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dade`should I do a make-kpkg clean before a git pull ?02:30
zulBenC: ping03:20
zulit looks like pm_power_off is EXPORTED twice does that mean anything to you?03:21
=== kylem looks at zul funny.
zulmust be tired03:38
infinityzul: Back away from the computer, go have a long relaxing shower, and find something else to do.03:40
zulyou are right later..03:40
kylembleh wireless.05:23
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dade`should the current git kernel compile cleanly ?08:31
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kylemBenC, ping05:10
BenCkylem: pong05:10
kylemany idea where the snd-atiixp module disappeared to? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/7331305:11
kylemyes... indeed.05:12
mjg59He seems to be missing all the snd- modules05:12
mjg59Looks like he's only got OSS05:12
kylemoh. interesting.05:12
BenCkylem: I'd say tell him to do "sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.17-10-generic"05:15
BenCand then reject accordingly05:15
kylemwell, i don't know where the module is hiding.05:15
kylembut it's loaded in his lsmod.05:15
BenCoh wait, he has -386, not -generic05:16
dade`mactel svn patchset 2.6.19-rc6 updated05:16
mjg59The sci-en and s3 ones are unnecessary05:21
mjg59We also don't want the usb-delay one05:21
mjg59Rest look fine05:22
BenCmjg59: Oh, hey, I remember what I wanted to ask you...one thing we have a problem with in edgy is that ide_all_generic doesn't work because it's a module (2.6.19 has a module param for this now)05:29
BenCmjg59: How bad would it be if we always did ide_all_generic?05:29
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dade`this morning I was not able to build the current git kernel, is that normal ?05:51
kylemBenC, erm. what do you think about a backport of r8169.c to replace this really shitty realtek r1000.c driver for edgy-updates?05:55
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mjg59BenC: Bad06:29
mjg59BenC: initramfs-tools just needs to pass the option06:30
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dade`pls fix the topic09:19
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:kylem] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel | 2.6.19-6.9 uploaded - This is a bad bear. Use it, but there are still a few missing modules.
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