
_kuja_It looks like the setting would be in systemsettings -> regional & language -> Keyboard Layout -> XKB Options12:14
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ergoproxyanyone know where i can get the lament screensaver?12:17
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cloakableDoes anyone know the current status of the Ralink 2500 in Edgy?12:18
re-alignIt should work12:18
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re-alignI have a card using the RT-2500 and it's been working since Dapper for me.12:19
cloakablere-align: WPA?12:19
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re-alignDunno, I don't use WPA. There's probably a wqay to get it working but I haven't pursued it.12:20
aeriushelooooo (im bak with my vmwareplayer probleme :s)12:21
=== re-align shakes fist at typos
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cloakableAnyone use RT-2500 wireless with WPA under Edgy?12:22
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_kuja_wb aerius12:22
Angratafat #kubuntu-de, there is abot! oO !!!111one112:22
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BluesKajjackeq crashes when launched ...searched for a fix but the forums don't have much in that area12:25
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londo4How to install aMule?12:26
wirelexh_what is spanish server, please?12:26
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.12:26
unix_infidelBluesKaj: why are you using jackeq?12:26
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BluesKajfor audio source config12:27
wirelexh_londo4 try use synaptic12:27
unix_infidelBluesKaj: there should be some verbose flags you can use at jackeq launch that you can google for.12:27
unix_infidelthings like ardour usually work fine with just standard jack.12:28
BluesKajI need it since the audio in my TV Wonder card is missing ...have to use a seperate audio input and jackeq will help integrate it with the video feed so i can record both as an integrated signal onto the hdd then to advd12:29
londo4wirelexh_: Ok12:29
wirelexh_thankyou very much!12:29
wirelexh_i use this mode, but yesterday and last week amule no run12:30
unix_infidelBluesKaj: that's a terrible hack man.12:30
BluesKajI already searched google for a fix ...google is become quite useless at interpreting problems12:30
unix_infidellike i said, you should try and get some more verbose output from the application12:30
BluesKajwhat's that mean?12:30
wirelexh_i try reinstall it but it isn't repaired12:31
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unix_infidelBluesKaj: people who code software usually create mechanisms for the user to troubleshoot.12:31
BluesKajverebose output12:31
unix_infidelfor instance, on fluxbox, i can use fluxbox logs to troubleshoot my problems.12:31
re-align_kuja_, tried several settings in the areas you mentioned, no effect.12:31
wirelexh_londo4 i don't know very much info12:31
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BluesKajwell trhat's you , i would n't now what i was looking at anyway :)12:32
unix_infideljackeq looks really cool though, multiple io channels...12:32
wirelexh_good night!12:32
unix_infidelBluesKaj: like i said, using jackeq is a terrible hack for getting that card to process audio, get better hardware :)12:32
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_kuja_re-align, if such a setting exists, that would probably have been the place to set it, it might take logging out and logging back in to take full effect, I'm not sure.12:32
BluesKajexactly...if i could just get it to launch12:32
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re-alignWell I'll have to double check leter then, no time for logging in/out right now.12:33
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BluesKajapparently jackeq is the thing to use  as reasonable workaround12:34
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smub-linuxsmubs' back again, how to install invidia card?12:37
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ubuntu_Ok, I need help. I really screwed up windows somehow.12:43
smub-linuxwow, hello12:43
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dragonfly7So I was trying to install kubuntu, but the installation froze halfway through.12:44
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aeriusokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeay thhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinks guuuuuuuuuys my vmware is working :)12:44
nytdo you all sleep?12:45
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dragonfly7When I tried to boot back to windows, I got an error saying that it could not find /system32/hal.dll12:45
aeriusim gowing to sleep now ;12:45
dragonfly7I know how to fix it if I have a Windows startup disk, but I need one.12:45
nyti think some o you are 24 hrs online :D12:45
smub-linuxi tried that, just turn the pc off and try again12:45
smub-linuxi had to do it at least 5 times12:46
dragonfly7So how can I make a MS-DOS startup disk from the Kubuntu live CD?12:46
smub-linuxdont know12:46
smub-linuxask the guru's12:47
dragonfly7Does anyone know? I have no way of repairing Windows without it. I am in need of help.12:47
dragonfly7Where can I find the gurus?12:47
smub-linuxhere, ask the question.12:48
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dragonfly7How can I create a MS-DOS boot disk (floppy or CD) from a Kubuntu live CD?12:49
nyti'll be back ! i have work to finish12:49
nytse yah12:49
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helgeIs it possible at all?12:50
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smub-linuxreboot from c:\  -12:50
dragonfly7I do not know if it is possible, but I need someway to repair boot.ini on windows.12:50
smub-linuxtake the disk out12:50
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_kuja_nyt, caffeine works wonders :D12:52
_kuja_or wait, nyt left, oops12:52
dragonfly7reboot from c;\? How do I do that. When I try to boot to windows I get an error saying that "/system32/hal.dll" cannot be found. I think this is cause by Kubuntu breaking the boot.ini on Windows."12:52
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smub-linuxok try to reboot windoze then, if you get stuck come back here.12:53
BluesKajkubuntu sets a grunb bootloader for both windows and kubuntu partitions12:53
smub-linuxIGrubs ok12:54
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dragonfly7I have tried several times. The problem is that my liveCD somehow stopped the install halfway through.12:54
dragonfly7So GRUB is not installed.12:54
smub-linuxmine did the same lat night12:55
dragonfly7All I need is a MS-DOS boot disk, but the only way to make those is through windows.12:55
smub-linuxI just kept at it12:55
_kuja_perhaps the live cd is corrupted or something? that can cause installs to fail midway12:55
smub-linuxNope, cant be both corrupted12:55
dragonfly7_kuja_: Perhaps, but thats not the point now. I need to somehow boot to windows so I can create a boot disk to fix windows.12:56
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_kuja_do you have the windows install cd? It can probably repair the file for you12:56
smub-linuxyou have it wokng now!12:56
dragonfly7I do not have the CD. Dell shipped the PC without one. I am running off the live cd, but it cannot install correctly.12:57
smub-linuxno, windows is fine12:57
helgeCould this help? http://www.bootdisk.com/12:57
smub-linux WINDOZE IS FINE,, Just lurking12:57
Dasnipalurking, or trolling?12:58
smub-linuxSo turn tyour PC off and start it then.. BE QUICK and select WINDOWS12:58
dragonfly7Ok, I will try the boot disk.12:59
dragonfly7smub-linux: It is not a problem with grub, it is a problem with windows.12:59
smub-linuxif it fails linux will boot12:59
dragonfly7Linux did not install.01:00
smub-linuxThats what I think01:00
dragonfly7So how do I format a floppy in Kubuntu, so that I can try that site that helge gave me.01:00
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helgeYOu could use a livelinux cd like slax or something01:01
helgeThe gets you up and running and you can have a look around01:02
dragonfly7With slax, could I edit the boot.ini on the windows partition?01:02
helgeSure (I think)01:02
livingdaylightis it an Edgy thing? I used to play my .MOV  clips in Ubuntu but since Edgy the sound is monstrous and horrendous, any ideas anyone?01:02
dragonfly7helge: You can edit NTFS from slax?01:02
helgeNaaah, dont think so01:02
helgeNTFS is not that good on linux01:03
dragonfly7Ok. So how do I get Kubuntu to recognize a floppy, so that I can try a disk from that site you gave me.01:03
helgeMany live cds out there maybe shop around for a "rescue distro"01:03
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helgeThat is an mainboard issue about the floppy I guess01:04
helgeAre you thinking about booting from it or saving into it?01:04
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dragonfly7I want to create a MS-DOS boot floppy from this kubuntu live cd, so that I can use it to start DOS, so I can fix the boot.ini file.01:05
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helgeWell I say that kubuntu will recognize your floppy at once01:05
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dragonfly7helge: No. Maybe it is formated strangly? I will look for another.01:06
helgeI sure never tried, but that would be my guess01:06
smub-linuxI have not tried Kubuntu to read my floppy yet,01:07
dragonfly7Hmm.. thats not working either.01:07
smub-linuxwaaait 101:08
helgeSO if you insert a floppy, you can not read it?01:08
helgeNever thought of that, hold your horses01:09
dragonfly7And I need to write to it, to copy "XP Quick Boot Diskette" to it. From that website you gave me.01:09
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helgeYou should open "storage media" where the drives are, then you should see the floppy there, no?01:10
smub-linuxI was just looking for a 1.44Mb  disk to play with01:11
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dragonfly7I am not sure. It is a floppy disk...01:12
smub-linuxhda1  the.... guess01:12
smub-linuxlike a drive01:12
mohammedwhen I come to set my picture it says '' your administrator has disallowed changing your image'' ?01:13
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dragonfly7Ok. If you say so... I am trying to find a rescue distro that can write to NTFS.01:13
LrrrfaLUCE: Could you register to nickserv please?01:13
faLUCElrrr which is the procedure?01:14
smub-linuxwhat are you ttring to do ?01:14
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LrrrfaLUCE: let me point you to the page01:14
LrrrfaLUCE: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:15
dragonfly7smub-linux: Basiccly, I am trying to repair a boot.ini file on a NTFS partition.01:15
faLUCEok wait a sec01:15
metatecqueOk, Here is a legit question that I think has a simple answer - Why when I run "lspci -v" all of my hardware shows that it is only available to root01:15
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helgeSince when was it possible to install linux on an ntfs partition?01:16
LrrrfaLUCE: then we'll discuss emacs on more practical grounds.01:16
LordOliverI have to transfer files from my fat32 partion in to external device and then move them to my ext3 partion?01:16
dragonfly7helge: I do not want to install it.01:16
helgejust rescue?01:16
dragonfly7I broke windows XP, and I need to modify the boot.ini file.01:17
dragonfly7So that I can boot into it again.01:17
livingdaylightis Kontact also a newsreader?01:17
helgeOK, I got it, I thougt you would want a dual boot01:17
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dragonfly7helge: I do want to dual boot, but right now I just want to fix windows, so that my mother will not kill me. :)01:18
helgeYou can write to NTFS, but I read somewhere that it is experimental , I believe I read that on the ubuntu forum01:18
livingdaylightI'm getting Library files for "libknodepart.la" not found in paths." when i click on News in Kontact01:18
unix_infideldragonfly7: what are you trying to do again?01:18
unix_infideland what did linux do to your win partition?01:18
helgeToo late for abortition now, She wont kill you01:18
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dragonfly7I need a LiveCD distro that can write to NTFS so that I can modify a boot.ini file on a windows patition, so that I can boot to windows again. Alternativly, I need some way to create a MS-DOS boot diskette, so that I can repair it that way.01:19
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unix_infideldragonfly7: why cant you boot into windows?01:19
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_kuja_Could you use something like freedos effectively instead dragonfly?01:20
helgeYou dont have the windows cd?01:20
dragonfly7unix_infidel: Somewhere in the process of resizing the partition and trying to install kubuntu, the boo.ini file of windows got courupted.01:20
dragonfly7I do not have a windows cd, since dell didn't give me one.01:20
helgeThat is a major problem for you!01:20
dragonfly7And now when I try to boot windows, it says that it cannot find hal.dll, probably because boot.ini was corupted.01:21
helgeThey couldnt pend a penny on giving you a cd01:21
unix_infideldragonfly7: ok, simple then: rescue and recovery cd, knoppix has captive ntfs support, or you can use bartpe01:21
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dragonfly7So if I could make a MS-DOS floppy, that would work, but now kubuntu wont mount a floppy.01:21
dragonfly7knoppix can write to ntfs?01:21
Kr4t05dragonfly7: You don't have a second PC?01:21
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helgeYou have a friend? With a computer?01:22
dragonfly7I do not have a second PC, but I may be able to get someone else.01:22
dragonfly7If knoppix can write to NTFS, I will try getting that, and changing boot.ini.01:23
dragonfly7Does anyone know where it would be located? system32?01:23
helgeTry google for knoppix and rescue01:23
unix_infideldragonfly7: bartpe is a really decent alternative.01:23
helgeBut what I would do: Go inn with a live cd, rescue important stuff (pictures etc) , and start all over again01:23
dragonfly7Can bartpe be downloaded, or do I need something special to use it? I thought you needed a windows cd.01:24
dragonfly7And is there an english version of knoppix?01:24
unix_infideldragonfly7: back up everything, and just re-install from scratch, i wouldnt trust a corrupted system.01:24
dragonfly7I do not have a Windows CD.01:24
helgethis dell have a burner? right?01:24
unix_infidelyour mom WILL kill you when her system starts crashing as she's just finishing up her taxes.01:25
dragonfly7my mom will KILL ME if XP is not back how she left it by the end of tonight.01:25
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dragonfly7:( I am trying knoppix01:26
Admiral_Chicagodragonfly7: good knowing you01:26
helgeI think you find it in english01:26
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dragonfly7Wait... If I am on a live cd, how can I download knoppix? I think I will run out of RAM.01:26
unix_infideldragonfly7: that should get you more than started.01:26
unix_infideldragonfly7: heh, get a second computer.01:27
unix_infidelmount a physical drive and put it on there.01:27
dragonfly7unix_infidel: Thank you for that link.01:27
helgeLong live hte infidels01:28
helgeLong live the infidels01:28
dragonfly7unix_infidel: Let me try to mount a physical drive...01:28
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dragonfly7Ok, I am not seeing any physical drives...01:29
dragonfly7This is scary.01:29
dragonfly7I don't think I have any non-NTFS partitions on there.01:29
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dragonfly7The knoppix download is at 14%. please work.01:30
unix_infidelwell if you have fat32 or free space.01:30
unix_infideldragonfly7: it wont, you'll run out of ramdisk soon.01:30
dragonfly7Maybe I will have to use GParted to make some Fat32 space.01:30
unix_infidel1st thing you should do is create a backup partition for all the stuff you should've backed.01:30
unix_infidelthen start working to rescue.01:31
unix_infidelif worse comes to worse, you can always find a friend with a temporary windows license.01:31
dragonfly7Ok. I will boot to gparted now. i will be soon. prays.01:31
unix_infidelOr make the Luna theme for KDE REALLY REALLY convincing.01:32
dragonfly7unix_infidel: omg, I might have to try that.01:32
dragonfly7anyway, see you all on the other side.01:32
helgeBest of luck01:32
unix_infidelYes, the side of competence, those of us that back-up our data.01:32
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helgeBackup is king!01:33
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helgeInstalling linux on his mommys computer with no backup01:34
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seishinbyoubackup is life01:37
seishinbyouhow long should a hard disk last "in practice" anyways?01:37
zibrah3edthey are rated in hours of operation01:38
zibrah3edlook up the specs on your hd01:38
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helgeBut there are many good online solutions today, say Google and Yahoo01:39
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helgeFor keeping picutres and documents and stuff01:40
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Kr4t05seishinbyou: Depends on usable.01:41
Kr4t05If you have a PC on 24/7, I'd expect about 4 years.01:41
seishinbyouWell, this 80GB Fujitsu in my laptop is already making funny clicks and pausing, and it isn't a year old01:41
Kr4t05seishinbyou: Defect. :P01:41
peanutbhow do i get kubuntu to forget it has hibernated?01:41
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seishinbyouYeah, but I tend to go through HDD like water; I wondered if all JP HDDs were build to be used once and thrown away01:42
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Jucatodisposable HDD's..01:42
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dragonfly7Ok, GPartEd LiveCD is magic. I resized the windows partition and it worked.01:49
dragonfly7Everything is back to normal. Thank you so much everyone who helped.01:50
dragonfly7I have to get off now and pretend nothing happened before she gets home.01:50
helgeu welcome01:50
dragonfly7Again, thanks for you help.01:50
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Launchpad-Lapanyone here run wine?01:52
seishinbyouyes, wine is good01:53
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Launchpad-Lapim still trying to understand linux01:54
seishinbyouthe latest builds didn't seem to work on Edgy for some reason; I'm still on 0.9.2201:54
seishinbyouWelcome to your understanding of Linux01:54
Launchpad-Laphow do i get to root?01:54
helgeWIne wont help you understand things01:54
seishinbyouwine is the escapists path01:55
seishinbyouwell, sometimes you might want to run Diablo 2 or Starcraft or Paint Shop Pro01:55
Launchpad-Lapwell i want to get ntfs-3g to run but im not that advance01:55
Launchpad-Lapstarcraft for zee win!!01:55
Launchpad-Lapcrap i cant get into su01:56
livingdaylightcan someone help me with my .MOV's?01:56
seishinbyousudo su -01:56
Jucato!sudo Launchpad-Lap01:56
ubotusudo: Provide limited super user privileges to specific users. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.8p12-4ubuntu5 (edgy), package size 161 kB, installed size 396 kB01:56
livingdaylightthis used to just work in Ubuntu but not anymore for some reason01:56
helgeLivingdaylight: whats up with the .mov?01:56
Launchpad-Lapty verymuch01:56
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livingdaylighthelge: dude, no idea! it just used to work but not anymore01:56
Launchpad-Lapso how do u get to root then?\01:56
helgeTried automatix?01:57
seishinbyou"sudo su -"01:57
Jucato!sudo | Launchpad-Lap01:57
ubotuLaunchpad-Lap: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:57
livingdaylighthelge: i got a Minolta Dimage F200 which is a digital camera which also allows me to take video clips01:57
Launchpad-Lapbut its limited as said before01:57
livingdaylighthelge: i upload them via usb and just click on them to play 'em back01:57
seishinbyousudo su - lets you become root01:57
hastesaverseishinbyou, usually, "sudo -i" is recommended.01:57
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livingdaylighthelge: but now i get a HORRIBLE sound come out i just have to close it01:57
helgeyou should try automatix, and install mediaplayers with codecs01:58
livingdaylighthelge: dude, what has Automatix got to do with it?01:58
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:58
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Launchpad-Lap:( i miss the rpm packages..01:58
helgeAhem, well I dont recommend automatix any longer01:58
Launchpad-Lapjust double click and volia its installed01:58
livingdaylighthelge: you should be ashamed of yourself recommenditn automatix :D01:58
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helgeBut hey, this is what I did! I have a sony phone and I uploaded my videos to mytube, let them fix it01:59
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livingdaylighti wanna know why they used to run in ubuntu but don't anymore02:00
JucatoLaunchpad-Lap: to install a .deb package, just right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package02:00
helgeSo now I watch my phone videos with strange codec on mytube02:00
livingdaylightis there something weird with Edgy?02:00
Launchpad-Lapkewl thanks02:00
Launchpad-Lapdoes anyone here own a copy of the ubuntu offical thing book?02:00
livingdaylightLaunchpad-Lap: yea, i do02:01
Launchpad-Lapliving is it worth getting?02:01
Launchpad-Lapcause i realy wanna learn ubuntu02:01
livingdaylightLaunchpad-Lap: i got it just to support the boys at Canonical02:01
Launchpad-Lapooo so it is a good helper?02:01
livingdaylightLaunchpad-Lap: its got a nice forward by Mark shuttleworth endorsing it an dgiving some historical background to Ubuntu02:01
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hastesaverlivingdaylight, are you sure the problem is with .movs in general and not just the ones that your camera uploads?02:02
Launchpad-Lapgrr i forgoten most of my linux class02:02
hastesaverlivingdaylight, did you try playing other mov files?02:02
Launchpad-Lapwhere would i put my wine folder?02:02
livingdaylighthastesaver: no, i don't know if it is just my camera or not02:02
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Launchpad-Lapit says top folder02:02
JucatoLaunchpad-Lap: ~/.wine folder is automatically created when you install Wine (at least it should be)02:02
livingdaylighthastesaver: but i do know  that it used to play back my .movs from my digital camera and now it doesn't02:02
Launchpad-Lapbut i cant put it there02:02
hastesaverlivingdaylight, try that first. (try getting other mov files...)02:02
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livingdaylighthastesaver: wouldn't kno w how to, and besides it is my camera .movs that i want to be able to play back02:03
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ErtainHello everyone.  I'm trying to get an SD card reader to work on my system.  It is labelled "Alcor Micro Corp. SD Reader" and it looks like it was picked up by my system.  I tried mounting it using "mount /dev/sda /media/sda1" but it says the usual "must specify the filesystem type".  Any ideas?02:04
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hastesaverlivingdaylight, yes, but a general tactic for debugging is to isolate the problem first. Only after it is determined where exactly the problem lies can one try solving it. I realise that the ultimate requirement is to be able to play your camera files, but first it is necessary to find out what's wrong. Don't you think so?02:05
havocdoes kubuntu have a disk partitioner similar to mandrake's diskdrake ?02:05
havoci.e. something that will show me what drives are detected?02:05
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helgeHavoc; system settings, disk and file system (log in)02:06
havocok, lemme run in the other room and check ....02:06
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livingdaylighthastesaver: ok, ok, i know it used to work in Dapper and now in Edgy it doesn't, but ok, i'll google for some .mov's and narrow it down for you that way, and then we'll see why it isn't playing it from my camera02:07
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londo4how  to edit /etc/sources.list?02:08
helgeTry google that londo02:08
helgeAnd add kubuntu02:08
Admiral_Chicagolondo4: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:08
metatecquelondo4: ctrl-O saves and ctrl-X exits02:09
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LordOlivercan anyone give me a hint to where java 5 sdk installs to?02:10
JucatoLordOliver: to set Sun Java as the default java, run this command in Konsole: sudo update-alternatives --config java02:11
hastesaverlivingdaylight, actually, I'm not using Edgy right now :-) So I'm afraid I can't help. Just make sure you have all the codecs installed (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats).02:11
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LordOliverJucato: that is not my issue I would like to install certain IDE(s) and I need to know where the sdk is installed to, to install the IDE02:12
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livingdaylighthastesaver: i've got all the codecs installed - naturally - thank you02:13
[Goce] How do you get videos like music videos to play under FireFox web browser?02:14
livingdaylighthastesaver: what would be great is if you could track down some .mov file formats for me to test. I'm just finding .wmv and so forth02:14
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[Goce] I've tried searching the web for help with no luck at all.02:16
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LordOlivermay SUN burn in Hell!02:16
helgeabout .mov02:17
Telroth_Plushie|/usr/lib/jvm/sun-java5.0-jdk what you are looking for?02:17
havochelge: nice but it doesn't let me partition, unless I'm missing something02:17
LordOliverlet me try that, I think I did02:17
Telroth_Plushie|that's where apt-get install sun-java5-jdk installed to.02:18
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helgehavoc: Ill be back02:19
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Launchpad-Lapgrr gotta clean my laser drum02:19
havocI need to partition a new drive, how does one go about that in ubuntu?02:19
Launchpad-Lapgo to install?02:19
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Telroth_Plushie|havoc, try sudo apt-get install qtparted02:20
Telroth_Plushie|then launch qtparted02:20
havocTelroth_Plushie|: no network ATM :(02:20
havocok, cfdisk it is then02:20
Telroth_Plushie|you know your way around the commandline?02:20
Telroth_Plushie|use parted02:20
Telroth_Plushie|it's installed, qtparted is just a gui frontent02:20
havocTelroth_Plushie|: yes, and then some02:20
Telroth_Plushie|sudo parted02:20
havocall this GUI stuff is messing with me02:20
Telroth_Plushie|it's install by default thank god02:21
helgeHavoc: you may be right (but you can delete partitions there) my bad02:21
havoccool, brb then02:21
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Telroth_Plushie|parted creates, resizes, moves, deletes, reformats, and more :)02:21
v3ctori am having issues with recent `aptitude dist-upgrade`02:22
Telroth_Plushie|there is no "commit" or "save"02:22
Telroth_Plushie|every command is final.02:22
v3ctoris there a problem with nscd package?02:22
hastesaverlivingdaylight, ok, by searching my harddrive for .mov files and then searching the web for that filename, I found this: http://linuxmafia.com/pub/rick-moen-soundfiles/toyota-bugger.mov See it works (it does for me)02:24
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livingdaylighthastesaver: ok,  that works02:27
hastesaverlivingdaylight, so what does mplayer (say) say when you try playing your camera files?02:29
livingdaylighthastesaver: using kaffeine02:30
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BetaCookiesI have a 2WIRE 1000sw router, it only has one ethernet port, which I will soon be using for my mac, is there a way I could get it to work via USB?02:30
hastesaverlivingdaylight, I picked mplayer because it's verbose... Does kaffeine give any error message?02:30
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ckdguten abend @ all02:31
CreepzGAHHHHHHHHHHH i have an apache server which isnt listed in top and wont shutdown what should i do :(02:31
livingdaylightno, the thing plays but with horrendous distorted sound02:31
Creepzive even removed apache from synaptic and its still there ive done killall apache + apache 202:31
hastesaverlivingdaylight, oh... are you sure it isn't that your camera's recording device has gone bad? ;-)02:32
livingdaylighthastesaver: i thought it might be. But i had some old ones saved to cd and they are miss-playing too, so...02:32
Lothari have done a server install and i want to remote ssh into the machiene, the problem is that the Ip address is not set properly, what is the command02:33
livingdaylighthastesaver: when i play it back from the camera although feint i can hear that it is fine too02:33
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hastesaverlivingdaylight, oh... maybe you can try using mplayer, and see if it gives an error message (or paste the output to pastebin)02:34
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CreepzLothar i think its ifconfig02:34
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Creepztype man ifconfig      Lothar02:35
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alek66when I did a modprobe ndiswrapper console froze... and I have loaded ndiswrapper as a module but I dont see the interface02:36
BetaCookies[amsg]  Be right back, changing internet connection.02:36
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Fureshookay. firefox is installed and java runtime is installed, yet firefox cannot see that java runtime is already installed, so i can't run applets in firefox. how can i get java to work with firefox?02:39
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ubotuflex: A fast lexical analyzer generator.. In component main, is optional. Version 2.5.33-4 (edgy), package size 220 kB, installed size 936 kB02:39
