=== glatzor [n=sebi@p5496794F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad [01:02] ddaa: buy jupiter? [01:02] hi kiko [01:03] (23:05:53) kiko: I HATE JUPITER [01:03] I had to hate something unearthly [01:03] hi SteveA [01:03] how was your date [01:14] kiko: tonight was a guys-night-out pizza, in the best italian pizza place in rotterdam. [01:15] mmmm pizza === flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has left #launchpad ["Bye"] === jml [n=jml@ppp110-150.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #launchpad [01:50] SteveA: Hi === belito [n=user@] has joined #launchpad === belito [n=user@] has joined #launchpad === jml [n=jml@ppp110-150.lns1.hba1.internode.on.net] has joined #launchpad === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-128-96.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #launchpad === asw [n=asw@karuna.med.harvard.edu] has joined #launchpad === highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has joined #launchpad === stub [n=stub@ppp-] has joined #launchpad === highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has joined #launchpad [06:30] Goooooooooooooooooood evening Launchpadders! [06:31] stub: I mailed you about something I missed when going through you pillar names vocabulary branch -- deactivated products/projects [06:34] jamesh: Ok. Will fix. [07:10] New bug: #73868 in launchpad-support-tracker "Can't link a support request to a specification" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73868 === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #launchpad === glatzor [n=sebi@p54964CCF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad === malcc [n=malcolm@host86-135-237-55.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #launchpad === sevrin [n=sevrin@] has joined #launchpad === Fujitsu [n=william@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #launchpad === jkakar [n=jkakar@] has joined #launchpad === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #launchpad === carlos [n=carlos@18.Red-88-16-32.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad [09:00] morning [09:03] _o/ [09:25] Good morning carlos and danilos, I just reported bug 73875 that's needed for 1.0 [09:25] Bug 73875 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/73875 is private [09:26] let me see... [09:26] morning mpt, thanks for the bug report ;) [09:26] mpt: ok === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #launchpad [09:26] changed to Critical [09:26] I'm not sure what should go on such a page, though :-/ [09:27] apart from a list of product Translations links [09:27] mpt: is this about "start page"? [09:27] perhaps the number of languages for which each product is complete [09:28] danilos, what do you mean by "start page"? [09:28] mpt: initial page for "translations", i.e. where people interested in translations would start on? [09:29] yes [09:29] Well, /softwaretype/software/+translations should be fulfilling that role anyway [09:29] mpt: ok, I'll thing about what we want there [09:29] thanks :-) [09:30] you mean translations.launchpad.net/software/software ? [09:30] :) [09:30] uh, yeah :-) [09:30] or just translations.launchpad.net/software [09:30] yeah [09:31] PillarNames makes URLs simpler, but virtual hosting doesn't [09:31] we need to improve our traversal code to make full use of the multiple host names [09:32] well, yes [09:32] but we need to be careful about not foreclosing more specific things [09:32] such as? [09:32] such as bugs or specifications about product release series [09:33] http://blueprints.launchpad.net/productname+seriesname/specname ? [09:34] (a bit ugly, but doesn't collide) === Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-89-151.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad [09:39] mpt: more to the point: do you think we'd need a separate namespace for specifications on product series? [09:39] "do you mean the 'foo' spec on Launchpad 1.0 or Launchpad 1.1?" [09:40] I don't know [09:50] carlos: ping [09:51] danilos: pong [09:55] I don't think we'd want two specs with the same name for different series [09:56] I think practically, if there's a spec that has the same name for different series of a product, it describes the same thing in the context of each product series, or it's very confusing [09:56] I guess the most likely example is infestations [09:56] (though personally I think they'd be more confusing than useful, they're often discussed) [09:56] if it describes the same thing in the context of each product series, then having the same name doesn't help releive confusion [09:57] I'd recommend people use a distinct name for each one [09:57] SteveA, I'm writing to Anthony, CCing Usman, on the latest things we need from Brilliant [09:57] mpt: ok, please cc me too [09:57] Would you like to see it first, or otherwise comment? [09:58] Also, have you had any luck in updating the brilliant server? [09:58] if you want to bounce it off me, that's fine with me. I don't feel a need to see it first. [09:58] I have 30 mins before my conf call [09:59] ok, never mind then [09:59] But a quick question on answer tracker terminology [10:00] SteveA, is "Ask a question" correct terminology to replace "Request support"? (This is for one of the graphical buttons) [10:00] I do know that it should be changed from "request support" [10:00] mpt: if we implemented infestations, would we really want pages for individual infestations? [10:01] but I do not know the final outcome of what the wording should be [10:01] jamesh, almost certainly not, but we (very nearly) don't have individual pages for bugtasks any more either, but they still have URLs === dand [n=dand@gw.datagroup.ro] has joined #launchpad [10:01] mpt: can you wait until the launchpad meeting in a few hours, and we can check that out then? [10:01] ok [10:04] eep, I haven't written up the notes for the last meeting [10:04] I'll do that now :-X === Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-89-151.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad === glatzor [n=sebi@p54964CCF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #launchpad === spiv [n=andrew@218-214-66-203.people.net.au] has joined #launchpad === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #launchpad === lifeless [n=robertc@ppp245-86.static.internode.on.net] has joined #launchpad === elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #launchpad === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #launchpad === zwnj [n=zwnj@] has joined #launchpad [10:21] spiv: ping [10:24] carlos: hi [10:24] carlos: https://launchpad.net/bugs/67860 [10:24] carlos: could you read current comment? [10:26] seb128: I see it, yes [10:26] Malone bug 67860 in libgnomeprintui "[Edgy] Some strings can't be translated" [Undecided,Fix committed] === stu1 [n=stub@ppp-] has joined #launchpad [10:26] carlos: could you reply on the "does rosetta update templates for stable" point? [10:26] I'm on it [10:26] thank you [10:28] seb128: done [10:28] cool === seb128 hugs carlos === seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #launchpad === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #launchpad [10:48] Hi folks. I meant to discuss https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/MoreUserConfig with some Launchpad developers at allhands, but didn't get round to it. Would anyone have time to discuss LP person creation from the Ubuntu installer with me? [10:56] cjwatson, the most relevant person would be salgado, who should be here in two hours [10:56] ok, thanks [10:56] but we'll be having the Launchpad meeting then, so make that 2 hours 45 minutes [11:14] mpt: "questions and answers" [11:15] says mark [11:15] malcc: ping [11:15] SteveA: Pong [11:15] SteveA, all the other buttons are verb phrases: "Report a bug", "Register a branch", "Help translate", "Import your project" [11:15] yes [11:16] and "Take a tour" [11:16] do you think people will be confused by a different grammatically functional phrase there? [11:16] I don't think people will be confused by the grammar role so much, but I do think people will misunderstand what it's for [11:17] Thinking that "Questions and answers" is like a FAQ for the product or whatever [11:17] good morning, folks [11:17] can you propose a better phrase right now? [11:18] "Ask a question" [11:21] ok, mention that in the lp meeting [11:22] ok [11:22] that doesn't include the idea of answering a question, explicitly [11:22] I don't know how important that is [11:22] ("Report a bug" doesn't include fixing them either) [11:22] Nor does "Report a bug" include the idea of resolving bugs, but I think these buttons are supposed to be for the most common actions [11:22] snap [11:23] :-=) === jinty [n=jinty@177.Red-83-54-74.