
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:01
Lukein my tty, i'm seeing escape characters instead of the pretty borders etc for aptitude... anyone know how to change the tty character encoding?12:01
bltgurlI use bart to back up my system that way I have a ghost image of my system as it stands12:01
gnomefreakknapp: you need to remove the linux-restricted-modules packages you have and install the one for the kernel. from the errors its not reading the right one.12:01
bltgurlthen all my files I keep on an external drive12:01
sethkLuke, check the value of your TERM environment variable12:01
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hou5tonPaddy_EIRE:   like you said ... this is so weird. I don't care about Fox news website that much, but now it's just the principle of the matter.  :-)12:02
codecaineanybody know how to search for text in a man file?12:02
Paddy_EIREhou5ton: yeah I know12:02
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Lukesethk: its "linux"12:02
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Lukecodecaine: "/thingToSearchFor"12:03
rBlong2usyou gotta be kidding me now... Now wmv plays at the beginning then tells me "An error ocurred subclass did not specify output size" WTF?!!12:03
SeAofSaRohow do I get read/write permissions on my local drives?12:03
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rBlong2usafter installing 38074683 plug ins12:03
sithtoastIs there anyway to get my x-fi working in 6.06 or should I use my onboard sound card for now12:03
Lukecodecaine: and "/" return will search for the next value12:03
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rBlong2ussithtoast: for what've heard x-fi drivers wont' be around till next year12:03
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Lukesethk: any suggestions?12:04
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sithtoasti guess i'll enable my onboard then12:04
rBlong2usyou gotta be kidding me now... Now wmv plays at the beginning then tells me "An error ocurred subclass did not specify output size" WTF?!!12:04
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Kleski have a vaio notebook that has a switch for switching between a geforce go and some crappy intel graphics chip for power saving.. it requires a restart, but how would linux handle this?12:05
rBlong2uswill I ever be able to play goddam wmv files?12:05
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:06
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melinaHello, this is my sudoers file, and I edited it before a month or so, so that my second user would be able to execute sudo. Now I want to disable that function. How can I do that? http://pastebin.ca/25893412:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about drives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:06
Kingsqueakmelina: simply take them out of the admin group12:06
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ubotuThe files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux12:07
Kingsqueakmelina: 'sudo nano /etc/group'  find the line starting with admin:  and remove that user12:07
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Kingsqueakmelina: or use gedit instead of nano if you are in X12:07
Lukein my tty, i'm seeing escape characters instead of the pretty borders etc for aptitude... anyone know how to change the tty character encoding?12:07
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bimberiLuke: Perhaps something in ~/.config/autostart/12:08
talvhi all i have an acer laptop and i cant get my builtin card reader working can any one help me pelasse??12:08
jmarsdenLuke: Or maybe LANG=whatever aptitude   # will work?12:08
Lukejmarsden: its not just aptitude tho... anything ncurses12:09
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Lukeanything with special characters actually12:09
MikyMOusethere is a mirrorr for this site http://linux.cubegames.net/12:09
koko_hi, i am in linux and i've a problem with openoffice 2, the language is russian so i don't understand anything... have an idea?12:09
MikyMOuseit's th ubuntu multimedia center sute ?12:09
KingsqueakLuke: try changing the font12:09
MikyMOuseit's th ubuntu multimedia center site ?12:09
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melinaKingsqueak: reboot is required?12:09
koko_please it's urgent12:09
jmarsdenLuke: LANG=C man something |less  looks better for me that without the LANG=C ... so  try it?12:09
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Kingsqueakmelina: no, it's immediate, however that user needs to be logged out or their existing logins will still be admin level12:10
bltgurlare there other rooms on here or just this12:10
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talvhi all i have an acer laptop and i cant get my builtin card reader working can any one help me please??12:10
LukeKingsqueak: where do I change the font?12:10
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bltgurlim new to Irc12:10
Lukebimberi: thanks a ton!12:10
bimberibltgurl: thousands12:10
MikyMOusethere is a mirrorr for this site http://linux.cubegames.net/12:10
KingsqueakLuke: in actual consoles or in a terminal window in X?12:10
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melinaKingsqueak: I see. Thanks!@12:10
LukeKingsqueak: tty12:11
wabzhow do I stop metacity giving random windows the demands_attention hint?12:11
bimberiLuke: ooh good, that worked.  np :)12:11
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KingsqueakLuke: hmm looking, I'm not sure how Ubuntu handles that12:11
wabzwell I'm not entirely sure it's metacity doing it, it might be upgrading something else to demands_attention, but it's _incredibly_ annoying12:11
KingsqueakLuke: using the 'terminus' font fixed it for me in xterms though, and there is a console version of it12:11
bimberibltgurl: there's a site with a list somewhere - hang on I'll find it12:11
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KingsqueakLuke: the issue is the fontset not supporting UTF812:12
bltgurlthank you12:12
talvhi all i have an acer laptop and i cant get my builtin card reader working can any one help me please??12:12
wce open this:  /etc/X11/xorg.conf im installing beryl12:12
LukeKingsqueak: yea but where do you change it for the tty?12:12
KingsqueakLuke: I'm looking now, not sure yet12:12
Lukek thanks12:12
bimberibltgurl: http://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode12:12
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CyberSlugIs it possible to detect if an external monitor is connected, and on that basis,  perform some function using bash?12:13
Flannelwce: ask in #ubuntu-xgl or #beryl12:13
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MrGiMmEIs there a way to make it connect to a different server to download libqt3-mt-dev12:14
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FlannelMrGiMmE: that package is in main.  comment out your beryl repository, and you'll be able to download it without a problem.12:15
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rBlong2uswhat kinda p2p program do you guys suggest for a NON-geeky NON-techie?12:15
wcei got to open this through the console open this:  /etc/X11/xorg.conf im installing beryl12:15
KingsqueakLuke: it appears it's set in /etc/console-tools/config  I don't know how you make it take effect12:15
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tjb891ok, whenever i log into myspace.com i get a global  internet conection drop that will not reconect until i restart ubuntu. What am i doing wrong?12:16
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MrGiMmEok thank you12:16
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LukeKingsqueak: thanks12:16
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rBlong2uswhat kinda p2p program do you guys suggest for a NON-geeky NON-techie?12:16
Pelotjb891,  does this happen with any other site ?12:16
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tjb891Pelo:no it dosen't12:17
PelorBlong2us,   frostwire or your choice or bittorrent clients12:17
AssenHi everyone, I have something that coub be a basic problem but I never ever seen that before, I'm using some shipit CDS wich boot correctly on other pcs.. Here is my prolem when I boot from the live cd (6.10) to install it on my desktop, I get a freeze when gnome start *where you can see the rectangular Ubuntu Logo the image is scrambled and the mouse and keyboard aren't responding... Is there a command I should use? Anyone ever 12:17
tjb891Pelo:but the ping command goes dead after it12:17
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bltgurlIm gonna take off guys thatnk you all so much for your help :)12:17
LukeKingsqueak: good find12:17
Pelotjb891,  sound very odd12:17
tjb891i know12:17
bltgurl*kisses* for everyone bye bye12:17
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tjb891i just posted a thread in the forum about it12:18
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KingsqueakLuke: it seems it may 'just work' after you change it12:18
bimberiAssen: have you tried the "Safe graphics mode" boot option?12:18
LukeKingsqueak: what is yours set to?12:18
Assenyeah same thing12:18
Pelowhooo,  wine 0.9.26 is out12:18
LukeKingsqueak: lat0-sun16 is what I have12:18
neophileI just installed gfxboot-theme-ubuntu. How can I enable it?12:18
Kingsqueaksame here12:18
tomiboi4 amaroK, should I use MySQL?12:18
Lukeand you can see the pecial chars in aptitude?12:19
KingsqueakLuke: I don't run in console mode so I haven't set it12:19
Lukemind checking for me?12:19
Assenbimberi: Yeah I tried that ption it did the same thing... :/12:19
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bruenigthey are going to run out of numbers if they aren't careful, then they are going to have to call it 1.012:19
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rBlong2usPelo: thanks I'll try frostwire12:19
cmwebHey can any one else join #php?12:19
PelorBlong2us,   go the the blog section and install the special ubuntu beta,12:20
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cmwebit says im banned12:20
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PelorBlong2us,  you'll need java12:20
cmwebbut ive never been on it12:20
KingsqueakLuke: actually man pages and aptitude look o.k. here12:20
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MrGiMmEThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:20
MrGiMmE  libqt3-mt-dev: Depends: libglu1-xorg-dev but it is not installable or12:20
MrGiMmE                          libglu1-mesa-dev but it is not going to be installed or12:20
MrGiMmE                          libglu-dev12:20
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KingsqueakLuke: I had garbled char issues in xterms though for sure, but my console looks o.k.12:20
kitchecmweb: try ##php12:20
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bimberiAssen: kk :|12:20
cmwebkitche i did /join ##php12:20
LukeKingsqueak: damnit... i donno why mine looks crap then12:21
KingsqueakLuke: what does   echo $LANG   say?12:21
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blankyguys, if a file name has a space in it, how do I access it through the terminal, for example if I want to move it somewhere, how do I make it so it doesn't treat it as two seperate commands12:21
bimberiAssen: it could be a bad CD i guess - you could try the verification option12:21
lacinhi, I use 6.06 and I install Totem, Gxine, xine, libexinerama and vlc and many other packages included w32codec, but when I want to play a WMV movie Totem Or gxine are crash!12:21
rBlong2usI am losing a hair  or two with guibuntu12:21
LjLblanky: either quotes or use "\ "12:21
rBlong2usPelo: how do I search for it? apt-get find froswire?12:22
blankycp "my file.txt" here.txt12:22
bimberi"file with spaces in the name"12:22
LjLblanky: quotation marks12:22
blankyLjL: like that?12:22
LjLblanky: yes12:22
Assenbimberi: I tried cd check and I got like... 10 ubuntu Cds here plus a DVD I burned and checked with nero... all the same problem (really wierd isn't it?)12:22
PelorBlong2us,  hold on I'll give you a direct link12:22
rBlong2usit doesn't wanna install with this name frostwire12:22
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blankyrBlong2us: you have to download it from the site12:22
LjLblanky: or   cp my\ file.txt here.txt12:22
rBlong2usPelo: aha...12:22
LukeKingsqueak: en_US.UTF-812:22
blankyLjL: quotes are better :)12:22
rBlong2usis not on the repositories12:22
KingsqueakLuke: odd, same here12:22
LjLblanky: anyway, if you just type cp my<TAB>, i bet it'll auto-complete it correctly ;)12:22
PelorBlong2us,  http://www.frostwire.com/blog/2006/11/21/try-frostwire-413-ubuntu-installer-now-with-bittorrent/12:23
blankyLjL: yeah12:23
PelorBlong2us,  make sure you have java installed first12:23
bimberiAssen: actually it may not be.  I have a PC that has booted fine on every Ubuntu Live CD until Edgy (6.10).12:23
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Assenbimberi: ok well let me try with some 6.06 cds.. Brb12:24
blankyPelo: and ifyou have connection problems, read this http://www.frostwire.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=66612:24
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Peloblanky,  I haven' T had connection problems with it since I've been using the beta12:24
rBlong2usPelo: yaiks... so it's going to be a huge hog... is java installed by default12:24
PelorBlong2us,  not that big of a hog,  not like Azureus12:25
wcehow can i open this: /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:25
rBlong2usPelo: thanks god12:25
Pelo!java | rBlong2us12:25
uboturBlong2us: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:25
KingsqueakLuke: what happens if you do     export LANG=C ; aptitude         does it look better?12:25
blankyPelo: *thumbs up*12:25
PelorBlong2us,  for bit torrent I use  utorrent running on wine12:25
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rBlong2usPelo: do you like CLI?12:26
blankyPelo: me neither, until this version, and I was telling rBlong2us anyways, not you, HE might appreciate the heads up, even if he doesn't have the problem12:26
rBlong2usPelo: rtorrent is quite awsome12:26
LukeKingsqueak: lemme try12:26
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ubotulibqt3-mt: Qt GUI Library (Threaded runtime version), Version 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 3064 kB, installed size 8712 kB12:26
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ubotulibqt3-mt-dev: Qt development files (Threaded). In component main, is optional. Version 3:3.3.6-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 51 kB, installed size 168 kB12:26
PelorBlong2us,   I'm too much of a noob for CLI ,  I like my GUI12:26
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LukeKingsqueak: yes!12:27
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LukeKingsqueak: how do I make that perminate (and what is C?)12:27
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wcecan someone help me open this in the X  /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:27
LukeKingsqueak: i've been searching all over the place and cant find anything about this12:27
KingsqueakLuke: C is a very default charset/language setting, not the best to always use12:27
KingsqueakLuke: the weird part is, I'm not sure why UTF8 isn't working for you12:27
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jmarsdenLuke: C is the default locale.  You can put LANG=C in your .bashrc if you really want to...12:27
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rBlong2usPelo:... try Gentoo you'll learn cli on the fasttrack12:28
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LukeKingsqueak: so basically my font doesnt support UTF8 but thats the charset i'm using?12:28
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KingsqueakLuke: or the aptitude doesn't like it, one way or the other12:29
sn00p|How do I fix ident in ubuntu i've installed pidentd it doesn't seem to be working?12:29
PelorBlong2us,  I've been usnig computers since DOS 2.0, I've done enough CLI12:29
jmarsdenLuke: Yes, it looks that way.12:29
KingsqueakLuke: I'm not sure how you got out of whack with that though12:29
LukeKingsqueak: it happend from my dapper to edgy upgrade12:29
KingsqueakLuke: same here with xterms12:29
Kingsqueakodd my console works here12:29
jmarsdensn00p|: Can you define "doesn't seem to be working" a bit more?12:30
Lukelots of weird things screwed up when I updated12:30
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ubotuamarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 for Dapper and 1.4.4 for Edgy and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org12:31
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wcehow can i enable composing in X?12:31
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sn00p|jmarsden, on irc I still see a ~sn00p in front of my identd12:31
neophileI just installed gfxboot-theme-ubuntu but I can't find out how to enable it.. Can someone help?12:31
Lukejmarsden: anything you suggest to fix this problem?12:31
jmarsdensn00p|: Are you sure you have the ident port open in your router and forwarded to your Ubuntu box?12:32
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rBlong2usPelo: DOS ain't real cli though12:32
Peloneophile,   in system > admin > splash I think12:32
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sn00p|jmarsden, what port does it use?12:32
Lukejmarsden: if i'm using the utf8 and the default tty font?12:32
sn00p|jmarsden, and where do I configure or start it?12:32
jmarsdenLuke: Look for a monospaced console font with the chars you want and configure your console to use that?12:32
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PelorBlong2us, I'm learning, stop pressuring me12:32
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jmarsdensn00p|: TCP port 11312:32
Lukejmarsden: it must look in a certain dir though... how do i know how to format the name etc...?12:32
wcehow can i open xorg.conf12:33
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nickv111How do I get Ubuntu to reconfigure my soundcard right?12:33
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jmarsdensn00p|: And how you configure your router depends on what make/model your router is...12:33
sn00p|jmarsden, do I need to start pidentd or does it already start after I install it?12:33
Pelowce,   from the terminal  > sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:33
rBlong2usPelo: no sweat man12:33
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wcethanks pelo12:33
jmarsdenLuke: I'm not sure... I think Kingsqueak found the config file you would change, earlier in this conversation?12:34
CharlieSuHas anyone gotten libtorrent (rtorrent) working with encryption?12:34
KingsqueakLuke: try this, 'sudo apt-get install console-terminus'   then change the font in /etc/console-tools/conf to  Uni3-Terminus1412:34
LukeKingsqueak: ok12:34
gradinis there a way i can log denyed hosts from my SSH server?12:34
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jmarsdensn00p|: I'm not sure, I think it should start by itself ... let me check12:34
rBlong2usSUN Java is now GPL open source... is this reflected on the repositories and the Java instructions?12:34
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CharlieSugradin: yes..12:34
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CharlieSugradin: get denyhosts12:34
CharlieSugradin: i love it..12:35
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LukeKingsqueak: after I install this - is there any configuration needed?12:35
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gradinCharlieSu: but will denyhosts conflict with my fali2ban script thats running configed with iptables?12:35
timo90hi my ubuntu gets stuck on the splash screen12:35
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CharlieSugradin: no, it uses hosts.deny and not iptables..12:35
neophilepelo, There is not such menu item as splash and from some guide for non-official packages of gfxboot there should be some oprion in grub's menu.lst12:35
jmarsdensn00p|: Check whether you have a file /var/run/identd/identd.pid -- if you do, it is started12:36
hexionanybody knows an extension to minimize firefox to tray?12:36
rBlong2usthere's isn'g a 6.10 java guide12:36
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Peloneophile,  sorry,  system > prefts >splash screen12:36
rBlong2usanyone know how can I install java on ubuntu? It's now FREE open source12:36
CharlieSugradin: why use iptables?  use the userspace. That is what it is for.. Also, denyhosts has way more features than anything else out there.  for example purging users...12:36
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sn00p|jmarsden, no and its not identd its pidentd a different program12:36
kitcherBlong2us: compile it but yet you need classpaths which is not "free"12:37
Pelo!java ! rBlong2us12:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about java ! rBlong2us - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:37
jmarsdenrBlong2us: Sun Java is not yet GPLed open source, not all of it... in March 2007 maybe it will all be GPLed...12:37
Pelo!java | rBlong2us12:37
uboturBlong2us: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository12:37
killownhow I do autologin with xdm?12:37
timo90my ubuntu gets stuck on the slash screen when it is loading the window manneger12:38
jmarsdensn00p|: ???  The pindentd package contains a program /usr/sbin/identd which creates that PID file.  At least for me it does?!12:38
nuancehi, all.  i see we're a little busy; I'm looking for a guide to installing a broadcom-4318 based linksys wireless-g pcmcia card.  does anyone have any ideas?12:38
Pelotimo90,  what is the last thing you did before getting that problem ?? undo it12:38
Pelonuance,   look up your model number in the fourm12:38
sn00p|jmarsden, ok, its in /usr/sbin/identd but no PID file12:39
killownhey anyona can help me?12:39
killownhow I do autologin with xdm?12:39
nuancethanks for the quick tip12:39
jmarsdensn00p|: So... run it and see whether the file gets created...12:39
Pelokillown,  just state your problem , if someone can help they will try12:39
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Pelokillown,  try the forum12:39
sn00p|jmarsden, I tried and no it doesn't get created12:40
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hou5tonIf I want all the fonts on my windows box to also be accessible in Edgy / Open Office; is it as simple as copying them from the font folder in windows and putting them in /usr/share/fonts on here?12:40
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timo90Pelo:I experienced that problem after i had successfully sheared my Internet connection on my network.12:40
MrGiMmEIs there a way to install shockwave on ubuntu?12:40
bruenigMrGiMmE, no, unless you use crossover office or something similar I think12:40
bimberi!shockwave | MrGiMmE12:40
ubotuMrGiMmE: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave12:40
Pelohou5ton,  that's how I did it but not all the fonts worked , only the TTF ones12:40
cafuegoMrGiMmE: Yes, by using wine and a windows browser+plugin.12:40
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Pelotimo90,  I can't help12:41
MrGiMmEIs it very stable?12:41
hou5tonPelo:   Also .... I see that in /usr/share/fonts there are many folders.  I wonder if OO will see a new folder I put there, or should I put the new fonts in one of the folders already there?12:41
neophilePelo, there is no menu item like that. I laso checked the package contents and ti doesnt install any .desktop file12:41
PeloMrGiMmE,   try asking the ppl in #winehq12:41
jmarsdensn00p|: Ah. my mistake.  It is run under inetd which you need to start12:41
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bimberiMrGiMmE: it wasn't when i tried it12:42
Pelohou5ton,  try copying your fonts to /home/username/.font12:42
sn00p|jmarsden, you know of a how to for that?12:42
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Pelohou5ton,  and my OO sees all of my available fonts12:42
timo90Pelo: im looking on google for the instructions i followed in order to make ICS.12:42
cafuegoMrGiMmE: Best bet is to run it on windows in say vmware or something12:42
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jmarsdensn00p|: Try     sudo apt-get install inetd12:42
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sn00p|I'm trying to find it in package manager12:43
jmarsdensn00p|: It should start automatically after being installed.12:43
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sn00p|there isn't any inetd12:43
Peloneophile,  that's the most I could do12:43
sn00p|something like xinetd12:43
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neophilepelo, thanks anyway, its weard that there is nothing about it in google :(12:44
jmarsdenI just did the command I typed and it worked for me.... xinetd will most likely also work if you want to hack up an xinetd config file for pidentd, but the pidentd package seems to use /etc/inetd.conf and so (AFAIK) needs identd to work12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gimpshop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:44
black_13is it possible to turn a debian sarge machine into an ubuntu machine?12:44
Peloneophile,  try the ubuntu forum12:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gimp-shop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:44
timo90Pelo will that help12:44
sn00p|jmarsden, yea i'm not finding inetd, i'm running edgy12:44
MalachiWhat's a good way to make grass grow?12:44
sn00p|jmarsden, xinetd - replacement for inetd with many enhancements12:44
hou5tonPelo:   Interesting .... I don't have a Home/hou5ton/.fonts12:44
Pelotimo90,  will what help ?12:44
jmarsdensn00p|: Edgy here too.  Just open a terminal and try     sudo apt-get install inetd12:44
MalachiMan, I'm not a troll...just wrong forum. Forgive me.12:44
hou5tonPelo:   and yes, I'm viewing all files12:44
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sn00p|I did12:44
MalachiThought I was on blender...12:45
JagerAnyone know how to install gimpshop?12:45
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sn00p|jmarsden, ok its installing12:45
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timo90pelo this is the comand i think is killing my ubuntu dpkg-reconfigure ipmasq12:45
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sn00p|jmarsden, i'm going to forward my ports brb12:45
MalachiWrong channel* But I did have a question.12:45
MalachiHas anyone had problems with xine?12:45
Pelohou5ton,  you are right there isn't one ,  must have been a link I had with something else I had intalled on dapper12:45
hou5tonPelo:   ok ... well .. I'll go get a dl of those fonts and be back to put them in here12:46
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Pelotimo90,   I think you are talking to the wrong person, I have no idea what you are talking about12:46
ubotuSeLvAdOrY: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:47
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KingsqueakLuke: I figgered it out12:47
KingsqueakLuke: in console    consolechars -f Uni3-Terminus1412:47
sn00pjmarsden, it still dont work, I forwarded port 113 do I have to do unp forwarding ?12:47
SeLvAdOrYI'm new i work on ubuntu 6.1012:47
SeLvAdOrYmy Q is12:47
KingsqueakLuke: you can switch to any font that way12:47
Pelohou5ton,  if you don'T want to mess with your install ,  you could make a /home/user/.fonts folder and put one of those whatchamacall them links in the /usr/share/fonts folder12:47
jmarsdensn00p: Just TCP port 113 should be fine.  CAn you telnet localhost 113 and type some junk and rpess Enter?12:48
timo90Ok peleo: thanks12:48
SeLvAdOrYsome website not worke on firefox ... webmaster say :must be work on MS EX or netscape12:48
sn00pjmarsden, no12:48
SeLvAdOrYhow can i solve this ?12:48
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we2byhow do you start the kbfx panel?12:49
kitcheSeLvAd0rY: you can't really if you want it to work on firefox12:49
TLEHey I've got an issue when I try to use cedega, which I think is related to dri, can I use cedega without it? I tried to disable dri in the xorg.conf but them fglrx driver didn't load properly and fglrxinfo showed mesa. Any ideas on how to fix it ?12:49
Dreamgliderwhy dont i have sound on youtube and ebaum videos ?12:49
Dreamglideri use Firefox12:49
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PeloSeLvAdOrY,  I can'T realy help but I am curious to know what kind of sites those are ?12:49
LukeKingsqueak: thanks mate!12:49
jmarsdensn00p: Then you don't get have inetd and therefore identd really running.  When you installed inetd, did it show ""* Starting internet superserver inetd12:49
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dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: OK, I'm finally back.12:50
Pelodreamer,  try flash9 beta12:50
kitcheDreamglider: your sound might be used by another program what flash do you have flash7 or flash9 beta?12:50
SeLvAdOrYit's programed by jsb12:50
sn00pjmarsden, I got 3 options in my router, port range forwarding, port triggering, Upnp forwarding, I always put them in port triggering and upnp forwarding and seems to work but I have no more spots to  input anything else in upnp12:50
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: any luck?12:50
sn00pjmarsden, yea it showed that12:50
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Dreamgliderkitche, flash912:50
dreamerPelo: que?12:50
dreamerPelo: ah :)12:50
Pelodreamer,  sorry ,  blame nickcomplete12:50
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dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: I needed help with my wifi connection. I'm connected right now, but I need to replace info in /etc/network/interfaces then do ifdown ifup still.12:50
wceWhy when i type beryl-manager on X the screen freeses expet the mouse pointer??? then i have to restart X ctrl+alt+ backspace, a blackscreen appears and i hace to log in again?12:50
LukeKingsqueak: changed my font but didnt fix the escape characters12:50
jmarsdenIf you can't do telnet localhost 113 and type stuff, then identd is not running, so router config will not help anway...12:51
rBlong2usdo I have to restart ubuntu after installing Java12:51
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PelorBlong2us,  not realy12:51
LukeKingsqueak: afk12:51
philcI'm trying to copy a large file to another machine, but my network is terrible and the connection drops. I'm using scp. Is there another tool or protocol I can use that supports resuming? would ftp work?12:51
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: at least whenever I want to change networks.12:51
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: yeah if you comment out all but the 'lo' lines and restart, nm should take over12:51
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kitcheDreamglider: wonder if esd is interfereing with the sound since I know arts can do that12:51
jmarsdensn00p: Need to get the Ubuntu bit working first, then work on router.12:51
SeLvAdOrYI can give the link on privte12:51
KingsqueakLuke: man, I really don't know there then12:51
sn00pjmarsden, it shows that inetd has started12:51
KingsqueakLuke: terminus should support the chars12:51
rBlong2usPelo:  ok then let see this frostwire12:51
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john__I just installed ubuntu-lite. How do I inxrease resolution... if it is even possible?12:51
Dreamgliderkitche,  can i do anything about it ?12:52
PelorBlong2us,  do you still have the link ?12:52
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: problem is, I need a line in interfaces for pre-up ifconfig rausb0 up12:52
wcewhats the beryl channel name?12:52
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: what is rausb0 ?12:52
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: I need that because it's a rt73 card.12:52
kitcheDreamglider: I would turn off esd myself but don't know how to do that since I m not a gnome user12:52
jmarsdensn00p: OK, if you run    netstat -nl |grep 113    # do you see a line of output about something listening on that port?12:52
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: not sure then12:52
kitchewce: #beryl12:52
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dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: well, at least I know if I have it that way, nm will take over. Thanks.12:53
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: I'll try a few things and get back if it works.12:53
urmomi am running ubuntu on an ibook g412:53
urmomcan i get java?12:53
rBlong2usPelo: what link? I went to the website and installed frostwire and then java12:53
Dreamgliderwhy cant things in linux just no 'work' out of the box :/12:53
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: at least it beats manually doing wpa_supplicant12:53
sn00pjmarsden, http://pastebin.ca/25896912:53
rBlong2usPelo: why did I miss a step or did I do something wrong?12:53
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: yeah, I'm not looking forward to trying that.12:53
Dreamgliderit would make life so easy for idiots like me..12:53
sn00pjmarsden, can you tell me whats with all that orbit crap also?12:54
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: you shouldn't need to with nm setup12:54
kitcheDreamglider: everythign works for me outside the box but then again I don't use soemthing that has a sound server12:54
Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: it should just do that work you12:54
pstangcslvDreamglider: onjce you learn it it will become second nature12:54
urmomcan anyone help me or will you just ignore my request?12:54
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kitchewce: don't repeat in there so fast12:54
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: really?12:54
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PelorBlong2us,  the version from the front page of the site has problems connecting,  I gave you a direct link to the latest beta for ubuntu which works pretty well   http://www.frostwire.com/blog/2006/11/21/try-frostwire-413-ubuntu-installer-now-with-bittorrent/12:54
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dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: alright, I'm going to go, and try this stuff. Thanks.12:54
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Kingsqueakdragonfyre13: yeah you'll need to do your ifup/ifdown trick but if it detects a wpa network , you should just be able to fill in the blanks with nm-applet12:54
Dreamglidertrue true, but at the moment it is so very very hard to even extract a zipfile!12:54
urmomdoes anyone know if i can run java on an ibook g4?12:55
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rBlong2usohh the noes!! Pelo do I have to unsinstall then reinstall or what now?12:55
kitcheurmom: try installing java but probably not since sun only has solaris windows and linux binaries for x86 and x86_6412:55
Dreamglideri should never haev installed 6.1012:55
jmarsdensn00p: I just added a comment to your paste showing what I get -- not sure why they are so different.12:55
KingsqueakDreamglider: that's because you think you 'know' how to extract a zip, you do, just not in linux yet ;-) give it time12:55
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PelorBlong2us,   I'd uninstall first,  you can do that from  synaptic12:56
Dreamgliderhehe true allso12:56
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sn00pjmarsden, I think something is wrong with this box, I'm seeing orbit crap in netstat etc12:56
KingsqueakDreamglider: I've used it for 11years and I still learn new tricks12:56
pstangcslvDreamglider: the trick is that it's actually easier in linux12:56
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jmarsdensn00p: Well, that is fairly normal, assuming orbit is running... all part of the GNOME world.12:57
Dreamgliderpstangcslv, i cant say i agree there mate.12:57
sn00pjmarsden, ok12:57
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sn00pjmarsden, any ideas on inetd?12:57
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=== Kingsqueak never knew about the -p flag to mkdir...all these years...do you have any idea how many scripts I've written that did a hierarchical dir path build loop in them? That one made me laugh.
pstangcslvDreamglider: linux = unzip somefile.zip :: windows 20 clicks to unzip something in winzip12:57
tapashow do i make ubuntu bring my wireless interface up as soon as i plug it in?12:57
sn00pjmarsden, its not really a big deal but it just annoys me12:57
Dreamgliderbut anyways, can anyone help me to get audio in firefox when i watch videos on youtube and such12:58
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pstangcslvDreamglider: which flash you have?12:58
Dreamgliderpstangcslv, 912:58
jmarsdensn00p: Sounds like you'd want to check whether inetd is running OK, and if it is, maybe a minor edit to /etc/inetd.conf would do the trick for you??12:58
bruenigDreamglider, are you using flash 9 beta 2 or beta 1?12:58
diskuspstangcslv: well, winzip is old and useless piece of crap :P12:58
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rBlong2uswhat's the difference between Removal and Complete REmoval?12:58
pstangcslvDreamglider: Alsa installed12:58
d4rkst0rmenvy is the best tool for installing beryl with nvidia12:58
cafuegorBlong2us: config files12:58
Dreamglideri dont know12:59
kitcherBlong2us: complete removal will remove everything to that software config files12:59
d4rkst0rmi installed beryl for hours... with envy it took me 15 minutes ^^12:59
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Dreamglideri just installed 6.1012:59
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DiscererIs it possible to have ubuntu and winxp on the same physical disk+12:59
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pstangcslvDreamglider: do you get sound at all?12:59
PelorBlong2us,  removal will be enough12:59
bruenigDiscerer, yes12:59
sn00pjmarsden, http://pastebin.ca/258978 thats all i have in my inetd.conf12:59
Dreamgliderpstangcslv, yes12:59
Dreamglidermp3 works fine12:59
DiscererDoesn't that mess up the *nix/win filesystems?01:00
bruenigDiscerer, you have to partition01:00
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ninpomonkeyI am thinking of buying Fujifilm F30, is it just to plugin and use like a usb pendrive / external hd on ubuntu?01:00
bruenig!dualboot | Discerer01:00
ubotuDiscerer: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)01:00
Discererthanks bruenig01:00
Kapta1hi all -o/01:00
blankyhey guys what vnc client/server should I use on ubuntu, can I use realvnc?01:00
Kapta1my first linux session, ever   :)01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realvnc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:01
Dreamgliderpstangcslv,  the flash says i have version installed01:01
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kitcheblnky: you can it seems liek you need to install it yourself01:01
blankyI guess not01:01
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blanky!tightvnc | kitche01:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tightvnc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:01
blankykitche: yeah I remember, that's why I'm not gonna use it01:01
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KingsqueakDiscerer: I would get the Win partition shrunk and setup first, not using the Ubuntu installer01:01
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jmarsdensn00p: That looks fine to me... not entirely sure how to test further...01:02
tapasblanky: xtightvncviewer is alright01:02
KingsqueakDiscerer: use a win util to shrink it down and make room for Ubuntu, reboot , be sure Win is cool, then do the install and put Ubuntu in the partition you made01:02
tapasblanky: and maybe tightvncserver01:02
blankydas what im gettin dogg01:02
sn00pjmarsden, did you do anything else to make it work?01:02
jmarsdensn00p: You might just want to reboot and see if that sets up inetd/pidentd better for you??01:02
blankytapas: *nod* das what i got01:02
jmarsdensn00p: Not that I know of!01:02
blankytapas: tank joo for joor help01:02
sn00pjmarsden, ok, i'll try and do that01:03
bimberiblanky: Ubuntu ships with vncviewer (Apps -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client) and a vnc server, vino, for remote control of the desktop (System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop)01:03
blankybimberi: oh... *cricket*01:03
blankybimberi: I love you *hug*01:03
KingsqueakDiscerer: the reason, occasionally the parted utility that is used to shrink the partitions will foul up the boot record of the windows install, it's easier to get that all sorted out first then have to repair it after IMO01:03
blankylong time no see bimberi :)01:03
bimberiblanky: long time no hug :)01:03
pstangcslvDreamglider: http://www.debianadmin.com/install-flash-player-9-update-in-ubuntu.html01:04
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Dreamgliderok ill have a look thanks01:05
Kapta1i really hope is vino is disabled by default... is it ??01:05
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ivxhey does anyone know how to setup open office writer to print avery labels01:05
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pstangcslvDreamglider: I think you have to gpl flash player installed - not good enough yet01:05
Dreamgliderwhat ?01:06
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dogfood#join wrt01:06
pstangcslvDreamglider: gpl ie the free open source flash player01:06
THBhey guys01:06
dtshow do you debug your cron configuration01:06
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jmarsdendts: what isn't working for you about cron?01:07
THBthe package manager froze last night and now it wont let me install programs01:07
asterI would like to know if I can run Gnome-Desktop with my P4 1.8ghz and 512 ram properly.01:07
THBE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:07
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dtsjmarsden: it feels like the file isn't loaded properly01:07
kitcheTHB: and did you run that command?01:07
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THBso I go to the shell and type sh01:07
dtsor the command not executed01:07
THBthen login01:07
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sn00p|jmarsden, didn't change a t hing01:07
THBand it says01:07
Kapta1help anyone ?01:07
jmarsdendts: I would just add a cron job that runs logger at the relevant time(s) and then look in my log files to see whether it worked?01:08
Discererhmm ok thanks kingrayray01:08
THBNo utmp entry.  You must exec "login" from the lowest level "sh"01:08
_JECKEL_hey....what's the name of the art manager thing for gnome?01:08
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_JECKEL_because seriously....i've been looking for it...can't find it01:08
kitche_JECKEL_: do you mean pain program or a thumbnail type of a program01:08
Pelo_JECKEL_,  it' part of automatix01:09
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_JECKEL_no no...the thing where you download theme pieces for the gnome desktop01:09
Pelogome art01:09
jmarsdensn00p|:   One more test:  what does       echo junk |nc localhost 113   display as output?01:09
Kapta1how do i change apt-get host ???01:09
killownwhere I found inittab ?01:09
hocminCan someone help me get sound juicer to work with an mp3 codec?  I'm trying to use lame but the results aren't playable01:09
sn00p|jmarsden, 0 , 0 : ERROR : UNKNOWN-ERROR01:10
KingsqueakKapta1: /etc/apt/source.list01:10
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killown/etc/inittab not found01:10
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ninpomonkeyI am thinking of buying Fujifilm F30, is it just to plugin and use like a usb pendrive / external hd on ubuntu? <-- I can't find anything when I google...... anyone here tried it? - need help, I don't want to purchase a cam that doesn't work with ubuntu....01:10
jmarsdensn00p|: OK, so now pidentd is definitely working for you on port 113.  Now just get your router happy and all will be well.01:10
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asterI would like to know if I can run Gnome-Desktop with my P4 1.8ghz and 512 ram properly.01:10
killownwhere I found inittab ?01:10
dtswell, where does the error output of a script get sent?01:10
killown/etc/inittab not found01:10
Kapta1thnx, trying that01:10
sn00p|jmarsden, well i got no more upnp spaces01:10
asterkillown: impossible01:10
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asterkillown: you should have that file01:10
Kingsqueakaster: unless he removed it01:10
killownI dont have01:11
jmarsdendts: By default, it is emailed to root.  You can put a line MAILTO="me@myaddress.com" before the cron job line to change that.01:11
killownfind / -name inittab01:11
Renan_s2with Upstart there is no more /etc/inittab, I think01:11
killownas user root I do it01:11
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asterI would like to know if I can run Gnome-Desktop with my P4 1.8ghz and 512 ram properly.01:11
jmarsdenkillown: In Egdy there is no more inittab01:11
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killownjmarsden how I change run level01:12
killownI dont want login manager01:12
jmarsdenaster: Yes, you can, for some definitions of "properly".01:12
jmarsdenkillown: telinit 3  should work for you?01:12
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jmarsdenkillown: That won't chahge it permanently, but it will change it for now.01:13
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bimberiaster: that should be fine for Gnome.01:13
killownI put it in rc scripts?01:13
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killownI want do autologin mingetty01:14
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jmarsdenkillown: There will be a better way of doing that for the new "upstart" init but I don't know what it is right now... looking...01:14
killownbut dont found inittab01:14
Kingsqueakivx: try this http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/node/168401:14
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killownjmarsden, login without password I set in login.defs?01:15
ivxkingsqueak just figured it out, thanks though01:15
killownno password console?01:15
astersomeone can help me please?01:15
tomiboii want to run dreamweaver 8 on Ubuntu. should i use WINE or VMware?01:15
cafuegokillown: It's not handled via inittab, you need to remove the gdm init symlink. 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'01:15
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hikenboothello all I get the following dhcpd error No subnet declation for start ( anyone with an idea ...I have been trying to figure it out for 2 days01:15
phoenix87tareal quick question.  I just installed ubuntu, and the root user already has a password set.  is this a default password, and if so, what is it?01:15
mzlitomiboi, crossover office will get it over.01:15
killowncafuego, xdm too?01:15
frederificevening all, how can I change the default applications01:16
hikenboottomiboi...use vmware unless you have a new pc then u can use xen01:16
cafuegokillown: Not installed by default afaik, but running the appropriate command won't break anything.01:16
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budgesterpheonix:  sudo01:16
gbwhello, i just installed edgy, where can i find acroread repository? i have put multiverse but apt-cache doestn show any acroread01:16
ubotuphoenix87ta: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:16
bimberi!defaultapp | frederific01:16
Kingsqueakphoenix87ta: there isn't a root user password, you use 'sudo' to do things as root, to get a root shell do 'sudo -i' then type your user's password01:16
ubotufrederific: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"01:16
phoenix87tafrederific, to what?01:16
asterphoenix87ta: as user do sudo passwd then choose your root password01:16
tomiboiit's a 4 years old desktop01:16
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gbw!info acroread01:16
ubotuacroread: Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.8-0.0.ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 22368 kB, installed size 54692 kB (Only available for i386)01:16
hikenbootcrossover works really well too01:16
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killownlogin.defs I can to define no password console?01:16
ubuntuuserHelp Me!01:17
hikenbootanyone know where I might get some good help on dhcpd server?01:17
budgesterhikenboot: syslog ?01:17
jmarsdenhikenboot: Can you post the dhspd.conf file somewhere, I might be able to help...01:17
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gbwgot it working now01:17
ubuntuuserHow do I ferr HDD space from command line01:17
hikenbootriight away hold on jmarsden01:17
Kingsqueakubuntuuser: ferr?01:18
budgesterubuntuuser: df -h ?01:18
frederificsorry, should have made myself clearer. When I plug in my digicam with photos on, it asks if I want to import them, if i click yes, it loads gthumb, is there a way to make it use F-Spot instead?01:18
phoenix87taokay.  need to change some permissions for some reason :(01:18
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kitchefrederific: make F-Spot your default application instead of gthumb01:19
Kingsqueakfrederific: there's a preferences for default applications in the gnome toolbar you can set01:19
ubuntuuserHow do I ferr Harddisk space from command line01:19
Kingsqueakubuntuuser: ferr?01:19
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rBlong2ushow can I disable window drawing while dragging the widows aroudn the desktop? I can afford tha with my lil memroy01:19
Kingsqueakubuntuuser: try paying attention if you ask questions?01:19
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rBlong2usI didn't find that on the menus01:19
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rBlong2usif anyone know where can I find that options I would appreciate01:19
|thunderhI Quinn_Storm01:20
|thunderThanks for beryl01:20
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frederificKitche, make Fspot the default for JPEGs?01:20
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hikenbootjmarsden http://pastebin.ca/25899901:21
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frederificKinsqueak: Thanks, but I only have options for Web browser, Teminal and mail client in Preferences|Preferred apps01:21
jmarsdenhikenboot: looking...01:21
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Kapta1hm.. i guess i'm not running ubuntu 100% yet, see yah soon..01:21
Kingsqueakfrederific: o.k. so when you refer to 'it' asking you, what is it?01:21
dtsdo cron jobs get killed if the tasks run to long?01:21
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ubuntuuserHow do I free disk space from command line?01:21
Kingsqueakfrederific: are you running Gnome and Nautilus or what?01:21
bimberifrederific: System -> Preferences -> Removable Drives and Media01:21
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Kingsqueakubuntuuser: 'rm' ?01:21
jleemc44Whats a good client for listening to shoutcast streams in GNOME? (Ubuntu 6.10)01:21
bruenigUbugtu, you can remove stuff with rm01:22
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DralaFijleemc44, xmms01:22
bruenigjleemc44, listen01:22
budgesterubuntu user: do you want to find out how much space you have free, or do you want to create some space ?01:22
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bruenigjleemc44, http://listengnome.free.fr/01:22
dodge_DartDoes someone has experience with ubuntu+sonyvaio? How does it go?01:22
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jleemc44Thanks dar and bru <--for editing.01:23
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frederificKingsqueak: Yes, Gnome&Nautilus. When I plug it in, I get a dialogue called photos and music which has options to ignore, import photos, or manage music01:23
budgesterdodge: any particular viao, I know someone running ubuntu fine on a viao, but not sure of the model01:23
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Music_ShuffleI run Ubuntu on a vaio.01:23
Music_ShuffleI'm on it right now.01:23
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dodge_DartOn a fs 640w vaio..01:24
budgesterMusic_Shuffle: can't you sit on a chair like a normal person01:24
dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, what can you tell me?01:24
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frederificbimberi: Great, I think that's it, thanks01:24
jeffbrownis there a "standard" gui console for managing which services get started automatically?01:24
Music_Shufflebudgester, I know...I tried. =[01:24
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AngryElfis there any way to make the power save settings longer than 1 hour?01:24
jmarsdenhikenboot: That looks good to me.  Is /etc/defaults/dhcp set to the correct interface?01:24
Music_Shuffledodge_Dart, about what?  Does it work? Absolutely.  Does it run far faster than XP used to? Yes.01:24
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frederificKingsqueak: Thanks for your help, got it now :)01:24
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hikenboothold on i will pastebin it01:25
Pelojeffbrown,   system > prefs > sesson : 3rd tab01:25
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bimberifrederific: yep, looks fairly promising :)01:25
dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, and what about the wireless interface?01:25
hentaii'm trying to get my headset to work with mpd, and it wants some address for it like "hw:0,0". how do I find out what address my headset is like that?01:25
Kingsqueakfrederific: no prob01:25
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Music_Shuffledodge_Dart, mine's a desktop, the one connected to the router actually, so I have no opinion on that, but wireless in general for Ubuntu is sorta..hit/miss/battle much.  So I dunno really.01:25
jeffbrownPelo: that isn't showing me much... I am  looking for someplace where things like Apache2 get enabled/disabled to run automatically01:25
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hikenbootjmarsden http://pastebin.ca/25900501:26
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Pelojeffbrown,  that's for starting apps at boot time,   you might be looking for cron but it isn'T  gui , and I don'T knwo what else you could use01:26
gbwhello, which image viewer do you use, which is small and fast?01:26
jmarsdenjeffbrown: Here (Xubuntu) it is under System -> Services01:27
budgestergbw: pornview01:27
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jeffbrownjmarsden: that is what I would have expected, but that shows me a subset.  Thanks anyway01:27
dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, and graphic card, did you tested ? movies , etc..?01:27
Music_Shuffledodge_Dart, what about graphics..?01:27
budgestergbw: The name sucks, but it's a good image viewer01:27
phoenix87taokay, I need to delete a stack of files that are owned by root.  I can do sudo -i in a terminal, but I'm not sure how to delete them all from there.  is there another way to get the permissions to delete these files?01:27
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gbwbudgester, iwill try it01:27
pstangcslvgbw: xv01:27
jeffbrownI thought there was an interface to all of the init.d stuff but I can't recall what it is01:28
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sn00pjmarsden, still no luck01:28
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gbwpstangcslv, xv is not included anymore01:28
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jmarsdenhikenboot: OK... I'll try using your config files here and see if I get the same error...01:28
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dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, you're using the proper configuration for it, or a generic one? wich resolution do you use?01:28
jmarsdensn00p: It just *has* to be your router config01:28
Kingsqueakjeffbrown: 'update-rc.d'01:29
sn00pjmarsden, well I got ports 113 in my config01:29
hikenbooti am wondering if i should try the other dhcp3-server instead of the one i used01:29
gbwbudgester, pornview is too big, i need a smaller app01:29
hikenbootwhats the difference anyways01:29
linux_kidpheonix87ta: what version of ubuntu are you using; edgy or dapper?01:29
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Music_Shuffledodge_Dart, it autodetects fine.  I use 1280, and everything displays just fine.01:29
hikenbootalso note ...my interface never starts automatically i have to always issue /sbin/ifup eth0 to get it running01:29
Kingsqueakgbw: just to display a single image or a whole dir of them?01:29
phoenix87tafresh install, the files are on a mounted vfat drive01:29
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jeffbrownKingsqueak:  I really thought there was some GUI console for managing all of that... maybe I dreamed it01:30
gbwKingsqueak, single image, from console01:30
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Narrchyhows it going?01:30
Kingsqueakgbw: ah in console, k, no idea01:30
gbwKingsqueak, like view myfile.jpg01:30
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gbwKingsqueak, i mean console, i can start it from console01:30
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Kingsqueakgbw: well in X you can do 'display file.jpg' if you have ImageMagick installed01:30
Narrchyhow do you access Windows files while using Ubuntu from cd? is it possible?01:30
dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, which is your model?01:31
Narrchyanyone know?01:31
hajikihey guys i tried to install this: transmission_0.6.1-1_i386.deb but it says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6"01:31
phoenix87tanarrchy, mount the drive, I should think.  there's a giant tutorial for it01:31
Music_ShuffleNarrchy, yes you can.01:31
hajikican you help me?01:31
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sponixanyone in here use unrar often ?01:32
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gbwKingsqueak, i will try01:32
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dodge_DartMusic_Shuffle, ok..thanks01:32
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gbwKingsqueak, yeah, thats what i want, thanks01:32
Music_ShuffleBest of luck.01:32
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phoenix87taoh, that reminds me, does the standard archive tool in ubuntu handle rars?01:32
=== fbc is boombastic.
sn00p_jmarsden, I got a lynksys router and is pissing me off01:32
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zod_anyone know what's going on with the amaranth reps?01:33
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NarrchyPhoenix, any idea where the tutorial is?01:33
Kingsqueakjeffbrown: there's rcconf for textmode that might help01:33
dtsjmarsden: where do i pot that email to variable?01:33
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dtsit doesn't seem to work01:33
Kingsqueakjeffbrown: it's not installed by default though01:33
zod_going to http://amaranth.selfip.com/ just says closed sorry01:33
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linux_kidpheonix87ta: System->Administration->Login Window-> Click "Security" and then "Allow local Admin. Login"01:33
jeffbrownI may be remembering something from my RedHat past01:33
phoenix87tayeah, the URL in the room topic01:33
kloudcan someone tell me if i can use dual monitors with an x1600 pro with seperate resolutions?01:33
phoenix87taty much, kid.01:34
Xzyx987Xhey, are there any raw cd reading utilities like isobuster for linux?01:34
Kingsqueakjeffbrown: try 'rcconf' it's pretty nice01:34
slid3rhey folx, I gotta prob, I tried to make an archive (gzipped tarbal) and I had 6 gb free, the directory I was trying to tar.gz was about 6gb, well it ran outta disk space, now my HDD is at 100%, and I cant find the tar.gz it made so basicaly thee is a 6gb file sitting somewhere01:34
Kingsqueakjeffbrown: there's also 'bum' for a gui01:34
jeffbrownKingsqueak: will do... thanks01:34
slid3rI told it to make the file in my home dir01:34
slid3rbut it didnt01:34
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budgesterslider: try /tmp01:34
slid3r looked there01:35
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slid3rnothing bigger than a mb01:35
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phoenix87tanarrchy, sorry, the great big FAQ in the chat topic has it01:35
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phoenix87taunfortunately, I think you'll have to do it the hard way01:36
slid3rtried an updatedb and locate the file name01:36
linux_kidpheonix87ta: then you can login a root from the login window.  If you would like to change root's pass., go to System->Administartion->Users & Groups  at the bottom click show all users and then double click root and then set root's password01:36
dodge_Dartdoes anyone know an alternative to kompose??01:36
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JagerWill someone help me figure out why I cant boot into windows? Like.. someone who really knows this stuff cause so far its stumping everyone :-/01:36
killowntelinit 2 to login manager ?01:36
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phoenix87taty kid, and then disable root login when I'm finished?01:36
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masterninjado i need sequrity on liniux? I just use linux for my homework01:36
Jagermasterninja: no not really01:36
linux_kidya, disable it01:36
jleemc44what folder in the file system holds the launchers? (For firefox, xmms ect.). Thanks01:36
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jmarsdendts: In a separate line in the config file, just above the cron job(s) you want it to affect.  At the top of the crontab file, if you want it to apply to all lines in the file.01:37
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linux_kiddodge_Dart: what is Kompose?01:37
phoenix87tamasterninja, a hardware firewall might be nice01:37
killowntelinit 2 to login manager ?01:37
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wce why when i try to open beryl from X my screen craches exept my pointer and wher i typed beryl-manager on X it says this01:37
wce XGL not found, looking  for nvidia, nvidia present, relaunching beryl with _GL_Yield="NOTHING"01:37
jerpmasterninja, no not really01:37
JagerWill someone help me figure out why I cant boot into windows?01:37
dtsjmarsden: cool, got it ;-) One more cron question: are the jobs killed after a certain amount of time, it really seems like it01:38
linux_kidJager: how far can you get?01:38
dodge_Dartlinux_kid, a task switcher01:38
masterninjawhat firewall should i get?01:38
phoenix87tajager, what kind of setup?  that's pretty vague01:38
jmarsdenhikenboot: Well, I'm seeing similar errors to you here also... HAve not run dhcpd under Ubuntu, but run it under various other Linuxes and *BSD ...01:38
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jmarsdendts: No, they run to completion, or should.01:38
[erisco] what can I do with a .run file under Ubuntu?01:38
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phoenix87tamasterninja, most standard routers and DSL/Cable modems have a hardware firewall installed01:38
[erisco] or better said, how do I execute it01:38
bimberijleemc44: /usr/share/applications01:38
killownMy login manager dont works01:38
killownI do?01:39
masterninjai turned that all off01:39
Jagerphoenix87ta: Um.. setup? im using ubuntu.. and i have windows and grub to switch between the two? >_>01:39
dtsjmarsden: hmm, the logs just stop in the middle01:39
masterninja:p easier to host game servers01:39
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kloudcan someone tell me if i can use dual monitors with an x1600 pro with seperate resolutions?01:39
Kingsqueakmasterninja: you can install 'firestarter' for an easy one to run and setup01:39
phoenix87tajager, k01:39
masterninjaso thats all i need?01:39
jmarsden[erisco] : what does     file myfile.run   say about it -- what sort of a file is it really, in other words?01:39
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Kingsqueakmasterninja: yup01:39
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phoenix87tamasterninja, basically01:39
masterninjak ill download it01:39
bimberi!firewall | masterninja01:39
ubotumasterninja: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:39
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linux_kid[erisco]  in terminal type in "sudo sh dir/directory/to/the/file/file.run"01:40
zhangsen_Would anyone recommend a podcast client?:)01:40
jmarsdendts: Is something else killing off the processes?01:40
masterninjano idea theres loads of podcast programs01:40
killownMy login manager dont works what I do?01:40
Kingsqueakmasterninja: you do know about 'sudo apt-get install firestarter' right?01:40
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Kingsqueakmasterninja: k01:40
zhangsen_A podcast client which supports http proxy.01:40
linux_kidkillown: what happens when you try to login?01:40
JagerWhen I select Windows XP Professional from the GRUB loader it just sits there saying "Starting up....."01:40
[erisco] Here is the file details: http://pastebin.ca/25901601:41
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killownlinux_kid, login manager xdm no worsk01:41
[erisco] jmarsden here are the file details http://pastebin.ca/25901601:41
timo90peaple use sudo apt-get blah blah blah01:41
killownI do telinit 301:41
killownafter it dont works01:41
[erisco] linux_kid, it says "cannot execute binary file"01:41
mabreauxhaving problems syncing my palm with gnome-pilot01:41
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linux_kidkillown: try logging in with terminal and then redownloading xdm from synaptic01:41
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jmarsden[erisco] : It is apparently a Linux program, just run it from a command prompt and see what happens?01:42
killownlinux_kid, xdm run after root login01:42
linux_kid[erisco]  what file is it and what is it for?01:42
killownbut I want xdm run automatic01:42
jmarsdenkillown: Try rebooting?  telinit is *temporary*01:42
jerpDoes anybody have the URL for the whole Beryl file array?01:42
[erisco] linux_kid, jmarsden, it is a game demo01:42
masterninjai got beryl though01:42
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JagerWill someone help me figure out why I cant boot into windows?01:42
P2500... I got my favourite game of all time to run in DosBox today.01:42
[erisco] linux_kid, jmarsden, I was poking around on gwos.org01:43
Music_ShuffleP2500, which game?01:43
P2500Music_Shuffle: Guess!01:43
masterninjaits worth getting its completly useless but beryl looks cool01:43
jerpP2500,  what's that "Pong"?01:43
[erisco] linux_kid, jmarsden, doc.gwos.org*01:43
masterninjaits got  to be a fps01:43
P2500I can run Doom in a native client.01:43
P2500It's an X-Com game.01:43
killownwhat directory I disable scripts?01:44
jmarsden[erisco] : Open up a terminal, cd to the directory where the file is, and type in ./dominions3demo_installer.run01:44
masterninjai dont play that stuff01:44
linux_kid[erisco]  try the script w/o "sudo" and then without "sh"01:44
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=== Music_Shuffle bet that's a hint to some people, but its useless info for my guessing needs. ;P
masterninjaim a fps man and mmorpg01:44
Music_ShuffleMmorpg's ftw.01:44
masterninjahellgate:london , ut2007 FTW!01:44
timo90povaddict ??01:44
masterninjawhen they come out i will be a very happy man01:44
[erisco] jmarsden, "bash: ./dominions3demo_installer.run: Permission denied"01:44
Music_ShuffleHeheh...so will many others.01:44
pstangcslv[erisco] : make sure the file is executable01:44
masterninjaill be the happiest01:45
killown/etc/init.d/ I disable scripts?01:45
P2500X-Com: A series of games that are more like awesome hunt-alien-thingies-and-kill-them-then-work-on-the-base-and-research-things thingie.01:45
masterninjaanyways back to linux01:45
[erisco] linux_kid, "bash: dominions3demo_installer.run: command not found"01:45
timo90 [erisco] :sudo -i  the cd the the directory01:45
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masterninjaso is this vmplayer any good?01:45
[erisco] pstangcslv, it is .run, unless I am supposed to something else01:45
P2500... My english be bad. :-P01:45
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masterninjai wanna run photoshop and i hate doing the wine + photoshop + source code tutorial01:45
pstangcslv[erisco] : chmod 777 on the file01:46
jmarsden[erisco] : OK, try doing    chmod +x dominions3demo_installer.run  and then do   ./dominions3demo_installer.run01:46
linux_kid[erisco]  try this: cd to the directory where the file is, and type in "sudo ./dominions3demo_installer.run"01:46
masterninjahas vmware got a irc?01:46
AlbinoRhinowhat is vmware?01:46
masterninjaoh wait yes it has01:46
P2500... Next. I'm gonna get Fallout 1 & 2 to run... Tomorrow...01:46
timo90 [erisco] :sudo -i01:46
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masterninjaits a nice windows xp emulator01:46
masterninjavery clean01:47
[erisco] pstangcslv, jmarsden, linux_kid ALRIGHT! After chmodding it to 777 it opened. Now it is saying "Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" any ideas on that?01:47
AlbinoRhinooh ok01:47
[erisco] timo90, thanks I've got it01:47
kitchemasterninja: it's unofficial and vmware is not a windows xp emulator it can emulate almost everything on one type of hardware01:47
AlbinoRhinoso it runs windos on linux?01:47
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timo90 [erisco] :ok01:47
masterninjaooh ooh can it do macs?01:47
jmarsden[erisco] : Are you running it from a root shell, or from one with the same userid as your X windows session?01:47
MegaqwertyI'm trying to backup my system using netcat, and I was wondering how I can exclude files01:47
pstangcslv[erisco] : do not run as root - install it local01:47
Megaqwerty(i.e. /media)01:47
P2500I've got a strange question: Does there exist a way to learn how to program subconsciously?01:47
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[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, okay going out of roo tnow01:47
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AlbinoRhinoP2500 hypnosis01:48
kitcheAlbinoRhino: it can run windows on linux linux on windows linux on linux bsd on linux bsd on windows01:48
masterninjano that would require you to be fricken neo01:48
jmarsdenMegaqwerty: what exactlt is the backup prog you are using?  dd or tar or what?01:48
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JagerCould someone help me figure out why I cant boot into windows?01:48
timo90pstangcslv:he couldnt get permision too01:48
linux_kidAlbinoRhino: GENIUS!01:48
Megaqwertyjmarsden: tar01:48
bruenigJager, ##windows might01:48
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid alright it started up. Thanks, I will see what happens from here01:48
xamoxhow do I setup java in my ENV path? I need to use version 1.5 but synaptic only has 1.4.2 setup.01:48
Jager#windows ?01:48
masterninjais albino rhino better than vmware?01:48
bruenigJager, /join ##windows01:48
linux_kid[erisco]  good luck01:48
P2500Really? What if I got some audio books on C++, then started going into trance states while listening to them?01:48
AlbinoRhinoI need something like that to run my cingular card kitche lol01:48
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jmarsdenMegaqwerty: tar has a --exclude option, read the man page for details01:48
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid is Dominions 3 any good? heh01:49
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modified54anyone have a few minutes to help me install my wifi drivers?  i have the correct driver and ndiswrapper installed but im stuck after that .  i don't understand how to unpack the drivers.01:49
bruenig!wifi | modified5401:49
ubotumodified54: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:49
Fall2Hellneed help making a .rpm into .deb file01:49
Jagerbruenig: Hmm.. will im pretty sure this is a problem with GRUB01:49
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pstangcslv[erisco] : no idea01:49
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linux_kid[erisco]  never heard of it in my life :)01:49
jmarsden[erisco] : Looks like you get to tell *us* whether it is any good :-)01:49
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[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid alright I will01:50
AlbinoRhinomy grun wont let me run xp unless I have my linux external plugged in01:50
Fall2Hellneed help making a .rpm into .deb file01:50
bruenig!info alien01:50
ubotualien: install non-native packages with dpkg. In component main, is optional. Version 8.64 (edgy), package size 101 kB, installed size 276 kB01:50
masterninjano idea how you would do that01:50
tomiboii typed winecfg and not it is taking awhile. is that normal?01:50
linux_kidmodified54: i hear you, i ended up using linuxant, and that costs me 20 hard earned bucks!01:50
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jmarsdenAlbinoRhino: Sounds like you installed GRUB on the MBR of the external HD by mistake?01:51
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linux_kidFall2Hell: use alien, search it in synaptic01:51
Fall2Helli have alien installed but when i do suo fakeroot -i file the .deb file desapers in the end01:51
AlbinoRhinoI have no clue jmarsden01:51
Narrchyphoenix still in here01:51
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AlbinoRhinoI dedicated a whole exteranl towards ubuntu01:51
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TLEHow do I get the BusID of my graphics card for my xorg.conf ?01:51
AlbinoRhinobut now I have to have it plugged in to do windoze01:51
fbchow do I findout what kernel version I'm running?01:51
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jerpjager, DUAL BOOT TUTORIAL..... (in video) .... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-610449081131189823601:51
JessehkI'm not trying to get special attention here, but does anyone have any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30743501:52
TokenBadum....can ubuntu burn dmg files?01:52
bruenigfbc, uname -r01:52
pstangcslvfbc: uname -a01:52
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jmarsdenAlbinoRhino: You might want to read the GRUB docs and see if you can fix it?  http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/01:52
linux_kidAlbinoRhino: right, because the MBR (in this case GRUB) is on the EXTERNAL HDD, so to access the MBR, you NEED the external... no clue how to fix this...01:52
H974H083RH0http://DesMania.skyblog.com Viens t'Chatter avec nous ! IRC-No-Escape.No-IP.org http://www.DesMania.info Rejoins-nous vite ! h t t p : / / w w w . D e s M a n i a . i n f o01:52
=== H974H083RH0 is now known as _p2p26r45m2
_p2p26r45m2http://DesMania.skyblog.com Viens t'Chatter avec nous ! IRC-No-Escape.No-IP.org http://www.DesMania.info Rejoins-nous vite ! h t t p : / / w w w . D e s M a n i a . i n f o01:52
=== _p2p26r45m2 is now known as _p8s42i35r3
_p8s42i35r3http://DesMania.skyblog.com Viens t'Chatter avec nous ! IRC-No-Escape.No-IP.org http://www.DesMania.info Rejoins-nous vite ! h t t p : / / w w w . D e s M a n i a . i n f o01:52
ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!01:52
_p8s42i35r3http://DesMania.skyblog.com Viens t'Chatter avec nous ! IRC-No-Escape.No-IP.org http://www.DesMania.info Rejoins-nous vite ! h t t p : / / w w w . D e s M a n i a . i n f o01:52
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AlbinoRhinoI have been looking thanks =)01:52
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_p8s42i35r3http://DesMania.skyblog.com Viens t'Chatter avec nous ! IRC-No-Escape.No-IP.org http://www.DesMania.info Rejoins-nous vite ! h t t p : / / w w w . D e s M a n i a . i n f o01:53
Fall2Hell have alien installed but when i do sudo fakeroot -i file the .deb file desapers in the end01:53
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ChousukeTokenBad: It depends on what the .dmg file is01:53
P2500... Deus Ex is good.01:53
linux_kidubotu: what??????01:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about what?????? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
LjLUbotu, tell linux_kid about bot | linux_kid, see the private message from Ubotu01:54
ChousukeTokenBad: Often, they are CD images (ISO 9660 filesystem), but they  can also be HFS+ or UDF.01:54
Fall2Hell have alien installed but when i do suo fakeroot -i file the .deb file desapers in the end anyone know where the file goes or what append to it?01:55
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jmarsdenTokenBad: try doing    file myfile.dmg  to find out what it really is?01:55
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fbcI'm running 2.6.15 on 386.. I heard you could upgrade to 2.6.17 throught the synatics package manager.. is that true??01:55
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AlbinoRhinothat was a beryl thread01:55
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[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid I had no idea 0_001:56
TokenBadjmarsden, h-t10478.dmg: bzip2 compressed data, block size = 100k01:56
Fall2Hellhow do i search for a file in the terminal?01:56
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, okay what is the best way to remove what I have installed?01:56
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fbcI'm running 2.6.15 on 386.. I heard you could upgrade to 2.6.17 throught the synatics package manager.. is that true??01:57
linux_kid[erisco]  what was wrong with it?01:57
P2500... I only once used a mac regularly, many, many years ago.01:57
[erisco] linux_kid, it looked like it was 10 years old.01:57
[erisco] linux_kid, nothing wrong with that but01:57
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[erisco] linux_kid, it was one of those heavy text games with really pixely graphics01:57
JagerCould someone help me figure out why I can't boot into windows using grub01:57
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dragonfyre13Yay. KingsqueakI figured it out.01:57
xamoxwhat's the easy way to get java 1.5 on 6.06? Is there a package floating around?01:57
linux_kid[erisco]  hmmm..... well since it wasn't a .deb package, this may be a little tough...01:58
Gumbycan anyone tell me if there is a way within ubuntu to change the display driver graphically01:58
jmarsden[erisco] : Since it instaleld just by running a program, you'll need to find out what it put where and rm them by hand, I think?01:58
[erisco] linux_kid, and just removing the directory is a bad idea? hehe01:58
P2500Jager: What does your grub.conf file read?01:58
nicktasticIs there a floppy-based installer for Edgy? Like Debian's netinst floppies? I have no CD-ROM...01:58
dragonfyre13Kingsqueak: Ok, I just had issues with network manager. I used connection manager, and commented out the one line that specified the ssid, and it works perfectly now.01:58
maltyo Kingsqueak pm plz01:58
pstangcslv[erisco] : rm -R -f the directory01:58
Jagerp2500: Let me check01:58
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jmarsden[erisco] : If it put everything into one directory, removing that directory is probably a good approach.01:58
dragonfyre13Anyone have advice about setting up nvidia graphics?01:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:59
linux_kid[erisco]  hey, i used to do that in windows all the time, and eventually the registry broke, but that's windows and linux has no registry01:59
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jerpjager, take a look here.... http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm01:59
Jagerp2500: Where is the grub.confg located?01:59
dragonfyre13I want to do it through the repos, but I followed that howto, and it gives me the following error.01:59
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dragonfyre13Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed01:59
dragonfyre13the nvidia driver for your running kernel.01:59
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jmarsdenTokenBad: It is a bzip file?  Hmmm, so try using bunzip2 to look at it?01:59
cello_raspwhat's the command for the nvidal config thingy01:59
AlbinoRhinoSo if I run fdisk/mbr on my windows laptop it could fix my issue of having to have my linux drive plugged in to run xp?01:59
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, well if nothing is going to blow up if I just remove the directory.. it is all the same to me01:59
AlbinoRhinootherwise it just gives me Error 2102:00
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dragonfyre13cello_rasp: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable02:00
jeffreybdragonfyre13, use automatix2 app to do it02:00
pstangcslv[erisco] : no problems02:00
LjL!automatix | jeffreyb, dragonfyre1302:00
ubotujeffreyb, dragonfyre13: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe02:00
jmarsdenAlbinoRhino: Probably, but after that you may have issues with Linux booting... would need to reinstall GRUB for Linux, most likely.02:00
dragonfyre13jeffreyb: will that auto update itself?02:00
linux_kid[erisco]  hust delete the directory, how it didn't touch anything else02:00
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linux_kid[erisco]  sorry, not hust, but just02:00
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AlbinoRhinook so I will try it and then work on the linux if it gives me issus02:01
=== McJerry [n=bryanj02@ip68-1-156-192.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #Ubuntu
bimberiubotu: tell xamox about java | via /msg02:01
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, removed :D02:01
jeffreybdragonfyre13, yes , i believe it does02:01
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[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, thanks for all your help. I guess I will join a gaming channel and look for something decent under windows.02:01
dragonfyre13Ljl: jeffreyb: I've installed the nvidia drivers off the nvidia site on my desktop, and I have automatix running on there also, but I want a fairly stable system for my lappy, so I need the auto update.02:01
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CientificoLocohow do I unistall amsn??02:02
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, I don't care what they say but Linux gaming is really crappy :P02:02
xamoxbimberi, Ahh, thank you I did not have multiverse in my repository.02:02
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bimberixamox: yw :)02:02
dragonfyre13jeffreyb: well, that works for me. My problem was, every time it would update the kernel, it would break X with the manually installed drivers. Does automatix do that?02:02
Music_Shuffledragonfyre13, using automatix is totally your choice, but most people here will caution you against it.02:02
jeffreybdragonfyre13, i have used automatix2 with no problems... stable for me.. ymmv02:02
P2500Jager: Mybad, I was being unfocused. I meant /boot/grub/menu.lst02:02
Music_Shuffle!works for me02:02
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.02:02
linux_kid[erisco] , good idea, and yes, linux gmaming is CRAPPY, thats why Mr. Bill Gates it on this planet! :D02:02
AlbinoRhinoAutomatix is hyped up on the forums alot, wonder why?02:02
pstangcslv[erisco] : it is what it is02:03
LjLjeffreyb: yes, that's why it says "See also !WorksForMe"02:03
pstangcslvsome good alot bad02:03
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LjL!offtopic | AlbinoRhino02:03
ubotuAlbinoRhino: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:03
Music_ShuffleI showed it again for good measure. ;P02:03
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Jagerp2500: okay, ill pastebin it02:03
AlbinoRhinothanks ubotu02:03
[erisco] jmarsden, pstangcslv, linux_kid, any of you guys know where I can find a gaming channel for IRC?02:03
TokenBadjmarsden, its an os in dmg format...like 3 gig dmg02:03
strabes[erisco] : on irc.gamesurge.net02:03
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AlbinoRhinowhat kind of gaming, [erisco]  ?02:04
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rBlong2ushi any checker on Ubuntu? My friend is fond of pinball and checker from XP but unfortunately Ubuntu doesn't have it02:04
[erisco] AlbinoRhino, it is all good, and thanks strabes02:04
TokenBadjmarsden, I need to burn it to dvd02:04
AlbinoRhinoquakenet is a huge network for gaming02:04
P2500Jager: Could you also write a little something about what your mounts are?02:04
jerpnvidal config    ---  drop the l  add a hyphen, and lose the space02:04
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dragonfyre13so, anyone know a way to fix my problem other than nvidia official, and automatix then?02:04
AlbinoRhinoI know a guy who hosts UT servers02:04
Music_Shuffledragonfyre13, what's your problem again...?02:05
P2500rBlong2us: Perhaps he should try to run them through Wine?02:05
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AlbinoRhinoSo fdisk is an app?02:05
checkerhello, can anyone tell me how to create a symlink in ubuntu02:05
dragonfyre13Music_Shuffle: it gives me the following error after running the tutorial at !nvidia. : Error: unable to load nvidia kernel driver! Be sure to have installed02:05
dragonfyre13the nvidia driver for your running kernel.02:05
dragonfyre13checker: ln -s02:06
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checkerok, mforgot ty02:06
dragonfyre13checker: np02:06
linux_kidrBlong2us: when you try to install them in wine, the pinball game is in XP's "(somthing with the word) NT (directory)" if that helps you...02:06
jmarsdenTokenBad: You might check http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/ and try the dmg2iso.pl script, then burn it as an ISO?02:06
Music_ShuffleSorry, my card was auto-detected, works fine.  Hope you ru ninto someone who can help out though. :)02:06
hikenbootjmarsden, anything to report looks like i was disconnected02:06
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dragonfyre13Music_Shuffle: so was mine. WIth the nv driver.02:07
jmarsdenhikenboot: I get similar error msgs to you, then got sidetracked with other people's issues...02:07
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Music_ShuffleSo what's broken?02:07
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dragonfyre13Music_Shuffle: I need the nvidia drivers, not the nv drivers.02:07
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sithtoastCan someone help me with mounting my NTFS drives02:07
hikenbootso you think its the configuration?02:07
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PMantisHi, I'm installing Edgy on my laptop - I see that it checks for cryptroot at bootup on other systems, how do I configure crypt drives during install?02:07
MikeyMikehey my nautilus isn't handling thumbnails properly lately is there anything i can do to force it to re-read the images in a certain directory? i've set it to 'always' and 'under 10 megs' and its not showing thumbnails02:07
Music_ShuffleJust wondering, what card?02:07
dragonfyre13Music_Shuffle: nvidia drivers have glx extensions, and hardware rendering support.02:08
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dragonfyre13Music_Shuffle: Geforce Go 610002:08
jmarsdenhikenboot: Yes, it is something about either that dhcpd.conf file or the network interface configuration itself...  I've done this on otehr Linuxes and on *BSD many many times, but not on Ubuntu... shouldn't be any difference though.02:08
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sithtoastplease pm me if you are willing to help02:09
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dragonfyre13sithtoast: I can help.02:09
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dragonfyre13sithtoast: hang on.02:09
jerphello nukec02:10
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dragonfyre13sithtoast: http://www.dragonfyre13.com/TimWiki/MountFileSystems02:10
slickyhm.. iv got a question..  in the howto it says: make a symlink between /usr/lib/dri and /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri   but /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri dosent exist..   should i just create it?02:10
Nukeda quick question. I installed adesklets from the repos, and when I attempt to run adesklets_installer, it whines about TkGui02:10
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hajikihey guys i tried to install this: transmission_0.6.1-1_i386.deb but it says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6"02:10
bimberiubotu: tell sithtoast about ntfs | via /msg02:10
hajikican you help me?02:10
dragonfyre13sithtoast: that's how to throw them in fstab.02:10
TokenBadjmarsden, I tried the perl and it gives this error:   Can't locate Compress/Zlib.pm in @INC02:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse02:11
jmarsdenTokenBad: Argh, that is a Perl library it apparently needs...02:11
Nukedhajiki, I never had a problem with it. I used to compile it myself02:11
dragonfyre13sithtoast: that help?02:11
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sithtoasthold on a sec. will the changes take effect immediately?02:12
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fbcI have a BCM4318 wireless card. I followed the docs and I loaded the driver, however I can see the AP's but it won't let me connect to them throught the "wireless assistant  0.5.5". It says Connection Failed. What can I try?02:13
Nukedcan anyone help me with that?02:13
jmarsdenTokenBad: If you really want to try hard, you can do    perl -MCPAN -e shell  and configure CPAN, then use it to install the missing library...02:13
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sithtoastdragonfyre13, do i need to restart for everything to take effect?02:13
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wcehow can i add Xgl support to  xorg.conf02:14
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wcethats all i need to make my beryl work02:14
sithtoasti'll do it just in case02:14
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bimberi!xgl | wce02:15
ubotuwce: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems02:15
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MegaqwertyI'm trying to tar all of my files except those in /media. Here is my command: "sudo tar -cvpj --exclude=/media/    / " (without the quotes) why is it still trying to tar the files in  "/media/"?02:15
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SuparibhaiHello, anyone with a sucessfull lamp server running Mail can u please advise me as to how your setup is. I need LDAP authentication with web user managment has one run acrosss any sites  ?02:16
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slicslakwhere does firefox keep it's data?02:16
bimberi!nickspam | rag02:16
uboturag: changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu can get you removed - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users, the same goes for using noisy away see (/msg ubotu away) for more details "/away reason" sets your client away silently, thanks02:16
Suparibhaiare u in that directory ? at the terminal ?02:17
newpZhi in breezy, my 2 laptops with the same wireless card worked fine. in edgy when i use a bunch of bandwith (like scp or azuerus) it hard locks my 2 systems... is there a way i can troubleshoot or report this so it gets fixed?02:17
drukehow does one figure out what HD a drive is (in reference to grub) when you know the drive location(mine is SDA) grub doesn't just like hd1(as opposed to hd2)02:17
TokenBadjmarsden, I ran the perl file...it converted to iso....but when load in k3b...still says not an iso image02:17
newpZor maybe load a newer kernel on edgy?02:17
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bimberislicslak: within !/.mozilla02:18
rBlong2usI've got the playstation 3 controller is there a Linux Driver for it?02:18
bimberislicslak: er, ~/.mozilla02:18
TokenBadno one has burned a dmg file with k3b? so its bootable?02:18
MegaqwertySuparibhai: no, I am running that command from the home directory (in the terminal)02:18
=== HappyPills [n=happy@ppp59-51.lns1.cbr1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
Suparibhaihmmm why this ??02:19
Suparibhai=/media/    /02:19
masterninjavmware wants a netmask i dont know what it is tell me what it wants so it will leave me alone02:19
HappyPillshello, what is the terminal command to unzip 7z format files?02:19
ragubotu: sorry02:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:19
HappyPillsubotu: 7z02:19
kitcheHappyPills: you have to install p7zip02:19
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:19
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masterninjawhats a netmask?02:20
masterninjaand how do i find out what mine is02:20
MegaqwertySuaribhai: I'm doing a backup, but I don't want to back up my other partitions. so I am trying to exclude the /media/ directory from the tar.02:20
linux_kidsomeone tell rag about ubotu02:20
Suparibhaigo to terminal02:20
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Suparibhaiand then type02:20
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Suparibhaiull get everything u need02:20
PMantisIs this link applicable for Edgy, or is there a more "built-in" way?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystem02:20
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newpZRegistered: Sep 200302:20
newpZLocation: Amsterdam02:20
newpZPosts: 2802:20
newpZDistribution: Mandrake 10.1/200602:20
newpZsomebody at the rt2x00 forum told me that the rt2400 driver is incompatible with an smp-enabled kernel. The default ubuntu kernel has smp enabled and thus the crash.02:20
SuparibhaiMega =/media/    /  try to remove that extra /02:20
LjLUbotu, tell newpZ about paste | newpZ, see the private message from Ubotu02:20
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raglinux_kid: is a bot?02:21
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linux_kidrag, yes02:21
bimberimasterninja: ifconfig will tell you02:21
rag:) ok02:21
dogfoodIs there a default uid and pwd on these linksys routers02:21
newpZhow do i change my kernel out to a non smp kernel?02:21
slicslakbimberi, thanks.02:21
bimberimasterninja: (what yours is)02:21
masterninjai got all the info i need02:21
Suparibhaidogoof yes there is02:21
MegaqwertySuparibhai: I'm confused that extra "/" is me telling tar to tar my root directory. the --exclude=/media/ is me trying to tell it to not tar that sub-directory02:21
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raglinux_kid: one day somebody about it, but i foget :902:22
wwallaceRobNyc[] :02:22
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dogfoodlinksys telling me to put a cd in my computer and I don't want to02:22
wwallacekanotix is dead02:22
hikenbootjmarsden, what am i supposed to start the dhcpd server with i used /usr/sbin/dhcpd start is this correct02:22
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Suparibhaidogfood go to
wwallacethey say what a shame02:22
HappyPillskitche, thanks, p7zip is already installed. Just didn't know the name of the application and archive manager didn't like me. It's all good now!02:22
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Suparibhaion ur browser and configure it02:22
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wwallaceRobNyc[] : ping02:22
dogfoodWhile the wireless router is connected to my machine right supart?02:22
Suparibhaiusername can be admin/password admin/admin admin/[NULL] 02:22
Suparibhaior it may be admin/default or admin/123402:23
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Suparibhaidepends on your model02:23
dogfoodSuper. I'm thikning of flashing the firmware and what not but for now I just need it to get it to work02:23
dogfoodit's a linksys wrt54L02:23
masterninjayay vmware is installed on my pc02:23
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masterninjaim amazing02:23
=== goodluck [n=Taz@pool-71-98-186-174.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dogfoodwrt54GL rather02:23
Suparibhaitry this site02:23
AlbinoRhinoso how does it work for you masterninja?02:23
SuparibhaiGREAT firmware02:23
wcegksudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom02:24
TLEmy X log has warnings about missing font directories, why? and how do I fix ?02:24
masterninjai dunno i need to add some more stuff02:24
SuparibhaiMegaqwerty looking it up moment02:24
masterninjaim half way through the tutorial02:24
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dogfoodI've heard about this software, and read the wiki, but the howto is incredibly long, I'm not sure if I have 3+ hours right not flash the firmware and set it up.02:24
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Suparibhaiit takes 2 mins02:24
kitcheTLE: some of the font directories are used anymore but are still in the xserver02:24
wce how can i set XGL to run???  need to make this run to be able to run beryl02:24
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sithtoastdragonfyre13, that worked. Thanks. Now what about writing privs?02:24
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goodluckhey guys whats the best step by step installation tutorial for ubuntu?02:25
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Nukedanyone can help with the adesklets issue02:25
orashow do i grep a word from all files and subfolders in a dir?02:25
LjLmalt: please fix your quit message02:25
dogfoodWhat's the 'killer app' so to to speak on the ddwrt02:25
Suparibhaitry -X instead of the full word exlcude02:25
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LjLoras: grep -R <word> /directory/*02:25
=== Gradius9 is away: I'm busy
xamoxhow do I add a script to run at startup?02:26
maltLjL: what is it?02:26
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues02:26
xamoxMy boot is to the console02:26
Suparibhaiand also provide a name for that tar file02:26
LjLUbotu, tell Gradius9 about away | Gradius9, see the private message from Ubotu02:26
LjLUbotu, tell xamox about boot | xamox, see the private message from Ubotu02:26
TLEkitche: ok02:26
bimberixamox: /etc/rc.local02:26
=== abyssinia_ [n=abyssini@] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertySuparibhai: okay, thanks. It might take a while for it to make it to /media again. I'll come back. oh, no, I'm using this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem#head-2b756db0bd19a08aa9e459927399df8fe583c6b7 so I don't need the name on my side.02:27
=== stalefries_ [n=stalefri@pool-71-113-25-221.sttlwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
LjLmalt: fix your quit message please02:27
maltLjL: isn't it sensored?02:27
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maltif its not allowed02:27
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LjLmalt: how could it be? no. just change it to something less distasteful please02:28
linux_kidmalt: COME ON listen to LjL!!!!!!02:28
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alek66I installed nvidia LRM drivers since then I think I ve been having high temp problems02:28
maltLjL there is IRC mods to sensor to02:28
maltcommon words02:28
maltthat is you know02:28
LjLmalt: yes, i'll just implement one. wait and see02:29