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Launchpad-Lapok tally time.. who here is runing 6.06 and who here is running 6.1002:40
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metatecqueLaunchpad-Lap: 6.06.0 - k and g on seperate terms02:41
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Launchpad-Lapi see02:42
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Fureshoanybody here?02:43
sungamI followed this tutorial ( http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu_p2?s=aa69957c007c3ffd1f24d3853e173540& ) to compile a kernel on 6.10 (needed to enable hdd protection). The compilation and installation went fine, but when I restart, KDE won't load (KDM will). Anyone have any suggestions? :)02:43
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Launchpad-Lapmy mouseie no wokr dangit02:45
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sungamoh, the real problem is that my old Kernel won't load either. If it was just the new one it wouldn't really be a problem.02:45
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Dheeraj_kone stop multimedia solution for ubuntu :) http://thakur.dheeraj.googlepages.com/ubuntuPackage.pdf02:45
Dheeraj_khave fun02:46
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eilker!grub > eilker02:46
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ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.02:56
Launchpad-Lapwtf is lamp lol02:56
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Pe_de_panowminha primeira vez aki, o pessoal parece meio queto03:00
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metatecqueLaunchpad-Lap: what do you mean by wtf is lamp - it is the coolest set of server software you will ever learn... oi03:00
=== Lothar_ agrees
Launchpad-Lapwell is it a database.. or what?03:01
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Launchpad-Lapdatabase..webserver.. eh?03:02
metatecqueThen you get to play with - Mambo and Joomla - Dropal and PHP nuke03:02
alek66How do I unload a loaded module03:02
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Launchpad-Lapfirst i wanna get through workstation lol03:02
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metatecquelinux is the os - apache is the webserver - mysql is the database - PHP is the Perl Hypertext Pre-processor that makes it all work03:03
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Launchpad-Lapanother words stuff i dont remember from college03:04
metatecquehello Pe_de_panow03:04
Pe_de_panowis this a brazilian channel?03:04
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Pe_de_panowor not?03:05
metatecqueno this is the kde-ubuntu support channel03:05
Pe_de_panowoh sorry03:05
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Pe_de_panowmy first time here03:05
Pe_de_panowi was speaking in portuguese, i didnt know03:05
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.03:06
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metatecquety Jucato03:06
helgeObrigada? Obrigado03:06
=== Jucato shrugs
LjLwas about time someone else noticed03:07
LjLbut, nah, i'll leave it. it's a tradition now03:07
Launchpad-Lapgrr how come each time i restart kubuntu my mouse doesnt work.. i gotta switch it in the ports03:08
JohnFluxwill ubuntu fiesty have driver support for a star gate?03:08
alek66how do I bring down a network interface?03:08
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JohnFluxI don't have a dialing device03:08
LjLalek66: ifdown <interface>03:08
Pe_de_panowmay I ask my questions about kubuntu here?03:09
LjLPe_de_panow: yup03:09
alek66Pe_de_panow, just ask03:09
JohnFluxPe_de_panow: of course03:09
Pe_de_panowis there a way to install mercury messenger using adept?03:09
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JohnFluxPe_de_panow: never heard of it03:10
alek66can anyone help me with some ndiswrapper?03:10
LjLnot from the official repos that i can see03:10
eilkerPe_de_panow:no u cnt03:10
JohnFluxPe_de_panow: doesn't seem to.  is it open source03:10
eilkerPe_de_panow:just follow  www.mercury.to03:10
Pe_de_panowi've seacherd for it in adept, but i didnt find03:10
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eilkerPe_de_panow: u will need java too03:10
Random_Transithey, i can't get k3b to read mp3s03:11
alek66I want to unload ndiswrapper module... how do i do it?03:11
Pe_de_panowtks eilker03:11
Random_Transitcan anyone help me??03:11
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Pe_de_panowi will try to download it directly from site03:11
alek66Random_Transit, just ask03:11
eilkerPe_de_panow: np03:11
Random_Transiti'm trying to burn an audio cd with k3b, and it won't let me use mp3s03:12
BetaCookiesI have no opengl library installed :\03:13
BetaCookiesconfigure: error: No OpenGL library could be found03:13
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Telroth_Plushie|sungam, did you fix your problem?03:16
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  nope03:16
sungamTelroth_Plushie|: I've been trying to find some solution, but I can't seem to03:17
Telroth_Plushie|when you log in03:17
Telroth_Plushie|does the screen reset and then kdm reloads?03:17
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  yes03:17
Telroth_Plushie|press ctrl+f1 to switch to tty103:17
Telroth_Plushie|log in as your normal user03:17
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Telroth_Plushie|if it fills the screen with "bash: permission denied: /dev/null03:18
metatecqueaah - ctrl+alt-f1?03:18
Telroth_Plushie|hit ctrl+c03:18
ckdgood morning03:18
BetaCookieshow do I get an OpenGL library so I can compile StepMania?03:18
Pe_de_panowgood morning03:18
metatecqueckd: good evening03:18
Telroth_Plushie|then type "sudo chmod 777 /dev/null"03:18
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Telroth_Plushie|then press ctrl+alt+f7 to return to kdm03:18
Telroth_Plushie|and try logging in03:18
Telroth_Plushie|that's the current problem with my system (6.10)03:18
Telroth_Plushie|and the work around i have to use every time i boot it up03:19
Telroth_Plushie|no solution yet.03:19
Telroth_Plushie|(that i have found)03:19
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  Just to check if I've gotten it right: Start normally, Try to log in, Press CTRL+F1, log in as normal user, CTRL+C, then type "sudo chmod 777 /dev/null", CTRL+ALT+F703:19
Telroth_Plushie|metatecque, you are right, ctrl+alt+f1 in the first instance03:19
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Telroth_Plushie|sungam, don't bother logging into kdm03:19
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Telroth_Plushie|it'll just reset like usual03:19
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Telroth_Plushie|hit ctrl+alt+f1 when the kdm login appears03:20
Telroth_Plushie|then the rest as you said03:20
metatecqueTelroth_Plushie|: I try03:20
ckd_it was broke all 5 minutes03:20
Telroth_Plushie|log in as normal user03:20
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  thanks03:20
Telroth_Plushie|let me know if it works03:20
ckd_everybody know this bug?03:20
Telroth_Plushie|what bug?03:20
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  I'll try. Need to get out of windows to see if it works :)03:21
ckd_dsl connection hang up all the time03:21
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Telroth_Plushie|ckd_, i don't have that problem, my dsl is managed by my router.03:22
dragonfly7Hey, if anyone is still on who helped me earlier, you will be happy to know Winblows is funtioning.03:22
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ckd_bad shit03:22
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.03:22
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sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  trying to reboot now. I'll be back in a bit, I hope :)03:22
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metatecqueckd_: get a router and a S#!^ catcher03:22
ckd_bad shit i have 16mbit and my  router knows 6 mbit03:22
Kiongku!language > ckd_03:23
Telroth_Plushie|ckd_, check your configuration. i haven't seen anyone else with that problem, so it's probably a config error03:23
Telroth_Plushie|ckd_, they don't make 6mbit routers :P03:23
metatecque!language > metatecque03:23
Telroth_Plushie|slowest i know of is 10mbit, and any you buy today are 100mbit03:23
ckd_bad shit03:24
Pe_de_panowhow do I copy subdirectories using 'cp' at konsole?03:25
LjLPe_de_panow: cp -a is an option - but read the man page. "man cp"03:25
ckd_g8 @ all03:25
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Telroth_Plushie|LjL, how does cp -a differ from cp -r ?03:26
Telroth_Plushie|i use cp -r to do my recursive copies (subdirs)03:27
LjLread the manpage ;)03:27
Telroth_Plushie|*feels stupid*03:27
Pe_de_panowneither -r and -a worked...03:27
LjL!doesn't work03:27
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:27
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Telroth_Plushie|Pe_de_panow, how are you using it?03:28
metatecqueLjL: I like ubotu humor... I should add to it03:28
Pe_de_panowsudo cp -a /home/leonardo/Desktop/mercury/*.* .03:28
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Telroth_Plushie|sudo cp -a /home/leonardo/Desktop/mercury/* . <-- try this03:29
Pe_de_panowhum let me try03:29
Pe_de_panowi think that it worked, telroth... let me see03:30
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Pe_de_panowyes! tks telroth03:30
Pe_de_panow*.* -> bad DOS memories lol03:30
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Telroth_Plushie|lol Pe_de_panow03:31
Pe_de_panownewbie with linux03:31
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Pe_de_panowwhat does this command do? ---------> chgrp -R users /usr/share/mercury03:33
kgxhi. how can start konsole with 2 tabs with 2 session types?03:34
nickv111Pe_de_panow: It sets the group mode on /usr/share/mercury recursively to the group "users"03:34
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Pe_de_panowah i thought that i should replace the word 'users' by something else...03:35
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e3Help! My KDE weather applet says "The requested Station doesnt exist", nomatter what town it tell it to use.03:37
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momalIm looking for a good program that can convert avi files into dvd format then burn to dvd (if possible ability to design menus and that (simple ones doesn't need to be comples))03:38
Pe_de_panowhow do i make visible all the directories on konqueror?03:39
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momalPe_de_panow: view> show hidden files03:39
JucatoPe_de_panow: hidden directories? View menu -> Show hidden files03:39
momalto quick for you :p03:40
kgxi hate it how it makes all directories hidden in kubuntu 6.1003:40
robotgeekkgx: f8 or rm ~/.hidden03:40
Jucato!hidden-root kgx03:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hidden-root kgx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:40
Jucato!hidden-root | kgx03:41
ubotukgx: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles03:41
Pe_de_panowwhy this?03:41
robotgeekJucato: you know anything about sources.list.d directory and its behaviour?03:41
momali thought you could only make hidden files/folders by putting . in font of its name03:41
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Jucatomomal: this one's special03:41
Jucatorobotgeek: um... nope..03:41
robotgeekJucato: heh, okay03:42
kgxubotu:  thanks for the link. still on dapper at work but will read that when i get home :-)03:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks for the link. still on dapper at work but will read that when i get home :-) - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:42
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kgxah bot :p03:42
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momalIm looking for a good program that can convert avi files into dvd format then burn to dvd (if possible ability to design menus and that (simple ones doesn't need to be comples))03:46
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Telroth_Plushie|momal, devede03:46
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ubotudevede: Video DVD creator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.1-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 243 kB, installed size 664 kB03:47
momalJust an idea.... you should make ubot list dependencies as well :).. or maybe link to a page with the listen deps.03:48
nickv111What's the command to start up the battery monitor?03:48
momalTelroth_Plushie|: thanks will check it out03:49
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nickv111Mine quit, and I can't get it bacm03:49
Hawkwindmomal: http://packages.ubuntu.com03:49
knappPlease, someone recommend me a good (great) bittorrent client.03:49
Telroth_Plushie|momal, apt-cache showpkg devede03:49
Telroth_Plushie|knapp, azureus03:50
Telroth_Plushie|no better client03:50
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Telroth_Plushie|however can't be installed concurrently with eclipse03:50
Telroth_Plushie|due to a naming conflict with dependancies03:50
momalKnapp: I use torrentflux which is web/python/bittoronado bassed03:50
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knappI'm currently using Az03:50
Telroth_Plushie|my second recomendation is ktorrent03:50
knappbut It's having problems.03:51
Telroth_Plushie|like what?03:51
knappI hate ktorrent.03:51
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knappLike my downloads slow to a halt after a long period of time, but when I close out and reopen it they start full speed again.03:51
sungamTelroth_Plushie|: Tried your workaround, but unfortunately that didn't solve it.03:51
enyawixwhere is the non open stuff posted?03:52
knappI think I have the bugged version of ktorrent. All torrents contstantly go from active to stalled active to stalled over and over.03:52
Telroth_Plushie|sungam, when you logged in to the console on tty1, did it print "bash: permission denied: /dev/null" over and over again?03:52
Telroth_Plushie|knapp, mine do that if i have peers but no one is sharing03:52
Telroth_Plushie|sometimes one of them will send a few bytes and it goes to "downloading", then it reverts back.03:53
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  nope :)03:53
Telroth_Plushie|make sure your udp ports are open for incoming connections03:53
Telroth_Plushie|that really boosts download speeds03:53
Jucatoknapp: doesn't do that anymore in the current version in Kubuntu03:53
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HawkwindAzureus does nothing but eat memory with all its memory leaks.  Using a dial-up modem would be better than that app03:53
Hawkwindknapp: You using Dapper or Edgy ?03:54
knappjucato I have 2.0.303:54
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HawkwindGet 2.1dev03:54
Jucatoknapp: it doesn't do that anymore. it could be a problem with the torrent itself03:54
Hawkwindknapp: http://buntudot.org/people/~jdong/ktorrent/svn-dapper/03:54
sungamTelroth_Plushie|: what kind of surprises me is that it broke my old kernel as well. thought the kernels worked independent of eachother (separate configs and such)03:54
Pe_de_panowhey everybody, i gonna sleep, tks everybody for hints03:55
Telroth_Plushie|sungam, they usually do03:55
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Telroth_Plushie|i have about 6 installed03:55
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Telroth_Plushie|sungam, upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old to a pastebin site03:56
Telroth_Plushie|it should help with the problem03:56
sungamkinda tricky, unfortunately03:56
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sungamon wlan which doesn't load without x03:56
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sungamor I haven't gotten it to load at least, so I need ot reoboot to windows to get on net03:57
sungamTelroth_Plushie|: but could you look at http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_ubuntu_p2 ,please and see if there's some obvious flaws? My first time compiling a kernel, so I wouldn't know if I missed out on anything03:57
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sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  I did everything there, but if the author missed something I mean03:58
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Telroth_Plushie|sungam, that's not the method i used when i was building my kernels, but i see nothing wrong with it.04:00
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sungamTelroth_Plushie|: hmmm... thanks... Thought it might have to do with the make-kpkg way of compiling (not sure what's included), but from a debian.org faq it seems to be a proper way of doing it04:02
LeeJunFanThe DVD version has no rescue?!? That's odd. I tried dapper and edgy tonight after repartitioning my system and restoring from backups, had to use an alternate CD to boot rescue mode.04:06
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Dasnipamajor emergency? national security at stake?04:11
eilkerso ask04:11
nikoni have about 30 seconds before my os freezes again04:12
draremtoo late04:12
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Dr_willislive cd :)04:12
Dasnipaso stop chit chattin and ask lol04:12
Dasnipaprobably some overclocker newb04:13
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Dasnipai only turned it up 500 mhz with stock heat sink. whys it freezing?04:13
Dasnipabut i need to waste cpu ticks at a 10% faster rate!04:14
Dasnipamy wow raid group is counting on it... lol04:16
nikonok sorry, im running edgy, everything up to date, no im not an overclocking newb. dont know how to explain it properly, but here it goes. everything works fine, for a bit, then my whole x server freezes for about 2 -5 minutes then comes back. ktorrent wont stay open, amarok freezes about 20 seconds into each song and then comes back a minute later, switches songs the freezes again.04:16
nikonif i dont answer right away give me a minute and ill be back04:17
Hawkwindnikon: Run memtest for as many hours as you can to check your RAM04:17
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Hawkwindnikon: That's the first signs of a hardware issue04:17
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nikon"unknown id: memtest"04:18
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nikongot it never mind04:18
Hawkwindnikon: You have to boot to it.  It's best to let it run overnight while you sleep04:19
HawkwindA good 12 - 16 hours would be the best to let it run for04:19
nikonhow do i boot to it?04:19
HawkwindHit ESC when it gets the countdown of grub04:20
HawkwindThen you simply select it as if you were selecting another kernel04:20
eilker12-16 hours ??04:20
Hawkwindeilker: Yes.  That is what memtest is recommended to be run for to do proper checks04:20
eilkerhawkwind:  i  never did it04:21
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Dr_willisor he may be having somthing slurp up all his ram.04:21
nikonok back04:22
babob4722HI ALL04:22
babob4722im new to linux, just installed it04:22
babob4722and I must say I LOVE IT04:22
nikonis there anything else i can do?04:22
sungamTelroth_Plushie|:  thanks for the help so far, btw. Going to try to recompile according to: http://www.howtoforge.com/kernel_compilation_fedora_p2 , then see if that helps04:23
Dr_willisnikon,  try a live cd - see if it has issues as well.04:23
Hawkwindnikon: Best to start there and eliminate that issue first04:23
sungamTelroth_Plushie|: somehow I doubt it, but it's worth a shot :)04:23
nikonok, thanks alot. ill be back04:23
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sungamwish me luck :)04:26
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ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs04:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about duke - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:28
eilker!boot > eilker04:28
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LordOliverhehehe ... beginners luck strikes again04:30
babob4722I am new to linux, and just installed it, and I love it04:31
babob4722but there is so much to learn now04:31
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babob4722can anyone give me any pointers?04:32
babob4722tips even?04:32
LordOliverbabob4722: as in tips concerning what?04:32
LordOliversomething you'd like to know more about?04:32
Dr_willisTip #1 - dont be vague.04:33
Dr_willisTip #2 - read read read read... and read more...04:33
babob4722ok will do04:33
Dr_willistldp.org is a good place to start.04:33
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@201-88-117-224.gnace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_willisthe kubuntu/ubuntu homepage/wikis are also good.04:33
momalTip #3 - after completing Tip #2 Read more :).... and if you have another spare box don't be afraid to muck around with it becuase if it dies just format and reinstall :)04:34
Jucatobabob4722: you could probably start with the Kubuntu Desktop Guide that comes with Kubuntu04:35
Jucatobabob4722: K Menu -> Help04:35
LordOliverwiki's are good though I still can't figure out how to make it less ugly04:35
Dr_willismake what less ugly? the wiki?04:36
eilkeri use linux/kubuntu/ubuntu since two months, i still didnt understand structure04:36
JucatoLordOliver: try accessing the wiki using wiki.kubuntu.org instead of wiki.ubuntu.com :)04:36
Jucatoeilker: what structure specifically?04:36
momaleilker: I have been using linux for 5 years now and im still learning stuff :)04:37
Jucatolearning is really a life-long process :)04:37
Jucatoit also depends on how much you really want to learn, and how determined you are04:37
eilkerjucato: for example mount thing, and symlink etc04:37
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eilkermomal: i installed ftp server, web server, will install e-mail server04:38
Jucatoone step at a time :)04:38
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Dr_willisporn server.04:38
LordOliverJucato: kubuntu is damn easy to install though it isn't even funny :)04:38
momaleilker: nice install server's is a good way to get around how configurations work and how to run/stop/start things :)04:38
JucatoLordOliver: time for you to move to Gentoo hehehe :)04:39
momalHaha... Gentoo is evil for me :(04:39
LordOliverjucato: I was thinking Fedora Core 6 ;)04:39
momalDebian all the way :)04:39
eilkermomal: in fact i really liked it, my retired pc is a web host at the moment04:39
Jucatodifferent strokes :)04:39
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momaleilker: :D.. linux has its good feature to run on old computers unlike the operating system that must remain unspoken :p04:40
eilkerfor a newbie there r many subjects, studying linux ? or studying os/kubuntu ? or trying to go out windows logic....etc...04:41
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eilkerlinux is another world for windows users04:42
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BetaCookieslinux is easy :P04:43
Dr_willisLinux users are from Mars... Window Users are from their own perverted realigy.04:43
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levanderWhen you are dist-upgrading, and a configuration file has changed in a package, does update-manager still let you choose whether to keep your old configuration files that you've modified or upgrade to the new configuration just like apt-get does?  Or, has update-manager "simplified" the process so much, you aren't given this option?04:43
eilkerBetaCookies: i dont agree with you:)04:43
levanderDamn, I've asked that same question in 3 ubuntu channels.  No one knows.04:44
LordOliverwhy does everyone like the mac osx look?04:44
Jucatolevander: we don't have update-manager in Kubuntu04:44
levanderJucato: good point04:44
Dr_willisi was thinking that. :)04:45
Jucatolevander: but afaik, update-manager is just a fancy front-end to apt-get dist-upgrade04:45
babob4722I do have a ligitmat question now04:45
babob4722i have a pentium 4 pc compaq to be precise04:45
levanderJucato: yeah, I'm just trying to make sure it doesn't overwrite the hours of configuration I've done, without informing me.04:45
babob4722which files do I download for linux programs04:45
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:46
levanderI've heard with all the problems dist-upgrading to edgy, you're better off using update-manager...04:46
babob4722x86  x86-64  ppc04:46
Dr_willisbabob4722,  you mean wihc version of the disrto to use?04:46
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Jucatolevander: also, afaik, an upgrade always overwrites the configurations in /usr and /etc. if you the configurations you made were saved in $HOME, then those are kept04:46
babob4722every time i download something it doesnt work04:46
Dr_willisbabob4722,  and your cpu is a ??04:46
=== eilker thinks that dr_willis is ben johnson
babob4722i dont know04:46
babob4722its a pentium 404:46
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levanderJucato: nah, with apt-get, for some packages, you are prompted if you want to keep the old configuration04:46
Dr_willisx86 then.04:47
babob4722thank you04:47
Jucatolevander: only some, like KDM. but not always04:47
Dr_willis'i dont know, its a pent 4' :) heh heh heh04:47
levanderJucato: yeah, true04:47
Jucatolevander: but like I said, if the configuration changes you made affect only your user (hence gets saved in $HOME), you have nothing to worry about04:48
gtrplrwhat is the dev release name ?04:48
Jucatoapt doesn't remove things from $HOME04:48
levanderJucato: no, they don't, i've configured several servers to be the way i want04:48
gtrplrafter edgy04:48
JucatoFeisty Fawn04:49
Jucatolevander: ah special case, I'm not exactly sure...04:49
gtrplrJucato: thank you04:49
eilkeris  symlink dangerous ?04:49
Jucatogtrplr: for more feisty questions, go to #ubuntu+1 :)04:49
Jucatoeilker: depends on how you use it. generally, no04:50
levanderJucato: okay, thanks04:50
Dr_willisare computers dangerous. :)04:50
JucatoDr_willis: if you throw them at someone, they are :P04:50
eilkeri hate loosing of data that's why i ask :D04:50
=== Dr_willis sticks a USB cable in his nose.
eilkeri hate partitions, i hate mbr too04:51
Dr_willistake up golf.... sell the pc.04:51
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Jucatoeilker: mbr is necessary. partitions (should) make your life easier.04:51
Jucatopeople hate what they fear. they fear what they don't understand :)04:52
eilkerjucato: u r totaly right04:52
Dr_willisWe have nothing to Fear but MS itself.04:52
babob4722it says archive type not supported04:52
babob4722what does that mean?04:52
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Dr_williswhat is saying what where babob472204:53
Dr_williswho when why... :)04:53
Jucatowhich how04:53
babob4722i was trying to download firefox but it keeps telling me that the archive file is not supported04:53
Dr_willisAhy are you even downloading it?04:53
babob4722yes i downloaded it04:54
babob4722to my desktop04:54
Dr_willisuse the pacakge manager and just install it.04:54
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)04:54
Dr_willisyou dont need to 'go download it'04:54
eilkeruse adept...04:54
Dr_willis!info firefox04:54
ubotufirefox: lightweight web browser based on Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0+0dfsg-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 9001 kB, installed size 28588 kB04:54
Dr_willis'sudo apt-get install firefox'04:55
Dr_williswill download and isntall it.04:55
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babob4722oh sorry, i meant firestarter04:55
babob4722my bad04:55
Dr_willis!info firestarter04:55
ubotufirestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-1.2ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 383 kB, installed size 1884 kB04:55
=== eilker thinks that dr_willis is mike tyson
=== Jucato wonders if babob4722 should start playing with firewalls already...
babob4722i thought it was to download music04:56
babob4722omg im too new at this04:56
Dr_willisbabob4722,  huh.....04:56
babob4722i want to download music, are there any programs for linux to do that?04:56
Dr_willisfire up adept and read the pacakge decriptions.04:56
ubotuamule: client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.3-1 (edgy), package size 1239 kB, installed size 3368 kB04:56
Dr_willisinstall some of the various p2p clients...04:57
babob4722what is adept?04:57
Dr_willisor use the torrent sites04:57
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto04:57
Dr_willis'read read read read.....' :)04:57
babob4722thank you04:57
eilkerpeople, can i request ubuntu-server cd from ship-it ?04:58
Dr_williseilker,  i dont think so04:58
JucatoDapper, probably04:58
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Jucatoeilker: http://shipit.ubuntu.com and check your options04:59
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babob4722i didnt even have it installed04:59
babob4722what a tool i am04:59
babob4722thanks for all your help guys04:59
Dr_willisYou installed Kubuntu and dident have adept installed?04:59
eilkerDr_willis: i already have installed lamp server on kubuntu , now do i use kubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-server04:59
babob4722im a tool05:00
Dr_williseilker,  depends on whart you are wanting to do. :)05:00
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Jucatoeilker: ah.. sorry, only Desktop CD's are shipped05:00
eilkerDr_willis: just trying to understand differences between both, is only difference gui ?05:00
Dr_willisserver would have no gui - i am guessing05:01
Dr_willisthose are both meta-packages that install sets of other packages...05:01
JucatoDr_willis: the Server CD installs a LAMP system. different from the server install on the Alternate Install CD05:01
eilkerjucato: and limited dsl here:)05:01
Jucatoeilker: how limited? I only have 512kbps05:02
eilkerjucato: 3gb download in a month and 1024 kpbs //and 20 us dollars cost05:03
eilkerjucato: no upload limit05:03
Jucatoah... mine has a fixed rate and fixed bandwidth (down/upload)05:03
Dr_willis!info kubuntu-server05:03
Dr_willis!info kubuntu-desktop05:03
=== Dr_willis pokes the bot.
