
david_corrales_anyone :)?12:14
crimsunask in #ubuntu-doc12:15
david_corrales_okies, thanks12:17
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LaserJockkeescook: you still around?01:07
keescookLaserJock: yup!01:07
ajmitchLaserJock: when's your next superstar session?01:07
keescookwhat's up?01:07
ajmitchhey keescook 01:07
keescookhiya ajmitch!01:07
LaserJockajmitch: umm, Thursday01:08
LaserJockkeescook: I was just looking at your sbuild/LVM scripty thingy01:08
LaserJockI don't really know much about LVM01:08
LaserJockcould I set up partitions as normal and leave some free space to use as LVM for this sort of thing?01:09
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ajmitchLVM is great01:09
ajmitchyou can use loopback files as LVM physical volumes01:09
keescookLaserJock: absolutely.  that's what I did on my laptop for UDS01:09
LaserJockI tried LVM'ing my whole machine and since then everything 01:09
LaserJockhas been a little messy01:09
=== ajmitch uses LVM all over the place
keescookLaserJock: heh.  I use LVM for all my partitions, but it can get a little messy.  It's taken me a number of years to really be comfortable with a root lvm partition.01:10
keescookbut if you have a spare drive (or as ajmitch suggests: just a loopback), it's great fun01:11
_MMA_LaserJock: I heard the dailys start to build tomorrow. Is that right?01:11
LaserJockthe other question I had was how clean is using sbuild this way01:11
LaserJock_MMA_: have no idea01:11
keescookLaserJock: what do you mean by "clean"?01:12
LaserJockwell, with pbuilder you get a clean environment each time01:12
LaserJockbecause it just unpacks the tarball again01:12
keescookLaserJock: ah.  yeah, you get a clean environment every time, but without any overhead of unpacking a tarball.01:12
LaserJockis it similar with using the LVM snapshot01:12
keescookright, except to create and delete a snapshot takes <1s01:13
_MMA_LaserJock: Looks like the 30th. I think. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule Just a FYI.01:13
LaserJock_MMA_: yeah, that's the first Herd01:14
gnomefreak_MMA_: thats when the first alpha is released not when the first image will be set up01:14
LaserJockbut it's more or less the same thing01:14
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_MMA_gnomefreak: Ahh... Ok. :)01:14
gnomefreakLaserJock: i know in past we had images well before first alpha01:15
LaserJockhmm, so maybe tonight I'll wipe my desktop at home01:17
LaserJockand try to put fedora and edgy on it with lots of extra space to play with LVM01:17
LaserJockI think fedora's installer uses LVM01:18
keescookLaserJock: sweet.  If you use the alternate CD, you can build LVM partitions during install01:19
LaserJockyeah, but I'm pretty likely to screw everything up01:19
LaserJocklast time I tried that I ended up with an unbootable system01:19
keescookI tend to always have a pair of drives in my desktop.  then I install with alternate, making 2 partitions on each drive, both software raid'd, putting /boot on md0 and LVM on md1.  :)01:19
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=== LaserJock is such a newb sometimes
keescookLaserJock: heh.  if you've got a few hours, give it a shot.  :)01:20
keescookotherwise, just leave lots of space left over for LVM.  that works just as well01:20
LaserJockyeah, I have a 120GB drive01:20
LaserJockand I usually only use ~30GB of it01:21
LaserJockanybody done LVM with fedora's installer?01:21
LaserJockI was thinking maybe it might be easier01:21
ajmitchyes, that's why I've always used the alternate CD for real installs on my systems :)01:24
LaserJockyeah, I made that mistake once01:24
LaserJockhad to burn another whole .iso ;-)01:24
LaserJockgood thing there's only 1 CD01:24
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CypherBIOSHi guys. I'm packaging an application for Ubuntu and I wold like contribute with motu-team, I've packaged already and followed the debian-policy, etc. And at this time I'm here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU01:39
CypherBIOSWho can import my GPGKey for REVU keyring?01:40
Adri2000hi CypherBIOS01:40
CypherBIOSAdri2000: hi :)01:40
Adri2000try with ajmitch01:40
CypherBIOSAdri2000: tnx :)01:40
CypherBIOSajmitch: can you help me?01:41
CypherBIOSajmitch: ok, you're away. I'll send a email for you.01:42
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joejaxxanyone know what Ubuntu release used the 2.4 kernel?01:49
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crimsunjoejaxx: we've never used a 2.4 kernel.01:52
crimsunWarty, the first one (4.10), used
joejaxxi wonder how ubuntu whould run on a 2.4 kernel01:54
joejaxxwell it is not like it whould matter01:54
CypherBIOSAdri2000: I've sent a mail to keyring@tiber.tauware.de requesting the key import, are this correct?!01:54
joejaxxi do not need xserver01:54
joejaxxor any other ram/resource hogging nonsense01:54
crimsunwell, you'll have to fight the deps01:54
Adri2000CypherBIOS: yes, according to the wiki :)01:54
crimsunwe've already ripped out all the modutils deps, which you'd need for 2.401:55
CypherBIOSAdri2000: can I do something else for now?01:55
Adri2000CypherBIOS: if your package is finished, just wait01:55
joejaxxcrimsun: :\01:55
CypherBIOSAdri2000: yep, my package are ready to review ;)01:55
CypherBIOSAdri2000: tnx, I'll still waiting :)01:56
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crimsunkeescook: RE: 73603, Ive already uploaded a tested debdiff to security-review02:05
keescookcrimsun: oh! great!02:06
crimsunI uploaded it before that bug was even filed, heh02:06
joejaxxcrimsun: oh alright i guess i will just use the 2.6 patches then02:06
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keescookcrimsun: did you do all releases or edgy only?02:07
crimsunonly edgy, because that's standard forhow I've done it in the paste02:07
keescookcrimsun: yup, me too.  cool.  :)02:07
crimsun(I upload one, get pitti to approve it, then continue the backports)02:07
crimsunerr, past02:08
crimsunthis lag is horrible02:08
keescookcrimsun: so, silly me, where is security-review?  :P02:09
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keescook*rofl*  that's probably a list I should be on.  Oops.02:10
ajmitchkeescook: you're not on it? oh dear...02:12
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keescookpitti never mentioned it :)  I'm on so many others...02:12
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ajmitchone more won't hurt02:13
crimsunI'm pretty sure it's only used for universe02:13
ajmitchtoo public otherwise02:14
keescookcrimsun: debdiff looks good.  I changed the version to 1.3.0-9ubuntu0.1 just to stay consistent.02:18
crimsunoh, crap, right02:18
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=== crimsun punches himself with a Ubuntu version delta
ajmitchamazing, even crimsun can make mistakes02:19
=== joejaxx jumps infront of the delta
crimsunpshht, I'm a mere mortal. I'm full of mistakes =] 02:19
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keescookI think proftpd takes longer to run configure than to actually do the compiley bits.  :P02:22
crimsunIt took about as long to compile here as it took to resolve the dependencie;)02:23
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crimsun'lo bdd02:26
keescookcrimsun: thanks for getting that ready; I've got it uploaded.  I'll get it published once it's built.  :)02:26
crimsunok, I give up on theis wifi connection02:26
crimsunkeescook: thanks02:26
bddebiancrimsun: Hi02:26
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imbrandonwow i realy got ot get used to these diffrent hours02:43
imbrandonello all02:43
keescookhiya imbrandon02:43
imbrandonheya keescook02:43
imbrandonyou by chance cant reject a few things for me can you ( from the NEW queue )02:43
imbrandonkeescook, ^02:43
keescookokay, my brain is failing... how do I create an "Affects Ubuntu Edgy" bug task??02:43
keescookimbrandon: I can't sorry, I don't have any queue abilities.  :(02:44
imbrandonnp, i dident think so , but i thought i would try02:44
imbrandonumm you ..... lemme get the link02:44
keescookI've tried both Upstream... and Distribution... and neither actually gets me what I want.  :P02:44
imbrandonno you have to file it a diffrent way iirc02:45
Hobbseekeescook: request a backport for it, iirc02:45
fernandohi all02:45
keescookI'm trying to create an Edgy task for bug 73603 (so I can close it...)02:45
UbugtuMalone bug 73603 in proftpd-dfsg "remote code execution in ProFTPD" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7360302:45
imbrandonhello fernando02:45
=== imbrandon looks
keescookHobbsee: I want edgy-backports?02:46
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ajmitchhey imbrandon 02:46
Hobbseei'm not sure, i would think so.  imbrandon seems to know though02:46
imbrandonkeescook, yea edgy-backports02:47
imbrandonheya ajmitch02:47
keescookimbrandon: ah-ha.  okay.  thanks!02:48
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keescookimbrandon: that didn't seem to work...02:49
imbrandonwhat are you wanting to do exactly, sorry came in late in the covo02:49
imbrandoni just seen sarah say you wanted a backport02:49
keescookimbrandon: for that bug, I want a bug task that says   proftpd (Ubuntu Edgy)02:50
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imbrandonohhh , i think you have to file the bug that way initialy , at this point i think the best thing is just to get a debdiff and put it through the sru/security process02:51
imbrandonbut for a bug that effects only one distro release i think you have to make it that way from the get go ( yea it sucks )02:51
imbrandonthats why its not used much02:51
imbrandonhrm *thinks*02:51
ajmitchmore malone features02:52
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imbrandonyea wonderfull malone02:52
keescookimbrandon: I've already put the security patch through (crimsun made it, I've uploaded it)  I just want to have a "closed" edgy task for it, leaving it open for Feisty.  :P02:52
ajmitchmaybe you can do it via email :)02:53
imbrandonahh , afaik thats not possible ( or i dunno how ) without 2 bugs02:53
=== keescook scratces his head
ajmitchwow, mail on the security-review list02:53
ajmitchfirst message for 2 months02:53
imbrandonkeescook, yea it really needs to be works on, malone really the way its setup only supports a "bug" if its fixed or not, not really if its fixed in one but not in another02:54
imbrandonwell it does but it dont work exactly great and not the way you would think ( like in this case )02:54
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keescookcheck out bug 47619.  it has both (Ubuntu) and (Ubuntu Dapper).  That's what I can't figure out how to do.  :(02:55
UbugtuMalone bug 47619 in nautilus "nautilus sometimes crashes when opening new window" [Unknown,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4761902:55
imbrandon.... "in one but not another" ... == ..."in one release but not another" ....02:55
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imbrandonkeescook, right but it was filed with the dapper one first and the other was added, noth the reverse02:56
lastnodeFujitsu, ping02:56
keescookimbrandon: aaah.  i see02:56
imbrandonwich sucks in a case like this02:56
imbrandonkeescook, at leaste thats how its been explained to me , it all is kinda hazy02:58
imbrandonkeescook, !!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh i found it /i think/02:59
imbrandonone sec02:59
imbrandonwoot, i did, now look at your bug ( its a mess but look heheh )03:00
imbrandonthat button needs relabled badly, because it dosent do what it says03:00
imbrandon( FYI to get that you click on "backport to release" on the left and then choose an older release, then you can mark closed )03:00
crimsunthat's even worse than its previous sequence03:01
imbrandonbut backport is the wrong word as -backports are filed diffrently03:01
