/resolv.conf to do dns-lookups" , are not implemented, essentially by choices at design-time.09:39
johnnythawtedevilsadvocate: ah, well that makes sense then!09:39
dabaRjohnnythawte: no unneded usage of pixels, I use openbox, and am in love with the UI.09:39
fnfslicky: It is 'xmodmap /usr/share/xmodma/xmodmap.se'09:39
nilsonenyc I don't need to do anything but run the DNS for my domain NSD should work fine09:39
johnnythawteopenbox seems pretty cool09:39
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enycnilson: (nsd runs k.root-servers.net. and h.root-servers.net.)09:40
slickyfnf:  ow.. kk =)  thanks09:40
enycnilson: thats a good choice then. i know it works on at least dapper09:40
johnnythawteI dislike the unneeded pixels in Gnome09:40
fnfslicky: man is your friend ;) 'man xmodmap'09:40
devilsadvocatejohnnythawte, besides, sometimes you dont want all those bells and whistles. i find fluxbox if much much more efficient in terms of use than xfce, for example, and even gnome09:40
xsjeHow do i switch the vmware serverconsole from full screen to windowed screen?09:40
dabaRjohnnythawte: hehe...09:40
johnnythawteI've been working on a guide for window managers in ubuntu09:40
johnnythawteso I've been installing all of them09:40
johnnythawteI used to use Blackbox a lot, way back when09:41
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dmndhello, i would like to install Xubuntu but i cannot find the download cd's?09:41
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dmndyes, i am new to ubuntu :)09:41
slickyfnf:  kk, thanks for your help.. ill restart x now.. and see if it works :D09:41
devilsadvocatejohnnythawte, i'v tried e17, fluxbox, fvwm, fvwm-crystal. couldnt get the last to work though09:41
fnfslicky: see you :)09:41
nevermindhi channel09:42
dabaR!download | dmnd09:42
ubotudmnd: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive09:42
johnnythawtee17 has some cool effects, but it's just so strange09:42
dmndwith Xubuntu, can i get E17 to work?09:42
johnnythawteI think ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu are all pretty much the same thing, just different packages09:42
fnfjohnnythawte: Have you tried IceWM yet :) ? That's absolutely rocks. Simple yet elegantly implemented.09:42
johnnythawtefnf: I'm actually just about to install that right now... I just opened the homepage09:42
nilsonenyc, so I enabled the universe repository; is there anything I need to do to get apt to recognize that or re-parse the config file?09:42
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globejohnnythawte: are you posting this guide somewheres?09:42
nilson'cause apt-cache isn't showing me nsd09:43
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johnnythawteglobe: yeah, when I'm done with it :)09:43
dabaRdmnd: http://www.xubuntu.org/get actually. You can get e17 rnning with xubuntu same as with ubuntu or kubuntu or ubuntu-server09:43
fnfjohnnythawte: You'll most likely have a comfortable experience with it. I doesn't have many eye-candy, but that's not its goal anyway.09:43
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dmnddabaR: great, i am coming from gentoo and want to give ubuntu a try :)09:43
devilsadvocatejohnnythawte, e17 is amazing,if only it dint screw up once in a while. I found fvwm-crystal to be the strange one !09:43
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dmndheard some good stuff about it09:44
dabaRheh, second gentoo convert in a few minutes09:44
trench-e17 ready for ubuntu?09:44
dmndoh is it? :)09:44
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dabaRyes you are09:44
globejohnnythawte: good idea (the guide).  Thanks in advance for your work. ;-)09:44
johnnythawteI really like the DCOP interface in KDE09:44
devilsadvocatetrench-, e17 isnt ready for anything. Its in alpha. but its  good.09:44
johnnythawtevery cool stuff09:44
wilsgrantQuestion: If I install (x)ubuntu on an external HD, will I be able to usb boot into it on computers other then the one I installed the OS on?09:44
nilsonI'm still using Gentoo on my desktop; switching the server for now09:44
cobelloydabaR: thanks - but no info on this issue there09:44
trench-devilsadvocate, i see...is it on svn or the like?09:44
dabaRcobelloy: did you try the listing of available sound devices, and see both devices there?09:45
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fnfwilsgrant: Yes, if you configured the BIOS to boot on USB devices. It's like Linux on a floppy09:45
devilsadvocatetrench-,  there is a repo somewhere09:46
dabaRwilsgrant: well, the two computers would have to be exactly the same hardware, and both would have to have a grub installed, if I understand the theory correctly, but I think the easy answer is no.09:46
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trench-devilsadvocate, gotcha...thx09:46
dabaRfnf: really?09:46
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Jordan_Uwilsgrant: No, but there is a way to do what I think you want...09:46
wilsgrantdabaR: so ubuntu won't detect the hardware on boot?09:46
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lsprocI have 2 annoying problems, the first one is that I don't want my Windows drives to be mounted on boot, how do I turn that off?09:46
wilsgrantJordan_U: What is that?09:46
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dabaRwilsgrant: I think I should shut up about this since I have no clue09:46
fnfdabaR: You could have installed GRUB on that driver also. That'll make it independent.09:46
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nilsonso I enabled the universe repository in sources.conf; is there anything I need to do to get apt to recognize that or re-parse the config file?09:47
johnnythawteI really want to install Compiz or Beryl, but I've been running Ubuntu from a vmware vm09:47
VigoFusion3.5 floppies are going the way 5" did, and Cassette Tapes, which I still use on my TRS-8009:47
Jordan_Uwilsgrant: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:47
devilsadvocatelsproc, remove the respective lises from fstad09:47
sigp239when i try to install ubuntu i get error "Buffer I/O error on device hdc"09:47
dabaRnilson: sudo aptitude update09:47
lsprocdevilsadvocate: ok09:47
lsprocsecond problem09:47
nilsonim using apt-get though will that still work09:47
trench-johnnythawte, shouldn't matter09:47
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dabaRnilson: use aptitude !109:47
trench-if your pc's fast enough09:47
johnnythawtetrench-: the instructions say it requires openGL hardware09:48
trench-otherwise forget it09:48
lsproci have to run ifdown eth1 && iwconfig eth1 ap any && ifup eth1 every time I reboot, due to the bcm43xx driver. Can I make it run the iwconfig eth1 ap any before it brings up the interface?09:48
johnnythawtemy PC is plenty fast, I have no speed problems09:48
nilsonfuck that I tried to install NFS with aptitude and ended up removing ubuntu-standard09:48
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nilsonand had to reinstall09:48
trench-ah...vmware drivers09:48
johnnythawtejust vmware isn't one of the supported chipsets09:48
slickyfnf:  it worked :D   but hoe do i disable the shift+backspace function... so my x dosent restart09:48
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trench-just do a dual-boot instead09:48
dabaRnilson: hehe, then just use apt-get update...09:48
fnfslicky: Wait a minute, I need to 'man xorg.conf'09:49
johnnythawtetrench-: I'm debating on whether to do a dual-boot onto an external hard drive (usb)  any experience with that ?09:49
dabaRnilson: it is a useful tool to learn to use, aptitude is...09:49
kaurcan i use any other than the generic kernel with edgy?09:49
johnnythawteI don't really feel like resizing my main partition09:49
slickyfnf:  hm kk, ill man it to09:49
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nilsonit doesnt look hard I just dont want to mess with it right now09:49
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atomikulinuxOkay the hard drive is in..09:49
nilsonI'm accustomed to doing it via the commandline anyway with emerge09:49
devilsadvocatelsproc, i think you add the lines to /etc/rc.local09:49
cobelloydabaR: both cards are working, they show up in alsamixer09:49
wilsgrantJordan_U: This is an external (250 GB) USB hard drive... I was thinking of just unplugging my internal HD (to keep it simple) boot up on the xubuntu disk and telling it to install on the USB HD. This should work fine, the thing I can concerned about is if I use this external HD to boot up on a completly different computer if it will fail because of the change in hardware, or adapt when it boots like a live CD would09:49
dabaRlsproc: you can add those commands to a script and add that script to boot...09:49
trench-johnnythawte, there's nothing wrong with that, as long as your mobo actually supports booting from an external drive09:50
cobelloydabaR: im not even sure how they got swapped around09:50
dabaRcobelloy: OK, ask crimsun when you see him.09:50
johnnythawtetrench-: that's a good question... not sure. It's a laptop09:50
lsprocdabaR: Isnt there a preup thingy somewhere?09:50
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fnfslicky: Ok, take a look at the ServerFlags section, you may put an 'Option "DontZap"' to /etx/X11/xorg.conf. That'll do it.09:50
cobelloybut my keyboard layout was changed somehow too09:50
dabaRlsproc: maybe.09:50
PZis mark a spammer?09:50
johnnythawteI really could use a second computer09:50
johnnythawtebut I'm freaking broke09:50
trench-johnnythawte, one way to find out is to check the bios, look into the boot order...if it indicates external, removable, for boot option, you're set09:51
darko3dthe beryl installation guide says: The modifications : Needs to be in the Screen section: how do i get there09:51
atomikulinuxSo... the hard drive is in... Now what?09:51
slickyfnf:  hm.. but its shift+backspace09:51
atomikulinuxI guess I need to format it... how09:51
johnnythawteI might just partition magic my primary partition09:51
fnfslicky: What does Shift+Backspace do :-/ ?09:51
trench-darko3d, /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:51
johnnythawteI'm just worried about trashing my system09:51
slickyfnf:  it puts me at the login screen09:51
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Jordan_Uwilsgrant: For the most part it will adapt, you will need to update a few things like the xorg.conf and fstab though, if you follow the guide I gave you you won't need to do that but the system may run slower and you won't be able to do kernel upgrades.09:51
darko3dso it's sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:52
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trench-if you use gedit09:52
trench-<-- nano guy09:52
dabaRPZ: yes.09:52
PZauau ;)09:52
slickyfnf:  hm.. xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"  <-- will it work?09:52
fnfslicky: That's not X server's behavior, probably GNOME-related. In that case I have no idea. Try taking a look at System --> Preferences --> Keyboard Shortcuts09:52
atomikulinuxfnf... How do I get into this hard drive? I need to format it or something09:53
fnfslicky: It would, not really elegant if you ask me though.09:53
VigoFusionjohnnyhawte: I use to could help you there, but we stopped takeing PCs at the Mission, to many people donated , got a $2500 tax write off and then gawfed when there emails were sent from 4rth genereation settings. I can only remove so much data, the rest takes about $10,000 in hardware.09:53
wilsgrantJordan_U: So the fact that the guide was written for a pen drive doesn't matter?09:53
fnfatomikulinux: Please restate, what do you have now ?09:53
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atomikulinuxWell, ive got my spare hard drive plugged in... I just need to find out what to do with ti now09:54
slickyfnf:  oow.. it worked :D09:54
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nilsonenyc, so with NSD where are the zonefiles09:54
fnfslicky: Great.09:54
MarlunI'm trying to install Ubuntu on Virtual PC but during the early part of the installation I get an error that it can't detect and mount the CD. I'm using an ISO image from my harddrive to install, what should I do?09:54
dabaRdarko3d: use gksudo instead, though, whenever you need to run a graphical app with sudo privileges09:54
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fnfatomikulinux: Is your drive an IDE or a SATA ?09:54
nilsonIt says the filenames are relative to ${zonesdir} with no indication of what the hell that is09:54
slickyfinally.. my ubuntu is done ;D09:54
atomikulinuxfnf: Uhhh... IDE09:54
Jordan_Uwilsgrant: I don't think so but I don't know for sure , the main question would be whether syslinux can be installed to a normall HD, which I believe it can.09:54
fnfatomikulinux: Sorry, I just acknowledge yours in an USB09:54
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trench-Marlun, that's Virtual PC issue...not ubuntu09:55
fnfatomikulinux: Ok..09:55
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wilsgrantI could install applications and retain them using this guide's method too, right?09:55
dabaRone's ubuntu is never really done.09:55
Marluntrench-: ok, but I thought that maybe I could just skip that part of the installation and it would continue using the iso.09:55
fnfatomikulinux: IDE devices are listed in /dev in order: Your first drive would be named hda1, 2nd is hda2 and so on.09:55
fnfatomikulinux: I mean your partitions, HDDs are listed in hda, hdb.... order09:56
trench-maybe try vmware...i'm not familiar with vpc09:56
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atomikulinuxfnf: okay sec09:56
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atomikulinuxI have.... a hda and a hda109:57
Jordan_Uwilsgrant: If you just want to move Ubuntu when you buy another PC or something go with a regular install and reconfigure what needs reconfiguring, if you want to have your own system with you to be able to boot on any machine and go then go with the guide.09:57
atomikulinuxthere should be another one though... theres 3 hard drives in my machine. theres a 1GB one that is used for swap space I think09:57
fnfatomikulinux: So you currently have a hardrive and one partition on that, is that your only HDD ?09:58
atomikulinuxOh wait09:58
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dabaRfnf: use sudo fdisk -l to list hard drive info09:58
fnfdabaR: Ah, sure, 'ls -la /dev/hd*' could also do the trick though.09:58
devilsadvocateatomikulinux, do "cd /dev" and then ls |grep da"09:58
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atomikulinuxI have 3 hard drives... One hard drive is linux. One hard drive is a 1GB one which I havent really done anything with.. although I think ubuntu said it was gonna use it as swap space when I installed it. and theres another one... the spare one which I wanna cop the stuff through09:59
atomikulinuxEach hard drive has one partition I believe09:59
dabaRfnf: it could, but the command gives useful info09:59
wilsgrantSecond option is what I want, I have installed regular Ubuntu before in fact I am typing this from an ubuntu VM I made being played inside vista09:59
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fnfdabaR: Right.09:59
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atomikulinuxdevilsadvocate: Your command returns: hda hda1 ptyda ttyda10:00
fnfatomikulinux: Do you see another hdab, hdc other than your first drive ?10:00
atomikulinuxPerhaps theres a partiton program I can open up.. I need to see how my stuff is looking10:00
atomikulinuxIm not even sure that my 1GB is doing anything...10:00
ochosidabaR, hi, i donno if you can remember, asked you about jackd prob a few hours ago10:00
devilsadvocateatomikulinux,  are your harddrives all pugged in ?10:00
atomikulinuxdevilsadvocate: Well...10:00
dabaRatomikulinux: just run sudo fdisk -l10:00
atomikulinuxThey appear to be...10:00
Jordan_Uwilsgrant: If you do try it tell me how it turnes out.10:01
atomikulinuxnot sure if the bios has recognised em10:01
atomikulinuxI forgot to check10:01
ochosidabaR, actually, my sound seems to be broken now. any idea why that could be? (i uninstalled jackd again, /etc/init.d/alsasound status says the driver is loaded)10:01
atomikulinuxOkay cool... fdisk looks like its returned 3 hard drives10:01
devilsadvocateatomikulinux, go "sudo fdis -l" as fnf and dabaR say10:01
ViengI can not sign in10:01
Jordan_Ucan syslinux be installed on a normall USB hard drive?10:01
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dabaRochosi: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart10:01
nilsonenyc, are you still around bud10:02
Viengit says my account is disconnected10:02
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atomikulinuxIts returned 3 hard drives10:02
trench-didn't pay the bill? :)10:02
dabaRVieng: you misconfigured it, or forgot yuor password, go check account settings with ctrl+a10:02
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dabaRatomikulinux: ya, that command is way easier that the listing of devices10:02
Tido|laptopin gnome, how do I sudo?10:02
dabaRTido|laptop: gksudo10:03
ochosidabaR. did the restart, still: all the apps seem to be fine and playing, but nothing comes out of my speakers...10:03
Tido|laptopthanks dabaR10:03
dabaRochosi: use alsamixer or the sound applet in system>prefs to see if anything is muted10:03
atomikulinuxNow then... I need to format the new hard drive, and copy over everything thats on this hard dirve10:03
dabaRatomikulinux: edgy?10:04
VigoFusionVieng: Or try logging into Yahoo! to make certain the screen name and password are correct, the China/Microsoft migration/merge goofed alotta stuff up in Yahoo.10:04
wilsgrantJordan_U: Couldn't I just do a regular ubuntu install on the drive then set it up to use the syslinux bootloader to make switching it between comps easy?10:04
atomikulinuxit appears that this hard drive has 3 partitions... Linux,extended and swap10:04
ochosidabaR, oh man... sorry bout that. you were right. for some stupid reason my master was muted... really sorry to keep you busy with this kid's stuff..10:04
atomikulinuxI wanna put the swap drive on this other 1GB I have10:04
Vienguhm it works thankssss10:04
atomikulinuxI think GRUB is on the 1GB as well10:04
enycnilson: yes10:04
dabaRatomikulinux: there is a command line utility, called cfdisk that formats partitions, use caution when playing with formatting, needless to say almost10:04
enycnilson: not got out of bed yet ;-)10:04
dabaRVieng: $2010:05
atomikulinuxlemme get this hard drive formatted10:05
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nilsonenyc: okay... I edited /etc/nsd/zones.conf and there is a commant which states zonefile paths are relative to ${zonesdir}10:05
dabaRochosi: no worries:)10:05
nilsonNothing I have found yet tells me what zonesdir is10:05
enycnilson: I thin that in /etc/nsd/primary/10:05
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Jordan_Uwilsgrant: It isn't the syslinux bootloader that makes everything get configured automatically at boot it is all of the various scripts on the liveCD, there is a way to use those same scripts on a regular install but I don't know how or how hard it would be.10:06
fnfatomikulinux: cfdisk is reliable and easy to use.10:06
dabaRochosi: all these issues that I can solve are not much more substantial than that anyhow, and I choose to be here on my own will...10:06
dabaRnilson: did you try google and the official nsd docs?10:06
atomikulinuxOkay so what do I do? I run cfdisk and it says "can not open hard drive"10:06
atomikulinux"FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive"10:07
fnfatomikulinux: OTOH, you may run gparted, but that doesn't guaranteed your boot sectors will not be messed up.10:07
nilsondabaR, yeah-they have practically none10:07
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dabaRatomikulinux: hmm, same here:-./ <--a confused cindy crawford10:07
wilsgrantJordan_U: Alright thanks im going to do a regular install and look into those scripts on the forums when I need em. Thanks for the help!10:07
atomikulinuxWell then10:07
fnfatomikulinux: Do you see other device listed in /dev ? Other than hda, do you see hdb, hdc... ?10:07
atomikulinuxperhaps theres a parition program with a nice little GUI10:07
ochosidabaR, i see :) so have a nice day man!10:07
atomikulinuxthat can easily do what I want it to do :D10:07
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dabaRSat Nov 25 03:08:25 CST 200610:08
fnfatomikulinux: then use gparted.10:08
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atomikulinuxperhaps I should paste the results of fdisk in a diffrent channel... then you'll understand better what im hoping to do10:08
slickyoooh. im in love with berly!!10:08
djperegrineI know!10:08
dabaRochosi: thanks, you too10:08
VigoFusionYes, gparted should work10:08
trench-no humping of the monitor please10:08
atomikulinuxHow do I run it10:08
djperegrineberyl is the shit fo sure10:09
dabaRatomikulinux: there is a pastebin website, a really cool concept, see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:09
fnfatomikulinux: Alt+F2 then type into the textbox: 'gksudo gparted'10:09
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enycnilson: om on a releavnt system but I cant see it mention.ed .but I _know_ they co in /etc/nsd/primary/10:09
dabaRVigoFusion: there is a package for ubuntu...10:09
atomikulinux(gksudo:5141): Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "murrine",10:09
atomikulinuxsudo: gparted: command not found10:09
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ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php10:10
nilsonenyc Im workin on it I'll let you know if I get it working :P10:10
fnfatomikulinux: Ouch. Are you running ubuntu desktop ? That only exists in the desktop version, I forgot to mention.10:10
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dabaRjust install it10:10
nilsonenyc I think I get that part to work10:10
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dabaRhi Manny10:10
trench-thanks for the livecd unfo ubotu10:10
nilsonbut now it wont write the db; probably a permissions issue since I had to `touch` the file to make it10:10
trench-info even10:11
darko3dif i downloaded like a 100 program, doesn't anybody know how cn i compile ubuntu with all of these programs for future use10:11
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MannyI'm trying to debug an xorg crash involving FontWakeup. But I can't find xserver-xorg-dbg, which used to be distributed in 6.8.X dayds10:11
dabaR!ubotu > trench-10:11
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dabaRdarko3d: no, we do not know. There is work being done to allow for something similar in the future.10:11
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dabaRgive credit where it is due;)10:12
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atomikulinuxso then...10:13
dabaRatomikulinux: I can't think that much now10:13
nilsonenyc, hey bud could you tell me what your permissions are on /var/lib/nsd ?10:13
djperegrineI heard beryl is going to be inculded in the new ubuntu version or something10:13
trench-i have to give ubuntu it's props...it's been hassle-free so far :)10:13
djperegrineis that true10:13
atomikulinuxive got gparted run10:13
Jordan_Uwilsgrant: If you can't find out how to use the liveCD's scripts this command should reconfigure most things but will require some interaction: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a -phigh10:14
dabaRdjperegrine: that depends on the stability, but ya, I heard some similar talk as well.10:14
trench-6.10 is very nice indeed10:14
djperegrineI think that would help ubuntus cause10:14
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atomikulinuxokay then.. im deleting all the paritions on the spare hard drive now...10:14
djperegrineI mean beryl is so damn awesome!10:14
dabaRdjperegrine: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=beryl+included+ubuntu+default&btnG=Google+Search&meta=10:15
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: thanks again... 32bit installed WINE installed and things are going much better10:15
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trench-djperegrine, try it with 16x AA :)10:15
djperegrineto bad the nvidia beta drivers didn't work for me10:15
VigoFusionubuntu has accomplished what Knoppix did such a fine job on.10:15
djperegrine:O ?10:15
DrakeMastilFunnyLookinHat: even went ahead and used the source and compiled on my own to get used to doing things the hard way to learn10:15
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dabaRdjperegrine: you can see some related articles there.10:16
Jordan_Utrench-: 16x AA ?10:16
trench-i got kubuntu and wireless configured in under 30 minutes...can't do that on my gentoo :)10:16
djperegrineI got all this PIXELMAP couldn't blit or something10:16
djperegrineand it lagged like hell10:16
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trench-16x AntiAliasing/Anisthropic10:16
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Jordan_Utrench-: ahh10:16
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djperegrinethe beta of beryl + the ALGLX that came with edgy works damn nice so I am not complianin10:16
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trench-make sure to restart beryl when you make the change10:16
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djperegrineoh I did10:16
trench-as far as enabling AA10:17
djperegrineI will wait till its not beta anymore10:17
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Imsdlestuffed if i know110:17
trench-if your card's capable, it's a real eye-candy...and a resource hog at the same time :)10:17
Thecan anyone help me get my epson stylux cx7800 all in one printer/scanners scanners working??10:17
djperegrineits not really10:17
trench-i see10:17
djperegrinethe most it uses for me is 10%10:18
Tido|laptophow do I move a file in file manager when it requires sudo or root to do it?10:18
trench-what version?10:18
djperegrinethe svn version10:18
djperegrineand like I said the ALGLX that came with edgy10:19
DrakeMastillol ok I just installed WINE on edgy and now what do i do?10:19
Imsdlemount: hdb2 already mounted or /media/ohd2 busy10:19
Imsdlegrrr i have done a restart..10:19
djperegrineGLX used like 30%10:19
trench-well, if you don't have much transparencies, fancy animations, auto detecting refresh, it should use little10:19
dabaRTido|laptop: you either run the nautilus file manager with gksudo, or use a terminal. Make sure you close the nautilus after moving the files so someone does not make a mistake further down the road.10:19
Jordan_UThe: System -> administration -> Printing and Applications -> graphics -> Xane image scanner10:19
Theis there still support of automatix ?? in ubuntu edgy?10:19
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Tido|laptopthanks dabaR10:19
travkinAutomatix sux. apt-get rulez.10:19
djperegrineGLX was a little bit smoother then ALGLX but it was using alot of CPU10:19
TheI need help ...10:19
TheI am not the best at this and am trying to switch.10:20
dabaRThe: automatix is not recommended on this channel, they recommend easyubuntu, I heard there is automatix2 for edgy, use google for more info10:20
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trench-djperegrine, with capable cards, that's hardware rendered10:20
DrakeMastilI just installed WINE on edgy and now what do i do to use it?10:20
dabaRThe: did you get the printer to work, and need to get the scanner to work, or nothing works yet?10:20
djperegrinerun some exe's :D10:20
Jordan_UDrakeMastil: Double click an exe.10:20
famhi how can i change the root mode so i can work in root mode10:20
ThedabaF: yes10:20
dabaRDrakeMastil: wine something.exe10:20
dabaR!root > fam10:21
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djperegrineman if I can get directX + .net 2.0 working on wine I am set for life10:21
DrakeMastildabaR: thanks10:21
=== dabaR rules supreme
dabaRor something10:21
ImsdleI'm totally lost.. i have been able to mouint the drive.. and it shows as a 10mb hard disk which is right.. but I can only find these files10:21
Imsdleconfig-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5      lost+found10:21
Imsdlegrub                          System.map-2.6.15-1.2054_FC510:21
Imsdleinitrd-2.6.15-1.2054_FC5.img  vmlinuz-2.6.15-1.2054_FC510:21
Imsdleit is my old fedore core drive and i can't find /home/ anywhere10:22
Thedoes anyone know how to get a scanner to work ?10:22
Themine doesn't seem to be working10:22
Jordan_U Applications -> graphics -> Xane image scanner didn't work? Did it give an error?10:22
Thei mean10:23
Theit said that it doesnt find a scanner10:23
dabaRImsdle: the home was a different partition?10:23
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Theit say's "No divices avalible"10:23
dabaRImsdle: try sudo fdisk -l and see whether you see some other partitions on the same drive, or something.10:23
Imsdlei think so but stuffed if i can mount them.. got a similar response from my wife tonight10:24
Slartngngaaa.... I'm starting to dislike wine about now.. stupid software.. or stupid user.. not sure which yet...10:24
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TheI found this guy no the ubuntu forums who got his printer/scanner to work, but I have no Idea how he did it10:25
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atomikulinuxuhhh how do I unmount?10:26
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TekMasterMicahhey ladiez10:26
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VigoFusionthe:  which version?10:27
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dabaRImsdle: you can mount them, as soon as you know about them, did you run the fdisk command?10:27
triablohello, can anybody tell me how can I have write access to my second partitionn ?10:27
thenetduckI really need help getting my scanne working does anyone have any experience with getting scanners to work?10:27
dabaRatomikulinux: umount <deviceNode or mount dir>10:28
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dabaRtriablo: what file system does it have?10:28
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trench-dabaR, got a q...running kubuntu here...how exactly can i get that superuser feature i got used to with kde?10:28
triablodabaR: it's ext310:28
Imsdlei can see it.. /dev/hdb2              14        4865    38973690   8e  Linux LVM... but i can't mount it10:28
dabaRtriablo: rephrase10:28
dabaRtriablo: did you try chmod?10:28
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dabaRtriablo: not you, trench- rephrase10:29
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mamzers555hello, how can o lower the volume of oss-sound? i have a game that uses oss and it is at full volume, how can i change this?10:29
dabaRImsdle: why not?10:29
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triablodabaR: no, how to chmod10:29
trench-dabaR...File Manager SuperUser Mode10:29
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Imsdlemount: /dev/hdb2 already mounted or /media/mels_backup busy10:29
dabaRtriablo: sudo chmod 777 /path10:29
trench-isn't that part of kde?10:29
VigoFusionhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesDesktops <<<<scanners and stuff listed there....10:30
johnnythawtetrench-: can't you just Alt+F2 and choose run as different user ?10:30
dabaRImsdle: run mount|grep hdb2 in a terminal10:30
triablodabaR: ok, I'm going to try it10:30
dabaRtriablo: you do that10:30
dabaRtrench-: I did not understand your question, so rephrase10:30
trench-superuser - root priviledge in kde10:30
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Imsdleyup... try to mount again?10:31
trench-not in terminal10:31
dabaRtrench-: you want to run a kde gui app as superuser?10:31
dabaRImsdle: it shows what exactly?10:31
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dabaRkdesu is the gksudo of kde10:31
triablodabaR: thank you, now everything is fine :)10:31
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=== dabaR ftw
Imsdlewhat shows what..  i ran that command and it just accpeted it10:31
dabaRoh, no output? hmhm...10:31
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dabaRImsdle: what command do you use to mount? show me the output of sudo fdisk -l on a pastebin too.10:32
dabaRtrench-: does that work?10:32
thenetduckwould someone be able to help me install the sane-backend and sane-backend-extras on my computer... I don't know how... :(10:32
Imsdle   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:32
Imsdle/dev/hda1   *           1        4889    39270861   83  Linux10:32
Imsdle/dev/hda2            4890        4982      747022+   5  Extended10:32
Imsdle/dev/hda5            4890        4982      746991   82  Linux swap / Solaris10:32
ImsdleDisk /dev/hdb: 40.0 GB, 40020664320 bytes10:32
Imsdle255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4865 cylinders10:32
ImsdleUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes10:32
Imsdle   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:32
Imsdle/dev/hdb1   *           1          13      104391   83  Linux10:32
Imsdle/dev/hdb2              14        4865    38973690   8e  Linux LVM10:33
trench-dabaR, actually no...10:33
dabaRthenetduck: sudo aptitude sane-backend sane-backend-extras, also there is synaptic10:33
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Imsdleroot@office:/media # mount /dev/hdb2 /media/mels_backup10:33
Imsdlemount: /dev/hdb2 already mounted or /media/mels_backup busy10:33
dabaR!synaptic > thenetduck10:33
trench-also missing other kde stuff...like kcontrol10:33
d03boyi installed ndiswrapper and it seems like it should be working fine. when I do iwlist eth1 scan it immediately returns "No scan results"10:33
trench-won't load even envoking from terminal10:33
dabaRtrench-: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop?10:33
atomikulinuxSo then... I have this faulty hard drive with two partitions on it. linux and swap. Ive created a swap partition on a different 1GB hard drive. I want to move the linux partition over from this faulty hard drive to a different 4GB hard drive. How can I do this and what will I need to reconfigure?10:34
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trench-dabaR...let me try...thanks10:34
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dabaR!pastebin > Imsdle10:34
dabaRImsdle: ls /media/mels_backups, does it show any files?10:34
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trench-no packages updated or installed10:35
dabaRatomikulinux: you will need to reinstall, I believe, so just back up important files.10:35
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trench-kubuntu edgy 6.10 here10:35
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dabaRtrench-: did you try #kubuntu?10:35
dabaRImsdle: I am gonna look for a linux lvm file system.10:36
atomikulinuxSeriously cant be bothered to reinstall... hmmm10:36
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trench-i'll try there...thanks dabaR...it's really no biggie for me...just out of curiosity...thanks for your help10:36
erUSULatomikulinux: you can use tar or cp and you need to update /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst if necessary10:36
Imsdlethanks alot dabaR.....10:36
atomikulinuxThanks erUSUL10:36
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atomikulinuxNow lemme just take a minute to understand what you just said :)10:36
atomikulinuxOkay let me start by making a linux partition on this new hard drive...10:37
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erUSULatomikulinux: example (cd /source/directory && tar cf - . ) | (cd /dest/directory && tar xvfp -) to copy from one partition to another (obviusly you have to do it from a live cd and mount both partitions to source and dest dirs10:38
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atomikulinuxerUSUL: Okay cool10:39
atomikulinuxBRB a sec, then we'll talk business (lol)10:39
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dabaRerUSUL: do you have an idea why a linux LVM partition says device already mounted or mount point busy when mount /dev/hdb1 /media/mels_backup is ran, and mount |grep hdb1 shows no output, and there are no files in /media/mels_backup?10:41
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atomikulinuxOkay so I know how to copy the partitions over. Good. Now I need to sort out how to configure ubuntu to use a different parition as swap.10:42
atomikulinuxAnd possibly reconfigure/update GRUB.10:42
atomikulinux(BRB again)10:42
roryydabaR: is there p'raps a or other program with current working directory /media/mels_backup? try perhaps 'lsof /media/mels_backup' to try to find out10:42
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dabaRwell, the person left, it seems.10:43
d03boyanyone know how to turn the radio on for a bcm43xx? that seems to be my predicament10:43
erUSULdabaR: i do no use lvm myself but i have seen this errors before they went away when i disabled lvm and evms at startup but if you actually use lvm you can't do that :(10:43
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dabaRI think 3:45 am is prime time to go to sleep...10:43
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darko3di installed beryl, and when i restarted the login screen doesn't show up, the website says that i should backup etc/X11/xorg.conf.old), how do i do that?10:46
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erUSULdarko3d: with cp ;) 'cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old' before you change it to fit beryl of course10:47
atomikulinuxWell then10:47
atomikulinuxI'm gonna reboot in a se10:47
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atomikulinuxto the livecd10:47
darko3dno i backed it up, but now i can login to ubuntu, i'm getting a blank page, how do i restore it10:48
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SilentDishello :)10:50
atomikulinuxSo its... mount oldhd /source/   mount newhd /dest/  then cd /source/ && tar cf - . then cd /dest/ && tar xvfp -10:50
atomikulinuxWell lemme just reboot to the livecd... someone paste that back to me when I get back on IRC10:51
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darko3dno i backed it up, but now i cant login to ubuntu, i'm getting a blank page, how do i restore it10:51
Imsdlestuffed if i know.. i must of stuffed my paritions or something... now when i restart.. it starts the fedora core hard disk and not the new ubuntu!10:51
darko3dwhat's the command10:51
Imsdlei was just trying to mount the slave! grrrrrrrrrr dear I say.. this is easier in windows!10:52
SilentDisImsdle:  nothing is 'easier', per se, in windows, simply more known to you ;)10:52
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Imsdlethank you for my this indegression SilentDis... it will not happen again.. i am mearly a grasshopper in the world of open source10:53
SilentDisImsdle:  rofl.  it was VERY toungue-in-cheek ;)10:54
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d03boyok, i have a Fn+F2 button to turn ona nd off my wireless radio. But kubuntu seems to be intercepting these signals so the radio wont turn on. How can I turn it on then?10:54
darko3di backed up etc/X11/xorg.conf to etc/X11/xorg.conf.old, how do i restore it???10:54
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bokeyd03boy, sudo network-admin10:55
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TuTUxdarko3d, sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:56
TuTUxdarko3d, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:56
TuTUxdarko3d, sorry, forget "cp"...10:57
djperegrineis ther ea really easy way to play wmv files in firefox?10:57
SilentDisdarko3d:  sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old /etc/X11/xorg.conf (do a mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old2 first, just in case)10:57
highnekodarko3d: #bash is good for questions like this, they're very helpful.10:57
FirstStrikedjperegrine: install the mplayer plugin10:57
zipolaGood morning, I'm using edgy. After installing xmms-sid xmms won't play sids. Is the package broken or am I just forgetting something?10:57
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ranmanCan someone help me out with a graphics problem? I am a complete linux noob...10:58
SilentDis!ask | ranman10:58
uboturanman: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:58
travkinzipola, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xmms xmms-sid /10:58
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cowboy1024what is the irssi command to accept a dcc offer?10:59
highnekocowboy1024: Maybe "partall".10:59
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cowboy1024highneko: ha ha10:59
zipolatravkin: No luck. It still won't.10:59
nilsonenyc, I got it working11:00
ranmanOk... well i have a nvidia 6800 gtx card with 256mb of mem, I just want to be able to play WOW on wine and view my stuff in 1280 by 1024 or whatever the highest resolution of my card is, i tried installing the nvidia drivers from the apt thing but that did not work out... infact it effed up x so i had to re-install all of ubuntu... anyway i just want to be able to view my stuff in the resolutions it should suppor so i think i need to s11:00
SilentDis!nvidia | ranman11:00
nilsonenyc, now I'll just have to spend a week unfucking Apache, PHP, setting up MySQL and getting Postfix working :)11:00
uboturanman: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:00
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SilentDis!cedega | ranman11:00
uboturanman: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:00
djperegrineI do have mplayer installed11:01
djperegrineand the plguin11:01
ranmani have gotten wow working in wine without cedega before... ubotu i have tried that but the resolutions still did not show up...11:01
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SilentDisranman:  the first link ubotu shared will help you get your graphics card running properly.  the second is how to get WoW going.11:01
zipolaIn apt-get the xmms-sid has the letters iB before it. What does that B mean?11:02
=== SilentDis plays SWG with Cedega ;)
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trench-doom3 and oblivion :)11:02
ranmani have tried the first link before, it did not work11:02
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slickyhm.. can i use Cedega without signing up on their homepage?11:02
SilentDisranman:  what, exactly, happened?11:02
ranmanand i know how to use cedega and wine and I can get it to play wow...11:02
trench-ranman, you just need your nvidia-drivers installed properly11:02
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ranmanI had them installed and it froze on starting X11:03
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:03
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SilentDisranman:  I'm running a Nvidia GeForce 7600 GS, and the binary blob drivers.  i followed the instructions on that website, and it works like a charm.  it's VERY easy to overlook a step here and there, though :)11:03
MorrisseyI have a kind of off topic question. In my laptop I have 2x256mb RAM, If I buy a 1gb RAM, can I use one slot for the 1gb ram, and the other for a 256 mb ram chip?11:04
zipolaDoes someone else have the xmms-sid working under edgy?11:04
SilentDisMorrissey:  if it's a more 'modern' mobo in the laptop, sure.  really depends on the laptop though.11:04
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MorrisseySilentDis, ok, how would I know? Its about 1.5 years old11:04
ranmanSilentDis: i have gotten this working before, i know how to do it... I didn't skip a step... omfg i left the xorg.conf unrestored nvm...11:04
rlobsterHi, I'm having a problem with my panels, they become unresponsive when I leave the computer for about 15 mins or so. I can still alt-tab between open windows but can't get the panels to respond to my mouse clicks11:05
rlobsteranyone have any idea what the problem is?11:05
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SilentDisranman:  i kept missing the restricted modules and pulling my hair out... lol11:05
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ranmanrlobster: do you have gdesklets? are you using gnome?11:05
SilentDisMorrissey:  brand/model?  usually, you can grab a PDF of system specs from the manufactuerers website11:05
trench-Morrissey, that's a hardware limitation...you need to know the capability of your laptop as far as compatible upgrades11:05
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Imsdlehelp!.... mount: /dev/hdb2 already mounted or /media/mels_backup busy11:06
trench-most modern laptops can handle a gig stick of ram no prob11:06
sod75Morrissey: look up the tech docs on the vendor's website11:06
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trench-just need to know max ram it can handle11:07
djperegrineum there is no more w32codecs package?11:07
trench-don't want to buy something you can't really use11:07
djperegrinewhere can I get the codecs?11:07
MorrisseySilentDis, trench- sod75: Ok, I have the datasheet up, what to look for? It says I have the 2700 DDR 333mhz ram. and 2x256 of them11:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:07
trench-Morrissey, max ram allowed11:07
MorrisseySilentDis, trench- sod75: And it support 2gb of ram :)11:07
trench-there you go11:08
trench-so answer to your q is yes11:08
Morrisseytrench-, ok, thanks .. so it is ok to have 1x1gb and 1x256? :)11:08
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Morrisseythanks alot trench- ... thix beryl's kinda sucking up my ram (Combined with KDE ;P)11:08
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trench-no doubt11:08
SilentDisMorrissey:  usually, there's just 1 slot you can stick ram into for a laptop (some have 2, again depends on hardware), and since it supports DDR, single stick configs will be fine.  just make sure you get compatible ram (again, check that datasheet) and you should be fine11:08
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MorrisseySilentDis, thanks! Ill order one today11:09
infidelanyone know where "System>>Preferences>>Keyboard Shortcut" saves the mapped txt file?11:09
trench-usually there will be two...rarely do they provide just one slot11:09
MarlunI got ubuntu installed on Virtual PC and when installing I got to choose some resolutions, but now when I've logged into Ubuntu All I've got to choose from is 800x600 and 1024x768, not 1400x900 which I did select during installation.11:09
trench-sometimes the other slot will be hidden under the keyboard, depends on laptop maker11:09
SilentDistrench-:  my laptop is ANCIENT.  it has but one spot.  really old Toshiba Satellite 2535CDS.  it's been religated to a thin client for that reason ;)11:09
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trench-lol SilentDis11:10
trench-i feel your pain11:10
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rlobsterhi, I'm having a problem with my gnome panel, it becomes unresponsive after I leave my computer idle for about 15 mins. Any idea what the problem is?11:10
trench-"most modern laptops" (quoting self)11:10
ranmanr lobster are you using gnome? and do you have gdesklets on?11:11
SilentDistrench-:  it's modern if you count a decade as modern.  rofl11:11
trench-het, as long as it works11:11
J-_google earth got me all dizzy, bleh11:11
SilentDistrench-:  as I said, it enjoys continued use as a thin client lol11:11
rlobsterranman: I'm using gnome, no gdesklets11:11
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trench-SilentDis, sounds good then :)11:12
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J-_is there anywhere where I can get gdesklet backgrounds?11:12
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atomikulinuxokay im back on the live cd11:14
Trailblazeri have a question, how do you set-up a proxy on ubuntu? any help?11:14
MorrisseySilentDis, trench- sod75: Ive compared this: http://h20195.www2.hp.com/V2/pdf/c00573300.pdf TO THIS http://www.komplett.no/k/ki.asp?sku=306537 .... is that correct?11:14
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Imsdlehas anyone sucessfully mounted a fc5 disk from ubuntu?11:14
atomikulinuxcan someone paste that command back to me please11:14
SilentDisdapper install here... trying to install kubuntu-desktop package, get a "could not mark all packages" error, having problems with dependancies, specifically kdegraphics-kfile-plugins.11:14
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ranmanomg its still not working when i try and do nvidia-glx-config enable i get this: Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel11:15
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atomikulinuxHey can someone paste that command back to me please11:15
ranmanhow do i check what kernel i am running? i know there is a command for it i just can't remeber...11:15
SilentDisranman:  uname -r11:15
Trailblazeri think i should go back to windows11:15
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atomikulinuxmmmkay were gonna have a problem here11:15
atomikulinuxis anybody here that was helping me a few minutes ago?11:16
SilentDisTrailblazer:  proxy for what?  web browser?11:16
MorrisseyIs BERYL on KDE known to be very slow? Not the 3d effects (Theyr actually fast), but normal web browsing, etc etc?11:16
Trailblazermail sorry11:16
Trailblazerinternet is working fine11:16
azcazandcosomeone please help me before I give up on ubuntu all together, I keep getting random freezes on 2 different ide drives and it is doign ym head in11:16
J-_I just figured out that i didn't make any sense at all. Is it possible to get "starterbar" backgrounds anywhere for gdesklets?11:16
atomikulinuxI need someone to paste that thing back to me11:16
atomikulinuxThat thing I said a few minutes ago before leaving11:16
infidelanyone know where "System>>Preferences>>Keyboard Shortcut" saves the mapped txt file?11:16
ranmanomg its still not working when i try and do nvidia-glx-config enable i get this: Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel11:17
atomikulinuxCan someone just look up through the chav11:17
atomikulinuxfor "atomikulinux"11:17
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lir1where do I change the default music player from rhythmbox to something else?11:17
atomikulinuxand just paste that command back11:17
lir1I can't find it in gconf or keyboard shortcuts.11:17
trench-right click file, then properties11:18
atomikulinuxWheres that guy that was helping me11:18
J-_right click teh file>properties>open with11:18
atomikulinuxdamn damn damn11:18
SilentDisTrailblazer:  if you need a proxy for your mail connect, usually, it's specified in-line.  a username of proxy.server.address.com:username@mailserver.com or some such.  really depends on what the proxy needs.11:18
rlobsterhi, I'm having a problem with my gnome panel, it becomes unresponsive after I leave my computer idle for about 15 mins. Any idea what the problem is?11:18
SilentDisTrailblazer:  is it a socks5 proxy you're going through?11:18
atomikulinuxOkay im on the live CD I need to copy across a partition from one hard drive to another how can I do this?11:18
Trailblazerlol - i have no idea11:18
atomikulinuxIts the linux partition im going to copy over. also what shall I reconfigure?11:19
Trailblazerits a network proxy11:19
atomikulinuxI cant believeit11:19
atomikulinuxI asked someone to paste that command back11:19
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atomikulinuxNo one has O_O11:19
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DreamerHxChello all11:19
atomikulinuxOkay listen11:19
atomikulinuxi was under the nick "atomikulinux" and I said a command before I rebooted11:20
atomikulinuxcan someone please paste it back11:20
mux_hi, what pack. do i need to install to get c++ include files(iostream for exmpl)?11:20
DreamerHxCcan somebody help me to part my disk for installing linux please?11:20
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[h] tony|afkmoinmoin11:21
Milos_SDhow can I use dd command ?11:21
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VolstrupMilos_SD: man dd11:21
Milos_SDcan someone help me?11:21
atomikulinuxis there anyone here who has been idle in the channel11:21
atomikulinuxI need them to paste something back which I said11:21
SilentDisTrailblazer:  what kind of proxy is it you're connecting to?   only thing I can think of is System > Prefrences > Network Proxy11:21
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infidelMilos_SD: it's pretty simple what are you trying to do?11:22
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SilentDis!dd | Milos_SD11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
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Milos_SDI want to copy one dvd on my hard drive11:22
Trailblazerive tried that i need to know more, what you change your pop3 account settings to11:22
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Trailblazerbut ty11:22
Milos_SDit is not readable ( I/O error)11:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
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atomikulinuxOkay can someone listen for a sec11:23
SilentDisTrailblazer:  ahhhh, that will be specified by the admin of that proxy.  you'll have to ask them.  if you're not sure, and you're the admin on that proxy, it's time to hit the manuals for it ;)11:23
atomikulinuxI was in linux a minute ago and I said this command in the channel11:23
atomikulinuxCan someone paste it back11:23
atomikulinuxit was this "tar" command11:23
atomikulinuxits important11:23
atomikulinuxright before I disconnected11:23
TrailblazerROFL :) kewl ty11:24
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atomikulinuxim screwed now then11:24
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enycnilson: have fun ;-) glad to know you got nsd behaving itself ;-)11:24
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atomikulinuxcause no one can look up through the channel history for me11:24
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Milos_SDinfidel, can you tell me the right commend for copyng from cdrom-1 ?11:24
atomikulinuxno one11:25
SilentDisatomkulinux:  first, you are quite aware that this channel scrolls REALLY fast, right?  second, we aren't your personal note takers.  third:  you're NEVER screwed.  please, tell us what you're looking to do, and we will do our absolute best to help you with it :)11:25
infidelatomikulinux: sorry i looked as far as i've been here and i didn't see your tar string11:25
atomikulinuxOkay lemme start again then11:25
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atomikulinuxI need to move linux across onto another hard drive, because the hard drive its on now is faulty...11:26
infidelatomikulinux: what is so special about that certain tar string?11:26
atomikulinuxI'm on the liveCD right now so I can do this11:26
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource11:26
atomikulinuxSo I just need to mount the two hard drives, copy everything across then I need to know what to reconfigure afterward (Im certain that GRUB and linux isnt gonna like linux being moved over)11:27
nilsonenyc, thank you for your help11:27
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atomikulinuxAnd for some reason I cant mount the hard drives11:28
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romain_please is there a tutorial which describe how to chroot a user system ?11:28
SilentDis!chroot | romain_11:28
uboturomain_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box11:28
atomikulinuxWhat was that partition program btw?11:28
atomikulinuxgpartition or something...11:28
atomikulinuxahhh... thats it. thanks11:29
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ranmanYAY! i got it working yippe!11:30
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box11:30
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SilentDisquestion:  trying to install package kubuntu-desktop, getting an error of "Depends: kdegraphics-kfile-plugins but it is not going to be installed".  Dapper install.  any ideas?11:31
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atomikulinuxOkay then...11:32
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J-_look for the depending packages in synaptic11:32
atomikulinuxI have my source and destination partitions mounted. Now... How to copy everything across?11:32
SilentDisJ-_:  not seeing it listed.11:33
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atomikulinuxThis is ubuntu im moving across btw so I think im going to need help reconfiguring grub and stuff...11:33
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SilentDisquestion:  is it possible to 'refresh' the package list from scratch?  possibly just bad data in there.11:34
J-_SilentDis: That's what I usually do when there are not depending packages installed to install something, heh. Otherwise, i'm not sure11:34
LinuxHelpUm, how do I connect my UPS to my computer? I have plugged in the serial cable to /dev/ttyS0, now how do I communicate with it?11:35
J-_SilentDis: reload? or do you want the original repo's in there?11:35
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SilentDisJ-_:  total 'fresh' package list download, if possible.  I assume there's just bad data in my package list :P11:36
LinuxHelpSilentDis, thats what happens when you click reload, it reloads everything11:36
J-_Just reload, wouldn't the packages be maintained by the provider?11:36
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frogzooLinuxHelp: if there's only a windows app for the ups, try wine11:37
SilentDisLinuxHelp:  hmm... not sure what's wrong then.  let me do some more checking11:37
LinuxHelpSilentDis, and repos that are no longer available get removed11:37
atomikulinuxOkay... I'm currently copying the contents of my linux partition to another partition with cp -ax11:37
LinuxHelpfrogzoo, I was thinking like "NUT" ?11:38
atomikulinuxI'm certain linux isnt just gonna "work" after being moved across so what do I have to reconfigue?11:38
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SilentDisahh, ok.  I tracked it back.  it appears I'm having a problem with package libpoppler1-qt.  I get this error - "Depends: libpoppler1 (=0.5.1-0ubuntu7) but 0.5.3-0ubntu1 is to be installed".  then it won't mark it and exits11:39
LinuxHelpatomikulinux, I move my files across all the time like that, I mean its really just /boot/grub/menu.lst and /etc/fstab that you have to reconfigure11:39
LinuxHelpatomikulinux, and your bootloader should be installed to the mbr if neccesary11:40
atomikulinuxYeah I was wondering about that11:40
atomikulinuxthe hard drive im copying linux over from is going to my destroyed11:40
atomikulinuxBecause its faulty... I cant remember whether GRUB is on that or not...11:40
transgressokay i'm still running dapper and when i do an apt-get upgrade it tells me totem is being held back.  so i do a dist-upgrade and it says the same thing.  is there something wrong here?11:40
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64)  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)11:41
LinuxHelpatomikulinux, I personally use the "sudo grub" command when I need to reinstall, but you're going to need to read the manual11:41
SilentDisatomikulinux:  sorry to interject, grub is installed to the MBR of the master HD, usually (/dev/hda)11:41
