
flacostelifeless: you made a mistake on PendingReviews: you assigned your pending-reviews branch to yourself instead of jamesh like you said you did in your email12:47
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lifelessflacoste: heh, whups01:13
lifelessa page-down error01:14
lifelessflacoste: thanks for pointing it out01:14
flacosteno problem01:14
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alekaany active users on?01:53
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Burgundaviaanybody alive from the LP team04:16
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jameshBurgundavia: yeah.  What's up?04:27
BurgundaviaI answered my own question about difference in urls04:27
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tristanb_Hi guys04:36
tristanb_apologies for my ignorance, but does Launchpad offer project hosting a la Sourceforce or Freshmeat?04:37
tristanb_every project I look at on there seems to import to Bazaar from CVS or SVN hosted elsewhere, so I'm a bit confused04:38
spivtristanb_: you can host bzr branches on launchpad directly.04:39
spive.g. bzr does that :)04:40
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spivtristanb_: There's a summary of how to do this at https://code.launchpad.net/04:41
tristanb_spiv: thanks... so does that include things like allowing people to download release tarballs/debs/RPMs?04:41
spivNo, unfortunately.04:42
spivIt's just bzr branch hosting at the moment, rather than release files.04:42
tristanb_that's a shame :(04:43
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tristanb_Sourceforge it is then! :)04:48
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders!05:01
ajmitchhi mpt 05:11
Burgundaviahey mpt, ajmitch05:11
ajmitchfeels like it's reboot time for some more testing05:15
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Nafallomorning SteveA :-)08:57
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jameshSteveA: I sent an email to the list about some possible traversal changes we might want now we've got mutliple domain names.  Have you considered some of these issues already?09:14
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lifelessjamesh: ping09:26
jameshlifeless: pong09:27
lifelesssee my pending-reviews patch ?09:28
jameshI got your email, but haven't looked at the patch yet09:28
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skwashdhi all09:39
skwashdis it just me or is launchpad half dead atm?09:40
SteveAskwashd: does seem slow09:40
SteveAstub: ping09:40
seb128doesn't work for me09:40
seb128it doesn't load anything09:40
=== SteveA calls ppl
=== skwashd gets as far as the <title> loading but not much more :(
skwashdok ... 3mins to load on about the 5th attempt ... SteveA maybe your call worked already ;)09:42
jameshskwashd: is it particular pages, or all pages?09:43
skwashdjamesh: http://launchpad.net09:43
SteveAhmm, seems responsive again now09:44
FujitsuWorks for me...09:44
jameshmaybe a problem with one app server?09:44
skwashdyeah ... looks like the little gremlin has been put in the microwave09:44
seb128jamesh: it was any bug page, back to normal now09:44
seb128is one timeout I got09:44
SteveApossibly a conflict with some conscript locking the database in some way09:44
SteveAI'll ask stub to diagnose it09:45
lifelessnot a likely time for it09:45
seb128it's still refusing to load that page09:45
UbugtuMalone bug 60052 in libgnomeui "i was working with synaptic and firefox on xubuntu and this error popped out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  09:45
seb128it's slow agaijn in fact09:46
seb128or not09:46
skwashdyeah i was about to say that09:46
SteveAlifeless: would you take a look at the database to see if there's anything obvious locking there?09:47
skwashdit seems like one of the servers is in a DC and the other is in some geek's room ... circa 1993 ... 14.4 dialup ;)09:48
jameshseb128's page has a crash report, which hits the fmt:text-to-html performance problem09:48
lifelessthere is a poimport running09:49
mpthello lifeless 09:49
lifelessand a vacuum in progress09:49
SteveApoimport and vacuum at the same time isn't so good09:50
mptlifeless, on bzr pqm-submit I get "bzr: ERROR: please run connect() first"09:50
mptHow do I run connect()?09:50
lifelessmpt: I'm busy right now, can you chat with jamesh or spiv about this please.09:50
lifelessSteveA: yes.09:50
skwashdSteveA: ok ... i will do something else for a while :)09:51
lifelessok, the vacuum is cancelled09:51
jameshmpt: that's probably an error from smtplib (problem talking to the SMTP server)09:51
lifelesshas that helped ?09:51
mptspiv, never mind, it mysteriously worked a second time09:51
