
profoX`_sladen: admin says its only 1 server12:01
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tonyyarussoalecjw: "Olympus Digital Wave Player"12:01
sladenSlimG: if it's  "0x57" or whatever we've seen that before, but I'm not sure of the issue, it maybe an ATI driver issue IIRC.12:01
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sladenprofoX`_: so, what happens in you  apt-get install mtr   and then  mtr www.beryl-project.org    how far do the packets get?12:02
=== Limulf [n=Limulf@] has joined #ubuntu
alecjwtonyyarusso, sladen: it might work in wine - try it12:03
saikohi, everyone ! is there any way to change/remove already set default gnome-keyring password, the problem is i don't know the current password ?12:03
Willais there any reason my unbuntu station only gets 256kbps12:03
=== soberon [n=soberon@] has joined #ubuntu
Willawhile my windows station gets 600kbps?12:03
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== vn- [n=sys6x@bas5-quebec14-1177599701.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
budgesterWilla: yup windows make it up12:03
profoX`_sladen: like... nothing...12:03
=== aidanr [n=aidanr@] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`_sladen: actuallythe mtr program kinda stays blank/freezes for some time12:04
profoX`_no output.. so i guess it's just timing out or something12:04
zenwhy do you use ubuntu rather than debian or lets say mandrake?12:04
tonyyarussoalecjw: Maybe another day for that route - don't have time for Wine fiddling tonight.  If it's recognized by lsusb though, shouldn't I be able to use it natively?12:04
SlimGsladen: the output doesn't say anything about 0x5712:05
profoX`_when i do mtr www.google.com I get a GTK window displaying everything..12:05
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profoX`_sladen: and when i wait long enough: Temporary failure in name resolution: Success12:05
=== MetaBookfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66ABF.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:05
alecjwtonyyarusso: i don't think it acts as a mass storage device, so it can detect it but can't drive it12:05
tonyyarussoalecjw: Hmm12:06
sladenSlimG: what happens if you run 'glxinfo'12:06
WillaI've got a toothache from hell.12:06
=== odla [n=christop@S0106000625926fb6.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
Willadentist is gone till monday :(12:06
aribosladen :  in system>preference>sound12:06
=== IndyGUnFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
aribohe cant find a card12:06
odlahow do i change my host name?12:06
Willasudo apt-get fix my fucking tooth12:06
IndyGUnFreaklol willa12:07
LjL!language | Willa12:07
ubotuWilla: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:07
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phassomeone think about the children!!12:07
WillaSo I saw Casino royale12:07
WillaI must admit12:07
=== pumabox_ [n=puma2@67-150-93-239.sttl.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
WillaThat guy did a good job as bond.12:07
russian-dudearibo, I found menu.lst, but i don't know what exactly do i need to change12:07
sladenaribo: I'm confused, who is 'he' that cannot find the "sound card"12:07
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=== andrew [n=andrew@166-82-208-32.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGUnFreakwihle i have no probs keeping things family oriented, how many kids are actually in here?12:08
sladenrussian-dude: what are you attempting to achieve?12:08
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:08
Willanone IndyGUnFreak.12:08
libolthas anyone packaged up the Nvidia Cg library for ubuntu-amd64?  I'm running feisty on my system12:08
Willaand if they were, good parenting could always fix any issue.12:08
kippiI have a wireless card, installed the drivers using nswrapper and it can see the driver and the card, but i can't connect to the wireless, how can i trouble shot this?12:08
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=== winterp1 [n=winterp1@019-032-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
russian-dudechanging GRUB, so i have a choice: Ubuntu or Windows12:08
sladenlibolt: is that part of the Ubuntu drivers?12:08
odlahow do i change my hostname?12:08
=== bidoux [n=bidoux@88-137-32-34.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
sladenlibolt: is that part of the Nvidia drivers?12:08
Willakippi, did u setup the card and check it to make it active? under networking12:08
sladenodla: edit /etc/hostname12:08
saikohi, everyone ! is there any way to change/remove already set default gnome-keyring password, the problem is i don't know the current password ?12:09
mofturosodla: /etc/hostname12:09
kippiWilla, yep12:09
Lattywarecafuego_: Works great, thanks!12:09
=== johnficca [n=johnficc@host-64-234-13-104.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
odlawell that's freakin easy...thanks gusy12:09
=== ninnghizidha [n=ninn@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
liboltsladen: doesn't appear to be12:09
sladensaiko: obviously not, that would be a huge security hole12:09
Willakippi, and the progress bar just goes, then disapears?12:09
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DjViperguys, how do I sftp a whole dir from one place to another?12:09
cafuego_Lattyware: excellent :-)   Note you cna pass 'wide' as 2nd option to the script, to encolde to 16:912:09
saikosladen: i have the root password, though12:09
profoX`_sladen: ...more ideas?12:09
Willathe freenode #ubuntu chan is out of control.12:10
johnficcahi does anyone know how to fix the 64 bit usplash problem?12:10
compengidoes ubuntu recognizes nokia mobile phones connected to him through usb?12:10
Willakippi: I'd try #ubuntuo on irc.freenode.com (or net)12:10
aribojust add at the end sometnihg like this12:10
aribotitle           Windows NT/2000/XP (loader)12:10
ariboroot            (hd2,0)12:10
aribomap             (hd0) (hd2)12:10
aribomap             (hd2) (hd0)12:10
aribochainloader     +112:10
Willaits a 800person chan.12:10
ubotuaribo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:10
LjLUbotu, tell aribo about paste | aribo, see the private message from Ubotu12:10
sladensaiko: by default, Ubuntu does not enable the 'root' account, encouraging the use of sudo.  Are you on an Ubuntu machine?12:10
russian-dudearibo: thanks12:10
Willa!obnoxious commands12:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about obnoxious commands - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
=== razoum [n=razoum@ACBB8216.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== MenZa [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/pdpc.student.MenZa] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!botabuse | willa12:11
ubotuwilla: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)12:11
SlimGsladen: It outputs a bunch of info, doesn't tell me much12:11
Willaoh my god.12:11
=== skarface [i=antix@ip68-12-4-227.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
saikosladen: i am, this is actually my machine, but by mistake the default gnome-keyring password was set to "something" and i don't know what that "something" is ..12:11
Willadoesn't look like there are any ops here?12:11
kippiWilla, yeah, the bar just goes, how comes irc.freenode.com ?12:11
liboltnope searching for libCg.so on packages.ubuntu.org produces no packages that contain the library, looks like I have to do a manual install12:11
Willamore people than bots.12:12
LjLWilla, well that doesn't mean the bot should be abused even if there are no ops ;-)12:12
dv_libolt, yep12:12
dv_Cg is not in the rep12:12
compengidoes ubuntu recognizes nokia mobile phones connected to him through usb?12:12
=== [GuS] [n=LnX@unaffiliated/gus/x-663402] has joined #Ubuntu
sladencompengi: recognise yes---but you will need to use software to communicate.  Eg. if you want to dial-up via the Mobile Phone, then use 'System->Adminstration->Networking'.  To send SMS, try using 'gnokii'12:12
dv_not even in multiverse12:12
IndyGUnFreakare there any ops here?12:12
=== steve [i=steve@espotting.viennaweb.at] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussosladen: Any more ideas from you?12:12
agentcan the debian rules file run a custom script? if so, how?12:12
IndyGUnFreaki've never saw someone kicked off this channel.12:12
sladenlibolt: if you think 'libCg' hsould be installed, please file a bug report asking for it12:12
compengisladen, i want to access my data on the phone how can this be done12:12
stevesorry to annoy you guys12:12
stevebut i got a little question12:12
sladenIndyGUnFreak: there's ops all around.12:12
=== yobaby [n=User@pool-71-99-200-238.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Willasteve, this is a help channel.12:12
stevei just installed ubuntu 6.10 everything seems fine i got a new system with sata drives so i installed it to my sata disk12:13
=== livingtm [n=livingtm@cpe-74-67-15-162.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
dv_sladen, Cg is a software from nvidia12:13
sladencompengi: what type of 'data' on the phone?12:13
Willasladen: none have any @'s12:13
=== luckas [n=luckas@201-43-155-54.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
stevei said in the setup grub should be installed to hd012:13
dv_for platform- and API-independent shaders12:13
IndyGUnFreakok sladen, i believe you, i'm not one to really step out of line anyways, just curious.12:13
profoX`_Willa: doesn't mean they can't kick you if you're being annoying :)12:13
liboltsladen: alright I'll look into it, I probably should file a bug report that the libogre packages shoudl be updated too.  They're way ancient12:13
stevebut when i reboot grub doesn't show up what could be the problem?12:13
steveanyone has a idea?12:13
sladendv_: if you think it should in included in Ubuntu, please file a bug report asking for libcg to be packaged!12:13
dv_its not open-source, so I guess it may be problematic to put it in a rep12:13
compengisladen, my mmc card.... and other stuff12:13
Willahow is that possible profoX`_?12:13
=== MenZaLap [n=menza@last.fm/subscriber/pdpc.student.MenZa] has joined #ubuntu
sladencompengi: pictures, email, what?12:13
devilsadvocatesteve, do you boot into ubunut?12:14
compengisladen, pictures, files....12:14
sladencompengi: contacts will need 'syncing' using something like Evolution/OpenSync12:14
=== JohnP789 [n=johnp@68-188-42-215.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
saikomaybe someone know how can i just delete the default keyring and make a new one ?12:14
enycsteve: notice now the fstab and grub.conf use UUID nuwbers so you should be able to connect the hard disk differently... solong as the bios will present the disk as drive 0x80 it can be booted in short12:14
sladencompengi: files should be accessible over Mass Storage or OBEX-ftp12:14
profoX`_Willa: freenode policy is just openminded... everyone is equal... OP's don't become @ unless someone is spamming/being annoying/etc12:14
=== ericz [n=eric@ip70-174-127-4.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
enycsteve: you could connect via a pata-aadatper or external caddy, depending on the lreevant bios support12:14
=== wceoscar [n=wceoscar@tdev236-112.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
=== profoX`_ is now known as profoX`
johnficcadoes anyone know how to boot the 32bit ubuntu on a 64 bit PC12:14
devilsadvocatesteve, are you able to boot?12:14
stevebooting into ubuntu is NOT possible12:15
WillaprofoX`_ I'm just curious how you become an op in a chan, when there are NO opped bots.12:15
Willaor ppl12:15
lupine_85johnficca: put the 32bit cd in the drive; reboot12:15
=== chaelot|home [n=torm@82-71-23-43.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
enycjohnficca: you install 32bit ubuntu and it iwll work12:15
stevebut i cna boot windows xp which is on the same disk12:15
compengisladen, but shouldn't i get like a flash drive when i plug my mobile by usb to the computer?12:15
lupine_85or create a 32bit chroot and pop in to it12:15
profoX`Willa: read some docs about IRC / Freenode in particular ;)12:15
LattywareWilla: Services12:15
Willais this freenode?12:15
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:15
=== kud0s [n=james@cpc2-leed6-0-0-cust835.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`Willa: yes12:15
Willaor efnet?12:15
enycKonnektion: howeveryou acn create a debootscrap chroot environment in order to run 32bit thing inside the 64bit... another long story ;-)12:15
LattywareThe server can do it behind the scenes.12:15
WillaI thought I was on efnet lol12:15
sladencompengi: only if the phone pretends to be USB Mass Storage device.  If not then you will need other software12:15
=== razoum_ [n=razoum@ACBB8216.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== ma12 [n=chatzill@nv-71-48-62-251.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
johnficcadoes it slow down running the 32 bit on 6412:16
profoX`Efnet is evil12:16
Willaim on efnet downstairs.12:16
=== Jekyll [n=jekyll@host29-160-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
lupine_85j00 n00b!12:16
Willayea I know :)12:16
=== faded515 [n=chatzill@cpc3-hatf4-0-0-cust764.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLi repeat: !offtopic12:16
lupine_85oh, ait, yes this isn't efnet :p12:16
profoX`LjL: thanks..12:16
=== lupine_85 politely retracts his statement
sladencompengi: what phone type do you have, have you googled for 'Nokia MODEL ubuntu'12:16
=== SeanTater [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kud0sHow o you get applcation to run at startup as a daemon? For example, the equivilent of windows services?12:16
LjLUbotu, tell kud0s about boot | kud0s, see the private message from Ubotu12:16
wceoscarI installed Amsn but now i cant Delete the current profin.. it says its beeing used by the program ???12:16
enycsteve: ddid that install ever boot on this system... stopped working at some point? etc.12:16
budgesterkudOs: what sort of application ?12:16
=== miquel [n=miquel@222.pool85-59-81.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #ubuntu
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ma12Hello everyone - I absolutely have tried everything to get MPlayer to play my mpg, but it keeps giving me "error opening/initializing the selected video out device12:16
steveno never bootet12:16
=== green [n=saotome@tdev198-48.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
steveit just gets installed12:17
stevesetup says you can reboot the system now12:17
stevei do so12:17
Willama12 install VLC12:17
johnficcaI tried booting the 32 bit one and it needed the 64 bit one12:17
enycma12: try vlc or xine-ui ;-)12:17
profoX`ma12: mplayer (in terminal) or gmplayer (graphical interface)12:17
=== cowen_ [n=cowen@cpc1-hatf3-0-0-cust166.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ma12totem plays it no problem, but I cannot get MPlayer12:17
stevebut ubuntu doesn't boot up12:17
stevejust windows xp loads12:17
profoX`ma12: don't listen to them, mplayer is the best :)12:17
=== russian-dude [n=spy@cpe-071-070-188-229.nc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["IRC]
stevegrub doesn't show up12:17
Willavlc plays, no problems.12:17
=== dm [n=dm@cpe-71-74-78-235.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
devilsadvocatesteve, sounds like grub never installed too the mbr...12:17
enycma12: this kindh of thing happnes soemntimes.  worth having many player installed theefore ;-)12:17
ma12I have heard that MPlayer is the best from what I have read, but I cannot get it to play mpg12:17
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wceoscarHEY....  I HAVE A 64processor 3800+ 939.... CAN I GET THE x64 edition??? is it stable?????????12:17
profoX`ma12: try: mplayer -vo xv videofile.mpg, does that work?12:17
enycsteve: thrrm grub not installed on MBR of the booting hard disk then?12:17
Willama12: VLC is the best.12:18
LjL!caps | wceoscar12:18
ubotuwceoscar: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:18
DjViperguys, how do I sftp a whole dir from one place to another?12:18
Willama12: did you dl the codecs?12:18
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dmOk someone help me.. Somehow the icons in my menubar are all now really small and no matter what theme im on, they do not get bigger icon as well as controls theme12:18
enycDjViper: using scp -r instead of sftp12:18
skyfallerhm... has anyone actually gotten GDesklets to work?  I can't seem to get a freaking weather widget12:18
LjLwceoscar: it's stable enough, but you won't be able to run certain [proprietary]  things such as Flash, the W32 codecs, etc, at least not easily12:18
ma12yes all codecs are downloaded12:18
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl447.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
DjViperenyc: ok12:18
Lattywaremal12: Appears to have the same thing as me12:18
=== gpafixit [n=pete@c-24-22-114-25.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Willadoes mplayer play .img's?12:18
=== tamgo [n=saotome@tdev198-48.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
enycDjViper: scp -r locatdir remotehost:remotedir   I think12:18
profoX`Willa, ma12: i don't think codecs are the problem, because it says his video out doesnt work..12:18
stevedevilsadvocate got the same idea, the setup says grub will be installed to hd0 but what is hd0 i mean i got a raid controller in my system with ide disks did grub get installed to one of those now or how to tell the setup to put grub on my sata disk?12:18
=== whaley [n=whaley@nc-76-3-93-125.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
LattywareMine does the same.12:18
wceoscarok. im using the 32 6.10 edition... am i in good shape?12:18
skyfallerIs there a better way to get a weather widget than GDesklets?12:19
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profoX`Willa: .img's as in .iso kinda things? you can mount that, and i also think it plays .iso's natively if it are svcd's or dvd's12:19
LattywareAnd no, my first statement did not make any sense whatsoever.12:19
enycsteve: hrrm  raid12:19
LjLwceoscar: you should be. 6.06 is supported for longer than 6.10, though12:19
=== ninnghizidha [n=ninn@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #ubuntu
profoX`ma12: have you tried my command...12:19
enycsteve: fiiddly.. is the raid something that linux supprorts ?12:19
wceoscaroh really12:19
DeezI've downloaded and built the latest xCHM app. Problem is, they funked the version number on it :( An old version in the repo keep trying to update it but that'll be a downgrade! How the hell do I stop the update manager from trying to downgrade the app!?12:19
Lattywarema12: I also get the same thing when trying to play .movs.12:19
LjL!lts | wceoscar12:19
ubotuwceoscar: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:19
ma12profoX it worked perfect!12:19
WillaprofoX`: LAME :). VLC plays .img. Just double click on it, plays just like a .mpg or any thing else..12:19
ma12how do I make that permanent?12:19
profoX`ma12: well, but you want to use the Graphical mplayer interface, right?12:20
profoX`like, gmplayer12:20
steveenyc atm ubuntu/linux shall not care about the controller card or the raid it shall install to the sata disk which it does fine and put grub on it :=12:20
enycsteve: or is this one of those 'fakeraid' things where the bios software and windows-driver is the only tools that actually can read theaid without special setup of 'fakeraid' tolol?12:20
=== fedeturu [n=federico@r190-64-9-13.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu
LattywareIn fact, with anything. I've had this problem before...12:20
profoX`ma12: try this.. open up gmplayer.. (type gmplayer or open mplayer through the menu)12:20
=== andrew is now known as Keyseir
dmOk someone help me.. Somehow the icons in my menubar are all now really small and no matter what theme im on, they do not get bigger icon as well as controls theme12:20
profoX`ma12: then right click on the mplayer window and choose Preferences12:20
wceoscarmy other problem is that i installed amsn and i want to delet my current profile or edit it... but it doesnt lets me.. i even uninstalled the apps and re installed it a nd nothing???12:20
gpafixitHi all .. I just added a fat32 hard drive (for storage) and now I would like it to show up on my desktop (like the xp partition does) when I login .. I added it to /etc/fstab and mount -a mounted it and I can use it, but I would like it to auto load on my desktop .. how-to?12:20
profoX`ma12: then go to the "Video" tab... can you tell me which driver is selected?12:21
steveand it's a raid card but the raid isn't used only disks plugged to the card to use them....12:21
Pelodm  try resizing the panel itself12:21
enycsteve: fine, but you need to get BIOS at boot time to represent that sata disk at 0x80 in the INT 13 function calls and run that bootsector... and this deens to be the case when grub was installed in order for it to have setup in the right place ;-)12:21
steveas the new board doesn't have ide channels12:21
ma12profox ok hold on12:21
devilsadvocatewceoscar, you'll have to remove the profile files i guess12:21
kippiI have a wireless card, installed the drivers using nswrapper and it can see the driver and the card, but i can't connect to the wireless, how can i trouble shot this? It just gives me the bar saying getting IP address and then the bar just goes and then there is no connection12:21
=== yaloki [n=yaloki@207.172-66-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
wceoscarhow can i do that?12:21
dmPelo its the items in the menubar, not the panel12:21
DeezI've downloaded and built the latest xCHM app. Problem is, they funked the version number on it :( An old version in the repo keep trying to update it but that'll be a downgrade! How the hell do I stop the update manager from trying to downgrade the app!?12:21
Willakippi have you rebooted?12:21
enycsteve: the raid card may take over INT 13 in its BIOS and make ithe raid 0x80 etc. and you may not boot from the sata drive therfore?12:21
kippiWilla, yep12:21
=== Pelo goes back to watching Robin Hood
=== skyfaller [n=skyfalle@wikipedia/Skyfaller] has left #ubuntu []
stevei boot from the sata drive12:22
=== IndyGUnFreak [n=IndyGunF@user-0cdv00t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
stevecause windows xp is installed to it in a partition12:22
DeezI locked and forced the version in Synaptic *but* that don't mean a thing! please help!12:22
wceoscarHow o i remove the prfile files?? where are they located?12:22
dmPelo any suggestions ?12:22
enycsteve: well if grub does not appear at all then it is not installed on the MBR of that drive ;-)12:22
Pelodm,  no12:22
devilsadvocatewceoscar, try in ~/.amsn/12:23
steveand how do i tell grub to install to that drive now?12:23
tonyyarussoI need to find a way to transfer files from a digital voice recorder.  Shows in 'lsusb' as Bus 002 Device 005: ID 07b4:020d Olympus Optical Co., Ltd Digital Voice Recorder VN-240PC.  Shows in /var/log/syslog as "usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 5".  Does not show up as /dev/sd* or automount.12:23
voidmageI want my printer to print the pages in reverse order (so when it's done page 1 is on top instead of the last page). How can i do that?12:23
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devilsadvocatewhere ~ is your home directory, wceoscar12:23
enycsteve: good question... i thnk you can boot from edgy live cd12:23
dmvoidmage you play WoW?12:23
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skyfallerhey folks, I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with Ubuntu's package of GDesklets... can somebody help me check this?12:24
Deezyo! how do I stop Synaptic from trying to update an application!?!?12:24
enycsteve: then "grub" "root (hd0,?)" "setup (hd0)" where ? depends on the partition the  /boot/grub.menu.list  resides-in12:24
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nolimitsoyacould anyone tell me what program you use for tagging and renaming audio files?12:24
enycsteve: from a root-probmpt (or "sudo grub"12:24
wceoscarin muy hdd i guess12:25
Pelonolimitsoya,  easytag,   but there are a couple in the Add/remove menu12:25
kmariusnolimitsoya, easytag is good... maybe amarok, too12:25
steveok thx12:25
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stevewill try this12:25
=== igor_ [n=igor@84-255-241-173.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu
Willaare dvds only 4gigs?12:26
kippihmm, I think this is the only place ubuntu is a let down and that's with wireless12:26
Lattywaredual layer are 812:26
Deezhow the **** do I stop synaptic, system-update or wtf from trying to update an application!?12:26
LattywareWell, ish.12:26
Lattyware4.7 or somthing.12:26
nolimitsoyakmarius, Pelo, tried easytag, but it seems to make a mess of things... changing tags of files ive never asked it to. am i doing something wrong?12:26
Music_ShuffleSingle-layer standard DVD's are 4.7.12:26
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dv_I saw 7 gb data on dvds already12:26
PeloWilla,  4.7 gig, but you can buy 8 gig ones,  realy expensive12:26
Willakippi: try ubuntu on efnet.12:26
dv_but it was a dual one :P12:26
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tengil_anyone have any suggestion how i can get picture on the tv and monitor the same time. i have a nvidia card and i been trying with alot of settings in xorg.conf now12:26
WillaDo i need a special DVD player? for 8 gig? and will ubuntu recognize it?12:26
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stevebut enyc if you think the controller card takes over int13 call wouldn't it be useless trying to install grub agianb to hd0?12:27
Pelonolimitsoya,  I think easytag removes borked tags when it loads a file, that maybe why it is doing that12:27
kmariusnolimitsoya, the handling is a bit weird ... you should do a few experiments first (but this goes for many tag apps i guess)12:27
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gpafixitIn the fstab file I noticed that the hda partitions/device has UUID=###### (numbrs/letters) .. does this effect how my newly installed hd shows up on my desktop? (I added it to my fstab /dev/hdb1 /media/StorageHD vfat etc etc etc ..12:27
nolimitsoyaPelo, removes as in clears or fix?12:27
Peloas I clear I think12:27
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nolimitsoyaPelo, ok, well thats broken behaviour right there imho...12:28
Deezam I being ignored!? how  do  I  stop  synaptic  OR  system-update  from  trying  to  update  an  application!?12:28
Pelonoliit yiou can try audio tag tool if you want12:28
nolimitsoyaPelo, thank you. i will12:28
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wceoscarany ideas in how to remove my profile on amsn?????12:29
nolimitsoyaDeez, in the menues of synaptic, look for force version12:29
Byanhow do I tell the version of a package I want to install using apt-get12:29
LjLByan: "apt-cache policy packagename"12:29
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nolimitsoyaDeez, or you could try lock version...12:29
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Deeznolimitsoya, I tried that so many times... it's killing me... I select xCHM, (the version that is installed without upgrading it) and I select Package > Force Version... *but* nothing happens!12:30
Willawoah, so freenode is larger than efnet?12:30
Deeznolimitsoya, lock and force don't do a thing :(12:30
wceoscarhow can i remove the profile in amsn??????????????12:30
Deeznolimitsoya, I must be doing it wrong :(12:30
Willa!volume control12:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about volume control - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:30
nolimitsoyaDeez, lock version instead...12:31
WillaAnyone get their keyboard working with the PCM volume control12:31
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Pelo!sound | Willa12:31
ubotuWilla: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin12:31
kmariusDeez, try finding the appropiate script in /etc and chmod -x it12:31
Willapelo you think you know so much12:31
agenthow do i have a custom script run in a deb package during installation?12:31
Willayou are powerless without your silly exclamation mark key.12:31
dabaRPelo: :P12:31
Deezkmarius, heh, I wouldn't know which file it is at all :(12:31
PeloWilla,  just trying to help, if you don'T want it,  don't take it12:32
wceoscarLjL, any ideas on how to remove my profile on amsn???????????12:32
LjLwceoscar: no12:32
liboltalright submitted a bug report asking for the packaging of the nvidia-cg-toolkit.12:32
WillaI do I do12:32
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Willaone day, I'm going to know thw powers of the bots12:32
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WillaJust jealous12:32
Silivrenionin ubuntu, after installing openssh-server, will the server daemon automatically start with the machine everytime its restarted?12:32
kmariusDeez, try /etc/apt for a start -- i'm looking for something similar myself so my screen isn't powered back on all the time by some damn script12:32
Silivrenion(by default)12:32
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Deezkmarius, ok12:33
=== graft [n=graft@c-24-91-73-123.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cornellI'm trying to get a cronjob working, and it doesn't seem to want to work for me.  I've a script, backupMysqlCron2, in a directory.  I've an entry in crontab: 10 18 * * * root run-parts /nameOfDirectory  I take that to mean, run everything in /nameOfDirectory at 1810 hours.  But, nothing.  If I do run-parts /nameOfDirectory, it works.  Any ideas?12:33
dabaRWilla: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:33
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kippihas anyone got wireless working on ubuntu?12:33
wceoscari guess there is a way12:33
Willakippi I have.12:33
wceoscarwhere csaa ni fin d the amsn folder?12:33
graftyep, wireless12:33
Willado you have the wmp54g or whatever?12:33
n30nI need help installing this wireless driver12:33
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:33
Lattywarewceoscar: No. Noone has ever had ubuntu working with wireless cards, that's why everyone loves ubuntu.12:34
kippiWilla, how did do it?12:34
Willakippi someone on efnet helped me step by step12:34
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dabaRwceoscar: you could do something that is very unconventional, but will likely remove the profile, rm -rf .amsn12:34
kmariusDeez, infact, i'd just chmod -R -x /etc/apt and see what part of your system gets hosed ;)12:34
WillaDoes ubuntu remember all command history?12:34
Willain its cache.12:34
boinkyou mean bash12:34
dabaRwceoscar: how hard is it to look through some menus in a gui and find the right option?12:34
Willais bash = terminal?12:34
boinkcheck the .bash_history12:34
boinkecho $SHELL12:35
Willawell I know I can KEY UP.12:35
PeloWilla,  on a per session basis yes12:35
Willaso im wondering how far does it go back?12:35
boinkit depends on what you have set in your .bashrc12:35
Deezkmarius, heh, I looked all up and down the dir... heh, I really wouldn't know where to start...12:35
boinkman bash12:35
WillaPelo: but there were comands from yesterday way after I reset the computer12:35
DeezI think force version and lock version in synaptic are BROKEN :(12:35
Deez*but* I might be doing it wrong too...12:35
JagerWhats a good p2p program for linux12:35
boinkit has nothing to do with ubuntu12:35
PeloWilla,  good for you then12:35
Willakippi so did you setup the network name12:35
boinkit depends on what shell you use12:35
LattywareJager: Azureus.12:35
dabaRWilla: people used to use what is called a terminal cause it was somehow connected to a computer physically, what we call terminal these days is a terminal emulator. You interact with the computer through a terminal using a command interpreter, or shell. the default Ubuntu shell is bash.12:35
JagerLattyware thats torrent12:36
LattywareOr uTorrent under wine.12:36
PeloJager,   torrents or frostwire12:36
kmariusDeez, exactly what program's versions do you want to be kept in their current state?12:36
WillaPelo: Sorry im trying to help kippi out with my 4 days of ubuntu knowledge.12:36
LattywareJager: And torrents are suddenly not peer to peer?12:36
JagerLattyware well.. you know what i mean lol12:36
Willaunlike anyone else12:36
H3g3m0nWilla: By default 500 lines in Ubuntu i think12:36
WillaH3g3m0n hmm12:36
wceoscarcan i use ubuntu with a wireless network?12:36
LattywareAnd suddenly torrents are not the best form of peer to peer networking?12:36
boinkwceoscar: sure12:36
LattywareTorrents > Other P2P networks.12:36
Willadont use newsgroups.12:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:36
Willahow about you guys just put in the topic12:37
Willa"use google"12:37
Willaand set the chan to +m12:37
Deezkmarius, I downloaded the source to xCHM and built it. the repos contain version 1.9 *but* the dev funked up and made the source version 1.10 ... I guess 1.9 keeps trying to overwrite 1.10... I cannot force or lock the version :(12:37
LattywareWilla: Because some people would type 'help with ubuntu' into google, and expect a result that works.12:37
PeloLattyware,   torrents and gnutella have different uses12:37
Deezmaybe force and lock in Synaptic is for different version packages found *only* in the repos :(12:37
WillaI know the wireless thing is a simple fix12:37
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Willathat wifidoc isn't as helpful as you would think. to a complete n00b12:38
kmariusDeez, I know this maybe a rotten solution .. but again, you might want to try and chmod -R -w on the directories you want to keep12:38
Deezkmarius, I never thought of that and don't think I want to take that route :(12:38
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Willakippi is your config DHCP12:38
dabaRWilla: we welcome contributions to the existing documentation to make it more beginner friendly. That is why it is on a wiki.12:38
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profoX`ma12: really.. you are annoying :p12:39
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profoX`ma12: the pm window is completely lagging because you are copy/pasting the whole conversation12:39
gnomefreakprofoX`: that is uncalled for please dont do it12:40
profoX`gnomefreak: do what12:40
Willawould more ram speed up DVD playback? (local dvds off the Hard Drive).12:40
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KervanHello i am looking for a ide like Borland C++ Builders ide (auto Complate and functions tip ) or zend studio are there any ide at ubuntu?12:40
Willaright now I have 256mb heh.12:40
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ma12haha no no its fine - total accident, I would be mad too12:40
ma12profoX really helped me today12:40
wceoscarwhere can i find blue themes like kubuntus for ubuntu?12:40
IndyGUnFreakit wouldnt' hurt willa12:40
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Byanhow do I make a uh.. symlink12:41
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gnomefreakprofoX`: you know better than to call people names12:41
WillaIndyGUnFreak, theres like a little lag every now and then. Or shutter.12:41
dabaRwceoscar: search google for blue ubuntu human theme12:41
WillaNot really noticeable.12:41
profoX`ma12: np..12:41
graftWilla: no - if your DVD rom drive can't keep up, try using a larger buffer/cache size (if your player allows it)12:41
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Willagraft: I SAID local. from the hard drive.12:41
DeezKervan, try eclipse...12:41
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graftWilla: um, that's not a DVD, then12:41
IndyGUnFreakyeah, i run a 2.4ghz Processor, and 1024mb of RAM, and have no probs at all.12:41
Kervanthanks Deez12:41
s8can somebody tell me please how to exit X in ubuntu?12:42
IndyGUnFreakroutinely have movies playing,k surfing web, playing pokerstars, etc.12:42
yalokiKervan: eclipse CDT, kdeveloper12:42
=== fuffe [n=fuffe@c-1a32e455.154-5-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
Willathen read the Q next time before you answer.12:42
profoX`gnomefreak: i'm not calling people names.. i'm telling him it's annoying to copy/paste 100 lines ;) because it is12:42
dabaRs8: how did it get started?12:42
LjLs8: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" will exit X and bring you to a VT12:42
Kervanyaloki kdevelop not too usable12:42
graftWilla: pardon me for attempting to be helpful, dick.12:42
Deezs8, Ctrl+Alt+F1 through F6 you mean?12:42
Kervani dont know the others12:42
gnomefreakprofoX`: you said "you are annoying" that is uncalled for12:42
IndyGUnFreaklol graft12:42
yalokiKervan: really12:42
fuffehey, I would like to question why ubuntu doesn't have releases like 6.10.1?12:43
yalokiKervan: eclipse CDT is another candidate12:43
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fuffewith bugfixes12:43
Willafuffe: no.12:43
LjLfuffe: there is 6.06.1, actually12:43
dabaRfuffe: sometimes it does. If the bug is big enough.12:43
IndyGUnFreakbecause its perfect the first time.12:43
Willaubuntu is a great os.12:43
Willavs windows12:43
rpedrowceoscar: do 'apt-get install blubuntu-look' ;)12:43
WillaIt loads so amazingly fast.12:43
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Kervanyaloki i am a linux newbie  borland ide was too easy12:43
Lattywarecafuego_: Hmm... I tried wide, and it just added black bars :/12:43
fuffeWilla, but isn't it good to get a fresh version with bugfixes from 6.10?12:43
IndyGUnFreaki saw someone griping the other day cuz the next version of Linux is called Feisty Fawn, or something like that.12:43
dmAnyone know how to remedy tiny icons in menu bar?????? themes arent helping12:43
=== Dev05 [n=hernan@bas1-montreal28-1167873463.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Deezwhen will Edgy+1 be released?12:44
IndyGUnFreakif thats all you can find to gripe about, then its ok.12:44
fuffeLjl, really? kool!12:44
profoX`gnomefreak: he doesn't care.. so why would you12:44
Willafuffe: Im sure it is. But I'm just using it as a HTPC downstairs.12:44
profoX`and now shh12:44
gnomefreakprofoX`: its against the COC12:44
Willahowever, Ubuntu doesn't seem too secure12:44
Lattywarecafuego_:  The original is in a wide format - and squashing it is kinda bad as there are subs12:44
jbroomeWilla: what?12:44
Willawhat security features does Ubuntu have?12:44
jbroomeWilla: i'm smell troll12:44
gnomefreakDeez: in april12:44
wceoscaranother thing im not very familiar is instaling other sources files lice .rpm .tar what tools or stemps should i fllow to install this files>?12:44
Willajbroome uh. I use ubuntu n00b12:44
fuffetoo secure? is that a disadvantage?12:44
=== dabaR points out that willa has been trolling a little, so take him with a grain of salt
Willaor is fuffe the troll?12:44
IndyGUnFreakWilla, its biggest security feature is, its not windows.12:44
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WillaIndyGUnFreak: ah ok. because You put your pw in12:45
IndyGUnFreakuh no.12:45
Willasaves it as a text file somewhere12:45
=== samAA [n=sam@CPE-143-238-97-170.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Deezgnomefreak, really? isn't that when Feisty is released?12:45
Willayea there is a thread on ubuntu forums about it12:45
fuffeI've been called troll a lot lately, dunno why..12:45
jbroomewasn't that back in breezy?12:45
Willafor some users at least.12:45
s8i need to install nvidia graphics driver... and it's always complaining that i'm either running X (when using ctrl+alt+F#) or that i'm at a wrong runlevel...12:45
gnomefreakDeez: thats what edgy+1 is12:45
dabaRDeez: X+1 means the release after X12:45
dmAnyone know how to remedy tiny icons in menu bar?????? themes arent helping12:45
Dev05s8, You have to kill X12:46
IndyGUnFreakin the menu bar?12:46
Deezgnomefreak, so Dapper+1 is Edgy?12:46
DevCi'm in trouble, is there a way to reset the root password if I forget it because I can't seem to remember it and I need my root access to do the installs/updates/etc12:46
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dabaRfuffe: read up on the concept, and you may see similarities...happens to everyone12:46
s8the "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"  did not help12:46
gnomefreakDeez: but dapper .1 is still dapper12:46
DeezI learned something there thanks fellas!12:46
Deezoh ok12:46
s8dev05: how?12:46
LjL!noob | Willa12:46
ubotuWilla: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.12:46
gnomefreakDeez: dapper will have point releases12:46
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LjL!enter | Willa12:46
ubotuWilla: Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.12:46
Deezso when is Edgy.1 being released?12:46
LjLDeez: perhaps never12:46
IndyGUnFreakdeez, it probably won't be12:46
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:46
gnomefreakDeez: its not only LTS will have point releases12:46
dabaRDevC: You can boot into recovery mode, then run passwd to change the root password.12:46
Willajesus christ12:46
IndyGUnFreakjust run the automatic updater12:46
fuffedabaR, yeah.. I know what a troll is..12:47
gnomefreakWilla: problem?12:47
Deezkmarius, I rebuilt the source package and changed the version number... that was the only way around for me :(12:47
CoRnJuLiOxalright, i just used diskmounter to mount a new partition i just made (ext3), but when i type in 'mount' it lists the partition as ntfs. am i missing something here?12:47
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fuffebut I don't want to shut up and not express my opinion just because of that12:47
Dev05s8, Switch to say Ctr+Alt+F4. Log with your account. Type 'sudo su' (without quotes, of course). Enter your password. Type /etc/initd/gdm stop12:47
Willagnomefreak, not really. No idea why I get a "enter" command.  Whilst everyone is typing 2 lines a second12:48
bunganyone know a linux version of like VirtualDub?12:48
Dev05s8 init.d12:48
Deezok, I'll wait for Feisty... I thought the +1 version were maintenance releases like bug crushing, etc ... heh, I learned something... thanks again!12:48
yalokibung: you can run virtualdub with wine12:48
gnomefreakfuffe: we dont take opinions here please join #ubuntu-offtopic for opinions12:48
bungid prefer not to install wine12:48
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ident - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:48
Dev05s8, Att.: That will kill any graphical app that you're currently running...12:48
fuffegnomefreak, ok, thanks!12:48
Willa!xchat ident12:48
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB12:48
dmAnyone know how to change the icon size in the gnome menu bar on the panel ( resizing the panel does nto help )12:49
LjL!msg the bot | Willa12:49
ubotuWilla: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)12:49
IndyGUnFreakbung, have you considered Crossover?12:49
IndyGUnFreakgranted, you have to pay for it, but i find it works better than Wine12:49
Willafor fucks sake stop crying12:49
bungIndyGUnFreak, Crossover? is that a video editor like VirtualDub?12:49
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dabaRLjL: You can also use pm with ubotu to avoid publicly disgracing people...12:49
bungIndyGUnFreak, then why did you mention it?12:49
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IndyGUnFreakbecause you mentioned wine, i thought you were wanting a windows emulator.12:49
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LjLdabaR: if i did, then everyone now would be asking me why the ban.12:50
IndyGUnFreakthat wasn't WIne, that is.12:50
dabaRLjL: not true, he sweared in the channel.12:50
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dmAnyone know how to change the icon size in the gnome menu bar on the panel ( resizing the panel does nto help )12:50
dabaRLjL: and maybe he would have taken it more easily.12:50
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LjLdabaR: i don't normally ban for swearing, without a previous warning. anyway - offtopic12:50
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n30nUbuntu wont reconginze my laptops wireless card :'(12:51
s8Dev05: thanx!12:51
Deezs8, you using Ubuntu?12:51
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SeveasdabaR, you could also pm LjL instead of questioning his behaviourin public12:51
CoRnJuLiOxcan anyone lend me a hand with mounting this partition i just made? sudo mount ext3 /dev/hdb1 /media/hdb1 doesn't work and diskmounter doesn't do anything to it.12:51
Seveasthat's uncalled for12:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:51
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Deezs8, what you trying to do?12:51
wapityyyi have a problem with my french canadian keyboard on ubuntu12:51
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Dev05s8, You're welcome ;)12:51
wapityyyi tried all the keyboard maps in the config tool ...12:51
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s8install nvidia drivers12:51
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:52
Deezs8, ahh12:52
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s8thanx :)12:52
Pelowapityyy,  what   hold on,  mine works fine I'll tell you which to select12:52
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wapityyyPelo: ok thanks12:52
dmAnyone know how to change the icon size in the gnome menu bar on the panel ( resizing the panel does nto help )  (sorry to keep asking12:53
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johnm1019is there any way to play quicktime movies on ubuntu?12:53
timo90Wow guys you wont belive this , my ubuntu woudnt work and i couldnt log on.i when to recovery and used it to get my linux back.Thing is im a complete noob.12:53
boinkjohnm1019: with mplayer, I think12:53
dabaRdm: all the icons are totally very small?12:53
johnm1019boink: will try12:53
timo90Linux can now be used by every one ;)12:53
timo90and any one12:54
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graftyeah, mplayer can do quicktime no problem... but most things ought to be able to, if you have codecs installed12:54
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dmdabaR in the menubar on the panel yes, the panel icons are fin12:54
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Pelowapityyy,   tu parle francais ?12:55
anto9us*ding dong* This is a public announcement. The Ubuntuest and geekiest of quizziest quizzes is about to start in #ubuntu-trivia. Commences in a few minutes time. Be there or be square! *dong ding*12:55
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wapityyyPelo: oui12:55
Mr_CongenialityWindows XP uptime: 5wks 2days 6hours 42minutes 3seconds, uptime record: 5wks 2days 6hours 42minutes 3seconds12:55
wapityyyPelo: alors c lequel ?12:55
dmdabaR even if i load a Main Menu applet on the bar, it still has tiny icons, i dont know how to fix this12:55
Deezthanks all!12:55
DarkYsomeone a manual how to instal compiz? XD12:55
DarkYi want this cool cube effect :x12:55
DarkYand i dont want to fuck my ubuntu up12:55
gnomefreak!compiz | DarkY12:55
ubotuDarkY: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:55
LjL!language | DarkY12:56
ubotuDarkY: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:56
LjL!fr | wapityyy, Pelo12:56
ubotuwapityyy, Pelo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:56
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graftwhat's the deal with AIGLX, incidentally? can it be used with compiz yet?12:56
Seveasgraft, it can12:56
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dmdabaR can you help ?12:56
graftwith current versions of Xorg?12:57
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lifepositivewhere can I paste text to show someone please?12:57
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graft!pastebin | lifepositive12:57
ubotulifepositive: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:57
boink7.0.0-0ubuntu45 <= xorg version12:57
DarkY Xgl or AIGLX ... whats your favorite? ^^12:58
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boinkthat's on dapper12:58
profoX`graft: compiz (or beryl) can use AIGLX but not with all video cards, and since development of that kind of things is changing rapidly, i suggest you check out the #beryl channel for up to date information12:58
dmdabaR nm got it12:58
CoRnJuLiOxok, i really can't figure this out. i made a new ext3 partition with the gnome partition manager, but system>disks reports it as being an ntfs partition. i need to mount this partition, but nothing i try seems to be working. could someone lend a hand?12:58
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graftokey smokey12:58
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lifepositivegraft: ty :)12:58
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JaZyXGLquestion. i followed this guide http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Edgy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_new_8.31.5_drivers_in_Ubuntu_Edgy_Manually12:59
JaZyXGLand after the reboot01:00
JaZyXGLmy computer will not start into x the monitor will give me an error about the resolution not being recommended01:00
JaZyXGLand i will get nothing on the screen01:00
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JaZyXGLi can boot into rescue mode and get a term01:00
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winterp1JaZyXGL: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf~ /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:02
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JaZyXGLwill the driver still be installed or i'm going to have to tweak the xorg.conf to get it work correctly01:02
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winterp1u can at least start ur GDM01:03
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SlimGis there a command that outputs the current bios version on the mainboard?01:08
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wceoscarwhats the way to install amsn skins?01:08
pooya:), I cannot get the sound to work in flash player, any ideas?01:08
LjL!info libsmbios-bin | SlimG, perhaps this?01:08
ubotulibsmbios-bin: Provide access to (SM)BIOS information -- utility binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.6-2.1 (edgy), package size 86 kB, installed size 340 kB01:08
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gnomefreakpooya: flash 7?01:08
=== Fall2Hell [n=nuno@bl5-172-138.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
maxxismSlimG  during the POST screen your system should displayed at the bottom of the screen01:09
pooyagnomefreak,  yes, sound is OK is other applications01:09
timo90i need help setting up my network01:09
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SlimGmaxxism: i can't restart it right now01:09
JaZyXGLeven using the aticonfig --force --inital i get the same error and that's supposed to setup default monitor01:09
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timo901 pc ubuntu the other is windows xp01:09
gnomefreakpooya: its a known problem. one way is to start it from terminal i think its "aoss firefox"01:09
SlimGLjL: thanx01:09
turbopccan anyone tell me what kind of os has no capability to play DVDs right "out-of-the-box"? Oh wait! It's UBUNTU! Why tf is it like that????01:10
maxxismSlimG then check out what LjL sent u01:10
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SlimGmaxxism: i'm on it01:10
LjLUbotu, tell turbopc about restrictedformats | turbopc, see the private message from Ubotu01:10
gnomefreakpooya: its fixed in flash 9 or wil be when its released. however its not stable but you can get it and try it if you like. but remember its not stable01:10
Fall2Helli have a problem i cant install flash player in firefox01:10
gnomefreakFall2Hell: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree01:11
IndyGUnFreaki've not had a prob with Flash 9 and Firefox or Opera01:11
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maxxismFall2Hell why?01:11
IndyGUnFreakworks fine.01:11
pooyagnomefreak,  thanks. what's aoss?01:11
kippiI have a wireless card, installed the drivers using nswrapper and it can see the driver and the card, but i can't connect to the wireless, how can i trouble shot this? It just gives me the bar saying getting IP address and then the bar just goes and then there is no connection01:11
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gnomefreaksomething with sound. ( i cant remember what it is off hand)01:11
webbengnomefreak, isn't that the /old/ flashplayer?01:11
wceoscarWhat can i use to install AMSN SKINS??01:11
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gnomefreakwebben: that is the flash for whatever version of ubuntu01:12
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gnomefreakwebben: he didnt say im having trouble installing flash 9 in firefox01:12
Fall2Hellwhen im installing it the directory is wrong and i cant chance it01:12
superkirbyartistwceoscar: If you only use AMSN for webcam support, try Kopete.  It's like Gaim + Webcams.01:12
webbenFall2Hell, what does that mean?01:12
gnomefreakFall2Hell: flash9?01:12
superkirbyartistWhat is the main difference between IE7 and FF2?01:12
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wceoscarnot exactly...01:13
Fall2Hellflash 8 i think01:13
LjLwceoscar: it's a KDE program and thus requires the KDE libraries (will be installed automatically), though01:13
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gnomefreaksuperkirbyartist: ones free and ones not for starters01:13
webbensuperkirbyartist, er? what do you mean the "main" difference?01:13
gnomefreakFall2Hell: flash 8 wasnt made for linux01:13
maxxismFall2Hell google flash 9 beta01:13
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ubotuYou can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/backports/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html01:13
gnomefreakFall2Hell: get it from there01:13
wceoscarwhats the way to install them?01:13
webbensuperkirbyartist, There are a whole load of differences: licence; standard support/compliance; different rendering engines; different platform support01:13
codecaine_hi I can't get my cam to work I get this error /dev/video0 check the connection01:13
lufisAn Inkscape question: I'm trying to convert a png to svg, but every time I open a png and save it as SVG, Inkscape doesn't actually re-encode the image. When checking the SVG source, it simply links it, i.e., xlink:href="/home/sam/Serif-Sans-Comparison.png". Any ideas?01:13
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codecaine_and its connected it worked on dapper01:14
gnomefreakFall2Hell: and the reason its not working is you still have the old flash stuff in you folder01:14
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webbenFall2Hell, http://www.benjaminhawkeslewis.com/ubuntu/flash-player-9-beta.html01:14
superkirbyartistIf people use IE will it be as easy to use FF>01:14
pooyagnomefreak, Thanks it worked with aoss!!01:14
webbenFall2Hell, ah yeah you may need to delete the existing flash player first01:14
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webbensuperkirbyartist, Are you asking whether it's easy to switch browsers?01:15
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[Nige] hi all01:15
kud0sif [[ ! -e /var/run/process.pid ] ]  - COul somone translate this please... Does it mean if the file doesn't exist?01:15
gnomefreaksuperkirbyartist: pleas ejoin #ubuntu-offtopic for that topic01:15
sychoAnyone know how to get Frostwire or BMP docklet to work under Edgy 64? can't find 64 bit versions. only i386 and i586.01:15
[Nige] anyone having problems with X not starting automatically?01:15
aribois there some kind of taskmanager in ubuntu ?01:15
[Nige] at logon?01:15
kud0saribo: top01:15
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gnomefreaksycho: i dont think there was a 64bit01:15
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lufis[Nige] : I had similiar issues. I got so fed up I just switched back to Dapper. :P01:16
DevCok I've tried everything I could think of (which wasn't much) but I can't find how to reset my root password since I don't know what it is to begin with01:16
Moosejawhi all01:16
sychognomefreak: I don't thinkso either. any suggestions on something else to use?01:16
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webbenaribo, system -> adminstration -> services or (from terminal) commands like ps aux  and killall01:16
gnomefreaksycho: frostwire on edgy is a beast to get to work atm. we are working on packaging it for ubuntu01:16
wceoscarwhats used to install other apps like limewire wich only comes in .rpm?01:16
IndyGUnFreakDev, ubuntu uses Sudo01:16
Moosejawcan anyone suggest how to export my emails from xp thunderbird into ubuntu thunderbird?01:16
gnomefreaksycho: limewire or amule maybe?01:16
[Nige] lufis, yer I am beginning to think I should do the same, I had to do a clean install to get Edgy to work01:16
IndyGUnFreakthe root password, is your password01:16
LjL!monitoring | aribo01:16
ubotuaribo: There are many ways to monitor processes, here are a few: ps, top, htop, gnome-system-monitor, lavaps, wmtop01:16
DarkYive installed dapper :/01:16
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codecaine_anybody know how to configure webcams/01:16
DarkYwrong disk01:16
DarkYhow could i upgrade01:16
lufiswceoscar: You might try out Nicotine+. It's a Linux version of Soulseek01:16
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LjLUbotu, tell DarkY about upgrade | DarkY, see the private message from Ubotu01:17
DarkYwhats the easierst way upgrade to edgy o01:17
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winterp1aribo: sudo gnome-system-monitor      (type in terminal)01:17
gnomefreakwinterp1: gksudo01:17
sychognomefreak: thanks. any ideas on how to get BMP or XMMS to dock to the Notification area only then?01:17
gnomefreaksycho: no but i do beilive ther eis a package for xmms to show in dock01:17
aribobut i have a opteron 165 dualcore and he says I only have 1 cpu ?01:18
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wceoscari just want limewire...01:18
lufis[Nige] : For me, the cursor would appear for a second and then disappear and the screen would be blank until I restarted. Was it the same for you?01:18
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Moosejawcan anyone help me with my thunderbird issue?01:18
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wceoscarwhat can i use to install .rpm .tar etc files on ubuntu?01:18
kud0sif [[ ! -e /var/run/process.pid ] ]  : does this mean, if the file does not exist?01:18
gnomefreakMoosejaw: save the emails to disk ")01:18
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odlawhat do i need install for audio previewing in nautilus?01:18
sychognomefreak: it does show it in the notification area but it also continues to show it in the task bar area. seems silly. I want to notification area01:18
LjLwceoscar: Ubuntu uses .deb files01:18
codecaine_wceoscar apt-get install alien will convert to dpkg01:18
Moosejawbut im not sure where/how to import them into ubuntu?01:18
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Moosejawwhat dir?01:19
LjLUbotu, tell wceoscar about software | wceoscar, see the private message from Ubotu01:19
[Nige] lufis,  when I start it loads and give me a shell login. and then I used to have to press Shift - F6 to load the X windows, now I just have to login and type in start X01:19
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LjL!alien | wceoscar, codecaine_01:19
gnomefreakwceoscar: rpms are not supported in ubuntu but you can install alien to install rpms but it doesnt always work properly01:19
ubotuwceoscar, codecaine_: rpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).01:19
lufis[Nige] : ah, then mine was a different issue01:19
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gnomefreakMoosejaw: in ubuntu its ~/.mozilla/thunderbird i believe01:20
LjL!limewire | wceoscar, if you really want it01:20
ubotuwceoscar, if you really want it: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.01:20
DevCapt-get doesn't find linpopup so I have to do a google search01:20
[Nige] lufis,  it seems  edgy is a bit buggy01:20
Simian__I don't understand why I can't see the site that i'm hosting from my own network but I can see it from outside my network01:20
gnomefreakMoosejaw: open nautilus and hit ctrl+h in your home dir. you will see them there01:20
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wceoscarI already have alien.. i just dont know how to call limewire from the terminal01:20
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lufis[Nige] : Most definitely.01:20
LjL!info linpopup | DevC01:20
ubotulinpopup: X Window System port of Winpopup, running over Samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8 (edgy), package size 74 kB, installed size 332 kB01:20
sychoanyone know how i can get XMMS to show in the notification area only? i don't want it to display in the task bar. Pretty much like winamp handles this behavior.01:20
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Moosejawhrm i cant seem to figure this out.01:21
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LjL!info kdocker | sycho01:21
ubotukdocker: minimize all applications to system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 100 kB, installed size 324 kB01:21
DevCLjL: but when I do apt-get install linpopup it says it can't find it01:21
Moosejawi need to save the emails but it doesnt seem to be trhat easy01:21
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bunyip /leave01:21
LjLDevC: then i guess you don't have universe enabled01:21
[Nige] *sigh*01:21
timo90My sheared files on the network ask me for a password ?what can i do01:21
LjLUbotu, tell DevC about universe | DevC, see the private message from Ubotu01:22
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wceoscarI have java already....01:22
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wceoscarwhats easier ro install frostwire or limewire?01:22
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TurtleBootsanyone able to help with fixing a wireless issue????#01:22
_adaptrwceoscar: limewire is java.. nuff said01:22
DreamerHxCplease, can somebody help me? -> http://gnomesupport.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1217901:23
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defrysk!info frostwire | wceoscar01:23
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ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in any distro I know01:23
_adaptrDreamerHxC: maybe.. how about you ask a question01:23
gnomefreakdefrysk: not yet01:23
nekr0ztimo90: Why do you think they should not?01:23
Simian__I want to associate the website that i host with my localhost or internal Ip01:23
gnomefreakits being worked on01:23
TurtleBootsany wireless guru's around??01:23
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defryskfrostwire is not in the repos ?01:23
wceoscarwhats the page to download frostwire for ubuntu?01:23
DreamerHxC[_adaptr]  please, could you read that post in gnome forum?01:23
LjL_adaptr: and frostwire is?01:23
DreamerHxCit's a little bit long01:23
gnomefreakdefrysk: no not yet01:23
Luci3nhi can anyone help mouting a dvd writer01:23
gnomefreaknever was01:23
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:24
DarkYTurtleBoots: which issue?01:24
gnomefreakbut remember the one for dapper wont work in edgy without tweeking it01:24
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_adaptrLjL: not a clue, but somebody said today that it's better :)01:24
nekr0zLuci3n: What's wrong with it?01:24
gnomefreaktweaking it01:24
LjL_adaptr: well Frostwire is just as Java, FYI01:24
DreamerHxCmainly, I can't run Ubuntu but I can run Kubuntu (with Ubuntu my computer gets freezed after logging in and I can't see the desktop)01:24
TurtleBootsDarkY: I'm having issues connecting to router from wireless card01:24
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timo90nekr0z:i missed what you said01:25
Luci3nnekr0z I can see the drive from nautilus but when i try modifying the fstab and moutinf it it fails01:25
TurtleBootsDarkY: trying to narrow it down to a point. Everything is fine on router side so it's a problem with my Ubuntu box01:25
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wabikarho to install Xgl on dapper ubuntu any good link?01:25
kingsleyWhat password does 6.10 assign to root by default during installation?01:25
nekr0ztimo90: I just wanted you to explain what's wrong with that shared files and why you think they shouldn't ask for a password.01:26
LjLUbotu, tell kingsley about root | kingsley, see the private message from Ubotu01:26
IndyGUnFreakkings, its your password01:26
LjLkingsley: none01:26
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IndyGUnFreakso when you insall something, sudo, whatever01:26
Moosejawturtleboots what kind of wireless card u have?01:26
DevCinteresting I did the apt-cache search linpopup and got nothing from it ;o01:26
IndyGUnFreakit asks for apassword, its your password01:26
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timo90nekr0z:the files are my music i have them on the network from ubuntu to a windows pc01:26
TurtleBootsprism54 chipset one NetGear01:26
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LjLDevC: even after enabling universe?01:26
TurtleBootsMoosejaw: last comment was to you :-)01:27
TurtleBootsMoosejaw: can you please help?01:27
timo90nekr0z:so i dont know what the password is i never provided one01:27
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DevCyep it just waits for next search query01:27
nekr0zLuci3n: Do you really need it in fstab? Gnome-volume-manager just works it out...01:27
Moosejawthe best i can do is advice you to go to www.ubuntuguide.org and find the ndiswrapper or wireless section01:27
Moosejawit worked for me01:27
DevCbut it is an old Ubuntu....first I'll update then do it again01:27
Moosejawand im a real noob01:27
Moosejawand i remember they had a nethear section01:27
TurtleBootsMoosejaw: thanks01:28
itrebalI've been trying to recompile my kernel, and so far I've been sucesful - it boots and all that just fine; the problem is my S-ATA drives arn't being seen, /dev/sd* doesn't exist at all; I've run MAKEDEV and compiled my kernel 5 times today to no avail, any thoughts?01:28
timo90i mannaged to sort out the internet connection shearing by my self :)01:28
DralaFiitrebal, make sure to include libata support and your sata device driver into the kernel01:29
_adaptrso I take it it's sheared now, then ?01:29
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Luci3nnekr0z: it's not found it and i can't read anything data or video01:29
DralaFiAnyone here run their systems without initrd?01:29
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_adaptrI have many systems that run without an initrd.. why do you ask ?01:30
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DreamerHxCI have tried with NVIDIA and ATI but when I log in ubuntu, my system gets freezed, anyone knows something about it?01:30
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timo90nekr0z:what the defoault passwod for the sheard network files01:30
kalikianaDoes anybody have experience with (wlan) routers? Like what should I buy?01:30
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nekr0ztimo90: You mean they are on ubuntu machine? Which way is your samba configured? I mean, what do you have for "security" in /etc/samba/smb.conf01:30
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_adaptrkalikiana: for preference, and if you already have a router, buy an AP only.. chances are it'll be bette rquality01:30
itrebalDralaFi: you wouldn't know the location of libata, would you? I'm going through menuconfig and don't have the convenience of libata01:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about horse-tits - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:30
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LjL!botabuse | TurtleBoots01:30
ubotuTurtleBoots: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)01:30
Belboz99hey, anyone know how to install the 32bit libusb on Edgy 64?01:31
nekr0zLuci3n: You just said you had it in nautilus?01:31
TurtleBootsoops :-(01:31
acke_anyone dualboot mac os and ubuntu? and does ubuntu automatically load if no option is selected in bootloadern?01:31
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nekr0ztimo90: There's no default one, it has to be set.01:31
itrebalDralaFi: rather, the QT frontend01:31
acke_in grub01:31
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DralaFi_adaptr, I'm trying to figure out how to properly make kubuntu work without an initrd. Main problem seems to be that KDE isn't getting HAL messages.... Is this something you know something about? (I could write up a better explanation and put it on a pastebin)01:32
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thomsonrProblem: Ubuntu freezes at end of progress bar on startup. Any ideas how to fix?01:32
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Luci3nnekr0z: I can see it but it's not mapped to a folder the icon just states what it is "CD-RW/DVDR Drive"01:32
_adaptrDralaFi: first step would be to figure out what is IN the initrd Ubuntu uses.. it appears to be more than just modules , no ?01:32
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stefgacke_: dualboot on Ubuntu-PPC uses the yaboot-Bootloader. You'll be able to configure what happens as default at boot.01:33
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nekr0zLuci3n: So you put a CD in and it doesn't appear on the desktop and is no way accessible, right?01:33
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fioHow does one restart X server in Ubuntu?01:34
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itrebalfio: Ctrl Alt Backspace?01:34
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Luci3nnekr0z: Yes that's right01:34
stefgfio: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:34
LuakagonHow do I use a .package file to install something?01:34
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fiothank you01:34
bluefox83fio, from terminal it's sudo startx, from X it's ctrl alt backspace01:34
DralaFi_adaptr, yes. some early userspace tools, some scripts and the like. Most of it is already on the main system anyway. There's some framebuffer scripts as well as udev scripts. I made sure that /etc/rcS/S10udev had everything those udev scripts had...01:34
fiothis will reload the xorg.conf file, right?01:34
LjLLuakagon: are you sure that something is not available from the official repos?01:35
jorgexthow do i execute a *.run file??01:35
LjLjorgext: are you sure a package for that .run file isn't instead available from the official repos? :)01:35
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:35
DralaFi_adaptr, so I'm totally confused right now as everything that matters that was in initrd should be in the real filesystem. Yet KDE is not talking to HAL... not bringing up the nice mount screen.01:35
bluefox83jorgext, generally sudo ./whatever.run01:35
jorgextit is a ati driver01:36
LuakagonLjL, yes, I checked, warzone2100 isn't part of the official repos01:36
nekr0zLuci3n: Does a message in /var/log/syslog appear when you plug a cd in that a new device is added?01:36
Luakagonor any of the universe/multiverse one01:36
DralaFiitrebal, i'm looking. Not used to the QT config version.01:36
_adaptrDralaFi: initrd is usually loaded in a ramdisk which is a pseudo-filesystem for the duration... it can and often does work different from the same setup on the real filesystem01:36
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_adaptri.e. it won;'t work without significant changes to the startup scripts...01:37
itrebalDralaFi: but where is it in the menu? menuconfig is what I'm using from not being able to use xconfig01:37
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timo90nekr0z:Do you know how to set one01:37
LjLLuakagon: well there appears to be an unofficial package specific to Ubuntu though. you might consider installing it instead http://www.ubuntugames.org/warzone2100 (though it *is* definitely unofficial)01:37
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varsendaggrhi does anyone know how to find fluxbox?01:37
DralaFiitrebal, what kernel version?01:37
nekr0ztimo90: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Share_files_using_Samba and you'll know this too ;-)01:37
varsendaggri have been told that it comes with ubuntu but i cant find it01:37
Luci3nnekr0z: I've finally got it working thanks for your help01:38
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nekr0zLuci3n: You're always welcome.01:38
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acke_stefg, i have a mac mini dual boot, ssh running on ubuntu, i DONT have a monitor (only laptops and my mac box). since the day before yesterday, ubuntu dont fire up anymore.. I was checking my ubuntu logs, from mac os. but it seems as if ubuntu doesnt boot as it should, also it doesnt recieve an ip from the router. so, im kind of stuck. are there any boot up logs layin around i should look at, when i am trying to figure out where the boot01:39
acke_goes wrong?01:39
nekr0zLuci3n: Just for sporting interest, if you don't mind: what was the fault?01:39
DralaFi_adaptr, I didn't just copy it. Only minor changes. mostly made sure that all the calls to udev* were in the system script. In any case, udev works. dbus works. hal works. I'm only not sure about dbus-deamon --session (which I saw somewhere) but I don' think is in the process list.01:39
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varsendaggranybody know anything about fluxbox@@@01:39
DralaFiitrebal, hold on, let me cd to a comaprable dir01:39
Belboz99hey, does anyone know how to force architecture with ./configure?01:39
varsendaggrI really need help finding it on my computer01:40
itrebalDralaFi: thanks01:40
varsendaggrdoes it come with ubuntu01:40
_adaptrDralaFi: sorry, I haven;t spent any time unraveling the mysteries of ubutnu's initrd :)01:40
Scisla1So, I installed a package that didn't work and went to remove it, on removal I got an error. Now I can't install, remove, or reinstall anything.01:40
Scisla1Any ideas?01:40
blankywhen I put the CD in the drive, it went to safe graphics mode or whatever and now that it's installed, everything's on a high resolution, I went to change my resolution and the highest is 800x600, what's wrong?!?!01:40
blankysomeone please! :'(01:40
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Fall2Hellive downloaded the flash player 7 but i cant make it work01:40
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jbroome!tell blanky about resolution01:40
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varsendaggrFall2Hell: i had the same problem01:40
DralaFi_adaptr, that;s ok. It's really annoying though that no-one can help :/ I'd rather not boot back to the original kubuntu kernel... a bit old and it boots all kinds of stuff i don't need.01:40
blankyi love you jbroome :) hope it works01:41
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varsendaggrFall2Hell: do you just want version 7 or newer?01:41
DreamerHxCI have tried with NVIDIA and ATI but when I log in ubuntu, my system gets freezed, anyone knows something about it?01:41
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr do u know how to solve it?01:41
LuakagonLjL, is that exclusively espanol? :s01:41
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Scisla1synaptic throws me: E: The package wpasupplicant needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.01:41
Scisla1E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report.01:41
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varsendaggrFall2Hell:  i know how to install flash player 9... does that work?01:41
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr newer if i could01:41
varsendaggrversion 9 is newest01:42
varsendaggrFall2Hell:  version 9 is newest01:42
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr it work. :)01:42
LjLLuakagon: that's portuguese actually, but if you look toward the end of the page, there's instructions that point to the package... those should be understandable even by reading the commands alone. or use Babelfish or something01:42
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varsendaggrFall2Hell:  it already did?01:42
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Fall2Hellvarsendaggr nop01:42
DralaFiitrebal, Main menu -> Device Drivers -> Serial ATA (prod) and Parallel ATA (experimental) drivers01:42
varsendaggrFall2Hell: no?01:42
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr im w801:42
dr33/server dune.irc-hispano.org01:42
delireDreamerHxC: you have both drivers installed, ie for NVIDIA and ATI?01:43
Luci3nnekr0z: I've no idea i've been here for 2 hour and suddenly it mouted it and it was accessible01:43
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Fall2Hellvarsendaggr for urs instroctions01:43
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Fall2Hellvarsendaggr can u tell me how can i install it?01:43
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varsendaggrFall2Hell: im not sure what site it was someone sent me the link and i didnt save it :( all i know is that there IS a version for ubuntu of flash player 901:44
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blankysame thing! :(01:44
Luci3nnekr0z: thanxs again :)01:44
blankyI think it's because it chose safe graphics mode when I installed01:44
blankyso now everything is 'safe graphics'01:44
varsendaggrFall2Hell: sorry i didnt save the link ill try looking in my history01:44
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blanky!tell me about resolution01:44
varsendaggrFall2Hell:  be back in a minute01:44
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr thx01:44
DreamerHxC[delire]  I don't think so01:44
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DreamerHxCbecause I formated01:44
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:44
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itrebalDralaFi: its missing something in the middle, I think01:45
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varsendaggrFall2Hell:  omg i have it set to get rid of private data :(01:45
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr np01:45
Fall2Hellvarsendaggr thx anyway :)01:45
varsendaggrFall2Hell:  i really have no idea... really sorry01:45
DevCcould someone have ubotu send me the link again for the notes on upgrading so I can upgrade from the version I have to the new 6.1001:46
DralaFiitrebal, it might depend on other options. ie. if you selected "compile only drivers that are expected to compile ok"01:46
varsendaggrFall2Hell:  have you ever used fluxbox?01:46
itrebalDralaFi: are you using the menuconfig or qt?01:46
noiesmoDevC, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades01:46
DralaFiitrebal, menuconfig01:46
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DevCthanks :)01:47
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defryskcaps ?01:48
itrebalDralaFi: I checked "Prompt for development and/or incomplete code/drivers" in Come Maturity Options01:48
Music_ShuffleStop capsing...yeesh.01:48
jbroomethe caps lock key comes with ubuntu also01:48
DralaFivariant, stop shouting01:48
varsendaggrdoes it come with ubuntu?01:48
varsendaggrsorry my bad01:48
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gerry_varsendaggr: sudo apt-get install fluxbox01:48
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wapityyydoes anyone have a good guide on how to install ET on edgy ?01:48
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varsendaggrgerry_ : i am new to this... where do i type that?01:49
DralaFiitrebal, i'm just about to create a real dir, i'll see what it depends on. What sata device do you have?01:49
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gerry_varsendaggr: you can use synaptic, or the terminal but you need universe repositories enabled01:49
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itrebalDralaFi: not sure on the maker of it, so far I've just been using every one they offer; its a Gigabyte motherboard though, AMD/nVidia01:49
varsendaggrgerry_: um... i have a friend who knows ubuntu and i think he might have installed it already from there01:50
varsendaggrgerry_: how do i find it?01:50
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gerry_realplay won't output sound... even if i use aoss01:50
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LjL!patience | varsendaggr01:50
ubotuvarsendaggr: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:50
gerry_varsendaggr: if you log out or start a new session it shuold give it in the session options fromt he log in screen01:50
DralaFiitrebal, lspci | grep -v sata01:50
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LjLvarsendaggr: sorry, such behavior is not acceptable, no matter how frustrated your Ubuntu problems may have got you. you're muted for 10 minutes01:51
delireDreamerHxC: i have to go, but try explaining the problem in detail as best as you can. have a close look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues also, even paste it into a public place (like a pastebin) so others can help you diagnose the problem.01:51
gerry_LjL. bit harsh?01:51
dcordeswhy does my printer not appear when i add it with a custom driver file in the gnome printer manager? it is a canon pixma mp150 and i have the ppd file from the turbo print installation01:51
itrebalDralaFi: ALi01:51
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DreamerHxC[delire]  I have already tried, but no one knows01:52
DreamerHxCI've posted in forums01:52
DreamerHxC3 times01:52
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DevCwait,...doing the upgrade like the site says only pops up software updates, how is updating my software going to upgrade me to newer versions of Ubuntu o_O01:52
DralaFiitrebal, sorry, I was looking at the wrong kernel version. Main Menu -> Device Drivers -> SCSI device support01:53
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %varsendaggr!*@*] by LjL
emmettshearIs there a compelling reason to buy a barebones system instead of assembling it yourself out of a case, motherboard, powersupply? (if this is OT please tell me which channel would be better)01:53
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
acke_hey yaboot timout = 100, says it doesnt boot at all or that it waits 100 s to boot>01:53
LjLemmettshear: #ubuntu-offtopic01:53
VSpikehaving trouble with my mp3 player... gets mounted as usbdisk on desktop and in /media, but when I right-click and select "Safely Remove", nothing happens.  Last time it did this, I tried "sudo umount /media/usbdisk" and it corrupted the device's filesystem.  So what should I do to unmount it cleanly?  running edgy01:53
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DralaFiitrebal, enable: SCSI disk support, SCSI generic support, then enter sub-menu "SCSI low-level drivers"01:53
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gerry_VSpike, whats the device01:54
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VigoFusionVSpike: Did you try a purge and clean install?01:55
DralaFiitrebal, select Serial ATA (SATA) support, there are only a few drivers there. not sure which should be used for "ALi"01:55
DevCI did gksu "update-manager -c" and it said my version was no longer supported then loads and says to update the software....how is that upgrading ubuntu if it is only the software I'm updating? or does it upgrade while I'm doing those updates?01:55
VSpikeSamsung YP-Z5F01:55
VSpikegerry: Samsung YP-Z5F01:55
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itrebalDralaFi: I've got all the ones that look possible, thanks!01:55
madman91how can i see the current temperatures in of my cpu .. mobo.. vid card.. etc..01:55
VSpikeVigoFusion: not sure I follow you.. of what?01:55
easytigerVSpike, dunno it.. but can you not just type sync and then unplug it?01:55
DralaFiitrebal, good luck :)01:55
easytigerVSpike, usually works01:56
easytigeron vfat devices01:56
itrebalDralaFi: thansk :) started the compile01:56
noldonhi anyone now were i can download americas army for ubuntu01:56
Luakagonthat would be cool01:56
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VSpikeeasytiger: cool, I wasn't aware of that command - thanks01:56
jbroomenoldon: pull it from the AA site01:56
noldonhi anyone now were i can download americas army for ubuntu01:56
VigoFusionJust ideling to keep the screen moveing, I asked if you had used the --purge command and installed or just installed an overlay, I am a noob.01:56
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easytigerVSpike, np01:57
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noldonjbroome i looked there but i dont get were it is01:57
itrebalDralaFi: I hope to not return, but if I must... you understand :) later!01:57
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easytigernoldon, i think they arent currently supporting linux.. i think the old version can be found on bitorrent etc01:57
madman91how can i see the current temperatures in of my cpu .. mobo.. vid card.. etc..01:57
noldoneasytiger ok01:57
noldonhmm i keep looking then01:58
VigoFusionmadman91: I got a thing in synaptic that does that01:58
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madman91VigoFusion: do you know what its called?01:58
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VSpikeeasytiger: well, to be fair that doesn't seem to have corrupted, so I'll use that01:59
VSpikeeasytiger: thanks01:59
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easytigerVSpike, no worries. i've forgotten it a few times. and messed up a usb stick :p01:59
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easytigerVSpike, though you can set to autosync, but i believe it is slower in writing then02:00
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VigoFusionlet me open it and see what the nameis.....02:00
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jbroomenoldon: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=3051   Google is hard02:01
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varsendaggrhello, can anyone please tell me how to get an aplication and how to find it once i do?02:01
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VigoFusionSystem Info, it tells me the commands to use to find stuff out like that.02:02
jonasandoes anyone understand the ubuntu fstab naming conventions? i.e. # /dev/hdb5 UUID=100eca04-f49f-4af6-9027-1e47caced76102:02
VigoFusionThe app is called Hardinfo02:02
VigoFusionI got it from Synaptic02:03
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varsendaggrcould anyone please tell me howto install an aplication im new to ubuntu02:04
VSpikevarsendaggr: what do you want to install?02:04
Luakagonvarsendaggr, whenever I want to install something I open synaptic package manager02:04
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varsendaggrVSpike: fluxbox02:04
naitmersomeone knows how to install java properly?02:04
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varsendaggrLuakagon: how do i find that02:05
kingsleyHow should I diagnose why ping started returning "Destination Host Unreachable" after replacing debian with 6.10?02:05
VigoFusionSynaptic is our friend02:05
Luakagonvarsendaggr, I guess you type in 'sudo synaptic' in a terminal02:05
VSpikeyep, and fluxbox is in the list02:05
easytigernaitmer: just get the linux .bin and add the jdk1.5.x/bin dir to your /etcprofile path02:05
blakeCan someone help me please?02:06
varsendaggrLuakagon: lol sorry im really new could you please explain?02:06
VigoFusionOr System>Administration>Synaptic02:06
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Luakagondo you know how to open your menu?02:06
Luakagonlike what VigoFusion said varsendaggr02:06
naitmeri did it following the instructiosn on the web02:06
kingsleyIs there a known problem with new 6.10 installs failing to establish DHCP connections?02:06
naitmerinstall it on a folder02:06
naitmerand http://java.com/en/download/help/5000010500.xml#enable02:06
blakeIm having problems running WoW. i recently put in 2 gigs of ram, i offical has the recommended specs for the game, but the game still runs like shit, the ram didnt even do anything. HELP! i get rilli shity framerates in the game and its driving me insane02:07
varsendaggrLuakagon: file manager?02:07
varsendaggrLuakagon: package manager i mean02:07
easytigernaitmer, download java from java.sun.com ... extract it (its an exectutable file)02:07
naitmeri did taht02:07
naitmerthe problem comes when i try to enable it for firefoz02:07
easytigermodify your system's /etc/profile so the bin directory of the JDK is in the system $PATH02:08
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easytigernaitmer: ahh02:08
Luakagonvarsendaggr, system > administration > synapptic02:08
naitmerno, not the jdk :P02:08
naitmerjust java for running java apps02:08
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JagerIs there a way for me to go onto the ntfs partition where windows is and pull files off it?02:08
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TokenBadhow use p7zip in ubuntu...I have it installed but can't find command02:08
blakesomeone please help.02:08
easytigerthen all you have to do is create a symbolic link to the right plugin in your firefox directory02:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
TokenBadis it just zip or 7zip or p7zip?02:08
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:08
easytigerblake: do you have 3d enabled?02:09
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easytigeror a crappy graphics card02:09
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions02:09
blakeeasytiger i got a nVidia 6600 Le AGP 8x02:09
JagerIs there a way for me to go onto the ntfs partition where windows is and pull files off it?02:09
easytigerblake, ahh :p02:09
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:09
blakeeasytiger isnt that ok?02:09
varsendaggrluakagon: ok i think i got there it said synoptic package manager...?02:09
easytigerblake, dunno i dont play it, but probibally02:10
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse02:10
VigoFusionvarsendaggr: Yes02:10
Luakagonvariant, yes synaptic02:10
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_OmegaRunning WoW in linux can be tricky depending on your hardware.02:11
madman91VigoFusion: it doesnt show temperatures though does it ??02:11
varsendaggrVigoFusion: thank you, then do i find fluxbox under the list?02:11
_OmegaYou'll have to use closed source 3D drivers.02:11
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VigoFusionmadman91: I think it gives the CPU tm command to use02:11
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TokenBadhow use p7zip in ubuntu...I have it installed but can't find command02:12
VigoFusionmadman91: I am learning this stuff daily, I just got the AV installed! :-P02:12
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Luakagonoh no!02:13
blake_0mega closed source 3D drives?02:13
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Fall2Hellcan anyone tell me how to remove a directory?02:13
_OmegaDo you have an ATI or NVidia video card?02:13
madman91VigoFusion: so how do i see the temp?02:13
LuakagonI got a dpkg error message while going through the second command on that article on how to install warzone 2100 :/02:13
blakenVidia 6600 Le02:13
jbroomerm dir/ -rf02:13
Luakagoncan someone assist me please?02:13
b0efehlo; I'm trying to run php inside a html file on an ubuntu box; is there something I need to add to /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/php5.conf?02:13
varsendaggrVigoFusion: how do i install it? or is it installed if its on the list?02:13
blake_0mega nVidia 6600 LE02:13
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_OmegaBlake, have you done anything to get new drivers for your video card or are you running with what Ubuntu gave you?02:14
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fildorm -rf /02:14
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Fall2Helljbroome thx02:14
VigoFusionmadman91: I actually have a thermal sensor installed on my box, it shows up in true geek LED on a side clock looking thing.02:14
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_OmegaBlake, The first thing you'll want to do is make sure you have the NVidia proprietary AKA: "closed source" drivers installed.02:14
blake_0mega i simply dont know. i downloaded a driver. i dont think it was the latest 1 tho02:14
defryskrm -rf /path/to/folder/02:14
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_OmegaBlake, you can do that using Synaptic.02:15
blake_0mega ok 1 sec. guide me on what to do02:15
madman91VigoFusion: thats the way to do it02:15
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_OmegaBlake, once you've done that, head over to winehq.com and add their ubuntu repository to synaptic and install their wine package.  That will keep you up to date and give you about everything you need to get rockin'.  You're lucky that you have NVidia.02:15
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slickyow.. im so tired of this.. iv been trying to get the xgl, fgrlx and ati drivers working with direct rendering and 3d acceleration for the last 4 days.. pls.. can anyone help me out?02:15
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_OmegaBlake, if you want to DCC chat or message me, I can help you outside of the channel banter.02:16
LuakagonI need to know how to get beyond this dpkg error02:16
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:16
blake_0mega how do we talk in private so there is no one else?02:16
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ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.02:16
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guest_is bang a substitute for forward slash02:17
ShadowNYCq: the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is gnome/kde - anything else?02:17
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_OmegaBlake, what chat program are you using?02:17
ShadowNYCwhy use one not the other. whats kde advantages, what are gnome's ?02:18
ShadowNYCchatzilla.. get a real client02:18
slickyeasytiger:  been there done that..02:18
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blakeXchat IRC02:18
VigoFusionmadman91: And all of my 98 Fords Dashboard Gauges have been replaced with true Analog style. Even put a rad RPM gauge on the hood, now If I get my lisence back.....02:18
ShadowNYCi love chatzilla, but it simply is too slow02:18
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blake_0mega Xchat IRC02:18
ShadowNYCxchat ir good02:18
guest_i'm new to IRC, what are some other ones02:18
bruenigirssi ftw02:18
easytigerslicky, in short, ati is gay02:18
ShadowNYCirssi > *02:18
LjL!language | easytiger02:18
ubotueasytiger: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:18
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_OmegaI'm not a fan of xchat unfortunately, so I don't know how messages & chats work with it.02:18
bruenigbitchx is good02:18
=== jengc0il need help
guest_why not a fan omega02:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
slickyeasytiger:  tell me about it..02:19
blake_0mega can u see what i wrote?02:19
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_OmegaBlake, no.02:19
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blankywhat's up guys02:19
easytigerslicky, maybe the amd deal will make the support better02:19
_Omegaguest_ Programs should be easy to use, not frustrating.02:19
jengc0ilhi blanky02:19
slickyeasytiger:  how do u mean?02:19
ShadowNYCq: ubuntu vs kubuntu.. which one to install?02:19
guest_Omega, true02:19
Drakehi... i just set up xchat , how can i see the userlist?02:19
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blake_0mega hold on just a sec k02:19
_OmegaShadowNYC, that is a McDonald's / Burger King kind of question :)02:19
guest_chatzilla is working out for me, it's a good means to an end02:19
varsendaggrhello, could someone please tell me how to install something in "synaptic package manager" im new to ubuntu02:19
ShadowNYCis there a live kubuntu disc i can mount and peek at the interface?02:19
_OmegaBlake, I reccomend using Gaim's IRC support if you have it installed.02:20
ShadowNYCyeah I realize, _Omega :)02:20
_OmegaBlake, It makes things very familiar for the new users.02:20
guest_not too worried about the means to get to the IRC end02:20
blankyShadowNYC: they're both the same02:20
jengc0ilblanky: do i must have a 2 swap partition if i want 2 install 2 linux OS02:20
LjLShadowNYC: well, if there's both, it's probably because some people prefer one over the other. anyway, it's easy to use KDE even on Ubuntu, or Gnome even on Kubuntu, so it's not that big an issue.02:20
easytigerslicky, just maybe amd will do something about the crap ati drivers now they own ati02:20
blankyShadowNYC: ubuntu just comes pre-installed with gnome, kubuntu with kde02:20
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blake_0mega go to channel ##wow02:20
_OmegaShadowNYC, I like Ubuntu.  While I like the concept behind QT, I really don't like KDE.02:20
blankybut you can install either/both on each/any02:20
elanthe userlist is on the right side. you just have to resize it02:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fax - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:20
blankyjengc0il: no you don't, as far as I know02:20
slickyeasytiger:  ye.. let hope so02:20
jengc0ilblanky tq02:20
blankyjengc0il: yw02:21
LjLPelo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupAndFax02:21
guest_Someone asked about package management02:21
PeloLjL,  thanks02:21
guest_Use Adept02:21
guest_An easy way to install packages02:21
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ShadowNYCnext question.. will ubuntu run on a p3-600 with 128megs of ram (dont ask) or should i simply double boot it on this workstation which is a p4-d/512megs02:21
varsendaggrguest_: i did02:21
ShadowNYCor wait for a new core2duo pc ;)02:21
Drakehow can i see the userlist?  i am using the xchat client!!!02:21
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varsendaggrguest_: im trying to install fluxbox, could you help please?02:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:21
blankythis thing ( http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy ) just looks like they used the same thing they've been using and put 'Edgy' at the top02:22
cafuego_ShadowNYC: It'l run, but Gnome won't be happy. A lightweight window manager/desktop env should be fine though (try Xubuntu perhaps)02:22
DarkMageZShadowNYC, i had it running on a similar p3. it's sluggish. i'd suggest getting more ram for the p302:22
guest_Wow it's pretty chaotic in here...hard to follow up with all the text02:22
_OmegaShadowNYC: I wouldn't reccomend it.02:22
DarkMageZguest_, i call this idle for this channel :P02:22
guest_fluxbox should come with your ubuntu cd02:22
ShadowNYCi hear that.. getting ram for the pc is not an option.. :(02:22
_OmegaShadowNYC: Gnome OR KDE will have a hard time running in that given it's current state.  Consider xubuntu.  XFCE is GREAT.02:22
blankyShadowNYC: try xubuntu02:22
guest_haha darkmage, I'm a bit new02:23
cafuego_ShadowNYC: 256Mb is pretty much the smallest amount of ram you'd want for Gnome on Ubuntu. (Command line is a different matter :-)02:23
_OmegaShadowNYC: XFCE is also a great way to start learning Linux because it gives you the GUI you want but keeps it simple.02:23
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ShadowNYChow about dual booting02:23
blankyor, you can install server mode, hehe, and really learn linux, but that's boring02:23
blankyI did that on my ooolllddd computer02:23
VigoFusionWhat is the Terminal command to see if I have Squids?02:23
blankybut apparently the learning part didn't work02:23
blankyVigoFusion: sudo apt-get install squid, see if it's already installed? what?02:23
ShadowNYCno thanks. no need for me to get crazy with it02:24
cafuego_VigoFusion: squids?02:24
guest_So if you want fluxbox you just need to to choose it at the login splashcreen02:24
blankyI think he means squid02:24