atomikulinuxSo what is one to do :O lol11:41
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transgressanyone that can help me force a package to update?11:43
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atomikulinuxYeah okay it appears that GRUB is on the partition that i'm currently moving over... whats this about the MBR? how do I set that up to boot grub?11:44
SilentDisit appears there's a bad dependany on package libpoppler1-qt.  it won't accept libpoppler1 of a higher version than it has.  any way around this?11:44
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LinuxHelpatomikulinux, I recommend that you copy your files, remove your bad hd, and then insert a live cd to install grub and update your config files11:45
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ubotulibpoppler1-qt: PDF rendering library (Qt 3 based shared library). In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.4-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 56 kB, installed size 156 kB11:47
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trench-libtool usually fixes my lib dependency issues11:49
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pipwhere is the C head files that match the running kernel ?11:49
SilentDistrench-:  thanks, i'll give it a look :)11:49
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pipI see nothing in /usr/src/11:49
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TheGino_Frankhello all i want to know if 6.10 offers the same support as 6.06 Lts when it come to security or is edgy different and will have LTS soon?11:50
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atomikulinuxinsert a live cd to install grub and update my config files? Hmm... is there an option or something?11:50
atomikulinuxI do have the special install CD btw... the one that offers OEM and text mode and such...11:50
schwoflerhi, i have a somehow weird question, but how do i mount an internal floppy drive in ubuntu? (at least it doesn't seem to be automounted on the desktop like the cdrom-drive)11:51
SilentDis!floppy | schwofler11:51
ubotuschwofler: To mount floppy disks, see here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone11:51
schwoflerubotu, thanks man11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks man - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
FlannelTheGino_Frank: Edgy isn't LTS, it still has security updates and such though.11:51
FlannelTheGino_Frank: it just won't be supported for as long as the LTS11:52
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atomikulinuxinsert a live cd to install grub and update my config files? Hmm... is there an option or something?11:52
Flannelatomikulinux: you can install grub from the alternate CD (that's the one you have)11:52
Flannel!grub | atomikulinux, see the first link.11:52
ubotuatomikulinux, see the first link.: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:52
atomikulinuxI have both :D11:52
Flannelwell, that page covers both ;)11:52
atomikulinuxOkay, cool. thanks.11:53
SilentDisFlannel:  you beat me to it.  i should sleep rofl11:53
ztechis there a dvd player for ubuntu that can play dvds? i cant play my braveheart dvd11:53
atomikulinuxAlthough at least i know why when windows used to be on this machine windows would freeze up for 10 seconds randomly... its cause the hard drive was going...11:53
Goyimhow many people here use ubuntu in a corporate environment11:53
Goyimas a server11:53
Flannel!dvd | ztech11:53
ubotuztech: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:53
atomikulinuxIt happened the other day on linux ya see, the hard drive just stopped working... linux went into read only mode or something...11:53
TheGino_FrankFlannel, so 6.06 would be better then edgy right now i'm running edgy should i go for 6.06 or stay on edgy?11:53
polezI have installed Ubuntu 6.10 and I have a conceptronic wireless Card C54c with RT2500 chip but it doesn't work. I have followed the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 put when I try with "sudo ifup ra0 " it says "No such device". Can anyone help me?11:54
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SilentDisGoyim:  as a server environment, personally, i still run FreeBSD.  It seems to handle what I need it for (apache, php, mysql, samba file server) a little better.  might just be familiarity though.  Ubuntu is on my desktop :)11:55
FlannelTheGino_Frank: you'll probably want to stick with edgy.  Unless you don't want to upgrade for a few years (c. 2 per LTS).  Like, if you were planning on running Feisty when it comes out in april, etc, you'd stick with edgy, Feisty, G---, etc11:55
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GoyimI need that stuff and a shoutcast server/dj setup11:55
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Flannel!lamp | Goyim11:55
atomikulinuxahh okay it seems I can reinstall grub through the normal liveCD11:55
ubotuGoyim: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.11:55
Goyimwant to stream the sirius locally for the bathroom11:55
atomikulinuxBRB, rebooting computer and removing old hard drive.11:55
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THE_ROCKim a Suse developer, ive heard they are inviting us to join Ubuntu ?11:55
SilentDisGoyim:  lol!  very cool idea :D11:56
TheGino_FrankFlannel, thanks11:56
FlannelGoyim: there's also icecast stuff (that's the Free implementation of shoutcast)11:56
Goyimshoutcast is free too11:56
atomikulinuxlol remember who I am when I come back cause im gonna probably need more help XD cya in a few mins11:56
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trench-hehehe...whatever happened to just running a speaker to the bathroom?11:56
trench-jk...nice idea :)11:56
Goyimi didnt have good luck running it on centos but im going to try it out on fedora and ubuntu11:56
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:56
SilentDistrench-:  that's SO redneck geek ;)11:56
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trench-hehehe...no doubt11:57
Goyimtrench-, speaker doesnt let you surf the web on the can11:57
trench-hahaha...while showering even11:57
trench-go on then :)11:57
trench-i ain't mad at you11:57
trench-(what  a grammar)11:57
SilentDisoy, and I thought I was bad.  I got a touch screen computer in my kitchen to keep my recipies on, as well as let me surf epicurious lol11:57
Goyimyeah you never know I might be ircing from the can11:57
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GoyimSilentDis, naw im just ill and spend a lot of time in there11:58
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SilentDishmmm... wonder if ubuntu will 'recognize' the touch screen from a Micros POS out-of-box....11:58
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asfaltoh when i 1st got wireless, ircing from the can used to be the highlight of the can visitation11:59
polezI have installed Ubuntu 6.10 and I have a conceptronic wireless Card C54c with RT2500 chip but it doesn't work. I have followed the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 put when I try with "sudo ifup ra0 " it says "No such device". Can anyone help me?11:59
Goyimi dont know about that one but ive put ubuntu on quite a few POS computers :))11:59
SilentDisGoyim:  was it able to poll the touch screen as a pointing device right away?11:59
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GoyimSilentDis, I apologise , by POS I meant piece of ... excrement12:01
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SilentDisGoyim:  rofl these are close.  Point Of Sale is what I was referring to, though :)12:02
GoyimSilentDis, try out the live cd and see12:02
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Goyimi dont mean that to be a smart ass12:02
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Goyimim really curious to see, the default xorg conf has drivers for laptop pads in it so it SHOULD12:03
SilentDisGoyim:  lol only problem with that is there's all of 1 ide slot, and no extra power cords in the box.  would take a LOT of work to get that going.  they have the ability to boot from USB, so I was gonna drop a 'live install' to a USB drive, and see what kinda damage i could do that way :)12:03
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Lord_WindHi All12:03
Goyimi wonder if someones posted a usb bootable ubuntu image anywhere12:03
Lord_WindI need of help12:03
Lord_Windwith this12:04
SilentDisGoyim:  I got 4 Micros touch-screen POS machines from work when they upgraded.  they were too expensive to throw away (corporations gotta recycle), and they couldn't 'give' them away (that would be theft).  so, they opened the dock doors, left them there, and made an announcement of "please help make them go away" :D12:04
Lord_WindI cant understand how to make this mapping12:04
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SilentDisGoyim:  decent little boxen, actually.  P2 and P3 processors, 64mb ram (easily upgradable), 60gb hard drives, beautiful touch screens that run at 1024x768 :)12:06
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jpoliverahow can I configure sound for SI7012 ?12:06
crimsunjpolivera: what's wrong?12:07
Goyimany way to d/c the touchscreens and use them elsewhere?12:07
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jpoliveracrimsun: I have no sound :(12:07
SilentDisGoyim:  don't think so.  custom cable that supplies power, vid, and mouse function to it :P12:07
jpoliverajust upgraded to edgy to see if that helped12:07
[Nige] anoyone played with ebtables?12:07
crimsunjpolivera: pastebin ``amixer''  (see the topic)12:07
jpoliverayeah I know what it is, sec please12:08
SilentDisGoyim:  they're modular, but only to be replaced by another one, if you get my drift.  very 'closed' architecture12:08
jpoliveracrimsun: http://pastebin.ca/25748212:09
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Goyimyeah I meant can yoo attach one to another box12:09
Goyimwould be cool if it had an rca/dvi/usb setup12:10
jpoliveracrimsun: its been working for two years, suddenly one apt-get upgrade broke it12:10
albertHello, i can only view my top-left part of my desktop, and now my mouse can't move but my keyboard yes. What can i do?12:10
Goyimmy buddy just showed me that12:10
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SilentDisGoyim: yeah, wish it was that easy.  though seriously about calling up Micros and asking for a pinout... they'd laugh at me, more than likely.  these things are 'propriatary' and still in production in a LOT of places.12:10
crimsunjpolivera: ok, first things first: is your normal user in the audio group?12:11
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Goyimwell, on the sun proprietary trinintrons you can get an adaper12:11
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albertAnybody can help me?12:11
GoyimI so want a 24" widescreen flat screen trini12:11
jpoliveracrimsun: yes12:12
crimsunjpolivera: ok, is sound audible when you unmute 'PCM' and raise it above %0 ? :)12:12
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jpoliveracrimsun: lol nope it isnt12:12
SilentDisGoyim:  these are 13-14" or so.  not bad for a restaurant order input deal :)12:12
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Goyimplasma be damned I want a super crisp destop and lots of space12:12
GoyimSilentDis, color monitor?12:12
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dmndi just installed xubuntu, changes my resolution to 1280x1024 and now the moving of windows is very slow, i am using the vesa driver; i have an ati card, what should i do to make the movement of windows more smoothly? :)12:13
crimsunjpolivera: ok, is sound audible when you mute 'Headphone Jack Sense' ?12:13
jpoliveracrimsun: it is plugged crrectly because I have a dual boot and just tested it on windows12:13
SilentDisGoyim: you bet.  1024x768x24bpp12:13
GoyimSilentDis, about the pinout, it never hurts to try12:13
TrollAndProudhmm, yast is sucking so bad, maybe I should switch to Ubuntu12:13
jpoliveracrimsun: where can I see that?12:13
crimsunjpolivera: well, how did you unmute 'PCM' and raise its level?12:13
SilentDisGoyim:  check out the micros site (http://www.micros.com/), they're 1 under their current 'top of the line' POS12:13
aka_druid_TrollAndProud: yeah, do it man12:13
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jpoliveracrimsun: clicking on the icon on right top? maybe you didnt mean that ...12:14
crimsunjpolivera: pastebin your current ``amixer''12:14
SilentDisalright.  it's 05:15:00 and counting here.  i should sleep.  g'night all :)12:15
jpoliveracrimsun: is that http://pastebin.ca/25748212:15
DreamerHxChow can I edit manually my partitiontable for not formating my XP HD?12:15
crimsunjpolivera: no, if you changed anything, I need to see an updated version.12:15
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_JP!info xserver-xorg-driver-ati12:16
ubotuPackage xserver-xorg-driver-ati does not exist in any distro I know12:16
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jpoliveracrimsun: I didnt change anything, what would you like me to change and how please?12:16
_JPis this out-of-date? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Radeon_9200/9250_(RV280)_and_DVI12:17
trench-don't exist? i use xorg-xserver-driver-ati :|12:17
crimsunjpolivera: open a Terminal, then execute:  amixer set 'PCM' 80%,80%,on12:17
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:17
jpoliveracrimsun: done12:17
dmndis there a guide on how to install ati drivers? i am not able to find it.. :)12:17
atomikulinuxmmkay im currently on the livecd again12:18
atomikulinuxwith the old hard drive gone12:18
_JPdmnd: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:18
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jpoliveracrimsun: want to see pastebin again?12:18
crimsunjpolivera: no need, just tell me if ``aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav'' is audible12:18
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polezI have installed Ubuntu 6.10 and I have a conceptronic wireless Card C54c with RT2500 chip but it doesn't work. I have followed the instructions from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/RalinkRT2500 put when I try with "sudo ifup ra0 " it says "No such device". Can anyone help me?12:19
jpoliveracrimsun: no it isnt :(12:20
crimsunjpolivera: ok, now:  amixer set 'Headphone Jack Sense' off12:20
atomikulinuxokay i think grub is now configured!12:20
atomikulinuxlets see :D12:20
jpoliveracrimsun: done but still cant hear startup.wav12:21
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'Master Surround' 80%,80%,on && amixer set 'Surround' 80%,80% && amixer set 'Center' 80%,on && amixer set 'LFE' 80%,on && amixer set 'IEC958' off12:24
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jpoliveracrimsun: still nothing :/12:25
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jpoliveracrimsun: maybe apt-get remove and install some package?12:25
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'Exchange Front/Surround' on12:25
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crimsunjpolivera: (no, it's not a package issue)12:25
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jpoliveracrimsun: done, but no luck yet12:26
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'External Amplifier' off12:27
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stylini'm on 2.6.15-27-386 (dapper), and cdrecord warns about probs with >= 2.5. 'cdrecord -scanbus' gives me "No such file or directory. Cannot open '/dev/pg*'. Cannot open SCSI driver." i upgraded from Breezy, and have not tried burning CDs on this box yet12:27
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jpoliveracrimsun: nope12:27
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 212:29
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jpoliveracrimsun: not yet12:29
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'V_REFOUT Enable' off12:29
CorpseFeederwhen I hibernate the computer (which doesn't work) the screen goes stripy and then black with an underscore character in the top left corner, and the caps lock and scroll lock LEDs are flashing. Computer then needs to be reset to get out of this. Anyone know what causes this problem?12:29
KnowledgEngii have problem about midi12:30
KnowledgEngitimidity play the midi but return an error12:30
jpoliveracrimsun: nope12:30
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'High Pass Filter Enable' off12:30
PlatynaHello guys.12:30
PlatynaIs there any person who has access to official Ubuntu repositories?12:31
jpoliveracrimsun: nope, btw ..thanks for doing all this :)12:31
crimsunPlatyna: what do you mean? Everyone here does...12:31
user-landhey, i am still looking for a web album software :-)12:31
PlatynaWell, I don't use Ubuntu but Slackware. So explain me how does this works on Ubuntu.12:31
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'Channel Mode' '6ch' && amixer set 'Downmix' '6 -> 2'12:31
jpoliverauser-land: coppermine12:32
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crimsunPlatyna: to what does "this" refer?12:32
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CorpseFeederI'll rephrase that - hibernate works (the computer shuts off), but X does not restart when it "wakes up" and I get the blank screen/flashing keyboard lights lock up.12:32
matsPlatyna: why cant you read about it on the ubuntu-webpage?12:32
jpoliveracrimsun: nop12:32
matsdmc1: hello ;))12:32
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dmc1I can't log in as root... it says "administrator cannot log in from this window" once X starts12:32
saimu0hi all12:32
dmc1What do I do?12:32
Platynacrimsun: My point is, that I would like to add our project to Ubuntu distribution.12:32
floatingcd /home/ville/files/dn/ ; tar cvf - * | nc 6969 <- with following command, should I be able to see the progress of the transfer ?12:33
crimsunPlatyna: meaning you'd like to add a source package to the Ubuntu distribution? Have you asked in #ubuntu-motu?12:33
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Platynacrimsun: No. And what is ubuntu-motu?12:33
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crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'Surround Jack Mode' 'Independent'12:33
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crimsunPlatyna: it's an irc channel like this one12:34
jpoliveracrimsun: not yet :/12:34
Platynacrimsun: For packages, I underestand?12:34
saimu0DMC1  i had this problem before.12:34
crimsunPlatyna: yes, "packages"12:34
PlatynaThanks. Duh. ;)12:34
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dmc1saimu0, how did you fix it?12:34
crimsunjpolivera: amixer set 'IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA' 112:35
saimu0but at that time i didnt know about the ubuntu chatroom so i looked on the forums.  there is something there but i dont remember how i found it.12:35
atomikulinuxhmmm okay12:35
saimu0sometimes i still get that problem12:35
saimu0it is in the fourm tho  ive used it.12:35
jpoliveracrimsun: is there any way of letting ubuntu autoconfigure everything again, it worked when I installed it and never broke until now12:35
atomikulinuxI dont think I installed grub properly... Ubuntu stops when it tries to boot12:35
atomikulinuxWith some error about uhh... well it goes to this busybox thing12:35
user-landjpolivera, i am looking for an application that converts a folder of fotos into a web galery.12:35
atomikulinuxsomething about /dev/tty or something12:35
atomikulinuxI cant remember12:35
dmc1saimu0, any idea how I can stop x from starting?12:35
saimu0no idea.12:36
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:36
saimu0hang on lets look in the fourm12:36
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jpoliverauser-land: check http://www.hostscripts.com , you'll find lots of them there ;)12:36
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jpoliverauser-land: check http://www.hotscripts.com , you'll find lots of them there ;)12:36
crimsunjpolivera: sure.  kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*) && sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}' |sort -r) && sudo rm -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state && sudo modprobe snd-intel8x012:36
user-landjpolivera, i don't have a server.12:36
saimu0oh i have to logg out of gaim and back in    BRB12:37
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user-landi want to do the conversion locally :-)12:37
jpoliveraahh ok12:37
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jpoliveraI dont know then :)12:37
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CorpseFeederI have 2 CD-ROM drives mounted. How do I delete 1? There should only be one because I only have 1 physical drive. I used to have two, but one died and I removed it, but it is still showing up inthe file browser.12:39
DavieyDoes anybody here use NX?12:39
atomikulinuxHow do i find out what /dev/hda1 is in the (hd0,1) format?12:39
georgebatomikulinux: take a look in /boot/grub/device.map12:40
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atomikulinuxTheres nothing there12:40
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atomikulinuxbecause GRUB is completely screwed atm12:40
KnowledgEngiCan't open soundfont file ~/soundfonts/Unison.sf212:40
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azcazandcoanyone ever suffered from random freezes in ubuntu?12:40
jpoliveracrimsun: thanks a lot dude! that reconfigure worked :D12:41
atomikulinuxWhich is why I need to find out what /dev/hda1 is so I can use the commands to restore GRUB12:41
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KnowledgEngisomeone can help me12:41
CorpseFeederwill there ever come a time when someone works out how to use linux?12:41
azcazandcoCorpseFeeder: I would like to12:41
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crimsunjpolivera: np12:41
Davieyazcazandco, i have, but i put that down to dodgy hd.  The hd switched off power to iteslef12:41
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atomikulinuxOkay im just apt-get remove gruv12:42
georgebatomikulinux: if you want to see what's on /dev/hda1, mount it in an emty folder and take a look at it12:42
atomikulinuxThen im gonna reinstall it again12:42
atomikulinuxcause I copyed linux over to a new hard drive ya see12:42
atomikulinuxAnd grub isnt having any of it12:42
tengilafter installing edgy i can no longer write swedish special characters in console but it works in a webbrowser for example. anyone know a way to fix this12:42
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georgebatomikulinux: you can also take a look at http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub12:43
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azcazandcoDaviey:  I have tried to install on one sata drive that just wouldn't take it at all so I put that to a bad hd, I then installed on my ide0 and it kept freezing so I installed on ide1 and it still freezes, not just on one version of ubuntu though, edgy, dapper & dapper 64 all freeze, my oldest install and first is good but I broke it a little and want to start from scratch12:43
atomikulinuxthanks man12:43
CorpseFeederanyway.. I have 1 CD drive located at /dev/hdb and also one ghost CD drive left over from my dead removed drive... I can't get rid of it. How do I achieve this???12:43
atomikulinuxim currently reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows12:43
=== azcazandco is close to looking for another distro that will play ball but doesnt want to
atomikulinuxHmm okay I'll do what that says... it makes sense12:44
atomikulinuxbrb again12:44
atomikulinuxhmm btw12:44
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atomikulinuxWhat does it mean by "Mount the appropriate linux partions:"12:45
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Davieyazcazandco, your defiently using a good cd?12:45
atomikulinuxoh well nevermind im sure it'll make sense when I get to the point12:45
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CorpseFeederhow do i get rid of my ghost CD drive.. and why is it there in the first place?12:45
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schwoflerhi,having serious hardware trouble. my pc freezes two to three times a day. i assume it could be the memory, but i'd like to know whether there's a prog to do a system-wide health check.12:46
stenetiusWhere can I find a good guide on setting up XGL+Compiz on Edgy Eft?12:46
apokryphosstenetius: /msg ubotu compiz12:46
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ranmanis ubotu a bot?12:47
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:47
DavieyHi, does anybody have problems with nxclient on ubuntu edgy.  Specifically screen refresh and program transparency areas?12:47
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ranmanlol... so its really a bot?12:47
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bokey!bot | ranman12:47
uboturanman: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:47
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KnowledgEngii have problem using timidity12:47
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ThePubWhere do I set metacity's window placement policy?12:48
=== azcazandc1 is back after another stupid freeze
bokey!awesome | ranman12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awesome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
zOrKI've made a patch for some broadcom wireless cards, could anyone test it ?12:48
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bokeyranman, =)12:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shutup - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:48
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)12:48
georgebschwofler: in the boot menu do you have a entry: Ubuntu, memtest86+ ? if yes, boot that and it will test the memory12:48
umarmungcould you stop spamming the channel with bot commands? thx.12:48
adrapHello, with the default apache install in ubuntu 6.10, when I try to visit the website, my browser aks me to save the data in phtml file... How the fuck can I fix that ?12:49
schwoflergeorgeb, i already tried memtest. without error.12:49
Otacon22anyone can advise my about a program like gdesklets, but that not use too cpu?12:49
apokryphosubotu: language | adrap12:49
ubotuadrap: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:49
adrapAnd if I install phpsysinfo, it doesn't fucking work at all12:49
Gumbydoes anyone here know why the gnome menu sometimes takes 5 seconds to display after I click on the ubuntu icon in the taskbar?12:49
Gumbyother times its instant.  seems strange12:49
adrapReally, ubuntu appears to be shit. And apache on Debian works like a charm. It isn't fucked up as in ubuntu12:49
zOrKadrap Pherhaps you're trying to view a .php file12:50
georgebadrap: 1. please control your languge; 2. do you have php installed ?12:50
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adrapNo, php isn't installed12:50
zOrKok, so ubuntu's isn't fool , you're!.12:50
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zOrKsudo apt-cache search php|grep apache12:50
zOrKand take a look at it according to your settings12:50
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ThePubadrap: ubuntu is based on debian and if debian fulfills your needs, why change?12:51
zOrKapache2, apache php5, php4, etc..12:51
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adrapjust installed phpsysinfo, and it stills tells me it wants to same the phtml file12:51
adrapsamething with
georgebadrap: how did you install phpsysinfo ? package or "tar.gz" ?12:52
zOrKadrap you're an idiot.12:52
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Gumbyadrap: you need to install the apache php module.  until you do so and have apache configured properly to parse php files you will continue to get these "errors"12:52
DreamerHxCis there any problem if I do not have /etc/inittab in my system?12:52
atomikulinuxhmm hang ona minute12:52
adrapI did apt-get install phpsysinfo and php was installed a s a dependency12:52
atomikulinuxwhat was that link again?12:52
atomikulinuxim a bit stuck12:52
zOrKadrap dpkg-reconfigure apache and see if it's loaded12:52
Gumbyadrap: you need the apache php module, not just php12:52
atomikulinuxoh wait12:52
zOrKif php module is loaded12:52
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zOrKas I said12:53
zOrKsudo apt-cache search php|grep apache12:53
umarmungDreamerHxC: do you use edgy?12:53
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zOrKand install what's needed12:53
stenetiusHow do I enter runlevel 3 and then quit the X server? (I gonna install the NVidia drivers)12:53
Gumbyadrap: apt-cache search php |grep apache as zOrK said and you will have the package you need to install.12:53
Gumbydont forget to restart apache12:53
georgebadrap: did you restart apache after installing phpindo12:53
umarmungDreamerHxC: upstart doesn't use inittab, look in /etc/event.d12:53
DreamerHxCand I have a problem: I cannot enter graphic mode, because after login screen, my desktop gets freezed; this happens even with liveCD12:53
ranmansternetius: just go to tty112:53
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stenetiusranman: how?12:54
SeigiI seem to be having a problem installing Ubuntu.. Whenever I try it says "soft lockup detected on CPU#0" and then everything stops (which is logical with a soft lockup..). Does anyone have a clue on what I could do to fix this?12:54
ranmansternetius: press cntl + alt + f112:54
ranmanthen login12:54
umarmungDreamerHxC: can you switch to a textconsole? ctrl+alt+f112:54
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DreamerHxCand I can ctrl + alt + backspace12:54
atomikulinuxyeah though12:54
atomikulinuxwho was it that gave me that link12:54
umarmungDreamerHxC: then check the logs in /var/log and ~/.xsession-errors12:54
atomikulinux"how to restore grub"12:54
DreamerHxCis it the same than /var/log/Xorg.0.log?12:55
GumbyDreamerHxC: switch to a text tty console and then login as user and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  then install the driver and then do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:55
Gumbyoops, sorry... my bad12:55
Gumbygot two conversations mixed up I think12:55
DreamerHxCGumby binary driver or ubuntu driver? (I have an ATI and I got the same problem with ATI and with NVIDIA)12:56
YkraD`oFFpeople i need a little help :/12:56
Gumbystenetius: ctrl+alt+f1, login as user, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:56
YkraD`oFFive installed ubuntu on my laptop12:56
georgebatomikulinux: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Restore_Grub12:56
ranmansternetius: are you still here?12:56
umarmungDreamerHxC: no, xsession-errors protocols what happens after Xorg.0.log12:56
atomikulinuxI think im having a bit of trouble12:56
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GumbyDreamerHxC: forget what I said to you, I got two messages mixed up there for a sec12:56
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YkraD`oFFI've installetd Ubuntu 6.10 on my HP Pavilion dv5000 and i need Driver for WLAN etc. someone could help me ? :/12:56
ranmangumby: i think sternetius can't figure out how to get out of text console12:56
to4iHello everyone!12:57
=== YkraD`oFF is now known as DarkY
ranmanwhats your WLAN card?12:57
DreamerHxCGumby ok but it may work for me too12:57
atomikulinuxI mount / to where linux is installed... swap to a spare partition... but it says no root filesystem12:57
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Gumbyranman: well in that case,  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm retart12:57
Gumbyrestart too :)12:57
stenetiusIf I just go to Tty1 the X server keeps running, and the NVidia driver's installer likes that not.. How do I *quit* X?12:57
atomikulinuxwhere to I mount /boot to?12:57
Gumbystenetius: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:57
DarkStormand my laptop hung up when i woke him up from standy12:57
DarkStormsuper <.<12:57
Gumbystenetius: it would be a good idea to log out of gnome first12:58
ranmanstenetius: type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:58
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atomikulinuxalso wheres the best place to mount this spare hard drive to?12:58
DarkStormgone eating wil be back12:58
atomikulinuxjust for putting random files on it12:58
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ranmanbut if you are trying to use the drivers from the nvidia site... you won't be happy12:58
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georgebatomikulinux: you should have somthing like /dev/hda1 mounted to /; /dev/hda2 mounted to /boot; /dev/hda3 mounted to /usr; /dev/hda4 swap12:58
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Gumbyatomikulinux: wherever you like really.  if its going to be accessed by only one user, yourself... you might want to put it in /home/username/mount_point12:59
atomikulinuxWell then12:59
ranmanhmm... mysql is not working *cries*12:59
misc--gday... I was just wondering, I want to setup virtual mail with postfix/mysql. I know that there is a howto on it but is there a web interface available for managing the virtual domains/users?12:59
dmndwhat repository can i use to install E17?12:59
atomikulinuxboot isnt mounted to anything atm12:59
georgebatomikulinux: if you don't have a partition for /boot, one for /usr; etc then you don't need to mount something there12:59
atomikulinuxI want boot on the linux parition12:59
atomikulinuxI click next but it says "No root filesystem"12:59
georgebatomikulinux: then in the menu just specify /dev/hda1 as /; /dev/hda2 as swap12:59
thandavarayanIt will be interesting if some one point to E17 repos...01:00
georgebatomikulinux: oh.. I think that was a problem, let me check01:00
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unfunWhere can I get a good dvd burner program?01:00
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:00
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DreamerHxCwhy the hell do I get "Error: unable to open display (null)" when I do fglxinfo with my ATI01:04
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atomikulinuxwell georgeb01:05
atomikulinuxbrb im gonna get my hair cut01:05
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DreamerHxCim gonna killmyslf01:06
defryskto boldly go where baldies go01:06
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georgebatomikulinux: there is a bug in the installer that causes this "no root filesystem"; second method: sudo mkdir /mnt/temp; sudo mount /dev/hdxy (the path for your root partition) /mnt/temp; sudo grub-install /dev/hdx --root-directory=/mnt/temp/boot/grub01:07
thandavarayan<dmnd>: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=52027&p=101:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about convert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
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unfunIs there a program who converts avi, divx, xvid to dvd?01:10
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defryskunfun, yes01:11
defryskffmpeg and dvdauthor01:11
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defryskalso transcode can do this01:12
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DreamerHxCwhy the hell do I get "Error: unable to open display (null)" when I do fglxinfo with my ATI01:13
DreamerHxCglxinfo I meant01:13
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ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:13
unfunWhat is edgy and should I get it?01:13
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download01:14
apokryphosunfun: check the FAQ as linked in the channel topic01:14
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CorpseFeedersomeone tell me why under Places>Computer I see CD-ROM 1 and CD-ROM Drive? I only have on physical CD-ROM drive in this machine.01:14
CorpseFeederIS this normal?01:15
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SmiffehSame occours with my floppy drive01:16
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CorpseFeederProperties for "CD-ROM 1" says "type:folder contents:nothing location computer:/// volume:/ freespace:6.9Gb Modified:30 sept 2006" That doesn't sound like a CD-Rom drive to me? wtf is going on?01:17
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CorpseFeederAny know how I fix this?01:18
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stylinanyone know an .iso image burning prog that doesn't use cdrecord internally ?01:24
CorpseFeederok.. I worked out that the other CD-ROM is my hard disk. That is why it says it has 6.9Gb free. Now why is ubuntu calling it a CD drive and how do I fix this?01:24
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CorpseFeederit seems I only ever have the impossible questions...01:26
susujj] 01:27
slickyim using flgrx and XGL with an ati radon card.. and my 3d acceleration works fine..  but the direct rendring dosent work.. im i able to use them bouth at the same time?01:27
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:27
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kandinskiI upgraded dapper->edgy yesterday, and I am having libgl trouble:   libgl1-mesa-dev: Depende de: mesa-common-dev (= 6.5.1~20060817-0ubuntu3) pero 6.5.1+cvs20060824 va a ser instalado01:30
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kandinskiSpanish error, says "depends on" X "but" Y "will be installed"01:30
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kandinskican anyone help?01:30
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soundraykandinski: what with?01:31
kandinskioh, sorry01:31
kandinskikandinski@derive:~/packages/qemu/qemu-0.8.2/debian$ sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev01:31
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kandinskiwhen trying to install gl acceleration01:31
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=== Belboz99 [n=dan@adsl-75-21-111-233.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Belboz99Hey, anyone here want to help me with a serious nvidia problem?01:33
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FirstStrikeInstall the drivers :P01:33
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kandinskiFirstStrike: you talking to me?01:34
ziopeppemy first day with Linux!!! Ubuntu01:34
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Belboz99I've done everything from compile a new kernel to reinstalling the OS, nothing works01:34
FirstStrikeziopeppe: Yay!01:34
CorpseFeederif I type "sudo nautilus" then go deleting icons and folders at random, is there a chance I will break something?01:34
bunnythebunnyziopeppe: hurrah!01:34
FirstStrikekandinski: no01:34
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kdingoCorpseFeeder: it's almost certain01:35
kandinskiactually, apt-get remove mesa* && apt-get clean solved it now01:35
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slickyav been reading.. so it not possible to run both 3d acceleration and direct rendering with a ATI card and the xgl?  yes/no01:35
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trench-not at the current ati driver situation01:35
defryskslicky, /j #ubuntu-xgl01:35
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slickydefrysk:  ye.. im there.. but they are sleeping lol01:36
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defryskslicky, smart folks there :D01:36
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stenetiusIs there still a sources.list editor?01:36
slickytrench-: does aiglx work with ati then?01:36
slickyboth direct 3d and direct rendering?01:37
trench-stenetius, adept manager can edit it i believe01:37
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ryanakcahow do you make a file permanently keep say... 755 premissions and the owners 'www-data:subversion'... because each time I commit to my subversion, it changes to 740 ryan:ryan01:37
trench-i've seen it done with opensource drivers, not proprietary however01:37
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slickytrench-:  so it a "driver hack" ?   would a noob like me be able to install it? :o01:38
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buddhidoes gnucash2.0.2 work with ubuntu 6.1001:39
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trench-i'm not an ati user...so i can't explain thoroughly,,,however from what i hear from people, it's either fglrx/xgl, or opensource/aiglx01:39
lsprocHow do I change the icon next to Applications. I set the icon theme to GNOME and I want it to go back to the foot01:40
CorpseFeederok.. I deleted a bunch of random folders and icons as root, now I will reboot and see what has broken :)01:40
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stenetiustrench-: How do I start the "adept manager"?01:40
soundraykandinski: sorry, I was distracted. There are good instructions on the wiki:01:40
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soundray!ati | kandinski01:41
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ubotukandinski: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:41
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noomzI think version 8.31.5 of ATI driver have a bug01:41
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slickytrench-: okey..01:41
slickyno shit lol01:41
noomzThen i downgrade to 8.28.x01:42
ThePubanyhow know of a way to restrain windows maximization toa  specific area on the screen?01:43
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kamuiis it possible to set up a vhost on a local ubuntu box?01:44
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iwksehi..there's some problems with mysql-test-run script and ubuntu..looks like PATH problem..is known?01:46
DarkStorm2k7i need help by my wlan installaton :/01:47
DarkStorm2k7the ubuntu included ieee80211 sems not to work01:47
DarkStorm2k7so i removed it01:47
DarkStorm2k7and tryed to installed a new one from ieee80211.sourceforge.et01:47
cew_cutesapa yach01:47
DarkStorm2k7but it wont work :/01:47
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Seveascew_cute, please behave01:48
cew_cutekok bhs inggris01:48
DarkStorm2k7someone want to help me? ^^01:48
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cew_cutemxd u01:49
Seveas!doesn't work | DarkStorm2k701:49
ubotuDarkStorm2k7: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.01:49
graulichhow do I set the currency symbol used by the system? (ubuntu 6.10 gnome)01:49
DarkStorm2k7okay ^^01:49
DarkStorm2k7ill do make01:49
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DarkStorm2k7and it works01:49
DarkStorm2k7ill do make install01:49
DarkStorm2k7also works01:49
DarkStorm2k7but when i try to install my network card driver01:49
DarkStorm2k7its ipw3945.sourceforge.net01:49
Seveaswhich version of Ubuntu?01:50
DarkStorm2k7downloaded yesterday ^^01:50
Seveasthat's odd at best, haven't heard trouble reports yet01:50
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Seveaswhat goes wrong with the ubuntu-provided version?01:50
DarkStorm2k7ill reinstall it by pacakage manger01:50
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DarkStorm2k7just a moment01:51
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DarkStorm2k7error does not append of the version :/01:51
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Momalhas anyone here been able to make mysql under ubuntu be accessed via other ip's before ??01:51
basvgsuppose you have a dualboot box (my dad has linux + windows these days). He wants to be able to boot the windows he has installed from within linux. Is that even possible?01:51
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P2KDoes this mean i need to install vid drivers to be able to play WoW etc ? libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:52
P2Kdirect rendering: Yes01:52
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SeveasMomal, sure, enable tcp connections and allow the connections 01:52
DarkStorm2k7okays ive reinstalled the iee80211-source @ Seveas01:52
DarkStorm2k7when i do make at my wlan driver01:52
DarkStorm2k7i get this:01:52
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SeveasDarkStorm2k7, you don't need iee80211-source01:53
cello_rasptyring to install vmware server, but: "A previous installation of VMware software has been detected." and I just removed vmware player01:53
MomalSeveas: How do I do that?... from what I have read I only had to uncomment a bind_address line but it dind't work :(. using mysql 4.101:53
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Seveasboth that and the ipw3945(sp?) drivers are included in ubuntu01:53
cello_raspcan anyone help me install vmware server01:53
DarkStorm2k7lol? they are?01:53
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DarkStorm2k7ill look at the manager moment..01:53
DarkStorm2k7im ex-suse user... please dont hit me :x01:54
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iwksecello_rasp: vware-player isn't vwware-server01:54
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DarkStorm2k7i cannot find ipw3945 at the synaptic paketmanager01:54
SeveasDarkStorm2k7, it's in the kernel itself01:54
Seveasyou don't need extra packages01:54
travkin Error loading '/home/travkin/.xchat2/xmms-info.pl':01:54
travkin Can't locate MP3/Info.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.8 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at (eval 4) line 4.01:54
travkin BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 4) line 4.01:54
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cello_raspiwkse: i know that. i just removed player because servers wont install b/c of existing vmware s/w, and it still says 'vmware software installed'01:55
tengili installed edgy and now i got two packages (libggi2 and mplayer) that are grayed out in the update-manager. why is that?01:55
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DarkStorm2k7okay... and how to manage the wlan?01:55
DarkStorm2k7wiconfig dont works...01:55
DarkStorm2k7command not found01:55
Seveastengil, please paste the output of 'apt-get upgrade' on paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:55
DarkStorm2k7kwlan ...01:56
iwksecello_rasp: remove conf files in etc01:56
SeveasDarkStorm2k7, edit /etc/network/interfaces or use knetworkmanager/network-manager-gnome01:56
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tengilSeveas: yeah it says they been hold back, but why did that happen?01:56
P2KDoes this mean i need to install vid drivers to be able to play WoW etc ? libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b01:56
P2Kdirect rendering: Yes01:56
cello_raspthanks iwkse01:57
Seveastengil, upgrading them probably needs extra packages, try apt-get dist-upgrade01:57
iwkseP2K: do you an an intel i180 card?01:58
tengilSeveas: got the same as with upgrade01:58
Seveastengil, interesting...01:58
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CoRnJuLiOxhow do i run a .bin file?01:58
Seveastengil, apt-get dist-upgrade -o"Debug::PkgProblemResolver=true"01:58
P2Kiwkse: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R480 [Radeon X850Pro] 01:58
CoRnJuLiOxi've tried sh, run, and ./ but none work...01:58
Seveastengil, and pastebin the output01:58
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iwkseP2K: i get the same error on a intel i810..01:59
DarkStorm2k7okay i tried to add a network @ klan @ Seveas01:59
SeveasCoRnJuLiOx, chmod +x bla.bin and then ./bla.bin01:59
DarkStorm2k7"network could not by actived at wpa_suppliant konfiguration"01:59
P2Khehe, odd01:59
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DarkStorm2k7i must start a wpa supllicant01:59
DarkStorm2k7but which driver01:59
DarkStorm2k7k ipw...01:59
DarkStorm2k7found my own answer02:00
P2Kim reluctant to install propriety drivers, everytime i try to do it, end with me re-installing edgy lol02:00
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iwkseP2K: i still haven't search for solution..02:00
SeveasDarkStorm2k7, if you need wpa, use network-manager02:01
Seveasit's great at handling wpa02:01
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P2Kok, ty :)02:01
tengilSeveas: its answering in swedish now. will that be a problem?02:02
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Seveastengil, err, yes02:02
tengilthought so02:02
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Seveastengil, LC_ALL=C apt-get dist-upgrade -o"Debug::PkgProblemResolver=true"02:02
tengilim trying to get it switched back to english02:02
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Seveastengil, prepending 'LC_ALL=C' will do that for that command only, which is useful 02:03
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mtymobilehi all02:03
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mtymobileis there a way to launch a window from xterm, setting a custom resolution ??\02:04
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CoRnJuLiOxto make a folder hidden, you just add a . in front of the name, right?02:05
MomalSeveas: How do I do that?... from what I have read I only had to uncomment a bind_address line but it dind't work :(. using mysql 4.102:05
tengilSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33902/02:05
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mtymobileCoRnJuLiOx: right02:05
SeveasMomal, (mysql 4.1 is not supported by ubuntu, only 5.0)02:05
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SeveasMomal, please pastebin your config02:06
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mtymobileis there a way to launch a window from xterm, setting a custom resolution ??02:06
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Seveastengil, could you also please pastebin your sources.list02:06
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iwkseP2K: Mesa CVS fixes it02:07
mtymobileis there a way to launch a window from xterm, setting a custom resolution ??02:07
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tengilSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33903/02:07
Seveas!repeatr mtymobile02:07
Seveas!repeat mtymobile02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeatr mtymobile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat mtymobile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
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iwkse!Mesa CVS02:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Mesa CVS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:07
Seveassombody hit me02:08
mtymobileSeveas: ??02:08
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P2Kiwkse: hehe i was just linking you the same thing i think you just read hehe02:08
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mtymobileSeveas: i want to launch a window that already has a custom resize and position02:08
slickyhey.. can anyone look at this howto and tell me if it good or not? http://ru.gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_direct_rendering_without_proprietary_drivers_for_ATI_Radeon_960002:09
MomalSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33905/02:09
iwkseP2K: i think yes:)02:09
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Seveastengil, your sources.lis is broken02:09
MomalSeveas: Do you recommend I goto mysql 50 ?02:09
highnekoslicky: Just from the url I can tell it's a gentoo guide, so probably not good.02:09
SeveasMomal, if possible yes02:09
tengilSeveas: oh where?02:09
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Seveastengil, you're missing things, hang on I'll write you a better one02:10
TattjWhen I start installing ubuntu, I'm missing text in the splash screen02:10
Tattjalso, it doesn't boot from HD02:10
MomalSeveas: installing mysql 5.0 with apt-get it will remove 4.1... will it auto transfer my curent databases? or doi need to back up then manually02:10
CoRnJuLiOxanyone know how to add desktop icons in xfce?02:10
iwkseTattj: mmh...how do you install it? CD?02:10
TattjWhen I  try to boot from my hard drive, the screen goes blank and freezes02:10
jokoonI haven't tested it yet, but are MKV files (matroska container thing) working on ubuntu with multiverse or other thing I activated ?02:10
TattjI installed it with a cd02:11
DarkYSeveas you dont talk german... do u?02:11
iwkseTattj: you're able to use it live?02:11
Tattjyeah :I02:11
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SeveasDarkY, a bit, but #ubuntu-de people are better at it02:12
DarkYSeveas: network selector finds no network :/02:12
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Seveastengil, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33906/02:12
iwkseTattj: 6.10?02:12
TattjBut with HD it says something like "starting GRUB..." and after that it jams02:12
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SeveasMomal, it will sit right next to 4.1 and not migrate data02:12
tengilSeveas: thanks02:12
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SeveasMomal, you can also just stay with 4.1 and pastebin your configuration :)02:13
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MomalSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33905/ | I posted it before you might have missed it :p02:13
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jokoonAre MKV files working on ubuntu ?02:13
SeveasMomal, heh :)02:13
DarkYSeveas: my network selector finds no network the dropdown list is empty02:13
Seveasjokoon, yes, you may need to install the mastroska libraries02:14
DarkYSeveas: and there is display: no wirless-networks are aviable02:14
major|who do i use wine????02:14
SeveasDarkY, pastebin /etc/network/interfaces02:14
jokoonthanks Seveas :)02:14
Zlaxwhats the best way to sahre internet connection in Ubuntu and Windows so the clients dont need to modify they parameters ( clients are working in windows )02:14
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SeveasMomal, line 52: that needs to be uncommented and have your real ip or, not
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Yasuohi, where do i find alsa-conf to configure my soundcard?02:15
gazedosudo apt-cache find alsa02:16
Yasuogazedo, the comand is search02:16
user-landdoes someone here have access to update the bot ?02:16
TattjI'm going to reinstall my Ubuntu to (hda). Installer wants GRUB to be installed in (hd0). Is this right?02:16
DarkYSeveas: http://paste.ubunutu-nl.org/3390702:16
DarkYand my wlan interface is eth102:17
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gazedothanks yasuo02:17
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user-landhow many harddisks do you have tattj ?02:17
YasuoTattj, hd0 is for grub the first harddrive02:17
TattjOnly one02:17
user-landthen it is right.02:17
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SeveasDarkY, can you post a screenshot of the network selector02:18
Tattjthanks, installing :) ->02:18
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MomalSeveas: I tried (my lan ip) im trying to get my other box to access it. It still can't and I tried and still didn't :(02:18
gazedomy sound won't go up to the full volume that it would've in windows02:18
gazedois there an easy fix?02:18
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roboguyHi - has anyone got experience with the ivtv drivers on edgy?02:18
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CoRnJuLiOxhow would i create a shortcut to a program that ISNT in the 'path'?02:19
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SeveasMomal, did you restart mysql after changing the config? And did you add a user that can connect from that host?02:19
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MomalSeveas: and I did restart server with stop and start and yea connecting as root user02:19
Yasuodoes anyone know wheer i do get the programm alsaconf, as known in debian?02:19
CoRnJuLiOxbecause i just downloaded realplayer and installed it to my /home/MYUSERNAME/jr's/.RealPlayer and wanted to know how to create a shortcut to it..can anyone lend a hand?02:19
SeveasMomal, root user by default can only connect from localhost02:19
gazedoanybody know anything about sound02:20
SeveasCoRnJuLiOx, please remove it and install a proper realplayer package02:20
MomalSeveas: that would explain it :p.. will create new user and that and try again02:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:20
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Seveas!realplayer > CoRnJuLiOx02:20
tengilSeveas: i get the same now02:20
Seveastengil, that is odd02:20
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Dreamgliderhow can i in terminal ping from to .255 in one command ?02:21
tengili first did apt-get update then  apt-get upgrade and also tried apt-get dist-upgrade02:21
Seveastengil, apt-cache policy mplayer02:21
tengildo you want me to paste output in pastebin?02:22
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Seveasyes please02:23
Dreamglideri cant remember the ip on my accesspoint02:23
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lior_solomonCould anyone help me install hebrew fonts to my open office?02:23
graulichis it possible to tell ubuntu what currency symbol to use?02:23
Benzieshave you got automatix?02:23
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SeveasBenzies, do NOT recommend automatix02:24
gazedohow do u make sound go up all the way to the same as windows?02:24
tengilSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33909/02:24
Seveasit will break systems02:24
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Dreamglidercan i ping in onc command from to ?02:25
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Benziesonly to
Benzies255 is a broadcast address02:25
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Dreamgliderok 254 then :)02:25
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Benziesare you pinging IRC ?02:26
Benziesor is it ORC ?02:26
SeveasDreamglider, ping -b
Arron76is there any im that can use msn custom emoticons and webcam with sound? or can gaim do it somehow?02:26
ActivEto install kde on my ubuntu system should i just install it through synaptic?02:26
=== mypapit w00f w00f
Benzies192 is a private address02:26
ubotuklibido: usenet binary grabber for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 411 kB, installed size 1336 kB02:26
Dreamglideri just need to ping everything on my lan02:26
Benziesnot an internet address02:26
Benziesahh i see02:26
P2K!world of warcraft02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about world of warcraft - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
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DarkYSeveas: now i did some shit02:26
Benziesangry ip scanner :P FTW02:26
Seveastengil, apt-get install mplayer02:26
DarkYSeveas: after install there is the card display in the device manager02:27
DarkYSeveas: but there is "wlan interface" no longer02:27
Seveasthat will force mplayer to have a higher priority and should clean up the library jumble02:27
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DarkYSeveas: so ive got just eth0 and lo :/02:27
gazedohow do i check for help on sound02:27
DreamgliderSeveas, that only ping *.25402:27
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Benzieswhat sound card do you have?02:28
atomikulinuxokay im back02:28
atomikulinuxcheck out my sexy new hair cut02:28