stubSteveA: pong09:51
skwashdlifeless: uymmm ... not really here09:51
=== lifeless hands over to stub
seb128lifeless: still seems slow to me09:51
lifelessstub: lp is on go slow09:52
lifelessstub - poimport is running, and vacuum; I just killed the vacuum but does not seme to have helped09:52
lifelessit might be the textfmt bug though09:52
stubYou killed the vacuum?09:52
lifelessstub: yes09:52
jameshseb128: if you go to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libgnomeui/+bug/60052/+edit and edit out the base-64 encoded crash dump, the bug page should load okay again09:53
UbugtuMalone bug 60052 in libgnomeui "i was working with synaptic and firefox on xubuntu and this error popped out" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  09:53
stubI have no idea how that affects 8.1 :-( autovacuum is supposed to run all the time...09:53
seb128jamesh: thank you for the hint09:53
lifelessstub: gleep. 09:53
seb128I'll try when launchpad accepts to load a page again ;)09:53
jameshseb128: it's the new word breaking code -- it doesn't scale well to 200k character long words09:54
seb128we should lart users doing that :)09:54
seb128like don't accept the bug09:54
lifelessstub: I killed the actual per-db vacuum, not the background task09:54
seb128and suggest gently to attach that 09:54
lifelessstub: it starts them up automatically09:54
stubyer - session database is being vacuumed, so looks ok.09:55
jameshseb128: apport tells the user to attach the crash report, and the +filebug page doesn't have an "attach file" box: Some percentage of users will paste it in the description.09:55
stubThere is some process connected as the 'ro' user, doing something hairy. Don't know what it is though.09:56
lifelessstub: right, so it was on launchpad_prod before09:56
lifeless8848 ?09:56
stubcronjobs are running anyway - karma update happening now09:58
stubThe ro connection is gone now09:58
stubJust publisher, cron stuff, and normal launchpad.09:58
stubAnd things are snappy09:58
stubSo possibly triggered by whatever runs before the karma updater09:58
=== stub has a look
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stubJust flag-expired-memberships which should be quick, and not running as the ro user.09:59
stubWhich leads me to suspect the publishing run doing something evil(er)09:59
stubPerhaps the cronjobs conflicting with soyuz publisher. No way to tell now.10:00
stubOh... my mistake. No cronjobs - didn't look closely enough. it was just launchpad.10:02
stubMirror prober was running though at one point, so perhaps interfering with the publishing run.10:03
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mptThe latest-specifications portlet says "No specifications registered" only if there both are AND aren't any specifications10:08
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mptjordi, did you see the request about adding wpmu for translation?11:50
jordimpt: not yet, rosetta list?11:51
jordiI've been busy with the Open week11:51
jordilet me open it up11:51
mptNovember 2211:51
mptoops, sorry, November 1711:52
jordihm, then I missed it last week11:52
mpt(I received it on the 22nd for some reason)11:52
jordiwoops, so I moderated it, but didn't wait until it hit my mailbox11:52
jordiman the amount of spam on this list is quite bad this days11:52
mptWell, think of it this way -- the better Free Software translation coverage becomes, the more people will use Free Software, the fewer computers will run Windows, the fewer computers will be botnet slaves, so the less spam you'll get :-)11:55
jordiI love that POV :)11:55
jordiHungarian Magyar knyvtrak elibraries11:57
jordiI was about to approve that spam11:57
jameshso, I've fixed the word break algorithm to scale linearly with the number of characters in the word11:57
jameshfor a 200000 character word, it brings the time down from 15.3s to 186ms11:58
jameshshould fix the timeouts for pasted apport crash dumps11:58
mptwell done!11:59
stu1I'd opened a bug on this too11:59
stu1I suggested having the code cap the number of characters in the string it is attempting to render to some very high but still renderable upper limit12:00
stub(if len(foo) > 5000: foo = foo[:5000]  + ' ...'12:00
jameshstu1: your bug is a bit broader -- my change just pushes the maximum length we can realistically support out a bit12:00
stubMight be worth doing at the same time never the less.12:02
stubI'm not sure what the upper limit should be though. Maybe 5k, maybe 20k12:02
jameshit'd be worth checking what size texts we've got currently.12:03
jordidanilos: can you have a look at Subject: Lock down upstream translations in the rosetta-users list?12:04
jordibasically, "how to avoid divergent translations"12:04