ShadowNYCsquid == the proxy02:24
cafuego_VigoFusion: 'dpkg -l squid'02:24
VigoFusionYes, squid02:24
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blankyguest_: yeah after installing it, there might be more information at02:24
VigoFusionThank you02:24
guest_if it's not there, go to howtoforge.com and I'm sure you'll find a nice howto02:24
blanky!fluxbox | guest_02:24
ubotuguest_: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox02:24
cafuego_ShadowNYC: yes, but 'squid' != 'Squids' ;-)02:24
Byananyone here use cacti?02:24
blankyoh, I thought guest_ was asking the question LOL02:24
ShadowNYCnot at all!02:24
ShadowNYCsquids == something you see on the discovery channel :)02:24
guest_Oh no, but thanks ubotu, someone else asked02:25
ShadowNYCwait.. isnt,... .dr zoidberg a squid? :)02:25
ShadowNYCfuturama is so bender-rrific :)02:25
DjViperzoidberg rox02:25
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ShadowNYCgot all 5 seasons sitting tucked away on my hd02:25
ShadowNYConm a notebook no less :)02:25
ShadowNYCjust in case i have that "urge"02:25
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ShadowNYCwell, the ones which made it to dvd02:26
guest_I just installed Ubuntu on my old machine, AMD K6-2 450Mhz w/ 512MB of RAM, gave it to a friend who knows nothing about computers, and now he's paying his bills, got him addicted to digg, etc..02:26
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about videolan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:27
bruenig!info vlc02:27
ubotuvlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-svn20061012.debian-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1120 kB, installed size 3240 kB02:27
blankybruenig: :D02:27
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VigoFusionIt says Package not found, I have no squid, 'get-apt squid' or use synaptik package manager?02:27
bruenigapt-get squid, not get-apt02:28
guest_Looks like the SUSe community didn't take shuttleworth's comments to lightly02:28
VigoFusionThank you02:28
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DjViperpoor suse dudes, lost all of their devs did they?:P02:28
guest_Regarding his 'invitation to be an ubuntu developer'02:28
ShadowNYCjeez.. theres something seriously wrong with my install of windows02:28
ShadowNYCwhat a pos02:28
guest_No not really, but they're very bitter about the Merge02:28
bruenigdeltree c:02:28
ShadowNYCrd c: /s02:29
ShadowNYCworks better02:29
ShadowNYCdeltree.. thats not in xp is it02:29
bruenigperhaps. I have limited knowledge with windows, not even sure deltree c: would work02:29
__Gino__Does anyone have problems resizing windows in Beryl (on Edgy) I've used it before, but I installe it on a new Edgy install and none of the windows can be resized....02:29
ShadowNYCnah// it wont02:29
DjViperformat c: will02:29
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ShadowNYCformat c: /f02:29
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bruenig__Gino__, #ubuntu-xgl02:29
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guest_What's the preferred torrent client around here02:30
DarkYformat c: is the best way02:30
ShadowNYCutorrent for sure02:30
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ShadowNYCformat c: wont work02:30
Byanbut.. utorrent == win3202:30
guest_I'll have to get it up and running02:30
ShadowNYCtry it02:30
naught101 anyone ever have problems with their web browser locking up when loading sites? happens to me with firefox and Konqueror, and doesn't happen on other computers on same router02:30
guest_That's what I thought byan02:30
ShadowNYCutorrent==linux & windows isnt it?02:30
DarkYi think i shitted my gnome02:30
ShadowNYCjust closed source02:30
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DarkYafter installing AIGLX02:30
DarkYits blac02:30
bruenigutorrent + wine == good linux fun times02:30
DarkYand a white blinking button02:31
HYBHeh, i tricked XGL/Beryl into thinking the top and bottom of the cube are workspaces02:31
guest_Well everyone who responded utorrent, I'm assuming they're running it on their linux box02:31
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DarkYand i can write in it02:31
n30nxserver explodes into a firey casum of death and destruction everytime i update it02:31
K^Holtza lot of my screensavers are just staying as blank screens... is the something wrong w/ my video settings or something?02:31
guest_Ah so there is no utorrent for linux yet02:31
fulldquiz: what are some dns servers that don't blow?02:31
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guest_So is there a decent torrent client I can run on ubuntu without having to run wine?02:32
ShadowNYCactually im running it in debian on that ancient 128meg pc, no windows manager installed02:32
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ShadowNYCutorent and azureus both run natively02:32
bruenigno, but it works flawlessly in wine. Except that sometimes when I minimize it and then try to maximize it, it won't maximize. The window will pop up but it will be blank. I have to click on the tray icon to minimize to tray and then maximize again for it to show02:32
DarkYazureus is java based02:32
ShadowNYCsucky , oi know02:32
DarkYso it run on every java platformed operating system02:32
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guest_I see, thanks brue, so there's still ironing out bugs here and then on linux02:32
guest_perhaps I'll use it running on wine then02:33
guest_there's = they're02:33
ShadowNYCmy bad.. utorrent doesnt02:33
ShadowNYCrun on linux... natively that is02:33
ShadowNYCid just run azureus 'headless' without the interface.. it works fine from command line02:33
guest_That's ok I guess, I'll just run it on top of Wine02:33
ShadowNYCthat to02:34
guest_I just bought a WRT54GL this weekend02:34
guest_I've been hearing good things about running services on it02:34
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guest_I hear very good things about DDWRT02:34
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ariboWhen I install the alsa drivers I get the following mistake02:34
ariboThe file /usr/include/linux/autoconf.h does not exist.02:34
ariboPlease install the package with full kernel sources for your distribution02:34
ariboor use --with-kernel=dir option to specify another directory with kernel02:34
aribosources (default is /usr/src/linux).02:34
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DjViperguest_: you hear correctly02:34
aribocan someone please help me02:34
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dalehi! can anyone help me with a terminal (tty) problem?02:35
LuakagonHow do I free up dpkg so that I can install ubuntu?02:35
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guest_Cool beans, Looks like a lot of work though to get eveyting set up DJ, I'll have to do some research02:35
ShadowNYC"It's reported to work under Linux using Cedega with some issues (blue bars in Pieces and Files tab don't work, update function fails, minimize has a slight bug) if you use "Win98" mode.02:35
ShadowNYCIt works very well under Wine 0.9.16 (especially with Torrent 1.6), but versions previous to 0.9.15 might have issues or not work at all. There are some minor bugs.02:35
ShadowNYCIt will also work under FreeBSD 6.1 using Wine 0.9.16+, but requires the GLX module to be enabled in xorg.conf.02:35
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ShadowNYCit doesnt work under osx02:36
ShadowNYCin darwine02:36
LuakagonErrors were encountered while processing: graphviz-cairo02:36
LuakagonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)02:36
guest_So if someone came in here and started abusing the IRC and started spouting off crap, is there a way to kick him out, how does that work02:36
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polpakguest_: the ops handle that02:36
ShadowNYCi gues sthe bots would kick02:36
polpakor you can use ignore02:36
ShadowNYCim sorry for that last cut/waste, i know it was a bit long02:37
guest_good to know, thx02:37
ShadowNYCare we running opless here?!02:37
dalehi! can anyone tell me what channel to go to for a terminal (tty) problem?02:37
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guest_What's the problem?02:38
guest_the bash channel could be helpful02:38
daleI don't have color when I log into tty 1 -tty602:38
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daleI do have it in gterm tho02:39
sorush20hi.. how do I find out why during batch processes my computer crashes. ?02:39
guest_What do you mean it crashes02:39
guest_Look at your logs and see what's going on02:40
easytigerhow do i install the kernel source for my system?02:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about var!log!syslog - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:40
sorush20I keep getting complete freezes.. duing kim image resize or konqueror thumbnail generation..02:40
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild02:40
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sizzameasytiger: sudo aptitude install linux-headers02:40
guest_is ubotu a bot?02:40
DarkYwhere is the source.list02:41
DarkYi dont find it O02:41
sizzamDarkY: /etc/apt/sources.list02:41
easytigersizzam, i mean the whole source02:41
guest_you can do a find -name sources.list to find out02:41
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bruenig!hi | dabaR02:43
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ubotudabaR: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:43
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sizzameasytiger: sudo apt-get install linux-source02:43
sizzameasytiger: or sudo aptitude install linux-source02:43
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easytigersizzam, cool02:43
guest_What are kernel header files and why are they important?02:43
blankyguys...my computer's making noises :'(02:43
blankylike a sound02:43
blankyit might be gaim02:44
sizzamguest_: some applications need them to compile kernel modules correctly02:44
JagerWould someone like to help me figure out why I cant boot into windows? :S02:44
bruenigblanky, slap the case02:44
blanky*looks over shoulder*02:44
guest_I see sudo apt-get and sudo aptitude, they essentially both do the same thing right02:44
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bruenigguest_, essentially02:44
blankyguest_: just use apt-get it's cooler02:44
guest_I've been using apt-get02:44
sorush20is there an anticrash program out there?02:44
Jageris H3g3m0n here still?02:44
guest_I also like sudo apt-cache search02:44
cafuego_What is the point of that?02:44
bruenigsorush20, no02:45
guest_but I like the GUI of adept better02:45
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bruenigguest_, you can just do apt-cache, no need for sudo02:45
jar`hi i just installed beryl on my ubuntu 6.1 and now I have some problems which i think came from it02:45
cafuego_guest_: apt-cache search doesn't require root, so you can run it without sudo.02:45
bruenigjar`, #ubuntu-xgl02:45
sorush20how can I optimize my system so that it would crash less on some batch process like resizing images..02:45
guest_bruenigh, my home folder is not local, so that's why I have to use sudo02:45
guest_it's an nfs share that lives on another server02:46
bruenigguest_, ok02:46
cafuego_sorush20: it shouldn't crash on that *at all* *ever*02:46
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cafuego_sorush20: Is it running out of ram?02:46
jar`my login screen changed and I have no icons for shutdown/restart02:46
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sizzamguest_: aptitude does a better job of keeping track of child packages than apt-get,  so if you install with aptitude its easier to uninstall the package and all dependency packages02:46
guest_Ah, very good to know thanks sizzam02:47
cheezcan someone tell me a good, friendly command-line irc program please?02:47
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bruenigapt-get in edgy tracks packages quite well, an apt-get autoremove will remove orphaned dependencies. Aptitude doesn't even give you the choice, it removes them automatically02:47
guest_Though I'm still trying to figure out how to log it all on a flie02:47
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cheezchatzilla is command line?02:47
guest_there's some great info  here02:48
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cafuego_cheez: irssi is probably the best of them (but you will need to know some /commands)02:48
bruenigcheez, bitchx02:48
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bruenigcheez, irssi02:48
cheezthank you02:48
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CoRnJuLiOxcrap. could someone lend me a hand? i'm having a whole bunch of different problems that i need help with :-(02:49
guest_So can I install bitchx using cygwin on my windows box?02:49
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cafuego_guest_: Probably easier to just sue bitchx for windows to begin with02:49
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H3g3m0nJager: Yeh02:50
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guest_True, but I also have a linux box it would be nice to have a CLI chat client02:50
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guest_IRC client rather02:50
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Ploujfor some reason I cannot connect a Ubuntu laptop to my samba server02:50
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FunnyLookinHatguest_, irssi02:50
CoRnJuLiOxi'm trying to install realplayer from synaptic, but it says i have unresolvable dependencies. it needs xlibs but it can't install xlibs. what do i do?02:51
cafuego_guest_: I tend to use Gaim for IRC on Windows.02:51
PloujI went to the "Connect to Server" thingy, I entered the server's dns name, entered a user name, clicked connect, and it shows a blank folder view02:51
ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.02:51
JagerH3g3m0n, you think you could help me fix my prob with windows not booting? :) Im on linux now, so it would be alot easier ;)02:51
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guest_windows I'm fine with, it would be nice to get a CLI irc client working on my lnux box, I'll give irssi a try, sudo apt-cache search'ing it now...02:51
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Ploujalso, I can't see any shares on the server if I browse for windows servers02:52
H3g3m0nJager: yeh02:52
JagerH3g3m0n Thanks02:52
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H3g3m0nJager: If mount still says / is on /dev/hdb, check what hda is 'dmesg | grep hda'02:52
ariboanybody experience with installing the alsa drivers ?02:52
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sizzamaribo: are you installing them out of the repos?02:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:53
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JagerH3g3m0n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34028/02:53
JagerH3g3m0n: the first line??02:54
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JagerH3g3m0n: /dev/hdb2 on / type ext302:54
H3g3m0ntry 'dmesg | grep hda' and see if its actually anything then02:54
markginter_24Hello.  Does anyone happen to know why I can insert an ogg into Openoffice w/ Ubuntu but not with Fedora 6?02:54
H3g3m0nJager: Might be worth trying hd1,0 as your windows drive though02:55
guest_If I need to find a file on my linux box, say 'thisfile.txt' is the right command $find -name thisfile.txt /02:55
H3g3m0nin grub02:55
JagerH3g3m0n: i tried that once, it gave me some error02:55
Ploujnvm, it works now, for some reason...02:55
H3g3m0nguest_: 'locate thisfile.txt' is faster02:55
guest_yeah i use that on my OS X box02:56
guest_but it looks at some database doesnt it02:56
JagerH3g3m0n: [17179573.108000]      ide0: BM-DMA at 0xe400-0xe407, BIOS settings: hda:pio, hdb:DMA02:56
JagerIve no idea what that means02:56
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guest_jbroome, don't I have to run a manual command to update the update.db file?02:57
guest_Or does it do it daily by itself?02:57
H3g3m0nJager: 'cd /proc/ide; ls -lha'02:57
jbroomeguest_: sudo updatedb02:57
jbroomeit *should* be in cron.daily and run everynight02:57
bruenigguest_, should be find / -name thisfile.txt, I am pretty sure02:58
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sysrageubuntu is a binary distro right? precompiled stuff?03:00
JagerH3gem0n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34029/03:00
bruenigsysrage, yeah03:00
guest_Ah, ok thanks a bunch bruenigh. So find [where]  [argument]  [filename] 03:00
markginter_24any Impress users here?03:00
sysragety bruenig03:01
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:01
bruenigguerby, yeah03:01
bruenigsysrage, you can compile you rown stuff if you want, but the repositories are all precompiled03:01
bruenigyour own*03:01
guest_Jbroome, I think update.db gets update in /etc/cron.daily/updater03:01
guest_but I'm not sure03:01
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sysragegood :) been using slackware and gentoo for a long time.. i'm ready for a binary distro :)03:01
guest_I'll have to find out which of the cron jobs are repsonsible for updating the updatedb03:01
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VigoFusionIma gonna re-bootstrap,its a habbit03:02
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Madpilothmm... is ubuntuforums down, or is my internet connection fubar'd again?03:03
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IndyGUnFreakseems to be down.03:03
FunnyLookinHatMadpilot, works for me03:03
markginter_24working for me ...03:03
__Gino__works for me...03:03
IndyGUnFreaknt workin for me, says domain maintenance03:04
sizzamworks for me03:04
H3g3m0nJager: Your systems really odd, you have 3 hdX based drives, none of them are hda03:04
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H3g3m0nJager: How many cdroms you have in there?03:04
Madpilotheh. thanks, all. My landlord's cheap router has DNS trouble regularly, so I'm never sure if it's a server issue or my DNS again..03:04
H3g3m0nah that would explain it03:04
IndyGUnFreaki like LInuxquestions.org anyways03:04
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H3g3m0nJager: Sounds like your primary harddrive is the slave on the primary ide channel03:05
Jagerh3gem0n: Really?03:05
ezenu3I'm doing some random testing with valgrind, e.g., "valgrind find -name foo.txt" and "valgrind ls -laRh" -- I see memory leaks.. is valgrind just not working right, or are there truly memory leaks?03:05
guest_Say I need to install a secondary SATA drive on my machine. The order in which I need to do thins is the following I believe. 1. Connect it 2. turn the machine on. 3. format the drive 4. mount the drive03:05
easytigeranyone use qemu?03:06
Jagerh3g3m0n: So should I just switch it?...03:06
H3g3m0nJager: That would probally render the system unbootable since its all coded for hdb now03:06
guest_Formatting is done via cfdisk correct? I would have to run cfdisk to /dev/hdb03:06
H3g3m0nJager: Probally just need to figure out where grub sees things03:06
H3g3m0nJager: Try typing 'grub' and then 'geometry (hd0)'03:07
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JagerH3g3m0n: alright03:07
H3g3m0ngrub might take a while to load03:07
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ivxhey i'm trying to do something and it asks me for my password, and i know i am entering it right, but it keeps saying it is wrong, how can i reset it or something?03:08
H3g3m0nJager: You can also try lilo installing the lilo boot loader instead of grub, its much simpler and used linux device name but need to be manually updated after config file changes and kernel updates03:08
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JagerH3g3m0n: is the updating for lilo a pain?03:09
H3g3m0nJager: You just type lilo, and it does everything03:09
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Jageroh okay03:09
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H3g3m0nIts possible synaptic does it automagically, i dunno03:09
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JagerH3g3m0n: Do you think it would be better (easier) to just install lilo than to keep troubleshooting the grub thing?03:10
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_Omegaaah!  lilo03:10
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scrognalein the Edgy CD, is there an upgrade option? or do i have to write over dapper. I don't have an internet connection on it, so I can't just run the update command03:10
H3g3m0nJager: Maby, but i've never used lilo under Ubuntu03:10
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guest_howtoforge seems to be down?03:11
_OmegaWho needs to use lilo in ubuntu & why?03:11
K^HoltzWhats a good BitTorrent client that has a GUI? I've had nothing but problems with Azureus.03:11
_OmegaI can't in almost any circumstance reccomend Lilo.03:11
JagerH3g3m0n: well, heres the result from geometry(hd0) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34031/03:12
guest_Run utorrent in win holtz03:12
_OmegaK^Holtz: Azureus (spelling)03:12
plesnivyjanois it normal i cant change ownership of file to someone else?? Operation not permitted . I have to do it through sudo03:12
guest_I just asked that questions recently03:12
_OmegaAzereus?  Can't remember.03:12
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wmoxamum, why does ubuntu's pkg manager install postgres binaries under /usr/lib ?03:12
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K^Holtz_Omega: Isnt that exactly how i spelled it?03:12
wmoxamit seems oddly bizarre03:12
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_OmegaI was reccomending it. :(03:12
guest_I need to install mysql on a linux box, where do I start?03:12
_OmegaI didn't see that at the end of the line.03:13
H3g3m0nK^Holtz: Theres rufus torrent, theres a webbased one called fluxtorrent, it depends on how many advanced features you need03:13
=== laza [n=laza@dslb-088-064-181-009.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
_OmegaIf you're having troubles with Azureuseses, you may be outta luck.03:13
cafuego_guest_: sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client03:13
_OmegaAlthough the good news is, if you CAN get it working, it's by far one of the most popular clients out there....03:13
guest_All one line?03:13
K^Holtz_Omega: the community says its a Edgy bug03:13
guest_That is sweet03:13
cafuego_guest_: yup03:13
JagerAzureus ftw03:13
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=== burner prefers 'transmission-gtk' as a torrent app
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_OmegaK^Holtz: Egh.  Those are bound to happen ;)  I'm still on dapper.03:14
moyoteIs downloading with bittorrent generally slower?03:14
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H3g3m0nJager: Thats even odder, it lists your primary hdd as sda :/03:14
_Omegamoyote: I find it to be reliable.03:14
burnertorrents are fast for me03:14
cafuego_moyote: not if the torrent has enough seeders.03:14
H3g3m0nJager: Does cfdisk /dev/sda, show an ntfs partition?03:14
K^Holtz_Omega: while those are bound to happen they should be fixed quickly03:14
moyoteokapi, thanks03:14
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JagerH3g3m0n: :( My crazy computer03:14
JagerH3g3m0n: cfdisk?03:15
cafuego_H3g3m0n: That's perfectly normal for SATA drives.03:15
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H3g3m0ncafuego: His mount lists his root partition as /dev/hdb203:15
moyotecafuego, what do you use for bittorrent(software)?03:15
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cafuego_H3g3m0n: <heh> That's a bit special, then.03:15
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H3g3m0nJager: 'cfdisk /dev/sda'03:15
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about UPS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:15
cafuego_moyote: azureus when needed and otherwise btdownloadcurses03:16
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ArrickLjL you here?03:16
moyotecafuego, thanks.03:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/null - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:16
H3g3m0nJager: 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda' actually03:16
Jageroh.. H3g3m0n, I opened cfdisk?03:16
guest_H3 what does that do?03:16
dramzGood day, I've installed Ubuntu v6.10, and use Option "XkbLayout" "no" in xorg.conf. I've installed automatix2 and XGL/Compiz, but now I've got a english layout of my keyboard. I followed the guide on ubuntuguide.org when installing automix2 and XGL/Compiz. I've checked that there is no more than one instance of "XkbLayout" in xorg.conf, and that it is in fact /etc/X11/xorg.conf that's being used.. Any other suggestions to why I can't get t03:16
Arrickis there a UPS daemon for edgy?03:17
H3g3m0nguest_: Its a partition editor03:17
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JagerH3g3m0n: okay03:17
H3g3m0nLike gparted but in a console and it won't create filesystems for you, just the partitions03:17
guest_I see, so sudo cfdisk /dev/sda allows you to edit the partitions on that disk03:17
=== AnthonyG [n=AnthonyG@216-67-196-77.nas9.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
guest_You can't resize partitions can you?03:17
enoteewhere do i go to past large error messages?03:17
_Omegacdfisk is really nice03:17
H3g3m0nJager: Does it show sda1, sda2 etc?03:17
guest_will it do the work for you?03:17
K^HoltzWhat do u guys think of BitTornado?03:18
H3g3m0nguest_: No its fairly lo level, use gparted for anything more complex03:18
JagerH3g3m0n: sda1 and sda503:18
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:18
_OmegaK^Holtz: Never used it.03:18
H3g3m0nJager: What filesystems does it show for em?03:18
guest_Ok, I've heard about gparted03:18
guest_Apparently it also resizes ntfs partitions03:18
Arrickcan someone tell me if there is a UPS daemon for edgy?03:18
guest_That is super impressive03:18
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guest_I would never do it without a backup, but I've heard very good things about gparted03:19
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_OmegaYeah, resizing NTFS is a very important feature these days.  ESP considering there are lots of companies out there that want to charge money for it!03:19
VigoFusiongparted my NTFS,FAT32 and resized a swap all in one install.03:19
guest_no kidding03:19
enoteewhich html editor do you guys recommend03:19
H3g3m0nguest_: yep, although its a bit pedantic about minor problems. Need to make sure you exit windows properly and having a fragmented drive can cause it to bail but i havn't had it loose data03:19
guest_That's great03:19
JagerH3g3m0n: for sda1 NTFS for sda5 Linux Swap / Solaris03:20
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_Omegaenotee: What do you need to make?03:20
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AnthonyGHello everyone , I have a few questions: Is this distro more 56K friendly than say... Gentoo? Hmph , Well any Distro is more friendly to slow connections than Gentoo :D .03:20
H3g3m0nJager: So theres no actuall linux partition on there? o_O just windows and swapspace03:20
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guest_Actually talk about companies charging money for things that are free03:20
_OmegaAnthonyG: More friendly to connections than gentoo?  Yes.  Perfect? No.03:20
guest_Have any of you tried ghost for linux03:21
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JagerH3g3m0n: I guess O_o03:21
Arrickcan someone tell me if there is a UPS daemon for edgy?03:21
slickyubotu ati | slicky03:21
ubotuslicky: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:21
guest_bit by bit cloning, works like a charm, considering you're on the same controller when doing the cloning03:21
waldoi am having trouble running mplayer in edgy... i installed it yesterday... and when i try to run it from command line or from menu... nothing happens03:21
_Omegaguest_:  No??  I remember when that used to be advertised on Art Bell.03:21
H3g3m0nJager: 'sudo cfdisk /dev/hda'03:21
H3g3m0nJager: 'sudo cfdisk /dev/hdb'03:21
earthenwhen  login I get a cannot access the $Home/.dmrc file error anyone know how to fix this03:21
waldonothing shows up in the system monitor either03:21
JagerH3gem0n: both?03:21
AnthonyG_Omega: I see , What do you mean by perfect? 56K itself is flawed :D03:21
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_OmegaAnthonyG: Well, obviously certain things that most people on broadband these days do are gonna be slower on 56K03:22
_OmegaAnthonyG:  But ubuntu doesn't compile sources like Gentoo does.03:22
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H3g3m0nJager: Just hdb03:22
_OmegaAnthonyG: And because of that, downloads will be smaller.03:22
Jagerh3gem0n: for sudo cfdisk /dev/hda I get "FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive"03:22
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CoRnJuLiOxJager: are you root?03:22
ivxhey i just looked at my boot manager and i have like 5 different kernels install, how can i remove all but one, will they show up in the package manger03:22
H3g3m0nJager: Are you sure you don't have another harddrive or a usb drive plugged in03:22
AnthonyG_Omega: That's a given , But is there any Ubuntu-specific task that may be painful for me ?03:22
H3g3m0nCoRnJuLiOx: He doesn't have a hda03:22
_OmegaAnthonyG: But keep in mind that ubuntu also installs a lot of packages, where gentoo actually can trim the fat....in a forward-only way.03:23
CoRnJuLiOxahh i see.03:23
JagerH3g3m0n: My external was just in :/03:23
_OmegaAnthonyG: Surprisingly, no.03:23
Madpilotivx, they will show in synaptic03:23
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_OmegaAnthonyG:  Most of my updates go even faster than I'd expect.  Just keep yourself in a situation where you're not having to miss updates and you won't get swarmed.03:23
cyberfallhello all03:23
ivxmadpilot okay soon as i figure out how to unlock my computer i can do that03:23
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AnthonyG_Omega: This is good to hear :D.03:23
waldoanyone know how why mplayer wont run in edgy after doing a completely clean install03:23
H3g3m0nJager: Because it looks like you have Linux on /dev/hdb, and windows+swapspace on /dev/sda03:23
cyberfalldid some looking around and im at a lost03:23
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JagerH3g3m0n: Now there are 303:23
_OmegaAnthonyG: Also remember that Linux is better with incremental patches, it won't make you upgrade THROUGH each version, it'll just give you the latest.03:23
H3g3m0nJager: In hdb?03:24
AnthonyG_Omega: Even better :)03:24
cyberfallwaldo vlc is a better then mplayer03:24
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guest_IVX, if you need ot remove the kernels to boot off of, go to /boot/grub/menu.lst03:24
_OmegaAnthonyG: But anything will do that ;)03:24
_OmegaAnthonyG: 'cept Windows.03:24
waldocyberfall, but im writing a program that uses mplayer as a backend03:24
Arricknoone has information? nice, about typical lately.03:24
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JagerH3gem0n: hda1 hda2 and hda5, and they go NTFS, Linux ext3, Linux swap / Solaris03:24
AnthonyG_Omega: Exactly XD03:24
waldoso i need mplayer to work03:24
Jagerh3gem0n: yes in hdb03:24
cyberfallanyone back to my question how do i setup raid in ubuntu i cant find a site to help03:24
linux_kidwaldo vlc player is better in every aspect!03:25
guest_Arrick what d oyou need info on03:25
_OmegaArrick:  Look up UPS for upstart.03:25
guest_it's crazy chaotic in here03:25
AnthonyG_Omega: What about resources? Am I going to need a Vista-Power machine with a DX10 Next-Gen shader card to run smoothly?03:25
guest_it's hard to follow up with all the questions03:25
waldolinux_kid, thanks... but i need to have mplayer working03:25
cyberfallin disk it shows both hard drives as hde and hdf03:25
_OmegaAnthonyG: Absolutely not.03:25
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_OmegaAnthonyG: you can try xubuntu, I reccomend it for a stripped down experience.03:25
linux_kidwaldo: whats wrong with your mplayer?03:25
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waldowhen i try to run it03:25
waldonothing happens03:25
cyberfallwaldo i when with vlc cause i couldnt get xvid to work in mplayer03:26
linux_kidthat stinks03:26
guest_How do I hack Firefox so that mms:// links open up a vlc ?03:26
waldolinux_kid,  from menu or from terminal... nothing happens03:26
AnthonyG_Omega: I'd like to stick to Ubuntu , What would you say to 256MB RAM , ATI Radeon 200 , 1.7 GHz?03:26
_OmegaAnthonyG: You're fine.03:26
ivxwill ubuntu lock you out if you type your password in wrong to many times?03:26
_OmegaAnthonyG: Configure about 100MB of swap space.03:26
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waldoguest    try editing  about:config03:26
linux_kidwaldo: call me captian obvious, but try a reinstall through synaptic03:27
guest_By default, good question ivx03:27
waldoguest, type that into firefox as the url03:27
AnthonyG_Omega: Great , Thank you for the help :D03:27
waldolinux_kid, i did03:27
guest_Will VLC handle mms:// links waldo?03:27
cafuego_Okay, Captain Obvious.03:27
_OmegaAnthonyG:  I used to run gentoo.03:27
=== Vaske_Car [n=durad@d57-59-78.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_kidthank cafuego_03:27
waldono idea  but thats where id look first03:27
_OmegaAnthonyG: Ubuntu has one nice feature:  Doesn't break your configs!!!!!  Gentoo hasn't got that handled yet.  :(03:27
waldoafter i remove a package... how to i purge the package?03:27
guest_k ty03:27
ivxguest_ how can i turn this off, i think i got it reset now, but i don't want to do it again03:27
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AnthonyG_Omega: If only I could , But the 56K support kills me :(03:28
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_OmegaAnthonyG: I can totally understand your problem there.03:28
_OmegaAnthonyG: A running ubuntu system can be left to do updates and it hardly chokes your system up.03:28
AnthonyG_Omega: Unlike the XP Live update or whatever it's called correct?03:28
_OmegaAnthonyG: So if worst comes to worst, you can download updates, and once they're pulled over, they'll be applied nice & quickly.  Instead of Gentoo that breaks it down a lil' too much.03:28
_OmegaAnthonyG: Ubuntu's updater works similar to that.03:28
H3g3m0nJager: Can you pastebin the cfdisk output, for /dev/sda and /dev/hdb03:29
_OmegaAnthonyG:  But the updates aren't nearly as big and clumsy.03:29
AnthonyG_Omega: But without the slowdown03:29
JagerH3g3m0n: alright03:29
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H3g3m0nJager: The entire terminal window03:29
cyberfallanyone know how to install an raid into ubuntu that already up and running03:29
_OmegaAnthonyG:  Remember, Ubuntu is made for all situations.  And one of them is yours.03:29
JagerH3g3m0n: would screenshots be better?03:29
waldoafter i remove a package... how to i totally clean the package off the computer?03:29
_Omegacyberfall:  What kind of raid?03:29
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H3g3m0nJager: Eithers fine03:30
linux_kidwaldo: depends on the package03:30
AnthonyG_Omega: I feel so important :)03:30
guest_How do I connect to this server using Irssi?03:30
AnthonyG_Omega: Distros made for poor fools like myself :D03:30
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cafuego_guest_: type '/server irc.freenode.net' in irssi.03:30
_OmegaAnthonyG: For anyone.03:30
burnerguest_: /server irc.freenode.net    then  /join #ubuntu03:30
bronze irssi -c irc.freenode.net03:30
Vaske_Carwaldo, I think you should install and remove packages with "aptitude" instead of "apt-get" in order to be able to perfomr complete uninstall.03:30
cyberfalli bet i spelt that wrong sorry03:31
_Omegacyberfall:  Hardware?  Software?  Existing data?03:31
waldoVaske_Car, thanks03:31
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cyberfalli have it set in hardware03:31
AnthonyG_Omega: Does it come with required hardware drivers?03:31
cyberfallno existing data03:31
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cyberfallno format or partion eather03:31
_OmegaAnthonyG:  I know dapper drake comes with the open drivers for ATI & NVidia.03:31
_OmegaAnthonyG: Newer closed source, you'd have to download.03:31
cafuego_cyberfall: Define "hardware".03:32
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ivxif i am going to uninstall old kernels should i do complete removal or just removal03:32
AnthonyG_Omega: And Edgy Eft?03:32
_Omegacyberfall:  Have you configured teh stripe?03:32
cafuego_ivx: complete removal.03:32
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_OmegaAnthonyG:  I haven't run a copy of it yet.  But I know there were some changes recently.  It's political.03:32
cyberfalli have an iwill kk-266 +R so it has an on board not the high point but linux say it a CM03:32
guest_Cafuega, I believe it's working, it's trying to connect03:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:32
hikenbootanyone have a solution for hotplug udev not renumbering ethernet interfaces eth0 is not present doesnt show with ifconfig -a but is like an empty hole...there is no physical nic anymore...any ideas?03:32
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:32
cafuego_cyberfall: if it's an on-mainboard raid, don't use its raid bios; use the in-kernel raid drivers.03:33
DARKGuyGreetings! I have a small question... what's the best and safest way to burn a CD? I downloaded a Xubuntu ISO and I only have two blank CD-Rs, since I had some bad past experiences burning CDs before, I'd like to get some support first from the people who know ;) (I have GnomeBaker if you're wondering)03:33
AnthonyG_Omega: Politicians always pin down the open source community unfortunately :(03:33
_Omegacyberfall:  Configuring the striping of the drives should be part of your hardware's setup guides.03:33
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_OmegaAnthonyG:  Well, it's more licencing.03:33
StazHow can I grep a string/variable rather than a file?03:33
Kud0s|sleepytimeHow do i see my current runlevel?03:33
naitmeranynone any idea what a Link To Old Desktop is? with a .migrated fiel in it03:33
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Vaske_Carwaldo, read this http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/aptitude03:33
_Omegacyberfall:  Once that is done, you should be able to address the physical drives as one logical drive.03:33
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cyberfallwell the bios only give u option of what u are doing03:33
sidWhat port and I supposed to forward for the built in bittorrent client for edgy/gnome. So my speeds increase(up and down)03:33
cafuego_Kud0s|sleepytime: echo 203:33
JagerH3g3m0n: http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=40acmdl  <-- HDA  http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=2i6yzrp  <-- HDB03:33
_Omegacyberfall:  yeah, raids aren't always the best, especially ones built into motherboards or "added on" by MOBO manufacturers.03:34
waldothanks Vaske_Car03:34
dabaRKud0s|sleepytime: run runlevel03:34
linux_kidDARKGuy: burn the cd in that horrible yet reliable os called windoze03:34
cyberfallwell it built in03:34
AnthonyG_Omega: Thank you for the assistance, I think the manual can take over from here :)03:34
_Omegacyberfall:  Do you have THAT set up?03:34
_OmegaAnthonyG:  Your welcome!  Enjoy.  Stick with it!03:34
manmadhahow to do php programs in linux?03:34
cafuego_Kud0s|sleepytime: seriosuly though `runlevel'.03:34
barielwhat is the different between en_AU.UTF-8, en_BW.UTF-8 etc?03:34
cyberfalli have it set for both drive to be striped03:34
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DARKGuylinux_kid, Aw :( so burning in Linux is still not-so-safe and prone to burning a CD the wrong way ):?03:35
jar`hi im having some problems, somehow my login screen changed and I have no icons for shutdown/restart03:35
_Omegacyberfall:  Okay, well then you should be able to see the drives as "sdxx"03:35
_Omegacyberfall:  Linux will recognize the drives as ONE.03:35
cyberfallin what df03:35
cyberfallor mount03:35
cafuego_cyberfall: If you cvna tell the bios to not be raid, but just normal IDE or SATA, you should be able to sue them in Linux to configure via 'mdadm'.03:35
sidAnyone know what port the built-in bittorrent client for edgy/ubuntu needs forwarded?03:35
linux_kidDARKGuy: if you want somthing to be perfect (and have someone by the name of gates to complian to if it isn't) use windows03:35
VigoFusion(II) RADEON(0): Not using mode "1024x768" (no mode of this name)   and that means I am making progress?03:35
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cafuego_cyberfall: In event of failure or new hardware, you'll still be able to use them. With on-mobo raid that's doubtful.03:35
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H3g3m0nJager: for sda not hda03:36
_Omegacyberfall:  type cat /proc/diskstats03:36
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_OmegaCyberfall: might give you some info03:36
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linux_kidbaris_, hi03:36
VanessaEGot a question.. of the showstopper variety03:36
cyberfallwell what i have is pare of 2 x 20s03:36
JagerH3g3m0n: my bad, ill do it again03:36
ivxcafuego_ thanks03:36
dabaRVanessaE: good announcement03:36
cafuego_cyberfall: And keep in mind striping (raid0) means all data is lost when one of the disks fails.03:36
H3g3m0nJager: Although now it does look like its all on hdb03:36
cyberfalland i want to stripe them into being a 4003:36
linux_kidVanessaE, whats your question?03:37
DARKGuyheh, alright, thanks linux_kid :P03:37
cyberfallya that fine if i lose what i put on them03:37
cafuego_cyberfall: So that it is a bigger disk?03:37
VanessaEusing the edgy build of X along with a kernel I built, and the 'official' nvidia drivers...   I'm having a problem with X crashing before it even brings up the nvidia logo03:37
cyberfallcafuego,  yep03:37
JagerH3g3m0n: stil; want sda?03:37
cafuego_cyberfall: Not just a speed issue? Then maybe use LVM and not raid.03:37
_Omegacafeuego_: He just wants to use his hardware raid capability.03:37
H3g3m0nJager: Yeh problaly best03:37
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VanessaEit started happening after I added the drivers to the kernel that are needed to use a DC10+ card.03:37
cyberfall_Omega,  that also03:37
_Omegacafuego_:  LVM might be a bit overkill & complicated for this.03:37
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VanessaEif I load those modules *after* X starts, everything works fine, but if I load them *before*, X locks up before it even gives the logo.03:38
guest_why the underscore after the username i wonder03:38
_Omegacafuego_:  Considering most MOBOs come with some ghetto-raid....He's better off getting that working because it means less linux-legwork.03:38
CoRnJuLiOxhow do you kill x so i can install the nvidia drivers03:38
H3g3m0nJager: Assuming its not another cannot open drive error03:38
cafuego__Omega: No harder to set up than dmraid I should think.03:38
coldfirejust stopping by to ask if anyone else has problems with the flash plugin for mozilla?03:38
JagerHeg3m0n: sudo cfdisk /dev/hda ?03:38
VanessaEany clues to what would do this?03:38
VigoFusionVanessE: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=255929 <<<did you look at that?03:38
cyberfalli though if just set the bois for raid and linux would of seen it as one drive and let me format and off i be03:38
H3g3m0nJager: sda not hda03:38
Jagersudo cfdisk /dev/sda **(03:38
cyberfallbutdont seem like it will take it03:38
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linux_kidcoldfire: you have to download it from adobe's website03:38
coldfirei have it installed, and firefox recognizes the plugin, but i can't view any flash content03:38
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ArrickI need to apologize to this channel, it has been brought to my attention that I just made a comment (my bad mistake) that I would have taken offence to in other channels. My apologies to this channel. I hope no hard feelings are kept over my last statement.03:38
_Omegacafeugo_:  Hardware raid is very easy to set up.03:38
cafuego__Omega: Well, the ghettoraid problem is that if his mobo fails, he prolly won't be able to get at the data on a new mobo.03:38
VanessaElemme check, vigo .. I've been all over the web with no solution..03:38
VanessaE(so far that is)03:38
JagerH3g3m0n: Same result as hda03:38
JagerH3g3m0n: FATAL ERROR03:38
linux_kidcoldfire: what happens when you try to view a youtube video?03:38
_Omegacafuego_:  Oh yeah, LVM shines there ;)03:38
cyberfalllast time i played in lvm i kinda messed up but i was playin with an active partion03:39
H3g3m0nJager: hmm, did you remove the external drive?03:39
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JagerH3g3m0n: yes03:39
cafuego__Omega: It's most likely software raid, not hardware. Even though it's on the mobo. (brings pain)03:39
H3g3m0nJager: ok03:39
cyberfallbut i dont see sdxx03:39
cyberfalli see hde and hdf03:39
naitmer!ubotu .migrated03:39
cafuego__Omega: You still need to configure Linux to see and use the "raid" array.03:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about migrated - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:39
cyberfallno hdex03:39
RebornDVi have what i hope to be an easy to solve problem... i have a file server where i keep my music and videos... i would like to be able to play them on this laptop with ubuntu without copying the files over... is this possible? and if so what program/s will do it?03:39
cyberfallor hdfx03:39
barielhow can i change the locala for my system? atm it is en_AU-UTF-8, i want to change it to en_US-UTF-803:39
H3g3m0nJager: It looks like grub was detecting the external as (hd0)03:39
coldfirelinux_kid: whoa .. looks like it is working after all03:39
_Omegacafuego_:  Yeah....Could be.  I like hardware ones that just show up as ONE DRIVE. :)03:39
linux_kidcoldfire: awsome!03:39
H3g3m0nJager: Try 'sudo grub' and then 'geometry (hd0)' again03:40
_Omegacafuego_:  Call it a "winraid" like a "winmodem" ;)03:40
cafuego_cyberfall: hde and hdf? That's IDE drives #5 and #5.03:40
guest_I love this channel03:40
VanessaEvigo: ok...reading, but I don't quite understand what this has to do with the problem I'm seeing (other than being unsupported by the ubuntu team anyway)03:40
cafuego__Omega: indeed03:40
coldfirelinux_kid: i guess the sites i frequent have poor checks to see if the plugin is installed ... until you pointed out that 'youtube' utilizes flash, i've seen nothing but the "Get Flash" links03:40
cyberfallya ide not sata03:40
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cafuego_cyberfall: #5 and #6 even - those will be your 20GB drives.03:40
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port?03:40
cyberfallor scsi03:40
VanessaEI might point out, btw., if I switch to the regular "nv" driver in my X config, there's no crash/conflict.03:40
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VanessaE(and even the DC10+ works..)03:40
_Omegacafuego_: If he has 2 20GB drives, it's configured wrong.  It should show up as one 40GB drive.03:40
cyberfall#1 and #2 is the main03:40
guest_Vanessa, try removing the 'splash' instance on /boot/grub/menu.lst03:41
hikenbootask this a different way whats the ubuntu equivalent to #  /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth003:41
JagerH3g3m0n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34035/03:41
linux_kidcoldfire: if possible, try a different browser or a newer version of flash, good luck03:41
_Omegacafuego_: unless that's just recognizing the HDD's hardware, and not the logical structure.03:41
guest_Gets rid of the splash screen03:41
cafuego_coldfire: They may be using flash8 or flash9 and you probably have flash 7.03:41
VanessaEguest: I'm not using Grub.  I use lilo.03:41
cyberfall_Omega,  ya but in ubuntu it see them 2 drive03:41
guest_Sometimes the splash screen doesn't play too well with the nivida drivers03:41
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_Omegacyberfall:  That may mean your raid is configured incorrectly.03:41
RebornDVi have what i hope to be an easy to solve problem... i have a file server where i keep my music and videos... i would like to be able to play them on this laptop with ubuntu without copying the files over... is this possible? and if so what program/s will do it?03:41
cyberfallthat not a suprise then03:41
coldfirecafuego_: ahh ... no workaround for something like that i don't suppose03:41
guest_Ok, I'm not sure how to remove the splash screen instance on LILO, but it should be about the ame03:41
_Omegacyberfall:  cafuego_ and myself are presenting two possible scenarios.  You should check with your MOBO manuals & hardware really.03:41
cafuego__Omega: Linux pretty much supports _none_ of the on-mobo raid chips in raid mode.03:41
coldfirelinux_kid: will do, thanks03:41
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port03:41
VanessaEthere isn't one on mine...text mode all the way until X starts.03:42
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H3g3m0nJager: Ok, i think if you reboot without the external drive plugged in windows should load if grub still has it set to hd(0,0)03:42
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guest_Reborn you can stream them03:42
cyberfallwell it dont show for linux03:42
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cyberfalljust winblows03:42
cafuego__Omega: Mainly because in-kernel raid is both faster and far more reliable :-)03:42
guest_Go to winamp.com and instal lthe streaming server on your computer03:42
_Omegacafuego_:  That depends on how they present themselves in the resulting bios.03:42
guest_then run the client on your goobuntu obx03:42
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Kevin`most of the on-mobo raid chips are really software raid03:42
Kevin`ie crap :)03:42
guest_I've done this on windows but not on linux, but yes you can stream them03:42
bobbie__4all hail the arrival of Bobbie03:42
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RebornDVguest_: and that will allow me to choose what to play on the client?03:42
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wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port???03:43
cafuego_coldfire: Well, you could install flash9.03:43
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coldfirecafuego_: i didn't see a download for anything newer than 7 on macro's website .. i'll check again03:43
guest_Hmm...reborn you'll have ot set up seprate sreaming playlists I believe03:43
guest_so I don't think you can get that kind of granularity03:43
cafuego_coldfire: There is a beta, check seveas.ubuntulinux.nl03:43
_Omegacyberfall:  This may require some research on your part.  I wouldn't go into a raid without a 100% game plan sorted out, even if you don't plan on holding critical information on it.  It can be a PITA.03:43
guest_But who knows maybe you can03:43
linux_kidcoldfire: ya, i think v8 only works on windows, sorry03:43
RebornDVguest_: drats... i was hoping i could just double click the files through the network like i can with my windows box03:44
JagerH3g3m0n: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34036/03:44
Shinodacoldfire http://labs.adobe.com/03:44
guest_Reborn, I'm sure you can, I just dont know how to do it03:44
VigoFusionI got alotta text, use pastebin and then ask for help?03:44
JagerShould I only worry about line 148?03:44
NoStopRebornDV: why not just setup a samba server on box that has the media?03:44
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linux_kidRebornDV: does the server come up in Places->Network Servers->Windows Network ?03:44
RebornDVlinux_kid: yeah it does03:45
coldfireShinoda: ahh, excellent .. thanks for pointing that out03:45
NoStopRebornDV: and then share the directories that contain media?03:45
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port03:45
nickv111Hey. I have libdvdread3 installed, and yet, I can't use mplayer to play a DVD. It just freezes on "DVD successfully opened." Xine says it can't open it (libdvdread support is, for some reason missing)03:45
RebornDVlinux_kid: just shws up under network servers03:45
linux_kidRebornDV: can you see the files?03:45
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dea_cwek#u buntu03:45
RebornDVi can copy the files over and play them03:46
H3g3m0nJager: yeh looks good, try a reboot without the extra drive. Its just when you had that plugged in it became (hd0), so windows was trying to boot off that03:46
RebornDVlinux_kid: i can see them fine03:46
H3g3m0nJager: Also you might have added linux swap space to it accidently at some point :/03:46
linux_kidRebornDV: i recommend vcl media player03:46
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Jagerh3g3m0n: to the external? O_o03:46
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linux_kidya, sorry03:46
RebornDVo ok03:47
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RebornDVlet me check03:47
JagerH3g3m0n: Okay, Im going to restart and try to boot into windows.03:47
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RebornDVdo have it installed03:47
H3g3m0nJager: Yeh, thats what the grub geometry was saying when you did it the first time with it plugged in03:47
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VanessaEVigoFusion, I'm still reading this thread you pointed me to, but I'm lost..03:47
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port????????????????/////03:47
redDEADresolveif i have an ati x1600 video card can i run aiglx03:48
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RebornDVlinux_kid: when i do that vlc starts but nothing happens... same as xmms banshee beep and totem03:48
VanessaEOh I forgot to say, when X crashes, the screen stays black.  I have to Alt-SysRq-K to get back to a text console, and I could see in the proces list, X is d-stated.03:48
guest_If you put one more questions mark I might answer at the end you might get an answer.03:49
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and noticed that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port03:49
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linux_kidRebornDV: does it startup at all?03:49
guest_wceoscar, can you ping www.google.com ?03:49
DevChow do I find out what version of Ubuntu I have now on my desktop, so i can upgrade some more if need b03:49
RebornDVlinux_kid: yeah the programs start... but none of the media will play unless i copy them locally03:49
wceoscarof course i can acces gooooooooooogle03:49
guest_devc:  cat /etc/lsb-release03:49
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linux_kidRebornDV: well.... let me try really quick on my machine03:50
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JagerH3g3m0n: Nope :(03:50
H3g3m0nhmm :/03:51
JagerH3g3m0n: Still sits there saying "starting up...."03:51
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Jagerit showed go right past the Starting Up... part quicky right03:51
Jagerno matter how slow windows is03:51
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wceoscargest, of course i can ping google!!!!03:52
bobbie__4Linux Rocks!03:52
Kevin`linux_kid sounds confused :)03:52
JagerI really really hope it didnt get messed up03:52
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diskuslinux_kid: I don't think there is by default03:52
H3g3m0nJager: Might be worth trying lilo i guess03:52
Kevin`linux_kid the command 'mount' would show you the path, if any are in the filesystem03:52
Jageralthough I can go on the ntfs partition and take my data off...03:52
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KanRiNiNHey, is there no way to uninstall rhythmbox without the gnome and ubuntu-desktop using synaptic?03:53
diskusmount and df03:53
KanRiNiNI'm replacing it with MPD and banshee03:53
ubotulilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.03:53
stefanousing vlc03:53
JagerBah no link to lilo from ubotu..03:53
diskuslilo was so easy to use :P03:53
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linux_kidRebornDV: I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!03:53
Gradius9highneko, is it possible now to convert volumes from ntfs to ext3?03:53
Kevin`lilo doesn't have a command line or filesystem knowledge, grub++03:54
RebornDVlinux_kid: woo hoo03:54
RebornDVlinux_kid: i hope i can get it too03:54
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KanRiNiNThanks in advance for whoever helps03:54
DevCsays 5.04 but the upgrade said id downloaded the newer version.....so how do I install them so that it is the newer version? thought they downloaded and installed themselves03:54
Gradius9without deleting stuff of course03:54
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Kevin`Gradius9 there would be an unavoidable loss of information doing that, as the metadata available is different03:54
stefanohow to read DVD's?03:55
linux_kidRebornDV: open the windows network and then the name of your network.  Drag the server computer's icon to the desktop.  Open VCL, and then navigate to the desktop, click on the icon to the server, and find your files!!!!!!03:55
Gradius9Kevin`, yeah, but all the files are movies and such03:55
Kevin`stefano data or encrypted video03:55
JagerWould it be possible to just uninstall linux (i dont want to :( ) so that i could boot straight into windows like nothing happened?03:55
RebornDVlinux_kid: sweet thanks03:55
nickv111I think I'm having some serious libdvdread errors. Every time I run ogle or xine, trying to play a DVD, I get errors regarding libdvdread03:55
screechingcatKanRiNiN: ubuntu-desktop is just a metapackage. you can uninstall it and nothing will happen to your system03:55
H3g3m0nJager: Not without a windows cd unfortunatly03:55
nickv111But I don't know why. I got it straight from the Edgy repository03:55
linux_kidRebornDV: you are very welcome!03:56
stefanoencripted video03:56
KanRiNiNscreechingcat: what's a metapackage?03:56
=== ma12 [n=chatzill@nv-71-48-62-251.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
JagerH3g3m0n: I could download one... but would I need to format anything?03:56
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Kevin`stefano you need libdvdcss, as well as a program like mplayer or xine or vlc to display it03:56
ma12Is it a bad idea to change a folder or file to a+w if I need access to it?03:56
H3g3m0nJager: Nah you would need to goto the recovery console, and run fixmbr and maby fixboot03:56
H3g3m0nJager: That assuming you didn't break it03:57
stefanoTes I try but the system don't work!03:57
RebornDVlinux_kid: uhm... should it try to copy files overwhen i drag it to the desktop?03:57
Kevin`you shouldn't need to run fixboot03:57
JagerH3g3m0n: Hmm.. lemme go see if I can get my hands on a windows disk03:57
=== Blenderer [n=eric@adsl-75-46-61-20.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kevin`and any dos/windows mbr will work03:57
screechingcatKanRiNiN: its a package that is not a peice of software by itself but depends on a lot of others. so if you install ubuntu-desktop, the package itself contains nothing. but it depends on all the packages of a normal ubuntu system.03:57
VanessaEsigh... I really hate corporations (i.e. nvidia and their precious closed source)03:57
Kevin`you could do fdisk /mbr from a win98 disk if you have one03:57
linux_kidRebornDV: all it does is creates a link.  If u dont want it on your desktop, put it in  your home folder03:57
stefanoKevin i use ppc system03:57
Blendererhey all03:57
=== Fall2Hell [n=tu@bl5-172-138.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Kevin`stefano windows does not have a ppc port03:58
nickv111xine returns, "libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable." but I have libdvdread3 installed. I don't understand it03:58
Kevin`wrong person03:58
Kevin`stefano that does not matter03:58
Kevin`at all :)03:58
=== dougsko [n=doug@c-24-131-69-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RebornDVlinux_kid: i must not have something installed right then... cos it tries to copy all of my files over03:58
Gradius9Kevin`, Which tools were you intentionally thinking about?03:58
Kevin`you need libdvdcss and the corresponding support in libdvdread03:58
H3g3m0nnickv111: You probally need libcss or libdecss aswell03:58
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:59
=== Blenderer wants to know if we can run ubuntu on a fat32 partition.
VanessaEis there a way to completely disable I2C support in the nvidia driver?  I think that's where the problem lies.03:59
ma12Does anyone use Skype successfully on their 6.10??03:59
screechingcatma12: me03:59
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Kevin`Gradius9 since you are always doing a backup before such a risky conversion, I would format the disk and copy the backup data to it03:59
cafuego_nickv111: You need the "naughty" bit too, dvdcss03:59
linux_kidRebornDV: thats odd, all it did for me was make a link, or else 7 gigabites would be flooding my network03:59
nickv111H3g3m0n: Thank you very much03:59
nickv111Yeah, I thought libdvdread had libcss03:59
stefanoI try to sonn thank03:59
cafuego_nickv111: There is a little script in /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/03:59
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cafuego_nickv111: Nono, it isn't included, only a script to downlaod & install it,.04:00
H3g3m0nVanessaE: There was a custom patch for then when the 1st betas came out, you would need to compile the official nvidia drivers from source04:00
RebornDVlinux_kid: i tried to do that right click drag trick... wouldn't do it04:00
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cafuego_nickv111: 'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh'04:00
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nickv111cafuego_: Thank you04:00
Kevin`diff libcss libdvdcss?04:00
Gradius9Kevin`, yeah what I want, but I havent any free disks, all my backup disks are used for the real computer, this is just my file server with movies and such04:00
ma12screechingcat did you have to make any modifications?04:00
VanessaEcan't back down to the previous version of the driver, it won't build against current kernels....and if I back down to a kernel it will build against, I lose SATA support..04:00
ivxhey what do i type to list my processor info?04:00
=== barata [n=barata@c-71-198-244-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickv111cafuego_: I used Debian awhile, and there was a similar script.04:00
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port04:00
cafuego_Kevin`: css = cascading stylesheets, dvdcss = dvd decryption.04:01
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ivxisn't it /etc/init.d/cpuinfo04:01
ma12or did it work right out of the box for you screechingcat04:01
stdundonHi, anybody have experience with both Gentoo and Ubuntu?04:01
Kevin`so libcss has no relation to dvds04:01
cafuego_nickv111: Yeah, same package :-)04:01
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linux_kidRebornDV: just drag it normal holding left click and pull it to the desktop04:01
H3g3m0nstdundon: yeh04:01
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cafuego_Kevin`: correct04:01
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cafuego_ivx: cat /proc/cpuinfo04:01
stdundonH3g3m0n: How does upgrading in Ubuntu work out?04:01
RebornDVlinux_kid: yeah i did that first and when that didn't work i tried the right click... then tried the regular again a couple more times04:02
screechingcatma12: out of the box04:02
ivxcafuego_ that's it thanks!04:02
JagerArg.. ive got to redoanlowd a windows disk...04:02
=== naitmer [n=maestro@82-35-65-73.cable.ubr01.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
linux_kidRebornDV: how fresh is your install and are you dapper or edgy?04:02
RebornDVlinux_kid: i installed dapper and did an update to edgy04:02
stdundonH3g3m0n: I know that they release every 6 months, but can you just do an 'emerge -auvD world' kind of thing?04:02
Kevin`Jager tsk tsk, using pirated windows04:02
stefano'sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh and then04:02
H3g3m0nstdundon: Alot easier/faster than gentoo, although im not so sure about upgrading from one release version to another04:02
JagerIts just to repair my legal copy04:02
CoRnJuLiOxim suddenly not getting any sound from realplayer when i try to play this .rmvb file, but i had sound in the same file just the other night, other music files seem to play properly, though..04:02
Kevin`what's broken in it04:03
nickv111Hey, guys, this is interesting. I installed libcss using the script, but I still can't play DVDs04:03
linux_kidRebornDV: ok, im on dapper and just reinstalled about 45minutes ago04:03
diskusstefano: what I understand about ubuntu, you can't04:03
nickv111Same error04:03
H3g3m0nstdundon: You update your repositories (basicly emerge --sync) then use synaptic to update the newer packages04:03
stdundonH3g3m0n: but still as flexible?  If I can just upgrade all of my packages, I guess I don't care about what it's named04:03
KanRiNiNHey guys.  I did a build-dep for gaim to compile w/ avahi and bonjour support.  can I clean up all the dev packages somehow?  e.g. perhaps there's a log file?04:03
diskusstefano: depends on realease04:03
Jageri cant boot into windows anymore.. so i need to run fixmbr and fixboot04:03
RebornDVlinux_kid: thanks for the help... i might need to try a fresh edgy install04:03
cafuego_stefano: ... and then ... it's done.04:03
Jagerthen... *sniff* delete linux (and maybe reinstall it if i can do it right)04:03
stdundonH3g3m0n: great.  So, as a desktop you would recommend it over Gentoo?04:03
Kevin`Jager you can run the equivalent of fixmbr from any dos or windows boot disk, or even from linux04:04
mga_markHello. I have a question about Ubunto, and how it doesn't completely fill my screen. It's set for 1024, but it has a black bar around it, a lot of unused screen. I'm running it off a live disk. Anyone have any suggestions?04:04
stdundonH3g3m0n: (I'm already downloading the iso04:04
linux_kidRebornDV: dont risk all of your files unless you are really savy on hdd space04:04
H3g3m0nstdundon: Yeh, gentoos updating is rairly unstable and because its source it takes ages to compile04:04
FirefisheI'm on a g4 powerbook 15" aluminum 1ghz laptop, running ubuntu 6.06 dapper.  I just downloaded kubuntu-desktop, then most of what apt-get didn't get (like the kde core files, etc.), and I am experiencing a vexing problem starting kde.  Seems the file permissions in my /home/user directory can't be written to by kde.04:04
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Kevin`I forget which little linux program does it though, as i've never needed to use it04:04
linux_kidRebornDV: sorry i couldn't be of service04:04
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H3g3m0nstdundon: Gentoo does have alot of newer packages and its much more customizable04:04
Jager-I got killed by services? X(04:04
Kevin`Jager you can run the equivalent of fixmbr from any dos or windows boot disk, or even from linux04:04
Kevin`I forget which little linux program does it though, as i've never needed to use it04:04
nickv111stdundon: I used ot use Gentoo. I got tired of the complexity, and how it was a chore to use. Now, I use Kubuntu, and I'm very happy. (K)ubuntu is really great, simple, and user-friendly.04:04
varsendaggrhi, any help with fluxbox would be greatly appreciated :D04:05
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stdundonH3g3m0n: very true.  My libraries got screwed up toady, b/c I had to use a 32bit chroot to install flash with firefox.  Now I'm ready for something new04:05
RebornDVlinux_kid: nah don't be... you helped as much as you could and at least proved it can be done04:05
Jager-I have my windows boot disk... problem is something is screwed up with it..04:05
Jager-ill go make another04:05
Kevin`Jager- why not just have grub/lilo boot windows04:05
linux_kidRebornDV: ya04:05
mofturoshow can i make my movies to work .. apt-get install xine-ui ... it's not working ?04:05
stdundonH3g3m0n: sounds great.  Well, I'm off to watch Blade Runner while I d/l, but I thank you for your experience04:05
stdundonH3g3m0n: take care04:05
H3g3m0nstdundon: I recomend avoiding amd64 based Ubuntu, although i did manage to get flash running with nppluginwrapper04:05
Jager-Kevin` Its dieing when it tried to boot windows04:05
H3g3m0nstdundon: nps04:06
stdundonH3g3m0n: lol04:06
Kevin`that did you try to do, in grub04:06
Jager-Ive spent all day with h3g3m0n (very helpful) trying to fix it04:06
linux_kidmofturos: try "sudo apt-get install vlc"04:06
Kevin`root (hd0,whatevernumber)04:06
Kevin`chainloader +104:06
Kevin`should be all that's needed04:06
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stdundonH3g3m0n: well, heck, I think it's recommended to avoid using a Linux desktop on amd64, no1 seems to do it well yet, but I'll give it a try04:06
Kevin`rootnoverify instead of root04:06
Kevin`but that doesn't matter when you enter it04:07
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cafuego_stdundon: Well, only if you need or want video/java/flash04:07
Jager-Kevin` so... how can I fix grub to boot windows?04:07
varsendaggrhi, could someone please answer a few questions about fluxbox04:07
Kevin`Jager- show me your partition layout04:07
slickyubotu radeon | slicky04:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:07
sysdocHAs anyone figured out a workaround for the black window bug with nvidia/Beryl/Edgy?04:07
Kevin`varsendaggr ask a question and you might get an answer04:07
varsendaggrKevin: lol thanks04:08
stdundonH3g3m0n: lol. exactly04:08
mga_markCould anyone answer a screen question for me?04:08
Gradius9Kevin`, what method should I use if I want to be unsafe?04:08
varsendaggrSo im new to ubuntu and i have been told about fluxbox by a friend... what exactly is it?04:08
Kevin`Gradius9 i'm not aware of one, you shouldn't do such a stupid thing :)04:08
linux_kidmga_mark, what's your question...04:08
Kevin`varsendaggr it's a window manager04:09
mga_markI'm running Ubuntu from a dsik, and it doesn't fill my 1024 screen.04:09
varsendaggrKevin: so do you boot up in it or what?04:09
baratahallo all, what app BEHAVES like iTunes? I need an app that can generate txt files (including ide3 tags) for my mp3 collection04:09
Kevin`varsendaggr it controls how windows work in X (the linux gui)04:09
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slickyubotu berly | slicky04:09
linux_kidmga_mark: so there are black lines around the screen?04:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about berly - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:09
Kevin`so you can switch between them, move them around, start programs, and stuff04:09
=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@d15-164.rt2-bras.clm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kevin`fluxbox is generally considered a "light" window manager04:10
mga_markYes, though it says it's set for 1024.04:10
Kevin`I can give you a screenshot if you want :)04:10
ToHellWithGAi am getting gzip errors on the main edgy sources.  how can i fix that?04:10
ali_I am running warty, I just downloaded edgy. How do I install edgy from download?04:10
dibblegoI am using ubuntu server 6.06; I suspect the machine has been compromised - now the network card fails to come up and executing a sudo command returns to the prompt immediately and does not do anything04:10
linux_kidwhat is ur windows resolution?04:10
woro2006hi, what's a good program to crawl through all my files so I can search them later?04:10
highnekoHow can I find where my swap is mounted on?04:10
varsendaggrKevin: o, i see ... i got it from "synaptic package manager" and as i say im new to linux do you by chance know how to open it?04:10
Kevin`highneko swapon -s04:10
plesnivyjanowhy i cant change ownership of my own file ????04:11
Kevin`varsendaggr technically, the command fluxbox04:11
highnekoKevin`: Interesting. Thank you.04:11
ivxhey i have kernel 2.4.27-2-686-s installed, but when i boot that isn't listed. whats going on with that04:11
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mga_markhiighest, 32 bit04:11
varsendaggrKevin: um... lol?04:11
Firefisheanyone here have any trouble with file permissions when using aptitude to install kubuntu-desktop from the standard ubuntu/gnome setup?04:11
Kevin`varsendaggr though, it will probably show up as an option in gpm04:11
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linux_kidhighneko: download gparted from synaptic and you will se it as a partition04:11
Kevin`when you log in04:11
[erisco] anyone know how to install GMP for PHP under Ubuntu?04:11
varsendaggrKevin: what is gpm?04:11
wceoscarHEy, i just got frostwire and notices that it doesnt conect to the network... what should be wrong??? port04:11
Kevin`gpm is a mouse driver for the console, gdm is what shows the login screen04:11
Kevin`I meant gdm04:11
linux_kidmga_mark: no, your resolution, like 1280x800...04:11
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slickyhi.. i just reinstalled my ubuntu.. iv got a radeon 9600 xt ati card.. what drivers do you recomend?04:12
mga_markIt's 1024 by 7**04:12
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nickv111mplayer is now spitting out, "libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key. . ." even though I have libdvdread3 and libdvdcss2 installed. This is really driving me insane.04:13
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[erisco] I am talking about GMP though...04:13
linux_kidmga_mark: what video card do you have?04:13
varsendaggrKevin: so is fluxbox a program that you open and modify or what?04:13
H3g3m0nnickv111: Tried a diffrent dvd?04:13
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mga_markI'm not sure. It's a Dell Pentium 4. It looks fine on Windows XP04:13
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=== stefano is now known as ChimeraHitman
ChimeraHitmanHey guys?04:14
Kevin`varsendaggr it provides the look and behavior of desktop windows, like gnome or kde04:14
VanessaEthere we go, problem solved.04:14
__Gino__I'm gonna ask this again, since there might be new people that know something ;)  (I already tried #ubuntu-xgl)04:14
__Gino__ Does anyone have problems resizing windows in Beryl (on Edgy) I've used it before, but I installe it on a new Edgy install and none of the windows can be resized....04:14
linux_kidmga_mark: any clue if it is an ATI or GEforce?04:14
Kevin`although gnome and kde have more they do, besides that04:14
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varsendaggrKevin:  sweet, so i start up my computer again and open it...? but how?04:14
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slickyubotu xgo | slicky04:14
ChimeraHitmanI am having troubles getting Beryl to run on my gnome desktop. Ubuntu Edgy, nvidia-glx. No GLX server.04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xgo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
slickyubotu xgi | slicky04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xgi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:14
VanessaEI was using the 9625 "beta" driver.  Updated to 9629 (which is marked as 'stable') and the problem went away.04:14
nickv111H3g3m0n: Just a second.04:14
sysdoc__Gino__, Beryl-settings-manager04:14
mga_markSorry. I'm not on that computer now, either. Is this an unsual probelm?04:15
Kevin`varsendaggr there should be a button or something when you log in, to choose the desktop environment to start04:15
__Gino__I tried that, it is enabled.04:15
nickv111H3g3m0n: See, mplayer returns a LOT of libdvdcss errors.04:15
linux_kidmga_mark: ok, lets assume it is an intel chip04:15
mga_markIt works fine, otherwise04:15
mga_markYes, definitely04:15
Kevin`I assume ubuntu would add it to that list..04:15
ChimeraHitmanWhen i run the beryl-manager y just takes all the borders and gui and renders gnome useles.04:15
VanessaE(which is strange, I thought I'd already installed that update a week ago..no wonder the splash screen kept saying 'beta'...)04:15
linux_kidmga_mark: go to synaptic and download the package 915resolution after enabling universe reposotiries04:15
nickv111mplayer basically returns a lot of errors like, "libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1567"04:16
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-118-145-218.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickv111They're all pretty much the same, with the exception of the line number04:16
blankyyou guys, I feel stupid, has anyone gotten the ati drivers to work on edgy?04:16
varsendaggrKevin: well my comp. is partitioned btween ubuntu and windows xp so i chose ubuntu and it boots to the login screen... where would the button be in all that?04:16
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ChimeraHitmanThink anyone could help?04:16
Kevin`varsendaggr at the login screen somewhere04:16
blankyI read the tutorial and I feel like they wrote it just to trick me, I went into a trap and I knew it from the beginning04:16
mga_markok. Will it intefere with Windows?04:16
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nickv111blanky: ati or fglrx?04:16
Kevin`mga_mark no04:16
blankythe drivers used to always work for me under breezy, but that's two versions ago04:16
ChimeraHitmanI am using the nvidia-glx 8776 drivers.04:16
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linux_kidmga_mark: no, not at all04:16
blankynickv111: I believe fglrx, no? ati isn't complete or something?04:17
blankynickv111: but yes fglrx04:17
NoStopvarsendaggr: you won't see it unless you have more than one window manager installed04:17
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blankynickv111: here's my log04:17
nickv111blanky: I did.04:17
mga_markOk, I'll go now. Let you know if I find it. Thanks so much.04:17
linux_kidmga_mark: and yes and no, this is somewhat of a usual problem although i have never heard of black lines...04:17
blankynickv111: you did what?04:17
varsendaggrNoStop:  what does that mean?04:17
bobbie__4chmod +77704:17
ChimeraHitmanCan anyone hear me?04:17
nickv111blanky: I got fglrx work04:17
nickv111ChimeraHitman: No.04:17
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blankynickv111: oh, what tutorial/wiki did you follow plase?04:18
NoStopvarsendaggr: http://xwinman.org/04:18
blanky*please, and what card do you have, I have an ati 9800 pro04:18
Kevin`varsendaggr you won't see it unless you have fluxbox installed along with something else, like gnome, otherwise it will start the only one installed04:18
wceoscarhow can i install the GDM themes in ubuntu?04:18
=== Joe_CoT [n=joeCoT1@c-68-46-48-233.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobbie__4ChimeraHitman, we can't hear you, speak louder please04:18
FirefisheIs there a difference between the kde on the kubuntu cd vs the Universe Repository kde?04:18
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ChimeraHitmanWhen i run Beryl it renders my gnome desktop useless. What could i do fix the problem?04:19
Teratogen`not sure04:19
wceoscarhow can i install the GDM themes in ubuntu?04:19
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varsendaggrKevin: but isnt gnome already installed with ubuntu04:19
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 1686 kB, installed size 12300 kB04:19
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nickv111blanky: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:19
blankycan anyone help me install ati drivers, please?04:19
nickv111blanky: I'm helping you.04:19
blankynickv111: yeah, I followed that04:19
blankylol okay thanks nickv11104:19
lufisKind of an off-topic question, but: I have aspired to program since I was a child but I don't know where to begin. What's a good newbie's programming language that can be learned easily?04:19
nickv111blanky: So, what's the problem?04:19
blankynickv111: here's my log http://paste.jorgepena.be/4304:19
blankynickv111: well, when I type fglrxinfo, it outputs this04:20
baratais lsongs in the ubuntu repository?04:20
H3g3m0nlufis: Python is fairly easy and widly used04:20
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bobbie__4lufis, try either BASIC or LOGO04:20
ChimeraHitmanIf i run beryl-manager, it complains about XGL missing and then acknowledges Nvidia is present.04:20
diskuslufis: python or ruby04:20
blankynickv111: here's what it outputs when I type fglrxinfo http://paste.jorgepena.be/4404:20
ChimeraHitmanThen i can't do anything.04:20
lufisH3g3m0n: Thanks, I was leaning towards Python.04:20
wceoscarhow can i install the GDM themes in ubuntu?04:20
diskuslufis: but those are scripting languages04:21
VigoFusionlufis: Go Ruby. easy to learn and very cutting edge04:21
eternale1in someones opinion... i'm leaving the world of linux desktop to make my linux box just a headless server. would i be better off continuing with ubuntu (using there server edition) or move onto other distro's or possible other flavors.. bsd* etc. or does it really not matter all together?04:21
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lufisVigoFusion: Cool, thank you04:21
blankyI think anyone who doesn't understand objects and classes the first time should get a taste of ruby04:21
sincois there anyway I can have ubuntu 6.10 server install lilo instead of grub by default?04:21
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nickv111blanky: Can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf?04:21
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blankynickv111: sure thing, hold up04:21
Kevin`eternale1 ubuntu should work, but is designed for desktop use (the non-server one, of course)04:21
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blankynickv111: http://paste.jorgepena.be/4504:22
diskusI didn't like ubuntu-server at all04:22
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DevCsorry I had to leaver right when i posted my question...I downloaded the upgrade for Ubuntu 5.04 but now how do I install them since the smart upgrade only downloaded them? never upgraded ubuntu until now so I'm clueless what to do04:22
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Falstiushow can I recover some files I just deleted from an ext3 filesystem?  (it isn't critical, but I'd like to get them back)04:22
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blankynickv111: don't mean to leave you here, but I'm going to restart very quick okay? thanks for the help so far!04:23
H3g3m0nFalstius: Theres no easy way under ext304:23
rockai'm currently using live unbuntu 5.04, and i need to fix my windows parttion, and ubuntu didn't recgnized the ntfs partition04:23
sincois there anyway I can have ubuntu 6.10 server install lilo instead of grub by default ?04:23
wceoscarhow can i install the GDM themes in ubuntu?04:23
rockado someone have any idea04:23
noldonanyone knows what could be interupting the sound dev when i cant get sound in flash movies04:23
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wceoscarhow can i install the GDM themes in ubuntu?04:24
noldonwhats gdm?04:24
diskuswceoscar: if noone answers right away, then noone knows, wait for ~15-30min04:24
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snypegnome desktop manager04:24
snypelike- where u type in ur username/password04:24
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 1686 kB, installed size 12300 kB04:24
noldonah ok04:24
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H3g3m0nFalstius: You might get lucky if you can find the inode you might beable to recover it04:25
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blankyhey nickv111 thanks, i fixed it, it was the composite section i missed hehe04:25
zmmmy open office is not working. When I start it it gives error, I've pasted the error at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34039/04:25
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ma12Anyone have any idea how to get the integrated mic on the SONY SZ laptops to work?04:26
ChimeraHitmanHello everyone, i have problems with Beryl. When i run beryl-manager, all the bars dissapear, only mouse is left with an unresponsive desktop.04:26
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VigoFusionSystem>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager>select Gnome, install,,I think04:26
ChimeraHitmanI am on Ubuntu Edgy, with nvidia-glx driver 8776.04:26
noldonma12 is it on?04:26
ChimeraHitmanI didn't go over the xgl server installation.04:27
ma12noldon yes04:27
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noldonwell then i dont know04:27
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diskuszmm: 64-bit processor?04:27
DevCok I used smart upgrade and have the upgrades but now what do i do to install the new upgrades because right now i'm still showing ubuntu 5.04 instead of a newer version like htat of what it downloaded04:27
FalstiusH3g3m0n: yeah, I figured as much.  Its not worth that kind of time.  Thanks.04:27
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ChimeraHitmanI followed the beryl-project.net tutorial on setting it up. I have done what they mentioned and i still can't get it to work.04:27
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zmmno, celleron 32 bit04:28
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:28
diskuszmm: don't know, but that sounds like somekind of java error :P04:28
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nickv111blanky: Oh, cool04:28
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NiliscoHey, I'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc (amd 3200 64, i386 version) with a x800xl ati video card.  When the installer starts, the colors are all wrong and then the installer freezes when the bar finishes loading, graphical corruption occurs.04:29
noldonwhat do i have to kill to get sound in flash movies04:29
nickv111Hey, all, why is there a limited amount of region sets on a particular DVD drive? It's concerning, because I have to experiment, and I don't want to kill my DVD drive or anything04:29
blankynoldon: LOL04:29
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H3g3m0nNilisco: Tried the safe graphical mode, or specifying the resolution with the f4 key?04:29
blankyet quoi?04:29
noldonit works when i restart the computer but then when i play an mp3 or anything like that and then again play a flash movie on internet its not working04:30
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:30
blankyer, wrong window hehe04:30
NiliscoH3g3m0n, correct, same things basically, but when I change the resolution I usually get correct colors but a x crash after the loading bar.04:30
noldonblanky i think i meen enemy territory04:30
wceoscarhow can i install the GDM strart scrren in ubuntu?04:30
blankynoldon: yeah I know :P04:30
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H3g3m0nNilisco: Might be worth trying ctrl+alt+f1 and seeing if it gives you a text console04:31
noldonwceoscar install? i think its default but u just have to activate it04:31
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cari_tmn_ceSBYcfhf dk tct  dtv y yrt6s5 ytcfx r jhhhg d t er04:31
NiliscoH3g3m0n, okay, trying.04:31
H3g3m0nNilisco: There also ALT+SYSREQ(printscr) and typing RSEIUB slowly and seeing if it recovers04:31
sincois there anyway I can have ubuntu 6.10 server install lilo instead of grub by default?04:32
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cari_tmn_ceSBYcewek abg04:33
wceoscarnoldon, I downloaded a few GDM start screens and wanted to activate them.. how is this done?04:33
cari_tmn_ceSBY dx04:33
jbroomewceoscar: go read this before you ask again: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=1020310804:33
blankyanyone know of a good make tutorial04:33
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cari_tmn_ceSBYjonh cena04:33
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CoRnJuLiOxi'm not getting any sound in realplayer, when i had sound just the night before, could anyone lend a hand? the volume is up, and other programs play music just fine, just not realplayer.04:34
noldonah wceoscar system-->administration-->Login window and add04:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:34
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CoRnJuLiOxalready read it04:34
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fildothat wasnt for u . was for me04:35
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto04:35
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer04:35
dibblegoI added my sudoer user to the users group and now I have lost the root user - how do I get it back?04:35
NiliscoH3g3m0n, no luck with either of those.  Is there any way to boot to the old text mode installer?04:35
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H3g3m0nNilisco: Possibly the expert mode04:36
cari_tmn_ceSBYking boker04:36
H3g3m0nNilisco: Otherwise you could try the server version, and install ubuntu-desktop04:37
cari_tmn_ceSBYcm punk04:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about expert - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:37
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NiliscoShucks, kinda strange, I've never had this problem with ubuntu before04:37
NiliscoNot sure what I'm doing wrong here04:38
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noldonwceoscar but the default place for gdm themes looks to be in /usr/share/gdm/themes/"name of the theme"04:38
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:38
dibblegocan I add a user to the admin group without a privileged user with a boot CD?04:38
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CoRnJuLiOxso can anyone help on my realplayer issue? i've checked alsamixer and nothing seems to be muted..04:39
H3g3m0ndibblego: Yes, edit the /etc/groups file04:39
dibblegoH3g3m0n, excellent thanks04:39
NiliscoH3g3m0n, actually, when I changed my resolution to 640x480, it still crashed but I can get into the console now.  X is reporting an error04:39
noldonCoRnJuLiOx whats the issue04:39
dibblegoH3g3m0n, do you mean /etc/group?04:40
cari_tmn_ceSBYwesdcbjyhg jn04:40
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H3g3m0ndibblego: yeh04:40
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jrI am in need of some help with ubuntu04:40
jbroomeMusic_Shuffle: acknowledging the troll encourages the troll04:41
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!04:41
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Music_ShuffleBut acknowledging the op does better! ;o04:41
H3g3m0nNilisco: What error?04:42
NiliscoH3g3m0n, x window system couldn't be started, it now disabled itself04:42
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Niliscowhen I do a startx now, I get x window system is disabled, then it exits04:43
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noldonNilisco u r already in x arent u?04:43
wceoscardo i need bery or something like that to install gdm startscreens?04:43
Nilisconoldon, nope, the console, x won't start04:44
H3g3m0nNilisco: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and try pluging around with the modes04:44
BHSPitLappyI have a folder full of deb packages... how can I make these into a repo for synaptic to use?04:44
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H3g3m0nNilisco: Then 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'04:44
jrnew to ubuntu here, having wireless issues, been through a bunch of tutorials but still no go, anyone feel like helping?04:45
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tanubisTrying to set up a new Sony Ericsson w300i cellphone/media player on my computer, the bloody thing comes with a windows only DRM peice of software that's locking out my phone from using anything but windows to get my music into the player.  Anyone now of some steps I can use to circumvent/workaround?04:45
noldonwceoscar use the menu system--->administration--->login window04:45
H3g3m0nBHSPitLappy: /var/cache/apt/archive is where the downloaded debs go, but if there not in the actuall repos you will probally need to install them manually04:45
momalSeveas: Thanks for the help before with the mysql its all good and working now :)04:45
__Gino__hmm... When I plug speakers into my laptop, sound still comes out of the laptop, as well as the speakers... Anyway to fix this?04:45
BHSPitLappyH3g3m0n: this computer doesn't have internet access at all, that's why I have the folder full of debs.04:46
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H3g3m0n__Gino__: You probably need to mute something in the volume controls04:46
BHSPitLappyH3g3m0n: I'd like to add them into synaptic as a local repo, rather than double clicking and chasing deps for hours04:46
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H3g3m0nBHSPitLappy: You could try 'dpkg -i *.deb'04:47
sincoi just installed the base package - how do i get a screen where i am able to select packages avaible to install from the CD?04:47
H3g3m0nThat would install them all04:47
kalikianasinco: synaptic04:47
zmmI started openoffice with sudo this time and it gave different error in a dialogue box which is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34044/ . The previous error without sudo is pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34039/04:47
kalikianasinco: but you need to select the cd as a source04:48
zmmwhy openoffice is not working04:48
sincocan you do that in teh console?04:48
__Gino__H3g3m0n, I tried muting everything (separately) but they all muted both sets of speakers...04:48
ivxhey whenever i try to boot from the smp kernel it says kernel panic:VFS" Unalbe to mount root fs on 00:00. anyone know whats going on04:48
fr500can anyone give me an stock sources.list?04:48
BHSPitLappyH3g3m0n: I'll see if it works04:48
kalikianasinco: oh, no - try 'aptitude'04:48
sincooh ok thanks04:48
noldonzmm : killall ooffice04:48
CoRnJuLiOxnoldon: did you get my /msgs?04:48
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jrits slow surfing the internet with firefox/ubuntu, if I surf with windows xo its faster, anyone got an idea of why this is?04:49
zmmnoldon: should i run "killall ooffice" in terminal.04:49
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Vorbotefr500, /usr/share/doc/apt/examples/sources.list04:49
DanaG__Gino__: you may need a newer version of ALSA than the repos provide.04:49
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tonyyarussoI need help making a digital voice recorder work with Ubuntu (Olympus VN-3100PC).  It registers in /var/log/syslog and 'lsusb', but doesn't seem to create a /dev/sd* or mount itself.04:49
H3g3m0njr: Try disabling ipv6 in about:config04:50
fr500thanks Vorbote04:50
DanaGHowever, I don't know how to manually install the newer version (without also doing a new kernel)04:50
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noldonCoRnJuLiOx did u get mine?04:50
noldonzmm yes were else?04:50
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv404:50
__Gino__Well... the thing is, I've been using Ubuntu for months and never had this problem (on the same laptop) but I reinstalled Edgy and am having the problem now... I never installed a new version of Alsa.04:50
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H3g3m0n__Gino__: Might be worth making sure the plug is all the way in sometimes they can get stuck partway :)04:51
zmmnoldon: it said "ooffice: no process killed"04:51
CoRnJuLiOxnoldon: just the one asking me what the issue is04:51
noldonzmm then i dont know04:51
noldonCoRnJuLiOx strange04:51
ali_How do I get the edgy 6.10 download to install?04:51
__Gino__H3g3m0n, haha, yeah, I have tried that. Still doesn't work though... :)04:52
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CoRnJuLiOxi got that message, though04:52
DanaG__Gino__: is it snd-hda-intel?  That module seems to give me all sorts of problems.04:52
CoRnJuLiOxanyways, its not playing the sound in the .rmvb files, and i know they have sound because it worked just last night04:52
noldonCoRnJuLiOx it seems like the people i message private here dont recive my message04:53
CoRnJuLiOxnothings muted, and xmms even plays mp3 files with full sound04:53
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NiliscoH3g3m0n, no luck messing with the values, I appreciate the help though!04:53
__Gino__DanaG, I don't think so... nothing about intel when I do lspci command...04:53
DanaGdo lsmod | grep snd04:53
ali_---------------How do I get the Edgy 6.10 iso download to install-----------04:54
H3g3m0nNilisco: You could try using the official binary drivers for your card, should be possible to install them on the livecd04:54
__Gino__Yup... It says snd_hda_intel04:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:54
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:54
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H3g3m0nali_: Just goto ubuntu.com and then download04:55
DanaGI remember there were some fixes in newer ALSA versions to manually mute speakers when an external jack was used.04:55
CoRnJuLiOxnoldon: can you even see my msgs? i can see yours.04:55
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__Gino__I'll try installing a new ALSA version. Thanks!04:56
ali_I went to the Ubuntu site and downloaded Edgy 6.10. I downloaded it and nothing04:56
noldonCoRnJuLiOx yes i see them but u dont seems to see mine04:56
noldonCoRnJuLiOx i sended u alot of message they seems to get lost04:56
DanaGLook at the changelogs04:56
DanaGfor 1.0.12 and 1.0.1304:56
noldonCoRnJuLiOx my internet connection is bad04:56
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noldonwceoscar have u manage to install them?04:58
=== whta [n=ssb@adsl-75-21-109-170.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
whtahello again04:59
whtais there any sort of fix for this little issue of flash videos coming horribly out of sync with their sound?04:59
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NeXCiSIt could be the video itself05:00
whtanope, it's EVERY VIDEO05:00
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whtaand i've had this problem before and after a reformat and on different hardware05:01
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guest_I'm using putty and I'd like make it o that I can I can assign the 'up' arrow key to Alt+y or something05:01
guest_like that05:01
guest_Is this possible?05:01
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guest_I guess this is not the right channel to ask, I need to find a putty channel05:01
jrwhoever helped me with the slow internet issue thanks alot, I got it straight05:01
harryhow do i mount /dev/hdc3 to media?05:01
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jrwho wants to help with a screwed up wireless connection?05:02
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kalikianaharry: look at fstab, learn and add your own ;)05:02
noldonharry mount /dev/hdc3 /media/(foldername)05:02
guest_You can edit the fstab file with vi05:02
guest_it's pretty easy05:02
guest_Just don't screw up :-D05:02
kalikianaor with any text editor in fact05:02
noldonyes remove all in fstab and put in new05:03
noldonjust kidding05:03
guest_when I first found out you can edit the fstab file I was ecstatic05:03
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kalikianayou can test anything with 'mount -a' :)05:03
guest_I thought it was just for viewing  <-- shmuck05:03
wceoscarnoldon, Of course... i installed them succesfully05:03
noldonwceoscar np05:03
kalikianaguest_: fstab is for all fixed mounts05:04
guest_wceoscar did you get your torrent client up and running05:04
noldonwceoscar were did u found them?05:04
wceoscaris there a site thats thedicated to ubuntu torrents??05:04
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vaderquick question, where would I find a link for upgrading a pc from 6.06 to 6.10 that has the Nvidia video?05:04
guest_what do you mean kalikiania?05:04
jrI can set the wlan0 up with the correct essid and 64 bit hex key but it still says no signal05:05