Arcad3how can i upgrade from Ubuntu server to Ubuntu 6.06 using the CD?02:28
gazedoits an inbuilt intel and i can't find the exact02:28
tengilthanks Seveas02:28
matsatomikulinux: hot!02:28
gazedobut i think its a AC' 9702:28
Seveastengil, that worked?02:28
DreamgliderSeveas, thanka02:28
atomikulinuxmats: thanks XD02:28
atomikulinuxokay now back to my serious problem02:28
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atomikulinuxIve moved linux over from one hard drive to another... GRUB isnt liking it at all02:28
good_i've a problem02:29
atomikulinuxWhen I boot ubuntu from grub, ubuntu gets me to this "tty" thing02:29
Seveasatomikulinux, then reinstall grub02:29
good_internet works but it takes ages to open a website02:29
tengilSeveas: yes that worked02:29
Arcad3how can i upgrade from Ubuntu server to Ubuntu 6.06 using the CD?02:29
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matsatomikulinux: you better reinstall grup for taht02:29
Seveasboot from a live cd, mount the installed system, chroot into it and install grub02:29
Dreamglidercan anyone help me to get wifi to work ?02:29
good_it seems like it tries to use ipv6 and than ipv402:29
good_or something like that02:29
=== mats lags
atomikulinuxHow to reinstall GRUB02:29
Seveastengil, please pastebin the output so I can analyse it. SOmething needs to be fixed :)02:29
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picurmy name is barbara02:30
atomikulinuxi tried reinstalling GRUB by using the livecd setup thing02:30
good_anyway it takes a lot of time to load sites or it doesn't load them at all02:30
matsatomikulinux: 2sec, ill find a guide02:30
atomikulinuxbut failed due to noobishmness02:30
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atomikulinuxmats: Thanks dude02:30
Calvin18hi how do i choose which gcc to use when i am making a programme?02:30
good_does anyone know how to solve that?02:30
Calvin18for example if i have 2 gcc installed? gcc3 and gcc402:30
SeveasCalvin18, explicitely say gcc-3.4 or gcc-4.1 instead of gcc02:30
tengilSeveas: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33912/02:30
Seveasor to make another one the default: ln -sf /usr/bin/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc02:31
Calvin18Seveas: do i set it in any parameters?02:31
SeveasCalvin18, parameters of what?02:31
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Calvin18make? or configure?02:31
SeveasCC=gcc-3.4 make02:31
DarkYSeveas: i need help :/ after restart eth1 disappered...02:31
velmimilynekrofihi all, i added existing user to existing group but it seems he still cant access his group files do i need to reboot ?02:31
Seveasthat should set the compiler to gcc-3.402:31
atomikulinuxanother thing02:32
matsatomikulinux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phbc50/howtos/how-to_reinstall_grub?highlight=%28grub%2902:32
atomikulinuxmy swap parition has moved over, too02:32
DarkYSeveas: my wlan card is in the device manager but without "wlan interface" :/02:32
SeveasDarkY, look under the bed or in the mailbox02:32
picurhi everibody02:32
atomikulinuxWhen youre setting ubuntu up you get to chose where to mount the swap paritions, etc02:32
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Seveasvelmimilynekrofi, that user needs to log out and log back in02:32
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atomikulinuxI need to know how to do that since my patitions have changed02:32
atomikulinuxalso you'll notice that i just cant type paritiotns02:32
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atomikulinuxwhy cant i type paritions02:32
velmimilynekrofiseveas than you02:32
Seveasatomikulinux, mats just gave you a link02:33
atomikulinuxyeah im checkin it now02:33
atomikulinuxThanks matas02:33
Efros2anyone wanna give me a hand with force mounting a drive02:33
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matsatomikulinux: i hope i solves it for you - if it dosnt, ill try to figer it out ;)02:33
picurhly valaki l02:33
Calvin18anyone tried compiling a crosscompiler for i686-linux-gnu on cygwin?02:33
Seveaspicur, english only please02:34
atomikulinuxThanks dude :D02:34
atomikulinuxFollowing the tutorial now...02:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about en - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:34
Dreamglideri have a USB wireless dongle (XWL-11GUZX) can i use it to get online with ubuntu ?02:34
atomikulinuxHmm does HDA work out to be hd0?02:35
Seveas!en is <reply> The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat02:35
ubotuI'll remember that, Seveas02:35
atomikulinuxHDB = hd1 ?02:35
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Efros2I have a ntfs partition marked for checking in windows which is now history, but I need to access osome files before I reformat it, what is the syntax for a force mount02:35
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CoRnJuLiOxok, i'm looking to make a partition bigger, does ubuntu come w/any partition managing software?02:36
SeveasCoRnJuLiOx, gparted/kparted02:36
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ThePubparted ftw02:36
finalbetaCoRnJuLiOx, not that I know of, but make sure you take backups, because those things are doomed to go wrong.02:36
atomikulinuxOkay looks like grub is installed... Running "install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) (hd0)1+15 p (hd0,0)/boot/grub/stage202:37
atomikulinux/boot/grub/menu.lst"... succeeded02:37
Arcad3sudo apt-get -f install02:37
Arcad3  sudo dpkg --configure -a02:37
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bobbobowitzhas installed Ubuntu on a PS3 yet (those who have one)?  I have FC5 on it now, but I prefer ubuntu, I find apt much faster than yum, and there are a few other things that FC5 isn't doing for me.  I heard somewhere that there isn't Ubuntu support for the Cell processor yet, is that true?02:37
atomikulinuxBRB, lets hope this works...02:37
RprpHi, how can i configure my drivers? If i play a game itcrashes after 5 minutes :/02:37
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Seveasbobbobowitz, your fc5 also probably doesn't support the cell processor and just rund on the ppc core it has02:38
Seveasubuntu would do the same02:38
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bobbobowitzwhen I boot FC5, and see the boot-up, I see 2 big penguins, and 6 small ones that say SPU02:38
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bobbobowitzI googled SPU, and it said it was Symetric Processing Unit or something, and that is what the cell is02:39
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bobbobowitzor is made up of02:39
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Efros2I can mount the drive but I get The folder contents could not be displayed.You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "hde1".02:39
stenetiussudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome cgwd02:39
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stenetiusI'm trying this.02:39
stenetiusUhm.. it says:02:40
stenetiusThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:40
stenetius  compiz: Depends: compiz-plugins (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed02:40
stenetiusE: Broken packages02:40
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bobbobowitzI think the issue might be that FC5 has a special way to install, you need a kboot file or something, it isn't a standard boot, I'll find the directions, if anyone wants.....02:40
travkinstenetius, check ur repos02:41
travkinand apt-get update02:41
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stenetiusI have the beerorkid repos added in the sources.list file.02:41
gazedohow do u check what kind of sound card u have02:42
r_rehashedhellao everybody02:42
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P2Kgazedo: lspci should do it02:42
RprpHi, how can i configure my drivers? If i play a game itcrashes after 5 minutes :/02:42
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r_rehashedI am unable to access the wine repository for edgy, amd6402:43
TheGino_Frankd/l a program that is script dont know how to install right way what are the steps02:43
freshmouseHi, can you help me? I would like to rename ~/Desktop, but if I will do it, GNOME creates new ~/Desktop... Is it possible, to give own name to the ~/Desktop?02:43
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bobbobowitzRprp, what is the game that is crashing?02:43
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piotr___S tu jacy uytkownicy ubuntu FF?02:43
RprpI got ~ 250 fps but after 5 minutes it crashes :/02:43
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feydinhi, is there any repository in which is tracker for amd64?02:44
gazedoi have Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) and the sound wont go up all the way like it went in windows02:44
RprpBy other users it works fine on linux02:44
matsatomikulinux: how did i go?02:44
RprpI think it are my drivers but ow can i CONFIGURE the drivers?02:44
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r_rehashedit is trying to access, http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  when there is no binary-amd64 folder02:44
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atomikulinuxGrub works fine but ubuntu loads up it goes to this black screen02:44
atomikulinuxsomethign like /dev/ssh: can not access tty job control turned off02:44
bobbobowitzyou have an nvidia card?02:44
atomikulinuxsomething like "Debian busybox"02:45
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bobbobowitzother users on your computer, or just others in general?02:45
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atomikulinuxmy swap parition has moved over you see...02:45
atomikulinuxI think that could be it02:45
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freshmouse... I tried too search in GConf, but without results...02:45
gazedoP2K, i have Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) and the sound wont go up all the way like it went in windows can i fix it?02:45
freshmouse* to02:45
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bobbobowitzwhat do you mean by freeze, does it give you an error, or does it just stop?02:46
travkin4/clear al02:46
RprpIt freezes.02:46
matsatomikulinux: /dev/ssh? cant say it gives me much :( any idea what the swap i named now?02:46
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RprpIts stopping and i ant do anything.02:46
Zlaxis it possible to do NAT with one network card02:47
gazedoi have Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) and the sound wont go up all the way like it went in windows can i fix it?02:47
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atomikulinuxmats: Hmm?02:47
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CoRnJuLiOxZlax: dont you need a router for NAT?02:48
bobbobowitzI've never heard of this game, but since there is a linux version, I don't know.  Is your computer in a cooled place?  I don't think it is the drivers02:48
P2Kgazedo: what app are you having the issue with ?02:48
TheGino_Frankd/l a program that is script dont know how to install right way what are the steps02:48
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gazedoall sound applications02:48
matsatomikulinux: ill try too google now.. :o havnt had this problem before02:48
trench-check levels in alsamixer02:48
bobbobowitzdo other games work fine?02:48
Rprpbobbobowitz: yes,m its cooled and it works fine on windows.02:48
P2Kwhat he said :p02:48
RprpDunno, i dont have installed other games yet02:49
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RprpAnd, by other users on linux it works fine :/02:49
gazedoi have, i have looked up all the fixes that i could find that are on the internet and i saw that it said it couldn't be fixed02:49
Tattjgah, same problem again02:49
bobbobowitzit might be the linux build, but I'm not sure.  It could be that the other users have a different setup.02:49
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TattjGRUB loads, I choose my linux -> black screen with flickering white bar @ left top corner02:50
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gazedotattj, sounds like xserver error02:50
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bobbobowitzAs in, the linux build is fine for others, because their hardware is supported.  You might have something weird or different in there that is crashing the game.02:51
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bobbobowitzBut I don't know for sure since I don't know this game.02:51
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deusjevoo!seen janchi02:51
ubotuI last saw Janchi (i=hidden-u@a80-127-157-130.adsl.xs4all.nl) 2d 1h 46m 52s ago, quiting: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)02:51
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RprpHmmmm ;/02:52
bobbobowitzI'd try another native linux game first, and if it has issues, than I'd think it could be your drivers.02:52
=== cosmodad [n=johndoe@dslb-088-064-189-094.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tattjgazedo, are there any ways to fix this?02:52
cosmodadhi -- can anyone recommend an WAV-to-MP3 encoder under Ubuntu?02:52
cosmodadjust encoding, no ripping02:52
KDancosmodad: lame02:52
cosmodadand GUI, sorry02:52
matsatomikulinux: http://www.uclibc.org/FAQ.html#job_control ,02:53
KDanwhy gui?02:53
RprpBut, how can i make the CONFIGURE 'good' ?02:53
nolimitsoyacosmodad, cant soudjuicer use a wav for input?02:53
atomikulinuxmats:  i think i may have fixed it already02:53
atomikulinuxlemme check that first02:53
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gazedotattj, have u customized your xorg.conf at all?02:53
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saimu0problem with my resolutin can anyone help?02:54
Zlaxsry wasnt here for the moment02:54
cosmodadnolimitsoya: I can't manage to do that02:54
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nolimitsoyacosmodad, ok, just a thought. never used soundjuicer myself :)02:54
Tattjgazedo, no. I can't because my Ubuntu does not load :/02:54
Zlaxis it possible to do nat with one network card02:54
bobbobowitzWhat do you mean the CONFIGURE?  It might be setup fine for your hardware, but the game might not like your hardware or something02:54
cosmodadKDan: for the sake of not-doing console work02:54
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cosmodadnolimitsoya: me neither, just did a quick check02:54
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nolimitsoyacosmodad, i think youll find using the console a lot less hassle than many gui apps. why this consolofobia?02:55
KDancosmodad: but... why? ;-)02:55
r_rehashedhow do I access the wine repositories for edgy (amd64) ?02:55
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KDancosmodad: ripping is one of the few tasks which is significantly easier on the console than with a gui02:55
saimu0Problem with SCREEN RES and VIDEOCARD  can anyone help ?02:55
KDani mean encoding02:55
nolimitsoyar_rehashed, wine is already in the repos02:55
nolimitsoya!wine | r_rehashed02:55
ubotur_rehashed: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:55
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nolimitsoyahm... ok,well, i hoped it would tell you what repo,...02:56
Zlaxwho has problems with games02:56
r_rehashedbut isn't that an outdated version?02:56
KDanone command line call vs. 5 gazillion clicks --- the command line wins every time and scales up with the number of tracks you're trying to encode02:56
matscedega for games, wine for programs02:56
nolimitsoyar_rehashed, if so id think itll be backported pretty soon anyway02:56
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Zlaxmats: u r right02:57
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jhasseHow can i turn off that the entries of my windows in the gnome-panel have drag and drop?02:57
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matsdee: ;)02:57
deecould someone tell me how to start compiz?02:57
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cosmodadKDan, nolimitsoya: I'm a console type of guy myself but adding bunch of switches via console isn't what I call comfort02:57
r_rehashedcan I help in backporting applcations?02:57
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DarkYSeveas: my eth1 is now totally disappered no way to geht back..02:57
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cosmodadKDan, nolimitsoya: I find it much nicer if I just enter a bunch of fields and hit go02:57
nolimitsoyacosmodad, you could always make a conf with your preffered settings as default02:58
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Zlaxnat with 1 network card??????02:58
savvasHow can i encrypt files with right-click? there was a package with gnupg if i'm not wrong..02:58
DarkYokay if he is busy... :/02:58
DarkYpeople ive got an centrio3 with 3945abg INTEL WLAN.... ive just found networks with kwlan and no the eth1 is disappered... what should i do?02:58
matsZlax: No one knows, i belive. I know it works nice with 2 cards :p02:58
r_rehashedI mean can I download the source code of an application and compile it for my arch. and then submit it..02:58
cosmodadnolimitsoya: yeah I could...02:58
KDancosmodad: that is really the easiest option... set up once and run forever...02:59
cosmodadnolimitsoya: and I probably will since there doesn't seem to be a Ubuntu-equivalent to CDex02:59
KDani think all the equivalents also do ripping02:59
KDanthere's certainly some rippers out there02:59
KDan(with guis)02:59
cosmodadKDan: but I've found non which does not rely on ripping02:59
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matsZlax: why use nat with one card?02:59
cosmodadKDan: they all require ripping sic03:00
=== DavidB [n=zarquon@adsl-69-177-233-24.adsl.snet.net] has joined #ubuntu
gazedotattj, i know that there is an answer but i can't find it right now, if i find it tonight i'll get bak to u, but keep asking03:00
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Tattjgazedo thank you :)03:00
Zlaxmats: can we talk in private its to crowded here?03:01
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matsZlax: off cource03:01
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matsbla, i cant type to day03:01
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stenetiusWhen I try to download compiz (thru apt) it gives me an error about broken packages.. could you give me a repo which works?03:01
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triablosomeone help me please with port forwarding03:02
DarkYpeople ive got an centrio3 with 3945abg INTEL WLAN.... ive just found networks with kwlan and no the eth1 is disappered... what should i do? >.<03:02
deestenetius: deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy for example03:02
stenetiusdee, it doesn't work.03:02
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deestenetius: whats the message exactly?03:02
matstriablo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PortForwarding?highlight=%28port%29%7C%28forwarding%2903:02
stenetiusdee, see PM03:03
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=== mats belives in the wiki.ubuntu.com
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ryanakcaok, with this file in '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled', why doesn't base.rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs/base, and why does rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs? rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/000-default03:03
atomikulinuxOkay so... Its still not working03:04
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deestenetius: I see no PM here..03:04
itrebalwhats the factoid about win32codecs?03:04
stenetiusI've sent you a private message.03:04
anton_hi :)03:04
gnomefreak!w32codecs | itrebal03:04
ubotuitrebal: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:04
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deestenetius: yes, I understand it, but I see no window with your name...03:05
atomikulinuxBasicaly, Ive moved all the files on my linux partition over to another hard drive. I believe ive restored GRUB properly but when ubuntu boots it goes to this "debian busybox" thing. It says it cant access TTY or something... "Job control turned off"03:05
stenetiusMy command is:03:05
gazedotattj, what kind of graphics card do you have?  Did you upgrade or do a fresh install03:05
KDanhmm. I've run a bunch of find commands and for some reason they've all hung.. now i can't even kill them with kill -9... any thoughts on how to exterminate them more thoroughly?03:05
atomikulinuxAlso, my swap partition has moved. But I dont know how to tell ubuntu to use this new swap partition from now on...03:05
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KDan(they're using up precious 'screen' screens on my console, the bastards)03:06
stenetiusdee, I received "test". Do you see my message now?03:06
stenetiusI've resent it.03:06
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deestenetius: sorry... maybe gaim does not like you. ;)03:07
deestenetius: and are you logged in?03:07
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stenetius My command is:03:07
stenetius sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa xserver-xorg libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome cgwd03:07
stenetius It gives me:03:07
stenetius The following packages have unmet dependencies:03:07
stenetius   compiz: Depends: compiz-plugins (>= 0.2) but it is not going to be installed03:07
stenetius E: Broken packages03:07
KDan(these commands have been hanging for about 6 hours now, so i really don't think they're going to return)03:07
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atomikulinuxAhh here we go: http://encodable.com/tech/blog/2006/10/30/Ubuntu_Linux_Hard_Drive_Upgrade03:08
triablohow to restart my connection to the internet without restarting my computer ?03:08
Rarjhello.. How do I install SDL on Ubuntu ?03:08
CoRnJuLiOx_is there a program out there that'll show me the biggest files on my HD?03:08
atomikulinuxlooks like hes having the same problem as me...03:08
deestenetius: hm, where have you foudn this? and do you have edgy?03:08
KDantriablo: ifconfig down03:08
KDantriablo: then ifconfig up03:08
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stenetiusdee, I found this at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1404733 And yeah, I have edgy.03:08
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KDanobviously don't do it remotely from ssh on a box far far away03:09
deestenetius: please comment out the other pakcages lists in sources.list and reload.03:09
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deethe "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins libxcomposite1"03:09
charlottecan anyone here tell me how to mount a filesystem trough ssh?03:09
stenetiusdee, what others? The official Ubuntu stuff?03:09
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nolimitsoyaKDan, i guess it could be done remotely with 'ifconfig down && ifconfig up'03:10
deestenetius: just use the official Ubuntu stuff. no beerorkid or anything else.03:10
anton_charlotte: what exactly do you want to do?03:10
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KDannolimitsoya: bit risky, still :-) imagine it doesn't come up03:10
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stenetiusdee, and try the command again? Mkay.03:10
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RarjHi, I cant do a ./configure on dosbox, gives me an error SDL package missing03:10
deestenetius: try my command. :)03:10
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stenetiusGive it to me :)03:11
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charlotteI know there is some way to mount the fielsystem of a remote server trough ssh. I just can't figure out how03:11
Arcad3what command shows IP?03:11
deeRarj: ist libsdl-dev installed?03:11
Rarjdee, how do I check ?03:11
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atomikulinuxhow do I get the UUID of a hard drive?03:11
anton_charlotte: with ssh, you are on the remote server, as if you had a terminal running on it directly03:11
KDancharlotte: i'm not aware of such a way, but what you could do is forward an NFS connection through ssh03:11
Arcad3what command shall i use to see my ip in ubuntu?03:11
stenetiusdee, what command?03:11
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deeRarj: just open the package management and lok for it. :)03:12
anton_Arcad3: ipconfig03:12
KDan(or, better, set up openvpn... it's very easy to set up)03:12
Rarjdee, ok03:12
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deestenetius:  "sudo apt-get install compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins libxcomposite1"03:12
Arcad3command not found03:12
deeArcad3: "ifconfig" :)03:12
anton_Arcad3: as root :)03:12
stenetiusdee, works.03:12
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deestenetius: fine. :)03:12
anton_Arcad3: or /sbin/ifconfig03:12
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stenetiusdee, how about configuring it?03:13
Arcad3got it thanks03:13
anton_dee: sorry, too much windows :)03:13
stenetiusFor edgy.03:13
Rarjdee, nopes. not there.. Do I do an apt-get install libsdl-dev ?03:13
atomikulinuxBasicaly, Ive moved all the files on my linux partition over to another hard drive. I believe ive restored GRUB properly but when ubuntu boots it goes to this "debian busybox" thing. It says it cant access TTY or something... "Job control turned off"03:13
atomikulinuxwho can help?03:13
deeand maybe now someone can help me to start compiz.03:13
anton_dee: are you sure you want compiz and not beryl?03:13
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matsatomikulinux: http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&lr=&q=can+not+access+tty+job+control+turned+off&btnG=Search03:13
deeRarj: sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev03:14
matsatomikulinux: havnt been across that problem before - sorry.03:14
Rarjdee, Ok... trying.. :)03:14
atomikulinuxits okay dude03:14
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triablois there any application for testing NAT, something like in azureus ?03:14
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deeanton_: unfortunately I'm the german wiki mod and must check all bling wikis. :( so I try to install compiz, then compiz-vanilla, then beryl and so on.03:14
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burwacohello everyone03:15
anton_dee: armes schwein :)03:15
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deeanton_: my problem is I do not found the syntax how to start compiz after logging on into an xgl-session.03:15
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deeanton_: you get it. :)03:15
anton_dee: strange. and apropos compiz says nothing, i trust03:16
dee"compiz --display :1" leads to "compiz: Another composite manager is already running on screen: 0 compiz: No manageable screens found on display :1"03:16
CoRnJuLiOxare there any HD cleaners for ubuntu? you know programs that delete cache files, empty folders, etc etc, basically freeing up space for you?03:16
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highnekoWhat's a good program for text and pictures? So I can write something and have the line below it a picture?03:16
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deeand I do not know why... xgl should work on :103:16
burwacoI have a question, I installed the latest generic kernel, but I'd like to know if my pentium m cpu is recognised, how can I know that ?03:16
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sukeltjesrry wrong paste03:17
anton_dee: that is strange. so what's running on screen :0?03:17
deeburwaco: type "cat /proc/cpuinfo"03:17
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burwacothe dee!03:17
stenetiusdee, how about CGWD?03:17
sukeltjeI have a question about Teamspeak server on Ubuntu03:17
deeanton_: good question... should be nothing at all. :)03:17
cherubielburwaco: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:17
sukeltjeany1 knows stuff about that?03:17
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anton_does ps aux | grep screen reveal anything?03:17
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deestenetius: what's this for?03:18
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Rarjdee, it says no installation candidate03:18
deedee       5512  5.3  6.5  81456 68308 ?        SL   14:55   1:15 Xgl :1 -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer03:18
deedee       5523  0.0  0.8  24432  8476 ?        S    14:55   0:00 /usr/lib/xfdesktop4/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-menu-plugin socket_id 8388657 name xfce4-menu id 1 display_name Xfce Men size 34 screen_position 103:18
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deeRarj: have you add all packages list liek universe and multiverse?03:19
Rarjdee, Package libsdl1.2-dev has no installation candidate03:19
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anton_dee: if i read that correctly, xfce is already running on :103:19
Rarjdee, lemme check03:19
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ryanakcaok, with this file in '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled', why doesn't base.rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs/base, and why does rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs? rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/000-default03:19
deeanton_: Xgl is running on :103:20
cherubiel!info libsdl1.2-dev | Rarj03:20
ubotulibsdl1.2-dev: Simple DirectMedia Layer development files. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10-3ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 708 kB, installed size 2756 kB03:20
deeand Xfce may be running on :0 yes.03:20
Rarjdee, yes I do03:20
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anton_dee: and xfce ontop of it, if i read that correctly03:20
atomikulinuxOkay so ive moved ubuntu and the swap partitions to different hard drives, Now when ubuntu boots it goes straight to "Debian BusyBox" /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off (initramfs)03:20
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deeRarj: did you made a typo?03:20
atomikulinuxHow can I fix this? What is misconfigured?03:20
cherubielRarj: on edgy?03:20
burwacodee, the cpu seems to be fine, where can I see the same info for the agp card ?03:20
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deeburwaco: lspci03:21
matsatomikulinux: try #linuxhelp allso, they may help03:21
Rarjdee, no03:21
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Rarjcherubiel, dapper03:21
anton_burwaco: if you really want information, try lshw as root :)03:21
cherubielRarj: taht version is in edgy03:21
burwacodee, it shows up there, but does that mean it works fine too ?03:21
deeRarj: strange... he package is there. I can install it. :)03:21
cherubiel!upgrade | Rarj03:21
ubotuRarj: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:21
atomikulinuxokay thanks mats03:22
matsatomikulinux: any time03:22
deeburwaco: I do not know what you use for hardware. If you have a clear screen it might work well. ;)03:22
Zylchecherubiel, I can see no way that bot can be abused.03:22
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forsakerhi :)03:22
anton_quick question for edgy eft users: how often do you get an upgrade? i'm beginning to suspect something may be broken with my installation.03:22
forsakerI'm trying setting up my pc for joining a vpn, but i'm getting this error... any idea?03:23
forsakerSat Nov 25 15:20:43 2006 TUN/TAP device tun0 opened03:23
forsakerSat Nov 25 15:20:43 2006 ifconfig tun0 pointopoint mtu 150003:23
forsakerSIOCSIFDSTADDR: Argomento non valido03:23
forsakerSat Nov 25 15:20:43 2006 Linux ifconfig failed: shell command exited with error status: 103:23
deeanton_: hm, may be.03:23
deemaybe I should try another install method.03:23
forsakerwhere "Argomento non valido" stands for "invalid argument" :D03:23
anton_forsaker: that looks like you're trying to do something which requires root rights without being root03:24
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forsakeranton_, unfortunatly I'm root :\03:24
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burwacodee, well I've been using ubuntu for a while now, and I think there's still some performance missing, I'd like to have all the latest drivers and things enabled that my hardware is suited for. does a pentium m support hypertreading ? I guess not...03:24
Rarjcherubiel, it says system is upto date03:25
Rarjbut cat /etc/issue says 6.0603:25
anton_forsaker: that's the only suggestion i have :( i've never used a vpn :(03:25
cherubielRarj: you're on dapper, that version is for edgy03:25
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download03:25
ryanakcaok, with this file in '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled', why doesn't base.rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs/base, and why does rkavanagh.homelinux.org display /var/www/htdocs? rkavanagh.homelinux.org/~ryan/000-default03:25
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forsakeranton_, thank you anyway ;)03:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hypertreading - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:25
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about openGL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:26
anton_oh wow, ubotu gives advice :) i didn't know that03:26
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anton_!life, the universe and everything03:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about life, the universe and everything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
Rarjcherubiel, ahh... doing it ! :-). the sources.list needed modification. :-D03:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:27
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charlottei found the ssh mount. It's worth taking a look at, as it's really handy if you work a lot on a remote sytem and want to interact with your own03:29
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deeso, i'm away. bye.03:29
anton_charlotte: i'm still unsure what you mean. at home i use ssh a lot, cos i'm too lazy to get up and go to my server :)03:29
burwacowhat's a good alternative for3Dmark in linux/gnu ?03:29
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cdaI'm trying to get compiz to work and everything is fine but the window boarders are gone and I can't get them back...how do I fix this?03:30
charlotteanton_, it mounts an entire filesystem of a remote machine to a mountpoint of your local machine03:30
anton_oh, cool :) nfs tunneling through ssh :)03:30
cherubielcharlotte: the fish protocol ?03:30
highneko!compiz | cda03:30
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ubotucda: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:30
burwacoor something like sisoft sandra...03:30
charlotteand you can acces it directly as if it were part of your own machine03:30
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charlottecherubiel, no, fuse03:31
burwacofuse ?03:31
anton_charlotte: what's the command? :)03:31
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cdahighneko: I have not found the issue listed at that site03:31
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highnekocda: #ubuntu-xgl ?03:32
cherubielcharlotte: used fish via konqueror?03:32
charlottesshfs user@host:<remote dir> local/mountpoint03:32
Rprp( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 6.06 - dapper Kernel: 2.6.15-27-386, GNU/Linux | Xorg: 7.0.0 | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.6.603:32
cdausing xorg03:32
RprpHow can i update the kernel to 6.10?03:32
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RprpTo Ubuntu 6.10 *03:32
cherubiel!upgrade | Rprp03:32
ubotuRprp: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:32
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anton_charlotte: cool, i'll try it out as soon as i get home :)03:32
Rprpok thnx03:32
matsanton_: ssh to the box back home ;)03:33
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charlotteit works really well if e.g.  you want to edit a remote file with a local editor, or run a remote file with a local program in general03:33
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anton_mats: is unfortunately switched off atm :(03:33
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matsanton_: :-/03:34
cherubielanton_: etherwake? :P03:34
charlotteor other way round, alltough in practice this is rarer03:34
anton_mats: though i should try out some vpn stuff :)03:34
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anton_cherubiel: and the network is also switched off...03:34
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cherubielanton_: would've been fun :P03:35
matsanton_: vpn is fun to play around with03:35
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anton_mats: can you teach me something about it? :) pretty please :)03:35
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itrebalwhat needs to be enabled in the kernel to support motherboard temp/fanspeed/etc monitoring?03:35
matsanton_: maybe when your home03:35
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anton_mats: okay :)03:36
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nolimitsoyawhat do i need to decode flac using amarok?03:36
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nolimitsoyaamarok-xine is installed03:36
atomikulinuxOkay, the hard drive has changed and grubs "root" is set to the wrong drive03:37
atomikulinuxHow do I reconfigure this03:37
c_lisphi I tried toupdate my video driver now I can't get my xserver to work at all I tried to go back but I guess im doing something wrong can somebody help me?03:37
anton_atomikulinux: have you got a live cd?03:37
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c_lispi have beryl install to if that helps03:37
atomikulinuxim on the livecd now03:37
atomikulinuxI cant boot into ubuntu cause grub is telling it to do all sorts of crap03:37
atomikulinuxit crashes me to the debian busybox03:38
anton_then just open up /boot/grub/menu.lst and edit it :)03:38
FeIixI have an amd mobile with its multiplier unlocked. Cpu scaling works nice in windows. How do I get it to work just as nice in ubuntu?03:38
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nickbhello - I need to set my TOPDIR variable, but it doesnt currently exist on my system.  Do I just add it to /etc/environment?03:38
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cherubielc_lisp: got the drivers working OK ?03:40
Willais there like a VB type of deal03:40
Willato make custom little programs?03:40
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c_lispnaw x crashes on start up03:40
charlotteabout 20% of the time my edgy box hangs on the very start of the boot splash. Is there any way I can make it more verbose, or disable the splash alltogher?03:40
cherubielc_lisp: start with /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:41
charlotte(the edgy splash artwork is to ugly to look at anyway)03:41
anton_c_lisp you can open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace the driver with your old one03:41
atomikulinuxkernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet03:41
atomikulinuxOkay this is in my menu.lst (or whatever its called)03:41
atomikulinuxwhat should root normaly be?03:41
str4`you tell me03:41
c_lisphow do I do that?03:41
cherubielcharlotte: you can remove te "splash" word in menu.lst03:41
c_lispreplacing that is03:41
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charlottethanks cherubiel03:41
cherubielc_lisp: nope, its the log - pastebin it03:41
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anton_atomikulinux: hdb1 looks unusual. are you sure it's the second harddrive?03:42
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atomikulinuxWhere is it that defines the swap partition?03:42
atomikulinuxMy swap partition has moved as well ya see....03:42
cherubielc_lisp: always use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:42
charlottethen there is this other thing on my dapper box, actualy, my bf's box. How should playing a normal dvd work?03:42
anton_atomikulinux: what does cat /proc/partitions say?03:43
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cherubielatomikulinux: fdisk -l /dev/hdx03:43
atomikulinuxI'm on the liveCD atm03:43
Morrisseyhey, I kind of !offtopic question, but I have a 2.2 mhz Pentium 4 with 2x256mb RAM. And using XGL my computer's kinda slow (Not the 3d effects thought). Would buying a 1gb RAM chip, and replace it with one of the 256 one improve my KDE envioriemnt?03:43
matscherubiel: by installing a lot of libs :p03:43
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atomikulinuxfdisk -l /dev/hdx returns nothing.03:43
anton_atomikulinux: /proc/partitions will still contain information to every mass storage medium on the computer :)03:43
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c_lispi think when Installed it it removed my older driver03:44
cherubielatomikulinux: replace x with the drive letter03:44
cherubielatomikulinux: a or b03:44
atomikulinuxCannot open /dev/hda03:44
atomikulinuxnote that im on the live03:44
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cherubielc_lisp: it was working? you upgraded to edgy?03:44
cherubielatomikulinux: sudo03:44
cherubielatomikulinux: you need root perms03:44
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c_lispim use edgy03:44
defryskMorrissey, more ram is more snappyness03:44
atomikulinuxDisk /dev/hda: 4324 MB, 4324447744 bytes03:44
atomikulinux255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 525 cylinders03:44
atomikulinuxUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes03:44
atomikulinux   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System03:44
atomikulinux/dev/hda1               1         525     4217031   83  Linux03:44
cherubielc_lisp: was it working on dapper, if you had upgraded?03:45
atomikulinux(Sorry for the flood.)03:45
defrysk!paste | atomikulinux03:45
ubotuatomikulinux: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:45
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charlotteatomikulinux, if you are doing a lot of sudos in a terminal and it gets  annoying you keep forgetting fo sudo, try a sudo -i first. that will make your whole terminal run in 'sudo mode'03:45
anton_atomikulinux: so you have one partition on the first harddrive03:45
c_lispI reinstall linux didn't upgrade03:45
cherubielMorrissey: you need a good graphic subsys03:45
c_lispso i started off on edgy03:45
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c_lispand it was working on it03:46
anton_c_lisp: which driver is it, btw?03:46
KnowledgEngitimidity do not play the midi file03:46
Morrisseycherubiel, whats that?03:46
KnowledgEngisomeone can help me please?03:46
cherubielMorrissey: your gpu, video card.03:46
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atomikulinuxant yes03:46
anton_KnowledgEngi: which file?03:46
atomikulinuxanton_: yes*03:46
atomikulinuxI have another hard drive (hdb) with a 400MB swap partition03:46
Morrisseycherubiel, ati radeon 900003:46
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cherubielKnowledgEngi: whats the error?03:46
cherubielMorrissey: got the drivers properly installed?03:47
anton_atomikulinux: let's see it! cat /proc/partitions03:47
Morrisseycherubiel, yes, actually get over 200 frames pr second with AIXGL03:47
superi destroyed my pc by installing nvidia drivers03:47
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cherubielMorrissey: :O03:47
Morrisseycherubiel, and glxgears gives me over 2000, so03:47
anton_KnowledgEngi: is timidity installed correctly? does it try to play the file?03:47
Dragonfire1Hi have a ? on desktops to change  workspace. How can you make difffernet 4 desktops have different backgrounds?03:47
Morrisseycherubiel, its just normal browsing and stuff thats slow03:47
nickbhello - I need to set my TOPDIR variable, but it doesnt currently exist on my system.  I have tried adding it to /etc/environmnet but that doesnt help03:47
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KnowledgEngicherubiel, look at down page03:48
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Dragonfire1I can add others but they are all the same03:48
KnowledgEngithere is the output03:48
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atomikulinuxanton_: sec03:48
KnowledgEngiafter reboot timidity do not play03:48
KnowledgEngibefor the boot timidityas played the file.mid03:48
c_lispI got it up and running now just running like crap see what I have to configure03:49
c_lispthanks guys03:49
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cherubielKnowledgEngi: does /home/user/soundfonts/Unison.sf2 exist ?03:49
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KnowledgEngiuser@ubuntu:~$ ls /home/user/soundfonts/03:49
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KnowledgEngibut before i has the same error03:49
KnowledgEngibut timidity has played03:50
cherubielKnowledgEngi: perms?03:50
KnowledgEngiwhy know do not play03:50
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charlotteremoving splash from grub.lst removed the splace screen allright, but it didn't make it more verbose.... remove quiet too?03:50
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cherubielcharlotte: yep, go for it ; backup your old lst file.03:50
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KnowledgEngiuser@ubuntu:~$ ls -l soundfonts/Unison.sf203:51
KnowledgEngi-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 29258148 2006-11-25 13:49 soundfonts/Unison.sf203:51
Papa+e enki03:51
charlottei might be a linux noob, but I allways back up everything :D03:51
cherubielcharlotte: good one :)03:51
KnowledgEngibefore rebooting timidity play good without load the soundfont03:51
anton_atomikulinux: /dev/hdb1 can't be right as your root partition. there's nothing there03:51
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atomikulinuxhda1 is where its all at03:51
atomikulinuxshall I change root to hda1 ?03:51
anton_atomikulinux: would be a good idea :)03:52
atomikulinuxI think my menu.lst is fixed03:52
atomikulinuxShall I try rebooting?03:52
anton_can you post it first?03:52
atomikulinuxOh also... I think I need to reconfigue "fstab"03:52
supertheres a linux  talk team speak server03:52
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supertype linux talk and you can go there to get help from people with linux over teamspeak03:53
LjLatomikulinux: root is still hdb1 there03:53
anton_atomikulinux: it's okay for the recovery mode entry03:54
atomikulinuxoh thats right I only changed it for the memtest one03:54
atomikulinuxor w/e it is03:54
atomikulinuxokay its fixed03:54
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atomikulinuxNow what?03:55
anton_atomikulinux what does /etc/fstab say?03:55
dmnddoes anyone know if the xfce shipped with 6.10 has Composite support enabled?03:55
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atomikulinuxthe /etc/fstab on the hda1 drive?03:55
charlottegreat, this was exactly what I wanted. Now when it hangs I can at least figure out *where* it hangs03:55
atomikulinuxor the /etc/fstab that the livecd has created03:55
anton_atomikulinux: exactly :)03:55
atomikulinuxthe first one?03:55
Dragonfire1I guess you can't have different warkspaces with different backgrounds03:56
anton_atomikulinux: on /dev/hda1 (you may need to mount it first)03:56
LjLatomikulinux: your real fstab. yes, the one on the HD03:56
LammiePieHi, can anyone tell me how to remove the yellow tool tip boxes in GNOME Ubuntu. Like when you hover over the time it says "click to check appoinments" those things. they are annoying me!03:56
atomikulinuxI have hda1 mounted on /home/ubuntu/omg/ XD03:56
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cherubielDragonfire1: kde?03:56
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Dragonfire1any of you guy's know of Saturday talk radio shows for LInux on the net03:57
anton_atomikulinux: then let's see cat /home/ubuntu/omg/etc/fstab :)03:57
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c_lispwhat is the default drive ubuntu uses when you first install it?03:57
gouchidoes anyone know how to fix this symbol error ?03:57
cherubielc_lisp: you set that in the installer??03:58
anton_c_lisp: that depends on a lot of things03:58
Oleg311im dont speak inglish03:58
atomikulinuxokay I know my fstab is completely wrong03:58
LjLOleg311: what do you speak?03:58
atomikulinuxthe UUIDs are obiously wrong...03:58
gouchiproblem regarding videodev and spca5xx ?03:58
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Oleg311   !!!!!!03:58
anton_atomikulinux: can you paste it?03:58
atomikulinuxokay thats where the problem is03:58
cherubielOleg311: brazil?03:58
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LjLOleg311: i can't read that. what is your language?03:58
atomikulinuxbrb 2mins03:58
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Oleg311im Russia03:59
LjL!ru | Oleg31103:59
ubotuOleg311:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:59
nolimitsoyaatomikulinux, using /dev/*d** is ime less prone to causing trouble...03:59
ubotu#ubuntu-gr  #kubuntu-gr     /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes03:59
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anton_wow, ubotu can everything :)04:00
dmnddoes anyone know if the xfce shipped with 6.10 has Composite support enabled? or how can i check this myself?04:00
c_lisphow can you tell if you graphics it set to 24 bit?04:00
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ubuntu_hi all, I was curious to see if I had a 64 bit computer (wasnt sure), so I popped in the 64 bit ubuntu live cd.  It works just6 fine.  Does this mean I have a 64 bit machine or am I being tricked?04:01
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anton_ubuntu_: that means you have a 64-bit machine :)04:01
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cherubieldmnd: your xorg.conf should have a section named "Extensions" with an entry like     Option "Composite" "Enable"04:02
LjLc_lisp: "xdpyinfo" for information on your graphics mode04:02
defryskc_lisp, cat /etc/X11xorg.xonf | grep DefaultDepth04:02
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hamdinpburaya bi baknz :  http://www.bilisimruzgari.com/default.asp?action=buhafta04:02
atomikulinuxokay then04:02
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atomikulinuxHow shall I fix my fstab?04:02
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anton_atomikulinux: can you paste it?04:02
hamdinpTRT2 PARDUS ATA04:02
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LjLhamdinp: ?04:02
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atomikulinuxin fact... that fstab seems okay04:03
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atomikulinuxnot sure if the UUIDs are correct though04:03
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LjL!uuid | atomikulinux04:03
ubotuatomikulinux: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in the terminal: "blkid" (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:03
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dmndcherubiel: i have them, but i dont know how to check in xfce if there anything needs to be done04:03
atomikulinuxOkay cool. Thanks LjL. I'll get the list of UUIDs and match them up to the fstab04:03
atomikulinux2 mins04:03
cherubielubuntu_: try this - file /usr/bin/gcc04:03
hamdinpthis is turkish linux distro on turkish television04:04
dmndcherubiel: i lost my transparant terminals with the composite extension turned on.. strange enough.. :)04:04
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atomikulinuxHmm can I just run "partman-target"?04:04
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robbbbmorning all04:04
dmndcherubiel: so where can i find the properties for transparancy in xfce?04:04
cherubieldmnd: xfcm should be built with --enable-compositor04:05
atomikulinuxI'm not sure what that thing is telling me to do...04:05
cherubieldmnd: did you install fro mthe binaries?04:05
robbbbanybody been able to get a perc2 controller working in edgy / dapper?04:05
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atomikulinuxlol nevermind04:05
anton_atomikulinux: if the uuids are okay, just try to reboot :)04:05
robbbbi read somewhere that support has been removed? is so that is LAME04:05
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atomikulinuxYeah the uuids are okay04:05
atomikulinuxBRB gonna reboot04:06
dmndcherubiel: yes, from the binaries04:06
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cherubieldmnd: quite possible composites aren't enalbed.04:06
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dmndcherubiel: do you know how i can check that?04:06
cherubieldmnd: not sure, try #xfce04:06
robbbbanyone know of another good linux server dist?04:06
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superno idea04:07
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dmndcherubiel: ok. :)04:07
superi use linux for the purposes of looking at tites and playing quake04:07
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kandinskisoundray: thanks for the instructions. As I say, the problem is there is a conflict with the packages.04:07
njal_robbb: Why not use dapper?04:07
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anton_do i want to know what 'tites' means?04:08
hamdinpTurkish linux distro (PARDUS ATA) On Turkish Television (TRT2)04:08
nickbHi guss, sorry to keep bugging the channel, but I cant find any info on setting the TOPDIR variable04:08
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renjith171i cannot play avi files though i installed w32codecs package. what should i do?04:08
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ADminShow i can check if my laptop mic working or not04:08
c_lispwhat all I need to install for nvidia in termnial I can't use synapics :/?04:08
anton_renjith171 what are you trying to play them with?04:08
njal_renjith171: VLC player playes EVERYTHING04:09
superyeah anton i need to know this too04:09
LadyNikonVLC ++04:09
robbbbanyone understand the install process here?04:09
cherubielnickb: export TOPDIR=whatever ; in ~/.bashrc; if you use bash04:09
diskusVLC's ui is awfull04:09
renjith171anton_: totem04:09
superanton i messed up my laptop triying to install and just reinstalled ubuntu04:09
cherubielrenjith171: try mplayer04:09
njal_diskus: Aye, but for what it does, i can live with an ugly GUI04:09
LadyNikondiskus: i never had a problem with it04:09
renjith171its not there in the repositories04:09
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cherubielrenjith171: btw, *what* the problem? video/audio sync issue?04:10
njal_renjith171: Have u got universe and multiverse?04:10
cherubiel!info mplayer04:10
ubotumplayer: The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:0.99+1.0pre8-0ubuntu8 (edgy), package size 3461 kB, installed size 8624 kB04:10
anton_rinjith171: the codec package works for players such as mplayer and those which use xine as a back-end. i think the version of totem you get with eft doesn't use xine as the backend, so you have to install a different version04:10
diskusLadyNikon: well I don't like ui, otherwise VLC is awesome piece of software04:10
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cherubielrenjith171: multiverse04:10
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems04:10
LadyNikondiskus: i guess i never paid much attention04:10
Dreamglideri need help i want to be able to go online with my USB wireless dongle (XWL-11GUZX)04:10
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LadyNikondiskus: to busy watching a  movie and all :P04:11
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anton_Dreamglider: either there's support for a native linux driver, or you have to use ndiswrapper04:11
njal_Dreamglider: Plug it in and wait 1 min then type lsusb04:11
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Dark_Dragonhi all i was wondering if there is an alternat way of installing Ubuntu/Ubuntu server on a computer that dosent support boot from CD?04:11
EnselicHow can I view the contents of an *.iso?04:11
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defryskEnselic, double click it04:12
Dreamglideranton_, njal_ : Bus 004 Device 003: ID 0ace:1211 ZyDAS 802.11b/g USB2 WiFi04:12
c_lispis there a systme restore linux winxp for ubuntu?04:12
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c_lisplike go back a day or 204:12
anton_Dreamglider: looks good :)04:12
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Enselicdefrysk: It opesn up in fileroller, but I dont see any files04:12
Dreamglideranton_,  what do i do now ?04:12
anton_Dreamglider: does iwconfig say anything?04:12
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defryskEnselic, what iso is it ?04:12
nolimitsoyac_lisp, though you can set one up yourself, using lvm and snapshots.04:12
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njal_enselic: Did it pass it's md5 checksum?04:13
Enselicis a BIOS update for my computers04:13
thirstyferretc_lisp, nolimitsoya: I believe there's a backup app included with Automatix but I know of nothing the same as System Restore04:13
ArCHoNKoGanton_, no ifconfig does04:13
cherubielDreamglider: the zydas drivers are available, please google.04:13
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !cloning04:13
Enselicnjal_: it doesn complain, and when I initiate a writing with k3b, itdoesn complain either04:13
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nolimitsoyaEnselic, then its probably not a "real" iso. anyway, its a binary file and you wont be able to get anything meaningsfull out of it04:13
FREThey all04:13
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Enselicnolimitsoya: It is bootable, so I guess there must be some kind of file there?04:14
cherubielEnselic: mount -o loop /path/to/iso /path/to/mount/iso04:14
njal_enselic: Yeah, hmm, i would follow nolimitsoya for advice, he probably knows more04:14
nolimitsoyaEnselic, you said it was a bios image?04:14
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LjLUbotu, please tell Dark_Dragon about install | Dark_Dragon, you have a private message from Ubotu04:14
Enselicnolimitsoya: Well not the .iso itself04:14
DexterFis there a live CD with fglrx so I can have a look at how well AIGLX works before installing?04:14
Enselicnolimitsoya: I burn it to a CD and then boot with it, and it lanucesn an upgrade app04:15
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kandinskiafter updating dapper to edgy, I am having dependency problems:04:15
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kandinskikandinski@derive:~/packages/qemu/qemu-0.8.2$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev04:15
kandinskiThe following packages have unfulfilled dependencies:04:15
kandinski  libsdl1.2-dev: Depends on: libglu1-mesa-dev but it will not be installed, or04:15
kandinski                             libglu-dev04:15
kandinskiE: Broken Packages04:15
nolimitsoyaEnselic, what, is a live cd with a flashprogrammer?04:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:15