jordido we have an Official plan to address this?12:05
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jordiI know about adding a filter, etc so they can easily be spotted and reverted12:05
danilosjordi: carlos and I have already had some thoughts on this, need to check if we have a bug or spec regarding this (it looked so familiar when it popped up in yesterday's session as well)12:05
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daniloscarlos: what are our plans re that? (i.e. things like adding "switch back to upstream translation" in review/translation interface?)12:08
stubjamesh: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/filexzof8g.html12:10
jameshstub: could you check how many of those messages for each size contain the string "ProblemType: Crash"?12:12
jameshstub: just wondering where the real long comments start and apport reports begin ...12:12
jamesh"real long comments end and apport reports begin", even12:12
stubThere are 61 bugs with that string in the description whose desciptions are > 20k in length12:14
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stubOut of 65612:14
stubSo 1% of the silly descriptions12:14
stuberm... 10%12:15
carlosdanilos: yes12:16
carlosthat + a filter to see the ones diverged12:16
jordicarlos: noted, I'll reply accordingly12:17
jameshstub: I was thinking more a set of results with count(nullif(description like '%ProblemType: Crash%', true)) as an extra column12:18
jameshstub: to see the number of non apport dump descriptions at each size12:19
stubjamesh: Not many. https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileoqvRAR.html12:21
jameshso, only a small handful for descriptions over 100k12:26
jameshstill a handful for ones over 50k12:26
stubYup. But there is nothing to stop us getting more at this stage.12:34
jameshI was more thinking of this from the "how many legitimate messages may get truncated?" p.o.v.12:36
jameshwhere I'm ignoring the apport reports12:37
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Keybukstub: around?  I need a duckie01:21
stubI'm your ducky01:21
Keybukcan you fix a user account for me01:21
Keybukcan you make that a real account, with an e-mail address of archive@ubuntu.com01:22
stubShould the email address be private or public?01:22
Keybukdoesn't matter01:22
Keybukit gets sent to changes anyway :)01:22
stubKeybuk: done01:25
Keybukcool, soyuz is much happier now01:25
SteveAkiko: !02:08
UbugtuNew bug: #73588 in launchpad-support-tracker "Ticket action page lacks link to the ticket overview." [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7358802:15
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ddaaSteveA: watercooler!02:54
=== ddaa puts on funnel hat
ddaawatercooler is the key02:56
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=== ddaa puts off funnel hat
ddaaI mean about those phone calls we should have between buddie teams02:56
ddaalet's just ostentiously call them watercooler calls02:56
ddaai.e. it's not about status reports, fixing problems, getting in sync, etc. It's about having a watercooler02:57
ddaaor maybe a coffee machine02:57
malccCoffee machines have many beneficial effects on productivity it's true03:00
SteveAddaa: hello03:01
SteveAI'm not cool enough to be at a watercooler03:01
ddaawitticisms aside03:02
ddaaduring this morning's conf call I saw two issues03:02
ddaa1. the need to have regular calls with _thumper_ and I, on no specific topic03:03
ddaa2. this very conf call was unfocused although very interesting, and that made it a bit awkyard around the end because there was a feeling that a meeting needs to achieve some decision03:04
kikoddaa, btw03:04
kikoddaa, why does bzr branching off /products/bugzilla take so long?03:05
ddaaSince there seems to be a recognized need for unfocused calls, we need a way to frame them so the lack of focus is not a source of discomfort.03:05
SteveAI think it was a focused call03:05
SteveAwith unfocused parts03:06
kikoI have unfocused calls all the time and they are a source of comfort. :)03:06
ddaakiko: offhand, the answer is probably 1. lots of data 2. lots of roundtrips03:06
kikoddaa, would the smartserver improve that?03:07
kikoddaa, can we run the smartserver on a rogue port on the supermirror?03:07
SteveAkiko: there's a plan formenting to get the smartserver running there03:07
kikofermenting too?03:07
ddaaspiv should get some wiki page up by tonight03:07
SteveAspiv is due to post that today03:07
ddaaso, smartserver will help a bit with latency03:07
ddaaultimately, it should allow flatlined-bandwidth branching, but it's not there yet03:08