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@dsl2-p121.intrstar.net!#ubuntu-ops] by LjL
w3ccvLoaded Edgy on my laptop, no problems even with 257k memory, it easily recognized my WPC45 nic, but how do I get WEP-128 to work. It connects with my AP open, but not with WEP.02:29
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w3ccv257k that is02:29
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w3ccv256k that really is02:29
orashow can i grep more than one words?02:29
LjLoras: grep "word\|word\|word"02:29
alek66I have temperature problems, Any idea how can I down the temperature in my graphic card?02:30
jbroome257k of memory isn't that much02:30
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.02:30
wasp_emshello can anyone tell me what program to use to record a video ?02:31
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AlbinoRhinoa video of what?02:31
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wasp_emsof my desktop02:31
w3ccv256k doesn't swap much, 512 coming soon02:31
wasp_emsu know 3d desktop etc..just to record everything02:31
wasp_emslike u use to make a guide02:32
dogfoodSuparbh, there are more than one files on dd-wrt, looks like dd-wrt.v23 SP2 is the latest firmware02:32
bimberiwasp_ems: Desktop record?  There is istanbul.  Though I'm yet to hear anyone say that it's fantastic.02:32
AlbinoRhinothere are programs in the add/remove programs section wasp_ems that let you do that02:32
wasp_emsok thanx i will check02:32
AlbinoRhinoI have one , but cannot check right now cause I am on XP02:33
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Ranbeewasp_ems: wink is good02:33
=== Phlosten [n=andrew@CPE-60-228-51-93.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
dogfoodLooks like I can either flash through the web or flash through telnet'ing or ssh'ing to the wireless rotuer02:33
=== Narrchy [n=ubuntu@c-71-235-65-115.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MegaqwertySuparibhai: I'm confused now.  sudo tar -cvpj -Xmedia    /  tar: media: Is a directory02:34
Megaqwertytar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now02:34
=== gu4po [n=gu4po@201009053229.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
Narrchyanyone lend a hand? i'm attempting to run Cedega. i downloaded thru torrent and now i'm lost as to do what i do to install.02:35
jmarsdenMegaqwerty: Read the manual again.  -X wants a file that lists the exclusions.02:35
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Megaqwertyoh, so I put the exclusions into a file, and then route tar to that file?02:36
jmarsdenMegaqwerty: Yes.  Maybe:   echo "media" >>myexcludes.txt and then tar ..... -X myexcludes.txt02:36
Narrchyanyone have any idea?02:36
cafuegodogfood: dd-wrt any good? I flashed mine with openwrt rc6 last night :-)02:36
Megaqwertyjmarsden: thanks!02:36
nikosapiWhat's the beryl channel again?02:36
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dogfooddd-wrt is supposed to be much better than openwrt, not sure yet how, but I'm going to flash it right now02:37
cafuegoNarrchy: You want us to help you use pirated software?02:37
dogfoodIt's suppsed to take 2 minutes02:37
jbroomeNarrchy: you want us to help you use... damn, cafuego beat me to it02:37
cafuegodogfood: Yeah. That's about how long mine took.02:37
Narrchyhow is it pirated02:37
cafuegodogfood: Runnign WPA2 Enterprise with Radius now. Shiny.02:37
=== overdere [n=rcubed@c-71-232-119-238.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jbroomeyou're supposed to pay for cedega02:37
cafuegoNarrchy: cedega is payware, not torrentware.02:37
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overderehowdy people, can anyone suggest how I might get streaming radio on ubuntu?02:37
Narrchyoh wasn't aware02:37
Narrchysorry then02:38
w3ccvcafuego;  I'm running dd-wrt 23 with no problems, and it only takes a minute of so to flash, not long02:38
Narrchynew to all this02:38
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dogfoodVery nice cafuego, here's the link btw, and apologies beforehand to everyone, I need to register my nickname, still can't stend private messges, I'm still a nob02:38
dogfoodHere's the link cafuego: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation#Flashing_with_Command_Line02:38
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AlbinoRhinooverdere you can use xmms02:39
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jbroomeNarrchy: go ask in #cedega02:39
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AlbinoRhinoI use Songbird though02:39
dogfoodAlbino: the question is how do you get firefox to recognize xmms a valid mms player?02:39
dogfoodIt's not in the 'edit actions' list02:39
[erisco] My openoffice spellchecker isn't working anymore. Is this a known bug?02:39
AlbinoRhinoxmms is independant of firefox02:40
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=== overdere investigates
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AlbinoRhinoIn xmms click file-->open url-->type http://www.chilloutcrew.com:765002:40
phoenix_hi guys02:40
phoenix_help me out02:41
Phlosten[erisco] , have you changed the language?02:41
AlbinoRhinoI dj there when at home02:41
[erisco] Pholsten, how do I do this?02:41
linux_kid[erisco]  you seem to have too many computer problems, consider joining the channel #ubuntu-offtopic to relax your mind...02:41
=== ScreaminIke [n=swarm@219-100.usachoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
Phlosten[erisco] , locallity rather02:41
masterninjai cant find the c drive that wine installed02:41
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overdereI have a tiny debian version that seems to lack a file menu?02:41
AlbinoRhinooverdere you can also use an app called Listen it streams radio very well02:41
[erisco] linux_kid, oh only once a month I run into some problems. Honestly :P02:41
Phlosten[erisco] , i know if I set mine as being in Australia, spell checking does not work because there is no aussie dictionary02:41
ScreaminIkei have a belkin wireless g card. the wiki says it works "out of the box" but... it doesn't.02:41
masterninjahelp me :(02:42
[erisco] Phlosten... so how do I check that mine is set to Canada?02:42
blankyi didn't know there was irc.ubuntu.org haha02:42
=== dogfood is now known as dogfood2006
masterninjai cant find the c drive that wine installed02:42
phoenix_can someone help me02:42
blankywait...there isn't, heh02:42
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ScreaminIkemasterninja, it's in ~/.wine/02:42
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Phlosten[erisco] , one sec02:42
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phoenix_hi anybody there02:43
H3g3m0nAnyone know why i cannot open any applications now that my samba server is down?02:43
[erisco] Phlosten, I am just typing up a report and spellchecking would be rather useful :)02:43
ScreaminIkeblanky there is, sort of. it just forwards to freenode02:43
Narrchywhat is a free windows emulator then?02:43
bruenigPHoeNiGoRe, ask your questin02:43
=== kweiner [n=kweiner@pool-71-104-220-69.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankyScreaminIke: oohhh hehe02:43
bruenigphoenix_, ask your question02:43
phoenix_iam unable to connect to internet with my ADSL modem in Ubuntu02:43
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blankyNarrchy: just use wine (even though it's not an emulator), you'll see what we mean when you try it02:44
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phoenix_the Dapper Drake02:44
ScreaminIkewindows emulator? there is wine... which implements the Win32 api...02:44
blankyphoenix_: PPPoE?02:44
wnorrixHas any one used Sauerbraten on Edgy ?02:44
ScreaminIkebut... Wine Is Not an Emulator02:44
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:44
linux_kidmasterninja: what's your problem02:44
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wnorrixIt keeps crashing (Segfault).02:44
blanky!pppoe | phoenix_02:44
ubotuphoenix_: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:44
killownhey how I know what run level I m   has any commando for it?02:44
H3g3m0nI can't even unmount my samba shares with 'umount -fl /mnt/whatever', the command just freezes02:44
DralaFiAny idea why mono stuff on the beagle page is totally outdated?02:44
masterninjai cant find the bloddy c drive wine installed02:44
ScreaminIkei have a belkin wireless g card. the wiki says it works "out of the box" but... it doesn't.02:44
cafuegokillown: `runlevel'02:44
cafuegokillown: You're in 2.02:44
bruenigmasterninja, ~/.wine/drive_c02:44
ScreaminIkecan i get some troubleshooting help?02:45
phoenix_thnx ubotu02:45
phoenix_ill try that02:45
masterninja~/ .wine/ isnt there02:45
Phlosten[erisco] , Tools->Options->Language Settings->Languages, look at Default languages for documents02:45
bruenig!thanks | phoenix_02:45
ubotuphoenix_: You're Welcome!02:45
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kweinerhello everyone, I am having trouble getting Ubuntu Edgy to boot02:45
bruenigmasterninja, have you run wine yet. The first time you run wine it creates it02:45
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killownthank you cafuego02:45
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Phlosten[erisco] , click the selector and it shows all language options, it also displays a little abc sign next to those that have spell checking available02:46
linux_kidkweiner: how far can you get?02:46
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masterninjaive run wine programs02:46
Phlosten[erisco] , select one that has spell checking02:46
ScreaminIkekweiner, liveCD or from hard disk?02:46
kweinerI can see the splash screen02:46
kweinerbut then it stalls02:46
kweinerfrom hard disk02:46
linux_kidok, does windows boot?02:46
kweinerI just completed a network install because the live CD and alternate CD failed to recognize my cdrom02:46
[erisco] THANKS! Phlosten this is awesome, you've saved my multiple reports I have to write tonight :P02:47
kweineryes, Windows did boot fine, but I wiped it out02:47
=== ScreaminIke hands this one to linux_kid, wanders around google looking for help with his wireless card
Phlosten[erisco] , its a tricky little sucker ;)02:47
kweinerI have a new Dell 9200c, and I think there is no driver available for my cdrom drive02:47
[erisco] Phlosten apparently :o02:47
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Kervanhow can i install htsearch02:47
masterninjascreaminike put the ssid for the wifi card as any02:47
masterninjatry that02:47
dogfood2006cafuego I was guest yesterday, you helped plenty, thanks02:48
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kweinerwhen the boot process fails, I see a message saying ALERT! /dev/sde1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!02:48
ScreaminIkemasterninja... i don't know wireless networking. at all02:48
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H3g3m0nHurray! My "Powered by Ubuntu" stickers just arrived02:48
linux_kidhold on, did i build a reputation?02:49
kweineris there a way to prevent Ubuntu from looking for /dev/sde1 (which I am guessing is my CDROM drive)02:49
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ScreaminIkeoh, you seemed to know more than me, and to type faster. so i figured i'd be less help than you would to kweiner02:49
bruenigkweiner, perhaps you should check your fstab, I don't recall sde1 ever being used. maybe it means sda102:49
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ScreaminIkemasterninja, how do i put in an ssid?02:50
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kweinerI mounted sda1 and looked for fstab, but couldn't find it02:50
kweinerthis was from a BusyBox shell (I'm not sure what that is)02:50
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linux_kidmasterninja: i hear that you have a problem...02:51
allenhello my problem is : I have a problem when beginning with a user, leaves east message, him to me change permissions of 777 to /dev/null but resumption and even follows like before.02:51
eXcentraScreaminIke, have you tried network-manager to connect with your wireless?02:51
ScreaminIkejust apt-get it?02:51
allen-bash: /dev/null: Permiso denegado02:51
eXcentraScreaminIke, it should be network-manager-gnome02:51
linux_kidallen: do you have an english version or what?02:52
ScreaminIkenetwork-manager is installing. is the gnome package for compatibility?02:52
kweineroh, wait, I do see /etc/fstab and it does contain an entry for /dev/sde1 and /dev/sde502:52
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Narrchyi cant seem to find wine under apt-cache search wine02:52
Narrchyperhaps another word?02:52
eXcentraScreaminIke, the description says its the frontend.02:52
crimsunNarrchy: then you don't have universe enabled.02:53
Narrchyhow do i go about getting universe enabled?02:53
linux_kidok, can you translate for me the error messages...02:53
cntbwhy wine got  beer ?02:53
crimsun!components > Narrchy02:53
kweinerI don't know how I can edit the fstab file from the BusyBox shell02:53
ScreaminIkedo i have to restart my gnome session?02:53
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allenlinux_kid - bash: /dev/null: Denied permission02:53
allenerror msg02:54
eXcentraScreaminIke, i dunno. :P02:54
allenit leaves whenever beginning login02:54
linux_kidallen: ok, its a fresh install?02:54
linux_kidallen: any other o/s's02:54
allen5 days ago02:54
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allenyes XP02:54
eXcentraScreaminIke, you can check to see if it works by starting up nm-applet (the frontend)02:54
allenmy grub run good02:54
Megaqwertywhenever I try to play a xgl powered game, X restarts. any ideas?02:55
bruenigkweiner, pastebin your /etc/fstab02:55
bruenig!paste | kweiner02:55
ubotukweiner: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:55
allenproblem is kde login02:55
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alleni type user and pass..02:55
||x|x||what is a good download manager for ubuntu? that is as good as flashget02:55
linux_kidallen: are you typing from your ubuntu computer or from another computer?02:55
allenthen beginning section from console and leaves that message02:55
kweinerbruenig, I can't pastebin from a BusyBox shell, can I?02:55
bruenigkweiner, oh I didn't realize02:56
allenother compundter is a Lan02:56
AlbinoRhinoNarrchy did you get the link?02:56
bruenig!info d4x02:56
ubotud4x: graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 706 kB, installed size 2016 kB02:56
bruenig!info jigdo02:56
ubotujigdo: GTK+ download manager (beta version). In component universe, is extra. Version 0.7.3-1 (edgy), package size 187 kB, installed size 440 kB02:56
allenI have the PC alongside02:56
=== bobbie__4 [n=Bobbie@S01060050046f293e.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
||x|x||oo thanks02:57
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alleni type "ls /dev/null -la"02:57
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linux_kidok, you need to boot the ubun tu disk, and when it starts up, select scan disk for errors...02:57
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allencrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-10-25 09:03 /dev/null02:57
kweinerbruenig, are there any ways to edit a file without having access to nano or vim?02:57
hou5tonWhen I double-click on the CD drive, I get a popup with this message: Opening "CD-RW/DVD-ROM Drive". ... You can stop this operation by clicking cancel.02:58
hou5tonbut it never opens02:58
=== Hotkey [n=noway@68-118-144-93.dhcp.gdis.ne.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
SurfnKidanyone use yarssr?02:58
ubotuyarssr: RSS reader for the notification area. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 248 kB02:58
njankweiner, http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Cat02:58
Hotkeyhi - newb here02:58
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njankweiner, but if you have busybox, busybox includes vi02:58
bruenigkweiner, perhaps you could do it with sed or another inline editor but it would be pretty hard, if you know exactly what you want to edit. you could theoretically rm the file, then do echo "text" > file02:58
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=== dogfood2006 [n=chatzill@c-69-181-204-182.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
linux_kidallen, im gonna have to recommend you to someone else as i'm not very good with command line02:59
Hotkeytrying to download 6.102:59
Hotkeyhard to get the bittorrent figured out?02:59
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bruenigkweiner, what exactly are you trying to change, just sde to sda?02:59
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dogfood2006I just registered my name, but I still can't pm anyone, bot tells me I still need to register...?02:59
bruenigkweiner, you could use sed, and do sudo sed 's/sde/sda/g' -i.backup /etc/fstab03:00
=== ScreaminIke [n=swarm@219-100.usachoice.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScreaminIkeok. uhm... network-manager is on...03:01
highnekoDoes anyone know the name of the wallpaper with a moon, tree branch and ubuntu writen on the moon?03:01
bruenigkweiner, that will change all instances of sde to sda, and backup the old fstab just to be safe03:01
ScreaminIkewhy can't i scan for networks, though?03:01
overderecan you think of any other players that would be able to use a radio stream?03:01
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kweinerbruenig, I will try that.... thanks03:01
masterninjado wiine programs need to be in the c drive thingy?03:01
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masterninjaor can i stick stuff in a diffrent area03:01
ScreaminIkemasterninja, no03:01
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dopei can't get my wireless working on this thing :x03:01
masterninjaah good03:01
eXcentraScreaminIke, if you right-click the icon, is the Wireless box checked?03:02
ScreaminIkeeXcentra, yea...03:02
masterninjacause i cant bloody fine the c drive :P03:02
eXcentraScreaminIke, :/03:02
dopeit shows i have 2 wireless cards03:02
masterninjacause i cant bloody find the c drive :P03:02
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ScreaminIkedope, having issues w/my wireless, too....03:02
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zspada15i ran an apt-get dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy and none of the upgrades are showing up (like firefox 2), can i reload all the update packages from the server itself and reinstall?03:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
w3ccvthe C Drive in Wine =  ~/.wine/c03:03
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:03
kweinerbruenig, when I tried the sudo sed comment, I got "sudo: error while loading shared libraries: libpam.so.003:03
=== blanky|away is now known as blanky
blanky:'( ljl03:03
grandmaster_Sneed help ;) i cannot connect to internet. i want to go to the internet with a router. i have a connection to the router. i can ping on it but i cannot connect to internet. what do i have to do =?03:04
dopemy two wireless cards are wmaster0 and wlan003:04
LjLblanky: the command "/away" will mark you as away.03:04
bruenigkweiner, if you have permission to write you don't need sudo. I am use to doing sudo there because normally you need root privileges to do it which the normal user doesn't have03:04
blankyooooo! :D03:04
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dopebut not wireless networks show up in my network manager03:04
dopeit just shows my wireless03:04
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blankyLjL: toggles?03:04
=== BoggsBeer [n=biglou@203-206-49-87.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
LjLblanky: usually should, though in my client it doesn't03:05
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grandmaster_Sno help for me?03:05
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: Check your default route is set correctly?03:05
green_earzgrandmaster_S: can you ping google.com ip address    ?03:05
ScreaminIkeso... basically... i'm t3h screwzored03:05
highnekoDoes anyone know the name of the wallpaper with a moon, tree branch and ubuntu writen on the moon?03:06
grandmaster_Sno i cannot ping anything but the router03:06
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kaikigrandmaster_S, can you login to your router?03:06
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ScreaminIkenope, highneko. sorry. you know anything about belking wireless nics?03:06
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jmarsdengrandmaster_S: Sounds like you do not have the default route set to route all non-local packets out to the router.03:06
grandmaster_Snot tried yet, but i guess so03:06
w3ccvwhat's your default route  "etstat -rn"03:06
highnekoScreaminIke: nope03:07
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@124-168-72-82.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Narrchy!components > Narrchy03:07
w3ccvwhat's your default route  "netstat -rn03:07
lrentzAnyone using a core 2 duo laptop that has frequency scaling working correctly?03:07
grandmaster_Si have to reboot then to check that03:07
KeyseirI think I have a problem with my dvd burner, but I'd like some confirmation. I downloaded the ubuntu dapper iso, checked it's md5sum, it was fine. Burned it to a dvd, it changed. I'm thinking there's something wrong with my dvd burner- Are there any utilities for checking this?03:07
KeyseirIt burned at 2.4x03:07
grandmaster_Si`ll be back in 5 minutest03:08
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jmarsdenKeyseir: burn it again, at a slower speed and preferably using a different brand of DVD media03:08
kweinerbruenig, I was able to change fstab, but my system still isn't booting - it it just hanging on the splash screen03:08
AlbinoRhinoI had to burn mine at 1x03:08
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Keyseirjmarsden, I set it to burn at 1x so I assume it was going as slow as my dvd burner could go. I only have the one kind of dvds, but I also have regular cdrs.03:08
zspada15what i need to do is reload all the packages and install them03:08
=== cremis [n=cremis@68-113-207-99.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
hajikihey i ran ./configure to  to compile a package and it appears that i dont have gtk and openssl03:09
Keyseirjmarsden, I guess I'll try burning a regular cd before I try popping out my dvd drive and putting in a backup plain cd burner03:09
jmarsdenOK, try burning to a CD-R at say 16x and see whether it works.03:09
hajikiSystem:  Linux03:10
hajikiOpenSSL: missing, using built-in SHA1 implementation03:10
hajikiGTK+:    no03:10
||x|x||d4x is installed via synaptic, where can i find its link to run it?03:10
blankyhajiki: sudo apt-cach search libgtk | dev03:10
blankyhajiki: sudo apt-cach search libgtk | grep dev03:10
=== whta [n=ssb@adsl-75-21-109-170.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
overdereHey - sorry to interrupt, what kind of players can one get for stream audio in ubuntu? (besides xmms)03:10
Keyseirjmarsden, Uh. 16x?03:10
whtawhat's the simplest way to go about installing 7zip?03:10
whtaor anything that can open an lzh file03:10
Keyseirjmarsden, Wouldn't that have no chance of burning an ISO properly?03:10
blankysorry hajiki but that doesn't help much lol03:10
cremisanybody having a problem with beryl servers being down03:10
jmarsdenCD speed 16x is slow.  52x is fast.  CD speeds are not the same as DVD speeds03:11
blankyhajiki: you have to know exactly what package it wants03:11
=== Kerrick [n=chatzill@lasall2.lnk.telstra.net] has joined #ubuntu
Narrchyi can't seem to find wine when i type apt-cache search wine in my console03:11
hajikiapt-cach: command not found03:11
Narrchyany suggestions03:11
cremisits apt-cache03:11
blankyit's apt-cache03:11
blankyas for openssl, try this libssl-dev\03:11
=== ryan__ [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
jbroomehooked on phonix worked for me!03:11
Narrchyyeah i typed apt-cache03:11
=== strabes [n=strabes@ip68-108-31-178.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Narrchynothing happens03:11
jbroome!info wine03:11
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.22-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 42452 kB03:11
AlbinoRhinocan you d/ wine in windows and shift the package over to a linux drive?03:11
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jbroomeis universe repo enabled?03:12
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whtadoes synaptic have 7zip anywhere in it? perhaps under an obscure name? =\03:12
kaikiNarrchy, did you use $ sudo apt-cache search wine?03:12
Narrchyhow do i enable universe repo03:12
||x|x||!help d4x03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help d4x - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:12
kaikiwhta, it's 7z03:12
LjL!info p7z03:12
Narrchyyes, neither work03:12
ubotuPackage p7z does not exist in any distro I know03:12
LjL!info p7zip03:12
hajikiwell i'm trying to compile Transmission the BT client03:12
ubotup7zip: 7-Zip is a file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.42.dfsg.1-2 (edgy), package size 315 kB, installed size 944 kB03:12
jbroome!repos | Narrchy03:12
ubotuNarrchy: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource03:12
=== noelferreira [n=noel@10001239831.0000018639.acesso.oni.pt] has joined #ubuntu
whtaahh thanks. that p is tricky03:12
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noelferreirahi people03:12
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dRk_sHd0wsup guys03:13
noelferreiraneed help updating my kernel03:13
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cremisanybody having problems with beryl servers03:13
bimberi!kernel | noelferreira03:13
ubotunoelferreira: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild03:13
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noelferreirahi need to compile a new one ubotu?03:14
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable243.113-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
cremisproblems hajiki03:14
noelferreirai had problems with apt-get kernel updates ubotu03:14
dopeok i'm back03:14
dopei've got 2 problems.  wireless and vid card03:14
hajikican you help me?03:14
noelferreiramy last good configuration is jernel 2.15.2303:14
cremiswhat u need03:14
cremiswhat are you trying to compile hajiki03:15
=== hockyhair [n=d@adsl-69-224-1-120.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dope2 wireless adapters are showing up in my networking panel03:15
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hajikiwell i'm trying to compile Transmission the BT client03:15
NarrchyYou can enable the universe component by editing the file "/etc/apt/sources.list" after installing Ubuntu.03:15
Narrchyhow do i do that?03:15
hockyhairwhat is the name of the app that shows you how your space is divided.. where your used space is etc..03:15
dopeand it doesn't look like they're being used in my network manager03:15
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hockyhairim trying to clean up my hdd03:15
cremishajiki: are you still having the same problems03:15
jmarsdenhockyhair: df -h03:15
hockyhairjmarsden: ok more in depth tho03:15
whtaahh, i just synaptic'd 7zip and now i have no idea how to use it03:15
=== BoggsBeer is now known as Deaigo
hockyhairjmarsden: like how much space is in each dir etc03:16
NarrchyYou can enable the universe component by editing the file "/etc/apt/sources.list" after installing Ubuntu. how do i do that?03:16
hajikiOpenSSL: missing, using built-in SHA1 implementation03:16
hajikiGTK+:    no03:16
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bimberinoelferreira: ubotu is a bot (a python program in fact).  If you keep your Ubuntu release up to date it will include kernel updates03:16
kitchehockyhair: to find out how much space is in a directory you wan du -sh03:16
jmarsdenhockyhair: du -h03:16
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[Nige] hi all03:16
[Nige] I am trying to install dvdrip03:16
noelferreiraok bimberi03:16
=== AnthonyG [n=AnthonyG@216-67-198-36.nas13.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
hockyhairok im thinking more of a gui, that will show pie diagram for a path03:17
=== WebJAP [n=WebJAP@dsl2-p121.intrstar.net] has joined #ubuntu
hockyhairive have this app i just forget the name03:17
cremishajiki try sudo apt-get install build essential for gtk03:17
grandmaster_Snetstat -rn says:
hou5tonwhat on earth have i done to no longer be able to access my cdrom?03:17
=== RxDx [i=RxDx@201-74-134-179-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
noelferreirabut my auto update didn work for me bimberi03:17
tomiboiinstall dvdrip using automatix03:17
[Nige] it installs okay, but when I check dependancies it says that mplayer is missing and xine is missing, I have gmplayer installed as well as gxine... how can i make it figure out that they are really installed?03:17
cremissorry thats build-essential03:17
=== CharlieSu [n=charlie@pool-71-123-3-56.austtx.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
hockyhairdu -h is nice tho, didnt know about that, thanks03:17
noelferreirait stopped working at
[Nige] !automatix03:17
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:17
=== maple [n=maple@24-155-176-17.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: And is the adress of the router?03:18
bimberinoelferreira: stopped working?  any error message?03:18
hajikiok done03:18
cremisdid you get that hajiki03:18
noelferreirax problem03:18
AnthonyGHello everyone , I wanted to report my success in installing Ubuntu , with a dual-boot XP :) . Though I can't seem to find a link to the modem howto , Would anyone care to give it to me?03:18
noelferreiraand other things03:18
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noelferreiravery unstable03:18
hajikicremis: yes03:18
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ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DialupModemHowto03:18
grandmaster_Sjmarsden and now?03:18
AnthonyGubotu: Thank you :)03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about Thank you :) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
bimberinoelferreira: can you put the error messages on a pastebin?03:19
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AnthonyGBah,   A bot03:19
jmarsdenAnthonyG: That was me, ubotu is a bot :-)03:19
AnthonyGThank you to whoever posted it :)03:19
noelferreirai'm working in my stable kernel now bimberi03:19
NarrchyWhen a repository says to "Uncommon the following two lines" what does that mean?03:19
CharlieSuI'm trying to make a copy of my BattleField 2 disk into ISO format so that I can mount it with daemon tools in windows.. Can somebody tell me how to make the image file in linux?  Will linux make a backup of a copyrighted disk?03:19
noelferreiraand i wanted to upgrade manually to the last one03:19
whtacan anyone help me out with 7zip? i typed "7z x path" and it said it was ok but i have no idea where it extracted to03:20
grandmaster_Sjmarsden, do you know where the problem ist?03:20
=== kudzubane [n=taopunk@66-23-228-222.clients.speedfactory.net] has joined #ubuntu
hockyhairso does anyone know the name of a gui similar to du -h output, that is avail03:20
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: It's not clear what the issue is... are the other network parameters OK -- subnet mask for instance?03:20
cremishajiki: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev03:20
hockyhairit would be faster than du -h for me03:20
cremisfor open ssl03:20
grandmaster_Syes it was03:20
=== WebJAP [n=WebJAP@dsl2-p121.intrstar.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberinoelferreira: you could downlad the package via http://packages.ubuntu.com and install manually using dpkg03:21
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cremishajiki: let me know if that works03:21
RxDxi have an AMD64, do you guys think that should i use i386 or x86-64 architecture?03:21
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: So you can ping but not (for example) ?03:21
hajikicremis: its dling a package03:21
grandmaster_Si read that i have to write sometihing into /etc/resolve.conf but my file is empty03:21
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grandmaster_Sjmarsden, righ03:21
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: You can ping IP addreses withotu resolve.conf.  Can you pint ?03:21
fooAny ideas on this error: "rsync: mkstemp "/media/.Se\244or Rico.oc.4XlsUQ" failed: Invalid Argument - err, weird. I just did rsync -azv ... hmm.03:21
hajikiok lets see03:21
jmarsdencan you ping :-)03:21
bimberiRxDx: for desktop use and < 4GB RAM?  i38603:22
Narrchyanyone have any idea on getting the universe thing to work the guide is only getting me as far as opening up the sources.list03:22
H3g3m0nRxDx: I recomend x86, amd64 has problems with flash, codecs and some other stuff but no real advantage, also seems buggier03:22
=== kudzubane [n=taopunk@66-23-228-222.clients.speedfactory.net] has joined #ubuntu
cremishelp with beryl03:22
grandmaster_Sjmarsden, i have to reboot to check that03:22
hajikihey cremis it helped a little03:22
hajikiit says now:03:22
hajikiOpenSSL: yes03:22
hajikiGTK+:    no03:22
cremishold on03:22
RxDxbibleboy: yes.. for desktop.. and just 512 DDR03:22
=== macd [n=d@adsl-241-73-166.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
grandmaster_Sso  reboot03:22
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: OK.  If it works, try adding   the line   nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf03:22
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grandmaster_Sand if not03:23
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RxDxH3g3m0n: thanks.. ill keep my 32bit =)03:23
d3cod3 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY diedie03:23
bimberiRxDx: I'd go with i386 if I had that :)03:23
Madpilotd3cod3, time for a new password...03:23
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: If not, get the output of ifconfig eth0 just so we can check that.03:23
RxDxbimberi, thank you03:23
bimberiRxDx: yw :)03:24
grandmaster_Sand where do i have to add the line?03:24
d3cod3kk. i just need some really quick help.03:24
hikenbootjmarsden, go figure I installed dhcp3-server instead of dhcpd deamon and it worked as soon as i installed with that cofig03:24
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noelferreirai need to update my kernel. anyone can help me?03:24
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: Just add a line that says     nameserver      to the file /etc/resolv.conf.03:24
d3cod3i downlaoded the new version of java so i cna run frostwire... how do i install it?03:25
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w3ccvyou router should handle name service too   /etc/resolv.conf  should read   nameserver
jmarsdennoelferreira: You don't really need to do that, do you?  What strange hardware are you trying to use that NEEDS the latest kernel?03:25
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noelferreirai have an old one jmarsden
jmarsdenw3ccv: Well, if the router was set up perfectly DHCP would have already done that ...03:25
Narrchyhow do i give myself permission to overwrite a sources.list file?03:26
jmarsdennoelferreira: And what is broken with it... what is the *need*03:26
noelferreirajmarsden: my auto update doesn't worked for me03:26
cremishajiki try sudo apt-get install libgtk2-dev03:26
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hockyhairjmarsden: so do you know about a gui for something similar to du -h03:26
jmarsdennoelferreira: Then you need to fix auto-update!03:26
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noelferreirahow jmarsden?03:26
jmarsdenhockyhair: No, I'm more of a CLI person, sorry!03:26
bimberid3cod3: what version of Ubuntu?03:26
tomiboi creating configuration directory '/home/tomasz/.wine'...  this is what i keep getting  what's going on?03:27
d3cod3uh 6.0603:27
w3ccvhow do I get a WEP 128 to work with my router - it works open03:27
hajikiE: Couldn't find package libgtk2-dev03:27
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noelferreiraevery time that comes a new kernel the system update but it never worked jmarsden03:27
hockyhairwhat is taking up the space on my drive!!!03:27
hockyhairthis suxbad03:27
jmarsdennoelferreira: That depends on what "broken" means... what happens when you do   sudo apt-get update03:27
bimberid3cod3: you can (and should) download and install Java using synaptic/apt-get - the packages are in multiverse and have names like sun-java5-*03:27
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bimberiubotu: tell d3cod3 about java | via /msg03:27
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noelferreiraerros with keys jmarsden03:28
jmarsdenhockyhair: If  you think it is one big file, try   find / -size +50000 |xargs ls -lh to see the big files... ?03:28
H3g3m0nhockyhair: Try the 'disk usage analysis' in Applications>Accessories03:28
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cremishajiki: that work03:28
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hajikicremis: yep03:28
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hockyhairH3g3m0n: what is the cmd for that tool03:28
eephow can i get ubuntu to show file extensions?03:28
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craskaanyone know if Fiesty Fawn will include a LUKS option on install?03:28
hockyhairi dont use the gnome bar03:28
cremisgood deal then03:28
bimberieep: it does03:28
noelferreirai guess i need a fresh install jmarsden03:29
denveris there a package with all the man pages for glibc functions?03:29
eepit doesn't03:29
hou5tonwhat on earth have i done to no longer be able to access my cdrom?  The eject function works, but I can't see what is on the CD ..... like it won't let me mount it?03:29
jmarsdennoelferreira: Paste the output to pastebin and then someone can perhaps help you with it?03:29
eepi just made a text file and tried saving it as blah.txt03:29
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hajikithanks man... thank you very much03:29
eepbut it isn't really a plain text file03:29
w3ccveep:  Linux (all unices) don't havew "extensions" like DOS does03:29
eepit's an rtf03:29
CharlieSuAnyone know how to copy a CD into an ISO in Ubuntu03:29
cremisno prob03:29
eepthen what do i do to change the file type03:29
noelferreiraif i download a new iso it comes with the last kernel jmarsden?03:29
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hajikiw00t it worked!03:30
H3g3m0nhockyhair: Carn't check unfortunatly, my gnomes dead03:30
noelferreiraor the one from when the distro came out?03:30
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jmarsdennoelferreira: The latest ISO comes with the kernel for Ubuntu current when that ISO was finalized...03:30
H3g3m0nhockyhair: nm its 'baobab'03:30
w3ccveep: the only way to change the file type is to change the file.03:30
eepwhat text editor should i use if i want to make plain text files03:30
noelferreiraya ok03:30
hockyhairH3g3m0n: tyvm03:30
w3ccveep, use vo03:30
noelferreiraso a new download won't help me03:30
w3ccveep, use vi  corrected03:30
bimberieep:  what did you use?03:30
noelferreirai had problems with edgy03:30
eepwhere can i find vi03:30
Zer0Her0hey is there an easy way to test a HID device?03:30
Zer0Her0specifically a controller03:31
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w3ccvon the command line03:31
eepbim i used the text editor that comes with ubuntu. it saves as rtf03:31
noelferreiraso i returned to dapper jmarsden03:31
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eepalright thanks03:31
bimberieep: Ubuntu comes with a number of editors, do you mean gedit?03:31
eepyes gedit03:31
jmarsdennoelferreira: Edgy is fine here... but OK, Dapper should be fine too...03:31
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craskais there anything similar to edit.com like the one found in DOS?03:32
noelferreirai had problem with rt61 wireless driver jmarsden03:32
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noelferreirait worked just for a while03:32
eepalright i don't have vi03:32
eephow can i get it?03:32
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noelferreirai tried amd64 and it seems to be fine03:32
w3ccvcraska:  No, there many lots better, vi, vim, emacs03:32
ubuntuanyone know the command used by the installer to install the preseed ?03:32
ubuntuor any way to find that info on the live CD ?03:33
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jmarsdeneep: vim.tiny is a part of every Ubuntu install.  Try     sudo apt-get install vim if you want03:33
w3ccveep,  look for vim - a vi clone03:33
craskaanything that's not like Nano.  I hate Nano :)03:33
eepalright apparently it's already on here03:33
craskaI'll give vim a whirl03:33
eepi think03:33
Brunellusvim is awesome.  but it is a steep learning curve03:34
CharlieSuHow can I create a CD image file (iso image)03:34
ubuntulooking for a way to manually install the base system from the live CD       anyone ?     (not a newbee)03:34
BrunellusCharlieSu, mkisofs03:34
jmarsdencraska: The two big names in Text editors in the Unix world arfe vi (vim) and Emacs.  Try both and use whichever you prefer.03:34
eepwhat i'm just looking for a plain text editor03:34
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CharlieSuBrunellus: from the CD..  I have a CD in my drive I want to copy03:34
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w3ccveep: they both are,  they are not word processors03:34
Brunellusubuntu:  must it be a livecd?  do you have access to an alternative CD? if so, just hit a server install.03:34
hou5tonCan someone please help me try to figure out why I've apparantly lost access to my CDROM?03:34
ubuntuBrunellus: no.   dialup03:35
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AlbinoRhinoCharlieSu I use Imgburn03:35
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ubuntuCharlieSu: dd03:35
eepi don't understand this vim program at all03:35
bimberieep: try nano then03:36
CharlieSuubuntu: i tried dd.  Didn't work03:36
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jmarsdeneep: then hit   :q!    to get out of it.03:36
ubuntu!work | CharlieSu03:36
ubotuCharlieSu: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:36
eepi exited it03:36
naliothd3cod3: the java in the repos is the one you want.  use synaptic to install sunjava5-jre03:36
CharlieSuubuntu: i did this dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso bs=102403:36
eephow do you select all the text then delete it03:36
eepbecause neither of them are doing that03:37
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naliothd3cod3: you should never need to download ANYthing to install.03:37
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craskaanyone know if Fiesty Fawn will include a LUKS option on install?03:38
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d3cod3i keep geting this03:38
d3cod3OOPS, you don't seem to have a valid JRE. FrostWire works best with Sun JRE available at http://www.java.com03:38
eepthese text editors are cutting alot of stuff i'm pasting off03:38
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CharlieSuubuntu: is that the right syntax?03:38
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ubuntunalioth: you wouldn't off hand know the command to install the preceed or how to find that info ?03:38
nalioth!tell d3cod3 about java03:38
eepbesides gedit, which i can't figure out how to save files as plain text using03:38
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ubuntuCharlieSu: block size might be wrong for an iso.03:39
craskaI had issues with FrostWire.  Wouldn't connect.03:39
naliothubuntu: know what?03:39
craskaI gave up and went with Limewire :)03:39
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CharlieSuubuntu: When I do mount /dev/cdrom i don't see any files in /media/cdrom03:39
ubuntunalioth: i need to install the pre-seed from the live CD   i know it's a single command but have no idea where to look.03:40
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naliothubuntu: i have no idea what that is03:40
d3cod3it doesnt show any packages in my synaptic03:40
CharlieSuubuntu: it is my Battle Field 2 CD. I'm trying to make an image of it so that I can mount it with Daemon tools in windows for fast loading of levels..03:40
nalioth!tell d3cod3 about repos03:40
ubuntuCharlieSu: audio cd's are not mounted...  if that's what it is.03:40
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naliothd3cod3: enable the universe and multiverse repos03:40
jmarsdenCharlieSu: Are you sure it is an ordinary, standard CD ?03:40
bimberiCharlieSu: does 'df' show it as mounted? if so, is /media/cdrom the mountpoint?03:41
ubuntuCharlieSu: oh.03:41
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d3cod3how do i do that?03:41
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kitcheCharlieSU: it actually doesn;t matter if you make an image or not since the maps are on your computer not the cd03:41
eepalright, are there any non-terminal based plain text editors?03:41
CharlieSu/dev/hdd              700M  700M     0 100% /media/cdrom003:41
eddieI have 40 instances of firefox runnign and more opening... I just wanna get rid of03:41
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eephow do you save files as plain text with gedit03:41
grantHello mates, does anyone know how to disable the "ubuntu" auto login on the live CD? (I installed the live cd to my HDD and have a different user I want to use)03:41
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eepit just saves ars rtf03:41
eddie44 counting03:41
craskajust put a .txt extention03:41
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jbroomeeddie: that's not right03:41
eddiewhat's the apt-get wayt to get rid og03:41
jmarsdeneep: Emacs works either way, terminal based or GUI, but it is not really intended for beginners unwilling to learn it.03:42
ubuntuCharlieSu: dd if=/dev/hdd of=file.iso   should  do it.03:42
eddiejbroome: 50 now03:42
Shhukknp: HIM  For You (Acoustic Version) [1:01/4:09] 03:42
eepso is it possible for gedit to save plain text files?03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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jmarsdeneep: I don't know.... have you tried mousepad?03:42
eddieI am being bombarded 60 now03:42
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eepwhat's mousepad03:42
ubuntuok i'm gone looking for answers.  thanks for the ToD folks.03:42
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bimberieep: yes, that's all it's ever done for me03:42
kitcheeep: like notepad03:42
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eepkit how can i get it03:43
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jmarsdeneep: click on accessories then mousepad03:43
eddiehow do I the fast way apt-get rid of firefox?03:43
eepi don't have it03:43
eddiehelp please03:43
eddie70 counting now03:43
jmarsdeneddie: Try killall firefox to get rid of the processes03:43
motin_how do I install php 5.2.0 on ubuntu? will this work you think? - http://www.linuxcompatible.org/PHP_5.2.0_for_Debian_3.1_third_update_s75910.html03:43
jbroomepkill firefox03:43
ubotumousepad: simple Xfce oriented text editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.6-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 50 kB, installed size 508 kB03:43
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Madpilot!php | motin_03:44
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ubotumotin_: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.03:44
w3ccv eep:  use gedit, then when you're though dust save-as  Works here03:44
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motin_Madpilot: I'll check that thanks03:44
grandmaster_Sjmarsden, i can  ping but i cannot add a line to resolv.comf03:44
jbroomeeven with sudo?03:45
motin_Madpilot: nothing there on php 5.2.003:45
grandmaster_Show does it work with sudo03:45
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motin_anyone else?03:45
eepw3 i did save as03:45
jbroomegrandmaster_S: you need to sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf03:45
eepit doesn't give me the option of what kind of text file to save it as03:46
Madpilotmotin_, PHP 5 is available, not sure of the exact version number03:46
dolecoHi, Recentley had to reinstall windows. It overwrote my MBR. and I dont know how to set grub back up as the MBR again03:46
jbroomeyou can't edit it as a regular user03:46
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:46
bimberi!tabcompletion | eep03:46
ubotueep: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:46
grandmaster_Sand the line, was it nameserve or nameserver ?03:46
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motin_Madpilot: yes - the widely available versions are 5.1.2 for dapper, 5.1.6 for edgy03:46
motin_Madpilot: But I need the latest: 5.2.003:46
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Madpilotmotin_, ah, OK. Never bothered getting bleeding-edge PHP running, not sure how to go about it...03:47
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motin_Madpilot: it got stable for about a month ago - not wanting to wait before the ubuntu team believes it is stable "enough" :)03:47
mwhiteHello everyone03:48
blankyNOOO IM SO PISSED03:48
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Madpilotmotin_, Ubuntu's packages are only updated at release of a new version of Ubuntu, so Edgy won't ever have 5.2, no matter how stable it is.03:48
mwhiteis this the support chat room?03:48
blankyI forgot the pass to my old pc which I haven't used since june, it's running 6.06 xubuntu server mode :'(03:48
dogfood2006Boot from livecd blanky03:49
ArrenLexmwhite: So says the channel topic =P03:49
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blankydogfood2006: and do what, haha03:49
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mwhitehow do I set an environment variable.. ie JAVA_HOME03:49
bimberiblanky: or boot into recovery mode, get a root shell, and change the password - 'passwd <username>'03:49
dogfood2006+1 bimberi03:49
ArrenLex!password > blanky03:49
motin_Madpilot: so it is impossible you say? to install from the repos?03:50
motin_on dapper...03:50
blankybimberi: how can I boot into recovery mode03:50
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dogfood2006I'm trying to find the doggone .bin file for my wrt54gl on ddwrt, can someone help03:50
bimberiblanky: it's an option on the grub boot menu03:50
Madpilotmotin_, far as I know, yes. It won't be in the official repos, certainly03:50
rBlong2ushow can I uninstall firefox the apt-get way?03:50
w3ccvmwhite, JAVA_HOME=/dir/dir/dir; export JAVA_HOME03:50
blankybimberi: ooo thanks :)03:50
bimberiblanky: np :)03:50
=== blanky hugs bimberi again and ArrenLex too
uboturBlong2us: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins03:50
mwhitejust type that in my terminal window that that is it?03:50
ArrenLexrBlong2us: apt-get remove firefox03:50
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Simeihow make the slash work on console?03:51
kitcheah remove :(03:51
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kitcheSimei: what slash you just press \ /03:51
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motin_Madpilot: hmm ok - but hey - is it maybe possible to download deb-src and replace the source-tree with the one from 5.2.0 ? heard something similar worked with another app03:51
Simei_ /03:51
Simeithis one03:51
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kitcheSimei: I see _/ you just press those keys03:51
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Simeibut they doesent work on console in the 6.1003:52
raplhu88is there a server release for ubuntu 6.10?03:52
eepso is there any way to get gedit or mousepad to save as a plain text file?03:52
meherenmy computer doesn't have shutdown options any ideas? when i click system -> Quit it only has log off switch user hibernate and sleep03:52
foomonkeywas support for "audioscrobbler" removed from rhythmbox? I've got it in the preferences dialog in version 0.9.3 but not in 0.9.603:52
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blankybimberi: I'm screwed, I forgot my username too, but at least now I have more of a possibility of remembering :D03:52
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foomonkeyor perhaps I installed something on the one and forgot to do it on the other03:53
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kitcheblanky: you can find that by looking at /etc/passwd03:53
eXcentrafoomonkey, go to edit > plugins03:53
ArrenLexeep: they DO save as plain text files.03:53
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w3ccveep: I don't know what you're doing ot gedit - it only saves to text here.03:53
bimberiblanky: or 'ls /home' - there will be a directory with the same name as the user03:53
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blankybimberi: oh, duh! thanks!03:53
blankyand the change password is passwd <username> right?03:53
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eepw3ccv:  when i save a file using gedit, it saves as an rtf file03:53
foomonkeyeXcentra, thanks!03:53
s|kdoes Xubuntu have screensavers?03:53
blankythanks kitche too03:53
eepi'm not doing anything at all03:53
bimberiblanky: yes03:53
rBlong2usunfortunately I just uninstalled firefox therefore I can't see the instructions of the latest uninstall03:53
dogfood2006Ok looks like CFE.bin is the firmware file for wrt54gl03:53
jmarsdeneep: mousepad saves to text files by default, and I think gedit does too...03:53
grandmaster_Sjmarsden, it works03:54
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grandmaster_Sthank you03:54
eepjmarsden:  both mousepad and gedit as saving as rtf files. i haven't changed anything03:54
rBlong2uswith 6.10 would it make the job just apt-get install firefox?03:54
=== wite [n=root@c-69-250-73-1.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rBlong2uscan that make a difference?03:54
meherenmy computer doesn't have shutdown options any ideas? when i click system -> Quit it only has log off switch user hibernate and sleep03:54
=== suran [n=suran@cpe-76-169-71-185.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
raplhu88how do u install LAMP on ubuntu 6.10?03:54
blankylol, and I was in this channel too, how could I forget, I wub you ubotu!03:54
blanky!lamp raplhu8803:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lamp raplhu88 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
jmarsdengrandmaster_S: You're welcome.  There is more you really should do to fix the router, but at least it is working well enough to be usable now.03:54
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.03:54
=== BrightEyes` [n=root@ppp184-7.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
BrightEyes`how do i load the kde start bar in other window managers? i want to use xfce but using the kde taskbar03:55
blanky!LAMP | raplhu8803:55
uboturaplhu88: lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.03:55
baconbaconI have a process apt-index-watch that goes crazy every other second, for about one second. What is it and how can i stop it?03:55
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bimberiblanky: lol (take care with those caps though)03:55
w3ccveep: what do you mean by RTF file?03:55
ArrenLexBrightEyes: apt-get install kicker03:55
cello_raspis gzip supposed to automatically archive stuff? i just noticed it zipping up some stuff on its own and im rather surprised03:55
blankykay :)03:55
ArrenLexBrightEyes: And then run kicker.03:55
baconbacon!package apt-index-watch03:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about package apt-index-watch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:55
ArrenLexcello_rasp: uh, no?03:55
eepw3ccv:  it's mime type is application/rtf03:55
mwhitesweet. I set JAVA_HOME thank you03:55
eeprich text file03:55
eepi think03:55
BrightEyes`ArrenLex: Im using suse :p03:55
cello_raspArrenLex: just gained 2Gb after gzip ran with root. For no noticeable reason.03:56
meherendoes anyone know why my computer doesn't want to shutdown?03:56
grandmaster_Sbut now my bigger problem. i have got a newer wlan card from intel (Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG WLAN (802.11a/b/g) ) and cannot install. what to do=03:56
bobbie__4Your computer maybe manic03:56
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ArrenLexBrightEyes: Then why are you on the ubuntu channel?03:56
jmarsdeneep: so you open Mousepad, type in a work, say "junk" and save the file as a file named junk.txt  Then you claim it really saved as RTF??03:56
=== garenasix [n=garenasi@nc-76-0-137-103.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
w3ccveep: how do you know it's mime type - use list (filename) and see what it is03:56
eepjmarsden: yes exactly03:56
eepw3ccv: i looked at the properties of the file03:57
meisamhi guys, does anybody know how to install IBM DB2 DBMS on ubuntu? (i really need it)03:57
jmarsdeneep: what does file junk.txt say (in a terminal window)03:57
w3ccveep: what with03:57
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ArrenLexeep: translation: what does the command "file junk.txt" say?03:57
eepoh wait saving it as .txt worked03:57
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[Nige] i tried installing dvdrip from automatix2 but i still have the same problem03:57
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LjL!automatix | [Nige] 03:58
ubotu[Nige] : automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:58
eepi was saving it with a different extension so it just saved it as rtf03:58
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eepthat's kind of annoying03:58
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:58
meherenmy computer doesn't have shutdown options any ideas? when i click system -> Quit it only has log off switch user hibernate and sleep03:58
[Nige] LjL, this is a fresh copy of ubuntu, and i have the same problems I had without automatix03:59
eepactually no03:59
eepeven if i save it as .txt it still saves it as an rtf file03:59
ArrenLexeep: what does the command "file junk.txt" say?04:00
=== w3ccv [n=mvore@pool-72-81-134-19.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmarsdenArrenLex: That's what I asked him a while ago...04:00
motin_Madpilot: I think I have found a way now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26868704:00
ArrenLexjmarsden: yes, I know.04:00
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eepArrenLex:  set.txt: Rich Text Format data, version 1, Apple Macintosh04:00
ArrenLex... o____o04:01
=== bimberi just watches on, completely bemused
ArrenLexeep: and file -> save does not provide options for changing the filetype?04:01
eepArrenLex: no04:01
w3ccveep: are you using Ubunto (or any other linux) or OsX04:02
=== tx22 [n=chatzill@85-210-44-165.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
eepi'm using ubuntu04:02
hajikihey just one more question... can i put transmission in the applications menu?? can you tell me how?04:02
eepactually wait. i just noticed something in what i was trying to save04:02
=== flashnet [i=flashnet@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl212-213-185-15-153.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu
eepit has this line.. is it related? {\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf10204:03
eepthat's the first line04:03
tx22hi guys, currently I am on a windows machine trying to work out what the best code to program with. I want to learning a program language which is cross platform between windows and linux.. What's the easiest and best code to learn?04:03
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ArrenLexThat would do it.04:03
bimberieep: very :)04:03
eepoh wait yeah. why didn't i notice this04:03
eepit's supposed to be rtf. oops04:03
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ArrenLextx22: That's very subjective... "easiest" is probably Java, "most used\most effective\most powerful" is c\c++04:03
eepwell thanks for trying guys. sorry :104:04
rBlong2uslovely Your system was affected by this bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/3079104:04
rBlong2usthat was what was restarting ff a thousand millions times04:04
eepi've never seen that sort of thing before. that's pretty cool04:04
flummoxdtx22: you might want to look into python, if you've never programmed before04:04
tx22ArrenLex:  I know that c is a bit too heavy from what I've heard, isn't python the easiest?04:04
w3ccvtx22,  Depends on what your want to do,  Perl, php, C/C++, (the list is endless04:04
tx22flummoxd:  and with python, where do I begin?.. any good sites?04:04
b_d_pare the 'open week' irc sessions being logged and hosted somewhere? they're all between 2-8am local time for me04:05
ArrenLextx22: Python is pretty easy, yes, if you already have your heard around object orientation. However, as an interpreted language, it's about 20 times slower than C.04:05
Daylighterhey guys, where are the kde headers located in Ubuntu?04:05
bimberitx22: python would be a good choice, but that's just my opinion04:05
Terminustx22: it's not about the language, it's about how your solution approaches the problem. in short, any language will do. =)04:05
tx22w3ccv:  Well, I want to learn how to mkae small applications for use in windows and linux.04:05
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ArrenLexDaylighter: you need to install kdelibs4-dev04:05
DaylighterI did04:05
PupenoDo you know any program particularly well suited to make printed big labels, for advertising. Something like the old print master for DOS ?04:05
ArrenLexDaylighter: then dpkg -L kdelibs4-dev04:06
ArrenLexPupeno: glabels?04:06
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Daylighteror perhaps I didnt04:06
Daylighterthank you, installing now04:06
suranI have USB2, using ehci ... but I am still only getting about 2-3 MB/s and my load average is at about 10. How can I make this go quicker ???04:06
=== forther [n=mic@c-67-180-209-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
czedlitzi am in the process of replacing a laptop screen with a  new one, but when i plug it in it comes on with a purple haze over the whole screen, when i put the old cracked one back in, that is broke it comes on black as i should be. Any ideas, and could it be incoompatible for some reason ?04:07
grandmaster_Sjmarsden do you know how to install wlan cards, which are not supported by ubuntu?04:07
flummoxdtx22: there is almost too much information out there, but lots of good beginners tutorials. try http://diveintopython.org/ http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide04:07
w3ccvtx22, still depends - processing power - C/C++, text manipulation, perl, PHP, python; working with MySQL php, perl. Do you want an interperted language or a compiled? Heavy Math - then Fortran04:07
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jmarsdengrandmaster_S: No... I prefer wired networks whenever possible!04:07
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=== jmarsden has a wireless router here with the wireless part deliberately disabled...
=== somerville32 [i=somervil@fctnnbsc15w-156034084072.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankyhey guys, I'm in this source tree on my old computer and I'm looking for a specific text file, is there a way to recursively look for every text file?04:08
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tx22w3ccv:  Nope, the program I wish to develop are very small and not scientific. I want these apps for small tasks, for example an alarm...04:08
blankymaybe something like ls --recursive (such thing?) | grep .txt04:08
jmarsdenblanky: ls -R may be what you want?04:09
allenmoteboard asrock, in dualvideo error in unbutu with ndivia fx2000 card04:09
ArrenLexblanky: find "*.txt*04:09
tx22flummoxd:  thanks for the link04:09
blankyArrenLex: really? that easy?04:09
russian-dudecan anybody give me a link to the instuction on how to install a C++ compiler? every time i try to install something it says it needs something else//04:09
ArrenLexSorry, that's find -name "*.txt"04:09
blanky-name? is that a flag or something I should supply04:09
ArrenLexblanky: provided your text files have a .txt extension.04:09
blankybeucase I don't know the name of the file04:09
jmarsdenls -R is faster and easier :-)04:09
blankyArrenLex: yes they do04:09
=== Arrick is now known as ADCM
=== somerville32 [i=somervil@fctnnbsc15w-156034084072.nb.aliant.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
blankyso ls -R | grep .txt04:09
uboturussian-dude: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)04:09
blankyor fine -name "*.txt"04:09
=== sanityx [n=zach@pool-68-160-242-133.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ArrenLexblanky: Just go to your folder and type in:   find -name ".txt"04:09
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ArrenLexAnd press enter04:10
kitcherussian_dude install g++ for a C++ compiler04:10
blankyArrenLex: and it'll look within every folder in that folder?04:10
ArrenLexblanky: Just go to your folder and type in:   find -name "*.txt"04:10
=== forther [n=mic@c-67-180-209-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankythanks ArrenLex04:10
russian-dudethanks kitche04:10
w3ccvtx22, visit your Barnes & Nobels, look through all the books there, find you app and go with that language.04:10
russian-dudeps, useful bot :))04:10
=== justin_ [n=justin@68-113-207-99.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
hajikihow can i make a launcher for transmission???04:11
meisamguys has anybody worked on IBM DB2 and installing that on ubuntu?04:11
=== ADCM is now known as Arrick
justin_where are the included images for the desktop located in the file system04:11
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!04:11
=== NetBandit [n=netbandi@] has joined #ubuntu
bimberihajiki: on the desktop or in the menus?04:12
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bimberihajiki: right-click -> create launcher (Desktop)  right-click-on-Applications -> Edit Menus (menu)04:12
=== TsN|Hunter [n=hluisi@dsl092-012-080.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
justin_where are the included images for the desktop located in the file system04:13
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suranhow do I fix slow usb ports in edgy ?04:13
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slowz3rCan anyone help with some wireless problem im having with drivers?04:13
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hajikibimberi: i dont the create launcher option..04:13
mwhiteis there is a GUI text editor that I can run as root but be logged in a my normal account?04:13
justin_sudo gedit04:14
bimberihajiki: ah, that's in Gnome.  Are you using another desktop environment?04:14
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slowz3rCan anyone help me get some USB drivers?? any help would be great04:14
=== Apoll0 [n=martin@cpe-69-203-28-119.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwhiteawesome..Thanks you Justin04:14
justin_no prb04:15
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=== dragonfyre13 [n=dragonfy@70-59-161-248.omah.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragonfyre13hey guys.04:15
dragonfyre13is Kingsqueak still on?04:15
czedlitzi am in the process of replacing a laptop screen with a  new one, but when i plug it in it comes on with a purple haze over the whole screen, when i put the old cracked one back in, that is broke it comes on black as i should be. Any ideas, and could it be incoompatible for some reason ?04:15
hajikii want to make a launcher for transmission-gtk04:15
slowz3rAnyone with network experience willing to help get a newbs antenna up an running ?04:16
justin_hajiki : is it in your applications menu04:16
ArrenLex!seen Kingsqueak > dragonfyre1304:16
bimberihajiki: so you right-click on an empty desktop and there's no "Create Launcher..." in the context menu (2nd in the list here - Dapper)?04:16
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dragonfyre13ArrenLex, that didn't do anything I can see.04:16
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dragonfyre13ArrenLex, thanks though.04:17
=== GUIPEnguin [i=GUIPEngu@pdpc/supporter/active/GUIPEnguin] has joined #ubuntu
dragonfyre13ArrenLex, I think04:17
hajikijustin : here /usr/local/bin/transmission-gtk04:17
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slowz3rAnyone with network experience willing to help get a newbs antenna up an running ?04:17
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hajikibimberi: oh04:17
=== cremis [n=justin@68-113-207-99.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dragonfyre13I'm trying to setup my wireless network. I have it working without wep encryption, but whenever I use a wep key, it doesn't connect.04:17
dragonfyre13I have a 64 bit wep key for simplicity.04:18
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w3ccvdragonfyre13, same here, good luck getting an answer for 128bit04:18
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dragonfyre13I'm using rt73 drivers.04:18
slowz3rAnyone with network experience willing to help get a newbs antenna up an running ?04:18
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keeganxHow I was wondering what the proper command is to do an upgrade from Dapper to Edgy?04:18
dragonfyre13w3ccv, it seems everyone uses 128bit.04:18
bimberiubotu: tell keeganx about upgrade | via /msg04:19
w3ccvdragonfyre13, how?04:19
dragonfyre13keeganx, apt-get dist-upgrade04:19
suranno one else has slow usb storage issues ?04:19
keeganxI tried using sudo apt-get dist-upgrade after changing the source.list from dapper to edgy, but the gdm never came up04:19
keeganxand it said xserver was broken04:19
dragonfyre13w3ccv, just put in the 26 character hex code.04:19
bimberikeeganx: no, the recommeded method is to use the update-manager04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
sysrageanybody here use sylpheed-claws?04:20
=== forther [n=mic@c-67-180-209-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
w3ccvdragonfyre13,  doesn't work here, hmmmm.04:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-upgrade - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dist-update - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:20
hajikithanks bimberi04:20
bimberi!msg the bot04:20
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)04:20
=== w30 [n=kolklay@] has joined #ubuntu
slowz3rAnyone with network experience willing to help get a newbs antenna up an running ?04:20
keeganxSo I change my source list to edgy then go to the update manager and perform it from there?04:20
bimberihajiki: yw :)04:20
hajikibut how do i add it to the menu04:20
dRk_sHd0wanyone know of a good program to decrypt dvds for linux??04:20
bimberikeeganx: no, you run the update-manager from your dapper install :/04:20
dragonfyre13keeganx, search the wiki. There is a way that you don't change anything in your sources list.04:21
bimberihajiki: right-click on "Applications" and select Edit Menus04:21
caffiendoI have a Linksys WUSB54Gv2 (WIFI) and instructions for install on Dapper 6.06.  Should they be the same for Edgy?04:21
dragonfyre13hajiki, just right click on the menu, and edit menus.04:21
keeganxAlright thanks guys04:21
=== forther [n=mic@c-67-180-209-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
w3ccvslowz3r, What's a newbs antenna - doesn't sound like a ubuntu problem04:21
Brunelluscaffiendo, did it not work out of the box?04:21
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, yep, should be.04:21
=== adaminla [n=adam@66-214-36-97.dhcp.lnbh.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BrunellusI think the rausb module is in the edgy kernel04:21
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:21
hajikibut it doesnt appear in the add/remove04:22
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bimberikeeganx: ubotu should have sent you a link to a webpage with details04:22
=== Impetus|Fatkid [n=ASKME@cpc2-stkp1-0-0-cust873.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
keeganxyeah I saw it just right now04:22
dragonfyre13Brunellus, caffiendo, the rausb that comes with edgy doesn't work.04:22
slowz3rw3ccv: well i need a driver and i cant realy, nor do i know if there is a driver available for linux04:22
bimberihajiki: RIGHT-click on the word Applications04:22
Impetus|Fatkidhey does anyone know if this is a good distr for a first time user of linux ?04:22
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slowz3rw3ccv: its for a Hawking tech HAI6SDP  usb antenna04:22
=== jason0_ [n=jason@c-24-19-235-114.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
caffiendoBrunellus: I plugged it in once booted, and nothing happened.  I figured it wouldn't auto detect it, should I just reboot?  I've never added new hardware with Linux yet.04:22
dragonfyre13Impetus|Fatkid, yes, it really is. I love it.04:22
Impetus|Fatkidcan u run games off it04:23
Impetus|Fatkidlike winex04:23
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:23
=== cremis [n=justin@68-113-207-99.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
dragonfyre13!wireless | caffiendo04:23
ubotucaffiendo: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:23
bimberihajiki: there should be no "Add/Remove..." but "Edit Menus" should be in the list that pops up04:23
=== shnee [n=CurtyD13@cpe-65-24-168-255.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eXcentrayou know how the ubuntu installer can resize your ntfs partition for you? would you suggest defragging windows first or does it not matter?04:23
hajikiyeah alacarte menu editor pops up04:23
kitcheImpetus|Fatkid: hope you know that winex doesn't exist they renamed now to cedega04:23
dragonfyre13hajiki, that's what your looking for.04:24
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caffiendodragonfyre13: thank you.  new to IRC too.04:24
Impetus|Fatkiddidnt know04:24
hajikibut i dont see transmission there04:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rausb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:24
dragonfyre13caffiendo, no problem.04:24
hajikii want to add that app04:24
=== cremis [n=cremis__@68-113-207-99.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberieXcentra: that's a good idea, having good backups is another btw :)04:24
slowz3rDoes anyone if their are any Hawking Tech Drivers for a USB antenna?04:24
bimberihajiki: file -> new entry04:24
eXcentrabimberi, heh. :P but i'm just wondering if defragging is "optional"04:25
Impetus|Fatkidis it just one cd then04:25
Impetus|Fatkidcoz thats all i can find04:25
bimberieXcentra: sure04:25
eXcentrabimberi, haha, well, that's a straight enough answer. :)04:25
bimberieXcentra: it will just maximise the amount of space you can use for Ubuntu04:25
bimberieXcentra: :)04:25
hajikioh i see thanks bimberi04:25
dragonfyre13caffiendo, check out this page. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/Belkin_F5D7050_ver_3000_%28Ralink_rt73_driver%29?highlight=%28rt73%2904:25
bimberihajiki: np :)04:25
dragonfyre13caffiendo, that's what I just setup.04:26
slowz3rDoes anyone if their are any Hawking Tech Drivers for a USB antenna?04:26
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, email me at dragonfyre13@gmail.com with questions if you need help beyond that.04:26
dragonfyre13caffiendo, if I'm not on later.04:26
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, that shows you how to setup that card. That's the chipset for rt73.04:27
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, quite likely, that's what your using.04:27
cremislooking for desktop images filesystem location any help04:27
dragonfyre13caffiendo, does it show wlan and wmaster?04:27
caffiendodragonfyre13: much appreciated!04:28
=== ademan [n=dan@h-68-164-186-127.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
hajikithanks guys04:28
Kaiyanghi pple may i know for SAMBA... is there a default or standard on which partitions are all the files going to be saved?04:28
mainhello all04:28
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, for your network interfaces?04:28
cremislater hajiki04:28
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slowz3rDoes anyone if their are any Hawking Tech Drivers for a USB antenna its an HAI6SDP04:28
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, do a ifconfig to find out.04:28
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motin_anyone can give a good link (except for google...) to where to learn about building php from source on ubuntu?04:28
caffiendodragonfyre13: i've only checked in device manager and it shws.  I just started the install and wanted 2 c if there was anything special  I'll check config now.04:29
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ivxis anyone else having a lot of problems with 6.10 logging them off and stuff all the time04:29
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, I got to go now, but email me at the address I gave you if you have some questions. Plenty of caveats if you don't know what you are doing with an rt73 chipset on linux.04:30
startswithzhello, I just installed edgy, and I'm really new to linux.  Do I need to recompile the kernel to let it know that I have a centrino chip instead of a 386 or does it know that automatically?04:30
dragonfyre13startswithz, it knows.04:30
caffiendodragonfyre13: thanks. i'll give it a try and see whathappens.  thanks for the support!04:31
dragonfyre13startswithz, actually, you should have the linux-image-generic kernel, which enables everything you'll need.04:31
mainshould pick the correct chipset upon install04:31
slowz3rDoes anyone have a Hawking Tech device installed on their linux here????04:31
dragonfyre13caffiendo, no problem. I like to help out where I can, and I'll write a howto soon on the boards.04:31
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dragonfyre13caffiendo, be sure to email me if you have questions. very few people have the information to get it up and running correctly.04:32
mainCHecked the Hawkin Website?04:32
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Kaiyangsorry anyone available to help with:  SAMBA... is there a default or standard on which partitions are all the files going to be saved?04:32
dragonfyre13caffiendo, I still don't have wep working, but that should be fairly painless. The hard part (driver installation) is behind me.04:32
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tcliKaiyang: Can you elaborate on that a little?04:33
dragonfyre13caffiendo, also note, you can't use network manager to manage the connection. Connection manager (grab it from the forums) works with the rt73 chipset though.04:33
=== dogfood2006 [n=chatzill@c-69-181-204-182.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dragonfyre13by all.04:33
caffiendodragonfyre13: peace04:33
dragonfyre13So long, and thanks for all the fish. ^_^04:34
dogfood2006W00T!  I just flashed my wrt54GL firmware with ddwrt04:34
stasislovehi, i try to hack my mouse to work properly from a how to, but xorg complains about "no evdev", no apperent evdev in synaptic to download, can anyone help?04:34
=== maikel [n=maikel@84-122-193-182.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
dogfood2006I'm running the ddwrt firmware, I'd officially like to say that it's great. Everyone should switch if they haven't already04:34
=== Goldfisch [n=gregturn@user-0c6t46t.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
dogfood2006Now I just need to make sure it's going to play nice with Comcast, those bastards might have me register the router's mac address or something04:34
=== Celldweller is now known as CyberShadow
Kaiyangtcli>for example files in html files for apache are stored in /var/www .... where does SAMBA files stored? I believe that is a common standard...04:34
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w3ccvdogfood2006, you can clone the mac is needbe.04:35
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dogfood2006Ah, great idea, maybe I should do that regardless04:35
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faolanhow is everyone?04:36
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dogfood2006So apparently, now that my trouter has 16 MB of RAM, I could conceivably run a webserver on my ROUTER without ever having to turn any pc on! How awesome is that04:36
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bimberiKaiyang: no, there's no default location for samba shares04:36
dogfood2006I get to it by either ssh'ing to it or by
baconbaconKaiyang: you must setup shares, there is no default share location04:36
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w3ccvdogfood2006, how'd you get 16mb in it04:37
bimberibaconbacon: :)04:37
=== phreakuency [n=phreakue@pool-72-71-251-166.cncdnh.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dogfood2006The wrt54GL router comes w/ 16mb of ram04:37
Kaiyangi see. may know what is the purpose of /var/?04:37
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w3ccvdogfood2006, ah, I only have a wrt54gs.  gotta upgrade04:38
baconbaconKaiyang:  I always supposed it was for directories which may contain variable amounts of user content04:38
startswithzwhen I boot linux it seems to take longer than xp did is there something that I need ot modify to speed the process up?04:38
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TonrenHay guys, can someone help me fix unionfs in Edgy?  This is the information on the problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29764404:38
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dogfood2006All you have to do is grab the binary firmware file from ddwrt.com, which in my case was called dd-wrt.v23_mini_wrt54g.bin, log into the router through your ethernet cable and flash that bad boy04:39
baconbaconKaiyang: so if /var/ is on a separate partition and gets full, the system can still boot correctly04:39
=== elite [n=elite@cpe-66-8-129-232.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
w3ccvstartswithz, all unices take a while, especially if it has to fsck file systems04:39
dogfood2006If you already have firmware running on the router, which if you bought it shrinkwrapped it does, you need to use that flie04:39
elitehow do I get video decoders installed such as divx or mp3 codecs?04:39
baconbaconfsck ~= chkdsk04:39
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dogfood2006If you screwed up and unbricked your router, you have to use another binary, which you can get off the ddwrt website, the wiki tells you everything, didnt take that long04:40
bimberiubotu: tell elite about restrictedformats | via /msg04:40
zipzoHi, i need help t find out if i can put a windows xp dual boot onto a ubuntu only system04:40
Kaiyangif i am running a linux server... how shd i partition my HardDisk? where shd i upload all my files into? so that it will not slow down the server system?04:40
=== Kornflake46703 [n=chatzill@pool-71-120-188-196.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
dogfood2006w3ccv: Anyway, I now need to pair that guy with my actual cable modem. I might have to clone the mac address, but hopefully not04:41
Kornflake46703hey should my wireless logitech  stuff work in 61004:41
dogfood2006I don't have much experience with getting the radius authenticatoin going, but I think wpa2 aes/tkip with ssid broadcasting disabled should be enough to ward off my neighbors here in the heart of silicon valley04:42
w3ccvdogfood2006, or unplug it for a few minutes to let the cable co's arp cache timeout.04:43
zipzodoes anyone know if i can put windows back onto my linux install or do i have to wipe it all and put windows on first?04:43
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w3ccvdogfood2006, do you have any experience with getting 128bit WEP working with Edgy04:43
dogfood2006w3ccv: unplug the cable modem you mean? can you explain to me why that's necessary?04:44
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dogfood2006what is an arp cache and why would I need to clear it out?04:44
madmancanuckcan anybody tell me how I would set it so that any subdirectories of a directory keep the same group?04:44
bruenigzipzo, it is easier to do windows first. If you do it afterwards, it generally wipes out grub but there are ways to get grub back, see following factoid04:44
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:44
=== Bailey [n=fushidam@pool-72-78-53-242.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
w3ccvdogfood2006, between the cable modem and your router.  The ARP cache is the mac address/IP accress table.04:44
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w3ccvdogfood2006, address table   **correction04:45
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baconbaconKaiyang: ideally if users can write content to e.g samba shares, the shares should be on /var/*(whatever)*, and /var on a separate partition. /tmp should have its partition also. That's the classic unix layout afaik04:45
TonrenHay guys, can someone help me fix unionfs in Edgy?  This is the information on the problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29764404:45
stasislovehi i need evdev to configure the mouse, any clue anyone?04:45
dogfood2006w3ccv: I do not, but why are you using wep?04:46
bruenig!info xserver-xorg-input-evdev04:46
ubotuxserver-xorg-input-evdev: X.Org X server -- evdev input driver. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.2-1ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 20 kB, installed size 88 kB04:46
w3ccvdogfood2006, network device only talk to either by MAC addrss, not IP. ARPing = "Who answers to the IP address"04:46
zipzois there any way or need to defragment the hard disk in ubuntu?04:46
dogfood2006w3ccv: Your router should support wpa or wpa2 shared key authentication04:46
phreakuencyhey all04:46
bruenigstasislove, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev, if you didn't catch that factoid04:47
dogfood2006zipzo: you don't really need to defragment if you're using ext3 as a filesystem04:47
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stasislovebruenig, thanks04:47
phreakuencyanyone here use beryl?04:47
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w3ccvdogfood2006, it does WPA but not all laptops do.04:47
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dogfood2006the days of defragmentation are left behind on ntfs and fat32 filesystem, though some of my friends do disagree with me on that04:47
bruenigphreakuency, #ubuntu-xgl04:47
madmancanuckdoes anybody know if there is a way that you can set a subdirectory so that any new directories or files below it maintain the same group?04:47
phreakuencyI did04:47
phreakuencythey didnt have an answer for me04:47
Kornflake46703hey should my wireless logitech  stuff work in 6.1004:48
dogfood2006w3ccv: I presume you just have to install the right package and get a wpa client for ubuntu, are you saying your NIC does not support WPA?04:48
bruenigmadmancanuck, if I understand your question, you can chown recursively which I would think would do that.04:48
stasislovebruenig, hm got it installed, but when i change in xorg to evdev it says no evdev o.004:48
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bruenigstasislove, yeah, I don't know how to do that. I just found the package, figured you could do the rest04:49
w3ccvdogfood2006, w2k does not have WPA04:49
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madmancanuckbruenig:  I've tried that but everytime somebody adds a new file, it sets the group for that file or directory to their own name04:49
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madmancanuckon a CVS server this causes nothing but trouble04:49
dopehas anyone got the wireless to work on an averatec laptop?04:49
dogfood2006w3ccv: you're using w2k? you can probably get a third party wpa client that does though04:50
mkay_madmancanuck, you can try to set the SGID bit on the directory04:50
stasislovebruenig, allright, ill try modprobe, have no other ideas =\04:50
w3ccvdogfood2006, besides that, my question is how to get WEP 128 to work!04:50
madmancanuckhow do I do that?04:50
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startswithzw3ccv, I use wifi radar04:51
mkay_chmod g+s dir04:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:51
w3ccvstartswithz, I did and still have no luck, and the WifiDocs isn't any help either04:51
TonrenCan someone help me fix unionfs in Edgy?  This is the information on the problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29764404:52
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Kaiyangbaconbacon>thanks ... it's helpful. so can i double confirm again that all windows related files and webpages file shd be kept within the /var/ directory?04:52
ChuI'm having an issue getting a truetype font working. Does anyone know how one might add a font in general? Perhaps I'm doing this wrong...04:52
=== M3t4ll1k0 [n=lokoloko@cm142181.red.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
dopemy wireless adapaters are showing up but when i scan nothing shows up04:53
bruenig!info msttcorefonts04:53
ubotumsttcorefonts: Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 22 kB, installed size 164 kB04:53
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dogfood2006w3ccv: I understand. I'm looking it up in my ubuntu unleashed book right now04:53
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madmancanuckmkay_:  I tried the chmod on the parent directory, but when I create a subdirectory in there, it still allows me to set my own group04:53
motin_is there a way to like... put the whole file system under version control in an efficient way ? I am installing some packages which could harm my system - really want to be able to revert back if anything comes out unclean... ideas?04:53
dogfood2006w3ccv: Have you tried using iwconfig ?04:54
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=== method| [n=duane@67-43-242-30-cablemodem-roll.fidnet.com] has joined #ubuntu
method|I just bought a new seagate harddrive. how do I format it and stuff?04:54
dogfood2006It sets the network name, encryption, transmission rate, and other config settings04:54
bruenigmethod|, gparted04:54
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Chubruenig: No, this is some font I've found on the internet.04:54
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Vaske_Carhow to setup Konqueror to use flash plugin?04:55
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bruenigChu, you could probably watch that installer and see what it does. or download its source as I assume it is just some script and then see what it does04:55
dogfood2006w3ccv: man iwconfig while I look it up in my ubuntu cookbook04:55
bimberiVaske_Car: try #kubuntu (if no-one here knows)04:56
=== bruenig is surprised people actually have ubuntu books
method|bruenig: is gparted not in the repos?04:56
bruenigmethod|, it is, sudo apt-get install gparted04:56
=== AnthonyG [n=AnthonyG@216-67-193-104.nas1.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
madmancanuckmkay_: or rather, it doesn't Let me set my own group (my username) it sets it by default, and the next time someone tries to access the repository, it tells them they don't have access04:56
startswithzhas anyone installed linux on an old mac powerpc?04:56
cremisanyone know why pngs wouldnt display on desktop cube caps04:57
=== slowz3r [n=Andy@cpe-76-169-113-73.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
orpheancremis, is the width and height of them a power of 2? Depending on your video card that might matter.04:57
w30how do I stop and restart proftp from the console?04:57
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AnthonyGHello everyone , I am in desperate need of help. I can't seem to find any information on my specific modem (Agere Systems V.92 56K) that will help me to properly configure it in Ubuntu.04:57
kelly_can someone tell me how to play mp3 in Amarok?04:57
slowz3ranyone know how i can isntall wireless drivers for windows onto linux ???04:58
slowz3rplease help04:58
bruenig!quicktime | kelly_04:58
ubotukelly_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:58
Kornflake46703hey should my wireless logitech  stuff work in 6.10\\04:58
bruenig!wifi | slowz3r04:58
ubotuslowz3r: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:58
=== mumrah [n=david@c-68-35-247-173.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kelly_I have been on that site and tried everything nothing works04:58
orpheanslowz3r: look for ndiswrapper docs in particular.04:58
faolanyou need to dl to mp3 codecs. you can do that by getting easyubuntu04:58
mumrahi'm having trouble installing ubuntu04:59
mumrahcan anyone help?04:59
bruenigkelly_, do mp3's work on other media players?04:59
mkay_madmancanuck: do you mean you want the files and directory under that directory have the same group ownership as that directory?04:59
cremisslowz3r:  automatix2 can be used to install ndiswrapper04:59
ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe04:59
kelly_bruenig no they dont only problem i have now04:59
slowz3rcremis: im nub where can i find automatix204:59
dogfood2006Kornflake46703: probably not, you probably need to install the drivers as modules.04:59
orpheanboy there's some fud05:00
ivxslowz3r what kind of card is it05:00
TonrenCan someone help me fix unionfs in Edgy?  This is the information on the problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29764405:00
mumrahduring the install, when it's "creating ext3 file system for / partition" it gets to 8% or so and then slows to a halt05:00
slowz3rivx: its not a card its a external hawkingtech wirless usb antenna05:00
dogfood2006I would do some research on the internet to see if other people are in the same boat as you are an pursue that avenue05:00
mumrahit's a sata hdd05:00
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bruenigslowz3r, if you enjoy the sanity of your system, you will not install automatix. Although you could get past it unscathed. Your call05:00
dogfood2006The likelihood that someone else in here is using hte same mouse as you are is probably pretty slim05:00
kelly_How do i fix it?05:00
Narrchyhow do i give myself permission to access a file05:00
kelly_need a quick fix please05:00
bruenigkelly_, that seems to indicate you didn't install the right stuff05:00
ivxslowz3r okay i don't know about that sry05:00
slowz3rbruenig: what would you suggest05:01
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kelly_bruenig i tried everything already05:01
dogfood2006Narrchy, you'll need to change the ownership of that flie05:01
dogfood2006Narrchy: man chown05:01
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Narrchyproperties tab or something?05:01
dogfood2006No, do it using the command line, it'll be easier05:01
bruenigkelly_, "Open Amarok and play an mp3 file. Amarok will ask if you would like to add mp3 support and then install the libxine-extracodecs package."05:01
Narrchywhat should i type05:01
Ae01Hi, everybody05:02
=== bigfuzzyjesus [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu
Ae01I want to know about Build-essential on Ubuntu05:02
dogfood2006Where is this file? What is the file?05:02
cremisslowz3r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5484705:02
kelly_bruenig no it doesn't05:02
bruenigAe01, it installs all the things necessary for the compilation of software05:03
Narrchyit is sources.list05:03
bruenigkelly_, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs05:03
dogfood2006Theres' probably a good reason that the file is not giving you access, it's probably owned by the system05:03
kelly_bruenig just flies through the song without playing05:03
Ae01brueing , I want to compile a tuxpaint05:03
bruenigAe01, install build-essential, sudo apt-get install build-essential, and then compile away05:03
zipzoif i need toget windows back on this ubuntu box, might it not be easier to get a new hard drive and install windows from that?05:03
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dogfood2006But if you need to change the permission of a file, type sudo chown 700 [yourusername]  [filename] 05:04
bruenigAe01, or if you want to be real cool just do sudo apt-get install tuxpaint and it will download and install it for you05:04
mumrahi'm trying to install 6.10 on a SATA drive, and during the installation, it essentially stops after 8% of creating the ext3 file system05:04
dogfood2006That would give you read write and execute priveleges for that file05:04
Narrchyhow doi know my username05:04
cremisanyone know why pngs wouldnt display on desktop cube caps05:04
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bruenigkelly_, did the libxine-extracodecs do it?05:04
Ae01Bruenig, I'm a voluntee for develope tuxpaint to Thai language05:04
slowz3rcremis: do u have the link to the wiki to helo me out or is it on the thread05:05
bruenigAe01, got you, well sudo apt-get install build-essential and then you should be able to compile05:05
Ae01Bruenig, I"m need to compile a software05:05
dogfood2006Narrchy: you don't know your username? how did you log into your computer05:05
bigfuzzyjesusdoes anyone here use gdesklets05:05
kelly_bruenig yes it did thankyou so much been driving us mad all night thankyou05:05
Ae01Ok. Thank05:05
Narrchyrunning from cd05:05
dogfood2006Narrchy: you used a username to log into your computer, actually, tell me which file you are trying to access and tell me what you are trying to do05:05
kelly_bruenig how do you people know all these things??05:05
Narrchyi am trying to run universe so i am editing sources.list05:05
=== vader [n=vader@bas1-kitchener06-1096551688.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Narrchythats what i read i had to do05:05
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kitcheAe01: instal build-essential then you can compile software05:06
cremisslowz3r: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Main_Page05:06
dogfood2006Narrchy: I am not familiar with universe, but if you booted off the cd, you are probably running as root05:06
bruenigkelly_, experience. When someone asks you how to install mp3 support for Amarok, you will now know as do I.05:06
dogfood2006So your username is root05:06
jmxCan anyone help me get audio song working.05:06
bigfuzzyjesusdoes anyone here use gdesklets / is there a better alternitive05:06
jmxaudio songs**05:06
zipzoif i need toget windows back on this ubuntu box, might it not be easier to get a new hard drive and install windows from that?05:06
dogfood2006You can always type 'whoami' on the command line to find out05:06
TonrenCan someone help me fix unionfs in Edgy?  This is the information on the problem: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29764405:06
kitchedogfood2006: the ubuntu livecd runs as ubuntu05:07
Narrchyno I'm not05:07
slowz3rcremis: hmm lets see if i can figure this out at all ..lol05:07
=== bruenig thinks Tonren ought to give it up
AnthonyGMight anyone please point me to some type of help for configuring an Agere Systems PCI Soft Modem (V.92)?05:07
dogfood2006kitche: thanks for the correction, I didnt know that05:07
dogfood2006So Narrchy, your username is ubuntu then05:07
=== Tonren is beginning to think so too, bruenig .
