
BenCtormod: for ide it's in drivers/ide/*.c, for pata it's in the libata module in drivers/ata/12:21
tormodthanks and good night12:35
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infinityBenC: pong?01:35
BenCinfinity: ia64 kernel images are built, but not available02:59
zulhey BenC have you had a chance to look at the spec yet?03:02
infinityBenC: Looks like ports.u.c is out of date, drescher is fine.03:09
BenCok, thanks03:10
BenCzul: No, I'll try to get to it tonight03:10
zulokie dokie..03:10
infinityBenC: If you need the generated binaries, you can always yank them from launchpad.03:10
BenCinfinity: Fortunately the next upload is an abi bump, so no need right now03:19
BenCplus I can grab my local build03:19
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fabbioneBenC: mind to git pull git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/steve/gfs2-2.6-nmw.git ?03:40
fabbioneBenC: since we are bumping abi is good to have03:40
fabbionenmw is stuff for .20 and it fixes a bunch of critical bugs in GFS203:40
fabbioneit also requires a config change03:40
fabbioneto set the default DLM protocol (please use TCP for now)03:40
BenCif it's going into .20 I'd rather wait till it's in there to keep the tree clean03:40
fabbioneBenC: it's rather important to me to test GFS203:41
BenCif I pull from there, and then merge with linus, I'm liable to get a lot of conflicts03:41
fabbionewithout i can't do much03:41
fabbionelinus is pulling from there...03:41
BenCOk, let me see how this pull looks03:41
fabbionethere should be no conflict03:41
fabbioneif both of you pull from the same, the sha are the same03:41
fabbione--- a/debian/config/i386/config03:47
fabbione+++ b/debian/config/i386/config03:47
fabbione@@ -484,6 +484,8 @@ CONFIG_DLCI=m03:47
fabbione CONFIG_DLCI_COUNT=2403:47
fabbione CONFIG_DLCI_MAX=803:47
fabbione CONFIG_DLM=m03:47
fabbione+# CONFIG_DLM_SCTP is not set03:47
fabbione # CONFIG_DLM_DEBUG is not set03:47
fabbione CONFIG_DM9102=m03:47
fabbione CONFIG_DMA_ENGINE=y03:47
fabbioneBenC: this is the config change i had locally.03:47
fabbione(for that pull)03:47
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BenCzul: ping05:06
fabbioneBenC: did you pull/push the gfs change to kernel.org?05:17
BenCfabbione: Not yet, cleaning some other stuff up first05:18
fabbioneBenC: ok thanks05:18
fabbionekylem: you can pull gfs from my branch on people05:18
fabbionekylem: ~fabbione/archives/ubuntu-2.6.git05:18
fabbionekylem: at least we are looking at the same code :)05:18
kylem-ETOOTIRED :\05:22
fabbioneoh come on05:25
ajmitchsome users are very demanding05:50
fabbioneajmitch: that's a REALLY REALLY REALLY nice statetment to hide: WTF THEY ARE SUCH BITCHES.. but nevermind05:51
ajmitchpretty much05:51
ajmitchzul: I can't test your kernel on feisty now - udev wants 2.6.19 for it to be able to create an initramfs05:51
infinityBenC: Hrm.06:06
infinityBenC: The -lowlatency in universe thing will be interesting.06:06
infinityBenC: The headers will have to be in main, or LRM won't be buildable.06:06
BenCinfinity: Hmm...that sucks, but I can do that06:07
BenCfabbione: pulling from you now06:08
fabbioneBenC: thanks06:08
BenC$ git-pull people-fabbione06:09
BenCAlready up-to-date.06:09
fabbioneBenC: you pulled yesterday.,. i have nothing new there except a local merge of nwm tree06:09
fabbionebut i didn't want to push to you without your eyeballing06:09
crimsunBenC: I'm beginning a fairly big push to alsa-git, so you should be able to stop considering quite a few alsa issues soon06:10
fabbionetho it would be nice to have06:10
BenCI can check your stuff before pulling it in06:10
fabbioneBenC: ok..06:10
BenCcrimsun: Would be nice if alsa would get all synced up in 2.6.2006:10
crimsunyep, that's my goal06:10
ajmitchhow far off is 2.6.20 upstream?06:11
BenCI think 2.6.19 will be released this week06:11
BenCso I'll be moving everything in feisty to 2.6.20 starting next week if all goes well06:11
BenCbasically it will start out as 2.6.19+git :)06:11
BenC2.6.19 will disappear. Even launcpad bugs will all get changed over to linux-source-2.6.20...it will be the biggest cover up since the Kennedy assassination06:12
fabbioneOMG 2.6.20 killed Kenny06:14
infinityBenC: Do you plan to do ABI tracking out of the gate?06:16
