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Dheeraj_kis there any all in 1 pdf suite available for linux? same as acrobat?02:04
LForshawFoxit for Linux (preview) is pretty cool02:04
Dheeraj_kis it free?02:05
LForshawi believe so02:06
Dheeraj_kI am a fan of foxit reader :) but  I think except reader every thing is paid?02:06
LForshawahh.. u need more than the reader :P02:06
Dheeraj_kany free solution available?02:07
Dheeraj_kto create/manager/modify pdf02:07
Dheeraj_kall in1 :D02:08
Dheeraj_kI Still don't understand how cum foxit can sale pdf stuff as adobe has its exclusive patent?02:09
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Dheeraj_kand it is not allowing microsoft to provide such function  in msoffice 2007. because it will use it for commercial purpose02:10
yolynnenew cool educational apps02:12
Dheeraj_kyolynne: what is its use?02:13
Dheeraj_kgr8 application for education :) http://thakur.dheeraj.googlepages.com/Java.rar02:14
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yolynnegot it from the schoolforge mailing list02:16
Dheeraj_kbut what is its use?02:18
Dheeraj_kI was talking about this link Dheeraj_k: gr8 application for education :) http://thakur.dheeraj.googlepages.com/Java.rar02:19
LForshawThanks for the link Yolynne.. looks interesting!02:24
yolynneLForshaw: welcome02:25
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Dheeraj_kthat is gr8 stuff for kids :)02:28
Dheeraj_khello every body chk this out list of almost all the application of ubuntu http://thakur.dheeraj.googlepages.com/ubuntuPackage.pdf02:41
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Dheeraj_kcan any body tell me what is context free grammer?03:53
Dheeraj_kthanks :)03:59
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Dheeraj_kthat was very confusing and complex :-X04:03
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Dheeraj_kcan any body tell me the difference between multi programming and multi processing operating system?04:18
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maccabeuswhat's up04:19
maccabeusanyone using schooltool or schoolbell with edubuntu or just in general?04:21
=== EduNotWork [i=EduNotWo@CPE00032f3921e7-CM0017ee62e290.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #edubuntu
EduNotWorkWho's here and who wants to help?04:24
Burgundaviawhat is your issue?04:24
BurgundaviaDheeraj_k: wikipedia can04:25
EduNotWorkEdubuntu won't install04:25
EduNotWorkLet me get you the specifics04:25
Dheeraj_kI was looking for simple term answer04:25
Dheeraj_knot the 100 line answer04:25
EduNotWorkLSTPH won't install...04:25
EduNotWorkDuring the middle of the install, that comes up04:26
Burgundaviahave you verified the iso? have you checked with another cdrom drive?04:27
EduNotWorkand it says it's an error and can't continue04:27
Burgundaviahave you burned another copy?04:27
EduNotWorkUsed 2 or 3 different cd roms04:27
Burgundaviaall three?04:27
EduNotWorkburned 2 or 3 times04:27
Burgundaviadifferent drives?04:27
EduNotWorkit WAS installed fine04:27
Burgundaviathen why were you reinstalling?04:28
EduNotWorkwhy NOT?04:30
EduNotWorkchange of hardware, and it wouldn't boot after hardware changed04:31
Dheeraj_kEduNotWork: even I faced the same problem long time back04:34
Kamping_Kaisersure your hardware is ok?04:34
Dheeraj_kwhen I attached  my hdd on my friends pc04:34
EduNotWorkHardware should be fine04:36
EduNotWorkThe true story: my friend's 7900gt died and was sent in for repairs.04:36
EduNotWorkIn the meantime, I leant him the machine04:37
EduNotWork's gf4mx400004:37
EduNotWorkAfter putting in the 2x ati rage/1x radeon it wouldnt work ever again04:37
EduNotWorkVideo issues, maybe it needed drivers, so I booted it into commandline04:37
EduNotWorkAnd it wouldnt serve anymore04:37
EduNotWorkAfter many, many reinstalls, I've been unable to get it to remote boot04:37
EduNotWorkWith the gf4, it booted my notebook using pxe or whatever and my friend's notebook as well04:38