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ddaathere are plans to address data size issues, using ghost-revisions and pass-through locations. Dunno about the timeline for this.03:09
ddaakiko: you can try "bzr checkout --lightweight", that should reduce the amount of downloaded data03:10
=== ddaa workraves
kikoSteveA, lifeless: do you know anything about my suggestion for a dedicated importer box for the bzr team?03:11
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SteveAkiko: I just read it in an email.  That is all I know.03:23
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ddaakiko-fud: you want lennie04:12
ddaait's got a big head, a big stomach and big balls04:12
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carlosI need some help with timestamps in launchpad04:14
carlosanyone with sometime to help me with this?04:14
carlosBjornT, kiko-fud, jamesh, spiv?04:16
jameshcarlos: what's the problem?04:17
kiko-fudcarlos, I'm out for a talk04:17
kiko-fudddaa, can you point j-a-meinel and poolie to it04:18
ddaajust sent an email04:18
carloswell, I'm getting CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' instead of dates04:18
carloseven after commit 04:18
carlosand I need to do some date checks 04:18
jameshyou mean when reading back an SQLObject attribute?04:18
carlosI think it's only an issue with tests04:19
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jameshcommitting should invalidate all the cached attributes on an SQLObject04:19
carlosI know, that's why I'm using:04:20
jameshhowever, you can manually resynchronise an object with its sync() method04:20
jameshwhich will flush any changes and get the field values from the db04:20
carlos >>> transaction.commit()04:20
carlos    >>> flush_database_caches()04:20
carlosisn't that what flush_database_caches does?04:21
jamesh(as opposed to syncUpdate(), which just flushes changes to the db04:21
jameshare you holding a reference to the object over a commit?04:21
kiko-fudthat's "bad"04:22
jameshis this a ZopelessLayer test, or a LaunchpadFunctionalLayer test?04:22
carlosit's not a broken transaction04:22
carlosand I'm doing the commit just to get a valid date04:22
jameshokay.  The webapp does some weird things with SQLObject caches (it blows them away on each request)04:22
carlosI thought it's only a problem when the transaction is aborted...04:22
jameshdon't hold references to SQLObjects over transaction boundaries in the webapp or tests that use the webapp environment04:23
jamesh(such as page tests)04:23
jameshsee if that helps04:23
carlosthat makes the test more complex... but if that's the only way to use it...04:24
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salgadompt, around?04:32
kiko-fudis launchpad off?04:32
kiko-fudodd, nfm04:32
salgadokiko-fud, how heavy do you think is the need for batching on the 1.0 product/project/distro search page?04:33
kiko-fudsalgado, it's expendable. nice to have but won't hold release for it.04:34
salgadoI'm not sure we can get batching if using the raw query stub suggested04:34
salgadosince the only API I can find is cursor.fetchmany() which only takes a size argument, not a start one04:35
flacostesalgado: you need to take care of it yourself using LIMIT OFFSET in the SQL04:36
kiko-fudsalgado, are you smoking the wrong crack? :)04:37
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
salgadoyeah, the point is that I'm not sure it's worth 04:38
salgadoI'd have to write a SelectResults-like class to feed the batch code04:38
salgadoand in there re-implement a bunch of stuff from sqlobject04:39
kiko-afkddaa, ping?04:39
kiko-afksalgado, hmm, can't you just get an iterable... mmmm04:39
kiko-afksalgado, if it's hard just leave it.04:39
ddaakiko-afk: pong04:39
salgadoa lazy iterable, it'd have to be04:39
ddaakiko-afk: your nick management sucks04:39
SteveAsalgado: I misread that as a lazy irritable04:40
SteveAthen I read "management" on ddaa's line afterwards04:41
SteveAand all I got was "lazy irritable management"04:41
SteveAI think I'll go get a cup of hot tea04:41
flacostesalgado: you might want to nag stevea and niemeyer for launchpad storm support04:42
flacosteshould make that kind of stuff easier to implement04:42
salgadoI hope so04:42
salgadobut since this is a 1.0 spec, I think it'd be better to just use a hard limit and somehow display a warning to the user that we found too many results04:43
niemeyersalgado: What's the issue?04:43
salgadohey niemeyer 04:43
salgadowe have this huge query on the bottom of that page04:44
=== niemeyer checks
salgadoand we can't use SQLObject for that, since we're selecting columns with the same name but from different tables04:45
salgadoand AFAIU, our IDBICursor doesn't give us a lazy SelectResults-like object as the return value04:47
