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kylem | BenC, woot. i see you bumped to .20 :) | 02:18 |
BenC | kylem: you saw it here first, zero-day linux kernel ;) | 02:19 |
kylem | hehe | 02:19 |
kylem | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.19/+bug/73815 | 02:21 |
zul__ | BenC: does virt work yet? | 02:21 |
kylem | BenC, ^-- is fixed in newer .19, mind if i reject? | 02:21 |
kylem | (the problem is hda_intel defaulted to enable_msi, which is broken on 99% of machines, it's been fixed upstream since, and you've already pulled it.) | 02:21 |
BenC | kylem: Mark it fix released | 02:21 |
BenC | zul__: The 2.6.20 is just 2.6.19 in disguise | 02:22 |
zul__ | BenC: i know :) | 02:22 |
kylem | BenC, k. | 02:22 |
BenC | zul: Sorry, I lost the sarcasm :) | 02:22 |
zul | BenC: heh how about now | 02:22 |
kylem | https://bugs.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/68338 | 02:24 |
kylem | BenC, ^-- any objection if i pull in a backported sky2 to -updates? | 02:24 |
BenC | kylem: Nope | 02:24 |
BenC | kylem: BTW, I'm thinking about making a temporary git repo location for us on people | 02:24 |
kylem | BenC, sounds good. i'd like to hopefully get a git.ubuntu.com or something as well for public stuff, kernel.org has been pissing me off... | 02:25 |
ajmitch | another git repo for us to pull? | 02:25 |
zul | that would be nice | 02:25 |
=== ajmitch is just pulling the current .19/.20 now to play with | ||
BenC | ajmitch: Not really, another git repo for no one to pull :) | 02:25 |
zul | where us community people can put crack as well would be good | 02:26 |
BenC | zul: There's that too | 02:26 |
BenC | hmm..I could host it on my T1 | 02:26 |
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BenC | use this 965 box that canonical sent me | 02:26 |
ajmitch | zul: your home cable connection not good enough for you? :) | 02:26 |
jdong | what are the chances that Feisty's shiny 2.6.19 kernels would work on Edgy? :D | 02:26 |
kylem | ajmitch, the problem is we need a place to put things with private security fixes until they are fisclosed. | 02:26 |
ajmitch | kylem: quite true | 02:27 |
zul | ajmitch: uh not really when people like Mirthandir cant access it | 02:27 |
ajmitch | jdong: I hope you're not thinking of backporting it | 02:27 |
kylem | jdong, you need a few other dependencies. | 02:27 |
jdong | ajmitch: for my personal purposes | 02:27 |
jdong | ajmitch: not publicly of course :D | 02:27 |
zul | BenC: that would be good | 02:27 |
zul | then i can try throttling your connection ;) | 02:27 |
zul | in a good way | 02:28 |
jdong | crap, trying to build a kernel in tmpfs was probably bad judgement on my part, huh.... | 02:29 |
jdong | cat: /var/cache/prevu/src/24944/linux-source-2.6.19-2.6.19/debian/abi/2.6.19-7.10/abiname: No such file or directory | 02:30 |
jdong | pfft, bogus | 02:30 |
jdong | kylem: what kind of dependencies woudl I need? | 02:33 |
kylem | initramfs-tools and module-init-tools, i think | 02:34 |
jdong | mmm | 02:34 |
zul | have we merged kernel-package yet? | 02:35 |
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BenC | jdong: You can just install the feisty kernel deb's on edgy | 03:32 |
BenC | all my machines are still running edgy userspace with feisty kernels | 03:33 |
BenC | jdong: But just to make sure, install the packages kylem mentioned | 03:34 |
jdong | BenC: ok, thanks will do :) | 03:49 |
jdong | BenC: heh restricted modules debs need recompiling... libc, qt, etc libs mismatch :) | 03:59 |
BenC | jdong: You can just do a partial upgrade | 04:00 |
jdong | err | 04:00 |
BenC | set sources.list to feisty, sudo apt-get install linux-generic, then switch sources.list back | 04:00 |
jdong | err ok :) | 04:00 |
jdong | fglrx-control wants to pull in new libc6, and I'm chickening out.... :) | 04:07 |
zul | night | 04:10 |