LjLUbotu, please tell kandinski about paste | kandinski, you have a private message from Ubotu04:15
anton_DexterF: difficult, the drivers for nvidia and ati graphics cards can#t be distributed like that04:15
Dark_Dragonthankyou :)04:15
EnselicDexterF: are you using Edgy?04:15
defrysk!paste | kandinski04:15
ubotukandinski: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:15
Dark_Dragonsry using trillian saves me d/l IRC04:15
njal_Dreamglider: Hows the wireless going?04:15
FRETHow can I really "turn off" an usb-harddisk when unmounting it? I believe "eject" produces the same result as "umount"04:15
defrysknuff botted :D04:15
DexterFEnselic: Slackware. Kubuntu in a VM, no GL there ;)04:15
nolimitsoyaEnselic, then just try moutning it. sudo mount -o loop /*file* /*target*04:15
kandinskidefrysk: gracias, also thanks04:15
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robbbbanyone know why a perc2 controller wont work in ubuntu?04:16
njal_nolimitsoya: Ah so THAT'S how you mount an iso04:16
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DarkYpeople whats the best wlan tool? :/04:16
DexterFanton_: so I'd have to figure deb sources for fglrx that work with 6.10, install those and then restart aiglx instead of X - am I right so far?04:16
nolimitsoyanjal_, sometimes youll have to add fs type aswell, with the -t command04:16
Dreamglideranton_, njal_  http://pastebin.ca/25759704:16
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renjith171is der any software for CAD04:17
ac7sslooking for the best driver for  product: ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)04:17
cherubielDarkY: iwlist/iwconfig - CLI ; try wifi-radar04:17
DarkY@all: need wlan tool for centrino wlan... ive got 2 workplaces... any suggestions?04:17
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robbbbDarkY: use network manager04:17
nolimitsoya!wifi | DarkY04:17
ubotuDarkY: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:17
seehello, is there some mp3-streaming server with a simple gui to setup? i need to be able to password protect the stream04:17
DarkYcherubiel: kwlan made my wlan not work anymore... ^^04:17
DarkYcherubiel: thats why i ask04:17
FRETtrying again... :-)04:17
FRETHow can I really "turn off" an usb-harddisk when unmounting it? I believe "eject" produces the same result as "umount"04:17
njal_dreamglider: Looks like it's been set up, would i be correct anton?04:18
cherubielDarkY: you are able to see the networks, right?04:18
cherubielDarkY: connect problems?04:18
DexterFhey... um.. I got a X800, is it possible that Xorg7.1 can do 3D on that natively? I haven't followed the r300 developement lately04:18
lightstephello, i ran dist-upgrade recently, and now apt crashes when it starts loading the package list. how can i revert to an older version?04:18
nolimitsoyaFRET, as in suspend?04:18
nokrevHey, I've got a question about installing mod_python into apt's apache install. Would it be ok to ask here?04:18
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robbbbDarkY: http://www.gnome.org/projects/NetworkManager/04:18
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DarkYcherubiel: ive reinstalled ubuntu cause after some time eth1 disappered04:18
renjith171is there any software for CAD (DAPPER DRAKE)04:18
anton_njal_: i'm worried about the lack of an ip-capable device node04:18
DarkYcherubiel: now ill install network manager... oder is wifi-radar better?04:18
FRETnolimitsoya, no... not sure what you mean. I want to switch of the usb-harddisk before removing it04:18
cherubielDarkY: you need the drivers first.. does iwconfig give anything for eth1 ?04:19
cherubielDarkY: iwconfig04:19
njal_anton: yeah there is that, but wouldn't editing /etc/network/interfaces fix that?04:19
DarkYyes it does04:19
ac7sshow can I tell what X video driver is running?04:19
nolimitsoyarenjith171, there are tons of different types of work that can be computer aided. be specific04:19
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cherubielDarkY: and iwlist eth1 scan04:19
DarkYi've integrated the driver i need ^^04:19
MorrisseyMem:        have: 515756     used: 485176      free: 30580          0      17492     212416 <--- is this why my computers kind of slow lately? Changing applications windows, browsing, +++ is really slow :( Using KDE04:19
kandinskiok, so after uploading from dapper to edgy, I have dependency problems04:19
cherubielDarkY: shows your network?04:19
DarkYalso give something =)04:19
FRETnolimitsoya, do you understnad my problem?04:19
nolimitsoyaFRET, as in break the power? usb is hotswapable, so thats not a problem04:19
Enselicnolimitsoya, cherubiel: It just mounts as emtpy, I guess it must be something funny with the file04:19
robbbbanyone know why SOME links in firefox 2 open up a new window instead of a tab? or how to stop it?04:19
renjith171AUTOCAD type software for ubuntu04:19
DarkYcherubiel: yes it does ^^04:19
Enselicnolimitsoya, cherubiel: It just mounts as emtpy, I guess it must be something funny with the file04:19
burwacodoes anyone got an idea how I can get rid off this error ? root@box:/# glxgears libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b04:19
anton_njal_: i don't think so. the device nodes are created when the driver module is loaded into the kernel04:20
FRETnolimitsoya, right. so it's no problem for the harddisk?04:20
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nolimitsoyaFRET, no04:20
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njal_anton: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?04:20
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FRETnolimitsoya, alright, that was my only concern. Thx04:20
robbbbalso, anyone know why my screensaver is always blank screen with no password box?!04:20
DarkYcherubiel: it displays every 3 networks in my range... also mine04:20
DarkYcherubiel: so what tool should i use? :P04:20
lightsteprobbbb, can you give a website that opens a new window?04:20
anton_burwaco: i've seen that one before, can't remember what it was. i'd try googling it04:20
Enselicnolimitsoya, cherubiel, DexterF: thanks anyway04:20
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nolimitsoyaFRET, the usb plug is designed so that the + pins bread before the ground, specificaly to make thing hotswapable.04:20
burwacook, thx anton_04:21
cherubielDarkY: i;ve been using iwconfig all my life :) - wifi-radar is a good gui tool04:21
anton_njal_: why not? :)04:21
robbbblightstep: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45984&highlight=wifi-radar04:21
DarkYcherubiel: k illl install wifi-rader =D04:21
ac7ssRobbbb, it's in the config. under Tabs.04:21
robbbbclick the wifi-radar link04:21
robbbbi've set the config to open new windows in tabs04:21
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njal_dreamglider: Run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart from the command line, it'll reset your networking and might get wlan0 to detect the access point04:22
FRETnolimitsoya, I see. Thx again04:22
travkinsomeone use cedega?04:22
theresahello folks!04:22
njal_dreamglider: Though it'll reset ALL network connections04:22
DarkYhow to use wiconfig?04:22
travkinCedega Users - private04:22
Dreamgliderok hangon.04:22
DarkYcherubiel: how to use wiconfig can i qry u? :/04:22
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renjith171i can only find kmplayer ..does it work in gnome04:23
robbbbi've got it set to tabs already!04:23
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njal_travkin: Is it locking up X?04:23
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DarkYcherubiel: iwconfig i mean ^^04:23
theresai was wondering if the ubuntu-title font was also available as a ttf font?04:23
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foofsck.ext3 -nv /dev/sda1 reports this ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33925/ ... this is a second box, and it shows the exact same things. What gives? It's ubuntu server install with LAMP option. Is ubuntu installing a borked filesystem or something?04:23
anton_okay, i'm now officially extremely annoyed with the ipw3945 driver. i'm going back to my wlan-card. i'll be back...04:23
ac7ssRobbbb, did you fixx it?04:23
robbbbac7ss: no i already had it set to tabs04:24
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Morrisseyhere is my "free" output: Mem:        have: 515756    used: 450316     free: 65440 <--- and that is JUST after starting X up ... is that why my computer's so slow lately? Browsing web pages, changing windows everything .. slow04:24
renjith171DOES kmplayer work fr GNOME04:24
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njal_renjith171: kmplayer is just a gui to mplayer04:24
we2byhi guys04:24
DarkYcherubiel: can u tell me how to use iwconfig?04:25
cherubielDarkY: http://nst.sourceforge.net/nst/docs/faq/ch07s03.html04:25
njal_renjith171: But yes, i imagine it would04:25
we2bysound doesn't work with flash04:25
DarkYcherubiel: merci =)04:25
renjith171njal_: thnks04:25
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njal_we2by: You need mp3 support04:25
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DarkYcherubiel: okay a gui tool whould be nicer...04:25
njal_!mp3 | we2by04:25
we2byI do have mp3 support04:25
ubotuwe2by: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:25
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we2byI'm playing mp304:25
njal_we2by: Hmm  that's curious04:26
ac7ssany help with the X-video driver?04:26
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Dreamgliderping me04:26
njal_dreamglider: Is it working for you?04:26
Dreamglideryea im wireless04:26
dmndcherubiel: i dont get an answer there, i read on the forums that there should be a compositor menu in the windows manager tweaks, i am using ubuntu 6.10, any idea?04:26
njal_Dreamglider: No worries, so just reseting the networking did it?04:26
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Dreamglidernjal_, yea and i had to make it default connetion04:27
cherubieldmnd: try dpkg-reconfigure xfce404:27
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njal_Dreamglider: Cool04:27
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nokrevDoes Ubuntu have any neato toys like Aptitude for Apache modules? :D04:28
Dreamglidernjal_, now i have to secure with WPA and AES encryption04:28
porkpiehi guy's how can I get autoexpand and tabcompletion to work04:28
njal_Dreamglider: I only have experience with WEP04:28
Oni-Draculaproblem:  after installing the nvidia beta drivers and restarting, X will not load and complains about a kernel module version mismatch.  X will only load if you 'startx' after the drivers are installed04:28
atomikulinuxit all works fine now04:29
Dreamglidernjal_, i can only see WEP in the network settings !04:29
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atomikulinuxShame it took me 9 hours just to figure out that the grub configuration wasnt right...04:29
Morrisseyof my 512mb RAM, Xorg uses 20%!!! is this normal??04:29
atomikulinuxOhhh well. Thanks to everyone that helped me.04:29
dmndcherubiel: no result.. :/04:29
robbbbanyone get firefox opening up certain links in a new window even though it's set to open in a tab?>04:29
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cherubieldmnd: hmmm looking around, xfce-mcs-manager04:29
Trelousya has anyone gotten WPA to work I tried but did not get it to on my laptop.04:29
atomikulinuxMorrissey: Doesnt take up 20% for me so I guess its not normal04:29
Morrisseyany idea of how to fix it?04:30
lightsteprobbbb, i saw bugs 361168,360925,358950,358187 in mozilla's bugzilla about this. it seems there is a great confusion about all this new tab/new window behaviour in firefox. maybe you can try an older version.04:30
dmndcherubiel: ok04:30
renjith171apt-get install realplay ....doesnt work !!04:30
robbbblightstep: i'm not downgrading to pre 204:31
njal_dreamglider: hang on04:31
robbbbi like a lot of the new features04:31
cherubieldmnd: check the man page for xfwm4 as well04:31
porkpiewhat be the reason why when I use the up arrow to see the last commands typed I get garbbage04:31
Dreamglidernjal_,  thanks04:31
cherubiel!info real04:31
ubotuPackage real does not exist in any distro I know04:31
cherubiel!info realplayer04:31
ubotuPackage realplayer does not exist in any distro I know04:31
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boinkheh? I use a realplayer .deb04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about autoexpand - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
boink!info realplay04:31
ubotuPackage realplay does not exist in any distro I know04:31
dmndcherubiel: i have checked everything but i am in doubt that the xfce i installed has support for composite enabled04:31
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floatingHallou. How do I know/check if I have GTK 1.2.0 or later installed ?04:31
boinkdpkg -l|grepgtk04:32
boinkdpkg -l|grep gtk04:32
san_hey can anyone help me getting wireless set up properly on an acer travelmate laptop04:32
njal_Dreamglider: There is something we might be able to try... But i don't know how well it will work04:32
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.04:32
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boinkI use gaim, works nicely for msn04:32
renjith171then is der no way other than downloading  d  realplayer pkg04:32
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njal_san: What wireless card is it?04:32
boinkrenjith171: on dapper?04:32
we2byme too04:32
renjith171boink: yeah Dapper04:33
boinkI use realplay .deb on dapper, works nicely04:33
boinkyou need to adjust your /etc/apt/sources.list04:33
san_its my friends laptop and im not entirely sure, the drivers ive got off the cd suggest its an ipw2200 built in card04:33
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san_oh yeah btw im on edgy04:33
renjith171boink::which repositry shud i add fr that04:33
san_*the acer cd thay came with the laptop04:33
boinkyou can have a look at my sources.list04:34
dmndcherubiel: do you have any idea of what's going on :)04:34
njal_san: run lspci from the command line, and see if it's listed04:34
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boinkwireless in edgy is broken04:34
cherubieldmnd: there is a switch for xfwm4 ; --compositor=on/off04:34
lightsteprobbbb, perhaps the preferences dialog is wrong. try settings browser.link.open_newwinodow* in about:config04:34
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boinkI have a horrible problem04:34
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Trelousdreamglider you could try this but it did not work for me for WPA but it's suppose to ... sudo apt-get >sudo apt-get install wpasupplicat>sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome network-manager>sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces>Comment out everything other than lo entries in that file and save the file>Create a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file04:34
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dmndcherubiel: aaah, where do i set this?04:35
san_ah yeas  njal itss a intell 2200bg tirless card04:35
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floatingboink thx04:35
DekKeDI want to install kde-devel package, but I get "BREAK (install)". Any solutions?04:35
njal_san: In the networking tool see if it'll 'JUST WORK'04:35
cherubieldmnd: /usr/share/xsessions/xfce.desktop ? maybe? thats were the entires for d/kdm starts the sessions04:35
cherubieldmnd: you should make one more .desktop entry with the composite swithc, try booting into that from the display manager04:35
floatingEdit the makefile04:35
floating - Check GTKINC and GTKLIBS to point to the GTK library, if necessary04:35
floating - Check that BINDIR and LIBDIR are set to the location where you04:35
floatingterrible paste. excuseme04:36
dmndcherubiel: ok i will see if i can get this to work :)04:36
Trelousit will change so you can choose WEP / WPA ... but something did not work when I did it I am still trying to figure it out.04:36
floatingthe point was to ask, that I dont get the first one . check gtkinc etc....04:36
=== anton_ [n=anton@pD9512D59.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
san_njal edgy didnt pick the card up in netowrking by default so i ndiswrapperer the driver, now the card is displayed in networking but doesnt work when its activated04:37
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lightsteprobbbb, after some playing with that option, return it to 3, and then it should work (you didn't want to downgrade, so you have to work around a bug)04:37
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ADminShow i can test mic under ubuntu in laptop?04:37
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njal_san: Am on the ndiswrapper page looking for your card now ;)04:37
TrelousO and your suppose to reboot after all that.04:37
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anton_oo. my laptop won't let me switch of the wlan-card in bios.04:37
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san_thank you so much i really appreciate your help04:38
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njal_san: this sound about right '# Card: [Intel]  PRO/Wireless 2200BG'?04:38
CurtmanHow can I stop Ubuntu from setting my hostname to what my ISP provides in the dhcp lease?04:38
san_Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection thats copied from lspci04:38
san_so yep04:38
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boinkCurtman: you mean for what?04:39
boinkhave a look at your /etc/hostname04:39
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DekKeDI want to install kde-devel package, but I get "BREAK (install)". Any solutions?04:39
robbbblightstep: nice - it was set to 204:39
robbbbi'll give it a whirl04:39
Curtmanboink: Every time I reboot, my hostname gets changed to S010600c026a01375 or whatever.04:39
we2byguys, anything similar to mono?04:39
we2bycrossplatform programming?04:40
boinkbut what's in your /etc/hostname ?04:40
njal_san: Go here04:40
njal_san: and go to number 604:40
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njal_looks like it's your card04:40
Curtmanboink: /etc/hostname contains what I want.  Ubuntu changes it to my ISP when it brings up eth004:40
cherubielwe2by: dotgnu ?04:40
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boinkgreat, then your isp assigns a name to your ip04:40
willvdlhi there, anyone using lm-sensors in edgy?04:40
boinkis your ip dynamic or static?04:40
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cherubielCurtman: how do you see this "hostname"04:40
we2bycherubiel, which one do you prefer and why?04:40
Curtmanboink: I just can't figure out how to configure dhcpcd to ignore that.04:41
njal_san: and it looks like you shall have to use the second driver04:41
cherubielCurtman: i mean, where do you see that?04:41
Pand0rahaving an issues with xvid codec (i assume) all other video formats seem to play fine but xvid is shakey vertically, even when paused. Not sure what would cause that or how to even describe that problem to search for it, any hints?04:41
boinkit's not dhcpd. it's the dhclient04:41
boinkman dhclient.conf04:41
KnowledgEngii solved some problem with timidity but there is other problem now04:41
cherubielwe2by: dotgnu since i hack on that :)04:41
ZambeziWhen I add an iprange in hosts.allow, should I do anything differnt compare to a IP? It's still sshd: ?04:41
san_njal yeah that looks like the one can you help me through that, sorry if im being stupid im fairly new to all this04:41
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Curtmancherubiel: At the login I see it, if I type 'hostname' I see it.  So I have to log in as root every time and set it manually.04:41
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boinkit's the ip number which has the name, not your box04:42
we2bycherubiel, itlooks like dotgnu is still under heavy development04:42
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njal_san_: I can try04:42
jorge_hello world helpme04:42
cherubielwe2by: want to contribute? :)04:42
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:42
san_thank you :)04:42
willvdlfor some unknown reason, I have no i2c-sensors module04:42
we2bycherubiel, nah, I'm a c+= newbie04:42
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njal_san_: Ok, so download the second driver04:42
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njal_and open the ndiswrapper gui04:42
jorge_how setting plugins04:43
Naradahi; which guide would you recommend to install xgl on kubuntu; there's so many of them and all different04:43
LjLUbotu, please tell narada about xgl | narada, you have a private message from Ubotu04:43
Curtmanboink: But what do I set in dhclient.conf is the question..04:43
cherubielwe2by: both implement the .net spec04:43
njal_san_: Install driver and point it to the driver exe file04:43
NaradaLjL: thanks04:44
san_okay even though its looking for an ing?04:44
we2bycherubiel, yea, but looking at both version number, Mono is a bit better04:44
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njal_san_: I know it wants an inf, but the driver came packaged as a exe, i don't know how to open it04:45
=== thinh [n=thinh@adsl-69-151-110-153.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
GhoSt_DoGhow i resolv this  problem? Totem incapaz de reproduzir 'mmsh://ir1-c200.narrowstep.tv/mcp?psid=12439228&ref=0&chid=2&pid=208&vid=9929417&br=800&tid=2&brid=3&MSWMExt=.asf'.04:45
njal_san_: Unless....you install it in windows and then copy the inf file over onto your linux machine04:45
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thinhany one good with tv tuner card?04:46
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:46
we2byI just installed monodevelop on the wrong machine!04:46
=== andy [n=andy@c-34d8e455.109-86-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
san_okay ill try that04:46
Zarephathnjal_: It also could just be a zip executable or some form thereof that will extract to a temp directory first...you might be able to get it from the temp folder as well...04:46
san_or can i try and open it in wine?04:46
njal_san_: Let me know how it goes04:46
Curtmanboink: I think I might have found it..  supersede host-name "ultrix";04:46
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njal_san_: Follow zaraphaths idea first04:46
san_okay im opening it in wine atm04:46
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KnowledgEngithe sound is like the normal user cannot load the soundfont04:47
voidmageI was trying to run half life in steam and it messed up my resolution. Is there a way to fix it without restarting x?04:47
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KnowledgEngibecouse if i run timidity as root the sound is different04:47
Zarephath!tell arturo about es04:47
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LjL!es | ARTURO04:47
ubotuARTURO: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:47
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LjL!caps | ARTURO04:48
ubotuARTURO: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:48
san_njal its installed :)04:48
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njal_san_: Cool, is it working?04:48
javaJakeHas anyone noticed slow forum speeds lately?04:48
javaJakeOr is it just me?04:48
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san_just about to test, do i have to depmod and modprobe?04:49
crayzeeI am installing Edgy on a PC, but the PC keeps shutting down. The message I get is that the system is reaching a critical temperature (-273C) and is shutting down.04:49
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crayzeeDoes anyone know of a better workaround than acpi=off?04:49
njal_crayzee: check your cpu fan04:49
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floatingWhere are gtk libraries located? I shold point to that dir in makefile, how to add it in here: GTKLIBS=`gtk-config --libs`04:50
crayzeenjal_, it is fine. It has been running dapper happily for ages. And its running happily at 5k rev/s so it ain't that.04:50
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ZarephathDoesn't lm_sensors help with some of that too?04:50
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san_njal no luck :(04:50
crayzeeI think it is an lm_sensors or similar bug04:50
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crayzeePossibly kernel thermal_zone?04:50
crayzeesomething like that...04:50
StegozorHi, how can I launch file explorer as super user? I mean, sudo cd doesn't work in the Terminal, so I'd like to gksudo "file browser"04:50
LjLcrayzee: possibly i do04:50
LjLcrayzee: hold on a second, let me find the bug report04:50
san_Stegozor sudo nautilus04:51
Stegozorsan: thanks04:51
tonyyarussoStegozor: Why would you use sudo on cd?04:51
Stegozorthere's a file in home, it's hiden and named .Trash-root04:51
LjLcrayzee: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/44805 <- see my comments04:51
njal_san_: try sudo modprobe ndiswrapper04:51
LjLcrayzee: (search for "BIOS")04:51
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tonyyarussoStegozor: Okay04:52
StegozorI'd like to have a look in it, and possibly delete it to save disk space04:52
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we2bymhh, Mono looks alot like VB! :D04:52
tonyyarussoStegozor: just cd normally, and use sudo on rm when you get rid of it04:52
javaJakeOK, forum speeds are getting better now04:52
javaJakeSo, never mind04:52
we2bybut then with C++ style04:52
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Zarephathanyone know of a channel where I can find out about burning back mp3 to red audio however I wan't to maintain the tag information so it will show up on the player as artist/title04:52
LjLcrayzee: so, basically, try disabling "Shutdown When CPU Fan Fail" if you have it enabled in the BIOS04:52
crayzeeLjL, as it happens I have already read that! The BIOS only lets me see the fan speed, nothing else. Not even the processor temperature.04:53
san_njal no luck, just a thought, its a laptop with  hardware switch which isnt activating in ubuntu maybe i have to get drivers for that??04:53
LjLcrayzee: hmm04:53
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LjLcrayzee: is it not AwardBIOS?04:53
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Stegozortonyyarusso : ok. two questions: why does sudo cd not work? is this normal ?   and is the "strange" file I'm talking about is safely deletable?04:53
thinhanyone good with tv tuner cards?04:53
LjL!anyone | thinh04:53
ubotuthinh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:53
san_oh waitits worked!!!04:53
san_thank you so much njal04:54
san_really appreicate that!!04:54
crayzeeLjL: PheonixBIOS04:54
njal_san_: No worries04:54
njal_san_: Now04:54
thinhdoes anyone know how to get tv tuner card working?04:54
tonyyarussoStegozor: Probably b/c it just thinks it's super-weird.  The file is actually a directory - see what its contents are.04:54
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njal_san_: run sudo gedit /etc/modules04:54
stoophello am new can you tell me what i instal04:54
Stegozoroh, it just contains an account I deleted04:54
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tonyyarussostoop: I don't think I understand your question04:55
njal_san_: Add ndiswrapper at the end of the file, this should tell the system to run ndiswrapper at boot04:55
LjLcrayzee: well, i don't know then, try disabling anything that seems related to temperature checking or fan speed checking...04:55
san_done :D04:55
njal_san_: The ultimate test is to reboot without the network cable in, then telling me after the reboot04:55
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san_okay ill do that now thanks alot04:56
crayzeeLjL: How?04:56
stoopi dont know what i have to instal mediaplayers ... and the sutch04:56
LjLcrayzee: and whether you fail or succeed, please add a comment to that bug report, stating that you're using PhoenixBIOS and which version, which motherboard etc... like i did04:56
tonyyarusso!restricted | stoop04:56
ubotustoop: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:56
crayzeeLjL: I just tried acpi=off in the boot sequence, but it doesnt seem to make a difference04:56
ZarephathYou should be able to tell if it is up by issuing iwconfig <interface> if it shows the essid and such then it should be working04:56
stoopand media center stuff ?04:56
Elkohow safe is it to 'apt-get autoremove'?04:56
floatingGTKINC=`gtk-config --cflags`  to add a directory in that syntax, will it be like GTKINC=/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/`gtk-config --cflags` ?04:56
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LjLcrayzee: you could try "noapic" too04:56
tonyyarussostoop: Like?04:56
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stoopthkx tonyyarusso i already got restricted04:56
stoopmedia center for linux ? how many ar ther ?04:57
LjLElko: should be safe, unless you have stuff that you installed manually (i.e. not from the repos or from .debs) that relies on APT-installed dependencies04:57
stooplike my xbmc on xbox04:57
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tonyyarussostoop: I have not idea what that is, so...04:57
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mrspinxhi everyone, i just installed a debian package that is now looking for a package that isn't in joomla (ok, i learned that this is a bad idea). i now can't get rid of the package. i tried `apt-get remove --purge joomla` and `dpkg -r joomla` and `dpkg -P joomla` nothing works. I keep getting: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1004:57
fooWhat backup method would you guys recommend with linux? rsync -azv --exclude=/backup / /backup/ or something?04:58
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stoopxbox media center04:58
thinhdoes anyone know about tv tuner?04:58
ElkoLjL: ok, clear, thanks.04:58
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robbbbanyone got a dell poweredge?04:58
LjL!repeat | thinh, stop. i already gave you a hint twice04:58
ubotuthinh, stop. i already gave you a hint twice: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:58
tonyyarussostoop: "media center" meaning like a music+video player app?04:58
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stoopyah visualiser and shell04:58
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LjLmrspinx: put the full output of that on the pastebin04:59
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Stegozorthere's something weird in my /home directory : when I click on it with the right button and have a look at its properties, I see 445.9 Mb occupied, and 556.5 Mb Free, but my /home partition is supposed to be 2 Gb large. Where is the missing 1 Gb?04:59
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tonyyarusso!players | stoop04:59
ubotustoop: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs04:59
LjL!mythtv | thinh, might be of some help04:59
ubotuthinh, might be of some help: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV04:59
thinhokey thanks i check it out05:00
mrspinxsubprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1005:00
regincan i get all my saweb boook makrs from firefox in windows to firefox in ubuntu =05:00
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LjLmrspinx: err, there must be something else i think05:00
stoopnever had luck with myth tho05:00
burwacohas anyone ever sen this ?05:00
thinhmy card is dectected it shows up in lspci and dmesg05:00
thinhits a very common card it uses saa713405:00
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burwacoglxgears : libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b05:01
san__njal, no luck, not working again05:01
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stoopcan i use Myth for playback without tv tuner ?05:01
san__i tried doing m and odprobe ndiswrapper again not working still05:02
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njal_san_: Hmm05:03
njal_san_: Did you run modprobe when you logged in?05:04
LjLregin: ?05:04
kandinskidoes anyone else have dependency problems with mesa and SDL? I do after upgrading from dapper to edgy -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33923/05:04
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san__well i tried using the net wirlessly first, then i ran modprobe and tried to reconnect, but no luck05:05
stoopi allso got a problem usin sound in xine05:05
stoopanyway to debug ?05:05
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mrspinx2LjL: sorry - irssi crashed -- will paseebin now05:06
reginSorry that link was no supose to go in here05:06
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san__does it matter that its called eth1, on all the other pcs ive used wireless on its been wlan005:06
thinhhow do i default my soundcard? i have a tv tuner card that ubuntu detect as a soundcard so when i log in sometimes ubuntu switch default to that card, so i get sound once awhile05:06
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njal_san_: Remove the ndiswrapper entry from /etc/modules reboot and then run the modprobe command, this will see if ndiswrapper is having problems at boot, erm no, i doubt it05:07
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san__okay ill do that now05:07
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stoophow do i fix xine so i got sound ?05:08
mrspinx2LjL: http://pastebin.ca/25763105:08
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rummikhey, i just finished setting up a proxy server and was wondering if there was an easy way to make it so that all connections need to go through it05:09
LjLmrspinx2, see if you have a file named /var/lib/dpkg/info/joomla.postinst or similar, and if you do, pastebin it05:09
stoop!fix xine xound05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix xine xound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
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LjLUbotu, please tell stoop about sound | stoop, you have a private message from Ubotu05:10
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schasihow far is ntfs support in linux?05:10
LjLschasi: ok for reading, still potentially dangerous for writing05:10
mrspinx2LjL: will do, thanks for the help btw :)05:10
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uBaHoBi have a question about pppoe error05:10
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KnowledgEngii has problem using timidity05:11
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mrspinx2LjL: http://pastebin.ca/25763305:12
KnowledgEngitimidity as normal user cannot load the soundfont05:12
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thinhhas anyone setup mythtv?05:12
mrspinx2it is looking for www-config or similar, which doesn't exist. to uninstall it looks for this *i think*05:12
thinhi just wanna watch tv on it so what would be my choose of installation05:13
uBaHoBI use LiveCD and ppoeconf to setup the internet (not ADSL, trough LAN). I can connect, but I can't ping and open sites. plog shows me "replacing existing default route through ppp0" and05:13
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LjLmrspinx2: hm, kay, do you also have /var/lib/dpkg/info/joomla.postrm05:13
thinhfrontend or backend anyone?05:13
robbbbwhat is the command to change themes in KDE?05:13
uBaHoBand other error in plog is "Cannot determine ethernet address for poxy ARP"05:14
uBaHoBis this live cd issue?05:14
stoopLjL:  sound works in RhythemBox with mp3 and all ... just xine ... doesnt play music ... no sound05:14
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mrspinx2LjL sorry -> http://pastebin.ca/25763505:17
mrspinx2middle clicked ;)05:17
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foxhound31got a question about starting or stopping services05:18
foxhound31every time i use service05:18
foxhound31as in service iptables restart05:18
san_njaj it works yay :d05:18
foxhound31i just get command not recognised05:19
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foxhound31does service exist in this distro?05:19
Comrade_S!mythtv | thinh05:19
ubotuthinh: MythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV05:19
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stoopso howto fix xine into playing sound ? ... it doesnt while rythembox does05:20
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njal_san_: Did you run modprobe after you logged in, or did it just work?05:20
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san_no it started buy itself05:20
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LjLmrspinx2: this could be kind of dangerous... but you can try executing that script manually, and see why it's failing05:20
LjLmrspinx2: would be "sh -v /var/lib/dpkg/info/joomla.postrm"05:21
LjLmrspinx2: would be "sh -v /var/lib/dpkg/info/joomla.postrm purge" actually05:21
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njal_san_: reboot a couple of more times, just to make sure it's not a fluke then i would be happy05:23
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njal_san_: That's what i would do05:23
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.05:23
stoopi used an old dvd to install ubuntu how do i know what version i have and how do i update05:23
stoopdont want to reinstall from dvd again plz05:23
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=== mrspinx2 crosses fingers...
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san_okay i will, the only thing is at random times the signal strength bar on my panel shows it at ful or empty as if its dicconnected however im still browsing, a moinor problem but lets see if it works after a reeboot like you msayu05:24
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uBaHoBi have question about PPPoE and LiveCD ubuntu 6.1005:25
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Cuddles_in_KYmorning all.05:25
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CurtmanThis is very annoying..  It's still changing my hostname every reboot.  :(05:25
mrspinx2LjL: well, w/ -v it just cat'ed it to STDOUT -- w/o it it just ran and didn't do much :-/05:26
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LjLmrspinx2, pastebin what it output to stdout05:26
Cuddles_in_KYi'm having a slight problem using ndiswrapper on my laptop. i've got the driver installed, but when i do ''modprobe ndiswrapper'' i get ''invalid argument''. any suggestions on debugging/fixing this? the network card is using the wpndis51 driver (wavelan 1200).05:26
LjLmrspinx2: (i know it output the script itself, but i want to check out if it output all of it)05:26
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mabusHow do I install a package that's on a cd? Like, install a package onto an ubuntu system from a xubuntu cd or vice versa.05:29
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mabusI like xcfe but ubuntu has more useful programs.05:30
tupaexcuse me: where are the apt files downloaded?05:30
sundriedhi, is there a console base network configuration tool for dapper server?05:30
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LjLmabus: "sudo apt-cdrom add", with the CD inserted05:30
LjLmabus: then "sudo apt-get update"05:30
mabussundried: you mean like, ifconfig? :/05:30
woro2006how do I manually add/remove gnome session start up commands05:31
mabusLjL: I went into the respositories menu and added the cd. That didn't work.05:31
woro2006where do I find that file?05:31
sundriedmabus: no i don't want to edit /etc/network interfaces.05:31
mabusLjL: I assume those commands accomplish the same thing.05:31
defrysktupa, /var/cache/apt/archives/ you mean ?05:31
LjLmabus: i don't know, i don't have Gnome, so i don't know what the repositories menu accomplishes05:31
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woro2006after I add beryl-manager to session start up, it won't start again05:31
mabussundried: Well what do you want to configure in regards to your network?05:31
woro2006it crashes every time05:31
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mabusLjL: Well actually that was in xcfe, but alas. I'll try those commands when I get home to my xubuntu box.05:32
woro2006so I want to remove it so that beryl-manager doesn't start up automatically05:32
sundriedmabus: i just can't remember the name of that package i should apt-get but i know there is a console based network tool where you can just enter ip address, subnetmask, gateway, dns.05:32
P2Kworo2006 System/preferences/Sesion/05:32
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LjLmabus: well Gnome or Xfce - whatever, it's KDE that i use ;)05:32
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LjLsundried: ifconfig? :o)05:32
sundriedsort of like apt-get install netconfig. anybody remember?05:32
woro2006I can't even login05:32
woro2006as that user, how can I edit session05:33
tupadefrysk: yes, that is, i found some deb files i just downloaded, can i install with them if i format my pc (same os)?05:33
mabussundried: Well I bet you know what you're doing but you can do all of that with ifconfig.05:33
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woro2006gnome crashes every time after I added "beryl-manager" as the startup command for that user05:33
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Dreamglidercan i get all my bookmakrs from firefox in windows to firefox in ubuntu ?05:33
defrysktupa, with caution you can most app are available with apt-get tho05:33
mrspinx2LjL: http://pastebin.ca/25764205:33
woro2006now I want to edit that manually to remove beryl-manager from starting up05:34
Cuddles_in_KYi'm having a slight problem using ndiswrapper on my laptop. i've got the driver installed, but when i do ''modprobe ndiswrapper'' i get ''invalid argument''. any suggestions on debugging/fixing this? the network card is using the wpndis51 driver (wavelan 1200).05:34
P2KDreamglider: yes05:34
sundriedLjL: i know about ifconfig, editing /etc/networks/interfaces, editng /etc/resolv.conf etc. i just want to remember that console based network configuration tool.05:34
DreamgliderP2K, how pleas05:34
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mrspinx2hmm, don't know if that pasted or not05:34
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dudanogueiraDreamglider, you can export them and import, or use some plugins for syncing with a web site, or a ftp file05:34
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san_njab it works fine thanks flor all yr help05:34
LjLmrspinx2, ok, i'm out of ideas, i can probably tell you how to make apt-get happy, but the package will risk not being fully removed05:34
mabussundried: The GUI network-config is a frontend for ifconfig...05:35
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tupadefrysk: yeah, but i need the sources after reformatting, otherwise, my wireless card will not compile05:35
tupathx man05:35
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mabussundried: What do you want to do that ifconfig doesn't?05:35
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Dreamgliderdudanogueira, i cant export them, the i cant boot windows05:35
kippiI have a x300 with a wireless card, I have installed the drivers using nswrapper etc, it says the card is there and the driver is there but i still can't connect to my wireless network, anyideas?05:35
mrspinx2i need to reconnect - irssi is just acting up on me too much05:36
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Fall2Hellhow do i install ubuntu using the alternate cd??05:36
=== Leaker [i=ro0t@c3eea1cbc.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sundriedmabus: what do you do if you want to start or stop network services? you type "/etc/init.d/network_service" stop right?05:36
LjLFall2Hell: just boot from it and follow the instructions05:36
dudanogueiraFall2Hell, download, burn a disc, boot from the disk and follow the instructions05:36
tonyyarussoFall2Hell: pop it in and go05:36
sundriedmabus: would you rather do "/etc/init.d/networkservice start/stop" than to use rcconf?05:36
sundriedmabus: to be able to install rcconf, you have to do apt-get install rcconf right?05:37
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we2byisn't netscape and firefox the same webbrowser?05:37
boinksundried: ifdown eth005:37
mabussundried: It's an ifconfig option, I'm not on an ubuntu box right now. But to start it is ifconfig eth0 up for instance05:37
boinkor ifup eth005:37
LjLwe2by: no05:37
dudanogueirawe2by, they are based on the same engine05:37
boinknetscape really doesn't exist anymore05:37
boinkand mozilla was a complete re-write of the code05:37
mabusboink: It does on this crappy library box... :/05:37
mrspinxLjL : http://pastebin.ca/25764205:37
boinkwhen they saw the netscape code in 1998, they decided a complete re-write was needed05:38
sundriedmabus: now i'm looking for a rcconf tool like for network configuration. a console based tool that would just prompt me for IP address, netmask, gateway address and dns server ip's and not bother with ifconfig or editing /etc/network/interfaces.05:38
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P2KDreamglider: im looking for the link05:38
sundriedmabus: i know there is a package that do just that. i just don't remember it's name so i can not apt-get it.05:38
LjLmrspinx: i saw the paste, but i have no clue unfortunately. i can probably tell you how to make APT believe that the package is fully removed, but you'll probably be left with a package that's *not* fully removed05:39
mabussundried: Well that package would really be just a trivial way of working with ifconfig... you could write a script in a number of languages to do that in minutes.05:39
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boinkand what's wrong with joe interfaces ?05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lightscribe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:39
boinkjoe is a very easy editor to use05:39
mabussundried: In fact since it asks for each, each time... it's really much more inconvenient than ifconfig.05:39
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highneko_Has anyone got lightscribe working for ubuntu edgy?05:40
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:40
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Fall2Helltonyyarusso when i pop it at windows nothing appen windows don know the files.05:40
LjLmrspinx: just edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/joomla.postrm and add a line "exit 0" right after the first line, if you want that05:40
linux_kidHey, has anyone got a broadcom 4311 card to work without linuxant?05:40
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KnowledgEnginow timidity work good05:40
tonyyarussoFall2Hell: reboot05:40
KnowledgEngiand use the correct soundfont05:40
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CurtmanScrew it.. I put a script in /etc/networks/if-up.d/ to fix my hostname..  It really shouldn't be this difficult to override the hostname from a dhcp lease.  :(05:40
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KnowledgEngii'm a genius05:40
porchowhere can I find a irc channel on java-gnome?05:40
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jendaporcho: you can try #ubuntu-java not sure if it's the right chan, though.05:41
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boinkCurtman: what does man dhclient.conf say?05:42
Morrissey Wich driver should I use with ATI Radeon 9000? For now I have the "radeon" drivers, and beryl works, just kind of slow ...<--- FOR XGL/BERYL05:42
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TheShrimphello, i'm kinda new to ubuntu, how do you get ATI Drivers for it, once your done installing to get the correct screen resoultion?05:42
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boinkThe  DHCP protocol allows the client to request that the server send it specific information, and not send it other information that it is  not prepared  to  accept.05:43
LjLUbotu, please tell TheShrimp about ati | TheShrimp, you have a private message from Ubotu05:43
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KnowledgEngiI think that the ubuntu howto about timidity need an update :)05:43
linux_kidHas anyone here got a Broadcom 4311 wireless card to work without Linuxant?05:43
KnowledgEngii solved the problem using this procedure05:43
pibarnasis anyone having problems with swiftfox/firefox downloads on edgy amd64?? I can only download file correctly with opera...05:43
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mrspinxLjL: :D thanks!05:44
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KnowledgEngiis better install the soundfont in this path05:44
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Curtmanboink: Lots..  I figured this would fix the problem, but didn't:  supersede host-name "ultrix";05:44
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stoophow do i debug why xine doesnt have sound Rythembox does ?05:45
Curtmanboink: I have no idea why I can do the same thing with domain-name, and it works but host-name doesn't.05:45
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DreamerHxCubuntu doesn't work for me : my desktop gets freezed just after logging in, but ubuntu does work, do u know why?05:45
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P2Kyou said the samething works and doesnt05:46
P2Kunless i read that worng05:46
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> have u just installed it?05:47
boinkCurtman: you need to set up your dhclient.conf to do what you what it to do05:47
linux_kidDreamerHxC: what do you mean?05:47
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boinkmost people don't need a dhclient.conf05:47
highneko_Has anyone gotten lightscribe working for ubuntu edgy?05:47
DreamerHxCi cannot boot up with livecd ubuntu, but i can with livecd kubunut05:47
DreamgliderP2K, to me ?05:47
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boinkI've never used lightscribe :)05:47
Curtmanboink: I realize that.  And I've configured dhclient.conf how I think it should be, but it still doesn't work.05:47
elias_is anybody using vmware server on edgy sucessfully? I was having some problems with it: https://launchpad.net/bugs/6477305:47
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TokenBadis there a reason that nautilus would be crashing over and over and over?05:48
P2KDreamglider: no im still looking for yours... sigh05:48
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> did you check the media?05:48
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Curtmanboink: That is why I am here.  :)05:48
TokenBadThis is a fresh install of ubuntu dapper...just did install yesterday05:48
DreamerHxCi don't know why but with ubuntu my desktop gets freezed and I just can move my mouse, switch to console or ctrl + alt + backspace05:48
boinkmost people don't care, Curtman05:48
DreamerHxCI even tried ATi and nvidia and I get the same for both of them05:48
P2KDreamglider: can you still access your windows partition ?05:48
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boinkbut you don't want that05:48
boinkwhat does google say?05:48
stoopso is ther anywhy why xine doesnt play and rythemBox does ?05:49
DreamgliderP2K, yes05:49
stoop*xine doesnt05:49
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> weird because I think in livecd it uses vesa driver for X...05:49
DreamerHxCreally weird05:49
defryskstoop, you need xinelibs extra codecs05:49
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DreamerHxCi've been 3 days with this, i've left 3 different threas in forum but no one knows05:49
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> what are your monitor and your video board?05:49
P2KDreamglider: do a search in your windows partition for bookmarks.html05:50
DreamerHxCmonitor samsung 753dfx but I tried with another monitor05:50
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DreamerHxCI tried with nvidia fx5200 (im using this right now) and ati 95505:50
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> and the same problem...05:50
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pibarnasI have one too, working fine, here.05:50
defrysk!info libxine-extracodecs | stoop05:51
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1118 kB, installed size 2676 kB05:51
DreamerHxCI dont like kubuntu05:51
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stoopthkx defrysk05:51
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pibarnas<DreamerHxC> did you get the iso from the net?05:51
P2KDreamglider: it will be along the lines... /media/hda1/Documents and Settings/USER/Applicaton Data......05:51
DreamgliderP2K, yes i have it on my desk05:52
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DreamerHxCand I got sent by mail an official ubuntu CD05:52
defryskstoop, also win32codecs will come in handy with xine05:52
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> do you have ram enough?05:52
P2KDreamglider: you found the file ?05:52
DreamerHxCand they do not even work for my PC, but they do work for other PCs05:52
DreamerHxC1.2 GB05:52
stoopi got w3205:52
defrysk!w32codecs | stoop05:52
ubotustoop: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:52
defryskstoop, ok :)05:52
stoopjust didnt know of xine-extra05:53
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pibarnas<DreamerHxC> hummm, the troubles occurred only in your pc...05:53
P2KDreamglider: then open firefox, Manage bookmarks, file>import05:53
mirakdoes anyone have a logitech remote ?05:53
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DreamerHxConly in my PC05:54
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> I can't think in nothing right now... did you system messages?05:54
pibarnas<DreamerHxC> did you see it?05:55
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TokenBadis there a reason that nautilus would be crashing over and over and over?05:55
TokenBadThis is a fresh install of ubuntu dapper...just did install yesterday05:55
DreamerHxCI did everything05:55
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ProN00bis there any gui ftp client for linux thats better than gftp ?05:55
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd05:56
delireProN00b: just use Nautilus itself.05:56
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pibarnas<TokenBad> here everything's working fine. You must bet there's a reason for it.05:56
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ProN00bnautilus is not a client05:56
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dot_jTokenBad: you could try deleting your .nautalis dir05:56
ProN00bit doesn't even show the ftp traffic05:56
edgyHi, I launched dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but decided not to continue how can I exit normally from it?05:56
TokenBadpibarnas, it started after a reboot...05:56
TokenBaddot_j, would it reinstall itself?05:56
TokenBador would I need to reinstall?05:56
dot_jthat wouldnt reinstall it05:56
edgyProN00b: what do you mean by better?05:56
dot_jjust clear out settings05:57
TokenBaddot_j, ok....cause it crashes everytime open it to browse files05:57
pibarnas<TokenBad> the first reboot?!05:57
s|k_is it possible to copy a hdd from one to the other05:57
TokenBadpibarnas, no...like 3rd05:57
s|k_and then boot from the copy?05:57
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dot_jTokenBad: i've had that happen to me with other apps - deleting the settings directory usually works for me (although i'm not sure that's the _best_ way to go about it)05:58
pibarnas<TokenBad> have you done some king of configuration mess, or install some weird application?05:58
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ProN00bedgy, well, gftp looks crap (gui element placement fail) and handles alot of files kinda shit, so for something to be better it should not have those issues, still show me what its doing (raw ftp commands in scroll window) and give me an overall better experience05:58
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cello_raspwtf. Firefox won't open new pages05:59
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mc__ProN00b: please don tbe so rude05:59
lsprocI have set my workgroup for samba, but when I go to Windows Network, nothing shows up05:59
cello_raspI can enter a url into the address bar and it will load but it wont display!!05:59
TokenBaddot_j, I can't even find the .nautalis dir06:00
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LjLTokenBad: .nautilus ?06:00
ProN00bmc__, dude, What ?06:00
DelanoHi... I can't log in as root when x starts up... it says "Administrator cannot log in from here"... what is wrong?06:00
TokenBadpibarnas, no...just the normal stuff, xchat, xmms, mplayer, klibido, par2, rar....and the restricted formats...and thats it06:01
TokenBadwell the nvidia drivers06:01
LjLDelano: nothing. logging in as root graphically is just very bad, and it's disabled06:01
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ProN00bTokenBad, files starting with a dot are hidden by default in nautius, enable "Show Hidden Files"06:01
pibarnas<TokenBad> the directory is there for sure. It has a dot before, it's ".nautilus".06:01
DelanoLjL, but I could do it before06:01
LjLDelano: besides, in Ubuntu, root is disabled in general06:01
LjLUbotu, please tell Delano about root | Delano, you have a private message from Ubotu06:01
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dot_jTokenBad: are you familiar with hidden directories? .nautalis is hidden (hence the .)06:01
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dot_jin a terminal do cd ~06:01
dot_jls -l06:01
TokenBadProN00b, I can't open nautilus...thats why trying to fix it...it crashes06:01
dot_jls -al06:01
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DelanoLjL, I need to log in as root to edit a file in .x1106:02
ProN00bTokenBad, oh06:02
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LjLDelano: why can't you use sudo for that?06:02
DelanoLjL, I can try, but last time I did it wouldn't save any modified files06:02
crayzeeLjL, do you remember me from earlier re: restarting edgy install/"critical temperature"?06:02
AfterDeathDelano: pull up terminal, and sudo <editor program>06:02
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edgyProN00b: did you try kbear?06:03
LjLcrayzee: yes06:03
defryskTokenBad, open nautilus with the cli and paste the crashing output to pastebin maybe someone can help you then06:03
AfterDeathDelano: it wouldn't let you save modified files because you weren't running the editor under sudo06:03
LjLDelano: don't know why that would be, but i find it very hard to relate it to sudo vs "real" root. do what AfterDeath said06:03
ProN00bedgy, kde ? kde is bad bad bad !06:03
Acugreetings. I am trying to make php and apache2.2.3 work and when I try to open any index.php the browser tries to save it instead of running it - any configuration in apache or php should be changed?06:03
LjLDelano: and read the bot's link about sudo06:03
TokenBaddefrysk, with cli?06:03
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crayzeeLjL: well, I have found that it is the thermal_zone that is doing it (the shutdown temperature is the same as one listed in /proc/???/thermal_zone/???/something06:03