EduNotWorkAfter that fateful night it never worked again04:38
Dheeraj_kdid you tried other distro?04:39
Dheeraj_kon that machine04:39
EduNotWorkI tried the same distro but the DVD version04:39
EduNotWorkThe first time, I used the CD version04:40
Dheeraj_ktry memory test04:40
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EduNotWorkmy friend actually started a workstation install04:48
EduNotWorkIs there someway to install the needed packages to get LTSP and all that?04:48
maccabeusstarting a new thread from edunotwork...what's the area needing most help in edubuntu right now? I'd like to figure out a way to contribute04:50
maccabeusedunotwork: I'm sure you can add the appropriate packages using synaptic, after the fact. then check out the wiki for info on setting up the ltsp side of things. if your friend has not invested much into the workstation yet (like if he's still installing), then I'd recommend that he start over on the install....04:52
EduNotWorkHaha thanks man04:55
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EduNotWorkis there anyway to turn the workstation into a server unit?05:03
EduNotWorkedubuntu workstation that is05:03
Burgundaviawhat kind of server?05:08
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maccabeusanybody running a calendar server on edubuntu for collaboration?05:14
EduNotWorkBurgundavia: I need to get thin clients (or any other machines) to boot off Edubuntu off of lAN05:21
maccabeusedunotwork: have you setup the edubuntu server yet?05:22
EduNotWorkI have the workstation install currently running on a machine05:24
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maccabeustake a look through synaptic and search for ltsp -- you'll have to add those packages if you don't want to reinstall05:30
maccabeusscratch that05:30
maccabeustry also searching for edubuntu05:30
maccabeusin synaptix05:30
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willvdlping nixternal09:56
nixternalwillvdl: pong?09:57
willvdlhey, just going through doc.u.c09:57
nixternalya, that is our staging location09:58
willvdldoes doc.u.c only show "latest" stuff from svn?09:58
willvdlmeaning, for eg. "about Edubuntu" is for Feisty09:59
willvdlHow would one find devel versions for 6.10 & 6.06?09:59
nixternalthat is correct...all the docs are being pulled from trunk, which are for feisty09:59
nixternalwell, if you wanted just the .xml versions they would be located under the branches directory on the svn server10:00
Burgundaviawillvdl: the devel versions are now the final ones, as seen on help.ubuntu.com10:01
Burgundaviafor 6.06 and .61010:01
nixternalthe docs for Edubuntu in the 6.10 and 6.06 directories though are not going to be what was released though10:01
nixternalBurgundavia: there aren't any Edubuntu builds on help though10:01
willvdlBurgwork, by devel versions you mean stable versions?10:03
Burgundaviawell, that is because the only edubuntu stuff has not been developed in our repos10:03
Burgundaviahowever, the ubuntu stuff is mostly correct10:03
nixternalexactly Burgundavia, which I hope gets fixed ASAP10:03
Burgundaviait is already there, we just need the permissions stuff10:03
willvdlokie. I'm just looking at/for overlaps bewteen edubuntu and ubuntu10:04
willvdland how to point to the right sets of docs10:04
Burgundaviawith the topic based help, the duplication issue will go away10:04
Burgundaviaas the edubuntu people will only need to write edubuntu specific stuff10:04
Burgundaviaanyway, I truly need ot sleep'10:05
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willvdlHey highvoltage, do you perhaps know why https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki is not the same as https://wiki.edubuntu.org/?10:11
highvoltagewillvdl: I do indeed10:12
highvoltagewillvdl: wiki.ubuntu.com and wiki.edubuntu.org is the same wiki10:12
willvdlhighvoltage, groovy. Just wanted to know if you know :P10:12
highvoltagewillvdl: kubuntu.org also has the same frontpage as all of them.10:12
