
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable229.181-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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Burgworkplease add that to the UWN12:27
YoussefAssadthere was the chap in here earlier with the ubuntu HA cluster; did someone manage to point him in the right direction, or reach an understanding of whether it was worthy of propagation as an ubuntu success story?12:31
Burgworkno idea12:32
=== Red_Herr1ng [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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jonojenda: ping!12:58
tsmithehe's probs not around... remember it's 1am in prague now12:58
tsmitheand his proxy means he never leaves12:59
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable229.181-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== YoussefAssad wonders if we have any idea of the profile of the UWN readership
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip72-209-68-178.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== rjian good morning people
YoussefAssadmorning rjian 01:15
rjianYoussefAssad: morning 201:17
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Madpilotlotusleaf, ping03:05
lotusleafMadpilot: pong03:11
Madpilotlotusleaf, PM?03:11
lotusleafMadpilot: files received, apologies for delay, have been trying to get to the bottom of bug 6269903:11
Madpilotno, this is about your website baner03:11
Madpilotbanner, even03:11
lotusleafthanks, sure pm ;-)03:12
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviawhose around right now?03:20
Admiral_Chicagoi am03:20
Burgundaviawho wants to help me work on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LookingForwardAtFeisty03:21
Admiral_ChicagoBurgundavia: i can give it a shot03:22
BurgundaviaI am going to gobby it up, but I will lay it out first03:22
Admiral_ChicagoBurgundavia: okay that's fine, I helped with the write up of the official release notes for kubuntu edgy so i've done some of this03:23
Admiral_Chicagojust let me  know when you stopped edititng so i could see the wiki03:23
Burgundaviayep, will do03:24
Burgundaviaok, wiki page editing with urls for specs03:36
Burgundaviafinal sorting is far from complete03:36
Admiral_ChicagoBurgundavia: okay let me look at it03:37
Burgundaviawe need to add the upstream stuff to that03:38
Burgundaviashall we move to gobby?03:38
BurgundaviaAdmiral_Chicago: ^03:39
Admiral_ChicagoBurgundavia: gobby03:40
Burgundaviaok, to poningru and his gobby thne03:40
Admiral_Chicagoi'm not sure what that is really03:40
Burgundaviaa collaborative editor03:40
Admiral_Chicagookay i get you03:40
Burgundaviayou on edgy or dapper?03:40
Admiral_Chicagolet's add that03:40
Burgundaviajust install gobby then03:41
Burgundaviarequires gtk03:41
Admiral_Chicagocan do chief03:41
Admiral_Chicagoah this gobby this is pretty sweet03:45
Burgundaviasee the ip and password on the Feisty page03:45
Burgundaviahere is the general goal03:46
Burgundaviaeach spec should get at the very least a few lines03:46
Burgundaviafeel free to link to other resources, such as blog posts03:46
Burgundaviatry and tie specs together03:46
Admiral_Chicagoi don't see an IP03:47
Admiral_Chicagogive me a sec03:47
Admiral_Chicagoah no i do03:47
Burgundaviaone thing to be aware of: gobby has no undo03:48
Admiral_Chicagoi'll keey that in mind03:48
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: btw, installing gtk for gobby on windows broke gaim for a friend of mine...not sure how to make things share gtk03:49
tonyyarussosilly windows having separated libs03:49
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
BurgundaviaAdmiral_Chicago: for those specs, write only the high priority ones for now03:52
Burgundaviaas we cannot be for certain that everything is set in stone03:52
Admiral_ChicagoBurgundavia: let me open those links all up so I know what we are talking about here03:55
Admiral_Chicagoi'll work on the Desktop Effects section03:56
Burgundaviamight want to leave that for right now03:56
Admiral_Chicagoalright then i'll do multimedia03:57
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lotusleafa shame the ubuntu roughcut posters news never made boingboing.. and yet.. a story about how to turn your pee blue, did. :P05:35
