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code|worknictuku: ping12:39
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shwaghow should I initialize a new /dev ?01:14
shwagI booted off a cd to look at my root partition and saw that /dev has a bunch of static files in it. I am doing a remote install on another machine and need to recreate this.  MAKEDEV ?  udevstart ?01:15
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shalecan anyone tell me the diff between the .15-27-server and .15-27.686 kernels?01:32
shalei have a server with 2x xeon dual core and i'm not sure which kernel to run01:33
shwagnot a clue01:33
lullabudshale:  i'm running the 2.6.15-27-amd64-server kernel on a dual xeon with no problems.01:35
lullabudshale:  though i can't say it wouldn't be better with a different kernel since i don't really know the differences.01:35
lullabudinteresting... `apt-cache show linux-image-2.6.15-23-amd64-xeon`01:37
infinityshale: You can compare the configs, but there are a few changes.  -server has a lower clock tick, uses a different I/O scheduler, and a few other tweaks that make it less suitable for a desktop, but more generally suitable for a multiuser workload.01:41
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