dogfood2006I need to set up my wireless router so I gotta go05:07
dogfood2006Good luck Narrchy05:07
jmxgood luck on that ha!05:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sata - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:08
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ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/05:08
slowz3rcremis: i kno wthis may be asking alot but u think u might be able to kinda walk me through it if ur not real bizi05:08
zipzoi hate to even bother to put windows back on, but sadly CAD on linux is not up to speed05:08
kitcheTonren: I m not sure if the ubuntu kernel has unionfs support the kernelt hat gets isntalled that is05:08
gnutunhey all; i want to install the most recent version of a package (python-lxml) but i'm on an old version of ubuntu (breezy); is there a way i can do this with apt-get?05:08
Tonrenkitche: Huh.  Well, it worked fine before.05:09
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zipzoso i ask agian, if i need toget windows back on this ubuntu box, might it not be easier to get a new hard drive and install windows from that?05:09
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gimmulf_Good software for companies to keep track of everything like taxes, expenses etc.05:09
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bruenigbigfuzzyjesus, depending on what exactly you want there are some better alternatives. For instance, I only used the system gauges until I found conky which does the system gauges but at a much lower resource cost05:09
fooDoes knoppix or ubuntu livecd write to ntfs?05:10
bigfuzzyjesusbruenig, thats all i use too heh05:10
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JagerI reset my fmb so that i could try to boot into windows (it was failing using grub) so now i cant boot into windows or linux >_> is there a way i can install grub using the livedisc???05:10
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zipzonobody knows? if i need toget windows back on this ubuntu box, might it not be easier to get a new hard drive and install windows from that?05:10
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bruenigbigfuzzyjesus, conky is a bit complex though, took a while to figure it out and how to get it like I want it. There is a howto on the forums that I used, and then you just edit the config file to get whatever gauges you want and how you want them laid out.05:10
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bigfuzzyjesusbruenig, ok05:11
bigfuzzyjesusbruenig, i will look into it thank you05:11
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allencierto habia una forma de desactivar el usuario root del sshd?05:12
bruenigbigfuzzyjesus, here is what mine looks like if you care to see, maybe get an idea of what to expect, http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m290/bruenig/111906.png05:12
brueniggimmulf_, gnucash05:12
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ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:12
zipzook if nobody knows the answer to my question, does anyone know where i can go to get the info?05:12
bruenig!info gnucash05:12
ubotugnucash: A personal finance tracking program. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0.1-3ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 2014 kB, installed size 6388 kB05:12
theveninzipzo: you answered yourself05:13
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zipzothevenin: i did? i dont see that. i sthat clever?05:13
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blankyunder what menu is vino?05:14
=== Baile1 [n=fushidam@pool-72-78-53-242.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
JagerCould someone help me with my problem?05:14
bruenigzipzo, I told you earlier that if you want to install windows you can do so on the same disk. You will need to replace grub as the mbr will be overwritten. If you want to install it on another disk, I suppose that is a possibility as is wiping the whole disk installing windows then installing ubuntu05:14
zipzono that not the question. drive and install windows from that?05:15
zipzo* Ghost_Printer (n=geek@S0106006067664bde.no.shawcable.net) has left #ubuntu05:15
JagerI reset my fmb so that i could try to boot into windows (it was failing using grub) so now i cant boot into windows or linux >_> is there a way i can install grub using the livedisc???05:15
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.05:15
zipzothe question was, can i get a new hard disk and install windows on that instead of partitioning.05:15
ubotufreenx is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX05:15
theveninyou could do it that way, their are many different routes you could take05:15
Jagerzipzo: yes you can... you would just have to configure grub to look for windows on hd1,0 I think05:16
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Jagerim probably wrong lol05:16
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JagerAnyways, could someone help me?05:16
bruenigblanky, vino is command line right? just open a terminal and run "vino"05:16
zipzoso then i would need to make sure the windows drive was the primary, and the linux was slave or would it not matter?05:16
theveninno Jager your correct05:16
blankybruenig: it wont work05:16
blankybruenig: i only have vino-preferences05:16
JagerAh okay] 05:16
Baile1close enough jager, you could install different OS's on different hard drives but only one drive can be the boot drive05:16
bimberiJager: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:17
Jagerthank you bimberio05:17
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Jagerbimberi* lol05:17
theveninzipzo: it is easier to install windows first if that is an option05:17
bimberiJager: no problemo :)05:17
Jagerright right05:17
cremisslowz3r: i really dont know how to do it, i just googled it05:17
zipzoits not an option really, since i would loose all of my ubuntu wsetup05:17
JagerKnow what weird?05:17
zipzothat wasnt your question?05:18
JagerBefore grub was showing my ntfs partition as hd0,005:18
=== klos [i=hans@e180250192.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
Jagerbut it wouldnt boot windows at that05:18
theveninwell then ya resize your partitions and install windows then edit your grub to recognize windows05:18
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Jagererr. be careful with resizing ntfs..05:18
Jageri think thats what messed mine up05:18
zipzojust don use ntfs05:18
zipzoi think05:18
JagerWell i had windows on before05:18
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zipzouse the old fat3205:19
Jagerif you plan on installing ubuntu after you already have windows05:19
theveninJager: windows hast to be on either NTFS or fat05:19
JagerI know05:19
Jagercan you change it to fat once its already ntfs?05:19
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slowz3rcremis: alright thanks anyway05:19
Jagerk yea05:19
JagerBecause windows xp by default installs ntfs...05:20
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slowz3rCan anyone walk me through installing a windows Wirless adapter driver on linux ? please05:20
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Baile1well the newer version of suse has a pretty good thing for resizing ntfs partitions, found it when I was playing with suse, so just find out what it uses and use that or there is always partition magic05:20
theveninslowz3r: their are very many guides on that05:20
Jager!wireless | slowz3r05:20
ubotuslowz3r: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:20
PapaLionAnyone know a wireless card that will work out of the box with a dell inspiron 110005:20
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JagerHmm.. is there anywa to load the linux kernal without grub?05:21
theveninPapaLion: go with an orinoco05:21
slowz3rthevin: i know but all the guides ive seen were extremely hard to understand05:21
cremisslowz3r: noprb05:21
PapaLionthevenin: got a model name? I need to get a pcmcia card.. ive already gotten some that don't work.. and I'm so sad05:21
thevenindont mean to be a dick but if you think the guides were hard, you prob wont be able to follow what oyur told here.05:22
Jageris it possible to connect tot eh internet while using the livedisc?05:22
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:22
blankyI need help setting up a vnc server05:22
thevenini dont like dells, sorry man i would say check dells forums for that05:22
Baile1yeah, windows xp and up will recognize linux and you can use that to boot or reverse and get grub to load an OS, but somewhere something along the way has to load the OS aka pull itself up by the bootstraps to get the OS any OS going05:22
theveninhad to make a point05:22
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PapaLionyeah.. dells suck :(05:23
bruenigI just like to say oh my, makes me chuckle05:23
Jageri went and set my dns servers... and disabled ipv6 while on the live disc05:23
theveninpropriatary is no good05:23
Jagercant seem to connect though05:23
Jagercant even ping my ro=uter05:23
bruenigneither is proprietary05:23
theveninsorry hard word05:23
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klasherHi everyone, I just installed ubuntu05:24
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theveninone letter off05:24
Jagercongrats klasher :)05:24
ubotuvncserver: Virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.7-12ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 541 kB, installed size 1244 kB05:24
eXcentraklasher, cool05:24
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klasherits like a dreamland, i haven't had to configure anything yet05:24
ubotuvnc is a way of doing remote desktop.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !freenx.05:24
bruenigklasher, ha, you just wait05:24
bruenigklasher, you will be in here very shortly crying about no mp3 and no flash or java etc.05:25
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jbroomeor if you're able to use the web and search engines, you can probably figure it out yourself05:25
PapaLionthevenin: where can I find this forum?05:25
klasherbruenig, lol05:25
jbroomeor not05:25
theveninone sec05:25
Music_Shuffleor if you have a brain really jbroome...05:25
Baile1read enough forums and push enough buttons and eventually you can get most things to work...haha05:26
klasheri know i'll be crying about something soon.. the question is what05:26
JagerK, im going to go try to rescue GRUB05:26
theveninPapaLion: ^05:26
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JagerIf I succeed, ill be talking to you guys from ubuntu05:26
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klashermy next challenge is nvidia-glx05:27
PapaLionthat'll be totally useless.. i'd be better off with a list of working pcmica cards05:27
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blankycan someone PLEASE help me set up a vnc server on ubuntu?05:27
Jordan_U!nvidia | klasher05:27
ubotuklasher: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:27
theveninlol i have never used it05:27
mimithebrainblanky: try x11vnc :)05:27
theveninjust know its their05:27
klasherubotu, that howto already failed me05:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about that howto already failed me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:27
=== AnthonyG [n=AnthonyG@216-67-193-104.nas1.kgm.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankymimithebrain: okay05:28
Jordan_Uklasher: You are lucky, ATI drivers are a pain, Ubotu is a bot :)05:28
klasherubotu, you are failing me now05:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you are failing me now - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:28
AnthonyGNo one can offer assistance in getting this Modem to work?05:28
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inonoAnyone know how to install FreeNX on amd64?05:28
inonoand what happened to seveas.ubuntulinux.nl ?05:29
rincewind1013is there a way to see if this controller card http://www.acard.com.tw/english/fb01-product.jsp?idno_no=96&prod_no=AEC-6280&type1_title=Adapters&type1_idno=3 is supported in ubuntu, there's a newegg review saying eventhough it mentions fedora it wasnt recognized05:29
PupenoHow do I edit a note in OpenOffice ? currently it looks like small (vertical) yellow rectangle ?05:29
AnthonyGAgere Systems PCI Soft Modem 56K V.92, Assistance needed :(05:29
thevenininono: http://marvin.as.arizona.edu/~jharris/linux_tips/freenx-howto.html05:29
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dakaruFluxbox, for the win.05:30
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inonothevenin, wtf emerge? this isnt #gentoo ..05:30
theveninsorry i didnt read in depth05:31
mimithebrainapt-get install stuff does just as good :)05:31
inonoi tried to get freenx sources from seveas's packages but i get 403 forbidden whenever i try to download the deb src..05:31
theveninone sec05:31
=== Cable [n=caleb@pool-71-113-159-69.frstil.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
inonoand there's no amd64 freenx packages05:31
=== thiebaude [n=thiebaud@68-119-176-236.dhcp.snfr.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
theveninyou will prob haft to do a wget and compile yourself05:32
AnthonyGGentlemen , I would really like to get this modem from hell working. I yearn to enjoy the Ubuntu packaging goodness :D05:32
Jordan_Uklasher: What happened when you tried the wiki.ubuntu.com instructions for nvidia-glx ?05:32
inonothere's debian packages for i386, i just need to get the damn package source05:32
thiebaudehello everyone05:32
thiebaudei'm new to linux05:32
pcheroi first time use IRC;;05:32
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sliptteesprogram for backup dvd's?05:33
mimithebrainAnthonyG: ack'ed, but I frankly don't know how to setup a modem. I could help you through compilling a kernel, but that wouldn't help you05:33
Jordan_U!dvd | slipttees05:33
ubotuslipttees: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages05:33
thevenininono: it hasnt been released for AMD architecture yet05:33
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AnthonyGmimithebrain: Thank you , But I'm far past that part :)05:33
Jordan_Uslipttees: Sorry, wrong link :)05:34
sliptteesJordan_U: Copy perfect dvd! :D05:34
inonothevenin, like i said i just need the deb src05:34
sliptteesbackup dvd's man ! :) software similar clonedvd shrink ?05:34
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thevenindont know inono i would say google, or ubuntuforums05:35
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Jordan_Uslipttees: Actually, that is the right link, it has instructions for viewing AND backing up DVD's: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html05:36
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Baile1how do you normally get src code for most debien packages?05:36
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crimsunapt-get source foo05:36
inonoapt-get source05:36
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inonobloody vnc... couldnt reply fast enough :005:36
LovlossSo is there any way to install this xgl thingy into eft? I saw some awesome vidoes of this guy flipping his screen around...05:36
sliptteesJordan_U: ok i went see,  wait...05:36
Lovlossin gnome that is05:36
Jordan_ULovloss: Yes, what kind of card do you have?05:36
Narrchy_i'm trying to make sources.list file readable as well as writable using the command sudo chmod 700 sources.list doesnt seem to be working05:37
=== altf2o [n=altf2o@c-71-236-179-236.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Narrchy_any ideas?05:37
sliptteesJordan_U: k9copy no work?05:37
theveninNarrchy_: why is it not readable or writable?05:37
LovlossUm.... one sec while i find out lol05:37
Narrchy_just wasn't im running ubuntu from cd not root access so05:37
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theveninarnt you the admin05:37
LovlossGeforce FX 520005:37
blankyhow do I see which processes are running?05:37
Narrchy_says onyl readable05:37
Narrchy_i'm tryin to alter it so that i can run universe05:38
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blankyhey guys I was trying to start vnc and now it made a lot of configuratoin files, how do I start over, so that there are none05:38
theveninmake sure you do sudo in front of the command to open it05:38
Jordan_Uslipttees: I would expect it would work but I have never used it myself05:38
theveninsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:38
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sliptteesit's ok man..goin google i see!05:38
theveninbe carefull with that file though05:38
theveninNarrchy_: what version05:39
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=== eep [n=eep@c-69-243-93-148.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
eepi have a question about installing rar support05:39
theveninfollow that05:39
eepi did sudo apt-get install rar but when i do that it says05:40
eepPackage rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:40
eepThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:40
eepis only available from another source05:40
eepE: Package rar has no installation candidate05:40
Narrchy_i know how but first i need to get the file writable05:40
thevenindo it as root then05:40
theveninNarrchy_:  did your try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:40
crimsun!info rar05:41
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.1-1 (edgy), package size 239 kB, installed size 472 kB (Only available for i386)05:41
theveninit is writable with that command from terminal05:41
Jordan_U!rar | eep05:41
ubotueep: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:41
Narrchy_try it now05:41
crimsuneep: then you don't have multiverse enabled.05:41
eepwhat is multiverse05:41
crimsun!components >eep05:41
AnthonyGI'm reading something regarding gppp , It seems a few people have succeeded in dialing without any additional drivers. Though I would like to know if my modem is supported.05:41
eepso what do i do to enable multiverse05:42
valehruhey guys, im out here in china and I tried to install setiathome.  The problem is that some of the packages won't resolve / download due to the great firewall of china.  Anyhow, Im now being asked for sudo dpkg --configure -a in order to clear up dependencies before I can use apt again, however no matter what I do it still cannot resolve those packages.  I also tried to remove setiathome however it want's be to clear up the dependancies before I can remo05:42
valehruve it.  Any suggestions are welcome...thx05:42
crimsuneep: read the components page05:42
thevenineep: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#How_to_add_extra_repositories05:42
Narrchy_well that worked05:42
=== drew [n=chatzill@c-67-166-6-250.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ahavi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
Narrchy_but now i don't believe universe is working05:42
AnthonyGBah , This constant rebooting can't be good for the old machine , But I suppose I'll keep at it :D05:42
Narrchy_universe is basically being able to search for any linux prog and find it, correct?05:43
Narrchy_via cache search command?05:43
theveninNarrchy_: what makes you beleive that05:43
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drewwhat is the default admin pw for the mysql server?05:43
Narrchy_description on Ubuntu page05:43
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.05:44
thevenindid you add the key05:44
=== TheDebugger [n=Unknown@modemcable056.109-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
eepwhat are repositories05:44
Lovlossgeforce 5200 - how do i install the cool little cube effect in gnome, and can it handle the zoom feature too? I saw some neat vids on youtube and id like to try it out05:44
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tcliLovloss: #ubuntu-glx05:44
tclishould have more info for you05:44
Narrchy_cause i'm currently trying to search for Wine05:44
ubunjustyHello all!05:44
=== Vich turns on his LAMP
drewLovloss: its called xgl.  google it in the ubuntu forums for how to install it05:44
tcliNarrchy: I like zinfandel05:45
Narrchy_and it's not coming up under cache-search05:45
tclier... xgl :P05:45
tclitoo much wine05:45
eepso i don't get it. how do i enable multiverse05:45
Narrchy_i like liquor not wine ;)05:45
blankyhey guys how do I kill a process05:45
ubunjustyI was wondering if anyone was having a problem with Gscreensaver after the monitor goes into sleep with the nvidia x.org module.05:45
jbroomekill PID05:45
theveninok Narrchy_  copy and paste the repositiories from ubuntuguide.org to your sources.list then do the line under it to add key and then do sudo apt-get update and you will be fine05:46
PMantisAre there any "gotcha" points for using initramfs-tools in 6.10 ?05:46
sliptteeshey guys...my vga adapter is VIA/S3G Uchrome AGP! but, ubuntu's using vesa driver!!05:46
dabaR!pasthebin > Narrchy_05:46
blankyjbroome: pkill -9 PID ?05:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pasthebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:46
dabaRNarrchy_: show your sources.list05:46
inonoAnyone here set up FreeNX?05:46
sliptteesexists driver for my adapter?05:46
ubunjustyMy problem is that the screensaver will work but once the monitor goes to sleep a GLX context can not be made with the xserver.05:46
dabaR!pastebin > Narrchy_05:46
inonoI have an error when starting it, "Bad owner or permissions on /home/myuser/.ssh/config"05:46
theveninNarrchy_: dont paste it here use pastebin05:46
Narrchy_how do i do that05:46
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
Narrchy_sorry kind of new05:47
theveninNarrchy_: http://pastebin.com/05:47
jbroome!pastebin | Narrchy_05:47
ubotuNarrchy_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:47
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TonrenIs there a way to simulate unionfs with symlinks or something?05:48
sliptteeshey guys...my vga adapter is VIA/S3G Uchrome AGP! but, ubuntu's using vesa driver!!05:48
Narrchythats the link05:48
sliptteesexists driver for my adapter?05:48
dabaRNarrchy_: looks like universe is enabled, you can try removing the space from the beginning of the page, and sudo aptitude update05:49
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eepalright now when i try installing rar i get this05:49
eepReading package lists... Done05:49
eepBuilding dependency tree... Done05:49
eepE: Couldn't find package rar05:49
rangerdeltacan anyone see my text05:49
theveninNarrchy_: you still have old repositories05:49
Narrchywhat are those05:50
Admiral_Chicagorangerdelta: no05:50
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theveninrangerdelta: yes05:50
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rangerdeltai just installed irssi05:50
dabaReep: run gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and paste the file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ we will tell you what to change05:50
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rangerdeltathanks for the good community on ubuntu guys, it's been the best distro i've installed and i'm pretty new to linux05:50
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dabaRAdmiral_Chicago: don't do that you'll get banned.05:51
Narrchyjust did05:51
=== bugz_ [n=bugz@adsl-69-235-222-226.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
sliptteesVGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc.: Unknown device 3 344 (rev 01)05:51
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sliptteesunknown device :'(05:51
inonois there a FreeNX channel05:51
sliptteesbut is VGA/S3G Uchrome AGP05:51
dabaRinono: did you try joining it?05:51
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eepdabaR: alright http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34300/05:52
rangerdeltawill anyone explain how to setup my nick with nickserv?05:52
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dabaReep: did you run sudo aptitude update?05:53
eepdabaR: did i do what05:53
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dabaReep: save, close and run sudo aptitude update in a terminal05:53
sliptteesf%c#off adapter!! aarrgg...vga of shi%05:53
dabaRrangerdelta: /msg nickserv help register05:54
rangerdeltathanks dabar05:54
Narrchydabar, thev?05:54
dabaRNarrchy: same, I told you scroll up05:54
=== TheDebugger [n=Unknown@modemcable056.109-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
theveninNarrchy_: i have also explained twice what needs to be done05:54
sloof3|arrIs the a way I can get the fan to never stop running in my laptop?05:55
dabaRthevenin: looks like universe is enabled, right?05:55
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sloof3|arrThis laptop doesn't seem to sense the temperature very well.05:55
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eepalright i got rar working. thanks dabaR05:55
Narrchysorry didn't see hard to keep up05:55
Narrchybut i just ran sudo aptitude and nothing has changed05:56
dabaRit should work then, Narrchy sudo aptitude update in aterminal05:56
sliptteesbecause ubuntu not detect my ethernet adapter rtl8139D in motherboard Asus P5V800-MX chipset Via P4V800-CE05:56
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Narrchywait no it's working05:56
Lovlossok, so... its called gxl, right?05:56
Narrchyi just ran a search05:56
Narrchyuniverse is definitley enabled05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
theveninNarrchy_: your welcome05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gxl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
dabaRsloof3|arr: did you search google with your model make +fan?05:57
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:57
Skwid_how can i add a language to the gtk spell checking ?05:57
Narrchyis there a better emulator other than wine05:57
blankycan someone please help me start tightvnc or any other vnc server?05:57
blankyplleaase :05:57
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theveninblanky: did you download it,05:58
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AsheDI can no longer play DVDs on my computer :(  It says either I may not have access to the file, or if I try to load it manually, it tells me that /dev/dvd [or wherever it mounts it]  is not a valid DVD drive, and cannot be read05:58
blankythevenin: I have realvnc, tightvnc, and vnc tht comes with ubuntu (dnt know which one)05:58
blankythevenin: I just don't know how to start it05:58
theveninyou haft to set ubuntu to allow it05:59
fushidamnnick Bailey05:59
TonrenGahh... why won't unionfs work anymore!!05:59
blankythevenin: what?!05:59
thevenincheck ubuntuguide for more details05:59
blankythevenin: where is that05:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tightvnc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:59
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tcliblanky: check /etc/init.d... should be an init script in there06:00
tcliblanky: the client should be vncviewer06:00
blankytcli: I want to start a server06:00
ChuI can't seem to figure out how to add a ttf to my system. I've tried several methods, but it doesn't seem to show up in any font lists. :-/06:00
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blankytcli: ls /etc/init.d/ | grep vnc06:01
blankyno go06:01
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MadpilotTonren, it's gone on strike?06:01
tcliblanky: Then you want to find the appropriate init script, and /etc/init.d/vncd start or whatever it is06:01
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blankytcli: but I don't know how to set it up! :'(06:01
=== mrmoke [n=frank@cpe-70-95-72-79.hawaii.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
tclithere should also be something in system->administration->services06:02
blankytcli: okay, imagine I JUST got the packages, what do I do?06:02
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fushidamndoes anyone know why when you run an irc in a terminal it does not show your nick (btw, what is my nick?)06:02
tcliyou should just need to give it a port and password, typically06:02
ChuAh, nevermind, I forgot to restart the programs I was trying to use it with. My bad. :p06:02
tclii dunno, i've never used vnc on linux, and don't really see the need for it06:02
tcliexporting x sessions is easier, faster, and more secure06:02
blankytcli: give what the port and password, lol06:03
Skwid_how can i add a language to the gtk spell checking ?06:03
blankyfushidamn: fushidamn is your nick, heh06:03
theveninlol @ tcli06:03
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fushidamnthank you, then I have figured out how to change my nick06:03
tcliblanky: the vnc server06:03
blankytcli: yeah, what is the command?06:03
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TonrenMadpilot: Freakin' non-union filesystems06:04
drewwhat is the default mysql pw?06:04
MadpilotTonren, heh06:04
aSt3raL_whats a good way to run a script at sunrise/sunset?06:04
kitchedrew: well there shouldn't be one06:04
aSt3raL_is there some sort of cron modification?06:04
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urmomhow can i get classpath + gcj working in ppc?06:05
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fushidamnhave fun people, that is enough testing irc stuff for one night06:05
drewkitche: whats the default username then?06:05
tcliblanky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 <--- there's a page on setting up vnc06:05
blankytcli: THANKS06:05
tcliblanky: np :)06:06
dabaRaSt3raL_: install a solar power panel and connect it to your computer06:06
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kitchedrew: should be root06:06
drewkitche: k, thx06:06
aSt3raL_dabaR: nice idea but it would have to be a phototransistor of some sort06:06
aSt3raL_anyway im looking to use a table of times06:07
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DARKGuywhoops oO06:08
dabaRSkwid_: in what program?06:09
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Skwid_dabaR: any program using a gtk textbox06:09
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ubunjustySkwid_: Maybe you should look at something like cron?06:09
Skwid_ubuntulog: huh ???06:10
Skwid_ubunjusty: it does it by itself06:10
Skwid_i just want to add another language06:10
dabaRSkwid_: aptitude search spell06:10
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blankyhey guys anyone know why I'm getting this error? http://paste.jorgepena.be/4706:10
ubunjustySkwid_:  cron is a daemon that will run a program at a time you give it.06:11
Skwid_ubunjusty: i know, but i don't see the relevance here06:11
ubunjustySkwid_: Sorry answering someone else's question.06:11
tcliblanky: looks like you don't have a display variable set... try running: export DISPLAY=":0.0" first06:12
blankytcli: I type taht?06:12
blankyexport Display=":0.0"06:12
tcliblanky: yeah06:12
maltHello, I'm going by the guide on unreal site for IRCD and when i go to run ./Config i get permission denied, wonder why? i have full access06:12
dabaRblanky: you don't think the command is relevant?06:12
blankydabaR: huh?06:12
tcliblanky: except DISPLAY needs to be in all caps06:13
blankytcli: when I type that, nothing happens06:13
blankyoh, hehe06:13
dabaRblanky: what command gave you the error?06:13
tcliblanky: It just sets a variable... shouldn't return anything06:13
blankytcli: export DISPLAY=":0.0" gave no results/output06:13
tcliblanky: it'll just let everything in that terminal session know which display to use06:13
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tcliblanky: try running whatever it was again06:13
=== Lovloss [n=lovloss@c-68-52-187-205.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blankydabaR: when I typed gaim, but it also happened (first, as fasr as I know) when I typed tightvncserver06:13
Lovlossxgl is very confusing06:14
=== edwardsNdallas [n=edwardsN@cpe-76-183-64-58.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blankybut it's not just in that terminal session06:14
blankyit happens everywhere06:14
badmacktuckhey all06:14
Lovlossi keep getting directed to this suse thing06:14
blankywhen I click on the gaim icon, it loads and loads but then closes06:14
ubunjustymalt: Maybe you haven't given the ./config file execute permissions or it could have extracted under s different user name.  You can alway ls -l in order to see the owner/permissions06:14
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blankyI typed what you said, bout the export, and i typed gaim and the same thing ahppens06:14
maltI used it with sudo and it worked good06:14
Lovlossisnt there just some sort of installation program?06:14
blankyI'm scared of restarting my pc now06:14
blankynothing is launching!06:14
blankyI can't open any new windows/programs06:15
blankyI'm so scared of restarting lol06:15
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dabaRblanky: log out back in...06:15
=== dfgas [n=dfgas@adsl-75-51-28-215.dsl.milwwi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubunjustyLovloss: Are you trying to install Beryl or something like it on Ubuntu 6.10?06:15
blankydabaR: you mean, log out, log back in??06:15
blankydabaR: taht's not waht I meant by afraid of restarting06:15
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dabaRblanky: or stop tightvnc server06:15
edwardsNdallasanyone ever set up RAID1 on ubuntu LAMP?06:15
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blankydabaR: what I meant was, I'm scared of turning off my computer06:15
blankydabaR: how?06:15
LovlossI want my edgy eft's gnome interface to be capable of those graphical effects, yes06:15
CientificoLocohow do I install the last version of amns?06:16
ubunjustyLovloss: Are you using an ATI or nVidia card?06:16
Music_Shuffleblanky, log out by hitting ctrl-alt-backspace, closes X sessions and takes you back to the login prompt.06:16
tcliedwardsNdallas: Using md?06:16
dabaRblanky: show output of ps aux on paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:16
Lovlossnvidia... geforce 520006:16
blankyokay dabaR06:16
Lovlossim confused, because i seem to already have xserver-xorg setup. i downloaded the nvidia drivers06:16
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edwardsNdallasmd? guess not :(06:17
badmacktuckso, im trying to install 6.10 on my laptop and its not playing nicely, tried everything i can think of but it seems like the screen just shuts off everything i try06:17
blankydabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34303/06:17
ubunjustyLovloss: The 9xxx series driver has native support to use the aiglx support built into Edgy's xorg server.  I would suggest using it to avoid having to download xgl.06:17
=== blanky is so scared
badmacktuckati x700 on a acer travelmate06:17
rusitohola donde puedo conseguir VMWARE con serie?06:17
jbroomevmware serial?06:17
Lovloss... using it, okay. So whats the next step then?06:18
blankyrusito: eso es illegal jaja06:18
blanky!es | rusito06:18
uboturusito: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.06:18
rusitook, thanks06:18
jbroomeyou see everyone in here typing english, you know english and you ask the question in spanish?  wtf06:18
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ubunjustyLovloss:  So you are using the 9xxx series?  Cool.  All you have to do then is install Beryl or Compiz or something like that and then run it.  You may have to edit a couple of things in order to make it start by default and for it to remember you settings on exit.  But you can head over to the Beryl-project web site to get all the information.06:19
Admiral_Chicagojbroome: just because they say thanks in english doesn't mean they "know it'06:19
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blankydabaR: ?06:19
Lovlosser, okay, how do i know if its a 9xxx series?06:19
aztracker1learn C in two minutes... it works too... http://tinyurl.com/ygjept06:20
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tcliaztracker1: lol06:20
aztracker1saw it on my bbs..06:20
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badmacktuckanyone going to be able to help me?06:20
aztracker1tcli, thought it was funny.06:20
blankydabaR: I think I know what's wrong now but would you be nice enough to follow along06:21
blankydabaR: ? please ?06:21
blankydabaR: I can't fix this alone06:21
dabaRblanky: kill -9 4228 5592 5096 5428 365606:21
blankydabaR: it says no such process for each number06:21
dabaRblanky: but...we could restart your screen, but when you restart it will be good06:21
ubunjustyLovloss: Oh...  Um  you can run a program that comes with the nVidia driver stack called 'nvidia-settings'06:21
blankydabaR: I killed the processes06:21
rockinchadoanyone know why my alt+tab stops working when i use xmodmap to switch layouts....i'm using xfce06:22
ubunjustyLovloss: You should see on the first page a line that tells you what version it is.06:22
blankydabaR: you're sure it will be good? I mean, if I can't open any new windows/programs right now, I'm afraid that when i try to log back in, I won't even be able to start up kde06:22
LovlossAny chance that can be done from the command line?06:22
dabaRblanky: how about sudo kill -9 6192?06:22
blankydabaR: I killed them and it's still happening06:22
blankydabaR: I killed them06:22
Lovlossno . its version 877606:22
slavikany guides on getting the virtual consoles under edgy?06:23
dabaRblanky: you murderer06:23
aztracker1I want to find an nvidia >= 6600 with a heat pipe (gigabyte made a few), but can't seem to find one, my 6800 is too noisy.06:23
ubunjustyLovloss: It's a X program so you have to be in an xsession to see it.06:23
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aztracker1slavik, huh?06:23
blankydabaR: I typed that06:23
slavikaztracker1: have you looked at after market coolers like the silecer ones?06:23
blankydabaR: and the processes wont die06:23
dabaRblanky: with sudo?06:23
blankydabaR: yeah06:23
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slavikaztracker1: the ttys ... the ones you can switch to using Ctrl+Alt+F1 (through F6)06:23
aztracker1slavik, yeah, it's for a SFF (shuttle) case, so most of the aftermarket ones are too big, or too noisy.06:23
Lovlossubunjusty so i have to get something else?06:24
slavikaztracker1: ahh ... have you tried newegg?06:24
aztracker1slavik, gotcha..06:24
blankydabaR: I think I know what's wrong, it's because with vnc it creates profiles or whatever, and I'm running it right now or something, and well, look http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=15255606:24
aztracker1slavik, yeah.. my best bet is finding a used gigabyte 6800 agp... which sucks, I've lost about 3 ebay bids so far..06:24
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ubunjustyLovloss: I'm sorry.  I missed your last comment.  What was that?06:25
blankydabaR: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34305/06:25
=== aztracker1 kicks himself for not buying one when they were new, and available.
LovlossWhat do i need to do if i am not 9xxx version06:25
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aztracker1got back into a few games again, so I put a 6800 I had laying around in, and it's noisy.. :(06:25
ubunjustyLovloss: Oh well you would need to get that version of the driver.06:26
badmacktucki get an error message about not being able to allocate resources right after i choose "start and install" from the 6.10 boot menu on the live cd06:26
blankydabaR: are you there don't leave me please! :'(06:26
badmacktuckbut it scrolls too fast to read06:26
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blankydabaR: could it be becasue I removed all of the vnc configuration files in .vnc?06:26
badmacktuckanyone able to explain that to me?06:26
ubunjustyLovloss:  I would suggest using a repo to get the driver instead of trying to build it yourself.06:26
sloof3|arrdabaR: Nice.  I google again and the i8k utilities are available.  Gkrellm is setup now.06:26
slavikbadmacktuck: how much RAM do you have?06:26
ubunjustyLovloss: Um.  Do you have a 32-bit or 64-bit machine?06:26
slavikhmm ...06:27
aztracker1badmacktuck, I have to install from the "alternate" cd install.. non-gui installer, but works fine.06:27
dabaRblanky: install irssi, and learn some /commands, and restart and come back in a console( i.e. alt-ctrl-f1 )if it really does not start06:27
Lovlossubunjusty: i dont know... u.u06:27
blankydabaR: I'm really scared of doing that :'(06:27
ubunjustyLovloss: You'll also have to forgive me I'm using a remote machine so I'll try to do most of this from memory.06:27
badmacktucki may have to give that a try, its a non standard video card in a laptop06:27
dabaRblanky: that I can't help with06:27
PMantisI'm having a problem creating a new initrd with mkinitramfs on Ubuntu 6.1006:27
ubunjustyLovloss: Ok you can check that by using this command in a terminal.06:27
blankydabaR: wait, I just started konqueror, so I think it's just gtk programs06:28
Lovlosssorry i know so little u.u06:28
blankykonsole doesn't work06:28
Skwid_does anyone know of a good wallpaper utility that would cycle through folders, flickr photos, etc, with specific filters such as size, orientation etc06:28
ubunjustyLovloss: First run a terminal.  Push Alt+F2  then type 'gnome-terminal'06:28
Lovlossi have a terminal open already =)06:28
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max_does anyone else have the problem of FF2 closing randomly and very often06:28
blankydabaR: will be right back06:29
bimberi!fffc | max_06:29
ubotumax_: If Firefox is crashing on sites using Flash try adding "export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1" to /etc/firefox/firefoxrc (ref: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/14911 )06:29
ubunjustyLovloss: Once your terminal pops up type the following command:  'uname -a'06:29
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dabaRSkwid_: http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=wallpaper+change+ubuntu+periodically&btnG=Google+Search&meta=06:29
ubunjustyLovloss: Also you should note that uname is a common tool found in most Unix-like OSes.06:29
glickexcuse me, how come whenever i play an avi the sound lags the picture?06:29
Lovloss2.6.17-10-generic #2 SMP Fri Oct 13 18:45:35 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux is what i got06:29
Skwid_dabaR: thanks, i tried the webilder one, but it doesnt do folders06:30
w3ccvthe speed of sound is slower than the speed of light  :-)06:30
glickor rather the sound is out of sinc with the picture06:30
ubunjustyLovloss: notice the i686 section.  That means you have a 32-bit system.  64-bit is noted by x86_6406:30
Lovlossso what should i do next06:30
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ubunjustyLovloss: Um...  Let's see.  First you should make sure that your system is up-to-date...  Let me see.06:31
glickanyone else hav that problem?06:32
Lovlosswell i just installed ubuntu a week ago06:32
badmacktuckglick what player are you using06:32
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glickbadmacktuck, i tried mplayer and the standard "Movie Player"06:33
badmacktucktry vlc06:33
badmacktucki have the best luck with it06:33
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ubunjustyLovloss: Okay but it never hurts to check.  Usually an icon will appear on your desktop to indicate to you that your software is not up-to-date but if you don't see that icon I guess it will be safe to proceed.06:33
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Lovlossah that. yes, im up to date06:34
ubunjustyLovloss: Wait I think I know a good site that you can use to get Beryl started on your system.06:34
max_bimberi: how do i fix it?06:34
ubunjustyLovloss: Hey I did run into a slight problem when I installed Beryl.  Are you using a wireless card?06:35
bimberimax_: the factoid tells you.  Edit that file and add the line to it06:35
slavikwhat's a nice latex gui?06:35
ubunjustyLovloss: It's really a semantics problem with Ubuntu but it could keep you from getting on the net via wireless.06:35
Lovlossubunjusty no, im  comcastic06:35
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stiffme1983hello everyone06:36
slavikLovloss: I feel for you ...06:36
uLynxhi, i've Ubuntu 6.10, with gnome, how can i install superkaramba?06:36
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max_bimberi: it dosnt say how to fix it......its just people sayign they have problems06:36
bimberi!hi | stiffme198306:36
ubotustiffme1983: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:36
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bimberimax_: not the webpage, the factoid from ubotu06:36
bimberiubotu: tell max_ about fffc | via /msg06:37
stiffme1983is there anyone compile the kernel with ck patch?06:37
max_i just add that in the file anywhere?06:37
glicknah vlc is out of sync too06:37
ubunjustyLovloss: Cool.  Some third party drivers for wireless cards are install via a package named 'X' and since you'll also be upgrading a package call 'X' (but is not related to the first one) it will overwrite the driver you are using for a wireless card even though the driver has nothing to do with wireless cards.06:37
badmacktucksorry glick im out of ideas then06:37
bimberimax_: yep06:37
PMantisInstalling a kernel... can someone please help?06:37
PMantisFailed to find suitable ramdisk generation tool for kernel version06:37
PMantis2.6.17-10-generic on running kernel 2.6.17-10-generic in /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs06:37
ubunjustyLovloss: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=263851  This is the web address you need.  I thought I had it somewhere in my bookmarks.06:38
poolkey172strace -p caused the whole of X to hang anyone else experienced this ?06:38
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LovlossSo hold on, do i need to DL xgl or do i already have it? My computer boots up nvidia when i turn it on06:38
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stiffme1983it seems the kernel ck patch can't apply to kernel source smoothlt06:38
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ubunjustyLovloss: The post is a little dated since the drivers are no longer beta.  But other than that this should fix you.06:39
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Illiteritepoolkey172, That is funky... no idea on that one06:39
Lovlossubunjusty : and this will let me have all those graphical effects, in gnome?06:39
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poolkey172illiterate : Yeh its weird happens only when I strace a running x app like say firefox etc06:40
Illiteritehm, lemme give it a shot06:40
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poolkey172illiterate : Cool06:40
Illiteritenope, works fine for me06:40
poolkey172Grrrr damn06:40
thrillin`i need help to partition my mac plz06:40
thrillin`help help06:41
Illiteritetry stracing the strace?06:41
Lovlossok cya guys06:41
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poolkey172I'm running edgy / fluxbox with one kicker panel06:41
Illiteriteyou're doing it from a terminal, right?06:41
ubunjustyLovloss: Yeah.  You see Beryl is a OpenGL enabled window manager.  This allows Beryl to present your windows (applications) as textures on 3D shapes.  There is also a lot of plugins to make other nifty effects.  However, all of this is still very new (not a year old) so it isn't perfect.06:41
poolkey172illiterate yeh from an eterm06:41
thrillin`any mac users here?06:41
Illiteritethat's funky... never heard of strace crashing anything before06:41
thrillin`usin ubuntu06:41
poolkey172Illiterate maybe I should try to generate some logs06:42
ubunjustythrillin`: Well I have a set of Macs but none of them are using Ubuntu.06:42
thrillin`if u help i'll give u my lunch $$06:42
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Illiteritepoolkey172: you can try: strace strace -p (pid) &>~/strace.txt06:43
uLynxhi, i've Ubuntu 6.10, with gnome, how can i install superkaramba?06:43
Illiteritepoolkey172: I know, right?06:43
poolkey172illiterate now ?06:43
thrillin`damn like no mac users 2 help huh06:43
thrillin`this sux06:43
IlliteriteWell, it'll give you an idea (hopefully) of what's going on with the strace06:43
poolkey172I would hav to reboot !06:43
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Illiteritelemme ask google rq06:43
poolkey172ok I'll strace this Konversatin window06:43
ubunjustyuLynx: Just go into synaptic and install superkaramba.06:44
thrillin`well anyone know how to partition a mac hdd?06:44
poolkey172see you all after the crash06:44
Illiteritepoolkey172: paste it to the pastebox thingy and i'll take a look when you get back06:44
uLynxubunjusty, where is synaptic? under which menu06:44
IlliteriteuLynx: system->administration06:45
uLynxok thanks got it06:45
ubunjustyuLynx: Oh sorry.  It is "System | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager"06:45
poolkey172strace -p 10718 2>&1 & > koncersation.log06:45
poolkey172Is that ok ?06:45
ubunjustyuLynx: If I remember correctly.06:45
poolkey172I'll redirect stderr as well06:45
Illiteritepoolkey172: ditch the spaces06:46
poolkey172here goes06:46
uLynxubunjusty, u remeber correctly06:46
ubunjustyuLynx: You may need to install some KDE and QT packages in order for it to render everything nicely.06:46
Illiteritepoolkey172: and &> redirects everything06:46
mrmokedual boot a Mac , thrillin?06:46
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thrillin`i want to have ubuntu as 2nd OS06:46
ubunjustyuLynx: Otherwise, it might not look as nice as you hope.06:46
uLynxubunjusty, is there any superkaramba made for just gnome?06:46
poolkey172I am still here06:46
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Illiteritepoolkey172: what does the log look like?06:46
mrmokethrillin: boot off your OSX cd..06:46
poolkey172I'll try firefox06:46
ubunjustyuLynx: Well gnome has a thing call gdesklets but it's applets suck butt.06:47
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poolkey172LOTS of gettimeofday06:47
thrillin`lolz i eh have my OSX cd06:47
uLynxubunjusty, ahh06:47
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noodles12xwinwarp i have run on startup and it only loads on one desktop. how do i make it load on all 4?06:47
mrmokeyou can use disk utility06:47
thrillin`i tried06:47
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thrillin`how i split it?06:47
uLynxubunjusty, how do i made desktop icons of calendar, weather, cpu, memory, hard drive etc..etc...06:48
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ubunjustyuLynx: Well I think superkaramba is your best bet.  There is also some little monitor programs like GkrellM06:49
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mrmokethrillin: try this http://blogs.sun.com/richb/entry/powerbook_dual_boot:_macosx_tiger06:49
slowz3rcan i get some help connectin to a wireless network please?06:49
uLynxubunjusty, for gnome?06:49
ubunjustyuLynx: There is so many programs you may have to play around with some of them and pick which one you like the best.06:49
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ubunjustyuLynx: For weather I just use the weather applet provided with Gnome.06:50
slowz3rCan i get some wirless network help please?06:50
uLynxubunjusty, ic06:50
ubunjustyuLynx: You can add it to a panel but right mouse clicking on an empty spot on your panel and then click "Add To Panel..."06:50
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uLynxubunjusty, how about on desktop06:51
aukhow can i check the integrity of a downloaded iso? (are there checksums provided to compare against etc?)06:51
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Illiteritemirc exploit?06:52
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Illiteriteno ops in here?06:52
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!06:52
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slavikcrackbaby sending something?06:52
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aSt3raL_anyone know of a sunrise/sunset calculator?06:52
LadyNikonCrackBaby: burn in ...06:53
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Illiterite* Received a malformed DCC request from CrackBaby.06:53
Illiterite* Contents of packet: DCC SEND GayNiggerAssociationOfAmerica 0 0 0 006:53
Illiteritepardon the profanity06:53
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elkbuntuIlliterite,dont repeat exploits, ever06:53
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caffiendohow do i uninstall macromedia flash?06:53
Illiteriteelkbuntu: noted06:53
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slowz3rCan anyone recommend a program that i  can use to connect to wifi networks ??06:53
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LadyNikonI really miss being able to msg lilo :(06:53
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poolkey172back after the crash06:54
aukdamn it, and i wanted my question answered06:54
Illiteriteauk: what's your question?06:54
slowz3rwho can recomend a good program to connect to wifi06:54
thrillin`mrmoke: u a girl?06:55
thrillin`oh bad question06:55
ubunjustyslowz3r: Are you having a problem with your wifi?06:55
aukhow can i check the integrity of a downloaded iso? (are there checksums provided to compare against etc?)06:55
poolkey172illiterate the strace didnt work06:55
vaderauk, I use k3b for that one06:55
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poolkey172logs are null06:55
bimberiauk: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto06:55
thrillin`nah looks like that link works06:56
thrillin`i was gonna say if u a girl i would blow u a kiss06:56
slowz3rubunjusty, well installed my Hawking USB antenna and i wanna see if its actualy working...it can see a hole bunch of connections just cant connect...so what i did was open  a connection with my own router and it sees it i jsut cant figure out how to connect06:56
slowz3rubunjusty, right now im using wifi radar06:57
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ballhello MistaED06:57
ballhello Jas-Nix06:57
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ballIs there an ubuntu for UltraSPARC machines?06:57
ballhello marsu06:57
holycowball, no06:58
ubunjustyslowz3r: I would suggest using NetworkManager. It's pretty useful if you don't want to learn how to do it via the CLI.06:58
holycowthats #debian06:58
ballholycow: okay, thanks anyway.06:58
holycowno worries06:58
naliothIlliterite: may i see you in #ubuntu-ops please?06:58
jbroomeOoooh, you're in trouble06:58
slowz3rubunjusty, im a linux newb where can i DL that from06:58
poolkey172holycow: cant u compile a kernel for a sparc than load ubuntu onto it ?06:59
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holycowno, you haveto recompile all packages for it06:59
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holycowubuntu is basically just frozen debian unstable every 6 months06:59
holycowyou may as well just use debian instead06:59
poolkey172holycow: doh I forgot the arch06:59
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ubunjustyslowz3r: Um.  Try Synaptic.  It's under "System | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager"  That is if you are using Ubuntu,06:59
highnekoWould I need special cds to use with lightscribe? Could the cd have writing by the company on it?06:59
slowz3rya i am using ubuntu07:00
slowz3rubunjusty, well it says its a KDE frontend an im using GNome07:00
thrillin`mrmoke: thx again....lemmie make some backups first...hope its a go07:00
jbroomehighneko: yes, you need special cds to use lightscribe07:00
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slowz3rubunjusty, nvm i found the gnome front07:01
highnekoHow much to these lightscribe cds cost?07:01
jbroomebeats me07:01
jbroomefroogle perhaps07:01
ubunjustyslowz3r: Ok.  If your using Gnome then I would suggest Network Manager.  It allows support to WPA and WEP enabled networks.  Or if you really wanted to you could learn how to do it via the command line.07:01
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slowz3rubunjusty, ok i sintalled it with synaptic..but how do i open it up or were is it07:02
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justin_lol wats going on here m8s07:02
dragonfyre13hey guys.07:02
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H3g3m0nTheres is Ubuntu for sparc07:02
CientificoLocohow do I install amsn?07:03
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H3g3m0nCientificoLoco: System>Admin>Synaptic07:03
Crescendo_What kind of macro/hotkey apps are available for Ubuntu/Linux in general?07:04
simusok, ive read the forums over and over, tried all i can find, can someone please help me get my raid working on ubuntu?07:04
justin_is a good one07:04
justin_os2 is another good one07:04
holycowah nm07:04
ubunjustyslowz3r: Um...  You should log out and log back into Gnome and it should appear.07:04
holycowthere is indeed a sparc download07:04
holycowweird but cool07:04
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dragonfyre13anyone feel like helping get either suspend working on the lappy, or getting wep keys working with my wireless?07:05
justin_dragonfyre13: you could just run a real operating system on your laptop07:05
justin_instead of a communist hacker operating system07:05
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ubotuHelp! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO, LjL, elkbuntu, Mez or gnomefreak!07:05
whtahello all07:05
ubunjustyslowz3r: It's a little bar meter icon that should appear in the notification area.07:05
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dragonfyre13justin_: quit trolling, and g back to your hole.07:05
MadpilotFrankenstein, ??07:05
justin_dragonfyre13: I'm not trolling, dude.07:06
justin_just saying07:06
Frankensteinand annoying troll at that07:06
naliothfrenetik: yes?07:06
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whtalet's just suppose for a second that I just downloaded the linux build of songbird and have extracted it.. where would be the most logical place to put the folder that contains the program?07:06
slowz3rubunjusty, so log out an log back in?07:06
dragonfyre13Frankenstein: yep, pretty much.07:06
=== Frankenstein goes back to zoning out
H3g3m0nCientificoLoco: amsn is in the universe repository, enable it in settings07:06
dragonfyre13thanks elkubuntu07:06
ubunjustyslowz3r: Yeah.  It should appear.  Let me know if it doesn't07:06
CientificoLocoH3g3m0n, but I wanna get the last version..07:07
holycowwhta, you don't need to 'install' it if i remember what this is ... you should be able to just double click on the executable binary and it will run ... its that thing built on mozilla right?07:07
dragonfyre13so, anyone feel like helping?07:07
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holycowif its packaged in a deb it will just ask permission to install of course07:07
Frankensteindragonfyre13, i didnt catch your problem07:07
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dragonfyre13Frankenstein: helping get either suspend working on the lappy, or getting wep keys working with my wireless?07:07
whtaholycow: yes, it's not running it that the problem is. i just don't know where I SHOULD logically put the folder since it's sitting on my desktop07:07
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holycowwhta, i'm not sure what you questio nmeans07:08
holycowi'm telling you that it doesn't matter07:08
holycowmakes sense right?07:08
whtayes i know07:08
whtai mean07:08
=== dragonfyre13 whistles, waiting patiently.
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Frankensteinwell dragonfyre13 wireless and linux SUCK... i could never get it to work and suspend should be in...  menu / system / admin / power managment07:08
whtawhatever, i'll just throw it into my home folder07:08
Madpilot!wireless | dragonfyre1307:09
ubotudragonfyre13: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:09
Frankensteinwell dragonfyre13 wireless and linux SUCK... i could never get it to work and suspend should be in...  menu / system / user prefs / power managment07:09
dragonfyre13Frankenstein: I've got it working without wep, but suspend just doesn't work period.07:09
holycowdragonfyre13, wep works by default ... you just open the network manager, select wireless cad if its detected and type in wep key07:09
holycowwpa is a bit of another matter, some tell me there is a gui now for wpa07:09
H3g3m0nCientificoLoco: 0.96 was just released so it won't be in the repos, you can try the amsn site for their packaged one but 0.96 isn't much diffrent 0.9507:09
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ubunjustyholycow: NetworkManager in Ubuntu 6.10 has WPA support in the GUI.07:10
dragonfyre13holycow: nope, actually, that's how it should work, but with the rt73 chipset it's another matter.07:10
holycowdragonfyre13, for the suspend stuff you will need to google your specific laptop model, ubuntu and the instructions on doing that if it works at all07:10
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dragonfyre13holycow: thanks for the suspend stuff. I know that network manager and connection manager support wpa without wpasupplicant package though. Pretty easy from the other cards I've done.07:11
ubunjustydragonfyre13:   May I suggest an atheros based card.  They work great in suspend.07:11
holycowdragonfyre13, then the proper answer is one most poeple don't want to hear actually ... don't spend your life configuring and fighting with proprietary non working stuff, go out and buy a supported pcmcia card and be done with it :)07:11
dragonfyre13ubunjusty: thanks. I'll keep that in mind.07:11
dragonfyre13holycow: yeah, I know. Dang it.07:11
dragonfyre13holycow: thanks though.07:11
holycowdragonfyre13, yeah no prob, its a non answer, just hoping to help you get to the answers quicker07:11
dragonfyre13holycow: my goal is to get this lappy up and working fully though. It's one of the hardest apparently, judging by the responses I'm getting.07:12
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dragonfyre13holycow: all the stuff I'm doing right now is integrated stuff though.07:13
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holycowdragonfyre13, its a big issue indeed07:13
dragonfyre13alright, I'm going to deal with some driver stuff with the  vid card. Be back later.07:14
holycowas much as i like supporting underdogs like nvidia, for laptops all intel chipsets seem to be the way to go07:14
dragonfyre13thanks holycow, ubunjusty and Frankenstein07:14
aukbimberi, thanks07:14
holycowbut thats not an option once you have a laptop already >_<07:14
dragonfyre13holycow: I know. I love the lappy though, and for 600 bucks, I couldn't go wrong.07:14
dragonfyre13holycow: 200 after the windows refund.07:15
holycowacer 3620?07:15
dragonfyre13holycow: Averatec 237007:15
aukdragonfyre13: we wish07:16
holycownever heard of it07:16
holycowand what do you mean windows refund?07:16
whtahow's dual monitor support?07:16
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holycowwhta, excellent :)07:16
aukholycow, they don't do those... yet07:16
bob__What is emacs generally used for. Is it mainly used by programmers. Or can it be used to do other things07:16
thrillin`night ppl...thx again 4 helps07:16
whtaholycow: think it'll detect no problem if I just plug the other sucker in and boot 'er up?07:16
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holycowbob__, generally by programmers you can use it for text editing, writing books, etc.  people have written games in it actually07:17
thrillin`i could cath 5 hrs sleep still yay07:17
dragonfyre13holycow: Just refuse the EULA, and then call the manufacturer. Let them know you refused it, and send them a paper signed by the store saying that you removed the OS (Windows) in the store entirely. They are legally bound to send a refund for the amount of the OS.07:17
holycowits written in lisp and insanely powerfull and easy to extend, you could make it do pretty much anything if you wanted to07:17
yanqingthe system installed on my usb-storage device.07:17
dragonfyre13holycow: since they can't publish how much they paid MS for it, they give you the retail cost.07:17
holycowdragonfyre13, i have NEVER had that work07:17
yanqingi use the general vesa driver for xorg07:17
holycowwow you actually got your money back?07:17
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holycowactually that CANNOT work according to  ms licencing07:18
dragonfyre13holycow: lemme pull up a few links. I get my check next week.07:18
holycowif they are using oem ... the licence dies when they uninstall it07:18
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yanqingwhy it will auto changed the xorg.conf on different machine07:18
holycowwhich  means the store/manufacturer eats 20007:18
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holycowyanqing, what do you mean?07:18
dragonfyre13holycow: it does. It says you are entitled to a refund for the "software" from the manufacturer if you refuse any clause in the EULA07:18
bob__So for the average user it is not generally used. Why would I use it for text editing if open office or abiword also allows me to make corrections to document editing.07:19
holycowthats for retail copies07:19
holycownot for oem preinstalled07:19
inonoHow do I configure an Ubuntu firewall07:19
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:19
holycowthe licence for that from ms says that the licence dies with the laptop once installed ... maybe theres fine print i'm missing07:19
yanqingholycow, kubuntu will auto detect my display card and changed the xorg.conf for it07:19
holycowdragonfyre13, however, WOW!07:19
holycowthats wicked, 400 dollar laptop :)07:19
holycowgood going dude07:19
dragonfyre13that's an old one. Dell isn't as easy.07:19
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dragonfyre13there was a big thing around the turn of the mellenium about it. Feb 15 is still windows refund day.07:20
holycowyanqing, i dind't know they implemented that ... neat.  its must be part of hotplug ... hotplug basically is designed to modularly detect stuff and adjust your ocnfig ... so you can say take an hd plug it in anywhere and it works07:20
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aukare there any issues with amd64 images?07:20
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MistaEDok, then do you need to agree/disagree to the EULA before you buy the machine then which has windows OEM preinstalled?07:20
bob__Windows refund day!. Wait till Vista comes out first. He He!!07:21
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dragonfyre13MistaED: yeah. Hang on, let me grab a link for the form.07:21
holycowyanqing, i didn't know it worked for xorg stuff yet ... there is some xorg work comming to actually have dbus ping hotplug or whatever and change xorg in real time07:21
Crescendo_What kind of macro/hotkey apps are available for Ubuntu/Linux in general?07:21
auk...i have a friend who said he tried one, didn't work, so he used the i386... he's rather new to linux, not quite sure what happened07:21
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holycowyanqing, i think you can modify th erules for hotplug to ignore xorg if that is what its doing, i just don't know how07:21
holycowCrescendo, depends on the desktop07:21
aukMistaED: the terms say you have to terminate service immediately if you don;t agree07:22
yanqingholycow, thanks07:22
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MistaEDholycow: yep xorg 7.3 is getting all these updates for a modular xorg config, which is plugged into dbus :D i hope feisty's 7.2 has that config stuff backported from 7.307:22
aukso you can buy it, but must not use it ( / keep it installed)07:22
holycowCrescendo, typically gnome and kde have their own native apps, and no one reqally bothers writing third party stuff for this as its poitnless (maybe not for everyone i guess).  other desktops have their own native apps as well07:22
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holycowMistaED, that would be cool07:22
holycowyanqing, indeed, no problem07:22
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file13Does anyone know of a program that allow you to have multiple workspaces like in linux?07:23
Crescendo_holycow, I'm looking for something specific to hotkeying a line of characters - Ubuntu, Gnome. :/07:23
file13on a windows box07:23
holycowCrescendo, in gnome its /system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts07:23
holycowthats prettyh much it for gnome07:23
holycowdon't know about kde07:23
aukfile13: there is such i program, i know of it (can't remember the name)07:24
holycowfile13, on microsoft.com they have some crappy app that does that yes07:24
holycowsearch their site07:24
aukbut it doesn't work so well, i hear07:24
=== MistaED can't wait to have it so his tablet and second monitor don't require advanced knowledge of editing the xorg.conf to work :)
bob__I wish Apple would natively port Quicktime and iTunes to GNU/Linux.07:24
Crescendo_holycow, it won't let me add new ones.  :/07:24
aukbob__: i don't07:24
holycowCrescendo, *nod* it is limited i hear ... thats pretty much it as far as i know ... i'm sorry.07:24
bob__Still can't watch Macworld streams07:24
auki wish more people would start supporting ogg07:24
Crescendo_No problem. :)07:25
holycowbob__, because apple are worse than ms at supporting open source07:25
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Crescendo_gDesklets Shell doesn't seem to be starting up all the way... :/07:25
RonfarI'm experiencing a problem if anyone cares to help, I'd greatly apperciate it. It seems to only happen using IRC or posting on the Ubuntu fourms I experience a freeze which turns my screen White with horizontal lines. It happens randomly could be 5mins to 5 hours I never know, I also haven't noticed it happening with certain programs I run and I run minimal progs at that07:25
holycowso much for the famous egalatarian higher mindset of the mac users07:25
holycowit turns out they are as much of a cult as we are :)07:25
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PMantisHow can i get vi to equal vim in Edgy?07:26
dawkirstHow does HP laptops compare to brands like Toshiba and Lenovo?07:26
holycowRonfar, that would indicate a video card driver issue by your description07:26
bob__I thought Apple helped out with konquerer, since safari is related.07:26
MistaEDholycow: they have no problems using open source in their OS though ;)07:26
holycowthere is nothing on ubuntu forums to trigger say extensions or plugins that might crash a video drivers07:26
Vande8594how can i directly connect a ubuntu system to a windows xp system to get an internet conn. of the windows comp.07:26
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aukbob__: sort... of07:26
holycowwell you might want to try removing all firefox extensions first and try again07:26
holycowRonfar, but what video card do you have? and what drivers are you using?07:27
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arepieis there a command which i can check my 3D acceleration is working?07:27
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aukthey sort... of donated the code they produced back07:27
holycowMistaED, thats what i mean, its mostly a one way street with that company07:27
dragonfyre13holycow: anyway, I'm going to go. Check this out, and google for windows refund for more info. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/704007:27
RonfarAcctually I am just using a built in video card, I'm not sure what is.. The drivers I assume were automatically detected and installed when I installed Ubuntu07:27
holycowMistaED, if it wasn't for bsd they would of been dead, their os experiment was basically dead before someone pulled th eplug and said go with bsd07:27
holycowif it wasn't for the bsd licence, apple would not be here today, at least thats my not so humble opinion07:28
dragonfyre13Bye all. Be back later.07:28
holycowdragonfyre13, later07:28
RonfarThis computer is fairly old it's a PIII so perhaps my video card could be giving out?07:28
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holycowronaldo, that is possible too, there could be other anomalies.... have you eliminated your monitor and video connectors out of the equation?07:29
bob__I agree a one way street with Apple.07:29
mc_arepie,   glxinfo | grep direct07:29
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MistaEDholycow: maybe in another form, using NT or go with linux07:29
RonfarMy monitor/connectors I assume would be out of the equation as I just purchased them 6 months ago07:29
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arepiemc_, i suppose that to check Direct randering for OpenGL07:30
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holycowMistaED, i doubth they would of  ever capitulated to the gpl07:30
holycowmr. turtleneck would rather sign a deal with the devil than capitulate to sharing07:30
dawkirstAnd what is the "best" processing technology to look for when buying a laptop?07:30
mc_arepie, if it says direct rendering: yes then 3d is working07:30
jules_Does anybody know a cure for my problem? I am using Kubuntu 6.10 and it wont switch off after boot down. I have to press the power button for 5 seconds to make it switch off07:30
RonfarFunny thing is though it never happens when I use Ajunta to program or vist any other sites only when I come on IRC it seems to trigger it the most and once in awhile on Ubuntu fourms07:30
holycowbut that is my opinion, and my opinion alone07:30
bob__I wonder if Apple using the BSD license has anything to do with Steve Jobs and Woz going to Berkley.07:31
holycowdawkirst, for laptops, imho, right now intel07:31
holycowthey have open sourced all their chipset drivers, tho they remain faithfully evil in a bunch of areas07:31
MistaEDholycow: really their key program they really need is their desktop technology, they could just plunk that on top of linux, but yeah i'd doubt they would due to all the TPM locks they need to keep OSX running on intel07:31
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holycowintel based laptops will be easiest to setup07:31
arepiemc_, not for me.. i check my system using cedega.. and it says that my OpenGL is working and 3D acceleration is not.. and my direct randering is a "yes"07:31
holycowMistaED, *nod*07:31
dawkirstholycow: Why so, besides the fact that AMD is unlikely to be found in a laptop around here?07:31
holycowdawkirst, because compared to other chip manufacturers all of their chipset drivers are open source07:32
holycowsomeone correct me about the 3d accelerated stuff07:32
holycowi'm not certain if all the 3d accelerated stuff is FULLY open sourced ... it may be a halway hack07:32
holycownvidia and all the others have spotty support in comparison it seems to me07:32
Ronfarholycow: thanks for the advice, I'll try a card from another one of my computers and see if thats the problem, let you know if it works or not thanks again07:33
mc_arepie, Ok I don't know about cedega I'm afraid but that is the test I always understood to be accurate for accelerated 3d. I have had opengl working without accelereation and it says no.07:33
holycowRonfar, no prob07:33
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dawkirstholycow: and what brand of laptop would you suggest?07:33
dawkirstholycow: and what brand Intel CPU? Intel Core Duo?07:34
holycowdawkirst, laptop brands are irrelevant really07:34
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holycowall the components are made by the same chinese manufacturers07:34
holycowwhat matters is the components in the laptop07:35
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slowz3rcan someone recommend me a good program to veiw and connect to wifi networks07:35
holycowso if you by intel chipset laptops you are pretty well guaranteed everything working out of the box except winmodems07:35
bob__I feel Mark Shuttleworth is going to be the next big player, but without the greed that Jobs and Gates has. Thankfully!!.07:35
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dawkirstholycow: OK.07:35
holycowbob__, i want him to make money, i thin kthere is quite a bit of money to be made in support but then i don't have the capital to place that bet07:36
slowz3rcan someone recomend a program that i can use to view and connect to wifi networks07:37
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bob__I want him to make money too. But he is more for the user, and wants people of all economic backgrounds to enjoy using a computer and learning from it.07:37
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holycowvery smart fellow indeed07:38
holycowkind and generous too07:38
holycowalthough that makes him sound more like buddha than human07:38
bob__Unlike Apple and Microsoft. You need allot of money just to afford a computer with loads of software, like you get with Ubuntu.07:38
holycowi can't use windows any more07:39
holycownot just because there are no free programs07:39
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holycowthe workflow of the desktop is terrible for me07:39
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holycowso yeah, ubuntu all the way :)07:39
bob__What does MS do?. Offer Windows XP Starter Edition. A slap in the face to poor countries. Why not XP Pro at a reduced cost.07:39
oppinitowhat is the default password for root?07:40
holycowthen they have the problem of justifying pricing in rich countriies07:40
holycowif you chared $2 for an os in thailand you gotta be able to turn around and justify why it costs 200 in north america07:40
holycowoppinito, there is no root on ubuntu07:41
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:41
holycowread that pls07:41
holycowask questions if you don't know how to use sudo07:41
bob__Why not just charge for Office and give away the operating system!. Not every program in GNU/Linux is free. Look at Maya.07:41
Zazraelholycow: There is in fact root on ubuntu, it's just marked as no login and has no password hash.07:42
holycowbob__, well because taxation is the worlds most successfull business07:42
bob__Office is their bread and butter07:42
holycowyou don't make the kinds of margins they make without figuring out a way to impose an ms tax on all hardware07:42
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holycowwhy do you think they are going into the business of supplying software for tv sets?07:42
holycowbob__, actually no07:42
bob__I would pay for Office07:42
holycowwindows is07:42
slowz3rWhats a good program i can use to view and connect to Wirless networks besides Wifi Radar07:42
holycowoffice is very much #2 on their profit / loss statements07:43
holycowfew people pay for office07:43
holycowEVERYONE pays for windows ... its built into the price of every dell07:43
holycowit used to be built into the price of every system even ones without windows before they got taken to court over their monopoly07:43
wenkoI have never payed07:43
holycowslowz3r, system/admin/networking ... the applet will automatically show yhou what network is available07:44
holycowbesides that i'm not sure, that always has worked well for us07:44
bob__Yeh but when you get a Dell, ask for all the software on disk when you get it. Not just a recovery disk07:44
slavikholycow: "Dell recommends Windows XP" < that gets dell a dollar off every OEM version of Windows XP :)07:44
holycowslavik, right, its a dollar you still pay and its a dollar that still goes to them07:45
holycoweither way, taxes rarely come down once the consumer is used to paying them07:45
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holycowwenko, the only money ms made from me was windows 98, and recently win2k3 licence with 10 cals and some shit like that07:45
bob__And Dell tech support. Better learn a second language.07:45
holycowwenko, but overall they have made almost no money from me, and never will07:46
thevenini hate dells tech support07:46
slowz3rholycow, its only the network settings thing i dont see any available networks07:46
bob__Has anyone tried Xara Linux Edition. Have it on my Dapper and love it!!.07:46
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holycowslowz3r, sometimes you haveto close the popup and double click on the wireless card again to see it07:48
holycowit has to have enough time to go into scan mode or whatever to sense the networks07:48
slowz3rholycow, well im not using a care im using an external usb antena07:48
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holycowslowz3r, oh in that case the problem is the drivers07:49
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holycowslowz3r, i don't know of a single usb wireless adapter that works07:49
DanaGWTF?  Lately my Gnome 'Run Application" dialog has begun to FORCE autocomplete07:49
holycow:/ but i've not really tried them, perhaps there are some listed on the wiki known to work?07:49
dseazrca13:52 [freenode]  DCC SEND from CrackBaby [ port 0] : GayNiggerAssociationOfAmerica [0B bytes]  requested in  channel #ubuntu07:49
DanaGso I end up trying to run things like:07:49
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slowz3rholycow, well i can see networks with wifi radar..i just want a better more developed way of looking at networks07:49
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holycowslowz3r, try kizmet for looking for networks07:50
DanaGHow do I fix this?07:50
bob__How many Windows managers do you all have loaded on your machine. Curious07:50
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slowz3rholycow, alright ill try07:50
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slowz3rholycow, isnt that for a KDE enviroment07:50
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DanaGIt's damn annoying -- how do I fix it?07:51
Math^guys... what about nvu with php...??07:51
naliothdseazrca: did you get your invitation?07:51
Math^is there some plugin for it?07:51
holycowslowz3r, it makes no diff, gnome/kde apps work on either environment07:51
dseazrcanalioth: no07:52
holycowslowz3r, and the answer is actually no07:52
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naliothdseazrca: join me in #ubuntu-ops for a minute, please07:52
slowz3rholycow, oo well im a linux nub...so ya bare with me07:52
holycowDanaG, i'm going to take a wild stab at this and suggest your keyboard is busted07:52
DanaGNope, it's Gnome that's doing it.07:52
holycowDanaG, your explanation in understand but i cannot see how it could result in such errors07:52
DanaGtry going to the run dialog07:52
holycowslowz3r, no biggie just ask away07:52
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holycowDanaG, you have definitavely ruled out your keyboard?07:53
DanaGthen start typing, and when a suggestion pops up, move to the end and finish typing07:53
DanaGIt's essentially FORCING autocomplete.07:53
slowz3rholycow, well how can i get kizmet..its not in synaptec07:53
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holycowDanaG, well yes it does autocomplete, you just hit enter and done07:53
holycoware you trying to keep on typing after autocomplete?07:53
Math^is there some PHP-plugin for NVU ???07:53
DanaGIn my case, it's finishing the line with no prompting.07:53
Math^maybe, somewere?\07:53
holycowslowz3r, it is, you need to enable universe or whatever07:53
Kingsqueakslowz3r: spell it right?07:54
DanaGIt used to work like this: keep typing, it doesn't autocomplete.07:54
holycowDanaG, its not highlighting the prompt/suggestion?07:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kizmet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:54
oppinitojre isn't included with the default ubuntu installation right?07:54
DanaGThe odd thing is that it's accepting it as soon as I type the very next letter07:54
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slowz3rKingsqueak, kizmet...right>?07:54
Kingsqueakslowz3r: kismet baby, kismet07:55
holycowlol sorry dude :) well there ya go07:55
DanaGso I'l' end up typing nvid<ia->ia-settings07:55
DanaGwhere the brackets mark the enclosed part.07:55
DanaGer, autocompleted.07:55
holycowoppinito, no but you can install it from repos just fine07:55
holycowDanaG, but its supposed to do that?07:55
slowz3rKingsqueak, well that would help07:55
holycowit autocompletes on all default installs07:56
badmacktuckhas anyone had any problems getting 6.10 to run on an x70007:56
DanaGit's supposed to let you keep typing the rest of the word.07:56
jules_Is Xara a program that you have to buy? Or can you get it free for Kubuntu?07:56
holycowDanaG, have you looked for gnome settings via gconf editor to turn this off?07:56
badmacktuckthe live cd doesnt display anything and the text install doesnt do much better07:56
slowz3rKingsqueak, after i install it using synaptec do i need to log out an log back in?07:56
holycowjules_, xara is being open sourced ... sort of.  i think its in the repos07:57
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Kingsqueakslowz3r: shouldn't , if your network driver is loaded and working, it should just work07:57
DanaGNothing in gconf.07:57
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jules_I have tried  apt-get xara and it cant find it yet07:57
bob__You can get it (XaraXtreme) for free but only for Linux. http://www.xaraxtreme.org/07:57
holycowjules_, search for it first with apt-cache search xara07:57
slowz3rKingsqueak, i cant find it in any of the menues07:57
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bob__Just download it and run the bin.07:58
holycowinstall it from repos07:58
holycow*cough* :)07:58
holycowbob__, binary is statically linked i guess?07:58
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Kingsqueakslowz3r: while you're installing, also do  'sudo apt-get install menu'  takes a while for it to get setup after install, but then you can add the 'debian' menu....will show many more apps installed07:58
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holycowneat.  then you can do what bob__ said too :)07:59
DanaGI'll ask in #gnome tomorrow.07:59
holycowDanaG, that might be better indeed07:59
DanaGToo late at night now -- back from thanksgiving break.07:59
Kingsqueakslowz3r: many apps don't show up in the default menus, just run them from the commandline or the Run dialog07:59
holycowDanaG, sorry we couldn't help you07:59
bob__It is similar to Inkscape07:59
bob__But easier to use07:59
jules_It is unedr xaralx07:59
slowz3rKingsqueak, thats the problem im a noob and have very little knowledge on how to do anything08:00
Kingsqueakslowz3r: that's why I gave you the exact command ;-)08:00
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Kingsqueakslowz3r: you can find 'menu' in synaptic too if you like08:00
bob__Having Gimp and Xara is like having Photoshop and Illustrator08:00
slowz3rKingsqueak, and i get this in return   """E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)08:01
slowz3rE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:01
jules_I am still learning Gimp08:01
Kingsqueakslowz3r: either you aren't using 'sudo' or you are doing two installations at once08:01
jules_I am only a beginner08:01
holycowjules_, gimp is amazing08:01
holycowjules_, if you DON'T know photoshop that is GREAT08:01
Kingsqueakslowz3r: you can only run one apt-get at a time08:01
Kingsqueakslowz3r: one instance that is08:02
holycowit will make it super easy to learn gimp08:02
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holycowif you knew photoshop it would be very hard to unlearn ... as dumb as that sounds08:02
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holycowjules_, let me know if you have any gimp questions in know it very well08:02
jules_Thanks a lot08:02
jules_I will08:02
slowz3rKingsqueak, ok i got it workin..so after it did all that crap it did what shall i do08:02
holycowno prob08:02
bob__If you use Gnome or KDE you can create an icon link as well. It comes with a png for that.08:02
Kingsqueakslowz3r: maybe start up kismet?  though you might want to read how it works a bit too08:03
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dogfood2006What would you do if your Gnome panel disappears?08:03
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dogfood2006delete the .gnomeprofile file?08:03
macdrestart my gnome session08:03
oppinitoalright so i installed sun java 5.0 runtime08:03
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Kingsqueakslowz3r: your issue is that your driver for your wireless isn't loaded or maybe not supported, you really need to figure that out first08:03
slowz3rKingsqueak, ok how the hell do i start up kismet then..08:03
dogfood2006macd: how do you do that? you mean bounce the xserver?08:03
oppinitobut when i try to run java stuff firefox still tells me i need a plugin08:03
holycowdogfood2006, open up gconf editor and check off visible for the panel in question08:03
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macddogfood2006, essentialy yes08:03
holycowalt/f2 gconf-editor i think it is08:03
Kingsqueakslowz3r: type 'kismet' in a terminal08:04
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macdor use the keyboard shortcut for ruinning a command08:04
holycowoppinito, the java .so is in the wrong directory i bet08:04
slowz3rKingsqueak, it works i can view networks and i connect to my own wirless network08:04
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oppinitoholycow:  so what should i do08:04
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holycowoppinito, well pretty much exactly what i told you :)08:04
dogfood2006Where is the binary for gconf editor?08:04
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jules_Does anyone know where I can get any borders to use with Scribus? I have some , but not many08:04
oppinitoholycow: what directory should it be in08:05
holycowoppinito, i don't knkow exactly where the tick boxes are, you will need to find them08:05
Kingsqueakslowz3r: o.k. I guess I didn't understand your previous question then08:05
dogfood2006I'd like to do this via the command line if possible08:05
holycowoppinito, just type in gconf-editor08:05
dogfood2006over ssh08:05
oppinitoholycow: tick boxes? what?08:05
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Kingsqueakslowz3r: thought you needed something to see what wireless networks were available?08:05
holycowoppinito, *sigh* okay listen08:05
holycowhit alt/f208:05
holycowthat will bring up a command prompt08:05
holycowin there type in gconf-editor08:05
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holycowonce you have the editor running you need to find the right keys to check off to turn on the panels08:06
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holycowi don't know what they are tho so don't ask me, ther eis a search function in the tool08:06
oppinitopanels? keys? what08:06
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holycowoppinito, are you comprehending what i'm saying?08:06
holycowdid you even try it?08:06
oppinitoholycow: i have gconf-editor open but i have no idea what you're talking about08:07
holycowyou know, i gave you the answer, questioning my answer makes me angry and not want to help you08:07
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oppinitoholycow: uh are you sure you're talking to the right person? my problem is with JRE08:07
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holycowoppinito, really? oh :) my bad!08:07
Kingsqueakoppinito: there's a seperate package for the browser plugin if you used the ubuntu java install08:07
dogfood2006.so files are essentially .dll files in windows correct? If oyu had to make an analogy08:08
dogfood2006Dynamic link libraries?08:08
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holycowoppinito, sorry bro :) didn't mean that, for java you just need to find the java .so file and put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins08:08
dogfood2006Or are they static libraries?08:08
holycowand your done08:08
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oppinitoah alright thanks08:08
Zer0I seem to be having trouble browsing the internet and connecting to online services Using Ubuntu and My Zyxel Wireless Card.08:09
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klasherubuntu, where are you?08:09
klasherubotu, where are you?08:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about where are you? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
Kingsqueakoppinito: try this   apt-cache search java | sort | grep plugin08:09
klasherubotu, raw sex!08:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about raw sex! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:09
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klasher I'm new, sorry.08:10
theveninklasher: knock it off please08:10
dogfood2006I have a question, is there a manpage for apt-get packages?08:10
Zer0Ubuntu has already loaded my wifi driver for my card and I have configured it for my WPA network. As far as I can tell dhcp is grabbing an IP. Can somone help me track down the issue08:10
klasherthevenin, that is the last time. sorry.08:10
dogfood2006I can do a apt-cache search, but can I have a description as well08:10
theveninits ok08:11
oppinitoKingsqueak: alright what should i be looking for (and what should i be doing)08:11
dogfood2006In a package management like adept, I can see this, and it' really nice, but I would like to have the capability of doing this via command line08:11
Kingsqueakdogfood2006: 'apt-get packages' I'm not clear on that?08:11
=== klasher couldn't help hisself.