defryskTokenBad, command line interface like a console06:04
TokenBaddefrysk, oh...06:04
crayzeeSo.. is there a way to disable thermal_zone in the kernel boot line?06:04
LjLcrayzee: hmm well, but with acpi=off, i believe that thermal zone support shouldn't even be present06:04
DelanoThat's too tedious, LjL06:04
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LjLDelano: uh?06:04
DelanoI don't like to be locked out of my own system06:04
TokenBaddefrysk, ok did nautilus in console and it just crashed right off...no output06:05
crayzeeLjL, I dont think it starts with acpi=off06:05
DelanoHow can I bypass the root lockout?06:05
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ADminShow i can test my VGA driver installed rite?06:05
LjLDelano: the page explains that. if you really want to do it, which you shouldn't.06:05
LjLcrayzee: doesn't start because it gives the same problem, or doesn't start because of something else?06:05
TokenBadlet me try rebooting yet again....brb06:05
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jernstDelano: sudo -s and you'll be root06:06
DelanoI'm a big boy, LjL, if I can drive a car without crashing it then I can run my OS without wrecking it :op06:06
LjLDelano: then do it by following the instructions on that page06:06
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DelanoOh it's simple06:07
crayzeeLjL: something else06:07
LjLDelano: you certainly aren't expecting us to spoonfeed you on something that is not supported, do you? that page has all the information that you asked for06:07
DelanoLjL, no, sorry, I see it now06:07
lsprocI set my workgroup for samba, but it isnt showing up in Network06:07
edgyProN00b: if kde is bad what's good?! ;)06:07
DelanoLjL, I got distracted and didn't see your message06:07
jernstlsproc: check if samba is running06:07
DelanoAnyway, let me try it now06:07
edgyHi, I launched dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but decided not to continue how can I exit normally from it?06:07
DelanoIf I'm not successful I'll be back soon06:07
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lir1LjL: How do I change the default music player in gnome from being rhythmbox to something else?06:08
LjLlir1: i'm a KDE user06:08
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lsprocjernst: It is06:08
lir1LjL: Ahh damn :)06:08
dudanogueiraSys > Prefs > Apps prefenciais (i am in gnome in pt-br)06:08
dudanogueiralir1, Sys > Prefs > Apps prefenciais (i am in gnome in pt-br)06:08
defrysklir1, change the properties open with : of the file to <whateverapp>06:09
jernstlsproc: can you paste your samba config file to pastebin ?06:09
bobbyshafteranybody running E16 wm06:09
LjLcrayzee: uhm perhaps try also "pci=noacpi"06:09
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dudanogueiralir1, exactly, where i said you can change the mail client and web cliente06:09
ProN00bedgy, gnome ?06:09
stoophow do i update some version to the next ?06:09
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stoopi dont even know what version i'm running06:10
dudanogueiralir1, click on a sample file, properties, open with, choose the programa and set it to all files06:10
lir1dudanogueira: where you said I already looked. It only stores Internet (web browser and email client) and system terminal... nothing else like a media player.06:10
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edgyProN00b: Umm! if talking worth silver, the silence worth gold ;)06:11
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JimmeyIn /dev/, which is my keyboard?06:11
lsprocjernst: http://lsproc.pastebin.ca/25767206:11
DelanoLjL, it didn't work, I still can't log in as root06:11
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:11
ProN00bedgy, yeah, you suck too06:11
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dudanogueiraDelano, you shoudnt login as root06:11
dot_jlir1: sys->pref->removable media controls the settings for autolaunching rhythmbox on cd insert and the like - otherwise the right click on a media file example dudanogueira gave will work for associating file types06:11
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ActivEhow can i install all the essential build tools?06:12
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LjLDelano: what did you do exactly and in what order?06:12
lir1dudanogueira: and I already set the properties of all files to start with mplayer but thats not enough, when pressing the AudioPlay function key it attempts to start rhythmbox still...06:12
LjLUbotu, please tell ActivE about build-essential | ActivE, you have a private message from Ubotu06:12
defrysk!build-essential | ActivE06:12
ubotuActivE: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)06:12
mugehi all06:12
lir1dot_j: thanks, I see it now, seems like that's the one.06:13
DelanoWait, brb06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partionmagic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
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ADminS!partion magic06:13
jernstlsproc: can you access your computer from windows using \\<your_ip> ?06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about partion magic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
z9999We are new to Linux and have got most of the system working properly, and as it was factory installed, once received and connected to the internet we continue to get notice that there are updates, very many, 172 to be exact, available. We are uncertain of the importance of applying any or all of them and are worried of the possibility that one or more may create more problems to be solved,...06:13
LjL!fishing | ADminS06:13
ubotuADminS: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)06:13
z9999I asked this question earlier today and lost the reply due to an important interruption, so I'm hoping someone might provide a new answer.06:13
lsprocjernst: Hang on06:13
z9999I don't have access to the system again until tomorrow so am trying to get prepared to take whatever action is necessary and will write down any reply for later use.06:13
z9999Could someone with extensive knowledge of Ubuntu please advide me of how I should handle updates to installed SW.06:13
z9999...while at the same time unsure if any of them may eliminate existing problems. Mostly, we wish to avoid any possibility of doing anything that will necessitate the re-installation of the system as a whole.06:13
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ADminSLjL: i just used it 2 times06:13
edgyProN00b: I guess it's better not to be a be involved in personal accusations like this. Try to be more polite for your own benefit06:13
ADminSso whats wrong06:13
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !cloning06:13
LjLADminS: yeah, without even knowing if the factoid was there. use private messages06:13
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stoophow do i udate06:14
ProN00bedgy, lol, you told me to stfu first06:14
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defrysk!language | ProN00b06:14
ubotuProN00b: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:14
ADminSlol its not ur prob06:14
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LjLz9999: i would install security updates at the very least. by the way, that was a bit of a flooding...06:14
ProN00bdefrysk, wtf ?06:14
LjLADminS: talking to me?06:15
edgyProN00b: no I told you it's better that I keep silent than say kde is better than gnome06:15
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ADminSnope am talking to another idiot06:15
LjL!attitude | ADminS06:15
ubotuADminS: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:15
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lsprocjernst: It asks for a username and password. I tried my main account, and it wouldnt like it06:15
ADminSwhen i want to talk to u will put ur nick06:15
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ProN00bedgy, eh what ?06:15
LjLADminS: well, you didn't put any nick.06:15
ProN00bedgy, please choose your words more carefully06:15
LjL!u | ADminS, by the way06:16
ubotuADminS, by the way: Unless you're Dutch, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..06:16
edgyProN00b: every one has his opinion regarding software but bad language is not welcomed06:16
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ADminSLjL: thats mean ur not ur business06:16
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stoophow do i update06:17
dot_jstoop: what do you want to update?06:17
eyequeuestoop, update what?06:17
jerpsudo apt-get update06:17
we2bystoop, if there are updates, you will see a nice orange icon in the systemtray06:17
LjLADminS: stop saying it's not my business. as long as you're talking in this public channel, it's everyone's business06:17
stoopthe latest updates06:17
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dot_jstoop: what we2by said06:17
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jerpopen a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update06:18
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JimmeyIn /dev/, which is my keyboard?06:18
ProN00bedgy, its not like i am cursing without reason...06:18
stoopits the first time i work with ubuntu06:18
eyequeuestoop, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:18
defryskstoop, all updates/upgrades wil be announced in your sytemtray06:18
delirestoop: do you want to upgrade Ubuntu to the latest version? is that what you mean?06:18
LjLProN00b: cursing is not welcome period06:19
defrysk!upgrade | stoop06:19
ubotustoop: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:19
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stoopthank you verry muth06:19
edgyProN00b: anyway try not to use such words whatever the reason  is06:19
defryskstoop, if not sure do a fresh install but make a backup first in either case06:19
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defrysk!backup | stoop06:20
thinhshould i change the first section to fglrx? Section "Device"06:20
thinhIdentifier  "Generic Video Card"06:20
thinhDriver      "vesa"06:20
thinhBusID       "PCI:1:0:0"06:20
ubotustoop: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !cloning06:20
thinhSection "Device"06:20
thinhIdentifier  "aticonfig-Device[0] "06:20
LjLUbotu, please tell thinh about paste | thinh, you have a private message from Ubotu06:20
thinhDriver      "fglrx"06:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
thinhOption    "VideoOverlay" "on"06:20
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edgyLjL: thx for supporting clean discussions06:20
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
ProN00bedgy, bleh, ok, let me put this in more family friendly words06:20
delirestoop: no problem!06:20
LjLProN00b, by the way: "<ProN00b> edgy, kde ? kde is bad bad bad !" <- this is utter trolling.06:20
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ProN00bLjL, no, you telling me that saying something is bad is trolling06:21
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ChousukeProN00b: wrong06:21
defryskProN00b, /j #argue06:21
ProN00bLjL, i don't think saying that something is bad is trolling06:21
lsprocjernst: Hello?06:21
we2byguys, take it to #lobby06:21
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LjLProN00b: but i do. bring this discussion to somewhere else06:21
Chousuke#ubuntu-offtopic, anyway06:21
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obductorhow i install SopCast ?06:22
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ProN00bChousuke, so disagreeing with sub-majority= trolling06:22
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obductorhow i install SopCast ? or webplayer06:22
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ProN00bLjL, defrysk suggested #argue06:22
TsoolHiya folks. I ditched my old monitor and bought a new flatscreen, Acer AL196. Then I updated xorg.conf (edited the horiz- & vert-settings). I still get no resolution above 1024x768. Anything else I should tweak?06:22
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we2byobductor, did a search using apt-cache first06:22
LjLProN00b, whichever you prefer. i'd just use -offtopic06:22
greenonionDoes anyone know if there is an app that will tell me exactly what motherboard I have.06:22
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:22
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obductorwe2by: but i need one player for web.. i know one ?06:23
tsmithe!info webplayer06:23
Jimmeygreenonion, you could always just open up the case and look?06:23
ubotuPackage webplayer does not exist in any distro I know06:23
jernstlsproc: sorry I was busy in another channel06:23
defryskgreenonion, dmesg does06:23
dot_jgreenonion: sys->admin->devices?06:23
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mabusSo does anybody know how I could install packages from the xubuntu cd onto an ubuntu system or vice versa? I tried adding the cd as a repository source, and updated.. but I can't get any packages.06:23
greenonionIt isn't labeled, and my wife threw away the box two years ago06:23
mabusI want to either put xcfe on an ubuntu box or rdesktop on an xubunt box.06:23
we2bymabus, why from cd?06:23
lsprocjernst: No problem, Latest status again was it asks for credentials, i give my main account ones and it gets denied06:23
we2byyou can do it from the net06:23
mabuswe2by: no internet at home06:23
jernstlsproc: so at least samba is working. You can check the logs to see why it doesn't like your password06:23
=== tsmithe thinks this place is way way too bus
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=== tsmithe thinks this place is way way too busy
we2byno offense, but are you kidding?06:23
lsprocjernst: But I need to see my windows pcs from here06:24
mabuswe2by: Why would I?06:24
we2bydunno, internet is like tv. a must have at home06:24
obductorwe2by: sorry but i dont understand ubuntu :-s06:24
LadyNikonwe2by: ha06:24
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obductorwe2by: i dont know programs for linux06:24
sonium__can anyone help me installing maple?06:24
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LadyNikonwe2by: geeks dont watch tv.06:24
amimusahello, i am using xubuntu and the menu bar from Desktop has dissaperead. can somebody tell me the command for lunch it and how to fix it forver, please? thanks06:24
obductori nedd one webplayer for web.06:24
mabuswe2by: Yeah well, when you're at somebody's house for 2 weeks there is not much choice.06:24
tsmithelet's create a new #ubuntu channel06:25
we2byLadyNikon, they watch their stuffs on the net ;)06:25
tsmithecall it #ubuntu-less-busy06:25
LadyNikonwe2by: winamp tv ftw :D06:25
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zenwhentsmithe: you could try #ubuntuforums06:25
we2byLadyNikon, does that really exist?06:25
tsmithezenwhen, i'm in that06:25
LadyNikonwe2by: yep06:25
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:25
LjLstop it06:25
LadyNikoni was watching a movie on it06:25
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mabusLadyNikon: small internets06:25
lsprocjernst: Nothing in samba logs bout login, just a connection reset by peer for the pc that i was accessing from06:25
we2byLadyNikon, any similar  thing for xmms?06:25
LadyNikoni wanna get xmms upon it as well06:25
we2byor rhymthbox?06:26
LadyNikonwe2by: i *think so* not sure06:26
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amimusaanybody can help me ?06:26
LadyNikonamimusa: how did it disappear?06:26
LadyNikonis there any little arrows on the side?06:26
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we2byLadyNikon, haha, you need a tv tuner for it06:27
LadyNikonmabus: :)06:27
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LadyNikonwe2by: for winamptv no you dont06:27
asfaltor democracytv06:27
we2byWinamp TV is a plugin for Winamp that lets you control your TV tuner card from within the multimedia player.06:27
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LadyNikonits just going to the video section of winamp.06:27
LadyNikonsorry Shourcast TV06:28
sonium__http://rafb.net/paste/results/yRPkME60.html <- looks like libraries missing, but what are the right packages?06:28
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LadyNikonermm shoutcast tv06:28
jerpTV tuner cards are for outside connections, right?06:28
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LadyNikonjerp: allows you to connect your cable signal to your computar06:28
asfalti just love how everything works in edgy. my first use of ubuntu and i am very impressed. all my hardware works with no problems06:28
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LadyNikonasfalt: sweet06:28
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jerpLadyNikon, , yeah, that's what I thought :)06:29
eyequeueasfalt, glad to hear you've had such good results06:29
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lsprocjernst: The computers suddenly appeared on my pc. How wierd was that. Thanks anyway06:29
we2byasfalt, glad to hear that06:29
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reonHow do I correlate sda numbers to (hd0,x) numbers ?06:29
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DelanoIs there a program for Windows that will allow me to view my ext2 partitions and copy files from there?06:29
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donmoogDelano, yes06:30
lsprocDelano: Yes, hang on06:30
reonDelano ext2ifs06:30
amimusaLadyNikon, the menu bar. now the desktop is just a screen, no menu i need to use right button to access apps and ctr-alt to change between them. it's bored. help please06:30
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lsprocDelano: http://www.fs-driver.org/06:30
asfaltyeah, i experimented with other distros and live cd's on this notebook and there was always something amiss, with this, everything works i mean even the special function buttons, wifi, suspending/cpu scaling, yeah i am still blown away :D06:30
lsprocDelano: It does read/write access :)06:30
amimusactrol-tab i mean06:30
DelanoI used that before on Mandrake 9.2 and it messed up my user account06:30
we2byasfalt, lol06:30
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lsprocDelano: Ok, hang on06:30
amimusai guess i can run it with a command06:30
we2byedgy works almost out of the box on my macbook06:30
amimusafrom shell06:30
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mypapitwe2by: almost? what do you mean by that?06:31
we2bymykilx, I had to load some drivers my self06:31
HHakHas anyone have had any trouble of enabling 3d hardware support for Radeon 9700 cards, on 6.10 ? It worked well for me in 6.06, but in 6.10 DRI is not working06:31
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jernstlsproc: no prob, I didn't do anything anyway06:31
we2byand I get kernel panic form time to time06:31
we2bythat's a known issue.06:31
HHakalso OpenGL not working06:31
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lsprocDelano: http://www.chrysocome.net/explore2fs which is an app, or http://www.chrysocome.net/ext2ifs which is a driver. Both are read only06:32
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zmmany application of open office is not starting on my ubuntu. what could be the reason and solution to ir06:32
vivabenficagood morning (as defined by when i wake up, noon on a saturday, yes!!!)06:32
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we2byzmm, start it in the  gnome-terminal and see what errors it gives06:33
jernstreon: if you have only sd?? disks sda would be hd0 and the ,x would be the number after sda minus one06:33
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HHakHas anyone have had any trouble of enabling 3d hardware support for Radeon 9700 cards, on 6.10 ? It worked well for me in 6.06, but in 6.10 DRI is not working also not OpenGL06:33
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vivabenficai am an intermediate linux user, so this question is embarrassing, but how on earth do you specify a skin for mplayer to use. i've followed the man instructions to no avail06:34
angelblade17my problem is similar to HHak , except i have a ati rage 128 tf06:34
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reonjernst: I have sda1 -> sda8  I need to add mepis to my menu list but dunno which hd it would be06:34
HHakglxinfo reports: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:34
zmmI started ooimpress from terminal and it gave following error "[Java framework]  Error in function createUserSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).jav aldx failed!06:34
zmmterminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeExce ption'06:34
zmm/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice: line 233:  5463 Aborted                 "$s d_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"06:34
zmm** (process:5448): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal earl y exit ...06:34
LjLUbotu, please tell zmm about paste | zmm, you have a private message from Ubotu06:35
lufisIn Dapper, Firefox 2.0 fonts in textareas are too small and are gray against a white background. Any ideas on how to fix this?06:35
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we2byzmm, try reinstalling openoffice?06:35
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HHakangelblade17: did it work well in 6.06 in your case also ?06:35
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zmmwe2by: is it the only solution. if yes how to do it!06:36
angelblade17to hhack:  no , im running ubuntu 6.1006:36
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amimusaanybody can tell me the command to run the Apps menu, please?06:36
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lufisamimusa: What do you mean?06:37
eyequeueamimusa, is your menuy missing?  needing updating?06:37
FunnyLookinHatlufis, is it like that for all websites?  if not, it's probably a problem with the site itself...06:37
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angelblade17amimusa??   someone speak spanish???06:37
zmmamimusa: alt + f106:37
amimusai don't think so, i will try with an update06:37
lufisFunnyLookinHat: Nope, all websites. It's a fresh install of Firefox... I dunno06:37
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-47 (edgy), package size 158 kB, installed size 564 kB06:37
LjL!es | angelblade1706:37
ubotuangelblade17: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:37
eyequeueamimusa, "sillall gnome-panel" should update the menu to current installation06:37
eyequeueamimusa, killall rather06:38
vivabenficai have put the stupid skin directory in ~/.mplayer/skins/directory as well as here /usr/local/share/mplayer/skins/directory and no luck, as well as editing ~/.mplayer/configure to point to skin directory06:38
FunnyLookinHatlufis, weird...   try changing the options under "View" on the menu bar...06:38
vivabenficabut it never finds it when i start with gmplayer or mplayer --gui06:38
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FunnyLookinHatlufis, it might have some strange defaults or settings from firefox 1.506:38
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donmoogIs there an easy way to check if a package is proprietory, or free (libre) with dpkg/dpkg-query etc.?06:38
lufisFunnyLookinHat: Yeah, I thought about that. Damn default versions and such :P06:38
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eyequeuedonmoog, if it is in main, it is dfsg-free    apt-cache show foo | grep ^File06:39
vivabenficaany takers?? :)06:39
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zmmhow to reinstall open office.....current is giving following error06:39
zmm"[Java framework]  Error in function createUserSettingsDocument (elements.cxx).jav aldx failed!06:40
zmmterminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeExce ption'06:40
zmm/usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice: line 233:  5463 Aborted                 "$s d_prog/$sd_binary" "$@"06:40
zmm** (process:5448): WARNING **: Unknown error forking main binary / abnormal earl y exit ...06:40
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LjL!pastebin | zmm06:40
ubotuzmm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:40
LjLzmm: when you have private messages (like the one from Ubotu), please read them. you're muted for 5 minutes06:40
amimusaeyequeue, i am using xfce4 i typed a ps aux but i don't know which process kill06:41
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Dreamglideris there any program i can use on ubuntu that works with Skype ?06:41
amimusamanou@manou-desktop:~$ gnome-06:41
amimusagnome-audio-profiles-properties  gnome-language-selector06:41
amimusagnome-cd                         gnome-open06:41
amimusagnome-doc-prepare                gnome-sound-recorder06:41
amimusagnome-help                       gnome-volume-control06:41
eyequeueamimusa, ah, that command was for ubuntu, unfortunately i don't know the xubuntu equivalent, i guess restarting x maybe06:41
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amimusasorry fro the flood06:41
apokryphosamimusa: please use the pastebin in the future06:42
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asfaltwhen trying out new themes for gnome, should one place them in their home dir after downloading or directly in the /usr/share/gdm/themes location ?06:42
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donmoogeyequeue: I'm actually trying to get a list of all the packages that are non-free. I figured dpkg --get-selections | awk '{ print $1 }', or dpkg-query -l | grep ^ii | awk '{ print $2 }'. From here though, I need to find out if a specific package is not free. Any ideas?06:42
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LjL!info vrms | donmoog06:43
ubotuvrms: virtual Richard M. Stallman. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 92 kB06:43
codecainecan somebody help me get nvidia working in xorg06:43
amimusano, i am without menu some time ago, and i trun off the computer, i decided to fix it today :) i hope so06:43
donmoogeyequeue: Or are you saying that anything not in main is not dfsg-free?06:43
codecaineI only can get x server to run on nv06:43
donmoogThanks LjL !06:43
eyequeuedonmoog, virtual richard m stallman :)  sudo apt-get install vrms06:43
apokryphoscodecaine: please read the FAQ06:43
donmoogvrms sounds perfect ;-)06:43
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apokryphoscodecaine: it's all there =)06:44
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eyequeuedonmoog, just to be sure i've been clear:  main is free :)06:44
dot_jdoes vrms remove all binaries?06:44
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LjLdot_j: it doesn't remove anything06:44
dot_j*non-free binaries06:44
raghu206mu vi editor doesnt function well help!!?06:44
amimusai try in xubuntu, thanks06:44
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eyequeuedot_j, it's informative only, no actions06:44
donmoogeyequeue: Thanks, I understand that. But does that mean anything outside of main is not free? :)06:44
dot_jso if you start from a default install and install vrms, you still will have non-free software on the system?06:44
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dot_jah... just info...06:45
apokryphosthe Ubuntu CD comes with a lot of non-free stuff. Unless you do some serious hacking, there's no guarantees that that won't end up your system06:45
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donmoogvrms is perfect, but that cron job just has to go ;-)06:45
eyequeuedonmoog, no, restricted is about the only repo that i know is definitively non-free06:45
apokryphosubotu: components06:46
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:46
apokryphosfor more information06:46
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ZambeziWhen I add an iprange in hosts.allow, should I do anything differnt compare to a IP? It's still sshd: ?06:46
dot_jso why would linux-powerpc be included in the non-free list?06:46
donmoogeyequeue: Thanks, thats what I thought... which wouldn't really help me find a package that isn't free :-( vrms is a perfect answer though, so thanks.06:46
eyequeuedonmoog, are you familiar with how to get rid of the cron job? :)06:46
donmoogeyequeue: But of course :-)06:46
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eyequeuedonmoog, i thought you might be :)06:47
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dot_jheh - the cron vrms is great06:48
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eyequeuewhat i don't like is that packages like grokking-the-gim[ or rutebook are considered non-free06:50
TrioTorusI get 'no such file or directoy when trying to launch a binary, even though that file is in the current directory.06:50
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NoUseTrioTorus are you prefixing the command with ./ ?06:51
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eyequeueTrioTorus, by design.  the current directory is not in your path.  ./foo  will launch foo, if it's executable and in your current directory06:51
TrioTorusNoUse, even that doesn't work06:51
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TrioTorusroot@sin:/houdini/bin# ./i3dconvert06:52
TrioTorusbash: ./i3dconvert: No such file or directory06:52
eyequeueTrioTorus, is it chmodded to +x?06:52
TrioTorusroot@sin:/houdini/bin# ls -la i3dconvert06:52
TrioTorus-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31140 2006-11-25 18:32 i3dconvert06:52
TrioTorusit is06:52
we2bydoes Firefox support Mathml?06:52
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eyequeueTrioTorus, run "file id3convert"06:52
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TrioTorusroot@sin:/houdini/bin# file i3dconvert06:53
TrioTorusi3dconvert: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped06:53
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zmmok...I've pasted my problem at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33943/06:54
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eyequeueTrioTorus, with the full path to the executable, /home/houdini/bin/id3convert, or whatever06:54
TrioTorusI'm on edgy 64bit amd06:54
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elias_ what is vmware-mui for?06:55
TrioTorusroot@sin:/houdini/bin# /houdini/bin/i3dconvert06:55
TrioTorusbash: /houdini/bin/i3dconvert: No such file or directory06:55
NoUseTrioTorus thats probably why, thats a 32bit binary06:55
slonchohi. is there a way to make Totem to autolaunch when I insert video DVD?06:55
ActivEDoes anyone elses mouse behave strangely when you have the minimum acceleration under gnome?06:55
TrioTorusNoUse, well, it should just complain about the binar, right?06:55
klaus_wich program would you prefer to start programs by hotkeys?06:56
eyequeueTrioTorus, i thought amd64 would run 32bit apps, but i'm not fluent with 64 myself, could be mistaken (though that sounds weird if it didn't)06:56
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TrioTorusoh, the 32bit library are not installed by default?06:56
apokryphosTrioTorus: Ubuntu/Debian's amd64 installs are "pure" unfortunately. They're not biarch-compatible06:56
eyequeueTrioTorus, your error message from bash seems to indicate it can't see that 32bit app, not that it can't run it06:57
apokryphosTrioTorus: this is covered in the faq06:57
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zmmopen office is not starting, It gave the error upon startup from the terminal which I've posted at  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33943/06:57
LjLeyequeue: "no such file or directory" can be misguiding at times06:57
eyequeueTrioTorus, that was why i suggested the full path, but again, i'm no 64 bit guy06:57
TrioToruseyequeue, that's what I'm thinking too06:57
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eyequeueLjL, yeah, apparently :/06:58
HP_AdministratorI was attempting to run Ubuntu Live CD and neither Firefox nor Gaim could connect, where do I look to resolve this?06:58
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NoUseTrioTorus what is this app supposed to do, from its title I'd be you can find a 64bit native app in the apt repo06:58
mofturosHP_Administrator:  at your network settings06:58
zmmI'm using ubuntu 6.10.....If I need to reinstall open office please tell me how to?06:58
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HP_Administratorthrough Ubuntu or back in windows?06:58
ADminShow i can format /dev/hda8 fat32 ?06:58
apokryphoszmm: it's installed by default06:58
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LjLADminS: man mkfs06:59
TrioTorusNoUse: I don't have any problem running 64bit apps06:59
iwksehow to assign a terminal command as vim to an icon file click?06:59
TrioTorusInstalling 32bit libs now06:59
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syntaxxdamn this is annoying.. im using xchat-gnome and when i joined different server other than ubuntu server it gives all the channel list and it makes me lag anyone know how to turn it off??06:59
SeriiADminS fdisk06:59
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Seriior use gparted in graphic mode06:59
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eyequeueTrioTorus, i'd like to make a side comment, though i'm sure you used 777 temporarily, but it's rather insecure to make something owned by root to be world-writable :)  just so others watching don't do it :)06:59
zmmapokryphos: yeah it's installed but it's not working any more it gave error when i started it. and i've posted the error at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33943/06:59
LjLADminS: and man mkfs.vfat as well07:00
LjLSerii: fdisk does not format07:00
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NoUseTrioTorus thats my point, why are you trying to run a precompiled 32bit binary that looks like it was compiled years ago07:00
Seriiahh okok07:00
apokryphoszmm: ok, one sec.07:00
TrioToruseyequeue, good comment, but indeed, 777 was just for testing07:00
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TrioTorusNoUse, it's proprietary software07:00
eyequeueokay, vfat vs fat32, for a usb flashdrive which is more appropriate?  i'm not up on ms fs's07:00
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ubuntu-userIs it possible to use ubuntu server as a live cd?07:00
TrioTorusNoUse, and good stuff indeed it is07:01
NoUseTrioTorus what does it do?07:01
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LjLeyequeue, "vfat" is just the linux filesystem name for the various FAT flavors. you'd normally use FAT32 i think07:01
Seriivfat is fat32? not?07:01
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TrioTorusNoUse, best 3D graphics soft on the planet07:01
eyequeueubuntu-user, nol, i believe only the live cd will, not alternate or server cds07:01
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LjLSerii: not necessarily07:01
TrioTorusNoUse, check www.sidefx.com07:01
ubuntu-usereyequeue, thanks. is there any way to start ubuntu desktop/live without X?07:01
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ADminS fdisk /dev/sda07:02
ADminSUnable to open /dev/sda07:02
SeriiLjL whats difference it??07:02
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donmoogADminS: You need to run as root (sudo fdisk /dev/sda)07:02
LjLSerii: i just said. <LjL> eyequeue, "vfat" is just the linux filesystem name for the various FAT flavors. you'd normally use FAT32 i think07:02
donmoogADminS: But it goes without saying, be careful with fdisk, you can easily nuke your hard drive!07:02
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eyequeueLjL, i actually used mkfs.ext3, as a bit of security-by-obscurity (i know) in case i lost the thing somewhere.  but was wondering the more standard choice, for the future :)07:02
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apokryphoszmm: you can do this from synaptic. Select the OpenOffice packages and mark them for reinstallation07:02
ADminSdonmoog: i did as room07:02
TrioToruseyequeue, it's really going to be the 32bit libaries that I needed to install07:02
SeriiLjL okok sorry i dont read this line07:02
ADminSlol ok07:02
apokryphosubotu: synaptic | zmm07:03
ubotuzmm: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:03
LjLeyequeue: well, i think that's FAT32.07:03
TrioToruseyequeue, thanks a lot, stupid, I know, but just 'No such file or directory' didn't ring that bell to me.07:03
eyequeueTrioTorus, and i imagine that will serve more needs than just this one, great07:03
bobbie__4I'm here, youre all welcome07:03
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donmoogADminS: Try ls /dev/*da - you may have /dev/hda instead of /dev/sda etc.07:03
eyequeueTrioTorus, as you see above, it didn't for me either, no worries07:03
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whtaI need to reinstall my video card drivers i think. can anyone help me out?07:03
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NoUsewhta what makes you think you need to reinstall your drivers?07:04
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jerpwhta, you'll ahve to unload the ones in it right now, and then load the ones you want07:04
grimboyHas anyone else experienced massive memory usage with democracy player? I'm at 500mb at the moment.07:04
ADminSdonmoog: no no its sda :D07:04
ADminSam sure :D07:04
ADminSany way07:05
whtawell sometimes the screen shows up in 256 colors, in some 3d apps the top 1/4th of the screen is messed up07:05
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ninnHello. I'd like to know if someone got beryl to work with a gforce 4 go.07:05
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ADminSmkfs.vfat  -v /dev/sda5 ?07:05
LjLUbotu, please tell ninn about beryl | ninn, you have a private message from Ubotu07:05
HP_Administratormofturos, are those settings in Ubuntu or Windows?07:05
LjLADminS: i don't think that alone will make it FAT3207:05
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apokryphosninn: why?07:05
LjLADminS: man mkfs.vfat and look at the "-F" option07:06
NoUsewhta have you looked at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if it says why it picks low color?07:06
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dunklerengelhello someone could help me to install tls for amsn .96?07:06
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whtanouse: no, i'll look now07:06
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ninncause it wasnt an answer.07:06
LjLninn: no, but it told you that the correct channel to ask that question is #ubuntu-xgl and not this07:06
ninnits about nvidia-drivers, not beryl.07:06
ninnnor xgl.07:07
jerpninn, I got it to work with a geforce fx 5600 (about a 3 year old card)  there is a black rectangle that appears in the bottom right at certain times07:07
mofturosHP_Administrator: in ubuntu .. go system - administration - networking07:07
mofturosand verify there07:07
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apokryphosninn: again, that's irrelevant (as strange as it is). Desktop effects related questions are in #ubuntu-xgl07:07
HP_Administratorthank you mofturos07:07
dunklerengelI have problems with amsn .9607:07
ninnokok ...07:07
dunklerengelsomeone could help me please??07:07
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whtanouse: where specifically in this log file should i be looking?07:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:08
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NoUsewhta no way to know really07:08
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Dreamgliderwhen i play video files in full screen there are a lot of horisontal linse onscreen, how can i fix this ?07:08
NoUsewhta I usually just search for keywords07:08
dunklerengelI can't install tls for amsn 9607:08
DreamerHxCplease, can someone help me with my problem? -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1217907:08
HP_Administratormofturos, is it easy or difficult to install Ubuntu to run beside Windows? or am I better off to run it as Live CD?07:08
donmoogdunklerengel: What error does it give you when you select the TLS download?07:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mathml - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
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LjLUbotu, please tell HP_Administrator about dualboot | HP_Administrator, you have a private message from Ubotu07:09
robbbbso i'm giving up on ubuntu for a server and using FC607:09
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HP_Administratorthanks LjL07:09
emrikoooh: ) 07:09
highneko_ninn: I don't know about where you should ask, but they're good with those kidna questions. Actually, I suggest installing nvidia drivers from this page http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA but skip the beryl part unless you want it.07:09
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MaHaGoNI am having a problem with Firestarter, it throws this error when I try to start it up "Internal network device wlan0 is not ready" and I don't know how to fix it07:09
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dunklerengelin spanish: error intalando el modulo Tls couldn't get....07:09
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HP_AdministratorLjL sorry, not familiar with IRC how do I get the Private Message?07:10
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bobbie__4whisper quiet;y07:10
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LjLHP_Administrator: you should have another window/tab open with Ubotu's message07:10
LjL!dualboot | HP_Administrator, anyway07:10
ubotuHP_Administrator, anyway: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64)  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:10
whtanouse: it says "Default visual is true color", however when I click the logout icon, for example, it is NOT true color, and 3d apps break on me07:10
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:10
NoUsewhta what kind of card do you have?07:10
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dunklerengelI downloaded it by myself but I doesn't work07:10
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ninni worked after that page, highneko_ - but the nvidia-installer says, i need the legacy-driver07:11
whtanouse: radeon x700 pro07:11
donmoogdunklerengel: Where did you unpack the amsn file to?07:11
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jerpninn, the nvidia legacy driver is in your synaptic updater.  Uee the search tool and enter legacy in it07:12
NoUsewhta I take you followed the normal ATI driver instructions?07:12
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dunklerengeldonmoog in usr/lib07:12
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whtanouse: no, i was told that the driver i needed came built in with ubuntu07:12
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NoUsewhta not for 3d games I don't think07:12
NoUse!ati | whta07:13
ubotuwhta: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:13
robbbbanyone in here got a clue about server installations?07:13
jerpSynaptic updater found in the Application/System/Administration07:13
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ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:13
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=== tommyw_away is intrested in hearing about server installations too
donmoogdunklerengel: Ok, so the first thing to check is to make sure you still have write access to this folder, as your normal user. If you don't have write access, amsn will not be able to install the TLS.07:13
robbbbi'll tell you why - becuase nobody usually knows the answer07:13
ninnah .. thanks!07:13
eyequeuerobbbb, the server cd is typically the best starting point07:13
robbbbyes i have that. it doesn't work with my perc2 controlller07:14
ubuntu-user/topic #07:14
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eyequeuerobbbb, that's hardware i'm not familiar with, perhaps the alternate cd?  or the bot's url upcoming?07:15
donmoogdunklerengel: /usr/lib is a bit of a strange place to unpack amsn. May I suggest you unpack to somewhere more suitable, e.g. /usr/local/amsn0.96/07:15
eyequeue!hardware | robbbb07:15
uboturobbbb: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport07:15
dunklerengeldonmoog, how can I do it as normal user? I'm new :(07:15
tonyyarussoIs "Install to hard disk" on the Edgy server install disk the same as "Install LAMP server" was on the Dapper server install disk?07:15
robbbbyeah i'm pretty sure they've removed support for it - LAME07:15
donmoogdunklerengel: No problem, we all start somewhere :) ...07:16
robbbbany idea how to get it going?07:16
dunklerengeloh but I unpakeck as root in usr/lib07:16
blackbelt_jonescan anyone tell me how to start Ubuntu from the console?07:16
elias_why is it that I can get an IP via DHCP when plugged in via ethernet but not via WLAN with neither VMWARE player nor server? I configured both as bridged straight through.07:16
kbirdtonyyarusso: no07:16
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DreamerHxCplease, can someone help me with my problem? -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1217907:16
LjLdunklerengel: bad idea07:16
tonyyarussokbird: Is there a lamp metapackage to get in edgy later then?07:16
donmoogdunklerengel: Ok, if you still have the amsn zip/tar.gz file, I would unpack it to /usr/local/amsn/07:16
dunklerengel:( ok what have I do?07:16
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donmoogdunklerengel: sudo mkdir /usr/local/amsn/07:16
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blackbelt_joneswsorry, I didn't mean to ask that?07:16
eyequeueblackbelt_jones, "start" ubuntu?  if you have a console, i'd say it's running07:16
diskussomething is wrong with edgy, boots alright on my laptop but then just hangs, dapper works fine07:16
dunklerengelok wait please, I'll do it07:16
blackbelt_jonesWhat I meant was07:17
donmoogdunklerengel: Then unpack it to that directory.07:17
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blackbelt_jonescan anyone tell me how to start gpm from the Ubuntu console?07:17
LjLdiskus: DreamerHxC seems to have a similar problem07:17
LjLblackbelt_jones: sudo /etc/init.d/gpm start07:17
robbbb.....and yet again nobody can help. this dist REALLY needs some work!07:17
eyequeueblackbelt_jones, are you  looking for "startx" perhaps?07:17
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blackbelt_jonesnope, I think Ljl has it right07:17
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eyequeueblackbelt_jones, general purpose mouse?  sudo /etc/init/d/gpm start07:18
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DreamerHxCbut mine doesn't work in dapper neither07:18
eyequeueblackbelt_jones, gnome display manager?  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start07:18
blackbelt_jonesnope, it's gpm that I need07:19
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blackbelt_jonesthat ought a work, thanks07:19
tonyyarussokbird: Ah, just found a screenshot that explains it all.  Never mind.07:19
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NoUseDreamerHxC you might try running the memtest thats on the install cd07:19
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robbbbi bet you're all under 2507:20
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LjL!offtopic | robbbb07:20
uboturobbbb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:21
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blackbelt_joneshmmm that didn't work, but I'm clearly on the right track... it tried, but the startup failed07:21
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dunklerengeldonmoog I did but it didn't work07:21
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donmoogdunklerengel: What error did you get?07:21
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apokryphosrobbbb: now please behave :)07:22
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robbbbwhere can i get old versions of ubuntu from?07:22
dunklerengelthe same07:22
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Seveasrobbbb, releases.ubuntu.com07:22
aSt3raL_where can i find the usb-skeleton.c driver?07:22
donmoogdunklerengel: No problem. Did you unpack it to the new location at /usr/local/amsn/ ?07:23
blackbelt_jonesdamn, it's not working... grrr07:23
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robbbbi need older than that07:23
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SeveasaSt3raL_, in the linux-source-2.6.17 package07:23
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:23
Seveasrobbbb, then follow the link that says 'older releases'....07:23
dunklerengelyes I did07:24
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cheesybobmancan sum1 help me w/makin a boot disk?07:24
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LjLcheesybobman: for what?07:24
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cheesybobmanubuntu 6.1007:24
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LjLUbotu, please tell cheesybobman about boot | cheesybobman, you have a private message from Ubotu07:25
donmoogdunklerengel: Ok good. You now need to take ownership of that folder. For example, if your normal username is "foo", you would need to type: sudo chown foo:foo -R /usr/local/amsn07:25
varsendaggrHey just wondering if anyone knows how to connect dual monitors in ubuntu07:25
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donmoogdunklerengel: Hopefully, after you've done that, you can try the TLS thing again and it should download and work :)07:25
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whtaumm, is the fglrxinfo command supposed to show me this stuff about Mesa? or should it be ATI since I have an ATI card?07:25
robbbbsod it. it's going to have to be FC607:25
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diskusrobbbb: ?07:26
varsendaggri have an inspiron 6000 im runing on windows xp/ ubuntu07:26
whtaoh never mind07:26
cheesybobmanwait backup a minute07:26
cheesybobmanhow do you install this?07:26
LjLcheesybobman: what?07:26
cheesybobmanubuntu 6.1007:26
dunklerengeldonmoog: so my user name is darkangel so I have to type: sudo chown darkangel:darkangel -R /usr/local/amsn ?07:26
varsendaggrand i am trying to connect a second monitor through the port on the back07:26
robbbbthis dist needs too new hardware07:26
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LjLcheesybobman: normally you just boot from the CD, and then click on the Install icon07:26
donmoogdunklerengel: Yes, perfect :)07:26
varsendaggranybody? any suggestions???07:26
dunklerengelok wait I'll do it07:27
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cheesybobmanbut how do you make the cd if i downloaded the iso?07:27
diskusrobbbb: fc6 probably needs too07:27
LjLUbotu, please tell cheesybobman about install | cheesybobman, you have a private message from Ubotu07:27
you_explorer_hello friend i am new user in IRC  how i register my name pls help me?07:27
=== maple1 [n=ru@bas2-kitchener06-1096668502.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
LjLcheesybobman: well, that's a Windows question ;-) i don't know. use a CD burning program07:27
apokryphosubotu: register | you_explorer_07:27
ubotuyou_explorer_: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration07:27
tonyyarusso!register | you_explorer_07:27
LjLcheesybobman: i suppose your CD burner came with one07:27
robbbbnope. they dont seem to take out support for older kit07:27
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tommywCan anyone point me in the right direction for adding KDE to my current installation (which is running GNOME)?07:27
donmoogdunklerengel: chown is the command to CHange OWNership. It's used like this: chown username:group filename. The -R means recursive, so it changes ownership of all files inside it. As with most shell commands, you can type "man chown" to find out more.07:27
tonyyarusso!burniso | cheesybobman07:28
ubotucheesybobman: burniso is To burn an ISO CD in windows, mac, or linux, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto07:28
TheGino_Frankcheesybobman, Nero cd burning rom07:28
LjLUbotu, please tell tommyw about kde | tommyw, you have a private message from Ubotu07:28
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varsendaggranyone know how to change the screen resolution to have dual monitors07:28
apokryphosubotu: xinerama07:28
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo07:28
TheGino_Frankcheesybobman, burn the file as a ISO not data07:28
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dunklerengeldonmoog: Oh It works thank you so much!!!07:28
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varsendaggri think i alredy have a dual core processor but i dont know how to set resolution on ubuntu07:28
varsendaggrplz help07:29
grimboyxinerama | varsendaggr07:29
grimboyI mean something like that07:29
apokryphosvarsendaggr: see what ubotu said07:29
ubotuxinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo07:29
donmoogdunklerengel: No problemo, Glad I could help :-) You can add a gnome menu item for amsn by clicking your System->Preferences->Menu Layout07:29
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eyequeue"dual core" is unrelated to "dual monitors" though, right?07:30
dunklerengelthanks thanks, It's hard to use linux but I like more than have problems with virus with windows XD07:30
varsendaggrok ty07:30
grimboyeyequeue, Yup07:30
varsendaggrill look07:30
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grimboyXorg 7.3 is gonna be awesome.07:30
illuminatorare there any ALSA gurus in the house?07:30
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donmoogdunklerengel: Hehe, it can be confusing to start with. There's plenty of help around though, google, Ubuntu forums, IRC etc.07:30
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dunklerengelbut I like it at all XD jeje thanks07:31
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:31
you_explorer_to apokryphos thnx 4 ur valuable information07:31
apokryphoshi Jager07:31
JagerI just installed ubuntu so that i could dual boot with windows07:32
varsendaggrubotu: i am really confused about that page... im really new to ubuntu07:32
apokryphosyou_explorer_: np :)07:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i am really confused about that page... im really new to ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
Jagerexcept i cant boot into windows now..07:32
apokryphosvarsendaggr: ubotu is a bot07:32
Jagerit just says Starting up....07:32
apokryphosvarsendaggr: which part are you having a problem with?07:32
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varsendaggro lol see shows how much i know about it :D07:32
varsendaggrdo you know anything about dual monitors07:33
JagerAnd when using ubuntu i cant go to www.google.com BUT i can ping google.. and then go to http://googlesip07:33
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apokryphosvarsendaggr: follow the guide ubotu linked to. Which part ar eyou having a problem with?07:33
ActivE_UKJager your dns settings are likely to be wrong07:33
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JagerK, ill try to fic that later07:33
ActivE_UKfind your isps dns settings and input them manually07:33
JagerHow come i cant boot into windows though?07:33
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ActivE_UKdoes grub give you the option?07:34
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livingtmIs /var the best place to store shared files like a media library?07:34
Jageri choose Windows xp proffessional07:34
ActivE_UKdoes it just print some text and then sit ther?07:34
LjLlivingtm: hmm... i'd say not07:34
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varsendaggrapokryphos: everything i dont get how the scripting and all that works... also like in windows you just chose a monitor config and chose the two monitor diagram and there it is ... is there something like that here?07:34
whtawhat is the command for mounting an ntfs drive so that you can actually read the files?07:34
Jagerand it just sits there "Starting up....."07:34
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livingtmLjL,  what is the best place? I just bought a 250GB HD, figured if i made that /var i could store my media on it.. where SHOULD i put a media library07:34
LjLUbotu, please tell whta about ntfs | whta, you have a private message from Ubotu07:35
ActivE_UKthen it is likely that grub is looking in the wrong place for your xp installation07:35
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse07:35
JagerHow do i change it to find it?07:35
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ActivE_UKgoto /boot/grub07:35
ActivE_UKthere should be a menu.lst file07:35
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apokryphosvarsendaggr: there's no scripting there; just editing of files. If you follow it carefully things should be ok.07:36
LjLlivingtm, honestly i don't know, but /var doesn't sound too right to me. i'd store it somewhere in my home directory and share it, or you may perhaps create a "shares" user, or perhaps even just "/media/music" or similar07:36
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Jagerit needas to be on boot right? /dev/hdwhatever?07:36
ActivE_UKsudo open that file07:36
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varsendaggrapokryphos: ok well i try but im a little confuse :/07:36
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donmooglivingtm: I decided to make a /home/share/ folder, so it didn't compromise my home directory permissions. Maybe this is a suitable option for you07:36
polpaklivingtm: /var/lib is probably the correct place07:36
adrapHello, is it possible to install a backport of wine O.9.26 on ubuntu edgy ? Because wine 0.9.22 that comes with ubuntu edgy is completely fucked up.07:36
LjLlivingtm: (that is, the last one only if you make it an ad-hoc partition)07:36
ActivE_UKerr, not quite sure what u mean by that.07:36
LjL!language | adrap07:36
ubotuadrap: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:36
apokryphosvarsendaggr: what card do you have?07:36
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polpaklivingtm: or rather a sub directory of /var/lib07:36
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LjLUbotu, please tell adrap about wine | adrap, you have a private message from Ubotu07:36
=== thirstyferret [n=Ferret@host86-138-96-9.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jagernvm.. i was readin somem other confusing instructions..07:37
superlionwhat program should I use in desktop to install software (instead of using apt-get in console mode)...?07:37
apokryphossuperlion: Synaptic07:37
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livingtmLjL,  so maybe /var is for system variable data, home is user variable data07:37
apokryphosubotu: synaptic | superlion07:37
ActivE_UKif you find the entry which is labeled windows xp or w/e07:37
ubotusuperlion: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto07:37
LjLsuperlion: there's "Add/Remove programs" in the Applications menu, or for something more elaborate, Synaptic in System/Administration07:37
alucard064i use kubuntu dapper and WG111 v207:37
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superlionapokryphos: it's not installed as default i thinkl07:37