ajmitch | night zul | 04:15 |
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infinity | BenC: For the next LRM upload, remember to s/restricted/multiverse/ for -lowlatency stuff (I already did so in the archive overrides) | 06:05 |
BenC | I thought I had that right | 06:05 |
infinity | You got it right in linux-meta, not in LRM. | 06:05 |
BenC | ok, I'll get it fixed up | 06:06 |
infinity | Spiff. | 06:06 |
dade` | 'morning | 06:10 |
fabbione | BenC: are we going to enable ext4 in .19/.20 ? | 06:17 |
fabbione | not that i need > 8TB storage | 06:18 |
fabbione | at least i don't quite yet | 06:18 |
jdong | fabbione: ooh, that'd give me a new toy to play with :D | 06:21 |
fabbione | jdong: do you have storage for more than 8TB? | 06:24 |
jdong | fabbione: no, but people say ext4 will do better with large files? | 06:24 |
jdong | and I do have some 20GB video files that ext3 is not exactly spectacular with | 06:25 |
kylem | BenC, are you on vendor-sec? | 07:00 |
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infinity | He's not, afaik. | 07:02 |
kylem | one of us probably should be, or fed encrypted copies of kernel problems... | 07:02 |
infinity | You're an upstream kernel guy, no? | 07:02 |
infinity | You should get on kernel-security@k.o, or whatever that list is. | 07:03 |
infinity | Oh, just security@k.o | 07:03 |
kylem | is vendor-sec @lst.de? | 07:03 |
infinity | Yeah. | 07:03 |
kylem | heh. hch. | 07:03 |
fabbione | kylem: we have pitti and kees on vendor-sec anyway | 07:05 |
fabbione | kylem: just coordinate with them.. it's easier and less pain | 07:05 |
BenC | kylem: no | 07:29 |
BenC | as in, no I'm not on vendor-sec | 07:30 |
=== kylem nods. | ||
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jerom1 | Hi all | 12:22 |
jerom1 | i have problem when i install HP Proliant DL360 G5 server with PXE and last dapper-updated netboot archive | 12:25 |
jerom1 | it append many log in /var/log/syslog and loop : | 12:27 |
jerom1 | kernel : hub 5-2:1.0 : USB hub found | 12:27 |
jerom1 | 7 ports detected | 12:27 |
jerom1 | USB disconnect, address 10 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 12 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | input : HP Virtual Keyboard as /class/input/input1522 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | input : HP Virtual Keyboard as /class/input/input/1523 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | input : USB HID v1.0.1 Mouse [HP Virtual Keyboard] on usb-0000:01:04.4.1 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | USB disconnect, address 11 | 12:27 |
jerom1 | and loop with another address number | 12:28 |
fabbione | jerom1: please file a bug in launchpad and check if older netboot installs work | 12:41 |
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zul | hey | 03:09 |
=== dade` [n=dade@nectarine/admin/dade] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
=== kylem does a couple test builds pre-push. | ||
dade` | desert is the only kernel developer that has a macbook ? | 03:57 |
zul | if you want to send me one my way ill be happy to help you out ;) | 03:58 |
zul | muhahha...i dont have to setup ldap for central authenticaion | 04:00 |
kylem | ugh, i was working way too late last night. | 04:00 |
zul | how late? | 04:00 |
kylem | 2am. | 04:01 |
zul | yeah thats pretty late | 04:01 |
kylem | and up at 6. | 04:01 |
zul | ouch | 04:01 |
dade` | zul: you can tell me what to do without having one, i'll be your eyes | 04:01 |
zul | i know nothing about macs | 04:01 |
zul | kylem: heh 11:30 is late for me | 04:06 |
dade` | 8:01 pm here | 04:09 |
=== jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
jbailey | BenC: Around? | 04:16 |
BenC | jbailey: yeppers | 04:16 |
jbailey | Looking at: | 04:16 |
jbailey | * debian/firmware: Add qla2xxx firmware. | 04:16 |
jbailey | - GIT-SHA c980a1cfa2bc6623c9732ebae9d63aae9f0d7e27 | 04:16 |