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oppinitoi see this on the list j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin - Java plugin for mozilla/firefox08:11
Kingsqueakoppinito: if you run that command I pasted, it will show you packages that match, pick one and do  'sudo apt-get install <whatever>'08:11
dogfood2006Kingsqueak: A short description of what's available on the apt-get repository.08:11
dogfood2006Using Adept, you can get description of each downloadable apt-get (package) not sure if that's the right word08:12
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Kingsqueakdogfood2006: the short descriptions come up via apt-cache search <foo> , but I find browsing randomly using synaptic or aptitude a bit nicer08:12
Kingsqueakdogfood2006: it's doable but you need to pick a package and then pass another option to apt-cache to see more detail, it gets tedious08:13
Zer0Does Ubuntu have a network manager in the GUI or do you always have to install one?08:13
RichiHis edubuntu also a live or only an install cd?08:13
Kingsqueakdogfood2006: if you do 'man apt-cache' you'll see the options08:13
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theveninRichiH: i do beleive it is only install08:13
RichiHthevenin: ah, thanks08:14
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KingsqueakZer0: for wireless, edgy installs a newer one that works better, with Dapper you needed to install network-manager and network-manager-gnome manually08:14
dogfood2006Is information actually cached? is that why the command uses  'apt-cache' as nomenclature?08:14
RichiHit offers install and install on a workstation.. difference?08:14
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theveninRichiH: not really08:14
Zer0I belive I have edgy installed08:14
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KingsqueakRichiH: I *think* edubuntu has an option to do xterminals, thin clients, so the server option may be to host that and workstation may include a full desktop GUI08:15
KingsqueakRichiH: just guessing from what I've seen here though08:15
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Zer0Kingsqueak: using iwconfig wlan0 the output indicates the following Access Point: Invalid08:15
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KingsqueakZer0: does wlan0 show up in ifconfig -a ?08:15
RichiHKingsqueak: makes sense though. thanks08:16
KingsqueakRichiH: people talk about doing http://www.ltsp.org/ with edubuntu as an example08:16
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Zer0Bare with me08:16
Zer0I am new... Should my typed bash command be (iwconfig -a)?08:16
hazarathEr... hi... trying to install restricted formats, all fail, says no such package.08:17
KingsqueakZer0: not iwconfig, but  'ifconfig -a'08:17
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Zer0Ah yea08:17
KingsqueakZer0: if you don't see an interface there, your wireless driver may not be loaded08:17
Zer0I see eth0, sit0, lo, wlan008:17
malthey Kingsqueak :D08:17
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Zer0So it appears the driver is loaded08:18
hazarathNeed help installing restricted formats.08:18
KingsqueakZer0: ah good so it would appear your wireless is loaded, so in one of the gnome menus there is a networking setup section, that should do the trick08:18
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Kingsqueakhey malt08:18
Zer0This is where I get confused Kind08:18
KingsqueakZer0: you running Gnome or KDE?08:19
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KingsqueakZer0: on the top launcher bar, there is what, Administration I think right?08:19
maltanyone know how i can give me lan ip to resolve to a hostname? i know it is not something i really need just thought i would do it since nothing else to do08:19
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Zer0Yes. I have already gone to Administration > Network Settigns08:19
KingsqueakZer0: o.k.08:20
KingsqueakZer0: and what happened08:20
Zer0I see 3 devices listed08:20
Zer0Wireless , Wired, modem08:20
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KingsqueakZer0: k, click on wireless08:20
Zer0I have unchecked wired and modem08:20
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Zer0I have already enabled the device08:20
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Zer0Choosen my ESSID08:21
DanaGwell, whaddaya know... it WAS my keyboard.08:21
Zer0Set my WPA password08:21
Kingsqueakmalt: if it's just for one machine to see, add it to /etc/hosts, otherwise you need BIND/named installed and that's a bit of work to figure out08:21
Zer0And Set it to DHCP for configuration08:21
DanaGIt started acting like SHIFT and/or CTRL were held down.08:21
DanaGI had to kill X -- now it's normal again.08:21
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Kingsqueakmalt: syntax is    <IP address>   name.you.want.to.call.it08:22
hazarathNeed help with restricted formats, dice, please.08:22
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maltKingsqueak: will this save?08:22
KingsqueakZer0: o.k., what happened?08:22
maltor have to do this on every resart with server?08:22
Kingsqueakmalt: yes it stays08:22
Zer0Kingsqueak so I have already gotten this far08:22
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maltsolike m4lt.com?08:22
Kingsqueakmalt: you make the /etc/hosts entry on the machine you are connecting with, not the one you are connecting to, you are basically fooling your local machine to believe the name for the IP you setup there08:23
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KingsqueakZer0: o.k., well, did it connect?08:23
Zer0I set the properties to my wireless connection to my ESSID and entered the WPA key set to ANSII and choose DHCP however No dice08:23
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Zer0Still can't pull web pages08:23
KingsqueakZer0: you sure the key is ascii and not hex?08:23
PMantisAnyone see a reason to have a separate partition for /var/log on a laptop?08:23
KingsqueakZer0: ah k08:24
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diskusPMantis: no08:24
KingsqueakZer0: ESSID and passphrase are case sensitive, any mistake there?08:24
Zer0Kingsqueak: Checking08:24
diskusPMantis: I see reason to have seperate partition for /home only08:24
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hazarathKingsqueak: After ya done with him, may I borrow ya attention?08:24
Kingsqueakhazarath: just ask in channel please08:25
PMantisdiskus, I have separate /home and /tmp right now.08:25
hazarathI did, heh...08:25
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hazarathI need to install restricted formats.08:25
Kingsqueakhazarath: I'm pretty beat so I'm wearing out ;-)08:25
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diskusPMantis: it depends on how large disk you have08:25
hazarathAh, heh.08:25
defrysk!resticted formats > hazarath08:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resticted formats - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:25
FirefisheWhen I'm generating a gpg key pair, I get this error:  gpg: can't open `/home/rtip/.gnupg/random_seed': Permission denied  ..  any ideas?08:25
defrysk!resticted > hazarath08:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resticted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:26
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FirefisheI'm running ubuntu dapper on powerpc08:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:26
hazarathI tried the forms.08:26
diskusPMantis: I have 20GB / (root) so it's basicaly useless to use /tmp and /var partitions08:26
DARKGuyFirefishe: run as root?08:26
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hazarathAll the packages, minus one, isn't found.08:26
theveninhazarath: this may help http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Installing_Restricted_Formats08:26
Kingsqueakhazarath: be more specific, what are you missing, what is the issue etc08:27
Zer0Kingsqueak: Yes I verified the information08:27
Zer0Kingsqueak: everyting is in the proper CASE08:27
KingsqueakZer0: if you do 'ifconfig -a' now, do you see that you have an IP on wlan0 ?08:27
FirefisheDARKGuy:  Well, perhaps, but why would the program--which resides in /usr/local/bin--need to be run as root when I'm runnning it as my  own regular user?  I should be able to write to my own directory, shouldn't I>?08:27
hazarathKingsqueak: I wanna play all the 'non-free' formats by system defalt.08:27
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CarCase928hello, how do i update my nvidia driver? and how do i know the type of graphic card i have?08:28
PMantisdiskus, Heh, mine is about 19GB.. ok, thanks.08:28
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Kingsqueakhazarath: o.k., that link tells you how to do it...so where did you get stuck08:28
Zer0Kingsqueak: No I don't08:28
FirefisheCarCase928:  lshw can list a lot of hardware information; may need to be run as root08:28
DARKGuyFirefishe: Well, my guess would be that- or the command needs to access .gnupg as root, or the key is chmodded as root or the folder where the file is, or it tries to access something that it's for root user08:28
CarCase928firefishe: thanks08:28
DARKGuyFirefishe: have you tried with another key around?08:28
hazarathKingsqueak: Tried the first command for Little Dapper 6.06, Package not found, etc.08:29
FirefisheCarCase928:  yw08:29
KingsqueakZer0: o.k. so it didn't connect, is it an option to try the router as WEP with no security, something simple just to test a basic connect?08:29
hazarathDapper, howeve.08:29
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Kingsqueakhazarath: did you enable the repositories in /etc/apt/sources.list?  Did you do 'sudo apt-get update' after doing that to get the new indexes?08:29
Zer0Kingsqueak: I am going to disable my ethernet device aswell08:29
KingsqueakZer0: do that, that will rule out any driver issues etc08:29
hazarathKingsqueak: Er... ok, what should I do first?08:30
KingsqueakZer0: ahh wait, were you still plugged into wired network?08:30
Zer0Kingsquak: I don't have wired connection on my linux box08:30
Kingsqueakhazarath: please read that link info, it explains it all there08:30
Zer0No can I get one08:30
KingsqueakZer0: ah o.k. good, it won't like being wired and trying to bring up wireless08:30
FirefisheDARKGuy:  Well, the file permissions issue isn't just with gpg.  I was having troubles with kde when I installed it two days ago (it is now uninstalled).  kde couldn't start because it--and the xserver attached to it--couldn't access any of the .kde files it needed to start up.  All I was getting was permission denied errors.08:30
hazarathKingsqueak: Tried the first step, failed.08:31
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DARKGuyFirefishe: Damn, then it's something messed up with permissions in your computer out of nowhere oO...08:31
DARKGuyFirefishe: and not by gpg or the key itself08:31
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Kingsqueakhazarath: you did this and it failed -> ?   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#what08:32
Kingsqueakhazarath: you have to read and follow the restricted link exactly, you can't skip steps08:32
PMantisdiskus, Do you know what happened to vi / vim with Edgy? I'm so use to typing 'vi' and actually getting vim...08:33
FirefisheDARKGuy:  well, I think it's been with me since I installed it.  This is a G4 PowerBook laptop, but permissions are still permissions and linux is still linux.  Still, everything in gnome works just fine with no problems.08:33
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Zer0Ok in the GUI for GNOME it's showing just Wireless as enabled08:33
KingsqueakFirefishe: have you tried forcing your home directory permissions to your user?  Sometimes if you run sudo with apps it will foul that up08:33
FirefisheDARKGuy:  Well, I could not generate the key.  It can't access the random_seed file in the .gnupg subdirectory in my home directory,.08:33
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KingsqueakFirefishe: as in 'sudo -i'  then  'chown -R youruser:youruser /home/youruser'08:34
DARKGuyFirefishe: Weird o.o; try what Kingsqueak says08:34
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FirefisheKingsqueak:  That sounds about right.  Let me try that.08:34
mitricki got a good question here08:34
mitricki got an intel core 2 duo and its 64 bit08:34
KingsqueakFirefishe: it's a side effect of running via sudo, has fouled me up a few times08:34
FirefisheKingsqueak: do I run sudo -i and the other command on the same line?08:34
mitrickif i dl a 64 bit linux will it let me install and run other apps08:35
mitrick32 bit08:35
KingsqueakFirefishe: no, sudo -i first, makes you root, then the other command once you're root08:35
Firefishek...let me do that08:35
Firefishethanks again08:35
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KingsqueakFirefishe: you'll want to log totally out of KDE after that and log back in08:35
hazarathKingsqueak: Sorry, got it now... it's installing.08:35
Hirvinenmitrick: Yes, you will have to set up a 32 bit chroot environment for those. Search the Ubuntu wiki for step by step instructions.08:35
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Zer0Kingsqueak: Still nothign08:36
Kingsqueakhazarath: it's all there ;-) you just have to be patient and thorough08:36
KingsqueakZer0: hmm what wireless card do you have?   Maybe doublecheck the drivers for it08:36
KingsqueakZer0: WEP with no security should have been a 'gimme'08:36
mitrickso natively if i go on gaim.sf.net get the source code and compile gaim wont run?08:37
KingsqueakZer0: err sorry , no security heh, not WEP08:37
FirefisheKingsqueak:  I uninstalled *all* of kde last night.  It isn't playing well with my system.  I still have all the .deb files in the cache, but I have some nasty dependency problems centering around some packages I need to iron out.  I have most of kde ready, it's just the permissions and the xserver and the... ;)08:37
Zer0I might get disconnected for a minute here08:37
Zer0I am connected via Wireles08:37
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Besides, gnome is growing on me ;)08:37
KingsqueakFirefishe: yeah it sounds like something went a bit off during the install08:37
KingsqueakFirefishe: when you do  'sudo apt-get update'  then  'sudo apt-get upgrade'  do you get all sorts of warnings or packages held back?08:38
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KingsqueakFirefishe: when you installed kde did you just install  kubuntu-desktop ?08:38
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Initially, yes, then I used aptitude to install the *rest* of kde ;) hee.08:39
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KingsqueakFirefishe: hmm shouldn't have had dependency issues there08:40
FirefisheKingsqueak:  I just chown'd my home directory the way you said.  Now let me try running gpg as a normal user.  Thanks for the sudo -i, I'm going to use it regularly now. :)08:40
noodles12Is there a linux program that can easily help make slide shows with pictures/video clips?08:40
KingsqueakFirefishe: the -i is handy as it puts you in /root as root, helps to keep root from tainting permissions in your home dir sometimes08:40
KingsqueakI'm used to -s and that causes some trouble08:41
bonyi just now saw the bug #66702 its about mysql since i upgrade my system from dapper to edgy mysql server is down. some one in the comments said that downgrading worked for him. how to downgrade mysql-5.0?08:41
Kingsqueaknoodles12: slideshows to play how?08:41
FirefisheKingsqueak:  I will rmbr this.  I'm used to just using sux (when I'm in a gui session).08:41
bonyi have been following this bug since it was raised08:42
noodles12i was thinking of putting them on a cd/dvd or on an sd card to play in a digial picture frame08:42
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noodles12the picture frame can play mp3's, mpg/avi/ or just load a bunch of jpg's into it's own slideshow thing08:42
Kingsqueaknoodles12: there are DVD authoring packages, I forget the names offhand though08:42
Kingsqueaknoodles12: kmediafactory may be one to look at08:43
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Kingsqueaknoodles12: I tried this but it was almost a year ago and most were very unstable packages, there may be some better ones by now08:43
maltKingsqueak: you got cpanel on your site?08:44
FirefisheDARKGuy:  I usually just use apt-get to install things.  I'm getting that weird dependency issue with kde I mentioned.  Would you be so kind as to look at a pastebin of the bottom few lines of the output and critique it for me?08:44
Zer0ok I have it set with no security now however same issue08:44
Kingsqueakmalt: heh I've told you a few times in /msg, no...my hosting provider has it but I never installed it08:44
noodles12Kingsqueak: thanks. dvd authoring, is that slideshows/movies to dvd?08:44
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Kingsqueaknoodles12: basically, yeah08:44
maltKingsqueak: sorry i havent got no messages from you08:45
Kingsqueaknoodles12: means laying out a DVD for playback08:45
Kingsqueakmalt: the channel may be doing some weird blocking or something08:45
Kingsqueakthis IRC server is all weird that way08:45
noodles12Kingsqueak: that is awesome. but also is there a slideshow program similar to that in ilife? because i'm not sure if i'm playing it in dvd or in that picture frame.08:45
maltyour nick identifyed?08:45
maltto pm08:45
maltor talk in pm08:45
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Kingsqueakshould be, lemme check08:46
Kingsqueakweird, maybe they restarted services08:46
Kingsqueakit wasn't id'd08:46
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Zer0Kingsqueak: Removed Security and reconfigured teh wireless device to just connect and still no dice08:47
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KingsqueakZer0: hmm I'm out of guesses, it's likely a driver issue I would suspect08:48
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KingsqueakZer0: no chance you installed another wireless manager like wifi-radar and that's running?  You can't have two going or they interfere08:48
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sparhi all08:49
hakanhey guys!08:49
Zer0Kingsqueak: When I preform a ifconfig -a the device wlan0 device indicates UP BROADCAST MULTICAST08:49
hakani have a makefile to compile my project08:49
KingsqueakZer0: yeah but I'm not sure why it isn't otherwise working08:49
Zer0I attempted to install Network Manager however I never was able to make the MAKE file08:49
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KingsqueakZer0: it's a package, apt-get would install that08:49
hakanbut what it really does is to call a batch file with some commands in it08:49
KingsqueakZer0: 'sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome'   though in Edgy it's already installed by default08:50
hakanwhen i call the batch file (called runme) as "source runme"08:50
hakaneverything is allright08:50
Zer0Kingsqueak: Link encap:Ethernet ... on wlan008:50
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hakanbut when i try "./runme" (it has ex. privs.)08:50
hakanit cannot08:50
Zer0What i the sit0 device?08:50
hakanhave any idea?08:51
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KingsqueakZer0: that's the IPV6 over IPV4 tunnel, it's normal08:51
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Zer0Only thing i can see that looks wierd is that iwconfig indicates that wlan0 is Managed on 2.467GHZ  and teh Access PointL Invalid08:54
Zer0iwlist scan shows that it can see my network08:54
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abohakan, when you do "ls -l ./runme" what do you get?08:57
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xzkI'm trying to install Ubuntu on my new laptop - the LiveCD works fine, but it won't let me resize my WindowsXP Partition :( can any of you help me out?08:59
moztavlol frogfoot.net08:59
moztavxzk: you need an alternative livecd to resize your windows partition08:59
moztavgparted doesn't seem to have that functionality08:59
xzkyes it does08:59
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hakanwhat is a GNU makeinfo09:00
xzkit just doesn't work09:00
moztavxzk: www.google.com ;)09:00
hakani get the error09:00
hakanUnable to locate a version of GNU makeinfo in your PATH09:00
hakanGNU makeinfo is required to build the documentation.09:00
xzkmoztav: where can i get an alternate livecd, the only ones i have are the ones i ordered from Ubuntu Conical09:00
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nashawif i have ide=nodma as a startup option in grub does it effect performance?09:01
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klasher goodnight, ;)09:02
xzkmoztav: you still there?09:02
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xzkcan anyone else help me out.. looks like my helper went afk09:03
link_36pMy nfs network shares dont work at all, where can i find help on this topic?09:03
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marlunI've just installed Ubuntu and had to re-configure xserver-xorg to get the resolution I wanted, however now my keyboard doesn't work as it should. The keys I'm supposed to reach using "Alt Gr + key" doesn't work.09:03
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moztavxzk: www.google.com09:04
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moztavi have never needed to resize my windows partition09:04
A[D] minSIS That driver bcm4400-source - module source for Broadcom's bcm4400 ethernet driver. can work with 02:0e.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02)09:04
moztavhowever, look at knoppix or something09:04
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xzkinstead of ubuntu - install knoppix?09:04
A[D] minS!bcm440109:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bcm4401 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:04
xzk!static pagefile09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about static pagefile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pagefile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:05
noodles12i installed kmediafactory but was wondering why it doesnt' show up on the Applications menu09:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about makeinfo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
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A[D] minS!bcm4400-source09:06
noodles12running it from terminal works fine and i know i can add it to the applications menu, but i was just wondering why it wasn't automatically added?09:06
ubotubcm4400-source: module source for Broadcom's bcm4400 ethernet driver. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.0.7-5 (edgy), package size 59 kB, installed size 100 kB09:06
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pibarnasCould anyone make wmv9 files work on Ubuntu Edgy amd64?!?09:09
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A[D] minSafter i installed bcm4400-source , is there something else i have to do ?09:10
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nashawi have to use ide=nodma as a start up otion in grub for ubuntu to load, does any body know what this means or does?09:10
fyrestrtrnashaw: disables dma (direct memory access), which makes disk read/write operations slow.09:11
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fyrestrtrI think its direct memory addressing, not access. Not sure.09:11
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nashawso doing ide=nodma could be what is making ubuntu slow for me?09:12
fyrestrtrnashaw: most likely, yes.09:12
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fyrestrtrnashaw: but its strange that dma for your hardware is not compatible. Is it a very old machine?09:12
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nashawno it is not an old machine09:14
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fyrestrtrwhat chipset is your motherboard?09:14
fyrestrtrwhat are the specs? how much ram? how much swap?09:14
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nashawi got amd x2 4200, 2 gigs of ram09:15
nashawthe othere stuff not sure09:15
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=== JAMMAN2110 will be installing ubuntu tommorow on this PC for the first time ever... used a live cd a few times but meh
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=== JAMMAN2110 got asked to write some good things about it on NZs #1 tech website ;)
=== Zdra [n=zdra@20.238-242-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrnashaw: did the desktop cd work okay for you?09:18
JAMMAN2110I was just curious, does anyone here have any points i should mention other than sticking it to MS?09:19
nashawno, unless i used ide=nodma09:19
nashawi have the same problem with kubuntu as well09:19
JAMMAN2110well guess not09:19
JAMMAN2110Night all!09:19
=== Vich [n=Chris@ppp12-128.lns2.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nashawalso, i need not need it to boot ubuntu 6.06 with the 386 kernel09:22
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link_36panyone know why my samba shares arent working?09:23
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nashawbut i wanted to take advantage of the dual core so I went with a smp kernel and it did not work(except with ide=nodma)09:23
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Saschcan help me with ubuntu mdadm ??09:24
DARKGuyHm, anybody knows if I can set a different DPI for another display set in xorg.conf ?09:25
fyrestrtrnashaw: what kind of disks do you have? Are they SATA?09:25
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CasanovaI had a power cut and now I am not able to boot into X09:26
Casanovathe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is intact09:26
Casanovadoes any one have any clues?09:26
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FirefisheI'm trying to install all of kde using 'apt-get install kde*' as root.  I receive the following error: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/K2pUJx75.html09:26
nashawthe one with ubuntu on it is not..09:26
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nashawmaybe this is the problem.. maybe i should install ubuntu onto the sata disk09:27
DARKGuyCasanova: What does /var/log/Xorg.0.log say?09:27
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CasanovaDARKGuy: 1 minute.. let me check09:27
DARKGuyCasanova: use www.pastebin.ca for pasting the log09:27
Comatoseis kino a very beginner friendly video editting tool for ubuntu?09:28
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fyrestrtrFirefishe: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop might work better.09:28
CasanovaDARKGuy: http://prashblog.com/files/Xorg.0.log09:29
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CasanovaDARKGuy: sorry I am on console now.. so i cant cut and pastebin :(09:29
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DARKGuyCasanova: Whoops, forgot about that xD it's okay, let me check ;)09:29
Casanovathanks :)09:29
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CasanovaDARKGuy: I have a 865 Intel motherboard by the way09:30
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Storkmehow come if i use a command to mount a samba fs it works fine but if i put it in /etc/fstab it gives me an error when i log in to X... the error is 'unable to initialize HAL!' (using ubuntu) and i need to comment out the line in /etc/fstab and reboot in order to log in... the line in /etc/fstab is as follows: // /media/debsrv      smbfs   username=alex,password=XXXXXX,user,auto 0 009:31
=== TuTUx [n=rootusr@S010600119575fc93.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyCasanova: I see... no errors either - not one of those that say that can't start the X server oO...09:31
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Firefishefyrestrtr:  well, here's the rub:  I could do that, but since I already have all the .deb files cached, all it does is install kubuntu-desktop, kdm, and kubuntu-default-desktop or something like that.  The dependency problems remain.09:32
CasanovaDARKGuy: its really odd.. i mean i couldnt shutdown properly once (due to the power cut) and X stops working :|09:32
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corevettehow do i find my second hard drive?09:32
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fyrestrtrcorevette: disk manager / gparted will help you.09:33
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DARKGuyCasanova: Weird... what's the Driver parameter in the Device section of your xorg.conf ?09:33
DARKGuyCasanova: I think that maybe using a generic one might give you some X where you can debug the problem?09:34
CasanovaDARKGuy: wtf!!! xserver-xorg was gone mysteriously :o09:34
DARKGuyCasanova: wtf oO09:34
Saschcan help me with ubuntu mdadm ??09:34
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CasanovaDARKGuy: whew works now :-) I removed xserver-xorg-vmware ... could that be a  reason?09:34
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corevettefyrestrtr where is the disk manager09:35
Casanovabrb on Xchat :-)09:35
DARKGuyCasanova: Maybe, that was weird because the log was correct and no errors there oO09:35
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baratahallo, what quickcam WORKS with linux?09:36
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baratais logitech okey?09:36
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Kingsqueakbarata: I just bough a cheap Logitech Quickcam Messenger, it works if you install the gspca driver09:37
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barataKingsqueak, what's the model? Logitech has a sale09:37
DARKGuyCasanova: welcome back :P09:37
user__the question is, does it work correctly?09:37
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:37
user__i.e in features etc..09:37
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Could you take a look at this for me: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/K2pUJx75.html09:37
CasanovaDARKGuy: thank you :-) GNOME has never felt so good09:37
gimmulf_How do i wget all .bmp images from a certain adress?09:37
baratathanks fhrestrtr09:37
DARKGuyCasanova: Hehe, it -is- good too ;)09:37
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FirefisheKingsqueak:  It's when I do an 'apt-get install kde*'09:38
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DARKGuyCasanova: Glad you got back into X =)09:38
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KingsqueakFirefishe: ah, if you remove the kerberos stuff that will go away09:38
Kingsqueakunless you have some reason to need that, don't install a kdc09:39
Kingsqueakbarata: one sec I'll look it up09:39
corevetteis it normally for flash to have no sound like on google video/you tube09:39
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fyrestrtrgimmulf_: there is an example that shows exactly how to do that in the wget manual page.09:39
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Ahhh...so just do something akin to 'apt-get remove kerberos?09:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kerberos - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
Kingsqueakbarata: ah, it's not listed, likely it's the quickcam 'chat' but I don't want to tell you that and have it not work, the drivers are very specific09:40
fyrestrtrFirefishe: believe me, if you need kerberos, you will know what it is for ;) If you don't know what it is, you don't need it.09:40
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Kingsqueakbarata: I got this one for $29 from a Target store09:40
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avalonI've got an XFS drive and a EXT3 drive. My XFS is my storage device and my EXT drive is my primary drives. Problem is my storage drive and my regular drive are both nearly full, so I need to do some housecleaning. I started on my EXT drive and tried to go on to the XFS drive. Neither of them actually remove files though. They'll show the files getting deleted, be really slow with the progress screen, and then they'll appaer in the trashcan. I'll empty it09:40
avalonand still have the same folder on the hard drive full. I went through console and tried, and even KDE su ed in Konqueror but all have the same effect. The files are read write access to everyone. What's wrong?09:40
KingsqueakFirefishe: apt-get remove heimdal-kdc09:41
KingsqueakFirefishe: then try the update/upgrade again09:41
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KingsqueakFirefishe: also apt-get remove kerberos4kth-kdc09:41
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FirefisheKingsqueak: Update before installing kde? (It's currently uninstalled)09:42
KingsqueakFirefishe: get those two packages removed, then try installing kde again09:42
FirefisheKingsqueak:  but after removing of those other files?09:42
KingsqueakFirefishe: update pulls down the index files, if you've done it recently you're probably current with that09:42
barataokey Kingsqueak .... I'm in SF, there is no Target around here09:42
Firefishethen update after installing kde?09:42
baratabut CompUSA has a sale right now09:42
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Any problem with having multiverse/backports enabled?09:43
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dawkirstHi. Can I open CHM documents in Ubuntu?09:43
Kingsqueakbarata: I would read up on the usb cams shown as supported and buy one that is an exact match, I thought they were more universally supported and found they aren't and just got lucky with mine09:43
barataKingsqueak: what app do you use with that?09:43
Kingsqueakbarata: works with Ekiga and most anything else I've tried it with09:44
Kingsqueakbarata: basically they either work or not and the apps will find them if they work09:44
barataI know Kingsqueak, I just do NOT want to buy an incompatible hardware and get all the headache down the road09:44
KingsqueakFirefishe: no problem, it's handy09:44
=== Kingsqueak is getting dizzy from all the concurrent chats heh
barataI'm installing ekiga now09:44
baratawho knows it has a list of compatible hardware09:45
=== avalon is wondering if anybody has a clue whats up with my drives :(
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FirefisheKingsqueak:  I just did apt-get remove on heimdal-kdc and kerberos4kth-kdc and it says they're not installed.09:47
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KingsqueakFirefishe: o.k. somewhere, maybe in aptitude or synaptic they are selected to install, unselect them09:48
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KingsqueakFirefishe: however you are doing the install command09:48
FirefisheKingsqueak:  and that means?09:48
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FirefisheKingsqueak:  I'll check synaptic et al09:49
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KingsqueakFirefishe: whatever you are doing to do the kde install, just don't ask to install those two kerberos packages for the kdcs and it should work09:49
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KingsqueakFirefishe: a kdc is a kerberos authentication server...likely you don't want/need that09:49
KingsqueakFirefishe: you may be asking for some whacky user database something or other that is bringing in those kdc packages, something to look for09:50
=== TheOddOne [n=hgibson@hgibson.ee.sun.ac.za] has joined #ubuntu
FirefisheI'm doing an 'apt-get install kde*' to get each and every kde file there is (and I have them all, pretty much).  Is there any way to eliminate just those two files on the command line in the apt-get syntax?09:51
barataall right folk, this thing works!09:52
baratasee review: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Logitech-Quickcam-Notebooks-Deluxe-camera/dp/B0009J5B9M09:52
KingsqueakFirefishe: lol, I would say slow down a bit, and use synaptic or aptitude and just pick what you want instead09:52
barataCompUSA has this tiny little toy for only $5909:52
baratanot bad ....:)09:52
A[D] minSsudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware bcmwl5.sys09:53
A[D] minSSorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by bcm43xx-fwcutter.09:53
A[D] minSI can't find the MD5sum 114234fafec7060392195170e1c4d45e :(09:53
A[D] minSany idea?09:53
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phpnubornhow do i stop the gui from automatically loading at bootup?09:56
FirefisheKingsqueak:  Hee, I understand.  I've been around linux for a bit now.  I run Debian 3.1 on another machine.  I already have all of the packages I need for a full kde install with the works.  I just need to work around these specific dependencies.09:56
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dogfood2006_phpnuborn: you have to disable the splash screen09:56
KingsqueakFirefishe: yeah you found some dusty corner there with one of the apps09:57
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dogfood2006_phpnuborn: go to /boot/grub/menu.lst vi into it and remove any instance of 'splash' in that flat file, save the file and restart09:57
dogfood2006_you should be home free09:57
FirefisheKingsqueak:   yes, well, I usually just use aptitude.  It's just nice to see what apt-get gives you on that nice CLI ;)09:57
phpnubornno.. the xfce gui09:57
FirefisheI mean synaptic09:57
dogfood2006_I've never used xfce, are you running xubuntu09:58
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dogfood2006_How is it by the way? Is it faster?09:58
dogfood2006_Why did you choose to run xubuntu?09:58
phpnubornunder vmware's vmserver09:58
dogfood2006_Do you pay for that?09:58
Kingsqueakxubuntu uses a bit less memory than Gnome of the regular Ubuntu09:59
phpnubornit was part of the vm application i downloaded09:59
Kingsqueakit doesn't have all the glitz, but it's a very nice setup all the same09:59
phpnubornno.. vmplayer and vmserver are free09:59
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dogfood2006_Cool I have to check those out.09:59
avalondoes mono allow me to run .net applications in Ubuntu?09:59
dogfood2006_So you have to make a vmware image of xubuntu somehow to load it into memory correct?09:59
phpnubornso the way this virtual machine application comes.. it like a pre-installed distro10:00
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codeshepherdI am able to mount my CD.. but when i try to copy files from it.. (only large files) I get the Input/Output error .. dmesg reports the following .. http://pastebin.ca/25927310:01
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phpnubornonce you create a 'virtual machine' with vmserver.. you install your distro10:01
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dogfood2006_That is sweet, do I need the server version for that?10:02
phpnubornor you download a distro already created..10:02
phpnubornvmserver isn't very complex to install10:02
barataKingsqueak: I'm not very much into webcaming ... anyway ... what app other than ekiga will work with it?10:03
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FirefisheWhen doing 'apt-get install filename' is there a way to indicate that certain files are not to be installed?10:03
Kingsqueakbarata: camorama just for taking pics10:03
baratadoes skype work with that too?10:03
Kingsqueakbarata: there are some other messengers too, gizmo maybe and hmm another one10:03
FirefisheLike in 'apt-get install kde* <nix this file>10:03
fyrestrtrcodeshepherd: looks like a bad disc.10:03
Kingsqueakskype doesn't do video, not the linux client at least10:03
baratado you pay for ekiga Kingsqueak?10:04
avalonis it even possible to run an MS.net exe file in linux through wine?10:04
Kingsqueakbarata: nah it's free10:04
Kingsqueakbarata: I don't use it heavily, it was mostly to play around10:04
phpnubornso ignoring the vm stuff which doesn't apply here..   how do i stop a whatever GUI from auto-loading in xubuntu/unbuntu ?10:04
baratame too10:04
KingsqueakI was playing with skype, Ekiga, wengophone, gizmo, xten softphone, linphone etc10:04
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fyrestrtrphpnuborn: you could be more specific than 'whatever GUI'10:05
oppinitohow do i "restart x3"?10:06
oppinitoer, restart x10:06
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fyrestrtroppinito: ctrl+alt+backspace10:06
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Bubuzissimohi I'm installing ubunto for the first time10:06
dogfood2006_It's called 'bouncing' the X, paraphrase it that way, you will sound much cooler :-D10:06
Bubuzissimowhich should be the swap and root file systems?10:06
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fyrestrtroppinito: or from a terminal (ctrl+alt+f1) sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart10:06
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fyrestrtrBubuzissimo: just let it automatically partition for you, it will take care of it.10:07
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Bubuzissimojust run the install?10:07
dogfood2006_fyrestrtr: that is a long way of doing it, but now I know what dm is i guess10:07
fyrestrtrdogfood2006_: what is the short way?10:08
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dogfood2006_starting X? ctrl alt backspace10:08
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n1gkedogfood2006_, Yeh10:08
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fyrestrtr12:06 < oppinito> er, restart x10:08
fyrestrtr12:06 < fyrestrtr> oppinito: ctrl+alt+backspace10:08
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dogfood2006_fyrestrtr: that's what you asked me right?10:09
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MikeyMikehow do you view disk usage10:09
MikeyMikein console10:09
MikeyMikei always forget this one10:10
fyrestrtrMikeyMike: df -h10:10
MikeyMikedf -h10:10
MikeyMikethank you :D10:10
kandinskiI have updated to edgy and my computer (toshiba m200) does not recover well from suspend now: X doesn't draw when I come out of suspend. Any fix?10:10
fyrestrtrdf = disk free10:10
MikeyMikei wont forget now.......10:10
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dogfood2006_MikeyMike relax bro10:10
MikeyMikedogfood2006_, i am relaxed10:10
fyrestrtrkandinski: do you have an ati video card?10:10
kandinskifyrestrtr: nvidia card10:10
dogfood2006_Ok, you were starting to cover up my screen there10:10
=== Raphael [n=raphael@73.80-202-81.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
phpnuborndon't all gui's get started with startx ?   so what does it matter which gui i'm using.. aren't they all treated the same.. in some standard way?10:11
MikeyMikedogfood2006_, it will clear up soon :)10:11
fyrestrtrkandinski: you might want to install the drivers for it, it helps with this kind of stuff.10:11
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dogfood2006_Good to know, thanks for the consolence10:11
kandinskifyrestrtr: thanks10:11
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MikeyMikedogfood2006_, of course :) :)10:11
fyrestrtrphpnuborn: no, a login manager starts different sessions. startx is just a script to start a minimal WM.10:11
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phpnubornso if a gui starts up generic.. shouldn't stoping them from auto-loading at boot time be generic?10:12
fyrestrtrphpnuborn: sure, just change the run level, or remove the login manager from your startup scripts.10:13
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phpnubornok.. i see *nix world is still rough around the edges..10:13
=== BlackHawk [n=BlackHaw@p54B427F1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrok.. I see you are new to the *nix world.10:14
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dogfood2006_If I run vmwareserver, I can have more than one distribution virtualized correct?10:15
osfameronfyrestrtr: a name like "phpnuborn" and you think he's trying to hide that? ;-)10:15
fredldogfood2006_, yes.10:16
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fyrestrtrdogfood2006_: yes, as long as you have the diskspace for it.10:16
fredland the memory :)10:16
fyrestrtryou can have as many as you like -- just how many you run at once makes the difference ;)10:16
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phpnubornin my dos/win 3.1 days..  it was a lot more simple..  win  started it.. file>exit    exited it.. 1 simple edit to a standard file called autoexec.bat.. you were done..  login scripts.. i have to track more than 1 start up file?   oh yea.. *nix is so much better..10:16
dogfood2006_ I dont have to run all of them simultaneously10:16
dogfood2006_I'd like to try out xubuntu, edubuntu, fedora, and rhel10:17
fyrestrtrphpnuborn: do you have a question, or are you just ranting? :)10:17
fredldogfood2006_, in that case vmware is probably perfect for what you're trying to do.10:17
dogfood2006_Cool beans!10:17
fredldogfood2006_, an interesting thing to remember btw is that for a lot of 'appliances' VMware has images readily available.10:17
phpnubornand what was that file name i need to edit?10:18
FirefisheHow does one change the startup splash screen?  ie, from ubuntu to kubuntu and back again? ;)P10:18
Firefishe;) rather10:18
dogfood2006_Where do I get these images?10:18
fredlsuch an appliance image you just download, enable in vmware, and *click* you have it up and running.10:18
phpnubornto stop xfec loading?10:18
Bubuzissimoone question please10:18
=== neobyte420 [n=neobyte4@adsl-69-208-129-182.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
fredldogfood2006_, vam.vmware.com10:18
neobyte420hey room10:18
phpnuborndogfood2006_, go to www.vmware.com10:18
Bubuzissimoshould swap be primary partition or extended?10:19
neobyte420i need some networking help10:19
fredl(vam = virtual appliance marketplace)10:19
dogfood2006_I'm assuming I'll have to get my networking bridged as well correct? I'll have to create a network bridge perhaps?10:19
neobyte420is there anyone here that knows about the firestarter firewall?10:19
phpnubornthey have menu for free vm products10:19
neobyte420im trying to share my internet connection to my lan...but it keeps failing to start10:19
fredldogfood2006_, that's all in vmware. You can either set up a virtual network within the vmware env. or make it bridge to a real network IP10:20
neobyte420can someone plz help10:20
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:20
neobyte420I set my eth1 ip to a static10:20
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fyrestrtrBubuzissimo: you can only have 4 primary partitions. Make it a primary.10:20
neobyte420im not sure if im using the right ip for the gateway though10:20
Spee_Der!pastbin | neobyte42010:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:21
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Spee_Der!pastebin | neobyte42010:21
ubotuneobyte420: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:21
Spee_Derneobyte420: Put it there so people can look at it for you and possibly advise.10:22
Spee_Derneobyte420: Then come here and post the url so we can find it.10:22
fyrestrtrneobyte420: firestarter can help you with that.10:22
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neobyte420Spee_Der, im using firestater...10:22
fyrestrtr!info firestarter10:22
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB10:22
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:22
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neobyte420fyrestrtr, do you know about how i can solve my issue10:23
neobyte420maybe i just need to upgrade10:23
fyrestrtrneobyte420: what is the problem exactly?10:23
barataanybody uses "LaCie LightScribe Labeler for Linux"???10:23
eepberriesalright. i've messed up my xserv configuration and now it isn't starting up10:23
eepberrieshow can i fix it?10:24
fyrestrtreepberries: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:24
eepberrieswhat will this do?10:24
Spee_Dereepberries: You mean you fouled your xorg.conf ?10:24
user__Why can't I add a user with a CAPITAL Letter. Joe10:24
fyrestrtreepberries: reconfigure it :)10:24
eepberriesspee yeah i think. i was adding wacom support10:24
Lynoure!anybody | barata10:24
ubotubarata: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:24
Spee_Dereepberries: In terminal mode do this.10:24
eepberriesand then when i restarted xserv, it wouldn't load right10:24
dogfood2006_Anyone use fedora 6 in here?10:24
Spee_Dereepberries: cd /etc/X1110:25
fyrestrtrdogfood2006_: probably lots of folk in #fedora do.10:25
eepberrieshow do i get it in terminal mode?10:25
neobyte420fyrestrtr, when i go to preferences to nettwork settings there is a create new DHVP configuration option...i select it and accept but it gives me a error10:25
Spee_Dereepberries: sudo cp xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf10:25
fyrestrtrneobyte420: what error?10:25
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Spee_Dereepberries: The use the ctrl+alt+backspace to resart x, if you do have a xorg.conf.backup that is.10:25
eepberrieswhen i restarted my computer, a blue screen asks me if i want to see the error log or something, then after that i can't do anything10:25
dogfood2006_Yeah, I might take a gander there, I'd be interested in getting an ubuntu users' opinion on fedora, advantages, disadvantages, etc..10:26
fyrestrtreepberries: what was the last thing you did before you computer restarted?10:26
eepberriesit's a black screen that ends with "running local boot scripts"10:26
Spee_DerRight, it dumps you to terminal mode so you can log in10:26
fyrestrtrdogfood2006_: #ubuntu-offtopic for that.10:26
eepberriesspee it doesn't let me enter anything in10:26
fyrestrtreepberries: you have to login10:26
dogfood2006_fyrestrtr, good call10:26
neobyte420it tells me that it fail to start the firewall...a unkown error occurred...and that i should check my network device settings amd make sure my internet connection is active10:26
eepberrieshow do i do that10:26
Spee_Deryou hvae to login with user name then root password10:26
eepberriesbut i never get a chance to log in10:26
fyrestrtrSpee_Der: what?10:26
Spee_Deronce there you can cd /etc/X1110:26
fyrestrtreepberries: hit ctrl+alt+f2 -- you should get a login prompt. Type your username, hit enter, type your password, hit enter.10:27
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neobyte420fyrestrtr, any ideas on how to get this up and running?10:27
Spee_Derfyrestrtr: I've been going through that all weekend with trying to add 2nd monitor to dual head video card, finally got it working.10:27
fyrestrtrneobyte420: not sure to be honest, I always did it "manually"10:27
josh_hi, does anyone know what tuner i can use to listen to a radio station (listen.pls)10:27
fyrestrtrjosh_: sudo aptitude -r install streamtuner10:28
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Spee_Derjosh_: Try xmms ?10:28
neobyte420i had it working manually...but i want to use firestarter this time10:28
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fyrestrtrneobyte420: ... why? if it works, leave it be.10:28
neobyte420could it just be a bug in the software?10:28
Spee_Derjosh_: I use streamtuner then select my ststion and use xmms to play.10:28
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fyrestrtrneobyte420: maybe. You'd have to check the website or LP10:29
josh_thanks ;)10:29
neobyte420becasue i want to beable to use my bittorrent10:29
neobyte420i was getting a NAT error10:29
fyrestrtrjosh_: when you type sudo aptitude -r install streamtuner, it will install streamtuner (a browser for online radios) and xmms and another software for recording online radio.10:29
eepberriesalright so i've done cd /etc/X11 now what?10:29
josh_ok i already had streamtuner10:30
fyrestrtrneobyte420: that just means your ports aren't forwarded properly.10:30
neobyte420so i was going to use the firestarter firewall in steed of the manual settings to allow a port through10:30
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Bubuzissimoone last question10:30
josh_thanks fyrestrtr ! :)10:30
neobyte420i dont know port forwarding to well yet10:30
Spee_Dereepberries: do a ls and see if you have a file named xorg.conf.backup10:30
fyrestrtrneobyte420: if you want my suggestion, use shorewall :)10:30
Bubuzissimohow do I name the partitions in gparted?10:30
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Bubuzissimodo I need to name them or I just create the partitions and make APLLY?10:30
neobyte420does shorewall have a dhcp setting to share out the internet over my lan?10:30
eepberriesno there's only an xorg.conf, no xorg.conf.backup10:31
fyrestrtrBubuzissimo: you don't name partitions (unless they are LVM volumes). Create then, hit apply, then mount them somewhere.10:31
fyrestrtrneobyte420: yes, it can do that, but you need to setup a dhcp server first.10:31
fyrestrtrneobyte420: also, just a warning -- there is no gui for shorewall, its all command line and text files.10:31
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Spee_Dereepberries: Ok. What did you do to mess the xorg.conf up ? You need to edit that file in order for X to start properly.10:31
fyrestrtrneobyte420: but its dead easy to setup :)10:32
neobyte420will u help me plz fyrestrtr10:32
eepberrieswell, i was followin the tutorial for how to add wacom tools10:32
neobyte420ill get it10:32
eepberrieslet me look up what it said to do specifically10:32
fyrestrtrneobyte420: there are sample configurations on the shorewall.net website. Probably one that fits your situation perfectly.10:32
Spee_Dereepberries:While you are in /etc/X11 do a dir and see how many xorg.XXX.XXXXXXX files you might have10:32
fyrestrtreepberries: ls xorg.*10:33
eepberriesthere's only the xorg.conf file10:33
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Spee_Derfyrestrtr: tell eep how to do the reconfigure thingy please.10:33
fyrestrtreepberries: just run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -- it will backup the file you have, create a new one, and then you can login to gnome.10:33
Spee_DerI can't remember not awake enough yet10:33
Spee_Derfyrestrtr: thanks10:34
=== Spee_Der needs more coffee
eepberriesactually i want to write down the errors it was giving first10:34
Spee_Dereepberries: Smart move.10:34
fyrestrtreepberries: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:34
fyrestrtreepberries: that will give you errors10:34
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josh_ok thanks, now i can listen to shoutcast servers that are predefined, how do i import a custom one? whenever i try, it keeps on trying to open a file or something10:35
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fyrestrtrjosh_: in streamtuner?10:36
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hazarathOk, tried to enable my Nvidia driver, says my X config has been altered... help?10:36
josh_fyrestrtr: yes, but it plays in xmss10:36
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fyrestrtrjosh_: yes, since streamtuner is not a player, just a browser/search engine.10:36
uksprouthi all10:36
fyrestrtrhazarath: read the wiki :)10:36
josh_ah, so how do i play a custom stream?10:37
neobyte420ty fyrestrtr for the link..im reading up on it more10:37
fyrestrtrjohns^: just add the url there, or open it directly in xmms.10:37
hazarathfyrestrtr: Er... sorry, long day... got the link? :/10:37
dogfood2006_Why does ubuntu use partition #5 as it's default swap parition?10:37
fyrestrtr!nvidia | hazarath10:37
ubotuhazarath: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:37
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dogfood2006_It uses hda1 for it's primary, why not use hda2 for swap?10:37
fyrestrtrdogfood2006_: something you should ask in LP :)10:38
dogfood2006_Linux programmer?10:38
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fyrestrtrlaunchpad -- the ubuntu bug tracker.10:38
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eepberriesoh man this reconfigure utility is complicated10:38
dogfood2006_I see, thanks.10:39
fyrestrtreepberries: just answer the questions as best as you can, its quite liberal. Most of the time, you can just accept the default.10:39
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:40
phpnubornctrl-alt-f1, then   sudo gdm stop   to stop the gui once started?10:40
fyrestrtrsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:40
uksproutI am having some install probs:  I am getting "checking for SDL_Init in -lSDL... no10:41
uksprout" next line is "configure: error: SDL is required10:41
uksprout" I have searched on Ubuntu.org but cannot find a reference10:41
eepberriesalright so now it's back to the command prompt. do i have to restart the computer?10:41
fyrestrtrphpnuborn: if you want to stop it permanently, you have two options. Either change the default run level (by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst) or take the display manager out of your startup scripts, by reading the man page for update-rc.d10:41
=== Fredle [n=fredle@195-144-080-073.dyn.adsl.xs4all.be] has joined #ubuntu
phpnubornoh yea.. *nix can't figure out paths on its own..  thx for the reminder10:41
fyrestrtruksprout: what are you installing?10:41
fyrestrtreepberries: no, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:42
Spee_Dereepberries: no10:42
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hazarathfyrestrtr: Did it step by step, says my X configuration has been altered.10:43
uppal_hello everyone10:43
uppal_can someone please help me10:43
uppal_i cannot get direct rendering to work10:43
Bubuzissimothnks fyrestrtr10:43
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tom47does anyone know why there is an edgy-proposed repository10:43
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uksproutfyrestrtr: it is a game called orbital_eunuchs_sniper-1.30 this time, I have also tried a number of other programs and one or two are complaining of a missing cpp or that cpp fails sanity check10:43
uppal_sudo cp /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/misc/fglrx.ko <-- this fails10:43
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fyrestrtrhazarath: easy way to solve this is to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, change 'nv' to 'nvidia' and save it.10:43
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fyrestrtr!compile | uksprout10:44
ubotuuksprout: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:44
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hazarathfyrestrtr: Er... sorry, how? x.x10:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about edgy-proposed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:44
hazarathfyrestrtr: Tried it once, apperntly it didn't save right.10:44
fyrestrtrhazarath: sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:44
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Vichmy ubuntu splash screen colours are weird10:44
fyrestrtrhazarath: you have to open it with sudo because your normal user doesn't have rights to write to that file.10:44
Vichthe ubuntu text is orange instead of white10:45
uksproutfyrestrtr: ok thanks will go read10:45
Vichand it's rather fuzzy10:45
Vichalso, the major problem10:45
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Vichthe text is black instead of blue10:45
Vichor at least I'm assuming so since I can't read any of it10:45
fyrestrtrVich: are you on edgy or dapper?10:45
fyrestrtrVich: what text are you talking about?10:45
Link9618Is safe for me to use the "sudo" command while online?10:45
hazarathfyrestrtr: In said file: it says Driver: "nvidia'10:45
Vichwell, on my other ubuntu system10:46
hazarathNot 'nv'10:46
fyrestrtrhazarath: it should say Driver "nvidia"10:46
Link9618And is it safe for me to open a program with the sudo command at leave it open while online?10:46
VichI recall blue text, like press enter to restart, etc10:46
hazarathfyrestrtr: Ok, so, why is it not working? :s10:46
VichI suppose it doesn't show often10:46
Vichbut when it does, I'd like to read it10:46
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fyrestrtrhazarath: for that you'll have to check the X log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)10:46
hazarathfyr "nvidia" rather10:46
Link9618is it?10:47
eepberriesalright so i did sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start and it's still at the terminal view10:47
fyrestrtrLink9618: depends on the program10:47
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fyrestrtreepberries: hit ctrl+alt+f710:48
Link9618How do I know?10:48
eepberriesalright. it says the x server is now disabled and to disable it when configured10:48
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fyrestrtreepberries: you should see a blinking cursor, and then it should bring the logon screen (sometimes, it takes a bit). If it doesn't do that, then hit ctrl+alt+f2 and hit /etc/init.d/gdm stop -- and then check the log file for any error messages (grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log)10:48
psichoI cant find opera on synaptic even after i'd enabled the additional repos- used to be there in 6.01. Do i need additional repos to install opera?10:49
hazarathfyrestrtr: What am I looking for? I see no error status... [I.E. (EE)] 10:49
fyrestrtreepberries: hit cltr+alt+f2, then type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart10:49
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fyrestrtrhazarath: pastebin it, or join #flood and paste the lines there.10:49
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tom47does anyone know why -edgy-proposed exists as a repository?10:49
eepberriesfyre it looks like the reconfigure utility isn't actually saving anything10:50
Spee_Derfyrestrtr: Please send again the ee grep thing to see the error log, I forgot to write it down10:50
fyrestrtrpsicho: the deb from the site works well.10:50
eepberriesit's still giving the errors the same errors related to wacom stuff10:50
psichoOK, thanks.10:50
Spee_Dereepberries: When you edit the xorg.conf file, just put a # in front of the call for the wacom, to ignore it.10:51
Spee_Dereepberries: That's what I did.10:51
dv5237i got a 'Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950' in my notebook can i install a driver for it to get a better preformens in games ect?10:51
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eepberriesshouldn't the reconfigure thing overwrite it though? also, how can i edit the file?10:51
fyrestrtrSpee_Der: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:52
fyrestrtrdv5237: sure10:52
fyrestrtr!915resolution | dv523710:52
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 14 kB, installed size 128 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)10:52
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Spee_Derfyrestrtr: Many thanks10:53
dv5237fyrestrtr: but issnt that only for the resolution? and not a driver?10:53
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infestfyrestrtr, me too have a same problem with my Intel 865G chipset10:54
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phpnubornsome mentioned a package called  BUM ...  some kind boot manager.. anyone know about it?  i am thinking about installing it..10:55
JNeverMindid like to configure apt-get to install packs from the net because i dont have a cdrom drive anymore10:55
fyrestrtr!info bum10:55
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:55
ubotubum: graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.7-1 (edgy), package size 80 kB, installed size 524 kB10:55
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eepberriesif i delete my xorg.conf file, will i be able to use the reconfigure utility to rewrite it?10:55
fyrestrtrfor those wanting information on the intel driver, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Video10:55
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fyrestrtreepberries: yes, it will regenerate it.10:56
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Smotanganyone know a linux solution to Ventrilo?10:56
fyrestrtrJNeverMind: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and put a # before the very first deb line.10:56
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fyrestrtrJNeverMind: now type sudo apt-get update10:59
fyrestrtrand it should start pulling from the web.10:59
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DavieyHi guys, on boot-up, what is the first time i can call/run a program.  I have hoping i can do it during usplash, splash screen.  Any ideas?11:02
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kujaDaviey: /etc/profile is a good place, I believe11:04
Davieykuja, is that only run when the user logs in?11:04
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kujaThat's the global profile. It gets run once before anyone logs in11:05
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Davieykuja, i'm hoping to call the script earlier than that.  Thanks anyway11:05
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kujaDaviey: You could, I just don't know how.11:06
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Davieykuja, cheers11:06
kujaDaviey: Just like the scripts in /etc/init.d, right?11:06
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fyrestrtrDaviey: you can create the script, and just add it to a run level.11:06
tanathi have a wee problem. when i log in, it says "i have detected a gnome-panel already running and will now exit" or something to that effect.. only there's no gnome panel, and if i run it from the terminal, i get the same thing11:07
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kujaDaviey: man update-rc.d11:07
fyrestrtrtanath: playing with XGL?11:07
tanathrunning edgy11:07
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tanathfyrestrtr, no, beryl. was fine before though11:07
Davieyfyrestrtr, how can i add it to the run level?11:07
dogfood2006_Is there a shortcut to get a new terminal window up on ubuntu?11:07
eepberriesi cannot figure out how to replace the broken xserver config file11:07
dogfood2006_shortcut key?11:07
tanathfyrestrtr, aiglx11:07
kujaDaviey: Read what I said :)11:07
Davieykuja, cheers11:08
eepberriesi've tried deleting xorg.conf and usin gthe reconfigure utility, but it seems like the same problem keeps hapenning11:08
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eepberriesi keep getting the same errors11:08
fyrestrtrtanath: that sounds about right :) try your luck in #ubuntu-xgl11:08
Davieykuja, i think that is what i want ;)11:08
fyrestrtreepberries: what errors?11:08
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kujaDaviey: =)11:08
browniefree internet anyone?11:08
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tanathfyrestrtr, er, aiglx & xgl are two different things...11:09
mr-russwhere can I find info on cross compiling packages for ubuntu?11:09
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eepberriesfyrestrtr: Failed to load module "wacom" (module requirement mismatch, 0)11:09
fyrestrtrtanath: its the same channel for both.11:09
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eepberriesfollowed by three instances of "No input driver matching 'wacom'"11:09
tanathi see11:09
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kujaeepberries: I think it's okay to fail to load wacom :P11:09
kujaeepberries: Mine fails too, yet X always starts11:09
eepberrieswell it isn't starting anymore11:09
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fyrestrtreepberries: unless you have a wacom tablet, you can ignore those.11:09
eepberriesyeah i do11:09
fyrestrtreepberries: OH11:10
eepberriesit worked before11:10
=== fyrestrtr thinks you should have mentioned that from the start!
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eepberriesbut then i tried installing the "wacom tools"11:10
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ubotuFor multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications11:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:11
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kujawe2by: You know you can message the bot too11:11
fyrestrtr!msgthebot | we2by11:11
ubotuwe2by: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots - Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... ;-)11:11
eepberriesso fyrestrtr do you know anything about it?11:11
dogfood2006_Is there a keyboard shortcut to get a terminal window to open?11:12
amileftinstall Apache2.2.3 from source but httpd can not start up automatic11:12
kuja!automatix | we2by11:12
ubotuwe2by: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:12
we2bykuja, nah, don't like automatix11:12
kujaWow, not the exact message I was expecting from that factoid lol11:12
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kujaI used automatix, and it worked great for me. It even worked better for azureus than the azureus in the Ubuntu repos :P11:12
fyrestrtrit breaks more things than it fixes, and its also not supported.11:13
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amileftinstall Apache2.2.3 from source but httpd can not start up automatic. And aft google I can not find help so I come here trouble you.11:13
kujaWell, that's all good. I took the risk I guess.11:13
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kujafyrestrtr: I'd rather have something I don't care about break than something I do care about not work.11:14
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fyrestrtrkuja: you'll care when you can't login to your box :) but hey, see !WorksForMe11:15
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Link9618Which programs or type of programs will pose a security risk if I use the sudo command to open it?11:15
kujafyrestrtr: Haven't had the issue, the only thing similar to that is that sudo broke. Fixed it with a single command :)11:15
phpnubornanyone here use ubuntu/xubuntu with  vmware's vmserver?11:16
tahorg_Link9618: every program that you're not sure about.11:16
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tanathno joy. i don't think it's a driver or X problem...11:16
Link9618well tha't all of them11:16
tahorg_Link9618: so you have your answer. "All of them"11:17
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eepberriesso can anyone figure out why xserver won't start anymore? this is exactly what i did before it stopped working https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WacomTabletIssue11:18
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fekeeboy: startx in a console and watch auf for errors11:19
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fyrestrtreepberries: easiest way to get your server to start is to disable the wacom tablet device.11:20
eepberrieshow do i do that11:20
drakeoutlawhi all can any bluetooth users help?11:20
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eepberriesfyrestrtr: how can i disable the wacom tablet?11:22
fyrestrtreepberries: open up your xorg.conf , scroll down to the section "ServerLayout" put a # in front of the InputDevice for your wacom tablet, save the file, and restart X.11:22
DmoleHi, anyone have an insight to "monitor Out of Range" problems?11:22
eepberriesbut how do i save it if i don't have permission to11:22
fyrestrtrDmole: change you refresh rates.11:22
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kujaeepberries: Remove wacom-tools and xserver-xorg-input-wacom and see what happens11:23
fyrestrtreepberries: you open it with sudo11:23
eepberrieskuja what would i enter into the terminal to do that11:23
kujasudo apt-get remove xserver-xorg-input-wacom wacom-tools11:23
phpnuborni am in text mode.. i have an error message want to cut and paste to a text file...  can i do that some how?11:24
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kujaeepberries: Then from your command line reconfigure your X, by typing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:25
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rohphpnuborn, you should be able to just use the mouse...11:25
phpnubornso basically i want to copy from the text screen and paste to a text file..11:25
phpnubornok.. i'll try11:25
rohphpnuborn: When you move the mouse, do you see a moving cursor?11:25
rohphpnuborn: Left-drag to select, right-click to paste.11:26
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fyrestrtrmiddle click to paste also work.11:26
Eonsi need some help with nvidia driver 1.0-9629, everytime i use any app that requires fullscreen, X crashes11:26
bookmachow do you install the java plugin? i already tried downloading it and ln -s11:26
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:26
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kujabookmac: Install the sun-java5-jre then type: sudo update-alternatives --config java11:27
drakeoutlawPlease help me to set up  bluetooth to send and receive files from my mobile phone11:27
kujaThen select the number to the sun-java5-jre11:27
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fyrestrtrdrakeoutlaw: install gnome-bluetooth (sudo apt-get install gnome-bluetooth)11:27
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drakeoutlawfyrestrtr yes did that and can receive from phone to PC but how do I send to phone from PC?11:28
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rohphpnuborn: If you're running a program and want to put its output into a file instead of on the screen, you don't even need a mouse11:29
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phpnubornall i get is the blinking underline cursor.. mouse has no functions..11:29
eepberriesfyrestrtr: alright i don't see anything related to the wacom under ServerLayout in the xorg.conf. it mentions it elsewhere in the file though11:29
kujaeepberries: Did you do what I say? heh11:30
bookmackuja> after typing what you said I got: There is only 1 program which provides java11:30
bookmac(/usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.1). Nothing to configure.11:30
eepberrieskuja yes11:30
eepberriesit still isn't working11:30
rohphpnuborn: The mouse needs something called "gpm" to work in text mode -- I guess you don't hae it installed.11:30
phpnubornoh.. yea..  redirect screen output to a file11:30
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: IIRC, you may use gnome-obex-server11:30
infestphpnuborn, are you trying to boot ubuntu, under vmware?11:30
infestphpnuborn, like ubuntu as a GuestOS11:31
phpnubornxubuntu is booting just fine under vmware11:31
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: indeed, gnome-obex-server will let you receive files sent from other bluetooth devices11:31
phpnuborni mean.. vmserver11:32
infestphpnuborn, On *phyisical hard drive" ?11:32
phpnuborni think i got what i need11:32
Eonsit will stay on your notify area as a blue antenna icon, and it will popup a window when a phone is sending something to ya11:32
infestcan you post the link please, I'm trying to figure that out11:32
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eepberriesalright the error log file is still saying the error "could not open default font 'fixed'"11:33
eepberriesuh, is this really a problem?11:33
infestphpnuborn, you need a bootable floppy or *.img to do so11:33
tanathi need some help. i can't get gnome-panel running. it's in my startup apps, but not in my current session. if i try to run it, it says it's detected one already running and exits11:34
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kujatanath: Did you try restarting X?11:34
tanathkuja, yep11:34
eepberriesit's also saying "error opening security policy file /etc/X11/xserver/SecurityPolicy"11:34
tanathkuja, it started when i logged out11:34
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misreckoningI have ubuntu 6.06 and it works great, but on 6.10 it can't recognize my ethernet card :/11:35
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misreckoningand can I upgrade my system to ubuntu 6.10 without reinstalling it ?11:36
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kujamisreckoning: Just point your dapper repositories to edgy, yes11:36
infestmisreckoning, don't try it11:36
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phpnubornok.. i just tried     apt-get install bum  > errmsg.txt      but the error messages are going to  stderr i think.. so how would i redirect stderr to a file?11:36
tanathmisreckoning, i upgraded with dist-upgraded months ago, with minimal probs, but others have had probs11:37
infestas if now, they 're fixing it11:37
drakeoutlawEons: Isn't obex-server installed when gnome bluetooth is installsed?11:37
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: uhm, i don't know11:38
tanathmisreckoning, i think you just need to make sure you have at least, ubuntu-minimal installed11:38
Eonswait a minute, i'll do a check right now11:38
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drakeoutlawEons: is there a GUI that will show the mobile's filesystem?11:38
tanathalthough it's not minimal enough for me :p11:39
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: this depends on your phone11:39
Eonsmine doesn't support this feature, and I have no idea how to do it11:39
drakeoutlawEons: Nokia 623011:39
J_Phi all11:39
EonsI'm pretty sure that there are a lot of howtos on the forum11:39
misreckoningtanath: what is ubuntu minimal?11:39
misreckoninginfest: why not?11:40
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Eonsdrakeoutlaw: yes, gnome-obex-server is in gnome-bluetooth11:40
tanathmisreckoning, a meta-package that makes sure you have the basic necessities of ubuntu. i think the default is ubuntu-desktop which has more11:40
drakeoutlawEons: so obex-server will require command line to send file?11:40
tanathmisreckoning, you'd have it unless you removed it11:40
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Eonsdrakeoutlaw: do you need to send o receive?11:41
beckyHello, for some reason my Ubuntu Edgy setup I just installed is showing an additional floppy drive that never mounts. I only have 1 physical floppy drive, and that mounts OK. how to I get rid of the other one showing in "Computer"?11:41
Eonsif you need to send, you'll use gnome-obex-send11:41
drakeoutlawEons: both11:41
misreckoningtanath: ok I have that11:41
Eonsyou'd like to create a shortcut11:41
misreckoningtanath: what are the edgy repos?11:41
Eonsfor gnome-obex-send11:41
tanathbecky, i have that too, only i don't have a floppy drive.. o.O11:41
Werdnumubuntu: linux for communists11:42
=== Werdnum ducks.