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sohmchow do I get x to display a widescreen resolution?  I'm running xfce as my wm05:05
DanaGargh, simple-backup is being stupid05:05
DanaGIt won't let me select all.05:05
noldonwceoscar http://www.linuxtracker.org/ there u have a torrent tracker for linux05:06
guest_kalikiana: Say I need to add a secondary SATA drive on my computer...I will need to edit the fstab and place it there after or before running cfdisk on the drive?05:06
omeganinesohmc: Do you have your display drivers installed?05:06
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rc-1how do i set my resolution to 1650x1080 at 60hzi?05:06
sohmcomeganine, yes05:06
guest_I also need to format it as ext3 as well, is that done via cfdisk?05:06
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omeganinesohmc: You need to setup your monitor...GIve me a sec, forgot the command in ubuntu05:07
guest_rc, you can change that in a conf file05:07
guest_I think it's Xorg.conf05:07
nickv111I have an MPEG 2 file. How do I convert this to a .ogm?05:07
guest_do a locate xorg.conf05:07
rc-1im using beryl does that make a difference?05:07
guest_Then you can vi into that file and change the resolution manuall I believe05:08
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guest_I don't know what beryl is05:08
varsendaggrHello, i am having a problem with fluxbox... im a noob and the menu is not showing up in fluxbox when i first right click05:08
manmadhahe can u plz tell me how to do php programs in linux...?i have installed php&apache........05:08
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omeganinesohmc:   sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg --priority=medium05:08
manmadhaBut i dont know how to run the php programs05:08
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manmadhacan any one help me/05:08
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litropyI have a guy whose usb keyboard interfeace is screwed, but he can still use his mouse. It IS the keyboard interface and not his keyboard. Is there a way to set an ubuntu livecd to boot automatically, without keystrokes, and without setting anything in the os on the hard drive?05:08
wceoscari have azureus05:08
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wceoscaras my client05:08
sohmcomeganine, I tried running that and it crasshes05:08
omeganinesohmc: What display drivers are you using?05:09
kalikianaguest_: use gparted for formatting05:09
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manmadhaany body there?05:09
bobbie__4Does George Bush use Linux?05:09
harrynoldon. how do i specify the filetype. what kind of command05:09
guest_I remember using a command line interface utility to format, but I guess I can use gparted05:09
guest_it would be nice to know how to format through the CLI05:10
haxalityhey, I want to run a program at bootup. how do I do this? will putting the command in a text file and playing it in /etc/init.d/ be enough?05:10
haxalityplaying = placing05:10
kalikianaguest_: sry, don't have it in mind right now05:10
guest_Oh, if anyoe wants to read a great 80 page essay on the command line interface, I found a Neal Stephenson essay on it. check it out05:10
noldonguest_ u using mkfs.ext3 to format a hdd05:10
noldonharry i dont remember youre issue05:10
dibblegohaxality, man update-rc05:10
haxalitythanks a ton dibblego05:10
guest_noldon, that was the one05:10
guest_mkfs is the one05:10
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guest_noldon: before you mount the drive, you will need to format it by mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb correct?05:11
dibblegohaxality, sorry, update-rc.d05:11
noldonwasnt it /dev/hdc3?05:12
varsendaggrHello does anyone have any idea why my menu is not showing up when i right click in fluxbox05:12
guest_You might have to recreate your fluxbox profile varsen05:12
guest_That happened to me on GNOME05:12
guest_I could not see my bar on the top05:12
guest_so I just recreated my gnome profile05:12
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litropyalright... one more time - sorry for flooding - this guy really needs to get to his computer....05:13
litropyI have a guy whose usb keyboard interfeace is screwed, but he can still use his mouse. It IS the keyboard interface and not his keyboard. Is there a way to set an ubuntu livecd to boot automatically, without keystrokes, and without setting anything in the os on the hard drive?05:13
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noldonguest_ yes before u mount it i think dont remember05:13
wceoscarHow Can i install Spash Screns?? i downloaded a dfew and what to enable them as i did with the start screen05:13
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BlackenO-kay, so can anyone tell me why just about every major process--Xorg, gaim, Ktorrent, etc.--on my machine would suddenly start SCREAMING for resources? I just had to actually reboot my box because four processes were demanding 100%+ cpu time.05:14
haxalityok, let's hope this works.05:14
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varsendaggrguest_: how do i do that?05:14
rc-1hmmm enabled them in xorg.conf but still dont show up in set resolution05:14
rc-1do i have to reboot?05:14
guest_When you mount you have to specify which filesystem the drive is, so it makes perfect sense to format the secondar drive by mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb05:14
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guest_Then again how would you know that the drive you connected is sdb?05:15
guest_I guess you have to just know05:15
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wceoscarHow Can i install Spash Screns?? i downloaded a dfew and what to enable them as i did with the start screen05:15
varsendaggrguest_: i am having the same problem with gnome05:15
varsendaggrguest_: as well as fluxbox05:15
noldonis anyone seeing my msg05:16
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fr500noldon: yah05:16
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varsendaggrguest_: will recreating the profiles fix both those things?05:16
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noldonfr500 dosnt seems like it05:16
guest_I'm not sure but it sure won't hurt to try05:17
guest_when you find the filename05:17
guest_just do a mv filename filename.old05:17
varsendaggrguest_: how do i do it?05:17
haxalitythe script I placed in /etc/init.d/ didn't work05:17
guest_let me find out what file it is05:17
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guest_the gnome profile is in your home folder somewhere let me hunt for it05:17
varsendaggrguest_: ok05:18
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guest_it's one of those crazy hiden files05:18
guest_it starts wit ha dot05:18
DanaGwell, that's just great: sbackup's restore tool DOESN'T WORK!05:18
varsendaggrguest: :D05:18
noldonwceoscar no idea05:18
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guest_ok, varsendagger05:18
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varsendaggrguest_: yes?05:18
noldondidnt knew that ubuntu had a splash screen05:18
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noldoni guess i missed that05:19
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guest_try mv .gnome .gnome.old to recreate your gnome profile, but don't take my word for it, i'm not to osure05:19
wceoscarspash screens?? hot to apply them?05:19
guest_That will rename your .gnome file to .gnome.old05:19
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guest_Which will force gnome to create another brand new profile05:19
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guest_sort of like your firefox profile when it gets corrupted, you can do the same thing05:19
varsendaggrguest_: ok so let me see if i understand... this will delete my 2 profiles i have in ubuntu and then i will replace them with one new one and everything should work?05:20
guest_it won't delete them05:20
guest_it will rename the file to .old05:20
DanaGOSError: [Errno 2]  No such file or directory: '/sbin/tmpp_UZEN/sbin/swapoff'05:20
DanaGOSError: [Errno 2]  No such file or directory: '/bin/tmpWv32dQ/bin/pidof'05:20
varsendaggrguest_: ok05:20
guest_mv .fluxbox .fluxbox.old05:20
guest_you'll have to bounce the xserverr by ctrl alt del ling05:21
guest_Try that and let me know if it work05:21
varsendaggrguest_: o i see then would i delete a profile i dont want in ubuntu the same way?05:21
noldonwceoscar an u read me?05:21
guest_No reason to delete your profile, just rename it so you have it just in case shite hits the fan05:21
varsendaggrguest_: ok ty very much05:22
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guest_I haven't tried this, I heard it works fine, but get back to me on that ok05:22
guest_does anyone know if I can run vmware for free and try ubuntu on my pc05:22
guest_I know vmplayer is free, but the ubuntu image, how does that work05:23
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codohello all05:23
kalikianaguest_: there is qemu :)05:23
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jgkguest_:  I recommend qemu also.05:23
codoI want a screensaver of my photos, i cant find a way to do so :( ?05:23
codoon dapper ?05:23
codoany suggestions ?05:24
guest_Hi codo05:24
codoguest_ hello05:24
guest_It will be a good day when google releases picasa to run natively on linux05:24
guest_and have it be a screensaver05:25
noldonwceoscar if u hear me do like this  to change splash screen take the png files from the splash screen u like to use and replace it with the old one in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash05:25
harrynoldon: i just mounted my /dev/hdc3. it was my other Ext3 harddrive. i wanted back it up but the problem, i cant copy all of them. some of my files are restricted.05:25
harrynoldon: how do i change the permission of the files. rightclicking+properties doesnt work05:25
codoguest_ heh, but do you know a way i can get my dapper box to show screensaver of my photos ?05:25
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guest_No I felt like commenting without any substantial help, sorry05:26
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harryi just mounted my /dev/hdc3. it was my other Ext3 harddrive. i wanted back it up but the problem, i cant copy all of them. some of my files are restricted.05:26
noldonharry bee root in a konsole or terminal and write chmod u+rxw location05:26
guest_Here's a question, how do I view a bitmap file off of command line?05:26
codoguest_ hahaha05:26
mheath[laptop] guest_, you mean like, erm, http://picasa.google.com/linux/ ?05:27
hanasakiI used to be able to hit ^m to start an email in thunderbird while in firefox.. now it odes nothing .. is there a way to reset this feature?05:27
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guest_mheath: holy daylight batman, I didnt know picasa was out for linux05:28
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codookay i now know my GLSlideShow is screwed :(05:28
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Explosifanyone know any good irc channels for hardware, i had a couple questons to ask, and i dont really know where to find the answers =/05:28
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:29
noldonharry : or for example chown "username" /media/"location of /dev/hdc3" -R05:29
kalikianamheath: that's only built with wine, isn't it?05:29
noldonit could be -r to im not sure05:29
NiliscoH3g3m0n, finally got it working, it apparently is a pretty big bug that is unresolved.  I had to remove gli and dri from xorg.conf, and the live cd is now booting in some sort of vesa mode and installing.  Apparently fglrx would have fixed it as you suggested.  Thanks!05:29
guest_how do I view a bitmap image off of command line?05:29
[Blackheart] Hello... I get this warning when I restart saslauthd, anyone know what it is?05:29
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[Blackheart] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34047/05:29
H3g3m0nNilisco: nps05:30
noldon[Blackheart]  yes its an internet adress05:30
noldonon the world wide web u know05:30
[Blackheart] If you click the address, you will see the error05:30
noldonhehe ok05:30
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suricateguest_: gimp image05:31
harrynoldon: why does it always say invalid user?05:31
fooI set up nvidia hardware raid (mirroring) .. with 2 identical sata drives. Under ubuntu, this should look like /dev/sda, and /dev/sdb should not exist? Right? If it does, then linux doesn't have the drivers for the hardware raid?05:31
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harrynoldon: i just entered the user of this computer05:32
CoRnJuLiOxdoes anything else out there play .rmvbs aside from realplayer?05:32
guest_suricate: thanks, is there something more lightwieght though, I'm running cygwin with xserver, not sure if this will work well05:32
sohmcgrrr...widescreen is still not working...got the resolution, but not the refresh rate05:32
guest_TY suricate05:32
=== Blacken [n=ed@cpe-24-31-130-146.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
noldonharry ?05:32
harrynoldon: i typed chown harry /media/dev/hdc3 -R05:33
harrynoldon: is that right?05:33
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noldonharry and what did the error said05:33
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harrynoldon: `harry': invalid user05:34
[Blackheart] Did anyone get a chance to look at my paste? It's something about perl whinging about locales whenever I do something like apt-get install a package or restart a daemon05:34
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noldonwell then the user name dont exis05:34
noldonr u sure the username is harry05:34
guest_Ok that ws interesting, I installed mysql  server and client via apt-get, it complaine about needing dependencies, so I ran apt-get -f install, and it installed the dependences for Mysql, how did that happen? the command I used didn't specify ANYTHING about mysql05:34
harrynoldon: of this computer YES.05:34
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harrynoldon: the username that i used when i logged in05:35
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noldonand its in all small letters05:35
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:35
sohmchow can I change the refreshrate of my monitor?05:35
noldonso its not Harry or HARRY or HaRrY05:35
guest_Does apt-get -f install  automatically know what dependencies my computer is missing?05:35
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noldonor something like that05:35
harrynoldon: let me check a again05:35
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harrynoldon: no its not. i still get the same error05:36
noldonharry try it without the -R05:37
guest_Well it installed the dependencies and now I'm running mysql, so I guess it did. Sweet.05:37
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skyfallerhey folks, what version of GNOME is Ubuntu 6.10 using?  shouldn't fast user switching be included? http://ignore-your.tv/fusa/ says it's included in GNOME 2.1405:38
harrynoldon: oh i get it. i'm sorry. the username was my nickname. i didnt use harry at all. i recognized when i looked at my home folder05:38
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poningruskyfaller: dude...05:39
mikeRI am absolutely at witts end with Skype05:39
skyfallerponingru: what?  stalker.05:39
noldonharry write ls -la /media when u done to see if it changed owner05:39
mikeRHas anyone had problems using skype?05:39
harrynoldon: but that didnt work to enable the read and right thing05:39
poningruwell it includes 2.16.105:40
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harrynoldon: how will i know if it changed a user?05:40
skyfallerponingru: OK, so why doesn't it appear to include the fast user switching applet then?05:40
noldonit could be that u have to edit it in fstab05:40
poningruthe waah?05:40
maltis it hard to install cpanel on ubuntu?05:40
noldonharry write ls -la /media05:40
elkbuntumikeR, i was using it this morning to talk to someone on the other side of the world, and it was crystal clear05:41
noldonif ure username is at the same line as the map then it worked05:41
skyfallerponingru: am I being dumb?05:41
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skyfallerponingru: also, how can I check versions of things like GNOME?05:41
mikeRelkbuntu I like skype, I just cant get it to install properly05:41
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poningruhmm ic05:41
harrynoldon: i already did that. i got some kind of lines "drwxr-xr-x   19 root root  8192 2006-08-04 20:17 lib05:41
harry" i just took some of it to paste it here05:41
mikeRIts not communicating with my audio card properly05:42
elkbuntumikeR, i used the deb from the skype page05:42
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poningruskyfaller: generally help->about05:42
mikeRI cant make the test call05:42
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mikeRYeah same here, but Its not working for me05:42
wceoscarHow can i change the reslution or something simillar of the shel... ctrl+alt+f1... when i enter the shell the characters seem to be taller than wider... like when u use an incorrect resolution05:42
elkbuntumikeR, no idea then, sorry05:42
mikeRI dont think linux is reading mymic05:42
mikeRyeah thanks05:42
noldonharry then u didnt change it05:42
skyfallerponingru: OK05:42
noldonwere it saids root the first time is the owner05:42
harrynoldon: do i have to change something?05:42
poningruskyfaller: sudo aptitude install fast-user-switch-applet05:43
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noldondrwx------   4 noldon(<---owner) noldon      4096 2006-10-26 22:01 tmp05:43
skyfaller-linuxponingru: OK, I'll try that05:43
harrynoldon: how do i change its owner?05:43
noldonharry did u got any errors?05:43
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noldonhmm maybe its not possible to change owner when its mounted05:44
wceoscar How can i change the reslution or something simillar of the shel... ctrl+alt+f1... when i enter the shell the characters seem to be taller than wider... like when u use an incorrect resolution05:44
skyfaller-linuxponingru: this still doesn'05:44
poningruskyfaller-linux: sorry?05:45
rc-1java windows dont resize (the windows do but not the content)05:45
skyfaller-linuxponingru: doesn't answer my question about why Ubuntu doesn't seem to include that applet, but I guess I don't care anymore05:45
harrynoldon: no nothing just happened.05:45
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poningruskyfaller-linux: guess the devs just didnt want to include it by default05:45
sizzamskyfaller-linux: what applet are you looking for?05:45
poningrudid it work though?05:45
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: the fast-user-switching applet05:45
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@71-93-44-110.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
sizzamskyfaller-linux: oooh, yea, i like that applet too05:46
harrynoldon: i still cant copy the other contents of /dev/hdc305:46
DanaGeasy way to oops and panic the kernel:05:46
DanaGbe using ALSA 1.0.13 (in custom kernel)05:46
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DanaGthen insert cardbus Audigy05:46
skyfaller-linuxponingru: do I have to restart or something?  the aptitude thing seems to have worked, but I don't see it as an option to add when I right-click on my menubar05:46
thrillin`i'm back for assistance05:46
DanaGthen remove cardbus Audigy05:46
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thrillin`need help installing on my mac please05:46
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sizzamskyfaller-linux: should be in the 'miscellaneous' section05:47
poningruskyfaller-linux: add to panel05:47
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poningrusee if its under their05:47
thrillin`anyone willing to help a pelb05:47
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rc-1heard you install through bootcamp not sure though05:47
poningruthrillin`: whats up?05:47
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: buh?  I don't see a miscellaneous section05:47
noldonharry did it change owner?05:47
thrillin`i need help to install ubuntu on powerbook05:47
DanaGI tried the Edgy CD on a friend's MacBook.  It didn't even try to boot the CD.05:47
sizzamskyfaller-linux: that means you must not have it, its the only thing in misc (depending on what other applets you have)05:47
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noldonharry try to do a chmod a+rxw /media/hdc3 -R05:48
poningruskyfaller-linux: right click on an empty part of the panel and click on add to panel05:48
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skyfaller-linuxponingru: I still don't see it when I do the add to panel thing05:48
poningruhold on05:48
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sizzamskyfaller-linux: what does the terminal respond with when you do sudo aptitude install fast-user-switch-applet05:48
thrillin`i nvr install ubuntu on a mac b4...so i in dying need for help05:48
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mabreauxhow do you sync a palm Vx with gnome-pilo05:48
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: it went through all the steps that suggest that it has installed it successfully05:49
thrillin`i'll even do your homework....lol05:49
poningruthrillin`: what trouble are you having?05:49
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: it downloaded it, installed it, and set it up05:49
thrillin`i want to know how to do it05:49
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poningruoh hold on05:49
thrillin`and how to remove it as well05:49
sizzamskyfaller-linux: check 'add to panel' again05:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:49
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noldonharry forget the x05:49
ubotugnome-pilot: A GNOME applet for management of your Palm PDA. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.14-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 207 kB, installed size 1932 kB05:50
harrynoldon: my /dev/hdc3 was an ubuntu 6.06. theres an installed ubuntu 6.06 there05:50
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: I did man, I did... it's definitely not there, there is no miscellaneous section.05:50
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noldonharry ok so05:50
sizzamskyfaller-linux: the next thing i would do is restart gnome with ctrl+alt+backspace, then check again05:50
skyfaller-linuxOK, brb I guess05:50
harrynoldon: your not aware of it. i thought so05:50
poningruskyfaller-linux: restart gnome05:50
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noldonharry just chown a+rw /media/hdc3 -R05:51
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harrynoldon: nothing happened05:51
poningruthats weird it showed up for me05:51
poningruwithout having to restart05:51
sizzamsame here05:51
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noldonwhat do u mean nothing happend didnt it change the permission on /media/hdc3?05:52
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harrynoldon: nope05:52
thrillin`:( that link was no help...thanx though05:52
poningruthrillin`: what kinda mac is it again?05:52
thrillin`i guess no ubuntu on my mac then :'(05:52
amicrawlehow doi speed up the bandwith on my ftp server ?05:52
noldonthen u maybe have to change fstab05:52
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thrillin`powerbook g405:52
thrillin`no intel chip05:53
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skyfaller-linuxponingru, sizzam: ok, it's there now, thanks guys :)05:53
noldonharry do a umount /media/hdc3 and then try to change the permission05:53
sizzamyou're welcome skyfaller-linux05:53
skyfaller-linuxsizzam: especially thanks for telling me how to restart gnome05:53
noldonand then remount it05:53
sizzamno problem :-)05:53
poningruskyfaller-linux: dude that is weird... it showed up for me without restart05:53
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noldonur send me a copy of  youre fstab and i look at it05:54
poningruskyfaller-linux: btw you can use that to restart X as well05:54
skyfaller-linuxponingru: hm, that is weird.... ok05:54
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skyfaller-linuxI wonder why05:54
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harrynoldon: can you give me a link for the ubuntu pastebin05:56
skyfaller-linuxponingru: do you have any thoughts on gdesklets?  I can't get most of them to work... not a single weather widget functioned05:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:57
skyfaller-linuxponingru: I'm kind of disappointed because it looks like it has a lot of potential...05:57
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harrynoldon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34054/05:57
poningruskyfaller-linux: thats weird...05:57
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poningruthe weather thing didnt work?05:57
skyfaller-linuxponingru: I mean, I have one in my menubar through "add to panel"... but I wanted one on my desktop05:58
globeIs there some setting I have to do to get xarchiver to use unrar or unrar-free? .... they are installed but it still tells me that I do not have the proper archiver.05:58
poningruon your desktop?05:59
skyfaller-linuxponingru: there are 4 different weather widgets that you can get through gdesklets, and none of them work for me, they seem to have trouble connecting05:59
poningruoh gdesklet... yeah never experimented with that05:59
skyfaller-linuxponingru: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GDesklets05:59
skyfaller-linuxit looks really nice05:59
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ubotugxine: the xine video player, GTK+/Gnome user interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.7-1ubuntu6 (edgy), package size 271 kB, installed size 1216 kB06:00
mabreauxanyone try syncing with a palm using gnome-pilot?06:00
Andypat10!dvd menu06:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd menu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:01
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noldon_harry how does it work out for u06:02
mabreauxdo we have any palm users who sync with gnome-pilot?06:02
mabreauxor with another program06:02
AcuI have a question about apache and php: It seem that I am not able to make apache 2.2.3 or 1.3 to use php either 4 or 5 - I found out that some glitches are there but I do not know how to overcome it - is any official chatroom for php or apache ?06:03
=== Fear_cult [n=asfsf@ip72-200-81-170.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
skyfaller-linuxI'm kind of annoyed that gdesklets doesn't seem to have an IRC channel06:03
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skyfaller-linuxI hate projects that don't have IRC channels06:04
skyfaller-linuxforums are a pain in the ass06:04
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poningruhaha true that06:04
Jager-is Kevin` here?06:04
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Music_Shuffleskyfaller, why, are you having issues with gdesklets? =/06:04
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guest_someone asked earlier how to check which runlevel yo uare in06:05
harrynoldon_: i still cant change the permissions06:05
guest_that'll tell ya06:05
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: well, I'm trying to move my dad from Mac OS X to Ubuntu (it's going to be tough, I know)... one of the things he uses is Dashboard widgets, specifically ones for weather06:05
Jager-Kevin` do you remeber my problem I told you about earlier? Could you help me with that?06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sbin!runlevel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
Music_ShuffleI use the weather ones >.>06:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compile!kernel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:05
matjanhi, i have a big problem playing dvd's... i have installed all libraries, codecs and what not for it but still have trouble... for this particular cd, it plays for 20 minutes and then just quits... what could be the problem?06:05
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: interesting... I don't suppose you could help me get mine working?06:05
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Kevin`Jager- no entry for windows you mean?06:05
Jager-Kevin` Yes06:06
Kevin`show me your partition layout06:06
Music_ShuffleWhat's broken about them?06:06
Jager-Kevin` Thanks :)06:06
guest_ubot provided a link to compile a kernel on ubuntu, can someone help me do that again06:06
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild06:06
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: they won't connect06:06
Jager-Kevin` How? ?06:06
Jager-Kevin` in cfdisk?06:06
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skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: which weather widgets are you using?06:06
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Kevin`Jager- sure anything like that06:06
matjanfor another (commercial) dvd, the menus make xine, vlc or totem frak out, i.e. they crash...06:06
Kevin`fdisk -l06:06
ivxhey where is the grub.conf file located06:06
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic06:06
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matjani guess i am missing something, but i have no idea what06:06
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: there are 4 options06:07
skyfaller-linuxfor weather widgets that I see06:07
guest_ivx: do a locate grub.conf and the answer will be revealed to you06:07
Music_ShuffleI'm on KDE right now actually, but I remember I had to fight some to find a widget that had what I wanted.  A p.i.t.a. in the worst way. =/06:07
Kevin` /boot/grub should be06:07
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: oh, so you're NOT actually using gdesklets then :P06:08
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Music_ShuffleI do, when I use Gnome. ;P06:08
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skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: so what do you recommend?06:08
Music_ShuffleTrial them all yourself and see if you can't jury-rig one to work?  I sorta used the try-try-try again method myself.06:09
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eyequeueguest_, ivx, /boot/grub/menu.lst in ubuntu, no grub.conf06:09
R_headsomeone could help me to access my hd, there is red x on them and dont know why06:09
blankyis there a way to enlarge my linux partition06:09
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: damned if I can get any of them to work...06:09
blankynevermind I'll figure it out, hopefully06:09
theveninblanky: gparted06:09
Jager-Kevin`: http://tinypic.com/view/?pic=3z7iwd206:10
Kevin`blanky gparted06:10
guest_blanky: gparted06:10
Kevin`Jager- you know, you could copy that as text :)06:10
Jager-Meh lol06:10
=== kelly_ [n=kelly@host81-129-206-109.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
guest_anyone got ddwrt up and running?06:10
Kevin`jack- at boot, press c to get to the command line, then try06:10
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: the "sidecandy weather" one looks like the one that's functioning in the screenshot on Wikipedia, but all it says for me is "[fail] "06:10
Kevin`rootnoverify (hd1,0)06:10
Kevin`chainloader +106:11
Jager-Kevin` You're seeing it exactly as it is, i coudltn have messed anything up ;)06:11
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guest_I just got a WRT54 GL router, I'm wondering what the easiest way to do that would be, the wiki howto is HUGE06:11
Music_Shuffleskyfaller, sec and I'll fire up Gnome and check mine.06:11
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: ok, thank you :)06:11
ivxmy computer says kernel panic: vfs: unable to mount root fs on 00:00 when i try to boot the smp kernel. i google it and suspected that there way a problem from there but it looks like it is suppost to (i think) does anyone know what is going on06:11
Jager-Kevin` ??06:11
Kevin`Jager- at boot, press c, then do06:11
kelly_can anyone give me some advice on installing programmes including desktop icons on ubuntu lts?06:11
Kevin`rootnoverify (hd1,0)06:12
Kevin`chainloader +b06:12
Kevin`chainloader +106:12
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Jager-okay let me write this down.. lol06:12
Kevin`I said it correctly the first time, heh06:12
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Kevin`when I said it to jack- accidently06:12
kelly_hello need a little advice please06:12
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Jager-chainloader + L or plus 1 (one) ?06:13
=== LordSkylark [n=raven@host247-98-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #Ubuntu
guest_How do I install the linux header packages?06:13
Kevin`kelly_ some advice: just ask for what you want, don't ask about asking06:13
guest_Apparently I don't need to custom compile a linux kernel to compile a driver as a module06:13
Jager-l 106:13
Kevin`Jager- + one06:13
kelly_what is the best antivirus programme for ubuntu??06:13
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Jager-Kevin` Okay Ill go try that, brb06:14
Jager-Kevin` .. what will this do?06:14
guest_Kelly I wouldn't install an antivirus program06:14
kitchekelly_: well there really isn't one for linux most of the antivirus programs only scan windows viruses06:14
guest_It's a low level filesystem filter, it's just going to slow things down06:14
kelly_why is that??06:14
Kevin`kelly_ unless you plan to use it as a fileserver for windows machines antivirus isn't really needed06:14
Dheeraj_kwhy some 1 need antivirus in linux?06:14
Kevin`Jager- load windows, hopefully06:14
kitcheDheeraj_k: for a mail server or fileserver :)06:14
kelly_isanti virus needed when you use p2p programmes?06:14
Jager-Kevin` Will I need to do this every time I want to boot into windows?06:14
kitchekelly_: on windows yes on linux not really06:15
matjanhi, i have a big problem playing dvd's... i have installed all libraries, codecs and what not for it but still have trouble... for this particular cd, it plays for 20 minutes and then just quits... what could be the problem?06:15
matjani guess i am missing something, but i have no idea what06:15
matjanfor another (commercial) dvd, the menus make xine, vlc or totem frak out, i.e. they crash...06:15
Kevin`kelly_ if you are downloading linux warez, I suppose, but why would you do something so stupid06:15
Kevin`Jager- you can add it to the menu if it works06:15
Jager-K, Im gonna go try... wish me luck :o06:15
guest_Kelly a filter is going to slow down your disk I/O, just be the educated user you probably are and don't run any strange binaries...in fact your chances of getting infected are close to zero06:15
guest_You don't even need to be an educated user06:15
Dheeraj_ki don't think virus will harm in linux until user login as root06:16
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kelly_I wanted to use limewire for music sharing ect have had countless problems with viruses on it with windows that is why i ask06:16
Kevin`Dheeraj_k it can erase user data, but viruses don't commonly infect linux anyway, due mostly to the diversity of programs used06:16
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floatingCan someone help me installing kanjipad, this: http://www.gtk.org/~otaylor/kanjipad/06:16
Kevin`the windows viruses you get on limewire just plain won't work in linux06:17
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sizzamfloating: its in the repos06:17
sizzamfloating: sudo aptitude install kanjipad06:17
Kevin`it's not that hard to avoid getting them in the first place, if your smart, even when using windows...06:17
kelly_that is loads better than windows then glad i changed now06:17
kaikiKevin: Should Rootkits be watched out for though still?06:17
Dheeraj_kyeah i know thats why i am using ubuntu :)06:17
floatingohhh, sizzam, thanks. I searched it from the add/remove but there it wasnt06:17
Kevin`kaiki on limewire? lol06:18
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Kevin`rootkits are installed by people often, not automatically like a virus06:18
Kevin`sure, look out for them.06:18
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kelly_can i get a more up to date web browser for ubuntu other than firefox?06:18
Kevin`more importantly, don't run network services if you aren't using them06:18
guest_I dont understand why people are not using torrent clients and are still using things like limewire, bearshare, etc..06:18
Dheeraj_kactually i h8 antivirus thats why i never installed it on windows too. but never faced the problem of virus infection in windows06:19
Kevin`guest_ larger base of files still06:19
guest_Kelly, use firefox206:19
kelly_can i get a more up to date web browser for ubuntu other than firefox??06:19
guest_Or opera, there is no bettter browser out there IMO06:19
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kelly_and what is a torrent share?06:19
Dheeraj_kantivirus like norton is it self a big virus06:19
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guest_Kelly, go to utorrent.com and do some reading06:19
Kevin`bittorent is a protocol used for downloading files, that's all06:20
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ixian_kelly_, you don't get much more 'up to date' than firefox06:20
guest_It's much beter than limewire06:20
guest_limewire, napster, bearshare, all old school06:20
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Kevin`and usenet is much better then both of them =p06:20
kelly_i have heard about opera web browser is that any better?06:20
Jager-Kevin`, no luck there :/06:20
Kevin`Jager- what did it do.06:20
=== madewokherd [n=urk@c-24-3-52-250.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ixian_kelly_, depends on who you ask. most people prefer firefox over opera06:21
Jager-Kevin` when I typed chainloader +1 it said "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist"06:21
guest_Kelly, Firefox should do it for you, I feel you're a bit shy of using firefox06:21
Music_Shuffleskyfaller, you still here?06:21
Kevin`Jager- that's interesting06:21
guest_It's one of the best if not the best browser out there06:21
skyfallerMusic_Shuffle: yup06:21
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Music_ShuffleShould be your guide to success. ;)06:21
Kevin`try root (hd then press tab, to get a list of disks06:21
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Kevin`and try partition 0 on any listed06:21
kelly_firefox is ok only it doesn't display things the same on things like ebay ect06:21
guest_kelly: just run sudo apt-get install firefox and that'll get you the latest version06:21
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bill57785hey, can anyone help? I am trying to play music from a partition that was/is used by windows (I have linux installed with it). I can't play any music on that partition......when it goes to play each song, it just skips to the next (which in turn skips through them all). I've tried it with three different media players.06:22
Kevin`the same as what, kelly_06:22
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Jager-in grub?06:22
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: Oh, these are screenscrapers?  that's really ugly06:22
Kevin`Jager- yes, in grub06:22
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kelly_the same as internet explorer 7 on xp06:22
guest_Kelly, what do you mean can you be more specific06:22
Jager-root gives me an error06:23
guest_i've always wondered why does everyone have an underscore by their username06:23
Kevin`kelly_ get over it, firefox works on many more platforms then xp (or complain to ebay that their site isn't working properly)06:23
Dheeraj_kwhich media player u r using?06:23
maltis it hard to install cpanel on ubuntu?06:23
guest_Kevin, Kelly makes a very good point though, she's probably trying to switch to linux and needs some help, be kinder please06:23
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Kevin`never tried, cpanel is too expensive to install unless some client who's dependent on it pays for me to install it :)06:24
ixian_kelly_ could be a guy you know06:24
ahabyou are right kelly, each browser decodes, and therefore in some ways displays wed pages differently06:24
ahabthey are working on unifying web code, but for now, we bow to no man06:24
guest_She's probably trying to view flash or shockwave or other proprietary stuff06:24
guest_haha ixian, whatever06:24
Kevin`guest_ there's not much else to say, it's going to look slightly different, and you can't always change it06:24
kaikiKelly: you could always run IE in a emulator06:24
thrillin`i need some mac help here please...again :(06:24
Jager-Er Kevin`, what do i type in grub?06:24
Kevin`guest_ flash works fine in firefox..06:25
Kevin`root (hd then press tab06:25
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Kevin`it will give a list of hard drives06:25
Dheeraj_kuse the swiftfoz @kelly06:25
Dheeraj_kit is the optimized version of firefox06:25
guest_Kevin I know what you mean, I just don't want people to get turned off when they're switching that's all. I think this channel is an awesome place to get help though, so props to everyone06:25
bill57785Dheeraj_k: I tried Kaffeine Player, amaroK, and Rhythmbox06:25
Jager-Kevin` Error 21: Selected disk does not exist06:25
cherubielkelly_: get ies4linux06:25
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ahabkelly could install flash for mozilla in ubuntu06:26
ahabit works fine for me even with ebay06:26
guest_Kelly: if firefox isn't showing things you way you see them in IE7, you can run it off Wine, which is an emulator, and it will allow you to run windows applications06:26
guest_cherubiel what is ies4linux06:26
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Kevin`it's better to get used to the small differences then try to run some windows application in linux to have it look the same06:26
cherubielguest_: www.tatanka.com.br06:27
guest_ before you install a package from apt-get, can you have it tell you some info about the package off the command line06:27
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ahabcan anyone see my text?06:27
DARKGuyI can06:27
Kevin`no ahab06:27
Jager-lol Kevin`06:27
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DARKGuyoO lol06:27
ahabjust checking to make sure i was logged in and all06:27
guest_that's true kevi06:27
Jager-Kevin' root (hd says the selected disk does not exist! -_-06:27
Kevin`Jager- you pressed tab right, not enter06:28
Dheeraj_kbill57785: enter this in terminal sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse w32codecs06:28
Jager-Im stupid06:28
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guest_ies4linux looks awesome06:28
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=== Kevin` sighs
Jager-Kevin` when I hit tab, it just goes down and says the same thing?06:28
Kevin`the only reason to use IE in linux is if your a web developer and care about IE users :/06:29
Kevin`Jager- it doesn't list anything?06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mysqld - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:29
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.06:29
=== sysrage_ [n=sysrage@cpe-071-077-008-062.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jager-Kevin` Not a thing06:29
Kevin`Jager- try root(hd0,1)06:29
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Kevin`root (hd0,0)06:29
sysrage_how do i install x-chat?? i an ubuntu noob, but not a linux noob. apt-get install xchat doent like me06:30
Jager-selected disk does not exist06:30
cherubielJager-: what does fdisk -l /dev/hda give06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ugly - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:30
poningrusysrage: you have to add multiverse/universe repos06:30
Music_Shufflesysrage, KDE or Gnome?06:30
Kevin`Jager- that's very odd, how is grub booting linux then06:30
Dheeraj_ksudo apt-get install xchat06:30
poningrusysrage: its xchat2 btw06:30
cherubiel!info xchat06:30
sysrage_and why the heck do i have to type  twice before it shows up in knosole?06:30
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB06:30
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Kevin`Jager- paste the contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst to pastebin.ca06:30
sysrage_oooh xchat206:30
poningruor not06:30
cherubiel!info xchat206:30
ubotuPackage xchat2 does not exist in any distro I know06:30
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE06:31
poningruyeah it is xchat06:31
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: wait a minute... this is from September!  They haven't fixed the default Gdesklets package since then??06:31
eyequeue!info xchat edgy06:31
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ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB06:31
thrillin`anyone know where i could garab a cheap laptop06:31
sysrage_if i in kde do i do xchat-kde?06:31
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thrillin`to put ubuntu on06:31
Kevin`thrillin` ebay, as always :)06:32
suricatesysrage_: no :P06:32
Kevin`or go to a store and browse laptops06:32
Music_ShuffleNo no, not xchat-kde.06:32
sizzamthrillin`: maybe craigslist.com06:32
Music_Shuffleskyfaller, I don't think so. =/06:32
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Fremyou'd use kopete if you were using kde, not xchat.06:32
Jager-Kevin` http://pastebin.ca/25815806:32
sizzamthrillin`: oops, craigslist.org06:32
thrillin`i just not confident enough to do it on mac06:32
sysrage_kinda stupid package name if there isnt one for both..06:32
Kevin`thrillin` the only thing you need to be aware of is to check the hardware on that laptop model before buying06:32
Music_ShuffleIts not Kopete, its Konversation, isn't it?06:32
sysrage_omg this double  is pissing me off. what causes that?06:32
FirefisheHas anyone here using a 1ghz g4 aluminum powerbook been able to enable right-clicking via a ctrl/alt/apple key + left click sequence?06:32
thrillin`need to learn more about mac first06:32
Kevin`thrillin` linux works great on the macbook I have here06:32
Music_ShuffleKopete's just for messenger.06:32
Kevin`macbooks are hardly cheap though06:32
Music_ShuffleKonversation is the IRC client.06:32
Firefishethat's one or the other key + left click06:33
thrillin`[00:36]  <Kevin`> thrillin` linux works great on the macbook I have here <-- i have a powerbook and a desktop pc06:33
noldon_just use xchat06:33
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FremMusic_Shuffle, I'm an XFCE fan, so I'm a bit fuzzy about KDE to start with. ;-)06:33
Jager-xchat is very good06:33
thrillin`kevin: how did you get it to work on yours...install process etc?06:33
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: GDesklets is in really sad shape... someone needs to take over the project and give it an overhaul06:33
DARKGuyI agree06:33
Jager-But mIRC is my fav.. and I wish it was for linux06:33
DARKGuyor irssi for terminal-based chat06:33
Music_Shuffleskyfaller, go for it? ;)06:33
Music_ShuffleFrem, heh.  Got it yet? :)06:33
sysrage_installing xchat-gnome (even though im in kde *sigh*.. but why on earth is my konsole making me hit  twice before it shows up?06:33
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: Is KDE better?  Should I switch to Kubuntu?  How are the widgets there? ;-)06:33
cherubielJager-: the comment says it was autodetected on hdb06:34
cherubieltry root (hd1, 0)06:34
Kevin`thrillin` actually it was deceptively easy, pressed option on boot and selected the cd (debian etch at the time)06:34
Music_ShuffleUmm, Kubuntu hates me, so I hate it too. </3.06:34
Dheeraj_ki am using gaim to access irc :)06:34
FirefisheJager-, wine usually runs mirc with no trouble, but logging doesn't usually work across the partitions.06:34
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: alas :(06:34
Jager-cherubiel alright06:34
suricatesysrage_: konversation is better for kde IMO06:34
Music_ShuffleI use KDE under Ubuntu, and have KDE, Gnome, Flux, and IceWM installed. Oh, and Enlightenment. Much shiny.06:34
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noldon_sysrage what u mean xchat-gnome?06:34
Kevin`thrillin` this is an x86 macintosh, there are distros for ppc macintosh, but as I don't have one i've never used them06:34
Kevin`does ubuntu have a ppc version? (to channel(06:35
Reality-Xsup folks, I just installed Mepis(Ubuntu Derived) and am looking to set it up as a Firewall/GW machine to provide net access to my network. Iptables is installed and built into the kernel. I was wondering if there happens to be any nice GUI for it out there, or am i going to have to write script files?06:35
Music_ShuffleYeah, you can run IRC through Gaim, Konversation, XChat, BitchX...there's a lot of clients.06:35
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skyfaller-linuxKevin`: yes06:35
Jager-Error 21: Selected disk does not exist06:35
FirefisheKevin`:  Yes, and I'm on it ;)06:35
guest_cherubiel, what does !info xchat do06:35
Kevin`great :)06:35
suricateReality-X: google for Quicktables06:35
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thrillin`help please06:35
suricateor something06:35
Jager-cherubiel "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist"06:35
thrillin`i wanna do it on my maac too06:35
Kevin`Jager- root (hd0,0)06:35
thrillin`share d wealth ppl06:35
Kevin`chainloader +106:35
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Reality-Xsuricate, thanks06:35
Jager-cherubiel "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist"06:36
skyfaller-linuxMusic_Shuffle: so you would recommend running KDE?  I was, um, concerned that running both KDE and GNOME at the same time would slow down my machine06:36
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bill57785Dheeraj_k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34061/06:36
skyfaller-linuxotherwise I suppose I could try the KDE widget engine06:36
Fremjavac is complaining that it can't find package hsa, and i can't find this package in the repos.06:36
Firefisheskyfaller-linux:  at the same time? how's that possible?  two x servers?06:36
Music_ShuffleI have both up right now, runs just fine, and my machine's nothing special I assure you.  It was average 4 years ago. ;P06:36
thrillin`Firefishe: you running OSX still as well?06:36
sysrage_what the hell is this crap?06:36
Kevin`skyfaller-linux it very likely could slow down your machine, but how would you run both at once? having both installed wouldn't be running both06:36
Jager-Kevin` "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist"06:36
Dheeraj_ki am running both kde and gnome but kde is way better06:36
Music_ShuffleActually, I have Ice up too. Odd.06:37
skyfaller-linuxFirefishe: erm, I meant using KDE and GNOME programs at the same time06:37
Kevin`Jager- try just root(hd0,1)06:37
sysrage_xchat-gnome is far from the xchat i want06:37
cherubielJager-: wait, what are you trying to do btw?06:37
Music_ShuffleKevin`, you can run both at the same time.06:37
Music_ShuffleOr three, or howmanyever really.06:37
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lmosherHow do I set the volume label of a device (/dev/sda2 for example)? I have a USB disk that I formatted FAT32. I then labeled it in windows as 'DATA', which also applied in Linux. I re-sized the partition in linux and now the label is "</body></ht". In Windows it still reads as "data".06:37
ahabskyfaller- you can boot each session seperately so that they dont run at the same time06:37
Jager-Kevin` "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist"06:37
Kevin`skyfaller-linux in my experience, any slowdown from that isn't significant06:37
thrillin`Firefishe: you running OSX still as well?06:37
Jager-cherubiel I cant boot into windows...06:37
Firefishethrillin`:  yes, as I have quite an investment in Tiger.  But I'm also working to get KDE up and running, but my home directory's file permissions won't let the x server or kde's apps write their system files to the DOT files.06:37
skyfaller-linuxsorry folks, I'm like a Linux noob again... I haven't run Linux in 3 years, I got a Mac when I realized there wasn't any good video-editing software for Linux06:38
sysrage_can somebody please tell me how to install xchat like the xchat that comes with every other damn distro?06:38
Kevin`thrillin` I am running both os x and linux on that laptop06:38
suricateJager-: is it at another HD?06:38
cherubielJager-: and do you see the right part in fdisk -l /dev/hdx ?06:38
Kevin`hmm I forgot a step actually06:38
Kevin`resize the mac partition06:38
sysrage_not this xchat-gnome crap that doesn work for crap06:38
cherubielJager-: x with a,b,c,d ?06:38
thrillin`so help me please if u guys not busy06:38
Kevin`(from within os x, easy to do)06:38
noldon_i just tried xchat-gnome but i think i stick with the usuall xchat06:38
Music_Shufflesysrage, package manager, search, select, install?06:38
skyfaller-linuxKevin`: thanks, glad to know it's not too much slower06:38
cherubielnothing to beat bitchx guys, imho06:38
KeyseirWhat are the terminal commands for changing volume?06:38
sysrage_bitchx is crap. irssi owns bitchx.. but i want a gui06:38
FirefisheKevin`:  Did you say you were using an x86 mac?06:39
Jager-cherubiel where do i do that?06:39
ahabsysrage enter "sudo synaptic" in a command line06:39
noldon_damn i have to sleep shes 6:40 am here06:39
Kevin`Firefishe ya06:39
cherubielJager-: fire up a terminal, type fdisk -l /dev/hda06:39
cherubieloutput the contents in the pastebin06:39
lmosherHow do you define a volume label for a fat32 partition?06:39
suricatesysrage_: have you tried konversation?06:39
FirefisheKevin`: how do you like it?  laptop or desktop?06:39
guest_I got irssi running, irc client for cmmand line, no BS , it's great06:39
Kevin`laptop, works great06:39
noldon_lmosher vfat06:39
Jager-cherubiel It does nothing06:39
Kevin`nice piece of hardware06:39
cherubielJager-: what did you do?06:40
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FirefisheKevin`:  Mac Book Pro?06:40
lmoshernoldon_, Does that change the answer?06:40
sysrage_suricate: i glad you like it, but i not interested in changing my irc client. ive used xchat for years and i happy with it06:40
Jager-cherubiel I opend terminal and typed  fdisk -l /dev/hda06:40
DARKGuyIt is, though it takes some time to get used to /window :P - personally, GAIM is the best one for IRC if you don't like X-Chat :P06:40
Music_ShuffleKevin`, how much was that?06:40
noldon_lmosher ?06:40
Kevin`around 1000, ebay06:40
cherubielJager-: and no output?06:40
Dheeraj_k@bill57785 : type this command in  terminal sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:40
Jager-cherubiel no out put06:40
Music_ShuffleNice. ^_^06:40
lmoshernoldon_, calling it vfat vs fat32, does that change the answer to the question?06:40
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cherubielJager-: wierd, tat explains why root (hd0,0) doesn't work06:40
cherubielJager-: just type mount and pastebin it06:41
ahabyou following sysrage?06:41
noldon_no idea06:41
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Kevin`cherubiel but why dows linux boot06:41
Dheeraj_kand post the content in paste bin06:41
Kevin`look at his menu.lst06:41
noldon_im to tired to think right know06:41
FirefisheKevin`:  Is the "kubuntu-desktop" package required to be able to start kde in ubuntu?  I've got the ubuntu/gnome CD I installed from.06:41
cherubielKevin`: lets see where he's mounted his root :)06:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:41
Kevin`cherubiel I guess hdb206:41
suricatesysrage_: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list06:41
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suricateenable universe repos06:41
Jager-Guess how Jager screwed up his linux installation! :D06:42
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Music_ShuffleFirefishe, to ru nKDE, you can just...sudo apt-get install KDE* and that's KDE, and all the libs and progs that are available for it.  Literally...all. ;p06:42
suricatesysrage_: after you do that, sudo apt-get update06:42
suricateapt-get install xchat06:42
sysrage_suricate: thank you06:42
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guest_I have a dell laptop, PIII 750MHz, 384MB of RAM, should I try xubuntu on it?06:42
Kevin`guest_ that is up to you06:42
Madpilotguest_, sure.06:43
FirefisheMusic_Shuffle:  Well, I have just about everything now, but I'm having trouble at startup.  Some problem with file permissions in my home directory.06:43
guest_I'm thinking of setting it up and giving it to my mom06:43
guest_I'll have to make sure it'll be a decent laptop06:43
ahabsysrage hit settings>repositories06:43
ahaband then add all the repos in the multivrtdr/universe within the "add" tab06:43
Music_ShuffleNo idea then, after I did the KDE* one, it worked fine for me, sorry. =/06:43
ahabapply and ok that06:43
ahabgive it time to refresh, search for xchat in synaptic and install06:43
guest_I heard good things about xubuntu, Just gotta try it out06:43
cherubielJager-: lets see fdisk -l /dev/hdb06:43
ahabor suricate could show you i guess06:43
=== gradin [n=gradin@c-24-18-205-4.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gradinhey all i have a quick questions...06:44
Jager-cherubiel: Cannot open /dev/hdb06:44
FirefisheMusic_Shuffle:  well, I'll try it, it can't hurt.  There's nothing saved on this thing and I can always reinstall...or order a kubuntu cd.  Oh, is kubuntu availablel with a DVD maxi release?06:44
Dheeraj_k@bill57785: delete every thing from sources.list and enter this in it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34067/06:44
Kevin`Jager- wtf is up with your computer06:44
Jager-You've got me06:44
Dheeraj_kand than run sudo apt-get update06:44
gradinsay i'm on my local machine, is there a way to see how many remote SSL connections there are currently open?06:44
Kevin`nothing seems to work, yet it's running somehow06:44
Music_ShuffleKubuntu's always been buggier for me, I prefer to just install Ubuntu and then add in the other window managers manually, Gnome always works. ;)06:44
Kevin`how does it even boot if grub can't find the hard drive06:44
cherubielJager-: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdb06:45
Jager-Ive stumped everyone with my retarded computer :'(06:45
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cherubielJager-: need root perms06:45
bill57785oh, ok06:45
guest_cherubiel what does that do06:45
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.06:45
FirefisheMusic_Shuffle:  Ever notice that no matter what distro is comes from, either gnome or kde works better than the other, although most of the other stand-alone window managers do well anyway.06:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:45
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:46
Music_ShuffleYeah ;D06:46
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Kevin`cherubiel fyi, the first thing I tried to have him do was rootnoverify (hd1,0)06:46
zmmI'm trying to run ant after going in a folder which contains build.xml but I'm getting the error "bash: ant: command not found" how can i get ant work06:46
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bill57785Dheeraj_k: I just realized that I am in the Ubuntu channel...I am running under KDE. Will that affect anything?06:47
kitchezmm: did you install ant?06:47
guest_Haha, I man'ed fdisk, and on the manpages, it tells me that 'fdisk is a buggy program and it does fuzzy things' you should use cfdisk instead..that's the manpages for ya06:47
Dheeraj_knah even i am using kubuntu06:47
zmmoh...I thought it's not required....where from can i install ant06:47
gradinlokoing for way to either log or monitor ssl sessions...06:47
bill57785ok, cool06:47
FirefisheMusic_Shuffle:  I consider that just plain coder-treachery ;) hee  Anyway, I'll do the apt-get kde* thingy..thanks for the heads up.  It'll ensure that I *finally* have it all, anyway.  If I can't start it, I'll just reinstall.  Then use enlightenment ;) LOL06:47
Kevin`lol guest_06:47
Kevin`i've never seen that06:47
ubotuant: Java based build tool like make. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.5-6build1 (edgy), package size 1010 kB, installed size 1200 kB06:47
zoaddkaHello? I am a new user, How do I stop a media player (sound Juicer) from playing a music CD, can only find pause and play?06:47
thrillin`how can i resize partition on my mac withouh erasing data...anyone knows?06:48
guest_Kevin man fdisk and scroll down to the BUGS section06:48
kitchezmm it's in the repos06:48
cherubielthrillin`: gparted06:48
bill57785ok, saved06:48
cherubielthrillin`: get the gparted live cd, works like a charm06:48
Kevin`guest_ hm indeed06:48
Dheeraj_kkubuntu is save as ubuntu only difference is kubuntu has kde where as ubuntu has gnome06:48
Music_ShuffleFirefishe, best of luck.  I've had much fun trying them all out the past couple days.06:48
Kevin`I just use fdisk usually because it's simpler to use06:48
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Music_ShuffleDheeraj_k, not totally true, some people claim there are minor differences in the files that make one or the other work better.  Guess it depends on how much you buy into that.06:49
Dheeraj_k bill57785:  sudo apt-get update06:49
Jager-Kevin' .. How can I just boot into windows using either a boot disk or the windows installer disc?06:49
guest_It would be interesting to find out the author of that parituclar manpage and ask him if he still believes that's the case06:49
bill57785yeah I know....just wasn't sure if it would affect anything (I saw you had Dapper Drake in that sources list, so thought I would double check)06:49
guest_It's probably the same developer who wrote fdisk06:49
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zmmkitche: when i wrote "sudo apt-cache search ant" it showed a long list. can you tell me the exact name of the package06:49
bill57785ok, that's what I figured you would have me do....I'm finally starting to learn06:49
guest_Kevin your last name doesn't start with a 'c' does it06:50
Kevin`Jager- windows isn't smart enough to boot from the install cd :)06:50
Kevin`guest_ no06:50
FirefisheMusic_Shuffle:  thanks, again :)  it should prove interesting...I enjoy messing about with linux on powerpc..or x86 whatevah :)06:50
kitchezmm: the package is called ant just do sudo apt-get install ant06:50
guest_Ok, I guess there ar a lot of kevins around...lol06:50
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:50
Kevin`Jager- grub could do it, but either your not transcribing something correctly or something is very messed up on your computer06:50
thrillin`[00:51]  <cherubiel> thrillin`: get the gparted live cd, works like a charm <-- i wanna use ubuntu06:50
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv406:50
sysragewhoever just told me to setup the universal repository or whatever apt-get calls um, thank you. that helped a lot06:51
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:51
Jager-Kevin` Im pasting everything to you exactly as you ask for it -_-06:51
zoaddkaThanks for the links.....06:51
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:51
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Jager-Kevin` is it possible this is all because of the external hdd I had in at one point?06:51
sysragecan somebody please tell me why every app is making me hit  twice before it shows up?06:51
cherubielthrillin`: the gparted live cd is just for partitioning, its *NOT* a full fledged live cd06:51
Kevin`Jager- had in at one point?06:51
Kevin`what do you mean06:51
Kevin`is it in now?06:52
Kevin`did you install to it?06:52
thrillin`for mac though06:52
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Kevin`then I doubt it's of any relevance06:52
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Jager-No... no it wasnt in when I installed ubuntu..06:52
CyberSlugHello all - is anyone here able to help me write a script to detect whether an external monitor is plugged in?06:52
livingtmanyone had luck installing edgy 64 onto a software raid?06:52
Dheeraj_kbill57785: after completing the update run this command sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse w32codecs06:52
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DARKGuyHi, anybody knows about a program that can limit my bandwidth? I'm on ADSL and I share it with my brother, sooo I need to somehow set up a bw cap for upload/download. Is there any program that can do that? (like Netlimiter - and I've tried apt-cache search bandwidth with no avail, I have no router either, so)06:52
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Jager-Kevin` Will I be ever be able to get back onto windows without formatting all the partitions?06:52
Dheeraj_kgot to go bye :)06:53
Kevin`DARKGuy you DO have a router, or you wouldn't be able to share the connection =p06:53
Jager-Kevin` or any at all?06:53
Kevin`it's probably built into your modem06:53
thrillin`cherubiel: is this able to work for mac?06:53
DARKGuyKevin`: I have an 8-port hub :P06:53
Kevin`it's probably built into your modem06:53
Kevin`Jager- I don't know what's wrong.06:53
DARKGuyKevin`: Maybe o_o but I don't want to screw it up xD06:53
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Jager-Is h3g3m0n here?06:53
cherubielthrillin`: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/features.php06:54
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kaikiDARKGuy: If you want to limit the bandwidth that you are using, you can try squid06:54
cherubielDARKGuy: yes, try a proxy06:54
Kevin`it doesn't make sense that linux would boot, yet doing the same command as the one in the menu file in grub would fair06:54
guest_Why is the xfce desktop environment more ideal for low end machines?06:54
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zmmIt seems as if I don't have root rights on my ubuntu. how to get it.06:54
DARKGuykaiki: cherubiel: I see, gonna search info for it then, thanks xD06:55
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suricateJager-: could you explain what's your problem again?06:55
thrillin`i'll dl it now06:55
thrillin`cherubiel: so u a mac user as well?06:55
Jager-suricate: i cant boot into windows... it keeps saying "Starting up..."06:55
suricateJager-: is windows at another HD?06:55
cherubielthrillin`: hfs is mac06:55
thrillin`i know06:55
Jager-suricate: No06:55
thrillin`i askin if u a mac user06:56
cherubielthrillin`: so you know the answer :)06:56
zmmI don't have root rights on my ubuntu. how to get root rights. I get to know this because even to run open office I've to do "sudo ooimpress"06:56
thrillin`wat u have?06:56
cherubielthrillin`: its a live cd, you don't boot into any installed os06:56
maxkelleyhallo, world. Can anyone using the feisty beta tell me if it's fairly stable?06:56
skyfaller-linuxhey guys... I'm having trouble with sound.  I'm suspicious that Ubuntu isn't detecting my sound card or something.  Is there an obvious help page for this that I'm missing?  Anybody wanna help me troubleshoot?06:56
cherubielthrillin`: ah that way, nope i'm a debian user06:57
cherubiel!sound | skyfaller-linux06:57
ubotuskyfaller-linux: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems  and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin06:57
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suricateJager-: Are you sure your windows grub entry is correct?06:57
Kevin`zmm sudo is the recommended way to get root rights. why do you have to view slides as root06:57
bill57785Dheeraj_K: Dheeraj_k> bill57785: after completing the update run this command sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse w32codecs06:57
bill57785* tcli (n=asdf@ has joined #ubuntu06:57
Jager-suricate: at this point I have no clue06:57
suricateJager-: could I take a look on it?06:57
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Jager-suricate: please06:58
bill57785Dheeraj_k: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34073/06:58
skyfaller-linuxcherubiel: thank you :)06:58
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suricateJager-: paste your menu.lst file somewhere please06:58
Jager-suricate: what would you like? i will pastbin anything if it will help -_-06:58
skyfaller-linuxI'll check those pages out06:58
thrillin`nice its done06:58
tclizmm: sudo /bin/bash;export DISPLAY=":0.0" ...run whatever06:58
thrillin`lemmie test it06:58
Kevin`suricate either he isn't transcribing what we've told him to do so far, or his computer is very messed up. typing root (hd0,1) says not found, for example06:58
Kevin`and that's where linux is booting from06:59
zmmkevin: I'm writing an extension for open office impress for that I've to bootstrap it from java program. When my java class tries to bootstrap office it gives the same error as i get when i try to start office without sudo from terminal.06:59
thrillin`thx cherubiel...hopefully nxt time i here it'll b running06:59
guest_thanks everyone, I'm getting some food now06:59
cherubielguest_: nothing for us? :P06:59
Jager-suricate: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34074/06:59
Kevin`zmm you really should be able to start office as a normal user06:59
guest_depends, where od live06:59
guest_If you're in San Jose I'll think about it :-D07:00
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Jager-kevin` you told me to type root (hd0,1) and push tab, i did that exactly07:00
Kevin`zmm you could set a password for the root user, and log in as root, but this isn't considered a smart thing to do :)07:00
Kevin`Jager- no, thats not what I said07:00
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Kevin`I said to type root (hd and press tab07:00
Kevin`and I said to type root (hd0,1) and press enter07:01
Jager-Yea.. did that too07:01
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Jager-When I do root (hd and hit tab07:01
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Jager-it just goes down a line and still says root (hd07:01
zmmkevin: but when i start office as normal user it gives the error which i've pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34075/07:01
tcliJager-: Are you sure that your windows partition is (hd0,0)?07:01
tcligod, this is horrible, I'm addicted to linux support07:01
maltis it hard to install cpanel on ubuntu?07:01
zmmkevin: what could be the reason07:02
Kevin`zmm you didn't do something silly like start it the first time in sudo, did you?07:02
Reality-Xas far as a DHCP server goes, should i use version 3 or version 2?07:02
kitchemalt: umm don't know since cpanel costs money and a lot of money so I don't even use it07:02
guest_tcli, what does hd0,0 indicate07:02
maltkitche: what do you use?07:02
Kevin`i'd assume it's very easy, ask the cpanel people your giving tons of money to07:02
tcliguest_: First partition on first disk, as seen by the bios07:03
Kevin`they do give support, yes :)07:03
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guest_Ok thanks tcli07:03
kitchemalt: something that doesn't cost as much money, but I don't use any Virtual host software myself07:03
thrillin`is it possible to run ubuntu from a thumb drive?07:03
tcliguest_: typically hda0, or sda0, depending on whether it's a ide or sata/scsi system07:03
Kevin`malt are you running a hosting company or something with lusers that demand cpanel?07:03
zmmkevin: yeah, previously I was unable to start open office without sudo ... so I started using sudo to open it07:03
guest_I think that's the first in my grub liest tcli07:03
Jager-tcli: this is what my menu.lst shows07:03
Jager-titleMicrosoft Windows XP Professional07:03
DARKGuyMaaaaaaan, that squid program is a pain to configure :/ isn't there any program that can just limit my download speed that can be turned on and off and easy to configure :S?07:04
guest_tcli, I know /dev/sda is my hard drive, does BIOS refer to it differently?07:04
maltKevin`: nah just a personal server, might host few friends07:04
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zmmkevin: I don't know what's the problem...I'm unable to start office even from Application's menu07:04
Jager-DARKGuy: try using netlimiter with wine07:04
Kevin`malt then wtf do you need a web control panel for07:04
suricateJager-: is this your fstab?07:04
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thrillin`i'll bbl07:04
cherubielzmm: rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org207:04
thrillin`thx for all who helped07:04
guest_I see what you're saying, BIOS refers to /dev/sda as hd0,007:04
t35t0rhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1737167 ..still looking for an answer how do i change the xnest window size?07:04
cherubielzmm: then try running oowriter again07:04
tcliJager-: Run sudo fdisk -l, and take a look at which partitions show as a windows formats (/dev/hda4 will show as windows if you have logical partitions, it's just a placeholder)07:04
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maltKevin`: just to have, its nice to manager alot of stuff on the server07:04
mborohovanyone know how i can get the xchat icon on the notification bar in gnome? same place as the gaim icon?07:04
Kevin`zmm just a guess, try changing the ownership of all files in your home directory to your user07:04
Jager-Um i dont remember07:05
cafuego_guest_: It'07:05
DARKGuyJager-: ... that's messed o_o but it miiiight work, I hope, anyways xD07:05
Kevin`malt you must have gotten used to it, eh07:05
cafuego_s probably drive 0x80 according to yuor bios ;-)07:05
Kevin`malt poor you :)07:05
zmmkevin: how to?07:05
t35t0rif the gdmflexiserver -n resolution cannot be changed at run time how do i change it before it starts?07:05
tcliDARKGuy: Might wanna check out wondershaper or some other traffic shaping/QoS software07:05
maltKevin`: not really i just like control panels07:05
Kevin`malt I like webmin, but it's had security problems in the past07:05
tcliDARKGuy: Kinda a pain to set up, but nice once you have it going07:05
cherubielzmm: rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org2; oowriter07:05
sysragecan anybody tell me wtf is wrong? single quote is not acting as single quote. it is either putting accents over letters or doing a backquote07:05
Kevin`so use it with an ssh tunnel07:05
maltsometimes its quickser then ssh, telling someone how to create a db or something'07:05
cafuego_DARKGuy: For single downloads, run them via 'trickle'.07:05
Kevin`malt for a db, just use phpmyadmin07:06
Jager-tcli: only one is ntfs, /dev/hdb107:06
cherubielsysrage: are you using a ' or a ` ?07:06
cafuego_DARKGuy: Ie: 'trickle -d 64 wget http://somefile.on/some/host'07:06
sysragetrying to use single quote. the first one you typed. but it is not showing as that07:06
tclicontrol panels are the bane of my existence :<07:06
DARKGuytcli: Ah, so they're called traffic shapers o.o; I shall search about wondershaper and tricke - btw, cafuego_, is tricke compatible with apt-get downloads ?07:06
kitchemail look up myPanel or any other open source control panel07:06
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cherubielsysrage: how are you using it?07:06
cherubielzmm: any luck?07:06
zmmcherubiel: "rm -rf ~/.openoffice.org2; oowriter" what's it for07:06
Kevin`control panels hide you from the reality of administering the system07:06
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Kevin`and inefitably do not provide full functionality07:07
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skyfaller-linuxhey folks, my sound card is detected, but inexplicably I can't seem to get any sound.  I have Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)07:07
sysragehow am i using it? i am trying to hit the damn key on the keyboard07:07
cherubielzmm: removes the previous user settings, these are built at init07:07
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=== <psfcpd!n=xxmwrtao@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
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=== <crsgkijd!n=devjlq@ip68-110-103-157.ph.ph.cox.net> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <zdwsvg!n=tfouvyvw@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <nkwhtekx!n=guwmzd@cpe-24-210-42-169.columbus.res.rr.com> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <tednnbqbt!n=zhzzm@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== aergern [i=ben@apogee.whack.org] has joined #ubuntu
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=== <wjbfwehuoxq!n=ebkfzxhm@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
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=== <maoiibji!n=dlsgdje@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <maoiibji!n=dlsgdje@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ
=== wtwbkmls [n=sjxrb@ip68-100-112-129.dc.dc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip68-100-112-129.dc.dc.cox.net] by Seveas
=== <mixbjh!n=pqhgoyrp@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <mixbjh!n=pqhgoyrp@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== <tednnbqbt!n=zhzzm@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== hmecipihve [n=hlmvszip@ool-43501b53.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu [requested]
=== <ebqsyoyiglrq!n=spolere@> requested unknown ctcp Version from #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ool-43501b53.dyn.optonline.net] by Seveas
=== ecgw [n=x@cm247.sigma200.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
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=== tijn is now known as tijn_afk
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Kevin`ops anyone?07:07
=== LGKeiz [n=LGKeiz@ppp-70-225-188-191.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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tcliKevin`: Control panels allow people who shouldn't be using computers to make my life miserable07:07
DARKGuyWhat the07:07
=== lupine_85 [n=lupine@nick.lupine.me.uk] has joined #ubuntu
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@ip68-110-103-157.ph.ph.cox.net] by Seveas
=== mode/#ubuntu [+R] by rob
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu
Kevin`tcli haha :_07:07
=== astopy [n=nadam@taurus.moosoft.net] has joined #ubuntu
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maltI just like to have extra07:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [+r] by rob
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Kevin`to whoever made these stupid bots07:08
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Kevin`it's VERSION, not Version07:08
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-R] by rob
nickv111Jesus Christ. Somebody set up us the bomb07:08
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DARKGuySomebody doesn't likes ubuntu here ;)07:08
tclihow boring07:08
infblisshi all ca somebody tell me if  there is a way to avoid the ide=nodma boot param07:08
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sysragegod damnit none of my quotes are working. double quotes dont either07:09
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cafuegowell isn't that just a barrel of fun07:45
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sokubanI want to get snes emulation, but I have two problems, zsnes has very fuzzy sound, and snes9x can't be scaled to a bigger screen. Anybody know my zsnes sound problem? I use Xubuntu so I have a different sound system07:46
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dmbonly a couple joins :)07:46
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sokubanwhy are so many people joining anyways?07:46
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IceDC571hi everyone07:46
=== Tmob [n=total@c-24-6-215-44.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberfr0gI'll think about it07:46
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IceDC571sokuban: i think freenode is having netsplits07:46
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sokubanany way to set irssi so that the joins don't fill the screen?07:46
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foosokuban: #irssi07:47
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IceDC571sokuban: or you could read the manual ;)07:47
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sysragewow.. guess freenode just took a massive crapola eh?07:47
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IceDC571yeah, i couldn't log in for a few minutes07:47
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IceDC571now everyone's client is logging in07:47
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sokubanthe man file might be better in this state07:48
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IceDC571interesting :)07:48
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Virtuallseems like freenode was koind of dead07:48
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tclii thought it just hated me07:48
mborohovfreenode _was_ dead for a while07:48
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mborohovi thought that at first too07:48
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mborohovbut seems like the spammers got to it07:48
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IceDC571I don't think it was the whole network, was it?07:48
Virtuallwell that's bad07:48
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IceDC571That can't be possible07:48
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tcliall the servers i tried were giving me connection refused07:48
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Virtuallthat such a massive network goes all down07:48
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Virtuallnot good07:48
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Firefishegads, did I arrive in the middle of a mass split/reconnect?07:49
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IceDC571okay everyone shut up for a minute, lets see how many joins we can get07:49
VirtuallFirefishe, like someone knew when you arrived :P07:49
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tclii turned off joins/parts/quits during the spam07:49
IceDC571okay i think i killed it07:49
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mborohovhey, someone say my name in here? i want to test something07:50
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pradeepall idlers :P07:50
mborohovand beautifully, at that.07:50
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mborohov(the water ripple, haha. nothing special)07:50
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SilentDishi hi :)07:51
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Virtuallnice :P but I can't get beryl live along with Warsow :(07:51
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pradeepThere is no topic !07:52
mborohovberyl works beautifully for me07:52
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pradeepmborohov, I have some probs with it can you help me out?07:53
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SilentDishmm... bit of an odd one here... got a DSL (damn small linux) box sitting here, would LOVE to use that machine like a 'thin client' of sorts to connect to my main box (maybe just use it's Xserver to connect the the Xclient on my main box?)  could someone point me in a direction for help on this?07:53
IceDC571is there a way to delete usernames on the ubuntu forums?07:53
mborohovpradeep: perhaps. pm me07:53
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tclii need to get beryl running07:53
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BurgundaviaIceDC571: ask in #ubuntuforums07:53
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tclithe sources on the howto i found didn't have the files for it though :<07:53
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tonyyarussoIf this only has drivers available for Win98SE (which needs them for any USB thing), is it likely it will work on Ubuntu?  http://www.rcaaudiovideo.com/en-US/Downloads.html?ProductID=RP503507:53
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IceDC571Burgundavia: thanks, didn't know that exist.. there is no topic ;)07:54
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mborohovdo it over Xgl in a separate session. I couldnt get it running on AiGLX07:54
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TokenBadok trying to install something and it says Unable to find linux kernel source....but I have the file linux-kernel-headers installed...any help?07:54
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Virtuallmborohov, yep, Warsow07:54
BurgundaviaTokenBad: headers is not the source07:54
Virtuallthjat's an OpenGL game07:54
TokenBadweird..that it what it told me to install07:54
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BurgundaviaTokenBad: headers is needed if you are compiling a kernel module07:55
Virtualland Beryl tries to make effect on it's "window". which of course fails and the whole X goes bye-bye07:55
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KingDillyDillysorry. Don't know what I'm doing07:55
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TokenBadBurgundavia, ok so to install source I need to apt-get install linux-source?07:56
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BurgundaviaTokenBad: yes. but what are you trying to isntall07:56
sysragehow do you search with apt-get?07:56
KingDillyDillymode +w07:56
pradeepmborohov, are you there?07:56
KingDillyDillySorry again07:56
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tcliwow, i am such a noob07:56
TokenBadsysrage apt-cache search name07:57
bun-bunKingDillyDilly# /mode yournick +w07:57
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KingDillyDillyYeah, someone told me. Guess I should have tried /help07:57
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SilentDishmm... bit of an odd one here... got a DSL (damn small linux) box sitting here, would LOVE to use that machine like a 'thin client' of sorts to connect to my main box (maybe just use it's Xserver to connect the the Xclient on my main box?)  could someone point me in a direction for help on this?07:58
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sysragewhy does apt-cache search kernel show stuff completely unrelated?07:58
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BurgundaviaSilentDis: there are a number of ways. You can login via VNC07:58
Burgundaviaor XDMCP07:59
TokenBadok installed linux-source but still get same error07:59
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SilentDisBurgundavia: VNC would just 'port' my current desktop to it though, right?  i'd actually like to have it log in as a seperate session.07:59
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BurgundaviaSilentDis: vnc can do either08:00
Burgundaviavino, built into the desktop, does the former08:00
Burgundaviainstall another vnc server to do the latter08:00
TokenBadBurgundavia, installed linux-source but it still says can't find linux kernal source on install08:00
TokenBadwell config even08:00
SilentDisBurgundavia:  any howtos on this?  I don't wanna take up the channel with it, obviously :)08:00
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mborohovpradeep: you there?08:01
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tcliSilentDis: Exporting an X session is pretty easy, but dunno about setting it up to allow concurrent remote x sessions08:01
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sysrageX11 forwarding through ssh FTW08:01
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SilentDistcli:  oh, i'd give it a seperate username to use.  i just need chat, more than anything08:01
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mbbjust used Synaptic to add gnucash to my edgy and breezy systems. on breezy, gnucash appears in the Office programs group (as expected) but does not appear on any menu on Edgy. Ideas?08:02
pradeepmborohov, yep08:02
SilentDissysrage:  that sounds more like what I'd be looking for... could you point me to a howto or the like?08:02
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wastrelSilentDis:  you can ssh to the remote machine and run programs off of it08:02
sysragejust enable it in sshd config, ssh -X to the box, and run an app08:02
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SilentDiswastrel:  I'm doing that now.  it's a simple terminal though, I'd like a GUI for it08:02
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wastrelSilentDis:  no need to run a full desktop session08:02
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wastrelSilentDis:  you can open GUI progs remotely i mean , with ssh -X like sysrage said08:03
SilentDiswastrel:  ahhh, that sounds excellent.  just port over Gaim or the like :)08:03
tcliSilentDis: Hrm, you could start a separate X session for the remote user08:03
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tcliSilentDis: xhost +(remote ip) on X machine08:03
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tcliSilentDis: then just export DISPLAY=X ip:1 (assuming it's the second X session)08:04
tclior set up X11 forwarding via ssh for more security08:04
JbirkHas anyone here tried the sonicare?08:04
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tclier... :0.1?08:05
SilentDistcli:  lol ok, that's where I need the howto.  I'm still a bit of a beginner when it comes to the inner workings of SSH/X.org and so forth :)08:05
tcli<--- semi-gui illiterate08:05
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tcliSilentDis: google says: http://oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu/~changliu/teaching/HowTo-RemoteX11Session.txt (couple more links at the bottom of that one)08:06
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SilentDistcli:  thank you.  I'll give that a once over to figure it out.  :)08:06
CajunTechieHello everyone: is this where the open sessions will be held?08:06
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codecaineis there a program that I can take a bunch of jpg and put them in a avi file?08:06
codecainelike a movie creator type deal08:06
SilentDistake care all, again, thanks :)08:07
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rc-1java windows arnt resizing :( the window does but content not, this app works on windows BTW08:07
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superlioni was thinking about installing newest Beryl versio from http://download.tuxfamily.org/3v1deb/pool/edgy/beryl-svn/ . can i somehow add it to sources.list or how would it be easiest to install?08:09
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tclirc-1: that's why java is the devil08:10
tcliit is the worst "cross-platform" cross-platform language evar08:10
tclimake sure you're using the same jdk version on both boxes and cross your fingers08:11
botxjis it really a double adjective?08:11
runesMajor problem  6.10 32 bit upgraded...desktop hung, rebooted now at terminal with /bin/sh  that's it08:11
tclioh, it's a bunch of double ajectives08:11
tclimost would get me banned though08:11
wastrelrunes:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:11
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runessudo: not found08:12
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botxjyou dont have a sudo command? that sucks for j00 buddy08:12
pradeeprunes, are you on ubuntu?08:13
wastrelprolly in single user mode from the recovery boot option ?08:13
runesit says busybox 1.1.3    /bin/sh  (initramfs)08:13
runesyes pradeep08:13
wastreltry it without the sudo08:13
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runesyes wastrel08:13
pradeeprunes, ah...your system isn't fully up yet08:13
runesdpkg not found08:13
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runes..and I can't get it fully up08:13
floatingHi. I have installed language support and and other IM support to be able to write and read japanese in every app, but in irssi, that is running on a remote machine, I cannot read japanese, the output is not right , any advices ?08:14
wastrelrunes:  what happens when you boot the default image?08:14
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wastrelfloating:  run irssi locally :] 08:15
sysdocsuperlion, see this http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install/Ubuntu/SVN_Snapshots_Repository08:15
bob_Any new themes or wallpaper planned for Feisty Fawn08:15
fyrestrtrfloating: check the character encoding of your terminal.08:16
floatingwastrel. I want to use the screen on a remote machine, and keep my laptop shut at nights08:16
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runeswastrel,  starts with the ubuntu logo then I get busybox v1.1.3  built-in shell (ubuntu) /bin/sh can't access tty  job control turned off08:16
pradeepbob_, http//art.ubuntu.com .. not yet08:16
runesthen (initramfs) _08:16
wastrelrunes:  that's not an x configuration prob :]   dunno what to do with that.08:16
pradeeprunes, that shell is running off your RAM08:17
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tonyyarussoI'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use this piece of hardware in Linux.  Olympus VN-3100PC digital voice recorder.  See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34080/08:17
runeswastrel  at the console I tried to repair the desktop with aptitude08:17
bob_I wonder if there will be any surprises, since Vista will be released around the same time.08:17
runeswastrel  it added a few thigs removed a few and poof08:17
runeswastrel if the kernel images are there08:18
runeshow can I get the system to reconfigure the kernel08:18
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sysragecan somebody explain what the 'suggested packages' are when doin an apt-get install?08:19
runespradeep yes but I can still access all the files on hd 0,008:19
runesjust can't get x to work not apt08:19
bob_I tried Vista at a local CompUSA here in PA USA and it was sluggish as hell. But it was only RC1. It also hanged alot, when changing themes. XGL or AIGLX far better and they are Alpha ..08:20
floatingfyrestrtr: can't find eoncoding options in my terminal preferences. the about says it is x terminal 0.x.x something08:20
pradeeprunes, easiest way out would be to do a clean egdy install08:21
fyrestrtrfloating: what terminal are you using? xterm? gnome-terminal?08:21
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runesmy main concern is the var/www08:21
godmachine81runes:: sounds like you switched hard drive cables.08:21
fyrestrtrbob_: vista depends heavily on properly supported hardware. If you were testing it on some 'medium range' machine, then it would be sluggish. RC2 solved a lot of those slowness problems.08:22
godmachine81i just read the first line though08:22
runesjust got the nvidia driver hung08:22
tonyyarussosysrage: Stuff that maybe be nice to have (additional features, related items, etc.), but aren't required for whatever you're installing.  I usually get them by default.08:22
floatingxfce desktop xubuntu's default.. x terminal beta 208:22
godmachine81well where you said you had tty job control turned off08:22
fyrestrtrfloating: try rxvt08:22
runesso used f2 and as root, tried to reload the desktop08:22
runesusing aptitude08:22
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sysragetony how do you get them by default?08:22
runesit updated allright a little too well now I can't get anything to run08:22
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tonyyarussosysrage: aptitude08:23
runeswhere is aptitude located08:23
bob_What is better with Ubuntu XGL or AIGLX08:23
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JadedwolfCan anyone help me getting glx working with my ubuntu? I have an nvidia card and it does work and if I do get it to work it has really bad Frame rate08:23
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floatingfyrestrtr: I am quite new to the linux, so hm, best way to change to use it, is to first try it by apt-get install rxvt ,and if it would work, then maybe uninstall this existing terminal emulator ?08:24
turbopchey I was trying to install Ogle to watch DVDs and I received the errors: E: emacs21: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 // E: cedet-common: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured // E: eieio: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured // E: speedbar: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured ---> Any ideas?08:24
slickyis the berly server down? or w00t.. cant download from it08:24
turbopcDoes it have anything to do with DVDs>08:24
fyrestrtrfloating: well rxvt has better support for multi-byte languages.08:25
floatingI would like to try it. is it apt-getable ?08:25
fyrestrtrfloating: if it works, use it as your terminal emulator, but don't uninstall the existing one.08:25
fyrestrtrfloating: yes.08:25
fyrestrtr!info rxvt edgy08:25
uboturxvt: VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.6.4-10 (edgy), package size 222 kB, installed size 552 kB08:25
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fyrestrtrfloating: there is another one that's more suited for multi-byte languages, just a second while I look it up.08:25
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LaserLineubutnu keeps freezing for me on boot up... and will only boot up without freezing every 10th or so time... what can i do08:27
tcliLaserLine: Sounds like flaky hardware to me08:27
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bob_More MS Patent BS. http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=16108:27
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LaserLinetcli: is there a way i can scan my hard drive for defects?08:28
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tonyyarussoAnybody ever heard of a /dev/voice/ before?08:28
turbopcIs there any way to watch dvds on ubuntu?08:28
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tcliLaserLine: badblocks... if it's that bad you'd probably see something in dmesg though08:28
Jordan_U!dvd | turbopc08:28
ubotuturbopc: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:28
Terminusturbopc: sure. totem plays them fine.08:28
tcliLaserLine: seek errors and drive status errors = bad times08:29
fyrestrtrfloating: try xiterm08:29
tonyyarussoCool - if you run the edgy installer on a system that already had Ubuntu, it auto-detects the hostname08:29
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runesI know I asked this already but....where is the apt program located?08:29
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LaserLinetcli: dmesg?  i'm fairly new to linux, but i've been running ubuntu for 6+ months now this is just when the problem occured08:30
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tcliLaserLine: run 'sudo dmesg'... it'll give you a log of recent system messages08:30
fyrestrtrrunes: you mean apt-get? Its in /usr/bin/08:31
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fyrestrtrrunes: but why do you want to know?08:31
tclitcli: usually if you have a failing drive, you'll see a bunch of seek/read errors there, e.g.:08:31
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tclier... LaserLine :P08:31
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fyrestrtrtcli: talking to yourself? :)08:31
runesthx fyrestrtr  as I can't get ubuntu to boot anymore I am going to the apt folder to see if I can get it fixed that way08:31
Jordan_Urunes: To find out where applications and thier configuration files are run: whereis < app name >08:31
tclihda: drive_cmd: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }08:31
fyrestrtrrunes: that's not going to help you fix your boot problem.08:32
turbopcTerminus: I know it can play them but it still gives me error about libdvdcss08:32
LaserLinetcli: i don't see any08:32
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tcliLaserLine: That's good news for the drive08:32
tcliLaserLine: Usually if you have sporadic boot problems like that it's heat-related, and probably an issue with the proc08:33
LaserLinetcli:  I see a lot of ones like this: [17179942.596000]  atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e059 <keycode>' to make it known.08:33