apokryphossuperlion: it is07:37
alucard064but when i do ifconfig wlan0 up07:37
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Jagersop i go to /boot/grub07:37
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-237-151-178.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cr4ftyb0n35I have an nVidia GeForce 6100 onboard. the drivers installed fine, and all the splash screen shows up right at the begining, but Ubuntu has this fade out effect, and the effect seems really clunky on my box07:37
Jagersudo oen menu.1st07:37
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TokenBadhow play mid files in ubuntu?07:38
alucard064i dont see the blue led and i can find the reseau07:38
LjLlivingtm: well, /var/www is usually for web servers for example. so /var might not be a bad place after all07:38
cr4ftyb0n35Does anyone have any idea?07:38
LjLUbotu, please tell TokenBad about midi | TokenBad, you have a private message from Ubotu07:38
ActivE_UKsudo nano menu.lst07:38
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alucard064someone can help me please07:38
alucard064in private07:38
ActivE_UKnano is a text editor07:38
polpaklivingtm: http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html#PURPOSE3807:38
LjL!pm | alucard06407:38
ubotualucard064: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.07:38
rausb0!midi | TokenBad07:38
ubotuTokenBad: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo07:38
Jageri have gedit07:38
=== whaley [n=whaley@nc-76-3-93-125.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ActivE_UKok use that07:38
Jagerbrb let me go open this all up on the other comp07:38
jerpI want to add a shell script but I'm padlocked out of my File System,   Can I gain access into it again or how long will this lock-out last?07:38
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cr4ftyb0n35I have an nVidia GeForce 6100 onboard. the drivers installed fine, and all the splash screen shows up right at the begining, but Ubuntu has this fade out effect, and the effect seems really clunky on my box07:39
eyequeuejerp, padlocked?07:39
kippiI have installed nswrapper and installed the driver for my wireless card, it can see the driver and the card, but I cannot connect to my wireless network, anyideas?07:39
jerpeye, the little padlock icon in nautilus is on the file system07:39
apokryphosubotu: repeat | cr4ftyb0n3507:40
ubotucr4ftyb0n35: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:40
polpakjerp: you don't have permissions to add files to the standard bin directories unless you sudo07:40
DreamerHxCplease, can someone help me with my problem? -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1217907:40
we2bywhat html render engine does firefox use?07:40
livingtmpolpak, yeah it sounds like thats mostly for system or application files. /home is probably the best place. /home/media or something07:40
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polpakjerp: you can either use sudo to put the file in /usr/local/bin   or you can put the file in /home/username/bin if it's something intended primaraly for your user.07:40
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eyequeuejerp, nor is it advisible.  use /usr/local/bin if you must, not /usr/bin07:41
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dougughasdfaI have a problem07:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about problem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:41
apokryphos!problem is <alias> ask07:41
ubotuI'll remember that, apokryphos07:41
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:41
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dougughasdfaI am trying to hookup to my computer downstairs to so I can move my mp3 folder onto that computer07:41
illuminatorI'm having trouble getting my sound card configured properly.  Machine is Alienware Area 51m 7700, lspci returns "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)" uses driver: snd-hda-intel07:41
dougughasdfabut I don't know how to get there07:41
dougughasdfaI went to network settings07:42
jerpI just tried the  sudo nano /etc/cron-weekly/apt-security-updates  but it wouldn't let me save  :\07:42
dougughasdfaand windows network07:42
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dougughasdfaand windows network07:42
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LjL!enter | dougughasdfa07:42
ubotudougughasdfa: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.07:42
H3g3m0ndougughasdfa: Is the folder shared?07:42
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JagerActivE_UK: Okay.. now im in a window that says grub>07:43
dougughasdfacan I make a folder07:43
JagerI did this cd /boot/grub/07:43
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Jagersudo gedt menu.1st07:43
Tallenanyone using the MCP51 chipset with Nvidia? I am having a time getting the sound card working.07:43
ActivE_UKso you have the grub menu list up now yes?07:43
LjLlivingtm: you know what? by reading http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html pointed to by polpak, i'd be tempted to say that /usr/local/share is a good place. but... uhm.07:43
ActivE_UKok scroll down and find the entry for your windows xp07:43
JagerWell.. it just says like "push TAb for commands"07:44
Jagerand then has a grub> where i can type something07:44
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ActivE_UKwhere are you doing this from?07:44
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Jageruh.. terminal07:44
ActivE_UKim not sure why you have a grub command line up :S07:45
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jerptallen, are you dapper or edgy?07:45
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polpakLjL: except that /usr/local/share has the same requirements /usr/share does, and /usr/share is supposed to be read only (ideally)07:45
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Jagerthat what came up... maybe i can just manually open the menu.1st?07:45
ActivE_UKyou should just have the menu.lst file open in gedit07:45
Jagerill go try that07:45
LjLpolpak: well, if you "ideally" assume that your music collection is not changing ;)07:45
ActivE_UKtype this : sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst07:45
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LjLpolpak: after all, all of /usr is changing when you install programs. so, you can see adding new music just as you see installing new programs07:46
Tallenjerp: Edgy, I tried fetching Alsa 1.0.13 and installing direct from Source, the card is seen and listed in /proc/asound/cards, but I just get noise when I try to play an OGG with aplay.07:46
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donmoogIt depends on how the person would access the media I think. For example, if you're using mpd to serve up your music, it may be appropriate to use /home/mpd/ as the media source07:46
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Jageri just went into /boot/grub/ and double clicked menu.1st lol07:46
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Jagerok its open07:47
polpakdonmoog: if you're using mpd I'd suggest /var/lib/mpd should be where the data is stored07:47
ActivE_UKwell you can do that but you wont have write access07:47
donmoogOr maybe /var/music/. /usr/share/ and /var/lib/ seem wrong personally07:47
JagerUm.. lemme go check..07:47
LjLpolpak: and while on debian-style systems you're really not supposed to touch /usr, /usr/local is an exception07:47
defryskJager, this way you have no perms to write in it07:47
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LjLpolpak: hmm, i'm really not sure that the location of a music library should depend on what program you're using to listen to it :-\07:47
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donmoogpolpak: If it was samba-shared, would you you use /var/lib/samba/ ? :S07:47
renjith171Beryl or Compiz which is d BEST07:48
ActivE_UKBeryl #beryl07:48
LjL!best | renjith17107:48
uboturenjith171: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.07:48
polpakdonmoog: if it was a global share for samba, then probably so yes07:48
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LjLUbotu, please tell renjith171 about beryl | renjith171, you have a private message from Ubotu07:48
-prrrrrrrrr:#ubuntu- lollino?07:48
Jagerer ok Active...07:48
=== barteeek [n=barteeek@bjj81.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Jagerio typed sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.1st07:49
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Jageropened up a blank file07:49
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Naradahow do you disable a kernel module liek agpgart?07:49
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ActivE_UKok well i guess your config file is elsewhere. Im a noobie so maybe someone else can point you to the correct file.07:50
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Jagerno it was in /boot/grub/07:50
Jagercause when i opened it without write permissions i could see al the stuff in it07:50
donmoogJager, ActivE_UK: That's a .lst - short for list, not 1st (first)07:50
Jagerokay, brb07:50
donmoogEasy mistake :)07:50
thenetduckdoes anyone know how to install intel drivers my computer? I have a  Intel Corporation 82810 chip set07:51
alecjwive installed bridge-utils, how do i make a bridge?07:51
ActivE_UKty donmoog07:51
rothgaris there a setting I have to change to allow my windows box to see the samba share in ubuntu?  I can't view the share cause every usr/pass I tried doesn't work07:51
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Jagerok now its open07:51
=== dLinkCrawxor [n=sdfsdfsd@125-236-172-49.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ActivE_UKok now you will need to find the entry relating to windows xp07:51
alecjwrothgar: are you sure there is a pass? try no pass07:52
alecjwand user07:52
renjith171i got a problem with Linux dapperdrake...whenever i boot d sys .. i get  there is differnce in the boot sector and the backup.....and shwing somw offset values ..and later on saying .. not automatically fixing this... it takes too much time for me to get into GNU/Linux ,,i also use WINDOWSXP ..pls help07:52
RarjHelp ! Compiz on Edgy turns everythin upside down and mirrored07:52
kitcherothgar: samba uses it's own username password setup think there is a way to have it use your system password but I don't know how to do it myself07:52
bobbie__4format the windows partition. Use it for something useful like a second Linux distro07:52
rothgaralecjw: it doesn't let me leave both black07:52
thenetduckwould anyone be willing to help me get my scanner working?07:52
bobbie__4Bobbie's been Winders free since 200007:52
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donmoogthenetduck: Ubuntu should have installed the drivers for you automatically. Are you having a problem with a specific device?07:53
bobbie__4MRI Scanner07:53
RarjHelp ! Compiz on Edgy turns everythin upside down and mirrored07:53
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TheGino_Frankthenetduck, intel does not support 82810 drivers anymore07:53
thenetduckdonmoog I didn't know if I needed to install anything ...07:53
apokryphosRarj: /msg ubotu compiz07:53
kbirdNarada: put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist07:53
renjith171 i got a problem with Linux dapperdrake...whenever i boot d sys .. i get  there is differnce in the boot sector and the backup.....and shwing somw offset values ..and later on saying .. not automatically fixing this... it takes too much time for me to get into GNU/Linux ,,i also use WINDOWSXP ..pls help07:53
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dLinkCrawxoris edgy stable as?07:53
dragonfyre13hey guys, anyone feel like helping me out with a ralink issue?07:53
thenetduckdonmoog im just a little confused... sorry...07:53
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donmoogthenetduck: Eek, I misread - I thought you said 82801, not 82810 sorry07:54
alecjwso does anyone know how i can make a network bridge07:54
thenetduckdonmoog whats the difference? does that mean that I don't the the proper drivers installed?07:54
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ZambeziHow can I change the mastervolume in the terminal?07:54
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dragonfyre13I need some help getting a ralink card up and running in edgy. I very rarely use wireless elsewhere, but I need to use it with this.07:54
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dragonfyre13is there something special in edgy that I need to do?07:55
LjLZambezi: amixer set Master percentage%07:55
thenetduckdonmoog i talk to a dude and he told me that i needed the 815resolutions or 915 resolutions drivers ....07:55
renjith171 i got a problem with Linux dapperdrake...whenever i boot d sys .. i get  there is difference in the boot sector and the backup.....and showing some offset values ..and later on saying .. not automatically fixing this... it takes too much time for me to boot into GNU/Linux ,,i also use WINDOWSXP ..pls help07:55
dragonfyre13install anything, configure something?07:55
dragonfyre13it's using a WEP key, if that helps.07:55
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donmoogthenetduck: I'm not sure. What device are you talking about? (Video card? Sound? USB?)07:55
ZambeziLjL, Thanks!07:55
dragonfyre13I tried using network manager, but basically, it only shows the wired connection.07:55
thenetduckdonmoog it's a video card but it's on the mother boad07:55
thenetduckmother board*07:55
renjith171can anyone help me07:55
codecainehi I can't remember what do in xorg I got my graphic accell and nvidia drivers wroking trying to remember how I can get my screen aligned right anybody know?07:56
dRk_sHd0wI am installing a program and am try to add the .tar.gz to usr/local/src but it says I don't have the permissions to do that and I am the administrator does anyone know how to fix this ?07:56
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codecaineits to far left07:56
TheGino_Frankthenetduck, ubuntu should have the driver07:56
codecaineabout a inch07:56
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JagerI found something about windows xp professional at the bottom07:56
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ActivE_UKok , to title = windows xp or somthing like that yes?07:57
donmoogthenetduck: Can you go to the menu System->Administration->Device Manager. From here, scroll down to your graphics card and tell us what it says07:57
rausb0dragonfyre13: what is the exact type of the ralink card?07:57
renjith171can anyone help me out with my problem i mentioned07:57
ActivE_UKthere should be a line somthing like root(hd0,0) ?07:57
Jagerlemme check to be sure07:57
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LjLrenjith171: sudo dosfsck -ar /dev/yourdospartition07:57
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dragonfyre13rausb0: I have no idea.07:57
dragonfyre13rausb0: how do I find out?07:57
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LjLrenjith171: choose option 1, unless it gives any strange messages07:58
dragonfyre13rausb0: dmesg?07:58
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rausb0dragonfyre13: first, how is it attached? pci, usb, cardbus?07:58
alecjwdoes anyone know how i can set up a network bridge07:58
donmoogTheGino_Frank: Is the 82810 chipset supported by the i915 driver?07:58
dragonfyre13rausb0: internal07:58
JagerActive yes it says hd0,007:58
dragonfyre13rausb0: laptop.07:58
Jakadinhohy guys i have BIG fawor to ask07:58
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:59
TheGino_Frankdonmoog, dont know07:59
Jakadinhoi hope someone can solwe my problem07:59
JakadinhoHere isthe thing. Until yesterday my laptop worked perfectly but since i install networkmanger-gnome and restart computer i get few blak screens and than it shows login screen (it should login automatickly) and when i enter Username and Pass i get few black screens agen and then logn windows apear.07:59
JakadinhoI tried to login in KDE but the same resault. I cannot even login in Terminal failsave.07:59
rausb0dragonfyre13: internal could be minipci or usb. any info with lspci or lsusb?07:59
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ActivE_UKok, when i had this problem that was the line that was causing it. Grub uses this line to locate your windows installation. hd0 says which hard disk to look at and the 0 says which partition.07:59
dragonfyre13rausb0: lemme see.07:59
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TheGino_Frankdonmoog, know that 82810 has no support drivers i run on 82810E08:00
ActivE_UKso for this to work in your case windows would be located on the first partition of the first hard disk. I think :P.08:00
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thenetduckdonmoog ok, so it say's Vendor: Intel Coperation Device: 82810 CGC [Chipset Graphics Status:Status Bus Type: PCI Device Type: Unknown Capiblities: Unknown08:00
Jagerso i change it to hd1,1??08:00
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Jageror what? theres two 0's lol08:00
dragonfyre13rausb0: nope.08:00
dRk_sHd0wI am trying to install a tar.gz and am trying to put the file inside usr/local/root and it's saying I don't have the permissions anyone know how to fix that??08:00
ActivE_UKJager that entirely depends on where your windows installation is.08:00
dRk_sHd0wi mean usr/local/src08:01
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rausb0dragonfyre13: without knowing the exact type we cannot continue08:01
Jagerits on hd1.. i think08:01
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kitchedRk_sHd0w: you need to use sudo08:01
dragonfyre13rausb0: hang on then.08:01
ActivE_UKok which partition do you think?08:01
dRk_sHd0wwhat's sudo08:01
JakadinhoHere is the the thiing. Until yesterday my laptop worked perfectly but since i install networkmanger-gnome and restart computer i get few blak screens and than it shows login screen (it should login automatickly) and when i enter Username and Pass i get few black screens agen and then logn windows apear.08:01
JakadinhoI tried to login in KDE but the same resault. I cannot even login in Terminal failsave.08:01
ActivE_UKok do perhaps hd1,0 would d it08:01
ubotudRk_aHd0w: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:01
rausb0dragonfyre13: there has to be something in the lspci or lsusb output08:01
Jagerokay brb :) :)08:01
apokryphosubotu: repeat | Jakadinho08:01
ubotuJakadinho: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:01
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TheGino_Frankthenetduck, click the advance tab for more info08:02
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dragonfyre13rausb0: I've got nothing.08:03
blankywhat's the command to upload a file to ftp.mysite.com called test.txt08:03
Jagerk activer08:03
rausb0dragonfyre13: what did you search for?08:03
thenetduckTheGino_Frank ok clicked that08:03
blankyftp o ftp.mysite.com08:03
JagerNow i get a message sayinbg Erro 21: Disk does not exist (or along those lines)08:03
dRk_sHd0wwhat is sudo??08:03
dragonfyre13rausb0: went over lspci line by line.08:04
jbroomesu do08:04
ActivE_UKhow many hard discs do you have?08:04
Jagerso its not partition 1?08:04
defrysk!sudo | dRk_sHd0w08:04
ubotudRk_sHd0w: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:04
kitcheblanky: put after you connect to the server08:04
rausb0dragonfyre13: and how do you know its a ralink card anyway?08:04
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kitchedRk_sHd0w: read what ubotu says08:04
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blankykitche, ah, 'put myfile.txt'08:04
dragonfyre13rausb0: because it had ralink drivers in windows when I first booted the computer.08:04
blankythanks kitche08:04
ActivE_UKok lol, well if you only have one hard disk its always going to be hd008:04
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DreamerHxCplease, can someone help me with my problem? -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1217908:04
dragonfyre13that's also what it identified itself as in windows. (Blech)08:05
ActivE_UKmost things in computing start at 008:05
mikeRHello everyone: IS there any better alternative for getting around the firefox flash crash without switching color to 24?08:05
Jagerk.. brb again08:05
dragonfyre13rausb0: that's also what it identified itself as in windows. (Blech)08:05
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Jageris it hd0, 1?08:05
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blankymikeR, you might want to ask in irc.mozilla.org #firefox08:05
ActivE_UKtry that08:05
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Jagerk  brb08:05
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rausb0dragonfyre13: maybe there is a bios option to disable the card or a button on the notebook to enable/disable the card08:05
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kitcheJager: hd0, 1 is first hard drive second partition and so on08:06
Aligi_hi! someone could suggest me a small thing about kismet?08:06
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dragonfyre13rausb0: I'm looking through some of the docs right now.08:07
rausb0dragonfyre13: btw, which notebook model is it?08:07
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dragonfyre13avertec 237008:08
dragonfyre13rausb0: avertec 237008:08
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sigp239I need help installing ubuntu from CD.  I get an error "timeout waiting for DMA".  Can anyone help?  Thanks08:08
rausb0dragonfyre13: do you mean averatec?08:08
Jagerokay with hd0,108:08
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JakadinhoI would be very happy if someone would solve my problem on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1804306#post180430608:09
dragonfyre13rausb0: yep, sorry.08:09
Aligi_why when i try to start kismet it says "eth0: no such file or directory"08:09
Jageri get "Error 13: Invalid or unsupported executable format"08:09
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H3g3m0nsigp239: Try adding the cheatcode ide=nodma08:09
dragonfyre13right now it shows wlan0 and wmaster0 in the network-admin gui08:09
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TheGino_Frankthenetduck, i'm sorry i dont think you can update the driver if that what ur looking for there is no support for those drivers anymore but writ down your info.product and pci product id and pci vendor number and look it yup on www.intel.com08:09
=== Rprp [n=Rprp@cc763024-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
RprpHi, how can i 'unzip' a .tar.bz2 file?08:10
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sigp239H3g3m0n: how do I add that cheatcode exactly?08:10
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rausb0dragonfyre13: i seems no one uses linux on that thing. i just googled.08:10
ActivE_UKJager im not sure what that means. Could mean you have the wrong partition still.08:10
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H3g3m0nsigp239: On the boot screen theres an F# key for somthing like extra options, just add it to the line there08:10
ActivE_UKAre you sure your windows partition was not erased?08:10
JagerI hope my windows didnt die somehow.. it shouldnt have...08:10
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Jagerin gpart it shows my windows partition as NTFS 56gb out of 68 gb (68 being what I resized it to) and I remeber there was 56gb of data on it08:11
Jagerso its not erased...08:11
sigp239H3g3m0n: at the very end of the line, just put in "ide=nodma"?  or do I put that in just before the "--" at the end of the line...08:11
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H3g3m0nsigp239: Dunno what the --'s are for, try both :)08:12
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H3g3m0ndoubt it matters08:12
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H3g3m0nsigp239: Also pci=nodma is another one08:12
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JagerH3g3m0n: Might you know why I cant boot into windows?08:12
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JagerActivE_UK says GRUB cant find it on the right partition08:13
ActivE_UKthat may not be the problem08:13
alecjwhow can i make a network bridge? i've installed bridge-utils, how do i run it?08:13
dRk_sHd0wis there any other way to copy files to usr/local/src without the terminal ??08:14
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flughRprp, try tar jxvf foo.tar.bz2 (the j means to bunzip it, z for gunzip)08:14
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anirbanhow to install mplayer in Dapper08:14
RprpThnx :)08:14
LjLUbotu, please tell Rprp about tar | Rprp, you have a private message from Ubotu08:14
ActivE_UKalec jw there are commands for adding devices to a bridge08:14
thenetduckdoes anyone have experience with installing some sane backend stuff to get my scanner working?08:14
anirbanI mean what is the package name08:14
H3g3m0nJager: Missed the actuall error, whats it doing?08:14
LjLUbotu, please tell anirban about mplayer | anirban, you have a private message from Ubotu08:14
blanky!mplayer | anirban08:14
ubotuanirban: mplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile08:14
ubotuanirban: For Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.08:14
flughrprp you can drop the v, it's just 'verbose'. i like it though08:14
thenetduckI found a guy that did it on the message board but don't know how he did it.08:14
JagerH3g3m0n: First i couldnt boot into windows and when I tried, it would sit there saying "Starting up.... forever08:15
TheGino_Frankbest program to play NSV stream any suggestions08:15
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Kingsqueakthenetduck: look for packages related to 'sane' and install 'xsane' as well08:15
LjLthenetduck: what scanner? support for many scanners is built in. you won't have much luck with parallel scanners08:15
Kingsqueakthenetduck: I don't have instructions really but it 'just worked' for me08:15
JagerH3g3m0n: Then I went into /boot/grub/menu.lst and changed hd0,0 for windows xp pro to hd1,008:15
RprpHmm im installing a pluging wor Xchat but still its not running the make file08:15
Rprpricky@ricky-desktop:~/irc/xsys-2.0.5$ make08:15
Rprpbash: make: command not found08:15
RprpWhats wrong!?08:15
JagerH3g3m0n: then it say invalid disk08:15
LjLUbotu, please tell rprp about build-essential | rprp, you have a private message from Ubotu08:15
thenetduckLjL its an epson stylus cx7800 all in one printer scannner08:16
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H3g3m0nJager: Well if your windows is the 1st partition and you only have 1 hdd then its hd0,008:16
JagerH3g3m0n: so i changed it to hd0,1 and now it says "Invalid or unsupported executable format"08:16
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ActivE_UKH3g3m0n that was what it was originally i think08:16
FFForeverhow do i change my boot screen?08:16
Rprpaha ok thnx08:16
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dRk_sHd0whey guys is there any other way to move files to usr/local/src ect without the terminal??08:16
vnUBUNTUhi, just activated a folder sharing on xubuntu but I don't see the computer from my windows computer...do I need to activate something?  smbd is running 2 instances08:16
LjLthenetduck: look at /etc/sane.d/dll.conf - is "epson" commented out? (shouldn't be, just checking)08:16
thenetduckLjL I want to do what this guy did but don't know how http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286164&highlight=epson+stylus+cx780008:16
JagerH3g3m0n: so ill change it back to hd0,0... but then it will sit there saying "Starting up...." forever again08:17
H3g3m0nJager: windows can be very temperamental about partition changes, I installed Ubuntu on my parent machine as dual boot, it worked for 2 days then died. I had to reinstall windows and the harddrive had changed from C: to E:08:17
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TheGino_FrankdRk_sHd0w, gksudo nautilus08:17
ActivE_UKhe also resised the windows partition which may have damaged it.08:17
Jagerits never booted up windows once for me lol08:17
blankyJager, you know if windows is still there? have you tried gnome partition editor08:17
Jageryea gpart shows ntfs is still there08:17
thenetduckLjL nope epson isn't commented out. It's there...08:18
Jagerwith the same ammount of data i left on it08:18
LjLthenetduck: start by install libsane-extras , since the epkowa stuff is in there08:18
blankyso it's grub that's causing the problem right08:18
bobbie__4may I leave now?08:18
blankyare you using typical ATA or SATA08:18
thenetduckLjL ok one sec08:18
TGPOFFForever, what?08:18
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H3g3m0nJager: It might be worth trying fixmbr/fixboot on the Windows recover console on the install cd, you will have to reinstall the linux bootloader after though and i doubt it would fix the booting but you can check your windows is still ok08:18
blankyJager: yeah, my friend had SATA as well08:18
ActivE_UKit makes no difference i dont think, its stil hd008:18
ActivE_UKit is on mine08:18
FFForeverhow do i change the boot screen08:18
TheGino_Frankthenetduck, scanner oh my bad thought u were taking screen08:19
blankyJager: I know this doesn't help much, but I'm positive it's an SATA problem (not that your SATA is faulty or anything, but grub is getting mixed up, or something)08:19
LjLUbotu, please tell FFForever about usplash | FFForever, you have a private message from Ubotu08:19
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blanky!tell me about usplash too08:19
Jageri dont have the windows disk anymore x(08:19
Bilangeby any chance, is there anyone using an Acer Laptop with a Broadcom Wifi card? Im kind of stuck now :/08:19
thenetduckLjL ok that didn't work.08:19
blanky*cough* dl *cough*08:19
Jageri know08:19
LjLthenetduck: ok, but you have it installed now?08:20
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Jageri lent my burnt windows to a friend :P08:20
thenetduckLjL ya08:20
blankyJager: get it back or get a 'new' one08:20
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TGPOJager call your friend up08:20
H3g3m0nJager: Does that "Starting up..." message look like its from windows or grub?08:20
JagerI will.. but downloading at 30kb a sec stinks08:20
blankyJager: meh08:20
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LjLthenetduck: then edit /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and comment out "epson" - instead, add a new "epkowa" entry08:20
blankyJager: you really need windows huh (games), I feel you08:20
Jagerits grub because it says the same thing a second before ubuntu styarts08:20
JagerYea.. my bf2 :**08:20
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ActivE_UKJager what other lines does it have under the windows xp section?08:20
Jagerin menu.lst?08:21
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rausb0dragonfyre13: i googled for a different averatec model (6240) and it has a rt2500 wlan card: "00:0e.0 Network controller: RaLink Ralink RT2500 802.11 Cardbus Reference Card". so maybe its the same card, i dont know.08:21
blankyI really want to install ubuntu cuase I'm making a game and I needa try out the ded server but I only have 40 gigs on my hd, and I have 20 left :'(08:21
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blankyActivE_UK: why not just ask him to paste it...08:21
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Jagerlet me go start ubuntu again.. and im going to go try to put chatzilla on my FF so i dont have to keep switching compyters08:21
blanky!paste | Jager08:21
ubotuJager: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:21
TheGino_FrankActivE_UK, cant jager use fdisk/mbr to fix then use gparted to reload grub?08:21
blankypaste your menu.lst08:21
thenetduckLjL ok just saved08:21
H3g3m0nJager: Check in /boot/grub/device.map08:22
Jagerblanky: Im not on the ubuntu comp ;)08:22
LjLthenetduck: does "sudo scanimage -L" list your scanner?08:22
ActivE_UKTheGino_Frank that depends whats causin the problem?08:22
blankyJager: well, when you are\08:22
blankyof course08:22
donmoogblanky: I installed Ubuntu it on 3GB. Something like 5GB would be more comfortable if you can spare that disk space08:22
TheGino_FrankActivE_UK, ic08:22
Jagerblanky: DNS problems.. internet access is screwy08:22
LjLthenetduck: ah wait, scanimage's not installed by default08:22
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H3g3m0nJager: It should show you the mapping of the drives (althouhg you chaning it doesn't work afaik)08:22
prophetcan someone help me setup dual screens>08:22
slonchohi. is there a way to make Totem to autolaunch when I insert video DVD?08:22
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LjLthenetduck: just try xsane or whatever again08:22
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:22
v4m21Guys, I can't able to play mp3 songs in ubuntu.08:22
JagerH3g3m0n:: ok08:22
blankydonmoog: yeah I know, I've even done it on 2 gigs (my old old 300mhz comp is running server mode 6.06)08:22
blankybut I need the space08:22
LjLUbotu, please tell v4m21 about mpe | v4m21, you have a private message from Ubotu08:22
TheGino_Frankbest program to play NSV stream any suggestions08:22
JagerH3g3m0n: /boot/grub/device.map ?08:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
thenetduckLjL ok xane didn't work however it did list my scanner...08:23
ActivE_UKTheGino_Frank do you mean from the windows xp disc?08:23
blankyif only I had enough money to get some more space :'(08:23
H3g3m0nJager: Yeh08:23
Jagerk brb08:23
thenetduckLjL it said this device `epkowa:libusb:001:002' is a Epson CX7800 flatbed scanner08:23
LjLthenetduck: that's what scanimage said, or what xsane said?08:23
donmoogblanky: Yeah, the Ubuntu desktop CD goes a bit funny on 2GB, you have to remove some files mid-install to let the installer finish!08:23
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v4m21I can't apt-get to install required packages from internet.08:23
blankydonmoog: hahahaha08:23
TheGino_FrankActivE_UK,  no he can d/l for free at www.bootdisk.com if he has no cd he needs boot98 disk08:23
LjLv4m21: why?08:23
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thenetduckLjL thats what scaneimage said08:24
blankydonmoog: yeah back in the old days you could do it on 2 gigs, now you needa do server mode install on that08:24
blankywith xubuntu haha08:24
v4m21Simply because ISP client is specific to windows.] 08:24
blankyultra bare minimum08:24
blankythen hope you have enough left to actually DO something08:24
v4m21So  I want to know if anybody knows any packages which support mp3 playing.08:24
LjLthenetduck: i see. does "sudo scanimage >test.tif" scan and give you a valid tiff image?08:24
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v4m21so that I can downlaod them in windows and then reboot into ubuntu and install them.08:24
dmndhow do i find out if xfce in 6.10 is compiled with the composite flag? i do not have the option composite in the window manager tweaks.... :(08:25
blanky!tell v4m21 about mp308:25
LjLv4m21: the needed packages are mentioned on the page the bot gave you08:25
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masterninjacan i make my download folder a software source or must it be on a server?08:25
blankydid you get the message, v4m21 ?08:25
sloncho!help mp308:25
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LjLv4m21: to get them from Windows, you can use http://packages.ubuntu.com08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help mp3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
li0xhigi, DevUbuntu newdistro Ubuntu based for developers :) http://www.giovelug.org/articles.php?lng=it&pg=20 help the project whit documentation and feedback! thankyou08:25
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LjLv4m21: note, however, that you'll have to sort out the dependencies manually08:25
v4m21But what about the dependencies.08:25
blankyv4m21: did you get the message08:25
masterninjacan i make my download folder a software source or must it be on a server?08:25
blankyLjL: yeah that's a pain08:25
PingunZWhat package do I need to use pixmap engines for GTK2 themes08:25
kitchedmnd: check your log should say if composite is enabled08:25
v4m21Ica n't reboot into windows to just to download the dependencies.08:26
thenetduckLjL sweet, well something happend, but I didn't get an image from it, I heard my scanner turn on and do something08:26
LjLv4m21, blanky: an alternative could be using apt-zip, but that has to be downloaded as well08:26
blankyv4m21: ljl told me about http://packages.ubuntu.org and apt-zip back when I was on 56k (like last weekend haha)08:26
v4m21Yes I got the url http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:26
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johnyHey guys, can someone help me in installing firefox on Dapper drake?08:26
slonchov4m21: why need to reboot to dld?08:26
ubotupixmap: A pixmap editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6pl4-14.2 (edgy), package size 78 kB, installed size 320 kB08:26
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LjLthenetduck: try running xsane as root (not that you'd normally do that) - "gksudo xsane"08:26
H3g3m0nmasterninja: Do you mean you want to share the download folder across the network?08:26
ineedehelpjohny: DD comes with FF\08:26
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LjLblanky: right =)08:26
v4m21Because I canable to access internet only in windows.08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about newhardware - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
prophetanyone have a tutorial on setting up dual screens08:27
slonchov4m21: why so? modem?08:27
donmoogv4m21: libmad0 is what you want08:27
ineedehelpOk, I bought a USB hub (I use a lot of USB devices). I can't get it to work with ubuntu.....how do I install it?08:27
blankyv4m21: for zip-slack to work you'll need to be on another ubuntu/deb-based machine08:27
thenetduckLjL sweet that worked08:27
johnyno it doesn't come with 2.0, does it?08:27
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kitchev4m21: what's your ISP? sicne most ISP's onyl send the software but it's not really needed08:27
donmoogv4m21: It depends on libc6 (which you will almost certainly have already :-))08:27
kitchejohny: FF 2.0 is in dapper-backports08:27
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LjLUbotu, please tell prophet about xinerama | prophet, you have a private message from Ubotu08:27
johnykitche: What are backports?08:28
LjLthenetduck: ok, i suspect it is a problem with some permissions. hold on a second08:28
LjLUbotu, please tell johny about backports | johny, you have a private message from Ubotu08:28
v4m21nope I am using motoming as my modem and I have to use motorola phone tools to access intenet net, so that client is specific to windows.08:28
donmoogv4m21: At least, it's libmad0 for Edgy - I should have made the distinction.08:29
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v4m21so installing libmad0 should solve the problem ?08:29
LjLthenetduck: try this... edit /etc/sane.d/net.conf, and uncomment "localhost"08:29
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donmoogv4m21: I can't guarantee it, but I think so :-)08:30
v4m21k, let me see guys.08:30
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thenetduckLjL ok08:30
matasonHi I've got no sound on my IBM X31... Ubuntu 6.06 - Any idea?08:30
aSt3raL_whats the kernel source package named?08:30
unimatrix9hello all08:30
thenetduckLjL xsane didn't pull up from menu08:30
blankymatason: all updates?08:30
LjL!info linux-source | aSt3raL_08:31
ubotulinux-source: Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB08:31
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LjLthenetduck: hm?08:31
matasonblanky: Good call...08:31
unimatrix9testing an wireless, how do i get some info on the pcmcia card wireless brand? /driver?08:31
JagerH3g3m0n: the contents of the deivce.map are (hd0) /dev/hdb08:31
blankymatason: what?08:31
thenetduckLjL I mean when I just do a normal xsane it didn't detect my scanner after uncommenting it08:31
dragonfyre13rausb0: ok, i finally found the chipset.08:31
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unimatrix9on the shell08:31
H3g3m0nJager: Is that the drive with your windows on it?08:31
matasonblanky: Thanks... No I've not updated... I am silly08:31
blankymatason: it's okay08:31
TGPOJager, how about pastebining you menu.lst08:31
dragonfyre13rausb0: it's an rt7308:31
anirbanI am installing Mplayer now08:32
JagerH3g3m0n: I think.. ive only got one hdd08:32
rausb0dragonfyre13: how did you find it?08:32
blankymatason: because I remember (back in beta) that an update made you lose sound due to some conflict but it was fixed with another update08:32
blankymatason: so try the updates, but don't get your hopes up too high08:32
LjLthenetduck: ok, then comment it out again, and try this instead: sudo chmod g+rw /proc/bus/usb/001/00* ; sudo chown root:scanner /proc/bus/usb/001/00*08:32
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LjLthenetduck: but even if this works, it isn't a permanent solution08:32
matasonblanky: Hehe OK - thanks :)08:32
JagerH3g3m0n: is it possible my external messed it up?08:32
dragonfyre13rausb0: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=49733708:32
H3g3m0nJager: try typing mount and seeing what drive / is08:32
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H3g3m0nJager: Yeh that could be it08:32
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Jagerokay... brb08:32
blankymatason: you're welcome08:32
blankyheeey it's maa frend LjL the op08:33
H3g3m0nJager: You might need to reboot it, im not sure08:33
RprpHmm,, i have 512mb ram on my pc,,, but Ubuntu says i have 249mb, How does it comes!?! :///08:33
blankyhe's ma bestest frend right LjL08:33
blankyhe's got da powa08:33
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=== sobersabre [n=bilbo@l192-117-118-8.broadband.actcom.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
LjLblanky: more nonsense like that, and you'll feel the powa ;)08:33
blanky_NlCE: welcome to #ubuntu IRC Support, how may we help you.08:33
thenetduckLjL ok that worked08:33
sobersabreanybody speaks pt_BR in here ?08:33
rausb0dragonfyre13: okay. but why didnt the card show up on lspci or lsusb? i can't believe that.08:33
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blanky...or not08:34
thenetduckLjL is that the "no so good way" to do ti?08:34
TheGino_FrankBest media player for .NSV any suggestions08:34
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jkelly2005hello everyone. im having trouble getting .flv files to play in ubuntu edgy ppc. mplayer can play the video correctly but there is a 3 - 4 second delay with the audio playback. xine plays the .flv file correctly but without sound. vlc plays some .flv files correctly but not others. ive tried to solve this problem before but i havent found a solution yet. mplayer actually played .flv files very well in dapper. i dont se08:34
unimatrix9are there different versions of the intersil wireless chipsets?08:34
sobersabresorry bye08:34
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LjLthenetduck: ok, see, i don't really have a permanent solution. try adding the above command (without the "sudo"es, though) to /etc/rc.local - not sure that'll work, though08:34
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dragonfyre13rausb0: I have absolutely no clue. I'm looking through the averatec forums right now to see what I should be looking for.08:34
unimatrix9prims I08:34
jeanjean-nl/J #ubuntu08:34
blankyjkelly2005: hold up08:34
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blankyjkelly2005: what exactly are .flv files?08:34
rausb0dragonfyre13: anyway, it looks like the rt73 driver is not in dapper. you have to download the source from ralink and compile yourself.08:35
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blankyaww I see08:35
=== Caraibes [n=martin@tdev233-112.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
JagerH3gem0n: I typed mount.. a bunch of stuff came up08:35
TheGino_FrankBest media player for .NSV any suggestions08:35
rausb0dragonfyre13: too new hardware, always a problem...08:35
LjLthenetduck: pastebin your current /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf also, i'll have a look if i get any ideas08:35
matasonOh it appears I am bang up to date...!08:35
unimatrix9orinoco 0.15rc3 die any one know if there are different versions of this driver?08:35
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sanitariumthis is a new install is there a good link somewhere to add mp3 and dvd support08:35
dragonfyre13rausb0: alright, then I'll have to do that. I assume it isn't in the edgy repos either then.08:35
LjLUbotu, please tell sanitarium about mp3 | sanitarium, you have a private message from Ubotu08:35
unimatrix9die=does, sorry typ err08:35
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sanitariumim not new to linux just ubuntu08:35
blankyTheGino_Frank: try mplayer?08:35
sanitariumty ljl08:35
FFForeverwhere is the grub conf i need to edit it08:35
ineedehelpwhat is the command to open the text editor? it's like gsudo gtext or something08:35
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dragonfyre13rausb0: thanks though, I'll be back if I have any issues.08:36
ineedehelpthe one that lets me write on read-only files08:36
jkelly2005blanky: yeah, its the only way for me to view flash since im on ppc.08:36
LjLineedehelp: gksudo gedit -- but only if you need to open files as root08:36
rausb0dragonfyre13: if you speak german, here is a page dealing with rt73: http://de.linwiki.org/index.php/RaLink_RT7308:36
blankyjkelly2005: really? the flash plugin wont work for you?08:36
TheGino_Frankblanky, any other08:36
ineedehelpI do....need to edit sources.list ^_^08:36
LjLineedehelp: that's what you want then, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list08:36
sanitariumLjL, ty08:36
dragonfyre13rausb0: thanks, I'll check it out. At least some of my highschool german will be used.08:36
blankyTheGino_Frank: sorry, I don't know08:36
rausb0dragonfyre13: :)08:36
dragonfyre13rausb0: ^_^08:37
TheGino_Frankblanky, ok thx will try08:37
blankyTheGino_Frank: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nullsoft_Streaming_Video look at that08:37
aSt3raL_anyone work with the usb drivers before?08:37
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blankyTheGino_Frank: it says players: mplayer, xine, vlc08:37
blankyat least those are the ones i know for linux08:37
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DralaFiDralaFi Hi. I decided to upgrade the kernel, and also got rid of the initrd. I copied the udev, hal and dbus scripts from initrd and I do believe that they are all running, but now I don't get the Windows-XP-like popup window in KDE when I plug in USB storage devices.08:37
DralaFiDralaFi Can anyone help?08:37
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DralaFiDralaFi can someone please explain to me what this local-top, local-bottom scripts are for in the initrd?08:37
Jager>_< i cant get windows to boot.. and i cant get on the internet on ubuntu.. my computer is useless08:37
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aSt3raL_i have a usb driver for one of those x10 controllers but it was for an old version of the 2.6 kernel08:37
H3g3m0nJager: Just check the device next to /08:38
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JagerH3g3m0n: Theres many things with / lol08:38
jkelly2005blanky: no, adobe hasnt released a flash plugin for the ppc architecture.08:38
donmoogJager: Is it just Firefox that is not working on the internet?08:38
rausb0dragonfyre13: looks like rt73 is a usb wlan card, so it should appear in lsusb08:38
whtais there any way to add zsnes as a synaptic package? :o08:38
H3g3m0nJager: It should be a / by itself, probally the first one08:38
LjL!info zsnes | whta08:38
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.420-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 513 kB, installed size 3232 kB (Only available for i386)08:38
LjLUbotu, please tell whta about multiverse | whta, you have a private message from Ubotu08:38
blankyjkelly2005: wooowww, you're kidding me, flash so popular and it won't play on mac? (that IS ppc right? sorry for my ignorance)08:38
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rausb0dragonfyre13: (not necessarily as ralink)08:38
aSt3raL_i guess the usb_driver_class struct changed at some point in the 2.6 kernel08:38
Jagerdonmoog: its strange.. i can get to google by using their IP.. but not by typing www.google.com and i know i have my DNS servers correct08:39
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ActivE_UKJager u need to set your DNS servers manually.08:39
dragonfyre13rausb0: alright, thanks. I'll check there when I need to then.08:39
JagerH3g3m0n: ok ill look again08:39
JagerActivE_UK: i did08:39
TheGino_Frankblanky, winamp comes in linux form?08:39
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blankyTheGino_Frank: does it?08:39
donmoogJager: Ok, how about if you wget http://google.com/ - from a command line, does this work?08:39
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TheGino_Frankblanky, dont know was asking you lol08:39
unimatrix9winamp - use beep-mediaplayer ,a look a like08:39
blankyTheGino_Frank: I doubt it but there's always wine ( http://www.winehq.org )08:39
propheti fallowed that guide but now when i turn on my computer both monitors show the same thing08:39
blankyTheGino_Frank: but I suggest just using a native player08:40
LjLXMMS looks much like WinAmp08:40
masterninjai installed wine with synaptic will it just run windows programs now because no new icons have appeard on my start menu08:40
unimatrix9and use winamp , classic skins08:40
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TheGino_Frankblanky, oh yea wine :0! D'oh08:40
apokryphosubotu: players08:40
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs08:40
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jkelly2005blanky: yeah. ppc is mac. its very inconvenient. mplayer actually played the flv files with no problems in dapper. i dont see what could have changed in mplayer for it to not work anymore.08:40
blankyTheGino_Frank: don't get your hopes up though08:40
blankyjkelly2005: hold on a sec for me08:40
H3g3m0nTheGino_Frank: There was a version of Winamp for Linux ages ago, but it was scrapped and very crap08:40
unimatrix9beep-mediaplayer us nicer then xmms, but its just the taste08:40
=== alan_ [n=alan@201-42-219-109.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
thenetduckLjL ok here's the pastebin08:40
LjLmasterninja: icons usually do appear here. if they don't, anyway type "wine programfile.exe" - you'll find the Wine "virtual drive" inside the ~/.wine directory08:40
thenetduckLjL http://pastebin.com/83275608:40
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ineedehelpI can't get this stupid USB hub to work on Ubuntu...any ideas?08:41
masterninjashould i reboot mabey that would kickstart it08:41
whtamasterninja: right click an exe and select "Open with wine windows emulator" for it to work too08:41
blankyjkelly2005: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats , CTRL+F 'ppc'08:41
LjL!pastebin | thenetduck, pastebin.com is very slow08:41
ubotuthenetduck, pastebin.com is very slow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:41
blankyalan_: ola08:41
masterninjais add remove programs part of wine?08:41
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TheGino_Frankblanky, mplayer works thanks i have the other except winamp, and those dont work this one does cool thanks08:41
masterninjai mean synaptic08:41
thenetduckLjL ya i was getting iritated on how slow it was thanks08:41
alan_quem eh?08:41
blankyTheGino_Frank: no problem08:42
=== Oele [n=oele@oele.demon.nl] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!es | alan_08:42
ubotualan_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:42
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LjLor !pt even08:42
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whta!pt | alan_08:42
ubotualan_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.08:42
JagerH3g3m0n: /dev/hdb2 on / type ext308:42
LjLalan_: ?08:42
thenetduckLjL ok here's the new one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33956/08:43
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LjLalan_: i have no idea what you're saying, but this channel is english only08:43
Jagerdonmoog: Not sure what you mean08:43
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LjLthenetduck: uh, did you add/uncomment "usb 0x04b8 0x081f" yourself?08:44
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ActivE_UKJager can u still ping a site from the console?08:44
ljlolelthe the -generic kernel include support for dual cores (takes advantage fo dual cores)08:44
JagerActivE_UK: Yes08:44
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JagerI can ping everything from console.. and always get something returned08:44
H3g3m0nJager: Well it sounds like your external bumped the drive order around, if you only have 1 harddrive it should be hda not hdb, unless your cdrom is plugged into the wrong channel or something08:45
MareloHello guys! I'm setting up a wireless connection. It already recognized the connection, and signal is great. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?08:45
whtaHow can I add multiverse packages in edgy? this guide is for dapper08:45
yuheng108does anyone know how to use irc if the the irc ports are blocked?08:45
donmoogJager: Sorry, I should have been more clear. Open a terminal/console. Type "wget http://google.com -O -" at the command line, and see if you get any output.08:45
Jagerh3g3m0n: should I change it to hda and reboot then?08:45
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LjLyuheng108: there are web gateways around08:45
donmoogJager: wget basically downloads a t08:45
H3g3m0nJager: Probally not08:45
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H3g3m0nJager: Try booting without the external plugged in08:46
donmoogJager: wget basically downloads a URL, so it's a quick way of finding if you have network connectiviity (other than ping)08:46
JagerH3g3m0n: it hasent been plugged ino -_-08:46
Jagerdonmoog: okay08:46
ActivE_UKhe can connect to the web via an ip i think08:46
blankyjkelly2005: how's it going?08:46
thenetduckLjL no, but I did use that guys from the forms ... heres the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=286164&highlight=epson+stylus+cx780008:46
yuheng108LjL, what do you mean?08:46
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ActivE_UKsounds like direfox isnt finding his dns servers08:46
yuheng108LjL, can you be a little more specific?08:46
ActivE_UK*direfox typo :P08:46
MareloHello guys! I'm setting up a wireless connection. It already recognized the connection, and signal is great. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?08:47
carp3Hi  , is there any way to install Gnome-2.16 on Dapper ?08:47
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H3g3m0nJager: Try 'dmesg | grep hda' and check what drive shows up, also check hdb08:47
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whtaok, I'm trying to add zsnes from synaptic. i'm not seeing a multiverse option like there was in dapper and I don't know a URL to add for this specific repository. any help?08:47
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grimboycarp3, Upgrade to edgy?08:47
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MasterShrekis it possible to use my ubuntu box as a bluetooth audio device?08:48
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bill57785Ok, quick question: How do I enable the KDE Desktop? I've installed it, I just don't know how to switch to it.08:48
H3g3m0nJager: The weirdness is that hdb is showing up as your currently active root partition /08:48
carp3grimboy : ! I Installed lot's of package and i don't what to LOST them !08:48
c00i90wnhey, some time ago, I read a page where it say how to convert a debian distro to ubunut edgy without reinstalling, anyone knows where to find that info?08:48
MasterShrekbill57785 when ur at ur login screen change the session to kde08:48
blankybill57785: when you're logging in, choose the 'choose session' or something like that08:48
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kitchewhta: look at your repos in synaptic should have multiverse option in there08:48
bill57785sweet, thanks08:48
MasterShrekc00i90wn i would say u just need to change ur repos08:48
grimboycarp3, You won't loose any from official repos as long as you don't reinstall and just upgrade.08:49
ActivE_UKif its sata shouldnt it be sda?08:49
MasterShrekyes ActivE_UK08:49
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MasterShrekmine is at least...08:49
grimboycarp3, What 3rd party packages have you got installed?08:49
ActivE_UKsame here08:49
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Hexidigital_hi guys... i'm having a problem adding a job to cron.  i have a command i need to run as root at boot, and i get erroneous output in my localhost mail08:49
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DanaGI made an fbsplash theme that matches the GDM theme.08:49
carp3grimboy :lots of Autopacked Games08:49
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unimatrix9nice games?08:50
jkelly2005blanky: well, not well. the restricted formats page doesnt really have any good information for ppc users wishing to play flash video. there is one method i could use. gnash. which is a gpl library for playing flash video but i dont think its mature enough yet to play back files correctly. ive heard that they've made a lot of progress though. i might just file a bug in mplayer.08:50
carp3grimboy : and now i don't have .package file08:50
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grimboycarp3, Hmm... I don't know if you'll loose them. They're usually statically compiled.08:50
donmoogHexidigital_: What output do you get?08:50
Hexidigital_donmoog: one sec, i'll pastebin it08:50
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grimboycarp3, So they don't have any dependencies on particular library versions.08:50
blankyjkelly2005: yeah, and what can it hurt to try gnash? oh so you already looked at the RF page, and CTRL+F'ed ppc right?08:51
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MareloHello guys! I've setted a wireless connection. Kubuntu "sees" the connection on the wlassistant. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?08:51
c00i90wnMasterShrek: Ok, thanks08:51
=== ninn [n=ninn@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
grimboycarp3, So while I'm not sure I don't think you'll loose those.08:51
carp3grimboy : I added Edgy Repository but i can't install anything08:51
Jagerdonmoog: This is what comes up:08:51
Jagerdonmoog: --14:48:21 -- http://google.com/08:51
=== yuheng108 [n=yuheng10@ool-18b832b7.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Ubuntu
grimboycarp3, Yeah, you have to do dist-upgrade at the command line08:51
Jager=> `-"08:51
JagerResolving www.google.com...
