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jdongis there a way to check if the screen is locked01:36
jdongeither through shell or python?01:37
jdongor screensaver is active01:37
Lathiatgnome-screensaver-command -q01:38
jdongdoes that work in KDE?01:39
jdongany kde equivalent?01:39
Lathiatnot sure01:39
jdongI'd assume it'd be through dcop?01:39
Lathiattheres probably a DCOP interface01:39
jdongwhere's dcop.google.com?01:39
jdongdcop kdesktop KScreensaverIface isBlanked01:44
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=== jdong continues tweaking his dpms timeout workaround
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Jucatoheh :)02:02
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ryanakcaanybody know where I could get the source of some python KDE apps? I think some of the ones that were coded for kubuntu are pyqt...02:25
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Hobbseeryanakca: guidance-power-manager is in pyqt02:28
=== ryanakca apt-get sources it :)
Hobbseei think02:29
Hobbseepretty sure it is02:29
ryanakcayeah, it is, I think02:29
=== ryanakca wants some example source code in front of him... so that I can see how this stuff I'm reading is used
ryanakcahmm... I get the "import" stuff... but after that... looks like giberrish... "self._initBrightness()" doesn't tell me anything...02:34
robotgeekryanakca: classes :)02:34
Hobbseeryanakca: what are you reading?02:34
robotgeeka byte of python is also a good read, i think02:35
Hobbseeah yes...02:35
ryanakcaand it's not very good... http://www.hetland.org/python/instant-hacking.php   was better than it is02:35
Hobbseethat's what i've read part of02:35
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=== ryanakca thinks he's going to go out and get himself O'Reilly's Learning Python...;
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaO'Reilly usually has good books :)02:35
=== Hobbsee bookmarks that too
=== ryanakca grew on that hetland's stuff and ended up with http://rkavanagh.homelinux.org/websvn/filedetails.php?repname=Learn+Python&path=%2Fmyproject%2Ftrunk%2Farea.py&rev=0&sc=0
ryanakcamy first program... even though it's quite simple, compared to some of the stuff I'm looking at :D02:36
ryanakcarobotgeek: it is...02:38
robotgeekryanakca: you should probably make that a function02:38
ryanakcamake what?02:38
Hobbseeway cool02:39
=== Hobbsee likes hte way python seems to handle a cout and cin
ryanakcacout/cin... C++'s console out... and in?02:40
ryanakcaor something else?02:40
ryanakcakk.. *finds C++ too confusing at the moment* that's why I settled with python :D02:42
robotgeekryanakca: ah, i see that you have put the new teritiary operator to good use02:42
ryanakcaI'll probably look at C++ again sometime down the road :)02:42
ryanakcateritary operator?02:42
ryanakcathat last input for running... the y/n ?02:42
robotgeekif i am getting that correctly :)02:43
robotgeekguessing ,err02:43
=== ryanakca is starting to get hooked on the bad habbit of one-liners :)
robotgeekhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/q9d6z337.html ryanakca02:47
ryanakcaand substitute "blah" with my code?02:48
robotgeekryanakca: yeah, i am still on python 2.4 :)02:48
robotgeekryanakca: if you do it this way, you can have a cheap unit test thing02:49
ryanakcasudo apt-get install python2.502:49
ryanakcaunit test thing... that's for...02:49
ryanakcaonly runs when __name__ = __main__02:50
ryanakcabut the point of that is...02:50
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robotgeekryanakca: well, you can call this from another fucntion from file02:50
robotgeekryanakca: like "from myfile import vareac"02:50
ryanakcaah, sweet :)02:51
=== ryanakca will do that
ryanakcag'night :)02:52
robotgeeknight ryanakca02:52
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freeflyingimbrandon: ping05:59
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nixternalI have started the release pages for the Kubuntu 7.04 releases. Anything new and exciting to put, please highlight me with the information - try to provide links if at all possible. Thanks everyone!08:51
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=== Hobbsee waves to all
Jucatohi Hobbsee!11:30
Jucatobug 70991, known issue?11:30
UbugtuMalone bug 70991 in kdeartwork "Disabling energy saving of monitor; changes the normal screensaver to a e.g. blank screen or a screen with an X" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7099111:30
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Jucatoey there goes your clone! :)11:31
Jucatohi Hobbsee_11:31
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+oo Hobbsee Hobbsee_] by ChanServ
=== Hobbsee_ was kicked off #kubuntu-devel by Hobbsee (You should know better. Bye!)
Jucatolol :)11:31
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=== Jucato waits
Jucatoah no more11:32
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Hobbseeoh is *that* my ip today?  weird ip11:33
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DaSkreechnixternal: Herd1?03:57
Hobbseeherd 1 freeze is on now, yes03:57
Hobbseefor main03:58
=== Hobbsee wishes that qlabel/python-qt4 bug was fixed.