ubotuPackage kubuntu-server does not exist in any distro I know05:03
ubotukubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.22 (edgy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB05:03
Jucato!info ubuntu-standard | Dr_willis05:04
ubotuubuntu-standard: The Ubuntu standard system. In component main, is standard. Version 1.30 (edgy), package size 15 kB, installed size 44 kB05:04
eilkeris alternate cd same with server cd ?05:05
Jucatoeilker: o05:05
Jucatoer.. "no"05:05
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JucatoAlternate Install CD = text based installer with lots of different advanced options05:05
eilkerjucato: i see, do u choose kde,gnome,xfce ? and lamp install option etc ?05:06
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Dr_willisi install all those desktops. :)05:07
Jucatoeilker: no. you can only install the desktop that comes with the installer: KDE for Kubuntu Alternate Install CD, GNOME for the Ubuntu one05:07
Jucatoalso no LAMP option05:07
Dr_willisYou can easially download/install other desktops afterwards05:07
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JucatoAlternate Install options: server (minimal, no GUI) install, expert (choose individual modules, have root enabled by default), LVM support, RAID support, installing GRUB somewhere other than MBR05:08
eilkerlets say i use ubuntu, installed kde-desktop, now is it same with kubuntu ?05:09
Dr_willisits kubuntu + gnome desktop :)05:09
eilkerjucato: so what is use of alternate cd, may be for engineering?05:09
Dr_willisnormally i install 'kubuntu-desktop'05:10
Jucatoeilker: I already enumerated some features of the CD05:10
Jucatothose features are not in the Desktop CD05:10
Dr_williseilker,    i always use the alt install cd. ii find it fetsre then the live cd.05:10
Dr_willisfaster :)05:10
LordOliverok, I downloaded a theme and unpacked it now I got shit all over my desktop... what did I do wrong?05:10
eilkerjucato: i see05:10
bLaZeDhello all......i just tried to ping google and yahoo .com and im now getting this : http://pastebin.ulteo.us/271 ...ive always been able to ping......1st time ive ever seen this b405:10
eilkerdr_willis: kde-desktop and kubuntu desktop are same or not ?05:10
Jucatoactually, it's the other way around Dr_willis.. the Desktop CD only needs to copy the setup. Alt Install copies, installs, and configures05:11
Jucatoeilker: there is no kde-desktop05:11
babob4722thanks guys, this is swesome!!!!05:11
_kuja_Another plus of the alternate cd is a proper partition setter-upper sort of thing ..... ubiquity-kde + qtparted = awful (and will continue being so until they fix up qtparted like they're planning to)05:11
babob4722awesome even05:11
Dr_willisLordOliver,  depends on the package.. theres a lot of annoying issues with somne 'theme' files.. and theres like 3 different 'areas' that are themeable.05:11
Dr_willisJucato,  i find the live cd runs slower.05:11
JucatoLordOliver: what kind of a theme is it?05:11
JucatoDr_willis: I guess the fact that it need to have X up to install does make it slower05:12
eilkerdr_willis: does it impoart that much i mean speed ?05:12
LordOliverjucato: this one http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4923905:12
Dr_willisWindow Decoration, Icons, 'widgets' (the stuff in the window/buttons/sliders) then an actual 'theme file' sets up those 305:12
eilkerdr_willis: does it important* that much i mean speed ?05:12
Dr_williseilker,  on my Pent 100 system.. Yes.. :) it takes  so long for the live cd to even boot05:12
maltaethironhey guys, im downloading something with ktorrent right now.  if i close it, will it download in the background, or does the window need to stay open?05:13
eilkerdr_willis: what what ?? pent 100 ?05:13
Dr_willisbut i dont mess with the pent 100 much.. its a 'emergancy' ssh machine. :)05:13
JucatoLordOliver: download the one that says K THeme Manager theme, then extract it, you will get a .kth file05:13
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JucatoLordOliver: press Alt+F2 and type "kcontrol", then go to Appearance & Themes -> Theme Manager. click on Install New Theme and locate the .kth file you just extracted05:14
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maltaethironanyone have any clue?05:14
Dr_willisktorrent can 'close/minimize' to the system tray05:14
JucatoLordOliver: er... it says that the it's recommended to use the theme with Beryl....05:14
Dr_willisi though it auto-minimized when still downloading.05:14
JucatoLordOliver: it's also recommended that you have QtCurve style installed05:15
Dr_willisShould i mention that the package manager has a lot of extra kde themes/styles that are not installed by default. :)05:15
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RobNycok in gnome the deb package manger is gdebi how about in kubuntu05:16
sevenmaltaethiron: settings perfernces general show system tray icon  than it will stay there if you close the window\05:16
maltaethironty seven05:16
JucatoDr_willis: styles only. not "themes" (in the KDE sense of the word)05:17
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JucatoDr_willis: actually: styles, windecos, icons05:17
_kuja_kde doesn't really have an equivilent of gdebi, yet.05:17
_kuja_(well, kubuntu anyhow)05:17
Dr_willisYea - kde's use of 'themeage' is a bit confuseing at times. :)05:17
RobNyc_kuja_, thanks05:17
LordOliverthanks again jucato, simple as can be :)05:18
Dr_williskde-look.org  can use a good cleaning up also. heh05:18
JucatoDr_willis: actually, it's KDE-Look that makes it confusing05:18
_kuja_It does and it doesn't really, there's something temporary there with basic functionality ...05:18
LordOliverjucato: but, why isn't it clear do I need to restart?05:18
JucatoKDE has always meant a KDE Theme (.kth) when referring to "theme" (single word)05:18
Dr_willisI  find the way kdes control-center and things handle them to be a bit confusing. :() but i tend to kust use 'plastik' themne.05:18
JucatoLordOliver: what isn't clear? no you don't need to restart05:18
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LordOliverjucato: in the screen shots everything is transparent, my isn't05:19
JucatoDr_willis: KControl is clear. Styles are styles. They are not Theme/Styles, like what KDE-Look says05:19
JucatoLordOliver: because, like I said earlier, it's recommended to use Beryl with that theme. without it, you don't have transparencies05:20
Jucato!beryl | LordOliver05:20
ubotuLordOliver: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:20
Dr_willisheck kde-look has themes 'concepts' out in the theme area. :)05:20
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RobNycso since there's no gdebi for kde .. i install .deb dpkg -i *.deb ?05:24
Dr_willisthats what i always do anyway :)05:24
JucatoRobNyc: right-click -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Install Package05:24
Jucatobtw, gdebi will be coming to KDE/Kubuntu soon :)05:25
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RobNycty let me try05:25
sungamHi again05:25
=== Dr_willis wonders how often one installs .deb's that way.
RobNycJucato, maybe with the fiesty fawn release05:25
Jucatoit's one of the plans05:25
JucatoDr_willis: which way?05:25
Dr_willisclicking on a .deb ya download.. i cant rember the last time i downloaded a .deb that wasent allready in a repos05:26
Dr_willisperhaps cedega...05:26
JucatoDr_willis: Kubuntu's way is a bit crude... it's just a service menu that launches xterm with the proper dpkg command :)05:26
Dr_willisCrude! thats the linux way! :)05:27
sungamTelroth_Plushie| still no luck. But at least I found a lan hoookup so I don't have to reboot between attempts :)05:28
JucatoDr_willis: nah. the linux way is "prehistoric", not crude :P05:28
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eilkerpeople do u use vmware ?05:29
JucatoI do05:29
sungamDoes anyone else have any suggestions as to what could be wrong? I compiled my own kernel ( to enable queue-freeze (hdd active protection). The compilation went fine, and it boots fine, until I try to log in from KDM and the screen just goes blank and then KDM restarts.05:29
eilkerjucato: your ram ?05:30
Jucatoeilker: 1GB :)05:30
eilkerjucato: 512 here:)05:30
eilkerjucato: how many os do u have ?05:30
Jucatodepends on what you're trying to run05:30
Jucatoon vmware?05:30
Dr_willis'go away befor i replace you with a small shell script'   :)05:31
Dr_willisa ThinkGeek Teeshirt.05:31
Jucatoright now, 2: FC 3 (for studying), and Kubuntu Feisty05:31
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn"), it should be released in April 2007. At the moment it is pre-alpha. Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help in #ubuntu+105:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fc3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
Jucatoeilker: Fedora Core 305:32
eilkerjucato: ohh i see05:32
Jucatoit comes with the Linux Bible 2005 edition I bought05:32
eilkerjucato: how did you get feisty ?05:32
Jucatoinstalled edgy and dist-upgraded05:33
Dr_willis'one of the brave'05:33
eilkerhow many gb do u give space for every os in vmware ?05:33
JucatoDr_willis: I'm only brave because it's on vmware :P05:34
Jucatoeilker: depends. the minimum really. 3-5GB05:34
Dr_williseilker,  depends on the os.  I just let them play with 8gb default and keep the file 'allocate as needed'05:34
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eilkerjucato: is vmwareplayer(free version) enough for me ?05:35
eilkerjust trying for other os05:35
tamacrackerIs anyone else havin a problem with Kcheckgmail?05:35
Jucatoeilker: only if you already have a VMWare image (lots of free ones available in the VMWare page)05:35
eilkerjucato: may i ask what production of wmvare's do u have ?05:37
Jucatovmware server05:37
eilkerit is free too, right ?05:37
tamacrackerWhere can I look up a list of programs for Kubuntu Edgy... and has pretty detailed information of each program?05:37
Jucatoyes. but you have to take some extra steps to install it05:37
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eilkerand u dont have vmware player ? so i am gonna only install vmware server ?05:38
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Jucatoeilker: install what you want/need05:38
_kuja_tamacracker: should be able to see a list of things at launchpad.net05:39
eilkerjucato: i couldnt understand between player and server that's why i apply to your comment05:40
tamacrackerthank you kuja05:40
eilkerjucato: i couldnt understand differences* between player and server that's why i apply to your comment05:40
sungamcould someone please remind me where xorg.conf is located?05:40
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Jucatoeilker: VMWare Player is just that: it runs VMWare images. it has minimal options to modify the image. VMWare Server has extra options to create and modify images05:40
Jucatobut VMWare Player is in the repositories, so installing it is easier. VMware Server isn't05:41
Dr_willissungam,  you may want to learn how to use the 'locate' command. :)05:41
Jucatoor the locate:/ kioslave05:41
=== Vuen [n=Vuen@bas9-ottawa23-1088825836.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zgl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:41
sungamDr_willis, I'm sure I do :)05:41
eilkerjucato: last question:) what do u mean by vmware image ?05:41
Jucatoeilker: think of it like an ISO. it's an image of the OS that you are running in VMWare. I think VMWare officially calls them Appliances05:42
Dr_williseilker,  check out  http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/05:42
eilkerthanx friends05:42
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babob4722i want to play pogo, but it says i dont have jave environment installed, can I download java for linux?05:45
babob4722i saw something somewhere that said I couldnt use java05:45
babob4722is that true?05:45
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:45
Dr_willisfalse to me...05:45
Dr_willisi use java under linux all the time.05:45
eilkerdr_willis: so? do i need to download images from vmware web site ? will i not able to use my ubuntu cd  to install  ubuntu in vmware05:46
Dr_willisSUN just decidded to GPL java.05:46
=== Jucato is now known as Jucatulog
Dr_williseilker,  you can do it that way.. or get a vmware image and save time.05:46
tamacrackerlaunchpad doesn't really give details of each program...05:46
tamacrackerbut thanks anyways kuja05:46
Jucatuloglaunchpad isn't really the place to look for program/package details05:47
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Jucatotamacracker: you can use Adept Manager to view the package descriptions. or apt:/ (which is just a front end for apt-cache and dpkg) or in http://packages.ubuntu.com05:48
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sungamargh... Not getting anywhere with this problem. Got into Konsole once (starting kdm while in recovery mode). Other than that it just boots me back to KDM :(05:49
Dr_willissungam,  X starts but crashes?05:50
sungamDr_willis: I guess it crashes, at least I'm thrown back into KDM05:51
Dr_willissungam,  but KDM uses X... so somthing is odd here.05:51
Dr_willissungam,  try making a new user and see if it does the same thing for them.05:51
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Dr_willisif it works for them.. that would imply that your other users .kde settings are some how messed up.05:52
babob4722once I install it do I need to reboot?05:52
eilkerjucato: i found a guide for vmware server installation :)05:52
Dr_willisbabob4722,  Linux 101 - you rarely EVER need to reboot.05:53
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Dr_willisthis isent windows. :)05:53
babob4722ok cool05:53
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sungamDr_willis, thanks. Would you mind hinting me at how to add a user from command line? :)05:53
sungamDr_willis, nvm... 'adduser' :)05:53
babob4722well it still isnt working, it keeps telling me I need java, but i installed it already05:53
Dr_willishard to rember eh. :)05:53
sungamit is05:54
Jucatobabob4722: how did you install it?05:54
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babob4722sorry to be a pain in the ass05:54
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babob4722through the adept manager05:54
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Dr_willisbabob4722,  you may need to exit/restart the browser.....05:54
babob4722hmmm oh ok thanks05:54
babob4722i will try that05:54
Pie-rateHi everyone, I'm having a little trouble installing kubuntu05:54
sungamDr_willis, thanks. I'll try a reboot and see what happens05:55
joe_Anyone know how to mount an ISO that is on the harddrive?05:55
Pie-ratethis is on my laptop, right behind me05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about loop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:55
Pie-rateit's stuck on "scanning files" with the progress bar at 0%05:55
Pie-ratethe menu is also unresponsive, although the cursor can still move05:56
dennisterwhat's happening with synaptic and kde? the first keeps failing, and my kde is such a mess I'm thinking of purging and reinstalling05:56
joe_thanks ubotu, let me try that05:56
eilkerand here is morning, time to sleep for me, see you friends05:57
Pie-rateThe disc verified using the utility provided on it05:57
dennisterbye eilker05:57
eilkerbye to all05:58
Pie-ratecan anyone help me?05:58
dennisteriv'e never had so many failed downloads before :(05:58
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dennistersorry Pie-rate...i've had so many rpblems, but installing kubuntu was never one of them06:00
Pie-rateThis is strange, perhaps I should try the 32 bit version?06:00
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sungamit worked :)06:00
dennisterPie-rate: defintiely!06:00
sungamalthough my proper user is still broken, at least I'm into kde now06:01
sungamThanks, Dr_willis06:01
dennisteri tried for months with 64-bit versions, and am glad I switched06:01
sungamand Telroth_Plushie| :)06:01
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Dr_willissungam,  heh could do some cleaning of the .kde dir...  or just whipe it out. :) that will reset all the kde settings06:01
Dr_willissungam,  been seeing similer issues a lot lately.. not sure what the deal is.06:01
sungamDr_willis, it's not juts KDE, though06:02
Pie-rateWhat sort of performance difference will running the 32 bit version instead of the 64 bit version give?06:02
sungamDr_willis  *kde06:02
Dr_willisPie-rate,  proberly not much. unless you do a lot of number crunching.. or got a lot of ram06:02
sungamDr_willis, it's all of those window managers (Gnome, KDE, E17, Fluxbox...)06:02
Dr_willissungam,  that  seems very very very odd.06:02
sungamDr_willis, sounds kind of weird that all of those would get messed up by compiling a kernel06:03
sungamDr_willis, and all work with the new user06:03
Pie-rateOk, I'd probably have a lot more driver troubles with the 64bit version anyway.06:03
dennisterDr_willis: i'm thinking of purging my kde completely, it's such a mess...will i have to do a lot of re-configuring of apps and settingsafter I get it back?06:03
_kuja_64-bit will only give speed ups in certain areas (like encoding, rendering, extreme number crunching ....)06:03
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dennisteryes, Pie-rate...and check the md5sums on iso disks, as well as data verifitcation with your buner06:04
Pie-rateOf course, that means I have to spend another day downloading06:04
dennisterPie-rate: consider it an investment: will save u lots of time and frustration with 64-bit later06:05
Pie-rateI used the verification utility that was on the boot screen for kubuntu06:05
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Pie-rateI bet the torrent for the 32 bit version goes faster than the 64 bit version too...06:05
dennisteras i said earlier, I wasted months struggling with 64-bit distros06:05
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Pie-rateI'll grab kubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent then...06:06
dennisteri love edgy...i just used the server first, then added the graphical desktops06:07
Dr_willissungam,  ive not messed with the nerel in ages. :)06:07
sungamDr_willis, nerel?06:07
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MattCaHello. Is anyone still awake?06:10
Dr_willisIts the next geenration Kernel. :)06:10
sungamDr_willis  oh.. kernel06:10
Pie-rate[5.0.0 2006-11-28 21:07:57]  WARNING : Tracker announce still not complete 60 seconds after starting it06:10
Pie-rate[5.0.0 2006-11-28 21:07:57]  WARNING : Problem connecting to tracker (http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce): Timeout while contacting server.06:10
Pie-rate[5.0.0 2006-11-28 21:09:57]  WARNING : Problem connecting to tracker (http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/announce): Timeout while contacting server.06:10
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Pie-ratewhy is this happening?06:10
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MattCawhat version of GCC is used to compile the Ubuntu Kernel?06:11
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sungamDr_willis, thanks for all your help so far. Going to see if everything works with the old kernel :)06:11
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HawkwindMattCa: Edgy or Dapper ?06:12
Pie-rateweird, just got disconnected06:12
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HawkwindProbably doesn't matter, probably both 4.x06:12
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Pie-rateTorrent won't start, can't connect to the tracker.06:13
MattCaHawkwind: Dapper. I'm going to use the Kubuntu live CD to throw myself into the marvelous adventure of LFS06:13
Dr_willisEgads! dont do it man!06:13
MattCaWas that dripping with sarcasm06:14
Dr_willisThis is a Faimly Channel.. No dripping allowed.06:14
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MattCaI'll take it as a yes06:15
joe_thanks ubotu the mounting worked.  I just should have done it in an emty directory.  I deleted 3 of my movies.06:15
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:15
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Dr_willisif you mounted over a dir with files in it.. UNMOUNT it.. and the files willl  be there.06:16
Dr_willisshould be at least. :)06:16
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dennisteris there something wrong with the ubuntu servers perhaps? Pie-rate's having trouble, i'm having trouble with synaptic...06:17
Dr_williscould be some are down...06:17
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Pie-ratetorrent started now06:17
Pie-ratetook it forever though06:17
Pie-rateit's going nice and fast too, compared to the AMD64 iso06:18
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Pie-rateabout twice as fast06:18
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dennisteri'm installing xfce, in preparation for purging kde and starting over, and i keep getting timeouts06:18
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Dr_willisits odd that you would have to 'purge' kde.06:18
sungamDr_willis, now I can get into E-17, but KDE is still broken. :)06:18
Jucatoyou have to purge config files :)06:19
dennisterit's such a mess...kio, kSycoca, klauncer...06:19
MattCaHawkwind: thankds for the info06:19
dennisterkded, kinit...06:19
Pie-ratestill not as fast as it should be, it's going 80KB/s, should be going near 180KB/s, but the wireless bridge from the office to the house has been behaving strangely/slowly recently, so i haven't been getting full T1 speeds at the house.06:20
Pie-rate /ramble06:20
dennisterI installed kgdb, and the list of issues is very long, and I'm not that good at debugging yet06:20
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sevenwhere do i find the "task manager" adept says another instand is still running06:20
HawkwindWho needs KDE when you have E17 anyways.  :)06:20
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Dr_willisreal men use icewm :)06:20
dennisterwhat in the world is E17?06:20
Hawkwind!adept crash fix06:20
ubotuIf adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:20
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.06:20
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dennisterwell i'm not a man :)06:21
Pie-rateWhy join #kubuntu if you don't like KDE? isn't KDE the whole idea of kubuntu rather than ubuntu?06:21
Jucato!adept crash fix | seven06:21
ubotuseven: If adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: 'sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a'06:21
sungamPie-rate, I don't mind KDE. But E17 is more lightweight. As for why join #kubuntu? I installed it off a Kubuntu disk :)06:22
sungamand besides... KDE won't work atm :)06:22
dennisterbut i'm intereested in icewm actually06:22
HawkwindPie-rate: I use Kubuntu only because I hate Gnome.  I can stand 10 minutes of KDE while E17 compiles, then it's no more KDE for me06:22
Dr_willisI tried E17... and ... well... i dident see much i needed from it. :)06:23
sevenJucato: worked06:23
JucatoDr_willis: ditto06:23
Pie-rateThe laptop I'm currently working on installing kubuntu on has ATI radeon 1100 graphics. Is there any way to get 3d acceleration/power saving features working?06:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:23
sungamDr_willis, it's the bling06:23
dennisteryes Pie-rate06:23
Dr_willisbling = fling = a 'one night stand' :)06:24
sungamtrue, but it's fun while it lasts06:24
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Dr_williseven the bling i saw wasent that bling-o-riffic (tm)06:24
sungambesides, at the moment it's proven the only window manager that will start06:24
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sungamyou should give it a go again with the most recent CVS06:25
Dr_willissudo apt-get install icewm06:25
sungamthey've done loads of updates with the new distro being released (the PS3 one)06:25
Dr_willisi tried it on a Live cd the other day.06:25
Dr_williseven isntalled it.06:25
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Dr_willisDont get me started on the PS3 :)06:25
Bill57785I really need help06:25
sungamDr_willis, E17 fixed KDE. Now that's loading too... this is weird :/06:26
Pie-ratedoesn't the PS3 have a ridiculously fast CPU in it?06:27
Bill57785I changed the gamma last night to 2.4 (which is what I used t run on Windows), and I tried booting up tonight, and the screen is scrambled06:27
Dr_willisPS3 brings  "ridiculous'    to mind..06:27
sungamPie-rate, yes.06:27
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Bill57785and I don't have a clue how to change it back in command line06:27
Kaithe ps3 has a cell processor06:27
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dennister Dr_willis: is that it? just icewm? anything else i should install afterwards?06:28
Dr_willisdennister,  thats about it.. rahter nice  window manager.06:28
Kaiits not ridiculously fast, but its a new technology that has the potential to become rediculously fast06:28
dennisterok, well it's installing then :)06:28
Dr_willisit is ridiculously priced06:29
Bill57785anyone at all?06:29
sungamBill57785, sorry, but I really have no idea. Maybe someone else does, but I don't :)06:29
Kaithats normal for a new next gen console06:29
dennisteri must say, i'm getting more demanding and less tolerant the more successful I am with linux...started hating gnome after a while, now I'm getting ticked off with kde's problems06:30
Dr_willisNormal for a 'media-induced-hyped-feeding-frenzy-gotta-have-SOMTHING-for-xmas-hype'06:30
dennister<-----getting spoiled06:30
Pie-rateCommand-line only IMO.06:30
macconlinehi.... how  do a new sesion standard ?06:30
sungammacconline, if it's KDM it'll log into the last session you were logged into, if I remember correctly06:31
dennistergod...christmas...:( "(06:31
Dr_willisJingle Bells.....06:31
Dr_willisJingle Bells.....06:31
Dr_willisJingle all the way... to the bank..06:31
sungammacconline, so if you log into KDE, KDE will be the standard until you log into something else. Might be mistaken, but I think that's the way it is06:31
dennisterit's going to be quiet around here...even my son doesn't want to go join the big family getogether06:31
Bill57785lol....I'm stuck in XP right now trying to find the answer to how to change my gamma back and fix everything in command line....I don't know how else to fix it because the screen is scrambled in kubuntu AND ubuntu....06:32
Dr_willisPerhaps hes asking where the menu  to select the other sessions are at?06:32
macconlinesungam: is that the file ../xsession/kde.desktop06:32
Dr_willisBill57785,  how did you change the gamma under linux?06:32
macconlinesungam: i modify...06:32
dennisterk, folks...i'm gonna restart x now that my other desktops are downloaded...bbs06:32
Pie-rateBill57785, can you get a command line for kubuntu?06:33
brett_Does anyone use or know about Drupal?06:33
sungammacconline, kde.desktop is KDE's load file. If you want to load another window manager yo uhsould create a .desktop for it06:33
Dr_willis!info drupal06:33
Bill57785I can get into a command line and not even boot up kubuntu06:33
ubotudrupal: fully-featured content management/discussion engine. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.5.8-2 (edgy), package size 478 kB, installed size 1944 kB06:33
Bill57785but other than that, not really06:33
brett_thanks doctor06:33
sungammacconline, or not load file, but the menu item in the KDM menu06:33
brett_i just installed it and dont know how to run it. It isn't meant to be run on a server is it?06:34
macconlinesungam: ok,  thanks....06:34
Dr_willisNo idea. check its homepage perhaps.06:34
brett_yeah i am on it now06:34
Pie-rateIt probably gets the gamma from the x11 config file, right? I'm kinda noob at linux.06:34
brett_still kinda clueless06:34
Bill57785the shell is running, I just can't see what's going on (so in other words, if I knew my way around correctly, I could change settings blindly using only my keyboard)06:35
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Bill57785I changed it under the settings in the programs menu, then under display properties06:35
brett_is there a web developers forum?06:35
Bill57785and one of the tabs had gamma options06:35
Dr_willisi dont see how the gamma setting would mess things up Bill5778506:35
Bill57785well, it's the only thing I can think of....it was the only thing I changed last night, and now it doesn't work06:36
Bill57785is there anyway to just reset everything to defaults from command line?06:36
Dr_williscould of been some other update/kernel upgrade perhaps.. theres no 'defaults'  type thing,. :)06:36
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Dr_willisyou could boot to single user mode, and reconfigure the X server06:37
tamacrackercan someone help me change my screen resolution?06:37
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:37
Pie-rateyou might try reseting the graphics configuration by replacing the xf86config file with whatever the backup one is called, I'm not an expert on linux so someone else will have to fill in the blanks...06:38
Dr_willis- its xorg.conf now a days :)06:38
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Pie-ratei must be getting old06:38
tamacrackeri just need to change the resolution back to 1280x102406:38
Pie-rate17 you know, starting to forget all these computery things...06:38
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tamacrackerAnd system settings doesn't let me :(06:40
sungamgo to the guide mentioned above :)06:41
Pie-ratego to the guide mentioned below06:42
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:42
Dr_willisgo to the guide mentioned to the right.... to the left....06:42
Dr_willisto the middle.. :)06:42
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Pie-rate"Konversation terminated!" that's a good one06:42
Dr_willis'answer hazy, ask again later'06:43
Pie-ratewhat's with KDE's obsession with K's anyway?06:43
binary2k2Pie-rate: because it's the K Desktop Environment :p06:43
Dr_willisKde is Kool06:43
Jucatosame goes for GNOME  anyway06:43
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seveni got a problem06:44
Pie-rateJucato, Not really.06:44
sevenNOTICE TO CUSTOMER This EULA is a contract between you (either an         06:44
seven                  individual or an entity) and VMware, Inc. ("VMware"), which governs your  06:44
seven                 06:44
seven                                                   <Ok>06:44
sungamI like it. Leaves no confusion :)06:44
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sungamnot the EULA, but the obsession with K's and G's06:44
sevenbut i can't press ok in adept06:44
Dr_willisSeveas,  hit tab/click in the sindow perhaps?06:44
binary2k2seven: ^^ that's to you06:45
sevenno tab dosen't work06:45
Jucatoseven: you can't use Adept to install vmware player06:45
Jucatoseven: close adept, run the "sudo dpkg --configure -a" command in Konsole06:45
Jucatomissing feature in Adept06:45
binary2k2one of many imho06:46
Dr_willisi always just use the shell.. :)06:46
tamacrackerthat site is not helpin06:46
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sevenwell at the moment i have the prob that it will come back every restart that vmw is upgradable06:46
tamacrackerright im at 600x800, i just need to change it back to my original settings.06:46
[Amigo] Hi! Ppl, I install Kubuntu, it's a nice system! Cool :)06:46
binary2k2seven: once you agree, it won't come back06:47