niemeyerOk.. the lazy results is solved in Storm..04:49
niemeyerNow, I'm not sure about what'd be the best way to turn that big union into an object. Is that what you're looking for?04:50
carlosjamesh: same problem04:50
SteveAflacoste: jamesh and niemeyer will be getting together early next year to work on storm in launchpad04:51
SteveAniemeyer, jamesh: did you set a date for that yet?04:52
salgadoniemeyer, if I could feed that query into storm and get a lazy iterable back it should be all fine04:52
niemeyersalgado: You can do it, of course04:52
carlosjamesh: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileb9S823.html04:52
niemeyersalgado: But isn't SQLObject able to do the same?04:52
carlosthat's the set of instructions executed04:53
niemeyersalgado: I mean.. running a query by hand and getting results back should be feasible04:53
carlosjamesh: pofile.importFromQueue modifies the pomsgset object04:53
niemeyerSteveA: Nope.. no dates so far04:54
salgadoniemeyer, I can't use SQLObject for that since I'm not including all columns of all tables, so it can't generate an object from the data it gets from the DB04:54
niemeyerSteveA: My suggestion is still first week of february04:54
salgadoI thought of using a view because then I could use an SQLObject to map that view04:54
carlosjamesh: and pomsgset.isNewer has a couple of prints and one of those prints shows the SQL statement (it's not a direct field in pomsgset, but pomsgset.getSelection(index).date_reviewed)04:55
niemeyersalgado: You can generate a query.. but isn't there a way to run the query straight into the connection (or close to it)?04:55
niemeyersalgado: In that specific case, using an object doesn't offer many advantages over getting a tuple of values.04:56
salgadoniemeyer, yeah, but that returns a list of dictionaries and what I want is a SelectResults-like object04:56
SteveAniemeyer, jamesh: please get some firm dates sorted and get visas / tickets etc.04:56
niemeyersalgado: Ah.. I see.. the result isn't an interator you mean04:57
salgadoniemeyer, I want this to feed our batching code. I could feed a list into it, but it would defeat the purpose of the batching since all the rows would have been fetched already04:57
carlosjamesh: calling selection.sync() just before using the object is enough to fix it04:58
carlosI hate cache problems :-(04:58
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niemeyersalgado: Ok, got it04:59
niemeyersalgado: Yeah, Storm allows you to do hand built queries in a more friendly way04:59
salgadoniemeyer, that's great. I think it's better for me to set a hard limit on the query now, and leave a note that this can be properly implemented once we get storm. :)05:02
niemeyercarlos: Storm will fix that as well05:02
carlosniemeyer: what's the roadmap for it?05:03
=== niemeyer becomes a marketer..
carlosat least, for it in launchpad...05:03
niemeyercarlos: For Storm, now - some months.. :)05:03
niemeyercarlos: For Storm in Launchpad, we should get started in february05:03
carlosis it already released or planned to be released outside the company?05:04
carlosniemeyer: ok05:04
niemeyercarlos: We were going to work on it in december, but we got caught on boring visa issues05:04
niemeyercarlos: It is planned05:04
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giskardhello * :)05:53
giskardall translation made up on rosetta are copyright of?05:53
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danilosgiskard: those who made them05:57
giskarddanilos, thank you!05:57
danilosgiskard: the only important bit is that canonical is allowed to redistribute them, and especially rosetta can put them as suggestions for any other project registered in launchpad05:58
sabdflgood work in #ubuntu-classroom, kiko05:58
giskardthis is not a problem!05:58
kikowow, that hurt06:00
kikomy wrists are on fire!06:00
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Neo|LaptopHmm, exactly what is launchpad?06:13
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ddaaNeo|Laptop: it is a web site for collaboration of free software developers and users.06:31
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Neo|Laptopddaa: Ah, thanks. I noted someone registered on launchpad our software, but the user who did so isn't part of our team. I'm just wondering if this could become a problem (i.e. the user might try to claim that they are us)06:38
ddaaWe actually encourage this sort of thing, because registered products are useful for various things.06:38
ddaaGenerally, if an actual upstream developer wants to get ownership of the project, and if the user who first registered it is unresponsive, you can just ask a launchpad admin (in this chan) and we'll reassign it for you.06:39