highvoltageoh ok :)10:12
highvoltagewillvdl: they used to be seperate wiki's. according to ogra and myself, it was better when it was seperate wiki's10:13
willvdlbut www.edubuntu.o points to the wiki as wiki.edub.o/EdubuntuWiki10:13
highvoltagewillvdl: sabdfl likes all the wiki's combined though, and there are some good reasons for that in terms of management and duplication10:13
willvdland not wiki.edub.o10:13
highvoltagewillvdl: yes, that's the Edubuntu wiki 'homepage'10:14
highvoltagewillvdl: making sense?10:14
willvdlDoh, I'm an idiot10:14
willvdlWas not actually reading wiki.edu.o, was just looking at the css theme...10:15
willvdlcan be confusing :)10:15
highvoltageit can indeed10:15
willvdlok then10:15
=== willvdl goes to hide in the corner
highvoltageno need for that. edubuntugirl will sit in the corner for you10:17
highvoltageedubuntugirl: stand in the corner10:18
=== edubuntugirl goes to stand in corner <sad puppy face>
Kamping_Kaiserpoor edubuntugirl :(10:19
highvoltageok edubuntugirl you can come back now10:19
Kamping_Kaiser*giggle* :)10:20
willvdlIs the (https://wiki.edubuntu.org/HowToCookEdubuntu/Chapters) CookBook completely deprecated now?10:22
willvdlAs in  superceded by handbook for all supported versions of edubuntu?10:22
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Dheeraj_khi I just installed apache2 phpmyadmin php4 mysql10:33
Dheeraj_kbut I am not able to login to mysql database10:34
Dheeraj_kthrough phpmyadmin10:34
Dheeraj_kit is giving this error (" #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)")10:34
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willvdlhey RichEd10:43
RichEdhi there willvdl10:43
RichEdbeen fighting with my network this morning ... now seems to be okay :)10:44
Kamping_Kaiserhi RichEd ! :)10:44
RichEd( after UDS & AH realised perhaps I need to set encryption & password on my wifi point to avoid leeches :)10:44
RichEdhey Kamping_Kaiser10:44
willvdlRichEd, how about simple MAC filtering10:46
willvdldid you check the garden for any leech gangs?10:47
RichEdwillvdl: I've set up encryption with a hexadecimal key ... it's working now ... easier to allow for visitors like JaneW's dad when he pops in on business trips10:47
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RichEd==== edubuntu meeting in 6 mins in #ubuntu-meeting ==========12:54
Kamping_Kaiserhi ogra :)12:56
willvdlogra woot12:57
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RichEd==== edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting ==== Now ======01:00
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jsgotangcoso yeah03:09
jsgotangcoogra: please remove my admin in members03:09
ograi cant ... that needs to be done by the CC03:09
=== willvdl must remember to sign up for council some time soon
ograbut i'll inform the right people03:09
willvdledubuntugirl, what is CC?03:10
edubuntugirlwillvdl: excuse me?03:10
ograthe edubuntu-memebers team is owned by CC03:10
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ogracommunity council03:10
willvdlogra, I know...just checking of she does  :)03:10
ograseems not :)03:10
jsgotangcoogra: thanks...im sure we'll get to work again03:10
willvdlfacinated by bots03:10
willvdlmsg edubuntugirl, tell ogra that you don't know what CC means03:11
edubuntugirlogra: by the way, willvdl told me to tell you 'you don't know what CC means' 7 seconds ago (on Wed Nov 29 16:11:05 2006)03:11
willvdldoh doh03:11
willvdledubuntugirl, go hide in the corner03:12
edubuntugirlwillvdl: huh?03:12
willvdledubuntugirl: stand in the corner03:12
=== edubuntugirl goes to stand in corner <sad puppy face>
willvdlok edubuntugirl you can come back now03:12
willvdlshe didn't sya yay03:13
willvdloh well03:13
RichEdedubuntugirl: tell willvdl: tell edubuntugirl: tell RichEd says can edubuntugirl handle logic loops ?03:13
edubuntugirlRighto, RichEd!03:13
willvdlsmall things amuse small minds03:14