macconlinesungam: thanks, the problem are that the line Exec=/usr/bin/startkde dont the have.... problem fixer06:47
tamacrackerAmigo welcome to one of the most difficult versions of linux.06:47
Jucatoseven: what do you mean?06:47
Jucatotamacracker: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ??06:47
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binary2k2tamacracker: it's not, try slack, that's difficult06:48
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[Amigo] tamacracker, thank you! I'm happy :)06:48
sungamwlan disconnected :(06:48
tamacrackerJucato... what will that exactly do?06:48
Bill57785Jucato: What exactly does that line do?06:48
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Jucatotamacracker: reconfigure the X server. part of the process allows you to chose your resolutions06:49
Bill57785I just wonder if it might help me as well06:49
tamacrackerah good good06:49
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Bill57785I'll give it a try if these other things don't work06:49
sevenbinary2k2: i would agree if i could06:49
Dr_willistamacracker,  just becuse you are having issues... dont be so  bitter.06:49
sevenJucato: i can't even uninstall06:49
Jucatoseven: I thought you were trying to install?06:50
tamacrackerkubuntu just logged onto a crappy resolution06:50
binary2k2seven: run that command in konsole and you can install (and agree to the EULA)06:50
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tamacrackerand the system settings will not let me control my own damn resolutions06:50
tamacrackeri think at the operator of this machine, my system settings should let me access and configure anything i'd like for my personal flavor.06:50
binary2k2tamacracker: that's because it not set to go any higher in xorg.conf, that's why you reconfigure the x server to change that06:51
tamacrackerand at the moment this is where kubuntu is slacking.06:51
Bill57785ok, here goes nothing...can't make it any worse...thanks all06:51
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Jucatotamacracker: I forgot, restart X after you finished reconfiguring. Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (be sure to save everything you need first)06:52
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tamacrackerUgh... Gnome is too user friendly and made me lazy.06:53
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Jucatocan anyone adjust their resolutions (to a lower setting) using Monitors & Display in System Settings?06:54
binary2k2Jucato: yeah06:55
Jucatohm... strange...06:55
JucatoI can't :P06:55
JucatoI only realized this now hahaha06:56
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binary2k2you on edgy or dapper?06:56
sungamJucato, me either :)06:56
momalAnyone know of a good program like devede but with menu support? (Eg what Nero Vision did on windows)06:56
binary2k2hmm, me too06:56
JucatoI vaguely remember being able to do so on dapper...06:56
brett_is there any file browsers that are better then konqueror06:56
Jucatodepends on your definition of "better", which is very subjective06:57
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sungamJucato, bet someone inverted some variable. So that the resolution in xorg.conf is the smallest instead of the largest :)06:57
binary2k2brett_: depends on what you need it for i guess, but konqueror rocks :p06:57
brett_binary2k2: it has been crashing on me06:58
sungambrett_: I'm a fan of swiftfox :)06:58
binary2k2sungam: as a file browser?06:58
Jucatobrett_: do you mean Konqueror crashes when managing files or when browsing web pages?06:58
sungambinary2k2 , sorry... thought you meant web browser06:58
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brett_browsing webpages lately... but also when browsing files06:59
JucatoFirefox is a popular option06:59
brett_yeah i have firefox... but konquer auto loads when i click on a link from irc06:59
sungambrett_ , sorry... getting tired... been up all night, not studying :(06:59
brett_so i use konquer when i get a link from here06:59
sungambrett_ , think that's a known bug in Edgy07:00
binary2k2brett_: you can change that07:00
Jucatowhat's a known bug?07:00
Jucatobrett_: System Settings -> Default Applications07:00
sungamthat it it doesn't remember that Konqueror's not your default browser07:00
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binary2k2brett_: in Konversation?07:00
brett_binary2k2: huh?07:01
Jucatosungam: it does. the only problem is that non-KDE apps do not honor KDE's settings07:01
Jucatobrett_: have you even change the default browser already?07:01
binary2k2brett_: the IRC client07:01
brett_Jucato: yes i just did07:01
brett_binary2k2: what about the irc client?07:01
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brett_Jucato: thanks for the settings fix07:02
binary2k2brett_: which one are you using, konversation?07:02
Jucatobrett_: it works now?07:02
bill57785sweet, got rid of the scrambled screen (had to replace the existing config with the backup)....thanks everyone ^_^07:02
brett_binary2k2: yes konversation07:02
Jucatobrett_: take note that non-KDE apps might not follow this setting07:02
brett_Jucato: yes it loads firefox now07:02
binary2k2brett_: go to Settings, then "Configure Konversation"07:02
brett_binary2k2: what am i doing in there?07:03
Jucatobinary2k2: it's done already07:03
sungamJucato , I'm gonna shut up before I make a fool of myself, but I'm pretty sure I saw it on a "knownIssues" page of a wiki :)07:03
Jucatobinary2k2: <brett_> Jucato: yes it loads firefox now07:03
binary2k2brett_: then click on the "General" tab under "Behaviour"07:03
brett_thanks guys07:03
Jucatosungam: it's a known issue for non-KDE apps, like I said. which is only logical since you're only changing the default KDE browser only, not GNOME's/GTK's, etc.07:04
Jucatoat that point, the solution is to use this command: sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser07:04
binary2k2I did both, but konversition ignored both settings07:06
tamacrackernvm i used a game to change the resolution.07:06
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dennisterchecked out icewm, now in xfce for second time...crashing all over the place, the second i log in :(07:13
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seventhanks binary2k2 and Jucato worked now where do i get the *.vmx files07:13
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seveni thought so07:14
dennisterof course, latest crash was knotify...sig 1107:14
binary2k2seven: If you want to create you own, use http://www.easyvmx.com/07:14
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Jucatoseven: http://www.vmware.com/vmtn/appliances/07:15
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seventhanks for your help07:15
Jucatohm.. easyvmx... interesting07:15
binary2k2yeah, found it when vmware server stoped workin on edgy :p07:16
dennisterwhy in the world is knotify bugging me with it's crashes if i'm not in kde?07:16
dennisteris it because I'm using some kapps?07:16
Jucatobinary2k2: server is still working for me here... although I can't go to any tty in VMWare07:17
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binary2k2Jucato: I haven't tryed to install it an a while, the kernel module wouldn't compile, so I used vmware player and easyvmx to create the .vmx files07:18
Jucatobinary2k2: and what do you use to modify the .vmx files?07:18
dennisteri don't understand at all how these different desktops and apps work...wondering if I shouldn't start from scratch again...but I've put so much work into this installation07:18
Jucatoyou do it by hand?07:18
binary2k2Jucato: yeah, kate notmaly07:19
Jucatobinary2k2: and vmware tools?07:19
magnusdawhat's the easiest way to purge all my kde settings for a user? remove .kde/ from the home directory?07:19
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binary2k2Jucato: I have the ISOs from the vmware server install package07:20
Jucatoanyway.. time for bed... bye! :)07:20
dennisternight jucato07:20
binary2k2Jucato: so i just use them07:20
Jucatosmart move :)07:20
Jucatoanyway.. bye! :)07:20
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dennisteri think it's time for sleep myself...i'll wait until my tuner comes back from hophog and see how the situation is then07:22
magnusdait's kinda strange. The only two window managers that will load are Fluxbox and E17. Gnome, KDE and Metacity refuse to load :)07:22
dennistergood night all07:22
magnusdadennister  g'nite07:22
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RawSushiman..I'm running the game nexuiz07:26
RawSushiand it's laggy07:26
RawSushiI wonder how to fix it07:26
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RawSushiit plays nice and everything when it's not skipping07:27
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Admiral_Chicagomagnusda: X error?07:32
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Pie-rateis it unethical to download all of futurama from thepiratebay.org?07:42
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binary2k2Pie-rate: depends if you get caught :P07:45
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seveni got one more problems   every once in a while my screen size changes to very big icons   sometimes it helps to restartx    nothing changed in kcontrol  or /etc/X11/xorg.conf    i might have the wrong driver07:45
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Pie-ratedoes it cost the creators of futurama anything?07:45
sevengraphic card  nv   driver nv  in kcontrol07:46
Pie-ratemight want to get the official nvidia drivers07:47
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binary2k2Pie-rate: only if you were gonna buy it, then it costs them07:48
binary2k2Pie-rate: but it's still illegal07:48
seventhis one was autodetected07:48
sevenhow do i know which one i need07:48
Pie-rateexcept it's still perfectly legal to record it from the TV07:48
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binary2k2!nvidia > seven07:49
noiesmoI don't think so Pie-rate if you check you will find that public opinion is it's ok but the law says no07:49
marvelouscan anybody help me_ I-ve troubles getting beryl to work07:49
binary2k2marvelous: what trouble?07:50
Pie-rateexcept millions of people have TiVO, and if TiVO did anything illegal then it would be sued into oblivion, being the large public company that it is07:50
marvelouswhen I run it, all the windows crash and everything stops working so I need to mannually restart the pc07:51
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binary2k2marvelous: how/from where did you install it07:51
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Pie-ratei was about to type more but i wont start a discussion on the ethical and legal implications of downloading and/or recording tv shows07:51
binary2k2Pie-rate: do that in #amievil :P07:52
marvelousfrom the Konsole I did apt-get07:52
Pie-rate1 person in room07:52
binary2k2Pie-rate: i just made it up, didn't think it was real :p07:53
Pie-ratethe 1 person was me07:53
binary2k2marvelous: did you follow the guide on the ubuntu help/wiki site?07:53
binary2k2Pie-rate: that's why then07:53
binary2k2marvelous: what video card do you have?07:54
marvelousi-ve been trying with lots of them but always geetin troubles07:54
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binary2k2marvelous: is it with XGL or AIGLX?07:55
marvelousati a9250 gamer edition07:55
binary2k2marvelous: I think the ATI cards need to use XGL, with the binary drivers07:57
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marvelousand where can i get them? or is there a lace with a full beryl instalation guide for this one??07:59
kaihello every one, I have question as tohow I can totally get rid og gnome desktop07:59
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binary2k2!ati | marvelous07:59
ubotumarvelous: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:59
binary2k2marvelous: and follow the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl08:00
binary2k2kai: are you on edgy ot dapper?08:01
marvelousthks a lot08:01
binary2k2marvelous: no problem :)08:01
marvelousi'll check them right away08:01
kaiI think iots Edgy08:01
binary2k2kai: 6.06 is dapper08:01
kaiI had Suse 10.108:01
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binary2k2kai: there is no easy way to get rid of the gnome desktop, that i know of08:02
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kaiso ubuntu is new to new to me and I dread the gnome and want nothing to do with it  and want to get rid of anything dealing with it08:02
kaireally? Where would I start to get .mpeg and mp3 support?08:02
wildchildkhm, wine can't load application08:03
binary2k2!mp3 | kai08:03
ubotukai: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:03
magnusdabinary2k2, would't removing 'ubuntu-desktop' package do it?08:03
binary2k2magnusda: 'ubuntu-desktop' is just a metapackage and removeing it will do nothing08:04
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wildchildwhy can't start application wine: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34708/08:04
kaireally, I think I tried something like that and it didnt do anything, I figure I could save some space cus I will never use the gnome again08:04
magnusdabinary2k2 , ah. Thought it uninstalled the same packages as it installed :)08:04
binary2k2magnusda: no, on edgy they intorduced the "apt-get autoremove" which will let you do it, but it's not on dapper08:05
kaibut can't I upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?08:05
magnusdabinary2k2 , ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying08:06
binary2k2wildchild: have you tried in #wine ?08:06
binary2k2kai: if you can, you could save your files to a CD/DVD/USB stick and install kubuntu08:06
wildchildthere is only 2 nicks08:07
wildchildme and someone else..08:07
kaiThat sux, I got the Ubuntu dvds from their website08:07
kai..and all I got was the ubuntu ones08:08
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binary2k2wildchild: try #wineHQ08:09
noiesmowildchild, you are trying to run a key generator its hardly an app08:09
binary2k2kai: there is a Kubuntu DVD too08:09
kaiI didn't know that08:10
binary2k2kai: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/release.1/08:11
wildchildhello noiesmo, but it is app, it's exe08:11
kaithank you08:11
ironfroggyare there any packages for Stackless?08:12
binary2k2your welcome :)08:12
binary2k2ironfroggy: what's Stackless?08:12
ironfroggya branch of python that doesnt use the C-stack for calls.08:13
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binary2k2than i don't know then, check on http://packages.ubuntu.com/08:14
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londo4How can I login Msn via kopete?\08:25
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binary2k2londo4: select MSN as the protocol to use08:26
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ubotuPicasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html08:26
RawSushiquestion...When I plug in my mic, the amplifier is on08:27
RawSushiHow do I turn it off?08:28
RawSushikmix doesn't seem to get rid of it08:28
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binary2k2RawSushi: did you turn the "Mic Boost (+20dB)" off?08:29
RawSushiyeah it's off08:29
RawSushiit was already off08:29
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binary2k2RawSushi: then it may be a hardware thing then08:30
RawSushiman there's several things about my box that needs fixing08:30
RawSushiI have windows and linux both set up on different hard drives08:31
binary2k2like on my kubuntu box, the mic is loud, on another win box, you can't hear a thing08:31
RawSushiand when I boot into linux, my clock is messed up, but my windows one is fine08:31
RawSushithen I fix the one in linux08:31
RawSushiand my windows one messes up08:31
RawSushiright now it says 7:3108:32
RawSushiand it's more like 1:3108:32
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binary2k2did you set the timezone right, 7:31 is the UTC time08:32
jasonhave you readjusted the clock and made sure you are set to the correct time zone?08:32
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RawSushiI've tried everything I think08:34
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RawSushiDo I do this in KDE?08:34
jasonyes right click on the clock and go to configure08:35
jasonthere will be a tab for timezones08:35
binary2k2in "Adjust Date & Time..."08:36
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kaiI found a way to totally get rid of gnome08:37
kai..if any one cares08:37
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binary2k2kai: do tell ... :)08:38
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labkom\server plasa08:38
kaithe very first code set08:38
kaicut copy and past :)08:39
=== binary2k2 writes that down
kaiwell it works08:39
binary2k2forgot about aptitude08:40
londo4I try to connect msn, but I get this Warning:  If you have a router/firevell. please check thaaaat yyu08:40
binary2k2londo4: do you have a firewall or router?08:40
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londo4that you  have port 26375 udp open. Decentrallised tracking require this08:41
londo4no I have switch08:41
londo4I have cisco 1900 switcher08:41
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londo4yesterday was working good08:42
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binary2k2londo4: that do any port forwarding?08:44
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binary2k2londo4: is it setup to forward that port to your computer? (26375)08:45
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RawSushimy box crashed again08:47
RawSushithat's the second time08:47
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RawSushinow I wonder what's causing that08:47
RawSushiit hard froze twice08:47
binary2k2londo4: if it won't work then. it may be a network issue. either with MSN or your ISP08:48
RawSushiso I fixed my clock08:49
RawSushinow to get rid of the hard crashed08:49
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RawSushiI just got a new video card..wonder if it has anything to do with that08:49
binary2k2londo4: try and get your friends on to another network, MSN is flakey (and owned by the evil one :P )08:49
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=== kruemeltee says good morning to everyone
binary2k2RawSushi: if the crashes started when you installed the card, then thats a safe bet08:50
=== binary2k2 says good morning back to kruemeltee
londo4I  have another computer connected on the same switch but msn is werking08:51
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londo4working good08:51
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binary2k2londo4: do you have a local firewall then?08:51
RawSushiit's a better card and all08:51
RawSushimy older one was an nvidia and this one is an nvidia08:51
londo4kruemeltee: good morning08:51
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RawSushiI had my nvidia driver installed already from the old one08:52
londo4binary2k2: No08:52
RawSushiand I got this one08:52
binary2k2RawSushi: what driver, open or binary?08:52
RawSushiand all I did was edited xorg.conf08:52
RawSushiand changed nv to nvidia08:52
londo4binary2k2: I did not  install a firewall on this system08:52
binary2k2it may be the nvidia driver not playing nice with the kernel08:52
RawSushibut anyway08:53
RawSushiman I want to fix me up a nice desktop :/08:53
binary2k2londo4: then I'm flummoxed, try connecting with gaim08:53
RawSushiI want to get creative here08:53
RawSushiI want to fix it where everything I need is there quick08:53
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RawSushiand I want it high tech looking :P08:53
RawSushican't decide what to use though08:54
Pie-ratewill 64 bit ever be widely adopted?08:54
binary2k2Pie-rate: eventually, but most apps are 32bit, so untill they are ported and more are written for 64bit, 32bit will be most used08:55
binary2k2RawSushi: beryl is cool and high-tech looking :P08:56
RawSushinot only that but I want it to be easy to get around on08:56
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RawSushiwhen I'm on LSD08:57
RawSushiI get on my computer08:57
RawSushiand I have trouble figuring things out sometimes08:57
RawSushiwhether in windows or linux08:57
binary2k2then don't do LSD :P08:57
RawSushiand I want to get around this when I'm tripping08:57
RawSushimy mind is just going too much08:57
cox377when something is loading under ubuntu the image icon bounces up and down, is there anyway to turn that into a timer or something similar to the rotating wheel like under ubuntu?08:57
RawSushifor me to figure some things out08:58
RawSushimy mind wanders on LSD08:58
RawSushiI certainly won't stop doing L08:58
RawSushibut anyway..enough about LSD08:58
binary2k2cox377: change the curser theme08:58
cox377binary2k2: is that under settings?08:58
Pie-rategod i hate that fucking bouncing icon08:58
binary2k2yeah, Look and Feel i think08:58
binary2k2Pie-rate: why don't youturn it off?08:59
RawSushiapparently beryl isn't a windowmanager08:59
Pie-ratei intend to as soon as i can get kubuntu installed08:59
binary2k2RawSushi: huh?08:59
RawSushiberyl is nice08:59
RawSushiI wouldn't say high tech looking09:00
RawSushibut nice09:00
RawSushiI want it09:00
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binary2k2it's high-tech looking when you get the 3D rotating desktop cube :p09:00
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RawSushiI take it it's not free09:01
RawSushiand obsolete?09:01
binary2k2berly, no09:01
binary2k2free and recent09:01
RawSushiberyl or berly?09:02
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binary2k2don't take any notice of my typeos09:02
RawSushiI want it..09:03
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RawSushiman I hadn't used linux in a while09:03
RawSushiI lost my touch09:03
binary2k2!beryl | RawSushi09:03
ubotuRawSushi: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl09:03
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RawSushihow can I tell if I have Dapper?09:05
RawSushiman..I feel like a complete n00b09:05
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binary2k2RawSushi: cat /etc/lsb-release09:05
binary2k2ok, now i'm away :P09:05
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londo4binary2k2: Its working with gaim09:09
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binary2k2londo4: it's a problem with kopete then09:12
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binary2k2londo4: file a bug report09:12
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Kreamhi all09:12
binary2k2!bugs | londo409:12
ubotulondo4: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots09:12
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naught101ever time I start konversation from kubuntu, I get this error: "No addressbook IDs given" - any idea why, or how I fix it?09:19
londo4How can I solve this problem: GPG error: http://packages.freecontrib.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY F120156012B8371809:19
Vladdyadding the gpg key for that place to your repository09:20
binary2k2londo4: in konsole run "gpg --recv-keys F120156012B83718"09:20
binary2k2londo4: then "gpg --export -a 12B83718|sudo apt-key add -"09:21
binary2k2londo4: notice the '-' at the end is important09:21
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londo4binary2k2: With the last comand I get this: gpg: WARNING: nothing exported, gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found09:23
mr_interwebDoes anyone know of a list of package source mirrors for  apt09:23
binary2k2londo4: did you run the 1st command?09:24
m0ns00nExcept for phpmyadmin and mysql (the shell command!), is there any _good_ mysql editors like old msqlcc using qt or sqlyog (using wine)?09:24
londo4yes, did it again now is good09:24
m0ns00nlondo4: that's a britney song =)09:25
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mr_interwebm0ns00n, check out the mysql site.  they have some free GUIs09:25
m0ns00nmr_interweb: the gtk ones aren't really up to it09:25
m0ns00nmr_interweb: I'm thinking of the scale of old mysqlcc and sqlyog09:25
londo4binary2k2: but the problem is still09:26
m0ns00nmr_interweb: I'm pretty knowing about the various clients, but perhaps I've overlooked something09:26
londo4it did not solve the problem09:26
binary2k2londo4: when you ran the 2nd command, did it say "OK" after?09:26
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mr_interwebI usually use Navicat09:26
mr_interwebbut that one is anything but free09:27
mr_interwebm0ns00n: I don't know of any decent opensource mysql editors09:28
m0ns00nmr_interweb: :-/ then I'm in the know at least. Old mysqlcc was a step in the right direction but mysql.com killed it09:28
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Pie-rateok the kubuntu installer crashed, this time it was the 32 bit version and it gave an error report09:39
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Pie-ratecould it be a bad hard drive maybe? because the whole reason i'm installing kubuntu is windows was corrupted09:40
cpk1explain this to me: fstab says /dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0 but trying to mount it i get mount: special device /dev/hdd does not exist09:40
binary2k2Pie-rate: what's the output of: sudo fdisk -l09:41
Pie-ratemmm, hold on09:41
Pie-ratethe kubuntu live cd crashed completely09:41
Pie-ratemenu/task bar thing disappeared and then the whole thing went unresponsive09:42
Pie-ratestarting it again09:42
binary2k2use pastebin to show the output09:42
binary2k2!pastebin | Pie-rate09:42
ubotuPie-rate: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:42
mr_interwebAnyone know where a good list of package mirrors are to add to Adept?09:43
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binary2k2mr_interweb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ has a big list the packages download pages: http://tinyurl.com/y836vn09:44
Pie-ratebuffer i/o error on device hdb09:45
Pie-rate,logical block 30732209:45
Pie-ratei'm thinking hdb is the dvd drive, and hda is the hard drive?09:45
mr_interwebbinary2k2: Thanks for the tip09:46
livingdaylighti've never seen a more thorough test print  - it wants to KOMPLETELY drain me of my color cartridges09:46
Pie-ratecan someone tell me if the above message is correct so i can stop panicing about my harddrive being screwed over?09:46
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Pie-ratebinary2k2: (00:44:56) Pie-rate: buffer i/o error on device hdb09:47
Pie-rate(00:45:10) Pie-rate: ,logical block 30732209:47
Pie-rate(00:45:29) Pie-rate: i'm thinking hdb is the dvd drive, and hda is the hard drive?09:47
binary2k2Pie-rate: hda is the primary master drive, hdb is the primary slave, hdc is the secondaty master ..etc09:49
Pie-ratethis is a laptop09:49
Pie-ratethere is only 109:49
Pie-ratein terms of hard drives09:49
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Pie-ratebut i suppose the primary slave could be the dvd drive09:49
binary2k2not just hard drives, CD/DVD drives count too09:49
livingdaylightis there an easy photo printing facility in Kubuntu (KDE) In Gnome they have something called Gnome-photo-printer which simply lets one eaily access , size and print photos without having to open Gimp or something big and complicated09:50
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Pie-rateok so i suppose its the disc?09:50
Pie-rateor the disc drive possibly09:50
Pie-rategod this is such a pain in the ass09:50
binary2k2Pie-rate: what dose /etc/cdrom symlink point to, that's normally the cd/dvd drive09:50
Pie-ratewhy don't the cheap ass cd-rs my parents buy ever work?09:51
Pie-rateits still loading again09:51
Pie-rateit might have a read error again too09:51
binary2k2its /dev/cdrom09:51
Pie-rateso i don't know09:51
binary2k2Pie-rate: how old is the laptop?09:52
Pie-rateBuffer I/O error on device HDB09:52
Pie-rate2 weeks09:52
Pie-rateACER 5100 series09:52
binary2k2laptops normaly will have hda as the hard drive and hdc as the cd/dvd drive09:53
binary2k2don't know what hdb is09:53
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guglielfhi, i'm using konversation, does anyone know how to filter part/join messages in the chan window?09:54
Pie-ratei'm pretty sure it's the cd drive09:54
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binary2k2guglielf: it's in the settings09:55
malicianhiya all, i'm trying to install kubuntu and it keeps crashing at the same point every time09:55
livingdaylight is there an easy photo printing facility in Kubuntu (KDE) In Gnome they have something called Gnome-photo-printer which simply lets one eaily access , size and print photos without having to open Gimp or something big and complicated09:55
malicianit copies all the files, and then it crashes @ 67% - which is creating users09:55
guglielfbinary2k2: k, tnx go diggin there09:55
Pie-rateok i have an unlabeled ubuntu disc here, how do i know what version it is from windows?09:55
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livingdaylightAND can someone tell me why i have xine movie player twice in my menu?09:56
binary2k2guglielf: settings > behaviour -> chat window09:56
malicianI have no idea what to do09:57
malicianor how to get the install to work09:57
binary2k2Pie-rate: thare's a file on the root of the diak that tells you09:57
Pie-rateUbuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake"09:58
Pie-rateyeah found it09:58
guglielfbinary2k2: found! tnk you mate09:58
binary2k2guglielf: no problem09:58
livingdaylightand is there xane in kubuntu or do i have to install it?09:59
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Pie-ratewell at this point i'm just hoping its the disc and not the cpu, ram, or hdd10:00
Pie-rateor disc drive10:00
livingdaylightPie-rate: who are you?10:00
binary2k2Pie-rate: did you run a md5sum check on the disk?10:00
livingdaylightPie-rate: are you just flooding the chat room or what?10:00
binary2k2livingdaylight: why'd you think that?10:01
Pie-ratelivingdaylight: not intentionally10:01
livingdaylightPie-rate: i can't get a word in edgways and i've never come to #kubuntu and not got any help - is it due to you mouthing off so much?10:01
binary2k2livingdaylight: if you don't get a reply, then no one knows here10:02
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livingdaylightbinary2k2: where are all the regular gurus who know everything?10:02
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)10:02
Pie-ratebinary2k2: no, i did not.10:02
livingdaylightPie-rate: don't you have some homework to do?10:03
Pie-ratelivingdaylight: don't you have somewhere else to go and be an attention whore?10:03
livingdaylightooooohh! :o10:03
binary2k2!patience | livingdaylight10:03
ubotulivingdaylight: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:03
livingdaylight@lark | binary2k210:04
binary2k2that won't work in here10:04
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malicianmreh.  being that the last two attempted installs crashed while it was creating users10:04
malicianI'm trying this install with different username10:05
malicianand hoping that changes things10:05
maliciandoes anybody know of some bug that causes the 6.10 install cd to crash when it's in the creating users part of the installation process?10:05
malicianand/or how I could bypass it?10:05
livingdaylightmalician: skip it10:06
binary2k2malician: I don't know of any bug like that, but check http://bugs.ubuntu.com/10:06