jbailey | I wound up helping a couple Debian folks figure out how to load firmware stuff in the initramfs for their things. | 04:17 |
jbailey | I think we'll inherit patches soon from Debian if it's easier to not explicitely add firmware and just have them on the drive. | 04:17 |
BenC | jbailey: Ah...we need a method for automating that I guess | 04:17 |
jbailey | (so not do Debian-style rip it all out, but don't go out of our way to stuff it in) | 04:17 |
BenC | jbailey: So far qla2xxx is the only one that we provide that needs this, right? | 04:18 |
BenC | jbailey: I could add a small bit to hook-functions to see if qla2xxx driver is loaded, and pull the firmware in explicitly | 04:19 |
jbailey | YEah, and I think that's the one that James Bottomley and Grant Grundler were asking about. | 04:20 |
jbailey | So we might be able to just pull a solution from them. | 04:20 |
BenC | sounds like it should be possible with just 2 lines of code | 04:21 |
BenC | or there abouts | 04:21 |
BenC | jbailey: Oh, btw, vmware modules are going to get a nice overhaul in the next lrm | 04:21 |
jbailey | Nice! | 04:22 |
jbailey | Will that include all the vmware-tools stuff? | 04:22 |
BenC | vmware-{player,server,tools} | 04:22 |
=== jbailey ^5's Ben! | ||
=== BenC acts like he hasn't seen jbailey in 10 years and ^5's him back | ||
jbailey | Now quick.. The ship is sinking! | 04:23 |
BenC | we need BUTTER! | 04:23 |
=== fabbione takes the opium and the wine on his boat and lets the other sink with the titanic | ||
zul | hmmm...ok...weirdos | 04:24 |
jbailey | You go MacGyver. =) | 04:24 |
BenC | fabbione: nice, wine to keep you warm, and opium to make you not care that you are sure to die :) | 04:25 |
zul | mmm...titanic | 04:26 |
fabbione | BenC: hmm no.. that the others are dieing :) | 04:26 |
BenC | hehe | 04:26 |
jbailey | fabbione: You forgot the shotgun. | 04:26 |
jbailey | In case someone wants to make you share. =) | 04:26 |
fabbione | jbailey: aahha | 04:26 |
kylem | should have shot the captain. | 04:26 |
BenC | kylem: You mean the pop-eye looking guy at the front of the room? :) | 04:27 |
kylem | yeah, the village people reject | 04:27 |
kylem | ;-) | 04:27 |
BenC | lol | 04:27 |
fabbione | ROFL | 04:27 |
jbailey | kylem: I think Jamu tried to get people in line with shotguns, and the crew refused to shoot the passengers. | 04:27 |
kylem | so shoot the crew. | 04:27 |
kylem | make 'em learn. | 04:27 |
zul | then who is going to launch the lifeboats | 04:28 |
kylem | hmm should have pulled the | 04:28 |
kylem | "it's a boat full of christians, they're going to a better place" | 04:28 |
zul | hah | 04:28 |
jbailey | "The rest of you get to die of exposure in the middle of the atlantic. Here's a life vest, jump in." | 04:29 |
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dade` | BenC: is there a way I can get useful information for you to find and fix the kernel that prevent macbooks from sleeping ? | 04:29 |
dade` | s/kernel/kernel module/ | 04:29 |
zul | "Have fun" | 04:30 |
BenC | dade`: Sure, start unloading 5 modules at a time from lsmod output, until you get a successful suspend/resume | 04:30 |
dade` | BenC: there are modules i can't unload | 04:31 |
BenC | when you hit a group of 5 that made it work, go through them singly until you find the one that did it | 04:31 |
BenC | dade`: Try the ones you can first | 04:31 |
BenC | dade`: Start with networking and sound | 04:31 |
dade` | I suspect it's something PIIX related, 'cause i get the same problem i solved in 2.6.18 disabling piix.ko | 04:32 |
dade` | but I'll try. | 04:32 |
BenC | it's possible | 04:32 |
BenC | if you feel it's piix, then I'd hold off until I get the fixes in so you don't waste much time on it | 04:32 |
dade` | you have fixes for that ' | 04:33 |
dade` | ? | 04:33 |
kylem | bleh sky2. | 04:41 |