imbrandoncrimsun, yea03:01
crimsunit used to be under Also affects Distribution03:01
imbrandonproftpd-dfsg (Ubuntu Edgy)   Fix Released  Undecided03:02
imbrandonmarkd for ya03:02
imbrandonthe rest i left as is03:02
crimsunFix Committed, please03:02
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ajmitchhow evil03:02
keescookimbrandon: sweet!03:02
imbrandonyea , we need to poke the LP guys about that, thats really really not intuitive03:02
=== ajmitch looked at that as well & thought it was for something different
imbrandonajmitch, exactly03:03
imbrandonit really should be under effects distro like crimsun said imho03:03
imbrandonkeescook, does this affect dapper ?03:05
keescookimbrandon: probably, but universe security updates tend to only go into the current stable03:06
keescookI'm happy to publish stuff that people prepare though.  :)03:06
imbrandondapper == 5 year stable hehehe03:06
imbrandon( server )03:06
imbrandonproftpd would fall under server imho hehe03:06
crimsunI'm looking at dapper's source package03:07
imbrandonif there is a patch i'm happy to prepare the same debdiff, although crimsun might already have thought of that03:07
keescookif you want, snag the debdiff crimsun used and see if it applies cleanly, build it and test it, and I'll upload it.  :)03:07
imbrandonright on03:07
crimsunit doesn't, there are differences03:07
imbrandonlooks like crimsun is on it03:07
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crimsun(I always address Dapper first)03:07
jdongcrimsun: can you help me fix a quick bug?03:07
imbrandonjdong, did you see my note on lp03:07
keescookokay... I'm outta here.  thanks everyone!03:07
jdongimbrandon: which note?03:07
crimsunthanks, keescook!03:08
imbrandonbug 7360303:08
UbugtuMalone bug 73603 in proftpd-dfsg "remote code execution in ProFTPD" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7360303:08
imbrandonthanks keescook03:08
=== jdong looks
jdongmeanwhile, anyone feel like fixing an xchat-gnome trivial bug for me?] 03:08
jdong000003c0  2d 64 65 76 20 28 3e 3d  09 32 2e 31 36 2e 30 29  |-dev (>=.2.16.0)|03:08
crimsunyes, dapper-backports is affected.03:08
jdongthat is not a space after >=, that is a tabstop03:09
jdongwhich causes pbuilder to error out03:09
jdongcan someone change that to a space and upload?03:09
imbrandonjdong, its in libgnome2-dev ?03:09
jdongimbrandon: that is correct03:09
=== imbrandon looks
jdongthat's xchat-gnome, where libgnome2-dev is, on the build-dep line03:10
imbrandoncrimsun, ahh but shouldent -security over power ( better word? ) -backports03:10
imbrandonjdong, what? ok, what source package do i need to grab ?03:10
jdongimbrandon: not if backports has a newer version.... security version bumps are usually very miniscule... :-/03:10
jdongimbrandon: xchat-gnome03:10
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StevenKimbrandon: s/over power/trump/03:10
imbrandonStevenK, yea :)03:11
jdongBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0), gnome-pkg-tools, autotools-dev, cdbs, libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.12), libgtk2.0-dev (>= 2.10), libgnome2-dev (>= 2.16.0),03:11
crimsunwhat's wrong with xchat-gnome's debian/control.in?03:11
jdongthe space after "libgnome2-dev (>=" is actually a tab, hexdump says :)03:11
jdongcrimsun: there's a tab instead of a space03:11
StevenKjdong: cat -A ?03:12
jdongStevenK: thanks :)03:12
jdong libgnome2-dev (>=^I2.16.0),03:12
StevenKI daresay, pbuilder should just cope.03:12
jdongwell, it doesn't03:13
imbrandonhrm looking at it its definately a space ......03:13
crimsunno, it's definitely a tab03:13
jdongimbrandon: no it's not :)03:13
jdongimbrandon: cat -A, or hexdump it03:13
crimsun(use -T, or -A for great justice)03:13
jdongthat's gotta be the most interesting bug I've encountered :)03:13
crimsunthat's arguably a bug in pbuilder, as StevenK says03:14
jdonglol :)03:14
crimsundebian/control* are fine03:14
imbrandonsoooo should i "fix" this in xchat-gnome or ?03:14
jdongcrimsun: well I guess a tab should be an acceptable whitespace character03:14
StevenKIf dpkg-gencontrol can cope, then pbuilder ought to.03:14
jdongimbrandon: please fix it in xchat-gnome.... :-/03:14
jdongfor the sake of consistency03:14
crimsunit's not an xchat-gnome bug, seriously03:15
jdongyou don't see anyone else using tabs instead of space in debian/control... :d03:15
StevenKjdong: Don't make me log into merkel.debian.org and check the Debian archive.03:15
jdongurr, alright.... should I file this as a pbuilder bug then?!?03:15
jdong(so I was bored and I replaced all the spaces with tabs in debian/control, and now the package won't build....)03:16
imbrandonok i'll uplaod the "fix" for xchat-gnome , if you promis to file a pbuilder bug in debian BTS03:16
StevenKMy opinion is a bug on pbuilder should be filed, and the problem worked around in xchat-gnome.03:16
imbrandonjdong, ^^03:16
jdongimbrandon: ok, deal :d03:16
jdongimbrandon: and with proftpd, dapper-backports is affected03:16
jdongimbrandon: dapper-backports has a backported proftpd from edgy03:16
imbrandonjdong, yea crimsun told me, it should still be uploaded to -security imho but thats upto yall03:17
jdongmmm, ok03:17
jdongwell, if it can be worked out with security team to upload a version that overrides -backports, I'm ok with that03:17
Lathiatimbrandon: to dapper-security?03:17
imbrandonLathiat, yes03:17
Lathiatthats bogus else it'l upgrades everyones proftpd that dont want backports?03:17
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imbrandonLathiat, e.g that would require the one in dapper proper to be patched and the one in -backports to get rebackported from edgy-security03:18
Lathiatoh right03:18
Lathiatthat makes senes03:18
Lathiati thought you meant put the edgy version in dapper-security03:19
imbrandonno :)03:19
crimsunyeah, we could all go for some feisty beryl in breezy-security03:19
imbrandonoh wtf, ok jdong this might take a bit longer than i thought03:20
jdongwhat happened?03:21
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imbrandonone sec, i'm checking on another box if it is my booboo or the package has more issues than just that03:21
Lathiatcrimsun: woo, 03:21
crimsunoh very nice. quodlibet just exploded to demonstrate what it thought of my beryl statement.03:23
imbrandonok jdong , uploaded ( it was my booboo )03:24
imbrandonxchat-gnome (1:0.15-0ubuntu2) feisty; urgency=low03:24
imbrandon  * fixed a tab vs whitespace typo in debian/control to please pbuilder03:24
jdongimbrandon: many thanks03:25
imbrandonnp, now you have to file the pbuilder bug in Debian BTS ( lots o luck :P )03:25
crimsunskimming the bugs against it on BTS make me think it's full o' blackmagick03:25
jdongimbrandon: just did... I think at least03:26
imbrandonyea their BTS is slowish, it takes a while to showup when you send a mail03:26
jdongwell at the same time I guess I'll play with pbuilder-satisfydepends and see if I can come up with a fix....03:27
jdongor maybe I should finish this project with a thursday deadline...03:27
imbrandonbtw does anyone know if we're gonna import iceweazle to universe from debian ?03:27
imbrandonjdong, would be super cool once you get a debian BTS # you file a LP bug with the upstream bug voodoo stuff03:28
jdongimbrandon: will do :)03:28
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imbrandonso we know too :)03:29
jdongoh crap! forgot to enable extra swap03:29
jdongwhew, got it03:29
jdongstupid tmpfs :)03:29
crimsunimbrandon: meaning 'iceweasel'? I'd be very, very sad if so.03:29
imbrandonyea thats what i ment, and i just mean for uni , not main03:30
crimsunI mean, I just created an mplayerplug-in delta just to s/iceweasel/firefox/03:30
imbrandonyea , i think it would be alot of harm03:30
imbrandonbut i was curious03:30
imbrandon( kinda trying to catch up since this week with the new job trying to adjust to my hours, i'm not as "filled in" heheh )03:31
imbrandongah i need to find my win98 cd to make a vm, brb03:32
=== minghua wonders what will happen if he gets both firefox and iceweasel installed (assuming iceweasel gets imported to universe)
crimsunyou get an iceweasel and a firefox03:35
minghuathat's assuming no file conflicts03:35
crimsunit makes foo/debian/*.links lots of fun!03:36
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minghuaotherwise I get an iceweasel and half a firefox or something03:36
minghuaand I can imagine the agony of plugin maintainers (a.k.a. crimsun :-)03:37
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imbrandonhrm can i make an iso ( useable ) "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/blah/some.iso" ?03:38
imbrandonor is there a batter way03:38
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StevenKimbrandon: That's simple, and should work fine03:40
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jdongbtw, can xchat 2.6.8 be synced from debian sid?03:40
jdongcloses bug 5795103:41
UbugtuMalone bug 57951 in xchat "xchat crashes frequently on quit" [Undecided,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5795103:41
Hobbsee!info xchat feisty03:41
ubotuxchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 275 kB, installed size 760 kB03:41
Hobbseejdong: it needs to be merged, most likely03:41
jdongHobbsee: mmm, I see03:41
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lastnodeimbrandon, seen Fujitsu around? he's been missing for a few days03:54
crimsuneh? He last spoke about 16 hours ago.03:55
lastnodeoh, i just keep missing him then03:58
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jdongimbrandon: waah, how do I link a debbug in launchpad04:18
jdongit doesn't seem to accept http://bugs.debian.org/40084804:18
jdongas an upstream tracker URL04:18
Burgundaviajust enter the bug number04:18
jdongBurgundavia: it still hates me04:19
jdongLP doesn't know what kind of bug tracker....04:19
Burgundaviabug #?04:19
jdongdebian bug 40084804:19
UbugtuDebian bug 400848 in pbuilder "pbuilder-satisfydepends chokes on tab characters" [Unknown,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/40084804:19
Hobbseetell it which type of bug tracker04:19
Burgundaviano, LP bug number04:20
jdongoh bug 7368804:20
UbugtuMalone bug 73688 in pbuilder "pbuilder-satisfydepends can't cope with tab characters" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7368804:20
jdongmaybe I'm just retarded and am missing an obvious button to do this04:21
Burgundaviasee the "also affects"?04:21
Burgundaviachoose distro task04:21
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jdongBurgundavia: that's what I did04:21
jdongand it doesn't take any of the obvious formats I could think of04:22
Burgundaviathen add no bug url04:22
Burgundaviathen click on it and enter in the bug number04:22
jdongoh I can do that?04:22
Burgundaviayes, that is a bug in LP04:22
Burgundaviapleae file it04:22
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jdongBurgundavia: ok, will do04:23
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jdongfoled; bug 7368904:26
UbugtuMalone bug 73689 in launchpad "Malone doesn't take Debian bug tracker URL's" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7368904:26
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=== Burgundavia goes to drown compiz in bug reports
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Burgundaviaok, compiz sucks04:48
ajmitchnews at 1104:49
ajmitchwhat does it suck with this time?04:49
BurgundaviaI am attempting to drown compiz in bugs, to prevent it from being included by default04:50
Burgundaviacare to join me?04:50
ajmitchyou'd prefer beryl then?>04:50
Burgundaviano, I will do the same with beryl, if and when it gets packaged04:50
BurgundaviaI am basically going to dunc-bank AcceleratedX and CompositeByDefault04:51
Burgundavia5 bugs reported alraedy04:55
ajmitchupstream or on launchpad?04:55
ajmitchworkspaces is obvious - it's an upstream feature04:56