SteveANeo|Laptop: there are some notices in Launchpad that say whether a project officially uses launchpad for various purposes, or whether it is just listed in launchpad06:40
ddaaBut it's more important to have the product registered by an active launchpad user than by some inactive "legitimate" person.06:40
Neo|LaptopI see.06:41
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a7phello everyone, kiko had a talk @ #ubuntu-classroom an one of his examples was https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libaio/+bug/27810 .. doesn't this bug have to be closed?06:44
UbugtuMalone bug 27810 in libaio "libaio: We can't compile programs using it" [Unknown,Fix released]  06:44
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matsubaraa7p: that question is better answered in #ubuntu-bugs06:50
a7pmatsubara, okay, thanks, I will ask there.06:50
matsubaraa7p: you're welcome06:51
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kikohey flacoste 08:15
kikohow are you doing?08:15
kikoddaa, ping?08:15
kikoBjornT, ping?08:15
kikocarlos, ping?08:15
carloskiko: pong08:15
kikocarlos! sorry for abandoning you yesterday, I was in dire straits08:15
flacostehey kiko, i'm doing fine, when you have time this week, i would probably like a 15mins chat on short-term priority08:15
ddaakiko: poing08:15
carloskiko: don't worry, I found an alternative UI easy to implement08:16
carloskiko: what I don't understand is how's that you said that TranslationReview will land today...08:16
carloskiko: I need to answer Bjorn's review first08:16
carlosand then apply your UI comments08:16
carlosso we can deploy it08:16
kikoflacoste, I'm here -- wanna ring my vonage number?08:17
kikoddaa, I'm getting into the mindframe of trying to deal with deleting bzr branches08:17
ddaaglad to hear that08:18
kikoddaa, what is the cheapest possible way we could solve that (beyond doing nothing)08:18
flacostekiko: what's a vonage number? we can do this on IRC if you like08:18
carloskiko: I need to leave now08:18
flacostebut I can also use a real phone if you miss the sound of my voice... altough it's still rusty from that SF cold08:18
kikocarlos, okay!08:18
kikocarlos, well, I'm really concerned with the time TR is getting through landing.08:19
ddaakiko: check this https://blueprints.launchpad.net/products/launchpad-bazaar/+spec/delete-branches08:19
carloskiko: well, it's related to other tasks distracting me. I want to have everything done before leaving on Friday (I'm on holidays next week)08:19
kikocarlos, I know.08:20
kikoddaa, thanks, looking into it.08:20
ddaakiko: once this spec is complete, the "cheapest way" is pretty much "everything except garbage collection"08:20
ddaaarguably, it can be implemented and landed stepwise if the UI to actually delete branches is implemented last08:21
ddaabut in terms of user experience, it just has to be a big chunk08:21
UbugtuNew bug: #73637 in launchpad-support-tracker "Do not expire requests which are assigned to somebody" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7363708:46
UbugtuNew bug: #73638 in launchpad-support-tracker "Add a reminder feature " [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7363808:50
kikoso ddaa 09:10
kikoabout delete branches09:10
kikocan you modify the spec to be a "10CentBranchRemoval" sort of thing?09:10
kikoyou can:09:10
kiko- omit handling of vcs-imports 09:10
kiko- omit garbage collection09:10
kiko- omit any end-user UI (a button or script for an admin to run is fine for now)09:11
kiko- omit undeletion09:11
kikoddaa, basically, making step 1 be the whole thing.09:11
ddaayes except, long as it is, it's not yet complete09:13
kikoddaa, can you elaborate?09:13
ddaaSchema changes, UI changes, and To be determined09:13
ddaagenerally, deleting objects that may be used in foreign keys is pretty much unexplored territory in launchpad09:14
kikoddaa, maybe split the existing spec in two specs: basic and advanced removal?09:14
kikoddaa, but we're not suggesting deleting the objects09:15
kikojust "hiding" them09:15
ddaasame difference to the user09:15
kikoit's the same thing indeed09:15
ddaaif it's hidden an unaccessible is as good as deleted as far users can tell09:15
kikoso I'm not sure what you're saying09:15
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kikoyou seem to be agreeing with me :)09:15
ddaaMh... so... right09:15
ddaaif we can use introspection to assert that an object is referenced in no foreign key (except in some specific tables), we can split it into "simple deletion", "advanced deletion" and "garbage collection".09:17