tclithat doesn't look bad... prolly just a random issue with your keymap08:33
fyrestrtrLaserLine: what keyboard do you have?08:34
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LaserLinetcli: a wireless microsft keyboard08:34
turbopcI get the following error in Totem while trying to play a DVD: "The source seems encrypted, and canot be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" Any ideas?08:34
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fyrestrtrLaserLine: yeap, you'll get those a lot. Its an issue with the F-lock or media keys, I haven't figured out which yet.08:34
tclitry taking the side panel off (assuming it's not under warranty or something) and see if that helps (it'll cool the system down, and if it's heat-related, should make it boot more reliably)08:34
fyrestrtrturbopc: http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html08:35
tcliLaserLine: Also, are you getting any kind of weird graphical issues when it hangs on boot, or any kind of error messages?08:35
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frogzooturbopc: maybe you don't have libdvdcss?08:35
LaserLineno, it will hang when it first says Ubuntu and the progress bar will hang... also i don't think it's heat related because it will freeze randomly not when it's been on for a while and is hot08:36
turbopcfyrestrtr: I chekd it! and I dont seem to be getting the proper results08:36
frogzoo!restricted > turbopc08:36
tcliLaserLine: That seems like sound reasoning to me08:36
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floatingfyrestrtr: xiterm didnt have any option windows to click, and by default it didnt output it correctly. Let me add that x terminal also outputs it correctly if it is not connected to the remote machine08:36
parker`My firefox is crashing every time I try to load sites like gmail or facebook or even my school's cs websites. It only doesn't crash on very simple HTML only pages. I am using version 2.0 on an up-to-date version of kubuntu08:36
frogzooparker`: try running ff under strace08:37
runesfyrestrtr, ok downloading 6.10 again... is there an option to repair the installation from the cd?08:37
boinkare you using flash 9?08:37
parker`I am using flash player 7 I believe08:37
floatingso hmm... :( problem might be on the remote machine ? no way to go aroudn it ?08:37
tcliLaserLine: So it's not crashing or freezing once it boots?08:37
fyrestrtrrunes: no, but what is your boot problem?08:37
boinkand firefox 2 on dapper?08:37
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commander_tuxboink, parker`: I'm using flash 9.... it's terrible to Firefox. Worth it, but terrible. :-p08:37
parker`boink: firefox 2 on edgy, it actually started crashing after I did an auto-install of flash from within firefox08:37
LaserLinetcli: actually it will freeze when after it boots too and it's kinda random, but it seems like every time I'm doing something with sound08:37
boinkparker: then take out the flash08:38
boinkand use the ubuntu .deb for flash08:38
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parker`boink: how can I accomplish this?08:38
boinkwith apt-get08:38
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runesfyrestrtr, ok I upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 all good ..then in gnome it said there wre updates..so I did them..system hug when trying to log in  so I went to console and tried to repair the desktop..that blew up and now I can't get anything to work08:38
boinkyou'll need to check if your /etc/apt/sources.list is in order for that08:38
tcliLaserLine: Well, if it's not proc-related, my next guess would be RAM, but it could be a bad sound card as well (usually those won't cause the whole system to go down, but i've seen stranger things)... might wanna try pulling out the sound card and seeing if that resolves it08:38
fyrestrtrrunes: what did you try to do when you tried to repair your desktop?08:39
LaserLinetcli, it's integrated :(08:39
parker`boink: I am using a default sources.list, which repo do I need to add to get flash?08:39
boinkjust a sec ...08:39
fyrestrtrparker`: read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:39
tcliLaserLine: Hm... can you disable it in the bios?08:40
parker`and how can I remove the version of flash I installed since I installed it from within firefox, I don't think apt will know about it08:40
runesfyrestrtr, there are three ways apt, aptitude and the third is the one I used08:40
boinkhttp://cuba.calyx.nl/~oink/ubuntu-sources.list <= this is mine. you should fix if for where you are08:40
fyrestrtrrunes: what synaptic ?08:40
runesfyrestrtr, no command from terminal08:40
boinkand then man apt-get08:40
LaserLinetcli: yeah i can see if that helps... also on a side note if gnome freezes is the dmesg thing is where i should look for the error?08:41
fyrestrtrrunes: I need to know what you did to try and fix it.08:41
fyrestrtrLaserLine: ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:41
runesfyrestrtr, there was a shell command that runs an app like aptitude08:41
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fyrestrtrrunes: where did you find out about it?08:41
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 226 kB, installed size 1952 kB08:42
mborohovso what are the philosophy differences between beryl and compiz?08:42
defrysktopic is gone ?08:42
runesfyrestrtr  using help at the prompt08:42
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fyrestrtrmborohov: #ubuntu-xgl08:42
mborohovfair enough :)08:42
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PhuzionI have a Sony Vaio PCG-9E1L and I need to update my drivers for my video card, what site would you recommend that I go to?08:43
turbopcfyrestrtr: I followed the instructions and installed required packages - Totem still gives me the error :(08:43
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frogzooPhuzion: use the repos08:43
frogzooPhuzion: ati?08:43
Phuzionrage mobility08:43
tcliLaserLine: no problem08:43
frogzoo!seveas | Phuzion08:43
ubotuPhuzion: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:43
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TokenBadhow can I tell what network driver is being used by ubuntu?08:44
frogzooPhuzion: if you can run fglrx, get the latest from the seveas repo08:44
LaserLinetcli: yeah thanks... i'll see what i can try to make this thing stop freezing08:44
tcliTokenBad: lsmod08:44
frogzooTokenBad: it's mentioned on load in /var/log/messages08:44
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frogzooTokenBad: also, 'lsmod'08:44
LaserLinebtw anyone know is SATA II is backward compatible with sata I08:44
Phuzionfrogzoo:  I'll take a look at those repositories, thanks08:45
tcliLaserLine: as far as I know... would be pretty silly if not, heh08:45
frogzooLaserLine: definitely08:45
TokenBadok typed the lsmod but not sure how to tell which is for my network card08:46
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tcliTokenBad: msg me the output08:47
User2can anyone tell me if ubuntu is safe for online transactions (ie, credit cards, online purchase, etc)?08:48
wastreli like ubuntu08:48
concept10TokenBad, what type of network card are you using?08:48
User2I'm considering converting08:48
concept10TokenBad, lspci08:48
InvisiblePinkUnii like ubotu :)08:48
User2and... does it support all common features automatically?08:48
parker`User2: it would be pretty useless if it wasn't secure enough for online transactions08:48
User2like upnp?08:48
wastrelUser2:  ubuntu has ssl just like windows or mac, so your transactions are protected just the same way08:48
User2but I dunno the 411 on this thing08:48
User2firewall capabilities?08:49
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User2I know windows has a built in one08:49
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wastrelbuilt-in firewall yes08:49
runesIf I was to dl server (lamp) would I be able to use apt-get to load the desktop08:49
Jordan_UUser2: Of course :)08:49
User2and... wireless networking I would hope08:49
User2fo real?08:49
InvisiblePinkUniUser2: Ubuntu is definitely safer than windoze :)08:49
Jordan_UUser2: Of course :)08:49
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turbopcis there anyone here that can actually help me instead of pasting the links thru ubotu?08:49
boinkyou mean hold your hand?08:49
User2hmm, so which is the best distribution of linux in your opinion for a home user?08:49
wastrelwifi is a bit tricky for some hardware - vendors don't always supply drivers for their cards.08:49
InvisiblePinkUniUser2: but it doesnt help if you keep your passwords in the open....08:49
Jordan_Uturbopc: What's your problem?08:49
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InvisiblePinkUniturbopc: ask08:50
wastrelUser2:  you won't get an unbiased answer to that question here.... :]   ubuntu of course08:50
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:50
tcliuser2: openbsd08:50
solid_liqanyone know of a channel for nxserver/freenx?08:50
tclij/k :P08:50
turbopcJordan_U: / InvisiblePinkUni: I have followed all the steps to instal libdvdcss but i still get the problem in Totem asking if im trying to play encrypted DVD without libdvdcss08:50
User2.. lol08:50
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=== InvisiblePinkUni directs User2 to #openbsd quite user friendly :p
boinkturbopc: then use mplayer08:50
User2Well... I mean security wise08:50
boinkmplayer plays dvd's with no problem08:50
User2but that is so awesome if it has a built in firewall already08:51
TokenBadconcept10, its onboard lan08:51
TokenBadtcli, you get my msg?08:51
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tclithey're all secure if you keep your software updated, systems locked down, and use strong passwords08:51
Jordan_Uturbopc: You ran sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh ?08:51
turbopcboink: but u still need libdvdcss - right?08:51
tcliforgot how many modules pcs have, lol08:51
boinkof course08:51
tcliused to servers08:51
boinkand ubuntu doesn't come with that08:51
turbopcJordan_U: yes I did... no errors08:51
User2since it's open source.. when one flaw is found don't all vendors generally report it to linux08:51
concept10TokenBad, what does it show with lspci?08:51
boinkyou'll need to adjust your sources.list for that08:51
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Jordan_Uturbopc: And you restarted totem-xine?08:51
User2I'm really excited to try out linux.. I just need some pointers08:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:51
User2so I feel secure with this change08:51
wastrelUser2:  the built-in firewall is part of the linux kernel, it's turned off by default in ubuntu so you'd have to enable it, but it's there...08:51
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boinkthe ubuntu desktop is more convient than the OpenBSD desktop08:52
boinkup and running in 10 minutes :)08:52
Phuzionfrogzoo:  so I just do apt-get install fglrx and the drivers should update for me?08:52
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Hobbsee] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
runeswastrel, if I was to install server is it wasy to then load gnome?08:52
User2Thanks westel08:52
TokenBadconcept10, don't find that at all in my output08:52
=== |DAMAGE| [n=damage@ool-45711bbf.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
InvisiblePinkUniUser2: start with the LIVE CD, and then slowly use ubuntu and ditch windows :)08:52
boinkyou don't want gmone on a server.08:52
boinkthat's silly08:52
User2live cd?08:52
turbopcJordan_U: any ideas as of what could've been wrong?08:52
Jordan_UUser2: Just don't expect it to work exactly like windows and you should be fine.08:53
wastrelrunes:  you can install ubuntu-desktop  and it will pull in everything you need for gnome08:53
User2Yeah, I'm fairly computer literate08:53
User2the terms arn't entirely jibberish I hope08:53
runeswastrel, but not as much as the desktop installation cd??08:53
TokenBadconcept10, nVidia Corporation nForce2 Ethernet Controller08:53
concept10TokenBad, you dont see anything that says Network controller?08:53
InvisiblePinkUniUser2: live cd its the same now as install cd, me am still lagging :o08:53
wastrelrunes:  not sure.  i never used the desktop cd :] 08:53
concept10TokenBad, oh08:53
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tcliTokenBad: forcedeth08:53
boinkyou have the "alternate" install CD too08:53
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Jordan_UUser2: Believe it or not that is a good thing, Windows "power users" are often frustratred that all they have learned in windows doesn't necisarily apply in Ubuntu.08:54
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User2erm... but what is this I hear about knoppix?08:54
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runeswastrel ah ok but it's doable, good enough will save me time rather than installing desktop then configuring all the server apps08:54
boinksure, knoppix is a good distro too08:54
tcliknoppix is nice for a cd-based distro08:54
wastreli haven't used knoppix in years08:54
sysragewow. first distro i've ever used that didn't come with ssh08:54
tcligentoo is nice if you're patient and have solid linux skills08:54
User2knoppix is for a first time use demo of linux, no?08:54
User2doesn't install I heard08:54
concept10TokenBad, yeah, why dont you paste the output of lsmod.  otherwise you could do modinfo <drivername> and find out for yourself08:54
wastrelsysrage:  weird eh :]   install openssh-server08:55
Phuzioni just used Knoppix 4.0 as a recovery CD to save files off of a crashed Windows box08:55
boinkyes, it's like ubuntu. based on debian08:55
tcliyou can do a hd install of knoppix easily too08:55
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turbopcJordan_U: so... any idea of how to run the dvd although i have the libdvdcss installed?08:55
sysragewastrel: ya i did.. just can't imagine why they didn't include it08:55
User2does ubuntu have anything like that?08:55
Phuzionso, how do I install updated ATI drivers with these special seveas repositories?08:55
User2A demo boot up that is08:55
tcliconcept10: it's forcedeth :P08:55
wastrelsysrage:  i think it's a "security" feature - no servers turned on by default.08:55
boinkanything like what?08:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:55
User2yeah, I think that may be a good thing that the power users don't know much.. I mean... less likely to hack right?08:55
concept10tcli, thats the driver name?08:55
Jordan_Uturbopc: Again, just to be sure, you completely restarted totem right?08:55
TokenBadsee here is why trying to find out...am trying to use parallels workstation and installed dream linux to test....but can't get it to connect to inet...and in info says would have to install drivers for other os's besides their supported ones...08:55
User2My friend is trying to tell me that ubuntu is hack free... yay or nay?08:56
User2I never heard of a full proof os08:56
boink"hack free" .. that's funny08:56
`QXLpeople, can you help me? i downloaded kcontrol package from packages.ubuntu.com but it destroyed and system puts error, where i can found this packet, i use ubuntu dapper 6.0608:56
turbopcJordan_U: yes... I even restarted the whole system!08:56
User2I KNOW!08:56
User2I was like... wtf08:56
Jordan_UUser2: Yes ubuntu has a 'Live CD"08:56
User2How about spyware?08:56
wastrelisn't the livecd called the desktop cd now ?08:56
tclithere's no spyware on linux08:57
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boinkspyware is only written for windows08:57
Jordan_Uwastrel: Yes.08:57
User2I use firefox anyway, but let's assume a website is being a ... insert profane word of choice08:57
boinklike with viruses, they're only written for windows08:57
tcliconcept10: yeah08:57
concept10TokenBad, oh, so you would need to load the forcedeth module inside of the virtual install I guess08:57
parker`sweet everything works now (flash and firefox) thanks guys08:57
tcliconcept10: It's the onboard nvidia driver08:57
User2there are NO viruses affecting linux?08:57
boinkparker: ubuntu isn't so tolerant when you do your "own" thing08:57
wastrelUser2:  you can download all the windows viruses and spyware you want, it's not going to run :] 08:57
boinkI had Flash 9 installed, it wasn't that good08:58
concept10TokenBad, well, try to modprobe forcedeth08:58
User2but are their custom built ones?08:58
Jordan_UUser2: It isn't as much that Linux does not have viruses, it is that Windows is the only OS that DOES :)08:58
User2for ubuntu.. i mean08:58
wastrelthere are viruses but they're proof-of-concept things that aren't circulating in the wild.08:58
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boinkif you use wine, those viruses will run :)08:58
wastreland wouldn't work well anyway08:58
parker`one last question, I have the multiverse repo enabled but I can't get Sun JDK to install... I am reading the wiki here and it says the package is named "sun-java5-jdk" but this returns 0 results, what is the proper name08:58
boinkagain, you need the right repo08:58
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:58
TokenBadconcept10, yeah the dream linux is debian based to...just have to figure out how to get the file into the vm08:58
boinkUser2: man apt-get08:58
wastrelparker`:  did you apt-get update after you enabled multiverse ?08:58
tcliuser2: There are like 5 linux viruses, only one that I know of that has ever made it into the wild, and it affected like 0.01% of linux boxen08:59
User2so you would probably have to deliberately try to get these suckers08:59
boinkdebian/ubuntu has a system called "apt-get" which is like pkg_add in the BSD's08:59
boinkUser2: no08:59
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Jordan_UUser2 pretty much :)08:59
User2so then what do you recommend I get as a backup safety measure08:59
boinkapt-get comes from debian08:59
User2for a firewall that is08:59
floatingfyrestrtr: on xiterm manual, it says kanji mode as -km mode and kanji font -ft fontname, but if I run xiterm with those options, what kanji font I can/have ?08:59
tcliuser2: yeah... it's pretty much unheard of08:59
concept10TokenBad, the drivers are already included with every linux kernel, just modprobe forcedeth08:59
goosfraba4uhi, how to set up a gateway09:00
User2I don't even need a virus scanner?09:00
tcliuser2: the hacks I see are all webapp/php vulnerabilities, or weak passwords09:00
boinkbackup: rsnapshop firewall: iptables09:00
Jordan_UUser2: And because softwate comes from repositories you can trust 100% everyting youi install.09:00
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boinkheh, 100 percent? heh09:00
parker`wastrel: I believe so, let me try again09:00
goosfraba4uHi guys, how do I go about setting up a gateway?09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gateway - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
User2repositories?  could you enlighten my vocabulary:p09:00
Jordan_Uboink: To not be malware that is, nothing more guarenteed.09:00
concept10TokenBad, did you try it?09:00
`QXLpeople, can you help me? i downloaded kcontrol package from packages.ubuntu.com but it destroyed and system puts error, where i can found this packet, i use ubuntu dapper 6.06. ??09:00
boinkUser2: man apt-get09:00
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource09:00
parker`wastrel: okay I updated and tried again, same problem... E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jdk09:01
User2man apt-get?09:01
PhuzionCan someone walk me through updating the driver for my ATI Rage Mobility card?09:01
User2I never heard of that term09:01
boinkwell, read it.09:01
boinkit's all in the man page09:01
ubotuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands09:01
ubotuapt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)09:01
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TokenBadconcept10, I would do that from terminal in vm?09:01
Phuzionthere's everything you need to know about man apt-get09:01
concept10boink, Phuzion he doesnt have it installed yet09:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about boink - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:01
wastrelparker`:  you must not have multiverse enabled :]    check your sources.list carefully....09:01
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository09:02
concept10TokenBad, yep09:02
boinkand read that09:02
User2oh - you mean ubotu will tell me what I need if I use the man -aptget09:02
wastrel!ati | Phuzion09:02
ubotuPhuzion: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:02
TokenBadconcept10, thanks will try it...09:02
parker`User2: you may want to give this a read to understand a few differences between linux and windows http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm09:02
TokenBadwill let you know09:02
goosfraba4uboink: It dosen't know crap about gateways, do you?09:02
Phuzionwastrel:  read it, I'm confused as hell09:02
concept10TokenBad, ok09:02
Phuzionwhich is why I need someone to walk me through it09:02
boinkgoosfraba4u: you'll need to set up iptables in order to make a gateway09:02
wastrelPhuzion:  i'm just using what's in the repos.  isn't there a seveas section on that page?09:02
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ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:03
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Phuzionyeah, but I don't get how to get a specific driver for a card from the repositories09:03
ubotuat: Delayed job execution and batch processing. In component main, is standard. Version 3.1.10ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 41 kB, installed size 208 kB09:03
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concept10good god too much bot usage, reminds me of #debian09:03
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boinkbots help, you don't have to type in the same stuff over and over again09:04
boinkmost questions here repeat themselves09:04
wastrel<3 ubotu09:04
PhuzionYeah, but the bots should be required to notice or PM09:04
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ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)09:04
wastrel:] 09:04
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concept10they help, but they are also annoying, especially when you dont pay attention to what someones asking and you just throw up a lame bot message09:05
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boinkhappens in a busy channel09:05
TokenBadconcept10, ok it gave no responce that good or bad?09:05
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Phuzionwastrel: I know, but when you do something like !ati | Phuzion then it publicly says it in the channel09:05
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PhuzionI think that all bots should be required to always stick to msg or notice09:06
User2Thanks for all of the info guys09:06
sortadihi there09:06
concept10TokenBad, it shouldnt give no response if successful... you could do another lsmod and you should see the driver (module) loaded09:06
User2forgive the delayed response.. windows update loading x.x09:06
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rokkohi: my parallel port keeps sending info to my ticket printer (dot matrix), but its a very huge file because of text format, how can i stop it?09:06
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concept10TokenBad, and then try again with whatever you were attempting to do09:06
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sortadiI am experiencing problems getting to dowload ubuntu 6.10 cd iso09:06
Reality-Xwhats the command to have a service start at boot time?09:06
PhuzionSo, is someone going to help me out with my video card driver issue?  I'm running an ATI Rage Mobility and apparently I don't have drivers for it yet.09:06
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Phuzionsortadi: what method are you using to download the iso?09:06
parker`okay so I definitely have the multiverse repo enabled, but I still can't find the package "sun-java5-jdk" as the wiki suggested would work, any ideas? (I have updated the package list already)09:06
sortadiwhen i go to any of the available mirrors i just get garbage when trying to dld09:07
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sortadiPhuzion, through regular webpage09:07
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sortadiPhuzion, http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/linux/ubuntu/releases/edgy/09:07
boinkparker: do an apt-cache search sun-java509:07
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User2hmm... just one more question... is upnp supported?  by default?  or do I look for an open source version?  (and btw.. can cookie stealers and malware of any asort be in open source linuxware)?  (okay I guess this was more than one question)09:07
wastrelparker`:  at this point you should pastebin your sources.list & let us have a look at it :] , sun-java5-jdk is definitely in multiverse09:08
wastrel!info sun-java5-jdk09:08
ubotusun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-08-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4918 kB, installed size 11412 kB09:08
Phuzionsortadi:  are you saving the file as, or just clicking on it?09:08
boinkI think parker isn't putting in the right thing with apt-get install09:08
sortadiPhuzion, clicking09:08
boinkthat's why he should do an apt-cache search sun-java509:08
Phuzionwhats the url you're clicking on?09:08
Reality-XIE in gentoo its rc-update add <service> default to get it to start at boot time09:08
concept10Phuzion, what type of card do you have?09:08
boinksun-java5-bin - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.009:08
sortadiPhuzion, ok saving the file as now.. thanks09:08
parker`boink: I want the jdk not the jre09:08
Phuzionconcept10:  ati rage mobility inside a sony vaio pcg-9e1l09:09
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boinksun-java5-jdk - Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.009:09
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boinkagain, check your sources.list09:09
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boinkapt-cache search sun-java5-jdk09:09
concept10Phuzion, are you using linux right now?09:09
parker`I took comments out to imrpove readability: http://rafb.net/paste/results/mVI7Vj49.html09:10
parker`improve, even09:10
parker`the apt-cache search returns no results09:10
concept10Phuzion, I think the driver is called 'r128'  You hsould get a better response if you detail what exact problem you are having (what are you trying to fix)09:10
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Phuzionwell, I installed Google Earth today, and apparently I have no video card driver installed, according to the program09:11
wastrelparker`:  you only have multiverse enabled for the edgy-backports repos09:11
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parker`wastrel: what URL do I need to enter for the general multiverse?09:11
pepeamidhello !!09:11
wastrelparker`:  add multiverse to the first 2 lines09:12
Phuzionparker`:  anywhere you see the word universe in sources.list, add the word multiverse after it, separated by one space, then save, close, and run sudo apt-get update09:12
tcli<--- on windoze09:12
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tclii use windows way too much09:12
parker`I've read the wiki already, but it just walks you though enabling it through software instead of giving you details09:12
tclii think i'm a masochist09:12
pepeamidhow i can change the controls on edgy with beryl  and emerald09:12
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tclii even have my dual-boot setup to use the windoze bootloader, just for the hell of it09:12
wastreli don't think multiverse gets security updates, so you can add it to the security lines but it won't do anything :] 09:12
coz_pepeamid, could you explain that a little more?09:12
Phuziontcli:  I dual boot XP and Ubuntu 6.0609:12
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PhuzionYou're not a masochist, lol09:13
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coz_tcli, I agree   people who use windows either have work they need to get done or they play alot of games09:13
tcliPhuzion: well, I like people to punch m e in the face too09:13
tclij/k :p09:13
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User2dual boot.. that means you only use one at a time?09:13
pepeamidyeah coz_ , when i upgrade to edgy, the controls of windows , like clearlooks theme09:14
tclii just set up winxp/6.1009:14
parker`ahh there we go, sorry for the dumb question guys09:14
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pepeamidhow i can change ?09:14
tclii haven't had a linux box since i dumped a glass of water into my gentoo laptop :<09:14
coz_pepeamid, ok you did type   beryl-manager in the terminal to start it right?09:14
tcliwell, I have linux servers, but no linux workstation :P09:14
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Phuziontcli:  ouch on the laptop09:15
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rc-1is there a log of this, i missed a message to me09:15
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tcliPhuzion: yeah, I had it all pimped out too... everyone who saw it was in awe09:15
coz_pepeamid, ok and you see the large icon next to the clock09:15
tclier... sighs09:15
fredlwhich file adds /usr/local/bin to my path? :/09:15
fredlit looks to be default.09:16
Phuziontcli:  just a heads up, if you're going to continue to talk about offtopic stuff, might I suggest #ubuntu-offtopic09:16
floatingI tried installing kon, but when running "you can run this Kon at only console termina.09:16
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tcliPhuzion: ty09:16
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bokeyfredl, check your ~/.bashrc09:16
Phuziontcli:  np09:16
rc-1wheres the log of this channel?09:16
fredlbokey - did that.09:16
pepeamidits normal all my edgy09:16
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coz_pepeamid, if you want a clearlooks kind of window frame you may have to down load the beryl theme for that, I have it but I don;'t know if I donwloaded it or it came default09:16
bokeyfredl, put path variable there then.09:16
=== Grant [n=ubuntu@c-24-21-24-148.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fredlbokey - it's set elsewhere and I want to know where.09:17
tclifredl: Add: export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"09:17
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GrantHey guys question: If I need to install grub from the terminal so that it installs onto the MBR of sda, and boots into sda3, what are the commands?09:17
pepeamidok coz_ , emerald only cahnge my windows decorations, but dont change the controls09:18
fredltcli - I know that. I just want to know where it's currently set because I don't think /usr/local/bin should be at the start of any user's path09:18
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coz_dobie_gillis, i haven;t heard that name in decades lol09:18
tcliGrant: is /boot /dev/sda1?09:18
Phuzion concept10:  how do I go about installing the 'r128' driver?09:19
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Granttcli: not sure what you are asking... according to gparted sda1 is my NTFS mass storage partition09:19
bokeyfredl, /etc/profile09:19
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concept10Phuzion, it maybe installed already ... do a lsmod  and see if its listed09:20
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pepeamidcoz_, metacity dont works too, for change controls theme09:20
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fredlbokey - not there either for me.09:20
Granttcli: what I need is for grub to be installed onto the MBR of sda and to boot to the sda3 partition09:20
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coz_pepeamid, no metacity does not work with beryl ..correct09:20
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rokkohow can i cancel a job in lpd?09:20
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wastrelfredl:  bash manpage sez :  The default path is  system-dependent,  and  is set  by  the administrator who installs bash.09:20
Phuzionconcept10:  I don't see it there09:21
pepeamidcoz_, i change the windows manager for test09:21
fredlbokey - and also not in /etc/bash.bashrc09:21
tamiyaHey guys, check out my blog at http://unrealfantasy.blogspot.com/09:21
tclifredl: try grep -Ri PATH= /etc/* 2>/dev/null09:21
pepeamidbut neither change09:21
=== thirstyferret [n=thirstyf@host86-138-96-9.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
fredlwastrel, well I installed bash :)09:21
tclidon't have a ubuntu box handy or i'd tell you :P09:21
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yoshiznit123hi everyone, is there a way to play a sound file so that it gets heard on the recording device?09:21
bokeyfredl, do a search for .bashrc. find / -name .bashrc -print09:21
tamiyaHey guys, check out my blog at http://unrealfantasy.blogspot.com/09:21
pepeamidonly change the windows title09:21
tcliGrant: You need to know where the kernel image/initrd are stored09:21
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pepeamidor header wherever09:22
thirstyferrethi all... I have a .py script but I can't seem to get python to run it... bit of a beginner at python, so how do I get it to run? thanks :)09:22
coz_pepeamid, ok if i understand... you tried to change the window manager and now none of it works?09:22
Zimkahi all09:22
wastrelfredl:  strings /bin/bash | grep /usr/local   - suggests it's in the binary :] 09:22
pepeamidyeah coz_09:22
concept10Phuzion, you may be using the radeon driver09:22
parker`Grant: setting grub as the bootloader on the MBR is pretty easy, just go into the grub command line from a terminal and type "setup (hd0)"09:22
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Phuzionconcept10:  if I am, I'm unaware09:22
ZimkaRadeon drivers is sucks09:22
fredlwastrel, no kidding... really?09:22
concept10Phuzion, do a lsmod | grep r12809:22
Grantparker: how will it know what partition to boot into?09:22
parker`Grant: actually, just follow this http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Installing-GRUB-natively.html09:22
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concept10Zimka, the latest one is pretty good09:23
Phuzionconcept10: nada09:23
fredlwastrel, that's sick!09:23
parker`Grant: you configure that in /boot/grub/grub.conf09:23
Zimkayeah )09:23
coz_pepeamid, ok I am not sure what you need at this point.. what window managers did you try... what did you install.. and did you reboot to see if that helps/09:23
wastrelfredl:  honestly it's just a conjecture- have to look at the source to be sure, & i'm not interested in getting into all that :] 09:23
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parker`Grant: you will need to add a section in grub.conf for each OS you want to be available for boot09:23
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concept10Phuzion, try to grep ati and then radeon09:23
fredlwastrel, tnx, that's really the last place I would've checked. I'll check but I think you might be right.09:23
stevekZimka - I hear you...  I went out and bought an nVidia card this week.09:23
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pepeamidi try with metacity and emerald coz_09:24
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Grantparker: is there any way to do this with the GUI installer on this live CD (without over writing my current system)09:24
Phuzionradeon returns nothing09:24
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stevekif anybody wants to buy a Radeon 9500 I have one sitting next to me :)09:24
Grantparker: basically I just finished setting up this complicated syslinux live cd on hd thing and I need to tell grub to boot to sda3 lol09:24
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parker`Grant: not sure, I've always used Gentoo and did it from command line, I've found this way to be very reliable, not sure about any GUI installers to do it09:24
Phuzionconcept10:  please join #flood so I can show you what the other grep returns09:24
tcli/usr/local/bin is added to my path by spamassassin on my server O_o09:24
tclithat is a trip09:24
ZimkaI want girl )09:24
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stevekhmph.  PPEwnrly ir'a  PEO.09:25
ZimkaWhere is she )09:25
coz_pepeamid, ok did you reboot the system to see if that helps?09:25
stevekuh thats... apparently it's a Pro (9500 Pro)09:25
stevek(sticky fingers)09:25
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pepeamidyes, coz_ i reboot twice09:26
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parker`Grant: what are you on right now? a ubuntu install, windows, a live CD?09:26
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tclibedtime for me... later09:26
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pepeamidbut dont change my configuration of control coz_09:26
Grantxubuntu live CD09:26
Grantparker: xubuntu live cd09:26
Jordan_UAnybody know what port nibbles uses?09:26
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Zim_I_Live_In_RuPeople you now Russian?09:26
parker`Grant: okay, so have you already installed xubuntu to your hard drive?09:26
Jordan_U!ru | Zim_I_Live_In_Ru09:27
ubotuZim_I_Live_In_Ru:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:27
Grantparker: yes09:27
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pepeamidcoz_, and i dont know what to do :(09:27
stevekanybody have any ftp client recommendations?  I can't use rsync and Filezilla has been frustrating (I want something where I can define a site and it will upload to the appropriate directories...  ie local:/home/me/webs/js maps to remote:/js)09:27
parker`Grant: are you trying to dual boot with other operating systems or just xubuntu?09:27
mborohovZim_I_Live_In_Ru: also, you can pm me. ya govoruy po russki tozhi09:27
Grantparker: this is on an external hard drive that I only turn on when I want to boot to linux so yes just xubuntu09:27
Zim_I_Live_In_Rubivaet )09:28
coz_pepeamid, ok I am not sure what is happening with your system, maybe someone who has been following this conversation can help09:28
coz_be back shortly09:28
parker`Grant: but the computer normally runs a different OS I take it09:28
Grantparker: Yes Vista09:28
Grantparker: due to boot order though that doesn't matter im not messign with the MBR of the HD that vista resides on09:28
pepeamidok thanks anyway09:28
sherl0ckfor XFCE desktop, is there a way to bind shortcut keys???09:29
parker`Grant: the thing about GRUB is that it's a bootloader, which means that if you install grub onto the MBR, you need to include an option to boot Vista (which you will make your default) and a separate option to boot xubuntu, otherwise you'd have to set your BIOS to boot the external HDD every time you wanted to use xubunutu09:29
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pepeamidcoz_, where i can downlaod controls themes for emerald, im search in google but dont find them09:29
VichI just installed windows xp and ubuntu for a dual boot configuration09:29
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Vichand I can't boot into windows09:29
pepeamidany page ? coz_09:29
VichI installed winxp first09:29
Vichbut I think it threw the ntldr and boot stuff on the drive I then installed ubuntu to09:30
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VichI'm hoping I can edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst to get it to boot windows by default09:30
turbopcI still have the same problem with playing DVDs - I followed all instructions to install libdvdcss and MediaPlayer/Totem still gives me an error asking if im trying to watch encrypted DVD without libdvdcss - any clues?09:30
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Grantparker: I know that, but see if I only turn on the external HD that xubuntu is on when I want to boot to it, all other situations the computer will not see there is a USB HDD plugged in and will boot to vista. no problemo, I know this works and its fine. I just need to install grub on this external HD and have it boot to sda3 on the drive09:30
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stevekpepeamid - if you are using beryl, there should be a bunch of themes already loaded - if not, try doing a make && make install in the emerald-themes directory09:30
stevekI haven't found anywhere to download other ones.09:31
parker`Grant: okay, so basically your boot order in BIOS is 1) external HDD 2) normal HDD? so when the external is off, it'll auto-boot the internal?09:32
Grantparker: exactly09:32
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pepeamidyeah, the defaults themes works , but dont change the controls like09:32
parker`Grant: okay, you're in good shape then, what's the internal HDD showing up as on your system? hda or sdb?09:33
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pepeamidmy question its, how changes the f***ing controls theme xD09:33
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Grantparker: well I just unplugged it and rebooted to do a test, want me to restart with it plugged in? (In this case it usually shows as sda and the external is sdb)09:34
stevekyou know - there's a bunch of emerald themes at kde-look.org09:34
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stevekI just poked over there and found some.09:34
concept10Phuzion, im going to try and install it09:34
Phuzionhave fun, it's a great program to mess around with09:35
pepeamidthanks stevek09:35
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parker`Grant: I just want to make sure you have the name right so you don't overwrite the MBR on the internal :) so from here I'd do a command-line setup of grub on the external, if you'd like me to help you with this PM me09:36
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pepeamidstevek, i tired to try ... its all for me tonight .. maybe tomorrow keep trying09:36
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Simian__why does my /etc/hosts have nothing in it any more?09:36
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pepeamidsee u coz_  and  stevek  thanks for all09:37
Plecebodoes anyone know of a script to strip "illegal" characters from file names09:37
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Pleceboor a utility to find and replace char's in file names09:38
turbopcWhy is nobody responding to my question about DVD - it's such a simple task that makes me just more frustrated about how unifinished Ubuntu is....09:38
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stevekpepeamid - adios09:38
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stevekwhats your questions turbo?09:39
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs09:39
=== tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14dda.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:39
turbopcstevek: i am trying to watch a stupid dvd on my laptop and i keep on gettin the error from totem about trying to watch encrypted DVD withouth libdvdcss although I installed and then reinstalled libdvdcss like 3 times!09:40
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stevekturbopc: ahh - I ran into the same thing two days ago... lemme think09:40
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stevekoh yeah...  you need to install totem-xine instead of totem using synaptic09:41
turbopcstevek: and i still dont get why wouldnt ubuntu support dvd by default... as much as Windoze sux in stability i start realizing that its awesome when it comes to plug an play or compatibility in general!09:41
stevekturbopc: what I discovered is...  that totem does not support dvd menus, so I installed gxine which seemed to work better anyways.09:41
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bobbie__4I going to bed so keep it down in here.09:42
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stevekturbopc: the only downside is that if you aren't in full screen, it shows the movie title and timestamp below the video.09:42
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Dheeraj_kturbopc: due to licence restriction09:42
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turbopcstevek: i installed gxine too... and it just shows me the warning message then the production companys logo (totem does the same) and then stops/freezes (which is where totme shows the error)09:42
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Simian__why does my /etc/hosts have nothing in it any more? it was supposed to say    localhost.localdomain     localhost09:42
turbopcDheeraj_k: so why isnt M$ restricted by that?09:43
warkruidturbopc: have you tried mplayer?09:43
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Dheeraj_kturboc: run following command  sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-gl gstreamer0.10-plugins-base \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \ gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse w32codecs09:43
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turbopcstevek: btw... i am running totem-xine09:44
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boinkcodecs are a real pain in ubuntu09:44
turbopcwarkuid: mplayer as in media player / totem?09:44
ubotumplayer is a media player. Enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer  To compile it from source see:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile09:44
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.09:44
boinkand listen this time, turbopc.09:44
turbopcboin: to what? to all the links i went trhu 1000 times?09:45
warkruid... No comment :-)09:45
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Ulixesanyone here?09:46
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stevekturbopc: sorry - I'm no expert.  You apparently already have all the knowledge I managed to collect so far.  One problem I ran into was that you can't install with apt-get with synaptics open.  Make sure synaptics is closed before running apt-get to install decss09:46
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stevekturbopc: that's all I got :) sorry.09:46
Ulixescan anyone tell me what are the chmod default settings for /home/user??09:46
Ulixes(numbers pls )09:46
ciplogicHi, when I've start X server it said (after an update) : missing font "fixed" at the start of X server, what package do I miss?09:47
turbopcthanks stevek09:47
rokkoexcuse me: how can i stop a printing job in terminal?09:47
=== flo [n=flo@host248-203.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
Dheeraj_kdude Microsoft doesn't offer windows for free! and microsoft has agreement with vender of those codecs09:47
boinkdo a ps aux|less to see what number the printing job is then kill -9 <number>09:47
Ulixescan you help mee??09:48
turbopcboink: mplayer: failed to open dvd://109:48
boinkworks for me09:48
Dheeraj_kso indirectly u pay for those codecs09:48
stevekrokko: ps -ef  to find the process, then kill 1234 where 1234 is the PID of the print process09:48
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newbuntuhello all09:49
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warkruidturbopc: mplayer doesn't see your dvd..  check /dev/ directory if there is a dvd entry and if it points to the correct device09:49
DARKGuyGreetings, anybody knows how to remove the nVIDIA official drivers safely for installing an older version?09:49
stevekrokko: if kill doesn't kill it, try kill -9, or sudo kill -909:49
=== LordMetroid [n=lordmetr@h50n4c1o885.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
newbuntuim having troubles getting tv-out on my ati radeon 9550 card09:49
boinkor get the right version of mplayer instead of the crippled version09:49
newbuntuanyone here use ati and have tv-out working?09:50
turbopcDheeraj_k: well... but lets say with other codecs... i am talking about the ease of using it - u download one .exe, click, click - done... where in linux u need to edit 3092 files then run this run that open this, reboot, update, download modules, pakcages, another 30 minutes... done - u know what im trying to say?09:50
boinkturbopc: wrong. I had it up and running in five minutes with apt-get09:50
stevekturbopc: d'oh, that was the other problem I had... I had to change the setting to which drive had the dvd (but I think that was mplayer, not gxine or totem-xine)09:50
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Dheeraj_k@turbopc: wait for 1 minute i am pasting complete solution  in paste  bin09:50
boinkthat's faster than windows09:50
boinkubuntu is a bit of pain due to the codec restrictions it puts on itself09:51
Kevin`turbopc you don't sound like the type of person who 'gets' linux09:51
boinkother distro's/OS's don't have these hassles.09:51
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turbopcboink: dont get me wrong... i am both hands pro ubuntu and i hate windoze... its just so many more ppl would share my opinion if only ubuntu was a bit easier for noobs like me ;)09:51
stevekturbopc: I also went and downloaded the windows codecs, although I don't know if that made a difference.09:51
boinkor who doesn't want to get linux09:51
tonyyarussoboink: That's the only way for it to not cost money09:52
newbuntusomeone on bsd?09:52
DARKGuyAgain - :P anybody knows how to remove the nVIDIA official drivers safely for installing an older version?09:52
DARKGuyturbopc: Ubuntu is the easiest Linux I've tried, personally :/09:52
boinksure, but this isn't a bsd channel :)09:52
turbopcKevin`: I do get linux and thats i am still here trying to find a solution (for the past 2h) while having an XP box 30cm away ;)09:52
newbuntuhe said who wouldnt want linux09:52
Kevin`turbopc a solution to what?09:52
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stevekanybody have any gui ftp client recommendations?09:53
turbopcKevin`: to my problem with playing DVDs09:53
fyrestrtrstevek: nautilus09:53
DARKGuystevek: if you use GNOME... GFTP is a good one09:53
Kevin`turbopc I could give you my solution, but you won't like it09:53
turbopcstevek: gFTP is ok09:53
newbuntuboink you have tv-out working ever on ubuntu?09:53
Kevin`(there's probably an easier way)09:53
Vichhmm I can't mount an ntfs drive09:53
boinkyes, but on Slackware09:53
turbopchehe... Kevin`: id be more that happy to hear it anyways :P09:53
warkruidboink: slackware fan?09:53
VichI made a dir called win_c in /media09:53
boinkthe trickey thing with tv on linux is that it must be running as a module09:53
boinkSlackware: no, I can't stand it09:54
Vichand mount says /meia/win_c is not a block device09:54
Kevin`download the libdvdcss source, install it. download the livdvdread source, install it. download mplayer, configure, build, and install it09:54
rokkostevek: the closer thing to printing is lpd, but killing that process only stops lpd, when restarting it keeps printing a file09:54
boinkand you need to put the tuner in the module.09:54
Vichwhat does that mean?09:54
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boinkthe documentation from bytesex.com is fairly good09:54
newbuntuboink do you have to use the composite out or can you use the yellow video out ? I ask because my tv doesnt have composite just video in09:54
Dheeraj_kturbopc: u can play almost any kind of dvd on linux all u need to do little bit google!09:54
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newbuntulibdvdcss has got to be one of the most common questions09:55
boinkhmm, I just used an old BTR 878 card. it had a video out09:55
Kevin`turbopc I probably shouldn't say this, but the above process can be simplified to "emerge mplayer" :)09:55
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turbopcDheeraj_k: I know... the problem i have is not wheter its possible or not... the problem i have is why totem doesnt see the libdvdcss install09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codecx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:55
stevekrokko: I would think it would be lpr that you're looking for, but I don't know for sure.  Perhaps it's already been queued to the printer...09:55
Ulixescan anyone tell me what are the def chmod values for /home/myuser09:55
boinkubuntu is working on getting the codecs mess sorted09:55
turbopcKevin`: hehe :]  thanks ;)09:55
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Ulixespls i'm new in linux09:55
DARKGuy!nvidia uninstall09:55
Kevin`as i'm SURE ubuntu has an east package for dvd stuff somewhere09:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia uninstall - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:55
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boinkUlixes: chmod 77509:55
Kevin`since so many people use it09:55
Ulixesok thz09:55
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newbuntui wish there was a gui for atitvout09:56
boinkand so many beginners have totaly agony with the codecs in ubuntu09:56
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boinkwhile in debian, it's quite easy. just apt-get :)09:56
Ulixesand /home/myuser/.dmrc09:56
rokkostevek: yes, but when i do lpd to see printer queue, it doesnt display anything09:56
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newbuntuhers a dumb question should a north american tv be set ntsc for ati card or pal?09:56
turbopcKevin`: the source of my frustration is the fact that on linux everything is in pieces... you know what i mean?09:56
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LaserLinenewbuntu: ntsc09:56
newbuntuokay thanks09:56
Kevin`turbopc yes I think I do, and I love it.09:57
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turbopcKevin`: simple install/config is like a puzze ;)09:57
boinkntsc = never the same colour twice :P09:57
Dheeraj_kturbopc: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34086/09:57
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Ulixesboink: what about /home/myuser/.dmrc?09:57
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boinkUlixes: i don't know what .dmrc is09:57
FluxDhello this might be a really stupid question but what is the way to add another gnome panel?09:57
DARKGuyFluxD: right-click the already-existing panel and choose New Panel :P09:57
boinkif it needs chmod 600 or whatever ...09:57
Ulixesit's a file placed in /home/myuser09:57
LaserLine3200 RAM will work with a 2700 mobo right it will just run at 2700?09:57
Ulixesokok thz09:57
turbopcDheeraj_k: should I just copy and paste? or save it as solution and then just run it? :P09:57
Ulixesa lot09:58
FluxDlol thanks darkguy :)09:58
Dheeraj_kthat was easy :D09:58
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DARKGuywelcome FluxD :P09:58
Kevin`turbopc the 'pieces' allow things to be easily used together in new ways09:58
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Kevin`turbopc see aalib for an excellent and mostly useless example09:58
newbuntucan an ati card with video out be hooked up with just the yellow rca video cord to the tv or does it have to ce the composite hookup? my Tv only has yellow rca in, but that doesnt seem to work with fglrx atitvout09:59
turbopcKevin`: yeah... i like that idea... but you know... we are past the era where 512KB HDD was a biggy, so why not to include that staff right away?09:59
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Kevin`turbopc do you know how big a full install of debian is?09:59
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Kevin`with it's 16 cds or so09:59
Kevin`you DON'T want that09:59
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Kevin`anyway, that's what package managers are for :)10:00
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turbopcKevin`: 16 CDs????10:00
DARKGuyturbopc: the problem with Linux is that it's made by a worldwide community and everyone has their own ways for managing their projects/modules/pieces while Windows is a commercial OS made by an entire unified team which have to share and work with the same project and using the same rules - however, I find Linux more powerful than Windows.10:00
Kevin`turbopc somewhere around that.  getting "all" of a linux distro by default is not a good idea10:01
turbopcDARKGuy: I absolutely agree... but then... the only way to get all that Linux has to offer is to become a developer! :P10:01
newbuntulinux is for people who want to be part of something thats growing , peer reviewed, free and open10:01
DARKGuynewbuntu: yup10:01
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Kevin`linux is for people who want to USE their computer :)10:02
newbuntucrack-free linux10:02
rokkohow can i stop a printing job in lpd?10:02
DARKGuyturbopc: Yup, but not so like that - a novice user can use Linux too (or well, Ubuntu) it's just ... different than just point-and-click :P10:02
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Kevin`turbopc 14 cds, sorry10:02
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newbuntui'm off the crack, and soon to be off the wine as well  : )10:02
turbopcKevin`: i agree... but since ubuntu is the "for pepole distro" I assume that you would agree that most common tasks should be available right away... or one-cick-away to beat the DRM or the encryption law enforcment's system10:03
=== Kevin` goes back to watching his dvd
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Kevin`turbopc I agree10:03
sychohow do I add/run scripts in edgy like i could in dapper?10:03
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Kevin`but there are legal issues apparently10:03
sychowith the right clicking?10:03
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DARKGuyturbopc: Agreed, but there come laws and all that stupid legal stuff 10:03
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DARKGuyturbopc: and Linux people don't actually... "hack" but search workarounds10:03
newbuntu.. by crack I meant crack codes on windblows of course10:03
DARKGuyturbopc: free ones :)10:04
Kevin`DARKGuy some linux people DO hack.. the ones who make the workarounds :)10:04
DARKGuyKevin`: Okay xD the good ones :)10:04
turbopcDARKGuy: thats what im saying... dont hack... just beat the system :P10:04
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RainarrowHi all10:04
DARKGuyturbopc: yes, there are, just gotta learn how to apply them... since Linux is still, let's say not very mature for the common user, there's always some build-from-source or using-a-random-command that might seem hard for the common user :P10:05
Dheeraj_khacking is not about screwing other it is all about discovering something new10:05
stevekwhat is the deal with dvd anyways...  is it really illegal to watch dvd's in linux in the us?10:05
sciortluHi guys10:05
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DARKGuyAnyhow, brb, gonna reinstall nvidia drivers10:05
boinkno, it's not illegal10:05
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boinkbut ubuntu doesn't want to get sued to death10:06
boinkthat's why the codec hassles10:06
stevekfair enough.  The MPAA is definitely a PITA.10:06
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RainarrowHi everyone,I am experiencing a strange behavor when pinging my Windows box from Ubuntu10:06
maltGood night! gone to bed.............10:06
boinkhowever, other linux distro's and other OS don't have these hassles10:07
boinkin FreeBSD, it's quite easy to get mplayer with win32codec and libdvd up and running10:07
Rainarrowit's like this:10:07
Rainarrow$ ping
RainarrowPING ( 56(84) bytes of data.10:07
RainarrowFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable10:07
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boinkRainarrow: you have a firewall on that windows box?10:07
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Kevin`Rainarrow looks like it's failing on the arp level10:07
Rainarrow~$ arp10:08
boinkarp -a10:08
RainarrowAddress                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface192.168.0.1                      (incomplete)                              eth110:08
Rainarrow192.168.0.1              ether   00:50:DA:81:04:7E   C                     eth010:08
Rainarrow$ arp -a10:08
Rainarrow? ( at <incomplete> on eth110:08
Rainarrow? ( at 00:50:DA:81:04:7E [ether]  on eth010:08
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Rainarrowand this is correct10:08
Kevin`hm why is it on both10:08
Kevin`route -n10:08
sciortluboink ... what' your default route ?10:09
Rainarrowoh, my eth1 is a wireless10:09
Kevin`both interfaces10:09
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Rainarrowand it's off now10:09
sciortluroute print10:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:09
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Kevin`sciortlu wrong route :)10:09
stevekI'm out...  gotta get to work :)10:09
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runesI downloaded 6.10 server  but there is no option to select LAMP as per instruction on https://help.ubuntu.com/6.06/ubuntu/serverguide/C/installing-from-cd.html10:10
RainarrowAfter a restart this problem will gone10:10
stevekand watch crouching tiger hidden dragon :)  (you guys reminded me I have a dvd sitting on the desk)10:10
boinkjust download the stuff with apt-get10:10
Rainarrowbut it come back occasionally10:10
Kevin`steve same here :D10:10
Kevin`watching some star trek episodes..10:10
dmndwhich episode10:11
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Kevin`erm i'm not sure10:11
Rainarrowit seems like some arp problems to me, too10:11
RainarrowHi Kevin`10:11
Kevin`something from voyager season 710:11
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Kevin`hi Rainarrow10:11
runesboink are you running server?10:11
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Kevin`Rainarrow did you paste the routing table?10:12
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RainarrowKernel IP routing table10:12
RainarrowDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface10:12
Rainarrow192.168.0.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth110:12
Rainarrow192.168.0.0     *        U     0      0        0 eth010:12
Rainarrowdefault         UG    0      0        0 eth010:12
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Rainarrowthis is the output of route10:12
Kevin`disable either eth0 or eth010:12
Kevin`disable either eth0 or eth110:12
Kevin`that is likely the problem10:12
tewni would like to install edgy however my motherboard requires a 2.6.19 kernel and i dont know how to compile my own kernel and i will will soon be getting an intel duo cpu10:13
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DARKGuyNow take a look at this... I was asking for help on how to uninstall the nVIDIA drivers because it broke almost any OpenGL app (including WINE)... so some googling taught me the parameter --uninstall. Then reinstalling an older driver did it. See... it's just a thing of a bit of research ^_^;10:13
RainarrowHi Kevin`, problem solved10:13
Rainarrowafter I ifdown eth110:13
RainarrowActually, I am running dapper on a Thinkpad T4010:14
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RainarrowI didn't ifdown my eth1, instead I just turned off the wireless using Fn+F510:14
sciortlugreat :-))))10:14
Rainarrowseems this lead to the problem10:14
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tewncan i install edgy with a 2.6.19 pre stable release kernel from apt-get ?10:15
LaserLine3200 RAM will work on a 2700 mobo, but will just run at 2700 speed right?10:15
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RainarrowLaserLine, it should be right10:15
Kevin`tewn what's the problem with your mobo, would it partially work with an older kernel so you could upgrade later?10:15
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RainarrowKevin`, could explain a little about that problem?10:16
tewnno it would not recognize the network interface card.  possibly the XGA X3000 integrated video either.10:16
RainarrowKevin`, why a turnoff wireless could make that happen10:16
Kevin`Rainarrow it was trying to reach your windows pc over eth1, which was still active10:16
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Kevin`and of course, wasn't working, because fn+f5 made it not work somehow10:16
Rainarrowtewn, can't you get a PCI interface card temporarily?10:16
Kevin`(hardware switch?)10:17
tewnhopefully.  i'll try.10:17
stevekturbopc: one thing I forgot... I installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly as well to get dvd going10:17
RainarrowKevin`, I see, thank you10:17
valehruIs there an IPOD restore feature in linux?10:17
stevekapparently there's good, bad, and ugly and ugly was what I needed.10:17
turbopcstevek: i did that10:17
Kevin`Rainarrow for most of the oss wireless drivers, taking the interface down will disable the radio.. what driver are you using? (out of curiosity)10:18
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RainarrowKevin`, it's not really a hardware switch, it seems to make the BIOS generates a interrupt10:18
stevekturbopc: and you have libxine-extracodecs I imagine as well?10:18
turbopcstevek: yup10:19
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RainarrowKevin`, I am not quite sure of the driver I am using, for it works out of the box10:19
RainarrowHowever, ipw2100 appears in the output of lsmod10:20
stevekand gxineplugin?10:20
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turbopcstevek: yeah10:20
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turbopcstevek: i have all that i need to run it... it just doesnt do it :P10:20
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RainarrowKevin`, and for my case the wireless LED still flashes even after taking down eth110:21
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stevekoh well... thought it was worth a shot...10:21
Kevin`Rainarrow interesting10:21
fdsdhey guys, I want to setup BIND to allow me to redirect a domain, for example I want digg.com to forward to an ip of choice, how would I set this up?10:21
turbopcstevek: thanks :)10:21
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Jergenson997I need to learn to understand what Ububtu is to work10:21
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DARKGuyJergenson997: What do you exactly mean? Oo10:22
Rainarrowfdsd, u meant u r trying something like what the HOSTS file does in Windows?10:22
Jergenson997Hi Dark Guy10:22
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DARKGuyHi Jergenson99710:22
Jergenson997Which one is better, Ubuntu or Gnome10:22
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vitorHow do I install KDM Theme Manager ?10:23
DARKGuyJergenson997: Ubuntu is the OS, Gnome is just the Window Manager - you can say Gnome is part of Ubuntu10:23
RainarrowJergenson997, Ubuntu is a distro while Gnome is a Windows Manager10:23
the_owlhello, somebody know how can i enable the guification in Gaim beta5?10:23
Jergenson997Which one is better10:23
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DARKGuyJergenson997: They're the same thing, Ubuntu uses Gnome for displaying you the windows. Maybe you're trying to mean KDE or XFCE?10:24
fdsdRainarrow, yeah setting up a host file works fine, but I need a dns server to serve 100 machines10:24
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Jergenson997Thank for the understanding10:25
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runesHelp!  Where on the server 6.10 cd boot menu does it say LAMP?10:25
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DARKGuyJergenson997: Welcome :P well, -personally- I like XFCE because it's like a lightweight Gnome for older PCs. There are a lot though. KDE looks more like Windoze and it has a Win98-like "start menu". I guess it's a thing of tastes, you'll have to test both to see which one is better for you.10:26
guesthey gang, anyone here a member of the slashdot channel10:27
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baratahallo, what is the BEST iTunes-like linux app?10:27
Sikonhas anyone had any luck with the Lacie LightScribe application on Edgy?10:28
DARKGuybarata: I have no iPod to try one, but I heard about a program named iLinux which can be installed through Automatix210:28
guestI can't join the slashdot channel, apparently you need an invite from someone else in the channel10:28
Sikonit worked for me on Dapper, but not Edgy10:28
guestI guess I'm not cool enough for the slashdot folk10:28
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Jergenson997I am opposed to open source licenses.  Is there a way to use an entirely proprietary version of Linux?10:28
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FluxDguest maybe you should get a better name than guest :)10:29
guestThat's like saying white is black Jergenson10:29
guestYeah I know flux, I'm new to IRC, still learning the ropes10:29
DARKGuyJergenson997: Hm, there's RedHat which is kind of commercial, then again all Linux is opensource10:29
guestI guess I need an account first10:29
SikonJergenson997> then why do you use Linux in the first place? switch to Windows10:29
RainarrowJergenson997, why don't consider something like AIX or Solaris?10:30
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FluxDguest try /nick then name here10:30
guestThere is no complete proprietary Linux, and why the hell would you want that10:30
Rainarrow /nick guest10:30
Kevin`Jergenson997 no, that is not possible, but you can buy some expensive unix varients if you want10:30
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Jergenson997I am in opposition to open source software because it is promoted by communists.  And so I want to clense linux of the red infuence10:30
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guestI'm about to slahs ignore Jergenson10:30
Kevin`Jergenson997 http://www.sco.com/10:30
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isdn-noobany gnome-ppp experts around?10:31
RainarrowJergenson997, may I know that where are you from?10:31
guestJergenson why the hell are you in here, you are definitely not educated about open source, and he's just trying to get attention10:31
DARKGuyI think googling "open source" would do it10:31
guestJust ignore him, if he wanted to educate himself about open source he would do it already, you'd have to be a complete idiot to say the things he's saying10:31
FluxDor eikipedia it :)10:31
DARKGuyLol :p10:31
SikonKick that troll already10:31
Rainarrow...and also en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist10:31
Kevin`I doubt he's actually interested in any information, just a troll10:32
guestYeah he got on my nerves already10:32
isdn-noobEvening all10:32
Sikonseriously, ranting about Linux being communism on a Linux channel isn't the wisest thing to do10:32
DARKGuyMaybe he's kamikaze10:32
isdn-noobAnybody here played with gnome-ppp much?10:32
Jergenson997It is the best place to spread the Word10:32
guestDoes that happen a lt in here? it's my first day, that kinda crap drives me nuts10:32
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guestlt- lot10:32
VigoFuseFSF, GPL,GNU, Creative Commons, rms, read and learn.10:33
RainarrowOh hi everyone, could I find a complete FOSS version of Windows Vista?10:33
Jergenson997Among the non believes, you must fight them wherever they are10:33
=== Kassah gets in not seeing Jergenson997 saying anything... just seeing the lines of response
Kevin`Jergenson997 and join the republican party, sig heil! ;p10:33
DARKGuyLol Rainarrow10:33
Kevin`rms is probably a communist, heh :D10:33
guestAlright this is a support forum, you're at the wrong place jergenson, if you want to spread your ideas go to a political channel, this is not the place10:34
VigoFuseIt actually is10:34
barataanybody uses amarok?10:34
RainarrowKevin`, he is actually three communists10:34
Jergenson997Is it possible to view porn in linux?10:34
Kevin`Jergenson997 yes, it is10:34
guestCan we kick him out seriously, he's just looking for trouble10:34
VigoFuseBut when run in gNewSence is gives an Aseop10:34
RainarrowJergenson997, u will have to install a Internet protocol called PPP10:34
barataonly monkey porn is playable in Linux10:34
RainarrowJergenson997, PPP = Porn Preview Protocol10:35
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Jergenson997So monkey porn is open source?10:35
Kevin`linux is perfectly capable of using non-opensource content10:35
Kevin`wherever did you get that idea10:35
FluxDactually there is a FOSS vista .... http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=514575&st=010:35
FluxDlamest idea ever though10:36
LaserLineF-Spot keeps hanging on me whenever I try to import a picture... what can do?10:36
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felixfoertschGood Morning!10:37
thill2708if I wantd to remote login into gnome from kde, is there anything special I should know about?10:37
runesstill need help with 6.10 server cd installation10:37
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felixfoertschI have a problem with the gnome-panel. Everytime it crashes directly after starting it.10:39
Jergenson997What is the worst thing about Linux? (or maybe a top 10 list if there are many things)10:39
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Kevin`Jergenson997 imo, the worst thing is the proprietary software and drivers for it10:40
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!10:40
Kevin`could very well kill it10:40
mjrJergenson997 could do with some kicking...10:40
Amaranthmjr: ?10:40
Rainarrowfaint ubotu..10:40
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AmaranthJergenson997: Take it somewhere else, please.10:40
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(Rainarrow/#ubuntu) elkbuntu, ok I see, sorry10:43
(guest/#ubuntu) Jergenson, this is a support community you idiot, if you need help setting up ubuntu stay, if not make like a tree and get the hell out10:44
(guest/#ubuntu) I asked nicely10:44
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(felixfoertsch/#ubuntu) Could anyone please help me?10:44
AlbinoRhinogruess dich grummel_10:45
(dmnd/#ubuntu) felixfoertsch: just ask10:45
(felixfoertsch/#ubuntu) I have a problem with the gnome-panel. Everytime it crashes directly after starting it. http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/5472/10:45
vitorHow do I install a theme with KDM?10:45
Jeff_Can anyone help me get ethernet working, using an nForce 4 board and my fresh 6.10 install?  Link light won't light.10:45
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ijacekyou need theme manager...10:46
ijacekmaybe :D10:46
runesis anyone here running 6.10 server??10:46
dibblegocan I burn a .iso file to a dvd with the command line?10:46
LaserLinerunes: I'm about to install it... heh10:46
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runesLaserLine, did you see an option at boot for LAMP?10:47
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Rainarrowdibblego, you could, try cdrecord10:47
dibblegoRainarrow, just found it, thanks10:47
runesLaserLine, I'm right in the middle of partitioning hd0 but I did not see an option for Lamp at boot time10:47
LaserLinerunes: haven't setup the computer yet... I have a Sun Ultra 20 that I'm going to install it on, but I'm about to burn the cd right now10:47
v4m21guys, ubuntu totem-gstreamer is not handling dvd menus correctly , any solution for this ?10:47
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AlbinoRhinoDoes anyone use a wireless card from a cellular provider?10:48
runesLaserLine, let me know..I went to the ubuntu site for the install manual...the htlm file says there is the option at boot time but I did not see one10:48
Kevin`AlbinoRhino i'd like to get one of those, but the service is a bit expensive10:48
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Kevin`AlbinoRhino most appear as a serial device, which acts as a modem10:48
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AlbinoRhinoI have the service but cant get it to run in ubuntu10:49
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napslapAlbinoRhino you mean umst cards10:49
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RainarrowAlbinoRhino, I guess it's just like installing a PCMCIA modem?10:49
AlbinoRhinoIt is a 3g card10:49
AlbinoRhinoyeah it is pcmcia10:49
napslapFrom which provider10:50
VigoFuserunes: LAMP?10:50
Kevin`it's probably cardbus, not pcmcia10:50
AlbinoRhinoit is a Sierra 85010:50
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AlbinoRhinoit i pcmcia10:50
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.10:50
DARKGuyOh yay10:50
napslapdont know that one I had one from t mobile didnt work10:50
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Kevin`AlbinoRhino are you sure it's not cardbus? most pc cards made today aren't pcmcia10:50
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems10:50
runesLaserLine, ok figured it out...when you select the first option to install the server, it will install the base loading the drivers etc for hardware after the partitioning and format it will install base then gives two options 1) dns 2) lamp  (you can select both)10:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about AIXGL - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:51
AlbinoRhinoIt is an external Aircard that you slide into the pcmcia slot10:51
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runes LAMP =Linux Apache Mysql PHP10:51
AlbinoRhinoI have the newest firmware and drivers10:51
Kevin`AlbinoRhino http://mycusthelp.com/sierrawireless/supportkbitem.asp?sSessionID=&Inc=4703&sFilA=FAQ%20Category&sFilB=Products&sFilC=&FA=19&FB=26&FC=-110:51
napslapDid you try dmesg10:51
VigoFuseThank you10:52
runeswelcome VigoFuse10:52
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LaserLinerunes: oh thanks for the info10:52
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LaserLinerunes: good to know10:52
Kevin`AlbinoRhino that is a guide to getting your card working in linux, from the manufacturer apparently10:52
runesnp LaserLine  I think I'll have to update some info on the server section10:52
abeswhere can i find a log of the boot-up? I saw some "could not find" type of errors flashing during startup but i didnt get what they say!?10:53
VigoFuseThat package can be installed after the install of Ubuntu by useing the Synaptik Package Manager. I think10:53
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AlbinoRhinoI tried that Kevin` but I am unsure as to if I put the code in the right spot in /etc/pcmcia/config10:53
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napslapgo one a konsol and type dmesg this will tell you what is in your computer take out hte card type dmesg and than put the card back in Type dmesg again and you will know what jkind off card it is10:53
briceHello. I come here because i found no help on ubuntu-fr10:53
RainarrowWhat's the numbers like [17179595.04621]  in the booting messages?10:53
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AlbinoRhinoit is recognized by the device mangler10:54
briceI've got a probleme with sound. it appears disappear10:54
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bricewhen i lauch alsamixer i have : alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument10:54
abesSo... anyone has an idea as of where the logs from the booting are?10:54
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AlbinoRhinook I will try it10:54
Kevin`Rainarrow timestamp10:55
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bricelspci | grep Audio --> 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)10:55
Xtevenhello, does anyone know if I ubuntu multimedia center can be used as a live cd, or does it nened to be installed ?10:55
LaserLineabes: sudo dmesg10:55
ijaceki need use sata discs :)10:55
RainarrowKevin`, what does it mean? It's the same everytime the system boots10:55
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Kevin`Rainarrow I think it's just seconds10:56
RainarrowKevin`, but "17179595" second is a lot! maybe it's ms or something?10:56
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Kevin`Rainarrow it's odd that it would be exactly the same on every boot10:57
prestohello all10:57
napslapI got a problem with Amarok10:58
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RainarrowKevin`, well, maybe not that exactly, but it's similar everytime. I guessed it may be the UNIX format of time, but it won't fit10:58
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RainarrowHi presto10:59
prestoanyone here use a ds usb wifi thing10:59
Xtevenhas anyone tried installing mythtv on an ubuntu livecd ?10:59
prestohello rainarrow10:59
Kevin`Rainarrow do me a favor and look at the source for the printk/timestamp generating function and tell me what it is :)10:59
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Rainarrowpresto, what's a ds usb wifi?11:00
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Rainarrowpresto, you meant a Nintendo DS?11:00
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Kevin`hi doms11:00
prestoit allows my nintendo ds to get online thru wifi11:00
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domsi have a problem about my nvidia11:01
Kevin`presto if it's usb stick it into a computer and look at the ids11:01
prestomy pc connections is cable11:01
domsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:01
turbopc2Kevin`: I tried everything with those stupid libdvdcss! no luck... totem still tells me that they are not there :S11:01
domsanybody can help this11:01
Kevin`presto lsusb -vv or whatever11:01
VigoFusePackages and whatever cannot be installed on the LiveCD, Maybe they can, but they are not saved in next sesion.11:01
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Kevin`turbopc2 i have little experience with this problem in ubuntu11:02
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domsguys anybody can entertain my problem11:02
prestonot following kevin, sorry11:02
ubotuwvdial: PPP dialer with built-in intelligence. In component main, is optional. Version 1.56-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 86 kB, installed size 264 kB11:02
domsnvidia missing11:02
domsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:02
Kevin`presto well you wanted to figure out what the usb wireless adapter is, yes?11:02
VigoFusedang, I need sleep, good-whatever wherever whoever11:02
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prestoi actually know what it is im just trying to gewt it to work11:03
emperorsquirrelsHey, can anyone help me with a wireless device? :S11:03
prestowhen i bought it i used windows and the software was for windows11:03
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Kevin`presto what is it?11:03
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prestomind if i give you a link?11:04
Kevin`that's fine11:04
desaparecidoI have got some problems with firefox on Ubuntu Edgy AmD6411:04
tonyyarussoHow can I run a command as my normal user on boot (at the very end of the sequence) without logging in?11:04
Kevin`su or sudo11:05
desaparecidoAnybody knows possible solutions?11:05
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prestothere is a link let me know if that works11:06
Kevin`that doesn't have any useful info about what it is11:06
tonyyarussoDARKGuy, Kevin`:...I think you may have misread my question?11:07
emperorsquirrelsI need help installing wireless drivers, if anyone knows anything about it.11:07
emperorsquirrelsNdiswrapper crap..11:07
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Kevin`tonyyarusso no, I did not, man sy11:07
Kevin`man su*11:07
DiLupoKevin'> You know if it works on AMD64?11:07
runesWhat do you type for apt-get if you just want gnome working11:07
Kevin`emperorsquirrels what chipset11:08
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DARKGuytonyyarusso: Nope, sudo and su are able to run a root command without logging in (however it'll ask for the password if you don't configure sudo specially and that's something I don't know how to do :P)11:08
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domsnvidia  driver  for my glx11:08
domsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:08
DARKGuytonyyarusso: I mean, with your normal user.11:08
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domsanybody can help11:08
Kevin`su can run a command as a user also, as root11:08
emperorsquirrelsWell, it's got Ralink chipset. 2570.11:08
Kevin`without asking for a password11:08
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Rainarrowrunes, gnome11:08
tonyyarussoDARKGuy: I don't want to run a root command.11:08
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tonyyarussoKevin`: Where would I put it to have it run?11:09
runesRainarrow, that's just too easy LOL thx11:09
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels http://sourceforge.net/projects/rt240011:09
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nal209i am runing ubuntu, i desperately need to find a way for ubuntu to recognise my nokia 3220 phone thru ca-42 usb cable11:09
Kevin`or that, more appropriately, I suppose11:10
prestohere we go kevin a wiki article giving some technical info on it11:10
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prestoscroll down a bit for info on the usb device11:10
RainarrowHi Kevin`11:11
RainarrowKevin`, I've been googling about UNIX timestamps11:11
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efrerichAfter updating 6.06 to 6.10 I get "cyrus/notify[6367] : incorrect version of Berkeley db: compiled against 4.3.29, linked against 4.4.20" What should I do?11:11
Kevin`presto that doesn't seem to have much useful info either11:11
Kevin`oh wait, there it is11:11
Kevin`it says it's an ralink card11:12
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Kevin`presto could you check lsusb to see if it gives a more specific device version then "ralink"?11:12
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prestoforgive me if i should know that11:13
Kevin`presto yes11:13
Kevin`it's a command11:13
Kevin`it lists usb devices11:13
prestoim still new to this11:13
prestowhere is that?11:13
nal209i am runing ubuntu, i desperately need to find a way for ubuntu to recognise my nokia 3220 phone thru ca-42 usb cable11:14
prestoneverming i got it11:14
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b03ntoi get this "[4299103.226000]  evbug.c: Event. Dev: isa0060/serio0/input0" in my kern.log, whats that mean ?11:14
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Kevin`hm it looks like the only usb products ralink has are rt2500usb and rt2501usb11:15
emperorsquirrelsKevin, I get an error source installing the drivers you gave me.11:15
Kevin`http://www.ralinktech.com/drivers/Linux/RT25USB-SRC-V2.0.8.0.tar.gz - which might be this driver11:15
emperorsquirrelscp: cannot create regular file `/lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/extra/rt61.ko': Permission denied11:15
prestohere is a bit more info11:15
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prestoand i dont see any ralink11:15
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Rainarrowemperorsquirrels, seems you need to sudo11:16
Kevin`it's on that page11:16
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Kevin`"The USB connector is based on a Ralink chipset."11:16
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Kevin`and the page your on says it's rt250011:16
nal209i tried 'sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0421 product=0x0802' in prompt11:17
Kevin`The USB Connector uses the relatively outdated Ralink RT2500 Chipset and can function as a standard wire11:17
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nal209but when i type 'wvdialconf create' it still is unable to detect anything11:17
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storkhow come if i have this line in /etc/fstab: `// /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXX,user,auto,rw,noexec 0 0` i can't log into ubuntu.. it says 'unable to initialize HAL!' . i can't log into ubuntu.. i need to comment it out of /etc/fstab and reboot. why is this?11:17
Kevin`presto so get to it!11:17
emperorsquirrelsRainarrow, just figured it out =\11:17
Kevin`presto drivers are on the ralink site, or on sourceforge11:17
Kevin`how much is that usb adapter?11:18
Kevin`I might get one11:18
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prestodo you think those drivers will work??11:18
Kevin`I don't see why not11:18
emperorsquirrelsI don't understand how to use drivers that have been installed through a source.11:18
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presto30 bucks11:18
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prestomariokart online11:18
Kevin`emperorsquirrels was it installed?11:18
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emperorsquirrelsIt looks like it.11:18
Kangoohjeuu sorry11:18
nal209someone pls help11:18
LukianWhat is at-spi-registryd and can I disable it? (It's somehow managed to use 252MB RAM)11:18
KangooI have an issue11:18
Kevin`interesting that you and presto are both doing the same thing11:18
prestowe are11:19
Kevin`emperorsquirrels modprobe rt2500 or whatever the name of the driver is11:19
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Kangoomy menu accidently disappeared in xhat11:19
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels yours is pci though, right?11:19
emperorsquirrelsNo, USB.11:19
Kangoohow to display it again ?11:19
Kevin`well ok then11:19
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emperorsquirrelsI bought a USB because apparently ralink drivers are easier to install =\11:19
Kevin`you got the usb driver though yes?11:20
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emperorsquirrelsI got the one from my Belkin disc, but it doesn't seem to work.11:20
nal209Kevin` any idea about my problem?11:20
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prestoshould i open it with the archive manager11:20
emperorsquirrelsI also have that source-install you linked me to.11:20
storkhow come if i have this line in /etc/fstab: `// /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXX,user,auto,rw,noexec 0 0` i can't log into ubuntu.. it says 'unable to initialize HAL!' when i try and log in, and the rest of gdm doesn't load... i can't log into ubuntu at all.. i need to comment it out of /etc/fstab and reboot. is the string malformed? it works if i do `sudo mount -a` and mount manually..11:20
we2byguys, does firefox has a feature to cache all my bookmarks?11:20
we2bythe webpages itself11:20
Kangoook I have corrected my problem11:20
Kevin`emperorsquirrels I probably linked you to the pci one if you didn't specify11:20
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Kevin`yours was 257something? what again?11:21
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emperorsquirrelsI read that the ralink driver I need is 2570.11:21
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ubotuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more11:21
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AlbinoRhinoyou can set firfox to store your bookmarks on a server so you can access them from any computer we2by11:21
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ubotujuk: music organizer and player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 764 kB, installed size 1936 kB11:21
we2byAlbinoRhino, awsome! how?11:21
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AlbinoRhinohold on11:22
nal209i am runing ubuntu, i desperately need to find a way for ubuntu to recognise my nokia 3220 phone thru ca-42 usb cable11:22
leafwany clue on how to enable multisession for the nautilus-cd-burner? Can't see such option in the gconf-editor11:22
RainarrowIs ubotu a bot?11:22
leafwRainarrow : yes.11:22
InvisiblePinkUninal209: doesn't it "auto-recognize" ?11:22
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:22
v4m21when playing dvds, totem-gstreamer is not properly handling dvd menus, any fix for this ?11:22
Kevin`emperorsquirrels http://www.ralinktech.com/drivers/Linux/RT73_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.3.6.tar.gz perhaps?11:23
RainarrowWell, I see11:23
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Rainarrowleafw, why don't you try to invoke cdrecord directly?11:23
leafwRainarrow : the ?dm means kdm or gdm for KDE or Gnome respectively.11:23
leafwRainarrow : well, ease of use!11:23
usoundhi, does anybody know in what package I can find sdl-config. I am on Ubuntu, and am trying to complie an sdl program, but it can't find sdl-config. I have libsdl1.2debian installed though, so I'm not sure what to do.11:23
leafwI'm trying to find out where is the actual command taht gnome calls, so that I can add the option for multisession11:23
AlbinoRhinowe2by : https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/14/11:23
Kevin`it seems your having 'ease of use' problems by not invoking it directly11:23
Kevin`I just open an xterm and use cdrecord11:24
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Kevin`easy and fast11:24
Rainarrowleafw, I use k3b and fount it's nice11:24
leafwKevin` : indeed, but maybe it can be fixed.11:24
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leafwRainarrow : I use k3b as well, just fiddling11:24
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leafwKevin` : cdrecord from an xterm, well, I do that when all files to record are in the same folder, otherwise ... no.11:25
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` this is where I have problems - I've never been able to successfully get source installs to work.11:25
Pensa`MIAthe freenode network seems to be the victim of a lot of attacks :s11:25
emperorsquirrelsinstall -m 755 -o 0 -g 0 -d /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/extra11:25
emperorsquirrelsinstall -m 644 -o 0 -g 0 rt73.o /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/extra11:25
emperorsquirrelsinstall: cannot stat `rt73.o': No such file or directory11:25
emperorsquirrelsmake: *** [install]  Error 111:25
Kevin`emperorsquirrels was there an error earlier?11:25
Kevin`when you did make11:25
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we2byAlbinoRhino, it is a nice addons. but Im looking for a addon that cache webpages when it's not available on the net or removed by the site owner. and I still can see the page11:26
emperorsquirrelsKevin` I got a big list of warnings and errors, yes.11:26
Kevin`emperorsquirrels like what11:26
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fyrestrtrwhat tha **** is up with the security repos, can't download a valid key for the past three days.11:26
Kevin`what's the first error11:26
AlbinoRhinooh well jsut right click and save them11:26
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` it scrolled too far, I can't scroll up to the first one.11:27
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emperorsquirrelsHere's some anyway: rtmp_main.c:323: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:323: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:325: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:325: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:325: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:326: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named PortCfg11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:330: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named ExtraInfo11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:336: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named ExtraInfo11:27
emperorsquirrelsrtmp_main.c:348: error: struct _RTMP_ADAPTER has no member named Mlme11:27
Kevin`emperorsquirrels the first one is more important11:27
fyrestrtr!pastebin | emperorsquirrels11:27
ubotuemperorsquirrels: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:27
DARKGuywww.pastebin.ca is, too11:27
DARKGuy :P11:27
Kevin`emperorsquirrels make 2>somefile11:27
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Kevin`if that doesn't work do make >somefile11:28
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prestowow kevin i had to reboot11:28
lsprocCan anybody reccomend me a PCI wireless card, that just needs plugging in and off I go?11:28
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Kevin`lsproc anything atheros based is pretty good11:29
prestook now what11:29
Kevin`which is most a+b+g cards on the market11:29
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Kevin`although intel has one now too11:29
emperorsquirrelsKevin` I did 'sudo make 2>somefile' what do I do now; I don't understand what it just reported.11:29
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Kevin`paste the contents of somefile11:29
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lsprocKevin`: Does the ath or whater module need any extra config like the bcm one?11:29
emperorsquirrelsKevin` cc -D__KERNEL__ -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-strict-aliasing -fno-common -pipe -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -march=i686 -DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include/linux/modversions.h -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-trigraphs   -c -o rtmp_main.o rtmp_main.c11:30
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Kevin`lsproc like what?11:30
Kevin`what extra config does the bcm one need11:30
lsprockevin`: The bcm driver needs you to rip the firmware out of the driver11:30
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b03ntoi get this "[4299103.226000]  evbug.c: Event. Dev: isa0060/serio0/input0" in my kern.log, whats that mean ?11:30
Kevin`emperorsquirrels what's the error message11:30
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Kevin`lsproc you don't need to do that11:30
lsprocKevin`: on the bcm or ath?11:30
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ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (codenamed Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. To upgrade to Edgy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - To download Edgy: http://www.ubuntu.com/download11:31
lsprochmm, what did madwifi do again?11:31
Kozeriszhello guys, help me please, i can't found where's a HDD  partitions with NTFS, it's my live cd ubuntu11:31
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Kevin`lsproc madwifi is the driver.11:31
Kozeriszand i need found theese p[artitions and copy some files11:31
Kevin`for atheros cards11:31
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RainarrowKozerisz, u need to mount them manually11:31
Kozeriszoh i pm you11:32
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` I'm confused, I don't know how to get the first error message.11:32
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domshi all11:32
domsanybody can help me11:32
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels the first like that looks like an error11:32
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Kevin`in somefile11:32
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v4m21doms: what is ur problem ?11:32
emperorsquirrelsKevin` the terminal fills up too much, I can't scroll up to the first error...11:33
lsprocKevin`: So if I got one of those and whipped it in, i just set the ap in the network config tool and im off?11:33
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Kevin`lsproc I think ubuntu includes an atheros driver, so yes11:33
fulhackHeya guys. I'm gettin a bit rusty.. How can I allow any user to read & write to a mounted device? (gmailfs) I figured setting "users" in fstab would do?11:33
Jbirkis there a command that can backup my linux system?11:33
lsprocKevin`: Ok, thanks :)11:33
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels which is why you directed it to a file11:33
hipitihopCan someone please tell me if EasyUbutnu is supported for Edgy ?11:33
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` Okay, tell me exactly what that 'sudo make 2>somefile' command did.11:34
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Kevin`it redirected the 'error' file descriptor to the file somefile11:34
turbopcWHY is Ubuntu so userUNfriendly!?!?!? I am trying to run a fu***ng DVD for the past 4h following all 918232 manuals online and no stupid player plays it! This is just insane!? Is there anyone competent here to give me any hints on that?????11:34