ajmitchlost window borders is probably your xorg configuration04:56
BurgundaviaI am filing bugs if it works in Metacity and doesn't in compiz04:57
Burgundaviavery simple04:57
Burgundaviano effects turned on, merely compiz instead of metacity04:57
ajmitchno matter if the bugreports are useful & have enough information or not04:57
Burgundaviadon't much care04:57
=== ajmitch goes to reject some
ajmitchhi lastnode 04:58
ajmitchhi LaserJock 04:58
LaserJockhi ajmitch 04:58
LaserJockhi Burgundavia 04:58
LaserJockand good luck ;-)04:58
Burgundaviaajmitch: I am looking at quite simply. If you want to swap out compiz for metacity, it has better work04:58
Burgundaviasorry, yes04:58
ajmitchBurgundavia: I'm looking at it from a POV of having 20K open bugs already04:59
BurgundaviaI realize that04:59
ajmitchif you don't want to provide the info, I'll reject 04:59
BurgundaviaI will happily provide the info04:59
LaserJockis the idea really to replace metacity with beryl/compiz as the default WM?05:00
ajmitchLaserJock: that is what has been discussed05:00
ajmitchundecided as yet05:00
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ajmitchI'm happy enough with metacity05:00
BurgundaviaLaserJock: yes, provided compiz or beryl are good enough05:00
LaserJockI just thought it was an add-on bling layer05:00
Burgundaviahence my project of drowning compiz in bug reports05:01
ajmitchLaserJock: spec is named composite-by-default05:01
Burgundaviaand you cannot have composite without a compositing wm05:01
theCoreBurgundavia, uh? drowning compiz in bug report????05:01
LaserJockI thought metacity could do compositing05:02
BurgundaviatheCore: if compiz is not technically good enough, then it will not be used by default05:02
LaserJockwhat about kwin?05:02
ajmitchthey've pretty much given up on metacity as compositing manager05:02
LaserJockor is that still what they call it05:02
theCoreBurgundavia, ah, well05:02
Burgundaviapart of "good enough" == respecting metacity's settings05:02
ajmitchwhich is a definite goal of compiz at least05:02
Burgundavianext I am going to download a crapload of themes and find some that break05:03
ajmitchthe decision will be made around feature freeze05:03
=== Burgundavia is going to have fun
LaserJockbut it doesn't even look like a WM?!?05:03
LaserJockI'm really suprised05:03
Burgundaviaand here is the fun part: if compiz or beryl are not up to snuff, there is no reason to install nvidia drivers by default05:03
Burgundaviahence no binary drivers05:03
BurgundaviaI intend to blog this plan later int he week05:04
theCoreah, now I understand your evil plans :)05:04
Burgundaviaif I have to be evil to save do good, I will05:04
LaserJockwhat about ATI in all of this05:04
Burgundaviaati drivers don't work with aiglx05:05
LaserJockI thought ATI did compositing too05:05
theCoreI could probably help you with that :D05:05
theCoreLaserJock, only with Xgl05:05
BurgundaviaI cannot decide whether to tell people to duplicate bug reports to be annoying, or is that too evil?05:05
LaserJockI swear I did it without Xgl05:05
LaserJockdoes the opensource ATI driver do it?05:06
Burgundaviayes, they do05:06
LaserJockBurgundavia: that's a big headache, it'd be better to say "add a comment if you agree"05:06
Burgundaviaall open source drivers work with compiz05:06
imbrandonati works just fine with aiglx if you use the opensource driver05:06
theCoreBurgundavia, here one bug for Beryl: go in Advanced Settings -> Force Xgl05:06
theCoreBurgundavia, very evil bug05:06
theCoreBurgundavia, it kills the desktop 05:07
Burgundaviaonly file on the packages in the repos05:07
LaserJockimbrandon: ok, that must be what I did05:07
ajmitchLaserJock: ATI drivers are currently the worst of the lot05:07
Burgundaviais your card a r300 or earlier?05:07
imbrandonLaserJock, nothing, its all on by default with the ati driver, just use start compiz or beryl05:07
ajmitchBurgundavia: with regards to your hatred of binary drivers which I somewhat share, I've started helping out the nouveau project05:07
Burgundaviaajmitch: I love you05:07
Burgundaviaajmitch: got a dvd in the wishlist?05:08
LaserJockI have an x1600 ATI card05:08
ajmitchI've only had 1 very very minor patch so far05:08
lastnodehi ajmitch, sup05:08
LaserJockanyway, all I know is I got the silly wobbly windows without Xgl05:08
Burgundaviathink of a dvd and I will get you it05:08
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Burgundaviax1600 don't even have free 2d drivesr05:09
ajmitchonly because ati/amd have been stalling05:10
ajmitchand not letting dave airlie release the code he wrote05:10
Burgundaviaairlie has code?05:10
LaserJockoh wait, I got the wobbly windows on my laptop05:10
LaserJockthat's an ATI 7000 IGP05:10
Burgundaviawhich is the r300 driver05:11
Burgundaviaajmitch: I need a good automated way of stress testing a wm05:11
ajmitchBurgundavia: http://airlied.livejournal.com/31180.html05:11
LaserJockI *have* to use the binary-only driver on the x160005:11
ajmitchBurgundavia: see date, subtract 4 months05:11
ajmitchso it's march or so that he wrote code05:12
ajmitchI don't know how to stress test a WM05:12
Burgundaviawould creating lots of windows and then moving them around, resizing them, etc. do it?05:12
ajmitchit's al lthe little things like compatibilty with old apps that new WMs suck on05:13
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ajmitchfocus stealing prevention, etc05:13
ajmitchwriting a basic WM is easy05:13
ajmitchwriting a good one is hard05:13
lastnodeone problem i had with compiz was that it would open windows under my top gnome panel05:13
Burgundaviajdub commented on not throwing out 10 years of code05:13
lastnodewhich was annoying05:13
Burgundaviahowever, it appears that distros havfe decided to do exactly that05:14
Burgundaviaso far the only effect that is at all interesting is the menu popups and they are slow enough to annoy me, while being only marginally more pretty05:14
ajmitchthe delay is usually enough to be annoying05:15
Burgundaviaso I need to dig out some old, frequently used apps05:15
lastnodeBurgundavia, you can disable that effect, i did.05:15
Burgundaviaplus the fadin means you get a jumble of letters for a second, as they overlay what ever is there05:15
Burgundavialastnode: I am filing bugs on the pure stock default05:16
lastnodewhile it's fading in, if you click, you lose the menu05:16
lastnodeit's _really_ annoying at 3am when you're trying to shutdown :\05:16
Burgundaviamy test audience is my father and step mother, neither of whom could give a toss about fancy effects05:17
Burgundaviawhich means they are going to get eh pure default05:17
Burgundaviaand I can tell you that this sliding thing on workspace change is already driving me nuts05:17
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Burgundavia8 bug reports05:19
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lastnodeBurgundavia, got a sec for a /query?05:21
theCoreBurgundavia, are you testing everything with the feisty packages? 05:21
Burgundaviawhen you switch workspaces in metacity, it remembers the default active window, correct?05:22
ajmitchI think so05:22
Burgundaviayes, compiz is odd05:23
Burgundaviaif I switch to the active window on 3, the windows on 2 and 4 will be unselected05:23
Burgundaviaif I select it on 4, the window on 3 will become unfocused, etc.05:23
Burgundavialastnode: yep05:25
BurgundaviatheCore: pure default feisty05:25
theCoreI think that one more bug...05:25
=== StevenK straces solarwolf, and determines that it's spinning around in futexes, and sighs.
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theCoreBurgundavia, crashed?05:26
StevenKOr hung with a zap?05:26
StevenKThis is what you get for running a graphical IRC client. :-P05:27
Burgundaviano, nasty bug05:27
UbugtuMalone bug 73701 in compiz "Oddity with remembering default active window" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  05:27
=== ajmitch detaches
Burgundaviaread the 2nd comment05:28
Burgundaviathat was what just bit me05:28
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theCoreah, I see05:29
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Burgundaviaright, I see now05:29
Burgundaviait is because compiz has no workspaces, only views05:29
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Burgundaviaif a window pokes into two "workspaces", it is still considered active05:30
LaserJockyes, isn't that a "feature" or something05:30
Burgundaviayes, except it is utterly different than metacity and does not appear to be any better05:30
theCoreBurgundavia, which instructions did you followed for installing compiz/beryl? the ones on the wiki?05:31
LaserJockI'm not sure that "is not metacitiy" is a proper bug05:31
Burgundaviait is for this instance05:31
Burgundaviabecause, remember, compiz must transparently replace metacity05:31
Burgundaviathat is very explicitly written in the spec05:31
Burgundaviait looks like a whole class of "compiz doing dumb things" can be closed by simply switching back to metacity style workspaces05:37
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Burgundaviahere is a nice fun bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/7370405:47
UbugtuMalone bug 73704 in compiz "Window titles stop updating" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  05:47
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Burgundaviawhat the?05:49
Hobbseei'm not sure that's right...05:50
Burgundaviano, it isn't05:50
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Amaranthi'm not in the access list?05:56
=== ajmitch returns
Amaranththat...looks bad05:56
Amaranthi don't have lvl 10 access but i can op/deop05:56
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HawkwindDefinitely broken05:57
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ajmitchBurgundavia: did you get many responses to your blog post?06:21
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Burgundaviaajmitch: a half dozen06:30
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ajmitchnot bad06:30
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dholbachgood morning07:48
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isaric_How to connecte with login here http://revu.tauware.de/index.py ( http://isaric.cof.free.fr/eot.png )07:50
crimsundid you read the REVU pages on the wiki?07:52
superm1imbrandon, ping07:57
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ajmitchmorning dholbach!08:02
dholbachhey ajmitch08:04
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isaric_crimsun, yes but I don't understand all! I perhaps lost the password and i try recorer : http://isaric.cof.free.fr/eot.png , without result!08:09
crimsunisaric_: you may need an admin to reset it by hand08:10
isaric_I think its here to tell at a admin !08:13
isaric_I try with admin@tiber.tauware.de08:23
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ajmitchisaric_: I've checked, I can decrypt my own password, you have a password in the database there, so I don't know why it returns None for you08:28
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ajmitchisaric_: can you retry now please?08:29
isaric_login for user "isaric" failed, please retry or recover08:30
ajmitchyes, retry recovery08:31
isaric_gpg: chiffr avec une cl de 1024 bits ELG-E, ID 02383233, cre le 2006-11-1708:32
isaric_       isaric Co (cl dpkg) <isaric.co@free.fr> 08:32
isaric_isaric@acer:~$ 08:32
ajmitchok, thanks for testing anyway08:32
isaric_gpg: chiffr avec une cl de 1024 bits ELG-E, ID 02383233, cre le 2006-11-1708:40
isaric_       isaric Co (cl dpkg) <isaric.co@free.fr> 08:40
isaric_isaric@acer:~$ 08:40
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=== proppy hugs dholbach
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dholbachheya proppy08:54
=== dholbach hugs proppy back
sivangmorning !08:54
=== proppy wants to upload more packages !