livingdaylightmalician: are you creating multi users?10:06
livingdaylightjust you?10:06
maliciani'm just filling out the form in the install process10:06
malicianusername, name, password, etc10:07
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livingdaylighthave you checked the cd?10:07
binary2k2the install only sets up one user10:07
livingdaylightbinary2k2: true, forgot10:07
livingdaylightmalician: have you checked the cd for defects?10:07
malicianNo - I guess I should do that if this install fails10:07
malicianhow long does that usually take?10:07
livingdaylight2,3,4 minutes10:08
malicianoh, wow.  i thought it was like 4010:08
livingdaylightmalician: its the first thing you do, otherwise you could waste time10:08
binary2k2depends on drive speed and cpu power tho10:08
livingdaylightmalician: reboot your cd and click on check cd for defects or whatever it says10:08
livingdaylightbinary2k2, is again right, the quoted time is how long it takes here  on a P4, 3ghz with 512ram10:09
malicianwilldo if this install fails10:09
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[Amigo] What doing Katapult?10:10
binary2k2[Amigo] : huh?10:11
malicianyeah, it crashed again thsi time - rebooting to check cd for errors10:11
[Amigo] What role in KDE?10:11
[Amigo] binary2k2, if I remove it aplication?10:12
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binary2k2[Amigo] : if you remove it, KDE will be fine10:12
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[Amigo] binary2k2, seriosly?10:13
binary2k2[Amigo] : yes, it's an optional application10:13
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[Amigo] binary2k2, when I remove Katapult, apt-get write me: (next packets will be removed katapult kubuntu-desktop) - it's normaly?10:15
Pie-rateIs there any way to install kubuntu using a 512mb usb drive?10:15
binary2k2[Amigo] : kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, you can remove it safely10:15
VladdyPie-rate: sure.. if you have an existing linux10:16
[Amigo] binary2k2, OK.10:16
Pie-rateVladdy: what do you mean?10:16
binary2k2Pie-rate: I don't think 512mb is enough, unless you do a net-install10:16
[Amigo] binary2k2, next question?10:16
Vladdybut it's not easy lol10:16
Vladdyeasiest is to burn a kubuntu cd10:16
Pie-ratewell i have no cd-rs right now10:17
[Amigo] binary2k2,  thnx10:17
[Amigo] bay10:17
[Amigo] buy10:17
[Amigo] :)10:17
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Pie-rateof the two i had left one of them i put the amd64 version on which i didn't like and the other ended up corrupted i guess10:17
Pie-rate"  !" oh noes, a terrorist!10:18
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Pie-rateis there any way to install kubuntu without a cd?10:21
abattoirPie-rate: sure10:21
abattoir!install | Pie-rate10:22
ubotuPie-rate: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:22
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osirishas anyone tried dual booting vista and ubuntu ?10:28
binary2k2osiris: it should be the same as dual booting xp (or any windows) and ubuntu10:29
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Pie-rateI assume since i'm being spammed by "Buffer I/O error on device HDB, logical block 2783XX (where XX is incrementing), my cd is bad?10:30
Pie-ratethis is after a while of running the cd tester10:31
justMattHey guys - I have just done an install of 6.10 - but Konqueror seems to have ultra high latency. Is this a know problem or is there something I should be looking for?10:31
abattoirPie-rate: you have 2 hard disks?10:31
Pie-rateor could it be a bad HDD or CD drive?10:31
Pie-rateno, its a laptop10:31
abattoirPie-rate: then it's most probably the optical drive10:32
abattoir(generally it's hdc though)10:32
Pie-ratethe drive or the cd?10:32
Pie-rateplease tell me the drive isn't bad...10:32
abattoiri meant hdb is the drive, yes, the problem should be w/ the cd10:32
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abattoirPie-rate: is this a pressed disc or did you burn it?10:32
Pie-ratehow would I check the CD without using the cd tester provided on the cd?10:33
ubuntuI just checked my disc and it passed the tests10:33
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MalicianAnyway, I keep getting an usersetupapply error10:33
Malicianwhen I try to install 6.1010:33
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guidendoes mac computers use gnome?10:34
guidenwrong channel10:34
abattoirguiden: no, they use OSX by default10:34
londo4how can I open a usb storage media,  like usk  pen10:35
Maliciandoes anybody know how to deal with installations repeatedly failing at the creating user stage?10:35
osirisaqua i believe is the name10:35
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abattoirlondo4: when you plug it in, you'll be asked what you want to do...10:35
mr_interwebwhen adept says that it can't install a package "BREAK (Install)" what is the best way to resolve that problem?10:36
abattoirMalician: the live cd installer?10:36
abattoirmr_interweb: try apt-get, it should be more informative10:36
Malicianit keeps failing every time10:36
abattoirMalician: the same disk?10:36
Maliciani'm trying it on different hard drives, with all different information / settings10:36
mr_interwebI'll give that a whirl. thanks10:36
Maliciandoesn't seem to matter10:36
Maliciani ran the checksum thing and it passed10:36
abattoirMalician: looking at the logs might be useful10:36
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Pie-ratehow would I check the CD without using the cd tester provided on the cd?10:37
londo4abattoir: It did not ask10:37
abattoirlondo4: which version? dapper or edgy?10:37
binary2k2londo4: in Konqueror, go to media:/10:37
londo4abattoir: dapper 06.6 lts10:38
abattoirlondo4: do what binary2k2 said10:38
=== binary2k2 reads londo4's message that backwards
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Malicianhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/73715 i posted a bug report here10:39
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Pie-ratewell, looks like its almost time to break out the windows disc...10:40
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MalicianMaybe kubuntu is doing a bad job of formatting the drive before it installs?10:41
MalicianThat's the only thing I can think of..10:41
londo4abattoir: I see only  my hda10:41
londo4binary2k2: I see only myn hda10:41
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abattoirlondo4: try 'lsusb' in a terminal, see if your device is listed10:42
binary2k2londo4: what do you see if you run "dmesg|tail" just after you plug it in10:42
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Malicianargh.. it just crashed again10:42
Malicianhow do I inspect the logs?10:43
Malicianwhat do I look for?10:43
Pie-rateis there a <500mb net install for kubuntu 6.10?10:43
londo4I will  try10:43
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binary2k2Pie-rate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation has lots of ways to install10:44
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MalicianI don't know what to do.  I don't know what else I can change10:46
Malicianthe CD passes checksum, I've tried installing on two different hard drives with different user info every time and it always fails at the creating user stage10:46
Pie-ratei've seen that, binary2k2. however, i have yet to find something small enough to fit on a 512mb usb stick10:47
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mr_interwebI was able to find the offending package with the command line apt-get, but I don't know how to resolve the issue.  My package sources say that they have the file, but it is still failing10:48
mr_interwebany ideas10:48
Pie-rateoh great i can't even find a windows disc...10:48
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binary2k2mr_interweb: if you found the package, install it with apt-get, then try installing the package that failed before10:50
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Malicianmweh. does anybody have any idea what I should do or try?10:50
MalicianI'd really like to get ubuntu running10:50
londo4abattoir: It is not listed10:50
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mr_interwebPackage libjack0.100.0-0 is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:51
mr_interwebThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or10:51
londo4binary2k2: it is not listed10:51
mr_interwebis only available from another source10:51
mr_interwebE: Package libjack0.100.0-0 has no installation candidate10:51
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mr_interwebmaybe I do not have my sources configured right10:52
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seven11mount ntfs-3g command line ?10:52
binary2k2mr_interweb: you need universe for that package10:52
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binary2k2londo4: did you try looking at the "dmesg|less" command ?10:53
mr_interwebbinary2k2: thank you.  That did the trick10:54
londo4binary2k2: yes I did10:54
londo4binary2k2: its also not listed10:55
binary2k2londo4: what's the output?10:55
binary2k2!pastebin | londo410:55
ubotulondo4: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:55
Pie-ratewhere can i find a kubuntu installer that will fit on a 512mb usb drive? i can't find one on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation10:55
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues10:56
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mr_interwebgood night everyone10:56
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binary2k2good night mr_interweb10:57
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londo4binary2k2: there is the output:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34726/11:00
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binary2k2londo4: what do you get with "lsmod|grep usb" ?11:01
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Pie-ratewell i'm giving up. i can't find any CD-Rs, the one that i did manage to burn didn't work, and i can't even find my windows disc to install kubuntu that way.11:01
binary2k2sorry Pie-rate11:02
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MalicianI can't give up11:02
Malicianbut I'm not sure where to go from here11:02
MalicianI can't give up 'cause I don't currently have a running operating system11:02
Malicianand I kinda want one11:03
londo4binary2k2: lsmod|grep usb nathing11:03
binary2k2Malician: have you tried the alternate cd ?11:03
Malicianalternate cd?11:04
Malicianyou think i might have better luck downloading / burning that?11:06
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binary2k2Malician: yeah, that's the one, it's a text based install, and has less bugs than the liveCD one11:06
binary2k2londo4: what do you get when you do: "sudo modprobe usbcore"11:07
Pie-ratehmm actually, i have a debian 3.1 disc lying around, is there any way i could install kubuntu from debian?11:07
Malicianmeh. i'll download that, burn it in the morning11:08
Maliciansure hope it works11:08
Malicianotherwise i'm stuck going back to suse, i guess - assuming i can find a suse disk that works11:08
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londo4binary2k2: also nathing11:09
binary2k2Pie-rate: you should be able to, but i don't know about that11:09
binary2k2Pie-rate: try googleing11:09
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binary2k2londo4: anything different with "lsmod|grep usb" ?11:09
cpk1londo4: having trouble mounting a usb key?11:10
londo4binary2k2: yes anything different11:11
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Pie-ratei suck at giving up...11:11
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binary2k2londo4: try: "sudo modprobe usb_storage" then remove the usb key and put back in11:11
londo4binary2k2: USBCORE 13082011:12
cpk1i noticed the the hal update seems to have fsckd automount11:12
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binary2k2cpk1: usb isn't even being detected on his system11:13
mooreand13213i know you guys get this a million times a day, but how do i install nvidia drivers under kubuntu?11:13
mooreand13213total linux newb11:13
binary2k2!nvidia | mooreand1321311:13
ubotumooreand13213: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:13
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cpk1oh well that could be a problem couldnt it? =P11:14
binary2k2londo4: anything happen when you remove and re insert the usb?11:14
milaksHi everyone. After I've installed kubuntu-desktop on my ubuntu system, when in KDE my screensaver doesnt start after specified amount of time, instead screen goes black and sometimes it showx (big or small) white 'X'. Can someone please tell me how to enable my screensaver again.11:14
cpk1but after he does get it to be recognized automount might be messed up for him =)11:14
binary2k2londo4: you may have to file a bug report and/or a support request11:15
cpk1londo4: have you tried mounting it yourself or the hell of it?11:16
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binary2k2cpk1: how can it be mounted, if it's not recognised, no device to mount?11:16
binary2k2!big | londo411:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about big - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:17
binary2k2!bug | londo411:17
ubotulondo4: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:17
binary2k2londo4: and support requests go here https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+tickets11:17
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:18
cpk1londo4: well i was having trouble with a usb stick today and just mounted it from a root login11:18
londo4binary2k2: I did not mount it11:18
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binary2k2cpk1: if it's not recognised, no device is created, so i can't be mounted11:19
binary2k2milaks: search bug reports11:20
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londo4cpk1: Ok, I will try to do that11:20
londo4cpk1: do you  have comand to do that?11:20
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milaksbinary2k2: Is it a but, because while I've had onlu kde (without the rest od kubuntu-desktop) on ubuntu, everything was fine?11:20
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binary2k2milaks: how did you install without installing kubuntu-desktop?11:21
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cpk1well it would probably be mount -t usbfs /dev/sda1 /media/somefolderyoucreated or it might be /dev/sdb1/ or i suppose if you had 2 sata drives it would be /dev/sdc111:22
cpk1but ever since the hal updat usbmounting has been screwy for me so might be the same for you11:23
milaksbinary2k2: I dont remember exactly it was something like 'kde-core' or only 'kde', it was from ubuntu kde installation guide.11:23
binary2k2milaks: i think i saw the bug before, so look on the bug reports11:24
binary2k2milaks: i don't use screensavers, only when I lock the seddion, then it's set to be blank11:24
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milaksIf you mean on address on title of this channel, I've already did and havent foung anything about screensaver.11:24
binary2k2i mean the bugs site on launchpad11:25
binary2k2!bugs | milaks11:25
ubotumilaks: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:25
binary2k2the 1st link11:25
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milaks!bugs] 11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugs]  - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:26
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots11:26
seven11how do i mount with ntfs-3g11:26
binary2k2!ntfs | seven1111:27
ubotuseven11: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:27
milaksReally strange. Ah almost to forgot, I've also swithced off power saving before it started to bahave like it is now.11:27
binary2k2!ntfs-3g | seven1111:28
ubotuseven11: ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=171011:28
Jucatomilaks:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdeartwork/+bug/70991 and http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137070 and11:28
binary2k2I thaught i saw it before11:28
seven11i did that before with sudo mount ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 media/hda1 or so... it did work but i forgot11:29
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milaksJucato: thanks. I think I'll go and reenable power saving againt and set it to 2 hours :)11:31
Pie-ratewell, i've spent 6 hours fucking with linux now and it isn't even installed yet. this is precisely why i haven't switched to linux.11:34
Pie-ratei'm done. bye.11:34
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cpk1wierd took me about 30 minutes when i installed...11:35
Lynourewell, cds do have a hole in the middle..11:35
LynoureBut that's not the way to install Linux :)11:35
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binary2k2his hard disk is corrupted or something, buffer overflows everywhere11:36
milaksOne more question. I've manually compiled and installed SVN version of Kdevelop 3.4, because version from official repositry had some bug, but now adept-notifier notifies me that previous package is newer than the one I have and I cannot get rid of it. How can I make adept-notifier to not notify me of upgrades for certain packages?11:36
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cpk1hold the package11:38
binary2k2and corress it :P11:38
cpk1and snuggles with it11:38
binary2k2get marred and have lots of little libs11:38
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cpk1and you will never have problems with it again11:38
milaksooooh... :)11:39
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Alndr_ 11:39
Kabalcan someone explain the following error?11:39
Alndr_     squid   (25 110  )?11:39
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binary2k2!ru | Alndr_11:40
ubotuAlndr_:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke11:40
milaksIs there any way for adept-notifier (without meariage proposals) ?11:40
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cpk1like i said, hold and i think there is something stronger than that too11:40
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cpk1nevermindkeep is the weak one and hold is the strong one11:41
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cpk1there is also forbidversion11:42
cpk1but what i think you want milaks is hold11:42
milakscpk1: I don't understand you, unless youre jocking. When I open adept-notifier list, in package menu there isnt "*hol*" option?11:43
binary2k2or uninstall the package and install with make install11:43
cpk1milaks: you need to do it via command line11:43
cpk1aptitude hold packagename11:43
binary2k2cpk1: will that work on adept?11:43
=== binary2k2 uses synaptic
milaksLet me try it... but before that, how can I reeanble upgrades for that package?11:44
binary2k2milaks: aptitude unhold package11:44
milaksOk, thanks, I'll try that...11:44
milaksHm, the adept-notifier icon is still on panel.11:46
binary2k2milaks: do you still have the source compiled?11:46
milaksyes I do11:46
binary2k2milaks: why not uninstall the package with adept, then just "sudo make install" in the source and adept won't know it's installed or updateable11:47
milakseh, I've installed it using checkinstall... what you propose is somewhat "dirty" way  :)11:48
cpk1after holding it do aptitude update and see if it goes away11:49
binary2k2try that then :P11:49
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Jucatomilaks: did you remove the old KDevelop before you installed the checkinstalled version?11:49
cpk1if that doesnt make it go away then there is always trying to pin it i guess11:50
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milakscpk1: I did that and even restarter the panel but the icon is still there.11:50
Jucatomilaks: try to sudo apt-get update11:51
milaksJucato: Yes, I've removed the old kdevelop package and installed with checkinstall, the new one.11:51
cpk1well i think you might be able to pin it but i never really looked into pinning packages that much11:51
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milaksJucato: No. It's still there.11:51
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milaksNothing, I'll dirty old verified `make install` way.11:56
cpk1look into "pinning"11:57
Jucatonoooooh :)11:58
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milaksUh, I've tried to do "upgrade" anyway, to se just waht happens, but it broke, icon disappeard, and now in adept_manager I see that kdevelop package is marked as "BROKEN (installed) BROKEN (no change)" with red color.11:59
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milaksNow, there is only "request install" option, not "request uninstall".12:01
milaksHow can I focefully remove it?12:01
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Jucatotry sudo apt-get -f install?12:02
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milaksYes it worked.12:03
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bxnphi i was wondering is it possible to boot from an usb stick, while the bios is not supporting that12:03
milaksIt returned the things like they were.12:03
bxnpis there a way maybe via a floppy12:04
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milaksAnds now I'll brutaly uninstall it and install the new version with make install ;)12:04
milaksThanks for your help and effort guys.12:04
binary2k2bxnp: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB12:04
bxnpthanks binary2k2 let me check12:05
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benjaminkipplease anyone could help me how to use gtalk in kubuntu12:28
binary2k2benjaminkip: kopete supports google talk, it uses the jabber protocal12:30
benjaminkipyeah! thanks12:30
benjaminkipbut I wonder if I have kopete12:30
benjaminkipyeah I have it12:30
binary2k2its installed by default, under internet12:30
benjaminkipyeah that true12:30
draremhere i sit broken-hearted, i came to dump but only g-parted12:31
benjaminkipbut only icq, msn, yahoo, and other12:31
benjaminkipdear binary2k2 which one shall i click for gtalk on kopete12:31
binary2k2benjaminkip: gtalk uses jabber12:31
draremi'm trying to include a php file into html, when i pull up the html file i don't see the php stuff12:32
binary2k2benjaminkip: http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google+Talk+support will help12:32
drarem<?php include ('test.php'); ?>12:32
draremit's right after the body tag12:32
benjaminkipoic... let me try12:34
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draremnm, think i need a htaccess file12:35
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benjaminkipthank you binary2k212:36
benjaminkiphave  a good day12:36
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binary2k2your welcome benjaminkip12:36
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Bubba_GumpIs there a way to download youtube videos, and then convert them to AVI's?12:38
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Bubba_GumpThere's some brilliant Aldous Huxley videos that I'd like to add to my collection12:38
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binary2k2Bubba_Gump: try searching in firefox extentions: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/extensions/12:40
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benjaminkipoh, Binary2k2 r u still there12:44
benjaminkipoh thanks12:44
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benjaminkipcan we also use skype?12:44
binary2k2you can install the package from a plf archive12:46
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binary2k2or if ubuntu bot knows?12:46
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype  -  To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto12:46
benjaminkipplf archive what is that12:46
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binary2k2see that 1st link12:46
binary2k2!plf | benjaminkip12:47
ubotubenjaminkip: PLF is the Penguin Liberation Front. For more info see: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf. PLF is down indefinitely pending a new maintainer; see http://plf.zarb.org/. see also !seveas12:47
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benjaminkipthanks but I am not sure how to install..12:49
benjaminkipi hope you don mind teaching me please binary2k212:49
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binary2k2benjaminkip: if you look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype#head-693284b80e50a26ec5779f4c5fa08519e0796b1d12:50
binary2k2benjaminkip: it shows you how to install12:50
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benjaminkipI am actually just beginning to use this Kubuntu and I am very interested in this so12:51
benjaminkiptrying to learn much12:51
ragplease anyone use kppp? it say me "modem is busy" always on a laptop12:51
binary2k2benjaminkip: add the source to your sources.list and install it with Adept/Synaptic or from the command line12:51
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raggood morning! with wvdial is ok, modem works :)12:52
=== binary2k2 has broadband, so can't help rag
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Cuddles_Laptopmorning all.12:56
Cuddles_Laptopi'm still having one little problem.12:56
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binary2k2Cuddles_Laptop: and what's the problam?12:57
Cuddles_Laptoprunning edgy on a dell latitude laptop, with a gigabit wireless card [r818x driver] , and wireless will -not- auto-start.12:58
binary2k2ahh, i know nothing about wireless, sorry12:58
Cuddles_Laptopi have to run kwireless, and then do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart to get an ip assignment.12:58
larson9999in edgy should i be booting to -common instead of -686?12:58
binary2k2you mean generic, and I don't know12:59
crimsunthat's up to you.12:59
=== Cuddles_Laptop has to travel in 2 hours... needing a solution -now-
larson9999errr, yeah.12:59
crimsunI use -generic currently12:59
binary2k2make sure you have linux-restricted-modules and try asking in #ubuntu12:59
larson9999crimsun: i don't see a -686.12:59
crimsunif you don't notice anything odd, you can stick with -38612:59
crimsunlarson9999: because -generic subsumes it.01:00
crimsun-386 is 486-tuned; -generic is 586-tuned01:00
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crimsun-generic also has SMP support01:00
lupulhello there01:00
binary2k2generic is good most01:00
larson9999crimsun: oh wondered because -generic won't boot for some reason.  just hangs01:00
binary2k2works well on my intel401:00
lupulcan anyone tell me pls how to install a new splash screen01:00
lupulon edgy01:01
binary2k2lupul: the KDE splash screen, or the boot-up splah?01:01
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lupulwait. one of them i resolverd in the kcontrol menu01:02
binary2k2lupul:  K-Menu -> Syetem Settings -> Splash -> Add01:03
lupuland the other one? the boot one01:03
binary2k2!usplah | lupul01:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usplah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:03
binary2k2lupul: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto see this01:04
lupulwell...  i'll manage someway01:04
lupuli'm new on linux so it's hard01:04
binary2k2that link will help01:04
lupulk. thanks01:04
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before the login screen appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto01:04
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benjaminkipwhat is sudo?? Please01:06
binary2k2!sudo | benjaminkip01:06
ubotubenjaminkip: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:06
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Lotharok i have run dhclient to get my self an ip. i have to manualy edit /etc/resolv.conf to put in my DNS servers as they are not automaticly given out by my router. Is there some way to turn dhclient off or make it so that it dont overwrite the Dns servers01:10
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ragsomeone use kppp ?01:14
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BluesKajHowdy all !:)01:14
ragalways on several computers kppp say me "modem is busy"01:15
ragalways on several computers kppp say me "modem is busy" , but wvdial its work and i can browse01:15
binary2k2Lothar: you need to edit /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf; look at "man dhclient.conf"01:15
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ArmedGeekrag: are you sure you have the right device selected in kppp01:15
ragArmedGeek: yeah01:16
ragArmedGeek: with wvdial works withou problems01:17
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ArmedGeekdunno.  i don't use either.01:17
ragArmedGeek: is necessary other commands or options in kppp?01:18
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deathplanterhiya guys01:18
deathplanterim missing first-run assistant in kubuntu's kde01:18
deathplanterwhere can i find it?01:18
ragArmedGeek: i do only user pwd, choose modem and pulse connect01:18
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ArmedGeekrag: if you're havine modem busy problems, 1) check that no other devices are using the modem, 2) check that kppp is attempting to use the correct device01:19
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ArmedGeekrag: use kppp's query modem button01:19
deathplantercould anyone tell me what app is responsible for kde's first run assistant?01:19
Lotharbinary2k2: thanks man all solved now01:20
ragArmedGeek: this button say me01:20
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ragArmedGeek: busy :(01:20
binary2k2Lothar: great :D01:20
ragArmedGeek: i tested it all morning01:20
ArmedGeektry the other devices01:20
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ragArmedGeek: i test it on 4 computers01:22
ragArmedGeek: kppp have a problems on modem is busy01:23
ArmedGeekdunno then.  i don't use it.01:23
ragArmedGeek: do you know other ppp gui?01:23
ragArmedGeek: i need it for a friend on village01:24
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ArmedGeekno.  i don't use a ppp gui01:24
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BluesKajpop3 rag?01:25
ArmedGeekppp, not pop301:25
BluesKajwhat's ppp?01:26
ArmedGeekpoint-to-point protocol.  dialup.01:26
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ragBluesKaj: point to point01:26
JucatoI was about to say Peer to Peer :P01:26
BluesKajpop then ?01:26
Jucatoit's not only for dial up. there's also PPPoE and PPPoA :)01:26
ragJucato: pppoe ethernet, pppoa analogic01:27
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benjaminkipdeb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free01:27
benjaminkipThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.01:27
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benjaminkipbinary2k2 ru there01:28
benjaminkipI think Imess up something01:28
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binary2k2benjaminkip: try replaceing that line with "deb http://mrpouit.free.fr/plf-fallback edgy-plf free non-free"01:29
ia1da08\j redondela01:29
benjaminkipno i can not even open up the adept01:30
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binary2k2benjaminkip: press alt-F2 , then type "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list"01:31
binary2k2benjaminkip: change it in there01:31
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ragArmedGeek: its a problem because "modem is busy" it appear me quickly , on pulse connect or query modem01:31