edubuntugirlwillvdl: by the way, RichEd told me to tell you 'tell edubuntugirl: tell RichEd says can edubuntugirl handle logic loops ?' 11 seconds ago (on Wed Nov 29 16:13:47 2006)03:14
willvdlmore like infinite loops03:14
RichEdWew ... I'm cooking in my little office today ... 23 degrees C and sweating ...03:15
SimonAnibalRichEd: Back? How was all your travel?03:15
jsgotangcohey RichEd03:15
RichEdhey SimonAnibal :) was looking for your nick in the channel yesterday03:15
SimonAnibalI'm usually only on during work times, since my router at home drops packets and makes it impossible to keep an IRC connection for long03:16
RichEdSimonAnibal: tiring ... too much time in airports and planes ... but quite constructive in-between travels03:16
SimonAnibalRichEd: Right on! I enjoy travel, myself03:17
RichEdnow catching up with a huuuge mail backlog ... and then back to normal work next week03:17
willvdlRichEd, my GF has been in Copenhagen for three days without her luggage (got lost in Zurich)03:17
RichEdSimonAnibal: yep ... but not 55 hours in airplanes in 3 weeks + airport check in time !03:17
SimonAnibalRichEd: Agreed, though I enjoy adding new airports to my "places been" list03:18
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RichEdwillvdl: ouch ... they promise bridging money for clothes etc, but make it almost impossible to get it out of them03:18
SimonAnibalRichEd: I'm 6'5", so most forms of travel are particularly cramped for me03:19
SimonAnibalRichEd: This summer, I traveled on a bus for about 18 hours each way in order to get to the border between Venezuela and Brazil, and it was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life03:20
RichEdSimonAnibal: 6'3.5" so I know the story ... they check in peoplea are tired of hearing me ask for an emergency exist seat03:20
=== RichEd blames all the typo's on a sweaty desk and keyboard
SimonAnibalRichEd: Beautiful experience otherwise, then there's the fact that Venezuelan bus and taxi drivers have an alarming fetish for frostbite03:21
SimonAnibalI believe the reasoning is "Since it's sweltering outside, if I freeze myself I should be about the right temperature on average"...I don't think it works, though, because one should not have to carry a blanket with oneself in order to stay warm in the tropics03:22
SimonAnibalOr, as in my case, not carry a blanket and freeze03:22
jsgotangcofetish for frosbite03:22
jsgotangcoi like03:22
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SimonAnibaljsgotangco: It's the only way I can explain why someone would crank the air conditioner at full blast even when the temperature is such that the passengers are huddled under covers in order to maintain body heat03:24
SimonAnibaljsgotangco: it's a mystery to me, even my brother does it and he can't explain to me why03:24
jsgotangcoperhaps force the body to do its natural self-defense mechanisms?03:25
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=== RichEd is out for 30 mins
antoniouhello everyone03:27
SimonAnibalantoniou: Howdy!03:33
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sbalneavMorning all04:09
RichEdhis royal scottyness ... hello from hot & sweaty cape town04:10
jsgotangcoRichEd: so how are things going on your side04:12
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antoniouhello richard04:13
antoniougreetings from greece04:13
sbalneavRichEd: Greetings from cold and snowy Winnipeg.04:14
RichEdthanks antoniou :) we have some partners in Greece - PLATON school04:14
antonioumore than partners... friends :-)04:14
sbalneav15 cm of snow yesterday, and a relatively balmy - 17C, with windchill, feels like -25 C04:14
RichEdjsgotangco: good thanks ... just trying to get back into gear after 3.5 weeks away from the routine04:14
RichEdubooontu !04:14
antoniouuboooontu !04:15
sbalneavThe edubuntu group pic with the sign we took really worked out great.04:15
RichEdsbalneav: ouch ... no outside barbeques for the burgers then ?04:15
sbalneavNo, Propane barbeques work until -3004:16
sbalneavso we're still OK.04:16
sbalneavI've barbequed in january before :)04:16