proppydholbach: can i ask you a cdbs question ? that was not covered in your 101 session ?08:57
dholbachproppy: fire away08:58
proppyis it advised to use cdbs, on a project that isn't autotoolized, or should i stick to a basic rules : binary : install : method ?08:59
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isaric_I must leave, i send email at admin08:59
dholbach"is it advised to use cdbs" - this depends on who you ask08:59
proppyyou :)08:59
dholbachI prefer to use it, others despise it09:00
proppys/advised/possible ?09:00
dholbachyou have files that need to be installed somewhere, and there's no makefile and stuff?09:00
proppythere is makefile and stuff09:00
sivangdholbach: I'm always moving between despise and love to it :)09:00
dholbachsivang: :-)09:00
proppybut no autoconf --install ./configure stuff09:00
proppymaybe i should read a bit cdbs code09:01
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proppyto scale what it capable to do09:01
dholbachproppy: right. you can stop the ./configure call from happening - let me try to look it up09:01
proppycause i got plenty of stuff to package09:02
sivanghi proppy , new to the MOTU team?09:02
proppythat have funky teenage build system09:03
proppy(like scons)09:03
proppyor some premake.lua (beurk)09:03
dholbachthere's a cdbs module for scons09:03
sivangre: teenagne build system, haha09:03
proppysivang: new to ubuntu things :)09:03
proppysivang: just uploaded my first package to revu09:04
dholbachproppy: for scons, you can take a look at telepathy-inspector - it uses it09:04
sivangoh cool :)09:04
proppyand looking forward uploading all the (debian) package we have at work09:04
proppyok thanks dholbach :)09:05
proppydholbach: i would be glad if you can gimme pointer on a simple cdbs that only call a command, that generate some file, and copy them somewhere09:06
proppydholbach: if you remember it easily, else i will search up my own :)09:06
dholbachjust use debhelper.mk and debian/install to install files09:07
dholbachif you need to call something in one of the targets, just do it -- https://wiki.duckcorp.org/DebianPackagingTutorial/CDBS has some examples09:08
proppydholbach: thanks for the link ! :)09:09
=== proppy hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs proppy back
=== dholbach goes back to prepare the motu talk
proppysivang: i don't know by the way, if beeing makes me part of the motu team, does it matter ?09:10
proppydholbach: good luck09:10
sivangproppy: I think so :)09:10
sivangproppy: where do you work? what sort of packages are you building at work if I may ask ?09:11
proppydholbach: i'm sorry i won't attend this one, got to install some poker server in a free.fr data center :)09:11
dholbacha poker server :-)09:11
dholbachi'll give it again on saturday09:11
proppysivang: http://pokersource.info/09:11
proppywe are making a 3d poker client09:11
dholbachah nice09:11
proppyand a 2d one :)09:11
sivangproppy: nice09:12
sivangwhat are you using server side?09:12
proppyall the stuff is packaged for debian/fedora/ubuntu09:12
proppyall the stuff is gpl09:12
proppy(instead of the 3d data :()09:12
proppy:( :( :(09:12
proppysivang: our server :)09:12
dholbachbut it's cool you want to get involved with the MOTUs09:12
dholbachif you need anything, let me know09:13
proppyi looking forward linking our packaging-farm09:13
proppyto the revu publishing mecanism09:13
proppyas the debian guy here is linked to the debian upload system09:13
proppysivang: you can take a look at the server too09:14
proppycheck poker-network on http://pokersource.info/developers/index.php09:14
proppyand i'm looking forward the integration of our 2d client in ubuntu by default,09:14
proppyto be the buddy of the chess client :)09:15
sivangproppy: hehe, very nice. Are you using PHP server side?09:16
Burgundaviaproppy: the best place for a poker client would be with gnome-games upstream09:16
proppyBurgundavia: thanks for the hint09:17
proppysivang: for the poker-service ?09:17
Burgundaviayou are much more likely to get it included if it comes with a developer or two and is already pretty clean code, etc.09:17
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proppyBurgundavia: reading the gnome-games how to get involved thing :)09:21
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proppyBurgundavia: are all the game in ubuntu desktop from gnome-games ?09:22
sivangproppy: yeah09:23
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proppysivang: yeah sivang: for the poker-service ? or yeah are all the game in ubuntu desktop from09:26
proppy               gnome-games ?09:26
proppy? :)09:26
sivangproppy: seems so, you can check what is shipped by default through the seeds: https://code.launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-core-dev/+branch/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.feisty09:28
Burgundaviaproppy: all games on the default desktop are from gnome-games09:28
sivangproppy: IIRC there should be ship seed which determines what a users gets by default after installation09:29
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=== proppy hugs sivang Burgundavia
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proppysivang: server and client side is python09:42
proppysivang: and they share a lots of code09:42
proppysivang: (so the 3d client)09:42
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sivangproppy: ah, nice09:44
Lathiat"can i sell ubuntu cds on ebay"09:45
Q-FUNKdholbach: planner is in debian. sync at will. :)09:47
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ajmitchhi \sh 10:37
\shUbuntu Package Archive Administrators is the right person to assign sync requests to, right? because searching for ubuntu-archive it gives me two answers10:41
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crimsunubuntu-archive should be subscribed to sync requests, yes, not assigned to. colin and scott tend to become very miffed in the latter.10:45
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\shI subscribed..but now you search for ubuntu-archive and have two answers...which is the right one10:55
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ajmitchthis driver is great, probably about the 5th reboot tonight :)11:09
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crimsun\sh: ubuntu-archive@lists.uc11:17
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\shcrimsun: thx used the right one *phew*11:21
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ruilobaohi, i am a python programmer and i want to help ubuntu coding. how can i help ubuntu using my programming skills ?12:02
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crimsunruilobao: have you read the contributing page?12:11
ruilobaocrimsun, ya. but it dosent report nothing about python project in ubuntu. there is some list, channel especific to the ubuntu python projects ?12:13
crimsunruilobao: no, but feel free to check bounties and the bug tracker12:14
ruilobaocrimsun, ok ;) thanks!12:14
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dholbachruilobao: but it'd be great to see a Ubuntu Python team evolving12:16
dholbachI'm sure that there'd be a hell of a lot of people who would get involved there12:16
ruilobaodholbach, an especific list would be good too. 12:16
dholbachruilobao: first the team needed to have a common goal and people willing to work on them12:17
dholbachsomebody needs to start creating that vision and gather people around it12:17
ruilobaodholbach, sure. there are a lot of python programmers on the ubuntu community.12:19
=== proppy just found out of C-c C-f in python emacs mode
ruilobaodholbach, there is some place where we can propose it ?12:20
dholbachwhat I did, when I formed a team, was 1) starting wiki pages, 2) call people for an online meeting, 3) some more technical organisation12:20
dholbachit'd help to subscribe the python team to python bugs12:20
dholbachthat should be part of that vision12:21
dholbachthe team is not subscribed to any packages' bugs12:21
ruilobaodholbach, hum. great groups. thanks.12:22
dholbachonce you set up some wiki pages with your ideas for such a team and created an agenda for the meeting, i'd call for participation on ubuntu-devel@12:22
ruilobaodholbach, i will sit down this weekend and make the proposal.12:24
dholbachhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/python2.4/+subscribe would be a first step :-)12:24
dholbachand talk to doko about it12:24
dholbachhe'll be interested12:24
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dholbach(amongst others)12:24
dholbachruilobao: thanks for stepping up for that task - you rock12:25
=== proppy hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs proppy back
ruilobaodholbach, thanks. i will work hard on it. 12:27
=== dholbach hugs ruilobao
dholbachruilobao: let me know, if you need any help or an opinion12:28
ruilobaodholbach, sure. i will write the proposal this weekend and look for people interested in helping.12:28
dholbachnice - let's make python rock in Ubuntu! :-)12:30
ruilobaowith sure ;) !12:33
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fernandorevu sending empty messages?12:58
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Gloubiboulgafernando: a spam I guess01:04
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sivangruilobao: I have a project that desperately needs lots of python love :)01:18
sivangruilobao: and it's an ubuntu projekt as well;)01:19
ruilobaosivang, witch one ?01:19
ruilobaosivang, :)01:19
sivangruilobao: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/home-user-backup01:20
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sivangruilobao: https://launchpad.net/people/sivan/+branch/hubackup/hubackup--main01:22
sivangruilobao: (for the current HEAD )01:22
sivangruilobao: would be great if we could get it polished, tested and enabled with desktop notifications for feisty.01:22
ruilobaosivang, great idea! i am reading the specs.01:23
sivangruilobao: cool :)01:23
ruilobaosivang, wow! great, i liked a lot.01:26
sivangglad you like it! Are you happy to step up and help us get there? :)01:26
=== sivang has put alot of work, thought and hours into that, would LOVE to see more people get involved in helping on something which is both important, and fun to hack on :)
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ruilobaosivang, of course! i want really to help.01:27
sivangruilobao: okay, so the top level major tasks we need to accomplish are, in short:01:28
sivang1) add the support for the desktop notifications to be delivered to the user based on the last time he backed up , and weather he backed up all his home or only subset of it (we only bug him for complete home folder backup)01:29
