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Burgundavia!seen pygi08:31
ubotupygi is on IRC right now!08:31
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ograBurgundavia, whats up with him ? his last blog entry was worrying08:35
BurgundaviaI have no idea08:37
BurgundaviaI have pinged him, but nothing back yet08:37
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Ezexhow do i probe for my monitor type so i can set a different driver for X to use?09:31
Burgundaviadriver is based on video card, not monitor09:37
Ezexo, ok09:39
Burgundaviawhat is your issue?09:40
Burgundaviais your monitor the wrong resolution?09:40
Ezexnot the wrong res its just everytime something scrolls on the screen (like a web page) the screen shudders as it scrolls09:41
Burgundaviawhat is your cpu doing when scrolling?09:42
Burgundaviais there flash on the shuddering pages? does it happen on all pages09:42
ograsounds like your graphics card isnt supported or not detected correctly, ltsp falls back to vesa if that happens09:43
ograand vesa renders very slow ...09:43
ograbut it could as well be flash related if it only hapens on pages with flash09:43
Ezexit used to happen on windows before i loaded the drivers09:43
Ezexjust the default homepage in firefox does the same09:43
ogrado yu know what kind of graphics card your client has ?09:44
ogratry setting a root password by runing:09:45
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386 passwd09:45
ograon the server09:45
ograthen on the client switch to console and log in as root with the password you have set09:45
ograand run: lspci |grep -i vga09:46
ograit should return the name and model of your card09:46
EzexVIA Tech09:46
ogracan you get a more precise output ?09:47
EzexVIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter (rev 02)09:47
ogra(the model would be intresting)09:47
ograunichrome is to new, there is no proper driver yet09:47
Ezexshould i fall back to 6.06? that worked fine on it09:48
ograhmm, then the via drver supported it before, thats odd09:49
ograyou can try forcing it with the XSERVER=via parameter in lts.conf09:49
Ezexive notice happens a lot with distros09:49
ograbut afaik the unichrome support has some issues in it ...09:50
Ezexi'll put 6.06 back on it and check out the driver it uses09:50
ograthats likely the reason our X maintainer disabled it09:50
Ezexthanks for your help :)09:51
ogra6.06 will saldy miss all the cool features :/09:51
Burgundaviaogra: via doesn't play nice with the open source community09:51
ograthe unichrome driver is getting there ...09:51
ograbut its not 100% done yet09:52
Ezexthe manufacturers wont support anyone?09:52
ograi have some clients around that dont work with it ...09:52
BurgundaviaEzex: via runs hot and cold with their Linux support09:52
ograEzex, many of them dont care about linux ...09:52
ograit changed over the last years but it still far from perfect09:53
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harrypopofhi all10:07
willvdlHey there10:08
Burgundaviahey willvdl10:10
willvdlBurgundavia, nice letter came through on My Story10:11
willvdljust extracting small detail from it10:11
willvdl^^^ the guy is working on this10:11
willvdlLook & feel is very neat which is usually a good sign for me.10:12
Burgundaviayep, looks cool10:12
willvdlooh, didn't check10:13
Burgundavialooks free but not Free10:13
willvdlyip. Would be nice to see cross development with something like schooltool10:14
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=== Topic for #edubuntu: Order: http://shipit.edubuntu.org || Edubuntu - the education version of Ubuntu || http://www.edubuntu.org | Wiki: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki | MEETING: every Wednesday see http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuMeetingAgenda | edgy (6.10) is released ! grab it while its hot ! http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edgy/ | Upgraders see: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes
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cbx33Boo-ya all08:13
juliuxhi cbx3308:16
cbx33hey juliux08:16
cbx33hi stgraber08:16
juliuxhow are you?08:16
cbx33not great, but getting better08:16
juliuxgood to hear;)08:17
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mrlinuxneed help setting up dhcp on 6.1009:04
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mrlinuxspacey, i need help09:22
tackatHi, I'm working on this new application that is meant to enter KDE-EDU soon:09:37
tackatany adventourous people willing to test it? You need Qt 4.2 and svn installed09:39
tackatYou don't need OpenGL though09:40
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tackatIt just needs a 2D graphics card although displaying a 3D globe09:43
tackatif you're more interested09:46
ogratackat, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule do you think you could stabilize it until upstream version freeze ?09:52