RichEdsbalneav: not really a spectator sport though !04:16
sbalneavYou grill and go in to eat :)04:16
RichEdantoniou: can you remember the date for Italy meeting in 2007 ?04:16
antoniouif i'm not mistaken 22.204:17
antoniouor 24.204:17
jsgotangcoits all good04:17
RichEdthanks antoniou :)04:17
antoniouRichEd: I'll ask my principle today I'll tell you tomorrow04:18
antoniouno prob04:18
antoniouRichEd: my boss said the meeting is on the 22.2 or 23.204:27
RichEdThanks ... I've look at the dates and 22 is a Thursday ... and I think we agreed Thu / Fri / Sat04:28
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juliux****REMINDER edubuntu session on #ubuntu-classroom now;)********05:05
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plagerismis edubuntu suited to do a network boot?05:26
highvoltageit is indeed05:30
highvoltageplagerism: you might also want to join #ubuntu-classroom, ogra is explaining a large deal of edubuntu things at the moment05:30
highvoltagewhich makes for good reading.05:30
plagerismI hope I didnt miss the stuff I am interested in05:31
plagerismMy teacher recently asked me to find a replacement for the current installation of Linux.05:32
highvoltageplagerism: look at the topic, logs are also kept of the channel05:32
highvoltageplagerism: what are you currently using?05:32
plagerismWell they are using an archaic version of Redhat05:32
plagerismAnd using evms to rootsnap the isntallation upon boot05:33
plagerism(revert to the known good install)05:33
plagerismSo all changes are lost upon reboot05:33
plagerismAnd me being a ubuntu User myself and although not exactly designed for the College Market I definately think that it would be a start if consideration has been made for the needs of this install05:34
plagerismactually ogra just mentioned exactly what I am talking about05:35
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cbx33guys and gals, I'm so sorry I missed the meeting, I had net access down at work for the day, it only popped on every few minutes or so05:44
cbx33plus the guy who I normally use the cgiirc on his server....it well died05:44
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cbx33ping ogra05:45
cbx33just reading meeting log now05:46
cbx33anyone know of a freenode cgiirc that has free channel choice and is reliable05:49
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rockprincesshello? is anybody out there?05:59
cbx33indeed we are05:59
cbx33ogra, dude, I'm so sorry05:59
cbx33I was trying all day to get in05:59
cbx33but our ISP at the school is so dodgy lately06:00
ograwell, lets just discuss the topic next meeting06:00
ograi dont see us in a hurry06:00
rockprincessi've got some splendid news :)06:00
cbx33go for it06:00
rockprincessi'm meeting my ex-teacher wednesday, next week!06:00
rockprincessi'm gonna present my edubuntu project on my laptop, and hopefully she will agree to use it for her school06:01
ogracool !!06:01
ograthats very good news :)06:01
cbx33way to go rockprincess06:02
rockprincessthen next week i can ask a uni professor to coach me through my bachelor assignment06:02
cbx33ogra, I enjoyed your blog post btw06:02
ograthanks :)06:02
rockprincessi think i'd new a very good presentation to convince her that edubuntu is the right choice06:02
cbx33so did the kids06:03
cbx33they thoght the circles triangle thing was hilarious06:03
rockprincesswhat would you suggest to include into my presentation document?06:03
ograwell, i have only a german presentation i gave once but thats only in pdf ... dont ask for the OO.o doc06:04
rockprincessi have everything installed that would be useful i guess...but i want to pinpoint the obvious reasons....06:04
cbx33rockprincess, does she have a whole day06:04
rockprincessogra: that's fine....i'm german speaking myself :) i'm from vienna, austria!06:04
cbx33there is sooooo much good ;)06:04
highvoltageogra: nice session06:04
ograits a bit old, but should give you some generic insight06:05