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sivang2) Finish the new mime type support workflow: this is aplit to 2 tasks actually, (A) adapt the backup and restore/verify functionality to use backup meta data files instead of the old, non mime type based way (I already did some perliminary adjustment to backup and diffbackup, needs testing and more love)01:30
sivang(B) hack the packaging to register the hubackup's mime type for both diff/full backup01:30
sivang3) Run a fine tune / fine finnish run and make sure all possible failure and errors are propogated and dealt with - make sure DVD/CD multi sessions for diff backups are working, protect against errors in which a backup has failed in integrity testing and needs redoing etc01:32
sivangand there are a bit more in the TODO ;)01:32
sivang(some parts of the TODO might need updating as I am closing them as I go)01:32
sivangthe work is spread across a backend, utility and frontend cores01:33
sivangnote that (2) involved fixing hurestore and make it work the new way , using the new UI designed in UDS Paris.01:34
ruilobaosivang ;) great. you have done a lot of good work already :). 01:34
sivangruilobao: so, there's lots pf stuff and for any taste, what is your fancy? :)01:34
sivangruilobao: if you have feisty installed, install it and see the new backup window01:34
sivangruilobao: there is already another dude named Martin Bergner who helps quite a bit on the backend part, he helped fix some detection problems and IIRC started something to allow burning to DVDRW /DVD + multi session. (basically requires wrapping dvd+rw tools in the python backend CDBurner.py)01:35
sivanghowever, another person that loves python coding and is enthusiastic to help would be great :-D01:36
ruilobaosivang, i m using edgy, not feisty yet. i liked the (1) to work with :)01:36
ruilobaobut i would love to work on any part. 01:37
sivangruilobao: okay, do you want to start with it? it would be rocking to have this ready already 01:37
sivangruilobao: if you finish you could then join me to finish the new workflow stuff, I'm currently working on make hurestore not crash due to changes in UI definitions, then I will start refactoring how it calls the bakcend to use the new meta data file based restore/verify/update01:38
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ruilobaosivang, now i am at work, so soon i get at home i will download the code and check where i can hack :)01:39
sivangruilobao: very cool! make sure you ping me whenever you have questions or email me if I'm away01:39
sivangruilobao: latest I shall respond in 4-5 hours01:39
sivangruilobao: but I'm usually here01:40
sivangruilobao: this is an exciting project, and many people already anticipate it , we could rock it together ;)01:40
ruilobaosivang, i loved the UI.01:41
ruilobaosivang, i am ansious to see the code.01:41
sivangruilobao: :)01:42
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ruilobaosivang, i will do some work now and later will give a look at the code. any doubt or propose i will send to your email, ok ?01:46
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tenshuhi all02:27
=== Hobbsee waves
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lastnode_Fujitsu, ping02:34
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CypherBIOShello there. I did my first upload to revu, and now I would like to know what I need to do now (if there). The upload is this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=358102:45
jonh_wendellHi, CypherBIOS 02:45
CypherBIOSIt will be reviwed by someone?02:46
CypherBIOSjonh_wendell: good to see you ;)02:46
HobbseeCypherBIOS: those depends are all wrong.02:46
jonh_wendellHobbsee, can you review my package? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=352602:47
=== Hobbsee will give some feedback on the first one
CypherBIOSHobbsee: what's wrong, necessary?!02:47
StevenKCypherBIOS: And the package seems badly made. The entire debian/ directory should be in the diff.gz, not the orig tarball02:48
HobbseeStevenK: ahh, so that's waht it is02:49
CypherBIOSStevenK: the debian directory already is on the original tarball (it comes with source code of this package)02:49
StevenKThere are ways of dealing with that.02:49
CypherBIOSStevenK: this program is developed by me :)02:50
StevenKThen it should be packaged natively02:50
StevenKIt doesn't have to contain -0ubuntu102:50
StevenKWhy are you depending on lsb-release?02:51
StevenKIt's Priority: important02:52
CypherBIOSStevenK: the code uses lsb-release to know what distribuition are running02:52
StevenKHow about dpkg-dev, for that matter?02:52
CypherBIOSStevenK: http://aptoncd.sourceforge.net02:52
CypherBIOSStevenK: it's a APT-like tool to create a CD/DVD-repository based for apt02:53
CypherBIOSuses your cache to do it ;)02:53
StevenKWhat about apt-zip? Have you looked at that?02:53
CypherBIOSStevenK: trusth me, aren't nothing like aptoncd yet :)02:54
HobbseeCypherBIOS: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3581 will do for a start...02:54
StevenKCypherBIOS: I'm unconvinced.02:54
CypherBIOSStevenK: well, the program already developed now. I can't back :)02:55
=== StevenK introduces CypherBIOS to 'rm' :-P
=== StevenK twitches at debian/postinst
StevenKWhatever gave you the idea of ln -s /usr/share/aptoncd/aptoncd.py /usr/bin/aptoncd in the POSTINST?02:56
CypherBIOSStevenK: it's commented02:57
StevenKSure, but it was in there at some point.02:57
CypherBIOSStevenK: before I debianized the package02:57
StevenKUh? It's in debian/postinst, how can it be from before you debianized the package?02:58
CypherBIOSStevenK: is for it that I'm here, to know how can I made the package correctly02:59
StevenKThere's a now bunch of suggestions on REVU.02:59
StevenKs/\(a\) \(now\)/\2 \1/02:59
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jonh_wendellStevenK or Hobbsee  , can you review my package now? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=352603:00
Hobbseejonh_wendell: i'm looking at it03:00
Hobbseethen i'll let steve :P03:00
crimsunouch, 2x gauntlet03:01
CypherBIOSHobbsee: "No .desktop file or menu file. " is there a aptoncd.desktop on the package/source03:01
Hobbseenot sure.  if not, you could always create one.  always fun for hte user to attempt to locate the program when it doesnt have a desktop file03:02
Hobbseeand you do want your user to run your program/03:02
CypherBIOSHobbsee: but, the aptoncd.desktop already is there, and the binary pacakage that I've made includes this (generate an entry on System>Administration>APTonCD) :)03:03
CypherBIOSHobbsee: on the Makefile have instructions to install it on /usr/share/applications, as usual03:03
StevenKAre you sure that's where your users will look?03:03
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CypherBIOSStevenK: is there a lot of documentation to let then know that is there03:04
StevenKWhich they will need to look for.03:04
CypherBIOSStevenK: have you any sugestion?03:05
CypherBIOSHobbsee: I'm wrong about the desktop file?03:05
HobbseeStevenK: where does one actually put the menu file in debian/rules so it's recognised?  my brain seems to be terrible tonight.03:06
StevenKAs in dh_installmenu or what?03:07
Hobbseeoh yeah03:07
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CypherBIOSHobbsee: "oh yeah" = "you did an mistake" ? :)03:08
HobbseeCypherBIOS: at this time of night, it wouldnt surprise me.  i just noticed it's absense, but didnt look higher.03:08
Hobbseejonh_wendell: there you go :)03:09
CypherBIOSHobbsee: ;)03:10
HobbseeCypherBIOS: well, dh_installmenu might exist, but you certainly didnt call it03:10
Hobbseeseeing as it's commented out :P03:11
StevenKScore: Hobbsee: 1, CypherBIOS: 003:11
jonh_wendellHobbsee, are you a native english speaker?03:11
Hobbseejonh_wendell: yeah, i am :)03:12
StevenKWell, she tries to be.03:12
=== StevenK ducks.
Hobbseejonh_wendell: i looked at it, looked again, and seriously just went "what?"03:12
=== Hobbsee thumps StevenK
Hobbseesteve is too, he likes to help03:12
zulahhh no pointy stick?03:12
Hobbseedholbach: hey look, we're actually REVUing stuff03:12
=== StevenK smirks.
Hobbseezul: nah, our comments are doing that.03:12
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee
dholbachyou ROCK03:13
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach
StevenKdholbach: I would be commenting, but I can't recover my password.03:13
Hobbseedholbach: feel like REVUing too?03:13
jonh_wendellHobbsee, fala is just a frontend to festival, which allows you to hear any word or setence you type03:13
dholbachStevenK: couldn't ajmitch, \sh_away, siretart or sistpoty help you?03:13
=== StevenK thinks dholbach would have been slightly better off not knowing that.
dholbachHobbsee: i'll give a MOTU talk in a bit03:13
crimsunmez can, too03:13
crimsun(he reset mine)03:13
StevenKdholbach: I have no idea, I haven't cared enough to ask yet. :-P03:13
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crimsunI believe Gloubiboulga has admin on revu, too03:14
dholbachStevenK: GO GO GO! :)03:14
StevenKAll of which are not here.03:14
crimsunraphink: revu admin ping for StevenK? :)03:15
raphinkwhat's up?03:15
StevenKDrat, dholbach didn't mention raphink. :-)03:15
StevenKraphink: Can you reset my password, pretty please?03:16
raphinkrevu password?03:16
=== StevenK flutters his eyelashes at raphink.
StevenKraphink: Yup.03:16
=== dholbach hugs raphink
StevenKThe web interface said my password was 'None'. Which was nice of it.03:16
Hobbseejonh_wendell: updated with a suggestion.  it's better, but it is late at night here03:16
raphinkwhat's the email used for your account?03:16
jonh_wendellHobbsee, are you gonna sleep?03:17
StevenKSupposedly, stevenk@ubuntu.com03:17
Hobbseejonh_wendell: soonish03:17
jonh_wendellthanks, Hobbsee 03:17
CypherBIOSHobbsee: I do not want later you sleep :) but, I have an question03:18
Hobbseejonh_wendell: :)03:18
HobbseeCypherBIOS: shoot.  steve can answer it03:18
CypherBIOS[many question, really]  :P03:18
CypherBIOSHobbsee: tnx03:18
crimsunooh, nice handoff, Hobbsee!03:18
=== StevenK refuses, just because he can.
elkbuntuStevenK, did you give hobbsee her surprise yet?03:18
HobbseeStevenK: remember that i see you on friday.  i'll bring my Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 03:18
StevenKelkbuntu: ^03:18
Hobbseeno, but i know what it is :D03:19
Hobbseethanks elky :)03:19
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Hobbseecrimsun: it's called delegation, it's a great skill03:19
=== Hobbsee blames mnepton
=== Hobbsee makes mnepton review
Hobbseeespecially when you delegate to random people!03:20
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=== dholbach hugs elkbuntu too
elkbuntuHobbsee, for the love of cute pink bunnies, please dont make him *any* more insane than he is already :03:20
=== elkbuntu huggles dholbach
Hobbseeelkbuntu: hahaha03:20
dholbachright :)03:20
Hobbseemm...cute pink bunnies...03:20
=== elkbuntu offers Hobbsee a kitten instead.
=== StevenK wonders if that makes him insane.