tackatThat is when?09:53
tackatFebruary 8th09:54
tackatright? Yes actually my current plan foresees to have a stable version by Januar 30th as I have another deadline to meet to get shipped with another exciting piece of software.09:55
ograand finding an proper automated solution for the map initialization would also be nice09:55
tackatogra: you tried it?09:55
ogranope, i read the webpage09:55
ograbut i'll try it in a spare minute the next days09:56
tackatogra: that's not a problem I actually intend to have the preinitialized version packaged09:56
ogramy o got stuck :)09:56
crimsunit's ok, you're super ogra, your o can stick09:56
cbx33hey ogra09:57
tackatthe non-initialized version is rather meant for people who are very low on ressources and want to squeeze it on the CD no matter what ;)09:57
ogracrimsun, haha, no, actually its xgl and beryl that are evil to my keyboard ...09:59
ogracbx33, yo09:59
cbx33ogra, I never thought you'd be a bling bling user ;)09:59
cbx33ogra, you have any time free to discuss SCP quickly?09:59
ogracbx33, not now, i'm pretty busy (returned 5h ago and need to prepare the first milestone CD to be ready until thu.10:00
cbx33ah right10:00
cbx33it's not really technical questions10:00
cbx33just a, when do we start discussing it and who is working on it?10:00
ograbling was the maintheme at MTV10:00
ograwe should work together on it ... since i was involved in the discussions and know the parts that might not be written down10:01
ograbut feel free to start if you want ...10:01
cbx33I was just keen know who's doing what10:01
cbx33I'mvery excited10:02
ogra_(even though you will be able to listen to the recordings soon afaik)10:02
cbx33looking forward to wednesdays meeting too10:02
cbx33oh good10:02
cbx33I do hope so10:02
cbx33I was so utterly ticked off when I missed it10:02
cbx33if I had marked myself as an essential participant woud I have gotte na reminder?10:03
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ograi dont think so ... but you should suggest that as an LP feature ;)10:04
cbx33well, I've already talked to jono about the scheduling10:04
ograyou should have seen the wiki updates though10:04
ograthe scheduler was horribly buggy ... we had to manually shuffle around a lot to get everything done10:04
cbx33I suggested perhaps the first 3 days being pre scheduled.....like weeks in advance10:05
ograthats why the schedule could change during the day ...10:05
ogranext time will be better10:05
ograthat doesnt work the way the process is10:05
cbx33and then leave the last few days for sechduling as and when needed10:05
ograit would make it very ineffective10:05
cbx33even if you know that somethings are going to have to be discussed?10:06
cbx33I mean, I know I'm not able to make a good comment seeing as I wasn't there10:06
cbx33just trying to assist non UDS go-er participation10:06
ograif you have short quick specs you can get done in one session, so you need to be able to reschedule10:08
ograthe schedule depends totally on the spec status ...10:08
ograand the specs get scheduled from high to low prio ... and take the roms into account as well...10:09
cbx33i see10:09
ograi.e. for a drafting session you need no discussion room10:09
cbx33yeh i see10:11
ograand for certain specs certain people are marked as required to be in the room ....10:11
ograthe scheduler takes all that into account (usually) and creates the most effective schedule for the next day in the evening ... (at least thats how its supposed to be)10:12
cbx33can't we freeze specs a week in advance10:13
cbx33generate a schedule for the first 2 days?10:13
ograwhats the cnference for then ?10:13
cbx33wso the most important discussions are scheduled10:13
cbx33and everyone knows where they are10:13
ograstill, what for do you need a speccing conference if you dont work out the specs there ?10:14
cbx33no i didnt mean that10:14
cbx33by freezing specs I meant freeze their status10:14
cbx33*bah* for get what I said about freezing10:14
ograif its possible to write a spec without personal discussion it shouldnt even be proposed for the summit10:14
cbx33no i didn't mean that10:15
cbx33possibly just make the first discussion for a particular spec scheduled a week in advance10:16
ograschedluing the first day a week in advance would be possible i think ...10:17
cbx33that would be very very useful10:17
Burgworkit would probably also be good to indicate which have not been scheduled due to lack of interest10:19
ograyou should be able to guess from the schedule ;)10:19
Burgworkyes, but rather than have to search and see it via implicit omission, see a list, explicitily10:26
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LaserJockI think we just need a better wrap-up of what went on11:05
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