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #launchpad === mpt apparently needs a shave === mni [n=mustapha@] has joined #launchpad === niemeyer [n=niemeyer@] has joined #launchpad === matsubara [n=matsubar@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad === _Shade_ [i=kvirc@chello062179054223.chello.pl] has joined #launchpad [11:52] <_Shade_> hi there [11:53] <_Shade_> what are these karma points for? [11:53] _Shade_: if you get enough karma points you end up being something better in your next life. [11:55] <_Shade_> highvoltage: i c... i'm ubuntero right now, but i only do some translations. Is there any "further stage" ? [11:55] _Shade_: yep, bug triaging, specifications, packaging... the list is very long [11:57] _Shade_, there is no reward for karma at the moment [11:57] Ubuntero just means you've signed the code of conduct [11:57] It's similar to the karma system on bugzilla.gnome.org in that way [11:57] <_Shade_> highvoltage: but these are connected to these specific tasks, I do not do anything besides translating :) [11:57] mpt: there is no non-social reward, that is [11:57] _Shade_: time to skill up then? read about motu on the wiki and join #ubuntu-motu ;) [12:00] <_Shade_> well i'm not sure i can cope such a skill-driller :)... but anyways it's worth a try [12:01] SteveA, BjornT, jamesh: In Zope, to catch datetimeutils.SyntaxError / datetimeutils.DateError is enough to catch datetimeutils.DateTimeError ? === ddaa [n=ddaa@nor75-18-82-241-238-155.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #launchpad [12:02] Hello [12:02] cjwatson, true, though I've never seen people say "wow, nice karma", so obviously I hang out in the wrong channels :-) [12:02] SteveA, BjornT, jamesh: hmm, I think the answer is 'yes', I found it in our code, so don't worry. [12:03] not so much that, but it is something we look at in e.g. Ubuntu membership reviews; obviously not in isolation [12:03] at least, if somebody's karma is very low and they're going for Ubuntu membership, we would ask why [12:04] though there are gaps in karma, like no karma for uploads === mni [n=mustapha@] has left #launchpad [] [12:04] ajmitch: is that a hint of some kind? [12:05] ajmitch: yes, though that's not relevant for Ubuntu membership since people applying for that won't have uploaded anything themselves yet [12:05] cjwatson: and that you'd see stuff on -changes lists anyway, for the example of people intending to go on to become MOTUs [12:06] jamesh: it doesn't worry me [12:06] it'd just be another excuse for seb128 & dholbach to get insane amounts of karma :) [12:07] spiv: ping [12:08] SteveA: pong [12:10] spiv: where can I read your supermirror smartserver plans? [12:10] ajmitch, do you know whether there's a bug reported about that? [12:11] Ah crud, those notes are still in tomboy. [12:11] SteveA: I'm pasting into the wiki now. [12:11] mpt: no idea [12:11] SteveA: sorry about that! [12:11] wouldn't it be great if you go do a bzr push from tomboy to a wiki [12:11] mpt: I just assumed it would have been on the list of things to do, not needing a bug [12:12] SteveA: if we had 20% time... [12:12] ajmitch, that kind of thinking is death to bugtrackers :-( [12:12] Anyway, it is reported, bug 54596 [12:12] Malone bug 54596 in soyuz "karma for uploads" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/54596 [12:13] ajmitch: we've got a bug about getting karma for Bazaar commits, but it hasn't been implemented yet. [12:13] ajmitch: that'd help Ubuntu devs maintaining packages in Bazaar [12:13] jamesh: only for pushes to the supermirror? === ajmitch maintains in bzr, but doesn't push often enough [12:14] ajmitch: for revisions scanned by Launchpad [12:14] SupermirrorSmartServerPlan on the wiki. [12:14] ajmitch: you wouldn't get karma for revisions you don't publish :) [12:14] SteveA: ^ [12:14] SteveA: I need to go afk until the LP meeting now. [12:14] jamesh: I mean that it's per-revision, not per-push :) === salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad [12:15] jamesh: still very hard to put a value on - I often make lots of small commits to code I work on [12:15] Good morning salgado [12:15] ajmitch: it's a good thing that karma doesn't buy you anything then ... [12:16] morning mpt! [12:16] spiv: ok, I'll read [12:16] jamesh: ubuntu partners status [12:16] mpt, have you seen the comment I left on SearchingProjects? [12:16] iirc there's still info on there about extra points being given for people in the top 100 on launchpad === _Shade_ [i=kvirc@chello062179054223.chello.pl] has left #launchpad ["So] [12:18] Actually I do have a use case for karma [12:19] When I see somebody setting up strange-looking vcs-imports (like it makes me go "what the hell!?"), I check the product details and the owner's karma [12:20] if the product is essentially empty and the user has zero karma, it's clearly somebody just trying up launchpad, so I do not bother to get in touch with the guy for clarifications [12:23] salgado, no [12:23] one can also sell or buy karma points; that's an important source of revenue for ubuntu community [12:23] obligatory customer testimonial: I just got a new car when I sold half of my karma points on ebay! [12:24] bug 59544 [12:24] Malone bug 59544 in launchpad "Who wants to be a (karma) millionaire?" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/59544 [12:24] heh === jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #launchpad [12:28] mpt, can you check it? it's a very simple question... [12:30] salgado: i have a branch in your review queue that has been in needs-review for 27 days now. do you plan to review it soon, or should i find another reviewer? [12:32] wow, has it been there for that long already? [12:33] sorry BjornT, I was reviewing the oldest branches first, and either the other ones were actually older or I did something stupid [12:34] BjornT, anyway, I'll review it today [12:34] thanks [12:36] New bug: #73890 in blueprint "Show diff of whiteboard changes in e-mail notifications" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73890 === Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #launchpad [12:44] BjornT, the diff for that branch on PendingReviews is up to date, I guess? [12:45] salgado: maybe not. i'll generate a new one just to make sure. [12:49] salgado: diff updated [12:50] thanks BjornT [12:55] New bug: #73894 in launchpad "No time given for creation of Bugs or Support requests" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73894 [12:58] hello hello [01:00] me looks around [01:00] for a / [01:00] it is time [01:00] if you need a /, go take one now, you'll be done before we get started properly [01:00] meeting time [01:00] Yay [01:00] ne [01:00] welcome to today's launchpad devel meeting [01:00] in addition to kiko and malcc, who is here? [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] me [01:01] ddaa: ? [01:01] flacoste? === flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad [01:02] stub? [01:02] you mean flacoste? === kiko pokes the tardy === static [n=emurphy@] has joined #launchpad [01:02] me [01:02] SteveA: stub said something about maybe missing it in his email to warthogs (he's sick) [01:02] stub said he was feeling sick on the warthogs list [01:02] yeah, he said he'd try to make this meeting. [01:02] but if he doesn't turn up, I guess he's ill [01:03] get well soon, stub [01:03] wou [01:03] anyone seen ddaa today? [01:03] he's around [01:03] kiko: would you continue the meeting while I call ddaa? [01:03] hello [01:03] ah, ok [01:04] hi ddaa [01:04] == Agenda == [01:04] * Roll call [01:04] * Agenda [01:04] * Next meeting [01:04] * Activity reports [01:04] sorry was busy siphoning the brain of bzr newbie coming from git [01:04] SteveA, your trick didn't work this time! [01:04] * Actions from last meeting [01:04] * Oops report (Matsubara) [01:04] * Bug report report (mpt) [01:04] * Production and staging (Stuart) [01:04] * Launchpad 1.0 status reports [01:04] * Sysadmin requests [01:04] ---- [01:04] * Answer tracker terminology (mpt) [01:04] * (other items) [01:04] ---- [01:04] * Keep, Bag, Change [01:04] * Three sentences [01:04] [01:04] ddaa: aha, important stuff! [01:04] next meeting, thur 7 dec, usual time [01:05] yay [01:05] activity reports [01:05] I suck this week. [01:05] up to date [01:05] I suck [01:05] up to date! [01:05] I suck [01:05] I suck [01:05] I suck [01:05] up to date [01:05] I'm suck-tastic [01:05] I suck too [01:05] I suck! [01:05] up to date [01:05] up to date [01:05] I suck === ..