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=== kylem fixes sky2 | ||
zul | yay | 05:04 |
zul | do do do.. | 05:27 |
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kylem | BenC, do you have some trick for testing trees, or should i just tar/scp them to the buildd and give 'em a whirl? | 05:52 |
BenC | fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs | 05:53 |
kylem | i wonder what will be slower... building on my laptop, or scping them. :) | 05:53 |
BenC | you can always do both and see which one finishes first :) | 05:54 |
kylem | haha. | 05:54 |
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zul | brb need to reboot | 06:16 |
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Mithrandir | kylem: ccache is nice. | 06:17 |
jbailey | Mithrandir: I don't think kernel's ccache well, do they? I thought linux/version.h was included in everything. | 06:40 |
jbailey | IIRC, the version changes with every git commit.. | 06:41 |
kylem | optional | 06:42 |
zul | jbailey: they dont ccache well imho | 06:42 |
=== kylem goes for lunch. | ||
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BanditD | Hi! I have terrible write performance with the Edgy kernel, about 1 MB/s. Hardware is a Acer laptop, SATA disc, lspci shows 00:1f.2 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801GBM/GHM (ICH7 Family) Serial ATA Storage Controller IDE (rev 02) and 0a:09.2 Mass storage controller: Texas Instruments Unknown device 803b. Anyone one idea what I can do? Thanks! | 07:14 |
kylem | is DMA enabled? | 08:20 |
BanditD | I am not sure: | 08:28 |
BanditD | tmm@nbk-wis018:~$ sudo hdparm -d /dev/sda | 08:28 |
BanditD | /dev/sda: | 08:28 |
BanditD | tmm@nbk-wis018:~$ | 08:28 |
BanditD | tmm@nbk-wis018:~$ sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/sda | 08:29 |
BanditD | /dev/sda: | 08:29 |
BanditD | setting using_dma to 1 (on) | 08:29 |
BanditD | HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device | 08:29 |
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=== metres [n=metres@bas7-montreal02-1096626684.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
metres | hi guys, Im trying a recompilation of my kernel, but I have problem..., I just installed Edgy on my amd64, I downloaded the source linux-2.6.19 from kernel.org, unpack but when I try make xconfig, I got this response : "ake[1] : *** Pas de rgle pour fabriquer la cible scripts/kconfig/.tmp_qtcheck , ncessaire pour scripts/kconfig/qconf.o . Arrt." Do anyone have a clue ? | 09:06 |
=== philwyett [n=philwyet@bb-87-81-146-45.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
BenC | metres: This channel is specific to the ubuntu kernel, not general kernel questions | 09:31 |
BenC | metres: Your question would be better asked in #ubuntu | 09:32 |
metres | Ok sorry | 09:32 |
=== metres [n=metres@bas7-montreal02-1096626684.dsl.bell.ca] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Konversation] | ||
zul | BenC: i figured off an email to jeremy from xensource about paravirt | 10:36 |
kylem | there's pretty good indication kvm will be merged for 2.6.20 | 10:49 |
BenC | kylem: Yeah, I saw the patches to lkml | 11:00 |
kylem | BenC, did you see the earlier discussion on that other irc channel? :) | 11:00 |
BenC | no, I missed it | 11:00 |
jbailey | kylem: Is there any indication that either Xen or VmWare will *use* the kvm? | 11:21 |
jbailey | Or is that still too much to hope for? =) | 11:21 |
zul | too much to hope for...they are using paravirt | 11:21 |
zul | er..paravirt-ops | 11:21 |
kylem | from what i can tell, the plan seems to be to evolve kvm. | 11:21 |
jbailey | Great. | 11:22 |
jbailey | Sounds like how pthreads was developped. =) | 11:22 |
kylem | and we all know how that turned out... | 11:22 |
zul | later...im heading home | 11:24 |
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