ograapart from that: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdubuntuSchoolAdvocacy06:05
ograthats a very good document06:05
rockprincesscbx33: i guess only a few hours, and i guess she wants to talk about her new born baby boy as well......but even if it's just 1 hour of edubuntu talk it'll be enough....06:05
ograhighvoltage, thanks06:05
rockprincessogra: excellent, danke ;))))06:06
cbx33hehe ogra ;) - cool06:06
cbx33glad it came in useful06:06
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cbx33one of our guinuea pigs passed away on monday :(06:06
ogracbx33, its an awesome doc :)06:06
ograoh no !06:07
cbx33it needs updating06:07
cbx33yup little trinity...our favourite little grey agouti pig06:07
cbx33it was so tough....:(06:07
rockprincessi'm soooo excited, i'd like to meet her this week already......i'm soooo impatient :(06:08
ogracbx33, yeah, i belive that06:08
rockprincessawww sorry to hear that cbx33 :((((((06:08
cbx33thanky guys06:08
cbx33it's been a bad year for our pigs06:08
cbx33we started it with 506:08
cbx33and now have only 206:08
cbx33and one of those is poorly too06:09
cbx33soon it'll just the hyperactive long haired Goku left ;)06:09
rockprincessare you going to bury it?06:10
cbx33already done06:12
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maccabeusogra, you here?06:12
ograwelcome maccabeus06:13
maccabeushi ogra,06:14
rockprincesshi maccabeus!!06:14
maccabeusi'll take a look at the advocacy page (I had to step out a few minutes ago for a meeting)06:14
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maccabeusi've been interested in k12ltsp for quite some time06:15
maccabeusfirst real ltsp that I've implemented though was edubuntu06:15
maccabeusi'm running dapper in an alternative/special needs type environment06:15
maccabeuswith donated eqipment06:15
cbx33rockprincess, http://www.edubuntu.org/UsingEdubuntu is the up to date ESA document06:15
maccabeusrunning server on a dell p4 2GHz with ide disk06:16
cbx33you should take info from there generally ;)06:16
maccabeusand some p3 1GHz workstations from compaq that just rock for netbooting06:16
maccabeusit's really sweet06:16
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ograsounds like :) you could even use the netbooted workstation mode with such big clients :)06:16
ogra(which will be in feisty)06:17
rockprincesscbx33: thank you very much for your help! i'll definitely use it!06:17
maccabeusstudents like it -- teacher likes it -- i've installed citrix client for him as well as groupwise client so he can get into email06:17
cbx33rockprincess, if you can think of any good ideas to update it06:17
maccabeusogra, what is netbooted workstation mode?06:17
ogramaccabeus, feisty ltsp will have an option to build an ltsp environment that loads the full desktop on the client directly to save server ressources if you have a bigger set of clients around06:18
maccabeusogra, so it does an image based install on the fly?06:18
rockprincesscbx33: of course I will, and I'm pretty sure I will have a few clever ideas, but I'm pretty occupied til friday afternoon...i'll read it on the weekend and then let you know what i think of it.......06:18
cbx33yeh sure06:18
ograsort of ...06:18
cbx33really do hope it helps06:18
maccabeusogra, what happens on reboot, another install?06:19
cbx33that's why we wrote it06:19
ograltsp currently only runs the X server locally06:19
ograthe fat-client spec defines to run the whole desktop on the client06:19
ograno, you netboot like you would do with a thin client06:19
ograit mounts /opt/ltsp/i386-workstation readonly via nfs06:19
ograthat path has a full ubuntu install06:20
maccabeusogra, interesting -- so I'd guess performance is better...06:20
ograthe plan is to have one workstation as "master workstation" where yu can make all changes to the system06:20
ograthat are then picked up by all others on next bot06:20
ograyeah, you should be able to run several hundret clients on one server in this setup06:21