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agocannot compile orinoco-usb on edgy, any idea?11:34
emperorsquirrelsKevin` I'm not seeing a somefile...11:35
Kevin`turbopc not with the ubunti distro, I can't11:35
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v4m21turbopc: try xine11:35
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v4m21turbopc: or try totem-xine.11:35
turbopcv4m21: u really think i didnt try it yet? (applies to both)11:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dcop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:35
domsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:36
domsError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual11:36
unfunturbo: You can't play dvd's?11:36
JbirkJust install the necessary codes11:36
nal209pls help me with ca-42 cable connection for linux - http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=492539 is the closest thing l have found but even this method does not work11:36
JbirkI have Ubuntu 6.06.1 Dapper11:36
Jbirkand it works fine11:36
turbopcJbirk: come on man! u think I didnt istall the codecs? thats the first think i did....11:36
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Jbirkhow about this11:36
emperorsquirrelsKevin` a search found the file, I don't know why I didn't see it.11:37
turbopcunfun: yeah I cant... and its really unfun ;)11:37
Jbirkapt-get install vlc11:37
emperorsquirrelsKevin` First error: http://www.slax.org/modules.php?category=drivers&id=1743&name=RaLink+RT2570USB+Enhanced+Driver11:37
unfuntry vlc11:37
turbopcJbirk: vlc is crap... i have it anyways....11:37
prestohey kevin i seem to have got the driver from the link you posted11:37
emperorsquirrelsKevin` Whoops one sec11:37
Zaggynlvlc is not crap11:37
v4m21doms: or u can apt-get vlc vlc-plugin-esd11:37
emperorsquirrelsKevin` cc1: error: /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include/linux/modversions.h: No such file or directory11:37
turbopcZaggynl: for dvds (with menus)... hmmm I prefer other players....11:37
unfunturbo: have you tied mplayer?11:37
Zaggynlturbopc, true that, which ones do you use?11:37
Kevin`emperorsquirrels do you have the kernel source/headers installed?11:37
emperorsquirrelsKevin` How would I find out if I do?11:38
Kevin`someone else will tell you :)11:38
domswhat for i use vlc?11:38
Kevin`I install my kernels from source..11:38
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:38
turbopcZaggynl: I have MPlayer, Totem, Xine, Gxine, Totem-Xine... etc11:38
v4m21doms: to play anything11:38
turbopcZaggynl: nothing plays DVDs!!!!11:38
emperorsquirrelsOkay, so how do I find out if I have the kernel source/headers installed? Anyone?11:38
turbopcThis is radiculous!11:38
domsi want to instal xgl ang beryl in my edgy11:38
domsbut nvidia doesnt work11:39
Kevin`I wonder..11:39
Kevin`!kernel headers11:39
domsglx missing11:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel headers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:39
turbopcZaggynl: I am ready to install XP on this pc and have the problem solved....11:39
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domsglxinfo | grep rendering11:39
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:39
hipitihopDoes anyone know if EasyUbuntu works on Edgy ?11:39
ubotueasyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu11:39
Lukiandoms: apt-get install nvidia-glx ? :p11:39
domsXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".11:39
v4m21hey turobpc: just execute the command that I am about to give.11:39
Zaggynlturbopc, hmm lemme fetch a DVD and see what works best11:39
unfunturbo, relax11:39
JbirkDid you install  libdvdcss2?11:39
v4m21apt-get vlc  vlc-plugin-esd11:39
emperorsquirrelsKevin` Assuming that I have them installed, what would be the next step?11:39
domsyes i install b4 nvidia-glx my ubuntu edgy but when i restart the display manager no gui occur11:40
Kevin`emperorsquirrels to type make11:40
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domsyes i install b4 nvidia-glx my ubuntu edgy but when i restart the display manager no gui occur11:40
b03ntoemperorsquirrels: u can see them at /usr/src i guess11:40
Kevin`emperorsquirrels the error suggests you don't have them11:40
turbopcJbirk: obviously... did you read my first sentence? I did everything that there is available online... so i would assume that libdvdcss was one of the steps somewhere there ;]  lol11:40
Zaggynlturbopc, hmm totem just plays this dvd fine11:40
unfunTo read video files, Totem uses the Gstreamer framework. To play some video formats, you may need to add further codec suppor11:40
storkhow come if i have this line in /etc/fstab: `// /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXX,user,auto,rw,noexec 0 0` i can't log into ubuntu.. it says 'unable to initialize HAL!' when i try and log in, and the rest of gdm doesn't load... i can't log into ubuntu at all.. i need to comment it out of /etc/fstab and reboot. is the string malformed? it works if i do `sudo mount -a` and mount manually..11:41
JbirkHonestly, just go through that11:41
turbopcZaggynl: the problem with totem is that it gives me the error saying: "Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" or something similar... the only thing is that i have libdvdcss which i reinstalled/updated 12309 times!11:41
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turbopcJbirk: for the 6th time? i think im fine....11:42
sciortlubye guys ... have a nice day :-)11:42
Zaggynl's odd :(11:42
Zaggynlbb sciortlu11:42
emperorsquirrelsKevin` Okay, under /usr/src I have some linux-headers folders.11:42
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b03ntoturbopc: maybe your dvd disk is ugly, i got the same massage with ugly dvd11:42
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Kevin`does usr/src/linux-2.4.18-3/include exist?11:42
SeveasKevin`, not on ubuntu, ubuntu does not support 2.4 series kernels11:43
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` No, it's 2.6.17-1011:43
JbirkYou know what I bet it is11:43
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Lukiandoms: what occurs instead of a gui?11:43
JbirkDo you have your drive's region set?11:43
turbopcb03nto: but it plays just fine on another PC11:43
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels what kernel version are you using11:43
JbirkHonestly, setup your drives region then install all the stuff on the restricted Formats page11:43
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Jbirkand install vlc11:43
Jbirkthen open VLC11:43
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels uname -r11:44
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SeveasJbirk, don't waste your time, he clearly doesn't really want to be helped ;)11:44
JbirkFile Open Disc11:44
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b03ntoturbopc: yeah my ugly dvd work fine in my dvd player, but not in ubuntu too..11:44
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Jbirkand it will open the dvd assuming it is secondary msater11:44
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SeveasAmaranth, +t?11:44
redmonkeyis there an easy way to install xgl/aiglx on edgy eft? and is there a way to install it without adding extra repositories?11:44
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` 2.6.17-10-generic11:44
Seveaswas tat not set?!?11:44
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AmaranthSeveas: it's not set _anywhere_11:45
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Kevin`emperorsquirrels ls -ld /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build11:45
AmaranthSeveas: all bans are gone, topics were gone, modes are gone, etc11:45
Seveasfreenode suckage :/11:45
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emperorsquirrelsKevin` And?11:45
JbirkI don't know what the problem is.11:45
Kevin`show the result11:45
JbirkI play DVDs all the time with ubuntu11:45
emperorsquirrelsKevin` lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 40 2006-11-11 12:20 /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/build -> /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10-generic11:45
JbirkI love VLC11:46
Kevin`emperorsquirrels I wonder why it's trying to go to /usr/src/linux-2.6.18-311:46
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JbirkThe only thing I have to do that is unusual is select deinterlace>blend11:46
Kevin`emperorsquirrels is there a /usr/src/linux symlink?11:46
Jbirkand the picture looks better11:46
emperorsquirrelsKevin` I only have two folders in /urs/src - and neither is linux symlink.11:46
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Spee_DerGood morning11:48
prestohey kevin got a sec11:48
aribohey can someone help me11:48
aribocan anyone tell me how to manually load the snd-atiixp driver11:48
Rainarrowhow to list all the daemons running?11:49
prestoi followed the driver link and i believe installed the driver now what11:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snd-atiixp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:49
Kevin`presto load it11:49
prestoi had to reboot so im not sure11:49
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Kevin`why did you reboot11:49
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Kevin`actually you could probably just insert the usb device if it's installed11:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vcl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:50
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:50
=== soundray [n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
prestowhen i finished downloading thru archive manager the pc froze11:50
b03ntoaribo: modprobe11:50
Jbirkwhere are the package archives stored?11:51
desaparecidoI have got some problems with firefox on Ubuntu Edgy AmD6411:51
prestowhat was the usb command again11:51
soundrayJbirk: /var/cache/apt/archives/11:51
desaparecidoAnybody knows possible solutions?11:51
Kevin`desaparecido you didn't give any problems to give solutions to11:51
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unfu1how do you get vlc throuh terminal typo?11:51
JbirkSoundray, is it safe to delete them?11:51
Kevin`presto look in the readme included with the driver for the module name11:51
Kevin`it would have showed it when you installed it, but I doubt you were looking for it :)11:52
desaparecidoKevin`, firefox crashes11:52
Jbirkhow do I clean them up?11:52
Spee_Derunfu1: To install it via terminel 'sudo apt-get install vlc'11:52
soundrayJbirk: 'sudo apt-get autoclean'11:52
turbopcwhat does it normally mean that after running make all u get is a bunch of errors?11:52
desaparecidoKevin`, it is unstable, flash plugin doesn't work11:52
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Jbirkwill that break anything, soundray?11:53
turbopcfor example:11:53
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turbopcdvd_udf.c:767: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function strcpy11:53
turbopcdvd_udf.c:768: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function strcat11:53
turbopcdvd_udf.c:769: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without a cast11:53
soundrayJbirk: no11:53
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storkhow come if i have this line in /etc/fstab: `// /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXX,user,auto,rw,noexec 0 0` i can't log into ubuntu.. it says 'unable to initialize HAL!' when i try and log in, and the rest of gdm doesn't load... i can't log into ubuntu at all.. i need to comment it out of /etc/fstab and reboot. is the string malformed? it works if i do `sudo mount -a` and mount manually..11:53
LattywareTrying to run a program under wine, installs ok, but I get this when I try to run: fixme:mscoree:_CorExeMain Directly running .NET applications not supported.11:53
Jbirkgood bye11:53
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efrerichAfter updating ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 I get "cyrus/notify[6367] : incorrect version of Berkeley db: compiled against 4.3.29, linked against 4.4.20" What should I do?11:54
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soundraydesaparecido: install firefox32: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20253711:54
turbopcwhy does solving of one problem always needs to lead to another problem and another and another so by the end you forget your first problem....?11:55
naught101because you're a pessimist?11:55
prestohere is the module mane RT2500USB11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about img - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:55
Kevin`so modprobe rt2500usb11:55
soundrayturbopc: it's part of the universe's scheme to keep you mentally agile11:56
prestoi dont follow?11:56
Kevin`type that11:56
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soundrayKevin`: no sudo?11:56
prestoin the terminal correct?11:56
Kevin`I assumed he was working as root as needed.11:56
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Kevin`yes, sudo then11:56
turbopcnaught101: no... seriously... its always like that... i tried to fix the dvd - somebody suggest to check the region so i download the region program... not it doesnt compile... so i need to try to figure that out... (probably need to download another program), etc, etc11:56
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prestome or someone else11:57
LinuxHelpHow can I avoid this dmesg when umounting a cifs share: "CIFS VFS close with pending writes." I've tried the "sync" command but that doesnt work. I've tried sync and "mount -o remount,ro" and then only a umount (all with little sleep 15's in between) but still I get the dmesg.11:57
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ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:57
desaparecidosoundray, TNX I'll try.11:57
prestook so i put in terminal sudo modprobe rt2500usb11:57
Kevin`erm, it looks like the modules name is rt257011:57
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Kevin`I compiled it myself to see11:57
Kevin`  LD [M]   /root/dl/RT25USB-SRC-V2.0.8.0/rt2570.ko11:57
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tommiedidn't know bluetooth synchronisation worked that good edgy11:58
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natiis there anyone who can help mi?11:58
soundraytommie: what are you syncing with?11:58
Kevin`sudo modprobe rt257011:58
DARKGuynati: ask your question :P11:58
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:58
tommiesony ericsson k750i11:58
prestotype that11:58
soundraytommie: cool11:58
natii have 2 hd 1 with xp and one with ubuntu11:58
tommieyeah indeed11:58
natihow can i do to use the xp one?11:59
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Kevin`presto yes.11:59
turbopci am trying to install region from here: http://linvdr.org/projects/regionset/ - i unpacked the tar.gz, and Im trying to run make... no success - any ideas?11:59
soundraynati: do you see a grub menu when you boot?11:59
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natiyes soundray11:59
DARKGuyoh, hey soundray! just wanted to say thanks for the modeline stuff you helped me with yesterday :)11:59
alecjwis there a list of working network cards anywhere?11:59
soundraynati: that should normally have an entry for Win XP11:59
natii can see xp hd but i cant use it11:59
soundrayDARKGuy: did it work in the end?11:59
prestook it asked for password i gave it and i guess it worked12:00
DARKGuysoundray: Yup! I had to tweak it a bit, but it worked forcing the 1024x768 mode in the xorg.conf directly ^^12:00
Kevin`presto and the device is connected, yes?12:00
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natiI would like to use xp hard disk using ubuntu.......12:00
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natiis it possible?12:00
tommiehad to install bluez-passkey-gnome and iniate pairing from the k750i12:00
Kevin`just read data from it, or boot it, or what12:00
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Kevin`presto iwconfig12:01
soundrayDARKGuy: well done. I remember a time when you had to write a modeline everytime you wanted to use a CRT's full capability...12:01
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tommieand gnome-bluetooth (not for syncing however, but for sending mp3)12:01
soundraynati: there are instructions for that on the wiki:12:01
DARKGuysoundray: Man o.o; that must have been hell x_x12:01
soundray!ntfs | nati12:01
ubotunati: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:01
prestolo        no wireless extensions.12:01
prestoeth0      no wireless extensions.12:01
prestosit0      no wireless extensions.12:01
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Kevin`presto dmesg, see what happened12:01
soundrayDARKGuy: it was great fun, especially when your carefully crafted modeline worked in the end ;)12:02
Kevin`there's a way to force it to bind the device to that particular driver, but I forget how, and it shouldn't be needed usually12:02
DARKGuysoundray: Heh, just like now xD feels great :P12:02
prestowow alot of info12:02
natithank for helping me12:02
prestowhat am i looking for?12:02
tommieand then follow this guide to sync with evolution: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24293212:03
Kevin`presto related information12:03
natianyone is able to configure usb audio device on ubuntu?12:03
asqueellahi, I'm planning to reinstall windows, which will probably overwrite the boot loader. I'd like to restore it after the installation. I don't have a floppy drive, ubuntu installation CD, or blank CDs (only blank DVD discs). Any suggestions on how I can restore the boot loader later?12:03
tommiebye bye windows!12:03
soundraynati: most usb audio cards work "out of the box"12:03
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Kevin`asqueella it's probably possible to write it from windows, using some windows version of the dd program12:04
prestoim lost?12:04
Kevin`only write the first 446 bytes of the hard drive12:04
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Kevin`which you backed up from before you installed windows12:04
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asqueellaoh, nice idea12:04
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soundraypresto: if you get any output from 'lsmod | grep rt2500usb' then it will have loaded the module all right.12:04
Kevin`someone tell presto how to bind a usb device to a particular driver12:04
dmndwhat can i best use to playback dvd's?12:04
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lostinccan anyone tell me how to get the desktop bar at the bottom of this screen shot? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=4598712:04
Kevin`or grep rt257012:05
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natiin fact mine don't function. is there any driver12:05
prestoi did the dmesg and it gave me a ton of info12:05
natimine are pcphoneline12:05
asqueellaKevin`: thanks, I'll try that12:05
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soundraynati: have you chosen the device via System-Preferences-Sound?12:05
prestowant me to type "grep rt2570"12:05
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Kevin`presto do what soundray said, only do it with both that and rt2570 (do it twice, try both)12:06
soundraypresto: yes, whatever the name of the module was in the end12:06
natiwhere is soundray?12:06
soundraynati: third menu from the top left12:06
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natidone soundray12:07
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mirakI am having a problem making a work a usb to rs232 converter. when I do a setserial /dev/ttyUSB0  on it I got the error : Cannot get serial info: Invalid argument12:08
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prestook soundray what do i need to do12:08
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Kevin`I think setserial is used for low level serial stuff12:08
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natibut when i use skype i see usb audio but i cant use it sound12:08
ubuntu_is here anybody from Czech Republic?12:08
Kevin`like not applicable to usb12:09
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:09
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prestosorry im a bit slow guys alot of this is real new to me12:09
Kevin`# setserial /dev/ttyUSB012:09
Kevin`bash: setserial: command not found12:09
Kevin`meh, I suppose that shows you how necessary the setserial command is12:10
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Kevin`as my usb-serial adapter works just fine..12:10
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ubuntu_jenda: cau :-)12:10
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soundray!cz | ubuntu_12:10
ubotuubuntu_: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.12:10
prestoanymore ideas12:11
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soundraypresto: what is the output from 'lsmod | grep rt2570'?12:12
Kevin`presto sure, follow the suggestions we've gave you =p12:12
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Jeeves_Mossall: good morning all12:13
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prestohere you go soundray rt2570                195648  012:13
prestousbcore               134912  5 rt2570,usblp,ehci_hcd,ohci_hcd12:13
Kevin`that looks like the output of lsmod12:14
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Kevin`not from dmesg12:14
soundraypresto: your module is loaded. You can now configure your wireless via System-Administration-Networking.12:14
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Kevin`soundray it's not shown in iwconfig12:14
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ubdhello, how will i check if graphic driver is installed, there was a program for fps benchmark12:15
DARKGuyubd: fps benchmark: glxgears12:15
soundrayubd: glxgears -printfps12:15
DARKGuythat :P12:15
ubdits 9000fps, means driver is ok?12:16
soundrayDARKGuy: do you know the option 'glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark'?12:16
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kandinskiis there anyone keeping a list of where ubuntu and debian diverge?12:16
soundrayubd: sounds good12:17
bartekgive me operator!12:17
soundraybartek: this isn't AT&T12:17
DARKGuysoundray: Whoops, no, lol xD <_< I *thought* it was used as something like that in Linux just to check if the graphics driver was ok :P12:17
DARKGuyo_O lol12:17
we2byasl every112:18
DARKGuy3309 fps, nice.12:18
ubdi have some other questions, can i use ubuntu at same resolution but with a lower size multiplier? i mean same resolution - smaller everything?12:18
prestook soundray i dont see anything pertaining to the usb device in network settings12:18
bartekplz give me operator!12:19
apokryphosbartek: ?12:19
soundrayubd: that's essentially achieved via System-Prefs-Fonts12:19
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apokryphosbartek: what's the problem?12:19
soundraypresto: no rausb0?12:19
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b03ntohow to prevent some module from autoload at boot time ?12:20
soundrayb03nto: blacklist it12:20
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b03ntosoundray: how man ?12:20
soundrayb03nto: in edgy, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:21
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Seveasb03nto, echo "blacklist name_of_module_here" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/b03ntos_blacklist12:21
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ubdthereis a resoltion whichs 4/3 1154*?12:21
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soundraySeveas: wow12:21
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b03ntowhat if there is no /etc/modprobe.d/ ?12:21
soundrayb03nto: then look in /etc/hotplug12:21
Seveas(soundray: better not edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to prevent conffile prompts on upgrades)12:21
rollfilmCould someone help me with a devilspie configuration file?12:21
Seveasb03nto, then your system is either too old or hosed12:21
b03ntosoundray: no /etc/hotplug too ...???12:22
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huangzuobinhow to install firefox2.0(download from website) in dapper?12:22
soundrayb03nto: are you on ubuntu?12:22
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ubdi need a resolution between 1024 and 1240, pls12:22
soundrayhuangzuobin: it's not worth it. Upgrade to edgy.12:22
Seveasubd, 115212:22
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b03ntosoudray: sorry no... :)12:22
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we2byhow do I play wmv file?12:23
apokryphosubotu: resolution | ubd12:23
ubotuubd: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:23
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:23
Seveas@calc 1152/4*312:23
b03ntosoundray: sorry no... :)12:23
soundrayb03nto: join a channel where your distribution is discussed, then.12:23
apokryphoswe2by: check the FAQ12:23
Seveasubd, 86412:23
huangzuobinhow to install firefox2.0(download from website) in dapper?12:23
b03ntooke.. thanks12:23
Seveashuangzuobin, you don't12:23
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apokryphoshuangzuobin: /msg ubotu firefox12:23
Seveasjust upgrade to edgy, that has ff 2.012:23
ubdseveas how do i kill a pid?12:24
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg-fglrx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:24
Seveasubd, kill pid_here12:24
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apokryphosubd: kill -9 pid12:24
soundray!ati | Andypat1112:24
ubotuAndypat11: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:24
Seveaskill -9 pid is killing with a bit more force :)12:24
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apokryphosa lethal uzi12:24
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SeveasNo pid is safe12:25
Seveas(well, not entirely true)12:25
ubdhow do i kill pid 778112:25
apokryphosnot when they're in "D" state12:25
Seveaskill 778112:25
dmc1I can't create a new account in Ubuntu; I logged in as root, created a new account and group using "Users and Groups" under settings, but when I try to log in with the newly created account, it tells me it can't find any folders in the /home directory12:25
Seveaskill -9 778112:25
prestook soundray i didnt see anything on network settings12:25
dmc1What am I doing wrong?12:25
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apokryphosdmc1: sudo mkdir /home/newusername12:26
soundraypresto: I have no ideas & have to go. Sry12:26
apokryphosdmc1: then chown -R newusername:group12:26
prestono problem12:26
we2byI just installed win32codecs and I still can't play the wmv file :(12:26
dmc1That is a command under a terminal?12:26
we2bydow it does12:26
prestoyou still here kevin12:26
apokryphoswe2by: if it's windows media 9 I think it still won't work12:26
we2bybut no video12:26
apokryphosdmc1: yup. see man chown for more info12:27
we2byworks with vlc :)12:27
apokryphoshm; are you trying in totem?12:27
prestoany ideas12:27
dmc1apokryphos, I tried to make a directory in the /home folder manually under root12:27
we2byapocalypto, yea12:27
we2bywith totem, there's only sound12:27
dmc1But when I tried to log in, it said it can't find variables12:27
apokryphoswe2by: with xine?12:27
we2byit works with vlc :)12:27
apokryphosdmc1: you have to make sure you chown it first12:27
we2bybut low quality12:27
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apokryphoswe2by: with xine?12:28
dmc1Oh thanks12:28
we2byapocalypto, vlc12:28
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apokryphoswe2by: use totem with xine, not gstreamer12:28
prestoyou and soundray were disagreeing about somthing a bit back12:28
dmc1Is there any way to encode an .wma file into an mp3 or ogg for Linux?12:28
ubdi get http://pastebin.mozilla.org/1561 always when i use sudo12:28
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we2byapocalypto, how can I change it? why xine?12:29
apokryphosubd: erm, what happens if you sudo touch onefile?12:29
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ubdapokryphos:  huh?12:29
apokryphoswe2by: I've had a far better experience with xine. Install totem-xine, and libxine-extracodecs and try playing it again.12:30
ubdsudo always brings this gnome error12:30
apokryphosubd: type the command I gave above. What's the output?12:30
bartus#ubuntu-rus please come!12:30
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ubdno output12:31
ubdit seems ok12:31
we2byapocalypto, if this works, it would be great. one player for all! :)12:31
prestohey kevin you and soundray were disagreeing about somthing a bit back what was it12:31
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we2byI need more ram hehe12:32
apokryphosubd: your gksu looks mucked up then12:32
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Seveasapokryphos, no, gedit always behaves like that12:32
ubdso what should i do apokryphos12:32
Seveas'sudo gedit' is safe though12:33
we2byapocalypto, now it works with totem :)12:33
apokryphosSeveas: really? Why?12:33
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Seveasapocalypto, -ENOIDEA12:33
apokryphosthat's pretty bad12:33
apokryphosubotu: tab | we2by12:33
ubotuwe2by: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.12:33
ubdwhats the difference btw su and gksu?12:33
we2byI did12:33
ubotukstars: desktop planetarium for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 4133 kB, installed size 7632 kB12:33
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apokryphosubd: su is to switch to root user, which is disabled in Ubuntu by default. gksu/gksudo is made for starting graphical applications with the root user, in a safer environment.12:34
we2bynow I wish totem can play real media files too. hehe12:34
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apokryphosubd: unfortunately it seems like gedit doesn't work with gksu, so you'll have to use sudo gedit as Seveas said12:34
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ubdcan i always use sudo instead of gksudo?12:35
apokryphoswe2by: instructions for playing realmedia on the FAQ. Won't work with totem though.12:35
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apokryphosubd: it's good practice to always use gksudo instead of sudo for GUI apps. But in gedit's case it seems that isn't possible.12:35
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zdenekjoin #ubuntu12:36
ubdbut gedit runs after the error :D12:36
apokryphoszdenek: you're here already 8)12:36
apokryphosubd: yup12:36
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ubdso why theres an error12:36
apokryphosubd: because there's a bug12:37
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 012:37
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ubd!ubotu trickle12:38
ubotutrickle: user-space bandwidth shaper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.07-4 (edgy), package size 34 kB, installed size 164 kB12:38
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prestoadios guys12:38
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apokryphosubotu: language12:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:39
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Begasushow do I install ubuntu with grub on /12:39
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Begasusthat's why I used * apokryphos :)12:39
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we2byI wish there is a app to install faster than typing in terminal12:39
Begasusbut I'll keep it in mind12:39
apokryphosBegasus: it really doesn't make a difference :P12:39
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apokryphosBegasus: specify "/" as the mount point in the installer12:39
we2bymaybe a small app where you enter the name of the software you want and it asks for the password and install12:40
Begasustrying to install Edgy12:40
we2bysynaptic is a bit slow12:40
Begasusbut it doesn't let me sellect / apokryphos12:40
apokryphosBegasus: have you selected it to be formatted?12:40
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Begasusand when I type / in the installer it sets it to /dev//12:40
SetI accidently deleted a folder that I need... does anyone know if there is possible to get it back?12:40
we2bySet, how did you delete it?12:41
Begasustry'd to set it to 'hda6' (the volume / is on)12:41
Setwe2by, a buggy file manager deleted everything in the folder, instead of just the file I selected12:41
Begasusand after it was installed rebooted and then I end up in bash :S12:42
we2bySet, try ~/.Trash12:42
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apokryphosBegasus: have you selected it to be formatted?12:42
Begasusit  does that automaticly apokryphos12:42
Begasusso yes12:42
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=== apokryphos shrugs
Begasusdid a manual partition12:42
ubdwhats the difference btw trickle and trickled?12:42
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rysiek|plhi all12:42
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Begasusas I con't wat to loose the other partitions12:42
apokryphosubd: trickled is the daemon, presumably12:43
Setit's empty12:43
we2bySet, they are probably gone12:43
apokryphosBegasus: hm, I'm not sure then. Can't tell from here.12:43
ubdapokryphos: being daemon means that?12:43
Set.. :(12:43
rysiek|plguys, I need to change the framebuffer's resolution WITHOUT rebooting. I seem to remembger there was some command for it, but I cannot recall it's name12:43
we2bybut you still can recover files if it is a ext3 filesystem12:43
apokryphosubd: to always run, in the background.12:43
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LimulfIs there any way to make the nice dvd burner built in Nautilus to show you the size of your current compilation vs free space in target media? (a two coloured bar, for example). Thanks for your time and work.12:44
Setit's ReiserFS12:44
Spee_Derrysiek|pl: You mean the screen resolution ?12:44
rollfilmis devilspie's geometry function having issues on edgy? it's not doing anything12:44
ubdapokryphos: when i start mlnet with trickle, it gives error. when i run "trickled -parameter mlnet" it looks ok. but is it really working?12:44
apokryphosBegasus: only thing I can recommend atm is trying the alternate CD12:44
we2byset, just google how you can recover your files ;)12:45
apokryphosubd: never used it I'm afraid12:45
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Begasushmm I have an original CD here ...12:45
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Begasusmakes that usless then :S12:45
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rysiek|plSpee_Der: I mean: the XServer works AOK. the console terminals (TTY1 through 6) have some resolution set that the monitor dislikes12:45
we2bySet, http://forums.infoprosjoint.net/showthread.php?t=582112:45
rysiek|plSpee_Der: I know I can solve it by rebooting with a proper vga= in grub, but I don't want to reboot12:46
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zlackhey guys, how can i upgrade to edgy but leave my X the same?12:46
rysiek|plSpee_Der: and I am *sure* there was a way to change the fb's resolution without rebooting12:47
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Spee_Derrysiek|pl: I'd make a backup of you /etc/X11/xorg.conf file 1st. The in a terminal sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and see what needs changing........  Then......12:47
apokryphoszlack: you can't12:47
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zlackapokryphos: why not? :)12:47
Spee_Derrysiek|pl: Then you can use ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X without rebooting the computer.....12:47
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apokryphoszlack: because a lot of other packages will be depending on the new Xorg version12:48
zlackapokryphos: ah ok - that makes sense12:48
ubdapokryphos: cant he upgrade to ubuntu-server?12:48
apokryphoszlack: why don't you want to upgrade to 7.2?12:48
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rysiek|plSpee_Der: uhm.. where you actually reading what I was saying?12:48
zlackapokryphos: aiglx made my xgl very slow12:48
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apokryphosubd: ubuntu-server isn't contained on the desktop CD12:48
apokryphoszlack: you can disable aiglx I believe12:48
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apokryphoszlack: try in #ubuntu-xgl12:49
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rysiek|plSpee_Der: I'll repeat: XServer's working AOK. period. it has nothing to do with the XServer.12:49
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zlackapokryphos: tried a lot, but i want to keep my fancy xgl effect which safe me a lot of work.12:49
rysiek|plSpee_Der: I need to change the text-mode framebuffer console resolution.12:49
zlackapokryphos: how can i upgrade my kernel to the latest version then on ubuntu? is there a package for it, or do i need to add a dep in my sources.lst ?12:50
Spee_Derkeisha: Try this /j #jakarta12:50
apokryphoszlack: search the beryl forum for how to disable aiglx, I'm pretty sure you can do it.12:50
zlackapokryphos: ok, will try that12:50
amileftHow to know My OS is Ubuntu by a sh commond12:50
amileftHow to know My OS is Ubuntu by a sh commond12:50
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apokryphoszlack: unless you're going to compile it, you won't be able to just take edgy's kernel12:50
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amileftHow to know My OS is Ubuntu by a sh commond12:51
apokryphosamileft: no repeating please. Type cat /etc/issue12:51
gordonjcphow can I remove totem, without it wanting to remove ubuntu-desktop?12:51
apokryphosamileft: stop12:51
zlackapokryphos: really? :(12:51
apokryphosgordonjcp: no easy way. But read the FAQ on metapackages12:51
apokryphoszlack: yup12:51
gordonjcpapokryphos: is it possible to entirely disable it?12:51
apokryphosgordonjcp: disable? Do you mean remove?12:51
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gordonjcpapokryphos: possibly remove, but in general stop it getting in the way12:52
zlackapokryphos: thans - i'll look into disabling aiglx then. cheers!12:52
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gordonjcpas in, I never ever want totem to try and play anything, unless I specifically run it12:52
apokryphosgordonjcp: check the FAQ :)12:52
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apokryphosgordonjcp: it goes over just this problem12:52
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amileftHow can i know my OS is Ubuntu by command Please.I wait....1m12:53
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Spee_Derrysiek|pl: I don't know that you can change it without restarting it, as it starts when the system starts, unlike xorg.conf settings....12:53
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apokryphosamileft: I told you. Type 'cat /etc/issue'12:53
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rysiek|plSpee_Der: m'kay, thanks anyway :)12:54
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Spee_Derrysiek|pl: That's how I'm reading it anyway, sorry.12:54
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 012:54
gordonjcpapokryphos: right, I've read the faq, it says that removing ubuntu-desktop breaks subsequent updates12:54
amileftapokryphos, Thank you I leave now! bye12:54
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apokryphosgordonjcp: if you don't have it installed when you update...12:54
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apokryphosgordonjcp: so (i) it's fine to remove it, BUT if you do (ii) reinstall it just before you upgrade12:55
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gordonjcpapokryphos: doesn't wokr12:56
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gordonjcpreinstalling ubuntu-desktop reinstalls totem-too12:56
gordonjcps/totem-too/totem, too/12:56
apokryphosgordonjcp: yes....... only reinstall ubuntu-desktop when you want to *upgrade*12:56
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gordonjcpapokryphos: but then I need to remove totem again12:57
gordonjcpapokryphos: another solution would be working out some way to get totem to play media12:58
apokryphosgordonjcp: look, it works like this :). You remove totem now, which removes ubuntu-desktop. 6 months later, when you *need* to upgrade, you reinstall ubuntu-desktop, which brings totem in12:58
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apokryphosafter you've upgraded, you remove totem again. 6 months later....12:58
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 012:58
gordonjcpapokryphos: uhm, that's too complicated12:58
specialagentHallo zusammen! Ich habe folgendes Problem bei welchen ich ein wenig Hilfe bentige! Ich bin von meiner Windowsmaschine auf mein neues Lappi mit ubuntu umgestiegen. Unter Win bin ich eigentlich ein versierter Nutzer aber unter Ubuntu ne hilflose Person! Ich bekomme nmlich nach zig Versuchen enfach nicht mein Wlan mit WPA ans laufen trotz tutorials und workarouds, noch mit faq, wre nett wenn mich mal einer von euch an die Hand nehmen kn12:58
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apokryphosgordonjcp: erm, why exactly? It involves doing one command.12:58
gordonjcpapokryphos: I need to talk someone fairly clueless through this every time they need to upgrade12:58
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apokryphosgordonjcp: so once every six months you have to tell them to do one command?12:58
apokryphosseems fair enough to me12:59
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apokryphosspecialagent: English only in here please12:59
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apokryphosis that German?12:59
gordonjcpapokryphos: if totem either a) played any media, or b) would tell me what formats it supported then it might work12:59
apokryphosubotu: de12:59
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:59
nox-HandAnyone know where I might get e17 in .deb files?12:59
apokryphosgordonjcp: please read the FAQ :)12:59
specialagentThank you12:59
gordonjcpapokryphos: I've read what FAQ I can find12:59
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gordonjcpapokryphos: post a link to the one you're talking about, because I find nothing particularly helpful01:00
apokryphosgordonjcp: regarding multimedia codecs01:00
apokryphosgordonjcp: it's in the channel topic01:00
gordonjcpapokryphos: ah, that01:00
apokryphosor here:01:00
apokryphosubotu: faq01:00
ubotufaq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage01:00
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ubddo anyone know about importing downloads from windows emule to mldonkey01:00
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gordonjcpapokryphos: I've installed them01:00
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apokryphosgordonjcp: what are you trying to play that it doesn't?01:00
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gordonjcpapokryphos: hum, just about any video file01:01
gianlucaciao Dzmair01:01
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Dzamir_lol gianluca let's speak english :)01:01
apokryphosgordonjcp: if you followed the page the FAQ links to then they'd work01:01
gianlucaDdamir conosci il canale italiano di ubuntu?01:01
gordonjcpapokryphos: better yet, it hijacks links to media in firefox in a really irritating way01:01
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!01:01
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gordonjcpapokryphos: there is exactly one reference to codecs on the page you just gave the link to, and it refers to AMD64 processors01:02
gianlucatks ubotu01:02
apokryphosgianluca: /join #ubuntu-it :p01:02
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gianluca /join #ubuntu-it01:02
apokryphosgordonjcp: 3.501:02
apokryphosgianluca: no space before "/join"01:02
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gordonjcpapokryphos: hang on a sec, "restricted formats"?01:02
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=== apokryphos wonders if the FAQ is really that obscure
apokryphosgordonjcp: yes01:02
gordonjcpapokryphos: since when is MJPEG a restricted format?01:03
apokryphosgordonjcp: who said it was?01:03
gianlucatks apok01:03
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gianlucai'm in italian chat01:03
gordonjcpapokryphos: well, totem doesn't support MJPEG, and from what you've said I need to install "restricted packages"01:03
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apokryphosgordonjcp: well, I'm pretty sure it should01:04
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apokryphosonly thing I can recommend (as I did before), since I never use gstreamer, is installing the xine plugin for totem01:04
gordonjcpit definitely doesn't01:04
apokryphosinstall totem-xine and libxine-extracodecs01:04
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gordonjcpapokryphos: but I don't want totem at all01:04
gordonjcpapokryphos: totem breaks firefox01:04
ubotuesk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.01:04
apokryphosgordonjcp: I think you mean you don't want the totem *plugin* for firefox, which is easy enough to remove01:04
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apokryphosubotu: info totem-mozilla01:05
ubotutotem-mozilla: Totem Mozilla plugin. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 10 kB, installed size 60 kB01:05
gordonjcpapokryphos: hm01:05
arepiehttp://h3lp.madpage.com/Ubuntu/refer.txt <-- i post my question here.. please anyone..01:05
gordonjcpuninstalling that wants to remove totem, which wants to remove ubuntu-desktop01:05
apokryphosgordonjcp: but totem should work. Try using the xine engine instead01:05
gordonjcpapokryphos: I don't want totem01:06
apokryphosthen remove it01:06
gordonjcpit's horrible01:06
gordonjcphang on01:06
apokryphosI don't like totem too =)01:06
gordonjcpremoving the symlinks to the plugin libs seems to have stopped it messing with firefox01:06
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apokryphosI've very surprised removing that wants to remove totem though; that's insane.01:06
Begasushow are the disks in ubuntu?01:07
Begasussomething like /dev/disk/ide/hda* ?01:07
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apokryphosBegasus: /dev/hda1 /dev/hdb2 etc01:07
Begasusah k ..01:07
apokryphosthis is explained in the FAQ too :P01:07
Begasusso I'll try to do /dev/hda5 now then01:07
apokryphosubotu: grub01:07
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:07
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Begasushmm now it says "(hda0)"01:08
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Begasusthat should be mbr right?01:08
huangzuobinhow to install theme in firefox1.5?01:08
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DrScience<<< ----- Newbie here01:09
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DrScienceHello all!01:09
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DrScienceSalut frantz!01:09
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apokryphosBegasus: the MBR just goes on the first part of your hard-disk. If you wanted it on the hda disk, it'd be (hd0), yes01:09
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:09
frantzcomment installer  des logiciels avec ubuntu01:09
aurimascan anybody tell me how send xchat into system tray?01:09
apokryphoswelcome DrScience01:09
huangzuobinhow to install theme in firefox1.5?01:10
DrSciencethank U apokryphos01:10
apokryphosubotu: fraiddo | fr01:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fraiddo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:10
apokryphos!repeat | huangzuobin01:10
ubotuhuangzuobin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:10
DrScienceQuestion:  Where do I go to get software, I saying the update, and to search what I already have installed.. ??  I looking for python01:11
apokryphosDrScience: take a look through the FAQ:01:11
ubotufaq is http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions Official documentation is at http://help.ubuntu.com IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage01:11
DrSciencethank U01:11
ubotunicotine: graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 373 kB, installed size 1956 kB01:11
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apokryphosDrScience: nope, just click on the link ubotu provided above01:12
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arepiehuangzuobin, go to http://addons.mozilla.org find your themes and download01:12
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 001:12
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huangzuobinarepie,done .but  I can't find a way install it01:13
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arepiehuangzuobin, you may find a button which say "install now" at he web page01:14
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LattyWhere are the keymaps in ubuntu?01:15
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eegoredoes anyone know if there is a utility tha tcan sort MP3s artist genre and organize them into directories using the net artist databases01:16
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huangzuobinarepie,but there no button for old version,isn't it?01:17
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chrismyersHi guys. Anyone know how I go about running individual user logon scripts?01:17
abo_how can I mount my digital camera on ubuntu? it used to mount automatically.... it did not now!01:18
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Enquestdoes anybody have here an ekiga SIP adres... Can I call somebody with my @ekiga.net adres to a @wengo.fr adres or @gizmo. adress. Or do I need an account on those networks?01:19
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Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 001:20
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chanduis any 1 tere01:21
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apokryphos!seen anyone01:21
ubotuI haven't seen anyone recently01:21
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apokryphosubotu: repeat | Storkme01:21
ubotuStorkme: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:21
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chanduweats ur nam01:22
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apokryphoschandu: apokryphos01:22
=== Zaggynl kernel panics, too much engrish!
Kishorechandu, hi01:23
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michael_what is your Mastercard#?01:23
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chandukishore haiii01:24
Kishorechandu, u join in   #ubuntu-ap01:24
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chanduemi cheyaali01:24
Kishorechandu, do wot i say01:24
Kishoreu simply type  /join #ubuntu-ap01:24
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EnquestCan I call somebody from @ekiga to @wengo01:25
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ps|choHello folks, I am using ubuntu on Vmware. I want to test whether if I can use fglrx/composite eye-candy on this installation. The physical graphics card is an ATI radeon card. But Ubuntu recognizes a generic card and uses that other driver- mesa. So I want to know whether if its safe to try the composite/fglrx drivers01:27
ps|choor rather, whether fglrx/composites would work on the generic card.01:29
arepieps|cho, i have the same problem01:29
arepielook at this.. is it the same problem? --> http://h3lp.madpage.com/Ubuntu/refer.txt01:29
ps|cholet me.01:29
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ps|choI don't think its the same. X is reporting "BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)" - its something to do with VM ware...I think i'll have to first see whether there's an option to let VM have access directly to the graphics card- not too familiar in this department01:32
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nox-HandAnyone know where I might get e17 in .deb files?01:36
Simian__why does my /etc/hosts have nothing in it any more? it was supposed to say    localhost.localdomain     localhost01:36
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tonyyarussoWhat's the proper way to give my user write access to /var/www?01:38
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apokryphostonyyarusso: chmod to 775 and allow your user's group to be able to write to it01:39
abo_only questions, no one seems to be answering anything01:39
wobsterHi everyone. How do I reload the /etc/environment?01:39
tonyyarussoapokryphos: I heard someone saying chmod wasn't the right way to go though01:39
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apokryphostonyyarusso: well any changing of permissions is chmodding/chowning01:40
tonyyarussoapokryphos: Hrm, maybe they were nuts.01:40
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apokryphostonyyarusso: you could create a new 'web' group etc01:40
apokryphosI don't think any of it is really necessary for a home server though. I have my /var/www -> ~/web :P01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:40
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sorush20how can I play mp4 files?01:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mp4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
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[Crazysk8] isnt that a video format?01:42
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Spee_Dercrackers, still no 2nd monitor.... I will whip this snare into submission eventually. . .01:43
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[Crazysk8] (13:42:44)       error: nickname (Crazysk8) is already in use! Press Control+F1 to retry01:43
[Crazysk8] that sucks..01:43
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sorush20how can I play mp4 file?01:43
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drachsorush20:  try  in console: apt-cache search mp401:44
kauris there a chance that i can some day use the system update to get a 2.6.18 kernel for edgy?:)01:44
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drachsorush20:  or search for mp4 in synaptic01:44
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Spee_Dercool, thanks drach01:46
rmblkaur: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu01:46
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Spee_DerI keep forgeting that cache thingy is so handy01:46
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:46
=== Spee_Der needs more coffee
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about coffee - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:46
kaurrmbl: I just reached that site... Have u tried if it works?01:47
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rmblnope ..01:47
rmblnot on ubuntu ..01:47
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rmblbut it shouldn't be a real problem ..01:47
rmblat least if you can use the ubuntu kernel config01:47
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Spee_DerThis matrox g400 dual video card thingy is driving me bonkers, for the moment anyway.....01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about matrox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g400 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:48
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aboubuntu used to mount my digital camera automatically and show me a dialog about new photos to import, It did not now, I can figure out how to mount it or why ubuntu didn't mount it automatically01:50
aboanyone can help?01:50
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ps|choabo: when did it used to? which version? before or after an upgrade? if so which? elaborate a bit more.01:51
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abothe last time I did it01:52
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abops|cho, the last time it mounted automatically I was using 6.06 now I'm on 6.10, I don't know if this is the problem01:52
abops|cho, I know Edgy changed /etc/fstab, but I'm not sure it caused this01:52
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ps|choIt could be- i just upgraded about 2 days ago. see if it shows up on your /dev/ list first01:53
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Begasusjust wanted to say dada :)01:53
ps|choif its usb- use lsusb01:53
dreamerdamnit, my desktop keeps freezing after a couple of hours :@01:53
ps|choBegasus: we're all glad that you did :P01:53
KervanHello at shutdown "periodic command sheduler" fails what can i do01:53
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abops|cho, how can I know if it shows on the /dev list01:54
abops|cho, how can I know which entry is the camera?01:54
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 001:54
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abops|cho, it is usb $ lsusb gave me "Bus 005 Device 006: ID 054c:0010 Sony Corp. DSC-S30/S70/S75/F505V/F505/FD92 Cybershot/Mavica Digital Camera01:55
tonyyarussoAnybody have a digital voice recorder?  Looking for a purchase tip/support help.01:55
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tonyyarussoWhen Apache auto-creates and index of a directory, can I change the width of the filename column?  (Long files)01:58
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cari_tmn_ceCE_IMUTZ CR CO01:59
Kervanat shutdown "periodic command sheduler" fails what can i do can you help please01:59
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Seveastonyyarusso, yes02:00
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Seveastonyyarusso, you can set something in the .htaccess file, read apache docs for details (read: I can't remember the details ;))02:01
mirkn00bhow do i uinstall Ubuntu and Grub?02:01
michael_hello mirkn00b02:01
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owl_hi owl. could you please deactivate your goddammned recover-nick-script?! i want my nick back!02:01
Seveasmirkn00b, just install another operating system02:01
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michael_@mirkn00b great which OS?02:01
mirkn00bsomebody told me that Grub still be there02:01
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michael_@mirkn00b Ubuntu?02:01
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Seveasmirkn00b, not if you install another OS02:01
ps|choabo: if i were you, i'd post on the forums- it may be a bug afterall- before you do that, check how gnome handles your volumes under System-> Preferences-> devices drives and media02:01
tonyyarussoSeveas: As long as I know where to look.  Thanks.02:01
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michael_it works?02:02
ps|choBeyond that, your guess is good as mine. better post it at the forums and see anyone else has experienced something similar02:02
michael_@mirkn00b any problems?02:02
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mirkn00bokey, so i have to make my HD overwrite the previous ubuntu02:02
Seveastonyyarusso, v02:02
Seveastonyyarusso, http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_autoindex.html02:02
Seveaslook for NameWidth02:03
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Kervanat shutdown "periodic command sheduler" fails what can i do02:03
mirkn00bi have a another question here, that may sounds a bit complicated02:03
mirkn00bhave anyone tried installing MAC OSX on a Intel based computer?02:03
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michael_@mirkn00b It is NOT Possible02:04
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tuxtuxciao a tutti02:04
Toma-mirkn00b: thats possible with the intel based versionof macosx... but totally unrelated to ubuntu02:04
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Seveas!it | tuxtux02:04
ubotutuxtux: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:04
michael_@mirkn00b ooo new for me02:04
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d4rkst0rmhey there =D02:05
Seveasmirkn00b, this is an Ubuntu channel, not an osX channel02:05
d4rkst0rmive got a biiig problem02:05
d4rkst0rmwine command not found02:05
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d4rkst0rmwhat the fuck is going on :/02:05
Seveas!wine | d4rkst0rm02:05
ubotud4rkst0rm: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:05
mirkn00bsince mac and Intel cooperates, are there a possibillity to run MAC OSX on intels.02:05
d4rkst0rmyeah but i cannot install it with the synpatic package mangager02:05
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d4rkst0rmwhy that?02:05
Seveasd4rkst0rm, enable multiverse02:05
mirkn00bokey sorry, where can i find the right channel02:05
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Seveassee that wikipage02:05
d4rkst0rmoh k...  ^^02:05
d4rkst0rmi remeber02:05
Spee_Derd4rkst0rm: in terminal mode, sudo apt-get install wine02:05
Seveasmirkn00b, #osx perhaps02:06
Toma-mirkn00b: theres like a beta of macosx for x86 systems. but defintly not supported here02:06
mirkn00bsame server?02:06
gunfusHello guys, I lost my sound and I don't know what to do to fix it..? what did I do to lose it, the computer did an auto upgraded of some packages02:06
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gunfusI am on edgy02:06
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mirkn00bthx everyone02:06
joe_pillyI can't make a new user profile02:07
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joe_pillyI tried to chown -R username:group but it says chown -R chown: missing operand02:07
joe_pillyWhat's wrong?02:07
dmndjoe_pilly: on what file/directory do you want to do it? :)02:08
joe_pillyuser joe group joe02:08
Seveasjoe_pilly, chown -R joe:joe /home/joe02:08
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gunfusany takers:  I lost my sound and I don't know what to do to fix it..? what did I do to lose it, the computer did an auto upgraded of some packages02:09
joe_pillyWill that enable me to log in with that account, Seveas?02:09
Seveasjoe_pilly, it should help02:09
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joe_pillyI will try it and be back02:09
d4rkst0rmSeveas: by enabling "GL Desktop" my status bar disappers and i cannot move windows :/ can u help me?02:09
Seveasd4rkst0rm, no02:10
joe_pillyI don't need to reboot, do I? Just log out?02:10
d4rkst0rmSeveas: fuck ^^02:10
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ps|chothere we go.02:10
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kippiI am having problems with my wireless card, I have installed some new drivers to get it to work and i am getting closer, using wifi radar it say its connected to linksys ip (none) so its not getting a ip address, any ideas?02:11
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gunfusplease help, I have no sound.I lost my sound and I don't know what to do to fix it..? what did I do to lose it, the computer did an auto upgraded of some packages02:12
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Celldwellerreinstall the driver02:12
Begasusdoes anybody know how to install grub to another partition?02:12
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gunfusCelldweller: which driver.. how do I know?02:12
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SeveasBegasus, grub-install /dev/yourpartition02:12
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DelanoHey thanks Seveas02:13
DelanoIt worked02:13
Celldwellerwhatever sound card u have02:13
Celldwellerfind the driver02:13
AztygxkiI can't detect my USB infrared?02:13
prestoanyone know why i cant get sysinfo or x sensors to work??02:13
Kervanat shutdown "periodic command sheduler" fails what can i do can you help please02:13
Seveas!repeat | Kervan02:13
ubotuKervan: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:13
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Celldwelleror you can find it in your devices and configure them there lol02:13
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Celldwelleryou're running egy or dapper02:14
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gunfusCelldweller: Edgy02:14
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codeRathi, how do I put two pdf files in one?which command should I use?02:14
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DelanoSeveas, I have Ubuntu installed and I got a Kubuntu CD... I used Synaptic to install the kubuntu-desktop packages to enable me to log into both KDE and GNOME... everything worked fine, but it seems when I try to customize KDE's fonts, colours and window decorations, it affects GNOME too (but not XFCE, which I also installed)... any idea why?02:14
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prestoanyone know why i cant get sysinfo or x sensors to work??02:15
Celldwellergo to system02:15
msidi have an avi file and its corresponding srt subtitle file. i want to merge the subtitles in the avi file. any easy way to do it ?02:15
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gunfusCelldweller: okay02:15
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Celldwellerthere should be autodetects02:15
gunfusCelldweller: I am there.. and it says Sound CaptureL: Alsa02:15
Celldwellerand some more02:15
kane77I need help with 'sane'02:15
Celldwellerchoose the one that is  yours if the autodetect didnt work02:16
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Celldwellerdid you reboot after the packages were done downloading02:16
tonyyarussoSeveas: Should this take more than just creating a .htaccess for the directory and putting the line IndexOptions NameWidth=* in it?02:16
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admin123Delano, kde configure also it's fonts and adjusts them also for gtk. So you have to disable some configurations in kde.02:16
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gunfusCelldweller: yes I did reboot02:16
Seveastonyyarusso, .htaccess files should be enabled (iirc the default in Ubuntu)02:16
gunfushmm okay02:16
tonyyarussoSeveas: Hrm...Doesn't seem to be doing it.  I must be missing something else.02:17
Seveastonyyarusso, hmm :/02:17
kane77i ran 'sudo sane-find-scanner' and it found my scanner.. great.. what do I do next? (xsane still says no scanner found...)02:17
gunfusCelldweller: So it seems that is a problem in the auto-detect.. After I select the STAC92xxx Analog (I guess that is my driver) things work02:17
Celldwellerclick the down arrow where it says auto detect02:17
Celldwellerfind your card02:17
Delanoadmin123, in KDE there's an option, "extend settings to gtkj applications"02:17
Celldwellerand close it02:17
DelanoI should disable that?02:17
Celldwellerand see it that works02:17
prestoanyone know why i cant get sysinfo or x sensors to work??02:17
codeRatcan someone please tell me how do I put two pdfs in one? or how do I scan multiple pages in one pdf directly?02:17
admin123Delano, I believe there is, but I can't recall, check out #kde02:17
DelanoOkay thanks02:18
tonyyarussoI need to copy a two and a half hour audio recording to my computer via hooking something's earphone port directly to my laptop's microphone port - what's the best program to use?02:18
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kane77btw why is it so "DANGEROUS" to run xsane as a root?02:18
nox-HandWhat's the lightest mp3 player for Linux that is not MPD? I can't be bothered with installing that now02:19
Jeeves__Hello, I am having real problems getting PINE to use GPG, is anyone able to help / advise?02:19
Seveastonyyarusso, do you get a 500 server error?02:19
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tonyyarussoSeveas: no, page shows up with the default width names still02:20
Seveastonyyarusso, hmmmmmmm02:20
prestoanyone know why i cant get sysinfo or x sensors to work??02:20
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Celldwellermine switched from my actual card to auto detect02:21
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Celldwellerit was inte02:22
Celldwellerthats prolly y02:22
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Seveastonyyarusso, can the apache user read the .htaccess file?02:22
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SkY``can anyone help me with the too high CPU usage by apt-index-watch?02:22
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tonyyarussoSeveas: Aha!  I think you're onto something.02:23
Kud0sCan anyone please tell me, How do you send custom signals to a running application?02:23
SeveasI just tested it and it should work on a default ubuntu setup02:23
tonyyarussoSeveas: www-data is the user, right?02:23
SeveasKud0s, kill -SIGNALNAME pid02:23
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devilsadvocateKud0s, what signals?02:23
eugmanIf I wanted to convert a voice recording into a text file automatically?02:23
Seveastonyyarusso, yes02:24
eugmanIf I wanted to convert a voice recording into a text file automatically is there anything available to do that?02:24
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Kud0sSeveas so for example if i was to type the command "kill -HUP <pid>" the signal HUP would be sent to the application?02:25
SeveasKud0s, correct02:25
Kud0sMany thanks Seveas02:25
SeveasKud0s, man kill and man pkillformore details02:25
Crazysk8kga, later02:25
SeveasKud0s, man kill and man pkill for more details02:25
Kud0swill do02:25
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=== Seveas should fix his spacebar
tonyyarussoSeveas: Still nothing.  Grr.02:25
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Seveastonyyarusso, check the AllowOverride setting for the dir (although that should trigger a 500 error)02:26
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nox-HandAnyone know where I might get e17 in .deb files?02:27
tonyyarussoSeveas: Okay, meanwhile, in /var/log/apache2/error.log, "[error]  [client]  client denied by server configuration: /var/www/.htaccess"  - the .htaccess I made is in a subdir.02:28
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TurtleBootsany wireless gurus online?02:28
tonyyarussoSeveas: Where will that be?  Main apache config file?02:28
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TurtleBootsanyone able to help with a wireless problem _PLEASE_?02:29
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Guerrandcant get my own to install ... soz :(02:30
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fnfHello, is there anyone here who compiled and installed her own kernel in Edgy, I'm having a few problems after this. (I asked this question though).02:31
TurtleBootson doing /sbin/ifup eth1 DHCPDISCOVER doesn't get any replies and ends stating No DHCPOFFERS received :-(02:31
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TurtleBootscan anyone please give me a pointer with the above ^^^02:31
eugmanTurtleboots, there may just be noone who can help you on at this time. Have you looked in the forums yet?02:31
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fnfUbuntu seemed to be doing something obscure under the hood that I couldn't manage to get it running with my new kernel.02:32
TurtleBootseugman: no I haven't I'm very new to all this. Can you advise of a good fourm please?02:32
w1ndowwhere does ubuntu store downloaded packages?02:32
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codecaine/usr/sbin or /usr/bin02:33
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fnfw1ndow: /var/cache/apt/02:33
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kane77anybody can help??? xsane finds no scanner... although 'sudo sane-find scanner' does....02:33
TurtleBootsTheGateKeeper: you got a minute to advise on a wireless problem please?02:33
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_felixHi everyone, does anybody know how to enable the Thinkpad-configuration plugin in the control center?02:34
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_felixI would like to make my sleep and hibernat buttons work02:34
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TheGateKeeperTurtleBoots, not really the best person to ask as I have not really used wireless with linux02:35
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rosswHow can i get my GAIM icon back into the panel so i can easily access my buddy list and such?02:35
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finalbetaI have an MD8080 (medion PC with the 5.1 speaker set that came with it). To run ubuntu on it with sound from tv card and 5.1 sound control, I needed to write a script, some tips are useful and needed to switch two cabled for the speakers. i've reported bugs, but let's be real, they will never get fixed. Is it acceptable to create a page on the wiki where I post the script/give a few tips to other users with the same model?02:35
tonyyarussoSeveas: 'grep -R AllowOverride /etc/apache2/*' - almost all results say AllowOverride None02:35
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: Sure, but it under hardware support02:36
wceoscarHow can i succesfully install KDE on ubuntu???? i also would like to use Gnome02:37
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_felixsudo apt-get install kubuntu02:37
rosswHow do i put GAIM back onto the panel so i can easily access my buddy list?02:37
_felixthis will install all necessary kde packages, while keeping gnome02:37
nettetwhooopsi... it automagically logs me into this channel :) ... hi everyone02:37
finalbetaI did it once, can't recommend that though, GMOME used the KDE browser etc.02:38
basslover1984I need help02:38
Guerrandthink it might be kubuntu-desktop02:38
_felixoh, right, kubuntu-desktop02:38
basslover1984I have two computers running Ubuntu connected in a LAN02:38
rosswcan anybody help me?02:38
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whymeAmaranth, you there?02:38
basslover1984how can I make the second computer have internet through mine?02:39
whyme(hi all)02:39
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first.02:39
wceoscarHow can i succesfully install KDE on ubuntu????02:39
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rosswhow to add gaim to your system tray i accidently removed it and now i cant get it bk on02:40
=== whyme whistles a secret whistle, hoping amaranth can hear him...
rosswi dont mean a shortcut to add the icon02:40
whymeyou there?02:40
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wceoscarHow can i succesfully install KDE on ubuntu????02:40
finalbetatonyyarusso, hardware support on the wiki? Can't find that. Nothing hierarchical about it.02:40
Guerrandwceoscar: you are after kubuntu-desktop02:40
_felix@wceoscar: type into a konsole window: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu"02:40
_felixand give your user password02:40
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tonyyarussofinalbeta: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport02:41
_felix@wceoscar: type into a konsole window: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"02:41
theD3viLwhere to get ubuntu with intergrated icewm? Like Xubuntu??02:41
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finalbetaAh, thnx tonyyarusso02:41
wceoscarfelix, that will install kubuntu.. i dont want kubuntu... i just want to be able to use both enviroments... gnome as my defalt and KDE as an ption when i start up02:41
_felixyou can still start Gnome as default02:42
wceoscarOr will this command install only KDE sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop?02:42
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Guerrandwceoscar ... kubuntu is the entire system ... kubuntu-desktop is just the kde environment for ubuntu02:42
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_felixHowever, I don't know how kde stuff will integrate with gnome, since I never used gnome again, since installing kde02:42
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_felixkubuntu is the same "entire" system except the desktop environment02:43
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_felixso nothing beyond that is installed02:43
wceoscarGuerrand... Will the ubuntu logo display and will i  be able to use Gnome too?02:43
whyme:( youe not even there....02:43
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Guerrandwceoscar ... no idea soz .. only know it cause im currently installin the gnome desktop on another machine02:44
efrerichAfter updating ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10 I get "cyrus/notify[6367] : incorrect version of Berkeley db: compiled against 4.3.29, linked against 4.4.20" What should I do?02:44
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wceoscarwill i be able to remove that enviroment if i want to?02:44
Guerrandyou should be able too ... but i seriously doubt the system will be happy about it02:45
_felixI think so. Didn't to it yet02:45
radai want to install MAC OSX on my intelbased Laptop02:45
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radais this the right channel?02:45
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_felix@rada: no02:45
radasee this: http://www.demonoid.com/files/details/499238/?show_files=&page=2#comments02:45
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Guerrandlol ... rada ... prolly not considering its called #ubuntu02:46
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wceoscarill keep Gnome then... The only feature i want to have is getting windows transparency on Gnome.... how can this be done?02:46
elias I have installed beryl and the kernel with the latest nvidia drivers. Now every time I reboot vmware is telling me to run the config script again.02:46
radai tried OSX, but i needed to be intentified02:46
radai mean the channel OSX02:46
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Woootrada: What did you try #osx for?02:47
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_felixwceoscar: For real transparency this would be some xorg setting.02:47
Jowihello everyone02:47
radahelping installing OSX02:47
Guerrandwceoscar: was under the impression it was included in 6.10 ... but i dont seem to have it either : /02:47
WoootHow about #macosx02:47
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ircdevili just installed my first ubuntu - some minor issues during the install (only one freeze) - but how about WPA support?02:47
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tonyyarussoSeveas: I'm going to grab a shower, but let me know if you have any brilliant ideas.02:48
DiLuporada: 1) installing OSX on a Intel laptop is illegal, unless you have a dev toolkit.... 2) #macosx02:48
ragnar_123rada: try: /msg NickServ REGISTER02:48
Woootircdevil: I had that exact problem, and gave up on it haha02:48
wceoscarI have 6.10 but i dont know where i can get it transparent !!02:48
ircdevilno WPA support out of the box?02:48
JowiDiLupo, and unless it is a mac intel laptop :)02:48
apokryphosubotu: beryl | wceoscar02:48
ubotuwceoscar: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl02:48
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SkyrailI'm trying to move this font file to /usr/share/fonts from a folder in my Desktop problem is it can't move the file as it has a space in the name...any ideas?02:49
DiLupoJowi: I believe there a dev kits that will run on any Intel machine... includes a mac chip...02:49
iampotatoescape the space02:49
ADminShow i can check if my wifi driver installed or not?02:49
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hairkanybody suffering from problems with a synaptics touchpad? like, sometimes when you tap, it doesn't tap-to-click?02:49
iampotato"\ "02:49
ircdevilADmin dmest will tell02:49
fredlhow do I install the Pear DB class on Ubuntu??02:50
ADminSircdevil: dmest ?02:50
bsharittWell I'd have to say no tap to click is a feature not bug, but seriously, no I haven't seen it.02:50
fredlI already have the php-pear package installed....02:51
hairklike 75% of the time it works,02:51
Skyrailiampotato: thanks02:51
Seveasfredl, apt-get install php-db02:51
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wceoscarcan i install beryl from the synaptic package manager?02:51
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hairkIt works 100% of the time if I tap very hard02:51
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hairkin windows, it works on slight taps02:51
fredltnx seveas02:51
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scorpiioncan anyone help me set up a ppoe server for an isp?02:51
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whymeIs amaranth away in the loo? Is he asleep? well never know :(02:52
fredlseveas, how many people are in the dutch ubuntu group?02:52
Seveasfredl, no idea, I don't count :)02:52
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fredlseveas, any meetings? do lots of people attend?02:53
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ircdevili am rather disappointed that ubuntu dont support WPA out of the box - or even facilitates easy install :o(02:53
ADminSircdevil: dmest not found02:53
Seveasfredl, next meeting will probably be in january, I hope that there are quite a few people there02:53
Seveasircdevil, apt-get isnttall network-manager -- wpa support done02:53
ircdevilADmin dmesg02:53
fredlseveas, any url where I can read / sign up?02:54
ircdevilSeveas - testing02:54
Seveasfredl, not yet, keep an eye on ubuntu-nl.org02:54
=== stefg would rather love to see Seveas making source-o-matic edgy-aware, than wasting time in meetings ;-)
ADminSircdevil: is that one02:54
ADminS[17179624.800000]  bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.02:54
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ubotuadmins: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:54
TurtleBootsCan anyone please translate the following: Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A)02:55
TurtleBootsi.e. what does it mean?? :-)02:55
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ADminSthx Seveas02:55
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SeveasTurtleBoots, the next line in the error messgae is more important02:55
ubotuwifi aliases: wireless, ndiswrapper, broadcom, bcm43xx, ndis, wpa, wep, madwifi, ralink, ipw, wpa2, acx111, network - added by Seveas on 2006-07-25 23:42:0702:55
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wceoscarIm lost on how to install beryl... i have my nvidia drivers installed, whats next? it says i have to instal repositories but when i enter the terminal and post the  command they provide a document opens02:56
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MorrisseyIs it hard to change VGA on a laptop?02:57
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fredlseveas, any nl ubuntu pre-installed resellers yet??02:57
Seveasfredl, yes :)02:57
wceoscarsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list what should i do with this list?02:58
shooterswceoscar: you need to add the repos to /etc/apt/sources.list02:58
EnquestI get the following error with ekiga when I want to make a call "Security check failed" anybody know how to solve this02:58
stefgwceoscar: have you read http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php/Install/Ubuntu/Edgy/nVIDIA ?02:58
TurtleBootswhere is network-manager held? ran from?02:58
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fredlhmm. I'm interested in building an Ubuntu appliance which has one or more of my own 'commercial' applications on it.02:59
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whymeAmaranth, are you there yet?02:59
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fredlSeveas, would that also make me an 'Ubuntu preinstalled reseller' ?03:00
Seveasdepends on the details03:00
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fredlseveas, well my own application will initially be a service that I'll host on my own webserver, companies will pay for the service per pagehit, until their pagehits come to a breakeven point and it becomes more interesting to have their own server instead.03:01
hairkI have a question. Everytime I want to run an application is root mode, I open the terminal and type "sudo <name_of_app>", is there an easier way of opening an application in root mode from gnome or KDE?03:01
alucard064re all03:01
alucard064i have some problems03:01
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alucard064i have a netgear wg111 v2 and kubuntu drapper03:01
alucard064i install the driver prism5403:02
fredlseveas, can we talk about this in private?03:02
Seveashairk, hit <alt><f2> to open the 'run application' dialog and type: gksudo name_of_app03:02
alucard064when i plug the usb and do ifconfig wlan0 up03:02
hairkthank you03:02
Seveas(or in kde: kdesu name_of_app)03:02
alucard064the led of the usb wifi card dont turn blue03:02
Seveaswceoscar, a) automatix sucks b) drop the caps03:02
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apokryphosubotu: automatix | wceoscar03:02
ubotuwceoscar: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:02
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alucard064someone can help me please*03:03
r000tis there a build-dep version for aptitude03:03
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Seveasfredl, not now, I'm busy in here and eating soup at the same time03:03
theplatypusHow do I\ install athlon xp kernel?03:04
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fredllater then...03:04
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Seveastheplatypus, apt-get install linux-generic03:04
wceoscarOk.. But the drvers installed succesfully... with automatix.... should i just install beryl ?03:04
apokryphosr000t: nope03:04
petehi installed ubuntu03:04
petehand i dont rate it at all03:04
petehits slow03:04
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apokryphoswceoscar: /msg ubotu beryl03:04
petehtakes ages to load03:05
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theplatypusSeveas : but, won't that leave me with the generic 386 kerenl?03:05
petehhardly any programs for it03:05
Seveaspeteh, this channel is for support, not for whining03:05
Seveastheplatypus, no03:05
petehincomnpatible with most things03:05
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ircdevilwpa support doest come with network-admin03:05
Seveasahhh.... familiar hostmask...03:05
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vitorHow can I put that sidebar with information about the system and the hardware?03:06
alucard064someone can help me03:06
elias_generic kernel does not work for me!03:06
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:06
Seveasvitor, install gdesklts (gnome) or superkaramba (kde)03:06
alucard064i have already ask my question03:07
barielis it true that acrobat reader is not included anymore in 6.10?03:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:07
Seveas!info acroread edgy03:07
ubotuacroread: Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.8-0.0.ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 22368 kB, installed size 54692 kB (Only available for i386)03:07
elias_is generic kernel meant to work for all x86 archs?03:07
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Seveasbariel, no :)03:07
apokryphosalucard064: no point in saying "can someone help me please" then :)03:07
barielSeveas, i do apt-cache search acroread, but it doesnt show me anything03:07
gnomefreakelias_: generic kernel is the 486/586/686 kernel03:07
Seveas!multiverse | bariel, you should enable multiverse03:07
ubotubariel, you should enable multiverse: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:07
soundrayalucard064: "ifconfig wlan up" is not sufficient. You have to configure your  ESSID via System-Admin-Networking03:08
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)03:08
alucard064how you do this03:08
gnomefreakelias_: if you have 486 or higher proc. you might want the generic kernel03:08
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:08
=== n1gke wants to know where does the video driver files go please. I need to move my new drivers to the proper start directory because the install script is not following my files structure.
alucard064i use only the driver prim54 for the WG11103:08
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n1gkethese files are .so files03:08
alucard064i dont want to use ndiswrapper03:08
Morrisseyalucard064, why not=03:09
elias_gnomefreak: I have a pre dual-core centrino03:09
devilsadvocatealucard064, prism54 drivers dont work for some versions og the wg51103:09
gnomefreakelias_: you want generic than because it also has smp support03:09
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omkar86is there a window-linux equivalent software list?03:10
soundrayalucard064: you have to configure your  ESSID via System-Admin-Networking03:10
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Seveas!equivalents | omkar8603:10
ubotuomkar86: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant03:10
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alucard064but it wrote that the wg111 v2 with prism54 can be run03:11
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privatwer spricht deutsch03:11
alucard064with the latest version of kernel and ubuntu03:11
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de03:11
devilsadvocatealucard064, not all  v2 can be run, there are two kinds of v2's available.03:12
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elias_gnomefreak: what could be the reason why the generic kernel is not even booting up completely?03:12
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soundrayelias_: what makes you think that the kernel isn't booting completely?03:13
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wceoscarShould i install all available nvidia drivers from the synaptic package m03:13
alucard064devilsadvocate can you explain me in private03:13
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elias_soundray: because it stops booting after finding the HDD (can see that if I take quiet off the boot params)03:13
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soundrayelias_: what's the last message before it stops?03:14
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thirstyferretRafial: hello :)03:14
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:14
alucard064what up with v2 devilsadvocate03:14
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elias_ACPI: PCI interupt something03:14
elias_soundray: ACPI: PCI interupt something03:14
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtut?03:15
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Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
elias_Rafial: stop that!03:15
Rafialany1 here from sigtutorial?03:15
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Seveashe stopped03:15
floatingI have a problem getting japanese fonts visible in my irssi that is run from remote computer. The terminal programs show japanese fonts correctly as long as I type in terminal that is not connected to the "screen". Do i have to set some fontname separetely ..to use.. or what to do ?tried rxvt, x terminal, xterm, xiterm03:15
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Seveasompaul, !03:16
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soundrayelias_: see if it boots if you add 'acpi=off' where you removed quiet03:16
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Navysealanyone uses wine here?03:16
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erdem84hi I needd help with ubuntu03:17
Seveasonly during dinner03:17
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fredlanybody know of a version control tool for mysql databases?03:17
Seveasfredl, the mysql binlogs :)03:17
ompaulhola Seveas03:17
soundray!es | ompaul03:17
ubotuompaul: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.03:17
wceoscarwhen i type /etc/apt/sources.list in the command line it says acces denied!!03:17
erdem84anyone experienced enough to answer me?03:17
=== ompaul looks at Seveas and sees a joke that works on unknown levels
Seveasompaul, I don't look THAT funny...03:18
fredlhere's from #php, LOL: <MikeSeth> fredl: I cant think of anything short of abusing MySQL's binary logging03:18
zhnitamrtvolai need someone experienced in samba configuration for simple question03:18
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=== ompaul looks at soundray with a grin on ompaul's funny
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:18
elias_soundray: can check that. while I would not understand why I can boot the 386 kernel with acpi on but not the generic one.03:18
ompaulfunny face that is03:18
soundraywceoscar: 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'03:18
ompaulSeveas, the joke was03:18
Seveas!ask | zhnitamrtvola03:19
ubotuzhnitamrtvola: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:19
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zhnitamrtvoladoes smb.conf settings override filesystem permissions or not?03:19
tonyyarussoSeveas: Got it!  It was the AllowOverride - in the site-specific config.03:19
Seveaszhnitamrtvola, no03:19
Seveastonyyarusso, nice03:19
zhnitamrtvolathanx :)03:19
wceoscarsoundray, what should i do with that list?03:20
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fredlI guess all of #mysql is on some mysql camp or something :/03:21
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soundray!repos | wceoscar03:24
ubotuwceoscar: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:24
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wceoscarok... now, i just opened the sources list... now what should i do there to get bebryl o work... im fllowing the steps but i dont uderstand!03:25
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tonyyarussoIs it possible to "pick up the line" with a computer's modem and use that to record phone conversations?03:25
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fuffedoes ubuntu have a font handler application were you can install, preview and delete fonts?03:26
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soundraytonyyarusso: I think it may be possible if you write a driver for a software modem ("winmodem") with that capability.03:27
wceoscarIt says that i should add this line deb http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/  should i add this to the end of the repositories?03:27
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tonyyarussosoundray: Oh fun.  I had enough trouble finding a driver for it to do normal things.03:27
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soundraytonyyarusso: also, with the old voice enabled ZyXEL modems (e.g. 1496) you could do things like that.03:27
thirstyferretwceoscar: I don't think it really matters03:28
wceoscarwhat you mean?03:28
Jowitonyyarusso, possible, yes. you need a hardware filter that let the voice to pass to the modem and redirect it back to the phone again though. not all modems support it though.03:29
wceoscarit says that the lin should be aded to the sources list03:29
tonyyarussoJowi: Pass it back?  Why can't it just be like picking up an extension?03:29
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thirstyferretwceoscar: how are you trying to add it to the list?03:29
cherubielwceoscar: yes, add that to your sources.lst, do an apt-get update03:29
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Jowitonyyarusso, the modem usually hijacks the line from the phone when enabled03:30
Jowitonyyarusso, like a fax machine do.03:30
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nolimitsoyasay i want to dump the contents of a text file to a terminal, how would i do that? i have a text file with all the names of packages i want installed after a cli installation for a completely custom installation, and just typing 'apt-get install <content here>' would be nice. :)03:30
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tonyyarussoJowi: Icky.  That stinks.03:30
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tonyyarussonolimitsoya: Is the text file with the package names one per line or all in a row?03:31
soundraynolimitsoya: cat packagelist | xargs apt-get install03:31
Jowitonyyarusso, that's why the dial-up internet connection breaks when you pick up a reciever03:31
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fredlbizarre, there is no such tool apparently that does version control on a database / database schema03:31
tonyyarussoJowi: Oooh!  That happens all the time at home.03:31
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nolimitsoyatonyyarusso, all in one line, with just spaces between. i though that would simplify things :)03:31
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lmhhi all,I just installed ubuntu 6.10 desktop, but xorg won't start up03:31
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joachim-nwhat's the package to file a bug on a file's mimetype not being set properly?03:32
tonyyarussonolimitsoya: It does - you can leave out xargs from that line then.03:32
tonyyarussosoundray: Does he need apt-get install - then, or just leave it?03:32
Jowitonyyarusso, probably less time consuming to buy a device made for recording calls03:32
soundraynolimitsoya: do a "cat packagelist | xargs apt-get -s install" first to test03:32
masterninjacntrl+alt wont rotate the cube03:32
Dreamgliderwhy does 6.10 not have long terme support like 6.06 has ?03:32
nolimitsoyatonyyarusso, so, 'cat <filename> | apt-get install'?03:32
nolimitsoyasoundray, ok03:33
tonyyarussoJowi: Yeah well.  I can't justify spending money - I just thought it would be cool.  Asterisk does this stuff though perhaps?03:33
whyme:9 why isn Amaranth answering me?03:33
booI need help! ( ubuntu 6.10 , Core duo cpu (laptop) and the problem : "BUG:Soft lockup detected on CPU#0" )03:33
lmhbut from the cd it worked very well03:33
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Jowitonyyarusso, oh yeah, easier when on ip-telephony. but that's not what you asked :)03:33
soundraynolimitsoya: without xargs, the package list is fed to apt-get as stdin. Not what you want.03:33
gnomefreakwhyme: maybe hes not here03:33
nolimitsoyasoundray, im getting 'E: Command line option 'r' [from -r`]  is not known.'03:34
tonyyarussoJowi: Well, I'm not yet.  Might be another thing to try fiddling with though.03:34
lmhlog says: /dev03:34
lmhError opening /dev/wacom: Success03:34
soundraynolimitsoya: -s not -r03:34
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LjLlmh: nice error03:34
whymegno efreak, well, he deffo here, but AFK...03:34
nolimitsoyasoundray, i am typing -s :)03:34
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cherubiellmh: do you have any stylus devices?03:34
gnomefreakwhyme: what was teh question03:34
lmhno, i don't03:34
soundraynolimitsoya: then the -r is in your packagelist file for some reason03:34
flossgeekJust wonderin gif anyone has a fix for the openoffice fonts issue in edgy?03:34
cherubiellmh: X not starting? whats the problem?03:34
nolimitsoyasoundray, nope, ive just searched it03:35
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lmhonly a standard mouse. X not starting, yes03:35
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whymeif he could reduce BW consumption on amaranth.selfip.com before my hosts hut me down....03:35
cherubiellmh: xorg.conf? pastebin?03:35
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whymeand I mean now...03:35
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nolimitsoyasoundray, though, there is the 'linux-headers-`uname -r`... could that be cousing the problem, and if so, why?03:35
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masterninjahow do i rotate the cube?03:36
soundraynolimitsoya: it will be.03:36
gnomefreakwhyme: well now isnt gonna happen im sure of that.03:36
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gnomefreakmasterninja: ctrl+alt+arrow03:36
soundraynolimitsoya: replace it with the output from uname -r on the commandline03:36
masterninjathat wont do it03:36
wceoscarcheck out what it displayed on the terminal     bash: $: command not found03:36
wceoscarwceoscar@wceoscar-desktop:~$ wget http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/quinn.key.asc03:36
wceoscar--10:36:14--  http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/quinn.key.asc03:36
wceoscar           => `quinn.key.asc'03:36
wceoscarResolving ubuntu.beryl-project.org...