misreckoningtanath: I guess I should first remove old (6.06) repos?11:42
Eonsso you can drag files on it and it will be easier to send files11:42
kujaWerdnum: Makes me wonder why I'm still using Ubuntu, lol11:42
tanathmisreckoning, if you're editing sources.list just change instances of dapper to edgy11:42
kujaI've been meaning to switch, I've been sort of lazy :P11:42
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: create an app shortcut on your panel to gnome-obex-send11:42
drakeoutlawEons: Ok I get the idea now. Great!  Thank you very much11:42
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beckytanath/anyone else - Any idea how to remove an item from the computer:/// directory then?11:42
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Eonsdrakeoutlaw: another thing11:42
Eonsopen system -> preferences -> session  properties11:43
drakeoutlawEons: still listening11:43
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tanathi need some help. i can't get gnome-panel running. it's in my startup apps, but not in my current session. if i try to run it, it says it's detected one already running and exits11:43
Eonsgo to the last tab11:43
Eonsand add this program11:43
Eonsso everytime you open gnome11:43
Eonsyour pc will be ready to receive11:44
Eonsit's better than doing it manually11:44
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robWerdnum: don't troll!11:44
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tanaththis happens when i log in too11:44
drakeoutlawEons: Dude! you're the man (unless you're a girl) Thanks a mil11:44
Eonsdrakeoutlaw: np =P11:44
misreckoningtanath: ok I will do it manualy, thank you11:45
Werdnumrob: that is so not trolling11:45
misreckoningtanath:  I hope it won't break anything :P11:45
Werdnumrob: the pic is funny! http://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Image:UbuntuLogo2.png11:45
robWerdnum: yeah it is11:45
Werdnumrob: fine. I shall leave.11:45
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robsaves me doing it I guess :)11:46
tanathmisreckoning, maybe make a backup of sources.list11:46
misreckoningtanath: sure I will11:46
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tanathmisreckoning, you know how to edit files from the commandline/terminal?11:46
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web_knowshi :)11:46
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misreckoningtanath: yeah I know at least that much ;)11:46
tanathmisreckoning, good to know if x breaks.11:46
beckyPlease, I know someone knows the answer to this one.11:46
misreckoningtanath: nano, vim, emacs :)11:47
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archisHi ppl - a question re. update-manager11:48
tanathmisreckoning, btw, you done this before?11:48
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tanathmisreckoning, you use listbugs?11:48
misreckoningtanath: nope :/11:48
archisI updgraded to edgy without any problems but11:48
tanathmisreckoning, i can't recall if it shows bugs by default11:48
archisI said no when it asked me to delete obsolete libs and stuff and the very end11:49
misreckoningtanath: bugs are possible? whyyyy :(11:49
archisbecause I was concerned it might remove a few things11:49
tanathmisreckoning, but if it does, ignore them. you'll need to upgrade everything. and some bugs only show when some apps aren't updated11:49
archisthat I had installed via dpkg -i and alien previously11:49
misreckoningtanath: ok who cares, I will try11:49
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tanathmisreckoning, heh. 99.999% of all apps have bugs11:49
archisperhaps that was a misplaced worry11:49
misreckoningtanath: when debian comes out I will wipe out ubuntu from my hdd ;)11:49
archisbut in any case I want to get rid of the cruft11:50
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archisis there a command to go with update-manager to repeat that specific step11:50
archisor should I use Snyaptic (in on GNOME)11:50
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tanathsynaptic is good. you can add a custom filter to show orphaned packages11:51
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tanathdo that, archis11:52
tanatharchis, there's also 'sudo apt-get autoremove'11:52
archisok cool and the orphaned filter in synaptic works via deborpham is that right?11:52
tanatharchis, but you can find more 'cruft' with a synaptic filter11:52
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archisok and would that be libs only or all srots of things?11:53
tanathfinds more than libs for me11:53
tanathmostly libs though11:53
archis(that I can safely remv)11:53
tanathbut you don't have to remove everything11:54
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archisand is synaptic smart enough to warn me if I try to throow soth out that I installed manually (locally)11:54
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archisdependencies of local pkgs etc11:54
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tanatharchis, i'm pretty sure if you installed it manually it won't show in that filter11:54
tanatharchis, deps don't show11:55
archisok because there's also the 'local and obsolete' filter in synaptic11:55
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archisI dont quite understand the meaning of obsolete vs local11:55
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tanatharchis, i don't know the details of how it works, but i've never had probs using it. though it's shown things i'm not sure i want to remove (decoder libs), but i just leave 'em11:55
saimu0My OPENOFFICE is all in LAO  and i want to change it to Chinese, can anyone help ?11:56
tanatharchis, not to sure either11:56
archishehe yeah I thought that these distinctions are quite esoteric for most11:56
tanatharchis, i would guess local is locally installed (w/ dpkg) and obsolete is just not needed anymore11:56
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archishm yeah but I guess it would not be a good idea to touch any of that11:57
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tanatharchis, btw, if you install stuff with aptitude, it marks it so it knows you want that, and any deps installed for it get marked as autoremovable11:57
tanatharchis, you can use it just like apt-get11:58
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tanatharchis, except it has 'aptitude reinstall' :)11:58
archisok and can you remind what autoremove does11:58
archisI will use aptotude autoclean at the end11:59
tanatharchis, removes automatically installed dependancies11:59
archisto get rid of unused deb archives11:59
archisah ok11:59
tanaththat aren't needed anymore11:59
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archisah cool and thats apt-get autoremove or aptitude autoremove11:59
tanathpossibly both12:00
tanathdon't think so though12:00
tanathi need some help. i can't get gnome-panel running. it's in my startup apps, but not in my current session. if i try to run it, it says it's detected one already running and exits12:01
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soundrayIs there a way to calculate the mtime difference between a pair of files in minutes?12:02
archisthanks for helping tanath :)12:02
tonyyarussotanath: Maybe it is actually running and you just don't have any panels enabled?  Try a right-click, "Add panel".  Had you deleted them before, or is this on a fresh install?12:02
tanathtonyyarusso, nope. not running12:03
tanathtonyyarusso, there's no panel to right-click on :p12:03
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tim__banyone into package building using pbuilder? i tried building an liferea package which needs mozilla-dev to be installed. i added the package to my dsc and also via pbuilder --extrapackage but via make install in pbuilder the script claims not to find mozilla-dev. any suggestions?12:04
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tanathtonyyarusso, this is an upgrade from dapper. i wouldn't delete something  ieneded :p12:04
tanath*i needed. bloody cold fingers12:04
tonyyarussotanath: Does anything show up in 'ps aux | grep gnome-panel'?12:04
tanathtonyyarusso, nope12:04
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tanathwait a sec12:05
tanaththere isn ow12:05
soundraytanath: I know I'm late in this, but have you tried Alt-F2 gnome-panel ?12:05
tanathalt-f2 doesn't work12:05
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tanathgnome-panel --sm-config-prefix /gnome-panel-PfbWgc/ --sm-client-id 117f000001000116001917900000216780006 --screen 012:05
tonyyarussookay, but none show.12:06
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tanathsoundray, i run it from the terminal, but it just says it's already running and exits12:06
tanathso i guess i'l ltry killing it12:06
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tanath:D i'm a dumbass12:07
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tanathdidn't show in current session, so i assumed it wasn't running12:07
tanathtonyyarusso, 'vim' = victory is mine12:08
tonyyarussoSo not the text editor then.12:08
tanathtonyyarusso, i ran 'killall gnome-panel' and ran it12:08
tanathtonyyarusso, lol, no. geek reference, but not that one12:08
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AnAnthow can I find out the KERNEL compile options ? I am using the -generic kernel12:09
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tanathtonyyarusso, (stewie from family guy)12:09
tanathsome gamers use it a lot12:09
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about OCR - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:10
KnowledgEngiOptical Character Recognition12:10
tanathok, thx. :D i'm out12:10
soundrayAnAnt: /boot/config-$(uname -r)12:11
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tonyyarussoKnowledgEngi: there are a few in 'apt-cache search ocr'12:12
soundrayKnowledgEngi: also, you might find this article interesting: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/09/18/19125112:12
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tonyyarussosoundray: It's in the repos too (at least on Feisty).  command line only though12:13
klm-which command do I use to shutdown machine in 10min?12:14
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soundraytonyyarusso: good... first time I know a reason to upgrade to feisty ;)12:14
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:14
soundrayklm-: man shutdown12:14
tonyyarusso!info tesseract-ocr edgy12:14
ubotuPackage tesseract-ocr does not exist in edgy12:14
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soundrayklm-: 'sudo shutdown -h 10'12:16
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AnAntsoundray: can I change the kernel PREEMPT setting in run or boot time ?12:16
klm-thanks ppl12:16
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AnAntsoundray: I found something about changing it in run time, but I didn't find the files in /proc tree12:17
soundrayAnAnt: I don't think so, but I'm not an expert12:17
AnAntok, thanks12:17
jisatsuanyone know of any USB wireless networking connectors which are sure to work with Linux?12:17
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tonyyarussosoundray: Do you happen to know if there's an option for shutdown that will turn off the system bell warning beeps?12:17
soundraytonyyarusso: no, sorry12:18
tonyyarussojisatsu: Not offhand - I think that's pretty sketchy.  Take a look at the HardwareSupport pages of the wiki though.12:18
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jisatsuok, thanks :)12:18
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mykal44hi everyone12:18
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mykal44msg flox :)12:19
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soundrayjisatsu: hardly any vendor says what the chipset is on the package. The way to do it is to buy from a reseller who will give you your money back if you find out that it doesn't work.12:20
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jisatsuyeah, I could do. I wanted to check out ones that are known to work first though12:20
we2bydoes gnome have sharing feature like kde?12:20
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willvdlhi all, can anyone assist with lmsensors on edgy?12:22
soundraywe2by: gnome has sharing features. I don't know whether they are like those that KDE has.12:22
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we2bysoundray: is it sharing using samba?12:22
soundraywe2by: yes12:23
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willvdlafter sensors-detect, the sensors command can't find i2c bus info12:23
soundrayI am looking for a way to calculate the mtime difference between a pair of files in minutes. Suggestions?12:23
fdvdoes anybody have any idea where (if) I can find a maven2 build for ubuntu?12:24
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vldmrI like to know how I get root user login in graphic mode ?12:27
dmndvldmr: you dont want that12:28
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vldmrdmnd: I need to install a program, but its only run with root permission12:28
vldmrdmnd: its use qt12:29
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dmndvldmr: use sudo apt-get install blabla12:29
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soundrayvldmr: open a terminal and run 'sudo -i' for a root CLI. Use 'gksudo qtprogram' to run a graphical program with root privileges.12:29
VimmelWhere do i check who and what restarted my server?12:29
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willvdldoes libsensors come out the box with compiled sysfs support?12:30
tonyyarussoVimmel: /var/log/syslog I think12:31
vldmrdmnd: soundray tank you... i'll do about here !!12:31
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Vimmeltonyyarusso, Ok cool, thx12:32
kokoi have a problem with openoffice2, i use linux, and the problem is that the language is russia, so i don't understand anything, have you got an idea how to change the interface language?12:32
tonyyarussoVimmel: Hm, maybe not.  /var/log/auth.log looks more promising12:32
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tonyyarussoDepends how it's done maybe12:32
Vimmeltonyyarusso, Thanks, ill check them both12:32
floatingHello. Without samba, how can I connect to another computer in my LAN and send a file ?12:32
fdvsoundray: something like get_mtime_diff() { echo $((($(date -d $(stat -c %y $1) +%s) - $(date -d $(stat -c %y $2) +%s))/60)) } ?12:32
fdv(in bash, that is)12:32
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willvdlanyone got lmsensors working out-the-box on edgy?12:34
bimberifloating: ftp or sftp are two ways (both require one of the PCs to be running a server process)12:34
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floatingI heard there was a program in ubuntu, you just enter ip and something12:34
bimberifloating: what operating system on the PCs12:35
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floatingbut have no idea which, and can't locate it in xubuntu, so I am not sure if it is installed here12:35
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floatingwindows on the other, and connecting with xubuntu12:35
minimecHi folks. I just ripped an CD with Bamshee and made some Tags too. Now I realise, that the beep-media-player cannot read the tags correctly. I do wonder why that is... ?12:35
Lukeanyone know a repo with nvidia beta drivers for Ubuntu edgy?12:35
floatingat least from ubuntu I should be able to connect to windows machines shared folder with this program12:35
tonyyarusso!amaranth | Luke12:36
ubotuLuke: For Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft), you can obtain the (unsupported!) 9629 version of the binary NVidia drivers by using one of these repositories: "deb http://seerofsouls.com/ edgy contrib" (for x86) (key at http://seerofsouls.com/ubuntu.html) or "deb http://ubuntu.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm-amd64" (for AMD64)12:36
Lukei think thats down12:36
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Lukeoh i see12:36
Lukethanks tonyyarusso !12:36
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vldmrdmnd: I have the root password but it dont work !! why ?12:36
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tonyyarussoLuke: Most likely it is, but it's all I'm aware of.  They maxed out their alloted bandwidth.12:36
bimberifloating: yes, in Ubuntu you use nautilus, the file manager to connect to a shared folder on the WIndows PC (Places -> Connect to Server)12:36
Kenashi guys i have just tried to install "Guild Wars" on ubuntu with wine and the result is fine...12:36
Kenasbut whn i get to the game the computer freezes and ubuntu restarts.. any1 knows wht can i do12:36
Kenasto fix this problem ??12:36
tonyyarussoLuke: Ohp, nvm.  The orig. one was down b/c of that, I see there are mirrors now.12:37
floatinghmm ok, I dont have "places" in xubuntu, but ill just try installing nautilus then, thanks12:37
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Luketonyyarusso: yea thats why I said thanks... i wasnt aware of this mirror12:37
Luketonyyarusso: someone is on top of things =)12:38
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Lukewhoever updated that with a mirror12:38
willvdldo the edgy kernel packages have i2c kernel support by default?12:38
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floatingbimberi: so nautilus is a whole new file manager... hmm maybe I have to skip12:40
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bimberifloating: yes, hang on a sec...12:40
Lukedo the deb-src lines give you all the "-src" packages?12:40
vldmrsoundray I have the root password but it dont work. why ?12:40
gnomefreakLuke: yes12:41
Lukegnomefreak: thanks12:41
bimberifloating: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/configuring-samba.html#windows-networking-clients  (check that smbclient is installed first)12:41
gnomefreakLuke: those repos allow you to grab the source for a package12:41
vldmrgksudo ask for password, but its a root password ?12:41
floatingI have thunar file manager on xxubuntu12:41
Lukegnomefreak: ok thanks. i need that for development12:41
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BlueEaglevldmr: gksudo asks for the current users password.12:41
pradeepwillvdl you could ask at #ubuntu-kernel if you don't find your answer here12:42
BlueEaglevldmr: The current user needs to be in either adm or admin group (don't remember which)12:42
willvdlpradeep, ta12:42
[Gino] Can I set the Windows Key and L to lock the screen.... I got to the keyboard shortcut window, but it won't let me do a combination of The Windows Key (Super_L) and another key.12:42
bimberifloating: you could try mounting the share (as shown) and it should be visible in Thunar12:42
vldmrBlueEagle: and the root ?12:43
bimberi!winkey | [Gino] 12:43
ubotu[Gino] : To use the windows key in keyboard shortcuts as a modifier (like ALT): Run 'xmodmap' and see what Super_L corresponds to.  Then follow method B at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79560 and use <mod4> (or whatever Super_L corresponded to with 'xmodmap') as the modifier. For example, a shortcut to use windows key + d would look like '<mod4>d'12:43
[Gino] Thanks bimberi12:44
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bimberi[Gino] : np :)12:44
BlueEaglevldmr: and what root?12:44
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:44
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gurkZorbimberi: Do you know how I install these drivers? http://saillard.org/linux/pwc/12:46
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vldmrthe root password is acept with 'su' command12:48
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bimberigurkZor: sorry no,  have you tried 'sudo modprobe pwc' (to load the shipped kernel module)?12:48
floatingbimberi: ooh works, nice, thx12:48
bimberifloating: cool :)12:48
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Sierrasomeone registered my nickname12:49
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hastesaverSierra, you should register yet12:49
ubsanyone willing to help me? I have a problem with grub. it wont boot up12:49
bimberiSierra: 2 years 9 weeks 2 days (17h 53m 27s) ago  (according to nickserv)12:49
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Sierramabe I just noticed ;)12:50
bimberiSierra: /msg nickserv info sierra   :)12:50
SierraI dont care that much12:50
=== Sierra is now known as MiniJames
MiniJamesI own this name, but i cant remember the password12:50
MiniJameswoot :)12:51
bimberiMiniJames: you might be able to get assistance from a Freenode staffer with that12:51
MiniJames-NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized12:51
MiniJamesi remembered :)12:51
gurkZorbimberi: Yes, i've tried "sudo modprobe pwc" but I get the message: "FATAL: Module pwc not found."12:51
MiniJamesI have a fantastic memory bimberi12:51
MiniJamesthanks for your help ;p12:51
ubsso, anyone knows how to access the boot/grub/menu.list from a live cd?12:51
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bimberiMiniJames: lol,  anyway: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#helpfromstaff12:52
tonyyarussoubs: You'll have to mount your hard drive.12:52
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gurkZorubs: I guess you first have to mount your harddrive12:53
gurkZorhehe, tonyyarusso was faster12:53
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bimberigurkZor: hmmk, I have one here (6.10 Edgy i386).  Are you on a different Ubuntu version/architecture?12:53
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gurkZorNope, I'm on Edgy bimberi12:53
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natrixHello ppl12:54
linopilgeia  sou NatR12:54
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poolkey172hi natrix12:55
natrixBlepw ellhnes12:55
bimberigurkZor: which kernel  (uname -r)12:55
gurkZorI've got pwc-source bimberi, perhaps I'm supposed to compile it, but how?12:55
natrixI have a problem with my usb stick12:55
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bimberigurkZor: ah, I'm on -generic12:56
minimecnatrix: This is normally not a good sign, if your stick isn't working.12:56
gurkZorIs it possible for me to change to -generic? bimberi12:56
bimberigurkZor: yep 'sudo apt-get install linux-generic' and reboot12:56
=== vindrake [n=vindrake@AMontpellier-257-1-118-181.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
poolkey172whats the best kernel for dual core ?12:57
natrixthe problem is on exe apps not on usb stick actually12:57
minimecnatrix: What is the problem?12:57
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gurkZorTHX bimberi will try it12:57
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natrixI have a cruzer profile with fingerprint recon12:57
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bimberipoolkey172: linux-generic (edgy), linux-686-smp (dapper or earlier)12:57
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floatingbimberi: the mounting is not so succesful. dmesg says smbfs: mount_data version 1919251317 is not supported12:58
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poolkey172thanks bimeri12:58
poolkey172thanks bimberi12:58
bimberigurkZor, poolkey172: np :)12:58
natrixthe software is onlny with windows (the sandisk doesn't give option with linux ay all)12:58
floatingmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on //arrak/temp, missing codepage or other error12:58
VigHow do I restore those Multiple Desktop switchers on the little taskbar on the bottom?12:58
minimecnatrix: So the problem is not the stick, but the software for fingerprint recognition. Is that true?12:59
gurkZorubs: are you a bot or a real person?12:59
natrixyes minimec that's correct12:59
bimberifloating: ewww, not sure sorry.  To google (unless someone else knows)12:59
floatingbut, I dont need to moutn it, if I can copy files somehow! smb: \> cp this that  -> cp: command not found12:59
natrixI've tried the wine and crossover office but no luck12:59
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bimberiVig: right-click on the panel, add to panel, workspace switcher01:00
VigThank you01:00
minimecnatrix: Hmmm... I guess you have to live without that fingerprint recognition... I don't think, that the sandisk software is running with wine. I guess not.01:00
natrixany ideas?01:00
ubsi cant mount the drive . damn01:00
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poolkey172Has anyone got a pocket pc syncing with ubuntu ?01:01
MiniJamesi want to01:01
MiniJamesI have a 1945 but i couldnt make it do anything01:01
MiniJamesHP iPAQ01:01
minimecnatrix: what is the name of the sandisk software?01:01
natrixminimec: isn't there any other app that can simulate exe apps01:01
MorrisseyHi! my lspci is: "Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device" for vga. I want to use 3D applications, but I dont know where to start. Can anyone help me with this? Have been trying forever!01:01
bimberifloating: did you include "-t smbfs" in the mount command?01:01
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MiniJameshaving said that, poolkey172, there are several projects going01:01
poolkey172I tried synce : ksync the lost01:01
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poolkey172I tried synce : ksync the lot01:01
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MiniJamespoolkey172, did you see there is a new option in edgy01:02
MiniJamespoolkey172, to auto synce with software on plug in01:02
natrixminimec: the name is CruzerProfle.exe01:02
minimecnatrix: Well you have 'crossover' I think, wich is an enhanced wine.01:02
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jonkopadmesg | grep DVD01:02
poolkey172minijames ? where ?01:02
jonkopahdc: _NEC DVD+/-RW ND-3450A, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drive01:02
jonkopahdc: ATAPI 48X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)01:02
jonkoparoot@hlyarurk:~# dvd+rw-format  /dev/hdc01:02
jonkopa* DVDRW/-RAM format utility by <appro@fy.chalmers.se>, version 6.1.01:02
jonkopa:-( mounted media doesn't appear to be DVDRW or DVD-RAM01:02
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MiniJamespoolkey172, synce and multisync is what i was reffering to01:02
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gurkZorbimberi: Same error, and Ive installed generic01:03
poolkey172minijames oic : Well they didnt work too well for me01:03
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VollstreckerAnyone here that can help me with this: http://forum.amule.org/thread.php?threadid=11561&sid= ?01:03
bimberigurkZor: did you reboot?01:03
MiniJamesoh, poolkey172, system > preferences > removable drives and media01:03
poolkey172minijames I can connect the ppc and browse it but not sync PIM items01:03
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MiniJamespoolkey172, thats more than I managed ;)01:03
gurkZorbimberi: haha, nope.. guess that's important xD01:03
poolkey172minijames hmmmmm01:03
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toreDoes anyone know how to install Dapper on SunFire X4100-es?  According to www.ubuntu.com these should be supported, but the mptsas driver shipped doesn't appear to recognise the RAID controller that these boxes use.01:04
minimecnatrix: Do you speak german?01:04
=== poolkey172 is new to ubuntu
bimberiMorrissey: should work out of the box. what does 'glxinfo | grep direct' say (for direct rendering)?01:04
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bimberigurkZor: :)01:04
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toreIs there some custom install image somewhere, mayhap?01:04
natrixminimec: No01:04
poolkey172lots of questions :rollseyes:01:04
gurkZortore:  You mean alternative?01:04
toregurkZor: Not really.  What do you mean by that?01:05
CrIcKGuys does XGL work on Intel 845Gl chipset with onboard graphics?01:05
minimecnatrix: Well I found something on that stick and the software... but in german01:05
poolkey172crick yes01:05
CrIcKcould u point me to some guides poolkey17201:06
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=== CrIcK is a newbie
poolkey172crick download a decent distro first01:06
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natrixminimec: can you tell me the basics or give me the address in net if I can find any info?01:06
CrIcKi'm on Dapper Drake01:06
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minimecnatrix: What about french?01:06
poolkey172like say koraa livecd : download it and it'll run XGL outa the box01:06
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gurkZortore: Thought you meant alternative when you said custom.01:07
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natrixminimec: No I am afraid only english and greek !!01:07
CrIcKYeah i have it01:07
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CrIcKbut the livecd is way 2 slow01:07
incorrectdoes anyone here run the amd64 ubuntu distro?01:07
poolkey172crick : sweet01:07
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natrixminimec: Can qemu do something ?01:07
minimecnatrix: Well I give you the two links ... http://skreo.murties.com/index.php/2006/08/22/17-securite-pgp-biometrie01:07
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poolkey172crick : try g00gling "ubuntu xgl howto" :)01:08
minimecnatrix: http://www.heise.de/mobil/artikel/7912201:08
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CrIcKwhats the diff. between Aiglx and xgl?01:08
toregurkZor: Well, I'm just looking for an installer that'll be able to find the RAID controller in these boxes.  I've earlier been hacking my way around it, but now I see that Sun servers are officially supported, so I would think there is an alternative/custom/whatever installer available somewhere that actually work with them.01:08
=== chaelot|work [n=nuub@82-69-24-170.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sparrim looking for an animated gif of a linux/foss (kde, tux, ubuntu, kubuntu, etc) logo pissing on a windows (xp, vista, whatever) logo.  anyone got one handy?01:09
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minimecnatrix: Well it seems, that you can run them with linux and mac, but you need a windows computer for the configuration.01:09
natrixminimec: thanks a lot01:09
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poolkey172crick : I'm a newbie also : but from what I see aiglx / glx (ati vs nvidia) compiz / beryl (windows managers)01:09
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poolkey172crick : appears that ati drivers suck01:10
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natrixminimec: I have access to windows PC01:10
minimecnatrix: So there is hope ;)01:10
CrIcKK thanjs poolkey17201:10
CrIcKwill do some reseacrh & come back01:10
gurkZortore: Ok, I'm sorry but then I think I can't help you out01:10
poolkey172tore : ubuntu is rubbish cant install on RAID I have been doing it manually01:10
CrIcKthanks a ton :)01:10
=== cuteAndFluffy [n=robin@c83-253-14-112.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
jonkopapoolkey172, and?01:11
natrixminimec: Did you understand how from your quick search in these links?01:11
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cuteAndFluffyGood day! A quick question, do ubuntu have support for PPC? (ie, Mac)01:11
gurkZorYes cuteAndFluffy01:11
natrixminimec: there is always hope :)01:11
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sparrcuteAndFluffy: not just support, whole native install discs01:12
MikeyMikeis there an 'empty trash'01:12
cuteAndFluffyOh how nice :) I can't seem to find any info on that on the webpage though..01:12
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chaelot|workHello, i am rather new to Linux and Ubuntu in general. I just switched from Windows and got my Ubuntu installation to run almost as i want it to. The only question i have at this point is: how come it sounds like any mp3/sound playback comes out of a tin can, whereas i have good quality sound playback in Windows ?01:12
poolkey172jonkopa : and what ?01:12
chaelot|worki guess it's some setting somewhere i need to tweak, but as i said, i'm a newbie and dont know where :)01:12
MikeyMikewhere's the trash emptier!01:12
=== Dropbear [n=Dropbear@CPE-124-185-88-40.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
torepoolkey172: So what I'm reading about "certified to run" and so on at <http://www.ubuntu.com/sun> is basically hyperbole?01:13
gurkZorMikeyMike: in the right corner?01:13
MikeyMikei guess im going to have to add the stupid little trash can back to my gnome panel01:13
MikeyMikegurkZor, i got rid of that01:13
poolkey172chaelot|work : lol thats cos windows is the better operating system :)01:13
toregurkZor: No problem, thanks anyway.01:13
gurkZorMikeyMike: try ALT + F2 nautilus01:13
reus   Starting httpd.vmware:-ne                                          failed01:13
poolkey172tore : give me the linky : let me see01:13
sparrcuteAndFluffy: on the download page, pick a location, then "CD Image for Apple Macintosh PowerPC based desktop and laptop computers"01:13
reuswhats the apache line apt-get needs ?01:13
gurkZorMikeyMike:  and goto trash:01:13
chaelot|workpoolkey172: :(01:13
gurkZorMikeyMike:  How did you do?01:13
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MikeyMikeit works01:14
minimecnatrix: You have to run that thing on windows first to the definition of the fingerprint. Afterwards, the fingerprint recognition works.01:14
MikeyMikegurkZor, that brings me to .Trash01:14
MikeyMikeok well01:14
reusapt-get install apache ?01:14
MikeyMikeits empty now01:14
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poolkey172chaelot|work : try installing xmms its what I use and it sounds great01:14
cuteAndFluffysparr: Just found it :) I must be tired to have missed that :P01:14
gurkZorreus:  apache201:14
sparrcuteAndFluffy: consider kubuntu instead of ubuntu  :)01:14
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torepoolkey172: I already did?01:14
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reusxD thkx01:14
bimberireus: sudo apt-get ...01:14
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dawkirstchaelot|work: I can remember something like that happened to me as well...did you try another application yet?01:14
cuteAndFluffysparr: what's the difference?01:14
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WhitmanHi, is there a repo anywhere with php 5.2 for edgy?01:14
chaelot|workpoolkey172, i did, and i use the ALSA drivers etc. i also tried AMAROK01:14
minimecnatrix: http://skreo.murties.com/01:14
sparrcuteAndFluffy: default GUI01:15
poolkey172tore : what are u trying to install on ?01:15
cuteAndFluffyohh.. thanks! :)01:15
chaelot|workdawkirst, yes, i've tried a few, the problems seems to be a bit of Gain on the output signal and no bottom (base)01:15
sparrcuteAndFluffy: you can change from one to the other post-install by installing a meta package, so its not a big decision01:15
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torepoolkey172: A SunFire X4100.01:15
poolkey172tore : rofl01:15
poolkey172tore : why r u wasting your hardware ?01:16
torepoolkey172: What do you mean?01:16
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reusGenerating SSL Server Certificate01:16
reus   Starting httpd.vmware:-ne                                          failed01:16
reusstill fails :$01:16
dawkirstchaelot|work: weird...have you tried googling for similar problems? Maybe Ubuntu doesn't like your sound device?01:16
reuseven with apache installed01:16
Morrisseybimberi, direct rendering: no01:16
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Hobbsee at Sun Nov 26 08:52:30 2006
(ubs/#ubuntu) how to change the permission on a mounted filesystem01:19
(tore/#ubuntu) poolkey172: The installer doesn't recognise the RAID controller. I was assuming that it would, given the fact that Ubuntu's web pages explicitly mentions that this particular server is supported.01:19
(Morrissey/#ubuntu) bimberi, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.conf says: Direct rendering: Enabled01:19
(poolkey172/#ubuntu) tore : ROFL : this ubiquity thing is a kiddies installer01:20
(poolkey172/#ubuntu) tore : what do u expect ?01:20
(bimberi/#ubuntu) Morrissey: riight. well that's ... interesting :|01:20
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(Morrissey/#ubuntu) bimberi, loaded and initiziales /usr/lib/dri/i915_dri.so ... this is maybe wrong?01:20
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(tore/#ubuntu) poolkey172: I'll always be able to hack around it by suppying it custom modules from a USB drive, but it's a pain in the arse.01:20
(natrix/#ubuntu) minimec: Still here?01:20
(poolkey172/#ubuntu) tore : try this01:21
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(bimberi/#ubuntu) Morrissey: It 'just works(tm)' here. I'll pastebin my xorg.conf for comparison purposes if you like01:21
felixfoertsch_Hi there!01:21
(minimec/#ubuntu) natrix: I think, you can use pgp for encryption.01:21
(Morrissey/#ubuntu) thanks bimberi01:21
geokokHi. I specify a port to be opened in firestarter but it keeps blocking ip's connecting through that port. What can I do?01:21
felixfoertsch_Could anyone tell me how to teach Ubuntu to shutdown completely?01:21
natrixminimec: Did you understand how?01:21
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reus   Starting httpd.vmware:-ne                                          failed01:21
reusim trying virtuals server vmware01:22
poolkey172tore : try this : Install the OS on a seperate drive : create the RAID then copy the OS to the RAID its what I am having to do01:22
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[GuS] Bonjour...01:22
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MiniJamesreus, what are you trying to achieve01:23
felixfoertsch_My Ubuntu does no complete shutdown after I told it to shutdown. I have to press the power button all the time.01:23
LadyNikonfelixfoertsch_: click on the red button in the upper right corner01:23
bimberiMorrissey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34341/  (I'm running Edgy i386 by the way)01:23
minimecnatrix: That french guy has a pgp encrypted patition and only does synchronisation stick <-> pgp-partition.01:23
Morrisseythanks bimberi01:23
felixfoertsch_LadyNikon: ... how funny is that?01:23
LadyNikonfelixfoertsch_: heh.01:24
torepoolkey172: Yes, I will be able to hack around it.  I was just hoping to not have to do it since it's a pain in the arse.  But I guess Ubuntu's support for these devices isn't really what I thought.01:24
=== ircdude2341 [n=ircdude2@CPE-60-224-142-179.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
highnekoCan someone help me with a vnc problem? On my pc I get "VNC authentication failed". I just setup vncpasswd on my remote machine, then edited the xorg with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279069&highlight=vncviewer and it says wrong password. I'll try using vncpasswd again, maybe I did it wrong.01:24
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poolkey172tore : As i said this ubuntu is a kiddies system01:24
natrixminimec: the encryped partition is where? inside the stick?01:25
LadyNikonfelixfoertsch_: i just learned the other day ( sadly to say) that all you have to do is press enter to change a file or folder name on my mac.01:25
minimecnatrix: I'm pretty sure, that you can find some english howto's on the net about your stick and Linux.01:25
LadyNikonhad the bloody thing a year..01:25
poolkey172tore : why didnt u install something more enterprisish like redhat/fedora/suse01:25
LadyNikonright click didnt work heh01:25
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rdzhi all. how can i find out from which package a certain file is part of?01:25
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minimecnatrix: On the Desktop. And then he does the synchronisation with the stick.01:26
bimberiMorrissey: yw :)01:26
LadyNikonbtw morning all01:26
Kenashi is it possible to open with wine a document in samba ???01:26
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gurkZorbimberi: I did the "sudo modprobe pwc" command, but it didn't do the trick01:26
torepoolkey172: Because I want Ubuntu, obviously.01:26
gurkZorgot any other idea?01:26
natrixminimec: I am trying to find now something to that but it gives me as first options the links that you send me (french...)!01:26
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torepoolkey172: Just found https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/37452, by the way.01:27
felixfoertschCould anyone tell me how to shutdown Ubuntu completely - without pressing the power-button?01:27
bimberigurkZor: sorry, no :|01:27
Kenasis it possible to open in wine a document in samba ?01:27
poolkey172lol @ tore : Cos its easy peasy with apt loads of repositiries too01:27
LadyNikonfelixfoertsch: that option i gave you didnt work?01:27
rdz/usr/local/include/GL/glext.h tells me somehting about nvidia, though i have fglrx installed01:27
natrixminimec: do you know if pgp works with ubuntu?01:27
gurkZorok, thanks anyway bimberi. And btw do I have to choose -generic every boot from now on?01:27
poolkey172lol @ tore : Thats why poolkey too is using this kiddies system (its just too easy with ubuntu)01:27
rdzfelixfoertsch, you could also use commandline: sudo halt01:28
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felixfoertschLadyNikon: ... I know the red button - but thats not the problem. The problem is not the shutdown itself, but the need of pressing the power-button after shutting down.01:28
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minimecnatrix: Why shouldn't it? I never tried it, but I guess there is no problem.01:28
felixfoertschMy PC does not POWER OFF after shutdown.01:28
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LadyNikonfelixfoertsch: well you didnt say you tried that :P01:28
poolkey172tore : that refers to the 2.6.15 kernel01:28
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rdzfelixfoertsch, this might bot be a software issue, but an issue of your mainboard01:29
LadyNikonhmm rdz will halt even power it off.01:29
felixfoertschMy monitor shows a black screen with a blinking white cursor. That's it. No poweroff.01:29
bimberigurkZor: up to you, choose the one you feel is performing the best :).  by the way you can change the default by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst (line beginning with 'default')01:29
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torepoolkey172: Which is what Dapper is shipping.01:29
felixfoertschrdz: But it worked well yesterday on the old Ubuntu installation.01:29
phpnubornok.. i just tried     apt-get install bum  > errmsg.txt      but the error messages are going to  stderr i think.. so how would i redirect stderr to a file?01:29
geokokAny help with firestarter?A port although opened remains blocked01:29
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natrixminimec: Ok then, I'll try it! thank you very much for the help !!!!01:29
poolkey172tore : why dont u want to use edgy ?01:29
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gurkZorbimberi: I'm aware of that, but I can't tell the difference between -generic an "normal"01:29
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felixfoertschrdz: Had to reinstall Ubuntu yesterday because of an odd gnome-panel error.01:30
rdzfelixfoertsch, ah in that case it seems to be a software issue....01:30
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bimberigurkZor: uname -r01:30
minimecnatrix: np01:30
rdzfelixfoertsch, but i don't have a clue right now01:30
felixfoertschrdz: Me neither :(01:30
torepoolkey172: Because I want LTS.01:30
gurkZorbimberi: I'm running -generic but I don't "feel" the difference01:30
felixfoertschrdz: Maybe it has something to do with ACPI.01:30
poolkey172tore : whats LTS : I'm a newbie to ubuntu01:31
felixfoertschrdz: I had to extend the install options by "acpi=off" to install Ubuntu. Maybe I have to remove this now?01:31
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bimberigurkZor: there probably isn't much between it and -38601:31
torepoolkey172: Long Time Support.  Five years, that is.01:31
Vi1What is LTS on a PC? that one still has me giggling:)01:31
natrixminimec: I let you know if this can work!01:31
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rdzfelixfoertsch, i would try that, but i don't really know. but it sounds 'nachvollzehbar'01:31
poolkey172tore : ic01:31
minimecnatrix: ok.01:31
poolkey172tore : dont we get that with edgy ?01:32
phpnuborncan strerr be redirected ti a file?01:32
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felixfoertschrdz: "nachvollziehbar" you mean ;) - where are those ACPI settings saved?01:32
natrixminimec: see you later.01:32
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rdzfelixfoertsch, no clue, sorry01:32
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felixfoertschrdz: Well I'll find it some day. Thanks.01:32
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rdzfelixfoertsch, hope so, sorry that i couldn't help01:33
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gurkZorok, Thanks bimberi01:33
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Celldwellerhow do I delete the trash can from bash01:33
poolkey172tore : looks like that link u found (http://jesusch.de/?page=ubuntu) is the way to go01:33
Celldwellerevnen though it says i have permissions it wont let me lol01:33
rdzhow can i find out, from which package a certain file is part of?01:33
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rdz/usr/local/include/GL/glext.h: where is that from?01:34
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bimberifelixfoertsch: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29071301:34
Vi1Wait, I did not download the LTS version, or I don't know if I did, How do I know?01:34
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felixfoertschbimberi: Big THX!01:35
bimberiCelldweller: sudo rm ~/.Trash/*01:35
torepoolkey172: Yes.  But it still makes me wonder if there's any QA done at all before proudly declaring that Ubuntu is "certified to run" on these servers.  I'll still need a custom kernel, it seems.  Very disappointing.01:35
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bimberifelixfoertsch: np, hopefully something there works for you :)01:35
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poolkey172lol @ tore01:35
felixfoertschbimberi: I remember this thread - that was the little thing I needed :D01:36
SWAT_laptopurgent help needed: how do I get a matrox millennium g550 working with 3D? In about 30 minutes I'll have a lot of people asking me for an answer :-/01:36
bimberifelixfoertsch: cool :)01:36
poolkey172tore : ubuntu is fit for 1 pupose : to convert windows users01:36
reus<    Starting httpd.vmware:-ne                                          failed01:36
reus im trying virtuals server vmware01:36
poolkey172it even converted me01:36
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Celldwellerok i found out why01:37
Celldwellerthe idiot room mate made some directories01:37
reusanybody know howto vmware virtual server ?01:37
felixfoertschThanks all!01:37
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torepoolkey172: I disagree, but I'm not really interested in having that discussion right now.01:37
poolkey172tore : no worries01:37
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[GuS] reus, theres a lot of info in the net about that01:38
[GuS] search in google :P01:38
poolkey172tore : good luck with the install01:38
reustried a howto it fails at startin the mui01:38
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torepoolkey172: Thanks.01:38
phpnuborni have just 2  lines to paste.. i promise..    that ok?01:38
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[GuS] poolkey172, sometimes i think that too...01:38
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[GuS] and more with the decission to integrate closed source drivers...01:39
poolkey172[GuS]  dont get me wrong I do like ubuntu01:39
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phpnubornE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)01:39
phpnubornE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?01:39
[GuS] hey me too01:39
phpnuborni am root01:39
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[GuS] (i use Kubuntu since it beginning)01:39
poolkey172[GuS]  I have been a windows user for 15 years : got fed up that things slow down after time01:40
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[GuS] but use by default those drivers? is a not good idea... users have the right to choose01:40
[GuS] so must be optional01:40
phpnubornso why might i be getting those with..    apt-get install bum   ?01:40
Daylighterphpnuborn, sudo apt-get install bum01:40
phpnuborni'm root user..  already01:41
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Daylighteraccording to that error you arent01:41
phpnubornor superuser.. no need to sudo01:41
rohphpnuborn, the administration area may be locked by another apt process01:41
[GuS] phpnuborn,01:41
Daylighteroh yes01:41
[GuS] look into ps aux01:41
DaylighterI forgot about hatt01:41
[GuS] maybe the app is lock...01:41
[GuS] killl it01:41
bimberiphpnuborn: verify by typing 'whoami'01:41
poolkey172phpnuborn : type 'id'01:41
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bimberior that :)01:42
poolkey172thanks bimeri01:42
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poolkey172lol no response he's doing a sudo -s01:42
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RobNyc[] i wonder if the guides for ubuntu work for debian ?01:43
minimecRobNyc[] : It depends on what you're working on...01:44
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poolkey172RobNyc[]  depends its software related or OS related.... I have used guides for gentoo to help ubuntu issue : u just tweak along the way if you understand the structure of your distro01:44
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rasputnikanyone know how to boot proper single user? 'emergency' mode won't let me umount /var01:45
RobNyc[] minimec, for example ati-drivers later xgl , beryl,01:45
poolkey172like how INIT works vs 2.4x to 2.6x and /etc/init.d /etc etc01:45
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poolkey172rasputnik : rescue mode not good enough ?01:46
VigThis is a fun OS!01:46
rasputnikpoolkey172: is that different to the grub menu entry?01:46
poolkey172rasputnik : should be the same it should dump u into a shell at run level 001:47
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minimecRobNyc[] : hmm... xorg configuration should be the same. The repo for debian testing (etch) is surely different. The ati drivers do not exist in a simple deb package, I think. I don't remember anymore.01:47
rasputnikdidn't seem to, but I'll try again01:47
bimberirasputnik: otherwise, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword (Last Resort bit)01:47
bimberiooh, missed 'im01:47
Lukeis anyone else having problems with avahi not starting?01:47
mawxLuke, maybe... what do you mean by avahi not starting?01:48
minimecRobNyc[] : So I guess. You will have some 'manual' work to install the ati-drivers, but there should be a repository for xgl and beryl and compiz ...01:48
phpnubornuid=1000(vmware) gid=1000(vmware) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),106(lpadmin),110(scanner),112(admin),1000(vmware)01:48
RobNyc[] yeah01:48
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phpnubornvmware is the root user01:48
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poolkey172phpnuborn : I think not mate01:49
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bimberiphpnuborn: root user has uid 001:49
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phpnubornvmware is the superuser..01:49
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mawxLuke, I do have trouble connecting to other computers on the local net running itunes using both rythmbox and banshee.01:49
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phpnubornoh i give up on linux..01:50
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poolkey172phpnuborn : u give up 2 easily01:50
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poolkey172phpnuborn : type 'sudo -s'01:50
phpnuborntoo complex.. just to do the simplest crap..01:50
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poolkey172phpnuborn : depends if you're willing to learn : learn and u'll reap the rewards01:51
phpnuborneverytime i try the smallest task.. it turns into a half a day chore01:51
poolkey172phpnuborn : no pain no gain01:51
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Lukemawx: my avahi is not running... check in banshee and see if the plugin was loaded for itunes sharing01:51
poolkey172phpnuborn : having used linux for over 10 years I still have problems01:52
Lukemawx: also try sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart .... it doesnt do anything01:52
poolkey172phpnuborn : learn all the time01:52
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mawxLuke, Music sharing plugin in banshee says it could not be installed01:53
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mawxLuke, rhythmbox won't share either.01:53
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poolkey172phpnuborn : last night I spend 6 BLOODY hours trying to get the piece of junk(ubuntu) onto a RAID array Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr01:53
mawxLuke, sudo /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon restart doesn't seem to do anything either.01:54
minimecRobNyc[] : Got something for you ;) http://michael.susens-schurter.com/blog/2006/11/20/installing-fglrx-ati-drivers-in-debian-etch/01:54
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Lukemawx: there seems to be an error with the init script... i dont know why no one else is complaining01:54
Lukemawx: i just wanted to confirm01:54
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phpnubornwell  sudo -s   worked.. id show me as uid=0(root)01:54
phpnubornnow thats a useful command01:55
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RobNyc[] minimec, thanks a bunch =)01:55
poolkey172phpnuborn : now you're the root user : or stupid user as I call him01:55
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minimecRobNyc[] : np01:55
phpnubornone of the few in *nix01:55
mawxLuke, Can confirm the problem - might not be caused by config file but by missing packages etc, though.01:55
poolkey172phpnuborn : now u can install remove packages with apt etc01:55
Lukemawx: should be fixied by reinstalling then?01:56
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Lukemawx: either way - its a problem with the edgy update01:56
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phpnuborni started just trying to get xfce gui in xubuntu to not auto-load at boot up...01:56
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poolkey172phpnuborn : why dont you do all this via synaptic or adept manager ?01:57
phpnubornnot just the   ctrl-alt-f1  thingy either01:57
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phpnubornhuh?   synaptic?  adept manager?01:58
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Impetus|Fatkidhey anyone around01:58
Lukemawx: after I make a bug report, care to confirm it for me?01:58
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poolkey172phpnuborn : refresh me : when u boot ure machine u do get a gui asking u log in right ?01:58
rohphpnuborn: graphical package management interfaces01:58
mawxLuke, send me the url, i'll confirm.01:58
phpnubornhow would i find out if they are in my installed VM xubuntu distro?01:59
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phpnuborngoes right into a gui called  xfce01:59
poolkey172phpnuborn : good question : I'd like the answer for this too01:59
Impetus|Fatkidi just download 6.10 burned it and everything restarted but it seems to start of the cd01:59
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Impetus|Fatkidand not install01:59
Impetus|Fatkidaltho i pressed start..install tab01:59
poolkey172anyone know ? I'm an old time rpm man : rpm -qa | grep etc02:00
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highnekoCan someone help me with a vnc problem? On my pc I get "VNC authentication failed". I just setup vncpasswd on my remote machine, then edited the xorg with this tutorial http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=279069&highlight=vncviewer and it says wrong password.02:00
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bluesignhow can I restart iptables on ubuntu ?02:00
poolkey172Anyone ? How can I list the packages that I have installed currently ?02:00
bimberiphpnuborn, poolkey172: dpkg -l synaptic   (or adept)02:01
rohpoolkey172, dpkg -l bash02:01
chrish/etc/init.d/iptables restart02:01
highnekopoolkey172: Adept filter for installed programs.02:01
Lukemawx: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/7346102:01
=== roh slaps himself.
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bimberipoolkey172: dpkg -l   will list them all02:01
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poolkey172Thanks guys02:01
mawxLuke,  /usr/sbin/avahi-daemon -c seems to be the programm called from the init script.02:01
bluesignchrish: there is no iptables there02:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:02
mawxLuke, it returns an error for me02:02
Lukemawx: same but running it normally I can start it02:02
mawxLuke, well it does not return 0 at least.02:02
Impetus|Fatkidhow do i install 6.10 please help02:02
Impetus|Fatkidi just get the option for booting from cd only02:02
chrishit it running bluesign what does iptables -L give you?02:02
Lukemawx: just try running "avahi-daemon"02:02
mawxLuke, ahh, sorry. guess -c just checks if avahi is up already.02:02
=== poolkey172 reads dpky manpage
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highnekoImpetus|Fatkid: Do that then execute the livecd installer.02:03
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imperfect-Is there an easy way to convert kbuntu to regular ubuntu without reinstalling?02:03
Impetus|Fatkidis that in startup from reboot or from windows now02:03
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bluesignchrish: yep it is listing my fw rules02:03
ndlovuI need to get a new laptop, so I'm comparing specs - does Ubuntu support Intel centrino core duo processors?02:03
mawxLuke, right running avahi-daemon by hand works for me.02:03
RobNyc[] minimec, so you think those isntructions are what i gotta do?02:03
poolkey172imperfect : I would think apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:03
bimberipoolkey172: that's the way, unlearn that rpm stuff :)02:03
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Lukemawx: cool. you have the same results as me02:04
vividim trying to run firestarter in edgy with sudo NOPASSWD, but the nopasswd entry isnt working...has the sudo syntax changed or something?02:04
poolkey172bimberi : I have an old machine in a datacentre running redhat 5 or something02:04
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Impetus|Fatkidit seems my cd i have is a live cd02:05
bimberipoolkey172: ha, beats me, my oldest is RH 7.202:05
mawxLuke, Banshee still won't list the plugin though.02:05
Impetus|Fatkidto just show u a trial02:05
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poolkey172vivid: check visudo02:05
minimecRobNyc[] : this is the first step. After that howto you will have a running fglrx driver on your system. As a 2nd step you will need to install the xgl and beryl binaries. I am pretty sure that you will find a inofficial etch repository containing the software you need.02:05
phpnuborn[07:56]  <poolkey172> phpnuborn : why dont you do all this via synaptic or adept manager ?  <<--   how do i find out if these are already installed?02:05
bimberiImpetus|Fatkid: there is an Install icon on the Desktop once it boots02:05
Lukemawx: if you restart banshee it does02:05
raghi *02:05
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RobNyc[] minimec, yea i'll look in the beryl site wiki they have a couple of instructions :)02:06
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Impetus|Fatkidwhats the user name n pass tho02:06
vividpoolkey172: i have entered 'username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/firestarter' with visudo, yet im getting no response when running sudo firestarter02:06
minimecRobNyc[] : Good idea.02:06
Impetus|Fatkidcoz when it startd it said it couldnt load the starting program trying another02:06
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poolkey172phpnuborn : I just learnt this right now myself : dpkg -l adept02:06
Impetus|Fatkidthen it just went to a login screen02:06
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poolkey172dpkg -l synaptic02:06
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bimberiphpnuborn: [00:01] <bimberi> phpnuborn, poolkey172: dpkg -l synaptic   (or adept)02:06
RobNyc[] hehe thanks for the support.. i have ubuntu edgy here on my celeron and debian 4.0 aka etch on my prescott02:06
mawxLuke, right.02:07
chrishno idea about the iptables thats odd02:07
mawxLuke, Ahh, this might be due to the "no ports open policy" in ubuntu.02:07
poolkey172# Members of the admin group may gain root privileges02:07
poolkey172%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL02:07
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raghi * anyone know how to pass parameter02:07
mawxLuke, They ship it without any ports open - so avahi should not open ports by default.02:07
mawxLuke, Maybe there is some switch to turn it on.02:08
Lukemawx: i'm not sure how to fix that... but it should work by default02:08
mawxLuke, will still confirm your bugreport.02:08
ragon alternate cd, but no one time but all times i insert a cd alternate for install, it put parameters automatic02:08
Lukemawx: thanks02:08
Lukemawx: if you can find more info as well... that'd be great02:08
RobNyc[] beryl site down so ill just follow those directions ty again02:09
ragis there any file for put this parameters on alternate cd install?02:09
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poolkey172sweet just learnt up on dpkg-*02:09
vividpoolkey172: if i add NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/firestarter to the %admin entry, i get Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server02:09
vividbut at least it doesnt ask for a password02:10
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rainyrhythmi think it's the xauth problem vivid02:10
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poolkey172vivid : are u running it as kedsu ?02:10
vividusing edgy/gnome/sudo02:11
poolkey172ok well it should work then02:11
poolkey172try it from the command line02:11
vividwell, tell that to visudo02:11
vividthats what ive been using02:11
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poolkey172use your default user id02:11
rainyrhythmvivid you know xauth ?02:11
poolkey172open a shell02:12
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vividrainyrhythm: yea, if i can use xhost + to remove the access, but it has to be done everytime i log on02:12
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tripppyhow do i make a script to run a bunch of terminal commands?02:13
VigSomethin is messed up,,well better said, I messed something up, my apps that are running,Firfox,This GAIM, TBird, whatever is dissapearing somewhere and not going to bottom taskbar...ideas?02:13
mawxLuke, will comments on the bugreport be send to you?02:13
e319hi where can i dl an iso of feisty fawn?02:13
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vividtripppy: start a text file with #!/bin/sh followed by your commands02:13
Kim^JHey all. I have a NFS problem. I installed nfs-common, nfs-kernel-server, portmap on the Debian server. Installed nfs-common, portmap on the Edgy client. I can't mount the nfs drive.02:14
Kim^JJust get a Mount to NFS server 'IP' failed.02:14
ragany way for install with alternate cd , and forever pass same parameters?02:14
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ragi want safe me i put noapic, nolapic on installation each02:14
soundrayKim^J: where you entered 'IP' you were supposed to put the actual IP address of the server.02:15
ragis possible?02:15
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highnekoI installed a normal vncserver. When I use vncviewer I can see my remote desktop but the panels load for a second then keep dissapearing. I's unusable Here's a screenshot http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f295/numbers6554/Screenshot2.png any ideas?02:15
vividso anyone else with edgy having troubles with sudo nopasswd?02:15
poolkey172Kim^J : what does showmount -e ipaddressofyourNFSserversay ?02:15
Kim^Jsoundray: I know. Just didn't wan't to write the IP out on this channel.02:15
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raghighneko: try freenx, is better02:15
soundray!nfs | Kim^J02:16
ubotuKim^J: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.02:16
raghighneko: than vnc02:16
tripppyvivid: i put my commands in the txt file and run the file as root, /bin/sh text.txt02:16
Kim^Jpoolkey172: mount clntudp_create: RPC: Program not registered02:16
highnekorag: I have tried many things already, maybe six different type things.02:16
raghighneko: 6 software?02:16
vividtripppy: make it executable with chmod a+x text.txt then run ./text.txt02:16
rohtripppy, you probably don't need to be root but that should work02:16
mawxe319, i don't know if there is an iso yet. I'd install edgy and then run...02:16
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highnekorag: Different packages of things.02:16
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phpnubornwhats the pastebin  this channel prefers?02:17
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soundray!pastebin | phpnuborn02:17
ubotuphpnuborn: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:17
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mawxe319, sudo aptitude update && sudo dist-upgrade02:17
tripppywoot thnx02:17
poolkey172Kim^J Read the NFS howto as recommended and also ensure portmap/nfs/ /etc/exports are correctly  running on the NFS server02:17
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raghighneko: then you have other problems, security or firewalls for example, it block you02:17
rohtripppy, you can make the file executable (and run it) from the gui too02:17
mawxe319, You'd have to change /etc/apt/sources.list before that though.02:17
e319hmm ok02:17
Kim^Jpoolkey172: Ok.02:17
raghi * any way for pass parameters to alternate cd install02:18
highnekorag: Why would you think that? It displays the background and stuff.02:18
soundraye319: why do you want feisty rather than edgy?02:18
mawxe319, but maybe check the ubuntu page if there is a knot / flight out yet.02:18
adihi sugar02:18
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ragalways same parameters, and then i safe than i put noapic, nolapic always :)02:18
ragand press F6 to pass parameters...02:18
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phpnubornhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34346/  <<--  so is synaptic   fully loaded or what??02:19
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mawxe319, but it's still really early for feisty - you'll definitly run into some interesting trouble ;)02:19
rohrag, I imagine you can type "c" from the GRUB bootloader on the CD...02:19
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raghighneko: ah ok then i dont know02:19
vividfeisty is probably really close to the same as edgy at this point..02:19
soundrayphpnuborn: no. Run 'sudo apt-get install synaptic'02:19
raghighneko: are you tried with other softwares?02:19
rohphpnuborn, It looks like synaptic *was* installed, but removed02:20
ragroh: no, i want not only for 1 time but automatic process02:20
poolkey172phpnuborn yes it is02:20
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ragauto process for always , pass same parameters02:20
soundraypoolkey172: no it isn't (phpnuborn)02:20
rohrag, so you want to edit your grub.conf and add the parameters there?02:20
ragroh: auto process for always , pass same parameters02:20
highnekoragTired? I'm tired of trying other things kinda. I would like something to work well, and I have seen a screenshot of vnc working really nice.02:20
ragroh: you know?02:20
poolkey172soundray : thanks for correcting me02:21
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ragroh: is there grub.conf on alternate cd?02:21
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ragroh: in alternate cd?02:21
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ragroh: i dont know02:21
XiXaQIn System Monitor, what is the difference between Memory and Resident Memory?02:21
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ragroh: is there?02:21
poolkey172phpnuborn : can u even log into x windows ?02:21
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rohI don't know anything about the alternate cd, but on my desktop machine the file is "/boot/menu.lst"02:22
phpnubornyes..  poolkey17202:22
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ragroh: no i need pass parameters on installation , not on already system installed, ok?02:23
phpnubornit boots into it automatically02:23
ragroh: thanks02:23
poolkey172phpnuborn : cool then what do u not like or what problems are u experiencing ?02:23
phpnuborni want this 'turnkey'  distro to boot into text mode02:24
poolkey172Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh ic02:24
phpnubornnot the  xubuntu  xfce gui02:24
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poolkey172that should be easy02:24
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phpnubornso i did the ctrl-alt-f1 thing02:24
poolkey172I'm going to do the very quick hack02:24
rohphpnuborn, so you want to boot into a different runlevel? one that doesn't run an X display manager?02:24
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Lukemawx: thanks for confirming. yes they will be sent to me. if I report they are automatically CCed to the author02:25
gorskican i resize fat32 partitions with qtparted?02:25
phpnubornroh, yes02:25
tripppyroh, how do i make it run another script? and how do i run it from the gui?02:25
Byanhey, anyone here know how ipv6 works more then me...?02:25
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Byancause I got a broker working..02:25
Byanand it's confusing me02:25
phpnubornbut i don't want to hunt for files to edit..02:25
runesIf I wanted a symlink in the users folder that shows up in ftp session what do I do.  I tried ln -s /media/ftp/Internet_downloads downloads  the link shows when I browse locally but not in ftp02:26
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gorskido i need to unmount the partition first, 'cause it want to resize mounted?02:26
gorskican i resize fat32 partitions with qtparted?02:26
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highnekoWhen I use vncviewer I can see my remote desktop but the panels load for a second then keep dissapearing. I's unusable Here's a screenshot http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f295/numbers6554/Screenshot2.png any ideas?02:27
rohphpnuborn, if you want a gui way to disable the gui, you can use the "Services" config application02:27
poolkey172phpnuborn : settings > boot-up manager02:27
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bogglegorski: no idea about gparted, but there is ntfsresize in ntfsprogs02:27
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bogglegorski: in general, unmounting a partition and having a backup of your disk is advisable when resizing any02:27
bogglegorski: partition, no matter what type02:28
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soundrayphpnuborn: System-Administration-Services. Disable gdm. On next boot, you'll get text mode only.02:28
openexithey.. How can i configure X to use a screensaver (xlock)02:29
rohi think xubuntu uses xdm instead of gdm, but it'll be much the same02:29
soundraygorski: yes, you can resize fat3202:29
poolkey172roh : yup ure right02:29
gorskido i need to unmount the partition first, 'cause it want to resize mounted?02:29
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soundrayopenexit: System-Preferences-Screensaver02:29
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snIphehi all02:30
openexitsoundray - i need to do it with config files02:30
soundraygorski: definitely, yes02:30
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openexitor with commands02:30
rohtripppy, to run another file you can just execute it as you would from the command line02:30
snIpheI have ubuntu and I want to join to a wireless AP wich have DHCP02:30
gorskiok, thank you very much.02:30
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snIphehow can i do it in Xterm mode ?02:30
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gorskisoundray, will i lose my data?02:30
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sod75snIphe: check out iwscan and iwconfig02:31
soundraygorski: no, but you should still have a backup as a precaution.02:31
rohtripppy: to run a script from the GUI you can double-click in the file browser02:31
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snIpheok iwconfig I know it, because my wardriving lessons jejej02:31
tripppyroh, one command runs a program listening - dund - how do i continue commands after this?02:31
rohtripppy, or you can create a "launcher" icon02:31
gorskiok, tnx02:31
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runesanyone know how to set up symlinks so that they show in ftp session?02:31
A[D] minSi installed last xchat but it didn't working with spell checker02:31
A[D] minSso any idea why ?02:31
snIphebut know I have a WEP but the AP has the DHCP mode on and i can renew my ip address02:32
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rohtripppy, put an ampersand afterwards, so: dund &02:32
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poolkey172how do i list channels in konversation ?02:32
sod75snIphe: exact config depends on which card you have and theefore which driver too02:32
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sod75snIphe: check wpa_supplicant02:33
snIpheok now I have the d-link g122 with rt73 driver....02:33
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snIpheok I`m writing all the commands. This afternoon I`ll try it02:33
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snIphe[sod75]  wpa_supplicant is for retreive wpa ?? or something related with dhcp ?02:34
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tripppyroh, i love you!02:35
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poolkey172snlphe : man interfaces : then modify /etc/network/interfaces accordingly;  finally ifdown yourinterface; ifup yourinterface02:35
soundrayopenexit: you want to lock a running X session via a command?02:36
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snIpheok thanks all , later I`ll try it02:36
VigoFusionsoundray: You can use the LockScreen?02:37
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soundrayVigoFusion: I'm not the one looking for help -- openexit is.02:37
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sod75Anyone know how to see detailed info about update, as in what's the difference whith the currently installed version, bugs that are fixed, etc ?02:38
sod75updates *02:38
soundraysod75: there is a changelog for each package in /usr/share/doc/packagename/02:38
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sod75soundray: thanks, I'll check02:38
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sod75soundray: uh, that directory doesn't exist, I'm on dapper btw02:39
VigoFusionsoundray: Oh, its a command line thing, lemee check my UNIX book, (I have a VERY old one.)02:39
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sod75soundray: sorry, copy paste error02:39
soundraysod75: you need to replace 'packagename' with the name of the package you are interested in.02:39
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openexitsoundray - well no.. I want to set xlock (with -nolock mode on, i.e its a screensaver) to run after a certain amount of inactivity02:40
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VigoFusionsoundray: srry, this manual is incorrect one,,,,02:41
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openexitsoundray - aparently it works the same way as xscreensaver does.. I just dont know how to configure X to run the app after x amount of inactivity02:42
p_mashoHELP!! can I recover a directory I deleted with rm -f -r *02:42
hesperiahi guys :)02:42
hesperiahow can i disable  IPv6 in the LiveCD?02:43
bogglep_masho: that's kind of tricky. Best you turn off the box before any of that free disk space is reused02:43
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soundray!xautolock | openexit02:43
ubotuxautolock: Program launcher for idle X sessions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.1-7 (edgy), package size 28 kB, installed size 92 kB02:43
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bogglep_masho: http://e2undel.sourceforge.net/recovery-howto.html02:44
sod75p_masho: if your filesystem ext3, probably not, ext2 , what boggle just said02:44
bogglep_masho: I've never used e2undel, but recovered succesfully some files with debugfs.02:44
hesperiagosh, net feels slow...02:44
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VigoFusionsoundray: Whats the command to Lock Screen in Graphic Mode? its also a sudo | command~thingy,,,it prolly work in Text.02:45
bogglep_masho + sod75: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=06/10/30/1652211, no idea if it works02:45
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boggleonly works when a process was still accessing the file though02:46
openexityeah its installed02:47
openexitoooh i see02:47
poolkey172xscreensaver-command -lock02:47
openexitso xautolock is a daemon that checks for idle sessions02:47
openexitand launchs a program...02:47
soundrayopenexit: that's how I understand it02:48
openexiti thought you could configure X to do this directly02:48
openexitalrightly... let me five this a go then02:49
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wspinto_hi! please any people install ltsp4.2 in ubuntu6.10?02:50
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VigoFusionwspinto: Using Synaptic?02:53
wspinto_Hi! Any people install ltsp4.2 in ubuntu6.10?02:53
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VigoFusionwspinto_: Is it listed in the Synaptic Package Manager?02:54
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:55
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:56
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nomHello how ca go?02:56
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elTigreI have some show-stopping problems in my edgy installation....02:56
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=== EDinNY waits with bated breath
elTigrefor example I can't run python gtk programs, and the /boot/grub/menu.lst is made unbootable whenever dpkg touches02:57
=== soundray gets ready to resuscitate EDinNY
CrescendoWhen trying to connect to an ubuntu machine via vnc, I get the following: "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)"02:57
wspinto_how to change the runlevel in ubuntu 6.10?02:58
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soundrayelTigre: which python gtk program can't you run? Is it homemade?02:59
Duesentriebhi all - after half a day of digging around, i finally got k3b to work with my laptop. now i'd like to share the info on the ubuntu wiki, but i'm unsure about local structures and customs. Would I simply edit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto ? and what's the difference between help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com?02:59
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elTigregnome-sudoku and everything else02:59
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elTigreI also can't import gtk from the python interpreter02:59
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DuesentriebI'm too used to the wikipedia way, i guess...02:59
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EDinNYwspinto_, you mean initial runlevel, or runlevel after your system boots?03:00
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soundrayelTigre: did you upgrade or install afresh?03:00
Duesentriebanyone around with experience on the ubuntu wiki?03:00
sod75Duesentrieb: no idea personally, but I'd just go ahead, they can always move it :)03:00
soundrayelTigre: did you install ubuntu-desktop before you did so?03:01
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elTigreand no, I won't reinstall ubuntu... my disk drive literally eats boot disks....03:01
sod75Duesentrieb: info at a wrong place is still better then no infi03:01
elTigreI made sure to03:01
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Duesentriebsod75: true. Be Bold, and all that :P03:01
soundrayelTigre: does 'sudo apt-get -f install' report any incomplete installs?03:01
elTigreI think I installed xubuntu-desktop03:01
=== Celldweller does not like slackware at all
elTigreyes, python-setuptool03:02
Celldwellerits frustratin;'03:02
highnekoCan someone help me with this problem please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=181318303:02
soundrayelTigre: can you pastebin that output? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:02
Celldwellerbut i refuse to be a self install dumbass03:02
elTigreno, at the moment I can't....03:02
EkUmBahello there03:02
elTigreI have to rerun that03:03
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EkUmBadoes anyone know,how to install win xp on a ubuntu system without problems?03:03
elTigreand that will take quite a while usually03:03
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soundrayelTigre: rerun what?03:03
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nomWhy you re-lays not? You it is because I am French!03:03
elTigreapt-get -f install03:03
CrescendoEkUmBa, use a seperate HDD.03:04
elTigrewell now there aren't any errors03:04
EkUmBai just have ONE03:04
nomWho speaks French?03:04
soundrayelTigre: if that takes long to run, you haven't finished your installation properly.03:04
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soundray!fr | nom03:04
ubotunom: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:04
elTigrethe python-setuptools thing comes up whenever I install new packages03:04
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sod75EkUmBa: it generally is easier to do it the other way around, as ubuntu will leave you windows and provide a bott method for bot, windows install do not play so nice with already present other OSes03:04
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soundrayelTigre: that's why you need to fix it. I could help you fix it if you pasted the output I asked you for.03:05
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EkUmBahmm...so i can forget it :-(03:05
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elTigreapt-get -f install exits cleanly now...03:05
elTigreI will try to install some package to provoke an error03:05
sod75EkUmBa: no, but you have to know how to do it....03:05
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EkUmBaand how do i do it without a hdd crash,followed by reforamt issues :-)..is it difficult to handle?03:06
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soundrayEkUmBa: if you have a sufficiently sized free primary partition, you should be okay. Just fix grub afterwards.03:06
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soundrayelTigre: now, what happens to your menu.lst?03:07
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EkUmBawell,let me explain the main problem,why i want to install xp.i have a program,which makes a cd self check.but this program is just for win nt/xp.so,wine can't hande it....so i tried03:07
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EkUmBadidn't work out03:07
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EkUmBaany ideas?03:07
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elTigrekernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-386 root=UUID=5b6b4d05-1ce9-4eb4-bc7f-aadb32b6c9b5 ro quiet splash03:07
soundrayEkUmBa: what is a CD self check?03:07
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EkUmBawell...the program looks,if it is the original cd,which it is03:08
elTigreI changed another entry to boot me into my system....03:08
EkUmBabut with wine,it doesn't work...somehow03:08
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Mansewith wine do what?03:10
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CrescendoWhen trying to connect to an ubuntu machine via vnc, I get the following: "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)"03:10
sod75EkUmBa: you can look into vmware, better then a full install03:10
CokeNCodehey guys, loooking for some video editing software ... can anyone help me out ?03:10
sod75they have some good/ free/trial options03:10
DevChmm can't seem to uprade from 5.10 to 6.06 for some reason. cat /etc/issue says breezy badger5.10  but when I follow the directions for going to 6.06 I do the updates and still end up with 5.10 when I'm done :-/03:10
CokeNCodethey are asf vids, from my camcorder03:10
soundrayelTigre: can you pastebin the whole file?03:10
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CokeNCodepreferably something i can 'apt-get install'03:11
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sod75DevC: did you do a dist-upgrade ?03:11
soundrayDevC: what's the output from uname -a ?03:11
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Manseanyone running qq with wine?03:12
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EkUmBathe problem is,that the cd has a copy protection,that controls the data on the cd directly with the hardware.so,an emulator will have its problems03:13
EDinNYdoes the machine name have to be some minimum length?03:13
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DevCLinux HOMENET 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux03:13
EDinNYI tried to call my machine "ed" during installation and it did not like that03:13
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WhitmanAnyone know of a repo that has php 5.2 (and modules) for edgy?03:14
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KaptahSomeone please help me03:14
soundray!upgrade | DevC03:14
ubotuDevC: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:14
Kaptahcan't apt-get lilo03:14
sod75EDinNY: ed is also a command, so maybe that's why03:14
soundrayKaptah: apt-get install lilo03:14
DevCsod75 I've been following the Upgrades site that they have up on ubuntu and I did the Breezy 5.10 upgrade now I'm tryin to do the 6.06 so I can go to the new 6.1003:15
DevCsoundray been reading those and following them already03:15
Mansewhy not grub03:15
Kaptah"Package lilo is not available... "03:15
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p_mashowhich device is the floppy disk by default ? /dev/fd003:15
Mansetry apt-get install grub03:15
soundray!lilo | Kaptah03:15
ubotuKaptah: lilo is an alternative [Li] nux Boot[Lo] ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.03:15
soundray!info lilo | Kaptah03:15
ubotulilo: LInux LOader - The Classic OS loader can load Linux and others. In component main, is optional. Version 1:22.6.1-7ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 335 kB, installed size 1072 kB03:15
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EDinNYsod75, redhat and susa let me call my machine "ed", and my ip address forward and reverse resolves to "ed.q"03:15
soundrayKaptah: so you haven't configured your repositories correctly.03:16
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EDinNYsod75, rh and susa named my machine from the DNS03:16
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Kaptahi got rid of grub. had an guide to dual boot and it was for lilo03:16
sod75EDinNY: i said maybe :)03:16
EkUmBawell,anyway thanks03:16
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soundrayKaptah: you shouldn't follow any guides that aren't ubuntu-specific if there are ubuntu-specific ones around.03:17
KaptahLiLo 'cause it presevers xp boot loader03:17
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soundrayKaptah: you don't need XP's boot loader in the MBR if you have grub.03:17
Kaptahok, i should use grub03:17
soundray!dualboot | Kaptah03:18
ubotuKaptah: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)03:18
DevCsoundray: I've been following that and since I can't do upgrades properly with firefox open I've been looking off my laptop and I've followed everything it has said to do according to that UpgradeNotes site...I'm currently on the upgrading from 5.10 to 6.06 page (as I've done the upgrade to 5.1003:18
Kaptahthanks :) i'll study these03:18
CrescendoWhen trying to connect to an ubuntu machine via vnc, I get the following: "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)"03:19
Kaptahdo you know if this works in case of xp SP3,4,5... updates03:19
DevCI've done what the site says for going to 6.06 and rebooted but it still says issue is 5.10 and not 6.0603:19
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Manse6.10 has released03:19
Kaptah..meaning boot sequences won't change03:19
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soundrayDevC: can you give me the URL of the page that you are following03:20
DevCManse: yeah but to upgrade you have to go 5.04 to 5.10 to 6.06 to 6.1003:20
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soundrayKaptah: yes, the instructions will work. In the worst case, you will have to follow another HOWTO for rescuing grub.03:21
AngryElf_Why is it that firefox Crtl+Scroll Wheel Zooming feature works so much better in Winblows than ubuntu and can it be fixed?03:21
elTigresoundray: I pasted it03:21
rickympllspci shows a recognized sound card, but i cant select it or use it in volume control03:21
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DevCsoundray: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades03:21
DevCbrb got to change and dress son03:22
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Kaptahcan I tell Grub to build it's boot sector not in the MBR, but /dev/sda6 ?03:22
soundrayelTigre: what's your root partition device name?03:22
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Ranbeehi, can the normal ubuntu install (as opposed to the alternate install) let you put grub on a floppy?03:23
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soundrayelTigre: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34358/ (changed the kopt line). Change your menu.lst accordingly and run 'sudo update-grub'.03:24
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soundrayelTigre: erm, do you have separate root and boot partitions?03:25
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elTigreI had separate root and boot partitions03:26
elTigrehowever I changed that03:26
elTigreI continously ran into trouble because of no disk space left03:26
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soundrayelTigre: okay, that's the reason why update-grub did the wrong thing for you. If you make the change I suggested, and you have /boot on /dev/hda8, it will be fine.03:27
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lakiohello friends..03:28
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lakioanyone know of an Evolution mail plugin that will give notification in the toolbar when there is mail?03:28
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burnerlakio: thunderbird ;)  I know of nothing for evolution03:30
soundray!gnubiff | lakio03:30
ubotugnubiff: A mail notification program for GNOME (and others). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 482 kB, installed size 1596 kB03:30
SkelloHi everyone, i'm new to Ubuntu, is there any kind of graphical interface that would allow me to set up routes if i use the Ubuntu box as router for my LAN, for example if i have two separate internet connections working simultaneously on two separate devices?03:30
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lakioaha..unfortunately I think I have to use evolution for calendaring03:31
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soundraylakio: you can configure gnubiff to monitor your evolution mailfolder03:34
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EkUmBadoes anyone know,how i can usw vmware to emulate win xp or so?or how do i use vmware?haven't found anything useful with google,and i don't have much time03:34
soundraySkello: I think you may be able to use firestarter for that.03:35
EkUmBawhen i start the player,it wants load a vmx file03:35
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soundray!info firestarter | Skello03:35
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB03:35
Nick1I got some problem........could someone help?03:35
stefgEkUmBa: /j #vmware03:35
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:35
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sod75EkUmBa: vmware let's you install any (supported) os in a virtual machine03:35
sod75EkUmBa: it's non-free though03:36
LadyNikonthere is a part of the bot that is programmed for that03:36
Skellosoundray i have installed firestarter, however i don't see an option for setting routes, i only have options for NAT/port forwarding03:36
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DuesentriebEkUmBa: the player needs an existing vm. if you need to create a vm, you have to install the vmware server.03:36
VigorAm I back?03:36
soundrayVigor: no03:36
EkUmBaso,...i just can install win xp with vmware?03:36
VigorOh heck, I aint?03:36
sod75EkUmBa: yes03:37
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soundrayVigor: sry, that joke is "de rigeur" in here03:37
DuesentriebEkUmBa: the "vm" is a simulated computer, including dives, network cards, a simulated bios, etc. you can install pretty much anything.03:37
EkUmBawhere do i get these vmx files?03:37
Duesentriebyou create them using the server03:37
Skellosoundray could it be because i'm not running Ubuntu on that particular network setup yet ? with 3 devices, two for internet, one for LAN ? i'm running on a test box now with a single NIC just to make sure i have the tools i need to achieve this03:37
antohow do i un "rar " a filename.ro1 ?03:37
EkUmBavmx for win xp especially03:37
sod75EkUmBa: http://www.vmware.com/03:38
DuesentriebEkUmBa: only the server version allows you to create/define a new virtual pc. the player just lets you access existing ones.03:38
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EkUmBayes,i have looked there,but haven't found any vmx for win xp03:38
Duesentriebthe server is free for linux03:38
Duesentriebyou don't doewnload a vmx.03:38
Duesentriebyou install the server and create it03:38
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Duesentriebnote that vmware has to be compiled for your system. but the installer is pretty decent, if the command line doesn't scare you03:39
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soundraySkello: I don't think I can be of any help there. Maybe ask the channel again.03:39
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Skellosoundray sure np, i appreciate the effort though, thanks03:40
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VigorThis is fun, relearning all this stuff is neato skeeto03:40
Duesentriebanyway... as a note to the general public:03:40
Duesentriebgot problems with cdrecord? use libburn + cdrskin03:40
Duesentriebworks perfectly for me :)03:41
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cute_killerwhere i can softs03:41
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cute_killerfrom net???03:41
VigorDuesentrieb: Did you post that to the Forums?03:41
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LordMetroidHm, I tried to find a package for LaTeX but could only find latex-base for 2.09 which is obsolete according to the package manager?03:41
LordMetroidWHat am I suppose to install?03:42
Nick1I got a "ubuntu" cd 6.06 LTS, and I already installed it on mycomputer but when I boot for ubuntu from my hdd, it doesn't work. (When boot from CD, it's working)03:42
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sod75cute_killer: just use the synaptec, maybe enable the extra repositories. all the functinality to danwload and install is already built-in03:42
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VigorNick1: Did you run the gpart?03:43
DevCbrb again now I have to help my wife get dressed lol03:43
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sod75cute_killer: or on the command line "sudo apt-get install whatever_you_want_to download_and_install03:43
norgulhi folks03:43
Nick1what is gpart? I'm new here :P.....03:43
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ubotugpart: Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1h-4 (edgy), package size 34 kB, installed size 112 kB03:43
norgulhave som problems with updating apt03:43
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norgul99% [8 Sources gzip 0]                                               23.4kB/s 0s03:44
norgulgzip: stdin: not in gzip format03:44
norgulErr http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Sources03:44
norgul  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)03:44
norgulFetched 196B in 6s (32B/s)03:44
norgulFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)03:44
norgulReading package lists... Done03:44
norgulE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:44
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norguli get this at the end03:44
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norgulsomeone that can help me?03:45
kambakth_luckyanyone configured ipw3945ABG for Edgy?03:45
Vigornorgul: Do you have Multiverse enabled?03:45
Nick1Vigor : I though I didn't run gpart...03:45
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DuesentriebVigor: i wrote something here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto - if you know another good place, please tell...03:46
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VigorNick1: It runs at the end of the install, or should....03:46
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Duesentriebit's probably interresting to k3b users, but it's not rellay k3b-specific03:46
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norguli have used the repositories from ubuntuguide.org03:46
=== sod75 reads Duesentrieb 's doc
LordMetroidahh tetex...03:47
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norgulhow do i check about multiverse is enabled?03:48
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Mook`Recommendations for a good sound card with digital out for Ubuntu?03:48
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Vigornorgul: In the Synaptic Package Manager is a checklist for that03:48
Nick1Vigor : My problem is, when it all installed (100% complete), it alway reboot on ubuntu loaing screen...May I do the gpart to reslove this problem?03:49
highnekonorgul: grep 'multiverse' '/etc/apt/sources.list'03:49
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highnekonorgul: If those lines are commented you have to uncomment them.03:49
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norgulthey are not commented03:50
headhunteri'm searching a deb package for a gtk1 build of firefox1 or 2.. anybody knows where to get one?03:50
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VigorNick1: I am a totall noob to this stuff, but gpart helped me install and repartion my NTFS drive to install Ubuntu6.1003:50
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thiebaudewelcome to 6.1003:50
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kaurspeedsteping doesn't work and dmesg says something similar to this: [17179574.040000]  ACPI Exception (acpi_processor-0693): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present [2006070703:51
norgulany ideas?03:51
kaurHow to fix?03:51
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kaurit is killing my laptop's batteries03:51
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Nick1Vigor: Ok, thanks for trying for help, I'll try.....03:51
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Vigornorgul: Download gpart from Ubuntu/Debian and run it. At is all I can think of03:52
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norgulthe internet connection really slow03:52
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norgulwhat the heck?03:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
norguli'm running ubuntu03:53
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Vigornorgul: Is it set up on a Slave with WinXP?03:54
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Vigornorgul: Is a fresh clean install on a single HDD with no other OS present?03:55
CyberaiI installed a new Linksys Wireless PCI card yesterday and set it up using nswrapper. But it has a hard time seeing my base station 20 feet away and loses connection constantly. it also looses its config if rebooted. Does anyone have any recommendations for me to fix this?03:55
yangerwhat causes resolve.conf to change? I set it up, but every now and then, it gets reset to a setting that won't work thus my server can't dns correctly until i adjust resolve.conf again...03:55
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norguli erased the whole disk03:55
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Vigornorgul: uhm, you cant just erase XP, you can, but there is a trick to it.03:56
norgulgod, i hate winxp03:57
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:57
norgulso now i have done something stupid?03:57
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Vigornorgul: Naw, just look at Fred Langas site, or some site you trust and know on how to REMOVE winXP03:58
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Guerrandnorgul... dont worry stupidity is a common problem for me :P03:58
sod75yanger: DHCP might server send dns config overwrinting yours ?03:58
norguli habe already removed windows03:58
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VigorI thought I had also, that drive is in the garbage now.03:59
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sod75Vigor: why ?03:59
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sod75what's so special about XP that a format won't fix ?04:00
norgulfuck, i'm getting very angry on microsoft now04:00
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VigorWinXP has a nasty way of locking itself into the BIOS, especially a Factory Install04:00
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norguli have an extra disk here04:00
norguli can replace it04:00
sod75Vigor: that still doesn mess up you hd , would it ? and just flash your bios then04:01
norgulone thing, i installed edgy yesterday and it worked nice. apt updated nicely and so on04:01
norgulberyl ran nice04:01
VigorOk, I left mine on, I dont access it much, and I shrunk its partition down to minimum, its there, I just dont use it, much04:01
norgulso did i switch screen to lcd 27"04:01
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norgulbut the resolution got fucked up, so i installed edgy at new04:02
norguland now it is crappy04:02
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Vigorsod75: Its not really a flash, well it is, but its a goofy one04:02
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norgullemme see04:03
VigorLanguage please.04:03
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Vigor2 many open windows04:03
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norguli have an extra hdd here04:04
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CrescendoWhen trying to connect to an ubuntu machine via vnc, I get the following: "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)"04:04
norguli can replace that one with that i have in the computer now04:04
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VigorSet the XP one as Main in BIOS, yes its a Microsoft thing, set the Ubuntu as a Slave04:05
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norgulbut i dont have xp04:06
VigorWhat system did you have?04:06
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norgulthe other hdd is clean04:06
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VigorOh neaters04:06
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norgulthe hdd i'm using now is using ubuntu04:07
TheWheathey guys i've upgraded from kubuntu dapper to edgy and now when I try ctrl+alt+f1 instead of showing the console the screen just shows some funny lines and stuff. anybody know whats up with that? it worked perfectly b4 the upgrade04:07
norgulhas got ubuntu*04:07
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abesoh that was a violent lag!04:08
kaurspeedsteping doesn't work and dmesg says something similar to this: [17179574.040000]  ACPI Exception (acpi_processor-0693): AE_NOT_FOUND, Processor Device is not present. Any ideas about how to fix are welcome...04:09
abesis it common that wi-fi likes to "spike" or it's just my router? :P04:09