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ubuntuhow do I mount my hard drives from the livecd?01:32
ArmedGeekrag: i *still* dunno.01:32
ubuntui'm trying stuff like sudo mount /dev/hdb01:32
ubuntubut it's not working01:32
ubuntuany ideas?01:32
benjaminkipsome thing came up01:32
benjaminkipwhat is that01:33
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BluesKajBRB , gonna reset the router01:33
guidenI need some help with a driver I've installed. I have downloaded this driver http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html and it's in rpm01:33
guidenI've downloaded*01:33
binary2k2kate is a text editor, you can remove the line "deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free"01:33
binary2k2benjaminkip: ^^01:33
ragArmedGeek: np, thanks!01:34
binary2k2benjaminkip: and replace it with "deb http://mrpouit.free.fr/plf-fallback edgy-plf free non-free"01:34
guidenhow do I convert it to deb?01:34
binary2k2benjaminkip: then save it01:34
binary2k2!alien | guiden01:34
ubotuguiden: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:34
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guidendamn you ubotu01:35
binary2k2ubuntu: what error do you get?01:35
benjaminkipbinary2k2 I jsut saved it already01:35
milaksHello again. I've saved profile in Konqueror so it always shows "hidden" files (all directories and files in / direcory), but when I need to open, shose or save something in some other KDE application (like Kdevelop) I always have to right-click and select "Show hidden files". Is there any way to make them all show hidden contentn (all content in /) by default, wihtout the need to first right-click and then select it?01:35
binary2k2benjaminkip: open up adept, fetch the package list (refresh button) and search for skype01:36
benjaminkipi can not open adept01:36
binary2k2benjaminkip: what error do you get?01:36
benjaminkipThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.01:37
binary2k2!hidden | milaks01:37
benjaminkipI am getting this error01:37
ubotumilaks: Kubuntu Edgy has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles01:37
ubuntuhey, does anybody know how to mount hadr drives w/ a kubuntu live cd?01:37
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binary2k2ubuntu: what error do you get?01:37
Malicianmy problem is that there's nothing listed in the fstab01:37
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MalicianI try sudo mount /dev/hda1 and it says it doesn't exist in the fstab01:37
binary2k2ubuntu: you need to put a mount point after, like sudo mount /dev/hda /media/hda01:38
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binary2k2ubuntu: you need to create the mount point first01:38
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binary2k2benjaminkip: open Konsole, K-menu -> System -> Konsole01:39
Malicianokay, done01:39
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binary2k2benjaminkip: type this in:01:39
Maliciani'm trying to figure out what my sata drive is listed as01:39
binary2k2benjaminkip: sudo apt-get update01:39
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ArmedGeekMalician: probably sda01:39
Malicianw00t, done01:39
binary2k2Malician: try sudo fdisl -l01:40
Maliciansda2, actually! at least i know my data's safe01:40
Maliciannow if i could only figure out how to get past the kubuntu install bug01:40
Maliciani'd be just fine01:40
binary2k2Malician:  you need to put a mount point after, like sudo mount /dev/hda /media/hda , after creating the directory01:40
Malicianyeah, got that working01:40
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Maliciani'm so happy to see all my data still alive01:41
binary2k2Malician: if the live CD installer won't work for you, try the alternate cd01:41
ragArmedGeek: i installed knet and same error, but with other words! :) unable to create modem lock file.01:41
ArmedGeekMalician: well even if it wasn't i'm *sure* you have backups ... right ?01:41
ragArmedGeek: google...01:41
binary2k2!alternate | Malician01:42
ubotuMalician: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:42
benjaminkipbinary2k2 i got back my adept manager01:42
binary2k2benjaminkip: you should find skype in there now01:42
ArmedGeekrag: er, i guess if the user doesn't have perms to create a lockfile then it might report "busy"01:42
benjaminkipnow I am little scare to try another.. but I am ready to try again01:42
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ragArmedGeek: is possible yeah, i looking just now01:43
ArmedGeekrag: there is a dialup/ppp/modem group that your user should be added to01:43
ArmedGeekcan't think of the name of the group01:43
ArmedGeekrag: but if you check /etc/group it should jump out at you01:43
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binary2k2benjaminkip: migrating to kubuntu (or linux in general), can be a culture shock, but you'll get used to it and wounder how you got along without it :p01:44
binary2k2ArmedGeek: i think it's called "dialup"01:44
Malicianbash: cd: Documents/: Permission denied01:44
Malicianhow do I get past this?01:44
ArmedGeekrag: check for a "dialup" group01:44
ArmedGeekbinary2k2: i think that's it01:44
Malicianas I can't log into root on ubuntu? when I use "sudo cd Documents"01:45
Malicianit says it can't find the command01:45
benjaminkipyeah I guess so.. everything is different...01:45
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ArmedGeekbenjaminkip: yeah, windows got everything wrong ;)01:45
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binary2k2Malician: 1st un-mount the drive, (sudo umount /dev/sda2), then remount with "sudo mount /dev/sda2 /where/you/mount/it -o uid=ubuntu"01:46
binary2k2Malician: or just "sudo su - "01:46
ragArmedGeek: not exist dialup, modem or ppp, which is?01:47
MalicianAh, Thanks!01:47
binary2k2rag, ArmedGeek: group is dialout01:48
guidenhow do I remove my old ati grapic drivers completely, I want to install a new driver from ati01:48
binary2k2guiden: how did you install it?01:49
ragbinary2k2: sure?01:49
guidenI followed the guide in ubuntu w801:49
binary2k2rag: it's the only group with "dial" in it01:49
ragbinary2k2: uhm but it have my user and cupsys01:50
guidenI followed that one01:50
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binary2k2guiden: which version? edgy, dapper etc?01:51
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binary2k2guiden: if you installed ir with "apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx" then it should auto update01:53
ArmedGeekrag: dialout ?01:53
ragArmedGeek: i dont know i going out now, thx for all01:54
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guidenBut I found this one http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux64/linux64-radeon.html, it's specifik to my amd64 and to my ati radeon  980001:55
guidenand their guide says I should remove my old driver01:55
binary2k2guiden: then just "sudo apt-get --purge remove xorg-driver-fglrx"01:56
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BluesKajanyone use graphics utilities to remove "redeyes" from photos, and if so, which one works best ?02:06
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icheyneBluesKaj, picasa works fine02:10
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icheyneBluesKaj, gimp is OK, but it is not as easy as it should be02:11
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BluesKajicheyne, yeah i need some thing simple ...gimp is too much like photoshop... more than I need and too difficult to understand02:13
icheynewell Picasa is nice - but slow on old machines02:13
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icheyneI have not found a simple Linux photo editor yet02:14
icheynenative Linux that is02:14
alexiconkrita is ok02:14
BluesKaj<---machine AMD64 , 2Ghz , 1G Ram...should be fine02:14
icheyneI thought krita was a paint program?02:14
icheyneBluesKaj, yes you'll be fine02:14
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icheynelooks like I was wrong about Krita - probably worth a try02:15
alexiconits a bit different to use.. but its got all the basic features02:16
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alexicon13% mem tho.. dunno if youre saving much compared to using gimp02:16
icheyneit's usability that's the problem with the gimp02:17
icheynemy favourite image editor is photofiltre, but it's windows - I have heard it runs nicely on Wine02:18
icheynesimple, quick and easy02:18
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alexiconyeah this krita is kinda like old photoshop 6 or something02:19
alexiconnot all the right click options of gimp02:19
alexiconeverything is in the menu bar02:19
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VSpikeDoes anyone else find that switching users in Kubuntu Edgy is kind of unreliable?03:00
XVampireXIt's rather nice and to the point03:01
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binary2k2it's being worked on for KDE4, to make it better03:04
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fragragIs there anyway of making each desktop having it's own bar?03:06
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binary2k2fragrag: what do you mean?03:07
fragragUnderneath the main screen, there is a bar with all open program.03:08
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fragragAnyway of giving each desktop it's own panel?03:09
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binary2k2fragrag: you mean show only the windows open on that desktop?03:10
binary2k2fragrag: right click the panel, click on taskbar, and uncheck "Show windows from all desktops"03:10
fragragAhh, yes, thank you very much03:10
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binary2k2no problem :D03:11
fragragEverything is much cleaner now03:12
BluesKajis there a way of editing all the repos sources that don't work without having to comment or delete each one seperately? ...seems like some repos ahve gone south on me03:12
binary2k2BluesKaj: you can use Adept to "disable" them03:13
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BluesKajsuch as this Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-backports/Release Unable to find expected entry  multivers/source/Sources in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)03:13
VSpikeXVampireX: you don't find that sometimes it fails and you end up with a blank screen?03:16
BluesKajbinary2k2, that's what i'm trying to avoid ..individual repos editing ...looks like i have about 20 or so that are either dupes or don't work anymore03:16
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VSpikeXVampireX: Must be something peculiar to mine... better look into it.  I find it's worth asking -- sometimes there's no point trying to make something work because it just fundamentally doesn't work very well :)03:17
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binary2k2BluesKaj: I don't think there is an "easy" way to mass disable them03:18
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XVampireXVSpike: You mean switching PEOPLE to Kubuntu Edgy or switching Users in Kubuntu Edgy?03:19
VSpikeI mean switching between users - i.e. starting new sessions, or switching sessions03:20
XVampireXbinary2k2: Yes there is, adept or some text editor and comment them lines03:20
BluesKajbinary2k2, yeah gonna manually edit them out03:20
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BluesKajppl misunderstand so easily03:20
XVampireXVSpike: I'm running as my main user (Not root), so I don't know about that :P03:20
VSpikeXVampireX: ah.. well, my wife and I both use this box, so it's useful to switch users03:21
binary2k2XVampireX: that's what he wated to avoid03:21
JucatoVSpike: K Menu -> Switch User?03:21
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VSpikeXVampireX: used to do it under XP all the time, and mostly it worked although if your box was gonna crash, that's when it would do it :)03:21
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VSpikeJucato: yep03:22
Frederickfolks where does the system hides knetworkconf after it is installed?03:22
pelle_Can somebody help me a little03:22
XVampireXBluesKaj: Don't use the computer then, the computer doesn't know what you want it to do.03:22
Frederickpelle_: just ask03:22
abattoirFrederick: i think it goes into kcontrol03:22
abattoirFrederick: where did you get it from? kde-apps?03:22
XVampireXDon't ask to ask, just ask ;)03:23
pelle_I'm dual booting Windows, but I'm sick of it, so I wanna go all Kubuntu, but I can't figure out how to make the partition to fill up the whole hard drive03:23
Frederickabattoir: I just apt-get it03:23
abattoirFrederick: 'This is a KDE control center module to configure TCP/IP settings.'03:23
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Frederickabattoir: oki so?03:24
abattoirFrederick: from 'apt-cache show knetworkconf'...03:24
FrederickI need it03:24
abattoirso look in kcontrol03:24
Fredericknot listed should I re-start x or something like that?03:24
VSpikepelle_: what size partitions do you have at the moment?03:24
abattoirFrederick: Alt+F2->kcontro->Internet & Network03:24
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abattoirFrederick: i don't think that's necessary03:24
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pelle_for windows I have 150gb, and for Linux Ive got 50gb03:24
abattoirFrederick: Alt+F2->kcontrol->Internet & Network03:25
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pelle_but my Windows broke and im sick of it03:25
Frederickabattoir: not listed03:25
binary2k2Frederick: use K-Menu -> System Settings03:25
pelle_and I dont use it anyways03:25
VSpikepelle_: there's no particular need to change the partitions.  You could just format the windows partition as ext3 and mount it into the filesystem03:25
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Frederickbinary2k2: than I can find the kcontrol entry either03:25
pelle_can I do that from Linux?03:26
pelle_cause windows is broken03:26
abattoirFrederick: i think it's 'Network Configuration' or 'Network Settings'03:26
Frederickoh oki03:26
Frederickso it is there not as I wantred but it is there03:26
binary2k2Frederick: kcontrol was replaced with System Settings in kubuntu, but kcontrol is still installed, just the command03:26
abattoirFrederick: what's it called?03:26
VSpikepelle_: yeah, you can03:27
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VSpikepelle_: is your windows partition mounted in linux03:28
pelle_i dont think so03:28
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pelle_how can I tell?03:29
pelle_and how do I format it?03:30
Frederickabattoir: knetworkconf?03:30
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VSpikepelle_: you should be able to use Krusader in root mode03:32
VSpikepelle_: go to Tools->Mountman03:32
pelle_wheres that?03:33
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VSpiketry "sudo krusader &" in a shell03:33
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pelle_doesnt ope03:34
pelle_oh, I didnt have it03:35
pelle_Im installing it03:35
Frederickabattoir: knetworkconf03:35
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pelle_k i got it03:44
pelle_so how do I format?03:44
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pelle_VSpike_:  I found MountMan03:46
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pelle_VSpike, although I can't find the hard drive, just the 50 gb partition03:47
abattoirFrederick: oh, ok, but i was asking for the Entry in kcontrol ;)03:48
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pvandewyngaerdeis there a good network layout scheme-maker for linux ?03:51
binary2k2pvandewyngaerde: kivio can make flowcharts, which is good for making network layouts03:53
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pvandewyngaerdehas it network symbols ?? like for routers and stuff ?03:54
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binary2k2dunnow, have only heared others use it for that03:55
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ninHeri need some advice with a curious problem about my graphics03:59
ninHerin my desktop, or my pics the black colour it is showed badly ...04:00
ninHerand disrupt the pic or the desktop04:00
ninHerif i send some pic trough e-mail the receiver doesn't notice this04:01
ninHerso it must be a problem with my graphics04:01
ninHerany idea ?04:01
BluesKajsounds like a monitor setting adjustment04:01
ninHeruhm, may be04:02
=== ninHer having a glance to it
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mefisto__how do I migrate my current kubuntu install to a new hard drive? will it work if I format/partition the new drive and just copy the files over?04:14
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binary2k2mefisto__: yeah, but you need to change /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst to reflect the change04:16
BluesKajya gotta use a linux equivalent to Norton Ghost04:16
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binary2k2the gparted disk will do the copy04:16
mefisto__binary2k2: is that all I need to do? just those 2 files?04:17
binary2k2!gparted | BluesKaj04:17
ubotuBluesKaj: gparted is a GUI partitioning program, "apt-get install gparted", also available as a live cd http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php04:17
BluesKajyes i use GParted all the time ...i thought he was taliking about a new box04:17
binary2k2mefisto__: yeah, they're the only file that are needed to boot04:18
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mefisto__so I don't need to install grub on the new drive or anything? just copy everything over?04:19
BluesKajI used GParted to split the hdd into two 80G partitions ...dual boot with windoze04:19
binary2k2the k,ubuntu live cd has gparted too iirc04:19
binary2k2well, the kubuntu one has qtparted04:20
BluesKajQParted ... not as useful04:20
binary2k2the kubuntu one is updated from the stock one, much better than it was04:21
mefisto__so no need to reinstall grub?04:21
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binary2k2mefisto__: depends on what you're doing with the original hard disk04:22
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mefisto__I want to replace the original with a new, larger one04:22
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BluesKajbinary2k2, can't a mirror be made of the old drive and transferrred to the new one ?04:25
mefisto__currently my first hd is windows, kubuntu is on a separate hd, that I want to replace. Do I need to reinstall grub so the windows disk accesses the new kubuntu disk properly to boot?04:26
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BluesKajraid stripe ?04:28
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binary2k2BluesKaj: sorry, call center was tryin to sell me a phone :P04:28
BluesKajhehe, hungup i hope04:29
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binary2k2BluesKaj: yeah :D04:29
binary2k2mefisto__: copy the drive, and reinstall grub, but make sure to change fstab if you're keeping the other harddrive in the same posittion04:30
binary2k2as IDE primary master04:30
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BluesKaji got a spam phone call from scholar's choice yesterday...don't even have enuff respect for potential customers to use a real person to pitch their marketing campaign04:31
mefisto__ok, thanks binary2k204:31
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BluesKajif you have trouble with grub , there's a MBR called GAG that rescued my windows MBR after reformatting the parition over Suse04:33
BluesKajXP and w2k , other windows can be rescue by FDSK/MBR04:34
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BluesKajXP doesn't have a dos option ... typical MS oversight04:35
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binary2k2you have to do it from the XP recure disk04:36
BluesKajyeah , my rescue disk didn't work cuz the rescue partiton on the HDD was erased04:37
BluesKajall the rescue disk does is boot into the rescue partition04:37
binary2k2mine was on the diak too, now kubuntu is in its place :D04:37
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BluesKajI still have windows on my machine , cuz there are some things I'm not secure doing with edgy. Mostly video conversionand multimedia stuff04:39
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binary2k2i keep a spair xp box, but mostly use vmware04:40
binary2k2if at all04:40
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guidenI need to keep track of the temperature on my computer, is there a nice temp program for kde?04:42
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binary2k2ksensors ?04:44
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binary2k2guiden: or ktemperature04:44
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berkesonce you have clicked the "never for this site" button, when prompted to "store passwords" in konq,04:45
berkesis there a way to re-set that?04:45
guidenok thanks04:45
guidenwhat's the normal temp for a computer?04:45
binary2k2guiden: depends totaly on your hardware04:46
binary2k2guiden: google is your friend here04:46
kai_when ever I try to build my amarok collection it skips thru my mp3's what can I do?04:47
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Jucatokai_: do you have "libxine-extracodecs" installed?04:48
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kai_when I looked in my package managers I couldn't find it04:49
kai_where can I get it?04:49
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Jucatokai_: you need to enable multiverse first04:49
Jucato!multiverse | kai_04:49
ubotukai_: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:49
_marcioportuguese here?04:50
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.04:50
kai_wow, I didn't know I had to all that04:50
_marciois join?04:50
Jucatokai_: not all that. just the section about adding Multiverse04:50
binary2k2_marcio: type /join #ubutnu-pr04:50
kai_oh, theres more04:50
_marciook thank you04:51
HawkwindOr /join #Ubuntu-PT instead of PR04:51
_marciois my first day here04:51
kai_what else do I need to do04:51
binary2k2damn typos04:51
_marcioand using ubunto04:51
Jucatoor just click on the #ubuntu-pt word04:51
Jucatokai_: after you enabled it, you can search for libxine-extracodecs in Adept04:51
binary2k2_marcio: click on the blue channel name04:51
_marciook np04:52
kai_right this second, im tryin to upgrade to 6.10 from 6.0604:53
kai_I'd figure that would help04:53
Jucato!upgrade | kai_04:54
ubotukai_: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)04:54
kai_I ran the commands for that04:54
binary2k2kai_: you mean help with mp3 support?04:54
kai_Im just waiting for the downloads and stuff04:54
kai_that and I would like to have the latest version04:54
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binary2k2kai_: it's the same process on edgy for installing mp3 support04:55
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binary2k2kai_: unless you upgrade with it already installed04:55
_marcioiam search for this channel04:55
_marciofly for fun04:55
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_marciois a game04:55
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BluesKajkai_, try www.imbrandon.com for the latest amarok repository04:56
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houssemcan anyone help me to have the 3D acceleration ?? i have an ATI X700 graphic card05:00
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binary2k2!xgl | houssem05:01
ubotuhoussem: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - Help in #ubuntu-xgl - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems05:01
binary2k2follow that guide05:01
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trappist!ati | houssem05:02
ubotuhoussem: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:02
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palvarezepale soy nueva en linux necesito ayuda, tengo un problema con k3b05:03
HawkwindHah, don't think he wants XGL quite yet :)05:03
palvarezno me quiere copiar05:03
Hawkwindpalvarez: English please05:03
trappist!es | palvarez05:03
ubotupalvarez: Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendrn mas ayuda.05:03
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blind_can i get some help in installing beryl ??? this page is down http://wiki.beryl-project.org/index.php05:16
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binary2k2blind_: look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl05:19
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blind_how do i install i915 driver on edgy ???05:22
binary2k2blind_: it's already installed05:24
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blind_what's gksudo ??05:28
Jucato!gksudo | blind_05:28
ubotublind_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using "sudo <GUI-application>"05:28
Jucatokdesu | blind_05:28
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo05:28
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blind_what's better beryl or compiz ????05:34
binary2k2don't really know, but berly is easier to install on kubuntu05:35
fdoving!beryl | blind_05:35
ubotublind_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl05:35
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=== binary2k2 can't type today fore some reason
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babob4722there is no way to play mp3's is there?05:42
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binary2k2!mp3 | babob472205:43
ubotubabob4722: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
binary2k2babob4722: answer: yes, there is05:43
Jucatoin Edgy, it's even easier. just try to play an MP3 in Amarok and a script will run which will let you easily install the needed codec05:44
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Gh0st75yeah, noticed that when i went from dapper to edgy, was pretty sweet05:45
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Jucatothey have plans to make such things easier in Feisty, afaik05:45
Jucatothey started with MP3's and Flash in Edgy05:46
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BluesKajhaving trouble with quicktime video in FF and konq .... any ideas?05:50
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curbBluesKaj: cant u use mplayer plugin for ff?05:53
PupenoRAny ideas why Aptitude wants to remove kdelibs when I have kubuntu-desktop installed and it is not being removed.05:53
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aibThe various Qt packages don't include the .la library files, but the SoQt package does. Does anyone have any information about this? It seems to be problematic.06:00
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HelgeI would like to remove the router and then I would be without a firewall. What are the consequences?06:03
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blind_can i get some repositories for beryl ... the ones on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl are down06:04
Jucato!beryl | blind_06:05
ubotublind_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-xgl06:05
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binary2k2blind_: i use "deb http://3v1n0.tuxfamily.org edgy beryl-svn"06:06
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blind_can i get some repositories for beryl ... the ones on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/InstallingBeryl are down06:06
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RobNyc[] is there anyway i can have my kde like this http://picasaweb.google.com/jmarrero06:07
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Jucatoblind_: people in #ubuntu-xgl might know better06:07
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notechRobNyc[] : you mean the color scheme?06:13
RobNyc[] no06:13
RobNyc[] everything06:13
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PupenoRAny ideas why Aptitude wants to remove kdelibs when I have kubuntu-desktop installed and it is not being removed.06:19
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BluesKajorphaned libs ?06:20
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notechRobNyc[] : not sure of the theme of the red 'jewel' in the task bar suggests beryl06:21
notechbut the red...06:21
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RobNyc[] yea but the kde menu and all that stuff without beryl06:22
PupenoRBluesKaj: is that to me ?06:23
notechRobNyc[] : oh, sorry. i'm not very familiar with kde06:24
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PupenoReven the package kde is being uninstalled.06:25
notechRobNyc[] : might check kde-look.org to see if it's a certain theme or style06:25
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notechPupeno: what were you doing in aptitude?06:26
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PupenoRnotech: cleaning up, I marked all packages as auto and then marked kubuntu-desktop as non-auto, it should have marked all dependencies as needed, but it didn't.06:27
LordOlliecould some one remind me of the command that opened a dialog to install a theme06:28
sorinhello everybody06:28
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sorinbah oameni care stiti romina?06:29
PupenoRoh, kubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on kde.06:30
livingdaylightapokryphos: ping06:30
JucatoLordOllie: a .kth theme?06:30
sorinnu mai este vorba de limba romina06:30
LordOlliejucato: yeah, you told me last night06:30
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JucatoLordOllie: Alt+F2, kcontrol?06:30
Jucatosorin: English please06:30
LordOlliejucato, thanks I made a note of that now :)06:31
LordOlliethat last theme I got was horrible06:32
sorinwho know romanian language?06:32
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LordOllieanyone know if there is a kth file for the mac osx theme?06:34
Jucatomight want to check out something called Baghira06:35
sorinfor romanian?06:35
livingdaylightCan someone explain to me why i have xine Movie player twice in my Menu?? and moreover how i can delete one of the entries06:36
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gnomefreakits kwin-baghira :)06:37
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livingdaylightalso i'm looking for an application which facilitates easy printing. One that allows selection of a number of default sizes There is such an application called GnomePhotoPrinter i wonder if there is a KDE equivalent06:38
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cossidhonAnyone knows where to find a package of kaffeine 0.8.3 for edgy?06:46
LordOllieisn't installed auotmatically?06:46
Jucatono. Edgy only has 0.8.206:47
cossidhonEh, no edgy has 0.8.2 and I apt-get update daily06:47
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livingdaylightCan someone explain to me why i have xine Movie player twice in my Menu?? and moreover how i can delete one of the entries06:50
livingdaylightalso i'm looking for an application which facilitates easy printing. One that allows selection of a number of default sizes There is such an application called GnomePhotoPrinter i wonder if there is a KDE equivalent06:50
PupenoRcossidhon: maybe you can get it from edgy+1 according to http://pupeno.com/blog-en/unstable-packages-on-ubuntu/06:50
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: if you ask one question at a time you might have more luck.06:50
PupenoRlivingdaylight: right-click on the K lets you edit the menu.06:51