donmoogDon't post the whole output here, use pastebin :-)08:52
Hexidigital_donmoog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/3395708:52
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Jagerfine lol.. but i have to type it all out anways >)M_<08:52
grimboycarp3, Or rather sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:52
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ActivE_UKJager try installing gaim or xchat on your linux machine, see if they work ok08:53
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jkelly2005blanky: yeah. i have. thanks for the help though.08:53
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donmoogHexidigital_ Use /sbin/iptables instead of just iptables.08:53
H3g3m0nJager: It might be a problem with ipv6 and a crappy dns/router, try pinging the ip address of goodle08:53
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Jagergaim does not work08:53
Jagerit was working yesterday08:53
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blankyjkelly2005: no problem, sorry I couldn't be of much help08:53
murph2481I cannot get WPA2-PSK to work on my ubuntu...anyone have any suggestions (beyond forums and wiki suggestions)08:53
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MareloHello guys! I've setted a wireless connection. Kubuntu "sees" the connection on the wlassistant. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?08:53
H3g3m0nJager: 'wget'08:53
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:53
donmoogJager:I'll pastebin mine, and then you can tell me where yours is going wrong compared08:53
DanaGmurph2481: what's your wireless card?08:53
ActivE_UKhe can ping google ok i think, and when he puts the ip it resolves into firefox it opens the page08:53
Hexidigitaldonmoog: thanks.. i'll give it a shot... if it dosen't work, i'll be back w/ new errors :)08:53
JagerH3g3m0n: ive done that, and I get a response, and I can get to google by http://GOOGLESip08:53
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whtai just installed zsnes from synaptic. is it normal that there's no icon in my games menu?08:53
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DanaGI couldn't get WPA (1) PSK to work with a hidden SSID on my ipw3945.08:54
murph2481WG311...i got it finally working using ndiswrapper08:54
carp3grimboy : i have low speed connection ... i think i should buy egdy CD-ROM....08:54
DanaGI had to unhide the SSID.08:54
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yuheng108LjL, can you refer me to a website?08:54
MareloHello guys! I've setted a wireless connection. Kubuntu "sees" the connection on the wlassistant. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?08:54
H3g3m0nJager: Try disable ipv6 then http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87798 i had a router that was giving me addresses and it was because of a bug it had with ipv608:54
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DanaGand try network-manager-gnome or network-manager-kde08:54
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skyfallerhey folks... I'm trying to install Ubuntu on a computer which currently has Yoper Linux and Windows ME (ew) installed on it.  I'm having a lot of trouble with the partitioning step.  Can someone help me out?08:54
grimboycarp3, Or you can get one for free from shipit if you can bare to wait.08:54
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whtai just installed zsnes from synaptic. is it normal that there's no icon in my games menu?08:55
donmoogJager: Take a look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33958/08:55
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carp3grimboy : Shipit don't ship Edgy ..08:55
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blankyskyfaller: would you like to remove everything and just install ubuntu, or keep the other partitions the way they are and install ubuntu, what would you like?08:55
Jagerdonmoog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33959/ ;)08:55
Jagerdonmoog: mine quits at your line 9 lol08:56
murph2481okay after unhidding the SSID i get this error skip - no WPA/RSN proto match08:56
skyfallerblanky: I'd like to nuke Yoper Linux but leave the Windows install alone... I'm a little nervous that I might break Windows, but yeah08:56
skyfallerblanky: I don't actually want to do any repartitioning08:56
blankyskyfaller: no problem, you won't. the boot loader will probably be replaced but that's not a problem, it should recognize windows08:56
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donmoogJager: Ok. From the command line can you do this: host http://google.com. Obviously something's broke with your DNS, but we have to find out where...08:56
blankyskyfaller: well, if you want to nuke yoper, then yes you do need to do partitioning08:56
ciplogichi everyone, I have Samsung R50 and for one reason (doesn't know why and how) the X server starts even doesn't display anything. I've asked someone and say that is about modeline, etc. there is a way to install ubuntu using old textmode installer (without updating from breezy for two times)  ?08:56
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blankyskyfaller: are you doing desktop install (the live installer thing)08:56
skyfallerblanky: I just want to use the existing yoper partition?08:57
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ljlolelthe the -generic kernel include support for dual cores (takes advantage fo dual cores) ?08:57
ciplogic(I have ubuntu edgy)08:57
DanaGmurph2481: are you using NetworkManager?08:57
Hexidigitaldonmoog: quick question... do i have to add /sbin/iptables throughout the entire command, or just the beginning?08:57
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skyfallerblanky: yeah, it's the live CD08:57
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syntaxxwhere's the location of the wallpaper files?08:57
DanaGIf so, go to a console, then sudo killall NetworkManager and NetworkManagerDispatcher08:57
blankyskyfaller: if so, go to System > Administration > Gnome Parition Editor, delete the yoper partitions (everything except NTFS or FAT/FAT32), and then when you install choose to install using the largest continuous free space08:57
lifepositivegood morning everyone :)08:57
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blankyskyfaller: taht way, it'll do the partitioning for you08:57
DanaGand then sudo NetworkManager --no-daemon08:57
ciplogicDanaG: esti din Romania?08:57
DreamerHxCgood night for me08:58
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skyfallerblanky: OK, I'm in gparted, it took like 5 minutes to load08:58
donmoogHexidigital: What happens if you run the command on your own, from a terminal? Does it find iptables?08:58
DanaGtab complete error?08:58
DreamerHxCplease, can somebody help me? Im totally out of ideas -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=54783#5478308:58
lifepositiveapokryphos: hello :)08:58
johnywhat usually causes this error to appear? - E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.08:58
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barielhello, i am trying to upgrade ubuntu to 6.10, using gksu "update-manager -c" after a while i get this error Failed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)08:58
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Hexidigitaldonmoog: when i initially did it, i had to "sudo -i", else it wouldn't work08:58
blankyskyfaller: it'll take a long time to do its business prolly, but no more than 5-10 minutes08:58
apokryphoslifepositive: hi08:58
matsurHi, any harm in dpkg --force-architecturing a gaim i386 deb on amd64?08:58
blankyskyfaller: now, do you see the partitions; ntfs, ext3/ext2/reiserfs (whichever), swap, etc.?08:59
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Jagerdonmoog: Host http://google.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)08:59
barielanyone encounter that problem also?08:59
ciplogicthere is a way to install Ubuntu edgy from textmode ?08:59
skyfallerblanky: OK, great :)  Yes, hda1 is fat32 and then we have hda2 extended partition with some reiserfs partitions and a swap partition inside of it08:59
ciplogiclately to fixup the xorg?08:59
matsurciplogic, are you asking how to upgrade from the console?08:59
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Hexidigitalciplogic: downloading an alternative cd will allow a text mode install09:00
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donmoogHexidigital: Ah, the problem is that the root user hasn't got /sbin/ in it's path. There are two options... either change all instances of iptables to /sbin/iptables, or you can edit your /etc/profile and add /sbin/ into the path09:00
blankyskyfaller: ah okay, delete everything other than the fat32 (in other words, everything other than windows)09:00
blankyskyfaller: do that by right clicking > delete09:00
ciplogicHexidigital: thank you!09:00
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H3g3m0nDreamerHxC: Tried apg-get install ubuntu-desktop from inside kubuntu and choosing your session as a gnome on on login?09:00
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Hexidigitaldonmoog: i think /sbin/iptables will be easier :) thaks09:00
Hexidigitalciplogic: np09:00
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Hexidigitalbe back09:00
ciplogicrebooting, and thanks for help :)09:00
JagerH3g3m0n: i type dmeg | grephda??09:00
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carp3bye all ...09:01
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skyfallerblanky: OK, thank you :) Um, what about the extended partition?  do I delete that too, or just the partitions inside of it?09:01
JagerH3g3m0n: dmesg | grephda **09:01
johnywhat usually causes this error to appear? - E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:01
donmoogJager: Can you do 'nslookup google.com' from a command line. and tell us what the Server: address is?09:01
H3g3m0nJager: Yeh and grep hdb, check what drives show up09:01
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whtahow can I make zsnes accessible from the games menu?09:01
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blankyskyfaller: one of them won't let you delete it until you delete the other09:01
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blankyskyfaller: delete EVERYTHING other than windows (which is fat32 i think)09:02
skyfallerblanky: right, OK09:02
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blankyskyfaller: so you deleted everything?09:02
skyfallerblanky: OK, I've done that... to be clear, I'm using gparted from within the installer09:02
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blankyskyfaller: understood09:03
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skyfallerblanky: so I've got 12 GB of unallocated space now09:03
blankythen once you're done doing that, click on the 'apply' button, it'll start applying the delete process09:03
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skyfallerblanky: I don't think there is an apply button... I just see "forward"09:03
donmoogJager: I suspect that you haven't got your DNS servers set up in the /etc/resolv.conf file. You will need to edit this file as root (sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf). If there is no line starting with "nameserver", you will need to add in a line e.g. "nameserver" (without the quotes, where is your DNS server IP address)09:03
admin_How do i kill X so i'm just left with tty*? Becuase if i try to kill X, it will just restart and come up with the Ubuntu login screen09:03
whtahow can I make zsnes accessible from the games menu?09:03
blankyskyfaller: you're sure there's no apply button? a check mark?09:04
donmoogJager: There's also a way to add it through the GUI if you're more comfortable with that...09:04
polpakadmin_: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:04
blankyskyfaller: can you take a screenshot of it and put it on http://www.imageshack.us ?09:04
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skyfallerblanky: um, I think so... I don't know how to take screenshots in Ubuntu09:04
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admin_polpak: thanks09:04
blankyskyfaller: there should be a camera icon somewhere09:04
helpmepleaseok, I am still having trouble getting kubuntu-desktop to install09:04
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blankyskyfaller: in the toolbar at the top, or the menus09:04
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blankytaht say 'take screenshot' or something like htat09:05
skyfallerblanky: ok, found it in "accessories"09:05
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whtahow can I make zsnes accessible from the games menu?09:05
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Hexidigitaldonmoog: thanks!  changing all instances of iptables to /sbin/iptables worked like a charm!09:06
ephemeros. \m/09:06
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blankyskyfaller: okay so now take a picture, and then upload it on http://www.imageshack.us09:06
DeeTahPanLtahguys ive made a terrible mistake:before going away i forgot to turn on sshd and  ive got only smtp and pop3 open is there any way to get in?09:06
donmoogwhta: Click the menu System->Preferences->Menu Layout. From here, you can add an item in your applications menu.09:06
donmoogHexidigital: No problemo, glad I could help :-)09:06
Hexidigitalback to my mythtv problems :)  bye!09:06
H3g3m0nDeeTahPanLtah: Not unless you can discover an exploit in sendmail :)09:06
DreamerHxC[H3g3m0n]  I didn't try it, but I don't like Kubuntu09:06
DeeTahPanLtahfat chance ;<09:07
whtadonmoog: do i have to make a custom icon to start zsnes?09:07
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DreamerHxCit's must be a bug -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/6748709:07
whtacustom item, rather09:07
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donmoogwhta: Yes - click "New Item"09:07
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H3g3m0nDreamerHxC: I think Kubuntu with ubuntu-desktop installed would basically be normal Ubuntu09:07
donmoogThen type in the name, and specify the command that you would run to start zsnes09:07
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whtadonmoog: ok, just need the command to launch zsnes then09:08
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barteeeeekhow i can play movies in format .vcd (sorry for my english)09:08
skyfallerblanky: OK, I got it up on my flickr09:08
Doowbarteeeeek: not sure, but vlc plays most everything09:08
blankyskyfaller: oh okay, what's the link09:08
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DreamerHxC[H3g3m0n]  but with same packages and command orders?09:08
blankyskyfaller: hold up a sec09:09
donmoogwhta: Do you want to double check that it hasn't added itself in the Applications->Games menu?09:09
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whtadonmoog: the last entry is tetravex.09:09
Jagerh3gem0n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33962/09:09
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H3g3m0nDreamerHxC: I think it would install all the packages it needs, the splash screen and login might still be diffrent etc09:09
donmoogwhta: Fair enough, do you know what the command is to launch zsnes?09:10
H3g3m0nJager: And hda returned nothing?09:10
blankyskyfaller: hold up a sec for me man09:10
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whtadonmoog: nope, trying to figure it out but I sure wouldn't mind assistance09:10
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blankythe image is so small lol you should've uplaoded it to imageshack.us09:10
skyfallerblanky: no prob, thanks for the help :)09:10
JagerH3g3m0n: Ive no clue09:10
DreamerHxCok i'll try then09:10
skyfallerblanky: go to "all sizes"?09:10
johnycan sameone tell me: what usually causes this error to appear? - " dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem".09:11
blankyskyfaller: ah I see hehe09:11
skyfallerblanky: http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=305918345&size=o09:11
Doowwhta: dunno if you got documentation installed, but if you did, you could always try 'apropos zsnes'09:11
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donmoogwhta: Ok, if you open up a terminal (click Applications->Accessories->Terminal). If you can find the command out from here, you can use that same command for hte menu item. Try "zsnes" hehe.09:11
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blankyskyfaller: hover your mouse over various buttons and see if any of them say 'apply', 'confirm', or anything like that09:11
whtadonmoog: oh hey, that was simple09:11
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Jagerdonmoog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33963/09:12
donmoogwhta: In the terminal, you can use tab completion. Basically, type "z", then press <tab> twice, it will give you a list of all commands available.09:12
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ubotuMythTV is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV09:12
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skyfallerblanky: I'm not seeing it... I think the "forward" button is going to function as the "apply" button while you're in the installer09:12
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Jagerdonmoog: ill do what you said with the nameserver thing09:12
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blankyskyfaller: sure try that, I'm so stupid09:13
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skyfallerblanky: but I haven't set up new partitions09:13
blankyskyfaller: after you forward, don't do anything, this is crucial that you don't do anything09:13
donmoogJager: Ok. Check to see if you have a nameserver item already there first. If you have, don't edit the file.09:13
blankyskyfaller: it told you that?09:13
Jagerdonmoog: okay09:13
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skyfallerblanky: well, the scary message at the bottom there says "Make sure to allocate space for a root partition" etc.09:13
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blankyskyfaller: the point isn't to make new partitions, the point is to delete the partitions, then you're going to go back past the partition editor to where you chose to use the partition editor, but this time choose 'install on largest contious free space'09:13
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skyfallerblanky: ahhhhh!  I see09:14
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skyfallerblanky: I'll try that then09:14
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donmoogJager: Judging by your last pastebin, you should have a line "nameserver".09:14
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blankyskyfaller: if I remember correctly, it won't install yet, it'll just create the partitions, and even if it does install (impossible) it owuldn't do anything to your windows because you haven't modified it yet (i hope)09:14
superlionhello guys. how do I rest kdewallet password I forgot it.'09:14
skyfallerblanky: yup, it's working as an apply button09:14
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skyfallerblanky: wow, and it did it fast09:14
whtaunlrelated question now.. when upgrading in the future, will i need to reinstall everything?09:14
blankyskyfaller: nice, it might take some time, just be patient (it might be fast too)09:14
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masterninjawhats better beryl or compiz?09:14
blankyskyfaller: ah okay, now do what I said and go back past the parititon editor09:15
DanaGGaim 2.0 b 509:15
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DanaGdeb  http://repository.debuntu.org/ edgy multiverse09:15
H3g3m0nmasterninja: Beryl has pwdyer effects09:15
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blankyskyfaller: but this time, choose 'install on largest continiuos free space' instead of edit partitions09:15
donmoogwhta: You shouldn't need to. Ubuntu provides a (reasonably) smooth upgrade path.09:15
masterninjaberyl it is then09:15
Jagerdonmoog: Yes, i have that as well as nameserver
blankyskyfaller: this will tell ubuntu to set up the partitions for you, and it'll leave windows alone and install the bootloader, and everything will be fine :)09:15
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donmoogwhta: Normally, when a new long-term update gets released, you will get a notification in the top right corner of your screen.09:16
skyfallerblanky: yay!  OK, I'll try that once it finishes "scanning all devices"09:16
Jagerdonmoog: and a line that says "Search domain.actdsltmp" that irrelevant?09:16
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blankyskyfaller: no problem, stay on here if you like, if you have any probs soon09:16
blankywhich you shouldn't have09:16
rogue780can someone help me get svideo out working with my radeon 7000 under ubuntu?09:16
ImsdleI'm trying to setup a dail up for my ubuntu.. it dails out and connects only if I disable the network connection.. how can i fix this09:16
whtadonmoog: thanks09:16
donmoogJager: Yeah, that search line shouldn't cause it to fail.09:16
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H3g3m0nJager: What brand/model of router do you have?09:16
pianoboy3333What other parental control programs are there for linux besides dansguardian?09:16
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JagerH3g3m0n: Actiontec GT701-WG09:17
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H3g3m0nJager: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25014909:17
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billhello how do i install root for sign in09:17
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H3g3m0nJager: I tihnk thats a similar model to my DLink that was also giving because of ipv6 support in the linux kernel09:18
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masterninjais there a beryl server for synaptic?09:18
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JagerH3g3m0n: should I go ahead and disable IPV6?09:19
masterninjafor easy peasy install09:19
=== bill i need help so i can log in as root
kitchemasterninja: beryl-project.org has the repo information09:19
H3g3m0nJager: Worth a try09:19
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ubotubill: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:19
masterninjakk ill have look harder on there site09:19
ImsdleI'm trying to setup a dail up for my ubuntu.. it dails out and connects only if I disable the network connection.. how can i fix this09:19
kitchebill that should have the information you want09:20
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skyfallerwhy does gparted take such a long time to do anything, anyway?09:21
v21does some of u use LIRC ? IR port for TV pilot09:21
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JagerH3g3m0n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8779809:22
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H3g3m0nJager: http://hellewell.homeip.net/phillip/blogs/index.php?entry=entry060319-000000 - Theres some other info on it here, so it does seem to be a bug in the firmware09:22
JagerH3g3m0n: which file is that all in>?09:22
=== DarkY [n=darkstor@chello062178240242.3.14.wu-wien.teleweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
DarkYhi@ =D09:22
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billwhat i mean is make it avaliable on start up sign in09:22
H3g3m0nJager: /etc/modporbe.d/aliases09:22
RprpHmm is there maybe a other ftp than gFTP? gFTP suck :/09:22
JagerH3g3m0n: Ah thanks :)09:22
H3g3m0nRprp: try ftpcube09:22
ubotuTo enable Number Lock by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NumLock09:23
blankyskyfaller: how's it going?09:23
blankyskyfaller: is it installing now?09:23
donmoogRprp: There is a built in FTP client with Ubuntu. Click Places->Connect to server... and specify FTP. If you're looking for more advanced features however, this probably isn't for you09:23
H3g3m0nRprp: Also nautilus will do ftp if you put in the ftp:// address in the location bar09:23
RprpOke, But is there SCP in it?09:23
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skyfallerblanky: well, hitting the back button requires me to go back through gparted, so I have to wait for it to load again >.<09:23
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blankyRprp: I used to ask the same question, and when people told me to just use the built in FTP, I ignored it, but it's really good, especially KDE's. So use either konquerer (kde) or nautilus (gnome)09:24
skyfallerwhich means another 5-10 minutes of looking at a progress bar09:24
blankyskyfaller: oohh, haha09:24
billto sign in as admin and make it always avalibale09:24
donmoogRprp: Ubuntu also does SCP in exactly the same was as with FTP. Just specify SSH instead of FTP.09:24
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DarkYpeople... since i've started windows by boot loader.. ubuntu 6.10 loads with shell... help me please :/09:24
blankyskyfaller: don't worry, after that, all'll be fine09:24
RprpgFTP is slow :/09:24
H3g3m0nRrrp: ssh://server in nautilus does file transfers over ssh09:24
skyfalleractually, I lied, there's no progress bar this time, just an empty gparted window09:24
blanky!mark DarkY - High Priority09:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mark DarkY - High Priority - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:24
RprpBut i need to changes it ;)09:25
MareloHello guys! I've setted a wireless connection. Kubuntu "sees" the connection on the wlassistant. But when I will load some web page, it just keeps "connecting to site ......." and never fineshes, ultil timeout. Any ideas?09:25
RiGLEYHi! Can somebody send me the default ubuntu edgy wallpaper? Currently I don't have ubu. installed, but I need the wallpaper badly. :) Thanks.09:25
blankyRprp: they already told you, use the built in ftp09:25
H3g3m0nRprp: scp != ftp, scp is a slow protocol because its encrypted heavily etc09:25
RprpAnd if i type a beginletter of a file in gFTP its not going to that file :/09:25
Endyrionhello whow do i get wireless to run under wpa ????09:25
DarkYblanky: :?09:25
donmoogEndyrion: Install the package "wpasupplicant" through Synaptic.09:25
Endyriontanks is that all ???09:26
blankyDarkY: sorry, ask again they might see your qustion this time09:26
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DarkYpeople... since i've started windows by boot loader.. ubuntu 6.10 loads with shell... help me please :/09:26
donmoogEndyrion: That installs the driver, at least09:26
LjLyuheng108: sorry, i was away for dinner. search for "cgi irc" on google, you'll find a few09:26
donmoogEndyrion: I would also install network-manager-gnome as well, as it makes network stuff much easier to configure.09:26
DarkYi know loading windows is stupid but i had to... cause i needed access to wlan and i havent configured wlan in ubuntu since yet ^^09:27
kitcheDarkY: what run level is ubuntu booting up to most likely it's probably on 3 since it boots up to the shell09:27
yuheng108LjL, oic, thanks09:27
donmoogEndyrion: But if you choose to install that, you will also need to edit one file, as a one off.09:27
DarkYhow can i check this kitche?09:27
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Endyriondonmoog what file will i need to edit ???09:28
RprpHmmm oke thnx for all09:28
DarkYkitche: how could i check this? :/09:28
donmoogEndyrion: you will need to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces as root.09:28
kitcheDarkY: /etc/inittab09:28
DarkYi cannot login in shell :/09:28
DarkYhe takes no password..09:28
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DeeTahPanLtahPORT     STATE  SERVICE09:29
DeeTahPanLtah25/tcp   open   smtp09:29
DeeTahPanLtah110/tcp  open   pop309:29
DeeTahPanLtah1010/tcp closed unknown09:29
DeeTahPanLtah1452/tcp closed gtegsc-lm09:29
DeeTahPanLtahis it an ubuntu comp?09:29
DarkYhm k... your ip? :P09:29
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DeeTahPanLtahnot sure09:29
DarkY*starting nuker*09:29
DarkYjust joking ;)09:29
DeeTahPanLtahdynamic ip u know09:29
donmoogEndyrion: And then you will need to comment all of the lines, apart from the lines auto lo, and iface lo inet loopback. To comment a line, put a # at the start. Let me know if you need a bit more help09:29
DeeTahPanLtahmost likely i got disconnected09:29
kitcheDarkY: it takes a password you just can't see what you type in the password field if that's what you mean09:29
DeeTahPanLtahis it an ubuntu comp?09:29
DarkYkitche: no i always get wrong data <.<09:30
cmwebHey i know ive asked this question over and over but how do i mount a windows partion09:30
cmwebi need a quicki answer i have a client09:30
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H3g3m0ncmweb: read/write or just read?09:30
LjLUbotu, please tell cmweb about mount | cmweb, you have a private message from Ubotu09:30
LjLUbotu, please tell cmweb about mountwindows | cmweb, you have a private message from Ubotu09:30
DarkYkitche: i just could log in as root <.<09:30
Jaseyhey there. im having a bit of trouble mounting my floppy disk. i know its all connected properly because i can run boot disks. but i keep getting this when trying to mount. mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device... what can i do? thank you :)09:31
DarkYkitche: i logged in as root and /etc/inittab shows: permission denied o09:31
kitcheDarkY: you in fail safe mode? or did you enable root log in09:31
kitcheDarkY: check the perms do ls -l /etc/inittab09:31
cmwebthank you again ljl09:31
ompaulJasey, install mtools and do mdir and mcopy if you want to use them or mount -t mdos /media/floppy09:31
RiGLEYCan somebody send me the default ubuntu edgy wallpaper? Please! I can't find it on the net..09:32
DarkYkitche: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2008 2006-05-23 10:39 /etc/inittab09:32
Jaseyok, ill try it09:32
polpakJasey: is it formatted?09:32
ompaulJasey, or -t msdos  even09:32
Jaseyof course it is,how can you have a non formatted boot disk lol09:32
DarkYkitche: and i started the normal way but he just accepts root login without password09:32
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ompaulJasey, so then you should take a look in /etc/fstab and check out how the mount command works09:32
LjLRiGLEY: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/gnome/ubuntu-artwork09:33
polpakJasey: You didn't say the disk was a boot disk. You only said that you could "run boot disks" in that drive09:33
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kitcheDarkY: ok that is odd that it would say permission denied how are you trying to open it?09:33
RiGLEYthanks LjL09:33
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Jaseyi know how to mount, thank you. and i thought it was somewhat obvious that the disk im testing with was a boot disk, thus properly formatted. sorry.09:34
DarkYkitche: lol i tried to execute.. sorry i'll open it now ^^ ... im a little bit tired atm ^^09:34
vnUBUNTUhi, uh...when I log from windows to a samba sharing computer...and its asking me to login.  what informations am I suposed to enter?09:34
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whtaMAN i'm just getting problem after problem09:34
DarkYkitche: id:2:initdefault:09:34
JagerH3g3m0n: editing /esc/modprobe.d/aliases didnt fix it09:34
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Jaseypolpak, ompaul: anyway, i installed that package and it still complains mount: /dev/fd0 is not a valid block device09:34
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kitcheDarkY: ah ok so it is setup to boot to shell it seems09:35
H3g3m0nJager: 'lsmod | grep ipv6' see if it still got loaded somehow09:35
whtawhenever i choose to log out or i press ctrl+alt+backspace the system just sort of blacks out and I can't bring it back. i need to do this quite a bit because often my system will start up with no sound and the only way to fix it is to restart. and that gets tedious =\09:35
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bimberivnUBUNTU: you need to set up a samba password: 'sudo smbpasswd -a username'09:35
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DarkYkitche: k how can i repair this? :/09:35
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bimberiubotu: tell samba about vnUBUNTU | via /msg09:35
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ompaulJasey, so, what kind of a boot disk is it?09:35
bimberiubotu: tell vnUBUNTU about samba | via /msg09:35
H3g3m0nJager: If you got nothing then ipv6 isn't loaded09:35
billwhat is that web site for root password09:35
=== Natalie [n=Natalie@cpe-24-208-194-34.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
vnUBUNTUgot it09:36
Jaseyompaul: just a windows 98 boot disk. i want some files off it to send to someone.09:36
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Kingsqueakbimberi: 'sudo -i'  then type your own password09:36
Kingsqueakgah, nick completion09:36
Kingsqueakbill: 'sudo -i' then type your own password09:36
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LjLbimberi: are you trying to copy my alias? >:09:36
whtawhenever i choose to log out or i press ctrl+alt+backspace the system just sort of blacks out and I can't bring it back. i need to do this quite a bit because often my system will start up with no sound and the only way to fix it is to restart. and that gets tedious09:36
ompaulJasey, so mdir in a terminal should show what is in there09:36
billthe web site where it tells me how to set pass word for root09:37
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JagerH3g3m0n: this is what it returned: "ipv6     272288   8"09:37
Kingsqueakbill there isn't one, you use sudo in Ubuntu09:37
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LjLbill: why would you need to do that?09:37
bimberiLjL: yep, with a python macro :)09:37
ompaulselinuxium, evening09:37
Jaseyompaul: now it says Can't open /dev/fd0: No such device or address. but there is definitely a device fd0 in /dev.09:37
H3g3m0nJager: Did you reboot after changing the file? also try 'rm ipv6'09:37
blankyhey guys09:37
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ompaulJasey, what version of ubuntu are you using?09:37
blankyin irc, how do you change the motd of a channel?09:37
Jagerh3g3mon: Yea, i did.09:37
Jaseyompaul: edgy09:38
vnUBUNTUyay it works09:38
H3g3m0nJager: 'rmmod ipv6'09:38
Kingsqueakblanky: it's /topic09:38
DarkYkitche: still alive? ^^09:38
selinuxiumompaul: Indeed it is! How goes it?09:38
vnUBUNTUwas the smbpasswd thing09:38
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whtawhenever i choose to log out or i press ctrl+alt+backspace the system just sort of blacks out and I can't bring it back. i need to do this quite a bit because often my system will start up with no sound and the only way to fix it is to restart. and that gets tedious09:38
blankyKingsqueak: oohhh thanks!09:38
Jagerman this is frustrating.. all this just to get my internet working :/09:38
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omV0Hi, my ubuntu menu crashed and closed.. what is the command to reopen it?09:38
billbecause i want to set up some things09:38
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H3g3m0nJager: Actualyl rmmod wont work09:38
LjLbill: oooh, good reason. not. use sudo. ;)09:38
Kingsqueakbill: 'sudo -i'  then type your password....how hard is that?09:38
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ompaulJasey, do this in the terminal >> mount | grep flo<< and tell me if it gives a response09:39
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thirstyferretEvening, all... Can anyone recommend a good MSN client please? I tried amsn, but didn't get on too well with it - are there any alternatives? Thanks :)09:39
bimberiomV0: which menu? "Applications Places System"?09:39
kitcheDarkY: hmm wonder if your gdm script got turned off but it seems odd that you can log in as root since it should be locked unless your in "rescue mode"09:39
billnever mind09:39
LjLthirstyferret: Gaim09:39
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Jaseyompaul: nothing. by the way, i dont have any /dev/floppy as many ppl do have, ive seen09:39
thirstyferretLjL: thanks - will give it a shot and report back09:40
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:40
FirefisheHow do I use apt-get to select both Recommended and Suggested packages?09:40
LjL!msn | thirstyferret09:40
ubotuthirstyferret: Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.09:40
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ompaulJasey, put this in your /etc/fstab >> /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0<<09:40
DarkYkitche: i dont want to set it up again <.< can i do anything?09:40
omV0bimberi: yeah, i already got it back with "gnome-panel" but thanks =)09:40
DarkYkitche: just starting it the normal way and get into shell <.<09:40
bimberiomV0: righto :)09:40
Jaseyi already have that in fstab09:40
JagerH3g3m0n: Looks like there may be a new firmware for my router that fixes this :)09:41
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H3g3m0nJager: Yeh i think they released somthing for my dlink, but i installed openwrt linux on it09:41
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DarkYkitche: if i do /etc/init.d/rc 2 i get errror at [* Starting system log....]  and at [* Starting kernel log...] 09:41
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Jaseyompaul: ive already got that. i even mkdir'd my own floppy0 folder. nothing09:41
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asfalthello, i have a slight problem with gnome not coming up after login, i was in a session and my wallpaper dissappeared, i logged out and now when i attempt to login i get a gray box in upper left hand side corner, when pointer floats over it changes to textbar. there is no error msg that i can see on the screen. in failsafe terminal i renamed .gnome2 and .gconf dirs in my home dir as well but still have the problem09:42
JagerH3g3m0n: Arg... some people say not to upgrade the firmware.. that it might mess up the router.. ahh i was not meant to have linux lol09:42
H3g3m0nJager: just make sure your file looks the same as the screenshot here: http://computeraddict.neo-addict.net/guides/tut_ubuntudisableipv609:42
ompaulJasey, you have to check what you already said: <Jasey> ompaul: nothing. by the way, i dont have any /dev/floppy as many ppl do have, ive seen << if you are on edgy mkdir /media/floppy is not bad but floppy0 is not needed09:43
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donmoogJager: Before going down that route, I would personally try the easy option - comment out the /etc/resolv.conf line, by putting a # at the start of it.09:43
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Jagerdonmoog: ok, ill try it09:43
=== CypherBIOS [n=cypher@ubuntu/member/cypherbios] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
BeforewisdomHi.  Does anyone here download BSG( I don't own a TV)?   I've been trying to, but all I can get are avi files, which don't play on ubuntu no matter what I try ( totem, xine, vlc, mplayer, mplayer codecs ).09:44
asfaltalso when i try to run 'gnome session" from the failsafe terminal i get the gray box in upper left hand side corner of the screen09:44
=== tortus [n=tortus@p508F8E63.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
donmoogJager, you'll need to edit the file as root so e.g. sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf09:44
H3g3m0nI think resolv.conf gets overridden by dhcp though so it will break again at reboot09:44
kitcheDarkY: look at /var/log/dmesg might help you out a bit with finding whta happened09:44
H3g3m0nbut worth trying for testing09:44
Jaseyompaul: well whichever, theyre just mountpoints anyway. either way, before i was trying to access my disk, /media didnt have any mountpoint folders pertaining to a floppy disk device.09:44
Jaseyanyway, ive got to go09:45
bcroqhi all09:45
aSt3raL_what package is ncftpget in?09:45
JagerWell, if i tell it not to do dhcp and to do static.. will dhcp still over write the reolv.conf?09:45
donmoogH3g3m0n: Indeed. You can edit the dhclient.conf file to ignore the dhcp supplied DNS entries. It's a simple fix if it works. Do you think it'd be easier than disabling IPv6?09:45
Jaseythanks for your help ompaul09:45
ompaulJasey, then it looks like your ubuntu did not see your hardware as it installed - strange - check launchpad for bugs reported on that09:45
LjL!find ncftpget | aSt3raL_09:45
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ubotuFile ncftpget found in ncftp09:45
donmoogJager: If you use static, then DHCP wont touch your setup, so that is certainly an option.09:45
bcroqon my computer, lspci doesn't output anything... is it a known problem ? (Edgy)09:45
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BeforewisdomHi.  Does anyone here download BSG( I don't own a TV)?   I've been trying to, but all I can get are avi files, which don't play on ubuntu no matter what I try ( totem, xine, vlc, mplayer, mplayer codecs ).09:47
FirefisheHi folks. :)  Is there any way to invoke apt-get to install both Recommended and Suggested package selections?09:47
H3g3m0ndonmoog: Probably not much difference between the 209:47
thirstyferretLkL: Gaim looks great, thanks :)09:47
LjLFirefishe: not sure, there's probably a config file option. or you could use aptitude, that installs recommends by default, and suggests if you give it the option09:47
sohlemacBeforewisdom, how are the avi files encoded?09:48
H3g3m0nalthough having ipv6 enabled can apparently slow down ipv409:48
LjL!aptitude | Firefishe09:48
ubotuFirefishe: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT, like apt-get. However, aptitude can remember the dependencies installed with a package and remove them if you uninstall. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide09:48
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donmoogH3g3m0n: Yeah, just read it on that article. I think that may be a bit misleading. I don't really see how it would slow things down...09:48
Beforewisdomsohlemac, I'm a noob to media, I don't know what that means, I thought avi was the encoding09:48
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kitcheH3g3m0n: yes ipv6 will slow down ipv4 if that's all you have I usually turn ipv6 off in firefox and it speeds up great09:48
sohlemacavi is a container.09:48
nacho_Hi: How can i control by software the LCD brightness of my acer laptop? what's the command for do that?09:49
Beforewisdomsohlemac, I read that09:49
kitchedonmoog:it looks for ipv6 stuff first in firefox then ipv409:49
sohlemacBeforewisdom, I would suggest automatix09:49
FirefisheLjL:  apitude!  Knew I was forgetting something.  Is aptitude safe for ubuntu?09:49
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donmoogH3g3m0n: For example, if you do a lookup on google.com and your ISP only supports IPv4, then you're only going to get a IPv4 IP address back, so IPv6 is dormant.09:49
LjLFirefishe: should be09:49
LjL!automatix | sohlemac, Beforewisdom09:49
ubotusohlemac, Beforewisdom: automatix is is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Since it is often hard to track and solve problems caused by Automatix, you might find it easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:49
Beforewisdomsohlemac, I already tried automatix and downloading mplayer codex09:49
davinhow come I cant resize my ubuntu partition? Everything is grayed out in gparted and I cant umount it.09:49
FirefisheLjL: Don't worry, I won't hold you responsible ;)09:49
sohlemacI'll not suggest that then.09:49
sohlemac(it's what I used)09:49
Beforewisdomsohlemac,  can anyone suggest a good place to dowloand BSG....preferably not in avi09:50
=== Oompa [i=Oompa@cpe-76-185-186-242.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sohlemacsorry, I'm not really into BSG.09:50
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
BeforewisdomI'm wondering if the place I found just sucks09:50
H3g3m0ndonmoog: Problem is it will still make an ipv6 dns request even if its not supported, might even wait untill the ipv6 one has return that there isn't one befoure doing the ipv409:50
Vaske_Carhow to burn image .iso in Ubuntu?09:50
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ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu09:50
bimberiVaske_Car: right-click, select Write to Disc09:51
BeforewisdomOkay, thanks anyway09:51
kitcheH3g3m0n: do you want to know how to turn ipv6 off in firefox?09:51
MrRioVaske_Car: right click then 'Write to disc'09:51
donmoogkitche, H3g3m0n: Same applies. Firefox will only be slower if your DNS server responds with an IPv6 IP address... which most of them wont.09:51
MrRiobimberi: you beat me!09:51
vnUBUNTUimho, ubuntu is already too easy to install09:51
davinI cant seem to resize my ubuntu ext3 partition, everything is grayed out, when I try to umount it it says its busy, and I need help urgently as my partitions are totally screwed up right now and I got 50 mb left in Windows09:51
H3g3m0nkitche: about:config in the address bar, search for ipv609:51
Vaske_Carbimberi, thanks09:51
LjLUbotu, please tell Vaske_Car about burniso | Vaske_Car, you have a private message from Ubotu09:51
Vaske_CarMrRio, thanks09:51
vnUBUNTUI was disappointed, I was expecting soething in the style of debian sarge09:51
kitcheH3g3m0n: yeah I know how to do it myself just wondering if you wanted to turn it off09:51
LjL!alternate | vnUBUNTU ;-)09:52
ubotuvnUBUNTU ;-): The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.09:52
H3g3m0nnah i did mine awhile ago09:52
[A] ndy80hi09:52
tortusI have 2 computers, both running edgy, both having nearly the same applications installed. But one of them asks for updates few times a week, the hardly ever. How can that be?09:52
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H3g3m0nI wounder if IPv6 will ever actually get widespread use, theres global NAT and other stuff around so it might not be as needed anymore09:53
trillyhey guys, can anyone tell me if i can use pcmcia-cs with a 2.6 kernel?09:53
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H3g3m0nAlmost no isps are supporting it09:53
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kitcheH3g3m0n: it's used a lot, it's mostly used on I2 really09:53
donmoogH3g3m0n: I hear that Japan makes extensive use of IPv609:53
vnUBUNTULjL: its what I used and didnt have this expert mode...09:54
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H3g3m0nYeh i remember some similar ipv6 stuff about china also09:54
davinI cant seem to resize my ubuntu ext3 partition, everything is grayed out and when I try to umount it it says its busy, need help quick as I got 44 mb left in Windows09:54
vnUBUNTUmaybe I had to be online?09:54
kitchevnUBUNTU: expert mode from what I have read is the oem-install09:54
[A] ndy80I've a question for Ubuntu developers: if I create a Linux application/utility and if I believe it could be usefull for other people, how can I propose to include it in the next Ubuntu release?09:54
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vnUBUNTUlol its what I did...I dont even find it expert :/09:55
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vnUBUNTUbut bah, I can't complain09:55
LjLvnUBUNTU: google "expert mode site:help.ubuntu.com"09:55
vnUBUNTUubuntu is sooo lovely09:55
davinvnUBUNTU whats the problem?09:55
=== Spee_Der thinks Ubuntu is the greatest so far/////
=== whitynz [n=Whity@60-234-132-74.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Jagerdonmoog: commenting it out and setting it to static fixed it :)09:55
vnUBUNTUyes for workstation09:55
=== JoZ^^ [n=zaldun@58.pool85-59-58.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
vnUBUNTUI prefer debian for servers09:56
JoZ^^hi, i have an error and i cant reboot in ubuntu, how can i go to "/etc/x11/xorg.conf" from the command line ????09:56
davinvnUBUNTU: I guess ubuntu is aimed for linux newbies09:56
donmoogJager: Great. As H3g3m0n said though, DHCP will pick up the bad DNS server when you reboot, so we need to permanently fix it.09:56
davinJoZ^^: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:56
FirefisheIf I, in aptitude, select the Do Not Remove Packages Automatically option, that is, I disable it, is this known to cause any trouble?09:56
LjLdavin: bad guess09:56
donmoogJager: If you're happy to just go with static IP addressing, then that may be the best way forward.09:56
Jagerdonmoog: i already rebooted and it didnt change :)09:56
JoZ^^[davin]  y probe that and nothing09:56
donmoogJager: Even better :-)09:56
vnUBUNTUdavin, : yeah thats why I cant complain09:57
Jager(i always use static because i have ports forwarded to my machine anyways)09:57
H3g3m0n[A] ndy80: I think you have to find a MOTU and get them to put it into the universe repository09:57
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FirefisheI should rephrase that last question.09:57
vnUBUNTUI'm customizing it to my tastes...removed the sudo thing, I know how to properly manage a system09:57
aSt3raL_how do i install a perl module09:57
davinI cant resize my ext3 partition nor umount it, help09:57
=== Clinton__ [n=clinton@c-68-43-200-249.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
aSt3raL_i have the .pm file09:57
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages09:57
aSt3raL_i tried just putting it in one of the @inc directories and it doesnt see it09:57
donmoogJager: Well, glad we got one of your problems sorted :-) I can't remember what your other problem was, did you get it fixed/09:57
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Lynouredavin: are you using that partition? Then you probably want to resize it using the livecd09:58
[A] ndy80H3g3m0n: what is a MOTU?09:58
H3g3m0n[A] ndy80: Master of the universe09:58
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xjih78need some help with a webcam09:58
davinLynoure: I got a 200gb disk and, meh, im not even gonna explain all this, gonna try cd, thanks09:58
skyfalleruh-oh... guys, I have a serious problem09:58
trillyCan anyone tell me how to disable udev in ubuntu 6.10 edgy?? my old laptop doesnt handle it very well...09:58
davinLynoure: yes its the partition ubuntu is on09:58
Spee_Der!ask | xjih7809:58
ubotuxjih78: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:58
skyfallerblanky: you still there?09:58
=== Shinoda [n=Tachikom@pa-217-129-62-218.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
xjih78when i plug it how can i get it to work without rebooting?09:59
blankyskyfaller: yeah09:59
xjih78it's a USB09:59
Shinodahey all09:59
ompaultrilly, then you have a problem, udev is how your devices are added it to your machine09:59
FirefisheIf I, in aptitude, I un-X the "Remove unused packages automatically" option (Under Options-Dependency Handling), is this known to cause trouble?>09:59
Lynouredavin: then, really, you need to do it from livecd or similar, you cannot resize what you need to be using09:59
skyfallerblanky: there's something wrong with GRUB or whatever, I can't select the options besides the default... the up and down arrows aren't working09:59
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ompaultrilly,  http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/hotplug/udev.html09:59
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trillyompaul: but i can use devfs instead10:00
donmoogClinton__: Is !dvd wrong? libdvdcss2 is in multiverse/universe10:00
ompaultrilly, not in a 2.6 kernel that I am aware of10:00
Clinton__donmoog: I'm having problems playing an encrypted dvd...10:00
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RprpHow can i check the TimEZone in debian on a server?10:00
tengilhey im trying to get tv out to work with my nvidia card. i got it to display on two different monitors but i still got no picture on the tv. anyone got any pointers?10:00
donmoogClinton__: Did you run the dvdcss.sh script?10:00
Shinodais there a way to manually associate a file name extension to a command?10:00
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Clinton__donmoog: nope - didn't know I needed to till just a couple seconds ago10:00
bimberiRprp: tzconfig (as superuser)10:01
trillyompaul: ah crap, you are right.. but i dont want to use a 2.4 kernel.. meeh! everything works great, except for pcmcia.. WHY cant i use pcmcia with 2.6!!10:01
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blankyhold up skyfaller10:01
trillyompaul: can you tell me how to switch to 2.4? i can try at least..10:01
donmoogClinton__: :-) Totem is currently a bit weird with DVDs as well. If you just insert a DVD, Totem will start and the DVD will play. But if you try and play a DVD through the Totem file menu, it will fail.10:01
kitchetrilly: well 2.6 can work with hotplug I just enabled udev on my kernel10:01
ompaultrilly, move the devices to different slots (seriously)_ and no you can't go to 2.4 with edgy the world would fall appart10:02
LjL!info libdvdcss2 | donmoog10:02
ubotulibdvdcss2: Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu4 (edgy-seveas), package size 33 kB, installed size 112 kB10:02
=== Jey is now known as malk
asfalthmm what else can i do short of reinstalling? gnome will not start, all i get is a grey box, created a new user, same thing, used aptitude reinstall gnome-session hmm not sure where else to look/troubleshoot10:02
vnUBUNTUhow would you rename all .JPG files to .jpg files...with their same actual filename10:02
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Clinton__donmoog: I'm actually a kubuntu user.  I did tempararily install Totem to try it out, but that didn't work either.10:02
LjLvnUBUNTU: "man rename"10:02
trillyompaul: i tried plugging it in to everything (seriously, even usb ports ;) (if i only had any..) )10:03
skyfallerblanky: OK, nevermind, a reboot mysteriously fixed it10:03
trillyompaul: worst part is, when i remove the card the whole system freezes10:03
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ompaultrilly, what is the cards job?10:03
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ompaultrilly, and what is the motherboard10:03
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blankyskyfaller: rofl10:03
blankyskyfaller: all's fine now?10:03
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LeakerMemento or Hollow Man?10:03
znullwhat's hypervisors ? on kernel10:03
Leakerto watch10:04
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:04
=== panzer [n=panzer@91-9-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
donmoogLjL: I see. libdvdcss2 v1.2.5 is available from optional. Is there a reason for the newer version?10:04
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skyfallerblanky: hm, do you know how to set the default to Windows?  It is my parents' computer ;-)10:04
LjLdonmoog: in my Edgy, "apt-cache show libdvdcss2" doesn't show up with anything10:04
flughfor i in *.JPG; do mv "$i" `echo "$i | tr[A-Z] [a-z] "`; done <- i think that would work too vnUBUNTU. i used to do something like that --very carefully though-- ;-)10:04
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blankyskyfaller: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst BE CAREFUL, don't worry it's not scarey, just don't do anything dumb10:05
v4m21and also totem-gstreamer isn't properly handling dvd menus, anyfix for this ?10:05
trillyompaul: its a powerbook g3 and an old netgear ma401 wlan card.. i would just give up, but i got it to work once, i just dont know how... it was right after install i (stupidly) installed "pcmcia*" and the old (!) cardctl from pcmcia recognized the card and i could use it.. but after a restart10:05
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trillyompaul: it was gone10:05
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flughwell , that would lowercase the whole filename though10:05
blankyskyfaller: if you want, paste it at http://paste.jorgepena.be and I'll set it up for you10:05
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LjLflugh: so would the "rename" example that's in the manpage for rename ;)10:05
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The_Shaolin_Tigehi there10:06
vnUBUNTUflugh, eeek...ok I note this but wont try now :p10:06
donmoogLjL: Oh, maybe mine was left over from Dapper or something :-) Do you know if libcss is necessary if you have libdvdread3 installed?10:06
ooboontoohey, i've mounted my partitions but it says that only root has an access to make changes... what am i doing wrong?10:06
ompaultrilly, random changes are not good - check out what you did with "history | less" in a terminal and do it as whatever users you have been10:06
LjLdonmoog: i haven't got a clue10:06
skyfallerblanky: OK :)  I'll try it now10:06
Fall2Hellive installed ubuntu but i can acsess the internet10:06
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trillyompaul: cant, formatted the harddrive since then (actually swapped it..) perhaps if i blacklist the pcmcia_core package and try to just use cardctl?10:07
trillyompaul: sorry, not package, module10:07
flughLjL: call my old and crusty. i haven't kept up with these new-fangled pre-loaded one-liner replacements hehe. i remember being real proud of myself figuring that out back just before the big Slink release :-)10:07
skyfallerblanky: Oh, wait, can I do this in GRUB without booting into Ubuntu?10:07
blankyskyfaller: I don't...know, sorry10:07
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ompaultrilly, your call, you seem to know what you really want to achieve, and I don't do powerbooks so its module lists are a mystery to me at some level10:08
dv5237is it illegal to download anime series?10:08
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trillyompaul: aaaaaaah well, ill try..10:09
thirstyferretdv5237: depends on whether you have the creator's permission - but this is a ubuntu channel??10:09
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H3g3m0ndv5237: Depends on the series, i believe that they have to be licensed in western countries separately from japan10:09
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dv5237thirstyferret: sorry mate wrong channel :)10:09
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vnUBUNTUflugh, if I understand well your script line...it puts all uppercase in lowercase?10:10
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thirstyferretdv5237 \o/ np10:10
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ooboontooanybody can help?10:10
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thenetduckdoes anyone here know how to change a start up splash screen on Ubuntu GNOME ?10:10
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ooboontoohey, i've mounted my partitions but it says that only root has an access to make changes...10:11
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VixusHow do I change my password with the live CD? I'm locked out of my own PC...10:11
ooboontooi've tried to log under root account but it says that root user can't access from that screen..10:11
flughvnUBUNTU, yes, but if rename works well, use it. i dont want something getting munged up on my account. adding 'rename' to my own toolbox :-)10:11
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Vixusthenetduck: ubuntuguide...?10:12
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thenetduckVixus it's on there? where is the ubuntu guide?10:12
vnUBUNTUflugh, ehe ok10:12
zcat[1] Vixus: don't even bother with the live cd.. at the grub prompt type 'e', then go down to the second line and type 'e' again, remove where it says "quiet splash" and replace it with "init=/bin/bash" then press enter, then 'b' to boot...10:12
vnUBUNTUI know of a php function to do it... guess rename has this option too10:13
H3g3m0nooboontoo: Ubuntu doesn't use root10:13
welchi am trying to setup a server with ubuntu, but i am having a difficult time with the internet connection. if someone would point me towards a tutorial that will help me with the network connection without the gui i would appreiciate it10:13
ooboontooH3g3m0n then how should i supposed to use my other partitions?10:13
Vixuszcat[1] : The LiveCD's prompt?10:13
H3g3m0nooboontoo: You have a login with admin privileges and use sudo to get root10:13
zcat[1] Vixus: no, your normal boot prompt...10:13
Vixuszcat[1] : Ok...10:13
ooboontooH3g3m0n i did, but no result...10:13
Vixusthenetduck: ubuntuguide.org10:13
H3g3m0nooboontoo: You probably need to mount them as a regular user's id10:14
zcat[1] Vixus: depending on how grum got installed, you will se a list of kernels, or a prompt "press escape for more options" which gives you a list of kernels.. that's where you need to be, pick the first line on the list and press 'e' to edit it...10:14
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ooboontooH3g3m0n regular user's iD? what's that?10:15
Acudoes anyone know how to make apache 2.2.3 work with php5 ?10:15
zcat[1] Vixus: then what I said before.. it should get you to a single-user root login.10:15
Vixuszcat[1] : List of kerels...10:15
charlottemy edgy sometimes won't boot. I get [17179578.408000 <0>Kernel Panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt. Any ideas on how to avoid it/what causes it10:15
zcat[1] (actually I think the rescue option does the same thing :)10:15
H3g3m0nooboontoo: What type of partitions are they? NTFS?10:15
ooboontooH3g3m0n yeap10:16
H3g3m0nooboontoo: Look up ntfs-3g for write support under ntfs10:16
zcat[1] Vixus: got it figured ?10:17
Vixuszcat[1] : Wait-- I did the same thing by booting into recovery mode, but that hangs the system10:17
=== frontpage [n=willemvm@cable-87-244-182-232.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
frontpagecould i get help10:17
frontpagefrom someone?10:17
Vixuszcat[1] : Oh wait, it works you magic person you10:17
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:17
frontpagecan u guys hear me?10:17
zcat[1] Vixus: ok, you have a root prompt?10:17
erUSUL!anyone | frontpage10:18
ubotufrontpage: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:18
charlotteyeah we can frontpage, just ask your question10:18
DjViperfrontpage: no :P10:18
Vixuszcat[1] : Yes10:18
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Lynourefrontpage: no audio on irc, except in rare exceptions10:18
zcat[1] Vixus: well, you need to remount root as read-write next:  mount -o remount,rw /10:18
frontpageWell, it says, restart windows and keep the disc in ur drive to get a demo of ubuntu, but when i restart normal windows comes up10:18
H3g3m0nooboontoo: Try somthing like 'sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 -o user=username,group=users /mnt/'10:18
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zcat[1] Vixus: then change your password: passwd yourlogin10:19
H3g3m0nooboontoo: Actually i think its uid and gid not username and group10:19
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erUSULfrontpage: do you configured the bios tro boot from cdrom10:19
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frontpagei did not do anything, just restarted pc10:19
zcat[1] Vixus: set a root password too if you want, it can be handy (although it's not recomended :) passwd root10:19
frontpage(and burned disc afcourse)10:19
erUSULfrontpage: i do not know your bios model...10:19
gu014hello, i just upgraded my kernel to 2.6.18 and, as a result i have no sound(possibly not configure in the initial kernel config) would anyone be able to help me out troubleshooting this problem?10:19
Vixuszcat[1] : Thanks.10:20
VixusVery much10:20
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frontpageso What should i do?10:20
erUSULfrontpage: enter in the bios configuration menu and it would be self obvious...10:20
zcat[1] Vixus: when you're done remount root RO before you reboot:  mount -o remount,ro /10:20
frontpagewich F button was it again?10:20
timo90Can i get get help in setting up my network there going to be iptables involved10:20
frontpageto enter in bios?10:20
charlottefrontpage: most PC's automaticly try to start from CD. it seems that yours doesnt. if you have two CD trays you could try the other, the it probably won't work10:20
frontpageNope only got 110:20
Acugu014: how did you upgrade  the 2.6.18 ?10:20
charlotteit is very hard to exactly define what will work for you, but it should be as follows10:20
Vixuszcat[1] : Unable to reboot, connection refused... yeah, I remounted root RO10:20
gu014Acu: nevermind... i got it  lol10:21
timo90Who knows iptables10:21
charlotte1: you enter your BIOS. you usualy do this by pressing escape dureing startup, but it may be different10:21
timo90help setup a network10:21
frontpagego on10:21
zcat[1] Cool, now just hit the reset... the normal commands won't work 'cos things like init are not running10:21
Lynouretimo90: just ask what you want to know, I bet it is more precise than that10:21
Vixuszcat[1] : Awesome#10:21
Acugu014: I want to upgrade and I wonder if it is possible without compiling it - so I wanted to learn how you did it10:21
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charlottekeep your eyes open while there is text in your startup window, if it says press escape for bios or something similar, do that10:22
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ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto10:22
charlottestartup screen*10:22
timo90ok i just need help with setting up iptables so my network can have accest to the internet10:22
timo90from this ubuntu pc10:22
frontpagei will test right now10:22
Lynouretimo90: by default it should. Do you have your current rules in pastebin somewhere?10:23
charlottethen change the boot sequence (and you will just have to go trough the text menus and find it with the arrow keys /pageup-pagedown) to start with CD10:23
LattywareOut of interest, what is the best MP3 player (or preferably ogg player, if one exists) for linux support? The Ipod, because of the mass-usage?10:23
gu014Acu:  you will have to compile  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217657&highlight=compile+kernel10:23
=== zcat[1] totally messed up dapper+beryl .. I have a whole lot of stuff that depends on other stuff that's not being installed. Argh!! I can't deal with this, gonna nuke and pave....