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yangersod75, i'll have to check that.. the dhcp server is a m0n0wall server ;/ so... maybe...04:10
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norgulthe hdd i have next to me has 120 gb04:10
Vigorabes: Depends on the WiFi Signal, alotta times04:10
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beastyyou gota love my wifi range04:11
abeskaur: does it have anything to do with hibernating?04:11
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Coffee502n'abend zusammen04:11
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abesVigor: well it seems like it works weird over wi-fi all the time....04:11
=== protocol1 thinks dlink gaming router rules
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abesVigor: let me check another router on another network... brb04:11
norgulshould i try to install ubuntu again?04:11
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Vigorabes: It could be any number of things ,honestly, all I know about WiFi is what I know learned in HAM,LORAN,VHF and Broadcasting04:12
kaurabes: hibernating works after some modifications but the cpu is way too hot. That is the main problem, because I'm using a laptop04:12
norguli'll give it a try04:12
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norgulsee ya04:12
Coffee502who can call me a german ubuntu IRC?04:12
gbwhello, i am trying to build my own linux cd with ubuntu 6.10, in which i want to have a webserver installed, anyone has a good tutorial or link how i can do that?04:12
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mnepton!it > tux7504:12
VigorYes, norgul, thats makes sence04:12
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norgullol, 7kb/sec04:13
turbopcdamn... does anyone have an op here? can u kick "abes" so I can switch back to my nick? :P04:14
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CrescendoWhen trying to connect to an ubuntu machine via vnc, I get the following: "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::SystemException: read: Connection reset by peer (104)"04:14
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icheynewhich cd rippers are you boys using?04:14
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tux75anybody can help me with a "unknown FAIL_DELAY" error, pls?04:14
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marlunWhy can't I find mozilla-mplayer in the repositories anymore? I've uncommented every repository in the source.list.04:15
turbopcCrescendo: have u checked http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122402 ?04:15
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VigorCrescendo: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=307028&highlight=vnc maybe04:16
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Crescendoturbopc, yep, I've looked at that one.04:16
gbwa link for me please =)04:16
tux75what about a FAIL_DELAY error, friends?04:16
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turbopctux75: have u checked http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-276858.html ?04:17
Vigorgbw: I have a nasty cold or something, am very slow today,,,well am slow everyday, but twice bad this day04:17
turbopcBtw... I just received my UBUNTU MUG and HOODIE!!!! w00t! w00t! :P04:17
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turbopcVigor: lol :P04:17
gbwVigor, wish you healthy04:17
rohtux75, when do you get the FAIL_DELAY error?04:18
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turbopcVigor: I hope you have an antivirus ;] 04:18
grungerwtf? "sudo : unable to execute /usr/bin/eciadsl-config-tk: No such file or directory". But there is ! Why doesn't it work !04:18
tux75roh, i get this error whe i try to log in a terminal or in a console..04:18
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VigorMy AV scrip just expired04:18
tux75turbopc, i seen the forum you suggest me, but it doesn't offer any solution..04:18
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soundraygrunger: it's not finding another file or directory referenced inside that script.04:19
p_mashonow do I make my removable USB drive writable by root ?04:19
YoricI just realized that my computer comes with a so-called "Smart card keyboard", including a smart card reader. Does anyone know where to look for more information on this ? That is drivers, applications, APIs...04:19
soundrayp_masho: what filesystem is on that drive?04:19
tux75roh, whe* whenever (sorry)04:19
Vigormasho: Give the USB sudo privelages?04:19
turbopcp_masho: where is the USB mounted?04:19
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GionnyBosshi all :)04:20
rohtux75, Google tells me that there is a bug filed for it and that there is a workaround https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/7302404:20
turbopcp_masho: you can just use chmod -R 755 /dev/usb or wherever u have it mounted04:20
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gbwVigor, btw, do you know what i meant? for example ubuntu is shipped with  applications like firefox, i want to have my own created ubuntu cd whiich will installed webserver if people use it to install ubuntu04:20
soundrayYoric: search the web for terms like 'manufacturer model smartcard linux'04:21
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soundrayYoric: sometimes it can be useful to look up the USB id with lsusb and stfw for that.04:21
GionnyBosscan anybody help me letting my Canon scanner work under Ubuntu 6.10, please? xsane seems not to recognise it (and I read that unfortunately Canon scanner are not officially supported under Linux) ... does anybody have the same problem and solved it?04:21
Yoricsoundray: sounds like a plan, thanks.04:21
Erii need help with cedega04:21
tux75roh, so i just need to comment the line of /etc/login.defs? and what it happen then? really the FAIL_DELAY is not necessary?04:21
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turbopcGionnyBoss: what is the exact model of the scanner?04:22
AnthonyGHello everyone :D04:22
soundrayGionnyBoss: you should look up the latest news about your scanner on the sane website04:22
turbopcAnthonyG: Hello :P04:22
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Vigorgbw: Yes. I understood that, I would suggest useing the ShipIt method. Across lines Installs are great, but the ShipIt method is better cause then they get their own Install CDs, unlike some companies....04:22
GionnyBossCanoScan LIDE37004:23
grungeranybody got eciadsl working on Edgy Eft?04:23
GionnyBosssoundray, ok, I go and check on SANE website now04:23
AnthonyGI may have found the solution to my modem problems (After many pots of coffee and searching) , Would http://ltmodem.heby.de/martian-full-20061110.tar.gz   be sufficient for my AgereSystems V.92 56K Modem?04:23
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r000tcould someone please help me understand a problem with mysql replication .. i have configured master/slave and when i try  "LOAD DATA FROM MASTER;"  i get "Access denied for user 'slave_user'@'testserver' (using password: YES)"04:23
gbwVigor, what is ShipIt method?04:23
grungermodem drivers for GlobanSpan chipset04:23
DevCok back and still no closer to figuring out why I can't upgrade from 5.10 to 6.06 following the upgrade notes for Dapper Drake04:23
GionnyBossyou know, this thing is very important for me... untill I can't get this scanner work under Ubuntu, my father will keep using Windows... and I'm trying to convince him that Linux is so much better :P04:24
ubotushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will not send Edgy (6.10) CDs, but only Dapper (6.06) CDs, as Dapper is a !LTS release.04:24
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icheynewhich cd rippers are you boys using?04:24
gbwVigor, i see, but that is not i want, with ship it, i will get only pre configured cd04:24
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tux75anybody can explain me why my swap result with a priority=-1? (mangage suggest into 0 and 32767)04:24
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VigorYes, gotcha04:25
gbwi want to add extra apps and then burn it in a new iso cd04:25
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r000tnoone here understand mysql master/slave configurations then huh :(04:25
soundrayGionnyBoss: if it needs convincing, it'll be tough. People have to discover it for themselves.04:25
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Celldwelleri dont think so04:25
Celldwellerforums are really good to check in tho04:25
AnthonyGgrunger: Was that directed at me? Those drivers are for Kernel > 2.12.* and Lucent/Agere chipsets :)04:25
mseneyis ebay the best place to get a 700 Mhz Laptop for the best price?04:25
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sod75DevC: if your /home/is on a seperate partition you could you do a clean install of 6.10 without loosing your files (do a backup though if you can)04:26
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DevCthe update package is looking at Breezy, do I need to change that like I did for got from 5.06 to 5.1004:26
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tux75anybody can explain me why my swap result with a priority=-1, while the mangage suggest into 0 and 32767??04:26
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Celldwellerbecause you swapped it wrong04:27
GionnyBosssoundray, that's true! but I guess that he is discovering it by itself, he tryed to use Ubuntu on my computer and he found it fast, simple... he just doesn't care very much about it... he just needs that things work... but you know, I'm trying to tell him that if things works well with both for him, why shouldn't he use and support Linux and the good philosophy that there is behind it?04:27
soundraytux75: don't repeat, rephrase (and correct your typos in the process)04:27
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norgul*erase the entire disk*04:28
GionnyBosssoundray, sorry for my awful english (I'm italian)04:28
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gbwVigor, are you still helping me?04:28
soundrayGionnyBoss: your English is fine (by my German standards)04:28
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moo`Anyone know what might be the problem here? Using ubuntu edgy 6.10 - disabled screensaver and dpms, and console blanking and yet after 10 minutes of idle my screen will blank even when watching movies etc in mplayer - driving me nuts now.04:28
GionnyBosssoundray, are you German? I'm going to Berlin for 2 months... leaving wednesday :P04:28
Vigorgbw: I don't know which applications or programs you are adding, so I cannot say if it is legal or accepted policy of the policy of canonical,FSF, or certain US laws.04:29
mseneymoo`, is it a laptop?04:29
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sod75moo`: known bug04:29
moo`no its not a laptop04:29
moo`is there anything i can do to stop it?04:29
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tux75soundray, i didn't understand.. sorry..04:29
gbwVigor, i want to installed apache, mysql, php in it04:29
moo`its driving me mad, cant watch films etc04:29
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GionnyBosssoundray, but my German is awful, I can say "ich spreche kein deutsch" and nothing more :P my girlfriend is from Berlin... but we speak only italian... ok sorry for the parenthesis :P04:30
sod75moo`: there were some workarounds irrc, but can't remeber by heart04:30
bidha2kbsdi was migrating /etc/passwd, group and shadow along with related /home directory .. to next server as part of server migration is there any good tools that does this safely..i have to keep look all those uid or gid...to make sure no mismatch occured..or is there any best way to do this...04:30
soundrayGionnyBoss: http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl04:30
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Vigorgbw: Use the Synaptic Package Manager for that, its easy04:30
GionnyBosssoundray, thanks ;)04:30
AnthonyGAnyone care to give a yay or nay?04:30
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moo`if i format and reinstall 6.06 does it have the same bug?04:30
norgulinstalling edgy eft04:30
poolkey172Hi again : Got a problem : Grub hangs at 'GRUB' what does this mean ?04:30
abesWow.... never knew about the "cal" command :P04:30
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GionnyBosssoundray, I didn't found that model... those Vendor ID and Product ID are the one that I can see with 'sane-find-scanners' command?04:31
fnfHello, is there anyone here compiled the Intel PRO Wireless driver ? It's driving me crazy, I couldn't figure out how to resolve the errors.04:31
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sod75moo`: I didn't have it on 6.06, but have on 6.1004:31
soundrayAnthonyG: it's hard to tell from afar, but it may be worth a try04:31
moo`ok thanks04:31
soundrayGionnyBoss: no, 'lsusb'04:31
AnthonyGsoundray: Alright , Time for a reboot then :D04:32
AnthonyGWish me luck everyone :D04:32
dmndanyone who knows a application to automatically login to remote servers with ssh? i dont want to generate dsa keys04:32
gbwVigor, i am planning it for a web server, so i will add every apps i want to the cd, then if something bad happens to the server, what i need is to just reinstall with the cd i have, it is easier04:32
dmndan X app04:32
poolkey172hel loooooo04:32
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poolkey172Grub hangs just displays 'GRUB' what does this mean ?04:32
GionnyBosssoundray, ok thanks, I will try that04:32
moo`sod75  do you know if its a gnome only thing? if i install and use kde would that mabye fix it ?04:32
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fnfAnyone ? I have installed a new kernel and I need wireless support, but the compilation problem seems to exist only in Ubuntu.04:33
soundraydmnd: if you want autologin, you will have to do it with keys.04:33
radahow can i install mac osx on intelbased computer?04:33
SniklesHow do I compile the kernel?04:33
dmndsoundray: ok, do you know of an X applet/app that allows me to add lot's of ssh connections?04:33
poolkey172snikes : kernel-howto04:33
EriWhere is the directory of Cedega's Games?04:33
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DevCok question...do I need to change breezy to dapper or something to go from 5.10 to 6.06 like I did with hoary to breezy for 5.04 to 5.10? I can't figure out why the upgrade won't work.....5.04 upgraded fine but 5.10 won't :/04:33
dmndsoundray: something like mac-os has?04:33
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soundraydmnd: no, sorry. apt-cache search04:33
poolkey172can anyone plz help ?04:33
GionnyBosssoundray, it is unsupported... I guess I'm not very lucky :(04:33
poolkey172Grub hangs just displays 'GRUB' what does this mean ?04:33
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soundraypoolkey172: have some patience04:34
erUSUL!upgrade | DevC04:34
ubotuDevC: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:34
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poolkey172soz soundray04:34
tux75soundray, can you help me?04:34
soundraypoolkey172: how did you arrive at this situation?04:34
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Nick1I'm back agian, I already install ubuntu cd 6.06 LTS but it show "Missing OS".....how can I do?04:34
Vigorgbw: Totally understand, You can vnc to them and install as you like, but then again, certain laws apply to certain countries, thank you again microsoft for not allowing freedom of access on an Internet.04:34
poolkey172I installed grub-install /dev/fd004:34
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fnfpoolkey172: Can you push a LiveCD which has GRUB and do a GRUB reinstall ?04:34
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soundraytux75: no, since I don't understand your question. That's why I suggested rephrasing it.04:34
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poolkey172fnf : ok I'll try but I got the feeling the livecd does not give me all my devices04:35
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tux75ok, sorry.04:35
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gbwVigor, what you said is irrelevant, i told you, i will just install free apps like apache, mysql, php04:35
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poolkey172fnf : from the livecd I just do grub-install /dev/fd0 ?04:35
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tux75if i type: swapon -s it say:04:36
Vigorgbw: On your machine, just use the Synaptic Package Manager.04:36
tux75/dev/hda6                   partition       1028120 0       -104:36
tux75where priority= -104:36
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gbwVigor, can i do it after that to a install cd?04:36
Vigorgbw: Yes04:36
tux75but in man swapon i read that priority must to be between 0 and 3276704:36
fnfpoolkey172: Do you intend to use the floppy on any other machines ?04:36
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poolkey172fnf : no I need to test my installation04:37
tux75so, what it mean this different priority? and how to fix this problem?04:37
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gbwVigor, let me check04:37
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tux75soundray, did you understand now?04:37
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paradizelostanyone fix blank screen in vmware console under Xgl/Beryl?04:37
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gersonThe one who knows of a program to programme games04:38
fnfpoolkey172: Ok, so that's a bit easier, you need to temporarily mount your target root partition into LiveCD "/" directory04:38
Hobbsee!pbuilder > jpetso04:38
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poolkey172fnf : ok04:38
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soundraytux75: I'm still not clear what the problem is. Why do you worry about the priority? Swap should either work or not. Only if it doesn't work, there's a problem.04:38
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gbwVigor, i cant find any option in synaptic which can allow me to do that04:38
fnfpoolkey172: The thing is, without a root/boot partition mounted, GRUB have no way to figure out what is your drive geometry to build the correct menu.lst04:39
tux75ok, and so what is this priority? and how can i know if swap work properlly?04:39
mrsonalguien me puede decir como conectarme a internet con el puerto usb???04:39
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poolkey172fnf : but thats where the problem is : when I mount my filesystem chroot to it : grub-install dont work04:39
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Vigorgbw: you are on Edgy?04:39
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poolkey172fnf : my install has block devices missing !04:39
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tiptipanybody knows a program to save broadcasted flash as video file ? i'm talking about flash movie in video.google.com or youtube.com04:39
abescool thing everyone should take a look at: http://www.foogazi.com/2006/11/24/20-must-read-howtos-and-guides-for-linux/04:40
bismarkim compiling tapioca-xmpp and i got this error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljinglesessionphone-0.3"04:40
bismarkany idea?04:40
poolkey172fnf : so I created them myself like hdb hdb1 etc (where the ubuntu install is)04:40
soundraytux75: run 'cat /proc/meminfo | grep Swap' and see if the numbers are what you expect.04:40
trappisttiptip: you can save videos from google video from right there on the website04:40
abestiptip: in google videos you can just choose to save it04:40
fnfpoolkey172: AFAIK, you don't need to chroot into the new environment if you mount it as I do.04:40
gersonHola mrso04:40
gersonhablas espaol04:40
poolkey172fnf : COOL04:40
abestiptip: choose PSP/iPod format or something similar and u have it as MP404:40
fnfpoolkey172: Really ? You don't see any hd devices ?04:40
_RomanI have a dual boot laptop (Windows XP Pro/Ubuntu 6.06)  I recently had to reinstall windows which overwrote my boot record.  How can I get it to dual boot again?04:40
poolkey172I'll try it right now :)04:40
erUSULtiptip: google has direct links to save the videos ans i use a greasemonkey script for youtube04:40
gbwVigor, yes04:40
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mrsongerson me podrias explicar algo04:40
mrsonq distri usas?04:41
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abesthere is no #ubuntu-es is there? :P04:41
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soundray!es | abes04:41
ubotuabes: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:41
mrsoncomo me conecto a internet por usb04:41
Celldwelleri took 4 years of spanish04:41
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Celldwellermaybe i can help translate04:41
poolkey172fnf : I'm in the livecd : about to do mount /dev/hdb1 /04:41
abessoundray: I know...04:41
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Celldwellertu nececitas leer a la forums04:42
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abes!pl | abes04:42
ubotuabes: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl04:42
mrsongerson sabes como conectarme a internet por usb en ubuntu???04:42
gersonbueno en primer lugar nunca me e conectado asi pero te voy a ayudar en lo que puedza04:42
poolkey172fnf : running grub-install /dev/fd0 failed : unknown partition signature04:42
tux75well, i cannot execut run '...' by the way if i do cat /proc/meminfo | grep Swap i see that there is a Swap totally free.. is this a good output?04:42
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mrsongerson de donde eres??04:43
poolkey172fnf : running grub-install /dev/fd0 failed : unknown partition signature + the file /boot/grub/stage2 not read correctly04:43
soundraytux75: gnome-system-monitor has an entry on swap as well04:43
gersonde guatemal04:43
Celldwelleres dificil a explicar04:43
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fnfpoolkey172: mmm...04:43
Celldwellercommandsaloneare a pain04:43
soundraytux75: yes it is, it means that your system does not have to resort to using swap space04:43
Celldwellermuchless translating them into spanish04:43
poolkey172GRrrrrrr getting fed up with grub04:43
dabaRpoolkey172: failed to install grub to the floppy?04:43
Celldwelleruse lilo04:43
mrsongerson, sabes como puedo hacer para q aparezco los iconos de acceso directos en ubuntu04:43
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tux75so that's good..04:44
tux75thank you soundray .04:44
dabaRpoolkey172: or was it grub-install /dev/hd0 failed?04:44
poolkey172doing an apt-get install lilo04:44
fnfpoolkey172: I may have missed something here, so you want to make a full GRUB boot floppy ? If so I'll need to do some research...04:44
mrsongerson es decir la barra donde estan los acceso directos o como se configura04:44
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gersondandole click izquierdo04:44
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soundraytux75: only when your processes are using all available RAM should the kernel swap to HD.04:44
eimajenthatMorning.  Having a little trouble on one of my machines.  I noticed last night, it gets a "Cannot connect to server" error, or something to that effect when I try to access myspace.com.  I tried another computer on the same switch, and it worked fine.  I returned to the original computer, and tried a different browser.  No luck.  I tried pinging myspace, and got "no route to host".  I guess it's some kind of DNS issue, but at the m04:45
eimajenthatoment I'm not smart enough to fix it.  Anyone have any tips?04:45
soundraypoolkey172: lilo on a floppy won't make you happy.04:45
fnfpoolkey172: Will you umount the root partition and recreate the floppy again ? I want to see the menu.lst file, it may have incorrectly built.04:45
mrsongDesklets ese es?? gerson04:45
zeasierhow can i tell what is using a partition preventing it from being unmounted?04:45
gersona si si lo tengo04:45
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:45
gersonperame ahorita voy04:45
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poolkey172soundray: I kow lilo better than grub : POXY apt-get didnt even create a lilo.conf file bck to grub then !04:45
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aileanvoy all tambin...04:45
poolkey172fnf : OK I'll try04:45
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soundrayeimajenthat: is it a DHCP setup?04:46
mrsongerson estas ocupado??04:46
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dabaRzeasier: lsof /dev/ZdXY04:46
aileanmrson, no habla espaol04:46
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eimajenthatsoundray: it is04:46
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poolkey172fnf : cant unmount / device is busy of course04:46
mrsonailean como?04:47
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soundrayeimajenthat: does the problem machine even  get an address through DHCP?04:47
Duesentriebum.. does anyone know a bit about alsa or sound drivers in general?04:47
fnfpoolkey172: do a restart pls, I'm curious how it works too.04:47
aileanmrson, hablar espaol es prohibido aqu. va a #ubuntu-es04:47
RprpHmm, how can i upgrade my openGL for my ATI Driver?04:47
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RprpI tried everything but still doesnt work L:/04:47
Duesentriebi have been trying to get sound working on my laptop for months. the chipset doesn't seem to be supported right04:47
poolkey172fnf : dudh04:47
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mrsonailean como voy a ubuntu-es04:47
aileanmrson, sino, pregunte en ingls04:47
abeswhats the difference between "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" ?04:47
eimajenthatsoundray: yes, and it pings other stuff both in my network and on the internet, just not myspace04:47
poolkey172fnf : duh thats the only thing I cab do :p04:47
ailean"/join #ubuntu-es"04:48
Duesentriebso, i'd like to know if i can just tell it to use it in SB16 mode, and forget about the rest04:48
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Duesentriebkind of a fail safe, very basic setting.04:48
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Duesentriebis that possible with alsa (and onboard sound)?04:48
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fnfpoolkey172: I'm getting a lot info on creating a GRUB bootable floppy, I'll see what should we do in a few minutes.04:48
incorrectare there any better tools than cacti / mrtg?04:48
sod75abes: update just checks for upgrades in the repositories whiytout installing anything04:48
zeasierdabaR: lsof, thanks'04:48
soundrayeimajenthat: can you ping ? (That's what www.myspace.com resolves to over here)04:48
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poolkey172fnf : Thanks you're a top man04:48
incorrecta nagios/cacti hybrid would be good04:48
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poolkey172fnf : Thanks you're a top man or gal if I'm lucky ;)04:49
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eimajenthatsoundray: I'll check04:49
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fnfpoolkey172: Then you're unlucky I presumed ;)04:49
txhi all , can diff compare the output of two commans ?04:49
soundraypoolkey172: gals rarely make it to these water :(  ;)04:49
eimajenthatsoundray: also no route to host04:49
fnfpoolkey172: Will you take a look at this ? http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Bootable_Floppy_with_GRUB04:49
txlike do a diff on two streams04:50
poolkey172fnf : Unless ure a penguin with a skirt LOL04:50
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paradizelostFound a little glitch - if i run vmware with gksudo, i get no display from the virtual machine, but vmware appears to work fine, no gksudo, and vmware works, with display04:50
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abesAny idea why would Totem give me the error: "The source seems encrypted, and canot be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" although libdvdcss is installed?04:50
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sod75paradizelost: I run vmware without sudo04:50
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paradizelostyes, it works fine without gksudo , but i want my vmware console running with root priv's.04:51
kenThomson3Can someone please help me? I installed Ubuntu and now i cant boot my Computer!!!04:51
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paradizelostkenThomson3, what do you mean by can't boot your computer?04:51
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sod75kenThomson3: get the livecd, boot from that to repair it04:52
CelldwellerKen Whatsisname that is an option04:52
=== Dennis_ [n=dennis@22-119.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Celldwelleror you could tell us why it wont boot up or where it gets to04:53
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der0bparadizelost: have you tried entering an 'xhost +' and then doing the gksudo vmware?04:53
soundrayeimajenthat: do the two machines access different DNS servers?04:53
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fnfpoolkey172: How's the situation ? The link I've seen seems to prefer the manual way, which could be better as grub-install assumes a lot of things.04:53
paradizelostand by "cant boot my computer" do you mean you cant get to windows?04:53
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kenThomson3OK, i installed Ubuntu on hd1, i am having windows on hd0. I put the GRUB on hd1. Than i removed the windows HDD, and put in hd1. Then i got the GRUB screen on booting, but whenever i selected any option i got the message "Error 21:selected disk doesnot exist"04:53
paradizelostder0b, no, so xhost + gksudo  vmware?04:53
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poolkey172fnf : I'm using it to make a boot floppy manually04:53
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kenThomson3sod75: i am tyoing this from Knoppix live CD04:54
eimajenthatsoundray: I didn't think so, lemme check04:54
abes!ro | abes04:54
ubotuabes: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro.04:54
fnfpoolkey172: Good luck :) .04:54
paradizelostkenThomson3, that's beacuse grub would be referring to /boot on (hd1,1) and it's now (hd0,1)04:54
poolkey172fnf : :/04:54
paradizelostbecause you removed a drive04:54
kenThomson3Celldweller:"Ken Whatsisname that is an option". What do you mean?04:54
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der0bparadizelost: nope separate commands.  this is just a guess mind you..  xhost + from the command line and then try launching vmware04:54
soundraykenThomson3: when you remove the first HD after installing grub on the second one, grub will get confused because the disk addresses have changed.04:54
Celldwelleri just hit ken and tab04:54
Celldwellerand it came up04:54
Celldwelleri wasnt  looking04:54
abesAny idea why would Totem give me the error: "The source seems encrypted, and canot be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" although libdvdcss is installed?04:55
gersonya instalaste el paquete de gdsklets04:55
soundraykenThomson3: best to not change your hardware and follow one of ubotu's guides:04:55
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:55
Celldwelleris it configured correctly04:55
soundray!dualboot | kenThomson304:55
ubotukenThomson3: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:55
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eimajenthatsoundray: In windows, you can get the DNS from the network connection properties, but I don't knw how to do it in linux04:55
paradizelostkenThomson3, you need to put a hard drive back in, and it will work04:55
fnfkenThomson3: Depends on how you removed the partition, the order of the partitions may have been shufftled, in which case you need to correct the menu04:55
Celldwellerabes.... configuration?04:55
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soundrayeimajenthat: 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'04:55
paradizelostfnf, he removed a whole drive04:55
abesCelldweller: hmmm... what do you mean?04:55
kenThomson3soundray: Celldweller: paradizelost: But Ubuntu still is on hd1. It's reference in the GRUB hasn't changed. SO i should be able to boot it up, right?04:56
fnfparadizelost: Ouch.04:56
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sod75kenThomson3: mount you hd in knoppix and edit that /wherever you mounted/boot/grub/menu.list04:56
abesCelldweller: everything seems to be ok... shuld be working... but it doesnt :)04:56
eimajenthatsoundray: gracias04:56
paradizelostkenThomson3, no, you need to edit menu.lst to reference the new hard drive position04:56
soundraykenThomson3: no, if you removed hd0, the former hd1 becomes hd004:56
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paradizelostTHEN it will boot04:56
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Celldwelleri still say get the live cd04:56
Celldwellerand run linux recovery04:56
sod75kenThomson3: the first disk it finds becomes hd004:56
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abesCelldweller: evrything installed according to manuals (libdvdcss2 + w32codecs) but it still doesnt work... :?04:56
gersonya instalaste el paquete de gdesklets04:56
paradizelostso basically, go edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change everything that says (hd1)  to say (hd0)04:57
kenThomson3paradizelost: If i put the windows HD back in, it will simply boot Windows, as grub is not installed on the Windows HDD! I am having GRUB ONLY on the UBuntu HDD04:57
dabaRabes: abes and you restarted totem?04:57
soundrayCelldweller: he needs to understand the problem first. At least superficially.04:57
paradizelostkenThomson3, you can change the boot order04:57
Celldwellerabes... w32 codecs?04:57
Celldwellerand what app are you using04:57
abesCelldweller: Tried with MPlayer, Totem-xine, Gxine, Xine, Ogle, VLC, Totem, Totem-xine04:57
RprpHmm, how can i upgrade my openGL for my ATI Driver?04:57
RprpI tried everything but still doesnt work L:/04:57
kenThomson3paradizelost: how?04:57
protocol1how can I clear my terminal history? command?04:57
MaJoR42Anyone got some expertise in troubleshooting video on laptop problems?04:57
fnfkenThomson3: Will you plug both HDDs and set it to boot on Ubuntu HDD ?04:57
abesCelldweller: w32 codecs here04:57
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soundrayparadizelost: that won't be enough for booting. All the root entries and fstab need to be changed as well.04:58
der0bmajor42: history -c04:58
paradizelostkenThomson3, but go in, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change every instance of (hd1,0) to (hd0,0)04:58
kenThomson3fnf: Exactly04:58
paradizelostahh, yes soundray04:58
Celldwellerand it wont do what... burn?04:58
MaJoR42history -c04:58
eimajenthatsoundray: they're almost the same.   The working one says "search austin.rr.com," while the not so working one says "domain austin.rr.com"04:58
abesCelldweller: Totem restarted...04:58
abesCelldweller: play...04:58
abesCelldweller: tried another DVD just in case...04:58
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fnfkenThomson3: If you did that, great, a little modification of menu.lst would finish the story.04:58
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Celldwellermplayer and totem you may as well knock off your list... i cant believe VLC doesnt work04:58
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soundrayeimajenthat: those entries aren't the important ones. "nameserver" ones are.04:58
eimajenthatsoundray: and then both say "nameserver"04:58
paradizelostkenThomson3, then, you need to edit /etc/fstab and change every instance of /dev/hdb# to /dev/hda#04:58
der0bsorry major42 that was supposed to be directed at protocol104:58
DevCwtf? I'm following the 5.10 to 6.06 page for upgrading from Breezy to Dapper under "UPgrading with the update manager application"...I've updated everything on the computer and run the update manager again but it doesn't offer to upgrade to 6.06 like the upgrade page says...does that mean I'm not running 5.10 like I thought?04:58
der0bprotocol1: history -c04:58
gersonya me desocupe04:59
paradizelostDevC, it's gonna upgrade to edgy, 6.1004:59
gersonbueno si estas ahi ahi te va la configuracion04:59
eimajenthatsoundray: both are the same04:59
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.04:59
salHey! I was wondering if someone could help me get my tascum US122 running, I followed a tutorial to get the drivers installed and now the lights come on and everything, but I'm not sure how to select it as my device I use for recording?04:59
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soundrayeimajenthat: okay...04:59
Celldwellerit will upgrade to edgy over a LONG period of time04:59
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abesCelldweller: VLC does work... but doesnt play DVDs04:59
poolkey172fnf : lets se if this junk works04:59
Celldwellerdoesnt play dvd's...05:00
Celldwellerdoes it give you an error?05:00
eimajenthatsoundray: pointing at my router, which is odd, because I didn't think it could be a dns server05:00
fnfpoolkey172: Alright :)05:00
dabaRDevC: cat /etc/issue05:00
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paradizelosteimajenthat, is it a linksys?05:00
abesCelldweller: just doesnt seem to do anything when i want to play a DVD05:00
soundrayeimajenthat: it probably is a DNS forwarder05:00
poolkey172fnf : cool loading stage205:00
DevCparadizelost: according to what I've read it only updates by 5.04 -> 5.10 -> 6.06 -> 6.10 and I'm at the middle05:00
paradizelosteimajenthat, a lot of the routers will forward dns05:00
MaJoR42Where's the best place to solve xvid problems? I've been through most of the stuff I could find in forums, but I can't get the settings to stick.05:00
eimajenthatparadizelost: no, Buffalo05:00
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kenThomson3paradizelost: Celldweller: fnf: sod75: People editing all these files seems to tricky for me. I wish to re-install everything. Here is how i want it. hd0 (Ubuntu, with GRUB on hd0 Only), hd1 (Windows, with NO GRUB ON HD1). SO than can someone tell me a newbie-friendly 'correct' way of installing Ubuntu for such a requirement?05:00
Celldwellerin your VLC preferences05:00
Celldwellerread them of to me05:01
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gersonmrson ya05:01
RprpHi, how can i make '.deb' file?05:01
DevCdabaR: cat /etc/issue -> Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" \n \l05:01
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sod75kenThomson3: the just boot from the cd and do so05:01
Vigorsal: Did you try the Device Manager use (this) as default? or is it listed?05:01
dabaRRprp: out of what?05:01
abesCelldweller: all of them? or any particular "tab"?05:01
fatbrainWhat player shoudl I use when I want to play .rm videos?05:01
sod75kenThomson3: just don't wtart changeing hd's after05:01
kenThomson3SO that after installing everything GRUB comes up on booting asking me to select any OS, and if i remove the Ubuntu HDD, THAN THE WIndows one, boots like nothing ever happened05:01
soundraykenThomson3: that setup is too complex for a newbie to do without unexpected side effects.05:01
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paradizelostkenThomson3, hookk the drives up how you want them, then install ubuntu on the first hard drive, with windows currently installed on the second hard drive05:01
Celldwellersecond tab i think05:01
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paradizelostand it will magically work05:01
dabaRDevC: and cat /etc/apt/sources.list shows dapper in all lines?05:01
salvigor: hold on let me look in the device manager05:01
gersonMrson already05:01
fnfkenThomson3: If you don't feel comfortable with GRUB, you may reboot to Ubuntu then do a 'grub-update', that'll do it.05:01
paradizelostbut please, do NOT change drives around AFTER you have stuff installed05:02
nosbigfatbrain, mplayer...05:02
Celldwellerinput and codecs05:02
abesCelldweller:  "Video" or "Input / Codecs"05:02
soundraykenThomson3: I say, leave ubuntu on hd1, leave windows on hd0, and put grub on hd0 to boot both. That's a newbie friendly setup.05:02
abesCelldweller: ?05:02
Celldwelleri said it... input and codecs05:02
DevChold on I'll check and pastebin it through Winxp05:02
kitsuneofdoomI have a separate home partition. The /home partition appears as about 11G filled, but when I use filelight, it will only show about 6.5 GB. My personal folder appears as 9 GB.05:02
paradizelostsoundray, or windows on hd1, ubuntu on hd0, and grub on hd005:02
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kenThomson3soundray: i have already messed windows once, i simply dont wish to touch that HDD05:02
PlanarPlatypus|whi, does anyone know a way to find out the size of a given partition without using sudo?05:02
poolkey172fnf : error 17 : cannot mount selected partion05:02
abesCelldweller: Theora, x264, Fake05:02
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eimajenthatsoundray: maybe it's not forwarding the other machines dns requests properly for some reason, can't think why05:02
nosbigkenThomson3, Windows doe snot like having it's drive assignment changed from underneath it.05:02
soundrayparadizelost: no, Windows on hd1 will have side effects that will drive him back here in no time.05:03
dabaRPlanarPlatypus|w: df -h05:03
fnfpoolkey172: Do you see the menu ?05:03
kenThomson3paradizelost: Do you mean i set Ubuntu's drive as master, and the Windows one as slave, and then install Ubuntu?05:03
poolkey172fnf : yeh everything is here05:03
soundrayeimajenthat: it's strange that it does it for some, but not others, though.05:03
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paradizelostsoundray, no, usually works fine for me05:03
abesCelldweller: Thats all that i have under that list05:03
Celldwellerwhat's the path of your devices05:03
salvigor: it is listed in the device manager, but I'm not sure how to set it as default? also it doesn't show up (properly) in gnome alsa mixer it just shows up as "usb mixer" with one mic port but it has more than that05:03
PlanarPlatypus|wdabaR, thanks05:03
RprpdabaR: i just downloaded limewire. and did alien Limewire*05:03
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RprpBut it created a .db file05:03
nosbigInstall Windows on the first (master) drive, and Linux on the second one...  Otherwise, you'll have to play some interesting tricks with Grub...05:03
kenThomson3Does Ubuntu go in the master drive or the slave one?05:03
abesCelldweller: In VLC or in the system?05:04
kenThomson3I Dont wish to install GRUB on the windows HDD.05:04
=== EDinNY [i=nobody@ool-45768f2b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnfpoolkey172: Will you post the two relevant lines (press 'e' on the target option): kernel, root and initrd05:04
tonyyarussodoes naim let you set away messages?05:04
kenThomson3please tell me in some simple language05:04
paradizelostkenThomson3, why don't you want to install grub on the windows drive?05:04
paradizelostbecause it will work perfectly05:04
eimajenthatsoundray, glad I'm not the only one who thinks so05:04
abesCelldweller: Hmmm... there is no path to DVD device....05:04
poolkey172fnf : I am looking at those already and they are fine05:04
nosbigkenThomson3, Ubuntu on slave; Windows on Master...  Use a boot disk, if you have to...05:04
Celldwellerwell there ya go05:04
Celldwelleryou are missing a device05:04
abesCelldweller: But there is one to VCD whic is the same as the DVD one should be05:04
kenThomson3paradizelost: becuase i already messed one Windows HDD, i simply wish to leave it alone05:04
poolkey172fnf : kernel : /boot/vmlinuz......... root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet etc perfect05:05
chanducappicard, hiii05:05
Celldwellercopy that same thing05:05
soundraykenThomson3: then find a guide for setting the Windows boot loader to boot Linux.05:05
Celldwellerto the DVD path05:05
kitsuneofdoomI have a separate home partition. The /home partition appears as about 11G filled, but when I use filelight, it will only show about 6.5 GB. My personal folder appears as 9 GB. My personal folder is the bulk of the /home folder. There is discrepancy here05:05
paradizelostkenThomson3, then add a 3rd drive05:05
Celldwellersave settings nd try that05:05
dabaRRprp: Rprp get this file, and unpack it http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther05:05
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fnfpoolkey172: How about 'root' ?05:05
poolkey172fnf : initrd /boot/initd.img-2.6.17-10-generic05:05
chanduwhat should i do to play rm format05:05
kenThomson3nosbig: paradizelost: THat's what i had done, Windows as master, Ubuntu as slave, but as GRUB was present on Ubuntu's drive. So the machine simply booted Windows as if no Ubuntu was present.05:05
nosbigchandu, http://mplayerhq.hu05:05
paradizelostkitsuneofdoom, maybe one of your programs don't check .paths05:05
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RprpdabaR: I already have the .dev file of it.05:05
dabaR!realplayer > chandu05:05
soundrayeimajenthat: sorry, I've no ideas for troubleshooting that problem...05:05
poolkey172fnf : root I am not sure about ! it says hd0,005:05
RprpBut dont know how to make it ;?05:05
poolkey172fnf : root I am not sure about ! it says hd0,0 which I think is wrong05:06
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abesCelldweller: well the disc started spinning and PLAY button on VLC turned into PAUSE, but there is no vid/aud output whatsoever05:06
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CelldwellerHd0 is the windows partition if its dual boot05:06
poolkey172fnf : should it not be something like hd1,0 ?05:06
fnfpoolkey172: If only mine has a floppy driver, sorry, give me a minute to find the possible cause for this.05:06
kenThomson3I am still confused! Can someone please sort all the advice, and tell it to me in utter simplicity?05:06
eimajenthatsoundray: I was thinking of flashing it to dd-wrt for other reasons, seems like a decent chance that would fix this as well, no?05:06
abesCelldweller: What about "input repetitions" should i change that?05:06
dabaRRprp: you mean install it. I know how, but I recommned the other way that I told you about.05:06
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soundrayCelldweller: hd0 is never a partition.05:06
poolkey172fnf : thanks05:07
Celldwellerer hd105:07
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paradizelostkenThomson3, if you don't have grub on the MBR on the windows drive, when it's the first drive, it will NEVER see that ubuntu is there05:07
eimajenthatsoundray: I know it's kind of a sledgehammer approach, but if it would work05:07
Celldwellergo to stream output05:07
Celldwellerinthe settings05:07
Celldwellerin VLC05:07
kenThomson3paradizelost: I know that. and i am asking for a solution for such a situation!05:07
dabaRkenThomson3: when the computer boots, it looks for a boot loader in the master boot record of the first hard drive, the master. If one is found, any other bootloaders on other drives are ignored.05:07
chandudabaR, iam new to linux05:07
soundrayeimajenthat: if the problem is even in the router, yes. OTOH, flashing the firmware won't reset your nvram, and resetting nvram isn't recommended anyway...05:08
paradizelostkenThomson3, the solution is to have grub on the windows drive05:08
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abesCelldweller: Ok... and?05:08
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sod75kenThomson3: or to use a boot floppy05:08
soundrayeimajenthat: I'm slightly partial to OpenWrt btw.05:08
dabaRkenThomson3: well, just fixgrubafterinstallingwindows.05:08
chanduwhat i need to do to paly this rm format in linux05:08
Celldwellerclick them all but the top one05:08
dabaRgrub > kenThomson305:08
Celldwellermake sure they are all checked except the first one05:08
kenThomson3paradizelost: please please tell me any other solution, than putting grub on windows hdd05:08
soundrayCelldweller: hd1 is never a partition either.05:08
poolkey172fnf : how do I see all the hd mappings in grub console05:08
kenThomson3sod75: You want me to use a floppy :(05:08
paradizelostkenThomson3, have a 3rd drive that u use to boot05:08
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rasputnikis it normal not to be able to umount /var in  Edgy single user?05:08
abesCelldweller: The one under "File"? There is a lot of subcategories there05:09
paradizelostbe it a floppy, hard drive, usb drive, etc...05:09
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kenThomson3paradizelost: you mean a third HDD?05:09
sod75kenThomson3: then it's not on your hd0 :)05:09
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dnearyI'm looking for some detailed docs on managing translations on rosetta - any idea where I can get some?05:09
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paradizelostand it HAS to be the first drive05:09
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fnfpoolkey172: It's a bit off my knowledge, I haven't really played that much with GRUB.05:09
eimajenthatsoundray, I looked at it, but it seemed the web interface was a separate component, and it wasn't too obvious (at least to me) how to get and install that component05:09
dabaRchandu: look at your private messages, and follow the guide in the first link.05:09
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paradizelosteimajenthat, i use DD-WRT05:09
salcan anyone help me get my US122 USB audio/midi interface working?05:09
abesCelldweller: Then "Stream output" and check stuff under "Access output"???05:09
kenThomson3How about this: I put a blank drive as master, and windows one as slave. I boot from the liveCD, and install ubuntu on the blank HDD. Than i install GRUB ON ubuntu's HDD. On rebooting will everything work?05:10
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soundrayeimajenthat: not any more, if you get white russian rc6 or so, the web interface comes with it.05:10
M3G4cruxhas anyone experienced problems with fonts, character encodings, etc after upgrading to Edgy05:10
poolkey172Anyone know if I can make a lilo boot floopy instead then ?05:10
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paradizelostkenThomson3, the windows drive won't like that setup05:10
sod75kenThomson3: not sure windows will like being moved05:10
Celldwellerit knows your dvd rom/cd drive is there... it's a configuration problem or a configure problem05:10
soundrayM3G4crux: yes. Font problems went away with a fresh install, character encoding is a new problem that came with the fresh install and I haven't solved it yet.05:11
kenThomson3paradizelost: sod75: than please suggest what should i do, if i dont want GRUB on the MBR of windows HDD.05:11
DavieyHas anybody here tried fiesty out?05:11
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dabaRDaviey: ask on #ubuntu+105:11
paradizelostkenThomson3, the easiest way, 2 drives, install windows on first drive, then load ubuntu on the 2nd drive, and let it do it's autmatic thing05:11
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rasputnikkenThomson3: I'd try that - its' easily reversible and it might well work05:11
soundraykenThomson3: you are making your life exceedingly difficult because of an irrational fear of messing something up.05:11
paradizelostkenThomson3, i agree with soundray05:12
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poolkey172kenthomson3 have u read the linunx , winnt boot loader howto ? u can do it that was05:12
DavieydabaR, i'm gonna guess *everybody* in there has tried it out! ;)05:12
poolkey172kenthomson3 have u read the linunx , winnt boot loader howto ? u can do it that way05:12
paradizelosti've done the dualboot setup literally hundreds of times05:12
rasputnikwhy does Edgy not let me umount /var in single user?05:12
Celldwellerjust make sure that everything is set to default.. for names05:12
dm__Important question for yall, Is there anyway for the system to automatically restart a daemon if it closes?05:12
Vigorsal: Did you run the lspci -n ?05:12
Celldwellerlike the output module05:12
kenThomson3poolkey172: link please?05:12
paradizelostpoolkey172, *SHUDDER*05:12
Celldwellerthen try it and let meknow05:12
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paradizelostyou really want him messing with dd?\05:12
poolkey172paradizelost : why ? its quick n easy05:12
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Celldwellerdont use up yourdvd's up lol05:13
rasputnikdm__: yes, you can respawn it from /etc/inittab05:13
kenThomson3paradizelost: soundray: I am asking for solution which DONT involve touching windows MBR05:13
kenThomson3BECUASE one i already messed the whole thing05:13
soundraykenThomson3: yep, that's your irrational fear.05:13
dm__rasputnik so lets say it crashes, with the sytem start it up again05:13
Celldwellerthere probably isnt an ption for that kenThompson305:13
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kenThomson3it may be, but that has got to be a workaround05:13
paradizelostkenThomson3, if by messing it up by moving drives around, don't do that05:13
rasputnikdm__: yes, that's what respawn means.05:13
dm__rasputnik is that a txt file?05:14
rasputnikdm__: yes05:14
soundraykenThomson3: any workaround is more difficult and more likely to result in further messups than just overcoming that fear.05:14
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poolkey172kenthomson3 I did this like 5 years ago g00gle it up mate05:14
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Vigorsal: http://www.qbik.ch/usb/devices/05:14
dm__rasputnik doesnt exist, so i can make one safely ?05:14
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Celldwellergoogle away05:14
Celldwellerand spend 50 hours on forums05:14
rasputnikdm__: /etc/inittab doesn't exist??05:14
Celldwelleryou're bonkerz05:14
kenThomson3OK bye, i leave more uninformed than i came here. :)05:14
soundraykenThomson3: so anyone who will help you with that workaround will not really help you in the end.05:14
kenThomson3Thanks anyways05:14
dm__rasputnik nope05:15
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kenThomson3Good night!05:15
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poolkey172kenthomson3 soundray is right05:15
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poolkey172soundray : Any chance u can help me mate ?05:15
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Vigorsal: did or have you used the Debian pastebin checker?05:16
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rasputnikdm__: oh doesn't Edgy use upstart, not init? You'll have to check the docs for that then.05:16
mike1oanybody here use dosemu?05:16
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soundraypoolkey172: I'll have a go. AFAI understand it, you want to boot your system from a floppy, correct?05:16
Vigorsal: http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/05:16
=== dabaR notices how people are ungrateful...we gave kenthomson3 5 different options...
dm__rasputnik eek05:16
poolkey172soundray : Yeh I managed to create the floppy by copying over the stages and all looks good05:16
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bumpoyou can't help some people...05:17
soundraypoolkey172: all right. What's the snag now?05:17
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Celldwellermy psychiatrist says im hopeless lol05:17
paradizelostagreed bumpo05:17
dm__rasputnik no man for it05:17
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bumpojust let it go, you guys did fine05:17
soundrayCelldweller: I could have told you that for free ;)05:17
poolkey172soundray : Problem is that it cant find the disk : I have changed root from hd(0,0) to hd(1,0) evc etce to no vain05:17
Celldwellersoundray,  lol05:17
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poolkey172soundray : Is there a way to see the hd-> /dev/hd mappings ?05:18
grirgzpoolkey172: salut ca va ?05:18
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soundraypoolkey172: is that in the grub commandline when booted off the floppy?05:18
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poolkey172soundray : correct05:18
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:19
dabaRpoolkey172: you can calculate them easily, hda1 is hd(0,0), hda2 hd(0,1) hdb1 is hd(1,0) and so on05:19
dm__rasputnik there any easier way to do this ? i just want the damn program to respawn if it crashes05:19
poolkey172grirgz : Soz dont know05:19
soundraypoolkey172: does geometry (hd0) help at all?05:19
dm__rasputnik its just a command "nostromo_daemon"05:19
soundraydabaR: it's not always that easy, the problem is more deep-seated here.05:19
poolkey172soundray : what do u mean by geometry ?05:19
paradizelostdabaR, not necessarily05:19
soundraypoolkey172: the grub command05:19
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poolkey172soundray : ok I'll try it now05:20
poolkey172soundray : brb05:20
soundraypoolkey172: try 'help geometry' and 'geometry (hd0)05:20
paradizelostdabaR, things get messy when the boot drive isn't the linux drive, i.e. if you are using a USB drive05:20
=== Celldweller cringes
rasputnikdm__: inittab is how you normally do it - ubuntu changed stuff in edgy, so you'll have to find another way05:21
soundraypoolkey172: how are your drives connected? Type of controller?05:21
Celldwellersoundray,  u know how to set raid 5 in ubuntu05:22
soundrayGuys, do you know of a way to calculate the age difference between a pair of files based on the mtime stamp?05:22
Celldwelleri tried but to no avail05:22
soundrayCelldweller: I know enough not to try ;)05:22
VigorI gotta jet out yall, temp is 103 now...:-/05:22
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dm__rasputnik damn,05:23
Celldwellerit worked with MCNlive after install05:23
Celldwellerbut not ubuntu05:23
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poolkey172soundray : pants : My disk is not here :(05:25
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cute_killerany body there?05:25
Celldwellerlol lost drive05:25
soundraypoolkey172: how are your drives connected? Type of controller?05:25
Celldwellerthat sounds like a good movie05:25
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poolkey172soundray : ide0 : cdrom : ide1 ubuntu install : Via RAID (2 disks)  Sil RAID (2 disks)05:26
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Celldwellerlol Raid seems to be a popular mess up05:26
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M3G4cruxsoundray, I have not done a fresh install05:27
M3G4cruxonly a fresh update from Dapper05:27
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poolkey172lol@cellweller true true05:27
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soundrayM3G4crux: I've tried both05:27
JoakimGet:51 http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Sources [55.3kB] 05:27
Joakim99% [51 Sources gzip 0]                                               8001B/s 5s05:27
Joakimgzip: stdin: not in gzip format05:27
JoakimErr http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Sources05:27
Joakim  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)05:27
JoakimFetched 6190kB in 12m2s (8571B/s)05:27
JoakimFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)05:27
JoakimReading package lists... Done05:27
JoakimE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.05:27
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M3G4cruxany idea how to fix this?05:27
Celldwellergo toanother mirror05:27
Celldwellernot you M3G4crux05:28
apokryphosgreat... at the end :/05:28
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nosbigCelldweller, are you using a hardwaer RAID controller or trying to use the software RAID?05:28
M3G4cruxok Celldweller thanks for letting me stay here :o05:28
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ScreaminIkei have a Belking 802.11g Wireless Desktop Network Card (F5D7000). though the wiki says it works "out of the box"... it doesn't. i've installed network-manager and network-manager-gnome, but certain features seem totally unaccessable, including scanning for networks, and connecting to even unencrypted networks. can i get some help?05:28
apokryphos!pastebin | Joakim05:28
ubotuJoakim: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:28
dmndJoakim: try a mirror or something?05:28
Celldwelleri have no control over if u stay here or not05:28
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Joakimi know that05:29
Celldwellerand i was useing software raid05:29
M3G4cruxyou never know, I might only real in your mind05:29
Celldwellerfrom Bios05:29
Joakimused pastebin alotta times05:29
soundrayM3G4crux: for the font problem, create a new user and see if it occurs with that.05:29
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M3G4cruxok soundray05:29
M3G4cruxI check that straight away05:29
nosbigFrom BIOS....  OK  Hardware RAID on the motherboard...05:29
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Celldwellerok yea05:29
MorrisseyWhat is v4l? In xorg module? Video for linux? when should I enable that?05:29
Celldwellertechnically lol05:30
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Celldwellerbut yes05:30
nosbigOnce you create your array in the BIOS configuration, Ubuntu (or any Linux distro, for that matter) should see the drives as a single unit...05:30
poolkey172morrossey : video for linux05:30
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soundraypoolkey172: sorry, I don't know enough about RAID to effectively help you booting from one...05:30
M3G4cruxin fact you might be the only one reading me, I think you are not even awake05:30
dm__rasputnik lol they always have to put the documentation in terms i cant understand ( because im not an expert or advanced linux user )05:30
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poolkey172soundray : nice try I aint letting u escape just yet05:30
Celldwellersoundray,  its ok.. i dont need ro Raid them... i just wanted to  play around with it05:30
poolkey172soundray : lol dont worry about it :)05:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:apokryphos] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Ubuntu Open Week now on! See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to Pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/
nosbigYou can host the boot as part of the array, in this case.05:30
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nosbigIf you wish to use Linux's software RAID, you will have to put a boot partition on another drive...05:31
Joakimi can use the standard repositories05:31
CelldwellerI was just seeing if it would work on RAID 505:31
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nosbigAnd no matter what you do with RAID, I highly recommend using Logical Volumes...05:32
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poolkey172soundray : thanks for trying anyway : I am going and disabling raid in the BIOS and going for a fresh install and try to install grub on the boot record for the standalone disk on the IDE port05:32
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dcordes send #7505:32
Celldwellerit apparently does when its configured right05:32
nosbigCelldweller, sure it will...05:32
CelldwellerMCN live worked when i finished the install05:32
dcordesoh sorry i was about to leech some file on another channel d'oh05:32
Celldwellerbut that was quickly riped back off... dont like it05:32
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Celldwelleri had high expectations of Fedora 6, but that gave me nothing but problems05:33
poolkey172nosbig : I got my pseudo software RAID recognised with the /dev/mapper and it's giving me 95Meg a second thats something I dont want to let up..... PS Do you know a good ubuntu software RAID howto ?05:33
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JoakimYAY :D05:33
Celldwellerpoolkey172,  when you get done... be sure to post everything you do in a forum lol05:33
MTecknologyI'm having some trouble with my video - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34371/05:33
Joakimnew record05:34
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poolkey172Celldweller : ok05:34
Celldwelleri must really be lagging05:34
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Celldwelleri hate clearwire05:34
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TomsenHy kann mir jemand helfen???05:34
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soundrayTomsen: wenn Du in05:35
Celldwellerno no dutch here05:35
soundrayTomsen: wenn Du in #ubuntu-de fragst05:35
Celldwellersoundray you are a plethora of languages05:35
Celldwellerim impressed05:35
poolkey172anyone know how I can tell if my cd is edgy final and not edgy beta ?05:35
dmndCelldweller: that was german :)05:35
soundrayCelldweller: so two is a plethora ;)05:35
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Celldwellerdu vas van oschlikenger...05:35
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icheyneWhich cd rippers do you all use?05:35
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nosbigpoolkey172, what trouble are you having?  If you have it recognized, you are probably in good shape...05:35
Celldwellerthats the only german phrase i know05:35
DevCdabaR: went back and checked a few things...for some reason they all went back to hoary instead of breezy which is why it is ignoring the upgrades.....I'll edit them accordingly05:36
nosbigI use Grip.05:36
poolkey172nosbig : I just want to make sure05:36
soundrayCelldweller: find the person who told you that was German and give her a good smack.05:36
reusmy amarok says no alsa no dcopserver05:36
MTecknologycan i get somebody to take a guess at what's wrong with my video? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34371/05:36
reusand cant acces amarokrc05:36
Celldwelleri may have not been saying it properly... but it is supposed to mean you are an a$$ kisser05:36
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reuskiss kiss05:36
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reuscell dweller its true tho05:37
reusthat aint german at all05:37
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Celldwellerim not debating with you05:37
reuskiss kiss05:38
Celldwellerbut i know there was a little hint of it in t here somewhere im sure..05:38
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Celldwellerreus,  check the configurations  for it05:38
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reusanyway somebody care to help me on alsa dcopserver and amarokrc05:38
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reusit cant read or write it :$05:39
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Celldwellerwhat error do you get again05:39
icheynethanks nosbig05:39
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reusdcopserver sockets not found or something05:40
reusfile:/// inaccessible05:40
reusamarok alsa not found05:40
reusthats about it05:40
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Celldwelleri dont really know05:41
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DevCwhat do I change the CD binary to for breezy?05:41
Celldwellernot my area05:41
Jeejcan anyone help me with updating ubuntu from warty to edgy?05:41
reusit started with installin vmware server05:41
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:41
reuswitch still dont work05:41
defryskJeej, thats virtually impossible05:41
soundrayDevC: the CD binary? Not clear what you mean.05:41
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Celldwellerpath to the server is correct?05:42
soundrayJeej: sure. Backup your data files and do a fresh install from an edgy desktop CD.05:42
Celldwellerim confused.. i think i had better sit this one out05:42
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JeejWhy cann't i just update?05:42
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Celldwellertoo far back i believe Jeej05:42
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soundrayJeej: because there were three releases since warty.05:42
DevCin the repositories the top option says CD 5.04 Hoary and I need to change it to 5.10 for updates05:43
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Jeejso it isn't supported any more?05:43
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defryskJeej, make a backup and do a fresh install is my advise05:43
soundrayDevC: aren't you doing your upgrade via the internet?05:43
AsheDare there any linux mp3 taggers that support ALL of the different id3v2 modes?05:43
soundrayJeej: no, not really05:43
Celldwellernm soundray can multitask05:43
defrysk!backup > Jeej05:43
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Celldwellerim not sain nuffin lol05:43
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Jeejok, that's not nice :( but i will download and install edgy05:44
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defryskJeej, to many releases inbeteween to make it doable sorry :(05:44
DevCyeah but it still looks at the CD repository according to it cause if you change it to a wrong one it pops up saying it can't find the repository05:44
poolkey172Going down for YET another ubuntu install :o05:44
CelldwellerJeej you'll like it betteer anyways05:44
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Celldwelleryou're like in win3.1  in comparison05:45
soundrayJeej: you'll be impressed at the strides ubuntu has made...05:45
defryskCelldweller, bad compare :p05:45
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RprpHi, i just installed LimeWirwe, but if i click on the limewire icon its not starting, how can i fix thisa?05:45
=== Celldweller asks if Soundray's name is Brandon
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Celldwellerdefrysk lol yea i know... kinda caught that a lil too late05:45
Jeejthank you for your help05:45
=== soundray says no
poolkey172cellweller : wishful thinking ; ubuntu is good but not that good05:45
defrysklol poolkey17205:46
Celldwelleri like it05:46
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Celldwellerbut its not my favorite05:46
poolkey172cellweller : what do u prefer ?05:46
vintendoRprp: install frost fire and java05:46
VimmelAnyone know how I can mount a windows share? sudo mount -t smbfs //server/path /media/path -o rw,username=username,password=password is not working05:46
Celldwelleri prefer openSuse05:46
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Rprpfrost fire?apt-get install ?05:46
defrysk!java > Rprp05:46
Celldwelleror Mandriva05:46
poolkey172Vimmel use cifs instead05:46
defrysk!info frostwire > Rprp05:47
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in any distro I know05:47
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poolkey172cellweller : pakage wise does it have more updates than this ?05:47
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drakeoutlawEons: its drake here. Want to thank you again for getting bluetooth working. Is just about perfect now05:47
CelldwellerOpenSuse did yes05:47
CelldwellerMandriva... a litle lower than ubuntu05:47
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drakeoutlawfrostwire is best installed with automatix05:48
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poolkey172Vimmel here u go05:48
defrysk!automatix > drakeoutlaw05:48
soundrayDevC: just comment out the CD repo in the sources.list05:48
poolkey172sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Administrator,ro //$ /mnt/f1/05:48
RprpAnd, im installing my ati driver... but whats wrong with this:05:48
Rprp ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager05:48
RprpDetected configuration:05:48
RprpArchitecture: i686 (32-bit)05:48
RprpX Server: Unknown X Window05:48
Rprpcp: kan de rechten van `x710/usr/X11R6/bin/*' niet veranderen: No such file or directory05:48
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defrysk!automatix > Rprp05:48
RprpIts says no such file or dir? :(05:48
dcordesis it save to upgrade from dapper to edgy?05:48
soundrayDevC: and use my nick so I see it when you talk to me05:48
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defrysk!pastebin > Rprp05:48
apokryphosRprp: please do NOT flood the channel like that again05:48
Vimmelpoolkey172: Thx, gonna look into it now05:48
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:48
soundraydcordes: no, but it's safe05:48
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defrysk!nl > Rprp05:49
dcordessoundray: lol sorry for my bad english. is there a guide which explanes how i do that?05:49
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soundray!upgrade | dcordes05:49
The_Dark_Side_Ofhello guys, please,.. how can i set Ubuntu to use the local time instead of timezones or utc?05:49
ubotudcordes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:49
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DevCsoundray: or can I just tell the synaptic to remove it since I am doing it over the net (which is how I always do it)05:49
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dcordessoundray: thx05:49
soundraydcordes: sorry for the correction05:49
Celldwelleri wanna see that error, i think it was the same one i had when BeliniX was installed05:49
apokryphosRprp: ok, no problem. Just for the future :)05:49
poolkey172Vimmel : You're welcome you're friendly microsoft support guy05:49
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chrisle /join #ubuntu-classroom05:49
soundrayDevC: yes, you can05:50
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defryskThe_Dark_Side_Of, rightclick clock in your panel and change prefs05:50
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=== poolkey172 was wondering if once slackworth sells out whether you boys will be joining microsoft support LOL
bam_Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me why my USB devices stopped automounting after the last Ubuntu update?05:50
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RainarrowHi everyone, I have a question about wget here05:50
sebas__Hi, is there any firewall in the edgy server version? i can't access mysql from other machines05:50
soundraybam_: that's hard to tell. Do you want the fix though?05:50
The_Dark_Side_Ofdefrysk, it does not have the option to use the local. just UTC.05:50
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DevCsoundray: ok CD has been removed and everything else now points to breezy so hopefully the upgrades will go off with out a problem from now on05:51
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bam_yes ofcourse!05:51
M3G4cruxsoundray, your messaged included this: x11r5_create_fontset?05:51
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Rainarrowif I open a terminal, wget something, and then want to wget another file, do I have to open another terminal?05:51
soundrayDevC: breezy? Make everything point to dapper.05:51
Celldwellersoundray i need that fix too lol05:51
soundrayM3G4crux: no05:51
DevCdapper say to make sure breezy is completely updated before going to dapper05:51
flummoxdRainarrow: if your first wget is still going, then "yes"05:51
M3G4cruxok, I only see like chinese and russian links to this problem05:51
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flummoxdRainarrow: you could do wget http://foo &05:52
soundraybam_, Celldweller: System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media05:52
M3G4cruxI have tried other user with no success05:52
flummoxdRainarrow: the & puts it in the background05:52
trappistRainarrow: if I'm wgetting something big, I like to do it in a screen session05:52
flummoxdyes, screen is the best solution05:52
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Rainarrowflummoxd, thanks for the & thing05:52
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Rainarrowflummoxd, I don05:52
bam_anything I can do from KDE(dont have GNOME)...05:52
Rainarrowflummoxd, I don't know you could use & with a CLI application05:52
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Celldwelleryea but it was the belkin v105:52
DevCsoundray: dapper says to make sure everything is updated for breezy before going to dapper and upon going to breezy I got more updates that I have to do first05:52
soundrayDevC: okay, that makes sense. Install ubuntu-desktop if you don't have it.05:52
Rainarrowflummoxd, hoho05:52
Celldwelleri couldnt find a driver for it05:52
bam_maybe from "Control Center" ?05:52
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trappistflummoxd: in my experience & isn't so great with wget because it keeps trying to draw the progress indicator05:53
DevCsoundray: ok05:53
Celldwellereven belkin didnt release one05:53
Rainarrowflummoxd, so if it's in the background, the only way to terminate it would be using kill?05:53
flummoxdcan't say I've actually tried this05:53
Vimmelpoolkey172: Worked all thx to you... =)05:53
Celldwellerthen i heard it was a zydas prism chipset... so i started looking for those drivers05:53
trappistRainarrow: you can foreground a backgrounded process by saying 'fg'05:53
defryskThe_Dark_Side_Of, maybe this helps : ttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper_nl#How_to_disable_system_time.2Fdate_from_being_reset_to_UTC_.28GMT.2905:53
=== cuteAndFluffy [n=ubuntu@c83-253-14-112.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
Celldwellercame  in handy for my integrated wifi chip05:54
poolkey172Vimmel : Thanks mate05:54
Rainarrowtrappist, I've tried the & thing, as you said it doesn't work05:54
Celldwellerbut the USB thing... i have some troubles with some things05:54
Rainarrowtrappist, due to the progress bar05:54
defryskThe_Dark_Side_Of, should be  : http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_dapper_nl#How_to_disable_system_time.2Fdate_from_being_reset_to_UTC_.28GMT.2905:54
cuteAndFluffyDo we have anyone here who is good at installing Ubuntu on a Mac?05:54
DevCI'll be back on if I hit any problems after this05:54
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M3G4cruxI dont know whether do download 115mb of additional xfonts or not, ... :) to solve the problem05:54
soundraytrappist: how about wget -nv ?05:54
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The_Dark_Side_Ofdefrysk, i am going to check it..05:54
mc__!anyone > cuteAndFluffy05:54
trappistsoundray: yeah that oughtta work05:54
Thokalinhaving fried my motherboard, what will happen to my ubuntu installation? will it still work, or do i need to reinstall after that?05:54
CelldwellerM3G4crux,  u can get rid of them later05:55
=== poolkey172 patiently waits for ubiquity to finish.... ps of all the installers I have seen since redhat 4 days this is THE WORST
Rainarrowtrappist, but if I close that terminal while wget is still running, it will continue in the background05:55
LadyNikonThokalin: are you going to a new motherboard?05:55
soundrayThokalin: if the replacement isn't too dissimilar, and if you're keeping the graphics card, it should be okay.05:55
Thokalinyes that's the only thing that's going to be changing05:55
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Rainarrowtrappist, but then if I say fg, it tell me no such job05:55
LadyNikonThokalin: you should be fine then.  just have to redo a few things05:55
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Thokalinthat's a relief..05:56
M3G4cruxwell Celldweller I wouldnt know which ones I have installed05:56
LadyNikonThokalin: hopefully you dont go throught the crap i went through when i fried my mobo05:56
cuteAndFluffyOk then, how do I create the AppleBootstrap-partition that's needed?05:56
LadyNikonmy card died 4 mntha after05:56
bam_soundray: What was that fix again?05:56
RprpCan someone help me? whats wrong with this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/WF8isx63.html and how can i fix it?05:56
ThokalinLadyNikon: what was that?05:56
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trappistRainarrow: could be it's finished?05:56
Joakimhello again05:56
soundraybam_ System-Preferences-Removable Drives and Media05:56
Celldwelleri dont know what language you use... but everyone except for that one lol05:57
Joakimi have installed beryl right now05:57
dabaRRprp: log out of root05:57
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M3G4cruxok, lets see this all the way round. Where is this  JISX0208.1983-0 included?05:57
bam_but I dont have GNOME...I only have KDE.05:57
Joakimbut, there are several problems here05:57
soundrayRprp: don't do it as root.05:57
Rainarrowtrappist, I still could see it via ps -x05:57
RprpI tried already with normal user05:57
Rprpbut still the same error.05:57
Joakimwhen i didn't have beryl, i could run 800x600 in resolution05:57
Rainarrowtrappist, and in the STAT column it says "R"05:57
trappistRainarrow: this is with -nv and &, or in screen?05:58
Rprpricky@ricky-desktop:~$ fglrxinfo05:58
RprpXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server05:58
Joakim1024x786* sorry05:58
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cuteAndFluffyNo-one that has a clue?05:58
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Joakimand after the beryl installation, i can only use 800x60005:58
Joakimthat's annoying05:58
Rainarrowtrappist, I did the following: open a terminal, wget something, and close that terminal, then open another terminal05:58
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aiesechow do i install beryl05:58
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Joakimi want it 1024x78605:59
apokryphosaiesec: /msg ubotu beryl05:59
soundray!install | cuteAndFluffy05:59
ubotucuteAndFluffy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues05:59
Rainarrowtrappist, and if I run fg in the latter terminal it says "no such job"05:59
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dbeHow can I fix this?: Errors were encountered while processing: postgresql-common postgresql-8.1 E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:59
Joakimcan somebody help me?05:59
Rainarrowtrappist, if I run ps -x, I can see wget is still running05:59
trappistRainarrow: oh no, don't do that.  if you want to be able to close the terminal, say 'nohup wget [options] 05:59
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trappistRainarrow: or use screen05:59
soundraydbe: post the output of 'sudo apt-get -f install' on the pastebin05:59
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dabaRcuteAndFluffy: you can do it with the installation of the osx cd, that is how I did it. Are you going to reinstall os x or are you keeping the current installation?06:00
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Joakimsomebody: please06:00
Joakimi need help06:00
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aiesechow do i install aixgl then06:00
dabaR!xgl > Joakim ] 06:00
Rainarrowtrappist, I see, thx06:00
talvhi all, i wonder if anyone can help me, ive just set ubuntu up on my friends laptop and its now part of our network which ahs windows and ubuntu nachines conencted too it, when people stream vidoes from my pc in windows they have no problems but when then try and stream from ubuntu machiones they cant, they have to copy the file over and then watch it06:00
runeswhat is the proper way of mounting an ide drive in ubuntu?06:00
Rainarrowtrappist, why can't I man fg?06:00
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dabaRrunes: the command is mount06:00
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soundrayRainarrow: because it06:00
soundrayRainarrow: because it's a shell builtin06:01
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runesdabaR, for a permanent mount in fstab06:01
Rainarrowsoundray, but isn't ls also a shell builtin?06:01
trappistRainarrow: it's not a command, it's a bash builtin.  man bash and search for fg.06:01
trappistRainarrow: nope06:01
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Joakimi run AIGLX/Beryl06:01
soundrayRainarrow: it is both a builtin and a standalone program.06:01
benny99hello, my standard alsa device changes sometimes... it should be hw:0,0 , but sometimes it's hw:2,0 , after a reboot it's hw:0,0 again06:01
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dabaRrunes: well, run sudo fdisk -l, see the type and device node, create a mount point, and make an entry with all that info in fstab06:01
benny99any ideas ?06:01
Rainarrowsoundray, trappist ok I see, thank you06:01
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web-onI got an error when I try to save any document in "bluefish", someone knows why???????????????06:01
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dbesoundray, http://rafb.net/paste/results/X8BuRJ82.html06:02
minimec|afkJoakim: 1st. What is the default resoluton in the /etc/xorg.con file? What card do you have? How many RAM on your card?06:02
Joakim1024 mb ram06:02
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benny99your VRAM06:02
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poolkey172YES BABY : UBBUNTU IS LOADING WHOOOOoooooooooo HOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo06:02
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JoakimI have 1024x76806:02
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minimec|afkJoakim: On the graphics card, not on the computer.06:02
M3G4cruxmy xorg.conf didnt have FontPath specified for /usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings06:02
dbesoundray, I did sudo apt-get update and have all packages updated as well.06:02
benny99hello, my standard alsa device changes sometimes... it should be hw:0,0 , but sometimes it's hw:2,0 , after a reboot it's hw:0,0 again (sorry for double-posting)06:02
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runesdabaR, I did mount the drive /dev/hdb1 in fstab  but I tried to create a symbolic link in users folders so that they could ftp into it..if the user logs on locally they see the link and are able to access the files if they ftp (vsftpd) it won't allow them to see06:03
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Joakimgimme a commando to check that06:03
trappistsoundray: ls doesn't seem to be a bash builtin at all06:03
Joakimgrep, or something06:03
M3G4cruxwhen running xorg not xorg-air nor Xgl it is not necessary to have option aiglx true to run beryl right?06:03
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Celldwellersoundray i hope that u r getting paid for this06:03
minimec|afkJoakim: are you talking to me?06:03
grungerAhh, anybody in here uses eciadsl drivers?06:03
Celldwelleror open a paypal donation acccount06:03
Joakimi need to check it06:03
Joakimi have nvidia 6800 gt06:04
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dbesoundray, Any idea whats happening?06:04
web-onSomeone use bluefish???????????????????????????????????''06:04
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dabaRrunes: did you try cding to the mount point in ftp?06:04
M3G4cruxcool I have nvidia quadro FX2500 :p06:04
dbeweb-on, I did, I use Emacs now.06:04
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Joakimemacs rules06:04
runesdabaR, yes no go no listing06:04
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web-ondbe: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm06:04
dbeJoakim, Nvidia sucks.06:04
dbeJoakim, Go ATI instead, that supports free drivers.06:05
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dabaRrunes: and you have the right permissions on the mount point after it is mounted? ls -l will show you permissions06:05
runesdabaR, I do see the link though just nothing inside it I also even chmod 77706:05
soundraydbe: can you run 'sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common' and pastebin the output, if any06:05
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runesdabaR, 777 as well just to be sure06:05
grungerFuck Ubuntu, I'm moving to Suse! /j #suse06:05
dbesoundray, Sure.06:05
benny99good bye06:05
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Joakimwhatever, too much effort to change gpu06:05
minimec|afkJoakim: So please write minimec at the beginning of your phrase. Otherwise I may not notice you ;) Open /etc/xorg.conf in a Terminal and go to the line where you got something like that * 24  "1024x768" "800x600" ...06:05
benny99grunger: it won't help you much...06:05
WinandI was clicking on some stuff06:05
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dbesoundray, sudo: /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common: command not found06:06
Winandand my ubuntu mouse froze, I mean I can move it still but I can't click06:06
martibscan anyone help me with my webcam problem? some sources claim that the firmware  is the same as those used by the spca5xx driver, but the vendor_id and product_id does not appear on the "supported cameras" list, nor does the machine recognize the camera when I plug it in, with the gspca driver...06:06
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Winandthe cursor just stays like in a closed fist06:06
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minimec|afkJoakim: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:06
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Celldwelleryou've rebooted right06:06
Celldwellerjust to make sure06:06
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soundraydbe: my mistake06:06
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WinandCelldweller: no06:06
soundraydbe: can you run 'sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.postinst' and pastebin the output, if any06:06
Celldwellertry that06:06
WinandI don't want to reboot just to have my mouse working06:06
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Celldwellerit sees your mouse06:07
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dbesoundray, No output.06:07
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Joakimminimec: yeah?06:07
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Celldwellerobviously something happened when it was probing for it06:07
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dbesoundray, But the file exist =).06:07
DreamThiefany op in here?06:07
soundraydbe: now repeat the apt-get -f install pls06:07
dabaRDreamThief: for what?06:07
aieseccan anyone help me install xgl on ubuntu edgy eft?06:07
WinandCelldweller: I've used my mouse with  ubuntu for like 2 days06:07
Celldwellerjust try it unless u are doing something important06:07
RorvikerWhen I try boot from the Ubuntu Desktop 6.10 cd I get "Buffer i/o error on hdb", I believe hdb is the cd drive. I have redownloaded and burnt a new copy twice but no luck. My cd/dvd drive is pretty new and have no other problems.. Any options I can use to get pass this problem?06:07
dabaR!xgl > aiesec06:08
Winandthen I clicked somewhere06:08
Celldwellerget an updated mouse driver06:08
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aiesecjoin xgl06:08
Winandand now the mouse thinks i'm moving an icon or something06:08
aiesecjoin /xgl06:08
Celldwellerjust reinstall the mouse driver06:08
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minimec|afkJoakim: So you got that line? What's exactly written there?06:08
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Winandhow do you do that celldweller06:08
DreamThieffor banning _emmanuelle . that's a spam-bot sending ads for a sex-related site to your query when joining the channel ;)06:08
dbesoundray, Same output.06:08
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BeetleMX5Hello #ubuntu06:09
Celldwelleroh hell...   i dont know off the top of my head... i've been up for a LOOOOONG time06:09
Celldwellersoundray can probably give u the command06:09
Joakimminimec: Modes      "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"06:09
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WinandCelldweller if I do ctrl+backspace+alt will that reset X?06:09
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Winandand thus my mouse?06:09
dbesoundray, postgresql-7.1 says the same thing.06:09
slapshothi everybody our LUG is creating a developers distro ubuntu based with all the tools and developing languages usefuls to programmers06:09
Winandok let me try06:09
pittidbe: I'm the postgresql maintainer, but I didn't follow the conversation; what's the problem06:10
slapshotwe'd like to name it DevUbuntu06:10
Celldwellersee you're solving your own problems.. even simpler06:10
BeetleMX5I have a question regarding ubuntu and KDE06:10
slapshotsomeone can tel me how I have to call to have this official name?06:10
minimec|afkJoakim: Now have a look at DefaultDepth (some lines before). That should be '24'.06:10
Celldwellerlol go ahead BeetleMX506:10
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=== Rprp reboot
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Joakimminimec: Depth       2406:10
BeetleMX5I would like to install KDE on my working ubuntu setup06:11
apokryphosDreamThief: can you /msg me what it said?06:11
JoakimI have many sub-sections06:11
edaragueany one know how extract one string after a specific string... eg. I've abcxyc, but need string afer x. Then the output is xyz... ? in Commands bash06:11
dbepitti, I cant install PostgreSQL 7.4 or 8.1 via apt in gNewSense 1.0 (build on Ubuntu Dapper), I get: http://rafb.net/paste/results/X8BuRJ82.html06:11
soundraydbe: for some reason, that postinst script returns an error, which isn't specified further. Do you know a bit about shell scripts and can find out what the problem is? If not, pastebin it and I'll have a look.06:11
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minimec|afkJoakim: Depth 24 is ok. But there has to be another one at the beginning of the "screen" Section called DefaultDepth. That must be 24 too.06:12
Celldwellerbrb gonna go smokey06:12
apokryphosdabaR: worth checking if there's any active ops first sometimes :P06:12
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pittidbe: I bet I know what's wrong06:12
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dbesoundray, I know how to handle scripts, what do you want me to look at?06:12
BeetleMX5Will i run into trouble if i just install teh KDE metapackage?06:12
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pittidbe: what does dpkg -s postgresql say? is it still installed or half-installed?06:12
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apokryphosBeetleMX5: nope, see the installingKDE page06:12
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apokryphos(wiki page, that is)06:12
aiesecwhere can i get the drivers for the builtin intel graphics chipset and how can i find out what model it is exactly06:12
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apokryphosBeetleMX5: covered in the kubuntu.org FAQ06:12
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runeshas anyone here ever created symlinks to work in an ftp server?06:12
soundraydbe: what /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.postinst might be doing that sets the exit status >006:13
apokryphosDreamThief: have you sent it? I won't get any /msg from you if you're not registered btw.06:13
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dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/Z8rRYZ54.html06:13
Joakimminimec|afk i have started a private conversation with you06:13
soundrayrunes: I believe ftp servers ignore symlinks for security reasons06:14
pittidbe: no, that's postgresql-8.1; I need 'postgresql'06:14
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minimec|afkJoakim: One moment.06:14
runessoundray, then how does one allow users access to folders outside their home directory (in my case /media/ftp (mouted /dev/hdb1 to it)06:14
dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/P32rVQ76.html06:14
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baastrupHi, im having problems with the nvidia drivers, when changsing to any tty from X the system crash, and the same when I reboot06:15
baastrupthis dossent happen with nv driver06:15
visualstationerf quazi la totalit des certifications SUpinfo sont pas specialement abordables06:15
visualstation4500 de moyennes06:15
BeetleMX5Thanks, i'll look into the FAQ06:16
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pittidbe: alright, thanks; so that wasn't it06:16
kevinGHow can I check my nvidia driver version?06:16
Amaranthbaastrup: Bug in the nvidia driver, we can't do anything.06:16
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soundrayrunes: by mounting it to /home/ftpuser/ftpdir06:16
apokryphoskevinG: lspci06:16
pittidbe: 'sudo sh -ex /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.postinst configure' output?06:16
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minimecJoakim: Did you find that DefaultDepth?06:16
baastrupAmaranth: so im not the only one with this problem?06:16
to1visualstation : on parle anglais ici06:16
aiesechow do i check to see what graphics chipset i have?06:16
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Amaranthbaastrup: Others have had it, yes06:16
runesok soundray  time for a test brb06:16
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baastrupAmaranth: but with the drivers in edgy, and even the newest drivers from nvidia?06:17
to1aiesec : lspci06:17
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dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/jdjE7c31.html06:17
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LukeAmaranth: when will your server be back up?06:17
runeswait soundray umm how would I be able to mount it for each user?  I wanted to have a link in /etc/skel so that each time I crete a user they have access to the mount in their home directory06:17
kevinGI've been trying to get Beryl to work...but it seems that the Beryl site is down06:17
LukeAmaranth: er... back online06:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dev/dsp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:18
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visualstationtol dsl je me suis trompe de chan :)06:18
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soundrayrunes: symlinks seem to be the way forward... Have you checked your ftpd config to see whether you can enable symlinks?06:18
RorvikerWhen I try boot from the Ubuntu Desktop 6.10 cd I get "Buffer i/o error on hdb", I believe hdb is the cd drive. I have redownloaded and burnt a new copy twice but no luck. My cd/dvd drive is pretty new and have no other problems.. Any options I can use to get pass this problem?06:18
minimecJoakim: I am having a cigarette. brb06:19
dbepitti, So I'm stucked, and thats it? gah.06:19
visualstationtol my reply was for gentoofr chan :$06:19
runessoundray, I did not see any info on it in the vsftpd.conf06:19
soundrayRorviker: do you have a HD on /dev/hda ?06:19
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Rorvikersoundray: I have 3 harddrives connected06:19
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pittidbe: give me some time, I'm just eyeballing the stuff; are you on Kubuntu?06:19
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Rorvikersoundray: I have tried to disconnect them one by one, and even though I dont have a harddrive connected it gives the same error.. Thats why I believe its the cd/dvd drive that makes the error06:20
dbepitti, I'm on gNewSense (build on Ubuntu Dapper GNU/Linux, approved by FSF)06:20
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dbepitti, So its problaby a broken package from their repositories06:20
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soundrayrunes: have you got a deny_file entry?06:21
apokryphosdbe: I haven't followed the discussion, so I haven't followed if it's relevant, but #gnewsense is good06:21
pittidbe: if you purge all postgresql-related packages and install them from scratch, and you get this, then I have never seen this before06:21
dbeapecat, Im there.06:21
soundrayRorviker: have you checked the master/slave jumper settings?06:21
runessoundray, messed up the filesystem reinstalling (don't ask) will be up in about 15 mins06:21
pittidbe: dbe can you please get me 'DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer sudo sh -ex /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.config configure' ?06:21
dbepitti, sudo apt-get remove-purge postg...?06:21
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pittidbe: let's poke this a little, if you have time06:22
soundraypitti: s/config/postinst/ ?06:22
pittisoundray: config should be fine06:22
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Rorvikersoundray: Would that have any to do with the cd stopping to boot when I got the Ubuntu logo? All og the drives works 100% under Windows06:22
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dbepitti, I got all the time in the world to get through with this if you have =).06:23
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dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/yeZyDN67.html06:23
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reusamar0k errors resolved06:23
soundrayRorviker: it could. Also make sure that your cable is ATA133 compliant06:23
casparcan someone help me getting teamspeak to work?06:23
reusbut no amarok except splash06:23
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pittidbe: immediately after this, 'echo $?' is 1?06:24
shriphaniguys my ipod is mounted as a read-only disk. any ideas06:24
Rorvikersoundray: The jumper settings is fine.. But it could be a "old" ide cable.. Have a bunc of them06:24
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dbepitti, Yes.06:24
RorvikerI'll try to replace it with a new one06:24
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pittidbe: ok, let's try this:06:24
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pittidbe: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialog DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer sudo sh -ex /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.config configure06:24
shriphanimborohov, you from mit ?06:25
GionnyBosshi all06:25
mborohovshripani: yup.06:25
dbepitti, The variales is temporary, right?06:25
soundrayRorviker: those old cables have caused me no end of grief06:25
catOSwould it be possible to do a network install of ubuntu ppc on an imac from a windows machine06:25
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pittidbe: right, these are environment vars that just apply to the command after them06:25
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shriphanican you help me mborohov06:25
apokryphosslapshot: take a look at /msg ubotu loco06:25
shriphanimy ipod is mounted as a read only disk06:25
mborohovshripani: with? and can i do it later? im running off to class06:26
apokryphosslapshot: there's a lot of info on there about Loco teams. It should also link to Canonical's specifications when using the Ubuntu name06:26
dabaRcatOS: did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation?06:26
apokryphosslapshot: (as it's trademarked)06:26
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GionnyBossI'm having problems setting my resolution to 1440x900 on my laptop... I have just installed Ubuntu there. I tryed to edit xorg.conf file and I tryed dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org with no results... I always get a maximum resolution of 1024x768... can anybody help me, please?06:26
Rorvikersoundray: I hope that its only that.. cause I can install the server, and I can install slackware and the drive works fine with everything so I thought it was odd that it only fucks up on ubuntu06:26
dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/br2zUh93.html06:26
=== shriphani has been dreaming of makin it to mit. what a privilige to talk to one from there
soundray!language | Rorviker06:26
ubotuRorviker: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:26
catOSdabaR, no didnt know about it thank you06:26
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soundray!fixres | GionnyBoss06:27
ubotuGionnyBoss: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:27
pittidbe: bah, this hates me06:27
mborohovshripani: it's not as big a deal as you think :) but sure, i can talk to you about it later today06:27
Rorvikersorry :p06:27
GionnyBossthanks soundray I will check that webpage06:27
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DevCsoundray: got everything upgraded to 5.10 but when I change it to dapper the repositories act like they don't know where they are06:27
shriphanithx mborohov06:27
pittidbe: ok, let's hit it over the head some more06:28
pittidbe: sudo sed -i 's/sh -e/sh -ex/' /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.config06:28
slapshotapokryphos: thank you I will look there06:28
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pittidbe: and then06:28
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pittidbe: sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.config configure06:28
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slapshotfor the ones interested we are searching for suggestions on what include inside this developers distro06:28
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dbepitti, Want the output?06:28
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soundrayDevC: did you hit 'Reload' after changing it to dapper?06:28
pittidbe: from the second command, yes; it won't fix anything, just more debug output06:28
slapshotand of course someone want to partecipate to develop06:28
