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=== rjian good morning people
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atoponcerjian: evening04:26
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elkbuntujenda, guess what im holding in my hands :)05:13
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: Squid!05:15
=== atoponce guesses it's a puppy
tonyyarussoelkbuntu: Results of the survey!05:15
elkbuntutonyyarusso, posters05:19
elkbuntutonyyarusso, im still v.slowly working through the surveys... very very slowly05:19
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: you should talk with mdz about merging the ubuntu counter with the hwdb05:20
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YoussefAssadsurveys; cool. How much data, out of curiosity?08:14
tonyyarussoYoussefAssad: Oodles08:17
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, thousands of submissions08:18
YoussefAssadPaper? Or something which lends itelf better to a little awking and csv-in-spreadsheet'ing?08:21
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, stored in mysql, yes. but it's a matter of having the time to do it08:39
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: any chance a mysql dump or some comparably transparent format can be dumped anywhere?08:54
=== YoussefAssad likes data
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, once i've had my fun08:54
rjianPing me 09:35
Burgundaviaping rjian09:35
rjianhello corey09:36
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jendaelkbuntu: yay :)11:18
=== StikkitJim [n=James@cpc1-staf3-0-0-cust99.sol2.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
elkbuntujenda, :D11:44
jendaelkbuntu: Ever heard of Yuri Kozlov?11:45
jendaHe was mentioned in the UWN a few times along with the Google SoC.11:45
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: do you know when us mortals will see the survey data, approximately?11:45
elkbuntujenda, the name sounds sorta familiar, but it's easy to get confused11:46
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, no11:46
jendaAnyway... this poor soul would like to buy 30 Kubuntu stickers... but can only get 23!!! :( You know who's fault it is ;)11:46
elkbuntuhehehe, i'll send the remaining 7 his way if he likes11:47
YoussefAssadSo, you are proceeding slowly, you have no plans for releasing survey data, and you are not interested in exploring the capabilities or data analysis experience of people on the team. Have I got it right?11:47
jendaelkbuntu: BTW, I was forced to make a little notice for the customs office on the package this time. I hope they don't make you pay anything.11:48
=== jenda marked all the packages 'presents'... dunno if that's considered tax evasion :)
YoussefAssadjenda: they don't generate income, so that should be fine. Tax law from that perspective tends to be relatively uniform11:49
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, your tone in that sentence reeks of entitlement and i do not appreciate it.11:49
jendaplease do stay friendly, you two :)11:49
jendaKeep the ubuntu spirit.11:50
jendaYoussefAssad: well, they do generate income, just not for me.11:50
jendaand even, they do generate income for me too - 7.4 US per poster :)11:50
YoussefAssadjenda: True, but that income is so far downstream and so intangible (in the sense that it is difficult to quantify, as cost savings tend to be) that, practically, you're still fine11:51
YoussefAssadoh. 11:51
YoussefAssadThat might be diffeent, jenda 11:51
jendaNot really. Noone can prove that the payments and the posters are related.11:51
jendaIn fact, I seriously doubt any government even notices the payments, since the largest of them is $2511:51
jendaAnd the way I see it:11:52
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: Is the data going to be published along with the nalysis?11:52
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, yes11:52
YoussefAssadexcuse typos, fingers again faster than ssh can echo the characters back at me11:52
jendaImagine a bunch of friends buying a box of posters together. They go to the printer, and each of them forks up their share of the price, and give it to one of them, who hands it over to the vendor.11:53
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: I look forward to poking holes in it. I cut my data analysis teeth on a 350 million dollar portfolio11:53
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: I would be grateful if you could give me an indication when this happens to save me having to check periodically.11:53
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, i cannot tell you something i myself do not know11:54
jendaThe only difference from what I do is that I pay the sum first, and gather the contributions from the 'friends' later.11:54