[topic/#launchpad:mpt] : Developer meeting: Thu 7 Dec, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 [01:06] thanks mpt [01:06] ok. I have a request [01:06] everyone who sucks... start freshly today. send an activity report for today's activities TODAY [01:07] with or without times / durations [01:07] * Actions from last meeting [01:07] lots of these [01:07] * spiv to finish the damn `__eq__` for database objects action item [01:07] I have a new branch that detects when sqlobjects are from different transactions by noting in each object the transaction id from postgres. [01:07] (which might be a performance issue in its current form, but comparing obj._connection isn't good enough) [01:07] It causes 26 tests fail, but I've pushed the implementation for review. [01:07] * ddaa to propose updating of our wikis to the shiny new moin, somewhere his request won't be forgotten [01:07] If the direction seems sane, I'll sort out the broken tests. [01:07] * reviewers to discuss ideas and principles for keeping branch review quick (jamesh to add to review meeting agenda) [01:08] spiv: I will review it. please ensure it is in my review queue. [01:08] SteveA: ok [01:08] I added it to the agenda, and we discussed it at the meeting [01:08] spiv, can I see some of the failing tests? I'll help try and see if they are indeed reused objects. [01:08] thanks james === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #launchpad [01:08] SteveA, jamesh: I've been gradually arguing for breaking up specs into smaller specs to help in this sense. [01:08] SteveA: who's in charge of admining the launchpad and bazaar wikis? If that's the admins, I can RT them. If it's Nuzum I can email him. === cprov [n=cprov@monga.dorianet.com.br] has joined #launchpad [01:09] sorry ... [01:09] ddaa: it is the admins. but, I want to know why the upgrade is justified right now, or whether it can wait until february. [01:09] as we need to upgrade them anyway around feb [01:09] Because we live by the shiny, don't we? [01:09] no [01:10] Can wait indefinitely :) [01:10] I find the new wiki theme harder to use [01:10] because it's shift+tab from the text area into the save button [01:10] not tab [01:10] ddaa: if there is any porting work for the wiki auth code, then it is not worth doing now. [01:10] editmoin! [01:10] press enter in the change summary field, works as well [01:10] Oh, sorry [01:10] :) [01:10] SteveA, or just Enter from the summary field [01:10] (that's what I've always used) [01:11] SteveA: I have the same problem, except I always want to hit Preview ;) [01:11] oh, snap [01:11] kiko: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileMRb9EW.html [01:11] anyway, I just want the wysiwyg editor more, but no other compelling reason [01:11] so just ignore that, we can stick to the old wiki for a while [01:11] ok, let's revisit this next year [01:11] in about 1 month [01:12] thanks for bringing it up, ddaa. I think it's a good suggestion overall. [01:12] I just don't want to make extra work for admins. [01:12] ddaa: The wysiwyg editor usually screws up the formatting for non-wysiwyg.. [01:12] * Oops report (Matsubara) [01:12] Today's oops report is about bugs 44919, 30602, 6385 and OOPS-333A1726 [01:12] Malone bug 44919 in launchpad "UnicodeDecodeError while registering a new account." [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44919 [01:12] Malone bug 30602 in rosetta "Timeout errors in +translate" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/30602 [01:12] Malone bug 6385 in rosetta "/rosetta/{products,projects} URLs are broken and should redirect" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/6385 [01:12] https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/oops.cgi/333A1726 [01:12] Bug 6385 was previously assigned to carlos; I've taken that one. [01:12] Bjorn, is anything blocking the fix for bug 44919? [01:12] I talked to kiko yesterday about bug 30602, who in turn told me that carlos, danilos and stub have a plan to deal with it. So guys, how's it going and who should I assign 30602 to? [01:13] ouch, busted. [01:13] we've only got it into discussion so far, it's all about rosetta db optimizations [01:13] danilos, carlos: can we have a meeting post-meeting? [01:13] kiko: sure [01:13] kiko: sure [01:13] matsubara: only the lack of time. i've been busy with 1.0 lately, but i might i should be able to take a look at it soon. [01:13] cool. [01:14] BjornT, is it something complicated, or will it take you 1 hour? [01:14] matsubara: we'll assign it appropriately after our meeting, I guess ;) [01:14] matsubara: for the OOPS, I posted about the probable cause on the list. [01:14] danilos: ok, thanks [01:14] jamesh, remind us? [01:14] There are around 4000 NotFound errors because of arrow*.gif. I chatted with kiko yesterday about it and came up with the following (hackish) patch which kiko suggested to be cherry picked; Although I find it annoying to have this many OOPSes in the reports, I don't think it deserves cherry picking because it's not user visible and not a blocker. mpt, can you write a pro [01:14] per fix before the next rollout? Or should I just go on with this patch and request the cherry pick? [01:15] it's 4000 404s per day [01:15] I think it's worth it [01:15] it's such a trivial patch [01:15] kiko: the image is referenced in the CSS used by the drop down menus code [01:15] kiko: i'm not sure yet, i'll have to take a closer look at it first. [01:15] BjornT, could you take that closer look today/tomorrowish? [01:15] kiko: fixing the CSS to use the name without ".gif" would be as good. [01:16] kiko: I don't think it's worth cherrypicking for that [01:16] kiko: sure, i can do it tomorrow. [01:16] matsubara, ok [01:16] kiko: I don't see what 4000 404s a day has to do with it [01:16] SteveA, a two-liner? [01:16] kiko: they're not user-visible [01:16] I don't think it is even visible if you don't pull down the menu [01:16] SteveA, it's noise in a report that we want to rely on as a QA metric. it's also spamming our server logs. but... [01:16] if we fix the CSS, we should also update the main template to update the css rev [01:16] (not even sure if it is visible then,. [01:17] I DEFER [01:17] our QA and metrics stuff should be able to exclude things we know about and understand [01:17] thanks BjornT and mpt [01:17] this kind of situation will come up again === kiko thinks it's worth it and hates you all [01:17] next subject! [01:17] one thing about the arrow [01:17] kiko: welcome to my world! [01:17] et tu, kiko! [01:17] it's meant to be there, I think [01:17] mpt: do you want a bug reported on it? [01:18] I mean, it is user-visible in one sense -- I think it's meant to appear in the UI [01:18] matsubara, yes please. [01:18] mpt: any comment on that? [01:18] * Bug report report (mpt) [01:18] None except that I'll fix it if it's considered that important [01:18] is it fixed in the 1.0 UI? [01:18] if so, just fix the CSS on mainline to exclude it [01:19] Today, there are only ten known Critical bugs in Launchpad without released fixes. (Yay!) They are: [01:19] and rev the CSS version number in teh main template === sivang [i=sivan@ubuntu/member/sivang] has joined #launchpad [01:19] hi all [01:19] ok [01:19] * Bug #2497 (/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators), Critical, Fix Committed, kiko [01:19] Malone bug 2497 in rosetta "/people/*/+translations times out for prolific translators" [Critical,Fix committed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/2497 [01:19] kiko, did you decide whether this was resolved enough to be Fix Released, or whether it needed a new bug report? [01:19] * Bug #30602 (Timeout errors in +translate), Critical, In Progress, which matsubara raised a few minutes ago [01:19] Malone bug 30602 in rosetta "Timeout errors in +translate" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/30602 [01:19] woop, am I interrupting in a LP meeting? ;) [01:19] mpt, it's resolved enough. a new bug report might be opened for the soft time outs, but that's not enough of a priority I think. [01:19] sivang, yes, finishing in ~25 minutes [01:20] * Bug #44214 (We need to add code to prevent POFiles being in the same path), Critical, In Progress, carlos [01:20] Malone bug 44214 in rosetta "We need to add code to prevent POFiles being in the same path" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44214 [01:20] * Bug #46982 (Need to support KDE like plural forms), Critical, In Progress, carlos [01:20] * Bug #68014 (Rosetta reverts translation fixes to old faulty values), Critical, In Progress, carlos [01:20] * Bug #73509 (.po file export doesn't update cached files), Critical, Confirmed, carlos [01:20] carlos, it seems like you're always the most-doomed. How are these going? [01:20] Malone bug 46982 in rosetta "Need to support KDE like plural forms" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/46982 [01:20] Malone bug 68014 in rosetta "Rosetta reverts translation fixes to old faulty values" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/68014 [01:20] Malone bug 73509 in rosetta ".po file export doesn't update cached files" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73509 [01:20] hmm, k, sorry for the interuptions, will come back later. [01:20] I can easily take on 46982 (kde plural forms support) [01:20] mpt: bug 44214 is reviewed and I answered the review, I'm waiting for spiv's confirmation that I can merge it [01:20] kiko, ok, I'll do that [01:21] carlos: do you want me to help out with these? [01:21] mpt: #73509 is new and I didn't have time to look into it yet [01:21] mpt: +1 on kiko's comment. I'm paying attention to the +translations page and if turns out to be a problem again I'll report it. [01:21] carlos: I'll take a look at my mail [01:21] * Bug #66383 (private), Critical, In Progress, ddaa [01:21] Bug 66383 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/66383 is private [01:21] ddaa, any progress? [01:21] * Bug #71283 (Allow