minimecJoakim: Ok. I am back.06:29
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rmblsounds interesting slapshot ..06:29
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harryDid they cancel the Ubuntu Open Week, I am unable to find the channel?06:29
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dbepitti, http://rafb.net/paste/results/eonR6O97.html06:29
rmblwhat do you plan to include atm?06:29
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pittidbe: SUPPORTED='Unknown distribution: gNewSense'06:29
slapshotwe are opened to suggestion06:29
pittidbe: so, this is partly my fault06:30
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DevCsoundray: yeah...maybe I misspelled it but I just change breezy to dapper and click reload06:30
pittidbe: theirs because they can have never ever tested it, and mine because this wasn't fixed yet in dapper06:30
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dbepitti, Nothing of what I've did is permanent?06:30
pittidbe: This was fixed in edgy06:30
slapshothere is our web site and new project we are starting on06:30
pittidbe: only the sudo sed -i06:30
soundrayDevC: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list on paste.ubuntu-nl.org pls06:30
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pittidbe: sudo sed -i 's/sh -ex/sh -e/' /var/lib/dpkg/info/postgresql-common.config06:30
pittidbe: ^ this will revert it06:30
DevCsoundray: yeah no prob06:30
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DevCnow that firefox is working properly lol06:31
runesbefore I install, what is the recommended ftp server in Ubuntu?06:31
seanI know Abobe are working on flash 9 for linux which Ubuntu will support, am I right in thinking that currently flash is version 7 in ubuntu, so that flash 8 and 9 sites don't work?06:31
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pittidbe: can you please do 'sudo gedit /usr/share/postgresql-common/supported-versions'06:31
soundrayrunes: vsftpd and proftpd are both popular choices06:31
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noldonpls help i dont get sound in et and quake306:31
cello_raspwhat is the program that checks for updates in ubuntu?06:32
noldoncomplaining about /dev/dsp06:32
pitticello_rasp: update-notifier06:32
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dbepitti, What do you want me do read/modify?06:32
pittidbe: search for 'echo "Unknown distribution:'06:32
pittidbe: below is an 'exit 1'06:32
soundraysean: yes, unless you load FP9 beta, which works well for me06:32
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dbepitti, echo "Unknown distribution: $DISTRO"06:33
noldoncello_rasp or automatix206:33
seansoundray - ok, thanks06:33
seansoundray - any links to how I can load that?06:33
LjL!automatix | noldon06:33
ubotunoldon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:33
pittidbe: replace the exit 1 with 'exit 0' and insert a line before:06:33
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pittidbe: echo -e "8.1"06:33
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cello_raspnot automatix or the panel applet, but the program that appears when you click on the applet06:33
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dbepitti, Sure? and then?06:34
noldonljl for me automatix have worked out fine06:34
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pittidbe: save the file06:34
pittidbe: then sudo apt-get -f install06:34
LjL!works for me06:34
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ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.06:34
dbepitti, Then?06:34
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casparannyone can help me?06:34
AsheDso, anybody know why I can't play DVDs anymore?06:34
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pittidbe: the apt-get -f install should sort it all out06:34
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dbepitti, Works!06:35
dbepitti, But... What can this result in later?06:35
soundraysean: http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/06:35
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages06:35
pittidbe: ok, I'll make this more robust in feisty06:35
DevCsoundray: this is it with the breezy links still because when I do dapper the repositories just show the link rather than Dapper Drake -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34379/06:35
Joakimminimec, finished smoking?06:35
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pittidbe: right now, postgresql-common really only supports Debian and Ubuntu :(06:35
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minimecJoakim: yeah06:35
pittidbe: thanks for helping me to track this down06:35
dbepitti, I see, so I have to modify this in gNewSense each time.06:35
Joakimtake a look at the IM06:35
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seansoundray - it has to be compiled from source, then?06:36
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strohi guys.. i have a core 2 duo processor, however edgy only runs on 1 cpu. what am i missing?06:36
pittidbe: if you could file a bug report in gNewSense to ask them to fix this?06:36
dbepitti, And especially thank to you.06:36
defrysk!flash9 > sean06:36
soundraysean: I wish it would, but no.06:36
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stroisn't the edgy kernel SMP capable?06:37
Joakimminimec, take a look at the pm06:37
dbepitti, I can at least paste the output of what I did get in the begining when I tried to install it via apt.06:37
seandefrysk -  thanks06:37
dbepitti, To the devs.06:37
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defrysksean, yw :)06:37
pittidbe: just point out what you changed in supported_versions06:37
dbepitti, Obsolete major version 7.4                                                                                                                             06:37
dbe                                                                                                                                                         06:37
dbe  The PostgreSQL version 7.4 is obsolete, but you still have the server and/or client package installed. Please install the latest packages              06:37
dbe  (postgresql-8.1 and postgresql-client-8.1) and upgrade your existing  clusters with pg_upgradecluster (see manpage).06:37
pittidbe: that's not the right fix, but the script is easy to understand, so they can fix it06:37
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defrysk!pastebin > dbe06:37
pittidbe: right :)06:37
pittidbe: if you install from scratch, you really don't want 7.406:38
dbepitti, It was a couple of more lines then I thought.06:38
Joakimminimec: my default depth is 2406:38
minimecJoakim: You can't sen de private messages without a (free) registration to freenode. I have no private messages of you. sorry.06:38
dbepitti, how do I purge?06:38
cello_raspwhat is the program that is run when one clicks on the update-notifier panel applet in gnome?06:38
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JoakimPrivate Chat06:39
JoakimDidn't that work?06:39
DevCsoundray: the problem I'm having is that when you enter hoary in the URI the package updater shows 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog Ubuntu and with breezy it shows 5.10 Breezy Badger Ubuntu but when I change breezy to dapper it shows the link instead of Dapper Drake06:39
minimecJoakim: so the resolution entry in xorg.conf is ok. Are you in 3d Mode. Beryl is working in 'wubbeling' mode? :)06:39
Joakimhere's my xorg.conf06:39
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soundrayDevC: I don't know what you mean by package updater06:40
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shriphaniguys can anyone tell me why my ipod is mounted as read-only ?06:40
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pittidbe: remove the packages06:40
Joakimminimec: I seriously don't know :blush:06:40
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minimecJoakim: Got that. THX.06:41
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DevCsoundray: System-> Administrator -> Synaptic Package Manager  and where you edit the repositories by replacing hoary/breezy/dapper/edgy/etc;06:41
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minimecJoakim: Give me the 3rd or 4rth line of the outpu of glxinfo... direct rendering: ;)06:41
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defryskJoakim, you are trying to use bery l ?06:42
minimecJoakim: ... glxinfo in a terminal...06:42
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ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image.06:42
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Joakimi use beryl06:42
soundrayDevC: what happens when you configure the repos with dapper everywhere instead of breezy and hit Reload?06:43
defryskJoakim, and have probs ?06:43
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defrysksorry missed the conversation06:43
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noldonjoakim is that default in ubuntu?06:43
Joakimdefrysk: the resolution is 800x60006:43
caspari want to use alsa under teamspeak, can someone help me on that?06:43
DevC soundray: I'll try again06:43
Joakimnoldon, beryl, no06:43
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minimecdefrysk: he has a resolution problem with beryl... xorg.conf is ok. He is using an nvidia card.06:43
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Joakimi want the resolution to be 1024x78606:44
noldonJoakim cant find it with apt-get06:44
defryskJoakim, you seem to have forgotten one addition in xorg.conf06:44
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JoakimWhat would that be?06:44
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minimecJoakim: Tell me the output of glxinfo, please06:44
KeyseirI just got an error with gnomebaker while trying to burn a cd. Could someone point me in the direction of how to fix this problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34381/06:44
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minimecdefrysk: That could be. Iam using fglrx and radeon ;)06:45
defryskJoakim, this : http://rafb.net/paste/results/IYN7o453.html06:45
defryskadd that to the end of xorg.conf06:45
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augustinhi..I just installed EdgyEft on my new 64bit laptop but I can't connect it to the internet. Network Monitor displays error: SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device...any clue??? please help me, I am quite desperate06:45
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AsheDso, anybody know why I can't play DVDs anymore?06:45
mog__join #ubuntu-fr06:45
Joakimdefrysk, under screen?06:46
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Joakimnoldon, few seconds06:46
defryskJoakim, as a complete new section06:46
nicks68My mozilla-thunderbird chraches and writes "Segmentation fault" to the console. Any ideas?06:46
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:46
minimecJoakim: defrysk is right. Add the 'comosite enable' thing to your xorg.conf.06:46
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defryskJoakim, like so : http://rafb.net/paste/results/wZksZ331.html06:47
defryskJoakim, got it ? ;)06:47
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Joakimnoldon, i used this guide06:47
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kalosaurusrexanyone know where the nvidia repo was moved to?06:48
defryskkalosaurusrex, amaranth's server seems to be off line06:48
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Joakimdefrysk, should I add the subsection too?06:48
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kalosaurusrexyeah I noticed that too06:48
defryskJoakim, just the last 3 lines06:48
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defryskkalosaurusrex, probably temporarily06:49
rc-1i installed a program (knights) through synaptic, but it doesnt show up on the games menu, where do i find the executibles?06:49
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JoakimRestart X...06:49
DevCsoundray: brb just installed 6.06 LTS have to reboot for it to take effect06:49
defryskJoakim, the rest should be fine but also check the specs of your monitor and compare , it does not seem to be recognized06:50
defryskhmm too late06:50
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minimecdefrysk: We will see ;)06:50
jim_in_socal*new to IRC, is there a way to ignore the away message and the "xuser has joined #ubuntu" ?06:50
mirageous hi..I just installed EdgyEft on my new 64bit laptop but I can't connect it to the internet. Network Monitor displays error: SIOCGIFFLAGS error: No such device...any clue??? please help me, I am quite desperate06:50
defryskminimec, yup06:50
hurax_does anyone use ubuntu on a powerbook/ibook?06:50
jim_in_socalI'm using xchat for ubuntu fyi06:51
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webbenhurax_, If you mean anyone at all, yes they do.06:51
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Joakimdefrysk: Didn't work06:51
rc-1how do i launch an app if its not added to the applications list upon install06:51
hurax_and if with anyone i mean anyone currently in this channel?06:51
JoakimThe resolution is still 800x60006:51
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klasherrc-l, did you restart x?06:52
defryskJoakim, I noticed your monitor is not recognized in your xorg.conf06:52
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fiiwhat is ubuntu?06:52
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fiisounds funny06:52
defryskJoakim, you have the specs of your monitor ?06:52
JoakimPrereferences -> Screen Resolution06:52
minimecdefrysk: I have one of these ATI Radeon Mobility cards in my Laptop. I have to use the dirver of ATI. This driver is crap.06:52
JoakimI have an LCD TV06:52
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jim_in_socalubuntu is a mythical elflike create who compiles code at night06:52
defryskJoakim, I see06:52
Joakimdefrysk: AKAI06:52
defryskaiai :s06:52
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minimecJoakim: Ok. I have no experience with that ;)06:53
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defryskJoakim, did you already change the resolution in nvidia-settings ?06:53
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JoakimI can use an original monitor06:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about teamspeak - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
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casparnothing :(06:53
hc`I need some help with Nvidia driver and Gnome06:54
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Joakimdefrysk: Is there nvidia-settings? Where?06:54
defryskJoakim, type it06:54
defryskin your term06:54
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defryskJoakim, as user, not as root06:55
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sbelain edgy it is xserver-xgl version 7.0.0 but the installed xserver is 7.1.1. can someone tell when will be available the 7.1.1 version of the xserver-xgl ?06:55
stalefriesI'm trying to install newer veresions of abiword-gnome and abiword-common that I downloaded, but  dpkg  says that each package depends on the other. something's wrong...06:56
Joakimdefrysk: See it06:56
kelly__can anybody help with frostnet problems on ubuntu 6.06lts?06:56
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defryskJoakim, do you have the latest nvidia-driver installed ? (from amaranth) ?06:56
stalefriesnevermind, I just had to tell dpkg to do them both at the same tine06:56
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hc`Joakim: har du ogs problemer med nvidia?06:56
kelly__it won't load just locks up on loading and freezes the whole o/s06:56
sbelanobody ?06:57
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stalefries!nvidia | hc`06:57
ubotuhc`: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:57
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defrysk!no hc`06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about no hc` - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:57
stalefries!search norway06:57
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defrysk!no | hc`06:57
ubotuhc`: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!06:57
stalefries!search norwegian06:57
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stalefries!help | sbela06:58
ubotusbela: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:58
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PMantisHellO! I reloaded my laptop with Edgy from scratch (was Dapper w/ dist-upgrade to Edgy). The XServer is *REALY* slow now. Diag steps?06:58
defryskanyway , have to go , Joakim good luck with your quest06:58
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sbela!help | sbela06:59
ubotusbela: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:59
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:59
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stalefriessbela: don't abuse the bot, pleasae06:59
emmettshearHow can I view all attempted TCP connections in Ubuntu?07:00
kelly__how do you format a disk??07:00
Apeironemmettshear, netstat07:00
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:00
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stalefrieskelly__: floppy?07:00
emmettshearapeiron: is there a certain netstat command that will show me a list as they come in?07:00
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Apeironemmettshear, uhm.. wait a second.07:01
stalefriesemmettshear: try  man netstat07:01
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emmettshearhehe ok07:01
emmettshearI've tried that before though07:01
stalefriesit's  all you ever need :)07:01
emmettshearand I've never been able to make it work07:01
rc-1klasher, yes i restarted x07:01
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:01
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kelly__stalefries no hdd07:01
burnerjono: quick question about Jokosher... so why isn't it just a .deb?  what's with the script to install it?  I thought you were all ubuntu friendly ;)07:01
Apeironemmettshear, i dont see such a thing, but youll maybe find out by browsing the manpage. you can also try etherape, it shows you all your connections in a graphical visualisation07:02
stalefrieskelly__: then look at the following;07:02
LacunaVIs there a way to add unallocated space to an extended partition when the free space is in front of the extended partition? Gparted and qtparted can't seem to do it. The partition scheme looks like this: http://www.devia.org/images/GParted.png As you can see the space is before the extended partition.07:02
stalefries!format | kelly__07:02
ubotukelly__: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:02
emmettshearcool, thanks07:02
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neomantrai am interested in "cross building" an app for sarge from dapper.  anybody have a good reference or even the proper web-search term?07:02
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu)07:03
kelly__stalefries what should you see on "computer" if you have 2 drives?07:03
Apeironhm.. i have a little problem too, i have a dual-head configuration, and currently the monitor connected to my vga out is the primary screen, but i want to have the monitor connected to dvi out to be the primary screen.. xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34384/07:03
fuffal0is there an open exchange channel on freenode?07:03
stalefrieskelly__: I don't know07:03
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stalefriesfuffal0: youo mean like a general chaht  channel?07:03
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dcordeswhile upgrading from dapper to edgy my xserver crashed. since then i can't run it anymore. how can i run the distribution upgrade from command line?07:03
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kelly__how do  you get gparted??07:04
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stalefrieskelly__: sudo apt-get install gparted, I imagine07:04
dcordeskelly__ sudo apt-get install gparted07:04
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=== stalefries is so fast! :)
fuffal0stalefries, ya i guess so :)07:04
berndlthe headphone jack of my laptop (pavilion dv9000 series) is not working. i know that i have to compile alsa from source (which i did twice). however, each time i'm not able to boot again. the kernel just hangs. anyone?07:05
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stalefriesfuffal0: you could check #ubuntuforums, that's general Ubuntu chat, but I don't know about  general freenode chat. Maybe try #freenode or perhaps #chat?07:05
stalefriesrandom guesses07:05
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fuffal0stale, no sorry, i meant "open exchange" as in the software07:06
fuffal0i misunderstood your question :)07:06
PMantisI wiped out my Dapper-->Edgy distupgraded laptop to repartition it 9on purpose). Edgy is installed, but the screen redraws are S-L-O-W. Is there a file from a backup that I can overwrite to get the same X config as before?07:06
fuffal0i think it's actually called open-xchange07:06
stalefriesfuffal0: oh, never heard of that07:06
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stalefriesPMantis: maybe  /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:07
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stalefries!hi | FFForever07:07
ubotuFFForever: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:07
lehaidHi, which Ubuntu Virtual Appliance is recommended (standard version hopefully with development tools and kernel sources) for Vmware?07:07
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FFForeverhow come i can hear but now see video in mplayer07:07
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stalefriesFFForever: codec problems, probably07:07
stalefries!codecs | FFForever07:07
ubotuFFForever: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:07
eepberrieshow can i see the mounted devices in terminal mode?07:07
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dcordesi would look it up in the wiki but i can't see the link since i have no command line browser i can't do this07:07
i7chdoes anyone have experience with ultraportable usb audio cards? does linux like them, generally speaking?07:08
stalefrieseepberries: you can check your /media folder, also /etc/fstab is a useful file to look at07:08
kelly__dcordes i installed gedit as you said now how do i use it :S07:08
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ubotugparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:08
stalefrieskelly__: you meant gparted, right?07:08
Bloodmusic^^very good one :)07:08
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lehaidanyone knows ?07:08
eepberriesalright. how can i mount a USB hard drive in terminal mode? do i have to do it manually?07:09
eepberriesi plugged it in before turning the computer on but it hasn't deteced it07:09
Bloodmusicthink so07:09
eepberriesi've used it before though07:09
kelly__stalefries yes that is what i meant07:09
stalefrieseepberries: supposedly, ubuntu should do it autmoatically07:09
PMantisstalefries, Heh, could it be that easy? :) Thanks.07:09
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dcordeshow can i run the upgrade-manager without xserver?07:09
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eepberriesstale: even in terminal mode? (my xserver is dead)07:09
stalefrieskelly__: it's graphical, so just run gparted and have fun. Or perhaps sudo gparted07:09
FFForeverwhy are the mirrors so slow atm?07:09
stalefrieseepberries: x or no x, yes :)07:09
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eepberrieswell what should i do if it isn't auto-detecting it?07:10
stalefries!mount | eepberries07:10
ubotueepberries: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks07:10
PMantisdcordes, ecit /etc/apt/sources.list (change all to "edgy"), then run apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade07:10
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stalefriesbah, no good07:10
stalefrieseepberries: try man mount07:10
stalefrieseepberries: but check if it's mounted first07:10
stalefrieseepberries: cd /media07:11
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eepberriesstale i checked and it isn't07:11
stalefrieseepberries: hmm, look at /etc/fstab07:11
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stalefrieseepberries: it may give you some hints07:11
JoakimWith 1024x76807:12
lehaidwhich Ubuntu Virtual Appliance is recommended (standard version hopefully with development tools and kernel sources) for Vmware?07:12
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stalefrieslehaid: It seems no one knows, what are the options?07:12
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Kaptahhi there!07:12
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lehaidstalefries: allot http://search.vmware.com/search?site=vmtn_site&client=vmtn_site&proxystylesheet=vmtn_site&output=xml_no_dtd&restrict=&num=10&filter=0&q=ubuntu&search.x=0&search.y=007:12
=== Kaptah wonders if he should use a firewall
Kaptah  :P  Any recommendations07:13
lehaidi heard iptables is good07:13
jbroomeKaptah: any ports open to the outside world?07:13
sir-k-can I add mp3 files as Podcast to my ipod with gtkpod?07:13
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sir-k-or is there another program which can do that?07:13
mc__lehaid: anyway,there is no other choice than iptables ;)07:13
stalefriessir-k-: gtkpod is good, also lookup banshee and rhythmbox07:13
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stalefrieslehaid: that _is_ a lot07:13
eepberriesstalefries: /etc/fstab just says command not found07:14
jbroomethere can be only one stateful firewall.  pf!07:14
kelly__stalefries i semm not to be able to format07:14
stalefrieslehaid: lemme have a look07:14
poolkey172why is the ubuntu liveCD SO FLAKEY07:14
lehaidyeah.. and no guide on what to choose / what is the diffrence07:14
sir-k-stalefries, can they add a single mp3 file as a podcast?07:14
lehaidi thought someone here knows some of them07:14
stalefrieseepberries: that's a file, do nane /etc/fstab07:14
sir-k-stalefries, so that it appears unter "podcast" in my ipod07:14
lehaidstalefries: k, tnx07:14
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eepberriesstalefries: nane: command not found07:14
robwgwhere is the ubuntu-classroom channel? I can see ubuntu-classroom-chat..07:14
Joakimand minimec: I have 1027x768 now07:14
stalefriessir-k-: you need to edit the id3 tags to label it as a podcast07:14
poolkey172piece of junk : Sometimes I boot using the liveCD and it doesnt setup my hardware properly : no networking wrong screen res etc07:14
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tryll1980can alyone tell me how to go from dapper to edgy? (is it possible to only upgrade it??)07:15
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minimecJoakim: Yesssss!!!07:15
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minimecJoakim: Was ist the TV Screen?07:15
JoakimBut not with the flat-TV07:15
VigoFusionjoakim: Shweet! how did you do it?07:15
sir-k-stalefries, can you tell me how?07:15
rafaguapHi all... I can get my wireless recognized only if I put "acpi=off" at boot, then it doesn't see anymore my usb devices (dapper on packard bell easynote laptop)07:15
JoakimI switched monitor :p07:16
stalefriessir-k-: not specifically, try an 'apt-cache search id3' for help07:16
tryll1980do i just change the repos to point to edgy instead of dapper and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade???07:16
JoakimI'll fix the flat-TV later07:16
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minimecJoakim: Ok. ;)07:16
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runessoundray, ok fresh install of 6.10 (desktop) added vsftpd and allowd local login but no anon..so far so good07:17
stalefrieslehaid: this looks right, you may want to update it to edgy: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/ubuntu.html07:17
Joakimminimec: Woher kommst du?07:17
stalefrieslehaid: unless you want a server version07:17
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lehaidnah, i actually want 6.0607:17
minimecJoakim: Fribourg / Schweiz07:17
stalefrieslehaid: that's good then07:17
eepberriesstalefries: nane: command not found07:17
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stalefrieseepberries: did I write nane? I meant nano07:17
tryll1980anyone??? i wanna go from dapper to edgy....how do i do that??07:17
Joakimminimec: Wie geht's?07:18
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lehaidahh, hmm, ok, i'll try, thanks07:18
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stalefrieseepberries: I've been pretty busy :)07:18
stalefries!update | tryll198007:18
ubotutryll1980: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes07:18
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Bloodmusicthe new editor of the day: nene :)07:18
skippyI'd really like to use Java applets inside Firefox on AMD64.  I'd really prefer not to run 32-bit firefox, if possible.   Bug #28479 mentions a multiverse java plugin, but I can't find it.07:18
minimecJoakim: nicht hier im ''. /join #minimec07:18
lehaidstalefries: i'll try it, thanks (i missed the d/l linked when i've seen it before)07:18
runessoundray, now how would I be able to mount and link /dev/hdb1 so that all users logging in have access to it through ftp?07:18
stalefriessounds good to me. Anyone wanna fork nano?07:18
kelly__stalefries i thought that formatting was meant to be easy? i guess if i wanna learn i have to persist lol07:18
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stalefrieslehaid: sounds good07:18
stalefrieskelly__: yeah, I have  no idea07:19
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lehaidit's a slow d/l :|07:19
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eepberriesit looks like the usb hard drive is connected, i'm just not seeing it under /media/07:19
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eepberriesthough i have no idea what that stuff in the fstab file is07:20
stalefrieslehaid: yeah, no torrent  :/07:20
stalefrieseepberries: sorry, I'm just to used to it Just Works07:20
VigoFusionI am such a linux noob I am stuck on 800x250? or some stupid thing.07:20
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:20
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stalefriesVigoFusion: that  good for you?07:21
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VigoFusionstalefries: Thank you, I think07:21
stalefriesVigoFusion: your welcome, I think :)07:22
runesdo I need a uuid in fstab to mount a secondary drive??07:22
kelly__stalefries i think i done it lol07:22
VigoFusionIts a lotta reading,,,07:22
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stalefrieslehaid: this is a torrent: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/directory/48407:22
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sod75runes: /dev/hdx will work too07:22
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lehaidstalefries: seems older07:23
runesok  here it goes07:23
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stalefrieslehaid: perhaps, but you  can always update07:23
aiesecok so how do i password protect the printer07:23
lehaidit's ok, i'll try the original once, it's only 2 hours d/l07:23
stalefrieslehaid: all right07:23
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abesHey I have a problem with (not)playin DVDs... whichever program I use it either freezes, quits or returns an error! I followed all instructions regarding libdvdcss and w32codec and still no luck - any ideas?07:24
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eepberriesalright i just try unplugging and pluggin my usb hdd in and it's saying a bunch of stuff like "rejecting I/O to dead device"07:24
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spitzzhow can you change the default icon for a file type?07:24
eepberrieswhat does this mean?07:24
VigoFusionHow would I know if I am running the fglrx driver? I have the failed install log. in text07:24
sentinelHELP... why doesn't work this: xmodmap -e "keycode 39 = s S 0x17f section ssharp section"07:24
lehaidabes: try VLC Player?07:24
abeslehaid: tried... no luck07:24
stalefrieseepberries: sounds like it's broken :|07:24
abeslehaid: tried pretty much all available players07:24
lehaidif all software fail, replace hardware :|07:25
lehaidin windows it works ?07:25
abeslehaid: the disc itself?07:25
lehaidthe movie07:25
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lehaidahh, maybe..07:25
sod75eepberries: "rejecting I/O to dead device" is normal if you unplug it07:25
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stalefriesVigoFusion: lsmod07:25
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sentinelHELP... why doesn't work this: xmodmap -e "keycode 39 = s S 0x17f section ssharp section"07:25
abeslehaid: yeah... no problem... its not playing any original (encrypted) DVDs on Ubuntu07:25
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soundrayrunes: have you checked again that symlinks from the users' home directories aren't accessible through ftp?07:26
anilomkarHi all, how to play .rm files in Ubuntu edgy07:26
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stalefriesanilomkar: that's for realplayer07:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:26
sentinelinstal Realplayer anilomkar07:26
sod75anilomkar: mplayer  or real player07:26
sentinelHELP... why doesn't work this: xmodmap -e "keycode 39 = s S 0x17f section ssharp section"07:26
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luthorHi, i have a problem with printing.07:27
eepberriesstalefries: the usb hdd? it isn't broken07:27
anilomkarthank you sod75 sentinel07:27
eepberriesit works fine in windows, and it was working fine with linux last night07:27
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stalefrieseepberries: does it tell you what device it is? like /dev/sda ?07:27
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luthorThe problem is: i tried installing a new printer, it is on the gateway, and i have the correct adress and the .ppd file.07:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:28
sentinelnoone to tell me how to remap a KEY????07:28
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stalefriessentinel: it  seems no one knows07:28
VigoFusionThat is what the lsmod says: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34389/07:28
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lehaidwelp, i'll try messing with it, and see how it goes, if anything special to report, i will later07:28
lehaidthanks, and bye07:29
RebornDVhello... i am trying to open gsynaptics for my trackpad... "you have to set 'shmconfig' 'true' in xorg.conf or xf86config to use gsynaptics... any idea how to do so?07:29
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RebornDVi opened xorg.conf and found no reference to shmconfig07:29
luthorI had success with raw, but i want to get further than that. I tried installing the .ppd the previous sysadmin left, and adding a new printer and print a test page.07:29
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RebornDVany ideas?07:29
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg.conf - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
stalefriesRebornDV: that needs to be  added to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file07:30
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:30
luthorNow the printer is stuck on "printing", the job list is empty. Tried restarting cupsys, reconfiguring it, restarting the machine07:30
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Yasuore <3 nodeadkeys07:30
luthorand is still there printing07:30
RebornDVso... SHMConfig = true?07:31
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:31
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ubotuAIGLX (Accelerated Indirect GLX) is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. Head to #ubuntu-xgl for support.07:31
luthorI can't remove the printer07:31
ezenu3anyone know of a program which permanently and safely deletes confidential files from a filesystem?07:31
luthorit does not let me do thet07:31
stalefriesezenu3: fire?07:31
luthoranybody can help me?07:31
SpacePuppyezenu3: shred07:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shred - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
stalefries!info shred07:32
ubotuPackage shred does not exist in any distro I know07:32
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ezenu3SpacePuppy, thanks, the man page makes me think that shred is what I want07:32
luthorSOrry has anybody followed what i said?07:32
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luthorAm i asking in the wrong way or something?07:33
runesHow do you list your drives?07:33
stalefriesluthor: a little, but printing is beyond me07:33
VigoFusionezenu3: Nothing short of a very large and expensive magnet, but eraser can do a 400 wipe pass on it.07:33
trappistSpacePuppy: also see wipe07:33
soundraystalefries: shred is in coreutils07:33
stalefriessoundray: ok07:33
ezenu3runes, try "df"07:33
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luthormore then restarting cupsys07:34
VigoFusionI am sol with this XSeries 200?07:34
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luthorwhat can i do to stop the printing processes?07:34
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klasherunplug printer07:34
=== soundray is wondering whether nobody else ever had that problem
luthorthe printer is not doing anything07:34
soundrayHow can I determine the age difference between a pair of files?07:35
bobbyi need a how installing driver for my nvidia 6200 card ,i am running dapper07:35
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jvolkman_Hey, does anyone know why Ubuntu's build of iptables doesn't include the ROUTE destination?07:35
klasherbobby, i think there is a tutorial on the wiki07:35
soundray!nvidia | bobby07:35
ubotubobby: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:35
trappistsoundray: first, how do you define age? create time? access time? modify time?07:35
jnevesluthor: can't you access the jobs through Administration -> Printing?07:35
runesthx ezenu3 weird tho /dev/hdb1 is mounted to /mnt/download but ls does nto show any of the files07:35
luthorjneves, no07:35
soundraytrappist: modification time07:35
luthorjneves, the list is empty07:35
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luthorbut it keeps on saying it is printing07:36
luthorwhile obviously not.07:36
jnevesluthor: stop and then start the printer07:36
jnevesluthor: hp printer07:36
soundraytrappist: is the only way to get at the timestamp to extract it from ls -l output?07:36
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ezenu3runes, I don't know what's with that. you're sure that there should be files there? and, I'd assume "mount" would show the same thing?07:36
luthorno is a printer connected to a gw07:36
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klashersoundray, maybe diff could do it for you, with a flag or something07:37
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graftrunes, try typing 'cd .' and trying again07:37
runesezenu3, there should be it's my backup files with the /home in it07:37
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AsheDdoes Windows have anything similar to Linux's 'rsync' command [and perhaps 'mencoder' as well] ?07:38
graftyou can get mencoder for windows07:38
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trappistsoundray: ruby -e 'p File.mtime("filename1") - File.mtime("filename2")'07:38
graftand you can get openssh for windows...07:38
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soundrayAsheD: you can run rsync in Cygwin07:38
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runesstill nothing07:38
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AnthonyGHello everyone :)07:38
runesgraft still nothing07:38
graftrunes - 'mount' shows it as mounted?07:38
jnevesAsheD: try cygwin07:38
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jnevesluthor: no - on the printing panel07:39
ezenu3runes, if df shows that /dev/hdb1 has a significant amount of used bytes, and it is mounted according to it, and ls -aR /mnt/download doesn't show anything, then I don't know07:39
AnthonyGStill no luck compiling the Modem drivers , I wasn't aware Ubuntu didn't have the standard C/C++ libs pre-implemented.07:39
runesgraft, /dev/hdb1 on /mnt/download type ext3 rw07:39
jamesHey all. New to ubuntu here. Is there any way to run a command from a launcher? I.E, I'd like a desktop icon to simulate running "sudo /usr/bin/eciadsl-start" in the terminal. Thanks.07:39
luthorjneves, i tried to remove it or stop it07:39
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jnevesluthor: and?07:39
soundrayWow, that works! Thanks trappist07:39
luthorno effect07:39
luthorit stays there07:39
trappistsoundray: :)07:39
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jnevesluthor: try http://localhost:631/printers/07:39
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jnevesluthor: try stopping it there07:40
runesezenu3, I think that when I was experimenting with hardlinks to get them to show up in an ftp session..removing the hardlinks may have also removed the files07:40
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VigoFusionoh heck, lemee play in the Terminal and see whats up....I have NO idea what I am doing,,,but its FUN!07:40
jnevesluthor: (use a login and pass from a user in lpadmin)07:40
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AnthonyGVigoFusion: Play too much and you will get yourself into trouble , I had to unplug my machine due to random Terminal goodness :D07:41
grafterm... sounds like it's time to trot out your undeleting utils, runes07:41
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VigoFusionthe lspci brought it up07:41
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runesgraft any help will do as I may have mentioned several months ago I migrated from server 2003 to linux so I'm still really REALLY green07:41
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soundrayrunes: files with multiple hardlinks don't get removed before you remove the last link.07:42
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runessoundray, well after the last experiment I just gave up and reinestalled 6.10 on the hda07:42
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graftrunes, what does df report for usage on that disk?07:43
runessoundray, without unlinking...and when I reinstalled then mounted the hdb1 I see nothing07:43
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AnthonyGWould anyone happen to know which package I need to compile things like drivers? I know it needs the standard libs(stdio,math,etc.) but what else?07:43
soundrayrunes: well, you can't hardlink across filesystems of course07:43
runesgraft, 1% 13121207:43
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AnthonyGbuild-essential won't help either , I'm unable to use the Terminal at the moment.07:43
FFForeverhow do i get video again?, sorry i was brb and the message disaperedc07:43
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Skwid_hey guys, is there a way for ubuntu to 'discover' wireless networks or do I always have to enter in the ssids ?? :(07:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:44
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Joe_CoTSkwid_: try running "iwlist scan" from a terminal07:44
FFForevervideo i got mp3's :D07:44
AnthonyGI've setup a dual boot environment, I'm currently on XP.07:44
soundraySkwid_: 'iwlisth interfacename scanning'07:44
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VigoFusionIs that paste better?07:44
soundraySkwid_: sry 'iwlist interfacename scanning'07:44
HoagHey all. New to ubuntu here. Is there any way to run a command from a launcher? I.E, I'd like a desktop icon to simulate running "sudo /usr/bin/eciadsl-start" in the terminal. Thanks.07:44
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runesgraft and soundray  if I lost the data no big deal this is my learing time with Ubuntu07:44
AnthonyGOi , Another ATI user , I'm no longer alone :D07:45
soundrayHoag: yes, just create a new launcher, but use gksudo instead of sudo, or tick "Run in Terminal"07:45
VigoFusionX Series 20007:45
graftrunes - try touching  a file there and seeing what happens07:45
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runesgraft I would if I could see anything on the drive07:45
luthori can access the page on localhost:631/printers07:45
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graftrunes: no i mean touch a new file, 'touch testfile'07:45
AnthonyGVigoFusion: I have the same :)07:45
luthorbut i can't delete or stop the printer either here07:46
runesok brb graft07:46
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Skwid_soundray: it only shows the network im connected too, but i know for a fact that there are about 20 wireless networks, also, is there a way to get these in the settings interface in gnome ?07:46
jnevesluthor: youca access the page? it doesn't appear?07:46
VigoFusionAnthonyG: get yours working?07:46
jnevesluthor: you can't?07:46
luthori can07:46
Joakimminimec: /j #minimec07:46
luthori try to delete07:46
luthorand says07:46
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AnthonyGVigoFusion: 3D Acceleration?07:46
runesgraft it shows07:46
jnevesluthor: put jneves: in the beginning of your messages, or I loose them07:46
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Hoagsoundray: Thanks :)07:47
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runesgraft I think I know where you are going with this..07:47
jnevesluthor: just try to stop it07:47
graftrunes - unmount it and see if it still shows...07:47
VigoFusionAnthonyG: ANYTHING better than 600x42007:47
AnthonyGMight someone suggest a package that will allow me to compile these drivers from hell :(07:47
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runesgraft ok umount (foldername)07:47
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AnthonyGVigoFusion: 1024x768 :)07:47
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luthorjneves, can i query you?07:47
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=== poolkey172 the end is in sight :)
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AnthonyGVigoFusion: I don't remember unfortunately , I'm sorry :(07:48
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Sp4rKyhi there07:48
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runesgraft ok umount worked the folder shows but inside I don't see the TOUCH file07:48
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Sp4rKyi've installed postfix + courier (imap,pop3) mail server07:48
VigoFusionAnthonyG: I feel like a little kid again looking at all this HUGE text and whatnot07:49
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Sp4rKywith mysql database07:49
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graftrunes: yeah, sounds like you lost your data...07:49
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graftor, looks like, i guess07:49
luthorjneves, the thing is07:49
AnthonyGVigoFusion: Huge text?07:49
abesHow can I restore the default UBUNTU modules? I guess I removed too much stuff and now when I boot up it hangs on a blue desktop and the coursor! I removed gnome-terminal, nautilus, etc...???07:49
jnevesluthor: yes07:49
runesgraft, is there a way to easily repartition /format07:49
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jnevesabes: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:49
Sp4rKybut now, i want to add mailman list manager, and the lists doesn't seems to work. Does anyone have some tutorial which works ?07:49
VigoFusionAnthonyG: Reso is at like wait a sec...07:49
graftrunes: it ought to be ext3 formatted anyway...07:49
jnevesluthor: is the printer local or on a different machine?07:49
snIphehi all......I`m trying to install my wireless D-Link G122 in Ubuntu....but when I do make I have problems..../lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/build it seems that not found some important file07:50
AnthonyGVigoFusion: I see what you mean... Have you every used DOS? If you think Linux shoots out chars...07:50
AnthonyGExcuse me , Every=ever07:50
runesgraft gopard is showing 1.32 gig used07:50
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snIpheI can install the driver under BackTrack, Debian, but not Ubuntu....i have installed the build-essentials and gcc 3.3 gcc 4.0 make and kernel-headers07:50
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soundraySkwid_: "scanning" shows all networks that are available to your setup. The dropdown list in the gnome networking setup should show the available networks, too.07:51
abesjneves: the following packages have unmet dependencies: // ubuntu desktop: Depends: gnome-applets but is not going to be installed // Depends: gnome-control-center, etc07:51
luthorjneves, is on a different machine07:51
soundraySkwid_: the one under "ESSID"07:51
AnthonyGVigoFusion: At least you've got your 56K modem working , More than I can say.07:51
VigoFusionAnthonyG: Resolution is at 800x600,,,yes, I have my TRS-80 still working.07:51
abesjneves: also gnome-panel, gnome-session, gnome-terminal, nautilus07:51
graftrunes how big is the disk?07:51
klasheroh know the stock market crashed07:51
luthorjneves, but i want to retouch the configuration on THIS machine07:51
snIphesome one knows why I can`t do that in my new Ubuntu ??07:51
luthoron the gw all is ok07:51
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Skwid_soundray: nothing in the dropdow :(07:52
runes80 gig  there was 1 iso of 650 megs and the /home files07:52
runesworked out to about a gig07:52
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VigoFusionAnthonyG: Thats a modem for my Laptop, I dunno why it works.07:52
graftrunes: some fraction of the disk gets used up to support the filesystem, i think...07:52
abesjneves: after all if i try to install one by one it tells me that there is a problem with gnome-control-center07:52
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soundraysnIphe: you may have to make a link from /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build to /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(uname -r)07:52
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jnevesluthor: forget that - it's cups - the configuration is in the remote machine, not in the local one07:52
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luthorjneves, they are not matching07:53
jnevesabes: which is?07:53
snIphe[soundray]  Im going to try it...07:53
luthori added a wrong printer07:53
luthortried to print07:53
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abesjneves: any ideas how to restore EVERYTHING... like all the packages with UBUNTU logo in synaptic?07:53
AnthonyGAnyone care to help? I'm in desperate need of assistance , And the constant rebooting is killing me (and likely my machine).07:53
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luthorand now is stuck07:53
jnevesabes: have you changed the repostiries?07:53
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ActivEHey, when i try and run Xvnc i get the error: could not open default font 'fixed'. Any ideas?07:53
jnevesabes: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop is the way07:54
klasherAnthony, you have a laptop?07:54
abesjneves: i didnt change them... i might have added some though07:54
graftwhat's your prob, AnthonyG?07:54
jnevesabes: but you seem to have another problem there - what's the error with gnome-control center07:54
abesjneves: ubuntu-desktop doesnt install07:54
soundrayAnthonyG: don't worry about the rebooting, at least not as far as your machine is concerned.07:54
AnthonyGgraft: I believe I have the correct driver for my modem , But I can't seem to find the needed libs to compile them. I know I need the standard libs.07:54
ezenu3for grep, is there a symbol to represent NOT?07:54
jnevesluthor: stop cups - /etc/init.d/cupsys stop; remove jobs in /var/spool/cups07:55
kjodleikI'm trying to recompile the latest kernel i edgy. however when I boot my kernel it claims not to be able to access tty and halts the boot sequence. any ideas?07:55
jnevesluthor: start cups again07:55
trappistezenu3: grep -v07:55
graftAnthonyG: no kernel driver for it?07:55
AnthonyGsoundray: But what about my sanity?07:55
trappistezenu3: also in a regex, [^x]  means not x07:55
jnevesabes: what's the error when you try to install gnome-control-center?07:55
abesjneves: The following packages have unmet dependencies: nautilus: Depends: gnome-control-center (>= 2.6) but is not going to be installed // E: Broken packages07:55
ezenu3trappist, thanks, for both :)07:55
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AnthonyGgraft: I don't believe it supports Lucent/Agere.07:55
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graftAnthonyG: um, what sort of modem is this?07:55
Skwid_soundray: any reason why it wouldnt recognize the ssids ?07:55
jnevesabes: apt-get install gnome-control-center07:55
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abesjneves: when i try to install gnome-control-center it gives me the error with capplets-data dependency07:56
jnevesluthor: don't forget sudo07:56
jnevesabes: which error?07:56
MarcNActivE: I had that same problem. Forgot the fix though... ;-)07:56
AnthonyGgraft: Elaborate... It's a 56K Agere Systems PCI SoftModem (V.92)07:56
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jnevesabes: I'm not looking at your computer...07:56
MarcNActivE: I think it was some missing font packages.07:56
luthorjneves how to erase jobs in /var/spool/cups07:56
soundraySkwid_: wrong channel setup for the country you're in?07:56
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luthorjneves, with what? nautilus? nano? cd?07:57
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snIphe[soundray]  the folder build under /lib/modules/$(uname -r) doesnt exist.....I must create it?? what kind of link can I do?? ln -l one??07:57
abesjneves: The following packages have unmet dependencies: gnome-control-center: Depends: capplets-data (= 1:2.14.1-0ubuntu11) but 1:2.14.2-0ubuntu1 is to be installed // E: Broken packages07:57
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erichjdoes anyone know if there are drivers for a conexant HCF modem *not* made by linuxant out there?07:57
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Skwid_soundray: where would i change that ?07:57
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AnthonyGWait a moment....07:58
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soundraysnIphe: ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build07:58
soundraySkwid_: I don't know, sorry07:58
VigoFusionIs my driver in and I just dont have the linux knowhow to enable it?07:58
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AnthonyGWouldn't my modem be located in /dev/tty*?07:58
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ActivEMarcN ive tried to reinstll the fonts package but it does nothing :(07:58
snIpheok I'm trying to write it in the wrong order07:58
Skwid_soundray: thank you very much anyhow :)07:59
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luthorjneves, explain better the process of erase all processes in /var/spool/cups07:59
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jnevesluthor: check the giles there07:59
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jnevesabes: do an apt-get update, please08:00
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jnevesluthor: check the files there08:00
luthorjneves, giles?08:00
jnevesluthor: sorry08:00
jnevesluthor: the must be a par of files for each print job08:00
abesjneves: ok done...08:00
jnevesluthor: pair08:00
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jnevesabes: now try again08:00
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abesjneves: same thing :(08:01
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jnevesluthor: they'll have almost the same name (execept for the 1st letter, if I'm not mistaken)08:01
klasherbye everyone08:01
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jnevesabes: do a paste with apt-cache show capplets-data, please08:01
abesjneves: its not updating them since they are not on the system, so there is nothing too look for a newer version of... thats the problem...08:01
jnevesabes: and tell me which mirror you're using08:01
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jnevesabes: have you changed the repositories?08:02
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jnevesabes: seems like an out of sync repository08:02
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graftAnthonyG: what driver are you trying to compile?08:02
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abesjneves: how do i check which mirror am i using?08:02
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luthorjneves, very good. The processes are gone. But anyway i can't erase the wrong printers from the printer list.08:03
ReidIs this an OK place to ask a straightforward install question, or should I post to a listserv?08:03
luthorjneves any good idea?08:03
=== TurtleBoots [n=ciaran@host86-134-174-82.range86-134.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
jnevesluthor: stop cups again and remove it by and08:03
TurtleBootshello all08:03
AnthonyGgraft: I forget which website , And the full filename , But I believe it was something similar to : martian-20061100. Tarball of course08:03
maxxismReod shoot08:03
VigoFusionReid: Go for it08:03
luthorjneves, ok08:03
jnevesluthor: edit file /etc/cups/printers.conf08:03
TurtleBootscan anyone advise of DVD playing software for Ubuntu?08:03
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jnevesluthor: backup the file before08:04
reiki_workI am considering getting an external USB2 DVD burner (so my wife can use it too on her windows laptop) and I am wondering how well Ubuntu will handle it. Specifically looking at getting a LaCie drive now that they have linux lightscribe working. anyone able to give me a clue on this?08:04
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jnevesabes: check the urls in /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
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graftAnthonyG: um, apparently the slmodem driver may work with your card08:04
jgkTurtleBoots:  I like Xine.  xine dvd:// and you're playing.08:04
trappistTurtleBoots: I use xine08:04
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abesjneves: i have some extra urls there due to downloading codecs - should i remove them so its like it was in the beginning?08:05
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TurtleBootsthanks guys... I'll apt-get it :-)08:05
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HerilTurtleBoots: I use mplayer08:05
AnthonyGgraft: Really? Hm...I misinterpreted what it was I suppose...08:05
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jnevesabes: try something before08:05
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jnevesabes: apt-get dist-upgrade08:05
TurtleBootsHeril: I've got mplayer installed but it won't play the DVD for some reason08:05
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jnevesabes: maybe not08:05
jnevesabes: comment those out first08:05
jnevesabes: it's safer08:06
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jnevesabes: then do a apt-get update08:06
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jnevesabes: then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:06
abesjneves: same thing as before08:06
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TurtleBootsHeril: ohh no I was just being silly :-(08:06
HerilTurtleBoots: Could be an encrypted DVD or, you may be missing the appropriate libraries or codecs08:06
jnevesabes: and you still haven't told me which mirror you're using...08:06
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trappistTurtleBoots: mplayer isn't quite ideal for playing dvds08:06
TurtleBootsHeril: sorted ;-)08:06
ezenu3when untarring something, 'f' needs to be the last argument?08:07
naitmer!ubotu grub08:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:07
TurtleBootstrappist: why's that?08:07
HerilTurtleBoots: If mplayer doesn't work08:07
abesjneves: u want the urls?08:07
ezenu3ah, I see, nevermind08:07
AnthonyGgraft: Oh, I see , It's generic :D08:07
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jnevesabes: just one08:07
TurtleBootsHeril: yeah08:07
trappistTurtleBoots: limited support for menus and such08:07
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graftAnthonyG: another option might be popping down the street and buying a compatible modem for liek $1008:07
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TurtleBootstrappist: so you recommed Xine08:07
AnthonyGgraft: Of course , Directly after I light my Cuban Cigar with a $100 dollar bill XD08:08
abesjneves: deb-src http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted - also - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe main restricted multiverse08:08
HerilWell, you do need to know how to use it properly, but if you do, it runs them quite well. And I run mplayer in terminal08:08
trappistTurtleBoots: yep.  I use mplayer for everything else, but xine for dvds.08:08
TurtleBootsHeril ohh right08:08
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abesjneves: and two deb and deb-src from security.ubuntu.com (main restricted)08:08
TurtleBootstrappist: ok I'll take your advice08:08
jnevesabes: replace all by ca.archive.ubuntu.com (except the security ones)08:08
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abesjneves: replace the ca.archive.ubuntu.com with what?08:09
TurtleBootstrappist / heril: don't suppose either of you have ever connected you Ubuntu box to external projector or tv through VGA slot?08:09
jnevesabes: try se.archive.ubuntu.com08:09
ReidLast night I tried unsuccessfully to install ubuntu 6.10 into (or in place of) an existing SuSE 10 implementation.  I'm willing to reformat the file system areas ("/") and of course /usr and /temp, etc, but want to keep the existing partitions, the /home data, and some data in other discrete partitions.  I get a showstopper error about no "/".   Don't get that.  Any hints?08:09
trappistTurtleBoots: yeah I got that to work once, but I don't recall what I had to do08:09
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poolkey172anyone know how to enable dmraid from the live or alternative disk ?08:09
ReidIs this a sharing issue?08:10
AnthonyGgraft: Am I grabbing the correct Tarball? http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/smartlink/Ubuntu/slamr-2.6.15-27-386.tar.gz08:10
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AnthonyGTheir versioning system is confusing...08:10
TurtleBootstrappist: don't suppose you could give me any rough ideas where to start looking?08:10
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abesjneves: no change... i think there is something in my system... not with the mirrors....08:10
AnthonyGI don't even distribute that terribly XD08:10
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TurtleBootstrappist: coz I've not got a clue. new to this stuff08:10
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trappistTurtleBoots: xorg.conf08:10
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AnthonyGHello root__ :)08:11
abesjneves: is there any way i can give u access to my pc or something?08:11
graftAnthonyG: looks good to me... is that your kernel version?08:11
TurtleBootstrappist: ok I'll take a look08:11
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jnevesabes: apt-get update08:11
poolkey172anyone know how to enable dmraid from the live or alternative disk ?08:11
abesjneves: done...08:11
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jnevesabes: then apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:11
AnthonyGgraft: That's what the versioning scheme is for? In regards to Kernel version? Hmph...08:11
jnevesabes: same problem?08:12
abesjneves: i told you there was no chage.... still the same problem with all the dependencies08:12
TurtleBootstrappist: where is that file?08:12
abesjneves: yeah08:12
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EDinNYdoes anyone know where to find a flash player package for firefox?08:12
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DevCok how do I configure Xserver when it doesn't load properly? alll of a sudden while restarting xserver crashed on me and won't load...booted me into GDM and said I needed to configure Xserver? how do I do that?08:12
AnthonyGgraft: Isn't the latest release's kernel version 2.16?08:12
trappistTurtleBoots: /etc/X1108:12
graftAnthonyG: um, i'm running 2.6.15-23-68608:12
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graftAnthonyG: uname -a to see what you're running08:12
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Chewy954can someone help me?08:13
soundraytrappist: could you just quickly tell me how to access arguments inside a ruby script? I tried ARGV[0]  but that's not it...08:13
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Chewy954im having problems with xmms08:13
EDinNYChewy954: donlt know...ask first08:13
xenYo, how do I change the default text editor?08:13
maxxismChewy954 everyone has problems with xmms.  it sucks now.08:13
TurtleBootshas anyone here ever edited the xorg.conf file to allow connection to external output?08:13
jnevesDevC: alt+f1, login with your login and password, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:14
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graftwhy still use xmms?08:14
Chewy954i set it as my defualt audio player, but when i double click a song, it loads up but wont play that song08:14
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Chewy954i like the skins for it08:14
EDinNYTurtleBoots: ask on #ltsp08:14
Chewy954whats a better audio player?08:14
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maxxismChewy954 give Beep media player a try.  it works well for me.  and has xmms skins support08:14
graftjust about anything08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about player - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
graftorgh. what's that thing...?08:15
maxxismChewy954 its in the repos.08:15
TurtleBootsEdinNY: I'm not quite sure what you mean?08:15
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AnthonyGgraft: :| , I need to pay more attention , It likely is 2.15 then. I can't shout at the terminal at the moment , I booted into XP.08:15
TurtleBootsby #ltsp08:15
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maxxismChewy954 sorry its in Synaptic.08:15
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graftAnthonyG: you probably aren't running 2.15, those are development series - production are always even numbered08:15
EDinNYTurtleBoots: try  "/join #ltsp".  they use this in their project08:15
Skwid_the only difference between xubuntu/ubuntu is xfce/gnome ????08:15
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yahalommy video stopped working. I get error opening/initializing the selected video_out08:15
yahalomany ideas please?08:16
Chewy954whats the difference between blag and ubuntu?08:16
graftAnthonyG: but you should find your matching kernel version and download the appropriate driver, then you should be able to build it no p roblem08:16
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Chewy954like major differences08:16
EDinNYTurtleBoots: I assume you want to view an X application run locally on a remote machine08:16
graftSkwid_: yep08:16
budluvaanyone here install beryl from the wiki page? the repo for lrm is down, and im wondering if there's any way i can go around it?08:16
Skwid_graft: is it that much lighter ?08:16
AnthonyGgraft: I learn something new every day about Linux :)08:16
graftbudluva: yeah, try this mirror: http://beryl-mirror.lupine.me.uk/08:16
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budluvagraft, thank you sir :P08:16
AnthonyGgraft: Alright, Thank you for the help :)08:16
TurtleBootsEdinNY: errmm. What I want to do is connect my TV to my laptop to view films etc etc08:17
graftSkwid_: xfce? wouldn't know, i haven't used either... :P08:17
TurtleBootsEDinNY: have you ever done this?08:17
graftSkwid_: though rumor has it xfce is quite light08:17
Skwid_graft: ok :)08:17
EDinNYTurtleBoots: do you have a card with a television output?08:17
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budluvagraft,  deb http://beryl-mirror.lupine.me.uk/ edgy lrm     ??????08:17
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TurtleBootsEDinNY: I was hoping to use the VGA slot ??08:17
soundraytrappist: no worries, I've worked it out08:17
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EDinNYTurtleBoots: you need a vid card in that slot that supports TV out08:18
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Skwid_graft: thank you :)08:18
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Chewy954maxxism, bmp or bmpx?08:18
parik70whom may i ask information on ubuntu in italian to???08:18
maxxismbmp i think08:18
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Chewy954bmpx is the new version of it08:19
TurtleBootsEDinNY: VGA slot works on (dare I mention it) Windblows so it should also work on Ubuntu ???08:19
maxxismx then08:19
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parik70any italian ?08:19
_abes_jneves: got disconnected....08:19
Chewy954ok, im asking becuase in the synaptic it shows like wma things for bmp only not bmp08:19
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Chewy954will it work for bmpx aswell?08:19
EDinNYTurtleBoots: you need a video card that has televsion out08:19
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jneves_abes_: that explains it08:20
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TurtleBootsEDinNY: I have that...08:20
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EDinNYTurtleBoots: and it does not work?08:20
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EDinNYTurtleBoots:  then I can't help you08:21
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TurtleBootsEDinNY: no not straight off, so I assumed that there was a bit of tweaking required??08:21
poolkey172maybe I should just give up08:21
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poolkey172and use windows instead08:21
ESCulapio__quien habla espanol08:21
turbopc!es | ESCulapio__08:21
ubotuESCulapio__: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.08:21
EDinNYTurtleBoots: you need drivers that support it...I don't know if there are linux drivers that do...google your card model and linux08:21
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ESCulapio__no era el canal08:22
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EDinNYis there a flash package for firefox?08:23
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TheDebuggerEDinNY:  Take 6 minutes and read the docs on the website...08:23
strabesEDinNY: no; you just copy the .so file into your firefox/plugins directory08:23
soundray!info flashplugin-nonfree | EDinNY08:24
VigoFusionWould an old Radeon 9800 ATI PCI card work?08:24
poolkey172strables : where can I get flash 9 from ?08:24
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 7.0.68~ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386)08:24
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tonyyarussobug #6801408:24
soundraypoolkey172: adobe.com08:24
tonyyarussobah - wrong chan08:24
BlockI am thinking about upgrading my cpu from an old amd to a nwer intel. The question is: will my ubuntu installation handle a motherboard change or will it freak out like a windows system?08:24
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strabespoolkey172: labs.adobe.com08:24
turbopcwhere would be my USB key located by default?08:24
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strabespoolkey172: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer9.html08:25
poolkey172hiya soundtray : I'm still strugglin : I know what my problems with grub and the raid are08:25
maxxismBlock it depends if you changes your kernel to a K7 derivative.08:25
poolkey172thanks trabes08:25
strabesturbopc: probably in /media08:25
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soundrayturbopc: probably in the top drawer, with the pencils and crayons08:25
Blockmaxxism: My idea is to run a generic 486 under the upgrade08:25
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soundraypoolkey172: go on...08:25
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maxxismBlock just make sure your kernel is a standard 386 one and your upgrade should go fine.08:26
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DevCdamn it! I can't get the xserver to load the GUI anymore08:26
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Blockmaxxism: ok, nice08:26
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maxxismBlock what are you buying?  Core2?08:26
TurtleBootsanyone else here connected their Ubuntu box to an external output?08:27
soundrayDevC: no need to swear. 'tail /var/log/Xorg.0.log' and see if you can see the reason08:27
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poolkey172soundkey : its essentially the way the BIOS orders the disks ie disk1 is raidon11controller disk2 is raid on different controller disk3 is a simple IDE08:27
budluvabushidom, is there an english version?08:27
poolkey172soundkey : When in linux : the kernel orders them differently08:27
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Blockmaxxism: You seem to know your stuff so I ask you another question :). A few days ago I "upgraded" from a standard desktop cpu to a mobile one, but I cannot get cpu scaling to work (it worked perfectly in windows so I know it works). Any ideas?08:28
Herilwarren282: Hi08:28
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poolkey172soundkey : I need to mess around with grubs device.map08:28
soundraypoolkey172: try to use UUIDs for accessing your partitions then.08:28
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warren282I have a problem with a realtek ac97 sound chip08:28
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maxxismBlock  it is in the power settings i think.08:28
warren282I haven't sound but i'm a bit noob :p08:28
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poolkey172soundkey : How will UUIDs work if grub doesn't even see the disk08:28
Blockmaxxism: yeah, looking at intel core, mostly because it is relativly cheap and runs efficient.08:29
warren282what ca I do?08:29
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maxxismBlock Core's are the bomb right now.08:29
Herilwarren: what exactly is your problem08:29
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warren282Does I have to install the realtek drivers form the realtek site?08:29
Blockmaxxism: I cannot load the module "poswernow-k7"??08:29
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warren282I haven't sound and I don't know how to solve08:29
poolkey172soundkey : this is a low level issue : Anyone know if I can create a boot floopy with a custom built kernel that I can boot with ?08:29
maxxismBlock  yeah that is for a AMD chip.  no anything K7 is amd.08:30
DevCsoundray: lol it says 'no core keyboard' 'fatal server error: failed to initialize core devices'08:30
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foosh /msg nickserv set unfiltered on08:30
Blockmaxxism: the mobile is an amd mobile barton, sorry for not mentioning it.08:31
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darksh3llsalut a tous08:32
soundrayDevC: I suggest you 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-nonworking' and create a new config with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'08:32
maxxismBlock hmmm.   never seen that one.08:32
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docgnomeI have an HP Laserjet 1018 connected to my Ubuntu Edgy box and I want to share it with my MacBook. Does anyone know how to do that or where there is a tutorial about it?08:32
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Herilwarren: If your sound card isn't recognized by alsa on your system, then you need to install the aproprate drivers08:32
poolkey172Anyone know if I can create a boot floopy with dmraid enabled ?08:32
maxxismBlock I bet soundray knows something of it.  that guy knows everything.  hehe08:32
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VigoFusionHow do I determine which Xorg I have?08:33
Herilmaxxism: except he left08:33
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Chewy954maxxism, thx, bmpx is nicer and it works like how i want08:33
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Chewy954can someone help me install FasterFox?08:33
Chewy954ive had problems with it08:34
zyxephmm where can i find the newest ubuntu server source.list ???08:34
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maxxismChewy954 yeah i likes it too08:34
Chewy954yea its nice08:34
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Chewy954do u know of a site with nice skins?08:34
maxxismsoundray will be back.  he is always in here08:34
Chewy954i use gnome-look08:34
rickyfingersVigoFusion: sudo X -version08:34
Chewy954can someone help me install FasterFox?08:35
VigoFusionThank you08:35
maxxismChewy954 try the winamp skins for 2  they work great08:35
HerilVigoFusion: or Xorg -version08:35
DevCsoundray: I'll try but I don't know much about my computer (kinda old and was given to me from a friend)08:35
Chewy954im good with what i put on now so its good08:35
zyxephmm where can i find the newest ubuntu server source.list ???08:35
Chewy954but can someone help me with swiftfox?08:35
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snIphewhen I try to do make i found: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9/scripts/gcc-version.sh: No such file or directory08:36
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HerilChewy: what about swiftfox08:36
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Chewy954i need help installing it08:36
snIphescripts/Makefile.fuild: No such file or directory08:36
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Chewy954fyi, im using blag so i cant use the DEB08:36
maxxismChewy954 just add the fasterfox extension into the normal firefox it works fine.08:36
Chewy954i lost my ubuntu cd08:36
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Chewy954maxxism, yea but it still has the memory leak issue and swiftfox doesnt08:37
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Chewy954i only have 256mb of ram08:37
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maxxismChewy954 didnt know that.  good to know.08:37
HerilChewy: you should be able to get the approprate package file from the swiftfox site08:37
rickyfingerssnIphe: you need linux-headers-2.6.12-908:37
Blockmaxxism: Thanks for the help!08:37
snIpheI try to install my gcc 3.4 compiler08:38
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Chewy954Heril, i did but i duno how to use it08:38
snIpheI have my linux headers but some one tell me to do sim link like ln -s /usr/src/kernel-headers-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build08:38
Chewy954im new to linux08:38
HerilChewy: Feel lucky, you have more RAM than me.08:38
snIphebut i don`t know if the simlink points wright08:38
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Chewy954Heril, how much do u have?08:38
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docgnomeDoes anyone know about shring an hp printer connected to an Ubuntu Edgy machine with a Mac OS X 10.4 laptop?08:39
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HerilChewy:Somewhere around 180-190MB08:39
HerilDang, I forgot the command to get the info on the CPU08:40
HerilI thought it was sudo /proc/cpuinfo08:40
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maxxismBlock anytime man.08:40
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snIphe[rickyfingers]  do you know something ??08:41
HerilChewy: I use swiftfox and Opera08:41
Chewy954well does someone know how to install swiftfox?08:41
rickyfingerssnIphe: checking into it a little more, I found http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-23422.html08:41
Chewy954i might get opera08:41
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rickyfingerssnIphe: but it's not a conclusive answer, as far as I can tell.08:41
HerilChewy: Do you know what processor you have?08:41
=== cookieninja doesn't like opera, it contributed to screwing up a distro upgrade :s ... i sorted it, but it made it a lot more complicated
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ouroborosHello hello good day!  :)08:42
cookieninjasimply typing, without quotes "more /proc/cpuinfo" will provide you with cpu info08:43
Chewy954Heril, yea intel pentium 408:43
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snIpheaha I understand you08:43
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cookieninjatyping that in a shell window, that is08:43
rickyfingerssnIphe: I'm running a different kernel version than you, but I have /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.17-10/scripts/gcc-version.sh08:43
ouroborosI have been trying without success to set up a uvcvideo device.  It IS listed a supported by that driver.08:44
ouroborosAnyone have great knowledge of uvc?08:44
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snIpheok im goint to see if i have it too08:44
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rickyfingerssnIphe: if it's there and you're getting this error message, most likely permissions are not correctly set on it.08:45
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snIpheno I havn`t got it in this directory. I have other directories and a Makefile08:46
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HerilChewy: you could use the debian package, but it might not work completley right08:47
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rickyfingerssnIphe: then I would try re-installing kernel headers for your kernel with synaptic, or whatever you're most comfortable with08:47
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HerilChewy at the getswiftfox siite08:47
snIpheok I`m going to use synaptic08:47
rickyfingerssnIphe: missing files (usually) -> missing package08:47
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snIphejejeje this is true allways i think08:47
ouroborosPlease.... anyone... uvc video device... drivers compiled and seemed to install fine... no errors doing modprobe... dmesg when device is plugged in: [17277561.620000]  uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device <unnamed> (046d:08c1)08:48
ouroboros[17277562.220000]  uvcvideo: Failed to query (135) UVC control 1 (unit 0) : -110.08:48
ouroboros[17277562.220000]  uvcvideo: Failed to initialize the device (-5).08:48
ouroboros[17277563.220000]  5:3:1: cannot set freq 0 to ep 0x8608:48
ouroboros[17277564.220000]  5:3:2: cannot set freq 0 to ep 0x8608:48
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VigoFusionawe ratso, I have no printer and is no way I can remember all that stuff,,,wait..I can email to other PC. maybe I get it workin.08:49
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docgnomeanyone have any knowledge of sharing an ubuntu printer with a mac?08:49
bobby_Is there any way to install Beryl in Ubuntu Edgy with the propetary drivers? All links i get by googling/browsing tell me to install the open source drivers.08:50
Herildocgnome: I would personally hook the printer directly to the network, with a printer to ethernet adapter08:50
ejfiiidocgnome https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingFromMacOSX08:50
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl08:51
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docgnomeejfiii: thanks.08:51
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docgnomeHeril: I don't have one and atm no money to spend on one. And I have no idea if it would even work with my printer :-)08:52
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wigstaHow to modify file associations? I want to open my .torrent files with Azureus.08:52
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hydrohello, does anyone know what version of Java (if any) comes bundled with Edgy? I want to upgrade from Dapper Drake to Edgy and was hoping that Java 5 comes bundled with Edgy but perhaps not (considering some of the historically tricky licensing issues with Sun).08:53
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hydrothe version of Java with Ubuntu was not easy to find despite searching on the site and Wiki08:53
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NoUsehydro java 5 came with Dapper if you include universe08:54
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snIpheups rickyfingers I think something was wrong when I tryed to install a gcc.3.4-base and gcc.3.4 because now synaptic sais there are too many critical dependencies08:54
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budluvaanyone have any luck getting beryl 1.2 to work in edgy?08:54
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fooshIs there an Ubuntu Noob channel?08:55
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rickyfingerssnIphe: this is where things get really frustrating.  I do not have much experience dealing with database problems in the package manager.08:55
tannerldbudluva: I've got 0.1.3 running on my edgy laptop, so I'd think so :\08:55
hydroNoUse ugh, sorry, I didn't realize that. I don't have enough experience with Ubuntu yet to figure out how to include Universe (in the Synaptic Package Manager I presume is where to add Universe?)08:55
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rhalfftest test http://releases.ubuntu.com/dapper/ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso IS a LIVE CD right ? or a permanent install (giving this link to someone to try ubuntu linux)08:56
snIphepfffff perhaps tomorroy I need to reinstall the system......08:56
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NoUsehydro yes08:56
NoUse!universe | hydro08:56
ubotuhydro: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:56
rhalffplease, reply someone ?08:56
czer323I'm having issues with trying to boot from an alt install disc, it says i'm missing modules "ide-core" and some others, and then my cdrom can't be read.  I've tried modprobing those modules from the command prompt beforehand, but it's not even on the disc.  And advice?  Perhaps a different cd, or suggesting compiling a new kernel for it with those modules somehow?08:56
budluvatannerld, hrmm...im having problems, i click on the gem, then goto select window manager, then beryl, and nothing happens08:56
rhalffotherwise I'm giving the wrong advice :)08:56
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rickyfingerssnIphe: that's what I was going to suggest, but it may be overkill.  There's almost always a way to fix things without going that far.08:57
tannerldbudluva: try #beryl or #ubuntu-xgl08:57
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rickyfingerssnIphe: however, I would do what you are suggesting.08:57
NoUserhalff yes the desktop iso is the live cd08:57
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rhalffNoUse, ah ok thanks, so no chance that she will ruine here pc with it ?08:57
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snIpheyea I understand you ...08:58
rhalffah ok, thanks nouse :)08:58
Herilrhalff: there's no reason it shouldn't08:58
NoUserhalff if she installs it from the live cd she could08:58
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rhalffNoUse, there is an option when you start that cd to install ?08:59
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NoUserhalff no, there is an icon on the desktop08:59
rhalffah ok, I'll tell her not to do it then :) for now.. :)08:59
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the_mugany idea why Apache 2.2.3 is not included in Edgy?09:00
snIphepffff the important thing is that Im tring to make wardriving over my laptop....I think for myself....when this problems hapends in a production system ?09:00
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rickyfingersthe_mug: I don't know, but installing apache from source has always gone pretty smoothly for me.09:00
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rickyfingersthe_mug: and you can even use --prefix options to control where the final installation goes, so it won't interfere with default apache09:01
ouroborosAnyone... reiterating... running Dapper, trying to get a Logitech Quickcam Fusion working.  UVC driver compiled and installed fine and modprobe reported no errors...09:01
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the_mugrickyfingers: I know! that's what I always do... but my friend wants to have an all package ubuntu server. :-/09:02
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mrlinuxneed help setting up dhcp on edubuntu09:02
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rickyfingersthe_mug: then may I suggest (not intending offense) your friend is thinking "inside the box" too much.09:03
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eneriedhello, does somebody how to fix the problem related to fonts at command line? I mean, when I did ctrl+alt+F1 I go to a terminal and there's no accents or ees there09:03
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Skwid_what's pertty ??09:03
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KaptahAsked moment ago about firewalls, some1 replied, but i got here into a situation. No, I don't have ports open, i guess.. I'm quite noob with Linux09:06
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eneriedI think nobody knows how to fix that problem09:06
waldoi am trying to get nessus working (edgy installed) using apt-get and i keep getting a core dump when i try to start the daemon... anyone know y?09:07
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KaptahSo, should i use a firewall? Any recommendations for which software ?09:07
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waldoKaptah, the most common <i think, not s ure> is firestarted09:08
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Kaptahthnx, maybe i'll give it a try..09:08
tuxtuxciao a tutti09:08
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snIphewell tomorroy Ill continue with this....thank all of you09:08
tomiboi_anyone uses amaroK?09:08
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to_sHow can I restore the ubuntu boot splash screen?09:09
Kaptahwhat about anti-virus ?09:09
eneriedciao tuxtux09:09
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mrlinuxsome help setting up my dhcp please09:09
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to_sI installed the edubuntu artwork by mistake09:09
tomiboi_clamAV as anti-virus09:09
to_sthe apt-get remove didn't help09:09
waldoKaptah, tomiboi_ is right...09:09
waldoanyone know why nessus is giving a core dump when i try to start the daemon?09:09
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tomiboi_clamAV from AUTOMATIX package09:10
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tomiboi_should I use MySQL with amaroK?09:11
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mrlinuxneed help with ltsp09:11
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waldotomiboi_, i use sqlite09:11
waldoeasier to use09:11
tomiboi_is there a difference?09:11
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tomiboi_SQlite vs MySQL?09:11
waldoyea there is a difference09:12
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mrlinuxany and all help09:12
KaptahclamAV...  what about Panda, is it any good?09:12
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tomiboi_what can I use for podcasts (in terms of podcatching)09:12
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czer323I'm having issues with trying to boot from an alt install disc, it says i'm missing modules "ide-core" and some others, and then my cdrom can't be read.  I've tried modprobing those modules from the command prompt beforehand, but it's not even on the disc.  And advice?  Perhaps a different cd, or suggesting compiling a new kernel for it with those modules somehow?09:13
tomiboi_Panda is ok.09:13
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mrlinuxdoes any one know any thing about ltsp09:13
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tomiboi_there is also AVAST and ANTI-VIR as AV software09:14
tomiboi_I rarely use it though.09:14
waldomost people arent to concerned with virus software when running linux09:14
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mrlinuxczer323, use a different cd. if that dont help than swich out to a different cdrom drive09:14
NoUsetomiboi_ ipodder is in universe, if you want something more actively developed check out CastPodder09:14
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Seth_hello, please tell me the distribution or wiki site for unbutu09:15
waldoczer323, how can u boot from cd, but then not be able to read the cd09:15
docgnomewaldo: unless they are running a windows based network with a linux gateway09:15
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Kaptahthought anti-virus would be to good have having samba in mind09:15
tomiboi_is Cast Podder web-based?09:15
ein_seth: use google09:15
NoUsetomiboi_ no they are both desktop applications09:15
mrlinuxneed help with ltsp09:15
Seth_google mainly drops me into problem solving sites09:15
DreamgliderSeth_, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/09:15
waldogotcha, sorry... i dont use samba so i guess i jumped to a conclusion09:15
Seth_ah, thx09:16
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tomiboi_anything in terms of web-based apps09:16
mrlinuxi need help to config my dhcp in ltsp09:16
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Seth_ah, should read topics again, sorry09:16
_Dbug_Hi. I've been looking on the help pages but could not find anything, so I try here. Is it possible when you have two keyboards on the same machine (let's say a Laptop with additional usb keyboard) to have different language settings on each ?09:16
waldoanyone successfully get nessus running on edgy?09:16
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czer323waldo, mrlinux, i've tried about 5 different distros.  its' not the cd, promise.  i need to load modules for the ide bus to understand how to do stuff.09:17
Lynoure /join #ubuntu-classroom09:17
ZaehlasHello all, I'm back again.  I'm hoping that someone can still help me with this.  I have 36 gigs or so of extra "allocated" space on my drive that is not represented by files.  I DID delete 36 gigs of files, so that's probably related, but waiting, and using fsck at boot do not seem to clear the allocated space.  Is there any way to try a different type of fsck at boot, or pass options to it, or a utility that could fix this file allocati09:18
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Dreamgliderhelp with wireless network 6.10, it worked in 6.06 but now in .10 i cant get online09:18
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mrlinuxczer323, different distros use different depenances make sure that your burning the files inside the iso no just the iso its self. also what burning program are you useing09:20
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mrlinuxneed help with ltsp dhcp config09:21
czer323mrlinux, it's not the cd.  i can boot the cd up to the text installer and try loading the modules froma  shell.09:21
czer323but, the modules aren't on the disc.09:21
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_Dbug_If someone could just point me out on some url explaining how to configure more than one keyboard, would be nice :)09:21
mrlinuxczer323, try a different iso09:22
czer323mrlinux, i'm using the alt xubuntu 6.06.1 installer and the ubuntu 6.10 installer09:22
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czer323mrlinux, if you can't give me more advice beyond the cd... just don't bother.09:22
czer323i know it's not the cd.09:22
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ubotuquake2: improved version of id Software's Quake II engine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 1240 kB, installed size 3144 kB09:23
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mrlinuxczer323, ok i wont. but personaly i think you have a id10t error09:23
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RocitoHI, quick question: How do i set up a sound server so multiple applications can play sound a the same time (e.g games+teamspeak+xmms)09:23
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CrankymonkyI'll vouch for czer323 not having a PEBKAM09:24
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czer323mrlinux, I think you're an idiot too, so thanks.09:24
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mrlinuxczer323, at least we agree on something09:24
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=== _Dbug_ has the feeling that he asked a not so frequently asked question
siouxI have problems with x-mplayer2 plugin... seems it is not installed but i have mplayer and it's plug.in for firefox. something is changed?09:25
kitsuneofdoommost window managers and xnest stop working complaining about fonts.09:25
mrlinuxany help with ltsp's dhcp09:25
docgnomeRocito: I think that is refered to as sound multiplexing. Alsa should do that automatically if you have a sound card that supports it... I think. I could be wrong though. It's been a while since I've messed with it.09:25
NoUsemrlinux have you asked in #ltsp?09:25
=== TomB_ [n=ownthebo@host81-155-182-237.range81-155.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
RvGaTeDoes ubuntu automaticly detect and setup dual screen?09:25
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ZaehlasHello all, I'm back again.  I'm hoping that someone can still help me with this.  I have 36 gigs or so of extra "allocated" space on my drive that is not represented by files.  I DID delete 36 gigs of files, so that's probably related, but waiting, and using fsck at boot do not seem to clear the allocated space.  Is there any way to try a different type of fsck at boot, or pass options to it, or a utility that could fix this file allocati09:26
mrlinuxno theres a channel like that09:26
Rocitodognome, nope it doesnt seem to work09:26
czer323soop, let's try this again.  I can boot the install disc up to where it asks to select a language. shortly afterwards, it hangs while detecting hardware.  i use alt-f4 to look at the dmesgs, and it says hw-detect: missing modules: ide-core, ide-hd, ide-cd and a few others.  I tried using alt-f2 to load a shell and manually load them with modprobe and insmod, but the modules don't exist on the cd.  Any suggestions.09:26
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mrlinuxnouse, thanks thats my id10t error09:26
Rocitoczer323: seems something wrong with either the cd, or your memory09:26
czer323THis has happened with multiple ubuntu/xubuntu/6.10 and 6.06.1 issues.09:26
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czer323rocito, i'm running a memtest on the computer now and it's passed everything.09:27
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Zaehlasczer323: I just had a problem like that today, and after several swaps, I realized my motherboard had fried.  changed to new motherboard, and it worked.  If you have a good cd, then start by swapping cdrom, if same, swap cable, if same, swap motherboard, after that, new computer?09:27
TSWoodVZaehlas: Empty your recycle bin.09:27
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czer323Zaehlas, not possible, it's a laptop.09:27
mrlinuxnouse, can you help me09:27
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Rocitoczer323, then your out of luck :S09:27
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NoUsemrlinux never used ltsp09:28
Zaehlasczer323: even the IDE chip (or cdrom interface chip) on a laptop motherboard can go bad.  sorry, that's the only solution I can think of09:28
TSWoodVczer323: First, check the CDs and make sure they're good.  Then run "memtest86" and see what you get.09:28
mrlinuxnouse, just need help with dhcp09:28
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CrankymonkyZaehlas, That's not a solution, it's a problem09:28
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czer323TSWoodV, have done.  it's fine.  i tried to tell this to everyone already.  The cd is fine.09:28
ZaehlasTSWoodv: Sorry, I had done that a while ago, and double checked it's empty since then, unless my trash bin errored out.  any utilities to look into that?09:28
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kitsuneofdoomsome window managers (fvwm, some other light ones, not openbox, metacity, and kwin, though) and xnest stopped working, complaining about fonts.09:29
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Eulerhi all...anyone here succesfully to a net install of ubuntu on a sun t1000?09:29
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shwaganyone ever tried, or know of a guide, for doing a full OS reinstall on a remote machine ?09:29
TSWoodVczer323: I just got here.  Sorry.  Try turning off DMA at the "linux:" prompt.  I think it's "ide=nodma"09:29
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ZaehlasCrankymonky: I know it's a problem, I had to swap out a motherboard today.  on a laptop, it's even worse of a problem, but if CD = good, then software = good, then all that's left is hardware  **shrug**09:30
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kelly__why does frostwire keep locking up09:30
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czer323TSWoodV, yeah, i've tried ide=nodma, pci=bios, noacpi and a few others without any luck.09:31
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TSWoodVZaehlas: So you're saying that you deleted files via the GUI and you've not seen an increase in free space, right?09:31
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kelly__does anyone know the prgrame frostwire09:32
TSWoodVczer323: Can you get an external CD drive, say an USB one, and try to install from there?09:32
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gbrentI accidently took my name off of the suddoers list and cant do any sudo commands. Any idea how to get back on it?09:32
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gbrentor am I screwed?09:32
czer323TSWoodV, it's an older laptop, it doesn't support usb booting, but i don't have an external drive anyway.  Good idea though.09:32
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Zaehlastswoodv: that's correct.  I've used several file checks, and done the sudo touch *something?* forcefsck several times to try and use fsck to fix, but nothing.  I have a screenshot on my server (graphical) that illustrates, but since it's not the safe text ubuntu server, don't click on it if you don't want, otherwise, just a GIF file: http://www.ultralarp.com/DiskUsage.gif09:33
TSWoodVczer323: Then you're left with one option - network installation.09:33
dmndgbrent: start the 2nd option from the grub menu and set it back?09:33
Madpilotgbrent, you'll have to reboot into the recovery console09:33
Lam_gbrent: when starting up the computer, load the Recovery Mode instead of the normal. you can fix yourself that way with root access09:33
kelly__does anyone know the programe frostwire09:33
EulerT1000? anyone?09:33
czer323TSWoodV, I've been looking into how to do it.  Any suggestions on faqs on where to start?09:33
TSWoodVgbrent: visudo09:33
lmh I have a really strange prob: Ubuntu Desktop CD works perfect with my video card (Matrox G550) and CPU (AMD64), after installation it does not show anything, lcd goes into energy-save-state09:33
gbrentSweet! thanks guys... is there anyway i can do this remotley? i am ssh'd in09:33
TSWoodVczer323: I've done it with Fedora many a time.  I've not seen any docs on how to do it with Ubuntu yet.  Lemme check a bit...09:34
Lam_gbrent: probably not09:34
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dmndlmh: start with a low resolution first and built up higher, or your hsync and vsync is wrong in xorg.conf09:34
kelly__this is fun09:34
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TSWoodVgbrent: If you can't ssh in as root or another account that has sudo ability, you're pretty much toast...09:34
kelly__i need help with frostwire09:34
lmhdmnd: i tried that, probably the driver makes a prob?09:34
n3rdismhow i haxor?09:34
Skwid_how can i solve character problems in my fat32 mounted windows partition ?09:35
TSWoodVgbrent: Advice:  Always have a back door of some sort.09:35
Skwid_(french accents)09:35
lmhdmnd: no (EE) section in Log-File09:35
kelly__i shall go back to windows09:35
n3rdismf10 gets unlimited amo09:35
siouxwho fixed the x-mplayer2 plug-in for firefox2?09:35
gbrentTSWoodV: Yeah that is what I was figuring. So once I boot in recovery I use visudo to edit the suddoers file correct?09:35
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=== TSWoodV rolls eyes at trolls...