ograbut the clients need to be bigger06:21
ograi.e 1Ghz at least and 256M06:22
maccabeusNice -- right -- they have to have a bit more muscle...I would definitely recommend keeping both options so you can choose your own adventure :)06:22
ograwhile thin clients run fine with 300Mhz and 32M06:22
maccabeusHas anyone run edubuntu on a sparc server yet?06:22
ograindeed it will only be an additional option ...06:22
ograthe default will stay a classic ltsp06:22
ogranot that i know of ...06:23
ograi know fabbione tried ltsp on sparc and some people in debian have tried it as well06:23
ograbut edubuntu as a whole wasnt brought to my attention for sparc yet06:23
ograi'd love to hear somethin from that area :)06:23
cbx33ogra, that feisty ltsp setup sounds awesome06:24
ograits all standing and falling with the network authentication and ability to mount /home from an nfs server06:24
maccabeusI guess it might be a better strategy, if someone had the money or connection to get new Sun equipment, to go with one of their AMD multiproc servers06:25
ograonly if that is implemented we'll be able to implement the other pieces06:25
ograthe AMD systems shouldnt be a prob at all06:25
maccabeusso are you going the ldap route for auth?06:25
ograwe'll use the sambaldap tools from moquist_06:25
maccabeusmounting /home from nfs is old school for some folks (I've not messed with nfs much)06:25
ograthey are already running fine on ubuntu environments ...06:26
cbx33ogra, is that just an nfs share....of are we looking for cifs too?06:26
maccabeusI'd imagine that PAM/SAMBA/LDAP integration would be the glue I'd look at for the auth piece06:26
ograwell, doing it automatically on login is not as easy :)06:26
cbx33indeed not06:26
cbx33I manage to get it 90% working in dapper06:26
ograright it will be ldap and pam ...06:26
ografor the start we said we'd onyl do NFS shares and grow into cifs alter06:27
maccabeusldap adds a significant layer of complexity for me as a sysadmin -- so it would require some good interface/ui for teachers to maintain/use06:27
ograwe'll use edsadmin06:27
ogramoquist_ is already in contact with uphstream to get it workig flawless for us06:28
maccabeushaven't heard of that -- I'll have to check it out06:28
ograits a very simplified ldap usermanagement tool06:28
ograreally focusing o usermanagement only06:28
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ograthe plan is to replace the users-admin from gnome with it as soon as you have edubuntu-auth-server or edubuntu-auth-client installed06:28
moquistogra: hiya :)06:29
ograhey moquist !!06:29
ograi'm finally home06:29
ograpreparing the first milestone CD this week06:29
ografrom next week on i should have lots of spare cycles for new development then06:30
maccabeuslooks easy from the screenshots06:30
moquistogra: I'm getting my NH state tech-ed conference presentations (on Moodle portfolios and OSS apps) out of the way today so I can get on to the next TODO: Edubuntu Feisty. :)06:30
moquistogra: sounds like we're basically in sync, then. Excellent.06:30
=== moquist heads back to the conference
=== ogra needs a break ... my neck is hurting afetr three hours without break ...
maccabeuscatch you later ogra --06:30
ograto much travelling recently ..06:30
ograyeah, bbl06:31
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cbx33!seen LaserJock08:43
ubotuI last saw LaserJock (n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock) 18m 51s ago, quiting: "Leaving"08:43
cbx33damn it08:43
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cbx33!seen LaserJock09:20
ubotuI last saw LaserJock (n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock) 55m 44s ago, quiting: "Leaving"09:20
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cbx33hey bddebian10:17
bddebianHi cbx3310:18
cbx33howz it going10:18
bddebianOK, thanks.  You?10:19
cbx33yeh good10:20
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LaserJockogra: you alive? :-)11:19
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