infinityBenC: Cause we'll end up shipping 2.6.20-50 at that rate...06:16
fabbioneinfinity: we can always reset when we switch to .20 for real06:17
BenCIt'll be reset, and tracked from the start06:31
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tepsipakkihave I understood correctly that there'll be a kernel update for dapper coming this/next week?08:30
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lehaidhi, how can i know if a given module in the ubuntu kernel is compiled with a flag or not ?12:17
dade`look in /boot/config-`uname -r`12:45
lehaidyeah, the flag doesn't exist there12:48
lehaidbut the part of code i am looking has an #IFDEF for it12:51
zulBenC: pong01:26
lehaidhow come the /boot/.config of the offical ver has no CONFIG_NF_ lines in it ?01:43
lehaid(yet there is NF support)01:45
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lehaidis the default ubuntu kernel compiled with CONFIG_NF_CONNTRACK_EVENTS ?03:17
zulcheck the config file03:19
zulBenC: you ponged?03:35
zulright oim off to the dentist back later04:32
lamontlehaid: and you'll find that it isn't (at least in dapper and edgy)04:38
lamont686 and generic kernel that is - best to check the config file in the kernel package you actually care about, but I expect that it's probably a universal "no"04:39
BenCzul: Did you notice that rusty's paravirt ops patches has xen built-in?04:47
BenCfor 2.6.19-rc504:47
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=== kylem read through the dynticks stuff in -mm last night... hopefully that goes into 2.6.20.
makxis the tsc thing solved?06:07
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BenCkylem: 2.6.17.y is updated for -security, and pushed06:41
BenCstill need to build, but at least we can be on the same repo06:41
dade`i want to be a mactel tester06:44
BenC\O/ is what it will look like when you're done :)07:00
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BenCmjg59: ping07:30
mjg59BenC: Hi07:32
BenCmjg59: Hey, I'm going through these mactel patches07:32
BenCmjg59: I have the smc and ir modules in, but some of these patches look like they should only be used in a kernel that is just for mactel...is that the case?07:33
BenCthings like the usb-storage-zerowait patch07:33
BenCpiix-ich7 too07:33
BenCthe s3 one looks a little iffy07:34
mjg59BenC: I told you to ignore those ones yesterday :)07:34
BenCI remembered that, but wanted to make sure :)07:34
mjg59The piix-ich7 one can be ignored - it's irrelevant to non-EFI systems07:35
mjg59Basically, drop anything that touches ACPI07:35
mjg59And the usb-storage one07:35
BenCeven the acpi-blacklist one?07:35
mjg59It's EFI-only07:37
mjg59And we're not supporting that07:37
BenCSo, these: appletouch-geyser4 mouseemu sci_en sigmatel_audio usbhid07:37
mjg59No, not sci_en either07:38
mjg59That's actually the same as the s3 one, and it's upstream already07:38
mjg59I'm a bit concerned about the sigmatel_audio07:38
mjg59That's something that should really be run through the alsa guys07:38
mjg59The input stuff is all fine07:39
BenCso we are only supporting bootcamp?07:39
BenCwhat's keeping the input stuff from being merged upstream?07:39
mjg59No idea07:40
mjg59Failure to push it, I suspect07:40
dade`there is a page that explains how to set some bytes to make mic in work on macbooks, did you see that ?07:43
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dade`don't know if this fix is included in mactel patches07:45
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zulBenC: no i didnt.....this isnt the lhype stuff is it?11:11
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tormodbenc, wrt bug #72765, it's the fault of pata - the ide module makes a quiet poweroff. In ide-disk.c I find: drive->gendev.bus->suspend(&drive->gendev, PMSG_SUSPEND); I am looking through libata-core to find something equivalent.11:20
tormodbenc, I guess that would be in libata-core.c: host->dev->power.power_state = mesg;11:23
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zulBenC: looks like the basics are there for paravirt but not a full blown paravirt yet11:24
BenCzul: Yeah, it appears to be lhype11:25
zulbasically its rusty's way to prove that paravirt works :)11:26
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