whymethen hes gonna need to find anoth host VERY soon03:36
wceoscarConnecting to ubuntu.beryl-project.org||:80... connected.03:36
wceoscarHTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found03:36
soundraynolimitsoya: you can't use shell command expansion with xargs03:36
gnomefreakmasterninja: try to keep xgl/compiz/beryl questions in #ubuntu-xgl03:36
wceoscar10:36:14 ERROR 404: Not Found.03:36
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whymeI mean by the end of the day.03:36
LjLUbotu, tell wceoscar about paste | wceoscar, see the private message from Ubotu03:36
masterninjawhoops i thought i was03:37
lmhcherubiel: yes, one sec03:37
nolimitsoyasoundray, but that would defeat the purpouse, since id have to change it ever kernel upgrade :/03:37
gnomefreakwceoscar: please use pastebin03:37
whymeno choice here, unfortunatly03:37
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bobbyshafteror ctrl+alt and left mouse button03:37
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soundraynolimitsoya: why don't you stick with 'apt-get dist-upgrade'?03:37
bobbyshafterthis give more control03:37
appletreehi2 all03:37
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wceoscarwhy does it displaus error 404 not found??? is this normal?03:37
whymegnomefreak: not really up to me, but hes been using over 90gig per week, when my quota is 200 per month...03:37
nolimitsoyasoundray, i will. this is just to get all the apps and packages i want installed after doing a cli install.03:37
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whymegnomefreak: after that, I just get blocked.03:38
gnomefreakwhyme: than i would say dont use it until you find out if he can restrict it03:38
syockHiya guys. Do you remember the whole usplash resolution thing? I forgot how to make usplash choose the correct image to use during usplash? I`ve made adjustments to usplash.conf03:38
LjLwceoscar: it's quite normal, give that URL points to a non-existing file03:38
syockusplash said one word too many03:39
wceoscarim i in good shape with my beryl install?03:39
whymegnomefreak: I was hoping hed be able to sort it out before I just kill off his site :( I really dont like doing that...03:39
Skyrail anyone know of a good skype alternative?03:39
soundraynolimitsoya: you could also just install the 'linux-headers' metapackage for example, which always depends on the latest version03:39
whymegnomefreak: by the way, how do I force redetection of my keyboard?03:39
erdem84 I have a simple question to be answered what is the minimum disk space for Ubuntu to be installed03:39
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net03:39
gnomefreakwhyme: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:40
whymeahh, thatnks03:40
soundrayerdem84: about 3 GB is enough03:40
erdem84ty soundray03:40
nolimitsoyasoundray, that sounds like a swell idea :D its just called 'linux-headers'?03:40
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nolimitsoyasoundray, i cant find any such package. would it be called linux-headers-generic, by any chance? :)03:41
flossgeekSkyrail: Try OpenWengo http://www.openwengo.com/03:41
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lmhcherubiel: http://pastebin.com/83320703:41
Skyrailthanks flossgeek03:41
gnomefreaknolimitsoya: search "kernel"03:42
flossgeekSkyrail: no probs...03:42
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nolimitsoyagnomefreak, and looking for what?03:42
gnomefreaklinux-headers-your kernel03:42
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nolimitsoyagnomefreak, im not sure how that would help me... anyway, im all set now :)03:43
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cherubiellmh: give me a sec03:44
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soundraynolimitsoya: you're right, it's linux-headers-generic in edgy03:44
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cherubiellmh: can't hit the link03:44
cherubiellmh: pm ?03:44
nolimitsoyasoundray, ty very much for your help then :)03:44
woro2006hi i messed up /etc/fstab, now I am forced to go into readonly filesystem. How can I have write access to edit /etc/fstab again03:45
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jimboedgynoobI'm trying to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy and for some reason the Edgy LIVECD will not install - just grinds away at the CD. The CD check is OK. I am on dialup - can I upgrade from D to E WITHOUT booting off the Live CD? I am running a low RAM system - 256MB Laptop. Dapper runs fine.03:45
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soundrayworo2006: easiest is if you have/get a live CD and boot off that.03:46
woro2006i do03:46
woro2006I am on that livecd03:46
woro2006but what do I do now?03:46
wceoscarwhy when i paste this on the terminal: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl    it says the list of sources could no be read??????03:46
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soundrayworo2006: do you know the partition name where /etc/fstab is located?03:46
woro2006hda4 or hda503:47
woro20064 i think03:47
gnomefreakwceoscar: repo may be down please join #ubuntu-xgl for xgl/compiz/beryl03:47
murpc004plz can someone give me some help here03:47
woro2006wceoscar, can't you just algfx03:47
nolimitsoyasoundray, sorry to bother you again, but i hit a rock... it asks for confirmation, but aborts without letting me give it. how do i tell apt to perform without asking for permission?03:47
woro2006it's easier03:47
soundrayworo2006: assuming it's hda5 (more likely IMO), you would open a terminal and run 'sudo mount /dev/hda5 /mnt && gksudo gedit /mnt/etc/fstab'03:48
nolimitsoyasoundray, never mind me. i found it :) 'man' is very nifty indeed :)03:48
soundraynolimitsoya: no bother at all! Use the -y option. Also consider spending a bit of time with man apt-get.03:48
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ubotuFor Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://amaranth.selfip.com/ edgy lrm" (for x86) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)03:49
soundraynolimitsoya: just as I went to point you to it... ;)03:49
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nolimitsoyasoundray, thank you :)03:49
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woro2006these are my options in /etc/fstab for hda4, reiserfs,user_xattr,notail03:50
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woro2006soundray, how do I edit them?03:51
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woro2006I just wanted to enable extra attributes for beagled03:51
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Jager`Power keeps going out everytime I connect..03:52
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Jager`how do I get into my files with write access?03:52
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soundrayworo2006: are you sure that this is still necessary in the latest beagle versions?03:53
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Jager`how do I get into my files with write access?03:53
omkar86Jager: do chmod on it03:53
woro2006i am not sure03:53
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woro2006but do you know how?03:53
Jager`omar86: how do  chmod?03:54
jimboedgynoob I'm trying to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy and for some reason the Edgy LIVECD will not install - just grinds away at the CD. The CD check is OK. I am on dialup - can I upgrade from D to E WITHOUT booting off the Live CD? I am running a low RAM system - 256MB Laptop. Dapper runs fine.03:54
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soundrayworo2006: how what?03:54
ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux03:54
soundrayworo2006: running beagle?03:54
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.9-1ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 804 kB, installed size 3160 kB03:54
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lmhHi all, my XOrg won't start, LOG does not show an (EE) section03:55
Jager`How do i use chmod in terminal?03:55
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woro2006soundray, how do I edit /etc/fstab03:55
lmhmy xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/25843703:55
woro2006to enable the extra attributes03:55
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woro2006this is my /etc/fstab UUID=b739d0d3-0f4c-4eb6-b56d-eb2ba668dd0b /               reiserfs,user_xattr,notail          0       103:56
Jowilmh, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"03:56
soundrayworo2006: why don't you go back to defaults first and make sure that your system boots again.03:56
omkar86Jager: there are permission bits associated with chmod, its worth studying them and then use chmod :)03:56
omkar86do man chmod03:56
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soundrayworo2006: the comma after reiserfs is wrong03:56
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woro2006now I will reboot03:57
woro2006see you in a bit03:57
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jimboedgynoobhas that guy reiser been found guilty or not guilty of murder yet?03:57
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soundrayjimboedgynoob: that's off topic. Ask a support question03:57
Jowijimboedgynoob, #ubuntu-offtopic03:57
omkar86Jager: read man page $man chmod03:57
jimboedgynoobsorry just wondered03:58
jimboedgynoobI have asked a support question twice.03:58
jimboedgynoobI will ask it again.03:58
jimboedgynoobI'm trying to upgrade from Dapper to Edgy and for some reason the Edgy LIVECD will not install - just grinds away at the CD. The CD check is OK. I am on dialup - can I upgrade from D to E WITHOUT booting off the Live CD? I am running a low RAM system - 256MB Laptop. Dapper runs fine.03:59
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Toma-jimboedgynoob: you could add the cdrom as an apt source and just dist-upgrade that way?03:59
Jager`i cant change permissions of folders using chmod03:59
Jager`sudo chmod +w /folder/location/ to allow write access tot hat folder right?04:00
TLEHey when I came home after being away for the weekend all of the sudden firefox won't start. No error massage of anything. If I do a ps from the terminal I can see that it is running but it doesn't show up. Any ideas ?04:00
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Jager`Good this stupid computer is locked to everything i try04:00
Toma-Jager`: yeh, but only for root04:00
jimboedgynoobToma I tried to add to Synaptic but it just wants to download off the net - should I try to disconnect and have Edgy as the only repositry?04:00
soundrayJager`: yes, but you need write permissions in /folder/ before you can change /folder/location04:00
JowiTLE, "kill" it. then start firefox from a terminal to see if there are any errors04:00
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whymejimboedgynoob, uncheck all the other sources04:01
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Toma-jimboedgynoob: disable everything except the livecd that you're going to add04:01
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soundrayJager`: you would make it easier for yourself if you made yourself familiar with the Linux way of doing things04:01
soundrayJager`: like storing all user data in $HOME04:01
whymejimboedgynoob, and make sure that the keyword is edgy, else you wont upgrade at all...04:01
Jager`How do I make it so I can just go in the folder and add/delete files04:01
Jager`but soundray, it was installed by the app/remove utility04:02
TLEJowi: I did, there isn't. I also tried to remove my .mozilla folder to make sure that it wasn't anything I'd done, like a plugin er something. That didn't work either04:02
jimboedgynoobtried that whyme OK will give it another try thanks guys - Ahhhh the keyword is EDGY thanks again04:02
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soundrayJager`: what was installed?04:02
Jager`soundray: XMMS04:02
JowiTLE, does it work with another user?04:02
woro2006i am back04:03
soundrayJager`: okay, so what do you want to do now?04:03
whymeitll be edgy universe multiverse etc...04:03
Jager`soundray: I need to get to the XMMS folder so I can add a skin04:03
soundrayworo2006: fixed your fstab then04:03
woro2006it's fixed :)04:03
TLEHaven't tried. I usually only have one user. I'll try it04:03
sysrageany known issues with firefox in kubuntu? it's super buggy for me. dialog windows are opening up super tiny and if i make them bigger they don't have the content on them that they should. mousing over menu items turns the background grey and gets all fugly. etc04:03
woro2006thanks. do you know how come I can't access my own ip address at any ports?04:03
wceoscarim getting everithig done... now when i enter this in X sudo apt-get install beryl emerald-themes04:04
wceoscar it says: E: Couldn't find package emerald-themes04:04
woro2006I can ping myself, but couldn't visit my apache website using my ppp ip address04:04
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woro2006I am behind a Westell router and enable port forwarding on port 8004:04
omkar86jimboedgynoob:afaik u can do upgrade from alternate cd and not desktop cd04:04
soundrayworo2006: you need to set the address that httpd listens to in the apache config.04:04
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Jager`tried http://localhost?04:05
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jimboedgynoobomkar so a livecd upgrade WITHOUT BOOTING from it is out of the question?04:05
woro2006i can visit the site locally, just not from the outside04:05
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Jowiwceoscar, you need to get it from the beryl repository (it is not a part of ubuntu). try asking in #ubuntu-xgl04:06
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Jager`How can I get into my XMMS folder to add a skin?04:06
jedi__Eclipse keep crashed when open C/CPP file,any one can help me?04:06
soundrayJager`: add it in $HOME/.xmms04:06
jedi__6.10 ubuntu04:06
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omkar86jimboedgynoob: u can do clean install using desktop cd, but if u plan to do things with apt-get then u can do upgrade from desktopcd(possibly unsafe way)04:07
jedi__Eclipse and CDT from deb-src04:07
Jager`soundray: Thanks :)04:07
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omkar86Jager: there is xmms-skins package available on repository04:08
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omkar86sudo apt-get install xmms-skins04:08
zhnitamrtvolai need to set different permission creation masks for different filesystems...is it possible ? and where??04:08
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theplatypusCan anyone help with a usb problem? Here is the output of dmesg. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34135/04:09
LjLUbotu, tell zhnitamrtvola about mountwindows | zhnitamrtvola, see the private message from Ubotu04:09
jimboedgynoobthanks for your time omkar - I'll stick with dapper for now. Edgy Eft LIVECD would not even utilise the swapfile sitting on the hard disk that dapper was happy to use when installing. A noted bug - but hilarious that Edgy states 128MB minimum as an install - more like half a gig!04:09
woro2006soundray, I have this in apache <VirtualHost *>04:09
woro2006do you want me to change it to <VirtualHost pppip>04:09
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LjLzhnitamrtvola: this will probably be of some help, look at the fstab lines they give04:09
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ZaehlasHello.  I have a disk space problem, if someone can help.  using baobab, disk space usage, my file system reports 42.3 GB of space allocated, however, when I do the filesystem scan, to show me what is allocated where, my entire root partition is only using 3.6 GB.  I have no other mounted volumes (except swap, which is 2 GB).  How do I fix it so it's showing the correct amount?  I have deleted that many gigs worth of files, but it's not "04:09
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soundrayworo2006: for apache config issues, I'm not the best person to consult. Do check out the LAMP information on the wiki, though04:10
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.04:10
LjLZaehlas: what does df show?04:10
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omkar86jimboedgynoo: ur welcome, if u have less memory try xubuntu04:10
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ZaehlasLjL: df command from terminal?  one moment, let me check.04:10
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LjLZaehlas: yes04:10
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omkar86jimboedgynoob:it was like 500-600 MB download for upgrade via 'update-manager' plus 60MB of xubuntu-desktop04:11
zhnitamrtvolaljl thank you04:11
jimboedgynoobthanks omkar xubuntu is on my radar. I'll download an ISO over a few nights of dialup 8-)04:11
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whymesorry I had to stop Amaranths repo from amaranth.selfip.com... if anyone else is available with about 100gb of bandwidth per week or more, please contact him ASAP through the forums.04:12
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aFxeverybody hi04:12
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ZaehlasLjL: It shows 44388996 used blocks, 25967916 free blocks, 64% usage on /dev/sda1, my only hard drive.  all the rest appear to be device symbolic links of some sort.04:12
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TLEJowi: another user didn't work either04:12
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ZaehlasLjL: But I know I shouldn't have that many gigs in use.04:13
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theplatypuscan anyone help with a usb problem? output of dmesg can be found here. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34135/04:13
n1gkeMy question is this. Ok. I am trying to add the drivers for the dual head video card, although the shell script shows a different directory path, I have created the needed path for the script.04:13
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LjLZaehlas: look, i haven't used baobab (i'm on KDE), but isn't it supposed to let you know graphically where the space is being taken up?04:13
n1gkeWhen X starts, where is it looking for the driver files, normally ?04:13
shootersZaehlas: what does baobab shows when you do a file usage mapping... What takes up that much space?04:13
JowiTLE, open up synaptic and search for firefox. click firefox and select "mark for complete removal" and apply. after the removal is done reinstall firefox.04:13
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soundraytheplatypus: I think this indicates faulty hardware04:14
TLEJowi: will try that04:14
theplatypussoundray: usb hardware or mb?04:14
JowiTLE, you can also see if you have any plugins installed system-wide and remove them to see if it makes a difference04:14
soundraytheplatypus: I had a PCMCIA USB card causing these messages. Replacing it cured it.04:14
ZaehlasLjL: yes, it shows graphiocally, that only 4 gigs of space on my HD used up.   shooters: baobab is not showing that much used up.  can I have blocks in use, without them being truly allocated to files?   if so, how do I fix that?04:14
KenSentMen1gke: what videocard do you have?04:14
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n1gkeKenSentMe, I amusing the Matrox G400 dual head video card04:15
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theplatypussoundray : It worked fine then suddenly stopped about two weeks ago04:15
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theplatypussoundray : it also happens with different devices04:15
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n1gkeKenSentMe, I have edited the xorg.conf file to include 2nd monitor and its infos.04:15
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Tjoelsi have a problem with frostwire. it won't open. it just gives an error when i open it in the console. when opening it with the icon in the ubuntu menu, nothing happends. this is the error from the console: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34136/04:16
soundraytheplatypus: like I say, it sounds like a faulty hub.04:16
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n1gkeKenSentMe, but when re-starting x, it barfs with error message and goes to terminal.04:16
theplatypussoundray: thanks for the replies04:16
LjLZaehlas: i think that with journaling filesystems, you *can* have space that shows up as allocated, while it's really been freed, but the garbage collector hasn't kicked in yet. did you remove many very large files just recently?04:16
admin123is anyone inhere able to play real media files with totem?04:16
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KenSentMen1gke: sorry, i don't know anything about matrox cards04:16
n1gkeKenSentMe, I can get back here by using sudo cp xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf.04:17
soundrayTjoels: edit runFrost.sh and replace /bin/sh in the first line with /bin/bash04:17
Paddy_EIRETjoels: I get thae same error with limewire04:17
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Tjoelssoundray: ok, cool, thanks :)04:17
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n1gkeKenSentMe, thanks anyway dude/dudette. I am part way to making it work as the x display doesn't look gibberish at least.04:17
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TLEJowi: marking it for somplete removal claims it want'd to uninstall some other things: ekiga, firefox-gnome-support, gnome-app-install, gxine, ubuntu-desktop, yelp. I don04:17
TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: look what soundray said.. :)04:17
ZaehlasLjL: yes, I was doing some restores between several other systems, I finished those, and do not have any more network mounts, but I deleted close to the amount that shows, but isn't free.  about 36 gigs or so.  but it's been over a week.   how do I manually kick in the garbage collector?04:17
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Paddy_EIRETjoels: thx :)04:17
n1gkeKenSentMe, I need to know where does startup look for the video drivers, normally.04:17
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TLEJowi: ----> suppose it's a good idea to uninstall ubuntu-desktop ?04:18
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LjLZaehlas: try running an fsck04:18
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LjL!ubuntu-desktop | TLE04:18
ubotuTLE: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.04:18
ZaehlasLjL, is that safe any time, or is it best to dump system down to terminal, and run it through the bootstrap?04:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:18
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TLELjL: ahh thanks04:18
JowiTLE, no probs. after removal is done reinstall ubuntu-desktop and you will get all those apps back04:19
LjLZaehlas: you shouldn't fsck a mounted filesystem (at least, you should only ever do that with fsck in check-only mode, no writes)04:19
LjLZaehlas: best would be instructing Ubuntu to run an fsck at next boot. let me find out how ;)04:19
ZaehlasLjL: OK, how do I  reboot, and get to fsck without mounting the filesystem?04:19
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Paddy_EIRETjoels: where would that directory be04:20
ZaehlasLjL: LOL!  I guess that would be a good utilitu04:20
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TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: i dont know. trying to figure that out......04:20
soundrayLjL, Zaehlas: 'sudo touch /forcefsck'04:20
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Tjoelssoundray: where is runFrost.sh located?04:20
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LjLsoundray: thanks. isn't there also a "dirty" flag on the FS, that should somehow be settable?04:20
LjLi.e. the same flag that stays set if you don't unmount cleanly04:21
Zaehlassoundray: will that force an immediate fsck, or will add it to next boot sequence?04:21
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soundrayLjL: there is, but I don't know how to set that04:21
soundrayZaehlas: next boot04:21
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Zaehlassoundray: awesome.  Thanks!04:21
soundrayTjoels: depends where you installed it. If it's in your path, 'which runFrost.sh' will tell you.04:22
Paddy_EIREsoundray: where would the frostwire/limewire dir be that contains runfrost.sh/runlime.sh04:22
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dreamerhow can I copy my entire OS to a new hd ?04:22
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ZaehlasLjL: Thanks much as well, gonna reboot, so I'm outta here04:22
soundrayTjoels: otherwise, check 'less $(which frostwire)'04:22
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dreamerI about to buy a new hd and I want to keep my current system and put it as a primary on this new hd04:22
soundrayPaddy_EIRE: I don't know anything about frost/limewire, just a bit about shells.04:22
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Tjoelssoundray: thanks again04:23
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soundraydreamer: you'll have to partition it, e.g. with gparted, then you can copy your old partitions to the new disk. After that, you will have to update /etc/fstab in the new root location.04:23
Tjoelshow do you search for a file on the whole drive, not just ~?04:23
soundraydreamer: best to do all that from a live CD04:24
dreamersoundray: hmm04:24
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Warboanyone got experience with a Dell Inspiron 1501? The live CD isn't seeing the HD, and Google is saying my search queries for "dell inspiron 1501 ubuntu" look like auto-generated queries from a virus :(04:24
dreamereah I thought so04:24
soundrayTjoels: 'sudo updatedb ; locate file'04:24
dennisterg'morning all04:24
TLEJowi: No dice with that either. The wierd thing is that it acts as if it is being run, but just isn't visible. No error massage nad shows up in ps04:24
Tjoelssoundray, is there a graphical way?04:24
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soundrayTjoels: why make things more difficult for yourself?04:25
tonyyarussoAny Gobby/sobby experts about?  Question about where/how it saves the files.04:25
meisamhow can i install IBM DB2 guys04:25
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Tjoelssoundray, well, ur right :) it's easier to learn the commands...04:25
JowiTLE, any plugins in  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ ?04:26
dennisterhas anyone used cvs versions of compiling apps on edgy? i'm having trouble with lirc and the www.lirc.org site says we should be using cvs version 8.1 for kernels > 2.6.1704:26
meisamguys im sorry i have searched alot i wanna know how to install IBM DB204:26
meisamplease help meeee04:26
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Warbomeisam: no need to repeat, probably you are getting no replies since nobody knows :(04:26
meisamWarbo and for u no need to repeat since u know nothin...04:27
dennistereven mario's backports version are only 8.0904:28
meisamWarbo sorry im not rude but when somebody needs sth meaning that he is insisting he is not repeating04:28
Warbomeisam: Wow, thanks a lot there. I am trying to keep the channel from being filled with the same messages. Have patience and if someone knows then they will reply04:28
soundraymeisam: I was just about to reply to you but now you've disqualified yourself :(04:28
meisamsoundray dude i did not mean it04:28
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Paddy_EIRETjoels: i think its in "usr/lib/FrostWire/runFrost.sh"04:29
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meisamsoundray u r not ganna answer?04:30
Scorpmoonis it recommended to get google earth from google, or from apt-get ?04:30
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Scorpmoonor from add/remove programs04:30
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Toma-Scorpmoon: synaptic04:30
dennisteri take it no one here has tried using cvs versions for compiling?04:30
TLEJowi: There was. I tried to move and start up firefox. No dice either04:30
cgghas anyone yet tried to install an canon lbp5000 on ubuntu? :>04:30
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Warbomeisam: Looks like he just left, sorry. I can't offer any help with DB2, but I think you've learned a lesson here :)04:31
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jorgextHi, I want to install firefox 2.0; I have a tar.gz file and I don't know what to do, where to put de folder....04:31
chandutoma hiii04:31
chanduiam a new bie to linux04:31
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Toma-chandu: super.04:31
chandui have a doubt04:31
dennister<--has had very little luck compiling in the first place, and is still a noob04:31
Flibberdyhi all.. does anyone know if ubuntu x64 works with beryl/nvidia blob drivers?04:31
shwagwhen my usb drive gets mounted (its ext3) it is only writable by root. How do I open it up so users can reader and write to a usb drive. Also, is there a way to rename my usb drive so its not called 'usbdisk' like all my other ones ?04:32
jorgextHi, I want to install firefox 2.0; I have a tar.gz file and I don't know what to do, where to put de folder....04:32
WarboFlibberdy: Nvidia give 64bit drivers, and they support AiGLX, so I don't see why not04:32
meisamWarbo ok ok, im sorry if i was harsh, u wanna say u won, ok go ahead, u won, but i really need it thats why i reapetd04:32
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TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: yeah, it is. did you get it working? :)04:32
meisamWarbo c ya04:32
Flibberdythanks warbo04:32
JowiTLE, I have no idea :-/04:32
shwagjorgext: shouldnt you just get the dpkg ?04:32
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Warbomeisam: not at all, I am just saying that if you want to get some help then try not alienating people04:32
Paddy_EIRETjoels: same thing04:32
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Warbomeisam: (oftopic by the way, let's leave it here)04:32
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cgghow can i set my second display as an extended desktop04:33
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woro2006hi, how do I test whether port 80 is working in a terminal?04:33
TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: me too.. :/ bah.04:33
meisamWarbo sure, offtopic04:33
dabaR!xinerama > cgg04:33
woro2006assume I am behind a router04:33
TLEJowi: Thanks for your help. I installed epiphany and will look in launchpad and the forum04:33
Toma-woro2006: telnet it?04:33
cggthx :)04:33
woro2006like how?04:33
woro2006toma, the command?04:34
Toma-telnet <ip> <port>04:34
Tjoelssoundray: changing the /bin/sh to /bin/bash didn't work...04:34
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dabaRTjoels: on Ubuntu sh links to bash.04:34
Paddy_EIRETjoels: doesnt it mean the line isnt exectuted if it starts with #04:34
phaedrus44what is the best torrent client program?04:34
woro2006No terminfo entry for "unknown".04:34
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Toma-phaedrus44: the best is what you finally stick with.04:35
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[koji] woro2006: use nmap04:35
TjoelsPaddy_EIRE, yes, but scripts always starts like that...04:35
dabaRTjoels: Or actually no it doesn't/04:35
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TjoelsdabaR, so what are the difference?04:36
Alamari downloaded ubuntu 6.10 but it stalls while loading, can anyone help? I am new at IRC04:36
Warbophaedrus44: I would say the default one is great for simplicity. Azureus is popular for power users04:36
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MorrisseyCan anyone please help me on how to install the latest drivers for ATI Radeon 9000 on edgy? I have "radeon" as my driver in xorg.conf now. In advance, thanks04:36
WarboAlamar: Did you try the "check CD for defects" option?04:36
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woro2006do you know any internet site that do nmap04:36
phaedrus44Warbo:   yeah i forgot about azureus04:36
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dabaRTjoels: sh links to dash, the debian alchemist shell, a simpler shell than bash, but similar. In fact, I think it does everything same as bash, but does less than bash04:37
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dabaRTjoels: what's your issue? On a pastebin, please.04:37
Jager-Is there a shortcut key to lock the screen? Similar to window's windowkey+L04:37
WarboMorrissey: There is a guide I started https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver04:37
xnewbto what file do i add export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=...  i added it to .bashrc, but banshee doesn't seem to recognize it04:37
soheilhi room04:37
erUSULMorrissey: you have the latest free radeon driver afaik04:37
dabaR!ati > Morrissey04:37
erUSUL!ati | Morrissey04:37
ubotuMorrissey: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:37
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WarboMorrissey: Maybe that will help (seems some pretty knowledgable guy has taken over updating it recently)04:37
Paddy_EIREdabaR: would you know what is wrong here "runLime.sh: 44: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "}")"04:37
Morrisseythanks all!04:37
woro2006koji , can you nmap to see my port 80 is working04:38
Jager-Is there a shortcut key to lock the screen? Similar to window's windowkey+L04:38
TjoelsdabaR: i can't start frostwire. when i try to execute it from a terminal, it gives me this output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34136/04:38
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: runlime is the limewire script... did you change it?04:38
WarboFGLRX driver won't work with Radeon 9000 I don't think04:38
Paddy_EIREdabaR: no04:38
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kudzubaneany one getting large font in gdm input fields after installation of nvidia-glx?04:38
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[koji] woro2006: what is your ip, it tells you what ports are open04:38
dabaRshow me the script itself...04:38
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dabaRJager-: there is a keyboard shortcuts mapping app in system>prefs, maybe you can set it there.04:39
soheilI have a problem:why do unix-based systems simply ignore the 'deAdlock' problem?04:39
jorgextthanks ppl04:39
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dabaRxnewb: try /etc/bash.bashrc04:39
woro2006i want to know if 3888 is open04:40
soheilI have a problem:why do unix-based systems simply ignore the 'deAdlock' problem?04:40
shwagif I unmount a usb disk, is there a way to remount it again without physically unplugging it ?04:40
dabaRsoheil: if they did, you would see your system unusable often, which you do not.04:40
woro2006better yet, can you access from firefox04:40
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WarboHmm, I tried "acpi=force irqpoll" which I found in the forums, but my HD still isn't detected04:40
dabaRTjoels: show me the script itself, please.04:41
MorrisseyWarbo, how do I know wich drivers I have? I use radeon right now, but I dont think I got the latest04:41
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TjoelsdabaR: right away!04:41
soheilwhy don't they use the banker's algorithm, for example?04:41
Paddy_EIREdabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34140/04:41
WarboMorrissey: I don't really know. Maybe dri.sf.net will say the latest version? (I am using the radeon driver on my 9200 here fine BTW)04:41
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dabaRwasn't frostwire in Ubuntu's repos? You guys downloaded the thing from somewhere elsE?04:42
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TjoelsdabaR: the script: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34141/04:42
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[koji] woro2006: no luck04:42
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: im using LimeWire Pro04:43
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soheilI have a problem:why do unix-based systems simply ignore the 'deAdlock' problem?04:43
alek66hi everyone04:43
soheilwhy don't they use the banker's algorithm, for example?04:43
Paddy_EIREdabaR: and I get the exact same error as Tjoels04:43
sysrageany known issues with firefox in kubuntu? it's super buggy for me. dialog windows are opening up super tiny and if i make them bigger they don't have the content on them that they should. mousing over menu items turns the background grey and gets all fugly. etc04:43
b03ntoworo2006: 80/tcp open http-proxy Squid webproxy 2.5.STABLE1404:43
ZaehlasLjL: Well, I'm back, I ran it (fsck) twice at boot, both time no errors, seems to be successful, and it doesn't seem to free up that space.  I've got 30 gigs of used space on my filesystem, and no idea what is using it.  I've checked every directory I know how to check, and looked for hiiden files, etc.   You or anyone else have a suggestion?04:43
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dabaRPaddy_EIRE: well, I will work with one of you, and the other one watches and does the same, I think that's best. I am not sure right now why the error is there, but will try fixing it, it may take a few...who wants to watch?04:44
alek66my linux has become very slow and sometimes crash after I tried to suspend my computer04:44
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alek66seems like now it wants to check the file system everytime04:45
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TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: are you? well im using frostwire.. wierd... is ur error the EXACT same as this one: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34136/ ?04:45
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: ill do04:45
Warboalek66: I hear that non-free graphics drivers can have problems with suspend/resume04:45
Paddy_EIRETjoels: yep04:45
TjoelsdabaR, i will :)04:45
Paddy_EIRETjoels: they are more or less the same app04:45
alek66Warbo, ok... i can live without suspend... but i want to fix my linux... its reallyslow now04:45
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TjoelsPaddy_EIRE, dabaR: Paddy can do it.. ok.. but can you then private message me the result? :D04:46
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: did you get the other version of limewire from their site?04:46
WarboHmmm... I would try running "top" and seeing if there is a program using far too many resources04:46
Kishoreubotu, kernel04:46
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:46
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Warbo(that was to alek66 by the way ^)04:46
dabaRTjoels: if we remember...04:46
Paddy_EIREdabaR: latest release04:46
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dabaRPaddy_EIRE: there are several versions a linux, windows, mac, and other version.04:47
Paddy_EIREdabaR: im using the proper linux version04:47
dabaRhttp://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther is the link.04:47
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: so you downloaded a .rpm?04:47
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alek66Warbo, i have beryl running04:47
Paddy_EIREdabaR: i converted with alien04:47
Warboaren;t the Limewire verisons the same, since they all use the same JAR file?04:47
ZaehlasAnyone else have an idea why my filesystem won't free up space after deleting files?  they were deleted last week, I can't find any other reasons that I would have files taking up over 30 gigs of space, and fsck, repeat runs at boot time, won't free up that space.04:47
TjoelsdabaR: i downloaded the .deb from the official frostwire site....04:47
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: always worked perfectly in the past04:47
Warboalek66: What graphics driver are you running?04:48
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: that may be it. Download this version from above so we can work with the same versions, me and you.04:48
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: ok04:48
WarboZaehlas: Bad blocks? :(04:48
alek66Warbo, geforce fx go5700 64mbddr agp04:48
Morrissey Hi, I want to use the absolutely latest "radeon" drivers for my ATI Radeon 9000 card. Im currently using the "radeon" drivers wich works ok with aixgl, but I want to get the lates drivers .. how do I do that?04:49
Warboalek66: did you install Nvidia's driver, or leave it with the default?04:49
ZaehlasWarbo: none that fsck reports, and the filesystem is mounted on a mirrored raid, which the raid tools report that it's good.04:49
Music_ShuffleZaehlas, stating the obvious here, but did you make sure to clear the trash too?  I find myself doing that often...forget to clear it out of the trash. >.>04:49
WarboZaehlas: OK, well I am guessing you have already tried everything I might suggest next :)04:49
ZaehlasMusic_Shuffle: Good idea, and yes, I had already cleared the trash.04:49
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: downloaded04:50
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: has same error...04:50
Paddy_EIRE1 sec04:50
Music_ShuffleThat's the extent of my ability to help then. ./steps back to let someone else be more useful04:50
ZaehlasWarbo: pretty much.  it's just phantom data or something.  the graphical file usage does a scan, only shows 3.6 gigs used up, but every other utility reports 42 gigs used up04:50
alek66Warbo, i used http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ lrm nvidia driver04:50
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Music_ShuffleWow.  Rather...large difference. >.>04:50
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WarboZaehlas: Maybe there is a massive sparse file somewhere? I think different apps handle them differently04:51
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: that was the win version you gave me to download04:51
ZaehlasMusic_Shuffle: aye.  if it was a gig or two, I wouln;t be worried....04:51
Warboalek66: OK, I was just going to suggest that if you left it on the default then Beryl would definetly go slow, but since you are using the nvidia one it shouldn't04:51
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: no..does it have runLime.sh in there?04:51
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: and I found the solution.04:51
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: k04:52
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dabaRPaddy_EIRE: just edit the runlime file and change /bin/sh to /bin/bash04:52
alek66Warbo, thanks.... from time  to time it gets really slow04:52
ZaehlasWarbo: Well, I'm relying on the Baobab disk usage analyzer, and that's what is supposed to tell me what's really on my system.  anyone else have a suggestion on a better way to scan, to see if there's a hidden file, or something?04:52
dabaRthen run it again, should work.04:52
alek66even at boot up04:52
Paddy_EIREdabaR: 1 sec04:52
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TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: will you please pm me if you solve it?04:52
Paddy_EIRETjoels: sure04:53
Warboalek66: I don't know what to suggest really, as I have gone through the obvious things. Personally I haven't used Beryl, and haven't used Nvidia in about 6 months04:53
Warboalek66: sorry :(04:53
ryanakcahow do you set your console to use python2.5 by default instead of 2.4?04:53
nox-Handthirstyferret, What the devil are you doing here?04:53
fuffeI have a question about bugs and ubuntu.. why does bugs on third party apps such as gphpedit turns up in launchpad?04:53
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alek66Warbo, thanks anyway04:54
fuffeetc: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gphpedit/+bug/4648704:54
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thirstyferretnox-Hand learning ;)04:54
nox-Handthirstyferret, Hah04:54
fuffegphpedit is developed by the gphpedit team, not by ubuntu, right?04:54
Seveasfuffe, that's a bug in the ubuntu gphpedit package04:54
Warbofuffe: Launchpad can trakc other bug trackers, so that Ubuntu users just have to report all of their bugs to Launchpad and any upstream bugs will be added to the bug report04:54
Seveasfuffe, if it were an upstream bug, it would be /products/gphpedit/+bug/4648704:55
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hyper_chSeveas: did you temporarily ban "abo"?04:55
pianoboy3333Anyone know of another parental control software besides dansguardian? Has anyone here ever tried CensorNet?04:55
Paddy_EIREdabaR: that works... :) but I use limewire pro which is paid for, that fix doesnt seem to work with that04:55
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Paddy_EIRETjoels: u there04:56
TjoelsPaddy_EIRE: yea04:56
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: it has exactly the same ./runLime.sh file?04:56
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: i think so04:56
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: do some comparison...04:57
dabaRat least up to that line.04:57
Demoncan any1 help me with this? i cannot remove the map e107_plugins, permission is denied, but the chmod is 77704:57
dabaRAnd you get the same exact error?04:57
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Demoncan any1 help me with this? i cannot remove the map e107_plugins, permission is denied, but the chmod is 77704:58
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dabaRTjoels: your fix is a little different.04:59
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hikenboothello all--anyone know which file i would put the variable DHCPDARGS=eth0 in other distros reference /etc/sysconfig but that doesnt exist on ubuntu04:59
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dabaRTjoels: edit /usr/bin/frostwire change sh /blah/blah to bash /blah/blah and save, close, then run frostwire again.04:59
WarboHmmm. Googling for people with the same SATA problem on a Dell Inspiron 1501 (HD isn't detected) seems to say that the boot option "acpi=force irqpoll" fixes it, but I tried that and it didn't help :(05:00
dabaRhikenboot: why are you setting that variable?05:00
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dabaRhikenboot: following a tutorial?05:00
hikenbootso that the dhcpd will only listen on that interface05:00
dabaRhikenboot: well....you have a dhcpd on your computer?05:00
Zaehlaswhat is the website to upload a screenshot to, to link in here?  paste.ubuntu something?05:01
dabaRZaehlas: /topic05:01
TjoelsdabaR: you mean the /usr/lib/frostwire/runFrost.sh ?05:01
ZaehlasThank you05:01
Demonany1 plz? i really need it removed to go on05:01
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dabaRTjoels: I wrote exactly what I mean, I checked, why is it not working the way I said?05:01
dabaRhikenboot: and what is the name of thwe program you installed for dhcpd?05:01
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hikenbootapt-get install bind I believe05:02
hikenbootno sorry05:02
dabaRbind is not a dhcpd.05:02
hikenbootright I know05:02
dabaRwhich one?05:02
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TjoelsdabaR: ahh, sorry..05:02
dabaRTjoels: no worries05:02
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hikenbootno apt-get install dhcp05:03
Paddy_EIREdabaR: same error05:03
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hikenbootshould i have chosen dhcp3-server?05:03
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dabaRPaddy_EIRE: is that the ./runLime.sh you posted at first?05:03
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Demoncan any1 help me with this? i cannot remove the map e107_plugins, permission is denied, but the chmod is 77705:03
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TjoelsdabaR: it works! thanks!05:04
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WarboDemon: It is probably like that for a reason, but if you insist then "sudo -s -H" should give you a superuser shell. Delete it in that (rm <filename>" then press Ctrl-D to exit superuser05:04
Paddy_EIREdabaR: I then copied the working "runLime.sh" to "/usr/lib/LimeWire" and still I get the same error05:05
dabaRTjoels: welcome05:05
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Demonwarbo: thanks, ofcource :P i forgot the sudo command infront of it :D ty!!!05:05
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: and you got the rpm of the pay version of LImewire?05:05
hikenbootdabaR, should i have installed dhcp3-server instead?05:05
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: yes05:05
WarboDemon: Ah. Try jsut "sudo rm <filename>" then. If that fails then "sudo -s -H" should give you unlimited powers (thereofre exit it as soon as possible)05:06
dabaRhikenboot: I am still looking into it.05:06
wildchildhow can I checj whos' on the server, command finger doesn't work05:06
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WarboOK, I can't fix my problem with Dapper so I'll try out some convoluted method of booting from USB hard drive. See you all :)05:07
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dabaRhikenboot: edit /etc/default/dhcp05:07
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: i think i got a temp solution thanks man05:07
antoniodhello, I can't boot from ubuntu cd05:07
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: good work.05:07
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antoniodI select start or install ubuntu, and then the cd stops05:08
Paddy_EIREdabaR: I extracted the rpm and changed the "runLime.sh" as you said and now it runs straight from the folder05:08
hikenbootthanks dabaR05:09
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: ya, it may be that the installation messes it up because it is not built for the Ubuntu way of having something in /usr, something in /bin, and so on05:09
dabaRhikenboot: welcome05:09
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: oh, although it always worked in dapper05:09
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hikenbootI would like to know where you found that I was unable to05:10
Paddy_EIREmaybe its a simple little bug to be fixed gonna email the co. to see if they can provide a full fixed version05:10
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Paddy_EIREdabaR: thanks dabaR see ya later05:11
dabaRhikenboot: see this pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34145/ i is alias for sudo aptitude install. Let me know if you need further explanation.05:11
dabaRPaddy_EIRE: see ya05:11
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dabaRhikenboot: in particular lines 27 2805:11
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julian_is there an instruction to install jdk on ubuntu ?05:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jdk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:12
dabaR!java > julian_05:12
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:13
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hikenbootwell thanks again ...good luck and have fun!05:13
dabaRjulian_: well, I should have just told you...sun-java5-jdk is the package.05:13
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[\] where is the uhh05:13
[\] sources.list thing?05:14
=== [\] cant remember
[\] no like05:14
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:14
[\] on a webpage it has all the sources05:14
[\] yeah05:14
[\] thanks05:14
[\] :D05:14
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Ace_NoOneHi there! In Ubuntu, is there a way to mount some online storage (e.g. WebDAV) so that files there can be executed directly?05:15
Ace_NoOneThe reason: I'm trying to store my TiddlyWiki online rather than on my thumb drive, but that's only useful if I don't have to copy back and forth for edits...05:15
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pooyashould I upgare to 6.10?05:15
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dabaRpooya: no05:16
michaelpooya: No05:16
schmirgohi, i have some problems with codepages. i'm trying to mount a windows(win xp) share which contains german umlauts and japanese characters. somehow i can't get the right codepage... any suggestions?05:16
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michaelpooya: buy Windows XP05:17
dabaRschmirgo: ask on #ubuntu-de is what I think is a good suggestion05:17
pooyamichael, ?!05:17
michaeljust kidding05:17
alecjwhow do i open an RPM package in file-roller?05:17
thirstyferretmichael, what the... ;)05:17
schmirgodabaR: ok thanks ;)05:17
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dabaRalecjw: did you try right clicking open with?05:17
TheGateKeeperis samba installed by default?05:17
Seveasschmirgo, try nls=utf8 as mount option05:18
SeveasTheGateKeeper, no05:18
m0hello, I am wondering why everything i reboot or boot my computer, XORG-AIR uses 40% of Memory05:18
m0i have to restart X-Server for it to be back to stable05:18
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alecjwdabaR: yes. it says "archive type not supported"05:18
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schmirgoSeveas: ok I'll try05:19
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Captain_RedbeardHey guys... quick question... how do I compile wine to use arts as its sound engine?05:19
TheGateKeeperSeveas, that's what I thought thanx05:19
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mojojojo_hi there my sound in Ubuntu stopped working :( :( :(05:19
Dreamglideris any ISO burning tool installed by default in 6.06 ?05:19
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dabaRmojojojo_: did you look at System>Prefs>Sound to see whether anything is muted?05:20
mojojojo_for example for xmms it's: ** WARNING **: alsa_setup(): Failed to open pcm device (default): Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu05:20
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:20
dabaRDreamglider: ya, right click on a .iso file, and select burn to cd or something like that.05:20
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dabaRCaptain_Redbeard: there is a #winehq05:21
alecjwdabaR: do any ideas?05:21
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DreamgliderALLRIGHT, THANKS05:21
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dabaRalecjw: not really, give me a copy to a .rpm file, and I may get some.05:21
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Dreamgliderwith out the caps*05:21
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mojojojo_dabaR, are you sure its System>Prefs>Sound? there's no settings for making anything muted05:21
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alecjwdabaR: actually, i think i9 can convert it to a DEB with alien. thanks05:22
Dreamglideri just downloaded 6.10 im gona give it a spinn05:22
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LjL!language | quazimodo05:22
ubotuquazimodo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:22
dabaRalecjw: sure05:22
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crayzeeDoes anyone here play unreal-tournament? I have it set up and playing fine, but I cant get it to network. It claims to start a multiplayer game but netstat -pant lists nothing...05:22
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quazimodoFuck your family friendly channel you anal retentive pissant05:22
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quazimodoubuntu is shit anyway05:22
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cmwebCan some one tell me how to chmod only Folders and not the documents inside them?05:22
michaelIf you wanna try 6.10 in vmware the network just NOT work05:22
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:23
michaelIn real it works fine (without vmware)05:23
chandumichael,  hii05:23
chanduiam anew bie to linux05:23
michaelanyone has tried the same? 6.10 in vmware?05:23
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RedLanceMy client keeps crashing when I try to use Ultima Online under wine.  See my pastebin here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34146/05:23
dabaRmojojojo_: ya, I was wrong. double click the little sound icon in the top right.05:23
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teclonetwork works properly on ubuntu 6.10 in vmware here05:23
julian_i want to try jdk but if i search sun-java-jdk i don't find anything05:24
michaeland no network problems05:24
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dabaRcmweb: chmod by itself will only change the directory's permissions, do you use -r?05:24
soheilhi room05:24
gpafixitBesides Istanbul is there another desktop recorder? Istanbul doesn't work well. It makes for choppy video and blinks a lot .. I read about wink but don't see it when I search apt ..05:24
michaelso eth0 exist in vmware ubuntu 6.10?05:24
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cmwebdabaR, i have to i have over 100 folders05:24
mojojojo_dabaR, anyting is unmuted05:24
cmwebinside the www dir05:24
mojojojo_dabaR, everything is unmuted05:24
soheilI have problem with setting my DSL connection05:25
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lmhhi all, xorg won't start.05:25
mojojojo_for example for xmms it's: ** WARNING **: alsa_setup(): Failed to open pcm device (default): Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu05:25
dabaRcmweb: so you want to recursively apply the permission change, but only to directories...not sure how, I suppose you read the man page?05:25
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lmhno (EE) section in the LOG-File05:25
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soheilevery time I log on to ubuntu I should run ppppoeconf after 'su'05:25
dabaRmojojojo_: run sudo invoke-rc.d alsa-utils restart in a terminal, show me output on a pastebin if it is more than one line.05:25
cmwebi did chmod --help05:25
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lmhmy xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/25843705:25
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lmhanybody an idea? dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't help05:26
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cmwebbbl peps05:26
floshello i'm trying to install 6.10 on an older toshiba laptop the problem is, the insallation never succeeded so far, i've already tried 3 times. i'm not sure what caused the problem, at the end the screen is blank or coloured all in the same colour, so i right now i can't tell you more.05:26
Music_ShuffleIs the disk the problem perhaps?05:26
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mojojojo_dabaR,  * Shutting down ALSA...                                                 [ ok ] 05:27
mojojojo_ * Setting up ALSA...                                                    [ ok ] 05:27
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lmhanybody an idea?05:27
dabaRcmweb: I do not know of a way, other than writing a shell script.05:27
soheilevery time I log on to ubuntu I should run 'pppoeconf' after 'su'05:27
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boinkflos: use the alternate cd05:27
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dabaRmojojojo_: and open xmms now again, from a terminal, try playing a song.05:27
flosboink, is it on the same download page?05:27
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boinkwhich ubuntu are you using?05:28
flostrying 6.1005:28
mojojojo_dabaR, no difference - ** WARNING **: alsa_setup(): Failed to open pcm device (default): Nie ma takiego pliku ani katalogu05:28
boinkI installed xubuntu on an old laptop, you might want to try that05:28
boinkand using wireless on that old laptop?05:28
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flosboink, would that be possible?05:28
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mojojojo_dabaR,  it's sth to do with gnome itself because Ubuntu plays welcoming tune nicely before loading gnome05:28
boinkwith Edgy, maybe. with dapper, yes05:28
dm_Anyone know how to change the session splash screen ?05:29
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boinkof course, it depends on the wireless card/chip05:29
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dabaRmojojojo_: open the xmms properties, and change the sound output to something else,see what you have now. Are you using edgy?05:29
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boinkbut really, gnome and kde are too much bloat for an old laptop05:29
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flosso what do you recommend?05:29
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Music_Shuffleboink, are they really?!05:29
lmhmy /var/log/Xorg.0.log: http://pastebin.ca/25852005:30
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flosin the end i wanted to run some java application on it05:30
midgetg0atAny one have issues when trying to use Brasero to burn a DVD ISO that it created? It errors saying "The disc in the drive is a DVD please insert a recordable CD"05:30
ahhi there, could anybody help me with my enet-card? its an 9230tx, i can ping it, i can use ist but top speed is around 800kB, onboard plug'n'plays fine :-(05:30
boinkoh boy :)05:30
philipsmithI want to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper using apt-get. How do I do this? Thanks!05:30
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:30
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phipuI've backuped my system in a tar file. What is the simplest way to copy data back?05:30
boinkdid you compress that tar file too?05:30
dm_Anyone know how to change the session splash screen ?05:31
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boinkthat's a good idea as well .. you can use bzip2 or gzip to do that05:31
lmhI installed Ubuntu 6.10 desktop from scratch, installation worked perfect but after installation xorg does not start05:31
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mojojojo_dabaR, it worked after I changed from default to other. But it's xmms, firefox will still refuse to play anything for example05:31
dabaRdm_: the gnome login splash screen?05:31
dabaRmojojojo_: like flash sound?05:31
alecjwlmh: have you canged the monitor/grpahics card?05:32
dabaRmojojojo_: well, at least you can listen to music while we fix it...05:32
mojojojo_dabaR, like flash sound :)05:32
boinkfirefox never plays anything05:32
boinkit depends on how you've set up firefox05:32
mojojojo_dabaR,  yeah :D :D05:32
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lmhalecjw: no05:32
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dabaRmojojojo_: you should read the flash section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats , I saw some fixes there, but never had to apply any.05:32
alecjwlmh: is it an LCD? does it say "out of range" or simmilar?05:33
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flosthank you, boink05:33
blairCan anyone see my text?05:33
fyrestrtrlmh: how far do you get?05:33
boinkgood luck05:33
boinkblair: yes05:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:33
lmhalecjw: LOG: http://pastebin.ca/25852005:33
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blairJust testing out BitchX, first time using it.05:33
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lmhfyrestrtr: it boots, starts to load xorg, but only gives black screen05:33
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idjusing Edgy, how can i obtain the IP address of the network interface? (other than the that the hostname of the system resolve to)05:33
DevCi did the upgrades that the site recommended by doing 'sudo apt-get remove firefox mozilla-firefox' and then 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox' like it said and now I no longer have a browser to use o_O05:34
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fyrestrtrlmh: decrease your default resolution. In xorg.conf, for the depth 24, remove the 1600x120005:34
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lmhfyrestrtr: LOGFILE: http://pastebin.ca/25852005:34
fyrestrtrlmh: yes I saw it.05:34
dm_dabaR yep, got it, its in Gconf-editor05:34
m0how do I run a command from gnome-terminal05:34
dabaRDevC: what web site?05:34
lmhfyrestrtr: ok, try it05:34
DevCI tell it to run firefox and it popsup saying "Starting firefox" and then closes and nothing else happens05:34
m0i want to automatically run irssi05:34
m0from selecting an icon05:34
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fyrestrtrm0: create a desktop icon for it, or a launcher on the panel.05:35
dabaRm0: from clicking a launcher icon?05:35
DevCdabaR: the official website for upgrading from 5.04 to 6.10 through steps05:35
m0But I want the Gnome-Terminal profile to be set to IRSSI05:35
Dreamgliderdoes anyone know how i can make a chart with two curves in open office calc ?05:35
dabaRDevC: well, let me point out that fficially ubuntu recommends upgrading version by version05:35
lmhfyrestrtr: no difference, does not start, but always filckrs05:35
dabaRm0: you want to always open irssi when you open a terminal?05:35
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m0dabar, that link...05:36
lmhfyrestrtr: the natural resolution of my lcd is 1600x120005:36
fyrestrtrlmh: what video card is this?05:36
lmhfyrestrtr: mga g55005:36
sysragewhat's the name of the recommended JRE package?05:36
dabaRDevC: cat /etc/issue05:36
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fyrestrtrm0: edit your profile, in the Title and Command tab, tick the 'Run a custom command instead of my shell' and type irssi05:36
webmareni want to upgrade to 6.10, but the first time i tried my computer crashed inexplicably halfway through and i had to reinstall back from breezy05:37
fyrestrtrwebmaren: why didn't you just install edgy?05:37
superlionwhen i do apt-get update it tells me "W: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2D6CFB44DD800CD9"05:37
dabaR!java > sysrage05:37
dennisterhas anyone used the cvs version of lirc, as per www.lirc.org's suggestion for kernels > 2.6.17?05:37
m0fyrestrtr: where do I see that05:37
superlionhow can i add the GPG key to my system?05:37
webmarenfyrestrtr: i have a breexy disk05:37
fyrestrtrlmh: I'm not familiar with that, try reducing your default depth and resolution to 1024x768@1605:37
dabaRsuperlion: do you want to download a package from http://download.tuxfamily.org?05:37
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webmarenoh wait i should burn and edgy disk05:38
sysragedabaR: thanks. that brings me to another question. what's the difference between universe and multiverse?05:38
lmhfyrestrtr: does not work. any other idea?05:38
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fyrestrtrm0: open gnome terminal, the Edit > Profiles05:38
i7chis there a way to remove totem-plugin without removing ubuntu-desktop? i don't know why apt is insisting on it05:38
fyrestrtrlmh: does the desktop cd work?05:38
dabaRsysrage: read the components page.05:38
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dabaR!repos > sysrage05:38
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lmhfyrestrtr: perfectly05:38
sysragety again05:38
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fyrestrtri7ch: you can safely remove ubuntu-desktop, its just a meta-package.05:38
fyrestrtrlmh: at your native res?05:38
Dheeraj_kis it possible to make deb package of already installed application?05:38
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lmhfyrestrtr: yes, 1600x1200 @ 60Hz05:39
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lmhfyrestrtr: with the same xorg.conf05:39
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fyrestrtrlmh: I don't know then, sorry. I don't have any experience with MGA :( Only nvidia and ati.05:39
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Dheeraj_kis it possible?05:40
Dheeraj_kto make deb package05:40
fyrestrtrlmh: could be a known issue, have you checked lp?05:40
dabaRi7ch: it will not remove any of your apps, ubuntu-desktop depends on the plugin, as it is a list of packages common to ubuntu desktop05:40
Dheeraj_kof already installed application?05:40
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dabaRi7ch: totem plugin for firefox?05:40
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i7chdabaR, yeah, thanks (and you too fyrestrtr), i've just removed it05:40
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dabaRi7ch: I hate that plugin too:)05:41
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i7chdabaR, totem is a disaster in general05:41
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lmhfyrestrtr: what is lp?05:41
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defryski7ch, its not05:41
we2byhow do I play high definition video?05:41
dabaRi7ch: are you gonna install another plugin for firefox movies?05:41
defryskruns greatly here05:41
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i7chdabaR, mplayer plugin05:41
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dabaRi7ch: I like playing files in their "proper" app, so I don't05:42
fyrestrtrlmh: launchpad, the ubuntu bugtracker.05:42
idjprogramming question: how can i obtain the IP address of the network interface? (other than the that the hostname of the system resolves to)05:42
Dheeraj_ki distributed more than 40+ ubuntu cd among my friends but most of them don't have internet so they can not download needed package05:42
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rollfilmDoes someone know why edgy slows down during boot while processing /scripts/local-top? What is /scripts/local-top?05:42
dabaRDheeraj_k: how did you install?05:42
i7chidj: ifconfig05:42
lmhfyrestrtr: no, did not check yet05:42
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DevCsorry closed the wrong window05:43
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shwaghow can I check if I have usb1 or usb2 ?05:43
dabaRDheeraj_k: keep your question in one line, I almost missed it05:43
idji7ch: you mean parsing the output of ifconfig?05:43
Dheeraj_kusing apt05:43
fredlHmm, what's the apropriate way to determine which modules get loaded at boot time these days?05:43
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dabaRDheeraj_k: the packages can be found in /var/cache/apt/archives05:43
i7chi have another question, speaking of which: how do i change the default app gnome launches to play mp3s? right click -> open with brings up the "open [this file]  and other files of type mp3 with this app", which works, but it defaults back to "Music player" immediately thereafter. i can't get the setting to hold.05:43
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fredlthis bcm43xx modules keeps locking up my system...05:43
Dheeraj_kto download and install needed package from net!05:43
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we2byhow do I play high definition video?05:44
Doowi7ch: in the File Browser, select properties of a mp3 file, then you can set it someplace tehre05:44
defryski7ch, go to properties of the file iso open with05:44
shwaghow can I check if I have usb1 or usb2 ?  I am only getting about 1 meg a second while copying..but im suppose to have usb2 i beleive. Dont know what is bringing down the speed.05:44
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i7chah finally, thanks!05:45
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dabaRDheeraj_k: on your system the packages are in that directory after you install them, so copy them from there, and manually install them on the other computers...even install them manually only on one computer, and make a script with all the commands you ran, then just run the script on the other computers.05:45
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DiamonDi have a'n question but don't know where to ask05:45
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matsurhey all, anyone know of an app to generate JAD files from J2ME JARs?05:45
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:45
fyrestrtrshwag: dmesg should tell you05:45
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Guardianjust discovered that linux-686 has been obsoleted05:45
DiamonDdoes anyone know a simple tool for adding subtitles to a dvd movie05:45
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alecjwGuardian: use linux-genreic instead05:46
Guardianso i don't need to change anything when i previously uninstalled linux-386 in favor of linux-686 ?05:46
Dheeraj_kbut if package is alredy installed than?05:46
DemonCan anybody help me getting back my username for my mysql database, i lost it :(05:46
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dabaRDheeraj_k: and run PS1="" before you run the command so you don't have to erase the prompt from every line05:46
alecjwDemon: does the root account work?05:46
defryskGuardian, nope05:46
dabaRDheeraj_k: the package is still there, did you at least look already?05:46
JimHow can I turn of the x serve and be in init 3?05:46
DevCdabaR: cat /etc/issue outputs Ubuntu 5.1005:46
shwagfyrestrtr: it looks like the main thing is if I have a USB1 device plugged in on that bus...it slows down the whole bus.05:47
DiamonDi want to add a srt file into a dvd movie i allready ripped on my hdd05:47
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Demonalecjw: i know that yes, but i setted a different account up for my mysql db05:47
DiamonDare there simple tools for it or a'n howto ?05:47
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dabaRDevC: so you have that version then? what code name is shown in cat /etc/apt/sources.list?05:47
dabaRDemon: what was the account name?05:47
fyrestrtrshwag: that's USB for ya :)05:47
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DiamonDwhere can i ask questions like this05:48
Demondabar: i lost the username, i know the password05:48
alecjwDemon: in one of the tabs for mysql adminsitrator, it will give you a list of users05:48
dabaRDemon: you can not create a user name if you do not know what its user name will be:)05:48
JimHello, can anyone help me with some video card driver issues?05:48
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Demondabar: i created it, but i forgot now :P05:48
DoowDemon: if you have access to the root account of the myswl db there's pretty good documentation at the official site about account management05:48
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dabaRDemon: unless some system table still has the name, go ask on #mysql05:49
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Demondoow: i think i can, im the root user... but im noob at mysql05:49
Dheeraj_ki found most of the package installed here /usr/share so if i take the backup of that directory and save it on other pc than is it going to work?05:49
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Demonk il ask there05:49
dabaRDheeraj_k: if all needed packages are there, it should be possible to install all the needed packages on the other systems.05:49
mdeboerhello. i have only 1 network interface, and it did not work until i activated eth1 instead of eth0. no idea what eth0 refers to... any idea how i can find out, and how i can tell the system to use the network card as eth0?05:50
DevCdabaR: both Hoary and Breezy are shown in sources.list05:50
Captain_RedbeardHmmm.... is there a ubuntu package of a later version of blackdown java than 1.4? :P I need java 1.6 and don't know how to sort it05:50
mdeboerin general, i is not clear how hardware detection works with edgy...05:50
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dabaRmdeboer: what commands activated eth1? show your /etc/network/interfaces on paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:50
dabaRDevC: post in to the pastebin site ^^05:51
dabaRDevC: and aptitude search firefox05:51
JimI've been doing about 2 straight days of work trying to get my video card to work05:51
JimDid I lag out?05:51
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dabaRJim: totally we know when it was sent on your screen05:51
mdeboerdabaR, /etc/network/interfaces contained auto eth0, and i replaced this with auto eth105:51
uruguaianhi, i need to re-install GRUB to boot Ubuntu.. can i do from live CD?05:51
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tonyyarusso!recover | uruguaian05:52
uboturecover: Undelete files on ext2 partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3c-10 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB05:52
tonyyarusso!grub | uruguaian05:52
ubotuuruguaian: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:52
mdeboerdabaR, eth0 failed with eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device05:52
dabaRmdeboer: then it will work...you can restart networking, to see what happens when you boot up05:52
tonyyarussoThey keep changing the factoids on me05:52
mdeboerdabaR, well, it works with auto eth1, but it does not with auto eth005:52
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dabaRtonyyarusso: yup05:53
shwagmy usb HD is only copying at 1 meg a second. How do I get it to use Hi Speed ?05:53
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dabaRmdeboer: so? you have a 1 not 005:53
uruguaianubotu: thanks05:53
ubotuYou're Welcome!05:53
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Dheeraj_kis there any plugin available for firefox or other web browser to convert web page into pdf?05:53
mdeboerdabaR, but I only have 1 ethernet device. so i would expect that the be eth0.05:53
mdeboerto be05:53
JimHello, I have been trying to get my video card to work for about two days straight.05:53
dabaRmdeboer: who cares? it works05:54
JimCan someone please help me with it?05:54
dabaRmdeboer: is it pci?05:54
mdeboerdabaR: yes05:54
fyrestrtrJim: what kind of video card?05:54
mdeboerdabaR: its a rtl 813905:54
dabaRmdeboer: so...it maybe likes onboards...05:54
JimI have, 2 nvida 6600 gts in SLI05:54
mdeboerdabaR, there is no onboard05:54
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JimI downloaded the package and tried to install it05:54
dabaRmdeboer: exactly05:54
fyrestrtrJim: what package?05:54
dabaRno 0 just 105:54
Jimbut I can't get into init 3 without the GUI turning on05:55
mdeboerdabaR, and I do care, because i have lost time trying to figure out why ethernet was not working05:55
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dabaR!ubunturocks is ya05:55
mdeboerdabaR, if my system thinks there is a eth0, i want to know why.05:55
Dheeraj_kplugin web browser webpage pdf?05:55
fyrestrtrJim: did you read the wiki already?05:55
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uruguaianubotu: thanks, now all works fine.. ubuntu ROCKS =))05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks, now all works fine.. ubuntu ROCKS =)) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
mdeboerdabaR, ethernet should work out of the box.05:56
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:56
dabaRmdeboer: does it appear in ifconfig when you have 0 instead of 1 in interfaces?05:56
fyrestrtruruguaian: ubotu is a bot.05:56
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fyrestrtrJim: what error do you get?05:56
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dabaRmdeboer: file a bug with the mobo and eth card info] 05:56
mdeboerdabaR, ifconfig obviously only lists eth105:56
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JimWell the installer says I need to be in init 3, and x serve needs to be off at the same time, ubuntu doesn't seem to want to do it05:57
JimI turn off x serve and go into init 3, then the GUI turns on05:57
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mdeboerdabaR, what does the mobo have to do with it05:57
dabaRmdeboer: then the kernel does not think there is a 0, so it may be some config thing with the hardware05:57
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dabaR!bug > mdeboer05:57
mdeboerdataR, how can i figure out which module eth0 is associated with?05:57
dabaRmdeboer: file it for installation05:57
Jimfyrestrtr:it is very weird05:57
mdeboerdabaR that is05:58
dabaRmdeboer: I seriously think that we should not fix something that works05:58
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abo!bug > abo05:58
Guardianhmm why do i need samba to ping by netbios name ??? i thought winbind was enough05:58
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mdeboerdabaR: i seriously think that a user should not be required to guess that he should replace auto eth0 with auto eth1 in a configuration file05:58
Jimfyrestrtr:I don't get any error, the installer just doesn;t go through05:58
dasholzbeinI want to play mp3s under rhythmbox but I can get it work? Could someone give me a hint want to do?05:58
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Dheeraj_kubuntu: pdf05:59
dabaRmdeboer: and what do you think should be done about it now?05:59
fyrestrtrJim: did you install all the requisite packages? The kernel source? What does the installer log say?05:59
Dheeraj_kubotu: pdf05:59
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/gpdf, evince and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:59
shwagwhy in the heck does ubuntu have uhci loaded and not ehci ???05:59
dabaRdasholzbein: you need mp3 codecs05:59
fyrestrtrdasholzbein: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:59
dasholzbeinthx. I ll take a look.05:59
mdeboerdabaR: before filing a bugreport, i first want to understand what is going wrong here05:59
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Jimfyrestrtr:I have all the packages needed06:00
dabaRmdeboer: good luck06:00
idj!ifconfig > idj06:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
Jimfyrestrtr:But I don't think ubuntu will go into init 3 and have x serve off at the same time06:00
fyrestrtrJim: does the installer get anywhere, or it just refuses to start?06:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:00
mdeboerdabaR: which means: understanding how hardware detection works in edgy. i hoped that someone here could tell me that.06:00
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Dheeraj_kubotu: acrobat06:00
mdeboerdabaR: as this is something that changed several times in the recent past...06:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:01
Jimfyrestrtr:the installer request I be in runtime 3, but when I go into runtime 3 the x serve turns back on, and I need the x serve to install it06:01
fatsheepanyone here use the ruby package?  I can't figure out how to get the interpreter working...06:01
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fatsheepI type in "ruby" at the terminal and nothing happens...06:01
fyrestrtrJim: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop <-- that will kill X for you06:01
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Jimfyrestrtr: thank you very much06:02
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dabaRfatsheep: aptitude search ruby1.8 shows i on the first letter of that package's line?06:02
fyrestrtrJim: open a new console (cltr+alt+f1) login and then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:02
sysrageto enable multiverse do i just copy the universe lines in sources.list but change universe to multiverse?06:02
Jimwon't that kill this IRC chatroom too?06:02
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fyrestrtrJim: what client are you using?06:02
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dabaRsysrage: basically, or just add multiverse on the end of the universe line, with a space. You can have them all in one line, see the main restricted line for example.06:03
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fyrestrtrJim: yes, it will. Use irssi (a text-based IRC client). It should already be installed, but if it isn't, sudo apt-get install irssi should get it for you.06:03
sysragedabar: thanks yet again06:03
fatsheepdabaR: not sure what you mean?06:04
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Jimfyrestrtr: well that was all I needed, thank you very much for your help06:04
dabaRsysrage: see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34157/ for my sources.list, it has all the official repos with no backports(good:-) with source repos commented out.06:04
fyrestrtrJim: then type 'irssi' to start it up, type /con irc.freenode.net to connect to freenode, and /j #ubuntu to get back in here.06:04
Jimfyrestrtr: okay06:04
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:04
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Jimfyrestrtr: one second06:05
dabaRfatsheep: what output do you get when you run ruby in a terminal?06:05
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fatsheepdabaR: nothing06:05
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fatsheepI have to ctrl+c to get out of it tho06:05
fatsheepit just seems to hang and do nothing06:05
dabaRfatsheep: it hangs on the next line?06:05
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m4rkhi is there any way I can reverse the audio output in ubuntu - make the left channel come out of the right and vice-versa?06:06
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dabaRfatsheep: it is an interpreter, give it commands. sudo aptitude install irb, then run irb, then run print "I sent ruby a command", press enter.06:06
DevCodd when I do sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox the thing tells me it is the newest version but I can't seem to find it or run it06:06
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defryskm4rk, switch speakers perhaps ?06:06
Jimfyrestrtr: can I use that command to get other packages too?06:06
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m4rkdefrysk: i meant in software06:06
fyrestrtr!apt-get | Jim06:06
ubotuJim: apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto  -  Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:06
dabaRDevC: you type in mozilla-firefox in a terminal and it does what?06:06
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m4rkdefrysk: i could also just face the other way but it won't really solve my problem ;)06:07
fyrestrtrDevC: find or run what? firefox?06:07
Nemesis2my swap partition is not being used even though it is on fstab file. How do i make use of my swap ?06:07
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Jimwow thank you so much06:07
DevCand it just goes to a new prompt line and does nothing06:07
Jimthis is amazing06:07
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fyrestrtrDevC: just type 'firefox' in a terminal06:07
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.06:08
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DevCsame thing it goes to a new prompt line and does nothing06:08
fatsheepah I didn't realize you needed irb for the prompt06:08
sysragedabar i used your sources.list but it still says E: Couldn't find package sun-java5-jre06:08
fatsheepall works well now06:08
fyrestrtrNemesis2: its good its not being used :) You want full use of RAM (RAM is faster than swap). If you swap is being hit a lot, your system will slow down.06:08
dabaRfatsheep: ;)06:09
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dabaRfatsheep: are you gonna read the talking foxes book?06:09
fyrestrtrsysrage: sudo apt-get update06:09
sysrageoh ya i was supposed to do some kinda update06:09
sysragethat's it.. sorry. dumb mistake06:09
Guardianhow can i mount ntfs raid partitions ???06:09
Jimagain thank you06:10
boinksun-java5-jre - Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 <= works for me06:10
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fyrestrtrJim: the wiki has great stuff if you are new to ubuntu. I suggest you browse it.06:10
DevCfyrestrtr: it just does the same thing goes to new prompt line and then does nothing now browser window no nothing06:10
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Nemesis2fyrestrtr: i remember swap being used before. I have 700 MB of ram. Is this normal swap not being used?06:10
fatsheepdabaR: talking foxes book?06:10
fyrestrtrDevC: are you running gnome?06:10
dabaRfatsheep: ask google:P06:10
Tido|laptopanyone know what the name of the linux/gnome add-on thingy that adds a quick launcher thingy like you see at the bottom of OSX?06:10
kujaDoes Edgy get setup with a software firewall by default?06:11
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fyrestrtrNemesis2: yes. Swap is only used when RAM is full and programs ask for RAM, then it 'swaps out' RAM to the disk.06:11
liriIs it normal then when using cpu frequency scaling I'm seeing only the bogomis change and not the cpu mhz column on /proc/cpuinfo?06:11
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candybanHi guys06:11
fatsheepdabaR: k06:11
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fyrestrtrliri: yeah. Install the freq. monitor applet :)06:11
dabaRfatsheep: actually, google is playing stupid... http://poignantguide.net/ruby/chapter-6.html06:11
Tido|laptopkuja: edgy should come with iptables I believe06:11
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dabaRfatsheep: don't start with ch 6...06:11
candybanDoes anyone know of problems with edgy when you install mdadm ? I'm unable to boot since I installed it06:11
ubuntu_hello everybody06:11
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dabaRhey, it's Ubuntu06:12
FFForeveri have kubuntu installed how do i install gnome?06:12
naitmer!ubotu webcam06:12
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:12
fyrestrtrFFForever: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:12
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lirifrying_fish: I do have it, just double checking. I'm on 2.6.15-27-686 SMP kernel right now but when I was on 2.6.15-22-386 then I *did* saw the cpu mhz change from 1666 to 2700 or something...06:12
FFForeveri dont use sudo its so annoying lol06:12
FFForeversu - :)06:12
lirifrying_fish: so you're saying if the bogomips alone change then that's enough to be sure that cpu scaling is working?06:12
DevCyeah i'm running gnome06:13
bluefox83FFForever, sudo -s06:13
fyrestrtrDevC: what's wrong with the firefox that came with ubuntu?06:13
candybanDoes anyone know how to make their system bootable again after edge has broken it?06:13
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dabaRcandyban: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=mdadm+edgy&btnG=Google+Search&meta=06:13
fyrestrtrFFForever: sudo -i06:13
FFForeversu - is fater and less typing :)06:13
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fyrestrtrFFForever: oh well, its your system :)06:13
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dabaRcandyban: well, what you could do is boot live, chroot old, and remove mdamd...:-/06:14
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bluefox83candyban, what the heck is mdadm?06:14
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lirifyrestrtr:  so you're saying if the bogomips alone change then that's enough to be sure that cpu scaling is working?06:14
dabaRFFForever: ya, fatrer06:14
boinkyou can sudo su06:14
fyrestrtryes, I believe so.06:14
lmhXorg won't start after perfectly working desktop installation06:15
DevCfyrestrtr: nothing but I"m upgrading from 5.04 to 5.10 to 6.06 to 6.10 but the first thing it says to do 'sudo apt-get remove firefox mozilla-firefox' and then do 'sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox'06:15
lmhanybody an idea?06:15
liriOk thanks.06:15
ryurhrtdriver problem06:15
dabaRlmh: you tried sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start? what graphs card do you have?06:15
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bluefox83candyban, my guess would be that all you need to do is chroot in and update grub...since mdadm is a device manager06:15
lmhdabaR: have a Matrox G55006:16
candybandabaR: the only thing I have left here is an old knoppix cd (3.3) which says "KERNEL: TOO OLD" when I try to chroot to my old environemtn06:16
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candybandabaR: The thing is that my root filesystem isn't even on the raid partition ...06:16
lmhdabaR: yes, says Start ok, but screen stays black06:16
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shwagso does anyone know how to get ehci loaded so I can use my usb devices high speed ?06:17
lmhdabaR: LCD switches off, on, off, on, etc.06:17
lmhdabaR: (SleepMode)06:17
sig_hey anyone know how to find what channels a user is in?06:17
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bluefox83shwag, i would guess all you need to do is swap them out in synaptic06:17
candybanbluefox83: mdadm is a tool to create and manage software raid06:17
fyrestrtrsig_: /whois nickname06:17
sig_frying_fish: it isn't showing channels though06:17
bungletesting bitchx :p06:17
bluefox83candyban, yes, i saw that...just update grub for starters06:17
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sig_fyrestrtr: it isn't showing channels though06:18
shwagbluefox83: the modules are on the system. they need to be loaded.06:18
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bluefox83shwag, sudo modprobe <module>06:18
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dabaRfrying_fish: wake up man06:18
jchillerupHi. Is it possible to apt-get my kernel-headers?06:18
dasholzbeinfyrestrtr: rhythmbox works great now. Thanks for your hint :-)06:19
bluefox83jchillerup, yes06:19
jchillerupI'm using a 2.6-kernel06:19
shwagbluefox83: with ehci loaded...the bus is still being run by uhci06:19
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jchillerupthe package `kernel-headers' only gives me 2.4-kernels to chose from06:19
shwagbluefox83: unplugging the device does nothing because it is the bus that is using the driver.06:19
liriafter removing the 2.6.15-27-386 package it left me with no /vmlinuz but a /vmlinuz.old which points to boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-27-686, is this ok or am I into trouble with grub?06:19
bunglecan anyone help me on installing nvidia drivers?06:19
dabaRjchillerup: try that one...06:19
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jchillerupdabaR, that doesn't make sense.06:19
jchillerupWhat would I use kernel headers for 2.4 for when I'm using 2.6?06:20
bluefox83shwag, kill the bus, unload the module (sudo modprobe -r module) and restart the bus?06:20
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shwagbluefox83: if I do that...i lose my usb keyboard and mouse.06:20
dabaRjchillerup: did you check your sources.list?06:20
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jchillerupdabaR, no06:20
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masterninjawhats the command to open a folder in the terminal?06:20
jchillerupHell, I'll just compile a kernel instead06:20
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bluefox83shwag, do it all in one command so you wont have to lose anything06:20
JeejDoes anybody know where i can find ubuntu 4.10 Warty Warthog documentation?06:20
bunglecd /foldername/06:21
dabaRmasterninja: in nautilus or do you mean cd?06:21
shwagbluefox83: i tried that...but the keyboard didnt reload.06:21
bungleorion2012: nautilus /folder06:21
mcquaidhello, i was looking for a classic looney tunes and found it here, but it doesn't play.  I'm currently using the totem plugin, not sure if switching to the mplayer plugin will give me better luck06:21
shwagbluefox83: i did   rmmod uhci; modprobe ehci;   but the keyboard and mouse never came back.06:21
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DevCwhen I did the two sudos that the official upgrade site said to do I suddenly lost my ability to use the browser even though it says I have the latest version installed06:21
mcquaidcan anyone try this link to see if the toon views?06:21
masterninjai wanna open a folder through the terminal06:21
bluefox83shwag, forget to add a modprobe for the keyboard module?06:21
candybanIs the ubuntu kernel (edgy) able to boot an XFS partition from hda (sata) without initrd?06:21
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bungleuse cd masterninja06:22
candybanOr can I force the kernel not to execute the "init" on the initrd partition?06:22
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=== bluefox83 knows nothing about software raids, has no idea
bunglels to list files in current folder06:22
masterninjathats change directory06:22
dabaRmasterninja: would you already be in a terminal?06:22
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dabaRand open in in what program?06:22
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masterninjafolder viewer06:23
shwagbluefox83: well..if that does work...then how would I get it to do that everytime at bootup?06:23
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bunglenautilus /foldername06:23
bunglee.g.: nautilus /home/eddy/06:23
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masterninjai have gnome06:23
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masterninjaoh right06:23
bluefox83shwag, i don't think you would need to...when you boot up it will start up the usb handlers, which will poll the ports automatically and load the correct drivers for you06:23
sitshi. Does anyone know of a way to get bash to do zsh style glob completion when pressing tab?06:23
MorrisseyCan anyone tell my my CPU goes from 4% to 60% (!!) just open amarok (not even playing)06:24
shwagbluefox83: well in that case...how come its not doing that already ?06:24
synicMorrissey: what about just idling?06:24
shwagbluefox83: because the system used uhci06:24
sitsMorrissey: even loading libraries takes CPU06:24
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bluefox83shwag, no idea :X06:24
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sitsbluefox83: linux generally doesn't poll for devices06:25
Morrisseysits, synic: What do you mean?06:25
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Morrisseysits, synic: even 10 minutes after open amarok, wich doesnt play anything, my CPU goes crazy06:25
synicMorrissey: it might be that fancy graphic at the bottom06:25
Morrisseysynic, ah06:25
stojanceWhat's Ubuntu Open Week?06:25
antoCan somone help me enter my NFTS partiton for windows because when i write sudo fdisk -l it displays it but i don't know how to create a folder to browse it.06:25
synicMorrissey: do you use gnome or KDE?06:25
bunglemasterninja to open a folder as root: gksudo nautilus /folder06:25
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sitsbluefox83: for most devices these days when the device is added it generates a "I'm here" event06:25
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dabaRstojance: an event to take over the world;-)06:25
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bluefox83sits, no, but the usb device thingy does...06:26
shwagbluefox83: is an intel 82801BA/BAM   usb1 or usb2 ?06:26
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tim167how can I set all Links in gnome to open at single click (to open a file with single click for example) ?06:26
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bluefox83shwag, i have no idea >.>06:26
Morrisseysynic, kde06:26
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sitsbluefox83: blimey. OK, I was sure it was all handled by udev06:26
mcquaidcan anyone using the mplayer plugin for ff try a link to see if the vid plays?06:26
dopeoh herro06:26
dabaRstojance: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/65106:26
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synicMorrissey: ah, I was gonna plug a gnome alternative, but nm :)06:27
dopei have an AMD Turion 64 x2.  should i install the 64-bit version of ubuntu?06:27
Morrisseysynic, and actually :) Disabling that fancy graphic actually improved perfomance :)06:27
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fallingdutchwhat does need to be in the deb-package so the binary will be displayed in the menu?06:27
bluefox83sits, yeah, udeb or something...i think it's something different for usb...my memory sucks -_-06:27
dope i have an AMD Turion 64 x2.  should i install the 64-bit version of ubuntu?06:27
Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 006:27
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pianoboy3333Anyone here have trouble burning iso's with nautilus 2.16.1?06:28
synicdope: is it supposed to be a workstation?06:28
bunglehow come if i install nvidia driver (downloaded from nvidia.com), it works fine untill i reboot06:28
masterninjano idea06:28
masterninjabut i have a cookie so all is well06:29
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dopeit's a laptop06:29
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gpafixitarrg .. I've got a directory full or rtf files, and I need AbiWord to open them up by click .. But I get a windows asking me if I want to run, cancel, run in term, or delete .. I right click and select AbiWord, but still next time it's the same thing ..06:29
masterninjai got a laptop as well we must be brothers06:29
kudzubanedope: you could06:29
Morrisseysynic, what gnome alternative's that?06:29
synicdope: I'd stick with 32bit then, you'll probably like it more.  There are some desktop uses which aren't really available for 64bit.06:29
kudzubanedope: or your could install the 32-bit, you have a choice06:29
dopewould it be better to put the 64 bit version on here?06:29
synicdope: IE, flash, win32 codecs06:29
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synicMorrissey: http://www.exaile.org06:30
dopeso go with the 32bit then06:30
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shwagbluefox83: if you lsmod, do you have ehci or uhci ?06:30
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synicdope: I would... I used 64bit for about 6 months at which point I couldn't stand it anymore :)06:30
idjwhy not, synic?06:31
Morrisseysynic, thats no eyecandy though :)06:31
dopeok thx for the advice06:31
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dabaRgpafixit ls -l /home/gpafixit/directory, see whether they all have x permission enabled06:31
synicidj: because it was a pain to use 32bit binaries06:31
bluefox83shwag, i have both..06:31
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gustavol1hi, I had installed 2 linux in partitions 2 and 3. Then I installed windows in partition 1. And I lost the grub (mbr). How can I recover it?06:32
bluefox83ehci_hcd               34696  006:32
bluefox83uhci_hcd               24968  006:32
shwagbluefox83: im starting to get the bad feeling my usb controllers are usb106:32
antoCan somone help me enter my NFTS partiton for windows because when i write sudo fdisk -l it displays it but i don't know how to create a folder to browse it.06:32
bluefox83shwag, me to06:32
FFForevercan i make kubuntu look like mac osx8606:32
abowhen i plug my (usb) digital camera, ubuntu 6.06 used to detect it automatically and mount it, now I cannot mount the camera and edgy do not mount it neither06:32
FFForevermac osx*06:32
synicMorrissey: right.  Amarok surely is more pretty :)06:32
dabaR!grub > gustavol106:32
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ahhi there, i cant get my network-card running at giga-ethernet-speed, onboard works fine but only at 100mbit/s, any ideao where to start troubleshooting? i'm a n00b and fighting with this card for a week didnt help .... any heroic support out there!? ;-)06:33
user__my totem can't play *.rm files06:33
user__how can I make it work?06:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restriced - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:34
ahto be more accurate, it runs (better crawls) at about 80kbit/s06:34
abo!restricted > user__06:34
dopehow do i partition from within windows06:34
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dabaRdope: ?06:35
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abodope, the easiest way is to use a software called partition magic06:35
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Music_ShuffleOr use the Ubuntu LiveCD's partition editor.06:35
darkdevili have had bad experiences with PM.06:35
abodope, from linux (ubuntu) you can use gparted06:36
Music_ShuffleRight, gparted's on the Ubuntu LivecD.06:36
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cmwebSorry, i had yard clean up to do. Did any one catch BabaR's responce?06:36