Jucatofor a moment there, I just read Herd as Hurd :P03:59
DaSkreechHa ha :)04:03
DaSkreechThat would have been an uncomfortable moment :)04:03
JucatoQUESTION: is Hobbsee really the Queen of the Universe (QOTU)04:13
JucatoI just put that question in queue :)04:14
crimsunerr, well, there's no King of the Universe, so no...04:14
Jucatohehe :)04:14
Jucatoif she were queen, instead of a scepter, she'd have her long pointy stick of doom :)04:14
=== DaSkreech applies for Supreme Power Exotic Ruler of Multiverse
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Hobbsee] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Merge ! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty/+specs | Please add things to the agenda, we hope to have a Kubuntu meeting soon after Riddell gets back. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings
=== Hobbsee points at the topic
crimsunitem #1: modify kubuntu-desktop postinst to remove konqueror and install gconf04:18
=== Hobbsee attacks crimsun with her Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hobbseecrimsun: but why would we want to install windows registry?04:19
DaSkreechWhich is one level of hell more powerful than Mozilla registry04:22
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mhbgood afternoon04:41
DaSkreechGood noon04:43
Jucatogood evening (almost midnight)! :)04:43
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nixternalok, what is new for Herd 1?05:06
mhbthat is the question05:07
JucatoI really need new glasses.. I keep on seeing that as Hurd 1...05:09
mhbonly 2 features implemented according to https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty05:12
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Jucatohm... is there any plan to let mountconfig in kde-guidance support the libata-for-all-disks spec?05:14
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Jucatois this a good "solution" to building feisty packages on edgy? (or edgy on dapper) http://pupeno.com/blog-en/unstable-packages-on-ubuntu/07:00
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nixternalon the surface, is there anything new for herd 1? right now I have the kernel I am going to write up07:42
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mhbnixternal: how's the patch for bug 73384 ? I thought you generated it, didn't you?09:39
UbugtuMalone bug 73384 in kubuntu-docs "Localized Kubuntu documents missing" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7338409:39
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongimbrandon: had chance to look at my ktorrent patches yet?09:46
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ryanakcaRiddell: ping09:54
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nixternalmhb: string freeze doesn't allow me to do so..i have to wait for Riddell to do so10:04
mhbnixternal: oh. Ok then.10:12
mhbwhat about feisty docs?10:12
nixternalwe have a long time until those are even ready for translations10:12
mhbare they present yet, even though they will be modified heavily?10:12
nixternalwe are workign on the topic based portions now10:13
mhbOK, we should not forget about that (again :o)10:13
mhbhow can one check the progress?10:13
nixternalprogress of the documentation itself or of translations?10:14
nixternaltranslations won't begin on documentation until the beginning of March 0710:14
mhbdocumentation itself, translation is clear10:14
mhbI know10:14
nixternalyou can follow via the svn repo possibly...if we can get the status="review" type stuff on the svn server, then you will be able to follow via reports10:15
nixternalotherwise, you follow the doc commit logs10:15
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ryanakcanixternal: was it you who was writing that kubuntu book along with a couple of other people?10:17
nixternalwhich kubuntu book? i know there are a lot of "supposed" ones in the making10:18
nixternalbut i haven't seen much...supposed to be working on the "Switching to Kubuntu from Windows" stuff10:18
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ryanakcayeah, I think that's the one...10:20
ryanakcawhoever it was had given me a link for docbook and xml10:20
nixternalcould have been me10:20
ryanakcaoh, and should I clear the agenda? seeing that all the topics are "2006-10-05 17:52:09" (last meeting)10:20
nixternalmy brain is shot right now...i am somewhat done with homework for tonights class..and i had to write a stupid script to read a silly textbase10:20
nixternalmeetings ey...haven't been in one in a while10:21
nixternalhow is that openweek stuff going?10:21
mhbthere hasn't been one in a while10:21
mhb(UDS yes, but not an IRC one)10:21
=== ryanakca points to the topic
=== ryanakca takes that as a yes?
mhbI agree, it's all discussed10:25
mhb(except for my membership application, oh boy)10:25
ryanakcaI was just looking at that10:26
ryanakcabtw, is your site supposed to display the same text on all 3 pages?10:26
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mhbryanakca: I'm surprised somebody actually looked at it :o)10:28
mhbryanakca: no, I'll fix that10:28
mhbryanakca: forgot to translate the other 210:28
mhbsorry .o)10:29
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ryanakcamhb: lol10:52
jdongany workarounds for uic trying to open network sockets in pbuilders?10:59
jdongcreating ./plugins/logviewer/logprefwidgetbase.h10:59
jdongSession management error: Could not open network socket10:59
jdong(and so on)10:59
jdongI'd really like my builds not to sleep for 10 seconds after each command :D11:00
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ryanakcahmm... no clue...11:04
ryanakcarobotgeek: ping11:08
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gnomefreakanyone know if the koffice 1.6.1 repos are back up?11:31
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