=== Hobbsee happily pets the kitten
CypherBIOSStevenK: this application is python-based program, so, dont need compilation. How can I get the dependencies on automatic way if do not put then on control file manually?03:21
raphinkStevenK: I seem to fail to reset your password03:21
=== Hobbsee backs away from the killer rabbit
StevenKraphink: Neat.03:21
StevenKraphink: No REVU for me, then? :-P03:21
raphinkStevenK: I changed it, it says it was changed, but it wasn't03:21
elkbuntudamnit... she can see the razor-sharp steel teeth03:21
raphinkStevenK: I'll try to figure out what's happening03:22
StevenKraphink: Okay.03:22
StevenKLala lala, I broke REVU.03:22
=== StevenK wasn't even trying to
raphinksiretart: ping03:23
siretartraphink: You sent me a contentless ping.  This is a contentless pong.  Please provide a bit of information about what you want and I'll respond when I am around.03:23
StevenKWell, that was pointless.03:23
raphinkbut he's probably the only one who can figure out03:23
StevenKWe could start calling siretart Mithrandir, but that would get confusing.03:23
raphinkor ajmitch maybe03:23
StevenKraphink: I do actually have a REVU account, right?03:24
Hobbseeelkbuntu: hehe, of course i did03:24
raphinkthat's a good question03:24
raphinkStevenK: I just checked with a random account, it gives the same result03:24
jonh_wendelldholbach, shold i remove python-gtk2 from 'Depends' if i already have ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends} ?03:24
raphinkso it seems you don't StevenK :)03:25
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raphinkdid you ever upload?03:25
dholbachjonh_wendell: no, it won't be added automatically03:25
StevenKI'm in ubuntu-universe-contributors by way of being in ubuntu-dev...03:25
raphinkbut did you ever upload to revu?03:25
dholbachjonh_wendell: {python:Depends} only adds the current python version03:25
raphinkusing that email03:25
StevenKraphink: Nope. Do I need to?03:25
raphinkyes StevenK03:25
raphinkit's written in the doc ;)03:25
StevenKThere's a document?03:26
raphinkyour account is created the first time you upload03:26
raphinkcheck the wiki03:26
StevenKFirst time I've heard about it. :-P03:26
jonh_wendelldholbach, see: Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5.0.0),python-gtk2-dev,python2.4-dev03:26
raphinklike you can't search the wiki ;)03:26
jonh_wendellis it right, dholbach ?03:26
StevenKI guessed the URL about 10 seconds before you typed it, so nyah.03:26
jonh_wendelldholbach, Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}, ${python:Depends}, python-gtk2, festival03:26
dholbachjonh_wendell: that depends on the package, you will also need python-central or python-support03:27
dholbachI'd rather use python-all-dev03:27
jonh_wendelldholbach, no, it's not necessary03:27
dholbachit spares you the pain of doing uploads just for a transition03:28
jonh_wendelldholbach, i'm asking this because the comments made by Hobbsee, see: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=352603:28
dholbachbut that's your choice03:28
elkbuntug'nite. dont break us too bad03:28
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dholbachjonh_wendell: sorry, I don't have time for that right now - if you drop me a mail with the packages you want me to review, i'll do that03:31
jonh_wendelldholbach, thanks. i'll do the changes suggested by Hobbsee and will mail you03:31
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=== Hobbsee hopes we didnt grill him too hard
StevenKHarder, damn it!03:36
jonh_wendellHobbsee, you're around yet, great03:40
Hobbseejonh_wendell: ish, yes03:40
jonh_wendellHobbsee, what do you mean: 'python-support goes for this one, too' ?03:40
Hobbseeask StevenK 03:40
StevenKI wonder if my REVU account has been created yet.03:40
StevenKHobbsee: Hmph! :-P03:41
HobbseeStevenK: it was your comment :P03:41
Hobbseei just pasted it03:41
jonh_wendellStevenK, can you help me?03:41
StevenKjonh_wendell: You probably want to at least look at using python-support or python-central for this package.03:41
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jonh_wendellStevenK, no, i've already done this03:41
StevenKIt's only a suggestion. :-)03:41
jonh_wendellStevenK, right03:42
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siretartraphink: yes?03:48
raphinksorry siretart, seems the problem was that StevenK didn't have a REVU account03:48
raphinkwhich is why I failed to change his password ;)03:49
raphinkso it's sorted out03:49
StevenKI've done an upload since then.03:49
StevenKAnd the web interface still says "None"03:49
StevenKSo, do I now have an account?03:49
raphinklet me see03:49
raphinkdid the upload pass?03:49
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StevenKI think I saw hit the web interface.03:50
raphinkwhat was the package you uploaded?03:50
StevenKAnd it was me, I just verified the GPG goodness on the .dsc03:51
raphinkyou don't seem to be the one changing this package03:52
raphinkfala  is 03:52
jonh_wendellfala is my package03:52
raphinkChanged-By: Jonh Wendell Sousa de Santana <wendell@bani.com.br>03:52
azeem3/W 3303:52
raphink yes03:52
StevenKOh, right.03:52
raphinkit's not StevenK's03:52
jonh_wendellif anybody wants to review it, feel free! http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=358303:53
StevenKraphink: I'll look at doing a proper upload when I get up.03:53
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siretartStevenK: whats your revu login (the email)03:55
StevenKsiretart: To be honest, I doubt I have one.03:56
siretartStevenK: it is created automatically on uploads03:56
siretartStevenK: based on the Changed-By field03:56
StevenKChanged-By wasn't me03:57
jonh_wendellshould be :)03:57
StevenKAs I said to raphink, I'll redo it when I wake up.03:58
StevenKThat part of the REVU page so isn't clear.03:58
HobbseeStevenK: just upload a new linda or something now, with your name in the changelog?03:58
siretartno. and that part of revu really sucks03:58
StevenKI could do that.03:58
StevenKThere, aircrack-ng uploading03:59
StevenKJust before a 5 minute boundary too, hopefully.04:00
crimsunwoops, I let a u-u-s slip04:01
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StevenKsiretart, raphink: Sorted, thanks for your help.04:05
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Adri2000is there any Kubuntu people around? a new upstream release of k9copy is available, the last upload has been done by Tonio_, he is not here. so: do you prefer to wait for Tonio_? or do you want to do it yourself? I can also take care of it but I will need a sponsor04:12
crimsunit's best to ping the previous uploader first04:12
Adri2000!seen Tonio_04:14
ubotuI last saw tonio_ (n=tonio@APuteaux-153-1-10-44.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr) 15m 34s ago, quiting: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)04:14
Adri2000the problem is that I don't know if this tonio_ is the right one, he was not identified and not in this channel04:15
Adri2000I will wait :)04:15
crimsunhis irc client left about 14 hours ago.04:16
Hobbseehey Adri2000 04:16
Hobbsee!info k9copy04:16
ubotuk9copy: DVD backup tool for KDE. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0~beta1-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 630 kB, installed size 1708 kB04:16
Hobbsee!info k9copy feisty04:16
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Hobbsee!info k9copy feisty04:17
=== Hobbsee broke the bot. woo!
HobbseeAdri2000: please package that04:17
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HobbseeAdri2000: tonio_'s working on main stuff04:17
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Adri2000ok Hobbsee, I will let you know as soon as it is ready04:18
PriceChildHobbsee: go to bed!04:18
HobbseePriceChild: i was figuring kubuntu meetings out!04:18
PriceChildcourse you were04:19
PriceChildthose "special" dreams aren't giong to wait for you, you know!04:19
PriceChildpopey: no binary uploads04:19
PriceChildwhoops wrong place04:19
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CypherBIOSsomeone can explain how dh_installmenu works?04:26
crimsunmeaning clarification post-reading dh_installmenu(1)?04:26
thomi imagine the manpage would do an admirable job04:27
CypherBIOSI've tried the debhelper manpage, but not helped much :(04:27
thomman dh_installmenu04:27
CypherBIOSthom: tnx :)04:28
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Seeker`so how exactly do I go about starting to contribute?05:14
Adri2000Seeker`: look for bugs to fix, or try to package a program that is not yet in universe, and don't hesitate to ask questions here :)05:16
Adri2000Seeker`: wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Candidates for new programs to package05:16
Seeker`I dont really have a clue where to start, the only programming i've done before is at uni, and they have been small projects05:17
Adri2000Seeker`: ah ok, if you don't know at all packaging there is a session "Packaging 101" saturday at 19 UTC05:18
Seeker`what sort of level of programming knowledge would you say is required to be able to successdully package / fix bugs?05:21
Adri2000depends of the bug, I personally don't have really programming knowledge, I ask upstream for a patch :p but when you have compile errors, sometimes it's easy to fix by editing an include in the source for example, but you will learn while packaging05:24
geserSeeker`: for fixing packaging bugs you mostly need shell to fix the build script(s)05:25
Seeker`i've done a small amount of that before05:25
Seeker`but usually stick to C / Java05:25
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Seeker`is it easier to start bugfixing or packaging?05:30
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=== proppy hugs dholbach
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=== dholbach hugs proppy back
geserSeeker`: imho is it easier to start bugfixing as someone else does already most of the work05:31
dholbachSeeker`: helping with merging is great also05:31
geseryou only need to fix a call, add some lines, etc05:31
geserif you start packaging you must do it all from the beginning05:31
dholbachSeeker`: grab a package from http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html - read up on merging in crimsun's excellent merging session on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School and off you go :)05:31
Adri2000crimsun: can you upload k9copy please: http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/toupload/ patches still needed (but don't need any change), builds, installs and works05:32
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ivoksheh, i didn't see so much noise on ubuntu-devel for ages :)05:54
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=== Ornedan [n=aitakang@dsl-hkigw3-fe22de00-8.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
OrnedanG'day. When are the Edgy x86_64 Eclipse packages going to be fixed?06:07
Seeker`i'm finding it quite difficult to follow the merging tutorial06:08
Adri2000Seeker`: why? ask if you have any questions06:09
OrnedanIt's merely been that way for over a month... And a fix has been posted in launchpad... So is it just because of some bureucratic retardedness that the fix hasn't been propagated to repositories yet? Or did the package maintainer die or something?06:10
Seeker`its step 3 on the tutorial that i dont really get06:12
Adri2000Ornedan: it seems that the fix doesn't work for everybody :/06:13
Seeker`how do you know if you can discard the ubuntu changes?06:13
jonh_wendelldholbach, don't forget my package :)06:13
Adri2000Seeker`: often when they have been included in the debian package/upstream06:15
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Adri2000Seeker`: are you working on a particular package?06:15
Seeker`no, i've just been trying to get the jist of it by looking at the tutorial06:17
Seeker`i was going to have a go when i get home in about an hour or so06:17
OrnedanOk. So there are N, N > 1 bugs with Eclipse (and Java in general?) in Edgy06:17
OrnedanHowever, it would still be good to get fix to at least some published, so that it will be easier to figure out the remaining issues06:18
OrnedanOr ask for more data from users. Or do something instead of just ignoring the issue06:21
Seeker`Adri2000: Do you reckon if I look at a specific package later, someone would help walk me through it?06:25
Adri2000yes, of course06:26
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Seeker`i'm heading home now, probably be back in about an hour06:28
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LaserJockguys, I need help :(06:49
LaserJockmy network decided to die in a weird way06:49
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zulLaserJock: if your network died then how did you connect to irc ;)06:50
LaserJockanother computer06:50
zulwhats wrong with your network connection then06:50
LaserJockit won't do anything06:50
zulwhat kind of network card?06:51
LaserJockI came in to work this morning and it was dead06:51
LaserJocknot sure, it's on my intel imac06:51
zulmeh...cant help :(06:51
LaserJockwell, I'm thinking it almost has to be a hardware problem06:52
LaserJockI rebooted into OS X and it was still dead06:52
LaserJockbut the weird thing is that other computers get a response when I ping it06:52
imbrandonello fellas06:53
LaserJockhi imbrandon :/06:53
zulcheck routing tables?06:53
thomcheck that other computers are getting the correct result when they arp?06:54
LaserJockdang, I can't even log into Ubuntu now06:54
thom(ie, that noone's stolen your IP)06:54
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LaserJockxsession-errors says "Host name lookup failure on localhost"06:55