shaymsomeone who install toshiba M70 ?06:37
shaymubuntu on toshiba m7006:37
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ahsorry 4 spamming, is there no ethernet-guru out there to help me please!? why is my giga-enet-card MUCH slower than the onboard 100mbit/s interface06:38
felixfoertschHi there! What the best FGLRX Driver Version for ATI 9600XT Cards?06:38
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cello_raspwhat's a good alternative to evolution calendar?06:38
graham_100how do i know if a second hard drive is recognised on ubuntu 6.06lts??06:38
dabaRcello_rasp: there is mozilla sunbird06:39
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felixfoertschHi there! What the best FGLRX Driver Version for ATI 9600XT Cards?06:39
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graham_100i have new volume and file system in computer does that men it is recognising both drives?06:40
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user__abo, i installed realplayer trough automatix however, totem doesn't play my rm(since it's the default video player). So, I want to know how I can make totem play *.rm06:41
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HeKifree MP3 -s06:41
dabaRheikki: heh06:42
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abouser__ you need to use realplayer to run rm06:42
user__abo, mplayer works06:42
delugei am trying to set up dual heads.. i got to the part where i edit my xorg.conf.. but the file is empty!06:42
user__abo, why totem not?06:42
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graham_100can someone help me here please?06:42
Arigatois there a good C/C++ IDE which includes a good compiler and debugger preferably with code formatting?06:43
delugeactually im just doing the binary driver install06:43
abouser__, it's weird I'm helping you out, and I've been struggling with this since ages and still couldn't make it to work on mine... I have no idea06:43
ahlast try, can anybody please help me to configure an 9230tx 32 enet-card? it works (i'm online with it) but very very very slow, onboard is much faster, what could be wrong!?06:43
aboArigato, anjuta and kdevelop06:43
compengiwith using wget command wget -o is to resume the download right?06:44
gpafixitI'm sorry, I accidentally logged out just as I was reading an answer to my last question .. When I right click a file and look at it, it says it is supposed to open with AbiWord, but instead it tries to open it as an executable file .. .rtf format even shows as rich text .. can I fix this?06:44
aboArigato, they do not include the compiler/debugger, they rely on gcc being installed06:44
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kleeswhat's the best console mail program???06:44
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compengiklees, evolution mail06:44
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graham_100is opera web browser better than mozilla firefox?06:44
Music_ShuffleThey're about equal.06:45
kleescompengi: does thunderbird support console?06:45
aboArigato, your name is a japanese word?06:45
graham_100no point in changing that then06:45
compengigraham_100, firefox is more popular06:45
graham_100how do i change to mozilla firefox 2?06:45
abograham_100, it's lighter, I can't seem to run opera on ubuntu.. it never worked :-(06:45
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graham_100i think i will stick to firefox06:46
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user__i'm running edgy with the latest firefox however my Firefox fonts suck, how can I fix them?06:46
graham_100i have 1.5 but i wanted to try 2 how do you do it?06:46
compengiklees, i don't know never got interested in that region06:46
gpafixitcompengi: you have to update your repositories ..06:46
graham_100my firefox fonts are rubbish too on ubuntu 6.0606:46
dabaRgraham_100: you can try both, each is better06:47
Dheeraj_kwhy vim does not reflect function in different colour? on ubuntu06:47
Dheeraj_k: it display every thing black and white06:47
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compengigraham_100, in edgy (6.10) firefox is 2.0 :)06:47
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drachDheeraj_k: syntax on06:47
graham_100can i get 2.0 in 6.06?06:47
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Dheeraj_khow can i fix this problem?06:48
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nativowwhat should I install to be able to open mp3 files? gstreamer?06:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:48
apokryphosnativow: it's worth looking through the FAQ06:48
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drachDheeraj_k: in /etc/vim/vimrc uncomment syntax on06:49
graham_100i have hard drive problems too06:49
Dheeraj_k!mp3 | nativow06:49
ubotunativow: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:49
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DevCwhere would the executable of firefox be in the hard drive?06:49
Morrisseycan anyone tell me why xorg use 20-40% CPU of my 2.2ghz ALL the time?06:49
Dheeraj_kthanx drach: let me try06:49
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m4rkhi is there any way I can reverse the audio output in ubuntu - make the left channel come out of the right and vice-versa?06:50
graham_100how do i format a hard drive in ubuntu??06:50
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DevCI'd assume /usr/bin/ but I may be wrong....if I run them I can't seem to get them to open up for some odd reason06:51
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Lynouregraham_100: depends on what filesystem you want on it06:52
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nolimitsoya!gparted | graham_10006:52
ubotugraham_100: gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:52
graham_100lynoure i don't understand06:52
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Lynouregraham_100: what do you want to use it in, after formatting?06:53
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graham_100ubotu what is that for?06:53
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Lynouregraham_100: in Linux, MS windows, something else? or do you want it safely emptied?06:53
DevCgraham_100: do you mean just to format it to make space or to change OSes for it?06:53
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graham_100lynoure in this machine running ubuntu 6.06 for music and other files06:53
nolimitsoyagraham_100, ubotu is a bot. ask me, since i invoked the bot ;) gparted is (as ubotu said) a gui program for partitioning and formating06:53
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graham_100devc i want to use it for a second drive on this linux system06:54
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seeanybody has gotten sound to work on a macpro?06:54
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Lynouregraham_100: mkfs.ext3 is the command I'd use, but there is probably some cute graphical way, too06:55
nolimitsoyaLynoure, i just gave him one ;)06:55
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Lynourenolimitsoya: oh, I did not see it on the channel06:55
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Dreamgliderit takes forever to install 6.1006:55
wceoscarHEy, im trying to install ubuntu with the manual edit partition table... i have a 80gig hdd and going to install both ubuntu and winxp.. what type of partition  should i make???06:55
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DevCyou saying that reminded me that i have an old 4 gig hdd on this pc along with this current 60 gig ubuntu is on.....got to get back into programming lol.....but now I understand what you mean...you want to format the second HDD to make it a second drive for ubuntu?06:56
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graham_100lynoure i don't know how to do that as i have only just started using this o/s06:56
blake_Does anyone know how to pirate windows?06:56
DevCblake_: wrong channel06:56
graham_100blake_ no why would you want to it's rubbish06:56
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wceoscaryou saying that reminded me that i have an old 4 gig hdd on this pc along with this current 60 gig ubuntu is on.....got to get back into programming lol.....but now I understand what you mean...you want to format the second HDD to make it a second drive for ubuntu?06:56
nolimitsoyagraham_100, just do use gparted, as i told you. type 'sudo apt-get install gparted' in a terminal, and then run gparted06:57
xamoxI setup ubuntu to run as a NAS, what torrent software does everyone recommend? I would like something to run as a service and maybe connect to it via internet browser?06:57
Lynouregraham_100: nolimitsoya said she gave you some advice on that. Her way is probably easier than mine06:57
DevCwceoscar: huh?06:57
blake_graham_100 cuz i get shit loads of errors using wine. i just would rather use it for gaming yah know. do u know how to?06:57
wceoscarHEy, im trying to install ubuntu with the manual edit partition table... i have a 80gig hdd and going to install both ubuntu and winxp.. what type of partition  should i make???06:57
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graham_100lynoure ok thanks06:57
Lynoureoops, his06:57
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blake_DevC what channel would i go for. for that?06:57
wceoscarHEy, im trying to install ubuntu with the manual edit partition table... i have a 80gig hdd and going to install both ubuntu and winxp.. what type of partition  should i make???06:57
graham_100nolimitsoya how do i do that again?06:57
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DevCgraham_100: windows sucks but most colleges use it for their courses06:57
nolimitsoyawceoscar, any type you want06:58
apokryphoswceoscar: no repeating please06:58
nolimitsoyagraham_100, i just told you. scroll up06:58
gu014when i load firefox nothing happens and i notice there is a very small firefox window(extremely minimized) and when i close that my firefox loads....any ideas?06:58
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graham_100nolimitsoya ok sorry06:58
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DevCblake_: a warez or such channel, this channel is specifically ubuntu and we don't handle pirating software06:58
wceoscaryes i know... but how many partitions should i make???? 1 for root 1 for boot?06:58
wceoscarwhat else?06:58
apokryphoswceoscar: no, one for root, one for /home, and leave the one for windows06:59
wceoscarwhat about boot and the other stuff?06:59
apokryphoswceoscar: you don't really need to have them on seperate partitions, but if you really want you can have /boot on one07:00
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hoelk_having /home on a seperate partition is quite usefull :)07:00
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wceoscarso give me a recomended size for /root and for /home07:00
apokryphosprecisely. The others aren't so important.07:00
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seeanybody has gotten sound to work on a macpro, everything seems to be working, no errors, but there is no sound out?07:01
apokryphoswceoscar: no, not /root, but / (root partition).07:01
apokryphoswceoscar: I'd have around 10 gigs for /, anything else you can spare for /home07:01
wceoscarok... but what would be a good amount of space for installing all source of stuff???07:01
wceoscari currentlu have an 80gig07:02
apokryphos"install all source of stuff"??07:02
wceoscarwill 10 gigs be sufficient?? what about /home... i need a good amount of space07:02
apokryphosfor / 10 gigs is good, yes07:03
apokryphosfor /home -- put everything else you can spare. Depends on how much space you want windows to have07:03
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graham_100nolimitsoya i can't find where i need to be with this07:03
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we2bysome how gnome is not saving its settings07:03
we2byany idea?>07:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:03
wceoscarcan i set 15gigs for /home or will something smaller do the job?07:03
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wceoscaralso can i resize partitions once the distro is installed?07:04
apokryphoswceoscar: 15 gigs is good. It's a shame you're wasting so much space on windows though :P07:04
wceoscar15 is good or something more?07:04
DevCtrying to remove firefox and reinstall it again07:04
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apokryphoswceoscar: you can but partition is never completely guaranteed, unfortunately.07:04
PaveHAny ideas why modprobe acer_acpi gives a fatal error (..../acer_acpi.ko) No such device?07:04
seraphimwceoscar: the size depends on how much data you will have ;)07:04
apokryphoswceoscar: 70 is good :P07:04
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we2byomg, I just accidently ran sudo chown -R jinxi:jinxi /.*07:05
we2bywhat do I do to undo the permission change?07:05
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jbroomeOooh, not good07:06
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we2bysudo: must be setuid root07:06
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sithtoastHow would I got about upgrading from Hoary to 6.1007:06
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apokryphossithtoast: it's really worth taking a look at the FAQ (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions) which is linked to in the topic.07:06
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defrysk!upgrade > sithtoast07:07
apokryphoswe2by: reinstall?07:07
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we2byapokryphos, don't want to reinstall07:07
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Lynourewe2by: recovery boot in07:07
we2byI can fix it with single mode boot07:07
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we2bybut I want to fix it without rebooting07:07
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jbroomeerr, [no] 07:07
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=== apokryphos sighs
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wceoscarHEY. what about swap space???? do i need to make a partition for it?07:08
apokryphoswceoscar: 1 gig is good07:08
Lynourewe2by: why? A bit hard if you messed it so that you cannot sudo.07:08
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we2bythe permissions are all screwed up07:08
jbroomewceoscar: the gdm theme install not go well last night?07:08
apokryphosyou almost definitely can't fix your sudo without booting, unless you already set up07:08
apokryphos*set up su07:08
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wceoscarok so thats / 10gig /home 15gig /swap 1gig =26gig is this ok?07:09
we2bywhat the heck, I'm gonna reinstall it tomorow then07:09
Lynourewe2by: yes, but why do you need to fix it without booting?07:09
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apokryphoswceoscar: 15 gigs for /, 1 gig for swap, yeah07:09
seraphimwceoscar: you don't need so much for / . 7 should be more than enough already07:09
SuspectatorDoes anyone know how I can get ubuntu edgy to sort files and folders the old way, putting folders on top sorted alphabetically and then doing files alphabetically? Also does anyone know how to make the default folder size bigger (Every time I open a folder the window resizes smaller again)?07:09
Lynourewe2by: you do not probably need to reinstall07:09
we2bythere is more than sudo07:09
delugehi i have got an ati 9800 and dual CRTs.. what is the simplest way to get both monitors working as non-clones please?07:09
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seraphimwceoscar: i don't know anyone who needs more than 6 there07:10
Grey_LokiAnyone around who can help me set up TwinView? I've tried using the guide that's on the ubuntu forums, but I get an error at a critical stage.07:10
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apokryphosseraphim: it really depends on how many apps you have07:10
we2bymy biggest mistake ever07:10
nephish__hello all07:10
wceoscarjbroome, of couse dude, i installed all those themes but then i tried to install beryl and it messed my distro :P07:10
apokryphosif you have very many, then near upgrade time / gets crowded07:10
araohello all07:10
araocame here from slashdot07:10
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araocool place :)07:11
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jbroomearao: are you a suse devel? :)07:11
apokryphosbut I agree, I'd say the vast majority of users would be good with 7/807:11
araonope :p07:11
wceoscarwhats the avg for /home...07:11
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apokryphoswceoscar: there is no average. It depends on what things you're going to have07:11
jbroomewe2by: mine is 351 GB07:11
apokryphosif you have 40 gigs of music, then......07:11
Lynourewe2by: I'd fix it with a livecd and some shell scripting, it might even turn out to be fun to fix.07:11
araoi wanna join the drive07:11
SuspectatorAh never mind, I got it to "sort folders before files"07:11
jbroomewceoscar: mine is 351 gb. :P07:11
wceoscari have a fileserver for music07:12
araoany vodoo and stuff to do before i do so ?07:12
we2byLynoure, but I dunno what files are set to suid07:12
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kimmernanyone here with intel i810 drivers who got direct rendering?07:13
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Lynourewe2by: you do not even need to, as long as you know which got changed and that you can find out in many different ways. But anyway, I guess reinstall will not hurt you too much07:14
Grey_Lokihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia <I was following this tutorial, and got an error at step 10 of the 'Install and Activate Drivers' part. The error says 'Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed the nvidia driver for your running kernel.'07:14
cmwebCan any one tell me how to chmod a directory but not eh document in it07:14
cmwebi mean directories07:14
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we2byLynoure, i think reinstall is the fastest solution07:14
cmwebbut not the files07:14
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we2bybut I'm afraid I will have to spend a few hours to get it back to this state07:15
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jbroomewe2by: if you want to get it back to the state it's in now, just chown / as your user again07:15
wceoscaranyways... ill go with 15 for /home... if i need more space will i be able to resize?07:15
timo90we2by: my biggest fear07:15
soundrayGrey_Loki: is the restricted modules package installed?07:16
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Grey_Lokisoundray, I think so, yes.07:16
dk0rHow does one make a computer boot ubuntu by holding for example the "u" key during boot, but if not held, by default and with no other prompts boot windows?07:16
we2byjbroome, without rebooting?07:16
araoanybody have info on configuring router on ubuntu ?07:16
soundrayGrey_Loki: do you get any output from 'sudo modprobe nvidia'?07:16
jbroomewe2by: i'd say the state it's in now is FUBAR07:16
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Grey_LokiLet me check - I performed an update with the synaptic tool before starting, and it said something about installing restricted packages.07:16
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wceoscaranyways ill go with 15gb for /home iff i fill the partition... will i be able to resize it or create a new one?07:17
soundrayGrey_Loki: 'dpkg -l linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)' should tell you07:17
Grey_Lokisoundray, output from that command - 'Not loading nvidia module; not used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf'07:17
timo90arao: could you be more specific07:17
sithtoastyeehaw, upgrading now.07:17
xipietotecI'm trying to format a USB drive....and I just realized that after updating to edgy....I can't seem to find the bloody disk manager07:17
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jbroometimo90: backups are your friend07:17
superlionwhen i do apt-get update it tells me "W: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2D6CFB44DD800CD9"07:17
superlionhow can i add the GPG key to my system?07:17
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araodsl-router from one of my ISP... this is one reason stopping me from ditching windows completely07:18
soundrayGrey_Loki: 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf', find the line that says 'Driver "nv"' and replace with 'Driver "nvidia"'07:18
timo90jbroome:hard drive space isnt07:18
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xipietotecwhere's the hard disk manager?07:18
__doc__hi, my soundcard is emmanting sounds much too loud, and no fumbling with the volume regulation will convince it to do that any less loud? any suggestions?07:18
kitchearao: umm you should just use the web interface for your dsl-router most have them07:18
Bond_hi people07:18
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Grey_Lokisoundray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34178/07:18
hydrawdoes anyone know if its possible to boot from a live cd but the live cd loads preferences and customisations etc from a usb drive and not modifying the hard disk?07:19
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araotimo: will try07:19
soundrayGrey_Loki: that looks fine (the 'ii' means the package is installed)07:19
Grey_LokiSo my course of action is to edit xorg.conf?07:19
einPauleHi everybody, I just tried emacs and xemacs for the first time and I'm wondering if there's a way to make them look better07:19
araokitche: any place to start with ?07:19
soundrayGrey_Loki: normally, the nvidia-config step should have done it for you07:20
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kitchearao: you don't know the ip to your router? is it your modem also?07:20
Grey_Lokisoundray, the nvidia-config step mentions something about installing drivers.07:20
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araokitche: its actually a modem i use to dial in07:20
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Grey_Lokisoundray, let me just run the appropriate command again, so you get the exact text.07:20
decodequestion wats the next version after edgy?07:20
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kitchearao: the ip of your modem might be or for example my dsl modem I have my own password on it even though it's from verzion07:21
Grey_Lokisoundray, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34179/07:21
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timo90arao: look at the documentation07:21
araokitche: but mine is a usb modem :(07:21
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r_hi I have a problem, after installing beryl my login screen has changed and also on my shutdown menu has no shutdown buttons or restart buttons07:22
__doc__no idea how I can regulate my soundcards volume if the sound icon on the tray wont do the job in ubuntu?07:22
Lynouredecode: feisty07:22
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Grey_Loki__doc__, you might try alsaconfig in the terminal.07:22
araotimo: no doc for linux... as usual07:22
soundrayGrey_Loki: does nvidia.ko appear in "ls /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile/"?07:22
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Grey_Lokialsamixer, sorry.07:22
kitchearao: most likely then it has ethernet over usb, but read the manual for your modem to figure out whta ip it has07:22
Morrisseyhow Can I record my current desktop? So I can make a movie about it :) ie: using beryl, showing off stuff +++ ... ?07:23
timo90r_:at the red dimond you can select the default gnome if berly wont work07:23
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soundray!istanbul | Morrissey07:23
ubotuistanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 47 kB, installed size 380 kB07:23
Grey_Lokisoundray, it seems there's nothing in there at all.07:23
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kandinskiI am installing a Centrino laptop, do I use linux-686, linux-image-686 or some othr opttion?07:23
r_well I mean everything is working fine except for that, all the effects are working great07:23
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araokitche: okie07:23
Morrisseythanks soundray07:23
__doc__Grey_Loki: alsamixer seems to do the job07:23
Grey_Loki__doc__, good :)07:23
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soundrayGrey_Loki: I think a reboot will help. That should put nvidia.ko in the directory.07:24
we2bywhat the heck, gonna fix my ubuntu :)07:24
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Grey_Lokisoundray, righto. I'll reboot and let you know how things go. Back in a bit :P07:24
__doc__Grey_Loki: though it's funny why this doesn't link in with the tray mixer isn't it?07:24
ScislaCIs there a way to manually remove an item from the "installed packages" list? It's telling me to reinstall something but no method of forcing it will work.07:24
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Grey_Loki__doc__, I can't say - i'm not much of a linux guru :P07:24
decodehas feisty come out yet so i cna manual update?07:24
DevCdamn! I just did the remove and install of firefox and when i run it the damn thing still wont open07:24
timo90r_:did you log onto the correct sesion07:25
edwardsNdallasTXquestion, i'm trying to set up a RAID5 on LAMP using 4 drives with 500 GB on each drive. i'm can't figure out how to configure the partition of the installation. anyone have any ideas or steps to follow?07:25
soundrayScislaC: can you please pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get -f install'07:25
soundray!pastebin | ScislaC07:25
ubotuScislaC: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:25
=== decode is now known as d3cod3
sorush20I have xine-ui installed but when I do xine-check get message ouch there is no xine config file, it is telling me to install libxine..07:25
sorush20any ideas?07:25
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Dheeraj_kkde on windows? yeah http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2006/11/thoughts-on-framing-kde.html07:25
r_so is there a way to restore default login screen?07:25
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apokryphosDheeraj_k: old news :P07:26
jbroomeDheeraj_k: i don't want kde on linux, much less windows. :)07:26
timo90r_: yes07:26
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Grey_Lokisoundray, very stupidly, I forgot to note the directory you mentioned. What was it again, please?07:27
soundrayGrey_Loki: does nvidia.ko appear in "ls /lib/modules/2.6.17-10-generic/volatile/"?07:27
ScislaCsoundray: it's submitting... 1 sec07:27
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Grey_Lokisoundray, no.07:27
Grey_LokiThe directory is still completely empty.07:28
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DevCI give up I can't get the browser to install anymore07:28
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ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages07:28
araoi found this page for my isp... but is of little help to me :(07:28
vagamentehi all... ne1 can help me with freedesktop compiz?07:29
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dan-erikanyone here interested in the ubuntu philosophy and not just linux? :)07:29
ScislaCsoundray: http://pastebin.com/83334007:29
livingtmWhen /etc/init.d/checkfs.sh is run, it is checking partitions that it should be ignoring. Im not good enough with shell scripting to understand where its getting the partition list from. anyone have a second to help a newb?07:29
DevC gonna reboot and see if that fixes my problem brb07:29
kandinskiwhat is the difference between linux-686 and linux-image-686?07:29
r_timo90 could you please tell me how :)07:29
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soundraykandinski: "apt-cache show linux-686 linux-image-686" will tell you07:30
kandinskisoundray, not when I am in the installer ;)07:30
kandinskino apt-cache available there07:30
soundrayGrey_Loki: I think you may have a version mismatch between the kernel and the restricted modules.07:30
edwardsNdallasTXanyone setup up RAID5 on a LAMP installation?07:30
vagamentehi all... ne1 can help me with compiz?07:31
Grey_Lokisoundray, so I need to uninstall the restricted modules, and install the correct version?07:31
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soundrayGrey_Loki: can you please pastebin 'dpkg -l linux-image-*'07:31
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timo90r_: system>adminstration>loginwindow07:31
soundrayGrey_Loki: updating it may be enough07:31
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qoshey guys ...07:31
Grey_Lokisoundray, ok - running now.07:31
r_actually Ive been trying to do it through that but the window wont load for some reason...07:31
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soundrayScislaC: trying to download -- it's slow07:31
gu014edwardsNdallasTX, yes07:31
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qosi have a simple problem... my installed ubuntu on my windows machine, but i think grub was installed on the other harddrive ... how to fix this problem?07:32
ScislaCsoundray: same here07:32
nox-HandHow do I play .dvd file?07:32
Grey_Lokisoundray, output from dpkg -l linux-image-* - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34180/07:32
nox-HandMade in Blender Export Animation07:32
timo90r_: click back on gnome then do what ever you need to fix the berly problem07:32
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edwardsNdallasTXgu014, how is the best way to partition with 4 500GB drives?07:32
TheGateKeeper Seveas if as you say samba is not installed by default why has /etc/samba/smb.conf full of config info?07:32
r_it says starting administrative application and then it just dissappears07:32
__doc__any of you know a great linux game to play?07:32
jbroomefrozen bubble07:33
kitche__doc__: tremulous07:33
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soundrayScislaC: have you done anything with the sources.list lately?07:33
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dan-erikdoc: americas army =)07:33
Grey_Loki__doc__, the linux port of the America's Army game is very fun.07:33
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timo90if its not responding berly that is give it time,07:33
=== Grey_Loki highfives dan-erik
qosnobody knows how to change the location of grub?07:33
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__doc__dan-erik: has americas army gotten it's netcoding down right?07:33
kitcheGrey_Loki: didn't they stop the port?07:33
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Grey_Lokikitche, not as far as I know - I haven't checked the site for a while though.07:34
soundrayGrey_Loki: yeah, 'sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)' and a reboot should sort it out.07:34
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r_no its ight?07:34
r_-:- SignOff spacey_: #ubuntu (Remote closed the connection)07:34
Lynoureqos: more detail, please, otherwise it's just "google grub howto"  :)07:34
__doc__dan-erik: last time I checked (about 2 years back) their netcode sucked arse (wonder how it could've gotten any worse then the unreal-engine default, but hey, it's a govermental project after all... :)07:34
dan-erikdoc: netcoding? I have no idea what you're talking about. but I play it online. not upgraded for the last 2 updates though, so the windows version is much more complete and updated. still very fun and a very good game though07:34
r_sry typo, but the window just dissappears when i try to open it07:35
Grey_Lokisoundray, and from there I just run the nvidia-config command, and carry on as planned?07:35
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Morrisseysoundray, does it work with kde as well? I press the red button .. Dont know if it records .. then I press it again (After a looong time the icon dissaperas)07:35
gu014edwardsNdallasTX, well, some would tell you to use the default config07:35
naitmer!ubotu microphone07:35
=== Ekinoks [n=ekinoks@107.4.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:35
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Grey_Lokisoundray, Hrm. Just ran that command - 'linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-10-386 is already the newest version'.07:35
PaveHInstalling acer_acpi to a friends laptop, now I got a dmesg entry "No EMI interface, unable to load". Can anyone give a hint on what to do next?07:35
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soopanyone know how to launch my screen resolution settings? i resized my desktop and lost my menu bars07:36
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JagerHey, i installed flash y for linux and i can see flash content alright, but I cant hear anything from them07:36
Jagerflash 7*07:36
dv5237soop: addjust /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:36
qosLynoure: 2 devices -> /dev/hdb  /dev/sda. /dev/sda is the one where windows and ubuntu is installed. during the install i choose the install grub on /dev/hdb... but it doesnt shows up during boot...07:36
timo90r_: so what are you trying to do by changing the log in window (it only deals with apperance)07:36
ScislaCsoundray: well, I added a repo that had a bad wpasupplicant package... but when I try to uninstall/reinstall that message is what I get. As soon as I can get it off my system I just want to reinstall that package with the official one (and obviously remove that repo from my sources.list).07:36
finalbetaJager, http://www.macewan.org/2006/06/01/howto-firefox-flash-video-sound-on-ubuntu-linux-dapper/07:37
soundrayGrey_Loki: you aren't running the 386 kernel, though, but the generic one.07:37
kitcheqos: is /dev/hdb your boot device?07:37
dv5237Jager: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-c268ba69c6b38af1dc31ea09701c7d296cf971c3 << read the sound part07:37
Grey_Lokisoundray, sorry, I don't quite understand :(07:37
qoskitche: no, /dev/sda is my boot device07:37
bluefox83how do i tell ubuntu what media player i want to use?07:37
r_yes exactly the old one was much nicer, im just doing it for the cosmetics07:37
kitcheqos: /dev/hdb has to be your boot device if you install grub there07:37
=== ria [n=ria@krlh-590cf798.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #ubuntu
vagamentene1 can help me with compiz?07:37
dv5237Jager: No problem hope it works for ya ;)07:37
finalbeta!ask > vagamente07:37
timo90r_: :: ok07:37
=== qos_ [n=ubuntu@dslb-088-076-128-124.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
EDinNYI just installed ubuntu and I am having problems using rsync via ssh to restore my old /home directory...it says "rsync: on remote machine: --no-specials: unknown option"07:38
=== Bond_ [n=giovanni@host11-161-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
__doc__any good RTS for linux?07:38
Bond_hi world!07:38
kitche__doc__: plenty warzone 2100 ::)07:38
timo90try and restart berl07:38
Grey_Loki__doc__, I think the TASpring project might have a linux port, too.07:38
Bond_anybody help me with debian instalg?07:38
soundrayGrey_Loki: check the version of your running kernel with 'uname -r'. You will see that it's not 2.6.17-10-386 (which would match your modules), but 2.6.17-10-generic (which is the restricted modules version that you need).07:38
EDinNYanyone an rsync guru?07:38
dan-erik__doc__: other good games: wesnoth (not very good graphics though IMO), SuperTux (if you like supermario), freeciv (same comment as wesnoth), Wormux (no net, but multiplayer. some bugs)07:38
EDinNYor can give help with rsync07:38
soundray!anyone | EDinNY07:38
ubotuEDinNY: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:39
shwagits a bit confusing that /var/log/messages shows "new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd."  It can tell that the device is full speed, but it is using uhci...which is the non high speed driver.07:39
r_ive tried that07:39
Grey_Lokisoundray, uname -r gives me '2.6.17-10-386'07:39
jbroomeEDinNY: is ssh/rsync installed on your new ubuntu install07:39
shwagMaybe it would be easier to understand if it mentioned that the device is running at a lower rater because the bus doesnt support usb2.07:39
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EDinNYjbroome: yes07:39
__doc__Grey_Loki: TASpring doesn't seem to have a linux port.07:39
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Grey_Loki__doc__, ah, my bad. Thought it did - sorry.07:40
soundrayGrey_Loki: I'm sorry, I see now that I misread your earlier dpkg -l pasting07:40
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EDinNYjbroome: I can ssh to my backup machine, then ssh back to the new ubuntu machine07:40
jbroomeEDinNY: pastebin the full rsync command you're trying to use07:40
dan-erik__doc__: try looking for posts by "Artificial Intelligence" on ubuntuforums.org - he has several good gaming links in his sig07:40
EDinNYjbroome: so I know that sshd is running on ubuntu07:40
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ScislaCsoundray: any ideas?07:41
jbroomei have a feeling you're passing a wonky --option07:41
soopfyi: gnome-display-properties07:41
Grey_Lokisoundray, i've just gone back and looked at it myself - am I reading it right if I think that i'm running three different kernels?07:41
=== MBro [n=mbro@68-115-76-38.dhcp.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
r_i  sudo aptitude reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu07:41
=== Enselic [n=martin@kr-lun-58-151-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
soopanyone care to tell me why my movie files are now playing like sh*t and I get an error about xvid whenever I launch them?07:41
r_i also tried that didnt work07:41
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EDinNYhow do I paste multiple lines here without getting complaints?07:42
soundrayScislaC: check if you have an official wpasupplicant version in /var/cache/apt/archives and install it with 'dpkg -i --force-downgrade wpasupplicant...deb'07:42
EnselicIs there any software that allowd me to simulate a cd? I have a .iso I'd like to install, but I dont have any cd-r:s07:42
ubotuEdinNY: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:42
MBrodoes anyone know how to stop hotplug from running?07:42
MBroi'm trying to reformat a usb disk07:42
MBroand it keeps mounting in the middle of formatting it07:42
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MBroso it stops the format07:42
ScislaCsoundray: it only has the bad package in the cache07:43
soundrayGrey_Loki: no, you have three installed, but you only ever run the one you select in the grub menu.07:43
EnselicMBro: System -> Preferences -> mountable media or something07:43
jbroomeEDinNY: check this out:  http://lists.samba.org/archive/rsync/2006-May/015503.html07:43
Grey_Lokisoundray, right. Well, i'm selecting the *-386 version. Should I stop that, and return to using the generic kernel?07:43
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soundrayScislaC: download the official package from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/w/wpasupplicant/07:44
soopEnselic: try mounting the iso07:44
Enselicsoop: Wont the isntallation program freak out then?07:44
soopmount -t iso9660  or something like that07:44
omong_kosongwhich programm should be used to listen to internet radio streams?07:44
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soopEnselic: what are you trying to install of a cd?07:44
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soundrayGrey_Loki: you could. There is no advantage to the 386 kernel anyway. Whether it will fix the problem is another matter.07:44
Enselicsoop: A Maple student version07:44
soopwhen you insert the cd it should automount anyways07:44
Grey_Lokisoundray, indeed.07:44
soopmaple student version? wtf is that?>07:44
r_ sudo aptitude reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu07:45
Enselicsoop: wikipedia maple07:45
Grey_Lokisoundray, do you know what the problem -is-, exactly? I'm guessing it's something to do with my installation of the restricted modules...07:45
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emiliahey guys, im using edgy, and when i plug in my camera, or my usb drive, its not detected? anyone want to help me?07:45
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EDinNYjbroome: Thanks!  I was using an old rsync script with some extra not needed lines! good day07:45
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soopemilia: are they turned on? are you sure your ports that you're plugging into are connected? Have you tried a different usb port?07:45
Morrisseysoundray, cant it record faster then 10frames/sec :)07:45
emiliasoop: well my mouse works07:46
emiliasoop: and yes07:46
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soopwell ok, so your mouse' usb port is working07:46
MBrohurray, it worked, thanks Enselic07:46
soopplug your mouse into one of the ports your trying and plug your camera into the other07:46
soundrayGrey_Loki: normally, the nvidia kernel is generated dynamically in the volatile directory. For some reason that doesn't happen, although the package is installed. I think booting another kernel is a reasonable thing to try.07:46
soopmake sure camera is on b4 plugging in and see what happens07:46
sysrageanybody here use sylpheed-claws?07:46
EnselicMBro: See? No nasty terminal hacks as you though :P07:46
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soundrayMorrissey: I don't know, sry07:46
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=== Sebboh [n=hobbes@ip68-96-141-214.om.om.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
MBroyeah, didn't even see that menu option, i was searching through the services07:47
emiliasoop : i know they work, the usb drive light turns on, and my camera says connected07:47
voltzhey Sebboh07:47
Grey_Lokisoundray, right - i'll give it a go in the generic kernel then. BBIAB.07:47
emiliasoop : but they dont mount07:47
soundrayMorrissey: you might be able to record your graphics card TV out via your TV card.07:47
MorrisseyDoes anyone know if istanbul (or some other desktop recording app) that will record in OK quality? for now its frame rate is 1007:47
=== kneer0w [n=kneer0w@modem-3818.hartebeest.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Morrisseysoundray, sound complicated :)07:48
naitmer!ubotu kernel version07:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kernel version - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:48
naitmer!ubotu kernel07:48
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:48
SebbohI am receiving permission denied errors when attempting to delete a file that I own, and the file is 755.  Why?  The file is located on /mnt/hdb1, which I just mounted as rw...07:48
soundrayMorrissey: just brainstorming07:48
=== hugifrb [n=martin@p549FDFF6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Sebbohvoltz! wow, small world!07:48
Morrisseysoundray, cant tell why istanbul doesnt have a setting to get more then 10 fr/sec :)07:48
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soundraySebboh: make sure that /mnt/hdb1 has proper permissions also07:49
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SebbohVoltz, if you come to the US some time, contact me. =)  Real name's David Loyall, that should make it easy enough. ;)07:50
Sebbohsound, ahh!07:50
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emiliasoop : also my printer is usb, and its fine07:50
Sebbohkneer0w?? Loki?  wtf is this, an EFnet invasion? haha07:50
Grey_Lokisoundray, no good, i'm afraid - sudo sudo nvidia-glx-config enable still give the same error.07:50
emiliaanyone know whats stopping my usb devices from mounting?07:50
madewokherdcan ubuntu do WPA2 encryption?07:51
Grey_LokiSebboh, hm?07:51
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pianoboy3333Where can I get the latest libnautilus-burn and libnautilus-extension?07:51
ScislaCsoundray: holy moly, it WANTS to do it but now it's complaining about libs needing to be higher than they are (kinda weird)07:51
soundrayGrey_Loki: sorry I have to go... There is a troubleshooting section at the end of those instructions. I would follow that next.07:51
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Grey_Lokisoundray, gotcha. Thanks for your help :)07:51
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rab23i've a problem with tv card...mentor bt878 chip...the card is installed, driver are ok, but don't tune correctly07:53
emiliadoes anyone know how ot check if theres a setting for nautilus to mount usb drives ? maybe mine is off07:53
rab23i've set already tv card number and tune number07:53
soundrayScislaC: an inconsistent package database is a bad thing. If you fix all the errors one by one, you will get it working again at some point. But it might cost you enough time to make a reinstall worthwhile :(07:53
=== AfterDeath_ is now known as AfterDeath
soundrayemilia: System-Preferences-Removable Drives...07:54
qos_why can't i fakeroot into /media/hdd where i mounted my recently installed ubuntu linux? if i want to "fakeroot /media/hdd" it always says "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: /media/hdd/: Permission denied"07:54
rab23emilia: i contact u in query...07:54
=== Mitusooo [i=Mitusooo@aob43.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333Where can I get the latest libnautilus-burn?07:54
ScislaCsoundray: yeah... I think I will do it for the sake of getting the experience though ;) I will see what I can do. Thanks for getting me further than I was before. :)07:54
emiliasoundray : therye all on :(07:54
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Sebbohloki, nothing, had you confused with someone, probably. =)07:56
sithtoastWhat can I do to resolve this error: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/firefox_1.0.7-0ubuntu20_i386.deb:  trying to overwrite `/var/lib/mozilla-firefox/extensions.d/00classic', which is also in package mozilla-firefox07:56
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palomerI installed imhangul07:56
palomerand now hangul appears as a gtk input method07:56
Rab23i'm here again... :D ...anyone can help me qwith my tv card?07:56
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cmwebAny one familiar eith paypal please IM me07:57
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sithtoastI followed the directions on the upgrade page.07:58
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kellyhow do you get amsn on ubuntu?07:58
DevCwtf? now firefox is loading but it wont display anything....the menus have the underline for the shortcuts but that is it o_O07:58
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geokokI have a firestarter question. I open a specific port with "Allow inbound service for everyone" but it ip's keep getting blocked for that port07:59
SebbohDevC, fonts?07:59
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kellycan somebody tell me how to install amsn on ubuntu 6.06lts?07:59
hairkanyone here has a toshiba satellite notebook?07:59
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DevCnope no fonts or anything just the underlines08:00
geokokkelly: from add remove programs or synaptic i believe its in the repos08:00
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Flosoftdoes anyone if there is an asterisk-addon package for dapper?08:00
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Kingsqueakapt-cache search asterisk08:01
geokokwhy does firestarter keep blocking ip's for a port+service I have set to allow?08:01
DevCsebboh: how do I fix that?08:01
MadeyeAny bulk image mass resize tool ?08:01
Rab23if anyone can help me with tv card...contact me in query please...08:01
FlosoftKingsqueak: asterisk-addons is not in there :S08:01
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Kingsqueakwell, there you go08:01
hairkanyone here ever played around with synaptics touchpad settings?08:01
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jris there a problem using wireless with 64bit vs 128 bit?08:01
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Lattywarefor support under ubuntu, would a creative zen vision:m or an ipod be better?08:02
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pommes_tgfpi set it off, the touchpad08:02
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ShanzuQuem sabe qual programa que eu uso para gerar arquivos swf???08:03
uruguaianHi, how can i do to configure th e 'share internet conection' in ubuntu?08:03
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DevChow do I fix the font issue with Firefox?08:03
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uruguaiani've a network with Windows configured to share the conection, hoy caon i configure ubuntu?08:04
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dueyfinsterDevC: Firefox has settings for fonts in preferences08:05
Shanzuademan,  swf?08:05
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LattywareWhich has better support under Ubuntu, the Creative Zen Vision:M or the Ipod?08:05
DevCduey: but there no font on firefox for me to find the preferences lol08:05
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kellygeokok thankyou i forgot about synaptic and that worked that way08:05
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madewokherd"eval: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string"08:05
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qos_why can't i fakeroot into /media/hdd where i mounted my recently installed ubuntu linux? if i want to "fakeroot /media/hdd" it always says "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: /media/hdd/: Permission denied"08:05
madewokherd"run-parts: /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless-tools exited with return code 2"08:05
dueyfinsterDevC: Oh right, have you tryed uninstalling and reinstalling it?08:06
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YoussefAssadquick question; where do I go to RTFM re. making ubuntu packages? Hopefully to be included in the sources08:06
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DevCyeah, before I wasn't able to even get it to load now I can but no fonts show up when I load it08:06
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[erisco] Hello. I have a directory in /var/www/ that is chowned to my user and to the group of www-data... it is also chmodded to 774. Everything in /var/www/ has these same permissions. However one directory will not open, and it will say access was denied. Why?08:07
dueyfinsterDevC: Do you have any graphics drivers installed?08:07
dueyfinsterDevC: Is it just Firefox?08:07
uruguaianhi.. can i configure ubuntu to use a windows shared conection???08:07
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DevCyeah because xchat is loading just fine and I can see everything on it08:07
qos_why can't i fakeroot into /media/hdd where i mounted my recently installed ubuntu linux? if i want to "fakeroot /media/hdd" it always says "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: /media/hdd/: Permission denied"08:07
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:08
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edwardsNdallasanyone know how to set up RAID5 for LAMP08:09
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uruguaiansamba isnt for share files/printers?08:09
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dueyfinsteruruguaian: Yes, is that not the co-operation you were on about?08:10
qos_why can't i fakeroot into /media/hdd where i mounted my recently installed ubuntu linux? if i want to "fakeroot /media/hdd" it always says "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: /media/hdd/: Permission denied"08:10
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hou5tonvideo on CNN works, and on YouTube, ... but on Fox news only gives me sound, no video?    I've installed some multimedia stuff with Automatix2 .... do I need to add REalplayer or something?08:11
Hausbergis there a way of installing an older version of ubuntu's xorg-fglrx-driver?08:11
itsxhi:) suddenly the sound doesnt work ... what i can check?08:11
xipietotecDoes anyone know where the diskmanager is?08:11
YoussefAssadhou5ton: I don't think Fox was meant to run on linux08:11
defryskhou5ton, maybe using automatix was a poor desicion08:12
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dueyfinsterhou5ton: Check what format it is. Is it now flash?08:12
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uruguaianwith files/printers theres no problem... i've to connect to a windows machine.. 'share internet conection'.. idont' know how to say.. =(08:12
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[erisco] Does anyone know if there are additional permission "things" other than chown and chmod?08:12
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[erisco] I cannot access a folder that is chmodded to 777!08:12
hou5tondueyfinster:   I installed flash using Automatix. ....08:12
LattywareWhich has better support under Ubuntu, the Creative Zen Vision:M or the Ipod?08:12
defrysk!automatix > hou5ton08:12
hou5tondefrysk:   hopefully is wasn't .... is there something you need to gell me?08:12
Hausberg[erisco]  chgrp08:12
Grey_LokiIf anyone sees soundrun, let him know that I fixed my display error :P08:12
Grey_LokiThanks :)08:12
DevCwhere are the logs for xchat usually at?08:13
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dueyfinsterhou5ton: Are you using firefox? check flash version by right clicking on a flash item on a webpage08:13
defryskhou5ton, read your private message from ubotu08:13
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dueyfinsterhou5ton: I recommend the latest beta from adobe, it seems to fix alot of issues and it isn't hard to install08:13
savvasdoes anyone know when and if mozilla seamonkey will be in the official repos?08:13
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[erisco] Hausberg, I used chown already to set the group to www-data. The file owner is me. I still cannot open the directory.08:14
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jbroomesavvas: probably not until they have an official release08:14
xipietotecAnyone? Where is the disks manager in ubuntu edgy?08:14
defrysksavvas, unlikely for now I think08:14
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savvasok thank you08:14
Hausberg[erisco] , yes but there is also the group08:14
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[erisco] hausberg, yes and the group is www-data, I said that08:14
hou5tondueyfinster:   I guess it's version 908:15
Hausbergare you member of the www-data08:15
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ubotuYou can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/backports/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html08:15
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uruguaianduey: i can see the windows network and printers, but how to share the conection?08:15
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hfhfi have an intel 2200bg (ipw2200) on edgy. i'd like to try kismet, aircrack and tools. how to setup monitor mode? is this guide good? http://kerneltrap.org/node/5414/print or is there an easier way?08:15
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pommes_tgfpanyone installed beryl on a Dell laptop08:16
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Hausberg[erisco]  are you member of that group? if not useradd -g yourusername www-data08:16
xipietotecAnyone? The disks manager? I can't find it and I need to format a disk08:16
[erisco] Hausberg, I am the OWNER of the file08:17
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Hausberg[erisco]  yes but if you are not part of the group to which the file belongs and if group permissions are not right you can't access it08:17
edwardsNdalla1anyone install RAID5 on LAMP?08:18
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[erisco] Hausberg, the permissions are right. The owner has read write and execute, same as the group. Even when I do set the group to my user, I still cannot access the directory. All other directories in the /var/www/ have the exact same permissions and the exact same ownership, yet I can access them08:18
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hou5tondefrysk:   so .... I take it you would recommend taking that Automatix line out of the repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list?08:19
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defryskhou5ton, thats too late08:19
defryskits alredy installed08:19
defryskthere is no uninstallscript for automatix08:19
hou5tondang .... I have been assimilated08:19
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swaby1is it possible to get a lexmark x1240 printer to work using ubuntu?08:19
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defryskhou5ton, yes indeed :D08:20
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phoenix87tahaving a bit of a problem mounting a vfat partition.  gotten as far as editing the fstab, but I get an error when I actually try to mount08:20
GeekChickhow do you gksudo a nautilus window to allow you to move files graphically?08:20
defryskhou5ton, just make sure to do a fresh install when feisty comes out :)08:20
GeekChickfrom desktop to like bin08:20
LattywareWhich has better support under Ubuntu, the Creative Zen Vision:M or the Ipod?08:20
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blackgrazanyone have a orinoco pcmcia card(hermes chipset) and gotten it to work in monitor mode?08:21
hou5tondefrysk:   I a little reluctant to do another install if I ever get this one working right.  :)08:21
JessehkI've set up Xgl so that it has its own xsession. I wan beryl-manager to start only when I choose that session from GDM. Is that possible?08:21
swaby1This new printer is killing me08:21
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defryskhou5ton, using automatix is not the way to get things working right08:21
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Hausberg[erisco]  ok ... and did you use chmod -R option to take care that subdirectories are also in order? can you access it as root08:21
GeekChickhow do you gksudo a nautilus window to allow you to move files graphically into protected folders?08:21
edwardsNdalla1anyone install RAID5 on LAMP that can help with 4 hard drives?08:22
swaby1can anyone help08:22
Hausberg[erisco]  you are talking about /var/www do you mean accessing it via webpage or just on terminal?08:22
defrysk!anyone | swaby108:22
ubotuswaby1: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:22
=== mog_ [n=mog@nap13-4-82-240-84-71.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
corevettewhats the irc channel for mplayer08:22
[erisco] Hausberg, I can access it through the command line without being root. I am talking about my file browser and my terminal, not my web browser. Also I did use recursive.08:22
mog_COmment installer XP?08:22
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Lattywaredefrysk: He asked a bit further up, and then was continuing from that.08:23
mog_a partir de Linux?08:23
swaby1Is it possible to get a lexmark x1240 printer to work with ubuntu?08:23
AnyoneHi, I am facing some major problems trying to install the new Ubuntu.  The target computer had win98 installed, so it asked for a resize.  Now its taking forever, and I wonder if its safe to click cancel or whats safe?08:23
defryskLattyware, missed that bit :s08:23
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:23
=== edwardsNdallasTX [n=sshort@cpe-76-183-64-58.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
defryskswaby1, lexmark is worst printer to get for linux08:23
mykalAnyone: :)08:23
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blackgrazanyone have a orinoco pcmcia card(hermes chipset) and gotten it to work in monitor mode?08:24
Anyoneswaby1, the easy answer is "yes" .. but truth is it might be hard.  However, Lexmark does have some GNU/Linux drivers on their website.08:24
=== Scrutinizer [n=marcus@muedsl-82-207-231-010.citykom.de] has joined #ubuntu
[erisco] Hausberg, I cannot access the directory through the file browser08:24
Anyoneblackgraz, No, I don't. Sorry.  I don't have PCMCIA at all..08:24
swaby1okay I thought so08:24
Hausberg[erisco]  I can't quite follow - you can access it via commandline like cd in it?08:24
LattywareWhich has better support under Ubuntu, the Creative Zen Vision:M or the Ipod?08:24
swaby1thanks anyway08:24
[erisco] Hausberg, yes08:24
Anyonemykilx, :)08:24
blackgrazAnyone: you got a hermes chipset wifi?08:24
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Anyoneblackgraz, not to my knowledge.08:24
phoenix87taI get a wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb error while trying to mount a vfat partition after modifying the fstab.  any idea what I did wrong?08:25
Scrutinizerhi there :)08:25
swaby1no wonder it was cheap08:25
=== jrt [n=jrt@cpc1-warr2-0-0-cust259.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
[erisco] Hausberg, hold on I think I got something08:25
Anyoneswaby1, do check out lexmark homepage though.08:25
[erisco] Hausberg, I have a link to /var/www/ on my desktop08:25
Hausberg[erisco]  that is interesting - is the file manager running under your user? if you cd in that directory and launch konqueror?08:25
Scrutinizerive got a problem with my soundcards. please query me08:25
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[erisco] Hausberg, if I go through that I CANNOT open the single directory, but all others. If I manually go through /var/www/ I can open that trouble directory.08:26
kandinskiis scrollkeeper broken on edgy?08:26
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kandinskiI am installing and scrollkeeper breaks the isntall08:26
AnyoneI guess its safe to repeat my question.08:26
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kellyi have lost my waste basket how do i get it back?08:27
jrtHas anyone managed to get 'unionfs08:27
jrtworking in edgy?08:27
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defryskswaby1, before getting a printer have a look at http://www.linuxprinting.org/08:27
AnyoneHi, I am facing some major problems trying to install the new edgy eft Ubuntu desktop.  The target computer had win98 installed, so it asked for a resize.  Now its taking forever, and I wonder if its safe to click cancel or whats safe?08:27
Hausberg[erisco]  sounds more like a prob with the file manager rather than with file system, outside chmod, chown and chgrp there is no other permission bits08:27
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Anyonejrt: Nope .. I didn't try though.08:27
bife[ubuntu] hy08:27
corevettehello, does anyone know what the irc channel for mplayer is?08:27
Hausbergis there a way to rollback to older ati-drivers?08:27
Anyonedefrysk, they quit.08:27
=== blanky [n=blanky@pool-71-118-145-218.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
defryskAnyone, yeah unfortunately08:27
AnyoneCoreDuo, I guess its #mplayer..08:27
AnyoneCoreDuo, sorry08:28
[erisco] Hausberg, indeed. Through the terminal I can go through my link and access the folder without being root. However not through the file browser.08:28
AnyoneCorevette, I guess its #mplayer..08:28
kellycould someone tell me how to find the wastebasket in 6.06lts08:28
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blankycafuego: are you there?08:28
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kellyi removed it from the toolbar by accident and cant find it now08:28
Anyonekelly, isn't it in your panel?08:28
[erisco] Hausberg, I am going to restart my comp and see what that does.08:28
defryskkelly its in the panel08:28
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blankyhey guys some of you guys yesterday helped me on my problem. I wanted to make my ntfs partition smaller, and enlarge my ext3 partition08:28
Anyonekelly, right click and add a wastebasket.08:29
blankythat way I'd give more space to my linux08:29
defryskkelly if not rightclick empty spot on your paned klick add and select waste basket08:29
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blankyI successfully shrunk my ntfs partition, but when I go to resize my ext3, it won't let me, what's going on?08:29
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Anyoneblanky, I am not aware that you can resize ext3.08:29
blackgrazanyone have a orinoco pcmcia card(hermes chipset) and gotten it to work in monitor mode?08:29
Anyoneblackgraz, still no, sorry.08:30
hou5tondefrysk:   ok .... i have installed the latest flash from Adobe .... still no picture on Fox video?08:30
blankyAnyone: :'(08:30
blackgrazmybad anyone08:30
DevCdamn with firefox not showing fonts I can't find the url for upgrading through the ubuntus lol08:30
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Jowiblanky, it is mounted?08:31
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Anyoneblanky, make a backup, then delete the partition, and restore from backup.  Be carefull to preserve date, ownership and stuff on the backup though.08:31
kellydefrysk thankyou done it08:31
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kellydoes anyone know how to get the newest version of amsn?08:31
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Anyonekelly, I don't even know what amsn is :-)08:31
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blankyJowi: yeah it's mounted08:32
Anyonekelly, do try asmn.sf.net though.08:32
kellyanyone lol08:32
blankyAnyone: Sorry, what was tht?08:32
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blankyAnyone: I already have 4 gigs of unallocated space08:32
hou5tonDoes anyone else get video at Fox ... please ... go here and click on the Dennis Miller clip on the top right:  http://www.foxnews.com/08:32
blankywhich I wanted ext3 to consume08:32
Anyoneblanky, ahh .. then you can assign that space to ext3!08:32
Jowiblanky, you will not be able to do that on a mounted partition08:32
hou5tonI get all the sound, just no video08:32
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kellydoes anybody know what amsn is here??08:32
DexterFis aiglx on the 6.10 live cd so i can check if it works?08:32
blankyAnyone: how!!08:32
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-2.1 (edgy), package size 2261 kB, installed size 7752 kB08:32
blankyAnyone: I went to gnome partition editor and when I try to resize it's already at it's max08:32
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ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.08:33
blankyif that makes any sense08:33
xipietotecanyone? How can I format this bloody USB drive08:33
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Anyoneblanky, thats great08:33
kellycan anyone give me support on amsn messenger hee??08:33
blankyAnyone: eh? lol08:33
Anyonexipietotec, whats it called?08:33
blankykelly: try joining #amsn, it might exist you never know :P08:33
Anyonexipietotec, /dev/sda1 ?08:33
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kellyblanky true you never know08:34
Jowiblanky, you will not be able to do anything with the root partition while it is mounted. I suggest you boot a live cd and resize it there. remember to backup important data before you do anything though08:34
blankykelly: if not, then why not give gaim a go? or you don't like it? If you're running kde, kopete might be nice too08:34
Anyoneblanky, its a bit hard to help you now .. cause I see your problem.  You have two ext308:34
blankyJowi: I am on a live cd, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it was mounted08:34
blankyAnyone: no I don't lol08:34
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kellyblanky i tried to run gaim messenger but i cannot see my contacts on there08:35
blankywatch guys, I'll upload a screenshot is that okay?08:35
Anyoneblanky, then you should be able to click the "install" icon.08:35
blankyAnyone: yes...08:35
xipietotecAnyone: How exactly would I find that out? It's telling me it's just "usbdrive"08:35
blankyAnyone: I'm running the gnome partition editor within the live cd08:35
timo90im trying to install the new amsn08:35
blankykelly: did you add your account?08:35
Anyonexipietotec, what if you right click it?08:35
Anyonexipietotec, properties08:35
timo90i get ./configure: line 3041: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh:08:35
blankykelly: probably everyone's offline, if I remember correctly, gaim doesn't show offline users, turn that feature on in the preferences08:35
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timo90./configure: line 3041: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh: No such file or directory08:35
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kellyblanky oh ok i will give that a try then08:36
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AnyoneHi, I am facing some major problems trying to install the new edgy eft Ubuntu desktop.  The target computer had win98 installed, so it asked for a resize.  Now its taking forever (an hour or so, so far), and I wonder if its safe to click cancel or whats safe?08:36
xipietotec it's /media/usbdisk08:36
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mabusHow do I install xubuntu packages onto an ubuntu system with just both cdroms? I have no internet at home. I tried adding the cdrom in the repositories menu of synaptic, and updating, but no go.08:36
blankykelly: also, try joining #gaim they're pretty helpful08:36
Anyonexipietotec, in prompt type "mount | grep "/media/usbdisk"08:36
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kellyblanky ok08:37
blankyAnyone: that's something I was afraid of, if it failed08:37
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blankyAnyone: but resizing does take a while, what's the size?08:37
dragonfyre13I'm having some issues with wireless on edgy eft with ndiswrapper. I don't understand how wireless works on linux yet, as I've always used a wired connection. I have an rt73 chipset card, and the ndiswrapper driver is installed. It won't connect to any networks though.08:37
timo90help installing the new amsn i get :./configure: line 3041: /usr/lib/tkConfig.sh: No such file or directory08:37
Anyoneblanky, new size is 21.5 GB.08:37
xipietotec/dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type vfat08:37
edwardsNdallasanyone install RAID5 on LAMP that can help with 4 hard drives?08:37
Anyonetimo90, you probably do not have the proper version of TCL/TK installed...08:38
dragonfyre13I've tried connecting to unprotected networks, and those with wep encryption so far. I'm not going to connect to any with WPA, so I don't need to worry about wpasupplicant.08:38
dragonfyre13anyone have a clue about why?08:38
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AnyoneedwardsNdallas, sorry no, I cannot help.08:38
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blankyAnyone: from?08:38
DevCwhat is the link for upgrading one last time, this time I'm going to enter it into my WinXP laptop so I don't lose it08:38
Anyonedragonfyre13, why what?08:38
Anyoneblanky, the drive is 80GB08:38
hou5tonDoes Fox video even use Flash?08:39
xipietotec Anyone: okay...it's /dev/sda108:39
Anyonexipietotec, cool. You want to wipe it for use with GNU/Linux only?08:39
=== xipietotec has it located in gparted...but doesn't see an option to format anywhere
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xipietotecAnyone: Actually no, I intend to use this as a USB stick for my car stereo.08:39
mwallingin the wireless config screen, it asks for a "network password". does it auto detect between WPA and WEP or does it assume WEP08:40
xipietotecand some other media devices.08:40
blankyAnyone: this is what I have http://img131.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotzz8.png08:40
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blankyjowi are you there08:40
Anyonexipietotec, mkdosfs /dev/sda108:40
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blankyhey guys, this i what I have http://img131.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotzz8.png and I want ext3 to consume the unallocated space08:40
Anyonedragonfyre13, yes?08:40
alecjwhi. is there any way of converting an ODT to an ABW?08:40
xipietotecAnyone: "Contains a mounted filesystem08:41
dragonfyre13_Anyone oops, sorry. I didn't think that was someone's username.08:41
Anyonexipietotec, ahh08:41
dragonfyre13_anyon I'm having some issues with wireless on edgy eft with ndiswrapper. I don't understand how wireless works on linux yet, as I've always used a wired connection. I have an rt73 chipset card, and the ndiswrapper driver is installed. It won't connect to any networks though.08:41
Anyonexipietotec, umount /media/usbdisk ; mkdosfs /dev/sda108:41
dragonfyre13_anyone I'm having some issues with wireless on edgy eft with ndiswrapper. I don't understand how wireless works on linux yet, as I've always used a wired connection. I have an rt73 chipset card, and the ndiswrapper driver is installed. It won't connect to any networks though.08:41
dreamerdamnit, my pc, or rather X maybe? just hanged08:41
kellyhow do i install something when it says that i do not have permission to do so??08:41
dragonfyre13_Anyone: that's my issue. Know anything about it?08:41
dreamermouse and xmms stil work, but I can;t do anything08:41
dreamersynergys is down08:41
niranjkelly: use sudo before ur install command08:41
alecjwdragonfyre13_ there are some official linux drivers on the ralink site08:41
Anyonedragonfyre13, not much.  I am not sure if you really want ndis anyhow though.08:42
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blankykelly: use sudo, how are you trying to install it?08:42
dragonfyre13_alecjw yeah, but they download as a 0 byte file.08:42
blankyAnyone: remember me? here's my screenshot08:42
davvsIs there any way to watch a DVD movie (a img-file) on linux without burning out the iso?08:42
xipietotecAnyone: I don't think it's doing anything....or it's very very fast.08:42
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blankydavvs: you mean, you want to watch an iso movie?08:42
dragonfyre13_alecjw same with the monkey drivers08:42
xipietotecjackfrost@jackfrost-laptop:~$ sudo umount /media/usbdisk ; mkdosfs /dev/sda108:42
xipietotecmkdosfs 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)08:42
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davvsyes blanky08:42
xipietotecIs all that happened.08:42
blankydavvs: without having to burn it? use video lan player (sudo apt-get install vlc)08:43
kellyblanky i want to install some skins for something and they are in a zip file but everytime i try to extract them to where they need to be it says i cant08:43
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timo90Anyone:i used sysnaptic package manager08:43
mwallingin the wireless config screen, it asks for a "network password". does it auto detect between WPA and WEP or does it assume WEP08:43
Anyoneblanky, still loading the other screenshot, I guess.08:43
davvsokay thanks blanky  :-)08:43
blankydavvs: and make sure you read the restricted formats page for instructions on how to watch encrypted DVDs08:43
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Anyonetimo90, ok08:43
alecjwdragonfyre13_ very strange.... sorry, dunno how to fix that08:43
blanky!restrictedformats | davvs08:43
ubotudavvs: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:43
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:43
davvsi think i have libdvd08:43
timo90Anyone:shouldnt be up to date ?08:43
Anyonetimo90, might suggest a bug in the package, I guess.08:43
blankykelly: yes, so you would do 'sudo yourextractcommand'08:43
dreamerhmm, I can still ssh to the machine, I guess it's X that crashed ...08:43
dragonfyre13_alecjw well, any experience with ndiswrapper?08:43
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blankyAnyone: oh, it's the same screenshot haha sorry08:43
kellyblanky how do i do that??08:44
alecjwdragonfyre13_ nope. sorry08:44
Anyonetimo90, I would google the error, and if nothing clever comes up, file a bugreport.08:44
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timo90Anyone:do ihave to reboot afterinstalling it ?08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugreport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
dreameranybody an idea what could have happened ?08:44
dragonfyre13_alecjwthanks anyway.08:44
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots08:44
blankykelly: what's your command? what command are you using to extract?08:44
alecjwdoes anyone know how i can convert an ODT to an ABW?08:44
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dragonfyre13_I'm going to go to another client.08:44
Anyonetimo90, not unless it tells you to.08:44
dragonfyre13_alecjw open it in abiword and save it.08:44
kellyblanky i am using archive manager08:44
Anyonealecjw, I think you can, if ODT is open document something.08:44
TokenBadhow would i find out how much have downloaded since computer was booted last...08:45
alecjwdragonfyre13_: abiword can't open ODTs08:45
finalbetaAny other people here reported non crashing bugs? What % of the bugs you posted actually god fixed? Because after reporting +-30 bugs, I doubt it's worth it since they don't get fixed unless something crashes.08:45
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niranjkelly: what type of file is that, any idea ?08:45
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xipietotecYep....not working, it's still loading up the disk image.08:45
timo90Anyone:i did google it and the 2 results are in a diffrent languge and when they have been translated the dont make much sence08:45
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DreamerHxChow can I unblock a paquet which aptitude update says it has been blocked?08:45
alecjwAnyone: yes it is. sorry, i didn't notice that anyone was a username08:45
kellyniranj its a .zip file08:45
Anyonealecjw, Oh.08:45
dreamerdamnit, my pc, or rather X maybe? just hanged08:45
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dreamerhmm, I can still ssh to the machine, I guess it's X that crashed ...08:45
Anyonetimo90, a bugreport it is .. you can search if its already reported though, I guess.08:46
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dreamerhow can I restart X on the other machine over ssh ?08:46
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Dreamglideri just installed flash and now when i open a webpage firefox shut's down!08:46
hou5tonOk .... I even have video on MSNBC using FireFox on Linux ... which is a relativcely new phenomenon .... but still no video on Fox??08:46
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timo90Anyone:can i hve a link to bug reporting stuff08:46
__doc__I've got a problem with my apt. I tried to install scons via apt, it bugged out somehow, and now everytime I apt-get install something else it also tries to install (unsucessfully) scons. How can I get rid of that?08:46
Anyonealecjw, save as DOC first, then load from abiword.08:46
uruguaianhi.. can i configure ubuntu to use a windows shared conection???08:46
Anyonetimo90, yes08:46
Anyone!tell timo90 about bugs08:46
kitcheDreamglider: you using flash 7?08:46
corevettehow do you uninstall a plugin in firefox?08:46
blankykelly: sorry are you there?08:46
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blankykelly: what's the archive manager you're using, what's the name08:46
alecjwAnyone: i think you meant RTF :). thanks08:47
blankykelly: ark?08:47
Dreamgliderkitche, i dont know, i just installed the flash that firefox poped up08:47
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Anyonealecjw, you're wellcome :)08:47
seeanybody has gotten sound to work on a macpro? everything seems to be working, no errors, but there is no sound out.08:47
[1] dragonfyre13Ok, I'm back. Hopefully this will work better.08:47
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kitcheDreamglider: yeah it;s flash 7 that has a bug in it08:47
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kellyblanky it's the one you get with ubuntu08:47
niranjkelly, u can go to the terminal and type sudo ark, that shd help08:47
dreamerwhat could be wrong that X crashes but the moust still works ?08:47
TokenBadanyone know how to tell what was sent and rec in ubuntu?08:47
user-landmaybe with samba, uruguaian ? don't know08:47
kitche!flash9|Dreamglider you can try flash 908:47
ubotuDreamglider you can try flash 9: You can download Flash Player 9 Beta here: http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/dapper-seveas/backports/ (replace dapper-seveas with edgy-seveas for Edgy) - Official Adobe page at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html08:47
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kellyniranj i will try08:47
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blankyniranj: I think ark is for kde08:48
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DreamerHxChow can I unblock a paquet which aptitude update says it has been blocked?08:48
dreamerso, anyone read my Q?08:48
blankykelly: where do you need to extract the files? and what is the extension of the archive (ex. tar.gz? )08:48
kellyniranj sudo ark not found08:48
Anyonedreamer, X crashes but still works?08:48
kitchedreamer: just run startx08:48
blankykelly: listen...08:48
blankykelly: read what I said above08:49
xipietotecIt's telling me the media disk is not in the fstab when I run it not as root, and it's still popping up with a "blank" CD.08:49
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uruguaianuser-land: me too, i can browse the network, etc.. but nothin happend when i share the conection.. ((08:49
blankyDreamer: have you tried to install the drivers?08:49
niranjkelly, if u can tell me the extension (.tar or .tar.gz or .tgz) i can give u an easy way out08:49
dreamerkitche: doesnkt work over SSH08:49
corevettehow do do you join a server on irc....what command?08:49
blankyDreamer could be video, screen, or display problems08:49
wcehow can i make my windows look like this http://www.ocoindufeu.net/images/screenshots/ubuntu_2.png with transparency?08:49
P2500corevette: /join #channel08:49
alecjwdoes openoffice.org have full xml word doc support? i'm assuming it does, seeing as a word xml seems to make snese if you open it in gedit or simmilar, so it wouild have been easy to add word xml support08:49
kellythe extension of the file is .zip08:49
blankytry this08:49
kitchealecjw: probably since it does support word files08:50
dreamerI'd like to know how to restart/kill X over SSH08:50
AnyoneHi, I am facing some major problems trying to install the new edgy eft Ubuntu desktop.  The target computer had win98 installed, so it asked for a resize.  Now its taking forever (an hour or so, so far), and I wonder if its safe to click cancel or whats safe?08:50
corevettep2500 not a channel, a server, like irc.mozilla.net08:50
blankysudo unzip thenameofthefile.zip where/you/want/it/to/go08:50
blankykelly: in the terminal of course08:50
dreamerI can't do anything on the machine elsewise08:50
alecjwkitche: it doesn't have _complete_ support for word files, though08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networkboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:50
corevettep2500 sorry, irc.mozilla.org08:50
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xipietotecAnyone: when I run that command as normal (not root) it tells me "it's not in fstab (and you are not root)" when I run it as root it just prints the version of the program.08:50
dreameranybody ?08:50
_felixdreamer: /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:50
[1] dragonfyre13so, does anyone have an idea about my wireless issue?08:50
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wcehow can i make my windows look like this http://www.ocoindufeu.net/images/screenshots/ubuntu_2.png with transparency?08:51
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_felixif you are using gdm08:51
Anyone xipietotec : You should run it as root.08:51
dreameron kde08:51
TokenBadplease...anyone know how to show your net stats in ubuntu?08:51
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_OmegaTokenBad: ifconfig08:51
AnyoneTokenBad, /sbin/ifconfig08:51
kitchedreamer: then do /etc/init.d/kdm restart or stop then start08:51
AnyoneTokenBad, ?08:51
blankyman, when are the smart people going to come in the channel08:51
kelly_blanky i will try later08:51
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[1] dragonfyre13anyone?08:51
xipietotecAnyone: I did, but my USB drive is still mounting a blank disk along with itself...which means the blank disk image is still there somewhere08:51
Anyone[1] dragonfyre13, yes?08:51
user-landuruguaian, i hope you find support. maybe in the spanish channel ?08:52
blankykelly_: are you sure?08:52
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Anyone[1] dragonfyre13, oh... sorry, no!08:52
blankykelly_: it's easier than it seems08:52
[1] dragonfyre13Anyone, crap. Forgot again.08:52
[1] dragonfyre13Anyone,sorry.08:52
AnyoneIts ok08:52
AnyoneI hope you get some help! :)08:52
wcehow can i make my windows look like this http://www.ocoindufeu.net/images/screenshots/ubuntu_2.png with transparency?08:52
TokenBadthat seems to be reporting wrong08:52
[1] dragonfyre13Anyone, thanks.08:52
ubotuwce: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:52
[1] dragonfyre13wce compiz or beryl08:52
dreamerkitche: doesn't work, no such file or dit08:52
alecjwAnyone: may i recommend that you cahnge your screen name to something like Anyone_? :D08:52
Anyoneubotu, but where is nobody?08:52
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uruguaianuser-land: thanks08:53
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TokenBad_Omega, that seems to be reporting wrong08:53
kelly_blanky i am just having something to eat if you are still here we will go through it then08:53
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seraphimwce: on that shot it seems to be fake transparency. you can set that in gnome-terminal settings08:53
Anyonealecjw, Tnx .. i've stuck with this one for quite a while though. :)08:53
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wcei tried beryl but it messsed my whole system and i had to reinstall ubuntu08:53
alecjwAnyone: ok.08:53
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kitchedreamer: it hmm try xdm but kde uses kdm so it's sorta weird that it's not there08:53
kelly_blanky is that ok???08:53
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[1] dragonfyre13wce, yeah, I had the same problem, but that's what you have to figure out if you want trancparency.08:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about where - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:54
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dreamerkitche: it definatly isn't .. I don't see xdm either08:54
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[1] dragonfyre13wce, there are help for compisiting.08:54
TokenBadAnyone, same to you...since you said it to...it seems to be reporting wrong08:54
wcedragon, how didi you correct the oproblem08:54
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[1] dragonfyre13wce, depends on what the issue was.08:54
AnyoneTokenBad, refresh my memory please08:54
[1] dragonfyre13wce, what did you run into?08:54
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TokenBadAnyone, about the ifconfig08:55
[1] dragonfyre13wce, kernel panic is about the only thing that you can't recover from.08:55
B|nTaRawhats beryl homepage ?08:55
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl08:55
AnyoneTokenBad, oh .. thats wierd .. but you know its reset whenever the NIC is restarted.08:55
hou5tonDoes anyone know what the magic component is that is needed to play video clips on Fox?  My Edgy system plays them on CNN, YouTube, and even MSNBC. But on Fox, I only get sound.08:55
[1] dragonfyre13g2g for a few. Be back.08:55
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TokenBadAnyone, I haven't rebooted in over 24 hours...last file downloaded was over 4 gigs...its saying only downloaded 3 since computer started08:56
wcei had problems loading scripts etc...08:56
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Anyonehou5ton, sorry no, I don't watch Fox.08:56
TokenBadAnyone, at lease as I can read the output08:56
Anyonehou5ton, try getting w32 codecs though.08:56
wceit there was a way to insta it with automatic or synaptic !!!08:56
AnyoneTokenBad, ok08:56
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hou5tonAnyone:   I already have those.   I don't generally go to Fox's web page either, but sometimes there is a video there that I want to see08:57
AnyoneTokenBad, maybe the file was compressed during transfer.08:57
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cybervegandoes anyone know if there's a source cd iso available for each ubuntu distro - or do i have to mirror the cvs?08:57
swanflin gthumb, when you want to open a graphic in a certain application, it gives you a list of applications. Can you alter the order of those applications?08:57
seraphimwce: what graphics-device do you have?08:57
=== [1] dragonfyre13 is now known as dragonfyre13
kitchehou5ton: did you install w32codecs since it's probably a codec problem08:57
dreamerhmmm, X using 100% CPU on other nachine (top)08:57
Anyonehou5ton, I hear ya ..08:57
hou5tonkitche:   yes ... I have those installed08:57
dreamernobody can tell me how to restart X another way ?08:57
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sven__?? I like to burn DVDs from the commandline on a server, which Programm to use, I think cdrecord wont make it .....08:57
wcenvidia 79502gtx08:57
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alecjwcybervegan: i'm not quite sure, but i don't think there are any source disks. i kink you have do download the source from the repos08:57
kitchedreamer: you can do killall X08:57
seraphimwce: then it's very easy to install beryl08:58
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xipietotecAHAHAHA... found the problem....open it up in gparted and it's locked08:58
dragonfyre13Dreamer , control alt backspace08:58
dreamerkitche: still running08:58
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rawlersven__: try growisofs  check the manual .. :)08:58
cyberveganso how do i stand if i give someone a copy on cd or install it for them? under the gpl i'm supposed to have a copy of the source i can give them08:58
dreamerdragonfyre13: keyboard dead08:58
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seraphimwce: just follow that guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851&highlight=nvidia+beryl08:58
dreameronly the mouse still works (can't click though)08:58
kitchedreamer: of course that just restarts it it will just start right back up08:58
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dragonfyre13Dreamer, hard reset08:59
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wceseraphin, I hope i dont mess up my Distro again08:59
sven__rawlet: togehter with dvd+rwtools ?08:59
dreameryeah, that is the only thing that'll fix it :/ (I've had it hang before lately, can't remember what did it though ..)08:59
niekiedreamer, no.08:59
mike1owhat should i do if debian doesn't recongnize a pci card?08:59
TokenBadAnyone, ok I checked my decode dir...and its 37 gigs since yesterday morning...when I reinstalled ubuntu.....and haven't rebooted since...and it says only 3 gigs...09:00
niekiedreamer, have you tried the kernel SysRQ commands?09:00
seraphimwce: if you strictly follow the guide you won't ;) if you have questions you can ask me, before you mess sth up. but then use seraphim to highlight me, not seraphin ;)09:00
dragonfyre13Dreamer, record it next time remember what programs you are running try control alt f109:00
dreamerniekie: what is that ?09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ipv4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
niekieYou can probably synchronize the disk with that and shut it down to safe yourself from losing data :)09:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pci - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:00
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dreamerdragonfyre13: I can't run control alt f1 either09:01
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niekiedreamer, try reading this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raising_Skinny_Elephants_Is_Utterly_Boring09:01
dragonfyre13Dreamer control alt delete does not work in X09:01
ramonhi, help (APT) please: i installed some packages with the automatix installer and, after uninstalling them (with automatix) i get this error message each time i run apt-get: Errors were encountered while processing oboard\n E: subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). this is preventing me from removing packages because this error occurs before apt-get starts removing packages.09:01
niekieThere are more controls then that, but those are most important for a locked up system :)09:01
dreameratm I'm running (at least): OOo, FF, Akregator, LinuxDCPP and xmms09:01
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wceHow can i install my nvidia drivers???09:01
niekieIf you reset your system another way, you might get data loss =\09:01
uboturamon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe09:01
seraphimwce: it's all in that guide...09:02
seraphimwce: have a look at step 2 option 109:02
dragonfyre13Dreamer, can you fill programs09:02
dreamerniekie: that doesn't work. the KB is _dead_09:02
dreamerdragonfyre13: fill ?09:03
dragonfyre13Dreamer, can ssh into this one from another box09:03
seraphimwce: you better bookmark the guide, you will need to reboot inbetweeb09:03
niekiedreamer, dead as in?09:03
ramonubotu: yes, i had a bad feeling about it. is there not some quick and dirty way i can just remove the 'onboard' package it keeps complaining about?09:03
niekiePhysically broken?09:03
dreamerniekie: no response, switching numlock for instance09:03
dragonfyre13Dreamer sorry kill09:03
niekiedreamer, hmm..09:03
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blankykelly_: are you there09:03
dreamerdragonfyre13: I don't know09:04
niekiedreamer, you could try it anyway, but I doubt it works then indeed.09:04
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dreamerniekie: I have and it doesn't09:04
niekieThough it has worked for me in some odd situations.09:04
niekiedreamer, allright then.09:04
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wceanother thing,  As i got told i shouldnt use automatix... what else can i use with the same features?09:04
niekieDo you still have SSH access working to it?09:04
phaedrus44hey TokenBad  wussup09:04
chaplinuxW: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org edgy-plf Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B83718 ??09:04
dreamerniekie: read my replies: yes09:04
chaplinuxas to be notarized?09:04
niekiedreamer, ah.09:04
niekieYou can do it from remote then.09:04
phaedrus44anyone help me with my wireless probelm?  i am using ndiswrapper 1.8 with a usb dongle...i have never had this problem in the past..but my connection just keeps dropping...09:04
dreamerniekie: how then ?09:04
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dreamerI don't have a /etc/init.d/kdm09:05
niekiedreamer, sudo -i to get a root shell first.09:05
Yasuo|Ikwakurahi,  openoffice-calc => how can i can i define a field so oocalc asks me for the content in templates?09:05
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nikinhow can i use the mouse in shell? i have a server install09:05
TokenBadphaedrus44, not much man09:05
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seraphimwce: go through the ubuntu-help and do the stuff manually. it's a lot better than all programs for that, because you learn a lot and know what you did09:05
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niekieThen echo thekey >>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:05
dreamerniekie: ok09:05
niekieReplace thekey with the corresponding key.09:05
dreameryou lost me there ..09:05
dreamerwhat key ?09:05
TokenBadtried vista for about 2 days09:05
TokenBadwent back to ubuntu09:06
cyberveganphaedrus44: have you got your wireless usb card set to be the default gateway? do you have a wired port configured that is not used?09:06
niekiedreamer, the key you would normally use after ALT-SysRQ09:06
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niekieSo what you would do is:09:06
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TokenBadphaedrus44, you on under?09:06
niekieecho r>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
niekieecho s>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
niekieecho e>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
niekieecho i>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
niekieecho u>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
dragonfyre13nikin, it needs to be a curses inter face09:06
niekieecho b>>/proc/sysrq-trigger09:06
niekieThat's all :)09:06
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niekieWait a little while between the commands.09:07
dreamerniekie: why in that order? and what does it do ?09:07
nikindragonfyre13: so i cant use mouse in a program like nano09:07
niekiedreamer, r puts the keyboard in raw mode.09:07
niekieThat might fix the keyboard.09:07
dragonfyre13nikin, no09:07
wceok, i just manually downloaded the last version of Xchat... How can i install it through the command line?09:07
niekieSo first try the keyboard after that.09:07
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niekieS means sync to disk, U means unmount all disks and remount read-only09:08
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dragonfyre13nikin, Using the mouse depends on the program it self09:08
seraphimwce: you better install programs from synaptic if they are available there :P09:08
hydrawdoes non-US ASCII mean not '' signs...09:08
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niekieE and I terms/kills processes.09:08
niekieB reboots.09:08
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niekiedreamer, any lock with r fixing your keyboard?09:08
ramoni need to force the removal of a package (or at least tell apt to ignore it) that is giving errors every time i run apt-get. is this possible?09:08
nikindragonfyre: what i realy need is to copy some text between programs and the shell09:08
mike1oi can't manage to use an usb pci adapter... any help?09:09
dreamerand U ?09:09
dragonfyre13hydraw, yes09:09
dreamerniekie: no, KB still dead09:09
dragonfyre13nikin, on a server09:09
netronhello. is the intel pro/wireless 2200BG chipset supported by default with the 6.10 live-cd?09:09
andyHow do I change in GIMP the input device from mouse to Wacom tablet (both USB devices)?09:09
kitcheramon: did you read what ubotu said about automatix?09:09
niekiedreamer, then the only thing left to do is to proceed with seiub09:09
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wceTHEY are available but they dont offer the last version on synaptic09:09
dragonfyre13hydraw, np09:09
niekieAnd the system will then reboot.09:09
niekieProbably having saved all data.09:09
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nikindragonfyre: yes, on a server :) it is evil but it is so09:10
niekieAgain, wait some time between the commands.09:10
ramonkitche: yes, but reinstalling the whole system is difficult, i don't have a fast internet connection09:10
niekieAnd don't do them in one command, heh.09:10
dreamerniekie: after e SSH closed :/09:10
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niekiedreamer, doh.09:10
mike1odoes the fact that a device is not recongnized right away mean that it's impossible to use?09:10
killownhow I switch a icon menu gnome to other icon?09:10
seraphimwce: if you really want to compile it yourself have a look at the README file09:10
dreamerniekie: and the screen of the machine is "gone"09:10
niekiedreamer, uhh... yeah.. stupid..09:10
dragonfyre13nikin, how long is the text09:10
dreamer(still bottom half filles with mess)09:10
niekiedreamer, sorry.. =\09:10
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niekiedreamer, E terminates all processes.09:10
ramonkitche: there has got to be a quicker way!09:10
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niekieI forgot SSH was a process.09:11
killownhey please09:11
nikindragonfyre: it waries from 2 words to 3-4 pages09:11
dreamerniekie: -doh-09:11
reconWould anybody know how to deal with the java error "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serialize/BaseMarkupSerializer"09:11
niekiedreamer, I apologise.09:11
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killownhow  I change icon menu gnome?09:11
niekieHope you won't hate me for this =\09:11
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dreamerniekie: so, I can't SSH, but the ping still flies09:11
dragonfyre13nikin, is there box that you can ssh into it09:11
niekiedreamer, hmm..09:11
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niekiedreamer, any luck with the keyboard now?09:12
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rixthHow do I rebuild the initrd?09:12
niekieTry numlock again.09:12
dreamerniekie: hey yeah, the KB seams to be active09:12
niekiedreamer, cool. :)09:12
nikindragonfyre: i can ssh in to the server, but thats the only linux box here09:12
seraphimhehe. that reminds me of "ifdown eth0" on the router...09:12
niekiedreamer, now you can proceed with I U B09:12
dragonfyre13nikin, thats fine09:12
dreamerniekie: but I can't do anything, so Num-Lock switch is only thing working09:12
wcehow can i add repositories?09:12
kitcherramon: I don't knwo to much about how to fix it since automatix isn't really supported in here so when it breaks your system I would go ask in the automatix channel09:12
niekiePress ALT-SysRQ-I09:12
niekieWait a while09:12
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stjepanwhat Depth do you recommend??? 16 or 2409:13
niekieThen ALT-SysRQ-U09:13
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rixthAlso, does anyone find launchpad really slow at the moment?09:13
niekieThen again, wait a while.09:13
seraphimstjepan: 2409:13
niekieThen ALT-SysRQ-B09:13
ramonrecon: search google for what jar file it would be in and make sure you have it and that it is in your classpath environment variable09:13
dragonfyre13nikin, ssh into the box copy everything from the ssh window then paste it when you need to into the comand line09:13
niekieAnd it "should" reboot.09:13
dreamerniekie: KB dead again :/09:13
rixthstjepan, more is always better =)09:13
niekiedreamer, =\09:13
dragonfyre13nikin, thats the easy way09:13
dreamerniekie:  btw: what is the SysRQ-button ?09:13
niekiedreamer, PrintScreen.09:13
dreameraah, that one X|09:13
dreamerhaha, I just saw it09:14
=== Xaice [n=Icebreak@dslb-088-076-095-064.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
andyHow do I change in GIMP the input device from mouse to Wacom tablet (both USB devices)?09:14
stjepanseraphim, rixth, isn't 16 safer?09:14
nikindragonfyre: that method is a bit evil :D but ty09:14
niekiedreamer, tell me if you have any luck with the SysRQ commands.09:14
dreamerniekie: I'm pressing reset :/09:14
rixthstjepan, probably, but the risk is negiliglbe09:14
niekiedreamer, allright.09:14
rixthnegligble, even09:14
Kingsqueakrecon: I think you need to install xerces09:14
dragonfyre13nikin, evil gets things done :)09:14
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killownhow  I change icon menu gnome?09:14
webmindgood evening09:14
nikindragon: thats sure09:14
wcehow can i add repositories.... Imcurrently installing my nvidia card and it says that i should a a repository that they provide...09:14
reconKingsqueak: I'm ok, getting help in ##java.09:14
Kingsqueakrecon: possibly libxerces-java09:14
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Doowandy: try #gimp-users on GIMPNet09:15
dreamerniekie: what log to check for error's ?09:15
=== niekie makes a mental note not to terminate all processes when the only thing there is left is SSH.