non-authenticated rendering of +translate pages), Critical, Confirmed, unassigned [01:21] Malone bug 71283 in rosetta "Allow non-authenticated rendering of +translate pages" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/71283 [01:21] kiko, is that really Critical? If so, who should get it? [01:22] danilos: if you see that can handle any of those, is fine for me. I don't think I will be able to start a new bug, I'm leaving for vacations next week.. [01:22] spiv: I sent it last Friday [01:22] bug 71283 is very important as a workaround for no translation search [01:22] carlos: found it, thanks [01:22] carlos: I know, that's why I am asking; I'll take over the kde plural form support, and see about the others later [01:22] it is something that many rosetta users want a lot [01:22] mpt: band-aid fix has been in production for a while. Currently in neverending review. [01:22] spiv is giving me a hard time with it [01:23] danilos: but I would prefer that you merge the branches that you have already open before working on those [01:23] carlos: sure [01:23] SteveA, bug 44 will be the next bug as soon as I stop nagging about Criticals only, and I'm not sure that it would be slower to implement than TranslationBrowsing would be [01:23] Malone bug 44 in rosetta "Translations should be searchable" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44 [01:23] mpt... [01:23] ddaa, ok [01:23] mpt: that's really a spec [01:23] mpt, note that bug 44 and bug 71283 are related. === sivang [i=sivan@ubuntu/member/sivang] has left #launchpad [] [01:23] Malone bug 71283 in rosetta "Allow non-authenticated rendering of +translate pages" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/71283 [01:23] SteveA, they both are [01:23] kiko, that's why I raised them in conjunction :-) [01:23] SteveA: it's blocked on TranslationReview, which I plan to have ready to merge between today and tomorrow (I should answer BjornT's review and merge it) [01:23] mpt: for bug 44, we need rosetta db optimizations [01:24] oh, ok [01:24] mpt, the reason I abused 71283 to be critical is because it gives us searching very cheap [01:24] so TranslationBrowsing is easier, then [01:24] all right [01:24] * Bug #73761 (Missing support for any-i386 and linux-i386), Critical, Confirmed, cprov [01:24] Malone bug 73761 in soyuz "Missing support for any-i386 and linux-i386" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73761 [01:24] cprov, you said "will sort an ETA during the next LP meeting". Now's your chance! :-) [01:24] it's blocked on TranslationReview [01:24] I agree with 71283 being critical [01:24] but.. I'm okay with reducing it to high if you keep reminding us of it [01:24] it is interfering with adoption of rosetta [01:24] mpt: yes, it should be done ASAP, because it's blocking sync of debian packages in feisty [01:24] kiko, that's not abuse, it's fine -- if it was High it would go waaayyy down the list [01:24] as I found out over dinner last night [01:25] it is indeed [01:25] sync> (specifically grub2, which is a feisty goal) [01:25] kiko: do you agree ? it should not take more than some hours [01:25] yeah, I agree [01:25] perhaps malcc should do it though? [01:25] malcc? [01:25] * Bug #73875 (private), Critical, Confirmed, unassigned [01:25] Bug 73875 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/73875 is private [01:25] carlos, danilos, have you had time to consider this? :-) Does it need a spec? === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #launchpad [01:25] kiko: Happy to do it [01:25] kiko: it would be nice if you can review it as well ;) [01:25] malcc, get to it then. [01:25] malcc: kiko: nice [01:25] mpt: no, no need to write a spec [01:26] ok, thanks carlos [01:26] mpt: we'll have some time; do you have any special items you'd like to see there except those found on software's +translations page? [01:26] mpt: it would be quite trivial to do it once TranslationReview is merged [01:26] oh [01:26] sorry [01:26] mpt: I mixed two bugs.... [01:26] mpt: I didn't have time to think on it [01:26] danilos, I'm not a good judge of what's on software's +translations pages, because I suffer from the Rosetta-doesn't-show-me-charts bug [01:26] carlos: this is the bug you marked critical like 1h ago ;) [01:26] yeah [01:27] mpt: ah, ok, I'll look into it [01:27] anyway [01:27] That's all SteveA, thanks [01:27] carlos: is that fine by you if I take it over? [01:27] thanks mpt [01:27] danilos: sure, go ahead [01:27] and thanks to everyone else [01:27] * Production and staging (Stuart) [01:27] stuart is unwell [01:27] danilos: we will review our queues when we are back [01:27] staging was down when I checked earlier today [01:27] s/we are/I'm/ [01:27] carlos: ok [01:27] anyone know anything about that? [01:28] we had a few cherrypicks into production this week [01:28] SteveA: no idea, but I can check now if you want [01:28] all the regression oopses are now fixed in production [01:28] the remaning oops is a rosetta oops which I've asked matsubara to fix [01:28] carlos: please do take a look [01:29] ok [01:29] looks like staging can't connect to the database [01:29] SteveA, at.. what? the remaining oops? [01:29] kiko: staging [01:29] kiko: at why staging isn't running [01:29] * Launchpad 1.0 status reports [01:29] ah ok [01:30] let's hear how near we are to 1.0 [01:30] Malone 1.0: [01:30] upstream-forwarding-workflow: No news, merged to RF, but not in production yet. [01:30] series-and-distrorelease-mgmt: Last parts (the productseries part) has been implemented. Some branches have been reviewed; two are still pending review. [01:30] guided-filebug-form: The UI change has been reviewed, it requires a few fixes. Also modified the search to use the same as the Answer tracker; that branch is pending code review. [01:30] removing-duplicate-comments: No news, still implemented. [01:30] Rosetta 1.0 weekly report: [01:30] - opening edgy for translation: DONE [01:30] - firefox import/export: ff-import ready for review, ff-export being cleaned-up [01:30] - oo import/export: no progress this week (tests, import implemented, export in progress) [01:30] - translation review: pending to answer the review, need some UI changes after talk with kiko (todo after merge current tree in rocketfuel). Also needs the reviewer specific UI. [01:30] - essential docs: no progress this week [01:30] malone-essential-docs: Started. [01:30] - search: no progress this week, DB schema changes discussed at UDS [01:30] simple-bug-keywords: No news, still implemented. [01:30] - checks not to upload wrong language PO file using "too many changes" check: not started [01:30] - translation page for projects: bug 73875 (new task, not started) [01:30] - ui fixes: DONE [01:30] Support^W Answer Tracker 1.0 Status Report [01:30] ========================================== [01:30] SupportTrackerViews: Missing the 'Needs Attention' report. [01:30] SupportTrackerHelp: 75% completed. Missing Highlights, help on native language support and polish. [01:30] LocalizedSupportRequests: 1/3 reviewed, 2/3 in review. [01:30] SupportTrackerRenaming: spec being reviewed by kiko [01:30] Bug 73875 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/73875 is private [01:30] supermirror-smart-server: All bzr code merged AFAIK. Spiv was supposed to write out plan for deployment. [01:31] Random Things 1.0 [01:31] ------------------------------- [01:31] - SearchingProjects: started, good progress [01:31] - PillarGotchis: started [01:31] = Soyuz-1.0 Report = [01:31] [01:31] * PPA: ppa-build-support & ppa-poppy & ppa-publish (cprov, w-i-p) [01:31] * Archive Rework: pending review (malcc, r=kiko) [01:31] * NoMoreAptFtparchive: pending better tests (cprov, r=bjornt) [01:31] * SyncSourceFixes: pending review (cprov, r=kiko) [01:31] * Code quality: [01:31] * NascentUpload first refactoring (kiko, under development) [01:31] spiv: did you get the round tuits to write the supermirror-smart-server plan? [01:31] mpt, I need two minutes of your time after the meeting. please don't leave without talking to me [01:31] salgado, ok [01:31] ddaa: SupermirrorSmartServerPlan on the wiki [01:32] spiv, ddaa, why is this plan taking so long, btw? it would be nice to announce bzr+ssh for the SM! [01:32] spiv, got an ETA for it? can I somehow help? [01:32] kiko: because it involved actually inventing the smart server in the first place... [01:32] kiko: and getting it all through the bzr devel process [01:32] kiko: No ETA yet. [01:32] spiv posted the plan today === kiko eyebrows ddaa [01:33] spiv and I need to have a talk about it + timing [01:33] I know, but the code's already in 0.13 [01:33] SteveA, ok, keep me informed, I'm a major customer there [01:33] supermirror deployment is more complicated than what we use for devpad [01:34] * Sysadmin requests [01:34] 6 [01:34] 5 [01:34] SteveA: staging is back [01:34] thanks carlos [01:34] 4 [01:34] SteveA, I want to place a request for the additional stats. [01:34] 3 [01:34] can I? [01:34] the www.launchpad.net redirection cert? [01:34] jamesh, yeah, that too. [01:34] kiko: what extra