LaserJockthis is just really weird, the computer was left on last night06:57
LaserJockand it was *working* last night06:57
Specyou can't login to a console?06:57
LaserJockconsole yes, gnome no06:57
cbx33so the auth is failing on xsession?06:57
Specgnome wants an entry in your /etc/hosts file for your box06:57
Specbut if it was working yesterday, that entry shouldn't have automagically left06:57
geserSpec: doesn't it use also DNS to resolve names?06:58
LaserJock/etc/hosts seems fine to me06:58
Spec'host localhost'?06:58
LaserJockI have localhost07:00
LaserJockhmm, but then I have <my computer>07:00
SpecI have a <Ubuntu>07:00
Specon my vmware07:00
LaserJockhmm, ok07:01
Specyeah, i've never seen that one before though, :p07:01
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geserLaserJock: "host localhost" works?07:01
LaserJockgeser, what is it supposed to do?07:02
geserlookup the IP for localhost07:02
LaserJocknope, doesn't work07:02
LaserJockconnection timed out; no servers could be reached07:02
gesercheck /etc/nsswitch.conf07:03
geseryou should have a line "hosts:          files dns"07:03
Specdoes your resolv.conf look right?07:04
geseris the interface "lo" up?07:04
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geserI'm out of ideas07:05
LaserJockdarn, now I get Host unreachable when I ping it07:06
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LaserJockok, that's weird07:07
LaserJockif I hook it up to the same hub this computer is on it responds to the ping07:07
LaserJockdoes that sound right?07:07
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geserIIRC a ping to localhost should also work without a connection (can't test it right now)07:09
LaserJockok, one issues seems to be DNS07:10
LaserJockwhen I hooked the computer into the same hub as this one I can ssh in using the IP07:10
imbrandondns shouldent matter if your going by the ip07:11
LaserJockbut any communication with my network as a whole is gone07:11
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LaserJockimbrandon, right, I'm saying I don't have dns though07:12
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LaserJockok, I think it's time to talk with the sysadmin. I think the network has maybe turned my IP off or something07:12
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LaserJockalthough why I can't get localhost is beyond me :(07:13
LaserJockok, well I can ping localhost anyway07:14
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xerxascan I help in merges ? 07:23
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xerxashow ? 07:24
imbrandonxerxas: sure, its just standard to contact the name listed with the merge first to make sure they havent already started working on it07:25
xerxason taking any package here: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html#updated07:25
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Seeker`is anyone able to help talk me through the process of merging a package?07:28
joejaxxLaserJock: did you see anything wrong with my package?07:30
LaserJockjoejaxx, I haven't had a chance07:30
joejaxxoh alright07:30
LaserJockI just found out my networking problem07:30
joejaxxnice :)07:30
LaserJocknot really07:30
joejaxxatleast you know what it is now07:31
LaserJockmy uni killed my mac address07:31
LaserJockbecause my computer scanned 300,000 hosts on the https port last night07:31
joejaxxwhy did your computer do that?07:31
LaserJockI have no idea07:31
LaserJockthey think it's a worm07:31
joejaxxhow can you have a virus on ubuntu?07:32
LaserJockso I'll have to figure out what happened07:32
LaserJockand plead with them to turn my computer back on07:32
joejaxxhello imbrandon  and zul 07:32
joejaxxLaserJock: that is quite unfortunate :(07:32
zulhi joejaxx 07:32
imbrandonjoejaxx: linux virus's exist, they are just not as previlent ( specialy if your rooted )07:32
LaserJockI have no idea where to even look07:32
joejaxximbrandon: yeah that is what i mean 07:32
imbrandonANY os CAN get a virus / trojan07:32
thomLaserJock: tct, chkrootkit etc, downloaded on different pc, built statically, burnt onto cd, run on computer in question07:32
joejaxximbrandon: i mean it is not like xp where anyone can execute it07:33
imbrandonjoejaxx: that dont matter, a root exploit could have been used07:33
joejaxxzul: hello i am going to patch the kernel today i found out it was 2.6.1707:33
joejaxximbrandon: true07:33
imbrandonjust because it dont happen often dosent mean it cant :)07:33
joejaxxi do not see how people can just sit around and write virii07:34
joejaxxzul: :D07:34
joejaxxzul: i have to turn off smp and preempt though07:34
joejaxxbecause this patch will not work with it07:35
LaserJockcrap, it looks to me like somebody tried to ssh in07:35
joejaxxzul: trying to setup my cluster with ubuntu07:37
joejaxxtrying to overwrite `/usr/bin/startfluxbox', which is also in package fluxbox07:37
joejaxxfun stuff07:37
joejaxxyou want to know why that happened?07:37
joejaxxbecause i need to have the dpkg-d in the preinst07:37
joejaxxLaserJock: you also know what that means? that error?07:38
joejaxxi fixed the install file :D07:38
joejaxxif it is trying to overwrite it07:38
imbrandonbbiab lunch time07:39
LaserJockhow do I know if somebody got in?07:39
joejaxxdoes sshd log successful authentications?07:40
jorgpwho do we talk to about a wrong link problem with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates?action=show&redirect=UniverseCandidates07:41
joejaxxLaserJock: if so then you can look there07:43
LaserJockjorgp, you can just fix it07:43
jorgpgaim-libnotify links to gaim-assistant page07:43
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jorgpnm, I'll just fix it myself07:44
jorgpthat was easy enough, sorry to bother07:47
Seeker`can anyone help me merge the eterm package?07:47
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LaserJockguys how do I find out what somebody did if they got into my computer?07:53
jorgpSeeker`, what problem are you having with it?07:53
adrian3LaserJock, bash's logs ?07:54
Seeker`jorgp: I dont really know what to do - i was wondering if someone could talk me through what I am meant to do07:54
jorgpwhat are you doing with it? upgrading, patches?07:55
Seeker`merge with the debian version07:55
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Adri2000Seeker`: so first download the grab-merge script08:10
Seeker`Adri: I've done that already, and I have run it with eterm as the argument08:11
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Adri2000ok, I'm doing the same at the moment08:11
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Adri2000Seeker`: look at eterm_0.9.3-1ubuntu1.patch08:15
Adri2000Seeker`: it shows you the changes made in the ubuntu package08:16
Adri20000.9.3-1 (debian) -> 0.9.3-1ubuntu1 (ubuntu)08:16
Adri2000this kind of changes, if not included in upstream or debian, should be kept08:17
Seeker`so unless it has been changed in the new version for debian, the same patch should be applied to the new version?08:18
Adri2000not always, if it was a change in the depends, maybe it is not needed anymore08:19
Seeker`how do you tell?08:19
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Adri2000Seeker`: read the changelog to see why is has been changed, and tools such as apt-cache, apt-file08:22
Adri2000for eterm, the changelog says that it fixes a bug (even if it seems to not have been reported in malone)08:23
Adri2000Seeker`: now look at the patch between 0.9.3-1 and the last version in debian (which is a new upstream release, 0.9.4)08:25
Seeker`quite a large file08:25
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Adri2000yep, so use your editor to search a string08:26
Adri2000search for example "Window Manager does not support MWM hints." which is part of a line changed in ubuntu08:26
Adri2000you will find something08:26
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Adri2000but you can see that it's only a one line change, s/print_warning/libast_print_warning/08:27
Seeker`which isn't the same thing as the ubuntu patch08:28
Adri2000and it not at all the change made in ubuntu08:28
Adri2000yep, so you'll have to keep this change08:28
Adri2000and as grab-merge reported, there is a conflict in the file src/windows.c08:28
Adri2000which is the file patched in ubuntu08:28
Adri2000there is a conflict because of the one line change in debian08:29
Adri2000Seeker`: so edit manually the file src/windows.c08:29
Seeker`in eterm-
Adri2000this is the directoy created by merge-o-matic, with the debian and the ubuntu versions merged08:31
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Adri2000but merge-o-matic didn't manage to merge src/windows.c08:31
Adri2000that's your job :)08:31
Seeker`so i end up with08:32
Seeker`    if (BITFIELD_IS_SET(eterm_options, ETERM_OPTIONS_BORDERLESS)) {08:32
Seeker`        prop = XInternAtom(Xdisplay, "_MOTIF_WM_INFO", True);08:32
Seeker`            mwmhints.flags = MWM_HINTS_DECORATIONS;08:32
Seeker`            mwmhints.decorations = 0;08:32
Seeker`    } else {08:32
Adri2000seems correct08:33
Adri2000Seeker`: now you have to write the changelog08:34
Adri2000in eterm-, use dch -e08:34
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Seeker`now what?08:36
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Adri2000Seeker`: you have to write what are the ubuntu changes08:37
Seeker`do I just copy what was written in the changelog for the 0.93 version?08:38
Adri2000yep, you can look at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2006-November/date.html for an example08:39
Seeker`  * Merge from debian unstable.08:40
Seeker`  * Don't set override_redirect for KDE.  It causes borderless08:40
Seeker`    Eterms to refuse focus.08:40
Seeker` -- Chris Oattes <cjo20@bath.ac.uk>  Wed, 29 Nov 2006 19:36:09 +000008:40
Seeker`is that right?08:42
Adri2000Seeker`: with this changelog it looks like you have just made the change for
Adri2000Seeker`: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2006-November/001310.html one I have done08:43
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=== joejaxx does a dance :D :)
joejaxxi am so happy right now08:43
Seeker`so change it to say that the override_redirect part of the merge?08:44
Adri2000* merge from debian unstable. changes:08:45
Adri2000  - bla bla...08:45
Adri2000instead of two different *08:45
Seeker`done that08:46
Seeker`what now?08:52
geserbuild the source package08:53
CypherBIOSThat's ok, I did some modifications based on the Hobbsee's comments, if someone can review this package http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3581 and make some sugestions I'll be gratefull08:54
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CypherBIOSI'm going for home now, back in about one hour08:54
CypherBIOStnx, bye08:54
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Seeker`i get an error message when trying to build09:00
geserwhich one?09:00
Seeker`dpkg-buildpackage: source package is eterm09:01
Seeker`dpkg-buildpackage: source version is
Seeker`dpkg-buildpackage: source changed by Ubuntu Merge-o-Matic <mom@ubuntu.com>09:01
Seeker`dpkg-buildpackage: source version without epoch
Seeker` fakeroot debian/rules clean09:01
Seeker`debian/rules:3: /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk: No such file or directory09:01
Seeker`debian/rules:4: /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk: No such file or directory09:01
Seeker`make: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/class/autotools.mk'. Stop.09:01
geserinstall cdbs09:01
Adri2000Seeker`: install cdbs, and you didn't create the source package09:02
Adri2000Seeker`: debuild -S -sa09:02
geserI use dpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot09:03
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Seeker`i need to generate a gpg key09:06
geseras long as you don't want to upload it you don't need one09:07
geseryou need one if you want your packages reviewed on revu or once you are a motu to upload packages09:07
Seeker`it complains that it doesn't have a key though09:09
Seeker`so debuild doesn't run09:09
Adri2000Seeker`: -us -uc to not sign09:10
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Seeker`so after i run merge-buildpackage, is that it?09:18
geserif you look inside merge-buildpackage you will see it calls dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa and your options09:20
Seeker`so it generates a deb file?09:21
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geserno, a new diff.gz and .dsc (orig.tar.gz stays the same)09:22
geseraka a new source package09:22
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cbx33hey guys when I try to remove totem-mozilla it wants to take ubuntu-desktop with it09:22
cbx33is this right behavior?09:22
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cbx33I want mplayer as my plugin for mozilla09:23
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Seeker`so what do i do now?09:23
geseryou got a new diff.gz and .dsc?09:25
gesercheck if the merged package builds09:25
geseryou need a pbuilder for feisty09:25
geserfor this09:25
cbx33does removing ubuntu-desktop hurt anything?09:26
cbx33or is it just a meta pacakge?09:26
gesercbx33: it's a meta-package09:27
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joejaxxanyone know how to kill a terminal instance inside of screen without typing exit?09:29
cbx33so would removing it uninstall other items too?09:29
Seeker`geser: How do i build it?09:29
joejaxxcbx33: nope09:29
joejaxxcbx33: it whould only uninstall the metapackage09:29
cbx33ok that's cool09:29
cbx33I just need the mozilla-mplayer plugin09:29
cbx33and the totem one seems to be overriding it09:30
geserSeeker`: have you a pbuilder for feisty already?09:30