Lynouretimo90: "access to internet" means very different things to different people.10:23
charlottei'm sorry I can't be more specific, but this is really hardware related, so its different for every conputer10:23
zero_algun espaol10:23
=== zcat[1] is lazy :)
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erUSUL!es | zero_10:23
ubotuzero_: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.10:23
zcat[1] Lattyware: any cheap generic player...10:23
LattywareYeah, but I mean one which has more advanced features. Like video playback, picture viewing.10:24
zcat[1] Lattyware: Funny thing about Linux.. cheap generic players work well, expensive players like the ipod and zune keep messing with your files and are a pita..10:24
LattywareI want a player which is edging on Media Player, rather than just music.10:24
LattywareWell, cheap is generally simple.10:25
zcat[1] ahh, well I don't know about that10:25
LattywareWell, thanks for the insight, anyway.10:25
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timo90Lynoure:shear my internet connection using a hub10:26
Fall2Hellive installed ubuntu but i can acsess the internet im using a speed touch router10:26
neophileIf backports is enabled, do I get the updates for there automatically or have to explicitly install them? Please help :)10:26
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JagerHmmm.. I cant see users in the userlist using xhat O_o10:26
Vixuszcat[1] : Can you help me setup wireless access? We newbies are like leeches, attaching to someone who gives us help. :D10:26
zcat[1] Vixus: I can try.. what kinda card?10:27
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Vixuszcat[1] : It's a laptop, built in... I'm assuming ubuntu has detected it as it had wmaster0 and wlan0 in the Networks list10:27
admin123vindrake, the wifi how-to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto?highlight=%28wifi%2910:27
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Lynouretimo90: I meant do you have your current iptables ruleset somewhere visible?10:28
zcat[1] Vixus: what admin123 said :)10:28
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JagerHow do I use wine once its installed?10:28
Jageri dont see it anywhere10:28
Lynouretimo90: Do you currently have an iptables ruleset? If not, your computer not connecting to internet is not an iptables question10:28
gnomefreak!wine | Jager10:28
ubotuJager: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.10:28
Fall2Hellive installed ubuntu but i can acsess the internet im using a speed touch router anyone can help me?10:28
Jagerthanks gnomefreak10:28
zcat[1] I'm not a great person to ask about wifi .. I run my network totally open 'cos I'm too lazy to even figure out wep10:29
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timo90Lynoure:it is becouse in oder for my other pcs to have inter net accesss they have to have the correct ip address10:30
timo90get it ?10:30
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Lynouretimo90: yes, but that has nothing to do with iptables either, unless you have made rules tha block something10:31
=== frontpage [n=willemvm@cable-87-244-182-232.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
frontpagehey hmm10:31
frontpagei went to bios and changed the boot prioty thing at 1 to my disc reader10:31
Jagerzcat[1] : most routers let you turn on wep or wpa and use your own key right from their interface10:31
frontpagebut it still started as windows10:31
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VixusWow, I never realised how terrible the window translation is10:32
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frontpageSo it still isnt starting as ubuntu..10:32
frontpageany ideas?10:32
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Fall2Hellfrontpage did u checked at bios?10:33
frontpageWhat do i need to check there?10:33
timo90Lynoure:Tell me what to do its clear ,i dont know10:33
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charlotteah frontpage10:33
Fall2Hellfrontpage if cd-rom is really the 1st boot divice10:33
charlotteI expected you back10:33
gpafixitHi all .. anyone got a secret to formating 250gig to fat32? My mother-in-law has a 400gig external that is fat32, but this internal 250gig just won't do it (I share this box and the other os is XP and it will only format it NTFS) .. help? (gparted said it did it fat32, but XP doesn't see it that way)10:33
charlottehang around a bit longer this time10:33
=== Beforewisdom [n=Beforewi@208-58-197-55.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
charlottedid you manage to get into your bios?10:34
VixusCouldn't find package build essential? :\10:34
frontpageyes it is the 1st boot divice10:34
frontpageand it still dindt restarted as ubuntu10:34
frontpagethere is a strange thing tough10:34
=== bautttt [n=baublys@slip32-106-33-201.fra.de.prserv.net] has joined #ubuntu
frontpagei do not have a bin folder at my cd10:34
JagerIs it possible to change the default font ubuntu uses in firefox?10:34
charlottewhen you browse your CD, do you see many files, or one .iso file?10:34
frontpagemany files10:34
frontpagebut no bin file10:35
Fall2Hellfrontpage does the cd pops at windows?10:35
frontpage*bin folder10:35
frontpageyes it does10:35
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profoX`Help.... khubd is eating 99% cpu after I disconnected my USB webcam, to test I also plugged out my USB mouse and plugged it back in.. it doesn't work anymore.. dmesg shows nothing10:35
mofturosJager: go .. edit - preferences - contect10:35
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mofturosin firefox10:35
Fall2Hellive installed ubuntu but i can acsess the internet im using a speed touch router anyone can help me?10:35
adam0509sorry to disturb, but please take a look at my thread... http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=180643010:35
frontpagewhat do i need to do?10:35
Lynouretimo90: do  sudo iptables -L  and put that in some pastebin service10:35
FremFor some reason, my swap is disabled and "sudo swapon -a" dosen't work.10:35
VixusHOLD ON A TICK10:36
Lynoure!pastebin | timo9010:36
ubotutimo90: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:36
=== Allz| [n=allz@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #Ubuntu
frontpagecharlotte can u help me?10:36
VixusI need the internet to get the wireless working. :O10:36
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charlotteI'm afraid not10:36
Jagermofturos: Thanks10:36
styvyprofox, iwould reboot10:36
frontpageis it normal that i do not have a bin folder at my disc?10:36
Allz|hello :S my ubuntu doesnt run .i get error or something "NO ipv6 present" and it doesnt show up ubuntu just this :(10:37
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Allz|what to do10:37
profoX`styvy: i don't want to reboot10:37
profoX`how can i fix it10:37
charlotteif your CD is actualy the first boot device10:37
charlotteand you're sure the CD is allright10:37
charlotteI haven't got a clue10:37
charlottewhen you are starting up: does it say there is a non-bootable device in CD10:37
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TETEhello, can you help me with my tv card?10:37
frontpagebut i dunno if cd is alirght10:37
frontpageit doesnt has a bin folder10:37
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JagerAnyone here use xchat?10:37
charlotteI don't know what should be on the CD exactly10:37
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donmoogJager: Yes10:38
charlottebut if you burned the ISO it should be allright10:38
Jagerdonmoog: How do I show the user list?10:38
Allz|i torn on my computer and then i go to ubuntu not windows and then ubuntu loades up and when it is finshed loading up her plugins and stuff this comes up -> "NO ipv6 present" and it doesnt show up ubuntu just this :(10:38
charlottehang on a second, i'll try and find it10:38
=== GStubbs43 is now known as __Gino__
frontpageCould anyone here tell me if their ubuntu cd has a bin folder on it?10:38
gpafixitDoes anyone have the cli handy for formating to vfat? mk.vfat /dev/hdb1 ?10:38
donmoogJager: Do you mean the user list of a chat room? It should be on the far right.10:38
theturtlemoveshey, I've got a new Core 2 Duo laptop. which kernel should I use?10:39
Jagerdonmoog: Yea.. i dont see it O_o10:39
oemno bin folder on my cd of Ubunty 6.1010:39
donmoogdonmoog: If it's not, try "dragging" it out from the far right, maybe it's been made too small.10:39
Jagerdonmoog: Ah nevermind, it was resized too small10:39
charlottefrontpage: how did you make you CD?10:39
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frontpagei burned it10:39
anton_charlotte: were you the one trying to configure grub? i forget :)10:39
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frontpagewith asahpoo burning studio10:39
frontpagei can launch browser and stuff10:40
charlotteanton_, yes I was10:40
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charlottebut someone else was aswell10:40
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anton_charlotte: and did it work?10:40
charlottewel yeah10:40
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charlotteI got my error message!10:40
anton_cool :)10:40
frontpageim ganno try again10:40
anton_oh :(10:40
charlottewait a sec10:40
Lynouretimo90: you have no iptables rules set, so those are not keeping you from "accessing the internet"10:40
frontpagefor what?10:40
charlottedid you follow this guide:10:40
peertjeHow can I change the link /cdrom10:40
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neophileIf backports is enabled, do I get the updates for there automatically or have to explicitly install them? Please someone help..10:40
tommywis the boot splash screen (between the GRUB menu and the login screen) part of the kernel or is there a conf file somewhere that I can update to specify a new image?10:40
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frontpageand thats the only way the burning progress whill work?10:41
anton_tommyw: there's a conf-file somewhere. just don't ask me where10:41
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=== Phuzion [n=Phuzion@70-39-136-195.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
frontpageanother cd-r trownen away10:41
timo90Lynoure:You know in windows you just run a wizard, i thou in linux its all about it tables10:41
frontpageso i need to do the hash thing?10:41
PhuzionWhere does Wine save all its crap to?10:41
Lynouretimo90: setting any rules will not help you access it, either, the problem is elsewhere.10:41
charlottethis is the error I got: Kernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt10:41
donmoogPhuzion: ~/.wine/10:41
peertjedefault is linking to /media/cdrom0 but since my DVD burner doesn't read CD's anymore, I am forced to use my CDRom player, but Synaptic is using /cdrom as repository10:41
donmoogPhuzion: That is, <homedir>/.wine/10:42
charlottefrontpage, no, there are other ways, but following the guide makes sure the CD is ok10:42
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timo90Lynoure:what do i do to set up my network10:42
Lynouretimo90: iptables is a firewall, you know that, right?10:42
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Phuziondonmoog, yeah, I got that, thanks10:42
Allz|i torn on my computer and then i go to ubuntu not windows and then ubuntu loades up and when it is finshed loading up her plugins and stuff this comes up -> "NO ipv6 present" and it doesnt show up ubuntu just this :(10:42
neophileHow do I upgrade using backports? please please help me..10:42
timo90Lynoure:i do now10:42
charlotteif we're sure the CD is ok we can exclude that from possible problems10:42
anton_charlotte: that sounds bad. as if the kernel isn't finding something important10:42
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charlotteanton_, I know. It's a total hang. Only physical power off fixes it10:43
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peertjehow can I change /root/cdrom ???10:43
charlotteit happens about 1 out of 5 boots10:43
timo90lynoure: i have tryed putting ip address like
peertjeit needs to link to cdrom1 instead of cdrom 010:43
anton_charlotte: have you tried compiling the kernel differently?10:43
charlottepeertje, what would you like to do exactly?10:43
timo90or 110:43
Lynouretimo90: I'm too sleepy to help with that wide a problem, but I'm sure someone will help you. They'll prolly ask you to pastebin   ifconfig  and possibly   route   or some  ping  commands10:43
frontpageto wich hash must it match?10:43
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peertjecharlotte, the /root/cdrom link is linking to /media/cdrom0 default right?10:44
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timo90Lynoure:that it route i have to rouet my ipadreses10:44
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peertjenow I need it to bed /media/cdrom1 how do I change that?10:44
charlotteanton_ not yet. I was hoping it was some sort of known issue. Ill see what respones ill get from the forums10:44
timo90Lynoure:tell me how to edit route ,that will do for now10:44
frontpagei just saw10:45
frontpagethat i do not have the newest version10:45
JagerAnyone know how to get FF to pop up when I click a new link? it just pops up in the background. my friend told me this is a gnome problem?10:45
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frontpagemy hash correponds btw10:45
bruenigpeertje, do file /root/cdrom to see what it is actually, if it is a symlink, what it is linking to10:45
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frontpageubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386 is an older version right?10:45
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Lynouretimo90: do  man route  to find that out10:45
charlottepeertje a /root/cdrom is not standard..10:46
frontpagecharlotte ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386 is an older version right?10:46
donmoogfrontpage: Yes, that's 6.06 - Released June 2006, it's one release older than current.10:46
burnerfrontpage: 6.06.1 is the long term support one, but yes, 6.10 exists10:46
anton_someone with a routing problem?10:46
=== opossumjack [n=yoda@host146-119-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
frontpageoh well im ganno try somem ore stuff10:46
charlottepersonaly i advice to go with 6.0610:46
Allz|i torn on my computer and then i go to ubuntu not windows and then ubuntu loades up and when it is finshed loading up her plugins and stuff this comes up -> "NO ipv6 present" and it doesnt show up ubuntu just this :(10:46
frontpagethe one i got now?10:46
Lynoureanton_: I think just with general "cannot connect to net" problem10:47
=== frontpage restarts
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peertjeCharlotte, I removed it10:47
anton_Lynoure: oh, okay.10:47
Lynoureanton_: and I'm too sleepy to help with a wide problem like that10:47
peertjein xterm it was lightblue instead of blue10:47
JagerWhy does the volume icon in my panel show mute when I can hear stuff? O_o10:47
anton_Lynoure: well, i'll give it a go then :)10:47
Lynoureanton_: :)10:47
charlotteyou sure your processor is a i386?10:47
charlotteit probably is10:47
charlottebut just asking10:47
peertjeit it's a symlink10:48
peertjeI'm x64 (A)10:48
anton_peertje: whereto?10:48
opossumjackI've installed Ubuntu 6.10 on a IBM thinkpad T22. After a while it runs, it freezes down and I can't wake it up,,,, CAN ANYONE HeLP ME?10:48
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timo90OMG such a huge list10:48
peertjeto /media/cdrom probably, which is a symlink to /media/cdrom010:48
charlottepeertje, the processor was meant for someone else ;) but thanks for the info10:48
peertjehow do I make / edit a symlink?10:48
Firefisheopossumjack:  easy on the caps, man, my eyes just got boxed ;) hee10:48
peertjeI allready tought so :P10:49
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-237-151-178.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
anton_opossumjack: thinkpads usually play nice with linux. can you give us some more information? (dmesg, /var/log/mesages etc)10:49
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TokenBadhow come when run command make...it says command not found?10:49
pianoboy3333TokenBad: sudo apt-get install build-essential10:49
Firefisheanton_:  so nice of IBM to make that happen :)10:49
anton_TokenBad: i think make is part of gnuutils10:49
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TokenBadthanks to both10:50
anton_TokenBad: or maybe build-essential :)10:50
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bruenigor just sudo apt-get install make10:50
donmooganton_, TokenBad: make is part of the package called make :-_10:50
TokenBaddid you guys read that info on net about data being saved to normal paper?10:50
anton_donmoog: does sort of make sense when you think about it :)10:50
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donmoogIf you need make, you'll probably need other stuff so better off sudo apt-get install build-essential10:51
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Jagerwho uses wine?10:51
charlottewhy make is not in the standard ubuntu package is a mystery to me10:51
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TokenBadyeah got that.....but seems I either messed something up or don't understand what I am trying to install10:51
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charlotteJager, I do, but rarely get it to work properly10:51
opossumjackanton_: I have no message... It just stand by and I have to push the power button and then power on.... I thought was a power management problem...It can this be true?10:51
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peertjecharlotte, how do I make a symlink?10:52
Jagercharlotte, have you ever managed to install ventrilo with it?10:52
skeetbadgeris there a specific 64 bit channel somewhere ?10:52
anton_opossumjack: it can be a power management problem. i think you can boot the kernel with -noacpi and chek it10:52
donmoogcharlotte: Well, make is kindof useless without gcc, some -dev packages etc. etc., so I guess it's due to lack of space on the CD10:52
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charlottepeertje, I don't know, im trying to google it for you, or you can do that yourself10:53
charlotteJager, No, but then again I never tried10:53
charlottejager, isn't there just a ventrillo for Linux?10:53
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.10:53
opossumjackanton_ I've already tryed to unactivate acpi on the kernel boot... same thing.....10:53
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Jagercharlotte, its been under development for years :(10:53
odlapeertje: to make a symlink it's ln -s10:53
peertjecharlotte tnx, I have some ideas now to10:53
TurtleBootscan anyone advise on how to set up a new interface for wireless????10:53
TurtleBootsi.e. eth310:53
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TurtleBootsor whatever ;-)10:53
anton_opossumjack: then i imagine it isn't a power problem :) how far does it get booting?10:54
kmulli am having issues with firefox and multiple tabs and ffox getting 'stuck' unable to switch tabs10:54
charlotteJager, maybe there is anohter client that supports the ventrillo protocol? have you checked the repos for ventrillo?10:54
Jagercharlotte, I'm looking10:54
anton_TurtleBoots: does eth3 already exist?10:54
opossumjackanton_: it happens only if I leave the computer inactive, not when I'm working (for example using internet, writing a document......)10:54
TurtleBootsanton_ no but I want to create a new interface. eth3 was just an example10:55
TurtleBootsanton_ can you advise PLEASE?10:55
ZylogueI am looking for details on what services are 'provided' with an install of Ubuntu Server.  can anyone point e to the correct answer sheet, please?10:55
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anton_TurtleBoots: why do you need a new network node?10:55
JagerI found some ventrilo script for linux....10:55
kmullI am having issues with firefox and multiple tabs and ffox getting stuck, unable to switch between tabs until i close the one i am on10:56
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anton_opossumjack: what happens if you switch off the power management stuff in gnome?10:56
TurtleBootsanton_ becuase I can't get eth1 to work wirelessly so I was gonna try configuring a new one10:56
hajikihey guys how do i fix this??10:56
hajikilibGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b10:56
muge2510hi all10:56
charlotteJager, i stumbled onto it too. I dunno how it works or confs tho10:56
TurtleBootsanton_ what do you think I should try?10:56
anton_TurtleBoots: what does iwconfig tell you?10:56
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opossumjackanton_: I' haven't tryed it.....I try right now10:57
ZylogueI am looking for details on what services are 'provided' with an install of Ubuntu Server.  can anyone point me to the correct answer sheet, please?10:57
frontpagestill nothing10:57
anton_TurtleBoots: in general, eth0, 1, whatever are just nodes. changing the name doesn'T change anything internally10:57
JagerIf only I could boot back onto windows...10:57
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TurtleBootsanton_ it says eth1 not ready!10:57
frontpageim ganno try using another disc10:57
crispohello all10:57
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frontpageanother cd/r trow away10:57
peertjecharlotte symbolic links can be made with the command ln with the option -s10:57
taniahad to move my swap partion .. how do I reconfigure edgy to locate new swap?10:58
crispocould someone plz tell me what port samba uses ?10:58
anton_TurtleBoots: can you paste the entire output of iwconfig?10:58
TokenBadhas anyone got xsys to show xmms stuff like it says it can?10:58
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kmullI am having issues with firefox and multiple tabs and ffox getting stuck, unable to switch between tabs until i close the one i am on. can anyone help?10:58
charlottecheers peertje10:58
TurtleBootsanton_ yes I can, but can you start a private chat? rather than put it all in here???10:58
anton_tania: /etc/fstab10:58
hajikihey guys how do i fix: libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b???10:58
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:58
peertje:D and it WORX!!!10:58
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anton_tania: but try it out with swapon first10:59
n30nI have a tgz file containing a wireless card driver, how do i install it10:59
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anton_TurtleBoots: on second thoughts, i've gotta be running to catch a train. sorry :(10:59
Jagercharlotte, I got ventrilo installed with wine10:59
=== charlotte cheers
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TurtleBootsanton_ you away?11:00
d03boydoes ventrilo run worht a fcrap on wine?11:00
Jowihajiki, probably a driver issue. try with another driver if possible (i get a similar error for my graphics card driver intel 945GM)11:00
kmullI am having issues with firefox and multiple tabs and ffox getting stuck, unable to switch between tabs until i close the one i am on11:00
JagerIm installing, about to find out11:00
TurtleBootscan anyone else please help with wireless config11:00
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Firefishekmull..that's a strange problem11:01
Jagerlol i installed.. I have no idea how to run it now11:01
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hajikii have  intel 945GM too11:01
Zyloguekmull, Have you added any extensions, addon, etc for FFox?11:01
vintendokmull: maybe u dont have enough ram?11:01
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Jowihajiki, intel mac mini?11:01
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kmullOnly add on is Foxmarks, I have disabled it11:01
kmulland i have 1 gig of ram11:01
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Jowihajiki, do you get the resolution you need at all?11:01
kmullalthough in about:config i did limit the useage from 50000 to 15000 per lifehacker instructions11:01
mike1odid anybody manage to install a usb 2.0 PCI adapter?11:01
=== dm [n=dm@cpe-71-74-78-235.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zyloguekmull, don't disable it, remove it...and restart FFox.  See if that helps any11:02
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n30nI have the ipw2200 tgz file for the wireless driver, where do i unpack it?11:03
Jowihajiki, I would think that this error will be cleared up in the near future. remember that this hardware and driver are pretty new.11:03
kmulllet me try thar11:03
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forngrenI tried to setup ntfs-3g on my system, but it doesn't work, I don't see the mounts and when I tries to acces them from /media/sdaX they are just blank, my it have something todo with my fstab? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/33985/11:03
Jowihajiki, guess you use 915resolution and the i810 driver11:04
kmullzylogue: still happening11:04
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kmullshould i increase how much memory it can use?11:04
hajikioh ok11:04
vintendokmull make sure in system monitor that FFox is ended. sometimes it plays a fast one and stays open and u dont know11:04
we2byI have this smb mount issue11:04
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maxxismforngren yes it could.11:04
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we2byit works fine the first time mounting a smb11:04
Zyloguekmull, remove FFox and re-install it.  maybe try a different version number?11:04
Jowiwe're in the same boat hajiki11:04
we2bybut if I leave my pc on for a few hours and come back, it can't connect any more11:04
we2byor I have to restart nautilus11:04
dmIs there anyway to change the text on the main panel of gnome to whitE????11:04
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hajikiwell thanks for the help11:05
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maxxismwe2by are the smb mounts on a windows system?11:05
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we2bymaxkelley, nope. Ubuntu11:05
taniaanton_: did that ... edited fstab is there but 'mount' doesnt give expected data11:05
taniaanton_ , but did not do this swapon thing. what exactly should I do to swapon11:05
Cosmonaut3030Can someone help me set up the Ipw on my thinkpad?11:05
we2byit is samba11:05
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maxxismwe2by use NFS then.  much better11:06
we2byboth systems are running Ubuntu11:06
kmullzylogue: removal or complete removal11:06
taniaanyone ... howto reconfigure swap device in edgy?11:06
dmIs there anyway to change the text on the main panel of gnome to whitE????11:06
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we2bymaxxism, ?? what is nfs? how do I set it up?11:06
Zyloguecomplete removal of FFox and any extras you got for it.11:06
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kmulllet me go try that, thanks11:06
=== bronson [n=bronson@c-24-16-67-28.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowitania, is the swap partition created already and you just need to tell the system to use it?11:06
Cosmonaut3030Can someone help me set up the Ipw on my thinkpad?11:06
maxxismNFS is the unix varitant of SMB.  but waaaaay better11:06
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ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.11:06
we2bymaxxism, but sometimes I have to use windows xp.11:07
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tengilcan i setup so i have 3 different screens. two monitors and one tv. the only way i got tv to work now it starting a new x session for that display but then both my monitors go black11:07
SlartI'm trying to install Enemy territory on Ubuntu 6.10 64 bit and it keeps dying with the error "The setup program seems to have failed on x86/glibc-2.0" . Anyone know what to do about it?11:07
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jeff2I have a Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop (keyboard/mouse combo), but only the mouse works in Linux. The keyboard signal is being received by the wireless receiver, because the LEDs toggle, but Linux fails to recognize the keyboard. Plugging in just the keyboard does not work, either. dmesg says "device not accepting address" and I tried every port, a powered USB hub, rmmod ohci_hcd, new batteries, and verified /proc/interru11:07
jeff2pts was incrementing. What now? Does Linux just not support MS Wireless Optical Keyboards?11:07
maxxismwe2by.  ok then.11:07
=== frontpage [n=willemvm@cable-87-244-182-232.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu
maxxismso nautilus crashes with your smb mounts?11:07
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Cosmonaut3030Can someone help me set up the Ipw on my thinkpad?11:08
frontpagecharlotte pleas join ubuntu-nl i need help in dutch11:08
dmjeff2 Microsoft keyboards always have trouble in linux, i think thats mostly because the people who use linux dont use microsuck products11:08
we2bymaxkelley, can I run samba and NFS on the same machine?11:08
icepack12jeff2: it supports it, i have m$ wireless optical keyboard/mouse too11:08
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maxxismwe2by can you read your logs on the problem?11:08
maxxismwe2by yes I run both on mine.11:08
dmjeff2 the people who program linux*11:08
we2byok, gonna do it then11:08
frontpagei really need help, ubuntu doesnt loads after windows restart11:08
we2bymaxkelley, nah, it works fine if I relaunch nautilus11:08
Cosmonaut3030Can someone help me set up the Ipw on my thinkpad?11:08
skyfallerhey folks, I'm coming from Mac OS X... is there an equivalent to MenuMeters for Ubuntu?  http://www.ragingmenace.com/software/menumeters/11:09
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jeff2icepack12, hmm...so it works for someone. what version of ubuntu are you on? what kernel?11:09
we2byskyfaller, explain a bit about that menumeter11:09
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Cosmonaut3030Can someone help me set up the Ipw on my thinkpad?11:09
maxxismskyfaller never checked it out.  but there is normal menulets that do similar.11:09
icepack126.06, 2.6.15-27-68611:10
jeff2icepack12, have you connected the keyboard to your computer via USB through the supplied PS/2-to-USB converter, or directly through PS/2?11:10
frontpagenonone can help me?11:10
icepack12skyfaller: lmsensors and gkrellm11:10
skyfallerkind of like GKrellM, I guess, except easier to read and it fits in your menu bar11:10
sizzamskyfaller: right-click on your Gnome-Panel and choose 'Add to Panel', then pick 'System Monitor'11:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:10
masterninjaif i installed a xgl package will it work once i rebooted it?11:10
sizzamskyfaller: then, when that applet appears, rightclick on it for more preferences11:10
masterninjaif i did it with synaptic?11:10
maxxismskyfaller there is a basic set that comes with gnome11:10
skyfallersizzam: hm, that sounds easy, I'll try that, thank you :)11:10
icepack12jeff2: keybaord goes to ps/2, mouse to usb11:10
sizzamskyfaller: it does processor, memory, network, swap space, load, and harddisk11:11
dmjeff2 the people who program linux*11:11
dmIs there anyway to change the text on the main panel of gnome to whitE????11:11
dmjeff2 woops11:11
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kmullstill happening11:11
maxxismdm download a theme......11:12
jeff2icepack12, you're lucky you have a ps/2 port all I have is usb :( if you're not busy would you be able to try connecting the keyboard through usb as well?11:12
dmmaxxism well theres no way to change it as an option ?11:12
lufisAnyone know how to crop an image in Inkscape?11:12
maxxismdm if you learn to make your own themes yes.  hehe11:12
dmmexxism lol thanks..11:12
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kmariuswhat script in /etc needs to be removed (or what process do i have to nuke) to STOP ubuntu from switching my turned-off laptop monitor back on?11:13
dmmaxxism lol thanks11:13
Phuzionhow do I check and see what kind of video card I have in this machine?11:13
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sladendm: MS' keyboards should work fine and out-of-the-box under Linux---if they don't, that's a bug which you should file11:13
dmmaxxism Metacity theme right? or grk11:13
lufisPhuzion: go to "Device manager" and see if that helps11:13
dmmaxxism tk *11:13
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daugustinehey room11:13
DarkYwhats the best wlan config tool?11:13
maxxismdm cant remember check out art.gnome.org11:14
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dmsladen i dont own microsoft products.11:14
Phuzionlufis, thanks11:14
DarkYive got the intel centrino wlan card11:14
DevCwhat is the release number for Ubuntu now?11:14
DarkYwhats the best wlan config tool at all? :/11:14
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lufisPhuzion: no prob11:14
icepack12DevC: 6.1011:14
DarkYDevC: 6.1011:14
mike1odid anybody manage to install a usb 2.0 PCI adapter?11:14
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skyfallersizzam: hm, that Gnome-panel thing is pretty good, except it doesn't show actual numbers11:14
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daugustineanybody know why it takes forever to suspend in edgy on my ibook g311:14
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maxxismmikelo it should be autodetected.  unless an odd chipset.11:15
sladenjeff2: 'ohci' is for the Firewire controller, (uhci and ehci are USB)11:15
Jowinano is acting up on me. each time nano is launched by sudo .nano_history chmods to -rw------- so the user can not access it after sudo has used nano. can anyone confirm if this is a bug in dapper (fully updated)11:15
DevCdarn I'm back on 5.04 :o11:15
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skyfallersizzam: like, MenuMeters shows you both a graph of your network usage and how many kb/s you're sending up and pulling down at any time11:15
lufisThe page in Inkscape I'm working on is too big. I just want a detail from it to be exported as SVG/PNG, but I'm new to it and can't seem to find a "Crop" or "Canvas size" tool11:15
sladenjeff2: have you googled for "device not accepting address" ?11:15
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DevCthere is no way to upgrade to 6.10 without having to get the disc and installing over 5.04 is there?11:15
sladenlufis: select the item/group and use 'Export'11:16
lufissladen: Hmm. I'll try that, thanks11:16
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LjLDevC: you don't have to get the disc. but you must upgrade incrementally, i.e. from 5.04 to 5.10, then to 6.06, etc11:16
Jowilufis, file -> export bitmap and click on Selection or Custom11:16
LjLUbotu, tell DevC about upgrade | DevC, see the private message from Ubotu11:16
maxxismDevC you could change your repos and do a upgrade with apt-get11:16
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mirakwhen I try to load lirc_serial module, kernel says it's busy. I then need to do  setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none  then after that I can insmod. why do I need to do that ? I didn't needed it before11:17
sladenlufis: sorry, that appears to only for bitmap/etc.  Select the items you want, copy and paste into a new document, save that11:17
DevCok thanks...one other question....about networking, I have a few PCs in network and I was wondering what the command was for sending messages to that computer was cause I can't remember right off11:17
sladenlufis: the page size alterable in File->Document Properties11:17
lufissladen: Thank you so much :)11:18
sladenDevC: what type of "messages" ?11:18
skyfalleris anyone here using gDesklets?11:18
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maxxismskyfaller I did.  i didnt like it.11:18
nolimitsoyacould someone please point me in the direction of a good ogg media metadata tagger? easytag seems prone to messing things up...11:18
DevCie I'm DellUser on the network and I want to send messages to ToshibaUser but can't recall the command to type into the command prompt to send stuff like "hi" or "surprise"11:18
alecjwhow can i play a flash in epiphany?11:18
maxxismskyfaller  some of the desklets were crap11:18
skyfallermaxxism: ah, that is too bad, it looks like it might have potential... what was wrong with it?11:18
sladenDevC: if they are MS Windows machines, they you can send pop-up messages using  smbclient11:18
lufisnolimitsoya: What about Amarok? Depends on what you want to do, though...11:18
tonyyarussoI'm wondering about hardware compatibility for a digital voice recorder.  (Checking the wiki - but give me a ping if you know anything)11:19
sladenDevC: if it's a Unix machine, they use  'talk'  or similar11:19
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sladenDevC: or ideally IRC/Instant Messaging11:19
DevCyeah ToshibaUser is WinXP Sp2 pc11:19
maxxismskyfaller I am a minimalist.  it was too whizbang for my liking.11:19
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jeff2sladen, yes, I've tried the suggestions at linux-usb.org to no avail11:19
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Doowrussian-dude: did you install build-essential ?11:20
sladenDevC: 'smbclient' is part of 'Samba' and are the tools for talking SMB (the MS file-sharing protocol) to MS Windows machines11:20
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Milos_SDwhy when I install VmWare Server, and I want to run it, my PC stop responding. But if I restart PC, I can use VmWare?11:20
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sladenalecjw: install 'flashplugin-nonfree'11:20
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DevCok....was samba part of Ubuntu or an installation option?11:21
miraklsmod | grep lirc11:21
gorgonzolaubuntu sucks!!!11:21
sladenMilos_SD: can you rephrase the question/ask it in a different way.  It is hard to follow your issue11:21
gorgonzolasorry had to get that off my chest11:21
=== skyfaller smacks gorgonzola with a trout
maxxismgorgonzola so go somewhere else then.11:21
sladengorgonzola: indeed it does, now move along please11:21
nolimitsoyalufis, id rather not mess upmy amarok database. :) im merging several archiver, with different tagging routines...11:21
Milos_SDToday I instaled VmWare Server11:22
sladenMilos_SD: yup11:22
Milos_SDand configured it ok11:22
dmDoes anyone know how i cant change the text on my panels to white, without using a theme ?? ??11:22
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Milos_SDbut, when I tryed to start it, my PC stoped responding11:22
alecjwsladen: thanks!11:22
gorgonzolathe only reason i'm saying this is because i am sick of guys simply advising me to install ubuntu when i have a problem with my system, OPEN SOURCE IS ABOUT FREEDOM!!11:22
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:22
Milos_SDand I had to restart it with restart button11:22
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DarkY@all: whats the best wlan config tool at all? :/11:23
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Milos_SDIt was the same with vmware player ...11:23
lufisnolimitsoya: Ahh, ok11:23
wildchildI am looking for apache.conf11:23
thirstyferretDarkY: I found NetworkManager to be the best...11:23
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wildchildhow can I find apache.conf on the server?11:23
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wildchildplease help11:23
LjL!offtopic | gorgonzola11:23
ubotugorgonzola: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:23
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DarkYthirstyferret: it dont works with my centrino network card :x11:23
gorgonzolathank you11:23
LjLgorgonzola: this is the Ubuntu support channel. do you have a support question, or are you willing to answer support questions? if not, you probably don't want to be here11:24
lufissladen: Thanks again for the Inkscape help. Worked perfectly11:24
bruenig!thanks | gorgonzola11:24
ubotugorgonzola: You're Welcome!11:24
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thirstyferretDarkY: have you tried WifiRadar? I didn't get on too well with it on my Broadcom 4318 (but that's a bit of a devil anyway)11:24
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DarkYthirstyferret: no i will try k? =D11:24
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sladenMilos_SD: VMware require various kernel modules loading, which come from VMware.  The best thing would be to file a bug report as (a) VMware is external/binary software  (b) the kernel shouldn't actually ever crash11:25
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sladenwildchild: /etc/apache/httpd.conf11:26
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wildchildsladen: in etc isn't apache :S11:27
DarkYthirstyferret: where can i get wifi radar? oo11:27
wildchildsladen: but is httpd11:27
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sladenwildchild: could you explain your question again, I'm having some difficulty understanding11:27
DarkYk found it ^^11:27
thirstyferretDarkY: just a tick11:27
thirstyferretDarkY: good :P11:28
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wildchildsladen: I was looking for "apache.conf"11:28
DarkYthirstyferret: what name is 6.10 :x11:28
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DarkYthirstyferret: brezzy? dapper? edgy? feisty? :x11:28
thirstyferretDarkY: Edgy Eft11:28
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sladenwildchild: 'Apache' does not use '/etc/httpd' as there are many HTTP daemons (servers) available, and if all those HTTP servers tried to use that directory for their configuration you'd have a bit of a problem11:28
thirstyferretDarkY: ;)11:28
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DevCok is SAMBA part of Ubuntu or do I have to do apt-get in order to use smbclient? been so long since I have used Ubuntu (obviously)11:28
DarkYthirstyferret: thx =D11:28
kitcheDarkY: edgy feisty is the new version of ubuntu being developed11:28
lakinhow do you change the password for your gnome keyring?11:29
DoowDevC: try it =)11:29
publiccan anyone help me with some advice on how to get an ISA soundcard working under ubuntu? I cant seem to find the right modules..any help?11:29
thirstyferretI believe Feisty Fawn is 7.04...11:29
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devilsadvocatethirstyferret, it is11:29
timo90how do i find out my ip adreses11:29
publicI know I should get a new card...but... I was just wondering if there was an equivalent to alsaconf these days/11:30
thirstyferrettimo90: http://www.whatismyip.com11:30
nolimitsoyatips for at good audio metadata tagger are very wellcome :)11:30
kmariustimo90, type ifconfig11:30
sladenDevC: install the package 'smbclient', and if you want to recieve messages, isntall 'linpopup'11:30
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timo90thank you kmarius:11:30
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timo90exactly what im looking for11:30
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sladenDevC: there isn't space on the CD to install everything available in Ubuntu!11:30
publicalsaconf used to be a handy program11:31
thirstyferretkmarius: never knew that :)11:31
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sladentimo90: /sbin/ifconfig11:31
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maxxismsladen not even close.11:31
sladentimo90: or  System->Adminstration->networking11:31
sladenmaxxism: could you explain again?11:31
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masterninjagaim isnt working :(11:32
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maxxismsladen nm.  sorry11:32
publiccan anyone please give advice on installing an older isa pci soundcard under ubuntu ???  thanks in advance11:32
sladenmasterninja: in what way is 'gaim' not working, do you recieve an error message for example?11:32
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masterninjanot logging into msn11:33
masterninjaworked before11:33
Fallen^Angel"not replacing existing default route through ppp0" - is this liveCD issue?11:33
sladenpublic: ISA and PCI are two different bus types.  It's not possible to have a card that is both.  Which do you have?11:33
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sladenmasterninja: do you get an error message when this happens?11:33
sladenmasterninja: have you tried closing gaim and restarting?11:33
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masterninjajust says faild to connect11:34
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publicsorry its ISA11:34
masterninjaturning gaim on and off does nothing11:34
thirstyferretmasterninja: silly question... have you checked settings? connection properties?11:34
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masterninjayeah yeah i dont all that11:34
publicI did it once before and I remmebr having to use modprobe but i'm not sure how to do it now11:34
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sladenmasterninja: MSN does have server issues from time to time.  Have you tried checking your details using an online web-based MSN client?11:35
kmariusso you've reinstalled ubuntu on the same box, public ?11:35
masterninjanope ill try it11:35
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sladenFallen^Angel: you already have a connection setup;  are you trying to bring up two connections to the internet?11:36
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sladenFallen^Angel: eg. via a Network Card and via an ADSL modem?11:36
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publicyes and I had forgotten about the sound issue on reinstall11:36
kmariuspublic, if it's the same installation you might be able to dig something from your history file11:36
spunk_My wifi card is up'n'running all fine, but I want to know which driver is used for it. How can I get that info?11:36
sladenpublic: ISA PnP cards should work out of the box on Ubuntu, if it's not you may need to load a module manually and we'd like you to file a bug report11:37
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publicI just found another soundcar in a drawer11:37
publicbrb  thx11:37
masterninjaare you ment to put your whole email in the screen name field?11:37
devilsadvocatemasterninja, yes11:37
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sladenpublic: you can find the low-level PnP information in  /sys/bus/pnp/  using the 'ls' and 'cat' commands to explore11:38
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JagerAnyone know of a good p2p program like Ares for linux?11:38
maxxismJager amule11:38
maxxismJager and torrents11:38
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grimboyI'm trying to find out the vertical/horizontal refresh rate of a second monitor I'm trying to do a dual monitor thing with (Can't wait for xorg 7.3). I've tried X -configure but that failed to detect the monitor at all. How would I got about doing this?11:38
masterninjait keeps adding .hotmail.com at the end of my email11:39
sladenJager: Firefox and 'bittorrent'11:39
masterninjabut i have @msn.com11:39
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masterninjastuff it ill get aMSN11:39
ariboanybody experience in installing a ATI-IXP southbridge HD-audio and modem chipset SB450 hda-intel (I cant get any sound :( )11:39
Jagerazureus ftw11:40
masterninjastupid piece of crap programing11:40
maxxismmasterninja nooooo11:40
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sorush20hi, what program do I install in gnome to be able to add keyboard shortcuts to programs like gthumb nail viewer ?11:40
maxxismmasterninja  gaim works awesome.11:40
sorush20Could not display help: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.11:40
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maxxismmasterninja man I use it all day everyday with gtalk and msn.11:40
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spunk_My wifi card is up'n'running all fine, but I want to know which driver is used for it. How can I get that info?11:41
sladengrimboy: you can do a manual probe, I've forgotten the command that is used.  'edid' is the protocol used to talk to and query the montior11:41
Fallen^Angelsladen no adsl modem, trough lan11:41
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masterninjai installed compiz and xgl through synaptic but my screen is yet to go all cool and fancy11:42
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sladenmasterninja: keeps adding '.hotmail.com'  or '@hotmail.com'   have you just tried putting in  'yourname@msn.com'11:42
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maxxismbruenig I wish utorrent was ported to linux.  I run in in wine right now.  its still the best torrent app11:42
tengilcan anyone tell me how i can get tvout working as well as my two monitors. i have a different screens on both monitors but when i turn on tv-out the monitors turn black. im using driver nvidia for my geforce6200 card11:42
narrchyAnyone here that can help me with a problem I'm having with installing Ubuntu via CD-R11:42
sladenFallen^Angel: that message is saying that a PPP connection is already setup (eg. Modem, or ADSL)11:42
maxxismnarrchy what problem?11:42
masterninjafallen angle means saten :P11:42
chaosmeikahey there11:43
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narrchyWell I burnt the cd and it has the .iso on it but I cannot boot it from the cd at all11:43
narrchyI used isorecorder to do it11:43
chaosmeikaI was wondering if there was anyone who had experience with installing ubuntu 6 on a laptop11:43
narrchyonto a CD-RW11:43
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masterninjai have11:43
chaosmeikalaptop in question is an old compaq presario 120011:43
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masterninjaim on a ubuntu laptop11:43
maxxismnarrchy when you view the disk does it have a file  called blah.iso11:43
chaosmeikaah cool11:44
chaosmeikawell for some odd reason11:44
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chaosmeikaits not really installing for me11:44
Jagerhow do i install .deb files from terminal again?11:44
maxxismnarrchy ok.  so check your bios and make sure your system is set to boot from cd.11:44
masterninjayeah happend on my dads laptop11:44
sladenchaosmeika: there's no such thing as 'Ubuntu 6', the version number is the  year and month of release (eg. 6.10 was released in 2006/October)11:44
masterninjais it to slow or something?11:44
narrchyit is11:44
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sladenchaosmeika: Ubuntu should work most excellently on Laptops, since that's what all of the developers use11:45
chaosmeikalemme double check what I dled...11:45
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sysrageif i wanna give ubuntu a try on an older laptop (p3 900, only 386mb ram). should i try kubuntu, plain ubuntu, or what? i'm not new to linux, just wanna try a new distro11:45
maxxismnarrchy i would make a new disc then.11:45
narrchyhow should i do it this time?11:45
maxxismnarrchy and download the iso again.  just in case.11:45
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russian-dudeI have 2 SATA HDDs, one has windows on it, another has Ubuntu. What do I need to do so i can choose what OS to boot?11:45
sladensysrage: 386MB should be fine, although recent versions of Ubuntu start to get squashed in 256MB11:45
dabaRsysrage: try http://xubuntu.org/11:45
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chaosmeikait would seem I have a copy od dapper drake11:46
ariborussian-dude you need to configure grub11:46
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maxxismrussian-dude make your ubuntu drive the primary.  and learn to configure grub11:46
sysragebeen running gentoo on it for years. slackware before that. so i know stuff will work, just curious if one of the flavors would be better11:46
sladenchaosmeika: 6.06 LTS ?11:46
dabaRsysrage: if you want a better performance than what you get with ubuntu. Try all three!11:46
russian-dudearibo how do i configure grub?11:46
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chaosmeikasladen 6.0611:47
masterninjagaim randomly sarted working11:47
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sysrageah xfce.. not a huge fan. think i'll try normal ubuntu first11:47
maxxismmasterninja  has a case of PEBKAC11:47
sysragenormal uses gnome.. kubuntu is kde, right?11:47
dabaRmaxxism: heh.11:47
sysrageby default of course11:47
dabaRsysrage: ya11:47
masterninjaoi clever clogs11:48
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masterninjahow do i turn on xgl?11:48
maxxismPEBKAC = problem exists between keyboard and chair.11:48
sorush20hi, what program do I install in gnome to be able to add keyboard shortcuts to programs like gthumb nail viewer ?11:48
sorush20hi, what program do I install in gnome to be able to add keyboard shortcuts to programs like gthumb nail viewer ?11:48
masterninjai installed it and compiz but no affect11:48
welchi am trying to install ubuntu server and the install program cannot find the dchp server, i tried switching the ethernet cards and i still have no luck. dmesg shows that ubuntu sees eth0 is ADMtek comet, but i'm using a linksys etherfast11:48
sorush20Could not display help: There was an error launching the default action command associated with this location.11:48
welchhow can i get the ethernet card to work?11:48
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slawoszynskihi, in my ubuntu i cant install postgres, always when Im trying to install there is only /etc/postgres-common directory, anyone know solution?11:48
ariborussian-dude I talk with you in private11:49
dabaRwelch: are you using dhcp on your network?11:49
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sladenchaosmeika: should work fine on a lapto11:49
dabaRsladen: what package did you install?11:49
spunk_My wifi card is up'n'running all fine, but I want to know which driver is used for it. How can I get that info?11:49
sladenchaosmeika: if there are any problems, please file a bug in launchpad11:49
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dabaRspunk_: lsmod will show all modules which I think are drivers that are loaded on your machine.11:49
sladendabaR: I have many packages installed, which one is of interest to you?  Personally I like a quick round of 'xbill'11:50
narrchycan i use a cd-r to burn ubuntu .iso?11:50
russian-dudearibo, it says it won't let me message you, i'm not registered11:50
dabaRsladen: I was trying to ask slawoszynski , but nicktab messed up11:50
chaosmeikait made an error and mentioned force=1 during install11:50
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dabaRslawoszynski: what package did you install?11:50
aribodoes someone know how to install an integrated ATI soundcard ?11:50
spunk_dabaR, ok. so there is no way to check which driver that is used for a particular network device?11:50
aribofrom a DFI RS48211:51
slawoszynskifirst, on 6.06 postgresql only11:51
narrchycan i use a cd-r to burn a .iso11:51
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DevCdamn I fogot my password for root :o11:51
narrchyand how much space does the .iso take up?11:51
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dabaRspunk_: I did not say that, I gave you a way to find out, I do not know whether or not there is a command for what you say11:51
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ariboI run dapper11:51
tonyyarussoI need to know how to mount a device which shows up in /var/log/syslog as "Nov 25 17:48:42 experimental kernel: [78887.680000]  usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5"11:51
DevCnow I get to guess at it heh11:51
spunk_dabaR, ok11:51
slawoszynskibut Im noob in ubuntu, and I remove it and I instaled postgres-8.111:51
pilibeencan somebody give me the command to see a list of all running processes?11:52
tonyyarussoAny suggestions?11:52
saxinpilibeen: ps aux11:52
slawoszynskiand I have no /etc/postgres directory, and no ubuntu11:52
alecjwtonyyarusso: is it a pen drive?11:52
dabaRslawoszynski: you have postgresql-8.1 installed?11:52
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welchdadaR: how can i configure my ethernet card?11:52
tonyyarussoalecjw: Digital voice recorder, flash memory.11:52
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K^Holtza lot of my screensavers are just staying as blank screens... is the something wrong w/ my video settings or something?11:53
dabaRwelch: skip the network setup installation step if it does not work, and work on getting the card set up after you install.11:53
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profoX`_I am unable to ping/access a website on my linux box (i can't get its ip address resolved), all other websites work... on my other computer, I can visit the website though.. what could be wrong.. hosts file looks normal..11:53
sladenaribo: the sound card should work out of the box, is it enabled in the BIOS11:53
profoX`_both pc's have the same ip11:54
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profoX`_same external ip i mean11:54
alecjwtonyyarusso: it should mount itself (if it's a usb masss storage device). to use the voice recording function, try selecting it as an alsa audio device11:54
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dabaRprofoX`_: but you can ping the sites IP address?11:54
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slawoszynskion other ubuntu I : sudo apt-get install postgresql-8.1 postgresql-client-8.1 postgresql-doc-8.1 postgresql-server-dev-8.111:54
zerocoolhi every body11:54
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tonyyarussoalecjw: I don't need to use it while connected, just transfer files.  (They're recorded as wav)11:54
nolimitsoyatips for a good audio metadata tagger are very wellcome :)11:54
slawoszynskiand everythink is ok11:54
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sladentonyyarusso: if it's a Mass Storage Device, you'll need to mount   /dev/sdXYZ  , but this should happen automatically *if* it is indeed a USB Mass Storage Device (eg. flash, hard-disk...)11:54
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profoX`_dabaR: yes, but I can't access the site through its ip address11:54
theturtlemoveshey, I've got a new Core 2 Duo laptop. what's the best kernel to use?11:55
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alecjwtonyyarusso: doesn't it mount itself???11:55
tonyyarussosladen: Nothing in /media - I'll check the /devs11:55
tonyyarussoalecjw: Doesn't look like it11:55
sladenprofoX`_: sounds like an DNS issue.  check the contents of  /etc/resolv.conf11:55
theturtlemovesShould I try 64 bit, or is it still not so good?11:55
alecjwtonyyarusso: when you plug in, say, a pen drive, does it mount automatically?11:55
sladenprofoX`_: trying deleting the first nameserver mentioned in /etc/resolv.conf so that the second one gets used11:55
K^Holtza lot of my screensavers are just staying as blank screens... is the something wrong w/ my video settings or something?11:55
sladentonyyarusso: things from  /dev/*  get _mounted_  onto  /media/*11:56
profoX`_well i can't ping it... it does 1 ping, and fails... and then I have 100% packet loss11:56
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profoX`_sladen: I can't ping the IP like I should11:56
profoX`_sladen: it does 1 ping, and fails... and then I have 100% packet loss11:56
sladentheturtlemoves: unless you're doing heavy database work, you probably don't need the amd64 version11:56
dabaRsladen: being not able to resolve a domain name into its IP address, and not being able to access the same IP address in the browser sounds like a dns issue to you?11:56
LattywareCould anyone help me with how I would go about encoding Anime (.mkvs, .avis, alot of xvid, h264, vorbis, etc...) to work on an ipod? I have Vive and a recompiled ffmpeg but it just fails on my anime (did get it to work with a random .mov I had lying around).11:56
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profoX`_55 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 54017ms11:56
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tonyyarussoalecjw: Yes11:56
sladenprofoX`_: lots of firewalls [incorrectly]  drop ICMP ping packets.  Can you successfully ping /any/ sites?11:57
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alecjwtonyyarusso: dunno waht to do then. sorry :( i hope someone else can fix your problem11:57
profoX`_sladen: yes, I can ping all other sites..11:57
sladenprofoX`_: then I wouldn't worry.11:57
we2byflash no sound11:57
profoX`_sladen: just not this one I am having trouble with (www.beryl-project.org)11:57
we2byany idea?11:57
profoX`_sladen: I'm not worrying, but I also can't access the website....11:57
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cafuego_Lattyware: I have an ffmpeg apckage with the required support for mp4/aac output and a little shell script to convery stuff.11:57
profoX`_sladen: not with 2 different external IP's on this computer11:57
tonyyarussoalecjw: , sladen: There is no /dev/sd* for it11:57
theturtlemovessladen: so the regular 686-smp should be fine?11:58
dabaRwe2by: there is information on this in the restricted formats page under flash. Do you know where the page is?11:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:58
sladenprofoX`_: www.beryl-project.org resolves to  for me, can you ping that IP directly?11:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:58
alecjwtonyyarusso: it probably isnt a mass storage device, but i've had an idea - how did you access it in windoze/mac?11:58
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nolimitsoyawhats the default application for handling audio metadata in ubuntu?11:58
profoX`_sladen: I already tried that, I am talking to the admin of beryl-project.org on IRC.. didnt work, thats the thing that gave me: 55 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 54017ms11:58
tonyyarussoalecjw: , sladen: Shows in 'lsusb' as Bus 002 Device 005: ID 07b4:020d Olympus Optical Co., Ltd Digital Voice Recorder VN-240PC11:58
cafuego_Lattyware: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/edgy-cafuego/ffmpeg/11:58
tonyyarussoalecjw: I didn't.  I don't have either.11:58
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alecjwtonyyarusso: :s how does it say you should trnasfer files from it in windoze/mac11:59
sladenprofoX`_: I suspect that www.beryl-project.org is served from many different servers, in a "round robin" fashion.  Perhaps the particular one you got given is currently down or doesn't accept ping packets11:59
tonyyarussoalecjw: , sladen: Which isn't actually the model number, but right brand11:59
cafuego_Lattyware: and http://www.cafuego.net/stuff/vidpod.sh11:59
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profoX`_sladen: well it must be the first problem, because I can't access it either?12:00
tonyyarussoalecjw: Win has an audio editor program that also handles the file transfer12:00
profoX`_(using a webbrowser)12:00
Lattywarecafuego_: Thanks, I will try that out.12:00
SlimGanyone? ut2004 won't start on a ati mobility 9700 laptop, something about missing GLX visual... here's the console output: http://pastebin.com/83285012:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usenet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:00
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cafuego_Lattyware: I just tried it on a .mov from jy camera and it worked; mainly I use it on xvids here without any problems whatsoever.12:00
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alecjwtonyyarusso: was that a program which came with it? what was it?12:00
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sladenalecjw: and that's supposed to show up as a hard-disk.  Do you need special software to access the device instead?12:00

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