stats? [01:34] SteveA, extra webstats. for our new vhosts. [01:35] sure, please do, and make sure stub is cc-ed [01:35] I'll do so. [01:35] kiko: and ask for a consolidated report [01:35] jamesh: what's that about? [01:35] SteveA: we've got a redirect from https://www.launchpad.net/ to https://launchpad.net [01:35] flacoste, I will. I had an idea for that, btw [01:36] flacoste, what do you think of running a set through the logs before consolidating them, adding the virtualhost to the URLs? [01:36] SteveA: however, the request for "www.launchpad.net" is handled by the IP address with the "launchpad.net" certificate, instead of the IP with the "*.launchpad.net" certificate, so the user sees a hostname mismatch warning [01:36] right [01:36] jamesh: okay. then we should change that [01:36] 2 [01:36] 1 [01:37] ok [01:37] thanks jamesh [01:37] * Answer tracker terminology (mpt) [01:37] yay! [01:37] thanks mpt [01:37] kiko: that would solve the same URL different views problem, but it will make same URL/same view appear as different [01:37] (flacoste, which... I think is okay) [01:37] The Support tracker is to be renamed to the Answer tracker [01:37] I have concerns about reduced saleability of such an app, but that's N.O.M.B. [01:37] Anyway, I have been asked to bring up action terminology at this meeting [01:37] 1.0 has buttons for common tasks: "Take a tour", "Report a bug", "Register a branch", "Request support" [01:37] kiko: i don't, let' continue this after the meeting [01:38] The last of these needs changing, and sabdfl suggested "Questions & answers" [01:38] I propose "Ask a question" as more understandable (and consistent with the others) [01:38] Any comments? [01:38] mpt: ++ [01:38] (as usual) [01:38] mpt: +1 [01:38] kiko: will you bring this up in our call with mark tomorrow? [01:38] i think 'Request help' would be more appropriate, but that's not related to Answers [01:39] SteveA, I can [01:39] thanks [01:39] so 'Ask a question' is probably the best [01:39] thanks SteveA [01:39] * Keep, Bag, Change [01:39] 5 [01:39] 4 [01:39] 3 [01:39] 2 [01:39] 1 [01:39] 0 [01:39] * Three sentences [01:39] DONE: PPA, handover. [01:39] TODO: More of the same, bug 73761. [01:39] BLOCKED: No. [01:39] Malone bug 73761 in soyuz "Missing support for any-i386 and linux-i386" [Critical,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73761 [01:39] DONE: allhands, vacation, email catchup [01:39] TODO: catch up with reviews, flesh out 1h2007 plan, release cscvs before Jan. 1st [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] DONE: Code review, SearchingProjects, PillarGotchis [01:39] TODO: Code review, finish SearchingProjects, PillarGotchis [01:39] BLOCKED: No [01:39] DONE: code reviews, url-utils branch fixups for new vhosting, bug import [01:39] DONE: ff-import cleaned up, ready for review; some user support [01:39] TODO: ff-export, OOo export, search, bug fixing [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] TODO: code reviews, bug import [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] DONE: vacation, catching up, oops report analysis, support requests; [01:39] TODO: bug triage, fix #6385; [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] DONE: bug #68014 testing and review answer, TranslationReview review, bug-44214 review answer, user support. [01:39] TODO: land bug #68014, #44214 and TranslationReview, vacations [01:39] BLOCKED: No. [01:39] DONE: Reviews, bug fixes, wrote SupportTrackerRenaming spec and some other doc. [01:39] TODO: More bug fixes, implement 'Needs Attention' report, work on SupportTrackerRenaming once its approved. [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] Malone bug 68014 in rosetta "Rosetta reverts translation fixes to old faulty values" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/68014 [01:39] Malone bug 44214 in rosetta "We need to add code to prevent POFiles being in the same path" [Critical,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/44214 [01:39] DONE: fixed a few things in malone-release-management and malone-guided-filebug. fixed a few bugs. started on malone documentation. [01:39] DONE: 1.0 priority-1 pages, some priority-2 work [01:39] TODO: finish 1.0 [01:39] BLOCKED: no, but priority-1 pages are missing DB work (I've filed bugs) [01:39] DONE: reviews, smart server bits. [01:39] TODO: reviews, supermirror smart server. [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] TODO: code reviews. address review comments in reviewed branches. more [01:39] DONE: NoMoreAptFtparchive review, general bug fixing, ppa-publish [01:39] malone documentation. [01:39] TODO: finish ppa-publish [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:39] BLOCKED: no [01:40] DONE: ubuntu classroom, a lot of email, set up interviews, raise some new issues, discuss QA with matsubara, randomicity [01:40] DONE: management stuff [01:40] TODO: management stuff, beta.launchpad.net [01:40] BLOCKED: no === stub [n=stub@ppp-] has joined #launchpad [01:40] TODO: launchpad report [:-( ] more classroom and clean out the remaining 163 emails [01:40] BLOCKED: nah [01:41] kiko: please to prepare sentences in text editor and paste into channel [01:41] TODO: Interviews, pillar name urls, land now reviewed branches [01:41] it can't possibly make a difference [01:41] DONE: pillar name urls [01:41] BLOCKED: Nope [01:41] because you complain when I do and complain when I don't! === ddaa tickles kiko [01:41] kiko: I'll show you logs from when no one did so, and logs from more recently. far easier to read and understand [01:42] SteveA, I DID SO TODAY [01:42] kiko: your irc thinggie sucks then! [01:42] get a new thinggie === kiko tries to strangle SteveA with a thin wire === SteveA notes that kiko is offline due to straining the thin wire [01:42] kiko: you need to teach your IRC client to send those three lines in the same unfragmentable TCP packet ;) [01:42] SteveA, I think the word you're looking for is "country's Internet connection" [01:43] gotta love mpt's accurate terminology! [01:43] man people like to complain about irrelevant things! [01:43] 4000 404s a day [01:43] and all I get was a lousy complaint about TCP frags [01:43] each 404 takes 40 seconds off your life, you know [01:43] you should give them up [01:43] It might be relevant if you read the logs, but it's not relevant if you read my luverly meeting notes [01:43] yes, and you are sandbagging me regaining them via a 2-liner [01:43] instead [01:44] mpt, if you read the logs you have too much time on your hands ANYWAY [01:44] we have one more minute of the meeting [01:44] any findal thoughts? [01:44] can we hate each other for this remaining 1 minute? [01:44] A precautionary farewell to malcc, just in case he leaves early :-) === kiko sends the hatewaves === cprov [n=cprov@monga.dorianet.com.br] has joined #launchpad === SteveA pheels the love [01:44] 1 minute hate? [01:44] kiko: you need a vacation in a hostel in SF [01:44] I thought it was supposed to be a Two-Minute Hate [01:44] ddaa: itchy scrotum? [01:44] It's been too long since I've read that book, though [01:44] kiko: you could argue that since the arrowUp image is smaller than our 404 pages, we'd save bandwidth by fixing the CSS :) [01:44] ddaa: or not that kind of hostel? === ddaa ostensibly fails to understand what SteveA is implying [01:45] wahey, 45 mins past [01:45] jamesh, you saw how inconsequential Launchpad's bandwidth was [01:45] MEETING ENDS [01:45] thanks everyone [01:45] Thanks [01:45] jamesh, as usual insightful. you must support my fix! [01:45] on elmo's pie chart [01:45] salgado, yes? [01:45] malcc, can you please make a point of doing your remaining activity reports? [01:45] mpt, about SearchingProjects: The spec says that results whose title or name case-insensitively match the search text must be placed before other results. I don't think there'll be more than one result whose title or name will match exactly, so in case we get a single exact match I think we could simply teleport the user to that result's page. How does this sound? [01:46] malcc, it really helps us when inquiries from above come! [01:46] kiko: when are we going to have the meeting? [01:46] kiko, carlos: a post-meeting meeting on db stuff? [01:46] mpt: every little bit counts, and I don't want to be held responsible for the heat death of the universe. [01:46] kiko, danilos: now? [01:46] (it's fine for me, just confirming) [01:46] carlos, danilos: sure thing [01:46] here? [01:46] fine by me as well [01:46] #launchpad-meeting is the name of the game [01:46] salgado, I already commented on that [01:46] ok [01:46] salgado, "I disagree -- I think "How many Firefox-related projects are using Launchpad?" is an important use case. (Currently we don't distinguish between active projects and merely-registered ones, but we should.) If you like, though, you could add "!" in search strings as an "I'm Feeling Lucky" operator. -- MatthewPaulThomas" [01:47] I guess it won't be bad to have stub there either, if he's feeling well enough [01:47] oh, crap. I thought I was subscribed to that spec. thanks mpt [01:47] mpt: ++++ [01:47] salgado, well, to be fair, I did make that reply only a few minutes ago :-) [01:47] ah, you cheater! [01:48] salgado, and if there isn't anything else you want me for right now, cjwatson wanted to talk with you after the meeting [01:48] mpt: just talked with a guy a couple of days ago who said "glad to see that Launchpad is not dead. I looked at the tar project a while ago and it had [etc..] " [01:48] mpt, no, that should be it [01:48] all this registered dud crap is damaging the first impression of people into believing that launchpad is mostly driftwood. [01:49] cjwatson, pong? [01:49] ddaa, and it had what? As in, wildly inaccurate maintainership data -> death of Launchpad? [01:49] mpt: something like "just three open bugs nobody ever replied to" or something like this [01:49] oh [01:49] I reported a bug about that in particular [01:50] my point being that people do not see the distinction between "registered" and "active", and it's pretty essential to what launchpad is. Same problem as with people. [01:50] s/people/persons/ [01:50] ddaa, yeah, I was just going to say the same thing [01:50] salgado, we need ProductCreationRationale! ;-) [01:50] inactive looks dead, makes people think people have tried and abandoned launchpad [01:51] I can't find the bug report easily, because the only word I remember from the summary is "Malone", and Malone doesn't know how to search for that === ddaa wonders if PersonCreationRationale supports "leaky condom"... [01:52] "(no children)" [01:52] ah, there it is [01:52] bug 33642 [01:52] Malone bug 33642 in malone "Weed out open non-bugwatch bugs on products/distros that don't use Malone" [Medium,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/33642 [01:53] ddaa, I read that Google Code Hosting will automatically delete projects that are inactive for long enough [01:53] mpt: actually there's also the problem of stuff that was registered in the vcs-import-death-march, which has now grown widly innacurate because nobody cares about it. [01:54] BjornT, I don't understand "Switch so that the current release task is the conjoined master, instead the general distribution/product task.". can you explain that to me? [01:54] mpt, okay, so about thie redirection thing, I think that 10000 more users type in firefox wanting to be teleported to the firefox product than users wanting to find firefox related products. [01:54] mpt: actually, I'd support deleting all registry-owned products and projects that did not see any "real activity". [01:54] mpt, is there a good way of doing that without using magic syntax? [01:55] kiko, sure, an explicit "I'm Feeling Lucky" button [01:55] The same applies to most Web searches [01:55] at the very least, a product should have some involvement from a distro or upstream member [01:55] mpt, that button is too wide. [01:55] (and I can confidently say "most" after staring at the monitor in Building 44) [01:56] ddaa, that makes it harder to register a bug as occurring upstream [01:56] salgado: sure. you might want to take a look at https://launchpad.canonical.com/ConjoinedBugTasks (which i've forgotten to update, though) [01:56] kiko, it's also trademarked, but you know what I mean :-) [01:56] mpt: I'd count occurence registering a bugwatch as "real activity" [01:56] kiko, how about "Go"? [01:56] ddaa, oh, fair enough [01:57] mpt, [ search ] [ go ] ? [01:57] won't that be confusing? I like it though [01:57] [ search ] [ jump ] [01:57] [ search ] [ teleport! ] [01:57] http://reddit.com/info/bcxt/comments/cbd3s [01:57] Something else has "Search" and "Go" [01:57] mpt: though right, there's still a point in having it clearly explained that "this product is not using launchpad, it's just here so we can represent upstream bugs" [01:58] who is it [01:58] salgado: if you target a bug to the current development release, for example feisty, then you have two bugtasks; one on ubuntu, and one on feisty. [01:58] BjornT, I know a bit about conjoined bugtasks. I read that spec to review one of your branches some time ago. I have the impression that the sentence means the conjoined task is now the master instead of the general task. is that right? [01:58] kiko, Wikipedia does it [01:58] mpt, okay, I'd be happy for a search and go thing [01:59] salgado: Hello. I meant to discuss https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubiquity/MoreUserConfig with some Launchpad developers at allhands, but didn't get round to it. The relevant/scary bit is LP person creation from the Ubuntu installer. === ddaa goes thing [01:59] salgado: I talked about this briefly with lifeless at UDS, but it needs rather more thought ... [02:00] salgado: ah, ok. so to sum up. previously the ubuntu task was editable, and the changes was automatically synced to the feisty task. this cause a problem when you wanted to defer a bug to the next release, since you'd have to reject the ubuntu task, and thus rejecting the whole bug in practically all the releases. [02:00] salgado, did you see my point above? [02:01] BjornT, ah, I see. an now one can edit the release task? [02:01] salgado: the branches changes it so that the feisty task is now the editable one, so that you can reject that one. [02:01] kiko, yeah, I saw. [ Search ] [ Go ] . is that it? [02:01] cjwatson, right, I'm having a look at the spec now [02:02] salgado: this is needed, since in a later branch, if the feisty task is rejected, the conjoined relationship will break, and the ubuntu task will stay open. [02:02] salgado, if mpt likes that button layout, then yes. mpt? [02:02] he left already, kiko [02:02] salgado: so yes, one can now edit the release task instead of the ubuntu task. [02:03] salgado, well, go for it [02:03] salgado: the driver for this is a request from Mark, which was originally phrased as having Ubiquity encourage people to create SIP phone accounts on our servers tied to Launchpad accounts. There has been some, erm, "frank discussion" among me, sabdfl, mdz, elmo about that. [02:04] salgado: The last word I had from mdz was to have Ubiquity able to create Launchpad accounts as a sort of extension of its existing user creation work, but it's not entirely clear to me that that will be the final form. However, whatever the presentation, it looks like I'm going to need to be able to create LP accounts without necessarily having a validatedemail. [02:05] which I understand makes LP people shudder as a general rule [02:05] cjwatson: what is Ubiquity? [02:05] SteveA: The Ubuntu installer used on the desktop CDs. [02:05] New as of Ubuntu 6.06. [02:05] so, for everything except server? [02:05] cjwatson, I like "frank" [02:05] no, just for desktop. (there's also the alternate install CD, for situations where ubiquity is too simple.) [02:06] salgado: hmm, now that i read ConjoinedBugTasks again, i see that i actually implement it as the spec describes it :) don't know why it was done differently before. [02:06] cjwatson, hmmm. why do you want unvalidated LP accounts accounts? do you want a phone call? :-) [02:06] cjwatson, we already had a few people complaining because we create launchpad profiles automatically. by default, any profile created can only use the launchpad/shipit/wiki services if it has gone through the email validation process [02:06] kiko: users in the middle of the Ubuntu installer often either don't have an e-mail account yet because they just got their computer, or can't easily get at it. [02:07] cjwatson, why do they need a launchpad account, though? ;-) [02:07] because Mark wants me to offer them services that depend on LP auth [02:07] I have an opinion on this [02:09] http://reddit.com/info/bcxt/comments [02:09] > Because google code actually gives the project admin the ability to delete the project (unlike sf.net), I think it'll be tidier than the competition. [02:09] > OH HELL YES. I have some old dead sourceforge projects that I wish I could delete, but instead they just stay there and shame me. I try not to think about them. [02:09] > same here. [02:10] well, I've been deactivating products that are bogus or dead === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-128-96.