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: Then I would be grateful if we could be transparent about why the data isn't published pending analysis11:54
elkbuntuYoussefAssad,  i have been11:54
jendaYou can't consider such contributions income ;)11:54
YoussefAssadjenda: In any case, a lot of tax codes will institutionally ignore revenue below a certain level. 11:55
jendaI think $31.30 fits that description well.11:55
jenda(spread over several months too)11:55
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, however, i am not going to advertise the fact, as it only draws conversations like the current one which apart from having no value in the process, take up my time11:55
YoussefAssadReminds me of a situation I was in last week11:56
YoussefAssadI was at a presentation where a non-profit claimed revenue of USD 75K/day on artisanal products. Which was bloody impressive until I asked the nice lady how many days thatwas a year11:57
YoussefAssad3, turns out11:57
YoussefAssadin other words, money makes no sense if not contrasted with time. And jenda, I doubt your fiscal year would raise any eyebrows at 31 dollars per batch :)11:57
jendaYep :)11:58
jendaIf it did, I could make an invoice, but I'd be invoicing myself :)11:58
YoussefAssadjenda: Invoicing yourself is a great first step to money laundering. :)11:59
YoussefAssadGreat new marketing slogsn: Ubuntu, the distro with the little marketing sub-channels through which dollars may be rinsed while bringing technology to the masses!11:59
=== jenda is registered with the Czech goverment financial leviathan for: 'marketing and advertisement' and 'management and maintenance of buildings'
jendaSo I _could_ invoice myself for marketing services :-D12:00
jendaI could invoice Ubuntu, I guess, since I consider the money generated to be Ubuntu's in a broad sense.12:01
jendaBut I'd be the one signing the invoice for Ubuntu anyway :-D12:01
jendaoh well, tough stuff :)12:02
jendaI'll just pretend nothing's happening.12:02
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: I'm very sorry you feel antagonized. You cam blame this: 08:54 < elkbuntu> YoussefAssad, once i've had my fun    response to my query regarding when you will make the data available.12:05
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: The sense of entitlement, I don't know... I guess it stems from me being used to open communities not just open code.12:06
elkbuntuYoussefAssad, a) your one of dozens who've asked. b) this is no different to you demanding a programmer make his/her program final when it's still in beta12:06
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: Again, you're sitting on the data so it's your baby, fully acknowledged. I'm sure your analysis will contribute positively.12:06
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: Friendly advice, if you'll have it: when people show interest, find out first what they can do before brushing them off. Little nugget of experience (and a mistake I made when younger)12:08
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: Of course, you're volunteering, and so am I (on different levels). So, no hard feelings. Apologies if I offended you. I'd do it very differently than you, but it isn't my call.12:09
YoussefAssadelkbuntu: from the perspective that you're a volunteer, thanks in advance for the work (which I know isn't easy; I spent 2 years a director of marketing intel! Hell on earth).12:10
YoussefAssadNow, more generally.12:10
YoussefAssadI suppose there's a chance I'm just getting long in the tooth, but I don't think this team is for me. You guys are doing great work, I'd do it differently on many levels, but this isn't my gig (and Lord knows I've got enough of those; www.mifos.org and eglug.org for the curious).12:11
YoussefAssadSo, good luck with the team! 12:11
willvdlYoussefAssad, just out of interest, have you worked on any open projects before?12:11
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elkbuntuhe can give it out...12:12
willvdlI think I know who he is12:12
elkbuntuwillvdl, hmm?12:12
willvdlGrameen is a massive micro-lending org12:13
elkbuntuwillvdl, so who was *that*?12:14
willvdlgrameen consultant12:16
elkbuntuah, i was interpreting you as though you knew him more specifically12:18
willvdlno, indirectly12:18
elkbunturegardless. he just made it awful hard to focus on writing up my session for tomorrow and saturday12:20
willvdlopenweek session?12:22
willvdlbummer it's on saturday. would like to attend12:23
elkbuntuit'll be the same tomorrow12:23
willvdloh, missed that on the calendar12:41
elkbuntunow you can be happy :)12:48
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=== jenda just spent an hour making an .ods which would automatically fill in customs forms for dem posters.