ddaaWhere the dependency implementation looks like: simple -> advanced, simple -> garbage09:17
kikoI think that initially though we just want a way of saying "hide branch X"09:18
kikoand the set of steps you outlined in 1. sounds good enough to me09:18
ddaaif it's really hidden it also requires relaxing of the unique name constraint09:19
ddaaand if we want to allow users to do it, we need some UI to undelete, which may be tricky because it cannot rely on unique names anymore...09:20
kikoddaa, we can just automatically rename it to foo-deleted09:20
kikoddaa, I don't care about users doing it for now09:20
kikoI think unique names are the way to go09:20
kikojust rename deleted ones09:20
kikolike we do with merged people09:20
ddaaSteveA suggested "foo--deleted[-N] "09:21
ddaayeah double dash09:21
kikothat's fine by me09:21
kikoarch pimp all you like09:21
kikoddaa, does that sound workable09:21
ddaadouble dash is fine because it's not something that people are likely to unintentionally conflict with09:21
ddaafailing to register or rename a branch because of a name conflict with a deleted branch would be... very confusing.09:22
ddaakiko: so09:22
kikoNOBODY will EVER register a -deleted branch09:22
kikothis sort of confusion already exists today09:22
ddaakiko: you understimate your users09:22
kikowith person names because if you use -merged you get toast09:22
kikoand it has /never/ happened!09:23
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kiko        # Append a -merged suffix to the account's name.09:23
kiko        name = base = "%s-merged" % from_person.name.encode('ascii')09:23
kiko        cur.execute("SELECT id FROM Person WHERE name = %s" % sqlvalues(name))09:23
kikoddaa, I don't. I am a realist. and in this case, it Really Doesn't Matter09:23
leonelif launchpad is using  python and postgresql  what  database driver uses  Psycopg  or Pygresql ?09:24
kikopsycopg and sqlobject, leonel 09:24
leonelkiko: thanks  .  I'm  starting a new development  and  was  in doubt what to use 09:24
ddaa* database introspection to assert there are no foreign key to the branch except in the RevisionNumber table09:25
ddaa* rename deleted branches to foo--deleted[-N]  (-N in case of multiple deleted branches with the same initial name, it WILL happen)09:25
ddaa* add Branch.deleted_date timestamp09:25
ddaa* implement all of step 109:25
kikoddaa, that sounds good to me09:25
kikois this something you'd like to see solved for a 1.1?09:25
ddaawell, that still lacks something09:25
ddaaa good UI design09:25
kikojust make a delete-branch script 09:25
kikothat I can ask stub to run on the server09:25
ddaaAh right09:25
ddaaIn this case, I'm keen to see it happen ASAP09:26
kikoddaa, okay. if you can modify that spec to be a BasicBranchDeletion and then add the other ideas to AdvancedBugDeletion I will add it to 1.1 and get you time to work on it09:26
ddaakiko: can you update the spec with the outcome of this discussion? With the three implementation steps (basic, advanced, collection).09:27
kikoddaa, how about you do it? :-) I am seriously blocking other people if I stop to do that and I fear my stack is so full..09:27
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ddaakiko: oh well... send me an email with the highlight from this chat and I'll update the spec as soon as I get the round tuits.09:28
kikoddaa, okay09:29
ddaakiko: I think  branch deletion is relatively low priority. If we fix the more important issues (hiding obsolete-merged branches, recovering from failure on first sftp push) we'll have covered 95% of the use cases.09:30
ddaaBut I agree it's important generally to evolve lp into circa 1984 user interface technology, you know, the garbage can...09:31
kikoddaa, right. I'm tackling sftp push issues with j-a-meinel, I'm now curious about obsolete-merged, and I think hiding branches would at least let me sleep soundly with no tickets on my back09:31
ddaakiko: https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad-bazaar/+bug/5888909:32
UbugtuMalone bug 58889 in launchpad-bazaar "Merged and abandoned branch should not appear in main branch listings" [High,Confirmed]  09:32
ddaacombine this with a good naming convention for "branches that actually should be deleted" is good enough in the short term IMO.09:33
kikothat's very easy to fix09:34
UbugtuNew bug: #73644 in rosetta "provide language-support-sco" [Undecided,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7364409:40
elmois it unreasonable for me to expect "linux 2.6.17" to work as a search term and/or is there already a bug about this?09:41
kikoelmo, not unreasonable, and I think there's already a bug open09:42
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