joejaxxcbx33: yeah i removed totem as well09:30
Seeker`does it matter that i'm not running feisty at the moment?09:30
geserno, pbuilder uses a chroot to build packages09:31
cbx33I'd better get my chroot soon09:31
geserSeeker`: you can use pbuilder to build package for feisty while running edgy (or dapper)09:32
Seeker`how do i obtain pbuilder for feisty?09:34
geserhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics describes it at the beginning09:36
geseryou need to replace edgy with feisty09:36
geserit's from days as edgy was in development09:37
gesereither install debootstrap from edgy-backports or install the deb for feisty09:39
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geserthen "apt-get install pbuilder"09:41
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geserthen: sudo pbuilder create --distribution feisty --othermirror "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty universe multiverse"09:42
cbx33geser: is the feisty script available?09:44
cbx33I noramlly have to modify the edgy script to make the feisty chroot09:44
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geserit's in the backported version from feisty and in the version in feisty09:45
Seeker`right, its downloading loads of stuff now09:46
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Seeker`geser: That has complete09:58
superm1hey imbrandon you around?09:58
geserSeeker`: now you can use it to test build your merged package on feisty: sudo pbuilder build path_to_the_new.dsc09:59
geserif it succeeds you will find the deb in /var/cache/pbuilder/results/10:00
Seeker`yep, the deb is there10:04
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superm1Seeker`, looks like geser lost his connection possibly10:05
superm1were you just checking if a build worked?10:05
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Burgworkhmm, webmin is being actively developed again10:22
jdongthat mean ubuntu packages for them will come back? :D10:25
ajmitchI hope not10:25
ajmitchI suspect the archive admins would throw a fit10:26
Seeker`geser: the packages are there10:27
superm1hey jdong i was supposed to bug you some time back about getting around to backporting myth for dapper10:27
jdongsuperm1: yeah you were :)10:28
superm1well lets pretend that this is 3 weeks ago10:28
superm1..... jdong you got those packages going yet?10:28
jdongjust tell me what needs to be done10:28
jdongI've already approved like 30 backports today, so another one couldn't hurt :D10:28
superm1well from what i remember there are two libraries that need to come with it10:29
jdongapologies to ubuntu-archive ahead of time :D10:29
jdongok, which two10:29
superm1libraw1394 and something else10:29
superm1let me check the other one10:29
jdongexport DIST=dapper10:29
jdongcrap, you're not rxvt10:29
superm1and we determined that there weren't conflicts10:29
geserSeeker`: ok then you can create the debdiff: debdiff debian_version.dsc merged_version.dsc > debdiff10:29
jdongright, I remember that10:29
jdongsuperm1: which two libraries were they?10:30
superm1i'm lookin10:30
jdonglet's see if my core duo can answer that faster :)10:30
superm1libraw1394 and libiec6188310:31
=== jdong tries
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Seeker`geser: done that10:32
geserthen file a bug against the source package, attach the debdiff, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to this bug and wait till it gets uploaded10:32
Seeker`do i just call the file "debdiff"?10:33
Seeker`and this is on launchpad?10:34
jdongsuperm1: see bug 5168010:34
UbugtuMalone bug 51680 in dapper-backports "MythTV v0.19" [Undecided,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5168010:34
jdongsuperm1: your wish has been granted :)10:35
superm1spectacular :)10:35
cbx33mythtv was riddeled with bugs in edgy10:35
jdongcbx33: all my friends complain about dapper's mythtv too :)10:36
cbx33there is a lot of simple stuff10:36
cbx33like dirs not being created etc10:36
superm1cbx33, are you talking about mythweb particularly?10:36
superm1or about mythtv itself?10:36
jdongspeaking of dirs not created10:36
jdongthere's another backport request I needed to look at10:36
cbx33like dvd ip10:36
cbx33music rip10:37
jdongoh shoot....10:37
superm1cbx33, i'm gonna be changing the package for feisty to standardize all of the directories into a central /media/mythtv10:37
superm1i'll make sure directories are made for rips10:37
superm1and such10:37
cbx33you'll definitely have my vote10:38
cbx33would be nice if there was a way to backport that10:38
cbx33but alas there won;t be10:38
superm1yea, it will be for new package installs only10:38
superm1it would be such a mess elsewise10:38
cbx33oh yeh10:38
cbx33I know10:38
cbx33I think I sorted most of the issues10:39
cbx33will there be a new upstream release of mythtv in feisty?10:39
superm1there are more 0.20 fixes that will be put on10:39
superm1but not a newer upstream persay10:39
=== cbx33 wants shiney new features
Seeker`geser: What shall I put on the description / summary?10:40
superm1if you are running into any other issues though, feel free to add them to the todo list for the mythtvteam page10:40
superm1or ping me10:40
cbx33cheers superm1 I'll do that10:40
cbx33I wanted a nice mythtv box setup at my house10:40
cbx33but the pc I have in mind is too noisy to make ite viable at the mometn10:40
Burgworkpersonally, I think elisa is more interesting, but is currently alpha10:40
geserSeeker`: it's up to you but I put there [Merge]  and the package name and version10:41
superm1almost beat ya :)10:41
Burgworkbuilds on gstreamer, rather than replicating the entire stack, as mythtv does10:42
Burgworknot quite feature-comparable yet and much younder, but has paid devs10:42
Seeker`geser: shall I just paste the debdiff into the further information?10:42
geserbetter attach it10:43
geseryou can attach it once you filed the bug10:43
superm1jdong, so after this gets built for backports, i'll have to bug you for another 2 months for mythplugins to backport too right :)10:44
jdongsuperm1: argh, I knew there was a second half to this10:44
jdongsuperm1: can we just get this over with now?10:44
geserSeeker`: see bug 73795 for an example from me10:45
UbugtuMalone bug 73795 in libopensync-plugin-evolution2 "[Merge]  libopensync-plugin-evolution2 0.19-1ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/7379510:45
superm1should also build cleanly since i build dapper deps from edgy source on them and host them on my own repository10:45
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superm1all builddeps are in dapper10:45
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geserSeeker`: but there is no policy how those bugs should look like10:46
jdongsuperm1: ok, if you're confident I'll just directly approve mythplugins too?10:46
superm1yea i'm confident10:47
jdongsuperm1: ok, done deal10:47
superm1awesome, that was a lot less painful then i expected ;)10:47
=== superm1 can feel the bandwidth usage on his dapper repo already going down
joejaxxsuperm1: haha why?10:48
superm1for 0.20 debs on people who dont want to move up to edgy, i'm the only repo i've really seen with them10:49
joejaxxsuperm1: oh ok10:49
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cbx33superm1: you're a repo?10:49
=== jdong queues up another set of ktorrent svn builds
cbx33damn clever repo ;)10:49
joejaxxanyone know why hald whould be hanging up on install?10:49
joejaxxSetting up hal ( ... * Reloading system message bus config...                                                                             [ OK ]   * Starting Hardware abstraction layer hald   10:49
jdongjoejaxx: are you trying to start a hald in chroot?10:50
joejaxxjdong: yeap10:50
joejaxxjdong: it works fine when you do it manually10:50
joejaxxbut not when you install the package10:50
=== jdong plays around
joejaxxwhich is what i need it to do10:50
UbugtuMalone bug 73829 in eterm "[Merge]  eterm_0.9.4.0debian1-2ubuntu1" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:51
Seeker`is that right?10:51
joejaxxjdong: it just takes a while10:51
joejaxxit continued :D10:51
jdongjoejaxx: ha :)10:51
joejaxxjdong: yeah like more than 3 minutes a while10:51
jdongjoejaxx: heh, the fun of chroots :)10:51
joejaxxoh darn10:51
joejaxxi do not want xorg to ask me the resolution10:52
jdonglike how kde compiles, uic tries to open up network sockets10:52
joejaxxjdong: haha10:52
jdongleading to like 10 second delays between every command10:52
superm1jdong, the only catch that i can see with the plugins, the regular mythtv package will have to arrive first as its a dep for the plugins - so as long as the build queue doesn't build them simultaneously, things will build fine10:52
jdongktorrent compiles in like 5% of the time out of chroot than in pbuilder :)10:52
jdongsuperm1: the buildds handle that gracefully10:52
joejaxxjdong: lol10:52
jdongsuperm1: it'll sit in DEP-WAIT 10:52
joejaxxErrors were encountered while processing: acpid acpi-support powermanagement-interface10:52
superm1jdong, good good10:53
joejaxxjdong: that happened on feisty10:53
joejaxxthose errors10:53
joejaxxin a chroot of course :)10:53
jdongI haven't touched my feisty chroot/pbuilder at all yet... so yeah... :D10:54
joejaxxjdong: :P10:54
jdongI only touch it once in a while to see what happens if I overload my tmpfs build environment10:54
geserSeeker`: yes, everything right10:54
jdongand I learned to make a few extra swapfiles :)10:54
lotusleafWill this bug prevent kdar/dar from making it into Feisty? It sounds pretty nasty: "I am wondering what will happen with KDar in Feisty. Will it be dropped from the distribution? I don't think that downgrading 'dar' is an option and I don't know the degree of compatibility of archives created by different dar versions." https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdar/+bug/6269910:56
UbugtuMalone bug 62699 in kdar "[edgy]  wrong dependencies in kdar" [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:56
Seeker`geser: Thanks for all of your help10:56
geserSeeker`: np10:56
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cbx33LaserJock: dude11:04
LaserJockI'm just waiting for the uni IT guys to get here to give me a sound lashing11:05
geserLaserJock: could you resolve your network problem?11:06
LaserJockgeser, in a way11:06
LaserJockI found out my 2 Ubuntu boxes were hacked into11:07
joejaxxjdong: 11:07
joejaxx/etc/init.d/acpid start * Starting ACPI services...                                                                                                 acpid: can't open /proc/acpi/event: Device or resource busy11:07
LaserJockgeser, very much so since they are uni computers11:07
joejaxxjdong: fun stuff11:07
jdongjoejaxx: you can't start two acpid's11:08
joejaxxLaserJock: :(11:08
jdongjoejaxx: why are you installing hal daemon in chroot anyway?11:08
joejaxxjdong: livecd creation11:08
geserLaserJock: do you know how they get in?11:08
LaserJockgeser, yeah11:08
LaserJockI set up a couple test users for a spec I was working on11:08
LaserJocknot the best of passwords, stupidly11:09
jdongjoejaxx: livecd _creation_?11:09
joejaxxjdong: yes11:09
jdongah, I get it11:09
jdongwell, there's a way to deactivate init.d for that11:09
jdongI don't remember how though :D11:09
joejaxxjdong: lol11:09
superm1LaserJock, any real damage done, did these users have superuser rights?11:09
LaserJocksuperm1, no, they didn't11:10
LaserJockbut the hacker set up port scanners11:10
joejaxxjdong: :)11:10
LaserJockthe uni put a mac block on my 1 machine last night11:10
LaserJockcause he was scanning https ports on 300,000 machines11:10
LaserJockbut we have the programs, bash_history, etc.11:11
superm1so i'm taking it your doing all public/private key authentication from this point forward when using ssh on your machines, even with test users :)?11:11
LaserJockI'm not going to allow any access outside my department network is what I"m going to do11:12
LaserJockthat's what we usually do but for some reason I didn't set hosts.allow/hosts.deny on one computer11:12
jdongLaserJock: perhaps fail2ban would be a good addition too?11:12
LaserJockanyway, I guess the uni IT guy hate linux so this will just reinforce that :(11:13
LaserJockjdong: I'm certainly open to options now ;-)11:13
jdongLaserJock: start installing nmap for windows on all the windows boxes :D11:13
LaserJockI don't have any windows boxes11:13
jdongLaserJock: but seriously, fail2ban is pretty effective at deterring ssh brute forcing11:14
superm1you know i've determined that most people who "hate" linux, dont hate the OS, but are very stubborn and dont want to learn something new11:14
jdongand it's pretty brain-dead easy to install11:14
jdongnamely apt-get install fail2ban :D11:14
LaserJockjdong: thanks for that tip, that sounds like exactly the type of thing I need11:14
LaserJockanyway, I had a grand plan of getting some revus and merges done today11:15
LaserJockbut that's pretty shot11:15
LaserJockso that's my feisty and production machine down for the count :(11:16
PriceChildCould anyone check out the latest state of my xvidcap? Hobbse was happy with it... then wondered whether it needed pot something for rosetta....11:19
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superm1jdong, good suggestion with fail2ban, i've been meaning to install denyhosts, but i think i like this better11:35
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=== nalioth [i=nalioth@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Seeker`` [n=Seeker@84-12-167-90.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== nolimitsoya [n=nolimits@] has joined #ubuntu-motu

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