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #launchpad [02:15] mpt, so, kiko's suggestions ([ Search ] [ Go ] ). are you okay with that? === carlos -> lunch [02:15] later [02:15] New bug: #73901 in launchpad "Launchpad's CSS wrongly references an image causing lots of 404's" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73901 === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #launchpad [02:20] thanks matsubara [02:21] kiko: you're welcome === noela [n=x@] has joined #launchpad [02:25] during allhands/uds there was a bof on Rosetta output copyright status afaik. I didn't see any results of that though. What's the current status? [02:26] hey guys, sorry for missing the meeting [02:26] I was needed somewhere away from the keyboard here. [02:27] LarstiQ: it's being worked on, we're aiming for clear and simple solution (sometimes unattainable, but here's hoping ;): we also had great input on UDS about it [02:31] danilos: any idea about the timeframe? [02:32] LarstiQ: should be soon enough. let me touch base with carlos and danilo to find out [02:35] kiko: ok. It has been RSN for a while. [02:35] yeah, I know. [02:35] carlos, danilos: are you two interested in some scheduling conversations today? [02:36] we could do it over the phone, would probably be easier [02:36] kiko: I am fine by it, but make it before 17:30UTC, or after 22:00UTC, I've got some "stuff" [02:38] it can be soon === BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad [02:40] kiko: lets at least wait for carlos to come back from lunch [02:40] ok. [02:40] ;) [02:41] I wish my mac mini could do dual-head [02:43] (risking this to be taken out of context) I wish I could do dual-head. === mholthaus_ [n=mholthau@] has joined #launchpad [02:44] ! [02:46] lol [02:46] stop it. I get flash-backs :-P [02:50] need to reboot, brb === danilos [n=danilo@cable-89-216-150-41.dynamic.sbb.co.yu] has joined #launchpad === NoNameBoy [n=nonamebo@87-196-228-96.net.novis.pt] has joined #launchpad === NoNameBoy [n=nonamebo@87-196-228-96.net.novis.pt] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"] [03:04] BjornT, is it correct to say that the master will always be targeted to the current release (or the product series that has the development focus)? [03:07] kiko, danilos: I'm back [03:08] salgado: well. the current release will always be the master. [03:09] BjornT, right, but what if there's no bugtask targeting the current release? what will be the master? [03:10] is that a possible scenario? [03:11] (I think it should be, but IMBW, of course) [03:13] salgado: that's certainly a possible scenario. in that case there won't be any conjoined bug tasks, so there won't be any master. [03:14] salgado, that's fine [03:14] "But when a bug is targeted to the current release, we have two bugtasks ..." [03:15] I misread that and thought that targeting at any release would cause us to have two bugtasks [03:15] thanks BjornT. it makes sense now [03:25] New bug: #73922 in rosetta "tsclient translation template missing" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73922 === flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad [03:30] New bug: #73923 in rosetta "No translation template for gqview" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73923 === mongolito404 [n=pbu@colos01.info.fundp.ac.be] has joined #launchpad === mongolito404 [n=pbu@colos01.info.fundp.ac.be] has left #launchpad [] === civija [i=msabljic@bit.tvz.hr] has joined #launchpad [03:45] hy [03:45] i just noticed that rosseta upload service has been disabled [03:46] does anyone know when it will be in function again? [03:49] carlos, ^ [03:50] I think it'll be back soon, civija. carlos should be able to give as a concrete date for that [03:51] civija: it should happen this week (I hope tomorrow) [03:51] at least that's my goal, in the worse case, Monday [03:51] carlos: ok, thanks! [03:52] there is no hurry :) [03:52] there is ;-) [03:52] :) [03:53] hmm, the pypy import test failed :( [03:53] ddaa: ^^ [03:53] radix, imports are fun! [03:54] kiko: they give ddaa something to do! [03:54] carlos, danilos: hey old men [03:54] SteveA, can I use the conference calling thingamajigy? [03:54] kiko: I know, ddaa was telling all sorts of fun stories at allhands :) [03:54] hey kiko [03:55] hey! [03:55] kiko: hi [03:55] carlos, let me sort out calling procedure [03:55] phone call? [03:55] ok [03:55] ye [03:56] I guess you are at .br right? [03:56] so no voip for you... [03:56] yeah [03:56] well I have a vonage number [03:57] what's that? [03:57] it's a voip thing [03:57] with a real phone number [03:57] is it a SIP phone? [03:57] maybe I could call you... [03:57] it is but I think it's a separate sip network [03:57] carlos, can you do conferences? [03:58] BjornT, review sent [03:58] 1 612 216 4935 [03:58] carlos, ^^^ [03:58] hmmm, I think my wengo account allows that, but I never tried it [03:58] good job salgado [03:58] kiko: how's that it works but normal SIP phone doesn't? [03:59] I thought it was a Brazilian company [03:59] carlos, it's an american phone number [03:59] I know [03:59] so your link is redirected to .br using TCP/IP [03:59] right? [04:00] yes [04:00] give me a ring [04:01] kiko: http://www.vonage-forum.com/ftopic5117.html [04:01] kiko: it works like a normal SIP phone === stub [n=stub@ppp-] has joined #launchpad [04:03] radix: I haven't done my daily round of importd babysitting, but I'll look at pypy right now [04:03] ddaa: no worries :) [04:04] okay, looks like to be the usual "the server does not have 6 nines of reliability" === static [n=emurphy@] has joined #launchpad [04:04] I would really like to have cscvs talk libsvn_ra instead of libsvn_client to save on the session count, I expect that would help a lot [04:05] kiko: no one's answering for me [04:05] ddaa: hmm, what's that mean, the svn server couldn't handle the load of trying to do the import? === ddaa restarts the testing [04:05] not quite [04:06] I believe cscvs creates a few sequential session for every file text [04:06] danilos, that's because my battery just died. fun eh? [04:06] danilos, can your phone do conferencing? [04:06] so if, like, one in 10000 connection attempts fail, it breaks the whole import [04:07] ddaa: ohh, wow. ok [04:07] kiko: it should be able to (I just got new ISDN line, and noticed that in the manual), but I've never tried it... it can at least do 3-way calls [04:07] danilos, okay, cool. let's try the call in precisely one hour then [04:08] kiko: hum, ok... your number? my number? canonical? :) [04:08] danilos, let carlos sort it out. bbi1h [04:08] and the import system does not really know enough to figure if it's safe to continue from the previous state [04:08] kiko: fine by me ;) === civija [i=msabljic@bit.tvz.hr] has left #launchpad [] [04:16] danilos: could you connect your sip cliente for Canonical? === static_ [n=emurphy@] has joined #launchpad === static_ [n=emurphy@] has left #launchpad ["Ex-Chat"] === mholthaus__ [n=mholthau@] has joined #launchpad === BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad === BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad === tweads [n=xxx@] has joined #launchpad === sabdf1 [n=sabdfl@] has joined #launchpad === Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-89-151.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad === spiv [n=andrew@218-214-66-203.people.net.au] has joined #launchpad === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #launchpad === lifeless [n=robertc@ppp245-86.static.internode.on.net] has joined #launchpad === elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #launchpad === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #launchpad === radix [n=radix@] has left #launchpad ["Leaving"] [05:46] SteveA, how do you organize conference calls with carlos/danilo when you did? [05:46] kiko: he used skype [05:47] poor SteveA [05:48] well, I never used that with danilo and Steve, but we used skype to talk with you [05:48] right. [05:49] kiko: we used skype, and skypeout [05:49] or maybe just skype [05:49] skype + skypeout [05:50] first for Carlos and Steve and the later for kiko [05:50] yeah [05:54] SteveA, amazingly jamesh beats us all to it and lands one of mark's specs! === belito [n=user@] has joined #launchpad [06:00] New bug: #73947 in rosetta "Too easy to make duplicate translations" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73947 === jkakar [n=jkakar@] has joined #launchpad === Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-89-151.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad === spiv [n=andrew@218-214-66-203.people.net.au] has joined #launchpad === Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/bot/ubugtu] has joined #launchpad === lifeless [n=robertc@ppp245-86.static.internode.on.net] has joined #launchpad === elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #launchpad === ajmitch [n=ajmitch@ubuntu/member/ajmitch] has joined #launchpad [06:30] jordi: okay, I partially diagnosed the gtetrinet failure [06:30] it appears to be the same problem as xmrs [06:31] https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests#head-a79ab48c0ce37d2d84062a8dc0d535c364879f2d [06:32] unfortunately, it's a bug in the craziest part of cscvs, and I'm afraid it won't receive attention in the near future === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #launchpad [06:35] ddaa: which part of cscvs is that? [06:36] the one that creates changesets [06:36] from the cvs log [06:37] i already discussed this problem with lifeless, and he gave me a way to tackle this specific problem, but I'm quite scared by this code [06:38] does it have tests? [06:38] it does seem to have a lot of test, though they are not organised in a very readable manner, to say the least [06:39] I think it was pretty much rewritten by lifeless in 2004 [06:39] so it's got the usual lifeless-test-coverage [06:39] well, I could look at the code with you, or we could ask lifeless to look at the issue [06:40] sure. But if you look at this page