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TSWoodVgbrent: Right.09:35
n3rdismlol ok back to work :D09:36
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gbrentTSWOOD: is that /etc/suddoers?09:36
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lmhdmnd: another idea?09:36
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lmhanybody else an idea?09:36
Lam_gbrent: how'd you take yourself off the sudoer's list without knowing what file it was?09:36
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TSWoodVgbrent: Yep.  Use the "visudo" command.  It'll pick the right file and handle any concurrency issues (not that you'll have any in recovery mode, however).09:36
gbrentLam_: Not sure. I remember doing a bunch of usermods and I was changing groups around an I think I changed my group09:37
lmhNobody an idea?09:37
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lmhI found no known prob about AMD64 and Matrox09:38
lmh(mga - xorg driver)09:38
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Gh0stylmh: could it be that frequency is too high for you monitor?09:38
gbrentLam_: By default, the main user you set up.... what groups are they a part of?09:38
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Gh0styi had  that too with my dualscreen ... :/09:38
compengiwhat's the command from with i will download all the packages needed for a certain program?09:38
Lam_gbrent: they are part of their own group.  if your username was "ubuntu", you'd be defaulted into an "ubuntu" group09:38
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gbrentcompengi: apt-get install programname09:39
eloquesup people09:39
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Gh0stylmh: otherwise try in grub to add a parameter like vga=xxx09:39
lmhGh0sty: don't think so, tried a lot of resolutions, have a LCD which tells me "out of video resolution...)09:39
Richard__urgghhh I need help with mythtv :(09:39
compengigbrent, not this one09:39
Gh0stywith xxx some number but i dont know by head ...09:39
gbrentLam_: sweet. I think I changed myself to the root group09:39
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Skwid_what files do i need to share to get data between linux and windows ?09:39
TSWoodVZaehlas: There's a lot of places to look in "/" for stuff.  It could be that you've got a process that's using up /tmp as fast as you empty it.09:39
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Gh0stylmh: or is it a dual head card maybe?09:39
Lam_compengi: if you're going to compile a program, use apt-get build-dep programname to get developer files09:39
lmhGh0sty: on console works wonderfully, only gnome not09:39
Gh0styotherwise it takes you secondary maybe as the standard?09:40
eloqueanybody here ran ubuntu as a virtual machine from windows? (being that i have ubuntu installed on a local partition and dont wanna run it as a live cd)09:40
Gh0styah :/09:40
lmhGh0sty: is a dualhead, yes09:40
compengiLam_, yeah that's what i wanted thanks09:40
TSWoodVZaehlas: Do this.  Run "du -sk /" .  It'll take a while, but you just might find out which directory or directories is eating your disk space.09:40
ziopeppehey! anyone can help me? i have a problem when i turn off my pc. My pc doesn't shut, it block at the end of the process. The last comand on the screen is "will now halt" (sorry 4 my english09:40
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lmhGh0sty: both are connected09:40
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Gh0styah ok :p09:40
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Gh0stydamn :)09:40
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Gh0stywell i had the prob that my first gave: out of sync09:40
Gh0styand the second did not show a  thing09:40
RvGaTeDoes ubuntu automaticly detect and setup dual screen?09:40
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Lam_RvGaTe: I would say no, but i'm not entirely sure09:41
wweaselziopeppe: How new is this computer, i.e. does it support automatic shutdown09:41
Gh0styi installed newer drivers and did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:41
TSWoodVZaehlas: Also run a "df" and show me the result.09:41
wweaselRvGaTe: No.09:41
Gh0stythat fixed my probs :/09:41
lmhGh0sty: where can i find newer drivers?09:41
c00i90wnHey, I'm trying to find the following package without luck "cyrus-sasl", any ideas?09:41
ziopeppeis an old pc ww09:41
RvGaTeLam_, wweasel maybe a suggestion to implement that then :P09:41
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Gh0stylmh: dont know for your card, mune is nvidia :p09:41
ziopeppepentium 3 10 Giga 128 Mb09:41
lmhGh0sty: the drivers from the matrox page only work with Xfree8609:41
Gh0styinstalled the real nvidia driver in stead of the reverse engineered nv :/09:42
czer323TSWoodV, i just realized also, that if i do a network install, i'll need it to recognize the pcmcia bus and the atheros card in it. :-\  It's too old to have a built in ethernet.09:42
lmhGh0sty: instead of xorg09:42
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gbrentLAM: from what I see here: gbrent:x:1000:root   that needs to become gbrent:x:1000:root, gbrent     or it needs to become   gbrent:x:1000:gbrent09:42
Gh0styah that sux :/09:42
Gh0styno ports of those drivers in backports or something?09:42
lmhGh0sty: but the desktop - CD works wonderfully...!09:42
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lmhGh0sty: no09:42
lmhGh0sty: not found09:42
ouroboros<-- hopeful for help... forums not helping.  uvc video problem.  site says it's supported, uvc compiles and modprobe's fine, but error in dmesg.09:43
TSWoodVczer323: Look at http://mywheel.net/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/ for a network install of Ubuntu.09:43
Gh0styhmm :/09:43
Gh0styshould be a difference somehow09:43
Richard__a user was added by mythtv but it doesnt show up in "users and groups"09:43
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Richard__how can I put it there?09:43
NemoXPsome romanians here?09:43
Gh0styi had to start the cd also with another resolution ...09:43
Gh0stydid strange things with my dualscreen09:43
TSWoodVgbrent: What were you trying to do with these changes you've made?09:43
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shwagAnyone know the procedure for doing a OS replacement on a remote server? Usually I just rsync the whole filesystem over, with the exception of /sys /proc and /dev , then sometime have to generate a new /dev, fix grub, and configure the network interface.09:43
Gh0stylooked like it recognized both screens as one large screen09:43
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Gh0styso it put one screen fairly above normal sync rate ...09:44
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lmhGh0sty: works wonderful with 1600x1200 @ 60Hz (LCD)09:44
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Gizmo_the_Great1this is odd. I have an Ubuntu machine called 'mainunit' with an SMB share called 'vfat'. I have two laptops. Ubuntu on one, Windows on the other. The Windows laptop can access the vfat share. But I can't access it from the Ubuntu laptop. Any ideas?09:44
TSWoodVRichard__: How did you install mythtv?  All of the installs I've seen lately create the mythtv user.09:44
Richard__a user is created but it wont show up in the users gui tool09:44
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gbrentTSWoodV, Lam_: I figured it out... the admin group looks like this: admin:x:114:  and I need to make it look like this admin:x:114:gbrent09:44
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ZaehlasTSWoodv: sorry, was AFK for a bit, scrolled up, and read your suggestions.  ok.  gimme a sec, and I'll get the outputs of those commands.09:44
NemoXPwitch is the wikipedia channel ??09:45
lmhGh0sty: Whom could i ask for help next?09:45
TSWoodVshwag:  apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade after reconfiguring the repos is a valid technique for upgrading between releases.09:45
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TSWoodVgbrent: That's correct.09:45
gbrentTSWoodV: I was trying to make me apart of the root group also or something. It was a week ago and I just left it alone for a while09:45
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shwagTSWoodV: how do I upgrade a remote machine from redhat to ubuntu ?09:45
lmhGh0sty: or WHERE could i ask if not here?09:45
ziopeppeanyway 28-wweasel- i don't know if the system support the automatic shut down09:45
ziopeppecould you help me?09:46
gbrentTSWoodV: is this action also going to require the recovery console?09:46
mr_danielI have installed the 'ipsec-tools' with synatpric. what I have to do to establish a vpn-connection? which commands I have to use and where I can find relevant man-pages ?09:46
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gbrentTSWoodV: can I just boot off a live cd and change it?09:46
lmhanybody else an idea for my prob?09:46
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AlllleexxAnyone in here have Apple Shake installed?09:46
TSWoodVgbrent: You weren't far off, if you were running a distro like Fedora.  But for a sudo-based distro that typically doesn't assign a password directly to root, however, the key is the admin group in /etc/sudoers, as you now know.09:46
wweaselziopeppe: Can you tell me how old it is/what processor architecture (Pentium 1, Pentium 2, etc.)09:46
rockrhinomr_daniel what kind of vpn conecntrator are you connecting to?09:46
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ziopeppeok -wweasel- pentium 309:47
Sonderbladehow can i install the correct codecs to make totem play wmv?09:47
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TSWoodVgbrent: Yep.  Just mount the / filesystem (if the live distro doesn't do that for you) and fix it.09:47
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ziopeppep3 10 Gb Hd 128 Mb Ram09:47
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TSWoodVgbrent: Either a Ubuntu Live CD or Knoppix or any other live and/or recovery distro should work.09:47
sgirchi all09:47
gbrentTSWoodV: cool thanks man. Im doing that over lunch when i get home.09:47
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wweaselziopeppe: Hmmm...that's around the time of the switch, though I'd imagine that it should be able to shutdown all by itself09:47
lehaidi'm wondering, if i want to compile the ubuntu kernel to an image with the same settings the offical one gets, where can i find information on that ?09:48
TSWoodVgbrent: You're welcome.09:48
mr_danielrockrhino: what you mean with 'vpn concentrator'? do you mean the specific gateway I want to connect with?09:48
affluxany ideas how to get nautilus to automount ntfs drives with ntfs-3g?09:48
lumpkiif i install kubuntu-desktop onto my ubuntu system... will the kubuntu part get security updates and such?09:48
Gizmo_the_Great1this is odd. I have an Ubuntu machine called 'mainunit' with an SMB share called 'vfat'. I have two laptops. Ubuntu on one, Windows on the other. The Windows laptop can access the vfat share. But I can't access it from the Ubuntu laptop. I have enabled my user account on the linux laptop using smbpasswd -e ted. Any ideas?09:48
sgircI have a problem to set up an adsl connection with my edgy09:48
wweaselziopeppe: Did you have windows on it before/did it shutdown fine with windows? How about a LiveCD?09:48
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Richard__I only get a dollar sign when I open a terminal (with user mythtv)09:48
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ziopeppewith windows was ok09:48
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mr_danielrockrhino: the vpn-concentrator is 'fbivpn.informatik.uni-hamburg.de'09:49
Richard__I would like to be able to scroll through comands with that user :'-(09:49
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ziopeppei never use liveCd09:49
jjobI'm having a problem with mplayer plugin in firefox. With some websites it will only allow me to view a video once and then it won't play anyother video on the site untill about an hour has gone by. Any ideas about this?09:49
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soundrayGizmo_the_Great1: I think you need to do the smbpasswd maneouvre on mainunit09:49
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lmhanybody here who knows XORG ?09:49
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wweaselziopeppe: Alright. If it's not working as a fault of Ubuntu, that's as far as I go. It should have been set up automatically and properly on install, and if it didn't then I'm not really qualified to help you09:49
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wweasellmh: what in particular?09:49
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rockrhinomr_daniel: I sent you a private message explaining what I meant.09:49
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ziopeppeok....Thank U 28-wweasel-09:50
Gizmo_the_Great1soundray: i did that originally i think to enable my windows laptop to connect. so i can't do that again as it's already valid?09:50
sgircmy ISP is using PPPOA, I ran pppd with debug mode, it seems that my ISP peer doesnt respond to the PPP config request primitive09:50
sgircany idea ?09:50
Davieyhow can i downgrade a package?09:51
soundrayDaviey: man dpkg09:51
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ubotuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.09:51
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lmhwweasel: Ubuntu 6.10 Desktop CD works wonderfully, after installation xorg shows a black screen09:51
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uksprouthi all09:51
Dreamglideri need help with wireless connetion pleas, i have ubuntu 6.1009:51
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boinkwireless in 6.10 is broken.09:51
sgircI tried to run tcpdump to get a more precise output, but i seem to don't see LLC protocol ?09:52
trappistboink: huh?09:52
boinkthough, I got my working today09:52
Davieyboink, i only want to downgrade a package, not ubuntu itself09:52
boinkyes, wireless in 6.10 is broken09:52
sgircI tried to run tcpdump to get a more precise output, but it seems to don't see LLC protocol ?09:52
soundrayGizmo_the_Great1: how are you trying to mount the mainunit share on the ubuntu laptop?09:52
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Dreamgliderand a X-Micro usb adaper (drivers installed and ok i think)09:52
wweasellmh: I09:52
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TSWoodVboink: Try telling that to the three different 6.10 laptops with different chipsets I'm running wireless on.09:52
soundrayDaviey: dpkg has a force-downgrade option09:52
Davieysoundray, yeah man is great - but i wanted help09:52
wweasellmh: I can't help, in that situation I would come here for help. Sorry :P09:52
trappistboink: I'm sure there are some bugs, but that statement is false.09:52
sgircI am using an usb adsl modem09:52
boinkand tell that to me, with a netgear wt511T09:52
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sgircbut I don"t think it matters09:52
boinkthat statement isn't false. it's from my own experience.09:52
uksprouthaving problems with intermittent sound earlier today the sound was ok I have rebooted and the sound is not working, this has happend a few times over the past few days09:52
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jjobwireless works fine for me on my laptop with 6.1009:52
TSWoodVboink: Got that exact card running in both a Toshiba and an old Thinkpad.09:53
Gizmo_the_Great1soundray: places - connect to server or network servers. also tried typing unc path in Nautilus09:53
boinkI had to apt-get some more modules, then I had to reboot09:53
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lmhANYBODY else who can help with a STRANGE xorg-prob09:53
fearmothis it possible to set my computer to use one NIC for web browsing and then use a seperate NIC for downloading with ftp or bittorrent?09:53
boinkand .. it didn't work for me.09:53
sgircany PPP guru around here ?09:53
TSWoodVboink: I love that card.  I don't like the binary blob, but I love the card.  Kismet friendly, it is.09:53
boinkI had to do a lot of googling09:53
trappistboink: therefore it's broken, I see09:53
stojanceHi. I need some help with my Webcam. I am using a Philips 200 NC PC Cam which is under the spca5xx and I've had it. The wiki says that it should work out of the box BUT it doesn't. I need human help now!09:53
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Gizmo_the_Great1soundray: it navigates to the vfat folder but then just says its inaccessible and may have moved09:53
boinkwith dapper, it works straight away. not with edgy09:53
dandhello. I have AddDefaultCharset set to Off in /etc/apache2/conf.d/charset, however apache2 always returns "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" in response09:53
wweaselboink: plenty of googling is standard when setting up wireless in linux. it's unfortunate, but the case09:53
Davieystojance, how have you tested it?09:53
Kaptahwhen installing can i tell grub not to write on the MBR ?09:53
dandis that a security fix of some sorts?09:53
TSWoodVboink:  No problems here.  What's happening your way?09:54
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boinkbut not with dapper on the wg511t09:54
ZaehlasTSWoodv: OK, ran first du without doing sudo, and locked up du, hehe.   anyway, gonna try it again, but first my df result is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34409/09:54
sgircI can send debug output is someone is interested09:54
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stojanceDaviey: Ekiga (a.k.a Gnome meeting)09:54
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TSWoodVboink:  Yes - dapper on an older Toshiba (1.7 GHz) with the 511T.09:54
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Dreamgliderno one able to assist me !09:54
Davieystojance, i found VLC great for testing.  Have you tried accessing the camera as root/sudo?09:54
boinkthus, wireless on edgy is causing a lot of problems for people.09:55
soundrayGizmo_the_Great1: I don't know the solution to that09:55
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stojanceDaviey: How?09:55
lehaidi'm wondering, if i want to compile the ubuntu kernel to an image with the same settings the offical one gets, where can i find information on that ?09:55
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_david_Hi, I need help multibooting an iMac core duo09:55
soundray!kernelcompile | lehaid09:55
ubotulehaid: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild09:55
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_david_is this the place, or should I go to a different channel?09:55
||arifaXboink: problem is too much ways to do it. this is really what should be changed very fast to make ubuntu more userfriendly09:55
hildedoes anybody know if wireless keybourd & mouse works with ubuntu?09:55
TSWoodVZaehlas: You've got one large partition, period.  You really should have at least a separate partition for /boot.  But that's not the problem here.09:55
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lehaidsoundray: thanks !09:56
||arifaXhilde: if the sender is usb should work without problems09:56
TSWoodVZaehlas: Let's see what "du -sk" tells us.09:56
soundrayhilde: they generally do09:56
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gbrenthilde: your going to have to try it... most of them should09:56
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carlosquesolehaid, IIRC you can get the base ubuntu settings by typing make oldconfig before you start messing with the settings09:56
Davieystojance, open up the terminal and run sudo Ekiga09:56
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killownhow I do automatic login gdm?09:56
ZaehlasTSWoodV: ok, about to run it now.09:56
gbrenthilde: You may have to map sopme of your buttons with the xmodmap command09:56
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TSWoodVhilde: I've used several different wireless keyboards and mice with edgy just fine.09:56
lehaidcarlosqueso: you need to copy them from somewhere before..09:56
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soundraykillown: configure via System-Administration-Login Window09:56
_david_does anyone here know about multibooting intel macintoshes, or i where I could find someone who does know...?09:57
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hildeTSWoodV, the logitech's09:57
lullabudanybody here have experience with EVDO cards in ubuntu?09:57
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AlllleexxThis might sound dumb, but do u need an anti virus program for ubuntu?09:57
stojanceDaviey: No device found.09:57
hildethis one I'm want to buy? http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/products/details/BE/EN,CRID=2162,CONTENTID=1085009:57
carlosquesolehaid....I never had to, just installed linux-sources, untarred them and went09:57
||arifaXAlllleexx: If you are such a user that needs one under windows probably yes09:57
TSWoodVhilde: Should be good.  Try looking under System->Preferences->Keyboard and see if that keyboard is listed there.  If not, there's still hope.09:57
saxinanyone that can suggest a program that can take a screen of an area I mark on the desktop in ubuntu? :)09:58
Davieystojance, have you tried both /dev/video0 and /dev/video109:58
hildeok so I can buy it.09:58
killownsoundray what?09:58
TSWoodVAlllleexx: Not for Ubuntu's sake, but if you exchange a lot of files with Windows users, you might find one convenient as to not become a virus passer.09:58
ZaehlasTSWoodV: bah.  all my terminal commands now are locking up without finishing.   since that first du, afte3r I killed that process, the DF gave me a result, but never "finished, and no du's since then have finished.  I should prolly reboot at this point, or rescan my process list.09:58
||arifaXsaxin: wink http://www.debugmode.com/wink/download.php09:58
stojanceDaviey: No. But Ekiga should detect them both.09:58
TSWoodVAlllleexx: I don't bother, however, as I expect to get clean stuff from the Windows users to begin with.09:58
soundraykillown: are you on ubuntu?09:58
Skwid_hum, i tried using a symlink to share my data files between windows and linux (link in linux to fat32 windows files), and when i run phpmyadmin under linux, it sees the good tables, but when I try to display them, I get the following error:09:58
Skwid_ #1033 - Incorrect information in file: './pragmapic_development/layers.frm'09:58
VigorWho asked about wireless?09:58
killownsoundray, yes09:59
||arifaXsaxin: what when you press the print-screen button? :)09:59
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uksproutcan anyone offer help : sound problem . sound card is Soundblaster live OS: ubuntu 6.10 probem: sometimes I have sound sometimes I don't09:59
Davieystojance, download something like 'vlc' and try that.  Then you know what settings/permissions09:59
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soundraykillown: Gnome as well?09:59
killownsoundray, yes09:59
DavieyDoes anybody use a SIP client that supports webcam?09:59
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lullabudVigor:  I asked about EVDO, if that's what you mean.09:59
soundraykillown: then open your eyes and follow my instruction.09:59
lonranhow do u print a pdf using both sides?10:00
saxinif I push the print-screen, It take picture of the whole screen :)10:00
saxinI dont want that10:00
Vigorlullabud: I have NO idea what that is, but this page is about wireless...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1071920&mode=linear10:00
Skwid_any suggestions ?10:00
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Duesentriebsaxin: KSnapshot gives you the option to "shoot" only individual windows...10:01
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Duesentriebi guess must screenshot progs do nowadays.10:01
JurBlonran: i think kpdf can do that10:01
Duesentriebor are you talking about windows?10:01
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stojanceDaviey: Any other alternative.10:01
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VigorAnd whomever asked about AV, yes, if a machine is connected to todays Internet, I suggest at the least, a Boot Sector AV.10:02
lullabudVigor:  yeah, that's not the same technology.  this is using cell phone signals.  thanks though.10:02
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nicoAMGI cant install Ubuntu 6.10 due to mirror problems10:02
Davieystojance, Use any you want, but i highly recommend VLC10:02
nicoAMGWhat can i do?10:02
saxinDuesentrieb: well.. is it a KDE-app?10:02
Vigorlullabud: I have my ticket. :-P10:02
stojanceDaviey: Why VLC? What can you do with VLC?10:03
mr_danielrockrhino: where is the private message?10:03
carlosquesonicoAMG, have you tried using a different mirror? and are you upgrading or downloading a CD10:03
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Duesentriebsaxin: yes. i imagine the gnome-equivalent does the same thing.10:03
lullabudstojance:  vlc is the swiss army knife for a/v.10:03
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Duesentriebif not... well, gnome just sucks :P10:03
lullabudstojance:  i don't use it in linux, but i can say it's the best player for windows and os x.10:03
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saxinDuesentrieb: I see.. you don't have name on any gnome-equivalent? :P10:03
lullabudstojance:  plus it's available for everything.  you could probably install it on a clock radio.10:04
Davieystojance, as i said.. use any you like.  VLC is a media player.  Also allows you to play capture devices (webcams).  Also ease of tweaking10:04
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Duesentrieblullabud, stojance: alternatives are xine (with kaffeine or totem frontends) and (k|g)mplayer10:04
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VigorVLC is a Latent Connection dohickey?10:04
lonranJurB, thnks, kpdf works10:04
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Duesentriebsaxin: no - i would expect it to pop up when you press the print button. that's how it works under kde at least.10:04
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nicoAMGcarlosqueso: The problem is installing Ubuntu on a computer. And seems related to repository problems10:05
JurBlonran: no prob10:05
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lullabudanybody else have any experience with EVDO cards in ubuntu?10:05
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stojanceCan Totem capture from Webcams, or Pitivi?10:05
Richard__I'm trying to add a user via the gui tools but it dissapears as soon as I close it10:05
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DuesentriebRichard__: use adduser from the command line :)10:06
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ZaehlasWhat is the command again to touch a system flag?  I know it's touch (path I can't remember)/forcefsck to force a fsck run at reboot, but can't rememebr the path.10:06
frying_fishanyone had much experience with external monitors, doing 1920x1200 and the i915 graphics chipset (using i810 driver)10:07
DavieyI want to install a feisty package (linphone) on edgy, but it has dependencies such as libc6 (next sub version).  I'm certain that it would would with edgy's packages... but how do i force it?10:07
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lullabudZaehlas:  `fsck --help`10:07
||arifaXfrying_fish: only tip I have is install package 915resolution if you haven't already10:07
stojanceI dont have any video0 or 1 in /dev10:07
Davieystojance, Why won't you use VLC!?!?10:07
Zaehlaslullabud: Thanks10:07
soundrayDaviey: apt-build it10:07
lullabudZaehlas:  er, `reboot --help`10:08
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frying_fish||arifaX: already have, but that still hasn't helped. I can get 1280x1024 out on the external panel, and its 1280x800 on the internal panel10:08
iam8up|lpyi've made some changes to my /etc/bash.bashrc file and yet when i source the file none of the changes take effect, am i doing something wrong?10:08
JosefKanyone managed to get Neverwinter NIghts to run on 6.10?  I keep getting a segfault :/10:08
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Davieysoundray, apt-build?10:08
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lullabudZaehlas:  d'oh, none of those had it, actually... =/  it's `shutdown -F ..etc..`10:09
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stojanceDaviey: I cant, If I had the download I've downloaded it. It's like 11 MB10:09
Zaehlaslullabud: LOL,  I was running that right there with you, hehe.10:09
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stojanceI can but It'll take forever10:09
lullabudZaehlas:  weird too is that it wasn't in apropos.10:09
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stojanceI'm like 7000 B/s10:10
Davieystojance, OIC - your on dialup10:10
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soundrayDaviey: you don't like being pointed to manpages, so I won't10:10
nicoAMGMy Ubuntu setup is halted due to:  Connection failed  Err http://cr.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/restricted translation-es10:10
||arifaXiam8up|lpy: did you check also ~/.bashrc and for the sudo stuff /root/.bashrc10:10
Davieysoundray, haha10:10
stojanceDaviey: I'm not on DIALUP!10:10
lehaidubuntu gives me currently only 640x480 and 800x600 resolutions on the gnome change resolution, how can i add 1024x768 ? (running on vmware)10:10
iam8up|lpy||arifaX - yes10:10
nicoAMGWhat can i do to complete my setup?10:10
stojanceDaviey: I'm on DSL 100 Mbps but it has fallen down cause I've spent all my download10:11
iam8up|lpyahh found my problem - bad comment on the original PS110:11
||arifaXiam8up|lpy: I only changed my user settings and that worked10:11
lullabudlehaid:  edit the xorg.conf and add the resolution in the lines where you see 800x60010:11
lehaidlullabud: did it, didn't change anything10:11
lullabudlehaid:  did you restart x?10:11
lullabudlehaid:  i had that same problem and i fixed it that way./10:11
Zaehlaslullabud OK, I see that option in shutdown now, although someoen the other day gave a way to use touch command on a file named forcefsck, and it's supposed to set the flag for the hard drive that also forces an fsck, just couldn't remember the proper path to the file.   shutdown prolly does the same thing, with the -F flag, hehe10:11
kudzubanelehaid: under vmware ws, you need to run vmware-config to change res10:11
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lehaidlullabud: yes i restarted10:11
lehaidkudzubane: ok, thanks10:11
Davieystojance, 'lsusb' will tell you what is connected to USB.  See if it shows up10:11
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iam8up|lpyeww...i have a set PS1 statement to change my prompt and on ubuntu it make smy typing go to th eline above it - on my two centos boxes it works just fine...10:11
lehaidi'll try it10:11
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frederificlehaid, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:12
lehaidkudzubane: where is the vmware-config settings saved ? i wanna back it up10:12
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lullabudlehaid:  neat.  looks like you can just `touch /forcefsck` and it'll do it.10:12
lehaidfrederific: i was hoping without having ot run that, and reconfigure all10:12
mr_danielI am really confused 8-|  I have installed the package 'ipsec-tools'. How I can establish a vpn-connection to the gateway (or vpn-concentrator) fbivpn.informatik.uni-hamburg.de ?10:12
lehaidlullabud: do what ?10:12
lullabudlehaid:  that was in `man shutdown`10:12
mr_danielwhich commands I have to use?10:12
eloqueanybody here ran ubuntu as a virtual machine from windows? (being that i have ubuntu installed on a local partition and dont wanna run it as a live cd)10:12
visik7having few linuxisms means have a poor integration with the kernel I don't consider it a feature10:12
kudzubanelehaid: dunno, google it and all will be known10:12
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frederificlehaid: ignore what i said then , thi slot knows more :)10:12
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lehaidkudzubane: k10:12
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x-fakpls tell me if it's normal that when idling the process Xorg take from 10 to 40% of time (lol) in VMWARE10:12
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kudzubanelehaid: make sure you have vmware-tools installed also10:13
lehaidlullabud: what will touch /orcefsck do ?10:13
lehaidkudzubane: i do, my mouse moves seemigly10:13
mr_danieldo anyone know a good HOWTO for ipsec-tools + ubuntu?10:13
brianskianyone know of a fast ubuntu iso mirror on the east coast of the US? i'm getting like 30kb/s10:13
ZaehlasTSWoodV: If you're still around, gonna reboot, to try and run the du command again, proprly, my terminal sessions aren't working correctly at the moment, orat least some commands aren't.  anyway, I'll be right back.10:13
kudzubanelehaid: great, then you are all set for the res change10:13
lullabudlehaid:  `touch /forcefsck` creates the file "/forcefsck" which tells linux to run fsck on reboot.10:13
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stojanceDaviey: Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0471:0325 Philips10:13
stojanceIt does10:13
lehaidlullabud: why would i want to do that?!?10:13
eloquei amtrying to configur the modem on my laptop (HP dv8000t) but it is not recognizing any devices... the built in modem is a conexant10:13
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lullabudlehaid:  weren't you just asking about running fsck on reboot??10:13
VigorHas anyone tried EasyUbuntu? and does it work?10:13
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lullabudlehaid:  oops!  hahah, i got my convo's mixed up10:14
mr_danielVigor: yeah, it works10:14
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VigorThank you10:14
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basilioi tried easyubuntu but i cant get it to open10:14
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basilioits downloaded and installed the package but wont open10:14
x-fakpls tell me if it's normal that when idling the process Xorg take from 10 to 40% of time (lol) in VMWARE10:14
mr_danielbachler: what's the error-message?10:15
mr_danielbachler: ups10:15
mr_danielbasilio: what's the error-message?10:15
VigorI am gonna give it a shot, brb10:15
basiliono error message10:15
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basiliojust flickers on screen but never comes up10:15
TeltariatGreets folks10:15
mr_danielbasilio: start easyubuntu in a new console10:15
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TeltariatQuick question10:15
Vigorbasilo: Did you get it from Synaptic?10:15
TeltariatHow do you have Ubuntu auto-login?10:15
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mr_danielbasilio: than you probably get some error-messages10:15
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mr_danielTeltariat: what do you mean with 'auto-login'10:16
basilioi just tried it again i click on it it asks for my root password then the screen flickers but nothing comes up10:16
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mr_danielbasilio: dont' use the 'icon' to open it10:17
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x-fakis it normal that alien (for installing .rpm package) is so slow ?10:17
mr_danielbasilio: open a new conole and than tip 'sudo easyubuntu'10:17
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||arifaXx-fak: it re-creates the rpm as a .deb so that is what takes time10:17
mr_danielx-fak: this is normal10:17
basiliothe same thing happened but the terminal says:10:17
basilio'Unable to determine desktop environment, falling back to gksudo10:18
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mr_danielbasilio: this is a starting-point to solve the problem10:18
philcwhat's the program to configure x?10:18
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Teltariatmr_daniel: I mean that you don't get prompted for username and password, and that on startup, Ubuntu auto-logs in and goes straight to desktop10:18
TeltariatNo gdm10:18
TeltariatOr xdm10:19
x-fakok arifix and mr_daniel10:19
Teltariator whatever greeter that is10:19
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mr_danielbasilio: maybe you get much more information about the error when you try a 'sudo easyubuntu -v', but I am not sure if this works10:19
basiliook im going to try it10:19
x-faksomeone using ubuntu from a vmware VM ?10:19
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mr_danielbasilio: now you can google with the error message10:19
edanhow can i open a rpm file?10:19
mr_danielbasilio: you will probably find somethink usefull10:20
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aboutblanki'm extremely confused with my network issues. my ubuntu box is using a static IP (tried DHCP too), and it can ping my windows box (which i'm on right now), but not the router or anything outside my network. it does, however, do the dns resolution. for example, it will get the correct ip of google.com, but no packets return. i'm extremely perplexed as to why it can't ping my router by IP.10:20
hutchyhi. i want to unload all unused modules. i could do it using rmmod but that's a pain. how should i approach it ?10:20
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NoUse!rpm | edan10:20
ubotuedan: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)10:20
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basiliothis is the error im getting now i guess im missing a file: python: can't open file './easyubuntu.in': [Errno 2]  No such file or directory10:20
lullabudlehaid:  if it's not working still, paste your xorg.conf into a pastebin and let me take a look.10:20
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||arifaXaboutblank: check your routes10:21
edanok tnx10:21
steveireHey, I'm trying to run a script whenever I connect to the internet. I have a test script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ but it doesn't seem to be run when I connect.10:21
x-fakwho is the guy using ubuntu in vmware?10:21
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aboutblank||arifaX, sorry, but do you mean traceroute?10:21
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mr_danielTeltariat: this is possible under Xfce with the tool 'rungetty', but I am now sure if this also works with (k)ubuntu10:21
lullabudx-fak:  i am, and lehaid is.10:21
lehaidlullabud: i'll try it soon10:21
soundraysteveire: make sure it's executable (sudo chmod +x  /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/scriptname')10:21
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x-faksome questions for you guys10:21
hutchyhow to unload unused modules ?10:21
||arifaXaboutblank: type 'netstat -r' in a shell10:21
lehaidi am using currently the virtual ubuntu applience from VMWARE's site10:21
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steveiresoundray: Yes, it's executable. I can run it fine as ./scriptname while in the directory.10:22
x-fakdo you have to launch vmware-toolbox before beeing able to copy/paste text from vm to host?10:22
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mr_danielaboutblank: is you dns-config ok? do you have a file /etc/resolv.conf?10:22
lullabudx-fak:  if you could address me as i'm addressing you it'd be easier for me to see your messages in the chat window.10:22
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x-faklullabud> ok10:22
lullabudx-fak:  huh, i've never tried that actually.10:22
aboutblank||arifaX, thank you for helping me. i cannot pastebin the output easily. what information is important10:22
mr_danielaboutblank: are you using wlan?10:22
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lehaidx-fak: doesnt work here, didnt try it yet10:23
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||arifaXaboutblank: do you have a line starting with "default"10:23
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aboutblankmr_daniel: yes i have an /etc/resolv.conf, and i'm not sure what wlan is.10:23
mr_danielbasilio: python is a programing-language, and I think it is a interpreter-like language also10:23
x-faklehaid and lullabud i have to laucn the gui app vmware-toolbox to copy text from a console, TO the host OS10:23
x-fakwhich is a win xp10:23
eloqueAnybody know a way to get around paying for drivers for my Conexant built in modem?10:23
mr_danielbasilio: this mean, that you need to install a phyton-interpreter10:23
soundraysteveire: try putting it in /etc/network/if-up.d instead10:24
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aboutblank||arifaX, I do have a line starting with "default". the gateway is "" and the genmask is ""10:24
mr_danielbasilio: search under synaptic for it, maybe this will help you to run easyubuntu, but I am now sure10:24
frederificIve just noticed, the default 2nd away message in Xchat is "This debian user is away" shouldn't that be ubuntu?10:24
basiliook thanks10:24
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mr_danielaboutblank: with wlan i mean wireless-lan, do you now understand me?10:25
||arifaXaboutblank: thats okay if is the ip of your router10:25
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gbrentjoin #php10:25
aboutblank||arifaX, yes, it is the ip of my router.10:25
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aboutblankmr_daniel, no, i'm on a wired lan.10:25
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steveirethanks soundray. I'll give it a shot now.10:25
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mr_danielaboutblank: check your /etc/network/interfaces10:25
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mr_danielaboutblank: maybe there are missing some important informations10:26
||arifaXaboutblank: there should be another line starting with what about that?10:26
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: If you're still around, I got the results, and pasted them, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34411/10:26
uksproutcan anyone offer help : sound problem . sound card is Soundblaster live OS: ubuntu 6.10 probem: sometimes I have sound sometimes I don't10:26
VigorThis looks way to easy.10:26
x-faklehaid and  lullabud can you tell me how much memeory you've put on  host OS and also for the ubuntu VM ? and if it's slow /fast?10:26
shinuxcan someone help me? my neighboor has a burning problem since he upgraded to egdy...10:26
mr_danielaboutblank: can you post the content with the 'no paste' service?10:26
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lehaidmy host system has 2GB of memory, the normal ubuntu has 750MB10:26
aboutblankmr_daniel: i have no internet access on the machine.10:26
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lehaidworks pretty fast once it loads up (which takes quite some time, sicne it's 750mb)10:27
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aboutblank||arifaX, destination=, gateway=*, genmask =
x-faki put 256 for Vm and 512 for host lol10:27
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Vigorwget is an actuall command?10:27
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AsheDanybody know a mp3 tagger that works with ALL versions of id3v2 ?10:27
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x-fakvery very swappy !10:27
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||arifaXaboutblank: more lines?10:28
aboutblankmr_daniel, i'm using my eth0 connection, for that it lists "iface eth0 inet static \n address \n netmask \n gateway"10:28
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x-faki swap long long time sometimes in order to control mouse10:28
|Aymnmz|Kim^J : I found something for you...10:28
TSWoodVZaehlas: I'm still here.  Just been busy.  Lemme see what you posted...10:28
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aboutblank||arifaX, no, just 2 lines.10:28
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graham_100_need help with ubuntu 6.06lts!!!10:28
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:29
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x-faklehaid> can you tell me if the Xorg process use as much cpu time as me, cause mine use much cpu time when idling (from 10 to 40% cpu time)10:29
|Aymnmz|Kim^J: Are you here ?10:29
aboutblank||arifaX, and mr_daniel, i have rebooted the machine, and restarted the network hardware.10:29
Kim^J|Aymnmz|: Hit it.10:29
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mr_danielaboutblank: ok, your config tells me, that you are NOT using DHCP10:29
Kim^Jgraham_100_: The problem is?10:29
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mr_danielaboutblank: but is your router 'using' DHCP?10:29
Kim^J|Aymnmz|: I'm here.10:29
mr_danielaboutblank: check the router-config10:29
graham_100_kim^j shall i start at the beggining?10:29
lehaidx-fak: mine takes 1% on idle +-10:29
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|Aymnmz|Kim^J: I found it on the web, it's free : httpwww.tolearnfrench.com10:29
runespyHello, i have a really big question, my question, as i said is long, has first a story, i installed10:30
runespyubuntu on a 100GB Harddrive with windows XP Pro on a dual boot, as i accidently messed up that10:30
runespyinstallation somehow, so i had found another 100 GB Harddrive and installed it on there as that one10:30
runespyas master, and the one with the messed up ubuntu and Win XP As slave, now what i want to do is10:30
runespyget rid of Ubuntu on the second 100GB and then get rid of the one on the other 100GB so that its just10:30
runespyWindows XP, but here is another problem, even though its 100GB windows XP is only reading about 21 or 25 GB10:30
aboutblankmr_daniel: that is correct, and it has worked for the past 5 months, i believe when i updated it yesterday it broke.10:30
runespyof it, how can i restore that partition to be the main one on that harddrive and for it to be master operating system to boot.10:30
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Give me all info that you think I would need to help you.10:30
runespyIf you can get me an awnser to this, thank you...10:30
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=== eloque Anybody know a way to get around paying for drivers for my Conexant built in modem?
x-faklol lehaid , ok so i think i have not enough memory :)10:30
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lehaidx-fak: 2GB of memory is cheap10:30
ParaMouthHows everyone today?10:30
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LjLUbotu, tell runespy about paste | runespy, see the private message from Ubotu10:30
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x-fakhow cheap? :)10:30
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.10:30
jaekanyone know how to make my volume buttons on my keyboard adjust the PCM instead of Master?10:30
graham_100_kim^j my first problem is with getting second hard drive to work properly10:30
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mr_danielrunespy: I don't understand your problem, can you repeat it with other words?10:31
Kim^Jgraham_100_: What's the problem with it?10:31
mr_danielaboutblank: hmm, where the problem can be?10:31
aboutblank||arifaX, mr_daniel, is there a way to rollback updates applied? i do believe that is what broke my connection, since i'm sure it was working before that.10:31
aboutblankor at least a log of updates applied?10:31
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mr_danielaboutblank: in synaptic you can find a install-log10:31
|Aymnmz|Kim^J: I hope that may help you...10:31
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||arifaXaboutblank: try with a default /etc/network/interfaces file first10:31
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LjL!caps | lehaid, for that matter10:32
ubotulehaid, for that matter: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:32
graham_100_kim^j well i have got the partition manager and the disks programme, i have tried to format it and re partition but i cannot save things to it or creat folders in it10:32
Kim^J|Aymnmz|: Thanks alot. :D10:32
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aboutblank||arifaX, by default you mean DHCP?10:32
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mr_danielaboutblank: are you using the commands 'ifdown' and 'ifup' ?10:32
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Does it mount?10:32
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aboutblankmr_daniel: No.10:32
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mr_daniel||arifaX: what you mean with default10:32
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|Aymnmz|bye bye, I go back to #ubuntu-fr...10:32
aboutblankthough ifconfig reports eth0 up.10:32
mr_danielaboutblank: ok than10:32
mr_danielaboutblank: open a new conole and10:32
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lullabudLjL:  is there an ubotu command that talks about addressing the person you're chatting to?10:33
graham_100_kim^j unable to mount the selected programme it says10:33
LjL!usernames | lullabud10:33
ubotulullabud: Please prefix what you're saying with a name to avoid confusion. See !tab10:33
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lullabudLjL:  exellent10:33
Kim^Jgraham_100_: programme = drive ?10:33
mr_danielaboutblank: try a 'sudo ifdown -a' and than a 'sudo ifup ethX'10:33
graham_100_kim^j yes10:33
lullabudexcellent even...10:33
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=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-69-207-130-14.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mr_danielaboutblank: and X is the specific number of your lan-card10:33
eloquebah cant get an answer no matter how many times i ask10:33
mr_danielaboutblank: maybe eth0 or eth110:33
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Exactly what does it say?10:33
eloqueBAH humbug10:33
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aboutblankmr_daniel: okay.. i'm actually VNCing to the machine (ironic..., only machine it can connect to it seems), i'm going to put it in a batch file.10:34
mr_danielaboutblank: it is eth010:34
graham_100_kim^j unable to mount the selected volume10:34
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||arifaXaboutblank: I have no default one but maybe someone can post a default 'interfaces' file for you10:34
PMantisCan anyone name a GUI network auto-config tool similar to Network-Manager ?10:34
Kim^Jgraham_100_: What's the /dev/XdZY to the drive?10:34
lullabudeloque:  what's the question?10:34
mr_danielaboutblank: hmm, this can't be, because DHCP have to manage this, but10:34
graham_100_kim^j how do i find that out?10:34
||arifaXPMantis: wlan or lan10:34
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Kim^JWhere X is either h or s and Z is a-z and Y is 1 to 99.10:34
mr_danielaboutblank: maybe your DHCP-Options in your router are to restrictiv10:34
=== eloque Anybody know a way to get around paying for drivers for my Conexant built in modem?
eloquei amtrying to configur the modem on my laptop (HP dv8000t) but it is not recognizing any devices... the built in modem is a conexant10:35
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mr_danielaboutblank: maybe you have to check your ip-range10:35
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PMantis||arifaX, Both... laptop needs to migrate from network to network... (I saw another option in synaptic recently... can't locate it now)10:35
graham_100_kim^j errm don't get you sorry10:35
aboutblankmr_daniel: i have windows based machines that are doing static IPs just fine.10:35
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lullabudeloque:  ah, a winmodem...  that sucks.  what's the model number of the modem, or the model of the chip it uses?10:35
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Is it a SATA/SCSI or a PATA/IDE drive?10:35
||arifaXPMantis: I use kwlan for my wireless and guessnet/ifplugd/resolvconf for my lan10:35
mr_danieleloque: maybe you need this driver here http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads-ubuntu-x86.php10:36
graham_100_kim^j IDE drive sorry10:36
eloquehow can i find that out?10:36
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eloqueit isn't in a card so i cant really take it out and peep it10:36
||arifaXPMantis: oh you are on gnome?10:36
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mr_danielaboutblank: hmm, are you using DHCP or staitc?10:36
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aboutblankmr_daniel: i just did an ifdown -a, ifup eth0, and ifconfig now only reports eth0 up (no lo) and still no pinging action10:36
graham_100_kim^j I have 2 IDE drives one is working fine obviously i am running linux on it lol10:36
PMantis||arifaX, yes10:36
mr_danielaboutblank: what the windows machines are using, DHCP or static?10:36
Kim^Jgraham_100_: hdX then. Is it master on the first channel or slave? Or maybe on the secoand channel.10:36
tonyyarussoHow can I change the user, group, and permissions used by default when creating new directories and files under a directory?10:36
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graham_100_kim^j it's slave10:36
aboutblankmr_daniel: on the network i have windows machines doing DHCP and static, and this troubled machine cannot do either.10:37
eloquebeing that i cna only use dial up internet right now... i'm pretty screwed if the modem doesn't work10:37
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graham_100_kim^j the other drive is master on the same IDE cable10:37
Kim^Jgraham_100_: On wich channel? The first or the second?10:37
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Ok.10:37
||arifaXPMantis: I also tried network-manager but I hate using dhcp all the time so I chose guessnet for lan10:37
mr_danielaboutblank: I am not sure, but could it be that your lan-card is broken?10:37
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graham_100_kim^j I don't know how to tell which channel that is10:37
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Can you do this: "df -h" in a shell without the " ?10:37
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: And the tell me where / is mounted.10:38
highnekoHow can I list all available commands?10:38
aboutblanklol mr_daniel, i'm connected the troubled box through VNC over the router which it cannot ping!10:38
mr_danieltonyyarusso: you can use the command 'chown' to set the owner of a file10:38
lullabudeloque:  what might be easier than configuring your winmodem is getting an external modem, or getting a gateway that has a modem built in.10:38
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Kim^Jhighneko: Press tab a few times.10:38
graham_100_kim^j what's a shell (sorry i am still learning this)10:38
lullabudhighneko:  hit tab at a terminal.10:38
highnekoaboutblankz; router firewall?10:38
eloquei have a linksys router/AP10:38
eloqueany good?10:38
aboutblankhighneko: nope. all internal...10:38
tonyyarussomr_daniel: But how can I make it so I don't have to do that after the fact?10:38
lullabudhighneko:  another good way is `apropos something`10:38
tonyyarussomr_daniel: I need everything created or copied into /var/www/ to have a group of www-data and readable by all10:38
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highnekolullabud: Ok, thank you. Works good.10:38
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Oh. Do you know howto open the Terminal, Konsole, Xterm, whater-you-call-it ?10:39
mr_danielaboutblank: this is really interesting10:39
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lullabudeloque:  well, if you have a linksys router and it's not connecting to broadband it's not doing you much good, unless it has a built in modem.10:39
aboutblankmr_daniel: interesting? hah! more like confusing...10:39
graham_100_kim^j yes i learned that quickly10:39
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: That's a shell.10:39
graham_100_kim^j ok10:39
eloquei am in saudi arabia right now .... dsl here sucks but i applied months ago10:39
lullabudanybody have experience with EVDO cards in ubuntu, or linux at all for that matter?10:39
mr_danieltonyyarusso: you can also change the owner of EVERY file in a directory, you just have to use a '*'10:39
Kim^JWrite df -h in the shell and give me the output of where / is mounted.10:39
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graham_100_kim^j so what do i type in terminal?10:40
eloqueam on a waiting list the fact that i have a router has nothing to do with my ability to use high speed internet... at least thats how things are here10:40
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Read the above.10:40
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ZaehlasWell, TSWoodV was helping me earlier, but is probably extended AFK now.  I'm still having a filesystem problem of 36 gigs being allocated that is not represented by files I can find.  The trash bin is empty, and fsck on reboot does not fix it.  My current information is located at http://www.ultralarp.com/DiskUsage.gif and  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34411/10:40
eloquetrying to make th ebest of it10:40
tonyyarussomr_daniel: I know how to change things that already exist; I need to do it preemtively.10:40
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mr_danieltonyyarusso: try a 'chown OWNER *', BUT be careful with this commend10:40
lullabudeloque:  if you can get an airport base station, or an actiontec R7000M you'd be alright.10:40
eloquethese are external laptops... or?10:40
mr_danieltonyyarusso: I don't know how to handle this, maybe you have to create a script for this10:40
lullabudeloque:  dial-on-demand 56k gateways.10:41
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eloquei mean modems10:41
eloquelol external laptops10:41
=== billstei_ [n=bill@cable-207-138-198-62.dynamic.hbci.com] has joined #ubuntu
eloqueexternal modems i mea10:41
tonyyarussomr_daniel: That may work.  Thanks anyway.10:41
graham_100_kim^j what do you want me to tell you i have lots of writing10:41
Kim^Jgraham_100_: df -h and where is / mounted on10:41
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lullabudeloque:  sort of.  but better.  you plug in with ethernet and they function just like a normal router, but you can hook them to a phone line for dial-up.10:41
eloqueany idea about how much one of them might run?10:41
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mr_danielwhy not kubuntu 6.10?10:41
phoenix87taany way to get Totem to play wmvs?10:41
graham_100_kim^j it says mounted on /10:41
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lullabudeloque:  you could get the actiontec one on the cheap.  google for hactiontec.10:41
lullabudeloque:  the airport's are like $200.10:42
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graham_100_kim^j filesystem /dev/hdal10:42
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Ah thanks.10:42
Kim^J/dev/hda1 it is.10:42
mr_danieleloque: you have to check your kernel-verison with a 'uname -r' to download the right driver-file10:42
eloquei hope that broadband comes quick10:42
graham_100_kim^j that is my primary hard drive though10:42
lullabudeloque:  you actually might be better off with the hactiontec one, since the apple one doesn't have a web-gui.10:42
sgirchi does anybody know how to bind a ppp connection to a specific interface, I want to bind it to nas0, not ppp010:42
lullabudeloque:  well, even if you got the apple one it would still fuction as an ethernet gateway for cable or dsl, and a wireless access point.10:42
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Yep. That I wanted to know. Can you do this: ls /dev | grep hdb ?10:43
mr_danielphoenix87ta: you mean .wmv, or?10:43
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mr_danielphoenix87ta: I thing you need the package 'w32codecs' for this10:43
phoenix87tamr_daniel, yes, .wmv.  it's playing just about everything else, I got all the gstreamer codecs10:43
zi99y /join #ubuntu-classroom10:43
phoenix87tamr_daniel, I tried that one.  didn't do anything10:43
graham_100_kim^j says "hdbl"10:44
mr_danielphoenix87ta: gstreamer isn't able to handle .wmv-files10:44
phoenix87tayeah, noticed that10:44
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Nothing more?10:44
graham_100_kim^j nope10:44
x-fakhow i can i know i got ALL the last updates for ubuntu, also for the OS himself?10:44
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Ok10:44
sgircanybody thaht has used pppoa ?10:44
graham_100_kim^j be right back have to do something10:44
eloqueso if i use ethernet do i really have much to worry about?10:44
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Do this: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt10:44
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eloquealso does WAN work decently right out the box on a normal ubuntu install?10:44
VigorThis easy Ubuntu thing is also Automatix, or has a link to it, is this thing supported or is it a crash and burn?10:45
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phoenix87tamr_daniel, okay, is there another WMV player at all that's worth a damn?10:45
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LjL!automatix | Vigor10:45
ubotuVigor: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:45
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LjL!easyubuntu | Vigor10:45
ubotuVigor: easyubuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ - For help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu10:45
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[Gino] How do you turn off auto complete in OO.o?10:45
VigorThank you10:45
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mr_danielphoenix87ta: I am not sure, but VLC (or VCL, video lan) is a very good player, it uses the packege FFmpeg, maybe you need this to play .wmv-files10:46
mr_danielphoenix87ta: or10:46
eloqueVideolan.org *10:46
mr_danielphoenix87ta: you can use automatix or easyubuntu10:46
phoenix87tayeah, that one works, but the app itself is a little too powerful for my system10:46
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sgirci really need help !10:46
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mr_danielsgirc: just ask, what is your problem :)10:46
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lehaidwhich package in ubuntu has the file "stdio.h" ?10:47
mlehrerlehaid: libc6-dev i think10:47
sgircmr_daniel: I can't connect to my ISP, I'm using an usb modem which is alright (adslline is up)10:47
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sgircmr_daniel: my problem is when I lanch pppd10:48
lupine_85sgirc: some USB modems are supported, some aren't10:48
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fuffal0what's ubuntu's equivalant to traceroute?10:48
mr_daniellehaid: I think you have to install the package 'build essential'10:48
lupine_85needs installing10:48
sgircmr_daniel: my modem is supported (connexant e-tech V2) and my ADSL line is up10:48
runespyok now that ive used pastebin... i can now ask my question ^_^ .. http://pastebin.com/83415510:49
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tuxtuxnotte a tutti10:49
lehaidmr_daniel: yeah i am now :)10:49
phoenix87tafuffal0, there's a little gui for tracerouting in your system/administration/network tools10:49
sgircmr_daniel: this is connection log file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34412/10:49
mr_danielsgirc: sorry, I am using DSL and no modem, but maybe a 'man pppd' will help you10:49
sgircok thanks anyway10:50
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE10:50
mr_danielsgirc: a timeout in line 2?10:50
gbrentCan anyone recomend a version of Compiz/XGL/Beryl or whatever to install. i have not messed with this for 2 months and a lot has changed and Im getting confused. I have a GeForce 6200 TurboCache graphics card10:50
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sgircNoUse: ADSL/PPPoA10:50
sgircubotu: ADSL/PPPoA10:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ADSL/PPPoA - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:50
heatxsinkhello all, what exactly does ubuntu use to install it's distro?10:50
runespycould someone please awnser my question?? http://pastebin.com/83415510:50
NoUsesgirc ubotu is a bot10:50
heatxsinklike the text menus and all of that10:50
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gbrentheatxsink: it installs of the live cd10:50
lupine_85(for the GUI one anyway)10:50
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eloqueubotu: intercourse10:51
gbrentheatxsink: download the ISO, burn it and then on the desktop you will see an install icon10:51
sgircNoUSe: a clever bot !10:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intercourse - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:51
mr_danielheatxsink: what you mean with '...what...does ubuntu use...' ?10:51
heatxsinklike how did you guys make the menus when installing the distro10:51
runespy... http://pastebin.com/834155 .. could someone awnser this?10:51
uksproutPLEASE!! can anyone offer help : sound problem . sound card is Soundblaster live OS: ubuntu 6.10 probem: sometimes I have sound sometimes I don't10:51
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sgircNoUse: can u tell me how u recognize a bot so that I appear less stupdi next time ?10:51
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gbrentheatxsink: do you mean boot menues?10:51
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heatxsinkthat too10:52
eloqueubotu: how to peepee!10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about how to peepee! - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:52
mr_danielheatxsink: what you mean with '...make the menus...' ?10:52
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NoUsesgirc generally if it has the word 'bot' somewhere in the name10:52
phoenix87tauksprout, when you lose sound, all apps, or just one?10:52
heatxsinkso when I install ubuntu server LTS, I get this menu I boot into10:52
Nukedeloque: dont play with the bots, it will anger them :)10:52
heatxsinkthen I select my option and press enter10:52
eloqueok ok i'm sorry10:52
Nukedand we know who THEM are10:52
heatxsinkthen the kernel boots10:52
gbrentheatxsink: well the boot menus are dual boot systems. You need to have multiple partitions and mulitple operating systems to do that. The grub boot manager needs to be configured to boot to either OS10:52
eloqueit was pretty funny though10:52
heatxsinkthen I have to setup the system10:52
runespycan someone please awnser my question!? http://pastebin.com/83415510:52
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sod75anyone know how to set the resolution of kdm, since edgy it's scaled an my laptop doesn't like the switching of resolution after i log in10:53
lullabudeloque:  actually, if you play with the bots you might get kicked.10:53
mr_danielheatxsink: you can change the grub-menu with the file 'nano /boot/grub/menu.lst '10:53
Nukedeloque: it was10:53
Slipp3d~ello all10:53
uksproutphoenix87ta: all I can play sound the reboot and no sound reboot several times and the sound will come back10:53
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Nukedlullabud: thats what I meant10:53
heatxsinkmr_daniel:  I understand the grub-menu stuff10:53
gbrentanyone running compiz?10:53
eloquelullabud... i think it was kinda worth it but oh well i apologized to uberbot10:53
heatxsinkbut is that what ubuntu-server LTS uses?10:53
lullabudNuked:  ah... by "Them" you meant "the ops"... ;-)10:53
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eloqueyea i understood nuked when he first said it lullabud10:54
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runespyuksprout: do sudo alsaconf ; in your command line, that worked for me...10:54
Slipp3dquestion about mozilla firefox and trying to switch the media plug in.... i would like to use vlc or kaff to handle my mms streams but dont' know where to switch it10:54
gbrentheatxsink: they all use grub, but the different versions are for different things. For a desktop computer just straight ubuntu is best if thats what you are also asking10:54
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Nukedeloque: but I was nicer about it, and still gave fair warning10:54
TSWoodVZaehlas: Those results from du look to be correct.  Now run "cd / ; du -sk *" and see what we get.10:54
mrlinuxhelp with dchp!!!!!!10:54
eloqueyes u were a fair sport10:54
VigorDang, 1004 users?10:54
aboutblankmr_daniel, I'm an idiot. after my ubuntu box rebooted, Firestarter came back up. i hadn't realized that i had disabled it, as it's misconfigured. i thought i had uninstalled it.10:54
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runespyjust remember to do sudo killall alsad before doing the config10:54
AsheDevery program I use tells me these mp3s have no tags, but they show as having tags in Rhythmbox10:54
heatxsinkgbrent:  I dunno if that's what I'm asking10:54
sod75mrlinux: ask10:55
heatxsinkI guess the question should be, if I wanted to make my own distro10:55
linux_kid!broadcom 431110:55
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runespy..http://pastebin.com/834155 can someone awnser my question?10:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcom 4311 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:55
mr_danielrunespy: it is very difficult to understand you. please don't write 'abook', be specific and phrase short lines10:55
heatxsinkwhat does ubuntu use when booting up via a CD, and how did they make all of those nice "menuconfig" like menus and stuff10:55
uksproutrunespy: command not found!10:55
runespyopps sorry, typo...10:55
lehaidhow do i make "make" show me full compilation flags intead of just CC <filename> ?10:55
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mr_danielrunespy: please no explain us our 'odysee', just ask EXACTLY what your problem is10:56
sod75lehaid: vi Makefile ?10:56
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runespyuksprout: that shouldnt be rite, because i did that in debian and ubuntu, let me look through command refrences...10:56
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: Woot, you're back!   ok, I'm back from AFK too.  running that command, gimme a few minutes.10:56
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runespyunless ubuntu dosent have alsa10:56
Dreamgliderwhy is amarok so good ?10:56
lehaidsod75: where does it define there to HIDE them in the first place?10:57
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Dreamgliderit is slow as a mofo10:57
uksproutrunespy: I cut and pasted so I *should* have got it right ;)10:57
mr_daniellehaid: maybe 'make -d ...' ?10:57
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phoenix87tadreamglider, amarok works well for you?10:57
eloquesup dream10:57
eloqueleft dal huh?10:57
Slipp3danyone  have a help for me?10:57
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sod75lehaid: no idea, but you can see the flags there i guess10:57
Dreamglidereloque, nah10:57
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runespyok, one what my question is, to make the story short, i need to uninstall a messed up installation of ubuntu off of a harddrive that also has a winxp pro partition, its 100GB harddrive and winxp is only using 21 GB's10:57
lehaidmr_daniel: nop10:58
Dreamgliderphoenix87ta, it works but it is slow as hell10:58
PEDROI need help! I installed Beryl10:58
lehaidsod75: nop, it does some run time voodoo to find them10:58
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: ok, it shows all that data being in /root.  I'm going to try cd ing to that, and see what I can see.10:58
phoenix87tadreamglider, okay, still trying to make my multimedia apps decisions10:58
PEDRObut I need to set a session so that I can start it without typing beryl-manager10:58
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runespydid anyone see my question?10:59
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mr_danielrunespy: yes I did10:59
LjLUbotu, tell PEDRO about beryl | PEDRO, see the private message from Ubotu10:59
runespyok thinking of a way?10:59
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: OK, I cd /root, ran the same command, and it gave me 4 block in /root/Desktop, and nothing else, and ls doesn't show anything.10:59
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Slipp3danyone any help with my firefox questions?11:00
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eloquedamn conexant gotta pay for a driver on a free os11:00
eloqueBAH humbug11:00
steveire!seen soundray11:00
ubotuI last saw soundray (n=rolf@dsl-217-155-44-246.zen.co.uk) 19m 13s ago, quiting: "Leaving"11:00
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linux_kidSlipp3d: whats your question?11:01
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poolkey172tired :(11:01
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LjLeloque: ok, we got your disappointment, just buy a decent modem and stop whining, or write a free driver yourself.11:01
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runespymr_daniel, think of somthing?11:02
Slipp3dlinux_kid  i am trying to change the plugin for firefox so that i'm using kaff or vlc to handle mms streams the question is where do i change the setting for that?11:02
wigstaDoes anybody have a TV tuner card working with Ubuntu? Need some help using the IVTV driver! Specifically tunning the channels (UK frequency).11:02
Slipp3dat this time i'm unable to change it11:02
ZaehlasTSWoodV: Well, a regular ls showed Desktop folder, but du -sk showed only 4 blocks being taken up by that same folder.  so the "files" that are taking up so much space must be in /root.  Sny suggestions on seeing them, removing them?11:02
mr_danielrunespy: no, I am busy with something else11:02
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TSWoodVZaehlas: It stopped?  It should have kept on running and gone down the directory tree structure11:03
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linux_kidSlipp3d: what is your ubuntu version and what is your firefox version11:03
poolkey172anyone know how wingrub works ?11:03
drachrunespy: my suggestion - run gparted from a live-cd, resize  partition with winxp (or create a new ntfs partition), run recovery mode from installation winxp disk,  fixmbr, and you sholuld be able to boot win from that hd11:03
eloquethe point was to get the attention of anybody else that might have gone through the same thing but fortunately for u all.. u weren't plagued by what i was. sorry11:03
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Slipp3dfirefox is ver 2.0 and ubuntu is the new one for down load11:04
=== bimberi hasn't seen the whole conversation but wonders if eloque has seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Conexant
ZaehlasTSWoodV: Oh, the first du -sk did the directory trees, and showed 40 million blocks in root, so I cd'd there to track it down.  it only did one directory down.  inside /rootthere only seems to be one subdirectory, kand that's it11:04
TSWoodVZaehlas: Since you've got one single partition with the entirety of your filesystem on it, it takes a bit more effort to find the problems.11:04
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TSWoodVZaehlas: Then something's not right.  If all you see is / and one directory down, then we've got other issues.11:05
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ZaehlasTSWoodV no, that's not it, sorry, I'm not explaining well, lemme paste results.  one moment11:05
archis_Hi anybody familiar with gconf? I have a q re. protocol handlers11:05
Slipp3dlinux_kid i have the plugins installed ... just can't change the ones that it's using11:05
linux_kidSlipp3d: try this download and see if it helps... http://bugs.sourcemage.org/show_bug.cgi?id=771311:06
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archis_I want to change the handler for rtsp and real streams from Totem to realplayer11:06
ZaehlasTSWoodV: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34415/ shows the commands I delivered, and the results.  I'm talking about an actual directory /root, not the "root" directory "/"11:07
edd_can nebody help with a BCM4318 card?11:07
Slipp3dlinux_kid it's not just that ...  i can't get kaffine to run in firefox11:07
archis_and the basic idea is to add a handler in about:config11:07
archis_like so http://ubit.buffalo.edu/linux/ublinux4/rtsp.php11:07
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linux_kidSlipp3d: so you are using KDE or GNOME?11:08
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: Line 20 of the paste shows what I saw, and aftrer that, I tried to track it down more, but an ls in that directory showed me nothing.11:08
Samus_Arandoes anyone know why Ubuntu's Apache error pages are all weird and screwy ?  for example an error 404 produces this crap: "The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the ">referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author of ">that page about the error. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again."11:08
archis_but FF, at least 2.0 doesn't use app hanlders in about:config but queries gconf11:08
Samus_AranI haven't changed my apache config for the past several distros, and the error pages were always fine11:08
Slipp3dbut i can't get any different plugins other then the one for totem ... and totem can't handle mms11:09
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winterp1Is it possible to delete empty directory entries in gconf-editor? If yes, how? Tnx for responses...11:09
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kudzubanewow, my edgy install is idling at a high load average, much higher than other distros, i wonder what is the culprit11:09
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archis_so how should i proceed?11:09
Samus_Arankudzubane: what does top show ?11:10
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archis_change the gconf setting or add app handler to FF11:10
poolkey172can someone plz help me ?11:10
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archis_or both ;)11:10
Slipp3dkudzubane i would say it's beagle11:10
eloquekudzubane: it could be gas11:10
winterp1tnx m811:10
kudzubaneSamus_Aran: 0.88, 0.66, 0.6411:10
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kudzubanebeagle not installed11:11
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cafuegokudzubane: `top'11:11
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eloquebeen drinkin milk?11:11
edd_can anybody help me install my BCM4318 card on edgy. i had it working on 6.06, but now it says there is no signal???11:11
kudzubanecafuego: what i copied/pasted is the relevant load averages11:11
ActivEis there a way i can list the terminal command cache so that i could search it with grep?11:12
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edd_*no wireless signal11:12
cafuegokudzubane: Yes, but no process info.11:12
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cafuegoedd_: You need the firmware.11:12
bimberiActivE: history11:12
_david_what does "sudo sfdisk -c /dev/sda 3 83" do?11:12
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kudzubanecafuego: interestingly, cpu load is mostly under 20% (and not sustained), no processes appears to be claiming much resources, but load average is still high11:13
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ActivEperfect thankyou bimberi11:13
bimberiActivE: np :)11:13
edd_which firmware do i need??11:13
Slipp3dlinux_kid : any other thoughts?11:13
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Slipp3dlinux_kid : I'm using gnome11:14
cafuegokudzubane: You running software raid?11:14
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kudzubaneedd_: you need the proprietary firmware for that broadcom wireless chipset, you extract the firmware using the wireless windows driver, bcm43xx-cutter (install it) does the trick11:14
linux_kidSlipp3d: well, i didnt find anything on google or firefox.com, post somthing @ ubuntuforums.com11:14
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kudzubanecafuego: negative11:15
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cafuegoedd_: http://ubuntu.cafuego.net/dists/edgy-cafuego/bcm43xx11:15
xenHow do I change the default text editor from Gedit?11:15
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linux_kidDreamglider: whats your problem?11:15
uksproutanyone offer help on an intermittent sound problem11:15
edd_cafuego: do you know which firmware i need and where to get it? i have tried everything on ubuntuforums...11:15
bimberi!defaultapp | xen11:15
ubotuxen: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"11:15
Dreamglideri need help with wireless conetion11:15
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edd_oops sorry11:15
delliottInstalling 6.10 froze at 89% Checking for packages to remove... on my iMac G4. I did a Google search but couldn't find anybody with a similar problem. Anybody know anything more about this?11:15
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kudzubanedelliott: you might want to run a mem test11:16
linux_kidDreamglider: ok, lets start w/ the basics, what card are you using?11:16
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fuffal0in windows when i want to print to a printer that has an IP address, i setup a port mapped to an IP, and then setup a "local printer" with that port - how do iu do this in ubuntu11:16
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, X-Micro USB adapter11:16
highnekoAny suggestions for burning dvd images?11:16
gbutler69_I want to buy about 30 Web Cameras (eventually about 300) that are compatible with Ubuntu Edgy Eft 6.10. Where?11:16
delliottkudzubane: Is that something that I can run from the boot: prompt?11:16
xenThanks bimberi (and ubotu :P )11:16
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bimberi!thanks | xen11:17
ubotuxen: You're Welcome!11:17
linux_kidDreamglider: what version of ubuntu are you using?11:17
=== xen laughs.
dfxwerhello eveybody11:17
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DreamgliderX-Micro XWL-11GUZX11:17
kudzubanedelliott: i remember seeing such an option at boot time using live/install cd, but it is on the x86 32bit version, so you need to check11:17
dfxwerhas anyone heard of sabayon linux 3.211:17
ActivEyes dfxwer11:17
Spee_DerGood evening everyone......11:17
dfxwerhow is it11:17
delliottOn PPC there is live-powerpc and check-powerpc11:17
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, 6.1011:17
ActivEbased on gentoo with beryl included isnt it11:17
ActivEi have no used it however...11:18
Skwid_where can i find a mysql package for 5.0.27 on ubuntu ?11:18
kudzubanedelliott: do so11:18
dfxweryes..is it better than kubuntu11:18
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ActivEit depends what u want from your os i would imagine11:18
uksproutanyone offer help on an intermittent sound problem, card soundblaster live, OS ubuntu 6.1011:18
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dfxwerActivE: like ?11:19
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kudzubaneuksprout: what is the problem11:19
frandavid100how can I find out my private IP?11:19
monkericsudo ifconfig11:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:20
variantyou dont need sudo11:20
edd_<cafuego> : that hasnt done anything ????11:20
linux_kidDreamglider: ok, hmmmm... try looking in synaptic and downloading both ndiswrapper and the gtk GUI of ndiswrapper11:20
delliottkudzubane: When I boot into the LiveCD to install it gives me a GNOME error with something to do with the Settings Daemon. Possibly related?11:20
frandavid100thanks monkeric11:20
draelCan someone help me with my Wine11:20
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cafuegoedd_: Install the package; then either ereload the wireless drivers (or just reboot)11:20
draelI think I spilled it11:20
kudzubanedelliott: dunno, the error you've described sounds unrelated (unless hw instability)11:20
uksproutkudzubane: sometimes I have sound but after a reboot I can lose it, if I reboot several times or turn the system off it will eventually come back11:20
draelWhen I try to install the MFC libraries, it gets stuck on 0%11:20
monkericoh right you don't need sudo, I'm still stuck in FC5 land ;)11:20
frandavid100bye guys!11:21
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uksproutkudzubane: it appears to effect all apps11:21
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CrescendoI configured a few Gdesklets, and now when I try opening gdesklet, it just sits there, and hangs.  How do I fix this?11:21
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Dreamgliderlinux_kid, source allso ?11:21
kudzubaneuksprout: what variant of ubuntu?11:21
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linux_kidDreamslider: ya, source too11:21
delliottkudzubane: Apple provide hardware analysis CDs and I ran that earlier. It showed no problems.11:21
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uksproutkudzubane: 6.10 latest11:21
kudzubaneuksprout: ubuntu or kubuntu?11:22
uksproutkudzubane: Ubuntu11:22
kudzubanedelliott: try the less graphical install (if that is an option for the ppc install cd)11:22
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FFForeverhow do i enable direct rendering on my laptop?, i have a compaq presario v2555us11:22
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uksproutkudzubane: Ubuntu uname= 2.6.17-10-generic11:23
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linux_kidJust an open question to all you MAC users: why can we not just take the airport drivers for your wireless and install them in linux, as osx is unix based?11:23
kudzubaneFFForever: what graphics chipset11:23
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FFForeverati xpress11:23
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FFForever VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M 5955 (PCIE)11:23
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Dreamgliderlinux_kid, ok but i cant find the GUI11:23
kudzubaneuksprout: that is strange, the fact you get sound at all indicates alsa working at least initially, dunno about losing sound, perhaps you are running into an oss/alsa blocking issue11:24
delliottlinux_kid: Properietary chipset, I believe.11:24
cyber_brain_mfkghow to use ssh???11:24
kudzubaneFFForever: 200m?11:24
delliottcyber_brain_mfkg: ssh user@hostname11:24
linux_kiddelliot: thanx11:24
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FFForeveri have no clue, i got that from lspci11:24
linux_kidDreamslider: do u have universe repositories allowed?11:24
cyber_brain_mfkgwhat can i use 4 user and hostname?11:24
delliottcyber_brain_mfkg: You should have been told that.11:24
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ZaehlasTSWoodV: WOOTAGE I found it!  And now, thinking back, I totally understand what happened.   In automatix, I installed the optional scripts to open nautilus under root permissions.  I've done this a number of times to manipulate files, when it's easier for me to do in a graphical environment, rather than terminal.  the "/root" directory is the "home" directory for the root account.  it has it's own .trash directory, which du didn't see for11:24
delliottYou use ssh to connect securely (arguable) to a remote mahcine.11:24
uksproutkudzubane: it is very annoying checked the various website but cannot come up with anything.... how do I check for the oss/alsa blocking problem... sorry new to linux11:25
kudzubaneFFForever: if it is indeed the infamous 200m, chances are you will not be getting any 3d acceleration11:25
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linux_kidDreamglider  do u have universe repositories allowed?11:25
FFForeverive seen it done11:25
AsheDis : a special char in regex stuff?11:25
kudzubaneuksprout: this is my first full day with ubuntu, so take my advice with a grain of salt11:25
cyber_brain_mfkglook! i want 2 access my comp wrom my work where is installed M$ winXP11:25
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, yes11:25
FFForeverand i guess it is the indamous 200m11:25
Zaehlas!thank | TSWoodV11:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:25
miaumiuaHi!Please visit to new site! and have all you need:chat, forum,news and meny more! http://itklubas.anfor.net/11:25
uksproutkudzubane: ok thanks for trying11:25
FFForever!hit | ffforever11:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hit - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:25
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linux_kidDreamglider: hmmmm what version of ubuntu r u using?11:25
Zaehlas!thanks | TSWoodV11:26
ubotuTSWoodV: You're Welcome!11:26
delliottcyber_brain_mfkg: It is unlikely that you can SSH into your Windows XP machine unless it is running an SSH server.11:26
TSWoodVZaehlas: Good job!11:26
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kudzubaneuksprout: you got flashplugin going under firefox?11:26
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cyber_brain_mfkgi have ubuntu at home11:26
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uksproutkudzubane: yes but my problem is in vlc or the like before running firefoz11:26
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, edgy11:26
cyber_brain_mfkgand i want 2 access from work(winXP)11:26
ZaehlasTSWoodV: Gah, wish I'd know root had a home account, and all that.  it all makes sense in hindsight.  hehe.  just gotta be more careful.  if I HADN'T deleted 36 gigs of files as Root, I may never have found this problem, hehe11:27
delliottcyber_brain_mfkg: Ok. You need to know the hostname (perhaps IP address) of your home machine.11:27
hutchycyber_brain_mfkg, need opensshd11:27
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delliotthutchy: Doesn't Ubuntu come with a sshd by default?11:27
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TSWoodVZaehlas: You learned something today.  It's a good day! ;-)11:27
cafuegodelliott: not installed, no.11:27
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JinkgunsCould someone tell me why OpenOffice crashes when I try to paste from it to a text box, such as thunderbird or a Gaim IM?11:28
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Vladazwhen i run anjuta new gtk+ project and execute it, it says, that glade file couldn't be found, does it suppose to do?11:28
aimtrainerhi! Can anyone tell me a good way to convert video files (mostly xvid) for my cellphone which understands mpg and 3gp? I googled a bit and found some ways for 3gp but always failed at getting ffmpeg to support 3gp 8[11:28
trappistJinkguns: I think I saw a bug report on that11:28
Vladazglade file is in its place11:28
Vladazwhat's wrong?11:28
uksproutkudzubane: I could be wrong but I don't think it is coming from there,  the alsa mixer lists three devices my soundblaster,  a via 8235 & CMI 9739 (which is the only OSS device)11:28
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linux_kidDreamglider: ok let me search around packages.ubuntu.com unless you dont want the gui...11:28
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cyber_brain_mfkgok that means i shoul install opensshd first???11:29
monkericcyber_brain_mkfg: this is where I got the info to set up my sshd:  http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howot-install-ubuntu-linux-ssh-server.html11:29
Jinkgunstrappist: is there a work around?11:29
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Dreamgliderlinux_kid, pleas i need the gui i suck at terminal11:29
kudzubaneuksprout: flash is just one easy way to find out whether oss is causing issues11:29
kudzubaneuksprout: the 7.x version of plugin uses oss11:29
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kudzubaneuksprout: other apps could be doing the same11:29
uksproutkudzubane: ah ok...11:29
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ZaehlasTSWoodV hehe, yep.  thanks.  =D  I'll be back with future problems, at some point.11:29
lehaidthanks for all the help, got what i wanted to work, good day !11:29
ZaehlasLater all11:29
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wigstaDoes anybody have a TV tuner card working with Ubuntu? Need some help using the IVTV driver! Specifically tunning the channels (UK frequency).11:30
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cyber_brain_mfkgshould i run ssh at home before i access from work?11:30
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dragonfyre13Alright guys, I just wrote a full guide on the Averatec 2370. Anyone wanna check it out for me? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30815211:30
linux_kidDreamglider: i hear you, i hate terminal, although i marvel its power11:30
BryanJorgensonDoes anyone know how to recover data from an ext3 device if the inodes are intact but the ubuntu installer may have formatted as reiserfs?11:30
uksproutkudzubane: just trying to find an online game with sound11:30
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Samus_Arankudzubane: I meant, what apps does it show using CPU time, and check the column that divides up the "time" into I/O wait, user processes, system processes, etc.11:30
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linux_kidDreamglider: here we go... http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/net/ndisgtk11:31
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Dreamgliderlinux_kid, not that i hate it, i just suck at it.11:31
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uksproutkudzubane: no audio from flash game11:31
kudzubaneSamus_Aran: as i mentioned earlier, that's the funny thing, cpu usag is not abnormally high, and disk usage is not excessive11:31
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Dreamgliderlinux_kid, where is the GUI file?11:32
Samus_Arankudzubane: check what I said, it divides it up11:32
BryanJorgensonCan anyone help me recover data from an ext3 partition? The inodes were not deleted!11:32
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Vladazhelp me11:32
Samus_Arankudzubane: e.g. Cpu(s): 13.9%us, 10.4%sy, 27.7%ni, 45.0%id,  0.9%wa,  1.1%hi,  1.0%si,  0.0%st11:32
kudzubaneuksprout: try something that isn't utilizing oss11:32
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monkericcyber_brain_mfkg: it's a bit involved.  You need to have the openssh (sshd) server daemon running, and you need to install the public half of your key (from work) in your sshd list of remote hosts.  you can generate a key pair from your ssh client at work.11:32
Samus_Arankudzubane: and a wait time of less than 1.00 is completely fine11:32
Vladazwhen i run anjuta new gtk+ project and execute it, it says, that glade file couldn't be found, does it suppose to do?11:32
Samus_Arankudzubane: I mean a load average11:32
Vladazwhat's wrong?11:32
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pacHow do I do a full install of Ubuntu?   Like install all the packages that have the little ubuntu logo in Synaptic.  Thanks!11:33
edd_<cafuego>: that hasnt worked?11:33
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kudzubaneSamus_Aran: top - 17:32:55 up  5:10,  2 users,  load average: 0.69, 0.68, 0.6411:33
kudzubaneTasks: 103 total,   1 running, 101 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie11:33
kudzubaneCpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 86.7%id,  0.0%wa,  6.7%hi,  6.7%si,  0.0%st11:33
kudzubanesorry about the errant paste, folks11:33
Samus_Arankudzubane: 1.00 just means it is running at peak efficiency, for every CPU task that completes, there is one more waiting to be processed11:33
uri3000I know this has gotta be something simple, but I'm having trouble accessing Disc 2 of the Quake IV installation discs. I get an error saying I have insufficient permissions to access the contents of the disc. Help? :D11:33
Samus_Arankudzubane: it's once it gets above 1.00 that things will start to slow down11:33
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kudzubaneSamus_Aran: on other install (distro), i average 0.00 most of the time11:34
dragonfyre13Alright guys, I just wrote a full guide on the Averatec 2370. Anyone wanna check it out for me? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30815211:34
pacuri3000 run sudo?11:34
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, ok i have the file11:34
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Samus_Arankudzubane: so on your system, the only thing using any time are "hi" and "si", of which I know neither, heh11:34
uksproutkudzubane: any suggestions as to what doesn't?11:34
pacHow do I do a full install of Ubuntu?   Like install all the packages that have the little ubuntu logo in Synaptic.  Thanks!11:34
kudzubaneSamus_Aran: perhaps ubuntu  is just busier11:34
Samus_Arankudzubane: you should check what those two mean from the man page, then you can track down what is using up time11:34
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edd_ne1 else able to help with BCM4318 card?11:35
dragonfyre13pac: you don't. Why do you want that?\11:35
linux_kidDreamglider: install the file, its a .deb, s it should go smoothly11:35
Samus_Aranpac: just keep installing things as you need them, or have some vague interest in them11:35
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, done11:35
kudzubaneuksprout: play an mp3 file, most players these days are alsa11:35
=== dragonfyre13 twiddles his thumbs, and sighs to himself.
pacdragonfyre and samus_aran: thanks!     good idea =] 11:35
Samus_Aranpac: if you install things you know you will never even look at, it will just slow down things like upgrades and scanning the packages database11:35
dragonfyre13pac: no problem.11:36
Samus_Aranpac: it won't make the system unstable like Windows, however =)11:36
linux_kidgood, no go to Sytstem->Administration->Windows Drivers (or somthing like that...)11:36
uri3000pac: i don't understand what you want me to do. i know what sudo is, more or less, but i don't understand how to use it in conjunction with reading a cd rom. :P11:36
pacSamus: seems like theres already a lot of stuff pre installed that i dont use11:36
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Samus_Aranpac: I have around 8GiB of Ubuntu packages installed, I think11:36
delliottLike KDE11:36
delliottKDE runs like a dog yet it is sitll there11:36
dragonfyre13pac: su remove it.11:36
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delliottAnd trying to remove all of it seems impossible.11:36
dragonfyre13delliott: so remove it.11:36
dragonfyre13delliott: grab deborphan11:37
Samus_Aranpac: I install everything that even looks a bit interesting, heh.  I devoted a 20GiB partition just for Ubuntu and its files, so I could install without worry11:37
pacuri3000: sudo nautilus  will give you a file browser with root access.   from there you can change file permissions etc11:37
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linux_kidDreamglider: good, no go to Sytstem->Administration->Windows Drivers (or somthing like that...)11:37
dragonfyre13edd_: what was the ?11:37
edd_ BCM4318 card?? can u help11:37
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pacSamus all those marked with the ubuntu logo seem interesting to me =] 11:37
dragonfyre13edd_: what chipset?11:37
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Samus_Arandelliott: just don't use it as your desktop environment, there are still numerous great KDE apps that don't have good equivalents elsewhere11:37
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, ok now what11:38
Samus_Arandelliott: e.g. I use kchmviewer, k3b and so on with ICEWM11:38
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edd_i had it on the old distro and it worked for an hour, new distro sez ther is no wireless signal11:38
dragonfyre13edd_: what chipset?11:38
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Samus_Aranpac: you can't just install all of them at once, as many of them conflict with one another (replacements for each other)11:38
dragonfyre13edd_: ok, lemme see then.11:38
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delliottSamus_Aran: Yeah, I know. I used Kile.11:38
dragonfyre13edd_: it's ok, just wanted to know if you knew off hand.11:38
Samus_Aranpac: but feel free to spend an hour going down the list clicking as you like11:38
kudzubaneSamus_Aran: hmmm... perhaps the hal-damon11:39
phobiacAnyone have any experience with partitioning a drive with gparted? I'm just wondering if deleteing a partion and expanding the partition to the left of it preserves the data from the deleted partition.11:39
Samus_Arandelliott: what is Kile ?  never heard of that one11:39
edd_dell inspiron 1300 celeron m 1.6 broadcom  BCM4318 card11:39
delliottSamus_Aran: LaTeX editor.11:39
dragonfyre13edd_: what was the chipset again?11:39
dragonfyre13edd_: err, the card.11:39
linux_kiddreamglider: when you put the card in while in windows, did you install a driver?11:39
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Samus_Arandelliott: ah11:39
edd_ BCM4318 card11:39
linux_kidDreamglider: gtg, bbl11:39
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pacphobiac the deleted partition data will still physically be there -- but inaccessible with software11:40
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Samus_Aranphobiac: I would definitely consult the documentation on that one before clicking any 'okay' buttons, but as far as I know, gparted is supposed to do non-destructive resizes11:40
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Samus_Aranphobiac: you might need to already have free space after the partition, though11:40
phobiacOkay, thank you. I'm just worried about the files themselves.11:40
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uri3000pac: I figured it out, thanks!11:41
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poolkey172how can see what harddisks are available from busybox ?11:41
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iagobai have problems by changing my screen resolution11:42
dragonfyre13edd_: Ok, you have two choices. First, the linux kernel comes with a native driver for this in edgy. Second, you can look into NdisWrapper if that doesn't work/11:42
alek66I get a ACPI: Critical trip point and my computer shuts down without any warnings....11:42
x-fakcould i remove ipv6 support with ubuntu breezy ?11:42
edd_ndiswrapper doesnt work11:42
Samus_Arangotta go.11:42
poolkey172anyone ?11:42
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dragonfyre13edd_: whattya mean?11:43
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alek66edd_,  what is wrong with your ndiswrapper....?11:43
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, that didnt do anything"11:43
edd_i tried it with the code from the forums erlier and it wouldnt work11:43
dragonfyre13edd_: oh, so it doesn't work YET.11:43
edd_the driver was there there was no errors11:43
dragonfyre13edd_: sometimes it takes some finess.11:43
poolkey172dont worry I've worked it out11:43
alek66edd_,  did you cheked this one http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=49854211:44
dragonfyre13well, I don't know crap about ndiswrapper.11:44
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graham_100_kim^j u still there??11:44
alek66I get a ACPI: Critical trip point and my computer shuts down without any warnings.... does anyone know how to fix this?11:44
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edd_no i havent seen that 111:44
dragonfyre13edd_: looks like you have some good help. Just let people know that you are having an issue with getting ndiswrapper to work with your broadcom card, and you will get the help you need.11:45
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x-fakcan i remove ipv6 network interface? which package should i uninstall to do this?11:45
Stormx2Yo. Is there an app for ubuntu that will periodicly check mail, and if there is anything new, can pass the details along to a script?11:45
dragonfyre13edd_: sometimes the hardest thing to do is ask the right question.11:45
edd_yeah i know what u mean11:45
alek66dragonfyre13, TRue! asking the right question is a problem11:45
dragonfyre13edd_: even though I don't know how to solve you issue, I do know the question to ask.11:45
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Yep11:46
dragonfyre13edd_: alek66: have a good day guys. Check out my newest forum post, and let me know if I should keep them up. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30815211:46
dragonfyre13edd_: looks like you have some good help. Just let people know that you are having an issue with getting ndiswrapper to work with your broadcom card, and you will get the help you need.11:46
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edd_ok guys im off, will have a go at that, will come back on 2moro if i get no luck11:47
delliottHrm, /list doesn't seem to be working11:47
dragonfyre13edd_: see yah.11:47
dragonfyre13bye alek6611:48
alek66dragonfyre13, byebye11:48
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graham_100_kim^j i tried that with the hard drive didn't work11:49
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: What did it say then=11:49
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graham_100_kim^j can't remember now11:49
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt11:50
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CrescendoI configured a few Gdesklets, and now when I try opening gdesklet, it just sits there, and hangs.  How do I fix this?11:50
poolkey172HELLO ! How do I use the initramfs shell ?11:50
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graham_100_kim^j doesn't say anything11:50
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poolkey172I need to get an output similiar like dmesg11:50
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uksproutkudzubane: no audio from rhytym box sorry took so long had to install plugins for the app11:50
pacCrescendo: find the gdesklets configuration file and restore a backup or try renaming it11:50
Dreamglidercan anyone help me with wireless connetions ?11:51
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Go check what's in /mnt then! :)11:51
TonySopranosome1 can tell me how to upgrade a breezy badger to the last version?11:51
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Kim^JTonySoprano: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:51
Kim^JBut I would recommend a new install of Edgy Eft. :)11:51
tonyyarussoKim^J, TonySoprano: not true!11:51
TonySopranothank i try this in a root bash11:51
tonyyarusso!upgrade | TonySoprano11:52
ubotuTonySoprano: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:52
graham_100_kim^j now i cant open the drive but it's mounted11:52
delliottI tried to run live video=ofonly and it is just sitting at a peach coloured screen with a mouse. Any ideas?11:52
tonyyarussoKim^J: Just a flat out dist-upgrade will break things often.11:52
Kim^Jgraham_100_: How do you try to open it?11:52
poolkey172Can someone help me with initramfs please ?11:52
Kim^Jtonyyarusso: I dunno. I don't use it.11:52
uri3000Does anybody play Quake IV on Ubuntu?11:52
Stormx2Yo. Is there an app for ubuntu that will periodicly check mail, and if there is anything new, can pass the details along to a script?11:52
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TonySopranoso i follow you tonyyarusso11:52
graham_100_kim^j double click and open in right click meu *neither work11:52
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lokkii did a apt-get dist-upgrade and my system froze on the configuration step witch caused my system unworkable, just an other story11:53
Kim^Jgraham_100_: In a shell: cd /mnt11:53
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: Then: ls -lA11:53
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Then try this: touch hello11:53
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branAre there no 32bit emulation libs provided with AMD64 version of Ubuntu????11:53
Kim^Jgraham_100_: And finally: df -h11:53
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linux_kidDreamglider: i am sorry, dinner calls!11:53
Kim^Jrecepcion1: Hi there.11:54
Dreamgliderlinux_kid,  it's ok mate11:54
lokkibran: read the amd64 howto's11:54
lokkiu can have 32 bit but on a chroot'ed env11:54
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linux_kidDreamglider: ok, lets see... did you have to install anything to get the wireless working in windows?11:54
branlokki: why no emul-* libs?11:54
SadnessI have a problem11:54
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TonySopranopls where can i see my actual ubuntu version? not kernel version11:54
SadnessI installed aiglx on edgy11:54
graham_100_kim^j still wont open11:55
fildonow thats just Sadness11:55
SadnessI upgraded to the beta nvidia drivers11:55
Kim^Jgraham_100_: What does it say then?11:55
branlokki: I have to chroot just to run mplayer geez, never fucking mind, back to gentoo11:55
lokkiwell ask the authors i really havent read so far about 64-32 mixed mode11:55
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Sadnessbut now I can't switch to the virtual terminals11:55
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lokkithe prob i think is the naming conversion of the libs11:55
linux_kidTonySoprano: go to System->About Ubuntu  ... it should tell u somewhere in the text11:55
graham_100_kim^j nothing11:55
Sadnesscontrol+alt+f1 doesn't work11:55
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, yes drivers for the card11:55
poolkey172FINALLY ! AFTER 24 HOURS OF MESSING AROUND I got dual raid cards windows plus ubuntu working together : PHEW11:55
Kim^Jgraham_100_: Huh?11:55
bimberi!version | TonySoprano11:56
ubotuTonySoprano: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type 'lsb_release -a' in the Terminal.11:56
graham_100_kim^j and when i try to double click open it nothing happens same as before11:56
poolkey172drink time for me11:56
pacpoolkey: gratz11:56
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, but i let windows controll the card11:56
Kim^Jgraham_100_: try this: cd / && ls -lA11:56
poolkey172pac : thanks it was a pain11:56
graham_100_kim^j getting fed up with all these problems now11:56
linux_kidDreamglider: do you still have the cd or the file on your windows partition?11:56
Alystairis there a way to get ZFS working in Ubuntu? ;D11:56
Sadnessit works on gdm11:56
Sadnessbut not after the login11:56
bimberipoolkey172: don't forget you learnt dpkg as well :P11:56
poolkey172lol @ bimb11:57
graham_100_kim^j whats all that writing for then?11:57
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, the x-micro folder is on thewindows partion11:57
pacgraham_100 sounds like standard unix use to me11:57
Sadnessany suggestion?11:57
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poolkey172takes 10seconds to boot kubuntu :)11:57
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graham_100_pac are these usual problems?11:58
linux_kidDreamglider: do you have an exe or inf and sys file from the windows partition or from xmicro's site?11:58
poolkey172I'll produce some bootcharts11:58
Kim^Jgraham_100_: cd is change directory. And in that example: change directory to / && (and) list -Almost all and list modes.11:58
pacpoolkey: try xubuntu.. woo11:58
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poolkey172pac : I use fluxbox with a little kde11:58
graham_100_kim^j is there a better linux free programme than 6.06lts to use??11:58
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: So... What did the command output?11:58
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, i have the CD here!11:58
Dreamglidergood enough?11:58
cyber_brain_mfkghow to exit edit mode in vi?11:59
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bimbericyber_brain_mfkg: <ESC>11:59
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graham_100_kim^j there is too mutch to write out11:59
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: What you mean better? Faster? Smoother? Easier? Harder? Better suited for that work?11:59
cyber_brain_mfkgand how to save?11:59
Kim^Jgraham_100_: WHAT DID IT WRITE???11:59
bimbericyber_brain_mfkg: :wq!11:59
linux_kidDreamglider: ok, load the cd and search it for an instalation exe12:00
Kim^Jgraham_100_: cd / and then ls -lA12:00
graham_100_kim^j is there a paste bin on here?12:00
Kim^JAnd then tell me what it said.12:00
bimbericyber_brain_mfkg: er, :w!  if you don't want to quit as well12:00
Dreamgliderlinux_kid, ok i have it12:00
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Kim^Jgraham_100_: http://www.pastebin.ca12:00
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bimbericyber_brain_mfkg: yw :)12:00
Kim^J!pastebin | graham_100_12:00
ubotugraham_100_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:00
pacgraham_100 you need to read up on general linux use12:00
lokkii get an error on boot time that goes "fschk.ext3: unable to resolve UUID=blahbla-blahblah-5464g" and puts me in maintance mode?? Any help, tips, links??12:00
Kim^Jpac: He also needs to read the answers he get.12:00
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