=== Joe_CoT [n=joeCoT1@RH-Redwood-CS2-140-220.njit.edu] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Joe_CoTHey, I'm working on a poster for my LoCo team (an Inkscape ... shop of the "Obey Ubuntu" one). can someone take a look? I'm kinda not good at writing anything interesting :)06:03
MadpilotJoe_CoT, looks good - nice to see my posters being used & modified!06:15
Joe_CoThehe. svg makes it painfully easy :)06:16
Madpilotuse a rougher font for your additions, though - there are lots of 'distressed typewriter' fonts around06:16
Madpilotyes, SVG rocks06:16
Madpilottry dafont.com for piles of free-as-in-beer fonts, including lots of rough/distressed ones06:16
Madpilotdafont even has an entire font category called "Typewriter": http://www.dafont.com/theme.php?cat=11306:18
Joe_CoTyeah, i see. i'll check it out06:19
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Joe_CoThow do i either render the text, or embed the font?06:37
MadpilotJoe_CoT, select the text, then go Path -> Object To Path06:38
Joe_CoTyes, just found that :) thanks06:39
Madpilotonly do that when you're SURE it's all proofread, because once that's done, it's not text anymore06:39
Madpilotand you can't convert path back to text06:39
Joe_CoTi'm just gonna hide the original text in a layer for now, till we decide on something06:42
Madpilotthat works.06:45
Joe_CoTalright, uploaded the new ones. now it's pretty, but I still need wittier text :D06:49
Joe_CoTalso, pathing text really seems to add to the file size06:49
Madpilotit does, text = complex outlines 06:50
MadpilotJoe_CoT, too much text in the 'The Ubuntu New Jersey Team is..." section06:52
Joe_CoTyeah. just dunno what to make it. I put that there as a placeholder, mostly, because the text sucks06:53
Madpilotplunder freely. "The Ubuntu New Jersey Team Needs YOU!" 06:56
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Joe_CoThaha. I was thinking along those lines06:59
Madpilothey, if it worked for the US Army, it'll work for anyone.07:00
MadpilotBesides, the early 20th C was a cool time for all sorts of design, it's well worth plundering! :)07:01
Joe_CoTalright, how bout now? (only changed the svg)07:14
MadpilotJoe_CoT, nice07:15
Joe_CoTcool (asked my DART major girlfriend a few times before I asked you again :D )07:16
Joe_CoTDigital Art07:17
Madpilotcool - I'm strictly a self-taught design freak ;)07:17
Joe_CoTyeah, this was basically my first foray into inkscape. Seems pretty awesome.07:18
MadpilotInkscape rocks. There's a good mailing list, too - and #inkscape here on Freenode is useful07:19
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
jendaMadpilot: just had a look at themposters. Looking good, thx for the copyright thing.09:34
jendaDo you think you could have a look if the smudges could be changed a bit? I'd feel more comfortable ordering 100 pieces if they were :)09:34
Madpilotjenda, sure. If this snow continues I might have lots of time this week (assuming the power doesn't go out, of course...)09:35
=== jenda has nostalgic memories of Canada
jendaCan you take a picture? :)09:36
Madpilotmy camera still shoots film, not digital, but I could ;)09:36
jendaNah, leave it ;)09:36
jendaThe winter I spent in Canada didn't have much snow. 09:37
jendaI felt betrayed ;)09:37
Madpilotthis part of Canada hardly ever gets snow, that's why only 6-10 inches of the stuff has f'd up the city so bad09:37
jendaWhich part is it?09:37
jendaI lived in Fredericton.09:37
jendaI guess we've had 10 inches during the winter too.09:37
jendaI was imagining one of those Canadian snow-ins with 6 feet of snow, rather :)09:38
Madpilotmeh. We had one of those (~1m of snow in 30hrs or so) back in 1996 - that was memorable!09:38
jendahehe :)09:38
jendaI saw a picture of the house I lived in during one of those.09:39
jendaIt must've been 6, maybe 10 feet. You could barely see the house :)09:39
jendaaaanyway... the marketing mailing list just got an offer for Viagra and Cialis, did any of you order that? Next time please do so privately, not on the mailing list.09:41
BurgundaviaMadpilot: see planet ubuntu09:41
MadpilotBurgundavia, got your asbestos undergarments handy?09:42
BurgundaviaI imagine dholbach and seb128 will be amongst the first after me09:42
Madpilotare they in favour of accelX as well?09:45
Burgundaviano, but they hate it when I raise issues like this, in the manner of confrontation like I just did09:45