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danbuchWork...so about them SpreadUbuntu project, yes?06:58
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jendadanbuch929: oh yes, yes :)07:04
danbuchWorkCurrent Status:07:06
danbuchWorkworking with Cheetah template part of Skeletonz07:07
danbuchWorkthere are a TON of plugins available (wiki, RSS, etc)07:08
danbuchWork...so what I'm really needing to do now is get the (ahem) skeleton in place07:08
danbuchWorkshould I still be following the framework diagrammed by Jenda?07:09
jendadanbuch929: the one on /SpreadUbuntu07:09
danbuchWork:-D  okay...07:10
jendaWe will need a new one.07:10
jendaIt has to be more flexible, as it will start with only a few of the points SU had...07:10
danbuchWorkgotcha - should I take a whack at this as well (why not?)07:10
jenda...but will (hopefully) keep growing to something similar in the end.07:10
danbuchWorkright-y o ...   I'm reminded why I was so gung-ho about a CMS :-)07:11
danbuchWorkI've already told you, Jenda, but for the sake of log-readers, we've got the support of Skeletonz' creator in this endeavor - he's a big Ubuntu fan07:12
jendaoh yes, that's great newz :)07:13
jendaRoadmap'd: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarketingTeam/DIYWebsite07:14
danbuchWorkThanks, Jenda!07:14
=== jenda thanks ;)
jendaI will now edit the site content section.07:16
danbuchWorkexcellent - for my part I should get back to doing my day job :-D ...   I'll work more tomorrow morning on the Skeletonz stuff, taking into consideration any information you put on the wiki page07:16
jendacontent section edited, danbuchWork07:21
jendaIf your job allows you, do you think my message to the ML is still necessary?07:22
=== danbuchWork wonders... message to the ML?
jendayou quoted it on the wiki07:27
jendaPLanning and discussion section.07:27
danbuchWorkAH!  be rid of it, if you so choose :-D07:28
=== jenda tries hard to concentrate on reading it, to find if there's anything non-redundant :)
jendathere, done.07:34
jendaI took what was worth it and surgically implanted into the roadmap.07:35
danbuchWorkmuch prettier now :-D  Thanks again for your guidance, Jenda!  You've got diplomacy in your blood, for sure07:35
=== danbuchWork wonders what that really means
jendaMy dad was the Deputy chief of Mission in Washington DC for three years - could be that ;)07:36
=== jenda might've already mentioned that, come to think of it.
jendathanx to you, danbuch929, for prodding it to life again :)07:37
danbuchWork'twas my thought exactly07:37
danbuchWorkthe former, that is07:37
danbuchWorkI'm happy to jump in!07:37
=== jenda runs off
jendaenjoy your job ;)07:37
=== danbuchWork resumes monotany
danbuchWorkmonotony? ... sorry 'bout the chatter07:38
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jendasomerville32: watch your inbox ;)09:28
somerville32... Whys? :P09:28
=== jenda won't tell
jendasurprise ;)09:28
somerville32Good surprise or bad surprise? <g>09:29
jendaWould spoil half the surprise if I told you, no? ):09:30
=== somerville32 twiddles his thumbs.
jendaI meant the real inbox ;)09:32
somerville32My mailbox <g>09:33
somerville32Am I suppose to get it today?09:33
jendanot really, but soon :)09:34
somerville32So, how do they send 10 posters to me?09:35
somerville32Do they try to stick it in the mailbox?09:35
somerville32Do I have to go pick it up?09:35
jendasomerville32: I believe they'll stick it in the inbox.09:35
jendaIt's a fairly tight roll.09:36
=== tsmithe had a nice surprise when his came
somerville32Cool :)09:41
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