livingdaylightthx, PupenoR, why did it give me two entries for Xine MOvie player? this is bizzare. Can i trust Edgy? I am feeling very very nervous when weird things like this happen06:54
cossidhonPupenoR: Thanks for that link, Do I understand that I get the source from Feisty to build on edgy? Why then nog download the source from kaffeine site?06:55
livingdaylightPupenoR: why do you think i would have more luck if i asked only one question? maybe someone knows the answer to one but not the other...06:55
livingdaylightAnyone using Feisty yet?06:56
RobNychow can i restart kicker?06:56
=== livingdaylight is serioulsy considering going back to Dapper
livingdaylighteven if it is  not the latest06:56
livingdaylighti'm looking for an application which facilitates easy printing. One that allows selection of a number of default sizes There is such an application called GnomePhotoPrinter i wonder if there is a KDE equivalent06:56
JucatoRobNyc: Alt+F2, "dcop kicker kicker restart"06:56
livingdaylightJucato: hi, how are you?06:57
RobNycthanks Jucato06:57
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Jucatolivingdaylight: doing fine... a bit... :)06:57
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PupenoRcossidhon: you are not just downloading the sources of kaffeine, you are downloading the sources of the kaffeine package wich has the kaffeine sources and some more to build a package.06:57
PupenoRlivingdaylight: people tend to work on one issue at a time, particularly when doing just voluntary work.06:58
cossidhonPupenoR: OK, thanks, i'll look into that. Another route would be to request a backport :-)06:58
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livingdaylightPupenoR: what are you on about??06:58
RobNycJucato, now my kde looks like this http://picasaweb.google.com/jmarrero06:59
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PupenoRcossidhon: yes, but for that you'll have to wait. With my solution you'll have the package in half an hour or less. The backport might even be denied (the ones I asked for were denied).06:59
Jucatogood for you06:59
PupenoRcossidhon: and my solution is pretty safe, if it doesn't work just remove the package.06:59
PupenoRlivingdaylight: I don't have a clue why you have two entries, maybe a re-install or an upgrade of a package not so well packaged or some other bug somewhere else. Right-clicking in the K you can edit the menu, delete it and that's it.07:00
cossidhonPupenoR: OK, thanks, I will try this :-)07:00
livingdaylightPupenoR: thx, for the right-click K prompt07:01
zorglu_RobNyc: which os/kde are you running to get this kmenu ?07:01
PupenoRyou are welcome.07:01
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livingdaylightRobNyc: dude, you are masterful. That looks like SUSE SLED07:01
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RobNyczorglu_, Kubuntu Edgy07:03
RobNyclivingdaylight, yes07:03
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zorglu_what is this vlos stuff, i looked at their web site and they dont say07:04
livingdaylightRobNyc: how did you give it the SLED look?07:04
zorglu_just that 'vlos is a fantastic way to get the best software' :))))))))07:04
livingdaylightwhat is VLOS?07:04
Jucatoanother distro07:05
zorglu_Jucato: ok thanks07:05
RobNyclivingdaylight, www.distrowatch.com/VLOS on irc #vlos07:05
livingdaylightJucato: I thought he said it was kubuntu07:05
RobNyclivingdaylight, I got that look on my kubuntu now07:05
livingdaylightRobNyc: i thought you said kubuntu07:05
JucatoI think he meant his Kubuntu looks like that now07:06
livingdaylighthow many os's has this guy got?07:06
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RobNycwhos this guy ?07:06
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RobNycthat link is what the KDE on VLOS looks like.. and its Default now.. but I got that look on my Kubuntu Edgy because I know the vlos guys07:07
livingdaylightRobNyc: how did you get teh Sled look done?07:08
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RobNycsome directions is on beryl's site but their site is down07:08
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hmg4Is there some software that i can use with TV-card?07:09
zorglu_RobNyc: you may tell them that their web site make them look as a 'money scam' scheme :) vlos is a fantastic way to get the best software <- this kind of stuff07:09
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livingdaylightwhy have i got a folder on my desktop called cdrom0?07:10
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livingdaylighti ejected cdrom1 and yet i'm left with this folder on m y desktop mnow07:10
zorglu_livingdaylight: because you got a cdrom in your drive ?07:10
RobNyczorglu_, its the only good gentoo based distro surviving bilingual too07:10
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livingdaylightzorglu_: no, i took it out07:11
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livingdaylightRobNyc: Sabayon is quite nice too07:11
zorglu_RobNyc: i didnt comment on the real quality of the distribution, i dont know it, but i comment based on my perception of their web site07:11
RobNyclivingdaylight, well I've used VLOS since 2004 so its been here for a while07:12
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RobNycit's gotten quite a few review (Gentoo done right)07:12
RobNycand now its just better than ever07:12
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zorglu_RobNyc: cool, they just have to find someone to do the website now :)07:13
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livingdaylightcan someone tell me how to rid the blue cdrom0 icon on my desktop07:13
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RobNyczorglu_, u can do it :)07:14
zorglu_no :)07:14
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RobNyczorglu_, http://img106.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1ct9.jpg07:19
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zorglu_i think i should try edgy some days :)07:21
zorglu_at least on livecd :)07:21
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RobNycos[rob@KubuntuPrescott, Linux 2.6.17-10-generic i686] 07:22
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neo_c' nessuno07:23
neo_avrei un problema07:23
neo_i have a problem07:23
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neo_ho fatto l'aggiornamento di kubuntu da 6.06 a 6.10 e ora grub si  aggiornato ma non c' piu windows07:24
Jucato!it | neo_07:24
ubotuneo_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!07:24
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=== livingdaylight running in live cd. Don't know what happened. I changed Monitor resolution clicked on the adminitration tab put my password and now i can't get back into Kubuntu
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FlosoftI have got a problem07:32
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Flosoftwhen I try to use Kiax for VoIP it crashes when I call something07:32
Flosoftmy console says: http://rafb.net/paste/results/1141ij72.html07:32
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PupenoRmost of the 'voip clients' are so crashy.07:33
zorglu_Flosoft: this is kiax specific07:33
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Flosoftit is the default version of Edgy07:34
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hyper_chwhen does the lyrc script in Amarok crash? This happens quite often for me07:35
livingdaylighti can't get into my kubuntu i07:35
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soulriderhi everyone07:37
PupenoRlivingdaylight: can you be more specific ?07:37
Bubba_Gumplivingdaylight: remove the cd ;)07:38
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livingdaylightPupenoR: i'm seriously up the creek here07:38
livingdaylightBubba_Gump: are you making fun of me?07:38
livingdaylightPupenoR: seriously, can you help?07:39
livingdaylighti don't want to have to do another fresh install07:39
Bubba_Gump<livingdaylight>can someone tell me how to rid the blue cdrom0 icon on my desktop (no, just very slow)07:39
PupenoRlivingdaylight: I don't know, if you don't tell us more about the problem.07:39
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livingdaylightBubba_Gump: just have a chocolate mate07:39
Bubba_Gumpheh :D07:39
livingdaylightPupenoR: i told you. i changed my screenresolution and now i can't get back into kubuntu.07:40
Flosoftanyone able to help me with my kiax problem?07:40
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PupenoRFlosoft: it's probably a bug, report it to the kiax devs.07:41
livingdaylightPupenoR: because resolution didn't change i clicked on administration mode and entered passsword.07:41
Flosoftany other IAX client?07:41
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: so, what is going on now.07:41
Flosoftwith a .deb package for edgy?07:41
livingdaylightPupenoR: then i rebooted and couldn't get in07:41
PupenoRlivingdaylight: what does your screen show ?07:42
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livingdaylightPupenoR: dude, i'm in a live cd here, I can NOT get into Kubuntu07:42
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: if you don't tell me what you screen shows when you 'can't get in' I don't know what is going on (I don't even know what "getting in" means).07:43
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PupenoRFlosoft: unfortunately, I boubt it :(07:44
livingdaylightPupenoR: i said everything already. I cannot login! I changed 1280 x ???? to 1024x780 but it wasn't saving so i clicked on admin mode and entered password and rebooted07:44
Flosoftdamn :(07:44
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: no, you haven't say if you see an error and if so what error. You didn't say if you are seeing the loggin screen or not.... and why the heck would you 'reduce' the resolution ?07:45
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livingdaylightPupenoR: it is my busineess why i would chnage resolutoin. I get to login page, enter password like i said but then it returns me to lgon screen07:46
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neo_hello...can you say what utility make the scan of the system bootable?07:46
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neo_this is made with the installer of linux07:46
livingdaylightPupenoR no there is no error message it keeps knocking me back to login page07:46
PupenoRFlosoft: I totally agree with you... I also work in VoIP and it sucks... but it seems there's not a big set of interested people in AIX or SIP clients for Linux at all, let alone specific environments like KDE.07:46
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livingdaylightCan anyone help me here?07:46
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PupenoRFlosoft: I'd love to develop one if I get paid for it. :)07:46
Flosoftwell I can't help you out with that07:47
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livingdaylightCan someone help me get back into Kubuntu?07:47
Dragenwhy can't you get in?07:47
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: basically you've chosen a resolution that doesn't work. I don't know how to get it back because evidently X is configured properly, you see KDM. I am not sure how the resolution is set afterwards.07:47
PupenoRDragen: he changed the resolution to something that doesn't work on a per-user basis.07:47
FlosoftI am just looking for a .deb of an IAX2 Client07:47
Flosoftand kiax crashes :(07:48
Varjat_byHow I can check what Kubuntu version a have installed?07:48
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PupenoRFlosoft: BTW, if you find something that is not in a .deb, checkinstall can help you make a deb easily.07:48
doppelganger_hey guys, i've got a funky problem. I tried to install seti@home a while back, but during part of the installation it tried to connect to the seti servers, but couldn't. Now even when i try to get rid of it, it tries to reach that same server, and won't ever complete. I can't install any packages now because of it being in the way. Any idea how to get it out of the queue to be installed/uninstalled?07:48
livingdaylightPupenoR 1024x768 is a resolution that works07:49
Flosofthmm yeah07:49
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FlosoftI tried to install idefisk, but it has problems with the sound device07:49
PupenoRlivingdaylight: ok, whatever.07:49
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: run this: grep -R "1024x768" /where/you/installed/kubuntu/home/07:51
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: better: grep -R "1024x768" /where/you/installed/kubuntu/home/07:51
PupenoRlivingdaylight: better: grep -R "1024" /where/you/installed/kubuntu/home/07:51
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livingdaylightpuppenoR where i installed kubuntu home?07:52
FlosoftPupenoR: I just opened iaxcomm, but it crashes too07:52
animimotusdoesn't exist a firefox-gnome-support for kde ? ^^07:52
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PupenoRlivingdaylight: yes, you'll have to mount the partition where you installed Kubuntu (/dev/hda1 ? /dev/hda3 ?) somewhere, like /media/kubuntu and then run grep -R "1024" /media/kubuntu/home/, that will show some lines. If you show me that I might be able to tell you how to fix it.07:53
PupenoRFlosoft: I know your strugle, I went thru it less than a month ago.07:54
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FlosoftPupenoR: Any solution?07:54
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PupenoRFlosoft: unfortunately, I haven't found any, but you might be more lucky.07:55
PupenoRFlosoft: the sound problem might be due to arts using /dev/dsp07:55
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wildchildhow do I untar "file"07:55
wildchildif i am in the path that contains "file"07:56
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PupenoRwildchild: tar xvf file.tar07:56
Flosoftafaik it uses ALSA07:56
PupenoRFlosoft: then, just kill arts to see if it works.07:56
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wildchildPupenoR what xvf mean07:56
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PupenoRwildchild: if it is tar.gz, then tar xvfz file.tar.gz, if it is tar.bz2, then tar xvfj file.tar.bz207:57
PupenoRwildchild: man tar will tell you.07:57
Dragenwildchild: detailed list of commands can be read by typing  "man tar"07:57
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jamonation_why do some .tar.gz files not tab complete even with the correct xvzf options?07:57
wildchildk tnx07:58
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oliver_has someone compiled dazuko.ko for edgy ?08:01
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Varjat_byHow I can get current Kubuntu version number?08:05
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ragplease do you know drivers or links for Epson TM-U210D ?08:06
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swamitru xzvf08:06
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swamitry xzvf08:06
swamicause the order counts08:06
cloakableVarjat_by: cat /etc/apt/sources.list08:06
swamior try gunzip fisrst08:07
Varjat_by:) lsb_release -ca08:07
Varjat_byAt now: I have installed version 6.06 .. How I can update it to 6.10?08:07
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cloakableVarjat_by: For the love of God, get the CD and install from that.08:08
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cloakableVarjat_by: Updating to 6.10 seems to be an unholy nightmare.08:09
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oliver_dazuko configure can not find kernel-source files, what could be the reason ??08:11
LeeJunFankernel headers not installed.08:11
ubotuTo install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages08:12
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild08:12
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Varjat_byhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - is this manual true for Kubuntu? Or it is Ubuntu only?08:14
LeeJunFanVarjat_by: basically what's for one is also for the other except for gnome applications.08:15
ubotuSee http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)08:16
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milaksHello. Is there any KDE application, that would be like frontend to 'listen'? I would like to see which programm is sending and receiving in real time.08:17
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draremis ajax linux-browser friendly for development or is it more a MS thing08:22
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trappistdrarem: firefox and konqueror handle it just fine in most cases08:22
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draremi'll give it a go, ty08:24
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otaku-sanok dumb question....how do you change the color of your desktop font...I'm having a brainfart08:30
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HelgeI use Ktorrent 2.1 dev and pnp plugin running and no firewall. I have red crosses on DHT, whats up?08:31
HelgeGoogle didnt please me on this one08:31
trappistHelge: I don't know what most of that means, but are you going through a NAT router?08:31
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HelgeNo router, there is a switch that I dont think there is much to do with08:32
HelgeSo I say no, no NAT08:32
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icheyneHelge: can you download normal torrents OK?08:35
trappistHelge: unless you're irc'ing from somewhere else, you are behind a firewall08:35
icheyneHelge: do you have this problem with Azureus?08:35
HelgeYeah, it actually works, but would it work better with this dht thing in order?08:36
HelgeI am behind a firewall? Well I doubt that08:36
HelgeAzureus never worked on linux for me08:37
icheyneHelge: DHT is useful for old torrents with no tracker08:37
icheyneit's not essential08:37
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icheyneHelge: try utorrent under wine - that will let you test DHT as well08:37
HelgeI got the dev version and it seems to be better than the normal one, I receive more peers now08:37
icheynetrappist: how do you know Helge is behind a firewall?08:37
trappisticheyne: port scan08:38
HelgeIs it ok not be behind a firewall?08:38
icheyneHelge: well that settles it08:38
icheynefirewalls are generally good, but not for bittorrent - especially if you cannot open ports08:38
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icheynetrappist: did you use nmap?08:38
trappisticheyne: yes08:39
HelgeI should do nothing with this, that is your conclusion?08:39
icheynethanks trappist08:39
icheyneHelge: try to find out how to connect to your switch08:39
icheynemaybe put into the address bar of your browser08:39
trappistmore likely his isp is blocking this stuff08:39
icheynetrappist: sure08:39
HelgeOk, I got it today(!) and I was told no setup08:39
HelgeI check it out08:39
icheyneHelge: good luck08:40
trappistHelge: switches don't filter traffic.  I really doubt it's your switch08:40
milaksHello. Is there any KDE application, that would be like frontend to 'listen'? I would like to see which programm is sending and receiving in real time.08:40
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icheyneHelge: listen to trappist he knows more than me08:40
HelgeI also have a IP phone that is between me and the internet, I was told it worked as a router, but didnt interfer with anything08:42
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HelgeI didnt find anything on the switch08:42
icheyneit might not be08:42
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icheyneas trappist says, it might be your ISP08:42
bLaZeDanyone in here use guarddog?...08:42
cloakableNot I, but I did, why?08:43
bLaZeDwhere does it log to?08:43
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conrad_how do i change screen  resolution?08:43
bLaZeDi just installed lastnight b4 bed and was wondering where it logs......its enabled to.....08:43
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conrad_is the screen resolution in settings just a token gesture or does it actually work?08:44
conrad_1280 is too small for me08:44
bLaZeDconrad_, u can manualy set it by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:44
conrad_i have a 19" widescreen monitor b ut 1400x900 is not detected,   but 1024x768 works best08:45
conrad_bLaZeD:  so one has to manually edit xorg files in Linux to change screen resolution? what is the Kontrol center for?08:45
bLaZeDbut conrad_ not as i dont use it08:46
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bLaZeD*not sur08:46
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bLaZeDconrad_, u can but like u said....it didnt detect it....so u can do it the down and dirty way08:46
conrad_bLaZeD: can i jut uncomment, and how?08:47
CreetureKubuntu box, old AC97 soundcard. Can't get sound when using the alsa driver (snd-via82xx.ko) but the OSS module (via82cxxx_audio.ko) works like a champ. I can't get KDE, XMMS, Firefox, VLC all to agree to share the sound device. Any tips?08:47
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bLaZeDconrad_, http://pastebin.ulteo.us/272 edit that in yours accordingly..then see if it appears in the kcontrol08:48
bLaZeDconrad_, but08:49
bLaZeDconrad_, BACK UP your old one 1st08:49
bLaZeDconrad_, if u mess up this one and dont have a back up.....you are forked08:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:49
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conrad_bLaZeD: i got forked already anyways. this is a fresh install, and if this doens't work out i'm going back to ubuntu08:50
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conrad_bLaZeD: can i uncomment the sizes i dont' want or do i have to take them all out08:51
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bLaZeDand 1440 x 1440 is what u want?08:51
cossidhonPupenoR: To bad. Feisty is also still on kaffeine 0.8.2, and I want 0.8.3 in edgy08:51
PupenoRcossidhon: oops!08:52
conrad_bLaZeD: well, that is the natural size for a 19"widescreen but i've never seen it on linux. I always use 1024x76808:52
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PupenoRcossidhon: if there's something important in 0.8.3, please, fill a bug report. Other than that take a look at checkinstall and/or upgrading a package from upstream.08:53
bLaZeDwait 1440 x 1440 is a square08:53
bLaZeDis it not?08:53
conrad_bLaZeD: lol, yea, but i know what you eman 1400x90008:53
PupenoRbLaZeD: if the pixels are square ;)08:53
bLaZeDoh well in your xorg.xonf its 1440x144008:54
bLaZeDnot 1440x90008:54
cossidhonPupenoR: No, its not _that_ important. I will keep the Feisty sources in my sources.list and keep checking if 0.8.3 is in, thanx for the help!08:54
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository08:55
PupenoRcossidhon: Feisty devs might not notice the new version of kaffeine and for them it is not so much work to upgrade, so, please, fill a bug report about it.08:55
bLaZeDconrad_, oh yea after u edit your xorg.conf.....u will need to log in and out of x(xtrl alt backspace will do) then see if its in there08:56
cossidhonPupenoR: Okay, we'll do08:56
PupenoRthank you.08:56
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steveireHi. I have a trivial shell script with echo "sometext" >> somefile in it which I can execute from the command line, but when I click the file in konqueror, it does not execute. Any idea why? The script also has a shebang and is mode 77709:00
RawSewageright-clic it09:01
PupenoRsteveire: tried a .sh extension ?09:01
RawSewagetheres a checkbox to make it executable09:01
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steveireit has one.09:01
PupenoRRawSewage: mode 777 makes it executable.09:01
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trappiststeveire: 777 is bad mkay09:01
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steveiretrappist: It's a trivial example to demonstrate that this definitely doesn't work09:02
PupenoRsteveire: even then, konqueror may not run shell scripts because it could be used as a boby-trap.09:02
PupenoRsteveire: right click on it, click on the tool and see how that particular type of flag is being handled.09:03
steveireThere is no tool09:03
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PupenoRsteveire: sorry, right-click, properties, and then on the little icon with a tool (I don't know how the tool is called in english).09:06
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steveireapplication preference order etc, Kate etc.09:06
PupenoRsteveire: maybe you can put there some application that instead of opening the file, runs it, like konsole -e (I am not sure if that's the right argument).09:07
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steveireYeah, I'm gonna do that now. I don't think I want the -e, that would open a konsole window.09:08
PupenoRsteveire: if you put konsole whatever it'd open a konsole window, maybe you can put bash there ;)09:08
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trappiststeveire: or make a shortcut to it, with the 'open in terminal' flag on it09:09
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steveiretrappist: Where is the open in terminal flag?09:14
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steveiresorry. I see it09:15
=== trappist backspaces
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AAA1Hi all, I'd like to learn a programming language that would be cross platform, like I hear C++ is. Any suggestions (I'm a newbie)09:19
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fdovingAAA1: python is a nice language.09:20
AAA1It is easy to learn? I've never heard of it.09:21
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AAA1thanks fdoving09:22
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AAA1Can I use Anjuta to compile it?09:24
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trappistAAA1: you don't compile python, usually09:25
trappistit's a scripting language09:26
AAA1that might make things easier, and will my Python programs work on other OS's (for when I'm away from home)?09:26
trappistlike perl, ruby, etc.09:26
AAA1like Javascript?09:26
AAA1or vbs?09:26
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trappistAAA1: you can do things in python that aren't cross-platform, but if you don't, then yeah, they should run anywhere (if you have a python interpreter installed)09:27
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:28
ubotufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins09:28
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Frederickfolks wich program can I use to set up the compression rate of a jpeg file?09:28
snowiceI have a problem playing flac files in amarok, it cuts of the last few seconds of every file. Problem is prob with the xine engine. Any fix for this?09:28
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draremack, what's the command again to configure and make to compile source code09:32
draremsudo ./configure  ?09:32
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cloakabledrarem: Just ./configure09:33
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fiyawerxsudo would just have to be for the make install more than likely09:33
draremthanks, it checked the stuff and created a Makefile09:34
fiyawerxnod, then you just type make09:34
Alzi2Hey. Whenever I try to enable pseudo transparency in Konsole, only the colors change. It doesn't display any background image. I tried editing the schemes and whenever i tried turning on transparency and saving, the next moment i edit it it went off again. Anyone?09:34
draremthanks, i'll add that to my notes for next time09:34
Alzi2Searched the forums, but couldn't get answers. I hope someone knows...09:35
trappistAlzi2: I believe there's an open bug on that09:36
trappiston launchpad09:36
Alzi2Can you link me?09:36
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bunsenwhere acn i find "all sources" sources.list tu kubuntu edgy ?09:38
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mc__bunsen: souch a thing wouldnt be a good idea09:39
mc__bunsen: all addition sources are dangerous09:39
bunsenmc__: what do you mean ?09:39
bunsenmc__: so where can i finde good and safe sources.list example ?09:39
mc__bunsen: it's not a good idea to add all 3rd party repos09:39
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bunsenmc__: ok09:40
mc__bunsen: google for it09:40
Alzi2 /etc/apt/sources.list09:40
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bunsenmc__: i tried to google it .. but i can't find anything09:40
mc__bunsen: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:40
Alzi2 uncomment the universe section and add multiverse to them both.09:40
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mc__bunsen: just follow the link i gave you09:41
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MrBallZhi, i have 3 packages in adept that won't upgrade, they say they are upgradable but if upgraded they'll break something else ... the packages are: build-essentials, dpkg-dev, g++  ... what should I do ?09:41
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Alzi2mc__: That one doesn't have Edgy...09:42
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brainless_I'm getting kind of scared here :/09:42
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bunsenmc__: theres list's for ubuntu only ?09:42
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Alzi2brainless_: Why?09:42
brainless_I'm doing a large step ... deleting the Windows partitions...09:43
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bunsenmc__: to kubuntu edgy09:43
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Xal2I attempted to reinstall Grub, but I installed it on the wrong drive (an NTFS drive) and now it appears to be empty, and needs to be formated. I installed it to the partition rather than the MBR09:43
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mc__bunsen: what are you actualy trying to do?09:44
brainless_after using kubuntu without any problems (well, without any problems worth mentioning) and without booting to Win, I hope I can do without...09:44
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Alzi2brainless_: Why without kubuntu?09:44
brainless_without Windows09:45
bunsenmc__: trying to find workins sources.list so i can upgrade ..09:45
mc__bunsen: just replace all "dapper" in your sources.list with "edgy"09:45
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Alzi2brainless_: don't install it. You still need it at some point in your life.09:46
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trappistAlzi2: what, windows? why?09:47
mc__bunsen: than do a sudo apt-get upgrade09:47
mc__bunsen: i meant update09:47
mc__bunsen: you should NOT upgrade with apt-get09:47
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Alzi2trappist: Just admit it, you need it at some point in your life if you need something you can only do in windows. Be it in vmware, or harddrive.09:48
brainless_Alzi2: I'll try living the next year without a windows on this laptop and without doing anything on a Win-machine I couldn't do on my laptop - and then we'll talk again ;)09:48
trappistAlzi2: I haven't used windows at all in years09:48
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Alzi2trappist: I still need it for some things..09:48
laihow come everytime I open my package manager it say I can't make any changes?09:48