MadpilotThou Shalt Not Shit-Disturb09:50
Burgundaviaand hug and be merry09:52
Madpilotanyway, I need sleep. How did it get to be almost 0100 so fast, anyway?09:55
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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KenSentMeBurgundavia: amen on your blog post at planet ubuntu11:53
KenSentMeGood points11:53
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jenda_did I miss anything?12:04
=== jenda_ waves at jenda
KenSentMethe post about multimedia codecs on planet ubuntu12:13
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jenda_dayum... I totally timed out there...12:34
jenda_elkbuntu: did you say anything?12:34
jenda_said, or received?12:35
jenda_said nothing, or received nothing yet, elkbuntu{12:45
elkbuntuum... im saying things when you prompt me jenda, what is the problem?12:46
jenda_I was enquiring if you received a package yet, but didn't realise you're busy. sry12:48
elkbuntuoh.. package. no, not today. it's not that im busy, rather sleepy and confused at how you were asking12:49
jenda_ok :)12:49
jenda_Disregard me, I can be confusing during sociology class...12:49
elkbuntuhow unsociable of you :12:50
YoussefAssadI might be a bit dense, but I can't quite tell if Corey's post on planet is pro or anti blobs01:09
jenda_I don't have the impression it's either.01:09
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, anti.01:09
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: oh, okay. Congrues with my opinion then01:10
davehatYoussefAssad: isn't it both?01:10
jenda_But it obviously states the nonsense of accepting some blobs for bling and not taking other, more important ones.01:10
YoussefAssaddavehat: I can see I'm not the only confused soul.01:10
davehatthat covers all interpretations then :)01:10
davehatapart from pro01:10
YoussefAssadjenda_: Yes, but I can see that sort of opinion prevaling in the current ubuntu atmosphere mind ye01:10
elkbuntudavehat, the way i understand it, he's saying 'it's bad, but you might as well go all the way if you're going to go part of it'01:10
elkbuntuthe good man can correct me if i've missed the point01:11
YoussefAssadOr maybe corey's flipflopping; preparations for a run for congress, taking the solid center and refusing to commit to a platform01:11
=== jenda_ prods the good man... Burgundavia? :)
jenda_YoussefAssad: 01:11
elkbuntuhe's likely snoring his little canadian head off right now01:11
jenda_most probably.01:11
YoussefAssadjenda_: I'm just being silly01:11
jenda_I know :)01:12
davehatelkbuntu: actually, I think that's how I read it01:12
poningruwhat are we talking about?01:13
elkbuntumy personal view: i dont mind forcing blobs to make things functional. i do mind forcing not only blobs, but bling as well.01:13
elkbuntui found compiz/beryl to be a pain to have enabled all the time01:13
poningrutrue that01:14
davehatelkubuntu: its also a nightmare to install. I reckon a large number of people must give up before they get it installed - and they're the people who actually wanted it in the first place. (Sorry, I realise this has been re-hashed ad nauseam and this ain't the channel for it either).01:18
elkbuntuhehe, im off to bed, g'nite01:21
YoussefAssadI think it needs to be discussed, _especially_ by the marketing folk01:21
elkbuntuagreed,  and afformentioned action01:21
poningrujenda: dude whats the link to the lists thing?02:03
dotwafflejenda: 25 shiny dollars (well, whatever that is in GBP converted to Czech Moolah) on it's way to you ;)02:33
=== lotusleaf [n=lotuslea@kernel-panic/member/carne.asada.burrito] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
poningrummmm carne asada03:02
poningrua burrito is not a sandwich!!!03:02
lotusleafponingru: indeed! :)03:03
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@bas13-ottawa23-1177808724.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
lotusleafhowever, there's the carne asada torte or however you spell it03:04
poningrubtw our software freedom day documentary03:05
lotusleaf<- dial up :P03:07
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jendadotwaffle: w00t04:14
jendadotwaffle: only drawback: I just sent a shipment, so your's'll go on monday.04:14
dotwaffleThat's no problem ;)04:17
=== jenda wonders what poningru meant above by "the lists thing?"