seraphimwce: add the complete line to /etc/apt/sources.list and do apt-get update09:15
Doowandy: they probably know better09:15
webmindI'd like to mount my encrypted /home before login, I tried making a boot script.. but it doesn't show any of it's output09:15
niekiedreamer, /var/log/messages probably.09:15
mike1odoes the fact that a device is not recongnized right away mean that it's impossible to use?09:15
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webmindand it can never ask it's passphrase question09:15
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dreamerniekie: care to check it for me? :#09:15
seraphimwce: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list09:15
andyDoow, Thank you very much.09:15
dragonfyre13nikin, the other way is to delete everything other then what you want in the file save as something else then pipe it into a comand line09:15
mike1oi can't manage to use an usb 2.0 pci adapter... any help?09:15
dragonfyre13nikin, hard to do09:15
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squigHey, does anyone know a mirror for the install files for beryl? their main site is down09:16
Varjat_byHi! I have a problems with lirc installing.. Is it possible to instal LIRC without buildig kernel modules as it done in Debian and other ditributios?09:16
nikindragonfyre: je thats kinda hard09:16
niekiedreamer, /var/log/messages gives me kernel messages.09:16
wceseraphin, doesnt matter if i place the line in the biggining or at th end?09:16
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Varjat_by cann't compile current lirc-kernel-modules ..09:16
niekieSo if you want to check those for errors, then yeah :)09:16
Doowsquig: ask in #beryl ^^09:16
nikinso there is nothing like a clipboard for the console09:16
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niekieAlso gives some other logs, apparently.09:16
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squigOkay Doow, sorry 'bout that09:16
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killownhow  I change icon menu gnome?09:16
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niekieI'm not that familiar with the logging part of Linux, unfortunately.09:16
seraphimwce: if you put them at the end in a several block you remember better what was changed by you. but it doesn't really matter09:16
Doowsquig: np, just trying to lessen the load here a little =)09:16
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xipietotecgreat...USB has a file system lock on it and sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/sda1 does nothing. Do I need to umount the disk before I can change permissions?09:17
maXlohello there09:17
kyawzinCan anybody help me with MAC address hardcoding?09:17
iqlooHiho all09:17
maXloi have ubuntu 6.06, and a big problem with oofice09:17
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maXloit does not save the images inside the docs09:17
maXlodo you know if this is a ubuntu tweak?09:17
kyawzinI can change the MAC address by running " ifconfig eth0 hw ether 01:02:03:04:05:06" like that09:18
kelly_can anybody help with belkin wireless g card problems??09:18
maXlo(i have another linux, gentoo, and by default the images are inserted in the document)09:18
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killownhow  I change icon menu gnome?09:18
DoowmaXlo: I think there's an option if you want to save inside or just have a link to the images, try asking in #OpenOffice.org09:18
kyawzinI got to run that command everytime after I boot the system09:18
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maXloDoow: ok, tx09:18
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ramonok, so say i try to install a package and it fails half way through and then every time i run apt-get i get the message "1 not fully installed or removed" referring to the problematic operation. how do i cancel this operation?09:18
XiXaQI want to install an email server on my system. Where can I get one?09:18
PenguinOfDoomHow do I get the totem mozilla plugin to work at all? It won't do mp3s, it won't do windows media. Does it play anything at all?09:19
kyawzinI want to hardcoded the change in MAC address so that I don't need to run the command every time09:19
Apollodoes sarge have a device manager and where would that be?09:19
Kingsqueakkyawzin: you understand that doing that may cause you trouble right?  aside from that /etc/network/interfaces should take 'ether' as an argument, check 'man interfaces'09:19
kelly_I need help with how to format a hard drive so i can use it as a second drive on ubuntu 6.0609:19
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cfdisk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
macduseless bot ;P09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
Doowkelly_: try gparted (or fdisk)09:20
mike1oubotu, what do u know?09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what do u know? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
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mike1oubotu, anything09:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anything - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:20
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ubotumike1o: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)09:21
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kelly_doow what is gparted and do i already have it??09:21
mike1oi can't manage to use an usb 2.0 pci adapter... any help?09:21
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:22
=== thor [n=thor@0x50a69a08.hrnxx8.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Doowkelly_: I'm not sure, try writing gparted in a console09:22
killownhow  I change icon menu gnome?09:23
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iqlooHiho all, I need some help installing Firefox32 on XubuntuAMD64 - I've tried every article I can find (google) and still get this error.."error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0" - I have found where that library is, but I don't know how to edit the file so that it will know to look there.09:23
Doowkillown: try #gnome at GIMPNet09:23
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nikinmivan kiirva?09:23
kitcheiqloo: it sees the file but it's looking for the 32bit library of it09:24
iqlooexport GTK_PATH=/emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/ <- to me that should work as "libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0" is located in that directory09:24
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Doowiqloo: you can probably make a symlink to the library09:25
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clandestinoWhere do you change the umask for all users?09:25
Doowiqloo: oops, taht was to kitche and you're allready on it09:25
kelly_can you download music with azureus torrent??09:25
Doowiqloo: ignore me =)09:25
iqlooStill a bit noob, where should I make the symlink to?09:25
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Doowkelly_: if you find a torrent with the music you want, sure09:26
Kingsqueakclandestino: shell profiles so .profile for one user or the /etc/profile09:26
kelly_doow how do you find a torrent??09:26
Doowkelly_: try google =)09:26
kitcheDoow: doesn't matter he's trying to build 32 bit with out the 32bit libs09:26
Doowkitche: oh, he's trying to build, dunno about that09:26
iqlookitche: I have "ia32-libs-gtk" and "ia32-libs" installed, I thought those installed the 32 libs? - And isn't that what I'm pointing at?09:26
clandestinoKingsqueak: Thanks09:26
nikinclandestino : /etc/profile if i remember good09:26
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Doowkitche: thought it was a matter of having the right files on the system, but Fx searched for the wrong name =)09:27
kitcheiqloo: that might be the libs you want but error loading doesn't really tell us much about the error your getting09:27
Varjat_byIs anybody know how to fix problem with LIRC building? http://rafb.net/paste/results/BGx2WG76.html09:28
Doowkitche: any way, I'll leave it to you09:28
iqloo"iqloo@Biasville:/etc/gtk$ linux32 /usr/local/firefox32/firefox09:28
iqloo/usr/local/firefox32/firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" The entire chunk.09:28
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Dheeraj_khave fun  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34191/09:29
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Kingsqueakiqloo: running x86_64?09:29
Shadow_milwhy is amarok taking up %50 of my CPU?09:30
Kingsqueakiqloo: I would recommend you just download firefox 32 into ~/iqloo/firefox and run it from there, works well for me here09:30
dreamerniekie: I can't find anything involving the crash in /var/log/messages09:30
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Wiseguydoes the System.map file only need to be replaced when upgrading major kernel releases? 2.4 to 2.6?09:31
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m4rkhi is there any way I can reverse the audio output in ubuntu - make the left channel come out of the right and vice-versa?09:33
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nettehey anyone using the evolution calendars? have a problem with setting colors on different categories.. i choose a color .. but they all get blue (default) anyway..09:34
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grimboyHey, is there a way to remove that disclaimer you get when logging onto a plain shell?09:35
grimboyI mean, no gui, like ssh'ing in.09:36
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sverzelhey guys.. running XGL with Gnome.. I've been trying to find a way to bring back my shortcuts I've defined for gnome.. also my ability to choose window borders seems gone. Anyone who can point me in the right direction?09:36
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wcei just followed the seps on how to install nvidia drivers... i restarted... now how do i know if they installed successfully??09:36
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grimboywce, Run glxgears09:37
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wcegrimboy how o i run that?09:37
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RiyonukI want to install ubuntu again, but am afraid what will happen. Last time it made my windows un-active, how do I prevent that? I was using the latest version09:38
naitmerdoes anyone know why i get this message when uninstalling samba??09:38
grimboywce, alt-f2 then type in glxgears09:38
naitmerE: samba: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10209:38
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Dheeraj_km4rk: read this http://www.thinkdigit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=4221509:38
corduroygrimboy: you mean /etc/motd?09:38
wcegrimboy a graph shows with 3gears09:38
netteRiyonuk, ubunty edgy was really simple for me to install.. windows was automatically on the grub boot list.. no probs there09:38
grimboycorduroy, Thank you.09:38
grimboywce, Is it jerky?09:39
Riyonukwell what did I do wrong then?09:39
grimboynaitmer, I think I got that too.09:39
naitmergreat, so what that is means?09:39
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grimboy!dual-boot | Riyonuk09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual-boot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:39
grimboywce, Then it's probably working.09:40
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corduroygrimboy: but you probably want to do "touch $HOME/./.hushlogin" .. see: man login09:40
naitmer!error exit status 10209:40
netteRiyonuk, i don't know... maybe u did someting wrong when choosing disks for / /swap and so on..?09:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error exit status 102 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
=== ianthepetrock [n=vgking10@69-175-201-127.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
Riyonukdo I create a partition in windows or with ubuntu's?09:40
m4rkthanks Dheeraj_k09:40
corduroygrimboy: obviously: "touch $HOME/.hushlogin"09:40
naitmer!error 10209:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error 102 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
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netteRiyonuk, u can do it both.. using i.e partition magic in windows is probably easiest...09:40
grimboycorduroy, Ah, cool.09:40
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corduroycan someone tell me if there is a repo for  packages that are in testing phase?  i'm looking for a newer release and before i start building my own..09:41
m4rkDheeraj_k: I have sound working, I just want to reverse the channels, if that is possible09:41
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nettehey anyone using the evolution calendars? have a problem with setting colors on different categories.. i choose a color .. but they all get blue (default) anyway..09:41
RiyonukI am09:41
RiyonukI cant though09:42
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Riyonukpartition magic gives an error everytime I try to resize my partitions09:42
wcehey, where can i find the repositories for beryl?? i got a guide but any of the provided repo's links work... they say error 40409:42
tarballHas anyone managed to get 'unionfs' to compile in edgy?09:42
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grimboyRiyonuk, What kind of errors?09:43
netteRiyonuk, hms.. that's weird.. if you have one large disk you should try to resize it first... make room for the amount of space u need for ubuntu.. try that first09:43
kelly_how do you get plug ins for totem movie player??09:43
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Riyonukthats what I am trying09:43
nettekelly_, try searching with apt...09:43
RiyonukI just have one partition, which is C:\09:43
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netteRiyonuk, okai.. how large?09:43
Riyonukim trying to rezise it to 50%09:43
kelly_i cannot play any mp3 format music keeps telling me it's not got a decoder09:44
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netteRiyonuk, ok.. how much free space?09:44
wcehey, where can i find the repositories for beryl?? i got a guide but any of the provided repo's links work... they say error 40409:44
grimboyRiyonuk, You might need to defragment it first.09:44
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Riyonukalready defragmented09:44
m4rkkelly_: mp3s is cool09:44
Subhumanwce, best to ask in #ubuntu-xgl09:44
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Subhumanjust youl lget a quicker answer.09:44
grimboyRiyonuk, What's are the errors?09:44
netteRiyonuk, try again.. resize it so it's 30gig free for the ubuntu09:45
Brunellushas anybody gotten the gspca webcam driver working in edgy?09:45
Riyonukill try it again09:45
kitchewce: the beryl official website09:45
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Riyonuk30gig for ubuntu? how much for swap?09:45
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grimboyRiyonuk, Twice your ram09:45
tobsterHi guys09:45
grimboy(rule of thumb)09:45
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tobsterDoes anyone know how to up grade to the new version of aMSN?09:46
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Riyonukalright, first I defragment09:46
samueli have stupidly lost contact with a router by putting it into client-bridge09:46
netteRiyonuk, yeah, twice the ram for swap. one small for / and the rest for /home09:46
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samuelhow can i regain contact through
nettekelly_ you need the xine engine09:46
Riyonuk / and /home?09:46
netteRiyonuk, just try first to make a new partition 30 gig big.. the first step09:47
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tobsterdoes anyone know how to up date to the latest version of aMSN09:47
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cgghi, i have two monitors displaying an extended workspace. is it possible to play a video on both of them for having widescreen...09:47
wceim trying to install bery but the repositories links i got non of them work... they say error 40409:47
wce what other link can i use?09:47
tobsteror how to install external software in general for that matter09:48
kevinGwhere is the location of the repository list?09:48
samuelwce ; http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/09:48
nossetobster: just download binaries and extract the stuff in a foldeer you like09:49
tobsterthanks I try that09:49
nossetobster: I really don't recommend that thou09:49
nosseyou can't remove that stuf with apt get09:49
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vishhi, can anyone help me, i have just installed ubuntu on friends laptop for him, its a toshiba a-100 583, everything has worked perfectly,  except that there are some music keys on the left of the keyboard, they aren't Fn modifed keys and im not sure how to get them to work does anyone have any idea?09:50
wcesamuel... this links says error 404 http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz edgy main-edgy or is it normal>?09:50
nossetobster: and you don't get updates09:50
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nettevish, yeah.. i can help..just wait a sec i have to find it first..09:50
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tobsterI copy my xource code in Open Office so I can always cut and paste if i mess it up09:50
tobstersoure code09:50
phaedrus44uh..i have no more sound and i cant find alsaconf ...any ideas?09:51
phaedrus44i need to find alsaconf09:51
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nettevish, go to system-->Preferences-->keyboard shortcuts.. there u can set whatever keys u want09:51
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nossetobster: gedit is propably better for source code, and .txt09:51
vishyeah ive tried that but the keys arent being detected09:51
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tobsterI mean I copy my source code in open office so if I go wrong i can fix it by copy and paste09:51
samuelwce i think that would be normal. did you follow the instructions on that page?09:51
nettevish, hms.. then i don't know.. i have a microsoft keyboard and it worked fine here..09:51
wceOf course samuel09:52
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samuelyou could try one of the four mirrors that are linked on the page...09:52
nossetobster: I really don't get what you mean by source code?09:52
tobsterit like the free Linux games you get in the mag I just gave up trying to install them.  I gave up xgl as well09:52
vishits a laptop keyboard, thanks for tring nette, can one else help09:52
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samueldeb http://media.blutkind.org/xgl/ dapper main09:53
samueldeb http://compiz-mirror.lupine.me.uk/ dapper main09:53
samueldeb http://ubuntu.compiz.net/ dapper main09:53
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tobsterthat thing you change to get Automatix and you have to change it back09:53
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cmwebI have downloaded the rar for linux but some of my siles have passwords on them how do i open it09:53
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vishhi, can anyone help me, i have just installed ubuntu on friends laptop for him, its a toshiba a-100 583, everything has worked perfectly,  except that there are some music keys on the left of the keyboard, they aren't Fn modifed keys and im not sure how to get them to work does anyone have any idea?09:54
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vishhey sierra09:55
Sierrasystem > preferences > keyboard shortcuts09:55
Sierratry there first09:55
niekiedreamer, did you highlight me? I don't know since it scrolled out of my buffer/09:55
vishyeah ive done that its not work ing :(09:55
samuelcan anyone help me with contacting a router that i have set to client-bridge - and so cannot contact??09:55
cmwebSimplified, how do i open RAR passworded file09:55
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gh0sthello, how can i recofigure my xserver (nvidia)?09:56
Sierravish, i'm sorry but i have no idea09:56
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wceif i install bery will i be able to use my normal Gnome session?09:56
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vishokay cheers09:56
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about berly - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:56
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:57
cmwebwhat is bery09:57
Sierragh0st, the command you need is: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:57
samuelwce   if you set it up that way you can09:57
cmwebHas no one used RAR for linux09:58
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gh0stSierra: but why doesn't it autodetect my screen!?09:58
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dreamer niekie: I can't find anything involving the crash in /var/log/messages09:58
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niekiedreamer, hmm.. =\09:58
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beckyHi everyone09:59
Sierragh0st, I've no idea. I'm not an expert -- I have Intel GFX09:59
Stormx2hey becky09:59
Sierrahey becky09:59
beckyI just installed Edgy and I have a couple of questions09:59
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cmwebevery one hates me, always have always will09:59
Stormx2fire away..09:59
Sierrafire away becky09:59
beckyIn the Add/Remove bit, where is the "Advanced" button?09:59
Stormx2Do you have a twin?09:59
Sierrayeah, you are ;)10:00
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Sierraare you trying to update your sources list becky10:00
Stormx2becky: Let me have a look, one moment.10:00
Cyberaican anyone tell me where ubuntu keeps the config that tells a compiler which installed kernel tree to compile against?10:00
beckyBecause I want to install something called "Splashy" so I can add new splash screens.10:00
Stormx2Sierra: No, she just installed edgy10:00
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Sierraits possible that she may want to enable universe/multiverse/etc10:01
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Stormx2Sierra: You may want to use Synaptic to get that. You'll find it under System > Administration > Synaptic10:01
Stormx2Not Sierra10:01
CyberaiI'm trying to run the NVidia installer, but it keeps compiling against a kernel I updated to, but then I went back to a previous kernel.10:01
Stormx2I meant becky10:01
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Cyberaican anyone tell me where I could change the setting to make NVidia compile against the running kernel?10:02
beckyStormX - I think that's what I want. In Dapper, there was an Advanced button to take you into that, wasn't there?10:02
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wcei runned this command sudo apt-get update and it says at the end that the repositorie i used to install the nvidia drivers displays a error 404 error... is this normal?? i runene glxgears and i see 3 gears running!!10:02
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Stormx2becky: I honestly can't remember, perhaps.10:02
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Stormx2becky: It'd probably be quick to just go through the menu that way, mind ;-)10:03
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SkyrailAnyone know of a good piece of video editing or creating software for ubuntu?10:03
beckyAhhhh - Synaptic, that's just what I was after.10:03
samuelcmweb - I have never had any sucess with rar. I think you need a package called unrar10:03
beckyDo you know of any good places to get splash screens?10:03
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cmwebun rar looking10:03
Stormx2Skyrail: Maybe run a search in synaptic or ubuntuforums.org, I don't know any10:03
xipietotecbecky gnome-look.org10:03
constrictorbecky: art.gnome.org10:03
SkyrailStormx2: ok will do10:04
Stormx2becky: Perhaps gnome-look.org?10:04
finalbetaAre there any GNOME FTP clients? other then the anti usibility gFTP.10:04
wce i runned this command sudo apt-get update and it says at the end that the repositorie i used to install the nvidia drivers displays a error 404 error... is this normal?? i runene glxgears and i see 3 gears running!!10:04
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samuelhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/utils/unrar - choose the right one for you - dapper /edgy etc....10:04
beckyThanks all. I guess I will check out gnome-look.org10:04
kitchewce: means the repo is not there anymore10:04
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Stormx2finalbeta: Oh I hate gFTP. You can mount FTP sites in gnome. Places > Connect to server. The best one is a firefox plugin called FireFTP, check it out! Its outstanding...10:04
wceis that good?10:04
Stormx2wce: No.10:04
samuelno try one of the mirrors i posted before wce10:05
wcewhat should i do then?10:05
Stormx2wce: A 404 means the repository is down/not working...10:05
Stormx2wce: Did you just update your sources.list?10:05
wceim talking abut the nvidia driver... not beryl10:05
Stormx2wce: Check you copied the line in correctly10:05
finalbetaStormx2, FireFTP can do FXP/SSL connections and has a Site manager?10:05
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Stormx2finalbeta: Not sure about part #1, it has something of a site manager10:06
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DreamerHxC[wce]  what's up with your nvidia driver?10:06
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Stormx2finalbeta: Namely you can select an account, it will connect, and go to folders (local and server)10:06
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wcei typed glxgeras in the terminal and the gears are spining10:06
Stormx2finalbeta: if you use SmartFTP, its a lot like that I guess.10:06
wcebut i dont see nvidia drivers anywhere10:07
DreamerHxCnvidia driver doesn't work for me10:07
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Stormx2Same as10:07
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finalbetaSmartFTP is a toy :p. I used FlashFXP. I'll check it out, thnx10:07
Stormx2But i'm using a nvidia card from like, 191010:07
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wceany link with working nvidia drivers?10:07
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nolimitsoyaim looking for a good way of converting wma audio files to ogg, but all atempts in windows have failed. more specificaly, all metadata is lost during conversion. for linux, i havent found any program that will even recognice wma... any good ideas?10:07
DreamerHxCmy ubuntu doesn't boot10:07
DreamerHxCit gets freezed just after logging in10:07
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Stormx2nolimitsoya: Hmm, I think there is a converter in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:08
beckyDoes anyone know, Is it also possible to modify the boot screen for Edgy, the part where the progress bar shows when the computer is first booting?10:08
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:08
nolimitsoyaStormx2, thank you.ill check it out :)10:08
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RiyonukIs linux ext3 or ext2?10:09
Skyrailone other thing, how can I search the iTunes store using Linux? will I be able to run iTunes using Wine?10:09
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LynoureRiyonuk: it can use either.10:09
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Riyonukwhich is better?10:09
netteRiyonuk, ext3 or ext2 is the partition type for the disk.. try ext3 that's best10:09
JowiRiyonuk, ubuntu use ext3 by default10:09
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netteRiyonuk, did it work to use partition magic now?10:09
RiyonukI had to help my grandma10:10
RiyonukPrimary or Logical?10:10
netteRiyonuk, primary for linux10:10
Riyonukok and it shows it as MB10:10
Riyonukwhat would be 30GB?10:10
Stormx2nolimitsoya: nautilus-script-audio-convert may also help too.10:10
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Cyberaican anyone tell me where ubuntu keeps the config that tells a compiler which installed kernel tree to compile against?10:11
CyberaiI'm trying to run the NVidia installer, but it keeps compiling against a kernel I updated to, but then I went back to a previous kernel.10:11
Stormx2Cyberai: Sorry you're not getting an answer :( Maybe ubuntuforums.org can help?10:11
Kurmiic:Riyonuk Yes10:11
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kitcheCyberai: Nvidia installer uses it's own check10:11
netteRiyonuk, yup10:12
kitcheCyberai: since it has nothing to do with Ubuntu looking for a ubuntu config won't help you10:12
Cyberaithanks kitche, darn it, maybe I can force it with a flag or option10:12
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nettebut you have to have 3 different partiotion.. now u have one for windows and one free of 30 gig, right?how much RAM do u have?10:12
jbroomeCyberai: is your /usr/src/linux symlink pointing to the old kernel?10:13
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Riyonukimmedialty or later?10:13
netteRiyonuk, you should do it now10:13
kitcheCyberai: it does uname -r to get your kernel that you are running10:13
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Riyonuknow the swap should be before windows?10:14
Riyonukbefore linux but after windows10:14
Riyonukor after linux?10:14
netteRiyonuk, make a partition for about 1GB for the swap disk, one more for / (root disk) and then the rest for... well the rest10:14
JowiRiyonuk, windows always on first primary partition.10:14
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dreamerhmm, how can I make a program run on startup in KDE?  it's damn easy in gnome, but I can't find anything for it in the KDE-menu ..10:14
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Cyberaikitche, jbroome thanks, it looks like the NVidia installer lets you specify the kernel with a -k option10:15
Cyberaiim going to look at my usr/src/linux link too10:15
nolimitsoyaStormx2, i dont think that did it im afraid. all i found was soundconverter, and it still wont let me take on wma10:15
Riyonukthere SWAPSPACE2 is made10:15
nolimitsoyaanyone got any good ideas for converting wma audio to ogg?10:15
Riyonukhow do I make a root?10:15
zevernolimitsoya, audacity??10:16
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marcionHello, I do not have Ubuntu here but I am writing some documentation for all Linux distros,10:16
Stormx2nolimitsoya: Have you got w32codecs installed?10:16
marcioncan someone run this command for me10:16
Riyonukor is Linux ext3 root?10:16
marcionapt-get --simulate install idle-python2.410:16
nolimitsoyazever, will it work with wma, and keep metadata?10:16
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marcionDoes it try to remove python-minimal and install python2.410:16
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nolimitsoyaStormx2, no i havnt. would it help?10:16
zevernolimitsoya, don't know never tried10:16
Stormx2nolimitsoya: Most likely10:16
Riyonukok, Im gonna install10:17
Riyonukhope it works10:17
JowiRiyonuk, you should read an install guide10:17
nolimitsoyaStormx2, the site for soundconverter does not list wma as a compatible format. only gstreamer formats.10:17
netteRiyonuk, i have a swap partition which is 1GB, my / (root) is only 60MB and then i have the rest (100GB) for the other stuff (/home and all that)10:17
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jbroomemarcion: vmware is your friend10:17
Stormx2nolimitsoya: I thought gstreamer could play wma? 1 sec.,10:17
marcionjbroome, yeah I suppose10:17
marcionbut is only this one question10:18
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kevinGis it possible to get Beryl to work on 64 bit Dapper?10:18
hou5tonDoes anyone know what the magic component is that is needed to play video clips on Fox?  My Edgy system plays them on CNN, YouTube, and even MSNBC. But on Fox, I only get sound.  I've went through all the help docs I can find ....??10:19
Stormx2nolimitsoya: My totem-gstreamer can play it10:19
nolimitsoyaStormx2, using what gstreamer set?10:19
Stormx2nolimitsoya: 1 sec.10:19
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Jowihou5ton, maybe it is in wmv9 format...10:19
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Lynourenolimitsoya: Unfortunately there are many versions of wma, some of them DRM-crippled10:20
iqlooIs there an alternative to "nspluginwrapper"? - This is much too confusing for me /-: (Tring to get flash on AMD64 firefox - Tried installing a copy of firefox then linux32'ing flash install to it, didn't work - from what I can see this is my last option /-:)10:20
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hou5tonJowi:   hmmmm..... ok ... what else do I need.  I mean.... I can even play videos on MSNBC10:20
Stormx2nolimitsoya: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#oneline10:20
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hou5tonJowi:   and normally those won'[t work except in IED10:20
Jowihou5ton, if it is the latest windows video codec there are no support as far as I know10:20
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grimboykevinG, Build it yourself, cautionary advice at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30190610:20
nolimitsoyaLynoure, mine are nondrm:s that i ripped my self. still, i cant seem to find a way to convert them... they play just fine10:21
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kevinGok, thanks10:21
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ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:21
hou5tonJowi:   can you play the Dennis Miller video at the top right of this page:  http://www.foxnews.com/10:21
Jowihou5ton, i can check. hang on10:21
noldon!burning img10:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about burning img - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
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Kingsqueaknoldon: just right click on the file in nautilus and tell it to burn it to CD10:21
grimboykevinG, Actually thinking about it, you might not get that error. It's an old post.10:22
Lynourenolimitsoya: some ripping software drms even the stuff you rip yourself, scary that.10:22
Stormx2nolimitsoya: What are you converting to?10:22
noldonKingsqueak its dvd10:22
Kleskhey, quick question: i never used linux before, so i thought ubuntu may be a good idea to install.. now i wonder if 32-bit apps work in the 64-bit version too?10:22
Kingsqueaknoldon: ah10:22
jbroomeKlesk: yes10:22
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nolimitsoyaLynoure, yes i know. i ripped using beoplayer, with the dram option turned of10:22
kevinGgrimboy, is there an actualy how to on how to do it?10:22
Kingsqueaknoldon: if it's just an img file it shouldn't matter10:22
Kleskjbroome: ok, thanks :)10:22
Kingsqueaknoldon: if you are trying to copy a movie, that's another issue10:22
noldonKingsqueak for some reason it dont wanna burn10:22
Jowihou5ton, requires a plugin. which one i have no idea. I get a blank (well, golden actually) screen.10:22
Kingsqueaknoldon: k10:22
nolimitsoyaStormx2, i thought ogg. matter of fact, soundconverter wont open any type of file at all...10:22
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nolimitsoyawhats up with that?10:22
hou5tonJowi:   yep .... same screen I got10:23
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noldonsometimes it burn and finish but theres nothing on the dvd when i try it and sometimes i get a error message10:23
Stormx2nolimitsoya: No idea. Where is your music stored? filesystem?10:23
hou5tonJowi:   What about RealPlayer?10:23
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hou5tonJowi:   I wonder if it would play it?10:23
noldonKingsqueak yes its a movie10:23
grimboykevinG, It's the same as compiling anything. Get the source, read the README, make sure you have the requirements and follow what it says.10:23
cntblinks clicked from IRC appear in konqueror Iwuold rather them appear on Firefox. HOW?10:23
nolimitsoyaStormx2, /home/nolimitsoya/ogg2 (temporary directory for conversion) and on an xfs file system10:23
grimboykevinG, You'll also need to apt-get build-essential.10:23
Kingsqueaknoldon: how was that img file created?10:24
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Stormx2nolimitsoya: Remember that when you convert to another format, no matter what the bitrate, you lose quality.10:24
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noldonKingsqueak no idea clonecd maybe10:24
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Riyonukdidnt work T_T10:24
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nolimitsoyaStormx2, im aware of that, and willing to take that fall :) the rest of the archive is in flac from start10:24
grimboycntb, (run it in the console/terminal)10:24
cntbty grimboy trying that10:24
Jowihou5ton, if you click on the help icon at the bottom of page you will see that it requires WMP 9 or higher. no realplayer requirement at all.10:24
cntbty again10:25
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Stormx2nolimitsoya: Oh good, flac == win10:25
Stormx2nolimitsoya: But not sure about soundconverter10:25
LGKeizA-MSG]  mIRC 6.21 is released http://mirc.com for more information!10:25
RiyonukI get the error message --> Error 1529 while exucuting batch, Error 1529 Information mismatch in directory entry10:25
hou5tonJowi:   Thanks .... I hadn't done that, obviously ...10:25
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hou5tonJowi:   Does anything on linux play that?10:25
theblueHi all.10:25
Jowihou5ton, no probs10:25
nolimitsoyaStormx2, ok, im gonna have one more go with dbpoweramp in windows...10:25
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=== hou5ton searches
Stormx2nolimitsoya: Good luck10:26
noldonKingsqueak why would it mather if its a movie or something else10:26
theblueI remember a ncurses-based interface for the console in universe, it might have been called flin, has anyone heard of it?10:26
nolimitsoyaStormx2, thank you :)10:26
Kingsqueaknoldon: just trying to figure out if you are trying to make a DVD copy or burn an actual img file10:26
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Kingsqueaknoldon: a straight rip of a movie wont copy for example10:26
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marcionjbroome, ok I am downloading a 700MB image to try out one command ;(10:26
Kingsqueaknoldon: it won't fit on a DVD10:26
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Kingsqueaknoldon: I'm not sure what your issue is though, try cdrecord from the commandline and see what the errors are if any10:27
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michael__@theblue try google10:27
cmwebcan any one help me out when i try to open a passworded rar file i get Could not perform the operation This archive is password protected. Please specify a password with the command: Edit->Password i kow the password but the instructions are wrong because the option is not clickable10:27
Stormx2nolimitsoya, still there?10:27
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nolimitsoyaStormx2, yes i am :)10:27
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Stormx2nolimitsoya, Audacity might do it10:27
michael__@theblue try google10:27
nolimitsoyaStormx2, ill check that out then. thank you :)10:28
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mwallingwhen i attempt to access my local network over my wireless network, i get destination host unreachable. if i plug the computer into a cable connection, it works fine10:28
Yawnercmweb: open the file with the archive manager, then hit extract, then there should be a password input box.. (Im assuming that you are using the RAR package to do this..)10:28
mwallingany theorys?10:28
michael__@theblue try google10:28
noldonKingsqueak strange cuz my dvds is 4.7gb10:28
michael__@theblue try google10:28
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Stormx2michael__; Please don't write that again.10:29
cmwebYawner, im not sure taht i am i  installed the one from the web and the one from a package10:29
ubotuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.10:29
Jowicmeme, if file-roller does not prompt for a password, try in a terminal with "unrar"10:29
sethknoldon, there's a bit of overhead, but 4.5 gig should be a safe assumption10:29
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Jowicmweb, that last message was for you10:29
Yawnercmweb: which rar archiver did are you using? there is one from Synaptic called 'Rar' that adds in support for RAR files into the archive manager10:29
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wildchildcan someone help me with addons in firefox? I am looking for some kind of addon that when I click on the link http://www.koffice.org/krita/videos/krita_perspectivecloning.mpeg won't start kaffeine or other player but that I could have a choice to download this clip on HD10:30
Yawneror try what Jowi said10:30
cmwebYawner, Im useing the one from the synaptic i guess ive installed two now10:30
noldonwhats burning speed should i use when i burn dvds10:30
mjra DVD is 4482 binary kilobytes, the 4.7 gig figure is decimal for greater market impressiviness10:30
Yawnercmweb: maybe.. you compiled one?10:30
sethknoldon, let it autodetect, unless you experience problems with the auto speed10:30
cmwebYawner, yes10:31
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Yawnercmweb: probably best to uninstall the compiled one and then reinstall the one from Synaptic10:31
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cmwebYawner, ive tryed sudo make uninstall but nothing10:31
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sysdocwildchild, try rt clk on the link and choose 'save link as'10:31
Yawnercmweb: when you go into the archive manager can you unrar the file you want?10:32
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priccardhey guys10:32
Yawnercmweb: was that the method you used before10:32
cmwebyawner, i can un rar files that are basic rar but not the passworded10:32
grimboycmweb, What does it say about installation in the accompanying README?10:32
cmwebNOthing aout instaltion grimboy10:33
Yawnercmweb: you tried putting in a password into the Extract screen10:33
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cmwebtheis is not password box yawner10:33
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Yawnercmweb: what was the package that yoiu compiled called?10:34
priccardI've got aproblem: I want do play DVD with menu, but no player do it like I want10:34
grimboypriccard, What players have you tried?10:34
stucksamhi all. I put a router (wrt54gl running open wrt) into client-bridge mode before i really knew what that was. Of course i can no longer contact the router through the web interface... is there a way to get back in touch with it?10:34
ubotuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.10:35
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cntbok is there a gui anyone built for alternatives ?10:35
grimboystucksam, Use a pin to do the hard reset.10:35
cmwebyawner ive sent the readme to you10:35
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cntbgrimboy, ?10:35
Yawnercntb: yes through the Prefs Menu->Preferred Apps.10:36
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stucksamgrimboy is that the only way?10:36
cntbty very much Yawner10:36
stucksamthe router is on the roof in a waterproof box!10:36
priccardgrimboy, kaffeine, mplayer, vlc, ogle (but it didn't run)10:36
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grimboystucksam, Uh, I don't know, it's the way I resolve things.10:36
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hou5tonJowi:   I opened the same Fox video in IE on Edgy, and it shows the video, but it is blinking very rapidly10:36
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:36
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cmwebyawner, all it says is RAR Acriver10:36
Yawnerhmm k10:36
grimboypriccard, What about totem?10:37
cntbin dapper where exactly are alternatives?10:37
priccardthis as awell10:37
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Jowihou5ton, ok. I still have no idea what you need :)10:37
cntbsystem settings?10:37
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:37
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cmwebpriccard, download Xine10:37
priccardi did10:37
priccardi can play the video (DVD) but without the menu10:37
hou5tonJowi:   I'm finding a little information on the web regarding WMP9 and 10, but nothing yet to solve the problem10:37
grimboypriccard, Real player?10:37
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priccardthis would be an option10:38
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succari!now beirut10:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about now beirut - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:38
NineTeen67CometHi all .. Little question .. I've got two servers/workstations . I named one Athena and one Aphrodite but only Aphrodite is accessible via it's name on our network (Mixed XP/Ubunutu boxes) .. I made sure Athena is in the /etc/host file but where else do I need it to make it show up on the network (MSHOME) w/out using the ip?10:38
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: November 26 2006, 21:38:2010:38
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grimboypriccard, Go for it, I think it's in multiverse.10:38
=== MikyMOuse [n=m@host32-189-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
fuffegftp crashed when deleting a folder.. isn't there any stable ftp app on linux?10:38
MikyMOusehi all10:38
cntbwhere are Prefs Menu->Preferred Apps. on KDE?10:38
UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: November 26 2006, 21:38:4210:38
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fuffeMikyMOuse, hey10:38
cmwebi know it it hates me10:38
priccardgrimboy, thank you10:38
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=== NineTeen67Comet For instance when I type https://athena:10002 (for webmin) .. it isn't available, but via its ip it's accessable ..
cmwebyawner, any ideas?10:39
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OrbyHi, i get clicking when playing back a VBR mp3 on any gstreamer based app is there any non gstreamer based apps other than amarok ?10:39
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succarii have ati vga how to install the driver10:39
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[OXIj] is there something like vobsub for mplayer, vlc, any other? i need full support for *.ass subtitles. so?10:39
Yawnercmweb: gimme 2 secs10:39
cmwebnineteen67comet, turn on DNS10:39
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cmwebyawner, k10:39
TerminusOrby: you could try using totem-xine...10:40
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grimboyfuffe, You can use ftp at the command line.10:40
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grimboyfuffe, That's really stable.10:40
NineTeen67Cometcmweb: DNS? .. it's cli .. is that in /etc/? ..10:40
d4rkst0rmmy beryl is making me crazy10:40
theblueDoes anyone know of a console menu system?10:40
meisamhi guys , i need to know how i can install IBM DB2 on ubunt? has anybody tried?10:40
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fuffegrimboy, yeah, either that or nautilus10:40
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OrbyTerminus: thanks, i will have a look :)10:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dns - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
MikyMOusehave we test mythtv with b2c2 ?10:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about DNS - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:40
theblueI seem to remember one that you could write simple menu files for, and it would execute a command specified in the menu file.10:40
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: MSHOME is a workgroup, i think you need samba to make it show up in a workgroup10:40
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)10:41
theblueDoes anyone know what I'm talking about?10:41
cmweb!Dynamic Name Server10:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Dynamic Name Server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:41
TerminusOrby: it's a general purpose media player though, not just for music. afaik, xmms also doesn't use gstreamer.10:41
succarihow to install an ati driver10:41
TerminusOrby: xmms is a winamp clone.10:41
Marcocmweb, message the bots10:41
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LjLcmweb: stop fishing the bot10:41
Marcodon't flood the channel10:41
jbroomecmweb: i'm beginning to think that ubotu doesn't know anything about dns10:41
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: got that going (sortof) .. samba will let the ms users see the server, but not inside..10:41
Jowi!ati | succari10:41
ubotusuccari: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:41
grimboyfuffe, What are you using ftp for?10:41
cmwebWow, OK already  once is enough10:41
OrbyTerminus: i have used xmms before, but its a bit hard to organize my music with it, i really like amarok... but its just too slow for me10:41
jbroomecmweb: that's *exactly* what we were thinking10:41
Dreamglideris there any software that i can use wit MSN that has webcam support ?10:41
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fuffegrimboy, my webserver at hostgator10:41
succariJowi: i'am a new linux user so plz help me10:42
Yawnercmweb: hmm.. sorry just tried picking up the file.. wouldnt let me have it10:42
NineTeen67Cometcmweb: Via cli how can I check on that server to make sure it's DNS is running?10:42
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Jowisuccari, read the help page. it depends on your hardware10:42
cmwebIm not sure try ssh10:42
cmwebyawner, where from10:42
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: If your on a small network, you can put the system into the hosts file on all the other systems, otherwise you need to add it to your DNS which is probally running on whatever setup assigns ip addresses to your network if its automatic10:42
grimboyfuffe, You could always use a text editor with one built in like vim, emacs or that other one.10:43
TerminusOrby: well, most of the gnome media players nowadays use gstreamer.10:43
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succariJowi: i have a laptop toshiba satelltie a100-16510:43
cmwebThis archive is password protected.10:43
cmwebPlease specify a password with the command: Edit->Password10:43
cmwebIs all i get10:43
fuffegrimboy, has emacs a built in ftp-handler? cool!10:43
GarthI'm trying to install Java but I can't figure out how to do it10:43
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: yeah just two ubuntu boxes and 8 XP boxes .. handed out by a Linksys router (of course) .. lol10:43
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grimboyfuffe, Or you could get even more unstable with filezilla's  http://filezilla-project.org/nightly.php nightly builds for linux.10:43
zevercmweb, if you try rar e foo.rar in command line?10:43
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: non dhcp however .. all static ip addresses ..10:44
zevernormally it will ask for password10:44
grimboyfuffe, Not built in sorry, it's one of those plugins.10:44
Yawnercmweb: aha.. my bad.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:44
Jowisuccari, that does not tell me anything. on the help page it is written if you even need install any additional driver. depends on which ati card you have.10:44
OrbyTerminus: yea, i've noticed that alot, its just a bit of a problem when i want to playback VBR mp3's now :(10:44
nickv111Hey. For some reason, whenever I have my microphone plugged into my computer, whatever goes into the microphone is played back on the speakers. I really don't want this to happen. How do I fix this?10:44
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:44
Yawnercmweb: there is a section on passworded files there.. sorry for leading you down the wrong path lol..10:45
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succariJowi: thanks i will try10:45
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fuffegrimboy, I used kftpgraber before and found more stable than gftp.. still not useable..10:45
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: Might be worth setting up dhcp on the linksys then, should be fairly easy since most of those things have a nice webinterface10:45
constrictornickv11: have you muted it on the volume controls?10:45
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priccard_grimboy, I tried the realplayer and it says: component missing (x-nautilus-desktop). What to do?=10:45
fuffe(found it)10:45
cmwebyawner, thanks a bunch10:45
b0ng0hi i was wondering if someone can tell me how to download 9.*** drivers for nvidia cards for kubuntu10:45
RiyonukCan I install ubuntu (latest version) without having to load up the live?10:45
nickv111constrictor: No, but then won't I not be able to use my microphone?10:45
Yawnercmweb: got there in the end lol10:45
salHey everyone! I have a beryl related question I was hoping someone could help me out10:45
nickv111I still want to use my microphone. I just don't want it to be played out of the speakers10:45
grimboypriccard_, Eek, are you running gnome?10:45
Jowinickv111, in the volume control for the mic you will find one slider and two icons. one of those icons mutes the speaker output for the mic10:45
kitcheb0ngo0: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:45
priccard_yes, with beryl10:45
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NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: it was dhcp but it kept changing the addresses of the web/ftp server and since it only forwards ports by IP it was getting tiresome to check it all the time to make sure it hadn't changed the ip ..10:46
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ubotub0ngo0: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:46
grimboypriccard_, Ah, it's unlikely to work then.10:46
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OrgulloKmooreis there a way to see the last few commands my computer ran before it was turned off?10:46
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priccard_grimboy, what can i do about it?10:46
constrictornickv11: if you double click on the volume control and then file->prefences you can select which output you want to mute but the input stays active10:46
taz1Help please, how to start ubuntu 6.1 from cd without getting out of range error on monitor? tia10:46
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: There should be a way to bind the ip addresses to specific hardware MAC addresses on your NIC's, you can then bind those ip addresses to hostnames10:46
salHow can I use the default human theme and icons after installing beryl? Cause after installing it I have this greyish theme with other icons and I prefer the default human theme10:46
=== Ronfar [n=ronfar@adsl-69-109-156-115.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sigsal go to preferences themes10:47
JowiOrgulloKmoore, do you suspect that the terminal was used to type the commands?10:47
H3g3m0nsal: Check in the emeral theme manager, it should have a copy of the theme10:47
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OrgulloKmooreJowi> no...not history...10:47
b0ng0i previously used the nvidia-glx ones from Adept and beryl didnt work. had to get ones through automatix bleeder and i dont know what they were10:47
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: aha .. never thunk'ed of that one .. lemme dig around a little .. I'm adding each box to each boxes /etc/hosts file too ..10:48
constrictornickv11: yeah in capture you can click the little speaker icon to mute it coming out but sound will go in10:48
grimboypriccard_, Well the problem is that for some reason realplayer wants nautilus to handle the desktop and at the mo beryl is doing that. Solution, use vanilla gnome or somehow get nautilus to manage the desktop with beryl still running just for the duration of using realplayer.10:48
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salYea I've gone to preferences> themes and selected the human theme, and I've selected the human theme in the emerald theme manager too, and I do have the orange Human borders around my windows, but it still has the other older icons, and the grey top and bottom bars10:48
nickv111constrictor: Where?10:48
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nickv111constrictor: I can't find anywhere in KMix to edit the output of my microphone input10:48
constrictoroh my bad10:49
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kitcheb0ng0: it seems like the one's in the repo is not the newest stable release10:49
constrictori assumed you were using gnome10:49
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: Its fairly painful to use static addresses, would never want to on a network with more than 2 or 3 systems, alternaticly if you carn't get it working on the linksys you could setup one of the servers to handle it but the linksys would be best since its handling everything anyway10:49
priccard_grimboy, wow, that sounds complicated.....10:49
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JowiOrgulloKmoore, well, you have logfiles in /var/log. I suggest auth.log and syslog first of all10:49
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: true .. at home I run 5 boxes all static and they all work great .. then again they are all LINUX .. lol10:49
grimboyfuffe, Have you decided on what to use for ftp, personally I use svn for my websites, if your webhost has the option of it or cvs then I highly recommend.10:50
priccard_grimboy, but it wouldn't help if I use another player?10:50
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-10-83-27.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
OrgulloKmooreJowi> thanks10:50
nickv111Jowi: I've got to find my microphone control in the first place10:50
NineTeen67CometH3g3m0n: I've got some direction right now thanks much .. I'll go tinker around in the linksys and see what it'll tell me ..10:50
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=== NineTeen67Comet thanks much H3g3m0n .. I was banging my head on a wall .. you gave me a new wall to smack into .. heheh
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: It might be possible to setup the linksys to recieve the hostname with the dns querys also, although i couldnt on my dlink10:50
taz1Help please, how to start ubuntu 6.10 from cd without getting "out of range" error on monitor?10:50
H3g3m0nNineTeen67Comet: nps =P10:50
grimboypriccard_, Yeah, but you don't like the others (just out of interest why? I've found they're menu handling to be similar to a dvd player)10:50
constrictoris there a kubuntu channel? you might be able to get better help there10:50
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cz823I'm looking to see if it's possible to read a drive formatted in FAT32?10:51
Jowinickv111, in a terminal type "gnome-volume-control"10:51
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Kingsqueakcz823: yup, write it too10:51
Jowinickv111, then click on the Capture tab10:51
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nickv111Jowi: I'm on Kubuntu10:52
nickv111Jowi: KMix10:52
Kingsqueakcz823: it isn't preferred unless it must be shared with Win, but it works10:52
Jowinickv111, oh. no idea. :)10:52
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priccard_grimboy, no I don't have any preferences but they didn't show a menu as well. So far I tried each player you suggested and none of them showed a menu. But I can play each video for his own....10:52
nickv111Jowi: Heh.10:52
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cmwebYawner, im still a little confused, do i do unrar -e -p e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar or what10:52
melot__anyone teack me how to add gpg keys pls?10:52
Jowinickv111, I start to assume to much in my old age10:52
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salIs there a way to get my Human theme/icons back after installing beryl? I just installed it and I have an ugly grey bar at the top and bottom, and older icons, and I have tried going to preferences>themes and selecting human there, and in the emerald theme manager as well, but I only get the orange border around windows, the icons don't come back and neither the bars are still grey and stuff10:53
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mwallingcan someone help me with networking? i can access internal addresses (192.168.1.*) from a wired connection, but not from my wireless connection. both connections can access external sites fine (google.com)10:53
Yawneryes go into terminal and type.. unrar -e -p e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:53
cz823Kingsqueak: Yeah I need to get at the data on this drive before I reformat. The drive shows up on the computer, but it reads 0 bytes and I get an error when I try to open it: "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1..."10:53
Yawner(maybe with the - in the filename10:53
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ubotukmix: sound mixer applet for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 366 kB, installed size 1208 kB10:53
Yawnercmweb: yes go into terminal and type.. unrar -e -p e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:54
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Yawnercmweb: (maybe with the - in the filename)10:54
DralaFiheh, amusing to see so many questions being asked in here that could as well be answered in #linux10:54
franticGuys, has anyone ever had any trouble with rhythmbox and other gstreamer apps suddenly making mp3s sound like crap?10:54
Kingsqueakcz823: you sure its on sda1?10:54
grimboypriccard_, Hmm... Have you read through !dvd?10:54
Yawnercmweb: without the - even lol10:54
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE10:54
sdundonAnyone have experience getting a fully-functional firefox2.0 on amd64?10:54
Kingsqueakcz823: you could try 'sudo fdisk -l' and see what it shows for that drive10:54
constrictornickv11 go to #kubuntu and ask there10:54
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d4rkst0rmpeople someone have an runing beryl :/10:54
d4rkst0rmneed some help10:54
cmwebYawner, i dont know if it worked theirs no directory on the desktop of that name10:54
priccard_grimboy, where can I find it?10:54
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priccard_grimboy, in the wiki?10:54
Yawnercmweb: did it prompt you for a password?10:54
cz823Kingsqueak: I have no idea, there's more to the error message. I had assumed the problem was the filesystem.10:55
fuffegrimboy, hostgator doesn't support svn.. anyway.. there are several usefull graphical ftp clients for windows, but not a stable one for linux10:55
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cmwebclint@clint-desktop:~$ unrar -e -p e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:55
cmwebEnter password (will not be echoed):10:55
cmwebReenter password:10:55
Kingsqueakcz823: it could be if it's corrupted, but check to see if maybe it's another partition like sda2 etc.10:55
d4rkst0rmive got installed compiz.. installed beryl... and deinstalled compiz.. and now the problem: if i start beryl die title bars of the programms disapere... linux hangs up and i cant do anything :/10:55
succarihow to install my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory10:55
Yawnercmweb: try...10:55
fuffekftpgrabber is the best one so far..10:55
Yawnercmweb: unrar -e p e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:55
fuffeof those I've tried10:55
fuffegftp is worst10:56
grimboy!dvd | priccard_10:56
ubotupriccard_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:56
succari!how to install my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory10:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how to install my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:56
rBlong2ussorry I am n00b in ubuntu, how do I make TOTEM play nice with wmv files? In Gentoo this works outta the box...10:56
Yawnercmweb: note without the - at the beginning of the filename10:56
compengihi LjL10:56
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cmwebCannot open e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:56
cmwebNo such file or directory10:56
cmwebNo files to extract10:56
priccard_grimboy, ok thanks a lot.... I'll read trough it, right now10:56
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cmwebmaby the full Address?10:56
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Yawnercmweb: hmm whats the file name exactly?10:56
franticIt sounds like gstreamer's mp3 module is applying some sort of EQ10:56
franticit sounds awful10:56
rBlong2uscan some help me make TOTEM play nice with wmv files?10:57
succarihow to install my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory10:57
d4rkst0rm!!@all!! i've got installed compiz.. installed beryl... and deinstalled compiz.. and now the problem: if i start beryl die title bars of the programms disapere... linux hangs up and i cant do anything :/10:57
noldonwhat is fifo-buffer10:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about all!! i've got installed compiz.. installed beryl... and deinstalled compiz.. and now the problem: if i start beryl die title bars of the programms disapere... linux hangs up and i cant do anything :/ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:57
DralaFicmweb, try in #linux ?10:57
EDinNYI don't see Spamassassin in the list of programs...is there a package of it somewhere?10:57
cmwebDarlaFI, no help in their all they care about is something else10:57
frantica fifo buffer would be first in first out, a queue10:57
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cmwebYawner, /home/clint/Desktop/e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:57
rBlong2usany got wmv files working with TOTAME10:58
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Yawnercmweb: try... unrar -e e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar10:58
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:58
cz823Kingsqueak: Thanks for the help.10:58
Yawnercmweb: (you have switched to the Desktop Directory right)10:58
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TerminusEDinNY: it's in universe. you have to enable the universe repo.10:58
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succarihow to install my ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory10:58
LjLUbotu, tell succari about ati | succari, see the private message from Ubotu10:58
EDinNYTerminus: how does one "enable"?10:59
cmwebYawner, clint@clint-desktop:~$, and the command you gave me gave me a whole large menue10:59
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sethkEDinNY, remove the # at the beginning of the line10:59
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witeWhere is Apache installed on the server edition of ubuntu?10:59
EDinNYsethk: I am new at this...where is the line?10:59
TerminusEDinNY: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and add the universe repo.10:59
sethkEDinNY, /etc/apt/sources.list10:59
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DjViperhow do I make gaim autostart with ubuntu? (minimized if possible)10:59
Terminus!repos | EDinNY10:59
ubotuEDinNY: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource10:59
noldonubotu tell noldon about ubotu11:00
=== Ghost_Printer [n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
compengiLjL, he is a new user for ubuntu please help him11:00
sethkEDinNY, you can also use synaptic to modify the sources list, which is probably easier for a new person to deal with11:00
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Yawnercmweb: not really too sure what to recommend..11:00
KingsqueakDjViper: if you exit with it running, it should just restart at next login, it's the 'sessions' options that govern that11:00
fuffegrimboy, ok, I decided to go back to nautilus..11:00
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pwuertzhi, since edgy, my systems do not shut down anymore... one system reboots instead of powering down... another system does not power off... everything worked with dapper... any ideas why?11:00
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DralaFicmweb, unrar e e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rar11:00
DjViperKingsqueak: okay11:00
cmwebMaby its that other script11:00
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blankyhey guys, what do I do to share my printer (in kde) so that my brother on my network on windows can use it11:01
blankya.k.a. printer sharing11:01
KingsqueakDjViper: of course you have to tell gaim to auto login when started as well, in gaim's options11:01
EDinNYsethk: actually I am new to ubuntu, not to linux11:01
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:01
cmwebCannot open /home/clint/Desktop/e_P_H_2006___e_F_H_1.5.rarr11:01
cmwebNo such file or directory11:01
cmwebNo files to extract11:01
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sethkEDinNY, ok, then I guess editing a file won't scare you.  :)11:01
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Yawnerrarr :P11:01
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klunkhi guys11:02
LjLcmweb, can't you edit in your IRC client before pasting, so that you paste into only one line?11:02
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klunkanyone here know anything about xen?11:02
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cmwebljl, sorry i just like keeping formats11:02
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cmwebYawner, every one it worked11:02
Yawnercmweb: :P enjoy11:02
=== Caplain [n=matt@90.detroit-01-03rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowuhsockydo any of you have an idea of how to delete my i386 kernel on my dual-boot screen?11:02
LjLcmweb: well then use the pastebin11:02
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witeSo, where all the xammp programs installed by default in serer edition?11:03
DralaFicmweb, did the unrar work?11:03
LjLcowuhsocky: just remove the package, if the kernel you're using is another11:03
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rBlong2ushow can I a make a symbolic folder on my Desktop to my folder/11:03
cowuhsockyin the synaptic package manager?11:03
LjLrBlong2us: "man ln"11:03
rBlong2usMy desktop is empty11:03
rBlong2usLjL: man In ????11:04
kelly_i need help with firefox 1.5 on ubuntu 6.06lts, everytime i go to check my email it tells me to get psm how do i do this??11:04
blankykelly_: hey! :)11:04
sethkrBlong2us, you want an icon, not a symbolic link.  a sym link doesn't put anything on the desktop.11:04
admin123rBlong2us, why do you want to do that?11:04
blankykelly_: did you get your gaim to work?11:04
LjLrBlong2us: yes that will give you the manual page for "ln", which is the command for making links11:04
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blankykelly_: what's psm?11:04
witeDoesn't LAMPP/XAMPP come installed in Ubuntu Server Edition, if so, where?11:04
rBlong2usadmin123: yeah11:04
kelly_hey blanky11:04
YawnerrBlong2us: create a link using Nautilus and then drag and drop it into the Desktop folder11:04
admin123rBlong2us, you messed up things?11:04
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blankykelly_: can you take a screenshot ( Accessories > Screenshot ) and upload it to http://www.imageshack.us to show us?11:04
kelly_blanky psm is personal security manager11:04
rBlong2usYawner:  that doesn't work11:04
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rBlong2usit doesn't let me11:04
blankykelly_: can you take the screenshot?11:04
kelly_blanky yes11:04
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blankykelly_: do you have instant messenger cause it's hard to talk here with all the messages11:05
kelly_blanky where is screenshot??11:05
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blankyif not it's fine11:05
klunkI have set up a Xen server and I want to make my domUs based on the ubuntu server build. Anyone know how I can do this. I presume that if I knew the packages I could just 'apt-get install' the packages but I don't know how the boot cd decides which packages to install. Can anyone help?11:05
kelly_blanky yes i do11:05
blankykelly_: I believe Applications > Accessories > Screenshot11:05
witeDoesn't LAMPP/XAMPP come installed in Ubuntu Server Edition, if so, where?11:05
blankykelly_: something like that, in the menu on the top left11:05
storkhow does one delete a note with tomboy ?11:05
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blankykelly_: what is your messenger? msn/aim? what is our username/email11:05
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knappWhere's the best place to go for troubleshooting Nvidia driver installation?11:05
blankyknapp: the forums maybe11:05
blankyknapp: http://www.ubuntuforums.org11:06
sethkklunk, you could do a server install and dump out the installed package list.11:06
kelly_blanky  :    big_tree@hotmail.co.uk11:06
blankyknapp: you read the wiki on ubuntu?11:06
cowuhsockyLjL, if you are still here, i found a package called 'linux-image-2.6.17-10-386' that is installed, should i mark this for complete removal?11:06
sethkklunk, you can find that list on the server install cd, although I'd have to dig to figure out where.11:06
cafuegostork: Open the note and click "Delete".11:06
LjLcowuhsocky: yes, if that's not the kernel that you use11:06
storkcafuego, the delete button is blocked11:06
knappblanky yes, it doesn't cover my problem. I have an "API mismatch problem"11:06
witeDoesn't LAMPP/XAMPP come installed in Ubuntu Server Edition, if so, where?11:06
klunksethk, I normally use synaptic so how can I dump the package list from apr-get or similar?11:06
cowuhsockyno i use the generic one11:06
sethkklunk, you can dump it with dpkg.11:06
Kingsqueakwite: if you selected the option upon install, yes11:06
YawnerrBlong2us: try...11:07
knappblanky, I guess two drivers are installed and it has everything confused.11:07
sethkklunk, let me look at the dpkg options11:07
gnomefreakknapp: make sure the linux-restricted-modules package is for the kernel you are booted to11:07
wcei downloaded de nvidia driver from there website now how can i install it?11:07
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klunksethk, tyvm11:07
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rBlong2usYawner: I try and the make link is grayed out11:07
witeKingsqueek: Alright, what directory is it in?11:07
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gnomefreakknapp: if your using the 9xxx series driver make sure you get the l-r-m package for them11:07
YawnerrBlong2us: cd ~/Desktop && sudo ln -s <directory you wish to link to..> <name of link>11:08
Kingsqueakwite: LAMP is an abbreviation for Linux Apache MySQL and Php, they install in various places11:08
compengignomefreak, hey11:08
YawnerrBlong2us: try that from the terminal11:08
Kingsqueakwite: try /var/www for apache as an example11:08
witeWhat about MySQL11:08
gnomefreakcompengi: hi11:08
rBlong2usYawner: thanks11:08
Kingsqueakwite: you'll have to look around, honestly if you "need" LAMP, you should already know all this11:08
knappgnomefreak l-r-m to the latest version11:09
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knappis *11:09
YawnerrBlong2us: it works?11:09
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Kingsqueakwite: no offense to you, but tons of people are obsessively installing LAMP lately, I'm not sure why as most don't have any idea what it is or why they would want it.11:09
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gnomefreakknapp: make sure it matches the kernel you are booted to11:09
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rBlong2usYawner:  one sec11:09
compengignomefreak, my friend needs a help concerning installing ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 with HyperMemory driver and he is a new ubuntu user, can you afford it?11:09
Lukeis the beryl website down or is it just me?11:09
Samus_Arancan someone explain this: The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: php5 libapache2-mod-php511:09
YawnerrBlong2us: you may need to make the link yours now and not roots..11:09
knappgnomefreak, it does11:09
Samus_Aranwhy is php5 no longer a valid package ?11:09
=== Kingsqueak is trying to figure out what the LAMP buzz is about, I haven't heard that phrase more since the 2000 .com boom
sethkklunk, apt-cache dump looks interesting.11:09
YawnerrBlong2us: sudo chown <your username>.<your group> <name of link>11:10
compengignomefreak, he is now installing sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx as in the guide is this correct till now?11:10
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@ppp-70-243-31-196.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cowuhsockyok LjL one last thing, do i only need to remove the Linux-image-2.6.17-10-386? or do i need to remove everything related to 386 in the package manager11:10
Kingsqueakwite: what made you think you needed LAMP?11:10
klunksethk, woah loads of output11:10
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witeKingsqueek: Windows port was easy, figured LAMP would have everything I needed11:11
sethkklunk, I think if you grep for 'Package:'   you'll get what you want11:11
LjLcowuhsocky: i'm guessing the related stuff will be removed automatically, but if it doesn't, it should be safe to remove it. just don't remove anything that's related to your current kernel (which is -generic i suppose)11:11
Kingsqueakwite: ahh migrating from an existing install11:11
=== thr33chordme [n=marsh@h-68-165-173-190.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
rBlong2usYawner: it works as user ln -s no need to sudo11:11
gnomefreakknapp: please paste the output of the following commands in pastebin. apt-cache policy nvidia-glx  uname -r11:11
Kingsqueakwite: that makes more sense, take a look at the startup scripts in /etc/init.d/ for apache and mysql, they should reference the install dirs11:11
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witeKingsqueek: yes, I just need to know where to put all the database files11:11
witeThanks, will do11:12
YawnerrBlong2us: aha ok, wasnt sure if the directory you were linking to was protected or not.. (not sure if that matters or not actually)11:12
klunksethk, that looks great, thanks11:12
Kingsqueakwite: it may be /var/mysql but I'm not positive with the ubuntu packages11:12
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we2bywhat to install to get X development files?11:12
witeKingSqueek: it's not11:12
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cowuhsockyLjL: im just afraid that if i remove one of the things it might affect my -generic kernel because the 386 simply came out of no where. Yesterday upon installing beryl it showed up in my boot-selections11:12
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Kingsqueakwite: give me a sec, I'll find a link11:13
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LjLcowuhsocky: well, i don't know, that never happened to me in egy11:13
klunksethk, actually looking at this it looks like there is a little too much here, things like openoffice which I am sure I didnt install11:13
klunkunless I did by mistake :-)11:13
bruenigwebben, I assume, xserver-xorg-dev11:13
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cowuhsockyhmm. well i will try what you have given me so far, thanks alot for the help it is greatly appreciated11:13
sethkklunk, I'll look more closely at the output, see if it isn't what I said it is11:13
klunkat leat it gives me something to work on :-)11:13
Lukeis the beryl website down or is it just me?11:14
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witeAh, .conf for apache is in /etc/Apache211:14
cowuhsockyi think it is down11:14
rBlong2usYawner: easier yet a la m$$$!!!11:14
bltgurlcan anyone help a newbe?11:14
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we2bychecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:14
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we2byBut I just installed it11:14
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wcei got the drivers from nvidias site now how do i install them?11:14
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bruenig!metaquestion | bltgurl11:14
ubotubltgurl: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:14
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knappgnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34212/ and uname -r =2.6.17-10-38611:15
rBlong2usYawner: places> and drag Home Folder Icon to the Desktop ;-)11:15
h00thello i just installed wine .... and i don't see anything in the menu ... how do i use it11:15
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gnomefreakwce: you nee dto stop X and in tty you need to run sh nvidia....sh11:15
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rBlong2usnow can anyone tell me how in the world make Totem play nice with wmv files?11:15
bruenigh00t, wine "/path/to/whatever.exe"11:15
bruenig!quicktime | rBlong2us11:15
uboturBlong2us: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:15
h00tbruenig, is there no front end11:16
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h00tie gui11:16
blankyrBlong2us: restricted formats11:16
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto11:16
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents11:16
bltgurlI just installed ubuntu on my HP ze4600 & so far it works pretty good but Im struggling with the wireless card its a broadcom 4306 802.3 b/g wireless card11:16
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gnomefreakknapp: did you change the xorg.conf file to use the nvidia drivers?11:16
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:16
Kingsqueakwite: sorry none of the sites I found were a good howto, lot of bad advice11:16
Lukewhen i'm using the tty, all of aptitudes characters display as escape codes. how can I change the character encoding?11:16
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klunksethk, going to start from scratch again with a clean server install, get a list of packages and the add xen to the equation11:17
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bruenigh00t, don't think so. I have never used one. I know you can do winecfg and there is a nice little graphical configuration thing, but generally the wine whatever.exe is used to launch things. I think also that you can just double click exes or right click open with wine, not certain on that though11:17
knappgnomefreak I have11:17
rBlong2usanyone that's NOT fuckbot, could help me out in making wmv play with Totem?11:17
witeKingSqueek: Thanks anyway, the /etc/init.d/ works fine11:17
Kingsqueakwite: take a look for /etc/my.cnf or a my.cnf in /etc/ somewhere to find the dirs for mysql11:17
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bruenig!wmv | rBlong2us11:17
uboturBlong2us: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:17
LjL!language | rBlong2us11:17
Kingsqueakwite: cool11:17
uboturBlong2us: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:17
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bruenigrBlong2us, check out the first page, it is very good. Should setup everything you need for all multimedia11:18
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gnomefreakknapp: did you update to 1.0.8776 from 1.0.8774?11:18
skwid_how can i enable TV out on my nvidia card ?11:18
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bruenig!tvout | skwid_11:19
ubotuskwid_: For help with enabling the TV-Out on certain NVidia cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition11:19
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h00t bruenig ... thanx11:19
knappno, from whatever comes with edgy11:19
knapp7xxx I think11:19
rBlong2usrofl "plugins-bad" and "plugins-ugly"???11:19
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gnomefreakknapp: 7xxx never came with edgy11:19
gnomefreakknapp: nvidia-glx was always 1.0.877*11:20
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knappgnomefreak, hmm let me see11:20
skwid_bruenig: thank you !11:20
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bruenig!thanks | skwid_11:20
ubotuskwid_: You're Welcome!11:20
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gnomefreakknapp: im betting its looking at the l-r-m package for
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gnomefreakcan you please paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:22
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knappgnomefreak, but wouldn't that just show the last x start (after I changed nvidia to nv)?11:23
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knappI did that so I could login to troubleshoot11:23
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gnomefreakknapp: there is a /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old also11:23
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codecaineis there a program to config .ogg files to avi?11:24
gnomefreakill be back in a little while i have boss on phone11:24
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knapphold one, let me recreate the error and I'll be back11:24
pianoboy3333How come sed -i -e 's/%%fulldate%%/'$(date +"%c \%z")'/g' $temp doesn't work?11:24
bltgurlif anyone knows how to install a broadcom 4306 802.3 b/g wireless card plz private messege me11:24
rBlong2usI've got this really ODD issue where firefox starts 29872436987246 instances of itself11:24
cafuegopianoboy3333: nested quotes11:24
bruenig!info transcode11:24
ubotutranscode: Utility to encode raw video/audio streams. In component multiverse, is extra. Version 2:1.0.2-0.8ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2293 kB, installed size 5424 kB11:24
pianoboy3333cafuego: which means...?11:24
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talvhi all i have an acer laptop and the touchpad doesnt work can any1 help???11:24
cafuegopianoboy3333: lose the quotes around $(date...)11:24
cafuegopianoboy3333: Or did you want the date quoted?11:25
pianoboy3333cafuego: I want to swap full date with whatever date +"%c %z" outputs11:25
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pianoboy3333sorry, %%fulldate%% that is11:25
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witewhats the command for copy in BASH?11:25
Kingsqueakcp -R for a dir, cp for a file11:26
sethkwite, cp11:26
pianoboy3333wite: cp11:26
codecainewhats a good video converter for istanbul desktop recorder11:26
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rBlong2uswhere do I change the folder where the pictures from the camera are transfere to?11:26
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bruenigtalv, perhaps this will be of help? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14309511:26
pianoboy3333codecaine: mencoder11:26
Kingsqueakwite: this should be quite useful for you http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/chap_03.html11:26
wcewhat are the steps again to install the nvidia official drivers?11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about binary - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:27
cafuegopianoboy3333: sed -i -e "s/%%fulldate%%/$(date +'%c \%z')/g" $temp11:27
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pianoboy3333cafuego: thank you!11:27
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wcenvidia drivers official how to install them?11:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:29
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bltgurlCan anyone help with a wireless card11:29
klunksethk, looks like dpkg-query --list is what I need11:29
knappgnomefreak http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34214/11:29
savvasis there a console program that "reads" id3 tags and outputs them as parts? for example: command --artist file.mp3 ?11:30
klunkthanks for the pointer11:30
codecainehmm is there a good tutroail for this menocoder pinoboy11:30
cafuegobltgurl: The 4306 is described in detail on the ubuntu wiki, search for bcm43xx on wiki.ubuntu.com11:30
pianoboy3333!tell wce about nvidia11:30
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sethkklunk, yes, that looks correct.11:30
bltgurlThank you *kisses*11:30
Kingsqueaksavvas: there are several utils, try 'apt-cache search id3'11:30
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MrGiMmEHello I have a problem with Qt11:30
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savvasKingsqueak: can you recommend one?11:31
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Kingsqueaksavvas: try mp3info11:31
brueniguse gnome11:31
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dragonfyre13sorry, habit.11:31
MrGiMmEI always get this error when I try to configure kxdocker11:31
MrGiMmEchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!11:31
MrGiMmEFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.11:31
MrGiMmEMake sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!11:31
bruenigha, I do the same thing everytime I open a terminl11:31
we2byhow do I patch a file?11:31
dragonfyre13bruenig: hehe.11:31
Kingsqueaksavvas: there's also 'id3' and 'id3tool'11:31
we2byI have a .patch here11:31
cafuegobltgurl: The long and short of it is, your card will work fine after you install http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/pool/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx/bcm43xx-firmware_1.3-1ubuntu2_all.deb11:31
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dragonfyre13anyone have an idea why network manager would not be recognising that I have wireless?11:32
=== hentai [n=hentai@cpe-72-178-35-253.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrGiMmEdragon does it recognize your wireless card?11:32
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Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: likely the driver isn't loaded for your card11:32
hentaiI have two mics on my computer. How can I change the one that records to the one on my headset?11:33
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dragonfyre13None of my wireless utilities on the gui will work, but modifying the /etc/network/interfaces and then doing ifdown and ifup will work.11:33
MrGiMmEAnyboyd know anything about Qt?11:33
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dreamerseen niekie11:33
dreamer!seen niekie11:33
ubotuniekie is on IRC right now!11:33
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dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: yep, it is.11:33
Kingsqueakhentai: the application you are using should have an input-device option11:33
MrGiMmEchecking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2 and < 4.0) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation!11:33
MrGiMmEFor more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.11:33
MrGiMmEMake sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!11:33
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: I'm on it now.11:33
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:33
dragonfyre13g2g I'll pick this up later.11:33
hentaiKingsqueak: a whaT?11:33
we2byI need help on patching a file11:33
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dreamerniekie: haha, doing alt+SysRQ and R made me shutdown imediatly :P11:33
ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.11:34
bruenigMrGiMmE, shot in the dark here, sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt11:34
hentaii think i've got it. hold on...11:34
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: nm-applet doesn't like other wireless systems running, if you have wifi-radar running etc. it will interfere, also /etc/network/interfaces must be commented out so that only the 'lo' interface is there, then reboot and try again11:34
savvasKingsqueak: thanks :)11:34
MrGiMmEI will try11:34
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witeWhat is the BASH command for moving files?11:34
bruenigwite mv11:34
Kingsqueakhentai: in the application you are running, you pic which input device to use, i.e. which mic11:34
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Kingsqueakwite: check that link I pasted for you before, it covers all the filesystem basics11:35
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witeOh thanks i will11:35
compengignomefreak, after he added Section "Extensions"11:35
compengi        Option      "Composite" "0"11:35
compengiEndSection to xorg.conf is there anything else he should edit?11:35
MrGiMmEhentai I already have the newest version11:35
MoarAndMoarI have a question11:35
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=== bruenig awaits question
compengi!ask > MoarAndMoar11:35
hentaiKingsqueak: how do i find out which device the mic is?11:35
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MoarAndMoarhow would one go about installing PyGaim on Ubuntu?11:36
Kingsqueakhentai: just try one, then the other, the one that works is the one ;-)11:36
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MrGiMmEbruenig I already have the newest version :S11:36
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bruenigMrGiMmE, didn't see that you appeared to be compiling, sudo apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev11:37
ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.11:37
rBlong2usdoes this work? app-get -get irssi && app-get -install irssi?11:37
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hou5tonCan anyone play the Dennis Miller on the top right side of this page?   http://www.foxnews.com/ .... and if so, with what?11:37
KingsqueakrBlong2us: no11:37
rBlong2usI don't like GUI bloat irssi11:37
MrGiMmEI think I already have that11:37
MrGiMmEBut I will check again11:37
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rBlong2ussorru GUI bloat irc11:37
bruenigrBlong2us, apt-get install irssi11:37
rBlong2usbruenig: thanks11:37
bruenigrBlong2us, but I believe irssi is default11:38
Flannelit is installed by default11:38
MrGiMmEI cannot connect to my repository11:38
MrGiMmE0% [Connecting to xgl.compiz.info (] 11:38
MrGiMmEIs there a different one I can use?11:38
rBlong2usbruenig: I've typed irssi on the terminal and does't let me do that11:38
FlannelMrGiMmE: ask in #ubuntu-xgl11:39
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rBlong2ushaaa yeas11:39
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Paddy_EIREhou5ton: yeah it works, it seems they use there own player maybe you are blocking the content in some way??11:40
bruenigirssi wasn't installed. They must have removed it from default edgy11:40
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bruenigunless I uninstalled it for whatever reason, don't see why I would have but perhaps11:40
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rBlong2usthis is much faste11:41
rBlong2usfor christ sake11:41
Flannelbruenig: hmm, it does appear it's no longer in u-d, that's... unfortunate.11:41
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rBlong2usI think the computing utopia would be for a society using computers only with CLI11:42
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bruenigwell if you don't have internet, you can't irc. If you do have internet, you can easily sudo apt-get install irssi.11:42
ubotuirssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )11:43
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ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.11:43
Himuracan someone paste his /etc/apt/sources.list ?11:43
Flannelbruenig: if you don't have X, and don't know what IRC clients there are, you won't know how to get irssi.  On edgy, what does "irc" start (in a terminal?)11:43
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hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   I'm looking for that possibility, but can't find where I might be blocking anything.   Any suggestions?11:44
KingsqueakFlannel: irssi here, but I removed epic4 and BitchX11:44
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Paddy_EIREhou5ton: do u use anything like "noscript" or "Adblock"11:44
rBlong2usbruenig: on my GUIbuntu install irssi wasn't there for as default11:44
FlannelKingsqueak: On edgy?  You've installed irssi though.  That's not default, apparently.11:44
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hentaihow do i see what sound devices i have plugged in? i know /dev/dsp works, but i'm trying to get something out of my headset.11:44
sn00p|how do I fix my ident in ubuntu?11:45
KingsqueakFlannel: yeah I don't even know anymore , I've installed an awful lot, irssi is early on the list11:45
Celldwellergee its quiet in here11:45
bruenigHimura, here is mine http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34218/11:45
Celldwellerheritai probe them11:45
Paddy_EIREhou5ton: also do you have the java and flash plugins installed in firefox correctly11:45
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Celldwelleroh wait.... plugged in?... like what11:45
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Celldwellera midi keyboard11:45
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   maybe that's it ... I think I do ... but how can I check11:46
Paddy_EIREhou5ton: about the java and flash plugins11:46
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hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   yes11:47
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rBlong2usI don't get it, Totem use xine or gstreamer?11:47
Paddy_EIREhou5ton: try playing a video from youtube thats a good way to check11:47
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   YouTube works fine11:47
zod_trying to troubleshoot some issues with my nvidia card.  can someone with a nvidia card check this?11:47
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zod_cat /proc/driver/nvidia/agp/status11:47
zod_I get status disabled11:47
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Paddy_EIREhou5ton: ok, then you are sure there are no other firefox extensions that are for blocking content11:48
codecaineanybody know how to convert a video file to avi with mencoder?11:48
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XiXaQSeveas, if you are available. I cannot find a Windows port for the correct version of nxclient. The new nxclient on nomachine.com doesn't seem to be compatible with freenx?11:49
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rBlong2ushow can I check whether I have totem-xine or gstreamer11:49
LukerBlong2us: it says in the help/about menu11:50
Seveascs d11:50
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FlannelrBlong2us: dpkg -l | grep [whatever] 11:50
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bruenigcodecaine, man mencoder11:50
sn00p|how do I fix my ident in ubuntu?11:51
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Lukehow do I remove something from my gnome-session without deleting the whole thing?11:51
MrGiMmEHow are we supposed to know our architecture? :S11:51
sc0ttAnyone useful in finding out why a printer won't share?11:51
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rBlong2usLuke: it says gsreamer? By the way which one is better? Xine or Gstreamer?11:51
LukeI tried editing ~/.gnome2/session but it seemed to just be the default setting11:51
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   what video player would I use to watch that?11:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about printershare - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
LukerBlong2us: gstreamer11:51
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about share - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:51
FlannelMrGiMmE: by knowing what sort of computer you bought.  What sort do you have?11:51
rBlong2usLuke: thanks11:51
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MrGiMmEWell It was given to me not bought, I'll check it real quick11:52
BlackHawksc0tt ?11:52
Paddy_EIREhou5ton: it seems to be in there own player?? but i would suggest mplayer11:52
FlannelMrGiMmE: did it run windows? or is it a mac?11:52
SeveasXiXaQ, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/dapper-seveas/freenx/11:52
Lukehow do I remove something from my gnome-session without deleting the whole thing?11:52
FlannelMrGiMmE: then you want the 386 disk11:52
MrGiMmEYeah I tried that11:52
MrGiMmEIt gave me an error on a deb11:52
FlannelMrGiMmE: burn at 4x11:53
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XiXaQSeveas, I don't have permission...11:53
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CharlieSuAnyone use rtorrent?11:53
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Paddy_EIREhou5ton: "sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer"11:53
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phaedrus44is ther anyway to reverse and apt-get upgrade afdter it is done?11:53
Seveasthat should work11:53
MrGiMmEError: Dependencry is not satisfiable: libqt3-mt11:53
Lukephaedrus44: no11:54
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bruenigCharlieSu, isn't rtorrent == libtorrent11:54
freesunhello, my installation of Edgy crashes always at the same point, done cd check, it's ok... is it likely HDD?11:54
FlannelMrGiMmE: this is apt-getting? or what?  Which version of ubuntu?11:54
Juan____Do you know how to run the whole K desktop from another computer ? I've the x server configured and working, I just need to know how to start KDE11:54
MrGiMmEI am installing a deb11:54
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CharlieSubruenig: yes..  i think so11:55
admin123Is there allarround media player that handles every media film streaming etc.. ? is there a good allaroudn video player that goes whell with gnome ? (totem for example doesn't play *.rm files on ubuntu) while mplayer and realplayer do i want to get rid of the curft11:55
Celldwellerfreesun,  deep disk check11:55
CharlieSubruenig: it is a command line version of it.. ncurses11:55
Lukehow do I remove something from my gnome-session without deleting the whole thing? I tried editing ~/.gnome2/session but it seemed to just be the default session11:55
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CharlieSubruenig: do you use it?11:55
XiXaQSeveas, I'm downloading it. Thanks. :)11:55
bruenigCharlieSu, once, then I wimped out and went back to graphical11:55
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   already have that installed11:55
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CharlieSubruenig: when you used it, did you just use libtorent?11:56
FlannelMrGiMmE: installing a deb? why not use apt-get?11:56
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Paddy_EIREhou5ton: ok, this is a weird one.... I wonder what could be missing11:56
bruenigyeah that is what I meant, I used libtorrent11:56
MrGiMmEBecause the repository isnt working11:56
MrGiMmEIt cant connect to it11:56
CharlieSubruenig: i didn't know libtorrent could be accessed directly.. i thought u needed rtorrent..11:56
FlannelMrGiMmE: which repository?11:56
bruenigCharlieSu, it was a long time ago perhaps I am confused11:56
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MrGiMmE http://xgl.compiz.info11:57
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   yes .... I'm looking for everything ... YouTube works great11:57
SeAofSaRohow do I get read/write permissions on my local drives?11:57
bimberiLuke: System -> Preferences -> Sessions, Startup Programs tab ?11:57
hou5tonCNN works great11:57
XiXaQSeveas, perhaps you could create links on http://free.linux.hp.com/~brett/seveas/freenx/ ?11:57
Lukebimberi: dont have X working11:57
FlannelMrGiMmE: ask in #ubuntu-xgl, they might know of a mirror, or whatever.  But, libqt3-mt-dev isn't in that repository, it's in main.11:58
CharlieSubruenig: yeah.. libtorrent is what rtorrent uses.. libtorrent is just the libraries for it i believe11:58
GionnyBossI noticed that with Ubuntu 6.10 there is not the ' esddsp ' command... I used it to launch skype on FC6 and it worked fine... why isn't there this command? can anybody please tell me which one is the best way to run skype on Ubuntu 6.10 with the best audio quality, please? thanks11:58
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LukeMrGiMmE: go to #beryl ... the main server is down11:58
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LukeMrGiMmE: there is an alternate repo for ubuntu11:58
hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   I even got video to work on MSNBC11:58
bimberiLuke: ah11:58
sethkthat's just a standard KDE component, it shouldn't be hard to install (libqt3-mt-dev, that is)11:58
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MrGiMmEThere is?11:58
MrGiMmEI see11:59
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Lukeotherwise i wouldnt have told you that ;-P11:59
bltgurlThank you guys my wireless is working great11:59
MrGiMmEThank you11:59
bltgurlyou are awsome11:59
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SeAofSaRohow do I get read/write permissions on my local drives?11:59
CharlieSuHas anyone gotten libtorrent (rtorrent) working with encryption?11:59
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codecainesay theres a big man file like mplayer how can you search for -ovc or sometype of text in it without scrolling?12:00
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !cloning12:00
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