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laiI tryed restarting but I keep getting it, its like theres an open thread or something09:49
trappistAlzi2: the closest I come is wine, which fills in all the gaps for me09:49
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Alzi2trappist: Well, being anti-windows is not good either. I have them both on my side =)09:50
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brainless_Alzi2: well, I'm not anti-Win anymore ... I just don't want to use it anymore. It should be possible to survive this, shouldn't it?09:52
Alzi2[21:43]  <Chewy954> Alzi2, i know, im not a n00b, i had my own server b4 lolz <- Masterful. "I'm not a n00b lolz!" :D09:52
laican any one help me out09:52
Alzi2brainless_: Nyah..... i don't want to use it either, but i'm forced to :P09:52
brainless_sorry to hear that ... I'm not forced to :)09:52
trappistAlzi2: I'm curious: for what?09:52
brainless_not yet, that is :/09:52
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brainless_lai: is there some way to be more specific about your packet manager's behavior or just a "Can't make any changes"-message?09:54
Alzi2trappist: Games..... some documents (although they are getting more and more supported), proper downloading support...09:54
laiI can't make any changes09:54
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laiThats it, I can search for packages but I can't apply any09:55
trappistAlzi2: I can see games, but I'm happy to limit my gaming to what is available natively or via cedega.  I haven't found a document yet that I can't at least deal with in wine.  downloading support?09:55
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Alzi2trappist: I'm not a WINE/Cedega(non-free) wizard (I wish there was WHISKY! :D, and I need my fun...09:56
brainless_lai: you've typed in your password?09:56
trappistAlzi2: I can dig that, but that doesn't quite qualify as 'forced' :)09:56
Alzi2trappist: Some friends want me to play some games :P09:57
laiIt loads and everything, but right before it gets to the main screen it says "can't make any changes" , make sure that something else isn't using adept but I restarted to make sure nothing was using it09:57
brainless_I feared so ... maybe reconfiguring your packet manager helps? Try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure adept"09:58
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MrBallZI have 3 packages in adept that won't upgrade, they say they are upgradable but if upgraded they'll break something else ... the packages are: build-essentials, dpkg-dev, g++  ... what should I do ?09:58
laiYou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.<---the message I get09:58
Alzi2brainless_: I didn't know you could reconfigure package managers? neat :P09:58
pelle_hey guys!  I need help!  how do I format my Windows partition and add that memory to my Linux partition?09:58
brainless_you can try to ;)09:58
Bubba_Gumpis the lyrc server down?09:58
brainless_pelle_ are you sure you know what you're going to do?09:59
pelle_yes, I wanna get rid of Windows09:59
pelle_cause I neveru se it09:59
pelle_never use it*09:59
pelle_I asked earlier but the guy didnt ansver09:59
pelle_it had something to do with Krusader or whatever10:00
B-MinusI have a dual boot system, i installed kubuntu with 20 GB space, windows got the other 80 GB, now i want to give linux 40 G more, is that still possible ??10:00
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brainless_to make it an ext3-partition, use "mke2fs -j /dev/hdx*"; to check that partition for errors, add a -c behind the -j (and to do real hard error detection, use "-c -c" and go for some camping...10:00
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carlos_Does anyone know how to acess a digital camera on Kubuntu? I have a Kodak CD43.10:01
brainless_Alzi2: it seems like I am able to reconfigure my adept, at least dpkg-reconfigure adept doesn't give an error message for me...10:01
laidpkg --configure -a <--- this command it fixed unexpectdly10:02
brainless_pelle_: no problem, just don't come asking how to get the partition back...10:02
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pelle_but do does it know wich partition to format?10:03
laiI know what happend I had an update that could never finish10:03
pelle_the partition is called dev/sda110:04
brainless_lai: can you tell if it's known that this update may never finish? if not, it might be worth a bug report...10:04
jasonpelle_, use the command sudo fdisk -l and it will show you which partitions are on your system10:04
pelle_so do I go: sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sda1/hdx10:04
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brainless_pelle_: is it an SATA-hdd?10:04
carlos_Does anyone know how to acess a digital camera on Kubuntu? I have a Kodak CD43.10:05
pelle_SATA 210:05
jasonif you had a pre-existing windows installation before you installed ubuntu, your windows partition will more than likely be hda110:05
danny500um I have an extremly bad problem.10:05
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danny500I think some one is hacking me10:05
danny500and my firestarter won't work properly10:05
Fureshoi just installed superkaramba via adept and i just installed the tuxbar theme from kde-look.org following the instrucs to a tee. problem is, i don't see not dock bar on my desktop like i should and google isn't helpin much. any clues?10:05
danny500what does that do?10:06
pelle_brainless:  /dev/sda1 is what I wanna format and add to my /dev/sda310:06
brainless_pelle_: ok, I just expected a hardware setup you obviously don't have ... just use "/dev/sda1" (IF sda1 is your windows' partition), "/dev/hdx*" has two variables in it, x and * (with x being the hard drive we're talking about and * the partition number)10:06
pelle_how do I figure out the x?10:07
danny500Furesho> what does superkaramba do?10:08
brainless_pelle_: I am not able to tell you how to add sda1 to sda3 (I've never merged partitions in Linux) but you could just assign a mount point to sda1 and use it...10:08
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danny500never mind10:08
pelle_brainless:  and how can I do that?10:08
ubotuPicasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html10:08
pelle_brainless:  and I dont know which harddrive it is10:09
brainless_pelle_: hda: First hard drive on the first IDE controller, hdb: second hard drive on the first controller, hdc: first hard drive on the second controller, hdd: second hard drive on the second controller...10:09
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ubotusuperkaramba is an application that gives you interactive eye-candy on your desktop. To get themes for it, head over to http://kde-look.org10:09
pelle_sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sda/hda110:09
pelle_is that right?10:09
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brainless_"sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sda1" will probably work for you10:10
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pelle_alot of stuff going on now with the Terminal :S10:11
brainless_to assign a mount point to sda1, go into the K Menu -> System Settings -> Disk&Filesystems and enjoy the graphical interface or edit the fstab10:11
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:12
pelle_thank you10:12
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brainless_thank me when it all works out ;)10:12
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions10:12
brainless_hmm ... the mtab lists everything that is mounted, fstab lists everything that can be mounted, doesn't it?10:13
pelle_brainless:  ok haha10:13
brainless_ok, my kubuntu is down for a reboot ... if it all worked out, I'll be back with an encrypted /home...10:14
danny500if this is your info speak now, c-68-32-68-55.hsd1.ga.comcast.net if no one answers me I'm going to be erasing this guy hard drive!10:14
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danny500ip address is
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brainless_doesn't sound like me...10:16
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brainless_are you sure the system on that IP address does not equal
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danny500um, why did I get kicked? I'm just asking a question cause somebody is hacking me.10:18
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trappistdanny500: you don't threaten to do something destructive to a remote machine, even if you think you're being hacked.10:18
danny500I'm not10:19
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fiyawerxdanny500: you didnt ask a question, you 'threatened to erase someones hard drive' and if you were that competant and able, chances are you wouldn't be getting 'hacked'10:19
danny500was that an actuall remote machine?10:19
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fiyawerxand would already have known the answer to your original question10:19
trappistdanny500: did you think it was your machine?10:19
danny500I did that so if anyone in this is the one doing it would stop, sorry.10:20
trappistdanny500: for future reference, don't.10:20
strlngI'm trying to remove a package and it's erroring out, is there some way to flush or force remove a package with apt?10:20
hyper_chhiya trappist10:21
hyper_chhello abbatoir10:21
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BluesKajyeah there is , strlng, but you may end up with broken pkgs10:21
strlngBluesKaj: It's a package with no dependencies installed so I'm not too worried.10:22
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danny500strlng< look up the program and erase everthing that is related to it.10:22
strlngdanny500: and then my package db is still screwed up10:22
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ramo1hi all, im having some problems with getting a phpmyadmin install on ubuntu 6.10 I can not seem to get the apt get. Im new to ubuntu so anything will help I guess....10:24
strlngBluesKaj: Would you be able to tell me how to force a package removal?10:25
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BluesKajstring , sudo dpkg --force- remove-"filename "10:27
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ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html10:29
lenscapeI do like this little bot10:30
BluesKajGoogle Earth has problems with some ATI cards in Edgy10:30
lenscapeNvidia innit :-)10:30
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eilker!varrun > eilker10:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about varrun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
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jakub_hi all10:38
jakub_i was running a program in screen on computer A in which i ssh'd to computer B10:38
jakub_so i background process P and then the screen on computer A is abrupted by a restart10:38
jakub_so now i have a tty-less process running10:38
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jakub_how do i get the process running foregrounded on computer B again?10:38
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bryan_can someone tell me how in konquerer i can see all the top level folders?  in breezy and dapper i would use the navigation panel and select the root folder tab.  but in edgy it only shows my home and media folders10:39
hansohey. when I watch videos in fullscreen I get horisontal stripes in movement. what can be wrong?10:40
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LordOlliehas anyone got any version of MSN messenger to install?10:40
hansobryan: go to "view" and "view hidden files"10:41
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LordOlliehyper_ch: tried it but it is still lacking features10:41
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jakub_i don't want to kill the process, but i want to make sure i see the output of it10:42
jakub_how would i do that? i basically want control over the process again10:42
ubotulamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL.  For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  -  See also the Server CD install menu.10:43
bryan_hanso: thanks, that showed all the folders on the right side, but not the left like it used to.  also, why are these folders considered hidden? they don't start with a dot?10:43
fiyawerxjakub_: the screen was running on the machine that rebooted?10:43
jakub_fiyawerx: correct (for our purposes, let's call it computer A)10:43
LordOlliecan anyone help me with installing MSN? or is it impossible?10:44
hansobryan: that I don't know. and I don't know how to get them to show on the left side10:44
fiyawerxjakub_: hm, maybe you should have run the process under screen on computer B :)10:44
fiyawerxgood question tho10:44
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bryan_hanso: ok, not showing on the left isn't such a big issue.  but i don't like that i now have to show hidden files no view non-hidden folders10:45
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Permafr0sthallo welt10:46
hansobryan: ask again and see if there are other who know a solution10:47
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otaku-sanhow do you change the background of konqueror?10:48
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bryan_can someone tell me how in konquerer i can see all the top level folders?  in breezy and dapper i would use the navigation panel and select the root folder tab.  but in edgy it only shows my home and media folders.  if i show hidden files, i can view all the folders and files on the right, but they are not hidden and i shoudn't have to do this.  breezy and dapper worked as expected.10:49
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Permafr0stroot folders to be shown by clicking one of the left tabs !?  (i use Dappy)10:52
sudshi, got a strange problem with my kubuntu..on booting, unless i press ctrl-alt-f7, the x windows doesnt start! absolutely nothing in log files...anyone else come across this strangeness?10:52
sudsbtw, i'm using edgy eft10:53
bryan_Permafr0st: if you press F9 to display the navigation panel then select root folder, you will see al your folders in dapper10:53
LordOlliehas anyone here installed a Java IDE?10:53
bryan_in edgy you only see home and media folders10:53
Permafr0stDapper was recommendet to me - stable - for the beginners10:53
Permafr0stbryan yeh i know thanx. thought it could be a solution to you..10:55
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Permafr0stoh i'm afraid i have to deal with the JRE one day, unless im not able to launch my DVD apps..10:56
Permafr0stDVB sorry10:56
Admiral_ChicagoLordOllie: try Eclipse10:57
Admiral_Chicagoi installed it once on Ubuntu10:57
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bryan_it's just frustrating that's all because that as always been my primary way to navigate the system and now it's gone10:57
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crustyhallo......my webcam SN0C105 is not working on kubuntu...any help??? thanks10:59
bryan_it's ok... i'll ask in a few hours, may a different group of people will be here, thanks Perm and hanso10:59
Martijn81quick question, does every unix system has a file /etc/network/interfaces?10:59
Admiral_Chicagobryan_: it's in /.hidden10:59
Martijn81the systems which run kde that is10:59
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Admiral_Chicagoeverything is still accessible, but you have to search for it, it's kind of a ne feature but I don't like it11:00
Permafr0stah ein Deutscher :) hallo Smooph11:00
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bryan_admiral: thanks.. i see it... so i just have to rename this file away??  i'm new to linux, coming from windows and navigating from the navigation panel felt natural in breezy and dapper.  i don't see why they would hide this feature.  i like to seeing everything and use the "edit as root" feature11:02
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easytigerhey... i'm following the instructions http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Installation_HowTo#Distribution_Packages but the package list is apparently wrong11:04
easytigerhow do i get latest amarok?11:04
Admiral_Chicagobryan_: the idea is that those are your root files, if you need to edit them, you wouldn't do it in konqueror11:04
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Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: let me get you a link11:04
Permafr0styet another question: anyone successfully installed Klear DVB app. ?11:04
easytigerAdmiral_Chicago: : thanks11:05
bryan_Admiral: thanks... i renamed the file away it works as expected.  but i do edit root files in konquerer via the "edit as root" option :)11:06
Admiral_Chicagobryan_: if you know the location, you can do a kdesu kate /location11:07
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Admiral_Chicagoanyways i'll bbl11:07
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easytigerAdmiral_Chicago: when i run apt-geet update after adding those sources it gives an md5sum error11:08
bryan_Admiral:  yes i know what you are getting at and i do that.  but i usually browse to the file then edit.  just a windows habit...11:09
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: do you have riddell's key?11:09
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easytigeri added it yea.. i'll try adding it again11:09
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: what line did you use?11:10
BluesKajhmm.. ./make  isn't working  ...sometimes ./config works and sometimes it doesn't ...it worked this time  , but now ./make isn't .. WTH ?11:10
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Permafr0stBlues  as plain user or with "sudo" ?11:11
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj: what does the INSTALL file tell you?11:11
eukaryoteAnyone know how to turn off kasbar? It doesn't seem to have a 'close' capability. What am I missing?11:11
easytigerAdmiral_Chicago: line11:11
Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: ./configure && make && sudo make install is the chain, sudo shouldn't matter11:11
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: what line did you add to your sources.list11:11
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Permafr0stAdmiral  tnx i will try (have the same prob as BluesKaJ)   .. but bash: "  ./configure: No such file or directory  "11:13
easytigerdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-144 edgy main11:13
Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: what does ls say?11:13
Admiral_Chicagomaybe try a pwd to make sure your in the right dir11:14
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: hold on a suc11:14
BluesKajAdmiral_Chicago, no such file or directory11:14
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Permafr0stthe bash is at /home/pino/klear-0.6.011:14
Admiral_Chicagoeasytiger: btw, are you on dapper?11:15
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Admiral_Chicagookay give me a sec11:15
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Admiral_Chicago!paste > Permafr0st11:15
Admiral_Chicagopaste the ls output of the dir11:15
Kr4t05Question. I just transfered my install to a new hard drive, and now I have some permission problems. What can I do to set perms to default?11:16
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Kr4t05I'm using the LiveCD right now.11:16
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:  oups ok, im new to this bot functin11:17
ubuntu__hey i have a question, can kubuntu be installed on an external hard drive via firewire?11:17
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afm\colossusinstalled of course11:17
Admiral_Chicagojust open the link, and enter the ls output and hit enter. then post it to me11:17
afm\colossusif your system is able to boot from ieee139411:17
afm\colossusthat's more of a question11:18
Admiral_Chicagothe link after you submitt it to the page thaht is11:18
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ubuntu__well i am on a mac, so if i install it, and reboot while holding down the option key, then it whould work right??11:19
Permafr0stooh cool11:19
Permafr0stAdmiral   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34847/11:19
Kr4t05How would I set the file permissions for my entire system to the default?11:19
afm\colossusby reinstalling ;)11:20
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Kr4t05afm\colossus: Not my first choice... But, I suppose I may as well...11:20
Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: what does the INSTALL.README.FIRST file say?11:20
Admiral_Chicagoopen it. "nano INSTALL.README.FIRST"11:21
Frederickfolks wich program can I use to browse newsgroups in kde?11:21
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:     http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34848/11:21
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Admiral_Chicagosudo apt-get install scons11:22
FrederickAdmiral_Chicago: for me?11:23
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Admiral_Chicagono to Permafr0st11:23
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Admiral_ChicagoFrederick: what do yoe mean newsgroups/11:23
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:   tnx i ll try now11:23
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Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: then ./build.sh11:23
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Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:  scons successful tnx.  but he misses qt:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/34849/11:25
henkhi I seach a Driver for a Canon MP13011:25
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Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: look for qt-headers, same for libxine and kde11:26
Admiral_Chicagoapt-cache search qt headers11:26
Admiral_Chicagoi'm going to bbl, PM me if you wish Permafr0st11:26
sungamFrederick, Think Thunderbird has built in usenet news reader. There's KNews and PAN too, but I haven't used them11:27
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:  tnx.  im not registered it will block my pm11:27
Admiral_ChicagoPermafr0st: email me11:27
henkhelp please11:27
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:27
henki seach a driver for a Canon mp130 printer11:28
ubotuqt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and a lot of other applications. For the Qt includes, install the libqt3-mt-dev package.11:28
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago: freddy@st074039212101.monm.edu  is your addy?11:30
Admiral_Chicagono i PMed you11:30
Permafr0stAdmiral_Chicago:  k, tnx so far very much :)11:31
bLaZeDis there a way to tell if a program is trying to axx the internet...and if so on what port(s)....long story short i have a few programs that use some weird port...and i need to open it in my firewall....11:31
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afm\colossusman netstat11:32
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bLaZeDwell if the firewall is blocking it...will netstat still show it trying to connect?11:32
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afm\colossusnetstat can only show established connections11:33
fiyawerxif the firewall is blocking it, can't you check the firewall program or its logs?11:33
lalohello all11:33
afm\colossusthere's the LOG target for packets caught by netfilter11:34
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lalocan someone help me about getting the free space of my disk on kubuntu?11:34
afm\colossusdf -h11:34
laloi mean...i have kubuntu on a partition...i would like to know the free space of the kubuntu partition11:35
BluesKajwell, i don't understand the inconsistencies with ./configure , make, make instakk commands ...must be that the pkges are lacking some required components11:35
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bLaZeDafm\colossus, im a litle confused...is it possible to lets say open programA and tell what ports its trying to axx the inet with>11:36
fiyawerxBluesKaj: those commands are (usually) fairly consistant with telling you what you're missing when they fail11:36
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melecio_question. I'm on Kubuntu Edgy and i have a HD of 160 GB wich i have partitioned for Windows XP and Linux... so, every time i log on with Kubuntu i have to mount a partition i wich i keep my files but, kubuntu doesn't seem to save this config, everytime i restart de PC i have to mount the partition... i was told that i had to edit /etc/fstab, help?11:36
sungamlalo, afm\colossus already answered you. Do 'df -h' in a terminal :)11:36
lalothanks a lot afm11:36
afm\colossusbLaZeD: well, that's exactly what netstat does11:36
afm\colossusyou're welcome, lalo :)11:36
eukaryoteFrederick: knode seems quite a please11:37
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:37
Frederickeukaryote: yup11:37
bLaZeDwell how with it....didnt u just say that netstat can only show connections established11:37
afm\colossusyeah well, outbound connections too ;)11:37
eukaryoteFrederick: knode seems quite pleasant; not used it myself, just looked at it11:37
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BluesKajfiyawerx, like nor directory ?11:38
melecio_no one?11:38
icheyneanyone know of a good photo editor. I'm not keen on Krita or the Gimp11:38
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afm\colossusthere are virtually no alternatives11:39
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LjLthere's some non-free alternatives. Pixel32 for instance11:40
icheyneyeah I've heard of it.11:40
rockprincessevening all! does anyone know how to configure java on kubuntu?11:40
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:40
icheyneafm\colossus:why yuck? non-free or rubbish or both?11:40
icheyneok thx11:40
afm\colossusas long as there are viable alternatives11:40
afm\colossusthere's no need to go proprietary11:41
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rockprincessLJL: i've done that....but i can't figure out how to set the classpath and the path :(11:41
icheyneyeah, but for me gimp and krita aren't too viable :(11:41
icheyneI'm trying to run Photofiltre over wine now11:41
afm\colossusfor me, both of them are ;)11:41
icheyneit's my favourite in Windows11:41
icheynehey it seems to work!11:42
BluesKajicheyne, any lil utility for redeye removal ...my sony dhc-50 prog doesn't install in linux11:43
LjLrockprincess: what are you trying to configure java for? web browsing of java sites, or something else?11:43
sungammelecio_, yes. Edit /etc/fstab. Syntax varies a bit depending on what kind of file system and such. There's a howto at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28313111:43
icheyneit's easier than the others. Like I said earlier - Picasa is good too11:44
rockprincessLjL: no i need to write a program in java, and i always get errors and i assume it's due to the false path....11:44
PupenoAny recomendation of P2P programs for Kubuntu ? Other than ktorrent, I am looking for a traditional P2P protocol... if it includes/is Gnutella, better.11:44
melecio_sungam: thanks a lot.. i'll give it a shot11:44
afm\colossus@ Pupeno11:44
icheyne!p2p | Pupeno11:45
ubotuPupeno: Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network).  -  BitTorrent: see !torrent  -  Direct connect: try valknut.  -  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information.11:45
ubotuguarddog: firewall configuration utility for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.5.0-1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 476 kB, installed size 1424 kB11:45
LjLBluesKaj: digiKam inclues that AFAIK11:45
BluesKajok LjL, thx ...I'll check it out  :)11:46
sungammelecio_, be careful with it, though. Make sure you take a backup before you try anyhting you're not sure about :)11:46
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rockprincessLjL: also i would need to set the correct CLASSPATH to the Java Media Framework (JMF)11:46
rockprincessLjL: but again I don't know how...11:47
eukaryoteI tried kasbar but don't like it. How do I get rid of it?11:47
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icheyneBluesKaj: I just tried Dijicam. It does a very nice job of red eye reduction. very sweet indeed11:48
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icheyneout goes picasa!11:48
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MidMarkI've installed mysql, but there is no init script installed...11:50
MidMarkhow can I start it?11:50
afm\colossuswhat did you install?11:51
afm\colossusthere is an init-script for sure11:52
afm\colossusi happened to edit it today ;)11:52
MidMarkemm ok sorry11:52
MidMarkI've only the client :)11:52
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MidMarkI've installed wordpress and thought it have installed also the server11:53
MidMarkbut seems not11:53
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sungammelecio,  how did it go?12:00
nickv111I just reinstalled Kubuntu yesterday, and the CD recognized my sound card as an ATI SB card. However, now that I've rebooted and such a few times, it's now (incorrectly) recognized as a ALC883. When it was recognized as an ATI SB card, it worked really well, but now, though the sound works, I don't have nearly as many options in kmix, and a lot of things don't work right12:00
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nickv111How do I prevent it from labeling it as an ALC883?12:00
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kgxhi. how can start konsole with 2 tabs with 2 session types?12:01
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MidMarkkgx: start them and save as default12:03
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alm_hello everybody12:04
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alm_can anybody tell me which version of alsa is in edgy12:04
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afm\colossuscolo@spareparts:~$ cat /proc/asound/version12:04
afm\colossusAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version 1.0.12rc1 (Thu Jun 22 13:55:50 2006 UTC).12:04
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kgxMidMark: hmm..good idea. cheers12:06
meleciosungam: it worked! thanks a lot!12:06
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alm_afm> thanks..but can I update it to 1.0.1312:06
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=== Raven301 [n=raven301@unaffiliated/raven301] has joined #Kubuntu
alm_because i cannot hear sound from my laptop speaker,only can hear it from headphone..will upgrade solve this issue12:08
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ubuntDE or EN?12:10
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fiyawerxalm_: can always try a live boot to see if it does12:11
ubuntAnybody out there?12:11
fiyawerxhi ubunt: lots of people usually check in often but not watch constantly12:11
ubuntshort question. Can I install "original" debian packages on ubuntu? For example I would like to run RKWard but the version is 0.3.6 and the current is
mc__ubunt: you can but its not guaranted to work12:13
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ubuntmc__:how does it come that the packages is to outdated? Do you know. I use to run Kanotix (which is Debian/Sid).12:14
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mc__ubunt: ubuntu is based on a freezed version of debian testing12:15
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