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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steltI have some ideas for the spreading of free-er computing in general (in which Ubuntu is an important ingredient), for which i bought freedomdrive.org and homecomputerhelp.org, and as hosting is not in place yet i have previews at http://steltenpower.com/homecomputerhelp.org and http://steltenpower.com/freedomdrive.org  Want to hook into this to spread Ubuntu?08:29
somerville32stelt: Feel free to bring it up on the mailing list :) I'm sure people would love to discuss it.08:30
=== stelt goes looking for it
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jendathe project was too huge to complete, so I chose an alternative aproach.10:21
atoponcenot sure if #dvorak wanted to see all that or not. :)10:21
jenda(which I could do while studying, too)10:21
atoponceyeah. looking over the wiki, it's fairly long10:21
atoponcebut i can see how it covers a lot of ground10:22
atoponcei'm definitely interested. what can i do to help with SpreadUbuntu?  where to begin?10:24
tonyyarussoWill the SpreadUbuntu site be online by Feisty release?10:24
tsmithedepends what you want in the site10:25
atoponceis https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/SpreadUbuntu current?10:25
jendatonyyarusso: could even be :)10:25
jendabut not in it's entirety10:25
jendaatoponce: not really.10:25
jendaas I was saying...10:25
jendaI decided to focus on the DIY section of the project for now, atoponce.10:26
atoponcewhat is needed for DIY?10:27
atoponcehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing ?10:27
jendaThat's one thing.10:27
jendaI didn't yet have time to organise it well, because I kindof got used to the state that there's no one to help with it ;)10:28
jendaand suddenly some people started to, quite intensively :)10:28
jendaI'll pastebin one roadmap I've charted...10:28
atoponceahh cool. the ubuntu stand.  that came from our loco team.  mike moore i believe created it.10:30
atoponcei had forgotten about that10:30
jendaI think so too :)10:30
jendakeep in mind it's about two weeks old...10:30
jenda...and replace "I will" with "needs to be done" :)10:31
=== atoponce reads
=== tsmithe beat atoponce
=== atoponce orders a dr pepper for tsmithe
=== tsmithe spits out the dr pepper
atoponcejenda: so, if i have the idea, you want to spread the word about people making their own ubuntu "stuff" and centralize it into one location?10:36
atoponcetsmithe: not a dp drinker eh? you know, it's the nectar of the gods... :)10:36
jendaatoponce: that's only step one.10:37
jendaatoponce: step two is creating a centralised database for Marketing Howtos.10:38
jendaI'm _really_ looking forward to that.10:38
jendaIt should contain all the ideas the community came up with for local marketing campaigns.10:38
atoponcei see. help others get ideas about how to SU in their locale10:39
jendaFrom asking your retailer to give out CDs with sales to creating a computer room at the local school.10:39
atoponceyeah. ok.10:39
steltOK, sent it to the list10:43
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steltOK, sent it to the list (this time not sabotaged by a broken connection)11:29
jendastelt: are you arriba at steltenpower dot com?11:31
steltjenda, yes, i am. sent it off wrong e-mail adress. My e-mail connection was on/off/on/off  etc.11:35
jendathat's ok11:36
jendaI'll let it through, but if you want to keep using this address, subscribe it to da list.11:36
jendaor... nevermind, I'll just set it on accept.11:36
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@gnewsense/friend/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing

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