https://help.launchpad.net/VcsImportRequests you'll see it's not really the most important bug to fix... [06:42] SteveA, are we going to drop the product, distro and project strings from our URLs before 1.0? [06:43] SteveA: but thanks for proposing to help. I'll keep it in mind, and hold you to your word when I really need to go and fix this code. [06:44] salgado: yes === cjwatson [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #launchpad [] [07:14] does anybody know why we use a default_batch_size = 5 on the default config but use something else (75, I think) on the testrunner config? [07:18] hmm, I do not. [07:19] SteveA, do you know if there is a specific reason for that ^? [07:19] salgado: isn't 75 the size of batch in bug comments (or I just mistakenly remember about reading it somewhere), so could that be related? [07:19] danilos, yeah, that is related [07:20] 75 is the default value of default_batch_size [07:20] we override it on the default config file, but not for the testrunner [07:24] salgado: probably just a mistake. or, to allow batching to be tested interactively with the small amount of sampledata we use [07:25] yeah, that's the reason for having default_batch_size=5 on the default config, AFAIK. and that's why I think we should have that for the testrunner too [07:25] I agree [07:25] I'll keep that line there and see if tests will break === outime [n=outime@unaffiliated/outime] has joined #launchpad [07:46] SteveA, do you have a minute for a quick question? [07:47] carlos: bug 73947 proposes daily merging of dapper -> edgy -> feisty [07:47] Malone bug 73947 in rosetta "Too easy to make duplicate translations" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73947 [07:47] how feasible is that? [07:48] anyone got a clever .procmailrc recipe for sorting bug email from launchpad using the X-Launchpad-Bug header? [07:48] jordi: not possible at all, as we do it right now [07:48] jordi: that's exactly TranslationMulticast spec [07:49] and it's planned [07:49] I know :) [07:49] how do you do the stable -> next stable merge when you do it by hand? [07:49] jordi: with a bunch of db rows copy [07:50] that's a quite expensive task [07:50] and require turning off Rosetta because the amount of rows touched is huge [07:52] oh I forgot that, yes [07:52] static, I don't, but beware that it's very hard to keep up with launchpad's bugmail, even if you're only subscribed to launchpad-bugs [07:53] salgado: thanks :) I have no intention of subscribing to launchpad bugs. I've joined a couple of teams, and now am getting bug mail from those projects [07:53] static, what I do is to search for the new ones every day and subscribe to the ones I'm interested, so that any future bugmail about that specific bug will fall into my inbox === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-128-96.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #launchpad [08:03] salgado: hey [08:03] salgado: ask me [08:05] SteveA, to implement SearchingProjects I wrote a method which does a single search across three different tables (Product,Project,Distribution) and returns dictionaries with some common attributes these tables have [08:05] the question is: where should this method go? [08:10] IProjectSEt [08:15] SteveA, we also have IPillarSet. would that be a worst place than IProjectSet? [08:15] that would be okay too === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #launchpad [08:15] (I also have to note that IPillarSet seems to have been renamed to IPillarNameSet in one of stub's branches) === salgado checks [08:24] that would be better than IProjectSet I think [09:10] New bug: #73975 in launchpad-bazaar "Email notification for subscribed branches is not implemented" [High,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73975 [09:12] the first person to giggle will be slapped! [09:14] why would some giggle? [09:20] because https://blueprints.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/code-review is predicated on the availability of email notifications for branches. [09:20] And actually this feature was intended to be implemented... like... one year ago, shortly after UBZ. [09:25] I see === dand [n=dand@gw.datagroup.ro] has joined #launchpad === somerville32 [n=ubuntu@fctnnbsc15w-156034073180.nb.aliant.net] has joined #launchpad [10:00] New bug: #73967 in malone "bug rejected by unqualified individuals" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73967 [10:35] If I want to hack on Tomboy https://launchpad.net/products/tomboy using bzr and use launchpad to store my branch, what's the right way to do it? Do I just check out the CVS and then import it into bazaar and then push my own branch to launchpad? Or is there a way to request a bzr import thingy? === Gwaihir [n=Gwaihir@ppp-2-85.25-151.libero.it] has joined #launchpad [10:40] static: enter the CVS details in the trunk series of the tomboy product [10:40] (or svn is they are using svn) [10:41] If you are lucky, you'll get an bzr import updated daily. [10:41] ddaa: ok, thanks. this is just one module in the Gnome CVS repository, and it has anonymous access, so I'll try that. [10:41] (takes up to a couple of working days) [10:41] if you are unlucky, it will exercise some bug in our conversion back end, and there's no telling when I'll get around to fixing it [10:42] though I would eventually will, beyound any doubt === Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #launchpad [10:42] ddaa: aha, I see this was already done. Status is test failed. [10:42] Okay I'll look into it. [10:43] ddaa: ok, it's not urgent at all, I mostly wanted to understand how to request it for a project. Thanks for your help. [10:50] New bug: #73984 in launchpad "non-ASCII characters are not sorted properly" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/73984 [11:04] BjornT: 7000 line patch :( [11:05] lifeless, what's that about? [11:06] 1 1 bjorn/launchpad/malone-release-management-6 3722 7091 clean 00:00 [11:07] lifeless, it's life. it's been looked at before though [11:07] ouch === weebit [n=unknown@] has joined #launchpad [11:08] kiko-afk: I'm not sure what your point is. Mine was just expressing surprise and mild unhappiness, particularly as bjorn knows exactly what reviewing one of those mothers is like - he got landed with the last one [11:09] lifeless, my point is that this is an old branch that brad started and bjorn picked up and that has already been reviewed and even landed in RF once. [11:09] kiko-afk: I didn't know the history [11:10] yeah, I know. I was sharing it with you 8) [11:10] thank you :) [11:10] I am uberhappy to hear about this manganese thing that j-a-meinel tells me [11:12] manganese ? [11:12] a new box for bzr imports! [11:12] one-offs I imagine [11:13] yeah [11:13] for bzr migration imports [11:13] being more explicit [11:13] makes sense [11:13] yeah. [11:13] a shared box for people to garden a big import is just what we need [11:14] okay, let me take a typing break [11:14] email is all good === highvoltage [n=jonathan@] has joined #launchpad [11:20] keescook, pitti: I presume you guys already know about the GPG buffer overflow. CVE-2006-6169. [11:21] Sorry. EWRONGCHANNEL. [11:21] TOTALLY wrong channel === carlos -> bed [11:30] night === mpt [n=mpt@121-72-128-96.dsl.telstraclear.net] has joined #launchpad === jml [n=jml@220-253-106-108.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #launchpad === WebMaven [n=webmaven@ip72-193-220-34.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #launchpad === flacoste [n=francis@modemcable207.210-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #launchpad === aleka [n=habesha@hrrsnbrg-bluewave1-69-161-7-92.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad [11:58] I had applied to join a translation to (approval needed) long time ago. Emailed the owner twice with a month interval. I also had questions on how to enable my native language (amharic) keyboard support and wanted to ask other team members as the owner of the team is not responding.. how can I send other users a message? or how can I make contact with other team members? [11:58] you should be able to see the teams members in launchpad [11:59] jordi: perhaps you can help with aleka's other questions ? [11:59] I can see their usernames, but no contact info [12:02] I just feel helpless as I see so many projects unfunished and to know that i can translate most of them and not being able to is just frustrating [12:02] are you logged in? have you clicked through to the people [12:03] aleka: I can understand that. jordi is probably the best person to help you though, he knows all about the teams etc [12:03] I am logged in and all I see under details when clicking on a user is a link to a wiki page that hasn't been created yet === mholthaus__ [n=mholthau@johnny33.dersbach.ch] has joined #launchpad [12:14] aleka: they must have set their details to hide [12:15] aleka: I can't do much for you myself. Here are some options for escalating this... [12:15] contact jordi via email, or the rosetta-users mailing list. [12:15] file a support request