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=== jerom1 [n=jeromeb@LAubervilliers-151-13-68-86.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-installer
jerom1cjwatson: what exactly is your USB detection problem? do you have some log entries?12:17
jerom1i view :12:17
cjwatson(that was a quote from me, not a question to me)12:17
jerom1kernel : hub 5-2:1.0 : USB hub found12:20
jerom17 ports detected12:20
jerom1USB disconnect, address 1012:20
jerom1new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1212:20
jerom1input : HP Virtual Keyboard as /class/input/input152212:20
jerom1input : HP Virtual Keyboard as /class/input/input/152312:20
jerom1input : USB HID v1.0.1 Mouse [HP Virtual Keyboard]  on usb-0000:01:04.4.112:20
jerom1USB disconnect, address 1112:20
jerom1and loop ...12:20
cjwatsonis it possible to connect a non-USB keyboard for the purpose of doing the installation?12:21
jerom1loop with another address number12:21
cjwatsonhowever, the USB loop is a kernel problem; I suggest bringing it up on #ubuntu-kernel12:21
jerom1yes i use standard keyboard12:21
jerom1i have zero usb devices12:21
cjwatsonjerom1: for dapper netboot, make sure you're using images from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/12:22
cjwatsonthose are built with a more recent kernel than /dists/dapper/... (IIRC)12:22
jerom1yes i downloaded this archive at 20 minutes12:22
cjwatsonhow long ago you downloaded it doesn't matter; I'm simply checking that you used dapper-updates rather than dapper12:23
cjwatson(well, doesn't matter much. It was last updated several months ago)12:23
jerom1I downloaded this archive : http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-updates/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz12:24
jerom1i must be answer my question on channel #ubuntu-kernel ?12:25
cjwatsonI believe s12:26
cjwatsonperhaps they can offer a workaround such as a magic kernel parameter12:26
jerom1yes thanks Colin12:26
cjwatsongood luck12:26
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
jerom1i modify dapper install in order to use 2.6.17 kernel, it's works for USB03:11
jerom1but i have a same problem with disk detection03:12
jerom1i see in /var/log/syslog partman : No volume groups found03:12
jerom1i have a device : /dev/cciss/c0d003:12
jerom1are you an idea ?03:13
cjwatsonI'm very uncomfortable about having to support dapper with 2.6.17. If you're going to do that, support is invalidated anyway, and you might as well use edgy.03:15
cjwatson"partman : No volume groups found" is not a relevant error message03:15
cjwatsonI think edgy with my list-devices patch is going to be much easier to work with03:15
jerom1but edgy is not LTS, is it dangerous to use on production server ?03:16
cjwatsondapper+2.6.17 is not LTS either.03:16
jerom1you're right03:17
cjwatsoncr3 can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure we don't offer support on dapper+2.6.1703:17
cr3I'm trying to boot from the kernel on a CDROM but use the filesystem on /dev/sda1. So: 1. I copied /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r` install/vmlinuz; 2. mkinitramfs -o install/initrd.gz; 3. copied isolinux directory from install CD to isolinux; 4. changed isolinux.cfg to append: boot=install initrd=/install/initrd.gz root=/dev/sda0 rw --; 5. when I boot from the CD, I get this error: .: 92: Can't open /scripts/install03:19
cr3cjwatson: 2.6.17? isn't that the edgy kernel?03:19
cjwatsoncr3: yes03:19
cjwatsoncr3: boot=install doesn't mean what you think it means. What are you trying to do there?03:19
cjwatsoncr3: dropping boot= altogether would be better bet ...03:20
cr3cjwatson: we offer support for dapper and edgy, but we don't support swaping packages between releases like that03:20
cjwatsons/better/a better/03:20
cr3cjwatson: I'll try that, one sec...03:20
jerom1cjwatson : ok thanks, i re-test you're patch03:20
cjwatsonjerom1: I'm not sure why dapper is failing to detect the disks, though; the full log rather than a randomly guessed line from it would help. :-)03:21
cr3cjwatson: cheers, that worked! so "boot" is to specify the name of scripts to run at some point during the boot sequence?03:22
jerom1cjwatson, i think disk is detected, but installer answer "disk selector : entire disk or LVM"03:23
cjwatsoncr3: right, it's an initramfs-tools parameter03:23
cjwatsonjerom1: please tell me these things up-front and we won't have to waste time03:23
cjwatsonjerom1: can I see the Kickstart file (with passwords removed) again?03:23
cr3cjwatson: weird name for it, but it's good to know.03:24
jerom1yes it is here : http://sharengo.org/ks.cfg (contains test password)03:24
cjwatsonjerom1: are there any devices in /dev/discs/ while the installer is running?03:26
jerom1 /dev/discs doesn't exist but /dev/disk contains by-uuid03:27
cjwatsonno, not /dev/disk03:27
cjwatsonjerom1: could you run parted_devices and tell me the output?03:28
jerom1 /dev/cciss/c0dO 366870733824 Compaq Smart Array03:28
cjwatsonsure that's dO not d0?03:29
jerom1replace c0dO by c0d003:29
cjwatsonjerom1: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/custom-guide/s1-kickstart2-options.html03:31
jerom1i read this : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/47526, may be i must be add kernel/drivers/block/cpqarray.ko in my initrd image03:31
cjwatsonjerom1: clearpart --drives cciss/c0d0 --initlabel03:31
=== mneptok [n=mneptok@mneptok.com] has joined #ubuntu-installer
cjwatsonnot /dev/cciss/c0d0 - sorry, I probably misled you earlier on that03:31
cjwatsonjerom1: you may have to have fun with a %post script (or other tweak) to do that, but that can be done once you're past this)03:32
jerom1cjwatson : oki i test now03:33
cjwatsonmaybe I should make kickseed handle the /dev/ prefix there a bit more gracefully03:33
jerom1i modified my http://sharengo.org/ks.cfg : clearpart --drives cciss/c0d0 --initlabel   and i restart my net install now03:34
cjwatsonok, kickseed in feisty will tolerate my clearpart mistake there03:37
cjwatsonhave to go out for an hour or so now03:37
jerom1install run, i wait ...03:38
mneptokjerom1: do you have a few minutes to discuss your e-mail to canonical re: support?03:38
jerom1mneptok : benois@argia-engineering.fr03:39
mneptokjerom1: do you prefer e-mail to IRC or phone? someone tried phoning you several times yesterday. if e-mail is better, i am happy to do that/03:40
jerom1mneptok : email is better or phone in french ?03:40
mneptokcr3: a tu une moment pour jerom1?03:41
mneptokjerom1: quand? maintentant? plutard? a demain?03:42
jerom1mneptok : maintenant si possible03:43
mneptokd'accord, moment ...03:43
jerom1mneptok : Cell Phone : +33 6 21 53 56 1903:44
mneptokje parle francais comme un babare. cr3 est une choix meilleure.03:47
mneptokmoment, je compose le bureau.03:47
jerom1mneptok : oki03:48
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
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=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer
cr3cjwatson: thanks for the tip the other day on building a custom iso, worked perfectly10:16
cjwatsongood stuff10:17

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